tSEsr* PrMms t mmmmRAKV OF Till- University, of California. ■lirceiveJ yf^j/7 ,i8q3> ^ ^Accessions No.Oj£ r 7& CUns No. " ■ *fc . Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/encyclopeadiccatOOguilrich ISLAND OF B fefeSj 8 GUERNSEY GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY AND MUSEUM. ENCYCLOPEDIC CATALOGUE OF THE LENDING DEPARTMENT, COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ALFRED COTGREAVE, F.R.H.S., MEMBER OF THE LIBHARY ASSOCIATION, Assisted in the French Department by HENRI BOLAND. The Lending Library Contains : English Section, 30,000 Vols. French Section, io,ooo Vols. Guernsky : GUILLE-ALLfeS LIERARY. London and Manchester .j HENRY SOTHEKAN AND CO. 1891. /rfl&v* ra foirrVERSITTJ [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, *&J Z71 2- GUILLE-ALLfeS LIBRARY and Museum. 3FounDer6 anD ^Directors : Thomas Guille, Esq., (Jurat of the Guernsey Royal Court). Frederick Mansell Alles, Esq. dbugeum : John Whitehead, Esq., Honorary Curator. Xibratg : J. Linwood Pitts, Curator. Basil T. Rowswell, Librarian, Mr. Alfred Cotgreave, London, Honorary Librarian and English Correspondent. M. Henri Boland, Paris, Honorary French Correspondent. CONTENTS. The Story in Brief of the Guille-Alles Library ... ... vii. The Encyclopaedic Catalogue— its Aims and Characteristics ... XXXV. Plan of the Catalogue ... ... ••• ••• »• Form of Bequest ... ••• ••• ••• xm - Rules and Regulations ... ... ••• ••• xm '- List of Newspapers, Magazines, Reviews, &c. ... ... xlv. English Section, General Literature ... ... ... ... I English Prose Fiction ... ... ... ... 86 1 „ „ „ Supplement... ... ... 103 1 Subject and Chronological Index to English Prose Fiction 1043 Supplement to General Catalogue... ... ... 1073 List of Pseudonymous Authors ... ... ... 1195 A Selection of Anonymous Works and their Authors ... 1204 Reference Department (Short List) ... ... 121 5 Section Fraxcaise. Literature generate ... ... ... ... 1 Romans ct Fantaisies ... ... ... ... 208 Supplement Frangais ... ... ... ... 258 Illustrations. Views of the Guille-Alles Library ... ... facing title-page. Portraits of Mr. Thos. Guille and Mr. F. M. Alles ...pagex. ^Ei-A^- OT THK 'UNIVERSITY ©» dZlTO ^5rGJ\ ^ir w ''^KiEIlw ^H Of T3 I7BRSIT7S ffw °:^w Zbe £tot£ in Brief OF THE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY, GUERNSEY. BY J. LINWOOD PITTS, F.S.A. (Normandy), Curator of the Institution, and Member of the Institute of Journalists. ,r pHE completion and issue of the present extended Eficyclopcedic Catalogue of the Guille-Allcs Library seems to offer a fitting opportunity for adding some short account of the origin, foundation and progress of this noble Institution, a classified list of a portion of ■whose literary treasures the Catalogue in question contains. The Guille-Alles Library, besides its 60,000 volumes of well-assorted works in the French and English languages, has also its different courses of popular lectures, its students' classes, and its local and general museum, together with various other means and appliances for the direction and elevation of the popular taste. Its beneficent work indeed is so obvious, and it is proving such an immense boon to our insular community, that very naturally inquiries are from time to time made — especially by strangers — as to how the existence of so extensive an Institution in so small an island, came about. Of all departments of popular literature there is probably none that is altogether so inspiriting and encouraging to young men and women as the study of biography. Longfellow has told us in lines that have thrilled the hearts and fired the ardour of tens of thousands of earnest students on both sides of the Atlantic, that — Lives of great men all remind us, We may make our lives sublime, And departing leave behind its Footprints on the sands of Time. viii. The Story in Brief Footprints that perhaps another, Toiling o'er life's stormy main, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing shall take heart again. And not only is this the case as regards the career of those whom the world calls its great men, but the bright example of every earnest, upright, devoted and benevolent life, is well fitted to act as a beacon and a guiding-star in the stimulation of others, either to emulate the same example or to strike out new paths of usefulness for themselves. Indeed it frequently happens that it is just these quiet and unosten- tatious records of earnest unobtrusive lives, that show forth in the most striking manner those lessons of indomitable industry, judicious self-control, organising ability and inventive skill, to which the world in general is so deeply indebted for so much of what is noblest and best in its everyday experience. The history of the Guille-Alles Library affords such a remarkable — if not indeed such an altogether unique — instance of the carrying out of a noble and enlightened resolution, formed in early youth, con- stantly kept in view, and unswervingly persevered in, that the Founders of the Institution have been prevailed upon to allow some brief record of their labours to be made known. In so doing there has not been the slightest idea of personal vanity or self-laudation. On the con- trary, they simply yielded — at first with considerable reluctance — to the urgent representations of the writer, and of one or two other intimate personal friends, who believe that the following "plain, unvarnished tale" will not be without its uses. It is a short but pregnant story of toil and tact and talent ; of self-reliance and self- help ; of obstacles overcome and difficulties surmounted ; and there- fore it must prove heartening and helpful to others who may come after, and have to battle against like adverse and depressing influ- ences while seeking to compass similar worthy ends. In order to explain intelligibly the first inception of this Library scheme, we must go back to the month of February, 1832, at which time, Mr. Guille — then a boy of fourteen — left his native island of Guernsey to seek his fortune in the United States of America. The era of ocean steam navigation had not yet dawned. He sailed from Portsmouth, taking his passage in a Scotch brig, which had put into that famous naval station for repairs, and which took thirty-five days in reaching New York — a transit that is now easily accomplished in less than a week. Mr. Guille's parents, both on the father's and the mother's of the Guille-Alles Library. ix- side, came of ancient and honourable lineage. The father's name in particular was one of the oldest in the records of the island, while he himself was as noble a representative of the family traditions as any in the long list of his ancestors. Possessing a mind imbued with truly noble Christian principles, and blessed with a culture and an intelligence far in advance of most of the local farmers of his class and time, Mr. Guille, sen., gave his children the best education which his own limited means, and the then comparatively primitive resources of the island, permitted. Unable to keep all his four sons on his farm, he apprenticed the two younger ones to trades. The subject of this sketch selected that of a carpenter, replying, when questioned by his father as to his business preferences : " I wish to learn the trade which I believe our Saviour chose in His younger days." He was, therefore, in accordance with his wishes, apprenticed to a Guernsey master-carpenter, and had been so engaged for about eighteen months, when a circumstance occurred which entirely changed all the pro- spects of his future life. A friend of the family, Mr. Daniel Mauger (or Maujer, as the name is generally spelt on the other side of the Atlantic)— formerly a car- penter and builder — who had gone out to America a few years before, and had established himself in business in New York as a house- painter and decorator, came over on a short visit to his former island home. He frequently called in at the Guilles', and enjoyed many a pleasant chat round their cosy fireside, giving of course glowing accounts of the home of his adoption, and speaking in high terms of the almost boundless possibilities that were opening out to talent, industry and perseverance in the new world. These graphic, yet by no means over-drawn pictures, of life and its opportunities on trje other side of the Atlantic, were not lost on the eager and intelli- gent young apprentice. Indeed, they so thoroughly roused his youth- ful ardour and fired his imagination, that he determined, if possible, to follow his friend's example and seek his own fortune in the great Republic of the West. His parents, at first, were, perhaps not unnaturally, opposed to the proposal. America in those days seemed very much further away than it does now, and a settlement there meant a long, long separation. His mother, especially — who loved her enterprising little lad as only a mother can — tried by all the argu- ments she could think of to dissuade him from what seemed to her to be such an extraordinary freak of fancy. Rut all in vain. The bright visions of the future were too real and too vivid to be effaced ; and so at length the parental consent was accorded, as was also that of the Guernsey employer with whom he was learning his trade. The con- The Story in Brief sequence was that when Mr. Mauger returned to New York he took the young apprentice with him, with the mutual understanding that he should complete teaching him his business, and should also find a home for him in his house. The arrangement thus entered into was loyally carried out by both the contracting parties, and the business relations and personal friendship then begun lasted throughout "many prosperous years, and was in the end terminated only by Mr. Mauger's death. Mr. Guille's new employer had been duly informed of the boy's intense fondness for reading, and during the long and tedious voyage out he had also had abundant corroboration of his young friend's studious habits. Mr. Mauger was himself a thoughtful and a read- ing man, and he possessed at his home in New York a well-selected little library — chiefly, however, of a theological character. After their arrival, and with a view to encourage his young employe's laudable desire for self-improvement, Mr. Mauger kindly allowed him access to this collection — a privilege which it is hardly necessary to add was eagerly seized upon and highly valued. And now comes a curious coincidence, or, at any rate, a circumstance which shows the strange correlation and interconnection which may, and often does, exist between matters at first sight utterly dissimilar and disassociated. Prominent among the more important works in Mr. Mauger's library was Dr. Adam Clark's well-known Scripture Commentary, in eight volumes. And improbable as it might appear to those unacquainted with that learned commentator's labours, it was through the doctor's clever and striking explanations of several passages of Scripture by the aid of physical science, that the youthful student's taste for the intimate investigation of Nature in her marvellous and multiform phases first took its initial development. Now let us mark just for a moment this interesting chain of events in their beautiful sequence and harmony. Nearly fifty years previous to the time of which we are speaking, namely, in 1788, the Rev. Adam Clarke — then an almost unknown young man — came and took up his station as a Methodist preacher in Mr. Guille's native island of Guernsey. It was here that this youthful divine once more commenced the careful study of Latin and Greek, which, some six years before, he had unfortunately solemnly relinquished at the bidding of a bigoted and ignorant brother-minister, who persuaded him that " the learned languages " were soul-destroying snares of the devil. It was in Guernsey, too, in common with other devoted ministers who tried in those early •days to disseminate Methodist doctrine in the island, that Adam of the Guille-AUes Library. xi. Clarke was persecuted and hounded down by howling mobs of furious fanatics, who, however, although threatening his life again and again — especially when he visited the Vale parish — were providentially prevented from doing him any serious harm. Well, Adam Clarke, in 1788 brought his charming young bride to Guernsey, and at Mon Plaisir, St. Jacques, shaking himself free from the unworthy mental fetters that had bound him, he once more prayerfully resumed his classical and scientific studies, and thus laid the foundation of those splendid monuments of research and erudition which subsequently flowed from his pen. How little did Adam Clarke then think that some thirty years later there would be born in that self-same island of Guernsey a boy (Mr. Guille), who would afterwards cross the Atlantic, and finding there a copy of this, his most important work, the Com- mentaries, would be roused by its perusal not only to religious thoughtfulness but to scientific enthusiasm. That some fifty years from the time of his writing, this same boy — with a congenial com- panion also from Guernsey (Mr. Alles) — would be carefully studying his teachings, and that when yet another fifty years had sped by, these two life-long friends and companions — now become wealthy and prosperous — would be found once more in that same island of Guern- sey, associated together in bringing before their fellow countrymen those important scientific verities which he (Adam Clarke) was privi- leged in the first instance to bring before them. The coincidence and connection are curious and worth noting, while the circumstances, as a whole, strikingly exemplify the mighty and lasting and far-reaching power inherent in the mind and pen. In 1788 a then almost unknown writer, toiling on in a secluded Guernsey homestead, lets fall some precious seeds of pure scientific truth. In 1888 — just a century later — as the indirect result of the wafting of these self-same seeds across the Atlantic, where they germinated and fructified, we have in the most central position in the chief town of Guernsey a splendid shrine of science and literature, furnished and endowed in perpetuity, and dedicated for ever as the local home of all that is noblest and purest and best in the heart and intellect of man. "Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shall find it after many days" (Eccles. xi. 1). •" In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine liand, for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether both shall be alike good " (Eccles. xi. 6). Sages must die, but ere their course be run, They pass to others what their toil hath won, And, like spent runners in the Torch-race, hand Each to fresh athlete, Truth's undying brand. xii. The Story in Brief But we are anticipating. Let us return to New York and the year 1834, when there occurred another circumstance which still more strongly influenced and vividly coloured the whole of Mr. Guille's future career. At this time he was a boy of sixteen, and, as we have already seen, was completing his apprenticeship with Mr. Mauger, whose house was also his home. Through the introduction of his employer he now enjoyed the privilege of access to a very extensive library in the city, founded by a wealthy corporation known as The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, and one department of which was called the Apprentices' Library. The pleasure and profit which he derived from this source were so great, and made such a deep impression upon his mind that, young as he was, he formed the resolution that if his future life proved prosperous, and his position enabled him to do so, he would one day found a similar institution in his own little native island of Guernsey. This was certainly a very remarkable decision for so young a boy to come to, and, what is. perhaps still more strange was, that he arrived at it on the very first evening that he visited the Library. In recalling the incidents of that memorable night, Mr. Guille says: "Never shall I forget the emotion of wonder and delight which seized me, when, for the first time, I entered that Library, and read the following couplet promi- nently inscribed upon its walls : — This Institution is for youth designed, To form their manners and improve their mind. Up to that evening I had never seen so many books gathered together, and what more especially surprised and delighted me was the assurance that they were all intended for the special benefit of young apprentices like myself. And when, after scanning the catalogue — a copy of which I took particular care to procure without delay — I found it to comprise works in every department of human knowledge, to all of which I was henceforth to have free access, I could scarcely contain the exuberance of my joy." It was while hastily wending his way homeward shortly after- wards — anxious to devote the two hours which yet remained before bed- time to the reading of the volume he had borrowed — that the remem- brance of his little native island and its intellectual needs flashed upon his mind, giving rise to a train of thought something like this : — " Would that a kind Providence might put it into the heart of some wealthy man to provide my own countrymen with such precious oppor- tunities of instruction as I now enjoy through this splendid institution. Had /but the means how gladly would I myself supply them with of the G utile- A lies Library. xiii. this boon ! But I am only a young apprentice, earning barely suffi- cient to supply my own wants. How then could such an extraordinary idea enter my head ? * * * * Yet I shall not always be an apprentice. Three years more and I shall have completed my indentures, and be free to earn my own living. Then I can command a good salary ; while a little later I may probably establish myself in business on my own account, and have apprentices and workmen to assist me. With industry, skill and perseverance, why should I not make money and save it ? And then, with God's help, may I not myself become the benefactor of my country, and provide it with that for which I am now sighing? Yes, certainly I may. And with the Divine help and blessing I will. I will not wait in the vague hope that the want may perhaps be supplied by others ; but I will undertake the important task myself. It may perhaps take me ten, or twenty, or thirty years .to accomplish it — nay it may possibly take my whole life. But what of .that ? The largest enterprises have often sprung from the smallest 'beginnings. Rome was not built in a day. Only just now I was read- ing that the most celebrated library in the world was commenced by •the gathering together of a few hundred volumes * * * * I will begin the work at once. From this very day I will save every penny that I do not urgently need, and will devote all my savings to the purchase of books which shall form the commencement and nucleus of the future ' Guernsey Library.' Ere I reached home a tolerably com- prehensive outline of the projected institution was actually sketched in my mind. My imagination figured not only a collection of books which should be good and wholesome reading, but it also included provisions for further solid instruction in the shape of popular lectures and other intellectual facilities such as I learnt were comprised in the scheme of the Library I had just quitted. And to this early outline, so sketched in my boyish days, I have, as regards its main features, ever since adhered.' 5 Such, then, was the first rough draft of that project which has since become such a grand reality. The youthful resolution, thus formed during that hurried walk home, never wavered or faltered or failed. 'Successive years but added colouring and completeness and detail, until at length the romantic dream was fully realised in the noble and flourishing institution that we now so fortunately possess. It was also in this same year — 1834 — that another event occurred which had a specially important bearing upon the institution that was one clay to spring up. This was the arrival in New York of Mr. ^Guille's life-long friend and associate, Mr. F. M. Alles. In their xiv. The Story in Brief island home in Guernsey the two families were neighbours. The two boys played together as children, and went to the same school when they grew older. Then, as we have seen, Mr. Guille left for America, and the early companionship was temporarily severed. But about two years later, Mr. Alles — who was some eighteen months younger than Mr. Guille — determined to follow his youthful friend to New York, and was, therefore, in due course apprenticed to the same master and lodged under the same roof. Then was renewed that close and touching friendship which has continued ever since. No. sooner was the day's work over than the two youths were inseparable companions wherever duty called or inclination led them — whether to a religious service, a scientific lecture, or — as was most often the case — to the sale-room of some book-auctioneer, where many a coveted volume was purchased in prospect of the future Guernsey Library. In connection with this happy and hopeful period in the life of the two young friends, many an amusing story might be told respecting some of the books which are on the Guille-Alles Library shelves to-day, while some other of these stories were perhaps not quite so. amusing as actual experiences then, as they are when recalled in re- miniscence now. Fond as the two young apprentices were, however, of literary and scientific studies, it must be noted that they never allowed these pre- dilections to interfere with their business efficiency. But, on the con- trary, they were as earnest in the mastery of all the details of their- trade by day, as they were in the indulgence of their intellectual tastes when their usual work was over. Their employer, therefore,, wisely encouraged these studies, rightly considering that his youthful friends and assistants were much more profitably employed in thus, communing with the master-spirits of the world, than they would have been had they, like so many other young men similarly circumstanced,, spent their leisure in running after the gaieties and indulging in the: minor follies so often incident to city life. Mr. Guille, as the senior apprentice, was allowed to keep his book-case in his employer's office, where it not unnaturally attracted the attention of many of the literary and scientific gentlemen who had business transactions with the firm. On being informed that it belonged to "the apprentice," many a. gratifying remark was made as to the excellent judgment shown in the selection. Even at this distant day, Mr. Guille still recalls with) pleasure the kind and encouraging words he then received from various distinguished men, who have since been removed by death,, but whose names are lastingly engraven on the fadeless annals of their time— such men, for instance, as William Cullen Bryant, the of the Giiille-AUes Library. x\\ poet ; Horace Greeley, the journalist and politician ; Dr. Draper, the chemist and scientist ; and Francis Lieber, the political economist — all these men, and many others less widely known, had business rela- tions with Mr. Mauger, and never failed, when calling, to enquire after his scientific and literary apprentice. As regarded the use which Mr. Guille made of the " Apprentice's Library," it was constant and thorough. Its shelves formed the store- house from which he thenceforth daily drew that mental food which seemed as necessary to his existence as did the physical food which he took to sustain his bodily strength. He was soon told by the librarian of the Institution that if he read all the works he borrowed he was the most greedy book-worm which that official had yet come across. Well, he not only did read them all, but he never returned a single one without having derived some valuable bit of information, or some instructive lesson from its pages. On leaving his little native island he had felt that he was, in more senses than one, going into a new world ; yet little did he picture to himself the entirely trans- formed existence which this ideal world of literature and science would actually throw open before his enraptured vision. He soon made acquaintance with the principal works of the day on the natural sciences — chemistry especially proving a most favourite and fascinating study. What a charm its revelations of the marvellous constitution of matter shed over his young life, by enabling him to understand and appreciate those wondrous and never-ceasing changes and transfor- mations which are hourly taking place around us, but which, with so many people, go by unheeded, as though they were not worthy of even a passing thought. Nor were his privileges restricted to the treasures of the library alone. He was further enabled during the winter months to attend courses of lectures delivered under the aus- pices of the Institution, and of those of the Medical College of the New York University, by some of the most distinguished and learned professors and scientists of the day, both American and foreign, such as Agassiz, Torrey, Draper, and others. He had, besides, the pleasure of listening to several discourses by James Silk Buckingham, on that gentleman's travels in the Holy Land, and these appear to have inter- ested him greatly in the sites and scenes of the Saviour's earthly life. Just at this time, too, the era of cheap and wholesome popular literature was dawning, and there were being ushered in along with it those manifold and precious blessings that have ever since followed in its train. It may be readily imagined that so earnest a student was not backward in hailing the advent of this great literary revival, and in xvi. The Story in Brief availing himself of the facilities it afforded of assorting and adding to his favourite stock. The first appearances of Chambers's Journal, of the Penny Magazi?ie and of the Saturday Magazine, date in each case from the year 1832, and it is a very difficult thing for the young people of the present day to realise the beneficent and fundamental change which these and other similar excellent periodicals then wrought in the popular mind, by superseding with something worthier and better, the wretched and miserable old chap-books that had pre- viously constituted so large a proportion of the everyday reading of the business and artisan populations, both of England and of the United States. Chambers's Journal, which was the earliest of these in the field — the first number being published on Saturday, February 4th, 1832 — was, and still is, a special favourite with Mr. Guille. In- deed, he can say respecting it, what probably very few other people can, that he possesses a complete set from its commencement until now (1891), personally subscribed for in monthly parts as it ap- peared, and that during this long period of fifty-nine years he has never failed to read one or more of the articles which every such successive part contains. As regarded his studies in physical science, Mr. Guille was un- willing to rest satisfied with mere theoretical knowledge. He deter- mined as far as possible to submit all the statements he met with to the practical test of actual experiment. With this aim and by the help of his friend, Mr. Alles — who manifested much ingenuity of contrivance — he constructed a very useful set of apparatus for his chemical laboratory, together with an electrical machine, a galvanic battery, a microscope, a telescope for astronomical observations, &c, &c. The course of experimental research through which he plodded at this period presents many very interesting features, but the exigences of space unfortunately preclude their narration at present. It is to be hoped, however, that an opportunity may be found at some future time for telling at greater length the story of these two earnest and use- ful lives. Suffice it to say here that Mr. Guille, in recalling the pleasurable experiences of these early literary and scientific studies — prosecuted chiefly after the rest of the houshold were in bed — remarks : — " I can truly say that to them I am indebted for my introduction to and acquaintance with a noble band of the greatest and wisest men of the past and of the present age, whose influence upon my mind and life have, I venture to believe, been thoroughly and lastingly beneficial." Concurrently with the prosecution of these studies the future welfare of his native island was ever present in Mr. Guille's mind, and com- mencing at once — in spite of his then very limited means — to purchase of the Guille-Alles Library. xvii. books which should form a nucleus for the anticipated collection, he began to lay the foundation of the literary treasures which crowd the shelves of the Guille-Alles Library to-day. At the age of twenty, when out of his apprenticeship, he found himself the possessor of several hundreds of volumes of standard works, many of which are now in the Library, and upon which he must naturally look with peculiar and very legitimate pleasure, as being the corner stones of the subsequent splendid superstructure. With reference to the peculiar circumstances under which this first collection of books was got together, Mr. Guille's own remarks on the subject may not be out of place. They certainly convey a suggestive lesson to other young men similarly situated. He says : — " The daily habit of smoking and drinking in which so many working-men indulge — be it in ever so moderate a degree — causes in the long run serious voids in their aggregate earnings, of which indeed they alone who take special pains to enquire into such matters can form any adequate conception. I can certainly say that in my own case it was solely through my having rigidly abstained from these and other equally useless, if not hurtful luxuries, that I became at the termination of my apprenticeship the happy owner of a valuable collection of books, such as many a literary and scientific man might have felt proud to possess.'' As a striking parallel example, and a remarkable confirmation ot these sentiments of Mr. Guille's, there may be cited here the case of a similar institution in England — the Free Library at Poole, in Dorset- shire—which was presented to that town two or three years ago by Mr. J. J. Norton, whose name as an earnest and progressive temperance reformer is widely known and highly honoured. The striking and beautiful building in which this Poole Library is placed cost Mr. Norton ,£2,500 sterling, an amount which he believes many a man might easily have squandered in intoxicating liquor during thirty years. On the shelves are hundreds of good, solid, readable books. Open any of these volumes, and what do you find? On the title-page you see a sketch of a broken pipe, with the legend, " Norton's solid smoke." For Mr. Norton calculates that all these handsome and valuable volumes there congregated have been purchased for an amount which would not exceed the lowest cost of tobacco to any one individual smoker during ten years. Instead of puffing tobacco smoke aimlessly into the air, and indulging moderately in alcoholic liquors, Mr. Norton has chosen to utilise the money in thus providing his fellow-townsmen with a fine library, well stocked with good books. Opinions on the tobacco question are naturally very diverse. But a man need not be a bigoted B xviii. The Story in Brief anti-smoker to regard as a somewhat uncomfortable and disquieting experience, the fact that the British nation puffs into the air every year from pipe, or cigar, or cigarette, the enormous sum of about sixteen millions sterling. As time rolled on, Mr. Guille was taken into partnership with his former patron, Mr. Mauger, as was also his friend Mr. Alles. Here, then, was attained the first of those opportunities, to which when an apprentice at the age of sixteen he had so hopefully looked forward, as one of the steps by which to reach the realisation of his plans ; and it may easily be imagined how thankfully and eagerly he now seized it. But little did he foresee the many long, long years of constant toil and unceasing effort that would be required to reach the coveted goal. Most unfortunately for all parties concerned, no sooner had the new firm been constituted, than there supervened one of the very worst and most continuous commercial panics that the United States have ever experienced. There had previously been a period of unwonted activity and, as it subsequently proved, of unsound inflation; and this was succeeded in the natural course of events, by correspond- ing depression and widespread ruin. Hundreds of mercantile con- cerns and a large number of banks were involved in the hopeless crash. Business was completely paralysed, and the financial pressure was enormous. Weak firms were collapsing in all directions, and only the strongest successfully weathered the storm. The firm in which Mr. Guille and Mr. Alles had become partners — although substantial enough in itself— yet temporarily suffered in common with its neigh- bours. Indeed its profits were so much decreased that when the stock was taken and a balance struck at the end of the first three years of association, the two junior partners found that their financial posi- tion would have been actually better had they continued their previous relationship with Mr. Mauger of employer and employed. Full of confidence, however, in the immense inherent vitality of American trade, and in the general recuperative power of the commercial com- munity with whom they had cast in their lot, the friends held hopefully together, and patiently waited for that proverbial turn of the tide and rift in the cloud which, although so long delayed, came at last in full and flowing measure. The business once more began to grow apace, and the future became bright with the promise of continuous prosperity. Indebted as Messrs. Guille and Alles thus are to the great Republic of the West for their success in life, and for the means which have enabled them in later years so largely to benefit their native land, it need scarcely be observed that they have never ceased to take a lively of the Guille-Alles Library. xix. interest in all that concerns the prosperity of that wonderful country on the other side of the Atlantic. They have repeatedly revisited the scene of their early struggles and ultimate success, and on each of these occasions it must have afforded them peculiar satisfaction to note the continuous progress of the business which they originally established nearly half a century ago, and to see their successors in it still worthily maintaining those fundamental principles which first ensured the honourable reputation that has so long been a tradition of the old firm. About the same period, too, the senior partner — Mr. Mauger — decided to remove from New York to the neighbouring city of Brook- lyn, where he settled down and greatly prospered, becoming, indeed, one of its most prominent and useful citizens. This change left the two younger partners — Messrs. Guille and Alles — sole possessors and directors of the New York establishment. Soon afterwards a higher and purer artistic taste as regards the construction and decoration of private residences began to declare itself, and the young firm at once set themselves to supply these growing wants. They speedily attained a gratifying eminence in these artistic departments, while their well- deserved reputation, both for the superior character of their work and the commercial integrity of all their dealings, brought them a numerous and wealthy clientele. Under such favourable conditions, continued for a series of years, they could hardly fail to finally acquire a just and honourable competency. Gratifying as all this was, how- ever, there were also drawbacks and penalties attached. One result of these long years of unremitting exertion, and of strict devotion to their clients' interests, was the serious impairing of the health both of Mr. Guille and of Mr. Alles — a constitutional condition for which an occasional visit to their native island was always found to provide at least temporary relief. It was while on one of these visits to Guernsey in 185 1 — the year of the first Great International Exhibition in Hyde Park, London — that Mr. Guille wrote a few articles in the Gazette Officielle de Guernesey, with the view of drawing public attention to the importance of forming district or parish libraries in the island. These articles attracted the notice of The Farmers' Club, an association of Guernsey country gentlemen who met at the Catel. Their secretary, the late Mr. Nicholas Le Beir, wrote to Mr. Guille at the request of the members, informing him of their appreciation of his views, and of his having been elected an honorary member of their association, in token of their esteem. They had previously elected in a similar way the xx. The Story in Brief famous French poet Bdranger, and also Guernsey's national bard, the late Mr. George Metivier. Mr. Guille accepted the honour, and the correspondence which ensued resulted in his offering his collection of books— supplemented by a considerable sum of money — towards forming the commencement of such libraries as he had been advocat- ing. Nothing, however, really definite was done until Mr. Guille's next visit to Guernsey in 1855-6, when after consultation with that devoted friend of education, the late Mr. Peter Roussel, a meeting of a few friends— including Mr. Roussel and his venerable mother, Mr. Guille, Judge Clucas, Mr. Le Beir, and Mr. Henry E. Marquand— who were known to be favourable to the project, was held, several handsome subscriptions were promised, Mr. Guille renewed his offer previously made to The Farmers' Club, and a workable scheme was matured. The Guille-Library, for so the Committee decided to name the undertaking, consequently commenced its career in 1856. The collection of books was divided into five sections, which were placed in separate cases, and located at convenient distances about the island — where they were taken charge of by friends — the largest case being reserved for the town. The intention was to exchange these cases in rotation, and so establish a circulating library in the most comprehensive sense of the term. But this was, in reality, never carried out, for after the volumes had been read in their first respective stations, they were returned to their places, and left to slumber unused, until Mr. Guille once more came to the island in 1867, and had them all brought to town and arranged in one central depot in the Commercial Arcade. This visit was also made on the score of health, and Mr. Guille pro- longed his stay for a considerable time. It was also his last visit here previous to his coming to settle down permanently in the island, and he was accompanied on the occasion by Mrs. Guille, by Mr. Alles, and also by Mr. Mauger, their old and valued friend and former partner. This visit also afforded an opportunity for the party to make a long-talked-of and eagerly-anticipated tour through Switzerland, which formed a delightful and welcome change, as well as a source of intense pleasure. This entire change of air and scene, aided by the absence of business cares, had a most beneficial effect upon Mr. Guille's health, at all events for a time. He returned to New York in May of the following year (1868), and resumed his accustomed place and duties as head of the firm. But after a few months a circum- stance occurred which disarranged all his projects. One hot sultry of the Guille- A lies Library. xxi. afternoon in the following August he was suddenly, and without the least warning, stricken down by sunstroke. The attack was most severe, and brought him to death's very door. For many months he suffered greatly from its effects. To Mr. Guille's sensitive mind this seizure seemed also to be a solemn summons to finally relinquish his business cares in New York, and once more to cross the Atlantic to carry out and complete the important educational work which he had commenced in his native island, and to which he considered himself so solemnly self-pledged. This impression was also made all the deeper by the grave advice of his physician : " If you have no wish soon to make your permanent abode in Greenwood Cemetery hasten to inhale the invigorating air of your own sea-girt isle — there, and there alone, will you have a chance of prolonging your life for a few years." While, as if these reminders were not sufficient, there were- also the many accumulated volumes — the tried counsellors and the cherished gatherings of so many years — waiting for their final insular destiny, and seeming to whisper whenever he approached them : " Why do we stand here all the day idle ? Oh, send us forth on our mission of instruction and good-will." While, again, from a source more authoritative still, there came the solemn injunction : " What- soever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might," for "the night cometh when no man can work." Although Mr. Guille almost immediately set about responding to this Providential call, yet nearly a year elapsed before his business affairs in New York could be settled and his large library packed and shipped off to Guernsey. All this, however, was accomplished in due course, and then bidding adieu to their many American friends, Mr. and Mrs. Guille embarked in August, 1869, on board one of the Atlantic liners en route for their native isle, where they hoped to spend many happy and useful years together in the organization and prosecution of that beneficent intellectual and educational enterprise, which Mr. Guille had so long had at heart and with which Mrs. Guille so entirely and thoroughly sympathised. Their residence in Guernsey for the next two years proved to be a period of unalloyed happiness, and brought with it a most gratifying restoration of Mr. Guille's health. Then came a blow as unexpected as it was terrible — a blow whose effect upon Mr. Guille can be more easily imagined than described. Mr. and Mrs. Guille formed part of a pleasant gathering held one bright summer's afternoon on the picturesque southern cliffs of the island, in celebration of a friend's birthday, when by a sudden slip on the sun-dried turf, Mrs. Guille was precipitated from the height on xxii. The Stovy in Brief which she and her friends were standing, and her husband was thus bereft in an instant of that gentle and loving presence which had enhanced so largely his past enjoyments, and to whose sympathy and counsel he was fondly looking forward as the main support of his declining years. ****** To resume, however, the main thread of this brief narrative, Mr. Cuille, among other developments of his enterprise, opened a branch Reading-room and Library at St. Martin's— the parish in which both he and Mr. Alles reside— doing so in the hope of being thereby able to draw the young men of the neighbourhood from the degrading attractions of the public house. For three years he kept this com- fortable room open, while in winter and summer neither rain nor storm prevented him from being present there every evening to personally superintend the undertaking. Ultimately, however, he found the strain too much for his health, and he discontinued the branch so as to concentrate more attention upon the central establish- ment in town. For five-and-twenty years— that is to say, from 1856 to 1881 — Mr. Guille worked steadily and unostentatiously at the benevolent enter- prise which he had inaugurated. Death removed several of his early coadjutors, and for many years he bore all the financial burdens and toiled on single-handed and alone. What was still more discouraging was that he unfortunately had to encounter for a very long time an almost incredible amount of mental supineness on the part of those whom he was so disinterestedly seeking to benefit. It was not as though any desire for knowledge existed among the mass of the Guernsey people, and he only had to assume the pleasant duty of satisfying that desire. Such a desire did not exist. Many of the people not only never had read any books but they flatly declined to begin. Mr. Guille felt that this deplorable attitude ought to be com- bated, and he therefore persevered in the thankless and difficult task of trying in the first place to create the want, and in the second place to satisfy it. A quarter-of-a-century's earnest effort in a good cause, however, cannot fail to produce some fruit, and since 1881 much brighter days have dawned. Mr. Guille's lifelong friend and former business partner, Mr. Alles, who had often previously substantially assisted him, has from this last-named date thoroughly associated himself with the work, the result being that the rudimentary scheme of 1856 at length culminated in the present splendid Guille-Alles Library, which was thrown open to the public in the old Assembly of the Guille-Alles Library. xxiii. Rooms on Monday, the 2nd of January, 1882, bearing on its then main entrance the appropriate motto : lugredere ut proficias — " Enter that thou mayst profit." The old and well-known firm-name under which Messrs. Guille and Alios had so long and so successfully carried on business in the new world, was thus, in 1881, happily resumed in the lovely little spot whence, in their early days, they both started in the race of life. This time, however, the association was not contracted in the form that ordinary business partnerships usually are, for a stated term of years, nor with a view to worldly gain, but for ALL TIME, and with the laud- able intention of promoting the highest interests of the whole com- munity. One important result of this patriotic association was the immediate accession to the Institution of an extensive and most valuable collection of works — the fruit of Mr. Alles' many years of independent gathering in the fields of literature and science— and also, which was of still greater importance, of his assuming an equal share in the expenses and responsibilities of the enterprise under its future name of the Guille-Alles Library. These old Assembly Rooms, which were originally built in 1782 at a cost of about ,£2,500, had therefore been for just a century the fashionabley2;^r of the Island's festivity, when they were thus trans- formed into the permanent home of the Guille-Alles Library. During those previous hundred years their historic walls had enclosed many a brilliant gathering and looked down on many a fair romance. Often and often in the earlier days of the century might it have been said respecting them, in the words of Byron slightly altered : — There was a sound of revelry by night, And Guernsey's sea girt isle had gathered then Her beauty and her chivalry ; and bright The lamps shone o'er fair women and brave men ; Full many a heart beat happily ; and when Music arose with its voluptuous swell, Soft eyes looked love to eyes that spoke again And all went merry as a marriage bell. Now, however, the scene was changed. The tripping feet and the mazy dance were there no longer, but the busy brain and the enquir- ing spirit had supplied their place. The ancient glory, however, had not departed ; the mode of its manifestation was merely changed. The well-filled shelves of the present noble library still enshrine as Xxiv. The Story in Brief illustrious a company as ever the rooms did of yore, of old-world worthies who are present in their works, and who, along with the more modern writers— also fully represented— go now so far towards swelling that glorious band of Bards, martyrs, patriots, sages, The noble of all ages, Whose deeds crowd History's pages And Time's great volume make. Spacious as were these new premises in comparison with the former ones, it was soon found that further extensions would be necessary in order to provide room for the various departments which the founders desired to add. When the Library was first removed to the Assembly Rooms the premises were leased from the States, who had purchased them in 1870. Subsequently, however, in December, 1883, Messrs. Guille and Alles purchased the rooms from the States for ,£900 British, and afterwards bought from the parish the plot of land behind the rooms— which belonged to th2 Rectory— and upon which they could construct their proposed additions. Building operations were subsequently commenced, and on Monday, November 26th, 1888, the commodious new rooms and the present handsome main entrance were thrown open. The site occupied by this new entrance and the rooms immediately above it, was kindly given by the Guernsey States, or chief governing body of the Island. These extensions comprise the new Reading-room, the Magazine-room, the Reference Library, and the Book-room for the issue department. This latter room measures 63 feet by 25 feet, and is fitted with book-cases capable of holding from 45,000 to 50,000 volumes. Attached to it is a large anteroom for the convenience of the subscribers. The issue of the books is greatly facilitated by the use in the Fiction department of the Cotgreave Indicator. This excellent arrangement is the invention of Mr. Alfred Cotgreave, a well-known English Librarian, who is also the compiler of this present Encyclopaedic Catalogue, and who acted as principal Librarian here during the arrangement and organisation of the recently increased collection of works. He now holds the position of Honorary Librarian. The new buildings also comprise numerous departments suitable for ('lass-rooms and Committee-rooms, a commodious Cloak-room and Lavatory for ladies, and other conveniences. The roof of the original building was reconstructed and raised so as to form a suite of rooms ioj feet long, 24 feet wide, and 10 feet high. Lighted from the top these are specially adapted for the Museum, to which they are of the Guille-AUh Library. xxv. devoted. A convenient residence for the Custodian is arranged in a separate building, which is extended so as to provide on the ground- floor convenient rooms for the reception and storing of books and for the special work of the Librarians. Entering by the new portico, between the French Halls and the Capital and Counties Bank, we come first to a lofty and spacious pillared vestibule from which the grand staircase ascends. The pavement is laid with encaustic tiles of artistic design, having coloured stars on a pure white ground, the effect of which is at once brilliant and pleasing. The walls of the vestibule are tinted with a delicate French grey. At the foot of the staircase are two draped bronze figures, each holding aloft a torch — symbolical of that noble light of intellectual culture which the institution is intended to diffuse — while at the top of the first flight of steps two gas-pillars terminate the balustrades. Busts of Shakespeare and Milton are placed near on brackets, and in two adjacent niches are comfortable settees, stuffed and cushioned, on which anyone may sit and rest. Facing the visitor as he ascends the stairs are three large tablets inscribed with gold letters on a rich chocolate ground. The centre tablet, which is sur- mounted by the Guernsey coat-of-arms wrought in heraldic colours, bears the following explanatory inscription : — GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. This institution, devoted for ever to the diffusion of useful knowledge in this island, is named in loving memory of John Guille, of the Villets, Forest Parish, died October 24, i860 ;) and Nicholas Alles, of the Tourelle, St. Pierre-du-Bois, (died February 18, 1 85 1 ;) the parents of the founders, by their grateful sons, Thomas Guille and Frederick M. Alles, who after thirty years of business partnership in New York, again united their interests in this work. The other two tablets give respectively the names of the donors to the Library, and to the former Societe Guemesuu'se, which is now in- corporated with the Library. Both lists, with the amount of the donations, will be found at the end of the present sketch. At the top of this stairway are situated the various rooms already mentioned, while another flight of stairs leads to the handsome and commodious Lecture Hall, furnished with chairs, and capable of seating between 250 and 300 persons. Lectures of a popular character upon literary and scientific subjects, varied by occasional concerts, are given here weekly every Tuesday evening during the six winter months, and are xx vi. The Story in Brief very well attended. The first course was delivered in the Spring of 1890. The hall is of pleasing proportions and is lighted from the roof. The walls are relieved by pilasters, five on each side, with double- branched gas-brackets arranged upon them. The walls are of a pale buff, with a dado of rich chocolate, relieved by a red arabesque border. Tasteful arabesque designs also adorn each pilaster, and are repeated in the frieze, which is divided by the pilasters into twelve sections ; and in each section are two scrolls bearing the names of the various arts, sciences, &c., in pairs, as follows : Religion, Philosophy ; History Biography ; Literature, Poetry ; Painting, Sculpture ; Music, The Drama ; Architecture, Archaeology ; Physics, Metaphysics ; As- tronomy, Geography ; Biology, Geology ; Chemistry, Electricity ; Botany, Zoology ; Mechanics, Mathematics. At the western end are three lancet windows filled with tinted cathedral-glass, and bearing respectively the monogram and coats-of-arms of the Founders. At the opposite end is an anteroom, with a central door, which in the case of illustrated lectures is found to be very convenient for arranging the dissolving-view apparatus quite out of the way of the audience. How admirably this fine Institution is fulfilling its mission is well- known to all who frequent it. It already contains a collection of over 60,000 volumes— to which constant additions are being made — of valuable and standard works in all branches of science, litera- ture and art, both in the French and English languages, besides numerous works in German, Italian, Greek, Latin, &c. It has a commodious Reading-room, well supplied with journals and periodical publications ; while a Society of Natural Science has also been inau- gurated and meets in connection with it. The Guernsey Mechanics' Institution— after an existence of just half a century — was absorbed into it at the close of 1881 ; and the Library of the former Sotiete Guernesiaise — founded in 1867— now finds a home on its shelves. The subscription for membership is merely nominal, and up to the present time the resulting income has not been — and probably never will be— sufficient to meet even the current salaries of the Staff, leaving entirely out of the question all the heavy general expenses together with the purchase and binding of books, magazines, news- papers, &c. Indeed, none but those who have had some experience of the immense and continual outlay involved in maintaining institu- tions of this kind in a thoroughly efficient state, and keeping them well abreast of the times, can form even an approximate idea of the numerous and incessant claims that crop up, and the ceaseless dis- bursements that are always going on. of the Guille- Alles Library. xxvii. Several years' experience of the management of this particular Institution has enabled Messrs. Guille and Alles to form a pretty correct general estimate of its future financial requirements in this respect, and they have made such a liberal and handsome provision for an Endowment Fund as will ensure the maintenance of the Insti- tution in perpetuity, on even considerably wider lines of usefulness than those which are found to be fully adequate at present. This, indeed, they feel is absolutely necessary, for the educational progress of the future is certain to be something very different from that of to-day ; while the ultimate utility of the Institution must very largely depend upon that capability of expansion, which shall enable it to meet and grapple with those constantly-recurring and ever-increasing needs as they arise. Nor is this feeling confined to Messrs. Guille and Alles alone. On the contrary, it is happily felt, and honourably and generously shared, by several other liberal-minded Guernseymen, who have consequently asked to be allowed to show their appreciation of the project generally, by themselves adding handsome donations to swell the future Endow- ment Fund. No doubt, too, as years roll on, other of our patriotic countrymen will spontaneously come forward and do the same. It is, of course, quite impossible for us to foresee to what the Institution may finally grow. One thing, however, is certain, and that is that its ultimate scope and influence will very largely depend upon its financial position. The more funds it has at its disposal, the more extended will be its po- tential usefulness, and the more various and elaborate the ramifications which it will have the power to develop. Hence the donations, of which a list is given at the end of this narrative, may be held to indicate not only a tangible expression of present moral support and hearty appre- ciation, but may also be regarded as the nucleus and initiation of an additional source of future strength, which will probably bear valuable fruit in the days that are to come. For an Institution like this is not a thing of mere ephemeral interest ; it is, on the contrary, a foundation destined for all time, and which long centuries hence will be doing a far grander and more extensive work than is even at all possible to-day. The various educational departments now carried on by the In- stitution have been already mentioned. Its prospective plans of action — the near realization of which must depend in some measure at least upon the response it receives from an intelligent and know- ledge-loving public — include the following among other measures : — i. The enlargement of the Museum premises to meet the fast growing extension of its collections of Natural History, &c, &c. xxviii. The Story in Brief 2. The establishment in connection with the Library of a Special Working- Men's Reading- Room- seeing that the artisans do not seem willing to join the existing General Reading-Room, where, how- ever, they would always have been very welcome if they had come. 3. The inauguration of connected courses of Penny Lectures — or of Free Lectures — of a popular and educational character, and dealing with such subjects as Popular Science, Social Science, Business, Educa- tion, Thrift, Temperance, Popular Literature, the Constitutional and General History of the Channel Islands, &c, &c. , 4. The establishment of Branch Reading - Rooms in the rural parishes, and the extension to those parishes of some of the winter courses of popular lectures the same as delivered in the town. The accomplishment of these, and probably also of other desirable extensions in the near future, necessarily means a constantly increas- ing outlay, and it is to this great educational enterprise in its entirety that Messrs. Guille and Alles are devoting not only their hard-earned fortunes, but also that portion of their lives to which most men naturally look forward as a time of quiet enjoyment and repose. It is, too, with a view of still further assisting and consolidating this great work, that these handsome donations have come from appreciative fellow-labourers on both sides of the Atlantic. Guernseymen are proverbially deeply attached to their native Island, however far from it their lot in life may for a time be cast. And it is impossible for any educated and patriotic son of Sarnia to watch the growth and development of such a noble and enlightened enterprise as this is, without having his innate love for the old land quickened and intensi- fied, and his admiration heightened for the disinterested and muni- ficent generosity of the two gentlemen whose lifelong efforts have called this comprehensive project into being. On November 26th, 1890, a public meeting was held in the Lecture Hall for the purpose of founding a much-needed association under the title of The Guernsey Historical and Antiquarian Society, an impor- tant branch of whose work is the publication of ancient documents, &c, connected with the Island and Bailiwick. This Society holds its usual meetings in the Library premises, Messrs. Guille and Alles having kindly placed one of their rooms at the disposal of the members. Students' classes for the teaching of French, German, Italian, Short- hand and Harmony, are held weekly throughout the winter. In an island like Guernsey, where from the limited business requirements many of the young people necessarily have to go and seek their fortunes of the Giiille-Alles Library. xxix, abroad, the advantages for self-culture offered by an Institution like this can scarcely be over-rated. The local facilities afforded for the acquisition of French are particularly marked, while it cannot for a moment be doubted that a young man or woman who can use both French and English with fluency, is much better equipped for the battle of life than is a person knowing only one of these languages. What- ever intellectual needs may become apparent in the people, these the Guille-Alles Library will set itself to supply. Its Founders, indeed, are especially anxious that there should be no hard and fast barriers about its settlement, which might cramp its expansion or fetter its usefulness. On the contrary they desire — while adhering, of course, to certain main lines of intellectual activity — to imbue it with such elasticity of adaptation as will enable it to successfully grapple with the changing necessities of changing times. The chief wants of to-day may not necessarily be the most pressing requisites of a century hence. There- fore, one of the greatest essentials — and at the same time one of the greatest difficulties- -in a foundation like this, is to provide for and combine within it such a fixity of principle and such an adaptability of administration as shall enable it to keep pace with the progress of the ages, and suit itself to the several requirements of succeeding generations as they pass. It may also be mentioned here that the Institution is indebted for many of its rarest and most costly and valuable works to the prompt- ness and energy displayed by Mr. Alles in securing such volumes as they happened to come into the market. On various occasions he has started off at a few hours' notice, on special journeys to London and Paris, for the purpose of examining and purchasing particular volumes or sets of volumes which happened to become obtainable under ex- ceptional cicumstances, and must either be secured then or not at all. Such journeys, instead of appearing irksome to Mr. Alles, have always been regarded by him as veritable labours of love. Indeed the most enthusiastic sportsman could not take a keener interest in tracking and bagging some long-coveted quarry, than does Mr. Alles in unearthing these literary or artistic treasures of which he is always so ready to go in quest. As regards the Museum — already incidentally referred to— it may be necessary briefly to explain that the nucleus of the collection was originally formed under the auspices of the late Guernsey Mechanics' Institute, by the members of which it was ultimately transferred to Messrs. Guille and Alles in December, 1881. Its new owners thereupon xxx. The Story in Brief immediately set to work to enlarge and improve the collection with the view of rendering this additional department of their Institution — which is a very important one in itself— more widely useful as an educational agency, and thus constituting it a valuable adjunct to the general work of the Library. To this end Messrs. Guille and Alles supplemented it with their own extensive private collections— the fruit of many years of careful gathering in the rich geological and other fields of the United States. Since that date the Museum has also been fortunate in receiving many valuable donations of objects of local and general interest from various sources. Notably a large collection of geological and mineralogical specimens, together with the cabinets containing the same, presented by Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton (Miss Charlotte Brabazon de Sausmarez), and formerly the property of her late husband, Mr. Gilbert Hamilton, in memory of whom they are given. This collection has considerable historic interest, having been originally formed at Soho, near Birmingham, by the famous engineer, James Watt, at whose death it passed to his son, Mr. James Watt, jun., of Aston Hall — with whom Mr. Hamilton was for many years associated in business — and who ulti- mately presented it to Mr. Hamilton as a souvenir of his distinguished father as well as a token of his own personal regard and esteem. The Honorary Curator of the Museum is Mr. John Whitehead, to whose indefatigable care and liberality it owes not only its present greatly improved arrangement, but also many of its most costly show- cases and other fittings, besides numerous rare and interesting specimens both local and general. The greater part of these have been preserved and mounted either by Mr. Sinel, the well-known Jersey naturalist, or by Mr. Jago, taxidermist of our own Island, and reflect great credit upon their skill and good taste. Mr. Zachary Robert also kindly arranged and presented some interesting collec- tions of geological and mineralogical specimens from Guernsey and the other Islands of the Channel group. A very pleasing ceremony took place on Wednesday, December 17th, 1884, at St. Julian's Hall, when His Excellency Major-General Sarel, C.B., the then Lieut.-Governor, presented Messrs. Guille and Alles with their portraits on behalf of a numerous body of subscribers resident in all parts of the island, and also in Paris, New York, and Brooklyn. A public meeting had been called on the 4th of February previous, when an influential Committee was appointed ; about .£227 was speedily raised, and then Mr. Frank Brooks was commissioned to paint two life-size portraits in oil, which gave great satisfaction when finished, and are now hung in the Library. of the Guille- Alles Library. xxxi. Julius Carey, Esq., who was then Chief Constable (Mayor) of St. Peter-Port, as President of the Portrait Committee, opened the pro- ceedings, by briefly narrating the circumstances which had called the meeting together. His Excellency then, after a few preliminary remarks, said : — He must express the very great pleasure which he felt in being present on such an interesting occasion, when the whole community were testifying their appreciation of the noble Library which had been founded for their benefit. Indeed, he felt it a great honour to have been asked to present these hand- some portraits to Messrs. Guille and Alles. It would not be necessary for him to dwell at any length on the antecedents of these gentlemen, who were well-known in the island. Many years ago Mr. Guille went to the United States, and there he found the advantages which accrued from having access to a good library. He then conceived the idea of one day bestowing a similar boon upon his own native island, and this project he had been happily spared to carry out. During his exile the thought had remained ever with him ; he had not allowed business to engross all his attention ; and now that he had returned once more to settle down in the little rock-bound island- home of his youth, he was reducing to practice the beneficent plans of earlier years. He was not content to lead a life of ease with the produce of his industry, but he had founded an institution of incalculable value for the moral and intellectual welfare of the isle. Then there was another large-hearted Guernseyman, Mr. Alles, who determined that his old friend Mr. Guille should not be left to carry out his noble scheme alone. They had long been asso- ciated in business enterprises, and they were now linked in the higher bond of a common desire for the well-being of their fellow-citizens. All honour to them for it. The Library told its own story and needed no encomium. All it wanted was constant readers and plenty of them, and he could not too strongly impress upon the people — and especially upon the rising generation — the immense advantages they would derive from availing themselves of its literary treasures. In conclusion, it simply remained for him, on behalf of the Committee and the Subscribers, to ask Messrs. Guille and Alles to accept these paintings, which would show to future generations of Guernseymen the form and features of two public benefactors who had deserved so well of their country and their kind. Mr. Guille, in response, gave a very interesting address in English, and Mr. Alles followed with an equally appropriate and practical speech in French, both gentlemen being received with prolonged applause, and listened to by the numerous assembly with the most interested attention. Brief complimentary addresses were then delivered by Sir Edgar MacCulloch, F.S.A., Bailiff (Chief Magistrate) of Guernsey, and by F. J. Jeremie, Esq., M.A., Jurat of the Royal Court, and the pro- ceedings terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to the Lieut.-Governor for presiding, proposed by the Very Rev. Carey Brock, M.A., Dean of Guernsey. A brass plate attached to Mr. Guille's portrait bears the following inscription ; — xxxii. The Story in Brief Presented to Thomas Guille, Esq., by his numerous friends, in recognition of the great benefit he has conferred upon the inhabitants of his native Island as one of the Founders of the Guille-Alles Library. Guernsey, 17 December, 1884. A similar plate, bearing the name of Mr. Frederick Mansell Alios, is attached to that gentleman's portrait. Mr. Guille was, on the 16th of April, 1887, unanimously elected a jurat of the Guernsey Royal Court — the cboice being one which gave great satisfaction both to his colleagues upon the Bench, and to the inhabitants of the Island at large. The Royal Court is the most ancient judicial body in the Island, and is composed of the Bailiff (or chief judge), who is the president, and twelve jurats, or judges, whose election is for life. The functions of the Royal Court are to a certain extent legislative as well as judicial, and its enactments in most cases take immediate force as law, a provision which sometimes proves very valuable by enabling sudden emergencies to be at once legis- latively dealt with, should the necessity for such immediate action arise. The following is a copy of the contents of the two tablets which are placed on the stairway in the vestibule of the Library, as previously mentioned at page xxv. THE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY, Founded 1882. Benefactors. 1885. The late Independent Club, a valuable collection of several hundred volumes, maps, &c. 1886. The late Martha E. Alles, widow of the late John David, Esq ,£100 o o 1887. Mrs. Jessie Blankley, of Brooklyn, New York, in memoriam of her late father, Charles Willams, Esq., formerly of this island 50 o o Mrs. Charlotte Marquis, in memoriam of her late cousin, Charles Mauger, Esq., of the Varclin 20 o o of the Guille-AUes Lihvavy. xxxiii. 1888. Rev. Charles Metivier, a collection of books, formerly belonging- to the late George Metivier, Esq., of this island. Edward Williams, Esq ^j 50 o o Also in memory of his late brother, Charles I Williams, Esq. ; and in memory of his late j 50 o o cousin, Charles Mauger, Esq J 50 o o 1889. Charles Le Boutillier, de Philadelphie, Etats Unis ; James Le Boutillier, de Cincinatti, Etats Unis ; A la memoire de leur pere George Le Boutil- lier, Ecr., ne 1783, decede' 1867. Le promoteur de l'Arcade Commerciale 220 o o John Allez Le Lacheur, Esq., of Tunbridge Wells 105 o o 1890. Henry D. Mauger, Esq., Her Majesty's Sheriff. IOO o o LA SOCIETE GUERNESIAISE, fondee le 8 Octobre 1867, dans le but de conserver la langue et les monuments historiques du pays. Fusionne'e avec la bibliotheque Guille-Alles par une de'eision unanime de ses fondateurs survivants, le 13 FeVrier 1888. DONATEURS. 187I. Feu James De Lisle, e'er ,£50 o o 1874. Feu James Litton, ecr 50 o o 1879. Feu Pierre Roussel, e'er., du Bouet, jure" justicier de la Cour Royale, initiateur de cette societe* et promo- teur indefatigable de ses buts patriotiques 200 o 1888. Feue Dlle. Marguerite-Jeanne Jeremie 105 o o 1890. Mrs. M. L. Mansell, of Le Chene, Forest Parish ; in memory of her late husband, Stephen Martin, Esq., Her Majesty's Sheriff, 1862-1881 ....- 100 o c xxxiv. The Story in Brief of the Cuille-Allcs Libravy. Donations of ^10 sterling have been received from the following gentlemen : Mr. F. J. Jeremie, M.A., Jurat of the Guernsey Royal Court ; Rev. Charles Mdtivier ; Mr. Charles Pool ; the late Mr. Osmond de Beauvoir Priaulx ; Mr. Henry C. Marquand, of New York ; and " An Anonymous Friend." Also a yearly donation of ^iofrom the opening of the Library to the present time, from "A Sincere Friend." The Directors also acknowledge with many thanks a large number of smaller donations in money, books, natural history specimens, &c, which they have gladly received and duly appreciate, but of which lack of space precludes the individual enumeration. Among these, how- ever, they may just mention : — The bequest of a large number of valuable books from the Misses Le Cocq, and the late Mr. W. J. Le Cocq. Also donations of books from Mr. Bonamy Dobree, of Beauregard, Guernsey, and of South Kensington ; from the Rev. William Kelly, of Blackheath, S.E. ; from Mr. R. W. Woodruff, now of Guernsey, and formerly of New York ; from Mr. Robert Richardson, Mem. Inst. C.E. ; and from Mr. J. C. Le Mottee, solicitor, of Guernsey — this latter gift comprising three large folio volumes of manuscripts containing copies of scarce and valuable local historical documents. Also a number of valuable books and a regular supply of American newspapers from Mr. James Le Boutillier, of Cincinnatti, United States. The donation of a bronze medallion portrait (by Mittenhoff) of Victor Hugo, together with a full set of the Poet's Works, and other souvenirs by la Famille Victor Hugo ; through Monsieur Edouard Lockroy. A large collection of the English Record Office Publications, issued under the authority of the Master of the Rolls, and presented by the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury. Some valuable volumes from the Guildhall Library, presented by the Corporation of the City of London. A collection of useful and costly works on Natural History, Anti- quities, &c, published by the Trustees of the British Museum, and presented by them to the Institution. Two large cases of wall-maps for the Reading-Room, given by Mr. B. A. Lyon, of Hampstead. ^e §nc^cfopae5ic ^afafogue. 77*5 v4/J/S AND CHARACTERISTICS. By Alfred Cotgreavf, F.R.H.S., Member of the Library Association. T N preparing the Encyclopedic Catalogue the compiler has en- deavoured to justify the title adopted by such an arrangement as will give the work many of the characteristics of an ordinary encyclo- paedia, as fully as could be gathered from the 40,000 volumes dealt with, and from such a selection of their contents -as could be noted in the space at his disposal, and thus render the catalogue of service, more or less, to all libraries and readers. An examination of the catalogue itself will best explain how this has been attempted. In the course of a long practical experience in the Birmingham Free Libraries, and since then, in the formation of several other public libraries, and in the compilation of their catalogues, it became the opinion of the writer that the systems of cataloguing generally adopted do not adequately meet one most important requirement of the general reader, viz., the convenience of being able to find, without reference to the Librarian, works on any required subject. It is not intended to imply any deficiency in the systems referred to so far as their general excellence is concerned, for it is in many cases rather their superiority of style and scholarly treatment — most valuable to a limited number of cultured readers — that place them beyond the comprehension of that larger body of general readers, whose only chance of supplying their requirements is by finding them entered under the headings or terms most commonly used. For instance, a person requiring a work on Butterflies might not think of looking under Entomology, and even if he did, he might not find anything specially noted or suitable, while all the time the library might possess several works in other classes of literature and xxxvi. The Encyclopedic Catalogue i also magazines or reviews containing valuable information on the subject, and only requiring such direction to them as has been attempted in this catalogue, to save the" reader's time and that of the Librarian also. In this connection, too, even if the" reader has the opportunity and courage (which is rarely the case) to seek aid, how fre- quently does the Librarian or his staff search in vain, or at b^st find some very inadequate work upon the subject in question, whereas pos* sessed of a catalogue on this present plan the reader is independent and is certain of finding what he requires if it be' in the library at all. The Librarian also has a useful guide at hand should he be consulted) and is not dependent upon his knowledge of books (frequently special), or upon the caprices of his memory ; while more important still, the same guide is available for any member of the staff should the Librarian be absent. Another point worthy of note is the impossibility of any librarian, however willing, being able to give this help impartially when the attendance is large, for it is obvious that under these conditions the most pushing and unscrupulous person will generally get more atten- tion than the modest and more deserving one, and thus a sense of injustice be engendered. It is therefore far preferable in the cata- loguing of books — as in the issuing of them— to have some practical method, which not only does its work without respect of persons, but also more perfectly and expeditiously than could be done by any amount of individual effort. The general plan of this catalogue is alphabetical, except when a slight deviation has been rendered imperative in order to preserve the sense. Thus, like any ordinary dictionary, it will be understood by all, and though not bringing every work connected with any class of literature together under such special class heading, it brings the prin- cipal ones there, with references to the separate or subordinate divi- sions, which are placed under their own names, with contra-references to the main class-headings for general works. The great aim of the compiler has been to enable the reader to find what he requires at once, and without the trouble of referring from one part of the catalogue to another. For instance, if he requires a book upon " the Rose," he will find it entered under " Rose," and will not be annoyed by simply finding a reference to " Botany," " Flowers," or " Horticulture ; " or should he seek the works of an author who' writes under a pseudonym say, of *' Rita," he will find them under that name and not be forced to turn to another place for Mrs. Von Booth, the real name, but which few readers know or will ever think of looking for ; at the same time the real name will be found by those who seek it. An exception ha^ Its Aims and Characteristics. xxxvii. been made in cases where the author's real name is best known, vide Charles Dickens, better known than "Boz," his early pseudonym. In proof of the superior advantages of this alphabetical plan, it may be stated that it has been approved by the Library Associa- tion of the United Kingdom, as well as by the great body of Librarians in England, America and the Colonies, and by many other literary authorities to whom it has been submitted. The explanatory notes to many of the works of Fiction and the analytical and chronological Index at the end of that section will, it is hoped, greatly help to extend its usefulness and attract readers to many worthy and most interesting works which, owing to ignorance of their merits, have previously been little read. The growing taste for recreative literature is one of the consequences of the high pressure of modern business and work-a-day life, which, leaving one tired and worn out at the end of the day, creates a desire for something of a light character to give the mind relief and divert it for a brief space from the matter-of-fact realities of everyday experience. Nor is this in any way to be deplored. It is merely necessary that the supply should be healthy, and should be treated with more consideration than has been the case hitherto. Indeed, seeing that this is the class of literature to which three-fourths of the general readers restrict themselves, it is useless blinding ourselves to the fact or fighting the air. It is better to accept the situation and make the best of it by cataloguing these works in a way calculated to bring the best and most instructive of them into prominent notice. In the Encyclopedic Catalogue the majority of the books have been entered under headings indicative of every valuable feature or subject treated of by them, and will consequently attract the attention of a much larger number of readers and give much greater strength to every class of literature than where the books are only catalogued under their main subjects, and frequently under titles altogether foreign to the subject dealt with. Some idea of the extent of this catalogue may be gathered from the following round figures :— Author Entries ... 8,000 Number of Works whose Subject Entries... 7,000 Contents have been given 3,000 Title Entries 12,000 Explanatory Notes 2,000 Biographical Notes 3,000 Pseudonyms explained, or References to other Authors of Anonymous Works 50,000 Works given ... 150 That such an amount of matter as this could be brought together without some mistakes even the most exacting of critics would hardly expect, The compiler, in referring to many of the leading catalogues, xxxviii. The Encyclopedic Catalogue: and dictionaries of the day, has frequently come across mistakes that he hardly expected to find in such celebrated works, each of which has had the advantage of revision by well-known scholars ; but errors will creep in in spite of the greatest care, and in connection with this work it will be considered an act of kindness on the part of anyone who will point out any errata he may notice, with a view of their correction in future editions. Before concluding this part of the subject I have great pleasure in acknowledging my indebtedness to the many very excellent catalogues compiled in recent years by well-known librarians. To the Liverpool Reference Catalogue compiled under the superintendence of Mr. Peter Cowell I am under special obligation, and I have freely consulted others too numerous to mention. Indeed, in some features I readily acknowledge their superiority to my own work, my chief claim being the novel attempt of giving signs or finger posts, as it were, to guide the uninitiated ; the introduction of biographical notes, useful in themselves and also valuable in distinguishing from each other authors of the same name ; and the addition of an index and of explanatory notes to the Fiction Department. Many other catalogues give useful references under the more im- portant subjects, but the vast number of minor subjects that are more frequently in request by readers have not hitherto been noticed. It is hoped, however, that the Encyclopedic Catalogue may now to some extent repair this omission, especially as the large number of books dealt with justifies the conclusion that every library will contain many of them, while others that may be in such libraries will frequently be suggested by these references. The value of references such as these will be more readily under- stood and appreciated when it is considered that on many subjects few, if any, special works have been published, but that frequently a good article appears in some unlikely work and would consequently be lost to the general public unless pointed out in some way, also that many works added too late for the usual entries, are brought into the cata- logue by means of these references, and it is therefore as a humble contribution towards this end that the Encyclopedic Catalogue is submitted, in the hope that it will be received as a well-meant, if imperfect, attempt at the inauguration of a system which may in the future, and in the hands of more competent men, be carried out to a completeness that shall be found a blessing to everyone and every- thing connected with literature. The compiler wishes to gratefully acknowledge the assistance he has received from Mr. J. Linwood Pitts, the Curator of the Its Aims and Characteristics. xxxix. Guillc-Allh Library, as well as from M. Henri Boland, whose knowledge of French literature has made his assistance in the com- pilation of the French section of the catalogue extremely valuable ; while the present Librarian, Mr. Basil T. Rowswell, also rendered very efficient and intelligent service all through the work. In conclusion, it may be said that if one thing more than another called for a comprehensive catalogue of the Guille-Allh Library it is the fact that such a valuable institution owes its existence to the sole efforts and liberality of two philanthropic Guernsey gentlemen, Mr. Thomas Guille and Mr. Frederick Mansell Alles, who have spared nothing that would in any way tend to enhance the utility of the institution as a present means of instruction and enjoyment, and also in view of its future destiny as a great factor of intellectual develop- ment and progress. It is, therefore, obvious that such a collection deserves the fullest publicity and description that can be accorded to it. To accomplish this has been the aim of the compiler of the Encyclopaedic Catalogue, and he will feel that in this case it has not been "Love's Labour Lost" should the work fulfil its mission by pro- moting the popular appreciation and use that so noble an institution deserves. PLAN OF THE CATALOGUE. n^HE arrangement of the Encyclopcedic Catalogue is alphabetical, contingent on a certain order of precedency, viz., that where similar words having different significations come together, subject, if sufficiently important, has been placed first, author, or name of any person, second — see Ireland and the Irish, followed by Ireland (J.), &c, — and title last, and except where a slight deviation, in order to keep books on the same subject together, has been made, such as in Colonies, followed by Colonization instead of " Colonist," which in this case is a pseudonym, and would, if arranged without regard to anything but alphabetical order, come between Colonies and Colonization. Apart from such cases, which are rare, whatever is sought will be found in its strict alphabetical sequence. The principal advantages of this system are that all works by the same author or on the same subject are brought together, and that the borrowers cannot fail to readily find any work in the Library, if they but know either subject, or author, or even title in many cases. Many ambiguous titles and pseudonyms have been explained and the principal contents of many useful and interesting works, whose titles convey no adequate idea of their character, have been set. out, generally under the authors' or editors' names. NUMBERS AND LETTERS at the right hand of each page signify the position of the books upon the shelves, and should be used in applying for a book as it is thereby much more readily found by the staff. If one number only is given, as 1045B, it signifies that the work is in one volume, but if the number were entered thus, 1045-6B, it would signify that there were two volumes to the work. This does not apply to Fiction, in which class only one number is given to each wqrk, however many volumes it may consist of, When more than one Plan of the Catalogue. xli. complete number follows a work, as in Bradley's Practical Geometry, 740 and 914D, each number signifies a separate copy of the same work. PSEUDONYMS OR PEN NAMES are used by many authors in preference to their own, and when they are the ones best known to the general readers they have been used in preference to giving the works under the real name, and thus causing nine out of every ten readers the trouble of two references. The actual names, however, have been entered for the benefit of the few who are likely to look for them, with references to the pseudonyms under which the works appear. ANONYMOUS WORKS.— The authors have been given when known. TITLE ENTRIES are not given in the General Catalogue except when they embody the subject as in " Athletics and Football," by Shearman, or where they are popularly known as " At Last," by Kingsley ; but in the Fiction Class List they are always given as on title page of book, leaving out the first word if the article a, an, or the. The words of a title have sometimes been slightly altered or trans- posed under subject headings, in order to bring it into a convenient and conspicuous position. TYPOGRAPHY, ABBREVIATIONS, &c— Leading words are printed in the darker type known as Clarendon, with the following dis- tinctions :— CLARENDON CAPITALS denote class headings and important subjects ; Clarendon small letters are used for general entries of books under author, subject or title ; while a still smaller sizo of the same dark type is used for the leading words of references to other works, to catch the eye among the large mass of run- ning references and contents in nonpareil under many of the sub- jects. Italics are used for biographical notes ; also under the main class or subject headings, to direct the reader to other headings in affinity with them. Brackets [ ] have generally been used to denote explanatory matter, authors' dates, &c, not given upon the title pages of the books, but which have been ascertained from other sources. Serial or Society publications are generally noted in brackets, in full if possible, but sometimes abbreviated to save space as in the case of [Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge] sometimes [S.P.C.K.], but in most cases the entry is sufficient to be understood by any intelligent reader to whom such notes might be of conse- quence. Fuller entries have been made when space would permit, without causing a turn in the lines, as it was not thought necessary or even sensible to be restricted by rules of abbreviation to save space, when the application of such rules were unnecessary, xlii. Plan of the Catalogue. AUTHOR ENTRIES in the General Catalogue will usually be found the best to refer to for the fullest entry and sometimes for contents of any work ; but in fiction the title entry is generally the fullest , the reason being to save space under the author in fiction, double columns have been used, whereas the title entries are right across the page and consequently give scope for fuller particulars. DATES OF PUBLICATION, &c, are given (except in fiction), when ascertainable, under author entry and also under other entries if not causing a loss of space. In historical works the dates frequently given in brackets are to denote the period with which the work deals. REFERENCES under subjects to special works or magazines should be made through the index or contents of the volumes them- selves, i.e. when the work is obtained the contents or index (general index if a set in many volumes) should be examined, when under the subject required the chapter or page in which it is noticed will be found. LATE ADDITIONS. — Books added to the Library too late for complete insertion have been entered in the best way possible rather than they should be left out. See Clark's Foreign Theological Library, set out under Theology ; and Josh Billings' works, which would have been entered under Billings (Josh) if in time for printer. This will also explain why a work may sometimes be found under its author, or subject only. In such cases, however, further entries will generally be found in the supplement. FORM OF BEQUEST. [/// England, owing to the provisions of the Statute of Mortmain, real estate can?iot be bequeathed for the purposes of such institutions as this.'] I give and bequeath out of such parts of my personal estate as may be lawfully applied to charitable purposes to the Trustees or Council of the Guille-Alles Public Library and Museum, in the Island of Guernsey, the sum of free from Legacy Duty, to be expended for the benefit of the said Institution in such manner as the said Trustees or Council may think proper, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of the said Trustees or Council, or of such other person as they may appoint, shall be an effectual discharge for the same. RULES AND REGULATIONS, I. — The Curator shall have the general charge of the Building and Library, and shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the books and of all other property belonging thereto. 2. — The News-Room shall be open every clay except Sunday, Good Friday and Christmas Day, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., unless closed by order of the Directors. The Lending Library and Reference Depart- ment shall be open every day, from 10 #.m. to 9 p.m., except Sun- day, Good Friday, Christmas Day and the usual Holidays ; or when closed by order of the Directors, in which case due notice will be given. 3. — No audible conversation can be permitted in the Reading or Reference Rooms. No person shall be allowed to smoke, or to bring any dog into the building ; and any person offending against these regulations shall not be allowed to remain. Children shall not be admitted to the Reading-Room or Reference Library except by permission of the Curator or the Librarian. 4. — No person shall be allowed to pass within the private enclosures of the Library, or to take any book from the shelves without permission. 5. — All books borrowed must be returned to the Library within the time stated on the respective labels, unless renewed. No renewal can be allowed if the book has in the meantime been asked for by another borrower. When books are kept beyond the prescribed time without renewal, printed notices shall be sent to the borrowers, who will be required to defray the postage of such notice. 6. — The Librarian shall examine every book returned, and, if the same be found in any way injured, the borrower shall pay the amount of injury done, or procure a new copy of the work of equal value ; in the latter case such person will be entitled to the damaged copy upon depositing the new one. It is also particularly requested that borrowers will draw the Librarian^ atientio?i to any scribbling or other damage that may be noticed in any of the books, xliv. Rules and Regulations. 7. — Borrowers leaving the Island or ceasing to use the Library are required to return at once any books they may have out on loan, as they will be held responsible in case of loss or damage. Visitors to the Island will be required to give a guarantee. 8. — Every borrower, on a change of residence, is required to notify the same to the Librarian, in order that a corresponding alteration may be made in the address on the Tickets and in the Register. 9. — One work only, together with one monthly part of a Magazine, can be issued at the same time on a single Ticket. If more books are required a corresponding number of Tickets must be obtained. Any work may be bespoken by depositing one penny, so that notice may be posted to the applicant as soon as such work is available. Books must in no case be tra?isferred by one borrower to another. 10. — To facilitate the rapid issue of books in English Fiction and Periodical Literature, and save trouble and loss of time, the borrower should consult the Indicator, which shows at a glance whether the required book is in or out. Blue is in, Red is out. 11. — No person shall have the use of books in the Reference Library without signing and entering on a Reader's Form the books required. Such signature shall be deemed to be an assent to the rules of the Library. 12. — Any books in the Lending Library may be obtained for use in the Reference Library, but they must be given up if required for lending out. 13. — It is expressly forbidden to take away any book, map, news- paper or other article from the News-Room or Reference Library ; or to scribble or pencil remarks upon the same. 14. — Copying is permitted, but not tracing, as this causes damage to the illustrations. Readers are particularly desired not to soil or injure the illustrations by marking them or laying their hands upon them. 15. — The use of ink for copying extracts, &c, is not permitted, as serious injury to books, maps, plates, &c, results therefrom. 16.- Costly or rare works are issued only upon written application to the Directors. 17. — A book is kept, in which any proposal or complaint may be entered for the consideration of the Directors. 18. — The Curator or the Librarian is empowered to refuse the use of the Library to any person who shall fail to comply with these Rules and Regulations. Any person so refused may, however, appeal to the Directors. N.B.— These Rules and Regulations cire liable to alteration from time to time, Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals in the Reading-rooms. Thdse marked thus (*) are presented. French papers and periodicals are denoted by italics. DAILY, Daily News. Daily Telegraph. Echo. Evening Standard. Financial News. I V Independence Beige. | Le Temps. Times, Jersey Times. GUERNSEY AND JERSEY, Guernsey Advertiser (2 copies). Sat. B ailli age de Gu 'ernes -ey. Sat. Guernsey Comet (2 copies). Wed. and Sat. Gazette OJficielle de Guemesey. Sat. Guernsey Independent. Sat. Guernsey Mail and Telegraph (2 copies). Tues., Thu., Sat. Guernsey Magazine (Monthly). 'Guernsey News (2 copies). Fri. Guernsey Star. Tues., Thu., Sat. Guernsey Sun. Sat. Nouvclle Chronique de Jersey % Wed. and Sat Jersey Observer. Sat. Jersey Times. Daily. Academy. {Admiralty and Horse Guards Ga- zette. '""Agricultural Gazette. Army and Navy Gazette. Athenaeum. Bib Hog-rap hie de la France. '"Bicycling News. ^British and Colonial Printer and Stationer. "British Architect. Builder. *Carpenter and Builder. ''Colonies and India. * Courrierde Londres. *Cyclist. * Drapers' Record. *F21ectric Review. *Electrician. Engineering. English Mechanic. Exchange and Mart (tri-weekly)i klvi. Newspapers, Mdgdziiies, &c, in the Reading Rooms, Field. * Freemason; ^Gardeners' Chronicle. * Gardening. •Gardening WorkL Gentlewoman. Graphic. *Grocers' Chronicle Hospital. Illustrated London Ndws. V Illustration. •invention. Ladies' Pictorial. Literary World. ^London Tailor. Nature. La Nature. Notes and Queries. * Princess; Publishers' Circular. Punch (2 copi<3§)i Queen. Revue Politique, Revue Scientijique. Saturday Review. Spectator. •Statist, •Tottenham Times. Tourdu Monde. Truth. * Vegetarian. * Woman. Work. Le Magasin Pittoresque. La Mai son de Caw/ague. Revue de Fain i 'lie. BI-MONTHLY. Revue des Deux Mondes. Revue Horticole. MONTHLY. •Agricultural Economist. All the Year Round. VAini de lajeunesse. •Animal World. Archives des Sciences. Argosy. Army List. Art Journal. •Association News. Atalanta. Atlantic Monthly. •Band of Mercy. Belgravia. •Bible Advocate. Bibliothequc Un iverselle. * Le Bienfaitcur. Blackwood's Magazine. Bookseller. Boy's Own Paper (3 copies). Bulletin dc la Societc de Legislation Compares Cassell's Magazine. Century. Chambers' Journal. •China's Millions. Contemporary Review. Cornhill Magazine. Early English Musical Magazine. Educational Times. English Illustrated Magazine. Expositor. Fortnightly Review. •Free Church of Scotland. Gentleman's Magazine. Girl's Own Paper (2 copies). Golden Gates. Good Words. Harper's Monthly. •Home. Homiletic Review. '"Imperial Federation. International Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science. Investor's Monthly. Journal- de la [eunesse. Knowledge. *Ladies' Magazine. La Lecturs. Leisure Hour. Library. Lippincott's Magazine. Longman's Magazine. Ludgate Monthly. Macmillan's Magazine. Magazine and Book Review. Le Magazine Francais Illuslrc. Magazine of Art. Microscopy and Natural Science (In- ternational Journal of). Murray's Magazine. Newspapers, Magazines, &c, in the Reading Rooms, xlvii. Musical Magazine (Early E nglish). *The Season. Musical Times. Le Semen r. *Myra's Journal. ""Service for the King. *National Church. Strand Magazine. New Review. Sun Magazine. Nineteenth Century. Sunday at Home. •Phonetic Journal. Sunday Magazine. Portfolio. ^Sylvia's Home Journal. Quiver. Temple Bar. * Regions Beyond. Time. Review of Reviews. '""Toilers of the Deep. Revue de VAvranchin. Westminster Review. Science Gossip. Young Man. Scribner. QUARTERLY. Edinburgh Review. 1 *Scottish Review. London Quarterly. 1 Quarterly Review. RAILWAY GUIDES. ABC. Great Western. Bradshaw (English). London and North Western. Bradshaw (Continental). London and South-Western. Great Northern. Midland. LOCAL ALMANACKS WITH VISITORS' HANDBOOKS* GUERNSEY. JERSEY. Gazette Officielle. Ckronique. Guerin's. Nouvelle Chronique* Le Lievre's. Express. Mackenzie & Le Fatourel's. Times and British Press. GENERAL ALMANACKS. Almanack de Got ha. Almanack Vermot. A n nit aire de Bureau des Longitudes. Annuaire de P Economie Politique et de la Slatislique. American Almanac and Treasury of Facts. Financial Reform Almanac. The Queen. Whittaker's. AMERICAN AND AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPERS. fCincinnatti Commercial Gazette. *New York Sunday World. h New York Sunday Tribune. *South Australian. »•<► SOCIETIES connected with or meeting at the Guille-Alles Library, Guernsey — THE GUERNSEY SOCIETY OF NATURAL SCIENCE AND LOCAL RESEARCH. Founded October 10th, 1882. THE GUERNSEY SHORTHAND WRITERS' ASSOCIATION. Founded November 20th, 1889. THE GUERNSEY HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. Founded November 26th, 1890. POPULAR LECTURES Are delivered weekly in the Hall of the Institution during the six winter months from October to March. STUDENTS* CLASSES Are held weekly during the winter months for the study of French, German, Italian, Shorthand (Pitman's Phonography) and Harmony. ^Mfiy^ * ▼ ©* 4£g2£ GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY, GUERNSEY. Lending Department— English Section. "Here's the Book I sought for so."— Shakespeare— Julius Ccesar—Act iv. Scene Hi. ABC ABE XX B C Guide to the English Civil Service, at Home and Abroad, by Catton. 1887 294R Aaron. See Gallaudet's liiography, 1692Z. Milman's Jews, 157Q, &c. Abbeys [Freeman's Norman Conquest] 201-5II \ See also Ely, Newstead, Archaeology, Architecture, Reference Books at end of Catalogue, &c. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey, by Washington Irving... 665Xand 1800Z Abbott (E. A.), D.D., Hints on Home Teaching. 1883 212R Abbott (Jacob and John S. C, Joint Authors), Caleb in the Country. 1136Z Every Day Duty, illustrated by Sketches of Childish Character... 1134Z History of Hannibal the Carthaginian. 1850 229Z The Mother at Home, or Maternal Duty. 1850 , X135Z Mother at Home, &c. [American Tract Soc] 1690Z The Corner-Stone, a Familiar Illustration of Christian Truth 1137Z The School Boy, or a Guide for Youth 1133Z The Teacher, or Moral Influences 1132Z The Young Christian, Illustrations of Christian Duty. 1833 ••• 277M The Young Christian [American Tract Soc] 1698Z Wallace, a Franconia Story. 1862 1542Z Abbott (Jacob), Ed., The Fireside, Duties of Family Religion 1138Z Abbott (S.), Ardenmohr among the Dills, a Record of Scenery and Sports in the Highlands. 1876 37 J K Abd-el Kader {Ex-Sultan of the Arabs of Algeria, b. 1807) 142-5O A'Becket (Thos.). See Becket (Thos. A'). Abelard. (Pierre, Medieeval Philosopher^ b. 1079,^.1142). [Lewes' Philosophy] 572H • See also Disraeli's Curiosities of Literature, 6S1R, Middle Ages, &c, I [I] ABE GUILLE-ALLF.S LIBRARY. ACL Abercrombie (J.), F.R.S., Intellectual Powers [Harper's Library]. 1131Z Philosophy of the Moral Feelings. 1836 667T Abercrombie (John) and Mawe (T.), The Complete Gardener, or Gardener's Calendar, with Notes by Gowans and Glenny. 1858 1 103M Abercrombie (General Sir R.), [Alison's Europe] 119-38O Abercrombie (Rt. Hon. J.) [Greville Memoirs] 302F Abercrombie (Hon. R.), Weather, a Popular Exposition of Weather Changes. 18S8 548R Aberdeen (Lord) [Martin's Prince Consort] 92-6F See also Greville Memoirs, 303F. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 208-9H, &c. Abingdon Abbey [Freeman's Norman Conquest] 202-5 H Abner. Set Ewald's Israel, 63K, &c. Abolitionists. See Slavery, American War of Secession, &c. Abominations of Modern Society, by Talmage. 1872 225T Aboriginal Tribes. See Brown's Races of Mankind, 156D. Colquhoun's South China, 541-2K. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Wilkmghby's Australian Pictures, 332B. Names of Places and Countries, e.g., America, Europe, England, France, &c. About (E.)i Greece and the Greeks of the Present Day [Constable's Miscellany]. 1 855 1 294R See also Fiction Class List, following the General Catalogue. Abraham, Life of, for Children, by A. H. L 206Q See also Beke's Discoveries, 597B. Ewald's Israel, 61K. Gallaudet's Bio- graphy, 1691Z. Knight's Illustrated Commentary, 100M. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95-6Ka. Milman's Jews, 157 and 159Q. Rawlinson's Egypt, 428O. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151 K, &c. Absolom. See Ewald's Israel. 63K, &c. Absolutism [Maine's Popular Government] 1100F Abstinence, Total, by Richardson. 1878 833M [Hill's Repression of Crime] 1015F — See also Alcohol, Teetotalism, Temperance, &c. Abu Beker [Mahomet's Successors] 1007Q ABYSSINIA AND THE ABYSSINIANS— Works relating to : (See also Africa, Travels, &c.) Abyssinia, Captivity in, and some Account of King Theodore, by Blanc. 1868 1502R and Nubia, by Russell. 1833 394T Nile Tributaries of, by Baker Southern, by Johnston, 2 vols. 1844 598-9K See also Beke's Discoveries, 597B. Bruce's Travels, 584Z. James ' Soudan, 653 K. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B, &c. Academies [Stoughton's Religion in England] ... 97M Accidental Injuries, their Relief and Immediate Treatment, by Cantile. 1884 988M [Cassell's Hints] 942R Accomplishments [Habits of Good Society] 1408Z See also Nichol's Social Life, 1420Z. Young Lady's Book, 983M. Etiquette. Acland (C), Manners and Customs of India. 1847 884M and 819Q Acland (C. T. D.), County Boards, edited by Probyn. 1882 303R Acland (II. W.), F.R.S., Biographical Sketch of Sir B. Brodie. 1864 531O Ground "Work of Culture, Address at King's Coll., London. 1883 850H ■ Introductory Address before the> Devonshire Association, for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art. 1880 851H [2] AOO ENGLISH SECTION. ADA Acoustics in Relation to Architecture and Building, by Smith, ill. imM See also Brown's Science for All, 626-7B. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164 9D. Ganot's Physics, 464R. Guillemin s Applications of Physical Forces, 159D. Lardner's Natural Philosophy, 467 R. Mayer's Sound, 156R. Whewell's Inductive Sciences, 768D. Natural Philosophy. Sound, &c. Acr0S3 Chryse, a Journey of Exploration, through the South China Border Land, by Colquhoun, illustrated, 2 vols. 1883 541-2K the Continent, a Summer Journey to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons, &c, by Bowles. 1866 1618R — — > — Rocky Mountains, from New York to California, by Kelly ... 428T . — Zodiac, Story of a Wrecked Record [Imaginary Voyage to the Planet Mars], by Greg, 2 vols. 1880 1230-1R Acrostics and Enigmas [All the Year Round] I797J [Hood's Puzzledom] 1260H Action and Reaction [Lardner's Lectures] 757D Activity [Midler's Noble Deeds, &c] 92Q Acton (R.), Our Colonial Empire [Cassell's Library]. 1881 955Z Actor, Recollections of an Actor, by Donaldson. 1865 282I and 211Z Actors and Actresses [Fitzgerald's English Stage] 337 D [Lennox's Celebrities] 1017H Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, 8 vols, edited by Cattley. 1841 133-40A Acts, Epistles and Revelation, Lectures on the Study of, by Kelly ... 359M of the Apostles [Barnes' Notes] 3M — Commentary by Lange, 2 vols. 1869 112-3A with Commentary by Plumptre [School Commentary]... 140Q See also Gray's Biblical Museum, 89M, Commentaries, &c. Acts of Parliament [Stoughton's Religion in England] 92-7M See also Parliament. Government. House of Commons. History. Legislation, &c. Adages [Spencer's Things New and Old] 1095-6R Adam. See Gallaudet's Biography, 1691Z. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95-6K. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K, &c. Adam (A.), LL.D., Roman Antiquities, an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans, with Notes by Boyd, ill. 1845. 1012M Roman Antiquities. 1825 882F Adam (Major C), Great Campaigns, edited by King. 1877 47H Adam (T.), Private Thoughts on Religion 121M Adams (C. K), Representative British Orations, 3 vols. 1885 : — Vol.i. — Eliot. Pym. Chatham. Mansfield. Burke, &c 1563Z Vol. 2.— Pitt. Fox. Mackintosh. Erskine, &c 1564Z Vol. 3. — Canning. Macaulay. Cobden. Bright. Beaconsfield. Gladstone 1565Z Adams (H. G.), Beautiful Butterflies, described and illustrated, with the History of a Butterfly through all its Changes, coloured plates 104R Beautiful Shells, illustrated 118R Dr. Livingstone, his Life and Adventures in the Interior of South Africa, illustrated 1325O Humming Birds, described and illustrated, coloured plates 54R Nests and Eggs of Familiar Birds, described and illustrated, coloured plates. 1876 55R — — Wild Flowers, Birds, and In^edts. of the Months, Popularly and Poetically Described, ii$sisirated 561Q Adams (J. C), MountaineeWnfl. Grizzly Bear Hunter of California, by Hittel, illustrated' 1S68 133T Adams (John), M.A., Elegj^it,Anecdi|te.s and Bon-Mots of the greatest Princes, Politician^ Qrarors, and Wits. 1790 ,. 123T \> '. ** ADA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ADA Adams (John, Second President ', U.S.) [Mahon's England] 217-9O Adams (John Quincy, Sixth President U.S., b. 1767, d. 1848), Life of, by Seward. 1849 47*0 See also Lincoln's Presidents, 576D. Poets of America, 468D, &c. Adams (J. S.), Town and Country, or Life at Home and Abroad. 1856 1619R Adams (L. E.), B.A., Collector's Manual of British Land and Fresh- water Shells. Illustrated. 1884 137R Adams (Mrs. L.). See Fiction Class List, following ihe General Catalogue. Adams (W. C), Our American Cousins, or Personal Impressions of the People and Institutions of the United States. 1887 1704R Adams (W. D.), Comic Poets of Nineteenth Century :. 68 iM Ed., Quips and Quiddities. 1881 1130Z Adams (W. H. D.), Celebrated Englishwomen of the Victorian Era. 1282O Queen Victoria. H. Martineau. C. Bronte. M. R. Mitford. M. Somer- ville. S. Coleridge. M. Carpenter. A. A. Proctor. George Eliot. J. W. Carlyle. Curiosities of Superstition and Sketches of some Unrevealed Religions. 1882 , ;. . . . 923M England at War ; Great Campaigns. 1886 198-9H England on the Sea : Story of" the British Navy. 1885 47°0 Famous Books 882R More's Utopia, Foxe'sBook of Martyrs, First English Tragedy and Comedy, Ascham's Schoolmaster, Sidney's Arcadia, Overbury's Characters, Quarle's Emblems, Browne's Keligio Medico, Pepys' Diary, Selden's Table Talk, Steele's Tatler, Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, Chesterfield's Letters, Lamb's Essays of Elia. Good Queen Anne, or Men, Manners, Life and Letters in Eng- land's Augustan days, 2 vols. 1886 1280-1H Good Samaritans, or Illustrations of the Law of Kindness. 1883 278F Education, Slavery, Missions, Prisons, The Poor. Great English Churchmen. 1879 681O S.Anselm, Becket, Langton. Laud, Herbert, Taylor, Tyndale, Latimer, Ken. Names in European History, or Famous Men and Times. 1879 682O Heroes of the Cross, Saints, Martyrs, Pioneers, &c. 1880 1298O Columba. Bernard of Clairvaux. Francis of Assisi. Catherine of Siena. Savonarola. Francis Xavier. Anne Askew. Francis De Sales. Vincent De Paul. Henry Martyn. J. C. Patteson. Land of the Nile, or Egypt, Past and Present, illustrated. 1881. 755Q LivesofNoble Women. 1881 1327O Steadfastness— Anne Askew. Matronly Excellence— Lady Vere. Hospitality— Lady Lisle. Charity— Elizabeth Gaunt. Self- Beliance— Mrs. Inchbald. Faithful to the End— Lady Ara- bella Stuart. Womanly Virtues— Lady Jane Grey. A Noble Mother— Lady Pembroke. Heroic Life— Queen Jeanne D'Albret. Enthusiasm— Madame Roland. Genius — Charlotte Bronte. • Marvels of Creation ; Earth and Sea, illustrated. 1867 820Z 1 Memorable Battles in English History. 1863 241O Hastings [a.d. 1066], Lewes [a.d. 1264], Crecy [a.t>. 1346], Agincourt [a.d. 1415], Naseby [a.d. 1646], Blenheim Cross [a.u. 1704], Plassey [a.d. 1759], Heights of Abraham [a.d. 1759], Waterloo [a.d. 1815], The Crimean Expedition [a.d. 1854]. Neptune's Heroes, from Sir John Hawkins to Sir John Franklin. 978Q Pompeii and Ilerculaneum : Their History, Destruction and Remains, illustrated 73O Secret of Success, or How to Get On in the World. 1879 239R ■ Some Heroes of Travel. 1880 9^0 Marco Polo, Ruxton, Barth, Atkinson, Tinn6, MacGagan, Warburton, Baker, Burnaby. , Ed., Songs of Society from Anne to Victoria 1880 533Q [4] ADA ENGLISH SECTION. ADV Adams (W. H. D.) The Amazon and its Wonders, with Illustrations of Animal and Vegetable 'Life in the Amazonian Forest, illustrated. 1879; 576Q ■- Women of Fashion, Letters and Society, 2 vols. 1878 1047 -80 Wonders of the Underground World, illustrated. 1878 592Q Adamson (R.), M.A., Fichte[Phil. Classics for Eng. Read.] 1881 1028Q Addison (Joseph, Essayist and Poet, b. 1672, d. 17 19), Essays, Moral and Humorous, &c. , and Memoir. 1839 59JD Evidences of the Christian Religion. 1776 2 39Q Poetical Works, and Life by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain], 2 vols. 1807 338-9Z [Dana's Household Book of Poetry] 476D [Thomson's Friendships] 564O and others, Guardian [British Essayists] 22-3T Spectator [British Essayists] 880H and 12-21T by Courthorpe [English Men of Letters]. 1884 1054O See also Fiction Class List, following the General Catalogue. Addresses, &c. [Acland's On Science and Literature] 85 1 PI Adelaide. See Forrest's Australia, 779K. Willoughby's Australian Pictures, 332B. Colonies. Travels. Voyages, &c. Adelaide {Queen of William IV., d. 1849) [Wall's Good Queens] ... 440O Adeler (Max.). See Fiction Class List, following the General Catalogue. Adelicia (of Louvain, Queen of Henry L, b. 1151) [Strickland's Queens of England] S00O Aden [Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam] 1682R Administrators. See Executors. Works on Law, &c. Admirals, British, Lives of, by Campbell, 8 vols. 1817 1-7F See also Adam's Neptune's Heroes, 97SQ. Dixon's Blake, 517O. Marshall's Naval Biography, 9-20F. Biography or Lives of Admirals and Sea- men, under their names, &c. Admiralty, Government Offices [Land we Live in] 464B Adulteration [Walsh's Domestic Economy] F429Z of Food [Wynter's Curiosities] 919M Adventurer, by Hawksworth and Others [British Essayists] 879H and 29-3 iT ADVENTURES— Books on : {See also Sports, Travels, Voyages, Fiction, &c). Adventure, A Life of, by L. Oliphant. 1887 1709R Adventures among the Boers, and a Ride Through Hostile Africa, by Gillmore, illustrated. 1881 799K and Discourses of Captain John Smith, edited by J. Ashton 1622R by Sea and by Shore [Lindley's Log of the Fortuna] 566K in Africa, by Murray, &c. 1849 837Q in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains, by Ruxton 835Q and 419T Servia, or the Experiences of a Medical Free Lance among the Bashi-Bazouks, &c, by Wright, illustrated ... 803K the Libyan Desert, by St. John. 1850 651K Wilds of North America, by Lanman, &c. 1854 1271R of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse, by Stephen. 1845... 164T Black Hawk, the Great Indian Chief. 1857 699O Captain Bonneville, U.S.A., in the Rocky Mountains and Far West, by Irving. 1850 779R My Grandfather, by Peyton. 1867 710K Personal and Military, 3 vols. 1861 ... 942-4O See also Beadle's Undeveloped West, 759H. Du Chaillu's Travels, 647K. O'Donovan's Merv Oasis, 494-5K, &c. [5] ADV GUILLE-ALLES library, afr Advertising, History of, by Sampson. 1874 1076R See a/w VVynter's Curiosities, qiqM. Wynter's Human Hive, 244R, &c. Advice to a Mother, by Chavasse i428Za to a Wife, by Chavasse 1428Z Advocates [James' Curiosities of Law, Lawyers, &c.] 1075F JEmilianuS Nicseus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. ^Emilius (Paulus, Roman General, d. 160 B.C.) [Plutarch's Lives.] 1131Q Aerial World, The, by Hartwig. 1874 783D Aerolites [Humboldt's Cosmos] 483R Aeronautics [Pettigrew's Animal Locomotion] 354R See also Balloons, &c. JEschines. See M it ford's Greece, 106-7H, &c. ^Eschylus, by Coppleston [Ancient Classics for English Readers]... 1094Q ■ Tragedies of, translated by Buckley. 1849 1193H Translated by Potter [Family Classical Library] 1833 1152Q See also Mitford's Greece, 101-2H. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, Classics, &c. JEsop (about 570 B a), Fables of, and others, translated, with instruc- tive applications, by Croxall. 183 1 883R See also Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. JEth.er. See Zeller's Greek Philosophy, 538-9M. Nature, 2663J, &c. See also Ether. Affections. See Brown's Ethics, 243M. Lecky's Morals, 384M, &c. Affliction. See Bickersteth's Afflicted Believers, 68Q, &c. AFGHANISTAN— Works relating* to: {See also Asia, India, Rztssia, 6rc). Afghan War [Cassell's India] 229D [Trotter's India under Victoria] 538-9H Afghanistan, Re-Conquest of [Martin's Prince Consort] 92-6F Sales' Brigade in, by Gleig. 1846 3740 See also Alison's Europe, 144-5O. Eyre's Cabul, 279O. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Lansdell's Asia, 830K. Le Messurier's Kanda- har, 274O. McCarthy's History, 193H. Temple's India, 464H, &c. AFRICA— Works relating to : {See also Abyssinia, Algiers, Cape of Good Hope, Egypt, Morocco, Nile, Slavery, Trans- vaal, Zulus, &-Y. ). Africa. — A Ride through Hostile Africa, with Adventures among the Boers, by Gillmore, illustrated. 1881 799K Across Africa, by Cameron, illustrated, 2 vols. 1877 602-3 K ■ Adventures in, by Murray, &c. 1849 837Q Captain Clapperton's Expedition to, by Lander, 2 vols 1556-7R Central and VVest, Benguella to Yacca, by Capello and Ivens, [1877-80.] Translated byElwes, 2 vols, ill. 1882 831-2K A Journey to, &c, by Taylor. 1869 853R Livingstone's Last Journals, by Waller, ill. 2 vols. 1874. 610-1K Scenes of Travel and Adventure. 1853 665Z [Stanley's How I found Livingstone] 604-5 an( ^ 606 K [Conder's Modern Traveller], 3 vols. 1829 541-3^ Discovery and Adventure, by Jameson, &c. [Harper's Family Library]. 183 1 544Z Discovery in, by Jameson, &c. (Ed. Cat. Lib.). 1830 922Q Eastern and Central Travels, by Elton, ed. by Cotterill, ill. 652K Equatorial, Adventures by Du Chaillu, illustrated. 1861 647K Explorations and Adventures, by Du Chailm, illustrated . 591 K [6] AFR ENGLISH SECTION. AGR AFRICA— Works relating to '.—{continued.] Africa, Heart of, Travels, [1868-71], by Schweinfurth, translated by Frewer, illustrated, 2 vols. 1878 1558-9R North, Wanderings in, by Hamilton. 1856 J 554R ■ South, A Year's Housekeeping in, by Lady Barker, ill J 543R ■ by Trollope, 2 vols. 1878 ....1545-6R Five Years of a Hunter's Life in the Far Interior, by dim- ming. 1850 649 and 1547-8R Life in the Wilderness, by Methuen. 1 846 648K Missionary Labours and Scenes in, by Moffat. 1852 ... 1544R in, by Moffat, illustrated. 1842 485 A Travels in, by Livingstone, illustrated. 1857 ...607 and 608K ■ Southern, Excursions, by Napier, 2 vols. 1850 !549R The Slave Trade and its Remedy, by Buxton. 1840 1037F Travel and Explorations. [Stanley's Dark Continent] 1563R Tropical, by Drummond. 1888 1722R. Tropics, Cable-Laying in, by Crouch. 1857 I 7 I 5R Wanderings in, &c, by Werne, translated. 1852...1269R and 416T ■ Wars in [O'Brien's Victoria Cross] 270O West, Wit and Wisdom from [Proverbs, &c, in the Native Tongues, with translations], by Burton. 1865 918M See also Ansted's Scenery, Science and Art, 785 F. Baker's Albert N'Yanza, 614-5K. Brown's Races of Mankind, 156D. Church's Carthage, 427O. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Lander's Expedition to the Niger, 666-7Z. Livingstone's Travels, 1325O. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Martin's British Colonies, 472B. Milner's Early Christianity, 155Q. Moffat's Travels, 400F. Speke's Journal, 612 and 613K. Traveller's Library, 1268-9R, &c. Agassiz (E. C. & A.), Seaside Studies in Natural History, Marine Animals of Massachusetts Bay. 1863 783F Agassiz (Louis), Life and Correspondence, ed. by E. C. Agassiz. 2 vols 473-40 Agathias. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Age and Origin of Man, Geologically Considered by Pattison and others [Present Day Tracts, vol. 3] 236T Age for Public Instruction, [Compayre's Pedagogy] 296R Age [Knight's Bible Commentary] , 100-4M Age. See also Antiquities, Creation, Lyell, Lubbock, Man, &c. Agesilaus {King of Sparta, d. 361 b.c). See Josephus, 67H. Mitford's Greece, 104-5H. Plutarch's Lives, 448F and 1133Q, &c. Agincourt, Battle of [Adams' Battles].! 241O Agis {King of Sparta, d. 398 B.C.). See Plutarch's Lives, 449F and 1135Q. Agnosticism, by Porter [Present Day Tracts.] 235T Agony Column of The Times, edited by Alice Clay. 1881 556T Agricola (Cnreus Julius), Life of [Tacitus] 1176H and 1122Q [Knight's England] 147H AGRICULTURE— Works relating to: (See also Farming, Husbandry, Soils, Manure, Com, Hay, Cattle, . 356, d. 323 B.C.) [Alexander's Empire, by" Mahaffy] 1887 426O • Life of, by Williams. [Family Library.] 1831 1066Q by Williams. 1829 182Z ■ See also Ewald"s Israel, 65K. Humboldt's Cosmos, 484M. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Josephus, 67H. Madden's Shrines, &c, 342K. Mitford's Greece, 106-8H. Plutarch s Lives, 448F, and 1134Q, &c. Alexander I. {Emperor of Russia, b. 1777, d. 1825) [Allison's Europe] , 1 1 9-42O Alexander (Pope). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 202-5H Popes, &c. Alexander (A.), D.D., Brief Outline of the Evidences of the Chris- tian Religion [R.T.S]. 1836 2Z and others, Evidences of Christianity, 2 vols in 1 25Z Alexander (A..), Modern Gymnastic Exercises [Elementary], illus- trated. 1887 1219R Alexander (J. A.), D.D., Life of, by H. C. Alexander, 2 vols. 1870 477-8O Alexander (Major Gen. G. G.). See Fiction Class List following General Catalogue Alexander (Mrs.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Alexander (W. L.), D.D., Ancient British Church [R.T.S. ] 109Z Connection and Harmony of the Old and New Testament [Congregational Lectures]. 1853 1 1 1 M Iona [R.T.S.] 645Z — - St. Raul at Athens. 1865 ' 161Q Alexandra (Princess of Wales) [Walls' Good ,Queen's Reign] : .. 440O See also Darton's Famous Girls, 1326O, &c. Alexandria. See Adam's Land of the Nile, 755Q. Milner's Early Christianity, 155-6Q, Egypt, &c. Alexis. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Alfieri [V.,/lal. Poet, b. 1749, d. 1803) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473D See also Ed. Rev., 474 J. Italian Literature, &c. [10] ALF ENGLISH SECTION. ALI Alfonso II. (King of Aragon). See Longfellow's Poets of Europe, 473D, &c. Alfonso X. (King of Castile). See Longfellow's Poets of Europe, 473D, &c. Alford (H., Dean of Canterbury, b. 1810, d. 1873), D.D., Fireside Homilies. 1875 169Q [GriswoJd's Poets and Poetry of England] 472D See also Contemporary Rev., 2026J, &c. Alfred The Great {King of England, b. 841, d. 901), Life of, by Pauli. 1 853 4790 Poems of, by Tupper. 1851 86SR See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21 F. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201H. Green's Conquest of England, 187H. Knight's Eng- land, 147 H. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Stubbs' History, 210O. Yonge's British Navy, 302H, &c. Alfred (Prince) [Martin's Prince Consort] 92-6F See also Wall's Good Queen's Reign, 440O, &c. Algae, British, by Harvey. 1841 770D Marine, by Grattann, illustrated 132R Marine and Fresh Water, Fungi, Mosses, &c, Collection of, by Nave, edited by Spicer, illustrated. 1869 584Q Fresh Water [Cooke's Ponds and Ditches] 62 iQ See also Blight's Land's End, 82CQ. Aquarium, Seaweeds, Microscope, &c. Algebra, by Haddon [Weale's series]. 1867 713Q by Young. 1844 518R — — Elements of, by Kelland. 1839 729D ■ Treatise on the Elements of, by Bridge. 182 1 734D See also Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Mathematics, &c. Algebraical Geometry, by Wand. 1835 • 73*D ALGERIA AND ALGIERS. [Alison's Europe] 142-6O Algeria. Topography, &c, of French Africa, by Morell. 1854 ... 658K Algiers. Expedition to, in 1816, under Lord Exmouth, by Salame 644K French in, by Lady Duff Gordon. 1845 802Q [Scott's Travels] 1560R Alhambra, The, by Irving. 1S50 773R Ali (Mustapha) [Stanhope's Greece] 643-4G Ali {Pasha of Janina and Vizier of Epirus, b. 1741, d. 1822), Life of, by Davenport. 1837 183Z — — and a Compendious History of Greece. 1823 126F All. [Mahomet's Successors] 1007Q Alice (Princess), Letters to the Queen and a Memoir by Princess Chris- tian. 1885 480O See also England's Royal Home, 1324O. Martin's Prince Consort, 92-6F. Wall's Good Queen's Reign, 440O, &c. Alien Laws [Marshall's Ceremonials]. 1880 939F Alison (Sir A., Scottish Historian, b. 1792, d. 1867), F.R.S., History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution in 1789 to the Restoration of the Bourbons in 1815,20 vols. 1847-8 : Vol. 1.— Progress of Freedom in the World before the French Revolution, General State of France, and causes which predisposed its people to Revolution. Causes of the Revolution, &c 119O Vol. 2.— Revolution of July, 1789. Taking of the Bastile. Formation of a Democratic Constitution. Fall of the Monarchy, August 1792, &c 120O Vol. 3.— French Republic. Death of Louis, January, 1793. State of Europe prior to the War, and Causes which led to it, War in La Vendue, &c 121O Vol. 4.— -Campaign of 1793. Reign of Terror. Fall of the Girondists to the Death of Danton. Fall of Robespierre, July, 1794. Campaign of 1794, &c _ 122O ALI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ALI Alison (Sir A.) F.R.S., History of Europe, &c— {continued.) Vol. 5.— War in Poland. Establishment of the Director}'. Rise of Napoleon and Campaign of 1796 in Italy. Campaign of 1796 in Germany. Naval Campaign of Great Britain in 1797, Sec. 123O Vol. 6. — Campaign of 1797. Fall of Venice. Internal Government of France. Peace of Campo Formio. Expedition to Egypt. Battle of the Trebbia, &c , , .•-.■•■•. I2 40 Vol. 7. — Campaign of 1799, to conclusion of the Campaign. Civil History of France, from the Revolution of the 18th Fructidor to the seizure of Supreme Power by Napoleon, September, 1797, and Novem- ber, 1799. Campaign of Marengo. Campaign of Hohenlinden to the Peace of Luneville, February, 1801, &c 125O Vol. 8.— Conclusion of the War, October, 1801. Reconstruction of Society in France by Napoleon. Peace of Amiens. Renewal of Hostilities. Opening of the Spanish War, December, 1804. Napoleon's Coronation, &c 126O Vol. 9.— War with Spain, Battle of Trafalgar. Campaign of Austerlitz. British Finances. Mr. Pitt's System of Financial Policy. Peace of Presburg. Renewal of the Continental War, January to October, 1806, &c 127O Vol. 10.— Campaign of Jena. Fall of Prussia. Campaign of Eylau, Decem- ber, 1806 to March, 1807. Mr. Fox's Administration. Campaign of Friedland and Peace of Tilsit. British Empire in India, &c. . 128O Vol. 11.— India under Clive and Hastings, 1750-1798. Administration of Marquis Wellesley. Government of Napoleon. Settlement of Europe, July, 1807 to January, 1808. Proximate Causes of the Peninsular War, &c • • • 129O Vol. 12.— Spanish Peninsula at the Opening of the War. Napoleon's First Disasters in Spain and Portugal. Campaign of Abensberg. Cam- paign of Aspern. War in the Tyrol. Northern Germany and Poland, &c i3°0 Vol. 13.— Campaign of Wagram. Walcheren Expedition. Second War in the Tyrol. Dethronement of the Pope. Maritime War and Campaign of 1809. Campaign of the Douro and Talavera. Campaign of Torres Vedras, &c 131O Vol. 14.— Domestic History of Great Britain, 1809-1812. Proceedings of the Cortes. War in the East of Spain, 1810-1812. Campaign of 181 1 on the Portuguese Frontier. Revolutions in South America, &c. 132O Vol. 15. — First Invasion of Spain by Wellington, November, 1812. War be- tween the Ottomans and Russians. Description of Russia. Ad- vance of Napoleon to Moscow, &c _ 133O Vol. 16. — Retreat from Moscow. Resurrection of Germany. Campaign of Lutzen and Bautzen. Liberation of Spain. Campaign of the Pyrenees, &c 134O Vol. 17.— Character of Napoleon, &c. Armistice of Pleswitz. Battle of Leipsic. Deliverance of Germany, Forcing of the Pyrenees andln- vasion of France by Wellington, &c . . . . 135O Vol. 18.— Europe in Arms against France. Struggle of Napoleon. Cam- paign of 1814. Campaign in Holland, Italy, &c. Fall of Napo- leon, &c 136O Vol. 19.— America, Physical, Moral, and Political. American War. Re- turn of Napoleon from Elba. Battle of Ligny. Battle of Water- loo, &c 137O Vol. 20.— Second Restoration of Louis and Death of Napoleon. ■ General Index 138O Alison (Sir A.), F.R.S., History of Europe from the Fall of Napoleon in 18 1 5 to the Accession of Louis Napoleon in 1852, 8 vols. 1864-5 : Vol. t. — Fall of Napoleon. Restoration of Louis XVIII. England from 1817 to 1819. Progress of Literature. Science, Arts, and Manners in Great Britain after the War. The Coupd'Etat, Sep- tember, 1816. Spain and Italy from 1814 to 1820, &c 139O Vol. 2.— Russia and Poland from 1815 to 1825. Royalist Reaction in France. Congress of Verona. Death of Louis XVIII. Greek Revolution. Battle of Navarino. Establishment of Greek Inde- pendence, &c 140O [12] ALI ENGLISH SECTION. ALL Alison (Sir A.) F.R.S., History of Europe, &c— {continued.) Vol. 3. — Russia and Turkey from 1825 to 1829. France from Death of Louis XVIII. to the Fall of Charles X. Literature of France during the Restoration. Domestic History of England from 1822 to 1830. Ireland from 1822 to Monetary Crisis, 1825, &c 141O Vol. 4. — Domestic History of England from 1830 to 1832. France from Accession of Louis Philippe, 1830, to the Final Establishment of his Government, 1834. Polish Revolution. Constitutional His- tory of Germany from 1814 to 1848. Literature of German}- in Nineteenth Century, &c 142O Vol. 5. — Reform Bill, 1832. Carlist War in Spain and Portugal, Turkey, Greece, Egypt and the East, 1828 to 1841. France from the Social Establishment of Louis Philippe's Government, 1834, to the Eastern Treaty, 1841. Revolt in Africa, &c 143O Vol. 6. — Domestic History of England from 1835 to 1837. England and Canada. India from Mahratta War, 1806, to the taking of Cabul, 1839. Afghanistan Retreat. Accession of Sir R. Peel to Power, 184T. Passing of Sir R. Peel's Preparatory Tariff, 1S45, &c 144O Vol. 7. —Chinese War of 1841-2. Second Expedition into Afghanistan. Sikh War, 1845. France from the Treaty of July, 1840, to the Fall of Louis Philippe, 1848. England from the Introduction of Free Trade in 1846 to Suspension of Bank Charter Act in 1847, &c .-. 145O Vol. 8. — France from Fall of Louis Philippe, 1848, to Restoration of the Empire, 1852. Dictatorship of Cavaignac. Insurrection in Italy, 1848. Capture of Vicenza. Austria from 1848 to the Hungarian War. War in Hungary. Great Britain from 1848 to 1852. Elec- tion of Louis Napoleon, 1848. General Index 146O Alison (Sir A.), F.R.S., Atlas to the History of Europe R.L History of Europe, Epitome, for Young Persons. 1861 45Za History of Europe [1789-1815], French Revolution to Restora- tion of Bourbons, 4 vols. 1847 317-20D Military Life of John, Duke of Marlborough. 1848 378F Some Account of my Life and Writings, edited by his Daughter- in-Law Lady Alison, 2 vols. 1883 127-8F All Fools Day. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M, &c. All Souls' College, Oxford, Worthies of, or Four Centuries of English History to 1 874, by Burrows 584F All the Year Round, Edited by Charles Dickens, from vol. 1. 1859... 1761J The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in fiction, or in the general body of the catalogue, with the catalogue number specified. The entire contents will be found in Poole's " Index " (Reference Library) under subjects required. Allardyce (Alexander). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Alldridge (L.), Florence Nightingale, F. R. Havergal, C. Marsh, and Mrs. Ranyard [World's Workers]. 1887 I152O See also Fiction Class List following the- General Catalogue. Alleg-hanies, Over the, and across the Prairies, by Peyton. 1870... 1591R Allegories [Spencer's Things New and Old] 1095-6R Alleine (J.), Alarm to Unconverted Sinners [Am. Tract Society] ... 1670Z Allen (F. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Allen (G.), Flowers and their Pedigrees, illustrated. 1883 163R Allen (Grant), The Evolutionist at Large [Humboldt Library]. 1881. 781F Allen (J.) [Napier's Correspondence] 273H Allet and the Grand Chartreuse, by Lancelot, &c, 2 vols. 1816 804-5O Alles (F . M.). See Guille-Alles. Allcz (Captain J.). See Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1285H, &c. Allin (T.), Sermons on Biblical and Theological Subjects. 1864 201 K The Trinity. Redemption. Manifesting and Securing the Glory of God. Love of God as an Object and an Example. Man Created Immortal — His Mortality the Fruit of Sin. Inspiration. Miracles — Their Nature and Possibility. The Deity of Christ. Philanthropy. Labour, a Universal Duty, &c. [13] ALL GUILLEALLES LIBRARY. AMB Alligators. See Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. General Works on Natural History, Zoology, &c. Allingham (\V.), Ed., Ballad Book. 1872 355Q See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M, Sec. Allhallow Even. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M, Sec. Allix (P.), D.D., Remarks upon the Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches of Piedmont. 1821 291A Allotments [Heath's Peasant's Life] 1329R Allston (W.). See Poets of America, 468D. Dana's Book of Poetiy, 476D, Sec. Allvivium. See Lyell's Geology, 726-7^, &c Almeyda(F. Do). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, Sec. Almighty : See Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95-6 Ka. Also under God, Lord, The Creator, Sec. Almogaver (J. B.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. A.L.O.E. [Miss Tucker], Rescued from Eygpt [A Life of Moses for Young People]. 1868 , 164Q See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue Aloes. See Drugs, &c. Alphabet, The [Donnelly's Antediluvian World] 1017M Alphabets, Manuscript, Missal and Monumental from the Christian Era to the 17th century 9 2 4D ■ See also Language, Printing, Writing, Design, &c. ALPS AND ALPINE CLIMBING— Works Relating- to : {See also under France, Switzerland, Travels, Moun- tains, &rc.) Alpine Ascents and Adventures, by Wilson. 1878 1436 and 1438R Climbing. 1881 414T Plants [Macmillan's High Lands] 89T Alps, Glaciers of The, Excursions and Ascents, by Tyndall, ill. 1437R of Dauphine [Green's French Pictures] 334P of Savoy, by Forbes, illustrated. 1845 596B Sketches of Nature in the, by Tschudi. 1856 1260R Switzerland and North of Italy, by Williams, ill. 1854 590B See also Catlow's Rambles, 1443-4R. Eddy's Travelling Party, 1325R. Grohman's Gaddings, 1432-3R. Lyell's Geology, 726-7Q. Whymper's Matterhorn, 41CK, &c. Alsop (R.). See Poets of America, 468D, See. Altar [Ewald's Israel] 64K See also Knight's Pictorial Bible, 101M. Smith's Jewish Church, 467M, Sec. Althorpe (Lord) TAHison's Europe] 139-3O See also Torren's Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 385-6F. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Greville's Memoirs, Sec. Alum. See Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q, &c. Alva (Ferdinand D. Toledo, Duke of, b. 1508, rf. 1582) [Froude's England] , 197-202O See also Motley's Dutch Republic, 354-6O, &c. Alvares do Oriente (F.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Amalekites, The. See Ewald's Israel, 63K, &c. Amateur Poacher, by Jefferies. 1881 786R Theatricals, by Pollock. 1879 * 967M Amazon, The, and its Wonders, by Adams [Great River Series]i879 576Q Fifteen Thousand Leagues on the Amazon, and its Tributaries by Brown and Lidstone, illustrated. 1878 797K See also Fletcher's Brazil, 751 K. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F," Orton's Andes, &c, 763K. Brazil, America, Sec. " A.M.B." See Browne (M.). [14] 1MB ENGLISH SECTION. AME Ambassadors, Half-hours with Famous Ambassadors, by Smith... 6860 Amber See Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. Brown's Science for All, 628B, &c. Ambleside. See Knight's Lake District, 817Q, &c. Ambrose (St.) [Milman's Early Christianity] 156Q See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 77H. Merivale's Church History, 4ioM, &c. Ambrose (J.), Looking Unto Jesus, a View of the Everlasting Gospel. 1815 iK Ambulance Organization, Equipment, and Transport, by Evatt. 1884 988M Amenities of Home. 1882 945M by Valentine 976M Literature, by I. Disraeli. 1880 679R AMERICA— Works Relating to : [See also under United States, Canada, Indians, Mexico, Names of States, e.g., Nexo York, Pensylvania, &C, also tinder Art, Antiquities, Com- merce, Industries, Natural History, Travel, &*c. ) America — General : America and Europe [Bryant's Letters] 1 620R and Methodism, by Jobson 353M and the Americans, by Baxter. 1855 671Z and the American People, by Von Raumer 1041F Birds of [Audubon's Ornithological Biography] 2 10D Board for Missions [Brown's Propagation of Christianity] ... 265 A Democracy in, by Tocqueville, translated by Reeve, 2 vols. 1019-20F and 409- 1 oO English in [Puritan Colonies], 2 vols. 1887 173-4H Englishwoman in, by Miss Bird. 1856 1614R Facts relating, to the United States, by Putnam. 1845 1046F Famous Americans of Recent Times, by Parton. 1869 641O Life and Liberty in, a Tour in 1857-8, by Mackay, 2 vols. 1569-70R Life and Society in, by Day, 2 vols. 1880 698-9K Men and Times of the Revolution, and Travels in Europe and America, 1777- 1842, by Watson. 1856 507H North and South, Influence of Climate, by Disturnell. 1867 92 iK Paris in, by Dr. Rene Lefebvre, translated by Booth. 1863 I 57 1 ^ Poets and Poetry of, by Griswold. 1856 468D Politics for Young Americans, by Wardhoff. 1876 625T Pre-Historic, by Nadaillac, translated by D'Anvers, edited by Dall, illustrated. 1885 897F Progress of Discovery in, by Tytler [Harper's Fam. Lib.]... 550Z Society in, by Harriet Martineau, 2 vols. 1837 694-5K Sporting Adventures in the Far West, by Murphy. 1879... 714K The Undeveloped West, Life and Adventure on the Prairies, &c, by Beadle, illustrated. 1873 •••• 759*1 Three Visits to, by E. Faithfull. 1884 794K Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to, from Hakluyt, edited by Payne - 1691R Western Republics of, by Byam. 1850 707K American Citizen's Manual of Reference, an Historical View ... II31H Farmer's Handbook, re-edited by O'Neill and Williams. 1880 842 and 843D Guide Book [Appleton s Guides]. 1846 1573^ to the Constitution of the United States. 1840 1012F [15] AME GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. AME AMERICA— Works relating to •.—{continued.') America — General : American History, Tales from. 1844 1553Z Humourists, Lectures by Haweis. 1883 482O — — Indians [Lubbock's Primitive Man] 672B Literature, by Lawrence [Harper's Series]. 1880 1207Z Men of Letters. Works belonging to the series ivill be found under Cooper, Irving., Thoreau, Webster, &c. Manufactures from 1608 to i860, by Bishop, 2 vols. 1864... 888-9D Newspapers [All the Year Round] 1816J Notes, by Dickens 1695R Photograph [A Tour in America], by Turnbull, 2 vols. ... 1 574-5 R Scenes and Christian Slavery, by Davies. 1849 708K Society, Queens of, by Mrs. Ellet. 1868 46SF Tract Society [Christian Library] vols. 2-45, v.D 1669-1705Z ■ Travel, by Richards [Appleton's Guides]. 1857 1572R [Robin's Sinners and Saints] 1721R America — Central and South : {See also Argentine Republic, Brazil, Chili, Guatemala, Peru, Venezuela, &*c.) America, Central, Chiapas, and Yucatan, Incidents of Travel in, by Stephens, illustrated, 2 vols. 1841 747-SIC Central [Squier's Nicaragua] 764-5K ■ South, by Gallenga. 1881 ' 756K South and Central, Adventures and Travels, by Paez. 1868 1694R See also Martin's British Colonies, 472B. Orton's Andes and the Amazon, 763 K, &c. America— North : (See also Alaska, Canada, California, Mexico, Rocky Mountains, United States, &*c. ) Amerioa, British, by M'Gregor, 2 vols. 1832 487 -8H British, by Murray, &c, 3 vols. 1839 4CO-2T Discovery on Northern Coasts of, by Tytler (Ed. Cal. Lib.) 933Q English Colonization in the 17th century, by Neill. 1871 688K ■ North, Adventures in the Wilds, by Lanman. 1854 1271R American Indians, by Catlin, 2 vols. 1 84 1. 689-0K by Trollope, 2 vols. 1862 6S4-5K Deserts of North America, by Domenech, ill., 2 vols ... 692-3K Forest Scenes in the Wilds of, by Head. 1829' 619Q New Tracks in, by Bell, 2 vols. 1869 705-6K Travels in, and Geological Observations, by Lycll, 2 vols. 1580- 1 R [1827-8] by Hall, 3 vols. 1830 1577-9R Sec also Buckle's Civilization, 186-7O. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Mahon's England [Colonies], 217-8O. Martin's British Colonies, 472B. American War of Independence [1763-83] : (See also General Histories of United, States Wars, &*c. American Revolution [1775-81], by Moore, 2 vols. 1863 272-3D by Raynal. 1781 164Z Loyalists of the, by Sabine, 2 vols. 1864 686- 7K &c. See also Franklin's Works, 942H. Greg's United States, 558H. James Military Occurrences, 283-4H. Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 169-70H. Trumbull's Memoirs, 538F, Sec. [16] AME ENGLISH SECTION. ANA AMERICA— Works relating to '.—{continued.) American War of Secession [1860-5] : (See also modern Histories of United States, Slavery, Wars, cfc.) American Conflict [1860-65], b y Greeley, 2 vols. 1867 294-5D Crisis [The Civil War, 1861], by Peyton, 2 vols 399-4C0O Rebellion, i860, by Botts. 1866 407O War [1S61], by Mahan. 1877 296D See also Grant's Memoirs, 602-3F. Greg's United States, 559H. Jackson (General), 735O. McCarthy's History, 194H. Mill's Dis- cussions, 646H. Smith's Life of Bright, J51F. Watt's Life of Bright, 526O, &C. The following works also contain much information of a general character relating to America : — Alison's Europe, 119-38O. Ansted's Scenery, Science and Art, 785F. Biart's Rambles, i6rsR. Brown's Countries of the World, 162D. Del Mar's Money, 898-9F. Dixon's White Conquest, 492-3H. Dunraven's Travels in the Upper Yellowstone, 719K. Gilmore's Prairie and Forest, 1593R. Humboldt's Cosmos, 484R. Humboldt's Travels, 934Q. Kingsley's Rocky Mountains and Mexico, 718K. Marryat's Diary, 1021-3R. Meeker's Life in the West, 1596R. Morris s How to get a Farm, 1617R. Stanley's Up the Yellowstone, 1595R. - Winthrop's New England, 509-10H. See also generally names of Countries, States and Cities in America. Also under subjects such as Art, Literature, Politics, Com- merce, Education, &c. American Audiences, Lectures to, by Freeman. 1882 1173^ American Girl's Book, by Leslie. 1879 1190R America's Cup, How it was Won by the Yacht " America " in 1851, &C, by Coffin. 1S85 1215R Amiel'S Journal [Religious Thought, &c] tr. by Mrs. Ward, 2 vols. 483-4O Ammonites. See Ewald's Israel, 63-4K, &c. Amos of Tekoah. See Smith's Prophets, 466M, fix. Amos (S.)i M.A., Political and Legal Remedies for War. 1880 1006F Science of Law [International Scientific series]. 1885 356R Politics [International Scientific series]. 18S3 374^ Amours of Great Men, by Vandam, 2 vols. 1S78 485O Ampere (A. M., Fr. Math., and Physicist, d. 1836), Story of his Love, being his Formal and Early Correspondence with his Family Circle during the First Republic [1793- 1804], tr. 1873. 129F Amphibia. See Book of Nature, 391-2B, £;c. Amsterdam [Bellow's Europe] I398R Conference of the Evengelical Alliance [1867], ed. by Stearne. 661 A Amulets. See Jones' Credulities', 902M, &c. Amusements [Cassell's Book of Indoor Amusements, Card Games, &C,], illustrated 1259IT Festivals and Games, Ancient and Modern, by Smith. 1831.... 868Z Home, by M. E. W. S. 1881 949M See also Andrew's Eighteenth Century, 281R. Amusements. Boy's Own Book. Cassell's Hints, 942R Compayres' Pedagogy, 296R. Davidson's Pretty Arts for Ladies, 866D. Escott's England, 1018F. Girls' Indoor Amusements, 1257H. Hone's Works, 934-7F. Lecky s Eighteenth Century, 172H. Young Ladies Treasure Book, 131D. Games, Sports, Football, Cricket, Athletics, &c. Anacreon [Greek Poet, b. 563, d. 478 B.C.), translated by Browne (Fam. Clas. Lib.) 1830 m7Q See also Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Analogy of Religion, by Butler. 1829 196Q (Butler's Works, Vol I ). 1844 423A — ■ See also Muller's Science of Religion, 419M, &c. Analysis of Food [Bell's Food, &c] 105 1 -2M See also Chemistry, &c. [17] ANA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. AND Analysis of the Four Parallel Gospels, collected by Salmon. 1876. 653A Anacharsis the Younger, Travels in Greece during the Middle of the Fourth Century, B.C., abridged from the work of Barthelemi. 1278H Anastasius, or Memories of a Greek, by Hope, 2 vols. 183 1 975-6H ANATOMY— Works relating to : {See also Physiology, Surgery, Medicine, Microscope, List of Reference Books at end of Catalogue, dfc.) Anatomy and Anatomists [The Healing Art, &c] 929K Physiology, Cyclop, of, ed. by Todd, 5 vols. 1836-59 ... 1-5D Physiology and Surgery, by Wilkinson. 1851 1463Z Sec also Bell's Expression, 892R. Bell's The Hand, 838M. Jones' Animal Kingdom, 722F. Girton's House I Live in, 1465Z. Whe- well's Inductive Sciences, 768D. Brown's Science for All, Inter- national Scientific Series, &c. s Anatomy of Melancholy, by Burton. 1849 49*A 2 vols. 1821 633-4H Anaxandrides (350 B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Ancestral Stories, by Timbs. 1869 487O Reminiscences, &c., by Burke 900R Worship. See Cumming's China, 789K. Maine's Early Law and Custom, 1082F. Martin's Chinese, 1521R, &c. Anchovy, The. See Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 680Q. Fishes, &c. Ancient and Modern Nations, by Dew. 1858 53H Churches of Piedmont, some remarks upon their Ecclesiastical History, by Allix. 1821 291A Cities of France [Green's French Pictures] 334^ Classics for English Readers. See Collins (W. L.), M.A., Classics, &c. Countries, Money in, by Del Mar 898F Faiths Embodied in Ancient Names, by Inman, ill., 3 vols 95-6Ka History, by Rollin, 3 vols 66-8H — [Chambers' Educational Course]. 1870 449T Mariner. See Coleridge's Poems. Meeting Houses, or Memorial Pictures of Nonconformity, by Pike. 1870 261O Monuments, The Witness of, to the Old Testament Scriptures, by Sayce [Present Day Tracts] 239T Mysteries [Heckthorne's Secret Societies] 3760 World of Christianity, by Pressense. 1888 1194M W'eights, Coins and Measures [Grote's Minor Works] 95^H See Antiquity, Archaeology, History, Mythology. Names of various coun- tries and places, subjects, &c. Andalncia, Cities and Wilds of, by Murray, 2 vols. 1849 429-0K Andersen (H. C.) [Danish Novelist, b. 1805, d. 1875], Rambles in the Romantic Regions of the Hartz Mountains. 1848 1484R The story of My Life, translated by Spillan, and In Sweden, trans- lated by Mackenzie. 1852 1544Z See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Anderson (C), Annals of the English Bible. 1862 498A Anderson (C), M.A., Ed., Words and W T orks in a London Parish. 2R Anderson (D.), Scenes in the Commons. 1884 1168R Anderson {].), LL.D., Memorable W r omen of the Puritan Times, 2 vols. 1862 : Vol. 1. — Baroness Tilbury, Lady Harley, Anne Dudley, Lady Fairfax, Mother, Wife, and Daughter of Cromwell 831O Vol. 2. — Lucy Apsley, Lady Ranelagh, Mrs. Baxter, Mrs. Bunyan, Lady Russell, Lady Lisle, Elizabeth Gaunt, &c 832O [18] AND ENGLISH SECTION. ANG Anderson (J.), LL.D., Scotland in Early Christian Times [Rhind Lectures in Archaeology, 1879-0], 2 vols. 1881 90l-2r Pagan Times, The Bronze and Stone Ages [Rhind Lec- tures, 1882], illustrated. 18S6 896F Iron Age [Rhind Lectures for 188 1]. 1883 864F Anderson (J. S. M.), M.A., Discourses on Elijah and John the Baptist. 1835 202K Anderson (Prof.). See Frost's Conjurors, 803O, Sec. Anderson (R.), M.D. See Potter's Antiquities, 874-5F. Anderson (W.), Discourses by. 1844 22Q Anderson (W.), Ed., Treasury of the Animal World, for the Young 745Z Andes and Pampas, Journeys Across, by Head. 1851 12S9R and The Amazon, by Orton. 1870 763K See also Humboldt's Cosmos, 487R. Humboldt's Nature, 29R, &c. Andrewes (L.), Barry's Theology 828O Andrews (A.), The Eighteenth Century, or Illustrations of the Manners and Customs of our Grandfathers. 1856 281R Andrews (L), LL.D., Revolutions of Denmark, Sec, 2 vols. 1774 453-4H Andrews (S.), M.A., Our Great Writers, or Leading Authors. 1884 884O Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Swift, Sterne, Burns, Johnson, Goldsmith, Shelley, Tennyson. Andrews (W.), F.R.H.S., Curious Epitaphs collected from the Graveyards of Great Britain and Ireland H95R Anecdote, Scottish, edited by Hislop. 1874 978R ANECDOTES and Bon-Mots, by Adams. 1790 123T Illustrative of the Works of Sir W. Scott and a Glossary for his Works. 1833 1038H ■ Musical, by Crowest, 2 vols. 1878 918-9R of Animal Life, by Wood. 1855 48R Booksand Authors. 1836 1127Z Interpositions of Providence [R.T.S.]. 1845 1128Z Napoleon Bonaparte and his Times, by Cunningham 26 iZ Painting in England, by Walpole. 187 1 1073M Percy, by Robertson and Byerley, 4c vols in 20 914-33Z Public Men, by Forney. 1875 948R Shoemakers [Chambers' Miscellany] 630R Sunday Schools [R.T.S. ] 1129Z the Animal Kingdom, by Brown, 2 vols 642-3Q the Cat [Chambers' Miscellany] 625R Deaf, Dumb and Blind [Chambers' Miscellany] 625R Life of Pitt, 3 vols. 1810 913-5O Wits and Humourists, by Timbs, 2 vols. 1874 1040-1O See also Hood's Preachers, 541M. O' Flanagan's Irish Bar, 1163R. Scrap Book of Literary Varieties, 1149H, &c. Anemones. See Buckley's Life, 106R, Sea-Shore, Sec. Angelica and Medors. See Leigh Hunt's Stories in Verse, 313Q, &c. Angelieo (Fra., Italian painter, b. 1387, d. 1455), b Y Phillimore [Great Artists]. 1881 , 1097O Angelo (M.). See Buonarotti (Michael Angelo). Angels, Words of the, by Stier. 1863 218Q See also Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95-6Ka. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M. Angerstein (J. J., Manager of Lloyds, 1790), [Martin's Marine Insurance] ., 535H Anglesey (Marquis of), Lennox's Celebrities 1014H Anglican. See Inman's Faiths, 96K., &c. ANG GUTLLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ANI Angling [Davies' Mountain, Meadow and Mere], illustrated 1345R See also Herbert's Fish and Fisheries, 796F. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Walton's Complete Angler, 1130R. Fishing, &c. Anglo-India, Social, Moral and Political, from the Asiatic Journal. 490-2K ANGLO-SAXON Chronicles [Bede's History] 168M Home, Domestic Institutions of England, 5th to nth Century, by Thrupp. 1862 345K Language and Poetry [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473D Life [Bullock's Olden Times] 1018M Scotland [Palgrave's Normandy and England] 183H Anglo-Saxons, History of the, to the Norman Conquest, by Miller, illustrated. 1S52 75O Plistory of, by Palgrave, illustrated. 1876 74O Lives of Eminent Anglo-Saxons [R.T.S.] 170-1Z See also Allison's Europe, 119-38O. England, &c. Angouleme (Charles de Valois, Duke of, b. 1573, d. 1650) [Alison's Europe] 139.5 Anhalt (H. H. Von). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. ANIMALS— Works relating to : (See also Natural History, 'Zoology, Ornithology, Entomology, and the various divisions of Natural History, also Names, e.g., Lion, Dog, Horse, also Veter- inary Art, List of Reference Works at end 0} Catalogue, &*£.) Animal and Vegetable Life in the Amazonian Forest [Great River Series], illustrated. 1879 576Q Biography, or Authentic Anecdotes, &c, of the Animal Creation, by Bingley, 3 vols. 1805 726-8F Chemistry. See Chemistrj'. Intelligence, by Romanes. 1882 46R Kingdom and Manual of Anatomy, by Jones, illus. 1841 722F Life, Studies in, by Lewes. 1862 47R ■ — Marvelsof, by Holder. 1S85 800E ■ — Sketches and Anecdotes of, by Wood. 1855 48R [Timbs' Works] 854Z Locomotion, or Walking, Swimming and Flying, &c, by Pettigrew. 1883 354 R Mechanism and Physiology, by G riscon. 1 848 1 1 1 8Z by Marey. 1883 357R Parasites and Messmates, by Van Beneden. 1883 36 iR • Physiology [Cassell's Popular Educator] 164-9D ■ [Facts and Hints for Everyday Life] 942R — : See also Physiology. Products, by Simmonds. 1877 1033M Rights of an Animal, by Nicholson. 1879 52R World, Lessons from the [S. P. C.K.] 1851 718Z ■ — Treasury of the, For the Young, edited by Anderson 745Z See also Morris' Naturalist, 114-21D. Pouchet's The Universe, 721 F. Timbs' Works, 851Z, &c. Animals and Man [Darwin's Emotions] 24R and Plants under Domestication, by Darwin, ilk, 2 vols. 1868 Jij-SF Anecdotes of, by Brown, 2 vols 642 3O Comparisons of Structure in, the Hand and the Arm [R.T.S.] 7^SZ Distribution of [Wallace's Island Life] 77SF Duty to [Lecky's Morals] 384-5M Fabulous [Timbs' Works] 853Z Kindness to [Midler's Noble Deeds, &c] 92Q 20] ANI ENGLISH SECTION. ANS ANIMALS— Works relating to :— {continued.) Animals, Friends in Fur and Feathers, illustrated. 1869 729F Geography and Classification of, by Svvainson. 1835 480T Mammalia [Jardine's Naturalist's Library], 13 vols. 1884...658-70Q Mind in the Lower Animals, by Lindsay, 2 vols. 1879 711-2F ■ Our Duty to, by Mrs. Bray 168R Skinning and Mounting. See Taxidermy. that Suckle their Young [S. P. C.K.] 1841 739Z which Yield Milk [Humboldt's Nature] 29R Wild, by Roberts, illustrated. 1854 611Q See also Brown's Science for All, 629B. Colquhoun's South China, 541-2K. Darwin's Origin of Species, 22R. Gill's River of Golden Sand, 512-3K. Hibbert's Clever Dogs, Horses, &c, 730F. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Mace's History of a Bit of Bread, 497T. McCul- loch's British Empire, 7T1H. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Taylor's Animal Painting, 921 D. r wining' s Symbols, 507M. Wood's Pet-land, 53R. Zeller's Philosophy, 538-9M. Buffon's Natural History, R.L. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, &c. Animalcules, or a Glimpse of the Invisible World, by Mantel, ill. ... 134R See also Badcock's Invisible Life, 167R. Carpenter's Microscope, 1785Z. Catlow's Drops of Water, Hogg's The Microscope, 790F. Quekett's Microscope, 791F. Slack's Pond Life, 135R, &c. Anley (Charlotte). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Annals and Legends of Calais, by Calton. 1852 1503O of the Poor, by Richmond [R.T.S.] 1571Z Anne Boleyn. See Boleyn (Anne). Anne (of Austria, Queen of Louis XIII. , b. 1602, d. 1656) [Menzies' Political Women] 928O Anne (of Cleves, Queen of Henry VIII, b. 1515, d. 1557) [Strick- land's Queens of England] 8ooO Anne (of Denmark, Queen of James /., b. 1574, d. 1619) [Strickland's Queens of England] 800O Anne (Queen of England, b. 1664, d. 1714) [Strickland's Queens of England] 800O Good Queen Anne, or Men, Manners, Life and.Letters in England's Augustan Age, by Adams, 2 vols. 1886 12S0-1H Reign of, by Burton, 3 vols. 1880 , 236-8H Social Life in the Reign of, by Ashton, illustrated, 2 vols. 1882 67-8F See also Burton's Scotland, 336-7H. Menzie's Political Women, 929O. Stoughton's Religion in England, 96M, &c. Anointing. See Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M, &c. Annotations. See Bible, Commentaries, &c. Anquetil (M.), A Summary of Universal History, translated, 9 vols. 4-12II Contents : — Creation, Egyptians, Syrians, Phoenicians, Jews, Persians, Trojans, Greece, Greek Islands, Macedonia, Asia, Italy, Rome, Con- stantine under the Latins, Carthaginians, India, Gauls, Franks, Bul- garians, Arabs, Turks, Tartars, Moguls, Hindoostan, Malabar, Siam, China, Japan, Commerce, Ottoman Empire, Abyssinia, Guinea, Bar- bary, Morocco, Algiers, Malta, Europe, Spain, Arragon, Portugal, Navarre, France, Savoy, Genoa, Corsica, Ferrara, The Milanese, Mantua, Venice, Tuscany, Naples and Sicily, Bohemia, Austria, Prussia, United Provinces, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Poland, England, Scot- land, Ireland, America, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, United States, Naviga- tors, &c. Anselm (Archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1033, d. 1109) [Freeman's Norman Conquest] 201-5H See also Ordericus Vitalis History of England, 114-5O. Palgrave's Nor- mandy and England, 183H, &c. Anslo (R.)- See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c [21] ANS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ANT Anson (George, Lord, b. 1697, <*• I 7^2), Voyage round the World in the years 1740 to 1744, compiled from his papers by Walter (S.P.C.K.), illustrated. 1841 : 582 and 583Z — — Voyages [Remarkable Voyages] 639K Life of, by Barrow. 1839 130F Anspach (J. M.), Thieves of Homes, or Habits that Impoverish. 279R Ansted (D. T.), F.R.S., Geological Gossip, Stray Chapters on Earth and Ocean. 1863 733Q Geology, Introductory, Descriptive, and Practical, 2 vols. 1844. 677-8D In Search of Minerals (S. P. C.K.). 1880 , , 620Q Physical Geography. 1871 , 47§P Scenery, Science, and Art, illustrated. 1854 7^5^ and Latham (R. G.), M.A., The Channel Islands. 1852 410H Channel Islands, by Ansted and Latham reviewed [Quarterly Review] 1291J Anster (J.)- See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Anstey (F.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Answers to Prayer. See Prayer. Antagoras. See Peter s Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. AntartiG Summer [S.P.C.K.]. 1848 681Z Ante-Nicene Christian Library, Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D., 325, edited by A. Roberts, D.D., and T. Donaldson, LL.D., V.D. :— Vol. I# — Writings of the Apostolic Fathers, translated by Roberts, Donald- son and Crombie. 1879 375A Vol. 2. — Writings of Justin Martyr and Athenagoras, translated by Dods, Keith, &c. 1879 376A Vol. 3.— Writings of Tatian and Theophilus, and the Clementine Recogni- tions, translated by Pratten, Dods, &c. 1880 377 A Vol. 4.— Writings of Clement of Alexandria, translated by Wilson. 1871 . . 370A Vol. 5. — Writings of Irenaeus, vol. 1, translated by Roberts and Rambaut. 372A Vol. 6.— Refutation of all Heresies by Hippolytus, vol. 1, translated by Macmahon. 1877 383A Vol. 7. — Five Books of Quintus Sept. Flor. Tertullianus against Marcion, translated by Holmes. 1878 37°A Vol. 8.— Writings of Cyprian, vol. 1, translated by Wallis. 1876 362A Vol. 9. — Writings of Irenaeus, translated by Roberts and Rambaut. 1880. 384A Vol. 10. — Writings of Origen, vol. i, translated by Crombie. 1878 364A Vol. ir. — Writings of Quintus Sept. Flor. Tertullianus, vol. 1. 1872 366A Vol. 12. — Writings of Clement of Alexandria, vol. 2, translated by Wilson. 371A Vol. 13. — Writings of Cyprian, vol. 2, translated by Wallis. 1880 363 A Vol. 14. — Writings of Methodius Alexander of Lycopolis and Peter of Alex- andria, &c. 1880 374A Vol. 15. — Writings of Quintus Sept. Flor. Tertullianus, vol. 2, translated by Holmes. 1874 367A Vol. 16. — Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, and Revelations, translated by Walker. 374A Vol. 17. — Clementine Homilies and Apostolical Constitution, the latter edited by Donaldson. 1 880 380A Vol. 18.— Writings of Quintus Sept. Flor. Tertullianus, vol. 3, &c. 1880 .. 368A Vol. 19. — Seven Books of Amobius Adversus Gentes, translated by Bryce and Campbell. 1871 369A Vol. 2C. — Works of Gregory Thaumaturgus, Dionysius of Alexandria, and Archelaus, translated by Salmond. 1871 378A Vols. 21-2. — Works of Lactantius, translated by Fletcher, 2 vols. 1871 . . . . 372-3A Vol. 23. — Writings of Origen, vol. 2 translated by Crombie. 1872 365A Vol. 24. — Liturgies and other Documents of the Anti-Nicene Period. 1872 381A Ante-Nicene Fathers. See also Riddle (J. E.), &c. Antediluvian History [Dew's Nations] 53H ■ World, by Donnelly, illustrated. 1882 1017M See also Earth, Creation, World, Geology, &c. Antelopes. See James' Soudan, 653K. Animals, Deer, Natural History, &c. Anthology, Greek, by Neaves [Ancient Classics for Eng. Readers]. 1098Q See also Poetry. &c. [22] ANT ENGLISH SECTION. ANT Anthropology [Brown's Science for All] 626-9B See also Chambers' Information, 25-6D. Ward's Mankind, 612Q. Man. Sociology, &c« Anti-Jacobin Poetry. 1799 324Q Anti-Mammon, by Two Clergymen. 1837 3K Antichrist [Todd's Prophecies] 529A Antimony. See Simonin's Mines, 632-3B, &c. Antiooh [Milman's Early Christianity] I54-6Q AntlOChus (King of Syria). See Josephus, 68H. Niebuhr's Rome, 87H, &c. Antipater of Sidon. See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Thessalonica. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Antiphanes. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Antiph-ilus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Antiquary, An. See Thomson (R.). ANTIQUITIES— Works relating to : {See also under Ar- t /neology, Egypt, Rome, Greece, Pompeii, Herculaneiim, Mythology ., Monuments, Manners and Customs, Matthew Paris, Ala t hew of Westminster, Henry of Huntingdon, William of Malmesbury, Florence of Worcester, Ingulph, Roger de Hoveden, Roger of Wendover, South Kensington Handbooks, Story of the Nations, &c. For antiquities of any f articular place, see name, e.g., England, France, List of Reference Works at end of Catalogue, &fc. ) Antiquities, Ancient Monuments, Confirmations of the Bible, by Sayce [R.T.S.] 251M and Curiosities of Rome, by Burton, 2 vols. 1828 1415-6R Folk-Lore of Ireland, by A. B. R. and Doyle, illustrated 1473Z Marbles in the British Museum [Bonn's Library]. 1848... 835Z Babylonian [Sayce's Origin of Religion] 644 A Biblical, by Jahn, translated by Upham. 1836 245 A Nevin I57CZ — for Schools, by Nevin. 1S59 108Q Christian, by Riddle. 1839 2 55A Egyptian, by Young. 1823 600D English, by Jewitt. 1877 IOI6M Creek, by Wilkins. 1878 1534^ of Athens, by Stuart. 1841 I537Z Great Britain, chiefly illustrating the Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies and Superstitions, 3 vols. 1849 1005-7M Greece, by Potter, 2 vols. 1832 874-5F Rome, by Kennet, illustrated. 1708 1412R the Christian Church, by Bingham, 2 vols. 1878 83-4A _ North, by Mallet 1008M Roman, by Adam, with Notes by Boyd, illustrated. 1845 .. 1012M —by Adams. 1825 882F by Wilkins. 1879 l 535^ Antiquity of Man, by Lyell, illustrated. 1863 890F [Geikie's Ice Age] 457 R by Rawlinson [Present Day Tracts] 2 35T Religions of Profane Antiquities, by Duncan 677T See also Adam's Roman Antiquities, 882F. Ainsworth's Assyria, Baby- lonia and Chaldaea, 889F. Bartlett's Palestine, 634K. Beecher's Mexico, 738K. Beeton's Classical Dictionary, 890R. Boutell's Arms and Armour, 366O. Brock's Crosses, 242M. Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1664-5Z. Bullock's Anglo-Saxons, 1018M. Butler's Pompeii, 1022M. Dawkins' Early Man in Britain, 859F. Domenech's Deserts of Ame- [23] ANT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. APO ANTIQUITIES— Works relating to '.—{continued.) rica, 692K. Dugdale's Curiosities of Great Britain, 738-47H. Dyer's Pompeii, 1430R. Evans' Ancient Stone Implements, 214D. Forbes' Rome, 1417R. Holt's English Customs, 1019M. Hone's Year Book, 937F. Housman's Museum, 92R. Inman's Ancient Faiths, Sec, 95-6K. Josephus, 64-5 H. King's Moabite Stone, 1503R. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 400-4JVI. Layard's Nineveh, 556K. Lost Cities brought to Light, 1536Z. Madden's Shrines, &c, 242-3K. Marshall's Cathe- dral Cities, 1356R. Morell's Algeria, 658K. Palliser's Brittany, 1381 and 1382R. Rawlinson's Ancient Egypt, ^280 and 871-2F. RawKnson's Origin of Nations, 365O. Rawlinson's Religions, 448M. Rays from the East, 145K. Rimmer's Ancient Streets, &c, 365K. Rockstro's History of Music, 533H. Smith's History of Joseph, 463M. Smith's History of Moses, 464M. Squier's Nicaragua, 764-5K. Squier's Peru, 762K. Stephen's Central America, &c, 747-8K. Ste- pen's Yucatan, 745-6K. Stones Crying Out, 548M. Tennent's Ceylon, 627-8K. Timbs' Knowledge for the People, 1747Z. Trevor's Egypt, 1013M. Wachsmuth's Greeks, 878-9F. Wilkinson's Ancient Egyp- tians, 866-0F., &c. Antonelli (Cardinal), [Arthur's The Pope, &c] 453"4"F Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius, Emp. of Rome, b. 121, d. 180), Fourth Look of the Meditations of, tr. and ed. by Crossley. 1882... I197H See also Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Niebuhr's Rome, 88H. Contemporary Review, 2020J. Nineteenth Century [in French] 2217J, &c. Antonio (Marco). See Dixon's Royal Windsor, 328H. Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M, &c. Antony (Marc, Roman Triumvir, b. 85, d. 30 B.C.). See Gilman's Rome, 424O. Josephus, 68H. Niebuhr's Rome, 88H. Plutarch's Lives, 450F, &c. ANTS and their Ways, by White, illustrated 100R Bees and Wasps, by Lubbock. 1882 , 101R Great Ant-eater [Lardner's Library] 658R See also Brown s Science for All, 629B. Buckley's Life, &c, 106R. Cooke's Woodlands, 622Q. Half Hours in the Tiny World, 567Q. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Lubbock's Scientific Lectures, 782F. Silver Wings and Golden Scales, 748F. Wood's Insects Abroad, 749F. Natural History, Insects, Ani- mals, Sec. Antwerp. See Allison's Europe, 119-38O. Motley's Dutch Republic, 354-6O. Anvers (N. D'.). See D'Anvers (N.) Anyte. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome,, 474D, &c. Ape, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 670Q. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Animals, Monkeys, Natural History, &c. Apennines [Callow's Rambles] . . 144 3-4R See also Italy, Mountains, &c. Aph.rod.ite. See Keary's Primitive Beliefs, 101K, Sec. Aphrodite and other Poems, by Gulston. 1884 697M Apocalypse, Lectures on the, by Wordsworth. 1849 657A Apollo. See Keary's Primitive Beliefs, 101K, &c. Apollodorus of Gela. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Apollonius of Rhodes. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, Sec. Apologues. See Spencer's Things New and Old, 1095-6R, &c. Apollos [llowson's Companions of St. Paul] 35oM Apophthegms. See Spencer's Things New and Old, 1095-6R, Sec. APOSTLES and Evangelists, Essay on the, by Graves. 1798 89K History of, by Lardner, 3 vols. 1760 372-4M See also Haweis' Paul, 1185M. Milman's Early Christianity, 154-5Q. Twin- ing's Symbols, 507M, and names, e.g., Paul, Peter,. &c. Apostolic Age, Christian Theology in, by Reuss, 2 vols. 1872 450- T A -- — Fathers, Half Hours with the, by Leonard. 1887 1195M Apostolical Epistles, translated by Macknight, 4 vols. 1821 353-6A Translation from the original Greek, by Macknight. 1835 •• 62A Preaching, an Examination of .St. Paul's Epistles, by Sumner l 73^>- Apothecaries. See Beckman's Inventions, 697Q, &c. [24] APP ENGLISH SECTION. ARC Apparitions [Owen's Another World] 43 J M See also Nineteenth Century Review, 2225-6 J. Sully's Illusions, 369R. Un- seen World, 212Q. Delusions, Demonology, Dreams, Folk-lore, Spirit- ualism, Superstitions, Witchcraft, &c. Apples. See Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Robinson's Gardens of Paris, 609B. Fruit, Gardening, &c. Appleton (G. Webb). See Fiction Class List following the general catalogue. Appleton (Dr. 1 ), His Life and Literary Relics, by J. H. Appleton & A. H. Sayce. 1881 131F Appleton (T. G.), Syrian Sunshine. 1877 I494 R Appleton'S American Guide Book. 1846 1573R Handbook of American Travel, by Richards. 1 857 1 572 R Apprenticeship. See Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-7F, &c. Approbation. See Smith's Moral Sentiments, 588H, &c. April. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M. Howitt's Seasons, 572Q, &c. AQUARIUM and Fernery, by Martin & Weston, ill. 1880 130R Common Objects of the Sea Shore, by Wood. 1861 716Z Fresh and Salt Water, by Wood, illustrated. 1868 715Z Popular History of the, by Sowerby, coloured illustrations. 1857 632Q The, or Wonders cf the Deep Sea, by Gosse, illustrated. 1854. 127R See also Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Fishes, &c. Aquatic Plants. See Marine Algae, &c. Aqui. See Keary's Primitive Beliefs, 101K, &c. Aquilla and Priscilla [Howson's Companions of St. Paul] 35°M Aquinas (Thomas). See Thomas Aquinas. ARABIA AND THE ARABS— Works relating to : {See also Algeria, Islam, Mahometans, Morocco, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Saracens, dr-v. ) Arab, The [R.T.S.] 650Z Arabia, Ancient and Modern, by Crichton, 2 yols. 1833 395-6T and the Arabians, Idumsea 65 iZ Central and Eastern [1862-3], by Palgrave, 2 vols. 1865 ... 585 : 6K See also Beke's Discoveries, 597B. Blunt's Tribes of Euphrates, 1518-9R. Buckle's Civilisation, 186-7O. Cameron's Africa, 602-3K. Carne's Letters from the East, 1455-6R. Conder's Modern Traveller, 536Z. Humboldt's Cosmos, 484R. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M. Layard's Nineveh, 556K. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Lynch's U.S. Expedition, 615B. Smith's Jewish Church, 467M. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Stephen's Travels, 563K. Tegg's Marriage Customs, 1480Z. VamWry's Adventures, 1011O, &c. AragO (D. Francois J., French Astronomer, b. 1786, d. 1853), His- tory of My Youth, trans, by Baden-Powell. 1855... 982Q and 1276R See also Humboldt's Cosmos, 483R. Astronomers, &c. Arag-0 (M.), Life of Watt, illustrated. 1839 971Q Aral Sea. See Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828-9K, &c. Araneides. See Spiders. Arara, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 653Q, &c. Ararat. See Blackwood, 135J. Fraser, 670J. Nature, 2677J, &c. Arata Pentelici, Six Lectures on Sculpture, by Ruskin. 1880 847R Aratus (Greek General, b. 271, d. 213 B.C.) [Plutarch's Lives] 450F Aratus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Arbitration. See Amos' Legal Remedies for War, 1006F. Law, &c. Arblay (Mdme. D'.) [Adam's Women of Fashion, &c] 1048O Arc (Jeanne D'), See Joan of Arc. Arcachon. See Health Haunts, S10Q, &c. Arcadia. See Mitford's Greece, 101-8H, &c. ARCHAEOLOGY— Works relating to : {See also Abbeys, Anti- quities, Architecture, Art, and under names of places, e.g., Athens, Egypt, Nineveh, List of Reference Works at end of Catalogue, drY.) Archseologia Biblica, A Manual of Biblical Antiquities,' by Jahn, translated by TJpham. 1836 245A Groeca, or the Antiquities of Greece, by Potter, 2 vols. 1832 874-5F [25] ARC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ARC ARCHAEOLOGY— Works relating to '.—{continued.) Archaeology, Egyptian, by Maspero, illustrated. 1887 900F ■ — Greek, Etruscan, Roman, by Westropp. 1878 534R ■ Greek, a Manual of, "by Colliquon, translated by Wright, illustrated. 1886 '. 1021M of Art, by C. O. Midler. 1852 , 893F Scotland in Early Christian Times, by Anderson, 2 vols. ... 901 -2F Pagan Times, by Anderson 864F See also Burton's Midian, 656K. Chambers' Information, 25-6D. Davis' Carthage, 876F. Delmar's History of Money, 898F, and Precious Metals, 899F. Dawkin's Early Man in Britain, 859F. Dyer's Ancient Athens, 608B. Fairholt's Rambles of an Artist, 890D. Fellows' Asia Minor, 675B. Forbes' Rome, 1417R. Green's Bible Lands, 828B. Guhl's Greeks and Romans, 873F. Howell's Tuscan Cities, 674B. Medhurst's China, 1044F. Nevin's Biblical Antiquities, 108Q. Lubbock's Scientific Lectures, 782F. Rimmer's Stone Crosses, 862F. Smith's Assyrian Discoveries, 888F. Warren's Jerusalem, 887F. Tweedie's Bible Lands, 216Q. Westropp's Rome, 443K, &c. Archangel. See Dixon's Free Russia, 446H, &c. Archer (E. M.). See Fiction'Class List following the General Catalogue. Archery, Book of, with Anecdotes by Hansard, illustrated. 1841 ... 926D [Cassell's Pastimes] 1262H [Home Amusements] 949M ■ [Stonehenge's Rural Sports] ', 681T Young Lady's Book 983M Arches, Court of. See Phillimore's Ecclesiastical Judgments, 498A Archilochus {Inventor of Iambics, d. 676, B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Archias (61, e.c). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. ARCHITECTURE— Works relating to : {See also Archeo- logy, Art, Building, Ecclesiology, List of Reference Works at end of Catalogue, &c. ) Architecture. Acoustics in Relation to, by Smith, illustrated 1110M and Engineering, Mechanical Principles of, by Moseley, ill. 833D Classic and Early Christian, by Smith and Slater, ill. 1882 1081M and Rural Art, by Woodward, illustrated. 1869 1092M [Cunningham's British Architects] 105 1 Q From Schola to Cathedral, a Study of Early Christian Ar- chitecture, by Brown. 1886 195K — — Gothic and Renaissance, by Smith. 1880 1083M Ecclesiastical, by Bloxam. 1845 357T Historical Essay on, by Hope, 2 vols. 1840 56-7D in England, by Dallaway. 1833 215D Marvels of, by Lefevre, translated, and a chapter on English Architecture, by Ronald 1098M Poetry of, Cottage, Villa, &c. , by " Kata Phusin," con- jectured nom de plume of Ruskin. 1880 846R Principles of, Design in, by Garbett. 1850 35iT Secular and Domestic, by Scott. 1857 873D . Seven Lamps of, &c, by Ruskin. 1880 843R The Renaissance of Art in France, by Mrs. Pattison 327D See also Adam's Queen Anne, 1280H. Anderson's Scotland in Pagan Times, 864F. Anver's History of Art/ 1095M. Aynsley's India, 800K. Burn's Ventilation, 1087M. Boileau's Pasteboard Models, 354T. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Chambers' Information, 25-6D. Dempsey's Drainage, 598T. Dobson's Foundations, &c, 344T. Dobson's Masonry, 350T. Downing's Cottage Residences, 191D. Fawkes' Horticultural Buildings, 874D. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 205H. Howell's Tuscan Cities, 220D. Knight's Eng- [26] ARC ENGLISH SECTION; ARl ARCHITECTURE— Works relating to -.—{continued.') land, 147-54H. Maspero's Egyptian Archaeology, 900F. Narjoux North-West of Europe, 484K. Oakey's Building a Home, 942M. Palgrave's Arabia, 585-6K. Rimmer's Stone Crosses, 862 F. Scott's Recollections, 484F. Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Temple's India, 486K. Vasari's Painters, &c, 887-91O. Viollet-Le-Duc's Habitations of Man, 880D. Wheeler's Homes for the People, 941M. Winkle's Cathedral Churches of England and Wales, illustrated, 125D. Wren (Sir C), 585F, &C. ARCTIC REGIONS— Works relating to : (See also Franklin, (Sir J.), Polar Seas, Travels, Voyages, drc.) Arctic Circle, New Lands within the, by Payer, translated, illus- trated, 2 vols. 1876 * , 663-4K [Nare's Polar Seas] 672-3K Expedition, German, by Captain Koldewey, illus. 1874. ... 605B Explorations [1853-5], by Kane, illustrated, 2 vols. 1856.... 826-7K Land Expedition [1833-5], by Back. lS 3 6 660K — — Seas, Yachting in, by Lamont, illustrated. 1876 674K Regions, by Hart wig [Sunbeam Library, vol 1 ]. 1882 347B Voyages and Discoveries in the, edited by Mayne. 1855. 1266R Voyage of ihe Jeanne tte, by Long, illus., 2 vols. 1883.... 676-7B Voyages, Last of the, in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1852-4, illustrated, 2 vols. 1852 661-2K of Nordenskiold [1858-1879] illustrated. 1879 665K See also Brown's Countries of the World, &c. Ardeiimohr, Among the Hills, a Record of Scenery and Sports in the Highlands, by Abbott. 1876 371K Are Miracles Creditable ? by Lias. 1883 644M Argensola (B. L.) and (L. L.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c Argentine Republic, by King. 1846 766K See also Brown's Countries of the World, 162D, &c. Argles (Mrs.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Argos. See Mitford's Greece, 102-6H, &c. Argosy, The, edited by Mrs. Wood, from vol. 1. 1866 ij Containing Serial Tales by Wood, Reade, Edwards, Macdonald, Speight, Darrell, Wightwick, Moberly, Doudney, &c, which will be found in Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Argument. See Hood's Preachers, 54 iM. Logic, &c. Argyle (G. D. Campbell, 8th Duke of, statesman, b. 1823), Reign of Law. 1871 885R Unity of Nature. 1884 792F Scotland as it Was and as it Is, 2 vols, 1887 544-5H Argyle (John, Duke of). See Burton's Scotland, 336-7H, &c. Ariadne Florentina, Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving, by Ruskin. 1880 834R Ariosto (Ludovico, Italian Poet, b. 1474, d. 1533) Orlando Furioso, translated by Hoole, 5 vols. 1 799 , 489-93D Ariphron of Sicyon. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Aristid.es (Greek Statesman, d. 468 B.C.) [Mitford's Greece] 102H See also Plutarch's Lives, 446F and 1132Q, &c. Aristocracy, Trials Connected with the, by Burke. 1849 309-0H Sec also Alison's Europe, 119-45O. Buckle's Civilization, 1S7-SO. Escott's England and Its People, 1018F. May's Democracy, 38-9H. Aristophanes ( The Greatest Comic Greek Poet, b. 450, B. c. ), by Collins [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1877 1096Q Comedies of, translated by Hickie [Bonn's Library], 2 vols. 1853 1150H See also Mitford's Greece, 103-4H. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. [27] ARI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARW ARM AriOStO (L., Italian Poet, b, 1474, d. 1533) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473D Aristotle {Called Prince of Greek Philosophers, #.384, d. 332 B.C.), Metaphysics of, Literally translated from the Greek, with Notes, &c, by M'Mahon [Bohn's Library]. 1879 "53H Nicomachean Ethics of, translated by Browne [Bohn's Library] 1157H Organon, or Logical Treatise of, translated by Owen [Bohn's Library], 2 vols. 1882 1154-5H Politics and Economics of, translated by Walford [Bohn's Library] 1 156H Aristotle's Policies, translated by Welldon 788M Treatise on Rhetoric, also the Poetic of Aristotle, translated by Buckley [Bohn's Library]. 1883 1158II by Grant [Collins' Ancient Classics] 1160Q See also Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Humboldt's Cosmos, 483-5R. Jar- dine's Naturalists' Library, 657Q. Lewes' Pbilosophy, 571-2H. Mit- ford's Greece, 101-7H. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Reid's Intellectual Powers, 580H. Zeller's Greek Philosophy, 538-9M, &c. Arithmetic [Cassell's Popular Educator] 164-9D Elements of, by Gladstains 309R in Theory and Practice, by Brook-Smith. 1887 310R Arithmetical Dictionary, by Young. 1859 737® Puzzles [Cassell's Book of Amusements] 1259H Arithmetic, Practical, by Joyce ^ 311K Arius {Famous Hierarch, b. 270) and Arianism [Milman's Early Christianity] I54-6Q Arizona. See Bourke's Snake Dance, 717K, &c. Ark, The. See Ewald's Israel, 63K. Inman's Faiths, 95-6K. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100M. Smith's Jewish Church, 467M, &c. Noah's. See Noah's Ark. Arlington (Lord, Eiiglish Statesman, and Supporter of Chailcs /., b. 1618, d. 1685). See Dixon's H.M. Tower, 324H. Pepys' Diary, 902O, &c. Armada, Spanish [Froude's England] 203O , See also English History, Battles, Navy, &c. Armaments, British, 1805-1865. See Kinnear's Principles of Reform, 1005F, &c. See also Army, Navy, &c. Armenia. See Milman's Early Christianity, 154-6Q. Blunt's Turkey, 1450-1R. ARMIES OF VARIOUS NATIONS — Works relating to : {See also Battles, Napoleon, Soldiers, Wars, Wellington, Names of Countries, &c.) Armies and Armour of the Ancient Greeks [Mitford's Greece] ... 101-7H British and Indian [Martin's Prince Consort] 92-6F Army, British [Adam's England at War] 198-9H Encamping an Army [Rhode's Tent Life] 930F Expenditure [Peto's Taxation] 1016F the English [Gardiner's History of England] 468-9O French [Alison's Europe] 139-43O Armies. See also Alison's Europe, 119-46O. Camp and Barrack Room, 271O. Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7 B. Escott's England and Its People, 1018F. Gleig's Campaigns, &c, 453T. Gould's Germany, 363O. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. May's Democracy, 38-9H. Pascoe's Professions, 251 R. Temple's India, 486K. Turko-Russian War, 450B. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R. Armaments, Sec. Arminians. See Stevens' Methodism, 507A. Buckle's Civilization, 186-7O, &c. Arminius (J., originator of the Sect of Arminians, b. 1560, d. 1609), Works of, translated by Nichols and Bagnall, 3 vols 418-20A [28] ARM ENGLISH SECTION. ARS Arms and Armour, by Boutell. 1S74 366O [South Kensington Handbooks], v.d. — — Seeaho Cameron's Africa, 602K. Denmark, 1035M. India, 911D. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M. Porter's Knights of Malta, 541H. Scandinavia, 1050M. Spain, 1031M. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Names of Countries, &c. Armstrong (Captain). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Armstrong (J.), M.D., Poetical Works, and Life by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807 396Z Arndt (E. M., German Poet, b. 1769, d. i860). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Arnold (A.), Social Politics. 1878 860H Arnold (C), Index to .Shakespearian Thought ; Passages from the Plays and Poems, alphabetically arranged. 1880 1095H Arnold (E.), Light of Asia [Life of Buddha] 687Ma Indian Poetry. 1881 513D [Stoddart's Late English Poets] 687M See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Arnold (F.), B.A., History of Greece for Schools (R.T.S.) 58O Our Bishops and Deans, 2 vols. 1875 879-0O Victorian Era of the Church. History of Episcopacy in England. Vic- torian Prelates : Wilherforce, Tait, Thomson, Bishops of Winchester, London, and Durham. Literary Bishops. Ritualism. Low Church. Liberal Bishops. Anglican Oratory, &c. Robertson of Brighton, with some notices of his Times and Con- temporaries. 1886 1338O Arnold (H. P.), The Great Exhibition, with Continental Sketches, practical and humorous, 1868 1369R Arnold (J. T. B.), Palms and Temples, being Notes of a Four Months' Voyage upon the Nile. 1882 6ocK -Arnold (M., b. 1822), Dramatic and Later Poems. 1885 653M ■ Early Poems and Sonnets. 1885 651M Irish Essays and others. 1882 886R Lyric and Elegiac Poems. 1885 652M \ Poems. 1854 332Q Ed., The Six Chief Lives from Johnson's Poets and Macaulay's Life of Johnson. 1878 962O Sec also Galton's Urbana Scripta, 315T. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Stoddard's late English Poets, 687M, &c. Arnold (T., Miater of Rugby School, h. 1795, rf. 1842), D.D., Chris- tian Life, its Course, Hindrances, and Helps. Sermons. 1841 203 K History of Rome, 3 vols. 1848 6971H History of the Roman Commonwealth, from the end of the second Punic War to the Death of Julius Caesar, and of the Reign of Augustus, with a Life of Trojan, 2 vols. 1882 72-3H The Christian Life 222M Life and Correspondence of, by Dean Stanley, 2 vols. 1877 ...1016-7Q [Mozley's Essays] 1024H Arnot (W.), Laws from Heaven for Life on Earth. 1883 4K Roots and Fruits of the Christian Life, Illustrations of Faith and Obedience, i860 223M ■ The Parables of Our Lord. 1883 224M Arran (James H., Earl of, Regent of Scotland, 1543, d. 1574). See Burton's Scot- land, 336-7H. Robertson's Scotland 338-9H, &c. Arrian {Greek Historian, b. 105, d. 170). See Mitford's Greece, 107-8H. Arrows in the Air [Notes on Christianity, Morals, War, &c], by Haweis. 1878 972R Arsenic. See Simonm's Mines, 632-3B, &c. [29] ART GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ART ART AND ARTISTS— Works relating to : {See also Archeo- logy, Architecture, Design, Drawing, Etching, Music, Navies of Artists, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Special List of Reference Works at end of Catalogue, &c.) Art, Ancient, and its Remains, by C. O. Miiller, edited by Welcker. 1852 893F and its Application to Industry, by Wyatt. 1870 901D Culture, a Handbook of Technicalities, &c, selected from Ruskin, by Piatt. 1877 828R English, Lecky's Eighteenth Century 172H - First Principles of, by Quilter. 1886 906D Guide to the Eine Arts [For Young Persons], &c. 1841 ... 1114M History of Elementary Art [Architecture, Sculpture, Paint- ing], by N. D'AnVers, illustrated. 1882 1095M Hopes and Fears for, by Morris. 1882 356T [Illustrated Magazine of Art] 376-7B < Imitative, by Howard 1094M in France, Renaissance of, by Mrs. M. Pattison, 2 vols. 1879 327-8D Ornament and Dress, by Blanc. 1877 864D the House, by Loftie. 1878 964M Mountains, The Story of the Passion Play, by Black- burn. 1 880 903D Lecture on [1870] and " The Two Paths " Lectures [1858-9], at Oxford, by Ruskin. 1880 850R at Oxford [1870], by Ruskin. 1870 1091M Legends of the Madonna, as Represented in the Fine Arts, by Mrs. Jameson, illustrated. 1872 944F Marvels of, and Miracles of Nature 1227Z of Painting in Oil and in Fresco, by Merimee. 1839 868D Papers on, Rambles of an Artist, by Fairholt, illustrated 890D Persian, by Smith 1059M Political Economy of, by Ruskin. 1880 831R [Poynter's Italian and Classic Painting] 1080M Science and Invention, Errors in [Timbs' Works] 853Z Short History of, by Turner, illustrated. 1886 907D Studies from Nature, as applied to Design, for the use of Architects, Designers, and Manufacturers, papers by Hulme, Glaisher, Mackie and Hunt, illustrated. 1872... 902D Tour to Northern Capitals of Europe, by Atkinson. 1873.. 867D Treasures Exhibition, by Cassell, illustrated. 1858 669B Artists, British, Lives of, by Cunningham, 6 vols. 1829 245-50Z English Female, by Clayton, 2 vols. 1876 252-3F Famous [Boys' Annual] 1307H Great [Illustrated Biographies of Great Artists] .'. 10961124O Guide and Mechanics' Own Book, by Pilkington. 1841 ... 526R — — Homes, Haunts, and Works of the Old Masters, by Fairholt 449K Women, in all Ages and Countries, by Mrs. Ellet. 1859... 1045O Art and Artists. Sec also Acland's Addresses, 851 H. Adam's Queen Anne, 1280H. Alcock's Art in Japan, 863D. Anderson's Scotland in Pagan Times, 864F. Bell's Expressions, 892R. Birdwood's Industrial Arts of India, illustrated, 1880, 911D. Blackburn's Breton Folk (Caldecott's illustrations), 599B. Buxton's Painting, 1079M- Cellini's Memoirs, 177-8F. Chesneau's English School, 1072M. Chevreul's Colours, 1077M. Clement's Michaelangelo, &c, 488O. CompaynS's Peda- gogy, 296R. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21-8F. Del Mar's [30] ART ENGLISH SECTION. ART ART AND ARTISTS— Works relating to:— {continued.) Precious Metals, 899F ; Money, 898F. Didron's Christian Icono- graphy, 1108-9M. Eastlake's Great Painters, 650-1O. Ellis' Sketch- ing from Nature 1067M. Facts and Hints for Every-day Life, 942R. Fairholt's Homes and Works of English Artists, 362K. Field's. Chromatography, 862D. Frith's Reminiscences, 61 .IF. Horner's Walks in Florence, 1423-4R. Howell's Tuscan Cities, 674B. Lanzi's History of Painting, 1063-5M. Leslie's Handbook for Young Painters, 1078M. Morgan's Salvator Rosa, 476-7F. Nie- buhr's Rome, 88H. Oman's Art of War, 1110M. Opie and his Works, 597F. Pressens^'s Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M. Redford's Sculpture, 1082M. Reed's Japan, 335-6K. Rees' Home Decoration, 943M. Rood's Chromatics, 365 R. Roth's Complete Index to the Living Age. Ruskin's Works. SchefFer (A.) Life of, 482F. Snell's Enamel Painting, 905D. South Kensington Museum Art Handbooks, 1051-62M. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R. Titian, 531-2F. Twining's Symbols, 507M. Tytler's Old Masters, 1122R. Vasari's Painters, &c, 887-91O. Viardot's Sculpture, 865D. Vinci's Treatise on Painting, 1075M. West (B.), 564F. Wornum's Epochs of Painting, 1485Z and 1732Z. Year Book of Facts, &c. Art at Home Series, illustrated : A Plea for Art in the Home, by Loftie. 1878 964M Amateur Theatricals, by Pollock. 1879 967M Bedroom and Boudoir, by Lady Barker. 1878 963M Dining Room, by Loftie. 1878 965M Drawing Room, by Orrinsmith. 1878 968M Dress, by Oliphant. 1 878 970M House Decoration, by Garrett. 1879 966M Music in the House, by Hullah. 1877 969M Needlework, by Glaister. 1880 962M Sketching from Nature, by Ellis. 1883 1067M Art of Beauty, by Mrs. Havveis. 1878 972R ART, INDUSTRIAL, AND MANUFACTURES— Works relating to : {See also tinder special subjects, e.g., Glass, Leather, Textiles, &c.) Arts, Graphic, by Hamerton. 1882 1076M and Manufactures of the British Nation [R.T.S.] 1504Z Manufacturing, in Ancient Times, by Napier. 1879 1096M ■ [Ure's Dictionary] 6-9D and Manufactures. See also Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M. Knight's England, 151-3H. Mehagen's Universal History, 13-5H. Mitford's Greece, 101-2H. Timb's Knowledge for The People, 1747Z. South Kensington Science and Art Handbooks, &c. Artaxerxes (/. II. HI, Kings of Persia, 465 to 338 B.C.). See Mitford's Greece, 102-7H. Plutarch's Lives, 450F and 1136Q, &c. Artesian Wells. See Timbs' Inventions, 258R &c. Arteveld (J. and P., Flemish Patriots, 1336-1382), Two Episodes in the History of the Fourteenth Century, by Hutton. 1882 ... 1012O Arthur (King, Mythical Hereof Romance, Sixth Century), History of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, com- piled by Mallory, edited by Wright, 3 vols. 1866 II41-3R See also MetricakRomances, 1010M. Tennyson's Idylls of the King, 488D, &c. Arthur (T. S.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Arthur (William), On the Difference between Physical and Moral Law [Fernley Lecture for 1883] 823D The Pope, the Kings and the People, The History of a Move- ment to make the Pope Governor of the World, 2 vols. 1877 453-4F [30 ART GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ASP Arthur (W.), A.M., The Successful Merchant, Sketches of the Life of Mr. Samuel Budget, late of Kingswood Hill. 1877 2 37^ Articles of the Church of England. 1853 iZ See also The Thirty-nine Articles, &c. Artificial Limbs. See Wynter's Human Hive, 244R, &c. Artisan, Mechanic, and Engineeer's Handbook, by Byrne. 1 863 ... 839D The [Escott's England and Its People] 1017F Artizans, Ancient [Knight's Pictorial Bible] 100-3M Arundel (T. G.), Ed. and Trans., Caroline of Linsingen and William the Fourth [Unpublished Love-letters]. 1880 1026O Arundel (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury) [Stubb's History] 211-12O Aryan Races. See Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Inman's Faith, 96Ka. Prcs- sense's Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M, &c. Ascension Day. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M, &c. Ascetics. See Lecky's Morals, 384-5M, &c. Ascham (R., Percept or to Elizabeth, b. 1515, d. 1568). See Dixon's Royal Wind- sor, 327H, &c. Asclepiades (of Samos, Preceptor of Theocritus, 280 B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. AsgOOd(F. S.), Ed. Poetry of Flowers and Flowers of Poetry, ill. 1841. 731M Ash Wednesday. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M, &c. Ashanti, Kingdom of, by Freeman. 1843 I 555^- and Ashantees. See Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B, &c. Ashton (J.), Adventures and Discoveries of Capt. J. Smith. 1883 ... 1622R English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I., illustrated. 1884 107-8F Romances of Chivalry, told and illustrated in facsimile. 1887 .. 1271II Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne, illustrated, 2 vols. 1882 67-8F The Dawn of the Nineteenth Century in England, illustrated, 2 vols. 1886 861-2II Ashwell (A. R.), M.A., and Wilberforce (R. G.), Life of Bishop Wilberforce, D.D., 3vols. 1880 576-8F ASIA— Works relating to : {See also Afghanistan, Arabia, Ararat, Arctic Regions, Armenia, Assassins, Assyria, Bok- hara, British Empire, Burmah, Cashmere, Caspian Sea, Ceylon, Chaldea, China, Corea, East {The), India, Japan, Khiva, Kurdistan, Malay Archipelago, Mesopotamia, Mon- golia, Nepaul, Palestine, Palmyra, Persia, Philippine Islands, Red Sea, Siam, Syria, Tartars, Thibet, Tonquin, Turkestan). Asia, Christian Researches in, by Buchanan. 1819 244M [Martin's British Colonies] 472B [Rawlinson's Origin of Nations] 365O ■ Ancient [Mitford's Greece] IOI-8H Central, Travels in Teheran, Bokhara, &c. [1863] by Vam- bcry, illustrated. 1864 79iK with a Map and Appendix on the Russo-Afghan Frontier, by Lansdell. 1887 830K Central [Atkinson's Siberia, &c. ] 598B — [Burnaby's Ride to Khiva] 792K • Minor, A Journal of an Excursion in 1838, by Fellows. 1839 675B On Horseback Through, by Burnaby, 2 vols. 1S77 502-3K [Green's Bible Lands]. ', 328B Russian Central, by Lansdell, 2 vols. 1885 828-9K Asparagus. See Robinson's Gardens of Paris, 609B. Gardening, Horticul- ture, &c. Aspasia ( Talented Greek Lady Friend of Pericles and Socrates). See Mitford's Greece, 102H, &c. [32 ASS ENGLISH SECTION. AST Ass, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 663Q. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Natural History, &c. Assassins. See Secret Societies, 1247Z, &c. Assembly. See Church. ASSYRIA— Works relating to : (See also Antiquities, Explora- tions > History, Travels, &c.) Assyria and Mesopotamia, by Fraser. 1 842 39oT Babylonia and Chaldoea, Researches in, by W. Ains worth... 889F (Continued from Chaldoea), by Ragozin [Story of the Nations] 432O Her Manners and Customs, Arts and Arms, by Gosse. 1852 368O Its Princes, Priests, and People, by Sayce [R.T.S.l. 1885. 253M Assyrian Antiquities, Inscriptions, &c. [Nichol's Brit. Mus,] ... S63F Discoveries, 1873-4, by Smith, illustrated. 1875 888F ■ Life and History, by Harkness [R.T.S.] 250M Assyrians [Sayce's Origin of Religion] 644A The [Inman's Ancient Faiths] 95K See also Layard's Nineveh, 556K. Rawlinson's Ancient Religions, 448M, Rawlinson's Origin of Nations, 365O, Sec. Astarte (Phoenician Goddess or Idol). See Ewald's Israel, 64K, &c. Astor (Wm, Waldorf). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains, by Irving. 1850 777R Astrology. See All Year Round, 1817J. Grant's Mysteries, 894F. Unseen World, 212Q. ASTRONOMY AND ASTRONOMERS— Works relating to : (See also under Moon, Sun, Stars, &-Y., also under names of Astronomers, e.g., Airy, Guillemin, Herschel, Proctor, Newton, &c.) Astronomers, by Morton [Heroes of Science]. 1882 703O See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21-8F, &c. Astronomy and Christian Revelation, by Chalmers. 1855 259M General Physics in Connection with Natural Theology, by YVhewell. 1833 • • • • • 728Q Horology, by Carpenter. 1854 461 R Revelation, by Chalmers. 1834 467A by Christie [S.P.C.K. Science Manuals]. 1875 ■ 75oZ Lockyer [Science Primers]. 1S79 756Z Rambosson. 1878 430R [Dent's Testimony of the Stars] 553R Descriptive, by Chambers, illustrated. 1867 692 D Lectures, by Moseley. 1854... 8o2Z Marvels of the Heavens, by Flammarion, illustrated. 1872. 544R My Telescope, by a Quekett Club-man. 1888 1790Z Myths and Marvels of, by Proctor. 1880 694D Outlines of, by Herschel. 1849 696D Planetary and Stellar Studies, by Gore. 1888 552R Physical, History of, by Grant. 1852 821D Popular, by Newcomb, illustrated. 1878 693D Lectures at Ipswich, by Airy. 1877 803Z Saturn and Its System, by Proctor, illustrated. 1865 7C5D The Heavenly Bodies, by Miller. 1883 55*R The Heavens, by Guillemin. 1866 157D Treatise on, by Herschell. 1835 673T 2 [33] AST GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ATK ASTRONOMY AND ASTRONOMERS— Works relating to:— {continued. ) Astronomy, Universe of Stars, by Proctor. 1878 704D Set also Brewster's Martyrs of Science, 827O. Brown's Science for All, 626-9B. Buckle's Civilization, 186-8O. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Chambers' Information, 25-6D. Dick's Celestial Scenery, 420R. Dunkin's Midnight Sky, 204D. Forbe's Transit of Venus, 148R. Giberne's Sun, Moon and Stars, 427R. Holden's Life of Herschel, 708O. Humboldt's Cosmos, 484R and 485R. Joyce's Dialogues, 695Q. Keith's Globes, 723Q. Ledger's Sun, Planets, &C, 425R. Mehegan's Universal History, 13-5H. Mitchell's Orbs of Heaven, 419R. Noble's Hours With a Telescope, 422R. Parke's Unfinished Worlds, 546R. Nichol's Planetary System, 701 D. Plurality of Worlds, 769D. Proctor's Borderland, 446R ; Expanse of Heaven, 445R ; Infinities, &c, 444R ; Moon, &c, 438R ; Orbs Around us, 439R ; Other Worlds, 440R ; Time and Space, 448R ; Seasons Pictured, 338B ; Star Lessons, 450R ; Sun, 437R. Routledge's Science, 515R. Rudolph's Wonders, 540R. Schoedler's Book of Nature, 713F. Siemen's Conservation of Solar Energy, 718D. Somerville's Mechanism of the Heavens, 825Z. Timb's Work's, 852Z. Todhunter's Mathematical Theories, 699-0D. Ward's Telescope ;> 421R. Webb's Celestial Objects, 640Q. Whe- well's Inductive Sciences, 767D. Young's Sun, 458R, &c. At Home and Abroad, a Sketch Book of Life, Scenery, and Men, by Taylor. 1869 ' 859R in Fiji, by Cumming, illustrated. 1882 770K Last, a Christmas in the West Indies, by Kingsley. 1887 1714R Athanasius (St., b. 296, d. 373) [Milman's Early Christianity] 155-6Q Atheism, Modern, its Position and Promise, by Jenkins. 1877 823D Political, by Beecher 230M See also Beckett's Laws of Nature, 694Q. Campbell's Church of the Future, 221M. Ward law's Theology, 256A, &c. Athenagoras {Greek Philosopher converted to Christianity, lived second century). See Donaldson's Christian Literature, 48 K, &c. Athene, or Minerva {Greek Goddess of Wisdom). See Keary's Primitive Beliefs, 101K, &c. ATHENS— Works relating to: (See also under Greece, His- tory, Literature, Philosophy, Poetry, izrc.) Athenian Empire, by Cox. 1888 1813Z Athenians, The [Josephus] 68H Athens, Ancient, by Dyce, illustrated. 1873 608 B and the Peloponnese, by Hermann Hettner. 1854 1295R Antiquities of, by Stuart. 1841 1537Z St. Paul at, by Alexander. 1865 161Q See also Bellow's Europe, 1399R. Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1664Z. Edward's Holiday Letters, 1472R. Freeman's Historical Essays, 418H. Green's Bible Lands, 328B. Madden's Shrines, &c, 342K. May's Democracy, 38H. Mitford's Greece, 101-8H, &c. Athletic Sports [Boy's own Book] 1527Z Athletics, and Football, by Shearman [Badminton library], ill. 1887. 1259R or Physical Exercise, by Warre and others. 1884 987M — ! — See also Sports, Pastimes, &c, also under subjects, e.g., Boating, Cricket, Football, Swimming, &c. Atkinson (C. ), Sermons on the most Interesting and Important Subjects 204K Atkinson (E.), Ph.D., Ed. Natural Philosophy, translated from Ganot's Cours Elementaire de Physique, illustrated. 1878.... 464R T?-ans., Scientific Subjects, by Helmholtz 781D Atkinson (J. C), British Birds, Eggs, and Nests, popularly de- scribed, coloured illustrations. 1867 616Q [34] A r M ENGLISH SECTION. AUO Atkinson (J. B.), Our Art Tour to Northern Capitals of Europe... 867D Atkinson (T. W.), Oriental and Western Siberia, a Narrative of Seven Years' Adventures, illustrated. 1858 59§B Travels in the Regions of the Upper and Lower Amoor and the Russian Acquisitions on the Confines of India and China, ill. 61 iB Atlantic and Pacific Railway [Smiles 9 Boy's Voyage] 834Q Ocean. [Brown's Science for All] 627Ba - Telegraph, by Field. 1866 531R [Maury's Geography] 690Q See also Ocean, Sea, &c. Atlantis : The Antediluvian World, by Donnelly, illustrated. 1S82 1017M Atmosphere [Humboldt's Cosmos] 483R See also Maury's Physical Geography, 690Q and 757H. Rectus' Phenomena, 806F. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Hartwig's Aerial World, 783D, &c. Atmospheric Electricity [Lardner's Lectures] 757D Atomic Theory, by Wurtz. 1888 '. 366R Atoms. See Este's Recreations in Science, 496R. Herschel's Familiar Lectures, 689Q. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Clifford's Essays, 886H. Somerville's Molecular Science, 109-10R. Microscope, &c. Atonement, Christian, by Gilbert. 1852 107M Doctrine of the, Historically and Scripturally Examined, by Stoughton [Present Day Tracts] [R.T.S.] 241T Practical View of the, by Winslow. 1842 87Z See also Bible Witness, 396A. Letters and Essays, 1013H. Wardlaw's Theology, 257A, &c. Atterbom (P. D. A.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. AtterDury (F.), D.D., Memoirs and Correspondence of, by Williams, 2 vols in 1. 1869 132F [Cattermole's Literature of the Church] 549 A Attfield {].), Ph.D., Water and Water Supplies, and Unfermented Be- verages [International Health Exhibition]. 1 884 992M Attic Philosopher in Paris, by Souvestre 1280R Attica. See Mitford's Greece, 101-2H. Athens, &c. Attila (King of the Huns, d. 453). See Gibbon's Roman Empire, 79H, &c. Attitude and Gesture. See Allison's Taste, 629H, &c. Attorneys. See James' Curiosities of Law, 1075F. Lawyers, &e. Auber (D.P'.E., French musical composer, b. 1782). See Engel's Reminiscences, 1348O. Naumann's Music, 929D. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O, &c. Aubrey (F.)> Lives and Letters of Eminent Men in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, 3 vols. 1813 I 33"5E Auckland (Lord, English diplomatist, b. 1750, d. 1814). See Alison's Europe, 142-5O. Cassell's India, 229D. Chequered Career, 773K. Hay's Brighter Britain, 774-5K. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K, &c. Auctions, Mock. See Wynter's Social Bees, nsgR, &c. Audley (Lord Chancellor). See Campbell's Chancellors, 775O, &c. Audubon (J. J., American Ornithologist, b. 1782, d. 1 851), F.R.SS.L. and E., Ornithological Biography, or an Ac- count of the Birds of America. 1831 210D Auerbach (B., German Author, b. 1812), The Villa on the Rhine, a German Story, and a Biographical Sketch by Taylor, 2 vols 888-9R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Auersperg (A. A. von, German poet). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Atlgereau(Gen., Marshal 0/ France, b. 1737, d. 1816). See Alison's Europe, ii 9 - 3 80,&c. Aughey (J. H.), The Iron Furnace, or Slavery and Secession. 1863 255 R August. See Howitt's Seasons, 572Q, Sx. Augusta County, Virginia, by Peyron. 1882 344D Augusta Treverorum. See Freeman's Historical Essays, 418H, fcc' Augusta {Empress of Germany) [Vasili's Berlin Society] 1222R [35] AUG GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. AUS AugUSti (F. A, Protestant Theologian, b. 1696, d. 1782) [Japp's Labour, &c] 9S l Q Aug'UStine (Sister, Superior of the Sisters of Charity at the St. fo- hannis Hospital at Bonn), Memorials of Amalie Von Lasaulx, translated from the German. 1 880 1 368O Augustine (St., Bishop of Hippo, b. 364, d. 430), Works of, a New Translation, edited by Marcus Dods, M.A. v.D. Vols. 1 and 2.— The City of God, translated byDods. 1878 342-3 A Vol. 3. — Writings in connection with the Donatist Controversy, translated by King. 1872 344A Vol. 4. — Anti-Pelagian Works of St. Augustine, vol. 1, translated by Holmes. 1872 357A Vol. 5. — Writings in connection with the Manicheean Heresy, translated by Stothert. 1872 346A Vol. 6. — The Letters of St. Augustine, vol. 1, translated by Cunningham. 1872 340A Vol. 7.— On the Trinity, translated by Haddan. 1873 347 A Vol. 8. — The Sermon on the Mount Expounded, and the Harmony of the Evangelists translated, by Findlay & Salmond. 1873 345A Vol. 9. — On Christian Doctrine and Catechising, &c., translated by Shaw and Salmond. 1873 348A Vols. 10 and 11..— Lectures on St. John, translated by Gibb & Innes, 2 vols. 335-6A Vol. 12. — Anti-Pelagian Works of St. Augustine, vol. 2, translated by Holmes. 1874 ; 338 A Vol. 13. — Letters of St. Augustine, vol. 2, translated by Cunningham. 1875 34 I A Vol. 14. — Confessions of St. Augustine, vol. 3, translated by Pilkington . . 334A Vol. 15. — Anti-Pelagian Works of St. Augustine, vol. 3, translated by Holmes & Walace. 1876 339^ Augustine (St.), by Cutts 989Q See also Merivale's Church History, 410M. Milman's Early Christianity, 154-6Q, &c. Augustus (Caesar, Roman Emperor, b. 63 B.C., d. a.d. 14). See Arnold's Roman Commonwealth, 73H. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 74H, &c. Auk, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 647Q, &c. Auldjo (J.), F.R.S., Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc in August, 1827 [Travellers' Library]. 1856 : 1260R Aurelius (Marcus). See Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius). Axirora Borealis. See Este's Recreations in Science, 496R. Payer's Arctic Circle, 663-4K. Proctor's Flowers of the Sky, 641Q. Humboldt's Cosmos, 483R and 487R. Reclus' Phenomena, 806F. Long's Voyage of the Jeanctte, 676-7B. Meteorology, &c. Aurora Leigh, a Poem, by E. B. Browning 672M and 279Q Austen (Jane, b. 1775, d. 1817), and Her Works, by Tytler 489O • Letters of, edited with notes, by Lord Brabourne, 2 vols. 1884 136-7F Memoir of, by Leigh 105X [Miss Thackeray's Book of Sibyls] 502F See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Austerlitz, Battle of. See Alison's Europe, 127O, &c. Austin (G. L.), History of Massachusetts, from the Landing of the Pilgrims to the Present Time, plates and portraits. 1876 ... 511H AUSTRALIA— Works relating to : {See also British Empire, Colonies, New Zealand, Queensland, Victoria, also Travels, Voyages, <&V.) Australia and New Zealand, by Trollope,'2 vols. 1873 777-8K Bush Life in, by Haygarth. 1850 819Q Colonies, by Sidney, illustrated. 1852 783K Davidson's Travels 1 652R Explorations in, by Forrest, illustrated. 1875 779^ [Froude's Oceana] 804K [36] AUS ENGLISH SECTION. AUV AUSTRALIA— Works relating to -.—(continued. ) Australia, Its Rise, Progress, &c, by Westgarth. 1861 1651R Journals of Expeditions to North -West and Western Aus- tralia [1837-9], by Grey, 2 vols. 1841 780-1K Our Australian Cousins, by Inglis. 1880 776K South, Statistical Sketch of [1879], by Boothby. 1879 76oH Tropical, Enterprise in, by Earl. 1846 841D Visit to, and its Gold Regions. 1856 422T What we Saw in, by Hill. 1875 1653R Australian Colonies, a Visit to the, by Backhouse, illustrated.. 784K their Origin and Present Condition, by Hughes. 1272R and 42 iT Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Willoughby. 1886 332B See also Beauvoir's Voyage, 1301R. Brown's Countries of the World, 163D. Brown's Races of Mankind, 155D. Chequered Career, 773K. Coote's Wanderings, 810K. Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 786K. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Martin's British Colonies, 472B, &c. AUSTRIA, Low Countries, &c, Travels, by Muirhead. 1803 391K Russia, and Turkey, Travels in, by Elliott, 2 vols. 1838 421-2K [Memoirs of Prince Metternich. 1773-1829] 113-6E [Williams' Alps, Switzerland, &c.]... 590B See also Alison's Europe, 119-46O. Boner's Transylvania, 423K. Martin's Prince Consort, 92-6F. Vienna, &c. Austria (Don John of) [Motley's Dutch Republic] 354-60 Authority. See also Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R, &c. AUTHORS. — American Selections, by Morris, 4 vols II91-4R and Books, Anecdotes of. 1836 ' 1127Z at Work, by Pebody 883O Calamities and Quarrels of, by Disraeli. 1881 680R Famous French, by Gautierand Mirecourt, &c, illustrated. 1879 2 54E Half Hours with the Best Authors, edited by Knight, 2 vols. 1850 971-2H Letters to Dead Authors, by Lang. 1886 1181R Mind, The Book of Title Pages, edited by Tupper 1 127H and 866R Signatures [Facsimile] [Morley's Literature] 1223Z Yesterdays with, by Field. 1881 I052O See also Adam's Queen Anne, 1281H. Andrews' Great Writers, 884O. Clarke's Recollections, 939O. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21-8F. Cory's Ancient Fragments, 977H. Davison's Thousand Thoughts, 1113R. Fitzgerald's LiteraryMan, 946-7R. Stephen's Hours in a Li bra: y, 1102-4R. Voice of Wisdom, 1179R. Bibliography, Litera- ture, Novelists, Poets, Composers, &c. Authorship, Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch by the Dean of Canterbury [Present Day Tracts] 236T Autobiographic Sketches [1790- 1803], by De Quincy 490O and 659R Autobiography of an Independent Minister. 1882 495O of a French Protestant 491O Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, by Holmes. 1875 1610Z 1881 135T Autographs [Dyce and Forster Collection] 1036M v [Houseman's Museum] 92R See also Signatures, &c. Automata [Brewster's Natural Magic] 1476 and 1477Z Autumn Holidays of a County Parson, by Boyd. 1869 823R [Seasons of the Year] 569Q Autumnal Leaves, by Heath, illustrated. 1881 83R Auvergne and the Cevennes. See Green's French Pictures, 334B. Lyell's Geology 726-7Q, &c. [37] AVA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BAG Avalanches. See Wittich's Physical Geography, 688Q, &c. Aveling (T. W.), Naaman ; or Life's Shadows and Sunshine. 1853 225M Avila (S. T. de). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Axel, a Poem by Tegnier, translated by Dobree. 1866 685M Axes. See Anderson's Scotland in Pagan Times, 896F, &c. Aynsley (Mrs. J. C. M.), Our Tour in Southern India. 1883 800K Visit to Hindostan, Cashmir and Ladakh. 1S79 807K Ayrshire, The Land of Burns [Land We Live in] 465B Aytoun (W. E.), Life and Times of Richard the First, surnamed Cceur-de-Lion [Earn. Lib.]. 1840 1069Q See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Stoddard's late English Poets, 687M, &c, and Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Azara(Don F. D.). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 662Q, &c. Azores, A Summer in the, with a Glimpse of Madeira, by Baker. 1882 1776Z The [Brassey's Voyages] 798K Aztecs, Antiquities, &c. [Beecher's Mexico] 738K See also Bourke's Snake Dance, 717K. Nadaillac's Pre-Historic America, 899F, &c. B (Lt. -Col.), The Whist Player. 1856 1186R Baal. See Smith's Prophets, 466M. Biblical History. Idols. Religions, &c. Babbage (C, Mathematician, b. 1792, d. 187 1), Ninth Bridgewater 'Treatise. 1838 468A [Design. Creation. Miracles. Future Punishment, &c]. On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. 1832 5 J 5T .Babbler, The. Sec Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 654Q, &c. BabC0ck(E. W.), Household Hints. 1881 946M BABYLON and the Banks of the Euphrates [R.T. S.] 648Z Babylonia, Persia, and Susiana, Early Adventures in, by Layard, ill., 2 vols. 1887 1726-7R Sec also Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1664Z. Green's Bible Lands, 328B. Kitto's Scripture Lands, 368M. Rawlinson's Ancient Religions, 448M. Raw- linson's Origin of Nations, 365O. Sayce's Origin of Religion, 644A. Timbs' Works, 853Z, &c. Bacchante. Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante [1879-1882], from the Note Book of Prince Albert Victor and Prince George of Wales, ill., 2 vols 786-7K Bacchus. See Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95-6K, &c. Bacchylid.es. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Bacellar (A. B.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Bach (A. B.), Principles of Singing. A Practical Guide for Vocalists and Teachers, with Vocal Exercises. 1885 1112M Bach (L. S., German Musical Composer, b. 1685, d. 1750), by Poole [Great Musicians]. 1882 , 1222O [Rockstro's History of Music] 533H See also Naumann's Music, 929D. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O, &c. Back (Capt.), R.N., Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the Mouth of the Great Fish River, in the Years 1833 to 1835. 1836 660K Backhouse (J.), A Visit to the Australian Colonies, illustrated. 1843 784K > Mauritius and South Africa. 1844 > 630K Backwood's Preacher, being the Autobiography of Peter Cartwright 563O Bacon. See Food, &c. Bacon (Francis, Lord, Celebrated Philosopher, b. 1561, d. 1626), [British Essayists] 5 oT by Campbell [From " Lord Chancellors "]. 1853 184Z [38] BAG ENGLISH SECTION. BAK Bacon (Francis, Lord), by Church [English Men of Letters]. 1884... 1055O - — Nicol [Knight's Philosophical Classics]. 1888 10S1Q Essays [Harper's Fam. Lib.]. 1855 II17Z Essays, or Counsels Civil and Moral, with the Wisdom of the Ancients, revised with Notes by Singer. 1856 67 iT His Writings and Philosophy, by Craik, 3 vols in 2. 1846 1522-3Z Moral and Historical Works, edited by Devey [Bonn's Library] 107O Personal History of, by Dixon. 1861 138F See also Aikin's Queen Elizabeth, 122F. Campbell's Chancellors, 774-8O. Campbell's Chief Justices, 787-O. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 23F. Dixon's H.M. Tower, 323H. Froude's England, 197-201O. Gardiner's History of England, 460-4O. Lewes' Philosophy, 572H. Routledge's Science, 515R, &c Bacon (Leonard), Ed. Select Practical Writings of Richard Baxter, 2 vols. 1831 190-1A Bad. Books. See Anspach's Thieves of Homes, 279R, &c. BadagOS. See Alison's Europe, 119-38O, &c. BadCOCk(T)., F.R.M.S., Vignettes from Invisible Life, ill. 1883... 167R Baden-Powell (B. HA See Powell (B. H. Baden). Badger, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660Q, &c. Badliam(C), Trans. Juvenal [Fam. Class Lib.]. 1831 1126Q Badham (D.), Insect Life. 1845 573Q Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes, edited by the Duke of Beaufort, V.D., Athletics and Football, by Shearman, &c. 1887 1259R Bagatelle. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H, &c. Bagdad. See Layard's Persia, 1726-7R. Persia, &c. Bage (R.) [Scott's Novelists] 1014Z Bagehot (W.), M.A., Biographical Studies, edited by Hutton. 1881 145F Economic Studies, edited by Hutton. 1880 1003F Literary Studies, with a memoir by Hutton, 2 vols. 1879 863-4H Baggesen (J.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473 D, &c. Bagnall (J. E.), A.L.S., Handbook of Mosses, with an Account of their Structure, Classification, &c. [Young Collector], ill. 1886 138R Bahamas, The. See Brassey's Voyages, 798K, &c. Bahia City. See Fletcher's Brazil, 751 K, &c. Baif (J. A. De). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, Sec. Bailey (J. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Bailey (N.), Tr. Colloquies of Erasmus, ed. by Johnson, 2 vols.... 5-6K Bailey (P. J.), Festus, a Poem. 1864 772M See also Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Bailey (S.), Questions in Political Economy, Politics, Morals, Meta- physics, Polite Literature, &c. 1823 220R Baillie(J.). See Dana's Household Book of "Poetry, 476D. Inchbald's British Theatre. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Bain (A.), LL.D., Education as a Science [International Scientific Series]. 1886 , 364R John Stuart Mill, a Criticism, with Personal Recollections. 1882 840O Baines (E.), History of the Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain ... 881D Visit to the Vaudois of Piedmont. 1855 764Q and 1266R Baird (H. M.), History of the Rise of the Huguenots, 2 vols. 1880. Vol. 1. — From the beginning of the French Reformation to the Edict of January [1562] 201M Vol. 2. — From the Edict of January [1562], to the death of Charles IX. . . .'. 202M The Huguenots and Henry of Navarre, 2 vols. 1886 414-5H Baird (Sir D.). See Alison's Europe, 119-38O, &C. Baits. See Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Angling, Fishing, &c. Baker (C. A.), A Summer in the Azores, with a Glimpse of Madeira. 1882 1776Z Baker (H. B.), French Society, from the Fronde to the Great Revo- lution, 2 vols. 1874 332-3O [39] BAK GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BAL Baker (James). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Baker (Sir S. W.), F.R.G.S., Cyprus, as I saw it in 1879. 1879 ... 460K Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, and the Sword Hunters of the Hamran Arabs. 1868 601K The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile, &c, illustrated, 2 vols. 1866 614-5K Baker (T.), C.E., Principles and Practice of Statics and Dynamics [Weale Series], illustrated. 1851 711Q Rudimentary Treatise on Mensuration, comprehending the Ele- ments of Modern Engineering [Weale Series]. 1859 7°8Q Balaam. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Balbo (Count C), Life and Times of Dante Alighieri, 2 vols. 1852 599O Balboa (Vasco Nunez De). See Columbus and his Companions, 806Z, &c. Baldwin (J. L.), Laws of Short Whist. 1864 1745Z Bale (J.), D.D., Select Works of. 1849 224A Balfe (M. W., English singer mid composers b. 1808), Memoir of, by Renney. 1875 584D See also Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O, &c. Balfour (F. M.), M.A., and Foster (M.), M.D., Elements of Em- bryology, edited by Sedgwick and Heape. 18S3 828M Balgarnie (R.), Sir Titus Salt. 1877 953O Ball Games. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Sports, &c. BALLADS, &C. : {See also Poetry, Songs, Music, &V.) Ballad Book, Selection of the Choicest British Ballads, edited by Allingham. 1872 355Q Minstrelsy of Scotland, Romantic and Historical. 1871 742M Ballads, Ancient and Modern, Historical, Traditional and Romantic, 2 vols : Ancient Ballads : Chevy Chase, Robin Hood, Blind Beggar's Daughter of Bethnal Green, Children in the Wood, Child of Elle, Fair Rosamond, Patient Grissell, &c 767M Modern Ballads: Hardyknute, Hermit of Warkworth, John Gilpin, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Diver, The Wild Huntsman, &c. 768M — — — Spanish Naval, by Lockhart. 1854 322Q and Metrical Tales, from Percy, Ritson, Evans, Jamieson, Scott, &c 334Q other Poems, by Tennyson. 1880 752M Poems, by Swinburne. 1878 747M Songs of Brittany, by Taylor. 1865 453D the Peasantry of England, edited by Bell. 1877 . . . 686M Sonnets, by Rossetti. 1881 7^8M English and Scottish, edited by Child, 8 vols 384-91 Q for the Times, &c, by Tupper. 1851 867R ■ of Ireland, collected and edited with Notes, by Hayes, illus- trated, 2 vols 769-70M Life, Love, and Plumour, by Buchanan. 1882 ., 674M Scottish and English 354Q See also Carleton's Farm Ballads, 504D. Jones' Credulities, 902M. Roger's Scotland, 949-51 F. Scottish Minstrelsy, 449-51D, &c. Ballantine (Mr. Sergeant), Some Experiences of a Barrister's Life. 492O Ballantyne (R. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Ballarat. See Willoughby's Australian Pictures, 332B, &c. Balloon Ascents, Wonderful, by Marion. 1870.: 1138R Ballooning. See All Year Round, 17^7, 1778, 1781, 1784, and 1804J. Cham- bers' Edinburgh Journal, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1940, 1942, 1947, 1948, 1950, and IQ55J- Littell's Living Age, 3046, 3052, 3061, 3075, 3156, and 3178J. Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Pettigrew's Aeronautics, 354R, Time, 1496J, &c. [40] BAL ENGLISH SECTION. BAN Ballot, The. See Grote's Minor Works, 956H. Harris' Radicals, 1106F, &c. Balls. See Habits of Good Society, 1408Z. Holt's Fancy Dresses, 961M, &c. Balmerino (Lord), Doran's Jacobite Times , 319H Balsamo (Joseph, commonly called Cagliostro, Italian magician, b. 1743, d. 1795) [Russell's Eccentric Personages] 130SO Baltic, The, Letters from the Shores of the Baltic, by Elizabeth Rigby 807 Q and 1291R Baltimore. See Campbell's White and Black, 494H, &c. Balzac (H. De, French Novelist, b. 1799, d. 1850), Correspondence of, and Memoir by his Sister, Madame De Surville, translated by C. Lamb Renney, 2 vols, 1878 211-2F Sec also Gautier's French Authors, 254F. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1102R. Zimmern's Novelists, 6880, &c, and Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Balzaili (Vigo), Italy [Early Chronicles, R. T. S. ] 1 50O Bampton Lectures. The Limits of Religious Thought Examined, eight Lectures preached in 1858, by Mansel. 1870 400M See also Farrar, Bishop of Exeter, &c. Bancroft (G., American Historian, b. 1800), History of the Consti- tution of the United States, 2 vols. 1882 287-8D United States from the Discovery of the American Con- tinent, 3 vols, 1845 489-91H ' of America, 7 vols. 1854-61 : — Vol. 1. — French, Spanish and English Settlements. Slavery. Pilgrim Fathers. Restoration of the Stuarts. Colonies of the Chesa- peake Bay, &c 379O Vol. 2. — New Netherlands. The Quakers. James II. consolidates the Northern Colonies. France and the Fisheries. Encroachments on the Red Men, &c 380O Vol. 3. — America claims Legislative Independence of England. Pelham's Administration. Franklin plans Union. Old Thirteen Colonies. Conquest of Canada, Michigan, &c. Dawn of the New Republic, &c 381O Vol. 4.— Taxing America by Parliament. Pontiac's War. American Stamp Act. South Carolina founds the American Union, 1765. The Colonies meet in Congress. Repeal of the Stamp Act, &c 382O Vol. 5. — Charter of Massachusetts Bay in Peril. Parliament will have an American Army and American Revenue. An Army and Fleet for Boston. The Regulators of North Carolina. The King and Par- liament against Boston. The Boston Massacre. Martial Law introduced into Massachusetts. Virginia consolidates Union. Boston Tea Party. George III. and Franklin. The Crisis, &c. 383O Vol. 6. — America, Britain and France, in May, 1774. New York proposes a Congress. Suffolk County Convention. The Governor of Vir- ginia Nullifies the Quebec Act. George III. rejects the Offers of Congress. Massachusetts declared in Rebellion. Lexington. Concord. Second Continental Congress. Washington appointed Commander-in-Chief. Battle of Bunker Hill and its Results, &c. 384O Vol. 7. — The Army round Boston. America waits the King's Decision. George III. and the Russians. Capture of Montreal. March to and Siege of Quebec. Britain engages Foreign Troops. First Act of Independence. Virginia proclaims the Rights of Man. Battle of Fort Moultrie. Retreat from Canada. Resolution of Independence. Declaration of the United States, &c 3S5O Bancroft (G.)- See also Poets of America, 468D. Banditti and Robbers, Lives and Exploits of, by Macfarlane. 1839 1224Z Banfield(T. C), Industry of the Rhine. 1846 1483Z See also Agriculture. Manufactures, &c. Banim (John). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Banishment. See Roger's Scotland, 949F, &c. Bank of England. See Alison's Europe, 139-40O. Knight's England., 151-4H. Banking, &c. [41] BAN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BAR Banking, History and Practice of, by Gilbart, edited by Michie, 2 vols. 1882 271-2R Banks, Failure of, in Russia [Alison's Europe] 140-6O Banksof New York and Panic of 1857, by Gibbons. 1859 418O See also Escott's England and Its People, 1017F. Jevon's Money, 360R. Loftie's London, 251O. M'Culloch's British Empiie, 712H. Ricardo's Political Economy, &c, 1004F. Savings' Banks. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1027-8 F, &c. Banks (Mrs. G. L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Banks (Sir J., b. 1743, d. 1820). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 681Q, &c. Banns. See Jeafireson's Bridals, 983H. Marriages, &c. Banting's System. See Kalos [in Appendix], 141 2Z, &c. Baptism, Doctrine of, by R. J. Wilberforce. 1849 545 A See also Brand's Antiquities, 1006M. Burn's History of Parish Registers, C.36H. Twining's Symbols, 507M. M'Culloch's British Empire, 711H. Milman's Early Christianity, 154 and 156Q, &C. Baptists : See Brown's Propagation of Christianity, 265A. Pike's Ancient Meeting- Houses, 261O. Stoughton's Religion in England, 93-8M. Wilson's Dissenters, 188-91 K, &c. Bar, The. See Percy Anecdotes, 927Z. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R. Barante (M. De, French Statesman, b. 1782, d. 1855), A Memoir, by Guizot. 1867 601O Barbary States, History of the, by Russell. 1835 4°3 T Western, The Wild Tribes, &c, by Hay 803Q and 1291R Barbauld (Mrs. A. L., b. 1745, d. 1825). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Martin's Memoirs, 834O. Miss Thackeray's Book of Sibyls, 502F, &c. Barbel, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Barbier (A.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Barbiere (J. ), Scraps from the Prison Table at Camp Chase and Johnson's Island [Account of Imprisonment during American Civil War]. 1868 ".. 523H BarbOU (A.), Victor Hugo and his Time, tr. by Ellen Erewer, ill. 1882 668B Barclay (J.), LL.D., The Talmud. 1878 7.JC Barclay (J.), M.D. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 667Q, &c. Bardsley (C. W.), M.A., Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature 920M Romance of the London Directory 264R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue.- Barere de Vieuzac {French Writer, b. 1755, d. 1840). See Alison's Europe, 119-38O. Macaulay s Essays, &c. Barham (R. II., b. 1788, d. 1845, Attthor of the Ingoldsby Legends), Life and Letters of, by his Son, 2 vols. 1870 493 -4O Baring (Mr., Banker). See Alison's Europe, 139-450, &c. Baring-Gould (S. ). Sec Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Barker (Lady), A Year's Housekeeping in South Africa, ill. 1877 1543R Boys [Boy's Annual] 1 304H Eirst Lessons in the Principles of Cooking. 1874 1 424Z The Bedroom and Boudoir [Art at Home Series], illus. 1878... 963M See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Barker (J.), Life of, edited by T. Barker. 1880 496O Barlow (John), M.A., The Connection between Physiology and Intellectual Philosophy. 1842 465R Barlow (J. ). See Poets of America, 468D. Barlow (P.), Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary. 1S14 737D Barmby (J.), M.A. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A, &c. Barnabas (St.) See Howson's Companions of St. Paul, 349M. Milman's Early Christianity, 154Q. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K. St. Barna- bas Day, 1005-6M. Brand's Antiquities, &c. Barnacle, Autobiography of a [Wilson's Naturalist] 639Q See also Gosse's A Year at the Shore, 586Q. Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q, &c. [42] BAR ENGLISH SECTION. BAR Barnard (A.) See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Lennox's Cele- brities, 1016H, &c. Barnard (C), and Mayer (A. M.), Simple, Entertaining and Inex- pensive Experiments in the Phenomena of Light [Nature Series], illustrated. 1878 , 154R Barnard Castle. Sec Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R, £x. Barnevald (Tohn of, Dutch statesman, b. 1547, d. 1619), Advocate of Holland, Life and Death of, by Motley, 2 vols. 1875 497-80 See also Motley's Netherlands, 350-3O. Quarterly Review, 1267J, &c. Barnes (A., American Pteibyterian Divine, b. 1798, d. 1870), D.D., An Inquiry into the Organization and Government of the Apostolic Church, particularly with reference to the Claims of Episcopacy. 1 845 4Z Notes on the New Testament, revised by dimming, n vols. ... 1-11M Matthew and Mark, iM. Luke and John, 2M. Acts of the Apostles, 3M. Romans, 4M. First of Corinthians, 5M. Second of Corinthians and Galatians, 6M. Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians, 7M. Thessa- lonians, Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, 8M. Hebrews, 9M. James, Peter, John, and Jude, 10M. Revelations, 11M. Barnfield (R.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, fefc, Barnum (P. T., American Showman, b. 1810), Life of, written by himself. 1855......... 499O and 313T See also Buckland's Curiosities [Barnum' s Shows], 598Q. Blackwood, 147J. Fraser, 661J, &c. Barometer, The [ Brown's Science for All] 629B See also Lardner's Lectures, 756D. Timbs' Inventions, 258R, &c. Barons. See Rogers' Scotland, 949-50F. Matthew Paris, Matthew of Westmin- ster, Henry of Huntington, William of Malmesbury, Florence of Wor- cester, Ingulph, Roger of Wendover, Roger De Hoveden, Ordericus Vitalis, &c. Barr (Amelia E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Barrell (G.), The Pedestrian in France and Switzerland. 1853 1374R Barrett (E. B.). See Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Barrett (Frank). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Barrett (W. A.), English Church Composers [Great Musicians]. 1882 1223O Barrett (W.), Old Merchants of New York City. 1863 877O Barristers. See Law, &c. Barrister's Life, Some Experiences of a, by Ballantine. 1882 492O Barron- Wilson (Mrs. Cornwell), Memoirs of Miss Mellon, after- wards Duchess of St. Albans, 2 vols. 1886 607-8F Barrot (C. H. Odillon, French Statesman, b. 1791). See Alison's Europe, 141-5O, &c. Barrow (Isaac, English Theologian and Mathematician^ b. 1630, d. 1677), D.D., Theological Works, 8 vols. 1830 425-32A Sermons, 2 vols. 1812 205-6K See also Cattermole's Literature of the Church, 549A. Stoughton's Re- ligion in England, 93-5M. Quarterly Review, 1257J, & c - Barrow (Sir John), F.R.S., Life of Lord Anson. 1839 13O Life, Voyages, and Exploits of Drake. 1844 1288 and 1303R Barrow (John, Son of Sir John), Tour in Austrian Lombardy, Ba- varia, and The Tyrol [1840-41] 1403R Tour [in 1852] through Northern Germany, Austria, Tyrol, Aus- trian Lombardy, &c. 1853 772Q and 1261R Barrows and Bone Caves of Derbyshire, by Pennington. 1877 860F See also Dawkin's Early Man in Britain, 859F. Burial Grounds, &c. Barrows, Wheel. See Wheel-Barrows. Barruel (Abbe A. De, French Writer, b. 1741. d. 1820), History of the Clergy during the French Revolution. 1794 8K Barry (A.), D.D., Commentary on the Epistle to Philemon [Elli- cott's School Com.] 2 53Q j — ■ the Colossians [Ellicott's School Com.] 2 5 2 Q [43] BAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BAT Barry (A.), D.D., Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians and Philippians [Ellicott's School Com.] , 2 5 X Q Ed. Masters in English Theology, being the King's College Lectures for 1877 828O Barter. See Jevon's Money, 360R, &c. Barthelemy (J. J., French Abbe and Antiquarian, Ik 1716, d. 1795), Travels of Anarchis the Younger [Abridgment]. 1797 127SH Bartholomew (St.), the Apostle. See Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K, &r. Bartlett (J.), Familiar Quotations. 1S81 "55$ Bartlett (). R.), A Glossary 0/ Words and Phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United Slates. 1869 187D Bartlett (S. C), D.D. From Egypt to Palestine, illustrated 634K Bartolomeneo (Fra, Italian Artist, i>. 1469, d. 1517), by Scott [Great Artists]. 1881 1098O Barton (B.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Base Country. See James' Wild Tribes of the Soudan, 653K, &c. Base Ball. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H, Amusements, &c. Basil (St.). See Millman's Early Christianity, 156Q, &c. Baskin (Mary). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Basque Provinces, Portugal and Galicia, by the Earl of Carnarvon 1448R BaSS (Sir T.), and the Burton Breweries. See Fortunes made in Business, 1033F, &c. Basso (A. D.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Bastiat (F., French Economist, b. 1801, d. 1850), Popular Fallacies, translated by Porter. 1849 523T See also Morley's Life of Richard Cobden, 190- iF, &c. Bastile, History of the, by Davenport 1 53 and 1647Z See also Chambers' Miscellany, 632R. French History, Prisons, &c. Bat, The. See Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 658-0Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q, &c. Batehelor, Kings of England, by Strickland. 1861 1414O Bates (E. C), A Year at the Great Republic, 2 vols. 1887 1725R Bates (II. W.), F.L.S., Ed., German Arctic Expedition of 1869-70, by Captain Koldewey, illustrated. 1874 605B Bates (W.)i D.D., Harmony of the Divine Attributes [Select British Divines]. 1825 1 26M On the Four Last Things [Select British Divines]. 1825 127M See also Stoughton's Religion in England, 94-6M, &c. Bath, Excursions from, by Warner. 1801 367K See also Knight's Land we Live in, 465B, &c. Bath,, Order of the. See Woodhouse's Orders, 273O, &c. Bathing. See Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T, Swimming, &c. Baths of Germany, France and Switzerland, by Lee, 2 vols in 1. 1857 1402R See also Granville's Spas, &c, 353K. Moorman's Mineral Waters, 827M. Thomson's Sick Room, 834 M, &c. Bathurst (C), M.A., Lectures Read at a Mechanic's Institute in the Country. 1854 564T On Madness. On Shakespeare. Some Remarks on the more General Effects of the Gold Discoveries. Rudiments of General Geolgy. On the Russians and Turks. On Law. Some of the First Notions in Mathematics, &c. Bathurst (Lord, b. 1762, d. 1834). See Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 207 H, &c. Bath-sheba. See Ewald's Israel, 63K, &c. Battersea. See Loftus' London, 252O, &c. * Battle of the Books. See Leigh Hunt's Stories in Verse, 313Q, &c. BATTLES in the Peninsula, by Napier. 1855 294O Battles, Memorable, in English History, by Adams. 1863 241O of India [1746-1849], by Malleson. 1883 534H * The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, by Creasy, 2 vols.... 268-9O [44] BAT ENGLISH SECTION BEA Battles. S*e also Adam's British Navy, 470O. Adams' Campaigns, 47H. Boys' Annual, 13C6H. Green's Making of England, 18SH. Josephus [Ancient Battles], 66-8H. Maxwell's Victories of Wellington, 278O. Mitford's Greece, 101-8H. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-7M, &c. Batty (J. II.), Practical Taxidermy, and Home Decoration ; to- gether with General Information for Sportsmen, ill. 1880... 43R Baudelaire (P. C., French Poet, b. 1821. d. 1867). JnvGautier's French Authors, 254F, &c. Bauer (J.). See Humboldt (H. & W.). Bauer (Karoline), Posthumous Memoirs of, tr., 4 vols. 1884-5 39"4 2 F [Life of a German actress, with interesting accounts of the court of George IV., Baron Stockmar, Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, &c], Baughan (Rosa), Shakespeare's Plays abridged and revised for the use of Girls. 1863 424D Baur's Origin of Christianity, by Bruce [Present Day Tracts, vol. 7] 240T Bavaria, Tour to, by Barrow. 1841 1403R See also Alison's Europe, 119-38O, &c. Baxter (R., Puritan divine, b. 161 5, d. 1691), A Call to the Uncon- verted to Turn and Live [R.T.S.] 7Z &c, and Life of the author [Am. Tract Soc] .... 1673Z Fifty Reasons. 1825 199Q Dying Thoughts. Abridged by B. Fawcett [R.T.S.] 8Z Reformed Pastor. 1829 52Q ■ Saints' Everlasting Rest, abridged by B. Fawcett. 1831....197Q and 9Z - - — [Am. Tract Soc] 1672Z Select Practical Writings of, edited by Leonard Bacon, 2 vols.... 190-1A Self-Ignorance and Self- Acquaintance. 1828 198Q Life of, by Davies. 1887 592F [R.T.S.] 186Z See also Boyle's Men worth Remembering, 1160O. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Grosart's Nonconformists, 946O. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-6M. Wilson's Dissenters, 188-91K, &c. Baxter (W. E.), M.P., America and the Americans. 1855 671Z Bayeux Tapestry, An Historical Tale of the Eleventh Century, translated with notes, with a Facsimile of the Tapestry. 1858 342O — See also List of Special Work in Reference Library at end of Catalogue. Bayle (F.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Bayley (F. W. N.), Ed., Poetical Works of William Cullen Bryant, with Griswold's Memoir. 1853 481Z Bayley (T. H.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Bayly (Mrs.), Ragged Homes and How to Mend them. 1820 1414Z Workmen and their Difficulties. 1861 522T Bayly (T. H.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Baynard (J. B.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Bayne (P.), M.A., Chief Actors in the Puritan Revolution. 1878... 294A Lessons from My Masters, Carlyle, Tennyson, and Ruskin. 1S79 873 II Two Great Englishwomen, Mrs. Browning and Charlotte Bronte, with an Essay on Poetry. 1881 ioioO Bayonets. See Boutell's Arms and Armour, 366O, &c. Bazaar and Fancy Fair Book 971M Bazaars, Fancy Fairs, &c, by Harrison. 1886 977M See also Browne's What Girls Can Do, 980M, &c. Bazaine (General. Marshal of France, b. 181 1, d. 1888). See Adams' Great Cam- paigns, 47H. Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B, &c. Bazar Book of Decorum 1431Z Health. 1873 1409Z the Household. 1875 \^ioZ Beacons, Lighthouses, &c. See Este's Recreations in Science, 497R, &c. E45] BEA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BEA Beaconsfield (Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of, Prime Minister of Eng- land, b. 1805, d. 1S81), Correspondence with his Sister, 1832-1S52. 1SS6 1299O Letters of, edited by his brother. 1S87 13470 Life of, by Kebbel [Sanders' Statesmen Series]. 1888 1 374O See also Collin's Pen Sketches [Literary Character], 1054R. Harris' Radicals, no6F. Heaton's Reforms, 456O. Lucy's Two Parliaments, 316-7H. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 92-6F. McCarthy's History, 193-6H. Morley's Life of Richard Cobden, 190-1F. Raven's Parliamentary His- tory of England, 1832-1880, 23-50. Smith's Life of Gladstone, 275F. Greville Memoirs, &C, and rtAv>~Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Beadle (J. IE), Life in Utah ; or the Mysteries and Crimes of Mor- monism, illustrated. 1 870 948F The Undeveloped West between the Mississippi and the Pacific, Life and Adventure, illustrated. 1873 759EI Beal (S.), Tram. Mailer's Sacred Books of the East, Vol XIX 577 A Beale (Anne). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Beard, The. See Fraser's Magazine, 683J. _ Knight's Pictorial Bible, 101-3M. Littell's Living Age, 3072J. Hairdressing, &c. Beard (J. R.), D.D., Life of Toussaint L'Ouverture, The Negro Patriot, illustrated. 1853 ;••;•••; 8c 9° Bear, The. See Belcher's Arctic Voyage, 661K. 'jardine's Naturalists' Library, 658Q. Koldewey's Arctic Expedition, 605B. Lamont's Arctic Seas, 674K. Long's Voyage of the Jeanette, 676-7B. Southesk's Rocky Mountains [Grisly Bears], 817K. Natural History, &c. Beame (L. W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Beattie (J., Poet and Philosopher, b. 1735, d. 1803), LL.D., An Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in Opposi- tion to Sophistry and Scepticism. 1812 645H and 9K Immutability of Truth. 1827 1140Z Poems and Life, edited by Dyce [British Poets]. 1866 392Q The Minstrel, or the Progress of Genius, and other Poems, with Memoirs of the Life of the Author, by Chalmers. 1805 477^ See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Jones' Poets, 661M, &c. Beau Brummell. See Brummell (Beau). Beau Nash. See Nash (Beau). Beauchesne (A. H. De, French Litterateur, b. 1804, d. 1873), Louis XVII. , His Life, Sufferings and Death, edited and translated by Hazlitt, 2 vols. 1853 97-8F and 806-7O Beauclerk (Lord F.) See Lennox's Celebrities, 1017H, &c. Beaufort (Raphael Ledos De), Ed. Letters of George Sand, with Preface and Biographical Sketch, by the Editor, 3 vols. 1886 479-81F Beaufort (Late Duke of). See Lennox's Celebrities, 1016H, &c. Beauh.arn.ais (A. De, b. 1760, d. 1794). See Bingham's Bonapartes, 330-1O, &c. Beauharnais (E., French Statesman, Napoleons Stepson, b. 1781, d. 1824). See Alison's Europe, 119-38O, &c. Beaumarchais (P. A. C. de, French Dramatist and Wit, b. 1732, d. 1799), and his Times, by Lomenie, translated by Edwards, 4 vols. 1856 501 -4O Beaumont (W.), M.D., Experiments and Observations on the Gastric Juice and the Physiology of Digestion, with Notes by Combe. 1838 840M Beaumont (F.), and Fletcher (J.) [Dramatists about 1585], Selec- tions from their Works, and Preface, by Leigh Hunt [Bohn's Library]. 1862 785M See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Inchbald's British Theatre, New English Theatre, &c. Beauties of Swift, Selections from his Works, by Howard 1252Z [46] BEA ENGLISH SECTION, BEE Beautiful in Nature and Art, by Mrs. Ellis. 1866 926R Beauty, Art of, by Mrs. Haweis. 1878 972R Scientific Culture of Personal Beauty. 1883 141 2Z What it is and How to Retain It. 1873 1417Z See also Bell's Expression, 892R. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M, Sec. Beauty Spots of the Continent, by Pritchard. 1875 H39R Beauty and the Beast. See in Fiction Class List for 2863X. Beauvoir (Marquis De), Voyage Round the World, Australia, Java, Canton, Siam, 2 vols. 1870 1301-2R Beazley (S., Architect and Dramatist, b. 1786, ook of Poetry, 476D. &c. [52] BER ENGLISH SECTION. BES Bereeo (G. de). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473 d * & c - Berdniore (Sept.), Handbook on the Principles of Cooking [Inter- national Health Exhibition]. 1884 9 S 5^ Berengaria (of Navarre, Queen of 'Richard I., b. 1191,^. 1230) [Strick- land's Queens of England] 800O Berens (E.), M.A., Village Sermons. 1850 5 6 5"6M Beresford (W. C, Viscount, Irish General, b. 1768, d. #54). Set Ai. Europe, 119-38O, &c. Berkeley (G., Metaphysician, b. 1684, d. I753\ ty Fraser [Philo- sophical Classics for English Readers]. 1 881 1036Q See also Stoughton's Religion in England, 97M, &c. Berlin Society [Emperor William, Bismarck, &c], by Vasili, trans- lated by Leonard. 1SS5 , 1222R Berlin. See Alison's Europe, 119-38O. Bellow's Europe, 1398R, &c. Berlin Work. See Valentine's Girls' Own Book, 1187R, &c. Berlioz (L. H., French Musical Composer, b. 1803, d. 1869^. See Engel's Re- miniscences, 1348O. Naumann's History of Music, 929D. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O. Edinburgh Rev., 493J, &c. Bermoildsey. See Loftie's London, 2520, &c. ^ „ Bermuda. See Brassey's Voyages, 798K. Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 7S6K. Murray's British America, 400-2T, &c. Bemadotte (Charles Jean, King 0/ Sweden, b. 1764, d. 1844). See Alison's Europe, 122-37O, &c. Bernard (St.). See Hood's Preachers, 541M, fix. Bernard (N.), M.A. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 620A, &c. Bernardes (D.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Bernardin De St. Pierre (J. H., French Novelist, b. 1737, d. 1814), Studies of Nature, abridged from the translation of H. Hunter 749Z Bernays (A. J.), F.C.S., Chemistry [S.P.C.K. Science Manuals] illustrated. 1874 75 2Z Household Chemistry, or, Rudiments of the Science applied to Every-Day Life, illustrated. 1854 833Z Berne. See Bellow's Europe, 1398R. Williams' Alps, Switzerland, 590B, &c. BernersQ.), First Lessons on Health. 1872 1467Z Berili (F., Da Bibbiena, b. 1490, d. {536) [Longfellow's Poets of Europe] 473^ Bernstein (J.), The Five Senses of Man [Inter. Scientific Series] ... 363R Berry (Miss, English Authoress, b. 1762, d. 1852) [Adams' Women of Fashion] 1047O Berry (YV. ), History of the Island of Guernsey, part of the Ancient Duchy of Normandy, from the Remotest Period of Antiquity to 1S14, with Particulars of the Neighbouring Islands of Al- derney, Sark, and Jersey, illustrated. 1815 363B Bersier (E.), D.D., Coligny, The Earlier Life of the Great Hugue- not, translated by Holmden. 1S84 587O Bertaut (J.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Berthet (E.), Pre-Historic World, translated by Safiord 513R Berthier (L. Alexander, French General, b. 1753, d. 1815). See Alison's Europe, 119-36O. Bingham's Bonaparte, 330-1O, &c. Bertram (J. G.), Harvest of the Sea, Fisheries and Fisher Folk. 1873 • 119R Bertrand (General). See Alison's Europe, 126-38O, &c. Besant (W., b. 1838), M.A., Gaspard De Coligny, Admiral of France, &c. 1879 979 anc ^ 1024Q Life and Achievements of E. H. Palmer, Arabic Professor, Cam- bridge 892O Rabelais [Foreign Classics]. 1879 1181O Readings in Rabelais, 1883 1165R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Bessemer (Sir H., Civil Engineer, I. 1813). See Fortunes Made in Business, I032F, &c. [531 BBS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BIB Bessie and Raymond, or Incidents connected with the Civil War in the United States 403O Bessieres (Jean Baptiste, French Marshal, b. 1768, d. 1S13) [Ali- son's Europe] 1 26-34O Best of Everything [Useful Recipes], 1872....: 97^M Betel Leaf. See Simmonds' Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, 771F, &c Bethany, Memories of, by Macduff. 1858 179Q Bethel. See Ewald's Israel, 64K, &c. Bethlehem. See Bellow's Europe, 1399R. Ewald's Israel, 6jK, &c. Bethune (G. W.), British Female Poets. 1865 671M See also Poets of America, 468 D, &c. Bethune (J.). 5lM Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &C, Betting. See Proctor's Chance and Luck, 1229R, &c. Bevan (F. ), Three Friends of God, Records from the Lives of John Tauter, Nicholas of Basle, Henry Suso. 1887 1191M Beverages, Unfermented, by Attfield. 1884 992M Beveridge (W., Theologian, b. 1638, d. 1708), D.D., Great Necessity and Advantage of Public Prayer and Frequent Communion 10Z Private Thoughts upon Religion and a Christian Life. 1825 202Q Bewick (T., Famous Wood Engraver, b. 1753, d. 1828). See Jardine's Natura- lists' Library, 653Q. Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M, &c. Bey (AugusteMarriette) The Monuments of Upper Egypt, trans. 1877 1539R Beyond The Shadow, or the Resurrection of Life, by Whiton. 1S85 638M Bhagavad-Gita, The, or a Discourse between Krishna and Arjuna on Divine Matters, a Sanskrit Philosophical Poem, translated by Thomson. 1855 1 1 15 and 1116H Eianconi (C, />. 1785, d. 1875), A Biography [17S6-1875], by his Daughter, Mrs. O'Connell. 1878 511O Biarritz. See Health Haunts, 810Q, &c. Biart (L.), My Rambles in the New World (North and South America), illustrated. 1877 1615R BIBLE.— Works relating to the Bible: (See also under Commentaries, Gospel, Old and New Testament, Scripture Names of Books, e.g., Genesis, Exodus, Samuel, &c, also names, e.g., Christ, Paul, John, Apostles, &c. ). COMMENTARIES, NOTES, &c. Bible, A Key to the Knowledge of the, by Blunt/f.1873 131Q Analysis of the Four Parallel Gospels, by Salmon. 1876... 653A Biblical Cyclopaedia, edited by Eadie. 1862 12M Museum, a Collection of Notes on the Holy Scriptures, by Gray, 15 vols. 1880 77-91M Canon of the, by Davidson. 1877 238Q Old Testament, its History and Defence, by Stuart. 1849 483M Commentaries, New Testament Commentary for English Readers, edited by Bishop Ellicott, 3 vols. 1877-80... 29-31A Commentary upon the Holy Bible [Genesis to Revelations], from Henry and Scott, 6 vols 13-1SM Genesis to Deuteronomy, 13M. Joshua to Esther, 14M. Job to Solomon's Songs, 15M. Isaiah to Malachi, 16M. Matthew to Acts, 17M. Romans to Revelation, 18M. Prophecy of Malachi, by R. Stock, &c. 1865 56 A Commonplace Book to the, by Locke. 1842 510A Companion [R.T.S.] , \>jZ - — »— ■ to the, for Young Persons [R.T.S.] 1831 ' 1744^ [54] BIB ENGLISH SECTION. BIB BIBLE — Works relating to the: — {continued.) Bible Concordance, by Jinks. 1836 71A Connection and Harmony of the Old and New Testament, by Alexander. 1853 II iM Critical Study of the Holy Scriptures, by Home, 2 vols. 1853 74-5 A Dictionary [American Sunday School Union]. 1837 72Z of the, by Robinson, and a History of the Bible by Smith, illustrated. 1879 515A or Encyclopaedia of Religious Knowledge, by Edwards. 72 A Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, by Henry, 3 vols. 1706 , 596-8A 1843 90-3 A. Family Devotional, by Matthew Henry, 3 vols 87-9A ■ Harmony of the Four Gospels, by Bickersteth. 1832 112Q Help to Reading the, by Nicholls. 1852 427M Holy, according to the Authorised Version (a.d. 161 i) (Speaker's Commentary), 10 vols 516-25A Annotations by Pool, 3 vols. 1853 47"9A With Notes by D'Oyly and Mant, 3 vols. 1817 99-101A by Scott 14-19 and 20-22A Commentary on, by Jinks, 6 vols. 1835-6 41-6A Scripture Verified, by Redford. 1853 109M with Commentary and Notes, by Clarke, 6 vols. 1838... 23-8 A by Hussey, 3 vols. 1844 32-4A Illustrated Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, 5 vols. 1841 100-4M Lectures on the Acts, Epistles and Revelation, by Kelly 359-60M Pentateuch, by Kelly. 1871 361M Study of the Gospels and Epistles, by Kelly, 2 vols. 1867 357-8M New Testament, Authorised Version, by Tischendorf. 1869 242T Criticism of the, by Scrivener. 1861 247A New Testament Diction, or an Introduction to the Critical Study of the Greek New Testament, by Winer 246A Notes on Genesis, 128Q. Exodus, 129Q. Numbers, 130Q. ■ Old and New Testaments, Commentary on, 2 vols. 1812... 35-6A , by Patrick, Lowth, Arnold, Whitby and Lowman, 4 vols. 1842 37-40A Historical Passages, by Hall, 2 vols. 1845 449 A Old Testament in the Jewish Church, by Smith. 1881 467M — — Synopsis of the, by Darby, 5 vols. 1857-64 56-60M The Holy Bible translated according to the Letter and Idioms of the original Languages, by Young. 1881 ... 537M Parellel Gospels, collected by Salmon. 1876 652O Three Hundred Outlines of Sermons on the New Testament 490M Unity of the New Testament, by Maurice. 1879 409M GENERAL WORKS. Anecdotes Illustrative of the New Testament, by Whitecross 232T — Old Testament, by Whitecross 23 iT • Annals of the English Bible, by Anderson. 1862 498A Connection of the Old and New Testament, or The History of the Jews [R.T.S.] 20Z Educator, by Plumtre, 2 vols .., , 76-7A L55] BIB GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BIB BIBLE— Works relating to -.—{continued.) Bible Geography [R.T.S.] 1839 31Z History of the, by Gleig, 2 vols. 1830 32-3Z English Bible, by Moulton. 1878 418M Translations of the, by Lewis. 1818 106K Holy Scripture and Geological Science, by Smith. 1855 ... 110M Hours with the, or Scripture in the light of Modern Dis- covery, by Geikie, 6 vols. 1SS1 321-6M Illustrations, Finden 403 A — in Spain, by Borrow. 1849 , 236M Lakes and Rivers of the, by Tweedie, illustrated. 1864 189Q Lands, by Van Sennep, 2 vols. 1875 5 IX - 2A - Modern Science in, by Dawson. 1888 1212M Notes of Travel, by Schaff. 1878 455^ Pictures from, edited by Green 828B Rambles in, by Newton. 1879 425M Ruins of, by Tweedie. 1870 216Q Literary History of the, by Townley. 1833 I43Q Lore, by Gray. 1870 215T Mountains of the, by M'Farlane. 1849 109K Music of the, by Stainer, illustrated •. 549M Natural History, by M. K. M. 1880 719Z New Testament History, by Pinnock. 1851 61Z Oriental Records, Monumental and Historical, by Rule 556-7M Monumental, 556 M. Historical, 557M. Our English Bible, by Stoughton 482M Pictorial History of the, by Smith 514A Picture, A Pictorial History of the Old and New Testa- ments, by Caunter 295 A Popular History of the Translation of the Scriptures into the English Tongue, by Mrs. Conant , 34K Power in London, " Pity for the Perishing," by Pike. 1884 550M Rivers, by Gosse. 1850 330M Scenes, by March 401 M Sketches for Young People, by Green, 3 vols 7~9Q Superhuman Origin of the, by Rogers. 1 874 542 A Teachings in Nature, by Macmillan. 1882 94Ta The, and the Holy Land, by Geikie, 2 vols. 1887 641-2A Book and Tts Story, a narrative for the Young, by L. N. R. 1853 89Q Book and its Missions, vols. 1 and 3, v.d 508-9A Class and the Desk, a Manual for Sunday School Teachers, by Gray, 2 vols. 1867 332-3M Old Testament, 332M. New Testament, 333M. — Land and the Book, by Thomson. 1 883 401 A — - Vitality of the, by Blaikie. [Present DayTracts] 237T Thoughts, byMelvill 1685Z Translator [S. Sharpe], by Clayden. 18S3 9590 Witness and Review, for the Preservation and Defence of Revealed Truth, 3 vols. 1877-81 395~7A Biblical and Theological Subjects, Sermons, by Allin. 1S64 20 iK Antiquities, by Jahn, translated by Upham. 1836 245A by Nevin 1570Z for use of Schools, by Nevin. 1859 108Q [56] BIB ENGLISH SECTION. BIN BIBLE — Works relating to : — {continued.) Bible, Biblical Geography in a Nutshell, by Shekleton. 1884... 459M Guide, Christian Student's, edited from the MSS. of Green, by Churchill. 1836 334M Literature, Illustrations of, by Tovvnley, 3 vols. 1821 242-4A Topics [Teacher's Cabinet] 1510Z See also Blunts Scriptural Coincidences, 234M. Boutell's Dictionary, 44K. Brand's Antiquities, 1007M. Brown's Concordance, 13Z. Campbell's Gospels, 26-8K. Dent's Testimony of the Stars, 553R. Ellet's Family Pictures, 133Q. Giles' Records and Authorship of Old and New Testaments, 85-6K. Hitchins' Young Men of Scrip- ture, 345M. Inman's Ancient Faiths, Q5-6Ka. Lansdell's Asia, 330K. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 829K. Lardner's Gospel Credi- bility, 377-8M. Law's Christ is All, 379-81 M. Martindale's Dic- tionary, 43K. Morris's Key to Gospels, 1872, 132Q. Napier's Ancient Arts, 1C96M. Patton's Village Testament, 230T. Sayce's Ancient Monuments, 251M. Skene's Gospel History, 1188-0M, &c. Bibliography. See American Men of Letters, 1038-41Q. Curwen's Booksellers, 520O. English Men of Letters, 1054Q. Hemans' Memoirs, 993Q. Knight's Philosophical Classics, 1026-37Q. Lansdell's Russian Asia, 829K. Literary Men of France, 1010-1Q. Thackeray's English Hu- mourists, 1042Q. Books, Literature, &c. Bibliotheca Sacra, and American Biblical Repository, vols 8-10, edited by Edwards and Park. 185 1 398-400A Bickersta£f(L, Dramatist, b. 1735, d. 1787). See Inchbald's British Theatre. New English Theatre, &c. Bickerstetll(E.), M. A., A Scripture Help. 1835 rnQ Christian Student, to assist Christians in acquiring Religious Knowledge. 1844 90Q Truth, a Family Guide to the Chief Truths of the Gospel. 1838 74Q Family Prayers, a Complete Course for Six Weeks. 1859 53Q — — Harmony of the Four Gospels. 1832 .. 112Q Selections from the works of Serle. 1834 110Q Water from the Well-Spring, for the Sabbath Hours of Afflicted Believers. 1861 68Q Wor k s o f . 1832 2 o 1 A Ed., Thoughts on Religion by Pascal, &c. 1833 80Q See also Coverdale's Letters of the Martyrs, 270M, &c, Bickley (A. C), George Fox and the Early Quakers. 1884 ,... 262F Bicycling [Cassell's Pastimes] 1262II — See also Athletic Sports. Cycling, &c. Biddulph (J. J.), M.A., Practical Essays on the Services and the Collects, 3 vols. 1822 443-5A Biggar (J. G.)- See Lucy's Parliaments, 316-7H, &c. Bildertlyk (W.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Bill (Ledyard), a Winter in Florida, or observations on the Climate, Soil, Products, Sports, &c, of that State, illustrated. 1869... 1610R Billaud-Varenne (J. N., l>. 1756, d. 1819). See Alison's Europe, 120-3O, &c. Billiards. See Boy's Own Book, 1527Z. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H, &c. Bingham (Hon. D. A.), Marriages of the Bonapartes, 2 vols. 1881 330-1O Bing'liain {]., Theologian, b. 1668, d. 1723), Antiquities of the Chris- tian Church, 2 vols. 1878 83-4A Billgley (W., d. 1823), A.M., Animal Biography, or Authentic Anec- dotes of the Lives, Manners, &c, of the Animal Creation, 3 vols. 1805 726-8F Binnsy (J.). See Maybew's Criminal Prisons, 126D, &c. Binney (T., Dissenting Minister, b. 1798, d. 1874), Fourteen Lec- tures on the Book of Proverbs. 1851 11Z — Is it Possible to make the Best of Both Worlds? 1874 87Q [57] BJN GUILLE-ALLF.S LIBRARY. BIO Binney (T.) Practical Power of Faith. 1844 2Q Sermons on Various Occasions 209K Sermons preached in the King's Weigh-house Chapel, London, [ 1 829- 1 869]. 1869 209T His Life, &c, by Hood. 1874 512O BIOGRAPHY— Works Of: {See also under Kings, Statesmen, Authors, Name of any Person Required, History. Authors' Lives will be frequently found in their works. Especial atten- tion is invited to Roth's Complete Biographical Index to the Living Age, R.L., and Leslie Stephen's Biographical Dictionary, R.L. See special list of Reference works at the end of Catalogue, &c.) Biographical and Critical Essays, by Prescott. 1855 156T Miscellanies, by Prescott. 1856 57&D ■ Contributions to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, by Macaulay I020Q Dictionary of every Age and Nation, by Jones. 1822 187Z Essays, by Hugh Miller. 1875 806R History of Philosophy, by Lewes, 4 vols in 2. 1852 1750-1Z Sketches by Kegan Paul. 1883 1322O Studies, by Bagehot. 1851 145F Treasury, a Dictionary of Universal Biography, by Maunder 943Q Biography. — Beeton's British, from the Earliest Times to George III. 529O British Military, from Alfred to Wellington. 1841 190Z Naval, from Howard to Codrington. 1840 191Z by Tupper (F. B. ) [Family Records, Guernsey] 255F Cyclopaedia of, by Godwin. 1856 5 MO [Newton, Galileo, Wren, Caxton, Blake, Coke, Niebuhr, Wolsey, and Mahomet] 146F of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland [Anglo- Norman Period], by Wright. 1846 144F [Anglo-Saxon Period], by Wright 649F the British Stage. 1824 1001O Sacred, by Hunter. 1841 625F Short Biographies for the People [R.T.S.] : Vol. 1— Luther. Calvin. Farel. Melanchthon. Rollock. Wycliffe. Anselm. J.Wesley. Durer. Johnson, Knox. Huss 628F Vol. 2— Lawrence. Maxwell. Rabaut. Augustine. Erasmus. Lati- mer. Cowper. Tyndale. Baxter. Bugenhagen. Brew- ster. Carey 629F Vol. 3- Sidney. Wilberforce. C.Wesley. Shaftesbury. Chrysostom. Howard. Morrison. King Alfred. Judson. F. Bacon. Whitefield. J. Bacon 630F Vol. 4 — Chalmers. Livingstone. Vald£s. Burder. A'Lasco. J. Watts. Kelly. Foxe. Palissy. Evans. Faraday. Gossner. 631 F Universal, by Lempriere. 1808 545F Biography General, or Collective : Actors. See Donaldson's Recollections of an Actor, 21 iZ. Kings and Queens of an Hour, 84-5F. Pascoe's Dramatic List, 1323O, &c. Artists. See also Women Artists. Cunningham's British Artists, 245-50Z. Cunningham's British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, 1048-53Q. Eastlake's Great Painters, 650-1O. Fairholt's English Artists, 362K. Gower's Figure Painters, 1123O. Illustrated Biographies of Great Artists, 1096O. Ottley's Recent and Living Painters, 670B. Pil- kington's Dictionary of Painters, 438-9F. Scott's Italian Sculptors 1098-1100O. Vasari's Painters, Sculptors and Architects, 887-91O, &c. [58] £10 ENGLISH SECTION. jBIO BIOGRAPHY— Works of -.—{continued. ) Biography General, or Collective : — [continued.) Classical and Scriptural. See Beeton's Classical Dictionary, 890R. Gallaudet's Scripture Biography, i6qi-3Z. Long's Lives from Plu- tarch, 159Z. Plutarch's Lives, 445-50F, 1130-6Q and 789-927M. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 261-2A. Bible, Classics, &c. Churchmen and Missionaries. See Adam's English Churchman, 63iO. Adams' Heroes of the Cross, 1298O. Arnold's Our Bishops and Deans, 879-80O. Bullock's Bishops and Clergy, 1291O. Godol- phin's Evangelical Ministers, 35Z. Japp's Missionaries, 770Q. Ryle's Christian Leaders, 579O. Walsh's Mission Field, 706O, &c. Engineers, Mechanics, and Inventors. See Foucaud's Mechanics, 1332O. Howe's American Mechanics, 13310. Smiles Engineers, 250-1 F, 522, 528, 839 and 963O. Smiles' Industrial Biography, 731O. Smiles' Men of Invention, &c, 1172R, &c. Justices and Lawyers. See Campbell's Chancellors, 774-83O. Camp- bell's Chief Justices, 784-7O. Campbell's Lord Chancellors, 29-35F. Fosse's Judges of England [1066-1870], 595F. Roscoe's Lawyers, Q15Q1 &c - Kings, Queens and Members of Royal Families. See Bullock's England's Royal Home, 1324O. Dixon's Two . Queens, 38-41F. Doran's Queens of England, 36-7F. Duncan's Dukes of Normandy, 874O. Finch's Princesses of Wales, 932-4O. Fitzgerald's Royal Dukes and Princesses, 74-5F. Fitzgerald's William IV., 87F. Har- well's Letters of the Kings of England, 966-7R. Jameson's Female Sovereigns, 213-4Z. Martin's Prince Consort, 92-6F. B. G. Strick- land's Batchelor Kings of England, 1414O. Strickland's Queens of England, 795-800O. Strickland's Queens of Scotland and English Princesses, 51-8F. The Queen's Our Life in the Highlands, 378 & 379K. Literary Men, Poets, &C. See Andrew's Great Writers, 884O. Brougham's Men of Letters, 353F and 598R. Clarke's Recollections of Writers, 939O. De Quincey's Lake Poets, 647R. Eisraeli's Literary Characters, &c, 678-83R. P'ield's Authors, 1052O. French Poets and Novelists, 658O. Gautier's Famous French Authors, 254F. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Hall's Retrospect [Authors, Actors and Artists], 309-10F. Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 927O. Howell's Modern Italian Poets. Howitt's British Poets, 713O. Irvine's Scottish Poets, 490-1 F. Japp's German Life and Litera- ture, 272F. Johnson's British Poets, 788-91O. Johnson's Poets [Selections], 242Z. Literary and Scientific Men of France, 1010-1Q. Morley(J.) English Men of Letters, 1054O. Nicoll's Great Scholars, 991Q. Peabody's Great Authors, 883O. Robertson's Great Writers, 1267O. Rossetti's Poets, 792O. Swinburne's Miscellanies [Poets, &c], 1341O. Timb's Wits and Humourists, 1040-1O. Townsend's Great Schoolmen, 683O. Trollope's Italian Poets, 714-5O. Wright's Literary Characters, 144F. Authors, Poets, Literature, &c. Military and Naval. See British Military Biography, from Alfred to Wellington, 190Z. British Naval Biography, from Howard to Cod- rington, 191Z. Campbell's British Admirals, 1-8F. Gleig's Com- manders, 916-8Q. Low's Soldiers of the Victorian Age, 505-6 F. Marshall's Naval Biography, 9-20F. Military Adventures, &c, 942-4O. Military Biographies, 1246O. Verne's Great Navigators, 286F. Musicians and Composers. See Barrett's Church Composers, 1223O. Bourne's Eminent Musicians, 680O. Bourne's Great Composers, 680O. Hueffer's Great Musicians, 1216O. Tytler's Musical Com- posers, 860O, &c. Orators and Preachers. See Carpenter's Eminent Preachers, 935O Fowler's American Preachers, 78K. Hood's Great Preachers, 541 M. Nicoll's Great Orators, 992Q. Pulpit Memorials, 280K. Taylor's Scottish Pulpit, 635A, also under Justices, Statesmen, &c. Philosophers. See Brougham's Philosophers, 597R, &c. Physicians. See Eminent Medical Men, 172Z. Francis' New York Sur- geons, 989O. Munk's Gold-Headed Cane [Medical Sketches], 1164R, &c. Popes. See Lives of the Popes, 1 77-80Z. Ranke's Popes, 327A. Wiseman's Last Four Popes, 326A, &c. [59] BIO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BIO BIOGRAPHY— Works of -.—{continued. ) Biography General, or Collective -.—{continued.) Scientists. See Brewster's Martyrs of Science, 827O. Heroes of Science, 702-6O. Jean's Electricians, 1285O. Macgillivray's Zoologists, 939Z. Nicholson's Naturalists, 1312O. Stoughton's Worthies of Science, 1050O, &c. Statesmen. See Broglie (Due De), Personal Recollections, 645-6*. Brougham's Statesmen, 599-601R. Crowe's Statesmen, 919-21Q. Ewald's Representative Statesmen, 471-2F. Hayward's Eminent Statesmen, 248F. King's French Political Leaders, 659O. Lardner's British Statesmen, 283-4T. Men of the Third Republic, 836O. Smith's Ambassadors, 6860. Twelve English Statesmen, 1391-1402O, &c. "Women. See Adams' Englishwomen of the Victorian Era, 1282O. Adams Noble Women, 1327O. Adams' Women of Fashion, &c, 1047-8O. Anderson's Memorable Women, 831-2O. Baynes' Great English- women, 1010O. Bethune's Female Poets, 671M. Blackburne's Illustrious Irishwomen, 321F. Child's Good Wives, 984Q. Clay- ton's Female Artists, 252-3F. Cunningham's Eminent English- women, 21-8F. Darton's Christian Women, 1310O. Darton's Famous Girls, 1326O. Ellet's Queens of American Society, 468F. Ellet's Women Artists, T045O. Gray's Biographies for Girls, 1333O. Hack's Self-Surrender [Religious Women], 957O. Higrgins (Mrs.), Women of Europe in the 15th and i6th Centuries, 582-3F. Ingram's Eminent Women, 1125O. James' Celebrated Women, 829-30O. Kavanagh's Women in France, 1043-4O. Menzies' Political Women, 928-9O. Owen's Heroines, 952Q. Pitman's Mission Heroines, 707O. Star- ling's Noble Deeds of Women, 1311O. Simpson's British Females, 515O. Wade's Women Past and Present, 1046O. Women of Worth. 314T. Yonge's Good Women, 985Q. Yonge's Seven Heroines, 958O, &C. Miscellaneous. See Adams' English Churchmen, 681O. Adam's Good Samaritans, 278F. Adams' Great Names, 682O. Arnold's Roman Commonwealth, 72H. Aubrey's Eminent Men, 17th and 18th Cen- turies, 133-5F. Bagehot's Biographical Studies, 145F. Barrett's New York Merchants, 877O. Bayne's Puritans, 294A. Bullock's Consecrated Lives, 1302O. Burke's Great Families, 94.7O. Burke's Historical Portraits, 541 F. Burke's Vicissitudes of Families, 1015-6O. Cash's Where There's a Will There's a Way, 676T. Cobbett's Rural Rides, 1351R. Cooke's Great Lives, 1003O. Cowper's (Countess) Diary [1714-20], 199F. Crispin Aiiecdotes, 1497Z. Crof- fut's Vanderbilts, 1341O. Croker Papers, 200-2F. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21-8F. Curwen's Booksellers, 520O. Dis- tinguished Men of Modern Times, 206-9Z. Emerson's Lectures, 945O. Eminent Anglo-Saxons, 170-71Z. Eminent Persons, 247F. Famous Boys, &c, 1328O. Fitzgerald's Lives of the Sheridans, 638-9F. Fitz- gerald's The Kembles, 333-4F. Field's Memories of Men and Women, 647O. Friswell's Footsteps to Fame, 652O. Forney's Anecdotes, 948 R. Foxe's Memories of old Friends, 833O. Gilbert's Viceroys of Ireland [836-1509], 548F. Gladstone's Gleanings, 882Z. Gower's Re- minscences, 648 F. Greville Memoirs, 293-304F. Grosart's Nonconfor- mists, 946O. Guizot's St. Louis and Calvin, 808O. Hall's Great Men and Women of the Age, 285F. Hannay's Barons of Gournay, 1352O. Hardman's French Protestant Refugees, 314A. Hare's Memorials, 692-4O. Irvine's Biographies, 1404O. Japp's Labour and Victory, 951Q. Jones' Biographical Dictionary, 187Z. Johnson's Living in Earnest, 1009R. Johnson's Works, 993H. Johnson's Works, 902-13Z. Kay's Edinburgh Portraits, 745-6O. Lamartine's Girondists, 963-5Q. Lang's English Worthies, 1201O. Lennox's Celebrities, 1014-7H. Lives of Illustrious Men, 251Z. Madden's Shrines and Sepulchres, 242-3K. Mahomet's Successors, 1006Q. Martin's Memories of Seventy Years, 834O. Martyrs, 270M. Mis- cellaneous Biography, 146F. Mozley's Essays, 1023-4H. Muir's Annals of the Early Caliphate, 365 F. Oliphant's Makers of Florence, 359O. Our Old Nobility, 885-6O. Pepys' Diary [1659-1669], 902 and 907O. Pepys' Diary, 903-6R. Pratt's Dawnings of Genius, 205Z. Prescctt's Biographical Miscellanies, 578D. Pressens^'s Contem- porary Portraits, 591O. Ramsay's Scottish Character, 956O. Redd- [60] BIO ENGLISH SECTION. BIO BIOGRAPHY— Works of -.—{continued.) Biography General, or Collective '.—{continued.) ing's Remarkable Misers, 940O. Revolutionary Plutarch, 961Q. Russell's Eccentric Personages, 1307-8O. Russell's Extraordinary Men, 1330O. Scott's Memoirs, 1104-5Z. Simcox's Episodes, 1086R. Smiles' Life and Labour, 1355O. Stevenson's Church Historians of England, 277-83A. Stevenson's Men and Books, 640O. Successful Men of Modern Times, 173Z. Thackeray (Miss) Book of Sibyls, 502F. Thackeray's English Humourists, 1042Q. Timb's Eccentrics, 850-1Q. Tooley's Lives, 801O. Tweedie's Earnest Men, 622O. Tyerman's Oxford Methodists, 290A. Tytler's Songstresses of Scotland, 739-0M. Vandam's Amours of Great Men, 487O. Verne's Great Explorers, 287F. Walford's Our Great Families, 1126-9R. Ware's Famous Centenarians, 1295O. Wayland's Pursuit of Knowledge, 1334-5O. Wilson's Wonderful Characters, 1049O. World's Workers, 1149O. Biography Individual. (As a rule see under name in General Catalogue for fuller title and particulars of any person ; also in Reference Library -, Slep/ie/i's Biography, Vincent's Biography, Ward^s Men of the Time, &*c. ) Sec AbednegO, 151K. Abel, 151K. Abram, 151K. Absalom, 151K. Adam, 151K. Adams (J. Q.), 471O. Addison (J.), 1054O and 338Z. Agassiz (L.), 473-4O. Ahab, 151K. Aikin (J.), 119-20F. Akenside (M.), 389Z. Albany (Countess of), 1125O. Albert Prince Consort, 327B and 327Ba, 90 and 92-6F, 475 and 476O. Aldrovandi (U.), 666Q. Alexander the Great, 182Z. Ali Pasha, 183Z. Alice (Princess), 480O. Alison (Sir A.), 127-8F. Andersen (H. C), 1544Z. Andrew, 152K. Angelico, Fra, 1097O. Anne (Queen), 236-8H. Anson, 130F. Appleton, 131 F. Arago (F.), 982Q, 1276R. Aristotle, 657Q. Arm- strong (J.), M.D., 3961Z. Arnold (T.), 1016-7Q. Arteveld (J. & P.), 1012O. Atterbury, 132F. Auerback (B.), 888R. Austen (J.), 489O. Azara (Don Felix D'.), 662Q. Bacon (Lord F.), 138F, 1081Q, 184Z. Bagehot (W.), 863H. Balaam. 151K. Balfe, 584D. Balzac, 211-12F. Banks (J.), 681Q. Barclay (J.), 667Q. Barham (R. H.), 493-4O. Barker (J.), 496O. Barnabas, 152K. Barneveld (John ot), 497-8O. Barnum (P. T.V 499O and 313T. Bartolommeo, 1098O. Bates (W.), D.D., 126M. Bauer, 159-42F. Baxter (R.), 592F, 1160O, 186 and 1673Z. Beaconsfield (Lord), 1347 an 621-2F. Coleridge, (S. T.), 1062 and 1265O, 326Q. Coligny (G. De), 979 and 1024Q. Collingwood (Lord), 588O. Collins (Mortimer), 1053R. Collins (W.), 383Z. Columbus (C), 682-3K, 990 and 1073Q, 894-5Z. Conde (Prince Louis of), 590O, 1003Q. Congreve (W.), 337Z. Cook (Emile), 592O. Combe (G.), 196-7F. Cooper (J. F.), 1040Q. Corneille, 198F. Corneille and Racine, 1186O. Cornelius, 152K. Cortes (H.), 524-6H, 594-5O. Cowley (A.), 311Z. Cowper (W)., 1063O, 967 and 995Q, 1572Z. Crabbe (G.), 525Q. Cranmer (Abp.), 283T, 169Z. Cromwell (O.), J 3970> io 43Q> 204Z. Cruikshank (G.), 597-8O. Cunningham (J.), 391Z. Curran (J. P.), 206 and 207-8F, 898H. Cuvier(G. L. C. F. D.), 659Q. Daniel, 151K. Dante, 599 and 1175O. Darwin (C), 612-^F. David, 151K. Davy, 209-10F. Defoe (D.), 1064O, 1275R. Denison (Archdeacon), 220F. De Quincey (T.), 490 and 1065O. De Saumarez (Lord), 640-1F. Desborough (Major General John), 204Z. Descartes (R.), 1026Q. Desmoulins, 228F. Dibden (C), 483D. Dickens (C.\ 229-31 and 232-4F, 1066, 1141, 1266, and 1296O. Dodine;ton (George Bubb), 210Z. Donaldson (W.), 211Z. Donatello, 1100O. Dodds (J.), 618O. Dor£, 235F. Douglas (F.), 620O. Douglas (Sir Howard), 236F. Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier, 212Z. Drew (S.)> 55 K. Drury (Dru), 658Q. Dryden (J.), 1067O, 314Z. Duff (A.\ 582-3D. Dundonald, 241-2F. Dun- can (J.), 621O. Durer (Albrecht), 1096O. Durham (Sir Philip C. H. C), 243F. Dyck (Sir A. Van), 1112O. Dyer (J.), 380Z. Edward (T.J, 771O. Eldon, 244-6F. Eli, 151K. Elijah, 151K, 398M. Eliot (Sir J.), 628-9O, 284T. Eliot (G.), 625-7 and 1126O. Elisha, 151K. Elizabeth (Queen), 121-2F, 630-1O, 216Z. Emerson (R. W.), 632O. Enoch, 151K. Erasmus (D.), 636-7O. Esau, 151K. Esther, 151K. Euler, 873-4 and 1121Z. Evans (Christmas), 638O. Eve, 151K. Ezra, 151K. Fairfax (E.), 516Z. Falconer (W.), 395Z. Fawcett(H.), 642O. F(§nelon, 645O. Fenton{P2.), 351Z. Fer- gusson(W.). 256F. Fichte(J. G.), 1028 and 1035Q. Fielding (H.), 648 andio680. Fitch(J.), 646O. Fletcher (J. W.), 563F. Forbes(J. D.), 257F. Forsyth, 258F. Foster (J.), 653-4O. Fox (C. J.), 260F. Fox (George), 261 and 262F. Frampton, 263F. Franklin (B.), 940H, 1142O, 217-8Z. Franklin (Sir John), 668-77K, 655O. Fraser (J., Bp. of Manchester), 596F. Frederick the Great, 656-7 and 1246O, 959Q- Frederick the Second, 1059Q. French Protestant [Jean Marteilhe], 491O. Frith (W. P.), 615-6F. Frobel (F.), 1361O. Fry(E.), 1128O. Fuller (M.), 66A, 1127O. Fuller (T.), D.D.,66 2 0, 1274R. G-artield (President), 269F, 666 and 667O, 198Z. Gardiner (Colonel J.), 219Z. Garibaldi, 6680. Garrison, 270-1 F. Garth (Sir S.), 350Z. Gay (J.), 366Z. George I., 36F, 1084X. George II., 69-71F, 1084X. George III., 72-3F. George IV., 80-1F, 1055Q. Ges- ner (C J, 663Q. Ghiberti. 1100O. Gibbon (E.), 741 H, 669 and 1069O. Gibson (J.), 273F. Giotto Di Bondone, 1124O. Gladstone (W. E.), 274 and 275F, 670O. Godwin (M. W.), it 3 60. Godwin (W.), 276-7F. Goethe (J. W.), 672-3, 674-5, 1188, and 1268O, 221Z. Gold- smith (O.), 676 and 1070O, 1005Q, 398Z. Gordon (General), 677, 1153, 1292, and 1364O, and 226Z. Gough (J. B.), 280 and 281 F, 227Z. Gower's Reminiscences, 648F. Graham (M. J.), 678O. Grant (General), 291D. Grant (U. S.), 602-3F. Granville (G.) ; 331Z. Gray (R.), 283-4F. Gray (T.), 1071O, 388 and 1575Z. Green (M.), 370Z. Gregory the Seventh, 289-90F. Greenwell (D.), 1303O. Grellet (S.), 291-2F, 11630. Gresham (Sir T.), 201Z. Greville (H.), 296F. Grimaldi (J.), 2851'. Gri&wold, ^sosF. Guizot (F.), [62] BIO ENGLISH SECTION. BIO BIOGRAPHY— Works of '.—{continued.) Biography Individual : — [continued.) 306 and 398F. Gurney (J. J.), 307-8F. Gustavus Adolphus, 1064Q. Guthrie (T. ), D.D., 684-5 and 1143O. Guyon (Madame De La Mo the), 1366O. Hall(R.), ii6iO,243Q )9 65R. Hall(S. C.), 309-10F. Haller (A. Von), 656Q. Haman, 151K. Hamilton (A.), 1365O. Hamilton (Lady), 690 and 1362-3O. Hamilton (Sir W.), 1233O, 1031 and 1037Q. Hammond (J.), 383Z. Handel (G. F.), 1144 and 1224O. Hannibal the Carthaginian 229Z. Hannington (J.), D.D., 691O. Hare (A. J. C.), 692-4O. Harvey (W.), 312F. Brougham (Lord), 195Z. Hatherley (Lord), 695-6O. Hatton (Sir C), 313F. Havelock (Sir H.), 697, 1145O. Havergal (F. R.), 698 and 1152O. Hawthorne (N.), 700 and 1072O. Hawthorne (Nathaniel), and his Wife, 1336-7O. Haydon (B. R.), 314-5F. Haydn (J.), 1222O. Hegel (G. W. F.), 1030Q. Hemans (Mrs.), 315 and 993Q. Henry VIII. , 701O, 940Q. Herod (Agrippa), 152K. Herod (Antipas), 152K. Herschel(Sir W.), 708O. Herschel (Mrs. C.), 709O. Hessel (Eliza), 710O. Hessel(J.), 711O. Hezekiah, 151K. Hill (Sir Rowland), 316-7 F, 232Z. Hippo- lytus, 215-8M. Hobart Pasha (Admiral), 712O. Hobart (J. H.), 286T. Hobbes (T.), 1032Q. Hogarth (W.), 1101O. Holbein (Hans), 1102O. Holcroft (T.), 981Q, 1276R. Holland (Sir H.), 716O. Hood (E. P.), 717O. Hood(T.), 769O. Hook (Dean), 318-9F. Hortense (Queen), 718O. Howard (J.), 320F, 233Z. Howe, 69 and 200A. Huber (F.), 677Q. Hughes (G.), 720O. Hugo (V.), 722, 723, and 724O. Hullah (J.), LL.D., 725O. Humboldt (A. and W.), 726O. Humbold (A. von), 1024O, 680Q. Hume, 1073O, 1079Q. Hunt (L.), 727-8O. Hunter (J.), 665Q. Hutcheson (F.), 1232O. Hutchinson (Colonel), 729O. Hyacinthe (Father), 730O. Ida, 13510. Ireton (H.), 204Z. Irving (H.), 733O. Irving(W\), 1405-6O, 897-9Z. Isaac, 151K. Jackson (Thomas), 734O. Jackson (Genl. Stonewall), 735O. Jacob, 151K. James, 152K. James I., 678R. Jameson (Anna), 323F. Jarousseau (J.), 732O. Jehoshaphat, 151K. Jenyns (i'oame), 397Z. Jefferson (T.), 324-7F. Jeremiah, 151K. Joan of" Arc, 322F, 1021Q. Job, 151K. Johnson (S), LL.D., 737-40, 962 and 1074O, 1275R, 236-40, 241 and 399Z. John the Baptist, 152K. John the Evange- list, 152K. Jonah, 151K. Jones (A. E.), 1019Q. Jones (J. Paul), 742O. Jones (Sir VV.), 328F. Jonson (Ben), 1202O. Joseph, 151 K. Josephine (Empress), 1071Q. Joshua, 151K. Josiah, 151K. Judas, 152K. Junot (Madame), 329-31 F. Kailt (Immanuel), 332F, 1033Q, 648R. Keats (J.), 1088O. Kemble (F. A.), 747-52O. King (W.), 326Z. Kingsley (C), 753-4O. Kitto (J.), 755O. Knox (J.), 756 and 1164O. Kossuth (L.), 87O. Lacepede (M. Le Comte De), 669Q. Lacordaire (H. D.), 1350O. La" Fontaine, 1176O. Lamarck (J. B. P. A. De Monet, Chevalier De), 674Q. Lamartine (A. De), 757-8O, 1018Q. Lamb (C), 759O. Lamb (M.), 1129O. Landor (W. S.), 339F, 1089R. Las Casas (Count de), 338F, 760O. Latrielle (P^ A.), 675Q. Lavater (J. K.), 166Z. Law (J.), 761O. Law (VV.), 340F. Lord Lawrence, 343-4F. Lawrence (Sir Thomas), 341-2F, 1103O. Lawson (Sir Wilfrid), 200Z. Le Brun (Madame), 345F. Le Febore (T.), 764O. Legge (J.), 765O. Leibnitz (G. W.), 1027Q. Leifchild, 346F. Leighton (R.), 421A. Leo the Tenth, 766-7O, 176Z. Lessing (G. E.), 347-8F. Le Vaillant (F.), 655Q. Lieber (F.), 575D. Lincoln (A.), 773 and 1146O, 1023Q. Linnaeus (C), 649Q. Liszt (Franz), 1353-4O. Liverpool (Lord), 350-2F. Livesey (J.), 1143O. Livingstone (D.), 1146O. Locke (J.), 1076O. Lockhart (VV.), 384F. Longfellow (H. VV.), 590-1F, 59iFa, 1264O. Lot, 151K. Louis XII., 97-8F. Louis XIV., 804-5 and 1309O. Louis XVII., 806-7O. Louis Philippe, 112F. L'Ouverture (Toussaint), 809O. Luther (M.), 356 and 620F, 811 and 812O, 947 and 949Q. Lyell (Sir C), 358-9F. Macaulay (Lord), 366-7 F, 1077O. Machiavelli (N.), 85O. Mc Ilvaine, 360F. M'Lean (A.), 151M. Macmillan (D.>, 813O. Macready (VV. C), 362-3F. Mahomet, 364F and 1799Z. Maintenon (Madame De), 602.O Malan (C), 814O. Mallett (DA 387Z. Mallett (Madame), 1009Q. Malmesbury (Earl of), 368-9F. Manasseh, 151K. Margaret of Anjou, 370-1 F. Margaret (Queen of Navarre), 1137O. Marie Antoinette, 99-100F, 815-6 and 817O. Marie-Louise (Empress of France), 1356O. Marlborough (Duke of), 308-9D, 378F, 1203O, 942 and 1065Q. Marmontel (J. F.), 818-21O. [63] BIO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BIO BIOGRAPHY— Works of -.—{continued.) Biography Individual : — [continued.) Marot (C), 822O. Marsden (S.), 994Q. Marsh (Miss C), 1152O. Marsh (J.), 823O. Marsh (\V.), 379F. Marteilhe (Jean), 491O. Martineau (H.), 824-6 and 1130O. Martin (John), 1305-6O. Martyn (H.), 3S0F, 1165O. Mary, 152K. Mary, Queen of Scots, 347H, 793-40, 1076-7Q. Massillon (J- B.), 45Q- Massinger (P.), 310Q. Mathew (Father), 1143O. Matthew, 152K. Maurice (F. D.), 381-2F. Maxwell (J. C), 383F. Medici (Lorenzo De), 215-6F. Meissonier (J. W.), 1104O. Melbourne (Viscount), 385-6F. Mel- chizedek, 151 K. Melito (M. de), 217-8F. Melville (A.), 387-8F. Mendelssohn-BartholdyQ. L. F.), 837, 838 and 1225O. Merian (M. S-), 673Q, 95R. Meshach 151K. Metcalf (J.), 839O. Metternich (Prince), 644 and 113-6F, 1377O. Miall (E.), 389F. Mill (J. S.), 390F.840O. Miller (Hugh), 809R. Milnor (J.), 391F. Milton (J.), 1078O, 303Z. Mirabeau, 399F. Mitford (M. R.), 845-9O. Moffat (Robert and Mary), 400F. Mohammed, 1075Q. Moir (D. M.), 346Q. Moliere, 1177O. Molinos (M.), 103Q. Monod (A.), 852O. Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley), 401-2F. Montagu (Marquise De), 603O. Montaigne, 1178O. Montalembert, 1014-5Q. Montpensier (Mademoiselle De), 604-6O. Montrose (Marquis of), 403F. Moore (G.)> 404F, 1149O. Moore (Sir John), 406-7F. Mordecai, 151K. More (Hannah), 853-6O. More (Sir T.), 283 and 288T. Moreland (Henry, Earl of), 408F. Morgan (A. De), 219F. Morgan (Lady), 409-10F. Morley (S.) 618F. Moses, 151K. Motley (J. L.), 857O. Mozart (W. A.), 858-9 and 1226O. Miiller (G.), 1148O. Murchison (Sir Roderick (T.), 411-2F. Napier (General Sir C. J.), 861-4O. Napier (M.), 273H. Napier (General Sir W.), 413-4F. Napoleon Bonaparte, 101-4, io6and 107-8F, 865-6, 867-10, 1290 and 13560,1056-70;, 260, 261, 262, 875-6 and 1001-9Z. Napoleon (Prince), 644 F. Napoleon III., 110-1F, 871O. Nathaniel, 152K. Nebuchadnezzar, 151K. Neff (F.), 872O. Nehemiah, 151K. Nelson (Lord) 632-3D, 415-6F, 1362-3O, 1058Q, 264-5Z. Newton (Sir T.), 4T7F, 1054Q, 168 and 266Z. Newton (R.), D.D., 873O. Nicodemus, 152K. Nicoll(R.), 336Q. Nightingale (Florence), 1 152O. Noah,i 5 iK. North (C.X418F. O'Connell (D.), 1376O. Oglethorpe(General), 876O. Onesimus, 152K. Opie(J.), 597F. Orsi (Count), 878O. Owen (R. D.), 1367O. Palissy (B.), 996Q. Pallas (P. S.), 661Q. Palmer (E. H.), 892O. Palmerston (Lord), 1240O. Palmerston (L. C.), 1375O. Panizzi (Sir A.), 419-20F. Parnell (T.), D.D., 348Z. Parr (Dr. S.), 650R. Pascall, 1179O. Patteson (J. C), 894-5O. Patti (A.), 1371O. Pattison (M.), 896O. Paul, 152K. Paul (St.), 356 and 389A, 268M. Payson(E.), D.D., 897O. Peabody (G.), 898O. Peel (Sir R.), 4 2iF, 899 and 1241O. Penn (W.), 422-3F, 900 and 901O. Pennant (T.), 650Q. Penne- father (W.), 425 F. Pepys (S.), 902 and 908O, 903-6R. Peroh (M. Francois), 668Q. Peter, 152K. Peter the Great, 1074Q. Petrarch, 426-7F, 1180O. Peyton (W. MA 428F. Pfeiffer (Ida), 871Q. Pharaoh, 151K. Phelps (S.), 619F. Philip, 152K. Philip II. , 430-2F. Philip, III., 436-7F. Philips (A.), 379Z. Philips (John), 347Z. Pierce (Franklin), 977Q, 241Z. Pindar (Peter), 519Z. Pitt (C), 370Z. Pitt (Rt. Hon. W.), 440-2F, 913-5 and 1242O. Pizaro, 916O. Pliny (Caius), 443-4F, 652Q. Plutarch, 445F. Poe (E. A.), 728 and 729M, 925-6O. Pollock (Sir F.), 1359-60O. Pomfret (J. ), 332Z. Pontius Pilate, 152K. Pope (A.), 1079O, 355Z. Portsmouth - (Duchess of), 643F. Pounds (J.), 930O. Pradt (Abbe" de), 644F. Prentiss (Elizabeth), 931O. Prescott (W. H.), 577D. Prior (M.), 1346O, 328Z. Punshon (AV. M.), 61 iF, 936O. Purcell, 1220O. Pycroft(J.), 598-9F. Qvimet, 469F. Rabelais, 1 181 0. Rachel, 1138O. Racine and Corneille(IL), 1 1860. Raffles (SirT. S.), 651Q. Raikes (R.), 948Q. Raleigh (A.), 937O. Raleigh (Sir W.), 938 and 1204O, 935Q. Raynard(Mrs.), 1152O. Raphael, nc60. Rapp(Genk), 105F. Ray (J.), 676Q. Reed (A.), 1148O. Rembrandt, 1107O. Re- musat (Madame de), 22iando44F, 609O. Renan(E.), 1304O. Reresby (Sir J.), 470F. Reubens (P. P.), 950 and 1109O. Reynolds (Sir J.), 1108O. Richard I., 1069Q and 1509-10O. Richardson (S.), 1275R. Richmond (L.), 473F. Robertson (F. W.), 948-9 and 1338O. Robinson (T.), 261-2A. Rochester (John, Earl of), 22S and 325Z. Roland (Madame), 1131O. Romilly (Sir S.), 297-ST. Romnev, 1103O. * [64] BIO ENGLISH SECTION. BIO BIOGRAPHY— Works of -.—{continued.) Biography Individual : — {continued.) Rondelet (W.), 796Q. Rosa (Salvator), 476-7F. Roscommon (Earl of), 324Z. (Dante Gabriel), 478F, 1267O. Rossini, 1219O. Rousseau, 1182O. Rowe(N.), 340Z. Ruskin(J.), 873H, 827R. Russell (William, Lord), amO. Saint Simon, 1183O. Salt(SirT.), 953 and 1149O. Salviani(H.), 678Q. Samuel, 151K. Sand (George), 479-81F, 1132O. Satan, 151K. Saul, 151K. Saumarez (Lord de), 224-5F. Savage (R.), 375Z. Schamyl (Circassian, Sultan and Warrior), 1273R, 634Z. Scheffer (Ary), 482F. Schiller (F.), 954. "89 and 1284O. Schomburgh (R. H.), 682Q. Schopenhauer (A. 1 , 955O. Schubert, 1218O. Schumann (R.), 1227O. Scott (Sir G. G.), 484F. Scott (T.), 48sF. Scott (Sir W.), 486-9 and 1080O. Sesjur (Count), 492-4F. Selwyn (G.), 1276R. Semmes (Capt.), 231D. Senior (N. W.), 612-3O. S£vign£ (Madame De), 226-7F, 1187O. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, 151K. Shaftesbury (First Earl of), 1205O. Shaftesbury (Third Earl of), 1232O. Shaftesbury (Seventh Earl of), 604-6F and 1343O. Shakespeare, 495 and 496F. Sharpe (S.), 959O. Shelley (P. B.), 960 and 1081O. Shenstone (W.), 385Z. Sheridan (Rt. Hon. R. B.), 497-8F, 1078H, 1084, 1085 and 1090R, 299 and 300-1T. Sherlock (Bishop), 23-4Q. Sherman (Genl. ), 292 D. Sibbold (Sir R.), 644Q. Sidney (Sir P.), 1091R. Sieveking (A. W), 961O. Sister Dora, 1373O. Sloane (Sir H.), 666Q. Smellie (W.), 645Q. Smith (Ed- mund), 347Z. Smith (S.), 503F. Smith (T. A.), 504F. Smollett (T.), 964O, 1051 and 1053X. Solomon, 151K. Somerville (M.), 966O. Somerville (W.), 353Z. Southey (R.), 969-74 and 1082O. Spenser (E.), 413D, 1083O, 292Z. Spinoza (B. De), 595H, 976O, 1080Q. Spurgeon (C. H.), 508F, 1342O. Spurgeon(Mrs.), 1301O. St. Albans (Duchess of), 607-8 F. Stael (Madame De), 610-1O. Scandish (Miles), 977O. Stanhope (Lady H.), 978-80O. Stanley (A. P.), 981O. Stanley (E. and C), 982O. Steele (Sir R.), 509-10F, 1206O. Stein (H. F. C), 511-3F. Stephen, 152K. Stephenson (G.), 514F. Stephenson (G. and R.), 1150O. Stephenson (R.\ 515-6F. Sterne {L.\ 10840, 165T. Stockmar (Baron), 985-6O. Stonnor (C), 987O. Story (J.), 579-80D. Strafford (Earl of), 553, 555-6F and 284T. Sumner (C), 5i8-gF. Sumner (C. R.), D.D., 988O. Swammerdam (J.), 671Q. Swedenborg, 186-7A. Swift (Dean), 587D, 522F, 1085O, no6R, 1275R, 333Z. Tait (C), 993O. Tasso (1\), 994-5 and 1184O, 516Z. Taylor (Bayard), 997-8O. Taylor (H.), 525-6F\ Taylor (Jeremy), 1124H. Taylor (J. S.), M.A., 1125H. Taylor (Col. M.), 996O. Teignmouth (Lord), 527-8F. Telford, 839O. Tennyson (A.), 873H. Teresa (St. ), 999O. Thackeray (W. M.), 1086O. Thirhvall (Bishop), 530F. Thomson (J.), 341Q, 377Z. Thoreau(H. D.), 1002O, 1039Q. Tickell(T.), 352Z. Tintoretto, n 10O. Titian, 531-2F, 1111O. Toc- queville(A. De), 612-3O. Todd (J.), 533F. Tone (T. W.), 273Z. Treffry (R.), 1005O. Trench (Mrs.), 536F. Trevithick (R.), 537F. Trollope (A.), 31 iT, 1006-7O. Trumbull (J.), 538F. Tucker (A.), 620H. Tupper(M. F.), 542F. Turenne l Marshal), 1029 and 1247O, 1273R. Turner (J. M. W.), 1008, 1119, and 1151O. Tussaud (Madame), 264F. TJlfeldt (Leonora Christiana), 188F. Vambery (A.), 1011O. Vandeleur(MajorA.), 1013O. Vanderbilts(The), 1341O. Van Dyck, 1112O. Vernet (H.), 1113F. Vicars (Capt. H.), 1014O. Vico, 1078Q. Victor Emmanuel II., 1017-8O. Victoria (Queen), 225D, 1345O. Vinci (Leonardo Da), 1075M, 1106O. Virgil, 1191H.. Voltaire, 549F, 1023 and 1 190O. "Wagner(R.), 1217O. Walker(J.), 646Q. Waller (E.), 301-2Z. Washington (General), 274-5Z. Water- ton (C), 580-1Q. Watson (R.), 20M. Watt (J.), 971Q. Watteau (A.), 1115O. Watts (Dr. T.), 550F, 344Z. Weber (C. M.), 1216O. Webster (D.), 620-1 B. Webster (N.), 1041Q, 310T. Wellington (Duke of), 55i and 552-3F, 1029 and 1409O, 970 and 972Q, 1273 R.. Werner (A. G.), 672Q. Wesley (J.), 559-61 and 562F, 617H, 516M, 1031 and 1283O, 276Z. Wesley (Susanna), 1013Q. Wesley's Mother, 1297O. West (B.), 564F. Whatley (R.), 565-6 F. Whewell (W.), 567F. White (H. K.), 568-70F. Whitefield (G.), 572-3F. Wiclif(L), 574-5F. Wilberforce (S.), 576-8F. Wilberforce (W.), 1036, 1037 and 1038O. Wilkie (Sir D.), 1114O. William I., 1391O. Wil- liam III., 1398O. William IV., 1026O. William (Emperor of Germany), 1403O. Williams (J.), 579F. Williams (R.), D.D., 1039O- [65] BIO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BIR BIOGRAPHY— Works of -.—{continued.) Biography Individual : — {continued. ) Willoughby (F.), 648Q. Wilson (A.), 647Q. Wilson (J. Christopher Xorth), 418 and 580F and 875O. Witt (J. De), 600-1 F. Wolseley (General Lord), 1042O. Wolfe (Genl. J.), 581F. Wolff (J.), D.D., 560-1 K. Wolsey (Cardinal), 1395O and 283T. Wren (Sir C), 585F. Wright (Chauncey), 1051O. Wycliffe (J. De), 174Z. Yates (E.), 586-7F. York (Duke of"), 588F. Young (E.), LL.D., 371Z. Zimmerman (J. G.), 1142H. Zimzendorf(Count), 1053O. Zschokke (H.), 593F. Supplement.— Forster (Right Hon. W. E.), 652-3F. Henry II., 1392O. Lytton (Lord) 658-9F. Quekett (W.), 651F. BIOLOG-Y (See also Botany, Life, Zoology, &c). Study of, &c, by Huxley [Humboldt Library], illustrated. 18S2 780F See also Dawson's Life's Dawn, 160R. Doherty's Organic Philosophy, 568H. Foster's Embryology, 828M. Phillip's Life on the Earth, 161K. Wilson's Evolution, 27R, and Studies, 43R, &c. Bion and Moschus, Trans, by Fawkes [Fam. Clas. Lib.]. 1832... II37Q ■ {Greek Poet, 280 B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. BIRD, The— Works relating to : {See also Ornitliology, Natural History, Zoology, Names, e.g., Eagle, Canary, &c, also under Cottntries and Travels). Bird Architecture, by Rennie. 1844 717Z illustrated. 1844 717Z Bird-Catchers. [Buckland's Curiosities] 597Q Bird of Passage, or Flying Glimpses of Many Lands. 1849 650K Bird- Stuffing [Housman's Museum] 92R See also Taxidermy. Birds, Architecture of [Lib. Ent. Know.]. 1831 483T British, by Yarrell, illustrated, 3 vols. 1856 706-8F in their Haunts, by Johns. 1876 777F Cage, by Bechstein. 1881 59R Eggs and Nests, British, by Atkinson, illustrated. 1867 ... 616Q British, by Jennings, colored illustrations 613 and 614Q Faculties of (Lib. Ent. Know.). 1835 484T Familiar History of, by Stanley, illustrated. 1865 615Q Foreign Caged Birds, Parrots, Parrakeets, Cockatoos, &c, by Gedney, illustrated 57R Habits of, by J. Rennie. 1833 533T in the Museum of the Hon. East India Company [Catalogue], by Horsfield and Moore, 2 vols. 1854-8 709-10F Journal of a Naturalist 787F Humming, by Adams 154R Natural History of, by Jardine, colored ill. 2 vols in I ... 61 7Q Natural History of, for Young Persons, by Smith, 2 vols in 1. 71 iZ Nesting [All Year Round] 1807J Our Summer Migrants, by Harting, illustrated. 1877 58R The Poets', by Robinson [A List of Birds mentioned in Poems with References and Notes]. 1883 737M Wild Flowers and Insects of the Months, by Adams 56 iQ See also Adam's Nests and Eggs, 55R. Audubon's Ornithological Biography, 210D. Blight's Land's End, 820Q. Brown's Science for All, 629B. Buckley's Life's Race, 129R. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Cooper's Rural Hours, 31R. Colquhoun's South China, 541-2K. Cooke's Woodlands, 622Q. Dall's Alaska, 602B. Darwin's Origin of Species, 22R. Du Chaillu's Africa, 591K. Duncan's Sea Shore, 627Q. Fraser's Seaside Naturalist, 590Q. Gill's China and Burmah, 512-3K. Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q. Hartwig's, The Sea and its Living Wonders, 757 F. Hemans' Poems, vol 5, 319Q. Ingersoll's [66] BIR ENGLISH SECTION. BLA BIRD, The— Works relating to : — {continued.) American Natural History, 582Q. Jardine's Naturalists' Library [Library vols 1-14], 1884, 644-57Q ; [Supp. vol], 1884, 684Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Jones' Credulities, 902M. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-12F. Maling's Handbook for Ladies, 493T. Morris' Naturalist, 114-21D. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Napier's Lakes and Rivers, 623Q. National Miscellany, 1037H. Proctor's Nature Studies [Birds with. Teeth], 447R. Seasons of the Year, 569Q. Taylor's Mountain and Moor, 625Q. Tiny Workers, 724Z. T wining' s Symbols, 507M. Valentine's Girl's Own Book [Song Birds], 1187R. Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q. Wood's Strange Dwellings, 56R, &c. Bird (G.), Elements of Natural Philosophy, Study of the Physical Sciences. 1839 459R Bird (I. L.), A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains, ill. 1879-80 1598R Six Months among the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs and Volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands (The Hawaiian Archipelago), ill. 1876 1650R The Englishwoman in America. 1856 1614R The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither, ill. 1883 1488R Unbeaten Tracks in Japan, illustrated, 2 vols. 1881 533-4K Bird wood (G. C. M.), C.S.I., Industrial Arts of India, ill. 1880 ... 91 iD Birkbeck (G.), The Pioneer of Popular Education, by Godard. 1884 516O See also Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449 B. Birkenhead and its Docks [Land we Live in] 464B Birks (T. R.), M.A., Exodus of Israel, its Difficulties Examined and its Truth Confirmed, with a Reply to Recent Objections. 1864 233M Birmingham, Historical and Descriptive Sketch of, illustrated. 1830 788K See also Alison's Europe, 139-40O. Granville's Spas, 352K, &c. Riots [Popular Tumults] 1238Z Birrell (A.), Obeiter Dicta [Literary Essays], 2 vols. 1884-7 151-iTa Carlyle, Browning's Poetry, Truth Hunting, Actors, Falstaff, &c, 151T. Milton, Pope, Johnson, Burke, Lamb, Emerson, Worn out Types, Book-Buying, &c. Births. See Malthus' Population, 1093F, &c. Bishop (Sir H. R., b. 1780, d. 1855). See Tytler's Musical Composers 860O, &c. Bishop (J. L.), M.D., American Manufactures from 1608 to i860, 2 vols. 1864 888-9D BISHOPS and Clergy. (See also Clergy, Church, Ecclesiastics, £rY. ) by Bullock [with Portraits] 1291O Deans, Our, by Arnold, 2 vols. 1875 879-10O See also Brodie's British Empire, 212-3H. Burn's History of Parish Regis- ters, 536H. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Froude's England, 192-203O. Cibbon's Roman Empire, 75-6H. Green's Conquest of Eng- land, 187H. Green's English People, 189-92H. Milman's Early Chris- tianity, 155-6Q. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-7M, Sec. Bismarck-Schonhausen (Otto Count Von, Prussian Statesman, Ik 1815), Our Chancellor, by Busch, translated by Kingston, 2 vols. 1884 881-2O See also Adam's Great Names, 682O. Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7 B. Hayward's Statesmen, 248F. Vasili's Berlin Society, 1222R, &c. Bismuth. See Simonin's Mines, 632-3B, &c. Bison. See Ingersoll's American Natural History, 582Q. Buffalo, &C Bisset (A.), History of the Struggle for Parliamentary Government in England, 2 vols. 1877 215-6II Bitter Cry of Outcast London 55iM Black Cap, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 656Q, 8cc. Black Forest, its People and Legends, by Seguin I354-R See also The Argosy, 33J. Green's German Pictures, 333B, &c. Black Hawk, the Great Indian Chief, His Life and Adventures. 1857 699O Black Hills [America], by Dodge, illustrated. 1876 1616R [67] BLA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BLA Black Lead. See Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q. Black Sea. S$t Marvin's Petroleum Region, Geography, &c, 805K. Black (A.) [Curwen's Booksellers] 520O Tourist's Guide to Derbyshire, its Towns, Watering Places, Dales and Mansions, edited by Jewitt, illustrated. 1865 608Z Devonshire. 1865 608F Black (C. B.), Touraine with Normandy and Brittany, illustrated ... 833Q Black (Clementina). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Black (J. S.), Brougham's Philosophers 597R Black (W.), Goldsmith [English Men of Letters]. 1878 1070O and Livingstonia fjapp's Missionaries] 770O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Blackbird, The. See Woods, Lane and Field, 624Q. Blackburn (H.), Art in the Mountains, the Story of the Passion .Play, ill., and an Appendix of Information for Travellers. 1880 903D Breton Folk, an Artistic Tour in Brittany, ill. by Caldecott. 1880 599B The Pyrenees, a Description of Summer Life at French Watering Places, illustrated. 1881 338O Blackburn (T.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Blackurne (E. O.), Illustrious Irishwomen, 2 vols in 1. 1877 321F See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Blackford (Mrs.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Blackie (J. S., Scotch Scholar, b. 1809), F.R.S.E., Altavona, Fact and Fiction, from my Life in the Highlands. 1882 J 357R On Self-Culture, Intellectual, Physical and Moral. 1874 669T Wisdom of Goethe. 1883 22 iZ Blackie (W. G., b. 1820), D.D., Leaders in Modern Philanthropy [R.T.S.] 762O Howard, Wilberforce, Fry, Chalmers, Livingstone, Sturge, Salt, Moore, Grellet, Reed, Macaulay, &c. Blacklock (A.), Treatise on Sheep, with the best means for their Improvement, General Management, &c, illustrated. 1841 744Z Blackmore (R. D.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Blackpool. [Granville's Spas, &c] 351K Blackstone (Sir W., English Jurist, b. 1723, d. 1780), Commen- taries on the Laws of England, 4 vols. 1811 252-5D Blackwood (W., b. 1776, d. 1834) [Curwen's Booksellers] 520O Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, from vol 1, 1817 {The works of fiction contained in this Magazine will also be found under their proper headings in Fiction Class List at the end of the Catalogue. See also Poole 's Index, Reference Library for many subjects treated of in this Magazine. Vols. I to 54 belong to the Reference Library set] : — Vol. 1, 1817.— Bonaparte at St. Helena. Cobbett. Craniology. Scottish Gipsies. Lithography. Greek Tragedy. Witchcraft. Pirates. Animal Magnetism. Oath of Bread and Salt, &c. Vol. 2, 1817-18.— Bothwell. Early English Dramatists. Noticesof the Acted Drama in London. Letters on Shakespeare. Kraken and Great Sea Serpent, &c. Vol. 3, 1818. — Brewster's Kaleidoscope. Popular Superstitions in Wales. Jeffrey and Hazlitt. Lake Poets. Fox and Pitt. Letter from Nell Gwyn. Curious Clubs in London, &c. Vol. 4, 1818-10.— American Sea Serpent. Breakwaters. Burns and the Ettrick Shepherd. Velocipedes. Expedition to the North Pole. Greece. Red Snow, &c. Vol. 5, 1819.— English Manners. Catholic Legends. Fly-Fishing. Ma- hometan Sermon. Northern Memoirs. John Gilpin and Mazeppa. Human Beauty, &c. [68] BLA ENGLISH SECTION. BLA Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine : — {continued.) Vol. 6, 1819-20. — Military Errors of the Duke of Wellington. Robert Bruce. Arctic Land Expedition. Wit and Humour. Physiognomy. Scotchman in London, &c. Vol. 7, 1820. — Chantrey. Song Writing. Fly-Fishing in Northumberland. Jeremy Collier and the Opponents of the Drama. Eloquence, &c. Vol. 8, 1820-21. — Critics and Criticism. State of Ireland. Trial of Queen Caroline. James Barry, Painter. On the Lives of Actors. Steamboat Voyages and Travels of Thomas Duffle, &c. Vol. 9, 1821. — Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark. Vulgar Prejudices against Literature. Mary, Queen of Scots. Captain Parry's Voyage. Leg of Mutton School of Poetry. Character of Seamen. Voyages and Travels of Columbus, Secundus, &c. Vol. 10, 1821. — Fifaena. Cranioscopy. Craniology. Phrenology, &c. Man-of-War's Man. Emigrants' Voyage to Canada. Leg of Mutton School of Prose, &c. Vol. 11, 1822. — Rousseau. Adventure. Byron. Noctes Ambrosianae, by Wilson. Calcutta. The Drama. Metaphysics of Music, &c. Vol. 12,1822. — Greeks and the Greek Cause. Italian Art of Hoaxing. Auto- biography of Timothy Tell. Rossini. Roman Wall, &c. Vol. 13, 1823.— Dante and his Times. Scotch Character. Visit to the Shakers. French Poets of the Present Day. Time's Whispering Gallery, &c. Vol. 14, 1823. — London Oddities and Outlines. George Cruikshank. Na- poleon. Parisian Sketches. Bartholomew Fair. Cobbett. Modern British Dramatists. Miracles. Spain. Wrestliana, &c. Vol. 15, 1824. — South America. Curliana. Visits to the Harem. Wesley. Henry Aiken. Ireland. Holy Alliance. Pompeii. Political Economist, &c. Vol. 16, 1824. — North America. Joanna Baillie. Edmund Kean. American Writers. Mansie Wauch, by Moir. Southey and Byron, &c. Vol. 17, 1825. — Burke. Scotch Poets. Diving Bell. Sir Egerton Brydges. Free Trade. American Mines, &c. Vol. 18, 1825. — Thomas Bewick. Catholic Question. Last Days of Byron. The Drama. India. Country Curate. Garrick. Essay on Doubleday's Babington, &c. Vol. 19, 1826. — Birds. Cant in Dramatic Criticism. Ode to a Steamboat, by Doubleday. Free Trade. Bismarck. Tales of the Wedding. Central Africa, &c. Vol. 20, 1826. — Sheridan. Inquisition of Spain. Gymnastics. Death of Murat. Shipping Interest. Greece. Civilization of Africa. Impressment of Seamen, &c. Vol. 21, 1827. — What will become of Poor Ireland ? Selwyn in Search of a. Daughter. Kant. Persia. Corn Laws. Murder, considered as one of the Fine Arts, by De Quincy. Subaltern in America. Steam Navigation. The Navy, &c. Vol. 22, 1827. — Scots' Law of Marriage. Napoleon. Duke of Wellington. Invasion of India. Cock Fighting. Game Laws. Huskisson on the Shipping Interest, Sec. Vol. 23, 1828. — Battle of Navarino. Decline of the Drama. Whiggism. Byron and his Contemporaries. Tales of the Wedding. Fuseli. Gastronomy. Burns. British Colonies. Poor Laws, &c. Vol. 24, 1828. — Usury Laws. Hieroglyphics. Ireland and the Catholic Question. Shakespeare a Tory, and a Gentleman. Character of Hamlet. Notes on the United States. Ireland as it is in 1828. Coronation Oath, &c. Vol. 25, 1829.— Luther. Italy and the Italians. Millennium. Sketches on the Road in Ireland. Church of Rome. Bosworth Field. Duke of Wellington and Sir R. Peel. Working of the Currency. Ireland, &c. Vol. 26, 1829. — Adventure in Ceylon. Superstitions of Italy. Canting Poetry. British Settlements in Western Africa. Political Eco- nomy. My Landlady and her Lodgers, by Gait. Law of Divorce, &c. Vol. 27, 1830. — Education of the People. Colonial Question. Madame de Genlis. Free Trade. Variations in the Currency. Reform of the House of Commons. Punishment of Death, &c. Vol. 28, 1830.— Bear-Hunting. Wild-Fowl Shooting. Diary of a late Physician, by Warren. Supply and Value of the Precious Metals ^ [69] BLA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BLA Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine : — {continued.) French Revolution. _ Sir Frizzle Pumpkin, by White. Fiance and England. Opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Rail- road, &c. Vol. 29, 1831. — French Revolution. Local Government of the Metropolis. Reform. Dr. Parr and his Contemporaries. Fate of the Duke de Biron. Tom Cringle's Log, by Michael Scott, Sx. Vol. 50, 1831. — Ireland and the Reform Bill. Greek Drama. Financial Reform. Fragments from the History of John Bull. Foreign Policy of the Whigs. Citizen Kings, &c. Vol. 31, 1832. — House of Orange. Belgian Question. What caused the Bristol Riots ? Papal Government. Chateaubriand. Review of Tennyson's Poems by Christopher North. Tory Misrule. Parlia- mentary Reform and the French Revolution, Sec. Vol. 32, 1832. — Fall of the Constitution. Plan for the Abolition of Negro Slavery. Upper Canada. Traditions of the Rabbins. Partition of the Netherlands, &c. Vol. 33, 1833. — Nights at Mess, by White. Portuguese War. Ireland. Edmund Burke. Tithes. Revolution of Greece. East India Question. Twaddle on Tweedside. French Revolution, &c. Vol. 34, 1833. — Prussia. British Tropical Colonies. Northern Lighthouses. Irish Union. Marshall Ney. First Session of the Reformed Parliament. Spenser. France in 1833, &c. Vol. 35, 1834.— Napoleon in St. Helena. Cruise of the Midge, by Michael Scott. Trades' Unions. Mirabeau. My Cousin Nicholas, by Barham, &c. Vol. 36, 1834.— Radical Rump. Mrs. Siddons. Fall of Earl Grey. Spenser. Old Scottish Parliament. Ireland, &c. Vol. 37, 1835.— William Pitt. Fall of the Melbourne Ministry. Prince Talleyrand. Shakespeare in Germany. Ancient Scottish Poetry : Dunbar. Democracy in America, &c. Vol. 38, 1835.— Scandinavian Mythology. Edmund Kean. Anglimania. Science of Swindling. Shall we Overturn the Peers? Naples under the Bourbons and Bonaparte. O'Connell Domination. Luther, &c. Vol. 39, 1836.— Orange Lodges in Ireland. Troubadours. Extracts from the Journals of _an_ Alpine Traveller. Stothard. Definitions of Health. Job Pippins, the Man who couldn't help it. Protes- tantism in France. Alcibiades the Boy. Foreign Policy and Foreign Commerce, &c. Vol. 40, 1836.— British School of Painting. Old Manor House. Ethics of Politics. Alcibiades the Young Man. Cadiz during the Siege. Historical Painting. State Education in France. The World we Live in, &c. Vol. 41, 1837.— Lucien Bonaparte and Professor Von Raumer. Democracy. The Violin. _ Letter on Population to Lord Brougham, by Double- day. Spanish Contest. Secrets of History. Picture Gallery : Tales. Mediaeval Legends and Superstitions, &c. Vol. 42, 1837.— Revolt of the Tartars. London and Rome. British Legion. Circassia. Homer. Guizot. New Zealand. Justice to Ire- land, &C, Vol. 43, 1838.— Russia. Philosophy of Consciousness. Trades Unions. Thiers. Political Parallels. Canada and Ireland. Discontents of the Working Classes. Modern Greece. Court and Cabinet Gossip of a New Reign, &c. Vol. 44, 1838.— -Casimir Perier. Food of the Herring and Salmon. Reci- procity and Colonial Systems. New South Wales. Affairs in the East. Historical Coincidences, &c. Vol. 45, 1839.— Ancient Scottish Music. Lamartine. Persia, Afghanistan and India. _ Dilemmas on the Corn Law Question. Mathews the Comedian. Secular and Religious Education. Bannister the Comedian. Scotch Nationality. Raphael. Jrish Ovster Eater, &c. Vol. 46, 1839.— Hume's Argument against Miracles. Turkey, Egypt, and the Affairs of the East. Song Writing : Burns, Moore. Chartists and Universal Suffrage. Cossacks. Grattan. Feigned Mad- ness of Hamlet. Goethe. Ten Thousand a Year, by Warren. Cats, &c. [70] BLA ENGLISH SECTION. BLA Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine \—{contimted.) Vol. 47, 1840. — Thoughts upon Asses. Afghanistan Expedition. Cole- ridge's Plagiarisms. War with China and the Opium Question. Aboukir. Khiva, Central Asia and Cabul. Salmon Fry. Modern Superstition, &c. Vol. 48, 1840. — Style. Omens, Dreams, &c. Metropolitan Stage. Leonardo da Vinci and Corregio. Democracy in America. Austrians. Ten Years of Whig Government. Louis-Philippe. Turkish History. Caucasian War. Raymond : a Tale. Population, &c. Vol. 49, 1841. — Mohammed Ali. England, France, Germany and Russia. Syria. Secret Societies of Asia : Assassins and Thugs. Warren Hastings. Banking and Currency. Niebuhr. World of London. Wars of the Scots in France. Russia in 1812, &c. Vol. 50, 1841. — The Colmans. Non-Intrusion. Results of our Afghan Con- quests. French in Algeria. Spanish Gipsies. Homer and the Homeridae. Sketches of Italy. Tower of London, &c. Vol. 51, 1842. — Caleb Stukely, by Phillips. Roamings in Rome. Northern Circuit : Legal Tales. Cabul and Afghanistan. Berkeley and Idealism. Science and Agriculture, &c. Vol. 52, 1842. — Cicero. Afghanistan and India. Modern Greece. Human Sacrifices in India. Ricardo and Adam Smith. League's Re- venge, &c. Vol. 53, 1843. — Taste and Music in England. Eyre's Cabul. Comte. Schiller's Poems and Ballads. Occupation of Aden. Salmon and Sea Trout. Commercial Policy : Spain, Russia. Marston : Me- moirs of a Statesman, by Croly, &c. Vol. 54, 1843. — English Music and English Musicians. Commercial Policy : Europe. Repeal Agitation. Woman's Rights and Woman's Duties. Adventures in Texas. Banking House, by Phillips, &c. The above volumes of Blackwood's Magazine will be found in the Reference Library; the following are in the Lending Library : — Vol. 55, 1844. — State Prosecutions. Secession from the Church of Scotland. Free Trade and Protection. Slave Trade. British Fleet. Ire- land. Beau Brummel, &c 125J Vol. 56, 1844. — Portugal. Afghanistan. Lord Eldon. Louis Blanc. Burn's Festival. Goethe's Poems and Ballads. O'Connell Case. French Socialists. Scottish Banking System. Edmund Burke. Guizot, &c. 126J Vol. 57, 1845. — Homer, Dante and Michael Angelo. A Ramble in Monte- negro. Coleridge and Opium Eating. Goethe's Poems and Ballads. Mesmerism. Suspiria de Profundis : Sequel to the Confessions of an Opium Eater, by De Quincey. Sismondi. Maynooth, &c 127J Vol. 58, 1845. — Marlborough. Baron Von Stein. Montesquieu. Science of Languages. Humboldt. Mozart. Sketches of Italy. Rail- ways. Three Years in Constantinople. Reign of George III., &c. 128 J Vol. 59, 1846. — Campaign in Texas. Sicilian Sketches. Servia and the Servian Question. Recollections of a Lover of Society. Roman Campagna. Rajah Brooke. Marquis Wellesley. The Crusades. Shakespeare and the Drama, &c 129J Vol. 60, 1846. — Peru. Last Recollections of Napoleon. Romantic Drama. Cookery and Civilisation. Mexico, its Territory and People. Algeria. Water Cure. Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands. Operation of the English Poor-Laws. Annals and Antiquities of London. Game Laws, &c 130J Vol.61, 1847. — Court of Louis Phillipe. Modern Italian History. French Players and Playhouses. Reign of George II. Direct Taxation. Pauperism and its Treatment. Java. Truths contained in Popular Superstitions. Cromwell. The Fighting 88th. Lessons from the Famine. Scotch Marriage Bill, &c 131 J Vol. 62, 1847.— Jean Paul Richter. History of the Navy. Sir R. Peel and the Currency. Napoleon at St. Helena. Reid and the Philosophy of Common Sense. Art in the Early Christian Ages. Naviga- tion of the Antipodes. Evenings at Sea. Australia. Emerson. Our Currency, our Trade, and our Tariff, &c 132J Vol. 63, 1848. — Thirty Years of Liberal Legislation. Ireland. Russian Empire. Cobden on the National Defences. Crimes and Re- markable Trials in Scotland. Sir Sidney Smith. Hudson's Bay. Conquest of Naples. Republican Paris. Revolutions in Europe. How to Disarm the Chartists. Caxtons, by Lytton, &c i 133J BLA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BLA Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine -.—{continued.) Vol 64, 1848.— Laws of Land. "Green Hand:" a "short" Yarn. Re- publican France. Colonization. Siberia. Scottish Deer Forests. Navigation Laws. Kaffirland. Moscow Retreat. Naval War of the French Revolution. Lord Castlereagh. Mrs. Hemans. Miseries of Ireland, &c 134J Vol 65, 1849.— French Conquerors and Colonists. Art and Artists in Spain. Caucasus and the Cossacks. Dalmatia and Montenegro. Car- lists in Catalonia. Peter the Cruel. Sir Astley Cooper. Austria and Hungary. Romance of Russian History, &c 135J Vol. 66, 1849.— Island of Sardinia. Game Laws in Scotland. Charles Lamb. Jonathan in Africa. My Peninsular Medal. Lamar- tine's Revolution of 1848. Scottish Marriage and Registration Bills. Samuel Pepys. Transportation Question. National Debt and the Stock Exchange. Free Trade, &c 136J Vol. 67, 1850.— American Adventure. John Howard, P.P. British Agri- culture and Foreign Competition. Goldsmith. W. Collins, R.A. Cash and Pedigree. Great Protection Meeting in London, &c. . 137 J Vol. 63, 1850.— House of Guise. Free Trade and our Cotton Manufactures. Courtship in the Time of James I. African Sporting. My Novel, by Lytton. Sir R. Peel, &c. . . . . 138J Vol. 69 1851. — British Labour and Foreign Reciprocity. Curran and his Contemporaries. Southey. Narratives of Sorcery and Magic. Papal Aggression Bill. ./Eschylus. Shakespeare and Schiller. Ancient Inhabitants of Scotland. Free Trade, &c 139 J Vol. 70, 1 85 1.— What is Mesmerism? Census and Free Trade. D. M. Moir. Ruskin's Works. New Zealanders. Italian Revolution. Submarine Telegraph. Paris in 1851, &c 140J Vol. 71, 1852. — Mont Blanc. Rural Superstitions of Western France. Lord George Bentinck. Duke of Marlborough. Bull-Fights. English Administrations. Tibet and the Lamas. Earl of Derby. Thomas Moore. Policy of the Protectionists. Thoughts upon Dinners, &c 141 J Vol. 72, 1852. — Our National Defences. Nepaul. Celestials at Home and Abroad. From Stamboul to Tabriz. Lord Jeffrey. Katie Stewart, by Oliphant. Residence and Rambles in Australia. Corneille and Shakespeare. Restrictive Tariffs. Flagellants, &c. 142J Vol. 73, 1853. — Slavery in the United States. Lady Lee's Widowhood, by Hamley. Palissy the Potter. Income-Tax Reform. John Rin- toul. Fragment of the Wreck. Malt-Tax. Spiritual Manifes- tations. Free Trade and High Prices, &c 143 J Vol. 74, 1853. -Gold and Emigration. Narcotics we indulge in. Napoleon and Sir H- Lowe. New Readings in Shakespeare. Insurrection in China. Scotland since the Union. Romans in Scotland. Turkish Question, &c 144J Vol. 75, 1854. — Past and Future of China. Beverages we Infuse. Aber- deen Cabinet. Glance at Turkish History. Epidemics of the Middle Ages. Commercial Results of a War with Russia. Policy of Russia in Central Asia. Young Bengal, &c J 45J Vol. 76, 1854. — European Alliance and Russia. Greek Revolution. Specu- lators among the Stars. Nineveh and Babylon. Crimean War and the Ministry. Story of the Campaign. Prospects of the Modern Drama. Zaidee, by Oliphant, &c 146 J Vol. 77, 1855. — Conduct of the War. Peace and Patriotism. Schamyl and the War in the Caucasus. Lord Metcalfe. Bulwer. Ministerial Changes. Charles Dickens. Death of Nicholas. Palmerston Administration, &c 147J Vol. 78, 1855. — Imperial Policy of Russia. War, Cabinet, and Conferences. Canada and North-West States. Baltic in 1855. Simony and Lay Patronage, &c 148J Vol. 79, 1856. — Drinking and Smoking. The Drama. Lessons from the War. Scottish Fisheries. Sydney Smith. Laws concerning Women. The Scot Abroad. Fish-Ponds and Fishing-Boats. Crimean War. Travels in Circassia. Athelings, by Oliphant. The Peace, &c 149. Vol. 80, 1856. — Greece and Italy. Dispute with America. Macaulay. Sea-Side Studies. India under Lord Dalhousie. African Travel. Ruskin and his Theories. Scandinavia. Art of Cavilling. Food of London, &c 150. [72] BLA ENGLISH SECTION. BLA Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine : — {continued.) Vol. 81, 1857. — Scenes of Clerical Life, by Evans. European Politics. Persian War. Letters from a Lighthouse. Barry Cornwall. Arctic Adventure. Sculptured Stones of Scotland. What will he do with it? by Lytton. Manchester Exhibition of Art Treasures, &c 151 J Vol. 82, 1857.— Charles v - Charlotte Bronte. Sir Charles J. Napier. Bengal Mutiny. Representation of the Colonies. Notes on the Isthmus of Panama. Our Indian Empire. Michael Angelo,&c. 152J Vol. 83, 1858. — Hunger and Thirst. Scottish Universities. Poorbeah Mutiny. Ruskin. Beranger. Delhi Campaign. Condition of Women. Zanzibar, and Two Months in East Africa, by Burton. Our Convicts. Cumberland. Oude, &c 153J Vol. 84, 1858. — Lucknow. Gladstone on Homer. John Company's Fare- well to John Bull. Lord Clyde's Campaign in India. Edward Irving. Cherbourg. Bright Absurdities, &c J54J Vol. 85, 1859. — Angling Saunter in Sutherland. Royal Proclamation to India. Mirage Philosophy. Castes and Creeds of India. Napo- leon III. and Europe. Luck of Ladysmede. Christianity in India. Fleets and Navies : France. War Speculations, &c 155J Vol. 86, 1859. — Leaders of the Reformation. Voluntary and Involuntary Actions. Cruise on the Tanganyika Lake, by Speke. Sir William Hamilton. Allied Operations in China. Fight on the Peiho. Fleets and Navies : England, &c 156J Vol. 87, i860. — Norman Sinclair, by Aytoun. France and Central Italy. Lord Elgin's Mission to China and Japan. Wellington's Career. Lady Hamilton. Speke's Adventures in Somali Land. Scottish National Character, &c 1 57 J Vol. 88, i860. — Secret History of the Russian Campaign of 1812. National Defences and Volunteers. Pursuit of Tantia Topee. Grea Earthquake at Lisbon. Sir Robert Peel. King Arthur and hi Round Table. Iron-Clads, &c. 158J Vol. 89, 1861. — English Embassies to China. Spontaneous Generation. Biographia Dramatica. China War of i860. Spontaneous Com- bustion. Americanisms. Life in Central Africa. Punjab in 1857. Euthanasia of the Ottoman Empire. Pitt. Book-Hunter, &c 159J Vol. 90, 1861. — Book-Hunter again. Mad Dogs. Scotland and her Accusers. Persian War of 1856-7. Book-Hunter's Club. Ernest Renan. Pugin. American Civil War. Chronicles of Carling- ford, by Oliphant. Rector and Doctor's Family, &c 160J Vol. 91, 1862. — J. M. W. Turner, R.A. Convulsions of America. Phy- sicians and Quacks. Defence of Canada. Caxtoniana ; Essays on Life, Literature, and Manners. Lord Castlereagh. Inter- national Exhibition, &c. ... , 161 J Vol. 92, 1862. — Rights of Woman. Jefferson Davis. Ten Days in Rich- mond. Italy and France. Scot in France. Thiers on Waterloo. Crisis of the American War. Professor Wilson, &c 16.2J Vol. 93, 1863. — Month's Visit to the Confederate Head-quarters. Belligerent Rights at Sea. Frank in Scotland. Spirit-Writing in China, &c. 163J Vol. 94, 1863. — George Cruikshank. Pyramids — who Built them? — and When ? Tony Butler, by Lever. Sheridan Knowles. Navies of England and France. American War, &c 164J Vol. 95, 1864. — European Crisis. Charles the Bold. Fleet of the Future. Napoleon III. as a General. Herat and Afghanistan. Schleswig- Holstein War, &c 165J Vol. 96, 1864. — Education and Training of Naval Officers. Napoleonic Idea in Mexico. Victor Hugo on Shakespeare. City of Gold. General McClellan. Confederate States, 1863-4, & c 166 J Vol. 97, 1865. — Nile Basins and Nile Explorers. Miss Marjoribanks, by Oliphant. Modern Demonology. Etoniana. Gladstone. William Blake. Earl Russell. Sir Brooke Fossbrooke, by Lever. New Zealand, &c 167J Vol. 98, 1865. — Josiah Wedgwood. Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence. Laying of the Atlantic Cable. Lord Palmerston. Educators. Switzerland in Summer and Autumn, &c 168 J Vol. 99, 1866.— J. S. Mill on our Belief in the External World. F. W. Robertson. Gipsies. Negro and Negrophilists. Reform Bill. Life of Steele, &c » 169J [73] /^>* BLA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BLA Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine : — [continued.') Vol. ioo, 1886. — Nina Balatka, by Trollope. American Struggle. West- minster School. British America. Nile. Review of the Con- tinental War. John Bright. Victor Hugo, &c 170J Vol. 101, 1867. — Our Naval Defences. Admiral Sir William Parker. Brownlows, by Oliphant. The Army. Turret-Ships of England and America. Co-operative Societies. Elizabeth and Mary. Transatlantic Fenianism. The Reform Bill. Strikes and Trades Unions, &c 171 J Vol. 102,1867. — Napoleon I. Death of Sir Archibald Alison. Maximilian. Linda Tressel, by Trollope. Monetary Reform. Work and Murder. Reynolds and the Portrait-Painters of the Past Cen- tury. Women in the Middle Ages, &c 172J Vol. 103, 1868. — What I did at Belgrade, by Lever. Historical Sketches of the Reign of George II., by Oliphant. Fenianism. Abyssinian Expedition. Charles Kean and the Modern Stage, &c 173J Vol. 104, 1868. — Peter Pindar. Jamaica Committees. Right Hon. B. Disraeli. Baron Bunsen. Clever Women. Dean Milman. Re- ligious Equality and Unlimited Franchise, &c 174J Vol. 105, 1869. — Army Organisation. Gladstone and Disestablishment. New Zealand and its Goldfields. Stage Morality and the Ballet. Sir John Lawrence. Northmen, Heathen and Christian, &c . 175J Vol. 106, 1869. — Recollections of Lord Byron. Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Earl's Dene, a Novel. Land Question of Ireland. Faroese Saga. Egypt and the Story of the Suez Canal. Mystery or Passion Plays, &x . . 176J Vol. 107, 1870. — Lord Mayo and the Umballa Durbar. Opening of the Suez Canal. Byron and his Calumniators. University Tests. Chatterton. Montalembert. Trade-Unions. Education Diffi- culty. Our Ironclad Ships, &c i 77 J Vol. 108, 1870.— The Lords and the Irish Land Bill. Greek Massacre. Poetry and Humour of the Scottish Language. Why is Prussia Victorious ? Red River Expeditions. War Letter of Corkhardt, &c. 178J Vol. 109, 1871. — Lord Palmerston. Fair to See, by Lockhart. Before Paris. British Navy. Retrospect of the War. Charles Dickens. Cowper, &c z 70 J Vol. no, 1871.— Commune of Paris. Maid of Sker, by Blackmore. Ballot Bill. Sir Walter Scott. Wordsworth. Coupd'Etat. Coleridge. French Home Life. House of Lords, &c 180J Vol. in, 1872.— Nine Hours' Movement. Burns. Voltaire. General Lee. Shelley. Church Reform. Situation in France. Zanzibar, &c. 181 J Vol. 112, 1872.— Byron. Earl of Mayo. Charles James Lever. Japan. Parisians, by Lytton. Montalembert. La Bruyere. Goethe, &c. 182 J Vol. 113, 1873.— Lord Lytton. Second Gladstone Administration. Bengal Ryot. Explorations. In London. Doctor Abroad, &c 183J Vol. 114, 1873.— -Newfoundland. Dumas. Schiller. Vienna in Exhibition- Time. Republic or Monarchy in France? Liberal Party and National Education. Conservative Party and National Educa- tion, &c !8 4 J Vol. 115, 1874.— John Stuart Mill. Indian Mutiny; Sir Hope Grant. Alice Lorraine, by Blackmore. Story of Valentine and his Brother, by Oliphant. Elections of 1868 and 1874. Ashantee, &c. * 185J. Vol. 116, 1874.— Brackenbury's Narrative of the Ashanti War. Abode of Snow. Civil War in America. Agricultural Strike. School- Board Religion. Founders of Modern Liberalism, &c 186 l \ol. 117, 1875.— Inkerman. China War of i860: Sir Hope Grant. Di- lemma, a Novel, by Chesney. Budget and National Debt. British Workmen— Past and Present. France and Germany. Polar Exploration, &c X 8 7 J Vol. n3, 1875.— Modern Scepticism and its Fruit. State of tbe' French Army. Rivers. London Police Court. British Sea-Fisheries. Michael Angelo. French War Preparations in 1870. Legends and Folk-Lore of North Wales, &c X 88J Vol. 119, 1876.— Lace and Bric-a-brac. Army Reform. Lamartine." Secondary Education in Scotland. Eton College. -Lord Palmer- ston. Norman Macleod. Swift. Macaulay. Woman-Hater, by Reade. Winter in a Northumbrian Watering-Place, &c 189 J \ ol. 120, i876.--Eastern Question. Moliere. Gortschakoff and Bismarck. Mobilisation of the Army. Swift and Macaulay. Home Agita- tion and the East. Conference at Constantinople, &c 190 1 [74] BLA ENGLISH SECTION. BLA Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine : — {continued.) Vol. 121, 1877.— Inside the House of Commons. George Sand. Pauline, a Novel, by Walford. Balzac. Crete. Harriet Martineau. Anglo-Indian Tongue. Nelson in the Bay of Naples. Storm in the East, &c 191 J Vol. 122, 1877. — Egyptian Campaign in Abyssinia. English Diplomacy. Heine. Victor Hugo. Our Indian Policy. Samuel Warren. Political Results of the War. Opium-Eater, &c 192J Vol. 123, 1878. — French Home Life. Fall of Plevna. Ironclads and Tor- pedos. North American Fisheries and the Halifax Commission. England and Russia. Foreign Opinion on England in the East. John Caldigate, a Novel, &c 193 J Vol. 124, 1878. — Gaelic Lore and Modern Slang. South African Question. The Berlin Congress. Bismarck. Treatise of Peace. Cyprus. New Routes to India. India and Afghanistan. Progress of Naval Architecture, &c 194 J Vol. 125, 1879. — Elector's Catechism. Medium of Last Century. Afghan War and its Authors. Contemporary Literature. Zulu War. Hamlet. Country in 1849 and 1879. Some Aspects of the present French Republic. Bank Failures and their Remedies, &c. 195J Vol. 126, 1879. — Zulu War. Afghan Peace and our New Frontier. Notes from Cyprus. Stock-jobbing and the Stock Exchange. India and the Silver Question. Cabul Mutiny. Syria. Among the Afghans. Theatrical Reform, &c 196J Vol. 127, 1880. — The Roman Breviary. The Reign of Queen Anne. ^ A White Rajah. British Interests in Ireland. Irish Atrocities. The North-East Passage. Conviviality. The Afghan War. Metternich. The Peasant Proprietors of Norway. The Prince Consort. Dr. Wortle's School, by Trollope. Peter the Great, and Syria. Morocco and the Moors. Russia, and Nihilism, in the Novels of M. Tourgdnief. The University of the Prairies. Suicide. Fishing and Fishing Literature, &c 197 J Vol. 128, 1880. — Dr. James Beattie. Country Life in Portugal. School and College. Wellington and Reform. Financial Situation in India. A Reindeer Ride through Lapland. A Talk about Sonnets. Central Asia : The Meeting-place of Empires. Irish Distress and its Origin. The Pillars of the State. The Bayard of the East. A Week in Athens. New Novels. Memory. Society and the Salons before the French Revolution. The Private Secretary, by Chesney. Army Reform. Close of the AfFghan Campaign. Indian Famine Reports. Winter Sports and Pleasures, &c 198J Vol. 129, 1881. — Cellini. Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters, by Lady Martin. The Land of Gilead. King George III. and Mr. Fox in their Early Days. The Government and Ireland. George Eliot. Among the Albanians of Southern Epirus. Lord Herbert of Cherbury. Freaks of the Telegraph. Vallombrosa. Old Scottish Society. The Sword. Short Service and its Supporters. Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. The New Nostrum for Ire- land. The Earl of Beaconsfield. The Land of Khemi, by Oli- phant. A Talk about Odes, &c 199J Vol. 130, 1881. — Besieged in the Transvaal. Reminiscences of Prison Life. A French Lady and her Friends. Recollections a. la fourchette. Tunis. • Uncle Z ; a Tale. Hints for the Vacation Ramble. Edward Gibbon. The Meiningen Company and the London Stage. The Fixed Period. Decadence of Frenchwomen. A New Don Quixote. The Threatened Abolition of Bank Notes. Carlo Goldoni. David Scott. The Pyrenees. A Few French Novels. Adventures of a War Correspondent, &c 200J Vol. 131, 1882.— Inside Kairwan. Eels and Eel-Sets. Finance, West of the Atlantic. Romance in Business. Electric Progress. Lord Crawford and the House of Mar. Recent Novels. The Ladies Lindores, by Oliphant. Bilochistan, our Latest Acquisition. Fenianism. The Borders and their Ballads. Democracy. Pis- ciculture ; its Progress and Utility. State of Art in England. Mozart. Faiths of the World. False Coin in Poetry. The Lights of " Maga," &c 201 J [751 BLA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BLA Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine : — {continued.) Vol. 132, 1882. — Carlyle's Life and Reminiscences. Lucy Hutchinson. Alice Thornton. Our Food Supplies in War Time. Machine- Made Soldiers. Sport in a German Forest Country. Ladies in Iceland. The Coming of the Mahdy. Curiosities of British Politics. Tunis. Nottingham Lace ; its History and Manufac- ture. False Coin in Sacred Hermeneutics. Sketches from the Dutch Seaside. Resemblances in Literature. Jewish Tales and Jewish Reform. Four Months in Morocco, &c 202 J Vol. 133, 1883.— Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters. Literary Bohemians. Omens of Trouble. American Literature in England. The New Legal Position of Married Women. Fire- side Musings on Serious Subjects. The Secrets of Salmon Growth. Bishop Wilberforce. Jonathan Swift. Progress of the New Dominion. Contemporary Art — Poetic and Positive. Recent French Novels. The Millionaire, by Jennings. Madame Roland. Shakespeare and George Eliot. Curiosities of Politics. Recent German Novels. A Sketch from Cornwall. The Death of Rothesay, &c 203J Vol. 134, 1883. — Three Days with Juvenile Offenders in France. Red Hot Reform. A Sketch from South Warwickshire. The Belka Arabs. Recent French Novels. Reminiscences of a Ross-shire Forest. James Ferguson, the "Astronomer." The Canal Dilemma; Our True Route to India. Letters from Galilee. The Baby's Grandmother, by Walford. From Tangier to Wazan. Story of a Little War. Anthony Trollope. The French in Ton- quin and Anam. The Vallons of Nice. The Corrupt Practices Bill, &c 204J Vol. 135, 1884.— Old Lady Mary ; a Tale. Figures in the Fire. A Lady's Ride across Spanish Honduras. The Scottish Parody on Home Rule. The New Phaedo ; Dialogues, by Lewes. The Brigand's Bride ; an Adventure in Southern Italy. The Recent Dispute in the Coal Trade. Army Vivisection. Salmo-Hucho Fishing in Bavaria. The Earthly Paradise. Bourgonef. The State of Art in France. An Idle Hour in my Study. The Sons of the Pro- phets ; Two Representatives of the Catholic Faith, A Ramble to the Riviera. The Chinese Army. New Views of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Magda's Cow. Taxation and Representation, under the New Reform Bill, &c 205J Vol. 136, 1884. — Berlin in a.d. 1884. Investigation and Prosecution of Crime. Sceptical Theories. Venice. Russia's Advance upon India. Curiosities of Politics. Three Young Novelists. The People and the Army. The World's Oil Supply in the 19th Century. Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters. Scottish Capital Abroad. The Soudan and Abyssinia. The Franchise Bill Unmasked. The Waters of Hercules, by Gerard. The Right Hon. John Wilson Croker. Outlying Professions. An Artist's Autobiography. Life in a Druse Village. John Wycliffe ; his Life and Work, &c 206J Vol. 137, 1885. — Recent Degradation of Military Rank. Malta and its Knights. Sir Alexander Grant. George Eliot. Some of Shakes- peare's Female Characters. National Insurance. Our Egyptian Atrocities. Mr. Chamberlain and the Rights of Property. For- tune's Wheel, by Shand. Reminiscences of Sir Herbert Stewart. Epidemics and Alcohol. The Royal Mail. Summer in the Soudan. The Torpedo Scare. New Views of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Gordon, Wolseley, and Sir Charles Wilson, &c 207J Vol. 138, 1885.— The Decline of Art. Becket. Crofter Agitation. The Crack of Doom, by Minto. What has become of the Middle Classes? Reminiscences of an "Attache," by Jerningham. Thoughts on Free-Trade Policy, a.d. 1846-1885. General Gordon. Florida. Orlando. England and France, in Indo- China. The Negroes of the Congo. Stories about the Colonies. The Land Question. What about Ireland? Helen Faucit, Lady Martin. The Scotch and English Bowmen. Riots. Establishment and Disestablishment, &c 208 J [76] BLA ENGLISH SECTION. BLA Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine : — [continued.) Vol. 139, 1886. — Jane Taylor. The Irish Difficulty. Moss from a Rolling Stone, by Oliphant. What the Colonies think of us. Our Military Policy towards the Native States of India. New Views of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Scotch Local History. Principal Tulloch. Aerial Navigation. Holman Hunt. The Crofters. Sar;acinesca, by Crawford. Indian Arms. John Gwillim, Rouge Croix Pursuivant-at-Arms. Heavy Political Clouds, &c • • • . 209J Vol, 140, 1886. — Burmese Border Tribes. Debates on the Elections. Europe versus England. Facts and fictions in Irish History. Sir Samuel Ferguson. Elizabeth Fry. Mr. Gladstone and Lord Brabourne on Irish History. Home Rule for Scotland. Order for Ireland. The Scotland of Mary Stuart. Secret of Yarrow. City of London Police. Tour upon Wheels. Verdict of the Country. Wit, Wisdom, and Folly of the last Five Years, &c. 210J Vol. 141, 1887. — In the Heart of Afghanistan. The Douglases. Restorers of Florence. Free Trade and Depressed Trade. Her Majesty's Opposition in 1887. Horse Supply in India. Causes of the Union with Ireland. Are Ironclads doomed. Pictorial Art of Japan. Joyce, a novel. A Magnetic Mystery. The Old Saloon. Revelations from Patmos. The Position. Russian Soldiers and Russian Armaments. Secondary Education in Scotland. Two Months of the Session, &c 211 J Vol. 142, 1887. — Caesar Borgia. Cardinal of Valencia. Captured Brides in Far Cathay. Corner of Mercia. England's Strength in Case of War. Mr. Gladstone and the Irish Question. Hannah More. The Hittites. A Sketch from Ilfracombe. Balance of Military Power of Europe. Montrose and the Covenant. Paul Jones. Rabbits in Australia. Self-Government. The Session. The War Office. In Westminster Abbe}', 21st of June, 1887, &c. .. 212J » Vol. 143, 1888. — Some Aspects of Australian Life. Balance of Power in Europe. Central African Question. Cyprus under British Rule. A Dead Man's Vengeance. The English Gentry. Fiji. Lady Hamilton and Mr. John Cordy Jeaffreson. Hymns and Hymnals. Mr. Kinglake's " Invasion of the Crimea." Ireland and the Roman Catholic Church. Tonga and Samoa. Land Population and Wealth in the Western Islands. Mary Stuart in Scotland. Military Balance of Power in Asia. Our Naval Policy. Old Scotland. Oyster Culture at Arcachon. A Neglected Paradise [Madeira]. Police of the North Sea. Shakespeare or Bacon. English Slang and French Argot. Mary Somerville. Sunken French Fleet at Aboukir Bay. Technical Education. Tyrolean Sonnets. Wanderings and Wild Sport beyond the Himalayas, &c 213J Vol. 144, 1888. — Twenty Years' Movement in Agriculture. Impressions of Australia. The British Museum and the People who go there. Career of an Indian General, Sir Charles MacGregor. The Catrail, or Pict's Work Ditch. Civil Service Reform. Pro- fessions for Dogs. English Peasantry. Mr. Forsterand Ireland. France versus Paris. Irish Housekeeping and Irish Customs in the Last Century. Jokai Maurice. The Lessons of the Recess. Michael Angelo. Naval Manoeuvres ; their Objects and Results. The Navy and the Country. Portuguese in East Africa. Robert Elsmere and Modern Oxford. Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe. Romance of State-Mapping. Sylt and its Associations. Legends from the Early Home of the English. Mrs. Oliphant's " Life of Principal Tulloch." On the Wallaboy Track, &c 214J Blair (A.), History of the Waldenses, 2 vols. 1833 10-iK Blair (H., Scotch Minister, b. 1 7 1 8, d. 1800), D.D., Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. 1825 866H Sermons, and Life of the Author by Finlayson. 1837 215K Blake (Admiral, b. 1599, d. 1657), by Dixon. 1856 517O by Hannay [English Worthies]. 1886 1201O See also Adam's Heroes, 978Q. Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 30T-2D. Yonge's British Navy, 302H. [77] BLA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BLU Blake (General) [Alison's Europe] 130-2O Blake (W.) See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Blanc (C), Art in Ornament and Dress, illustrated. 1877 864D Blanc (HI), M.U., Captivity in Abyssinia, with some Account of the Emperor Theodore and his People, illustrated. 1868 1502R Blanc (Louis, French Historian, b. 1 81 3), History of Ten Years [France, 1830-1840], 2 vols. 1844 401-2H Bl an Chard (E. L.), [Stirling's Old Drury Lane] 1338-9R Blanchard. (L.) See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Blandford (W. T.), F.R.S. See Medlicott (H. B.), Geology of India, 27-30D. Blaquiere (E.), Spanish Revolution. 1822 449H See also Pecchio's Spain, 450H. Blatherwick (C), Personal Recollections of Peter Stonnor, illus. 987O Blaze de Bury (Madame), Racine and the French Classical Drama. 1 84 5 1 1 53Z Blazon (T. De.) See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Blenheim. Battle of. See Adam's Battles, 241O. Blennv. The. See Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 679Q. Blessed, Recognition of Each Other by the Blessed. See Timb's Works, 856Z. Blessington (Countess of, Irish Writer, b. 1789, d. 1849), The Idler in Italy. 1839 437K Blessington (Countess of). See also Adair's Women of Society, 1048O. Frith's Reminiscences, 616F, &c. Blight (J. T.), Week at Land's End, illustrated. 1861 820Q Blind, Light for the, History of Moon's System of Reading for the Blind, by Moon. 1873 1033H Blindness [Kitto's Lost Senses] 1471Z Blind (M. ), George Eliot [Eminent Women Series]. 1883 1 126O Madame Roland [Eminent Women Series]. 1886 1131O 1 See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Bliss (G. ) Jr. and Wells (D. A. ), Eds. Annual of Scientific Discovery, Exhibiting the most important Discoveries and Improvements in Mechanics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Meteorology, Botany, Geology, Antiquities, &c. 1850 498R Blisters. See Thomson's Sick Room, &c, 834M. Blondin's Feats. See Buckland's Curiosities, 598Q. Blood, Circulation of the, Harvey's Discovery, by Willis 312F Blood (Col., d. 1680.) See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 324H, &c. Bloomfield (Benjamin, Lord), G.C.B., Memoir of, by Lady Bloom- field. 1884 , 147F Bloomfield (Georgiana, Baroness), Reminiscences of Court and Diplo- matic Life, illustrated, 2 vols. 1885 239-0H See also Wall's Good Queen's Reign, 440O. Bloomfield (R., b. 1766, d. 1823), Farmer's Boy, a rural poem, with a Sketch of the Author's Life. 1804 479Z Remains of [Poems], 2 vols. 1824 654-5M See also Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Jones' Poets. 663M, &c. Bloomsbury. See Loftie's London, 252O. Blouet (Paul). See O'Rell (Max). Bloxam (M. H.), Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture .... 357T Blucher (Field Marshal Prince, b. 1742, d. 1819). See Adam's Campaigns, 47H. Alison's Europe, 128-38O, &c. Blue Laws of New Haven, New York, Virginia, &c 41 7O Blunders, Book of; and Queer Epitaphs, edited by Macrae 1200R Blunt (Lady Anne), Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates, illus. a vols. 1518-19R Blunt (I. J.), Reformation in England. 1845 I 33^ Sketch of the Reformation in England [Harper's Family Library] 94Z Blunt (Mrs. J. E.) See Consul's Daughter and Wife. Blunt (J. H., h. 1823), M. A., Key to the Knowledge and Use of the Holy Bible. 1873 131O [7*1 BLU ENGLISH SECTION. BOH Blunt (J. H.), M.A., Ed., Key to Ancient Church History. 1873 ... 75Q Blunt (J. J., b. 1794, d. 1855), B.D., Undesigned Coincidences in the Writings of the Old and New Testament. An Argument of their Veracity. 1881 234M Blyth (A. W.j, M.R.C.S., Diet in Relation to Health and Work 986M ■ Boadicea (B> itish Queen, d. 61). See Britain, Roman Invasion, &c. Boar (The). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 666Q, &c. Boarding-OUt System for Pauper Children, a Guide, by Grant. 1870 1516Z Boating, by Woodgate [Badminton Library], illustrated. 1838 1266R Boat-Sailing [Cassell's Pastimes] 1262H Boats, Boys' Book of, by Kingston II25M How to Rig and Sail [Boy's Annual] 1301H See Boy's Own Book, 1527Z. Colquhoun's South China, 541K. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T, &c. Bocage (M. M. De B. Du) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473D Boccaccio (G., Italian Poet, b. 13 1 3, d. 1375) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473^ Boddam-Whetham (J. W.). See Whetham (J. W. Boddam). Bodin (F.), Summary of the History of England, trans, by Duncan. 139Z Bodmer(J. J., German Poet, b. 1698, d. 1783). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Body and Mind. See Cliffords Essays, 887H. Compayr6's Pedagogy, 296R. Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Physiology, &c. Boers, The [iVIoffat's Travels] 400F See also Cox's Colenso, 621-2F. Gillman's Africa, 799K. Livingstone's South Africa, 607 and 608 K, &c. Bceotia. See Mitford's Greece, 101-7H. Bogue (D.), D.D., Divine Authority of the New Testament [A. M.S.] 1684Z and Bennett (J.), D.D., History of Dissenters, 2 vols. 1833.. 286-7Z Bohemia-, State of [Alison's Europe] 121-350 [White's July Holiday] 1470R Boliemianism. See Collins' Pen Sketches, 1054R, &c. Bonn (H. G., b. 1796, d. 1884), Handbook of Proverbs, Ray's Col- lection republished, and Index. 1857 1065R Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs, comprising French, Italian, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and Danish, with English Trans- lations and a General Index. 1857 1065R [Curwen's Booksellers] 520O Bonn (W. S.), and M'Devitte (W. A.), B.A., Cesar's Commentaries (Bohn's Library). 1858 355T BOHN'S LIBRARY SERIES :— Adventures of Captain Bonneville, U.S.A., in the Rocky Mountains and the Far West, by Irving. 1850 779R Alhambra, by Irving. 1850 773R An Exposition of the Creed, by John Pearson. 1867 178M Anabasis and Memorabilia of Socrates, translated from the Greek of Xenophon, by Watson. 1855 1179H Annals of Roger De Hoveden. 1853 90-1O Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetic, translated by Buckley. 1883 1158H Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains, by Irving. 1850 ' 777R Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England, edited by Giles. 1847 168M Bracebridge Hall, or the Humorists, by Crayon. 1850 772R Caesar's Commentaries of the Gallic and Civil Wars. 1856 1159H Carafas of Maddaloni. 1854 83O Christian Iconography, by Margaret Stokes. 1886 1108-9M Chronicle of Florence of Worcester. 1854 104O Henry of Huntingdon, translated and edited by Thomas Forester. . . 102O the Conquest of Granada, by Irving. 1850 774-R Chronicles of the Crusades, by Joinville. 1848 , 174M ; Tombs, by Pettigrew. 1864 1058R Comedies of Aristophanes, translated by Hickie. 1853 1151-2H [79] BOH GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BOL BOHN'S LIBRARY SERIES -.—{continued.) Cosmos, a Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe, by A. V. Hum- boldt. 1849, 1851, 1852, 1858 423-7 R Critical Essays, by Foster. 1856 949-5° R Critique of Pure Reason, translated from the German of Immanuel Kant, by J. M. D. Meiklejohn. 1882 654H Dramatic Works of Sheridan, by G. G. S. 1852 1084R Early Ballads and Songs. 1877 686M Early Travels in Palestine, edited with Notes, by Wright. 1848 1500R Ecclesiastical History of Socrates, comprising a History of the Church. 1853 275M English Chronicle of William of Malmesbury, by Giles. 1847 103O Dramatic Poets who lived about the Time of Shakspeare, by Lamb. . . 71 iM Fasti, Tristia, Epistles of Ovid, &c, translated into English Prose, by Riley. 1166H Flowers of History collected, by Mathew of Westminster, translated from the original, by C. D. Yonge. 1853 100-1O Geological Excursions round the Jsle of Wight, by Mantell. 1854 406R Geology and Paleontology, by the late G. F. Richardson. 1855 408R Hand-book of Historical Geology, by Jukes Browne. 1886 543R Proverbs, by H. G. Bohn. 1857 1065R Herodotus, translated by Henry Cary. 1852 1160H Heroides. — Armour's Art of Love translated into English Prose, by Riley. 1852 1165H Hungary and its Revolutions, by E. O. S. 1854 „ 87O Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland, translated by Riley. 1854 105O Junius, by Woodfall. 1850 990-1R Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Peninsula of Sinai, by Dr. Richard Lepsius. 1853 i533 R Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson, by his Widow Lucy. 1846 _. 729O Miscellaneous Works and Remains of the Rev. Robert Hall, with a Memoir of his Life, by Gregory. 1849 965R Natural History of Selborne, by White. 1851 41R Organon, or Logical Treatises of Aristotle, by Owen. 1882-83 II 54"5H. Pictorial Handbook of London.'by Jewitt. 1854 1332R Politics and Economics of Aristotle, translated by Gillies. 788M Popular Antiquities, by Brand. 1849 105-7M Races of Man and their Geographical Distribution, by Pickering. 1851 42R Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History, translated from the Latin, by J. A. Giles. 1849 92-3O Scripture Lands and Bible Atlas, by Kitto. 1850 368M Selections, chiefly Lyrical, from the Poetical Works of Victor Hugo, translated into English by various authors, now first collected, by Williams. 707M Servia, Bosnia, and the Slave Provinces, by Mrs. Alexander Kerr. 1853 89O Sketch Book and Life of Goldsmith, by Irving. 1850 77*R Summary and Analysis of Plato, by Day. 1870 1173H Tragedies of ^Eschylus, translated by Buckley. 1849 XI 93H Travels of Marco Polo, edited by Wright. 1854 , . 1522R Works of Frederick Schiller, translated from the German, by Morrison. 1847 84O John Locke. 1854 1010-1R Plato, translated by Cary and others. 1877, 1879, 1880, 1881 1167-2H Tacitus. Oxford Translation, Revised 1854 1175-6H the Right Honourable Edmund Burke. 1854 608-13R Boileau (D.), Art of Working in Pasteboard upon Scientific Prin- ciples, illustrated. 1831 354T Bojard.0 (M. M., Italian poet \ b. 1434, d. 1494). [Longfellow's Poets Boker (G. H.). See Poets of America, 468D, &c. Bokhara, Mission to [1843-45], by Wolff. 1852 1489R See also Lansdell's Russian Asia, 829K and 830K. Vamb^ry's Asia, 791K. Wolffs Travels, 561K, &c. Boland (H.), Catalogue of the Guille-Alles Lending Library [French Section], edited by A. Cotgreave. 1889 1901R Boleyn (Anne, Queen of Henry VIII., b. 15 10, beheaded 1536), His- tory of Two Queens, by Dixon, vols. 3, 4 40- iF See also Brewer's Reign of Henry VIII. Knight's England, 148H. Strick- land's Queens of England, 800O, &c. Bolingbroke (H. St. John, Lord, statesman, b. 1678, d. 1751). See Thomson's Friendships, 565O. [80] BOL ENGLISH SECTION. BOO Bolivia. See Brown's Countries of the World, 162D. Gallenga's America, 756K, &c. Bologna University. [Lawrie's Mediaeval Education] 306R See also Bellow's Europe, 1399R, Sic. Bolton (E.), Ed. Books for the People. 1883 893R Inventors and Inventions, Wonders of Geology and Botany, Labour and Capital, Mysteries of the Sea, English and American Literature, Places and People Abroad, Ancient Republics, Germany, Switzerland, Famous Women, &c. Bolton (R.), B.D., The Four Last Things ; also Helps to Humilia- tion. [R.T.S.]. 1835 12Z Bolton (W. J.) Evidences of Christianity in the Writings of its Apolo- gists, down to Augustine. 1853 53°A Bombay to Bushire and Bussora, the Present State of Persia, &c, by Shepherd. 1857 1508R See also Caird's India, 556H. Heber's Journey, 1506-7R. Prinsep's India, 816K. Temple's India, 464 and 486H. General Works on India, &c. Bompas (G. C), Life of Frank Buckland. 1885 5390 Bonaparte Family (The). [Timb's Works] 856Z Bonaparte (Jerome, King of Westphalia, b. 1784, d. i860), [Alison's Europe] 1 27-37 O Bonaparte (Joseph, King of Naples, b. 1768, d. 1844), [Alison's Europe] 1 23-38O Bonaparte (Napoleon). See Napoleon Bonaparte, France, &c. Bonapartes, Marriages of the, by Bingham, 2 vols. 188 1 330- iO Bonar (A. R.), Holy Land, being Sketches of the Jews and of the Land of Palestine. 1844 646Z Bonar (H.), D.D., White Fields of France, the Story of Mr. M 'All's Mission to the Working Men of Paris and Lyons. 1879 235M Ed. A Missionary of the Aposlolic School, being the Life of Dr. A. Judson, of Burmah. 1871 7430 See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Bonchamps (M. de, Vendean general, b. 1759, killed 1793). See Alison's Europe, 121O*. Bond (R.), Handbook of the Telegraph. [Weale Series]. 111. 1862. 358T Boner (C), Transylvania, its Products and People, illustrated. 1865 423K Boner (U.), See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Bonilla (A. De). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 4730, &c. Bonito (The). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 679Q, &c. Bon-motS and Anecdotes, by Adams. 1790 123T Bonnechose (E. De, French Historian, b. 1801, d. 1875), History of France, from the Invasion of the Franks under Clovis to the Accession of Louis Phillippe, trans, by Robson. 1853 ... 309O Reformers before the Reformation. 1844 286M Bonner (E., Bishop of London, b. 1500, d. 1569). See Milman's St. Paul's, 320H, &c. Bonnet (Dr. J.). Letters of John Calvin, 2 vols. 1857 160-lF Bonnet (M.), Aonio Paleario, a Chapter in the History of the Italian Reformation. 1864 210T Bonneville (Captain), U.S.A., Adventures of, beyond the Rocky Mountains 779R and 671X Bonney (T. G.), F.G.S., Geology [S. P. C.K.] Science Manuals. 1874 751Z Booce (M. H.), Christ and the Gallows, or Reasons for the Abolition of Capital Punishment. 1870 238M Book about Doctors, by Jeaffreson 519O Lawyers, by Jeaffreson, 2 vols, in 1. 1867 1156R of Blunders and Queer Epitaphs, edited by Macrae 1200R [81] BOO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BOS Book about Nature, Embracing a Condensed Display of the Animal Kingdom, &c., illustrated, 2 vols. 1834 390-lB Ornithology, Conchology, Entomology, Icthyology, Botany, Amphibia, Crustacea, Vermes, Quadrupeds, Zoophytes, Zoology, Geology, Miner- alogy. Book of Proverbs, Commentary on the, by Stuart. 1865 168K Lectures on the, by Binney. 1851 11Z Shells, &c. 1841 734Z Book-keeping and Commercial Phraseology, by Haddon [Weales' Series]. 1854 706Q byHenderson. 1841 295R by Jones, 2 vols. 1837-40 653-4B [Beckman's Inventions] 697Q [Cassell's Popular Educator] 164-9D BOOKS and Authors, Anecdotes of. 1836 1127Z Men, Familiar Studies, by Stevenson. 1882 640O Book-Censors [Beckman's Inventions] 698Q Book Collectors [All the Year Round] 1810J Book Hunter [Blackwood's Magazine] 159"°^ Chats about Books, Poets and Novelists, by Hazeltine. 1883 ... 977R Choice of, by Harrison. 1886 1180R Richardson. 1881 159T Famous, by Adams 882R Friendship of, &c, by Maurice, edited by Hughes. 1874 1026R Love of, by Mangin. 1814 1221Z Reading of, by Thwing. 1883 1114R which have Influenced Me [statements of celebrated men]. 1887 1227R Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.). Stevenson (R. L.). Besant (W.). Stead (W. T.). Ruskin (J.) LL.D. Hamerton (P. G.). Haggard (H. R.). Blackie (Prof. J. S.), LL.D. Farrar (Archdeacon), D.D. Smith (Rev. W. C.), D.D. Dods (Rev. M.), D.D. Parker (Rev. J.), D.D. Books. See also Bellair's Girls and Maidens, 984M. Compayr6's Pedagogy, 296R. Evelyn's Table Talk, 1107R. Lansdell's Asia, 830K. Loftus' Art in the House, 964M. M'Culloch's British Empire, 71 iH. Rogers' Scotland, 949-51F. Saunders' Works, 262 and 253R. Timbs' Works, 851Z, Litera- ture, &c. Books for Boys and Girls. See Juvenile Literature. Booksellers, History of, by Curwen, illustrated. 1873 520O Booth (Mrs. E. M. J. G. von). See Rita. Booth (Mary L. ), History of the City of New York. 1859 343D Boothby (J.), Statistical Sketch of South Australia for 1879. l8 79 760H Borderland of Science, by Proctor. 1882 446R Bordighera. See Health Haunts, 810Q, &c. Borger (E. A.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Borja y Esquilache (F. de). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, Sc. Born (B. de). Sec Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, 8zc. Bomeil (G. de). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Borneo. See Humboldt's Cosmos, 487R, &c. Borrow (G., Traveller and Linguist, b. 1803, d. 1881), Bible in Spain, Adventures of an Englishman. 1849 236M Lavengro, The Scholar, The Gypsy, The Priest, 3 vols. 1851 1216-18R Romano Lavo-Lil, Word -Book of the Romany, or English Gypsy Language. 1874 * 896R The Zincali. or an Account of the Gypsies of Spain. 1846...'. 890M Borthwick(J. D.), Three Years in California, illustrated. 1857 ... 723K Bosanquet (E.), Plain and Easy Account of the British Ferns, ill.... 599Q Bose (R. C), Truth of the Christian Religion 237M Bosnia, Insurrection in [Ranke's Servia, &c] 89O BossuetQ. B., French Bishop, b. 1 627, d. 1704), Universal History, translated by Mrs. Jenkins for the Use of Schools. 1820 ... 70Q [82] BOS ENGLISH SECTION. BOT Bost (M.), Life and Letters of Felix Neff, Missionary in Switzerland, translated by Wyatt. 1843 872O Boston (England). See Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R, &c Boston (U.S.). See Austin's Massachusetts, 51 iH. Bate's Great Republic, 1724R, &c. Boston Painters and Paintings, by F. Downes [Atlantic Monthly] ... 1552J BOS well (J., Scotch Biographer, b. 1740, d. 1795), Life of Samuel Johnson, 4 vols. 1820 737-oO Life of Samuel Johnson, 5 vols. 1821 236-40Z Tour to the Hebrides, with Dr. Johnson (Nat. 111. Library]. 1852 1320R Bos well and Johnson, Their Companions and Contemporaries, by Walter. 1881 185Z BOTANY.— "Works relating to: {See also under Alga, Ferns, Flowers, Microscope, Natural History, Paleontology, Trees, Travels, Names of Countries or Places, e.g. , Africa, England, Guernsey, &c). Botany, Animals and Plants under Domestication, by Darwin, 2 vols., illustrated. 1868 717-8F Botanists' Companion, by Balfour „ 813F [Book of Nature] 390- J ^ British Flora, by Bentham, illustrated, 2 vols. 1865 801-2F by Hooker [Science Primers], 1879 838Z Elements of Botany, by Balfour. 1884 184R Field, by Manton. 1882 839Z First Book of, for Children, by Youmans. 1872 70R Geography of Plants [R.T.S.] 841Z Introduction to Palseontological Botany, by Balfour 812F [Kew Gardens] 575Q Letters on the Elements of, by Rousseau, 2 vols. 1787 764-5F Manual of Botany, Structure, Physiology, and Classification of Plants, by Balfour 810F Marine. See Marine- Algae, Sea- weeds, Aquariums, &c. Plant Life, illustrated. ' 1881 80R Popular Field Botany of the British Isles, by Catlow. i860 837Z System of, by Keith, illustrated, 2 vols. 1816 762-3F The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the same Species, by Darwin, illustrated. 1877 8R Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom, by Darwin. 1876 23R Power of Movement in Plants, by Darwin. 1880 20R Science which Treats of the Structure and Classification of Plants. Vegetable World, by Figuier, illustrated 78R Wild Flowers, by Pratt 846-7Z of the Year[R.T.S] 842Z ■ Wonders of the Vegetable World. 1 877 844Z See also Adam's Wild Flowers, 561Q. Allen's Flowers and their Pedigrees, 163R. Bagnall's Mosses, 138R. Bell's North America, 705-6K. Bosanquet's British Ferns, 599Q. Breuil's Fruit Trees, 178R. Browne's Sylva Americana, 51D. Brown's Science for all, 626-9B. Buckle's Civilization, 187O. Candolle's Origin of Plants, 67R. Cassell's Popular Educator, 1 64-9D. Coleman's Woodlands, &c, 563Q. Col- quhoun's South China, 541-2K. Cooke's Woodlands, 622Q. Cooper's Rural Hours, 31 R. Dall's Alaska, 602B. Duncan's Heroes of Science [Botanists], 702O. Fellow's Asia Minor, 675 B. Fremont's Rocky Mountains, 711K. Friend's Flowers and Flower Lore, 793-4F. Gil- pin's Forest Scenery, 88R. Gill's China and Burmah, 512-3K. Gill's [83] BOT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BOU BOTANY, Works relating to -.—{continued.) Pacific, T645R. Hassard's Floral Decorations, 77R. Heath's Au- tumnal Leaves, 83R. Heath's Fern Paradise, 767F. Heath's Trees and Ferns, 601Q. Heer's Primaeval World of Switzerland, 732-3F. Henslow's Floral Structures, 375R. Herrick's Wonders of Plant Life, 165R. Hibberd's Fern Garden, 84R. Hibberd's Field Flowers, 79R. Holmes' Fungi, &c, 141R. Hooker's Flora, 630Q. Jameson's Trees and Plants, 843Z. John's Flowers of the Field, 556Q. Jolly's Life of Duncan, 621O. Journal of a Naturalist, 787F. Kerner's Flowers, &c, 87R. Koldewey's Arctic Expedition, 605B. Lankester's Wild Flowers, 75R. Lankester's Plants, 82R. Leighton's Lichen Flora, &c, 71R. Lubbock's Wild Flowers, &c, 157R. M'Culloch's British Empire, 711H. Macmillan's Alpine Plants, 89T. Macmillan's Vege- tation, 88T. Midler's Fertilisation of Flowers, 795F. Orr's Sciences, 736F. Osgood's Poetry of Flowers, 731M. Palm Tribes, 849Z. Pouchet's The Universe, 721F. Plue's Wild Flowers, 74R. Pratt's Sea Coast, 587Q. Robinson's Gardens of Paris, &c, 609B. Rhind's Vegetable Kingdom, 50D. Schleneiden's The Plant, 772F. Schoed- ler's Book of Nature, 713F. Seasons of the Year, 569Q. Shaw's Madagascar, 1445R. Smiles' Life of Robt. Dick, 615O. Smith's Ferns, 66R. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Taylor's Flowers, 76R. Thomson's Wild Flowers, 562Q. Vegetable Substances, 609Q. Walker's Flora of Oxfordshire, 766F. Whewell's Inductive Sciences, 768D. Williams' Orchids, 72R. Wilson's Evolution, 27R. Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q. Wood's Wild Flowers, 73R. Yonge's Herb of the Field. 177R. Young Lady's Book, 983M, &c. Bothmer (Countess M. von). See Fiction Class List, following the General Catalogue. Botfiwell (James Hepburn, Earl of, Consort of Mary Queen of Scots, b. 1526, d. 1576), [Strickland's Mary Queen of Scots] 793-40 See also Froude's England, 197-9O. Robertson's Scotland, 338H. Rogers' Scotland, 949-51 F, &c. BottS (J. M.), The Great Rebellion, its History, Rise, Progress, and Disastrous Failure [War of Secession, United States]. 1866 ... 407O Boucicault (Dion, Irish dramatist, b. 1822). See Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1338-9R, &c. Boulger (D. C), Ed. General Gordon's Letters from the Crimea, the Danube, and Armenia, 1854-8. 1884 1292O Boulton (M., Machinist, b. 1728, d. 1809) [Smiles' Engineers] 522O Boulton (S. B.), Russian Empire, its Origin and Development [Cassell's Library]. 1883 958Z Bounties. See Malthus' Population, 1094F. Ricardo's Political Economy, &c, 1004F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, I027-8F, &c. Bounty, Narrative of the Mutinyof thei? Bridges [Colquhoun's South China] S41-2K of Rope [Marvels of Art] 1227Z See also Roads and Railroads, 1090M. Smiles' Engineers, 963O, &c. [88] BRI ENGLISH SECTION. BRI Bridges (C), M. A., Exposition of Psalm cxix. 1830 ; 120M the Book of Proverbs. 1865 132A Memoir of Miss M. J. Graham. 1834 678O Bridges (F. D.), Journal of a Lady's Travels round the World, ill.... 319K Bridges (J. H.), M.B. See International Policy, 332H. Bridgewater (Duke of, b. 1736, d. 1803) [Smiles' Engineers] 528O Bridgewater Treatises. 1836-7 : Vol. 1. — Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, by Chalmers. Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Functions of Digestion, by Prout ....... 136D Vol. 2. — Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man, by Kidd. Astronomy and General Physics, by Whewell. The Hand, its Mechanism aad Vital Endowments, by Bell J 37D Vol. 3. — Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God as manifested in the Crea- tion of Animals, by Kirby 138D Vols. 4-5. — Animal and Vegetable Physiology, by Roget, 2 vols 139-0D Vols. 6-7. — Geology and Mineralogy, by Buckland, 2 vols 141-2D Brienne (Etienne Charles Lomeniede). See Alison's Europe, 119O. Brierley (O. W.) and Milner (J.), B.A., Cruise of H.M.S. Galatea, commanded by H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh [in 1867- 1868]. 1869 785K Brigand Life in Italy, by Maffei, 2 vols. 1865 436K Brigandage. See Heckthorn's Secret Societies, 377O. Dixon's White Conquest, 492H. Macfarlane's Robbers, 1224Z, &c. Bright (Rt. Hon. J., Politician, I). 181 1), Public Letters of, by Leech. 527O Speeches on Public Affairs of the last Twenty Years. 1869. i89andii43Z Life and Opinions of, by Watt, illustrated 526O Speeches of, by Smith, 2 vols. 1881 .' 150-1F Sec also Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Heaton's Reforms, 456O. Martin's Prince Consort, 92-6F. McCarthy's History, 193-6H. Morley's Life of Richard Cobden, 190F. Smith's Life of Gladstone, 275F, &c. Bright Family. See Fortunes made in Business, 1033F. Bright (J. H.). See Poets of America, 468D, Sec. Brighter Britain ! or Settler and Maori in Northern New Zealand, by Hay, 2 vols. 1882 774*5K Brighton. See Granville's Spas, &c, 353K, &c. Brightwell (C. L.),.Palissy, the Huguenot Potter, a True Tale, il- lustrated [R.T.S.]. 1858 560Q Brindley (J., Engineer, b. 1716, d. 1772) [Smiles' Engineers] 528O Brisbane. See Willoughby's Australian Pictures, 322B, &c. Brisse (Baron), 366 Menus and 1200 Recipes, translated by Mrs. Clark. 1882 982M Brissot (Jean Pierre, French Philosopher, b. 1754, executed 1793). See Alison's Europe, 120-26O, &c. Bristol, by Hunt [Historic Towns]. 1887 1662R Bristol (Lord G. D.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Bristol (Earl of). See Gardiner's History of England, 463-96, &c. Bristowe (Beatrice). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Bristowe (H. W., Geologist, b. 1817), F.R.S., Ed. Mines and Miners, or Underground Life, by Simonin, illustrated, 3 parts. 632-3B BRITAIN AND THE BRITONS.— Works relating to : {See also England, Wales, Antiqtiilies, 6rV. ) Britain, Early Man in, by Dawkins, illustrated. 1880 859F Roman, by Scarth [S.P.C.K.] 679T See also Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201 H. Fuller's Church His- tory, 186-8M. Rawlinson's Origin of Nations, 365O, &c. Britons, Ancient, by Giles, 2 vols. 1854 857-8F See also Green's Making of England, 188H. Tegg's Marriage Ceremonies, 1480Z. Fortnightly, 2094J. Once a Week, 2267 and 2269J, &c. [89] BRI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BRI British. America, British India, &c. See America, North ; India, Sec. British Annual, Progress of Science for 1838. Edited by Thomson 828Z Chronologist from Invasion of Romans to 1775, 3 vols 227-9H Cicero, a Selection of admired Speeches by Burke, Fox, Sheridan, Walpole, Curran, Pitt, &c, by Browne, 3 vols. 1813 882-4H Citizen, his Rights and Privileges, by Rogers. 1885 452O Columbia, &c. , by Macfie. 1865 681K See also Lome's Canadian Pictures, 331B, &c. Constitution, by Brougham, i860 . 596R Costume, History of [Lib. Ent. Know.]. 1836 921M Empire, a Descriptive and Statistical Account, by McCulloch, 2 vols. 1854 711-2H & 346-7K Constitutional History of Charles I. to the Restoration, by Brodie, 3 vols. 1866 212-4H Cyclopaedia of the [Knight's], 2 vols. 1853 88-9B Greatness of the, by Parsons. 1851 563T [Froude's Oceana] 804K [Martin's Colonies] 472B Essayists. See Essayists. Islands, Sports and Pastimes [Field Book] 93*E Isles [S.P.C.K.] . 614Z See also Channel Islands, Guernsey, Jersey, Hebrides, Isle of Man, Sec. Building of the, a Study in Geographical Evolution, by fukes- Browne, illustrated. 1888 ." 555R Museum Antiquities and Marbles [Bohn's Library]. 1848 835Z Handy-Book of the, by Nichols, illustrated. 1870 863F Memories of, by Cowtan. 1872 894H [Ellis's Elgin Marbles] 360-1T [Land We Live in] 464B Reading Room [All the Year Round] 1786J See also Panizzi. Nation, its Arts and Manufactures [R.T.S.] 1504Z Neptune, Achievements of the Navy, by Burney. 1807 901 R - North America, for Health, Sport, and Profit, by Hall. 1879 ••• 1679R Peerage, Genealogy of, by Lodge. 1842 J 53D Pharmacopoeia [a Description of the various Medicines, &c, in use] (Medical Council). 1877 822M British Poets. — Poetical Works and Memoirs (Boston). 1864 : — Akenside(M.),ed. byDyce 383Q Ballads, ed. by Child, 8 vols 384-91Q Beattie (J.), ed. by Dyce 392Q Burns (R.), ed. by R. Chambers, 3 vols. ... 393-5Q Butler (S.), ed. by Mit- ford, 2 vols 396-7Q Byron (Lord), with Me- moirs, 10 vols 398-407Q Campbell (T.), Notes by Hill 408Q Chatterton (Thomas), ed. by Wilcox, 2 vols... 409- 10Q Churchill (C), ed. by Tooke, 3 vols 411-13Q Coleridge (S. T.), ed. by Norton, 3 vols 414-6Q [90] Collins (W.), Essay, by Brydges 417Q Donne (J.) 418Q Dryden(J.), with Life, by Mitford, 5 vols. ... 419-23Q Falconer (W.), with Life, by Mitford 424Q Gay (J.), with Life, by Johnson, 2 vols 4 2 5Q Goldsmith (O.), with Life, by Macaulay 427Q Gray (T.), with Life, by "Mitford 428Q Herrick (R.), with Me- moirs, 2 vols 429-0Q Herbert (G.), with Life, by Willmott 431Q Hood (T.), with Memoirs, 5 vols 432-6Q BRI ENGLISH SECTION. BRO British Poets. — Poetical Works, &c. : — {continued. Marvell( A. ),with Memoirs 437Q Milton (J.), with Life, by Masson, 3 vols. ... 438- 40Q Montgomery (J.), with Life by Carruthers, 5 vols 441-52Q Moore (T. ), with Memoir, 6 vols 446-51Q Parnell(T.), with Life, by Goldsmith 452Q Pope (A.), with Life, by Dyce, 3 vols 453-5Q Prior (M.), with Life, by Mitford, 2 vols 456-7Q Scott (Sir W.), [Cadell's Educator], 9 vols. . . . 458-66Q Shakespeare (W.), with Life, by Dyce 470Q Shelley (P. B.), and Life, ed. by Mrs. Shelley, 4 vols 47I-4Q Skelton (J.), ed. by Dyce, 3 vols 467-9Q Southey (R.), with Life, by Tuckerman, 10 vols.... 475-84Q Spenser (E.), ed. by Child, 5 vols 4S5-9Q Surrey (Earl of), with Me- moir 49 C Q Swift (J.), with Life, by Mit- ford, 3 vols 49I-3Q Thomson (J.), with Life, by Nicolas, 2 vols 494"5Q Tickell (T.), with Life ; by Johnson 45 2 Q Vaughan (H.), with Me- moir, by Lyte 496Q Watts (J.), with Life, by Southey 497Q White (II. R.), with Life, by Nicolas 498Q Wordsworth (W.), with Me- moir, 7 vols 499"5°5Q Wyatt (Sir T.), with Me- moir 5°6Q Young (E.), with Life, by Mitford, 2 vols 507-SQ British. Poets. See also Poets. British Popular Customs, by Dyer. 1876 1036F Rule, History of [Hunter's Indian Empire] 485 K in India, by Martineau. 1857 462T Synonyms, by Piozzi. 1804 1236Z • — See also Synonyms, Language, Sec. British. See also in connection with this word various subjects, such as Insects, Flowers, Colonies, Armies, &c. Britons. See Britain. BRITTANY, a Ramble into, by Musgrave, 2 vols. 1870 1384-5R • Ancient. See Froissart's Chronicles, 312-5D. and Channel Islands, a Yachting Visit, by a Country Doctor. 1885 1690R its Byways, Antiquities, &c, by Palliser, ill 1381 and 1382R La vendee, Tales and Sketches, by Emile Souvestre. 1855... 1297R Normandy [Black's Guides], illustrated 833Q — : Normandy, by Macquoid, illustrated. 1879 1389R the Bible, &c, by Hope. 1852 1266R and 619Z Ballads and Songs of, by Taylor. 1865 453D Breton Folk, an Artistic Tour, by Blackburn, illustrated. 1880 599B Lower, and the Bible there, by Bromfield. 1863 1380R Notes of a Tour in, by Tregelles 43oT Summer Holidays in, by Hutchinson. 1876 1383R Through, by Macquoid, illustrated. 1877 818Q See also Alison's Europe, 1 19-25O. Green's French Pictures, 334B. France, &c. Britton (T. A.), Dry Rot in Timber. 1875 85R Broadstone of Honour, by Digby, Vol. III. Morus [Religious History]. 1848 , 1199R Brock (Mrs. Carey, Popular Authoress, wife of the Dean of Guernsey). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Brock (Mrs. Henry F.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [91] BRO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BRO Brock (Daniel De Lisle, Bailiff of Guernsey, b. 1762, d. 1842) [Tupper's Life of Sir I. Brock, Appendix B] 530O and 975Q See also Stephen's Biography, R.L., &c. Brock (Major General .Sir I., born at Guernsey, 1769, Shot in battle 1812), K.B., Family Records, by Tupper. 1835 642F Life and Correspondence of, edited by Tupper. 1845.... 530O and 975Q Brock Family. See Tupper's Family Records, 642F. See also Supplement, &c. Brock (M.), M.A., The Cross: Heathen and Christian, a Frag- mentary Notice of its Early Pagan Existence and Subse- quent Christian Adoption. 1879 242M Brock (T., Rector of St. Pierre Du-Bois, and Late Commissary of Guernsey, b. 1777, d. 1850), M.A., Memoirs of, by H. Carey. 1851 976Q Brockfiuizen (J. V.) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] ... 473D Broderip (W. J., Naturalist, b. 1787, d. 1859), F.R.S., Zoological Recreations. 1849 1 715F Brodie (Sir B. C, Eminent Surgeon, First President General Medical Council, b. 1783, d. 1S62), Biographical Sketch of, by Acland. 1864 531O Brodie (G., Scottish Historian, b. 1786, d. 1867), Constitutional Government of the British Empire : Charles I. to the Restora- tion, 3 vols. 1866 212-4H Brodribb (W. J.), M.A., Demosthenes [An. Clas. for Eng. Read.] 1162Q Brodribb (W. J.), M.A., and Church (A. J.), M.A., Agricola and Germany of Tacitus. 1885 796M Annals of Tacitus. 1888 794M History of Tacitus. 1888 795M Brodrick (Hon. G. C), Local Government in England, edited by Probyn. 1882 303R Broglie (A. C. L., V. Due de, French Diplomatist* b. 1789, d. 1870), Personal Recollections, trans, and edited by Beaufort, 2 vols. 645-6F Broglie (Victor Francois, Due de, b. 17 18, d. 1789), King's Secret [Secret Correspondence of Louis XV. 1752- 1774], 2 vols. ... 426-7H [Senior's Conversations] 434-5H See also Alison's Europe, 139-6O, &c. Bromfield (J.), Lower Brittany and the Bible there, its Priests and People. 1863 1380R See also Hope (T). Bromwell (W. J.), History of Emigration to the United States. 1856. 346D Bronson (Mrs. A.). See Lawless (Hon. E.). Bronte (Anne, [Acton Bell] Novelist, b. 1820, d. 1849). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Bronte (Charlotte [Currer Bell], Eminent Novelist, b. 1816, d. 1855), A Monograph, by Reid, illustrated. 1877 53 2 ■ Life of, by Gaskell, 2 vols. 1859 192-3Z and 1774-5Z Sec also Adam's Women of Letters, &c, 1048O. Adam's Celebrated Englishwomen, 1282O. Bayne's Two Great Englishwomen, 1010O. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1104R, &c. See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Bronte (Emily [Ellis Bell], Novelist, b. 1818, d. 1848), by Robinson. 533O See also Swinburne's Miscellanies, 1340O. Fiction Class List, &c. Bronze Age. See Donnelly's Atlantis, 1017M. Worsaae's Denmark, 1035M, &c. and Stone Ages. See Anderson's Scotland in Pagan Times. 896F, &c. Copper and Iron Work [Industrial Arts] 1042M Bronzes, by Fortnum, illustrated 1055M Brooke (Sir J., Rajah of Saraivak, b. 1803, d. 1868), K.C.B., Private Letters of, edited by Templer, 3 vols. 1853 334-60 [92] BRO ENGLISH SECTION. BRO Brooke (Laurence). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Brooke (M.), History of Henry, Earl of Moreland. 1815 408F Brooke (Stopford A.), M.A., English Literature [Literature Primers, edited by Green]. 1879 1209Z Ed., Life and Letters of F. W. Robertson, 2 vols. 1882 948-9O Brookes (T.), Select Works of, edited by Bradley, 2 vols. 1824.... 140-41 M Brooks (C. T.). See Poets of America, 468D, &c. Brooks (J. G.). See Poets of America, 468D, &c. Brooks (M.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Brooks (R.)> M.D., General Gazetteer and Geographical Dictionary, edited and revised by Smith. 1876 34D Brooks (Shirley), Russians of the South [Travellers' Library]. 1855 1265R Brooks (S.). See Frith's Reminiscences, 616F and 6i6Fa, &c. Brookleigll Manor and its Penny Readings, by Doggett i J 55Z Brook- Smith (J-)- See Smith (J. Brook). Broome (E. W.), Rev. Rowland Hill, Preacher and Wit, with Intro- duction by Stoughton. 1881 232Z Broome (W.), LL.D., Poetical Works and Life by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807 369Z Brougham (H., Lord, Author and Statesman, b. 1779, d. 1868), F.R.S., Dialogues on Instinct, with Analytical View of the Researches on Fossil Osteology. 1845 743^ Discourse on the Objects, Advantages and Pleasures of Science, illustrated. 1831 425T Historical Sketches of Statesmen who Flourished in the Time of George III., 3 vols. 1845 304-6T Men of Letters and Science of the Time of George III. 1845 ••• 353^ Works of, II vols. 1855-7 : — Vol. 1. — Lives of Philosophers of the Time of George III. : Black. Watt. Priestly. Cavendish. Davy. Simson. Adam Smith. La- voisier. Banks. D'AIembert 597R Vol. 2. — Men of Letters of the Time of George III. : Voltaire. Rousseau. Hume. Robertson. Johnson. Gibbon 598R Vols. 3-5.- Statesmen of the Time of George III. and IV. : Lords Chatham, North, Loughborough, Thurlow and Mansfield. Chief-Justice Gibbs. Sir William Grant. Burke. Fox. Pitt. Sheridan. Windham. Dundas. Erskine. Perceval. Lord Grenville. Grat- tan. Wilberforce. Canning. Sir Samuel Romilly. John, * Fourth Duke of Bedford. Earl Camden. John Wilkes and Demagogue Arts. Lord Eldon. Sir William Scott. Laurence. Sir Philip Francis. Home Tooke. Lord Castlereagh. Lord Liverpool. Tierney. Lords St. Vincent, Nelson, King, Home, Ricardo, and Ellenborough. Chief- Justice Bushe. Lord Hol- land. John Allen. Lord Abinger. Sir W. Follett. Justice Williams. John Dunning. Lord Plunkett. Duke of Welling- ton. Recollections of the Bar and Bench. French Revolution. Neckar. Madame de Stael. Mirabeau Family. Carnot. La- fayette. Talleyrand. _ Tallien. Ney. Brissot. French Bar during the Revolution. Napoleon. Washington. Carrol. Jefferson. Franklin. Frederick II. Gustavus III. Emperor Joseph. Empress Catherine. Appendix : Elizabeth, and Mary Queen of Scots 599-601 R Vol. 6. — Natural Theology : Dialogues on Instinct. Structure of the Cells of Bees. Fossil Osteology 602R Vol. 7. — Dissertations and* Addresses : Eloquence of the Ancients. Rec- torial Address at Glasgow. Contributions to Edinburgh Review. Objects, Pleasures and Advantages of Science 603R Vol. 8. — Dissertations, Historical and Political'. Historical View of Foreign Policy. War Measures and Balance of Power. Penal Legislation. Revolutions. Principles of Reform. Right of Search. Education 604R [93] BRO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BRO Brougham, Works of -.—{continued.) Vols. 9-10. — Social and Political Specclics '. Military Flogging. Queen Caroline. Libel on the Durham Clergy. Army Estimates. Holy Alliance. Education Law in Ireland. Imprisonment for Debt. Bedchamer Question. Wellington Festival. Commerce, and Manufactures Liverpool Election and Mechanics' Institute. Slave Trade, Case of Rev. John Smith. Negro Slavery and Apprentices, State of the Law. Local Courts. Parliamentary Reform. Poor Laws 605-6R Vol. 11. — British Constitution '. its History, Structure and Working 596R Memoirs of, by Harwood. 1840 195Z See also Alison's Europe, 139-5O. Campbell's Chancellors, 774O. Greville's Memoirs. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Heatons Reform, 456O. Martineau's Thirty Years'_ Peace, 449B. Napier's Correspondence, 273H. Torren's Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 385-6F, &c. Broughton (Rt. Hon. Lord), G.C.B., Italy, Remarks made in several visits from 1816 to 1854, 2 vols. 1859 .. 1409-10R Broughton (Rhoda, Novelist, b. 1840). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Broughton (Mrs. V. D.), Ed., Court and Private Life in the Time of Queen Charlotte, from the Journals of Mrs. Papendick, 2 vols. 1887 , 946-7F Brown (A. G.), Sermons at Stepney Green Tabernacle. 1871 222K Brown (C. B.) and Lidstone (\V.), Fifteen Thousand Leagues on the Amazon and its Tributaries. 1878 797K Brown (Charles F.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Brown (F., Blind Irish Poetess, b. 1816). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Brown (G. B.), M.A., From Schola to Cathedral, a Study of Early Christian Architecture, and its Relation to the Life of the Church. 1886 195K Brown (Hugh Stowell, Baptist Minister, b. 1823, d. 1886), Lectures to the Men of Liverpool. 1858 895R Twelve Lectures to Working Men, 2 vols in I 1 13T Poor Richard's Almanac. Taking Care of Number One. The Devil s Meal is all Bran. The Seventh Commandment. Waste Not, Want Not. The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions. Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil. Saturday Night. The Lord's Prayer. A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed. Brown (James Baldwin, Independent Minister, b. 1820), B.A., Buying and Selling, and Getting Gain, a Pastoral for the Times 227M Misread Passages of Scripture. 1869 183Q The Higher Life. Sermons. 1874 628M What is Man, Atheistic Life, Redemption, Pain of Progress, God's Great World, Martyrs, Sacred Joy, Faint Yet Pursuing, Victory of Life, Keys of Hell and of Death, Destiny of Man, &c. Home in its Relation to Man and to Society. 1883 634M Memorial of, by E. B. Brown. 1884 152F Brown (John, of Haddington), Concordance to the Ploly Scriptures 13Z Brown (J., Presbyterian Minister), D.D., Discourses and Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ, 3 vols. 1856 392-4A Brown (J., Scotch Writer, b. 1810, d. 1882), LL.D., Horre Subse- civre. 1882 897R Cairns, Chalmers, Our Dogs, Notes on Art, Hallam, Rab and His Friends, &c. [94] BRO ENGLISH SECTION. BRO Brown (J., Minister of the Church of Bunyati Meeting, Bedford), B.A., John Bunyan, His Life and Times, illustrated by Whymper. 1885 156F Brown (Captain John, American Abolitionist, b. 1800, executed 1 859), Life and Letters of, edited by Sanborn. 1885 153F Life and Letters of [Abolition of Slavery], edited by Webb. 1861 1407O Brown (J. C), Lambeth Palace and its Associations, ill. 1882 809K Brown (R.)> M.A., Countries of the World ; a Popular Description of the various Continents, Islands, Rivers, Seas and Peoples of the Globe, illustrated, 4 vols. : — Vol. 1. — The World of a Thousand Years Ago. Modern Discovery. The Arctic Regions. The Fir Countries of North America. The Dominion of Canada. The United States 160D Vol. 2. — The United States {continued). The Prairies. The Indian Terri- tory. Mexico. The West Indies 161D Vol. 3. — Central America. South America 162D Vol. 4. — Oceania. New Zealand. Australia. Tasmania. Malay Archi- pelago. The Japanese Empire 163D Brown (R.), M. A., Races of Mankind ; a Popular Description of the Characteristics, Manners and Customs of the Principal Va- rieties of the Human Family, 4 vols, in 2 : — Vols. 1, 2. — The Families of Men. The Americans. North Western Ame- rican Indians. Indians of California. Indians of the Central Plains. Pueblo Indians. Other Prairie Tribes. Indians of the North Eastern States. Canadian Indians. Central American Indians. South American Indians. Brazilian Indians. Patago- nians. Peruvians. Hispano -American Life. The Oceanic Group. The Papuans. Australians, Tasmanians and other Papuan Races. The Malay Race. The African Stock. Egyp- tians. Berbers and Nilotic People. The Kaffirs and Allied Tribes. Hottentots, Bushmen and Allied Tribes. The Negro and Negroid Races 155D Vols. 3, 4. — The Central Africans. West African Negroes. The Ffons ; or People of Dahomey. The Egbas, and Tribes of the Bonny River. The Gaboon Tribes. Tribes of the Fernand Vaz, and Country to the Eastward. Kroomen, Angolese, Congoese and Mandingoes. The Slave Trade. The Decay of Wild Races. The Persian Group. Kurds, Beluchi, Afghans, Paropamisans, Arme- nians. The Indian Stock. The Aboriginal Races of India. The Hindoos. The Singhalese. Laccadave and Maldave Islanders. The Mongolian Family. The Sub-Himalayans. The Hill Tribes of Assam. Burmese. Siamese. The MOn of Pegu. The Kho ; or Kamer of Cambojia. The Anamese and Tonquinese. The Chinese. The Turanians. The Dioscurian and European Groups 156D Brown (R.), M.A., Ed., Science for All, illustrated, 5 vols. : — Vol. 1. — The Man in the Moon. Hunger. The Light of the Future. A Piece of Coal. Sleep. Milk. Migrations of Birds. Optical Illusions. The Telephone. Tides. Geysers. Taking a Pho- tograph. Iridescent Glass, &c 626B Vol. 2. — The Northern Lights. Why the Sea is Salt. Nuggets and Quartz. Great Sea Reptiles. Shooting Stars. Teeth. Moles and Mole Hills. Glaciers. Diamonds. Colour Blindness. Modern Ex- plosives. Weather Telegraphy, &c 627B Vol. 3. — Corals and their Polypes. Colour of the Sea. Soap Bubbles. Visible Sound. The Torpedo. Dew and Hoar Frost. Jupiter. Emeralds and Beryls. Comets. Bending a Bow. Weighing the Earth. Flowers and Insects, &c 62/Ba Vol. 4. — How Plants were Distributed over the Earth. Meteoric Stones. Earthquakes. Fogs. A Grain of Sand. Sea Anemones. Coal Gas. Fluorescence. Wanderings of a Pebble. A Sun Dial. Right-Handedness. Optics of a Lighthouse. Elephants, Flint, &c. 628B [95] BRO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BRO Brown (R.). M.A., Ed., Science for All : — {continued.) Vol. 5. — Hot Ice. Voice. The Genesis of a Sword. Coal Tar. Weather- signs and Weather-changes. Anatomy of Ants. Structureless Animals. What is under London ? A Bar of Soap. Fire-damp and the Safety-lamp. An Iceberg. Water fleas. A Coal Field. The Old Life of Europe, &c 629B Brown (Capt. T.), Anecdotes of the Animal Kingdom, 2 vols 642-3Q Brown (T.), M.D., Lectures on Ethics, with a preface by Chalmers 243 M the Philosophy of the Mind, with a Memoir of the author, by U. Welsh, 4 vols. 1846 575-8H Brown (Thos., the Younger, pseud.). See Moore (Thos.). Brown (W. L.), D.D., Essay on the Existence of a Supreme Creator, and containing a Refutation from Reason and Revelation, of the Objections urged against His Wisdom and Goodness 12-13K Brown (W.), M.D., Propagation of Christianity among the Heathen since the Reformation, 3 vols. 1854 264-6A Browne (A. J. Jukes), F.G.S., Building of the British Islands. 1888. 555R The Student's Handbook of Historical Geology, illustrated. 1886 543R Browne (C. F.). See Ward (Artemus). Browne (D. J.), Sylva Americana, or the Forest Trees of the United States. 1832 51D Browne (G. L.), Life of Wellington [S. P. C.K]. 1856 970Q Lifeof Arthur, First Duke of Wellington. 1888 1409O Narratives of State Trials in the Nineteenth Century, 2 vols. 1882 Vol. 1. — From the Union with Ireland to the Regency. 1801-1811 304O Vol. 2. — The Regency, 1811-1820. Reign of George IV., 1820-30 305O Browne (J. Ross), Crusoe Life. A Narrative of Adventures in the Island of Juan Fernandez [Harper's New Monthly Magazine] 1586J Browne (M.), Practical Taxidermy, a Manual of Instruction to the Amateur in Collecting and Setting up Natural History Speci- mens of all kinds, illustrated 32R Browne (Phillis), Common Sense Housekeeping, House-cleaning,Nurs- ing, Shopping, Servants, &c 1423Z What Girls Can Do, a book for Mothers and Daughters 980M Browne (R. W.), M.A., Trans., Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle, with notes [Bonn's Library]. 1882 1157H Browne (T.), LL.D., The British Cicero, or a selection of the most admired Speeches in the English Language, 3 vols. 18 13.... 882-4H Speeches of Burke, Fox, Sheridan, Wolfe, Hume, Bromley, St. Aubyn, Walpole, Carew, Sydenham, Pitt, Flood, Grey, Erskine, Grenville, North, Shelburne, Shipley, Beaufoy, Thurlow, Elliot, Lansdown, Hardinge, Curran, Mansfield, Mackintosh, Macdonald, Home Tooke, &c. Browne (Sir T.), Stephen's Hours in a Library I103R Browne (W.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Browne (W. H.), Ph.D., Art of Pyrotechny 860D Brownies. See Keighley's Fairies, 1009M, &c. Browning (C.)» Domestic and Financial Condition of Great Britain, and of the Statistics and Politics of France, Russia, Austria and Prussia. 1834 1001F Browning (E. B., Poetess, -wife of R. Browning, b. 1809, d. 1861), Aurora Leigh, a Poem. 1857 672M Letters to R. H. Home, edited by Mayer, 2 vols. 1877 537-80 ■ Poems. 1887 I757Z [96] BRO ENGLISH SECTION. BRY Browning (E. B.)— (continued.) Poetical Works, 5 vols. 1873 :— Vol. 1. — Drama of Exile. Seraphim. Prometheus Bound. A Vision of Poets. The Poet's Vow. Romaunt of Margaret. Isobel's Child, &c 275Q Vol. 2. -Romaunt of the Page. Lay of the Brown Rosary. Rhyme of the Duchess May. Lady Geraldine's Courtship. Sonnets, &c . . . . 276Q Vol. 3. -Lost Bower. Lay of the Early Rose. The Dead Pan. A Child's Grave at Florence. Catarina to Camoens. Sonnets from the Portuguese. Casa Guidi Windows, &c 277Q Vol. 4.— Poems before Congress. Last Poems. Translations. Essays. Greek Christian Poets. Book of the Poets, &c 278Q Vol. 5. — Aurora Leigh 279Q See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Bayne's Two Great Englishwomen, 1010O, &c. Browning (O.), Modern France, 1814-1879 [Harper's Half- Hour Series]. 1880 , 130Z Browning (R., Poet, b. 1812), Ferishtah's Fancies. 1884 ,,. 644T Jocoseria [Poems]. 1883 ,.,, 274Q Poetical Works, 6 vols. 1878 :— Vol. 1. —Pauline. Paracelsus. Strafford 280Q Vol. 2.— Sordello. Pippa Passes 281Q Vol. 3. —King Victor and King Charles. Dramatic Lyrics. Return of the Druses 282Q Vol. 4. — A Blot in the 'Scutcheon. Colombe's Birthday. Dramatic Romances 283*3 Vol. 5.— A Soul's Tragedy. Luria. Christmas-Eye and Easter-Day. Men and Women 284Q Vol. 6.— In a Balcony. Dramatis Persona; 285Q Selections from the Works of. 1865 286Q • See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Galton's Urbana Scripta, 315T. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472 D. Noel's Essays, 1039H, &c. Brownists. See Wilson's Dissenters, 188K, &c. Bruce (A. B.), D. D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A Bru^e (H. A.), M.P., Ed. t Life of Genl. Sir W. Napier, K.C.B. ... 413-4F Bruce (J., Discoverer of the Source of the Nile, b. 1730, d. 1794), The African Traveller, by Head. 1830 196Z Life of, by Head [Fam. Lib.]. 1830 1044Q Travels through part of Africa, Syria, Egypt, and Arabia, into Abyssinia, with a Memoir of the Author's Life. 1839 584Z [Jardine's Naturalists' Library] 654Q Bruce (L. de). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Bruce (Robert, King of Scotland). See Robert Bruce. Brulez (G., fl. 1250) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473D Brummel (Beau, favourite of George IV., b. 1778, d. 1840). See Fitzgerald's Kings and Queens of an Hour, 85F. Russell's Eccentric Personages, 1307O, &c. Brune (J. De, b. 1585, d. 1658) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473D Bruno (G., Italian Mathematician, b. 1550, burnt as aheretic, 1600). See Lewe$ Philosophy, 572H, &c. Brunswick (Duke of, Prussian General, b. 1735, d. 1806). See Alison's Europe, 121-370, &c. Brunton (Mary). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Brussels, Stranger in, by Crowe. 1830 639Z BrutUS (Marcus Junius, Assassin of C Caesar (Caius). See Milman's History of the Jews, 158Q. Caesar (Caius Julius, Roman Dictate}- and Historian, b. IOO, assas- sinated" 44. B.C.), Commentaries of, translated by Duncan IJ.80H by Trollope [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1877 1092Q • on the Gallic and Civil Wars, translated with Notes [Bohn's Library]. 1857 "59H by McDevitte and Bohn [Bohn's Library]. 555T Translated by Duncan [Family Classical Library], 2 vols. 1832 1138-39Q Lifeof[R.T.S.] 168Z See also Del Mar's Money, 898F, and Precious Metals, 899F. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 74H. Josephus, 68H. May's Democracy, 38H. Nie- buhr's Rome, 88H. Gilman's Rome, 424O. Plutarch's Lives, 1134Q, &c. Csesars, The, &c, by De Quincey. 1862 654R Lives of the Twelve Caesars, by Suetonius Tranquillus, translated by Thomson, 1885 549O See also Milman's Early Christianity, 154-6Q. Roman History, Classics, &c. Caffraria, Travels in, by Kay. 1833 1553^ Cage Birds, by Bechstein. 1881 59R &c. [Home Amusements] 949^1 Foreign, by Gedney 57R Cagliostro [Frost's Conjurors] 803O Cain. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K, &c. Caine (T. Hall), Cobwebs of Criticism, a Review of the First Re- viewers of the Lake, Satanic, and Cockney Schools. 1883 ... 1150II Edinburgh Review. Morning Chronicle. Monthly Review. Quarterly Review. Examiner. Blackwood. Eclectic Review. Thackeray. Hunt. Byron. Hazlitt, &c. Life of Coleridge [Robertson's Great Writers]. 1887 T265O Recollections of Dante Gabrielle Rossetti. 1882 47&F See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Caird (E.). LL.D., Hegel [Phil. Classics for Eng. Readers]. 1883.. 1030Q Caird (Sir J., Agriculturist, b. 1816), K.C.B., India, The Land and the People. 1883 556IT Caird (J.), S.T.D., Oriental Religions [Humboldt Library]. 1882... 477A Caird (J., Scotch Divine, b. 1820), LL.D., Spinoza [Knight's Philo- sophical Classics]. 1888 1080Q Cairns. See Anderson's Scotland in Pagan Times, 8g6Fand 1135Q, &c. [106] CAI ENGLISH SECTION. CAL Cairo and Lower Egypt, by Charmes, trans, by Conn. 1883. 1534 and 1658R Petra, and Damascus, in 1839, by Kinnear. 1841 I 53 J R See also Adam's Land of the Nile, 755Q. Beke's Discoveries, 597B. Bellow's Europe, 1399R. Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1664Z. Edward's Holiday Letters, 1472K, &c. Cakes and Ale, Sketches byjerrold. 1852 791R Calabrian Poem. See Longfelllow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Calais. See Froude's England, 195-9O. France, &c. Calamities and Quarrels of Authors, by Isaac Disraeli. 1881 680R Calamy (E., Presbyterian Divine, b. 1600, d. 1686), D.D., Works and Memoir of J. Howe, M. A. 1832 69A See also Stoughton's Religion in England, 93-4M, &c. Calculus, Integral, by Hann [Weale's Series]. 1850 709Q See also Mathematics. Calcutta [Heber's Journey] 1 506-7R ■ See also Temple's India, 464H and 486K. India, &c. Calderon de la Barca (P., Spanish Poet, b. 1601, d. 1687), by Hasell [Foreign Classics]. 1879 1174O See also Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Calderon (Madame), Life in Mexico [Bookcase series]. 1852 1623R With a Preface by Prescott. 1843 737K Caleb in the Country, a story for Children, by Abbott 1136Z Calendar, Analysis of the, with illustrative anecdotes [Brady's Clavis Calendaria] 892-3H Calf hill (J., Bishop of Worcester, b. 1530, d. 1570), D.D., Answer to Martiall's Treatise of the Cross. 1846 240A Calico-Printing. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 6D. Calif (B. S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. CALIFORNIA, A Pictorial View of, by a returned Californian 722K A Voyage to, via Panama, by Taylor. 1 868 852R in 1867-1868. Brace's New West. 1869 1588R . Life, illustrated, by Taylor. 1858 1589R — in, and Customs of the Indians of Alta-California, trans. 1846 1590R Resources of, by Hittell. 1839 267R Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity, by Hutchings, illustrated. 1865 721 Iv Three Years in, by Borthwick, illustrated. 1857 723K See also Bate's Great Republic, 1724R. Bennett's Whaling Voyage, 835-6K. Brown's Countries of the World, 160D. Dall's My First Holiday, 1696R. Del Mar's Precious Metals, 899F. Dixon's White Conquest, 492H. Froude's Oceana, 804K. Gerstaeker's Travels, 1632R. King- sley's South by West, 718K. Macfie's Vancouver Islands, &c, 681 K. Fremont's Exploring Expedition, 71 iK. Sould's San Francisco, 516H. Stanford's Compendium, 850-1K. Walpole's Pacific, 795K. Whymper's Travels, 724-5K. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Wilkinson's Sunny Lands, 837K. North America, United States, &c. Caligula (Caius Cresar, Third Roman Emperor, b. 12, d. 41) [Mil- man's History of the Jews] 158Q See also Caesar. Salverte's Magic, 599H, &c. Caliphate.— Annals of the Early Caliphate, by Sir William Muir. ... 365F The. See also Freeman's Saracens, 298O. Mahometans, Turks, &c. Calisthenics. See Valentine's Girls Own Book, 1187R. Girl's Book, 1257H. Amusements. Gymnastics, &c. Call to the Unconverted, by Baxter. 1825 199Q and 7 and 1673Z Callimachus {G>eek Grammarian and Poet, d. 240 B.C.,). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Callinus {Greek Poet, 73c B.C.) See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Callistratus {Greek Orator and Commander, 378 B.C.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476 D. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c, Callow {}.). See Painting for Beginners, 919-20D. i°7l OAL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CAM Oalmet (A., French Benedictine, b. 1672, d. 1757), Dictionary of the Holy Bible, edited by Taylor. 1849 70A The Phantom World, or the Philosophy of Spirits, Apparitions, &c, edited by Christmas, 2 vols. 1850 907-8M Calomel. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 6D. Calverley (C. S.), Tr. Theocritus, trans, into English verse. 1883. 793M Calvin (J., Protestant Reformer, b. 1509, d. 1564), Institutes of the Christian Religion, 3 vols. 1813 23-5K Letters of, by Bonnet, 2 vols. 1857 160-1F Memoirs of the Life and Writings of, by Mackenzie. 1818 550O and the Swiss Reformation, by Scott. 1833 95°Q See also May's Democracy, 38-9H. Presbyterian Church, 271A, &c. Calvinism, 1800-80 [Stoughton's Religion] 98M An Address, by Froude. 1871 79K See also Buckle's Civilisation, 187O. Froude's Studies, 208O, Steven's Methodism, 507 A. Religion, &c. Cambrian Mirror, or Companion through North Wales, by Parry... 612Z Cambridge Universities, Privileges and History, by Dyer, 2 vols.... 329-0H Cambridge University and Colleges [Student's Handbook]. 1888. 312R and Oxford Universities [Laurie's Mediaeval Educator] 306R See Brand's Antiquities, ; 1005-7M. Rimmer's Towns, 1349R. Boating, 1266R. Cambridge U.S. [Austin's Massachusetts] 511II Camden (Earl). See Campbell's Chancellors, 779-0O, &c. Camel, The. See Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 664Q. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711F. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Lansdell's Asia, 830K. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 829 K. Palgrave's Arabia, 585K, &c. Cameleopara, The. See Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 664Q, &c. Cameo. See Ure's Dictionary, 6D. Cameron (Major-Gen. Duncan A., of Guernsey), C.B. [Sarnia, p. 92] 1416O Cameron (Commander). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cameron (Mrs. H. L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cameronians, The. See Burton's Scotland, 336-7H, &c. Camille-Desmoulins [Thiers' French Revolution] 376-7H Camillus (M. F., Roman Consul, d. 365 B.C.). See Plutarch's Lives, 445F and 1130Q, &c. Caminha (P. de A.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Camisards, The. See Chambers' Miscellany, 630R, &c. Camoens (L. de., Portuguese Poet, b. 1524, d. 1579). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Camp and Barrack Room, or the British Army as it Is, by a late Staff Sergeant. 1846 271O Camps in the Rockies [Rocky Mountains], by Grohman. 1882... 1597R Life in Florida, by Hallock. 1876 1611R Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, 1814-15, by Gleig. 1847 453T Campaigns. See Adam's Great Campaigns, 47H, &c. Campan (Jeanne L. H., French Writer, b. 1752, d. 1822), Private Life of Marie Antoinette, illustrated, 2 vols. 1884 99-100F Campbell (Archibald, Archbishop of ' Canterbtiry). See Tait. Campbell (Sir Colin). See Clyde (Lord). Campbell (G., Scotch Theologian, b. 1719, d. 1796), D.D., Disserta- tion on Miracles, 2 vols. 1797 464-5 A Lectures on Pulpit Eloquence. 1824 3Q The Philosophy of Rhetoric. 1841 899H 2 vols. 1816 593-4H Four Gospels, translated from the Greek, with Preliminary Dissertations and Notes, 3 vols, 1813 26-8K [108] CAM ENGLISH SECTION. CAM Campbell (Sir G., Scotch Statesman, b. 1822), M.P., White and Black, the Outcome of a Visit to the United States. 1879 ... 494H Campbell (John, Scotch Historian, b. 1708, d. 1775), Lives of the British Admirals, from the Earliest Periods, continued to 1816, by Yorke, Stevenson, &c, 8 vols. 1817: Vol. 1. — Life of Campbell. Naval History of the Ancient Briotns, and up to the Time ot Queen Elizabeth »F Vol. 2. — Elizabeth to Charles II. Howard, Hawkins, Drake, Frobisher, Cavendish, Dudley, Fenton, Raleigli, Mansel, Blake, Mon- tague, Lawson, Kempthorne, Ayscough, &c 2F Vol. 3.— Charles II., and to Anne. Spragge, Legge, Berry, Herbert, &c. 3F Vol. 4. — Anne to George I V. Benbow, Delavel, Shovel, Rooke, Churchill, Mitchell, &c 4 F Vol. 5. — George II. to George III. Naval History to end of War in 1763, and from 1763 to 1779, &c 5F Vol. 6. — Dampier, Leakes, Byng, Morris, Berkley, Wager, Vernon, Anson, Hawke, Byron, &c 6F Vol. 7. — 17S0 to Conclusion of American War. Miscellaneous Events, from 1882 to Peace of Amiens, &c. Howe, Cook, Jervis, Hotham, Cornwallis, Duncan, Nelson, &c 7F Vol. 8.— 1S03 to 1S16. Nelson, Hood, Laurie, Duckworth, Sterling, Col- lingwood, St. Vincent, &c 8F Campbell (John, Lord, Eminent Scotch Lawyer, b. 1781, d. 1861), LL.D., Life of Lord Bacon. 1853 184Z Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Privy Seal of England, from the Earliest Times till the Reign of King George IV., 7 vols, 1848 : Vol. 1. — Origin of the Office of Lord Chancellor. Chancellors under the Saxon Kings, and till the Reign of Henry II. Thos. A'Beckett, Maurisco, Richard de Bury, William of Wickham, De- La-Pole, Warham, Wolsey, More, Audley, Wriothesley, &c 29F Vol. 2.— Paulet, Rich, Gardyner, Heath, Bacon, Bromley, Hatton, Elles- mere, Williams, Coventry, Finch, Lyttleton, Lane, &c 30F Vol. 3. — Lord Keepers during the Commonwealth : Herbert, Clarendon, Bridgeman, Shaftesbury, Nottingham, Guilford, Jeffreys, &c. 31F Vol. 4. — Maynard, Trevor, Somers, Wright, Cowper, Harcourt, Maccles- field, King, Talbot, &c 32F Vol. 5.— Hardwicke, Northington, Camden, Yorke, Bathurst, Thurlow, &c. 33F Vol. 6. — Loughborough, Erskine 34F Vol. 7. — Eldon, Chronological and Alphabetical Tables 35F Campbell (John, Lord), Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, Life of, by Mrs. Hardcastle, 2 vols. 1881 164-5F Campbell (J. F.), Life in Normandy, or Sketches of French Fishing, Cooking, Farming, Natural History and Politics, 2 vols 1 700- 1 R Campbell ( T. R.), M.A. See Ward'.ow (R.), D.D. Campbell (L.), M.A., and Garnett (W.), M.A., Life of, J. C. Maxwell, illustrated. 1882 383F Campbell (Thos., Scotch Poet, b. 1777, d. 1844), Poetical Works, illustrated by Harvey 433E» Ed., Frederick the Great, his Court and Times, 2 vols. 1844 ... 656-7O Poems and Life, with Notes by Hill [British Poets]. 1870 408Q and Coleridge (S. T.), Poetical Works 326Q Memoirs of Campbell, Pleasures of Hope, Gertrude of Wyoming, Lord Ullin's Daughter, O'Connor's Child, &c. Memoirs of Coleridge, Ancient Mariner, Piccolomini, Remorse, Fall of Robespierre, &c. See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Campbell (W. W.), Works. Set Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Campbells, The. See Burton's Scotland, 336-7 H. Campello (Count), An Autobiograpy, giving his Reasons for leaving the Papal Church. 1881 . 552O [109J CAM GUJLLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CAN Camper (P. ) [Jardine's Naturalist's Library] 664Q Camphor. SeeUxt's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 6D. CANAAN". See Bible Lands, 511-12A. Kitto's Scripture Lands, 368M. Rago- zin's Assyria, 432O, &c. CANADA : Works relating to (See also America, Colonics, Emi- gration, Indians, Manitoba, Rocky Mountains, Yellowstone A'iver, Travels, Voyages, &V.) Canada, A Narrative, by Head. 1839 244II and the Colonists, by a Four Years' Resident. 1844 668Z States [1851-1886] by Watkin. 1887 1708R Essays, by Hogan and Morris. 1855 1043F by Buckingham 677 K Canadian Guide Book. 1849 67 c7. Pictures, by Lome, illustrated 33*^ Five Years' Residence in, by Talbot, 2 vols 678-9K Its Defences, Condition, and Resources, by Russell. 1865 1626R — — Sketches in, and Rambles among the Red Men, by Jameson 1852 791Q and 1271R See also Alison's Europe, 138-46O. Appleton's Guide Book, 1573R. Bate's Great Republic, 1724R. Brown's Countries of the World, 160D. Bryce's Manitoba, 458O. Fitzgibbon's Manitoba, 1628R. Head's Emigrant, 1627R. Lennox's Celebrities, 1015 and 1017H. Lome's Trip, 1642R. Lyell's Geological Observations, 1580-1R. McGregor's British America, 488H. Moorman's Mineral Waters, 827M. Murray's British America, 400-2T. Murray's Letters, 1613R. Murray's Travels, 1584-5R. Seward's Travels, 601 B. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Warburton's Hochelaga, 767Q, &c. CANALS. — Canal Navigation [Smiles' Engineers].... * 528O Agricultural. See Smith's Italian Irrigation, 851. 2D. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828-9K. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Roads and Railroads, ioooM. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Temple's India, 486 K, &c. Canaries. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Cage Birds, 57 and 59R. Birds, Ornithology, &c. Cand.ah.ar. See Temple's India, 464H. Afghanistan, 6cc. Candle, Chemical History of a, by Faraday. 1861 834Z Candle-Making [Wynter's Social Bees] H59R — See Brand's Antiquities, 1005-7M. Ure's Dictionary, 6D, &c. Candlemas Day. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M, &c. Candler (John), Brief Notices of Hayti. 1842 . 16 ^R Candolle (A. I)e, Swiss Botanist, b. 1778, d. 1841), Origin of Culti- vated Plants [International Scientific Series]. 1884 67R Canine Family, The. See Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 661Q. Dogs, Animals, Natural History, &c. Cannes. See Health Haunts, 810Q, &c. Cannibals [Nadaillac's Pre-Historic America] 897F See also Powell's New Britain, 782K. Brown's Races of Mankind. South Sea Islands. Stanford's Compendium [Africa], 849K, &c. Canning (Rt. Hon. G., Statesman and Orator, b. 1770, d. 1827), Official Correspondence, edited by Stapleton, 2 vols. 1887... 546-7II by Hill [English Worthies]. 1886 1207O ■ Life of, by Bell. 1846 553O Memoirs of, 2 vols. 1829 555-60 See also Alison's Europe, 123-36O and 139-45O. Campbell's Chan- cellors, 779-83O. Croker Papers, 2co-iF. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Ewald's Statesmen, 472F. Greville Memoirs. Harris's Radicals, 1106F. Jones' Poets, 663M. Martineau's 'J hirty Years' Peace, 449B. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 208H. Torrens' Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 385F, &c. [no] CAN ENGLISH SECTION CAR Canning (Lord, Son of George, Governor-General of India, b. 1812, d. 1862). See Holme's Indian Mutiny, 470H. Temple's India, 464H, &c. Cannon. Sec Boutell's Arms, 366O. Edinburgh Review, 469 and 479J. Harper, 1605J. Quarterly, 1220 J, &c. Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Sotoi [America], by Featherston- haugh, 2 vols. 1847 726-7K Travelling. Sec Whymper's Travels, 724-5K. Cameron's Africa, 602-3K. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R, Cassell's Pastimes 1262H. Burton's Brazil [1500 miles of the River Sao Francisco], 1633-4R. Robinson's Hudson's Bay, 680K, &c. Canon of the Bible, by Davidson. 1877 238Q Testaments, &c. See Bible, &c. Canova (A., Italian Sculptor, b. 1757, d. 1822), and his Work and a View of Modern Sculpture. 1825 166F Cantacuzene (Princess Olga). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Canterbury [Land We Live In] 464B See also Freeman's Norman Conquest, 204-5H. Kent, England, &c. Canterbury (Archbishops of). Sec Stubbs' History, 210-12O, &c. Canterbury (Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of). See under Tait. Canterbury Tales, Poems by Chaucer 678M A Poem [Chaucer's Works] 378-9Q The Prologue, The Knighte's Tale, &c, by Chaucer, edited by Morris. 1869 ' 634T Cantlie (J.), M.B., Accidental Injuries, Their Relief and Immediate Treatment [Int. Health Ex.], illustrated. 1884 988M Canton. See Beauvoir's Voyage, 1302R. Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R Cumming's China, 789K. China, &c. Canute (A'it/g of England, b. 995, d. 1035). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201H. Green's Conquest of England, 187H. English Histories, iv.c. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.— Cape and Kaffirs, with Advice to Emigrants, by Ward. 1851 , 431T Colony [Froude's Oceana] 804K ■ [Napier's Africa] 1549R of Good Plope [Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante} 786K Town. See Gray (K.), Bishop of Cape Town 283-4F of Good Hope. See also Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Africa, Natal, Colonies, &c. Cape de Verd Islands [Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam^ 1682R CapellO (H.), and Ivens (R.), From Benguella to Yacca, Central and West Africa, in the years 1877 to 1880, translated by A. Elwes, illustrated, 2 vols. 1882 831-2K Capes (W. W.), M.A., Roman Empire of the Second Century, or the Age of the Antonines. 1884 1S12Z Roman History, the Early Empire from the Assassination of Julius Crcsar to that of Domilian [Epochs of Ancient History] 181 iZ Capital. See George's Progress and Poverty, 1023F. Levi's Work and Pay, 283R. Ricardo's Political Economy, &c, 1004F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1027F. Walker's Science of Wealth, 1025F, &c. Capital Punishment, Reasons for its Abolition, by Bovee. 1870 238M Caplin (Madame R. A.), and Mill (Dr. J.), Women in the Reign of Queen Victoria • 974M Cappon(J.), M.A., Victor Hugo, a Memoir and a Study. 1885 7 2 3® Caprera. See Garibaldi, Life of, 6680, &c. Capstan. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 6D. Captivity in Abyssinia, and an Account uf King Theodore, by Blanc 1502R -- Japan, 1811-1813, by Golownin, 2 vols, 1818 538-9K See also Percy Anecdotes, 918Z, &c. Caradoc of Wales (JVcls/i Historian, d. 11 54). See Freeman's Norman Con- quest, 202 and 204 H, &c. [Ill] CAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CAR Carafas of Maddaloni {Neapolitan Family about 1591), Naples under Spanish Dominion, by Reumont, tr. [Bonn's Library]. 1854 S3O Carbolic Acid. See lire's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 6D. Carbon. See Tyndali's Heat, 509R. Microscope. Ure's Dictionary, 6D, &c. Carbonari. [Hecthorn's Secret Societies] 377O Card., Cardboard. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 6D. Card Games and Tricks [Cassell's Book of Indoor Amusements, Card Games, &c], illus 1259H Tricks [Frikell's The Secret Out] 925M Cards, Playing, History of, by Chatto, illustrated. 1848 927 F See also Ure's Dictionary, 6D. Games, &c. Cardiphonia, or The Utterance of the Heart, by Newton, 2 vols.... 147-8M Carew (Bamfylde Moore, Gipsy Kino, b, 1693, d. 1770). See Russell's Eccentric Personages, 1308O. Chambers' Journal, 1945J, &c Carew (T., Poet, b. 1598, d. 1639). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Carey (F. J., of Guernsey), Journal of a Tour in France in the Years 1816-17. 1823 388K Carey (G. G.), Theoretical and Mercantile Arithmetic. 181 7 744^ Carey (H., of Guernsey), M.A., Memoirs of T. Brock, Rector of St. Pierre-Du-Bois and late Commissary of Guernsey. 1851 976Q Carey (P. M.), Evidences and Corruptions of Christianity. 1838 ... 513A Carey (Rosa M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Carey (W.), D.D., Shoemaker and Missionary, by Smith, illustrated 167F See also Short Biographies, 629F, &c. Carey Family and Persons bearing this name belonging to Guernsey. For bio- graphical notices, see Jacob's Guernsey, 362B, and Sarnia, 14160, &c. Caribs. See Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Young's Mosquito Shore, 1639R, &c. Caricatures on Napoleon I., edited by Ashton, 2 vols. 1884 107-8F Carleton (Will), Farm Ballads. 1876 119-46O Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Carleton (William, Irish Novelist, b. 1798, d. 1869). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Carlisle ( A. D.), B.A., Round the World in 1870 ; an Account of a Brief Tour made through India, China, Japan, California and South America 1872 316K Carlisle (F. Howard, Earl of, b. 1748, d. 1825). See Trevelyan's Life of Fox, 260F, &c. Carlisle (G. W. F. Howard, Earl of, b. 1802, d. 1864), Lectures and Addresses in Aid of Popular Education ; including a Lecture on the Poetry of Pope [Travellers' Library]. 1856 1284.R • See also Lennox's Celebrities, 1016H, &c. Carlisle (Richard Sterne, Bishop of) [Stoughton's Religion in Eng- land] 94M Carlos (Don, b. 1818, d. 1861), Marriage of, &c. [Alison's Europe]... 119-460^ Carlos (Don). For Princes of this name, see also Spain and General History. Carlovingian Kings. See Palgrave's Normandy, 180-1H, &c. Carlton (R. B.), Annals and Legends of Calais. 1852 1503O Carlyle (Rev. G.), A.M., Geneva Conference of the Evangelical Alliance. 1861-2 479 and 660A Carlyle (Mrs., wife of Thomas Carlyle), Letters and Memorials of, prepared for publication by Thomas Carlyle, edited by Froude, 2 vols. 1883 5570 Letters and Memorials of, prepared for publication by Thomas Carlyle, edited by Froude, 3 vols. 1883 172-4F Carlyle (Thomas, Philosopher and Historian, b. 1795, d > 1881), Chartism, Past and Present. 1858 904R Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, 3 vols. 1846 203-5F Correspondence with Emerson, 1834-72, 2 vols. 1883 « 560- iO [112] CAR ENGLISH SECTION. CAR Carlyle (Thomas), On the Choice of Books 84Ta Samuel Johnson. 1853 241Z Sartor Kesartus : Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh 1000O The French Revolution, 3 vols. 1839 : Vol. 1.— The Bastille , 320O Vol. 2. — The Constitution » 321O Vol. 3.— The Guillotine 322O Trans., Wilhelm Meister, by Goethe, 3 vols. 1874 72-4T Works of: — Vol. 1. — Sartor Resartus 87T Vols. 2-4. — History of the French Revolution 67-9T Vol. 5. — Life of Schiller ; with Examination of his Works 85T Vol. 6. — Essays : Richter, German Literature, Life and Writings of Werner, Goethe's Helena, Goethe, &c 75T Vol. 7. — Essays : Burns, Heyne, German Playwrights, Voltaire, Novalis, Signs of the Times, History, &c 76T Vol. 8. — Essays : Richter again, Luther's Psalm, Schiller, Niebelungen Lied, German Literature, Taylor's Survey of German Poetry, &c. 77T Vol. 9. — Essays : Characteristics, Goethe's Portrait, Death of Goethe, Biography, Bos well's Life of Johnson, Goethe's Works, Corn- Law Rhymes, History again, &c 78T Vol. 10. — Essays : Diderot, Cagliostro, Death of Edward Irving, Diamond Necklace, Mirabeau, &c 79T Vol. 11. — Essays : Parliamentary History of the French Revolution, Sir Walter Scott, Varnhagen von Ense, Chartism, Petition on the Copyright Bill, Sinking of the Vengeur, Baillie the Cove- nanter, &c 80T Vol. 12. — Essays : Dr. Francia, Election to the Long Parliament, Nigger Question, Two Hundred and Fifty Years ago, the Opera, Scot- tish Portraits, the Prinzenraub, Inaugural Address at Edinburgh, Shooting Niagara, and After ? French-German War, &c 81T Vol. 13. — Heroes, Hero-Worship and Heroic in History 87Ta Vol. 14. — Past and Present : Proem, Ancient Monk, Modern Worker and Horoscope 84T Vols. 15-19. — Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches ; with Elucidations. . 52-56T Vol. 20. -Latter-Day Pamphlets: Present Time, Model Prisons, Downing Street, New Downing Street, Stump Orator, Parliaments, Hudson s Statue and Jesuitism 71T Vol. 21.— Life of John Sterling 86 T Vol. 22-31. — History of Frederick the Great 57-66T Vol. 32. — Early Kings of Norway, Portrait of John Knox and General Index Vols. 33-35. — Translations : Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels 72-4T Vols. 36-37. — Translations : Tales by Musaeus, Tieck and Richter 82-3T Vol. 38.— The Choice of Books ; with Life of the Author 84Ta History of the First Forty Years of his Life, 1795 -1 835, by Froude, illustrated, 2vols. 1882 168-9F of his Life in London, 1834-81, by Froude, 2 vols. 18S4 ....... 170-1F Reminiscences, edited by Froude, 2 vols. 1881 : Vol. 1. — James Carlyle, Edward Irving 558O Vol. 2. — Jeffrey, Mrs. Carlyle, Southey, Wordsworth 559O See also Bayne's Lessons from my Master, 873H. Frith's Reminiscences, 615-6F. Morley's Miscellanies, 842O. Napier's Correspondence, 273 H. Tulloch's Religious Thought, 629M, &c. Carmine, Carminic Acid. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 6D. Carnarvon (H. H. M. Herbert, Earl of, b. 1831,), Portugal and Galicia, with a Review of the social and political state of the Basque provinces. 1848 1448R and 637Z [Cox's Colenso] , 621-2F Carne (J.), Letters from the East, written during a Recent Tour through Turkey, Egypt, Arabia, the Holy Land, Syria and Greece, 2 vols. 1826 , 1455-6R Carnival. Roman. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M. Cornhill, 305J, &c. [113 CAR GUILLEALLES LIBRARY. CAR Camot (L. N. M., French Republican Statesman, b. 1753, d. 1823). See Alison's Europe, 129-38O, &c. Carol, Christmas; See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M. Christmas, &c. Carolina. See Campbell's White and Black, 494H. Olmsted's Slave States, 729K, &c. Caroline (Queen, Wifeof George IV., b. 1768, d. 1821). Set Brougham's Political Speeches, 605R. Browne's State Trials, 305O, &c. Carp, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 81 iF, &c. Carpenter and Builder, illustrated. See Illustrated Carpenter and Builder. Carpenter (E. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Carpenter (J. E.), Popular Readings in Prose and Verse, 5 vols: — Vol. 1.— The Bells. The Breach of Promise. The Cousins. The Child and the Dewdrops. Dermot's Parting. The Duke and the Pig. The First Grey Hair. On the Liberty of the Press. Little Jim. Lodgings for Single Gentlemen. The Maiden's Dream. Mark Anthony's Oration. Nocturnal Sketch. Nothing to Wear. Old Maid's Prayer to Diana. Othello's Apology for his Marriage. The Party of Pleasure. Poor 'lorn, a City Weed. Kory O'jrlore's Present to the Priest. Ships at Sea. Shylock demanding his Bond. The Slaves. The Tall Gentleman's Apology'. Too Late. The Veteran Tar. The Wedding. The Whiskers. Why don't the Men Propose? Why the Men don't Propose. The Wife's Appeal. The Worn Wedding-ring. The Vankee Showman, &c 100T Vol. 2. — The Armada. The Advantages of Reading Anonymous Letters. The Bachelor's Dream. The Character of Prince Albert. The Collegian and Porter. Condemned to Death. The Cry of the Children. The Dirty Old Man. Duchess de la Valliere, Scene from. Hotspur's Account of the Fop. Hymn to the Sea. Hus- band versus Wife. Jack Frost. The Jackdaw. Lament of Mary, Queen of Scots. Lochinvar. Lord Ullin's Daughter. The Milkmaid and Banker. Mr. Caudle is made a Mason. My New Pittayatees. Nelly Gray. Nell. The old Scottish Domestic Servant. The Pauper Actress. The Pied Piper of Hamelin. The Raven. The Rival Broom Makers. Sleep, Baby, Sleep. The Song of the Shirt. Somebody's Darling. Three Fishers went Sailing. Toby Tosspot. Toujours les Femmes. A Total Eclipse. The Town Pump. The Wedding. What is Noble. The Woman of Three Cows. A Yarn, &c 101T Vol. 3. — About Husbands. Annabel Lee. Back from the Holidays. The Bashful Wooer. The Battle Flag of Sigurd. A Character of Queen Elizabeth. Character of the Duke of Wellington. My Child. The Confederate Spy. The Death of Nelson. On the Death of the Duke of Wellington. The Dead. The Dead Letter. A Drop of Dew. The Dying Gladiator. The Factory Girl's Holiday. The Family Meeting. The Falls of Niagara. The Farmer's Wife and the Gascon. The B'renchman in a Fix. The Inchcape Rock. Scene from the Iron Chest. King John and the Abbot of Canterbury. Lenore. Little Red Ridinghood. Lucy. A Marriage in High Life. Mary, Queen of Scots. Mary the Maid of the Inn. Modern Logic. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Green. My Child. My Old Hat. The Ocean. Ode to a Sky- lark. The Pilgrim and the Peas. The Poet and the Rose. The Punch Bowl. The Quaker and the Robber. Quarrel of Brutus and Cassius. Scene from Rienzi. Rip Van Winkle. The Sailor's Lassie. Sir Rupert the Red. The Spectre Pig. To a Mosquito. The two Parrots. Vat you Please. We are Brethren a'. The Wig. The Wreck of the Hesperus. Yorick's Death. The Young Husband's Complaint 102T Vol. 4. — Absence. Aw' Nivir can Call hur my Wife. The Bashful Man. The Breach of Trust. The Careless Couple. The Changeling Childhood. Cceur De Lion at the Bier of his Father. Come Whoam to my Childer an' Me. Colin and Lucy. The Convict Ship. The Dead Lighthouse Keeper. The Dressmaker's Thrush. Dr. Dobbs and his Nag Nobbs. _ The Eagle and Child. Fanny Squeers' Courtship. Falstaff on his Recruits. French and English. E"4] CAR ENGLISH SECTION. CAR Carpenter (J. E.) Popular Readings, Sec— {continued.) Give Me thy Heart. Greece. The Gridiron. Joan of Arc's Farewell. Scene from John Bull. Last Buccaneer. Law or Bullum versus Boatum. The Lock of Flaxen Hair. The Maid ofSaragossa. Maid with the Milking Pail. The Miser and his Gold. Moses at the Fair. Number One. Norval and Glenalvon. The Practical Joker. The Proud Miss MacBride. Richard and Betty. The Rope Walk. Sebastopo!. Skipper Ben. The Soldier's Pardon. Ode to a Steam Boat. Tact versus Talent. The Tinker and Miller's Daughter. The Washing Day. Water- loo. Wit at a Pinch. The Wife's Dream 103T Vol. 5. — Alone in the World. Alonzo the Brave. The Battle of Preston- pans. Bill Jones, a Sailor's Story. Bob Sawyer's Evening Party. Broken Love. Corporal Crump's Narrative. Does Fortune favour Fools. Enoch Arden's Vow. The Fairy Millers. The Ferry. The Horse and the Wolf. A Last Farewell. The Legend of the Forget-me-not. Little Lizzie. The Martyr's Bride. Modern Gallantry. Mynheer Von Wodenblock. Ode to a Pig. The Old Grenadier's Story. The Pauper's Drive. Paudeen O'Rafferty's Say- Voyage. The Ploughman and the Poser. Prince Arthur and Hubert. The Rescue. The Shadow on the Wall. The Slave Trade. The Smuggler's Leap. The Stout Gentleman. Tarn O'Shanter. The Temptations of St. Anthony. The Three Black Crows. The Town and Country Mice. The Two Pictures. Visit to the Prince of Wales. Wake not the Dead. The Wise Men of Gotham io3Ta Carpenter (J. E.), Sunday Readings in Prose and Verse 1569Z Carpenter (Mary, Philanthropist, b. 1807, d. 1877), Reformatory Schools. 1851 -. 305R Life and Work of, by J. E. Carpenter. 1879 562O See, also Adam's Celebrated Englishwomen, 1282O, &.C. Carpenter (William, Self-taught scholar, b. 1 797, d. 1874), Scripture Natural History ; an account of the Quadrupeds, Birds, Fishes, &c. mentioned in the Bible, illustrated. 1833 256M Carpenter (W. Benjamin, Naturalist, b. 1813, d. 1885), F.R.S., Animal Physiology. 1844 725F Carpenter (W. B.), F.R.S., Mechanical Philosophy, Horology and Astronomy. 1854 46 iR The Microscope and Its Revelations 1785Z Carpenter (W. Boyd, Bishop of ' Ripon,b. 1841), D.D., Commentary on the Revelation [Ellicott's School Com.] 2 55Q Carpenter (W. Boyd), M.A., Prophets of Christendom, Sketches of Eminent Preachers. 1884 9350 Carpenter (W. L.), B.A., Energy in Nature, illustrated. 1883 528R Carpentery and Joinery for Amateurs 885D [Our Workshop], illustrated. 1866 M99^ See also Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Eccentric Turning, 122D, &c. Carr (A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Carr (C), Memoirs of Hamilton. 1886 1365O Carr (G.), Sermons, 2 vols. 1784 224-5IC Carpets. &C. See Art at Home Series, 963M. Ure's Dictionary, 6D, &c. Carr£ (Lieut. H. M., 0/ Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. in], 1416O. Carrell (Miss A. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Carriages. See Stonehenge's Rural Sports, *8iT All the Year Round, T775J &c. Carroll (A. L.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Carroll (C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Carroll (L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. ^ Carrow (G. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Cars (Duke Des), Memoirs of the Duchesse De Tourzel, Governess to the Children of France, 1789-93 and 1795 [French Revo- lution], 2 vols. 1886 626 7 F [115] CAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CAS Carstairs (\V., Scotch Minister, b. 1649, d. 1715) [Barton's Scotland] 336-7H Cartagena (A. De, Archbishop of Burgos, d. 1456) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473^ Carter (B. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6^o]a.. Carter(T.), Memoirs of a Working Man. 1845.... 254Z Carter (Lieutenant-Colonel W. F., of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 93], 1416O. Carteret (Sir G., Governor 0/ Jersey, d. 1680.). See Pepys' Diary, 902O. Tup- per's Castle Cornet, 1500O. Jersey, Channel Islands, &c. CARTHAGE and Her Remains, by Davies, illustrated. 1861 876F and Rome, the Punic Wars, by Smith. 1887 1819Z [Bucke's Ancient Cities] 1664Z or the Empire of Africa, by Church. 1886 427O - — and Babylon. See Josephus, 66-7H. Milman's Early Christianity, 155-6Q. Mitford's Greece, 102-SH. I\iebuhr's History of Rome, 87-8H. Timb's Works, 853Z, &c. Cartwright (E., Inventor, b. 1 743, d. 1 823), D.D., Memoir of, Inventions, &c. 1843 I37 2 Cartwright (J. J.), M.A., Ed., Memoirs of Sir John Reresby, M.P. for York, 1634-1689. 1875 47°F Ed., The Wentworth Papers, 1705- 1739. Selected from the Pri- vate Correspondence of Thomas Wentworth, Lord Raby, Created 171 1 Earl of Strafford. 1883 554F Cartwright (P., American Methodist, b. 1785, d. 1872), The Back- woods Preacher, Autobiography of 563O Cams (W.), M.A., Ed,, Memorials of Bishop Mcllvaine of Ohio... 360F Carvalh.O (S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Carving. See Household, The, 1096F. Jeaffreson's Book of the Table, 932-3F. Rees' Home Decoration, 943M, &c. Cary (A., E., H. F. and P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Cary (H.), M.A., Trans., Herodotus: a New and Literal Version from the Text of Bachr [Bohn Library]. 1852 1160II Herodotus, translated by Cary. 1889 ..." 798M Testimonies of the Fathers of the First Four Centuries to the Doctrine of the Church cf England, as set forth in the Thirty nine Articles , 506 A Cary (H.), The Works of Plato : a New and Literal Version [Bohn Library], 6 vols. 1877-81 1167-72II Cary (Robert, Earl of Monmouth, b. 1560, d. 1639), Memoirs of, by himself, and " Fragmenta Regalia"; being a History of Queen Elizabeth's Favorites, by Sir Robert Naunton. 1808. 175F Casa (G. D., Italian Poet, b. 1503, d. 1556). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Casabianca (Son of Louis Casablanca, Captain of the "Orient" blown uj> at the Battle of the Nile, 1798). See Hemans' Poems, 703M and 318Q, &c. Casaregi(G. B., b. 1676, d. 1755) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473^ Cash (J.), Where There's a Will There's a Way ! or, Science in the Cottage : an Account of the Labours of Naturalists in Humble Life. 1873 676T Cashmere. See Fraser's Magazine, 698 J. Penny Magazine, 139B. India, &c. Casket Lighthouses. See Jacob's Annals of Guernsey, 361-26. Channel Is- lands, &c. Casket of Irish Pearls, by Mac Mahon 1767Z Casks. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 6D. Caspian Sea [Hommaire De Hell's Travels] 462K Cassell (John), Art Treasures Exhibition, illustrated. 1858 669B Cassell (jf., Publisher b. 1817, d. 1865), [Curwen's Booksellers] 520O [n6] CAS ENGLISH SECTION. CAS Cassell's Book of Indoor Amusements, Card Games, and Fireside Fun, illustrated 1259H Sports and Pastimes, illustrated 1262H Facts and Hints for Everyday Life : a book for the Household... 942R History of the War between France and Germany, 1 870-1, illustrated, 2 vols 456-7B Illustrated India, 2 vols 228-9D Magazine, New Series, Vol I. to IX., 1870-1874 2341-49J Family Magazine (a continuation of the above), from Vol I. 1875 2350J The Serial Tales and some of the principal contents of these Magazines will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the Catalogue with the Catalogue number specified. Penny Readings, edited by Hood 239D Cassell's Popular Educator, 6 vols 164-9D Acoustics. Algebra. Animal Physiology. Architecture. Arithmetic. Astronomy. Book-keeping. Botany. Chemistry. Civil Service Papers. Commerce. Comparative Anatomy. Drawing. Electricity. English. Essays on Life and Duty. Ethnology. Euclid. French. Geography. Geology. Geometrical. Perspective. Geometry. German. Greek. Heat. Historic Sketches. Human Physiology. Hydrostatics. Italian. Land Surveying. Latin. Logarithms. Logic. Mechanics. Mensura- tion. Meteorology. Mineralogy. Moral Science. Music. Navigation. Our Holiday. Painting in Water Colours. Penmanship. Pneumatics. Political Economy. Reading and Elocution. Recreative Natural History. Recreative Science. Shorthand. Sketching from Nature. Spanish. Steam Engine. Trigonometry. Universities. Voltaic Electricity. Whitworth Scholarships. 6 vols, in 3. 1856 99-101D Popular History of Ireland, 3 vols in 1. 1851 <. 452T Cassell's Popular Library : Boswell and Johnson, their Companions and Contemporaries, by Waller. 1881 185Z Domestic Folk-Lore, by Dyer. 1881 956Z England of Shakespeare, by Goadby. 1881 957Z English Jacobins, Account of Persons implicated in the Charges of High Treason [1794], by Smith 215Z English Journalism and the Men who have Made it, by Pebody. 1235Z History of the Free-Trade Movement in England, by Mongredien. 952Z Huguenots, their History from the beginning of the Reformation to Death of Louis XIV. , by Masson 954Z John Wesley, by Green 276Z Our Colonial Empire, by Acton. 1881 955Z Religious Revolution in the Sixteenth Century, by Swaine. 1882 959Z Rev. Rowland Hill, Preacher and Wit, by Broome. 1881 232Z Russian Empire, its Origin and Development, by Boulton. 1883. 958Z Scottish Covenanters, by Taylor 953Z Young Man in the Battle of Life, by Landels 960Z Castanos {Spanish General, b. 1756, d. 1852) [Alison's Europe].., 130-4O Caste. See Inman's Faiths, q6Ka, &c. Castelar (Emilio), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Castillejo (C. De, Spanish Poet, d. 1596). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Castlemaine (Lady). See Cleveland (Duchess of). Castlereagh (Lord, Marquis of Londonderry, b. 1769, d. by Suicide, 1822). See Alison's Europe, 125-38O and 139-44O. Harris's Radicals, 1106F. Thornton's Foreign Secretary, 208 H, &c. Castle Comet, Guernsey, Chronicles of, by Tupper. 185 1 1500O Castles. See Branston's Winchester, 301O. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 202-5H. Stubbs' History, 210-12O. Antiquities. Harper's Index, i24oJa, &c. [117] CAS GUILLE-ALLFS LIBRARY. CAT Castor Oil. See Simmond's Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, 771F, &c. Castro y Anaya (Pedro De, Seventeenth Century). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Cat, Anecdotes of the [Chambers' Miscellany] 625R The. See also Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Jardine's Naturalists' Library [Wild Cat], 659Q. Brand's Antiquities, 1006-7M. Brown's Science for All, 628B. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Kitto's Pales- tine, 610 B. Animals, &c. Catacombs, Church in the, by Maitland, illustrated. 1846 .'. 629A of Rome, by Withrow. 1877 '. 1419R Testimony of the, concerning Questions of Doctrine now disputed in the Church, by Marriott, illustrated. 1870 112K . — See also Madden's Shrines, 343K. Tegg's Funeral Rites, 1481Z. Twining's Symbols, 507M, &c. Catalani (Madame A., Italian Singer, b. 1782, d. 1849). See Ashton's Nineteenth Century, 862H. Lennox's Celebrities, 1017H, &c. Catalogue of the Guille-Alles Lending Library, compiled by A. Cotgreave, assisted in the French Section by II. Boland. 1889 1901R Catalogues of Books. See Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q. Bibliography, Lib- raries, &c. N.B. A large number of Catalogues will be found in the Reference Library. Catalonia. See Alison's Europe, 130-36O, &c. Cataracts. See Holley's Niagara, frc, 7 X 3 K - Catechism Written in Latin, by Nowell. 1853 238A Caterpillars, Butterflies, and Moths. See Silver Wings and Golden Scales, 743F. Butterflies, Insects, Entomology, &c. Catesby (Robert, Planned Gunpozvder Plot, b. 1 573, killed, 1605), [Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower J 322H Catgut. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 6D. Catncart (Col. Hon. G., b. 1794, d. 1854), Commentaries on the War in Germany and Russia, 1812-1815. 1850 448H Cathedral, Chichester, Memorials of, by Stephens. 1876 187F Churches of England and Wales [Winkles], illustrated 125D Cities of England, Stories by Marshall. 1879 300O and 1356R Canterbury. York. London. Westminster. Winchester. Durham. Carlisle. Chester. Cathedrals, English [All the Year Round J 1794.T and Churches [Bramston's Winchester] 301O See also Becher's Mexico, 738K. Diocesan Histories, 1601-3 and 1836-43Z. Twining's Symbols, 507M. Architecture, Archaeology, &.c. Catherine de Medici {Queen of France, b. 1519, d. 1589) [Froude's England] 192-202O [Motley's Netherlands] 350O ■ [Duncan's Religious Wars] 458T Catherine of Arragon {First Queen of Henry VIII., b. 1485, i. 1536) [History of Two Queens, by Dixon, vols. 1, 2] 38-9F Set also Froude's England, 192-6O English History, &c. Catherine of Braganza {Queen of Charles II. , b. 1638, d: 1703), [Molloy's London under Charles II.] 259O See also Strickland's Queens of England, 8coO. English History, &C Catherine {Empress of Russia). See Aiison's Europe 119-24O. Clayton's Female Warriors, 644O, &c. CATHOLIC Christian Instructor, by Challoner 16Z Church, the Communion of Saints, by Gregory [Fernley Lecture of 1873]. 1885 824D [Gibbon's Roman Empire] 76-84H Doctrine Refuted [The Protestant Armoury] 444M ■ Faith &c. [Froude's England] 195-202O Indulgences [Gibbon's Roman Empire] 84IJ [ITS] CAT ENGLISH SECTION. CAV Catholic Missions [Hunter's Indian Empire] 485K Question in Ireland [Lecky's Eighteenth Century] 170H Catholics. See also Alison's Europe, 1 19-380 and 141-4O. Froude's Ireland, 204-6O. Gardiner's History of England, 460-9O. Green's English People, 190-92H. Griesinger's Jesuits, 529 H. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Knight's England, 151-3H. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Nicolini's Jesuits, 367O. Walpole's Ire- land, 200H. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1034F. Stoughton's Re- ligion. Romanists, Religions, Popes, Reformation, 8zc. Catiline (Roman Consph-atot . b. 108, d. 62 B.C.) See Niebuhr's History of Rome, 88H, &c. ■ A Tragedy, and other Poems, by Croly. 1822 454-D Catley (H.), Works of. Sec Harper's Index, i64oJa. Catlin (G., American Artist, b. 1795, d. 1872), North American Indians, 2 vols, illustrated. 1841 6S9-90K Catlow (A.), Drops of Water; their Marvellous and Beautiful In- habitants Displayed by the Microscope, coloured plates. 1851 570Q Popular Field Botany. A Familiar and Technical Description of the Plants most common to the British Isles, coloured illus. 837Z Catlow (Agnes and Maria), Sketching Rambles, or Nature in the Alps and Appenines, 2 vols. 1861 1443-4R CatO (Marcus Porcius, The Censor, b. 234, d. 149 B.C.) and Lcelius, or Essays on Old Age and Friendship, by Cicero, 2 vols 905-6R or an Essay on Old Age, by Cicero 890H ■ — See also Plutarch's Lives, 447F and 1132Q. Niebuhr's History of Rome, 87-8H. Cat O (Marcus Porcius, the Younger, Roman Stoic, b. 05, d. 46, B.C.). Set Plu- tarch's Lives, 449F. Cattermole (R., Miscellaneous Writer, b. 1795, d. 1858), B.D., Literature of the Church of England, or Selections from the Writings of Eminent Divines, 2 vols. 1844 54S-9A Cattle, Their Breeds, Diseases, &c. 183S 85SD and Corn [Smith's Wealth of Nations] 1026-7F Ranches [Grohman's Camps in The Rockies] I597R See also Brown's Science for All, 628B. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828-9K. Shepherd's Prairie Experiences, 716K. Farming, &c. Cattley (S. R.), Ed. Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, 8 vols 133-40A Catton (J. M.), The "ABC" Guide to the English Civil Service at Home and Abroad. 1887 294R Cats (J.). Sec Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Catullus, Tibullius and Propertius, by Davies [Collins' Ancient Classics] 1 161 Q Catullus (Valerius, Roman Po:t, b. 87, d. 47 B.C.) [Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome] 474^ Caucasia. See Stanford's Compendium, 852K. Caucasus, Persia and Turkey in Asia, Journey in, by Thielman, translated by Heneade, 2 vols. 1875 1462-3R Caulaincourt (A. A. Louis of, French Diplomatist, b. 1772, d. 1827) [Alison's Europe] 126-38O Caulfield (J. , Author and Print 'seller^ b. 1764, d. 1826), and Wilson (H.), Book of Wonderful Characters 1049O Caunter (II., Miscellaneous Writer, b. 1794, d. 1 851), B.D., The Picture Bible, with illustrations by Westall and Martin 295A Causation, Principles of [Mozley's Essays] , 1024II Cavada (Gen. F. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Cavaignac (L. E., French General, b. 1802, d. 1857). See Alison's Europe, 119-38O and 143-6O. Armaments, Soldiers, &c. Cavaliere (E. del) [Nauman's Music] 928D [119] CAV GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CER Cavendish. (Henry Jones), Laws and Principles of Whist 1530 and 1531Z Cavendish (H., Physicist, b. 1731, d. 1810) [Brougham's Philo- sophers] 597R Cavendish, Dampier, and Drake [Fam. Lib.]. 1832 1070Q Pulpit. See Parker's Discourses, 598M, &c. Caves of the Earth [R.T.S.] 816Z Burial [Pennington's Barrows] 860F [Madden's Shrines] 342-3K See also Dawkin's Early Man in Britain, 859F. Geikie's Prehistoric Europe, 865F. Hutching's Scenes of Wonder, 721K. Mantell's Geology, 724-5Q, &c. Cavour (C. B., Comte di, Italian Statesman, b. 18 10, d. 1861), Life of, by Mazade. 1877 176F See also Hayward's Statesmen, 248F, &c. Cawnpore, Massacre of, by Trevelyan. 1886 275O Story of, by Thomson. 1859 276O See also Cassell's India, 229D. Holme's Indian Mutiny, 470H, &c Cawthorne (J-» b. 1719, throzun from his Horse ami Killed, 1761). See John- son's Select Poets, 41 iD, &c. Caxton (W., First English Printer, b. about 142 1, d. about 1491), The Art of Printing [R.T.S.] 1506Z The First English Printer, by Knight. 1844 201 and 1733Z See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21 F, &c. Caxtonia, a Series of Essays on Life, Literature, &c, by Lytton 1015R Caxtoniana, Essays, by Lytton [Blackwood's Magazine] 161J Cecil (R., English Divine, b. 1748, d. 1810), M.A., Complete Sermons. 1853 57oM Memoirs of the Rev. John Newton. 1839 267Z Cecil (Cornelius Tongue), Records of the Chase. 1877 917M Cecil (William, Lord Burleigh). See Burleigh (William Cecil, Lord). Cedar. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 6D. Celebrated Englishwomen of the Victorian Era, by Adams. 1884... 1282O ■ Friendships, by Mrs. Thomson, 2 vols. 1861 564-5O Celebrities I have known, by Lennox, 4 vols. 1876-7 1014-7H Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes, by Webb. 1881 640Q Scenery, The Planets, &c. , by Dick. 1838 420R Celibacy. See Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Milman's Early Christianity, 154-6Q, &c. Cellars. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K, &c. Callini (Benvenuto, Italian Sculptor, Engraver and Goldsmith, b. 1500, d. 1570), The Florentine Artist, Memoirs of, by him- self, translated by Roscoe, 2 vols. 1823 177-8F Celts. See Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1008M, &c. Cements, Limes, &c, by Burnell. 1872 345T See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 6D. Cemeteries of the Future [Robinson's God's Acre] 1146H See also Madden's Shrines, 342-3K. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja.. Burial Grounds, &c. Census, The. See McCulIoch's British Empire, 71 iH. Population, &c. Centenarians, Famous, People who have lived to be 100 years old. Compiled by Ware 1295O Centlivre (Mrs., Irish Dramatist, b. 1667, d. 1723). See Inchbald's British Theatre. New English Theatre, &c. Century Magazine [a continuation of Scribner's Monthly], from Vol. 1. 1881 1873J The Serial Tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the catalogue, with the catalogue number specified. Ceramics. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Keramics. Pottery. Porcelain. Earthenware, &c [120] CER ENGLISH SECTION. CHA Ceremonial*, Curiosities of, by Marshall. 1880 939F [Bazaar Book of Decorum] 1431Z Ceremonies and Customs [Timbs' Works] 85 iZ See also Hone's Works, 934-7F, &c. Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel de, Spanish Novelist and Poet, b. 1547, d. 1616), Don Quixote El Buscapie, translated by Ross, and life of author. 1849 566O Life and Writings of, by Roscoe [Fam. Lib.]. 1839 1067Q 1839 202Z See also Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Cesspool. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K, &c. Ceswell (H.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cetewayo (Zulu King). See Cox's Colenso, 622 F. Zulus, &c. Ceylon, an account of the Island, by Tennent, 2 vols, i860 627-8K Coffee Planter of, by Sabonadiere. 1866 883D in 1883, by Ferguson. 1883 1678R Rambles in, by De Butts. 1841 1511R See also Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 787K. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Heber's Journey, 1506-7R. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Seward's Travels, 60 1 B, &c. Chadbourne (P. A.), A.M., Lectures on Natural Theology. 1869 257M Chadwick (J. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Chain of Life in Geological Time, by Dawson, illustrated 409R Chairman's Handbook, Suggestions and Rules for the Conduct of Public Meetings, &c. , by Palgrave. 1 883 562T Chairs. See Glaister's Needlework, 962M. Furniture, &c. Chaldaea and Susiana, Researches in 1849-52, by Loftus, illus. 1857 546K Chaldea to the Rise of Assyria, by Ragozin [Story of the Nations]... 43 iO Chaldean Magic, Its Origin and Development, by Lenormant, tr. 941 F Chaldeans (The). See Ewald's Israel, 64K. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K. Layard's Nineveh, 556K. Pressense's Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M, &c. Chalk, a Lump of, Its Uses, &c, by Watt. 1883 541R See also Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Lyell's Geology', 726-7Q. Man- tell's Geology, 724-5Q, &c. Chalkhill (J., Jl. 1648). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Challoner (R., Catholic Prelate, b. 1691, d. 1781), D.D., Catholic Christian Instructed in the Sacraments, Sacrifice, Ceremonies and Observances of the Church 16Z Chalmers (J.), Work and Adventures in New Guinea, 1877-85, illus. 1641R Chalmers (Thomas, Scottish Divine, b. 1780, d. 1847), D.D., Christian Revelation Viewed in Connection with Modern Astronomy. 1834 467A Discourses on Christian Revelation in Connection with Modern Astronomy, &c. 1855 259M Chalmers (Thomas), D.D., Political Economy in Connection with the Moral State and Moral Prospects of Society. 1832 icooF Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God as manifested in the Adaption of Eternal Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Men, with a biographical preface by Cumming [Bohn's Library]. 1853 260M Sermons at the Iron Church, Glasgow. 1834 226K by Fraser [Men Worth Remembering]. 1881 1162O Life and Writings, by Hanna, 4 vols. 1 849 1 79-82F Chamberlaine (C. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index 1640 Ja. Chambers (G. F., Astronomer), F.R.A.S., Descriptive Astronomy, illustrated. 1867.... 692D [121] CHA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CHA Chambers (Robert, Scottish Author and Publisher, b. 1802, d. 1871), F.S.A., Domestic Annals of Scotland, 3 vols. 1859 : — Vols. 1-2. — From the Reformation to the Revolution 344-5H Vol. 3. — From the Revolution to Rebellion of 1745 346H English Language and Literature, with American contributions, by Robins. 1837 907R Life of Smollett and Selections from his Works. 1867 964O Popular Rhymes of Scotland. 1870 . 677M [Curwen's Booksellers] 520O Chambers (W., Scottish Author and Publisher, b. 1800, d. 1883), LL.D., The Scottish Church from the Earliest Times to 1881, with an Historical Sketch of St. Giles' Cathedral. 1881 262M Chambers (W. and R.), Ancient History. 1870 449T Cyclopaedia of English Literature, a History, Critical and Biographical, of British and American Authors, with Speci- mens of their Writings, 8 vols. 1876-9 : — Vol. 1.— From the Earliest Times to 1625, 857Z. Vol. 2.-1625-1689, 858Z. Vols. 3-4, 1689-1780, 859-60Z. Vols. 5-6.-1780-1830, 861.2Z. Vols. 7-8.— 1 830- 1 876, 863-4Z. Mediaeval History. 1870 450T Memoir and Autobiographic Reminiscences. 1872 569O Modern History 45iT Readings in English Literati re 1 070R Edinburgh Journal, conducted by W. & R. Chambers, from vol. 1. 1832 1921J The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in fiction, or in the general body of the Catalogue, with the Catalogue number specified. The entire contents from 1844 will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library) under subjects required. Educational Course, Class Book of Science and Literature 506R Information for the People, 2 vols. 1842 25-6D and 100- iB Astronomy, Architecture, Chronology, Chemistry, Cattle, Cloihing, Fisheries, Flower Garden, Geology, Human Physiology, Horse, Inland Convey- ance, Liiht and Sound, Meteorology, Mechanics, Magnetism, Metal- lurgy, Maritime Conveyance, Medicine, Natural Philosophy, Pigs, Systematic Botany, Supply of Water, Vegetable Physiology, Ventilation, Warming, Anthropology, Asia, Africa, America, Arithmetic, Constitu- tion of Society, Christian Churches, Commerce, Drawing, Europe, England, Education, English Grammar, Engraving, Geometry, History of Rome, Ireland, Language, Logic, Music, Population, Poor Laws, Practical Morality, Printing, Rhetoric, Social Statistics, Scotland, South America. Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tracts, 20 vols, in 10 : Vols. 1-2. — Life of Louis Philippe. A Tale of Norfolk Island. Story of Colbert. Happy Families of Animals. Employer and Employed. Time Enough. My Native Bay. Management of Infants. Pic- ciola. Life in the Bush. William Tell and Switzerland. Two Beggar Boys. Widow's Son. Select Poems. Grace Darling. Volney Beckner. James Maxwell. Maurice and Genevieve. Religious Impostors. Anecdotes of Dogs. La Rochejaquelein and the War in La Vendee. Journal of a Poor Vicar. Blanche Ra>mond. Romance of Geology. History of the Slave Trade. Ruysdael. Chevy Chase. Beggar's Daughter of Bethnal Green 623R Vols. 3-4.— Life of Nelson. Temperance Movement. Story of Peter William- son. _ Joan of Arc. Annals of the Poor. Slavery in America. A Visit to Vesuvius. Pompeii and Herculaneum. Story of Baptiste Lulli. Select Poems. Wallace and Bruce. Cases of Circumstantial Evidence. Story of Richard Falconar. Byron's Narrative. Goldmaker's Village. Last Earl of Derwentwater. Heroine of Siberia. Domestic Flower Culture. Insurrection in Lyons. Hermit of Warkworth, and other Ballads 624R LI22] CHA ENGLISH SECTION. CHA Chambers (W. and R.), Miscellany of Useful and Entertaining Tracts, 20 vols in 10 — {continued.) Vols. 5-6. — Life of Captain Cook. Anecdotes of the Horse. William of Orange and the Netherlands. Passion and Principle. Life Assurance : a Dialogue. Excursions to the Oregon. Mrs. Macc- larty. Scenes from the Cottagers of Glenburnie. The Little Captive King. Children of the Wilds. Select Poems. Life of Flora Macdonald. Cleanliness. Anecdotes of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind. Sir Stamford Raffles and the Spice Islands. Sister of Rembrandt. Anecdotes of the Cat. It's only a Drop. Tous- saint L'Ouverture and the Republic of Hayti. Curiosities of Vegetation. Ancient Mariner and other Poems, by Coleridge. . . 625R Vols. 7-8. — Life of Washington. Anecdotes of Elephants. Story of Lava- Iette. Intelligent Negroes. Visit to Madeira and Teneriffe. Life of a Sailor Boy. Hindoo Superstitions. Story of Valentine Duval. History of Will and Jean. Life of William Hutton. Spectral Illusions. Prince Le Boo. The Tintoretto. History of Poland. Scottish Adventurers. Visit to Shetland. Story of Baron Trenck. Heir of Linne, and other Ballads 626R Vols. 9-10. — Life of Henry IV. of France.' Story of the Factories. Anec- dotes of Serpents. Adventures of Robert Drury. Natural Magic. Scottish Traditionary Stories. Story of Catherine of Russia. Wood Engraving. Poems by Crabbe. Life of Oberlin. Anec- dotes of Ants. Story of Silvio Pelico. _ Traditionary Tales of Tweeddale. Madame Roland and the Girondins. Shipwreck of the Medusa. Tight Lacing. Sculptor of the Black Forest. Select Poems, by Scott 627 R Vols. 11-12. — Life of Columbus. Narrative of the Russian Campaign. Love is Power. Story of Alexander Andrayne. Anecdotes of -Spiders. Village Mayor. Story of Fritz. The Bird-Catcher and his Canary. Account of the Borders. Select Poetical Pieces, by Cowper. Life of Peter the Great. Story of De La Tude. Moors in Spain. Montyon Prizes. Curiousities of Art Architec- ture. Persecution in Scotland. Three Ways of Living. Child of Elle, and other Ballads 620R Vols. 13-14. — Life of Howard. Curiosities of Art. Mechanics. Manufac- tures. The Camisards. Anecdotes of Shoemakers. Story of a French Prisoner of War in England. Rob Roy and the Clan Macgregor. There is no Hurry, by Hall. Abby's Vear in Lowell. Selections from American Poetry. Gustavus Adolphus and the Thirty Years' War. Stranger's Visit to Edinburgh. Mutiny of the Bounty. The Ettrick Shepherd. History of the Plague in London. Schools of Industry. Quintin Matsys, the Blacksmith of Antwerp. Selections from Shakespeare 629R Vols. 15-16. — Life of William Penn. Do you think I'd Inform ? by Hall. The Schoolmaster's Dream, by Hall. Treasures of the Earth : — I. Mineral. Man in the Iron Mask. Norman Conquest. Life and Travels of Burckhardt. Christmas Holiday. Be Just before you are Generous. Selections from French and German Poetry. Life of James Watt. Pictures of War. Stories of Aims and Ends. Account of the Gipsies. Life of Alexander Selkirk. Account of the Highlands. African Discovery. Select Poems on Insects 63CR Vols. 17-18.— Life of Sir Walter Scott. Poor Joe. The Kidnapped Boy. Conquest of Mexico. The Deserters. Present to Apprentices. Life of a Negro Slave. Wonders of the Microscope. Selections from the Elizabethan Poets. Lives of Sir W. Jones, Dr. Leyden, Dr. Alexander Murray, and Alexander Wilson. History of the Jews in England. Anecdotes of the Early Painters. Treasures of the Earth :— II. Metallic. The Magic Flute. Why the Sea is Salt. The British Conquest of India. Story of Jacquard. Fireside Education. Select Poems on Birds 6jiR Vols. 19-20. — Life of Count Rumford. Crusades. Women's Trials in Humble Life. Overland Journey to India. Moral Tales from the French. History of the Bastile. Pearls and Pearl Fisheries. Poetical Selections. Eminent Astronomers. Hints to Work- men. The Guerilla. Speculative Manias. Four Months in Cape Colony. English and Scotch Proverbs. Wonders of the Telescope. Jim Cronin. Songs of Home and Fatherland 6^?R [123] CHA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CHA Chambers' Papers for the People, 12 vols, 1850-51 : Vol. 1.— Bonaparte Family. Sepulchres of Etruria. Valerie Duclos. Education of the Citizens. The Myth, Sunken Rock, a Tale. Popular Cultivation of Music. Ebenezer Elliott 911H Vol. 2. — Sanitary Movement. Washington and his Contemporaries. Edmund Atherton, a Tale. Seventeenth Century in Britain. Ruined Cities of Central America. Ivory Mine, a Tale. Secret Societies of Modern Europe. Francis Jeffrey 912H Vol. 3. — Arctic Explorations. Social Utopias. The Speculator, a Tale. Carthage and the Carthaginians. Recent Discoveries in Astro- nomy. White Swallow, a Tale. Mechanics' Institutions. Thomas Campbell Vol 4. — Bourbon Family. California. Black Pocket Book, a Tale. Fenelon. Everyday Life of the Greeks. Lady Margory, of St. Just. Science of the Sunbeam. Sir R. Peel Vol. 5.— Secret Societies of the Middle Ages. Rajah Brooke and Borneo. Last of the Ruthvens. Education Movement. Antarctic Ex- plorations. Queen of Spades. Jewish Life in Europe Vol. 6. — Microscope and its Marvels. Pre-Columbian Discovery. Her- mann, a Tale. Public Libraries. Australia and Van Dieman's Land. Lone Star, a Tale. Religion of the Greeks. Heyne. . . . Vol. 7. — Water Supply of Towns. Ancient Scandinavia. The Lost Letter. Life in an Indiaman. Law of Storms. Santillian's Choice, a Tale. Isthmus of Panama. De Foe Vol. 8. — Ocean Routes. Cromwell and his Contemporaries. Life at Graefenberg. Black Gondola, a Tale. Ancient Philosophic Sects. Wonders of Human Folly. Lady Mary Montague Vol. 9. — Recent Decorative Art. Alchemy and the Alchemists. Lost Laird, a Tale. German Poets and Poetry. Deserts of Africa. Sigismund Temple, a Tale. Electric Communications. Fichte. . Vol. 10. — Ancient Rites and Mysteries. Siberia and the Russian Penal Settlements. Harriette, a Tale. Childhood, or Experimental Philosophy. Confucius. The Temptation, a Tale. Siam and the Siamese. Thomas Moore Vol. 11. — Isthmus of Suez. Animal Instincts and Intelligence. Realised Wishes, a Tale. Troubadours and Trourves. New Zealand. Tower of Fontenay. Industrial Investments. Lord Brougham. Vol. 12. — Railway Communications. Incas of Peru. Marfreda. What is Philosophy? European Intercourse with Japan. The Half Caste, a Tale. Progress of America. Duke of Wellington. .. . Chambers' Repository of Instructive and Amusing Tracts, ill., 6 vols : Vol. 1.— Helen Gray, a Tale. The Rhine. Mina Block, the Face Model. Pilgrim Fathers. Curiosities of Criminal Law. Pits and Pit- men. Grace Ayton, a Tale. Arnold and Andre, &c Vol. 2. — Lighthouses. The Wooden Spoon, a Tale. Retreat of the Ten Thousand. Holyrood. Old Witchcrafts. Artist's Lover, a Tale. History of the Moon. Peasant Life in Norway, &c Vol. 3. — Rural Life in Greece. Hope of Leascombe, a Tale. Commerce of the Thames. Spirit of the Fairy Queen. Trial of Charles I. Maw, the Sorceress, a Tale. Search for Sir John Franklin, &c. . Vol. 4. — Story of the Good Knight Bayard. Mathilde, a Tale. History of the Mormons. Rock Republic, a Tale. Louisa, Queen of Prussia. Chivalry among the Arabs. The Ocean. Two Days on the Welsh Border, &c Vol. 5. — Fur Trade and the Hudson Bay Company. Alice Hoffmann, an Autobiography. Shipwrecks. Madame De Stael. Lapland and the Lapps. Allan Vaughan, a Tale. Curiosities of Burial, &c. Vol 6. — Mont Blanc and its Glaciers. Lord Clive. Mariora, a Tale. Three Acts in a Drama, a Tale. Moravian Brethren. Refugee's Daughter, a Tale. The Menai Strait. Pedler's Rest, a Tale, &c. Chamier (Capt., Novelist, b. 1796, d. 1870). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Chamisso(L. A. von, German Poet and Traveller, b. 1781, d. 1838). See Long- fellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Chamois, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 665Q. Chamouni. See Bellow's Europe, 1598R. [124] CHA ENGLISH SECTION. CHA Champagne Country, by Tomes. 1867 , 874Q Champeaux (A. De), Tapestry [South Kensington Handbooks] 1032M Champion Family of Guernsey. For Biographical Notices of, see Sarnia, 1416O. Ch.am.plin (J. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 164c Ja. Champney (Lizzie W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Chance and Luck, Wages, Lotteries, &c, by Proctor. 1887 1229R Chancellor, The. See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473 D. Chancellors [Campbell's Lord Chancellors] 774-83O See also James' Curiosities of Law, 1075F. Stubbs' History, 210-12O. Law- yers, &c. Chancery, Court of [Campbell's Chancellors] 774-83O See also Williams' Facts and Fallacies, 288R. Law, &c. Chandra Sen and the Brahma Samaj, by Slater. 1884 559M Changelings. See Keightley's Fairies, 1009M, &c. Chaumont (F. S. B. F. De) M.D., The Habitation in Relation to Health [S. P. C. K. Manuals of Health]. 1 879 1434Z CHANNEL ISLANDS— Works relating to the. (See also Aldei-ney, Guernsey, Jersey, Sark, &>c.) Channel Islands.— A Yachting Visit, by a Country Doctor. 1885 1690R by Anstead and Latham, illustrated by Naftel. 1862 ... 410H This work contains much valuable information on the Botany, Geo- logy, and General Natural History of these Islands. Charles the Second in the Channel Islands, by Hoskins 408-9H Chronicles of the [All the Year Round, Vol. 41, N.S., 1887, p. 486 to 490] 1921J Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, &C, by Inglis. 1835 1718R Primitise Floras Sarnicae, or an outline of the Flora of the Channel Islands, by Babbington. 1839 184R Queen Victoria's Visit to the [Martin's Prince Consort] ... 95 F Rambles among the, by a Naturalist [S.P.C.K.] 490T Seaweeds of the, by Louisa Lane Clarke, colored ill 583Q See also Alison's Europe, 140, 142 and 145O. Argosy Vols, Bentham's British Flora, 801-2F. Book for the Sea-side, Carey's Tour in France, 388K. Clark's Climate [pp. 188-92] Francis's Change of Climate [pp. 29, 30], 825M. Freeman's Norman Conquest [pp. 126-7 an d 173], 201 H. Geikie's Prehistoric Europe [Submarine Trees], 865F. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1631J. Hugo's Poems [preface and pp. 149, 151, 152, 155, 161, 163, 173, 255, 283, 293], 707M. Cassell's Family Magazine, vol. 4 [Jethou, p. 463-5], 2353J. Kershaw's Protestants from France, 546M. Le Quesne's Jersey, 407H. Leighton's Lichen-Flora, 71R. Macdonald's Life of Punshon, 611F. McCulloch's British Empire, 711H. Miller's Our English Shores, 1723R. Mill's Political Economy [pp. 167-8], 218R. Peacock's Sinkings of Land, 86R. Pennington's British Zoophytes, 50R. Penny Magazine for 1837, vol 6, 144 B. Quarterly Review, 1291J. Stretton's Doctor's Dilemma, 1466X. Tarring** Law Relating to the Colonies, Cases decided by Privy Council, 1074F. Telford's Life of Wesley [p. 339], 1283O. The Queen's Our Life in the Highlands, 832Q. Tupper's Castle Cornet, 1500O. Family Records, 642F. Sarnia, 1416O. Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey, &c. Channel Tunnel. See All Year Round, 1809J. Contemporary Review, 2051 and 2053J. Good Words, 2192 J. Macmillan, 975J. Nineteenth Century Review, 2219 and 2221J, &c. Channing (W. E., American Unitarian Divine, Ik 1780, d. 1842), D.D., Correspondence with Lucy Aiken, 1826-1842, edited by Le Breton. 1874 570O • Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Selected from the most Authentic Sources. 1840 260Z People's Edition of the Entire Works, 2 vols. 1843 91-2D OKA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CHA Channing (W. E.), Works of (6 vols in 3). 1856: Vols. 1-2. —Milton. Napoleon L Fenelon. Moral Argument against Calvinism. National Literature. Associations. The Union. Education. Slavery. Annexation of Texas. Catholicism. Creeds. Temperance. Self-culture 895H Vols. 3-4. — Discourses 896H Vols. 5-6.— Slavery Question. War. Elevation of the Labouring Classes. Discourses, Miscellanies, &c. Emancipation. Dr. Tuckerman. Present Age. Duty of the Free States. The Church.. &c 897 H 1840 422A Memoirs of, 2 vols 57 1-2O See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Chantrey (Sir F., English Sculptor, l>. 1782, d. 1841), R.A., Re- collections of, by Jones. 1849 5740 Ch.an.zy. See Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Chapel and Church, Sermons on the Church of England and Dissent, edited by Haddon. 1881 342M Chapin (E. H.), Humanity in the City. 1854 233R Ch,apin(J. R-), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Chapman's Guide to New Zealand. 1881 1656R Chapone (Hester, Moralist, b. 1727, d. 1801), On the Improvement of the Mind, &c. 1827 1199Z Chapters on Every Day Things [R.T.S.] 260R Sugar, Coffee, Cotton, Coal, Chopsticks, Knives, Dew, Coins, Humming- Birds, Glass, Money, The Mouth, The Muscles, Pearls, Pottery, Salt, Silk, Skin, Tea, &c. Character Formation [Abbott's Wallace] 1 542Z [Stowe's Our Charlie] 1 543^ Hints on the Cultivation of, by Croly, Villiers, Dale, and Melvill 273M of African Races [Stanley's Dark Continent] 1563R See also Fuller's Holy and Profane .States, 560M. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 71 1-2F. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Biography for Lives of Eminent People. Lavater. Physiognomy. Theophrastus, &c. Charades [Cassell's Book of Amusements] 1259II See also Dalton's Evening Amusements, T526Z. Hood's Puzzledom, 1260H. Girls' Own Indoor Book, 1257H, . 1763, executed 1796). See Alison's Europe, 121-3O, &c. Charicles or Illustrations of the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks, translated by Metcalf. 1882 1001M Chariots. See Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-1M, &c. Charity in France, History of the Present Condition of Public Charity, by Johnston. 1829 1047F Romance of, by Liefde. 1867 1007R Sermons, by Rogers and others. 1 729 284K See Browne's What Girls Can Do, 980M. Fawcett's Essays, 1014F. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Malthus' Population, 1093-4 F. Muller's Noble Deeds, 02Q, &c Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus, King of France, Emperor of the West, b. 742, d. 814), Life of. [R.T.S.] 175Z Sec also Adams' Great Names, 682O. Draper's Intellectual Development, 76O. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 82H. Laurie's Rise of Universities, 306R. Pool's Moors in Spain, 430O. French History, &c. Charles I. {King of England, b. 1600, beheaded 1649) [EikonBasilike]. 624O Trials of, and of some of the Regicides. 1832 1649Z See Bayne's Puritan Revolution, 294A. Bisset's Parliamentary Government, 215-6H. Brodie's British Empire, 212-4IL Buckingham (Duke of), 1020O. Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 297-302D. Dixon's [126] CIIA ENGLISH SECTION. CHA Charles I. — (continued.) Royal Windsor, 328H. Forster's Grand Remonstrance, 281O. Gardi- ner's History of England, 464-90O. Green's English People, 191H. Guizot's English Revolution of 1640, 1508O. May's Democracy, 39H. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-3M. Strafford (Earl of), 55i-6F, &c. Charles II. {King of England, b. 1630, d. 1 685), in the Channel Islands, by Hoskins, 2 vols. 1854 408-9II > See also l'.rodie's British Empire, 214H. Buckle's Civilization, 186-8O. Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 3C1-2D. Dixon's H.M. Tower, 324H. Menzies' Political Women, &c, 929O. Molloy's London under Charles II., 259-60O. Pepys' Diary, 902O. Reresby's Memoirs, 470F. Stoughton's Religion in England. 93-5 M. English History, &c. Charles V. {Emperor of Germany, b. 1500, d. 1558), Reign of, by Robertson [Students' Edition]. 1840 138Z - History of, by Robertson, 4 vols. 1777 340-3H Charles IX. {King 0/ France, b. 1550, d. 1574). See Duncan's Religious Wars of France, 458T, &c. Charles X. {King of France, b. 1757, d. 1836). See Alison's Europe, 141-3O. Broglie's Personal Recollections, 646F, &c Charles-Edward (Prince, The Young Chevalier, b. 1720, d. 1788) [Doran's Jacobite Times] 318-9H Charles-John {Prince Royal of Sweden), Memoirs of, by Philippart... 117F Charles of Orleans. See Stevenson's Men and Books, 640O, &c. diaries {Prince 0/ Wales). See Gardiner's History of England, 462-9O, &c. Charles the Bold. See Freeman's Essays. Charles (Mrs.), Christian Life in England in Olden Times. 1872 ... 456M See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Charles (Thomas) [Short Biographies] 632F Charleston. See Dixon's White Conquest, 493 H. Hardy's Down South, 735 K. United States, &c. Charlestown. See Austin's Massachusetts, 511H, &c. Charlesworth (Mrs., b. 1819, d. 1880). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Charlotte Augusta {Princess of Wales, daughter of George IV., b. 1796, d. 1817), Memoirs of, by Huish. 1818 185F ■ a brief Memoir, by Lady Weigall. 1874 183F See also Lennox's Celebrities, 1016H, &c. Charlotte (Queen, Wife of George III., b. 1744, d. 1818), Court and Private Life in the Time of, from the Journals of Mrs. Papen- diek, edited by Mrs. Broughton, 2 vols. 1887 946-7F Charines (G.), Five Months at Cairo and in Lower Egypt, translated by Conn .' 1534 and 1658R Charms and Amulets. See Brand's Antiquities, 1007M. Grant's Mysteries, 894F. Jones' Credulities, 9o^M, &c. CharilOCk (S., Puritan Theologian, b. 1628, d. 1680), B.D., Dis- courses on Christ'sDeath, Exaltationand Intercession [R.T.S.] 19Z upon the Existence and Attributes of God. 1835 638 A Charr, The. See Seeley's Fishes, 81 iF, &c. Charriere (Mdme. De, French Novelist, b. 1740, d. 1805) [Kavanagh's French Women] 661O Charters and Seals. See Martin's British Colonies, 472B. Green's English People, 189-92H. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Stubbs' History, 210-2O, &c. Chartier (A., French Historian and Poet, d. 1458) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473D Chartism and Chartists, Past and Present, by Carlyle. 1858 904 R See also Frost's Recollections, 952R. Greville Memoirs. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. McCarthy's History, 193-4H, &c. Chartres Cathedral [Tvvining's Symbols] 507M Chartreuse [Lancelot's Grande Chartreuse] 804-5Q [127] CHA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CUE Chase, Records of the, by Cecil. 1877 917M See also Hunting, Sports, &c. Chase (J. L.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6.pja. Chassepot, The. See Gun. Chastity. See Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Tylor's Early History of Mankind, i 77 H, &c. Chateaubriand (Francis A., Vicomte de, French Statesman, b. 1768, d. 1848), Memoirs of, written by Himself. 1849 5730 See also Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Chatelet (Madame de) [Kavanagh's Women] ,, I043O Chatham (Earl of). See Pitt (W.) Chats about Books, Poets and Novelists, by Hazeltine. 1883 977 R Chatterjee (B. C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Chatterton (T., Poet, b. 1752, committed suicide 1 770), A Story of the Year 1770, by Masson. 1874 1025R Poems and Life, edited by Wilcox [British Poets], 2 vols. 1864 409-10Q See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Noel's Essays, 1039H, &c. ChattO (W. A., Miscellaneous Writer, b. 1799, d. 1864), Origin and History of Playing Cards, illustrated, 1848 927F Chaucer {G.,Poet, b. 1340, d. 1400), Poetical W T orks [AldineEd.], 377-82Q Poetical Works of, with notes, &c, byTyrwhitt. 1851 5°3^ with Life and Notes, &c, by Warton and Tyrwhitt [Bell's Poets of Great Britain], 14 vols. 1807 278-91Z The Canterbury Tales, Poems from the Text of Thomas Tyrwhitt, illustrated 678M Life of [Aldine Poets] 377Q by Ward [Eng. Men of Letters]. 1879 I061O See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 927O, &c. Chaumont (F. S. B. F. De), M.D., The Habitation in Relation to Health [S. P. C. K. M anual of Health]. 1879 1 434Z Chavasse (P. H.), Advice to a Wife and Mother 1428Z Cheese. See Bell's Food, 1052M. Ure's Dictionary, 6D, &c. Cheesebro (C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Cheever (G. B., American Divine, b. 1807), D.D., Wanderings of a Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mont Blanc. 1846 1442R Cheever (II. T. ), Correspondencies of Faith, and Views of Madame Guyon, a Study of the place of Faith in the Church of the Future. 1887 1181M Chelmsford (Lord) [Cox's Colenso] 622F Chelsea, Chronicles of, by L'Estrange, 2 vols. 1880 302-3O Hospital, by Gleig. 1839 605Z Cheltenham. See Granville's Spas, 352K, &c. CHEMISTRY— Works relating to : {See also Agriculture, Al- chemists, Blotvpipe, Electricity, Heat, Medicine, Metals and Metallurgy, Molecular Science, Photography, &C ) Chemical History of a Candle, by Faraday, illustrated. 1861 834Z Laboratory. See Brown's Science for All, 628B, &c. ■ Manipulation, by Faraday. 1831 719D Manufactures, by Dodd [British Manufactures]. 1844 1486Z Philosophy. See Davy (Sir H.), 654-5F. Science, Lectures on, by Gurney. 1823 720D Chemistry, Agricultural and Geology, by Johnston & Cameron 668D Agricultural Chemical Analysis, by Frankland. 1883 418R [S.P.C.K.] 1849 831Z [Johnson's Farmers' Encyclopaedia]. 1844 ... 10D [128] CHE ENGLISH SECTION. CHE CHEMISTRY— Works relating to— {continued.) Chemistry and Natural Theology, by Prout. 1 834 700Q Animal, by Kingzett. 1878 725D as exemplifying the Wisdom of God, by Fovvnes. 1844 494R Birth of, by Rodwell [Nature Series]. 1874 149R by Bernays [S. P. C.K. Science Manuals]. 1874 752Z Roscoe [Science Primers]. 1872 , 760Z ■ Easy Introduction to, edited by Rigg and Goolden, ill. 1875 4I4R- Elementary Lessons, by Roscoe. 1878 669D Elements of Modern, by Wurtz, edited by Greene, ill. 1881 417R History of, by Thomson [National Library], 2 vols. 1830 829-30Z Household, by Bernays. 1854 833Z in Relation to Agriculture and Physiology, by Liebig. 1843 727 D Inorganic, by Wilson, edited by Madan, illustrated. 1872 413R Manual of, by Wills, 2 vols. 1888 670-71D Organic, by Fovvnes & Watts. 1886 673D Physical and Inorganic, by Fownes & Watts. 1883... 672D Meteorology, &c, by Prout. 1845 721D of Creation, by Ellis [S. P. C.K.]. 1880 73l Q Common Life, by Johnson, 2 vols. 1855 415-6R Things, by Macadam. 1866 730Q Food, by Liebig. 1847 726D Foods, by Bell 1052M Light and Photography, by Vogel. 1888 358R the Sun, The, by Lockyer. 1887 S20D Sketch of, by Murray. 1839 ... 412R The New, by Cooke, illustrated. 1881 456R and Alchemy [Timbs' Works] 852Z See also Brown's Science for All, 626-9B. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Facts and Hints for Everyday Life, 942R. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Routledge's Science, 515R. Schcedler's Book of Nature, 713F. Timbs' Knowledge for the People, 1747Z. Whewell's Inductive Sciences, 768D, &c. Chemists, by Muir [Heroes of Science]. 1883 704O Clienedolle (C. De) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473D Cheneys and the House of Russell [Froude's Short Studies] 532H Chepmel (E. C), M.D., Domestic Homoeopathy. 1848 1456Z Chepmell (H. Le M., Guernsey author, b. 1811, d. 1887), A Short Course of History [Greece, Rome, England]. 1859 60O Ch.epm.ell (Lieut. G., of Guernsey), R.N. See Sarnia [p. 30], 1416O. Chequered Career, or Fifteen Years in Australia and New Zealand. 773K Cherbuliez (Victor). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cherokees (The). See Featherstonhaugh's Canoe Voyages, 727K, See. Giierry (The). See Breuil's Fruit Trees, 178R. Fruit, Gardening, &c. Cherubini (L. M. C. Z., Italian Composer, b. 1760, d. 1842). See Naumann's Music, 929D. Rockstro's History of Music, 533H. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O, &c. Cheshire. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M. Dugdale's England and Wales. Eddy's Travelling Party [Chester Walls], 1326R. Freeman's Norman Conquest [Chester], 201-5H, &c. Chesneau (E.), English School of Painting, tr. by Etherington. 1885 1072M The Education of the Artist, translated by Bell. 1886 U26M Chesney (Colonel C. C, Military Writer, b. 1826, d. 1876). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Chesney (Colonel G.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Chess, Handbook of, by Pardon 1528Z History of, by Forbes, i860 926F [Boys' Annual] , 1 302II * 5 [129] CHE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CHI Chess [Boys' Own Book] 1527Z [Cassell's Pastimes] 1262H See also Games, Pastimes, &c. Chesterfield (P. D. S., Earl of, Statesman, b. 1694, d. 1773), Letters to his Son, 4 vols. 1775 907-10II 3 vols. 1787 Miscellaneous Works of, 4 vols. 1 779 903-6H and Selwyn (George), by Hayward. 1854 1276K Chetwynd (Hon. Mrs. H. W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Chevalier De St. George, The [Doran's London in Jacobite Times], 2 vols. 1877 318-9H Chevalier, Young. See Charles Edward Stuart, &c. Chevalier (M., French Political Economist, b. 1806, d. 1879), Society Manners and Politics in the United States. 1839 1042F See also Senior's Conversations, 435H, &c. Chevreul (M. E., French Chemist, b. 1786), Harmony and Con- trast of Colours, and their Application to the Arts, trans- lated by Martel 1077M Chevy-Chase. See Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q. Chambers' Miscellany, 623M, &c. Cheyne (T. K.), D.D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 6T9-22A, &c. Chezanowski (General). See Senior's Conversations, 434-5H, &c. Chiabrera (G., Italian Poet, b. 1552, d. 1637). See Longfellow's P6ets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Chicago. See Smiles' Boys' Voyage, 834Q. United States, &c. Chichester Cathedral Church and the South Saxon See, Memorials of, by Stephens, illustrated. 1876 187F South Saxon Diocese, by Stephens [Diocesan Histories] 1837Z Chickens. See Eggs, &c, 555Q. Oakey's Home Grounds, 948M. Tegetmeier's Poultry Book, 664B. Poultry, &c. Chiddingstone. See Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R, &c. Chief Justices of England, by Campbell, 4 vols. 1874 784-7O Child. (L. M.)» Biographies of Good Wives. 1847 984Q Child of Elle. See Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q, &c. CHILDREN— Works relating to : {See also Boys, Girls, Juvenile, Youth, &>e.) Child and Child Nature, by Marenholtz-Biilow. tr. by Christie... 280R Children, Books for. See Juvenile Literature. Children, Destitute [Carpenter's Life and Work] 562O Our, How to Rear and Train Them 1452Z Pursuits of, How to Direct Them, Hints to Mothers and Teachers I 4 I 3Z of the Wilds [Chambers' Miscellany] 625R See also Abbott's Wallace, 1542Z. Brand's Antiquities, 1006-7M. Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Copley's Word to Parents, &c, 1849, 1430Z. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Facts and Hints for Everyday Life, 942R. Inman's Faiths, 96K and g6Ka. ■ Malthus' Population, 1093-4F. Stowe's Our Charlie, and What to do with Him, 1543Z. Thrupp's Anglo-Saxon Home, a.d., 500-1100, 345K. Wood's Handbook of Nursing, 1470Z, &c. Children's Book of Facts, by Wilson. 1875 I2 55Z Nature, in 3 parts, by Hooker. 1869: Part 1.— Plants 477 T Part 2. — Animals 478T Part 3.— Air, Water, &c 479T on the Sabbath, by Hooker 1695Z Garland, from the best Poets, by Patmore, illustrated. 1873 ... 777M Magazine. 1842 I55 T Z [130] CHI ENGLISH SECTION. CHI Children's Picture Book of Scripture Parables, by Clark. 1867 ... 241Q Treasury of English Song, arranged by Palgrave, 2 vols. 1880 483-4Z Children in the Wood. See Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q, &c. Children of Israel, Journeys of the [R.T.S.] 46Z Chili and Peru [Conder's Modern Traveller]. 1829 555Z See also Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682 R. Byam's Western • Republics, 707 K. Gallenga's America, 756K. Gerstacker's Travels, 1632 R. Brown's Countries of the World, 162D. Walpole's Pacific, 795K. South America, &c. Chillingworth (W., T/ieologian, b. 1602, d. 1644) [Barry's Theology] 828O Chillon, or Protestants of the Sixteenth Century, an Historical Tale, by Willyams, 2 vols. 1845 523-4M Chimney-Sweeps. See Smith's Works, 589D. Smith's Essays, 297O, &c. Chimneys. See Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q, &c. CHINA AND CHINESE -Works relating to : {See also Asia, The East, Hongkong, Pekin, Tea, &°e.) and Japan, Earl of Elgin's Mission to[i857-9], by L. Oliphant. 516-7K the English, and an Account of the late War. 1855 ... 412T Corea, &c. , Voyage of His Majesty's Ship Alceste, by M'Leocl 572K Everyday Life in, by Dukes, illustrated. 1885 1680R General Gordon in, by Mossman. 1875 226Z Historical and Descriptive, by Eden, illustrated. 1877 813Q Account of, by Murray, &c, 3 vols. 1836 397-9'!' History of the Laws, Manners and Customs of the People, by Gray, edited by Gregor, illustrated, 2 vols. 1878 ... 520-1K Its State and Prospects, by Medhurst, illustrated. 1838 ... 1044F Life in, by Milne. 1857 1517R Medical Missionary in, by Lockhart. 1861 384F Nemesis in, History of the late War, &c. , from the Notes of Hall and Bernard. 1847 369O Religions of, by Legge. 1880 388M Residence in, by Fortune. 1857 53 2 K ■ Sacred Books of [Midler's Sacred Books of the East, vol 3]. 561A ■ South China Border Lands, by Colquhoun, ill. 2 vols. 1883 541-2K ■ > Tea Countries of, by Fortune, illustrated, 2 vols. 1853 ...1515-6R Wanderings in, by Mrs. Gumming, illustrated. 1886 789-0K War in [Cassell's India] 229D ■ [Martin's Prince Consort] 92-6F ■ [O'Byrne's Victoria Gross] 270O Chinese Buddhism, by Edkins. 1880.... 57K Junks [Woodgate's Boating] 1266R ■ Labour [Dixon's White Conquest] 493H Police [All the Year Round] 1807J Revolution, by Macfarlane. 1853 162Z The, by Davis, 2 vols. 1836 656-7Z [Library of Ent. Know.], 3 vols. 1551 654-5Z Their Education, Philosophy and Letters, by Martin. 1881 1521R Waters, a Cruise in, by Lindley, illustrated 566K See also Alison's Europe, 140-5O. Anderson's Mandalay, 540K. Atkin- son's Russian Acquisitions, 61 iB. Bax's Voyage of the Dwarf, 1520R. Bird's Golden Chersonese, 1488R. Brown's Races of Man- kind, 156D. Coote's Wanderings, 810K. Cruise of H. M.S. Bacchante, 787K. Davidson's Travels, 1652R. Douglas' Confucianism, 94Q. Gill's River of Golden Sand, 512-3K. Hue's Tartary, &c, 765Q. Hue's Travels, 1267 and 1318-9R. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K. Lansdell's Asia, 830K. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828 K.. Lubbock's [131] CHI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CHR CHINA AND CHINESE— Works relating to -.—{continued.) Primitive Man, 672B. Macfie's Vancouver's Island, &c, 681K. Mesny's Tungking, 1514R. Seward's Travels, 601B. Smiles' Boys' Voyage, 834Q. Taylor's Visit, 855R. Wilkinson's Sunny Lands, 837K. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. China Painting, by Florence Lewis, with original coloured plates. 1883 922D See also Harper's Magazine, 1641J. Chinamania [Hall's Bric-a-Brac] 1481R See also All the Year Round, 1794J. Household Words, 606D. Temple Bar, 1383 J. Porcelain. Keramics. Pottery, &c. Chison (J. De). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Chiswick. See Loftie's London, 252O, &c. Chivalry, History of, by James. 1831 872Z Romances of, Told and Illustrated in Facsimile, by Ashton. 1887 127 ill See also Pike's Crime in England, 307H. Porter's Knights of Malta, 541H. Tuckerman's Prose Fiction, 1126H. Woodhouse's Orders, 273O, &c. Chloride of Lime. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, qD, &c. Chlorine. See Davy (Sir H.), 654-5F. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 109-0R. Nature, 2680J. Chemistrj^, &c. Chloroform. See Timbs' Works, 852Z. Medicine, &c. Choice of a Profession, by Thomson. 1857 204R Books, by Richardson. 1881 159T Cholera. See Alison's Europe, 142-6O. Contemporary Review, 2058J. Knight s England, 154H. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Nineteenth Century, 2224 and 2228J. Greville Memoirs, &c. Chopin (F., b. 1810, d. 1849). See Engel's Reminiscences, 1348O. Naumann's History of Music, 929D. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O, &c. Chow-Chow, being selections from a Journal kept in India, Egypt and Syria, by the Viscountess Falkland, 2 vols. 1857 524-5K CHRIST and CHRISTIANITY— Works relating to : {See also under Apostles, Atonement, Bible, Cross, Lord, Mai-tyrs, Hh'racles, Missions, Religion, Saviour, iS~Y.). Christ and Christianity, by Haweis, 5 vols. 1886-7 : Vol. 1. — The Light of the Ages [Asia, Africa, Europe] 1182M Vol. 2. --The Story of The Four [Evangelists] 1183M Vol. 3.— The Picture of Jesus [The Master] 11 84M Vol. 4.— The Picture of Paul [The Disciple] 1185M Vol. 5. — The Conquering Cross [The Church] 1186M Christ and His Salvation, by Bushnell. 1865 248 M Seed, Central to all Things, by Pulsford. 1872 143K Moses, Love better than Law, &c. [Dawson's Sermons] 285M ■ — the Gallows, or Reasons for the Abolition of Capital Punishment, by Booce. 1870 238M Inheritance of the Saints, illustrated from Colossians, by Guthrie. 1858 341M Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ, by Wallace. 1881 274T Brighter than the Sun, or Christ the Light of the World, a Life of our Lord for the Young, by Macduff. 1882 397M [Cox's Salvator Mundi, or Is Christ the Saviour of all Men?] 1226M ■ Divinity of our Lord, by Liddon. 1868 585M Testimonies of the Ante-Nicene Fathers, by Burton. 469A Earlier Years of our Lord's Life on Earth, by Hanna. 1864 157M Gifts of the Child Christ, by Macdonald I5°3X Headship of, &c, by Hugh Miller. 1875 810R High Priesthood of, by Miss Whately 244T Human Sympathies of, by Geikie [R.T.S.] 320M is All, by Tyng, 2 vols. 1849 494A The Gospel of the Old Testament, by Law. 1855. 379-81 M Genesis, 379M. Exodus, 3S0M. Leviticus, 38iM, [132] CHR ENGLISH SECTION. CHR CHRIST AND CHRISTIANITY— Works relating to -.—{continued.) Christ Jesus and Hillel [Delitzch's Jewish Artisan Life] 41 4M *His Life, Times and Work, by De Pressense. 1866 38K Last Day of our Lord's Passion, by Hanna. 1864 22 5Q Laws of, for Common Life, by Dale. 1884 637 M Life and Death of, by J. Taylor, edited by Buckley. 1851... 219Q of, and Death of our Blessed Saviour, by Mrs. D'Oyly. 49K and Words of, by Geikie. 1881 103A of, by Beecher. 1871 102A byFarrar. 1881 310M 2 vols. 1874 406-7A Lange, 6 vols. 1864 104-9A Jesus Christ, by Ewald, tr. and ed. by Glover. 1865 306M Jesus Christ in its Historical Connexion and Historical Development, by Neander, translated. 1851 170M Manliness of, by Hughes 60Q Meditations on the Sufferings of, by Rambach, translated, edited by Benson. 1827 144K Nazareth, its Life and Lessons. 1872 542M Palestine in the Time of, by Stapfer, tr. by Holmden. 1886 477M Sacrifice and Priesthood of, by J. P. Smith. 1847 220Q Scripture Testimony to the Messiah, by Smith, 2 vols. 1847. 526-7A Studies of the Life of, by Fairbairn. 1882 307M The Pagan World at the Coming of Christ [Pressense's Ancient World and Christianity] 1 194M The Christian's God and Saviour, by Spence 160Q The Light of the World, by Vaughan. 1866 107Q . Yoke of, by Bishop Thorold. 1884 : 33Q Clirist'sClaim on theConscience,byStevenson[PresentDayTracts] 241T Commission to his Apostles, by M'Lean. 1847 151M Death, &c, Discourse on, by Charnock, a.d. i684[R.T.S.] 19Z Resurrection [Present Day Tracts] 234T See also A'Kempis' Imitation of Christ, 121Q. Arnot's Parables, 224M. Burn's Parables and Miracles, 247M. Carpenter's Prophets of Christendom, 935O. Channing's Works, 92D. Delitzch's Jewish Artisan, 414M. Ewald's Israel, 66K. Hanna's Our Lord's Life on Earth, 157-61 M. Harris's Great Teacher, 91K. Hunter's Sacred Biography, 625 F. Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Jarvis's Chronological History of the Church, 543A. Klopstock's Messiah, 209D and 47-8Z. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 103-4M. Leathes' Religion, 383M. Mac- millan's Marriage in Cana, 92T. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151-2K. Spring's Lord's Prayer, 470M. Taylor's Works, 138M. Tholuck's Passion of our Lord, 486M. Timbs' Works [Crucifixion], 856Z. Trench's Miracles, 178K. Parables, 179K, &c. Christian and Hebrew Records of the Old and New Testaments,- by Giles, 2 vols. 1877 , 85-6K Architecture [Brown's Schola to Cathedral] r 95K Art [Twining's Symbols] 507M Atonement, by Gilbert. 1852 107M Antiquities, by Riddle. 1839 255A Ceremonial [Shipley's Studies] 460M Characteristics, by Knox Little '. 27Q Church and its Planting and Training by the Apostles, by Neander, 2 vols. 185 1 172-3M — by Stebbing [Lardner's Cab. Cyclopaedia], 2 vols. 1833 78-9Q • — See also Church, Religion, &c. [133] CHR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CHlt CHRIST AND CHRISTIANITY— Works relating to:— (continued.) Christian Doctrine, by Milton, 2 vols. 1825 461-2A Duty, The Young Christian, by Abbott. 1833 277M Ethics, by Ward law. 1852 105M a Evidences, and the Principles on which to Estimate them, by Wardlaw. 1 870 5 14M 1 Experience, by Philip. 1834 59Z < Facts and Forces, by Smyth. 1888 1206M • Friendship on Earth Perpetuated in Heaven, by Muston. ... 421M Iconography, Christian Art in the Middle Ages, by Didron, translated by Millington, and edited by Stokes, illus...no8-9M incomplete Armour, by Gurnall. 1837 480A Institutions, Essays on Ecclesiastical Subjects, by Stanley... 167K Leaders of the Last Century, by Ryle. 1880 5790 ■ Legends, by Maccall 396M Library, Ante-Nicene. See Ante-Nicene Christian Library. Life and Character, Brands Plucked from the Burning, &c, by Wilson. 1864 224Q Life in England, in the Olden Time, by Mrs. Charles. 1872 456M the Early and Middle Ages, by Neander, trans. 1852 171M Its Course, Its Hindrances, and Its Helps, by Arnold 203K and 222M . Roots and Fruits of the, by Arnot. i860 223M Literature and Doctrine from the Death of the Apostles to the Nicene Council, by Donaldson, 3 vols. 1886 46-8K Missions [Hunter's Indian Empire] 485K • See also Missions, &c. Morals, by Hannah More, 2 vols. 1813 1216-7M Music in Early Times [Rockstro's History of Music] 533H Names, by Yonge, 2 vols. 1878 1147-8R Philanthropy [Steane's Evangelical Alliance] 661A Philosopher, by Dick. 1834 29Q Prayers and Holy Meditations, collected by Bull, A.D. 1566 14Z Religion and Church, General Hist, of, by Neander, 9 vols. 296-304A ■ ' — Evidences of the, by Alexander. 1836 2Z of the, by Addison. 1776 239Q Truth of the, by Bose 237M — by Hugo Grotius, revised by Le Clerc, &c, translated by Clarke. 1840 336M See also Keith's Evidences, 414A. Religion, &c. Resurrection [Timbs' Works]. 856Z Revelation and Modern Astronomy, by Chalmers. 1855.... 259M 1834 467A Evidences of, by Porteous. 1818 63Z Singers of Germany, by Winkworth 1136R Socialism, by Kaufman n. 1888..., 1205M Student, by Bickersteth. 1844 90Q Students' Biblical Guide, by Green, edited by Churchill. 1836 334M Truth, a Family Guide to the Gospel, by Bickersteth. 1838 74Q Work [Reaney's Our Daughters] 450M . World Magazine and Family Visitor, edited by Emma Jane Worboise, from 1872 241 J The Serial Tales and some of the principal contents will ba found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the Catalogue, with the Catalogue number specified. [134] CHR ENGLISH SECTION. CHR CHRIST AND CHRISTIANITY— Works relating to '.—{continued.) Christian World Pulpit, Sunday Reading for Christian Fam- ilies, from vol I. 1872 2491 J Christians' Great Interest, by Guthrie. 1825 20SQ Theology in the Apostolic Age, by Reuss, 2 vols. 1872 450-1 A Early [Madden's Shrines] 343^ Primitive [Gibbon's Roman Empire] 75-83 H [Inman's Faiths] 96 Ka [Niebuhr's History of Rome] 88H Christianity among the Heathen, by Brown, 3 vols. 1854 264-6A and Its Conflicts, by Marey. 1867 205M Perfect adaptation to the Mental, Moral, and Spiri- tual Nature of Man, by Coquerel, translated. 1847.... 284M ■ Relation to Civil Society, by Harris. 1883 1196M Modern Scepticism, by Girdlestone. 1882 327M — Science, by Peabody 440M the Ancient World, by Pressense. 1888 1194M Apology for, addressed to Edward Gibbon, by R. Watson, also Remarks on the two last Chapters of Mr. Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire... 184K Beginnings of, by Fisher. 1878 310A Causes of its Corruption, by Vaughan. 1852 106M Divine Origin of, by Storrs. 1885 558A Early Days of, by Farrar, 2 vois. 1882 385-6A Years of, by Pressense, 4 vols. 1879 • 197-200M Apostolic Age, 197M. Martyrs and Apologists, 198M. Heresy and Christian Doctrine, 199M. Life and Practice in the Early Church, 200 M. Evidences and Corruptions of, by Carey. 1838 513A of, by Bolton. 1853 53oA MTlvaine. 1859 395M Sumner. 1824 171K • ■ Watson, Paley, &c 24-25Z The Scholar Armed, &c, 2 vols. 181 2 156-7K Grounds of Christian Hope, by Leathes 382M History of, Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire, by Milman, 3 vols. 1875 I54--6Q For Contents, see under Milman. in India, by Kaye, 1859 263A — the First Three Centuries, by Merle D'Aubigne, &c... 488M Latin, including that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicolas V., 9 vols. 1872 X 45-53Q Literature and Doctrine, from the Death of the Apostles to the Nicene Council, by Donaldson, 3 vols. 1866 46-8K Practical View of, by Wilberforce 83Qand86Z Viewed in Relation to the Present State of Society and Opinion, by Guizot. 1871 337M Vital, by Vinet, translated by Turnbull 67K at the Present Day, by Cairns [Present Day Tracts] 234T See also Alison's Europe, 119-27O. Bush's Life and Times of St. Chrysostom, 952O. Cooper's Bridge of History, 249Q. Draper's Intellectual Development, 76O. Forbes' Pioneers, 912O. Haweis' Paul, 1185M. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Lecky's European Morals, 384-5M. Paley's Works, 131K. Venn's Complete Duty of Man, 182K. Stanford's Compendium [Borneo, Fiji Islands and Phillipines], 853K, &c. [135] CHR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CHU Christenings [Bum's History of Parish Registers] 536H Christian (II.R.H. Princess), Memoir of Princess Alice. 1885 480O Christiana. See Lovett's Norwegian Pictures, 329B. Christie (W. H. M.), F.R.A.S., Astronomy [S.P.C.K. Science Manuals], illustrated. 1875 750Z Christlieh (T.), D.D., Protestant Foreign Missions, and their present State, translated by Croom. 1880 168Q Christmas. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M. Dyer's Popular Customs, 1036F, &c. Christmas (H., b. 181 1, d. 1868), M.A., Ed., The Phantom World, or the Philosophy of Spirits, Apparitions, &c, by Calmet ... 907-SM " Christopher North," a Memoir of John Wilson, by his Daughter.. 875O Chromatics, Modern, with applications to Art and Industry, by Rood 365 R See also Art, Colour, Painting, Sec: Chronicles of Clovernook, &c. , by Jerrold. 1853 794^ Froissart, 4 vols. 1814 312-15D London Bridge, by R. Thomson. 1834 ; 145Z the Crusades, by Richard of Devizes, Geoffrey De Vinsauf and Lord John De Joinville [Bohn's Library]. 1848 299O Tombs, a Collection of Epitaphs, by Pettigrew. [Bohn's Library. ] 1 864 1 058R English [Freeman's Norman Conquest] 201 -5 1 1 ■ [Ewald's Israel] 64K See also Old English Chronicles, &c. " Chroniqeuse" [Mrs. O. L. Sikes], Photographs of Paris Life. 1861 1370R Chronology and Geography, History and Prophecy, Analysis of, by Hales, 4 vols. 1830 , 230-3H British, from the Invasion of the Romans to 1775, 3 vols 227-9H Ecclesiastical, by Riddle. 1840 293 and 557 A of History, by Nicholas 2O the Egyptians [Lepsius' Letters] , I533R [Tytler's General History] 1 734Z Chronometer. Sec Smiles' Inventions, 1172R. Clocks, &c. Chryse. See Colquhoun's South China, 541-2K, &c. Chrysostom (St.), Life and Times of, by Bush. 1885 9520 See also Gibbon's Roman Empire, 78-9H. Hood's Preachers, 541M, &c. Crystal Palace [Marvels of Art] 1227Z Chrystallography. See Whewell's Introductive Sciences, 768D. Chub, The. See Seeley's Fishes, 811F, &c. CHURCH HISTORY, &c.— Works relating to : {See also Catholics, Dissenters, Ecclesiastical History, Huguenots, Methodism, Protestants, Quakers ; Religion ; also Histories of various Countries, &c). Church, Ancient British, by Alexander [R.T.S.] IC9Z and Chapel, Sermons on the Church of England and Dissent, edited by Hadden. 1881 342M and the Age, by Stacey. 1857 472M State Two Hundred. Years Ago [1660- 1663], by Stough- ton. 1862 306O See also Miall's British Churches, 486A. Parkinson's Modern Pleas, 487A, &c. Apostolic, and its Organisation, &c, by Barnes. 1846 4Z Architecture. See Architecture, Cathedrals, &c. Book of the, by Southey [a History of the Christian Church] 164K [136] CHU ENGLISH SECTION. CHU CHURCH HISTORY, &o.~Works relating to -.-{continued.) Church, Christian, Antiquities of the, by Bingham, 2 vols. 1878 83-4A Worship, Services for the Church, with order of Vespers and Hymns. 1862 263M Chronicles of the Ancient British Church, by Yeowell. 1847 536M Chronological Introduction to the History of the, by Jarvis. 543A Classic Preachers of the English Church. 1878 581-2O Composers, by Barrett [Great Musicians]. 1882 1223O Councils and Synods of the Ancient Church [Gibbon's Roman Empire] 76-85H Courts and Discipline, by Wiiberforce. 1843 186K Doctrine [Marriott's Testimony of the Catacombs] , 1 1 2K Established [Routledge's Popular Progress] 1034F Establishments, Conversations on, by Guthrie 2 35Q Greek and Eastern [R.T.S.] 110Z Historians of England, edited by Stevenson. 1853-8 277-83 A History, Epochs of, edited by Creighton. 1886-7 2 5 I_ 3T Reformation in England, 251T. Church in other Lands, 252T. Church of' the Early Fathers, 283T. Four Lectures on, by Merivale. 1879 410M from the Earliest Ages to the Reformation, by Waddington 284A • Mediaeval, Lectures on, by Trench. 1877 308A of Britain, from the Birth of Jesus Christ until the Year 1648, by Fuller, 3 vols, 1868 186-8M in the Catacombs, by Maitland, illustrated. 1846 629 A Georgian Era [Stoughton's Religion in England] .. 97 M Institutions, Growth of, by Hatch. 1887 1213M Jewish, Lectures on the, by Stanley, 3 vols. 1S63-76 248-50A Missionary Society [Brown's Propagation of Christianity] 265 A - Need, by Dudley. 1881 , 640M of Christ, from the Apostles to the Papal Apostacy, by Milner. 82Q History of, previous to the Reformation, 6 vols 162-7M the, by Milner and Haweis. 1834 408A — Stebbing, 3 vols. 1842 305-7 A Universal Mission of the, by Hellier [Fernley Lecture] 824D England and John Knox, by Lorimer. 1873 337^ Defence against Disestablishment, by Roundel, Earl of Selborne. 1888 1204M Documents relating to the Settlement of the Church, by the Act of Uniformity of 1662. 1862 270A Endowments and Establishment of, by Brewer, edited by L. T. Dibdin. 1885 1225M from 1660, by Moles worth. 1882 214M ■ Literature of the, by Cattermole, 2 vols. 1844 548-9 A Morning and Evening Services, by Riddle. 1837 81Q Sisterhoods, by Goodman. 1863 329M Testimonies set forth in the Thirty-Nine Articles, by Cary. 1835 506A See also Biddulph's Essays, 443-5A. Davies' Orthodox London 282-3M. Escott's England, 1017F. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. In- man's Ancient Faiths, 95K, &c. and Rome [May's Democracy] 3S-9H France, History of the, by Jervis, 2 vols. 1872 311-12A God, Lectures by Kelly. 1869 363M Jesus Christ, from the Death of Saint John to the Middle of the Second Century, by Mossman. 1873 309A Rome and St. Hippolytus, by Wordsworth. 1880 535M [137] CHU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CHU CHURCH HISTORY, &c— Works relating to '.—{continued.) Church, of Rome, Fifty Years in the, Life of Chiniquy. 1886... 643 A See also Inmans Ancient Faiths, 95K, &c. Russia, History of the, by Mouravieff, tr. by Blackmore. 120K Scotland, by Spottiswoode, 3 vols. 1851 404-5 A General Assembly [Burton's Scotland] 336-7H Lectures on its History, by Lee, 2 vols, i860 ; 288-9 A the Civil Wars [Stoughton's Religion in England] 92M Commonwealth [Stoughton's Religion in England] ... 93M Fathers. 1842 125Q French Revolution [1789-1802], by Pressense, trans- lated by Stroyan. 1869 3 2 90 Future, by Abp. Campbell. 1881 221M Revolution [Stoughton's Religion in England] 96M Restoration [Stoughton's Religion in England] 94"5M Popular History of the Ancient British Church, especially in Wales, by Newell. 1887 256Q Protestant Church of France, by Lorimer. 1841 216T Rates. See Smith's Life of Bright, 151F, &c. Review, American Quarterly, 2 vols. 1866-1868 30-1K Social Mission of the, by Stubbs 605M • Some Remarks upon the Ecclesiastical PI istory of the Ancient Churches of Piedmont, by Allix. 1821 291A State, Modern Pleas for State Churches, examined by Par- kinson [a Work opposing Establishment]. 1874 487A The Scottish Church, from the Earliest Times to 1881, by Chambers [St. Giles' Lectures]. 1881 262M Theology of the Early Christian Church, by Bennett. 1855. 112M Tithes, Ancient Facts and Fictions, by Roundell, Earl of Selborne. 1888 1204M Universal [Maurice's Kingdom of Christ] 407-8M Waldensian, by Willyams ." 522M See also Alison's Europe, 119-20O. Arnold's Our Bishops and Deans, 879-80O. Bunsen's Church of Rome, 215-18M. Burn's Parish Registers, 536H. Fox's Acts and Monuments, 599-601 A. Green's English People, 189-92H. Inman's Faiths, 95-96]^. Jeaffreson's Bridals, 983-4H. Knight's England, 151-3H. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Parochial Work, 441A. Pike's Crime in England, 307 H. Reid's Presbyterian Church in Ireland, 211-3M. Smith's Jewish Church, 467M. Stanhopes Epistles, &c, 183-5M. Barruel's Clergy during the French Revolution, 8K. Blair's Waldenses, 10-1K. Cox's Colenso, 622F. Gladstone's Gleanings, 885-6Z. Green's Conquest of England, T87H. Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 167H. Neander's Christian Church, 172-3M. Thomson's Professions, 204R. Twining's Symbols, 507M. Essays and Reviews, 662-3A. Haweis' Christ and Christianity [Church of the Catacombs], n86M,&c. Church (A. H., Chemist, b. 1834), M.A., English Earthenware, ill.. 1061M ■ English Porcelain. 1886 1060M Food, its Sources, Constituents, and Uses [South Kensington Handbooks] 1039M Plain Words about Water [South Kensington Handbooks]. 1883. 1046M Precious Stones in their Scientific and Artistic Relations [South Kensington Handbooks]. 1 883 1047M Church (A. J., Classical Scholar, b. 1829), M.A., Ovid [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1880 I165Q Pliny's Letters [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1878 ... I167Q Roman Life in the Days of Cicero, illustrated. 1884 72O [138] OHU ENGLISH SECTION. CIR Church. Stories from Homer [Iliad and Odyssey]. 1881 1198R Livy, illustrated. 1883 I167R Church (A. J.), M.A., and Brodribb (W. J.), M.A., Agricola and Germany of Tacitus. 1885 79^M Annals of Tacitus. 1888 794^ History of Tacitus. 1888 795^ Pliny's Letters [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1878 ... 1093Q Church (A. J.), M.A., assisted by Oilman (A.), M.A., Carthage ; or, The Empire of Africa [Story of the Nations], ill. 18S6 427O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Church (E. R.), How to Furnish a Home, illustrated. 1882 944^1 The Home Garden. 1881 947 M Church (F. C), Tr., De Monarchia, by Dante. 1878 600O Church (F. J.), M.A., Tr., Trial and Death of Socrates, being the Euthyphron, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Plato. 1886 ... 1784Z Church (R. W., Dean of St. Paul's, b. 181 5), M. A., Dante, an Essay. 600O Gifts of Civilisation and other Sermons and Lectures. 1880 261M Spenser [English Men of Letters]. 1879....: 1083O Churchill (C, Satiric Poet, b. 1731, d. 1764), Poems and Life, edited by Tooke [British Poets], 3 vols. 1864 4H-3Q Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Gt. Britain]. 393-4Z Ed. Christian Students' Biblical Guide, by Green 334^1 Churchill (C), and Defoe (D.), by Forster. 1855 1275R Churchill (John). See Marlborough (Duke of). Churchill (J. S., b. 1801, d. 1875). See Curwen's Booksellers, 520O, &c. Churchman. — Portrait of an English Churchman, by Gresley. 1840. 335M Churchmen, Great English, by Adams. 1879 681 Churchyard Literature [Fairley's Epitaphiana] 943 R Churchyards. See Madden's Shrines, 343K. Burial Grounds. God's Acre, &c. Cibber (Colley, Actor, b. 1671, d. 1757). See Fitzgerald's English Stage, 337D. New English Theatre, &c. Cicero (Marcus Tullius, Roman Orator, b. 106, killed 43 B.C.), by Collins [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1879 1093Q Cato and Laelius, or Essays on Old Age, 2 vols. 1785 905-6R — or an Essay on Old Age 890II Letters of, with Remarks by Melmoth, translated, 3 vols. 1789. 900-2H On Religion, Man, Friendship, &c, translated. 1751 1150Z Select Orations, Latin and English, and Notes by Duncan. 1801. 885H. Tr., by Duncan, Cockman, andMelmoth [Fam. Clas. Lib.] 1149-51Q Life of, by Hollings [Fam. Clas. Lib.]. 1839 1068Q See also Brougham's Dissertations and Addresses, 603R. Church's Roman Life, 72O. Lecky's European Morals, 384-5M. Niebuhr's History of Rome, 87H. Plutarch's Lives, 44oFand 1135Q. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Cid, The (Rodriguez Dioz de Bivar, Castilian Hero, b. 1026, d. 1099), Founded on the Early PoetryofSpain,by Dennis. 1845. n54andii59Z —— — — See also Pool's Moors in Spain, 430O. Household Words, 1745J. Quarterly, 1131J, &c. Cider. See Heath's Peasants' Life, 1329R. Mowbray's Treatise, 173R, &c. Cimarosa (D., Italian Composer, b. 1749, d. 1801). See Rockstro's History of Music, 533H. Cimon {A thenian Statesman, d. 449 B.C.). See Mitford's Greece, 102H. Plu- tarch's Lives, 447 F and 1133Q. Cinderella, or The Little Glass Slipper. See Fiction Class List for Home Treasury, 2863X. Cinnamon. See Spices. Cinque Ports. See Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R, &c. Circassians. See Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B, &c. Circe. See Keary's Primitive Beliefs, 101K, &c. Circle, The. See Twining's Symbols, 507 M, &c. [139] CIR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CLA Circumcision. See Donnelly's Atlantis, 1017M. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K, &c. Circumnavigation of the Globe [Ed. Cab. Lib.] 938Q and 585Z Cisterns. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K, &c. Cities, Ancient, by Bucke 1664-5Z The Cities we Found [Suggestive Lessons] 1829Z See also Kitto's Scripture Lands, 368M, &c. Citizen, British, his Rights and Privileges, by Rogers. 1885 452O Citizen of Nature, Letters from an American Indian in London. 1824 909 R Citizen of the World, by Goldsmith [British Essayists] 51T &c, by Goldsmith, 2 vols I164-7Z City Companies [ Wynter's Human Hive] 243R City of the Magyar, or Hungary and her Institutions [1839-40], by Pardoe, 3 vols. 1840 453-5K City Temple, a Pulpit Register, by Parker. 1872 264K Memorials of the, from its Formation by Goodwin, by Marsh.. 403M Civil Engineers [Thomson's Choice of a Profession] . . . . 204R ■ [Pascoe's Professions] 25 iR Civil Government, Principles of, by Kinnear, 1887 302R Liberty. See Malthus' Population, 1094F, &c. Civil List. See Peto's Taxation, 1016F, &c. Civil Service, at Home and Abroad, Guide to the, by Catton. 1887 294R Examinations [Bain's Essays] 261R Papers [Cassell's Popular Educator] 164-9D See Pascoe's Professions, 251R. Temple's India, 486K. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R, &c. Civil Wars in England, 1640 [Clarendon's Hist, of the Rebellion] ...297-302D of Rome [Select Lives, translated from Plutarch], by Long... 159Z &c, translated by Long, 5 vols, in 2. 1844 1735-6Z [Stoughton's Religion in England] 92M See also under names of various Countries for their Wars, History, &c. CIVILIZATION and Primitive Condition of Man.— Mental and Social Condition of Savages, by Lubbock. 1870 672B Curiosities of, by Wynter. i860 919M Gifts of, and other Sermons and Lectures, by Church. 1880 ... 261M in England, by Buckle, 3 vols. 1873 ■•• 186-8O Europe, by Guizot. 1839 , 311D Lectures by Guizot, translated by Beckwith. 1837 338M See also Fairbairn's Philosophy, 308M. Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Medhurst's China, 1044F. May's Democracy, 38 H. Mill's Discussions, 646H. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Timbs' Works, 855Z. Rawhnson's Origin of Nations, 365O, &c. Clare (J., b. 1793, d - 1864), Poems Descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery. 1820 646T See also Dana's Household Book of Poetiy, 476D, &c. Clare (John, Earl of) [Froude's Ireland] 205-6O Clarendon (Earl of, b. 1608, d. 1674), History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, 1641-60,6 vols. 1807 297-302D See also Bisset's Parliamentary Government, 215-6H. Campbell's Chan- cellors, 775-7O. Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 301-2D. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 23F. Pepys' Diary, 902O. Stoughton's Religion in England, 94M. Thomson's Friendships, 565O. Contemporary, 2037 J. Edinburgh Review, 456 J. • Fraser, 655J, &c. Clarendon (George William, Earl of, b. 1800, d. 1870) [Thornton's Foreign Secretaries] 209H Olaretie (Jules), Camille Desmoulines and his Wife, Passages from the History of the Dantonists, tr. by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. 1876. 22SF [HO] CLA ENGLISH SECTION. CLA Clark (F. Le Gros), F.R.S., Physiology [Elementary Science, S.P.C.K.] illustrated. 1882 1833/ Clark (Sir J., Scotch Physician, b, 1788, d. 1870), M.D., Sanative Influence of Climate. 1846 286M Clark (T. M.), D.D., Primary Truths of Religion. 1869 217Q Clark (W.), British Marine Testaceous Mollusca. 1855 749 F Clark (W. G.), M. A., Gazpacho, or Summer Months in Spain. 1850. 43 iK See also Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, 6cc. Clarke (A., Irish Wesleyan, b. 1760, d. 1832), LL.D., Concise View of the Succession of Sacred Literature in a Chronological Arrangement of Authors and their Works, from the invention of Alphabetical Characters to the Year of Our Lord, 1300... 500-1A ■ Holy Bible, with Commentary and Critical Notes, 6 vols. 1838 23 28A Memoirs of Mrs. Mary Cooper. 1828 593O Wesley Family, 2 vols. 1836 911-12R See also Harmer (T. ). Clarke (Charles C, Novelist). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Clarke (C. Cowden, Poet, b. 17S7, d. 1S77), Moliere-Characters.. 910R and Clarke (M. C), Recollections of Writers. 18S7 9390 Clarke (M. Cowden), Complete Concordance to Shakspere. 1879... 423D Clarke (Charles Heber). See Adder (Max). Clarke (E.), Handel [World's Workers]. 18.85 1144O Susanna Wesley [Em. Women Series]. 18S6 TI 340 Clarke (F. L.), Life of the Duke of Wellington, 2 vols 552-3F Clarke (J. E.), M.A., Children's Picture Book of Scripture Parables, written in Simple Language, illustrated. 1867 241Q Clarke (J. F.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c Clarke (Louisa Lane, Guernsey Author, b. 181 1, d. 1883), Common Seaweeds of the British Coast and Channel Islands, coloured illustrations 5§3Q Country Parson's Wife, her Duties, &c. 1 842 63Q Descriptive Catalogue of the Microscope. 1858 107R ClarkSOn '(T., Philanthropist, b. 1700, d. 1846), M.A., Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of William Penn, 2 vols. 181 3 422 -3F Clason (T.). See Poets of America, 468 D, &c. Class and Desk, a Manual for Sunday School Teachers, by Gray, 2 vols 332-3M Class Changes. See Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 172H, &c. Middle-Class. See Alison's Europe, 119-33O, &c. Classic and Italian Painting, by Poynter and Head. 1880 1080M Poets, their Lives and Times, by Dobson. 1879 5&oO Classical Antiquities. See Nichol's British Museum, 863 F. Antiquities, &c. Classical Geography, by Tozer [Literature Primers, edited by Green]. 702Z Tour through Italy, by Eustace, 3 vols. 1841 , 1655-7Z Excursion from Rome to Arpino, by Kelsall, illustrated. 1820... 444K CLASSICS, Ancient— {See a/so under Names, e.g., Aristotle, Ccvsar, Homer, &c, also under Poetry, and names of Translators.) ^Flschylus, by Coppleston [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1094Q Tragedies of, lit. translated with Critical and Illustrative Notes, and an Introduction, by T. A. Buckley, B.A., of Christ Church, Oxford [Bonn's Classical Library]. 1849 1193II translated by Potter [Family Classical Library]. 1833 ll $ 2 Q Anabasis, or Expedition of Cyrus, and Memorabilia of Socrates, lit. translated from the Greek of Xenophon, by Watson, M.A., M.R.S.L. [Bohn's Classical Library]. 1855 1179II Aristophanes, by Collins [Ancient Classics for English Readers]... 1096Q Comedies of, by Hickie [Bohn's Classical Library], 2 vols. 1151-52II [HO GUILLEALLES LIBRARY. CLA CLASSICS, Ancient -.—{continued.) Aristotle, by Grant [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1160Q Metaphysics of, lit. translated from the Greek, with Notes, Analysis, &c, by M'Mahon, M.A. [Bonn's Clas. Lib.]. 1153TI Organon, or Logical Treatises of, translated by Owen, M.A. [Bohn's Classical Library], 2 vols. 1882-83 1154-55H Politics of, translated by Welldon. 1 888 788M Treatises on Rhetoric, also the Poetic of Aristotle, by Buckley, B. A. [Bohn's Classical Library]. 1883 1158H The Nichomachean Ethics of, by Browne [Bohn's Clas. Lib.] 1157H Politics and Economics of, by Walford [Bohn's Clas Lib]. 1156H Caesar, Commentaries of, by Trollope [An. Clas. for Eng. Read.] 1092Q Commentaries of, translated by Duncan. 1847 •••• 1180II on the Gallic and Civil Wars, lit. translated with Notes... 1159II tr. by Duncan [Family Classical Library], 2 vols. 1832. 1138-39Q Catulus, Tibullus and Propertius, by Davies [A.C.F.E.R.] 1161Q Cicero, by Collins [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1093Q tr. by Duncan, Cockman and Melmoth, 3 vols. 1833 ••• II 49"5 I Q Demosthenes and Sallust, Orations of, translated by Leland and Rose, M.A. [Family Classical Library], 2 vols. 1830 1108-9Q by Brodribb [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1162Q Orations of, translated by Kennedy. 1887 799M Leland. 1831 1 19DII Select Private Orations of, after the Text of Dindorf, with the various Readings of Reiske and Berker, with English Notes, for the use of Schools, by Penrose. 1853 1194M Euripides, by Donne [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1096Q tr. by Potter [Family Classical Library], 3 vols. 1832 ... 1141-43Q Greek Anthology, by Neaves [Ancient Classics for English Readers] IC98Q Herodotus, Analysis of, by Wheeler. 1883 797M by Swayne [Ancient Classics for English Readers] io 99Q tr. by Beloe [Family Classical Library], 3 vols. 1830 ... 1112-14Q tr. by Cary, M.A. [Bohn's Classical Library], 1852 1160H Hesiod and Theognis, by Davis [An. Clas. for Eng. Read.] 1098Q tr. by C. A. Elton, Esq., Bion and Moschus, Sappho and Musoeus, translated by F. Fawkes, M.A H37Q Homer, Iliad of, translated from the Greek, by Pope. 1805 309Q and Odyssey of, by Collins [An. Clas. for EngRead.]... 1101Q Odyssey of, translated by Worsley, 2 vols. 1877 800- iM tr. by Alexander Pope, Esq. [Fam. Clas. Lib.], 3 vols... 1144-46Q Homeric .Synchronism, by Gladstone. 1876 1413O Horace, by Martin [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1100Q tr. by Philip Francis, D.D., also Phcedus, trans, by Smart. 1124-25Q Juvenal and Persius, tr. by Charles Bradham, M.D., F.R.S 1126Q by Walford [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1097Q Satires of, trans, with Explanatory and Classical Notes. 1739 1182H Livy (Titus Livius), by Collins [Ancient Clas. for Eng. Readers] 1163Q Stories from, by the Rev. Alfred T. Church, M.A., with illustrations from designs by Pinelli. 1883 I167R Livy, The History of Rome by, lit. translated with Notes and Illustrations by D. Spillan, A.M., M.D., Cyrus Edmonds, and William A. M'Devitte 1161-64H Lucian, byCollins [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1095Q t'42] CLA ENGLISH SECTION. CLA CLASSICS, Ancient :— {continued. ) Lucretius, by Mallock [Ancient Classics for English Readers] ... I164Q T. Lucreti Cari De Rerum Natura Libri Sex, trans, by Munro 1198H Lycophron, tr. by Viscount Royston [Fam. Clas. Lib.]. 1832. 1137Q Ovid, by Church [Ancient Classics for English Readers] IID 5Q The Fasti, Tristia Epistles, &c, lit. translated by Henry T. Riley, B. A. [Bonn's Classical Library]. 1851 1166H Heroides, Amours, Art of Love, &c, lit. translated by Henry T. Riley, B.A. [Bohn's Classical Library]. 1852 1165H tr. by Dryden,Pope, Congreve, Addison, and others, 2 vols. 1147-48Q 2vols. 1833 302-3Q Perseus Flaccus, Satires of, tr. by Conington 1874 I199H Tindar, by Morrice [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1166Q tr. by the Rev. C. A. Wheelwright, also Anacreon, trans- lated by Bourne [Family Classical Library]. 1830 1117Q Plato, by Collins [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1095Q Republic of, translated by Lowett. 1888 1200H Summary and Analysis of the Dialogues of, by Alfred Day, LL.D. [Bohn's Classical Library]. 1870 ; 1173H Works of, trans, by Henry Carey, M.A., Henry Davis, M.A., and George Burgess, M. A. [Bohn's Classical Library]. 1167-71H Plautus and Terence, by Collins [An. Clas. for Eng. Read.] 1097Q Pliny's Letters, by Church and Brodribb [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1093 antl IID 5Q Plutarch's Lives, translated by Langhorne, 4 vols 789-92M 6 vols. 1823 445-50F tr. by John Langhorne, D.D., and William Langhorne, M. A. [Family Classical Library], 7 vols. 1831-32 ... 1130-36Q Polybius, General History of, translated from the Greek by Mr. Hampton, 2 vols. 1823 963-4II Sallust Floras and Velleius Paterculus, lit. translated by the Rev. John Selby Watson, M.A. [Bohn's Clas. Lib.]. 1852 ... 1174H tr. by William Rose, M.A. [Family Classical Library]. 183 1 1103Q Sophocles, by Collins [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. ... 1094Q tr. by Thomas Franklin, D.D. [Fam. Clas. Lib.] 1140Q Suetonius, Lives of the Csesars and other Works, translated by Alexander Thomson, M.D., revised and corrected by T. Forester, Esq., A.M. [Bohn's Classical Library]. 1855 5490 Tacitus, Agricola and Germany of, trans, by Church and Brodribb 796M Annals of, by Church and Brobribb. 1 888 794M by Donne [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1092Q History of, translated by Church and Brodribb. 1888 795M tr. by Arthur Murphy, Esq. [Fam. Clas. Lib.], 5 vols. ... 1118-22Q Works of, The Oxford translation, revised [Bohn's Clas. Lib. ]ii75-76H Theocritus, tr. by Calverley. 1883 793^1 Theophrastus, Characters of, ill. by Physiognomical Sketches 1123Q Thucydides, by Collins [Ancient Classics for English Readers] ... 1167Q History of the Peloponnesian War by, translated by the Rev. Henry Dale, M.A. [Bohn's Clas. Lib.], 2 vols. 1854-55 1177-8H translated by William Smith, D.D., 3 vols. 183 1 1127-29Q Virgil, by Collins [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1100Q translated by Wrangham, Sotheby, and Dryden, 2 V0IS....1115-16Q Xenophon, by Grant [Ancient Classics for English Readers] I°99Q [143] CLA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CLE CLASSICS, Ancient •.—{continued.) Xenophon, The Anabasis and Cyropoedia, translated by Edward Spelman, Esq., and the Hon. Maurice Ashley-Cooper, 2 vols IIIO-IlQ Classics, Ancient [Oxford Pocket Classics, original Text] R.L. Delphin, 140 vols, 1819-30 R.L. [For list see under Valpy (A. J.)] English. Set name required. Foreign, for English Readers, edited by Mrs. Oliphant. Sec under 01iphant(Mrs.). Philosophical, for English Readers, edited by W. Knight. See under Knight (W.), LL.D. Claude [Hamerton's Graphic Arts] 1076M Clandian [Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome] 474^ Claudius (M., German Poet \ b. 1740, d. 1815). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, Sec. Claverhouse. See Graham. Clavis Calendaria ; Analysis of the Calendar, with Anecdotes by Brady, 2 vols. 1812 892-3H Clay. See Ure's Dictionary, 6D. Clay (A.), Ed. Agony Column of the Times [1800-1870], with an Introduction. 188 1 55 6T Clay (Lady). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Clayden (P. W. ), Samuel Sharpe, Egyptologist and. Translator of theBible. 1883 9590 Clayton (Ellen C), English Female Artists, 2 vols. 1876 252-3F Female Warriors from the Mythological Ages to the Present Era, 2 vols, 1877 :- • Vol. 1. — Semiramis, Cleopatra, Zenobia, Wanda, Phillipa, Joan of Arc, Margaret of Anjou, Mary Queen of Scots, Elizabeth, Countess of Derby, &c 643O Vol. 2.— Christian Davis, Catherine of Russia, Rochefoucault, Maid of Saragossa, Anita Garibaldi, Fatima, Amazons, &c 644O Cleaning. See Walsh's Domestic Economy, 1429Z, &c. Cleansing Streets and Ways in the Metropolis and Large Cities, by Scott. 1884 990M Cleanthes {Greek Philosopher, b. 300, d. 220 r>.c.) [Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome] 474D Clemens (S. L., American Humourist, b. 1835). See Twain (Mark). Clement {Bishop of Rome). See Haweis' Christ and Christianity, 1186M. Clement (Pope). See Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L. Clement (C), Michelangelo, Lionardo Da Vinci and Raphael, ill. 488O Clement (Dr. E.), Tabular View of the Geological Systems, with their Lithological Composition and Palaeontological Remains 675T Clement (J.) [Smiles' Industrial Biography] 731O Clementi(M., Italian Composer i b. 1752, d. 1832) [Tytler's Musical Composers] 860O Cleomenes {King 0/ Sparta). See Plutarch's Lives, 449F and 1135Q. Cleopatra {Queen of Et>ypt, b. 69, d. by suicide, 30 B.C.). See Adam's Land of the Nile, 755Q. Clayton's Female Warriors, 643O. Niebuhr's History of Rome, 88H. Rollin's Ancient History, 68H, &c. CLERGY, a Book about the Clergy, by Jeaffreson, 2 vols. 1870 ... 502-3A [Bullock's Bishops and Clergy] 1281O English [Brodie's British Empire] ...212-13H [Buckle's Civilization] i860 History of the Clergy during the French Revolution, by Barruel 8K • Scottish [Brodie's British Empire] 212-4H Scottish [Robertson's Scotland]. 1559 338-9H See also Alison's Europe, 1 19-37O. Burton's Scotland (1689-1748), 336-7H. Cutts' Middle Ages, 940F. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Froude's England, 192-202O. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Jeaffreson's [M4] CLE ENGLISH SECTION. CLO CLERGY -.—{continued.) Brides and Bridals 984H. Knight's England, 151-4H. Mehagen's Universal History, 13-15H. Pike's Crime in England, 307 H. Quekett's Reminiscences, 651F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026 and 1028F. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-97M. Stubb's History, 211-2O. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Bishops, Church, Religion, &c. " Clergyman of the Church of England." See Walters (H.), B.D. Clergyman's Recreations and Studies, by Twining." 1882 H2iR " Clergyman's Wife, A." See Brock (Mrs. Carey). Clergymen and Students' Health, or Physical and Mental Hygiene, byConnell. 1881 915R Clerical Anecdotes, by Larwood 1761Z Women. See Women. Clerks. See Girl's Own Indoor Book, 1257H. Chambers, 1954J. Fraser, 622J, &c. Cleveland. (Lady Castlemaine, Duchess of). See Molloy's London under Charles II., 259-60O. Pepys' Diary, 9020, &c. Clients, Lawyers, &c. [James' Curiosities of LawJ 1075F Clifif-Dwellers. See Nadaillac's Pre-historic America, 897F, &c. Cliffs. See Mantell's Geology, 724-5Q, &c. Clifford (J. R. S.), Insect Lights and Insect Sounds, illustrated 721Z Clifford. (W. K., Mathematician, b. 1845), F.R.S., Lectures and Es- says, edited by Leslie Stephen and F. Pollock, 2 vols. 1879 886-7H Seeing and Thinking [Nature Series], illustrated. 1879 158R Clifton [Granville's Spas, &c] 353K Clifton (W.). See Poets of America, 468D, &c. CLIMATE and Cosmology, by Croll. 1885 403R [Abercromby's Seas and Skies] 843 K. Change of, as a remedy for Disease, by Francis. 1853 825M Climatic Influences in North and South America, by Disturnell 921 K of the South of France for Invalids, by Williams. 1867 823M 1 Sanative Influence of, by Clark. 1846 826M Weather and Disease, by Haviland. 1855 192D See also Colquhoun's South China, 541-2K. Coote's Wanderings, 810K. Geikie's Prehistoric Europe, 865F. Green's German Pictures, 333B. Lamont's Arctic Seas, 674 and 675K. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828-9K. Lome's Canadian Pictures, 3316. Lyell's Geology, 726-7Q. McCulloch's British Empire, 711H. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Willoughby's Australian Pictures, 332B. Macfie's Van- couver's Island, 681 K. Reclus' Phenomena, 806F. Stanford's Com- pendium of Geography and Travel, 850K, &c. Climbing. See Maclaren's Physical Education, 1808Z, &c. Clinical Medicine. See Medicine, &c. Clissold (IL), M.A., Last Hours of Christians. An account of the Deaths of Eminent Members of the Church of England, from the Reformation to the beginning of the Present Century 974Q Clive (Lord Robert, Governor of India, b. 1725, d. by suicide, 1774), by Malleson [Founders of the Indian Empire]. 1882 259F Life of, by Gleig. 1848 281T See Adam's England at War, 198H. Cassell's India, 228D. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. India, &c. Clive (Mrs., Actress, Friend of Garridt) [Thomson's Friendships] ... 565O Clock and Watchmaking, by Reid. 1826 193D Clocks and Watches, Curiosities of, from the Earliest Times, by Wood S36D See also Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q. Timbs' Inventions, 258R, &c. Clodd (E.), Story of Creation, a Plain Account of Evolution. 1888. 547R Close (F.), A.M., Book of Genesis, ill. 1828 • 167Q Close of Christ's Ministry, by Hanna. 1869 160M Clothes. The Clothes we Wear [Suggestive Lessons] 1827Z [145] CLO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. COB Clothing. See Fothergill's Health, 824M. Facts and Hints for every-day Life, 942R. Health Lectures, 1439Z. Oswald's Physical Education, 994M. All the Year Round, 1771 and 1788J. Macmillan, 931J. Once a Week, 2272J. St. Paul's, 1173F, &c. Districts, Leeds, &c. [Land we Live In] 465B Clouds. See Ahercromby's Seas and Skies, 843K, &c. and Rain. See Reclus' Phenomena, 806 F. Brown's Science for All, 6276a. Humboldt's Cosmos, 483R, &c. Clough (A. IL, Poet, b. 1819, d. 1861) [Bagehot's Studies] 864II See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M, &c. Cloves. See Spices. Clowes (\V., Painter, b. 1779, d. 1 847) [Smiles' Invention, &c] ... 1172R Clubs and Club Life. See Adam's Queen Anne, T281H. Alison's Europe, 139-6O. Andrew's Eighteenth Century, 281R. Ashton's Reign of Queen Anne, 67F. Blackwood, 143J. Cornhill, 328J. Escott's England and its People, 1017-8F. Fraser, 674L Woodgate's Boating, 1266R, &c. Clyde (Colin Campbell, Lord, Field- Marshal, b. 1792, d. 1863) and Havelock, by Phillips [World's Workers]. 1885 1145O Life of, 2 vols. 1881 ... 162-3F See also Cassell's India, 229D. Holmes' Indian Mutiny, 470H. Lennox's Celebrities, 1016H. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 94-5F, &c. Coaches. See Beckmann's Invention, 697Q, &c. COAL and Coal- Mines [Adam's Underground World] 592Q Coal Pits, &c. 1853 693Q Its History and Uses, by Green, Mall, Marshall, &c, edited by Thorpe. 1878 688D Our Coal and our Coal Pits, the People in them, and the Scenes Around them, by J. R. L. [Traveller's Library], ill. -1855... 1282R Statistics of, &c, by Taylor. 1855 I123H See also Brown's Science for All, 629B. Este's Recreations in Science, 496R. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Lyell's Geology, 726-7Q. Macfie's Vancouver Island, &c.,68iK. Mantell's Geology, 724-5Q. McCulloch's British Empire, 711H. Robert's Social History, 301H. Simonin's Mines and Miners, 632-3B. Stanford's Compendium, 853K. Temple's India, 486K. Ure's Dictionary, 6 & 9D. Geology, Mines, &c. Coal-tar. See Tar. Coape (H. C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cobalt. See Simonin's Mines, 632-3B. Ure's Dictionary, 6D, &c. Cobb Ale. See Robert's Social History, 301 H, &c. Cobbe (F. P., Irish Philanthropist, b. 1822), Duties of Women. 1881 979M Hours of Work and Play. 1867 891M Cobbett (W., Politieal Writer, b. 1762, d. 1835). Paper against Gold, or the History and Mystery of the Bank of England, &c. 1828 3T7R Rural Rides, 2 vols : Vol. 1. — Sketch of Author's Life. London to Berghclere, Hereford, Dart- ford, Chatham, Norwich, Lewes, Brighton. Kensington to Uphusband. Hampshire, Surrey, Sussex. Kent to Dover, Wen. Winchester 1351R Vol. 2. — Petersfield to Kensington. Valley of the Avon. Salisbury to Highworth. Malmesbury to Worcestershire, Ryall, Lyndhurst, (iodalming. Weston to Kensington. Tring, Eastern Tour. Midland Tour. Progress in the North 1352R See also Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Greville Memoirs, &c Cobbett's Annual Register. 1802-3 304-6D Cobbold (R., b. 1797). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cobden (J. C), White Slaves of England, illustrated. 1853 256R Cobden (R., Political Economist, b. 1804,^. 1865), by Gowing. 1885 1140O Life of, by Morley, 2 vols. 1881 190-1F See also Greville Memoirs. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. McCarthy's History, 193-6H. Martineau's Thirty Yeaxs\ Peace, 449B. Martin's Life of" the Prince Consort, 92-6F. Smith's Life of Bright, 151F, &c. [146] COC ENGLISH SECTION. COK Coca. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 9D. Cochin China. See Seward's Travels, 601 B. China, &c. Cochin (A.), Results of Emancipation, translated by Booth. 1864... 340O Slavery, translated by Booth. 1863 , 3390 Cochineal. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 6T), &c Cochrane (A. B., Politician and Poet, b. 1841), M.P., Theatre Fran- 9aise in the Reign of Louis XV. 1879 336D Cochrane (C. B.), Mimosa and other Poems. 1869 680M Cochrane (Lord), [ Browne's State Trials] 3 Q 50 Cochrane (Thomas, Tenth Earl of Dundonald, English Admiral, b. 1775, d. i860), Autobiography of a Seaman, 2 vols, i860 ... 241 2F Cockatoo, The. See Jardine's Naturalist's Library. 653Q, &c. Cockayne (T. O.), M.A., Lifeof Marshal Turenne. 1853. 1029O and 1273R Cockburn (J. B., of Guernsey) [Sarnia, p. 93] 1416O Cockhurn (Lord Chief Justice) [Lennox's Celebrities] 1016II - Cockermouth. See Knight's Lake District, 817Q, &c. Cock-fighting. See Beckmann's Inventions, 69SQ. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M. Sports, &.c. Cockle, The. See Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q. Cockroach, The. See Brown's Science for All, 627Ba. Wood's Insects Abroad, 749F, &c Cocks (J.), M.D., Sea Weed, Collectors' Guide. 1853 589Q Cocoa. See Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Simmond's Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, 77 iF, &c. Cocoa-nut. See Oils, &c. : Tree. See Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F, &c. Cod-fish, The. See Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807 F. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 680Q, &c. Cod. Liver Oil, Three Kinds of, by Dr. De Jongh, tr. by Carey. 1849 9*9K. Codrington (Admiral Sir E., b. 1770, d. 1851), Life and Corres- pondence of, edited by his Daughter, Lady Bourchier, ill. 192-3F Coe (R., b. 1821). See Poets of America, 468D, &c. Coffee Planter in Ceylon, by Sabonadiere. 1866 883D See Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Household, The, 1096F. Simmond's Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, 771F. Vegetable Substances, 609Q, &c. Coffee-Houses, Taverns, &c. See Adam's Queen Anne, 1281H. Ashton's Reign of Queen Anne, 67F. Andrew's Eighteenth Century, 281R. Cotton's Our Coffee Room, 526-7T. Chambers' Journal, 1956J, &c. Coffin (Captain R. F.), The America's Cup, How it was Won by the Yacht America in 1851 and has been since defended. 1885 1215R Coggleshall (W. T.), Journeys of Lincoln, &c. 1861-5 773O Co^hlan (T. A.), A.M., Wealth and Progress of New South Wales. 1107F COINS— Works relating to : {See also Antiquities, Crests, Money, Numismatics, Seals, &*c.) Coin Collectors' Manual, by Humphreys, 2 vols. 1880 1088-9M Coins. See atso Bowring's Decimal System, 1123M. Historical Pictures, 135Z. Houseman's Museum, 92R. Jevons' Money, 360R. Jewitt's English Antiquities, 1016M. Knight's England, 147-52H. Knight's Pictorial Bible, ioi-4M. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Mit- ford's Greece, 101-8H. Niebuhr's Rome, 88H. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-8 F. Twining's Symbols, 507M. Chambers' Journal, 1950J. Cornhill, 296J. Once a Week, 2265-6 J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Coke, Manufacture of, &c. See Penny Cyclopaedia, 136B. Ure's Dictionary, 6 and 9D, iv.c. Coke (Lord, Chief Justice, b. 1550,^. 1634) [Campbell's Chancellors] 774-7O See also Campbell's Chief Justices, 787O. Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 322H. Dixon's History of Lord Bacon, 138F. Gardiner's History of England, 460-6O, &c. [147] COL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. COL Colbert (J. B., Marquise de Seignlay, French Statesman, b. 1619, d. 1683), Story of [Chambers' Miscellany] 623R Colborne (Col. the lion. J.), With Hicks Pasha in the Soudan; being an Account of the Senaar Campaign in 1883. 1884... 454O Colburn (H.) [Curwen's Booksellers] 520O Colohester (Charles Abbot, Lord, Speaker of the House of Commons, b. 1762, d. 1832), Diary of [1802- 1 7], edited by his Son. 1861. 241-3II Cold. See Nares' Polar Sea, 672K. Tyndall's Heat, 509R, &c. Cole (H., Dean of St. Paul's, d. 1579), Experimental and Controver- sial Theology. 1836 544A Cole (Sir H., Record Commissioner, b. 1808), Fifty Years of Public Life, accounted for in his Deeds; Speeches and Writings. 1884. 194-5F Coleman (R. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Coleman (W. S.), Our Woodlands, Heaths, and Pledges, Descrip- tion of Trees, Shrubs, Wild Fruits, &c, coloured plates. 1859 563Q Colenso (J. W., Bishop of Natal, b. 1814, d. 1883), D.D., Life of, by Sir G. W. Cox, 2 vols. 1888 621-2F Coleoptera of Scotland, Catalogue of the, by Murray. 1853 784F or Beetles, British, by Stephens. 1839 102R Beetles, &c. See also Jardine's Naturalists' Library. Entomology, Insects, Natural History, &c. Coleridge (C. R.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Coleridge (H., English Poet, b. 1796,7/. 1849) [Bagehot's Studies]... S^SH See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Coleridge (H. N., b. 1800, d. 1843), M.A., Six Months in the West Indies in 1825 682 and 1658Z Coleridge (S. T., Poet and Philosopher, b. 1772, d. 1834), Hints towards the Formation of a more Comprehensive Theory of Life, edited by Watson. 1848 640H Poems and Life, edited by Norton [British Poets]. 1S64 414-6Q Poetical and Dramatic Works of 34°Q ■ Specimens of the Table Talk of 176T and Opium Eating, by De Quincey. 1863 656R and the Moral Tendency of his Writings [Letters and Essays] ... 1013H by Traill [English Men of Letters]. 1884 1062O Life of, by Hall Caine [Robertson's Great Writers]. 1887 1265O See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Martin's Memories, 834O. Mill's Discussions, 647H. Thomson's Friendships, 565O. Tulloch's Religious Thought, 629M. Blackwood, 180J. Frazer, 618J. Living Age, 3118J, See. Coleridge (Sara, Daughter of S. T. Coleridge, b, 1803, d. 1852), Memoirs and Letters of, edited by her daughter, 2 vols. 1873 585-6O See also Adam's Celebrated English Women, 1282O, . 1810), M.A., Ed., Holy Bible according to the Authorized Version (a. D. 161 1), with an Explanatory Com- mentary by Bishops and other Clergy of the Anglican Church [Speakers' Commentary], 10 vols : — Old Testament. Vol. 1.— Pentateuch, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. 516A Vol. 2. — Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings 517A Vol. 3. — Kings (continued), Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther 518A Vol. 4. — Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon 519A Vol. 5. — Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations 520A Vol. 6. — Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. . . 521A New Testament. Vol. 1.— St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke 522 A Vol. 2.— St. John, Acts of the Apostles 523A Vol. 3. — Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colos- sians, Thessalonians, Timothy and Titus, Philemon 524A Vol. 4. — Hebrews, St. James, St. Peter, St. John, St. Jude, St. John's Revelation 525A Cook (Captain J.), His Voyages Round the World, and an account of his Life, by Kippis 587 & 588Z Life, Voyages and Discoveries, by Kingston [R.T.S.] .1734^ See also Chambers' Miscellany, 625R. Adam's Heroes, 978Q. Nature, 2679-80J, &c. Cooke (R. T., J. E. and St. G.). See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Cooke (F. E.), Three Great Lives, illustrated. 1884 1003O [Savonarola. More. Latimer.] Cooke (G. W.), Ralph Waldo Emerson, his Life, Writings, &c. 1882 633-4O Cooke (H.), Life of, &c. [Short Biographies] ;.... 632F Cooke (J. E., American Writer, b. 1830). See Poets of America, 468D, &c. Cooke (J. P.), The New Chemistry [Scientific Series], illus. 1881... 456R Cooke (AL C), Fern Book for Everybody, colored illustrations 600Q Freaks and Marvels of Plant Life, or Curiosities of Veretation.... 774F Ponds and Ditches [S.P.C.K.]. 1880 62iQ Rust, Smut, Mildew, and Mould, an Introduction to the Study of Microscopic Fungi, colored illustrations. 1870 618Q The Woodlands [S. P. C.K.], illustrated. 1879 622Q Cooke (P. P., b. 1816, d. 1850). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Poets of America, 468D, &c. Cooke (T.), B.A., Universal Letter Writer. 1843 1152Z Cooke (W.), D.D., The Deity, an Argument on the Existence, Attributes, and Personal Distinctions of the Godhead, 1862 269M COOKERY, A New System of, by Mrs. Rundell. 181 1 600T ■ First Lessons in Cooking, by Lady Barker. 1874 1424Z Food, &c, by Buckton. 1879 590T Principles of Cooking, by Berdmore. 1884 985M See also All the Year Round, 1792Z. Babcock's Hints, 946M. Best of Everything, 975M. Brabazon's Board School Reforms, 1103F. Brisse's 366 Menus and 1,200 Recipes, 982M. Brown's What Girls Can Do, 980M. Campbell's Life in Normandy [French Cookery], 1700-1R. Cassell's Hints, 942R. Enquire Within, 960M. Family Save-all, 050M. Frederick's Hints to Housewives, 951M. Health Lectures, 1439Z. Household, The, 1096F. Jeaffreson's Book of the Table, 932-3F. _ Walsh's Domestic Economy, 1429Z. Wood's Food, &c. 985M. Domestic Economy, &c. Cookson (C. A.), B.A. See International Policy, 332H, &c. Cooley (W. D.), Maritime and Inland Discovery, 3 vols. 1830 409-nT 1 The World Surveyed in the Nineteenth Century [Parrott's Journey to Ararat]. 1845 324K [157] COO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. COH Coolidge (M.y, Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Coolidge (Susan ). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cooling [Brown's Science for All] 628B Coon (M. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Cooper (Elizabeth), Life of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford and Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland [1593-1641], 2 vols. 1874 555-6F Cooper (J. E., American Novelist, />. 1789, d. 1851), A Residence in France, with an Excursion up the Rhine, and a Visit to Switzerland. 1836 389K by Lounsbury [American Men of Letters] 1040Q E'ngland, with Sketches of Society in the Metropolis. 1837 349^ Excursions in Italy. 1838 44-K Switzerland. 1836 411 and 412K History of the Navy of the United States of America, 2 vols, in 1. 521 H Travels of, 5 vols. V.D 479-83K England, 479K. Italy, 481K. France. 482K. Switzerland, 483K. Europe. 480K. Sec also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cooper (Katherine). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cooper (Mrs. M.)» Memoirs of, by Clarke. 1828 593O Cooper (S. F.), Rural Hours. 1876 31R Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Cooper (T., Literary Shoemaker, />. 1805), Bridge of History, Truth of Christianity. 1871 249Q God, the Soul, and a future State. 1875 2I2T Cooper (W. M.)» B.A., A History of the Rod in all Countries, ill.... 914R Co-operative Stores and Societies. See Escott's England and Its People, 1017F. Wynter's Human Hive, 244R, &c. Coote, The. See Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 646Q. Natural History, &c. Coote (W.), E.R.G.S., Wanderings South and East, ill. 1882 810K Copenhagen. See Alison's Europe, 129O. Denmark, &c. Copleston(R. S.), M.A., yEschylus [Anc. Clas. for Eng. Read.]. 1877 1094Q Copley (E.), A Word to Parents, Nurses and Teachers, on the Rearing and Management of Children. 1849 1430Z Coppee (II.), A.M., Grant and his Campaigns, a Military Biography... 291 U Copper and Copper Mines. See Sidney's Australia, 783K. Macfie's Vancouver's Island, 681 K. McCulloch's British Empire, 71TH. Simonin's Mines and Miners, 632-3B. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Ure's Dictionary. 9D. Metals, &c. Copts. See Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L. Copyright, English and Foreign, by Jerrold. 1881 320R Copyright Act[Cowtan's British Museum] 894 1 1 Coquerel (A., French Protestant Pastor, b. 1795, d - i 8 75)> Chris- tianity, its Perfect Adaptation to the Mental, Moral, and Spiritual Nature of Man. 1847 284M Coral Reefs, Structure and Distribution of, by Darwin. 1874.... 19R See also Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. Este's Recreations in Science, 496R. Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q. Half Hours in the Tiny World, 567Q. Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807 F. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Taylor's Seaside, 588Q. Brown's Science for All, 62713a. Man- tell's Geology, 724-5Q. Sowcrby's Aquarium, 632Q, &c. Corail, The, by Muir [S.P.C.K.]. 1878 97 Q Corbet (Denys, Guernsey Author and Artist), Les Feuille de la Eoret, ou Receuil de Poe'sie originale en Anglais : Francais et Guemesiais. 1871 , 524Q Corbett (Mrs. E. T.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Corbett (R., Bishof of Norwich, b. 1582, d. 1635). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476 D. Corbra Di Capella. See Buckland's Curiosities, 578CJ. Natural History, &c. Corbueil (F. [Dit. Villon], French Poet, i$th Century) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473^ uw COR ENGLISH SECTION. COR Corcelles (C. F. de, French Diplomatist, b. 1802) [Senior's Conver- sations] 4357H Corday D' Annans (M. A. Charlotte de, French Enthusiast, b. 1768, guillotined 1793). See Jackson's French Court, 335O, &c. Corea. See Poole's Index, R.L. Asia, China, &c. Cordery (B. M.), Struggle against absolute Monarchy [1603- 1688] [Harper's Series of English History] 127Z Cordilleras, of Mexico, by Gilliam. 1846 ." .. 73 6 K See Gerstacker's Travels, 1632R. Humboldt's Nature, 29R, &c. Cordon Training of Fruit Trees, by Brehaut. i860 I793 z Cordova. See Coote's Wanderings, 810K, &c. Corea, The, A Forbidden Land, by Appert. 1880 See also Bax's Voyage of the Dwarf, 1520R. Eden's China, 813Q, &c. Corfu [Bellow's Europe] 1399^ Corinth.. See Green's Bible Lands, 328B. Mitford's Greece, 101-8H, &c. Corinthians, First Epistle to the, with Commentary, by Shore I4 2 Q Lectures on, by Robertson 37M Epistle to the [Barnes' Notes] 5-6M to Philemon [Gray's Biblical Museum] 90M See also Bible Commentaries, &c. Coriolanus (Caius Marcius, Roman Hero, fl. about 490 B.C.). See Plutarch's Lives, 446F and 1131Q, &c Cork. See Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q, &c. Cork. See Kohl's Ireland, 384K, &c. Cormorant, The. See Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 655Q. Natural History, &c. Corn [Smith's Wealth of Nations] 1207-8F See also Simmond's Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, 771 F, &c. Indian, its Value, Culture, and Uses, by Enfield. 1866 I105M Duties. See Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B, &c. Laws. See Alison's Europe, 140-5O. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Knight's England, 154H. McCarthy's History, 193H. Raven's Parliamentary History of England, 1832-80, 233O. Smith's Life of Bright, T50F. Watts' Life of Bright, 526O. Cobden, Free Trade, Protection, Greville Memoirs, &c. Corn Crake. See Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 646Q, &c. Corneille (P., French Dramatist, b. 1606, d. 1684), and his Times, by Guizot. 1852 198F — - — See also Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. and Racine, by FL M. Trollope [Oliphant's For. Classics] 1186O Cornelins O'Dowd upon Men and Women and other Things in General, by Lever, 3 vols. 1865 1263-5R Cornelius. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K, &c. Cornell (W. M.), M.D., Clergymen's and Student's Health, or Physical and Mental Hygiene, by Cornell. 1881 QI 5R Corner (Julia, Novelist, b. 1798). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Corner-Stone, or an Illustration of Christian Truth, by Abbott. 1 836. 1 1 37Z Cornet, Castle. See Tupper's Castle Cornet, 1500O. Guernsey, &c. Cornhill to Grand Cairo, Notes of a Journey, by Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. 1846 792Q Cornhill Magazine, from vol 1. i860 281J The Serial Tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the Catalogue, with the shelf number specified. The general contents will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library), under subjects required. Cornish (T. II.), Historical Picture of Woman, or the Volume of Affec- tions, in which are displayed her Prudence, Magnanimity and Fortitude. 1838 .,-/..- ,, 594T Cornwall and Devon Coast, by Wood [Argosy] 27J its Mines and Miners, with/ Sketches -of Scenery, designed as a Popular Introduction to Metallic Mines, by J. R. L. 1855... 1282R Route Book of Cornwall ...... .T. 607Z See also Brand's Antiquities, ioos*8M, &c. . - ' L.59J - COR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. COS Cornwall (Barry [B. W. Procter], Poet, b. 1790, d. 1874), A Sicilian Story, with Diego De Montilla and other Poems. 1820 645T Marcian Colonna, a Poem, &c. 1820 45^D See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Field's Authors, 1052O, Poetical Works, 482D, &c. Cornwallis (Lord). See Cassell's India, 228D. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Coronations. See Stubb's History, 210-12O, &c. Coroners. See Stubb's History, 210-11O, &c. Corporations. See M'Culloch's British Empire, 712H, &c. CORRESPONDENCE and Conversations of Alexis De Tocque- ville with N. W. Senior [1834- 1859], edited by Simpson, 2 vols. 1872 612-3O Art of, or The New Universal Letter Writer, &c ofCarlyle and Emerson, 1834-72, 2 vols. 1883 560- iO Channing and Lucy Aikin, edited by Le Breton. 1877 57°0 Prince Talleyrand with Louis XVIII. , 2 vols. 1881 43°" Ir i See a/so Agassiz(L.), 473-4O. Beaconsfield (Lord), 1299 and 1347O. Brog- lie's King's Secret [Louis XV.], 456-7H. Bright's Public Letters, 527O. Browning (E. B.), Letters, 537-8O. Bunsen (Frances, Baroness), 544-"50. Burns,52iU. Byron, 581 D. Canning (G.), 546-7H. Carlyle(Mrs.), 557O. Clarke's Recollections, 939O. Collingwood (Lord), 588O. Foster (J.), 653-4O. Gibbon (E.), 669 and 1339O. Gordon (General), 1292 and 1364O. Hatherley (Lord), 695-6O. Hervey (W.), 636M. Humboldt (A. Von), 1024O. Hunt (L.), 727-8O. Junius, 744O. Lieber (F.), 575D. Mendelssohn, 838O. Mitford (M. R.), 845-9O. More (Hannah), 853-6O. Paston Letters, 293-5T. Somerville (M.), 966O. Southey (R.), 969-74O, &c Correspondencies of Faith and Views of Madame Guyon, by Cheever. 1887 1181M Corsica in its Picturesque, Social and Historical Aspects, by Gregoro- vius [Travellers' Library]. 1856 ... 1261R Wanderings in, by F. Gregorovius, 2 vols. 1855 1298-9R [Sala's Journey due South] , 801 K See also Bingham's Bonaparte, 330-1O. Fraser [page 115], 709J ; [and page 386]. 710J. Living Age [page 778J, 3088 [. Quarterly [page 260], 1226J. Once a Week [page 437], 2277J. Cornhill, 298J, &c. Cort (H., Metallurgist, b. 1740, d. 1800). See Smiles' Industrial Biography, 731O. Cortez (Hernando, Conquisdator of 'Mexico >, b. 1485, probably d. 1554), Life of, by Helps, 2 vols. 1871 594-50 Life of [Prescott's Mexico] 524-6H and 386-7O See also Alison's Europe, T32-36O. Del Mar's Precious Metals, 899F, &c. Cory's Artcient Fragments of the Phoenician, Babylonian, and other Authors, edited by Hodges. 1876 977*1 Cosby (F.). See Poets of America, 468D, &c. Cosin (J., Bishop of Durham, b. 1594, d. 1 672) [Stonghton's Religion in England] 94"5^ Cosmology and Climate, by Croll. 1885 403 R See also Kant's Reason, 656T, &c. Cosmonography, Practical, a System of Writing and Printing all the Principal Languages, with their Exact Pronunciation, by means of an Original Universal Phonetic Alphabet, by Gouraud. 1850 123D Cosmos, Physical Description of the Universe, by Humboldt, trans- lated by Otte, 5 vols. 1849 4837R Cossacks. See Alison's Europe, 133-4O. Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 611B. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828-9K. Wallace's Russia, 451K, &c. Cosson (E. A. De). See De Cosson (E. A.). Costa Rica. See Stanford's Compendium, 851 K. Costa (Sir Michael, Italian Musician, b. 1810, d. 1884) [Stirling's ■ Old Drury Lane] "' 1338R [160] COS ENGLISH SECTION. COU Costanzo (A. Di, Neapolitan Historian and Poet, b. 1507, d. 1591) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473^ Costello (D., Novelist and Journalist, b. 1S03, d. 1865). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Costello (L. S.j Poetess, b. 1799, d. 1870), Beam and the Pyrenees. 405-6K See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. COSTUME, British, History of [Lib. Ent. Know.]. 1836 921M in England to the End of the 18th century, by Fairholt, edited by Dillon, illustrated, 2 vols. 1885 1106-7M Vol. 1. — History, 1106M. Vol. 2.— Glossary, 1107M. See also Conder's Palestine, 553K. Eden's Japan, 814Q. Knight's England, 147-53H. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 101-4M. Stapfer's Palestine [Time of Christ], 477M. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Barth's Africa, 846K. Dress, &c. Cotgreave (.A.), Catalogue of the Guille-Alles Library, Guernsey ... 1909R [Containing numerous References, Lists of Contents and Biographical and other notes.] Richmond Public Library. 1884 1910R Wandsworth Public Library. 1885 1911R Wednesbury Public Library. 1878 1912R Indicators versus Bookkeeping, Free Libraries, &c. V.D 1913R Cotgreave's Draining Plough. See Munn's Land Drainer, 259R. Cotta (G. ) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473D Cottage Residences, by Downing, illustrated. 1853 191D Cottages [Heath's Peasants' Life] 1329R Cotterill (C. C), M.A., Suggested Reforms in Public Schools. 1885 201R Cotterill (H.), D.D., Does Science aid Faith in regard to Creation? 645M Cottin (Sophie R., Madame de, FVeiich Novelist, b. 1773, d. 1807). See Kavanagh's French Women, 661O, &c. COTTON, Ancient History of. 1845 213D Cultivation, Madras versus America, by Wheeler. 1866 1104M Factory, Spinning, &c. [Ure's Dictionary] 6D Manufacture in Great Britain, by Baines, illustrated. 1835 881D See also Alison's Europe, 140-5O. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Knight's England, 153-4H. McCulloch's British Empire, 711H. Temple's India, 486K. Timbs' Inventions, 258 R. Blackwood, vols 39 and 40 R.L. Leisure Hour, 2620 and 2629J. Stanford's Compendium, 851K. Ure's Dictionary [Cotton Plant], 9 D, &c. Cotton (C, Satiric Poet, b. 1630, d. 1687) and Walton (I.), The Complete Angler. 1853 I130R See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Cotton (E. R. [Lady Hope]), Our Coffee-Room. 1878 526T More about our Coffee Room. 1878 5 2 7T Cotton (N., Poet and Physician, b. 1707, d. T788). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476 D, &c. Cotton (R. Lynch). See Burgon's Twelve Good Men, 661F. Coucy (.Le Chatelain De, Crusader, fl. noo). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Coultas (H.) The Home Naturalist [R.T.S.] 116R Council. See Gardiner's History of England, 460-8O. Counsel and Comfort spoken from a City Pulpit, by Boyd. 1864.... 819R Counsel. See James' Curiosities of Law, 1075F. Lawyers, Sic. Countenance, The Human [Alison's Taste, &c] 629H See also Beauty, Expression, Physiology, &c. Counter-Reformation, The, by Ward [Epochs of Church History]. 1889 256T COUNTRIES : See under name of Country required. CDuntry, in the, Essays by Watkins. 1883 1719R Life, How to Enjoy, by Loudon. 1867 601T 6 [161] COU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. COV Country Life, Scenes and Tales of, with Recollections of Natural History, Ly Jesse, illustrated. 1844 39R See also Beecher's Star Papers, 1342R. Heath's Peasant Life, 1329R. J entries' Life of the Fields, ii6iR. Jefferies' Round about a Great Estate, 788 R, &c. Living and Country Thinking, by Gail Hamilton. 1866 ... 970R Margins and Rambles of a Journalist, by Hammond and Mans- field. 1855 916R Towns, by Rimmer, illustrated. 1881 I349& Gentleman's Pursuits. See Eardley-Wilmot's Life of T. A. Smith, 504F. Wakes See Brand's Antiquities, 1006M, &c. Country Love versus City Flirtation, a Rhyme by Sperry 77 5M Country Stories, by Mitford. 1850 1544^ "Country Parson." See Boyd (A. K. H.). County Boards. See Probyn's Local Government, 303R. Macmillan, 976J. Fort- nightly, 2125J. Courts. See Stubbs' History, 210-12O. Chambers, 1951J, &c. Franchise [Gladstone's Gleanings] 88 iZ Histories, &c. [Holroyd's Bradford] 331H Coup D'Etat, Story of the, by Maupas, trans, by Vandam, 2 vols 324-5O [The Overthrow of the Second French Republic and elevation of Louis Napoleon as Emperor of the French]. Courage [Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals] 711 -2F [Midler's Noble Deeds, &c] 92Q Course of Time, a Poem, by Pollok 503Z Coursing [Stonehenge's Rural Sports] 681T COURT and Camp of Buonaparte [Family Library] 98 & 1 58Z Diplomatic Life, by Lady Bloomfield, 2 vols. 1883 239-40H Private Life of Queen Charlotte, Journals of Mrs. Papendiek, edited by her Granddaughter, Mrs. Broughton, 2 vols. 1887 946-7F Society from Elizabeth to Anne, by the Duke of Manchester 65-6F Life below Stairs, or London under the Georges [1714-1830], by Molloy, 4 vols. 1882-3 443-60 of London from 1819 to 1825, by Rush. 1873 354K the Tuileries, from the Restoration to the Flight of Louis Philippe, by Lady Jackson, 2 vols. 1883 981-2R Life [1760-1830]. See Fitzgerald's Royal Dukes and Princesses of the Family of George III., 74-5 F, &c. Court (J. De La, of Guernsey). See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2., p. 142], 362B. Courthope (W. J.), Addison [English Men of Letters]. 1884 1054O Courtney (L. T.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. _ Courts of Justice, &.c. See McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. &c. Court8h.ip. See Blackwood, 148J. Chambers, 1956 and 1960J. Fraser, 635J. Once a Week, 2280J. Temple Bar, 1376 J. Love, Marriage, &c. Courtship of Miles Standish [Longfellow's Poems] 323Q Cousin (Victor) [Senior's Conversations] 434-5II Coutino (F. De V.,_/7. 1700). See Longfellow's Poets of Europe, 473D. Coutts (Baroness Burdett). See Burdett-Coutts. Covenant, Scottish. ^Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 297-300D. Brodie's British Empire, 213-4H, &c. COVENANTERS, Lays of the, by Dodds, &c, Memoir of the Author, by the Rev. J. Dodds. 1880 618O Scottish, by Taylor 953Z The. See Gardiner's History of England, 467-8O. Montrose Memoirs, 403 F, &c. Coventry Fair. See Brand's Antiquities, 10C5M, &c. Coventry (Sir W., Politician, b. 1628, d. 1686) [Pcpys' Diary] 902O [162] COV ENGLISH SECTION. GOX Coverdale (Miles, translator of the Bible, b. 1488, d. 1568), Re- mains of. 1846 215A Writings and Translations of. 1844 214A See also Letters of the Martyrs, 270M. Moulton's English Bible, 4i8M, &c. COW, The. See Lindsay's Mind in Lower Animals, 711-2F. Mowbray's Breeding, 173R. Cattle, Farming, &c. Cowley (A., Lyric Poet, b. 1618, d. 1667), Poetical Works and Life by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain], 3 vols. 1807 3H-3Z Sec also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Cowley (Lord). See Greville Memoirs, &c. Gowper (B. H. ), Popular Lectures on the Evidences of Religion. 1870 27 1 M Cowper (Mary, Countess, b. 1685, d. 1724), Lady of the Bed- chamber to the Princess of Wales before her Accession to the Throne as Queen of George II. Diary of [17 14- 1720], edited by the Hon. Spencer Cowper. 1865 199F Cowper (W., Poet, b. 1731, d. 1800), Complete Poetical Works and Memoir, by Stebbing. 1840 1572Z Letters of, and Sketch of his Life [R.T.S.] 995Q edited by Johnson , H5 r Z Poems, 2 vols. 1808 487-8Z Table Talk and Poems. 1867 339Q by Goldwin Smith [English Men of Letters]. 1880 1063O Life of, by Taylor. 1833 967Q See also Bagehot's Studies, 863H. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Jones' Poets, 660M. Thomson's Friendships, 564O, &c. and Rousseau. Sec Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1104R, &c Cowper (Prof.) and others, Home Teachings in Science, illustrated... 810Z Cowtan (R.), Memories of the British Museum. 1872 894II Cox (C. C. and S. S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Cox (G. M.), M. A., The Crusades [Epochs of History]. 1874 152Z Cox (Sir G. W., b. 1827), M.A., and Sankey (C), U. A., Joint Editors [Epochs of Ancient History], 10 vols. V.D. : Greece. Athenian Empire, by Cox 1813Z Greeks and Persians, by Cox 1814Z Spartan and Theban Supremacies, by Sankty 1818Z Rise of the Macedonian Empire, by Curteis 1815Z Rome. Early Rome, by Ihne 1816Z Gracchi, Marius and Sulla, by Beesly 1810Z Roman Empire of the Second Century, by Capes 1812Z — History, the Early Empire, by Capes 1811Z — Triumvirates, by Merivale > 1817Z Rome and Carthage, by Smith 1819Z Cox (Sir G. W.), M.A., Life of Bishop Colenso, 2 vols. 1888 621-2F Cox (S.), D.D., Genesis of Evil and other Sermons, mainly Ex- pository. 1880 272M Salvator Mundi : or is Christ the Saviour of all Men ? 1878 1226M The House and its Builder, with other Discourses, a Book for the Doubtful. 1889 1220M The House and its Builder. Origin of Evil. A Working Hypothesis. Groans of Nature. Groans of Humanity. Groans of the Spirit. In- ferences and Uses. Mercy and Justice. Sea of Care and the Harbour of Trust. A Sermon to the Young. Lessons of the Rod. Essentials of Religion. A Farewell Discourse. Cox (S.), Ed. The Expositor [Devoted to the Exposition of the Sacred Scriptures] from vol. 1. 1875 55 1 J [163] COX GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CRA Cox (S.), Ed. The Expositor {continued.) Containing Contributions by the Dean of Canterbury, Rev. A. Maclaren, \\.\. : Canon Farrar, D.D. ; Rev. James Morrison, D.D. ; Prof. Plump- tre, D.D. ; Rev. H. R. Reynolds, D.D. ; Rev. J. Oswald Dykes, D.D. ; Prof. A. B. Davidson, M.A. ; Canon Perowne, D.D. ; Rev. Alex. Releigh, D.D. ; Rev. Henry Allon, D.D. ; Prof. Stanley Leathes, M.A.; Rev. K. W. Dale, M.A. ; Rev. Marcus Dodds, D.D. ; Rev. A. B. Bruce ; Rev. Henry Burton, B.A., &c. Coxe(A. C). See Harper's Index. 1640 Ja. Poets of America. 468D, &c. Coxe (Henry O.). See Burgon's Twelve Good Men, 661F. Coxon (Ethel). See Fiction Class following the General Catalogue. Cozzens(F. S.). See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Poets of America, 468D. Crab Fish and Lobsters. See Harlwisfs The Sea and its Living Wonders, 757F. Bell's British Crustacea, 750F. Buckley's Life, &c, 106R. Hart's World of the Sea, 755F and 807F. Duncan's Sea Shore, 627Q. Eraser's Seaside Naturalist, 590Q. Gosse's A Year at the Shore, 586Q. Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q, &c. Crabb (G., Legal Writer, b. 1778, d. 1851), History of English Law 1077F Technical Dictionary Explaining the Terms used in all Arts and Sciences, illustrated. 1851 533^ Crabbe (G., Poet, b. 1754, d. 1832), M.A., Author of a System of Natural Theology. 1840 47 2A Tales of the Hall [Poems], 2 vols. 1819 435-6D [Poems]. 1814 438D Poemsof. 1813 434D Poetical Works of. 1829 437L> with Life of the Author, by his son, 8 vols. 1834 : Vol. i.-Life, by his Son 525Q Vol. 2. — Library, Village, Newspaper, Parish Register, Birth of Flattery, Hall of Justice, Woman, &c 526Q Vols. 3-4. — The Borough, Occasional Pieces, World of Dreams, Tales, &c. . 527-8Q Vol. 5. —Tales {continued), Flirtation, Occasional Pieces 5 2Q Q Vols. 6-7.— Tales of the Hall, &C 531Q Vol. 8.— Posthumous Tales, &c . . •. 532Q See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 28F. Griswoid's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1103R, &c. Craig (Miss I.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Craig (J. D.), M.A., Handbook to the Modern Provencal Language. 1203R Craik (G. L., Scotch Historian and Scholar, b. 1798, d. 1866), M.A., History of British Commerce, from the Earliest Times, 3 vols in 1. 1884 M93^ Literature and Learning in England, from the Conquest to the Time of Elizabeth, 6 vols in 3. 1844 1144-6Z Spenser and his Poetry, 3 vols. 1845 302-3T and Mac Farlane (C), The Pictorial History of England during the Reign of George the Third, 4 vols. 1841 441-4B Craik (Mrs. Dinah M., Novelist, wife of G. L. Craik, b. 1826,^.1887). Sec Muloch (Miss). Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Craik (G. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Craik(IL), M.A., Life of Dean Swift. 1882 522F The State in its Relation to Education [English Citizen Series] 29 iR Cranch. (C. P.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Poets of America, 468D, &c. Crane (The). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 646Q, &c. Crane (Prof. T. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Crariesnnd Machinery, Construction of, by Glynn. 1849 359T See Ure's Dictionary, 6D. Cranmer (T., Archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1489, burnt at Oxford, 1556), Writings and Letters of, 2 vols. 1846 9-10A Lifeof[R.T.S] 169Z See also Burke's Historial Portraits, 541F. Froude's England, 192-6O. Green's English People, 190H. Lardner's Cab. Cyclo., 283T, &c. Crapsey (E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oja. [164] CRA ENGLISH SECTION. CRE Crashaw (R., Poet, b. 1613, d. 1649). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. rt CrassUS (Marcus). 6V Russia, abridged from the French [Travellers' Library]. 1856 1264R Customs. See Smith's Moral Sentiments, 588H. Also under Habit, Man, Races, &c. and Domestic Arts. See Timbs' Works, 855Z, Sec. and Laws. See Timbs' Works, 851Z, &c. Clubs and the Stock Exchange. See Williams' Facts and Fallacies, 288R, &c. Curious. See Timbs' Knowledge for the People, 1747Z, Sec. See Dew's Nations, 53H. Society, Places, e.g., England, France, &c. Customs, H.M. See Pascoe's Professions, 251 R. Examinations, &c. Duties, Taxation, &c. See Temple's India, 486K. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1027-8F. Peto's Taxation, 1016F, &c. Custom House, Government Offices [Land we Live in] 464B Russian. See Meignan's Siberian Snows, 81 iK, &c. Cutleries of Sheffield [Land we Live in] 464B Cuts, Treatment of. See Girl's Book, 1257H. Cutter (H. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Cutter (O. W.,7?. 1848). See Poets of America, 468 D, &c. Cuttle-fish. See Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q. Brown's Science for All, 62713a, &c. CuttS (E. L.), B.A., Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages, ill. 940F Cuvier (Baron G., French Naturalist, b. 1769, d. 1832), Essay on the Theory of the Earth, with Geological Illustrations by Jameson. 1827 697D - See also Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 659Q, Sec. Cycling, by Bury and Hillier [Badminton Library] illustrated. 1887. 1128M Bicycling, its Theory and Practice, illustrated. 1878 1142M [Richardson's Common Health] 843M See also Chambers' Journal, 1961J. Knowledge, 2585J. Longman's Maga- zine, 892 and 893J. Nineteenth Century, 2227J. Bicycle Riding, &c. Cyclones. See Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 843K. Temple's India, 486K. Storms, Winds, &c. Cyclopaedia of Literature [Chambers'], 8 vols .. 1857-64Z Popular Songs 485Z Sermons [Pulpit Cyclopaedia] 455A Cyclopaedias. See lire's Dictionary of Arts, 6-9D. Dayle's Practical Hus- bandry, 844D. Eadie's Biblical Cyclopaedia, 12M. _ Knight's British Empire, 88-9B. Poole's Index, R.L. See also Dictionaries, Encyclo- paedias, and under Subjects, &c. Cyphers [National Miscellany] 1034H Cyprus, as I saw it in 1870, by Baker. 1879 .- 4 6oK British, by Dixon. 1879 ••• • 461K See also Brassey's Cruises, 1681R. Green's Bible Lands, 328B, &c. Cyrus (The Elder, Founder 0/ the Persian Empire, b. 592, killed 529 B.C.)- See Ewald's Israel, 65 K. Mitford's Greece, 101-8H. Rolhn's Ancient History, 66H. Persia, &c. Cyrus (The Younger, Satrap of Lydia, killed 401 B.C.), Expedition of, by Xenophon, translated 1 1 79H Czars. See Names, e.g., Peter the Great, Russia, &c. D AB, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fishes, &c. Dabney (Miss), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Dabney (R.L.), D.D., Life and Campaigns of Stonewall Jackson.... 735O Dace, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 81 iF. Fishes, &c. [1723 DAC ENGLISH SECTION. DAN Dacll (S., b. 1605, d. 1659) [Longfellow's Poets of Europe] 473^ Dadd(R-). See Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-6Fa. DaBmonomania [Millingen's Curiosities] 927K Daguerrotype. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D. Dahomey and Dahomans, by Forbes. 1851 629K People of. See Brown's Races of Mankind, 156D, &c. Dairies. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Farming, &c. Dairy Farming. See Heath's Peasants' Life, 1329R. Farming, etc. Dale (IT.), M.A., Ed. History of the Peloponnesian War, by Thucy- dides [Bohn Library], 2 vols. 1853-4 1177-8H Dale (R. W., Independent Minister, b. 1829), M.A., Laws of Christ for Common Life. 1884 637M > See also Reuss (E.). Dale (T.), M.A., and others. Hints on the Culture of Character ... 273M Dalei (B. ) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473^ Dalgairns (J. D., known as Bernard, Priest of the Oratory, born at Guernsey, 1818, d. 1876), M.A., Trans., St. Mark, by S. Thomas Aquinas [Commentary on the Four Gospels]. 1842 402 A Dalh.OU.sie (Earl, Governor of India). See Cassell's India, 229D. Holme's Indian Mutiny, 470H. Temple's India, 464H. Trotter's India under Victoria, 538-9H, &c. Dall (C. II.), My First Holiday, or Letters Home. 1881 1695R Dall (W. II.), Alaska and its Resources. 1870... 602B Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. — — Ed., Pre-Historic America, by Nadaillac ; tr. by D'Anvers, illustrated. 1885 897F Dallas (M. K. ), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Dalling and Bulwer (Henry, Lord, Statesman and Author, Brother of Lord Lytton, b. 1804, d. 1872), Sir Robert Peel, an Historical Sketch. 1874 >. 421F See also Cox's Colenso, 621-2F. Dallinger (W. H., Wesleyan Minister and Scientist, b. 184 1), LL.D., The Creator, and what we know of the Method of Creation [Fernley Lecture, 1887]. 1887 823D Dalrymple (Sir J., Author, b. 1J26, d. 1810). See Burton's Scotland, 336-7H, Sec. Dalton (II.), Drawing-room Plays and Evening Amusements 1526Z Daly (Frederick), Henry Irving in England and America, 1838-84... 730O Damagetes (6. 209 B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &C. Damascenus (J., Greek Ecclesiastical JFriter,d. 756). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Damascus, Five Years in, by Porter, illustrated, 2 vols. 1855 1550-1R ! and the Lebanon [Green's Bible Lands] 328B Petra and Cairo, in 1839, by Kinnear. 1841 1531R See also Bellow's Europe, 1399K. Ewald's Israel, 64K. Lynch's United States' Expedition, 615B, &c. Damask. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D. Dainpier (W., Buccaneer, b. 1652, d. 1710) [Adam's Heroes] 978Q Cavendish, and Drake [Family Library]. 1832 1070Q Dana (C. A., American Author, b. 1819), Collector and Ed., The Household Book of Poetry. 1858 476D Contents. —Addison, Akenside, Aldrich, Allingham, Allston, Anacreon Angelo, Anster, Antipater of Sidon, Arnold (E.), Arnold (M.), Aytoun, Baillie, Barbauld, Barnard, Bamfield, Barton, Baxter, Bayly, Beattie, Beaumont and Fletcher, Beddoes, Bellman, Bennett (H.), Bennett (W. C), Beranger, Bethune, Blanchard, Blackburn, Blake, Bonar, Bourne, Bouring, Bowles, Brainard, Breithaupt, Breton, Bristol, Browning (E. B.), Browning (R.), Brown, Browne, Brooks, Bryant, Bulwer, Burbidge, Burleigh, Burton, Burns, Butler, Byron, Byrd, Callistratus, Campbell, Camoens, Canning, Carew, Chalkhill, Channing, Chatterton, Chaucer, Clare, Claudius, Clough, Coleridge [173] DAN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. " DAN Dana (C. A.), The Household Book of Poetry— {continued.) (H.), Coleridge (S. T.), Collins (A.), Collins (W.), Colman, Cooke, Cor- bett, Cornwall, Cotton (C), Cotton (N.), Cowley, Cowper, Cranch, Crashaw, Crawford, Croly, Cunningham, Curtis, Damascenus, Dana, Daniel, Darley, Davison, DeVere, Derzhavin, Dibdin, Dickens, Dimond, Dobell, Doddridge, Dommett, Dowland, Downing, Drake, Drayton, Drummond, Dryden, DufFerin, Dunbar, Dwight, Dyer, Eastman, Elliott, Emerson, Fenner, Ferguson, Fields, Fletcher, (G.), Fletcher (P.), Fortunatus, Freiligrath, Freneau, Fulcher, Gay, Gerhard, Gilman, Glazier, Glen, Goldsmith, Goethe, Gray, Grant, Greene, Habington, Halleck, Hamilton, Hart, Harte, Heber, Heine, Hemans, Herbert. Herrick, Heywood, Hill, Hoffman, Hogg, Holmes, Hcelty, Hood, Horace, Howitt (M.), Howitt (\V.), Howe, Hoyt, Hugo, Hunt, Hunter, Hyslop, Ingram, Jones (E.), Jones (SirW.), Jonson, Keats, Keble, Kemble, Kenyon, Key, Kingsley, King, Korner, Lamb (C), Lamb (M.), Landor, Leonidas of Alex- andria, List, Logan, Longfellow, Lovelace, Lover, Lowell (J. R ), Lowell (M. W.), Lurher, Lyly, M'Carthy, Macaulay, Mackay, Maclean, M'Master, Macniel, Maginn, Mallett, Marlowe, Marvel 1, Massey, Mendoza, Mercer, Meredith, Merrick, Messinger, Miller, Milliken, Milman, Milnes, Milton, Moir, Montgomery (A.), Mont- gomery (J.), Moore (C. C), Moore (T.), More, Motherwell, Moultrie, Mueller, Neele, Newton, Noel, Norris, Norton, Ogilvie, O'Keefe, Orleans, Parsons, Percival, Percy, Philostratus, Pierpont, Pinkney, Poe, Pope, Praed, Pringle, Prout, Prudentius, Q,uarles (F.) Quarles (J.), Raleigh, Ramsay, Randolph, Read, Roberts, Ronsard, Roscoe(W. S.), Roscoe (W.), Salis, Sandys, Sappho, Schiller, Scott, Shakspeare, Shenstone, Shelley, Shirley, Sidney, Simmons, Simonides, Skelton, Smith (H.), Smith (C), Smits, Southey (C. B.), Southey (R.), Spencer, Spenser, Stanley, Sterling, Sternhold, Still, Stoddard (L.), . Stoddard (R. H.), Stoddart, Story, St. Gregory the Great, St. Ambrose, Suckling, Surrey, Surville, Swain, Sylvester, Tate and Brady, Tanna- hill, Taylor(B.), Taylor (J.), Terry, Tersteegen, Tennyson, Thackeray, Thurlow, Toplady, Trench, Tuckerman, TJhlaild, Vaughan, Very, Vicente, Villegas, Visscher, 'Waller (E.), Waller (J. F.), Walton, Warton, Wastell, Watson, Watts, Welby, Wesley, Westwood, Wilde, Willmott, Wilson, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wither, Woodworth, Wordsworth, Whittier, White (H. K.), White (B.), Wolfe, Wotton, Wyat, Xavier, Youl, Zedlitz. Dana (J. D., American Mathematician and Geologist, b. 1813), Manual of Geology, with special reference to American Geological History, illustrated. 1875 680D Mineralogy, including Observations on Mines, Rocks, &c. 1874 410R Dana (R. H., junr., American Author and Barrister, b. 1815, d. 1882), Two Years Before the Mast 1731R DanafR. H., Senr., American Poet, b. 1787, d. 1879). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets of America, 468 D, &c. Danby (Thomas Osborne, Earl of, Statesman, b. 1631, d. 1712). Sec Stoughton's Religion in England, 94-5M, &c. Dancing. See Smith's Essays, 462M. Valentine's Girl's own Book, 1187R. Young Lady's Book, 983M. English Illustrated, 1991J. Once a Week, 22S0J. Temple Bar, 1344J, &c. Dandie3. See Lennox's Celebrities, 1014H, See. Danes. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. All the Year Round, 1773J. Leisure Hour, 2622J. Den- mark, &c. Daniel (Jewish Prophet, JI. about 607 B.C.). See Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K. Rollin, 66H. Milman's Jews, 157Q. Robinson's Scripture Char- acters, 151K. Bible, Commentaries, &c. Daniel (A., Provencal Poet) [Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe] 473 D Daniel (Mrs. M.). .SV*? Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Daniel (S., English Poet, b. 1562, d. 1619) [Dana's Household Book of Poetry] 47 6D [174] DAN ENGLISH SECTION. DAR Daniels (W. II.), A.M., That P.oy : Who shall have him ? 1878 ... 268R Danish. Language and Poetry. See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Fortnightly Review, 2092J. Denmark, 6cc. Dante Alighieri {Italian Poet, b. 1265, d. 1321), The Divine Comedy, translated by Longfellow. 1867 713M Divine Comedy, translated by Dugdale, &c. v.n 714 and 809- 10M Inferno, 714M. Purgatorio, 809M. Paradiso, 810M. An Essay, by R. W. Church, and a translation of De Monor- chia, by F. C. Church, 1878 600O by Oliphant [Foreign Clas. for Eng. Read.]. 1S79 1175O Life of, by Balbo, translated by Bunbury, 2 vols. 1852 5990 See also Howell's Tuscan Cities, 674B. Humboldt's Cosmos, 484R. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Oliphant's Makers of Florence, 359O. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Danton (G. J., French Politician, b. 1759, guillotined 1794). See Alison's Europe, 120-22O. Baker's French Society, 333O. Thiers' French Revolution, 376-7H. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Dantonists. See Desmoulins, 228F, &c. Danube. See Alison's Europe, 125-33O. Fraser's Magazine, 632J, &c. D'Anvers (N. [N. R. E. Bell]), Elementary History of Art, Archi- tecture, Sculpture, Painting, with Introduction by Prof. Smith, illustrated. 1882 1095M Raphael [Great Artists]. 1879 1106O D'Arbouville (Countess). See Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue. Darby (J. N.), Works of, edited by Kelly :— Apologetic, 61-2M. Critical, 71M. Doctrinal, 63-6M. Ecclesiastical, 67-9M. Evangelic, 72M. Practical, 70M. Prophetic, 73-6M. Sy- nopsis of the Books of the Bible, 56-60M. Dare (Joan). Sec Joan of Arc. Dardanelles. See Bellow's Europe, 1399R, &c. D' Arezzo (F. G.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Euope, 473D, Sec. Darien Company. See Burton's Scotland, 336-7H, &c. Darius (I. and III., Kings 0/ Persia). Sec Mitford's Greece, 107-8H. Rollin's Ancient History, 66H. Alexander the Great, Greece, Persia, &c. Darley (G., Irish Poet, b. 1785, d. 1849). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Darmesteter (J.), Trans. [Midler's Sacred Books of the East, vol. 4] 562A Darning. See Girls' Own Indoor Book, 1527H. Beeton's Needlework, 1143M, &c. Darnley (H. Stuart, Lord ; Consort of Mary, Queen of Scots, b. 1541, killed 1567). See Froude's England, 195O. Green's English People, 190H. Strick- land's Mary Queen of Scots, 793O. .Scotland, &c. Darrell (J.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Darton (J. M.), Famous Girls who have become Illustrious Women of our Time, illustrated. 1880 1326O Heroism of Christian Women of our Own Time 1 3 10O Darwin (Charles R., Celebrated Naturalist, b. 1809, d. 1882), F.R.S., Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, illustrated. 1874 25R Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the same Species. 1877 18R Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom. 23R Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, illus. 1872 ... 24R Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms, with Observations on their Habits, ill. 1881 21R Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle round the World, illus. 1852 26R Natural History and Geology of Countries Visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, 2 vols. 1845 6 34"5Q [175] BAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DAV Darwin (Charles R.), Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selec- tion, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. 1882 22R Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, ill. 1874 19R Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, ill. 186S... 717-8F and Darwin (F.), Power of Movement in Plants, ill. 1880 ... 20R — - Life and Letters of, including an Autobiographical Chapter, Edited by his Son, Francis Darwin, 3 vols. 18S7 612-4F See also Humboldt's Cosmos, 483 and 487 R. Kerner's Flowers, &c, 87R. I, yell's Geology, 726-7Q. Collin's Pen Sketches, 1054R. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L., &c. Dates, Coincidences of. See Chambers, 1953J. Leisure Hour, 2637J. See also Chronology. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, R.L., &c. Dates. The Date-palm. See Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Earth's Central Africa, 844 K, &c. Daubeny (C, Naturalist, b. 1795, d. 1867), F.R.S., Description of Volcanoes. 1848 7°6D Daughters [What Girls can Do, by Browne] 980M of England, by Mrs. Ellis. 1842 928R [Mrs. Ellis's Family Monitor] 186D See also Home Amenities, 945M. Valentine's Home Amenities, 976M, &c. Dauphie (C. J.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. D'Auvergne (P., French Poet, 13th Ceutury). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Davenant (Sir W., Dramatist, b. 1605, d. 1668) [Hamilton's Poets Laureate] 927O Davenport (R. A., Miscellaneous Writer, b. 1777, d. 1852), History of the Bastile. 1838 [Family Library] 1647Z Life of Ali Pasha of Tepeleni, Vizier of Epirus, surnamed Asian, or the Lion. 1837 183Z Narratives of Peril and Suffering, 2 vols. 1840 289-90T [Family Library], 2 vols. 1840 1659-60Z Davenport (W. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. David {King of Israel, about 1048, d. 1015 B.C.). See Ewald's Israel, 63K. In- man's Ancient Faiths, 95-6K. Milman's Jews, 157Q. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Good Words, 2185J, &c. David (I. and II:, Kings of Scotland). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 205H. Scotland, &c. Davids (T. W. Rhys), Buddhism, The Life and Teachings of Gautama, the Buddha [S.P.C.K.]. 1878 95Q Tr. [Midler's Sacred Books of the East, vol. 2] 569A Davidson (A.), Sermons in Blank Verse 230K Davidson (E. A.), Pretty Arts for Ladies. 1879 866D Davidson (G. F.), Trade and Travel in the Far East, Recollections of twenty-one years in Java, Singapore, Australia, and China. 1652R Davidson (S., Irish Biblical Scholar, b. 1807), D.D., The Canon of the Bible : its Formation, History and Fluctuations. 1877... 238Q Davidson (— ), Tr., The Works of Virgil, with Notes and Life of the Author. 1851 1191H Davidson (T., Scotch Poet, b. 1838, d. 1870) [Japp's Labour, &c.].., 951Q Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Davies (C. M.) D.D., Heterodox London, or Phases of Free Thought in the Metropolis, 2 vols. 1874 35-6K Mystic London, Phases of Occult Life in the Metropolis. 1875... 37^ Orthodox London, or Religious Life in the Metropolis. 1876 ... 283M Unorthodox London, or Phases of Religious Life in the Church of England. 1876 282M Davies (Lady C), Recollections of Society in France and England, 2 vols. 1873 920-1R [176] DAV ENGLISH SECTION. DAW Davies (E.), American Scenes and Christian Slavery. 1849 708K Davies (G. C), Mountain, Meadow, and Mere, a Series of Outdoor Sketches of Sport, Scenery, Adventures, and Natural History, illustrated. 1874 1345R Davies (J.), M.A., Catullus, Tibullus and Propertius [Collin's Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 188c 1161Q Hesiod and Theognis [Collins' Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1873 1098Q Davies ([. H.), B. A., Life of Baxter. 1887 592F Davies (Dr. M.), Fun Ancient and Modern. 1878 t 9 22 -3 R Davies (N.), F.R.G.S., Carthage and Her Remains, illustrated. 1861 876F Davies (T.), Preparation and Mounting of Microscopic Objects 728Z Davis (C, Queen Victoria's Huntsman) [Lennox's Celebrities] 1017H Davis (Christian). See Clayton's Female Warriors, 644O. Davis (Jefferson, President of Confederate States, b. 1808). See Pollard's Lost Cause, 271D. Boutwells Rebellion, 402O. Peyton's American Crisis, 399-400O. United States, History, &c. Davis (J. F., Commissioner to China, b. 1795), F.R.S., The Chinese, a General Description of China and its Inhabitants, il ustrated, 4 vols in 2. 1845-51 654-5Z — the Empire of China and its Inhabitants [Library of Entertaining Knowledge], illustrated, 2 vols. 1836 656-7Z Davis (Mrs. J. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Davis (R. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Davis (Thomas), Ed. Speeches of Quran and a Memoir. 1845 898II Davis (T. R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Davison (A. B.), A Thousand Thoughts from various Authors selected and arranged. 1880 IH3R Davison (F.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Davitt (Michael, Irish Leader, b. 1846), Leaves from a Prison Diary, or Lectures to a Solitary Audience, 2 vols. 1885 1177-8R Davoust (L. N., French Marshal, b. 1770, d. 1823). See Alison's Europe, 121-380. French History, Napoleon, &c. Davy (Sir H., Chemist and Physicist, b. 1778, d. 1829), LL.D., Con- solations in Travel, or the Last Days of a Philosopher. 1838 117T Life of, by Paris, 2 vols. 1831 209-10 and 654-5F See also Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Brougham's Philoso- phers, 507R. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Living Age, 3034 and 3o8qJ, &c. Dawes (R., Dean of Hereford, b. 1792, d. 1867), A.M., Suggestive Hints towards Improved Secular Instruction for the Use of Teachers. 1851 151 3-4Z Dawes (R., b. 1803). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. DawkillS (W. Boyd, Geologist, b. 1838), F.R.S., Early Man in Britain and His Place in the Tertiary Period, illustrated. 1880 859F Dawnings of Genius, Eminent Persons of the Last Century, by Pratt. 205Z Dawson (E. C), M.A., Life and Work of Tames Hannington. 1887 691O Dawson (G., Preacher and Politician, b. 1821, d. 1876), M.A., Three Books of God — Nature, History and Scripture, edited by St. Clair. 1882.., 285M Dawson (H. B.), The Federalist, a Collection of Essays written on the Constitution of the United States. 1864 1021F Dawson (Sir J. W., Geologist, b. 1820), LL.D., Egypt and Syria, their Physical Features in Relation to Bible History [R.T.S.], illustrated. 1885 252M Fossil Men and their Modern Representatives, an Attempt to Illustrate the Characters and Condition of Pre-historic Men in Europe, by those of the American Races, illustrated. 1883 1023M [177] DAW GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DEC Dawson (Sir J. W.) Life's Dawn on Earth, being the History of the Oldest known Fossil Remains and their Relations to Geological Time and to the Development of the Animal Kingdom, illustrated. 1875 160R Modern Science in Bible Lands. 1888 1212M Story of the Earth and Man, illustrated. 18S0 !59R The Chain of Life in Geological Time, a Sketch of the Origin and Succession of Animals and Plants [R.T.S.], illustrated... 409R The Geological History of Plants [International Scientific Series], illustrated. 1888 549R Dax. See Health Haunts, 810Q, &c. Day, The Life and Length of Days. See Timbs' Works, 854Z, &c. Days of the Year, Holidays, Fasts, &c. See Timbs' Works, 855Z. Day (A.), LL.D., Summary and Analysis of the Dialogues of Plato [Bohn's Library]. 1870 1173H Day (S. P.), Life and Society in America, 2 vols. 1880 698-9K Day (W. J.), Life and Letters of Edward Gibbon, with the History of the Crusades 1 339O Day after To-morrow, or Fata Morgana [on Government, &c.], edited by W. De Tyne. 1858 924R De. French names with this prefix are generally catalogued under the name. D'Azara (Don FA See Azara (Don F. D.). Dead, The. See Inman's Faiths, 96K. Anspach's Sepulchres of our Departed, 1222M. Death, &c. Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, from the French of Havard, by A. Wood, illustrated. 1875 463K Dead Sea, United States' Expedition to the, by Lynch, ill. ...615B and 840 K Sea, The. See Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Deaf and Dumb Alphabet. See Kitto's Lost Senses, 1471Z, &c. Dumb and Blind, Anecdotes of the, See Chambers' Miscellany, 625R. Deafness. See Kitto's Lost Senses, 1471Z. Living Age, 3031, 3038 and 3043J, &c. Dealtry (W., Archdeacon of Surrey, b. 1775,^. 1847), B.D., Sermons at the Parish Church of Clapham. 1827 231K Deane (C. P.). A Short History of Ireland. 1886 1516O Dearie (Mary). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Deane (W. J.), M.A. See E.xell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A, &c. Dear Neighbours, The [England and France], by Max O'Rell 1254R DEATH, Reflections on, by Dodd. 1830 21Z Sickness and Loss of Friends, Thoughts on. 1820 489M Life and Health. See Timbs' Works, 854Z. See also Inman's Faiths, 96K. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Owen's Another World, 431M. Pressens6's Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M. Twi- ning's Symbols, 507 M, &c. Deaths. See Malthus' Population, 1093-4F, &c. or Last Hours of Christians, by Clissold [S.P.C.K.]. 1847 974Q Debates on the Grand Remonstrance, November and December, 1641, by Forster. i860 281O De BeauV9ir (O. and W., of Guernsey). See Sarnia [pp. 13 and 19], 1416O De Bouvoir (of Guernsey). See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2, pp. 171-173], 362B. De Bow (J. D. B.), Statistical View of the United States. 1854 130D Debt. See Walker's Science of Wealth, 1025F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1028F. Chambers, 1937J. Fraser, 627 L Nineteenth Century, 2223J, &c. De Butts (Lieut.), Rambles in Ceylon. 1841 1511R Decamps (A. G., French Landscape and Animal Painter, b. 1803, d. i860). See Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076 M, &c. Decazes (E., Due de, French Statesman, b. 1780, d. i860). See Alison's Europe, ^Q-^O, &c. Deccan, The. See Temple's India, 464H. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K, &c. December. See Howitt's Seasons, 572Q. Leisure Hour, 2635J, &c. Deception, Imposture and Credulity [Family Library]. 1837 1824Z [178] DEO ENGLISH SECTION. DEL Decimal System in Numbers, Coins and Accounts, by Bowring. 1854 1123M Decimals. See Mathematics, &c. Decision, The, or Religion must be All 180T Decker (J. De, Dutch Poet, b. 1610, d. 1666). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Decomposition. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D. Decoration of Ceilings, Walls and Floors, by James, ill. 1883 366T Set also Ruskin's Two Paths, 850R. Art at Home Series. Marshall's Cere- monials (i38o), 939F. Fraser, 641 J. Harper, 1629J, &c. Decorative Art. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Art, Design, &c. Decorative Design, Principles of, by Dresser 9 2 3D — — Painting, by Saward 1066M Decorum, Bazar Book of [Care of the Person, Ceremonials, &c] 1431Z De Cosson (E. A.), F.R.G.S., The Cradle of the Blue Nile, a visit to the Court of King John of Ethiopia, 2 vols., ill. 1877 ...1565-6R De Costa (B. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. De Custine (Marquis). See Custine (Marquis de). Deeds of Naval Daring, by Giffard. 1854 I161Z Deer, The. See Jarcline's Naturalists' Library, 660 and 664Q. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Blackwood, 208J. Hunting, &c. Deffand. (Madame Du, French Wit, b. 1697, d. 1780). See Hayward's Eminent Writers, 249F, &c. De Foe (Daniel, author of Robinson Crusoe \ b. 1663, d. 1731), His- tory of the Plague of London, 1665. Edited by Stebbing .., 141Z Journal of the Plague Year in London, 1665 [Fam. Lib.]. 1835 1650Z Novels and Miscellaneous Works ; with Prefaces and Notes, in- cluding those attributed to Sir Walter Scott, 7 vols [Bonn's Library]. V.D. : Vol. 1. — Captain Singleton, Colonel Jack 639R Vol. 2. — Memoirs of a Cavalier. Captain Carleton. Dickory Cronke. Everybody's Business is Nobody's Business 640R Vol. 3. — Moll Flanders. History of the Devil 641R Vol. 4. — Roxana : Fortunate Mistress. Life and Adventures of Mrs. Christian Davies. Mother Ross 642R Vol. 5. — Plague of London. Great Fire of London. The Storm : Remark- able Disasters in the Tempest of 1703. Poetical Essay on the Storm. True-born Englishman : a Satire 643R Vol. 6. — Life and Adventures of Duncan Campbell. New Voyage Round the World. Tracts relating to the Hanoverian Succession 644R Vol. 7'.— Adventures of Robinson Crusoe ; with Biographical Sketch of the Author 645R and Churchill (C), by Forster. 1855 1275R by Minto [English Men of Letters] 1064O See also Burton's Queen Anne, 236-8H. Burton's Scotland, 336-7!!. Cun- ningham's Eminent Englishmen, 24F. Knight's England, 151H. Russell's Eccentric Personages, 1307O. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1102R. Stoughton's Religion in England, 96M. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. De Forest (J. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Deformity and Fashion, by Flower. 1882 929F De Havilland (Major J., Sir P. and Captain T., of Guernsey). See Samia, 1416O. Deism. See Campbell's Church of the Future, 221 M. Religions, &c. Deistical Writers in England, by Leland, 2 vols. 180/ 496-7A Deities. See Gods, Idols, Heathen, See. Deity, The. See Dallinger's Creator, 823D, &c. De Jersey (of Guernsey). See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2, pp. 171-182], 362B. De Kay (C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. De La Condamine (H. M., of Guernsey). See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2, p. _ „ „ i95], 362B. De La Court (]., of Guernsey), R.C. See Samia [p. 5], 1416O. De Lancey (Col. O. and Capt. O. G., of Guernsey). See Samia [p. 47], 1416O. Delacroix (E.) [Hamerton's Graphic Arts] , 1076M DEL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DEM Delamer (E. S.), The Flower Garden. 1858 1501Z Deland (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Delavigne ([• F. C). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Delhi, Six Years in India, by Mrs. Mackenzie. 1857 836Q See also Cassell's India, 229D. Holme's Indian Mutiny, 470H. Prinsep's Imperial India, 816K. Temple's India, 464H, also under India. Delitzsch (F., German Theologian, b. 1813), D.D., Jewish Artisan Life in the Time of Our Lord, to which is Appended a Cri- tical Comparison between Jesus and Ilillel, translated by Monkhouse. 1 877 414M Dellaway (J.) Architecture in England, Norman era to Elizabeth... 21 5I) De Leon (E.V Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Delile (H. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. De Lisle (Lieut. P. T., and Surgeon R.T. V., of Guernsey), R.N. See Sarnia [p. 20], 1416O. De Lisle (T., J. and P., of Guernsey). See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2, p. in], 362B. Del Mar (A.), C.E., History of Money in Ancient Countries, from the Earliest Times to the Present. 1885 898F History of Precious Metals, from the Earliest Times to the Present. 1880 899F De Lolme (L., Writer, b. 1740, d. 1807), Constitution of England, The English Government compared with the Republican Form, and the other Monarchies in Europe, edited by W. H. Hughes. 1834 1008F Delphian Oracle. See Mitford's Greece, 101-6H, &c. Delphin Classics. See Valpy (A. J.) Deluge, Doctrine of the, by Harcourt, 2 vols. 1838 447-8 A See also Smith's Assyria, : 888 F. laving Age, 3041 J, &c. Deluge Legends. See Donnelly's World, 1017M, &c. Delusions, Epidemic [Este's Recreations in Science] 496R Popular, by Mackay, 2 vols. 1850 903-4M Demetrius I. (King of Macedon, b. 338, d. 283 B.C.). See Plutarch's Lives, 450F and 1135Q, &c. Demetrius. For Celebrities of this Name, see also Grecian and Ancient History. De Mille(J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Demochares. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 47AD. DEMOCRACY in America, by De Tocqueville, translated by Reeve, 2 vols 1019-0F and 409-10O [Mill's Discussions] 647II the United States, by Gillet. 1868.. 416O The Coming, by Harwood. 1882 249R Democracy. Sec also Alison's Europe, 119-37O. Escott's England and Its People, 1017F. May's Democracy [in Europe], 38-9H. Maine's Popular Government, irooF. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Demonology and Devil Lore, by Conway, 2 vols. 1879 909-0M Witchcraft, by Scott. 1830 1479Z Elizabethan, by Spalding 913M [Grant's Mysteries] ; 894F Demons. See Ralston's Russian Folk Tales, 943F. Demonology, Devil, &c. De Morgan [Mary). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Demosthenes {Athenian Orator and Statesman, b. 385, d., 322 B.C.), Orations against Philip, King of Macedon, trans, by Leland 1021 and 1190H and 1108Q Orations of, trans, by Kennedy. 1887 799M Private Orations of, after the text of Dindorf, with English notes by Penrose. 1853 1194H by Brodribb [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1880 1162Q See also Brougham's Dissertations and Addresses, 603R. Hood's Preachers, 541M. Mitford's Greece, 106-8H. Plutarch's Lives, 449F and 1135Q. Rollin, 67H. Blackwood, 192J. Ed. Review, 393J, &c. [ISO] DEM ENGLISH SECTION. DEQ Dempsey (G. D.), C.E., Rudimentary Treatise on the Drainage of - Towns and Buildings [Weale's Series] . 1 849 59§T Dempster (C. L. H.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Denison (G. A.), Notes of My Life [1805-1878]. 1878 220F Denison (M. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Denman (Sir J.), Poetical Works and Life by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807 310Z DENMARK, Industrial Arts before the Conquest of England, by Worsaae [South Kens. Handbooks]. 1882 1035M Revolutions in, by Andrews, 2 vols. 1774 •. 453-4H See also Alison's Europe [Navy, &c], 139-46O. Gosse's Literature, 960H. Koldewey's Arctic Expedition, 605B. Mallet's Northern An- tiquities, 1008M. Narjoux's Notes of an Architect, 484K. Stanford's Compendium, 854K. Taylor's Northern Travel, 857R. All the Year Round, 1771J. Leisure Hour, 2623J. Living Age, 3080J, &c. Dennis (G.), Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, illustrated. 1848... 439-40K The Cid, a Chronicle founded on the Early Poetry of Spain 459Z Dennis (J.), Ed., English Sonnets, a Selection. 1881 359Q Dent (C), The Testimony of the Stars to the Truths revealed in the Bible [Abridged from Rolleston's Mazzaroth]. 1879 553R Denudation [Lyell's Geology] 726-7Q D'Eon (Chevalier, Equerry to Louis XV., b. 1728, d. 1810). See Russell's Eccen- tric Personages, 1308O. Smith's Ambassadors, 6860. Once a Week, 2265J, &c. Depe (A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Deportment. See Nichols' Social Life, 1420Z. Etiquette, &c. De Quincey (Thomas, Essayist and Critic, b. 1785, d. 1859), Com- plete Works, 16 vols. v.d. : Vol. 1. — Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, &c 646 and 662R Vol. 2.— Recollections of the Lake Poets : Coleridge, Wordsworth and Southey 647R Vol. 3.— Spanish Military Nun. Last Days of Kant. System of the Heavens. Joan of Arc. Roman Meals. Modern Superstition 648R Vol. 4. — Murder as One of the Fine Arts. Revolt of the Tartars. Templars' Dialogues on Political Economy. War. English Mail-Coach . . 649R Vol. 5. — Shelley. Whiggism in its Relation to Literature. Goldsmith. Wordsworth's Poetry. Keats. Homer and the Homeridas .... 650R Vol. 6. — Judas Iscariot. Richard Bentley. Cicero. Secret Societies. Milton 651R Vol. 7.— Walking Stewart. Marquess Wellesley. Schlosser's Literary History of the Eighteenth Century. Protestantism. Pagan Oracles. Miracles. Casuistry. Greece under the Romans .... 652R Vol. 8. — Pope. Greek Tragedy. Language. French and English Manners. Lamb. Herodotus. Plato's Republic. Sortilege and Astrology. Landor 653R Vol. 9. — The Caesars. Theban Sphinx. Essenes. Aelius Lamia 654R Vol. 10.- -Incognito. Rhetoric. Milton. Revolution of Greece. Style. The Dice 655R Vol. 11.— Ceylon. King of Hayti. Coleridge and Opium-Eating. Toilet of the Hebrew Lady. Temperance Movement. Milton v. Southey and Landor. Fatal Marksman. Christianity as an Organ of Political Movement. Godwin, Forster and Hazlitt. Falsification of English History 656R Vol. 12. — Lord Carlisle on Pope. Works of Mackintosh. Anecdotage. Herder. Universal History on a Cosmo-Political Plan. Charle- magne. Goethe's Wilhelm Meister. Lessing 657R Vol. 13. — Letters to a Young Man whose Education has been Neglected. Orthographic Mutineers. Richter. Art of Conversation. Pre- sence of Mind. Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth. Antigone of Sophocles. Traditions of the Rabins. Modern Greece 658R Vol. 14.- Autobiographical Sketches 659R [I8l] DEQ GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BES De Quincey (Thomas), Complete Works — {continued.) Vol. 15.— Biographies : Shakespeare, Pope, Goethe and Schiller. A Tory's Account of Toryism, Whiggism, and' Radicalism. Poliiical Parties of Modern England 660R Vol. 16.— Suspiria de Profoundis : Sequel to Confessions of an English Opium Eater. Professor Wilson. Sir W. Hamilton. Literary Remi- niscences. Translations from the German. Notes from the Pocket-Book of a late Opium-Eater, &c 661R Autobiographic Sketches. 1853 490O by Masson [English Men of Letters]. 1881 1065O His Life and Writings, with unpublished Correspondence, by Page, 2 vols. 1877 607-SO [Stephen's Hours in a Library] 1102R See also Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Living Age, 3037, 3065, 3066, 3068, 3071, 3082, 3087, 3090, 3096, 3098, 3100 and 3108J. Derby. See Granville's Spas, &c, 352K. Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R. Leisure Hour, 2615J. Penny Magazine, 142B, &c. Derby and Derbyshire, Barrows and Bone Caves of, by Pennington. 860F See also Land we Live in, 465B. Black's Tourists' Guide [1865], 608Z, &c. Derby (Charlotte de la Tr£moill6, Countess of, Defended Latham against Fair- fax, d. 1663). See Clayton's Female Warriors, 643O. Yonge's Heroines, 958O, &c. Derby (Earl of). See Greville Memoirs. Raven's Parliamentary History of England [1832-1880], 233O. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 93-5F. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L., &c. Derby (E. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Derham (W., Astronomer, b. 1657, d. 1735), D.D., Physico-Theo- logy, or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from his Works of Creation, illustrated, 2 vols. 1798 40-41K Do Ros (Lieut. -Gen. Lord), Memorials of the Tower of London, illustrated. 1866 610Z Derwent (J. L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Derzhavill (G. R., Russian Statesman, b. 1743, d. 1816). See Dana's House- hold Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Desaix (L. C, French General, b. 1768, killed 1800). See Alison's Europe, 123-29O, &c. De Saumarez (Admiral Lord). See Saumarez (James Saumarez, Lord de). De Saumarez Family. See Jacob's Guernsey, 362B, and Sarnia, 1416O. Desborough (Major-Gen., Commander under Cromwell, b. 1608, d. 1680), Memoirs of 2C4Z Descartes (Rene, French Philosopher, b. 1596, d. 1650), by Mahaffy [Phil. Classics for English Readers]. 1880 1026Q See also Buckle's Civilization, 186-7O, &c. Descent of Man, by Darwin, illustrated. 1874 25R Deschanel (A. P.), Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy, trans, by Everett, illustrated. 1878 753 & 825-7D Mechanics, Hydraulics and Pneumatics, 753D. Heat, 825D. Electricity and Magnetism, 826D. Sound and Light, 827D. Deserts of North America, by Domenech, illustrated, 2 vols, i860 692-3K See Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 829K. Palgrave's Arabia, 5S5-6K, &c. Deshler(C. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Design, Manual of, by Redgrave [South Kens. Handbooks] ......... 1045M Principles of Decorative Design, by Dresser 923D See also Art, Drawing, &c. Design in Nature. See Mozley's Essays, 1024H, &c. Desmonlins (Camille, French Political Writer, b. 1J62, d. 1794), and his Wife, Passages from the History of the Dantonists, by Claretie, trans, by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. 1876 228F See also Alison's Europe, 120-2O. Baker's French Society, 333O. Thiers' French Revolution, 376-7H, &c. Despard (Col. E. M., Irish Officer, b. 1755, executed 1803) [Ashton's Nineteenth Century] 861-2H [182] DES ENGLISH SECTION. BIA Despard (Col. E. M.) [Browne's Stale Trials] 304O Despard (M.), Works of. Sec Harper's Index, i64oJa. Desportes (P., French Poet, b. 1545, d. 1606). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Despreaux (\V. B., French Poet, b. 1636, d. 1711). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Destiny of Man. Sec Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R, &c. De Tyne (W.), Day after Tomorrow, or Fata Morgana [On Govern- ment, &c.]. 1858 924R Deuteronomy. See Ewa'.d's Israel, 64K. Bible Commentaries, &c. Development. See Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R, Sic. Devenport Brothers. See Frost's Conjurors, 803O, &C. De Vere (A., Irish Poet). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. De Vere (A., and M. S. De Vere), Works of. Sec Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. De Vic (Sir H., 0/ Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 9], 1416O. DEVIL, History of the, by Defoe 641R ■ The Three Devils, Luther's, Milton's and Goethe's, &c, by Masson. 1874 1169R See also Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M. Haweis' Current Coin, 974R. In- man's Ancient Faiths, 95-6Ka, &c. Devil-Lore and Demonology, by Conway, 2 vols. 1879..., 909-0M Devil's Advocate, by Gregg, 2 vols. 1878 307R Devils, Infernal Conference, or Dialogues of Devils on the many Vices of the World, by Macgowan. 1841 49Z De Vine (Lieutenant and Adjutant J., of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p 94], 1416O. Devon. See Heath's Peasants' Life, 1329R. Lanes. .SYrWatkin's In the Country, 1719R, &c. Devonshire. See Brand's Antiquities, 1C05-7M. Bray's Tamar and the Tavy, . i343-4> &c. Devonshire (Duchess of)- See Fitzgerald's Kings and Queens "of an Hour, 85 F, &c. Devotion [Midler's Noble Deeds, &c] *92Q Devotion, Good Manners, Riches, Charity, Gratitude, Flattery and Sin- cerity, Activity, Patriotism, Temperance, Integrity, Good Faith, For- giveness, Firmness, Frugality, &c. Devotional Letters of Doddridge 297M Dew and Hoar Frost. See Brown's Science for All, 627Ba. Este's Recreations in Science, 497R, &c. Dew (T.), Laws, Customs and Institutions of Ancient and Modern Nations. 1858 53H Dewar (D.), Character, Customs and Superstitions of the Irish and Causes that have retarded the Improvement of Ireland. 1812 928F Dewey (G. W., b. 1818). See Poets of America, 468D. Dewey (O., American Unitarian, b. 1794), D.D., Theological Works. 1215M De "Witt. See Witt, de. Dexter (H. M.), Congregationalism of the last Three Hundred Years, as seen in its Literature. 1880 65A D'Huxatime (French Poet, about 1700). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Dialects. See Colquhoun's South China, 541-2K. Countries, Language, &c. Dialling. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 9D, &c. Dialogues of the Dead, by Lyttelton 928H and 614O on Instinct and Researches on Fossil Osteology, by Henry, Lord Brougham. 1845 74*2 Diamond, Memoir on the, by Murray. 1839 1093M Mines [Burton's Brazils] 1633-4R Diamonds, Great Diamonds of the World, by Streeter. 18S2 799F See also Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. Brown's Science for All, 627B. Simonin's Mines and Miners, 632-3B. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Timbs' Works, 854Z. Stanford's Compendium, 853 K. Ure's Dic- tionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, &c. [183] DIA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DIC Diary and Correspondence, by Pepys, 4 vols. 1802 ..,, 903-6O in America, by Marryat, 3 vols. 1839 1021-3R of an Ennuyee [by Mrs. A. Jameson]. 1826 1 152R Idle Woman in Sicily, by Elliot, 2 vols. 1881 1475-6R Dibdin (C, Celebrated Writer of Sea Songs; b. 1745, d. 1814), Songs of, with the music of the most popular and a Memoir of the Author, by G. Hogarth. 1842 483D Sec also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, Sec. Pice. See De Quincey's Works, 655R. Harper, 1606J, &c. Dicey (E., formerly Editor Daily News, b. 1832), M.A., Victor Emmanuel [New Plutarch]. 1882 1019O DiC3y (T.), Historical Account of Guernsey from its First Settlement before the Norman Conquest to the Present Time. With Remarks on Jersey, Sec. 1 75 1 1 502O Dich.1 (Alice M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Dick WhittiBgton and His Cat [Home Treasury of Old Story Rooks] 2863X See also Whittington (Sir Richard). Dick (R., Self Taught, b. 181 1, d. 1866), Baker of Thurso, Geologist and Botanist, by Smiles. 1878 615O Dick (T., Scientific Writer, b. 1774, d. 1857;, LL.D., Celestial Scenery, or the Wonders of the Planetary .System Displayed, illustrated. 1838 420R The Christian Philosopher, 2 vols 294-5 ^ The Christian Philosopher. 1834 29Q DICKENS (C, Celebrated Novelist, b. 1812, d. 1870), A Child's History of England 1 260R A Child's History of England [Pocket Volume Edition]. 1880.. 1806Z A Child's History of England. See also Household Words, vol. 2 to 8, 1742-8J. American Notes and Reprinted Pieces, illustrated 1695R Letters of [1833-1870], Edited by his Sister-in-Law and his Eldest Daughter, 3 vols. 1880-2 229-31E Humour and Pathos of, selected by Kent. 1884 1183R Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, edited by "Boz," with illustrations by George Cruikshank. 1853 285T Pictures from Italy. 1846 620Z Ed., Household Narrative of Current Events from 1850 to 1855, 6 vols 321-6D The following short sketches also by this author will be found in Harper's "New Monthly Magazine." Christmas as We grow Older, 1584J. Drooping Buds, 1585J. Child's History of King John, 1584J. London Sparrows, 1583J. Our School, 1584J. Thackeray— in Memoriam, 1 608 J. See also All the Year Round and Household Words. As I Knew Him, by Dolby. 1885 1296O ■ By his Daughter [World's Workers]. 1885 1141O By Ward [English Men of Letters]. 1882 ,10660 Life of [1812-1870], by Forster, 3 vols 232-4K 2 vols, illustrated 616-7O by Marzials [Robertson's Great Writers]. 1887 1266O See also Bagehot's Studies, 864H. Clarke's Recollections, 939O. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Field's Authors, 1052O. Friths Reminiscences, 6i5-6Fa. Household Words, 603-21D. Science Lec- tures, 452R. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1 338-9 R. Yates' Recollec- tions, 586-7F. Harper's Index, i64oJa, and Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Dickenson (R. W.), D.D., Responses from the Sacred Oracles 293M Dickerman (N. W.), Memoir of [Am. Tract Society] 1690Z [184] ■ DIC ENGLISH SECTION. DIO Dickson (\V. B.), Poultry, their Breeding, Rearing, Diseases, and General Management, with additions by Mrs. Loudon, illus. 172R Dickson (W. E.)> M.A., Railways and Locomotion [S.P.C.K.] 1495Z DICTIONARY of the English Language, by Johnson. 1828 104B English Synonyms, by Soule. 1871 1094R Pronouncing Dictionary with Key, by Walker. 1849 1250H See also Beeton's Needlework, 1143M. Boutell's Bible Dictionary, 44K. Buck's Theological Dictionary, 15K. Fosse's Judges of England, 595F. Martindale's Bible Dictionary, 43K. Maunders Biography, 943Q. Union Bible Dictionary, 72Z. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, 6-9D. Williams' Dictionary of Religions, 187K. Cyclopaedias, Encyclo- paedias, &c. Diderot (D., French Philosopher, b. 17 13, d. 1784), and the Encyclo- paedists, by Morley, 1880 618O Didron (A. N., French Archccologist, b. 1806, d. 1843), Christian Iconography ; or, the History of Christian Art in the Middle Ages, trans, by Millington, with additions by Margaret Stokes [Bonn's Library], illustrated, 2 vols. 1886 H08-9M Dieppe. See Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B, &c. Dies for Stamping. See Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Diet in Relation to Health and Work, by Blyth. 1884 986M Food and Drink [Manchester Health Lectures, 1885-6]. 1886... 839M — See also Oswald's Physical Education, Q94M. Richardson's Health, &c, 1403Z. Thomson's Sick Room, &c, 834M. Food, &c. Digby (K. H., Catholic Writer, b. 1800), Broad Stone of Honour ; or. the True Sense and Practice of Chivalry, vol 3, Morus. [Religious History and Argument favourable to Roman Catholicism]. 1 848 1 1 99R Digky (Sir K., Eccentric Philosopher, b. 1603, d. 1665) [Thomson's Friendships J 564O Digestion, Gastric Juice, &c., by Beaumont. 1838 840M Physiology of, by Combe. 1845 1450Z &c, by Gamgee. 1884 9S6M See also Prout's Chemistry, 700Q. Diet, Foods, Health, Physiology, &c. Dignities and Distinctions. See 'limbs' Works, 855Z, &c. Dillmont (Therese de), Encyclopaedia of Needlework, illustrated .. 912D Dillon (Hon. II. A.), F.S.A., Ed., Costume in England. A History of Dress to the end of the Eighteenth Century, by Fairholt [Bonn's Library], illustrated, 2 vols. 1885 U06-7M Dillon (J. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Dillwyn (E. A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Dimond (W.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Dinglestedt (F.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Dining-Room, The, by Loftie. 1878 965M See also Caddy's Household, 952M, &c. Dinner Parties [Habits of Good Society] 1408Z Diocesan Histories [S.P.C.K.]. v.d. : Canterbury, by Jenkins. 1880 1836Z Chichester [South Sarum Diocese], by Stephens. 1881 1837Z Durham, by Low. 1881 1838Z Lichfield, by Beresford. n.d 1839Z Norwich, by Jessop. 1884 1601 Z Oxford, by Marshall. 1882 1840Z Peterborough, by Poole, n.d 1841Z Salisbury, by Jones. 1880 1603Z Winchester, by Benham. 1884 1602Z Worcester, by Smith and Onslow. 1883 1842Z York, by Ormsby. n.d 1843Z [185] DIO GUILLE-ALLLS LIBRARY. DIS Diocletian [Gibbon's Roman Empire] 75II Diodorus of Sinope. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Diogenes {Greek Cynic Philosopher, b. 412, d. 323 B.C.) [Mitford's Greece] 105-8H Dion(-S'/(ito;/M« l Friend of Plato, assassinated 353 B.C.). See Mitford's Greece, 106H. Plutarch's Lives, 450F and 1136Q. Rollins' History.^H, &c. Dionysius ( Tyrants of Syracuse, lived about 367 B.C.). See Rollins' History, 67 H. Mitford's Greece, 105-6H, &c. Diphilus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Diprose's Book of Epitaphs, Humorous and Eccentric, &c 1082R Discipline. See Alison's Europe, 119-36O. Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Grey's Self-Culture, 961 R, &C. Discourse of the Objects, Advantages, and Pleasures of Science, by Lord Brougham. 1831 425T Discourses on Important Subjects, by M'Lean, 2 vols. 1848 : Vol. 1.— Faith. Divine Grace. Reconciliation. Christ, &c 155M Vol. 2.— Gospel Feast. Fear of God. Prayer. True Religion. Christians 156M the Religion, &c, of India, by Jones. 1824 1201Z Discoveries and Inventions Anticipated. See Timbs' Works, 856Z, &c. See Timbs' Works, 85 iZ, &c Inventions, and Useful Hints. See Family Friend, 7O8R, &c. Discovery, Maritime and Inland [by W. D. Cooley]. 1830 409-1T See also Travels, Voyages, &c. Discretion. See Mullcr's Noble Deeds, &c, 92Q. Disease, Infectious, and its Prevention, by Murphy. 1884.. 990M DISEASES of Memory, by Ribot. 1882 373R the Heart, &c, by Markham. i860 915K See Bennett's Nutrition, 918K. Cassell's Hints, 942R. M'Culloch's British Empire, 712H. Pasteur's Life and Labours, 893O. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Tyndall's Floating Matter, 507R. Health, Medi- cine, Mental Disease, &c. Disestablishment. See Arnold's Politics, 860H. Miall (E.), Life of, 389F. Selborne's Defence of the Church, 1203M. Church and State, &c. Disinfectants. See Health Manuals, 1435Z. Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Disraeli (B.). See Frith's Reminiscences, 615F. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1103R. Fiction Class List, &c. His Life and most of his Works will be found under Beaconsfield (Earl of). Disraeli Family. See Horner's Jews, 425O, &c. DISRAELI (Isaac, Author, Father of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, b. 1766, d. 1848), Curiosities of Literature, with a View of the Life and Writings of the Author, by his Son, the Hon. B. Disraeli, 4 vols, in 3 : Vols. 1,2. — Life and Writings of the Author. Libraries. Amusements of the Learned. _ Six Follies of Science. Imitators. Cicero's Puns. Early Printing. Errata. Legends. Physiognomy. Origin of Newspapers. Royal Divinities. Vicars of Bray. The Absent Man. The Lover's Heart. Jocular Preachers. Chinese Lan- guage. Minute Writing. English Astrologers. Titles of Books. Literary Follies, Controversy, and Blunders. Pamphlets, &c. .. 681R Vol. 3.--Drinking Customs in England. Literary Anecdotes. Introduction of Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate. Secret History of Charles I. and his Queen Henrietta. Origin of Dante's Inferno. Parodies. Medicine and Morals. Psalm-singing. Shenstone's School Mis- tress. Ben Jonson on Translation. Masques. History of New Words. Political Nicknames. Secret History of the Building of Blenheim. Secret History of Sir W. Rawleigh, &c 682R Vol. 4.— Literary Unions. Of a Biography Painted. Autographs. The Book of Death. Toleration. Prediction. Dreams at the Dawn of Philosophy. Literary Forgeries. James I. as a Father and a Husband. The Man of One Book. Royal Pro- clamations. Literary Residences. Discoveries of Secluded Men. Sentimental Biography. Literary Parallels. The Pearl Bibles and Six Thousand Errata. The Rump, &c 683R1 [186] DIS ENGLISH SECTION. DIX Disraeli (Isaac), Works of, edited by his Son the Rt. Hon. B. Disraeli. 1880-8 1 : Amenities of Literature, consisting of Sketches and Characters of English Literature 679R Calamities and Quarrels of Authors, with Inquiries respecting their Moral and Literary Characters, and Memoirs for Our I literary History, 2 vols, in 1 680R Literary Character, or the History of Men of Genius, and an Inquiry into the Character of James 1 678R Disraeli (R., Brother of Lord Beacons fie Id), Ed., Lord Beaconsfield's Letters [1830-52]. 1887 13470 DISSENTERS, History of, by Bennett and Bogue, 2 vols. 1833... 286-7 A 1800- 1880 [Stoughton's Religion in England] 99M See also Buckle's Civilisation, i860. Bums History of Parish Registers, 536H. Hadden's Church and Chapel, 342M. Knight's England, 151-4H. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449 B. M'Culloch's British Empire, 712H. Nonconformity, Methodists, Wesleyans, Quakers, &c. Dissenting 1 Churches and Meeting Houses in London, by Wilson, 4 vols. 1808 188-91K Dissertations and Discussions, by Mill, 3 vols. 1865 646-8H Distance. See Somerville's Physical Geography, 480R, &c. Distillation. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D. Distinguished Men of Modern Times, 4 _ vols. 1838 206-9Z Dante to Raleigh, 206Z. Bacon to Leihnitz, 207Z. Lord Soiners to Hunter, 208Z. Gibbon to Wilberforce, 209Z. D'Istria (Madame La Comtesse Dora), Switzerland the Pioneer of the Reformation, or La Suisse Allemande, tr. by H. G. 1858...408-9K Disturnell (J.), Influence of Climate in North and South America... 921K Diver, The [J ardine's Naturalists' Library] 647Q Divination and Oracles. See Grant's Mysteries, 894F. Brand's Antiquities, 1007M. Jones' Credulities, 902 M. Divinine Rod, &c. DIVINE Attributes, by Bates. 1825 126M Government, Physical and Moral, by M'Cosh. 1859 474^. Inspiration, by Henderson. 1852 108M Love and Directions for Prayer, by Ken. 1840 4Q Order, The, and other Sermons by T. Jones, edited by B. Jones. 355M Life and the New Birth [Letters and Essays] 1013H Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, translated by Longfellow. 1867. 713M Comedy of Dante Alighieri : Inferno, translated by Longfellow, 1867 714M Purgatorio, translated by Dugdale, 1883 809M Paradiso, translated 810M Divine Cordial, by Watson. 1836 75Z Divines, Clergy, &c. See Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21-8F. Bradley s Select British Divines. Diving Bell and Dress [Marvels of Art] 1227Z See also Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q. Joyce's Dialogues, 695Q, &c. Divining Rod [Mayo's Popular Superstitions] 910M Divinity of our Lord, Eight Lectures by Liddon. 1868 585M Divorce. See Boner's Transylvania, 423K. Gladstone's Gleanings, 886Z. Gray's China, 520K. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M. Jeaffreson's Bridals, 984H. Law, Marriage, &c. Dixon (E. S.), A.M., Ornamental and Domestic Poultry, with additions by Kerr, coloured plates. 1855 61R Dixon (H.), John Howard and the Prison-World of Europe. 1849... 233Z London Prisons, with an Account of the more Distinguished Persons who have been Confined in them. 1850 606Z Robert Blake, Admiral and General at Sea, Based on Family and State Papers. 1856 517O [187] DIX GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DOB Dixon (W. G.)i M.A., Land of the Morning, An Account of Japan and its People, illustrated. 1882 I5 J 3R Dixoil (W. H., Historian and Critic, b. 1821, d. 1879), British Cyprus. 1879 461H Free Russia, illustrated, 2 vols. 1870 446-7K Her Majesty's Tower, 4 vols. 1867 : — Vol. 1.— White Tower. Charles of Orleans. Uncle Gloucester. Lord Cobh.im. King and Cardinal. Pilgrimage of Grace. Nine Days' Queen. Courtney. Cranmer, Latimer and Ridley. Murder of Northumberland. Sir Walter Raleigh, &c 321H Vol. 3.- Anglo-Spanish Plot. Grey of Wilton. English Jesuits. Powder- Plot. Harry Percy. Wizard Earl. William Seymour. Lady Frances Howard. Robert Carr. Powder Poisoning, &c 322H Vol. 3. — Countess of Suffolk. House of Villiers. Fall of Lord Bacon. Spanish Match. The Marshalsea. Digby, Earl of Bristol. Felton's Knife. A King's Revenge. Charles I. Wentworth. Laud's Last Troubles, &c 323H Vol. 4.— Lieutenant's House. A Second Buckingham. Roger, Earl of Castlemaine. The Two Penns. Colonel Blood and the Crown Jewels. Rye-House Plot. James, Duke of Monmouth. The Scottish Lords. Countess of Nithisdale. Cause of the Pre- tender. Cato Street Conspiracy, &c 324H History of Two Queens, Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn, 4 vols. 1873 38-41F William Penn. 1872 901O Personal History of Lord Bacon. 1861 138F Royal Windsor, 4 vols. 1879 : — Vol. 1. — Castle Hill. Norman Keep. Geoffrey Plantagenet. Barons' War. Edward of Carnarvon. Perot de Gaveston. David, King of Scots. Ballad Windsor. Court Parties, &c 3 2 5H Vol. 2. -Geoffrey Chaucer. St. George's Chapel. Bolingbroke. Wager of Battle. Dona Juana. Constance of York. Norman Tower. Prince Hal. Devil's Tower. Lady Jane. York and Lan- caster, &c 326H Vol. 3.— St. George's Hall. Disgrading a Knight. Windsor Martyrs. Lady Elizabeth's Grace. Queen Mary. Elizabeth's Lovers. Shakespere's Windsor. The Two Shakesperes. Good Queen Bess, &c 327H Vol. 4. — House of Stuart. King Christiem. Forest Rights. Book of Sports. Windsor Cross. Roundheads. Cavalier Prisoners. Bagshot Lodge. Windsor Uncrowned. Windsor Catholic, &c. . 328H White Conquest, 2 vols. 1876 492-3H See also Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Doane (G. W. and W. C). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Dobell (S., Critic and Poet, b. 1824, d. 1874). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Harper, i64oJa. Stoddard's Late English Poets, 6S7M, &c. Dobney (H. H.), Letters to the Perplexed. 1878 296M See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Dobree (Peter Paul, Greek Scholar 0/ Guernsey, b. 1782, d. 1825). See Stephen's Biography, R.L. Dobree Family, Persons bearing this name belonging to Guernsey, for Bio- graphical Notices of. See Jacob's Guernsey. Sarnia, 1416O, &c. Dobson (A.), Fielding [English Men of Letters]. 1883 1068O Hogarth [Great Artists]. 1879 1101O Richard Steele [English Worthies]. 1886 1206O See also Harper's Index, i64oJa. Dobson (E.), C. E., Foundations and Concrete Works, revised by Dodd [ Weale Series], illustrated. 1872 344T Rudimentary Treatise on Masonry and Stonecutting [Weale Series], illustrated. 1849 35oT Dobson (Mrs. Susannah, Translator, d. 1795), Life of Petrarch, 2 v<'ls. 1797 426-7F DOB ENGLISH SECTION. DOGr Dobson (W. T.), Literary Frivolities, Fancies, Follies and Frolics... 558T The Classic Poets. 1879 580O Do Ceo (V.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Docks. See Knight's Land We Live in [Birkenhead and Liverpool], 464B, &c. Dockyards. See Peto's Taxation, 1016F, See. Doctor Syntax, Tour of, in Search of the Picturesque, by Combe, ill. 642T Doctors. A Book about, by Jeaffreson 519O and Patients, Anecdotes of the Medical World, by Timbs 842M See also Chambers' Journal, 1944, 195 1 and 1952J. Physicians, Medicine, &c. Doctrines, History of, , by Hagenbach, 2 vols. 1850 4 I2 '3 A See also Milton's Christian Doctrine, 461-2A. Church History, 257T. Re- ligion, &c. Dodd (Dr.) [Lennox's Celebrities] 1016H Dodd (G., Miscellaneous Writer, b. 1808, d. 1881), British Manu- factures. 1844 : Vols. 1-2. — Chemical : Acids, Colours, Oils, &c 1486Z Vols. 3-4. — Bread, Spirits, Beer, Wines, Tobacco, &c 1487Z Vols. 5-6.— Marble, Glass, Carpets, Watches and Clocks, &c 1488Z Curiosities of Industry and the Applied Sciences. 1852 871D Novelties, Inventions, Curiosities in Arts and Manufactures. 1858 355T Dodd (W., Poet and Essayist, b. 1729, Executed for Forgery, 1777), LL.D., Reflections on Death. 1823 21Z Doddington (G. B.), Diary of [i 749-1 761], by Wyndham. 1828... 210Z Doddridge (P., Nonconformist Theologian, b. 1702, d. 1751), D.D., Devotional Letters, &c 297M Family Exposition, or a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament, 6 vols. 1761-2 50- 5 A 1839 192A Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, with Devout Medita- tions, or Prayers. 1817 237Q Some Remarkable Passages in the Life of the Hon. Col. James Gardiner, Slain at Preston-Pans, September 21st, 1745. 1825 219Z [Short Biographies] 632F See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Stoughton's Religion in England, 96-7M. Wilson's Dissenters, 188-91K.. Living Age, 3058J, &c. Dodge (Mary). See Hamilton (Gail). Dodge (M. B., N. S. and M. M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Dodge (R. J.), The Black Hills [Rocky Mountains] a description of the Routes, Scenery, Soil, Climate, Gold, Timber, Geology, Zoology, &c, illustrated. 1876 1616R DodgSOn (Rev. C. Lutwidge). See Carroll (Lewis). Dods (Rev. Marcus, Theological Writer, b. 1786, d. 1838), M.A. See St. Augus- tine's Works. Dodsley (Robt., Poet and Bookseller, b. 1703, d. 1764), Economy of Human Life. 1839 1222Z Does God Answer Prayer ? by Edgar. 1883 642M Science aid Faith in regard to Creation, by Cotterill. 1886 645M DOGS, Horses, &c, Anecdotes of, by Hibbert 730F The Dog, by Youatt, illustrated 817F in Health and Disease, by Walsh 818F Treatment of our Domesticated Dogs, by Magenta. 1868 57 iQ ■ See also Brown's Science for All, 628 B. Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 661-2Q. Jesse's Gleanings,_ 579Q. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Long's Voyage of the Jeannette [Sledge Dogs], 676-7B. ^ Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Stone- henge's Rural Sports, 68 iT, &c. Dog-Fish, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 678 and 680Q. Seeley's DOG GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DOM Doggett (J., Jun.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Doggett (P, and C), Brookleigh Manor and Its Penny Readings ... 1155Z Dogget (T., Irish Actor, founder of the Dogget Coat and Badge, Thames Row- ing Prize, d. 1721). Sec Fitzgerald's English Stage, 337D. &C Dogma. See Religion, Church, Sec. Doherty (H.), M.D., Organic Philosophy, or Man's Place in Nature, 5 vols. 1864 : Vol. \.—Epicosmology : Man's True Place in Nature. Molluscan Unity. Oceanic Realm. Atmospheric Realm, &c 566H Vol. 2.— Ontology : Unity of Science. Transcendental Philosophy, Perfec- tive Evolution. Constitutive Philosophy. Evolution Facts and Theories, &c •• • • 567H Vol. 3.— Biology : The Body. The Soul. The Mind. Mental Faculties. The Will. Virtues and Vices, &c 56SH Vol. 4.— Sociology : Ancient History. Races. Habits. Education. Genealogy. Humanity. Repentance and Regeneration. Hell, a Prison or Hospital, &c. . ; 569H Vol. 5.— Method : Experimental. Statistical. Biotechnical. Philosophi- cal. Reason and Science. Irrationality and Dogmatism, &c. . 570H Philosophy of History and Social Evolution. 1874 iH Dolby ((*.)> Charles Dickens as I Knew him, Reading Tours in Great Britain and America [1866-70]. 1885 1296O Doloe Napoli, Naples, &c, by Stamer. 1878 445^ Doldrums. See Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 843K. Dullinger (J. J. I-, Catholic Theologian, b. 1799). Sec Arthur's The Pope, &c. 453-4 F. Dolphin, The. See Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q. Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807F. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 669 and 678Q, &c. Domenech (Abbe E., French Traveller and Writer t b. 18 15), Missionary Travels in Texas and Mexico, translated. 1858... 731K Seven Years' Residence in the Deserts of North America, illus- trated, 2 vols, i860 692-3K Domesday Book. See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 204-5H, &c. Domestic and Financial Condition of Great Britain, &c, by Brown- ing. 1834 1001F Arts and Customs [Timbs' Works] 855Z Duties or Instructions to Young Married Ladies, by Parkes. 1828 954M [Bellair's Girls and Maidens] 984M Domestic Economy for the Use of Schools, &c. 1878 1425Z Suitable to Families spending from ,£100 to ,£1,000 a Year, by Walsh. 1857 1429Z See also Enquire Within, 960M. Family Save All, 950M. Household, The, 1096F. _ Jeaffreson's Book of the Table, 932-3F. Mrs. Ellis's Family Monitor, 186D. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Cookery, Girls, Health, Home, Nursing, Servants, Women, Work, &c. Domestic Folk-Lore, by Dyer. 1881 956Z Fowls, by Martin [R.T.S.] 741Z Happiness [Stowe's " Little Foxes or Little Failings"] 593T History, Errors in [Timbs' Works] , 853Z Life. See Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M. Percy Anecdotes,- 933Z, &c. Management of the Sick Room, by Thomson. 1841 834M Manners and Sentiments in England during the Middle Ages, by Wright, illustrated. 1862 ' 942F Medicine, Handbook of, by an Eminent Physican [Bonn's Lib- nttjfl. l8 55 1445Z ■ Tortraiture, by Legh Richmond I44Q Dominoes. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Boy's Own Book of Sports and Pastimes, 1527Z, &c. Domitian (Titus Flavius, Emperor of Rome, b. 52, assassinated 96) [Niebuhr's History of Rome] 8SII [190] DOM ENGLISH SECTION. DOU Dommett (A., b. 1815). See Dana's Household Cook of Poetry, 476D, &c. Don Quixote. See Cervantes' Life and Writings, 202Z, and Fiction Class List. Donaldson (J., Classical and Religious Author, b. 183 1 ), M.A., Christian Literature and Doctrine from the Death of the Apostles to the Nicene Council, 3 vols. 1864 46-8K Vol. 1.— The Apostolical Fathers, 46K. Vols. 2, 3.— The Apologists 47-8K. See also Ante-Nicene Library. Donaldson (W., some time resident in Guernsey), Recollections of an Actor. 1865 282Tand2iiZ This author was one of a Corps Dramatique acting in Guernsey about 1864-5, and many interesting notes respecting the island will be found in his " Recollections." Donatello {Italian Sculptor, b, 1383, d. 1466), by Scott [Great Ar- tists]. 1882 1100O Donizetti (G., Italian Musical Composer, b. 1798, d. 1848) [Tytlei's Musical Composers] 86cO Donne (Dr., Dean of St. Paul's, b. 1573, d. 1631) [Thomson's Friend- ships] 564O Donne (J.), Poems and Life [British Poets]. 1864 418Q See also Cattermole's Literature of the Church, vol 1, 548A, &c. Donne (W. B., Examiner of Plays, b. 1807, d. 1882), Euripides [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1876 1096Q Tacitus [Ancient Classics for English Readers], 1873 I0 9 2 Q Donnelly (Ignatius), Atlantis, the Antediluvian World, ill. 1882 ... 1017M Doolittle (L. M. and J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Doom of Devorgoil, &c. , Dramas, by Scott 1054Z Doran (Dr., Miscellaneous Writer, b. 1807, d. 1878), Lives of the Queens of England of the House of Hanover, 2 vols. 1875 36-7F Sophia Dorothea, of Zell. Caroline Wilhelmina Dorothea. Charlotte Sophia. Caroline of Brunswick. London in the Jacobite Times, 2 vols. 1877 318-9H Memories of our Great Towns, with Anecdotic Gleanings con- cerning their Worthies and their Oddities [1860-1877]. 1S78 366K See also Frith's Reminiscences, 616 and 6i6Fa, &c. Dorat (J., French Poet, b. 1507,*/. 1588). .5V£ Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Dore (Paul Gustave, French Artist, b. 1832, d. 1883), Life of, by Roosevelt, with selections from his illustrations. 1885 .'. 235F Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, also his works in Reference Library. Dorling (W.), Memoirs of Dora Greenwell. 1885 1303O Dormouse, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660Q. Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q, &c. Dorney. See Walford's Pleasant Places, 815Q, &c. Dorr (J. C. R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. D'Orsay (Count, French Author, Friend of Byron, b. 1798, d. 1852). See Frith's Reminiscences, 616F. Lennox's Celebrities, 1017H, &c. Dorset. See Heath's Peasants' Life, 1329R. Doubt, Religious. See Dobney's Letters to the Perplexed, 296M. Draper's Re- ligion and Science, 298M. Atheism, Scepticism, &c. Doudney (S.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Douglas (G. C. M.). See E.xell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A. Douglas (General Sir Howard, Military Engineer, b. 1776, d. 1861), G.C.B., Life of, by Fullom. 1863 236F Douglas (J.), Errors regarding Religion. 1834 15Q On the Philosophy of the Mind/ 1839 579H Truths of Religion. 1832 528A Douglas (R. K.), Confucianism and Taouism [S.P.C.K.). 1879 ••■ 94Q Douglas (S. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Douglas (Mrs. Stair), Life and Correspondence of W. Whewell, D.D. 1881 567F [191] DOU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DRA Douglass (C J.). S«€ Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Douglass (F., born a slave), Life and Times of [1817-1882], written by himself, illustrated, edited by J. Lobb. 1882 620O Dove, The. S.vjardine's Naturalists' Library, 653 and 655Q. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Turning's Symbols, 507M, &c. Dover (Lord, Historical Writer, b. 1 797, d. 1833), Life of Frederick the Second, King of Prussia [Family Library], 2 vols. 1832 1059-60Q Dove's English Classics : Beattie's Essay on Truth 1 140Z Burke's Sublime and the Beautiful 1 142Z Chapone's Letters 1 149Z Dow (Lorenzo), Life, Experience, and Travels of, 2 vols in 1. i860 237F Dow (S. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Dowden (E.), LL.D., Shakspere, a Critical Study of his Mind and Art. 1880 1106II [Literature Primer, edited by Green]. 1877 1211Z Southey [English Men of Letters]. 1879 10S2O Studies in Literature [1789- 1 877]. 1878 925R Ed., Correspondence of Southey with Caroline Bowles. 1881 ... 507F Dowland (J., Musical Composer, b. 1562, d. 1615). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Down South [Southern States of America], by Lady Duffus Hardy... 73SK Downes (W. IL), Boston Painters and Paintings [Atlantic Monthly] 1552J Downing (A. J.), Cottage Residences, illustrated. 1853 191D Downing (Major Jack [Seba Smith]). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Downing (M.) See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Doyle (J. A.), The English in America, the Puritan Colonies, 2 vols. 173-4H Doyle (J. B. and A. B. : R.), Antiquities and Folk-Lore of Ireland, illustrated I473Z Doyle (M.), Cyclopredia of Practical Husbandry. 1851 844D Doyle (R., Writer, b. 1826) [Thomson's Friendships] 564O D'Oyly (Mrs. C), Life and Death of our Blessed Saviour. 1794 ... 49K D'Oyly(G., Theologian, Ik 177S, d. 1846), D.D., and Mant (R.), D.r3., Authorised Version of the Holy Bible, with Notes, Tables, Maps, Indexes, &c, 3 vols. 1817 99-101A Dragon-Flies, &c. See Cooke's Woodlands. 622Q, &c. Dragons. See Conway's Demonology, 909M, &c. Drainage of Towns and Buildings, by Dempsey. 1849 59&T See also Health Lectures, 1438Z. Reynolds' Sewer Gas, 1443Z, &c. Draining for Profit and Draining for Health, by Waring, illustrated. 820M Land, by Munn. 1856 259R See also Chambers' Information, 25-6D. Agriculture, Farming, &c. Drains. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K, Sec. Drake (Sir F., Admiral, b. 1539, d. 1596), Life, Voyages, &c, by Barrow. 1844 1288 and 1303R Cavendish and Dampier, Lives and Voyages of, and History ot the Buccaneers [Ed. Cab. Lib.] 925Q and 212Z [Family Library]. 1832 1070Q See also Adam's Heroes, 978Q. Froude's England, 199-202O. Yonge's British Navy, 302H, &c. Drake (J. R., l>. 1795, d. 1820). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. DRAMA— Works relating to the : {See also Actors, Comedy, Plays, Stage, Theatre, drY.) Drama and Comedy jjcrrold's Works] 1261-2R Notices Illustrative of, &c, and Notes by Kelly. 1865 4530 Dramatic and Poetical Works of Young, Goethe and Schiller... 462D [192] DRA ENGLISH SECTION. DRE DRAMA — Works relating to the '.—{continued.) Dramatic List, edited by Pascoe. 1S79 i3 2 3 Works of Goethe, translated by Scott, Bowring, &c. 1883 694M J. Ford, 2 vols in 1. 1831 351Q Sheridan, and Life, by G. G. S. 1852 1084R Dramatists, Songs from the, edited by Bell. 1854 632T See also Andrew's Eighteenth Century, 281R. Ashton's Reign of Queen Anne, 68F. Beaumont and Fletcher's Selections, 785M. Coleridge (S. T.), 340Q. Donaldson's Recollections of An Actor, 211Z. Fielding's Works, 460-71X. Ford (John), 866-7Z. Foote's Works, 130-2T. Goethe's Faust, 692-3M. Harper's Index, i64oJa, Hazlitt's Characters of Shakespeare, 639T. Irving (H.), 733O. Ben Jonson's Works, 410D. Knight's England, 151-2H. Lamb's Dramatic Poets, 71 iM. Larwood's Anecdotes, 142T. Lomenie's French Society, 501-4O. Lytton's Richelieu, 1270H. Massinger (P.), 310Q. Massinger's Plays, 869-71Z. Moliere, 428-0D. Molloy's Famous Plays, 1196R. More's Sacred Drama, 52 and 1755Z. Racine, &c, 1153Z. Sheridan (R. B.), 1090O. Schiller (F.), 304Q. Swinburne's Erechtheus, 745M. Symond's Shakspere's Predecessors, 1097H, Tennyson's The Cup and the Falcon, 643T. Thompson's Sales Attici, 561T. Wood's Shakespeare, 362-75Q, &c. Draper (J. W.), M.D., History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. 1883 298M Intellectual Development of Europe. 1875 76-7O Scientific Memoirs 669F Draughts. See Boy's Own Annual, Vol. 2, 1879-80, 2952J. Boy's Own Book, 1527Z. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Crawley's Handbooks, 1876, 1146M, &c. Dravidians, The. See Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K, &c. DRAWING.— Works relating to : {See also Art, Design, Per- spective, &*£.). Drawing, Easy Lessons in Perspective. 1 830 353T Elements of, by Ruskin. 1877 849R Geometry, &c, by II ay ter. 1832 927O How to Draw Figures [Ninety-six Graduated Studies from Life] 918D ' Floral and Vegetable Forms [Ninety-six Studies from Nature] 91 7D in Freehand [Ninety-six Graduated Studies of Models] 916D Learning to Draw, or the Story of a Young Designer, by Viollet-le-Duc, translated by Champlin. 1881 1068M Perspective, for Young Persons, by Symms, &c 1114M Science of, by Howard, Animals and the Human Figure, parts 2 and 3. 1839-40 363-4T See also Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Girls' Book, 1257H. Ure's Dictionary [Drawing Chalks], 7D. Art, Design, &c. Drawing Room, Its Decorations and Furniture, by Orrinsmith. 1878. 968M — See also Caddy's Household, 952M, &c. Drawing Room Plays and Evening Amusements, by Dalton 1526Z Drayton (M., Historical Poet, b. 1563, d. 1631). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, Sec. Dreams. See Brand's Antiquities, 1007M. Grant's Mysteries, 894F. Mf crash's Sleep, 955M. Millengen's Curiosities, 927K. Owen's Another World, 431M. Proctor's Studies, 447R. Sully's Illusions, 369R, &c. Dream of Eugene Aram. See Hood's Poems. Dresden. See Bellow's Europe, 1398R, &c. DRESS and its Relation to Health and Climate, by Godwin. 1884. 987M Ornament, Art in, by Blanc, illustrated. 1877 , 864D by Oliphant [Art at Home Series]. 1878 97CM 7 [193] DRE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DRY Dress a Hindrance to Christinnity [Reaney's Our Daughters] 45°M See a-'s<> Ashton's Reign of Queen Anne, 67F. Beecher's Mexico, 738K. Bellair's Girls and Maidens, 984M. Boner's Transylvania, 423K. Cameron's Africa, 602-3K. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Cumming's China, 789-90K. Girl's Own Lidoo* Book, 1257H. Habits of Good Society, 1408Z. Heath's Peasants' Life, 1329R. Holt's Fancy Dresses, 961M. Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 172 H. Lennox's Fashion Then and Now, 1018-9H. Malcolm's London [18th century], 749H. Pepys' Diary, 902O. Richardson's Common Health, 843M. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Strickland's Queens of England, 8coO. Young Ladies' Treasure Book, 131 D. Clothing, &c. Dresser (C), F.L.S., Principles of Decorative Design, illustrated ... 923D Drew (S., Self-Taught Methodist Preacher, b. 1765, d. 1833), Essay on the Immateriality and Immortality of the Human Soul ... 299M Works of, 6 vols, 1820 : Vol. 1.— Attributes of God 50K Vol. 2. — Providence of God 51K Vol. 3.— Resurrection of the Human Body 52K Vol. 4.— Immortality of the Soul 53K Vol. 5.— Remains, Sermons, Essays, &c 54K Vol. 6. — Life and Labours of Drew 55K Drewry (G. O.), M.D., and Bartlett (H. C), Ph.D., Cup and Platter, or Notes on Food and its Effects. 1876 59 iT Drift-wood, Tales, Sketches, &c, by Longfellow 798R Drill. See Military Evolutions, &c. Drinking of Healths. See French's Toasting, 818M, &c. Drinking Vessels. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Drinks. See Facts and Hints for Every Day Life, 942R. Family Friend, 695R. Moorman's Mineral Waters, 827M. Beverages, &c. Drinkwater-Bethune (Col. J., b. 1762, d. 1844), History of the Siege of Gibraltar [1779-1783]. 1850 559T Driver (S. R.), D.D., Critical Notes on the International Sunday School Lessons from the Pentateuch for 1887 (January 2nd to June 26th). 1887 1211M Driving, by the Duke of Beaufort [ Badminton Library] II 30M Driving. See oho Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T, &c. Drouet (General Count d'Erlon, French Marshal, b. 1765, d. 1844) [Alison's Europe] 129-36O Drugs. See Simmond's Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, 771F. Druids. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005-7M. Grant's Mysteries, 894F. Madden's Shrines, 342K. Rogers' Scotland, Q49-50F, &c. Drummond (H.), F.R.S.E., NaturalLaw in the Spiritual World... 1208R Tropical Africa [Dealing with African wSlavery]. 1888 1722R Drummond (R. B.), Erasmus, his Life and Character, &c, 2 vols... 636-7O Drummond (Sir W., Scotch Antiquary, d. 1828), Tr., Persius [Family Classical Library], 1831 II26Q Drummond (W., Scotch Poet, b. 1585, d. 1649). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. DrunkenneS3, How to Stop it, by Buxton. 1864 282R See also Haweis' Current Coin, 974R. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Ryiand's Crime, 315R. Smith's Temperance, 1089F. . Alcoholism, Abstinence, Temperance, &c. Drury (Anna H.). See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, Sec. Drury (Don) [Jardine's Naturalists' Library] 658Q Drury Lane, Old, Author, Actor, Manager, by Stirling, 2 vols. 1881 1338-9R Druses, The. See Oliphant's Gilead, 793K, &c. Dry Rot in Timber, by Britton. 1875 85R Dryden (C), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Dryden (J., Poet, b. 1631, d. 1701), Poems and Life, edited by Mit- ford [British Poets], 5 vols. 1864 419-23Q Poetical Works, and Life by Johnson [Pell's Poets of Great Britain], 10 vols. 1807 314-23Z [194] DRY ENGLISH SECTION. BUG Dry den (J.), 7V. , Works of Virgil, and Life by Walsh. 1S07 I $73 z by Saintsbury [English Men of Letters]. 1881 1067O and Others. Trs., Ovid [Family Classical Library]. 1833 1147-SQ See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 027O. Jones' Poets, 663M. Pepys' Diary, 902O. New English Theatre. Poole's Index, R.L., Sec. Dry den (May). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Dubard (Maurice), Japanese Life, Love, and Legend. A Visit to the Empire of the " Rising Sun," translated by Conn. 1886 1737^ Du Barry (Madame, b. 1746, Executed 1793). See Kavanagh's Women in France, 1043O. Dublin, Ireland's Metropolis [R.T.S.] 114Z [Land We Live in] 465 1 * See also Kohl's Ireland, 384K. Ireland, &c. Du Cane (Col. Sir E. F., b. 1830), K.C.B., The Punishment and Prevention of Crime [English Citizen Series]. 18S5 287R Du Chaillu (P. B., African Traveller, b. 1835), Adventures in Equatorial Africa, illustrated. 1861 591 and 647 K Land of the Midnight Sun : Summer and Winter Journeys through Sweden, Norway, Lapland, and Northern Finland, illustrated, 2 vols. 1881 467-8K See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Duck, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 647 and 657Q. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Tegetmeier's Poultry Book, 664B, &c. Duclaux (Dr.), Fermentation [International Health Exhibition], illustrated. 1884 992M Dudevant (Madame A. L. A.). See Sand (George). Dudley (T. U.), D.D., A Wise Discrimination of the Church's Need [Bohlen Lectures]. 1881 640M Dudley (J. W. Ward, Earl of, 'Statesman, b. 1781, d. 1833) [Thorn- ton's Foreign Secretaries] 208H Dudleys {The, Dukes of Northumberland) [Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower] 32 1 H Duels and Duelling, Notes on, by Sabine. 1859 922M ■ See also Andrew's Eighteenth Century, 281 R, Ashton's Reign of Queen Anne, 68F. Harper's Index, 1640)3. Lennox's Fashion Then and Now, 1018-9H. Msckay's Delusions, 903M, etc. Duerer (A.). Sec Diirer. Dvifay (G.). See Naumann'a Music, 928D, &c. Duff (A., Scotch Missionary in India, b. 1806, d. 1878), D.D., LL.D., Life of, by Smith, 2 vols. 1879 582-3D Duff (H.), B.C.L., Legal Obligations in Relation to the Dwellings of the Poor [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 990M Duff (Gordon). See Gordon. Dufferin (Lady, Granddaughter of Sheridan,!?. 1808) [Dana's House- hold Book of Poetry] 476D See also Harper's Index, i64oJa. Dufferin (F. C. H. Blackwood, Earl of, Governor- General of Canada, b. 1826), Letters from High Latitudes, a Voyage to Iceland in 1856. 1857 469K Daffy (Bella), Madame de Stael [Eminent Women Series]. 1887.... 1421O Duganne (A. J. H., Poet, b. 181 7), The Fighting Quakers, a True Story of the War for our Union. 1S66 41 5O See also Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, .Sx. Dugdale (Thomas) and Burnett (William), Curiosities of Great Britain, England and Wales, delineated : Historical, Enter- taining and Commercial, alphabetically arranged, maps, illustrated, 10 vols. N. D. : Vol. 1. — Abberbury, or Alberbury, to Bicester 738IJ Vol. 2. — Bicester, continued, to Bury St. Edmund.; 739H LI9J5] DUG GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DUG Dugdale (Thomas) and Burnett (William), Curiosities of Great Britain, &c. —{continued.) Vol. 3.— Bury St. Edmunds, continued, to Clay or Cley 74°H Vol. 4.— Claydon Steeple, to Dorchester 74 1 H Vol. 5. — Dorchester, continued, to Freshwater 74 2 H Vol. 6. — Freshwater, continued to Hinckley ,. 743^ Vol. 7.— Hinton St. George, to London and Westminster 744H Vol. 8.— London and Westminster, continued, to Oxwich 745H Vol. 9. — Oystermouth, to Surrey 74^H Vol. 10. — Surrey, continued, to York 747 H Note.— Illustrations to the above Work. Vol. 1.— Warkworth Hermitage. Queen's Palace, Pimlico. Goodrich Castle. City of Durham. Queen's Hospital and Town Hall, Birmingham. Manerbeer Castle. New Houses of Parliament. Admiralty. Man- sion House. Theberton House. York. New Royal Exchange. New Apslcy House. Post Office. City of Bristol. Knaresborough Castle. Wesleyan Theological College. New Library, Lincoln's Inn P'ields. Somerset House. London Bridge. Magna Charta Island. Kirkstall Abbey. Kenil worth Castle. Fainham Castle. Castle Howard. Hamp- ton Court Palace. Goldsmith's Hall. Dunstable Priory Church. Vol. 2.— Ingestrie. Tintern Abbey. Royal Observatory. Windsor Cast!e. Theatre Royal. Barnard Castle. Alnwick Castle. Dudley Castle. St. Paul's Cathedral. Morpeth. Ipswich. West Gate, Canterbury. City of Lincoln. River Orwell, at Ipswich. Suspension Bridge, near Bangor. Cobham Hall, Kent. Bumham Thorpe, Norfolk. Town of Leicester. Richmond, Yorkshire. Peveril's Castle. Harborne Church. Rams- gate. Bolsover Castle. Kensington Palace. Corn Exchange, London. Regent Circus, London. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Burlington Arcade, London. Canonbnry Tower. Vol. 3.- High Street, Pembroke. Birth- place of Cowper. Northfleet, near Gravesend. Broxbourn. Sprotburgh. Court House, Beverley. Remains of Mailing Abbey. Roehampton Priory. Greenwich. Custom House, London. Kew. Surrey. Copenhagen House, Islington. Laugharne Castle. Vale of Taflf. Dartford. Wat- ford. Guildford Castle. Warwick Castle. Military Academy, Wool- wich. Kitt's Cotty House. Vol. 4. — Nelson Column. Cowper's Summer House. Stow in the Wold. Town of Ashburton. Haddon Hall, Dover. Strathfieldsay. Kew Palace. St. Albans' Abbey. Epsom. Oxford from the Meadows. Town Hall and Mansion House, Liverpool. London and Birmingham Railway Terminus. Winchester. Hastings. St. Martin's Church, London. Thames Tunnel, Penshurst. House in which Crabbe the Poet was born. Vol. 5. — The Monument, London. Shandy Hall. Canterbury Cathedral. Fountains Abbey. Salisbury. Chichester. Lichfield. Stratford-upon-Avon. Whittington's Alms House. Infant Orphan Asylum, Essex. Monastery, Bury St. Edmunds. Chingford Church. Petworth House, Devonport. Birth- place of Shakspeare. Ancient Gateway, Barking. Interior of Burling- ton Arcade, London. The Vicarage, Woodchester. Hereford. Tretwr. Vol. 6— Lord Hill's Column. Birth-place of the late Sir R. Peel. Great Thornton Street Chapel, Hull, near Hampton. Cardiff Castle. Pembroke Castle. Dover, from the Beach. City of York. Marl- borough. Church Street, Hampstead. Willesden Church, Middlesex. Hornsey Wood House. _ Gravesend. Greenwich. North Shields, on the Tyne. Scene from Richmond Hill. Caernarvon Castle. Ilfracombe. Farringdon Lodge. Allington Castle. Vale of Llanwillan. Gravesend Church. Vol. 7.— Duke of York's Column. Birth-place of the present Sir R. Peel. Birth-place of William Cobbett. Birth-place of Rev. Tames Hervey. Birth-place of Dryden. Pont-y-Casullte Aquaduct. Birth-place of John Locke. Wrington. St. James' Bazaar. Religious Tract Society's Repository. Greenwich Hospital. Birth-place of Robert Bloomfield. London Orphan Asylum. City of Carlisle. St. James's Palace. St. Augustine's Gate, Canterbury. Near Woking. Blenheim House. Highbury College, Islington. St. Alban's. Maidstone. Powderham Castle. Hayes Farm. East Budleigh. Brough Castle. Chedder Cliffs. Warwick Castle. Llanddewi. Cardiganshire. Mor- ley's Hotel. Westminster Abbey. Plymouth Sound. Vol. 8. — Win- chester Cross. Marble Arch. Blind Asylum. The Pavilion, Brighton. King's College Chapel University Library and Senate House ' New 1 1 96] £>UGr ENGLISH SECTION. DUN Dugdale (Thomas) and Burnett (William), Curiosities of Great Britain, &c. — {continued.) Assize Courts, Liverpool. Arundel Castle. Belvoir Castle. Upnor Castle, Ross. Warwick Castle. Aberystwith Castle. Brougham Castle. Fitzwilliam Museum. National Gallery and Nelson's Monument. Interior of Lowther Arcade, London. Rainsgate Harbour. Margate Pier and Harbour. St. Martin's Priory, near Dover. Ravensworth Castle, Durham. Brougham Hall. Hever Castle. Eton College. St. David's Cathedral. St. Ives. Newstead Abbey. Birth-place of Sir Isaac Newton. Hornsey Church. Stratford. Suffolk. New Bridge Street, Blackfriars. Vol. 9. — Boston Church, Lincolnshire. The Quadrant, Regent Street. Birth-place of William Roscoe. Birth-place of Akenside, Butcher Bank, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Covent Garden Market. Bank of England. Chalk Farm. Primrose Hill. Spaniard's Tavern, Hampstead. Cromer, Norfolk. Conway Castle. Kirksdale Priory. Brougham Castle. Quebec House, the Birth-place of General Wolfe. Birth-place of Bunyan. Village of Ragland. Ragland Castle. Tynemouth Castle. Weymouth Castle. Colchester Castle. Swansea Castle and Harbour. Drayton Manor. Chatsworth. Rochester Castle and Bridge. Oakhampton Castle. Birth-place of Dr. Johnson, Lich- field. Birth-place of Lord Eldon, NeWcastle-upon-Tyne. Holy Island Castle. Hartlepool. Italian Opera House, London. All Souls' Church. Vol. 10.— Statue of Nelson. Guildhall, Exeter. Birth-place of the Rev. Gilbert White, Selbome. Birth-place of the Rev. John Wesley, Epworth. Somerset House. Haymarket Theatre. Mount Edgcumbe. Conway Castle and New Suspension Bridge. Formerly the Residence of Sir Richard Steele, Haverstock Hill, Hampstead. Birth-place of the learned Seldon, Salvington. Llanthoney Abbey. Cowbridge. Gla- morganshire. Royal Exchange. Temple Bar from the Strand. Battle Abbey. Battersea Bridge. St. Michael's Mount. Scarborough Castle. City of Exeter, from Exwick Hill. Saltwood Castle. Middlesex Hos- pital. Haddon Hall. View near Barking. Residence of Sir Paul Pindar. Carlisle Castle. Penrice Castle. St. Dunstan's Church, Fleet Street. Dugdale ( W. S. ), Tr. , The Purgatorio [Dante's Divine Comedy]. 1883. 809M Du Guesclin (Bertrand, Constable of France, b. 13 14, d. 1380). See Bonne- chose's France, 309O. Marshall's France, 311O. Froissart's Chronicles, 313D, &c. Dukes of Normandy from Rollo to King John, by Duncan. 1839 ... 874O Sec also Normandy, &c. and Princesses of the Family of George III., by Fitzgerald. 1882. 74-5F Dukes (E. J.), Everyday Life in China, or Scenes along River and Road in Fuh-Rien, illustrated. 1885 1680R Du Maine (Duchess). See Maine (Duchess du). Dumas (A. Davy, French Novelist and Dramatist, b. 1803, d. 1870), Memoirs of a Maitre d'Armes, or Eighteen Months at St. Petersburg, translated by the Marquis of Ormonde [Travel- lers' Library] 1281R Pictures of Travel in the South of France, illustrated ... 1315 and 1393R See also Gautier's French Authors, 254F. Harper's [Works] Index, 1640 Ja., and Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Dumb-Bells. See Maclaren's Physical Education, 1808Z. Crawley's Hand- books, 1154M, &c. Dumont (E., Swiss Publisher, b. 1759, d. 1829), Recollections of Mirabeau and of the Two First Legislative Assemblies of France. 1832 399F Dumourier (General). Sec Alison's Europe, 120-4O, &c. Dumouriez (General, b. 1739, d, 1823). See Thiers' French Revolution, 376-7H. Dunbar (G., Greek Scholar, b. 1774, d. 1851), F.R.S.E. See Potter's Antiquities, S74-5F, &c. Dunbar (W., Scotch Poet, b. 1470, d. 1530). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. [197] DUN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DUN Duncan (H., Founder of Savings Banks, b. 1774, d\ 1846), D.D., Sacred Philosophy of the Seasons. 1855 30c- iM Spring, Summer, 300M. Autumn, Winter, 301 M. Duncan (James), M.W.S., British Butterflies [Jardine's Naturalists' Library], colored plates ....;;..... 593Q Natural History of British Moths, Sphinxes, &c. [Jardine's Naturalists' Library], colored plates. 1836 95R Duncan (John, Scotch Weaver and Botanist, b. 1794, d. 1881), Life of, by Jolly. 1883 621O See also Good Words, 2189J. Page's Leaders of Men, 763O, &c. Duncan (Jonathan, Currency Reformer, 6°onnd and Unbound. Public Life of Mr. Herries. River Floods. The Pellagra in Italy. Thomas Carlyle. Schliemann's Ilios. Local Debts and Government Loans, &c 5 1 3 J Vol. 154, 1881.— Methodism. Cesar's Campaigns in Britain. Sweden under Gustavus III. The Society of Antiquaries. Japan Revo- lutionized. The Revised Version of the New Testament. The Storage of Electricity. Landlords and Tenants in Ireland. Albania and Scanderbeg. The Koran. Dauphiny. The Ponti- ficate of Leo XIII. Helmholtz and Carter on Eyesight. General Gordon in Central Africa. Fallacies of Fair Trade, &c 5 X 4J Vol. 155, 1882.— Taine's Conquest of the Jacobins. Cossa and Carducci. Cobden. Electro-Motive Power. Carthage and Tunis. Irish Discontent. The Bonapartes. Fall of the House of Stuart. Rossetti's Poems. Empire of the Chalifs. Origins of English History. The Panama Canal. Sir Thomas, Brassey on the British Navy. The Haigs of Bemersyde. Lord Beaconsfield s Speeches and Literary Works, &c 5 X 5 J Vol. 156, i332. — Don Sebastian and his Personators. Siemens' Theory of Solar Heat. Indian Administration and Finance. Littr£, Du- mas, Pasteur, and Taine. North Borneo. American Society in American Fiction. Three in Norway. Gardiner's Fall of the Monarchy of Charles I. The Ancient Architecture of India. Mozley's Reminiscences. Inland Navigation. Shelley and Mary. Natural Religion. The Egyptian Rebellion, &c 5t6J Vol. 157, 1883. — Immanuel Kant and the Kantian Revival. State Trials of the 19th Century. State of Agriculture at Home and Abroad. The Life and Works of Raphael. The Merv Oasis. Henry Erskine and his Times. Nationalisation of the Land. Persecu- tion of the Jews. Volcanoes and Volcanic Action. Frederic II. and Maria Theresa. Modern Ethics. Present State of Medical Science. Japanese Art. Life of Bishop Wilberforce. Jules Simon on the State of France, &c 517J Vol. 158, 1883. — Life of Don John of Austria. The Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern Stage. The Rural Population of Italy. History of English Law. The Angler's Library. Snakes. Pedigrees and Peerages. The French in Anam and Tonquin. Copernicus. Early Law and Custom. Russian Railways in Asia. The Scot- tish Language. The Herefordshire Pomona. Schubert, Chopin, Liszt. The American Civil War, &c 518J Vol. 159, 1884. — Government of the Indian Empire. The Spencerian Philo- sophy. The Anarchy of Paris. The Egyptian Question.. Literary Life of Anthony Trollope. Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. Parliamentary Reform. Lord Lyndhurst. Criminal Law of England. Chronicle of James I. of Aragon. The Scottish Uni- versities. Heth and Moab. The Coming Reform. Egypt, &c. 519J Vol. 160, 1884. — Lightning Conductors. The Chiefs of Grant. The Divorce of Catharine of Aragon. Sir Edward Colebrooke's Life of Mount- stuart Elphinstone. The Future of the Congo. Life and Opinions of Frederick Denison Maurice. Johann Sebastian Bach. The Works of Alexander Pope. Mountain Observatories. Klaus Groth : his Poems and Dialect. Memoirs of the Earl of Malmes- bury. John de Witt. Aristotle's History of Animals. The Irish Massacres of A.n. 1641. The Reform Bill and the House of Lords, &c 520J Vol. 161, 1885. — The Croker Papers. Recent Discoveries in the Roman Forum. Spenser as a Philosophic Poet. State of the British Army. The Migrations of Birds. Secret Papers of the Second Empire. The Redistribution of Seats. Land Tenure in Scot- land. Prince Bismark. The Army of India. India : what can it teach us? Past and Present State of the Navy. George Eliot. Three Reform Bills, &c 521 J [214] EDI ENGLISH SECTION. EDI Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal -.—{continued.) Vul. 162, 18S5. — John Keats. Count Giuseppe Pasolini. The French in North America. Harbours and Docks. Sir Henry Taylor. The City Livery Companies. Naval Warfare. The Ports and Trade of Corea. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Louis Pasteur. The Faith of Iran. Frederic II., and Louis XV. The Revised Version of the Old Testament. The Second Part of the Greville Memoirs. Dr. Martineau's Types of Ethical Theory. Plain Truths and Popular Fallacies, &c 522J Vol. 163, 18S6. — England, Afghanistan, and Russia. Coptic Churches of Egypt. Anne Boleyn. The French in Madagascar. Victor Hugo. Phoenician Antiquities. Scarcity of Gold. Popular Government. The Charges of Bishop Fraser. The Natural History of Palestine. Memoirs of Mary II. Recent Progress of Astronomy. Ireland under the Tudors. Modern Poetry. Princes of the House of Conde\ England's Duty to Ireland, &c 523J Vol. 164, 1886. — Arabian Nights. Aurora Borealis. Architectural History of the University of Cambridge, and of the Colleges of Cambridge and Eton. Correspondence of Marshall Davout. General Elec- tion. History of England from the conclusion of the Great War in 1815. Third Invasion of France. Geology : Chemical, Physical, and Stratigraphical. Apostolic Fathers: S. Ignatius and S. Polycarp. Insect Ravages. Century of Irish Government. Irish Question. Voice of Memnon. Needlework as Art. Letters and Despatches of Lord Nelson. Ancient Marbles in Great Britain. Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Modern Trade and the Means of Exchange. Cruise in the Western Pacific, &c. 524J Vol. 165, 1887. — Conquest of Burma. Correspondence of Marquis Gino Capponi. Gardiner's History of the Great Civil War. House of Douglas. Third part of the Greville Memoirs. Works of Handel. Hobart Pasha. Thomas Hobbes. Rural Life in Italy. Land, Law, and Labour. Literature of the Streets. Palestine. Parliament : the late Crisis and the coming Session. Railway Problems. Argyll's Scotland, as it was, and as it is. Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury. Reminiscences of Count Vitzthum. Ancient Laws of Wales, &c 525J Vol. 166, 1887. — Art, its ministry to happiness. Political Assassination. Brocas Family. Life and Works of Giordano Bruno. Memoirs and Correspondence of Prince Adam Czartoryski. Dundas Family of Arniston. England under the Angevin Kings. Ettrick Forest and the Yarrow. Condition of Politics in Europe. Europe and the French Revolution. Rural France. English Actors in the French Revolution. Hunting. Mr. Gladstone and the Liberal Party. Letters of Madame de Maintenon. Cruise of the Marchessa. A Plea for Peace. International Law of the United States. Education of Women, &c 526J Vol. 167, 1888.— Lord Carteret. Political Clubs. Mr. Kinglake's con- cluding volumes of the History of the Invasion of the Crimea. Dalmatia and the Quarnero. Charles Darwin. Jean Doublet. Campaign of 1882 in Egypt. Peace of Europe. Franco-Russian Alliance. The People Israel. Sir H. A. Layard. The Prin- cess Helene de Ligne. Municipal Debt and Local Taxation. Sidereal Photography. John Ruskin's Works Reviewed. Tithes. Battle for the Union. Bowen's Translation of Virgil. Froude's English in the West Indies, &c 527 J Vol. 168, 1888.— Poems of Matthew Arnold. Rev. William Barnes. Let- ters of Cicero. Count - A. De Falloux. Forster's Life of Mr. T. Wemyss Reid. French Revolution. Lord Grenville. The Heptam£ron of Queen Margaret of Navarre. Ireland under Coercion. Poems and Letters of Michael Angelo. Naval Defence. Dorothy Osborne. House of Percy. Study of Re- ligion. Scotland in the Eighteenth Century. Storms. Sur- gery and Medicine. Taxation in England. Turrettini Family of Geneva. The Mar^chal de Villars, &c 52 J Edinburgh. Reviewers. Sec Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1104R, &c. Edis (R. W., Architect, b. 1839), F.S. A., Healthy Furniture and De- coration [Int. Health Ex.], illustrated. 1884 989M 1215] EDK GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. EDW Edkins (J.), D.D., Chinese Buddhism. 1880 57K Edmonds (E. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. EDUCATION— Works relating to : [See also Colleges, Schools, Teachings £re.) Education as a Science, by Bain. 1886 364R British and American, compared by Hazeltine [Harper's Series]. 1880 i5 2lZ [Conrad's German Universities] 1109F Doctrine of, by Richter. 1848 200R Essays on a Liberal Education, edited by Fatrar. 1868 ... 1051F Free [Fawcett's Essays] 1014F Industrial, by Magnus. 1888 314 and 318R National, and Board School Reforms, by Brabazon. 1887 1103F 1S53 1049F — [Harris's Radicals] 1106F of Children [Ashton's Reign of Queen Anne] 67 F Girls [Caddy's Flousehold] 952M of the Artist, by Chesneau, translated by Bell. 1S86 1126M — — World, by Temple [Essays and Reviews] 662A -^ — — [Replies to Hlssays and Reviews] 663A on its Constituents, Objects, and Issues, by McCombie. 1857 274R Physical, by Maclaren [Athletics, &c.]. 1885 1808Z Popular, by Randall. 1869 202R Lectures and Addresses in Aid of, by the Earl of Car- lisle. 1856 1284R Practical, and Useful Knowledge, by Everett. 1847 208R byLeland. 1888 300R Struggle for National, by Morley. 1873 1050F The Home, Kindergarten, and the Primary School, by Peabody. 1887 299R See also Abbot's Home Teaching, 212R. Alison's Europe, 139-60. An Old Man's Thoughts about Many Things, 179T. Ashton's XIX. Century, 862H. Bellair's Girls and Maidens, 984M. Brougham's Political Speeches, 605R. Butler's Woman's Culture, &c, ic88F. Carpenter (Mary), Life and Work, 562O. Child and Child Nature, 280R. Compayre's Pedagogy, 296K. Escott's England and Its People, 1017F. Fitche's Cambridge Lectures on Teaching, 285R. Froude's Studies, 208O. Gould's Germany, 363O. Girls' Book, 1257H. Grey's Self-Culture, 961R. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Heath's Peasants' Life, 1329R. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Kay's England, 228R. Knight's England, 151-4H. Laurie's Train- ing of Teachers, 286R. Laurie's Universities, 306R. Macleod's Home School, 16Q. Malthus' Population, 1094F. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Martin's Chinese, 1521R. May's Demo- cracy, 38-9H. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Richardson's Common Health, 843M. Seeley's Factors in Life, 844M. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026 and 1028F. Staunton's Great Schools of England, 1054F. Teachers' Cabinet, 1510Z. Temple's India, 464H and 486K. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R. 13th Century, v. 24, 2234J. Cassell's Popular Educator, &c. Education of the Heart, Woman's Best Work, by Ellis. 1869 214T Edward (77/ f Black Prince, son of Edward III., b. 1330, d. 1376.) See Adam's Great Names, 682O. Every Boy's Annual, 1886, 1305H. Froissart's Chronicles, 312D, &c. Edward (The Confessor, Saxon King of England, b. 1004, d. 1066.) See Free- man's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Green's Conquest of England, 187H. Adam's Great Names, 682O. Lappenberg's England, 1518O, &c. Edward IV. {King of England, b. 1441, d. 1483) [Paston Letters]... 294-5T Edward V. {King of England, son of Edward IV., b. 1470, murdered 1483). See Strickland's Bachelor Kings, 1414O. [216] EDW ENGLISH SECTION. EGY Edward VI. (King of England, son of Henry VIII., b. 1537, d. 1553)- &* Strickland's Bachelor Kings, T414O. Edward (Thomas, Scotch Naturalist, b. 1S14, d. 1886), Life of, by Smiles. 1877 77*0 See also Japp's Labour, 951Q, &c. Edwards (A. B., Novelist, b. 1831), Untrodden Peaks and Unfre- quented Valleys, illustrated. 1873 •• •. 4 J 4K See also Friths Reminiscences, 6i6Fa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Edwards (A. M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Elwards (B. B.), Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, or Dic- tionary of the Bible. 1835 72A Edwards (E. C. Hope), Eau-de-nil [Sketches of the Country of the Nile]. 1882 1564R. Edwards (H. S., Miscellaneous Writer, b. 1828), Rossini and his School [Great Musicians]. 1881 1219O Edwards (Jonathan, American Theologian, b. 1703, d. 1758), A.M., History of the Work of Redemption [American Tract Society], 1676Z Life of Rev. David Brainerd [R.T.S.] 188Z Revivals in Religion. 1832 58K The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin Defended. 1766... 303M Treatise Concerning Religious Affections 150M and 1670Z [Stephen's Hours in a Library] 1103R Edwards (J. P.), Ed., The Public Good, devoted to the Advocacy of Great Principles, Advancement of Useful Institutions and the Elevation of Man, vols 1 and 2 1067-8 R Edwards (M. B., Novelist, b. 1836), A'Year in Western Fiance. 1877 I 375R ■ Holidays in Eastern France. 1879 ... 407K Holiday Letters from Athens, Cairo, and Weimar. 1873 1472R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Edwards (T.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Edwardes (.Mrs. A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Eel, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 811F, &c. Egerton (F. L. G., Earl of Ellesmere.). See Ellesmere (Earl of). Eggeling (J.), Trans. Midler's Sacred Books of the East, vol. 12 ... 570A Eggleston (G. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Eggs and Chickens, or the Profitable Keeping of Poultry. 1878 555Q and Nests of British Birds, by Atkinson, illustrated. 1867 616Q Familiar Birds, by Adams. 1876 55R Nests and Eggs of British Birds, by Morris 819-20F of British Birds, by Jennings, colored illustrations 613 and 614Q [Tegetmeier's Poultry Book] 664B Cookery of [Frederick's Hints] 95 1 M See Jones' Credulities, 902M. Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-6i6Fa. Ure's Dic- tionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, &c. Egleston (N. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. EGYPT AND THE EGYPTIANS— Works relating to : {See also Africa, Antiquities, Archaology, A T ile, Pyramids, Red Sea, Soudan, Travels, £fc. N.B. — Poole's Index, R.L.,gwes a very large number of refrencs to Magazines in the Library containing articles on the late war, and all matters of interest connected ivith Egypt. Those in the recent supplement are oj especial value. Egypt, a Ride in, by Loftie, illustrated. 1879 1530R Ancient and Modern, by Russell [Ed. Cab. Lib.]. 1831 ... 925Q — 1839 664Z [217] EGY GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ELB EGYPT AND THE EGYPTIANS.— Works relating to: — . [continued. ) Egypt, Ancient, by Rawlinson, illustrated, 2 vols. 1882 871-2F 1887 428O Trevor [R.T.S] 1013M Monuments of, by Gosse, illustrated. 1847 1525R and Iceland in 1874, by Taylor. 1875 1535** Nubia, Recent Discoveries in, by Belzoni, 2 vols. 1822.. 835-6K Syria in Relation to Bible History, by Dawson [R.T.S.]. 252M Ethiopia, &c, Letters from, by Lepsius, tr. by Homer. 1S53 1533R Land of the Nile, by Adams, illustrated. 1881 755Q Letters from, by Joliffe, 2 vols. 1854 554-5IC Lower, and Cairo, Five Months at, by Charmes, translated by Conn. 1883 1534R Monuments of Ancient Egypt, by Gosse. 1855 1011M Nubia, Syria, &c, Travels in, by Irby and Mangles. 1844.. 773Q of the Past, by Wilson, illustrated. 1881 .... 375O The Soudan and Central Africa, by Petherick. 1861 637K to Palestine, by Bartlett, illustrated 634K Travel in, by Stephen. 1840 602Z Upper Egypt, by Klunzinger. 1878 631K Monuments of, by Mariette-Bey, translated. 1877 1539R Egyptian, Antiquities, by Young. 1823 600D Mummies, &c. See Nichol's British Museum, 863F. Archaeology, by Maspero, illustrated. 1887 900F Egyptians, Ancient, a Popular Account by Wilkinson, illus- trated, 2 vols. 1854 1526-7R Ancient Dwellers on the Nile, by Budge [R.T.S.]. 1885 ... 254M [Brown's Palaeolithic Man] 905 F Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, by Wilkin- son, illustrated, 5 vols. 1847 866-0F Modern, by Lane, 3 vols. 1846 660- iZ Manners, Customs, &c. [1833-5], by Lane, 2 vols. 1836.. 1528-9R See also Alison's Europe, ii9-2y(J. Beke's Sinai in Arabia, 597B. Bible Lands, 511-2A'. Brown's Races of Mankind, 155D. Carne's Letters from the East, 1455-^R. Conder's Modern Traveller, 545-6Z. Conway's Demonology, 909M. Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 787K. Donnelly's Atlantis, 1017M. Edward's Eau-de-Nil, 1564R. Ewald's Israel, 64K. Falkland's Chow-Chow, 524-5K. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Humboldt's Cosmos, 484R. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Kitto's Scripture Lands, 368M. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M. Madden's Travels, 1457-8R. May's Democracy, 38H. Milman's Jews, T57Q. Poole's Index [Egyptian War], R.L. Poole's Letters from Cairo, 663Z. Pressens^'s Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M. Raw- . linson's Ancient Religions, 448M. Seward's Travels, 601 B. Smith's Prophets, 466M. Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Stephen's Travels, S63K. Taylor's Eldorado, 853R. Taylor's Monuments, 226T, &c. Eh.enh.eim (G. von). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Eighteen Christian Centuries, by White. 1870 519M Eighteenth Century, Manners of our Fathers, by Andrews. 1856... 281 R Wars of the, by Cust, 5 vols. 1858-60 147-51Z See also Contemporary, 2047J. Epochs of Church History, 257T. Living Age, 3169, 3174, and 3187J. Perry's English Literature, 1057R. Temple Bar, 1 375 J, &C. Eikon Basilike, The Portraiture of His Majesty King Charles I. 1876 624O Eiloart (Mrs.). • See Fiction Class List following General Catalogue. El Buscapie, by Cervantes, translated, with Life of Author, by Ross. 1849 566O [218] elA English section. ElE Elasticity. 6V* Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Nature, 2690-2J, &c. Elba. See Leisure Hour, 2626J. Living Age, 3T53J, &c. Eldad the Pilgrim : A Sketch of the Manners and Customs of the Jews in the Century which Preceded the Advent of Our Saviour [S.P.C.K.] 304M Eldon (Lord Chancellor, b. 1751, d. 1838), Life of, by Twiss, 3 vols. 244-6F «■ See also Alison's Europe, 139-2O. Campbell's Chief Justices, 787O. Ewald's Statesmen, 472F. Harris' Radicals; no6F. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace. 449B, &c. Eldorado, or Adventures in the Path of Empire, by Taylor. 1868 852R Eldred {Archbishop of York). SeeJFreeman's Norman Conquest, 202-5H, &c. Elections, History of Parliamentary Elections and Electioneering in the old Days, by Grego, illustrated. 1886 1275 Pi See also Alison's Europe, 139-6O. Heaton's Reforms, 456O. Lennox's Fashion Then and Now, 1018-9H. Stubbs' History, 210-2O, &c. ELECTRICITY— "Works relating to : {See also Magnetism, Meteorology, Natural Philosophy, Physics, Science, 6~Y.). Electric Clocks. See Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Electric Light, by Holmes, illustrated. 1882 521R See also All the Year Round, 1801J. Chambers' Edinburgh Journal, 1930, 1954, and T958J. Edinburgh Review, 509J. Fortnightly Re- view, 2121J. Living Age, 3076J. Nature, 2665, 2668, and 2678- 84J. Scribner's Monthly, 1869J. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L. Ure's Dictionary, 9D, &c. Electric Telegraph. See Head's Stokers and Pokers, 1H7R. Marvels of Art, 1227Z. Temple's India, 486K. Timbs' Inventions, 258R. Timbs' Works, 852 and 854Z. Wynter's Curiosities, 919M, &c. See also Telegraphy, &c. Electricians, Lives of the [Tyndall, Wheatstone, and Morse], by Jeans, first series. 1887 1285O Electricity and Electric Telegraph, by Wilson. 1852 702Q — its Uses, by Munro 5 2 9R the Electric Telegraph ; together with the Chemistry of the Stars, by Wilson. 1854 1283R Rudimentary, by Harris [Weale's Series]. 1848 712Q See also Brown's Science for All, 626-9B. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Cassell's Popular Educator, 167 and 169D. Chambers' Edinburgh Journal, 1955J. Cornhill Magazine, 282J. Edinburgh Review, 514 J. Franklin's Works, 940H. Good Woods, 2192J. Guille- min's Applications of Physical Forces, 159D. Guillemin's Forces of Nature, 158D. Joyce's Dialogues, 695Q. Lardner's Lectures, 756D. Lardner's Natural Philosophy, 467R. Leisure Hour, 2641J. Nature, 2662, 2667, 2668-9, 2672-84J. Nine- teenth Century, 2224J. Once a Week, 2264J. Poole's Index, R.L. Quarterly Review, 1209 and 1274 J. Somerville's Micros- copic Science, 110R. Time Mag., 1497J. Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Whewell's Inductive Sciences, 768D. Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377R. Boy's Own Annual [Electric Experiments], 1885, 2957J. Every_ Boy's Annual, 1867, 1302H. [How to Make and Work an Electric Telegraph] 1869, 1303H. English Mechanic, vols. 46 and 47, 1C46-7D, &c. Electro-Deposition, Taking Moulds, &c, by Gore 505R Electro-Magnetism. See Lardner's Lectures, 757D, &c. Electro-Metallurgy, Elements of, by Smee. 1851 493R See also Byrne's Metal Workers' Assistant, 840D. Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Electro-Motive Engines, See Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Electro-Telegraphy. See Timbs' Inventions, 258R. Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Electrometers. See South Kensington Science Lectures, 500R, &c. Elegant Extracts from the Poets, 3 vols. 1810 1576-8Z See also Verse, Prose, and Correspondence [Elegant Extracts] 535-9D. Elegy in a Country Churchyard [Gray's Poems] 305 and 314Q Elephant, The, by Ogilby. 1844 717Z [219] ELE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ELL Elephant. See also Brown's Science for All, 628B. Donnelly's Atlantis, 1017M. Hartvvig's Tropical World, 758 F. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 666Q. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Mantell's Won- ders of Geology [Fossil Elephants], 724-5Q. Poole's Index, R.L. Natural History, &c. Elgin and Phigaleian Marbles, in the British Museum, by Ellis, 2 vols. 360- iT Elgin (Earl of, Viceroy of India, b. 181 1, d. 1863), Mission to China and Japan [1857-9], by L. Oliphant, illustrated, 2 vols. 1859. 516-7K See also Trotter's India, 538-9H, &c. Eli ( fl- about 1182-41 B.C.). See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Elijah {Prophet in AhaVs reign, 910-896, B.C.), and John the Baptist, Discourse on, by Anderson. 1835 202K The Desert Prophet, by Howat 349M Prophet of Fire, His Life and Times, by Macduff. 1864 ... 398M Tishbite, by Krummacher 369M, 7 iQ and 1683Z See also Ewald's Israel, 64K. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 15 iK, &c. Eliot (C. W.), Works of. See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue and Harper's Index, i64oJa. Eliot (George [Mrs. Marion Evans, Lewes, Cross], Celebrated Au- thor, b. 1820, d. 1880), Spanish Gypsy, a Perm. 186S 457^ by Blind [Em. Women Series]. 1883 1126O Life of, as related in her Letters and Journals, edited by her Husband, J. W. Cross, 3 vols. 1885 625-7O See also Adam's Celebrated Englishwomen, 1282O. Morley's Miscellanies, 842O and 8430a. Blackwood, v. 129, 199J; v. 133, 203J. Contemporary, v. 20, 2030J. Harper, v. 62, 1642J. Living Age, v. 115, 3145J; v. 149, 3179J. 19th Century, v. 9, 2219J. Temple Bar, v. 73, 1403J. West- minster Review, v. 124, R.L. Fiction Class List following General Catalogue, &C Eliot (Sir. J., States/nan, Leader of the Opposition against Charles I., b. 1592, d. 1632), A Biography, by John Forster, 2 vols. 1872 628-9O See also Dixon's H.M. Tower, 323H. Gardiner's History of England, 464-5O. Lardner's Cab. Cycle, 284T, &c. Elisha {Hebrew Prophet, called by Elijah, 896, d. 839, B.C.). See Ewald's Israel, 64K. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Good Words, 2180J, &c. Elizabeth {Queen of England, Daughter of Henry VIII. and Anne Boleyn, b. 1533, d. 1603), Favourites of, by Naunton. 1808 175F Memoirs of the Court of, by Lucy Aikin. 1819 121-2F Private Prayers during the Reign of. 1851 227A Youth of [1 533-1558], by Wiesener, edited from the French by Yonge, 2 vols. 1879 630-1O Life of, by Cunningham 2 1 6Z See also Brand's Antiquities, 1005-7M. Burke's Historical Portraits, 541F. Campbell's Chancellors, 775-2O. Clayton's Female Warriors, 643O. Dixon's H.M. Tower, 321 H. Royal Windsor, 327-8H. Froude's England, 193-202O. Green's English People, 190-91 H. Hatton's Life and Times, 313F. James' Celebrated Women, 830O. Leader's Mary Queen of Scots, 347H. M'Cries' Life of Knox, 756O. Motley's Netherlands, 350-3O. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L. Strickland's Mary Queen of Scots, 793-4O. Strickland's Queens of Eng- land, 800O. Adlard's Amye Robsart, 663F. 19th Century, v. 24,2234}. Elizabeth Castle, Jersey. See Penny Magazine, 143B. College, Guernsey [Monthly Selection, &c] 12S9II See also Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1284-87H and Guernsey Magazine, 2381-96J {the contents of which arc set out in the Catalogue). Elizabethan i)cmonology, by Spalding. 1880 9I3M — — Literature, by Saintsbury. 1887 1236R ■ Seamen and their Voyages to America, from I laklayt, selected and edited by F. J. Payne, M.A. 1880 169IR EllenboroURh (Edward, Lord, Lord Chief Justice, b. 1750, d. 1818). See Camp- bell's Chief Justices, 787O, &c. [220] ELL ENGLISH SECTION. ELL Ellenborough (Edward, Lord, Son of the above, Governor-General of India, b. 1790, d. 1871). See India, 1844, 467H. Alison's Europe, 141-5O. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 92-6F. Trotter's India, 538-9 H. Greville Memoirs, &C Ellesmere (Lord, Statesman and Poet, b. 1800, d. 1857). See Campbell's Chan- cellors, 775-6O. Fraser, v. 35, 645J. Ellet (Mrs.), Family Pictures from the Bible I33Q Women Artists in all Ages and Countries. 1859 1045O Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. ElliCOtt (C. J., Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, b. 1819), D.D., Ed., Commentary for Schools. v.D Colossians, Thessalonians Timothy, by Barry, Mason, and Spence ... 252Q Titus, Philemon, Hebrews and James, by Spence, Barry, &c 253Q Peter, John and Jude, by Mason, Plummer and Sinclair 254Q Revelation of St. John, by Boyd Carpenter 255Q St. Matthew, by Plumptre 136Q St. Mark, by Plumptre ... 137Q St. Luke, by Plumptre ... 138Q St. Tohn, by Watkins 139Q The" Acts, by Plumptre . . . 140Q 1 and 2 Corinthians, by Shore & Plumptre. 257Q 1 Corinthians, by Shore... 142Q Romans, by Sanday I4 : Q Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians, by San- day and Barry 25 1 Q New Testament Commentary for English Readers, by various writers, 3 vols. 1877-80 : Vol. 1. — St. Matthew, St. Mark, and St. Luke, by Plumptre. St. John, by Watkins 29A Vol. 2. — Acts of the Apostles, by Plumptre. Epistle to Romans, by Sanday. First Epistle to Corinthians, by Shore. Second Epistle to Corin- thians, by Plumptre. Epistle to Galatians, by Sanday 30A Vol. 3. — Epistle to the Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians, by Barry. Epistles to the Thessalonians, by Mason. Epistles to Timothy and Titus, by Spence. Epistle to Philemon, by Barry. Epistle to Hebrews, by Moulton. Epistle of St. James, by Punchard. First Epistle of St. Peter, by Mason. Second Epistle of St. Peter, by Plummer. Epistles of St. John, by Sinclair. Epistle of St. Jude, by Plummer. Revelation of St. John, by Boyd Carpenter 31A Elliot (F.), Diary of an Idle Woman in Italy, 2 vols. 1871 1687-8R Sicily, 2 vols. 1881 1475-6R Spain. 1884 I447R Elliot (H., Diplomatist, b. 1752, d. 1830). See Fitzgera'd's Kings and Queens of an Hour, 85F. Elliott (A. H. ), Witty and Humorous Side of the English Poets. 1880 514D Elliott (C. B. ), Travels in the Three Great Empires of Austria, Russia, and Turkey, 2 vols. 1838 421-2K Elliott (C. W. and H. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Elliott (E.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Ellis (Mrs. Charles), A Summer in Normandy with my Children, illustrated. 1878 1376 and I377R Ellis (Mrs. E. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Ellis (G., Antiquary, Ik 1745, d- 1815), Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, with an Historical Introduction on the Rise and Progress of Romantic Composition in France and England [Bonn's Library], 1848 I010M Ellis (Sir II., Antiquary, p. 1777, d. 1869), F.R.S., Elgin and Phiga- leian Marbles of the Classical Ages in the British Museum, illustrated , 2 vols 360-6 1 T [221] ELL GUILLE-ALLES LtBRAkV. EME Ellis (R.), F.L.S., Chemistry of Creation, a Sketch of the Chemical and Physical Phenomena of Earth, Air, and Ocean [S.P.C. K.], illustrated. i88o.» .-. 731Q Ellis (Mrs. Sarah Stickney, Celebrated Author, b. 1812), Daughters of England, their Position, Character and Responsibility. 1842 928R Education of the Heart, Woman's Best Book. 1869 214T - Family Monitor and Domestic Guide [Women of England, Daughters) Wives and Mothers]. 1844 186D *=■ — Mothers of England, their Influence and Responsibility 1407Z Summer and Winter in the Pyrenees. 1841 392 K The Beautiful in Nature and Art. 1866 926R Women of England, their Social Duties and Domestic Habits. 1839 927R Ellis (T. J.), Sketching from Nature, a Handbook for Students and Amateurs [Art at Home Series], illustrated. 1883 1067M Ellis (W., Dissenting Minister, b. 1795, d, 1872), Polynesian Re- searches, during a Residence of nearly Eight Years in the Society and Sandwich Islands, 4 vols, in 2. 1831... 679-80Z See also Japp's Labour, 951Q, Sic. Ellsworth (E. W.). Sec Griswokfs Poets of America, 468D. ELOCUTION AND ELOQUENCE : {See also Addresses, Lan- guage, Oratory, Speeches, &*c.) Elocution, Lectures on, delivered at King's College, London, by C. J. Plumptre. 1 88 1 ~, 1040I I Principles of, by -Bell. 1849 650H Throne of Eloquence, Great Preachers, Ancient and Modern, by Hood. 1885 541M See also Brougham's Addresses, Sic., 603R. Campbell's Rhetoric, 593-4H. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Enfield's Speaker, 933R. Le- gouve's Art of Reading, 1073R. Percy Anecdotes, 915Z, &c. Elohim. See Inman's Faiths, g6Ka, Sic. Elphinstone (GerJ.) See Alison's Europe, 144O. Elphinstone (Mountstuart). See Poole's Index, R.L. Elton (C. A.), Tr., Hesiod [Fam. Clas. Lib.]. 1832 H37Q Elton (J. F.), F.R.G.S., Travels and Researches among the Lakes and Mountains of Eastern and Central Africa, edited by Cotterill, illustrated. 1879 652K Elves [Keighley's Fairies, &c] 1009M Ely Abbey. See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R, Sic. Ely (R. T.), Ph.D., French and German Socialism, &c. 1883 53 iT Embalming of the Dead. See Maddens Shrines, 342K. Cornhill, 330 J. Know- ledge, 2586J. Living Age, 3164J, Sic. Emblems. See Marshall's Ceremonials, 939F. Twining's Symbols, 507M. Har- per's Magazine, 1642J. Living Age, 3T45J, Sic. Embossing. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, Sic. Embroidering Machine. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D. Embroidery and Fancy Work [Young Lady's Book] ■ 983M See Dillmont's Needlework, 912D. Girls' Own Indoor Look, 1257K. Owen's Needlework, 884D. Valentine's Girls' Own Book, 1187R. Needlework, Sic. Embryology, Elements of, by Foster and Balfour, edited by Sedg- wick and IJeape. 1883 828M Emeralds. See Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. Brown's Science for All, 627Ba. Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Nature, v. 8, 2668J, Sic. Emerson (R. W.) American Essayist and Poet, b. 1803, d. 1882), A Western Journey with Mr. Emerson. 1884 1567Z Complete Works, Essays, Lectures, Poems, &c, 2 vols. 1876 ... 929-0R Correspondence with Carlyle [1834-72], 2 vols. 1883 560-1O [222] EME ENGLISH SECTION. END Emerson (R. W.), Nature, an Essay, &c. 1852 932R Representative Men, Seven Lectures. 1850 9450 Society and Solitude. 1870 ...'. 931R Civilisation. Art. Farming. Books. Clubs. Success. Eloquence. Old Age. Courage, &c. by Holmes. 1885 632O His Life, Writings, &c, by Cooke. 1882 633-4O See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Poets of America, 468 D, Harper's Index, i64oJa. Morley's Miscellanies, 842O, &c. Emery. Sec Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, &c. EMIGRATION to United States, by Bromwell. 1856 346D The Emigrant [Political History affecting the Relations of Eng- land, the United States, Canada, &c], by Head. 1847 1627R See also Alison's Europe, 120-6 and 139-40O. Domenech's America [Ancient Emigration], 692K. Macfie's Vancouver Island, 681 K. 'Mai thus' Popu- lation, 1093-4F. Morris's How to get a Farm. 1617R. National Mis- cellany, 1037H. Tucker's Progress of United States, 1039F. Ward's Cape and Kaffirs, 431T. Colonies, United States, &c. Eminent Men, Personal Reminiscences, by Cyrus Redding, 3 vols, 1867 909-uO Persons : Biographies Reprinted from the Times [1870- 1879], 1880 247F Women Series. See Ingram (J. H.). Emmet (R., One of the Leaders of the Irish Rebellion ^1803, b. 1780, executed 1803) [Browne's State Trials] 304O Emminghaus (A.), Ed., Poor Relief in Different Parts of Europe, A Selection of Essays. 1873 2 45R Emotions, Expression of the, in Man and Animals, by Darwin. 1872 24R The, by McCosh. 1880 ." 110K See also Brown's Ethics, 243M. Haweis' Current Coin, 974R, &c. Empedocles {Sicilian Philosopher and Poet, ft. 444 B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Empires, Kingdoms, &c. See under names, e.g., England, France, America, Guernsey, History, Travels, &c. Empson (W., Ed. of the Edinburgh Review, b. 1791, d. 1852). Sec Napier's Cor- respondence. 273H, &c. En Province, by James. See Atlantic Monthly, 1542J, &c. Enamel, Painting on Glass, &c, by Snell, illustrated 905D Work [Industrial Arts] 1042M Enamels. See Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Art Journal, v. 28, R.L. Cornhill, v. 16, 296J, and v. 19, 299J. Penny Magazine, v. 7, 145B, &c. Encamping 1 an Army [Rhode's Tent Life] 930F Encaustic Tiles. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures. 7D, &c. Enchantment, Boys' and Girls' Book of [a Collectionof Fairy Tales] 1261H Encyclopaedia Britannica, a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature, edited by Thomas Spencer, Baynes, and W. Robertson Smith, assisted by 1,145 contributors, ninth edition, 24 vols. 1875-1888 R.L [A Library in itself, containing comprehensive articles on almost every subject, by eminent Artists, Litterateurs and Scientists.] of Needlework, by Therese de Dillmont, illustrated ' 91 2D Religious Knowledge, or Dictionary of the Bible, by Ed- wards. 1835 72A Encyclopaedias. See also Cyclopaedias, Dictionaries, &c. EncylopaadistS and Diderot, by Morley. 1880 618O End of the World Foretold. See Limbs' Works, 856Z, &c Endowments. See Temple's India, 486K. Fortnightly, v. 11, 2T01J. Mac- millan, v. 22, 952J, &c. and Establishment of the Church of England, by Brewer, edited by L. T. Dibdin. 1885 1225M of the Church of England. See also Poole's Index, R.L., &c. [2231 ENE GUILLE-ALLfcS LIBRARY. ENG- Energy, Conservation of, by Stewart. 1S87 353R in Nature, by Carpenter. 1883 5 2 &K See also Contemporary, v. 42, 2052J. Fraser, v. 62, 672J. Good Words, v. 3, 2173J. Knowledge, v. 3, 2583J. Nature, v. 1, 2661 J ; v. 2, 2662J ; v. 9, 2669J ; vr 11, 2671 J ; v. 22, 2682J. Tyndall's Heat, 509R, Sic. Enfield (E.), Indian Corn, its Value, Culture, and Uses. 1866 1105M Enfield (W., Philosopher and Educational Writer, b. 1741, d. 1797), LL.D., History of Philosophy. 1837 206D The Speaker, Selections from the best English Writers, &c. 1832 933R Enfield (Viscountess) Leaves from the Diary of Henry Greville. 1883 296F Engel (C), Musical Instruments [South Kensington Handbooks] ... 1057M Engel (L.), From Mozart to Mario, Reminiscences of Half a Cen- tury, 2 vols. 1886 ... 13489O Engine. See English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Locomotive, Sieam, Machinery, &c. Engineering and Architecture, Mechanical Principles of, by Moseley, illustrated. 1855 833D See also Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Chambers' Journal [Ancient and Modern Eng.], 1939J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Knowledge [Inventions Ex- hibition], 2587J. Leisure Hour [Modern Feats], 2645J. Nature [Patients], 2691J. Quarterly [Engineering Science], 1244J, &c. Civil. See Addison's Construction, 1141M. Engineers, Civil. See Civil Engineers. Engineer's Handbook, by Byrne. 1863 839D Engineers, Lives of the, by Smiles ... 250- iF, 522, 528, 839, 963 and 9S4O [For Contents see under Smiles.] See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21-8F. Biographies of Eminent Engineers, e.g., Stephenson, Watt, &c. ENGLAND AND THE ENGLISH— Works relating to : [See also Anglo-Saxons, Britains, Danes, Normans, 6fc. ; Britain, Channel Islands, Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, &c; Kings and Rulers of England, e.g., Alfred the Great, Charles I. , Cronnvell, &=c. ; Names of Towns and Counties, e.g., London, Chester, Windsor, Derbyshire, firV.; Biography, General and Collective, for Eminent Persons, e.g., Admirals, Artists, Authors, Generals, Statesmen, &c. ; Biography, Individual, for separate Biographies, e.g., Bright, Disraeli, Gladstone, &°c. See also Subjects, e.g., Antiquities, Architecture, Art Battles, Church, Commerce, Ecclesiastical History, Education, Free Trade, Government Gazetteers, Geography, Geology, Language, Literature, Manufactures, Natural History, Parliament, Political Economy, Religion, Science, Topography, &*c. N.B. — See Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L.) Historical and Political. England, 1 757-1818 [Romilly's Life and Correspondence] 297-8T a Continental Power, from the Conquest to Magna Charta 128T A. D. 732-1201 [Roger De Hoveden's Annals] 90-1O Ancient [Froissart's Chronicles] 312-15D Affairs of Britain, to a.d. 1307 [Matthew of Westminster's Flowers of History] 100- 1 and Its People, First Impressions of, by Hugh Miller. 1875 804R Normandy, by Palgrave, 4 vols. 1851 180-3II [224] ENG ENGLISH SECTION. ENG ENGLAND AND THE ENGLISH— Works relating to:— {continued.) England and Normandy, Ecclesiastical History of, to A.u. 1 141, by Odericus Vitalis, trans, by Forrester [Bohn's Library], 4 vols. 1853-6 > II3-6O and Scotland, Relations between the Crowns of. See Freeman's Essays. Wales, containing a Brief Review of every Town and Place, by Gronow. 1849 1020M Delineated, by Dugdale, alphabetically arranged, maps, illustrated, 10 vols, n.d 738-47II [For Contents and List of Illustrations see under Dugdale.] Anglo-Saxon Period, by Palgrave. 183 1 1648Z at War, Great Campaigns, by Adams, 2 vols. 1886 198-9H Bachelor Kings of, by Strickland. 1861 ^ 1414O Bede's Ecclesiastical History and Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, edited by Giles. 1847 168M by Gairdner [Early Chroniclers] 148O Child's History of, by Dickens, illustrated 1260R [Pocket Vol. Edition]. 1880 1806Z [Household Words] I742-8J Church Historians of, edit, by Stevenson, vols 2-5, 7 parts 277-83A Civilisation in, by Buckle, 3 vols. 1873 186-8O , Conquest of, by Green. 1883 187II Constitution of, by distance 1013F by De Lolme, edited by Hughes. 1834 1008F Constitutional History of [Henry VII. — George II.], by Hallam, 3 vols in 1. 1841 210H by Stubbs, 3 vols. 1883 210-12O Constitutional History of [1760-1860], by Yonge. 1882 211H Dawn of the Nineteenth Century in, by Ashton, ill. 1886 ... 861 -2H Descent of Saxons to a.d. 1235 [Roger of Wendover's Chronicles], 2 vols. 1849 92-3O Domestic Manners and Sentiments in, during the Middle Ages, by Wright, illustrated. 1862 942F during the American and European Wars [1765- 1820]. 1878 129Z Engles or Englishmen [Green's Making of England] 188H Expansion of, by Seeley. 1888 I5 r 50 [Morley's Miscellanies] 843O and 8430a Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII., by Giustinian, translated by Brown, 2 vols. 1854 248-9O from a.d. 655 to 1096, Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland, translated by Riley [Bohn's Library]. 1854... I05O from the departure of the Romans to Edward I. [Florence of Worcester's Chronicle]. 1854 104O Year 1235 to 1273, by Matthew Paris, translated by Giles [Bohn's Library], 3 vols. 1852-4 94-6O Great Schools of, by Staunton, illustrated. 1865 1054F History of, by Creasy, vols. I and 2. 1869 143-4H [1713-1783], by Mahon, 7 vols. 1858 213-9O [18301874], by Molesworth, 3 vols. 1879 159-62O from Invasion of the Romans to Reign of Victoria, for young persons, by Markham. 1863 247O from James I. to the Civil War [1603- 1642], by Gar- diner, 10 vols. 1883 460-9O 8 [225] ENG- GUILLEALLES LIBRARY. ENG- ENGLAND AND THE ENGLISH— Works relating to :— {conlimted.) England. History of, from Julius Cresar to George II., by Hume and Smollett, illustrated, 16 vols. 1808-11 114-29H the Accession of James II., by Macaulay, 8 vols. 1858-62 178-85O Earliest Times to a.d. 1832, by Walters, 8 vols. 151 -80 from the Fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish Armada, by Froude, 12 vols. 1877 192-203O in the Eighteenth Century, by Lecky, 6 vols. 1878 167-72H Our Own Times [1837-1880], by McCarthy, 4 vols. ...193-6H the Peace, 1816-46, by Martineau, illustrated. 1858... 449B [Pinnock's] 230O History of the Rebellion, by Clarendon 297-302D in 1841, by Raumer, 2 vols. 1842 264-5O International Policy. 1866 332H Introduction to Early English History, by Yeatman. 1874.. 23 iO Its People, Polity and Pursuits, by Escott, 2 vols 1017-8F Julius Cresar to Henry II. [Henry of Huntingdon's Chronicle]. 102O Kings and Queens of [Dixon's H.M. Tower] 321-4H — See also under names, e.g., Alfred the Great, Henry VPII., Elizabeth, Victoria, &c. Knight's Pictorial History of, 4 vols. 1837 437-oB Landmarks of the History of, by White. 1855 140Z Norman Conquest of, by Thierry, translation, 3 vols. 1825... 562-4H Notes on, by Taine, translated by Rae. 1885 1676R of Shakespeare, by Goadby. 1881 957Z on the Sea, a Story of the British Navy, by Adams. 1885... 470O Origin of the English Nation, by Freeman. 1879 126Z Parliamentary Government in, by Bissett, 2 vols. 1877 215-6H History of, by Raven [1 832- 1 880]. 1885 233O Peace of Utrecht to Peace of Aix-la-Chappelle, by Lord Mahon, 3 vols. 1836 184-6H Pictorial History of England during the Reign of George III., by Craik and MacFarlane, 4 vols. 1841 441-4B Pictures, &c, of Remarkable Events [Julius Cassar to the Battle of Waterloo] illustrated, 2 vols. 1835 I34-5Z Political and Social, by Langel, trans, by Hart. 1874 226R Popular History of [Ccesar to Victoria], by Knight, ill. 147-54H Progress in [1660- 1 820], by Routledge. 1876 1034F Recollections of [Religious Institutions, &c], by Tyng 508M Reformation in, by Blunt. 1845 J 33^ Religion in, from the opening of the Long Parliament to the end of the Eighteenth Century [a.d. 1640- 1800], by Stoughton, 6 vols. 1881 92-7M [1800-1850], by Stoughton, 2 vols 98-9M Rise of the People and Growth of Parliament [1215-1485], by Rowley 125Z Settlement of the Constitution [1689-1784], by Rowley. 1878 124Z Short Geography of the British Isles, by Green. 1889 J 835Z Six Old English Chronicles, relating to the time before the Conquest. 1848 .. 117O Social History of, by Creighton. 1887 298R [226] ENG ENGLISH SECTION. ENG ENGLAND AND THE ENGLISH— Works relating to:— (continued, ) England, Social History of the People of the Southern Counties in Past Centuries, by Roberts. 1856 301H Stories of the Cathedral Cities, by Marshall. 1879 1356R Struggle against Absolute Monarchy [1603-1688], by Cordery 1 27Z Summary of the History of, by Bodin, trans, by Duncan 139Z The Anglo-Saxon Home [Domestic Institutions of England], by Thrupp. 1862 345K to the Reign of King Stephen [William of Malmesbury's Chronicle]. 1847 I03O under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, trans, from Lappenberg, by Thorpe, revised by Otte, 2 vols. 1881 1517-8O under the House of Stuart, including the Commonwealth [Library of Useful Knowledge], 2 vols. 1840 155-6H with Sketches of Society in the Metropolis, by J. F. Cooper, 3 vols in 1. 1837 479K England's Royal Home, Home Life of the Royal Family, &c. , by Bullock, illustrated 1324O English Church in other Lands, by Tucker. 1886 252T Colonization of America in the Seventeeth Century, by Neill 688K Counties, Chronicles of [All the Year Round] 181 1 J Customs in the Middle Ages, by Holt 1019M Eminent and Illustrious Englishmen, from Alfred the Great to the Latest Times, with Portraits, by Cunningham ... 21-8F Folk-Lore, by Dyer. 1878 894M . Government, Saxon Period to 1688, by Millar, 4 vols. 1803 223-6H History, Continuity of [Freeman's Essays] 416H Half Hours of, by Knight. 1 860 973H History, Mythical and Romantic Elements of. See Freeman's Essays. in America, Puritan Colonies, by Doyle, 2 vols. 1887 173-4H Ireland in the Eighteenth Century, by Froude, 3 vols. ... 204-6O the West Indies, by Froude, illustrated. 1888 834K Institutions, History of [the King, People, Government, &c] by Smith. 1873 517T People [Green's Short History] 258O People, History of the, by Green, 4 vols. 1878-80 189-9211 People in its Three Homes [Freeman's Lectures] 1173R Political Leaders 1240-2O Lord Palmerston, 1240O. Sir Robert Peel, 1241O. William Pitt, 1242O. Reformation [Original Letters relative to the], 2 vols. 1846-7 235-6A Revolution of 1640, by Guizot. 1846 1508O Statesmen, Distinguished Men, &c. Sec Stubbs' Constitutional His- tory, 210-12O. Biography. Names, e.g., Pitt, Gladstone, &c. Village Community, by Seebohm. 1883 363K Worthies, edited by Lang 1201*70 [For Names see under Lang.] Miscellaneous. English and Scottish Ballads 354Q Antiquities, by Jewitt. 1877 > 1016M Composition, by Nichol [Literature Primers]. 1879 121 5Z Earthenware, by Church 1061M Grammar, by Morris [Literature Primers]. 1880 1213Z Exercises, by Morris and Bowen [Literary Primers]. 1879 1214Z [227] ENG GUILLE-ALLKS LIBRARY. ENG ENGLAND AND THE ENGLISH— Works relating to:— {continued. ) English Hearts and English Hands, or the Railway and the Trenches, by Marsh. 1859" 124T Humour, History of, by L'Estrange, 2 vols. 1878 1005-6R Humourists, by Thackeray. 1853 1042Q Journalism and the Men who have made it, by Peabody. 1882 1235Z Language and Literature, by Chambers, and American Con- tributions, by Robbins. 1837 907R Dictionary of the, by Johnson . .. 104B Its Origin and History, and of the Early Literature it Embodies, by Marsh. 1862 1028H Lectures on the, by Marsh. 1861 1029H Past and Present, by Trench. 1855 1119R Literary History of England, by Mrs. Oliphant, 3 vols. 1882 1044-6R Literature and Popular Superstitions in the Middle Ages, by Wright, 2 vols. 1846 78-9O History of, by Taine, trans, by Van Lawn, 2 vols. 1878 1135-6H in the Reign of Victoria, by Morley. 1881 1223Z Mail Coach, &c, by De Quincey. 1863 649R Men of Letters. See under Morley. Also Biography, Books, Litera- ture, &c. Philosophers, V.D. : Hamilton (Sir W.), by Monck , 1233O Shaftesbury and Hutcheson, by Fowler 1232O — See also Philosophers, Biography, &c. Poets and Poetry in the Nineteenth Century, by Griswold... 472D Porcelain, by Church, illustrated 1060M Proverbs and their Equivalents in French, with Indexes, by Belcour. 1888 1239R School of Painting, by Chesneau, trans, by Etherington. 1885 1072M Synonyms, by Soule. 187 1 1094R Two Great Englishwomen [Bronte and Browning], by Bayne 1010O Writers, an Attempt towards a History of English Litera- ture, by Morley, vols. 1 to 3. 1888 : Vol. 1.— Old Celtic Literature 1242R Vol. 2. — From Caedmon to the Conquest 1243R Vol. 3. — From the Conquest to Chaucer 1244R See also Adam's Churchmen, 681O. Aikin's Queen Elizabeth, 121-2F. Alison's Europe, 119-28 and 139-5O. Asgard and the Gods [Traditions of our Northern Ancestors], 903F. Ashton's Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne, 67-8F. Brannon's Isle of Wight, 368K. Brougham[s Statesmen, 599- iR. Browne's Geographical Evolution of the British Isles, 555R. Burns' Parish Registers, 536H. Burton's Queen Anne, 236-8H. Campbell's Chancellors, 774-83O ; Chief Justices, 784-7O ; Lord Chancellors, 29-35 F. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Charles' Christian Life, 456M. Colchester's Diary [1802-17], 241-3H. Creighton's Tudors, 131Z. Dawkin's Early Man in Britain, 859F. Dixon's History of Two Queens, 38-41 F ; Royal Windsor, 325-8 H. Doran's Our Great Towns, 366K ; Queens of the House of Hanover, 36-7F. Duchess of Marlborough's Correspondence, 308-9D. Eddy's Travelling Party, 1327R. Fair- holt's English Costume, 1106-7M. Fisher's Landholding, 1085F. Fitzgerald's Family of George III., 74-5F. Fosses' Judges, 595F. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-6H. Gairdner's Henry VIII., 234-5H. Giles' Ancient Britons, 857-8F. Greville Memoirs, 297-302F. Halliwell's Letters of the Kings, 966-7R. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Heath's Peasant Life, 1329R. Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places, [228] ENGr ENGLISH SECT tON, EPA ENGLAND AND THE ENGLISH— Works relating to:— {continued.} 364K. Inman's Faiths, 96 K. James's William III., 77-9F. King- lake's Crimean War, 282-7O. Kohl's Tour, 348K. Liechtenstein's Holland House, 360-1K. Lucy's Two Parliaments [1874-1885], 316-7H. Manchester's Court and Society, 65-6F. Margaret of Anjou, Life and Times of, 370-1 F. Martineau's British Rule in India, 462T. May's Democracy, 39H. McCulloch's British Empire, 711-2H and 346-7K. Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 75O. Milman's Jews, 159Q. Motley's Netherlands, 350-3O. Moulton's English Bible, 418M. Napier's Battles, 294O. O'Rell's John Bull and his Island, 1251R. Palgrave's Anglo-Saxons, 74O. Paston Letters 293-5T. Perry's Reformation, 251T. Pepys' Diary, 903-6O. Pike's History of Crime, 307-8H. Poole's Index, R.L. Probyn's Local Government. Rimmer's Ancient Streets and Homesteads, 365K. Ritchie's East Anglia, 623O. Robert's Rival Houses of York and Lancaster, 314-5H. Rogers' Six Centuries of Work and Wages, 1102F. Smith's English Jacobins, [1794], 215Z. Stanley's Westminster Abbey, 358K. Stephen's Criminal Law, 304-6H. Strickland's English Princesses, 51-8F ; Queens, 795-800O ; Stuart Princesses, 50F. Tegg's Marriage Customs, 1480Z. Thiers' French Revolution, 376-9H. Thompson's Great Britain, 136-7Z. Wall's Good Queen's Reign, 440O. Walpole's George II., 69-71F. Holt's George III., 72^^ Wright's William IV., 82-3F. Yonge's British Navy, 302-3H. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 2, 2952J, &c. England, New. See New England, America, &c. English Illustrated Magazine from vol. I. 1883 1991J The Serial Tales, and some of the principal Contents, will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the Catalogue, with the Catalogue number specified. English (T. D.). See Poets of America, 468D. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Englishman's House, a Guide for Selecting or Building a House, by Richardson. 1888 U55M Englishwoman in America, by Miss Bird. 1856 1614R Egypt, Letters from Cairo [by S. Poole], 2 vols in I. 1844... 663Z Russia, by a Lady. 1855 I459R Utah, Experience in Mormonism, by Stenhouse, illus. 1880 1603R Engraving on Glass and Wood. See Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Metal. See Pattison's Renaissance of Art, 328 D, &c. See also Chambers' Information, 25-6D. Mehagen's Universal History, 14H. Ruskin's Works, 834R. Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Enigmas. See Cassell's Book of Amusements, 1259H. Hood's Puzzledom, 1260H. EimiUS. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Enoch.. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K, &c. Enoch Arden, a Poem, by Tennyson 273Q and 647T Enquire Within upon Everything. 1857 960M Ense (Varnhagen von) See Sketches of German Life, translated by Gordon, 036Z. Enterprise. See Percy Anecdotes, 916Z, &c. Enthusiasm, Natural History of, by Taylor. 1829-30 483 A and 122K Entomology. See Boy's Own Annual [at the Seaside], 1885, 2 957j- Chambers' Journal [every day], v. 8, 1928J. Living Age, v. 20, 3050J. Nature, [in America], v. 1, 266tJ ; v. 17, 2677J ; v. 19, 2679J ; [Wallace] v. 3, 2663J. [Indian], v. 21, 2681 J. [Modern], v. 22, 2682J. [January and November] Boy's Own Annual, v. 3, 2953J ; [Localities near Lon- don], vol. 4, 2954J. See also Insects, for the works treating of the various species. Elizina (J. De La). See Longfellow s Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Eon (Chevalier D'). See D'Eon (Chevalier). " E. O. S." Hungary and its Revolutions, from the Earliest Period to the Nineteenth Century. With a Memoir of Louis Kossuth [Bonn's Library]. 1854 87O Eothen [Travels in the East], by Kinglake 1267R Epaminondas {Athenian General ani Statesman., killed 362 B.C.). See Mit- ford's Greece, 1U5H, &c. [229] EPA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ERA Epaphroditus. See Howson's Companions of St. Paul, 350M, &c. EphesiailS and Philippians, Epistles to the [Commentary by Barry]. 25 iQ Philippians and Colossians, Epistles to the [Barnes' Notes] 7M See also Bible, Commentaries, Epistles, &c. Ephphatha, or the Amelioration of the World, Sermons byFarrar. 312M Epic of Hades [Morris's Poetical Works] 3°7Q "Epics. See Ludlow's Middle Ages, 1218-9Z, &c. Epicharmus {Dorian Comic Poet, b. 540, d. 450 B.C.) [Peters Poetry of Greece and Rome] 474^ Epicurus {Greek Philosopher, b. 342, d. 270 B.C.), and Epicureanism. See Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Living Age, 3I4 iJ. Zeller's Greek Philosophy, 1196H and 538-9Z. Epidemic. See Malthus' Population, 1093-4F. Epinay (Madame D', French Writer, Friend of Rousseau, b. 1725, d. 1783). See Smith's Essays, 297O, &c. Episcomology. See Doherty's Organic Philosophy, 566H. Episcopal Church, 1800 to 1880 [Stoughton's Religion in England]. 98-9M Episcopalians and Episcopacy. See Burton's Scotland [1689-1748], 336-7H. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-7M. Ecclesiastical and Church His- tory, Religion, Sects, &c. Episodes in a Life of Adventure, by L. Oliphant. 1887 * 1709R in the Lives of Men, Women and Lovers, by Edith Simcox ... 1086R EPISTLES AND GOSPELS of the Church of England, a Com- mentary, by Stanhope, 3 vols. 1741 %,.*» 183-5M of the Apostolic Fathers, &c. , by Wesley. 1845 227Q Paraphrastic Translation of the, by Shuttleworth. 1831 163K to the Seven Churches, Exposition by Plumptre. 1877 442M See also Barnes' Notes, 4M. Kelly's Lectures, 358-9M. Macknight's Works, 353-6A. Apostles, Bible, Commentaries, Corinthians, Hebrews, Mathew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter, Revelation, &c. Epitaphiana, or Churchyard Literature, by Fairley. 1875 943^ Epitaphs, a Select Collection of, by Pettigrew. 1864 1058H Copied from the Monuments of St. Pancras, Middlesex, by Cansick. 1869 1228M Curious, by Andrews. 1883 II95 R Humorous and Remarkable, by Diprose 1082R Moral and Interesting, by Henney. 1814 129T Witty, Grotesque, Elegant, &c, edited by Tegg. 1875 1255Z See also Hone's Every-Day Book, 936F. Macrae's Book of Blunders, 1200R. Wilson's Dissenters, 188-91K, &c. Epochs of Church History, edited by Creighton, 12 vols. 1886-7 ...251-62T Reformation in England, 25 iT. English Church in other Lands, 252T. Church of the Early Fathers, 253T. Eastern Empire, 254T. Roman Empire, 255T. Counter-Reformation, 256T. Evangelical Revival, 257T. Hildebrand and his Times, 258T. University of Cambridge, 259T. University of Oxford, 260T. Popes and the Hohenstanfen, 26iT\ Wycliffe and Reform, 262T. History [Crusades by Cox] * I5 2 Z Equality. See Compayr6's Pedagogy, 296R. Fortnightly Review, v. 29, 2119J. Contemporary Review, v. 40, 2050J. St. Paul's Magazine, v. 1, 1161F, &c. Equatorial Africa. See Africa, Travels, &c. Zone. See Wallace's Tropical Nature, 759F, &c. Erasmus (Desiderius, Reviver of Classic Literature, b. 1467, d. I 536), Colloquies of, translated by Bailey, edited by Johnson, 2yols. 1878 5-6K His Life and Character, &c, by Drummond, 2 vols. 1883 636-7O See also Green's English People, 190H. Hutten's Life and Times, 1025O. Moulton's English Bible, 418M. Froude's Short Studies, 207O, &c. [230] ERC ENGLISH SECTION. ESS Erckmann-Chatrian (MM., two French Novelists), Outbreak of the Great French Revolution, related by a Peasant, translated by Hoey, 3 vols. 1871 326-8O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Erecbtheus, a Tragedy, by Swinburne. 1876 745M Erinna (Greek Poetess, Friend 0/ Sappho, 612 B.C.), See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Erman (G. A., German Physicist ', b. 1806), Travels in Siberia: In- cluding Excursions Northwards to the Polar Circle, and Southwards to the Chinese Frontier, tr. by Cooley, 2 vols. 498-9K Error and Vice permitted by Providence in the Interests of Truth and Virtue [Sermons]. 1775 ;••: * 5 6K Erskine (Henry). See Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L., &c. Erskme (Thomas, Lord, Lord Chancellor, b. 1750, d. 1823). See Brougham's Dissertations and Addresses, 603R. Campbell's Chancellors, 776-3O. Camp- bell's Chief Justices, 787O, &c. Erysipelas. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Diseases, Medicine, &c. Esau (b. 1836 B.C.). See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K, 8rc. Escapes from Newgate. See Chronicles of Newgate, v. 1, 330D, &c. from Peril [R.T.S.] 1245Z Eschatzel (G. W.), Works of. See Harper s Index, i64oJa, &c. Esch,enbach.(W. von, German Minnesinger, fl. 1204). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Escott (T. H. S.), England, Its People, Polity and Pursuits, 2 vols .. 1017-8F Escritoire, The. See Young Lady's Book, 983M, &c. Esmailla of Abd-el-Kader, Residence in and Travels in Morocco and Algiers, by Scott. 1842 1 560R Espinel (V., Spanish Poet and Novelist, b. 1540, d. 1630). See Longfellow s Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Espousals. See Jeaffreson's Bridals, 983H. Marriage, Weddings, &c. Esquimaux. See Brown's Races of Mankind, 155D. Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Koldeway's Arctic Expedition, 605B. Lubbock's Primi- tive Man, 672 B. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Nordenskiold's Voyage of the Vega, 667K. Stanford's Compendium, 850K, &c. ESSAY on Conversation, &c [Fielding's Works]. 1783 I797Z on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting [a Satire on Society].... 1418Z Habitual Exercise of Love to God, by Gurney. 1844 37Z Improvement of Time, by Foster 95 iR Essays and Reviews 662A and 125T Education of the World, by Temple. Bunsen's Biblical Researches, by Williams. On the Study of the Evidences of Christianity, by Baden- Powell. Stances Historique de Geneve. The National Church, by Wilson. On the Mosaic Cosmogony, by Goodwin. Tendencies of Re- ligious Thought in England [1688-1750], by Pattison. On the Interpre- tation of Scripture, by Jowett. Note on Bunsen's Biblical Researches, &c. Replies to. 1862 663A Education of the World, by Goulburn. Bunsen, Dr. Williams, &c, by Rose. Miracles, by Heurtley. Idea of the National Church, by Irons. Creative Week, by Rorison. Rationalism, by Haddon. Inter- pretation of Scripture, by Wordsworth. Letters from Main, Phillips, and Owen, &c, See Williams' Life and Letters, 1039O, &c. Sketches, an attempt to treat some Religious Questions in a Scientific Spirit, by Wilson. 1887 1209R from the Saturday Review. 1873 1087R Tales, by Scott. 1829 1012Z British Essayists, 3 vols : Vol. 1.— The Rambler, by Johnson. The Idler, by Johnson. The Adven- turer, by Hawkesworth. The Connoisseur 879H Vol. 2.— The Spectator, by Addison 880H Vol. 3.— The Tatler, by Steele. The Guardian 881 H [231] ESS GUILLE-ALLfcS LIBRARY. ETH Essays, British Essayists, to which are Prefixed Prefaces, Bio- graphical, Historical, and Critical, by James Ferguson, 45 vols. 1 8 19 : Vols. 2-5.— Tatler 8-nT Vols. 6-15.— Spectator 12-21T Vols. 16-17.— Guardian 22-3T Vols. 19-22.— Rambler 25-8T Vols. 23-25. — Adventurer .... 29-31T Vols. 26-29.— World 32-5T Vols. 30-32.— Connoisseur 36-8T Vol. 33.— Idler 39T N.B.— Vols. 1 and 18 are wanted Vols 34-35.— Mirror 40-1T Vols. 36-37.— Lounger 42-3T Vols. 38-40.— Observer 44-6T Vols. 41-43.— Knox's Essays . . 47-9T Vol. 44. — Bacon's and Gold- smith's Essays 50T Vol. 45.— Citizen of the World 51T Biographical and Critical, by Prescott. 1855 156T by Bacon, Locke and Potter. 1855 1117Z contributed to the Electric Review, by Foster, 2 vols. 1856 949-0R Critical and Historical, by Macaulay, 5 vols. 1850 176973^ Imaginative, by Wilson, 4 vols. 1856 874-7R Historical and Biographical, &c, by Hugh Miller. 1875 806R Literary and General, by Kingsley. 1880 995R Modern, by Myers. 1883 1293O Moral and Literary, by Knox, 3 vols. 1823 137-9T of Goldsmith. 1780 1163Z on Poetry and Poets, by Noel 1039H the Moral Sentiments, &c, by Smith. 1872 462M or Counsels Civil and Moral, by Bacon, edited by Singer. 1856 67 iT [Bacon's Works] 107O written in the Intervals of Business [by A. Helps]. 1858 524T See also Addison, 591D. Clifford (W. F.), 886-7H. Cotton's Lacon, 1268-9H. Emerson's Works, 929-0R. Farrar's Liberal Education, 1051F. Fawcett [Political] 1014F. Goldsmith, 592D. Goldsmith's Works, 893Z. Hogan's Canada, 1043F. Hunt (L.) 970H. Huxley [Scientific], 779D. Lamb's Works, 1008H. Lytton's Caxtonia, 1015R. Mackintosh's Works, 601D. Maine [Popular Government], 1100F. Montague (F. C.) [Liberty], 1195H. Mozley (J. B.), 1023-4H. Phelp's [My Study], 1059R. Pope [Man, a Poem], iio63K. Scott (Sir W.), 1102-3Z. Smith (Sydney), 949-51 H and 297O. Smith (J.) [Temperance], 1089F. Stewart's [Philosophical], 596H. Elegant Extracts, 335-9O, &c. Essex (Robert Devereux, Earl of, Favotirite of Queen Elizabeth, b. 1567, beheaded 1601). See Aikin's Queen Elizabeth, 121-2F. Dixon's History of Lord Bacon, 138F. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 328H, &c. Estes (D.), Ed. Half-Hour Recreations in Popular Science, 2 vols., with Articles by the following persons : First Series. — Proctor, Virchow, Schellen, Roscoe, Lockyer, Dana, Car- penter, Winchell, Huxley, Tice, Tyler, Richardson, T. S. Hunt, Clifford, R. Hunt, Dove and others 496R Second Series. — Tyndall, Proctor, Geikie, Stewart, Hitchcock, Gray, Braun, Roscoe, Williamson, Lovering and others 497R Esther {Queen of Ahasuertts [Xerxes I.] King of Persia, 514 B.C.), Book of, its Practical Lessons, &c, by Raleigh. 1880 447M See also Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K, &c. Etching, Art of, by Robertson. 1885 1115M See also Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Home Amusements, 949M. Eternal Hope, Sermons, by Farrar. 1878 313M — See also Good the Final Goal of 111, Letters by a Layman [1883], 328M. Ethelred, Ethelstan, &c. See Lappenberg's Anglo-Saxon England, 151SO. Ether. See Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377R. Nature, 2663 and 2687J. Nineteenth Century, 2216J. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Ure's Dic- tionary, 7D. .(Ether, &c. Etherization in Surgical Operations, &c. See Living Age, 3043, 3046 and _ . 3047 J) &c Etneridge (J. W.), Misericordia : or, Contemplations on the Mercy of God. 1842 5Q [232] ETH ENGLISH SECTION. EUR Ethics, Data of, by Spencer. 1880 592H Lectures on, by Brown. 1846 . . 243M See also Aristotle, 1157H. Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Wardlaw's Chris- tian Ethics, 105M, &c. Ethiopia. See De Cosson's Travels, 1565-6R. Lepsius' Letters, I533R, &c. Ethiopic Alphabet. See Stones Crying Out, 548M, &c. Ethnology. See Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Dawson's Fossil Man, 1023M. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Rawlinson's Origin of Nations, 365O. Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel. Fort- nightly [Methods and Results'], v. 1, 2091J. Gentleman's Magazine [English], v. 26, n.s., 746J. Nature [Finnic and North American], v. 21, 2681J. Man, Races, &c. Etiquette [Habits of Good Society] 1408Z See also Bazar Book of Decorum, 143 iZ. Girl's Indoor Book, 1257H. National Miscellany, 1037H. Nichol's Social Life, 1420Z. Young Ladies' Treasure Book, 131D. Young Woman's Companion, 976M, &c. Etna, a History of the Mountain and Its Eruptions, by Rodwell, ill. 491R Eton and Harrow, Rambles Around, by Rimmer, illustrated. 1882... 1347R Eton College. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M. Woodgate's Boating, 1266R, &c. Etonians, Eminent, by Creasy. 1876 1420O Etruria, Cities and Cemeteries of, by Dennis, illus., 2 vols. 1848 439-40K Sepulchres of, in 1839, by Gray, illustrated. 1840 1427R Etruscans, &c. See also Rawlinson's Religions, 448M. Origin of Nations, 365O. Edinburgh Review [History and Antiquities], v. 50, 410J. Fraser [History], v. 34, 644J. Quarterly [Antiquities], v. 54, 1184J, and v. 76, 1 206 J, &.C. Ettric (W.), M.A., Second Exodus, or Reflections on the Prophecies of the Last Times, 2 vols. 1810 59-oK Ettrick Shepherd. See Hogg (J.). Etty (W., Painter, b. 1787, d. 1849). See Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-6i6Fa. Eubulus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Eucharist. See Twining's Symbols, 507M, &c. Euchre. See Crawley's Handbook, 1148M. Euclid {Alexandrian Geometer, 323-283 B.C.), Elements of Euclid, by Law [Weale's Series], 2 vols 7*4Q Plane Geometry, by Pryde. i860 718Q First Six Books. 1825 .' 736D See also Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D, &c. Euenus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Eugene Aram [Aram, (Eugene)] {A Schoolmaster, b. 1704, executed 1759), Dream of Eugene Aram. See Hood's Poems. Lytton's Novels, &c. Eugenie {Empress of the French, b. 1826). See Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Napoleon III., &c. Euler (L., A Szoiss Mathematician, b. 1707, d. 1783), Letters on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy, Addressed to a German Princess, with Life by Brewster [Harper's Family Library], illustrated, 2 vols. 1833 873-4 and I121-2Z Eumenes {Greek General, b. 361, killed 317). See Plutarch's Lives, 448 F and 1133Q, &c. Euphorion. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Euphrates, Banks of the [R.T.S.] 648Z See also Ainsworth's Assyria, 889F. Stanford's Compendium, 852K, &c. Eupolis {Greek Satirical Dramatist, b. 446}. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Euripedes {Greek Tragic Poet, b. 480, d. 406 B.C.), by Donne [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1876 1096Q Translated by Potter [Family Classical Library], 3 vols. 1832...II41-3Q See also Peter's Poetry of Greece and Pome, 474D, &c. EUROPE— Works relating to : {See also nnder Countries, e.g., England, France, Germany, dfc.) Europe and America [Bryant's Letters] 1620R Byeways of, by Taylor. 1869 864R [233] EUR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. EVA EUROPE— Works relating to:— [continued.) Europe, Civilization in, by Guizot. 1839 3 il ^ Epitome of Alison's History, for the Use of Young Persons 1507O History of [1789-1815], by Alison, 4 vols. 1847 317-20D 20 vols. 1848 119-330 [1815-1852], by Alison, 8 vols. 1864 ...139-46O by Alison, Epitome of, for Young Persons 45Za by Freeman. 1878 120Z Modern Europe, by Russell, 4 vols. 1837 43-6H in the Middle Ages, by Hallam, 3 vols. 1837 40-2H Intellectual Development of, by Draper, 2 vols. 1875 76-7O Its Past and Present Condition, by Ungewitter. 1855 147O North -West, Notes and Sketches of an Architect, by Nar- joux, translated by Peto. 1876 484K [1867-1868], Old World in its New Face, by Bellows. 1868 1398-9R One Hundred Days in, by Holmes. 1887 I7°3 R Poets and Poetryof, by Longfellow. 1845... 472D Prehistoric, by Geikie. 1881 865F — — Recollections of, by Cooper, 2 vols in 1 480 K Views a-foot with Knapsack and Staff, by Taylor 856R and 603Z See also Atkinson's Art Tour, 867D. Freeman's Lectures, 1173R. Lecky's European Morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne, 384-5 M. Martin's British Colonies, 472B. May's Democracy, 38-9H. Roger de Hoveden's Annals, 90-1O. Schiller's Works, 84O. Seward's Travels, 601 B. Travellers' Library, 1260-66R. Every Boy's Annual [Heroes], 1888, 1.307H, &c. European Butterflies, by Kane. 1885 189R Eusebius Pamphilus, Ecclesiastical History of, to the year 337 A.D., translated by Cruse [Bohn's Library]. 1851 274M Eustace (J. C), Classical Tour through Italy, 3 vols. 1841... 627-9 and 1655-7Z A Classical Tour through Italy, 3 vols. 1841 1655Z Evagrius [Scholas liens, b. 536) and Tlieodoret, History of the Church [322-594], translated [Bohn's Library]. 1854 276M Evald (J.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473 d - Evangelical Alliance, Amsterdam Conference [1867], edited by Stearne. 1868 661 A London Conference [1846]. 1847 659A Revival in the Eighteenth Century, by Overton. 1886...430M and 257T Evangelists, Address to, by Smith. 1879 4^5 M and Apostles, History of, by Lardner, 3 vols, 1760 372-4M See also Haweis' Christ and Christianity, 1182-6M. Twining's Symbols, 507 M, &c. Evans (Christmas), The Preacher of Wild Wales, by Hood. 1 881... 638O Evans (E. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Evans (E. J.), B.A., Ed., Pulpit Memorials of Twenty Congrega- tional Ministers, with photos. 1878 280K Evans (Howard). Set Noblesse Oblige, &c. Evans (J.), F.R.S., Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, and Orna- ments of Great Britain. 1872 214D Evans (Dr. J.). See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, gosF. Evans (R. W., Archdeacon, b. 1789, d. 1866), M.A., The Rectory of Valehead. 1832 126T and 1568Z Evans (T. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Evaporation. See Lardner's Lectures, 757D. Ure's Dictionary, 7D. English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D, &c. [234] EVA ENGLISH SECTION. EWA Evatt (Surgeon-Major G. J. H."), M.D., Ambulance Organization, Equipment, and Transport [International Health Exhibition], illustrated. 1884 988M Eve. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Adam, Eden, &c. Evelac (H.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Evelyn (C.), Ed., Table-talk on Books, Men, and Manners, from Sidney Smith and others. 1853 1107R Evelyn (J., Scholar and Philosopher, b. 1620, d. 1706). See Pepys' Diary, 902O. Thomson's Friendships, 564O, &c. Evenings at Home, or the Juvenile Budget opened, by Aiken and Barbauld, illustrated II2T Events, Current Monthly Record of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Remarkable. See Hone's Works, 934-7 F, &c. Everett (A. H. and E.). See Poets of America, 468D, &c. Everett (E.), Importance of Practical Education and Useful Know- ledge. 1847 208R Everett (J. D.), D.C.L., Ed. See Deschanel's Natural Philosophy, 753D. Everybody's Lawyer, a General Compendium. 1888 324R Every Boy's Annual. See under Routledge. Every-day Duty, and Sketches of Childish Character, by Abbott. 1134Z ■ Philosopher in Town and Country [by Boyd]. 1863 818R Every Girl'sBook, by Lawford. i860 178T Man his own Lawyer, by a Barrister. 1888 321R in his Humour, by Jonson, edited by Wheatley. 1877 1261Z Evictions. See Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L. Evidence, Cases of Circumstantial [Chambers' Miscellany] 624R Sec also Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Williams' Facts and Fallacies, 2 88R, &c. Evidences of Christianity, by Baden-Powell. See Essays and Reviews, 662A. Watson, Poley, &c 25Z — the Christian Religion, by Alexander. 1836 2Z [Wilberforce's Practical View] 1669Z Evil, Genesis of, and other Sermons, by Cox. 1880 272M Origin of, and other Sermons, by Momerie. 1885 412M See also Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R, &c. Spirits, Existence of Evil Spirits proved, by Scott. 1853 II3M See also Good Words, v. 20, 2190J. Household Words, v. 1, 1741J. Twin- ing's Symbols, 507M. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K, &c. Evolution, Chapters on, by Wilson, illustrated. 1883 27R [Clodd's Story of Creation] 547R Contemporary, Social Changes, by Mivart. 1876. 1029R Lectures on, &c, by Huxley [Humboldt Library], ill. 1882 ... 780F The Ethics of, by Iverach [Present Day Tracts] 241T See also Dawson's Earth and Man, 159R. Harper's Index, i64oJa. English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D, &c. Evolutionist at Large, The, by Allen [Humboldt Library]. 188 1.. 781 F Evolutions, Military. See Military Evolutions. Ewald (A. C), F.S.A., Life and Times of the Hon. A. Sydney, [1622- 1683], 2 vols. 1873 523-4F Representative Statesmen [1593-1865], 2 vols. 1879 471-2F Strafford, Halifax, Walpole, Chatham, Pitt, Eldon, Canning, Duke of _ Wellington, Peel, Palmerston. Stories from the State Papers, 2 vols. 1882 934-5R Henry V., a Love Match, Armada, &c, 934R. Guy Fawkes, Lancashire Witches, Fire of London, &c, 935R. Ewald (G. H., German Orientalist, b. 1803, d. 1875), History of Israel, edited by R. Martineau, translated by Carpenter and Smith, 6 vols. 1869 : Vol. 1.— Introduction and Preliminary History 61K Vol. 2,— History of Moses and the Theocracy 62K t 2 35] EWA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. EXP Ewald (G. H.) History of Israel, Sec— {continued.) Vol. 3.— Rise and Splendour of the Hebrew Monarchy 63K Vol. 4.— From the Disruption of the Monarchy to the Fall 64K Vol. 5.— History of Ezra, and of the Hagiocracy in Israel to the Times of Christ 65K Vol. 6.— Life and Times of Christ 66K Life of Jesus Christ, translated and edited by Glover. 1865 306M Ewbank (Thos., U.S. Commissioner of Patents, b. 1792), Hy- draulic and other Machines for Raising Water, &c, illus- trated. 1847 8 3oD ■•— — Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Ewing (Bp.) [Tulloch's Religious Thought] 629M Ewing (J. H ). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. "E.W.S," Adventures of Telemachus, a Poem, 2 vols. 1857 749O Examinations. See under Education, Schools, Universities, &c. Excelsior, Helps to Progress in Religion, Science and Literature, 6 vols. 1854-6 936-41R [Containing many interesting articles on Zoology, Literature, &c, and several Tales and Poems.] Exchange [Watkin's Science of Wealth] 1025F Excise, Government Offices [Land We Live In] 464B ■ Duties. See Peto's Taxation, &c, 1016F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1028F. Macmillan's Magazine Excise Laws], v. ?., 932J, &c. Excommunication. See Rogers' Scotland, 950F. Catholicism, Religion, &c. Excursions in Normandy, edited by Shoberl, 2 vols. 1841 1378-9R to Bath, by Warner. 1801 367K Executions. See Chronicles of Newgate, v. 1, 330D. Executive, The. See Smith's Institutions, 517T, &c. Executors and Administrators, Williams' Law of, 2 vols. 1856 ... 250-1D Exell (J. S.), M.A., Neil(C), M.A. anclSpence(H. O. M.),M.A., Thirty Thousand Thoughts. 1885 4A Exell (J. S.), Ed., The Monthly Interpreter [a new Expository Maga- zine of the Scriptures], vols. 1 to 4. 1885-6 619-22A Contributors : Dean of Wells, Morison, Bruce, Gibson, Reynolds, Gloag, Redford, Vallings, Thomson, Mair, Findlay, Johnson, Rawlinson, Salmond, Barmby, Rossini, Cheyne, Douglas, Huxtable, Deane, Whitelaw, Matheson, Sayce, Bernard, Milligan, Hutchinson, Stewart, Godet, Lansing, Shanks, Exell, Forbes, Yonge, Smith, King, Murphy, Johnstone. Exercise. See Cassell's Hints, 942R. Health, Sports, &c. Exercises. See Young Lady's Book, 983M, &c. Exeter, by Freeman [Historic Towns]. 1887.... ._ 1661R See also Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Knight's Land we Live In, 465B. All the Year Round, v. 14, 1774J, and v. 21, 1781J. Mac- millan's Magazine, v. 28, 958J, &c. Exeter (Frederick, Bishop of), Relations between Religion and Science, Eight Lectures preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1884 [Bampton Lectures]. 1884 193K Exeter Hall Lectures [1854-5] 1001R — — [1862-5]. 1002-4R Exhibition, Centennial. See Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Great, of 1851. See Martin's Life of the Prince Consort. 93-6F. Timbs' Works, 854Z, &c. of Paris, by Arnold. 1868 1369R Exhibitions [1849-74]. See Cole's Public Life, 194F. Exile. See Percy's Anecdotes, 918Z. Lansdell's Siberia, 496-7K, &c. Exodus, Notes on the Book of 129Q of Israel, Its Difficulties Examined, by Birks. 1864 233M Expanse of Heaven, by Proctor 445R Expansion. See Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Expansion of England, by Seeley. 1888 1515O See Morley's Miscellanies, 8430a, &c. [236] EXP ENGLISH SECTION. FAG Exploration. See Willoughby's Australian Pictures, 332B. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Mehagen's Universal History, 13-5H. Boy's Own Annual [Famous Explorers], 1885, 2957J, &c. Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, &c. [1842-5], by Fremont, illustrated. 1845 711K Explosive Agents and Compounds. See lire's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Exports of Australia. See Stanford's Compendium, 853K._ See also Alison's Europe, 139-8O. McCulloch's British Empire, 711-2H. Peto's Taxation, 1016F, &c. Exposition of the Creed, by Pearson, with an Analysis by Walford.. 178M Expositor, The [Devoted to the Exposition of the Sacred Scriptures], edited by Samuel Cox and W. R. Nicoll, from vol. 1. 1875 55 ij N.B. — For more particulars concerning this Magazine, see tinder Cox for First and Second Series, and under Nicoll for Third Series. Expression, Anatomy and Philosophy of, as connected with the Fine Arts, by Bell. 1877 892R See also Physiognomy, &c. Extra Work of a London Pastor, by Martin. 1863 1024R Extracts from the Garrick Plays [Bonn's Library]. 1854 71 iM Extraordinary Men, Their Boyhood, &c, by Russell. 1854 1330O Extravagant Dress and Diet [Anspach's Thieves of Homes] 279R Eye, Structure and Functions of the, by Thomson. 1857 1454Z and Its Use [Brown's Science for AH] 627Ba The. See also Clifford's Seeing and Thinking, 158R. Tyndall's Light, 508 R. Light, Optics, Sight, &c. Eyes and Ears, or Notice of General Things, by Beecher. 1864 59 iR Eyre (General, Governor of Jamaica, b. 1817). See Froude's West Indies, 834K. Eyre (Mary), A Lady's Walks in the South of France in 1863. 1865. 394K Over the Tyrenees into Spain. 1865 1449R Ezekiel(//t'^;^7t/ Prophet, 595 i?.c.) 6Vt'Ewald's Israel, 64-5K. Commentaries, &c. Ezra ( The Priest commissioned by Artaxerxes to Rebuild the Temple, 457 B.C.). See Ewald's Israel, 65K. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151 K, &c. • to Job. See Gray's Biblical Museum, 81M, &c. F. ABER (F. W.). See Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Faber (G. S., Master of Cherltime Hospital, b. 1773,;/. 1854), B.D., Dissertation on the Prophecies, 2 vols. 18 14 532-3 A Pabius. See Plutarch's Lives, 446F. Fables of ^Fsop and others, translated with Instructive Applications, by Croxall. 1831 883R See also Cornhill, v. 2, 282J. Good Words, v. 14, 2184J. Fraser, v. 45, 655J. Fabrics, Ancient History of. 1845 213D Fabulous and Legendary [Timbs' Works] 853Z Fac-Similes, Autographs, &c. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Facta Non Verba. A Comparison between Good Works of Nuns and Protestant Sisters [by Gilbert]. 1874 H57R Factories. See Escott's England and its People, 1017F, &c. Factors in Life, Health, Food, Education, by Seeley 844M Facts and Hints for Everyday Life, a Book for the Household [Cookery, Medicines, &c] 942R Faculties of Observation in the Family and the School, by Burton. 554T Fagan (L.), Life of Sir Anthony Panizzi, K.C.B., ill., 2 vols. 1880 419-20F Faggot of French Sticks [A Visit to Paris, 1851, by Head]. 1852...1394-5R [237] FAI GUILLE-ALLfcs LIBRARY. FAI Faidit (G., French Troubadour, patronised by Richard I. of England, d. 1220). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Fainting. See Girl's Book, 1257H. Thomson's Sick Room, 834M, &c. Fair Trade and British Labour. See Poole's Index, R.L. Fairbairn (A. M.), D.D., City of God, A Series of Discussions in Religion. 1883 446A Studies in the Life of Christ. 1882 307M Philosophy of Religion and History. 1 880 308M Fairbaiin (P.), D.D., Typology of Scripture viewed in Connection with the Divine Dispensation, 2 vols 457-8A Fairbaim (Sir W., Scotch Civil Engineer, b. 1789, d. 1874) [Smiles' Industrial Biography] 73 iO Fairbairns of Manchester. See Fortunes made in Business, 1033F. Fairfax (E., Poet, d. 1632), Ed., Godfrey of Bulloigne, or the Re- covery of Jerusalem, by Tasso, 2 vols in 1. 1844 516Z Fairfax (Thomas, Lord, Parliamentary General, b. 1611, d. 1671). See Brodie's British Empire, 214H. Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 297-302D. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 328 H, &c. Fairfield (S. L.). See Poets of America, 468D, &c. Fairholt (F. W., Artist and Antiquary, b. 1S14, d. 1866), F.S.A., Costume in England, A History of Dress to the End of the Eighteenth Century, edited by Dillon [Bohn's Library], illus- trated, 2 vols. 1885 1106-7M Homes, Haunts, and Works of Rubens, Vandyke, Rembrandt and Cuyp ; the Dutch Genre-Painters, Michael Angelo and Raffaelle, being Art Rambles in Belgium, Holland and Italy, illustrated. 1 87 1 449K Works and Shrines of English Artists, with Specimens of their Styles. 1873 362K Rambles of an Artist, being Papers on Art, illustrated 890D Fairley (W.), F.S.S., Epitaphiana, or Curiosities of Churchyard Literature. 1875 943^ Fairs [Malcolm's London, Eighteenth Century] 748-9H See also Chambers' Journal [old Provincial], v. 61, 1961J. Good Words [India and Russia], v. 14, 2184J. Harper's Magazine, v. 46, 1626J, &c. FAIRIES and Fairy Mythology [Brand's Antiquities] 1006M Fairy Mythology, by Keighley. 1850 1009M [Wright's England, Middle Ages] 78O Tales, Legends and Romances, illustrating Shakespeare and other Writers, by Ritson. 1875 638T Their Origin and Meaning, by Bunce. 1878 899R Fairy Mythology, Fairies, &c. See All the Year Round [Legends of Donegal], v. 48, 1803.L Blackwood [Witches], v. 23, R.L.; [Origin], v. 28, R.L. Chambers' Journal, v. 52, 1952J ; [Fairy Land], v. 59, 1959J ; [Fairy Queen], v. 15, 1934J. Cornhill [Who Were They ?], v. 43, 323J. Edinburgh Review [Hindu Legends], v. 128, 488J. Fraser, v. 10, 620 J ; [Sicilian Tales] v. 93, 703J. Gentleman's Magazine, N.S. [Fairy Lore of Savages], v. 21, 741J. Knowledge [Fairy Rings], v. 2, 2582J, Once a Week [Where they Hide], v. 14, 2274J. St. Paul's [Myths and Fairy Tales], v 9, 1169F. Fiction, &c. Fairy Land of Science, by Buckley, illustrated. 1879 514R FAITH, Ancient and Modern, by Inman. 1876 95-6Ka Basis of Faith, by Conder. 1881 266M Correspondences of, and Views of Madame Guyon, by Cheever. 1181M = Foundations of, by Wace, 1880 442A Freedom of, by Munzer, 1883 630M Power of, by Binney. 1844 26 -. Reality of, by Smyth. 1888 ,.'.,.,,' „. 12Q7M [238] FAI ENGLISH SECTION. FAM FAITH Saving, by Morison. 1871 53 z See also Godwin's Science and Faith, 38R. Contemporary Review, v. 40, 2050J. Edinburgh Review, v. 90, 450J. Good Words, v. 16, 2186J. Nineteenth Century, v. 4, 2214J, &c. Faith-Healing as a Medical Treatment. See 19th Century, v. 24, 2234J. Faithful to the End ; the Story of Emile Cook's Life, translated by Houghton. 1882 592O Faithfull (Emily, Promoter of Employment for Women, b. 1835), Three Visits to America. 1884 794^ Falcon, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 644 and 654Q, &c. Falconer (W., Scotch Poet, b. 1730, d. 1769), The Shipwreck, a Poem. 1811 353Q Poems and Life, edited by Mitford [Brit. Poets]. 1863 424Q Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807 395Z See also Jones' Poets, 600M. Falconry. See Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Cornhill [Modern], v. 11, 291 J. English Illustrated [Modern], v. 3, 1993J. Gentleman's Maga- zine [Revival of], v. 22, 742J. Living Age, 3067J. Macmillan, v. 45, 375J- Once a Week, v. 9, 2269J. Quarterly, v. 139, 1269J, &c. Falkland Islands. See Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 786K, &c. Falkland (Lucius Cary, Viscount, b. 1610, killed 1743). See Thomson's Friend- ships, 565O. Falkland (Viscountess), Chow-Chow, a Journal kept in India, Egypt and Syria, 2 vols. 1857 * 524-5K Fall of Jerusalem, a Dramatic Poem, by Milman. 1831 444D Falla (Lieutenant T., of Guernsey). Sec Sarnia [p. 16], 1416O, &c. Fallacies, Popular. Sec Lardner's Lectures, 757D, &c. Familiar Quotations, by Bartlett. 1881 "55R Studies of Men and Books, by Stevenson. 1882 640O Family, The, Its Duties, Joys and Sorrows, by Gasparin, 1853 290M See also Compayr£'s Pedagogy, &c. Family Prayers, by Bickersteth. 1859 53Q [Mortimer's Light in the Dwelling] 390M See also Prayer, &c. Family Records. See Tupper's Family Records [Guernsey], 255F. Family Save-all, a System of Cookery and Economy in Household Management. 1861 950M Family Classical Library (Translations) : Works in this Series will be found under ^Eschylus, Cjesar, Cicero, Demos- thenes, Euripides, Herodotus, Hesiod, Sappho and Musaeus, Homer, Horace, Ovid, Pindar, Plutarch, Sallust, Sophocles, Tacitus, Theo- phrastus, Thucydides, Virgil, Xenophon, &c, also under Classics. Family Economist [containing many Interesting Tales for Young People] 686-92R Expositor, by Doddridge, 6 vols. 1761-2 505A 1839 i 9 2A Friend [containing Interesting Tales, Receipts and General In- formation] [1849-1865], 34 vols 693-726R [Enlarged Series, 1866-7], 3 vols 93-5D Library. For works in this set see under Author or Subject required. ■ Tour through South Holland, up the Rhine, &c. 1831 638Z ■ Tutor [containing a large amount of useful Scientific and General Information], vol. I, 1851 to vol. 6, 1853 727-32R Families of Speech, Four Lectures by Farrar. 1870 944R Rise and Fall of. See Burke's Reminiscences, 900R. Famines of the World, by Walford. 1879 1099F [239] FAM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. FAR Famines. See also Caird's India, 556H. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Malthus Population, 1093F. Temple's India, 464H and 486K. Trotter's India, 538-9H. Blackwood's Magazine, v. 61, 131J. Fraser's Magazine, v. 76, 686 J, &c. Famous Americans of Recent Times, by Parton. 1869 641O Artists. See Every Boy's Annual [1888], 1307H. Books, by Adams 852R See also Books, Literature, &c. Boys and Famous Men, illustrated 1328O Webster, Drew, Franklin, Burns, Clay, Kane, Leyden, Montgomery, Bow- ditch, Havelock, Livingstone, Evans, S. T. Coleridge, Fulton, Kitto, Davy, A. Lawrence, Girard, Crompton, Chalmers, Lafitte, Audubon, Jay, Sherman, &c. Girls who have become Illustrious Women of our Time, by Dar- ton, illustrated. 1880 1326O F. Hemans, H. Martineau, H. Beecher Stowe, Madame Guyon, Madame De Stael, Queen Victoria, Princess Charlotte, F. Bremer, Jenny Lind, Princess of Wales, Princess Louise, Lady Burdett-Coutts, &c. London Gates and their History. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 3, 2953J. Men, by Page, illustrated. 1879 I3 2 90 Persons, Tombs of [Madden's Shrines and Sepulchres] 242-3K Plays, by Molloy. 1886 I196R Fanaticism, by Taylor. 1833 639H See also Fraser, v. 9, 619J, and vol. 37, 647 J. Good Words, v. 26, 2196J, &c. Fancy Dresses, described by Holt. 1880 961M Fair and Bazaar Book 97 1 M Fairs, &c, by Harrison. 1886 977M Fane (Violet). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Fanshawe (Captain Basil, of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 95], 1416O. Fantail, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 656Q, &c. Fantaisies Guernesiaises, dans la Langage du Pays, par Metivier ... 786M Faraday (M., Chemist and Philosopher, b. 1791, d. 1867), F.R.S., Chemical History of a Candle, to which is added a Lecture on Platinum, edited by Crookes. 1861 834Z Manipulation. 1831 719D See also Good Words, v. 12, 2182J. Leisure Hour, v. 8, 2618J. Living Age, 3031, 3035-6, 3038-9, 3042, 3063, 3068-9, 3075, 3086, 3097, 3124 and 3127-8J, &c. FargUS (Fredk. John). See Conway (Hugh). Faria E Souza (M. De, Portuguese Historian, I. 1590, d. 1649). See Long- fellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 4/3D, &c. Farley (S.), Discourses and Essays on Theological and Speculative Topics. 1851 309M Farman (E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Farmer's Boy, a Rural Poem, by Bloomfield. 1804 479Z FARMING, &c— Works relating to: {See also Agriculture, Cattle, Corn, Hay, Husbandry, Land, hfc.) Farmer, The [Escott's England and Its People] 101 7F Farmer's Encyclopaedia, and Dictionary of Rural Affairs, by Johnson. 1844 10D Handbook, American [1880], re-edited by O'Neill and Williams 842 and 843D Farmers, Hints for, and Useful Information, by Burn. i860... 832Z Farming, Chemistry of the Farm, by Warrington. 1882 1 102M : Dairy Farming, by Roland. 1887 192R ■ How Crops Grow, by Johnson 53 2 R to get a Farm, &c, by Morris. 1864 1617R [240] FAR ENGLISH SECTION. FAR FARMING-, &c— Works relating to -.—{continued.) Farming, Our Farm of Four Acres, and the Money we made by it 1 100M The Elements of Agriculture, a Book for Young Farmers, by Waring. 1868 1099M . See also Blacklock's Sheep, 744Z. Campbell's Life in Normandy [French Farming], 1700-1R. Rural Affairs, 574Q. Poole's Index, R.L. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-8 F. Chambers' [Steam], v. 2i, 1937J. Fortnightly [Co-operative], v. 36, 2126J. Fraser [Future of], v. 88, 698J. Harper [France], v. 58, 1638J. Nature [Experimental], v. 32, 2692 J, &c. Farningham (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Faroe Islands. See Nicoll's Iceland, &c, 387T, &c. Farquhar (G., Irish Dramatist, b. 1678, d. 1707). See Inchbald's British Theatre. New English Theatre, &c. Farragut (Admiral, U.S. Navy, b. 1801, d. 1870), Cruise in the Flag Ship Franklin, by Montgomery. 1 869 600B See also Living Age, 31 15 and 3 125 J, &c. Farrar (F. W., Archdeacon of Westminster, b. 1831), D.D., Chap- ters on Language. 1865 945^- Early Days of Christianity, 2 vols. 1882 385-6A Ephphatha, or the Amelioration of the World. 1880 312M Essays on a Liberal Education. 1868 1051F Eternal Hope. 1878 313M Families of Speech, Lectures before the Royal Institution of Great Britain, March, 1869. 1870 944-R History of Interpretation, Eight Lectures preached before the University of Oxford, 1885 [Bampton Lectures]. 1886 192K Life of Christ, 2 vols. 1874 406-7A 1881 310M Lives of the Fathers, 2 vols 670-71 F Mercy and Judgment, a few last Words on Christian Eschatology, with Reference to Dr. Pusey's "What is of Faith?" 1881 315M Saintly Workers. Five Lenten Lectures. 1878 311M The Martyrs. The Hermits. The Monks. The Missionaries. Sermons and Addresses delivered in America. 1886 627M Lillies and the Sparrows. Christ not Sectarian. The Lost Sheep. The Lost Coin. Idols. Ideals of Nations. Modern Education. The Atonement. Commandments. Christian Unity. Temperance Address. Dante. Farewell Thoughts on America. Solomon, His Life and Times 650M The Life and Work of St. Paul, 2 vols. 1879 387-8A The Silence and the Voices of God and other Sermons. 1877 ... 314M Words which have a History [Every Boy's Annual], 1867 ...... 1302H and Others, Non-Biblical Systems of Religion. 1887 1187M The Voice of the Pulpit on Temperance 817M See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L., &c. Farrar (M.), M.A., Five Years in Minnesota, Sketches of Life in a Western State. 1880 1601R Farrar (T.), LL.D., Manual of the Constitution of the United States of America. 1869 1009F Farrer (J. A.), Crimes and Punishments, including a New Transla- tion of Beccaria's Dei Delitti e Delle Pene. 1880 276R Primitive Manners and Customs. 1879 1014M Farriery, Treatise on, by Ferron. 1810 853D Farsia (G. Di). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Farjeon (B. L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [241] FAS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. FEL FASHION and Deformity, by Flower. 1882 929F Manners, by Spencer. 1882 9 2 9 F Then and Now, Illustrated by Anecdotes, by Lennox. 1878... 1018-9H See also Percy Anecdotes, 032Z. Smith's Moral Sentiments, 588H. Harper's Index to Periodical Literature, i64oJa, &c. Fatal Illness of Frederick the Noble, by Mackenzie. 1888 1415O Fathers. See CompaynS's Pedagogy, 296R. Home Amenities, 945M, &c. Fathers, Church of the. 1842 125Q Lives of the, by Farrar, 2 vols 670-71F The Early, by Plummer. 1887 253T See also Ante-Nicene Christian Library, 362-84A. Bolton's Evidences of Christianity, 530A. Carys Testimonies, 506A. &c. Fatima (Daughter of Mahomet, b. 606, d. 632). See Clayton's Female Warriors, 644O, &c. Fats. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, &c. Faucit (Helen, Lady Theodore Martin, Actress, b. 18 16) [Stirling's Old Drury Lane] I33§-9R Faults in Education [Compayre's Pedagogy] 296R FAUNA (T/ie Animals of any special place or period will be found generally mentioned in the descriptions of places under their names, e.g., England, Guernsey, Asia, 6fc.) See especially Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Capello's Central Africa, 831-2 K. Lansdell's Russian Asia, 829K. Reclus' Phenomena, 806F. Willoughby's Australian Pictures, 322B. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L. Natural History, Animals, Birds, &c. Fauriel (M.), Last Days of the Consulate. 1885 4490 Faust, a Tragedy, by Goethe, translated by Blackie. 1880 693M — — by Goethe, translated by Swanwick. 1883 692M Favre (Jules, French Advocate and Politician, b. 1809, d. 1880). See Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. King's French Leaders, 659O. Leisure Hour, v. 19, 2629J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Fawcetb (E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640,1a, &c. Fawcett (H., Political Economist, b. 1833, c.) Food, Analysis and Adulteration of, by Bell, 2 vols. 1881 1051-2M and Cookery, for Infants and Invalids, by Wood. 1884 ... 985M Fasting [Wilson's Naturalist] 639Q Feeding, by Thompson. 1880 958M Home Cookery, by Buckton. 1879 59°T — — Chemistry of, by Liebig. 1847 726D [Facts an d Hints for Every-day Life] 942R History of, and its Preparation [Soyer's Pantropheon] 1853 675D How to Detect the Adulterations of, illustrated. 1881 1844Z Its Sources, Constituents and Uses, by Church [South Kens. Handbooks] 1039M On Food, Four Cantor Lectures, by Letheby. 1870 959M Preparation of [Health Lectures] 839M The Food we Eat [Suggestive Lessons] 1826Z Vegetable Substances used for the Food of Man, illus. 1832 609Q and Fasting [Wilson's Naturalist] 639Q See also Ashton's Nineteenth Century, 861-2H. Bird's Japan, 533K. Buckle's Civilization, i860. Drewry's Cup and Platter, 591T. P'oth- ergill's Health, 824M. Geikie's Science of Common Life, 1419Z. Heath's Peasant Life, 1329R. Knight's Pictorial Bible. 100-4M. M'Culloch's British Empire, 712H. Seeley's Factors in Life, 844M. Simmonds' Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, 771 F. Vegetable Substances, 487-9T. Walsh's Domestic Economy, 1429Z, &c. Football and Athletics, by Shearman [Badminton Library] ill. 1887 1259R a Popular Handbook of, by Irvine, Alcock, &c 1220R ■ See also Boy's Own Annual, from 1879, 2951J. Boy's Own Book, 1527Z. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Chambers, v. 41, 1947 J, and v. 52, 1952J. Crawley's Handbooks, nsoM, &c. Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World, by Owen. 1865 431M Footlights [Stories and Sketches, by Hollingshead]. 1883 1206R [252] FOO ENGLISH SECTION. FO& Footprints, Nature Seen on its Human Side, by Tytler. 1881 1176R of the Creator [Geological Researches, &c], by Hugh Miller. 527 and 809 R Foot -Racing. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Shearman's Athletics, 1259R. Races, Sports, &c. Footsteps of St. Paul, designed for Youth, by Macduff. 188 1 102Q __ Peter, by Macduff . 1881 217T to Fame, a Book to open other Books, by Friswell, ill. 1881 ... 652O Foote (S., Dramatist, b. 1721, d. 1777), Works of, with remarks on each Play and Memoir, by Jon Bee, 3 vols. 1830 : Vol. 1.— Essay on his Life. The Knights. Taste. _ The Englishman in Paris. The Englishman returned from Paris. The Author.. 130T Vol. 2.— The Minor. The Liar. The Orators. The Mayor of Garratt. The Patron. The Commissary 131T Vol. 3.— The Devil upon Two Sticks. The Lame Lover. The Maid of Bath. The Nabob. The Bankrupt. The Cozeners. A Trip to Calais. The Capuchin 132T - — — See also Fitzgerald's English Stage, 338D. New English Theatre. Black- wood, v. 9. Living Age, v. 43 and v. 148, 3073 and 3178J, &c. Forbes (A., Journalist, b. 1838), Chinese Gordon, a Succinct Re- cord of his Life. 1884 677O - — » Insulinde, Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago. 1887 1736R Sec also Yates' Recollections, 587F, &c. Forbes (A. G.), Pioneers of the Christian Faith. 1873 912O Forbes (D., Orientalist), LL.D., History of Chess, from the Early Invention of the Game in India, i860 926F Forbes (Duncan, Scotch Lawyer, b. 1685, d, 1747). See Burton's Scotland [1689-1748J, 336-7H, &c. Forbes (F. E.), Dahomey and Dahomans. 1851 629K Forbes (G.), Transit of Venus [Nature Series], illustrated. 1874 ... 148R Forbes (J.), D.D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, vol. 3, 621A, &c. Forbes (J. D., Scotch Geologist, b. 1809, d. 1868), F.R.S., Travels through the Alps of Savoy and other parts of the Penine Chain, with observations on the Phenomena of Glaciers, illustrated. 1845 596B Life and Letters of, by Shairp, Tait, and Adams-Reilly. 1873... 2 S7^ Forbes (S. Russell), Rambles in Rome, an Archaeological and His- torical Guide to the Museums, Galleries, Villas, &c, of Rome, illustrated. 1 882 141 7R Forbes (U. A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Force, Composition and Resolution of [Lardner's Lectures] 757^ Origin of [Herschel's Familiar Lectures] , 689Q See also Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R, &c. Forces of Nature. See Nature, &c. Force of Truth, a True Narrative, by T. Scott 228Q Ford (D. E.), Chorazin, an Appeal to the Child of Many Prayers. 26Z Ford (E. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Ford (J., Dramatist, b. 1586, d. 1629), Dramatic Works, with Intro- duction and Notes [Harper's Family Library] 2 vols. 1831... 866-7Z Dramatic Works of, 2 vols in 1. 183 1 35 iQ Ford (R.), Gatherings from Spain [Murray's Library]. 185 1 1285R Forde (H. A.), Dust Ho ! and other Pictures from Troubled Lives [S.P.C.K.] 1566Z Fordyce (J., b. 1720, d. 1796), M.A., Aspects of Scepticism, with Special Reference to the Present Time. 1883 318M Foregleams of Immortality, by Sears. 1859 65Z Foreign Classics for English Readers, edited by Oliphant. See wider Oliphant. [253] Fok guille-alle\s LIBRARY. FOft Foreign Freaks of Five Friends [a Tour on the Continent], by Jones. 1406R Foreign Policy. See Poole's Index, R.L. Politics, &c. Scenes and Travelling Recreations, by Howison, 2 vols in 1 1644R Secretaries of the Nineteenth Century to 1880, by Thornton... 207-9H Forensic Anecdotes, or Humour and Curiosities of the Law, by Larwood. 1882 1205Z Facts and Fallacies, by Williams. 1885 288R FOREST Scenes in the Wilds of North America, by Head. 1829... 619Q Laws. See Stubbs' History, 210-1O, &c. Scenery, Gilpin's, edited by Heath. 1879 88R Forests, The Forests we Clear [Suggestive Lessons] 1 828Z Sec also Cooke's Woodlands, 622Q. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Hum- boldt's Nature, 29R. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Temple's India, 4 86K, &c. Forester (Mrs). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Forester (T.), Rambles in Norway among the Fjelds and Fjords of the Central and Western Districts [Travellers' Library] 1855 1263R Forge. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, &c. Forgery. See Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Contemporary [Literary], v. 44, 2054J. Fraser [Punishment], v. n, 621J. Household Words [Bank Notes], v. 1, 1741J. Once a Week [Distinguished], v. 16, 2276J, &c. Forgiveness. See Midler's Noble Deeds, 92Q, &c. Forks. See Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q, &c. Forlorn Maiden. See Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q, &c. Formosa. See Bax's Voyage of the Dwarf, 1520R. Forney (J. W.), Anecdotes of Public Men. 1875 948R Forrest (J., Australian Surveyor), F.R.G.S., Explorations in Australia, illustrated. 1875 ■ •••• 779^ Forrester (T.), A.M., Ed. and Trans. See Old English Chronicles. Fors Clavigera, Letters to Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain, by Ruskin. 1880 844R Forster (C), B.D., Thirty Years' Correspondence between John Jebb, D.D., and Alexander Knox, M.R.I. A,, 2 vols. 1835 335-6F Forster (E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Forster (J., Historian and Critic, b. 1812, d. 1876), LL.D., Daniel Defoe and Charles Churchill [Travellers' Library]. 1855 ... 1275R Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith. 1876 225Z of Charles Dickens [1812-1870], 3 vols 232-4F illustrated, 2 vols 616-7O Sir J. Eliot, a Biography [1592-1632], 2 vols. 1872 628-9O The Debates on the Grand Remonstrance, November and De- cember [1641], with an Essay on English Freedom under Plantagenet and Tudor Sovereigns, i860 281O Walter Savage Landor. 1879 339F See also Frith's Reminiscences, 615-6F, &c. Forster (Right Hon. W. E., Liberal Statesman, b. 181 1, d. 1886), Life of, by Reid, 2 vols. 1888 652-3F See also Lucy's Two Parliaments, 3T6-7H. Blackwood [Forster and Ire- land], 144-214J. 19th Century [Forster and Ireland, by W. E. Glad- stone], v. 24, 2234J, &c. Forster (S. A.) and Sandys (W.), F.S. A., History of the Violin. 1864 93 iD Forsyth (J. IL), M.A., Memoirs of, by Wilson. 1852 258F Fortification, Treatise on, by Lendy. 1862 190D See also Chambers, v. 45, 1949J. Edinburgh R., v. 102, 462 J. Quarterly R., v. 127, 1257J, &c. Fortnightly Review, The, edited by Morley, Escott and Harris, from vol I. 1865 2091J The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found entered under their proper headings in fiction, or in the general body of the Catalogue, with the shelf-number specified. The general contents will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library), under such subjects as this magazine deals with. [254] FOR ENGLISH SECTION. FOS Fortnum (C. D. E.), F.S.A., Maiolica [South Kensington Hand- books], illustrated 1054M Bronzes [South Kensington Handbooks], illustrated 1055M Fortresses. See Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 829-30K. Stanford's Com- pendium, 850K. Blackwood, vols. 75 and no, 145 and 180J, &c. Fortunate Islands, or Archipelago of the Canaries, by Pegot-Ogier, translated, 2 vols. 1871 771-2K Fortunatus (V., Bishop 0/ Poitiers, last of the Latin Poets, b. 530, d. 600). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Fortune, Way to, Essays, Anecdotes, &c 520T ■ Telling. See Home Amusements, 949M. Mackay's Delusions, 904M, &c. Fortunes made in Business, by various writers, 3 vols, illustrated : Vol. 1. — Holden. Lister. Moor Company. Mason. Bessemer. Brown Salts. Peases of Darlington. Fisons and Forsters. Fieldens of Todmorden 1032F Vol. 2. — Fosters of Queensbury. _ Hornby Castle. Gladstone Family. Bright Family. Fairbairns. Perkin. Cunard Steamship Com- pany. Wilson & Co. Bass 1033F Vol. 3.— Horrockses. Miller & Co. Mintons. Armstrong. Mitchel&Co. The Henrys. The Crossleys. The Kitsons. The Richard- sons. The Platts. Sir Donald Currie io33Fa Fortune (Robert, Scotch Botanist, b. 1813,^/. 1880), Residence among the Chinese, illustrated. 1857 532K Tea Districts of China and India, 2 vols. 1853 1515-16R Forty-five, The, Insurrection of 1745, an d Letters of Prince Charles Stuart, by Mahon. 1853 239O Forty Years' Recollections, Literary and Political, by Frost. 1880... 952R Foscolo (N. U., Italian Patriot, b. 1776, d. 1827). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. FOSS (Ed., Legal Historian, b. 1787, d. 1870), F.S.A., Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England [1066- 1870]. 1870 595 E Fossil Men and their Modern Representatives, by Dawson. 1883... 1023M Organic Remains, by Parkinson, illustrated. 1830 734E Osteology. See Brougham's Dialogues, &c.,743Z, &c. Remains of Animals. See Book of Reptiles, 740Z, &c. Fossils, Common British, and where to find them, by Taylor. 1885 125R of Scotland. See Miller's Cruise of the Betsy, 800R, &c. See also Agassiz (L.), 473-4O. Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q. Dawson's Life's Dawn, 160R. Fraser's Seaside Naturalist, 590Q. Heer's Primae- val Switzerland, 732-3F. Housman's Museum, 92R. Mantell's Petri- factions, 126R. Mantell's Wonders of Geology, 724-5Q. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K, &c. Foster (E.), Abraham Lincoln [World's Workers]. 1885 1146O Foster (F. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Foster (J., Baptist Minister, b. 1770, d. 1843), Essay on the Im- provement of Time, edited by Ryland 95iR Essays [on various authors], contributed to the Eclectic Review [Bonn's Series], 2 vols. 1856 : Vol. 1. — Travel-Writing. Memoir- Writing. Statesmen. Sir Thomas Moore. America. Theatres. Fiction. Sanscrit. Religion. Peninsular War, &c 949R Vol. 2.— Highland Superstitions. Grecian Architecture. Junius. Irish Society. Nonconformists. Cathedral Antiquities. Revelation. Chatterton, &c 950R Importance of Religion [American Tract Society] 1685Z Lectures delivered at Broadmead Chapel, Bristol, 2 vols. 1848-9 221-2Q Life and Correspondence of, edited by Ryland, with notices by Sheppard, 2 vols. 1852 654O See also Blackwood [Missions], v. 5, R.L. Chambers, v. 10, 1930J. Fraser [Life], v. 34, 644J ; [Writings], v. 30, 640 J. Living Age, v. 10, 3040J ; v. 14, 3044J, &c. 055] FOS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. FOX Foster (J. Y.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Foster (M., Judge and Physiologist), M.D., Physiology [Science Primers]. 1879 I43 6z and Balfour (F. M.), M.A., Elements of Embryology, edited by Sedgwick and Heape. 1883 828M Foster (Vere, Educationalist, b. 18 19), Painting for Beginners, with facsimiles by Callow, first and second stage 919-20D First Stage.— Teaching the Use of One Colour, 919D. Second Stage.— Teaching the Use of Seven Colours, 920D. Fothergill (Caroline). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Fothergill (J.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Fothergill (J. M., Quaker Philanthropist, b. 1712, d. 1780), M.D., Maintenance of Health, a Medical Work for Lay Readers 824M The Will Power, its range in action. 1885 : 1228R Foucaud (E.), Illustrious Mechanics of Europe and America, edited by Frost, translated, illustrated. 1847 I33 2 Fouche (J. S., Duke of Otranto, French Statesman, b. 1763, d. 1820). See Alison's Europe, 122-38O, &C. Foundation Stones for Young Builders, by Hall [God or Mammon —Which? True Revival, &c.]. 1881 181Q Foundations and Concrete, by Dobson. 1872.. 344T See also Addison's Construction, Architecture, Building, &c. Founding ; Foundry. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, &c. Foundling Hospital. See Wynter's Human Hive, 243R. Beckmann's In- ventions, 698Q, &c. Fountain of Life, or Union between Christ and Believers, by Jones. 1 840 205Q Four Centuries of Silence, or from Malachi to Christ, by Redford 543M Last Things, Death, Judgment, Hell, Heaven, by Bolton. 1835 12Z Fowler (E. P.), The Alderney and Guernsey Cow, its Nature and Management. 1855 188R Fowler (H.), Sketches, Biographical and Descriptive, of living American Preachers [The American Pulpit]. 1856 78K Fowler (T.), F.S.A., Locke [English Men of Letters]. 1880 1076O Third Earl of Shaftesbury and Hutcheson [English Phil.]. 1882. 1232O Fowler (W.), Eastern Mirror, an Illustration of Sacred Scriptures and Oriental Customs. 1814 463A Fowls, Domestic, by Martin [R.T.S.] 74*Z [Tegetmeier's Poultry Book] ... 664B See also Stonehenge's Rural Sports [Wild-Fowl], 681T. Poultry, &c. Fownes (G., Chemist, b. 1815, ^.1849), Ph.D., Chemistry as exem- plifying the Wisdom and Beneficence of God. 1844 494R See also Watts' Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, 672-3D. Fox, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660-62Q. Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q. Cecil's Records of the Chase, 917M. Stonehenge's Rural Sports [Fox-Hunting], 68iT,'&c. Fox (Caroline), Memories of Old Friends, Letters, &c. [1835-71], edited by Pym. 1882 833O [Recollections of meetings with many celebrated authors, &c] FOX (Rt. Hon. C. J., Orator and Statesman, b. 1749, d. 1806), Early History of, by Trevelyan. 1880 260F See also Alison's Europe, 121-90. Ashton's XIX. Century, 861H. Cun- ningham's Eminent Englishmen, 27 F. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Howard's Beauties of Literature, 1158Z. Mahon's England, 217-9O. Nicoll's Great Orators, 992Q. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 207H. Torren's Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 385-6F, &c. Fox (George, Founder of the Quakers, b. 1624, d. 1690), Works of, 8 vols. 1831 164-71A and the Early Quakers, by Bickley. 1884 262F [256] FOX ENGLISH SECTION. FRA Fox (George), Autobiography of, by H. S. Newman. 1886 261F [Stoughton's Religion in England] 937M Fox (General Lane 1 . See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Fox (W. J., Unitarian Minister, b. 1786, d. 1804), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Foxe (John, Reformer, b. 1517, d. 1 587), Acts and Monuments of, edited by Cattl'ey, 8 vols. 1841 133-40A [Early History of the Christian Church to the Time of Queen Elizabeth.] Book of Martyrs, Acts and Monuments of the Church, edited by J. dimming, illustrated, 3 vols. 1844 599-601A Foxhound. See Youatt's The Dog, 81 7 F. Foy (General, French Orator, <2rY., b. 1775, d - 1825), War in the Peninsula under Napoleon, 3 vols. 1827 258-0II Fracastoro (G., Italian Physician, b. 1483, d. 1553). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Frampton (Mary), Journal of [1779 to 1846], by Mundy, 1885 263F Franc (M. J.)- See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. FRANCE AND THE FRENCH -Works relating to : {See also Brittany, Normandy, firV., names of Towns and Places, e.g., Calais, Paris, Mont St. Michel; names of Kings, Em- perors, Queens, 6°., Horace [Family Clas. Lib], 2 vols. 1S31 1124-5Q Francis (Sir P.), Junius. See Trevtlyan's Life of Fo.\,.26oF. FRA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. FRA Francklin (T.), D.D., 7K, Sophocles [Fam. Clas. Lib.]. 1832 ... 1140Q Franco of Cologne [Naumann's Music] 928D Franco-German War, Before and After the Battle of Worth [1870] by Klein. 1879 ;•••• 3 62 Set also Adapi's Great Campaigns, 47H. Washburne's Recollections, 232-3D. France, Germany, Paris, &c. Fran9ois I. Sec Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473TJ. Frankfort and Luther's Country. Sec Green's German Pictures, 333B, &c. Frankland (B.), B.A., Ed., Recollections of my own Life and Times, by Jackson. 1873 7340 Frankland (P. F.), Ph.D., Agricultural Chemical Analysis. 1883 418R Franklin (B., American Philosopher and Statesman, b. 1706, d. 1790), Complete Works, 3 vols. 1806 : Vol. t. — Autobiography, Papers on Electricity, &c 940H Vol. 2.— Letters on Philosophical and Political Subjects, &c 941 H Vol. 3. — American Subjects, Revolution, Moral Subjects, &c 942H [Howard's Beauties of Literature] U59^ Works of and Autobiography. 1824 1160Z by Tomkinson [World's Workers]. 1885 1142O Memoirs written by Himself [Family Library], 2 vols. 1839 217-8Z Sec also Harper's Index, i64oJa, &x. Franklin (Sir [., Arctic Navigator, b. 1 786, supposed to have died 1847), Discovery of the Fate of, by McClintock, ill. 1859... 668K Journey to the Polar Sea in the Years [1819-20- 21 -22], 2 vols. 1 824 670- 1 K United States' Expedition in Search of, by Kane, illustrated. 1857 669K Life of, by Beesley [New Plutarch]. 1881 655O Sec also Adam's Heroes, 978Q. Belcher's Arctic Voyages, 661-2K. Boy's Own Annual [Our Search for, in the Arctic Regions], v. 4, 2954J, &c. Franks and the Gauls. See Freeman's Essays, &c. Franks (A. W., Arc/urologist, b. 1826), M.A., Japanese Pottery [South Kensington Handbooks] 1043M Frank's Ranche, or my Holidays in the Rockies, being a Contribu- tion to the Inquiry into what we are to do with our Boys, by M. E., illustrated. 1886 424T Fraser (Mrs. Alexander). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Fraser (A. C), LL.D., Berkeley [Phil. Clas. for Eng. Read.]. 1881 1036Q Fraser (D.), Thomas Chalmers [Men worth Remembering]. 1881... 1162O Fraser (J.), Guide to the County of Wicklow, illustrated. 1851 604Z Fraser (J., Second Bishop 0/ Manchester, b. 1818, d. 1885), A Me- moir, by Thomas Hughes, Q.C. 1887 ^96F Fraser (J. B., Scotch Traveller, b. 1783, d. 1856), Historical and Descriptive Account of Persia [Ed. Cab. Lib.]. 1834 389T Mesopotamia and Assyria [Ed. Cab. Lib. ]. 1842 39°T See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Fraser (R. W.), Seaside Naturalist, Marine Zoology, Botany, &c, ill. 590Q Maritime Geology, Fossils, The Ocean, Winds and Tides, Marine Vegeta- tion, Zoophytes, Sea Nettles, Star Fishes, Sea Urchins, Crabs, Mol- lusca, Whelks, Cockles, Fishes, Maritime Birds, Whales, Seals, Prawns, Shrimps, &c. Frasers Magazine for Town and Country, from vol. 1. 1830 611J The Serial Tales contained in this Magazine will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, with the Catalogue number specified. The entire contents will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library), under subjects required. This Magazine was in 1882 contined as Longmans' Magazine. [2C0] FRE ENGLISH SECTION. FRE Frederic I. {Emperor of Germany and King of Italy, b. 1121, drowned 119c)). See Freeman's Essays, 416H, &c. Frederic II. {Emperor of Germany and King of Italy, b. 1194, d\ 1250): See Freeman's Essays, 416H, &c. Frederick the Great {King of Prussia, b. 17 12, d: 1786), by Dover [Family Library], 2 vols. 1832 •. ; ...;..; 1059Q by Brackenbury [Military Biography]. 1884 ........; 1 1246O Macaulay. 1855 ;..;..;..; 959Q His Court and Times, edited, with an Introduction^ by Thomas Campbell, 2 vols. 1844 *..; 1 . 1 656-7O History of, by Carlyle, 10 vols. 1873 ■. 57-66T See also Alison's Europe, 119-28O. Adam's Great Names, 682O. Every Boy's Annual [1886], 1305H. Kugler's Illustrated Germany, 230D, &C; Frederick William III. {King of Prussia, b. 1770, d. 1840). See Alison's Europe, 124-37O, &c. Frederick IV. {King of Prussia, b. 1795, d. 1861). See Alison's Europe, 142-6O. Frederick Charles {King of Prussia, b. 1831, d. 1888), Fatal Illness of Frederick the Noble, by Mackenzie. 1888 1 14150 See also Adam's Campaigns, 47H. Franco-German War, &c. Frederick.— For several Emperors of Rome of this name, sec Balzani's Popes and the Hohenstaufen, 261T, &c. Frederic (H.), Works of. Sec Harper's Index, i64oJa. Frederick (Mrs.), Hints to Housewives on Several Points, particu- larly on the Preparation of Economical and Tasteful Dishes ... 951 Al Free Churches [1800-80] [Stoughton's Religion] , 99M Libraries and their Working. See Macmillan's Magazine, 973J. Libraries, Sec. — ■ Thought. See London Quarterly [Farrar on], v. 21, 811 J. Scribner [Educa- tion], v. 10, 1860J. Temple Bar [Religion], v. 37, 1367J. Trade Movement in England, by Mongredien. 1881 95 2 Z See also Contemporary, v. 13, 2023J ; [Economic Fallacies], v. 29, 2039J. Edinburgh Review [and Retaliation], v. 78, 438J. Fraser, v. 5, 615J, and v. 6, 616J; v. 97, 707J. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [and Reciprocity], v. 22, 742J. Nineteenth Century [The True Reciprocity], v. 5, 2215J; [Railways], v. 7, 2217J. Quarterly, v. 86, 1216J, &c. Free Judges. See Heckthorn's Secret Societies, 376O. Free (R. W.), Lux Benigna, being the History of Orange Street Chapel. 1888 1227M Freedom and War, by Beecher. 1863 593^ See Alison's Europe, 119-46O. May's Democracy, 38H. Contemporary [Moral], v. 32, 2042J, and v. 36, 2046J. Fraser [Political], v. 60, 670J. Good Words [True], v. 24, 2194J. Macmillan, v. 51, 981 J, The Secret Out, or One Thousand Tricks in Drawing Room [Magic, Card Tricks, &c.j, translated by Cremer 925M Frisbie (L.). See Poets of America, 468D, Kx. Friswell (J. H., Novelist and Journalist, b. 1827), Footsteps to Fame, a Book to open other Books, illustrated. 1881 652O Frith. (H.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Frith (W. P., Artist, b. 1819), R.A., My Autobiography and Rem- iniscences, 2 vols. 18S7 615-6F Further Reminiscences. 1888... 6i6Fa Frobisber (Sir M., X ivigator, b. 1536, mortally wounded 1594). See Adam's Heroes, 978Q. Boy's Own Annual [1885], 2957J, &c. Froebel (F., German Schoolmaster^ b\ 1782, d. 1852), Life of, by Shirreff. 18S7 13610 Educational Theories [Child and Child Nature] 2S0R Frog, The Common, by Mivart [Nature Series]. 188 1. 151R See also Brown's Science for All, 627Ba. Buckley's Life's Race, 129R. Napier's Lakes and Rivers, 623Q. Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q. All the Year Round, N.s.,v. 32, 1792J. Chambers [Frog and Toad Families], v. 13, 1933J. Household Words, v. 14, 1754J, &c. Froissart (SirJ.,/>. 1337,4 1410), Ancient Chronicles, 4 vols. 1814.312-15D [England, France, Spain, Portugal, Scotland, Brittany, and Flanders.] adapted for Boys, by Lanier, illustrated. 1879 4570 See also Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. From Log-Cabin to White House, The Story of President Garfield's Life, by Thayer. 1881 666 and 667O Frondes Agrestes, Readings in Modern Painters, by Ruskin. i88d 832R Frost (H. F.), Schubert [Great Musicians]. 1881 1218O Frost (J.), LL.D., Ed., Illustrious Mechanics of Europe and America, by Foucaud, translated, illustrated. 1847 1332O Frost (S. T.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &C. Frost (T.), Forty Years' Recollections, Literary and Political. 1880. 952R Lives of the Conjurors. 1881 803O Secret Societies of the European Revolution [1776- 1876], 2 vols : Vol. 1. — The Illuminati. United Irishmen. Philadelphians. Carbonari. Associated Patriots. Communeros, &c 32II Vol. 2. — Reformed Carbonari. Hetairia. United Sclavonians. Templars. Young Italy. The Families. Young Germany. Young Poland. Young Switzerland. The Communists. The Fenians, Nihilists, Omladina, &c 33H Frothingham (N. L.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Frothingham (O. B. and W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Froude (J. A., Historian, b. 1818), M.A., Banyan [English Men of Letters]. 1880 1057O Calvinism, an Address delivered at St. Andrew's [March, 1871]. 79K History of England, from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 12 vols, 1877 : Vol. 1. — Social Condition of England in the 16th Century. Last Years of the Administration of Wolsey. Parliament of 1529. Church and State. Marriage of Henry and Anne Boleyn. Protestants .... 192O Vol. 2. — Last Efforts of Diplomacy. Irish Rebellion. Catholic Martyrs. The Monasteries. Trial and Death of Anne Boleyn. Reforma- tion in England. Pilgrimage of Grace 193O Vol. 3.— Cardinal Pole. Exeter Conspiracy. Anne of Cleves and Fall of Cromwell. Scotland and Ireland. Solway Moss. French War 194O Vol. 4. — Peace of Crepy. The Invasion. Death of Henry VIII. Pro- tectorate. Fall of the Protector. Reformed Administration ... . 195O Vol. 5. — Execution of the Duke of Somerset. Northumberland's Con- spiracy. Queen Jane and Queen Mary. Spanish Marriage. Reconciliation with Rome 196O Vol. 6.— Calais. Death of Mary. Accession of Elizabeth. Reformation in Scotland. Treaty of Leith. Return of Mary Stuart. Civil War in France 197O [263] FRO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. FRU Fronde (J. A.) History of England, &c. — {continued.) Vol. 7.— English at Havre. Shan O'Neil. Embassy of De Silva. Darnley Marriage. Muider of Darnley. Death of O'Neil 198O Vol. B.— England on the Sea. Carberry Hill. Lochleven Castle. Flight of Mary Stuart to England. Casket Letters 199O Vol. 9.— English 'Parties. Rising of the North. Excommunication of Elizabeth. Ridolfi Conspiracy 2C0O Vol. io.--Duke of Norfolk. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. State of Ire- land. Spanish Treaty. Proposed Alencon Marriage. Desmond Rebellion 201O Vol. 11.— Jesuit Invasion. Voyage of Sir Francis Drake. Jesuits in Scotland. Expulsion of Mendoza. Bond of Association 202O Vol. 12.— Earl of Leicester in the Low Countries. Execution of Mary Stuart. Negotiations for Peace with Spain. The Armada 203O Life and Times of Thomas Becket. 1878 500O Luther, a short Biography '. 8 1 1 Oceana, or England and Her Colonies, illustrated. 1886 804K Short Studies on Great Subjects, 3 vols. 1878 : First Series. — Science of History, Times of Erasmus and Luther, Influence of the Reformation on the Scottish Character, Philosophy of Catholicism, Plea for the Free Discussion of Theological Difficul- ties, Criticism and the Gospel History, Book of Job, Spinoza, Dissolution of the Monasteries, England's Forgotten Worthies, Homer, Lives of the Saints, Representative Men, Reynard the Fox, Cat's Pilgrimage, Fables, Parable of the Bread- Fruit Tree, Compensation 20- O Second Series.— Calvinism, A Bishop of the Twelfth Century, Father New- man on the Grammar of Assent, Condition and Prospects of Protestantism, England and her Colonies, A Fortnight in Kerry, Reciprocal Duties of State and Subject, Merchant and his Wife, On Progress, The Colonies Once More, Education, England's War, Ireland since the Union, Scientific Method Applied to History 2o8 Third Series.— Annals_ of an English Abbey, Revival of Romanism, Sea Studies, Society in Italy in the Last Days of the Roman Republic, Lucian, Divus Caesar, On the Use of a Landed Gentry, Party Politics, Leaves from a South African Journal 209O Fourth Series. — Life and Times of Thomas Becket, Oxford Counter-Re- formation, Origen and Celsus, A Cagliostro of the Second Century, Cheneys and the House of Russell, A Siding at a Railway Station 532H The English in Ireland, in the Eighteenth Century, 3 vols. 1881 : Vol. 1. — Insurrection of 1641. The Revolution. Penal Era. Irish Attempt at Union. Protestant Administration. Smugglers. Irish Par- liament. Anarchy, &c 204O Vol. 2 — Revival of the Celts. Lord Townsherid's Administration. Begin- nings of Retribution. Constitution of 1782. The Convention. Whiteboys, &c 2ct;0 Vol. 3.— United Irishmen. Fitzwilliam Crisis. French at Bantry. Seces- sion of the Opposition. Eve of '98. The Rebellion. Lord Corn- wallis and the Union, &c 206O The English in the West Indies ; or the Bow of Ulysses, ill. 1S88. 834K Thomas Carlyle, First Forty Years of his Life [1795-1835], illus- trated, 2 vols. 1882 '. 168-9F ~ History of his Life in London |" 1834-81] 2 vols. 1884 ••• 170-1F Ed., Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle, 3 vols. 1883 172-4F Mrs. Carlyle, prepared for publication by Thomas Carlyle. 1 846 ^ 5 7 O Reminiscences of Carlyle, 2 vols. 1881 558-9O See also Cox's Colenso, 622F. Austral Africa [Incorrect Statements], T402H Frugality. See Midler's Noble Deeds, &c, 92Q, &c. [264] FRU ENGLISH SECTION. FUN FRUIT as Food [Health Lectures] 839M Flower and Kitchen Garden, by Neill. 1840 776F Garden and Orchard, by Mcintosh, coloured illustrations. 1839 637Q Trees, Cordon Training of, by Brehaut. i860 1793^ Culture of, by Du Dreuil, translated by Wardle. 1872 178R Harrison. 1825 882D See also Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 829K. Robinson's Gardens of Paris, 609B. Coleman's Wood- lands, 563Q. Babcock's Hints, 946 M. and Vegetables. See Colquhoun's China, 541-2K. Facts and Hints for Every-day Life, 942R. Gill's China and Burmah, 512-3K. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Walsh's Domestic Economy, 1429Z, &c. Fruit between the Leaves, by Wynt'er, 2 vols in 1. 1875 1146R Fry (E., Quaker Philanthropist, b. 1780, d. 1845), by Pitman [Em. Women Series]. 1884 112SO See also Blaikie's Philanthropy, 762O. Chronicles of Newgale, v. 1, 330D, &c. Fry (J.), B.A., Unfulfilled Prophecies, which are yet to have their Accomplishment. 1835... _ 531 A Fryatt (Miss F. E.) Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Fudges in England, &c, Humorous Poems [by Moore] Fuegians. See Brown's Paleolithic Man, 905F. Fuel, The Fuel we Burn [Suggestive Lessons] 1S28Z See also Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7 and 9D, &c. Fulcher (G. W.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Fulke (W., Puritan Theologian, b. 1548, d. 1589), D.U., Answers to Stapleton, Martiall and Sanders. 1S48 237A Defence of the Translation of the Bible. 1843 239A Fuller (A., Baptist Minister \ b. 1754, d. 1815), Complete Works, and Life of, by A. G. Fuller. 1S50 66A Memoir of Rev. S. Pearce [Am. Tract. Soc] 16S8Z See also Stoughton's Religion in England, 97M, &c. Fuller (H. W.), M.D., Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, and Sciatica. 922K Fuller (J. G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fuller (M., Marchesa Assoli), by Howe [Em. Women Series]. 1883 1127O — - — See also Russell's Eccentric Personages, 1307O, &c. Fuller (T., Theologian, b. 1608, ook] 664B Game, &c. Set Jefferies' Amateur Poacher, 786R. Cornhill [in England], v. 42, 322J. Nature [South America], v. 12, 2672J. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Leisure Hour, v. 12, 2622J. Quarterly, v. 161, 1291T. Gentleman's Magazine [Some British Game Birds], v. 265, 761J, &c. Laws. Stt Smith's Essays, 297O. Blackwood, v. 22, R.L; [of Scotland] v. 66, 136J. Cornhill [and Poaching in England], v. 16, 296J. Quar- terly [in England], v. 161, 1291J. Westminster, v. 5, R.L. Gamekeeper at Home, Sketches of Natural History and Rural Life, by Jefferies. 1881 ! 787R Gamekeeper's Museum [Buckland's Curiosities] 594Q GAMES, Festivals and Amusements, Ancient and Modern, by . Smith. 18.31 868Z Indoor and Outdoor, by Capt. Crawley, v.d. : Indoor Games. Vol. 1.— Billiards and Bagatelle • 1144M Vol. 2.— Whist, Loo and Cribbage 1145M Vol. 3. — Chess and Draughts ■ 1146M Vol. 4. — Backgammon 1 147M Vol. 5. — Bezique, Euchre, Ecart£, All-Fours 1 148M Outdoor Games. Vol. 1. — Cricket, Base-Ball and Rounders 1149M Vol. 2.— Football, Golf, Curling, Hockey, &c 1150M Vol. 3. — Swimming, Skating, Sinking, Sledging, &c 1151M Vol. 4. — Rowing, Sailing, Boating, Canoeing, &c 1152M Vol. 5.— Bicycling 1T42M Vol. 6. — Croquet, Lawn Tennis, Racquet, &c -. 1153M Vol. 7. — Athletics, Training, Boxing, Wrestling, &c 1154M See also Boy's Holyday Book, 1427Z. Boy's Own Book, 1527Z. Casseli's Book of Amusements, 1259H. Chambers [Garden], v. 40, 1946J. Cham- bers, v. 41, 1947J. Chambers [Drawing Room], v. 49, 1951J. Field Hook, 931 F. Girls' Book, 1257H. Irvine's Football, 1220R. Valen- tine's Girl's own Book, 1137R. Boy's Own Annual, v. 2 [1879-S0], 2952J. Anderson's Draughts, 115SM. Cards, Chess, Cricket, Foot- ball, Golf, Hockey, Polo, &c. Gamgee (A.), M.D., Physiology of Digestion and the Digestive Organs [Int. Health Ex.], illustrated. 1884 ,. 986M Gaming Table, The. See Anspach's Thieves of Homes, 279R. Gambling, &c. Ganges, The. See Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Temple's India, 486K. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [in Midwinter], v. 32, 752J. Rivers, &c. Gaol Cradle, Who Rocks it? 1876 274R Gaols. See Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Chronicles of Newgate [Gaols and Gaolers in Early Times], v. 1, 330D. Crime, Jails, Prisons, &c. Garbett (E.), M.A., Religion in Daily Life 104Q Garbett (E. L.), Rudimentary Treatise on the Principles of Design in Architecture as deducible from Nature [Weale Series], illustrated. 1850 351T Garcao (P. A. C). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Garden Parties [Home Amusements] 949M GARDEN [Church's Home Garden] 947M Fruit, Flower and Kitchen, by Neill. 1840 776F Glories of a [Timbs' Works] 855Z Management, colored illustrations. 1871 342T Gardener, Modem, by Price 1496Z Gardening- [Breuil's Fruit Trees] 178R [Burbidge's Domestic Floriculture] 89R Every Man his own Gardener, by Mawe and Abercrombie. 1858 1103M [Facts and Hints for Everyday Life] 942R Flower Garden 638Q [268] GAR ENGLISH SECTION. GAR Gardening, Kitchen Garden, by Jerrold 343T Orchard and Fruit Garden, by Mcintosh °37Q See also All the Year Round [at Lille], v. 27, 1787J. All the Year [Window], v. 36, 1796J. All the Year Round [of North America], v. 41, 1801J. Nine- teenth Century [Old-Fashioned], v. 7, 2217J. Chambers [of Flowers], v. 29, 1941J. Chambers Lof the Greeks], v. 41, 1947J. Chambers [My Town Garden], v. 42, 1947J. Cornhill, v. 26, 306J. Fraser | Kew], v, 40, 650J. Fraser [Elizabethan], v. 70, 680J. Good Words [Bits of], v. 4, ^i74.b Household Words [Market], v. 7, 1747J. Living Age, 3140J. Quarterly, v. 89, 1219J. Boy's Own Annual, 2951, 2957 and 2958J. Flowers, Fruit, Greenhouses, Horticulture, &C. Gardens and Parks of Paris, by Robinson, illustrate.!. 1878 609D- Dwellers in our, by Wood, illustrated. 1877 I17R See Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828-9K, &c. Gardette (C. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Gardiner (13. M.). French Revolution, 1789-1795 [Epochs of Modern History]. 18S3 155Z Gardiner (Colonel ]., b. 1688, killed at Preston Pans, 1745), Passages in the Life of, by Doddridge! 1825 : 219Z Gardiner (L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Gardiner (S. R., b. 1829), LL.D., History of England from the Accession of James I. to the Outbreak of the Civil War, [1603-1642], 10 volumes. 1883-4 460-69O Gardyner (Stephen). See Campbell's Chancellors, 774-5O, &c. Gareth and Lynette and the Last Tournament, Poems, by Tenny- son. 1872 3 1 iQ Garfield (General, President of U.S., b. 1831, assassinated 1S81), From the Farm to the Presidential Chair, by McCabe, illus- trated. 1880 , 269F Log-Cabin to White blouse, or the Story of Garfield's Life, by Thayer. 1881 666 and 667O See also Bullock's Talks with the People, 198Z. Nineteenth Century, vol 10, 2220J. Century [Autograph, Characteristics, Last Illness], v. 1, 1873J ; [In London], v. 5, 1877J, &c. Garibaldi (G., Italian Patriot, b. 1S07, d. 1882), Life of, by Pent. 6680 Recollections of his Public and Private Life, and many of his Letters, by Melena, Englished by Edwards. 1887 1418O ■ See also Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Martin's Prince Consort, 96F. Victor Emmanuel, 1017-8 and 1019O. Living Age, v. 154, 3184J. Atlantic Monthly [Close of his Career], v. 62, 1552J, &c. Garlands. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M, &c. Garnet. See Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Decorative Stones, 1159M, &c. Garnet (H., Prefect of the English Jesuits, Reign of James /., b. 1555, Executed 1606). See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 322H, &c. Gariiett (R., Assistant Keeper of Printed Books, British Museum, b. 1835), LL.D., Select Letters of Shelley. 1882 1251Z Garnett (W.), D.C.L., Physicists [Heroes of Science, S.P.C.K.] : 705O Boyle, Franklin, Cavendish, Rumford, Young, Faraday, Maxwell, &c. Garrett (J. B. L. De A.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c, Garrett (R. and A.), Suggestions for blouse Decoration in Painting, Woodwork, and Furniture [Art at Home Series], illus. 1879 966 M Garrick (D., Dramatist and Actor, b. 17 16, d. 1822), Plays of [Lamb's Dramatic Poets, &c.]. 1 854 71 iM See also Fitzgerald's English Stage, 337-8D. Inchbald's British Theatre, &c. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1338-9R. Thomson's Friendships, 565O. New English Theatre. Blackwood [Recollections of], v. 18, R.L. Chambers' Journal, v. 45, 1949J. Chambers' Journal, v. 57, 1Q 57J- Fortnightly [as Hamlet], v. 15, 2105J. Gentlemen' ; Maga- zine, v. 18, 738J. Once a Week [and the Shakespere Jubilee], v. iq, 2270J. Quarterly, v. 125, 1255J. Temple Bar [as Actor and Mana- ger], v. 11, hitJ. Temple Bar [Rivals and Associates], v, 54, 1384T, [?6 9 ] GAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GAY Garrison (W. L., American Journalist and Abolitionist, b. 1804, d. 1879), Story of His Life, Vols. 1-2. 1885 270-lF Garrisoil(\V. P.). Works of. Sec Harper's Index, i64<>Ja. Garrotting. Set Cornhill [Science ofj, v. 7, 287J. Fraser [Moral Philosophy of], v, 67, 677J. Leisure Hour, v. 12, 2622J, Szc. Garter, Order of the. See Woodhouse's Orders, 273O. Once a Week, v. 26, 2286J. Quarterly, v. 68, 1198J. Gartll (Sir S., b. 1672, d. 1719), M.D., Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Poets of Great Britain]. 1837 35qZ Gas, Air Gas, Coal Gas. See Brown's Science for All, 628B. The Household, 1096F. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Ure's Dictionary, 7D. English Me- chanic, v. 46-7, 1046-7J, &c. Gas-Lighting. See Brown's Science for All, 628B. Timhs' Inventions, 258R, Sec. Gases. See Lockycr's Spectrum Analysis, 377R. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Ure's Dictionary, 9D, KC. Gasca (Pedro De La). See Prescott's Conquest of Peru, 527-8H, &c. Gaskell (Mrs., Novelist, b. 1811, d. 1865), Life of Charlotte Bronte, 2 vols. 1859 ' 192-3 and 1774-5Z See also Edinburgh Review, v. 89, 449J. Harper's Index, i64oJa, and Fic- tion Class List following the General Catalogue. Gasnault (P.) and Gamier (E.), French Pottery, illustrated. 1884 1062M Gasparin (Count A. De, Politician, b. 1810, d. 1871), The Family : Its Duties, Joys and Sorrows. 1853 290M See also Merle D'Aubigny's Christianity, 488M, &c Gasparin (Countess De), Human Sadness 26Q The Near and Heavenly Horizons. 1861 287M See also Fiction Glass List following the General Catalogue. Gastric Juice and Physiology of Digestion, by Beaumont. 1838 ... 840M Gates (C.),* Poems by. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Gatty (Mrs. A.) Parables from Nature, 2 vols. 1880 28-9Z Red Snow, and other Parables from Nature, 3rd and 4th series, illustrated. 1865 30Z See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. G.iul. See Qcsar's Commentaries, 1159H. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201H. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 74-9H. Oilman's Rome, 424O, &c. Gaussen (L.), Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, translated from the French. 1841 411A The World's Birth-day, a Book for the Young, illustrated. 1861 804Z Gautier (T., French Journalist, b. i2>n,d. 1872), and Mirecourt (E. De), Famous French Authors, illustrated. 1879 2 S4F Gautier, Girardin, George Sand, Brizeux, De Musset, Hugo, Lamartine, Monnier, Balzac, Beranger, Dumas, Guerin, Diderot, La Fontaine, Sainte-Beuve, Swetchine, Houssaye, De Rock, Gavarni, Baudelaire. Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, and Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Gavarni (Sulfiice P. Chevalier, b. 1801, d. 1866). See Gautier's French Authors, 254 F, &c. Gavazzi (A., eloquent Italian Monk, b. 1809), My Recollections of the Last Four Popes, and of Rome in their Times, an answer toDr. Wiseman. 1858 319M Gaveston (Perot de, Favourite 0/ Edward I., executed 1312). See Dixon's Royal Windsor, 325H, &c. Gay (J. Drew), The Prince of Wales in India. 1877 1509R Gay (J., Poet and Dramatist, b. 1688, d. 1732), Poems, Life, by John- son [British Poets], 2 vols. 1864 425-6Q Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain], 3 vols. 1S07 366-8Z ■■ See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Johnson's Select Poets, 41 iD. Jones' Poets, 661 M, &c [270] G-AY ENGLISH SECTION. GEN Gayarre (C), History of Louisiana, 3 vols. 1866 512-4H Spanish Domination, 512H. French Domination, 513H. American Do- mination, 514H. Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary, by Brooks. 1876 34D Parliamentary, of England and Wales. 1843 5 2 "5^ Gazetteers. See also Geography, Maps. &c. Gazpacho, or Summer Months in Spain, by Clark. 1850 43Hv Gadney (C. W. ), Foreign Cage Birds ; containing full Directions for successfully breeding, rearing and managing the various beau- tiful aviary birds imported into this country, illustrated 57R Geer (Charles de, Naturalist, b. 1720, d. 1778) [Jardine's Natura- lists' Library] , 671Q Geese [Tegetmeier's Poultry Book] 664B Gearing 1 (Dr. F.), Mozart [Great Musicians]. 1883 1226O Geikie (A., Scotch Geologist, b. 1835), F.R.S., Edinburgh, Past and Present. 1886 422H ■ Geology [Science Primers], illustrated. 1878 757Z Life of Sir Roderick T. Murchison, 2 vols. 1875 411-2F Physical Geography [Science Primers], illustrated. 1879 754^ Text-Book of Geology, illustrated. 1882.' 682D Geikie (A. Constable), D.D., The Human Sympathies of Christ 320M Geikie (Cunningham), D.D., Hours with the Bible ; or, the Scrip- tures in the Light of Modern Discovery and Knowledge, illustrated, 6 vols. 1881-5 : Vol. 1. — From Creation to the Patriarchs 321M Vol. 2. — From Moses to the Judges 322M Vol. 3.— From Samson to Solomon 323M Vol. 4. — From Rehoboam to Hezekiah, with the Contemporary Prophets.. 324M Vol. 5. — From Manasseh to Zedekiah, with the Contemporary Prophets. . . . 325M Vol. 6. — From the Exile to Malachi, with the Contemporary Prophets .... 326M Life and Words of Christ. 1881 103 A Science of Common Life [Practical Reading Books] 1419Z The Holy Land and the Bible, 2 vols. 1887 641 -2 A Geikie (J.), F.G.S., Great Ice Age, and its Relation to the Antiquity of Man [International Scientific Series], illustrated. 1874..., 457R Gelatine. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, &c. Gellert (C. F., German Theologian, b. 1715, d. 1769). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473 D, &c. Gems. See Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. King's Decorative Stones, 11 59M. Simonin's Mines, 632-3 B. Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, &c. Genealogy. See Burke's Great Families, 947O. Royal Book of Crests, R.L. [Con- temporary [Pedigree], v. 30, 2040J. Edinburgh Review [Pedigree], v. 158, 518J. Generals. See Cunninghams Eminent Englishmen, 21-8F. Biography, &c. Generation, Spontaneous. See Tyndall's Floating Matter, 507R, &c. Generosity. See Muller's Noble Deeds, &c, 92Q. Genesis, Book of, illustrated, by Close. 1828 167Q Notes on the Book of 1 28Q See also Dawson's Earth and Man, 159 R. Gray's Biblical Museum, 77M. Bible, Commentaries, &c. Genesis of Evil and other Sermons, by Cox. 1880 272M Geneva. See Bellow's Europe, 1398R. May's Democracy, 33H. William's Alps, Switzerland, &c, 590B. Quarterly [Modern], v. 157, 1287J, &c. Conference of the Evangelical Alliance [1861], edited by G. Car- lyle. 1862 479 and 660A Genii. See Salverte's Magic, 599H, &c. Genius, Men of. See Disraeli (1.) Works, 678R. Percy Anecdotes, 924Z. Smiles' Life and Labour, 1355O. Chambers, v. 52, 1952J. Fortnightly Review [and Talent], v. 44, 2140J. Fraser [and the Public], v. 18, 628J. Temple Bar [and Method], v. 61, 1391J, &c. [271] GEN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GEO Genlis (Mme. De, French Author, b. 1746, d. 1S30) [Kavanagh's French Women] 661O St* also Blackwood, v. 27, R.L. Temple Bar, v. 55, 1385J. Westminster, v. 6, R.L.,fo. Genoa. Sec Atlantic [Glimpses], v. 19, R.L. Harper [Bank of St. George], v. 42, 1622J, &c. Genoese Poem. See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Gentiles, Isles of the. See Green's Bible Lands, 328B, &c. Gentleman's Magazine, old series, from Vol. i. 1731 R.L. New series, from Vol. 1 '. 1868 721J The Serial Tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in fiction, or in the general body of the Catalogue, with the shelf number specified. The general contents will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library) under the subjects required. Gentloness. See Midler's Noble Deeds, 92Q, &c. Gentlewomen. See Chambers [of the Last Century], v. 20, 1936J. Good Words [In difficulties], v. 20, 2190J. Ladies, Women, &c. Geoffrey de Vinsauf, and Richard of Devizes, Chronicles of the Crusades, &c. [Bonn's Library]. 1848 299O GEOGRAPHY— Works relating to : [See also Countries, Earth, Gazetteers, Maps, Topography, 7 ravels, Gr*c.) Geographical Evolution of the British Isles, by Jukes-Browne. 555R Geography, by Grove [History Primers, ed. by Green], 1877. 7°3^ Biblical, by Shekleton. 1884 459M Classical, by Tozer [Literature Primers, edited by Green] . ... 702Z Descriptive, with Statistics [5th vol. of The Instructor] 701Z &c, Analysis of, by Hales, 4 vols. 1830 ... 230-3H Lectures on, by Strachey. 1888 55^R of Plants [R.T.S.] 841Z the Bible [R.T.S.l 1839 31Z British Islands, by Green. 1889 1835Z Physical, by Ansted. 187 1 478D Geikie [Science Primers]. 1879 754^ Keith Johnston. 1870 479R Mary Somerville. 1858 480R bv Traill. 1838 758H Wittich. 1853 688Q [ Huxley's Physiography] 495R Man and Nature, by Marsh. 1864 200D ■ of the Sea, by Maury. 1857 757II and 690Q See also Timbs' Works, 852Z. See also Bell's North America, 705 6K. Brown's Science for All, 626-9B. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Hartwig's The Sea \ and Its Living Wonders, 757 F. Humboldt's Cosmos, 484R. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Keith's Globes, 723Q. Compayre's Pedagogy, 206R. Wallace's Island Life [Geographical Changes], 778 F, Contemporary [and the Universities], v. 35 2045J. Nature [ancient], v. 22, 2682J, &c. GEOLOGY, Works relating to : {See also Coal, Earth, Fossils, Metals. Microscope, Mineralogy, Mines, Fahcontology, Rocks, eye.) Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, by Lyell. 1863 890F Excursions to the Isle of Wight. 1854 406R — — Gossip, by Anstcd. 1863 733Q [272] GEO ■ ENGLISH SECTION. GEO GrEOLOGY— Works relating to -.—{continued.) Geological History of Plants, by Dawson, illustrated. 1888... 549^ Observations on the United States [ Lyell 's North America] 1 5S0-1R Science and Holy Scripture, by Smith. 1855 110M . Systems, Tabular view, by Clement. 18S2 675T Geologists by Duncan [Heroes of Science] 702O Geology and Agricultural Chemistry, by Johnston and Cameron. 668D Palaeontology, by Nicols. 1880 S 1 ^ Scripture, by J. P. Smith. 1840 166Q British [S.P.C.K.]. 1850 811 and 812Z by Bonney [S.P.C.K. Science Manuals]. 1874 751Z by Geikie [Science Primers]. 1878 757Z ■ [Cassell's Popular Educator] 164-9D Chain of Life in Geological Time, by Dawson 409 R ■ Cruise of the Betsy, &c, by Miller. 1858 435 and 436R Elementary, by Lyell. 1855 402R Elements of, by Lyell, illustrated, 2 vols. 1841 726-7Q Eirst Lessons in, by Mantell, ill, 2 vols. 1844 ... 628-9Q and 404- 5R for All, by Lobley. 1888 550R Beginners, by Richardson. 1846 400R Children [Kingsley's Madam How and Lady Why]. 1873 55 8 Q Historical, by Jukes-Browne, illustrated. 1886 543^ in its Relations to the Arts and Manufactures, by Page. 1874 681 D Introduction to, by Richardson, edited by Wright, ill. 1855 407R Introductory, Descriptive, and Practical, by Ansted. 1844. 677-8D Manual of, with Special Reference to American Geological History, by Dana, illustrated. 1875 680D Moses and Geology, The Bible and Science, by Kinns. 1882 401 R of England and Wales, by Woodward, illustrated. 1876 ... 679D India, by Medlicott, &c„ illustrated, 4 vols. 1879 27-30D Popular, Lectures by Hugh Miller. 1876 807 R Principles of, by Lyell, illustrated, 2 vols. 1875 683-4D Religion of, by Hitchcock 344^1 Testimony of the Rocks, by Miller. 1857 433 and 434R Text-Book of, by Geikie, illustrated. 1882 682D The Beginning, Its When and Its How, by Ponton. 1871. 407R The Globe, Prepared for Man, by Wright I737Z Wonders of, by Mantell, illustrated, 2 vols. 1839 7 2 4'5Q Sec also Adams' Underground World, 592Q. Agassiz (L.), 473-4O. Ainsworth's Assyria, &c, 889F. Ansted's Scenery, Science, &x., 785F. Book of Nature, 390-1B. Brown's Amazon, &c, 797K. Brown's Science for All. Buckle's Civilisation, 186-8O. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Cuvier's Theory of the Earth, 697D. Darwin's Researches, 26R. Darwin's Voyage in the Beagle, 634-5Q. Daw- kin's Early Man in Britain, 859F. Dawson's Earth and Man, 159R. Dawson's Life Dawn, 160R. Dick (R.), 615O. Estes' Recreations in Science, 496R. Fellow's Asia Minor, 675B. Figuier's World before the Deluge, 686D. Fraser's Seaside Naturalist [Maritime], 590Q. Fremont's Rocky Mountains, 71 iK. Geikie's Prehistoric Europe, 865F. Gunning's Life History of Our Planet, 703D. Har- per's Index, i64oJa. Hartwig's Subterranean World, 687 D. Heer's Primaeval World of Switzerland, 732-3F. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Kitto's Palestine, 610E. Koldewey's Arctic Expedition, 605B. Lament's Arctic Seas, 674 and 675K. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828 9K. Lyell's America, 1580-3R. Lyell '-s United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia, 1580-1R. McCulloch's British Empire, 711H. Miller's Schools, &c, 432R. Miller's Works, 800-10R. [273] GEO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GEO GEOLOGY — Works relating to :— {continued.) Murray's Africa, 837Q. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Pike's Mauritius, 740K. Pouchet's The Universe, 72 iF. Rutley's Petrology, 674T. Schoedler's Book of Nature, 713F. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Taylor's Byepaths, 62R. Taylor's Underground, 626Q. Timbs' Works [Palaeontology], 852Z. Timbs' Works [Progress], 854Z. Wallace's Island Life, 778F. Whewell's Inductive Sciences, 768D. Wilson's Evolution, 27R. Young Lady's Book, 983M. Chambers' [Museum of Practical], v. 26, 1939J. Contemporary [Animals and Plants], v. 37, 2047J. Nature [Lyell's], v. 5, 2665J ; [Juke's] v. 5, 2665 J ; [Earth Sculpture] v. 9, 2669J ; [Campbell's Circular Notes] v. 13. -2673! ; [Field Penning's] v. 14, 2674J ; [Darwin's] v. 15, 2675J ; [Geikie's Physical] v. 16, 2676J. Quarterly, v. 48, 1178J. Edinburgh Review [of the Deluge], v. 39, 399J. Good Words [Religious Aspect of], v. 16, 2186J. London Quarterly [Progress of Modern], v. 26, 816J. Nature [of Palestine, A. Geikie], v. 1, 2661 J ; [Catlin's], v. 2, 2662J ; [Hayden's], v. 4, 2664J ; bof Oxford, Phillip's, and Scottish School of], v. 5, 2665J ; [Past and Future Works of], v. 11, 2671J ; Geikie's Map of Scotland and of England, Woodward's], v. 14, 2674J ; Old Red Sandstone of Western Europe], v. 17, 2677J. Quarterly [of France, Scrope's], v. 36, 1166J. Jones' Bermuda, 823F, &c. GEOMETRY, Algebraical, by Waud. 1835 731D [Kemp's How to Draw a Straight Line J 150R Practical, by Bradley, illustrated 740 and 914D &C, by Hayter. 1832 927D See also Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Fortnightly [Imaginary and Truth of Axioms], v. 22, 2112J. Nature [Helmholtz on], v. 4, 2664J ; Nature [Burchett's Practical Plane], v. 13, 2673J. Quarterly [Lieslie's Elements of], v. 4, 1134J. Mathematics, ike. George I. {King of England, b. 1660, d. 1727) [Doran's Jacobite Times] , 3 1 8 - 9 H George II. {King of England, b. 1683, d. 1760), Historical Sketches of the Reign of, by Oliphant. 1870 250O [Blackwood's Magazine] 173T Reign of, by Walpole, 3 vols. 1846 69-71F See also Doran's Jacobite Times, 318-9H. Blackwood [Life and Times of], v. 64, 134J. Cornhill [W. M. Thackeray], v. 2, 282J. Gentleman's Magazine [His Queen and Frederick Prince of Wales], v. 18, 738J. Poole's Index, R.L. Yonge's Life of Lord Liverpool, 350-2F., &c. George III. {King of England, b. 1738, d. 1820), and His Family [Percy Anecdotes] 9 1 7Z the Tories [Harris' Radicals] 1 106F Life of, by Holt, 2 vols. 1820 ,• 72-3F Men of Letters of the Time of, by Brougham. 1845 353F Statesmen of the time of, by Brougham, 6 vols in 3. 1845 304-6T See also Alison's Europe, 121-32O. Ashton's Nineteenth Century, 861-2H. Brougham's Works, 597-601R. Doran's Jacobite Times, 318-9H. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Mrs. Papendiek's Journals, 946-7F. All the Year Round [Two Attempts to Assassinate], v. 17, 1777J. Cornhill [W. M. Thackeray], v. 2, 282J. Edinburgh Review [Public Characters of Reigns of], v. 68, 428J. Fortnight [Lecky on], v. 38, 2128J. Leisure Hour [Coronation of], v. 25, 2635J. Living Age [Insanity of], v. 46, 3076J ; [Secret Service under], v. 130, 3160J. Quarterly [and Pitt, Letters of], v. 36, 1166J ; [and Cabinets of], v. 92, 1222J ; [and Fox], v. 105, 1235J ; [Character ofj, v. 122, 1252J. George I., II. and III. [Mahon's England] 213-9O George IV. {King of England, b. 1762, d. 1830), Life of, by Croly [Family Library]. 1831 IQ55Q Life of, by Fitzgerald, 2 vols. 1881 80-1F See also Brougham's Works, 601R. Croker Papers, 200-2F. Greville Me- moirs, 300-2F. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Lennox's Celebrities, TOT4H. Fraser [Brougham's Review of], v. 18, 628J. Temple Bar, v. 66, 1 396 J, &c. [274] GEO ENGLISH SECTION. GER Greorge (H., Democratic Writer on the Land Question, Zfc, b. 1839), Progress and Poverty, an Inquiry into the cause of Industrial Depressions, and of Increase of Want with Increase of Wealth. 1023F George, St., Patron Saint of England. See Dixon's Royal Windsor, 32$-§H, &c. St. George's Day. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M, &c. Georgey (General). See Alison's Europe, 139-6O, &c, Georgia, State of, by White. 1855 , 289D Ten Years on a Georgia Plantation since the War, by Leigh. 734K See also Campbell's White and Black, 494H. Dixon's White Conquest, 493H. Oglethorpe (General), 876O. Cornhill [in Turkey], v. 28, 308J. Scribner [United States], v. 8, 1858J. United States, &c. Georgian Era, Church of the [Stoughton's Religion in England] ... 97M Gerard (Jules). See Living Age [The Lion Killer of Algeria], v. 42, 3072J. Gerhard (P.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. &c. Germ Theory. See Brown's Science for All, 628B. Proctor's Studies, 447R. Contemporary [and Spontaneous Generation], v. 29, 2039J. Germina- tion, &c. Germain (Anne, of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 8], 1416O, &c. GERMANY — Works relating to : {See also under names of Ki7igs and Princes of Germany, e.g., Charles, Frederick, William, Bismarck, &*c. ; France, Prussia ; also under Art, Litera- ture, . 1758, d. 1846), A.M., A Familiar Survey of the Christian Religion and of History as connected with the Introduction of Christianity, and its Progress to the Present Time. 1825 82K Gitchell (J. C), Works of. See Harper's index, 1640^1, &C. Giustinian (Sebastian), Four Years at the Court of Henry VIII., translated by Brown, 2 vols. 1854 248-9O Glacial Deposits, &c See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F, &c. Epoch. See Este's Recreations in Science, 497R. Geikie's Prehistoric Europe, 865F. Wallace's Island Life, 778F, &C. Glaciers of Savoy, by Rendu. 1874 784D the Alps, Excursions and Ascents, by Tyndall, ill. i860 I437R See Browns Science for All, 627B. Forbes' Alps of Savoy, 596B. Kolde- wcy's Arctic Expedition, 605B. Larnont's Arctic Seas, 674 and 675K. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3 K. Reclus' Phenomena, 803-6F. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. William's Alps, &c, 590B. Good Words, v. 3, 2173J. Nature [in Central France], v. 13, 2673J. [Ancient] v. 14, 2674J, &c. Gladden (W.). Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Gladiators. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 4, 2954 J. Oilman's Rome, 424O, &c. Gladstains (C), Elements of Arithmetic, and Tables of the Weights and Measures of the Island of Guernsey. 1832 309R Gladstone Family. See Fortunes made in Business, io->3F, &c. GLADSTONE (Rt. Hon. W. E., English Statesman, fourth son of Sir John Gladstone, b. 1S09) A Chapter of Autobiography [State and Church]. 1868 , 274^ Gleanings of Past Years, 1843-79 : Vol. 1. — Life of the Prince Consort. Death of Prince Consort. Court of Queen Victoria. County Franchise and Mr. Lowe. Kin beyond Sea 881Z Vol. 2. — Blanco White. Leopardi. Tennyson. Wedgwood. Bishop Patterson. Macaulaj^. Norman MacLeod 882Z Vol. 3. — Theses of Erastus and the Scottish Church Establishment. Ecce Homo. Religious Thought. Authority in Matters of Opinion, with a Rejoinder. Sixteenth Century arraigned before the Nineteenth 883Z "Vol. 4. — State Prosecutions of the Neapolitan Government. Farini on the States of the Church. Germany, France and England, in 1870. Hellenic Factor in the Eastern Problem. Montenegro in 1877. Aggression On Egypt and Freedom in the East 884Z Vol. 5. — Aspect of the Church in 1843. Ward's Ideal of a Christian Church. Remarks on the Royal Supremacy, 1850 885Z Vol. 6. — Functions of Laymen in the Church. Bill for Divorce, 1857. Church of England and Ritualism. Is the Church of England worth Preserving ? Italy and her Church 886Z Vol. 7. — Work of Universities. Place of Ancient Greece in the Providential Order. Chapter of Autobiography. Law of Probable Evidence and its Application to Conduct. Evangelical Movement 887Z Homer [Literature Primers, edited by Green]. 1877 1212Z Homeric Synchronism : An Enquiry into the Time and Place of Homer. 1876 ; 1413O Life of, by a London Journalist. 1869 670O Smith. 1880 275F See also Austral Africa [Address to, from Leeds], 1402H. Froude's Ireland, 206O. Greville Memoirs. Heaton's Reforms, 456O. Lucy's Two Parliaments [1874-1885], 316-7H. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 92-6F. McCarthy's History, 193-6H. Morley's Life of Richard Cob- den, 190-1 F. Raven's Parliamentary History of England [1832-1880], 233O. Blackwood, v. 97, 167J ; [nth Budget] v. 129, 109J. Fort- nightly, v. ;;;, 2123J. I'rascr [Oratory of], v. 34, 644J ; [Ancestors of] v. 101, 711J. Gentleman's Magazine [Ministry of], v. 25, 745J. Living Age, v. 12, 3042J. Nineteenth Century [and our Empire], v. 2, 2212J. Quarterly [on Church and State], v. 65, 1195J. Scribner, v. 21, 1871J. Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L, &c. GLA ENGLISH SECTION. GLO Gladstone (Mrs., Wife of the above), Healthy Nurseries and Bed Rooms, including the Lying-in Room [Int. Health Ex.]. 1884 991M Glaisher (J., Meteorologist), F. R.S. See Art Studies from Nature, 902D. Glaister (E.), Needlework [Art at Home Series], illustrated. 1 880... 962M Glamorganshire. See Brandt's Antiquities, 1006.M, &c. Glasgow. See Alison's Europe, 139-46O. Chambers [in the 18th Century], v. 15, 1934J. Penny Magazine [Social Habits at], v. 4, 142B. Quarterly [Univer ity of], v. 14, 1144J, &c. Glass and Porcelain, Manufacture of [Lardner's Cyclopaedia]. 1832. 346T by Nesbitt [South Kensington Handbooks] 1040M See also Beckmann's Inventions [Glass-Cutting], 698Q. Dodd's Manufac- tures, 1487Z. Leisure Hour Magazine [Glass Workers], 2647 J. Tyn- dall's Heat, 509R. Ure's Dictionary [Coloured, Cutting and Grinding, Toughened], 7D. All the Year Round, v. 27, 1787J. Chambers, v. 3, IQ2 3j ') [Curiosities of] v. 11, 1931J ; [Manufacture of] v. 52, 1952J ; [Plate] v. 58, T958J. Cornhill [Ancient and Modern], v. 19, 299J. Edin- burgh Review [Painting, Modern], v. 115, 475 J. English Mechanic, v. 46-7, 1046-7 D. Harper [Blowing for Little Folks], v. 38, 1618J ; [Blow- ing as a Fine Art] v. 42, 1622J; [Painted], v. 59, 1639J. Household Words, v. 2, 1742J. Living Age [Toughened], v. 130, 3160J. Nature [Harcourt's Researches on], v. 4, 2664 J. Penny Magazine [Historical Account of], v. 3, 141B ; [Flint Glass Factory] v. 10, 148B, &c. Glasse of Time in the Eirst Age, Divinely Handled by Thomas Peyton of Lincolnes Inne, gent. 1620 [Reprinted]. 1886 ... 723M Glastonbury Abbey. See Dublin University, v. 66, 67,68, R.L., &c. GlaucuS, or Wonders of the Shore, by Kingsley, coloured ill. 1859. 591Q Glazier (W. B.), Dana's Household Book of Poetry 47»D Gleanings from a Tour in Palestine and the East, by Bell. 1887 ... 173SR of Past Years, by Gladstone, 7 vols. 1879 881-7Z Gleig (G. R., Historian and Novelist, b. 1796), M.A., Battle of Waterloo. 1854 267O Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, in 1814-15. 1847 453T Chelsea Hospital and Its Traditions. 1 839 605Z Eminent British Military Commanders [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo- paedia], 3 vols. 1831 916-8Q History of British India [Family Library], 4 vols. 1830-5 1651-4Z History of the Bible [Home Library], 2 vols. 1830-31 32-3Z Leipsic Campaign [Travellers' Library] 1273R and 459T Sale's Brigade in Afghanistan, with an Account of the Seizure and Defence of Jellalabad. 1846 291 and 374O The Great Problem : Can it be Solved ? 1876 87K [An Answer to Scientific Objections against Religion]. The Life of Robert, First Lord Clive. 1848 281T See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Gleini (J. W. L., The German Anacreon, b. 1719, d. 1803). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Glen (W.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Glencoe, Massacre of. See Burton's Scotland, 336-7H, &c. Gloag (P. J.), D.D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A. Globe, prepared for Man, a Guide to Geology, by Wright I737Z Globes, Use of the, by Keith, 1850 723Q See also Knowledge [Mechanical Globe], v. 7, 2587 J. English Mechanic, v. 19-21, 1019-21D. Harper's Monthly [How they are Made], v. 1, 1581J. Astronomy, Geography, &c. Gloucester. See Granville's Spas, &c, 353K. All the Year Round [Visit to], v. 2, 1762J ; v. 33, 1793J, &c. Gloucestershire. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M, &c. Glover (O.), B.D., Ed., Life of Jesus Christ, by Ewald. 1865 306M [281] GLO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GOD Glove3, Their Annals and Associations, by Beck. 1883 1162R See also Dodd's Manufactures, 1487Z. National Miscellany, 1034H. Ure's Dictionary [Manufacture], 7D. All the Year Round, v. 9, 1769J. [History of] v. 43, 1803J. Chambers, v. 26, I939.J- Penny Magazine [Manufacture of], v. 12, 150B, Sec. Gluck (C. W.) See Naumann's Music, 929D. Rockstro's History of Music, 533H. Ty tier's Musical Composers, 860O, Sec. Glue. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, &c. Glycerine. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, Sec. Glynn (J.), F.R.S., Rudimentary Treatise on the Construction of Cranes and Machinery [Weak Series], illustrated. 1849 ... 359T Gnat, The. See Brown's Science for All, 628 13. Insects, &c. Gnu, The. See Penny Magazine, v. 6, 144B. Natural History, Szc. Goadby (E.), England of Shakespeare [Cassell's Library]. 1881 ... 957Z Goat, The. See Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Boy's Own Annual [Goats and Goat Keeping], vol. 4, 2954J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 665Q, &c. Goby, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 679Q, &c. GOD— Works relating to : {See also Bible, Creator, Gospel, Je- hovah, Lord, Religion, Theology, &*c. See also Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. ) God and Modern Knowledge, by Fiske. 1885 ; 317M — - the Future Life, by Nordhoff. 1884 429M Attributes of, by Macculloch, 3 vols. 1843 4 r 5"7A Essay on the Existence of a Supreme Creator, by Brown, 2 vols. 1816 12-3K Existence and Attributes of, by Charnocke. 1835 638 A Character of, by Row [Present Day Tracts], vol 1 234T of, &c, by Fenelom 1755 18Z [Wardlaw's Theology, vol 1] 256A God's Power, Wisdom and Goodness, by Chalmers [Bridge- water Treatise]. 1853 260M Good News of God, by Kingsley. 1866 366M Is God Knowable ? by Iverach . . ; 646M Mercy of, by Etheridge. 1842 5Q The Deity, an Argument on the Existence, Attributes and Personal Distinctions of the Godhead, by Cooke. 1862. 269M The Soul and a Future State, by Cooper. 1875 212T See also Bushnell's Nature and the Supernatural, 22K. Compnyr^'s Pedagogy, 296R. Dallinger's Creator, &c, 823D. Drew's Works, 50-1K. Ewald's Israel, 61-6K. Fairbairn's Philosophy, 308M. Hood's Preachers, 541 M. Inman's Faiths, 96K and 96Ka. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Mozley's Essays [Design, &c], 1024H. Sturm's Reflec- tions, 1105R and 66Z. Nineteenth Century [and Nature], v. 7, 2217J, &c. God's Acre Beautiful, or the Cemeteries of the Future, by W. Robin- son, illustrated. 1880 1146II Pagan. See Assyria, India, &c. Zeller's Greek Philosophy, 538-9M, Szc. Godard (J. G.), George Birkbeck, the Pioneer of Popular Educa- tion. 1884 516O Goddard (Arthur). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Goddard (Julia). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Godet(F.), D.D., Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke, translated by Shalders and Cusin, with Notes, &c, by Hall. 1881 19M See also Exell's Monthly Interpreter, vol 3, 621A, &c. Godfrey of Bulloigne, or the Recovery of Jerusalem, by Tasso 516Z Godiva [Leigh Plunt's Stories in Verse] 313Q [282] god English section. gol GOdkin (G. S.)> Life of Victor Emmanuel II., First King of Italy.. .1017-8O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Godolpllin (G.), The Unique, a book of its own kind, containing a Variety of Hints for Evangelical Ministers, Churches and Christians. 1844 35Z Godoy (Don Manuel, Spanish Statesman, b. 1767, d. 1851.) Sec Alison's Europe, 126-9O. Godwin (E. W.), F.S.A., Dress and its Relation to Health and Climate [International Health Exhibition], illustrated. 1884 987 M Godwin (G. N.), The Green Lanes of Hampshire, Surrey, and Sussex 818K Godwin (Mary Wollstonecraft, Authoress, Mother of Shelley' s Wife, b. 1759, d. 1797), by E. R. Pennell[Em. Women Series]. 1885 1136O Godwin (Parke, American Journalist, b. 1816), Cyclopaedia of Bio- graphy. 1856 514O Godwin (W., Historian, dfc., b. 1756, d. 1836), Lives of the Ne- cromancers. 1847 802O His Friends and Contemporaries, by C. Kegan Paul, 2 vols. 1876 276-7F See also Temple Bar [Writings of], v. 46, 1376J, &c. Godwin (Earl of Kent, tinder Harold, b. 990, d. 1053). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Green's Conquest of England, 187H, &c. GOETHE (J. W. Von, German Poet and Philosopher, b. 1749, d. 1 832), Poetical and Dramatic Works 462D ■ Conversations, with Eckerman and Soret, trans, by Oxenford ... 67 iO Dramatic works of, translated by Sir W. Scott, Bowring, Swan- wick and others [Bohn's Library]. 1 883 694M Faust, a Tragedy, translated with Notes and Preliminary Re- marks, by Blackie. 1880 693M translated by Anna Swanwick [Bohns Library], 1883 692M Novels and Tales of [Bohn's Library]. 1 883 690M Elective Affinities, Sorrows of Werther, German Emigrants, The Good Woman, &c. Poems of, translated by Bowring [Bohn's Library]. 1883 691M 1 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, translated by Boylan. 1883 955R Autobiography of, translated by Oxenford, 2 vols. 1881 674-5O by Hayward [Foreign Classics for English Readers]. 1878 222Z [Oliphant's Foreign Classics]. 1884 1188O ■ ■ Life of, by Diintzer, translated by Lyster, illus. , 2 vols. 1883 ... 672-3O . Life of, by Sime [Great Writers]. 1888 ,. 1268O Wisdom of, by Blackie. 1883 221Z See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Japp's German Litera- ture, 272F. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Master- pieces of Foreign Literature, 555D. Fraser [with Portrait], v. 5, 615J. Fraser [and his Critics], v. 36, 646J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Goetz of Berlichingen, a Tragedy, by Scott. 1826 I0 55^ GOLD. See Alison's Europe, 139-6O. Atkinson's Siberia [Mines], 598B. Bur- ton's Brazils [Mines], 1633-4R. Barth's Central Africa, 847-8K. Bayard's Eldorado, 852R. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Macfie's Van- couver's Island, &.c, 681K. Prescott's Conquest of Peru, 527-8H. Ricardo's Political Economy [Gold and Silver], 1004F. Smith's Wealth of Nations [Gold and .Silver], 1026-7F. Sidney's Australia [Gold Fields], 783K. Simonin's Mines and Miners, 632-3B. Stanford's Compendium [Borneo, Australia, &c], 849-53K. Temple's India, 486K. Ure's Dictionary [Amalgamations, Refining, Assaying, Gold-Beating, Quartz, &c], 7-9D. Willoughby's Australian Pictures, 332B. Worsae's Ancient Denmark [Ornaments], 1C35M. Art Journal [in Great Britain], v. 22, R.L. Blackwood [in California], v. 69, 139J. English Me- [283] &0L GtJILLE-ALLES LIBRARY, GON GOLD— {continued. ) chanic, v. 46-7, 1046-7D. Fraser [and Emigration] v. 46, 656J. Fraser [Future Value of] v. 59, 669J. Gentleman's Magazine [in India], v. 24, 744J. Harper [in Australia], v. 6, 15S6J. Harper [Great Conspiracy], v. 40, 1620J. Household Words, v. 4, 1744J. Living Age [Digging Mania], v. 36, 3066J. Quarterly [Discoveries of], v. 91, 122 1 J. Metals, &c. Gold and Silversmith's Work, by Pollen [South. Kens. Handbooks]... 1041M — Silver Work [Industrial Arts] 1042M Gold-Foil, Hammered from Various Proverbs, by Timothy Titcomb [J. G. Holland]. 1859 IllSg Gold-Headed Cane [Medical Sketches and Biography], by Munk.... 1164R Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither, by Bird. 1883 1488R Golden Leaves from the Dramatic Poets, edited by Hows. 1867 ... 695M Legends [Longfellow's Toems] 3 2 3Q Thoughts from The Spiritual Guide of Miguel Molinos, The Quietist. 1883 1030 Goldfinch, The [Jardine's Naturalists' Library] 645Q See also Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q. Birds, &c. Gold-Fish. See Martin's Aquarium, 130R. Seeley's Fishes, 81 iF. Sowerby's Popular History. Wood's Fresh and Salt Water Fish, &c Goldoni (C., Italian Dramatist, b. 1707, d. 1793). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Goldsmith (O., Irish Author, b. 1728, d. 1774), Citizen of the World, &c, 2 vols 1164-5 and 1166-7Z Citizen of the World [British Essayists ] 51T Earth and Animated Nature, illustrated, 2 vols. 1840 112-13D Essays 592D and 1163Z Miscellaneous Works and Life, 6 vols. 1823 : Vol. 1.— Life of Goldsmith. Vicar of Wakefield, &c 883Z Vol. 2. — Present State of Polite Learning. Miscellaneous Poems, &c.... 889Z Vol. 3. — Prefaces. Letters from a Citizen of the World. She Stoops to Conquer, &c 890Z Vol. 4. — Letters from a Citizen of the World (continued) 891Z Vol. 5. The Bee 892Z Vol. 6. — On Greatness. On Education. On Deceit and Falsehood. Eng- lish Clergy, &c S93Z Poetical Works. 1804 --. 489Z Vicar of Wakefield, Essays and Poems 955H and 1162Z Poems and Life, by Macaulay [British Poets], 1868 427Z . Poetical Works and Life [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807... 398O ' with Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Author. 1804 489Z A Biography, by Irving. 1849 676O and 1005Q by Black [English Men of Letters]. 1878 1070O Life and Times, by Forster. 1876 225Z See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 26F. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Essays, British Essayists, 50T. Inchbold's British Theatre. Jones' Poets, 660M. Harper's Index [Works], i64oJa. Chambers' Journal, v. 9, 1929J. Edinburgh Review, v. 88, 448J. Fraser, v. 15, 625J. Harper, v. 14 and 48, 1594 and 1628J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Golf and Shinty [Crawley's Handbooks] , 1150M ~ See also Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Lennox's Fashion Then and Now, T018-9II, &c. Golownin (Captain, Rwsian Navigator, d. 1813), R.N., My Cap- tivity in Japan during the Years 1811, 1812 and 1813, 2 vols. 538-9K Gomez (J. B.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Gone Before, or Consolation for the Bereaved, by Southgate. 1873 51Q ■ to Texas, Letters from our Boys, by Hughes. 1884 1606R (xongoza y Argote (Luis de, Spanish Poet, b. 1561, d. 1627). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. [284] G-ON ENGLISH SECTION. GO& Gonvioil St. Cyr (Laurent, Marshal of France, b. 1764, d. 1830). See Alison's Europe, 121-35O, &c. Good and Evil, Conflict of, by Maurice. 1885 547^ The Final Goal of 111, or the better Life Beyond, Four Letters to Farrar, by a Layman. 1883 3 2 §M Good Breeding. See Etiquette, Manners, Society, &c. Good Faith. See Muller's Noble Deeds, &.c, 92Q, &c. Good Friday. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M. Dyer's Popular Customs, io36F,&c. Good Hope, Cape of. See Cape of Good Hope, Africa, &c. Good Looks. See Cornhill [historically considered], v. 14, 294J. Beauty, &c. Good Samaritans, Biographical Illustrations, by W 1). Adams. 1883 278F Good Templars. See Chambers' Journal, v. 54, 1954 J. Leisure Hour [Order of], v. 28, 2638J. Good Words, edited by Norman and Donald Macleod, from vol. 1. i860 2171J The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the catalogue, with the shelf number specified. The general contents will be found in Poole's Index [Reference Library] under subjects required. Good (J. M.), F.R.S., Philosopher, b. 1764, d. 1827), M.D., Book of Nature 54* A The Book of Job literally translated from the Original Hebrew and Restored to its Natural Arrangement, with Notes, &c. 1S12. 88K Goodell (L.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Goodman (Margaret), Sisterhoods in the Church of England, with Notices of some Charitable Sisterhoods in the Romish Church. 329M Goodman (YV.), Social History of Great Britain during the Reigns of the Stuarts, illustrated, 2 vols. 1843 224-5 R Goodrich (S. G. [Peter Parley], Writer for the Young, b. 1793, li - i860), Peter Parley's Kaleidoscope, or Parlour Pleasure Book, illustrated. 1858 31D See also Poets of America, 468D. Parley (Peter), & c . Goods, The Goods we Carry [Suggestive Lessons] ~ 1829Z Goodwin (C. W., Barrister, b. 1817), M.A., On the Mosaic Cos- mogony [Essays and Reviews] 662 A Goodwin (M., Bishop of Carlisle, b. 181 8), D.D., Walks in the Regions of Science and Faith, a Series of Essays. 1883 ... 38R Goodwin (J- O.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Goolden (W. T.), B.A., and Rlgg (A.), M.A., Eds., Easy Intro- duction to Chemistry, illustrated, 2 vols. 1875 4 J 4K G00S3. S ee Brand's Antiquities, io;>5-6M. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 647Q, &c. Gordon (Sir A. D.), Trans., Sketches of German Life and Scenes from the War of Liberation in Germany, from the Memoirs of Varnhagen Von Ense. 1847... » 798Q and 636Z Gordon (A. L. ), Poems and Ballads 1 794Z Gordon (General C. G., Hero of Khartoum, b. 1S33, killed 1S85), Letters from the Crimea, The Danube and Armenia [1854-8], edited by Boulger. 1884 1292O Letters to His Sister, M. A. Gordon. 18S8 1364R Reflections in Palestine [1883]. 1884 635M A Succinct Record of His Life, by Forbes. 1884 677O by Swaine [World's Workers]. 1888 IJ 530 In China [Ever Victorious Army], by Mossman. 1875 226Z Too Late for Gordon and Khartoum, by Macdonald. 1887 4590 See also Wilson's Korti to Khartoum, 277O. Egypt, Soudan, &c. Gordon Boys' Home. See All the Year Round, v. 42, 1922J. Gordon (D. M.), B.D., Mountain and Prairie, a Journey from Vic- toria to Winnipeg, illustrated. 1880 1592R [285] GOR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GOS Gordon (Lady D.), French in Algiers. 1845 802Q Sec also Macmillan, v. 20, 950J. Good Words, v. 16, 2186J. Gordon (G. M., Missionary of the Puujaub, b. 1839, killed 1880), M.A., History of His Life and Work, by Lewis. 1889 1417O Gordon (Lord G., b. 1750.. d. 1793) [Romilly's Correspondence] 297T ^ See also Chronicles of Newgate, v. i, 330D. Mahoh's England [Gordon Riots], 218-9O, &0. Gordon (Mrs.). " Christopher North, "a Memoir of John Wilson. 4i8Fand 875O The Home Life of Sir D. Brewster. 1869 525O Gore (Catharine Frances). See Living Age [Works of], v. 34, 3064J. Gore(G.), Electro-Deposition of Metals, taking Moulds, &c, illustrated 505R Gore (J. E.), F.R.A.S., Planetary and Stellar Studies. 1888 552R Gore (Mrs., Fashionable Novelist, b. 1799, d. 1861). See Fiction Class List follow- ing the General Catalogue, 6cc. Gorilla, The. See Du Chaillu's Africa, 591K. Natural History, Zoology, Ani- mals. All the Year Round [Our Nearest Relative], v. 1, 1761J. Chambers [and Cannibals], v. 35, IQ44.J- . Gentleman's Magazine [and other Apes], v. 19, 739J. Nature [Brain of], v. 15, 2675J. Temple Bar [Du Chaillu on], v. 3, 1333J, Sec. Gorrie (D.), Summers and Winters in the Orkneys. 1868 1362R GortSChakofT (Prince, Russian Commander). See Alison's Europe, 124-36O. Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 61 iB, &c. Goschen(G. I., States/nan, b. 1831). See Lucy's Parliaments, 316-7H. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. GOSPEL History, Credibility of, by Lardner, 2 vols. 1847 377-8M for the Young, by Skene, 3 vols. 1883 1188-0M in Nature, by McCook. 1888 1193M Unity [Maurice's New Testament] 409M Gospels [Barnes' Notes] 1-2M Commentary upon the Gospels, by Olshausen, 4 vols. 1 847 122- 5 A Four, translated from the Greek, with Dissertations and Notes, by Campbell, 3 vols. 1813 26-8K Gothic and Anglo-Saxon, in Parallel Columns, with the Versions of Wycliffe and Tyndale, with Preface and Notes by Bosworth and Waring. 1888 667A Harmony of the Four, by Bickersteth... 112Q The Authenticity of the Four, by VVace [Present Day Tracts], vol. 3 236T • The Parallel Gospels and Analysis, collated by Salmon. 1876... 652-3 A See Bible Commentaries, Scriptures, New Testament, Names of Evange- lists, e.g., Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Apostles, &c. Gosse (E.), M.A., Raleigh [English Worthies]. 1886 1204O Gosse (E. W.), Gray [English Men of Letters]. 1882 1071O Studies in the Literature of Northern Europe. 1879 .' 960II Gosse (P. H., Naturalist, b. 1810), F.R.S., A Year at the Shore, coloured illustrations. 1877 5&6Q Barnacles, Crabs, Fishes, Jelly Fish, Dredging, Cockles, Aquarium, Whelks, Winkles, Diving Bell, Sub-Marine Forests, Gulf Stream, Gulls, Limpets, Mollusca, Oysters, Shrimps, Sea Urchin, Shells,. Sea Wood- louse, &c. Ancient and Modern History of the Rivers of the Bible. 1850.., 330M Assyria, her Manners and Customs, Arts and Arms, Restored from her Monuments, illustrated. 1852 368O Evenings at the Microscope [S.P.C.K.]. 1859 , 112R ■ Introduction to Zoology [S.P.C.K.], 2 vols. 1844 II4"S R Monuments of Ancient Egypt and their relation to the Word of God, illustrated 1011M and 1525R — — The Aquarium, or Wonders of the Deep Sea, illustrated. 1854. 127R [286] GOS ENGLISH SECTION. GOU Gosse (P. H.), The Ocean, illustrated. 1854 121R [A description of the sea in various parts of the world and its inhabitants, fee. seaweed, coral, fish, 6cc] See also Lewes' Sea-Side Studies, 822 F. GrOSselin(Gen. G., of Guernsey). >SV* Sarnia [p. 81], 1416O, Sec. Gosselin (Lieut. J. C., of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 112], 1416O, Szc. Gosselin. (Admiral T. Le Marchant, of Guernsey). See Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1288H. Sarnia [p. 73], 1416O, &C GrOSSip- See Argosy [Land of Gossip], v. t, 1 J. Fraser [Gossiping] v. 100, 710J, &c. Gossips with Girls and Maidens, Betrothed and Free, by Lady Bel- lairs. 1887 984M Gostling (Major F. W., of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 95], 1416O, &c. Gostwick (J.), Qerman Literature. 1854 953R Gotham and the Gothamites [New York and the New Yorkers], by Karlstein, translated by Valentine. 1887 1210R G-0th.enbu.rg. See Lovett's Norwegian Pictures, 329B, &c. Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels in Parallel Columns, with Preface and Notes by Bosworth and Waring. 1888 667 A Goths, The, to the End of their Dominion in Spain, by Bradley [Story of the Nations]. 1888 433O See also Gibbon's Roman Empire, 74-80H, &c. Gottsch.all(R.). Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Gough. (Sir H., b. 1779, d. 1869). See Alison's Europe, 145O. Gough (J. B., American Temperance Advocate, b. 1817, d. 1886), Hand of Providence Exemplified in the Life of J. B. Gough. 227Z Platform Echoes, or Leaves from my Note-Book of Forty Years [Temperance Notes], illustrated. 1885 1300O Sunlight and Shadow, or Gleanings from my Life Work in Tem- perance. 1 882 280F Autobiography and Personal Recollections of, illustrated 281F GouTburn (E. M., Master of Rugby School, b. 18 18), D.D., Educa- tion of the World [Replies to Essays and Reviews] 663A Gould (E. S. and H. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa, &e. Gould (S. Baring, Incumbent of Da/ton, b. 1834), M.A., Germany Past and Present. 1881 363O Lives of the Saints, 15 vols. 1872-7 41-55M January, 41M. February, 42M. March, 43M. April, 44M. May, 45M. June, 46M. July (2 vols), 47-8 M. August, 49M. September, 50M. October (2 vols), 51-2M. November (2 vols), 53-4M. December, 55M. Origin and Development of Religious Belief, 2 vols. 1878 and 1882 : Part 1. — Polytheism and Monotheism 228M Part 2. — Christianity 229M Yorkshire Oddities, Incidents, and Strange Events, 2 vols. 1874 881 -2M assisted by Gilman (A.), M.A., Germany [Story of the Na- tions], illustrated. 1886 429O Gounod (C., French Composer, b. 1818). See Engel's Reminiscences, 1348O. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O. Once a Week, v. 17, 2277J, &c. Gouraud (F. F.), D.E.S., Art of Memory. 1845 199D Practical Cosmophonography : a System of Writing and Printing all the Principal Languages with their exact Pronunciation, by means of an Original Universal Phonetic Alphabet. 1850 123D Gourko (Genl). See Turko-Russian War, 450B, &c. Gourmands and Gormandizing. See All the Year Round, v. 20, 1780J, &c. Gournay (Barons of, a.d. 1000-1300). See Hannay's Noble Houses, 1352O, Szc. Gournay (Mdme. De, French Poet, b. 1566, d. 1645). See Kavanagh's French Women, 660O. Gout. See Fuller's Rheumatism, &c„ 922K. All the Year Round [Good Quality of J, v. 1, 1761J ; All the Year Round, v. 11, 1771J, &c. [287] GOV guille-all£s library. gra Governesses. See Browne's What Girls Can Do, 980M. Fraser [Social Position of], v. 37, 647J. Good Words, v. 19, 2189J. Once a Week [Health ofj, v. 3, 2263 J, &c. GOVERNMENT— Works relating to : {See also Countries, e.g., England, France, United States, &c. Also under Parlia- ment, Politics, &~'c. ) Government, Civil, Principles of, by Kinnear. 1887 302R Corruption [1791]. See Curran's Speeches, 898H, &C. How we are Governed, by Fonblanque 229R Local, and Taxation of the United Kingdom, .edited by Probyn. 1882 , 303R [Lucy's Two Parliaments, 1874-1885] 316-7H of Australia. See Stanford's Compendium, 853K. Australia, New Zealand, Sandwich Islands, &c. United States, by Lamphere. 1881 1011F Offices [Land we Live In], illustrated 464B- Popular, Four Essays, by Maine. 1886 , 1100F Representative, by Mill. 1862 649II Science of, by Young, i860 227R — — Thoughts upon, by Helps. 1872 1110F See also Bissett's Parliamentary Government, 2T5-6H. Boyce's Study of History, 2H. Buckle's Civilisation, t86-80. Custance's Consti- tution of England, 1013F. De Lolme's Constitution of England, 1008F. Flower's French Constitution, icioF. Farrar's United States' Constitution, 1009F. George's Progress and Poverty, 1023F. Hallam's Constitutional History, 210H. Medhurst's China, 1044F. Millar's Early English Government, 223-6H. Sheldon's Politics, 374R. United States' Constitution, 10T2F. Wachsmuth's Political Institutions of Ancient Greec.?, 878-9F. Yonge's Constitutional History, 211H. Blackwood [Conservative], y. 37, R.L. Fortnightly [Ceremonial, Evolution of], v. 29, 2109J. Fortnightly [and Class Legislation], v. 20, 2110J. Fraser [Duties of the State], v. 85, 695J. Cobden's Speeches, 323R, &c. Gower (Lord Ronald), F.S.A., My Reminiscences [Travels, Politics, Art, &c] , 282 and 648F Romney and Lawrence [Great Artists]. 1882 1103O The Figure Painters of Holland [Great Artists]. 1880 1123O Gowing (R.), Richard Cobden [World's Workers]. 1885 II40O Gowrie (Earl of). See Living Age [Conspiracy of], v. 51, 3081J. G-OZzi(C, Italian Poet, b. 1712, d. 1806). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. G-rabbe (D. C). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, Sec. Gracchi, Marius and Sulla, by Beesley. 1884 1810Z Gracchus Caius. See Plutarch's Lives, 449F and 1139Q, Sec. Grace, Throne of, by Trail [R.T.S.] 68Z Grace Darling (Aided her Father in Rescuing Persons Wrecked, b. 1815, d. 1842). See Chambers' Miscellany, 623R. See also under Darling (Grace) in Supplement to Catalogue. Grace (W. G., Eminent Cricketer, b. 1 848), and Others, Cricket, a Popular Handbook of the Game 1221R Grades of Society. See Compayr^'s Pedagogy, 296R. Eden's Japan, 8r4Q. Society, &c. " Graduate of Oxford." See Ruskin (John). Grafting. See Breuil's Fruit Trees, 178R. Horticulture, Sec. Graham (C). See Crookshank's Methodism in Ireland, 670 A. Graham ( H. G. ), Rousseau [Foreign Classics]. 1 882 1 1 S2O Graham (Sir James). See Alison's Europe, 140-6O, Sec. Graham (James). See Montrose (Marquis of), 403F [288] GRA ENGLISH SECTION. GRA Graham (John, of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee, Scotch Officer, b. 1649, killed 1689). Set Burton's Scotland, 336-7H. Blackwood [and Lord Macau- lav], v. 88, 158J, &c Graham (M. J.), Memoir of, by Bridges. 1834 67SO Graham (S.), A Lecture to Young Men on Chastity. 1843 365T Grahame (J.), History of the United States, from the Plantation of the British Colonies till the Declaration of Independence, 4 vols. 1836 339-42D Who is to Blame ? or a Cursory Review of American Apology for American Accession to Negro Slavery. 1842 1038F Grahame (James, Scotch Poet, b. 1765, d. 1811). See Jones' Poets, 662M, &c. Grain (Corney), by Himself. 1888 1439O Grakle. The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 654Q. Grammar, Elements of the English Language, by Adams. 1S72 1952R English, Exercises, by Morris and Bowen [Literature Primers], 1879 ••••• 1214Z Including the principles of Grammatical Analysis, by Mason. 1876 1953^ ■ by Morris [Literature Primers]. 1880 1213Z See also Compayre's Pedagogy, 296M. Language, Philology, &c. Schools. See Gentleman's Magazine [English], v. 1, 721J. Fortnightly [Irish], v. 36, 2126J. Grampians, The. See Lyell's Geology, 726-7Q. Scotland, &c. Granada, Conquest of, by Irving. 1850 774R an Marine Algse, or Seaweeds of Great Britain, their Collection and Preservation, illustrated 752F Gratuity. See Compavrd's Pedagogy, 296R, &c. Grave of the Last Saxon (Poem), by Bowles. 1822 455D Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson [by Boyd]. 1864 817R GEAVES, Sepul h 'es, &c. See Brand's Antiquities, 1006-7M. Cumming's China, 789-90K. Thompson's Martyr Graves of Scotland, 167-8T. Household Words [and Epitaphs], v. 6, 1746J. Once a Week [Noted], v. 7, 2266 J. Edinburgh Review [Graveyards], v. 13, 373J. Quarterly [Unlawful Disinterment], v. 42, 1172J. Antiquities, Epitaphs, Shrines, Sepulchres, Monuments, &c. [290] GRA ENGLISH SECTION. GRA Graves.— Gravestones. See Fairley's Epitaphiana, 943R. Tombstones, Monu- ments, &c. Graveyards. See Briscoe's God's Acre, 1861Z. Robinson's God's Acre, 1146H. Burial Grounds, Cemeteries, &c. Graves of a Household [Hemans' Poems, vol. 5] 3 J 9Q Graves (R.), B.D., an Essay on the Characters of the Apostles and Evangelists, &c. 1798 , 89K Gravitation. See Brown's Science for All, 6276a, &c. Gravity. See English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Guillemin's Forces of Nature, 158D. Guillemin's Applications of Physical Forces, 159D. Lardner's Lectures, 757D, &c. Gray (D., Scotch Poet, b. 1838, d. 1861). See Stoddard's Late English Poets, 6S7M. Gray (E. Conder), Wise Words and Loving Deeds, a Book of Bio- graphies for Girls. 1884 13330 Gray (E.), Works of: See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Gray (Mrs. H., Antiquary, b. 1810), Tour of the Sepulchres of Etruria in 1839, illustrated, 1840 1427R Gray (J. C), Bible Lore. 1870 215T The Biblical Museum, a Collection of Notes, Explanatory, Homi- letic and Illustrative of the Holy Scriptures, 15 vols. 1876 : Old Testament. Vol. 1. — Genesis and Exodus 77M Vol. 2. — Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy 78M Vol. 3. — Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel 79M Vol. 4. — Kings and Chronicles .- 80M Vol. 5. — Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job 81M Vol. 6.— Book of Psalms 82M Vol. 7. — Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs 83M Vol. 8.— Book of Isaiah 84M Vol. 9. — Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel 85M Vol. 10.— Daniel and Minor Prophets 86M New Testament. Vol. 1.— St. Matthew and St. Mark 87M Vol. 2.-St. Luke and St. John 88M Vol. 3. — Acts of the Apostles and Romans 89M Vol. 4. — Epistles, Corinthians to Philemon 90M Vol. 5.— Hebrews to Revelations 91M The Class and the Desk, a Manual for Sunday School Teachers... 332-3M Old Testament Series, 332M. New Testament Series, 333M. Gray (R., Bishop of Natal, b. 1807, d. 1872). See Cox's Colenso, 621-2F. Gray (J. H.), M.A., China, a History of the Laws, Manners and Customs of the People, edited by Gregor, illus., 2 vols. 1878... 520- iK Gray (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Gray (R., Bishop of Cape Town, b. 1809, d. 1872), Life of, edited by hisSon, 2 vols. 1876 283-4F Gray (Thomas, Lyric Poet, b. 1716, d. 1771), Poetical Works of. 305 and 314Q and 1575Z Poems, Life, by Mitford [British Poets]. 1866 428Q Poetical Works, and Life, by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807 388Z by Gosse [English Men of Letters]. 1882 107 iO See also Creasys Etonians, 1420O. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Johnson's Select Poets, 41 iD. Jones' Poets, 660M. Black- wood, v. 75, 145J. Quarterly [Life and Works ofj, v. n, 1141J. Fraser [Life and Works of], v. 25, 6^J. Harper's Index i04oja. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. [291 J GRA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GRE Grayling, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fish, &c. Great Artists. See Artists, Illustrated Biographies, &c. GREAT BRITAIN— Works relating to -.—(See also Britain, England, Ireland, Scot '/and, Wales, The Colonies, India, Great Britain and Ireland [Anglo-Norman Period], Biography of Literary Characters, by Wright. 1846 144F An Historical View [Saxons to 18th Century], by Thomp- son, 2 vols. 1828 136-7Z Social History of, by Goodman, 2 vota 1847 224- 5 R See also Alison's Europe, 119-46O. Evans' Ancient Stone Implements, 214D. Madden's United Irishmen, 543-4F. Martin's Marine In- surance, 535 H. McCulloch's British Empire, 711-2H. Great Campaigns [1796 to 1870] From the Writings and Lectures of Major Adams, edited by King. 1877 47II Great Divide, The, Travels in the Upper Yellowstone [1874], by the Earl of Dunraven. 1876 197K Great Eastern. See Once a Week [Steamship], v. 1, 2261J. Railway. See Acworth's Railways, 937D. Great Ice Age and its Relation to the Antiquity of Man, by Geikie, ill. 456K Great Men, their Tastes and Habits. See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 265, 761J. Biography, Churchmen, Engineers, Preachers, Scientists, &c. Great Musician Series. See Hueffer. Great Names in European History, or Famous Men and their Times, by Adams. 1879 682O Great Northern Railway. See Acworth's Railways, 937D. Great St. Bernard. See Williams' Alps, 590B, &c. Great Salt Lake. See All the Year Round, v. 5, 1765J. Chambers, v. 19, 1936J. Morman's Utah, &c. Great Schoolmen of the Middle Ages, by Townshend. 1881 683O Great Shipwrecks [1544-1877] 1659R Great Truths by Great Authors [a Dictionary of Quotations]. 1868... 957K Great Truths in Simple Words for Little Children [R.T.S.] 1549Z Great Western Railway. See Acworth's Railways, 937D. Great Writers' Series. See Robertson (J. S.), M.A., Ed. Great Yarmouth. See Ritchie's East Anglia, 623O, &c. Greater London and its Government, by Whale. 1888 327R Grebe, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 647Q, &c. GREECE AND THE GREEKS— Works relating to : {See also Athens, Macedonia, Sparta, Classics, Poets, Names of Kings and celebrated Men, e.g., Alexander the Great, Demosthenes, &c. , and General History. ) Historical, Topographical, cVc. Grecian Legends. See Grote's Minor Works, 956H, &c. Greece and the Greeks, by E. About. 1855 1394-5R Antiquities of, by Potter, 2 vols. 1832 874-5F by Sergeant, illustrated. 1880 404T ■ Byron's Last Journey to, Extracted from the Journal of Count Peter Gamba. 1825 452K [Conder's Modern Traveller] 2 vols. 1 826 525-6Z During Byron's Residence, by Stanhope [1823-4] 452K From the Earliest Times to the Subjection of Rome. 1829 109H History of, by Fyffe. 1878 .' 121Z ,_, — . Gr«te, 12 vols. 1869 38-49O [292] GRE ENGLISH SECTION. GRE GREECE AND THE GREEKS— Works relating to '.—{continued.) Greece, History of, by Mitford, with a Memoir of the Author, by his Brother, Lord Redesdale, 8 vols. 1829 101-8H Schmitz. 1851 59O Thirlwall, 8 vols. 1835 50-7O for Schools, by Arnold 5^0 [Pinnock's] edited by Taylor. 1864 61O [Maunder's Treasury of History] - 1856Z Russia, Poland, Turkey, &c. See Remarkable Travels, 639K, Greek and Roman Antiquities, Smaller Dictionary of, by Smith 1025M Greeks and Persians, by Cox [Epochs of Ancient History] . 1886 1814Z Romans, Life of the, by Guhl and Roner, illustrated 873F Charicles, or Illustrations of the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks, translated by Metcalf. 1882 1001M Miscellaneous. Greece and Rome, Poets of, edited by Peter. 1847 474D Greek and Roman Sculpture, by Perry, illustrated. 1882 925D Anthology, by Neaves [An. Clas. for Eng. Read.]. 1877 ... 1098Q Antiquities, by Wilkins. 1878 1534Z Sec also Fellow's Asia Minor, 675B. [Nichol's British Museum] 863F Archaeology, by Collignon, translated by Wright, ill. 1886 1021M Language. See Cassells Popular Educator, 164-9D. Lexicon [Polymicrian] to the New Testament, by Greenfield. 36Z Literature, by Jebb [Literature Primers]. 1877 1216Z New Testament, Introduction to a Critical Study, by Wince. 246A Philosophy, Outlines of its History, by Zeller, translated by Alleyne and Abbot 1196H and 538-9M Wit, translated from Greek Prose Writers, byPaley. 1881. 1232-3Z Greeks, Music of the. See Rockstro's Music, 533H. See also Ali Pacha, 126F. Alison's Europe, 140-6O. Bellow's Europe, 1399R. Blunt's Turkey, 1450-1R. Carne's Letters from the East, 1455-6R. Compayre°s Pedagogy [Language], 296R. Freeman's Essays. Humboldt's Cosmos, 484R. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Inman's Faiths, 96K and 96Ka. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Lub- bock's Primitive Man, 672B. Madden's Shrines [Greek Fire], 343K. Mahaffy's Alexander, 426O. Marshall's Cruces and Criticisms [Greek Texts], 1148H. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 93-4F. May's Democracy, 38-9H. _ Poole's Index, R.L. Pressens6's Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M. Rawlinson's Ancient Religions, 44SM. Stanford's Compendium, 854K. Stephen's Travels, 564K. Taylor's Travels, 858R. Tegg's Funeral Rites, 1481Z. Tegg's Marriage Customs, 1480Z. Timbs' Works [and Rome], 853Z. Black- wood [Civilisation of], v. 4, R.L. ; [and Revolution], v. 12, R L. ; v. 20 R.L., v. 33 R.L. and v. 76, 146J. Contemporary [Phoenicians], v 34, 2044J. Cornhill [and Rome], v. 20, 300J. Edinburgh Review [and the Greek Kingdom], v. 103, 463J. Fortnightly [Kinship of], v. 4, 2094J ; [and the Greeks], v. 34, 2124J. Fraser [and Revolution], v. 7, 617J ; [and Turkey], v, 49, 659). Macmillan [City Life of], v. 13, 643J. Quarterly [Female Society of], v. 22, 1152J; [Private Life of], v. 79, 1209J ; [Field Sports of] v. 118, 1248J ; v. 124, 1254J ; [Travels in], v. 126, 1256J. Blackwood [Church], v. 79, 149J ; [Literature], v. 116, 186J. Harper [Church], v. 45, 1625J. Quarterly [Language at Universities], v. 134, 1264J. Tozer's Church and Eastern Empire, 254T. Greely (A. W.), Three Years of Arctic Service, an Account of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition: 881-84 and attainment of the farthest North, 2 vols. 188 '.'. 856-7K [293] GRE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GRE Greely (H., American journalist, l>. 1811, d. 1872), Ainerican Con- flict ; or the Great Rebellion in the United States [1860-65], 2 vols. 1867 294-5D Essays designed to elucidate the Science of Political Economy ... 219R Recollections of a Busy Life. 1869 288F See also Harper, v. 46, 1626J. Once a Week, v. 27, 2287J. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Green (A. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Green (T. K.), LL.D., M.A., A Short History of the English People. 1878 258O Conquest of England. 1883 187H History of the English People, 4 vols. 1880 : — Vol. 1.— Early England. Foreign Kings. The Charter. The Parlia» ment [449-1461] 189H Vol. 2. — The Monarchy. The Reformation [1461-1603] 190H Vol. 3. — Puritan England. The Revolution [1603-1688] 191H Vol. 4. — The Revolution [1683-1760] ; Modern Europe [1760-1815] .... 192H The Making of England. 1881 188H Britain and its Foes. Conquest of the Saxon Shore. Conquests of the Engle. Conquests of the Saxons. The Settlement of the Conquerors. The Strife of the Conquerors. The Northumbrian Supremacy. The Church and the Kingdoms. The Three Kingdoms. and Green (A. S. ), a Short Geography of the British Islands. 1889 1835Z Ed. t History Primers. 1878-9: Geography, by Grove 703Z History of Europe, by Freeman , , 120Z France, by Yonge 119Z Greece, by Fyffe 121Z Rome, by Creighton 118Z Literature Primers : Children's Treasury of Lyrical Poetry and Song, by Palgrave ... 483-4Z Classical Geography, by Tozer. 1876 702Z See also Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L. Green (Mrs. J. R., Historian, b. 1818), Henry the Second [Twelve English Statesmen]. 1888 1392O Green (M., b. 1696, d. 1737), Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Poets of Great Britain]. 1807 370Z Green (R.), John Wesley 276Z Green (S. G.), D.D., Bible Sketches and their Teachings for Young People, 3 series : First Series. — From the Creation to the Israelites' Entrance into Canaan . . 7Q Second Series. — From the Israelites' Entrance into Canaan to the close of the Old ^Testament 8Q Third Series. — The Life of Christ upon Earth 9Q French Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil 334B Pictures from Bible Lands drawn with Pen and Pencil 328B the German Fatherland drawn with Pen and Pencil 333B Greene (A. G.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Greene (C. A. and G. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Greene (J.), M.A., Insect Hunter's Companion, instructions for Col- lecting and Preserving Butterflies, Moths, Beetles, Bees, Flies, &c. , revised by Farn, illustrated. 1880 720Z Greene (R., Comic Poet, b. 1560, d. 1592). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Greene (W. H.), M.D., Tr. and Ed., Elements of Modern Chemistry, by Wurtz, illustrated. 1881 417R Greenback. See Chambsrs [French Greenback] v. 41, 1947J. [294] GRE ENGLISH SECTION. GRE G-reenfield (W., Orientalist, b. 1800, d. 1831), Polymicrian Greek Lexicon to the New Testament 36Z Greenhouse, Hothouse and Conservatory. See Every Lady's Guide, 1501Z. Greenhouses. See Church's Home Grounds, 947M. Gardening, Horticul- ture, &c. GREENLAND. See Koldewey's Arctic Expedition, 6osB. Lock's Home of the Edias, }7oK. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1008M. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Nicoll's Iceland, &c, 387T. Fraser [Notes on], v. 85, 695J. Harper [Glacier in and Old Norse Colonies of], v. 44, 1624J. _ Nature [Researches in], v. 7, 2667J. Penny Magazine [Colonization of], v. 7, 145B. Quarterly [Ancient and Modern], v. 18, 1148J. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z, &c. Greenwell (Dora), Memoirs of, by Dorling. 1885 1303O Greenwich.. See Blackwood [Time], v. 63, 133J. Fraser [Ancient Palace of], v. 35, 645J. Good Words [Observatory], v. 13, 2183J. Nature [Observatory], v. 4, 2664J. Penny Magazine, v. 1, I39B, &c. Observatory. See Knight's England, 151H, &c. Green-Wood Cemetery, Directory for Visitors 1621R Green-wood (F.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Greenwood (J., The Amateur Casual), Wilds of London, illustrated 1331R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Greenwood (T.), F.R.G.S., Free Public Libraries, their Organisation, Uses and Management, illustrated. 1886 1914R [Second Edition], illustrated. 1887... 1917R Museums and Art Galleries, illustrated. 1888 1916R Greg (P.), Across the Zodiac, an Imaginary Voyage to Mars, 2 vols... 1230-1R History of the United States, from the Foundation of Virginia to the Re-construction of the Union, 2 vols. 1887 558-9H The Devil's Advocate, 2 vols. 1878 307R The Verge of Night, 3 vols. 1885 1232-4R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Greg (W. R., Essayist, b. 1809, d. 1881), Literary and Social Judg- ments, 2 vols. 1877 • Vol. 1. — Madame De Stael. False Morality of Lady Novelists. Kingsley and Carlyle. French Fiction. Chateaubriand, &c 958R Vol. 2. — M. De Tocqueville. Why are Women Redundant ? Truth versus Edification. Doom of the Negro Race. Time. Good People. Culpable Luxury. Why Workmen Don't go to Church, &c 959R See also Morley's Miscellanies, 842O and 8430a. Gregg (J.), Commerce of the Prairies, 2 vols. 1844 795-6Q Grego (J.), History of Parliamentary Elections and Electioneering, in the Old Days, showing the State of Political Parties, from the Stuarts to Victoria, illustrated from the original Political Squibs, &c. 1S86 1 1275TI Gregor (W. G., Editor), China, &c, by Gray, ill., 2 vols. 1878 ... 520- iK Gregorovius (F.), Corsica in its Picturesque, Social, and Historical Aspects, translated by Martineau [Travellers' Library]. 1855 1261R Wanderings in Corsica, its History and Heroes, translated by Muir [Constable's Miscellany], 2 vols. 1855 1298-9R Gregory The Great {Pope, b. 540, d. 604). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Merivale's Church History, 410M, &c. Gregory The Seventh {Pope, b. 1013, d. 1085), Hildebrand and his Times, by Stephens [Epochs of Church History]. 1888 2 55T Life of, by Villemain, translated by Brockley, 2 vols. 1874 289-0F See also Freeman's Norman Conquest, 202-5H. Fraser, v. 74, 684J, &c. Gregory. For several Popes of Rome and Christian Fathers of this name, see Balzani's Popes and the Hohenstaufen, 261T. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 672 F, &c. [295] GRE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GRI Gregory of Nazianzen. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Gregory (A.), Robert Raikes, a History of the Origin of Sunday Schools. 1880 948Q Gregory (B.), D.D., A Handbook of Scriptural Church Principles and of Wesleyan- Methodist Polity and History. 1888 1232M Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints [Fernley Lec- ture of 1873]. 1885 824D Gregory (O., Mathematician, b. 1774, d. 1841), LL.D., Ed. Life and Works of Robert Hall. 1839 243Q Works and Life of Hall [Bonn's Library]. 1849 965R Gregory (W., Chemist, b. 1803, d. 1858), M.D., Ed. Researches on Magnetism, by Reichenbach. 1850 773^ Grellet (S.), Life and Gospel Labours of, 2 vols. 1862 291-2L by Guest [Men worth Remembering]. 1880 1163O See also Living Age, v. 78, 3108 J, &c. Grenoble. See Argosy, v. ax, 21J, &c Grenville-Murray (E. C). See Murray (E. C. Grenville). Grenville (W. Wyndham, Lord, Orator, b. 1759, d. 1834). See Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 207 H, &c. Gresham (Sir T., Merchant, founded Royal Exchange, b. 15 19, d. 1579), Life of. 1845 201Z Gresley (W., Novelist, b. i8or, d. 1876), M.A., Portrait of an English Churchman. 1840 335M Gresset (J. B. L., French Dramatist, b. 1709, d. 1777). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Greswell (Richard). See Burgon's Twelve Good Men, 661 F, &c. Gretna Green. See Household Words, v. 5, 1745J. Jeaffreson's Bridals, 984H. Tegg's Marriage Customs, 1480Z, &c. Grevil (Sir F.). See Thomson's Friendships, 565O. Greville (Charles C. F., Clerk of the Privy Council, b. 1794), Gre- ville Memoirs [George IV. to Victoria, i860], edited by Reeve, v.d. : First Part. — Reigns of George IV. and William IV., 3 vols 3002F Second Part. — Reign of Queen Victoria [1837-1852], 3 vols 293-5F Third Part. — Reign of Queen Victoria [1852-1860], 2 vols 303-4F See also Torrens' Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 385-6F. Greville (Henry), Leaves from the Diary of, by Vicountess En- field. 1883 296F Grevy (Jules, French Statesman, b. 1813). See King's French Leaders, 659O. Grey (Hon. C), Early Years of the Prince Consort, compiled under the direction of II. M. the Queen. 1868 90F and 475O Grey (Earl De), K.G., Characteristics of the Duke of Wellington, apart from his Military Talents. 1853 55 iF Grey (Earl). See Alison's Europe, 139-6O. Harrit' Radicals, 1106F. Heaton's Reformers, 456O. Napier's Correspondence, 273H. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 207H, &c. Grey (Sir G., Colonial Governor), Journals of two Expeditions of Discovery in North-Westand Western Australia [1837-9], 2 vols 7801K Grey (Lady Jane, Niece of Henry VIII., b. 1537, executed 1554). See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 321H. Froude's England, 195-6O. James' Celebrated Women, 829O, &c. Grey (M. G.) and Shirref (E.), Thoughts on Self-Culture addressed to Women. 1851 961R Grey (Mrs.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Grey (R). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Greyhound, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 662Q. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Youatt's The Dog, 817F. Dogs, Animals, &c. Griesinger (T. ), The Jesuits, a Complete History of the Order to the Present Time, translated by Scott. 1885 529II [296] GRI ENGLISH SECTION. GRI Griffin (E. D., Scholar and Poet, b. 1804). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Blackwood [Remains of], v. 32, R.L., Sec. Griffin. (G., Irish Novelist, b. 1803). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Griffin (L J.), Chemical Recreations. 1838 560R Griffin (W. N.), Treatise on Optics. 1838 735 D Griffis (W. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Griffiths (A.), Chronicles of Newgate, 2 vols. 1884 330-iD Memorials of Millbank and Chapters in Prison History. 1875... 33 2 "3D See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Grimaldi (Joseph, a famous Clown, b. 1779, d. 1837), Memoirs of, edited by Boz [C. Dickens], revised by Whitehead. 1853 ... 285T Grimshawe (T. S.), A.M., Memoir of the Rev. Lcgh Richmond ... 473F Grindal (E., Archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1519, d. 1583), D.D., Remains of. 1843 • 225A Grindon (Leo H.), The Shakspere Flora, a Guide to all the Trincipal Passages in which mention is made of Trees, Plants, Flowers, and Vegetable Productions, with comments and Botanical Particulars, illustrated. 1883 197R Griscom (J. H.), M.D., Animal Mechanism and Physiology [Har- per's Family Library]. 1848 1148Z Uses and Abuses of Air, showing its Influence in Sustaining Life and Producing Disease, &c. 1 850 5 2 3R Griselda [Ballads and Metrical Tales] 334Q Grisi(G., Italian Singer, b. 1812, d. 1869). See Edwards' Prima Donna, 678F. Grisons, The, and Italian Valleys of the Bernina, by Freshfield 1440R or a Third Month in Switzerland, by Zincke. 1 875 1707R Griswold (A. V), D.D., Life of, bv Stone. 1854 305F Gris wold (R. W.), Poets and Poetry of America. 1856 468D Freneau. Tucker, Trumbull, Dwight, Humphreys, Barlow, Alsop, Honey- wood, Adams, Hopkinson, Clifton, Paine, Munford, Shaw, Moore, Taulding, Allston, Frisbie, Pierpoint, Woodworth, Norton, Dana, Wilde, Key, Payne, Hillhouse, Harney, A. H. Everett, Gilman, Sprague, Smith, Frothingham, Schoolcraft, Bryant, Wilcox, Ware, Neal, Tappan, E. Everett, Drake, Halleck, Percival, Goodrich, Clason, Brainard, Colton, Walter, Eastburn, Sands, Peabody, Mellen, Doane, Bancroft, Hill, Brooks, Morris, Leggett, Pinkney, Cosby, Miller, Greene, Emerson, Fairfield, Dawes, Griffin, Bright, Curry, Croswell, Prentice, Palmer, Bethune, Hoffman, Nack, Simms, Lawrence, Rock- well, Flint, Longfellow, Lunt, Messinger, Bryant, Willis, Fay, Sanford, Ward, Peabody, Whittier, Patten, Thomas, Gallagher, Holmes, Thatcher, Pike, Benjamin, Hoyt, Clark, Aldrich, McLellan, Very, Clarke, Cutter, Conrad, Jackson, Poe, Street, Burleigh, Noble, Mac- kellar, Field, Brooks, Cranch, Tuckerman, Hosmer, Huntington, Mathews, Pabodie, Sargent, Cooke, Eastman, Saxe, Hirst, Duganne, Miller, Cozzens, Colton, Coxe, Lord, Dewey, Wallace, Parsons, Lowell, Fields, English, Legare, Ellsworth, Read, Boker, Thompson, Leland, Taylor, Coe, Stoddard, Butler, Parker, Cooke, Doane. The Poets and Poetry of England in the Nineteenth Century 472D Crabbe, Sotheby, Bowles, Rogers, Brydges, Baillie, Bloomfield, Frere, Wordsworth, Scott, Montgomery, Hogg, Coleridge, Southey (R.), Landor, Leyden, Lamb, Campbell, Herbert, Davy, Merivale, Smith, Moore, Colton, Kenyon, Elliott, _ Heber, Cunningham, Barton, Hunt, Proctor, White, Byron, Pringle, Peter, Kennedy, Wilson, Knowles, Southey (Mrs.), Milman, Keble, Wolfe, Shelley, Hemans, Talfburd, Keats, Bayly, Croly, Motherwell, Hood, Pollok, Macaulay, Moir, Moxon, Norton, Sterling, Maclean, Swain, Bulwer Lytton, Taylor, Hervey, Barrett, Praed, Tennyson, Darley, Wade, Brown- ing, Home, Butler, Milnes, Bailey, Alford, Cook, Simmons, Faber. Grizzly Bear Hunting. Sec Adams' Adventures, 133T. Bears, Animals, Natural History, &c. [297] GRO GUILLE ALLES LIBRARY. GRO Grogan (M.), How Women mav Earn a Living 518T Grohman (W, A. Baillie), Camps in the Rockies [Rocky Mountains] 1597R Gaddings with a Primitive People, a Series of Sketches of Alpine Life and Customs, 2 vols. 1878 1432-3R Tyrol and the Tyrolese in their Social, Sporting and Mountain- eering Aspects. 1877 I474R Gronow (J.), England and Wales, containing a Brief Review of every Town and Place. 1849 1020M Gronow (Capt. R. H.). See Chambers [Recollections of], v. 38, 1945J. Grooni, The. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Horses, &c. Groot (H. De, Dutch Statesvian and Writer, b. 1583, d. 1645). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Fraser [On War and Peace], v. 19. 659J, &C. See also Grotius (Hugo). Grosart (A. B.), LL.D., Representative Nonconformists, Howe, Baxter, Rutherford, Henry. 1879 946O Grosvenor Gallery. See Fortnightly, v. 27, 2117J. Macmillan, v. 36, 966J, &c. Grote (Dr. George, Historian, k 1794, d. 1871), F.R.S., History of Greece, from the Earliest Period to the Time of Alexander the Great, 12 vols, 1869 : Vol. 1. — Legends of the Gods, Heroes and Men. The Solids. Arcadian Genealogy. Attic and Kretan Legends. Argonautic Expedi- tion. Legends of Thebes and Troy. Grecian Myths, &c 330 Vol. 2. — Closing Events of Legendary Greece. Society and Manners ex- hibited in Grecian Legend. Homeric Poems. Historical Greece. Peloponnesus. Conquests of Sparta, &c 39O Vol. 3. — Age of Grecian Despots. Athens before Solon. Solonian Laws and Constitution. Growth of Carthage. Western Colonies of Greece. Olympic, Pythian, Nemean and Isthmian Festivals, &c. 40O Vol. 4. — Lyric Poetry. Seven Wise Men. Democracy at Athens. Rise and Growth of the Persian Empire. Battles of Marathon, Ther- mopylae, Artemisium and Salamis. Retreat of Xerxes, &c 41O Vol. 5. — Final Repulse of the Persians. Formation and Expansion of the Athenian Empire. Thirty Years' Truce. First, Second and Third Years of ihe Peloponnesian War, &c 42O Vol.6. — Fourth Year of the Peloponnesian War. Amphipolis. Peace of Nikias. Olympic Festival of Olympiad, 90. Mantineia. .Sicilian Affairs after the Extinction of the Gelonian Dynasty, &c 43O Vol. 7. — Syracuse. Hostilities between Athens and Sparta. Athenian Armament in Sicily. Oligarchy of the Four Hundred at Athens. Cyrus, the Younger, in Asia Minor. Arginusce, &c 44O Vol. 8. — Restoration of Democracy at Athens. Grecian Drama. Rhetoric and Dialectics. Socrates. Cyrus, the Younger, and the Ten Thousand Greeks. Lacedcemonian Army in Asia Minor, &c 45O Vol. 9. — Greece under the Lacedaemonian Empire. Corinthian War. Re- building of the Long Walls of Athens. Subjugation of Olynthus by Sparta. Congress of Sparta. Battle of Leuktra and its con- sequences, &c 46O Vol. 10. — Foundation of Messene and Megalopolis. < Mantineia. Sicilian Affairs after the Destruction of the Athenian Armament before Syracuse. Despotism of the Elder Dionysius. Dionysius the Younger. Timoleon, &c 47O Vol. 11. — Philip, of Macedon. Sacred and Olynthian Wars. Alexander the Great. Siege and Capture of Thebes. Asiatic Campaigns of Alexander. Siege of Tyre, &c 48O Vol. 12. — Military Operations and Conquests of Alexander, to his Death at Babylon. Lamian War. Sicilian and Italian Greeks. Hellenic Cities in Gaul and Spain and on the Euxine Coast, &c 49O Minor Works of. 1873 956H [Grecian Legends. Plato and Aristotle on the Rotundity of the Earth, &c] See also Contemporary, v. 22, 2032J. Quarterly, v. 135, 1265J, &c. Grote (Mrs.), Life of Ary Scheffer. i860 482F [298] GRO ENGLISH SECTION. GUE Grotius (Hugo), Truth of the Christian Religion, revised by Le Clerc, and translated by Clarke. 1840 336M See also Groot (H. De). Grottoes and Caverns. See Adam's Underground World, 592Q. Good Words, v. 12, 2182J. Caves, &c. Grouchy, (Marshal, French General, b. 1766, d. 1847.) See Alison's Europe, 124-37O. Grouse, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 646 and 651Q. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. All the Year Round [Sand], v. 10, 1770J. Cham- bers' Journal [What has become of them], v. 29, 1941J. Gentleman's Magazine [Shooting], v. 13, 733J. Quarterly, v. 118, 1248 J. Temple Bar [Shooting in Scotland], v. 15, 1345J. Birds, &c. Grove (G., Civil Engineer, b. 1820), F.R.G.S., Geography [History Primers], illustrated. 1877 703Z Grove (Prof., Physicist, b. 181 1), and Others, Correlation and Conser- vation of Forces, a Series of Expositions, with Introduction, &c, by Youmans. 1881 490R Groves (Capt. P.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Grover ( J. P.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Growing Old. See Cornhill, vol. 5, 285J. Fraser, vol. 61, 671 J. Grubs. See Worms. Guadaloupe. See Becher's Mexico, 738K, &c. Guano. See Griffiths' Manures, 211 iR. Price's Modern Gardener, 1496Z. Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Household Words, v. 6, 1746 J. Manure, &c. Guard, National. See Alison's Europe, 127-34O, &c. Guardian, The, by Addison and others [British Essayists]. 881 H and 22-3T Guardians (Board of). See Escott's England and Its People, 1017F. Rogers' Workhouse Reminiscences [Scandalous Administration, &c], 1452O, &c. Guarini (G. B., Italian Poet, b. 1537, d. 1612). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Guatemala in Central America [1838], by Montgomery. 1839 739K See also Stanford's Compendium, 851K, &c. Gudgeon, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 811F. Fish, &c. Guerin (Com. D., of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 16], 1416O. Guerin (Maurice De, Poet, b. 1810, d. 1839). See Gautier's Famous French Au- thors, 254F. Fraser, v. 67, 677 J, &c. Guerin (Eugenie de, Sister to above). See Cornhil!, v. 7, 287J. London and Quarterly, v. 26, 8i6J, &c. GUERNSEY— Works relating to : (See also Channel Islands, Alderney, Jersey, Sark, &c.) Guernsey Almanacks R.L. Guerin's Almanack and Visitors' Handbook. Le Lievre's Almanack and Visitors' Handbook. Almanach de la Gazette de Guernesey. An Essay on the Laws of Real Property and Laws of Inheri- tance and Wills, by Jeremie. 1841 403II and its Bailiwick, a Guide and a Gossip, with notices of Sark, Herm, Jethou, and Alderney, with maps and illus- trations, by J. L. Pitts. 1889 Ancient Families of. See Notices in Duncan's Dukes of Nor- mandy, 874O. Guille of the Rohais and St. George, R.L. Jacob's Annals, 362B. Patronymica Britannica [Sarnia], 1416O. Biography, &c. • and Alderney Cow, its Nature and Management. 1885 188R Channel Island Flora [Bentham's British Flora] 801-2F and Its Bailiwick and Notices of Jersey, by Tupper. 1876. 405 H [Clarendon's History of the Rebellion] 302D Newspapers [Grant's Newspaper Press] 958H Surrender of [Yonge's British Navy, p. 57] 302II Jersey, Victor Hugo in [King's French Leaders] 659O [299] GUE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GUE GUERNSEY— Works relating to '.—{continued.) Guernsey and Sark, Pictorial, Legendary and Descriptive, with a Glance at Alderney, illustrated by Rooke 1859Z Annals of some of the British Norman Isles constituting the Bailiwick of Guernsey, by Jacob, first and second parts.., 362B [Part 2 contains biographies of the following eminent Guernsey Families : — Somery, De Sausmarez, or Saumarez. Andros. De Lisle. Perchard. Le Mesurier. Carey. De La Cour. Guille. De Bouvoir. Bonamy. De Jersey. Durard. De La Condamine. Le Marchant. Brock. Jeremie. Dobr£e. Mann. Priaulx.] Annals of some of the British Norman Isles constituting the Baliwick of Guernsey, by Jacob, first part. 1830 361B Authors who have resided in the Island, or who have written works concerning its History, Antiquities, Laws, &c. : Ansted (D. T., Geologist). Babington, (C. C, Botanist). Berry (W., Historian). Boland (Henry). Bowles (T. G.). Carey (F. J.). Carey (Sir P. Stafford). Chepmell (H. Le M., Historian). Collings (Mor- timer, Novelist). Corbett (D., Poet). Clarke ( Louisa Lane, Naturalist, &c). Dalgairns (J. D., Translattr). Dally (F. F., Agriculhtrist). Donaldson (Walter, Acto7-). Duncan (J., Historian). Gallienne (James). Harvey (Lady, Native of S ark). Head (Sir George, Tra- veller). Hoskins (Dr., Meteorologist, &c.). Hugo (Victor, Poet). Inglis (H. D., Historian, &c). Jacob (J., Historian). Jeremie (P., Legal Writer). Kean (Edmund, Tragedian). Kelly (William, Theologian). Latham (R. G., Philologist). Le Cras (A. J., His- torian). Lee (Rev. G. E., Rector of St. Peter Port). Lelievre (Rev. Matthew). Le Marchant (Thomas). Lenfestey (Thomas, Guernsey Poet). Le Quesne (Charles). MacCulloch (Sir Edgar, Bailiff \ of Gtiernsey). Metivier (George, Poet). Oliver (Lieut., Archceologist). Pitts (J. Linwood, Antiquarian and Litterateur). Priaulx (Osmond de Beauvoir). Quayle (Thomas, Agriculturist). Ross (Sir John, Astronomer). Saravia (Adrian). Scott (C, Dramatic Critic). Scott (G.). St. Dalmas (H. Emeric, Artist). Swinburne (A. C, Poet). Tupper(F. IS., Historian). Tupper (M. F., Novelist, &>c). Warbur- ton (Mr., Legal Writer). Waring (George E.). Jeremie (F. J., Jurat of the Royal Court). Macready(W. C, Tragedian). Clarke (Adam, Irish Bibliographer). Gallienne (Rev. M.). Biography. See Guernsey Magazine. Guernsey and Jersey Magazine. Guille of the Rohais and St. George, R.L. Jacob's Annals, part 2, 362B. Sarnia, 1416O. Patronymica Britannica, R.L. Stephen's and Vincent's Biography. Encyclopaedia Britannica, &c, R.L. Birds of Guernsey and the Neighbouring Islands, Alderney, Sark, Jethou and Herm, by Smith. 1879 ••■■ I 95^ Castle Cornet, by Tupper 1 5 C °0 or The Island's Troubles in the Troublous Times, by Hawtrey [S.P.C.K.] 1499O Changes effected in the Laws of Guernsey in 1823, and Re- port of the Royal Commissioners Deputed to that Island in 1815. 1823 1501O Channel Islands, by Ansted and Latham, illustrated. 1862. 410II Defeat of the English, by Sir Evan of Wales. See Froissart's Chroni- cles, 313D, and Guernsey Magazine, v. 7, 2387J. Documens Relatifs a l'lle de Guernsey 413LT [Containing in English a Report of the Royal Commissioners, Sir Robert Gardner, Kt., and James Hussy, LL.D., sent over to the Island by King James in 1607, on a General Complaint of all the Parishes against the Governor and Soldiers ; and causes heard and determined at St. Peter Port, before the above Commissioners the same year.] Elizabeth College, a short Chronicle, with a list of Scholars for i824[i888] 1410H — Annual Register , R. L. Catalogue of the Library R. L. Statutes of the Government of '.. 707D [300] GUE ENGLISH SECTION. GU3 GUERNSEY- -Works relating to -.—{continued.) Guernsey. Family Records ; containing Memoirs of Major- General Sir Isaac Brock, K.B., Lieut. E. W. Tupper, R.N., and Col. William De Vie Tupper, with Notices of Major-General Tupper and Lieut. C. Tupper, R.N., to which are added the Life of Te-Cum-Seh, a Memoir of Col. Haviland Le Mesurier, &c, by Tupper. 1835 255F Families. For many Celebrated Families see Jacob's Annals, 362B. Lower's Patronymica Britannica, R.L. Name of Family, &c. Ferns. See Plue's British Ferns, 187R, &C. Flora [Babington's Primitive Floras Sarnicae] 1 84R Folk-Lore of Guernsey and Sark, by Clarke. 1880 1860Z From its First Settlement before the Norman Conquest to the Present Time, by Dicey. 1751 1502O Gardner's Royal Guide to Guernsey. 1885 R.L. Guille-Alles Library Catalogue, by A. Cotgreave. 1889. 1901 and 1909R Guille-Alles Library. See under Guille-Alles. Guille-Alles Portrait Committee Report. 1885 707D Herd Book, compiled by De Mouilpied R. L. Ed. by Bichard R.L. History, Laws and Customs, by Warburton, containing the Precepte d' Assize. 1822 411H of the Island of Guernsey, to A. d. 1 814, by Berry. 1815. 363B with Notices of Jersey, Alderney and Sark, &c, by Duncan. 1841 ! 406II How Guernsey kept the Jubilee, by Pitts [Guernsey Pam- phlets, vol 1]. 1887 .'. 707D Island of, Barbel's Guide to the Scenery, Public Buildings, &c 1838 1866Z Jersey, Herm, Sark, Aldemev and Western Normandy, by Black. 1889 1742R Law of Real Property, by Jeremie. 1866 412II in Guernsey, and Commentary on the Present Laws of Inheritance and Wills, by Jeremie. 1841 403II Laws, Privileges, &c, of Jersey, with notices of Guernsey, by Le Cras. 1839 ....* 1864Z Lord Hatton, a tale of Castle Cornet, by the Earl of Winchil- sea [Blackwood's Magazine, vol 113] 183J Marketing in [Temple Bar, p. 120] I 35°J Naturalists' Rambles among the Channel Islands 490T Newspapers R.L. Advertiser. Comet. Guernsey Independent. Guernsey News. Mail and Telegraph. Star. Le Bailliage. La Gazette Officielle. Naval Battle of. See Froissart's Chronicles, 312D. ■ On Parochial and States Taxation in Guernsey, as settled by the Orders in Council of 1836 and 1844, by Jeremie 425 II Ormer Excelsior 1928R Patois Poems of the Channel Islands, the Norman French Text, edited by Pitts, 1st and 2nd series [Guille-Alles Library Series]. 1883-4 ;...44Q-4iD Proclamation in 1803 for the better Defence of Guernsey. .9^Cob!)ett's Annual Register, 306D. &c. [301] GUE GUILLE-ALLKS LIBRARY. GUE GUERNSEY— Works relating to :— {continued.) Guernsey, Queen Victoria's Visit to. Sec Martin's Prince. Consort, 95F. The Queen's Life in the Highlands, 378K and 8320-, &c. ■ Rights and Immunities of the Island of Guernsey, &c. ... 404H [Containing a Speech on the Rights and Immunities, by a Magistrate of that Island to the Royal Court, 1771 ; Changes effected in the Laws of Guernsey in 1823 ; Report of the Royal Commissioners deputed to that Island in 1815, &c. ; Some Remarks on the Constitution of Guernsey, by De Havilland.] Rocks of Sark, Herm and Jethou, by Hill [Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, August, 1887] 707D St. George, His Cross, an Episode in the Channel Islands, by Keene. 1887 1332, 2443, and 3017X Sark, &c, a Handbook for Invalids, Geologists, Naturalists, Archaeologists and others 707D Sarnia, or Brief Memorials of many of Her Sons (Civil, Mili- tary and Naval) [by Tupper], 1862 1416O N.B. — For Names, see under Tupper (F. B.) Second Report of the Commissioners appointed to Inquire into the State of the Criminal Law in the Channel Islands. 1848 360B Sermon on the Mount and the Parable of the Sower, trans- lated into the Franco-Norman Dialects of Guernsey and Sark, by Metivier, edited by Pitts [Guille-Alles Library Series]. 1883 1858Z Society of Natural Science, First Collected Report, 1882- 1888, edited by the Ffonorary Secretaries R.L. Sunshine and .Sea, a Yachting Visit to the Channel Island, &c, by a Country Doctor. 1885 1690R [Swinburne's Les Casquettes] 1991J [Tupper's Life of Sir I. Brock] 975Q Under Queen Victoria, a Brief Jubilee Record of Fifty Years of Loyalty, Peace, Progress, &c. , by Pitts. 1 887 707D Witchcraft and Devil Lore in Guernsey, edited by Pitts [Guille-Alles Library Series]. 1886 442D See also All the Year Round, Vol. 41, n. s., 1887 [p. 486 to 490], 1921J. Argosy, 37J. Barbou's Life of V. Hugo, 668B. Bentham's British Flora, 801-2F. Book for the Sea-Side, 585Q. Bowles' Flotsam and Jetsam [page 100], 1360R. Brand's Antiquities, 1006-7M. Bruce's Life of General Napier [Disputes between the Lieut. -Governor and Royal Court, &c], 414F. Burn's History of Parish Registers [Clandestine Marriages], 536H. Carey's Memoirs of Rev. T. Brock, 976Q. Carnation Island, by Clement Scott [Daily Telegraph, Friday, August, 17th, 1888]. Cooke's Fern Book, 600Q. Donaldson's Recol- lections of an Actor, 21 iZ. Duchess of Marlborough's Correspond- ence, 308D. Dugdale's Curiosities of Great Britain, 743H. Girl's Own Paper [A Girl's Tour in Brittany], 2558 J. Greville Memoirs [Re- newal of Act relating to Duties on Spirits], 294F. Gronow's England and Wales [p. 68], 1020M. Guernsey Magazine, 2381-96J and Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1284-8H [Laws, Customs, &c.]. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1631 J. Hoskins' Charles II. in the Channel Islands, 4C8-9H. Hugo's Poems [pp. 255, 293], 707M. Hugo's Toilers of the Sea, 1342, 1346 and 1347X. Inglis's Channel Islands, 1718R. Jeaffreson's Bridals [p. 204], 984H. Jesse's Gleanings [The Toad], 579Q. Kershaw's Protestants from France, 546M. Knight's Cyclopaedia [British Empire], 88B. Lecky's Eighteenth Century [Clandestine Marriages, p. 498], 167H. Leighton's Lichen-Flora, 71R. Leisure Hour [p. 562], 2642 J ; [Trip to, p. 620], 2624J. Mac- donrld's Life of Punshon, 61 iF. Macready's Reminiscences, 363F. McCulloch's British Empire, 711H. Mdtivier's Fantaisies Guerne- siaises, 786M. Mill's Political Economy [pp. 167-8], 218R. Miller's Our English Shores, 1723R. Peacock's Sinkings of Land [p. 184], 86R. Penny Magazine, for 1837, vol. 6, 144B. Ross's Memoirs of Lord de Sausmarez, 224-5F. Smiles' Thrift [p. 35], 250R. Stanford's [302] GUE ENGLISH SECTION. GUE GUERNSEY— Works relating to '.-{continued.) Compendium, 854K. Swinburne's Century of Roundels [pp. 92-100], 773Z. Swinburne's Songs of The Springtides [pp. 67-91], 746M. Tarring's Law in Colonies [Cases decided by Privy Council], 1074F. Tegg's Marriage Customs, 1480Z. Tupper (M. F.), My Life as an Author, 542F. Tupper' s Life of Sir I. Brock, 530O. Wallace's Island Life [Caddis Flies in Guernsey], 778 F. Wesley, Life of, 561 F. Wilberforce (Bishop), 578F. Also under (Hugo Victor), for various Biographies, Sic, referring to this author's residence in Guernsey. Once a Week (Visit to L'Ancresse], v. 11, 2271J. Scrib- ner [and Sark], v. 10, 1860J. Temple Bar [Our Marketing in], v. 20, 1350J. Carey's Journal of a Tour in France, 388K. Clarke's Com- mon Seaweeds, 583Q. Pennington's British Zoophytes, 50 R. Antiquary [Folk- Lore of], N.s., v. 6. Jacob's Annals, 362. Patro- nymica Britannica Sarnia, 1416O, &c. Archaeologia [Ecclesiastical Affairs], v. 31. Dublin University Review [State and Prospects of], v. 28. Monthly Review [Inglis on], v. 134. Duncan's History, v. 156. Penny Cyclopaedia, 136D. _ Sharpe [Reception of Queen Victoria], v. 49. Tinsley [In Midwinter] y. 2. Victoria Magazine [Educational Movement], v. 17. Fortnightly Review [Lefevre's Channel Islands], vol. 32, 2122J, &c. Guernsey Magazine, a Monthly Illustrated Journal, edited by F. J. Clarke, from vol. 1. 1872 : Vol. 1, 1872. — Biography— _Major Gen. G. Carey, Rev. Dr. Jeremie. Mis- cellaneous — A Visit to the Channel Islands. How Three Gentle- men Escaped from Castle Cornet in the Year 1643. Emigration in Days of Yore. Mutiny at Fort George in 1783. Early History of the Casket Lights. Discovery of a Murder. The Pioneer's Daughter. The Haunted Closet. The Antiquary. Ancient Table Customs. Grandmother's Ghost Story. Deliberations of the States. A Moustache and what came of it. From Sarnia to Sark. A Desperate Case. Hoaxing a Herald. The Execution of Charles I., &c 2381J Vol. 2, 1873-4. — Biography — Rear Admiral Sausmarez Brock. Hilary O. Carre\ Charles de Jersey. Capt. T. P. Harvey. Albert Wm. Le Messurier. Miscellaneous — Historical Sketch of Sark. Huguenot Family. Elizabeth College. Ladies' College. Mechanics' In- stitution. Militia [History, Limit of Age, &c.]. Royal Court [Advocates, Jersey Bill]. St. Sampson's [Harbour]. Soci^te" Guernesiase. Enormous Halibut. Royal Visit, 1846. Ship- ping, &c 2 38 2 j Vol. 3, 1875. —Biography— Colonel R.Gordon. Admiral R. C. M'Crea. Mr. Henry Tupper. Miscellaneous— Guernsey Cattle. Our New Market. Coronation of Queen Victoria, in Guernsey. A Cen- tenarian. Guernsey Liberality. The John Lochett Life Boat. A Memorial Window. Military Intelligence. The Effects of a Ghost Story, &c 2383J Vol. 4, 1876.— Biography— John Moullin. Miscellaneous— Historical Sketch of Sark. Guernsey Birds. History of the Harbour of St. Peter Port. Working Men's Association. Jersey Harbour Works. Memorial to Admiral de Saumarez. St. James' Church. St. Julian's Hall. St. Sampson's Church, New Organ. Christmas in Guernsey, &c 2384 J Vol. 5, 1877.— Biography— Rev. J. L. V. Cachemaille. General Le Mes- surier. Miscellaneotis — Criminal Law. Historical Manuscripts. Extracts from Chevalier's Chronicle State Papers, &c. [This MSS. is continued through the whole set.] History of the Har- bour of St. Peter Port. Militia Ordinances. Parochial Church. A Violent Storm. Change of Troops. The Militia Arsenal. Bujon Rock. Improvement. Elizabeth College. -Dog Tax. Parochial Elections. A Picnic at Moulin Huet. A Leaf out of the Log of a Voyage of Life. Guernsey Rifle Association. Prison Returns, &c 2385J Vol. 6, 1878.— Biography— Sir John J£r£mie. Peter le Lievre. Miscel- laneous—Articles of the Isles of Aiderney, Guernsey, Jersey and Sark. Report of the State of Criminal Law in the Channel Is- lands. Invasion of Jersey by a Spanish Force in the early part of [303] GUE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GUE Guernsey Magazine— {continued. ) the Fifteenth Century. Loss of the Ship City of China. Old Cow Lane. Old Pier Head and Lighthouse. Royal Guernsey Agri- cultural and Horticultural Society and its Work. Guernsey Cattle. Guernsey Mechanics' Institution. Guernsey Rifle Asso- ciation. Old Guard House. St. John's Bazaar. Soldiers' Institute. Telegraph Cahle. Tramway Cars. Want of Reform in the Town Hospital. A Leaf out of the Log of a Voyage of Life, &c 2386J Vol. 7, 1879. — Biography — Commander Charles Andros. Rev. H. L. Dobr£e. Advocate T. J. B. Falla. Commander J. C. Gosselin. Dr. T. L. Mansell. Peter Roussel, Esq. Miscellaneous — The Times on Sark Scenery. Two Guns Buried at the Top of Fountain Street 230 Years Ago. Charlie's Courtship. A Short Guernsey Story. Capture of Sark. Ancient Literature : A Survey of the Estate of Guemzey and Jersey. Invasion of Guernsey, by Yvon de Galles in 1372. An Old Letter. St. Matthew's Cobo. Past Month in Guernsey. A Ploughman's Fortunes. Re-opening of the Castel Church. Sark Re-visited. A Storm in 1658. Charge of Troops. Guernsey Herd Book Society. Flat Rock Beacon. New Organ in St. Martin's Church. St. James' Church Tower, &c 2387J Vol. 8, 1880. — Miscellaneous — Perotine. Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady. Scraps of Information on the Antiquities of Guernsey. Disco- veries made in the Church of Ste. Marie-du-Castel. The Two May Days. On the Commercial and Family Relations formerly existing between the Town of Vitre" and the Island of Guernsey. Awake and Asleep. Scraps of Information on the Antiquities of Guernsey. Sunday School Centenary Fete. Tim Delaney's Adventures. Ghernerhuia. Visit of the Bishop of Winchester. Escape from a French Prison. The Experiences of Jemima Jane, a Housemaid, &c 2388J Vol. 9, 1881. — Biography — Lieut. -Gen. Bainbrigge. Lady Carey. Rev. A. H. Carey. Capt. Collas. Gen. Huyske. Capt. J. C. Mac Gregor. Major-Gen. Mann. George Mdtivier. John Naftel. Rev. R. J. Ozanne. Vice-Admiral Shortt. Miscellaneous— Flogging in Guernsey Fifty Years Ago. Guernsey Superstitions. Herd Books for Guernsey Stock. Legend of Le Creux Derrible, Sark. Loss of the South Western Company's Mail Boat Cale- donia, off Jersey. Nuptials at Sark. Sandeeling, Seventy Years Ago. My Darling. Wreck on the Caskets, &c 2389J Vol. 10, 1882. — Biography— Lieut.-Col. Andros. Rev. W. T. Collings. Rev. W. Manning. Miscellaneous — Guernsey Superstitions as com- pared with other Places. States of Guernsey. Berry's History of Guernsey. The Ghost Story told to the Queen. Circumstantial Evidence. A Guernsey Story. Election of a Sheriff. Island of Sark. One of " Sarnia's " Sons. Bazaars. Crime in Guernsey. Daily Matins at the Town Church. Dissolution of the Working Men's Association. Elim Wesleyan Chaple. Fatal Accidents on the Tramway. The Guernsey Mechanics' Institution and the Guille-AUes Library. Militia Clothing, Funerals and Promotions. Mock Sun. Royal Guernsey Agricultural Society. Sale of Herm, &c 2390J Vol. 11. 1883.— Biography— Mr. J. F. Hayes. Mr. Thomas Gosselin. Gen. R. Carey. Rev. J. Giraud. Mrs. Lane Clarke. Rear- Ad. J. D. McCrea. Rev. O. Carey. Miscellaneous— Guernsey Folk-Lore. Percussion Caps and Red Tape. Once upon a Time. Boy Commander who became Governor of Jersey. Loss of Five Guernsey Vessels. The Rainfall of 1882. The Population of Sark. _ Guille-Alles Library and the Independent Club. A Reminiscence of Sark. The Letter Carriers. Heavy Gale. In- cident on which the Tragedy of "Julia " was founded. Opening of the Intermediary School for Boys. Once upon a Time .' a Guernsey Tale. A Sketch of the History of Wesleyan Methodism in Guernsey. A Holiday in Sark. Lieutenant-Governors of Jersey, Past and Present, &c 1 1 2391J [304i GUE ENGLISH SECTION. G-UE Guernsey Magazine — {continued.) Vol. 12, 1884.— Biography— Rev. A. F. Corbin. Commissary-Gen. Dobr£e. Rev. Havilland Durand. Rev. A. J. Dupuy. Rev. R. E. Ozanne. J. de H. Utermarck. Miscellaneous — Natural Science in Guernsey. Guernsey Odds and Ends. The States of Guernsey. Dreamland in the English Channel. The Guille-Alles Scholar- ships. Castle Vaudin. An Old Geographer on the Channel Islands. Ozanne Memorial Hall. New Iron Safe for the Town Church. A Terrible Adventure. Re-opening of St. Andiew's Church. Island of Herm. Centenary of Wesleyan Methodism. Garrison Divine Service, &c 2392 J Vol. 13, 1885. — Biography — J. P. T. Ahier. Dr. L. Aikman. Adolphus Ar- nold. Mrs. Borland. Dr. Collenette. Thos. Domaille. Dr. Lacy. Thos. Lenfestey. I. Marquand. Rev. J. Thomas. Amos Whicker. Miscellaneous— Adventure in the Great Cavern of Sark. Arrival and Swearing-in of Major-Gen. Elkington, Lieut. -Governor. Capital Punishment in the Channel Islands. Celebrated Sark Beauty. Channel Islands Folk-Lore. Early French Invasion. Emigration from Guernsey 90 Years ago. Historical Sketch of the Bathing-Place. Island of Herm. Jersey in the Olden Time. Victor Hugo's Love for Children. Walk round Guernsey, &c 2393J Vol. 14, 1886. — Biography — Rev. R. Brown. Sir P. S. Carey. James Cham- berlain. James Gallienne. Rev. H. Le Rougetel. Mrs. James McCrea. Mrs. Ramos. Rev. W. Ross. Miscellaneous — Across the Channel with 'Arry. Caskets. Dagonet's Channel Trip. Capture of a New Species of Butterfly. Parish Church of Alderney. Re-opening of Town Church. St. George's Cross. Victor Hugo and Les Miserables. Knighthood of the Bailiff, &c 2394 J Vol. 15, 1887.— Biography— Gen. Collings. Mrs. W. T. Collings. Dr. Chep- mell. Gen. Grant. Mrs. A. de la C. Maingay. Mr. J. Rougier. Canon Thurston. Miscellaneous — Alarm of a French Invasion. Albert Statue. After Conger. Channel Islands. Jubilee Flag. Crown Rights in the Channel Islands. French Invasion of Jersey. Guernsey Market. Lowest Tide on Record. Legend of Hougue Bye. Our Militia made Royal. Presentation of Colours to Town Regiment. Queen's Jubilee in Guernsey. Sarnia. Town Church Bells, &c 2 395 J Vol. 16, 1888.— Biography— Thos. Carey. Mrs. P. Carey. J. De Putron. Mrs. W. Guille. Dr. Hoskins. Rev. G. Leale. Stephen Martin. Rev. F. H. S. Pendleton. Bishop Ryan. J. S. Sneath. Mrs. J. Talbot. Mrs. Touzeau. Miscellaneous — Autumn. Carna- tion Island. Frightful Volcano in Guernsey [13th Century.] Gen. Sir I. Brock's Monument. Guernsey Theatre Royal. Guernsey in 1753. Island of Sleep. Murder and Execution in Guernsey. _ Reminiscence of Lord de Saumarez. Victor Hugo's Home in Guernsey, &c 2396J Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, edited by Jonathan Duncan, 5 vols, 1836-8 : Vol. 1, 1836.— Address to the Public. Anglo-Norman Institutions. Domail- lerie Cottage, a Guernsey Legend. Relative Taxation of Guernsey and Jersey. Antiquities of Guernsey. Billet d'Etat on the Har- bour, Guernsey. Country Hospital, Guernsey. Elizabeth Col- lege. Proposed New Pier, Guernsey. Sentence of the Royal Court in the Affair of the Commercial Arcade. Tax Question, Guernsey. Chapel of La Hougue-Bie, Jersey. Sion House Academy, Jersey. Jersey Testimonial to the Bailiff of Guernsey. Sarnian Melodies. Rollo, the Conqueror of Normandy. Signs of the Weather. Tapestry of Bayeux. Tupper's Family Re- cords, &C 1284H [305] GUE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GUI Guernsey and Jersey Magazine — {continued,) Vol. 2, 1836. — Anglo-Norman Institutions. Guernsey Beeches. Harris' Ac- count of Guernsey. Imports and Exports of Wines in Guernsey. Laws and Customs of Guernsey. Military Government of Guernsey. Guernsey Newspapers. Guernsey Protected against Pressgangs. Rise and Progress of Religious Establishments in Guernsey. Royal Court, Guernsey. Taxation of St. Peter Port. Guernsey Merchantman and the French Freemason. Historical Notices of the Channel Islands. Ireland and Guernsey. Mount Orgueil Castle, Jersey. La Hougue-Bie, Jersey. Memoirof Capt. J. Allez, Col. W. Tupper, and Lord De Sausmarez. Norman Rolls. Owen of Wales, or The Invasion of Guernsey in 1372. Ship- wreck at the Caskets. Roman de Rou. Subjection of the Channel Islands to Normandy. Wace, the Jersey Poet, &c 1285H Vol. 3,1837. — Hermit's Papers. Knight's Tour in Normandy. Memoir of Dr. John MacCulloch and Lieut. Carre Tupper, R.N. L'Avalde St. Pierre. Tancreds of Normandy. Abolition of Smuggling in Guernsey and Jersey. Guernsey in 1775 and 1837. Guernsey Auctions. Civil Jurisprudence of Guernsey. Court of Appeal, Guernsey. Mutiny at Fort George in 1783. Notes of the Month, Guernsey and Jersey. Commerce of Jersey. French Attacks on Jersey, &c 1286H Vol. 4, 1837.- -Summary of Treasury Orders, Acts of Paliament, &c. Regulat- ing the Commerce of the Channel Islands. Agriculture of Guern- sey. Constitution of Guernsey. . Erection of the New Prison. King's Dues prepared in the Time of James I. Judicial System of Guernsey. Laws on Wills and Collateral Successions in Guernsey. Irish Poor Laws and Guernsey Landed Tenure. Topography, Climate and Diseases of Jersey. Le Couteur, on Wheat. Moulin Huet Bay. Power of the Imagination, a Tale of Jersey. Priaulx, on Imagination. White's Sailing Directions for the English Channel, &c 1287H Vol. 5, 1838. — Island of Alderney. Berry's History of Guernsey. J.S. Brock. L. Carey. Tupper Carey. Charters of the Channel Islands. Habeas Corpus in the Channel Islands. Col. De Lancey. Me- moir of Vice-Admiral Gosselin. Chronology of Guernsey. _ De- scription of Guernsey. Invasion of Guernsey in 1372. Military Roads of Guernsey. Rectors of Guernsey. Statistics of Guernsey. Havre Gosselin, a Sark Legend, by Miss Lane. Island of Herm. Agricultural Survey of Jersey. Description of Jersey. Falle's Account of Jersey. Shebeare's Narrative of Jersey. Plee's Ac- count of Jersey. Island of Jethou. Memoir of Lieut. -General Le Couteur. Guernsey, a Poem. Island of Sark. Admiral Lord De Sausmarez. The Steam Boat. Col. W. Le M. Tupper. Tupper's Proverbial Philosophy, &c 1288H Guernsey, Monthly Selections of Interesting Varieties. 1825 1289H Containing Communications on the Early History of Guernsey, contem- porary events, local institutions, poetry, &c, by Dr. Hoskins, George M^tivier, and others. Guernsey (A. H. and C. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Guerrier (G. P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Guesclin (Bertram Du). See Froissart's Chronicles, 312-15D, and under Du Guesclin, France, &c. Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers [Julius and Augustus Hare] 106Q Guest (W.), F.G.S., Stephen Grellet [Men Worth Remembering] I163O Guhl (E.) and Roner (W.), The Life of the Greeks and Romans, translated by Hueffer, illustrated S73F Guiana. See Brown's Countries of the World, 162D. Chambers' Journal [British] v. 55, 1948J. Temple Bar [in the Wilds of], v. 58, 1388J, &c. Guicciola (Countess), My Recollections of Lord Byron, 2 vols. 1869 158-9F Guide Books. See Black, Murray. Temple Bar [Old and New], v. 5, 1335J. Under Names of Places, &c. Guidi (A., Italian Poet, b. 1650, d. 1712). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. [306] GUI ENGLISH SECTION. GUI Guidiccioni (G., Roman Prelate, b. 1480, d. 1541). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Guildford (Lord). See Campbell's Chancellors, 777O. Guilds. See Green's English People, 189-90H. Loftie's London, 251O. Pike's Crime in England, 307H. Stubb's History, 210-2O. Edinburgh Re- view [English], v. 134, 494J. Fortnightly [New Friendly and Trade Societies], v. 12, 2102J. &c. Guillaume (Comte de Poitou). See Longfellow's Poets of Europe, 473D, &c. GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY SERIES, v.d. : Catalogue of the Lending Department, compiled under the Direc- tion of A. Cotgreave, 2 vols in 1. 1889 1901 and 1909R English Section, by A. Cotgreave. French Section, by H. Boland. Guille-Alles Library, a short account of its History and Forma- tion, with some Reference to its Contents, by J. L. Pitts and A. Cotgreave. 1889 1924R Fatois Poems of the Channel Islands, the Norman-French Text, edited with Parallel English Translation, Historical Intro- duction and Notes, by J. L. Pitts. 1883-4 : First Series. —Story in Brief of the Guille-Alles Library, Poems, &c 440D Second Series. — Romance Languages, Poems, &c 441 D Sermon on the Mount and the Parable of the Sower, translated into the Franco-Norman Dialect of Guernsey, from the French of Le Maistre De Sacy, by Metivier, edited with Parallel French and English versions, by J. L. Pitts. 1883 1858Z Witchcraft and Devil-Lore in Guernsey, Transcripts, &c, from the Official Records at the Guernsey Greffe, edited bv J. L. Pitts. 1886 '. 442D Guille-Alles Portrait Committee Report [Guernsey Pamphlets]. 1885 707D [Account of the presentation of their Portraits to Messrs. Thomas Guille and Frederick Mansell Alles in recognition of the benefit ihey had conferred upon the Inhabitants of Guernsey as founders of the Guille-Alles Library.] GUILLE Family of Guernsey {Descendants of Maugei , Archbishop of Rouen, Uncle of William the Conqueror). See Guille of the Rohais and St. George, in the Island of Guernsey, R.L. Jacob's Guernsey. Lower's Patronymica Britannica, R.L. Tupper's Sarnia. Guernsey Magazine. Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, &c. Guillemin (A.), Applications of Physical Forces, translated by Mrs. Lockyer and edited by J. Norman Lockyer. 1877 158 and 159D The Heavens, an Illustrated Handbook of Popular Astronomy, edited by Lockyer. 1866 157E) Guillotine, The. See Quarterly, v. 73, 1203 J, &c. Guilty or not Guilty. See All the Year Round, v. 6, 1766J. Guinea r See Stanford's Compendium, 849K, &c. Guinea-Fowl, The. See Doyle's Poultry, 825F. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 657Q. Tegetmeier's Poultry Book, 664B, &c. Guinea-PigS. See Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Chambers, v. 29, 1927J, &c. Guinicelli(G., Italian Poet, d. 1276). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Guise, House of. See Blackwood, v. 68, 138J, &c. Guitar, The. See Girl's Own Book, 1257H. Music, &c. Guizot (F., French Slates/nan, b. 1787, d. 1874), Christianity Viewed in Relation to the Present State of Society and Opinion. 1871 337AI Corneille and his Times. 1852 198F History of Civilization in Europe. 1839 311D the English Revolution. 1846 1508O [307] GUI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GUS Guizot (F.), Lectures on European Civilization, translated by Beckwith. 1837 338M M. De Barante, a Memoir. 1867 601O Memoirs of a French Minister of State. 1864 398F Monk and Washington, Historical Studies [Routledge's Popular Library]. 1851 287T Saint Louis and Calvin. 1868 808O Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. In Private Life [1787-1874], by his Daughter, Madame De Witt, translated by Simpson. 1880 306F See also Alison's Europe, 139-45O. Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Greville Memoirs. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 92F. Senior's Conversations, 434-5H. Blackwood, v. 42. R.L. Eraser, v. 27, 637J, &c. Gulf-Stream. See Lamont's Arctic Seas, 674 and 675K. Maury's Physical Geography, 757H and 690Q. Proctor's Science, &c, 441R. Wittich's Physical Geography, 688Q. Good Words, v. 14, 2184J. Nature, v. 2, 2662J, &c. Gulfs. See Stanford's Compendium, 850K, &c. Gull, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 647 and 655Q. Fraser, v. 57, 667 ]. Jones' Bermuda, 823F. Birds, &c. Gullies. See Teak's Dangers to Health, 920K, &c, Gulliver's Travels.' See Swift's Works, 587D. Gully (J. M.), M.D., Water Cure in Chronic Disease 916K Gulston (A. J.)- See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Gulston (A. S.), Aphrodite and other Poems. 1884 697M Gum. See Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Penny Magazine [Sources and Uses of], v. 1,3, 151B, &c. Gumpach (J. Von), True Figure and Dimensions of the Earth, set forth in a letter to G. B.^Airy, Astronomer Royal. 1862 ... 77 iD Gun- Cotton. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D. Gunnery and Guns, The Chassepot, Needle and Mitrailleuse [Cassell's Franco-German War] 456-7B Our Great Guns and all about them. See Boy's Own Annual, 2954J. See also Beckman's Inventions, 698Q. Stonehenges Rural Sports, 681T. All the Year Round [The Big Gun], v. 11, 1771J. Chambers [An Oval] v. 22, 1930J ; v. 42, 1941J. Household Words [Powder], v. 4, 1744J. Nature [Woolwich], v. 22, 2682J. Cornhill [Long and Straight Shots], v. 1, 281J. Nature [Recent Experiments], v. 2T, 2681J, &c. Gunning (The Beautiful Misses). Sec Cornhill, v. 16, 296J. Gunning (W. D.), Life History of Our Planet, illustrated ...536R and 703D Gunnion (W). See Burns' Works, 521D, &c. Gunpowder. See Buckle's Civilization, i860. Timbs' Inventions, 258M. Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, &c. Gunpowder Plot. See Criminal Trials, 1148Z. Gardiner's History of England, 460O. Guy Fawkes, &c. Gurnall (W., b. 1617, d. 1679), A.M., Christian in Complete Armour 480A Gurnard, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 679Q. Fish, &c. Gurney (G., Chemist, b. 1793, d. 1875), Lectures on Chemical Science. 1823 720D Gurney (II. P.), M.A., Crystallography [Elementary Science, S.P.C.K.], illustrated 1832Z Gurney (J. J., Philanthropist, b. 1788, d. 1847), Essay on the Habitual Exercise of Love to God, considered as a Preparation for Heaven. 1844 37Z Observations on the Religious Peculiarities of the Society of Friends. 1824 339M Memoirs of, by Braithwaite, 2 vols. 1854 307-8F Gurowski {A.), Slavery in History, i860 254R Gustafson (Mrs. Z. B.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. [308] GUS ENGLISH SECTION. HAB Gustavus Adolphus {King of Sweden, b. 1594, killed 1632), Life of, by Hollings [Family Library]. 1838 1064Q See also Alison's Europe, 128-33O. Chambers' Miscellany, 629R. Every Boy's Annual, 1886, 1305H, Sec. Guthrie (E. J.), Old Scottish Customs. 1885 1070M Guthrie (F.), F.R.S., First Book of Knowledge. 1882 535R Guthrie (F. Anstey). See Anstey (F.), in Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Guthrie (J.), M.A., Conversations on Church Establishments 235Q Guthrie (Thomas, Scotch Clergy/nan, b. 1803, d. 1873), D.D., Auto- biography of, and Memoir, by his Sons, 2 vols, 1874 684-5O Christ and the Inheritance of the Saints, Discourses from the Colossians. 1858 341M The City, its Sins and Sorrows, Sermons from Luke xix. 41. 1857 340 M by Kirton [World's Workers]. 1885 1143O Guthrie (W.), Christian's Great Interest. 1825 208Q GrUtta Percha. See Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Guy De Lusignan (Kingofjcrusalem, b. 11 83, d. 1194). See Porter's Knights of Malta, 541H. Guy Fawkes (Conspirator, executed 1606). See Criminal Trials, 1148Z. Boy's Own Annual, vol. 2, 1879-80, 2952J. Dyer's Popular Customs [Guy Fawkes' Day], 1036F, &c. Guy of Warwick. See Metrical Romances, 1010M, &c. Guyon (Madame De La Mothe, Friend of Fenelon and Advocate of Quietis/n, b. 1648, d. 1717), Life and Religious Opinion, by Upham. 1872 1366O • • Views of, and Correspondencies of Faith, by Cheever. 1887 ... 1181M See also Living Age, v. 37, 3067 J, Sec. "Gwynfryn," Friends in Fur and Feathers, Anecdotes of Dogs, Cats, and Squirrels, illustrated. 1869 729F Gwynne (Nell, Actress, Mistress of Charles II., b. 1640, d. 1687). See Dixon's Royal Windsor, 328H. Molloy's London under Charles II., 260O. Fitzgerald's English Stage, 337D. Pepys' Diary, 902O. Blackwood [Letters of], v. 3, R.L. Living Age [and the Sayings of Charles II.], v. 34, 3C64J. Temple Bar [as an Actress], v. 35, 1365J, Sec. Gymnasium sive Symbola Critica, by Crombie, 2 vols. 1830 8S8-9H Gymnastic Exercises, Elementary, by Alexander, illustrated. 1887 1219R Gymnastics for Ladies, by Madame Brenner. 1870 1095F See Bellairs' Girls and Maidens, 984M. Boy's Own Annual, v. 3, 1880-T, 2 953J> Boy's Own Book, 1527Z. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Cham- bers' Information, 256D. Compayr£'s Pedagogy, 296R. Crawley's Handbooks, 1154M. Maclaren's Physical Education, 1808Z. Black- wood, v. 20, R.L. Chambers' Journal [and Acrobatism], v. 53, 1947 J. Macmillan [Old Greek Athletics], v. 36, 966 J, Sec. Gymnotus, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 683Q, &c. Gypsum. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, Sec. Gypsy. See Gipsy. JtlABBEE,TO]Sr (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Habersham (A. \V.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i^oja, &c. Habington (W., Poet, b. 1605, d. 1645). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Habit. See Grey's Self-Culture, 961 R, &c. Habits and Customs, African [Stanley's Dark Continent] 1563R of the Working Classes, by a Journeyman Engineer. 1867 895 M of Good Society 1408Z See also Bellairs' Girls and Maidens, 984M. Eden's China, 813Q. Society, Countries Customs, Manners, sci [3°9l IIAB GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HAL Habitation in Relation to Health, by Chaumont [S.P.C.K.]. 1879 1434Z Habitations. See also Richardson's Health, &c, 1403Z. Architecture, Building, Houses, &:c. Hack (M. P.), Mary Pryor, a Life Story of a Hundred years ago 1346O Self-Surrender, a Second Series of Consecrated Women. 1882... 957O Hacket(J., Bishop of Lich/ield, b. 1592, d. 1670). See Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-5M, &c. Haddan (A. W.), B.D. See St. Augustine's Works, 347 A. Hadden (R. H.), B.A., Ed., Church and Chapel, Sermons on the Church of England and Dissent, with Introduction by Dean Stanley. 1881 342M Haddock (J. W.), M.D., Somnolism and Psycheism, the Science of the Soul and the Phenomena of Nervation. 1851 635II Haddon (A. W.), B.D., Rationalism. See Replies to Essays and Reviews, 663A. Haddon (J.), M. A., Algebra [Weale Series]. 1867 713Q Rudimentary Book-keeping and Commercial Phraseology [Weale Series]. 1854 706Q Hades. See Occult Sciences, 1935R. Hadleigh. See Walford's Pleasant Places, 815Q, &c. HadloubQ.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Hadrian {Emperor of Rome, b. 76, d. 138). See Haweis' Christ and Christianity, 1186M. Niebuhr's History of Rome, 88H, &c. Hadrian IV. (Pope). See Balzani's Popes and the Hohenstaufen, 261T. Popes, &c. Hagany (J. B.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Hagedorn(F., German Poet. b. 1708, d. 1780). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Hagenbach. (K. R., German Theologian, b. 1801, d. 1874), Com- pendium of the History of Doctrines, translated by Buch ... 412-3A Haggard (H. Rider), Cetywayo and his White Neighbours ; or, Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal and the Transvaal. 1888 1524O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Haifa, or Life in Modern Palestine, by Oliphant. 1887 1717R Hair, Treatment ofthe [Family Friend] 708R See Bellairs' Girls and Maidens, 984M. Ure's Dictionary [Manufacture], 7D. Simmonds' Animal Products [Horse Hair], 1033M. Wynter's Human Hive [Hair Markets], 244R. All the Year Round [Dressing], v. 31, 1791J. Chambers [False], v. 36, 1944 J ; [Golden] v. 42, 1947J. Fort- nightly [Loss of], v. 31, 2121J. Household Words [Human], v. 9, 1949J. Living Age [Colour of], v. 39, 3169J. Quarterly [Human], v. 92, 1222J. Hake, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fish, &c. Hakluyt (R., Geographical Writer, b. 1553, d. 1616), Selections from, referring to the Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America, edited by Payne 1691R Hale (E. E. and L. P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &C. Hale (Sir M., Philosopher, b. 1609, d. 1676), Life of, by Burnett. 1820 228Z See also Campbell's Chief Justices, 787O, &c. Hale (M. E. and S. J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Hales (W., Irish Mathematician, d. 183 1), D.D., Analysis of Chron- ology, Geography, History and Prophecy, 4 vols. 1830 230-3II Haley (W. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Half a Century of Australian Progress, a Personal Retrospect, by Westgarth. 1889 , 1411H Half Hours at the Seaside, by Taylor, illustrated. 1876 588Q in the Deep, the Nature and Wealth of the Sea [Half Hour Library], illustrated. 1875 566Q Tiny World, Wonders of Insect Life [Half Hour Li- brary], illustrated. 1875 567Q with English Antiquities, by Jewitt, illustrated. 1877 1016M Hard Workers. See Boy's Own Annual, 1886, 2958J. the Apostolic Fathers, by Leonard. 1887 H95M best Authors, by Knight, 4 vols in 2. 1850 971-2H [3io] HAL ENGLISH SECTION. HAL Half Hours with the best American Authors, selected by Morris, 4 vols. 1 191 -4R Microscope, by Lankester, illustrated 7 2 9^ Haliburton (Judge). See Slick (Sam). Halibut. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fish, &c. Halifax (Lord). See Ewald's Statesmen, 471 F, &c. Hall (Anna Maria). See Hall (Mrs. S. C.) Hall (A. O.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Hall (Captain Basil, Scotch Traveller, b. 1788, d. 1844), Travels in North America in the Years 1827 and 1828, 3 vols. 1830 1877-9R See also Quarterly [Autobiography], v. 47, 1177J. Hall (E.), The Puritans and their Principles. 1851 90K Hall (E. Hepple), Lands of Plenty, British North America for Health, Sport and Profit. 1879 1679R Hall (G. J.), M.A., Sought and Saved, a Prize Essay on Ragged Schools and Kindred Institutions. 1855 207R Hall (Major H. Byng), The Bric-a-Brac Hunter, or Chapters on Chinamania. 1875 1481R Hall (J., Bishop of Norwich^ b. 1574, d. 1656), D.D., Foundation Stones for Young Builders. 1881 1S1Q Historical Passages in the Old and New Testaments, 2 vols. 1845 449A Select Tracts [Sel. Brit. Divines]. 1824 125M See also Cattermole's Literature of the Church, vol. 1, 548A, &c. Hall (J. C), M.D., Analytical Synopsis of the Natural History of Man, &c. 1851 42R Hall (J. Sparkes), The Book of the Feet, a History of Boots and Shoes, with Biographical Sketches of Eminent Shoemakers, and Crispin Anecdotes, also Hints to Last-makers and Reme- dies for Corns, &c, illustrated. 1847 1161M Hall (Newman, Celebrated Dissenting Preacher, b. 1816), From Liverpool to St. Louis. 1870 417T Land of the Forum and the Vatican, Thoughts and Sketches dur- ing an Easter Pilgrimage to Rome. 1854 621Z Sacrifice, or Pardon and Purity through the Cross. 1856 38Z See also Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Hall (R., Baptist Minister, b. 1764, d. 1831), A.M., Miscellaneous Works of, with Memoir by Gregory, and Critical Estimate of his Character and Writings, by Foster, 6 vols. : Vol. 1. — Memoir, by Gregory. Estimate of his Character, &c, by Foster. Letters 142A and 243Q Vol. 2. — Sermons, Charges and Reviews 143A and 244Q Vol. 3. — Terms of Communion 144A and 24SQ Vol. 4. — Political and Miscellaneous Tracts 145A and 246Q Vols. 5-6. — Sermons. Notes on Sermons. Miscellaneous Papers 146-7A and 247-8Q Works and Remains of, ty Gregory. 1849 965R by Hood [Men Worth Remembering]. 1881 I161O See also Christian Biography, 1441O. Hood's Preachers, 541 M, &c. Hall (S. C.j Writer and Critic, Editor of the Art Journal, b. 180 1, d. 1889), F.S. A., Gems of the Modern Poets, with Biographi- cal Notices. 1842 698M Memoirs of Great Men and Women of the Age. 1877 285F Retrospect of a Long Life [1815-1883]. 1883 309-0F Ed. Social Notes, concerning Reforms, Requirements, Progress, &c, vols. 1-6. 1878-80 82-7D Hall (Mrs. S. C. Wife of the above, Irish Novelist). See Fraser [with Portrait], v. 13, 623J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. t3«] HAL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HAM Hall (T. Granger), M.A., Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus. 1834 915L) Hall (Capt. W. H.), R.N., and Bernard (W. D.), A.M., Nemesis in China, a History of the Late War in that Country, with an Account of Hong-Kong. 1S47 369O Hallam (Arthur H., Son of H. Hallam, b. i3ii, d. 1833). See Living Age [Re- mains of], v. 76, 31C6J. Hallam (H., Historian, b. 1778, d. 1859), F.R.A.S., Constitutional History of England, Henry VII. — George II., 3 vols in 1. 210H Europe in the Middle Ages, 3 vols. 1837 40-2H Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries, &c, 4 vols. 1839 1009-12H Halle ok (Fitz-greene, American Poet, b. 1705, d. 1865), Poetical Worksof. 1858 '. 699M See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Harper's Index [Works of], i64oJa, &c. Haller (Baron, Naturalist and Poet, b. 1708, d. 1777). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 656Q. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Halley (R., Dissenter, b. 1796, d. 1876), D.D., Inquiry into the Nature of the Sacraments [Congregational Lectures]. 1854 114-5M Halliday (Sir Andrew, d. 1839), M.D. See Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1338R. Halliwell (J. O., Antiquary, b. 1820), F.R.S., Letters of the Kings of England, 2 vols. 1846 966-7R Life of .Shakespeare. 1848 495E Hallock (C), Camp Life in Florida, a handbook for Sportsmen and Settlers. 1876 161 iR Hallock (W. A.), Memoir of Harlam Page [American Tract Society] 1689Z Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Hallow Eve. See Dyer's Popular Customs, 1036F. Hallowell (S. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hallucinations. See Owen's Another World, 431M. Richardson's Health, &C, 1403Z. Sully's Illusions, 369R. Once a Week, v. 6, 2266J, &c. Halpine (C. G. [Miles O'Reilly]) Poetical works, edited by Roose- velt. 1869 700M Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Ham House in the Days of the Cabal. See Fraser, v. 34, 644J. Haman. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K, Sec. Hamburg. See Alison's Europe, 125-36O. Bellow's Europe, 1398R. Harper [Christmas in], v. 18,1598,1. Once a Week [French Occupation of], v. 24, 2284J. Penny Magazine, v. 8 and 11, 146 and 149B, &c. Hamerton (P. G.), Life of Turner. 1879 1080O Etcher's Handbook. 1875 1167M The Graphic Arts. 1882 1076M [Drawing, Painting, and Engraving in Comparison.] Portfolio Papers. 1888 1168M Round my House. 1880 1166M Hamilcar {Carthaginian Generals, 480 B.C.— 229 A.D.). See Church's Car- thage, 427O, &c. Hamilton (A.), B. A., Memoirs of, by Carr. 1886 1365O Hamilton (Lady C), Tr., Louis Pasteur, his Life and Labours, by his Son-in-Law. 1885 893O Hamilton (Mrs. C. V.), Worksof. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Hamilton (Gail [Mary A. Dodge]), Country Living and Country Thinking [Humorous Sketches]. 1866 970R Skirmishes and Sketches. 1866 969R Woolgathering [American Humorous Sketches]. 1868 96SR See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hamilton (J., Scotch Minister, b. 1814, d. 1867), D.D., Life in Earnest, Six Lectures on Christian Activity and Ardour. 1845 39/ Lessons from the Great Biography [a Life of Christ]. 1857 1233M Mount of Olives and other Lectures on Prayer. 1846 40Z [312] HAM ENGLISH SECTION. HAM Hamilton (J.), Sinai, the Hedj&z and Soudan, Wanderings around the Birthplace of the Prophet. 1857 1496R Wanderings in North Africa, illustrated. 1856 I 554iv Hamilton (J. A.), A Catechism of Harmony and Thorough Bass.., 15C8Z Life of O'Connell [Sanders' Statesmen Series]. 1888 1376O Hamilton (J. E.), A.M., Cruise of Admiral Farragut, U.S. Navy, in the Flag-ship Franklin. 1869 600B Hamilton (J. R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hamilton (P., Scottish Martyr, b. 1503, burnt 1 527) [Short Bio- graphies] 632F Hamilton (R.), History of British Fishes, illustrated, 2 vols 1786-7Z Hamilton (R. W.), Revealed Doctrine of Rewards and Punish- ments [Congregational Lectures]. 1853 116M Hamilton (T.), Beyond the Stars, or Heaven, its Inhabitants, Occu- pations and Life. 1888 1229M Hamilton (W.), F.R.G.S., Poets Laureate of England, a History of the Office and Its Holders. 1879 927O Hamilton (\V., Jacobite Poet, b. 1704, d. 1754). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Hamilton (Sir William, Scotch Philosopher, b. 1788, d. 1859), Bart., Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic, edited by Mansell and Veitch, 4 vols. 1859-60 : Vols. 1, 2. — Metaphysics, 600-1H. Vols. 3, 4. — Logic, 602-3H. Philosophy of, edited by Wright. 1853 597H by Monck [English Philosophers]. 1881 1233O Veitch [Phil. Classics for English Readers]. 1882 ...1031 and 1037Q Ed., Biographical Memoirs of Adam Smith, William Robertson, and Thomas Reid, and a Memoir of D. Stewart, by Veitch... 517F See also Blackwood, v. 86, 156J. Stallo's Modern Physics, 38QR. Hamilton (Lady, An Adventuress, Friend of Lord Nelson, b. 1/66, d. 1815), Memoirs of. 1815 690O and Lord Nelson, an Historical Biography, by Jeaffreson. 18S8. 1362-3O See also Fitzgerald's Kings and Queens of an Hour, 84F. Blackwood, v. 87, 157J, &c. Hamilton (W. A. B.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hamle (C. Von). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Hamlet. See Fraser [Character of], v. 14, 624J. Shakespeare, &c. Hamley (Sir E.), Voltaire [For. Clas. for Eng. Readers] ...1190O and 309T Hamley (Lieut.-Col. E. B.), Campaign of Sebastopol. 1855 282II See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hamley (Maj.-Gen). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hammer Throwing. See Shearman's Athletics, 1259R. Sports, &c. Hammond. (J., Poet, b. 1710, d. 1742), Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807 383Z See also Jones' Poets, 663 M, &c. Hammond (M. D.), Works of. See Harper's Iiidex, 1640 Ja. Hammond (S. H.), and Mansfield (L. W.), Country Magazines and Notes of a Journalist. 1855 916R Hampden (John, Politician, b. 1594, wounded and d. 1643). See Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 297-300D. Gardiner's History of England, 465-8O. Green's English People, 191 H. May's Democracy, 39H. Quarterly [and his Times], v. 47, 1177J. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92 M, &c. Hampshire. See Godwin's Green Lanes, 818K. Hampstead Heath. See All the Year Round [Preservation of], v. 17, 1777 J. Once a Week, v. 16, 2276J. Hampton Court. See English Illustrated, v. 5, 1995J. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Land we Live in, 464B, &c. Hampton (J.), 7>\, General History of Polybius, 2 vols. 1823 963-4H HAN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HAR Hanaford (Phebe A.), Life of George Peabody 898O Hand, The, Its Mechanism, &c, by Bell. 1833 838M See also Brand's Antiquities [and Finger Nails], 1007M. Brown's Science for all, 627B. Twining's Symbols, 507M. All the Year Round [the Human], v. 10, 1770J ; [The Left] v. 23, 1983J. Blackwood, v. 98, 168J. Fraser [and Gloves], v. 36, 646J. Penny Magazine [Right and Left], v. 4, 142B. Warner's Physical Expression, 393R. Physiology, Anatomy, &c. Handel (G. F., German Musical Composer, b. 1685, d. 1759), by Clarke [World's Workers]. 1885 1144O by Mrs. Marshall [Great Musicians]. 1883 1224O See also Naumann's Music, 929D. Rockstro's History of Music, 533H. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O. Contemporary, v. 11, 2021J. Household Words, v. 15, 1755J, &c. Handwriting. See All the Year Round, v. 26, 1786 J. Murray's Magazine [and Character], v. 4, 1464J, &c. Handy (Mrs. H. P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Hanging. See Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Fraser [Going to See a Hang- ing], v. 22, 632J. Punishments, &c. Hangmen and their Office. See Chronicles of Newgate, v. 1, 330D. Hankinson (T. E.), M.A., Sermons. 1844 482A [Spiritual Nature, Family Religion, Prayer, Family at Bethany, Appeal to the Ungodly, Truth of Christianity, Story of Gideon, Sec] Hanley (S.), B. A., Conchologists' Book of Species, illust. 1842 ... 753F Hann (J., Mathematician, b. 1799, d. 1856), Examples on the In- tegral Calculus [Weale Series]. 1850 709Q Hanna (W.), D.D., Earlier Years of our Lord's Life on Earth. 1864 157M Life and Writings of Chalmers, 4 vols. 1849-50 179-82F Ministry in Galilee. 1868 158M Our Lord's Life on Earth, 6 vols. v.D. : Vol. 1.— The Earlier Years i 57 M Vol. 2.— The Ministry in Galilee 158M Vol. 3.— The Close of the Ministry 160M Vol. 4.— The Passion Week 159M Vol. 5.— The Last Day of Our Lord's Passion 225Q Vol. 6.— The Forty Days after the Resurrection 161M The Last Day of Our Lord's Passion. 1864 22 5Q Hannaford (E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Hannah Thurston, a Story of American Life, by Taylor. 1870 86 iR Hannay (D,), Admiral Blake [English Worthies]. 1886 1201O Life of Captain F. Marryat. 1889 1269O Hannay (J., Scotch Journalist, b. 1827, d. 1873), Three Hundred Years of a Noble Plouse, the Barons of Gournay [a.d. 1000-1300]. 1867 1352O Hannibal {Celebrated Carthaginian General, b. 247 B.C., Poisoned himself 183 B.C.), History of, by Abbott. 1850 229Z See also Church's Carthage, 427O. Josephus, 66H. Niehuhr's History of Rome, 87-8H. William's Alps, 590B. Blackwood, v. 57, 127J, Sic Hannington (J.), D.D., Life of, by Dawson. 1887 691O Hanover. See Alison's Europe, 122-46O. Contemp. [Court of], v. 39, 2049J. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z, &c. Hans Breitmann [Charles G. Leland], Brand New Ballads, illus. 1885 812M Hansard (G. A.), Book of Archery, being the Complete History and Practice of the Art, Ancient and Modern, illustrated. 1841 926D Happiness. See Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1908R. Blackwood, v. 5, R.L., &c. Harbours. See Smiles' Engineers, 963O. Stanford's Compendium, 850K, &c. Harconrt (L. V.), Doctrine of the Deluge, 2 vols. 1838 447-8A Harcourt (Sir W. V., Solicitor-General in 1873, b. 1827). See Lucy's Two Parlia- ments, 3 1 6-7 H. Hard Work and Head Work, by B'ulow, translated by Christie 265R Hardcastle (Hon. Mrs.), Life of John, Lord Campbell, 2 vols. 1881 164-5F Hardenberg (F. von). See Japp's German Literature, 272F. [314] HAR ENGLISH SECTION. HAft Harding ( ). See Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Hardinge(Lord, Field Marshal, b. 1785, d. 1856). See Alison's Europe, 141-5O. Trotter's India, 538-9H, &c. Hardman (T.), Tr. French Protestant Refugees, by Weiss. 1854 ... 314A Hardware Manufacture. See McCulloch's British Empire, 711H. Ure's Dic- tionary of Arts and Manufactures, &c. Hardwicke(Earl). See Campbell's Chancellois, 779O. Hardy (A. S.j. See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hardy (Lady Duffus), Down South [United States]. 1883 735K Hardy (J. D.), Oranges and Alligators, or Sketches of South Florida Life. 1887 1720R Hardy (N.), D.D., First General Epistle of St. John the Apostle Un- folded and Applied. 1865 58A Hardy (Lieut. R. W. H.), R.N., Travels in the Interior of Mexico [1825-28]. 1829 808K Hardy (Miss). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hardy (T.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hardy (T. and H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Hare, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660Q. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Penny Magazine [and the Rabbit], v. 10, 148B. Stonehenge's Rural Sports [Hare-Hunting], 681T. Game, Hunting, Sport, &c. Hare (A. J. C., Theologian, b. 1792, d. 1834), Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily, illustrated, 2 vols 1683-4R Days near Paris. 1887 1743R Days near Rome, illustrated, 2 vols. 1875 1413-4R Life and Letters of Frances, Baroness Bunsen, 2 vols. 1879 ••• 544-50 Memorials of a Quiet Life [Biography of the Hare Family]. 1873 692-3O Plates 694O Hare (J. C. and A. W.), Guesses at Truth. 1838 106Q See also Life of Maurice, 381-2F. Harems, Turkish, and Christian Homes, by Harvey. 187 1 432K See also Blackwood [Visits to], v. 15, 16 and 18 R.L. Chambers [Visit to], v. 15, 1934J. Cornhill [An African Harem], v. 23, 303J. Harper [Harem Life], v. 46, 1626J, &c. Harkness (M. E.), Assyrian Life and History, with Introduction by Poole [R.T.S.], illustrated 250M Harland (Marion). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Harleian Library. See All the Year Round, vol. 8, n.s., 1788J. Harley (Robert, Earl of Oxford, b. 1C61, d. 1724). See Wentworth Papers, 553F. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Harley (T.), F.R. A. S., Moon Lore. 1885 828D Harmer (T.), Observations on Various Passages of Scripture, edited by Adam Clarke with many Additions, 4 vols. 1816 251-4A Harmonious Colouring, adapted to Interior Decorations, &c, by Hay. 1836 904D Harmonium, The. See Girl's Own Book, 1257H. Musical Instruments, &c. Harmony [in Art] and Contrast of Colours, by Chevreul 1077M [in Music] See Living Age [Physics and Physiology of], v. 130, 3160J. Once a Week [Haunts of], v. 16, 2276J. Naumann's Music, 928-9D. Music, &c. Harney (J. MA See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Harney (W. \V.), Poems by. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Harold II. (King of England, killed at Hastings, 1066). See Freeman's Nor- man Conquest, 201-5H. Green's Conquest of England, 187H. Thierry's Norman Conquest, 562-4H ; also Lytton's Harold [in Fiction], 209X. Harold. — For Saxon Kings of this name see Lappenberg's England, 15180. England, Saxons, &c. Harotm-al-Itaschid (Calipk of Bagdad, Patron of Learning, b. 765, d. 809). See Freeman's Saracens, 298O. Temple Bar, v. 61, 1391J, &c. Harp, History of the Sec National Miscellany, 1034H. Music, &C. C3T5 Mar guille-alles library. har Harper (R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Harper and Brothers, Publishing House of. See Living Age, v. 31, 3061 J, &c. Harper's Boys' and Girls' Library : Indian Traits and Sketches, by Thateher IU3-4Z Tales from American History, vol. 3 , 1115Z Classical Library : Herodotus, translated by Beloe 1 100-2Z Thucydides, translated by Smith 1 108-9Z Harper's Family Library, Half Hour Series, Devotional Library, &c, sec under Subject or Author required. New Monthly Magazine, from vol. I. 1850 1 581 J The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction or in the general body of the Catalogue, with the shelf number specified. The general contents will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library), under the subjects required. Harpoons. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F, &c. Harrington (Sir ]., Politician, b. 1611, d. 1677). See Dixon's H.M. Tower, 324H, &c. Harris (A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Harris (J., Independent Minister, b. 1802, d. 1856), D.D., Mammon, The Sin of the Christian Church [American Tract Society] ... 1686Z The Great Teacher, Characteristics of Our Lord's Ministry. 1837 91K Harris (S. S.), D.D., Relations of Christianity to Civil Society [Bohlen Lectures, 1882]. 1883 1196M Harris (W.). History of the Radical Party in Parliament. 1885 1106F Harris (SirW. S., Physicist, b. 1792, d. 1867), F.R.S., Rudimentary Electricity [Weale Series], illustrated. 1848 712Q Magnetism, an Exposition of the Principles of Magnelical Science [Weale Series], illustrated. 1850 707Q Harrison (B. and E. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Harrison (C), F.H.S., Culture and Management of Fruit Trees 882D Harrison (C), Entertainments for Bazaars, Fancy Fairs and Home Circles, How to Prepare and Arrange Them at Small Cost... 977M Harrison (F., Barrister, b. 1831), Choice of Books and other Literary Pieces. 1886 .'. 1180R Life of Lord Nelson, 2 vols. 1806 632-3D Oliver Cromwell [Twelve English Statesmen]. 1888 13970 See also International Policy, 332H. Harrison (Jennie). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Harrison (J.), D.D., Answer to Dr. Pusey's Challenge, respecting the Doctrine of the Real Presence, 2 vols. 1871 555-6A Harrison (J., Clockmaker, b. 1693, d. 1776). See Smiles' Inventions, 1172R, &c. Harrison (W. H., General, b. 1773, d. 1841.) See Eggleston's United States, 421H, &c. Harrogate. See Granville's Spas, &c, 351K, &c. Harrow and Eton, Rambles Around, by Rimmer, illustrated. 1882.. 1347R Harrow. See Boys' Annual [Recollections of], 1302H. Blackwood [Harrow School], v. 94 and 96, 164 and 166J. Harrowby (Lord). See Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 207H, &c. Harry, a Poem, by Mrs. Hart. 1877 1S55Z Hart(H. M.), M.A., World of the Sea, translated and enlarged from Tandon's Le Monde de la Mer, illustrated 755 and 807 F Hart (J.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Hart (Mrs.), Harry, a Poem. 1877 1855Z Harte (Francis Bret, American Humourist, b. 1839), Poetical Works of 1612Z • See also Harper's Index, i64oJa. Scribner, v. 6, 1856J. Temple Bar, v. 39, 1369/. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Harte (W., Poet and Historian, b. 1700, d. 1774.) Sec Dana's Household Book of Poetry, .^6D, &c. HAR ENGLISH SECTION. . HAT Harting(J. E.), F.L.S., Our Summer Migrants, An Account of the Migratory Birds which pass the Summer in the British Islands, illustrated. 1877 5 8R H&rtington (Lord, Statesman, b. 1833). See Lucy's Two Parliaments, 316-7H. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Hartley (Mrs. B.), Works of. See Harpers Index, 1640 Ja. Hartley (Miss ¥.), Ladies' Handbook of Fancy and Ornamental Work, illustrated 97^1 Hartley (W. N.), F.C.S., Air and its Relations to Life, illus. 1875 166R Water, Air, and Disinfectants [S. P. C.K. Manuals of Health] H35 z Hartwig (G.), Arctic Regions [Sunbeam Library, vol i], 1882 347B Subterranean World, illustrated. 1875 68 7 D The Aerial World, or Phenomena of the Atmosphere. 1874 7 8 3L> The Sea and its Living Wonders, illustrated. 1873 757F The Tropical World, illustrated. 1877 75§ F Hartz Mountains, Saxon Switzerland, &c, Romantic Regions, by Andersen, translated by Beckwith. 1848 1484R ■ See also Harper, v. 47, 1627J, &c. Harvard University. See Scribner, v. 12, 1862 J, &c. Harvest Home. See Brand's Antiquities, 1C05-6M, &C. Harvest of a Quiet Life, Leisure Thoughts for Busy Lives [by Vernon], R.T.S -. 97^< Harvest of the Sea, Fisheries and Fisher Folk, by Bertram, ill. 1873 119R Harvey (Capt. T. P., of Guernsey). See Sarnia, p. 95, 1416O. Harvey (W., Physiologist, b. 1578, d. 1657), and his Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood, by Willis. 1878 312F Harvey (Hon. W. H., Irish Botanist, b. 18 14, d. 1864), Manual of the British Algce. 1841 77oL> Harvey (W. H.), M.D., The Seaside Book, being an introduction to the Natural History of the British Coasts. 1857 1S68Z Harvey (Mrs.), Turkish Harems and Christian Homes. 1871 43 2 K Harwood (Annie). See Reuss (E.). Harwood (G. ), The Coming Democracy. 1 882 249R Harwood (J.), Memoirs of the Right Hon. Henry, Lord Brougham 195Z Harwood (J. B.). See Fiction Class List following the Gei eral Catalogue. Hasell (E. J.), Calderon [Foreign Classics for Eng. Readers]. 1879. 1174O Tasso [Foreign Classics for English Readers]. 1882 I184O Haselrig (Sir A., Refitiblican, d. 1660). See Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-4M. Haslam (W.), B.A., Perran-Zabuloe, with an Account of the Past and Present State of the Oratory of St. Piran in the Sands. 678T Hasluck (P. N.), The Model Engineers' Handbook, a Practical Manual on Model Steam Engines, illustrated. 1889 I162M Hassan (Caliph, b. 625, d. 669). See Mahomet's Successors, 1007Q. Hassard (A.), Floral Decorations for the Dwelling House, a Prac- tical Guide to the Home Arrangements of Plants and Flowers, illustrated. 1875 • 77^< Hassencamp (R.), History of Ireland, from the Reformation to the Union, translated by Robinson. 1888 277H Hastings. See Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1665R. Granville's Spas, &c, 353^. Land We Live In, 464B., &c. Hastings, Battle of. See Adams' Battles, 241O. Blackwood, v. 5, R.L. Hastings (A. & E. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Hastings (Warren, Governor-General of India, b. 1732, d. 1818). Sec Burke's Works, 6n-2R. Cassell's India, 228D. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Blackwood, v. 34, R.L., &c Hat Manufacture. See Chambers, v. 32, 1942 J ;v. 36, 1944J ; v. 56, 1956J. Dodd's Manufactures, 1487Z. Once a Week, v. 25, 2285J. Ure's Dic- tionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, &C HAT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HAW Hatch (E.), D.D., Growth of Church Institutions. 1887 1213M Hatching. See Doyle's Poultry, 825F. Eggs and Chickens, 555Q. Fowl, Poultry, &c. Hatfield, a Day at. See Timbs' Works, 855Z. Poole's Index, R.L, &c. Hatherley (W. Page Wood, Baron, Lord Chancellor, b. 1801, d. 1881), A Memoir and Correspondence of, edited by Stephens. 695-6O Hatton (Sir C., Lord Chancellor, b. 1540, d. 1591), Life and Times of, by Nicolas. 1847 3 T 3F See also Froude's England, 201-3O, &c. Hatton (J., Journalist, 6rc, b. 1837), and Keane (A. II.) Eds., Great Diamonds of the World, by Streeter. 1882 799F See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hauff (W., German Poet and Novelist, b. 1802, d. 1827), Hauffs Stories, A First German Reading Book for Schools, edited by Mullins and Storr. 1879 301R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Haughton (G. C, Irish Orientalist, b. 1789, d. 1849), M.A., Ma- nava-Dherma-Sastra; or The Institutes of Menu, 2 vols. 1825 63-4A Haunted Homes and Family Traditions of Great Britain, by Ingram. 905-6M Houses, &c. See Mackay's Delusions, 904M. Unseen World, 212Q. All the Year Round, v. 2, 1762J. Blackwood [Haunted and the Haunters], v. 86, 156J. Chambers [Haunted People], v. 9, 1928J, &c. Haunts of Nature, by Worsley-Benison. 1889'. 2109R Havana. See Froude's West Indies, 834K. Tyng's Tropics, &c, 1643R. All the Year Round, v. 15, 1775 J. Chambers, v. 48, 1950J. Harper [Street Scenes in], v. 58, 1631J, &c. Havard (H.)» Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, a Voyage to the Pic- turesque .Side of Holland, translated by A. Wood, ill. 1875 463K Picturesque Holland, a Journey in the Provinces of Friesland, Groningen, Drenthe, &c, illustrated. 1876 447 and 448K Havelock (Sir II., Celebrated General during Lndian Mutiny, b. 1795, d. 1857), K.C.B., Memoirs of, by Marshman. i860... 697O and Colin Campbell, by Phillips [World's Workers]. 1885 H45O See also Adam's England at War, 199H. Cassell's India, 228-9D. Holmes' Indian Mutiny, 470H. Good Words, v. 1, 2171J. Living Age, v. 65, 3095J. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature. Christian Biography, . 1441O, &c. Haven (A. B. and G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Havergal (F. R., L'oetess, b. 1836, d. 1879), Poetical Works, 2 vols. 701-2M Swiss Letters and Alpine Poems. 1881 1441R by Alldridge [World's Workers]. 1887 1152O Memorials of, by her Sister. 1880 698O Havers (Miss Dora). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Haviland (A.), Climate, Weather, and Disease. 1855 192D Havre. See Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. France, &c. Hawaii, Kingdom of, Fire Fountains, &c, by dimming, ill. 1883... 768-9K See also Bodham-Whetam's Pacific, 796K. Hawaiian Archipelago, Six Months among the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, &c, of the Sandwich Islands, by Bird, ill. 1876 1650R Islands. See also Coote's Wanderings, 810K. Scribner, v. 2, 1852J, &c, Hawarden Castle. See Howson's River Dee, 858K. Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R. Gladstone, &c. Haweis (H. R., Rector of Slaughan, b. 1838) American Humourists, Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution 482O [W. Irving. Holmes. Lowell. Ward. Twain. Harte.] Arrows in the Air. 1878 972K Gladstone on Christianity. Pius IX. The Confessional. The Chief Good. Money and Morals. Shakspere and the Stage. War. Cyprus. Air, Dinner. Alms. Doctors and Sunday Recreation for the People, 8dC HAW ENGLISH SECTION. HAY Haweis (H. R.), Christ and Christianity, 1886-7 : Vol. 1. — The Light of The Ages [Asia, .Africa, and Europe] 11S2M Vol. 2.— The Story of The Four [Evangelists] 1183M Vol. 3.— The Picture of Jesus [The Master] s 1184M Vol. 4.— The Picture of Paul [The Disciple] 1185M Vol. 5.— The Conquering Cross [The Church] 1186M Current Coin [Pulpit Discourses, &c.]. 1877 974R Materialism. The Devil. Crime. Pauperism. Drunkenness. Emotion. Recreation, &c. Music and Morals 975R My Musical Life. 1884 1174R Pet, or Pastimes and Penalties [a story for children] 976R Poets in the Pulpit [Addresses on the Poets]. 1880 1014R Longfellow, Tennyson, Browning, Keble, Herbert, Wordsworth. Winged Words, or Truth Re-told. 1885 1923R [Parents. Children. Friends. Love. Marriage. Health. Influences. Divine Unknown. Sacrifice. Unfettered Clergy, &c] Haweis (Mrs. H. R., wife of above), Art of Beauty. 1878 972R Haweis (T., Theologian, b. 1734, d. 1820), LL.D. See Milner's History of the Church, 408 A. Hawii. See Hawaii. Hawk, The. See Comhill [Hawks and Modern Falconry], v. n, 291 J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 644 and 654Q. Stonehenge's Rural Sports [Hawking], 681T, &c. Hawke (E. H., Lord-Admiral, b. 1715, d. 1781). See Yonge's British Navy, 302H, &c. Hawkes ( H. ), Recollections of John Pounds. 1884 930O Hawkesbury (Lord, Earl of Liverpool, Statesman, b. 1770, d. 1828). See Thorn- ton's Foreign Secretaries, 207H, &c. Hawkesworth (J., Essayist, b. 171 5, d. 1773), LL.D. and others, The Adventurer [British Essayists]. 1826 879H and 29-31T Hawkins (B. W.), The Age of Dragons [Science Lectures for the People]. 1879-80 ... 194R Hawkins (Edward). See Burgon's Twelve Good Men, 660F. Poole's Index, R.L. Hawkins (Sir J., Navigator, b. 1520, d. 1789). See Adam's Heroes, 978Q, &c. Hawkins (W. B.), M.A., The Practice of Christian Graces, or the Whole Duty of Man, &c. 1842 1244M Hawks (F. L.). See Uncle Philip. Hawthorne (J., Novelist). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hawthorne (N., American Poet and Novelist, b. 1804, d. 1864), Life of Franklin Pierce, President of the United States. 1853 241Z by James [English Men of Letters]. 1879 I072O Memoir of, by Page. 1872 700O and his Wife : A Biography, by Julian Hawthorne I 33^-70 See also Cornhill, v. 23, 303J ; v. 26, 306J. Field's Authors, 1052O. Harper's Index, i64oJa. luacmillan, v. 19, 949J. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1102R. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Hawtrey (Louisa), Castle Cornet, or the Island's Troubles in the Troublous Times [S.P.C.K.] 1499O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Haxland (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hay. See Farmer's Encyclopaedia, 10D. Quarterly [and Ensilage], v. 156, 1286J. Agriculture, Farming, &c. ^^^S^^S^^ Hay-Fever. See Nature, v. 10, 2670J, Szc. >^^ Hay (D. R., Scotch Art Decorator, />.,. 1798, d. 1S66), Harmonious Colouring adapted to Interior-Decorations, &c. 1836 904D Hay (J. H. D.), Western Barbary, Its Wild Tribes, &c. 1844. 803Q and 1291R Hay (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index/ i. 1732, d. 1809), by Town- send [Hueffer's Great Musicians]. 1884 1222O See also Naumann's Music, 929D. Rockstro's History of Music, 533H. Ty tier's Musical Composers, 860O. Poole's Index, R.L. Argosy [First Love of], v. 12, 12J, &c. Haydn's Dictionary of Popular Medicine and Hygiene, edited by Lankester, illustrated 911K Dictionaries of Biography, Dates, &c, are in the Reference Library. Hay don (B. R., Historical Painter, b. 1786. Committed Suicide, 1846). See Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-i6Fa. Edinburgh Review [Life of], v. 98, 458J, &c. Haydon's Correspondence and Table Talk, with a Memoir by His Son, illustrated, 2 vols. 1876 314-5I" Hayes (A. F., Junr., and I. I.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hayes (E.), Ed., Ballads of Ireland, illustrated, 2 vols 769-70M Haygarth (H. W.), Bush Life in Australia. 1850 819(2 Hayley (W., Friend of Cowper, b. 1745, d. 1820), Poetical Works of, 3 vols. 1785 270-2Q See also Jones' Poets, 662M, &c. Hayne (P. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hayter (C. ), Perspective, Practical Geometry, Drawing, Mixture of Colours, &c. 1832 927O Hayti, Brief Notices of, by Candler. 1842 1649R See also Blackwood, v. 4, R.L., &c. Hayward (A., Translator, b. 1803, d. 1884), Q.C., Eminent States- men and Writers, &c, 2 vols. 1880 : Vol. 1. —Thiers, Bismarck, Cavour, Metternich, Montalembert, Melbourne, Wellesley . . 248F Vol. 2. — SeVign6, Saint Simon, Deffand, Byron and Tennyson, Republic of Venice 2 4 Q F Goethe [Foreign Classics for English Readers] 1 1 880 and 222Z Lord Chesterfield : his Life, Character and Opinions, and George Selwyn : his Life and Times [Travellers' Library]. 1854 ... 1276R Hayward (VV. S.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hazard (S.), Annals of Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Delaware [1609-1682]. 1850 5*511 Hazeltine (M. W.), British and American Education Compared [Harper's Series]. 1880 1521Z Chats about Books, Poets and Novelists. 1883 977R Hazewell (C. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Hazlitt (W., Essayist and Critic, b. 1778, d. 1830), Characters of Shakespeare's Plays. 1854 639T Lectures on the English Poets. 1819 962II and the English Comic Writers, edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 1880 749R Poetry in General. Chaucer and Spenser. Shakespeare and Milton. Dryden and Pope. Thomson and Cowper. Swift. Young. Gay. Collins, &c. Burns and the Old English Ballads. Modern Poets : Campbell, Byron, Moore, Scott, Wordsworth, &c. Wit and Humour. Shakespeare and Ben Jonson. Cowley, Butler, Suckling, Etherege, &c. Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh and Farquhar. The Essayists. Novelists. Works of Hogarth. Comic Writers of the Last Century. — — Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, and Character of Shakespear's Plays. 1880 748R Plain Speaker ; Opinions on Books, Men and Things, edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 1870 750R Round Table, a Collection of Essays on Literature, Men and Manners, edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 1871 747 R [320] HAZ ENGLISH SECTION. HEA Hazlitt (W.), Table Talk, Essays on Men and Manners, edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 1876 751R Pleasure of Painting. Genius and Common Sense. Character of Cobbett. Indian Jugglers. Thought and Action. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Milton's Sonnets. Aristocracy of Letters. Corporate Bodies : Patronage and Puffing. Fear of Death, &c. See also Blackwood, v. 17, R.L. Cornhill, v. 31, 311 J. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 28F. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1103R, &c. Head, The. See Fraser [Dresses and Hair], v. 82, 692J. Once a Week [Hits on the Head], v. 25, 2285J. Warner's Physical Expression, 393R. Phren- ology, Physiology, &c. Head (Sir Francis Bond, Soldier and Essayist, 5. 1793, d. 1875), Bart., A Faggot of French Sticks, 2 vols. 1852 1394R A Narrative [Canadian Government, 1832-8]. 1 839 244H Journeys Across the Pampas and Andes 3740, 794Q and 1287R Life of Bruce, the African Traveller 1044Q and 196Z Stokers and Pokers, or the London and North Western Railway, The Electric Telegraph and the Railway Clearing House 1117R The Emigrant [Political History affecting the relation of England, United States, Canada, &c.]. 1847 1627R See also Quarterly [The Emigrant], v. 88, 1218J. Fiction Class List follow- ing the General Catalogue. Head (Sir G., brother of the above, b. 1782, d. 1855), Forest Scenes in the Wilds of North America. 1829 619Q See also Quarterly [Forest Scenes in Canada], v. 42, 1172J. Head (P. R.), Van Dyck [Great Artists]. 1879 1112O and Poynter (E. J.), R.A., Classic and Italian Painting [Il- lustrated Text Books of Art]. 1880 1080M Headley (Joel T., American Writer, b. 1814), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Headship of Christ and the Rights of the Christian People, by Hugh Miller. 1875 810R Headsmen. See All the Year Round [Hereditary], v. 8, 1768J. Healing Art, The, or Chapters upon Medicine, &c, 2 vols, 1887... 929-0K See also Health, Hospitals, Medicine, Nursing, &c. HEALTH— Works relating to : {See also Climate, Disease, Exercise, Hygiene, Medicine, Physiology, Sanitation, drY.) Health and Education, by C. Kingsley. 1874 998R Happiness, Letters on, by Beecher. 1856 1462Z Life, by Richardson. 1878 ; M03Z See also Timbs' Works, 855Z. Bazar Book of. 1873 1409Z Nursery. Bedroom. Parlour. Dining-Room. Library.- Kitchen. Sick- room, &c. by Smith. 1874 234R Dangers to, a Pictorial Guide to Domestic Sanitary Defects, byTeale. 1881 920K Domestic Management of the Sick Room, by Thomson. 1841 834M First Lessons on, by Berners. 1872 1467Z for the Household 1421Z Haunts of the Riviera and South-West of France. 1881 810Q in the House, by Buckton. 1876 1444Z in the Workshop, by Lakeman. 1884 991M Lectures delivered in Manchester [1878- 1879 and 1882- 188331438^ Long Life, Consumption, Drainage, &c, 1438Z. Food, Poisons, Clothing, Cookery, &c, 1439Z. II [321] HEA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HEA HEALTH— Works relating to— {continued.) Health Lectures delivered in Manchester [1875-78] 1405Z On Sanitary Reform. Foul Air and Lung Disease. Indigestion. The Household. Pure Air. Clothing. Healthy Skin. Why Little Chil- dren Die. Adulteration of Food, &c. . Laws of Nature. See Oswald's Physical Education, 994M. Maintenance of, by Fothergill. 1874 824M Manuals, by Chaumont, Richardson, &c. [S.P.C.K.] : 1432-5Z Habitation, 1434Z. Health and Occupation, 1432Z. Personal Care of Health, T433Z. Water, Air, &c, 1435Z. Our Duty in Relation to, by Poore. 1 884 990M People's Guide to, by Stables. 1887 995M Philosophy of, by Smith, 2 vols. 1851 1401-2Z Resorts and their Uses, by Yeo. 1882 841M Studies, by Paterson. 1880 498-9T Lectures by Patterson. 1880 1404Z The Common Health, Essays for Every Day Readers, by Richardson. 1887 843M Work and Play, Suggestions, by Acland. 1856 1844Z See also Bennet's Nutrition, 918K. Brenner's Gymnastics for Ladies, 1095F. Browne's What Girls Can Do, 980M. Cornell's Clergymen's and Students' Health, 915R. Francis' Change of Climate, 825M. Girls' Book, 1257H. Moorman's Mineral Waters, 827M. Seeley's Factors in Life, 844M. Timbs' Works [Death and Life], 854Z. All the Year Round [in Town and Country], v. 12, 172J. Blackwood [and Longevity], v. 23, R.L. Contemporary [Little Health for Ladies], v. 31, 2041J. Comhill, v. 3, 283J ; [Relation of Food to], v. 4, 284J ; [Training in Relation to], v. 9, 289 J. Fortnightly [Pub- lic], v. 23, 21 13 J. Gentleman's Magazine [and Learning], 740J ; [Dress in Relation to], v. 24, 744J. Good Words [of Body and Mind], v. 7, 2177J ; [Science of], v. 14, 2184J. Harper [Resorts], 58, 1638J. Temple Bar [and Education], v. 4, 1334J. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, igo8Ra. Winged Words, 1923R. Medicine, Bathing, Exercise, Mineral Waters, &c. Healths, Drinking of. See Brand's Antiquities, 1006M, &c. Healthy and Unhealthy Houses in Town and Country, by Eassie. ... 992M Furniture and Decoration, by Edis. 1884 989M Nurseries and Bedrooms, including the Lying-in Room, by Mrs. Gladstone. 1884 991M Schools, by Paget. 1884 991M Heaphy (C), Narrative of a Residence in various Parts of New Zealand. 1842 1654R Hearing. See Bernstein's Five Senses, 363R. Brown's Science for All, 628B. Edinburgh Review [Gough on], v. 2, 362 J. Good Words [in Animals], v. 5, 2175J. Harper [Preservation of], v. 60, 1640J. Nature [in In- sects and Birds], v. 15, 2675J, &c. Heart and Blood. See Brown's Science for All, 629B. Diseases of the. See Fortnightly [and the Brain], v. 1, 2091 J. Nature [Labouring Force of], v. 1, 2661J. Scribner [Effect of], v.4, 1854J. Medicine, &c. Hearts' Ease in Hearts' Trouble, by Bunyan. 1827 18K HEAT a Mode of Motion, by J. Tyndall. 1880 509R a Simple Treatise on, by Williams, illustrated. 1880 , 477 R and Light, Relation of [Lardner's Lectures] 757D See also Brown's Science for All, 627B. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Deschanel's Natural Philosophy, 825D. English Mechanic, v. 47. Guillemin's Applications of Physical Forces, 159D. Guillemin's Forces of Nature, 158D. Lardner's Lectures, 756D. Lardner's Natural Philosophy, 468 and 476 R. Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377R. Ure's Dictionary, 9D. All the Year Round [is Heat Motion ?], v. 13, 1773J. Chambers, v. 17, 1936J. Contemporary [and Living Matter], v. 24, 2034J. Edinburgh Review [Dynamical Theory of], v. 119, 479J. Nature [Radiant], v. 7, 2667J ; [Thermal Energy], v. 12, 2672J, &c. [322] HEA ENGLISH SECTION. HEB Heat-regulator. See lire's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D. Heath (F. G., Botanist, b. 1843), Autumnal Leaves. 1881 83R Our Woodland Trees. 1878 77oF Peasant Life in the West of England. 1880 I329 H Sylvan Winter, illustrated. 1886 1274Q The Fern Paradise, illustrated. 1878 767R Trees and Ferns, illustrated. 1879 6olF Ed., Gilpin's Forest Scenery, illustrated. 1879 88R Heath (R.), Edgar Quinet, his Early Life and Writings. 1881 4^9 F Reformation in France from the Dawn of Reform to the Revoca- tion of the Edict of Nantes [Church History Series, R.T.S.] 2 vols. 1886 1218-9M Heath (R. F.) Albrecht Durer [Great Artists]. 1881 1096O Titian [Great Artists]. 1879 1111O Heathen, Propagation of Christianity among the, by Brown. 1854 264-6A Gods and Goddesses. See Grant's Mysteries, 894F, &c. Heathenism. See Keary's Primitive Belief, 101K. Contemporary [and Chris- tianity], v. 29, 2039J. Quarterly [Downfall of], v. 57, 1187J. Idolatry, Missionaries, Religion, &c. Heather (J. F.), M.A., Treatise on Mathematical Instruments [Weale Series], illustrated. 1851 7loQ Heaths, &c. See Coleman's Woodlands, 563Q, &c. Heaton (Mrs. C), A Concise History of Painting, revised by Monk- house. 1888 , 1165M Heaton (W.), The Three Reforms of Parliament, a History [1830-1885]. 456O Heaven, Orbs of, by Mitchell, illustrated. 1856 419R Heaven, Recognition of Friends in, by Muston. 1840 421M Upon Earth, &c, by Hall. 1824 125M Heavenly World, Views of the Future Life, by eminent writers, edited by Pike. 1880 X235M [For contents see Pike (G. H.)]. See also Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95-6Ka. Stewart's Unseen Universe, 639M. Good Words [God's Glory in, and Meditations on], v. 1, 2171J. Hamilton's Beyond the Stars, 1229M. Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Heavens, How to Observe the. See Lardner's Lectures, 757D. Astronomy, &c. Hebel (J. P., German Poet, b. 1760, d. 1826). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Heber (R., Bishop of Calcutta, Poet, b. 1783, d. 1826), D.D., Indian Journal ; a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India [1824-5], 2 vols. 1849 1506-7R Poetical Works [Bonn's Library]. 1852 490Z See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Quarterly, v. 37, 1167J, &c. Hubert (J. R., French Demagogue, b. 1755, executed. 1794), Early Life of. See Alison's Europe, 121-3O, &c. Hebrew and Christian Records, Authorship of the Old and New Testaments, by Giles, 2 vols. 1877 85-6K Religion, The Origin of, by Conder [Present Day Tracts, vol v.1 238T Hebrews, Epistle to the, by M'Lean, 2 vols. 1847 " 152-3M Commentary by Moulton 253Q [Barnes' Notes] 9M &c. See Gray's Biblical Museum, 91 M. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95-6Ka. Fortnightly [History of], v. 3, 2093 J. Jews, &c. Hebrid Isles, Land of Lome, and Outer Hebrides, by Buchanan I363R Hebrides, Tour to the, with Dr. Johnson, by Boswell. 1852 1320R — — The [Macculloch's Western Islands] 376-7 Iv See also Miller's Cruise of the Betsy, 800R. Chambers' Journal [Week in], V. 30, 1941 J ; [Rough Sketches from], v. 53, 1953J. • Good Words [Long Island or Outer], v. 20, 2190J. Harptr [Colonsayand Oronsay], v. 47, 1627J ; [Our Journey to the], v. 77, 1657J ; St. Paul [Among ' the], v. 10, 1170F. Scotland, &c. [323] HEC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HEL Heckthorn (C. W.), The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries : Vol. I. — Ancient Mysteries. Emanationists. Religion of Love. Ishmael- ites. Knights Templars. Free Judges. Alchymists. Free- masons 376O Vol. 2.— Mystics. Illuminati. Brigandage. Fellow-Crafts. Carbonari. Inquisition. Minor Italian Sects. Youth. Miscellaneous Societies 377O Hector (Mrs. A. F.). See Alexander (Mrs.), in Fiction Class List. Hed.geh.Og, The. See Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660Q. Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q, &c. Hedges, &c- See Coleman's Woodlands, 563Q. Hedges (W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, Heer (C. R., German Archccologist, b. 1715, d. 1767), Primaeval World of Switzerland, edited by Heywood, illustrated. 1876 732-3F Heeren(A. H. L., German Historian, b. 1760, d. 1842.) See Edinburgh Review [Historical Researches], v. 59, 4 19 J. Hegel (G. W. F., German Philosopher, b. 1770, d. 183 1), by Caird [Philosophic Classics for English Readers]. 1883 1030Q See also Lewes' Philosophy, 572H. Contemporary, v. 13, 2023J, &c. Hegesippus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. HeiDerg(P. A., Danish Dramatist, £.1758, d. 1841). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Heidelberg. See Bellow's Europe, 1398R. Argosy [German University Town], v. 3. 3 J- Once a Week [At Fair Time], v. 4, 2664J. Penny Magazine [Castle of], v. 4, 142B, &c. Heights of Abraham, Battle of the. See Adam's Battles, 241O, &c. Heilprin (Prof. A.), Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals [International Science Series] 1887 396R Heine (H., German Poet and Satirist, b. 1799, d. 1856). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Japp's German Literature, 272F. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Contemporary, v. 38, 2048 J. Cornhill, v. 8, 288J, &c. Heirlooms. See Chambers, v. 42, 1947J. Law, &c. Heirs Claimant. See Temple Bar [Celebrated English], v. 33, 1363 J, &c. Heldenbuch, The, or Book of the Heroes. See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Heldmann (B.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Helen of Troy. See Cornhill, v. 3T, 311J. Homer's Iliad, &c. Heifer (Doctor and Madame), Travels in Syria, Mesopotamia, Burmah and other Lands, translated by Mrs. G. Sturge, 2 vols. 1878 510- 1 iK and 1492-3R Heligoland. See Stanford's Compendium, 854K. Fraser [Island of], v. 37, 647J. Macmillan, v. 37, 967J. Heliopolis. See Adams' Land of the Nile, 755Q, &c. Hell and the Divine Veracity [Fortnightly, v. 28] 2 1 1 8J Letters from, by Thisted 1716R ■ See also Inman's Faiths, 96K. Occult Sciences, 1935R. Stewart's Unseen Universe, 639M. Twining's Symbols, 507M, &c. Hell (X. H. De.). See Hommaire De Hell (X.). Hellenism. See MahafFy's Alexander, 426O. Hellier (B.) Universal Mission of the Church of Christ [Fernley Lec- ture of 1884] 824D Helmholtz (II., Prussian Physicist, b. 1821), Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects, translated by Atkinson 781-2D Helmore (M. C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Helper (H. R.), Impending Crisis of the South United States Civil War, Slavery, &c. 1859 1101F Helps (Sir A., Historian and Essayist, b. 18 17, d. 1875), Companions of my Solitude. 1857 . 557T [324] HEL ENGLISH SECTION. HEM Helps (Sir A.), Essays Written in the Intervals of Business. 1858 524T Friends in Council : a Series ^of Readings and Discourses Thereon, 4 vols. 1869-73 : First Series :— Vol. 1.— Truth. Conformity. Despair. Recreation. Greatness. Fic- tion. Aft of Living with others. Education. Unreasonable Claims in Social Affections, and Relations. Public Improve- ments._ History. Reading. Giving and Taking Criticism. Art of Living, &c 877Z Vol. 2. — Improvement of the Condition of the Rural Poor. Government. Slavery, &c . . . ; 878Z Second Series : — Vol. 1. — Worry. War. A Love Story. Criticism. Biography. Proverbs. Self- Advancement, &c 879Z Vol. 2. — Plan for a New Essay. Miseries of Human Life. Life not so Miserable, after all. Pleasantness. Lovers' Quarrels. Rowing down the River Moselle. Government. Despotism. The Farm- Yard. Need for Tolerance, &c 880Z Life and Labours of Mr. Brassey. 1872 524O of Las Casas, the Apostle of the Indies. 1873 760O Pizarro and Conquest of Peru. 1869 916O Social Pressure. 1875 22 3 R Thoughts upon Government. 1872 1110F Ed., Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands, [Diary of H.M. the Queen, 1848-61], ill. 1868. ..378K, 832Qand 1359R » See also Contemporary, v. 14, 2024J. Macmillan, v. 31, 961J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Helvellyn. See Knight's Lake District, 817Q, &c. Hemans (Mrs. F. D., Poet, b. 1794, d. 1876), Poems and Lyrics [Bohn's Library]. 1852 490Z Poetical Works of, 7 vols. 1839 : Vol. 1. — Memoir of Mrs. Hemans. Wallace's Invocation to Bruce. Eng- land and Spain, or Valour and Patriotism, &c 315Q Vol. 2. — Tales and Historic Scenes. Modern Greece. Translations from Camoens and other Poets. Miscellaneous Poems. Italian Lite- rature, &c 316Q Vol. 3.— The Sceptic. Marius amongst the Ruins of Carthage. Cross of the South. The Maremma. Festal Hour. Siege of Valencia. . 317Q Vol. 4. — The Forest Sanctuary. Lays of many Lands. Crusader's Re- turn. Casabianca. Lost Pleiad. Dartmoor (a Prize Poem). Welsh Melodies. Hymns for Childhood. The Stars. De Chatillon, or The Crusaders, &c 318Q Vol. 5.— Songs of the Cid. England's Dead. Records of Woman. Pauline. An Hour of Romance. Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. Child's Last Sleep. Roman Girl's Song. The Distant Ship, &c 319Q Vol. 6. — Songs of the Affections. Thekla at her Lover's Grave. Exile's Dirge. The Bridal_ Day. The Parting Ship. Nightingale's Death Song. Passing Away. Woman and Fame. Home of Love. Faith of Love. Burial of William the Conqueror, &c. . . 320Q Vol. 7. — Songs of a Guardian Spirit. Songs of Spain. Pilgrim's Song to the Evening Star. Scenes and Hymns of Life. Female Charac- ters of Scripture. Sonnets, Devotional and Memorial. A Thought of the Sea. Thoughts during Sickness, &c 321Q Poetical Works, edited by Rossetti, illustrated 703M with a Memoir, by Mrs. Sigourney. 1869..., 461D Life and Writings of, by her Sister. 1840 993Q ■ See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Darton's Famous Girls, 1326O. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Argosy, y. 28, 28J. Blackwood, v. 64, 134J, &c. [325] HEM GUILLE-ALLfeS LIBRARY. HJEN Hemp. See Penny Magazine [Cultivation of], v. 2, 140B. Ure's Dictionary [Manufacture], 7D, &c. Hen, The. See Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Mowbray's Poultry, &c, 173R. Tegetmeier's Poultry Book, 664B. Fowls, Poultry, &c. Henderson (A., Scotch Minister, b. 1583,^. 1646). See Taylor's Scottish Pulpit, 635A, &c. Henderson (A. G.), Book-keeping by Single and Double Entry. ... 295R Henderson (A. M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Henderson (E., Dissenting Minister, b. 1784, d. 1858), Divine In- spiration [Congregational Lectures]. 1852 108M Hendrik (Hans, Arctic Traveller). See Good Words, v. 21, 219.-J. Hengest and Horsa (Saxon Chiefs, Conquered the Britons 473). See Lappen- berg's England, 1517O, &c. Hengstenberg (E. W., German Theologian, b. 1802, d. 1869), Commentary on the Psalms, 3 vols. 1846 119-21A Revelation of St. John, 2 vols. 185 1 U7-8A Henley Regatta. See Woodgate's Boating, 1266R. Thames, &c. Henney (W.) A Collection of Interesting Epitaphs. 1814 129T Henri II. (King of France, b. 1518, killed 1559.) See Longfellow's Poets of Europe, 473D. France, &c. Henri III. (King of France, b. 1551, assassinated 1589). See Duncan's Religious Wars, 458T. France, &c. Henri IV. (of Navarre, King of France, b. 1553, assassinated 1610), and the Huguenots, by Baird, 2 vols. 1886 414-5H 1 See also Duncan's Religious Wars, 458T. Longfellow's Poets of Europe, 473D. Ward's Counter Reformation, 256T. France, History, &c. Henrietta Maria (Wife of Charles I., b. 1609, d. 1669). See Gardiner's History of England, 464-9O. Strickland's Queens of England, 800O. Contem- porary, v. 29, 2039J, &c. Henry VI. (Emperor of Germany, b., 1168, d. 1197.) See Balzani's Popes and the Hohenstaufen, 261T. Germany, History, &c. Henry I. (Beauclerc, King of England, b. 1068, d. 1135). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 202-5H. Palgrave's Normandy and England, 183H, &c. Henry II. (King of England, b. 1133, d. 1189), by Mrs. Green. 1888 1392O See also Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H, &c. Henry V. See Cornhill [Youth of], v. 43, 323J. Henry VI. (King of England, b. 1422, d. 1471). See Creasy's Etonians, 1420O. v Paston Letters, 293T, &c. Henry VII. (King of England, b. 1456, d. 150,9). See Dixon's Royal Windsor, 326-8H. Paston Letters, 295T. Edinburgh Review [Memoirs of], v. 121, 481 J. Fraser [Bacon's History of], v. 59, 669J, &c. Henry VIII. {King of England, b. 1491, d. 1547), Four Years at the Court of, Despatches of Giustinian, translated by Brown. 248-9O Life of, by Tytler 701 and 940Q Reign of, from his Accession to the Death of Wolsey, by Brewer, edited by Gairdner, 2 vols. 1884 234-5 H See also Bacon's Works, 107O. Dixon's History of Two Queens, 38-41 F. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 327H. Froude's England, 192-5O. Moulton's English Bible, 418M. All the Year Round, v. 20, 1780J. Fraser [State Papers of the Reign of], v. 77, 687J, &c. Henry of Huntingdon (d. after 11 54), Chronicle ; England from Julius Csesar to Henry II., also the Acts of Stephen, translated by Forester [Bohn's Library]. 1853 I02O Henry (I.). See Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Henry (J.), a Compilation of English Silver Coins issued since the Conquest, with their value, illustrated. 1882 I160M Henry (Matthew, Nonconformist Theologian, b. 1662, d. 17 14), Com- municants' Companion, Instructions for the Right Receiving of the Lord's Supper. 1819 72Q Complete Works, 2 vols. 1853 , 85-6A [326] HEN ENGLISH SECTION. HER Henry (Matthew), Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, with Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Author, by J. B. Williams 90-2 and 596-8A Family Devotional Bible, 3 vols 87-9A Select Works of, edited by Bradley 143M [Short Biographies] 632F See also Grosart's Nonconformists, 946O. Stoughton's Religion in England, 96M. Bible Commentaries [Henry and Scott], &c. Henry (P., Father of above, Nonconformist Minister, b. 1631, d. 1816), [Short Biographies] 632F See also Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-6M, &c. _ Henrys of Manchester and Bradford. See Fortunes Made in Business, io33Fa. Henslow (G.), F.L.S., Floral Structures through Insect and other Agencies [International Scientific Series]. 1888 375R Henty (G. A., Journalist and Writer of Military Adventures, &c, b. 1832). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Henwife, The, Her own Experiences in her own Poultry Yard, by Hon. Mrs. Arbuthnot. 1887 198R Her Majesty's Prisons, by One who has tried Them, 2 vols. 1881 307-8O Tower, by Dixon, 4 vols. 1869 321-4H Heraldry, Ancient and Modern, including Boutell's Heraldry, edited and revised by Aveling, illustrated. 1873 1 444O Arms of the Counties of England [Boy's Own Annual] 2 957j Book of Family Crests, &c, 2 vols. 1865 1445-6O Vol. 1. — Mottos, Plates, &c, 1445O. Vol. 2. — Dictionary of Names, &c, 1446O. Handbook of, with instructions for Tracing Pedigrees and Deciphering Ancient MSS., by Cussans. 1882 1443O ! Royal Book of Crests of Great Britain and Ireland, Dominion of Canada, India and Australia, derived from the best Authorities. 933-4D Vol. 1.— Text, 933D. Vol. 2.— Plates, 934D. See also All the Year Round [Odd Coats of Arms], v. 12, 1772J. Art Journal [Royal Armoury of England], v. 20, R.L. Cornhill [Surnames and Arms], v. 6, 286J. Edinburgh Review [Manuals of], v. 121, 481J. Quarterly [Scrope and Grosvenor Roll], v. 56, 11 86 J. Westminster Re- view [and Pedigree], v. 60, R.L. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Herat. — Russians at the Gate of Herat, by Marvin, illustrated. 1885. 1158R See also Vambdry's Central Asia, 79 iK, &c. Herb of the Field, by Yonge. 1887 177R Herbs. See The Healing Art [Herbs and Simples], 930K. Botany, &c. Herbarium [Nase's Handy Book], illustrated. 1869 584Q Herbert (D.), M.A., Fish and Fisheries, a Selection from the Prize Essays of the Exhibition, Edinburgh, 1882. 1883 796F Herbert (G., b. 1593, d. 1652), Poems and Life, by Willmott [British Poets]. 1870 431Q See also Adam's Churchmen, 681O. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Herbert (H. W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Herbert (Lady). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, Herbert (M.). See Thomson's Friendships, 564O, &c. Herbert (W., Earl 0/ Pembroke, Poet, b. 1580, d. 1660). See Griswold's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 472D. Herculaneum and Pompeii, by Adams, illustrated 73O See also Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1664Z. Cornhill [Destruction of], v. 17, 297J. Edinburgh Review [Papyri. of], v. 116, 476J. Quarterly [Ruins of], v. 3, 1 133 J, &c. Hercules {Mythological God 0/ Strength). See Blackwood, v. 115, 185 J. Smith's Classical Dictionary, R.L., &c. Herder (J. G. von, German Philosopher, b. 1744, d. 1803). See Japp's German Literature, 272F. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Here and There, Quaint Quotations, a Book of Wit, edited by Lear. 704M [327] HER GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HER Heredia(J. F. De and J. M.). Set Longfellow's Poets of Europe, 473T). Hereditary Peerage. See Alison's Europe, 142-5O. Heraldry, Peerage, &c. Hereditary Traits, by Proctor. 1882 777D Heredity. See Gentleman's Magazine [Laws of Likeness], v. 20, 740J. Good Words [Moral Law of], v. 18, 2188J. Nature [Ribot on], v. 11, 2671J ; [Haeckel's New Theory of], v. 14, 2674J ; [Typical Laws of], v. 15, 2675J. Warner's Physical Expression, 393R. Character, Children, Disease, Habits, &c. Herefordshire. See Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Heresy. See Pike's Crime in England, 307-8 H. Chambers, v. 44, 1948 J. Ecclesiastical History, Religion, &c. Hereward (Saxon Chief). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 202-5H. Wright's England in Middle Ages, 79O. Kingsley's Romance, 763X, &c. HHiRM, Island of. See Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1288H. Jacob's Annals of Guernsey, 361 and 362B. Knight's Cyclopaedia [Guernsey], 88B. Leighton's Lichen-Flora, 71R. Peacock's Sinkings of Land [p. 74]. 86R. Tupper's Chronicles of Castle Cornet, &c, 1500O ; Tuppers Guernsey, 405H. Black's Channel Islands and Western Normandy [1889], 1742R. Hills, Rocks, &c, 707D. Channel Islands. Smith's Birds of Guernsey, 195R. Guernsey, &c. Hermesianax of Colophon. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Hermit of Warkworth. See Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q. Hermits and Recluses. See Cutts' Middle Ages, 940F. Chambers [Chapter on Hermits and Anchoritism], v. 50, 195TJ. Jusserand's English Way- faring Life [and Monasteries], 1925R, &c. Heme's Oak. See Jesse's Country Life, 39R. Ainsworth's Windsor Castle, 82X. Windsor, &c. Hero and Leander. See Leigh Hunt's Stories in Verse, 313Q. Herod Agrippa I. and II. (Kings of Judea about 38-100). See Robinson's Scripture Characters, I52K, &c. Herod Antipas (Ruler of Judea, fl. about 30). See Robinson's Scripture Charac- ters, 152K. Milman's Jews, 157Q. Stapfer's Palestine [Time of Christ], 477M. Ewald's Israel, 65K, &c Herodotus (Greek Historian, b. 484, d. 408 B.C.), by Swayne [An- cient Classics for English Readers]. 1877 1099Q New and Literal Version, by Cary [Bonn's Library]... 1160H and 798M Summary and Analysis of, by Wheeler. 1883 797M Translated by Beloe [Family Clas. Library], 3 vols. 1 1 12-4Q and 1 1 10-2Z See also Blackwood [Illustrations of], v. 78, 148J. Quarterly [Oxford Editions of], v. 2, 1132J, &c. HEROES, Every-day, Stories of Bravery during the Queen's Reign [1837-1888] [S.P.C.K.] 1455O Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History, by Carlyle 87Ta and Heroism. See All the Year Round, v. 10, 1770J. Blackwood [Hero Worship], v. 97, 167J. Boys' Annual [of Europe], 1305 and 1307H. Chambers' Journal [Popular], v. 40, 1946J. Cornhill [Heroism], v. 27, 307J ; [and Valets], v. 35, 315J. MacKenna's Brave Men, 523O. Once a Week ; [in the Streets], y. 18, 2278J. Percy Anecdotes, 920Z. Story of the Nations [and Heroines], 424-39 and 1551-3O. Tweedie's Earnest Men [for the Truth], 622O. Adventures, Biography, Courage, History, Travel, War, &c. Heroes of Science [Astronomers], by Morton. 1882 703O [Botanists, Zoologists and Geologists], by Duncan. 1882 702O [Chemists], by Muir. 1883 704O [Physicists], by Garnett. 1885 705O the Cross, by Adams. 1880 1298O — Mission Field, by Walsh. 1879 706O Heroic Adventure, Recent Exploration, &c, illustrated 1693R Heroines in Obscurity [A Book for Girls, by Henrietta Keddie]... 307T of Domestic Life, by Mrs. O. F. Owen, colored illustrations 95 2 Q of the Mission Field, by Pitman. 1880 707O Seven Heroines of Christendom, by Yonge. 1878 958O Heroism and Adventure, a Book for Boys, by Valentine 1 189R of Christian Women of our Own Time, by Darton 1 3 10O [328] HER ENGLISH SECTION. HES Heron, The. See Jones' Bermuda, 823F, &c. Herrera (F. de, Spanish Poet, b. 1516, d. 1597). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of" Europe, 473D, &c. Herrick (H. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Herrick (R., b. 1594, d. 1674), Poems and Life [Brit. Poets]. 1856 429-30Q See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Cornhill, v. 32, 312J. Fraser Land his Vicarage], v. 47, 657J. Macmillan, v. 35, 965J. Quarterly [Poems of], v. 4, 1134J. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Herrick (S. B.), Wonders of Plant Life under the Microscope. 1884 165R Herring, The. See All the Year Round [Fishery], v. 10, 1770J. Chambers [Fishing], v. 6, 1864J ; [Natural History of], v. 40, 1946J. Cornhill [Harvest], v. 4, 284J. Gentleman's Magazine [The Poor Man's Fish], v. 2, 722J. Nature [Movements of the], v. it, 2671J ; v. 23, 2683J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. McCulloch's British Empire [Herring Fishery], 71 iH. Fish, &c. Hersohel (Caroline, Astronomer, Sister of Sir F. IV. Herschel) b. 1750, d. 1848), Memoir and Correspondence, by Mrs. J. Herschel. 1876 , 709O See also Once a Week, v. 3, 2263J. Temple Bar, v. 46, 1376J. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L., &c. Herschel (Sir F. W., German Astronomer, b. 1738, d. 1822), Life and Works, by Holden. 1881 708O See also Humboldt's Cosmos, 485R. Morton's Astronomers, 703O. Morton's Heroes of Science, 703O. Tyndall's Light, 508R. Nature, v. 4, 2664J. Quarterly [and Caroline], v. 141, 1271J. Herschel (Sir J. F. W., Astronomer, Son of Sir F. W. Herschel, b. 1792, d. 187 1 ), D.C.L., Familiar Lectures on Scientific Sub- jects. 1866 689Q Outlines of Astronomy. 1849 696D Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy [Lard- ner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia] 722Q, 473 and 460R • Treatise on Astronomy, illustrated. 1835 673T See also Humboldt's Cosmos, 485R. Living Age Index, R.L., Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Hershon (P. I.), Treasures of the Talmud, being a Series of Classi- fied Subjects in Alphabetical Order from " A " to " L "com- piled from the Babylonian Talmud, with Notes, Indexes, and an Introductory Preface by Spence. 1 882 639 A Hertford (Frances, Countess of). See Thomson's Friendships, 565O, &C. Herve (F.), Ed., Madame Tussaud's Memoirs and Reminiscences of France. 1838 264F Hervey (A. B.), A.M., Sea Mosses, Guide to Marine Algse. 1881... 120R Hervey (J., b. 17 14, d. 1758), A.M., Meditations and Contempla- tions, 2 vols. 1779 192-3M Theron and Aspasio, a Series of Dialogues and Letters upon the most Important and Interesting Subjects, 3 vols. 1767... 194-6M Hervey (T. K.)- See Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Hervey (W.), Letters to Wesley. 1790 636M Herwegh (G.). See Longfellow s Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Hesiod {Greek Poet, b. 850 B.C.) and Theognis, by Davies [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1873 io 98Q Trans, by Elton [Family Classical Library]. 1832 H37Q See also Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Hesperos, or Travels in the West [United States], by Houston 1586-7R Hesse (Louis, Prince of). See Alice (Princess), 480O, &c. Hessel (Eliza), Memorials of, by Priestley. 1859 710O Hessel (J.), Memorials of, by Priestley. 1861 711O [329] HES GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HlG Hester, the Bride of the Islands, a Poem, by Beckett, i860 776M Heterodox London, or Free Thought in the Metropolis, by Davies 35-6R Heth and Moab, Explorations in Syria in 1881 and 1882, by Conder. 1883 549K Hetherington tW. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue. Hettner (Hermann) Athens and the Peloponnese, with Sketches of Northern Greece [Constable's Miscellany]. 1854 1295R Heurtley (C. A., Margaret Professor of Divinity, b. 1806), D.D., Miracles [Replies to Essays and Reviews] 663 A Hewitt (W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hewlett (J. T.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hexameter Verse. See Blackwood [English], v. 60, 130J. Fraser [English], v. 36, 646J ; and v. 39, 649J. Hey wood (J.), F.R.S., Ed., Primeval World of Switzerland, by Heer, illustrated, 2 vols. 1876 732-3F Hey wood (T.). See Dana's Household Book of Toetry, 476D, &c. Hezekiah, King of Jndah, d. about 698 B.C. See Ewald's Israel, 64K. Mil- man's Jews, 157Q. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Smith's Prophets, 466M, &c. Hiawatha, Song of, a Poem, by Longfellow. 1856 471D ■ [Longfellow's Poems] 323 and 325Q Home of. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1647J. Hibberd (Shirley, Naturalist), Clever Dogs, Horses, &c, illustrated 730F • Field Flowers, a Handy Book for the Rambling Botanist, sug- gesting what to Look for and where to go in the Out-door Study of British Plants. Coloured Plates. 1878 79R The Amateur's Rose Book, comprising the Cultivation of the Rose in the Open Ground and Under Glass, &c. Coloured Plates. 1874 81R Fern Garden, or Fern Culture made Easy, illustrated. 1877 84R Seaweed Collector, a Handy Guide to the British Algas and the British Sponges. Coloured Plates J 33R Hibbert Lectures for 1887. 1887 , 644A Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as Illustrated by the Ancient Babylonians, by Sayce. Hickes (G., Saxon Scholar, b. 1642, d. 1750). See Stoughton's Religion in Eng- land, 96M, &c. Hickey (M. J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hickie (W. J.), Tr., Comedies of Aristophanes, with Notes [Bohn's Library], 2 vols. 1853 1150H Hicks Pasha in the Soudan [1883], by Colborne. 1884 454O Hicks (J. J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Hides, Skins, &c. See Simmond's Animal Products, 1033M, &c. Hierarchs. See Inman's Faiths, 96Ka, &c. Hieroglyphics. See Becher's Mexico, 738K. Rawlinson's Ancient Egypt, 871-2F. Chambers [Egyptian], v. 28, 1940J. Fraser [Egyptian], v. 9, 619J, &c Higgins (C. L.). See Burgon's Twelve Good Men, 661F. Higgins (Mrs. N.), Women of Europe in the Fifteenth and Six- teenth Centuries, 2 vols. 1885 582-3F Higgins ( W. M. ), The Earth, its Physical Condition and most Re- markable Phenomena, illustrated. 1839 801Z The Entertaining Philosopher, an Explanation of the Phenomena of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. 1844 720Q High Hopes and Pleadings for a Reasonable Faith, Nobler Thoughts, Larger Charity, by Congreve. 1875 267M Life in France under the Republic, by Grenville-Murray. 1884 960R Higher Life, The, by Brown. 1874 628M Highland Clans, illustrated [Boy's Own Annual, v. 5]. 1882-3 2955J Parish, Reminiscences by Macleod. 1880 1018R [330] HIG ENGLISH SECTION. HIL HIGHLANDS and Western Isles of Scotland, by Macculloch, 4 vols. 372-5K Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands, by the Queen [1848-61], edited by Helps 378K and 1359^ More Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands, by the Queen 379 and 380K Wild Sports and Natural History, from the Journals of St. John 808Q and 1292R See also Blackie's Fact and Fiction, 1357R. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M. Burton's Scotland [Highlanders, The], 336-7H. Blackwood [Regi- ments], v. ir, R.L. ; [After the Rebellion of '45], v. 2, R.L. ; [Wild Sports and Natural History of], v. 60, 130J ; [Destitution in], v. 62, 132J. Chambers [of the Last Age], v. 8, 1935J ; [Story-Telling], v. 34) T 943J J [Notes of a Trip in], v. 41, 1947.J. Cornhill [in the Heart of], v. 43, 323J. Edinburgh Review [Superstitions of], v. 18, 378J ; [Trans- actions of Highland Society], v. 4, 364J. Fraser [Character], v. 3, 613J ; [at a Hut], v. 90, 700J. Good Words [Student], v. 8, 2178J; [Sun- day in], v. 22, 2192J. Macmillan [and the Hebrides], v. 6, 936J ; [Plants on Summits of], v. 8, 138J. Once a Week [Wandering Characters in], v. 21, 2281J. Quarterly [Sport], v. 77, 1207J. Poole's Index, R.L. &c. Highlands of the Brazil, by Burton, 2 vols. 1869 1633-4R Highwaymen. See Chronicles of Newgate, v. 1, 330D. All the Year Round, v. 17, 1777 J. Fraser, v. 9, 619J, and v. 31, 641J. Once a Week, v. 11, 2271J, &c. Highways and Hedges, Voices from the. See Leisure Hour Magazine, 2647J. Hilary (St.). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670F. Hildebrand (Hans), Industrial Arts of Scandinavia [South Kensing- ton Handbook]. 1883 1050M Hildebrand (Pope). See Gregory VII., Popes, &c. Hildreth (R., American Historian, b. 1807, d. 1865). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Harper's Index, &c. Hiles (J.), A Catechism for the Pianoforte Student. 1876 1507Z Hill (Aaron, Poet, b. 1685, d. 1750). See New English Theatre, &c. Hill (Abigail). See Masham (Mrs.). Hill (A. H.), Speeches of Eminent Men. 1868 975O Hill (E.), Rocks of Sark, Herm and Tethou [Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, August, 1887] 707U Hill (F. H.), George Canning [English Worthies]. 1886 1207O Hill (G.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Hill (M. D., Barrister, b. 1792, d. 1872), Suggestions for the Repres- sion of Crime. 1857 1015F Hill (O.), Homes of the London Poor. 1875 1169Z Hill (R., Preacher and Wit, b. 1744, d. 1833), by Browne. 1881 232Z Hill (Sir R., Postmaster General, b. 1795, d > l86 4)> F.R.S., Life of, and the History of the Penny Postage, by Sir R. Hill, and his Nephew, G. B. Hill, 2 vols. 1850 316-7F [Short Biographies] 632F Hill (Lord Rowland, General nnder Wellington, b. 1772, d. 1842). See Alison's Europe, 130-7O, &c. Hill (R. & F.), What we saw in Australia. 1875 1653R Hill (T., Political A?itiquary, d. 1795). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Hillard (K. & H. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa, &c. Hiller (Dr. F., German Musician, b. 1728, d. 1804), Mendelssohn, Letters and Recollections, trans, by M. E. von Glehn. 1874 838O Hillhouse (J. A.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Hillier (G. Lacy) and Bury (Viscount), K.C.M.G., Cycling [Bad- minton Library], illustrated. 1887 1128M Hillman (S. D.), Echoes of the Pulpit. 1872 iQ Hillocks (J. T\), Hard Battles for Life and Usefulness, An Auto- biographical Record. 1884 311F Hills, Dales and Valleys. See Brown's Science for All, 626B. Taylor's Moun* tain and Moor, 625Q, &c. [331] HIM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HIS Himalaya. See Fortune's Visits [Ten -Plantations], 1515-6R; Humboldt's Nature, 29R. Hunter's Indian Empire [Mountains], 485K, &c. Hinchis (W. B.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. HINDOO Superstitions [Chambers' Miscellany] 626M Hindoos, The [Library of Entertaining Knowledge], 2 vols. 1836... 658Z See also Browns Races of Mankind, 156D. Inman's Faiths, 96K. _ Madden's Shrines, 342K. Tegg's Funeral Rites, 1481Z. Hindus, India, See. Hindostan, Kashmir, and Ladakh, Our Visit to, by Murray- Aynsley. 1879 807K Conquest of. See Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 168H. India, &c. Hindu Religion, The, by Mitchell [Present Day Tracts, vol 6] 239T [Wilson's Rig-Veda-Sanhita] 459"°A Hinduism by Williams [S.P.C.K.]. 1878 93Q Modern, in Northern India, by Wilkins. 1887 698 A See also Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Temple's India, 486K. India, Missionaries, Religions, &c. Hinojosa y Carbajal (A. de). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c Hinton (J.), Ed., Physiology for Practical Use, by Various Writers, illustrated, 2 vols. 1874 829-30M Hints for Farmers, by Burn, i860 832Z to Housewives, by Frederick. 1880 95 iM Hippolytus (St., Greek Father, d. 230) and his Age ; or the Doc- trine and Practice of the Church of Rome under Commodus and Alexander Severus, by Bunsen, 4 vols. 1852 215-8M Critical Inquiry, 215M. Philosophical Research, 216M. Life of the Ancient Church, 217M. Liturgies of the Ancient Church, 218M. and the Church of Rome in the Earlier part of the Third Century, by Wordsworth. 1880 535M — - — See also Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670F, &c. Hippopotamus. See Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q. James' Soudan, 653K. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 666Q, &c. Hiram (King of Tyre, 1014 B.C.). JSV^Ewald's Israel, 63K. Rawlinson's Phoe- nicia, 1553O, &c. Hirst (H. B.) See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Hirst (J. C.) See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hislop (A.), Book of Scottish Anecdote. 1874 978R Hislop (Stephen, b. 1817, d. 1863), Pioneer Missionary and Naturalist in Central India [1844- 1863], by Smith. 1888 656F HISTORY — Works relating to : {See also under special sub- jects, e.g., England, France, Guernsey, Bible, Biography, Church, Ecclesiastical History, Middle Ages, Old English Chronicles, Religion, Scripture History, &c. See also Boole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L., Antiquities, Art, Com- merce, Education, Manufactures, Politics, £rc. Historic Towns, edited by Freeman & Hunt. 1887-1889 1660-71R Bristol, by Hunt, 1662R. Carlisle, by Creighton, 1666R. Cinque Ports, by Burrows, T665R. Colchester, by Cutts, 1664R. Exeter, by Free- . man, 1661R. Lincoln, by Venables, 1667R. London, by Loftie, 1660R. Norwich, by Jessopp, 1668R. Oxford, by Boase, 1663R. St. Andrew's, by Lang, 1669R. Winchester, by Kitchin, 1670R. York, by Raine, 1671R. Winchester, England's First Capital, by Bramston and Leroy 301 Historical and Political Dissertations, by Brougham. 1857 ••• 604R Antiquities of the Greeks, with Reference to their Political Institutions, by Wachsmuth, trans, by Woolrych, 2 vols. 878-9F Essays, by Hugh Miller. 1875 806R Mahon. 1849 , 34iO • — See also Essays. [332] HIS ENGLISH SECTION. HIS HISTORY— Works relating \.o—{contimied.) Historico-Polibical Information. See Timbs' Works, 855Z. History, A Short Course of, Greece, Rome, England, by Chep- mell. 1859 , 60O Analysis of, by Hales, 4 vols. 1830 230-3H Ancient [Chambers' Educational Course]. 1870 449T Elements of. 1844 122Z [Rollin's], 3 vols 66-8H Bridge of History over the Gulf of Time, by Cooper. 187 1 249Q Chronology of, by Nicolas. 1833 2 Curiosities of, by Timbs. 1858 446T Elements of Ancient and Modern History, by Tytler. 1844 1733Z Introduction to the Study of, Civil, Ecclesiastical and Literary, by Boyce. 1884 2H Medkeval [Chambers' Educational Course]. 1870 45oT Modern [Chambers' Educational Course] 45*T Elements of. 1843 I2 3^ of Christian Theology in the Apostolic Age, by Reuss, trans- lated by Harwood, 2 vols. 1872 450-1A our own Times [1837-1880], by McCarthy, 4 vols. 1880 193-6H the Church, by Theodoret and Evagrius. 1854 276M Corps of Royal Engineers, by Porter, 2 vols. 1889 ... 423-4H Eighteenth Century and Overthrow of the French Empire, by Schlosser, translated by Davison, 8 vols. 1843 24-31 II French Revolution from 1789 to 1814, by Mignet. 1846 108O Latin and Teutonic Nations from 1494 to 1514, by Ranke. 1887 1024M — - Nineteenth Century, Introduction to, by Gervinus, tr. 447O — Peace [1816-1846], by H. Martineau. 1858 449B Rod in all Countries, by Cooper, illustrated. 1877 ... 914R — . Theories of the Soul [Bain's Mind] 381R Thirty Years' War, by Schiller, translated by Morrison. 84O Outlines of [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1830 iO Passages in the Old and New Testaments, by Hall. 1845 449 A — — Philosophy of, by Doherty. 1874 iH Primers, edited by Freeman I18-21Z Rome, 118Z. France, 119Z. Europe, 120Z. Greece, 12 iZ. Sacred and Profane, from Joshua to Decline of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, by Russell, 2 vols. 1869 545H Sacred, by Turner, 3 vols. 1838 69-7 iZ Study, Methods of, by Freeman. 1886 537H Treasury of, by Maunder. 1847 1856Z Universal, by Bossuet, translated by Mrs. Jenkins, for Schools 70Q from the Creation, by Woodhouselee, 6 vols. 1834 88-93Z Modern, by Mehagan, translated by Fox, 3 vols. 1779... 13-15II See also Adam's Great Names, 682O. Anderson's Scotland in Early Christian Times, 901-2F. Arnold's Roman Commonwealth, 72-3H. Arnold's Rome, 69-1H. Arteveld (J. and P.), 1012O. Aytoun's Richard I., 1069Q. Bancroft's United States, 489-91 H. Blanc's France [1830-1840], 401-2H. Boys' Own Annual [History and Legend], v. to, 2960J. Buckle's Civilization, 186-8O. Cassell's Popular Educator [Historic Sketches], 164-9D. Burrow's Worthies of All Saints, 584F. Caesar's Commentaries, 1159H. Colchester's Diary [1802-17], 241-3H. Compa}-r6's Pedagogy, 296R. Cox's Crusades, 152Z. Cutts' Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages, 940F. Dawkin's Early Man in Britain, 859F. Del Mar's History of Money, 898F ; Precious Metals, 899F. Devvar's Irish Character, 928 F. Dew's Ancient and Modern [333] His guille-alles library. HOC HISTORY— Works relating to— {continued). Nations, 53H. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 325-8H. Every Boy's Annual, 1301-8H. Fairbaim's Philosophy, 308M. Ferguson's Roman Republic, 89H. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-6H. Gairdner's Henry VIII., 234-5H. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 74-85H. Giles' Ancient Britons, 857-8F. Glimpses of the Dark Ages [R.T.S.], 34Z. Guhl's Greeks and Romans, 873F. Hallam's Constitutional History, 210H. Hal- lam's Middle Ages, 40-2H. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Higgins' Women of Europe in the 15th and 16th Centuries, 582-3F. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Inman's Faiths, 95-6Ka. James' Naval History, 285-0H. Kaye's East India Company, 462 H. Knight's English History, 973H. Kohlrausch's Germany, 441H. Laun's French Revolution, 362-3H. Mahon's Spain, 452H. Martin's British Colonies, 472B ; Ireland, 348H. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Michelet's France, 360- iH. Mignet's French Revolution, 383-4H. Mill's Discussions, 646-8H. Mitford's Greece, 101-8H. Mozley's Essays, 1023-4H. Murray's British India, 463H. Nie- buhr's Rome, 87-8H. Prescott's Conquest of Peru, 527-8H. Raw- linson's Ancient Egypt, 871-2F ; Origin of Nations, 856F. Robertson's Charles V., 340-3H ; Scotland, 338-9H: Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History, 92-3O. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1034F. Russell's Modern Europe, 43-6H. Seeley's Making of England, 1515O. Simon's Thiers, 432-3H. Southey's West Indies, 484-6H. Taine's French Revolution, 369-0H. Timbs' Works [Traditional Historic Doubts, &c], 853Z; [Historical Predictions], 856Z. Thiers' French Revolution, 376-9H. Turko-Russian War, 450B. Walpole's Ireland, aooH. Watson's American Revolution, 507H. Wright's Homes of other Days, 197D. Yonge's Constitutional History, 21 iH, &c. History of a Bit of Bread, Letters to a Child on Man and Animals, by- Mace, translated by Gatty, 2 vols. 1869 496-7T Vol. 1.— Man, 496T. Vol. 2.— Animals, 497T. Mountain, by Reclus, translated by Ness and Lillie. 1881 451O < — Threepenny Bit, Lord's Pursebearers, &c., Tales by Stretton 200Q History of Henry Milner, by Mrs. Sherwood. 1845 844O Histrionic Art. See Stage, Drama, &c. Hita (J. R. De). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Hitchcock (D. H. and H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hitchcock (E., American Geologist, b. 1793, d - l86 4)> D - D -> Religion of Geology, and its Connected Sciences. 1851 344M Hittell (J. S.), Resources of California: Comprising Agriculture, Mining, Geography, &c, and the Past and Future Develop- ment of the State. 1869 267R Hittell (T. H,), Adventures of James Capen Adams, Mountaineer and Grizzly Bear Hunter. 1868 133T Hittites, Empire of the, by Wright, assisted by Sayce, Wilson and Rylands, illustrated. 1884 194K Hoadly (B., Bishop of Winchester, b. 1676, d. 1761). See Stoughton's Religion in England, 96-7M. Hoadly (B., Dramatist, son 0/ above, b. 1705, d. 1757), M.D. See New English Theatre, &c. Hoare (E.), Palestine and Russia. 1877 42Z Hobart (J. H.), D.D., Professional Years of, by McVickar. 1836... 286T Hobart-Paslia {Admiral, b. 1823), Selections from My Life. 1886 712O Hobbes(T., Philosopher, b. 1588, d. 1679), by Robertson [Philo- sophical Classics for English Readers]. 1886 1032Q Hobby Horse, The. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M, &c. Hobhouse (Sir J. C). See Harris' Radicals, 1106F, &c. Heche (L., French General, b. 1768, d. 1797). See Thiers' French Revolution, 377-9H, &c. Hochelag-a, or England in the New World, by Warburton. 1854 767Q Hockey, Polo, &c. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Crawley's Handbooks, I150M, &c, [334] HOD ENGLISH SECTION. HOL Hodder (E.), Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury 6o6Fa 3vols. 1887 604-6F of Samuel Morley. 1887 618F Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hodge and His Masters [Notes on Farming, Agricultural Labourers, &c], by Jefferies, 2 vols. 1880 784-5R Hodge (C), D.D., Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, 1705-1788 272A Hodges (E. R.), Ed., Cory's Ancient Fragments of the Phoenician, Babylonian, and other Authors. 1876.. 977H Hodgson (Joseph). See Every-day Heroes, 1455O. Hodson (Major F. W. S. R.), Hodson of Hodson's Horse, or Twelve Years of a Soldier's Life in India. 1883 1175R Hoey (Mrs. C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hoffman (C. F.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Holland (Mrs., Poet and writer for the young, b. 1770, d. 1844). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hogan (J. S.), and Morris (A.), Essays on Canada. 1855 1043F Hogarth (W., Famous Engraver, b. 1697, d. 1764), His Works, with Life and Anecdotal Descriptions of his Pictures, by Ireland and Nichols, 3 vols. 1883 758-60R by Dobson [Great Artists]. 1879 1101O Hogarth's Pictures. See Knight's England, 151-2H. Posnett's Literature, 394R. His works in Reference Library, &c. Hogg (J.), M.R.C.S., The Microscope: its History, Construction, and Application, illustrated 790F and 108R Hogg (J. E. [Ettrick Shepherd], Scotch Poet, b. 1772, d. 1835), Poe- tical Works of, 5 vols : Vol. 1. — Queen's Wake. Jock Johnstone the Tinkler. Bothwell Brigg/ Miser's Warning. Descent of Love, &c 290Q Vol. 2.— Pilgrims of the Sun. Mountain Bard. Laird of Lairistan ; or, the Three Champions of Liddisdale. Robin an' Nanny, &c 291 Q Vol. 3.— Queen Hynde. Mora Campbell. The P and the Q. Morali- tas, &c 292Q Vol. 4.— Poetic Mirror. Mador of the Moor. Lines to Sir Walter Scott. Wallace. To the Genius of Shakespeare. Regret. Gypsies, &c. 293Q Vol. 5. — Memoir of the Author's Life. Sacred Melodies. Songs, &c 294Q Memorials of, edited by Mrs. Garden 686F See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Hohenfels (B. Von.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Hohenlohe (Prince, Hungarian Bishop, b. 1794, d. 1849): See Alison's Europe, 127-30O, &c. Holbein (Hans, Siviss Painter, b. 1495, d. 1543), by Cundall [Great Artists]. 1879 II02O Holborn. See Loftie's London, 252O, &c. Holcombe (J. P.), LL.D., Literature in Letters. 1866 97*11 Holcroft (T., Novelist and Dramatist, b. 1745, d. 1809), Memoirs written by Himself, and continued to the Time of his Death, from his Diary, Notes, and other Papers. 1852 981Q and 1276R See also Inchbald's British Theatre, &c. Holden(E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Holden (E. S.) Life and Works of Sir W. Herschell. 1881 708O Holden (T.). See Fortunes Made in Business, 1032F. Holder (C. F. ), Living Lights, a Popular Account of Phosphorescent Animals and Vegetables, illustrated. 1887 174R Marvels of Animal Life. 1885 800F Holder (J. B.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Holdich (H. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. [335] HOL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HOL Hole^S. R.), A Little Tour in Ireland, illustrated by John Leech 1697R Book about Roses, How to Grow and Show them. 1884 164R Holiday Letters, from Athens, Cairo and Weimer, by M. B. Edwards. 1873 1472R Holiday Trip to Devon and Cornwall. See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 265, 761J. Holidays on High Lands, Searches for Alpine Plants, by Mac millan. 1873 8 9T - See also Girls' Book, 1257H. Boy's Annual. Cornhill, v. 2 and 16, 282:961. Good Words, v. 8, 2178J. Harper, v. 32, 1612J, &o. HOLLAND, A Few Days in, by Lee 1480R by Rogers [Story of the Nations]. 1888 4390 Notes of an Architect, by Narfoux 484K Picturesque Holland, by Havard, illustrated. 1876 447 and 448K Through, by Wood [Argosy] 23J See also Alison's Europe, 120-46O. Bellow's Europe, 1399R. Family Library, 529Z; Gosse's Literature, 960H. Havard's Zuyder Zee, 463K. Harper's Monthly [Artists' Strolls] 1646J. May's Democracy, 39H. Motley's Correspondence, 667-8F ; John of Barneveld, 497-8O ; Rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 vols, 354-6O. Pontalis' John De Witt, 600-1F. The Dutch. Painting, &c. Holland (C), M.A., Ed., Scripture Expositor, District Visitor's Scripture Assistant 88Q Holland (F. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Holland (Sir H., Physician, b. 1788, d. 1873), M.D., Recollections of my Past Life. 1872 716O Holland (H. R., Lord), Ed., Reign of George the Second, by Walpole. 1846 69-71F Foreign Reminiscences, edited by his Son. 1851 1403II See also under Fox, Holland House. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Holland (J. G., American Journalist, b. 1819), M.D., Kathrina, Her Life and Mine, in a Poem. 1869 493^ See also Titcomb (Timothy). Holland (T. E.), D.C.L., The Institutes of Justinian, edited as a Recension of the Institutes of Gaius. 1881 1809Z Holland House, by Princess Liechtenstein, illustrated, 2 vols. 1874 360- iK See also Havward's Statesmen, 249F. Greville Memoirs, &c. Holley (G. W.), Falls of Niagara, illustrated. 1882 713K HollingS (J. F.), Life of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden [Family Library]. 1838 1064Q Marcus Tullius Cicero [Family Library]. 1839 1068Q Hollingshead (J., Dramatist, b. 1827), Footlights, Stories and Sketches. 1883 1206R Holloway (L. C.), Mothers of Great Men, and some Wives of Great Men. 1884 682F Hollway (J. G.), A Month in Norway. 1853 413T Holly (H. H.). Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Holmes (A. B.), The Electric Light Popularly Explained, ill. 1882 521R Holmes (Emra). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Holmes (E. M.), F.L.S., and Gray (P.), A.B.S., British Fungi, Lichens and Mosses, including Scale- Mosses and Liverworts [Young Collector], illustrated. 1886 141R Holmes (O. W., American Physiologist and Essayist, b. 1809), Autocrat of the Breakfast Table 135T and 1610Z John Lothrop Motley, a Memoir. 1878 857O Our Plundred Days in Europe. 1887 1703R Hundred Days in Europe [Atlantic Monthly] J 549j [336] HOL ENGLISH SECTION. HOM Holmes (O. W.), Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1885 632O See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Haweis' Humorists, 482O. Harper's Index [Works of], 16-i.oJa. Motley'sJJorrespondence, 667-8F. Poets of America, 468D, &c. Holmes (P.)> D.D. See St. Augustine's Works, 339 and 357A. Holmes (T. R. E.), History of the Indian Mutiny. 1883 47oH Holroyd (A. ), Ed. Collectanea Bradfordiana, a Collection of Papers on Bradford. 1873 331H Holt (A.), Fancy Dresses Described, or What to Wear at Fancy Balls. 1880 961M Holt (E.), Life of George the Third, 2 vols. 1820 72-3F Holt (E. S.), Ye Olden Time, English Customs in the Middle Ages 1019M See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Holt (Sir John, Judge, b. 1642, d. 1709). See Campbell's Chief Justices, 787O, &c. Holthaws (P. D.), Wanderings of a Journeyman Tailor through Europe and the East, translated by Howitt. 1844 78SQ Hulty (L. H. C, German Poet, b. 1748, d. 1776), Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Holy and Profane States, by Fuller 560M Holy Bible. See Bible. City, The, or Notices of Jerusalem, by Williams, illus. 1845 658A See also Jerusalem, &c. Days. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M. Timbs' Works, 855Z. Ghost. See Inman's Faiths, g6Ka. Poole's Index to Periodical Litera- ture, &c. HOLY LAND, A Visit to the, by PfeifTer, illustrated. 1852 1314R and the Bible, by Geikie, 2 vols. 1887 641-2A by Russell [Edinburgh Cabinet Library], ill. 1831 924Q — [Carne's Letters from the East] 1455-6R Memoirs of the, by Abbott [Harper's New Mon. Magazine] 1585J Sketches of the Jews, &c, by Bonar. 1844 646Z — [Stephen's Travels] 563K Twenty-one Years' Work in the Holy Land [1865-1886]. 1009O See also Burton's Private Journal, 1491R. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Oliphant's Gilead, 793 K. Thomson's Land and the Book, 401 A. Canaan, Jerusalem, Palestine, &c. Holy Living and Dying, Life of Christ, &c, by Taylor, 2 vols. 1825 138-9M Holy Scripture Verified, by Redford. 1853 109M — Extracts from the Works of Travellers illustrative of [S.P.C.K.]. 1841 1472Z — See also Scriptures, Bible, &c. Holy War and Pilgrim's Progress, by Bunyan 124Q — by Bunyan 19R and 1141Z Holyrood Palace. See Roger's Scotland, 949-51 F. Edinburgh, &c. Holywell. See Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R, &c. Homburg and Gaming. See Bellow's Europe, 1398R, &c. HOME Amenities [ Appleton's Home Books. ] 1882 945M by Valentine ... 976M Amusements, by M. E. W. S. [Appleton's Home Books]. 1881 949M Decoration, by Runtz-Rees [Appleton's Home Books]. 1881 ... 943M Duties [Young Ladies' Treasure Book] 131D Education, by Isaac Taylor. 1851 332R Furnishing, by Church [Appleton's Home Books] 945-M Garden, by Church [Appleton's Home Books]. 1881 947^1 Grounds, by Oakey [Appleton's Home Books]. 1881 948M in its Relation to Man and to Society, by Brown. 1883 634M Life of English Ladies in the XVII. Century, i860 883M [Evelyn Family, Lady Warwick, Learned Ladies, &c] [337] HOM GUILLE'ALLES LIBRARY. HON Home [Lubbock's Pleasures of Life] 1908R Pets. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Young Ladies' Treasure Book, 131D. Teaching, Hints on, by Abbott. 1853 212R Teachings in Science, by Cowper 810Z Traits. See Timbs' Works, 854Z, &c. Truths, Addresses and Tracts, by Ryle. 1852 H3Q Homes of other Days, by Wright. 1871 197D the London Poor, by Hill. 1875 1169Z The Queen's. See Leisure Hour Magazine, v. 37, 2647J, &c. Home Rule Question, Ireland. See O'Connor's Parnell Movement, 326R. Ire- land, &c. Home (G.), D.D., Considerations on Abel, Enoch, Noah, and John the Baptist. 1841 203Q Home (H., Lord Karnes, Scotch fudge, b. 1696, d. 1782) Elements of Criticism 965-6 and 1007H Home (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. New English Theatre, &c. Homer {Greek Poet, fl. 850-776 B.C. according to Grole), by Glad- stone [Literature Primers]. 1877 1212Z Homeric Synchronism, an Enquiry into the Time and Place of Homer, by Gladstone. 1876 1413O Iliad, translated by Pope, 2 vols. 1769 811-2R 1805 309Q 2 vols. 1806 505-6Z Iliad, translated by Pope. 1821 1574Z and Odyssey, by Collins [An. Clas. for Eng. Read.]. 1877-9 ... i IOI Q Odyssey, translated by Worsley, 2 vols. 1877 800-1M . Pope, 2 vols. 1869 813-4R Worsley, 2 vols. 1861 1138-9H Stories from, by Church [The Iliad and Odyssey], illus. 1881... 1198R Translated by Pope [Family Classical Library], 3 vols. 1833...II44-6Q See also Inman's Faiths, 96K. Mitford's Greece, 101H. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Posnett's Literature, 394R. Smith's Life of Gladstone, 275F, &c. Homer (S. and J.), Walks in Florence, Public Galleries and Museums. 1877 1424R Homes. See Home. Homespun, or Five and Twenty Years Ago, by Lackland. 1867... 1919R Homicide. See Fortnightly Review [Homicidal Mania], v. 44 N.s., 2140J. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H, &c. Homiletic Hints, by Parker 439M Magazine. See the Homiletic Quarterly. Quarterly (changed in 1882 to the Homiletic Magazine), from Vol. 1. 1877 366M [A Theological Magazine, devoted principally to the Exposition of the Scriptures.] Homiletics, Treatise on, by Ridder. 1866 1691J Hommaire De Hell (X.), Travels in the Steppes of the Caspian Sea. 1847 462K Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine, by Laurie. 1 844 1446Z Homoeopathy, Domestic, &c, by Chepmell. 1848 1456Z in Acute Diseases, by Yeldham. 1849 928K Practical View of, by Simpson. 1836 202D Honduras. See Stanford's Compendium, 85 iK. Young's Mosquito Shore, 1639R, &c. Hone (W., Satirist and Antiquary, b. 1779, d. 1842), Popular Works and Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, Sports, Pastimes, Ceremonies, Manners, Customs, and Events, 3 vols. 934-6F Vol. 1-2.— Every-Day Book, 934-5F. Vol. 3.— Table Book, 936F. [338] HON ENGLISH SECTION. HOO Hone (W.), Year Book of Daily Recreation and Information, con- cerning Remarkable Men and Manners, Antiquities and Novelties. 1 839 937F Honey. Sec Bees, &c. Ants. See Proctor's Studies, 447R, &c. Honeywood (J.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Hong Kong. .S'tvCumming's China, 789K. All the Year Round [with Opium in], v. 15, 1775J. Cornhill [Canton and Macas], v. 37, 317J. Penny Magazine, v. n, 149B. China, &c. Honolulu. Sec Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Smiles' Boy's Voyage, 834Q, &c. Honour. See Percy Anecdotes, 925Z. Honourable Service. See Quiver Magazine, 3301J. Honours. See Helps' Government [1872], 1110F, &c. Hood (E. P.), Christmas Evans, the Preacher of Wild Wales. 1881 638O Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century. 1882 347M Life, Times and Battles of Cromwell. 1882 596O Poet and Preacher, by Giddins. 1886 717O Robert Hall [Men worth Remembering]. 1881 1161O Self Formation ; or Aids and Helps to Mind- Life. 1879 519T The King's Windows ; or Glimpses of the Wonderful Works of God, illustrated 539K Thomas Binney, his Life and Opinions. 1874 5120O Throne of Eloquence : Great Preachers, Ancient and Modern... 541 M World of Proverb and Parable. 1885 135D Hood (Robin). Set Robin Hood. Hood (Thomas, English Poet and Humorist, b. 1798, d. 1845), Com- plete Works, edited, with Notes, by his Son and Daughter, illustrated, 10 vols, 1869-73 : — Vol. 1. — Last Shilling. Parish Revolution. Letter from a Settler. Num- ber One. Debutante. Yeomanry. French and English. The Compass, &c 761R Vol. 2. — Supper Superstition. Pain in a Pleasure Boat. Cockle versus Cackle. Domestic Dilemma. Love and Lunacy, &c 762 R Vol. 3. — United Family. Corresponding Club. Irishman. Pompey's Ghost. .Schoolmistress Abroad, &c 763R Vol. 4.— The Captain's Cow ; a Nautical Romance. Mr. Withering's Con- sumption and its Cure. The Mermaid of Margate. The Wee Man. An Affair of Honour, &c 764R Vol. 5. — Whims and Oddities. Faithless Sally Brown. Hero and Leander. Ode to Melancholy. Spanish Tragedy. The Exile, &c 765R Vol.6. — The Carrier's Wife. Lamia. Comic Annuals. Venetian Countess. Eugene Aram, &c 766R Vol. 7. — Up the Rhine. Tale of a Trumpet. Miss Kilmansegg and her Precious Leg, &c 766a R Vol. 8. — Friend in Need. Fishing in Germany. Diabolical Suggestions. Mrs. Gardiner. Cambervvell Beauty, &c 767R Vol. 9.— Song of the Shirt. Mrs. Burrage. Masonic Secret. Bridge of Sighs. . Mrs. Peck's Pudding. Our Family, &c 768R Vol. 10. — Memorials. Sausage Maker's Ghost. Domestic Mesmerism. Epigrams. Dog of Drury Lane. Imaginaiy First Night. Hints to Paul Pry, &c 769R Poems of, 2 vols. 1846 : Vol. 1. — Dream of Eugene Aram. Elm Tree. Haunted House. Bridge of Sighs. Song of the Shirt. Miss Kilmansegg and her Precious Leg, &c 328Q Vol. 2.— The Lee Shore. The Death Bed. A False Friend. Time, Hope and Memory. Hero and Leander. Two Peacocks of Bedfont. Minor Poems, Sonnets, &c 3 2 9Q [Contents same as above]. 1864 33°Q and Life [British Poets], 5 vols. 1868 432-6Q See a/so Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. (Iriswold's Posts and Poetry of England, 472D. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Merydew's Love Letters, v. 2, 677 F. Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue, &c. [339] HOO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY, HOO Hood (Tom, Son of the Preceding, Journalist, b. 1835, d. 1874), Ed., Cassell's Penny Readings 239D Dickens, Irving, Poe, Kingsley, Sterne, Longfellow, Holmes, Pope, Sewell, Collins, Le Sage, Macaulay, Shakespeare, Defoe, Burns, Scott, Cer- vantes, Hunt, Eliot, Longfellow, &c. (and his Sister, Mrs. Broderip), Excursions into Puzzledom, a Book of Charades, Acrostics, Enigmas and Conundrums ... 1260II Hooft (P. C, Dutch Poet, b. 1581, d. 1647). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Hook (Theodore, Journalist, Novelist, &*c, b. 1788, d. 1841). See Lennox's Celebrities, 1014H. Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue, &c. Hook (W. F., Dean of Chichester, b. 1798, d. 1875), D.D., Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury : Vol. 1.— Anglo-Saxon Period, 597-1070: Augustine, Laurentius, Mellitus, Justus, Honorius, Deusdedit, Wighard, Theodore, Brihtwald, Tatwine, Nothelm, Cuthbert, Bregwin, Jaenberht, Ethelhard, Wulfred, Feologild, Ceolnoth, Ethelred, Plegmund, Athelm, Wulfhelm, Odo, Dunstan, Ethelgar, Siric, Elfric, Elphege, Living, Ethelnoth, Eadsige, Robert Champart and Stigand .... 685A Vol. 2. — Anglo-Norman Period, 1070- 1229 : Lanfranc, Anselm, Ralph of Escures, William of Corbeuil, Theobald, Thomas A'Beckett, Richard, Baldwin, Reginald Fitz-Jocelin, Hubert Walter and Stephen Langton : 686A Vol. 3. — Middle-Age Period, 1299-1333 : Richard Grant, Edmund Rich, Boniface of Savoy, Robert Kilwardby, John Peckham, Robert Winchelsey, Walter Reynolds and Simon Mepeham 687A Vol. 4.— Middle-Age Period, 1333-1408: John Stratford, Thomas Bradwar- dine, Simon Islip. Simon Langham, William Whittlesey, Simon Sudbury, William Courtenay and Thomas Arundel 688A Vol. 5. — Middle-Age Period, 1408-1503 : Henry Chicheley, John Stafford, John Kemp, Thomas Bouchier, John Morton and Henry Dean 689A Vol. 6. — Reformation Period, 1503-1556 : William Warham and Thomas Cranmer 690A Vol. 7. — Reformation Period : Cranmer, contd. 691 A Vol. 8. — Reformation Period, 1556-1558 : Reginald Pole 692A Vol. 9. — Reformation Period, 1558-1575 : Matthew Parker 693A Vol. 10. — Reformation Period, 1575-1633 : Edmund Grindal, John Whitgift, Richard Bancroft, and George Abbot 694A Vol. 11. — Reformation Period, 1633-1663 : William Laud and William Juxon 695A Vol. 12. — Index 696A Life and Letters of, by Stephens, 2 vols. 1879 318-9F See also Merydew's Love Letters, v. 2, 677F. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L., &c. Hooker (J. D., Director of ' Kew Gardens, b. 1817), C.B., Botany [Science Primers], illustrated. 1879 838Z Students' Flora of the British Isles. 1878.... 630Q See also Poole's Index, R. L., &c. Hooker (R., Theologian, b. 1553, d. 1600), Ecclesiastical Polity and Life of the Author, by T. Walton, 3 vols. 1820 92-4K See also Barry's English Theology, 828O. Cattermole's Literature of the Church, v. 1, 548A, &c. Hooker (W.), M.D., Child's Book of Nature, for the Use of Families and Schools, illustrated, 3 vols. 1868-9 ••• 477-9T Vol. 1.— Plants, 477T. Vol. 2.— Animals, 478T. Vol. 3.— Air, Water, Heat, Light, &c, 479T. Hooker (SirW. J., Botanist, Director of Kexu Gardens, father of Sir J. D. Hooker, b. 1785, d. 1865), K.H., and Baker (J. G.), F.L.L., Synopsis Filicum ; or a Synopsis of all Known Ferns, illustrated. 1868 768F [34o] HOO ENGLISH SECTION. HOR Hookham (Mary Ann), Life and Times of Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England and France, 2 vols. 1872 370-iF Hooper (J., Bishop of Worcester, b. 1495, burnt, 1555), D.D., Early Writingsof. 1843 218A . Later Writings and Letters of. 1852 220A [Short Biographies] 632F Hooper (W. R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Hope (Right Hon. A. J. B. Beresford). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hope (A. R.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hope (G. H.), Till the Doctor comes, and How to Help Him [R.T.S] 1466Z Hope (I.), Brittany and the Chase, French Affairs, &c 6i9Zandi266R Bible, with Remarks on the French People and their Affairs [Travellers' Library]. 1852 619Z and 1266R See also Bromfield (J.). Hope (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hope (T., Merchant and Traveller, b. 1770, d. 1831), Anastasius, or Memoirs of a Greek, 2 vols. 1831 975-611 Historical Essay on Architecture, illustrated, 2 vols. 1840 56-7D Hope (Lady), Loving Work in the Highways and Byways. 1888 ... 1224R See also Cotton (E. R.), and Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hopkins (Ellice), Religious Work amongst Working Men 532T Hopkins (E., Bishop of Derry, b. 1633, d. 1690), D.D., Select Works, edited by Bradley. 1826 134M Hopkinson (J.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Hopper (E.), Old Horse Gray and the Parish of Grumbleton, a Poem. 1869 705M Hoppus(E.), Practical Measuring made Easy. 1792 739D HoppuS (Mary). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hops. See M'Culloch's British Empire, 711H. Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Horace (Horatius Flaccus Quintus, Latin Lyric Poet, b. 65, d. 8 B.C.), Odes, Epodes, and the Secular Song, translated into verse by Mathews. 1867 706M by Martin [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1878 1100Q translated by Francis [Family Classical Library], 2 vols. 1831 1124-5Q Quinti Horatii Flacci opera Interpretatione et notis Illustravit Ludovicus Desprez. 1831 1 1S1 II See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Horse Subsecivoe, Rab and his Friends, &c, by Brown. 1882 897R Horizon. See Somerville's Physical Geography, 480R, &c. Horizontal Wells. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, &c, 7D. Horn. See Simmonds' Animal Products, 1033M. Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Hornbook (A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Home (A.), Ed., Mirrour of Justices, translated by Hughes. 1840... 1170Z Home (George, Bishop of Norwich, b. 1730, d. 1792)", D.D., Com- mentary on the Book of Psalms, edited by Bradley, 2 vols ... 131-2M Commentary on the Book of Psalms, in which their Literal or Historical Sense is illustrated. 1835 547A Discourses on Several Subjects, 2 vols 237-8K ■ Works of, edited by Jones, 2 vols. 1S46 188-9A Home (R. H., Poet and Critic). See Browning's Letters, 537-8O. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Home (T. IT., Assistant, British Museum, b. 1780, d. 1862), D.D., Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures, 2 vols. 1853 ... 74-5A [341] HOR GUILJ,E-ALLES LIBRARY. HOT Homen (J. A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Horner (S. and J.). Walks in Florence : Churches, Streets and Palaces. 1877 1423R Horology and Astronomy, by Carpenter. 1854 46iR Horris (J. C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Horrockses. See Fortunes made in Business, io33Fa. HORSE. — Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse, by Stephen. 1845 164T Management, by Mayhew, illustrated. 1876 857D Management and Treatment of the Horse in the Stable, Field and on the Road, by Proctor, illustrated. 1883 196R The, Its Breed, Management, &o, by Youatt, illustrated. 1876. 856D Horse-Shoes and Horse-Shoeing, by Fleming, illustrated. 1869... 854D Horses. See Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 61 iB. Boy's Own Annual [Per- forming], 1882, 2954J. Beckman's Inventions [Horse Shoes], 697Q. Blunt's Bedouin Tribes [Arabian], 1518-9R. Brand's Antiquities [Horse Shoes], 1007M. Brown's Science for All, 628B. Hibbert's Anecdotes [Clever Horses], 730F. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 663Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Nimrod's Horse and Hound [Horsemanship and Horse-Dealing], 731F. Rice's British Turf [Horse-Racing], 334D. Stanley's Horsewoman's Compendium [Horsemanship], 1120M. Southesk's Rocky Mountains, 817K. Stewart's Stable Economy, 597T. Stonehenge's Rural Sports [Horse-Racing], 681T. Wynter's Human Hive [Horse-Dealers], 243R. Smith's Foods [Horse-flesh], 380R. Animals, Natural History, Sports, Racing, &c. Horse Guards, Government Offices. See Land we Live in, 464B. Horsfield (T.), F.R.S., and Moore (F.), Catalogue of the Birds in the Museum of the Hon. East India Company, 2 vols 709-10F Horsley (Rev. J. W.), M.A., Jottings from Jail Notes and Papers on Prison Matters. 1887 1207R Horsley (S., Bishop of St. Asaph, b. 1733, d. 1806), D.D., Sermons on the Resurrection of our Lord. 1817 242K Sermons, 3 vols. 1812 239-41K Hortense (Queen, Mother of Napoleon III., b. 1783, d. 1837), Memorials of, compiled by Wraxall and Wehrhan. 1864 ... 71 80 Horticultural Buildings, by Fawkes, illustrated. 1883 874D Horticulture. See Flower Garden, 638Q. Mcintosh's Orchard and Fruit Garden, 637Q. Botany, Flowers, Fruit, Gardening, &c. Horton (R. F.), Inspiration and the Bible, an Enquiry. 1889 1221M Hose (M.). Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hosea (Jewish Prophet, about 785 B.C.). See Ewald's Israel, 64K. Inman's An- cient Faiths, 95K. Smith's Prophets, 466M, &c. Hosiery. See Land We Live In, 465B. Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Hoskins (G. A.), Spain as it is. 1852 55*K Hoskins (S. E.), M.D., Charles the Second in the Channel Islands, a Contribution to his Biography and to the History of his Age, 2 vols. 1854 408-9II Hosmer (J. K.), The Jews in Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Times [Story of the Nations], illustrated. 1886 425O Hosmer (W. H. C.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Hospitality. See Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828-9K. Percy Anecdotes, 926Z, &c. Hospitals. See Fergusson's Recollections [Military], 256F. Johnston's Public Charity in France, 1047 F, &c. Hot-water Apparatus. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, &c. Hotten (J. C.) and Larwood (J.), Histoiy of Signboards from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, illustrated. 1866 icooR Hottentots. See Brown's Races of Mankind, 155D. Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B, &c. [342] HOU ENGLISH SECTION. HOW Houdin(J.'E. R., French Conjuror, b. 1805). See Frost's Conjurors, 803O, &c. Hough (F. B.)i Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Houghton (W.), M.A., The Microscope, and some of the Wonders it Reveals 727 and 1738Z Wonders near Home [Natural History, R.T.S.], illustrated 73!2 Hound, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 662Q. Cecil's Records of the Chase, 91 7M. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 68 tT. Dogs, &c. Hours of Work and Play, by Cobbe. 1867 891M House Arrangement. See Home Furnishing, Decoration, &c Decoration in Painting, Woodwork and Furniture, by Garrett ... 966M Ventilation. See Griscom's Air, &c, 523R. House and its Builder, and other Discourses [intended to combat Doubt on Religious Truth], by Cox. 1889 1220M House I Live in [Anatomy], by Girtin 1465Z House of Aspen, a Tragedy, by Scott. 1830 1056Z HOUSE OF COMMONS. See Anderson's Scenes [1884], 1168R. Escott's England and its People, 1018F. M'Culloch's British Em- pire, 712H. Smith's Institutions, 517T. Commons, Parliament, &c. HOUSE OF LORDS. See Escott's England and its People, 1018F. Faw- cett's Essays, 1014F. Lords, Parliament, &c. Houses for the People in Suburb and Country, &c, by Wheeler 941 M The Houses We Build [Suggestive Lessons] 1 827Z — See also Facts and Hints for Every-day Life, 942R. Geikie's Science of Common Life, 14J9Z. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828-9K. Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. House-Tax. See Peto's Taxation, &c,, 1016F, &c. Household, Bazar Book of the. 1875 1410Z [Marriage, Establishments, Servants, Children, Housekeeping, Home Life, Company. ] Chemistry, by Bernays. 1854 833Z Hints, by Babcock. 1881 946M Management, Book of, by Beeton, illustrated. 1880 997M See also Enquire Within, Family Save-all, 950M, &c. Organization, by Caddy. 1877 952M Surgery, or Hints on Emergencies, by South, illustrated. 1853 ^57^ The, A Book of Reference upon Subjects relating to Domestic Economy and Home Enjoyment 1096F Work. See Browne's What Girls can Do, 980M, &c. Household Narrative of Current Events [1850 to 1855], conducted by Dickens, 6 vols 321 -6D Words, edited by Charles Dickens, from vol 1. 1850 1741J The Serial Tales and some of the Principal Contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction or in the general body of the Cata- logue, with the catalogue number specified. The entire contents will be found in Poole's Index [Reference Library] under subjects required. Housekeeping, Common Sense, by Browne 1423Z See also Girl's Book, 1257H. Walsh's Domestic Economy, 1429Z, &c. Housemaid, The. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M, &c. Housman (H.)» A.K.C., The Story of Our Museum, showing How we Formed it, and What it Taught us [S.P.C.K.]. 1881 ... 92R Houssaye (Ars£ne, French Poet ani Critic, b. 1815). See Gautier's French Authors, 254F. Houston (Mrs.), Hesperos, or Travels in the West (U.S.A.). 1850 1586-7R Texas and the Gulf of Mexico, illustrated, 2 vols. 1844 1607-8R Hoveden (Roger De). See Roger De Hoveden. How They Lived in the Olden Time, by Bullock 1018M to be Happy Though Married, being a Handbook to Marriage... 98 iM Decorate our Ceilings, Walls, and Floors, by James, ill. 1883 366T Draw a Straight Line, by Kempe [Nature Series]. 1877 150R [343] HOW GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HOW How we are Governed, by Fonblanque, revised by Gordon. 1889 ... 1448O Women may Earn a Living, by Grogan S^T Howadji in Syria, by Curtis. 1S72 1495^ Howard (A.), Beauties of Literature 1 158-9 and 1252Z Fox, 1158Z. Franklin, 1159Z. Swift, 1252Z. Howard (Lady C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Howard (C. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Howard (F.), Science of Drawing, A Progressive Series of the Cha- racteristic Forms of Nature, illustrated, part 2 and 3 363-4T Part 2. — Animals, 363T. Part 3. — Human Face, 364T. Imitative Art, &c 1094M Howard (John, Philanthropist, l>. 1726, d. 1790), and the Prison World of Europe, by Dixon. 1849 233Z Life of, by Field, abridged [S.P.C.K.] 983Q The Philanthropist and his Friends, by Stoughton. 1884 320F See also Blackie's Philanthropy, 762O. Pear's Prisons, 419H. Chamhers' Miscellany, 630R, &c. Howard ({Catherine, Queen of Henry VIII., b. 1522, executed 1542). See Strick- land's Queens of England, 800O, &c. Howard (Sir R., Poet, &c., b. 1660, d. 1698). See New English Theatre, &c. Howard {The Admiral, Duke 0/ Norfolk, killed in battle 1513). See Yonge's British Navy, 302H. Howards, The {Dukes of Norfolk). See Dixon's H.M.'s Tower, 321H, &c. Howards, The (Earls of Sussex). See Dixon's H.M.'s Tower, 322H, &c. Howat (H. T.), Elijah, the Desert Prophet 349M Howe (H.), Memoirs of American Mechanics. 1857 1331O Howe (John), M.A., Works of, edited by Rogers, 6 vols. 1862 194-9A Life of, by Rogers. 1 863 200A and Memoirs of his Life, by Calamy. 1832 69 A See also Grosart's Nonconformists, 946O. Stoughton's Religion in England, 93-6M, &c. Howe (J. W.)i Margaret. Fuller [Eminent Women Series]. 1883 ... 1127O Howe (R., Admiral, b. 1725, d. 1799). See Adam's Heroes, 978Q. Yonge's British Navy, 302H, &c. . Howell (M. &. J. N.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Howells (W. D.), Modern Italian Poets, Essays and Versions, with Portraits. 1887 1408O — — Tuscan Cities, with illustrations from Drawings and Etchings by Pennell and others. 1886.., 674B illustrated by Pennell, &c. 1886 220D Venetian Life, 2 vols. 1883 1822-3Z See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Howick (Lord). See Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 207H, &c. Howison (J.), Foreign Scenes and Travelling Recreations, Life at Sea, Havana, Deckan, Cape of Good Hope, New Provi- dence, 2 vols in 1 1644R Ho Witt (Mary, Authoress, about 1821-69), Wood Leighton ; or an Hour in the Country. 1853 I539Z See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Fiction Class List fol- lowing the General Catalogue. Howitt (W., Quaker, husband of Mary Howitt, b. 1795), Book of the Seasons, the Calendar of Nature, illustrated. 1856 57 2 Q Homes and Haunts of the most Eminent British Poets. 1857 ... 713O Chaucer, Chatterton, Pope, Byron, Wordsworth, &c. Visits to Remarkable Places, illustrative of the Flistory and Poetry of England, illustrated. 1840 364K [344] HOW ENGLISH SECTION. HUG Howitt (Wra. & Mary), Eds., Journal of Literature and Popular Pro- gress, vols 1-3. 1847-8 88-90D See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Howland (E. & M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Hows (f. W. S.), Ed., Golden Leaves from the British and American Poets. 1867 695M Howson (J. S., Dean of Chester, b. 1816), D.D., Companions of St. Paul 349-M & Conybeare (W. J.), M.A., Life and Epistles of St. Paul 268M & Rimmer (A.), The River Dee, its Aspect and History, ill. 1875 8 5 SK Hoyles' Games, revised by Jones 1 529Z Cards, Chess, Draughts, Backgammon, &c. Hoyt (A. W., A. M. and R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, Szc. Hoyt(R.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Hozier (H. M.), Turenne [Military Biographies]. 1885 1247O Hi'iber(F., Blind Bee Naturalist, b. 1750, d. 1840.) Sec Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 677(3, & c - Hiibuer (M. Le Baron de), A Ramble round the World in 1871, translated by Lady Herbert, 2 vols. 1874 322-3K Hue (E. R., French Missionary, b. 1813, d. i860), Recollections of a Journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China, during the Years 1844 to 1846. 1852 765Q and 1267R Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China [Nat. Illus. Lib.], 2 vols. 1318-9R See also Eden's China, 813Q, &c. Hudibras. See Jones' Poets, 661M, &c. Hudson's Bay Territory, by Robinson, illustrated 680K — See also Southesk's Travels and Adventures, 817K. Stanford's Com- pendium, 850K. Good Words, 2199J, &c. Company. See Macfie's Vancouver's Island, 681 K, &c. Hudson (F.), Journalism in the United States [1690-1872]. 1873... 978H Hudson (F. and H. R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Hudson (H., Arctic Explorer, b. 1550.) See Adam's Heroes, 978Q. Hudson (G., Railway King, b. 1800, d. 1871.) See Acworth's Railway's, 937D. Lennox's Celebrities, 1016H. Hueffer (F.), Musical Studies, a Series of Contributions. 1S80 1086M The Troubadours, a History of Provencal Life and Literature in the Middle Ages. 1878 969II Ed. Great Musicians, v. d. : Bach (S.), by Poole 1221O Purcell, by Cummings 1220O English Church Compo- Rossini, by Edwards 1219O sers, by Barrett 1223O Schubert, by Frost 1218O Handel, by Marshall .... 1224O Schumann, by Maitland 1227O Haydn (J.), by Townsend 1222O Wagner (R.), by Hueffer.... 1217O Mendelssohn, by Rockstro 1225O Weber, by Benedict 1216O Mozart, by Gehring 1226O Hufeland (C. W.), Art of Prolonging Life, edited by Wilson. 1853. 1469Z Hugh.. Capet {King 0/ France, b. 946, d. 996). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201 H, &c. Hughes (George) [Memoirs of a Brother, by Thos. Hughes]. 1873... 720O Hughes (II. P.), Social Christianity : Sermons delivered in St. James's Hall, London. 1889 1231M Jesus Christ and the Masses. Christ the Greatest of Social Reformers. Career of the First German Emperor. General Gordon's Idea of Christianity. " Robert Elsmere " and Mr. Gladstone's Criticism of the Book. The Second German Emperor, Frederick III. Gambling. A Timely Warning, &c. Hughes (J., Poet, b. 1677, d. 1731). See New English Theatre. Hughes (S.)« See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [345] HUG GUILLE-ALLF.S LIBRARY. HUM Hughes (Thos., Novelist, b. 1823), M.P., Alfred the Great. 1887 1525O Flying South, Recollections of France and its Littoral. 1881 ... 1873R Gone to Texas, or Letters from our Boys. 1884 1606R Tames Fraser, Second Bishop of Manchester, a Memoir [1818- 1885]. 1887 596F Life of David Livingstone. 1889 14470 Memoir of Daniel Macmillan. 1882 813O a Brother [George Hughes]. 1873 7 2 °0 The Manliness of Christ. 1880 60Q Ed., Friendship of Books, by Maurice. 1874 I026R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hughes (W.)> F.R.G.S., Australian Colonies: their Origin and Present Condition [Travellers' Library] 1272R and 42 iT Hughes (W. H.), F.S.A., Ed., Constitution of England, by De Lolme. 1834 1008F Hugo (Victor, Vicomte, celebrated French Poet, b. 1802, d. 1885), Poetical Works of, translated by Williams. 1885 707M The Rhine, translated by Aird, to which is added a Guide for Tourists, &c. 1853 1151R Things Seen [Choses Vues], 2 vols. 1887 1315-6H A Memoir and a Study, by Cappon. 1885 723O Study of, by Swinburne. 1886 722O and his Time, by Barbou, translated from the French by Frewer, illustrated. 1882 668B His Life and Work, by Smith. 1885 724O See also Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Gautier's French Authors, 254F. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. King's French Leaders, 659O. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Myers Essays, 1293O. Noel's Essays, 1039H. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Huguenot Galley-Slave, Memoirs of the, translated by Marteilhe... 721O HUGUENOTS and Henry of Navarre, by Baird, 2 vols. 1886 414-5H in France, by Smiles. 1873 206M Jean Jarousseau, the Pastor of the Desert, by Pelletan 732O of the Dispersion, by Poole. 1880 207M Rise of the, by Baird, 2 vols. 1880 <.20i-2M The, byMasson 954Z The Priest and the Huguenot, or Persecution in the Age of Louis XV., by Bungener, 2 vols. 1853 203-4M Wars of the, by Hanna. 1871 272O See also Bersier's Coligny, 587O. Bungener's France, 316-7O. Green's English People, 190-91H. Heath's Reformation in France, 1218M. Kershaw's Protestants from France, 546M. Ecclesiastical History, Religion, &c. Huijgens (C). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Huish (R.), Memoirs of Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales. 1818 185F Hulbert (C. A., Historian, b. 1778, d. 1857), M.A., Annals of the Church in Slaithwaite, West Riding of Yorkshire. 1864 186Q Hull (Mrs. G. S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hullah (J., Musical Composer, b. 1812, d. 1884), LL.D., Music in the House [Art at Home Series]. 1877 969M Life of, by his Wife. 1886 725O Hulme (F. E.), F.S.A. See Art Studies from Nature, 902D. Hulme (S.), Comparative view of Popery and Scriptural Christianity 54Q HUMAN Body, Nervous System of the, by Bell. 1836 201 D Frame, The. See Excelsior, 1927-31R. Ideas. See Inman's Faiths, g6Ka, &c. [346] HUM ENGLISH SECTION. HUM Human Life, Economy of, by Dodsley. 1839 1222Z — Mind. See Mind, &c. - — Muscles, as they Appear on Digestion, by Innes. 1804 1461Z Physiology, First Principles of, by Pilter. 1 882 748Z . Progression and Natural Probability of a Reign of Justice. 1850 1035F — Sacrifices. See Becher's Mexico, 738K, &c. Sadness, by Gasparin. 1864 26Q Species, by Quatrefages 34° R See also Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 685Q. Man, &c. Understanding, by Locke, 2 vols. 1812 626-7H Humanity in the City, by Chapin 233R ■ Comte's Religion of, by Thomson [Present Day Tracts, vol. viii.] 241T See also Muller's Noble Deeds, &c, 92Q. Percy Anecdotes, 914Z, &c. Humboldt (A. Von, Prussian Naturalist, b. 1769, d. 1859), Aspects of Nature in Different Lands and Different Climes, with Scientific Elucidations, translated by Mrs. Sabine... 565Q and 524-5R Cosmos, a Sketch of a Physical Description of the Universe, translated by Otte [Bohn's Library], 5 vols. 1849-58 483-7R Letters of, to Varnhagen Von Ense [1827-1858], translated by Kapp. i860 • 1024O Travels and Researches of, by Macgillivray. 1853 1304R and 522Z Views of Nature, or Contemplations on the Sublime Phenomena of Creation, with Scientific Illustrations, translated by Otte and Bohn [Bohn's Library]. 1850 29R (and W. Von), Lives of, by Klencke and Schlesier, translated by Bauer. 1852 726O See also Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Hume (D., Scotch Historian, b. 171 1, d. 1776), and Smollett (T.), M.D., History of England, illus. 1808-11 : Hume. Vol. 1. — Invasion of Julius Caesar to Death of Stephen 114H Vol. 2. — From Henry II. to Edward 1 115H Vol. 3.— From Edward II. to Edward IV 116H Vol. 4.— From Edward V. to Henry VIII 117H Vol. 5.— From Henry VIII. to Elizabeth 118H Vol. 6. — From Elizabeth to James 1 119H Vol. 7. — From James I. to Charles I 120H Vol. 8. — From Charles I. to the Commonwealth 121H Vol. 9. — From Charles II. to James II 122H Vol. 10. — Notes and Index 123H Smollett. Vol. 1.— William and Mary , 124H Vol. 2. — Queen Anne 125H Vol. 3.— George I I2 6H Vols. 4-6.— George II 127-9H by Huxley [English Men of Letters]. 1879 1073O — See also Brougham's Men of Letters, 598R. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 26F. Knight's Philosophical Classics, 1079Q. Poole's Index, R.L. Trevelyan's Life of Fox, 260 F, &c. Hume (Joseph, Scotch Politician, b. 1777, d. 1855). See Alison's Europe, 140-6O. Harris' Radicals, 1106F, &c. Humming Birds, by Adams, illustrated 54R Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vols. 6-7. 1884 649-0Q [Supplementary Volume], by Martin. 1884 684Q See also Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Wallace's Tropical Nature, 7=59F. Birds, &c. [347] HUM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HUN Humour and Pathos of C. Dickens, selected- by Kent. 1 884 1 1 83R English, by L'Estrange, 2 vols. 1878 1005-6R — See also Percy Anecdotes, 923Z. Hood's Preachers, 541M, &c. Humourists, American Lectures, by Haweis. 1883 : ... 482O English, by Thackeray. 1853 1042Q Humorous Gems from American Literature, by Mason. 1887 1235R Poetry of the English Language, with notes by Parton. 1867.... 721 M Tales, &c, by Poe 729M Humphrey (D., American Poet, b. 1755, d. 1818). See Poets of America, 468D. Humphreys (H. N., Antiquary and Naturalist, b. ,1810), Butterfly Vivarium, or Insect Home , 105R Coin Collector's Manual, or Guide to the Numismatic Student in the Formation of a Cabinet of Coins, with an Historical Account of Coinage from the Earliest Period to the Fall of the Roman Empire [Bohn's Library] 1088-9M Hundreds. See Stubb's History, 210-1O, &c. Hungarian Sketches in Peace and War, by Jokal. 1855 9^6 and 1283R Hungary and its Revolutions, and Memoir of Kossuth, by E. O. S. 87O by Vambery [Story of the Nations]. 1887 434O Civil War in [1848-9], by an Austrian Officer. 1850 361O See also Alison's Europe, 121-46O. Boner's Transylvania, 423K. Pardoe's City of the Magya, 453-5K, &c. Hunger. See Brown's Science for All, 626B, &c. # Hungerford (Mrs.). See Argles (Mrs.) in Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hunt (Mrs. A. W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hunt (F.), Worth and Wealth ; a Collection of Maxims, Morals and Miscellanies, for Merchants and Men of Business. 1856 246R Hunt (Leigh, Poet and Essayist, b. 1784, d. 1859), A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla [Pastoral Poetry, &c], illustrated by Doyle. 1868 1272H A Saunter through the West End. 1861 I337R Correspondence of, edited by his eldest Son, 2 vols. 1862 727-SO Stories from the Italian Poets, 2 vols. 1846 708-9M inVerse. 1855 " 313Q [Hero and Leander, Ballads of Robin Hood, Lady Godiva, &c] Story of Rimini, Feast of the Poets, &c, Poems. 1816 33*Q The Indicator and the Companion. 1842 970H Old Court Suburb, or Memorials of Kensington 1341R Seer; or Common-places Refreshed. 1840 970H Town [London], its Memorable Characters and Events, illus- trated. 1848 1336R and 136T . Sec also Clarke's Recollections, 939O. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Har- per's Index, i64oJa. Merydew's Love Letters, vol. 2, 677F, &c. Hunt (M. & T. S.) Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa, &c. Hunt (R., Geologist, b. 1807, d. 1887), F.R.S., Ed., Popular Romances of the West of England ; or the Drolls, Tradi- tions and Superstitions of Old Cornwall. 1881 898M Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. 1878-9 ... 6-9D See also Art Studies from Nature. 902D, &c. Hunt (W.), M.A., and Freeman (E. A.), D.C.L., Eds., Historic Towns, 1887-89: Bristol, by Hunt, 1662R. Carlisle, by Creighton, 1666R. Cinque Ports, by Burrows, 1665R. Colchester, by Cutts, 1664R. Exeter, by Free- man, 1661R. Lincoln, by Venables, 1667R. London, by Loftie, 1660R. Norwich, by Jessopp, 1668R. Oxford, by Boase, 1663R. St. Andrew's by Lang, 1669R. Winchester, by Kitchin, 1670R, Yorke, by Raine 167TR. [348] hun English section. OTT Hunter (Anne, Poetess, b. 1742, d. 1821). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &C. Hunter (H., Scotch Minister, b. 1741, d. 1802), D.D., Sacred Biography, Principal Characters in the Old Testament and Principal Events in the Life of Jesus Christ. 1841 625F Hunter (John, Scotch Surgeon, b. 1728, d. 1793). See Buckland's Curiosities, 598Q. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 665Q, &c. Hunter (W. W.), C.S.I., The Indian Empire; its People, History and Products. 1886 485 K Hunters' Life in South Africa, by dimming, illustrated, 2 vols. 1850 1547-8R Hunting, by the Duke of Beaufort, &c. [Badminton Library], 1888 1131M _ See also Cecil's Records of the Chase, 917M. Cumming's South Africa, 649K. Du Chaillu's Africa, 591 K. Eardley-Wilmot's Life of T. A. Smith, 504F. Harper's Index [Hunting Adventures], i64oJa. Len- nox's Fashions Then and Now, 1018-9H. Southesk's Rocky Moun- tains, 817K. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Walker's Exercises, 1164M. Huntingdon (Countess of, Founder of ' Calvinists,b. 1707, d. 1791). See Over- ton's Revivals, 430M. Stoughton's Religion in England, 97M, &c. Huntington (E. M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Huntington (J. V.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Huntley and Palmer's Biscuit Factory. See All the Year Round, v. 42, 1922J. Hurd (R., Bishop of Worcester, b. 1720, d. 1808), D.D. See Warburton's Divine Legation of Moses, 433-5A. Hurlburt (Mrs. E. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. HurPbut (W. H.), Pictures of Cuba [Travellers' Library]. 1855 ... 1270R Hurling, Bowling, &c. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1153M, &c. Huron, Lake. See Stanford's Compendium, 850K, &c. Hurricane. See Reclus' Phenomena, S06F. Storms, Winds, &c. Hurry-graphs, Sketches of Scenery, &c. [America],by Willis. 1S51 1905R Hurst (J. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Hurton(W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Husbandry, Practical, by Doyle. 1S51 844D See also Griffiths' Manures, 2111R. Agriculture, Farming, Sec. Husbandry Spiritualized, &c, by Flavel 129M Husbands. See Bellair's Girls and Maidens, 984M. Jeaffreson's Bridals, 984H. Marriage, &c. Huskisson (W., Political Economist, b. 1770, d. 1830). See Alison's Europe, 139-1O. Torrens' Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 385F, &c. Huss (John, Bohemian Reformer, b. 1373, d. 1415). See Bonnechose's Reformers, 286M, &c. Hussey (T. J., Catholic Bishop of Waterford, b. 1745, d. 1803), D.D., Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments [Com- mentary], 3 vols. 1844 3 2 "4A Hutcheson (F., Philosopher, b. 1694, d. 1747), by Fowler [English Philosophers]. 1882 1 232O Hutcheson (J. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hutchings (J. M.). Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California, illustrated. 1865 721K Hutchinson (John, Parliamentarian Colonel, b. 1617, d. 1664), Life of, by his Widow, and an Account of the Siege of Lathom House. 1 846 , 729O Hutohinson (N. M.). Works of. Sec Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Hutchinson (R., Divine, d. 1555), Works of. 1842 222A Hutchinson (T. J.), Narrative of the Niger, Tshadda, and Binue Exploration [Travellers' Library]. 1855 126SR Summer Holidays in Brittany. 1876 1383R Hutchison (J.), D.D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A. Huth (A. H., Book Collector, b. 1817, d. 1878), Life and Writings of Buckle, 2 vols. 1880 154-5F The Marriage of Near Kin considered with respect to the Laws of Nations, the Results of Experience and the Teachings of Biology. 1873 952F [3491 HJ GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HYM Huts. See Cameron's Africa, 602-3K. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R, &c. Hutten (Ulrich von, German Poet and Reformer, b. 1770, d. 1830), His Life and Times [The Reformation], by Strauss, trans- lated by Mrs. Sturge. 1874 I025O Hutton (H. D.). See International Policy, 332H. Hutton (J.), James and Philip van Arteveld, Two Episodes in the History of the 14th Century. 1882 1012O Hutton (L.), Literary Landmarks of London. 1885 980R Hutton (R. IL), Sir W. Scott [English Men of Letters]. 1879 1080O Huxley (T. H., Naturalist, b. 1825), F.R.S. Hume [English Men ofLetters]. 1879 1073O Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews .. 701A Lectures on Evolution : with an Appendix on the Study of Bio- logy [Humboldt Library], illustrated. 1882 780F Physiography : an Introduction to the Study of Nature, ill. 1878 495 R Science and Culture and other Essays. 1882 779D The Crayfish, an Introduction to Zoology. 1880 123R See also Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905 F. Roscoe (H. E.), F.R.S., and Stewart (B.), M.A., Eds. Science Primers, illustrated. v.D. : Logic, by Jevons 1521Z Physical Geography, by Geikie . . 754Z Physics, by Stewart 753^ Physiology, by Foster 1436Z Political Economy, by Jevons . . 1512Z Astronomy, by Lockyer 756Z Botany, by Hooker 838Z Chemistry, by Roscoe 760Z Geology, by Geikie 757Z Introductory, by Huxley 758Z Huxtable (E.), M.A. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A, Hyacinth.. See Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M, &c. Hyacinthe (Father [Loyson], French Carmelite Preacher, b. 1827), Discourses of, trans, by Bacon, with a Biographical Sketch... 730O Hyde (Anne, Daughter of Edivard, Earl of Clarendon, Mother of Queens Mary and Anne, b. 1637, d. 1671). See York (Duchess of). Hyde (Edward, Earl of Clarendon, Chancellor to Charles I., b. 1608, d. 1674). See Gardiner's History of England, 466-9O, &c. Hyde (J. W.), The Royal Mail, its Curiosities and Romance. 1885 448O Hyde Park. See Wynter's Social Bees, 1T59R. London, &c. Hyder Shah, or Memoirs concerning the East Indies. 1848 307D Hydraulic and other Machines for raising Water, &c, by Ewbank.. 830D Cement, Cranes, Lime, Machines for Mines, &c. See Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Hydrogen. See Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377R. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Tyndall's Heat, 509R, &c. Hydrography. See Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 829K, &c Hydrometer. See Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q, &c. Hydropathy, Domestic Practice of, by Johnson. 1850 914K The Water Cure in Chronic Disease, by J. M. Gully. 1846 916K Hydrophobia. See Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 712F. Pasteur's Life and Labours, 893O. South's Household Surgery, 1857Z. Insanity, Madness, &c. Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, by Lardner [Lardner's Cyclop.] 7©lQ See also Lardner's Natural Philosophy, 468 and 474R. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-QD. Joyce's Dialogues, 695Q, &c. Hyena, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 662Q, &c. Hygeia, a City of Health, by Richardson. 1876 ;.. 1443Z Hygiene and Medicine, Popular, by Lankester [Haydn's Diet.] 91 iK Hygiene. See also Bennet's Nutrition in Health and Disease, 918K. Fothergill's Health, 824M. Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Poole's Index, R.L. Health, &c. Hygrometer. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D. Hymns of the Ages, being Selections from various writers. 1861 ... 528D Wither, Crashaw, Wesley, Southwell, Habington, Dale, Whittier, Bonar, Donne, Toplady, Stirling, Quarles, Jeremy Taylor, Kummacher, Her- bert, Trench, Mrs. Browning, Miss Proctor, Baxter, Conder, Miss Carey, Mrs. Hemans, Lowell, R. Browning, Raleigh, Shakespeare. [350] HYM ENGLISH SECTION. IDI Hymns. See also Contemporary Review [Hymns, Ancient and Modern], v. 54, 2064J. Quiver Magazine [Hymn Tunes], 3301J, &c. Hynes (Mrs. S. B.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Hyperbole. See Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M, &c. Hyperion, a Romance, by Longfellow. 1866 79§R Hypothesis. . See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R. Hypnotism. See Mayo's Superstitions, &c, 901M. Fortnightly, v. 44, 2134J. Hyslop (J.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, Hysteria. See Thomson's Sick Room, 834M. All the Year Round, v. 2, 1762J, &c, Hythe [Burrows' Cinque Ports] 1665R See also All the Year Round, v. 37, 1797J. Saturday Review, v. 56, R.L. I BERIANT. See Stanford's Compendium, 854K, &c. Ibrahim Pacha {Viceroy 0/ Egypt, b. 1789, d. 1848). See Alison's Europe, 139-43O. Ice Age, Great, and Its Relation to the Antiquity of Man, by Geikie. 1874 457R and Icebergs. See Nares' Polar Seas, 672-3K. Beckmann's Inventions [Artificial Ice], 698Q. Brown's Science For All, 627B. Koldewey's Arctic Expedition [Icebergs], 605B. Lamont's Arctic Seas, 674 and 675K. Long's Voyage of the Jeanette, 676-7B. Ure's Dictionary [Ice House], 7D. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. All the Year Round, v. 20, 1780J. Chambers [Artificial], v. 8, 1923J. Fraser [Subterranean], v. 71, 681J. Living Age [Nature's], v. 23, 3053J ; [After Icebergs, with a Painter], v. 71, 3101J. Nature [in Switzerland], v. 2, 2662J ; [Melting and Regulation of], v. 5 and 6, 2665 and 2666J ; [Polar], v. 20, 2680J. Once a Week [Ice Cavern in the Justisthal], v. 11, 2271J. Penny Magazine [in Bengal], v. 6, 144B ; [Ground], v. 11, 149B. Arctic Voyages, Polar Seas, &c. ICELAND, A Visit to, by Pfeiffer, translated. 1852 1321R and Egypt in 1874, by Taylor. 1875 I 535^ Greenland, &c, Historical Account of [by James Nicoll]. 642R and 387T — — Oxonian in [i860], by Metcalfe. 1861 1482R Rambles in, by Miles. 1854 1263R Six Weeks in the Saddle, by Waller. 1874 1483R See also DufFerin's Letters, 469K. Koldewey's Arctic Expedition, 605B. Lock's Home of the Eddas, 470K. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe [Icelandic Language and Poetry], 473D. Mallet's Northern Antiquities [Icelanders], 1008M. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. _ Stanford's Compendium, 854K. Atlantic Monthly [Summer and Winter], v. 62, 1552J. Chambers [and Faroe Island, Vibit to], v. 24, 1938 J ; [Summer in], v. 46, 1949 J. Cornhill [Impressions of], v. 29, 309J. Edinburgh Review [in the year 100], v. 114, 474J ; [and its Explorers], v. 143, 503J, Fraser [in the year 100], v. 46, 656J. Good Words, v. 17, 2187J. Nature [Volcanoes of], v. 16, 2676J. [Age of Igneous Rocks of], v. 24, 2684J. Penny Magazine [Geysers of], v. 2, 141B. Ichthyology [Fishes]. See Book of Nature, 390-1B. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 678-83Q. Fishes, &c. Iconoclasm. See Inman's Faiths, 95-6Ka, &c. Ida, Story of, by Francesca, edited, with preface, by Ruskin. 1883 I 35 I Identity. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R. Iddesleigh (Stafford Northcote, Earl of), Lectures and Essays. 1887 1277H Do States, like individuals, Decay? On Taste, Accuracy, Desultory Reading, Political Economy, Schools and School Life, Names and Nicknames, Archaeology of Devon and Cornwall, on Moliere, on Distant Correspondents, &c. Ideals. See Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Ideas. See Compayr^'s Pedagogy, 296R. Fraser, v. 103, 713J, &c. Idiots. See All the Year Round [Happy], v. 11, 1751J. Chambers [Education of], v. 8, 1928J ; [Favored], v. 35, 1944J. Edinburgh Review [Asylums], v. 122, 482J. Once a Week [Election of], v. 19, 2279J. Warner's Physical Expression [Idiot compared with an intelligent Man], 393R, &c. [351] IDL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ILL Idleness. See Once a Week [Praise of], v. 18, 2278 J. Idler, The, by Johnson and others, A Treasury of Essay, Criticism, &c 879-979 and 992H, 39T and 906Z Idolatry, Idols, &c. See Bourke's Snake Dances, &c., 717K. Eden's China, 813Q ; and Japan, 814Q. Ewald's Israel, 61-2K. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Sayce's Origin of Religion, 644A. Cornhill [in Modern Society], v. 19, 299J. Story of the Nations. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95-6Ka, &c. Idumsea, with a Survey of Arabia [R.T.S.] 651Z Idyls and Legends of Inverburn, by Buchanan. 1882 335Q Idyls of the King. See Tennyson's Works, 488D. Ignatius (St., Bishop of Antioch, about 69). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670F. Ignatius Loyola. See Loyola. Ignorance. See Bagehot's Studies, 864H. Compayr^'s Pedagogy, 296R. In- man's Faiths, 96 Ka. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 71T-2F. Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R, &c. Iguanodon, The. Sec Mantell's Wonders of Geology, 7 2 4-5Q, &c. Ihne (W.), Ph.D., Early Rome, from the Foundation of the City, to its Destruction by the Gauls [Epochs of Ancient History] ... 1816Z Ilfracombe. See Lewes' Sea-Side Studies, 822F, &c. Iliad of Homer. See Homer, Pope, &c. the East, Legends drawn from Valmiki's Sanskrit Poem, the Ramayana, by Fredericka Richardson. 1870 1072R Ilkley. See Granville's Spas, 35 iK, &c. Illiot (W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Illness. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Thorold's Yoke of Christ, 33Q. Disease, Medicine, &c. Illuminati. See Frost's Secret Societies, 32H. Heckthorn's Secret Societies, 377O, &c. Illuminating, History and Practice of, Sketched by Wyatt, illus- trations by Tymms 1 124M See also Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D. Illusions, a Psychological Study. 1887 369R See also Conway's Demonology, 909-10M. Conjuring, Spiritualism, &c. Illustrated Biographies of Great Artists. v.D. : Vol. 1.— Figure Painters of Holland, by Lord Ronald Gower 1123O Vol. 2. — Hogarth, by Dobson 1101O Vol. 3.— Holbein, by Cundall 1 102O Vol. 4. — Leonardo da Vinci, by Richter 1118O Vol. 5.— Little Masters of Germany, by Scott 1117O Vol. 6. — Raphael, by D' Anvers 1 106O Vol. 7.— Rembrandt, by Mollett 1107O Vol. 8.— Rubens, by Kett 1109O Vol. 9.— Tintoretto, by Osier 1110O Vol.10. — Titian, by Heath nnO Vol. 11. — Turner, by Monkhouse .- 1119O Vol. 12.— Van Dyck and Hals, by Head 1112O Vol. 13. — Vernet and Delaroche, by Rees 1113O Vol. 14. — Michael Angelo, by Clement 1120O Vol. 15. — Sir Edwin Landseer, by Stephens ui60 Vol. 16. — Sir Joshua Reynolds, by Pulling 1108O Vol. 17.— Albrecht Durer, by Heath 1096O Vol. 18. — Fra Angelico, by Phillimore 1097O Vol. 19.— Fra Bartolommeo, by Scott 1098O Vol. 20. — Gainsborough, by Arnold 1121O Vol. 21. — Ghiberti and Donatello, by Scott 1100O Vol. 22.— Giotto, by Quilter 1124O Vol. 23. — Meissonier, by Mollett 1104O Vol. 24. — Murillo, by Minor 1105O Vol. 25. — Romney and Lawrence, by Gower 1103O Vol. 26.— Sir David Wilkie, by Mollett 1114O Vol. 27. — Valasquez, by Stowe 1122O Vol. 28.— Watteau, by Mollett 11 15O [352] ILL ENGLISH SECTION. IMM Illustrated Books of Travel, drawn with Pen and Pencil [Religious Tract Society]. V.D. : Australian Pictures, by II. IVilloughby. — Configuration and Climate. Australian People. Victoria. New South Wales. South Australia. 8ueensland. Western Australia. Tasmania. Heroes of Exploration, lance at the Aborigines. Specimens of Australian Fauna and Flora. The Squatter and the Settler 332U Bible Lands, by Rev. S. G. Green, D.D. — Damascus and the Lebanon. The Hauran.and the Land beyond Jordan. Northern Syria. Cyprus and Asia Minor. Northern Syria, &c. Land of the East: Ararat. Babylon, Nineveh, Isles of the Gentiles 328 1 *> Canadian Pictures, by the Marquis of Lome. — Dominion of Canada. Re- lations between Canada and England. Climate of Canada. The Maritime Provinces. Ontario. Quebec. Lake Huron to Winnipeg. The Indians of the North-West. The New Territories. British Columbia - 33rB French Pictures, by Rev. S. G. Green, D.D.—- Entering France. Normandy and Brittany. Up the Loire by Rail. Auvergne and Cevennes. Visit to the Alps of Dauphine. Some Ancient Cities and their Me- mories. South-West France and the Pyrenees. The Hill Countries of Eastern France. From Lyons to Paris. Notes on Paris 334I* German Fatherland, by Rev. S. G. Green, D.D. — Up the Rhine and into Germany. The Black Forest. Glimpses of Northern Germany. Prague to Munich by Vienna. Tyrol and the Eastern Alps. From Vienna, on the way to the Rhine, Frankfurt and Luther's Country .... 333B Italian Pictures, by Rev. S. Manning, LL.D. — Rome and the Romans. Naples and Pompeii. Tuscany and Piedmont 330B Noivegian Pictures, by R. Lovett. M.A. — The Kingdom of Norway. Some Historical Pictures. From Trondhjem to the North Cape. From Christiania to Romsdal. The West Coast and Fjords. Southern Nor- way. Some Habits and Customs. Gothenburg to Stockholm 329B Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, a Weekly Journal for Joiners, Decorators, Painters, Plumbers, Gas-Fitters, Architects, Sec, from Vol. 1. 1877 2981J Some of the principal contents of this magazine will be found entered under their proper subject headings in the general body of the Catalogue, with the shelf number specified. Illustrated London News, From vol I, 1842 R. L. Magazine of Art, Vols. 1-3. 1853-4 376-7]. Text-Books of Art Education, edited by Poynter. v.d 1081-3M [Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, &c] Illustration of Native Life and European Expansion. See Austral Africa. 1401H, &c. Illustrations of the Bible from the Monuments of Egypt, by Taylor. 1838 226T Illustrious Men, Lives of. 1851 251Z See also Biography, and under names, e.g., Gladstone, Shakespeare, &c. Illyrian Emperors and their Land. See Freeman's Essays, &c. Imagination. See Alison's Taste, &c, 629H. Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296 R. Grey's Self-Culture, 961R. Hood's Preachers, 541M. Percy Anec- dotes, 924Z. Sully's Illusions, 369R. Living Age [Cultivation of], v. 141, 3T71J. St. Paul's [as a National Characteristic], v. 4, 1164F, &c. Imagination, Will and Intelligence. See Radcliffe's Unity in Nature, 760F, &c. Imitation of Christ, by Thomas A'Kempis. 1841 121Q Imitative Art, its Principles and Progress, with Preliminary Re- marks on Beauty, Sublimity and Taste, by Dyer. 1882 93oL> Immortality, a Clerical Symposium on What are the Foundations of Belief in the Immortality of Man, by Knox-Little and others. 1885 1223M and Life, Considered in Relation to the Annihilationists, by Grant, 1871 331M 12 [353] IMM CUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. INC Immortality, Foregleams of, by Scars. 1859 65Z of the Soul [Drew's Works] 53K Young Men's Guide to, by J. A. James. 1851 2 36Q See also Fairbairn's Philosophy, 308 M. Zeller's Greek Philosophy, 538-9M. Contemporary [and Mortality], v. 19, 2029J ; [Belief in] v. 20, 2030J. Fraser [and Immateriality], v. 13, 623J. Living Age, v. 114. 3M4J; v. 115, 3I45J. &c. Imperial Cyclopaedia of the British Empire [Knight's], 2 vols. 1853 88- 9B Imperial England. Sec Escott's England and its People, 1018F. Government in South Africa. See Austral Africa, 1402H. India, Colonies, &c. India, an Artist's Journals, by Prinsep, illustrated with Portraits of Indian Princes, &c. 81 6K Implements of Agriculture, &c. , by Ransoine. 1 843 37D See also Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F, &c. Implication. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R. Import and Export. See Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-8F. Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Commerce, &c. Impostors. See All the Year Round, v. 19, 1779J. Cornhill [Two Impostors of the 1 8th Century], v. 39, 319 J, &c. Imposture, Deception and Credulity [Family Library]. 1837 1824Z Imprisonment. Sec Brougham's Political Speeches [for Debt], 605R. Black- wood [and Transportation], v. 55, 125J. Fortnightly Review [for Debt], v. 44, 2140J. Crime, Prisons, Punishment, &c. Improvement of Affliction, Sequel to Comfort in Affliction, by Buchanan. 1848 61Q In The Trades, The Tropics, and The Roaring Forties, by Lady Brassey, illustrated. 1885 798K Incarnation. — Wilberforce, Cranmer, Jewell and the Prayer Book on the Incarnation. 1850 630A Incas, The. Sec Coote's Wanderings, 810K. Del Mar's Precious Metals, 899F. Humboldt's Nature, 29R. Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Prescott's Con- quest of Peru, 527-8H, and 388-9O. Squier's Peru, 762K. Peru, &c. Ince(IL), Ed., Wonders of the World, illustrated 325K Inchbald (Elizabeth, Actress and Dramatist, b. 1753, d. 1821.) Various Plays 1 7 52-4Z See also Adams' Women of Society, &c, 1048O. Inchbald's British Theatre. Inchbald'S British Theatre, or a collection of Plays, with bio- graphical and critical remarks, by Mrs. Inchbald, 20 vols : Vol. 1. — The Mountaineers, by Colman the Younger. Speed the Plough, by Morton. Lovers' Vows, from the German of Kotzebue. Lionel and Clarissa, by BickerstafF. The Poor Gentleman, by Colman the Younger 1337Z Vol. 2. —The Maid of the Mill, by Bickerstaff. Douglas, by Home. Comedy of Errors, and Cymbeline, by Shakspeare. The Busy- Body, by Mrs. Centlivre 1338Z Vol. 3.— All in the Wrong, by Murphy. Such Things are, by Mrs. Inch- bald. Oroonoko, by Southern. Love in a Village, by Bicker- staff 1339Z Vol. 4. — Road to Ruin, by Holcroft. Jane Shore, by Rowe. Clandestine Marriage, by Colman and Garrick. Edward the Black Prince, by Shirley. The Mourning Bride, by Shirley 1340Z Vol. 5. — Cure for the Heart-ache, by Morton. Tancred and Sigismunda, by Thomson. She Stoops to Conquer, by Goldsmith. The Jew, by Cumberland. To Marry or Not to Marry, by Mrs. Inchbald 1341Z Vol. 6. — Julius Caesar and the Tempest, by Shakspeare. The Orphan, by Otway. Zara, by Hill. The Fair Penitent, by Rowe. . . 1342Z Vol. 7. — Siege of Damascus, by Hughes. The Provoked Wife, by Van- brugh. The Rival Queens, by Lee. Lady Jane Grey, by Rowe. The Roman Father, by Whitehead 1343Z Vol. 8. — Point of Honour, by Kemble. Barbarossa, by Brown. Merchant of Venice and King John, by Shakespeare. Maids as they Are, and Wives as they Were, by Mrs. Inchbald 1344^ [354] INC ENGLISH SECTION. IND Inchbald's British Theatre, &c. — [continued.) Vol. 9.— The Wheel of Fortune, by Cumberland. King Henry V.j Antony and Cleopatra and a Winter's Tale, by Shakspeare. The Recruit- ing Officer, by Farquhar 1345^ Vol. 10. — De Montfort, by Baillie. Count of Narbonne, by Jephson. Castle of Andalusia, by O'Keeffe. Bold Stroke for a Husband, by Mrs. Cowley. Fatal Curiosity, by Lillo T 346Z Vol. 11.— The Honeymoon, by Tobin. The Earl of Essex, by Jones. King Henry IV., by Shakspeare. The Brothers, by Cumber- land. She Would and She Would Not, by Cibber 1347Z Vol. 12. — The Inconstant, by Farquhar. The Rivals, by Sheridan. The Chances, by Beaumont and Fletcher. Mahomet, by Miller. The Foundling, by Moore 1348^ Vol. 13. — Much Ado about Nothing, by Shakspeare. Venice Preserved, by Otway. Surrender of Calais, Battle of Hexham, or the Days of Old, and The Iron Chest, by George Colman the Younger 1349Z Vol. 14. — Heir at Law, by Colman the Younger. Isabella, or the Fatal Marriage, by Southern. The Hypocrite, by Bickerstaff. A New Way to Pay Old Debts, by Massinger. Measure for Measure, by Shakspeare 1350Z Vol. 15. — Inkle and Yarico, by Colman the Younger. Othello, by Shak- speare. The Gamester, by Moore. The Duenna, by Sheridan. King Lear, by Shakespeare 1 3S 1 ^- Vol. 16. — Know Your Own Mind, by Murphy. Hamlet, by Shakespeare. Merry Wives of Windsor, by Shakespeare. The Belle's Strata- gem, by Cowley. The Country Girl, by Garrick J 352Z Vol. 17. — Romeo and Juliet, King Henry VIII., and King Richard III., by Shakespeare. George Barnwell, by Lillo. The Way to Get Married, by Morton I 353Z Vol. 18.— Man of the World, by Macklin. The Distressed Mother, by Philips. The Beggar's Opera, by Gay. Twelfth Night, by Shakspeare. The Grecian Daughter, by Murphy 1354Z Vol. 19. — Rule a Wife, and Have a Wife, by Beaumont and Fletcher 1355Z Vol. 20. — Every Man in his Humour, by Jonson. The Beaux' Stratagem, by Farquhar. The West Indian, by Cumberland. King Henry IV., by Shakespeare. Conscious Lovers, by Steele. ..... 1356Z Income-tax. See Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Peto's Taxation, &c, iot6F. Raven's Parliamentary History of England [1 832-1880], 233O. Con- temporary [How to abolish], v. 38, 2048J. Edinburgh Review [in Great Britain], v. 97, 457J. Fraser [Word or two about], v. 47, 657J. [and the Plans for its Reform], v. 65, 675J ; [How may it be Sup- planted ?], v. 69, 679J. Westminster, v. 77, R.L., &c. Incubation, &c. See Fosters Embryology, 828M. Ure's Dictionary [Arti- ficial], 7D, &c. Independents. See Bisset's Parliamentary Government, 216H. May's De- mocracy, 39H. Stoughton's Religion in England, 98M. Wilson's Dissenters, 188-91K, &c. Index to Periodical Literature to 1852, by Poole. 1853 58SI) [For Complete Index see set in Reference Library.] INDIA— Works relating to : (See also British Empire, East Indies, Hindoos, Idolatry, Missions, Travels, &*c.) India, a Tour in, by Mundy, illustrated. 1858 1505R an Historical Sketch, by Canon Trevor 460T and Lord Ellenborough. 1844 467H Anglo-India, Social and Political, from the Asiatic Journal. 490-2K Bird's Eye View of, by Perry. 1855 7&3 ( * British, Account of, by Murray and others 463II & 391-3T and its Rulers, by Cunningham. 1881 488K Rule in, by Martineau. 1857 462T Central, Stephen Hislop, Pioneer Missionary and Naturalist, in Central India from 1844 to 1863, by Smith. 1888 ... 656I" [355] IND GUILLE-ALLfeS LIBRARY. IND INDIA— Works relating to— {continued.) India, China and Japan, a Visit to, in 1853, by Taylor. 1870... 855R Christianity in, by Kaye. 1859 326A [Conder's Modern Traveller], 4 vols. 1828 537-40Z Decisive Battles of [1746-1849], by Malleson. 1883 534H Discourses on the Religion, Poetry, &c, of India, by Jones 1201Z Geology of, by MedlicoU, &c, illustrated, 4 vols. 1879 27-30D History of the British Empire in India, by Gleig. 1830-5. ..1651-4Z Illustrated History of, by Grant 228-9D Imperial, an Artist's Journals, by Prinsep, illustrated with Portraits of Indian Princes, &c 816K in 1880, by Temple, 1880 486K Industrial Arts of, by Birdvvood, illustrated. 1880 91 iD ■ ■ its History, Field Sports, &c. , by Stocqueler. 1853 427T Knowledge of the Ancients of India, by Robertson. 1802... 160Z • Manners and Customs of, by Acland. 1847 884M and 819Q Men and Events of n.y Time in India, by Temple. 1882... 464II ■ Missing Chapter in the Indian Mutiny, by Showers. 1888 ... 560H Modern, and the Indians, by Williams. 1878 489K Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India [1824-5], &c, by Heber, 2 vols. 1849 1506-7R Our Indian Empire, by Norwood. 1876 372O Our Tour through Southern India, by Murray- Aynsley. . . 1883 800K Peeps at the Far East, by Macleod. 1871 '. 815K Prince of Wales in, by Gay. 1877 1509R Prince of Wales' Tour in, by Russell, illustrated, 2 vols. 1877 603B Southern, a Visit to some of the Chief Mission Stations, by Mitchell, illustrated. 1885 1510R Suppression of Infanticide in, by Wilson. 1855 1086F The Land and the People, by Caird. 1883 556H under Victoria [1836- 1 880], by Trotter, 2 vols. 1886 538-9H What can it Teach us ? The Ancient Religion and Literature of India, by Max Muller. 1883 437A Wild Beasts of, by Sanderson. 1878 724F Indian Empire, its People, History and Products, by Hunter. 1886 485K Rise of our, by Mahon. 1858 37 iO See also Malleson's Life of Lord Clive, 25qF. Life, Religious and Social, by Oman. 1889 1741R Mutiny, by Holmes. 1883 470II [1857-1859], by Malleson, 3 vols. 1878-80 471-2II Officers, Lives of, by Kaye. 1889 1453-4O Personal Adventures of a Magistrate, by Thornhill. 1884 474H ■ See also Clyde, Lord, 162-3F. Grevillc Memoirs. Martin's Prince Consort, 94F. Russell's Diary, 373O. Smith's Life of Lord Law- rence, 343-41". Thomson's Cawnpore, 276O. Trevelyan's Cavnpore, 275O. Havelock, &c. Olio [Travels in India, Sec. ], by Burton, illustrated 1 729R Poetry, translated by E. Arnold. 1881 5*3D Wars. 5'tY'O'Byrne's Victor.ia Cross, 270O. Indian Mutiny, &c India. See also Alison's Europe, 119-46O. Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 611B. Birds in the Museum of the Hon. East India Company, 709-10F. Burke's Works [Jus'ice in], 611R. Burton's Sindh, 487K. Carpenter's Education, &c, 562O. Falkland's Chow-Chow, 524-5K. Harper's Index, i64oJa. I Oman's Faiths, 96K. Kaye's East India Company, 463H. Lecky's Eighteenth Century [East India Com- pany], 169H. Lubhock's Primitive Man, 672B. Mackenzie'.' Delhi, 836Q. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. Napier": IND ENGLISH SECTION. IND INDIA— Works relating' to— [continued.) Scinde, 465H. Poole's Index, R.L. Rawlinson's Ancient Religions, 443.M ; Origin of Nations, 365O. Seeley's Expansion of England, 1515O. Seward's Travels, 601B. Snodgrass' Burmese War, 475H. Stanford's Compendium, 852K. Taylor (Col. M.), 996O. Watts' Life of Bright, 526O. Wilkinson's Sunny Lands, S37K. Blackwood [Political History of], v. 20, R.L. ; [Invasion of], v. 22, R.L. ; [Agriculture in], v. 113, 183J. Chambers' Journal [Gang- Robbsrs ofl, v. 14, 1933J *, [Arts and Manufactures of], v. 20, 1930J; [Education in], v. 30, 1941J ; L-Monsoon in], v. 53, 1953 J. Contemporary [Stability of], v. 31, 2041J ; [Why keep] v. 38, 204SJ ; [Future of], v. 39, 2041J. Cornhill [Climate and Government of], v. 6, 235J. Edinburgh Review [Astronomy of], v. 10, 370J ; [Con- quest of Scinde], v. 79, 439J ; [Torture in], v. 103, 463J ; [French in], v. 127, 487J. Fraser [and England], v. 8, 618J ; [Mutinies in], v. 56, 655J ; [Extent of, How we escaped from Delhi, and Men of J, v. 57, 657J ; [Duties of England to], v. 64, 674J ; [Barracks and Hos- pitals in], v. 69, 679J ; [a Christmas in], v. 89, 699J ; [in 1874], v. 90, 700J ; v. 03, 703J. Good Words [Alps of], v. 8, 2178J. London Quarterly' Review [Laws of] v. 20, 810J. Macmillan [Dangers in], v - r 5> 945J- Nature [Geography of], v. 4, 2664J ; [Geology of], v. 20, 263oJ ; [Ball's Jungle Life in and Entomology of], v. 21, 2681 J. On:e a Week [From a French View], v. 8, 2268J. Quarterly [Industrial Resources ofj, v. 113, 1243J. Brown's Races of Mankind [Abo- riginal Tribe;, &c.], 156D. English Mechanic [India-rubber], v. 46, 1046D. Harper [Art in Metal and Wood], 1647J. Hart wig's Tropical World [India-rubber], 758F. Mosley's Essays [Conversion], 1024H, &c. Indian Archipelago, by St. John, 2 vols. 1853 1504R See also Bennett's Whaling Voyage, S35-6K, &c. Indian Clubs. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1154M, &c. Indian Corn, its Value, Culture and Uses, by Enfield. 1S66 1105M Indiana. See Fraser [A Blue Mutiny, 1861], v. 63, 673J. Good Words [All about], v. 3, 2173J. Harper's Magazine, v. 77, 1657J. INDIANS, AMERICAN.— Works relating to: {See also America, Canada, United States, Harper 's and Poole's In- dexes, ^fc.)~ Indians American [Brown's Races of Mankind] 155D [Brown's Palaeolithic Man] 905!'' [ Black Hawk's Adventures] 699O of America, Alta-California. 1846 1590R The North American, by Catlin, illustrated, 2 vols. 1841... 689 oK Traits and Sketches of, by Thatcher, 2 vols. 1844 1113-4Z S>£#/.?0Cumming's Granite Crags [California], 720K. Dixon's White Conquest, 492-3H. Domenech's Deserts of America, 692-3K. Eggles- ton's United States, 421H. Featherstonhaugh's Canoe Voyage, 726K.. Gale's Mississippi [Indian Tribes], 1602R. Harper's Index, 164 oja. Hazard's Pennsylvania, 565H. Inman's Faiths, g6Ka. living's Adventures of Captain Bonneville, 671X. Jameson's Sketches in Canada, 791Q and 1271R. Lome's Canadian Pictures, 331B. Mac- fie's Vancouver's Island, &c, 63iK. Madden's Shrines, &c, 342-3K. Malthus' Population, 1093F. Nadaillac's Pre-historic America, S97F. Robinson's Hudson's Bay, 680K. Ruxton's Adventures, 835Q. Southesk's Rocky Mountains, 817K. Stanley's Up the Yellowstone, 1595 R. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Tegg's Funeral Rites, 1481Z. _ Edinburgh Review [Civilization of], v. 8, 368 J. Harper's Magazine [Canadian], v. 77, 1657J, &C- Indies, East. See East Indies, India, &c. West. See West Indies, &c. Indicator, The, &c, Essays by Hunt. 1842 970H Indicators, Library. See Cotgreave's Indicator versus Bookkeeping, 1913R. Tev0.1V Social Reform, 1111F. Encyclopaedia Britannica, R.L. Libraries, &c. Indigo. See Beckman's Inventions, 698Q. Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Penny Maga- zine [Planters and Plantations], v. 12, 150B. Dyes, &c. Individuality. See Compayre's Pedagogy, 296 R. Posnett's Literature, 394K. [357] IND GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. INO Indolence. See Anspach's Thieves of Homes, 279R. Foster's Essays, 951K, &c. Indoor Amusements. See Boy's Own Annual, 2958J. Girls' Own Book, Amuse- ments, &c. Indulgences in the Romish Church. See Gibbon's Roman Empire, 84 H. Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R, &c. Industrial Arts in Spain, by Riafio [South Kens. Handbooks] 103 iM Arts. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Also under names, e.g., India, Scandinavia, &c. of Denmark before the Danish Conquest of England, by Worsaae [South Kensington Handbooks]. 1882 1035M of India, by Birdwood, illustrated. 1880 911D [South Kensington Science and Art Handbooks]. 1885 1042M Curiosities, by Japp. 1880 .. 292R Education, by Magnus. 1888 314 and 318R [Twining's Technical Training] 1 1 1 2b Economy. See Levi's Work and Pay, 283R, &c. Training. See Brabazon's Board School Reforms, 1103F. Meath's Pros- perity, 1105F, &c. Industries, Mechanical, by Watt. 1881 1117M . Scientific, Explained, by Watt. 1881 1118M Industry and Applied Sciences, Curiosities of, by Dodd. 1852 871D of the Rhine, by Banfield. 1846 1483Z See also Alison's Europe, 119-33O. Knight's England, 151-3H. Percy Anec- dotes, 931Z. Smiles' Life and Labour, 1355O. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-7F. All the Year Round [Native], v. 32, 1792J. Black- wood [of the People], v. 68, 138J, &c. Infallibility. See Arthur's The Popes, &c, 453-4F, &c. Infancy to Womanhood, Instruction for Young Mothers, by White. 1133R Infanticide in India, Suppression of, by Wilson. 1855 , 1086F Infants. See Facts and Hints for Every-Day Life, 942R. Jeaffreson's Bridals [Espousals of], 983H. Thomson's Sick Room, 834M. Temple Bar [Reflections on], v. 6, 1336J ; [Mortality of], v. 8, 1338J. Children, &c. Infectious Disease and its Prevention, by Murphy. 1884 990M Infernal Conference, or Dialogues of Devils on the Vices of the World, by Macgowan. 1841 49Z Inferno [Dante's Divine Comedy] 713-14M Infidelity : Comprising Jenyn's Internal Evidence, Leslie's Method, &c. [American Tract Society] 1680Z Prize Essay, by Pearson. 1854. 17Q The Irrationalism of, a Reply to Phases of Faith. 1853 97 K See also Bungener's France, 316-7O. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K, &c. Infirmaries, Hospitals, &c. See Beckman's Inventions, 698Q, &c. Influences. See Winged Words, 1923R, Sic. Information for the People [Chambers'], 2 vols. 1842 igo-iIJ Ingelow (Jean, Poet and Novelist, b. 1 830), Poems 7 10M See also Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Ingemann (B. S.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Ingenuity. See Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Percy Anec- dotes, 922Z, &c. Ingersoll (E.), Friends worth Knowing, Glimpses of American Natural History, illustrated. 1 881" 582Q Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, Sec. Ingham (S. C. J.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. ' Inglis (II. D.), The Channel Islands: Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, &c, the Result of a Two Years' Residence. 1835 171SR InglisQ.), Our Australian Cousins. 1880 776K Ingoldsby (J., [R. H. Barham]). See Fiction Class List following the Genera Catalogue. Ingraham (J. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [358] ING ENGLISH SECTION. INS Ingram (J. II., Litterateur and Lecturer, b. 1849), Haunted Homes and Family Traditions of Great Britain. 1884 '.. 905-6M Life, Letters and Opinions of Edgar Allan Poe, 2 vols. 1880... 925-6O Ed., Eminent Women Series, v.d. : Albany, The Countess of, by Lee 1 125O Bronte (E.), by Robinson 533^ Browning (E. B. ), by Ingram 1423O Edgeworth (M. ), by Zimmern 1 1 35O Eliot (George), by Blind 1126O Fuller (M.), by Howe 1127O Fry (E.), by Pitman 1128O Godwin (M. W.), by Pennell... 1136O Lamb (M.), by Gilchrist 1129C) Margaret (Queen of Navarre), by Robinson ll 370 Martineau(H.), by Miller *.... 1130O More (Hannah), by Yonge. 1888 1422C) Rachel {E. Rachel Felix), by Kennard 1138O Roland (Madame), by Blind 1131O Sand (George), by Thomas , 1132O Siddons (Mrs.), by Kennard 1139O Stael (Madame de), by Duffy. 1887 1421O Wesley (S.), by Clarke 1134O Ingram (J. K.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. &c. Ingulph'S Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland [English History, 655-1091], translated by Riley [Bohn Library]. 1854 I05O Inheritance. See Maine's Early Law and Custom, 1082F. Law, &c. Ink. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 7D, &c. Inklings of Adventure, by Willes, 2 vols in I. 1836 1907R Inman (J., Mathematician, b. 1 776, d. 1859), D.D., Nautical Tables designed for the use of British Seamen, 1830 33D Inman (Thomas), M.D., Ancient Faiths and Modern. 1876 95-6Ka Inner Life, &c, by Upham. 1857 230Q Innes (James), Tr. See St. Augustine's Works, 336A. Innes (John), The Human Muscles, as they appear on Dissection. 1804 1461Z Inquisition, History of the, by Limborch. 1816 321A History of the, by Rule, 2 vols. 1874 319-20A of Spain, by Llorente. 1827 , 322A Unmasked, by Puigblanch, 2 vols. 1816 323-4 A - — See also Hecthorn's Secret Societies, 377O. Inman's Faiths, o6Ka. Ward's Counter-Reformation, 256T. All the Year Round [Burning Heretics], v. 21, 1781J. Blackwood [Anecdotes of], v. 1, R.L. Cornhill [Venetian Records of], v. 23, 303J. Fraser [in England], v. 63, 673J, &c. Insanity. See Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Ani- mals, 712F. Maudsley's Mental Disease, 355R. Sully's Illusions, 369R. Thomson's Sick Room, &c, 834M. Contemporary [Legislation for], v. 30, 2040J. Cornhill [First Beginnings of], v. 5, 285J ; [Legal tests of], v. 12, 299J. Fraser [Strange Letter of a Lunatic], v. 2, 612J ; [Philosophy of], v. 25, 635J ; 19th Century [Increase of], v. 5, 2215J. Penny Mag. [Statistics of], v. 6, 144B. Quarterly [Inquiries relative to], v. 24, 1154J. Temple Bar [Treatment in England], v. 5, 1335J, &c. Inscriptions. See Dennis's Eturia, 439-0K. Fellow's Asia Minor, 675B. Wright's Hittites, 194K ; The Celt, the Roman and the Saxon, 1520O. Con- temporary [Latin Christian], v. 39, 2049J. Edinburgh Review [Chris- tian and Jewish], v. 120, 480J. Fraser [Deciphering of], v. 67, 677J. Antiquities, Archaeology, Assyria, Egypt, Nineveh, Pompeii, &c. [359] INS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. INS INSECTS, Works relating to : (See also Ants, Bees, Beetles, Butterflies, Coleoptera, Entomology, Lepidoptera, Natural History, &>c.) Insect Architecture [Lib. Ent. Know.]. 1830 486T Hunter's Companion, by Greene. 1880 720/ Life, by Badham. 1845 573 ( ,> Practical Lessons by Wood. 1882 97R Wonders of [Half Hours in the Tiny World] 567Q Lights and Insect Sounds, by Clifford 721Z World, by Eiguier, edited by Duncan, ill. 1872 90R Insects Abroad, by Wood. 1874 749^' and their Habitations [S.P.C.K.] 723Z British, by Staveley. 1871 93R Common British, by Wood, illustrated. 1882 91R Economic Entomology, by Murray [South Kensington Hand-books] 1037M Elementary Text-Book of Entomology, by Kirby, ill. 1885 761 F Half Hours with, by Packard, illustrated. 1877 98R History of, &c.,by Swainson [Lardner's Cyclopaedia]. 1840 S77KI How to Catch and Prepare them for the Cabinet, by Manton. 1881 722Z Introduction to Entomology, by Kirby and Spence, illustrated 744-7F Natural History of, 2 vols. 1830 704-5 and 725-6/ Origin and Metamorphoses of, by Lubbock, illustrated. 1874 155 R — of Floral Structures through Insect Agency, &c, by Henslow. 1888 375R Tiny Workers, or Man's Little Rivals in the Animal World. 724Z Transformation of [Lib. Ent. Know.], illustrated. 1830 ... 610O Who were the First Weavers? 1869 568Q> _ See atso Adams (H. G.), 561Q. Adam's Butterflies, 104R. Bees, 96R. Book of Nature, 390-1B. Brown's Science for All, 629B. Buckley's Life and Her Children, 106R. Butler's PondLife, 140R. Cooke's. Woodland, 622Q. Dall's Alaska, 602B. Darwin's Origin of Species, 22R. Duncan's Butterflies, 593Q ; Moths, 95R. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Humphrey's Insect Home, 105R. Jardine's Natu- ralists' Library, vols. 28-34, 671-7Q. Kirby's Butterflies, Moths and Beetles, 139R. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-12F. Lub- bock's Bees, Ants, Wasps, &c. toiR; Scientific Lectures, 782 F ; Senses of Animals, 376R ; Wild Flowers, 157R. Packard's Practical Half- Hours, 98R. Samuelson's Housefly, 103R. Seasons of the Year, 569Q. Silver Wings and Golden Scales, 743F. Stanford's Compen- dium [Australia, Java, New Zealand, &c], 853K. Stanley's Dark Continent [Africa], 1563R. Staveley's Spiders, 94R. Taylor's Moun- tain and Moor, 625Q. Van Beneden's Parasites, 361R. White's Ants and their Ways, 100R. Lane and Field, 624Q ; Strange Dwellings, 56R ; Moths of England, 186R. Young Lady's Book, 983M. Blackwood [Sensibility and Intelligence of], v. 43, R.L. Boy's Own Annual [Insect Hunting at Christmas], 1882, 2954J. Chambers [Homes of] v. 41, 1947J '■> [Tenacity of Life in] v. 17, 1927J ; [Wings of] v. 17, 1935J ; [Generation of] v. 25, 1939J ; [Muscular Strength of] v. 50, 1951J ; [At the Zoo] v. 58, 1958J. Good Words [Some Noxious], v. 21, 2191J. Harper [Household Pests] v. 22,. 1602J. [A Notable Congress] v. 25, 1605J ; [Unwelcome Guests of] v. 37, 1617J. Nature [Lubbock and Wallace on], v. 5, 2665J ; [An- cestry of] v. 8, 2668J ; [Insect Foes], v. 15 and 16, 2675 and 2676J. Once a Week [Appetite of], v. 4, 2264J ; [Warfare of] v. 6, 2266J. Benison's Nature, 2109R. Excelsior, 1928R, &c. Inspiration and the Bible, an Enquiry, by Horton. 1889 , 1221M Divine, by Henderson. 1852.... 108M See also Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95-6Ka. [360] INS ENGLISH SECTION. INT Instinct and Reason [Jesse's Gleanings from Natural History] 579Q Dialogues on, and Fossil Osteology, by Brougham. 1845 743^ Indications of, A Sequel to Natural History of Creation, by Kemp 1283k — — Senses and Intelligence of Animals, by Lubbock. 1889 376K Sec also Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Ani- mals, 711-2F. Percy Anecdotes, 922Z. Radcliffe's Unity in Nature, 760 F. Chambers [Smee on], v. 14, 1933J. Contemporary, v. 38, 2048J. Nature [Perception and Instinct in the Lower Animals], v. 7, 2667 J ; v. 12, 2672J; [Origin of certain Instincts], v. 7, 2667J. Once a Week, v. 4, 2264J ; v. 8, 2268J. Institutes of Justinian, edited by Holland. 1881 1809Z of the Christian Religion, by Calvin, 3 vols. 1813 2 3"5^ Institutions. See Dew'sNations, 53H. Education, Government, Law, Politics, &c. Instruction. See Compayr6's Pedagogy, 296R. Education, Government, Law, Politics, &c. Insulators. See Urbanitzky's Electricity, 689D. Electricity, &c. Insulinde, Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archi- pelago, by A. Forbes. 18S7 1736K Insurance, Marine, Lloyds, Sic, by Martin. 1876 535H • — Sec also Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q. All the Year Round [and Assur- ance], v. 13, 1773J. Chambers' Journal [against Railway Accidents], v. 14, 1933J. Fraser [ Progress of Marine Insurance in England], v. 96, 706J ; [Mortality of Baltimore, with reference to] v. 22, 632J. Harper [Romance of], v. 19, 1599J ; [Does it insure?] v. 62, 1642J. Nineteenth Century [National], v. 4, 2214J ; [House of Lords and National Insur- ance], v. 8, 2218J. Penny Magazine [Fire], v. 8, 146B. Scribner [Nether side of], v. 14, 1864J. Knowledge [How to select a Life Insurance Office], vol. 5, 2585J. Leisure Hour, v. 1, 2611J ; v. 9, 2619J ; v. 19, 2629J, &c. Integrity. See Muller's Noble Deeds, 92Q. Percy Anecdotes, 929Z, &c. Intellectual Development of Europe, by Draper. 2 vols. 1875 ... 76-7O Faculties of Man, by Mudie. 1839 495T Powers of Man, by Reid. 1843 580II by Abercrombie. 1832 1 131Z, Sec also Bain's Mind, 381R, &c. Progress. See Burton's Queen Anne, 238H. Education, Thought, &c. Intelligence, by Taine, translated by Haye. 1871 651II Knowledge, Images, Sensations, Physical Conditions of Mental Events, Mind, Reason, &c. Senses and Instincts of Animals, by Lubbock. 1889 376R See also Bastian's Brain [and brain-weight], 387R. Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Fortnightly [in Nature], v. 43, 2133J. Nature [in Animals], v. 30, 2690J, &.C. Intemperance, Report on. 1869 926K Sec also Guthrie's The City, its Sins and Sorrows, 340M. Hill's Repression of Crime, 1015F. Blackwood [and Intolerance], v. 102, 172J. Edin- burgh Review [Drunkenness, Abstinence, Restraint], v. 137, 497J. Fortnightly Review [Birmingham Plan of Regulating, and Municipal Public Houses], v. 27, 2117J. Macmillan [Effect on National Pros- perity and Wages], v. 33, 963J. Drunkenness, Temperance, &c. Interest, Tables of, by King. 1804 32D See also George's Progress and Poverty, 1023 F, &c. Intermediate State, The. See Timbs' Works, 856Z. Death, &c. International Congress. See Amos' Political and Legal Remedies for War, 1006F, &c. Law, by Levi. 1887 399R Policy, Essays on the Foreign Relations of England. 1866 332H The West, by R. Congreve. England and France, by F. Harrison. England and the Sea, by E. S. Beesley. England and India, by E. H. Pember. England and China, by J. H. Bridges. England and Japan, by C. A. Cookson. England and the Uncivilised Communities, by H. D. Hutton. International Scientific Series, illustrated, v.D. : Vol. 1.— Forms of Water, Clouds, Rivers, &c. , by Tyndall 351R Vol. 2.— Physics and Politics, by Bagehot 379K- [361] INT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY INT International Scientific Series— {continued. ) 3. — Foods, by Smith 4. — Mind and Body, by Bain 5. — Study of Sociology, by Spencer 6. — Conservation of Energy, by Stewart 7. — Animal Locomotion, by Pettigrew 8.— Responsibility in Mental Disease, by Maudsley 9. — The New Chemistry, by Cooke 10. — Science of Law, by Amos 11. — Animal Mechanism, by Marey 12. — Doctrine of Dissent and Darwinism, by Schmidt 13. — History of the Conflict between Religion and Science, by Draper 14. — Fungi, their Nature, Influences and L T ses, by Cooke 15. — Chemistry of Light and Photography, by Vogel 16. — Life and Growth of Language, by Whitney 17. — Money, by Jevons 18. — Nature of Light and Physical Optics, by Lommel 19. — Animal Parasites and Messmates, by Van Beneden 20. — Fermentation, by Schiitzenberger 21. — Five Senses of Man, by Bernstein . , 22.— Theory of Sound in its Relation to Music, by Blaserna 23. — Studies in Spectrum Analysis, by Lockyer 24. — Growth of the Steam Engine, by Thurston 25. — Education as a Science, by Bain 26. — Human Species, by Quatrefages 27. — Modern Chromatics, by Rood 28. — The Crayfish, by Huxley 29. — The Brain as an Organ of Mind, by Bastian 30. — Atomic Theory, by Wurtz 31. —Natural Conditions of Existence, by Semper 32. — Muscles and Nerves, by Rosenthal 33. — Sight, by Le Conte 34. — Illusions, by Sully 35.— Volcanoes, by Judd 36. — Suicide, by Morselli 37. — The Brain and its Functions, by Luys 38. — Myth and Science, by Vignoli 39. — The Sun, by Young 40. — Ants, Bees, and Wasps, by Lubbock 41. — Animal Intelligence, by Romanes 42. — The Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics, by Stallo 43. - - Diseases of Memory, by Ribot 44. — Man before Metals, by Joly 45. — Science of Politics, by Amos 46. — Elementary Meteorology, by Scott 47. — Organs of Speech, by Von Meyer 48. — Fallacies, a View of Logic, by Sidgwick 49. — Origin of Cultivated Plants, by De Candolle 50. — Jelly- Fish, Star- Fish, and Sea-Urchins, by Romanes 51. — Common Sense of Exact Sciences, by Clifford 52. — Physical Expression, by Warner 53. — Anthropoid Apes, by Hartmann 54. — Mammalia in their Relation to Primeval Times, by Schmidt .... 55. — Comparative Literature, by Posnett • 56.- Earthquakes and other Earth Movements, by Milne 57. — Microbes, Ferments and Moulds, by Trouessart 58. — Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals, by Heilprin 59. — Weather, a Popular Exposition, by Abercrombie 60. — Animal Magnetism, by Binet and Fere 61. — Manual of British Discomycetes, by Phillips 62. — International Law, by Levi 63.— Geological History of Plants, by Dawson '. 64. — Origin of Floral Structures through Insect Agency, &c, by Henslow Vol. 65. — On the Senses, Instincts and Intelligence of Animals, by Lubbock Interoceanic Canals. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Poole's Index, &c. Interpretation and Logic. See Sidgwick s Fallacies, 391R. Logic, &c. of Scripture, by Jowett. See Essays and Reviews, 662 A. Intoxicating Liquors Question. See Arnold's Politics, 60H. Alcohol, Drinks, Stimulants, Intemperance, Temperance &c, [362] 380R 3 3iR 352R 353* 354 R 355R 456R 356 R 357R 382R 298M 383R 358R 359R 360R 454R 361R 362R 363R 384R 377R 386R 364R 340R 365R 123R 3 3 7 R 366R 388R 367R 368R 369R 488R 370R 371R 372R 458R 101R 46R 3 3 9 R 373R 1015M 374R 455R 390R 391R 67R 124R 392R 393R 3 7 3R 33 5 R 394R 395 R 538R 396R 548R 397R 398R 399R 549R 375R 376R INT ENGLISH SECTION. IRE Intuition. See Compayr^'s Pedagogy, 296R. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M, &c. INVENTION and Discoveries Anticipated, &c. [Timbs' Works] 851 and 856Z of the Power Loom. See Cartwright's Memoir, 1372O, &c. Science and Art, Errors in. See Timbs* Works, 853Z, &c. Inventions and Inventors, edited by Bolton. 1883 893R — — Century of, by the Marquis of Worcester, with Life of Author and Notes by Dirck. 1865 ^ 690F History of, by Beckmann, 2 vols. 1846 697-8Q Novelties, &c. 1858 355 T [Smiles' Men of Invention, &c] 1172R Wonderful, by Timbs, illustrated. 1868 .-, 258R See also Donnelly's Atlantis, 1017M. George's Progress and Poverty, 1023F. Trevithick (R.), Life of, 537F. All Year Round [and Inventors], v. 2, 1762J ; [Anticipated] v. 24, 1784J ; [in France] v. 39, 1799J. Knowledge [Influence of Mechanical], v. 8, 2588J. Leisure Hour [Birth of], v. 5, 2615J ; [Day-dreams of] v. 33, 2643J. Macmillan [Accidental], v. 4, 934J. Nature [Protection for], v. 11, 2671 J. Penny Magazine [Dis- appointments], v. 1, 139B, &c. Inverness. See All the Year Round, v. 50, 1810J. Highlands, Scotland, &c. Iodine. .SVt'Ure's Dictionary, 7 D. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R, &c. Iona, by Alexander [R.T.S.] 645Z See also Good Words, v. 10, 2180J. Penny Magazine, v. 1, 139B. Hebrides. Ionian Islands, Memoirs on the, by Vaudoncourt. 1816 54oH Sec also Fraser [and their Government], v. 40, 650 J. Leisure Hour, v. 8 and v. 12, 2618 and 2622J. Quarterly, v. 29, 1159J ; [Administration of] v. 91, 1221J. Greece, Mediterranean, &c. Iowa as it is in 1857, a Gazetteer, &c, by Parker, illustrated. 1857 15040 Ipswich. See Ritchie's East Anglia, 623O, &c. Irby (Hon. C. L.) and Mangles (J.), Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Syria and the Holy Land, &c. ', 1844 773Q IRELAND & THE IRISH— Works relating to : (See also Great Britain, British Empire, Gladstone, O Connelly Famell, err.) Ireland, aLittle Tour in, by S. R. Hole, illustrated by Leech. 1859 1697R Short History of, by Deane. 1886 1516O Antiquities and Folk- Lore of, by A. P>. R. and Doyle. 1473Z before and after the Union, by Martin. 1848 348H before the 18th Century [Lecky's Eighteenth Century] 168H by E. Lawless, with additions by Uronson [Story of the Nations]. 1888 435O Character, Customs and Superstitions of the Irish, by Dewar 928F Dublin, Cork, O'Connell and the Repeal, cSx., by Kohl. 1843 384K English in [Eighteenth Century], by Froude, 3 vols. 1881... 204-6O from the Earliest Times to the union with Great Britain, by Walpole. 1882 200H History of, by Taylor, with additions by Sampson, 2 vols. ... 96-7Z History of, from the Reformation to the Union, by Hassen- camp, translated by Robinson. 1888 277H — [Maunder's Treasury of History] 1856Z History of Methodism in, by Crookshank, 3 vols. 1885-8... 669-71 A New and Popular History of [CasselPs]. 1851 452T Presbyterian Church in, by.Reid, 3 vols. 1867 211-3M Primitive Inhabitants of, by Wood. 1821 383K Scotland and England, a Tour through, by Kohl. 1844. 348K Secret Societies. See Hecthorn's Secret Societies, 377O. Sixty Years Ago. 1849 1088R Society and Manners in the North of Ireland [1818], by Gamble. 1819 382K [363J IRE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. IRE IRELAND AND THE IRISH— Works relating to- {continued.) Ireland, The Ballads of, Collected and Edited, by Hayes, ill., 2 vols '. 769-70M Viceroys of [836-1509], by Gilbert. 1865 548F Irish. Bar, Anecdotes, Bon- Mots, &c, by O'Flanagan. 1879 ... 1163R ■ Celtic Songs and Song Writers, by Collins. 1885 81 3M Church [Smith's Life of Gladstone] ... 275F Essays and others, by Arnold. 1882 886R Members [Lucy's Parliaments] 316-7H People, a Short History, down to the date of the Planta- tion of Ulster, by Richey, edited by Kane. 1887 561II Question. Sec O'Connor's Parnell Movement, 326R, &c. Rebellion of 1798, by Teeling. 1876 238O [Froude's Ireland] 206O Irishmen, United, by Madden 543-4F Irishwomen, Illustrations, by Blackburne. 1877 321F Irish. Sec also Alison's Europe [1789-1852], 119-46O. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-7M. Brodie's British Empire, 212-4H. Browne's Geographical Evolution of the British Isles, 555R. Buckle's Civilization, 186-8O. Bum's Parish Registers, 536H. Burton's Queen Anne, 238H. Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Donnelly's Atlantis, 1017M. Eddy's Travelling Party, 1326R. Eraser's Wicklow, 604Z. Froude's England, 192-201O. Gardiner's History of England, 460-9O. Green's English People, 189-92H. Creville Memoirs. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Knight's England, 147-54H. Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 170H. Lucy's Parliaments, 316-7H. McCarthy's History, 193-6H. McCulloch's British Empire, 711-2H. Madden's United Irishmen.. 543-4 V. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 92-6F. Morley's Life of Richard Cohden, 190-1F. Probyn's Local Government, 303R. Raven's Parliamentary History of England [1832-1880], 233O. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1034F. Smith's Life of Bright [Irish Question], T50-1F; Life of Gladstone, 275F. Torren's Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 385-6F. Spencer's Works [State of, Time of Elizabeth}, 413D. Wall's Good Queen's Reign, 440O ; Life of Bright, 526O. All the Year Round [Tour in], v. 1, 1761J. Black- wood [Evils of] v. 4, R.L. ; [Government ofj v. 20, R.L. ; [What will become of] v. 21, R.L. ; [Autumnal Night's Dream in] v. 22, R.L. ; I How should it be Governed] v. 25, R.L. ; [Municipal Corporation Bill] v. 41, R.L. ; [Protestant Clergy of] v. 43, R.L. ; [Five Years in] v. 51, R.L. ; [British interests in] v. 127, 197J ; [A Reproach to England] v. 128, 198J ; [Fate of, Britain's Warning] v. 131, 201J ; [Our expiable Wrong toward] v. 132, 202J ; [Touring in] v. 140, 210J ; [Housekeeping and Irish Customs in the last Century], v. 144, 214J ; [Yeoman] v. 23, R.L. ; [Garland] v. 33, R.L. ; [Union] v. 34, R.L. Chambers' Journal [What nature has done for] v. 6, 1926J; [Emigration to] v. 19, 1936J ; [Rent collections in] v. 63, 1963J ; [Constabulary] v. 44, 1948J ; [My Correspondents] v. 62, 1962J. Contemporary Review [Land Question and its Statistics], v. 54, 2064J. Cornhill [Convict System of] v. 3, 283J; [Celt of, and of Wales] v. 36, 316J. English Illustrated [Whitsuntide Wander in], v. 3, 1993J. Fortnightly [and Scotland], v. 9, 2099J. Fraser [and the Irish], v. 9, 619J ; [and the Repeal Question] v. 9, 619J ; [What is to be done for] v. 27, 637J ; [Antiquities of] v. 49, 659J ; [Federal Movement in] v. 82, 692J ; [Catholic] v. 84, 694J ; [New Departure in] v. 105, 7T5J. Good Words [Little Ireland], v. 20, 2180J. Harper [Fishing Village in] v. 60, 1640J. Household Words [Pilgrimages in 1850], v. 2, 1742J. Knowledge [Fruit Trees inj, v. 5, 2585J. Lei- sure Hour [Tourists in], v. 11, 2621J ; [Visit to] v. 12, 2622 J ; [Geo- logy of] v. 22, 2632J, and v. 29, 2639J. Longman's Magazine [Peasantry of), v. 1, 891 J. Macmillan [a Bit of Erin], v. 48, 978J. Nature [Irish Farming], v. 10, 2670J ; [Science and Art in], v. 13, 2673J. Once a Week [and her Queen], v. 5, 2265J ; [Country Dance] v. 27, 2287J. Penny Magazine [Gold Mines and Peat-Fuel of], v. 13, 151 B. Quarterly [and Gladstone, 1886], v. 163, 1293J. St. Paul's Magazine [Life in], v. 6, 1166F ; [Run around] v. 7, 1167F. Temple Bar [Quakerism in], v. 61, 1391J &c. [354] IRE ENGLISH SECTION. IRV Ireland (J., d. 1808) and Nichols (J.), F.S.A., Hogarth's Works, with Life and Anecdotal Descriptions of his Pictures, illus- trated, 3 vols. 18S3 758-60R Ireland (W. H., Dramatist, b. 1777, hfield's The Orisons, 1440R. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 79-85H. Laing's Notes of a Traveller, 1262R. MacFarlane's Popular Sports, 1482Z. May's Democracy [Republics], 38H. Machiavelli's Florence,, 85O. Maunders Treasury of History, 1856Z. McCrie's Reforma- tion, 393M. Miller's Notes, 438K. Milman's Jews, 159Q. Mur- ray's Guides, 831Q, 415T and 625Z. Niebuhr's History of Rome, 87H. Stanford's Compendium, 854R. Harper's Index, , i64oJa. Poole's Index, R.L. All the Year Round [Italian Stories], v. 54, 1814J. Atlantic [an Appenine Valley], v. 51, T54TJ ; [Upper Lakes [367] ITA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JAC ITALY AND THE ITALIANS— Works relating to— {continued.) of] v. 54, 1544J. Blackwood [Dramas in], v. 53, R.L. ", [and Rhine- land], v. 59, 129J ; [and Switzerland, 1849], v - 6 3» I33J- Chambers' Journal [Life in], v. 26, 1939J ; [Religion, Love and Marriage in], v. 27, 1940J ; [Visit to, 1862], v. 38, 1945J ; [the Ivory Trade], v. 63, 1963J. Contemporary [Revival of Industry in], v. 41, 2051J. Edinburgh Review [Rural Population of], v. 158, 518J. Fraser [Peasants in], v. 91, 701J. Good Words [First Impressions of], v. i2, 2182J ; [Pictures of], v. 14, 2t84j. Harper [Life and Morals in], v. 10, 1590J. Leisure Hour [Old and Young], v. 29, 2639J. Nature [Geological Survey of], v. 25, 2685J. Once a Week [Beggars in], v. 4, 2264J. Quarterly [Art and Nature in], v. 91, 1221J ; [Tour and Tourists in], v. 103, 1233J. Temple Bar [Tour in], v. 21, 1351J. Levi's International Law, 399R, Sx. IveilS (R.) and Capello (II.), from Benguella to Yacca, Central and West Africa, in the years 1877 to 1880, translated by A. Elwes, illustrated, 2 vols. 1882 831-2K Iverach (J.), M.A., Is God Knowable ? [Theological Lib.]. 1884.. 646M Ivories, Ancient and Mediaeval, by Maskell, illustrated 1058M Ivory Work [Industrial Arts] 1042M Ivory. See Cameron's Africa, 602-3K. Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Sim- monds' Animal Products, 1033M. Ure's Dictionary, 7D. Boy's Own Annual [Stains on Ivory, 1885], 2957J. Chambers [and its Ap- plications], v. 17, 1935J. Once a Week [Art in], v. 3,2263.1, &c. Ivy. See Erand's Antiquities, 1005-7M. Robinson's Parks and Gardens of Paris, 609B. Botany, &c. J ACINTH. Sec Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. King's Decorative Stones, 1159M, &c. Jack and the Beanstalk. See Home Treasury of Old Story Books, 2853X. Once a Week [Religious Aspect of the Myth], v. 18, 2278J. The Giant Killer. See Home Treasury of Old Story Books, 2863X. Jack (W.), Unpublished Common-Place Book of R. Burns. See Macmillan's Magazine, v. 39, 969J. Jackson [Catherine C, Lady), Court of the Tuileries, from the Re- storation to the Flight of Louis Philippe, 2 vols. 1883 981-2R French Court and Society, Reign of Louis XVI. and First Fm- pire, with portraits, 2 vols. 1881 334-5O Old Paris, its Courts and Literary Saloons, 2 vols. 1878 1365-6R The Old Regime [France, Times of Louis XV.], 2 vols. 1883 .. 983-4R Jackson (H. R.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Jackson (J. G.), Ed., Timbuctoo and Housa. 182c 643K Jackson (Mason), The Pictorial Press, its Origin and Progress, il- lustrated. 1885 982H Jackson (Lieut. -Gen. T. J., called Stonewall, American Confederate General , b. 1824, mortally mounded in Battle, 1863), Life and Campaigns of, by Dabney. 1866 \ 7350 Mother of. See Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. See also Century [Last Battle of], v. 10, 1832J. Scribner, v. 18, 1868J. Jackson (Thcs., Methodist Preacher, b. 1783, d. 1873), Life of Robert Newton, D.D. 1855 873O Recollections of My Own Life and Times, ed. by Franklin. 1873 734O ISM] JAC ENGLISH SECTION. JAM Jackson (Thos.), Ed., Lives of Early Methodist Preachers, 3 vols. 1410-12O Vol. 1.— Hopper. Mitchell, Cownley, Jaco, Haime, Oliver, Wright, Hanby, Hunter, Roberts, Payne, Mather 1410O Vol. ?. — Pawson, Rodda, Staniforth, Lee, Prickard, Maskew, Joyce, Furz, Rogers, Murlin, Mason 141 iO Vol. 3.— Rankine, Story, Black, Shadford, Ashman, Robinson, Whatcoat, Hanson, Taylor, Wilkinson, Rhodes, Tennant, Allen, Pritchard. 1412O Jackson (W.)i M.A., The Doctrine of Retribution, Eight Lectures Preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1875 [Bampton Lectures]. 1875 665A Jacob (Jewish Patriarch, b. 1839, d. 1689 B.C.). See Beke's Sinai in Arabia, 597B. Ewald's Israel, 61K. Gallaudet's Biography, 1091Z. Good Words, v. 10, 2180J. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K. Milman's Jews, 157Q. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Josephus, 64H, &.c. Jacob's Well. See Macduff s Noontide at Sychar, 273T, &c. Jacob (H., 0/ Jersey). See Caesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Jacob (J.), Annals of some of the British Norman Isles, Constituting the Bailiwick of Guernsey, part I, illustrated. 1830 361B parts I and 2, ill. 1830. 362B JaCObi(J. G., Gertnan Poet, b. 1740, d. 1814). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Jacobins, English, implicated in 1794, by Smith. i83i 215Z Jacobite Times, London in, by Doran, 2 vols. 1877 318-9H Jacobites. See Alison's Europe, 120-37O. Burton's History of Scotland [1689-1748], 336-7H. Chambers' Rebellion [1745-6], 280O. Chronicles of Newgate, 330D. Green's English People, 192H. Living Age, v. 10, 304oJ. Poole's Index, R.L. Thier's French Revolution, 376-8H. Jacobsoil (William, Bishop of Chester, b. 1803, d. 1884). See Burgon's Twelve Good Men, 66 iF, &c. Jacquemart. See Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M, &c. Jacquemont (Victor). See Chambers' Journal, v. 57, 1949J. Living Age, v. 96, 3126J, &c. Jaffa. See Lynch's U.S. Expedition, 615B, Sic. Jaguar, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 659Q, &c. Jab. See Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K, &c. Jahn (J., German Orientalist, b. 1750, d. 1816), D.D., Archcelogia Biblica, a Manual of Biblical Antiquities, trans, by Upham. 24 5 A Jail, Jottings from, by Horsley. 1887 1207R See also Gaol, Prison, &c. Jallot (Desiree), Memorials of, and an Account of her Conversion from the Romish Church. 1865 2 35^ Jam. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Food, &c. Jamaica. See Alison's Europe, 143-4O. All the Year Round [Reminiscences °fl> v. 53, 1813J. Fraser [Naturalist in], v. 45, 655J. Living Age [Insurrection in], v. 87, 3117J. Westminster [Sugar Culture and Slavery in 1866], v. 88, R.L. Froude's West Indies, 834K. Stanford's Compendium, 85 iK. West Indies, &c. James (St., Apostle, Martyred about 42), Epistle of and Commen- tary, by Manton, edited by Macdonogh. 1844 478 A Commentary by Punchard 2 53Q Peter, John and Jude, General Epistles of. See Barnes' Notes, 10M, &c. See also Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152 K. Commentaries, &c. James I. {King of England, b. 1566, d. 1625), Memoirs of the Court of, by Lucy Aikin, 2 vols. 1822 122-3F See also Brand's Antiquities, 1006-7 M. Brodie's British Empire, 212-3H. Buckingham (Duke of), 1020O. Campbell's Chief Justices, 787O. Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 297-8D. Disraeli (I.), Works [Character of], 678R. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 328H. Froude's England, 198-203O. Gardiner's History of England, 460-8O. Moul- ton's English Bible, 418M. Robertson's Scotland, 338-9H. Poole's Index, R.L. All the Year Round [and his Queen], v. 59, 1819J. Household Words, v. 13, 1753J. Penny Magazine [Coronation of] v. 7, T45B. Quarterly [and his Historians], v. 139, 1260J, &c. [369] JAM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JAM James II. {King of England, b. 1633, d. 1701). See Burton's Scotland, 336-7H. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 328H. Madden's Shrines, 343K. Pepys' Diary {While Duke of York], 902O, &c. James Francis Edward Stuart {Son of James II., termed the Chevalier de St. George, b. 1687, d. 1765). See Doran's London in Jacobite Times, 318-9H, &c. James (Croake), Curiosities of Law and Lawyers. 1882 1075F Advocates, American Lawyers, Attornies, Attorney-Generals, Bishops, Books, Brougham, Chancellors, Circuit, Client;, Counsel, Courts, Curran, Eldon, Ellenborough, Erskine, Irish Counsel, Judges. Juries, Kenyon, Kings and Queens, Lawyers, Libel, Loughborough, Mansfield, Nice Points, Parliament, Peers, Prisoners, Recreations of Judges and Lawyers, Thurlow, Witnesses. James (F. L.), M.A., The Wild Tribes of the Soudan, an Account of Travel and Sport, chiefly in the Base Country, ill. 1883. 653K James (G. P. R., Novelist and Historian, b. 1801, d. i860), History of Chivalry [Harper's Family Library]. 1831 872Z the Life of Richard Cceur-de-Lion, King of England, 2 vols. 1854 1509-10O Memoirs of celebrated Women, 2 vols. 1837 829-0O Joan of Arc, Margaret of Anjou, Lady Jane Grey, Anna Comnena, 829O Madame De Maintenon, Queen Elizabeth, Donna Maria, Pacheca, 830O. Ed., Letters illustrative of the Reign of William III. from 1696 to 1708, addressed to the Duke of Shrewsbury by James Vernon, Secretary of State, 3 vols. 1841 77*9^ Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. James (Henry, jun., Novelist and Essayist, b. 1843), En Province [Atlantic Monthly] 1542J French Poets and Novelists. 1878 658O De Musset. Gautier. Baudelaire. Balzac. Sand. Turgenief. Amperes. Sabran. Me>im£e. Hawthorne [English Men ot Letters]. 1879 1072O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. James (J. A., Dissenting- Minister, b. 1785, d. 1859), D.D., An Earnest Ministry the want of the Times. 1848 , 2 32Q Young Man's Friend and Guide through Life to Immortality. 1 85 1 236Q James (M. E.), How to Decorate our Ceilings, Walls and Floors, ill. 366T James (W., Historian, d. 1827), Military Occurrences in the late War between Great Britain and America, 2 vols. 1818 283-4II Naval History of Great Britain [1793-1827], 6 vols 285-0H Jameson (Mrs. Anna, Irish Art Historian and Essayist, b. 1797, d. i860), Diary of an Ennuyee. 1826 1152R Legends of The Madonna, as Represented in the Fine Arts. 1872 944^ Memoirs and Essays, Illustrative of Art, Literature and Social Morals. 1846 9§5 R of Celebrated Female Sovereigns [Family Library], 1832 213-4Z Short Account of a few of the most Remarkable Trees and Plants ; to which are added Miscellaneous Poems. 1808 843Z Sketches in Canada and Rambles among the Red Men. 791Q and 1271R Ed., Peter Paul Rubens, by Waagen, translated by Noel. 1840... 950O — — Life of, by Gerardine Macpherson. 1878 323F Jameson (Prof., Scotch Mineralogist, b. 1774, d. 1854) and others, Discovery and Adventure in Africa, with Illustrations of the Geology, Mineralogy and Zoology [Harper's Family Library]. 1 83 1 , 922Q and 544Z [370] JAM ENGLISH SECTION. JAR Jameson (Prof.), Ed., American Ornithology, by Wilson and Bonaparte [Constable's Miscellany], 4 vols. 1831 707-10Z Jamyn (A., French Poet, b. 1530, d. 1585). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Jane Seymour {Queen of Henry VIII., d. 1537). Sec Strickland s Queens of England, 800O. Henry VIII., &c. Janet (P.), Final Causes, translated by Affleck. 1878 652II January. See Howitt's Seasons, 572Q. Leisure Hour [Antiquarian Gossip], v. 25, 2635J, &c. Janvier (C. A. ), Practical Keramics for Students. 1880 1 122M JAPAN AND THE JAPANESE— Works relating to : {See also China, Art, Civilisation, Travel, dfc.) Japan, Art and Art Industries in, by Alcock. 1878 863D Historical and Descriptive, by Eden, illustrated. 1877 814Q Its History, Traditions, &c, and Account of a Visit in 1879, by Reed, illustrated, 2 vols. 1880 335-6K Japanese Life, Love and Legend, from Dubard, by Conn... 1737^ Manners and Customs of, in the 19th Century, by Siebold.... 1512R My Captivity [1811-1813], by Golownin, 2 vols. 1818 538-9K Pottery of, by Franks [South Kensington Handbooks] 1043M Satsuma Rebellion, by Mounsey . 1 879 37°0 Sketches of Life in, by Knollys, illustrated. 1887 838K Unbeaten Tracks in, by Bird, illustrated, 2 vols. 1881 533-4K See also Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 843K. All the Year Round [Marriage in], v. 31, 1791J. Pax's Voyage of the Dwarf, 1520R. Brown's Countries of the World, 163D. Chambers' Journal [and the Japanese], v. 36, 1938 J ; [Civilisation in] v. 49, 1945J ; [Wrestlersl v. 54, 1947J. Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 787K. Coote's Wan- derings, 810K. Edinburgh Review [and China in 1865], v. 122, 482J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Leisure Hour [Life in], v. 17, 2627J ; [Customs in], v. 8, 2618J. Maunders Treasury of History, 1856Z. Nature [Learned Societies in], v. 24, 2684J. Nineteenth Century [Autumn Visit to], v. 24, 2234J. Poole's Index, R.L. Remarkable Voyages and Travels, 639K. Scribner [Jaunts in] v. 2, 1852 J. Seward's Travels, 601 B. Stanford's Compendium, 852K. Taylor's Visit, 855R. Wilkinson's Sunny Lands, 837K, &c. Japan Palace at Dresden. See History of Pottery and Porcelain, 936D. Japp (A. H.), LL. D., German Life and Literature, in a Series of Biographical Studies 272F Industrial Curiosities, Glances here and there in the World of Labour, illustrated. 1S80 292R ■ Labour and Victory, a Book of Examples for those who would Learn. 1881 95 r Q Master Missionaries, Pioneer Effort throughout the World. 1880 770O Jacques (G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla, by Hunt [Poetical Sketches of Sicily, Pastoral Poetry, &c], 1868 1272II Jardin des Plantes. See Robinson's Parks and Gardens of Paris, 609 13, &C. Jardine (Sir W., Scotch Naturalist, b. 1800, d. 1874), F.R.S.E., Ed., Naturalists' Library [Colored Plates], 42 vols. 1884-5 : Ornithology, Birds. Vol. 1.— Birds of Great Britain and Ireland.— Falcons, Merlins, Hawks, Eagles, Buzzards, Kites, Owls, &c, by Jardine 644Q Vol. 2.— Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, continued. — Thrushes, Robins, the Tit-mouse, Ravens, the Goldfinch and other Finches, Sparrows, Skylarks, &c, by Jardine 645 [371] JAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JAR Jardine (Sir W.) Naturalists' Library— {continued.) \ ol. 3. — Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, continued. — Doves, Grouse, Herons, Bittern, Storks, Snipe, Sandpipers, the Lapwing, Plovers, &c, by Jardine 646Q Vol. 4. — Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, continued. — Geese, the Swan, Divers, Guillemot, Puffins, Auks, Petrels, Terns, Gulls, &c, by Jardine 647Q Vol. $.— Natural History of the Nectariniadcv ; or Sun Birds, by Jardine. 648Q Vols. 6-7. — Humming Birds, by Jardine, 2 vols 649-50Q Vol. 8. — Game Birds. — Partridges, Quails, Grouse, Ptarmigan, &c, by Jardine 651Q Vol. 9.— Pigeons.— Turtles. Doves, &c. , by Selby 652Q Vol. to.— Parrots. — Parakeets, Cockatoos, &c, by Selby 653Q Vol. ti. — Birds of H r estern Africa. — Falcons, Hawks, Owls, Crows, Grakles, Finches, Weavers, the Lark, Shrikes, Babbler, Thrush, &c, by Swainson 654Q Vol. 12. —Birds of Western Africa, continued. — Oriole, Wagtail, Tit, Flycatcher, Night-jar, Swallow, Bee-eater, Sun Birds, YVood- peckers, Cuckoo, Dove, Partridge, Plover, Lapwing, Water Hen, Gull, Tern, Weaver, Sec. , by Swainson 655Q Vol. 13. — Flycatchers. — Black-cap, Thick-bill, Water-chats, Fantail, the Tody, Broad-bills, &c, by Swainson 656Q Vol. 14. — Gallinaceous Birds. — The Turkey, Javenese Peacock, Cocks, Pheasants, Guinea- Fowls, &c, by Jardine 657Q Mammalia, Animals. Vol. 15. — Introduction to Mammalia. — Bats, the Ichneumon, Lions, the Brown Bear, the Otter, Great Anteater, Squirrel, Spinous Rat, &c, by Smith 658Q V ol. 16. — Lions, Tigers, &c. — Lions, Tigers, Leopard, Panther, Cats, Lynx, &c. , by Jardine 6 59Q Vol. 17. — British Quadrupeds— Bats, the Hedgehog, Shrews, the Mole, Badger, Weazel, Marten, Otter, Fox, Wild Cat, Seals, Walrus, Dormouse, Rats, Mice, Hare, Deer, &c, by Macgiliivray 660Q Vol. 18. — Dogs. — Wolves, Dogs, Dingo, Jackals, Dog-Fox, Aguara Foxes, &c, by Smith 661Q Vol. 19.— Dogs, continued.— Wolf Dogs, Watch Dogs, Greyhounds, The Hounds, Cur Dogs, Mastiffs, Foxes, Hynaeas, &c, by Smith . . 662Q Vol. 20.— Horses.— The Wild Horse, The Arabian Race, The English Racehorse, Domestic Ass, Zebras, Mules, Sec, by Smith 663Q Vol. 2i. — Ruminating Animals. — Deer, Antelopes, Camels, Dromedary, Musks, Elk or Moose, Reindeer, Stag, Common Roebuck, &c, by Jardine ' 664Q Vol. 22. — Kuvtinating Animals, cotitinued. — Antelopes, Ibex, Goats, Sheep, Musk Ox, Oxen, Buffaloes, Bisons, Yaks, &c, by Jardine 665Q A ol. 23. — Thick-Skinned Quadrupeds. — Elephants, Great Mastodon, Hip- popotamus, Rhinoceros, Wild Boar, Hog, &c, by Jardine 666Q ^ ol. 24.—Mars?//ialia or Pouched Animals. — The Opossums, Kangaroos, &c, by Waterhouse 667Q Vol. 25. — Amphibious Carnivora. — The Walrus, Seals, Sea Lions, Sea Serpents, Sec , by Hamilton 668Q Vol. 26. — Whales, &c. — Greenland and other Whales, Spermaceti Whale, Sea Unicorn, The Porpoise, Dolphins, &c, by Hamilton 669Q Vol. 27.— Monkeys.— Black Orang, Orang-Outang, Gibbon, Baboons, Apes, &c. , by Jardine 670Q Entomology, Insects. Vol. 28. — Introduction to Entomology, by Duncan 671Q Vol. 29. —British Butterflies.— butterflies, Tortoise Shells, Red Admiral, Purple Emperor, Sec, by Duncan 672Q Vol. 30. — British Moths, Sphinxes, &>c— Skippers, Moths, Sphinx, &c, by Duncan 673Q Vol. 31. — Foreign Butterflies, by Duncan 674Q Vol. 32.— Exotic Moths, by Duncan 675Q Vol. 33.— Beetles, by Duncan 676Q Vol. 34. — Bees. — Uses and Management of the Honey Bee of Britain and other Countries, with descriptions of the known wild species .... 677Q [372] JAR ENGLISH SECTION. JEA. Jardine (Sir W.) Naturalists' Library— {continued.') Ichthyology, Fishes. Vol. 35. — Fishes. — Sun-fish, Ray, Gurnard, Common Flying Fish, Dolphin, Sharks, Sword Fish, &c, by Bushnan ^78^ Vol. 36. — British Fishes. — Perches, Gurnards, Mackerel, Mullets, Wrasses. &c, by Hamilton 679Q Vol. 37. — British Fishes, continued. — Carp, Pike, Salmon and Trout, Her- rings and Pilchards, Cod and Haddock, Plaice, Sole, Suckers, Eels, Pipe- Fishes, Sturgeons, Sharks, Kays or Skates, Lamp- reys, &c, by Hamilton 780Q Vol. 38. — Fishes of the Perch Family, by Jardine 6S1Q Vol.39. — Fishes of British Guiana.— The Doras, Salmon, Salmon Carp, &c, by Schomburgk 6S2Q Vol. 40. — Fishes of British Guiana, continued. — Gar Fish, Cychlas, Try- gons, Oronoco, &c, by Schomburgk 683Q Vol. 41. — General History of Humming Birds, by Martin [A continuation of the 2 vols, on Humming Birds in this series] 6S4O Vol. 42. — Natural History of the Human Species, by Smith. Bones of Man among Organic Remains. Abnormal Races of Men. Woolly-Haired Tropical Type, Hyperborean, Beardless or Mon- golic Type. Bearded, Intermediate, or Caucasian Type 685Q Jarousseau (Jean), The Pastor of the Desert, by Pelletan, translated by L'Hoste. 1872 732O Jarvis (S. F.), D.D., Chronological Introduction to the History of the Church. 1844 543A Jasper. See Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 6itB; Siberia, 598B. Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. King's Decorative Stones [and Jaspis], 1159M, &c. Java. See Beauvoir's Voyage, 1302R. Blackwood, v. 6, R.L. Fraser [by an Anglo-Batavian], v. 63 and 64, 673-4J. Davidson's Travels, 1652R. Forbes' Insulinde, 1736R. Lond. Quarterly [Life in], v. 23, 813J. Seward's Travels, 601 B. Stanford's Compendium, 853K. &c. Jay, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 645Q. Birds, &c. Jay (W., Dissenting Minister, b. 1769, d. 1853), Sermons, 2 vols. : Vol. 1. — Mistakes concerning the Number of the Righteous. Nature of Genuine Religion. Vows called to Remembrance. Triumphs of Patience. Sufferings of our Saviour Necessary. The Young Admonished. Condemnation of Self-Will. The Gospel De- mands and Deserves Attention. Progress in Religion. The Secure Alarmed. Privileges of the Righteous. Condition of Christians in the World 9SK V0I.2. — Hope. Parable of the Two Sons. Christian Diligence. Abuse of Divine Forbearance. Assurance. Domestic Happiness. Happi- ness in Death. Service done for God Rewarded. Disappoint- ments of Life. Neutrality in Religion Exposed. The Family of Our Lord. The Saviour Honoured in His People. Value of Life 99 K. Jeaffreson (J. Cordy, Barrister and Novelist, b. 183 1 ), A Book about Doctors 5 1 9O A Book about Lawyers, 2 vols in 1 1 156R the Clergy 502 3 A Table, 2 vols. 1875 932-3F Annals of Oxford, 2 vols. 1871 980-1II Brides and Bridals, 2 vols. 1872 983-4I I Life of Robert Stephenson, 2 vols. 1872 515-6F See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Jealousy of Lovers. See Temple Bar, v. 25, 1355J. Jean (Mr., of Jersey, Painter). See Cssaiea or Jersey, 1409H. Jeanne D'Arc. See Joan of Arc. Jeannette, Voyage of the, the Ship and Ice Journals of Captain De Long, 2 vols, illustrated. 1883 676-7K Jeans (T.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [373] JEA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JEN Jeans (W, T.), Lives of the Electricians, Tyndal, Wheatstone, and Morse, first series. 1887 1285O The Creators of the Age of Steel. 1884 1419O Jehb(J., Irish Bishop, b. 1775, & 1833), D.D., and Knox (A.), M.R.I. A., Thirty Years' Correspondence between, edited by Forster, 2 vols. 1835 335-6F Jebb (R. C), M.A., Bentley [English Men of Letters]. 1882 1056O Greek Literature [Literature Primers]. 1877 1216Z Jeddo. See Scribner [Sights in], v. 3, 1853J. Japan, &c. Jefferies (R.), Amateur Poacher. 1881 786R Gamekeeper at Home, Sketches of Natural History and Rural Life. 1881 787R Hodge and his Masters [Notes on Farming, Agricultural Labour- ers, &c], 2 vols. 1880 784-5R Life of the Fields. 1884 1161R Round about a Great Estate. 1880 788R Eulogy of, by Besant. 1888 1461O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Jefferson (Thos., President of the United States, b. 1743, d. 1826), Memoirs and Correspondence of, by Randolph, 4 vols. 1829 324-F See also Poole's Index, R.L. United States, &c. Jeffrey (Francis, Lord, Scotch Critic, founded Edinburgh Revieiv, b. 1773, d. 1850), Jonathan Swift [Travellers' Library], 1853 1275R Samuel Richardson [Travellers' Library]. 1853 1275R See also Napier's Correspondence, 273H. Jeffreys (George, Lord Chancellor, known as the Hanging Judge, b. 1648, d. 1689). • See Campbell's Chancellors, 777-8O. Dixon's H.M.'s Tower, 324H. Stoughton's Religion in England, 95-6M. All the Year Round, vol. 42, 1922J, &c. Jeh.OSh.aph.at {King of Judah, b. 914, d. 889 B.C.). See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 15TK. Ewald's Israel, 64K. Josephus, 64H, &c. Jehovah. See Inman's Faiths, 96K. Smith's Prophets, 466M. God, &c. Jehu {King of Israel, b. about 906, d. 857 li.c). See Ewald's Israel, 64K, &c. Jelly. See Keeton's Household Management, 997M, &c. Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish and Sea Urchins, by Romanes. 1883 124R See also Buckley's Life, &c, 106R. Duncan's Sea Shore, 627Q. Gosse's A Year at the Shore, 586Q. Once a Week, v. 7, 2267J. Chambers' Journal, v. 17, 1925J. Taylor's Seaside, 588Q. Wilson s Naturalist, 639Q. Marine Animals, &c. Jenkins (E. E.), M.A., Modern Atheism, its Position and Promise [Fernley Lecture for 1877] 823D Jenkins (E., Political Essayist, b. 1838), M.P., Ginx's Baby [A Social Satire] 1865Z Lord Bantam [A Social Satire]. 1872 J955R Jenkins (R. C), M.A., Canterbury [Diocesan Histories, S.P.C.K.j. 1836Z Jenks {B., Theologian, b. 1646, d. 1724), Prayers and Offices of De- votion, for Families and for Particular Persons upon most Occasions. 1 847 43Z — — Altered and Improved by Simeon. 1853 44Z Jenks (J. W.), M.A., Rural Poetry of the English Language. 1856 475D Jenks (W.), Companion to the Bible. 1836 71A Jenner (E., Discoverer and First Experimenter in Vaccination, b. 1749, d. 1823), Usji.: M.D. See Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 28F, &c. Jennings (C), Eggs and Descriptions of British Birds, col. ill. 613 and 614Q Jennings (L. J.), Ed., Correspondence and Diaries of Rt. Hon. J. £~z..% W. Croker, 3 vols. 1884 200-2P See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [374] JEN ENGLISH SECTION. JER Jenny Lind. See Lind (Jenny). ' ' . Jenyns (Soame, Poet and Philosopher, b. 1704, d. 1787), Poetical Works and Life [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807 397Z Jephson (R., Irish Dramatist, b. 1736, d. 1803). Sec Inchbald's British Theatre, &c. . . Jerdan (W.. .SYtf/r/* Journalist, b. 1782, (/. 1869). 6V of Guernsey, Dean of Lincoln, b. 1801, d. 1872), D.D. See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2, p. 229], 362B, &c. Jeremie (Sir J., of Guernsey, Governor of Sierra Leone and Celebrated Aboli- tionist, b. 1795, d. 1841). See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2, p. 225], 362B ; Sarnia [p. 49], 1416O. Penny Cyclopaedia, 137B, &c. Jeremie (P., of Guernsey, Queen's Comptroller), An Essay on the Laws of Real Property in Guernsey, and Commentary on the Present Laws of Inheritance and Wills, Including Notices of Guarantee and Expropriation of Real Property, Pre-emption, Hypothecation, and Dower, with an Appendix containing the Report of the Court's Committee, &c. 1841 4°3^ On the Law of Real Property in Guernsey. 1866 41 2H Jericho. See Ewald's Israel, 65 K, &c. Jerome (St., Father of the Church, b. 333, d. 420). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 671F. Contemporary [Letters ofj, v. 5, 2015J, &c. Jerrmann (E.), Pictures from St. Petersburg, trans, by Hardman... 762CJ Jerrold (D., Dramatist, Journalist, firV., I. 1803, d. 1857), Men of Character [Humorous Sketches]. 1851 835O and 790R Writings of, 8 vols. 1851-4 : Vol. 1.— St. Giles and St. James 789R Vol. 2.— Men of Character 79 oR Vol. 3.— Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. The Story of a Feather, and the Sick Giant and the Doctor Dwarf 79 lR Vol. 4.— Cakes and Ale 79=R Vol. 5.— Punch's Letters to his Son. Punch's Complete Letter Writer and Sketches of the English 793 R Vol. 6. — A Man made of Money and Chronicles of Clovernook 794R Vol. 7.— Comedies 795R Vol. 8. — Comedies and Dramas 796R See also Clarke's Recollections, 939O. Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-6i6Fa. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1338-9R. Living Age, v. 60, 3090J. Fic- tion Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Jerrold (S.), Handbook of English and Foreign Copyright. 1881 ... 1222M Jerrold (T. ), Our Kitchen Garden, the Plants we Grow and how we Cook them. 1881 343T Jerrold (W. B., Journalist, &c., Son of D. Jerrold, b. 1826), Life of George Cruikshank, illustrated, 2 vols. 1882 597-80 Jerry Builders. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Building, &c. JERSEY, an Account of the Island, with an Appendix of Records, by Falle, to which are added Notes and Illustrations, by Durell. 1837 14C7II Authentic Account of the Oppressions of the Islanders of Jersey, to which is prefixed a Succinct History of the Mili- tary Actions, Constitution, Laws, Customs and Commerce of that Island, 2 vols. 1871 1405-6H Constitutional History of, by Le Quesne. 1856 4°7H First Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the State of the Criminal Law in the Channel Islands. 1847 .. 359^ France, Italy and the Mediterranean, Notes and Remarks made in, in 1843 and 1844, by Murdoch. l8 4 6 x 73° [375] JER GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JES JERSEY— {continued). Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 5 vols. 1836-8 1284-8II I For Contents see under Guernsey.] Guernsey, Herm, Sark, Alderney and Western Normandy, by Black. 1889 1742R ■ Guides and Almanacks R.L. IJersey's Jubilee Souvenir. Jersey Times and British Press. Royal Al- manack. Almanack de La Nouvella Chronique.] - Island of, and its Antiquities and Biography of its Eminent Men, illustrated. 1840 1409II — — [Lefevre's Ghannel Islands, Fortnightly Review, vol 32] 2122J See also A Yachting Visit, 1690R. All the Year Round [Historical Account ofj, vol. 41, new series, 1821J. Argosy [The Channel Islands, by Wood], v - 37> 37}' Babington's Primitiae Florae Sarnicae, 1 84R. Barbou's Life of V. Hugo, 668B. Berry's Guernsey, &c, 363B. Blackwood I Sea-side Studies in], vol. 82. Book for the Sea-side, 585Q. Bowles' Flotsam and Jetsam [page 102], 1560R. Burke's Rise of Great Families [pp. 191-202], 947O. Clark's Climate [pp. 188-92], 826M. Clarke's Common Seaweeds, 583Q. Cock's Seaweed, 589Q. Cooke's Fern Book, 600Q. Cross (J.), Life of George Eliot [pp. 445-8], 625O. Licey's Guernsey, fix., 1502O. Donaldson's Recollections of an Actor, 211Z. Dugdale's Curiosities of Great Britain, 744H. Duncan's Guernsey, &C., 406H. Gronow s England and Wales [p. 90], 1020M. Guernsey and Jersey Magazine [Commerce of], 1286-8H. Harper's New Mon. Mag. [A Visit to], vol. 51, 1631J. Hoskin's Charles the Second in the Channel Islands, 408-9H. Hugo's Poems [pp. 149, 151, 152, 155, 161, 163, 173,283], 707M. Inglis's Channel Islands, 1718K. Jones' Credulities [p. 104], 902M. Kershaw's Protestants from France, 546M. Knight's Cyclopaedia [British Empire], 89B. Lecky's Eighteenth Cen- tury [French Invasion, pp. in, 164], 170H. Leighton's Lichen-Flora, 71R. Lewes' Sea-Side Studies, 822F. Living Age [MontOrgueil Castle and William Prynne], 3075J. Macmillan's Magazine [A Visit to], vol. 49, 979J. Macready's Reminiscences, 363F. McCulloch's British Empire, 71 iH. Mahon's History of England, v. 6 [p. 272], 218O ; v. 7 [p. 93], 219O. Malmesbury's Life, 368 F. Peacock's Sinkings of Land, 86 R. Pennington's British Zoophytes, 50R. Penny Magazine [Accountof Jersey], v. 6, 144B ; [Elizabeth Castle], v. 5, 143B. Pepys' Diary [pp. 44, 161, 379], 902 and 9°3-50- Plue's British Ferns, 187R. The Queen's Life in the High- lands, 378 K and 832Q. Ross's Memoirs of Lord De Sausmarez, 225F. St. Pauls Magazine [A Visit to], 1169F. Stoughton's Religion in Eng- land [Charles II.'s Visit to Jersey], p. 24, 93M. Tarring's Law in Colonies [Cases Decided by Privy Council], 1074 F. Tupper's Chroni- cles of Castle Cornet, &C, 1500O ; Guernsey, &c, 405H. Wilberforce (Bishop), 578F. Chambers | Night-Job in], v. 24, 1932J. Fraser [Affairs in], v. 92, 702 J. Macmillan's Magazine, v. 49, 979J. Scribner [Island of], v. 10, 1860J. Excelsior [The Ormer Shell], 1928R. Channel Is- lands, Guernsey, &c. Jersey, New. See New Jersey, &c. JERUSALEM, Ancient and Modern, by Kitto 161Z by Tweedie. 1873 649Z Destruction of, a Proof of Christianity. 1830 22Z Historical and Topographical Notices of, by Williams, ill. 1845 658A Recovery of, Exploration, by Wilson and Warren, edited by Morrison, 2 vols. 187 1 543-4K Underground, by Warren. 1876 887F See also Bellow's Europe, 1399R. Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1664Z.. Ewald's Israel, 64 and 65K. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 77-84H. Ionian's Faiths, 96K. Kitto's Palestine, 610B ; Scripture Lands, 368M. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 101-4M. Lynch's U.S. Expedition, 615B. Mitotan's Jews, 157- 9Q. Fraser [City of Peace], v. 67, 677J. Good Words, v. 6, 2T76J. Harper, v. 14, 2174J ; [Church of], v. 40, 1620J ; [Discoveries at], v. 43, 1623J, &c. Jervis (W. II.), M.A., History of the Church of France, from the Concordat of Bologna, A.D. 1516, to the Revolution, 2 vols... 311-2A Jesse (E., Naturalist, b. 1780, d. 1868), Gleanings from Natural History. 1856 579 { 1 [376J JES ENGLISH SECTION. JEW Jesse (E.), Scenes and Tales of Country Life, with Recollections of Natural History, illustrated. 1844 39R Ed., Natural History of Selborne, by White. 1851 41R Jessica's First Prayer, The Lord's Pursebearers, &c, Tales by Strctton .' 200O Jessop (A.), D.D., Norwich [Diocesan Histories]. 1884 1601Z — The Coming of the Friars, and other Historic Essays. 1889 1521O JESUITS at Rome, by Seymour. 1849 458M History of the, by Griesinger, trans, by Scott. 1885 529H in the 18th Century, by Saint-Priest, translated. 1 S^. . 559T [■ ■ Their Origin, &c, by Nicolini. 1854 367O The, An Historical Sketch [R.T.S.] 181Z Travels of the, by Lockman, 2 vols. 1762 824-5K See a'so Alison's Europe, 139-5O. Buckle's Civilisation, 1870. Com- payre's Pedagogy, 296R. Dublin Review [History of], v. 36, R.L. ; [Curiosities of the Crusade against], v. 41, R.L. Epochs of" Church History, 256T. Fraser [Expulsion of, from Germany], v. 87, 697J. Green's English People, 190-92H. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Living Age [and the Civil Power], v. 145, 3175J. Michelet's Priests, &c, 411M. Schlosser's Eighteenth Century, 26-30H, &c. JESUS CHRIST— {Most Works relating to our Lord wiU be found under Christ) : Jesus, Discourses and Sayings of our Lord, by Brown, 3 vols... 392-4A Lessons from the Great Biography, by Hamilton. 1857 1233M Life and Work of [Ecce Homo]. 1866 453 A of, by Fleetwood. 1841 3A Christ, by Farrar 406-7 A Looking unto, a View of the Everlasting Gospel, by Ambrose. 1815 iK Miracles of our Lord and Saviour, by Malan. 1881 1783Z the Messiah, Life and Times of, by Edersheim, 2 vols. 1883 390-1 A See also Sunday Magazine [in the Footsteps of], 2474J. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K. Christ, Lord, Saviour, Messiah, &c. Jet. See Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Jethou, by Oxenford [Cassell's Family Magazine, pp. 463-5], vol. 4.. 2353J See also Black's Channel Islands, 1742R. Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1288H. Hills, Rocks, &c, 707D. Jacob's Annals of Guernsey, 361 and 362B. Knight's Cyclopaedia [Guernsey]* 88 B. Smith's Birds of Guernsey, 195R. Tuppers Guernsey, 405H. Channel Islands, Guernsey, &c. Jeux D'Esprit, by French and English Wits, edited by Leigh 143T Jevons (W. S., Political Economist, l>. 1835, drowned 1882), F.R.S., Letters and Journal of, Edited by His Wife. 1886 691 F Logic [Science Primers], 1876 1521Z Methods of Social Reform and other Papers 1 1 X iF Amusements. Free Public Libraries. Library- Indicators. Museums. Trade Societies. Industrial Partnerships. Economic Science. Cruelty to Animals. Drink Traffic. Post Office. Railways. . 6 B.C., beheaded 31 a.d.). and Elijah, Dis- courses on, by Anderson. 1835 202K the Paptist's Day. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005-7M, &c. f379l JOH GUILLE-ALLLS LIBRARY. JOH Johns (C. A.. Hotanist, l>. 1S11, d. 1874), F.L.S., British Birds in their Haunts, illustrated. 1876 777F Flowers of the Field, illustrated. 18S1 5560 Loss of the Amazon [S.P.C.K.] 1742Z Johns (f ), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Johnson (Andrew, President, L'.S., I,. 1808, d. 1875). See Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 15, 2625J, &c. Johnson (C. W.), F.R.S., Fanner's Encyclopedia, illustrated. 1844 10D Johnson (Edward), M.D., Domestic Practice of Hydropathy. 1850 914K Johnson (F.), M.A., Ed., Colloquies of Erasmus, translated by Bailey, 2 vols. 1883 5-6K Johnson (K.), M.A. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A. Johnson (J.), Living in Earnest, Incidents from the Lives of the Great and Good. 1880 10C9R Johnson (J. A., T. an J V. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Johnson (Samuel, Lexicographer, &°c i} b. 1709, d. 1784), LL.D., A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. 1816 369K Dictionary and History of the English Language. 1828 164B Lives of the British Poets, completed by Hazlitt [arranged Chronologically and with Portraits], 4 vols. 1854 .'. 788-91O Lives of the Poets [the Six Chief Lives, Milton. Dryden, Swift, Addison, Pope, Gray] and Macaulay's Life of Johnson, edited by Arnold. 1878 962O Mother of [Mothers of Great Men and Women] .... 682F Poetical Works and Life [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807... 399Z Prayers and Meditations. 1806 632M Select Poets of Great Britain and Ireland 41 1 D Moore. Cawthorne. Collins. Dyer. Shenstone. Mallet. Akenside. Gray. Littleton. Gay. Works of", and an Essay on his Life, by Murphy, 12 vols. 1824 : Vol. 1. — Life of Johnson, by Murphy, Poems . . 902Z Vols. 2-4. — The Rambler 903-5Z Vol. 5. — The Idler and Rasselas 906Z Vols. 6-8. — Lives of the Poets 907-9Z Vol. 9. — Lives of Eminent Persons, Letters, Prayers, .Sec 910Z Vol. 10. — Philological Tracts, Prefaces, &c 911Z Vol. 11.— Miscellaneous Tracts, Reviews, Papers in The Adventurer, &c. 912Z Vol. 12. — Political Tracts, Journey to Scotland 9*3% Works of, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Murphy : Vol. 1. — Essay on his Life. The Rambler. The Idler. Lives of the Poets, &C 992H Vol 2.— Rasselas. Poems. Letters. Tales. Political Tracts. Dedica- tions, &c 993H Ed. , The Idler [British Essayists] 879II and 39T The Rambler [British Essayists] 879II and 25-8T Anecdotes of, during the Last Twenty Years of his Life, by Piozzi. 1856 1275K by Stephen [English Men of Letters}. 1879 1074O Thos. Carlyle. 1853 241Z • — — life of, by Boswell, 4 vols. 1820 732:9.0 , with Notes by Malone, 5 vols. 1821 236-40Z ■ Tour to the Hebrides, by Boswell [Nat. Ulus. Lib.]. 1852 1320R Johnsoniana, Life, Opinions and Table Talk of Dr. Johnson, edited by Montagu - 74iO Sec also Brougham's Men of Letters, 598R. Knight's Old Bookseller, i.t5iO. Martin's Memories, 834O. Masterpieces of Fiction, 556I). Merydew's Love Letters, vol. 1, 676F. Poole's Index, R.L. ' Scott's Novelists. 1014Z. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1103R. Walter's Boswell and Johnson, 185Z. Contemporary, v. 47, 2057J. Harper, v. 12, 1592J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. [38o] JOH ENGLISH SECTION. JON Johnson (S. W.), M.A., How Crops Grow, a Treatise on the Chemical Composition, Structure, and Life of the Plant, for all Students of Agriculture 53 2 ^ Johnston (Alex., Political Economist'), Ed., Representative Ameri- can Orators, 3 vols. 1885 : Vol. 1. — Hamilton. Washington. Jefferson. Quincy, Clay. Calhoun. Nott. Webster, &c _ 1560Z Vol. 2. — Phillips. Chass. Sumner. Douglas. Brooks. Burlinghame, 6tc. 1561Z Vol. 3. — Lincoln. Seward. Cox. Beecher. Schurz. Sherman. Gar- field, Hurd, &c 1562Z Johnston (Alex. Keith). See Leisure Hour [with portrait], v. 21, 2631J, &c. Johnston (C), M.R.C.S., Travels in Southern Abyssinia, through the Country of Adal to the Kingdom of Shoa, 2 vols. 1S44 598-9K Johnston (D.), M.D., A General, Medical, and Statistical History of the Present Condition of Public Charity in France. 1829 1047F Johnston (J. F, W., Scotch Chemist, b. 1796, d. 1855), F.R.S.; Elements of Agricultural Chemistry and Geology. 1886 ... 668D The Chemistry of Common Life, 2 vols. 1855 415-6R Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Johnston (K., Junr.), F.R.G.S., Handbook of Physical Geography. 479R Johnstone (Mrs.) See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Johnstone (R.), D.D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, v. 4, 622A. Joinery. See also Carpentry. Joinville (Lord John De, French Historian and Crusader, b. 1224, d. 1319), Crusade of St. Louis [Chronicles of the Crusades, Bonn's Library]. 1848 174M and 299O Jokai (Moritz, Hungarian Novelist, b. 1825), Hungarian Sketches in Peace and War, with Preface by Emeric Szabad [Consta- ble's Miscellany] 986 and 1293R Joliffe (T. R.), Letters from Palestine, Descriptive of a Tour through Galilee and Judea", with some Account of the Dead Sea and the Actual State of Jerusalem, illustrated. 1854 5545^ Jolly (J-, Translator). See Midler's Sacred Books of the East, vol. 7, 565A. Jolly (W.), F.G.S., Life of John Duncan, Scotch Weaver and Bo- tanist. 1883 621O Joly (N.), Man Before Metals, illustrated. 1883 1015M Jonah (Hebrezu Prophet, 862 B.C.), Lectures upon, by King. 1864... 57 A See also Robinson's Scripture Characters, 15TK. Good Words [Jonah and Paul at Sea], v. 1, 2171J, &c. Jonathan (Son of Saul, King of Israel, Killed in Battle, 1056 B.C.). See Ewald's Israel, 63K. Milman's Jews, 159Q, &c. Jones (Agnes E., Philanthropic Nurse, b. 1832, d. 1868), Memoirs of, by her Sister. 1871 , 1019O See also Blaikie's Philanthropy, 762O. Jones (Col. B. H.), The Sunny Land, or Prison Prose and Poetry, edited by Houston. 1868 9S9R [A Tale of the American Rebellion.] Jones (C. A.), The Foreign Freaks of Five Friends [a Tour on the Continent]. 1882 1406R Jones (E., Chartist, b. 1819, d. 1869). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry 476D. Jones (Edward Burne, Artist). Sec Temple Bar [Recent Paintings by], v. 53, 3183J, &c. Jones (E. T.), Science of Book-keeping of Single and Double Entry [English Systems]. 1837-40 653-4B Jones (E. \V.), Book of Psalms, Questions for Bible Classes. 1863.. 172Q [33i] JON GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JON Jones (G.j Historical Painter, Librarian of the Royal Academy, b. 1786, d. 1869), R.A., Sir Francis Chantrey, R.A., Recol- lections of his Life, Practice and Opinions. 1849 5740 Jones (Henry, Writer on Card Games, &c.). See Cavendish. Jones (H., Irish Dramatist, b. 1720, d. 1770). See New English Theatre, &c. Jones (Mrs. H.), Sandringham Past and Present. 1883 1348R Jones (H. Bence, Physician and Chemist, b. 1813, d. 1873), M.D., The Royal Institution, its Founder and its First Professors. Count Rumford. Professor Garnett. Professor Young. Faraday. Sir Humphrey Davy. Dr. Thomas Young. Jones (J., b. 1800, d. 1882), Jones' Collection in South Kensington Museum [South Kensington Handbooks]. 1883 1044M Jones (J. Matthew), The Naturalist in Bermuda, a Sketch of the Geology, Zoology, and Botany of that remarkable Group of Islands. 1859'...' 823F Jones (John Paul, Rear Admiral in the American Navy, b. 1747, d. 1792), Life of, illustrated. 1867 742O See also Fitzgerald s Kings and Queens of an Hour, 85F. Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 170H, &e. Jones (J. Winter, Principal Librarian British Museum, b. 1808, d. 1881) [Cowtan's British Museum] 894II Jones (L.), and Ludlow (J. M.), Progress of the Working Class, [1832-67]. 1867 238R Jones (S., Printer and Journalist, b. 1763, d. 1827), New Biographical Dictionary, a Brief Account of the Lives and Writings of the most eminent Persons in every Age and Nation. 1822 187/ Jones (T.), Fountain of Life, or Union of Christ and Believers. 1840 205Q The Divine Order, and other Sermons and Addresses, edited by Brynmor Jones, with a short introduction by R. Browning.... 355M Jones (T. R., Naturalist, b. 1810, d. 1880), F.R.S., Natural History of Animals, illustrated, 2 vols. 1845 I75-6R The Animal Kingdom, a Manual of Comparative Anatomy, ill... 722F Jones (Sir W. , Orientalist, b. 1746, d. 1794), Discourses on the Re- ligion, Poetry, &c, of India, and an Essay on the Author by Lord Teignmouth, edited by Elmes. 1824 1201Z Poetical Works and Life [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807... 400Z Life and Writings of, by Lord Teignmouth. 1815 328F See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Jones (W.), P\S.A., Credulities Past and Present. 1880 902M ■ Crowns and Coronations, a History of Regalia, illustrated. 1883 1526O Finger-Ring Lore, Historical, Legendary, Anecdotal, illus. 1877 928M Jones (W., Editor of the British Critic, b. 1726, d. 1800), M.A., Ed. , Works of George Home, D. D. , 2 vols. 1 846 1 88-9 A Jones (W. H.) M. A., Salisbury [Diocesan Histories]. 1880 1603Z Jones' Edition of Select British Poets, 4 vols. v.i>. : Vol. 1. — Milton, Covvper, Goldsmith, Thomson, Falconer, Akenside, Collins, Gray 660M Vol. 2. — Kirkevvhite, Burns, Beattie, Shenstone, Gay's Fables, Butler's Hudibras, Byron 661 M Vol. 3. — More, Pope, Watts, Hayley, Mason, Prior, Grahame and Logan. . 662M Vol. 4. — Dryden, Littleton, Hammond, Richardson, Charlotte Smith, Can- ning, Gifford, Bloomfield's Farmer's Boy, &c 663M Jongh (L. J. De), M.D., Three Kinds of Cod Liver Oil : compara- tively considered with Reference to their Chemical and Thera- peutic Properties, translated by Carey. 1849 9*9^ Jonson (Ben, Dramatist, b. 1574, d. 1637), Works of, and Memoir by Gifford. 1854 410D Every Man in His Humour. The Alchemist. The Silent Woman. The Devil is an Ass. Magnetic Lady, &c. [382] JON ENGLISH SECTION. JOW Jonson, Every Man in His Humour, edited by Wheatley. 1877 ... 1261Z by Symonds [English Worthies]. 1886 1202O See also Buckland's Curiosities, 598Q. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 927O. Inchbald's British Theatre. Living Age, v. 81, 31 11 J. New English Theatre, &c. Jordan,The, and Dead Sea, United States Expedition, by Lynch 54Sand84oK See also Alison's Europe, 122-38O. Bellow's Europe, 1399R. Conder's Palestine, 553K. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Leisure Hour [the Rob Roy on], v. 19, 2629J, &c. Jordan (T.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Jortin (J., Scholar, b. 1698, d. 1770), D.D., Sermons on Different Subjects, 7 vols. 1787 246-52K Joseph {Hebrew Patriarch, d. 1635, B.C.), History of, Letters to Young Men, by Sprague. 1851 1098R History of, by Smith. 1856 463M See also Beke's Sinai in Arabia, 597B. Ewald's Israel, 61 K. Good Words [and Brethren], v. 21, 2191J. Josephus, 64H. Milman's Jews, 157Q. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 15 iK, &c. Joseph {King- of Italy), Memoirs of. Sec Edinburgh Review, v. 100 and 102, 460 and 462 J. Joseph II. (Emfetvr of Austria). See Edinburgh, v. 1, 2171J. Temple Bar, v. 51, 1381J. Josephine (Empress, Wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, b. 1763, d. 1814), Memoirs of, by Memes [Family Library]. 1832 1071Q See also Alison's Europe, 123-36O. Bingham's Bonaparte Marriages, 330-1O. Jackson's French Court, 335O. Remusat's Letters, 221F. Living Age [First Court of], v. 27, 3°57.J- France, Napoleon, &c. Josephus {Flavins, Jewish Historian, b. 37, d. after 97), Works of, translated by Whiston, illustrated, 2 vols. 1835 64-5II See also Beke's Sinai in Arabia, 597B. Ewald's Israel, 65K. Milman's Jews, i^7-8Q. Stapfer's Palestine, 477M. Fraser [Works of], v. 25, 635J, &c. Josh Billings [H. W. Shaw] Wit and Humour 1 863Z See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Joshua {Successor to Moses, d. 1420 B.C.). See Ewald's Israel, 62K. Gallau- det's Biography, 1693Z. Josephus, 64H. Milman's Jews, 103Z. Rob- inson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Good Words, v. 10, 2180J, &c. Joshua to Samuel. Sec Gray's Biblical Museum, 79M, &C. Josiah {King of Judah, killed 610 B.C.), History of, by Gallaudet 1694Z See also Josephus, 64H. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K, &c. Jottings from Jail, by Horsley. 1887 1207R from the Pacific, by Gill, illustrated. 1885 1645R Joubert (B. C, French General, b. 1769, killed in Battle 1799). See Alison's Europe, 123-5O, &c. Joubert (Joseph, French Jesuit, d. 1719). See Living Age, v. 80, 311CJ. Journal of a Naturalist [by Knapp] 787F & 633Q Journalism,- English, and the Men who have made it, by Pea- body. 1882 1235Z in the United States [1690 to 1872], by Hudson. 1873 978H See also Escott's England and Its People, 1018F. Frost's Recollections, Q52R. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Harper's Magazine [Western], v. 77> l( 557J ; [Journalistic London], v. 64, 1644J. Chambers [Curiosities of], v. 58, 1949J. Contemporary [Future of], v. 50, 2060 J. Living Age [Modern], v. 24, 3054J. London Quarterly [British], v. 38, 828J. Quarterly [in France], v. 65, H95J- Newspapers, Periodicals, &c. Journey Due North. See Household Words, 1754J. South ; Travels in Search of Sunshine, by Sala, illus. 1885 801 K in the Caucasus, Persia, &c, by Thielman, translated by Hene- age, 2vols. 1875 1462 3R Jousts. See Tournaments. Jovellanos (G. M.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Jowett (13., b. 1787, d. 1855), M.A., On the Interpretation of Scrip- ture [Essays and Reviews] , 662 A [3831 JOW GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JTJN Jowett, Tr., Republic of Plato, translated into English, with In- troduction, Analysis, Marginal Analysis, and Index. 1888... 1200II Joy. See Smith"s Moral Sentiments, 588H. Warner's Physical Expression, 393R, Sec. Joyce (J., Unitarian Minister, b. 1764, d. 1816), Scientific Dialogues, Intended for the Instruction and Entertainment of Young People, illustrated 695Q & 520R — — System of Practical Arithmetic 311R JvLOXlTL. (King of Castile, b. 1405, d. 1454). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Spain, &c. Jubilee of the Methodist New Connexion. 1848 100K Singers. See Chambers, v. 55, 1948 J. Judah.. See Ewald's Israel, 64K. Smith's Prophets, 466 M, &c. Judaism. See Contemporary [Progressive], v. 42, 2052J. London Quarterly [after the Captivity], v. 30, 820J. Contemporary [Future of], v. 32, 2042J. Edinburgh Review [Modern], v. 117, 477J. Jews, &c. Judas Iscariot. See De Quincey's Works, 651R. Ewald's Israel, 66K. Robin- son's Scripture Characters, 152K, &c. Judas Maccabaeus [Jewish Priest and Governor, killed 160 B.C.), and the Jewish War of Independence, by Conder [New Plutarch] 1022Q See also Ewald's Israel, 65K. Milman's Jews, 158Q, &c. Judd (J. W.)i F.R.S., Volcanoes, What they Are and What they Teach, illustrated. 1881 488R Jude (St.), Epistle of, Commentary by Mason 254Z See also Barnes' Notes, 10M. Commentaries, Sec. Judeans. See Ewald's Israel, 65K. Jews, &c. Judge Jeffreys. See All the Year Round, v. 42, 1922J. Jeffreys, Sec. Judges of England [1066- 1870], Biographical Dictionary of, by Foss. 1870 595F See also Campbell's Chief Justices, 784-7O. James' Curiosities of Law, 1075F. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8K. Chambers [of England], v. 47, i95 8 J-. Quarterly [of England], v. 119, 1249J. Chambers [of the Olden Time], v. 19, 1927 J. Law, Lawyers, &c. Judgment and Thesis. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 39 iR. Future. See Trotter's Plain Papers 506M. Future State, &c. Judicial. See Chambers [Quaint Judgments], v. 63, 1952J. Crime, Law, &c. Judicature. See Smith's Institutions, 517T, Sec. Judicial Dramas, or the Romance of the French Criminal Law, by Spicer. 1872 1114H Judicial Puzzles. See Chambers, v. 52, 1946J. Judson (A., American Missionary, b. 1788, d. 1854), D.D., Life of, edited by Bonar. 1 87 1 7430 Juggernaut. See Harper, v. 57, 1637J. Idolatry, India, &c. Jugglers. See Beckman's Inventions, 698Q. Chambers [Indian], v. 61, 1951J. Once a Week [in India], v. 4, 2264J. Conjuring, Sec. Julian (F. C, Emperor, b. 332, killed 363). See Gibbon's Roman Empire, 76-7H. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Macmillan [His view of Christianity], v. 48, 978J. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670F. Juliet. See Blackwood [Shakspere's], v. 131, 201 J. Julius. See Howson's Companions of St. Paul, 350M. Julius Caesar. See Lappenberg's England, 15 17O. See under Caesar for principal works. Jtlly. See Howitt's Seasons, 572Q, &c. Holiday in Saxony, Bohemia and Silesia, by White. 1857 1470R Jumping. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Maclaren's Physical Education, 1808Z. Shearman's Athletics, 1259R, Sec. June. See Howitt's Seasons, 572Q, &c. Jungfrau. See Williams' Alps, &c, 590B. Jungle. See Chambers [Indian, Dangers of] v. 62, 1951J. Leisure Hour [Race in], v. 11, 2621 J. Temple Bar [in Central America], v. 22, 1352J. All the Year Round [Lost in], v. 6, 1766J. Junius [the Assumed name of a Political Writer of the reign of George III. [1769-72] ; probably Sir Philip Francis), Letters of, with portraits, 2 vols. 1805 ', 985-6II 1786 , ' 744O [384] JUN ENGLISH SECTION. JUV Junius, Letters of, edited by Wade, 2 vols. 1850 990- iR [Woodfall's Edition], 2 vols U39Rand 1202-3Z See also Foster's Essays, 950R. Stephen's Memoirs of T.ooke, 534 F. Trevelyan's Life of Fox, 260F. Cornhill [Last phase of the Con- troversy], v. 23, 303J. Eraser [More about], v. 76, 686J ; [and his time], v. 90, 700J. Living Age [was he Lord Lyttelton], v. 42, 3072J. Cushing's Pseudonyms, R.L., &c. Junks, Chinese. See Eden's China, 813Q. Woodgate's Boating, 1266R. China, &c Junot (A., Marshal and dttc d'Abranfes, b. T771, committed suicide 1813). "See Alison's Europe, 123-35O. Memoirs, 329-31F. France, Napoleon, &c. Junot (L. P., Duchesse d'Abraules, wife of the Marshal, b. 1784, d. 1838), Memoirs of, 3 vols. 1883 329-31F Jupiter, The Planet. See Brown's Science for All, 626B and 627Ba. Astronomy, Stars, &c. Jupiter {Mythological God of Heaven of the Ancient Greeks and Romans). See Conway's Demonology, 909-10M. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Homer's Iliad, Smith's Classical Dictionary, &c. Jurien De La G-raviere (Captain E.), Sketches of the Last Naval War, translated by Plunkett, 2 vols. 1848 292-3O Jurisdiction. See Pike's Crime in England, 307H. Law, &c. Jurisprudence. See London Quarterly [Codification of the Law], v. 24, 814J. Government, Law, &c. Jury. See Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Routledge's Popular Pro- gress [Trial by], 1034F. Hill's Repression of Crime, 1015F. Black- wood [in civil cases], v. 27, R.L. Century [Is it a Failure], v. 3, 1875 J. Chambers [Curiosities of], v. 50, 1951J. Jusserand (J. J.) English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages [14th Century], translated by Smith. 1889 1925R Justice. See Percy Anecdotes, 921Z. Smith's Moral Sentiments, 588H. Contemporary [Cheap], v. 35, 2045J. Law, &c. Jlistification. See Good Words [and its Preacher], v. 7, 2177 J. Justin Martyr {Philosopher and Martyr, b. 103, killed about 166). See Donald- son's Christian Literature, &c, 47K. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670F. Haweis' Christ and Christianity [and the Apologists], 1186M, &c. Justinian, Institutes of, edited by Holland. 188 1 1809Z with English translation and Notes, by Sanders. 1865.... 1097F See also Gibbon's Roman Empire, 80-81H. Contemporary [law-reforming days of], v. 39, 2049J. Jute Fibre. See Temple's India, 486K. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Juvenal {Roman Satirist, d. about 100), The Satires of, translated with Explanatory and Classical Notes, relating to the Laws and Customs of the Greeks and Romans. 1789 11S2H by Walford [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1876 1097Q translated by Badham [Family Classical Library]. 1831 1126Q See also Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Edinburgh Review [Hodgson's Translation of], v. 12, 372J, &c. Juvenile Delinquents in United States, by Peirce. 1869 1090F See also Edinburgh Review, v. 94, 454J, &c. JUVENILE LITERATURE {Works of Interest, Amusement and Instruction suitable for young persons of both sexes. When only Authors are given Reference must be made to the General Alphabet or the Fiction Class list. In the references to Authors, those most suitable for Girls are in italics) : Boy's Own Annual, from Vol. 1. 1879 2951J [This serial contains most interesting and valuable Articles on all Sub- jects interesting to Boys, also numerous Stories of Adventure and Travel, by well-known Authors.] 2^lT Girl's Own Annual, from Vol. I. 1880 J [This serial contains most interesting and valuable Articles on all Sub- jects interesting to Girls, also numerous Stories by well-known Authors.] J 3 [385] JUV GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JUV JUVENILE LITERATURE— {continued.) Home Treasury of Old Story Books 2863X Plutarch, Accounts of Celebrated Children 1171Z Bacon, Black Prince, Edward VI., Crichton, Lady Jane Grey, Pope, Nelson, Milton, Gainsborough, &c. Routledge's Every Boy's Annual 1301F [Containing interesting Historical and other Tales, Articles on Sport, &c] Suggestive Lessons in Practical Life, being Reading Books for School and Home, Designed to Train the Young to Thoughtfulness and Intelligence, 4 vols. 1888 : First Series— The Food We Eat 1826Z Second Series.— The Clothes we Wear. The Houses we Build. The Rooms we Furnish 1827Z Third Series.— The Fuel we Burn. The Metals we Smelt. The Forests we Clear 1828Z Fourth Series. — The Cities we found. The Goods we Carry. The Speech we Utter. The Books we Read. The Triumphs we Await 1S29Z See also Abbot (J. and S. C). Adams (H. C). Adams (H. G. and W. H. D.). Aimard (G.). Aikin's Evenings at Home, 112T. Ainsworth (W. H.). Alcott(L. M.). AldrichfT. B.). A. L. O. E. American Tract Society, &c. Andersen (H. C). Armstrong (Captain). Arthur (T. S.). Auerbach (B.). Ballantyne (R. M.). Barker (Lady). Beeton's Annual, 1185R. Bell (CD.). Bowman (A.). Boy's Book of Sports, 1527Z. Bramston (M.). Bray's Duty to Animals, 168R. Brightwell (C. L.), Palissy, the Huguenot Potter, 560Q. Brock (Mrs. C). Cameron (Mrs.). Carroll (L.). Chaillu (Paul Du). Child's Book of Nature, 477-9T. Charles (Mrs.). Charlesworth ' ' Mag; " the Classics. Clarke (J. Erskine). Coolidge (S.). Cooper (J. F.). De Foe's Plague of London, 141Z. Dickens' Child's History of England, 1260R. Doudney (S.). Drayson (Major). Earth We L (Mrs.). Christian World Magazine. Church (A. J.), Stories from Cooper (J. F.). d's History of Earth We Live On, 826Z. Eddy's Travelling Party, 1323-7R. Edgar (J. C), Edgeworth (M.). Erckmann-Chatrian (MM.). Ewing (J. H.). Family Friend, 693-726R. Family Economist, 686-92R. Farrar (F. W.). Fenn (G. M.). Fern (Fanny). Forbes' Chinese Gordon, 677O. Freeman's History Primers, 118-21Z. Gatty's Parables from Nature, 29Z. Catty (Mrs.). Gleig (G. R.). Grant (J.). Green- wood (J.). Grimm (Brothers). Hall (Mrs. S. C). Harland (Mrs.). Harper's Boys' and Girls' Library, 1113-5Z. Henty (G. A.). His- torical Pictures, 134-5Z. Hofland (Mrs.). Hope (A. R.). Houghton's Wonders Near Home, 731Z. Howitt (M.). Hughes (Tom). Ida Pfeiffer's Travels, 871 Q. Juvenile Plutarch, 1171Z. Kingsley (C). Kingston (W. H. G.). Kirton's Earl of Shaftesbury, 1343O. Law- fords Girl's Book, 178T. Leslies Girl's Book, 1190R. Lessons on the Universe, 827Z. Macdonald (G.). Macduff s Life of Our Lord, 397M. MacKenna's Brave Men, 523O. Moffat's Missionary Labours, 220T. Mansfield's School Life at Winchester, 1080R. Marryat (Captain). Marsh (Mrs.). Marshall (Mrs.). Martineau (H.). Miller (T.). Molesworth (Mrs.). Montgomery (F.) More's Sacred Dramas, 52Z. Newcombe's Pleasant Pages, 153-4T. Noyce's Marvels of Nature, 504R. Owen (Mrs.). Page's Leaders of Men, 763O. Parley (Peter). Paull (M. A.). Phelps (E. S.). Porter (Jane). Prentiss (EJ. Proctor (R. A.). Reid (Captain M.). Richard- son's Legends. Roberts (M.). Koe(A.S.). Roe (E. P.). Ruskin's Story of Ida, 1351O. Russell (W. C). St. Pierre's Paul and Virginia, 2849X. Saintaine's Picciola, The Prison Flower, 22S3X. Sargent (G. E.). Scott (Sir W.). Sea-Tales, 177T. Seguin (L. G.). Sewell (Miss). Sherwood (Mrs.). Shield's Knights of the Red Cross, 1540Z. Smiles (S.). Smith's Birds, 71 iZ. Southey's Life of Nelson. Stevenson (R. L.). Spender (Mrs.). Stowe (H. B.). Stretton (Hesba). Sunday at Home. Swaines Remarkable Women, 296T. Tabor (Miss). Taylor (B. and E.). Thackeray (Miss). Thayer's From Log Cabin to White House [President Garfield], 666 and 667O. Timbs' Half-Hours, 169T. Tiny Workers, 724Z. Traill (Mrs.). Tulloch's Life of William, Emperor of Germany, 1403O. Pulloch's Queen Victoria, 1345O. Tweedie's Youthful Diligence. [386] JUV ENGLISH SECTION. KAN JUVENILE LITERATURE— {continued.) 1253Z. Tytlcr(S.). Uncle Philip's Conversations, 706Z. Valentine's Girls' Home Book, 1188R. Valentine's Heroism, &c, 1189 and 1204R. Verne (Jules). Walker's Sermons for Children. Warner (A. \ Wetherell(E.). Weir(M. E.). Whitney (Mrs.). Wilson's Child's Book of Facts, 1255Z. Women of Worth, 314T. Wood (J. G.). Yonge (C. M.). Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, i 100H. Southey's Life of Nelson, 1058Q. See also under Boys, Children, Youth, &c. Juvenilia : Being a second series of Essays on Sundry /Esthetical Questions, by Vernon Lee, 2 vols. 1837 2009R Juxon (W., Archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1582 d. 1663: See Stoughton's Re- ligion in England, 92-4M. K ABITL and Kelat. See Stanford's Compendium, S52K. Cabul, Afghanis- tan. Leisure Hour [2,000 Years ago], v. 28, 2638J, &c. Kaffirland, Campaigning in, during the Kaffir War [1851-2], by King, illustrated. 1853 S12K and Kaffirs. See also Brown's Racesof Mankind, 155D. Hartwig's Tropi- cal World, 758F. Kay's Caffraria, 1553R. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Stanford's Compendium, 849K. All the Year Round [Wars], v. 41, 1801J. Gentleman's Magazine [Kaffir War in 1878], n.s., v. 21, 761 J, and Fraser, v. 97, 701 J. Living Age [of Natal], v. 55, 3085J. Africa, Cape, &c. Kallos, a Treatise on the Scientific Culture of Personal Beauty and the Cure of Ugliness, by a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. 1 883 14 1 2Z Kalmucks. See Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 61 iB. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828K. Lubbock's Primitive Man. 672B. Household Words, v. 17, 1 757 J> &C. Kames (Henry Home, Lord). See Home(H.). Kamptulicon. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, SD, t\.c. KamtSChatka. See Chambers [and the Country of the Koraks], v. 60, 1950J. Penny Magazine, v. 11, 149J. Kandaliar in 1879, by Le Messurier. 1880 274O Kane(K. K., American Traveller, /M822, d. 1857), M.D., Arctic Explorations : The Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin [1853-55], illustrated. 1856 826-7K United States, Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Frank- lin, a Personal Narrative, illustrated. 1857 669K Kane (R. R.), LL.D., Ed., Short History of the Irish People, by Richey. 1887 561II Kane (W. F. De Vismes), M.A., European Butterflies, with plates 189R Kangaroo, The. ^SYvJardine's Naturalists' Library, 667Q. Coote's Wanderings. 810K. Wilson's Naturalist, 639Q. Chambers [Pet], v. 58. 1958J. Kansas, Emigrant Life in, by Ebbutt. 1886 ' 861K See also Harper's Magazine, v. 77, 1657J. Sanborn's Life of John Brown. 153F. Living Age [Colonization of], v. 43, 3073J. Chambers [journey through], v. 25, 1939J. Harper [Ladies' day at the Ranch]. v. 71, 1651J. Saturday Review [Struggle in 1856J, v. 61, R.L. United States, &c. Kant (Immanuel, German Philosopher, b. 1724, d. 1804), Critique of Pure Reason, translated by Mciklejohn. 1882 654II — — Critique of Pure Reason, a Critical Exposition, by Morris. 1882 666T by Wallace [Phil. Classics for English Readers]. 1882 1033Q Last Days of, by De Quincey. 1871 648R Life of, by Stuckenberg. 1882 332F [3871 KAN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. KEA Kant (I.). See also Lewes' Philosophy, 572H. Blackwood [Last days of], v. 21, R. L. ; [and his essays) v. 28, R.L. Contemporary [and Berkeley], v. 20, 2030J. Edinburgh Review [and the Kantian Revival], v. 157, 517J, &c. Karamsin (N., Russian Historian, l>. 1765, d. 1826), Travels from Moscow, through Prussia, Germany, Switzerland, France and England, translated, 3 vols. 1803 779*8lQ Karlstein (H. O. von), Gotham and the Gothamites [New York and the New Yorkers], translated by F. C. Valentine. 1887 1210R Kashgar. See Quarterly [Pamir and Tibet], v. 141, 1271J. Kashmir, &c., by Mrs. Murray Aynsley. 1879 807K — , See also Cashmere, India, &c. Kastlill (Julius), Martin Luther, the Reformer, trans, by Weir. 1883 947 Q Kata Phusin. See Ruskin (John). Kater (Captain IL, Mathematician, b. 1777, d. 1835), V, Pres. R.S., and Lardner (D.), F.R.S., Mechanics [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], illustrated. 1830 472R Katharine Howard. See Strickland's Queens of England, 800O. Howard, &c. Katharine (of Aragon, Daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, Queen of Henry VIII. , b. 1483,^. 1536). See Strickland's Queens of England, 800O. Katharine Parr. See .Strickland's Queens of England, 800O. Parr, &c. Kathrma, Her Life and Mine, in a Poem, by Holland, 1869 493^ Katmandu, The Capital of Nepaul, a Journey to, by Oliphant. 1852 872Q Kaufmann (M.), M. A., Christian Socialism. 1888 1205M Kaufmann (R. T.), Things you ought to Know about Yourself, or Sketches of Pluman Physiology, illustrated. 1877 I 45 1 ^ Kavanagh (Julia, Irish Novelist, &-Y., b. 1824), A Summer and Winter in the Two Sicilies, 2 vols. 1858 1477-SR French Women of Letters, 2 vols. 1862 660- iO Gournay, La Fayette, Scuddry, Tencin, Riccoboni, 660O. Genlis, Cottin, Stael, Kriidener, 661O. Woman in France during 18th Century, 2 vols. 1850 1043-4O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Kavanagh (Thomas Henry). See Everyday Heroes, 1455O. Kavanagh, a Tale, by Longfellow. 1866 798R & 1539Z Kay (John) Edinburgh Portraits, a Series of Anecdotal Biographies, chiefly of Scotchmen, mostly written by Paterson, and edited by Maidment, illustrated, 2 vols. 1885 745-60 Kay (Joseph), M.A., Social Condition and Education of the People in England. 1863 ! , "... 228R Kay (Stephen), Travels and Researches in Caftraria, ill. 1833 ^SR Kaye (Sir J. W., Historian, b. 1814, d. 1876), Administration of the East India Company, a History of Indian Progress. 1853 ... 462II Christianity in India, an Historical Narrative. 1859 263 A Lives of Indian Officers, 2 vols. 1889 : Vol. 1. — Lord Cornwallis. Sir John Malcolm. Hon. Mountstuart Elphin- stone. Rev. Henry Martin. Sir Charles Metcalfe 1453O Vol. 2. — Sir Alexander Burnes. Captain Arthur Conolly. Major Eldred Pottinger. Majcr D'Arcy Todd. Sir Flenry Lawrence. General Neill. General John Nicholson I 4540 KeachtS. B.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Kean (Charles). See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 25, N.S., 745J. Kean (Edmund, Celebrated Tragedian, b. 1787, d. 1833), Life and Adventures, by Molloy, 2 vols. 1888 14C5-6O See also Fitzgerald's English Stage, 338D. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1338-9R. Blackwood, v. 3, R.L. Quarterly, v. 54, 1184J, &c. Kearney (F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, _i64oJa. Keary (Annie). See Saturday Review [Memoir of], v. 55, R.L. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [3S8] KEA ENGLISH SECTION. KEL Keary (C. F.), M.A., Outlines of Primitive Belief among the Indo- European Races. 1882 101K Keats (J., Poet, b. 1795, d. 1821), by Colvin [Eng. Men of Letters]. 1088O See also Clarke's Recollections, 939O. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Harper s Index [Works of], i64oJa. Macmillan's Magazine [On some Letters of], v. 58, 988 J. Merydew's Love Letters, vol. 2, 677F. Noel's Essays, 1039H. Blackwood [Poems of], v. 2 and 3, R.L. Edinburgh Review [Life and Works of]> v. 162, 522 J. Harper, v. 55, 1635J, &c. Kebble (T. E.), Life of Beaconsfield [Sanders' Statesmen Series] ... 1374O Keble (J., Theologian and Poet, b. 1792, d. 1866), Christian Year, Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holydays throughout the Year. 1827 « 495Z Miscellaneous Poems. 1870 1404M Memoir of, by Coleridge. 1869 693F 2 vols. 1869 , 1456-7O See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Haweis' Poets in the Pulpit, 1014R. Leisure , Hour [with Portrait], v. 16, 2626J. Macmillan, v. 19, 949J, &c. Keddie (Henrietta), Heroines in Obscurity. 1881 307T Kedge-Anchor, or, Young Sailor's Assistant, by Brady, ill. 1864. 891 D Keeler (R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Keightley (T., Irish Historian and Critic, b. 1789, d. 1872), Fairy Mythology, Illustrative of the Romance and Superstition of Various Countries [Bohn's Library]. 1850 1009M Keith (A., Scotch Theologian, b. 1791, d. 1880), Evidence of Prophecy [American Tract Society] 1684Z Evidences of the Christian Religion, derived from Prophecy. 1848 414A See also Living Age [Memoirs and Correspondence], v. 21, 3051 J. Keith (Leslie). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Keith (P.), F.L.S., Physiological Botany, illustrated, 2 vols. 18 16. 762-3F Keith (Sir R. M.) See Smith's Ambassadors, 6860. Keith (T., Mathematician, b. 1759, d. 1824), Use of the Globes, or a Philosophic View of the Earth and Heavens. 1850 723O Kelland (P., Physicist, b. 1808), F.R.S.. Elements of Algebra 729D Keller (Gottfried, Swiss Novelist). See Fraser, v. 101, 711J, &c. Kellermann (F. C.,ducde Valmy, French Marshal, b. 1735, d. 1S20). Sec Alison's Europe, 121-37O. French History, &c. Kellgren(J. H., Szvedish Poet, b. 1751, d. 1795). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Kelly (J-). See Lennox's Celebrities, 1017H. Kelly (T.). Sec Curwen's Booksellers, 520O. Kelly (W., Traveller), Across the Rocky Mountains, from New York to California. 1852 428T Kelly (W., Lecturer), Lectures Introductory to the Study of the New Testament 357-9M The Gospels, 357M. The Epistles, 358M. Acts and Revelation, 359M. Minor Prophets. 1871 356M Pentateuch. 1871 361M on the Book of Revelation 436A and 360M Church of God. 1869 ...., 363M Gospel of St. Matthew. 1868 102 and 103K New Testament, Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. 1868 ... 362M Second Coming and Kingdom of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 1865 364M Notes and Commentaries. v.D , 30-43Q Job, 35Q. Ezekiel, 36Q. Daniel, 37Q. Romans, 38Q. 1 Corinthians, 39Q- 2 Corinthians, 40Q. Galatians, 41Q. Ephesians, 42Q. Philip- pians, 43Q. [389] REL GUILLE-ALLF.S LIBRARV. KEN Kelly (W.), Testimony of the Bible to the Use and Abuse of Wine 1844Z The Revelation of John, edited in Greek, with a New English Version and a Statement of the Chief Authorities and Various Readings, i860 104K Ed,, Notices Illustrative of the Drama and other Amusements, chiefly in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries 4530 of Darby's Works 61-76M Kelly (W. K.), History of Russia from the Earliest to the Present Time, 2 vols. 1854 1505O Tr., Ranke's History of the Popes. 1843 327A Kelsall (C), Classical Excursion from Rome to Arpino, ill. 1820... 444K Kemble (Adelaide, A ctress, b. 1816, d, T879). ^ ce Jameson's Memoirs, 985R. Kemble(C, Actor, b. 1775, d. 1854). See Inchbald's British Theatre. Kemble (F. A., Celebrated Actress, b. 181 1), Far Away and Long Ago. 1889 I992R ■ Poems. 1883 1408M Record of a Girlhood , 747-9O Later Life, 3 vols. 1882 750-2O See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Harper's Index [Works ofj, i64oJa. Butler, Mrs. Kemble (J. P., Actor, b. 1757, d. 1823). Sec Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 28F. Fitzgerald's English Stage. 338D. Fitzgerald's Kembles, 333-4F, &c. Kembles, The, Including the Lives of Mrs. Siddons and Her Brother, Philip Kemble, by Fitzgerald, 2 vols 33341 See also Blackwood [Tragedy of], v. 31, R.L. Quarterly [Journal] v. 54, 1184J ; [Records of Later Life], v. 1^4, 1284J. Kemp (T. L.), M.D., Natural History of Creation [Travellers' Library]. 1855 12S3R Indications of Instinct, a Sequel to Natural History of Creation [Travellers' Library]. 1854 .* i28Uv Kempe (A. B.), B.A., How to Draw a Straight Line [Nature Series] 150k Kempe (J. A.), Ed., Autobiography of Anna Eliza Bray. 1884 149F Kempenfeldt (Admiral, 0/ Jersey). See Ca:sarea or Jersey, 1409H. Kempis (Thomas A.), Of the Imitation of Christ, 4 books... 1249M and 121 Q Sec also Saturday Review, v. 55, R.L. KempSOn (M.), 7>.,The Repentance of Nussooh, translated from the original Hindustani. 1884 992R Ken (T., Bishop of Bath, b. 1637, d. 171 1), Practice of Divine Love... 4O Prose Works, edited with a Biographical Notice, by Benham ... 1236M Life of, by Plumtre, 2 vols. 1889 704-5F See also Stoughton's Religion in England, 94-6M. Kenealy (E. V., Queens Counsel, advocated the Tichbornc Claimant 's Cause). Sec Lucy's Parliament, 316-7H. Gentleman's Magazine, N.S. [Member for Stoke], v. 14, 734J, &c. Kenedy (C. R.), Tr., Orations of Demosthenes on the Crown and the Embassy. 1 887 799M Keililworth. Castle. See Adlard's Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leycester, 1870, 663F. Walford's Pleasant Places, 815Q. Penny Magazine, v. 2, 140B. Kennard Mrs. (A.), Mrs. Siddons [Eminent Women Series]. 18S7. 1139O Rachel [Eminent Women Series]. 1885 1138O Sec also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Kennedy (Grace, Novelist, b. 1782, d. 1825). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Kennedy (R.). Sec Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Kennedy (W.), Texas, The Rise, Progress and ^Prospects of the Re public of Texas, 2 vols. 1841 732-3K [390] KEN ENGLISH SECTION. KHE Kennel, The. See Boy's Own Annual, 1885-6, 2957-8J. Stonehenge's Rural Sports [Construction], 681T. Dogs, &c. Kennet (B., Theologian, b. 1674, d. 1715), Antiquities of Rome. 1412R Romse Antique Notitia, or the Antiquities of Rome. 1708 1412R Kenney (C. L.). Memoir of Balfe. 1875 584D Kenny (T.), Life and Genius of Shakespeare. 1864 496F Kensal Green Cemetery. See All the Year Round, v. 10, 1770J. Kensington. See Hunt's Old Court Suburbs, 1341R. Loftie's London, 252O. Art Journal [Old], y. 36, R.L. Leisure Hour, v. n, 2621J. Macmillan [Among the Portraits at], v. 16, 946J. Kent. See Land we Live in [Baronial Halls of], 465B. Smith's Wealth of Na- tions, 1026-8F. Chambers [Old Town in], v. 57, 1957J, &c. Kent (Duke and Duchess of, Parents of the Queen). See Wall's Good Queen's Reign, 440O, &c. Kent (B.), The Pastor's Note Book, a Preparation for the Pulpit. 365M Kent(C), Ed., Humour and Pathos of Charles Dickens. 1884 1183R Kent's Cavern, its Testimony to the Antiquity of Man, a Lecture by Pengelly, illustrated. 1876 1844Z Kentucky. See Harper's Magazine [Blue-grass Regions of], v. 72, 1652J ; v. 77, 1657J. Leisure Hour [Glimpse of], v. 11, 2621J. Scribner [Notes on], v. 9, 1859J. Kenyon (J., Quaker Poet, b. 1783, d. 1856). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Kenyon (L., Lord, b. 1732, d. 1802). See Campbell's Chief Justices, 787O. Kepler (John, Astronomer, b. 1571, d. 1630). See Brewster's Martyrs of Science, 827O. Chambers' Miscellany, 632R. Morton's Heroes of Science, 703O. Leisure Hour [Prayer of], v. 32, 2642J. Wright's Great Scien- tists, 1460O, &c. Keppel (F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Keppels, The. See Poole's Index, R.L. Ker (J. , Scotch Philologist), D. D. , Sermons. 1869 584M Lectures on the History of Preaching, edited by Macewen. 1888 1192M KeramiCS, Practical, for Students, by Janvier. 1880 1122M Kerner (A.), Flowers and their Unbidden Guests, translated by Ogle, illustrated. 1878 87R Kerosene. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 9D, &c. Keroual or QueVouaille. See Portsmouth (Duchess of). Kerr (N. S.), M.D., and others, Religious and Educational Aspects of Temperance 816M and others, The Voice of Science on Temperance 81 5M Kerry. See Fraser [Fortnight in], v. 81 and v. 83, 691 and 693J. Leisure Hour [Far West in], v. 35, 2635J. Kershaw (S. W.), F.S.A., Protestants from France in their English Home. 1885 , 546M Kestrel, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 644Q, &c. Keswick. See Knight's Lake District, 817Q, &c. Ketchum (A. C. and N. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Kett (C. W.), M. A., Reubens [Great Artists]. 1880 1109O Kettle (R. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Keve (M; G.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Kew Gardens [Wanderings through the Conservatories] (S.P.C.K.)... '5750 See also Nature, v. 20, 2680J. Edinburgh Review, v. 138, 498J. Living Age, v. 120, 3150J. Key (F. S.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Khan, Grand. See China, &c. Khartoum and Gordon, by Macdonald , 4590 Korti to, by Wilson. 1886 277O Sec also Blackwood [Fall ofj, v. 137, 207 J. London Quarterly [and General Gordon], v. 64, 854J. Gordon, Soudan, &c. Khedive, The. See Beke's Sinai in Arabia, 597 B, &c. [391] KHE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. KIN Khemi, Land of, Up and Down the Middle Nile, by Oliphant. 1882 1562R See also Blackwood's Magazine, 200 J. Khirgese. See Lansdell's Central Asia, 83CK. Khiva, Ride to, by Burnaby. 1876 792K See also Adam's Heroes of Travel, 965O. Lansdell's Central Asia, 830K. Russian Asia, 829K. Vamb^ry's Central Asia, 791 K. Blackwood [Central Asia and Cabul], v. 47, R.L. Good Words [City Life in], v. 12, 2 1 82 J, &c. Kidd (Captain, Pirate, hanged 1709). See Doyle's English in America, 173-4H. James's William III., 79F. Living Age [Piracy of], v. 8, 3038J, &c. Kidd (J., b. 1775, d. 1 85 1), M.D., On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man [Bridgewater Trea- tise]. 1836 137D Kidd (W.), Our Journal, vols 1-5. 1852-4 77-81D [Poetry, Essays, Reviews, Tales.] Kidder (D. P.), D.D., Residence and Travels in Brazil, 2 vols. 1845 754"5K See also Fletcher's Brazil, 75 iK. Treatise of Homiletics, to illustrate the True Theory of Preaching the Gospel. 1866 366M Kidnapping. See Blackwood [Peter Williamson's Case], v. 63, 133J Kilkenny. See Kohl's Ireland, 384K. Once a Week [Month in], v. 14, 2274J. Ireland, &c. Killarney, Lakes of [Land we Live in] 465B See also Eddy's Travelling Party, 1326R. Kohl's Ireland, 384K. Cham- bers' Journal [Peep at], v. 20, 1936J. Leisure Hour [what I saw at], v. 6, 2616J ; [West of], v. 12, 2622J. Ireland, &c. Kilmarnock (Lord, beheaded 1746). See Doran's Jacobite Times, 319H. Kiln. See lire's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Kilpatrick and Our Cavalry [American Rebellion], by Moore 413O Kilpin (S.), Memoir of [American Tract Society] 168SZ Kimball (R. B.) Cuba and the Cubans. 1850 1638R Kindergarten System, by Shirreff. 1876 293R Child and Child-Nature, Contributions to the Understanding of Frobel's Educational Theories, by Baroness Marenholtz- Biilow, translated by Christie. 1879 280R Education in the Home, the Kindergarten and the Primary School, by Peabody. 1 887 299R Short Sketch of the Life of Frobel, including Frobel's Letters to his Wife, by Shirreff. 1887 , 1361O See also Good Words [at Kilburn], v. 15, 2185J. Girl's Own Annual, v. 4, 2554J. Harper [Free], v. 57, 1637J. Leisure Hour, v. 4, 2614J, &c. Kindness. Kind Words Awaken Kind Echoes. 1853 99Q [Illustrations of the Power of Kindness.] Law of, by Montgomery. 1844 1225Z to Animals. See Muller's Noble Deeds, 92Q, . 1715,^. 1759). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Klencke and Schlesier, Lives of the Brothers Humboldt, translated by Bauer. 1852 726O Kleptomania, &c. See Maudsley's Mental Disease, 355R, &c. Klippart (J. IL), The Wheat Plant; its Origin, Culture, &c, with remarks on Indian Corn, illustrated, i860 136R KlopstOCk (F. G., German Poet, b. 1724, d. 1803), Messiah, trans. from the German by Collyer and Meeke, 2 vols. 181 1 47-8Z The Messiah 209D See also Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Klunzinger (C. B.), M.D., Upper Egypt, its People and Resources 63 iK Knapp (J. L.), Journal of a Naturalist 787F and 633Q KnailSt (H.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Knebel (G. L. von). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c [395] KNI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. KNI Knickerbocker's History of New York, from the Beginning of the World, by Irving 163Z Knight (C, Publisher, b. 1791, d. 1873), Knowledge is Power, a View of the Productive Forces of Modern Society, and the Results of Labour, Capital, and Skill, illustrated. 1855 999R Land we Live in, a Pictorial and Literary Sketch Book, illus- trated, 4 vols in 2 : Vols. 1, 2. — Road and Railway. Sail and Steamer. British Museum. Richmond. Windermere. Sheffield. Birkenhead. Cambridge. Hampton Court. Manchester. Isle of Thanet. Norwich. Portsmouth. Stratford-upon-Avon. The Wye. Canterbury. Hastings. Liverpool. Government Offices. Weymouth and Portland , 464B Vols. 3, 4.— Baronial Halls of Kent. Bath. Exeter. Leeds. Newcastle- on-Tyne. Ayrshire. Derbyshire. Nottingham. Dublin. Kil- larney. Connemara. North Wales 465B Pictorial History of England from Julius Caesar to George II. ...437-40B Monumental Records. Coins. Civil and Military Costumes. Domestic Building. Furniture and Ornaments. Cathedrals and other Works of Architecture. Sports and Manners. Mechanical Inventions. Por- traits of the Kings and Queens, and Remarkable Historical Scenes. Popular History of England, illustrated, 8 vols. 1856 : Vol. 1.— Invasion of Julius Caesar, B.C. 55, to the Death of Edward III., a.d. 1377 147H Vol. 2. — Richard II. to Henry VIII., a.d. 1377 to 1547 148H Vol. 3. — Edward VI. to Charles I., a.d. 1547 to 1641 149H Vol. 4. — Civil War to the Reign of William and Mary, a.d. 1642 to 1689 . . 150H Vol. 5. — William and Mary and Queen Anne, a.d. 1689 to 1742 T51H Vol. 6. — Accession of George I. to the close of the American War, a.d. 1714 to 1783 152H Vol. 7. — Close of the American War to the Peace of Paris, a.d. 1783 to 1814 153H Vol. 8. — Peace with the United States to the Extinction of the Corn Laws, a,d. 1815 to 1849. Annals, a.d. 1849 to 1867 1 54H Shadows of the Old Booksellers. 1865 1451O William Caxton, the First English Printer, a Biography. 201 and 1732Z Popular Illustrated Commentary on the Old and New Testaments ; being a Republication of the Notes of the Pictorial Bible : Vol. 1. — Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy 100M Vol. 2. — Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings 101M Vol. 3. — 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Pro- verbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon 102M Vol. 4. — Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi 103M Vol. 5.— St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, Actsof the Apostles, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2 and 3 John, Jude, Revelation 104M Ed., Half Hours of English History, i860 , 973* 1 with the Best Authors, 4 vols in 2. 1850 971-2II See also Curwen's Booksellers, 520O, &c. Knight (E. F.), The Falcon on the Baltic, a Coasting Voyage from Hammersmith to Copenhagen in a three-ton yacht, illustrated byShephard. 1889 1746R Knight (E. H.), Works of. See Harper's, Index i64oJa, &c. Knight (Francis A.), By Leafy Ways, Brief Studies from the Book of Nature, illustrated. 1889 2115R [396] KNI ENGLISH SECTION. KNO Knight (H, C). Sfe Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Knight (J. ), Life of Rosetti [Robertson's Great Writers]. 1887 1267O Knight ( W. ), English Lake District as interpreted in the Poems of Wordsworth. 1878 817Q Knight (W.), Ed., Philosophical Classics for English Readers. : Vol. 7. — Hegel, by Caird 1030Q Vol. 8. — Leibniz, by Merz 1027Q Vol. 9.— Vico, by Flint 1078Q Vol. 10. — Hobbes, by Robertson 1032c,) Vol. 11. — Hume, by Knight .... 1079Q Vol. 12. — Spinoza, by Caird 1080Q Vol.13. — Bacon, by Nichol .... 1081Q Vol. 1. — Descartes, by Mahaffy 1026Q Vol. 2. — Butler, by Collins 1029 & 1034Q Vol. 3. — Berkeley, by Fraser . . 1036Q Vol. 4. — Fichte, by Adamson 1028 and 1035Q Vol. 5. — Kant, by Wallace .... 1033Q Vol. 6. — Hamilton, by Veitch 103 1 and 1037Q I Knighthood. See Boy's Own Annual [Continental Orders of], v. 4, 2954J. Cutt's Middle Ages, 940F. Heckthorn's Secret Societies [Templars], 376O. Mehagan's Universal History, 13-5H. Stubbs' History, 211-2O. Fraser [German], v. 74, 684 J. Penny Magazine [Templars], v. 5, 143B ; [Knights of Malta], v. 5, 143B ; [Orders of], v. 6, 144B. Woodhouse's Religious Orders [of St. John and Templars], 273O, &c. Knights of Malta, by Porter, illustrated. 1883 54 lIJ the Red Cross, Seven Allegorical Stories, by Shields 1540Z Knitting. See Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q. Beeton's Needlework, 1143M. Girls' Book, 1257H. Owen's Needlework, 884D. Valentine's Girl's Own Book, 1187R. Girl's Own Annual, v. 2, 2552J, &c. Knives and Forks. See Chambers, v. 18, 1935J. Cutleries, &c. Knollys (Major H.), Sketches of Life in Japan, illustrated. 18S7 ... 838K Knot Tied, The, or The Marriage Customs of all Nations, by Tegg. 1480Z Knotting. See Girl's Own Annual, v. 4, 2554J. Knots and Cordage. See Boy's Own Annual, vol 2, 2952J. Knout, The. See Cooper's History of the Rod, 914R, &c. Knowledge for the People : or The Plain Why and Because, by Timbs, 3 vols. 1832 1747-9Z Guide to, by Pinnock, illustrated, vols 1-6. 1833-9 11-16D is Power, by Knight. 1855 999R Pursuit of, under Difficulties [Lib. Ent. Know.], 2 vols. 1830... 1243-4Z edited by Wayland, 2 vols. 1840 1334-5O See a/so Buckle's Civilization, 186-7O. Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Grey's Self Culture, 961 R. Kant's Reason, 666T. Lecky's Eighteenth Cen- tury [Popularisation of], 172H. Nineteenth Century Magazine [Use- less], v. 24, 2234J. Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R. Taine's Intelligence. 651 H. All the Year Round [Slipshod], v. 50, 1810J. Blackwood [Effect of, on Society], v. 4, R.L. Edinburgh Review [Supposed dangers of), v. 43, 403J ; [Religious and Temporal], v. 48, 408J, &c. Knowledge, an Illustrated Magazine of Science, plainly worded, exactly described, conducted by R. A. Proctor, from vol. 1 2581 J Some of the principal contents of this magazine will be found under then- proper headings in the general body of the catalogue, with the shelf number specified. _ The general contents will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library) under the subjects required. KllOWles James), Ed. See Nineteenth Century. Knov/les (J. S., Irish Dramatist, b. 1784, d. 1862). See Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Fraser [Plays of], v. 13, 623J, &c. Knox (J., Scotch Reformer, b. 1505, d. 1572), and the Church of Eng- land, by Lorimer. 1873 337F by Taylor [Men Worth Remembering]. 1884 11C4O Life of, by M'Crie. 1855 < 750U Portraits of, an Essay, by Carlyle 70T See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 27F. Green's English People, 190-91H. Presbyterian Church, 271A. Stevenson's Men and Books, 640O. Strickland's Mary Queen of Scots, 793-4O. Taylor's Scottish Pulpit, 635A. Edinburgh Review [Life of], v. 20, 380J, &c. [397] KNO GUILLE-ALLfcS LIBRARY. LAB Knox (R.), M.D., Tr., Manual of Zoology, by Edwards. 1863 1869Z Knox (T. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Knox (V., Essayist, b. 1752, d. 1821), D.D., Essays Moral and Literary, 3vols. 1823 137T Essays [British Essayists] 47 - 9T Koch (C. W., French Historian, b. 1737, d. 1813), The Crimea, from Kertch to Perekop, with a Visit to Odessa, illustrated. 1855. 768-9Q Koh-i-noor. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Kohl (J. G., German Traveller, b. 1808, d. 1878), Ireland, Dublin, The Shannon, Limerick, &c. 1843 384K Ireland, Scotland, and England, a Tour. 1844 34SK Kohlzausch (F.), History of Germany from the Earliest Times. 1844 441 1 1 Koldewey (Capt.), German Arctic Expedition of 1869-70, translated by Mercier, edited by Bates, illustrated. 1874 605B Konds of Orissa. See Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Koran, The, translated by Sale 466A and 153-4K [Chandos Classics] 1 209M See atso Leisure Hour [and the Bible], v. 26, 2636J. Coran, &c. Komer (K. T., German Dramatist, b. 1791, Killed in Battle 1813). See Dana's Household Hook of Poetry, 476D. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Korti to Khartum, by Wilson. 1886 277O Kossuth. (Louis, Hungarian Patriot, l>. 1802). See Alison's Europe, 146O. Boner's Transylvania, 423K. Hungary, 87O. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 93 F. All the Year Round, v. 23, 1783 J, &c. Kostlin (J.), Life of Luther. 1883 356F Kotzebue (A. F. F. Von, German Writer, /: 1761, d. 1819). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Kotzebue (M. Von), Narrative of a Journey into Persia in the Suite of the Imperial Russian Embassy, in the Year 1817, trans., ill.. 509K Kraken, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 668Q, &c. Kray (Paul, Austrian General, b. 1735, d. 1804). See Alison's Europe, 125-34O. KrilofT(Ivan). See Chambers' Journal, v. 25, 1939J. Kri'idener (Mdme. De, b. 1764, d. 1824). See Kavanagh's French Women, 661O. Kruger {President and Commissioner at Fourteen Streams.) See Austral Africa, 1402H, &c. Krummacher (F. W., Ardent Pietist, d. 1868), D.D., Elijah the Tishbite 71Q [American Tract Society] 1683Z See also Christian Biography, T441O. Ku-Klux Klan. See Century, v. 6, 1878J. Once a Week, v. 24, 2284J. Kugler (F., German Art Critic, b. 1808, d. 1858), Pictorial History of Germany, during the Reign of Frederick the Great, illus- trated by Menzel. 1845 230D Kurdistan. See Edinburgh Review [Residence in], v. 63, 423 J. Kurds. See Brown's Races of Mankind, 156D. Kurtz (Professor) Church History, vols. I and 2 [Foreign Biblical Library]. 1888 706-7A Kyloe, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 665Q, &c. JL (Madame Emma), The Bayeux Tapestry, an Historical Tale of the Eleventh Century, translated, illustrated. 1858 342O LabO (L., French Poetess, b. 1526, d. 1566). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. [398] LAB ENGLISH SECTION. LAD LaberillS (D., Roman Dramatist, b. 107, d. 43 B.C.)- Set Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Laboratory. See Nature [Power in], v. 34, 2694J. Labouchere (Rt. Hon. H.). See Greville Memoirs. Lucy s Parliament, 316-7H. Poole's Index, H.L., &c. Laboulaye (Edouard, French Lawyer, b. 181 1). Set Lefebvre (De Ren£). Har- per's Index, i64oJa, &c. Labour and Victory, a Book of Examples, by Japp. 1881 95*Q [Outram. Sehvin. Edward. Salt. August!, SfccJ, Labour. Set Alison's Europe, 141-5O. Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Fawcett's Essays, ioi4F. Froude's England, 192O. (Jeorge's Progress and Poverty, 1023F. Malthus' Population, 1093-4F. .Mill's Discussions [Claims of J, 647H. Ricardo's Political Economy, &C, 1004F. Rogers' Work and Wages, 1102F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-8 F. Wynter's Toil, 1144-5R. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life [and Rest], 1908 Ra. Century [is it Peace or War], v. 10, 1882 J. Chambers [and Capital], v. 22, 1937J. Contemporary [Progress of, in Great Britain], v. 44, 2054J. Fortnightly [Wages Fund Theory], v. 32, 2122J. Fraser [Demand for], v. 79, 689J ; [in England], v. 87, 697J. 19th Century [Evils of Piecework], v. 5, 2215J. Quarterly [Infant], v. 67, "97J. & c - Labourers. See Knight's England, 147-54H. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. . Labouring Classes. See Levi's Work and Pay, 283R. Edinburgh Review [Pro- motion of Knowledge among], v. 41, 401J. Quarterly [Cottages of], v. 107, 1237 J, &c. Labrador. See Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Harper [Three months in], v. 22, 1602J ; v. 71, i6sij. Penny Magazine [Cod-Fishing in], v. 4, 143B, &c. Labyrinths. Sec Chambers, v. 32, 1942J, &c. Lace [Industrial Arts] , 1042M See also Beeton's Needlework, 1143M. Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q. Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures [Manufacture], 8D. Blackwood [and Bric-a-Brac], v. 119, 189J. Leisure Hour [Honiton], v. 18, 2628J ; v. 19, 2629J. Once a Week [Old], v. 12, 2272J. Penny Magazine [Manufactories at Nottingham], v. 12, 150B. English Illustrated Maga- zine [Lacemaking at Nottingham], vol. 1, 1991J, &c. Lacepede (Le Comte de, French Naturalist, b. 1756, d. 1825). See Jardine's Na- turalists' Library, 669Q. Lacey (W. J.), The Case for Total Abstinence. 1889 330R Lackland (T.), Homespun ; or, Five and Twenty Years Ago. 1867 191 9R Lacon ; or Many Things in Few Words, addressed to those who Think, by Colton [Essays on Sentiments, Character, &c.] 1268-9H Laconics, or Good Words of the best Authors, Collated by Tegg ... 1254Z Laconism, or the Good Sayings of Wise Men. 1840 1204Z Lacordaire (H. D.), A Biographical Sketch, by Lear. 1883 1350O Lacquer Work. See Reed's Japan, 336K, &c. Lacrosse. See Boy's Own Annual [Outdoor Sports and Pastimes], v. 3, 2953J. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Chambers [Game of], v. 53, 1953J. Satur- day Review [Game of], v. 58, R.L., &c. Lacy (Lieut. E., of Guernsey). See Sarnia, p. 113, 1416O. Lacy (Mrs. F.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lacy (Surgeon T. S., of Guernsey). See Sarnia, p. 100, 1416O. Ladakh, Hindostan and Kashmir, &c. , by Murray-Aynsley 807K Ladd (G. T.), D.D., Doctrine of Sacred Scripture, 2 vols. 1883 259-0A Ladies, English, Home Life in the XVII. Century, i860 883M Evelyn Family, Lady Warwick, Learned Ladies, Sec. Exercises for, by Walker. 1837 1881Z Handbook for, by Maling. 1870 493T Indoor Plants, Flowers for Ornament, and Song Birds. of Fancy and Ornamental Work, edited by Hartley 972M Pretty Arts for, by Davidson, illustrated. 1879 866D See also Bellairs' Girls and Maidens, 9S4M. Young Ladies' Treasure Book, 131D. Chambers [Attention to, in America], v. 6, 1926J, &c. Lady-Help, The. Set Caddy's Household, 952M. [399] LAD GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LAM Lady Travellers. See Quarterly, v. 76, 1206J. Lady of the Lake, a poem by Scott. 1848 338Q and 574Z Lady's Bazaar and Fancy Fair Book, containing Instructions for making articles in Embroidery, Crochet, &c 97 1 M Country Companion ; or How to Enjoy a Country Life, by Loudon. 1867 601T Cruise in a French Man of- War, by dimming, illustrated. 1882338-9K Everyday Book; Arts, &c, of Domestic Life. 1875 953M Ranche Life 'in Montana, by J. R. 1887 1788Z Voyage Round the World, by Pfeiffer. 1852 1272R La Farge (N.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Lafayette (M. Marquis De, French General, b. 1757, d. 1834). See Alison's Europe, 119-26O. Baker's French Society, 333O. Sarran's Revolu- tion, 314-5O. Thiers French Revolution, 376H. Blackwood [Life of], v. 32, R.L. Fraser, v. 28. French History, &c. La Fayette (Madame De, wife of above). See Kavanagh's French Women, 660O. Living Age, v. 105, 3 135 J. Lafltte (Jean). See Living Age, v. 32, 3062J. La Fontaine {]. De, French Poet, dfc, b. 1621, d. 1695), and other French Fabulists, by Collins [Foreign Classics]. 1882 1176O See also Gautier's French Authors, 254F. Longfellow's Poets and_ Poetry of Europe, 473D. Masterpieces of Foreign Literature, 555D. Living Age, v. 107, 3137 J. Macmillan [Fables], v. 54, 984J, &c. La Gironiere (P. De), Twenty Years in the Philippines [Travellers' Library]. 1853 1267R Lagrange (Comte, French Geometer, b. 1736, d. 1813). See Morton's Heroes of Science, 703O, &c Laing (S., Scotch Traveller, b. 1812), Journal of a Residence in Nor- way during the Years 1834 to 1836...., 763Q and 1262R Notes of a Traveller on the Social and Political State of France, Prussia, Switzerland, Italy, and other parts of Europe, during the present Century [Travellers' Library]. 1854 1262R Lake District, as Interpreted in the roems of Wordsworth, by Knight. 1878 817Q Dwellings, Scottish, by Munro. 1882., 907F See also Chambers [in Scotland] v. 60, 1960J. Lake Huron. See Lome's Canadian Pictures, 331B, &c. Lakes and Rivers, by Napier [S.P.C.K.], illustrated. 1879 623Q of the Bible, by Tweedie, illustrated. 1864 189Q See also Atkinson's Siberia, 598B. Brown's Science for All, 626 B. Cornhill Magazine [A Coach Drive at the], vol. 58, 338J. Elton's Africa, 652K. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Lund's Italian Lake Land, 1728R. Stanford's Compendium [New Zealand, Australia, Tas- mania], 853K. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. limbs' Works, 854Z. London Quarterly [English], v. 24, 1154J. Nature [Freezing of] v. 19, 2679J, &c. Lake (General, b. 1744, d. 1808). See Cassell's India, 228D, &c. Lakeman (J. B.), Health in the Workshop [Int. Health Ex.]. 1884 991M Lalanne (M. L.), Ed., Last Days of the Consulate, by Famiel. 1885 449O Lalla Rookh, a Poem, by Moore 502Z Lamarck (J. B. P. A. De Monet, Chevalier De, French Naturalist, b. 1744, d. 1829). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 674Q. Lamar tine (A. De, French Poet and Historian, b. 1792, d. 1869), History of the French Revolution of 1848. 1849 3 2 3° Girondists, translated by Ryde, 3 vols. 1847 963-5Q Pictures of the First French Revolution, being Episodes from the History of the Girondists. 1850 1804Z Memoirs of my Youth. 1850 1018Q [400] LAM ENGLISH SECTION. LAN Lamartine Twenty-five Years of my Life and Memoirs of my Mother, translated by Lady Herbert, 2 vols. 1872 757-80 Sec also Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Blackwood, v. 56, 126J. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Lamb (C, Essayist and Poet, a. 1775, d. 1834), Specimens of Eng- lish Dramatic Poets, time of Shakespeare. 1 854 7 1 1 M Tales from Shakespeare, for Young Persons. 1851 1100II Works of. 1842 1008H Letters. Poems. Rosamond Gray. Essays of Elia. by Ainger [Eng. Men of Letters]. 1882 1075O Final Memoirs of, by Talfourd. 1850 7590 Mother of. See Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Site also Clarke's Recollections, 939O. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Gentleman's Magazine [Letters], v. 41, n.s., 761J. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Macmillan's Magazine [Letters of], v. 58, 988J. Swinburne's Miscellanies, 1340O. Thomson's Friend- ships, 565O. Twining's Symbols, 507M. Edinburgh Review, v. 124. Living Age, v. 90, 3120J. Fortnightly [as a Humorist], v. 30, 2120J. Fraser [and his Friends], v. 105, 715J. Living Age [Letters of], v. 162, 3192J. Macmillan [Five new Anecdotes of], v. 39, 969J ; [Works of], v. 54, 984J. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Lamb (Mary), by Mrs. Gilchrist [Eminent Women Series]. 1883 ... I129O See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Lamballe (M. T., Princess de, Friend of Marie Antoinette, b. 1748, killed 1792). See Thomson's Friendships, 564O. Lambeth.. See Loftie's London, 252O. Palace and its Associations, by J. Cave-Browne, ill. 1882 809K — Sec also All the Year Round, v. 42, 1822J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vol. 67, 1647 J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Lambton (J. G., Earl 0/ Durham, b. 1792, d. 1840). Sec Lennox's Celebrities. 1016H, &c. Lamont (J.), F.G.S., Yachting in the Arctic Seas, Notes of Five Voyages of Sport and Discovery in the Neighbourhood of Spitzbergen and Novaya Zemlya, illustrated. 1876 ...674 and 675K Lamphere(G. N.), United States Government. 1881 1011F La Motte Fonque (F. H. C. de). See Blackwood [Cypress Crown], v. 6, R.L. Lamprey, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 81 1 F, &c. Lamps. Sec English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Smiles' Engineers [Safety], 984O. Leisure Hour [and Lamp Fluids], v. 11, 2621J. Urbanitzky's Elec- tricity, 689D. Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D. Cham- bers [Lamp accidents], v. 37, 1945J. Lancashire. See Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Good Words [Home Life in]; v. 23, 2193J. Westminster [Distress of Cotton Operatives, 1863], v. 80, R.L. Lancaster (John of Gaunt, Duke of). See John of Gaunt. Lancelot (Dom C.), Allet and the Grande Chartreuse, &c, 2 vols.. 804-5Q LAND.— Landholding in England, History of, by Fisher [Humboldt Library]. 1881 1085F Drainage of Land, Irrigation, and Manures, by Roland. 1887 ... 829F Sinking? of, by Peacock, 1868 86R Sec also Alison's Europe, 139-45O. Austral Africa, 11.02H. Brown's Palaeo- lithic Man, 905 F. Cassell's Popular Educator [Surveying], 164-9D. Chambers [Changes of Land], v. 53, 1953J ; [Story of] v. "62, 1961J ; [Transfer of] v. 47 and 56, 1944 and 1948J. Contemporary [and Labour], v. 41, 2051J. Escott's England and its People [and the Landlord], 1017F. Fortnightly [Feudal Tenures], v. i3,2io3j ; [Trans- fer of] v. 43, 2133J. Froude's England, 192O. George's Progress and Poverty, 1023F. Heath's Peasant Life, 1329R. Hunter's Indian Em- pire [Settlement], 485K. McCulloch's British Empire, 711H. Nineteenth Century [Capital and Improvement of], v. 18, 2228J. Once a Week [and Labour], v. 28, 2288J. Penny Magazine [Surveying of], v. 9, [401] LAN GU1LLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LAN LAND — {continued.) 147B. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Ricardo's Political Economy, &.C., 1004F. Reclus' Phenomena, 803F. Roger's Work and Wages, T102F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-8F. Williams' Facts and Fallacies [Land Laws and the Land Question], 288R. Fortnightly [Public], v. 21, 2111J. Lands, Landslips, &c. Land and the Book, by Thomson. 1879 • 487M of Khemi, by Oliphant. See Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 130, 200J, &c. Manfred, &c, by Ross. 1889 860K the Forum and the Vatican, by Newman Hall. 1854 621Z Midnight Sun [Africa], by Du Chaillu, ill., 2 vols. 1881 . . . 467-8K Morning, Japan and its People, by Dixon, illustrated. 1882 1513R Land-tax. See Peto's Taxation, &c, 1016F. Temple's India, 486K. Laws, Taxes, &c. Landberg (F. M.), Works of. See Harpers Index, i64oJa. Landed Gentry, Abuses of the. See Arnold's Politics, 860H, &c. Laildels (W.), D.D., The Marriage Ring, a Gift Book for the Newly Married and for those Contemplating Marriage 3 1 6R Young Men in the Battle of Life [Cassell's Library] 960Z Lander (R., African Traveller, b. 1804, d. 1834), Records of Captain Clapperton's Last Expedition to Africa, 2 vols 1 556-7R (and J., brother of above, b. 1807, d. 1839), Journal of an Expe- dition to Explore the Course and Termination of the Niger, 2 vols 547-8 and 666-7Z Landless Farmer. See Atlantic Monthly, v. 51, 1541J. Landlord and Tenant. See Leisure Hour, v. 14, 2624J. Landon(LetitiaE., Poet, b. 1802, d. 1838), Poetical Works of, ed. by Scott , 710 & 716M See cilso Fraser's Magazine [with Portrait], vol. 8, 618J. Landor (W. S., Poet, b. 1775, d. 1864), Works of, 2 vols. 1846 : Vol. 1. — Imaginary Conversations. — Southey and Porson. Cromwell and Noble. Elizabeth and Cecil. Demosthenes and Eubulides. Milton and Marvel. Washington and Franklin. Johnson and Tooke. Chesterfield and Chatham. Romilly and Perceval. Anacreon and Polycrates. Xenophon and Cyrus. Peter the Great and Alexis. Boccaccio, Petrarca and Chaucer. Pitt and Canning. Diogenes and Plato. Barrow and Newton. Pennand Lord Peterborough. Izaac Walton, Cotton and Old ways, &c. . . 43 iD Vol. 2. — Imaginary Conversations. — Wellington and Inglis. Mary and Elizabeth. yEsop and Rhodope. Steele and Addison. La Fontaine and De La Rochefoucault. Melancthon and Calvin. Galileo, Milton, and a Dominican. Miscellaneous. — Examination of Shakespeare on Deer Stealing, Dramas, &c 432D • • A Biography, by Forster. 1879 339E by Colvin [Morley's English Men of Letters]. 1884 1089R Sec also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1104R. Fortnightly, v. 12, 2112J. Contemporary, v. 18, 2028J. Macmillan, v. 20, 950J. Scribner, v. 6, 1856J. Edinburgh Review, v. 83, 443J. Temple Bar, v. 13, 1343J. Living Age, v. 64, 3094J ; [Reminis- cences], v. 158, 3188J. Century Magazine, v. 13, 1885J, &c. Lands Classical and Sacred, by Nugent, 2 vols in I. 1846 1484Z Land's End, A Londoner's Walk to, and a Trip to the Scilly Isles, by White. 1855 1355R A Week at the, by Blight, illustrated. 1861 820Q See also Watkin's In the Country, 1719R, &c. Lands of the Slave and the Free, Cuba, United States and Canada, by Murray. 1855 1584-5R Landscape. Sec Art Journal [French], v. 34, R.L. Ellis' Sketching from Nature, 1067M. Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Quarterly, v. 37, 1 167 J ; v. 16, 1146J, &c. [402] LAN ENGLISH SECTION. LAN Landscape Gardening. See Robinson's Gardening in Paris, 609B. Gardening, Sec. Landseer (Sir E., Celebrated Animal Painter, b. 1802, d. 1873). See Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-6i6Fa. Living Age, v. 123, 3153J, &c. Landslides. See Chambers' Journal, v. 63, 1963J. Landslips. See Fortnightly [at Elm], v. 36, 2126J. Chambers [at Nynec], v. 57> J 957J- Penny Magazine [Near Axmouth, Devon], v. 9, 147B, &c. Lane and Field, by Wood [S.P.C.K.], illustrated. 1879 62 4Q Lane (B. I.), Mysteries of Tobacco. 1846 599T Lane (E. W., Orientalist, b. 1801, d. 1876), Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, ill 1528-9R and 660-61Z Lanfranc {Italian Priest, b. 1005, d. 1089). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 202 -5 H, &c. Lanfranco (Girolamo.). See History of Pottery and Porcelain, 936D. Lanfrey (P., French Philosoplier and Historian, l>. 1828), Napoleon the First, 4 vols. 1871 101-4F Lang (A., Poet and Author, b. 1844), Letters to Dead Authors. 1886 1181R Ed., English Worthies, v.d. : Blake (Admiral), by Hannay 1 20 1 Canning (G.), by Hill 1207O Jonson (B.), by Symonds 1202O Marlborough, by Saintsbury 1203O Raleigh, by Gosse 1204O Shaftesbury (The First Earl), by Traill , 1205O Steele (R.), by Dobson 1206O Lang (G. S.). See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F, &c. Lang (J. M.)> D-D., Life : Is it Worth Living? [Theol. Lib.] 1885 643M Langbridge (F.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lailge (F. A.), History of Materialism, trans, by Thomas, 3 vols : Vol. 1. — Materialism in Antiquity. Period of Transition. Seventeenth Cen- tury, &c 622H Vol. 2. — Eighteenth Century. Modern Philosophy, Sec 623H Vol. 3. — Natural Sciences. Man and the Soul. Morality and Religion, Sec. 624H Lailge (J. P.), D.D., Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles. 1869 112-3A Gospel of St. Luke, 2 vols. 1869 110-1A Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark, 3 vols. 1869... 114-6A upon the Gospel of St. John 61A Life of the Lord Jesus Christ, 6 vols. 1864 104-9A Langhorne (J., Poet and Novelist, b. 1735, d. 1779), D.D., and Langhorne (W.), A.M., Trs., Lives of Plutarch [Family Classical Library], illustrated, 7 vols. 1831 I130-6Q Tr. Plutarch's Lives, Grecian and Roman, 4 vols 789-92M translated from the Original Greek, with Notes and a Life of Plutarch, 6 vols. 1823 445-50F Langland. See Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. Langley (Prof. S. P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Langton (S. , A rclibishop of Canterbury, d. 1228). See Adam's Churchmen, 681O. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 325H, &c. Langtry (Mrs.). See Saturday Review [as an Actress], v. 54, R.L. LANGUAGE. Works relating to {See also Countries, e.g., England, France, India, China, &V., Elocution, English, French, German Gram/uar, Philology, <5V.) : Language and Literature, by Chambers. 1837 907 R Chapters on, by Farrar. 1865 945R English, Elements of the, by Adams. 1872 1952k English, Its Origin and History, by Marsh. 1862 1028 II Lectures by Marsh. 1861 1029II U°3] LAN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LAN LANGUAGE, Works relating to :— {continued.) Language, Families of Speech, Four Lectures, by Farrar. 1870 944R Lectures on, by Miiller, 2 vols. 1880 1041-2R Life and Growth of, by Whitney. 1885 359R Lost Beauties of the English Language, by Mackay. 1874 1017R Mastery of Languages, or the Art of Speaking Foreign Tongues Idiomatically, by Prendergast. 1869 1032 1 1 Origin and Progress of [R.T.S.]. 1848 i226Za Provencal, by Craig. 1863 1203R See also Bohn's Foreign and English Proverbs, 1064-5R. Barrow's Gypsy Language, &c, 896R. Boyce's Study of History, 2H. Capello's Central Africa, 831-2K. Chambers [a Universal], v. 26, I 939J- Contemporary [Counter sense in], v. 45, 2055J. Compayr^'s Pedagogy, 296R. Cornhill Magazine [The Great American], v. 58, 338J. Domenech's America [Indian Languages], 693K. Donnelly's Atlantis, 1017M. Du Chaillu's Africa, 591K. Fortnightly [Origin of], v. 4, 2094J. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201 and 205H. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K. Blackwood [Characteristics of], v. 91, 161J ; [Science of], v. 58, 128J. _ Contemporary [and Race], v. 29, 2039J. Edinburgh Review [Origin and Affinities of]> v. 51, 411J. Fraser [Abuse of, in Science and Common Life], v. 35, 645J. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [and Literature of the East], v. 2, 722J. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Johnson's Dictionary, 104B. Kitto's Lost Senses [Deaf and Dumb Alphabet], 1471Z. Knowledge [Origin of], v. 9, 2589J. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals [of Animals], 71 1-2F. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Macmillan [Cumulation in], v. 31, 961J ; [Divergence of], v. 8, 938J. Med- hurst's China, 1044F. Mehagen's Universal History, 13-5H. Nature [Philosophy of], v. 23, 26S3J. Palgrave's Arabia, 585K. Penny Magazine [Changes of], v. 2, 140B. Piezzo's Synonyms, 1236Z. Quarterly [Science of], v. 119, 1249J. Smith (Adam) Es- says, 462M. Smith (Sidney) [Teaching Languages], 297O. Soule's Synonymes, 1094R. Spelling Bees, 1231Z. Stapfer's Palestine [Time of Christ], 477M. Timbs' Works [and Books], 851Z: Trench's English Past and Present, 1119R; Proverbs, 1120R ; Study of Words, 1129-30H. Whately's Synonyms, 551T. Bastian's Brain, 387R. Posnett's Literature, 394R. Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. Language of Flowers. See Flowers. Lanier (S.), Ed., The Boy's Froissart, being Sir John Froissart's Chronicles of Adventure, Battle, &c, illustrated. 1879 4570 Works of. See Harper's Index, io4oja. Century [as a Poet], v 5 1877J. Lankester (E., Naturalist, I). 1814, d. 1874), M.D., Half Hours with the Microscope, a Popular Guide to the Use of the Micro- scope, illustrated 729Z Ed., Haydn's Dictionary of Popular Medicine and Hygiene, illus. 91 iK Lankester (Mrs.), Talks about Plants, or Early Lessons in Botany 82R Wild Flowers worth Notice, a Selection of some of our Native Plants which are most Attractive from their Beauty, Uses, or Associations, colored plates. 1879 75K Lanman (C), Adventures in the Wilds of North America [Travellers' Library]. 1854 1271R Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Lannes (Jean, Duke of Montebello, French Marshal, b. 1769, killed 1809). See Alison's Europe, 123-31O. France, Napoleon, &c. Lansdell (H., Traveller), D.D., Russian Central Asia, including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva, and Merv, illustrated. 1885 828-9K Through Central Asia, with a Map and Appendix on the Diplo- macy and Delimitation of the Russo-Afghan Frontier, illus. 830K Siberia, illustrated, 2 vols. 1882 496-7K Lansdowne (Lord), as Governor-General of Canada. See Saturday Review, v. 55, R.L. [4°4] LAN ENGLISH SECTION. LAS Lansdowne (Lord). See also Granville (G). Lansing (G.), D.D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, vol 3, 621A. Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Lanzi (A. L., Italian Antiquary, b. 1732, d. 1810), History of Paint- ing in Italy, translated by Roscoe, 3 vols. 1847 , 1063-5M La Perouse (J. F. Comte de, French Navigator, b. 1741), Voyages of [Edinburgh Cabinet Library]. 1843 937Q Lapidary. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, &c, 8D, &c. Laplace (Pierre Simon, Marquis de, French Astronomer x b. 1749, d. 1827). See Humboldt's Cosmos, 483R. Edinburgh Review [Essay on Proba- bilities], v. 23, 383J. Morton's Heroes of Science, 703O, &c. Lapland [Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight SunJ 467-8K See also Taylor's Northern Travel, 857R. Blackwood [Reindeer ride through], v. 128, 198J. Fortnightly [and Sweden, Licensing in], v. 26 2116J, &c. Laplanders. See Leisure Hour [Among the], v. 17, 2627 J. Lubbock's Primi- tive Man, 672B, &c. La Plata. See Nature [Resources of], v. 3, 2663J. Lappenberg (J. M., German Historian, b. 1794, d. 1865), F.S.A., History of England, under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, translated by Thorpe, revised by Otte, 2 vols. 1881 1517-8O Lapwing, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 655Q Good Words [Haunts of], v. 24, 2194J. Birds, &c. Larceny. See Saturday Review [Law of], v. 60, R.L. Larcon_(L.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Lardner (Dr, Irish Mathematician and Scholar, b. 1793, d. 1859), D.C.L., Eminent British Statesmen [Cab. Cyclop.], 2 vols ... 283-4T Hand-Books of Natural Philosophy, illustrated. 1855-6 : Electricity, Magnetism, and Acoustics 467R Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, and Heat 469R Mechanics 47°R Optics 468R Hydrostatics and Pneumatics [Cabinet Cyclopcedia], ill.. .701Q and 474R Popular Lectures on Science and Art, illustrated, 2 vols. 1846... 756-7D Treatise on Heat [Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1883 476R and Kater (Capt. H. ), Treatise on Mechanics 699Q and 472 R See also Fraser [with Portrait], v. 5, 615J. Lardner'S Cabinet Cyclopaedia. — Works by other Authors in this series will be found under author or subject. Lardner (N.), D.D., Credibility of Gospel History, 2 vols. 1847 ... 377-8M History of the Apostles and Evangelists, 3 vols. 1760 : Vol. 1. — Canon of the New Testament, the Four Evangelists 372M Vol. 2. — History of St. Paul and his Epistles 373M Vol. 3. — James, Peter, Jude, and the Revelation 374M Lark, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 654Q. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Sunday Magazine [the Skylarkb v. 12, 2469J. Birds, &c. La Rochefoucauld (F. de). See Living Age [and his Philosophy], v. 97, 3127J ; [Life and Maxims of], v. 28, 3058J. La Rochejaquelein (Henri, Comte de, Vendean Insurgent Chief, b. 1772, killed 1794). See Alison's Europe, 121O. France, &c. Larwood (J.), Book of Clerical Anecdotes 1761Z Larwood (}.), Forensic Anecdotes, or Humour and Curiosities of the Law. 1882 1205Z The Story of the London Parks 1197R Theatrical Anecdotes. 1882 142T and Hotten (J. C), History of Signboards, from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, illustrated. 1866 1000R Larynx. See Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R. Lasaulx (Amalie von). See Augustine (Sister). [405] LAS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LAU Las Casas (B., Spanish Missionary, b. 1474, d. 1566), The Apostle of the Indies, by Helps. 1873 760O Las Casas (E., Count ^French Historian, b. 1766, d. 1842), Memoirs of, containing an account of Napoleon's Life at St. Helena ... 338F Lassus (O., Famous Belgian Musician, b. 1520, d. 1594). See Naumann's Music, 928D. Last Act, The, being the Funeral Rites of All Nations, by Tegg. 1878 1481Z Words. See Chambers [of Great Men], v. 37, 1945J. Fraser [of Napo- leon and Wellington], v. 47, 657J, &c. Latham (R. G., Philologist, b. 1812), M.A., and Alisted (D. T.), F.R.S., The Channel Islands. 1852 410II [A review of this work appears in the Quarterly Review, vol. 161, 1291J.] Elements of Comparative Philology. 1862 i02oI[ Outlines of General or Developmental Philology. 1878 903 R Lathe, The, Turning Lathes, a Manual for Technical Schools, by Lukin. t 1888 1156M See also Boy's Annual [How to use it], 1302H. Eccentric Turning, 122D. English Mechanic, vols 46-7, 1046-7D. Carpentry, &c. Lathom House, Siege of, and Life of Colonel Hutchinson. 1846 ... 729O Lathrop (G. P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640^1, &c. Latimer (Hugh, Bishop of Worcester, b. 1490, burnt 1555), Sermons 212A Sermons and Remains of. 1845 221A See also Adams' Churchmen, 681O. Brave Confessors, 1440O. Cooke's Great Lives, 1003O. Froude's England, 192-6O. Green's English People, 190H. < Temple Bar [English History in Sermons of]j V. 50, 1380J. Ecclesiastical History, Sec. Latin. See Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Compayrg's Pedagogy [Study of], 296R. Crombie's Gymnasium Sive Symbola Critica, 888-9H. Mar- shall's Cruces and Criticisms [texts], 1148H. Quarterly [Dictionaries of], v. 97, 1227J. and Teutonic Nations [1494 to 15 14], by Ranke, translated by Ashworth. 1887 1024R Latitudes and Longitudes. See Lardner's Lectures. 756D. Geography, &c. La Trappe. See Fraser [Monks of], v. 85, 695J. Latrielle (P. A., French Naturalist, b. 1726, d. 1833). See Jardine s Naturalists Library, 675Q. Latter-day Pamphlets, by Carlyle 71T Latto (T. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Laud (W., Archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1573, executed 1645J. See Adams' Churchmen, 681O. Brodie's British Empire, 212-4H. Cattermole's Literature of the Church, vol. 1, 548 A. Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 297-300D. Dixon's H. M. Tower, 323H. Fraser, v. 89, f99J. Gardiner's History of England, 462-9O. Green's English Peo- ple, 190-91 H. Mozley's Essays, 1023H. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-3M. Wilson's Dissenters, 188-91 K, &c. Lauderdale (Lord). See Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L. Laugel (A.), England, Political and Social, tr. by Hart. 1874 226R Laughing Madness. See Temple Bar, v. 44, 1374J. Laughter. See Chambers [Philosophy of], v. 17, 1935J. Leisure Hour [Logical and Defective Power of], v. 31, 2641J. Vasey's Philosophy, 1124R, &c. Laun (H. Van), The French Revolutionary Epoch : First French Revolution to end of second Empire, 2 vols. 1878 362-3II Laundry. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Browne's What Girls Can Do, 980M. Cassell's Family Magazine [Hours in my], 2363J, &c Laurence (Miss II.), London in the Olden Time. 1825 1335R Laurie (J.), M.D., Homoeopathic Domestic Medicine. 1844 1446Z Laurie (S. S.), M.A., The Training of Teachers and other Educa- tional Papers. 1882 286R Lectures on the Rise and Early Constitution of Universities, with a Survey of Medireval Education [300-1350]. 1886 306R [406] LAU ENGLISH SECTION. LAW Lauriston (J. A. B. L., French Marshal, b. 1768, d. 1828). See Alison's Europe, 126-35O. France, Napoleon, &c. Lauw (L.) 5 Fourteen Years with Adelini Patti, translated by Brune 1371O Lauzun (Antoine N. de Caumont, Duke de). See Temple Bar, v. 45, 1375J. Lava. See Humboldt's Cosmos, 487R. Mantell's Wonders of Geology, 725Q, Rodwell's Etna, 491R. Volcanoes, &c. LaValette (F. Jehan). See Porter's Knights of Malta, 541 H, &c. La Valliere (Duchesse de, Mistress of Louis XIV., d. 1710). See Baker's French Society, 332O. Louis XIV., French History, &c. Lavater (J. C, Swiss Poet, b. 1741, d. 1801), Essays on Physiognomy, translated by Holcroft, and a Memoir of the Author 469D Lifeof [R.T.S.] 166Z See also Chambers, v. 37, 1945J. Lavatories. See Teale*s Dangers to Health, 920K. Building, Sec. Lavengro, the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest, by Borrow. 1851...1216-8R Lavoisier (A. I,., French Chemist, b. 1743, executed 1794). See Brougham's Philosophers, 597R, &c. LAW— Works relating to -.{See also Crime, Legislation, Juris- prudence, &V.) Law and Civil Society, Theory of, by Pulszky. 1888 1202II Lawyers, Curiosities of, by Croake James. 1882 1075F Anecdotes of the Irish Bar, by O'Flanagan. 1879 1163R [Blackstone's Commentaries], 4 vols. 1811 252-5D [Blue Laws, U.S.] 417O Celebrated Trials. 1843 1081F Criminal Law of England, by Stephen, 3 vols. 1883 304-6H Customs and Privileges in the Island of Jersey and Notices of Guernsey, &c. , by Jones Le Cras. 1 839 1 864Z Early Law and Custom, by Maine. 1883 1082F Elements of, considered with Reference to Principles of General Jurisprudence, by Markby. 1885 II08F Everybody's Lawyer : A Practical Compendium of the General Principles of English Jurisprudence [Beeton] .. 324R Every Man his own Lawyer. 1888 321R [Facts and Hints for Everyday Life] 942R History of English Law, by Crabb. 1829 1077F [Institutes of Justinian] 1097F and 1809Z International, by Levi 399R of Executors and Administrators, by Williams, 2 vols. 1856 250- iD Real Property in Guernsey, by Jeremie. 1866 412II r Reign of, by Argyle. 1871 885R Relating to Money Lenders and Borrowers, by Macalpin. ... 257R Trade Marks, by Mushet. 1885 319R Science of, by Amos. 1885 356R See also Alison's Europe, 119-26O. Amos' Legal Remedies for War, ioo6F._ Ballantine's Experiences, 492O. Blackwood [Countryman's Experience of], v. 140, 210J. Brougham's Political .Speeches [in Ireland], 605R ; Political Dissertations [Making and Digesting of], 604R. Chambers [Glorious Uncertainty of], v. 27, 1940J. Commis- sioners' Report on Jersey, 359B. Cornhill [Martial and Military], v. 15, 295J. Dew's Nations, 53H. Edinburgh Review [Theory of Natural Law], v. 144, 504J. Escott's England and its People [Law Courts], 1018F. Oilman's Rome, 424O. Gould's Germany [of Suc- cession], 363O. Harper's Index [and Lawyers], 1640 Ja. Holland's Institutes of Justinian, 1809Z. Home's Mirrourof Justices [Ancient Law], 1170Z. _ Hill's Repression of Crime, 1015F. Inman's Faiths, 96K. _ Jeremie's Laws of Guernsey [Property], 403H. Kinnear's Principles of Reform, 1005F. Larwood's Forensic Anecdotes, 1205Z. [407] law guille-alles library. law- law — Works relating to — [continued. ) Living Age [and Nature], v. 147, 3177J. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Macmillan [Benchers and the Bar], v. 22, 952J. Marshall's Ceremonials [Alien], 939F. Mehagen's Universal History, 13-5H . Nineteenth Century [of War], v. 12, 2222J. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Quarterly [Ancient], v. no, 1240J ; [Equitable Jurisdiction] v. 32 and 39, 1162 and 1169J. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1034F. Smith's Jewish Church [Levitica!], 467M. Tarring's Colonies, 1074F. Temple Bar [and Lawyers], v. 73, 1403J. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R. Timbs' Works [Erroneous Customs and Laws], 853Z ; [and Customs] 851Z ; [Changes in] 855Z. Westminster [Law Reform for Scotland, v. 26, R.L.; [in America] v. 16, R.L. Sidg- wick's Fallacies, 39 iR, &c. Law of Kindness, by Montgomery. 1844 1225Z Law (Edward, Earl of Ellenborough). See Ellenborough(Earl of). Law (II.), M.A., Christ is all : The Gospel of the Old Testament.. .379-81M Genesis, 379M. Exodus, 380M. Leviticus, 381M. Elements of Euclid, with an Introductory Essay on Logic [Weale Series], 2 vols in 1. 1862 714Q Law (John, Scotch Financier, b. 1 67 1, d. 1 729), Memoir of, and Ac- count of the Mississippi Bubble, by Thiers, trans, by Fiske. 76 iO See also All the Year Round, v. 35, 1795J, &c Law (W., Theologian, b. 1686, d. 1761), M.A., Serious Call to a Holy Life [S. P. C.K.]. 1848 127Q Biography of, &c , 340 F See also Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1103R, &c. Lawford (Laura), Every Girl's Book, a Compendium of Entertaining Amusements for Recreation in Home Circles, i860 ,. 178T Lawless (Hon. E.), Ireland, with some Additions by Bronson [Story of the Nations]. 1888 435O Lawn Games._ See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Games, Sports, &c. Lawn Tennis [Crawley's Handbooks] 1 1 53M See also Boy's Own Annual, vol. 7, 2957J. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Girl's Own Annual [How to Play], vol. 4, 2554J. Home Amusements, 949M. Tennis, &c. Lawns and Grass Plots. See Oakey's Home Grounds, 948M, &c. Lawrence (E. and G. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Lawrence (F.), Life of Henry Fielding. 1855 648O Lawrence (G. A., Novelist, b. 1827, d. 1876). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lawrence (Sir Henry M., Chief Commissioner in the Punjaub, b. 1806, mortally wounded at Lucknotv, 1857). See Holmes' Indian Mutiny, 470H. Kaye's Indian Officers, 1454O. Temple's India, 464H. Trotter's India, 538-9H. Lawrence (Sir J.). See Trotter's India, 538-9H. Lawrence (Lord, Viceroy of India, b. 181 1, d. 1879), Life of, by Smith, 2 vols. 1883 343-4^ See also Fortnightly [and the Mutiny], v. 39, 2129J. Poole's Index, R.L. Lawrence (Sir T., Portrait Painter, b. 1769, d. 1830), by Gower [Great Artists]. 1882 ' 1103O Life and Correspondence of, by Williams, 2 vols. 1831 341-2F See also Edinburgh Review, v. 54, 414J, &c. Lawson (Sir W.J, On Temperance, and Biographical Sketch by Sher- lock [Talks with the People Series] 200Z See also Lucy's Parliaments, 316-7H, &c. Lawyer, Every Man His Own Lawyer. 1888 321R Everybody's, a Practical Compendium of the General Prin- ciples of English Jurisprudence [Beeton]. 1888 324R Lawyers, Book about, by Jeaffreson, 2 vols in 1. 1867 1156R British, by Roscoe [Lardner's Cab. Cyclo.]. 1830 9*50. [40&] LAW ENGLISH SECTION. LEC Lawyers. See also Campbell's Chancellors, 774-83O. Cornhill [French and English], v. 10, 290 J ; [Morality of], v. 3, 283J. Leisure Hour [and their Haunts], v. 32, '2642J. James' Curiosities of Law, 1075F. Ballantine's Barrister's Life, 492O. Law, &c. Lay of the Last Minstrel, &c., by Scott 51 iZ Lays of Ancient Rome, by Macaulay. 1856 717 and 718M the Pilgrim Fathers, by Scott. 1861 457M Sanctuary, edited by Rutherford. 1859 454M Layard (SirH., Archaeologist, b. 1817), G.C.B., Early Adventures in Persia, Susiana and Babylonia, illustrated, 2 vols. 1887 ... 1726-7R Nineveh and its Remains, illustrated 1850 55^K See also Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Lazarus. See Ewald's Israel, 66K, &c. Lazarus (M. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Lead. See Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 61 iB. Simonin's Mines, 632-3B. Ure's Dictionary [Lead Ore, Desilverisation of, Lead Shot, White Lead, &c.3, 9D. Metals, &c. Pencils. See Scribner's Monthly [How Lead Pencils are made], vol. 15, 1865J. Leader (J. D.), Mary Queen of Scots in Captivity. 1880 347H Leaders of Men, by Page. 1880 763O League, The Corn. See Morley's Life of Richard Cobden, 190-TF. Smith's Life of Bright, 150F, &c. Leakages. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K, &c. Leamington. See Granville's Spas, &c, 352K, &c. Leap Year. See All the Year Round, v. 42, 1822J. Leaping. See Walker's Manly Exercises, 1164M. Athletics, Jumping, &c. Lear (H. L. S.), Henri Dominique Lacordaire, a Biographical Sketch. 13S0O Ed., Here and There, Quaint Quotations, a Book of Wit. 1882 704M Learning. See Gentleman's Magazine [and Health], New Series, v. 20, 740J. Macmillan [Revival of, in the Middle Ages], v. 26, 956J. Staunton's Great Schools of England, 1054F. Education, &c. Leather. See Dodd's Manufactures, 1487Z. English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Leisure Hour, v. 19, 2629 J. Simmond's Animal Products, 1033M. Ure's Dictionary [Currying of, Splitting, Morocco, Vegetable Leather, &c], 8D. Leathes (Rev. P. S., Professor of Hebrew, b. 1830), D.D., Future Probation, a Symposium on the Question, Is Salvation Pos- sible after Death? 1886 1224M Grounds of Christian Hope, or The Evidences of Christianity [R.T.S.] 382M Leaves. See Benison's Nature, 2109R. Chambers' Journal [Poisonous], v. 60, 1960J. Nature [Forms of J, v. 31, 2691 J ; [Physical Functions of], v. 18, 2678J. Wilson's Naturalist, 639Q, &c. Trees, Botany, &c. Leaves from a Prison Diary, or Lectures to a Solitary Audience, by Michael Davitt, 2 vols. 1885 1177-8R Leavitt(J-), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Lebanon, The. See All the Year Round [Christian Pasha of], v. 11, 1771J ; [French in], v. 4, 1764J. Green's Bible Lands, 328B. Leisure Hour [Inhabitants of], v. 18, 2628 J. Nature [Geology of], v. 35, 2695 J. Oliphant's Gilead, &c, 793K, &c. Le Breton (A. L.), Correspondence of Channing and Lucy Aikin ... 570O Le Breton (T., Esq., of Jersey). See Caesarea, or Jersey, 1409H. Le Brun (Mdme. Vigee, French Painter, b. 1755, »• l8 4 2 )> Souvenirs of, by Tyler. 1880 345F Leehler (Prof., D.D.), John Wiclif and his English Precursors, translated by Lorimer, 2 vols. 1878 574"5F Leeky (W. E. H., Philosophic Historian, b. 1838), History of Eng- land in the Eighteenth Century, 6 vols. 1878 167-72H History of European Morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne ...384-5M See Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L. Le Clerc (J.). See Truth of the Christian Religion, by Grotius, 336M. [409] LEC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LED Le Cocq Family, of Guernsey. See Sarnia [pp. 27 and 101], 1416O. Le Conte (J.), LL.D., Religion and Science, a Series of Sunday Lec- tures 386M Sight [International Scientific Series]. 1883 368R Lecourbe (Gen.). See Alison's Europe, 124-5O, &c. Le Couteur Family, of Jersey. See Caesarea, or Jersey, T409H. Le Couteur (Lieut.-Gen., of Guernsey). See Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1288H. Le Cras (A. J.), Laws, Customs and Privileges, and their Adminis- tration in the Island of Jersey, with Notices of Guernsey ; also a Commentary on Certain Abuses, and a Petition to Par- liament for a Reform of the same. 1839 1864Z LECTURES delivered in America in 1874, by Kingsley. 1875 994^ Westminster Abbey. The Stage as it was Once. Discovery of America. Servant of the Lord. Ancient Civilisation. delivered in Exeter Hall, November 1854 to February, 1855 ... 1001R Civilisation. Labour. Rest and Recreation. Popular Fallacies. Man and his Masters. Study of Scripture. Heroes. Dignity of Labour. Ragged Schools. Greek Christianity, &c. 1 86 1 to February, 1862 1002R France and England Eighty Years Ago. Church Song. Miracles. Pro- phecy. Macaulay, &c. 1863 to Feb. 1864 1003R Poverty, &c. Calvin. E. Irving. Bible in India, &c. 1864 to February, 1865 1004R Chalmers. Doubt to Faith. John Angell James. Rivers. Renan on the Kingdom of God, &c. Health Lectures delivered in Manchester [1875-8] 1405Z [For Contents see under Health.] on Astronomy at King's College, London, by Moseley. 1854... 802Z Astronomy, delivered at Ipswich, by Airy. 1877 803Z ■ Geography, by Strachey. 1888 556R ■ Rhetoric, &c, by Blair. 1825 866H Scientific Subjects, by Herschel. 1866 689Q the Origin and Growth of Religion, by Max Muller. 1878.. 121 K illustrated in the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians, by Sayce [Hibbert Lectures, 1887] 644A the Rise and Early Constitution of Universities, &c, by Laurie. 1886 306R the Prayer Book by Massingberd. 1864 58Q read at a Mechanics' Institute [by Charles Bathurst]. 1854 564T to American Audiences, by Freeman. 1882 I173R Working Men, by Brown, 2 vols in I. 1866 113T Young Men, by Beecher. i860 595R See also Brown (H. S.), 895R. Bullock's Talks with the People, 197-200Z. Clifford (W. F.), 886-7H. Freeman's Historical Study, 537H. Haz- litt's Works, 747-5iR. Kelley (W.), 356-64M. Midler's Language, 1041-2R. Phillips (W.), 1050H. Plumptre (C. J.), 1040H. Robertson (F. W.), 37M. Schlegel's Literature, 1079R. Shaftesbury (Earl of), 197Z. Thackeray's English Humourists, 1042Q. Foster (J.). Cham- bers [Popular], v. 6, 1926J. Knowledge [Copyright in], v. 5, 2585J. Leisure Hour [in America], v. 35, 2645J. Nature [to Ladies], v. 1, 2661J. Quarterly [Scientific], v. 145, T275J. Ledesma (A. de, Spanish Poet, b. 1552, ^.1623). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Ledger (E.), M.A., The Sun, its Planets and their Satellites. A Course of Lectures upon the Solar System [Gresham Lec- tures], illustrated. 1882 425R [410] LED ENGLISH SECTION. LEG Ledos De Beaufort (R.) Ed. and Tr., Napoleon and His De- tractors, by Prince Napoleon, with Notes and a Biographical Sketch of the Author. 1888 644F Ledru-Rollin (A. A., French Republican Jotcmalist, b. 1808, d. 1874). See Alison's Europe, 145-6O. Lee (A.), Life of the Apostle Peter, in a Series of Practical Dis- courses. 1853 387^ Lee (E.), M.D., Bradshaw's Companion to the Continent, a Hand- book to the chief places of Resort, their Climate, Scenery, Remedial Resources, &c. 1851 14S7R The Baths of Germany, France, and .Switzerland, 2 vols in 1. ... 1402R Lee (F. G., Vicar of All Saints, Lambeth, b. 1832), D.C.L., A Manual of Politics in Three Chapters, with Foot-notes and Appendices. 1889 1S83Z The Christian Doctrine of Prayer for the Departed. 1875 105K Lee (F. and M. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Lee (G. E., Rector of St. Peter Port, Guernsey). See French Catalogue. Lee (Holme [Harriet Parr]). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lee (J., Bishop of Manchester, b. 1804, d. 1869), D.D., Lectures on the History of the Church of Scotland, edited by his son, W. Lee, 2 vols, i860 28S-9[ Lee (Nathan, Dramatist, b. 1655, d. 1691). See New English Theatre. Lee (General R. E., American Confederate General, b. 1808, d. 1870). Sec Black- wood, v. in, 181J. Edinburgh Review [Memoir of], v. 137, 497.!. Poole's Index, &c. Lee (Vernon [Violet Paget]), The Countess of Albany [Eminent Women Series]. 1884 II25O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Leech (H. J.), Public Letters of John Bright. 1885.. 527O Leech. (J., Caricature Artist, b. 1817, d. 1864). See Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-6i6Fa. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 14, 2624J. Once a Week, [Caricatures of], v. 18, 2278J. Leeches. See Chambers, v. 53, 1953J ; [How we catch our], vol.44, 1942J. Corn- hill, v. 51, 331J. Leecnnian (J.), A.M., Logic, Designed as an Introduction to the Study of Reasoning. 1845 668T Leeds and the Clothing District [Land we Live in] 465B See also Art Journal [Pottery of], v. 17, R.L. Macquoid's About York- shire, 1350R, &c. Leeds (J. W.), The Theatre, an Essay upon the Non-accordancy of Stage- Plays with the Christian Profession. 1886 1240k Lees (Lady), A Few Days in Belgium and Holland. 1872 1480R Le Febre (/J«>tr of Dantzig, French Marshal, b. 1755, d. 1820). See Alison's Europe, 122-31O. Le Febvre (J.), A Protestant of France, His Sufferings and Death... 764O Lefebvre Family, of Guernsey. See Sarnia [pp. 25 and 113], 1416O, &c. Lefebvre (Rene [Edouard Laboulaye], French Lawyer, b. 181 1, d. 1883), Paris in America, translated by M. L. Booth. 1863.., 1571R Lefevre (M.), Marvels of Architecture, translated, and a Chapter on English Architecture, by Ronald, illustrated 1098M Le Free (R.)- See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Legacy. See Peto's Taxation, &c, 1016F. Law, Property, Wills, &c. Legal Etiquette. See Fortnightly, v. 8, 2098 J, &c. Fallacies. See Chambers [Kissing the Book], v. 63, 1952J, &c. Obligations in Relation to the Dwellings of the Poor, by Dull ... 990M Profession, Romantic Stories 1071R Sec also Williams' Facts and Fallacies, 288R. Law, Lawyers, &c. Legarc (J. MA Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Poets of America. 468D, &C. [411] LEG GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LEI Legend, Japanese, from Dubard, by Conn. 1886 I737R Legends, Christian, by Maccall 396M of Edinburgh, by Leighton. 1864 886M the Christian East, by St. John, illustrated. 1856 893M Madonna as Represented in the Fine Arts, by Mrs. Jame- son, illustrated. 1872 944E See also Blight's Land's End, 820Q. Guernsey and Jersey Magazine [Legends of the Channel Islands], 1284-SH. Household Words [Wild], v. 10, 1750J. Jones' Credulities, 902M. Keighley's Fairy Mythology, 1009M. Ralston's Russian Folk-Tales, 943F. Stanley's Dark Con- tinent, 1563R. Timbs' Works, 853Z. Temple Bar [and Stories of Old], v. 37, 3167J. Blackwood [Legendary Lore], v. 42, 43, 44 and 47, R.L. Cornhill, v. 1, 281J. Fiction, &c. Legerdemain, &c. See Boy's Own Book, 1527Z. Le Geyt (P., of Jersey). See Caesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Legge (J., Professor of Chinese), The Religions of China, Confucian- ism and Taoism Described and Compared with Christianity... 388M Tr., Midler's Sacred Books of the East, vol 3 561 A Legge (John), M.A., Memorials of, by James Legge. 1880 765O Leggett (W.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Legion of Honour. See Alison's Europe, 126O. France, &c. Legislation. t See Brougham's Political Dissertations, 604 R. Edinburgh Review [Parliamentary Machinery of], v. 99, 459J. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Maine's Popular Government, 1100F. Nature [and Nature], v. 1, 2661 J. Nineteenth Century [Private, in Parlia- ment], v. 17, 2227J. Smith's Institutions, 517T. Walker's Science of % Wealth, 1025F, &c. Legislative Assembly. See Alison's Europe, 120-1O, &c. Legouve (E.), Art of Reading, translated by Roth. 1879 1073R Legs. Sec All theYear Round [Wooden and Otherwise], v. 34, 1794J. Chambers [Artificial], v. 54, 1954J. Anatomy, Physiology, The Body, &c. Leibnitz (G. W. German IViilosopher, b. 1646, d. 17 16), by Merz [Phil. Classics for English Readers]. 1884 1027Q See also Lewes' Philosophy, 572H. Edinburgh Review [Life and Genius of J, v. 84, 444J, &c. Leicester. See Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R. All Year Round [Cheese Fair], v. 47, 1807J ; v. 48, 1808J, &c. Leicester (Robert Dudley, Earl of, Favorite of Queen Elizabeth, b. 1533? d. 1588), and Amye Robsart, by Adlard. 1870 663F See also Allan's Queen Elizabeth, T21-2F. Froude's England, 195-203O. Leader's Mary Queen of Scots, 347H. Motley's Netherlands, 350-3O. Elizabeth (Queen), &c. Square. See All the Year Round, v. 27, 1787 J. Chambers [Gossip about], v. ' . 55, 1948 J. Leicestershire. See All the Year Round [Chronicles of], v. 54, 1814J. Leifchild (J., Independent Minister, b. 1780, d. 1862), D.D., I lis Public Ministry, &c. 1863 346I Leifchild (J.R.), A.M., The Higher Ministry of Nature viewed in the Light of Modern Science, and as an Aid to Advanced Christian Philosophy. 1872 389M Leigh (F. 13.), Ten Years on a Georgia Plantation, since the War ... 734K Leigh (II. S.), Jeux d'esprit written and spoken by French and Eng- lish Wits and Humorists. 1877 143T Leigh (J. E. A.), Memoir of Jane Austen 105X Leighton (A., Scotch Calvinist Preacher, b. 1587, d. 1644), Myste- rious Legends of Edinburgh, now for the first time told in print, illustrated. 1864 S86M Leighton (Sir F., Artist, President Royal Academy, b. 1830). See Art Journal [Picture, The Arts of War], v. 32, R.L. Dublin University [with Por- trait] v. 95, R.L. Frith's Reminiscences, 6i6Fa. Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M, &c. [412] LEI ENGLISH SECTION. LEN Leighton (R., Archbishop of Glasgow, b. 1613, d. 1684), D.D., Prac- tical Commentary on the First Epistle of St. Peter, edited by Bradley. 1821 I35 M Sermons 13&M Theological Lectures. 1821 137M Works of, with Life of the Author, by Aikman. 1851 421A Life of [Am. Tract. Soc] 1699Z Sec also Leisure Hour Magazine, 2647J. Taylor's Scottish Pulpit, 635A. Leighton (W. A.), B.A., The Lichen-Flora of Great Britain, Ire- land and the Channel Islands. 1872 , 71R JjGinster (Duke of). See Froude's Ireland, 205O, &C. Xjeipsic See Alison's Europe, 128-35O. Leisure Hour [Book Fair and German Book Trade], v. 12, 2622J, &c. Campaign, by Gleig. 1852 1273R and 459T Loisser (T.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Leisure. See Seneca's Dialogues, 1201H, &c. Leisure Hour, The, from vol I. 1852 2611J The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the catalogue,^ with the shelf number specified. The general contents will be found in the Supplement to Poole's Index (Reference Library), under the subjects required. Hours in Town, by A. K. H. Boyd 815 and8i6R Time Studies, chiefly Biological, by Wilson, illustrated. 1878 ... 43R Leith. Sec Penny Magazine, v. 9, 147B, &c. L. E. L. See Landon. Leland (C. G. [Hans Breitmann], American Humorist, b. 1824), Abraham Lincoln and the Abolition of Slavery in the United States (New Plutarch). 1879 1023Q Breitmann as an Uhlan [Poems]. 187 1 1862Z Practical Education, Treating of the Development of Memory, the Increasing Quickness of Perception and Training the Constructive Faculty. 1888 300R Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Poets of America, 46SD. Hans Breitmann, &c- Leland (J. Dissenting Minister, b. 1691, d. 1766), D.D., A View of the Principal Deistical Writers in England, 2 vols. 1807 ... 496-7A Leland (T., Irish Historian, b. 1722, d. 1785), D.D., 7r., The Ora- tions of Demosthenes [Fam. Clas. Lib.]. 1830 1108-9Q Orations of Demosthenes. 1831 1190II Lely (Sir P. [Vander Faes] German Painter, b. 1618 d. 1680), and his Painting. See Temple Bar, v. 41, 1371 J. Le Marchant Family, of Guernsey. See Jacob's Guernsey, part 2 [pp. 201, 203 and 206], 362B and Sarnia [pp. 7, 20, 28, 48 and 95], 1416O. Le Messurier (Major), Kandahar in 1879. l8 8° 274O Le Mesurier (Col. Haviland, of Guernsey) [Family Records, by Tupper]. 1835 642F Le Mesurier Family, of Guernsey. See Jacob's Guernsey [pp. 123, 126 and 128], 362B. Sarnia [pp. 14, 37, 26, 27, 32, 48, 53, 96 and 115], 1416O. Lemon (Mark, Dramatist, &c., b. 1809, d. 1870). Sec Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-6i6Fa. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [Reminiscences of], v. 5 and 6, 725-26J, &c. Lemons. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Girl's Own Annual [to pickle, &c], v. 1, 2551J. Fruits, &c. Lempriere (J., Scholar, b. 1765, d. 1824), D.D., Universal Bio- graphy. 1808 545F Lempriere (Dr. J., of Jersey). See Caesarea, or Jersey, 1409H. Lending-houses. Sec Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q, &c. Lendy (Captain), F.G.S., Treatise on Fortification. 1862 190D Length. See Nature [Unit of], v. 2, 2662 J, &c. [413] -^SS LEN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LES Lennep (II. J. Van), D.D., Travels in Little Known Parts of Asia Minor, illustrated, 2 vols 1 847-8R Lennox (Lady S.). See Trevelyan's Life of Fox, 260F. Lennox (Lord W. P., Author, b. 1799, d. 1881), Celebrities I have Known, with Episodes, Political, Social, Sporting and Theatrical, 4 vols. 1876-7 .....1014-7II Monarchs. Noblemen. Scholars. Speculators. Lawyers. Warriors. Men about Town. Sportsmen. Authors. Wits. Architects. Artists. Ac- tresses, &c. Fashion Then and Now, illustrated by Anecdotes and Remarks on Dress, Elections, Duelling, &c, 2 vols. 1878 1018-9II Lenormant (F.), Chaldean Magic, its Origin and Development, translated. 1887 941F Lens. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Lent. See All the Year Round [Season of] v. 42, 1822 J. Len.th.all (William). See Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 2Q7-302D. Leo X. (Giovanni de Medici, Pope of Rome, b. 1475, d. 1521), Life and Times of [R.T.S.] 176Z. of, by Roscoe, 2 vols. 1853 ; 766 7O . See also Harper's New Monthly Magazine [and Luther], v. 39, 1619J. Bayne's Luther, 694-5F, &c. Leo XIII. (258M Pope of Rome, b. 1810). See Edinburgh Review [Pontificate of], v. 154, 514.L Saturday Review [and Church History], v. 56, R.L., &c. Leon (L. P. De, Spanish Poet, b. 1528, d. 1591). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Leonard (Miss E. B. and E.), Works of. See Harpers Index, i64oJa. Leonard (H. C), M.A., Half Hours with the Apostolic Fathers 1195M Leonardo Da Vinci. See Scribner's Monthly, v. 17, 1867J. Vinci, &c. Leonidas of Alexandria. See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Leopard, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 659Q. Animals, Natural History, &C Leopardi (Giacomo, Italian Scholar, b. 1798, d. 1837) [Gladstone's Gleanings] S82Z Sec also Quarterly, v. 86, 1216J. Blackwood, v. 98, 168J. Cornhill, v. 34, 314J. Frasei, v. 38, 648J. Leopold (C. G.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Leopold [King of Belgium). See Memoirs of Ernest II., 674-5F, &c Leopold (Prince, Fourth Son of Queen Victoria, b. 1853, d. 1884). Sec Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 30, 2640J. Saturday Review [Marriage of], v. 53, R.L. Blackwood, v. 135, 205J. Living Age, v. 161, 3191J, &c. Leopold Shakespeare, The, with Notes by Furnivall 425D Le Pelley (Capt. E. and P., of Guernsey). See Sarnia [pp. 48 and 96], 1316O. Lepidoptera. # See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 672-4Q. Nature [in the Sikkim Himalaya], v. 34, 2694J. Butterflies, Insects, Moths, &c. Leprosy. See Millingen's Curiosities, 927K. Chambers [Modern], v. 28, 1934J. 19th Century [Present and Past], v. 16, 2226J. Once a Week [The Leper], v. 2, 2262J, &c. Lepsius (R., German Arclucologist, b. 1813, d. 1884), Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia and the Peninsula of Sinai. 1853 I533R Le Quesne (C), A Constitutional History of Jersey. 1856 407II Leroy (A. C.) and Bramston (A. R.), Historic Winchester. 1882 301O Le Sage (A. R., French Novelist, b. 1668, d. 1747). See Scott's Novelists. 1013Z. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Leslie (C. R., Artist, b. 1794, d. 1859), R.A., Handbook for Young Painters, illustrated. 1870 v 107SM • See also Art Journal [and his Contemporaries], v. "12, R.L., &c. Leslie (Miss E.), American Girl's Book, or Occupation for Play Hours. 1879 1190R Leslie (G.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [4H] LES ENGLISH SECTION. LET Leslie (Sir J., Scotch Physicist ', b. 1766, d. 1832), Treatises on Various Subjects of Natural and Chemical Philosophy, with a Bio- graphical Memoir. 1838 462R and others, Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Sea and Regions, with Illustrations of their Climate, Geology and Natural History [Harper's Family Library]. 1831 549Z Leslie (John, Bishop of Ross). See Dixon's H.M. Tower, 321H, &c. Lesseps (F., Vicomte de, French Engineer, b. 1805). See 19th Century [Preten- sions of], v. 15, 2225J, &c. Lessing (G. E., German Poet and Critic, b. 1729, d. 1781), by Sime, 2 vols. 1877 347- 8F See also Edinburgh Review, v. 82, 442J. Japp's German Literature, 272F. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Lessons for Home and School Use, by Miller and others. 1878 ... 592T from my Masters, Carlyle, Tennyson, and Ruskin, by Bayne. 1879 873 H the Animal World [S. P. C.K.]. 1851 718Z Great Biography [A Life of Christ], by Hamilton. 1857... 1233M of Middle Age [by Boyd]. 1869 824R on the Universe, Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms, &c. [S.P.C.K.]. 1844 827Z See also Education, Schools, &c. Lester (C. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Lester (J. E.), A.M., The Atlantic to the Pacific, What to See and how to See it, illustrated. 1873 1732R L 'Estrange (A. G.), History of English Humour, 2 vols. 1878... 1005-6R The Village of Palaces, or the Chronicles of Chelsea, 2 vols. 1880 302-3O Ed.> Friendships of Mary Russell Mitford, as Recorded in her Letters, 2 vols. 1882 848-9O Life and Letters of Mary Russell Mitford, 3 vols. 1870 845-7O Letheby (H., Chemist, b. 1816, d. 1876), M.B., On Food, its Varie- ties, &c, Four Cantor Lectures. 1870 959M Letter- Writer, by Cooke. 1843 U52Z Complete Art of Polite Correspondence, an Essay on Letter-writ- ingandaSetof Complimental Cards. 1861 887R Letter-writing, History of, from the Earliest Period to the Fifth Century, by Roberts. 1843 1057II See Quarterly, v. 129, 1259 J. LETTERS and Essays on Religious Questions. v.D 1013II Journals of W. Stanley Jevons. 1886 691F Letter Writers of the Eighteenth Century, by Williams. 1886. First series: Swift & Pope 698F Writing [Pastime Papers] 1996R from a Citizen of the World to his Friends in the East [Gold- smith's Works] 890-2Z Mourning City [Naples, 1884], by Munthe, tr. by White 169SR Mystic of the Present Day. 1883 187Q Contents : — Truth assimilated from within possesses us. God to be known in Heart and Mind. Personality in God. Universal Hope inspires antagonism to Evil. What is Man ? Christ-Light. The Temptation of Adam and Eve. Corruptible and Incorruptible Seed. Creation. The Glorified Humanity. Seed of the Woman and the Spirit of God. Learning of the Spirit. The Christ. Belief in Jesus Christ. Vicarious Sacrifice. _ Temptation of Jesus. Death of Self and Taking up the Cross. Sin and Offences. Forgiveness of Sins. Judgment and Salva- tion. Conscious Union with God through the Holy Spirit. " I am the Resurrection." Large Religious Meetings. London Life. Religiosity and Spirituality. Worldly Religion. Ritual. Standing in the Truth. Vision sacrificed to Intellect. Sensuous Emotion. Spiritual Emo- [415] . LET GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LET LETTERS— {continued. ) lion. Improving the World. Current Christian Teaching. New Creation. Assurance. Christ is in all. Believers in Christ. Condi- tional Immortality. Power of Hope. Disorder without, yet Peace within. Home Sickness. Prayer. Good Shepherd. What Message does the World need from its Prophets. Friendship. Interpretation of Parables. Modern Miracles. Angelic Ministry. Attributes of God. Glory of God. Name of the Lord. He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit, &c. Letters from Abroad to Kindred at Home, a Tour in Europe [by Miss Sedgwick], 2 vols in I. 1841 1150R Hell, by Thisted, with a Preface by George Macdonald 1716R High Latitudes, Voyage to Iceland, &c, 1856, by Dufferin. ... 469 K Madras, 1836-9 [by Mrs. J. C. Maitland]. 1846 ....*. 144T the United States, Cuba and Canada, by Murry, 2 vols, in 1... 1613R of a Traveller in Europe and America, by Bryant. 1869 1620R Junius from the latest London edition, Woodfall's edition, 2 vols in 1. 1880 1139R — Pascal, translated by M'Crie. 1848 , 152T Princess Alice to the Queen and a Memoir by Princess Chris- tian. 1885 480O Shelley, edited by Garnett. 1882 1251Z ■ the Kings of England, edited by Halliwell, 2 vols. 1846 ... 966-7R Martyrs, published in 1564, with a Preface by Coverdale, and Introduction by Bickersteth. 1837 270M Thomas Carlyle [1826-36], edited by Morton, 2 vols. 1888 1458-9O on Literature, by Lang. 1889 2007R Practical Subjects to a Daughter, by Sprague. 1851 1097R Practical and Consolatory, on the Nature of the Gospel, by Russell, 2 vols, in 1. 1825 162Q . to Dead Authors, by Lang. 1886 1181R the People on Health and Happiness, by Beecher. 1856 1462Z Perplexed [in Religion], by Dobney [Reprint from Christian World]. 1878 296M Young Men, founded on the History of Toseph, by Sprague... 1098R Sec also All the Year Round [and Letter- Writers], v. 35 and 36, 1795-96J. Atterbury's Memoirs [and Correspondence], 132F. Aubrey's Eminent Men in the 17th and 18th Centuries, 133-5F. Balzac, 211-2F. Bon- net's John Calvin, 160-1F. Bushnell, 157F. Codrington (Sir E.), 192-3F. Colenso (Bishop), 621-2F. Cowper (W\), 995Q. Croker Papers, 200-2F. Cromwell, 203-5F. Dickens (C), 229-3 iF. Fletcher (J. W.), 563F. Forster's Correspondence of Jebb and Knox, 335-6F. Haydon, 314-5F. Holcombe's Literature in Letters, 974H. Hook (Dean), 318-9F. Irving (W.), 897-9Z. Johnson's Works, 993H. Journal of Mary Frampton, 263F. Lamb's Works, 1008H. Leisure Hour [and Letter-Writing], v. 33, 2643J. Life of Lord Chan- cellor Eldon, 244-6F. Lockhart's Life of Sir Walter Scott, 486-9F. Longmans [Written by a true Lover in 1646], v. 8, 898J. Lyell, 358-9F. Macaulay, 366-7F. Maurice (F. D.), Life of, 381-2F. Maxwell (L. C), 383F. Montague (Lady Mary W.), 401-2F. Morgan (Lady), 409-10F. Morgan (A. De), 219F. Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle, 172-4F. Murchison (Sir Roderick T.), 411-2F. Napier's Correspondence, 273 H. Pennefather (W.), 425F. Phillips (W.), 1050H. Quekett's Sayings and Doings, 65 iF. Remusat, 22 iF. Ross's Memoirs of Lord de Sausmarez, 224-5 F. Sanborn's Life of Brown, 153F. Sand (George), 479-81F. Scott (T.), 485F. Smith's Works, 951H. Southey, 507F. Steele (Sir R.), 509-0F. Strafford (Earl of), 555-6F. Sumner (C), 518-9F. Teignmouth's Life of Sir W. Jones, 328F. Temple Bar [to Joseph], v. 17 and 18, 1347-48J. Thirlwall (Bp.), 530F. Trench (Mrs. R.), Remains of, 536F. Trevithick (R.), Life of, 537F. Venn (H.), 546F. Watts (T.), Life of, 550F. Webster (D.), 620-1B. Whateley (Abp.), 565-6F. Williams' Life of Sir T. Lawrence, 341-2F, &c. [416] LET ENGLISH SECTION, LIB Letters and Correspondence. See Biography, Correspondence, Memoirs, &c. Levana, or The Doctrine of Education, by Richter. 1848 200R Levant, Monasteries of, by Curzon, illustrated. 1865 1471K See also Chambers [Letters from], v. 30, 1935J. Lever and Wheelwork. The. See Lardner's Lectures, 757D. Lever (C. J., Irish Novelist, b. 1806, d. 1872), Cornelius O'Dowd upon Men, Women and other Things in General. 1S65 1263-5R — See also Harper's Index, i64oJa. Macmillan, v. 26, 956J. Once a Week [with Portrait], v. 27, 2287J. Fiction Class List following the Ceneral Catalogue. Poole's Index, &c. Levi (Eliphas, French Magician, b. 1809, d. 1875), The Mysteries of Magic, with Essay by Waite. 1886 651A Levi (Leone, Italian Economist, b. 1821), F.S.A., International Law, with Material for a Code of International Law [International Scientific Series] • 399^ Wages and Earnings of the Working Classes. 1885 1024F Work and Pay, or Principles of Industrial Economy. 1877 283 R Levites. Sec Ewald's Israel, 61-2K, &c. Leviticus, Notes on. i860 170Q to Deuteronomy [Gray's Biblical Museum] 78M Lewald(F.), Italian Sketch-Book, translated. 1852 429T Lewchew, Island of [M'Leod's China, Corea, &c] 572K Lewes, Battle of. See Adams' Battles, 241O, &c. Lewes (G. H., Philosopher, b. 181 7, d. 1878), Biographical History of Philosophy, 4 vols in 2. 1852 : Vols. 1-2. — Ancient Philosophy. The Physiologists. The Mathematicians. The Eleatics. The Sophists. The Stoics. Christianity, &c. .. i75-'Z Vols. 3-4. — From Bacon to the Present Day. Bacon. Descartes. Spinoza. Locke. Leibnitz. Hume. Reid. Kant. Fichte. Hegal, &c. 1751Z Sea Side Studies at Ilfracombe, Tenby, The Scilly Isles and Jersey, illustrated. 1858 822E Studies in Animal Life, illustrated. 1862 47R See also Fortnightly Review, v. 3T, 2121J, &c. Lewes (M. E. [George Eliot]), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Eliot (C.) Lewis (A., Missionary in the Punjanb), M.A., George Maxwell Gor- don, M.A., E.R.G.S., The Pilgrim Missionary of the Pun- janb, a History of his Life and Work [1839-80], ill. 1889 ... 1417O Lewis(— ), Poems. 1804 479Z Lewis (F.), China Painting, with Sixteen original coloured plates ... 922D Lewis ([.), A.M., History of the Translations of the Holy Bible and New Testament into English, both MS. and Print. 1818 ... IC6K Lexicon of Ereemasonry, History, Traditions and Antiquities by Mackay, with Appendix, compiled by Peck. 1883 499E Leyburn (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Leyden. See Pictures from Holland, 335B. Leydeil (Dr. John, Scotch Orientalist, b. 177s, d. 181 1). See Blackwood's Maga- zine [Poetical Remains of], v. 5, R.L. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Leyden jar. See Deschanel's Natural Philosophy, S25D. Liardet (F.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lias (J. J.), M.A., Are Miracles Credible ? [Theological Library] ... 644M Libel. See Brown's State Trials. 304O. Chambers [and Slander], v. 46, 1949J. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1034F. William's Facts and Fallacies, 2S8R. Liberal Opinions, or The History of Benignus, by Pratt. 1783 1239-S2Z Liberalism. See Nineteenth Century [Nadir of], v. 19, 2229J, &c. Liberality. See Muller's Noble Deeds, &c, 92Q. Scribner, v. 4, 1S54J, &c. Liberals. See Alison's Europe, 139-46O. Fortnightly [and the Whigs], v. 29, 2119J. Harris' Radicals, no6F, &c. '4 [417] LIB GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LIB Liberia. Sec Chambers, v. 10 and 15, 1930 and 1934J. Liter ty and Power, by Tolstoi, tr. by Smith 1527O Limits of Individual, an Essay, by Montague. 1885 1 195I I On Liberty, by Mill. 1864 217R Sec also All the Year Round [Equality, Fraternity], v. 57, 1817J. Com- payr^'s Pedagogy, 296R. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [and Libel], v. 9, 729 J. May's Democracy [Civil and Religious], 38H. Wilson's Dis- senters, 1 88-91 K, &c. Librarians. See Fagan's Life of Panizzi [Librarians of the British Museum], 4 i9F., &c. LIBRARIES, Free Public, their Organisation, Uses and Manage- ment, by Greenwood, illustrated. 1886 1914k • Free Libraries and News Rooms, by Mullins 1999R Some of the advantages of Reading Rooms and Free Libraries, by Lady John Manners. 1885 1891R The Guille-Alles Library, Guernsey, a Short Account of its His- tory and Formation, with some reference to its Contents, by Pitts and Cotgreave. 1889 1924R ■ Free and Public. See Ash ton's Reign of Queen Anne, 68 F. Beke's Dis- coveries [of Alexandria], 897B. Blackwood [Family], v. 26, R.L. Century [Philadelphia Library], v. 4, 1876J. Chambers [Foreign], v. 9, 1929J ; [Statistics of, in 1848], v. 10, 1930J ; [for the People], v. T 5> J 934J '■> [How we formed our Village Library], v. 20, 1936J ; [Free Lending], v. 52, 1952 J. Chambers' Papers for the People, 916H. Church's Home Amenities [the Library], 945M. Contem- porary [Possible Public Culture through], v. 40, 2050J . Cotgreave's Library Indicators versus Book-keeping, 1913R. Cowtan's British Museum, 894H. Eden's Japan, 814Q. *" Edinburgh Review [Ancient and Modern], v. 139, 499J ; [Catalogues of British Museum Com- mission] v. 92, 452 J. Encyclopaedia Britannica, R.L. Fraser [of Celebrated Literary Men], v. 3, 613J ; [Burning of the Alexandrian Library], v. 29, 639J. _ Guernsey Magazine, v. 17, 2397J. Harris' Radi- cals, 1106F. Harper [in United States], v. 54, 1634J. Household Words, v - ?> r 743J- Knowledge [of Babylonia and Assyria], v. 2 and 3, 2582-3J. Leisure Hour [Free], v. 35, 2645J. Medici (Lorenzo D6), 215F. Gentle- man's Magazine, n.s., v. 28, 748J. Horner's Florence [Laurentian] 1423R. Jevons' Social Reform [Rationale of Free Libraries], 1111F. Living Age [Literature of Sunday School and Lending], v. 129, 3159J. Martin's Prince Consort [Soldiers' Victoria Library], 95F. Moon's System [Free Lending Libraries of Books for the Blind], 1033H. Na- tional Miscellany [Public], 1034H. National Review [Cotgreave on Free Libraries]. Once a Week [Historical Sketch of], v. 25, 2285J. Panizzi (Sir A.), K.C.B., 419-20F. Penny Magazine [for Working Men], v. 2, 140B ; [Mode of forming], v. 1, 139B. Putnam's American Facts, 1046F. Quarterly [Catalogues of], v. 72, 1202 J. Quiver Maga- zine [An East End Free Library], 3301J. Ragozin's Chaldea [Nineva], 431O. Richardson's Choice of Books [Public], 159T. Saturday Review [of Glasgow], v. 61, R.L. St. Paul's Magazine [Public], 1172F. Temple Bar [Evening in a Private Library], vojs. 33 and 35, 1363 and ^sJ- t Time, v. 9, 1499J. Whale's Greater London, 327R. Century Magazine [Father of American], v. 4, 1876J. Scribner's Monthly [Boston Public Library], v. 3, 1853J. Chambers' Papers for the People [Public Libraries] v. 6, 916H. Edinburgh Review [Ancient and Modern], v. 139, 499J. Fraser [Burgundian Library at Brussels] v. 47, 657 J- Westminster Review [Imperial Library at Paris] v. 93, R.L., &c. Library Catalogue, Liverpool Free Library, by Huggins and Cowell. R.L Brooklyn Library, Analytical and classed Catalogue, by Noyes, 1881 R.L The Catalogues of many Libraries will be found in the Reference Library. Hours in a, by Stephen, 3 vols. 1874 1102-4R Indicators. See Cassell's Magazine [Cotgreave's Indicator], v. 8, 2357J. Cotgreave's Library Indicators versus Book Keeping, 1913R. En- cyclopaedia Britannica, R.L. Jevons' Social Reform [Cotgreave's and Elliot's Indicators], mxF, &c. [418] LIB ENGLISH SECTION. LIF Library of Entertaining Knowledge— (For Works in this series see under Authors or Subjects. ) .Libyan. Desert. See St. John's Levantine Family, 651K. Lice. See Murray's Economic Entomology in Birds, Animals, &c, 1037M. Liclien-Flora of Great Britain and the Channel Islands, by Leighton. 71R Lichens, Mosses and Fungi, by Holmes and Gray, illustrated. 1886 141 R See also Once a Week, v. 16. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R, &c. Lichfield, by Beresford [Diocesan Histories] 1839Z See also Penny Magazine [Cathedral of], v. 2, 140B, &c. Licb-tenstein (U. von, German Minnesinger, ji . ijth Century). See Long- fellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Lick Observatory of California. _ See Century Magazine, v. 10, 1882J. Harper s New Monthly Magazine, v. 70, 1650J, &c. Liddon (II. P., Eminent Preacher, b. 1829), M.A., Divinity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Eight Lectures [Bampton Lectures, 1866]. 1868 585M . See also Living Age, v. 144. Temple Bar [in the Pulpit], v. 72, 1402J, &c. Lidstone (W.), C.E., and Brown (C. B.), Fifteen Thousand Leagues on the Amazon, &c, illustrated. 1878 797K Lieher(F., Prussian Political Writer, b. 1800, d. 1872), Life and Letters of, edited by Perry. 1882 575D See also Harper's New Monthly Magazine [and Niebuhr], v. 48, 1628J, &c. Liebig (J. von., German Chemist, b. 1803, d. 1873), M.D., Chemistry in Relation to Agriculture and Physiology. 1843 727 D Researches on the Chemistry of Food. 1847 726D See also Nature [Life- Work of], v. 15, 2675J, &c. Liechtenstein (Piincess), Holland House, illustrated, 2 vols. 1S74 360-1K Liefde (J. De), Romance of Charity. 1867 1007R Lies. See Inman's Faiths, g6Ka, &c. Liesching (L. F.), Through Peril to Fortune 1552R Lieven (Princess). See Greville Memoirs. LIFE and Immortality considered in Relation to the Errors of Anni- hilationists, by Grant. 1871 331M Labour, or Characteristics of Men of Industry, &c, by Smiles. 1887 13550 Liberty in America, a Tour in 1857-8, by Mackay. 1859. ...1569-0R Society in America, by Day, 2 vols. 1880 698-9K • Here and There, or Sketches of Society and Adventure, by Willis. 1854 1904R History of Our Planet, by Gunning, illustrated. 1879 536R Human Longevity and the amount of Life upon the Globe, by Flourens. 1855 ... 933K In Earnest, Lectures by Hamilton. 1845 392 the West, or Stories of the Mississippi Valley, by Meeker .... 1596R Is it Worth Living ? by Lang. 1885 643M Life's Dawn on Earth, Fossil Remains, by Dawson, illustrated... 160R of the Fields, by Jefferies. 1884 1161R on the Earth, its Origin and Succession, by Phillips, illus. i860 161R Pleasures of, by Lubbock, 2 series. 1887 1908R and i9o8Ra Saving Service, The American. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1644J. Theory of, by Coleridge, edited by Watson. 1 848 640II Thoughts, by Beecher. 1858 59oR View of, by Walters. 1873 236R r.nd Duty, Essays on. See Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. [4193 LIF GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LIG- Life. See also Compayre^s Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary [at High Pressure], v. 25, 2035J. Cornhill [Lower, Study of], v. 36, 316J. Fortnightly [and Death], v. 41, 2131J. Good Words [and Death], v. 8, 2178J. Girl's Own Annual, v. 6, 2556J. Health Lectures [Long Life], 1438Z. Hufeland's Art of Prolonging Life, 1469Z. Inman's Faiths, g6K.a. Knowledge [and Work], v. 3, 2583J ; [Beginning of], v. 7, 2587J ; [Duration of], v* 1, 2581J. Living Age [Extinct Miseries of], v. 159, 3189J. Longman's Magazine [The Storage of, as a Sanitary Study], v. 12, 902 J. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life [Troubles of], igo8Ra. Malthus' Population, 1093F. Reclus' Phenomena, 806F. Scribner (Beginnings of], v. 13, 1863J. Seneca's Dialogues [Happy, &c], 1201H. Timbs' Works [and Health], 655Z ; [and Time], 856Z ; ]Health and Death], 854Z ; [School of], 854Z. Westminster [and Immortality], v. 56, R.L. of Jesus Christ in its Historical Connexion and Historical Development, by Neander. 1851 , 170M our Lord, for the Young, by Macduff, illustrated. 1882 397M See also Christ, Jesus, Lord, &C, Insurance. See Insurance. Lifeboats. Sec Boy's Own Annual, vol. 4, 2954J. Chambers' Journal [North Sea], v. 62, 1962J. English Illustrated Land Life-boat Men], v. 3, 1993J. Timbs' Inventions, 258R. English Illustrated Magazine [and Life- boatmen] vol. 3, 1993J, &C. LIGHT and Photography, Chemistry of, by Yogel. 1888 :. 358 R [Deschanel's Natural Philosophy], illustrated. 1888 827D Experiments, &c, by Mayer and Barnard, illustrated. 1878 ... 154R Nature of General Optics, by Sommel, illustrated. 1880 '.... 454R Polarisation of, by Spottiswoode. 1 879 1 52 R Six Lectures on, by Tyndall. 1882 776D and 508R Sec also Brown's Science for All, 626B. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Cham- bers [for the Night], v. 18, 1935 J ; [Influence of], v. 3, 1923J ; [Question of], v. 29, 1941J ; [on Vessels at Sea], v. 51, 1952J. Deschanel's Natural Philosophy [and Sound, Velocity of], 827D. Guillemin's Applications of Physical Forces, 159D ; Forces of Nature, 158D. Her- schel's Familiar Lectures, 689Q. Humboldt's Cosmos, 485 and 486R. Knowledge [Absorption of, by Air], v. 3, 2583J. Living Age [and [Darkness], v. 28, 3058J. Lockyer's Spectroscope, 153R; Spectrum Analysis, 377R. Nature [Velocity of], v. 8, 2668J ; [Wave-Theory of]» v. 31, 2691 J. Somerville's Microscopic .Science, 110R. Timbs" Works [and Sound], 852Z. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Electric Light, Optics, &c. Light and Shade, Pictures of London Life [a Sequel to the Bitter Cry of Outcast London]. 1885 552M Light from the Cross. Sec Thullock's Sermons, 486M. Light in the Dwelling, by Mrs. Mortimer. 1850 390M Light of the Ages [Christ and Christianity in Asia, Africa and Europe], by Haweis, 1887 1182M Light Science for Leisure Hours, by Proctor. 1880 44 iR Light that Lighteth every Man, Sermon by A. Russell. 1889 1237M Lighthouse Illumination [South Kensington Science Lectures] 501 R Lighthouses [Edwards' Our Seamarks], illustrated. 1884 H57^f See also Brown's Science for All, 628B. M'Culloch's British Empire, 711H. Nineteenth Century Magazine, v. 24, 2234J. Smiles' Engineers, 963O. Timbs' Inventions, 258K. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Good Words [on the Eddystone Rocks], v. 23, 2193J. Leisure, v. ir, 2621 J. Nature [II- luminants for], v. 35, 2695J, &c. Lighting, Ventilation and Warming, by Galton. 1 884 989M of Streets. See Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q. English Mechanic, v. 46. 1046D, &c - [420] LIG ENGLISH SECTION. LIN Lightning See English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Knowledge, v. 5 and 8, 2585 and 2588J; [History of a Flash of], v. 6, 2586J. Lardner's Lectures [Protection from and Effects of], 757D. Nature [and Rain without Thunder], v. 28, 2688J ; [Artificial], v. 30, 2690J ; [Sheet], v. 28, 2688J. Science for the Household [Lightning Rod], 822Z. Urbanitzky's Elec- tricity, 689D. Knowledge [How long does a Flash last, &c], vol. 12, 2592J, &c. Lights, Living, Phosphorescent Animals, &c, by Holder, illustrated 174R Lightships. See Edwards' Our Seamarks, 1157M, &c. Lignite. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8-9D. Lilac, The. See Robinson's Gardening in Paris, 609B. Flowers, Gardening, Horti- culture, &c, Lillie (A.), Popular Life of Buddha. 1883 540O Lillie (Mrs. J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Lillo (G., Dramatist, b. 1693, d. 1739). See New English Theatre. Lily, The. See Church's Home Garden, 947M. Flowers, Gardening, Horticul- ture, &c. Lily and the Bee, an Apologue of the Crystal Palace, by Warren. 185 1 560T Lima. See Coote's Wanderings, 810K. Prescott's Conquest of Peru, 528 H. Squier's Peru, 762K. Stanford's Compendium, 851K. Feru, &c. Limbless Workers. See Boys' Own Annual, vol. 9, 2959J. Limborch (P. Van, Dutch Arminian Theologian, b. 1633, d. 1712), History of the Inquisition. 1816 32 iA Limerick. See Crookshank's Methodism, 669-71A. Ireland, &c. Limes, Cements, Mortars, &c, by Dobson. 1872 345T See also Griffith's Manure, 2111R. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Limestone. See Lyell's Geology, 726Q. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Limoges and its Industries. See Harper's Magazine, v. 77, 1657J, &c. Limpet, The. See Gosse's A Year at the Shore, 586Q. Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q, &C. Lincoln (A., President U.S., b. 1809, assassinated 1865), and the Abolition of Slavery in the United States, by Leland [New Plutarch]. 1879 I023< ) by Foster [World's Workers]. 1885 1146O Journeys of, as President, &c, by Coggleshall. 1865 7730 Memorial, by Shea. 1865 349P Poetical Tributes to the Memory of. 1865 712M See also Century [History ofj, v. n, 1883J ; [and Grant], v. 8, 1880J. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 204-5H. Harper [Baltimore Plot to Assassinate], v. 37, 1617J ; [Portrait], v. 70, 1650J. Mothers of Great Men and Women [Mother of], 682 F. Motley's Correspondence, 667-SF. United States, &c. Lincoln (R. W.), Lives of the Presidents of the United States. 1852 576D [Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Maddison, Monroe, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore]. Lincolnshire. See All the Year Round [Chronicles of], v. 52, 1812J. Lind. (Jenny [Madame Goldsckmidt], Famous Singer, b. 1821). See Darton's Famous Girls, 1326O. Edwards' Prima Donnas, 679F, &c. Lindley (Captain A. F.)> A Cruise in Chinese Water, illustrated ... 566K Lindsay (Clarence S.). See Everyday Heroes, 1455O. Lindsay (W. L.), Mind in the Lower Animals, 2 vols. 1879 711-2F Vol. 1. — In Health, 711F. Vol. 2. — In Disease, 712F. Linear Perspective. See Bradley's Geometry, 914D. Art, Drawing, Perspective, &c. Linen, Ancient History of. 1845 213D Manufacture. See McCulloch's British Empire, 71 iH. Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8-9D. Ling, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fish, &c. Liniments. See South's Household Surgery, 1857Z, &c. Linklater (Rev. R., Vicar of Holy Trinity, Stroud Green), D.D., Ed., Sunday and Recreation, a Symposium. 1889 • 1241M U21] LIN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LIT Linnaeus ([Carl von Linne], Swedish Naturalist, h. 1707, d. 1778), A Life of, by Miss Brightwell. 1858 1791Z — Sec also Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 649Q. Leisure Hour [on the Study of Nature], v. 32, 2642J, Sec. Linnell (John, artist, b. 1792, d. 1882). See Blackwood [with Portrait], v, 133, 203J. Linnet, Brown. See Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q. Birds, &c. Linseed Oil. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, Sec. Linsingen (Caroline von) and King William the Fourth, unpublished Love Letters, translated by Arundel. 1880 1026O Linskill (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Linton (E. L., Political Novetist, b. 1822). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Linton (H.), M.A., Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul. 1857 66Q Lintott (Bernard). See Knight's Old Booksellers, 1451O. Lion, The. See Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [and the Poets], v. 31, 751T. Gillmore's Africa, 799K. Inman's Faiths, 96K. James' Soudan, 653K. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 658-9Q. Livingstone's Travels, 607-8K. Layard's Nineveh, 556 K. Twining's [Symbols, 507M. Animals, Natural History, Sec. Lippincott (S. J., American Poetess, b. 1823), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, Sec. Lipscomb (A. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Liquids. See Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Liquor Traffic. See Austral Africa, 1402H. Pitman's Alcohol and the State, 836M. Temperance, Sec. Liquors. See Fraser [Controversy on], v. 78, _ 68S J ; [Local_ Control of], v. 95, 705J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [Adulteration of], v. 19, 1599J. L'Isle (Adam). See Porter's Knights of Malta, 541H. Lisle (Anne [Annabella Crawford]). Sec Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. List (H. W.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Liszt (F., Hungarian Pianist, b. 181 1, d. 1886), Artist and Man [1811-1840], by Ramann, translated by Miss Cordery, 2 vols 1353-4O by Martin [St. Cecilia Series]. 1886 244Z • Sec also Century Magazine [A Summer with, in Weimar], v. 10, 1882 J. Century Magazine [Some Pupils of], vol. 13, 1885J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [with Portrait], v. 65, 1645 J. LITERATURE, &c— Works relating to : {See also Authors, Bibliography, Books, Libraries, Reading, &*c. ) Literary and General Lectures and Essays, by Kingsley. 1880 995R Scientific Men of France, 2 vols. 1838 icio-iQ Vol. 1. — Montaigne. Rabelais. Corneille. Rochefoucauld. Moliere. La Fontaine. Pascal. Sevigne (Madame de). . Boileau. Racine. Fenelon 1010Q Vol. 2. — Voltaire. Rousseau. Condorcet. Mirabeau. Madame Roland. Madame De Stael 101 iQ Social Judgments, by Greg, 2 vols. 1877 958-9R Bye-Hours, by Page. 1881 150T Character, or Men of Genius, by I. Disraeli. 1881 678R Essays, by Hugh Miller. 1875 806R Frivolities, Fancies, Follies and Frolics, by Dobson. 18S0... 558T History of England, by Mrs. Oliphant, 3 vols. 1882 1044-6R the Bible, by Tovvnley. 1833 143O ■ Landmarks of London, by Hutton. 1885 980R Life, Recollections of a, by M. R. Mitford, 2 vols. 1853... 684F Recollections, by Payn. 1884 1171R [422] LIT ENGLISH SECTION. LIT LITERATURE, &c.— Works relating io—{contitmed). Literary Studies, by Bagehot, 2 vols. 1879 863-4H Varieties, Scrap Book of, illustrated 1273II World, the, Choice Reading from the Best New Books and Critical Reviews, from vol 27. 1883 2 9°7j Literature, Amenities of, by I. Disraeli. 1 880 679R American, a Primer, by Lawrence [Harper's Series]. 1880 1207Z [1607-1765], by Tyler, 2 vols. 1880 1117-8H Ancient and Modern, Lectures by Schlegel, trans. 1868... 1079R • — on, by Schlegel, trans., 2 vols. 1819 1144-5H and Language, English, by Chambers. 1837 907R Learning in England to the time of Elizabeth, by Craik, 6 vols in 3. 1844 , . . . 1 144-6Z Comparative, by Posnett 394-R Contributions to, by Lower. 1854 1920R [Creighton's Epochs of Church History] 25 1 — T [For Contents sec Creighton.] Curiosities of, by I. Disraeli. 1881 681-3R Elizabethan, History of, by Saintsbury. 1887 1236R English, by Brooke [Literature Primers]. 1879 1 209Z First Sketch of, by Morley 1036R — in the Reign of Victoria, by Morley [containing also Facsimile Signatures of celebrated authors]. 1881 1223Z of the Eighteenth Century, by Perry. 1883 1057R ■ Foreign Masterpieces 555^ Schiller's Tragedies, translated by S. T. Coleridge. Goethe's Faust La Fontaine's Fables. Picciola. French, a Short History, by Saintsbury. 18S2 I075R Primer, by Saintsbury [Harper's Half Hour Series]. 1881. 1249Z German, by Gostwick. 1854 953R Greek, by febb [Literature Primers, edited by Green]. 1877 1216Z [Niebuhr's History of Rome] 8811 Highways of, by Pryde 1066R History of English, by Taine, trans, by Van Laun, 2 VOIS...II35-6H French, from its Origin to the end of the Reign of Louis XIV., by Van Laun, 2 vols. 1876-7 1132-3H Spanish, by Bouterwick, translated by Ross. 1857 ... 894R Humorous Gems from American Literature, by Mason. 1887 1235R In Letters, edited by Holcombe. 1866 974H [Ingram's Eminent Women Series] 1125 — O [For Contents see Ingram.] Leaders in, by De Quincey. 1863 653R Letters on, by Lang. 1889 2007R [Morley's English Men of Letters] 1054 — O [For Contents see Morley.] &C, of England in the Middle Ages, by Wright, 2 vols. ... 78-9O of Europe in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Cen- turies, by Hallam, 4 vols. 1839 1009-12H Northern Europe, by Gosse. 1879 960II the Age of Elizabeth and Characters of Shakespeare's Plays, by Hazlitt. 1880 748R Church of England, by Cattermole, 2 vols. 1844 548-9A South of Europe, by Sismondi, translated by Roscoe.. 1091-2R On the Choice of Books, by Carlyle. 1885 84Ta U23] LIT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LIT LITERATURE, &c— Works relating to— {continued). Literature, Readings in English Literature, by Chambers 1070R Sacred, Chronological Arrangement of Authors to a.d. 1300, by Clarke, 2 vols. 1830 , 500-1A Story of English Literature, by Anna Buckland. 1S82 * 898R Studies in, by Dowden[ 1789- 1877]. 1878 925R German Literature, by Taylor. 1880 1 108R Study of, by Morley. 1887 1226R See also Acland's Addresses, 851H. Adams' Famous Books, 882R ; Women of Letters, 1047-8O. Alison's Europe, 119-46O. Andrew's Eighteenth Century, 281R ; Great Writers, 884O. Ashton's Reign of Queen Anne, 68F. Bailey's Questions, 220R. Blackwood [Resemblances in], v. 132, 202J. Books which have influ- enced Me, 1227R. Boyce's Study of History, 2H. Browning's Letters, 537-8O. Buckle's Civilisation, 186-8O. Chambers' Cy- clopaedia, 8 vols., 857-64Z. Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Con- temporary [Literary Immortality], v. 54, 2064J. Cory's Ancient Frag- ments, 977H. Donaldson's Christian Literature, 46-8K. Eden's China, 813Q ; Japan, 814Q. _ Escott's England and Its People, 1018F. Ewald's Israel, 64K. Fairbairn's Philosophy", 308 M. Field s Authors, 1052O. Fitzgerald's Literary Men , 946-7R. Frost's Recollections, 952R. Green's English People, 189-92H. Harper's Index [Literary Notices], i64oJa. Harrison's Choice of Books, 1180R. Hazlitt's Works, 747- 51R. Hueffer's Troubadours, 969H. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Japp's German Literature, 272F. Knight's Best Authors, 971-2H ; England, 151-4H. Laconics, 1254Z. Lytton's Caxtonia, 1015R; France, 310O. Mackay's Recollections, 1026-7H. Medhurst's China, 1044F. Mahon's England, 185H. Marshall's Cruces and Criticisms, 1148H. Marsh's English Language, 1028H. Martin's Chinese, 1521R. Maurice's Friendship of Books, 1026R. Medici (Lorenzo De), 215F. Mehagen's Universal History, 13-5H. Morley's English Men of Letters, 1054 — O ; English Writers, 1242-4R. Morris's American Authors, 1191-4R. Napier's Correspondence, 273H. Niebuhr's His- tory of Rome, 87-8H. Nineteenth Century [Classification of], v. 16, 2226J. Pebody's Great Authors, 883O. Percy Anecdotes, 919Z. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L. Putnam's American Facts, 1046F. Richardson's Choice of Books, 159T. Schlosser's Eighteenth Century, 24-31 H. Scrap Book of Literary Varieties, 1149H. Stapfer's Palestine, Time of Christ, 477M. Stevenson's Men and Books, 640O. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R. Timbs' Works [Literary History of Madmen], 856Z. Travellers' Li- brary, 1277-81R. Trollope's Autobiography, 1006-7O. Tuckerman's History of Fiction, 1126H. Tupper's An Author's Mind, 1127H. Wall's Good Queen's Reign, 440O. Excelsior [Literature and Criticism], 1926-31R. Contemporary Review [Morality of Lit- erary Art], vol. 5, 2015J. Bryce's American Commonwealth, 519H, &c. Lithography, History and Course of, by Senefelder, translated, 1819 58D Colour and Colour Printing as applied to Lithography, by Rich-. mond [Technical Series]. 1886 1170M i Grammar of, a Practical Guide for the Artist and Printer, by Richmond [Technical Series]. 1879 1 1 7 1 INI See also Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D. Printing, &c. Littell'S Living Age, from vol. 1,1844 3031J The Serial Tales and some of the Principal Contents will be found entered under their Proper Headings in Fiction, or in the General Catalogue with the shelf number specified. The General Contents will be found in Poole's Index, R.L., under the subjects this magazine deals with. , Complete Index to R. L Little Foxes, or the Little Failings that mar Domestic Happiness, by Stowe. 1874 593T [424] LIT ENGLISH SECTION. LIV Little Kingdom, The, or the Servants of the Stomach, Letters to the Young on the Life of Man and Animals, by Mace, 2 vols ... 1458-9Z Red Riding-hood. See Home Treasury of Old Story Books, 2863X. Things [Duties, Pleasures, Sins, &c] 1208Z Little (Thos.), Poetical Works 1764Z Little (W. J. Knox), M.A., Characteristics of Christian Life 27Q Christian Work. Christian Advance. Christian Watching. Christian Battle. Christian Suffering. Christian Joy. and others, Immortality, a Clerical Symposium, on what are the Foundations of the Belief in the Immortality of Man. 1885 1223M Liturgical Services of Queen Elizabeth. 1847 226A Liturgies of Edward VI. 1844 228A Liturgy of the Church of England [Biddulph's Practical Essays] 443"5 A See also Shipley's Studies, 460M. Church, Religion, &c. Liver. See Man and His Maladies, 939K. Physiology. Medical Works, &c. Liverpool, Catalogue of the Free Public Library, 4 vols, part I, by S. Huggins ; parts 2, 3 and 4, by Peter Cowell, principal librarian, v. d R. L [Land we Live in] '. 446B See also Eddy's Travelling Party, 1326R. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Granville's Spas, &c, 352K. Leisure Hour [and the Mersey], v. 19, 2629J, &c. Liverpool to St. Louis, by Hall. 1870 417T Liverpool (R. B. Jenkinson, Earl of, Prime Minister, b. i,70,d. 1828), Life and Administration of, by Yonge, 3 vols, 1868 350-2F See also Alison's Europe, 139-44O. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 207H, &c. Livery Companies. See Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L., &c. Lives of British Physicians. 1830 252Z Illustrious Men [Nelson's Library]. 1851 25 iZ the Fathers, Sketches of Church History in Biography, by Farrar, 2 vols. 1889 , 670-71F — ; Twelve Good Men, by Burgon, 2 vols. 1889 660-1F Celebrated Persons. See Biography, Index to Harper's New Monthly Magazine, under Biography, Index to Living Age, Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, Stephens' National Biography, R.L., Ency- clopaedia Brittanica, R.L., &c. Livesey (J.). See World's Workers, 1143O. Living Age. See Littell's Living Age. Living, Cost of. See Levi's Work and Pay, 283R, &c. Living in Earnest, by Johnson. 1880 1009R Livingstone (D., celebrated Scotch Missionary, b. 18 13, d. 1873), LL.D., Missionary Travels in South Africa, illustrated. 1857 C08K by Hughes [English Men of Action]. 1889 1447O Smiles [World's Workers]. 1885 1146O How I found Livingstone, by Stanley, illustrated. 1872 604-5 anc * 606K ■ Last Journals of, by Waller, illustrated, 2 vols. 1874 610-1K Life and Adventures in South Africa, by Adams, illustrated 1325O [Short Biographies] 63 1 F See also Austral Africa [at Kolobeng], 1402H. Cameron's Africa, 602-3K. Leisure Hour [and his Discoveries], v. 6, 2616J. Moffat's Life, 400F. Stanford's Compendium [Discovery of Nyassa], 849K. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563 R, &c. Livy (Titus Livius, Roman Historian, b. 59 B.C., d. A.D. 17), History of Rome, translated, with Notes, &c, by Spillan, Edmonds and M'Devitte [Bohn Library], 4 vols, 1850-57 1161-4TI .[425] LIV GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LOC Livy, by Collins [Collins' Ancient Classics for Eng. Readers]. 1880 Ii62( l ) Lizard, The. See Wood's Lane and Field. 6240* Hartwig's Tropical World. 758F, &c Llandudno. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Wales, &c. Llorenti (J. A., Spanish Historian, b. 1756, d. 1823), Inquisition of Spain. 1827 322A Lloyd (D. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Lloyd (E. M.), Vauban, Montalembert and Carnot, Engineer Studies 594 F Lloyd (J. S.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lloyd (W., Bishop of Worcester, b. 1627, d. 1717). See Stoughton's Religion in England, 95-6M. Lloyd's and Marine Insurance in Great Britain, by Martin. 1876... 535II See also Leisure Hour, v. 8, 2618J, &c. " L.N.R." [Mrs. Ellen Ranyard], Stones Crying out, and Rock-Wit- ness to the Bible, from Discoveries in Persia, Arabia, Egypt, Nineveh, &c. 1865 548M The Book and its Story, a Narrative for the Young, on Occa- sion of the Jubilee of the British and Foreign Bible Society... 89Q Loach, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 8nF,&c. Lobt>(J.), F.R.G.S., Eii., Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, [1817-1882], with an introduction by John Bright. 1882 ... 620O LoMey (J. L.), F.G.S., Geology for All, a General Conspectus of the Subject adapted for all intelligent readers. 1888 55°^ Lobo (F. R., Portuguese Poet, d. 1629). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Lobster, The. Sec Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Bell's British Crustacea, 750F. Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q. Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807F. Girl's Own Annual [and Crabs], vol. 8, 2558J, &c. Local Government, and Taxation in the United Kingdom, edited by Probyn. 1882 303R [Helps' Government]. 1872 1110F See also Escott's England and its People, 1017F. _ Fortnightly [in America], v. 38, 2128J. Nineteenth Century Magazine, v. 24, 2234J. Rogers' Workhouse Reminiscences, 1452O. Shelden's Politics, 374R. Smith's Institutions, 517T. Bryce's American Commonwealth, 518H. Government, &c. Parliament Hand-book, edited by Gale. 1 883 289R Taxation of Rents in London. See Contemporary Review, v. 54, 2064J, &c. Lock (C. G. W.), Home of the Eddas [Iceland]. 1879 470K Locke (D. R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Locke (John, Philosopher, b. 1632, d. 1704), Common-place Book to the Holy Bible, edited by Dodcl. 1842 510A Essay on the Human Understanding, 2 vols. 1812... 626-7 1 1 Philosophical Works [Bohn's Library], 2 vols. 1854 1010-1R by Fowler [English Men of Letters]. 1880 ro760 See also Brave Confessors, 1440O. Lewes' Philosophy, 572H. Science of Thought, 585H, &c. Locker (F.). See Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M. Lockhart (J. G., Scotch Poet and Novelist, b. 1794, d. 1854), Tr., Ancient Spanish Ballads. 1854 322Q History of Napoleon Bonaparte [Family Library], 2 vols. 1830 1056-7Q and 875-6Z Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, 4 vols. 1837-8 486-9F ■ — See also Burton's Scotland, 336-7H. Lockhart (L. W. M.). Sec Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lockhart (W.), F.R.C.S., The Medical Missionary in China, a Narrative of Twenty Years' Experience. 1861 3&4F Lockinan (Mrs.), Travels of the Jesuits, 2 vols. 1762 824-5K " [426] LOC ENGLISH SECTION. LOG Lockroy (Edouard), The Great French Revolution [1785- 1793], translated by Martin. 1881 3 T 30 Locks. See \J re's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. LockwOOd (Professor S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6^o]a. Lockyer (J. Norman, Astronomer, b. 1836), F.R.S., Astronomy [Science Primers], illustrated. 1879 756Z Chemistry of the Sun. 1887 820D • Studies in Spectrum Analysis [International Scientific Series]. 1886 377K The Spectroscope and its Applications [Nature Series], illus. 1873 153^ See also Guillemin's The Heavens, 157D, &c. Locomotion, Curiosities of. See Boy's own Annual, v. 4, 2954J. Marey's Animal Mechanism, 357R, &c. Locomotive, The. See English Mechanic, v. 46 and 47. Knowledge [Weight of], v. 7, 2587J. Leisure Hour [Winter's Night on a], v. 26, 2636J. Nature [Compound], v. 32, 2692J. Smiles' Lives of the Engineers, 984O. Locusts. See All the Year Round, v. 56, 1816J. Brown's Science for All [and Grasshoppers], 628B. Chambers' Journal [in Cyprus], v. 61, 1961J. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 671Q. Wood's Insects Abroad, 749F. Entomology, Insects, &c. Lodge (E., Historian, b. 1756, d. 1839), Genealogy of the British Peerage. 1842 153D Lodgillg-Houses. See Leisure Hour, v. n, 2621J, &c. Lodgings for the Poor. See All the Year Round, v. 42, 1822J, &c. Loftie (Mrs.), The Dining Room [Art at Home Series], illus. 1878 965M Loftie (W. J.), B. A., A History of London, illustrated, 2 vols. 1883 251-2O A Plea for Art in the House [Art at Home Series], illus. 1878... 964M Ride in Egypt in 1879. 1879 153°^ History of London, 2 vols. 1883 : Vol. 1. — Site of London. Roman London. Saxon London. After the Conquest. _ Rise of the Companies. The Bishop. York and Lancaster in London. Shakespeare's London. The War. The Plague and the Fire. St. Paul's. The Bank. The Corpora- tion, &c 251O Vol. 2.— Middlesex. Westminster. Parks and Palaces. Tower. The Suburbs. Metropolitan Hamlets of Westminster. Area. Tower Hamlets 252O Windsor Castle, with a Description of the Park, Town, and Neighbourhood, illustrated. 1887 833K Loftus (The Hon. J.). See Russell's Eccentric Personages, 1307O. Loftus (W. K.), F.G.S., Travels and Researches in Chaldsea and Susiana [1849-52]. 1857 546K Log-Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist, by Buckland, illus. 1875 128R Log" of the Fortuna, a Cruise in Chinese Waters, by Lindley, illus. ... 566K Logan (J., Scotch Poet, b. 1748, d. 1788). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Jones' Poets, 662M, &c. Logarithm Tables. 1839 813Z Logarithms. Sec Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Young's Mathematical Tables, 743 D, &c. Logic, by Jevons [Science Primers]. 1876 1521Z Elements of, by Whateley. 1840 606 PI Fallacies, a View of Logic, by Sidgwick 39*R of Political Economy, by De Quincey. 1863 658R or Study of Reasoning, by Leechman. 1845 668T the Right Use of Reason, by Watts. 1 801 605II [427] LOG GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LON Logic, Science of, or Analysisof the Laws of Thought, by Mahon. 1857 604II Sec also Aristotle's Organon, 1154-5H. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Hamilton's Lectures, 602-3H. Reid's Intellectual Powers [Aristotle's], 580H. Saturday Review [Venn's Symbolic], v. 53, R.L. Sidgwick's Fallacies^ 391R. Smith's Essays, 462M. Thought, Reason, &c. Loire, The. See Green's French Pictures, 334B, &c. Lollards, The, a.d. 1400- 1546 [Religious Tract Society] 392M Sec also Green's English People, i3q-qoH. The Reformers [of Kyle], 1467O, &c. Lomas (J.), Sketches in Spain from Nature, Art, and Life. 1884 ... 1657R Lomax (B., Curator, Brighton Museum), Bells and Bellringers. 1879 1074M Lombardy, &c, Tour to, by Barrow. 1841 1403R See also Williams' Alps, Switzerland and Italy, 590B, &c. Lomeilie (L. De, French Historian, b. 1818, d. 1878), Beaumar- chais and his Times, French Society in the 18th Century, 4vols. 1856 5 OI "40 Lommel (Dr. E.), Nature of Light, Physical Optics [International Scientific Series]. 1880 454R LONDON— Works relating to : [See also British Museum, Clubs, Houses of Parliament, National Gallery, St. Faufs Cathedral, Thames, Theatres, Tower, Poole's Index, R. L. , London, A Saunter through the West End, by Hunt. 1861 ... I337R •About, by Ritchie, i860 891R Bridge, Chronicles of [by R. Thomson]. 1834 ■ I45 z by Loftie [Historic Towns]. 1887 1660R Colloquies of Edward Osborne, by Anne Manning 1047R ■ Court of, from 1819 to 1825. 1873 354R Criminal Prisons of, by Mayhew and Binny. 1862 126D Curiosities of, by Timbs. 1855 ' 6o 9 z Directory R.L Romance of the, by Bardsley 264R Fire of, Plague of, &c. [Pepys' Diary] 902O Greater, and its Government, by Whale. 1888 3 2 7R Heterodox, or Phases of Free Thought in the Metropolis, by Davies, 2 vols. 1874 35"6K History of, by Loftie, 2 vols. 1883 251-2O In Ancient and Modern Times [Religious Tract Society] 146Z the Eighteenth Century, by Malcolm, ill., 2 vols. 1810 748-9II Tacobite Times, by Doran, 2 vols. 1877 3 ,8 "9 H Olden Time [by Miss Laurence]. 1825 I335 R 1850-1851, from the Geographical Dictionary of T. R. M'Culloch. 1851 77iQ and 1284R 1889, by Fry, illustrated. 1889 I744R Literary Landmarks of, by Hutton. 1885 980R Londoniana, by Walford, 2 vols. 1879 1 333"4 R Mystic, or Phases of Occult Life in the Metropolis, by Davies 37K Night Side of, bv Ritchie. 1861 1246Z Orthodox and Unorthodox, Phases of Religious Life, by Davies. 1876 282-3M Outcast London, the Condition of the Abject Poor 55 1 M Parks, by Larwood "97R Past and Present, by Miller, illustrated. 1852 I3 12 ^ Pictorial Handbook of Antiquities, Trade, Institutions, &c. [Bohn's Library], illustrated. 1854 1332R [428] LON ENGLISH SECTION. LON LONDON— Works relating to- (continued). London, Plague of, by De Foe. 1840 141Z Poor, Homes of the, by Hill. 1875 1169Z ■ — Pen and Pencil Sketches of the East End, by Mrs. Reaney 1997R Pre- Adamite, a Lecture, by Nash. 1879 674 D Prisons, by Dixon. 1850 606Z Railways, London and North Western, London and South Western, London, Chatham and Dover. See Acworth's Railways, 937D, &c. Residence at the Court of, by R. Rush, United States Minister [181 7- 1 825] ; also Recollections of the Court of Louis Phillipe and the French Revolution of 1848, by the same author. 1872 955F Society in, by a Foreign Resident. 1885 1182R Streets, Chronicles of [All the Year Round] 1 786J — — — See also Ashton's XlXth Century, 861-2H. English Illustrated [Studies], v. 5, 1995J, &C, Suburban Homes, a Residential Guide, with Notes on Rental, Rates, &c. 1881 1330R The Town, its Characters and Events, by Leigh Hunt. 1848 1336R Toilers in, Female Labour, &c 335R Tower of, by Lord De Ros. 1866 610Z Twice Round the Clock, by Sala. 1878 1677R under Charles II. [Royalty Restored], by Molloy, 2 vols. 259-0O Wilds of, by Greenwood, illustrated. 1S76 i^ 1 ^- Wonderful, its Lights and Shadows of Humour and Sad- ness, illustrated. 1878 357K World of, by Vasili. 1885 1223R Sec also Alison's Europe, 139-45O. All the Year Round [About the Docks], v. 55, 1815J ; [City Schools], v. 51, 181 1 J ; [Cries of], v. 56, 1816J ; [Roman], v, '59, 1859J. Arnold's Politics [Government], 860H ; [The City, 86dH. Ashton's XlXth Century, 861H. Bitter Cry of Outcast London, 551M. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-7M. Chambers [At Sunrise], v. 60, 1960J ; [Suburbs of], v. 62, 1962J. Chronicles of Newgate [Old London], v. 1, 330D. Contemporary (Ancient Build- ings and their Memories], v. 5, 2015J ; [Gardening in], v. 48, 2058J ; [Population and Position of], v. 41, 2051J. Davies' Heterodox London, 35-6K ; Mystic Loudon, 37K. Edinburgh Review [Com- panies of], v. 162, 522J. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Fortnightly [Poor in], v. 46, 2136J. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Gardiner's History of England, [City of], 460-9O. Gentle- man's Magazine, n.s. [Walk about], v. 37, 757 J. Good Words [Life and Work among the Poor of the East End], v. 25, 2195J ; [Rookery District], v. 24, 2194J. Grant's Travels in Town, 355-6K. Green's Con- quest of England [Ancient], 187H; English People, 189-92H. Harper [Journalistic], v. 64, 1644J ; [Artistic], v. 67, 1647J ; Index, i64oJa ; [As a Literary Centre], v. 77, 1657J. Head's Stokers and Pokers [London and North Western Railway], 1117R. Hunt's Old Court Suburb, 1341R ; The Town, 136T. Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925 R. Knight's England, 147-54H. Leisure Hour [Custom House], v. 1, 2611 J ; [Eventide in], v. 2, 2612J ; [Night in], v. 2, 2612J ; [Corn Exchange], v. 5, 2615J ; [New Cattle Maiket], v. 5, 2615J ; [A Century Ago], v. 6, 2616J ; [Hyde Park], v. 7, 261 7 J ; [Mansion House], v. 8, 2618J ; [Haunted], v. 9, 2619J ; [Leadenhall Market], v. 10, 2620J ; [Exhibition in 1S62], v. 11, 2621 J ; [Coffee Houses], v. 12, 2622 1 ; [House Building in], v. 13, 2623J ; [Curiosities of], v. 17, 2627J ; [Smithfield Meat MarketJ, v. 18, 2628J ; [Fires of], v. 19, 2629J; [Palaces of Old], v. 24, 2634 T ; [Christ's Hospital], v. 28, 2638J ; [Dutyof Police], v. 28, 2638J ; [Metropolitan Board of Works], • v. 32, 2642J ; [Bachelors of, and their Mode of Living], v. 35, 2645J ; 1 1 >ay at the Post Office], v. 35, 2645 J ; [Flower Trade of |, v. 35, 2645J. Life [Light and Shade], 552M. Living Age [Historic], v. 161, 3191 J. Macmillan [Landowners and Housing of the Poor], V. 49, 979J. Mar- [429] LON GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LON LONDON— Works relating to— (continued). tineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Milman s St. Paul's, 320H. Molloy's Royalty Restored, 259-0O. National Miscellany, 1034-7H. Nineteenth Century Magazine [Labour], v. 24, 2234J ; [Statues and Monuments of], v. 15, 2225J. Pike's Ancient Meeting Houses, 26 iO ; Crime in England, 307-8H. Probyn's Local Government [Govern- ment], 303R. Quarterly [Government of], v. 158, 1268J. Rogers' Work and Wages, 1102F. Saturday Review [Bethnal Green Museum], v. 54, R.L ; [Mayoralty of] v. 54 ; [Parks in] v. 56 ; [Sewage of and the Rivers], v. 60. Stanley's Westminster Abbey, 358K. Sunday Maga- zine [Gutter Merchants in], v. 12, 2469J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [as a Literary Centre], vol. 76, 1656J. Girl's Own Annual [A Girl's Rambles through haunted London], vol. 7, 2557J. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 3, 1993J, &C London Conference of the Evangelical Alliance [1846]. 1847 659A Mission Lectures. 1884-85 1012R Missionary Society, Fruits of Toil. 1877 538A Poems, by Buchanan. 1867 674M London Quarterly Review, from vol. 19. 1862 809 J Some of the principal contents of this magazine will be found under their proper headings in the general body of the catalogue, with the shelf number specified. The general contents will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library) under the subjects required. Saturday Journal, containing Accounts of Travels, Essays, Sketches, &c, illustrated, 3 vols. 1839-42 102-4D London's Missions to its Poor Children. See Sunday Magazine, v. 17, 2474J. Londonderry. Set Crookshank's Methodism, 669-71 A. Irish Pictures, 336B, &c. Londonderry (Marquis of). See Castlereagh. Long Parliament, The. Sec Knight's England, T49-50H, &c. Long (Lady Catherine). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Long (G., Scholar, b. 1800, d. 1879), Civil Wars of Rome, Select Lives, translated from Plutarch. 1844 159 and 1735-6Z Decline of the Roman Republic. v.D. :— Vol. 1. — Fall of Carthage. Viriathus. Foreign and Domestic Events. Numantia. Slave War in Sicily. Gracchi. War with Jugurtha, &c. 90H Vol. 2. — Roman Army in Time of Marius. Cimbri and Teutones. Catulus and the Cimbri. Spain and Britain. Civil War, &c qiH Vol. 3. — Third Mithridatic War. Spartacus. War with the Pirates. Siege of Jerusalem. Cicero. Catilina. Gallia, &c 92H Vol. 4. — The Helvetii. Ariovistus and the Germans. The Belgac. Cajsar and the Germans. Invasions of Britannia. Cicero in Cilicia, &c. 03H Vol. 5.— Invasion of Italy. Flight of Pompeius. Caesar in Rome, Spain and Epirus. Antonius joins Caesar. Alexandrine and African Wars. Ctesar's Death, &c 04H Long (J.). E.R.G.S., Eastern Proverbs and Emblems 1013R Long" (J.), Poultry for Prizes and Profit, illustrated 171 R Long Meg. See Chap-Books, 1321H. Longevity, Human, and the Amount of Life upon the Globe, by Flourens, translated by Martel. 1855 93jK See also Leisure Hour, v. n, 2621 J. Scribner's Monthly [Curiosities of], vol. 11, 1861J, fee. Longfellow (H. W., American Poet and Novelist, b. 1807, d. 1882), Kavanagh 799R, 1217Z and 1539Z Poetical Works. 1863 470D and 496Z [Chandos Classics]. 1869 323Q Prose Works [Kavanah and Hyperion] 121 7Z Prose Works of, 3 vols. 1866 : Vol. 1.— Outre-Mer 797R Vo'. 2. — Hyperion, a Romance 798R Vol. 3. — Kavanagh, Drift-Wood 799R Song of Hiawatha. 1856 47iDand325Q [430] LON ENGLISH SECTION. LOS Longfellow (II. \V.), Ed., Poets and Poetry of Europe. 1845 473D Contents.— Anglo-Saxon. Icelandic. Danish. Swedish. German. Dutch. French. Italian. Spanish. Portuguese. 7>., Divine Comedy of Dante. 1887 1405M Life of, by Robertson [Great Writers]. 1887 1264O — edited by S. Longfellow, 3 vols 1886-7 590-1 Fa See also Century [Verses on], v. 2, 1874 J. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Harper, v. 65, 1645J. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Poets of America, 468D. Scribner's Monthly, v. 17, 1867J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Longley (C. T., Archbishop of Canterbury , b. 1794, d. 1868). See Cox's Colenso, 621.2F, &c. Longman Family. See Curwen's Booksellers, 520O. Longman's Magazine [A Continuation of Fraser], from vol. 1. 1882 891J The serial Tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the Catalogue, with the shelf number specified. The general contents will be found in the Supplement to Poole's Index (Reference Library), under the sub- jects required. Lonnsbury (T. R.), John Fenimore Cooper [American Men of Letters]. 1883 1040Q Lonsdale (M.), Sister Dora, a Biography. 1880 13730 Loo, Cribbage, &c. [Crawley's Handbooks]. 1876 1145M Loomis(E., American Mathematician and Astronomer, b. 1811), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Loots. See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Lord Bantam [a Social Satire], by Jenkins. 1872 1955^ Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Privy Seal, by Campbell. 1868..774-83O — of England, by Campbell, 7 vols. 1847 29-35F Lord Mayor's Day. See Dyer's Popular Customs, 1036F. Lord of the Isles, a Poem, by Scott. 1845 5 r 3 z Ullin's Daughter. See Campbell's Poems. ■ William. See Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q. Lord's Day. See Poole's Index, R.L. Sabbath, Sunday, &c. Prayer and Religious Progress, by Williams 626M by Spring 470M Explained for the Young, by Wilson. 1869 165Q Nine Sermons, by Maurice. 1849 T 9Q — ; Sermons on the, by Tayler. 1831 2S8K Supper, Communicants' Companion, by Henry 72O The, by Muir [Present Day Tracts, vol. vi.] 239T — See «&0Keble\s Papers and Reviews [Proper meaning of the term], 1203H. Lords, The House of. See Alison's Europe, 140-5O. Campbell's Chancellors, 774-83O. Gardiner's History of England, 460-9O. May's Democracy, 39H. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-7M. House of Lords, Parliament, &c. Lord (P. B.), M.B., Popular Physiology. 1834 1464Z Lord (W. W.). See Poets of America, 468D. Lorikeet, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 653Q, &c. Lorimer (L G.), History of the Protestant Church of France. 1841 216T Lorimer (P.), D.D., John Knox and the Church of England. 1873 337F Loring (Dr. E. G ), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Lome, Land of, and Outer Hebrides, by Buchanan. 1883 1363R Lome (The Marquis of, b. 1845, Governor of Canada, 1878-83), A Trip to the Tropics and Home through America. 1867 1642R ■ Canadian Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil 33 1 B Los Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and California, &c, by Wise. 1850 55oK [43i] LOS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LOU LOSS of the Amazon, by Johns 1742Z Lossing (K. J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Lost Amid the Fogs : Life in Newfoundland, by McCrea. 1869 676K Cities Brought to Light !536Z Senses [Deafness and Blindness], by Kitto. 1845 I 47 1 ^ Lot {Nephew of Abraham, ft. about 1900 B.C.)- See Gallaudet's Biography, \£>q\Z. Milman's Jews, 157Q. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K, &c. Lothrop (Amy). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lothrop (Mary), Memoir of, &c. [American Tract Society] 1696Z Lotteries. See Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q. Leisure Hour [Old], v. 25, 2 635j. Proctor's Chance and Luck, 1229R, &c. Lotus-Eating, A Summer Book [A Tour to Niagara, the Hudson, &c], ty Curtis. 1874 = ■ 1604R Loudon (G. E. Freiherr von), by Malleson [Military Biographies]... 1248O Loudon (Mrs.), Lady's Country Companion, or How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally. 1867 601T Loughborough (Lord). See Rosslyn (A. W.). Louis IX. (St., Louis, King of France, b. 1215, d. 12.70) and Calvin, by Guizot. 1868 808O Louis XIII. {King of France, l>. 1601, d. 164^). See Gardiner's History of England, 461-8O. France, &c. Louis XIV. {King of France, b. 1638, d. 1715), and his Contem- poraries, by Bensley. 1845 1309O Memoirs on the Reign of, and the Regency, by Saint-Simon, 3 vols. 1889 433-5*' The Court of France in the Seventeenth Century, by Tardoe, 804-5O Louis XV. {King of France, b. 1723, d. 1774). See Baker's French Society, 3320. Louis XVI. {Kmg of France, b. 1754, executed 1793). See Alison's Europe, 119-25O. Baker's French Society, 333O. Jackson's French Court, 334-50. Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 171H. Quarterly [Flight to Varennes], v. 163, 1293J. Thier's French Revolution, 376-7H. Tourzel's Memoirs, 626-7F, &c. Louis XVII. {King of France, b. 1785, d. 1795), His Life, Sufferings and Death, by Beauchesne, tr. by Hazlitt, 2 vols. 97-8F and 806-7O Louis XVIII. {King of France, b. 1755, d. 1824), Correspondence with Prince Talleyrand, with Notes by Pallain, 2 vols. 1881. 430-1 1 1 See also Alison's Europe, 136-46O. Broglie's Personal Recollections, 646F. Cornhill [Reception in England in 1807], v. 53, 333 J. Lennox's Cele- brities, 1014H, &c. Louis Philippe {King of the French, b. 1773, d. 1850), Life of, by Wright, illustrated 112E See also Alison's Europe. 139-46O. Broglie's Personal Recollections, 646F. Lamartine's Revolution, 323O. Martin's Life of the Prince Con- sort, 92-3F. Memoirs of Ernest II., 674F. Sarran's Revolution, 1830, 314-5O. Rush's Recollections, 955F, &c. Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon III. Louis {Prince of Condc, b. 1621, d. 1686), Life of, byMahon. 1852. 590O and 1003Q Louis {Prince of Hesse, Husband of Princess Alice, b. 1837). See Alice (Princess). Louis (A. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Louise De La Keroual or Qudrouaille. See Portsmouth (Duchess of). Louisiana, Creoles of, by Cable, illustrated. 1885 802K History of, by Gayarre, 3 vols. 1866 512-14II Spanish Domination, 512H. French Domination, 513H. American Domi- nation, 514H. See also Century [End of Foreign Dominion in], v. 3, T875J. Dixon's White Conquest, 493H. Olmsted's Slave States, 729K. United States, &c. Louisville. See Harper's Magazine, v. 77, 1657 T. [432] LOU ENGLISH SECTION. LUB Lounger, by Mackenzie and others [British Essayists] 42-3T • in the Years 1785-6. 1825 1022II Lourdes. See Health Haunts, 810Q, &c. Louverture (Paul). See Alison s Europe, 126O. L'Ouverture (Toussaint). See Toussaint L'Ouverture. Love. See Century [at first Sight], v. 8, 1880J. Chambers, v. 61, 1961J. Com- payre^s Pedagogy, 296R. Longmans [a la Mode], v. 2, 892J ; v. 3, 893J; [in Old Clothes], v. 4, 1876J. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1908R. Millingen's Curiosities [Philtres and Potions], 927K. Nichol's Social Life, 1420Z. Sunday Magazine [will find out the way], v. 14, 2224J. Winged Words, 1923R. Girl's Own Annual [the Secret of], v - 3) 2 553j- Emotions, &c. Love Letters of Famous Men and Women, edited by Merrydew. 1888 676-7 F Love Story, a Fragment from " The Doctor," &c, by Sou they, edited byWarter. 1853 1281R Love (B. M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Lovelace (R., Royalist Poet, b. 1618, d. 1658). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476 U. JLiOvell (E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lover (S., Irish Novelist and Painter, b. 1797, d. 1868). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue, &c. Lovers. See Simcox's Episodes, 1086R. Love, &c. Lovett (R.), M.A., Irish Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil. 1888 336B Norwegian Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil 329B Pictures from Holland, drawn with Pen and Pencil. 1887 335B Loving Work in the Highways and Byeways, by Lady Hope. 1888 1224R Low (C. R.), General Lord Wolseley (of Cairo), a Memoir. 1883 ... 1042O Soldiers of the Victorian Age, 2 vols. 1880 505-6 F See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Low (J. L.), M.A., Durham [Diocesan Histories, S.P.C.K.], 1881... 1838Z Lowe (R., Statesman, b. 1811). See Lucy's Parliaments, 316-7H. Raven's Parlia- mentary History of England, 1832-1880, 233O, &c. Lowell (J. R., American Poet, b. 18 19), M.A., My Study Windows.. 1206Z Lincoln. Thoreau. Chaucer. Emerson. My Garden Acquaintance. Carlyle, &c. Poetical Works of, edited by Scoble. 1853 497Z ; Poetical Works of. 1880 7*5^ See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Grrswold's Poets of America, 468D. Haweis's Humourists, 482O. Nineteenth Century, v. 17, 2227J, &c. Lowell (M. W.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Lower (M. A.), M. A., Contributions to Literature. 1854 1940R The Chronicle of Battel Abbey, from ic66 to 1176. 1851. ... 721A English Surnames, an Essay on Family Nomenclature, Historical, Etymological, and Humorous, with several illustrative appen- dices, 2 vols. 1 875 1 92 1 -2 R Lowestoft. See Ritchie's East Anglia, 623O. Lowth (R.), D.D., Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews, translated by Gregory, 2 vols. 1787 107-8K Loyalists of the American Revolution, by Sabine, 2 vols. 1864 6S6-7K Loyalty. See Saturday Review, v. 56, R.L. May's Democracy [in France], 39H. Loyola (Ignatius, Founder of the Jesuits, b. 1491, d. 1556). See Griesinger's Jesuits, 529H. Nicolini's Jesuits, 367O, &c. Lubbock (Sir J., Naturalist, &V., b. 1834), F.R.S., Ants, Bees, and Wasps," a Record of Observations on the Habits of the Social Hymenoptera [International Scientific Series]. 1882 ......... 101R British Wild Flowers considered in Relation to Insects [Nature Series], illustrated. 1875 157R [4331 LUB GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LUK Lubbock (Sir J. ), Fifty Years of Science. 1882 780D On the Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects [Nature Series]. 1874 155R On the Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of Animals [Inter- national Scientific Series], illustrated. 1889 376R Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man. 1870 672B ■ Scientific Lectures, illustrated. 1879 „ 782F The Pleasures of Life. 1887-9 ,.I9o8R and i9o8Ra Part t, 1908R. Part 2, igoSRa. See also Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v, 30, 2640J, &c. Lubrication. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Lucanus (Roman Poet, b. 39, put to death by Nero, 65). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Lucca (Pauline, Austrian Singer, b. 1840). See Edwards' Prima Donnas, 679F. Lucca. See Howell's Tuscan Cities, 674B, &c. Lucerne. See William's Alps, Switzerland, &c, 590B. Luciail (Greek Satirist, b. 120, d. 200), by Collins [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1877 ••• I0 95Q See also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 58, 988J. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Lucifer Matches. See All the Year Round, 1763 J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Lucille, a Poem, by Meredith. 1864 499Z Lucillius (Caius, Roman Satirical Poet, b. 148, d. 103 B.C.) See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Luck and Chance, Wagers, Lotteries, &c, by Proctor. 1887 1229R See also Jones' Credulities, 902M, &c. LucknOW. See Cassell's India, 229D. Clyde (Lord) [Relief of], 162-3F. Holmes' Indian Mutiny, 470H. Trotter's India under Victoria, 538-9H. Quarterly [Siege of], v. 103, 1233J, &c. Lucretius (Caius Titus, Roman Philosopher, b. 95, committed Sui- cide 55 B.C.), T. Lucreti cari De Rerum Natura Libii Sex, translated by Munro. 1886 1198II by Mallock [Collins' Ancient Classics]. 1878 1164O See also Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Plutarch's Lives, 447F. Edinburgh Review [Good's Translation], v. 10, 370J, &c. Lucullus (L. L., Roman General, b. 106* d. 57 B.C.). See Plutarch's Lives, 1133Q, &c. Lucy Howard's Journal, by Sigourney. 1858 7 I 9^ ) Lucy (H. \V.), Diary of Two Parliaments, 2 vols. 1885 : Vol. 1.— Disraeli Parliament, 1874-80.— Irish Matters. Kenealy. Plim- soll. Tichborne Demonstration. County Franchise. Peace with Honour. Merchant Shipping Bill. Stationery Office Scandal, &c 316H Vol. 2.— Gladstone Parliament, 1880-85. — Bradlaugh. Local Option. Fourth Party. Suspension of Thirty-seven Members. Kil- mainham Treaty. Affirmation Bill. Irish Land Bill, &c. 3 T 7H See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Luddites, The. See Brown's State Trials, 305O, ike. Ludlow (F. H. and H. W), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Ludlow (J. M.), Popular Epics of the Middle Ages of the Norse- German and Carlovingian Cycles. 1865 1218-9Z and Jones (L.), Progress of the Working Class [1832-67] 238R Luke (St. ), Commentary on the Gospel of, by Godet, translated. 18S 1 19M Lange, 2 vols. 1869 110-1A Gospel of [Barnes' Notes] 2M with Commentary by Plumptre [School Commentary] 138Q [Gray's Biblical Museum] 88M [Mowson's Companions of St. Paul] 349-^1 The Physician's Story [Haweis' Christ and Christianity] 1183M [434] LUK ENGLISH SECTION. LYE Lukin (James), B.A., Ed., Turning Lathes: a Manual for Technical Schools and Apprentices, illustrated. 1888 1156M Lllkis (W. C), Barrows and Monuments, &c, in the Islands of Brittany. 1875 908 F Rude Stone Monuments called Cromlechs and Dolmens, &c. 1875 909 F Lukis (Capt. F. Du Bois, of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 97], 1416O. Lulli (G.). See Naumann's Music, 928-9D. Lunacy Laws, The Old. See All the Year Round, v. 42, 1822J, &c. Lunar Tables, by Mrs. Taylor. 1835 60D Lunatic Asylums. See Wynter's Curiosities, 919M, &c. Lunatics. See Saturday Review [Suspected], v. 59, R.L. Wynter's Human Hive, 243R. Idiots, Insanity, Maniacs, &c. Lund(T. W. M.) Italian Lake Land 1728R Lungs. See Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R. Man and his Maladies, 939K. Medical Works. Physiology, &c. Lunt (G.) Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Poets of America, 46SD. Lupton (J. I.), M.R.C.V.S., Ed., Horse Management, by Mayhew. 857D Lutfullah, A Mohammedan Gentleman and his Transactions with his Fellow Creatures, edited by Eastwick. 1857 810O Luther (Martin, German Reformer, l>. 1483, d. 1546), and the Reformation, by Scott, 2 vols. 1832 221-3T ■ Anecdotes, Memorable Sayings and Doings, by Macaulay [R.T.S.] 949Q Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. 1810 68A First Principles of the Reformation, &c, translated, edited by Wace and Buchheim. 1883 702A A Short Biography, by Froude. 1883 811O His Life and Work, by Bayne, 2 vols. 1887 694-5F Home and Haunts of, by Stoughton, illustrated 620F ■ Life of, by Himself, arranged by Michelet, trans, by Hazlitt. 1846 812O — by Kostlin, translated, with illustrations. 1883 356F Michelet, translated by Smith J93D Student, Monk, Reformer, by Rae, illustrated. 1884 1463O The Reformer, by Kostlin, translated by Weir. 1883 947Q See also Contemporary, v. 44, 2054 J. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Gentleman's Magazine, N.s. [in Politics], v. 31, 751J. Hood's Preachers, 541M. Hutten's Life and Times, 1025O. Inman's Faiths, o6Ka. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Mozley's Essays, 1023H. Naumann's Music, 928D. Presbyterian Church, 271A. Swaine's Religious Revo- lution, 959Z. Contemporary Review [Luther's Theology], vol. 3, 2013J. English Illustrated Magazine, vol. 1, 1991J. The Reformers, 1467O, &c. Luther's Table Talk, Extracts selected by Dr. Macaulay [R.T.S.] 1228Z Lux Benigna, being the History of Orange' Street Chapel, by Free 1227M Luxury. See Quarterly [Ancient and Modern], v. 152, 1282J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Luzan (J. De). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Lyall (E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lycophron {Greek Grammarian, ft, 285-247 B.C.), translated by Royston [Family Classical Library]. 1832 !1 37Q See also Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Lycurgus {Manager of Public Revenue, 337 b.c). See Mitford's Greece, 101H. Plutarch's Lives, 445F, &c. Lydia. See Howson's Companions of St. Paul, 349M. Lyell (Sir C, Scotch Geologist, b. 1797, d. 1S75), F.R.S., ASecond Visit to theUnited States of North America, 2 vols. 1850...1582-3R Elements of Geology, illustrated, 2 vols. 1841 726-7Q Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, illustrated. 1863 890F [435] LYE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LYT Lyell (Sir C), Manual of Elementary Geology, illustrated. 1855 ... 402R Principles of Geology, illustrated, 2 vols. 1875 683-4I) Travels in North America, with Geological Observations on the United States, illustrated, 2 vols. 1845 1 580-1 R Life, Letters, and Journals of, edited by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lyell, 2 vols, illustrated. 1881 358-9F See also Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Fortnightly, v. 37, 2127 J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Lyly (J.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Lyman (A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oTa. Lynch (A. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ta. Lynch (W. F.), U.S.N., Narrative of the United States Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea, ill 615B, 548 and 840K Lynch. Law. See Borthwick's California, 723K, &c. Lyndhurst (Lord), Life of, by Sir T. Martin. 1883 696F See also Campbell's Chancellors, 774-83O. Edinburgh Review [Martin's Life of], v. 159, 519 J. Greville Memoirs, &c. Lyons, Manufactures of. See Alison's Europe, 119-29O. Lyons to Paris. See Green's French Pictures, 334B, &c. Lyons (Lady A. L.). Sec Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lyons (J. L.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Lyric. See Posnett's Literature, 394R. Edinburgh Review, v. 40, 400 J. Fraser, v. 102, 712J. Lysander {Spartan General, killed in battle. 305 B.C.). See Plutarch's Lives, 447 F, &C. Lyster (Annette). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lyte (H. C. Maxwell), M.A., History of the University of Oxford, from the Earliest Times to the Year 1530. 1886 557II Lyttelton (George, Lord, Poet and Statesman, b. 1709, d. 1773), Dialogues of the Dead 928II Plato and Fenelon. Addison and Swift. Ulysses and Circe. _ Cortez and Penn. Boilean and Pope. William III. and John De Witt. Lucian and Rabelais. Locke and Bayle. Cadmus and Hercules. Plutarch, Charon and a Bookseller. Plato and Diogenes, &c. Evidences of Christianity. 1824 24Z Observations on the Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul. 1842 77Q Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Pell's Poets of Great Bri- tain]. 1807 4iiDand 382Z See also Creasy's Etonians, 1420O. Jones' Poets, 663M, &c. Lyttelton (Hon. R. H.), and Steel (A. G.), Cricket [Badminton Library]. 1888 1129M [With Contributions by Lang, Grace, Mitchell and Gale.] Lytton (Edward Bulwer, Lord, Statesman and Novelist, h. 1803, d. 1873), Caxtonia, a series of Essays on Life, Literature and Manners. 1864 IOI5R Caxtoniana, Essays [Blackwood's Magazine] 161J France, Social, Literary, Political, and the Monarchy of the Middle Classes. 1834 310O Richelieu ; or, The Conspiracy, a Play, &c 1839 1 270I I Some Poetical Works of. 1836 4^5^ Life, Letters and Literary Remains, by His Son, with portraits 658-9F The following Short Sketches and Poems, also by this Author will be found in Harper's " New Monthly Magazine : " Death and Sisyphus, a Poem, 1612J; Duellists, 1602J ; Labour Guided by Knowledge, 1586J ; Rightful Heir [a Drama], 1618J ; Walpole [a Comedy], 1620J, &c. [436] LYT ENGLISH SECTION. MAC LyttOXl (Edward Bulwer, Lord). See also Atlantic [Life and Letters], v. 53, 1543J. Cassell's India, 229D. Frith's Reminiscences, 616F and 6i6Fa. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472 D. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 93-5F. Napier's Correspondence, 273H. Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M. Trotter's India, 53S-9H. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Ly tton ( Rosina Lady) Life of, by Louisa Devey. 1 887 57 1 F lYlABSBIiEY (Hon. Mrs.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mabon {Dean of Jersey). See Czesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Macadam (S.), F.R.S.E., Chemistry of Common Things, ill. 1866 730Q Macalpin (D. R.), Law Relating to Money Lenders and Borrowers. 257R Macao. See Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. China. &c. Macaulay (J., Editor of Sunday at Home, b. 1817), M.A., Luther Anecdotes : Memorable Sayings and Doings of Martin Luther [R.T.S.], illustrated 949Q Speeches and Addresses of H.R.H. Prince of Wales, 1863-188S.. 662F Stirring Stories of Peace and War by Sea and Land. 1885 3044 See also Luther's Table Talk, 1228Z. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Macaulay (Thos. B., Lord, Historian, Novelist, &-Y., h, 1800, d. 1859), Biographies contributed to the Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica. 1865 1020Q [Atterbury, Bunyan, Goldsmith, Johnson, Pitt.] Critical and Historical Essays [Tauchnitz Edition], 5 vols. : Vol. 1.— Milton. Hallam. Southey. Moore. Montgomery. Machia- velli, &c 1769Z Vol. 2.— Nugent. Burleigh. Mahon. Walpole. Thackeray. Mackin- tosh, &c 1770Z Vol. 3.— Bacon. Sir W. Temple. Gladstone on Church and State, &c 1771Z Vol. 4. — Clive. Ranke. Dramatists of the Restoration. Lord Holland. Hastings, &c 1 772Z Vol. 5.— Madame D'Arblay. Addison. Chatham. Index, &c *773Z Essays and Lays of Ancient Rome. 1889 , I53i0 Frederick the Great. 1855 959Q History of England, from the Accession of Tames II. 1858-62 : Vol. 1.— Sketch of English History to the Death of Charles 1 1 78O Vol. 2. — James II. Proclaimed. Execution of Argyll. Monmouth's Rebel- bellion. William, Prince of Orange. Puritans and the Court. 179O Vol. 3. — Consecration of the Papal Nuncio. Petition of the Seven Bishops. William of Orange arrives in England. Flight of James. Pro- clamation of William and Mary, &c 180O Vol. 4.— The Coronation. State of Ireland. James lands at Kinsale. State of Scotland. Dundee's Flight. Edinburgh Castle surrenders ... 181O Vol. 5.— Disputes in the English Parliament. Convocation summoned. William lands in Ireland. Battle of the Boyne. War in the Highlands, &c 182O Vol. 6.— William's Voyage to Holland. State of Ireland after the War. Foreign Policy of William. Origin of the National Debt, &c. . . 1S3O Vol. 7. — The Jacobites. War between France and England. Death of Mary. The Currency. Bill of Attainder. Treaty of Ryswick. 184O Vol. 8.— Mutiny Act. East India Companies. William and Marlborough. Darien Scheme. Death of James II. The Pretender. Death of William. Memoir of the Author, by Milman, &c 185O [4371 MAC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. McC Macaulay (Thos. B.. Lord), History of England, from the Accession of James the Second 1528-9O Lays of Ancient Rome. 1856 717-18M Life of Johnson, edited by Arnold. 1878 962O • Miscellaneous Writings 1530O and 1016R Selections from Essays and Speeches [Travellers' Library]. 1856 : Vol. 1.— Warren Hastings. Lord Clive. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Ranke's History of the Popes. Gladstone on Church and State. Addison. Horace Walpole. Johnson 1278R Vol. 2. — Lord Bacon. Lord Byron. Comic Dramatists. Frederick the Great. Hallam's Constitutional History. Speeches on Parlia- mentary Reform 1279R by Morison [English Men of Letters]. 1882 1077O Life and Letters, by Trevelyan, 2 vols 366-7F and 1532O See also Bagehot's Studies, 864H. Croker Papers, 201-2F. Dana's House- hold Book of Poetry, 476D. Gladstone's Gleanings, 882Z. Greville Memoirs. Griswold s Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Harper's Index, i64oJa. McCarthy's History, 193-6H. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 92-3F. Morley's Miscellanies, 842O. Napier's Correspon- dence, 273H. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1104R. Poole's Index, R.L. Argosy [Mother of], v. 22, 22J. Fraser [and Mr. Southey], v. 1, 61 ij ; [Family and title of], v. 56, 666J. Living Age [as a Reviewer], v. 107, 3137J. Once a Week [Character of], v. 2, 2262J, &c. Macaulay (Z., Abolitionist, b. 1768, d. 1838). See Blaikie's Philanthropy, 762O. Macbeth. {King of Scots, usurper, killed about 1056), Character Studies in, by Fletcher. 1889 1933^ See also Freeman's Norman Conquest, 202H. Chambers [True Tale of], v. 2. 1922J. Fortnightly [and Lady Macbeth], v. 8, 2198 J. Shakespeare's Plays, &c. Maccabseus. See Judas Maccabseus. McCabe (J. D.), From the Farm to the Presidential Chair, an account ofGeneral Garfield, illustrated. 1880 269F Maccall (W. ), Christian Legends 39&M M'Cammon (H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. M'Carter (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. McCarthy (D. F., Irish Poet, b. 1820). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. McCarthy (Justin, Irish Journalist, b. 1830), M.P., History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of a.d., 1880, 4 vols. 1880 : Vol. 1. — The King is Dead ! Long Live the Queen ! Canada and Lord Durham. Chartism. Queen's Marriage. Opium War. Disasters of Cabul. Peel's Administration. Disraeli. Famine. Free Trade and the League, &c. *93H Vol. 2. — Chartism and Young Ireland. Exhibition in Hyde Park. Pal- merston. Birth of the Empire. Death of Wellington. Glad- stone. Eastern Question. Invasion of the Crimea. Literature of the Reign, &c 194H Vol. 3. — Transportation. The Sepoy. Cawnpore. Re-conquest. The End of " John Company." The Orsini Bombs. The Ionian Islands. The French Treaty, and the Paper Duties. Civil War in America. Death of Lord Palmerston, &c 195 H Vol. 4. — The New Government. Troubles in Jamaica. Reform \gitation. Leap in the Dark. Fenian Movement. Trades Unions. Irish Church. Fall of the Great Administration. " Conservative Re- action." The Eastern Question. Congress of Berlin. Litera- ture of the Reign, continued, &c 196H Sec also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. [438] muC ENGLISH SECTION. MAC McCarthy (Justin H., Irish Home Ruler and Author, Son of the above, b. i860), M.P. See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Maccaw, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 653Q. Birds, &c. M'Cheyne (R. M.). See Christian Biography, 1441O. M'Clellan (G. B., American General, b. 1826), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Century [Bravery of], v. 9, 1881J ; [at Head of the Army], v. 10, 1882J. Blackwood, v. 96, 166 J. Macclesfield (Thos. Parker, Earl of, Lawyer, b. 1666, d. 1732). See Campbell's Chancellors, 779O. Once a Week [a doomed Town], v. 9, 2269J, &c. M ; Clint0Ck (Sir F. L., Irish Admiral, b. 1819), R.N., Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Companions, illustrated. 1859 668K McClintock (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. M'ClintOCk (Letitia). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. M'Comt>ie (W.), On Education in its Constituents, Objects and Issues, Essays and Lectures. 1857 274R Sermons and Lectures. 187 1 587M M'Cook (D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. McCook (H. C), D.D., Gospel in Nature, Scripture Truth illus- trated by Facts in Nature, with an Introduction by W. Car- ruthers. 1888 U93 M M'Cosh (J., Scotch Philosopher, b. 181 1), LL.D., Method of the Divine Government, Physical and Moral. 1859 474A The Emotions 110K McCrea Family uf Guernsey. See Sarnia, p. 97, 14T6O, &c. McCrea (Lieut.-Col. R. B., of Guernsey), Lost Amid the Fogs, Sketches of Life in Newfoundland. 1869 676K M'Cready (T. L.)., Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. M'Crie (T., Scotch Minister, b. 1772, d. 1835), D.D., History of the Reformation in Italy and Spain in the Sixteenth Century. ... 393M Life of Andrew Melville, and Illustrations of the Literary and Ecclesiastical History of Scotland in the Sixteenth and Seven- teenth Centuries. 1819 , 387-8F Life of John Knox. 1855 7560 McCulloch (J. R., Scotch Political Economist b. 1789, d. 1864), A Descriptive and Statistical Account of the British Empire. 2 vols. 1854 711-2H and 346-7K London in 1850-1851. 1851 771Q and 1284Q Russia and Turkey, from McCulloch's Geographical Dictionary [Travellers' Library]. 1854 1265R See also Napier's Correspondence, 273H. Proofs of the Attributes of God, 3 vols. 1843 415-7A The Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland, Descriptions of their Scenery and Antiquities, with an Account of the Political History and Ancient Manners, &c, in Letters to Sir Walter Scott, 4 vols. 1824 372-5K Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man. 1819... 376-7K MacCulloch. (J., Eminent Guernsey Geologist, b. 1773, d. 1835), F.G.S. See Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1286H. Sarnia [p. 41], 1416O, &c. M'Devitte (W. A.), B.A., and Bohn (W. S.), Tr., Ccesar's Com- mentaries [Bohn's Library], 1858 355T Macdonagh (T. M.), Ed., Commentary on the Epistle of St. James, by Manton. 1844 47SA [439] MAC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAO Macdonald (A.), F.R.G.S., Too Late for Gordon and Khartoum, The Testimony of an Independent Eye-witness of the Heroic Efforts for their Rescue and Relief. 1887 4590 Macdonald (F. W.), Life of Punshon. 1887 611F Macdonald (Flora, helped young Pretender to escape, d. 1790). See Chambers' Miscellany [Life of], 625R. Yonge's Heroines, 958O, &c. Macdonald (George, Scotch roel and Novelist, b. 1825), LL.D., Unspoken Sermons. 1884 1210M The Child in the Midst. The Higher Faith. Love thy Neighbour. Love thine Enemy. The God of the Living, &c. Works of Fancy and the Imagination, 10 vols. 1884 : Vol. 1.— Within and Without, a Hidden Life 1871Z Vol. 2. — Gospel Women, Sonnets, Organ Songs 1872Z Vol. 3. — Violin Songs, Roadside Poems, Poems for Children . . - . . . . 1873Z Vol. 4. — Parables, Ballads, Scotch Songs and Ballads 1874Z Vols. 5-6. — Phantasies, a Faerie Romance •' . • • 1875-eZ Vol. 7. — The Portent, a Story of Second Sight 1877Z Vol. 8. — The Light Princess, Giant's Heart, Shadows 1878Z Vol. 9. — Cross Purposes, Golden Key, Little Daylight 1879Z Vol. 10.— Cruel Painter, Broken Sword, Gray Wolf, The Trow O'Rivvern 1880Z See also Saturday Review [Weighed and Wanting], v. 54, R.L. Thisted's Letters from Hell [Preface], 1716R. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Contemporary, v. 19, 2029J. Once a Week [with Portrait], v. 27, 2287J. Living Age [Works of], v. 96, 3126J. Scrib- ner's Monthly [Writings of], vol. 1, 1851 J. Sunday Magazine [por- trait of], v. 11, 2658J, &c. Macdonald (Marshall, Ik 1765, d. 1840). See Alison's Europe, 121-37O, &c. Macdonald (W.), Local Government and Taxation in Scotland, edited by Probyn. 1882 3°3 R Macdonough (A. R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Macdowall (M. M.). See Asgard and the Gods, edited by Anson, 903F. Macduff (J. R., Scotch Minister, b. 1818), D.D., Brighter than the Sun ; or, Christ the Light of the World, a Life of Our Lord for the Young, illustrated. 1882 397^ Early Graves, a Book for the Bereaved. 1883 1184R Footsteps of St. Paul, designed for Youth, illustrated. 1881 .... 102Q Memories of Bethany. 1858 *79[± Noontide at Sychar 273T ■ St. Paul in Rome. 1871 178Q Sunsets on the Hebrew Mountains. 1877 I5 01 ^ The Footsteps of St. Peter, or the Life and Times of the Apostle. 1881 217T The Prophet of Fire, or the Life and Times of Elijah, with their Lessons. 1864 39 8M Mace, The. See Boutell's Arms, &c, 366O Mace (F. L.), Poems by. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Mace (J.), History of a Bit of Bread ; Letters to a Child on the Life of Man and of Animals, trans, by Mrs. A. Gatty, 2 vols. 1869 49^7^ Vol. 1. — Man, 497T. Vol. 2.— Animals, 496T. The Little Kingdom, or the Servants of the Stomach, Letters to the Young on the Life of Men and Animals, 2 vols. 1867 ... 1458-9Z Macedo (J. A. De, Portuguese Poet, b. 1770, d. 1831). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Macedonia, Macedonian Empire, Rise of the, by Curteis [Epochs of Ancient History]. 1886 1S15Z See also Mahaffy's Alexander, 426O. Mitford's Greece, 101-8H, Niebuhr's History of Rome, 87-8H. Greece, &c. [44°] MAC ENGLISH SECTION. Mel Macedonius. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Maceweil (A. R.), M.A., Ed., Lectures on the History of Preach- ing, by Ker. 1888 1192M Mac Ewen (Constance). Sec Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Macfarlane (C), Chinese Revolution, with Details of the Habits, Manners and Customs of China and the Chinese. 1853 162Z Lives and Exploits of Banditti and Robbers in all parts of the World. 1839 . 1224Z Sec also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. M'Farlane (J.), LL.D., The Mountains of the Bible. 1849 109K Macfarren (Sir George Alexander). See Girl's Own Annual, vol. 4, 2554J. Macfie (M.), F.R.G.S., Vancouver Island and British Columbia. 1865 681K Macgillivray (W., Scotch Naturalist, d. 1852), Conchologists' Text Book, illustrated. 1856...'. 122R Travels and Researches of Alexander von Humboldt [Harper's Family Library]. 1833 522Z in America and Asiatic Russia [Ed. Cab. Lib. j" 934Q Lives of Eminent Zoologists from Aristotle to Linnaeus [Edin- burgh Cabinet Library]. 1834 939Q Travels and Researches of Humboldt. 1853 1304 k Macgowan (J.), V.D.M., Infernal Conference, or Dialogues of Devils, concerning the many Vices which abound in the Social, Civil, and Religious World. 1841 49Z Macgregor (Sir C, Indian General). See Blackwood's Magazine, v. 144, 214J, &c. Macgregor (D.), Mariner Newman, a Voyage in the good Ship Glad Tidings to the Promised Land. 1877 50Z Macgregor {]., Traveller in Canoes, b. 1825), M.A., A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe. 1878 873Q The Rob Roy Canoe on the Baltic 875Q Jordan, Nile, Red Sea and Gennesareth, &c. 8760 Voyages alone in the Yawl Rob Roy from London to Paris and back by Havre, the Isle of Wight, South Coast, 8rc 877Q Sec also Leisure Hour [Roh Roy on the Zuyder Zee], v. 20, 2630J. M'Gregor (J., Scotch Political Economist, b. 1797, d. 1857), M.P., British America, 2 vols. 1832 >, , 487-8II Commercial Statistics, 5 vols. 1850 20-4D Machiavelli (N., Florentine Historian, b. 1469, d. 1527), History of Florence and the Affairs of Italy to the Death of Lorenzo the Magnificent, &c. [Bonn's Library]. 1854 85O See also Edinburgh Review, v. 27, 3S7J. Fortnightly, v. 41, 2131J. Macau- lay's Essays, 1531O. Machinery and Cranes, Construction of, by Glynn. 1849 359T and Manufactures, Economy of, by Babbage. 1 833 5 1 5T See also English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Ure's Dictionary [for the Cutting of Coal in Mines], 8D. Chambers [Present use of], v. 6, 1926J. Edin- burgh Review [and Manufactures], v. 56, 416J. Good Words [Power of], v. 17, 2187 J. Quarterly [and Artisans], v. 31, ii6tJ. M'llvaine (C. P., American Bishop, b. 1798, d. 1873), D.D., Evidences of Christianity, in their External, or Historical Division. 1859 395M Memorials of, edited by Rev. W. Carus, M.A. 1882 360F Mcintosh (C), F.L.S., The Orchard and Fruit Garden, coloured illustrations. 1 839 637Q [441] M'l GUTLLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAC M'Intosh (M. J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640J.1. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mack de Leiberich. (Karl, Baron, Austrian General, b. 1752, d. 1828). See Alison's Europe, 122-4O, &c. Mackarness (Mrs.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mackay (C, Scotch Journalist, b. 1814), LL.D., Forty Years' Recol- lections of Life, Literature and Public Affairs, 1830 to 1870, 2 vols. 1877 :— Vol. 1.— Morning Chronicle, 1835-1844. Newspaper Work. Sunday Question in Scotland. Poor Laws and Deer Forests. Educa- tion of the People, &c .- 1026H Vol. 2.— French Revolution, 1848. Chartists. Illustrated London News. Ireland, 1849. Lytton. Jerrold. Thackeray and Leech. Paris. Crimean War. United States 1027H Life and Liberty in America, a Tour in America during 1857-8 1569-0R Lost Beauties of the English Language. 1874 1017R ■ One Thousand and One Gems of English Poetry, illus. 1867... 337Q Addison, Akenside, Bailey, Barbould_, Beattie, Browning, Burns, Byron, Campbell, Carew, Chaucer, Coleridge, Collins, Cowley, Cowper, Cra- shaw, Croby, Cunninghame, Dibdin, Dryden, Goldsmith, Gray, Hemans, Herrick, Hood, Keats, Landon, Lovelace, Lytton, Mackay, Marlowe, Marsey, Miller, Milton, Moore, Pope, Rogers, Scott, Shakes- peare, Shelley, Southey, Spenser, Tennyson, Thomson, White, Words- worth, Wyatt, Emerson, Holmes, Longfellow, Lowell, &.c. Popular Delusions, 2 vols. 1850 903-4M ■ Through the Long Day, or Memorials of a Literary Life during Haifa Century, 2 vols. 1887 * 1357-80 See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Chambers [Legends of the Isles], v. 4, 1924J. Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Mackay (Gen. Hugh). See Burton's Scotland, 336-7H. Mackellar (T.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. MacKenna (S. J.), Brave Men in Action, Some Thrilling Stories of the British Flag. 1878 523O Mackennal(A.), D.D. See Bicentenary Lectures [Supplement], 681A. Mackenzie (Mrs. C), Delhi, the City of the Great Mogul, &c. 1857 836Q Mackenzie (H., Scotch Lawyer, b. 1745, d. 1831), The Man of Feeling: The Man of the World. 1840 1220Z and Others, The Lounger [British Essayists] 4 2 *3T The Mirror [British Essayists] 40-41T See also Scott's Novelists, 1014Z. Mackenzie (J.), Memoirs of the Life and Letters of Calvin. 1818 550O Mackenzie (K. R. H.), Burmah and the Burmese. 1853 461T Mackenzie (Sir M., Specialist on Throat Disease, b. 1837), M.D., Hygiene of the Vocal Organs, a Practical Handbook for Singers and Speakers. 1887 934-K — ■— The Fatal Illness of Frederick the Noble [King of Prussia] 141 5O Mackenzie (R. S.), Works of. Sec Harper's Index, i64oJa. Mackenzie (W. B.), M.A., Saul of Tarsus [St. Paul], His Life audits Lessons. 1864 1234M Mackerel, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 679Q. Fish, &c. Mackey (A. G., Secretary-General of the Supreme Council, United States), M.D., A Lexicon of Freemasonry, containing a Defi- nition of all its Communicable Terms, Notices of its History, Traditions, and Antiquities, and an account of the Rites and Mysteries of the Ancient World, with an Appendix of Degrees Revived, and a series of Articles more especially adapted to English Freemasonry, compiled by Peck. 1883 499^ [442] MAC ENGLISH SECTION. MAC Mackie (S. J.), F.S.A. See Art Studies from Nature, 902D. Mackintosh (Right Hon. Sir J., Scotch Philosopher and Historian, b. 1765, a. 1832), Defence of the French Revolution. 1837. 499T Life of Sir Thomas More. 1844 288T Miscellaneous Works. 1846 601 D Ethical Philosophy, chiefly during the 17th and 18th Centuries. Genius of Bacon and Locke. Law of Nature and Nations. Life of Sir Thomas More. Authorship of Eikon Basilike. Causes of the Revolution of 1688. Partition of Poland. George Canning. Rogers' Poems. De- fence of the French Revolution. Speeches, &c. See also Alison's Europe, 120-44O. Christian Biography, 1441O. Napier's Correspondence, 273H. Leisure Hour [Last Days of], v. 15, 2625J. Macaulay's Essays, 1531O. Quarterly [Life of], v. 54, 1184J, &c. Macklin (C, Irish Dramatist'). See Temple Bar, v. 52, 1382J, &c. Macknight (J., Scotch Theologian, b. 1721, d. 1800), D.D., The Apostolical Epistles and Life of St. Taul, 4 vols. 1821 353 -6A ■ Translation from the Original Greek of all the Apostolical Epis- tles. 1835 62A Maclaine (A., Irish Theologian, b. 1722, d. 1804), D.D. See Mosheim's Eccle- siastical History 439-40A Maclaren (A.), Physical Education, Theoretical and Practical. 1885 1808Z [Walking, Running, Jumping, Gymnastics, &c] McLean (A.), Miscellaneous Works, 6 vols. 1847-8 : Vol. 1. — Commission given by Jesus Christ to His Apostles, and a Sermon on the Assurance of Hope, with a Memoir of the Author by Jones 151M Vols. 2-3. — Paraphrase and Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews. . . . 152-3M Vol. 4. — Dissertations, Letters, Sermons, &c 154M Vols. 5-6. — Discourses on Various Important Subjects 155-6M Maclean (L. E. [Miss Landon]). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Maclean (Mrs., Poet, b. 1802, d. 1838). See Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. McLean (S. P.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. McLellan(T.). See Poets of America, 468D, &c. Macleod (A.), D.D., Days of Heaven upon Earth, and other Sermons. 1878 399M Potter and the Clay. Gospel of the Birds and the Lilies. Christ Greater than the Church. A Young Man's Way. Common Mercies, &c. M'Leod (J., Scotch Surgeon, b. 1782, d. 1820), M.D., Voyage of His Majesty's Ship Alceste, to China, Corea, and the Island of Lewchew, with an Account of her Shipwreck, coloured plates. 1820 572K Macleod (N., Scotch Minister, b. 1812, d. 1872), D.D., Peeps at the Far East, a Familiar Account of a Visit to India, ill. 1871. 815K Reminiscences of a Highland Parish. 1880 1018R The Home School, Hints on Home Education. 1856 16Q Memoir of, by his brother, D. Macleod. 1877 361F See also Gladstone's Gleanings, 882Z. Fraser, v. 93, 703 J. Living Age [Memoir of], v. 130, 3160J. See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Contemporary Review, vol. 6, 2016J, &c. M'Leod (W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Maclise (D., Irish Painter, b. 1811, d. 1870), R.A. See Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-i6Fa. Chambers, v. 48, 1950 J, &c. M'Mahon (J. H.), M.A., Tr., Metaphysics of Aristotle, with Notes, &c. [Bohn Library]. 1879 H53H Macmahon (General, French Marshal, b. 1808). See Adams' Campaigns, 47H. Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. King's French Leaders, 659O, &£. [443] MAC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAD MacMahon (T.), Casket of Irish Pearls. 1846 1767Z McMaster (G. H.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Macmillan(D.), Memoir of, by Hughes. 1882 813O See also Temple Bar, v. 66, 1396J. Macmillan (Hugh, Scotch Minister, b. 1833), D.D., Bible Teach- ings in Nature. 1882 94-Ta First Forms of Vegetation. 1874 88T ■ Holidays on High Lands, or Rambles and Incidents in Search of Alpine Plants. 1873 89T Sabbath of the Fields, The. 1882 94T The Marriage in Cana of Galilee. 1882 92T The Ministry of Nature. 1882 93T 1 he Olive Leaf [Natural Theology] ■ The True Vine. 1879 91T Two Worlds are Ours. 1881 90T Macmillan's Magazine from vol. 1. 1859 931! The Serial Tales and some of the principal contents will be found entered under their proper headings in fiction, or in the general body of the Catalogue, with the shelf number specified. The general contents will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library), under such subjects as this magazine deals with. Macnaghten (Sir W.). See Alison's Europe, 144O, &c. Macnish (R., Scotch Physiologist, b. 1802, d. 1837), Philosophy of Sleep. 1834 955M See also Fraser [With Portrait], v. 12, 622J. Macpherson (Major C). See Holmes' Indian Mutiny, 470H. Macpherson (E.), LL.D., Handbook of Politics [United States], for 1868 290D Macpherson (Gerardine), Memoirs of Anna Jameson. 1878 323F Macpherson {]., Scotch Poet, b. 1738, d. 1796), Trans., Poems of Ossian, 2 vols. 1773 477L» Macquoid (Katharine S.), Through Brittany, illustrated. 1877 818Q Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Macquoid (T. and K.), About Yorkshire, illustrated. 1883 1350R Pictures and Legends from Normandy and Brittany. 1879 1389R Macrae (D.), Ed., Book of Blunders, to which is added a Chapter of Queer Epitaphs 1200R Macready (W. C., Tragedian, b. 1793, & 1873), Reminiscences and Selections from his Diaries and Letters, edited by Pollock, 2 vols. 1875.... 362-3F See also Fitzgerald's English Stage, 338D. Frith"s Reminiscences, 6i5-6i6Fa. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1338-9R. Longmans [Riot in New York], v. 3, 893J. Saturday Review [Pollock's Reminiscences ofj, v. 58, R.L. Temple Bar, v. 38, 1368J ; v. 44, 1374J ; v. 54, 1384J, &c. Mc Vicar (J.), D.D., The Professional Years of J. H. Hobart. 1S36 286T McWhorter (G. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Madagascar and France, by Shaw, illustrated. 1885 1445R See also All the Year Round, 1816J. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Chambers [Civilisation in], v. 4, 1924J ; [Animal Life in and Flora ofj, v. 52, 1952 J. Edinburgh Review [Christians of], v. 126, 4S6J. Nature [Hartlaub's Birds of], v. 16, 2676J ; [Geography and Geology of], v. 20, 2680J. Harper [Martyr Church of], v. 18, 1598J. Nineteenth Century [Slave Trade in], v. 14, 2224J. Sunday Magazine [Christian Rule in], v. 13, 2470J. Temple Bar [English Slave in], v. 64, 1394J, &c. Madam How and Lady Why, or First Lessons in Earth Lore for Children, by Kingsley, illustrated 558Q and 1954R [A work on Natural History, Geology, &c.]. [444] MAD ENGLISH SECTION. MAG Madden (E. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Madden (R. R., Irish Surgeon, b. 1798, d. 1886), M.D., Shrines and Sepulchres of the Old and New World, 2 vols. 185 1 342-3K ■ The Island of Cuba, its Resources, Progress and Prospects. 1849 1637R ■ Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia and Palestine, [1824-7] 2 vols. 1457-8R Twelve Months' Residence in the West Indies, 2 vols. 1835....1647-8R United Irishmen, Their Lives and Times, 2 vols. 1842 543-4E Madder and Artificial Alizarin. See Ure's Dictionary, 8 and qD. Madeira. See Baker's Azores, &c, 1776Z. Brassey's Voyages, 1798K and 1682R. All the Year Round [Residence in], v. 14, 1774J. Gentle- man's Magazine, N.S. [Islands of], v. 24, 744J. Harper [Summer Cruise], v. 54, 1634J. Household Words [Discovery of], v. 5, 1745J. Leisure Hour [Climate and Scenery of], v. 8, 2618J. Penny Magazine [Wine Districts of], v. 13, 151B. Scribner [Rambles in], v. 9, 1859J. Madison (J., Fourth President U.S., b. 1751, d. 1836). See Harper [and the Baptist Preacher Leland], v. 63, 1643J. Bryce's American Common- wealth, 517H. Madmen, Literary History of. Sec Timbs' Works, 856Z. Insanity, &c. Madoc, A Poem by Southey, 2 vols in 1 297Q Madonna, Legends of the, by Mrs. Jameson, illustrated. 1S72 944^ See also All the Year Round [Di San Luca], v. 45. 1805J. Mary, Virgin, Art, &c. Madras, Letters from [1836-9], by Mrs. J. C. Maitland 291O and 144T versus America, a Handbook to Cotton Cultivation, by Wheeler. 1104M See also Caird's India, 556H. Cassell's India, 228-9D. Heber's Journey, . 1506-7R. Temple's India, 464H and 486K. Art Journal [School of Arts in], v. 6, R.L. Chambers, v. 57, 1957J. Fraser [Fields and Field Sports in], v. 95, 705J. Harper [Pictures of], v. 16, 1596J. India, &c. Madrid. See Alison's Europe, 129-43O. Argosy [Peep at], v. 1, rj. Fraser [111 1845], v. 34, 644J. Penny Magazine, v. 12, 150B. Temple Bar [River of, and its Washerwomen], v. 48, 1378 J. Spain. &c. Madrigals. See Harper, v. 60, 1640J. Maffei (Count), Brigand Life in Italy, 2 vols. 1865 435-6K MAGAZINES. {See under Name of Magazine required, e.g., All the Year Round, Blackwood, also List of Newspapers and Periodicals at the end of the Catalogue, &*c. ) See also Blackwood [Writers], v. 125, 195J. Chambers [of Last Century], v. l8 . J 935j- Fraser, v. 94, 704J. Living Age [Magazine Literature], v. 132, 3162J. Magdalen College, Oxford. See Leisure Hour, v. 15, 2625J. Magellan, Straits of. Sec Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Stanford's Compendium, 851K, &c. " Magenta," [Captain Mahon], Treatment of our domesticated Dogs 57 iQ Magi, The. See Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Magic, Chaldean, Its Origin and Development, by Lenormant, trans. 941F Letters on Natural Magic, addressed to Sir. W. Scott, by Brewster. 1842 ■ 1476 and 1477Z Magician's Own Book, by Frikell, edited by Cremer 926M Mysteries of, a digest of the Writings of Levi with Essay by Waite. 1886 651A Natural, Letters on, by Brewster, illustrated. 1832 865Z Philosophy of, by Salverte, tr. by Thomson, 2 vols ...598-9H and 914-5M See also All the Year Round [and Science], v. 4, 1764J ; [Modern], v. 3, 1763J. Blackwood [and Sorcery, Narratives of], v. 69, 139J. Boy's Own Annual [Natural], v. 4, 2954J. Chambers [in India], v. 18, 1935J. Cornhi'l [in the Middle Ages], v. 18, 298J. Dalton's Evening Amuse- [445 MAG GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAH "NLoLgiG— continued. ments, 1526Z. Every Boy's Annual, 1869, 1307H. Frikell's The Secret Out [Drawing Room], 925M. Frost's Conjurors, 803O. Grant's Mysteries, 894F. Penny Magazine [at Home], v. 14, 152B. Ral- ston's Russian Folk Tales [and Witchcraft], 943F. All the Year Round, v. 57, 1817J. Knowledge [Magic Wheel], v. 1, 2581J ; [Magic Squares], v. 4, 2584J. Every Boy's Annual [by Professor Hoffman], 1889, 1308H, &c. Magic Lantern. See Boy's Own Annual, v. t, 2951J. Brown's Science for All, 627 B, &c. Magirm (W., frisk Satirical Writer, b, 1793, d. 1842). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Fraser [with Portrait], v. 2, 612J, &c. Magistracy. See Escott's England and Its People, 1017F. Fortnightly [Reform of], v. 24, 21 14 J. Rogers' Scotland, 949-50F, &c. Magna Charta. See Contemporary [and the Pope], v. 27, 2037J. Penny Magazine, v. 2, 140B ; v. 10, 148B. Stubbs' History, 210-1O. Magnanimity. See Macmillan, v. n, 941 J, &c. Magnesia. See Penny Magazine, v. 9, 147B, &c. Chlorine Process. 6t'£ Ure's Dictionary, 9D. Magnesium. See Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377R. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Magnets. See Chambers [Magnetic Needle], v. 32, 1942J. English Mechanic, v. 47. Every Boy's Annual [Magnetism], 1303H. Humboldt's Cosmos, 487M. King's Decorative Stones, U59M. Nature [Floating], v. t8, 2678J. Urbanitzky's Electricity, 689D, &c. Magnetic Cures. See Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q, &c. Currents. See Reclus' Phenomena, 806F, &c. Magnetism, Animal, by Binet and Fere 39/R Researches on, by Reichenbach. 1850 773^ Rudimentary, by Harris [Weale's Series], illustrated. 1850 7°7Q Treatise on, by Brewster. 1838 512R See also Aveling's Mechanics and Experimental Science, 558R. Blackwood [and Magnetic Attraction], v. 6, R.L. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Chambers [Study in], v. 46, 1949J. Deschanel's Natural Philosophy, 826D. English Mechanic, v. 46. Good Words [and the Mariner's Compass], v. 20, 2190J. Guillemin's Applications of Physical Forces, 158 and 159D. Humboldt's Cosmos, 484R. Joyce's Dialogues, 695Q. Lard- ner's Lectures, 757D ; Natural Philosophy, 467R. Mackay's Delu- sions, 904M. Nature [Airy on], v. 5, 2665J \ [Mechanical Theory of], v. 29, 2689J. Natural Philosophy. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Timbs' Works [and Electricity], 852Z. Whewell's Inductive Sciences, 768 D, &c. Magnus (Sir P.), Industrial Education. 1888 314 and 318R Magpie. See Chambers, v. 6, 1926J. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Birds, &c Magrath (Lieut. H. H. M., 0/ Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 118], 1416O. Magrath (Assistant-Surgeon M. M., of Guernsey), B.A. See Sarnia [p. 119], 1416O. Maguire (R., Irish Clergyman, b. 1826), M.A., Mottoes for the Million, or Evenings with my Working Men 1226Z Magyars. See Chambers [Among the], v. 47, 1950J. Mahafly (J. P., Classical Lecturer, Trinity College, Dublin, b. 1839), D.D., assisted by Oilman (A.), M.A., Alexander's Empire [Story of the Nations], illustrated. 1887 426O Descartes [Philosophical Classics for English Readers]. 1880 ... 1026Q Mahan (A.), History of the Late American War. 1877 295D Science of Logic, or an Analysis of the Laws of Thought. 1857 604II Mahdi, El. See Blackwood [and Mahommedan Predictions of his coming], v. 132, 202 J. Fortnightly [the Guide of Islam], v. 41, 2131J, &c. Mahogany. See Chambers, v. 15, 1934 1- Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Leisure Hour, v. 9, 2619J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Penny Magazine, [Tree], v. 1, 139B, &c. [446] MAH ENGLISH SECTION. MAI MAHOMET {Apostle of Islam, b. 571, d. 632) and MAHOMME- DANISM— Works relating to: {See also Heathens, Religion, Sects, History, Poole's Index, R.I., £fc.) Mahomet and his Successors, by Irving, 2 vols 900 iZ Life of, by Bush [Family Library]. 1830 1075Q by Irving. 1850 100SQ and 1799Z Muir. 1877 364F Speeches and Table-Talk of the Prophet, by Poole. 1882... 175Q Mahomet's Successors, by Irving 1006Q and 1803Z Mahomet. See also Adam's Land of the Nile, 755Q. Anderson's Western China, 540K. Fraser [and Race Distinctions], v. 94, 704J. Free- man's Saracens, 298O. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 81-2H. Oilman's Saracens, 436O. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [in India], v. 71, 1651J. Harper, v. 55, 1635J. Holmes' Indian Mutiny, 470H. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Inman's Faiths, g6Ka. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 829K. Muir's Coran, &c, 97Q. Palgrave's Arabia, 585-6K. Penny Magazine [Mahommedan Devotions], v. 3, 141B. Quarterly, v. 127, 1257J ; [and Mahommedanism], v. 143, 1273J. Sale's Koran, 466A. Stanford's Compendium [in Africa], 849K ; [Mahommedan States], 852K. Stobart's Islam, &c, 96Q. Temple's India, 486K. Fortnightly [Future of Islam], v. 37, 2127J ; [Guide of Islam], v. 41, 2131J ; [Mahommedanism in India], v. 42, 2132J. Living Age [Mahommedanism and the Ottoman Turks], v - x 53) 3 1 83j> && Mahon (Captain). Sec " Magenta." Mahon (Lord, Earl Stanhope, historian, l>. 1805, d. 1875), Historical Essays, contributed to the Quarterly Review. 1849 34 iO History of England from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Aix-la-Chappelle, 3 vols. 1836 184-6IT Versailles [1713-1783] : Vol. 1.— Peace of Utrecht. George I. arrives in England. Jacobite Insur- rection in Northumberland. Triple Alliance. Cabals at Mad- rid, &c 213O Vol. 2. — South Sea Company. Plot to Seize the Tower. Gibraltar. Eng- lish Writers under Queen Anne. Origin of the Methodists, &c. . . 214O Vol. 3.— Taking of Porto Bello. Hanoverian Troops taken into British Pay. Battle of Preston. Siege and Reduction of Carlisle. Prince Charles, &c 215O Vol. 4. — Corn Laws. Campaign in North America. Irish Parliament. Death of George II. View of our Indian Empire. Lord Clive, &c. 216O Vol. 5.— Smeaton and Watt. State of North America. Who was Junius ? Falkland Islands. Lord North. Russian Fleet in the Mediterra- nean, &c 217O Vol. 6. — Battle of Bunker's Hill. Americans invade Canada. Thomas Paine. Death of Chatham. No Popery Eiots. Captain Cook. Rise of British Art, &c 218O Vol. 7.— Campaign in North America. Washington. Siege of Gibraltar. Famine in Bengal. Warren Hastings, First Governor-General of India, &c 219O Lifeof Louis, Prince of Conde 590O & 1003Q Rise of the Indian Empire. 1858 37 iO "The Forty-Five," Insurrection of 1745, and Letters of Prince Charles Stuart. 1853 239O War of Succession in Spain. 1836 452II Sec also Fraser, v. 35, 645 J. Mahoney (Gerald). See Everyday Heroes, 1455O. Mahratta Camp. See Quarterly [Broughton's Letters from], v. 10, 1140J. Maid of Saragossa. See Clayton's Female Warriors, 644O. Maid-servants. See Fraser, v. 28, 638J. Once a Week [of All Work], v. 2, 2262J. Maiden of Low Degree. See Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q. Maidenhood. See Bellair's Gossips, 984M. Girls' Own Annual, vol. 3, 2553J Girls, Women, &c. [447] MAI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAL Maids. See Good Words [Old and Young], v. 3, 2173J. Once a Week [Maids of Honour], v. 8, 2268J. Maidment (J.), Ed., [Kaye's Edinburgh Portraits], 2 vols. 1885 ... 745-6O Mail-Coaches. Sec Ashton's Nineteenth Century, 861H. Mail, Royal, its Curiosities and Romance, by Hyde. 1885 448O . See also Smiles' Boy's Voyage, 834Q. Blackwood [Royal Mail], v. 137, 207J Saturday Review, v. 62, R.L., &c. Maillard (Annette M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Main (A.), Wise, Witty and Tender Sayings, selected from the Works of George Eliot. 1881 1156Z Main (R.), M.A. See Replies to Essays and Reviews, 663A. Maine. See Harper [Islands of], v. 61, 1641J. Scribner [Through to Canada, in a Birch-bark Canoe], v. 14, 1864J, &c. Maine (Sir T I. S., Professor of Civil Law, &*<:.', b. 1822). LL.D., Dissertations on Early Law and Custom. 1883 10S2E — — Popular Government, Four Essays. 1886 1100F Maine (Duchess Du). See Kavanagh's Woman in France, 1043O. Maingay Family of Guernsey. See Sarnia [pp. 6r, 83, 119], 1416O. Maintenon (Madame De, celebrated Frenchwoman, b. 1635, d, 1719), a Memoir, by Bennett. 1880 602O See also Baker's French Society, 332O. James' Celebrated Women, 830O, Quarterly, v. 96, 1226J. Mair (A.), D. D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, vol. 1, 619A. Maistre (J. De, French Philosopher, b. 1754, d. 1821). Sec Fortnightly, v. 9, 2099J. Morley's Miscellanies, 843O, &c. Maitland (C), M.D., Church in the Catacombs, illustrated. 1846.. 629A Maitland (T. A. F.), Schumann [Great Musicians] 1227O Maitland (J. C), Letters from Madras [1836-1839]. 1846 144T Maitland (Margaret). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Maitland (W., 0. 1525. d. 1573). See Froude's England, 197-201O. Maize. See Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Corn, &c. Majolica, by Fortnum, illustrated 1054M See also Chambers [and China], v. 55. 1955J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Poetry, &c. Majorca, Letters from, by Wood [Argosy, vol 43] 43J Majorities. See Fortnightly [Misrepresentation of], v. 14, 2104J. Macmillan [Worship of], v. 5, 935 J. Nineteenth Century [Unsoundness], v. 15, Making Money. See AH the Year Round, v. 35, 1795 J. Money, &C. Malabar Christians. Sec Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Malacca. See Stanford's Compendium, 852K. Chambers [Ashore in], v. 55, I955J- Fraser [Chinese in], v. 94, 704J. Seward's Travels [Strait.-, of], 6otB, &C. Malachi. See Stock (R.). Bible Commentaries, &c. Malachite. See Atkinson's Siberia, 598B. Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Malan (C, Swiss Theologian, b. 17S7, d. 1864), Life, Labours and Writings of, by his Son. 1869 S14O Malan (C. II.), Old Comrades, or Sketches from Life in the British Army. 1879 146T Malan (S. C, Son of C. Malan, Orientalist, b. 1812), D.D., Miracles of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 1881 1783Z See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Malapropos. See Chambers, v. 55, 1955.)- Malaria. See Edinburgh Review, v. 36, 396J. Saturday Review, v. 59, R.L. Malay Archipelago, by Wallace, illustrated. J880 I497R See also Brown's Countries of the World, 163D. Once a Week [Natural History of], v. 21, 2281 J. Poole's Index, R.L. Quarterly Review [Miss Bird's and Miss Bridges' Travels in], v. 157, 1287J. Stanford's Compendium, 853R. Temple Bar [Rough Notes in], v. 26, 1356J. Peninsula. See Bird's Golden Chersonese, 1488R. Leisure Hour, v. 32, 6242J. &c. [443] MAL ENGLISH SECTION. MAL Malayan Waters, by Osborn. 1857 1523R Malays. Sec BlauKwood [Six Months with], v. 73, 143J. Chambers, v. 37, 1945J ; [Brush with], v. 45, 1949J. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Lub- bock's Primitive Man, 672B. Brown's Races of Mankind, 155D. Malcolm III. (Canmore, King of Scotland, killed in Battle 1093). See Free- man's Norman Empire, 202-5H. Scotland, &c. Malcolm (Sir J., Scotch Orientalist, b. 1769, d. 1853), Sketches of Persia [Murray's Library]. 1849 1290R See also Kaye's Indian Officers, 1453O. Edinburgh Review, vols. 3, 20 and 4°» 363, 380 and 400J. Quarterly [Travels in India], v. 29, 1159 J, &c. Malcolm (W. H.) and Fur nival (E. J.), M.A., Shakspere and Holy Writ, Parallel Passages Tabularly arranged. 1881 124.8Z Maldonado(L.) See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Malet (L.) See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Malibran de B£riot(Mdme., French Vocalist, b. 1808, d. 1836). See Edwards' Prima Donnas, 678F, &c. Maling (E. A.), Handbook for Ladies on In-door Plants, Flowers for Ornament, and Song Birds. 1870 493T Malleson (Col. G. B.), C.S.I. , Decisive Battles of India [1746-1849] 534H Indian Mutiny [1857-59], 3 vols. 1878-80 471-3H Life of Metternich [Sanders' Statesmen Series]. 1888 13770 Lord Clive [Founders of the Indian Empire]. 1882 259F Loudon, Austrian General [Military Biographies]. 1884 1248O Mallet (D.), Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807 387Z See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Johnson's Select Poets, 411D, &c. Mallet (Madame Jules) Life of, by Madame De Witt, translated by Goodhart. 1882 1009Q Mallet (P. H., Swiss Historian, b. 1730, d. 1807) Northern Anti- quities [Bohn's Library] 1008M Mailing (Miss) Flowers for Ornament and Decoration. 1862 1739^ Mallock (W. H.), Lucretius [Collin's Ancient Classics]. 1878 1164Q New Paul and Virginia, or Positivism on an Island. 1878 1019R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Malmaison. See Scribner [Fete-Day at], v. 2, 1852J. Malmesbury (Earl of, Foreign Secretary, b. 1807), G.C.B., Memoirs of an Ex-Minister, an Autobiography, 2 vols. 1884 368-9F See also Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 209H, &c. Malory (Sir T., Author, b. 1430), King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, edited by Wright, 3 vols. 1866 1141-43R Malt and Malt Liquors. See Dodd's Manufactures, 1487Z. Edinburgh Review [and Beer Duties], v. 49,4091. Peto's Taxation, &c, 1016F. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Malta, Knights of, by Porter. 1883 541H Past and Present, by Seddall. 1870 459K See also Blackwood [and its Knights], v. 137, 207J. Green's Bible Lands, 328B. Leisure Hour, v. 6, 2616J. Chambers [and Gibraltar], v. 15, *93Ah Quarterly [History of], v. 9, 1139J, &c. Malthus (T. R., Political Economist, b. 1766, d. 1834), F.R.S., Principles of Political Economy. 1820 999F Principles of Population, 2 vols. 1807 1093-4F See also Bagehot's Economic Studies, 1003F. George's Progress and Poverty [Malthusian Theory], 1023F. Macmillan [Malthusian Principle], v. 49, 979 J- Edinburgh Review [Life, Writings and Character of], v. 64, 424L &c. J 5 [449] MAL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAN Malvern, Its Claims as a Health Resort, &c, by Grindrod 937K See also Blackwood [Sketch from], v. 136 206J. Chambers, v. 43, 1948J. Leisure Hour [Donkeys of], v. 11, 2621J ; [Day at], v. 5, 2615J. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K, &c. Mamelukes.' Sec All the Year Round [Massacre of, by Mohammed AH], v. 18, 1758J. MAMMALIA, Animals that Suckle their Young [S.P.C.K.]. 1841 739Z in their Relation to Primitive Times, by Schmidt 385R Popularly described by Typical Species, by Louis Figuier, ill.... 723F • their Forms and Habits, adapted from the Text of Figuier, by Wright, illustrated . 51R See Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 6nB. Excelsior, 1926-31R. Nature [of Switzerland], v. 1, 2661 J ; [of Florida], v. 5, 2665J ; [of Moupin], v. 10, 2670J. Natural History, also under different Animals, e.g., Lion, Tiger, Bear, Deer, Camel, &c. Mammalian Skull. See Nature [Lucae's], v. 7, 2667J. Mammon, or Covetousness the Sin of the Christian Church, by Harris. 1686Z See also Fraser, v. 15, 625 J. Mammoth. Cave of Kentucky. See Leisure Hour, v. 4, 2614 J. Fraser, v. 42, 652J. Scribner [Hundred Miles in], v. 20, 1870J. Mammoths. Sec Nordenskiold's Voyage of the Vega, 666-7K. Chambers, v. 55) 1 955J- Once a Week [Man Contemporary L with], v. 1, 2261J. Geology, &c, MAN— Works relating to : (See also Anthropology, Creation, Ethnology, History, &c.) Man, Age and Origin of, geologically considered by Pattison [Present Day Tracts, vol. 3.] 236T an Essay on, by Pope. 1774 1063R and Beast, Here and Hereafter, 2 vols, by Wood. 1874 ••• 719-0F and his Maladies, or the Way to Health, a Popular Hand- book of Physiology and Medicine, by Bridger. 1889 ... 939K and Nature ; or Physical Geography, by Marsh. 1864 200D Antiquity of, by Lyell, illustrated. 1863 890F Rawlinson [Present Day Tracts, vol. 2] 235T before Metals, by Joly [Int. Science Series] ill. 1883 1015M Constitution of, by Combe 203D and 913R His Intellectual Faculties, &c, by Mudie. 1839 495T His Physical Structure, &c, by Mudie. 1838 494T in his Physical and Moral Relations, by Newnham 1230Z Natural History of, by Smith [Jardine's Naturalists' Li- brary], coloured plates. 1884 685Q by Ward, illustrated, 1851 612Q Physiologically considered [Present Day Tracts, vol. 7] 240T Primitive Condition, and Civilisation of, by Lubbock. 1870 672B ■ Races of, by Brown, illustrated, 4 vols in 2 I55D by Pickering, &c. 1851 42R Story of the Earth and Man, by Dawson, illustrated. 1880 159R See also Adam's Underground World [Prehistoric], 592Q. Blackwood [Prichard's Natural^ History of,], v. 56, 126J ; [a Featherless Biped] v. 63, 133J ; [Prehistoric] v. 93, 163J ; [Descent of], v. 109, 179J. Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Buckle's Civilisation, i860. Chambers [Alleged Degeneration of], v. 52, 1952J ; [Fossil] v. 54, I954J- Com- payr6's Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary [in Creation], v. 8, 2018J ; [Primaeval] v. n, 2021J ; [Pedigree of] v. 37, 2047J. Dawkin's Early Man in Britain, 859F. Darwin's Descent of Man, 25R ; Emotions [and Animals], 24R ; Origin of Species, 22R. Geikie's Ice Age [Anti- quity of], 457R ; Prehistoric Europe, 865F. George's Progress and [450] MAN ENGLISH SECTION. MAN MAN— Works relating to -.—{continued.) Poverty, 1023F. Good Words [Antiquity of], v. 5, 2175J. Humboldt's Cosmos, 483R ; Nature, 29R. Inman's Faiths, 96K and o6Ka. Lange's Materialism [and the Soul], 624H. Nature, v. 20, 2680J. Leisure Hour [Antiquity of] v. 23, 2633J. Living Age [Nature and Development of], v. 29, 3059J. Longman [Resemblances^ to, in Lower Life], v. 2, 892J. " Lubbock's Pleasures of Life [Destiny of], i9o8Ra. Mace's History of a Bit of Bread, 496T. Macmillan [Ascent of], v. 35, 965 J. May's Democracy [Races of], 38H. Na- daillac's Pre-historic America, 897F. Nature [Evidence of, in North Wales prior to Glacial Deposits], v. 34, 2694J ; [Hamy's Fossil] v. 3, 2663J ; [and Natural Selection] v. 3, 2663J ; [Origin and Destiny of] v. 6, 2666J ; [Lyell's Antiquity of] v. 8, 2668J ; [Haeckel on develop- ment of] v. 11, 2671J. Nicol's Puzzle of Life, 33R. Nineteenth Cen- tury [of the Future], v. 13, 2223J ; [Place of, in Nature] v. 10, 2220J. Once a Week [and the Horse], v. 1, 2261J. Present Day Tracts, [not a Machine, but a responsible Free Agent], v. 5, 238T. Pressense's Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M. Quarterly [Natural His- tory of], v. 86, 1216J ; [Antiquity of] v. 114, 1244J. Reclus' Pheno- mena [and His Work], 806F. Reid's Intellectual Powers, 580H ; Odd People, 601Z. Scribner [Unity of the Human Race], v. 3, 1853J ; [Savage], v. 7, 1857J ; [Measuring the Human Body] v. 17 1867J. Stanford's Compendium [Races of, Australia, &c], 849-54K. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Sunday Magazine [and Insect Papers, on Nature], 2474J. Timbs' Works [after death], 856Z ; [Antiquity of]) 854Z ; [Study of Man and his Monuments] 854Z. Contemporary Review [in Creation], v. 8, 2018J. Science Gossip [Primitive Man, his Times and his Companions], v. 14, 2417J. Science of Thought, 585H, Sic. Man-Engine. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Man-Traps and Spring-Guns. See Smith's Works, 589D and 297O. Edinburgh Review, v. 35, 395J, &c. Man, Isle of. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005-7M.' Eraser [Church in], v, 21, 631 J. Harper, v. 50, 1630J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [Home Rule in the], v. 75, 1655J. Once a Week [Ballads from], v. 6, 2266 J. Isle of Man, Manx. Science Gossip [In the], v. 24, 2423J, &c. Man made of Money, &c. , by Jerrold. 1853 794R Man of Business considered in his Various Relations, by Alexander Todd, &c. 1857 1020k Man of Feeling and Man of the World, by Mackenzie. 1840 1220Z Man of War. See Cornhill [Inner Life of a], v. 7, 287J. Navy, Ships, &c. Birds. See Eraser [Boobies and Noddies, v. 58, 668J. Mail with the Iron Mask. See Campan's Life of Marie Antoinette, 99F. Cham- bers' Miscellany, 630R. Cornhill, v. 21, 301 J. Leisure Hour, v. 19, 2629J, &c. Manassas, Battle of. See All the Year Round v. 24, 1784J. Manasseh. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 15TK, &c. Manatee, The. See Leisure Hour, v. 27, 2637J. Manava-Dherma-Sastra, or the Institutes of Menu, edited by Haughton, 2 vols. 1825 63-4A Manby (Capt. G. W., Inventor of Life-Preserving Apparatus for Shipwrecks^ b. 1765, d. 1854), F.R.S. See Everyday Heroes, 1455O. Manchester [Land we Live In] 464B — Sec also_ Acworth's Railways [Manchester, Sheffield and Lincoln], 937D. Alison's Europe, 139-45O. All the Year Round [Hard Times in], v. 42, 1802J. Art Journal [Art Exhibition], v. 35, R.L. Century [Shall She have a University], v. 2, 1874J. Chambers [Saturday Evening in], v. *3. 1933J '. [Merchant's Palace], v. 29, 1941J ; [Free Libraries of], v. 33, I943J '» [Warehouses of], v. 43, 1948J. Cobden's Speeches, 323R, Es- cott's England and its People, 1017F. Fraser [Bishopric of), v. 36, 646J ; [by a Manchester Man], v. 47, 657J ; [A Whit Week at], v. 53, 663J. Granville's Spas, &c, 352K. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Leisure Hour [Free Library], v. 3, 2613J ; [Art Palace in], v. 6, 2616J ; [Sketches of], v. 6, 2616J. Living Age [Cotton Metropolis], V. 36, 3066J. Morley's Life of Richard Cobden, 190-1F. Nature [Science Lectures at], v. 13, 2673J. Saturday Review [Annals of], v. 62, R.L. Sunday at Home [At Whitsuntide], v. 18, 2868J, &c. [451] MAN GUILLE-ALLES LtBkARY. 'MAN Manchester Science Lectures for the People, Eighth Series, 1876-7, by Roscoe and others, illustrated. 1877 28R Manchester (Bishop of). See Fraser (J.) Manchester (Duke of), Court and Society, from Elizabeth to Anne, edited from the Papers at Kimbolton, 2 vols. 1864 65-6F Mandalay to Momien, a Narrative of the two Expeditions to Western China of 1868 and 1875, ty Anderson, illustrated. 1876 540K See also Chambers fCity of], v. 51, 1952J. Nature [to Momien], v. 13, 2673J. China, Travels, &c. Mandarins. See Colquhoun's China, 541-2K, &c. Mandat-Grancey (Baron E. de). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mandingoes. Sec Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Manganates, Permanganates, Condy's Fluid. See Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Manganese, Ores of, &c. See Ure's Dictionary, 8-9D. Manhood, Threshold of, A Young Man's Words to Young Men, by Dawson. 1889 1243O See also Temple Bar [and Boyhood], v. 50, 1380J. Manila. See Wilkinson's Sunny Lands, 837 K. Living Age [and Japan, Lady's Visit to], v. 79, 3109J. Penny Magazine [Cigar Manufacture in], v. 3, 141B. Milner's Earthquakes, 395R. Maililius. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Manin(D., Venetian Statesman, b. 1804, d. 1857). See Senior's Conversations, 434-5H, &c. Manitoba, A Trip to, by Fitzgibbon. 1880 1628R Its Infancy, &c, by Bryce. 1882 458O See also All the Year Round [Lady's Life in], v. 54, 1814J. Blackwood [University of], v. 127, 197J. Chambers [Recent Progress in], v. 57, 1 957J> Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 6, 2355J, &.c. Mankind, Natural History of, by Ward, illustrated. 1851 612Q Races of, by Brown, illustrated, 4 vols, in 2 !55D ■ See also Man. Manley (J. J.), M.A., Salt and other Condiments [Int. Health Ex.] 985M Manliness. See Good Words [Christian], v. 22, 2192J. - of Christ, by Hughes 60Q Mann (Colonel F. W., of Guernsey). See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2, p. 269], t 362B, &c. Mann (Lieut.-Colonel G. F., of Guernsey'}, C.B. See Sarnia [p. 97], 1416O, &c. Manna. See Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Science Gossip [of the Desert] v. 11, 2415J, &c. MANNERS and Customs of India, by Acland. 1847 819Q ■ — Primitive, by Farrer. 1879 1014M Fashion, by Spencer. 1882 929F — Music, Personal Reminiscences and Sketches of Character, by Beatty-Kingston, 2 vols. 1887 953-4^ Sentiments in England during the Middle Ages, by Wright... 942F • [Habits of Good Society] 1408Z [Home Amenities] 945M > See also Adams' Queen Anne, 1280- iH. All the Year Round [Company], v. 20, 1780J. Blackwood, v. 90, 160J. Chambers [Gentle], v. 41, 1947J ; [Good], v. 54, 1954J. Chevalier\s United States, 1042F. Dew's Nations, 53H. Evelyn's Table Talk, 1107R. Fraser [Fashions and Things in General], v. 10, 620J ; v. 17, 627J ; [Sliding Scale of], v. 29, 639J ; [and Morals, as Affected by Civilization], v. 64, 674J. Good Words [Unseemly], v. 24, 2194J. Knowledge [American], v. 4, 2584J. Harper's Index [and Customs], i64oJa. Hone's Works [and Customs], 934-7F. Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 172H. Living Age [French], v. 113, 3143J ; [Courtesy at Home], v. 137, 3167J. Lytton's Caxtonia, 1015R. Malcolm's London in Eighteenth Century [and Customs], 748-9H. Mehagen's Universal History, 13-5H. Quarterly [Codes of], v. 59, 1189J. Siebold's Japanese [and Customs], 1512R. Temple Bar [Progress in], v. 12, 1342J ; [Modern, Falling off in], v. 34, 1364J. Society, Countries, &c. [452] MAN ENGLISH SECTION. MAN Manners (Lord J., Postmaster General, 1885, b. 1818). See Fraser [Poetry of], v. 35, 645J. Lucy's Parliament, 316-7H, &c. Manners (Lady John), Encouraging Experiences of Reading and Recreation Rooms. 1886 1990R Some of the Advantages of easily accessible Reading and Recreation Rooms and Free Libraries, with Remarks on Starting and Maintaining them, and Suggestions for the Selection of Books. 1885 , 1991R Manning (A.), Colloquies of Edward Osborne, Citizen and Cloth- worker of London 1047R Manning (Anne). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Manning (Cardinal, Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, b. 1809). See Arthur's The Popes, &c, 453-4F. Nineteenth Century, v. 4, 1876J ; [and the School Rates], v. 13, 2223J, &c. Manning (S.), LL.D., Italian Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil. 330B Manning (W. C.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Manny (Sir Walter, Celebrated Knight, fought under Edward III., d. 1372). See Froissart's Chronicles, 312D and 457O, &c. Manoel Do Nascimento (F.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Manorial Customs. See Chambers, v. 50, 195 1 J. Manors, Laws of. See Maine's Early Law and Custom, 1082 F. Manrique (J., Spanish Poet, b. 1420, d. 1485). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Man's Renewal, or the Work of the Holy Spirit, by Phelps. 1867 ... 226Q Mansel (H. L., Dean of St. Paul's, Philosopher, b. 1820, d. 1871), D.D., Limits of Religious Thought examined in Eight Lec- tures, preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1858 [Bampton Lectures], 1870 400M and Veitch {].), M.A., Eds., Sir William Hamilton's Works, 4 vols. 1859-60 600-3H See also Eurgon's Twelve Good Men, 661F. Poole's Index, R.L., && Mansell Family, of Guernsey. See Sarnia, 1416O. Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, &c. Mansfield (R. B.), School Life at Winchester College, or Remini* scences of a Winchester Junior. 1866 ioSoR Mansfield (W. Murray, Earl of, Scotch Judge, b. 1705, d. 1793). See CampbeH'a Chief Justices, 787O, &c. Mansie Wauch. See Chap-Books, 1321H. Mansions. See Gower's Reminiscences, 648 F. Architecture, &c. Mant (R., Bishop of Down, Theologian, b. 1776,^. 1848), D.D., and D'Oyly (G.), D.D., Holy Bible, 3 vols. 1817 99-101A Mantell (G. A., Geologist, b. 1790, d. 1852), F.R.S., Geological Ex- cursions Round the Isle of Wight and along the Adjacent Coast of Dorsetshire, illustrated. 1854 406R Medals of Creation, or First Lessons in Geology, illustrated 628-9Q and 404-5R Petrifactions and their Teachings, a Handbook to the Organic Remains in the British Museum. 1851 126R Thoughts on Animalcules ; or, A Glimpse of the Invisible World Revealed by the Microscope, illustrated. 1846 134R Wonders of Geology, illustrated, 2 vols. 1839 724-5Q Mantle (John). See Everyday Heroes, 1455O. Manton (T., Nonconformist Minister, b. 1620, d. 1 677), Commen- tary on the General Epistle of James, edited by Macdonogh. 478A Manton (W. P.), Field Botany, Handbook for the Collector. 1882 839Z Insects, How to Catch and how to Prepare them for the Cabinet. 722Z Taxidermy without a Teacher, illustrated. 1 882 747Z [453] MAN GUILtE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAR Mantua. See Alison's Europe, 121-7O. Hare's Cities of Southern Italy, 1683-4R, &c. Manual Tiaining. See Century [in Public Schools], v. 2, 1874J. Manuals of Elementary Science [S.P.C.K.], illustrated. V.D. : Astronomy, by Christie 750Z Chemistry, by Bernays 752Z Geology, by Bonney 75*Z Matter and Motion, by Maxwell 75 2 635j. Longman [Flowers of], v. 1, 891 J. Saturday Review [in the Country], v. 53, R.L. Fraser, v. 67, 657 J, &c. March (C. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. March (D.), D.D., Night unto Night, a Selection of Bible Scenes ... 401M The Teachings of Night. Last Night of Sodom. Abraham's Vision. Jacob at Bethel. Jacob's Wrestling. Last Night of Israel in Egypt. Night Passage of the Sea. Saul's Night at Endor. David's Night at the Jordan. Elijah in the Desert. Jonah at Nineveh. Night Watch on Mount Seir. Night of Tears. Night Feast of Belshazzar. A Night with Jesus at Jerusalem. A Night of Prayer. A Storm on the Sea. Peter's Temptation. Night of Agony. After the Resurrection. Angel Visits. The Prison at Phillippi. Paul's Night in the Deep. No Night in Heaven. Marcian. See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670-71F. Marcian Colonna, an Italian Tale [Poem], by Cornwall. 1820 45&D Marco Polo. See Polo (Marco). Marcus Argentarius. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Marcus Crassus. See Plutarch's Lives, 448 F, &c. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. See Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius). Marcy (E. E.), A.M., Christianity and its Conflicts, Ancient and Modern. 1867 205M Marcy (Capt. R. B.), Prairie Traveller, a Handbook for Overland Expeditions between the Mississippi and the Pacific, ill. 1859 418T Marengo. See Comhill [Battle and Campaign of], v. 14, 294J. Temple Bar, v. 35, i36sJ- Marenholtz-Bulow (Baroness), Child and Child-Nature, Contribu- tions to the Understanding of Frobel's Educational Theories, translated by Christie. 1879 280R Pland Work and Head Work, their Relation to one Another, and the Reform of Education according to the Principles of Frobel, translated by Christie 265R Mare's Nest, found by Materialists, Ovvenists, and Craniologists. See Fraser, v. 9, 619J. Marey (E. J.), Animal Mechanism, a Treatise on Terrestrial and Aerial Locomotion [International Scientific Series] 357R Margaret of Angouleme or Valois {Queen of Navarre, b. 1492, d. I 549)> by Robinson [Eminent Women Series]. 1886 1137O See also Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Blackwood, v. 58, 128J. France, &c. Margaret of Anjou {Queen of England and France, b. 1429, d. 1482), Life and Times of, by Hookham, 2 vols. 1872 370-iF See also Clayton's Female Warriors, 643O. James' Celebrated Women, 829-0O. Robert's York and Lancaster, 314-5H. Strickland's Queens of England, 800O. Yonge's Heroines, 958O, &c. Margate and Ramsgate, Isle of Thane t [Land we Live in] 464B See also Leisure Hour, v. 1, 261 1 J. Macmillan [Day at], v. 45, 975 J. Argosy, v. 12, 12J. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K, &c.' Margins. See All the Year Round, v. 19, 1779J. Margolle and Zurcher (MM.), Volcanoes and Earthquakes, trans- lated by Lockyer, illustrated. 1868 489R [455] MAR GUILLE-ALLfcS LIBRARY. MAR Maria Teresa {Empress of Austria, b. 1717, d. 1780). See Yonge's Heroines, 958O. Temple Bar, v. 49, 1379 J, &c. Marianus Scholasticus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Marie- Amelie {Queen of France, £.'1782, d. 1866). See Temple Bar, v. 38, 1368 J. Marie Antoinette {Queen of France, daughter of Francis L of France, b. 1755, executed 1793), Life of," by Yonge, 2 vols, 815-6O Private Life of, by Campari, illustrated, 2 vols. 1883-4 „..99-iooF The Woman and Queen, by Tytler. 1883 817O See also Baker's French Society, 333O. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [At Trianon], v. 37, 757J. Kavanagh's Women, 1044O. Leisure Hour, v. 11, 2621J. Thiers' French Revolution, 376-7H. Tourzel's Memoirs, 626-7 F. Yonge's Heroines, 958O. Edinburgh Review [Life of], v. no, 470J ; [Correspondence of], v. 123, 183J ; [Secret Correspondence of], v. 144, 504J.' Fraser [Farewell to her Son], v. 62, 672J. Quarterly, v. 150, 1280J. Temple Bar] and the Queen's Necklace], v. 12, 1392J. Thomson's Friendships, 564O. France, Louis XVI, &c. Marie Louise, Empress of France, daughter of Francis I. of Austria, b. 1791, d. 1849, Memoirs of, by Saint Amand, tr. 1886 ... 109F and Napoleon, by Madame La Generale Durand. 1886 1356O See also Alison's Europe, 124-36O. Jackson's French Court, 335O. Quarterly, v. 12, 1032J. France, Napoleon, &c. Marie Stuart. See Mary Stuart, Stuart, &c. Marie (C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Marine Algae, or Seaweeds of Great Britain, by Grattann, ill. 752F and 132R See also Hervey's Sea Mosses, 120R. Fraser's Seaside Naturalist [Vegetation], 590Q. Chambers [Life], v. 2, 1922J ; [Flora], v. 48, 1950J. Algae, Aquarium, Seaweeds, &c. Animals. See Agassiz (E. C. and A.), Seaside Studies [of Massachusetts Bay], 783F. Harvey's Sea-side Book, 1868Z. Kingsley's Glaucus, 591Q. Chambers [Strange], v. 51, 1952J. Natural History, &c. Chronometer. See Chronometer. ■ Insurance, Lloyd's, &c., by Martin. 1876 535H Phenomena. See Chambers, v. n, 1931J. Signals [Marryat's Code] ; 17D ■ Zoology, Botany, Geology, &c. See Sea Shore, Ocean, Fish, Zoology, Natural History, &c. Marine Stores. See Fraser, v. 45, 655J, and v. 46, 656 J. Mariner Newman, A Voyage in the Good Ship Glad Tidings, to the Promised Land, by Macgregor. 1878 50Z Mariner (W.), and Martin {].), M.D., Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands in the South Pacific Ocean, 2 vols. 1827 683-4Z Mariners. See Sailors, Seamen, Ships, &c. Mariners' Compass, The. See Brown's Science for All, 627B. Donnelly's Atlantis, 1017M. Timbs' Inventions, 258R. Compass, &c. Marines. See Chambers [Royal], v. 46, 1949 T. Fraser [and Bluejackets of Royal Navy], v. 92, 702J. Marini (G., Italian Poet, b. 1569, d. 1625). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Mario (G., Famous Italian Tenor Singer, b. 1808, d. 1883). See Engel's Remin- iscences, 1349O. Temple Bar [the Great Tenor], v. 70, 1400J. Marion (F.), Wonderful Balloon Ascents, translated U38R Mariotti (L.), Italy, Pastand Present, 2 vols. 1848 1407-8R Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Maritime and Inland Discovery [by W. D. Cooley], 3 vols. 1830 409-1T See also Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 757F. Fraser [High- way of Nations], v. 69, 679J ; [Romances and Parliamentary Novels], v. 4, 614J. Marina (Caius, Roman General, b. 157, d. 86 B.C.). See Gilman's Rome, 424O. Niebuhr's History of Rome, 87H. Plutarch's Lives, 447F and 1132Q. Mark (St.) and Matthew (St.), Commentary on the Gospels of, by Lange, 3 vols. 1869 114-6A [456] MAR ENGLISH SECTION. MAR Mark (St.), Gospel of, with Commentary by Plumptre [School Com- mittee] I37Q [Barnes' Notes] iM _- See also Gray's Biblical Museum, 87M. Haweis' Christ and Christianity [The Citizen's Story], 1183M, &c. Mark Twain. See Twain (Mark). Markby (W., Rector of Duxford), D.C.L., Elements of Law, con- sidered with Reference to Principles of General Juris- prudence. 1885 1108F Market Drayton. See Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R. Market-Gardens. See Robinson's Gardens of Paris, 609B. Gardens, &c. Marketing. See Leisure Hour [Poor People's], v. 19, 2629J. All the Year Round [the Best], v. 46, 1806J. Chambers [The Poor Man at], v. 25, 1 939 J ; [A Cheap], v. 46, I949.J- Markham (W. O.), M.D., Diseases of the Heart ; their Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment, i860 915K Markham (Mrs.), History of England from the First Invasion by the Romans, for the use of Young Persons, illustrated. 1863 247O Marks (L. M.1, Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Marks (T. S.), The Great Pyramid, its History and Teachings 402M Marlborough (John Churchill, Duke of, Celebrated General, b. 1650, d. 1722), Life of, by Bucke [Family Library]. 1839 1065Q : Life of, by Creighton. 1879 942Q Military Life of, by Alison. 1848.. 378F by Saintsbury [English Worthies]. 1885 1203O See also Adams' England at War, 198H. Burton's Queen Anne, 236-8H. Green's English People, 192H. Macmillan [Town and School], v. 52, 982J. Menzies' Political Women, &c, 929O. Merydew's Love Letters [vol. 1], 676F. Wentworth Papers, 553F. Blackwood [Dis- patches of], v. 60, 130J. Quarterly, v. 23, 1043J, &c. Marlborough (Sarah, Duchess of, wife of the above, b. 1660, d. 1744), Private Correspondence of, also of her Husband, illus- trative of the Court and Times of Queen Anne, 2 vols. 1838 308-9D See also Adams' Women of Society, 1047O. Temple Bar, v. 52, 1382J. Anne (Queen), &c. Marlowe (C, Dratnatist, b. 1564, d. 1593). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Fortnightly, v. 13, 2103J, &c. Marmalade. Set Girl's Own Annual, v. 2, 2552J. All the Year Round, v. 42, 1822J. Foods, &c. Marmion, A Tale of Floddcn Field, a Poem by Scott, ill. 743-4M and 510Z Marmont (A. F. de, Marshal of France, b. 1774, d. 1852). See Alison's Europe, 123-36O and 139-41O, &c. Marmontel (J. F., French Poet, b. 1723, d. 1799), Memoirs of, by Himself, 4 vols. 1805 818-21O Marmosets. Set Knowledge [Pet], v. 5, 2585J. Leisure Hour, v. 26, 2636 J. Maronites. See Blackwood, v. 126, 196J. Maroons, The. See Edinburgh Review [Dallas's History of], v. 2, 362J. Marot (C., French Poet, b. 1495, and other Studies, by Morley. 1871 822O ■ See also Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Marquesas Islands, Four Months' Residence in the, or a Peep at Polynesian Life, by Melville 774Q and 1287R Marrett (Captain J., of Guernsey), R.N. See Sarnia [p. 76], 1416O. Marrett (Lieutenant-General T., of Gtiernscy). See Sarnia [p. 102], 1416O. MARRIAGE, Works relating to : {See also Bridals, Courtship, Love, Husbands, Wives, [Falling in Love], v. 46, 2136J. Gentleman's Magazine[How the People Get Married], v. 34, 754J. Leisure Hour [Settlements], v. 14, 2624J ; [Customs, German, Grecian and Roman], v. 30, 2640J ; [Scandinavian Customs], v. 34, 2644J. Nineteenth Century [With a Deceased Wife's Sister], v. 20, 2230J. Saturday Review [at Funerals], v. 55. All the Year Round [Slaves of the Ring], v. 20, 1780J ; [Married Women's Property], v. 24, 1784J. Blackwood [in Scotland], v. 61, 131J and v. 66, 136 J. Chambers [in France], v. 24, 1938J ; [in Sardinia], v. 24, 1938J ; [Law of], v. 36, 1944J ; [Mor- ganatic], v. 37, 1945J ; [in China], v. 50, 1951J ; [Curious Pro- posals of], v. 56, 1956J ; [Customs], v. 58, 1958J. Contemporary [Law of English], v. 9, 2019J. Cornhill [Settlements], v. 8, 288 J. Fort- nightly [Law of, in Scotland], v. 8, 2098J ; [Morality of Married Life], v, 18, 2108J ; [of First Cousins, Effects of], v. 24, 2114J ; The Levirate and Polyandry], v. 27, 2117J. Fraser [Letter to a young Married Lady], v. 39, 649J ; [and Celibacy], v. 65, 675J ; [Impediments to, v. 76, 686J ; [Hon. Mrs. Norton and Married Women], v. 97, 707J. Good Words [and a Single Life], v. 4, 2174J ; [Married Lovers], v. 11, 2181J. Living Age [Engagements], v. 69, 3099J ; [Theories of, in France and in England], v. 86, 3116J. Mac- millan [Hints on Proposals], v. 2, 932J ; [Can a Catholic Priest contract Matrimony ?], v. 20, 950J. Penny Magazine [in Russia], v. 4, 142B. Scribner [Marrying Titles], v. 20, 1870J. Temple Bar [Among English Aristocracy], v. 4, 1334J ; [on Small Incomes], v. 9, *339J '■> [Curiosities of], v. 23, 1353J ; [Supposed Abolition of Ties], v. 25, 1355J ; Advice to Young Married People], v. 26, 1356J ; [Ad- vice on, by a Cynic], v. 34, 1364 J ; [Etiquette of, in France], v. 36, 1366J. Westminster Review [with a Deceased Wife's Sister], v. 55, R.L. ; [Consanguinity in] v. 80, 104, R.L. ; [Law of, in Great Britain], v. 90, R.L. Bryce's American Commonwealth [Laws], 517H. Chambers [in the French Provinces], v. 3, 1923 J. Scribner [Free], v. 6, 1856J, &c. Marriage in Cana of Galilee, by Macmillan. 1882 92T Marriages of the Bonapartes, by Bingham, 2 vols. 1 881 330- iO Marriott (C). See Burgon's Twelve Good Men, 660F. Marriott (W. B., d. 1871), Testimony of the Catacombs, &c, con- cerning Questions of Doctrine, now Disputed in the Church, illustrated. 1870 I12K Marryat (Florence [Mrs. Ross Church], Daughter of Capt. Marry at). See Fic- tion Class List following the General Catalogu [458] MAR ENGLISH SECTION. MAR Marryat (Capt., Celebrated Writer of Naval Stories, &>£., b. 1792, d. 1848), A Diary in America, 3 vols. 1839 1021-3R Universal Code of Signals, for the Mercantile Marine, revised by Richardson, illustrated. 1858 17D Life of, by Hannay. 1889 1269O m£ee also Chambers [Life and Letters of], v. 49, 1951J. Cornhill [Sea Novels], v. 27, 307J. Fraser [Novels], v. 17, 627J. Temple Bar, v. 37, 1367J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Marryat (J., d. 1876), Pottery and Porcelain, Mediaeval and Modern. 1868 936D Mars, the Planet [Brown's Science for All] 629Ba See also Chambers' Journal [Life in], v. 63, 1963J. Leisure Hour [Swift's Prophecy of two Moons], v. 26, 2636 J. Scribner's Monthly [and his Moons], v. 15, 1 865 J. Nature [the Planet], v. 9, 2669J. Astronomy, &c. Marsden (J. B.), M.A., History of the Early Puritans, from the Reformation to the Opening of the Civil War in 1642 ... 703 A Later Puritans, from the Opening of the Civil War in 1642 to the Ejection of the Non-Conforming Clergy in 1662. 1852 704A Marsden (S., First Missionary to New Zealand, b. 1754, d. 1830), Life and Labours of, edited by J. B. Marsden [R.T.S.] 994Q Marseille (F. De). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Marseilles. See Art Journal, v. 34, R.L. Leisure Hour [Forenoon in], v. 6, 2616J. Chambers [Aqueduct of], v. 13, 1933J ; [under a War Aspect], v. 31, 1942J ; Temple Bar [La Cann^biere], v. 10, 1340J, &c. Marsh.- Caldwell (Mrs. A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Marsh. (A. C. and G. P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Marsh (Miss C, Philanthropist), English Hearts and English Hands, illustrated. 1859 124T Life of Major A. Vandeleur [A Christian Soldier]. 1862 1013O Memorials of Captain Hedley Vicars [A Christian Soldier], i860 1014O by Alldridge [World's Workers]. 1887 1152O See also Darton's Famous Girls, 1326O, &c. Marsh (G. V., American Ethnologist, <&V., b. 1801, d. 1882), LL.D. Lectures on the English Language. 1861 1029H Man and Nature, or Physical Geography as Modified by Human Action. 1 864 200D ■ Origin and History of the English Language, and of the Early Literature it Embodies. 1862 1028H Marsh (H, M.), B.D., 7)-., Introduction to New Testament, by Michaelis, vols. 2-4. 1802 359-61A Marsh (J.), D.D., Temperance Recollections, Labours, Defeats, Triumphs. 1867 823O Marsh (J. B.) Memorials of the City Temple from its Formation by Goodwin, Chaplain to Cromwell. 1877 403M Marsh (W.), D.D., Life of, by his Daughter. 1867 379F Marshall (E.), M.A., Oxford [Diocesan Histories S.P.C.K.]. 1882 1840Z Marshall (Emma), History of France adapted from the French for the Use of English Children, illustrated. 1877 31 iO Stories of the Cathedral Cities of England. 1879 300O and 1356R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Marshall (F.), Curiosities of Ceremonials, Titles, Decorations and Forms, on International Vanities. 1880 939F Marshall (J.), Royal Naval Biography of all the Flag Officers, Superannuated Rear- Admirals, Retired Captains, Post Cap- tains and Commanders whose Names appeared on the Admiralty List at the Commencement of 1823,6 vols in 12. 9-20F [459] MAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAR Marshall (Mrs. J. )» Handel [Great Musicians]. 1883 1224O Marshall (W. W., Classical Master, Elizabeth College, Guernsey), M.A., Cruces and Criticisms, or Examination of Certain Passages in Greek and Latin Texts. 1886 1148II Marshall (W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Marshes. See Penny Magazine, v. 12, 150B. Marshman (J. C), Memoirs of Major-Genl. Sir Henry Havelock. 697O Marston Moor. See Macmillan [Visit to], v. 6, 936J. Marston (P. B.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Marteilhe (J.), Tr., The Huguenot Galley Slave, an Autobiography. 72 iO Martell (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Marten, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660Q, &c. Martial Law. See Brodie's British Empire, 2T2H. Chambers [Law], v. 43, 1948J. Cornhill [and Military Law], v. 43, 323 J, &c. Martial {French Poet, b. 1440, d. 1508.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Martin, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 645Q. Swallows, Birds, &c. Martin (St.). See Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670F, &C. Martin (E. W.), History of the Great Riots, an Account of the Strikes and Riots on the various Railroads of the United States and in the Mining Regions, illustrated. 1877 522H Martin (F.), History of Lloyd's and of Marine Insurance in Great Britain. 1876 535H Martin (Helena Faucit, Lady), On Some of Shakespeare's Female Characters. 1887 419D [Ophelia, Portia, Desdemona, Juliet, Imogen, Rosalind, Beatrice.] Martin (Henry). See Kaye's Indian Officers, 1453O. Martin (Mrs. Herbert), Ed., Memories of Seventy Years. 1883 ... 834O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Martin (J.), A Legacy, being the Remains of J. Martin, by Craik, 2 vols. 1878 1305-6O Martin (J. H.) Microscopic Objects Figured and Described, ill. 1870 808F and Weston (J.), Handbook to the Fernery and Aquarium, ill. 130R Martin (R. M., Colonial Historian, b. 1800), History of the Colo- nies of the British Empire in the West Indies, South America, North America, Asia, Australasia, Africa, and Europe, with illustrations of the Charters, and Engraved Seals. 1843 472B Contents: — Area._ Agriculture. Commerce. Manufactures. Shipping. Customs Duties. Population. Education. Religion. Crime. Govern- ment. Finances. _ Law. Military Defence. Cultivated and Waste Lands. Emigration. Rates of Wages. Prices of Provisions. Banks. Coins. Staple Products. Stock. Moveable and Immov- able Property. Public Companies, &c. Ireland before and after the Union. 1848 348H Martin (S.), Extra Work of a London Pastor. 1863 1024R Rain upon the Mown Grass and other Sermons. 1842-70. 1871 113K Spring Thoughts. Lessons of the Lillies. Little Foxes. Dwelling in Booths. A Cedar House for God's House. Zion's Strength a Pastor's Claim. Christ's Commission to his Apostles. Power to Preach. Power to Heal. Christ Weeping over Jerusalem, Precious Blood of Christ. Soul's Thirst satisfied in Jesus. Cup of Salvation. Strength of a Saint. _ Fulness of God. Inheritors of the Promises. For my Sake. A Living Sacrifice. Thirst for the glory of God. Married to his Memory. The Widow's Gift. A Child's Accountability. Early Piety. Duty of a Church towards its Neighbourhood. Change and Continuance, &c. Martin (Sir T., Scotch Scholar, b. 18 16), Horace [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1878 II00Q [46o] MAR ENGLISH SECTION. MAR Martin (Sir T.), Life of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort, with portraits, 5 vols. 1875-80 : Vol. 1. 1819-36.— Early Years of the Prince's Life. 1820-39— Birth and Education of the Princess Victoria. Baron Stockmar. Project of the Marriage between the Prince and Queen Victoria. 1839 — Character of the Prince. 1840 — Royal Marriage. Political Parties in England. The Prince appointed Regent. 1841 — Birth of the Prince of Wales. 1842 — The Queen Shot at by Bean. 1843 — Re- organisation of Royal Household undertaken by the Prince. Birth of the Princess Alice. Efforts of the Prince to Suppress Duelling. 1843 — Royal Visit to the King of the French. 1844 — Death of the Prince's Father. Visit of the King of Saxony and the Emperor of Russia. 1844— Birth of Prince Alfred. Visit of the King of the French. 1844-5 — Osborne Purchased by the Prince. 1845-6 — Lord John Russell's Edinburgh Letter. 1846 — Birth of the Princess Helena. 1846-7— Great Distress in Ireland. Death of O'Connell. Letter to Lord John Russell. 1847-8— Great Commercial Distress in England and Scotland. Birth of Princess Louise, &c 92 F Vol. 2. 1848.— State of Europe after the Fall of Louis Phillipe. State of Ireland. Chartist Riots. Sympathy of the Prince with the Working Classes. The Prince and Baron Stockmar. First Visit to Balmoral. Letter to Dean Wilberforce. Activity of the Prince. The Queen Shot at. 1849— Education of the Royal Children. The Queen and Prince visit Ireland. Dislike of Personal Praise. 1849-50 — Speech of the Prince at the Mansion House. 1850 — Birth of Prince Arthur. Greek Claims. The Queen struck by Lt. Pate. Queen and Prince stay at Holyrood for first time. Lord John Russell resumes Office. 1850-1 — Great Exhibition. Speeches of the Prince. Royal Visit to Liverpool and Manchester. Kossuth's Reception in England. 1852 — Books read by the Prince in 1852. Lord Derby's Ministry. 1852-3 — Lord Aberdeen's Ministry. Birth of Prince Leopold. 1853 — The Eastern Question. War declared by Turkey. Letter of the Emperor of Russia to the Queen, and Reply. The Prince objects to a Statue of himself. Violent Attacks in the Press upon the Prince, &c 93F Vol. 3. 1854-5. — War in the East Inevitable. Reasons given by the Prince why England went to War. Prince's Sketch of Plan for the Invasion of Crimea. The Prince and the French Emperor. Battle of the Alma. _ Battle of Balaclava. Prince's Plans for Reinforcements. Miss Nightingale. Lord John Russell goes as Plenipotentiary to Vienna. Visit of the Emperor and Empress of the French to the Queen. Russian Losses in the Crimea. The Queen distributes Medals to Invalids from the Crimea. Remarkable Speech by the Prince. Lord Raglan Dies. Lord John Russell Retires from Office. Betrothal of the Princess Royal and Prince Frederick Wdliam of Prussia. The Prince's ' Address to the Birmingham and Midland Institute. The Guards. Memorial to the Queen. 1856 — Letter of the Queen to Lord Clarendon on his Mother's Death. Birth of the Prince Imperial. Allied Armies in the Crimea. Accident to the Princess Royal, &c 94F Vol. 4. 1857. — Philanthropy of the Prince. Sympathy with the Working Classes. Manchester Exhibition of Fine Arts opened by the Prince. Visit of Grand Duke Constantine. The Prince created Prince Consort. Disastrous News from India. Transfer of Government of India to the Crown. 1858 — Suppression of Indian Mutiny. Orsini's Attempt on the Life of the Emperor of the French. Marriage of the Princess Royal. Letters to her by the Prince Consort. State of France. Fall of Lucknow. The Queen and Prince visit Lord and Lady Leigh at Stoneleigh Abbey and open Aston Park at Birmingham. Royal Visit to Germany. Royal Visit to Leeds. Opinions of the Prince on Kingsley's and George Eliot's Novels. Christmas at Windsor Castle. 1859— U6l] MAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAR Martin (Sir T.) Life of Prince Consort, &c.— {continued.) Princess Royal delivered of a Son at Berlin. Royal Visit to the Channel Islands [p. 480]. The Prince Founds a Military Library at Aldershot. The Victoria Soldiers' Libraries. Illness of the Duchess of Kent. Princess Royal Visits England. Letter by the Queen to Lord John Russell. Letter by Prince Consort to Crown Princess, &c 95F Vol. 5. i860. — England and France. Prince Consort's Letter to Prince Regent of Prussia. Reform Bill introduced by Lord John Russell. Speech of the Prince Consort at the Clothworkers' Hall. Prince Consort's Admiration of Tennyson's " Idylls of the King." Letter to Mr. Tennyson. Garabaldi and Count Cavour. Court at Osborne. Multifarious Nature of the Prince Consort's Occupations. Letters of Prince Consort on Naval Reserves. , Garibaldi Invades Naples. Journey of the Queen and Prince to Coburg. Visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada and the United States. Betrothal of the Princess Alice. Various Letters of the Prince Consort. 1861 — Death of the King of Prussia. Great Exhibition. Illness and Death of the Duchess of Kent. Mr. Gladstone's Speech introducing the Budget. Civil War in America. Prince of Wales visits Germany. Illness of the Prince Consort. The Last Draft prepared by the Prince. His Death. Concluding Remarks 06F Life of the Prince Consort [People's Edition]. 1882 327B and 327Ba Life of Lord Lyndhurst, from Letters and Papers in Possession of his Family. 1883 696F See also Leisure House [with Portrait], v. 32, 2642J. Martin (T. C), Franz Liszt. 1886 244Z Martin [W. A. P.), LL.D., The Chinese, their Education, Philo- sophy and Letters. 1881 1521R Martin (W. C. L.). See Humming Birds [Supplement], Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 684Q. Our Domestic Fowls [R.T.S.] 739Z Martin (W. H. P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Martindale (M.), Dictionary of the Holy Bible, 2 vols. 1818 43K Martinean (H., Authoress, b. 1802, d. 1876), Eastern Life, Present and Past, 3 vols. 1848 1536-8R History of British Rule in India. 1857 462T the Peace [1816-46], Pictorial History of England during the Thirty Years' Peace. 1858 449B Society in America, 2 vols. 1837 694-5K Autobiography, with Memorials by Chapman, illustrated, 3 vols. 824-6O by Miller [Eminent Women Series]. 1884 1130O See also Adam's Celebrated Englishwomen, 1282O ; Women of Letters, &c, 10480.^ Cornhill [Conversations with, after Death], v. 48, 328J ; [Re- collections of], v. 49, 329 J. Harper's Index [Works of], i64&Ja. Mor- ley's Miscellanies, 842O and 8430a. Contemporary, v. 29, 2039J. Quarterly [Autobiography], v. 143, 1273J. Temple Bar [Memorials of), v - 53> X 383J. Poole's Index, R.L. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Martineau {]., Brother of the above, Unitarian Minister, b. 1805), D.D., A Study of Religion, its Sources and Contents. 1888. 636-7 A A Study of Spinoza. 1882 976O Hours of Thought on Sacred Things, 2 vols. 1879 404-5M Martineau (R.), Ed., History of Israel, by Ewald, translated. 1869 61-6K Martinez de la Bosa(F., Spanish Statesman, b. 1789, d. 1862). See Long- fellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Martini (G., French Musician, b. 1706, d. 1784). See Naumann's Music, 928D. Martyn (H„ Orientalist, b. 1781, d. 1812), B.D., by Bell [Men Worth Remembering]. 1880 I165O [462] MAR ENGLISH SECTION. MAR Martyn (H.), Memoir of. 1819 380F by Sargent] American Tract Society] 1675Z See also Christian Biography, 1441O. Good Words [Life ofj, v. 6, 2176J. Living Age, v. 151, 3181J. Quarterly [Memoirs of], v. 25, H55.L Sunday at Home, v. 2, 2852J, &c. Martyr-Graves of Scotland, by Thomson, 2 vols. 1875 167-8T Martyr of Antioch, a Dramatic Poem, by Milman. 1822 443^ Martyrs, Book of, by Fox, edited by Cumming, illustrated. 1844 599-601 A Letters of the, published in 1564, with a Preface by Coverdale and Introduction by Bickersteth. 1837 270M See also Gibbon's Roman Empire, 75-8H. Haweis' Christ and Christianity [of Lyons], 1186M. Fraser [Fox's Book of], v. 15, 625 J. Ecclesiasti- cal History. Sunday at Home [of Paris], v. 3, 2853J. Quiver [Spanish] v. 14, 3284J. Sunday at Home, v. 34, 2884J, &c. Marveil (A. De). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Marvell (A., Poet and Satirist, b. 1620, d. 1678), Poems and Life [British Poets]. 1857 437Q See also Brave Confessors, 1440O. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Cornhill [and his Writings], v. 20, 300J. Westminster, v. 18, R.L., &a Marvels of Art and Miracles of Nature 1227Z Creation, Earth and Sea [W. H. D. Adams] 820Z — Nature [by Noyce], illustrated 504R the Heavens, by Flammarion. 1872 544^ Marvin (C), The Region of the Eternal Fire, an Account of a Jour- ney to the Petroleum Region of the Caspian in 1883, ill. 1884 805K Russians at the Gates of Herat I158R Marx (Karl). See Leisure Hour [and the International], v. 27, 2637J. Fortnightly [and German Socialism], v. 23, 2113J, &c. Mary, The Virgin. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K. Contemporary [Rise and Progress of, the Worship of], v. 4, 2014J. Quarterly [Im- maculate Conception of], v. 97, 1227J, &c. Mary 1. (Queen 0/ .England, b. 1516, d. 1558). See Burk's Historical Portraits, 541F. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 327H. Fraser [Love Match of Princess Mary, daughter of Henry VIII.], v. 102, 712J. Harper, v. 52, 1632J. Mary II. (Queen of England, b. 1662, d. 1694). See Stoughton's Religion in Eng- land, 96M. Living Age [Memoirs of], v. 169, 3199J. Mary Beatrice (ofModena, Queen of James H : ,b. 1658, d. 1718). See Strickland's Queens of England, 800O. Living Age, v. 13, 3043J, &c. Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots] b. 1542, executed 1587), In Captivity, by Leader. 1880 347H Life and Times of, by Cunningham 2 53^ of, by Bell [Family Library], 2 vols. 1831 1076-7Q Strickland, 2 vols. 1873 793"40 See also Aikin's Queen Elizabeth, 121-2F. Blackwood's Magazine [in Scot- land], v. 144, 214J. Clayton's Female Warriors, 643O. Dixon's H.M. Tower, 321 H. Fortnightly [Character of], v. 37, 2127 J. Froude's Eng- land, 194-202O. Green's English People, 190 H. Leisure Hour [Relic of], v. 21, 2631 J ; [and David Rizzio], v. 22, 2632J ; [and Bothwell], v. 32, 2642J. Longfellow's Poets of Europe, 473D. M'Cries' Life of Knox, 756O. Robertson's Scotland, 338-9H. Swinburne 's Miscel- lanies, 1340O. All the Year Round [Last Moments of], v. 32, 1892 J. Fraser [Trial of], v. 84, 694J. Living Age [History of], v. 35, 3065J. Once a Week [Last Prison of], v. 25, 2285J. Penny Magazine [Execu- tion of], v. 2, 140B. Quarterly, v. 67, 1197J ; [Letters of], v. 77, 120TT. Temple Bar [and Queen Elizabeth], v. 10, 1340J. Palace and Hospital, 1535O. Stuart, Scotland, &c. Mary Tudor. Sec Living Age [and Duke of Suffolk], v. 89, 3119J. Maryland. See Century [Invasion of, 1863], v. 10, 1882J. Leisure Hour [Life in], v. 12, 2622J. Contemporary [Toleration in], v. 28, 2038J ; Harper [Eastern Shore of], v. 43, 1623 J ; [Canadian Peninsula], v. 59, 1639J. Scribner [Old Maryland Manners], v. 17, 1857J, &c, [463] MAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAS Marylebone. See Leisure Hour [Curiosities of], v. 18, 2628J. All the Year Round, v. 27, 1787 J. London, &c. Marzials (F. T.), Life of Dickens [Robertson's Great Writers]. 1887 1266O Masai Land. See Leisure Hour [Through], v. 34, 2644J. Masaniello. See Fraser, v. 49, 659 J. Masham (Mrs.). See Menzies' Political Women, 929O. Maskell (A.), Russian Art [South Kensington Handbook]. 1884 ... IO48M Maskell (W. ), Ivories, Ancient and Mediaeval [South Kensington Handbook], illustrated 105SM Maskelyne (J. N. ), Modern Spiritualism. 1876 1474Z Masks. See Fraser [Italian], v. 95, 705J. Mason (A. J.), M.A., Commentary on the Epistle of St. Jude [El- licott's School Commentaries] 254Z Thessalonians [Ellicott's School Commentaries] 2 5 2 Q Mason (C. P.), B.A., English Grammar, including the Principles of Grammatical Analysis. 1876 I953R Mason (C. W. and E.. and Professor O. J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Mason (E. T. ), Humorous Gems from American Literature. 1887... 1235R Mason (G. II.), Life with the Zulus of Natal, South Africa [Travellers' Library], 1855 1268R Mason (J., Theologian, b. 1706, d. 1763), M.A.,On Self Knowledge 1222, 14 16 and 1687Z Mason (Sir Josiah, Philanthropist, b. 1795). See Fortunes in Business, 1032F. Mason (Thomas). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mason (W., Cation of York, b. 1725, d. 1797). See Jones' Poets, 662M. Masonry and Stone Cutting, by Dobson. 1849 350T See also Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from vol. 1, 2981J. Maspero (G., French Egyptologist, b. 1846), Egyptian Archaeology 900F Massachusetts, From the Landing of the Pilgrims to the Present Time, by Austin. 1876 511II —— — See also Doyle's English in America, 173-4H. Harper [Indian Life in, to- day], v. 71, 1651J. Seaside Studies [The Bay], 783F. Chambers [Per- secutions in], v. 3, 1923J. Harper [Summer in], v. 22, 1602J ; [Shay's Rebellion] v. 24, 1604J ; [Cape Cod, Nantucket and the Vineyard], v. 51, 1631J ; [Western], v. 61, 1641J. Once a Week [Life in], v. 4, 2264J. Scribner [Agricultural College of], v. 12, 1862J, &c. Massage. See Nineteenth Century [Lady Manners on], v. 20, 2230J, &c. Massena(A., French Marshal, b. 1758, d. 1817). See Alison's Europe, 122-32O. Massey (G., Self-Taught Poet, b. 1828), Memoir of, by D. Massey 171Q See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Stoddard's Late English Poets. 687M. Living Age [Poems], v. 69, 3099J, &c. Massillon (J. B., Bishop of Claremont, French Orator, b. 1663, d. 1742), Selections from the Works of. 1826 45Q See also Saturday Review, v. 58, R.L. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Massingberd (F. C, Chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral, b. 1800, d. 1872), M.A., Lectures on the Prayer Book in Lent, 1864 54Q Massinger (P., Dramatist, b. 1584, d. 1640), Beauties of, Dramatic Playsand Life. 1817 310Q Plays of, Adapted for Family Reading, and the Use of Young Persons [Harper's Family Library], 3 vols. 1831 869-7 iZ See also Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1104R. Cornhill, v. 36, 316J, &c. Masson (D., Scotch Scholar, b. 1822), M.A., Chatterton, a Story of the Year 1770. 1874 1025R De Quincey [English Men of Letters]. 1881 1065O The Three Devils : Luther's, Milton's, and Goethe's, with other Essays. 1874 1169R Masson (E.), M.A. See Winer (G. B.). [464] MAS ENGLISH SECTION. MAT Masson (G.), B.A., France [Early Chroniclers], R.T.S 149O Medireval France [Hugues Capet to the beginning of the Six- teenth Century]. 1888 43§0 The Huguenots [Cassell's Library] 954^ Master, The. See Gentlemen's Magazine, v. 30, 756J. Leisure Hour [and Servant], v. 14, 2624J. Fraser [Masters and Servants], v. 7, 607J. Macmillan [Masters, Servants and Workmen], v. 4, 934J, &c. Master-Missionaries, by Japp. 1880 770O Mastics, Concretes, Cements, &c.,by Dobson. 1872 345T Mastiff, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library 662Q. Dogs, &c. Masting and Rigging of Ships, by Nipping [Weale's Series]. 1866 705Q Mastodon, The. See Nadaillac's Pre-Historic America, 897F. Chambers, v. 19, I936J. Match. Making [In regard to Marriage]. See Chambers' Journal, v. 60, 1960J. Marriage, &c. Matches. See Wynter's Human Hive [and Match-boxes], 244R. Good Words [Lucifers], v. 27, 2197J. Leisure Hour, v. 1, 261 1 J. All the Year Round, v. 3, 1763 J ; [Match-Box Making], v. 17, 1777J. Nature [Safety Matches], v. 13, 2673J. Once a Week [Death by Match- Making], v. 9, 2269J ; [Match-Seller], v. 18, 2278J ; [Through a Match Factory], v. 18, 2278J. Cassell's Magazine [a Box of], v. 3, 2343 J, &c. Mateaux (C. L.), G. and R. Stephenson [World's Workers]. 1885... 1150O Materia Medica. See Leisure Hour [of the Last Century], v. 18, 2628 J. Medicine. Materialism, History of, by Lange, trans, by Thomas, 3 vols. 1877 622-4H Modern, by Wilkinson [Present Day Tracts, Vol. III.] 236T See also Beckett's Laws of Nature, 694Q. Dallinger's Creation, 823D. Fortnightly [and Morality], v. 46, 2136J. Haweis' Current Coin, 974R. Saturday Review [Ethical Aspect of], v. 62, R.L. Contem- porary [Modern], v. 27, 2037J ; [and Theology], v. 38, 2048J. Fort- nightly [and its Opponents], v. 24, 2114J ; [and its Lessons], v. 32, 2122J. Macmillan [What is?], v. 15, 945J. Tulloch's Philosophy, 7 24 A, &c. Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary, by Barlow. 1814 ... 737D Instruments, by Heather [Weale's Series], 1851 710Q Tables, by Young. 1833 743D Mathematicians. See Leisure Hour [Blind], v. 5, 261 5 J. Mathematics, Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus, by Hall. 1834 , 915D Study of, at Cambridge, by Ball. 1889 561R Uses and Triumphs of, by Johnson 562R See also Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Excelsior, 1928R. Mehagen's Uni- versal History, 13-5H. Nature [in America], v. 27, 2687J ; [Modern English], v. 31, 2691J ; [at Cambridge], v. 9, 2669J ; [Galileo and the Application], v. 21, 2681J. Once a Week [Unready Reckoners], v. 20, 2280J. Algebra, Euclid, Arithmetic, Calculus, &c. Mather (F. G. and M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Mathers (Helen B. [Mrs. Henry Reeves], Novelist, b. 1852). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Matheson (G., Scotch Scholar, b. 1842), D.D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A. Mathew(T., Father, Apostle of Temperance, b. 1790, d. 1856). See World's Workers, 1143O, &c. Mathews (B.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mathews (C. ]., Comedian, b. 1S03, d. 1878). See Merydew's Love Letters, v. 11, 677F. Quarterly [Memoirs of], v. 63, 1193J, &c. Mathews (C. S.), M. A., Horace, Odes, Epodes, and the Secular Song, translated into Verse. 1867 706M Mathews (C., Satiric Poet, b. 1817). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1339R. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, die. Mathews (].). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mathews (J. D.), Works of. Sec Harper's Index, i64oJa. Mathews. See Matlhews. L465] MAT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAU Matilda of Flanders. See Strickland's Queens of England, 800O. Matlock. See Granville's Spas, Sec., 352K. ■> Matos (J. X. de). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Matrimonial Happiness, Letters on. 1824 1415Z Eccentricities. See Chambers, v. 20, 1936J. Matrimony. See All the Year Round [and Match Making], v. 50, 1810J ; [Super- stitions respecting], v. 59, 1819J. Beeton's Everybody's Lawyer, 324R. Jeaffreson's Bridals, 983-4H. AH the Year Round [Candidates for], v. 30, 1790J ; [From Banns to], v. 41, 1801J. Chambers [Curiosities and Superstitions of], v. 48, 1950J. Fraser, v. 28, 638J. Marriage, &c. Matsys (Quentin). See Harper, v. 56, 1636J. Matter and Motion, by Maxwell [S.P.C.K. Science Manuals]. 1876. 759Z and its Physical Properties. See Lardner's Lectures, 757D. Blackwood [Circulation of], v. 73, 143J. Contemporary [and Force], v. n, 2021J; [What is], v. 18, 2028J. Science of Thought, 585H. Matterhorn, Ascent of the, by Whymper, illustrated. 1880 410K See also Chambers [and its Victims], v. 63, 1963J. Leisure Hour, v. rr, 2621J ; [Ascent of], v. 18, 2628J. Chambers [Ascent ot], v. 57, 1957J. Gentleman's Magazine [Ascent of, without Guides], v. 18, 738J. Once a Week, v. 13, 2273J. Matteucci (Carlo), Lectures on the Physical Phenomena of Living Beings, translated by Pereira. 1847 34R Mattheson ( Johann). See Mathew's History of Music, 943D. Matthew, (St.), Gospel of [Barnes' Notes] iM with Commentary by Plumptre [School Commentary] I3°Q [Gray's Biblical Museum] 87M Lectures on the Gospel of, delivered at St. James', West- minster, by Bishop Porteus 265K ■ by Kelly. 1868 102 and 103K The Publican's Story [Haweis' Christ and Christianity] I183M and St. Mark, Commentary on the Gospels of, by Lange. 1869 ... I14-6A See also Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K. Matthew of Westminster's Flowers of History, Affairs of Britain to A.D. 1307, translated by Yonge [Bonn's Library], 2 vols. 1853 100-1O Matthew Paris's English History, from the Year 1235 to 1273, trans- lated by Giles [Bohn's Library], 3 vols. 1852 94-6O See also Watson's Works, 32M, &c. Matthew (J. E. ). Popular History of Music, Musical Instruments, Ballet, and Opera from St. Ambrose to Mozart. 1888 943D Matthisson (F. Von). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Maturin. See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Maudslay (H., Mechanic and Inventor, d. 1831). See Smiles' Industrial Bio- graphy, 731O. Maudsley (H., Gulstonian Lecturer at the Royal College of Phy- sicians, b. 1835), D.D., Responsibility in Mental Disease [International Scientific Series], 1885 * 355R Mauger Family (of Guernsey). See Sarnia, 1416O, &c. Maugin (E.), M.A., A Love of Books. 1814 1221Z Maunday Thursday. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M, &c. Maunder (S., Editor and Compiler, b. 1790, d. 1849), Biographical Treasury. 1841 943Q Scientific and Literary Treasury, a New and Popular Encyclo- paedia of the Belles Lettres. 1843 148T Treasury of History, comprising a Separate History of every Principal Nation that Exists. 1847 1S56Z Maupas (M. De), Story of the Coup D'Etat [of Louis-Napoleon and his Elevation as Emperor of the French], translated by Vandam, 2 vols. 1884 324-5O Maur el (J. ), Duke of Wellington, his Character, &c. 1853 972Q [466] MAU ENGLISH SECTION. MAX Maurice (F. D., Philosopher ; b. 1805, d. 1872), M.A., Conflict of Good and Evil in our Day. 1865 547 M Friendship of Books, &c, edited by Hughes. 1874 1026R Kingdom of Christ, or Hints to a Quaker on the Catholic Church 407-8M and 1246-8M The Lord's Prayer, Nine Sermons. 1849 19Q Unity of the New Testament, a Synopsis of the First Three Gos- pels and of the Epistles of James, Jude, Peter and Paul. 1879 409M Life of, by his Son, F. Maurice, 2 vols. 1884 : 381-2F See also Cox's Colenso, 621-2F. Good Words, v. 25, 2 195 J. Fortnightly Review, v. 41, 2131J ; [Theology of], v. 21, 2111J. Fraser [Meta- physics], v. 56, 666J ; [What is Revelation ?], v. 60, 670J. Good Words, v. 13, 2183J. Living Age [Religious and Philosophical Guides], v. 63, 3093J. Scribner's Monthly, v. 4, 1854J. Tulloch's Religious Thought, 629M. Mozley's Essays, 1024H, &c. Mauris (M.). Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Mauritius and South Africa, by Backhouse. 1844 630K A Transport Voyage, touching at the Cape and St. Helena, &c. ... 629K Personal Adventures, &c, by Pike, illustrated. 1873 74°K See also Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 843K. Comhill [Glimpses of], v. 18, 298J. Fortnightly [Emigrants to], v. 23, 2113J. Fraser [Isle ofl, v. 99) 7°9J- Nature [Baker's Flora of], v. 17, 2677J ; [Meteorology in], v. 10, 2670J. Africa, &c. Maury (M. F., Commander U.S. Navy, Hydrographer, £rc, b. 1806, d. 1873), LL.D., Physical Geography of the Sea.... 757II and 690Q See also Nature, v. 7, 2667 J. Temple Bar, v. 38, 1368J. Maury the Abbe\ See Alison's Europe, 120O, &c. Mausoleums. See Madden's Shrines, 342-3K. Tegg's Funeral Rites, 1481Z. Burials, Graves, Sepulchres, &c. Mauve. See Chambers [and Tyrian Purple], v. 34, 1943J. Maverick (A.), Henry J. Raymond and the New York Press, for Thirty Years. Progress of American Journalism, from 1840 to 1870, illustrated. 1870 1031II Mavor (\V., Scotch Educational Writer, b. 1758, d. 1837), LL.D. His- torical Account of the most Celebrated Yoyages, Travels and Discoveries from the Time of Columbus to the Present Period, vols 1 to 25 577Z Miscellanies, in two parts, part 1, prose; part 2, verse, &c. 1829 1318II Ma we (T.) and Abercrombie (J.), The Complete Gardener; or, Gardener's Calendar, with Notes by Gowans and Glenny... 1103M Max Muller (F.) See Midler F. (Max). Max O'Kell. See O'Rell (Max). Maximilian I. of Mexico. See Harper, v. 37, 1617J. Maximilian II. {Emperor of Germany, b. 1527, d. 1576), and Fer- dinand I. of Austria, byRanke, translated by Gordon. 1853 1274R and 632Z Maximinus (C. Julius Verus, Roman Emperor, assassinated 238). See Nie- buhr's History of Rome, 88H, &c. Maximus. See Plutarch's Lives, 446F, &c. Maxims. See Chambers [by a man of the World], v. 44, 1948J. Fortnightly [of Wisdom], v. 32, 2122J. Fraser [and Reflections from Goethe], v. 93, 703J. Scribner, v. 10, 1860J. Maxwell (C. A.), Victories of Wellington and the British Armies [Bonn's Library]. 1852 278O Maxwell (J. C), LL.D., Matter and Motion [S.P.C.K. Science Manuals], illustrated. 1876 759Z Life of, by Campbell and Garnett, illustrated. 1882 38 3 F See also Stallo's Modern Physics, 389R. Nature, v. 21, 2681J. Maxwell (Sir Murray). See Fraser [Life of], v. 26, 636J. Maxwell (Mrs. M. E., Popular Novelist, b. 1837). See Braddon (Miss). [467] MAX GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MEA Maxwell (W. H., Irish Novelist, b. 1795, d. 1850). See Fiction Class List follow- ing the General Catalogue. May." See Howitt's Seasons, 572Q. Chambers [Customs], v. 46, 1949 J. Fraser, v. 69, 679J ; [Carnival at Exeter Hall], v. 16, 626J ; [Day in the Country], v. 25, 635J. Household Words [In London], v. 3, 1743J. Once a Week [of the Black Country], v. 22, 2282J. Temple Bar [Morning in Cyprus, a Poem], v. 35, 1365J, &c. May-day. See Dyer's Popular Customs, 1036F. Hone's Year Book, 937 F. Girl's Own Annual [in France], v. 4, 2554J, &c. May-poles. See Brand's Antiquities, ioo8M, &c. May (Mrs. E. M.). See Craik (G. M.). May (Sir T. E., Historian, b. 1815), D.C.L., Democracy in Europe, a History, 2 vols 38-9H' Mayer (A. M.), Sound; Simple, Entertaining, and Inexpensive Experiments in the Phenomena of Sound [Nature Series], illustrated. 1879 156R and Barnard. (C), Light; Simple, Entertaining, and Inex- pensive Experiments in the Phenomena of Light [Nature Series], illustrated. 1878 !54R Mayer (B. and F. B.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Mayer (Julius Robert). See Nature, v. 5, 2665J, and v. 17, 2677J. Mayer (J. T., German Physicist, b. 1750, d. 1830). See Tyndall's Heat, 50QR. Mayer (S. R. Townshend), Sd, s Letters of E. B. Browning to R. H. Home. 1877 537-80 Mayfair. See Temple Bar [on Skates], v. 31, 1361J ; v. 60, 1390J. Mayliew (E.), Illustrated Horse Management, revised by Lupton. 857D Mayhew (Henry, Miscellaneous Writer, b. 1812,), The Peasant Boy Philosopher, founded on the Life of Ferguson 973Q and Bmny (J.), Criminal Prisons of London. 1862 126D Mayhew (Brothers). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Mayne (F.), Ed., Voyages and Discoveries in the Arctic Regions [Traveller's Library]. 1855 1266R Maynooth. See Edinburgh Review [College Commission on], v. 102, R.L. Fraser [College, Question of], v. 31, 641 J ; [Siege of], v. 15, 625 J. Quarterly, v. 37, 1167J. Mayo (Earl, Viceroy 0/ India, 1858, b. 1822, d. 1872). See Cassell's India, 229D. Temple's India, 464H. Trotter's India, 538-9H. Blackwood, v. I12, 182J, &c. Mayo (H., Physician and Physiologist, d. 1852), M.D., Popular Superstitions and the Truths contained therein, with an Account of Mesmerism. 1852 901M Mayo (W. S.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mayors. See Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Loftie's London, 251O. Local Government, Municipal Institutions, &c. Mazade (C. De), Life of Count Cavour. 1877 176F Mazarin (Giulio, Italian Cardinal, Prime Minister of France, 1642, b: 1602, d. 1661). See Menzies' Political Women, 928O. Louis XIV. France. Poole's Index, R.L. Fraser [Life of], v. 4, 6i4j. Temple Bar, v. 46, 1376J. Sunday at Home [Death-bed of] v. 4. 2854J, &c. Mazarine (Duchess of). See Molloy's London under Charles II., 260O. Mazes, Ancient and Modern. See Boys' Own Annual, vol. 5, 2955J. Mazzini (Giuseppe). See Fortnightly, v. 29, 2119J. Macmillan [Life and Writ- ings of], v. 16, 946J. " M. E.," Frank's Ranche, or my Holiday in the Rockies, illus. 1886. 424T Meade (L. T.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Meade (R. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Meagher (Gen. T. F., Irish Barrister, &-'c, b. 1823, droxvned 1867), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Meaning. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R. Measure and Value. See Timbs' Works, 855Z. Measures, Weights, and Moneys of all Nations, &c, by Woolhouse. 516T — — - See Penny Magazine [of Length and Capacity], v. 9, 147B, [468] MEA ENGLISH SECTION. MED Measuring made Easy, by Hoppus. 1792 739D See also Chambers [an Arc], v. 8, 1928J. Meat. See Drewry's Foods, 591T. Health Lectures, 839M. Smith's Foods, 380R. Ure's Dictionary [Preserved], 8D. All the Year Round [Dry], v. 13, 1773J ; [Dear, and Cheap Fish], v. 14, 1774J. Chambers [Pre- served, and Meat Biscuits], v. 18, 1935J ; [For the Million], v. 44, 1948J ; [Butchers], v. 49, 1951J ; [Supply of English], v. 45, 1949} ; [Imported], v. 54, 1054J. Fraser [Preserved], v. 45, 655 J. Girl's Own Annual [Tinned Meats, and their Value to Housekeepers], v. 8, 2.S58J. Good Words [at Starvation Prices], v. 7, 2177J. Nature [Extract of], v. 2, 2662J. Once a Week [Few Words on], v. 9, 2269 J. Penny Mag- azine [Modes of rendering cheap], v. n, 149B. Cassell's Magazine [the Meat Question] v, 6, 2346J. Food, &c. Mecca and Medinah, Pilgrimage to, by Burton, 2 vols. 1857 1498-9R See also Bellew's Europe [Caravans], 1399R. Stobart's Islam, &c, 96Q. Chambers [Return of Pilgrims from], v. 11, 1931J. Fraser [Burton's Pilgrimage to], v. 52, 662J. Harper [and Medina], v. 14, 1594J. Sunday at Home, v. 33, 2880J. Mahomet, Arabia, &c. Mechanic, Operative, and British Machinist, by Nicholson. 1853... 838D Mechanical Industries Explained, by Watt. 1881 1117M Philosophy, Horology and Astronomy, by Carpenter. 1884 461 R See also Quarterly [Invention, Lloyd on], v. 39, 1169J. Mechanics, American, Memoirs of, by Howe. 1857 1331O and Experimental Science, by Aveling, illustrated. 1889 558R Applied to the Arts, by Moseley. 1834 696Q Handbook, by Byrne. 1863 839D Illustrious, of Europe and America, by Foucaud, edited by Frost 1332O Institute, Lectures [by Bat hurst]. 1854 564T Treatise on, by Kater and Lardner [Lardner's Cyclopaedia]. 1832 699Q See also Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Popular Educator, 164-9D. Har- per's Index, i64oJa. Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from vol. 1, 2981J. Joyce's Dialogues, 695Q. Lardner' s Natural Philo- sophy, 470 and 472R. Mehagen's Universal History, 13-5 H. Timbs' Knowledge for the People, 1747Z. Whewell's Inductive Sciences, 767D. Good Words [of Nature], v. 12, 2182 J. Nature [Ball on], v. 4, 2664J ; [Study of], v. 5, 2665J ; [Magnus's Elementary], v. 12, 2672J. Cham- bers [Institutions, Present and Future of], v. 28, 1940J. Fraser [Insti- tutions], v. 1, 611J. Quarterly [Institutions, Origin of], v. 13, 1143J. Carpentery and Joinery, Turning, &c. Mechanism of the Heavens, A Dissertation by Mrs. Somerville 825Z Medals. See Knight's England [Illustrations], 151-3H. O'Brian's Victoria'Cross, 270O. Once a Week [of the Reformation], v. 6, 2266J. Penny Maga- zine [and Medallions, Casts from], v. 13, 151B. Quarterly, v. 1, 1131J. Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Medhery (J. K.), Men and Mysteries of Wall Street [the New York Stock Exchange, &c.]. 1870 , 1027R Medhurst (W. H., Missionary to China, b. 1796, d. 1857), China, its State and Prospects, with especial Reference to the spread of the Gospel, illustrated. 1838 1044F Media, Babylon, and Persia, including a Study of the Zend-Avesta, or Religion of Zoroaster, from the Fall of Nineveh to the Persian War, by Ragozin [Story of the Nations], illustrated. 1889 ... 1551O See also Salvertes' Magic, 599H, &c. Mediaeval Art. See Worsaaes' Denmark, Art, &c, 1035M. Twining's Symbols, [Christian Art], 507M, &c. Church History, Lectures on, by Trench. 1877 308A See also Church. Education [200-1350], Lectures on Universities, by Laurie. 1886 306R — — France [Hugues Capet to the beginning of the Sixteenth Cen- tury], by Masson. 1838 4380 [469] MED GUILLE-ALLkS LIBRARY. MEE Mediaeval History [Chambers' Educational Course]. 1870 45oT — See also History and Names of Countries, e.g., England, France, &c. Medici (Catherine De). See Temple Bar, v. 44, 1374J. Catherine De Medici, France, &c. Medici (Lorenzo De, Duke of Urbiuo, father of above, b. 1492, d. 1519), The Magnificent, by Von Reumont, 2 vols. 1876 ... 215-6F See also Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Medical Byways [Wilson's Naturalist] 639Q Experience, Curiosities of, by Milligen. 1839 927K Men, Eminent [R.T.S.] 172Z See also Physician, Doctors, Surgeons, &c. Missionary in China, by Lockhart. 1861 384F Philosophy, or an Exposition of Quackery, by Ticknor. 1838... 1453Z Practice [Roberts' Social History] 301 II Reminiscences and Biographical Sketches [Munk's Gold-Headed Cane] 1164R Terms [Wood's Handbook of Nursing] 1470Z See also Cornhill [Evidence of Crime], v. 7, 287J. Temple Bar [Education in England], v. 13, 1343J, &c Medicinal Uses of Wild Flowers, by Thomson, coloured plates. 1858 562Q Medicine and Hygiene, Popular, by Lankester [Haydn's Dictionary] 91 iK Domestic, and Observations on Sea-Bathing and Mineral Waters by Beecham. 1805 913K Handbook of Domestic Medicine, by an Eminent Physician [Bohn's Library]. 1855 I445 z Homoeopathic, by Laurie. 1844 1446Z Man and his Maladies, a Popular Handbook of Physiology and Medicine, by Bridger. 1889 939^ See also Bennett's Nutrition in Health and Disease, 918K. British Phar- macopoeia, 822M. Fuller's Rheumatism, &c, 922K. Gully's Water Cure, 916K. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hope's Till the Doctor Comes, 1466Z. Household, The, 1096F. Hunter's Indian Empire [and Drugs], 485K. Johnson's Hydropathy, 914K. Jongh's Cod Liver Oil, 919K. Markham's Diseases of the Heart, 915K. Pascoe's Professions, 251R. Pettigrew's Superstitions [Surgery and Royal Gift of Healing], 899M. Ridge's Non-Alcoholic Treatment, 819M. The Healing Art [History of], 929-0K. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R. Yeldham's Homoeopathy, 927K. Chambers [Uses and Abuses of], v. 11, 1931J. Fortnightly [Progress of], v. 6, 2096J. Household Words [Old English], v. 11, 1751J. Living Age [and Physiology], v. 75, 3105J. Best of Everything. Enquire Within. Poole's Index, R.L. Quiver, v. 19, 3289J. Climate, Health, Hygiene, &c. Medina. See Stobart's Islam, &c, 96Q. Harper [and Mecca], v. 14, 1594J. Mahomet, Arabia, &c. Medinah and Meccah, Pilgrimage to, by Burton, 2 vols. 1857 1498-9R Mediocrity. See Chambers, v. 16, 1934J. Once a Week [Useful], v. 18, 2278J. Meditations and Contemplation, by Hervey, 2 vols. 1779 192-3M by J. G. B. 1866 226M Mediterranean, Jersey, France, and Italy, Notes and Remarks made in, in 1843 and 1844, by Murdoch. 1846 1730R See also Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 786-7K. Edinburgh Review [Com- merce of], v. 6, 366J. Household Words [Coral Fishery in], v. 2, 1742J. Living Age [Deltas of], v. 132, 3162J, &c. Mediums, Spiritual. See All the Year Round [under other Names], y. 7, 1767J. Blackwood [of the Last Century], v. 125, 195J. See also Spiritualism. Medlicott (H. B.), M.A., Bland (W. T.), F.R.S., and Ball (V.), F.S.S., Geology of India, illustrations and maps, 4 vols. 1879 27-30D Meek (R.), M.A„ Time of Affliction. 1851 114Q [470] MEE ENGLISH SECTION. MEL Meeker (N. C), Life in the West, or Stones of the Mississippi Valley. 1596R Meeting Houses, Memorial Pictures of Nonconformity, by Pike 261O - See also Living Age [Impressions of], v. 134, 3164/. Meetings and Greetings, The Salutations, &c, of Nations, by Tegg. 924M Meetings. See Chairman's Handbook, 562T, &c. Mehagan (Chev., French Historian, b. 1721, d. 1766), Universal Modern History, from the Fall of the Roman Empire, trans- lated by Fox, 3 vols. 1779 I3-5H Meignan (V.), From Paris to Pekin, over Siberian Snows, edited by Conn. 1885 81 iK Meinhold (W.), Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch [Trial for Witchcraft], translated by Lady Gordon, 1846 912M See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Meissonier (T. L. E., French Fainter, b. 1812,), by Mollett [Great Artists]. 1882 1104O Melancholy, Anatomy of, by Burton, 2 vols. 1821 , 633-4IT 1849 49 lA See also Fraser, v. 57, 667J. Melanchthon (P., German Reformer, b. 1497, d. 1560). See Bayne's Luther, # 6g 4 -5F, &c. Melanesia. See Stanford's Compendium, 853K, &c. Melas (General). See Alison's Europe, 124-5O. Melbourne. See Chequered Career, 773 K. Coote's Wanderings, 810K. Mar- tineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Smiles' Boy's Voyage, 834Q. Willoughby's Australian Pictures, 332B. Art Journal [Exhibition of, 1881], v. 33, R.L. Chambers [Memories of], v. 32, 1942J ; [Voyage to], v. 32, 1942J ; [Arrival of Mail in], v. 41, 1947J. Temple Bar [Exhibi- tion of 1869], v. 30, 1360J. Australia, Victoria, &c. Melbourne (W. Lamb, Viscount, Prime Minister 1834, b. 1779, d. 1848), Memoirs of, by Torrens, 2 vols. 1878 385-6F Sec also Alison's Europe, 142-4O. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Hayward's Statesmen, 248F. Westminster [Memoirs of]j v. no, R.L. Greville Memoirs, Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Melchised.ec. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Quiver, v. 16, 3286J. Meleager (Greek Epigramist, fl. 60 B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Melina (E.), Garibaldi : Recollections of his Public and Private Life, English Version, by Edwards. 1887 1418O Melito (Count Miot de), Memoirs of, edited by Fleischmann, trans- lated from the French by Mrs. Cashel Hoey and J. Lillie ... 2I7-8P' Mellen (G.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Mellon (Miss). See St. Albans (Duchess of). Melloni (M., Italian Physicist, b. 1798, d. 1854). See Tyndall's Heat, 509R, &c, Melmoth (W., Jurist, b. 1666, d. 1743), Great Importance of a Reli- gious Life considered, &c. 1839 1222Z {Son of above, Scholar, b. 17 10, d. 1799), Letters of Pliny the Consul, 2 vols. 1805 443-4F Cicero's Letters, translated, 3 vols. 1789 900-2H Melrose Abbey. See Penny Magazine, v. 2, 140B, &c. Melting Pots. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Melton Mowbray. See Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R, &c. Meltray, Holland. See Good Words [Reformatory of], v. 12, 2182J. Melvill (H., Canon of St PauVs, b. 1798, d. 1871), B.D., and others, Hints on the Culture of Character. 1855-6 273M Bible Thoughts [American Tract Society] 1 685Z ' See also Hood's Preachers, 541M. Chambers [Adventures of]) v. 5, 1925J. Melville (A., Scotch Reformer, b. 1545, d. 1622), Life of, by McCrie 387-8F Set also Taylor's Scottish Pulpit, 635A, &c. f47i] MEL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MEN Melville (G. J. W., Scotch Novelist, b. 1821). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Melville (H.)> Narrative of a Four Months' Residence among the Natives of a Valley of the Marquesas Islands 774-Q and 1287R Omoo, a Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas [Sequel to the Residence in the Marquesas Islands]. 1847 775Q Works of. See Harper's Index, i6^oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Members of Parliament. See Escott's England and its People, 1017-8F. House of Commons, Lords, Parliament, &c. Memes (J. S.), A.M., Memoirs of Antonio Canova and his Works, and a View of Modern Sculpture. 1825 166F Memoirs of the Empress Josephine [Family Library]. 1832 1071Q Memnon. See Fraser [Statue of, at Thebes], v. 42, 652J. Memoir of a Brother [George Hughes], by T. Hughes. 1873 720O Memoirs and Essays, illustrative of Art, Literature and Social Morals, by Mrs. Jameson. 1846 985R of a Cavalier, &c, by Defoe 640R Maitre d'Armes, by Dumas, translated 1281R Working Man [by Thomas Carter]. 1845 2 54 ar >d 1238Z See also Temple Bar [Future], v. 58, 1388J. Biography, Correspondence. &c. Memorials of a Quiet Life, by Hare, 3 vols 692-4O Christian Life, by Neander. 1852 171M the City Temple, from its Formation in 1640 by Goodwin, by Marsh. 1877 403M Memorie and Rime, Notes from an Old Journal, by Miller. 1884... 1201R Memories of Bethany, by Macduff. 1858 179Q Many Men and of some Women, by Field. 1875 647O of Old Friends, Letters of Caroline Fox [1835-71], edited by Pym 833O Seventy Years, by One of a Literary Family, edited by Martin. 1883 834O Memory, Art of, by Gouraud. 1845 ! 99 D Diseases of, by Ribot. 1882 373R : See also Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Radcliffe's Unity in Nature, 760F. Sully's Illusions, 369R. All the Year Round [and Absence of Mind], v. 26, 1786J. Chambers [Art of], v. 42, 1947J. Cornhill [Illusions of], v. 41, 321 J. Fraser, v. 29, 639J. Quarterly [Artificial], v. 9, 1139J. Temple Bar [Keys of], v. 13, 1343J, &c. Memory of the Dead. See Anspach's Sepulchres of Our Departed, 1222M. Memory's Harkback through Half-a-Century [1808- 1858], by Gretton. 1889 589F Memphis. See Adam's Land of the Nile, 755Q. Once a Week [Egj-pt], v. 7, 2267 J, &c. Men and Books, Familiar Studies, by Stevenson. 1882 640O Mysteries of Wall Street [The New York Stock Exchange, &c], by Medbery. 1870 1027R Famous, by Page, illustrated. 1879 1329O Famous Boys who became Great Men, illustrated 1328O of Character [Humorous Sketches], by Jerrold. 1 851 ... 835O and 790R Invention and Industry, by Smiles. 1884 1172R Letters of the Time of George III., by Brougham. 1855 598R See also Adams' Queen Anne, 1281H. Literature, &c. the Third Republic [France]. 1873 836O Thiers, Macmahon, Gambetta, St. Hilaire, Roulier, Dumas, Grevy, Girar- din, Hyacinthe, Erckmann-Chatrian, Rochefort, About, Simon, Blanc, Hugo, Sardou, Veuillot, &c. Representative, Seven Lectures, by Emerson. 1850 9450 [472] MEN ENGLISH SECTION. MER Men Worth Remembering. v.D. : Baxter (R.), by Boyle 1160O I Hall (R.), by Hood 1161O Chalmers (Thos.), by Fraser ... . 1162O I Knox (J.), by Taylor 1164O Grellet (S.), by Guest 1163O | Martyn (H.), by Bell 1165O See also Evelyn's Table Talk [and Manners], 1107R. Hone's Year Book [and Manners], 937F. Smiles' Life and Labour, 1355O. Chambers [Types of], v. 58, 1958J. Cornhill [Great], v. 36, 316J. Fraser [and Coats], v. 24, 634J. Once a Week [of Letters], v. 6, 2266J. Cassell's Family Magazine [Dress Reform for], v. 9, 2358J. Biography, History, Travel, &c. Mena (J. D., Spanish Poet, b. 141 1, d. 1456). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Menagerie, Tower. 1829 816F Menageries. See Leisure Hour [Humours of], v. 35. Menander (<4///<;;//a» Poet, b. 342, d. 292 d.c). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Mendelssohn (Bartholdy F., German Musical Composer, b. 1809, d. 1847), Letters and Recollections, by Hellier, translated by Glehn. 1874 858O by Rockstro [Great Musicians]. 1884 1225O Hymn of Praise [Lobgesang], a Symphonia Cantata in Vocal Score, with a separate accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte 95oU Life of, with Sketches and Notes, by Benedict, &c, edited by Gage. 1876 837O See also Hosmer's Jews [Mendelssohn Family], 425O. Japp's German Lite- rature, 272F. Mothers of Great Men and Women [Mother of], 682F. Naumann's Music, 929D. Rockstro's History of Music, 533H. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O. Cassell's Magazine [and Goethe], v. 1, Mendoza (D. H. De, Spanish Statesman, b, 1503, d. 1575). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Mendoza (L. De). See Dana's -Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Mensuration for Schools, &c, by Baker [Weale's Series]. 1859 ... 708Q See also Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D, &c. Mental Disease, Responsibility in, by Maudsley. 1885 355R Development. See Clifford's Essays, 886H, &c. Philosophy. See Fothergill's Will Power, 1228R. Philosophy, &c. Operations. See Timbs' Works, 856Z. Mind, &c. j Physiology, Principles of. See Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Mentone. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1648J. Health Haunts, 810Q, &c. Menu, Institutes of, by Haughton, 2 vols. 1825 ; 63-4A Menus and Recipes of the Baron Brisse, translated by Mrs. Clark ... 982M Menzies (S.), Political Women, 2 vols. 1875 928-9O Anne De Bourbon. Duchess De Longueville. Duchess De Chevreuse. Princess Palatine. Mademoiselle De Montpensier. Madame de Mont- bazon. Duchess of Portsmouth. Sarah Jennings. Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. Menzini (B., Italian Poet, b. 1646, d. 1704). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Mercantile Marine. See Pascoe's Professions, 251R. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R. Code of Signals, by Marryat, 17D, &c. Merchant Ships in War Time. See All the Year Round, vol. 42, 1822 J. Chambers [Service], v. 33, 1943J. Contemporary [Merchant Marine of Great Britain], v. 44, 2054J. Merchants of New York City, by Barrett. 1863 877O See also Cutt's Middle Ages, 940F. Escott's England and its People, 1018F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-8F, &c. Mercia. See Green's Conquest of England, 187H. Mercury. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8-9D. Nature [Conductivity of], v. 6. 2666J. U73] MER GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MER Mercury, The Planet. See Cornhill, v. 37, 317J. Once a Week [Transit of], v. 19, 2279J. Penny Magazine [Transit in 1832], v. 1, I39B. Astronomy, Stars, Heavens, &c. Mercy and Judgment, by Farrar. 1881 : 315M Seat, The, Thoughts suggested by the Lord's Prayer, by Spring.. 470M Meredith (Mrs. C), Notes and Sketches of New South Wales, during a Residence from 1839 to 1844 809Q and 1288R Meredith (G., Novelist and Foet, b. 1828), Ballads and Poems of Tragic Life 141 5M ■ Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth 1416M See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M. Fraser [Poems of], v. 44, 654J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Meredith (O., Pseud.), Lucile, a Poem. 1864 499Z For other works see real name, Lytton (Edward Bulwer, Lord). Merian (Maria S., Insect Artist, b. 1647, d. 1717), Memoir of. See Duncan's Entomology, 95R. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 673Q, &c. Meridian. See Edinburgh Review [Measurement of, in India], v. 87, 447 J. Merighi (C. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Merimee (J. F. L., French Fainter and Chemist, b. 1765, d. 1836), Painting in Oil and in Fresco. 1839 868D M£rim£e (Prosper, Son of above, French Historian and Dramatist, b. 1803, d. 1870). See Blackwood, v. 6r, 131J, &c. Merino. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D. Merit and Demerit. See Smith's Moral Sentiments, 588H. Merivale (C, Historian, b. 1808, d. 1869), D.D., Four Lectures on Early Church History. 1879 410M Roman Triumvirates [Epochs of Ancient History]. 1885 1817Z History of the Romans under the Empire, 8 vols. 1873-6 : Vol. 1.— Rise of a Middle Class. Cicero. Cato. Death of Catalina. Cicero retires into Exile. German Tribes in Gaul. Caesar's First Campaign. Brutus. Death of Julia. Caesar's Fourth Campaign. He Invades Britain. Revolt of the Gauls 63O Vol. 2. — Parthian Monarchy. Conquest of Gaul completed. Caesar Crosses the Rubicon. Capitulation of the Pompeian Armies. Caesar Created Dictator in his Absence. Surrender of Brutus. Fas- cinations of Cleopatra. Alexandrian War. Cata commits Suicide. Caesar's Final Campaign. Caesar's Patronage of Litera- ture. Assassination of Caesar 64O Vol. 3. — Decay of Military Discipline. Oclavius claims Caesar's Inheritance. Death of Cicero. Cassius and Brutus kill themselves. _ Cleopatra fascinates Antonius. Agrippa's grea Victory. Octavius reduces Egypt. Dispersion of the Jews in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Herod's Devotion to Rome 65O Vol. 4. — Jurisprudence of Augustus. Jubilee of the Roman People. Organi- sation of the Provinces by Augustus. Tiberius in Germany. Intrigues against Augustus. Consternation at Rome. Last Days and Death of Augustus. Unity of the Roman Empire. . . . 660 Vol. 5. — Streets and Domestic Architecture. Life in Rome. Wild Beasts and Gladiators. Livy. Virgil. Horace. Propertius. Tibullus. Ovid. Tiberius Succeeds to the Empire. Eagles of Varus Recovered. Dissipation of the Times. Savage Cruelty of Tiberius. Effects of the Reign of Terror 67O Vol. 6. — Family of Herod the Great at Rome. Resistance of the Jews. Mission of Philo the Jew. Expedition into Gaul. Invasion of Britain. Advancing Popularity of Nero. Political State of Britain. Defeat and Capture of Caractacus. Murder of Agrip- pina. State of Religion. Persecution of the Christians. Seneca and St. Paul 680 [474] mer English section. Mite Merivale (d), History of the Romans under the Empire — {continued,) Vol. 7. — Death of Nero. Vespasian Emperor. Pretended Miracles. Pacifi- cation of Gaul. Maturity of the Jewish Nation. Revolution and Siege of Jerusalem. Destruction of Jerusalem hy Titus. Death of Vespasian. Domitian Emperor. Agricola in Britain. Death of Agricola. Reign of Terror. Domitian Assassinated. . 69O Vol. 8. — Accession of Nerva. Trajan Crosses the Danube. Revival of Judaism. Martyrdom of Ignatius. Death of Trajan. Hadrian. Wall of Antonius in Britain. Symptoms of Decline of the Empire. Revival of Superstitious Observances, and Persecution of the Christians 70O Merivale (H. C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Merivale (J. H., Poet, b. 1779, d. 1844). See Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472 D. Quarterly [Review on Poems], v. 64, 1194J, &c. Merle D'Aubigne (J. PL, Swiss Historian, b. 1794, d. 1872), D.D., Germany, England and Scotland. 1848 443H History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century 267 and 268A translated by White, 4 vols. 1846 278-81 M The Protector, a Vindication. 1847 1404H and others, Christianity in the Three First Centuries, historical Lectures. 1858 488M Merlin, Prophecy of. See Duncan's Dukes of Normandy [Appendix], 874O. Godwin's Necromancers, 802O. Malory's King Arthur, 1141R. Metri- cal Romances, 1010M. Once a Week [and the White Death, a Poem], v. 10, 2270J. Nutt's Holy Grail, T324H, &c. Merlin, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 644Q. Science Gossip, v. 4, 2412J. Birds, Sec. Mermaids. See Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q. Brand's Antiquities, 1007^! All the Year Round, v. 29, 1789!. Once a Week [a Poem], v. 10, 2270 J, &c. Merrick (J., Poet, b. 1720, d. 1769). Sec Dana's Book of Poetry, 476D. Merry- Andrew. See Fraser [The Original], v. 83, 693J, &c. Merry weather (F. S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. .Merton(A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. jMerv Oasis, Travels East of the Caspian [1879-81], by O'Donovan... 494-5K See Lansdell's Russia, 829K. Russia, &c. Merwan and Abdallah. See Mahomet's Successors, 1007Q, &c. Merydew (J. T.), Ed., Love Letters of Famous Men and Women of ' the Past and Present Century, with portraits and illustrations, 2 vols. 1888 : Vol. 1.— Farquhar, Marlborough,_ Steele, Pope, Fielding, Swift, Xady Wortley Montagu, Garrick, Johnson, Burns, Walpole, &c 676F Vol. 2. — Wollstoncraft, Cowper, Nelson, Sheridan, Keats, Byron, Scott, Brummell, Hood, Hunt, Hook, Mathews, &c 677F Merz (J. T.), Leibniz [Phil. Classics for Eng. Readers]. ' 1884 1027Q Meshach. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K, &c. Mesmerism. See Blackwood [Mesmeric Mountebanks], v. 60, 130J ; [What is it?] v. 70, 1 40 J. Chambers, v. 15, 1934J. Fraser [Idyllism, Table Turning and Spiritualism], v. 95, 705J ; [Planchette and Spiritualism in China], v. 99, 709 J. Haddock's Somnolism, &c, 635H. The Healing Art, &c, 929K. Mayo's Popular Superstitions, 901M. C Sciences, 1935R. Quarterly [and Electro Biology], v. 93, 1223J. Mtesny (W., Major-General), Tungking. 1884 1514R Mesopotamia and Assyria, by Fraser. 1842 390T — See also Heifer's Travels, 510-1K and 1492-3R. Penny Magazine [Adven- tures in], v. 4, 142B, &c. Messengers. See Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life [Royal and other], . 1925R. Hessian, Scripture Testimony to the, by Smith, 2 vols. 1847 526-7A The, a Poem, from the German of Klopstock, by Collyer and Meek, 2 vols. 1811 47-8Z [475] MES GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MIN Messiah, The, by Klopstock 209D See also Ewald's Israel, 64K. Fraser [of History], v. 91, 701 J. Milman's Jews, 157Q. Pressensd's Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M. Jesus Christ, Saviour, &c. Messinger (R. H.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D: Poets of America, 468D, &c. METALS AND MINERALS, MINES AND MINING, MANUFACTURES, &c— Works relating to : {See also Geology, Chemistry, Precious Stones, Gems, Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead, Mines and Mining, Manufactures ^ Science, &c.) Metal Manufactures, Iron and Steel [Lardner's Cycle], 2 vols 348-9T Metal-Workers' Assistant, by Byrne. 1864 840D Metallic Deposits and their Formations [Adam's Underground World] 592Q Mines [Simonin's Mines and Miners] , 632-3B Metals, History of the Precious Metals, by Delmar. 1880 ..... . 899F Precious Metals and Pottery, by Wheatley. 1886 932D The Metals We Smelt [Suggestive Lessons] 1828Z Mineralogy, Elementary, by Phillips, augmented by Allan. 1837 559R Manual of, by Dana. 1874 410R Minerals, in Search of, by Ansted [S.P.C.K.]. 1880 620Q Mines and Mining 817Z by Simonin, translated and edited by Bristow, illus- trated, 3 parts. 1868 632-3B Mining Industry of the Rocky Mountains, by Raymond, ill. ... 35D and. Metals. See also Metals — Alison's Europe [Precious], 139-46O. Art Journal [and their Alloys], v. 4, R.L. Beckmann's Inventions [Chemical names of], 698Q. Brown's Science for All, 628B. Cassell's Pastimes [Working in], 1262H. English Mechanic, v. 47. Every Boy's Annual [the Chemistry of], 1303H. Fraser [New], v. 52, 762J. Gore's Electro- Deposition [Metal Work], 505R. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100M. Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377 R. Nature [Physical Properties of], v. 18, 2678J ; [Elements of Metallurgy] vol. 11, 2671J ; [Progress of Metallurgy] vol. 12, 2672J. Penny Magazine [Diseases of Metal Workers], v. 5, 143B ; [Colored and Variegated], v. 13, 151B. Ruskin's Works [Engraving], 834R. Timbs' Works [Mining and Working in], 854Z. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Urbanitzky's Elec- tricity, 689D. Ure's Dictionary, 8-9D. Mineralogy— Book of Nature, 390-1B. Brown's Science for all, 628-9B. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Chambers [Gossip on], v. 11, 1931J. Dawkin's Early Man in Britain, 859F. Edinburgh Review [Dolomien's], v. 4, 364J ; [American], v. 17, 377J ; [Systems of], v. 39, 399J. Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Excelsior, 1927-9R. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Morris' Naturalist. 114-21D. Murray's Africa, 837Q. Nature [of New South Wales], v. '13, 2673J ; [Optical Characters of], v, 18, 2678J. Quarterly [Analytical], v. 1, 1131J. Schoedler's Book of Nature, 713F. Taylor's Bye-paths, 62R. Ure's Dictionary [Mineral Oils], 8D ; [Mineral Oils Industry], 9D ; [Statistics of the United Kingdom], 9D. Whewell's Inductive Sciences, 768D. Young Lady's Book, 983 M. Mines and Mining — Adam's Underground World [Tin, Lead and Iron], 592Q. Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 611B. Boy's Own Annual [Great Mining Disasters], v. 9, 2959J ; v. 10, 2960J. Bur- ton's Brazils, 1633-4R. Byam's Western Republics [Chili], 707K. Chambers [Ladders and Man-Machines], v. 20, 1936J ; [and Miners], v._ 47, 1950J ; Colquhoun's China, 541-2K. Edinburgh Review [Dis- tricts of South America], v. 46, 406J. Escott's England and its People [Mining Population], 1017F. Featherstonhaugh's [Canoe Voy- age 726-7K. Good Words [in Cornwall, and its Traditions], v. 8, 2178J ; [German], v. 12, 2182J. Harper's Index, i64o[a. Hunter's Indian Empire [Mines and Minerals], 485K. Lansdell's Siberia, 496-7K. Nature [Rules of in the 17th Century], v. 8, 2668J ; [Explo- [476] MET ENGLISH SECTION. MET METALS AND MINERALS :— Works relating to— {continued.) sions in], v. 17, 2677J. Nineteenth Century Magazine [Miners of Scot- land], v. 24, 2234J. Once a Week [Women in], v. 11, 2271J. Penny Magazine [Economy of Mining Labour], v. 12, 150B. Quarterly [Cor- nish Miners in America], v. 36, 1166J. Scribner [and Caves], v. 3, 1853J. Smith's Wealth of Nations [and Metals], 1026-8F. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Temple Bar [District of Staffordshire], v. 3, I333J- Ure's Dictionary, 6-9D. Wills' Brazil, 813-4K. Mines, Money, &c. Metaphor. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R. Science of Thought, 585H, &c. Metaphysics. See Aristotle, 1153H. Bailey's Questions, 220R. Bain's Essays, 261 R. Buckle's Civilization, 186-7O. Dallinger's Creation, 823D. Fothergill's Will Power, 1228R. Hamilton's Lectures, 600-1 H. Kant's Reason, 666T. Lewes' Philosophy, 571-2H. Smith's Essays, 462M. Tulloch's Philosophy, 724A. Philosophy, &c. Metastasio (P., Italian Poet, b. 1698, d. 1782). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Metcalfe (Sir Charles, Governor of India 1835-6,3. 1785, d. 1846). See Kaye's Indian Officers, 1453O. India, &c. Metcalfe (F.), M.A., The Oxonian in Iceland in i860. 1861 1482R Norway, or Notes of Excursions in 1854-5, 2 vols 1465-6R Thelemarken, or Notes of Travel in South Western Norway in 1856-7, 2 vols. 1858 1467-8R — — Trans. Charicles, or Illustrations of the Private Life of the An- cient Greeks, by Becker, illustrated. 1882 1001M Trans. Gallus, or Roman Scenes of the Time of Augustus, by Becker, illustrated. 1880 I002M — See also Smiles' Engineers, 839O. Meteoric Stones and Shooting Stars [Lardner's Lectures] 756D < See also Brown's Science for all, 628B. Excelsior, 1930R. Nature [Meteorites and Comets], v. 19, 2679J. See also Meteors, &c. Meteorological Phenomena. See Timbs' Work, 852Z. Meteorology, Elementary, by Scott, illustrated. 1883 455R Weather, by Abercrombie. 1888 548R See also Brown's Science for All, 626-9B. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Chambers' Information, 25. 6D. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Jones' Bermuda, 823F. Nature [Physical], v. 1, 2661J ; [in America], v. 4, 2664J ; [in Havana], v. 8, 2668J ; [in France], v. 10, 2670J ; [in England], v. 11, 2671J ; [in Japan], v. 14, 2674J. Prout's Chemistry, &c. , 700Q. Reclus' Phenomena, 806F. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Science Gossip [Hints to Local Observers], v. 17, 2420J. Weather. See also the set of Charts published by the Meteor- ological Society Office, London, framed from daily weather reports, and extending over the whole of IVesterti E?trope. — R.L. Meteors. See Century Magazine [and Comets], vol. it, 1883 J. Edinburgh Re- view [and Comets], v. 140, 500J. Guillemin's Physical Forces [Atmo- spheric], 158D. Macmillan [of November], v. 15, 945J. Quarterly [Aerolites and Shooting Stars], v. 92, 1222J. Science Gossip [Fluid Cavities in Meteorites], v. 19, 2421 J, &c. Meteyard (Eliza). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Method. See Compayr£'s Pedagogy, 296R. Grey's Self-Culture, 961 R, &c. Method in Almsgiving, a Handbook for Helpers, by Moggridge ... 103 1 R METHODISM— Works relating to : {See also Dissent, Eccle- siastical History, Religions, Sects, Wesleyans, &*c). Methodism, History of, by Stevens 81-2, 313 and 507 A in America, by Jobson 35 3M Ireland, History of, by Crookshank, 3 vols. 1885-88 ...669-71 A the Light of the Early Church, by Slater [Fernley Lec- ture of 1885] , 824D Portraiture of, Dy Nightingale. 1807 127K [477] MET? GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MEX METHODISM— Works relating to '.—{continued.) Methodist New Connection Jubilee, account of its Origin and History. 1848 100K Preachers, Lives of, edited by Jackson, 3 vols. 1837 I410-12Z Fulpit, South [a collection of Sermons]. 1859 165K Missions [Brown's Propagation of Christianity, vol 1] 264A Methodists' Diary, by Rowe 76Q Oxford, by Tyerman. 1873 290A [1800-80] Stoughton's Religion 97-9O See also Edinburgh Review, v. '154, 514J. Lecky's Eighteenth Cen- tury, 168H. London Quarterly [and Established Church], v. 6, 796J. Mahon's England, 185H. Quarterly [in Wales], v. 85, 1215J. Southey's Life of Wesley, 1030 and 1437O. Wilson's Dissenters, 191K, &c. Methods of Social Reform, by Jevons. 1883 1111F Methuen (H. H.), Life in the Wilderness, or Wanderings in South Africa. 1846 648K Methuselah. See Quiver, v. 20, 3290J. Metivier (George, Guernsey Poet and Archccologist, d. 1881), Fan- taisies Guernesiaises dans le Langage Du Pays. 1866 786M See also Guernsey Magazine [Sketch of his Life], v. 9, 2389J. Metric Commission. See Nature [International at Paris], v. 6, 2666J. Scribner [Reform], v. 18, 1868 J, &c. Metrical Romances, by Ellis 1010M Metropolis Water Supply. See Fraser, v. 10, 620J. London, &c. Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Sermons by Spurgeon, 1867. 1868 166K Mettemich (Prince, Austrian Statesman, b. 1773, d. 1859) [Napoleon and his Detractors] 644F Life of, by Malleson [Sanders' Statesmen Series]. 1888 13770 Memoirs of [1773-1829], edited by his son, Prince Richard Met- temich, translated by Mrs. Napier, 4 vols. 1 880-1 113-6F See also Alison's Europe, 127-46O. Hayward's Statesmen, 248 F. Memoirs of Ernest II., 674-5F. Smith's Ambassadors, 6860. Fraser, v. 29, 639J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Mctz. Sec Cassell's Franco-German War. 456-7B. Chambers [War Correspondent at], v. 48, 1950J. Sunday at Home [Cathedral of, and its Associations], v. 24, 2874J, &c. MEXICO AND THE MEXICANS-- Works relating to: {See also America, Travels, &*c. ). Mexioan People, a Popular History, by Bancroft. 1888 420O Mexico, a Trip to, from Lake Eric to Lake Tezcuco and back, byBecher. 1880 ; 738K ■ A White Umbrella in, by Smith. 1889 I745R and Guatimalia [Conders' Modern Traveller], 2 vols. 1825 551-2Z the Rocky Mountains, Adventures, by Ruxton. 1849 ... 419T Gulf of, and Texas, Yachting in the New World, by Mrs. Houston, illustrated, 2 vols. 1844 1607-8R History of the Conquest of, and the Life of the Conqueror Hernando Cortes, by Prescott 524-6H and 386-7O ■ Life in, by Madame Calderon. 1852 1623R during a Residence of Two Years, by Madame De La Barca. 1843 737^ — ■ — Los Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and California, by Wise. 1850 550K [478] MEX ENGLISH SECTION. MIC MEXICO AND THE MEXICANS— Works relating to '.—{continued). Mexico, Travels in, by Gillian. 1846 73 6 K to the Interior of [1825-28], by Hardy. 1829 808K See also Bayard's Eldorado [Mexican Travel], 852R. Brown's Coun- tries of the World, 161D. Burke's Snake Dance, 717K. Coote's Wanderings, 810K. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [Mexican Notes], vol. 75, 1655J. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Help's Cortes, 594-56. Inman's Faiths, 96K.1. Kingsley's South by West, 718K. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Nadaillac's Pre-historic America, 897F. Poole's Index, R.L. Ruxton's Adventures [Mexico], 835Q. Stanford's Compendium, 851 K. Tegg's Funeral Rites [Ancient Mexicans], 1481Z. Fraser [Sketches of], v. 38, 648J ; [and Brazil Trade] v. 96, 706J ; [Scenes in the Wilds of] v. 35, 645J. Harper [Scott's Battles in], v. 11, 1591J. Living Age, v. 16, 3046J. All the Year Round, v. 12, 1772J. Blackwood [Territory and People of], v. 60, 130J. Harper [Mines of Santa Eulaliae], v. 35, 1615J ; [Rail- roads in], v. 63, 1643J. Quarterly [Empire of], v. 115, 1245J, &c. Meyer (G. H. von), Organs of Speech [Inter. Scien. Series], ill. ... 390R Meyerbeer (J. G., German Musical Composer, b. 1791, d. 1864). See Engel's Reminiscences, 1348O. Naumann's Music, 929D. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O. Chambers [and his Music], v. 24, 1938 J, &c. Meyrick (F.), M.A., is Dogma a Necessity ? [Theol. Library] 641M Mezzotint. See Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M, &c, Miall (Ed., Nonconformist Politician, b. 1809, d. 1881), British Churches in relation to the British People. 1849 486A Life of, by his Son, A. Miall. 1884 389F See also Harris' Radicals, 1106F, &c. Miall (J. G.), Congregationalism in Yorkshire. 1868 269A Micah {Jewish Prophet, fl. 759-699, B.C.). See Smith's Prophets, 466M, &c. Mice. See Beeton's Home Pets [Fancy Mice], 193R. Ingersoll's American Na- tural History, 582Q. Penny Magazine [in Iceland], v. 1, 139B. Science Gossip, v. 8, 2413J ; [Notes on Musical], v. 21, 2422J, &c. Michael Angelo, {Italian Painter and Poet, b. 1474, d. 1564) Leo- nardo Da Vinci and Raphael, by Clement, translated by Cockran, illustrated. 1880 488O See also Vasari's Painters, 889O. Poole's Index, R.L. Blackwood, v. 118, 188J. Edinburgh Review, v. 144, 504J. Buonarotti, See. Michaelis (Sir J. D., German Orientalist, b. 1717, d. 1791), Com- mentaries on the Laws of Moses, trans, by Smith, 4 vols.... 550-3A Introduction to the New Testament, trans, by Marsh, vols 2-4.. 359-61 A Michaelmas. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M. Dyer's Popular Customs [Michaelmas Day], 1036F, &c. Michaud. (J. F., French Historian, b. 1767, d. 1839), History of the Crusades, translated by Robson, 3 vols. 1855 208-10M Michelet (J., French Historian and Philosopher, b. 1789, d. 1874), Priests, Women and Families, translated by Cocks. 1846 ... 41 iM The People, translated by Cocks. 1846 232R The History of France, 2 vols. 1844 360-1H Ed., Life of Luther ixe^ff*^***: J 93D Life of Luther, by Himself, translated^l^^a2jhjgr^346 812O See also Macmillan, v. 30, 960J, &c. v^^f?!*"' ^ ^_ ^ Michell (N.), Ruins of Many Lands/a Poem. 1850 1524R Mick Tracy, the Irish Scripture Reader, a Tale of Facts 1004O Microbes, Ferments and Moulds, by Tvoucssart 537 and 538R Microphone. See Cassell's Family. Magazine, v. 4, 2353J. Good Words, v. 19, 2109J, &c. U^i^k \» & ^T' %*-< MIC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MID MICROSCOPE AND ITS MANIPULATION, &c— Works relating to the : (See also Animalcule, Fungi, insects, Water, Science, £rc. ) Microscope and the Wonders it Reveals, by Houghton,.. 727 and 1738Z Common Objects of the, by Wood. 1864 608Q Descriptive Catalogue of Objects, by Clarke. 1858 107R Evenings at the, by Gosse. 1859 112R Half-Hours with the, by Lankester, illustrated 729Z by West, illustrated 636Q Practical Treatise on the, by Quekett. 1848 79*F — r— The, and its Revelations, by Carpenter, illustrated. 1856... 1785Z by Hogg, illustrated. 1854 790F Mrs. Ward, illustrated. 1829 iuR its History, &c, by Hogg, illustrated. 1883 108R Wonders of the 726Za Microscopic Objects, Figured and Described by Martin, illus. 808F their Preparation and Mounting, by Davis 728Z Science, by Mary Somerville, 2 vols., illustrated. 1869 109-0R Microscopical Manipulation for the Use of Amateurs, by White. 1887 1789Z See also Badcock's Invisible Life, 167R. Deschanel's Natural Philo- sophy, 827D. Drops of Water, 570Q. English Mechanic, v. 46-47, 1046-7D. Herrick's Wonders of Plant Life, 165R. Timbs' Inventions, 258R. South Kensington Science Lectures, 500R. Harper [Origin and Uses of], v. 52, 1632J. Living Age [and its Marvels], v. 28, 3058J. Nature, v. 2, 2662J ; [Notes on the], v. 5, 2^65 J. Science Gossip [and Microscopic Work], v. 12, 2415J ; [and Fine Art], v. 18, 2420J ; v. 1, 2411J, &c. MIDDLE AGES, Christian Life in the, by Neander. 1850 240Q English Wayfaring Life [14th Century], by Jusserand, trans- lated by Smith. 1889 1925R ■ History of the, by Schmitz. 1871 80O Military and Religious Orders of the, by Woodhouse. 1879. 273O Popular Epics of the Norse, German and Carlovingian Cycles, by Ludlow, 2 vols. 1865 1218-9Z Scenes and Characters of the, by Cutts. 1872 940F Secret Societies of the [R.T.S.]. 1837 1247Z See also Boutell's Arms and Armour, 366O. Didron's Christian Art, 1108-9M. Holt's English Customs, 1019M. Hueffer's Troubadours, 969H. Neander's Christian Life, 171M. Oman's Art of War, tiioM. Rockstro's Music, 533H. Townsend's Great Schoolmen, 683O. Black- wood [Women in], v. 102, 172J. Cornhill [Pilgrims and Superstitions of], v. 17, 297J ; [Student Life in], v. 19, 299J; [Warfare in], v. 14, 294J. Household Words [English Houses in], v. 4, 1744J. Macmillan [Revival of Learning in the], v. 26, 956J. Quarterly [Mythology of]) v. 22, 1152J. Westminster Review [Literature of], v. 51, R.L, &C. Middle and Working Classes, History of, by F. Wade. 1833 521T Classes in France, by Lytton 310O See also May's Democracy, 38-9H. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Society, &c. Middlemass (Jean). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Middlesborough. See Once a Week, v. 26, 2286J, &c. Middlesex, N.W., Paleolithic Man in, by Brown. 1887 905F See also Poole's Index, R.L. Quarterly, v. 150, 1280J. Temple Bar [Travels in], v. 1, 1331J. London, &c. Middleton (J. H.), Ancient Rome in 1885 1420R Midian, Land of, by Burton, 2 vols, illustrated. 1879 656K See also Beke's Discoveries, 597 B, &c, Midland Railway. See Acworth's Railways, 937D, &c. Midshipmen. See Once a Week [Wanted], v. 20, 2280J, &c. Midsummer Eve. See Dyer's Popular Customs, 1036F. [480] MID ENGLISH SECTION. MIL Midwinter Folk Lore. See Quiver, v. 10, 32S0J. " Mie-mie." See Fitzgerald's Kings and Queens of an Hour, 85F. Mignet (A. F., French Historian, b. 1796, d. 1884), Antonio Perez and Philip II., translated by Cocks. 1846 35 so French Revolution [1789-1814], 2 vols. 1826 3 8 3"4ll History of the French Revolution [Bohn's Library]. 1846 108O Mignot (Marie). See Temple Bar, v. 8, 1338J. Migration. See Gentleman's Magazine [of Animals], v. ax, 74TJ. Scnbners Monthly [of Birds], v. 22, 1872J. Once a Week [Migratory Instincts], v. 16, 2276J. Miguel (Don, Regent 0/ Portugal, b. 1802, d. 1866). See Alison's Europe, 140-3O. Mikado, The. See Eden's Japan, 814Q, Reed's Japan, 336K, &c. Milan. See Cornhill [La Scala Opera House], v. 33, 313J ; [Plague at, Episode of], v. 16, 296J. Fraser [Patarines of], v. 89, 699J. Hare's Cities of Southern Italy, 1683-4R. Lund's Italian Lake Land, 1728R. Temple Bar [The CorsoSan Francisco], v. 16, i34 6 J> & c - Milanese Poem. See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Milbum (William H., Blind Preacher), Works of. See Chambers, v. 33, T943J. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Mildew. See Cooke's Fungi, 618Q, &c. Manchester. See Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Mildness. See Compayre^s Pedagogy, 296R, &c. Mile, The. See Nature [Origin of the English Mile], v. 24, 2684J, &c Miles (Pliny), Nordurfari, or Rambles in Iceland [Travellers' Library]. 1854 1263R Miley (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. MILITARY Adventures, Reminiscences of a Veteran, 3 vols. 186 1. 942-4O Biographies, v. P. : Frederick the Great, by Brackenbury 1246O Turrenne, by Hozier 1247O Loudon (G. E. Freeherr von), by Malleson 1248O Parliamentary Generals of the Civil War, by Walford 1249O Biography, from Alfred to Wellington. 1840 190Z Evolutions 1S90Z Life, Lights and Shades of a, by Napier. 1850 541 II Occurrences of the War between Great Britain and the United States, by James, 2 vols. 1818 283-4!! Operations at Cabul, 1842, by Eyre. 1843 279O or Great Campaigns, by Adams, edited by King. 1877 ...... 47II • Religious Orders of the Middle Ages, by Woodhouse. 1879 2 73>Q See also All the Year Round [Law], v. 37, 1897J ; [Mismanagement], v. 10, X 77°J '■> [Punishments], v. 14, 1774J. Blackwood [Customs], v 59, 129J ; [Education], v. 82, 152J. Brown's Science for All [Science], 626-9B. Cornhill [and Martial Law], v. 15, 295 J ; [Prison, Life in a], v. 15, 295J. Edinburgh Review [Bridges], v. 98, 458J ; [Character of European Armies], v. 5, 365J ; [Conscription in France], v. 13, 373J. Ferguson's Recollections [Hospitals], 256F. Fortnightly [Inventions, Do they Promote Peace?], v. 15, 2105J ; [Position of England], v. 24, 2114J. Fraser [Expenditure, Secret Committee on], v. 57, 647 J ; [Re- form], v. 74-5-6, 6S4-5-6J ; [Tactics, Mitchell's], v. 17, 627J ; [Volunteer Course at Hythe], v. 62, 672J. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Knight's Pictorial Bible [Forces, &c], 100-4M. Macmillan [Organisation, Advance of Science in], v. 26, 956J ; [Service, Compulsory or Volun- tary], v. 38, 968J ; [Staff Systems], v. 37, 967J ; [Training in Ger- many], v. 38, 968J. Nature [Engineering, School of], v. 5, 2665J. O'Brien's Victoria Cross [Decorations], 270O. Peto's Taxation [Estab- lishments], &c, 1016F. Quarterly [Bridges, Douglas on], v. 18, 1148J ; [Forces of Great Britain], v. 25, 1155J ; [Policy of Great Britain], v. 5, 1135J. All the Year Round [Workshops], v. 5-6, 1816J. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [Discipline and Curiosities of], v. 34, 754J ; [Reprisals] v - 3 1 , 75 X J. Leisure Hour [Court Martials], v. 26, 2636J ; [Hospital at Netley], v. 32, 2642J ; [Strategists, with Portrait of Von Moltke], v. 19, 2629 J, &c. 16 [481] MIL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MIL Militia. See All the Year Round [English, Out with], v. 20, 1780J. Fraser , "> v. 91, . [Of the United States], v. 60, 1640J ; [and Army of the United States], [English], v. 56, 666] ', [English and Recruiting], v. 91, 701 J. Harper 3oJ. Frai if. Harp 72, 1652J. Guernsey Mag. [Militia of the Channel Islands], from v. 1, 2381 J. Nineteenth Century [a Militia Regiment], v. 21, 2231 J, &c. Milk. See All the Year Round [Adulteration of], v. 13, 1773J. Beeton's House- hold Management, 997M. Bell's Food, 1052M. Brown's Science for All, 626B. Chambers [Adulterated], v. 2, 1922J ; [Trade of London], v. 46, 1949J. Drury's Cup and Platter, 591TV Living Age [Dangers from the Use of], v. 144, 3174J. Nature, v. 21, 2681J ; [Artificial], v. 5, 2665J ; [Condensed], v. 8, 2668J. Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Thomson's Sick Room, &c, 834M. Ure's Dictionary [Condensed], 8D. All the Year Round [Fair], v. 57, 1817J. Chambers [Our Milk Supplies], v. 59, 1959J. Leisure Hour [French and English], v. 12, 2622J ; [Milk Trade], v. 29, 2639J. Cattle, &c, 858D. Food, &c. Mill (James, Scotch Historian, b. 1773, d. 1836). See Edinburgh Review [Essays on Government], v. 49, 409J, &c. Mill (John Stuart, Philosopher, son of above, b. 1806, d. 1873), Con- siderations on Representative Government. 1862 649II Dissertations and Discussions, Political, Philosophical, and His- torical, 3 vols. 1865 : Vol. 1.— Contest in America, Right of State Interference with Corporation and Church Property, French Revolution, Civilisation, Bentham 646H Vol. 2.— Coleridge, Tocqueville on Democracy in America, Michelet's France, Claims of Labour, Guizot's Essays on History, Early Grecian History and Legend ... 647H Vol. 3. — Vindication of the French Revolution of February, 1848, Enfran- chisement of Women, Grote's Greece, Slave Power, Utili- tarianism 648H On Liberty. 1864 217R Principles of Political Economy, 2 vols. 1852 997-8F 1880 218R Subjection of Women. 1869 1028R A Criticism, with Personal Recollections, by Bain. 1882 840O Autobiography of. 1873 390F See also Contemporary [Influence of Writings of], v. 22, 2032J. Fraser, v. 88, 698J. Harper's Index [Works of], i64oJa. Lewes' Philosophy, 571-2H. McCarthy's History, 193-6H. Morley's Miscellanies, 8420and 8430a. Napier's Correspondence, 273H. Quarterly [School of], v. 133, 1263J ; [Autobiography], v. 136, 1266J. Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R. Tulloch's Religious Thought, 629M. Leisure Hour, v. 23, 2633J ; [Essays], v. 24, 2634J. Macauluy's Miscellaneous Writings, 1530O. Science of Thought, 585H. Fortnightly Review [Death of], v. 19, 2 109 J, &c. Millais (J. E., Artist, b. 1829). See Frith's Reminiscences, 6is-6Fa. Once a Week, v. 26, 2286J. Fortnightly [as a Painter], v. 38, 2128J. Satur- day Review [Pictures by], v. 61, R.L., &c. Millar (J., Scotch Publicist, b. 1735, d. 1801), English Government [Saxons to Revolution, 1688], 4 vols. 1803 223-6H Millbank Prison, Memorials of, by Griffiths, 2 vols. 1875 332-3D Millengen (J. G.), M.D., Curiosities of Medical Experience. 1839 927K Millennium, The, Short Arguments, or Plain Proofs, by Young. 1867 232T See also Trotter's Plain Papers, 506M, &c. Miller (E. S.). See Grisvvold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Miller (F.), Ed., Wood-Carving, Practically, Theoretically, and His- torically Considered, with Notes on Design as applied to Carved Wood, illustrated 1113M Miller (Mrs. F.), Harriet Martineau [Eminent Women Series]. 1884 I130O and Others, Simple Lessons for Home and School Use. 1878.. 59 2 T Miller (Hugh, Scotch Geologist, b. 1802, d. 1856), Cruise of the Betsey, or a Summer Holiday in the Hebrides, with Rambles of a Geologist, or Ten Thousand Miles over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland 435 and 800R [482] MIL ENGLISH SECTION. MIL Miller (Hugh), Essays, Historical and Biographical, Political and Social, Literary and Scientific. 1875 806R First Impressions of England and its People. 1875 804R Footprints of the Creator, or the Asterolepis of Stromness, with Memoir by L. Agassiz, illustrated 527 and 809R Headship of Christ and the Rights of the Christian People. 1875 810R My Schools and Schoolmasters, or The Story of my Education 432 and 808 R Old Red Sandstone, or New Walks in an Old Field, ill.. ..436 and 802R Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland, or The Traditional History of Cromarty. 1876 803R Sketch Book of Popular Geology. 1876 807R Talcs and Sketches, edited with a Preface by Mrs. Miller. 1874 805R Testimony of the Rocks, or Geology in its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed, illustrated 433"4 and 801 R - — Sec also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Macmillan, v. 12, 942 J. Leisure Hour [Day with], v. 24, 2634J ; [Early Struggles of], v. 6, 2616J. Good Words, v. 12, 2182 J, &c. Miller (James), F.R.S.E., Alcohol, its Place and Power ...835M and 1449Z Miller (Joaquin, American Poet, b. 1841), Memorie and Rime. 1884 1201R Notes from an Old Journal. At Lord Byron's Tomb. Hunting for a Publisher. What is Poetry. Old California. Girl of Long Ago. In Oregon. In Colorado. John Brown. Joseph de Bloney, &c. See also Fraser [Songs of the Sierras], v. 84, 694J. Harper's Index, &c. Miller (J. W., b. 1802, d. 1829). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Miller (R. E.), Lessons in Shorthand, on Gurney's System, improved by Miller. 1884 1241R Miller (Thomas, Self- Taught Poet and Novelist, b. 1808, I 37SJ- Cornhill [Early Life of], v. 45, 325J. Leisure Hour [Painter], v. 31, 2641J, &c. Millevoye (C. H., French Poet, b. 1782, d. 1816). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Milligan(W.), D.D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A. Milliken (R. A.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Millinery. See Chambers [for the Million], v. 28, 1940J. Dress, Sec. Mills. See Beckman's Inventions, 697Q. Roger's Scotland, 949 and 951 F. Mills (A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mills (J. ), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Mills (T.), Sure of Heaven, a Book for the Doubting and Anxious 218T Mollusca, Shells, and Shell Fish. _ See Adam's Beautiful Shells, 118R. Hart- wig's Sea and its Living Wonders, 757 F. Conchology, Fishes, Shells, &c. MilHian (H. H., Dean of St. Pants, 1849, Poet and Historian, b. 1791, d. 1868), D.D., Annals of St. Paul's Cathedral. 1868 320H Belshazzar, a Dramatic Poem. 1822 445D Fall of Jerusalem, a Dramatic Poem. 1831 444D [483] MIL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MIL Milman (II. II.), History of Christianity, from the Birth of Christ to the Abolition of Paganism in the Roman Empire, 3 vols. 1875 : Vol. 1. — Pagan Religion and Philosophy. Life of Christ. Belief in the Messiah. Public Life of Jesus. The Crucifixion. The Re- surrection 1 54Q Vol. 2. — Christianity to the Close of the First Century. Christian Churches. Christianity and Marcus Aurelius and his Successors. Persecu- tion. Constantine. Julian 155Q Vol. 3. — Valentinian and Valeus. Theodosius. Abolition of Paganism. Triumph of Unitarianisrn. Great Prelates of the East and West. Jerome. The Monastic System. Roman Empire under Christianity 156Q History of the Jews from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, 3 vols i57-9Qand 103-5Z Latin Christianity, including that of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicolas V., 9 vols. 1872 : Vol. 1. — Beginning of Roman Christianity. Pelagianism. Nestorianism. Monophysitism. Conversion of the Teutonic Races. Theodoric, the Ostrogoth. Justinian, &c 145Q Vol. 2. — Christian Jurisprudence. Western Monasticism. Gregory the Great. Mohammed. Conversion of England. Bede. Ico- noclasm. Severance of Greek and Latin Christianity, &c 146Q Vol. 3. — Pepin, King of France. Charlemagne. Saracens in Italy. An- archy of the Empire and Papacy. Conversion of Bulgaria. Alfred. Tusculan Popes. German Popes, &c 147Q Vol. 4.— Hildebrand. Strife with Henry IV. Urban II. The Crusades. Calixtus II. Intellectual Movement. Arnold of Brescia. Hadrian IV., &c 14SQ Vol. 5. — Alexander III. Thomas-a-Beckett. Innocent III. Rome and Italy. Innocent and England. Spain. Innocent and the Anti- Sacerdotalists, &c 149Q Vol. 6. — St. Dominic. St. Francis. Honorius III. and England. Fre- derick II. and Gregory IX. Frederick and Innocent IV. St. Louis. Charles of Anjou. Sicilian Vespers, &c 150Q Vol. 7. — Boniface VIII. _ England and France. The Popes in Avignon. Council of Vienne. _ End of Du Molay. Louis of Bavaria. Clement VI. Rienzi, &c 151Q Vol. 8.— Innocent VI. The Rival Popes. Council of Pisa. Wycliffe. The Lollards. John Huss. _ Close of the Council of Constance. Council of Florence. Dissolution of the Council of Basle, &c. . . 152Q Vol. 9. — Survey. Belief of Latin Christianity. Latin Letters. Christian Latin Poetry. New Languages of Europe. Teutonic Lan- guages. Christian Architecture. Sculpture. Painting, &c. .. 153Q Martyr of Antioch, a Dramatic Poem. 1822 443 D See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Macmillan, v. 19, 949J. Poetical Works, 482D. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 18, 2628J. Peasant Properties, 2005R, &c. Milman (R., Nepheiv of the above, Bishop of Calcutta, b. 18 16, d. 1876), D.D., Life of Torquatto Tasso, 2 vols. 1850 994-50 See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. . Milne (Professor John), Earthquakes and other Earth Movements [International Scientific Series], illustrated 395R Milne (W. C), Life in China. 1857 1517R See also Sunday at Home, v. 1, 2851J, &c. Milner (John), B.A., and Brierley (O. W.), Cruise of H.M.S. Galatea, commanded by H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh in 1867-1868. 1869 785K Milner (Joseph, Church Historian, b. 1744, d. 1797), M.A., His- tory of the Church of Christ, from the Times of the Apostles to the Rise of the Papal Apostacy. 1844 82Q and Haweis (T.), LL.D., History of the Church of Christ from the Days of the Apostles, by Milner, with a Continua- tion to the Present Time by Haweis. 1834 408A [484] MIL ENGLISH SECTION. MIM Milner (J. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Milner (T.), M.A., Moral, Instructional, and Social Elevation of the People. 1846 1053F Life and Correspondence of Dr. Watts. 1858 550F Turkish Empire, The Sultans, The Territory, and The People [R.T.S.] 3570 Milnes (R. M., Lord Houghton, Poet, h. 1809). See Dana's Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Quarterly [Poems of], v. 64, 1194J, &c. Milnor (J.), D.D., Life of, by Stone 391F MILTON (J., Poet, b. 1608, d. 1674), Christian Doctrine, compiled from the Scriptures alone, trans, by Sumner, 2 vols. 1825. 46 1-2 A Complete Poetical Works, with Notes and Life of the Author, by Stebbing. 1841 500Z Paradise Lost and Life of Author, edited by Newton, 2 vols 480- iD Paradise Regained, with Notes by Edmondston. 1854 360Q Poems, Life by Masson [British Poets], 3 vols. 1868 438-40Q Poetical Works, and Life, by Johnson, 4 vols. 1807 303 -6Z with the Life of the Author. 1830 501Z Prose Works, 5 vols. v.d. Vol. 1. — Preface. A Defence of the People of England. A second De- fence of the People of England. Eikonoklastes. Articles on the King's calling his last Parliament. Earl of Stafford's Death. Triennial Parliament Bill. The Nineteen Propositions. The Rebellion in Ireland. The Covenant, and various events connected with the Wars of the Commonwealth 95T Vol. 2. — The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. Areopagitica. A Letter to a Friend concerning the Ruptures of the Commonwealth. The Ready and Easy Way to establish a Free Commonwealth. The Articles of Peace. Letters of State during the Common- wealth. A Manifesto of the Lord Protector to the Common- wealth of England, Ireland and Scotland. On Reformation in England. Prelatical Episcopacy. Church Government, &c, &c. 96T Vol. 3. — How to remove Hirelings out of the Church. Animadversions upon the Remonstrants' defence against Smectymnuis. The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. Judgment of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce. Tetrachordon. Colasterion. On Educa- tion. Letters Patent for the Election of John the Third King of Poland. Familiar Letters, &c 97T Vol. 4.— On the Knowledge of God. Treatise on Christian Doctrine com- piled from the Holy Scriptures, translated by Sumner, &c 98T Vol. 5. — A Posthumous Treatise on Christian Doctrine. Of the Worship of God. The History of Britain. History of Moscovia. Latin Grammar ogT by Pattison [English Men of Letters]. 1880 , 1078O [Bagehot's Studies] 863II ■ — See also Conway's Demonology, 907M. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Jones' Poets, 660M. Juvenile Plutarch, 1171Z. Macaulay's Essays, ^Sl,^. Mothers of Great Men and Women [Wives ofj, 682F. New English Theatre. Quarterly, v. 30, 1160J ; [French Critic on], v. 143, 1273J. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-5M. Temple Bar [and Wordsworth], v. 60, T390J. Leisure flour [Paradise Lost], v. 26, 2636 J. Quarterly [Lycidas], v. 158, 1288J. Saturday Review [Sonnets of], v. 56, R.L. Sunday at Home, v. 34, 2884J, &c. Milwaukie (Wisconsin). See Harper v. 62, 1642 J. United States, &c. Mimicry. See Harper [in Nature], v. 59, 1639J. Nature [and Hybridization] v. 3, 2663J ; [in Insects] v. 33, 2693J ; [Muller on] v. 26, 2686J, & Mimnermus {Greek Elegiac Poet, J!. 634-600, B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Mimosa and other Poems, by Cochrane. 1869 680M MIN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MIN MIND and Body, by Bain 381R Brain as an Organ of, by Bastian 387R in the Lower Animals, by Lindsay, 2 vols. 1879 711-2F Improvement of the, &c, by Chapone. 1827 1199Q Inquiry into the Human Mind. 1810 584H Lessons on the. 1859 1525Z Philosophy of the, by Brown, 4 vols. 1846 575-8H Powers of the Human Mind, by Reid, 3 vols. 1808 581-3H The, Philosophy of the Human Mind, by Stewart, 2 vols. 1818. 573 4H — Philosophy of the Mind, by Douglas. 1839 579H See also Bastian's Brain, &c. [and Consciousness], 387R. Blackwood [and Body], v. 95, 165J. Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary [and Force, Bain on], v. 8, 2018J. Cornhill [and Body, illness as a Mental Stimulant], v. 39, 319J ; [Growth and Decay of], v. 19, 299J ; [Influence of, on the Body], v. 40, 320J. Edinburgh Review [in lower Animals], v. 152, 512J. Fortnightly [Common Errors of], v. 10, 2100J ; [Retentive Power of], v. 10, 2100J. Seneca's Dialogues [Peace of], 1201H. Chambers [Telegraphy], v. 60, 1960J. Contemporary [and Motion], v. 48, 2058J. Good Words [Trouble], v. 23, 2193J. Leisure Hour [Lessons on], v. 7, 2617J. Science of Thought, 585H, &c. Mineral Waters of United States and Canada, by Moorman. 1867 827M and Sea-Bathing. See Buchan's Medicine, &c, 913K. Chambers, v. 29, 194TJ. Fraser [of Germany], v, 44, 654J. Harper's Magazine [Home Uses of], v. 77, 1657J. Quarterly [Scudamore on], v. 25, 1155J. Thom- son's Health Resorts, 938K, &c. Mineralogy. See Science Gossip [Mineralogical Studies], v. 22, 2422J. See Metals, &c, for general works on this subject. Minerals, Mines, Mining. See Metals, &c. Minerva. See Inman's Ancient Faiths, 96 and 96Ka. Millgotti. See Edward's Prima Donna, 678F. Miniatures. See Twining's Symbols, 507M. Leisure Hour [Painting], v. 29, 2639J. English Illustrated [Collection of, at Windsor Castle], v. 1, Ministries. See Poole's Index, R.L. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1034F. Ministry. See Contemporary [Not a Priesthood], v. 15, 2025 J. Ministry in Galilee, by Hanna. 1868 158M of Flowers, Thoughts respecting Life, suggested by the Book of Nature, by Friend. 1885 554M Nature, by Macmillan. 1882 , 93T our Lord [Harris's Great Teacher] 91K Minneapolis. See Century [Flour Mills in], v. 10, 18S2J. Minnesingers. See Edinburgh Review [Lays of], v. 43, 403J. Minnesota, Five Years in, by Farrar. 1880 1601R See also Scribner [Field Sports in], v. 18, 1868J. Harper [The Home of Hiawatha], v. 6j, 1647J, &c. Minnow, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 811F. Fishes, &c. Minnow-Fishing. See Saturday Review, v. 61, R.L. Minor Prophets, &c. See Gray's Biblical Museum, 86M, &c. Minor Theatre, a Collection of Farces, &c. 1794 : Vol. 1.— The Guardian, by Garrick. The Minor, by Foote. The Citizen, by Murphy. The Upholsterer, by Murphy 1357Z Vol. 2. — The Knights, by Foote. The Desert Island, by Murphy. Miss in her Teens, by Garrick. _ Flora, or Hob in the Well, from Mr. Dogget. The Deuce is in Him, by Coleman 135SZ Vol. 3. — The Contrivances, by Carey. Irish Widow, by Garrick. The Lyar, by Foote. Mock Doctor, by Fielding. Lying Valet, by Garrick 1359Z Vol. 4. — The Commissary, Lame Lover, and Taste, by Foote. Edgar and Emmeline, by Hawkesworth. The Author, by Foote 1360Z Vol. 5.— The Mayor of Garratt. The Englishman in Paris and Returned from Paris, The Orators, The Patron, by Foote 1361Z [486] MIN ENGLISH SECTION. MIR Minor Theatre, a Collection of Farces, &c. — {continued.) Vol. 6.— Devil upon Two Sticks, by Foote. Maid of the Oaks, by Bur- goyne. The Maid of Bath, by Foote. The Tailors 1362Z Vol. 7.— The Bankrupt, by Foote. Cymon, by Garrick. A Trip to Calais, The Cozeners and the Nabob, by Foote 1363Z Minority. See Fortnightly Review [Representation], v. 4, 2094J. Contempo- rary [Representation], v. 45, 2055J. Minot (H. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Minstrel and other Poems, by Beattie, &c. 1805 477Z See also Art Journal [of the Middle Ages], y. 8, R.L. Cutts' Middle Ages, 940F. Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. Living Age [Modern Scottish], v. 47, 3C77J, &c. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, 3 vols. 1812 449-510 See also Harper [Negro], v. 58, 1638J. Quarterly [of Scotland], v. 105, 1235J. Mint, The, Government Offices [Land we Live in] 464B See also Chambers [Royal, of England], v. 19, 1936J ; [Year's Work at the English], v. 62, 1962J. Harper [Making Money in United States], v. 23, 1603J. Leisure Hour [The English], v. 17, 2611J ; [Visit to the English], v. 2, 2612J. Living Age [Three Great Mints of the World,] v. 40, 3070J. Poole's Index, R.L. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Minto (W., Scholar and Author, b. 1845), Daniel Defoe [English Men ofLetters]. 1879 1064O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Mintons of Stoke-upon-Trent. See Fortunes made in Business, io33Fa. Mirabeau (H. G. R., Count de), and the Five Two' Legislative Assembliesof France, by Dumont. 1832 399F See also Alison's Europe, i20-20._ All the Year Round Magazine, v. 42, 1822J. Baker's French Societ}', 333O. Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1530O. Macmillan [Family], v. 40, 970J. Romilly's Cor- respondence, 297T. Thiers' French Revolution, 376-8H. MIRACLES, A Dissertation on, by Campbell, 2 vols. 1797 464 -5 A at the Present Day, by Cairns [Present Day Tracts, vol. 1] 234T Credibility of, by Lias. 1883 644M Lectures on the, by Mozley [Bampton Lectures, 1865]. 1867 ... 540A of Nature and Marvels of Art 1 227Z — our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by Malan. 1881 J 783Z Notes on the, by Trench. 1874 178K Sec also Burns' Sermons, 247M. Contemporary [Science and Testimony], v. 27, 2037J. Edinburgh Review [Belief and Expectation in], v. 52,412.!; [Pre- tended], v. 53, 413J. Ewald's Israel, 66K. Fortnightly [and Special Providences], v. 7, 2097J ; [no Proofs], v. 6, 2096J ; [and Medium Craft], v. 40, 2130J. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Jussserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. Knowledge, v. 4, 2584J. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Macmillan's Marriage in Cana, 92T. Nineteenth Century [Renan on], v. 10, 2220J. Owen's Another World, 431 M. Quarterly [find Powell on], v. 106, 1236J. Replies to Essays and Reviews, 663A. Salvertes' Magic, 598-9H. Scribner's Monthly [Christ's Miracles scientifically considered], v. 5, 1855 J. Stewart's Unseen Universe, 639M. Temple Bar [Handful of], v. 49, 1379J. Nineteenth Century [Modern], v. 12, 2222 J. Sunday at Home, v. 3, 2853J ; [Meditations on the], v. 17, 2867J. Christ, Life of, &c. Mirage. See Cornhill [Romance of], v. 48, 328J. Nature [What Produces], v. 28, 2688 J. Mirando (Francisco de Saa de). See Longfellow'sPoets and Poetry of Europe, 473D- Mirror, The, a Periodical Paper, in the Years 1779-80. 1824 1022H by Mackenzie and others [British Essayists] 40-4 iT Mirrors. See also Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q. Nature [of Japan], v. 2679J. Penny Magazine [Burning and Lenses], v. 7, 145B ; [Reflecting], v. 7, 145B. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. U87] MIR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MIS Mirrour of Justices, Written originally in the old French long before the Conquest, with additions by Home, trans, by Hughes ... 1170Z Miscellaneous Prose and Verse, by Mavor. 1829 131 81 1 Pamphlets. See Pamphlets. Miscellanies, by C. Kingsley, 2 vols. 1859.... 996-7R Raleigh, Tennyson, Byron, Shelley, Plays and Puritans, Fronde's England. Swinburne. 1886 1340O Critical, Imaginative, and Juridical, by Warren, 2 vols. 1855 ...1131-2R Increase of Robbers, &c. [Fielding's works]. 1824 1 796Z Mischief. See Quarterly, v. 52, 1182J, &c. Misers, Remarkable, by Redding, 2 vols. 1863 940-1O See also Chambers [and the Good They Do], v. 40, 1946J. All the Year Round [French], v. 50, 1810J, &c. Misery. See Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Poverty, &c. Misinterpretation. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. Mismanagement. See Anspach's Thieves of Homes, 279R, &c. Misogynist, The. See Blackwood, v. 131, 201J, &c. Misplaced. Men. See Fraser [Thoughts on], v. 69, 679J, &c. Missal, Ornamental and Manuscript Alphabets 924D MISSION Sermons, by Aitkin. 1876 561-3M Missionaries, Master Missionaries, by Japp. 1880 770O Missionary and Naturalist in Central India, a Life of Stephen His- lop, from 1844 to l86 3> D y Smith. 1888 656F Bishop, a Sermon by Doane, and other Sermons. 1835 232 K Labours and Scenes in South Africa, by Moffatt, ill. ... 485A and 1544R Travels in South Africa, by Livingstone, illustrated. 1857 607 and 608 K Missions, Fruits of Toil of the London Missionary Society, ill. 1877 53§A Heroes of the Mission Field, by Walsh. 1879 706O Heroines of the Mission Field, by Pitman. 1880 707O London and Calcutta, compared in their Heathenism and Pros- pects, by Mullens. 1869 2 34Q Protestant Foreign, their Present State, by Christlieb. 1880 ... 168Q and Missionaries. See also Boy's Own Annual [Bishop Hannington], v. 9, 2 959j- Brown's Propagation of Christianity [History of], v. 2, 265A. Colquhoun's South China, 541-2K. Cumming's China, 789-90K. Excelsior [Church History], 1926-31R. Fortnightly [Effort, Theory of], v. 6, 2096J. Fraser [Christian], v. 4, 614J. Westminster [Foreign, Failure of], v. 101, R.L. Girl's Own Annual [Girl's Work in the Mis- sion Field], v. 3, 2553J. Hope's Loving Work, 1224R. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Inman's Faiths, 96K and g6Ka. Kurtz Church History, 707A. Lewis' Life of G. M. Gordon, 1417O. Med- hurst's China, 1044F. Mitchell's Southern India [Stations in the Madras Presidency], 1510R. Moffat's Life, 400F. Nineteenth Century Maga- zine, v. 24, 2234J. Paton's Autobiography [New Hebrides], 1449O. Rivers of Water, &c., 220T. Shipley's Studies, 460M. Smith's Life of William Carey, 167F. Stanley's Dark Continent [Mission Work], 1563R. Steane's Evangelical Alliance, 661A. Stewart's Palestine, 839K. Temple's India, 486K. Williams (J.), Memoirs of, 579F. Wilson (J.), Life of, 580F. Wolff's Travels, 560-1 K. London Quarterly [Wes- leyan Foreign], v. 64, 854J. Sunday at Home [in Turkey], v. 1, 2851J. Sunday Magazine [Mission Work in Shansi], v. 14, 2464J. Quiver [a Century of], v. 30, 3300J. Sunday at Home [Incidents irom the South Pacific], v. 22, 2872J. Christianity, Theology, Religion, Travel, &c. Mississippi Bubble, a Memoir of John Law, by Thiers, translated by Fiske. 1859 761O Upper, from 1600 to the Present Time, by Gale. 1867 1602R Valley, Stories of the [Meeker's Life in the West] 1596R See also All the Year Round [The River], v. 12, 1772J. Featherstonhaugh's Canoe Voyage, 727K. Harper [Pine Region of], v. 25, 1605J ; [Control and Utilization of], V. 65, T645J ; [Reservoir System for the Upper], v. 69, 1649J. Scribner [Travels in], v. 8, 1858J. Stanford's Compendium, 85oK, &c. [488] Mio ENGLISH SECTION. MIT Missouri. See Harper's Magazine, v. 77, 1657J. Nature [Geological Survey of], v. 17, 2677J. Scribner, v. 8, T858J. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Mistaken Identity. See All the Year Round, v. 23, 17 83 J, &c. Mistakes. Fraser [a Consolatory Essay], v. 104, 714J, &c. Mistletoe. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M. Jesse's Country Life, 39R. Once a Week, v. 12, 2272J. Science Gossip, v. 1, 2411J ; [and its Asso- * ciations], v. 12, 2415J ; [its Growth, A.ge, &c], v. 13, 2416J. Botany, &c. Mistral (Frederic). See Scribner, v. 4, 1854J. Mitchell (D. G. and M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Mitchell (Mrs. Murray), In Southern India, illustrated. 1885 1510R Mitchell (O. M.), A.M., The Orbs of Heaven, a Popular Exposition of the great Discoveries and Theories of Modern Astronomy, illustrated. 1856 41 9^ Mitchell (Thomas), Key to Ghostism, Science and Art unlock its Mysteries. 1 880 9 1 1 M Mites. See Harper, v. 22, 1602 J. Murray's Economic Entomology, 1037M. Science Gossip, v. 4, 2412J ; [British Freshwater], v. 18, 2420J, &c. Mitford(Mary R., Poet and Novelist, b. 1786, d, 1855), Country Stories 1544Z Recollections of a Literary Life, or Books, Places, and People... 684- 5 F Friendships of, edited by L'Estrange, 2 vols. 1882 848-9O Life and Letters of, edited by L'Estrange, 3 vols. 1870 845-7O Sec also Adam's Celebrated Englishwomen, 1282O. Field's Authors, 1052O. Atlantic, v. 51, 1541J. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Macmillan, v. 21, 951J. Saturday Review [Friendships of], v. 54, R.L. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Mitford (P.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mitford (W., Historian, b. 1785, d. 1827), History of Greece, with Memoir of the Author, by his Brother, Lord Redesdale, 8 vols. 1829 101-SH Vol. 1. — Memoir. Religion, Government, Jurisprudence, Science, Arts, Commerce and Manners of the Early Greeks. Trojan War to the Return of the Heraclidce. Grecian Oracles. Olympian Games. Grecian Colonies. Nations Politically connected with Greece. Reign of Darius of Persia, &c 101H Vol. 2.— Invasion under Xerxes. Battles of Thermopylae and Bueotia. Per- sian War to the Successes of Cimon. Expedition to Egypt. Pericles. Peloponnesian Congress, &c 102 H Vol. 3.— Peloponnesian War. _ Sicily and the Athenian Expedition. Con- clusion of the Sicilian Expedition and of the Peloponnesian War, &c 103H Vol. 4.— Council of Thirty. Restoration of Democracy. Orators and Philosophers of the Civil History of Athens. Philosophy and Literature. Greeks in Asia and Thrace. War between Lace- daemon and Persia. Peace of Antalcidas, &c 104 H Vol. 5.— Sedition of Thebes. Invasion of Arcadia. Theban Administra- tion. Invasion of Elea. Battle of Olympia. Grecian Politics. Hannibal. Siege of Gela. Siege of Syracuse. Treaty with Carthage. Death of Dionysius, &c 105 H Vol. 6.— Election of the Second Dionysius. Assassination of Heraclides. Timoleon. Macedonian Constitution and Territory. Olynthian Confederacy. Political Eminence of Athens. Historical Me- morials from the Orators. Demosthenes, &c 106H Vol. 7.— Sacred War. Accusation of /Eschines. Isocrates' Letter. Aris- totle on Government. Philip of Macedonia. Macedonia Threat- ened. Alexander's Visit to Troy. March into Lydia. Expedi- tion to Egypt. Monument of Sardanapalus, &c 107H Vol. 8.— Campaigns in Asia. Trials for High Treason. Constitutions of Indian States. Return from India. Sacrificial Feast. Alex- ander's Death. Examination of Mitford's Dates of the Cam- paigns, from Clinton's Tasti Hellenici, &c 108H Mithridates. Sec Josephus, 65H. Niebuhr's History of Rome, 87-8H, &c. Mitrailleuse or Machine Gun. See Macmillan, v. 22, Q52J. Guns, &c, [489] MIV GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MOL Mivart (St. George, Philosopher and Naturalist, b. 1827), F.R.S., Contemporary Evolution, an Essay on some recent Social Changes. 1876 1029R The Common Frog [Nature Series]. 1881 151R Mixture for Low Spirits, Witty Sayings of many People, edited by Tegg. 1876 1257Z Mnasalcus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Moab. See Conder's Syrian Explorations, 549K. Contemporary [Moabite Stone], v. 15, 2025J. Ewald's Israel, 64K. Quarterly [Land of], v. 135, 1265J. Scribner's Monthly [Moabite Stone], vol. 2, 1852J. Smith's Prophets, 466M. Good Words [Moabite Stone], v. 11, 2181J. Sunday at Home, v. 21, 2871J. Moab'S Patriarchal Stone, by King. 1878 1503R Moawyah II. See Mahomet's Successors, 1007Q. Moberly (A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mobile (U. S.). See Once a Week, v. 7, 2267J. Mobs, Mob Law. See All the Year Round [and Order], v. 9, 1769J. Once a Week, v. 8, 2268J. Fortnightly Review [and Revolutions], v. 46, 2136J, &c. Mock Auctions. See Wynter's Social Bees, 1159R, &c. Mocking-Bird, The. See Penny Magazine, v. 2, 140B. Birds, &c. Model Engineers' Handybook, a Practical Manual on Model Steam Engines, &c, by Hasluck. 1889 1162M Model Ship. See Boy's Own Annual, 1882, 2954J. Models. See Century [Artists in New York], v. 3, 1875J. Modern Ballads : Birth of St. George, Red Cross Knight, John Gil- pin's Ride, The Mermaid, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Sir Delaval, &c 768M Christian Biography 1441O History [Chambers' Educational Course] 45 1 T Painters, by Ruskin, 5 vols. 1880- 1 835-9R Science in Bible Lands, by Dawson, illustrated. 1888 1212M Street Ballads, by Ashton. 1888 1406M Theories in Philosophy and Religion, by Tulloch. 1884 7 2 4A Traveller. See Conder (J.). Modesty. See Midler's Noble Deeds, &c, 92Q. Modjeska (Helena B., Countess). See Scnbner, v. 17, 1867J. Temple Bar, v. 66, 1 396 J. Moffat (R., Scotch Missionary, b. 1790, d. 1833), Missionary Labours and Scenes in Southern Africa 485 A and 1 544R (and Mary) Lives of, by their Son, J. S. Moffat, illustrated 400F — See also Japp's Missionaries, 770O. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 32, 2642J. Rivers of Water [Missionary Labours], 220T. Sunday Maga- zine [Mary Moffat], v. 14, 2464J. Sunday at Home, v. 30, 2880J, &c. Mogridge (George). See Parley (Peter). Moguls. Sec Freeman's Saracens, 298O, &c. Mohair. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Mohawks. See Sunday at Home [among the], v. 18, 2868J. Mohocks. See Ashton's Reign of Queen Anne, 68F, &c. Moir (D. M., Scotch Poet, b. 1798, d. 185 1), Poetical Works, edited by Aird, 2 vols, i860 346-7Q See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Moira (Lord, Marquis of Hastings, b. 1754, d, 1826). See Froude's Ireland, 206O. Moldavia. See Blackwood [Convents of], v. 95, 165J ; [Society and Politics in], v. 96, 166J. Moldwarp (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mole, The. See Benison's Nature, 2109R. Brown's Science for All [and Mole- hills], 627B. Chambers [a Plea for], v. 60, 1960J. Every Boy's Annual, 1869, 1303H. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Longman [at Home], v. 3, 893J, &c. [490] MOL ENGLISH SECTION. MOM Molecular and Microscopic Science, by Mary Somerville, 2 vols... 109-0R Molecules. See Chambers, v. 58, 1958J. Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377R. Nature [In Motion], v. 8, 2668J, &c. Molesworth (W. N., Historian, b. 1816), M.A., History of Eng- land [1830-1874], 3 vols. 1879 159-62O ■ History of the Church of England, from 1600. 1882 214M Molesworth (Mrs. Ennis Graham). See Fiction Class List following the Gene- ral Catalogue. Moliere (J. B. P. De., French Dramatist, b. 1622, d. 1673), Dramatic Works of, translated by H. Van Laun, illustrated by Vernet, Desenne, &c, 3 vols. 1880 428-30D by Oliphant and Tarver [Foreign Classics]. 1879 I177O See also Edinburgh Review [Life and Writings of], v. 82, 442 J. Fraser, v. 95> 705J. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Moliere-Characters, by Clarke. 1865 910R Molinos (M., TheQuietist, b. 1627, d. 1696), Golden Thoughts from The Spiritual Guide, with Preface by Shorthouse. 1883 103Q See also Michelet's Priests, &c, 411M, &c. Moll (C. B.), D.D., The Psalms, translated from the German by Briggs, &c, together with a new version, by Conant [Lange's Commentary], 1872 60A Mollett (J. W.), B.A., an Illustrated Dictionary of Words used in Art and Archaeology. 1883 935^ Meissonier [Great Artists]. 1882 U04O Rembrandt [Great Artists]. 1879 1107O Sir D. Wilkie [Great Artists]. 1881 U14O ■ Watteau [Great Artists]. 1883 H15O Molloy (J. Fitzgerald), Court Life Below Stairs, or London under the the Georges [1714-1830], 4 vols. 1882-3 : Vol. 1. — Anne and George I 443O Vol. 2. — George II 444O Vol. 3.— George III 445O Vol. 4. — George III. and George IV 446O Famous Plays, with a Discourse on the Playhouses of the Restoration. 1 886 1 1 96R Congreve's Love for Love. Addison's Cato. John Gray's Beggar's Opera. Dr. Johnson's Irene. Oliver Goldsmith's She Stoops to Conquer. Sheridan's Rivals. Knowles' Virginius. Lytton's Plays. Life and Adventures of Edmund Kean, 2 vols. 1888 1465-6O Royalty Restored, or London under Charles II., 2 vols. 1885... 259-0O ■ See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Mollusca, Invertebrate Animals having a soft fleshy body, such as oysters and other shell fish. British Marine Testaceous. 1855 749F Manual of the, by Woodward. 1868 181R See also Buckley's Life, &c, ioeR^ Gosse's A Year at the Shore, 586Q. Hartwig's The Sea and Its Living Wonders, 757 F. Lewes' Sea-side Studies, 822F. Napier's Lakes and Rivers, 623Q. Nature [Adaptive Coloration of], v. 5, 2665J ; [Development of], v. n, 2671 J. Sowerby's Aquarium, 632Q. Science Gossip [Variation and Abnormal Develop- ment of], v. 21, 2422J, &c. Molly Maguires. See All the Year Round [in America], v. 37, 1797!- Moltke (Count, German General, b. 1800). See Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7 B. Leisure Hour [Visit to], v. 16, 2626J. Macmillan [Campaign in Egypt], v. 46, 976J ; [in Russia], v. 36,. 966J. Once a Week, v. 23, 2283J. Vasili's Berlin Society, 1222R. Moluccas, The. See Stanford's Compendium, 853K. Momerie (A. W.), M.A., Origin of Evil and other Sermons. 1885 412M Mystery of Suffering. Formation of Character. Connection between Self-Denial and Self-Development. What is Truth, Christian Man- liness. Science and Religion. Eternal Life, &c. [49 1] MOM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MON Momien. See Anderson's Western China [Mandalay to Momie.i], 540K. Mommsen (Theodor, German Historian, b. 1817), History of Rome, translated by Dickson, 4 vols. 1888 : Vol. 1.— The Period anterior to the abolition of the Monarchy, and from the abolition of the Monarchy to the Union of Italy 151 iO Vol. 2. — From the Union of Italy to the Subjugation of Carthage and the Greek States 1512O Vol. 3. — The Revolution. The Gracchi. Commonwealth, &c 1513O Vol. 4. — Establishment of the Military Monarchy, &c 1514O Monaco. See Leisure Hour [Visit to], v. 14, 2624J. Saturday Review [Past and Present], v. 53, R.L. Chambers, v. 45, 1949J. Cornhill [History and Description of], v. 10, 290J. Monarchs of the Main, or Adventures of the Buccaneers, by Thorn- bury, 3 vols. 1855 ...1305-7R Monarchy. See Fortnightly, v. 17, 2107 J. Fraser [and Empire Preservation], v. 12, 622 J. Maine's Popular Government, 1100F. Poole's Index, R.L. Quarterly [and Democracy], v, 149, 1279J, &c. Monasteries of the Levant, Visits to, by Curzon, illustrated. 1865 1471R See also All the Year Round [Suppression of the], v. 42, 1822J. Contem- porary [Troubles of Mediaeval], v. 5, 2015J. Chambers [Visit to English], v. 16, 1934J. Fraser [Dissolution of in England], v. 55, 665 J. Froude's England, 192-7O. Loftie's London, 251O. Nine- teenth Century [Mediaeval, Daily Life in], v. 15, 2225J ; [of Austria, Visit to], v. 20, 2230J. Sunday at Home [Monastery of Einsiedeln], v. 1, 2851J. Monks, &c. Monastic System. See All the Year Round [Mysteries], v. 13, 1773J. Chambers [Life of the 12th Century], v. 1, 1921J. Kurtz's Church History, 706A. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Monks, &c. Monastier (A.) History of the Vaudois Church from its Origin, and of the Vaudois of Piedmont to the Present Day, tr. [R.T.S.]. 413M Monck (W. H. S.), M.A., Sir William Hamilton [English Philoso- phers]. 1881 1233O Moncrief (Hon. F. C), The Wit and Wisdom of the Bench and Bar 1830Z MONEY and How to Make it, by Reade. 1872 1022F the Mechanism of Exchange, by Je vons, 1 885 360R in Ancient Countries, from the Earliest Times to the Present, by DelMar. 1885 898F See also Knight's England, 151-4H. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Ricardo's Political Economy, &c, 1004F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-8F. Timbs' Works, 851Z. Walker's Science of Wealth, 1025F. All the Year .Round [How to Make], v. 2, 1762J ; [Lending in the Old Times], v. 27, 1787J. Chambers [Shady Side of Borrowing], v. 61, 1961J ; [Chances of Making], v. 31, 1942J ; [How it Wears], v. 35, 1944J ; v. 56, 1956J ; [Makers], 57, 1957J ; [Mystery of], v. 16, 1934J ; [Post Office Orders], v. 57, 1957J ; [What to do with], v. 53, 1953.L Contemporary [Use of, by Women], v. 50, 2060J ; [Rule of the Purse], v. 37, 2047J. Cornhill [Value of, and of Gold], v. 9, 289 J. Edinburgh Review [and Commerce, Wheatley on], v. 10, 370J ; [and Exchange], v - I 3> 373J- Girls' Own Annual [a Few Words on Money Matters], v. 4, 2554J ; [Money Obligations], v. 7, 2557J. Leisure Hour [Lend- ing in London], v. 18, 2628J ; [Market], v. 17, 2627 J. Nineteenth Century [History of], v. 6, 2216J ; [Standard of], v. 11, 2221 J. Once a Week [Modern Mammon], v. 24, 2284J. Coins, &c. Money-Lenders and Borrowers, Law Relating to, by Macalpin ... 257R Mongolia. See Atkinson's Siberia, &c, 598 B. Mongols, Among the, by Oilman, illustrated 337K See also Edinburgh Review [from 9th to 19th century], v. 152, 512J. Lub- bock's Primitive Man,672B. Poole's Index, R.L. Quarterly [History of], v. 144, 1274J. Saturday Review [Among the Gilmour's], v. 56, R.L. Sunday at Home [among the], v, 30, 2880J, &c. Mongoose, The. See Chambers, v. 54, 1954J ; v. 60, 1960J. Leisure Hour {and Cobra, Fight between], v. 28, 2638J, &c. [492] MON ENGLISH SECTION. MON Mongredien (A.), Free Trade Movement in England [Cassell's Library]. 1881 952Z Monk (General, Celebrated General \ b. 1608, d. 1670), and Washing- ton, Historical Studies, by Guizot. 1851 287T See also Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 301-2D. Stoughton's Religion in England, 94-5M. Albemarle, &c. Monkey, The, Monkeys and Parrots, illustrated 60R See also Boys' Own Annual, vol. 7, 2957J. Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q. Buckley's Life's Race, 129R. Chambers [in Confinement], v. 58, 1958J ; [Monkey World], v. 32, 1942J ; [Poppet's Pranks], v. 54, 1954J. Con- temporary, v. 41, 2051J. Good Words, v. 16, 2186J. Gentleman's Magazine, N.s., v. 30, 750J. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758 F. Jar- dine's Naturalists' Library, 670Q. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Cassell's Magazine [a few words on], v. 4, 2344J, &c. Monkhonse (W. C.), Turner [Great Artists]. 1879 H19O Monks. See Art Journal [of the Middle Ages], v. 8, R.L. Cutt's Middle Ages, 940F. Gentleman's Magazine, N.s. [of Islam], v. 37, 757J. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 75-82H. Good Words [and the Heathen], v. 4, 2174J. Kurtz's Church History, 707A. Living Age [Daily Life of], v. 128, 3158J. Quarterly [of the West], v. no, 1240J, &c. Monmouth. (James, Duke of). See Dixon's H.M. Tower, 324H. Monmouthshire. See All the Year Round [Traditions of], v. 32, 1792 J. Black- wood [Scrambles in], v. 58, 128J, &c. Monochrome. See Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M, &c. Monod (A.), Saint Paul, Five Discourses, translated by Barrett. 1853 51Z Life and Letters of, by his Daughter, translated. 1885 852O See also Christian Biography, 1441O. Monograms. See Beeton's Needlework, 1143M. Chambers, v. 46, 1949J. Marryat's Pottery [and Emblems], 936D. Twining's Symbols, 507M. Cassell's Family Magazine [a novel use for] v. 9, 2358J, &c. Monopolies. See Chambers, v. 17, 1935J. Quarterly [Industrial], v. 131, 1261J. Smith's Wealth of Nations, T026-8F, &c. Monotheistic Beliefs, The Early Prevalence of [Present Day Tracts, Vol. II.] 235T Monro (A. M.) See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Monro (E.-), M. A.. Parochial Work. 1851 44lA Monroe (J., American Statesman, b. 1758, d. 1831). See Harper [Administration of], v. 29, 1609J. Monserrat.], See Temple Bar Magazine [A Visit to], v. 84, 1414J. Monsoons. See Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 843K. Wittich's Physical Geo- graphy, 688Q. Storms, Wind, &c. Monsters. See All the Year Round [Imaginary], v. 49, 1809J ; [of old], v. 42, 1822J. Harper, v. 64, 1644J. Household Words, v. n, 1751J and v. 14, 1754J. Nature [Underground], v. 17, 2^77j and v. 18, 2678J, &c. Mont Blanc, Its Geodesical and Geological Constitution, by Viollet- le-Duc, illustrated. 1877 413K Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of, in August, 1827, by Auldjo. 1856 1260R Wanderings, by Cheever. 1846 1442R [William's Alps, &c] 590B See also Alps, Mountains, Switzerland, See. Mont St. Michel. See Macmillan v. 16, 946 J. Temple Bar [les Eaux Mortes], v. 7i, 1401J. Montagu (Lady Mary W., Traveller, &c, b. 1690, c, b. 1783, d. 1859), Life and Times of Salvator Rosa, 2 vols. 1824 476-7F Memoirs of, 2 vols. 1862 409-10F [4971 MOR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MOR Morgan (Lady Sydney). See also Adam's Women of Society, 1047O. Fraser fand her Autobiography], v. 67, 677 J. Temple Bar, v. 58, 1388 J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Morice (F. D.), M.A., Pindar [Collin's Ancient Classics]. 1879 1166Q Morier(J., Traveller and Novelist, b. 1780, d. 1849). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Morison (J.), D.D., A Critical Exposition of the Third Chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. 1866 131A Counsels to Young Men on Modem Infidelity and the Evidences of Christianity [American Tract Society] 1687Z Saving Faith, or, the Faith by which the Sinner is Consciously United to the Saviour, practically Considered. 1871 53Z See also Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A. Morison (J. C), M.A., Gibbon [English Men of Letters]. 1879 1069O Macaulay [English Men of Letters]. 1882 1077O Morland (George, Painter), See Chambers, v. 15, 1934J. Morley (H., Biographer and Critic, b. 1822), A First Sketch of English Literature 1036R Clement Marot, and other Studies, 2 vols. 1871 822O English Literature in the Reign of Victoria, with a Glance at the Past. [Containing also facsimile signatures of Authors] 1223Z Writers, an Attempt towards a History of English Literature : Vol. 1.— Old Celtic Literature, &c 1242R Vol. 2. — From Common to the Conquest i 2 43R Life of Pallisy the Potter 996Q ■ Burke [English Men of Letters]. 1879 1058O Morley (J., Philosopher, b. 1838), Critical Miscellanies, 3 vols. 1886 : Vol. 1. — Robespierre, Carlyle, Byron, Macaulay, Emerson 842O Vol. 2. — Vauvenburgeses, Turgot, Condorcet, Joseph De Maistre 843O Vol. 3.— On Popular Culture, Death of Mr. Mill, Mill's Autobiography, Life of George Eliot, Pattison's Memoirs, Harriet Martineau, W. R. Gregg, France, England, Comte 8430a Life of Cobden, 2 vols. 1881 190-1F On the Study of Literature. 1887 . 1226R The Struggle for National Education. 1873 1050F Voltaire. 1872 549F Ed., English Men of Letters, V.D. Addison, by Courthorpe... 1054O Bacon, by Church I0 550 Bentley, by Jebb 1056O Bunyan, by Froude 1057O Burke, by Morley 1058O Burns, by Principal Shairp 1059O Byron, by Nichol 1060O Chaucer, by Ward 1061O Coleridge, by Traill 1062O Cowper, by Smith 1063O Defoe, by Minto 1064O De Quincey, by De Masson 1065O Dickens, by Ward 1066O Dryden, by Saintsbury ... 1067O Fielding, by Dobson 1068O Gibbon, by Morison 1069O Goldsmith, by Black 1070O Gray, by Gosse 1071O Hawthorne, by James, jun. 1072O See also Contemporary Review, v. 17, 2027J. Saturday Review [as a Con- servative], v. 59, R.L. ; [as Editor of the Fortnightly], v. 54, R.L., &c. [498] Hume, by Huxley 1073O Johnson, by Stephen 1074O Keats, by Colvin 1 08SO Lamb, by Ainger 1075O Landor, by Colvin 1089O Locke, by Fowler 1076O Macaulay, by Morrison 1077O Milton, by Pattison 1078O Pope, by Stephen 1079O Scott, Sir W., by Hutton... ioScO Shelley, by Symonds 108 iO Sheridan, by Oliphant 1090O Sidney, by Symonds 1091O Southey, by Dowden 1082O Spenser, by Church 1083O Sterne, by Traill 1084O Swift, by Stephen 1085O Thackeray, by Trollope ... 1086O Wordsworth, by Myers I087O MOR ENGLISH SECTION. MOR Morley (Dr.). See Stoughton's Religion in England, 94-5M. Morley (Samuel), Life of, by Hodder. 1887 618F Morley (Thomas, Musical Composer, b. 1550, d. 1604). See Matthew's History of Music, 943D. MORMONISM ; An Englishwoman in Utah, by Stenhouse. 1880 1603R Mysteries and Crimes of, by Beadle, illustrated. 1870 948F by Conybeare [Reprinted from the Edinburgh Review]. 1854... 1284R Mormons, Female Life Among the, by Ward. 1855 870Q and 1600R or Latterday Saints [National Illustrated Library]. 1851 1311R See also All the Year Round [Among], v. 10, 1770J. Century [Question of Legal Aspects of], v. 1, 1873J ; v. 6, 1878J. Dixon's White Con- quest, 492H. Faithfull's America, 794K. Fortnightly [as they are], v. 36, 2126J. Greg's United States, 559H. Harper [History of], v. 6, 1586J. Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Kelly's Across the Rocky Mountains, 428T. Leisure Hour, v. 3, 2613J, and v. 16, 2626J ; [Life of], v. 7, 2617J ; [Amongst the], v. 25, 2635J. Living Age [in Wales], v. 78, 3108J. Nineteenth Century [New View of], v. 15, 2225J. Rae's Westward by Rail, 1599R. Saturday Review, v. 61, R.L. Scribner [and their Religion], v. 3, 1853J ; [Book of], v. 20, 1870J. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Temple Bar [and Country of], v. 4, 1334J, &c. Mornington (Earl). See Cassell's India, 228-9D, &c. Morocco, A Winter in, by Perrier. 1873 1561R and Spain, Tourist in, by Roscoe. 1838 1473R Present State of, a Chapter on Mussulman Civilisation, by Dur- rieu. 1854 1269R Travels through, by Buffa. 1810 659K See also Barth's Central Africa, 847-8K. Blackwood [Spring Trip to], v. 134, 204J. Chambers [Rohlfs], v. 51, 1952J ; [Tour in], v. 56, 1956 J. Corn- hill [Sketches of], v. 54, 334J. Fraser [Some Account of], v. 60. 670J. Fortnightly, v. 42, 2 132 J. Hay's Western Barbary, 1291R. Nature [and the Atlas], v. 19, 2679J. Scott's Travels, 1560R. Fortnightly Review, v. 42, 2 132 J, &c. Morphology. See Chambers, v. 3, 1923J. Nature [What is?] v, 18, 2678J. Morris (A. T-)> Words for the Heart and Life, Discourses. 1855 ... 588M Morris (B. R.), M.D., Ed., The Naturalist, a Popular Monthly Magazine illustrative of the Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms, vols 1-8. 1851-8 ...114-21D Morris (C), Ed., Half Hours with the best American Authors [Cavendish Library], 4 vols : Vol. 1. — Irving, Agassiz, Bryant, &c 1191R Vol. 2. — Bret Harte, Jefferson, Holmes, &c 1192R Vol. 3. — Prescott, Hawthorne, Emerson, &c 1193R Vol. 4. — Dana, Conway, Longfellow, &c 1 194R Morris (E.), How to get a Farm and where to find one, showing that Homesteads may be had by those desirous of securing them.. 161 7R Morris (F. O., Naturalist, b. 1810), B.A., British Birds, 8 vols, coloured plates : Vol. 1. — Vulture, Erne, Eagle, Osprey, Buzzard, Kite, Jer-Falcon, Pere- grine, Hobby, Merlin, Kestrel, Goshawk, Hawk, Harrier, Owl, Shrike, Woodchat, Tit, &c 2101R Vol. 2.— Flycatcher, Roller, Kingfisher, Bee-Eater, Hoopoe, Chough, Raven, Crow, Rook, Jackdaw, Magpie, Nutcracker, Jay, Wax- wing, Nuthatch, Wryneck, Creeper, Woodpecker, . Cuckoo, Nightjar, Swift, Swallow, Martin, Wagtail, Pipit, &c 2102 R. Vol. 3. — Lark, Bunting, Yellow Hammer, Ortolan, Chaffinch, Finch, Spar- row, Siskin, Linnet, Redpole, Twite, Pine Grosbeak, Crossbill, Pastor, Starling, Dipper, Thrush, Fieldfare, Redwing, Black- bird, Ring Ouzel, &c , , . , 2103R [499] MOR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MOR Morris (F. O.), British Birds, &c— {continued). Vol. 4. — Golden Oriole, Alpine Accentor, Dunnock, Redbreast, Bluebreast, Redstart, Blackstart, Stonechat, Whinchat, Wheatear, Warbler, Nightingale, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Chiff Chaff, Wren, Dalma- tian Regulus, Goldcrest, Firecrest, Pigeon, Dove, Pheasant, Capercaillie, Grouse, Ptarmigan, Partridge, Quail, &c. 2T04R Vol. 5. — Bustard, Pratincole, Courser, Plover, Dotterel, Peewit, Turnstone, Sanderling, Oyster-Catcher, Crane, Heron, Egret, Bittern, Stork, Spoonbill, Ibis, Curlew, Whimbrel, Redshank, Yellowshanks, Sandpiper, Greenshank, Avocet, Stilt, Godwit, Ruff, &c 2105R Vol. 6. — Woodcock, Snipe, Sandpiper, Knot, Stint, Peep, Dunlin, Landrail, Crake, Water- Rail, Moor-Hen, Coot, Phalarope, Goose, Hooper, Swan, Shieldrake, Shoveler, &c 2106R Vol. 7. — Gadwall, Pintail, Wild Duck, Garganey, Teal, Wigeon, Duck, Scoter, Pochard, Golden Eye, Smew, Merganser, Goosander, Grebe, Dabchick, Diver, Guillemot, Rotche, Puffin, Razor-bill, Great Auk, &c 2107 R Vol. 8. — Cormorant, Gannet, Tern, Noddy, Gull, Kittiwake, Skua, Shear- water, Petrel, Fulmar, &c 2108R Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds, coloured plates. 1870-71, 3 vols : Vol. 1. — Vulture, Eagle, Osprey, Buzzard, Kite, Falcon, Sparrow-Hawk, Owl, Raven, Jackdaw, Woodpecker, Cuckoo, Martin, Lark, Bunting, &c ... 819F Vol. 2. — Chaffinch, Sparrow, Goldfinch, Linnet, Bulfinch, Crossbill, Star- ling, Fieldfare, Thrush, Warbler, Nightingale, Pigeon, Dove, Pheasant, Partridge, &c 820F Vol. 3. — Crane, Heron, Bittern, Stork, Ibis, Curlew, Sandpiper, Wood- cock, Snipe, Land-rail, Crake, Coot, Geese, Swan, Wild Duck, Wigeon, Grebe, Great Auk, Gull, &c 821F Morris (G. P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Poets of America, 468D, &c. Morris (G. S.), Ph.D., Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, a Critical Exposition. 1882 666T Morris (L.), Poetical Works, 1882 : Vol. 1. — Songs of Two Worlds 306Q Vol. 2. — Epic of Hades 307Q Vol. 3.— Ode of Life. Gwen 308Q Morris (R., Philologist, l>, 1833), LL.D., English Grammar [Litera- ture Primers, edited by Green]. 1880 ,.... 1213Z Ed. Chaucer, the Prologue, the Knighte's Tale, the Nonre Prestes Tale from the Canterbury Tales [Clarendon Press] ... 634T and Bowen (II. C), M.A., English Grammar Exercises [Litera- ture Primers, edited by Green], 1879 1214Z Morris (W.), Hopes and Fears for Art. 1882 356T The Earthly Paradise, a Poem, 5 vols 804-8M See also Contemporary [Poems], v. 25, 2035J and v. 42, 2052J. Fortnightly [Hopes and Fears for Art], v. 37, 2127J. Gabon's Urbana Scripta, 315T. Quarterly, v. 132, 1262J. Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M, &c. Morris-Dancers. See Brand's Antiquities, T005M. Morrison (M. G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Morrison (W.), Ed. , Recovery of Jerusalem, by Wilson and Warren. 543-4K Morse (C. F. and F. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Morse (S. F. B., American Printer, b. 1791, d. 1872). See Harper, v. 24, 1604J. Jean's Electricians, 1285O. Scribner [and the Telegraph], v. 5, ' 1855J, &c. Morselli (II.), D.D., Suicide, an Essay on Comparative Moral Sta- tistics [International Scientific Series]. 1883 37oR Mortality. See Chambers [Cheering Aspects of], v. 61, 1961Z. Malthus' Popu- lation, 1093F. McCulloch's British Empire, 711H. Nature [and the Seasons, Relations between], v. 10, 2670J ; [in Relation to Weather], v. 12, 2672J. Temple Bar [of Children], v. 8, 1338J. Wynter's Curiosi- ties [in Trades, &c], 919M, &c. [5°°] MOR ENGLISH SECTION. MOS Mortars, Cements, &c, by Dobson. 1872 345T Morte Arthur. See Metrical Romances, 1010M. Mortier (E., French Marshal, b. 1768, killed 1835). See Alison's Europe, 125-8O. Mortimer (Mrs. T.), Light in the Dwelling, A Harmony of the Four Gospels, with Remarks, adapted to Reading at Family Prayers. 1850 390M Morton (E. J. C), B. A., Astronomers [Heroes of Science, S.P.C.K.] 703O Copernick. Tycho Brahe\ Kepler. Galileo. Newton. Lagrange. Laplace. Herschell. Morton (Thos., Dramatist, b. 1764, d. 1835). See Inchbald's British Theatre, &c. Morung (H. Von). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, Sec. Mosaic Authorship of the Pentateuch, by the Dean of Canterbury [Present Day Tracts, vol. 3] 236T Cosmogany, by Goodwin. See Essays and Reviews, 662A. History of the Creation, by Thos. Wood. 1831 484A Work [Industrial Arts].... 1042M Work, &c. See Argosy, v. 11, 11 J. Chambers [Enamel Decoration in], v. 47, T 95°J ! [Art of], v. 28, 1940J. Household Words [Manufacture of], v. 7) X 747J- Twining s Symbols, 507M. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Moscheles (C.), Works of. Sec Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Moscheles (I., German Pianist, b. 1794, d. 1870) [Tytler's Musical Composers] 860O Moschion. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Moschus (Syracusan Poet, fl. 250 B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. MOSCOW. See Alison's Europe [Early History of], 123-34O. Elackwood [French Retreat from], v. 64, 134J. Good Words [and St. Petersburg], v. 18, 2188J. Harper [A Few Days in] v. 26, 1606J. Scribner [Elopement in], v. 3, 1853J. _ Temple Bar [Campaign of], v. 63, 1393J. Tolstoi's Napoleon [Burning of], 1527O. Russia, &c. Moseley (H., Mathematician, b. 1801, d. 1872), F.R.S., Lectures on Astronomy delivered at King's College, London, ill. 1854 802Z Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architecture, 1855, ill. 833D Mechanics applied to the Arts. 1834 696Q Mosen (J.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Moses (Latvgiver of Israel, b. 1571, d. 145 1, B.C.), and Geology, Harmony of the Bible with Science, by Kinns. 1882 40 iR Commentaries on the Laws of, by Michaelis, 4 vols. 1814 5S°"3A Divine Legation of, by Warburton, 3 vols. 1846 433-5 A History of, by Smith. 1862 464M See also A.L.O.E.'s Rescued from Egypt, 164Q. Beke's Sinai in Arabia, 597B. Ewald's Israel, 62K. Gallaudet's Biography, 1692Z. Good Words, v. 10, 2180J ; [Spiritual Development of], v. 22, 2192 J. In- man's Ancient Faiths, 956K. Living Age [and Achilles], v. 60, 3090J. Milman's Jews, 157Q. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Smith's Jewish Church, 467M. Good Words [Veiling of], v. 29, 2199J. Quiver, v. 16, 3286J ; [Death of], v. 17, 3287J. Sunday at Home [Cradle of], v. 6, 2856J, &c. Mosheim (F. L., German Historian, b. 1694, d. 1755), D.D., Eccle- siastical History from the Birth of Christ, translated by Maclaine, 2 vols. 1842 439-40A Moslems. See Mahomet, &c. Mosques. See Conder's Palestine, 552K. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 829K. Sunday at Home, v. 7, 2857 J, &c. Mosquito Shore [1839-41], and an Account of Truxillo, &c, by Young. 1842 1639R Mosquitoes. See Chambers [and Gnats], v. 8, 1928J. Girl's Own Annual [and Gnats], v. 8, 2558J. Harper [Mosquito Family], v. 18, 1598J. Hart- wig's Tropical World, 758F. Leisure Hour [and other Pests], v. 14, 2624J. Science Gossip, v. 3, 241 1 J ; [about], v. 20, 2421 J. C50I] MOS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MOT Mosses, Fungi and Lichens, by Holmes and Gray, illustrated. 1886 141 R Handbook of, by Bagnall. 1886 138R Sea, Guide to Marine Algae, by Hervey, illustrated. 1881 120R See also Cooke's Woodlands, 622Q. Chambers [and Lichens], v. 7, 1927J. Leisure Hour [Bit of Moss], v. 6, 2616J ; [Study of], v. 10, 2620J. Na- ture, v. 19, 2679 J ; [Notaris on], v. 3, 2663 J ; [of Europe], v. 15, 2675 J. Sunday Magazine [Among], v. 11, 246SJ. Mossman (S.), General Gordon in China, the Story of the Ever Victorious Army, illustrated. 1875 226Z Mossman (T. W.), B.A., History of the Catholic Church of Jesus . Christ, from the Death of St. John to the Middle of the Second Century. 1873 309A Moth, British, &c, by Duncan, illustrated 95R British Moths, Sphinxes, by Duncan [Jardine's Naturalist's Lib.] 673Q Butterflies and Beetles, British, by Kirby, illustrated, 1885 139R Common Moths of England, by Wood, coloured plates 186R See also Boy's Own Annual [colored plate], v. 1, 2951J ; [Typical British, illustrations], v. 5, 2955J ; v. 9^ 2959J. Chambers, v. 15, 1934J. Cooke's Woodlands, 622Q. _ Girl's Own Annual [how to Extermi- nate], v. 6, 2556J. Jardine Naturalists' Library, 673 and 675Q. Morris's Naturalist, 119D. Nature [Newman's British], v. 1, 2661J. Wood's Insects, 91R and Insects Abroad, 749F. Science Gossip [in Clothes], v. 8, 2413J, &c. Mother-of-Pearl. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Mother Shipton. See Household Words, 1754J. Motherhood. See Bellair's Girls and Maidens, 984M Mothers, a Voice to, by Mrs. Stace. i860 1426Z Advice to, by Chavasse 142SZ at Home and Maternal Duty, by Abbott. 1850 1135Z of England, by Ellis 1407Z Great Men and Women, and some Wives of Great Men, by Holloway. 1884 682F See also Compayr£'s Pedagogy, 296R. Eraser, v. 73, 683J. Home Ameni- ties, 945M. Household Words, v. 15, 1755J ; [and Step-Mother], v. 11, 1751J. Inman's Faiths, g6Ka. Living Age [of Great Men], v. 64, 3094J. Mrs. Ellis's Family Monitor [of England], 186D. White's Instructions [Young Mothers], 1133R, &c. Mothers-in-Law. See Chambers, v. 30, 1941J. Macmillan [Defence of], v. 3, 933J. Once a week [Custom of not looking upon], v. 19, 949J, &c. Motherwell (W., Scotch J 'otirnalist, b. 1798, d. 1835). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Moths. See Moth. Motion. See Brown's Science for All, 6276a. Clifford's Exact Science, 392R. Penny Magazine [Principles of], v. 1, 139B. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Zeller's Greek Philosophy, 538-9M, &c. Motley (John Lothrop, American Historian, b. 1814, d. 1877), D.C.L., Correspondence of, edited by Curtis, 2 vols. 1889... 667 -8F History of the United Netherlands, from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Years' Truce, 1609, 4 vols. 1875... 350-3O Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland, with a View of the Primary Causes and Movements of the Thirty Years' War, 2 vols. 1875 497-8O Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vols 354-6O A Memoir, by Holmes. 1878 857O See also Harper [Waifs from], v. 35, 1635J ; Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Mottoes for the Million, or Evenings with my Working Men, by Maguire 1226Z See also Chambers, v. 9, 1929J ; [Collection of], v. 27, 1940J. Cornhill [Tyrolese House], v. 28, 308J. National Miscellany [and Devices], 1037H. Sunday at Home [Morals of], v. 18, 2868J, &c. [5023 MOU ENGLISH SECTION. MOX Moubray (B.), A Practical Treatise on Breeding, Rearing, and Fat- tening all kinds of Domestic Poultry, &c, coloured plates... 173R Mould. See Cooke's Fungi, 618Q. Moulds, Metal. Sec Gore's Electro Deposition, 505R. Moulin HuetJBay, An Ode. See Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1287H, &c. Moulton (L. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Moulton(W. F., Classical Scholar, b. 1835), D.D., Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews [Ellicott's School Commentary]... 253Q History of the English Bible. 1878 418M Moultrie (J., Poet, b. 1799, d. 1874). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Mound Builders. See Donnelly's Atlantis, 1017M, &c. Mounsey (A. H.) F.R.G.S., The Satsuma Rebellion, an Episode of Japanese History. 1879 37oO Mount of Olives and other Lectures on Prayer, by Hamilton. 1846 40Z Mount Orgueil Castle, Jersey. See ^Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1285H. Living Age [and William Prynne], 3075J, &c. MOUNTAIN and Moor, by Taylor [S.P.C.K.], illustrated. 1879. 625Q Prairie, a Journey from Victoria to Winnipeg, by Gordon, ill. 1592R History of a, by Rectus 45 T Meadow, and Mere, Sketches of Sport, &c, by Davies. 1874... 1345R Mountains of Scripture. 1857 59Q Ararat. Carmel. Calvary. Lebanon. Sinai. Zion, &c. the Bible, by Ferguson. 1861 316M their Scenes and Lessons, by M'Farlane. 1849 109K Sinai, Petra, and the Desert. 1879 647Z See also Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 6nB ; Siberia, 598B. Chambers [Flora and Fauna on High], v. 50, 1951J. Cornhill [Birth of], v. 52, 332J. Edward's Untrodden Peaks, &c, 414K. Elton's Africa, 652K. Fraser [Mountain Beauty], v. 71, 681 J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Good Words [Giant], v. 27, 2197J. Humboldt's Nature, 29R. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 82S-9K. Living Age [Mountaineering], v. 67, 3097J. McCulloch's British Empire, 711H. Miracles of Nature [in the Moon], 1227Z. Nature [Formation of], v. 19, 2679J; [Sickness], v. 26, 2686J. Oneea Week [Age of], v. 6, 2266J, Stanford's Compendium, 850K ; [of Australia], 853K. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Temple Bar [Mountain Views], v. 9, 1339J. Wil- liams' Alps, 590B. Cassell's Family Magazine [Pleasures of Moun- taineering], v. n, 2361 J. Good Words [our Highland, and their Origin], v. 27, 2 197 J. Science Gossip [the highest], v. 4, 241 2 J ; [Our, and how we came by them], v. 16, 2419J, &c. Mountrose (Earl). See Clarendon, 297-302D. Montrose, &c. Mourant (Mrs., of Guernsey). See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2], 362B. Mouravief (A. N.), History of the Church of Russia, translated by Blackmore. 1842 120K Mourne Mountains, The. See Irish Pictures, 336B, &c. Mourner. See Fraser [and Comforter], v. 31, 641J. Mourning. See All the Year Round [Why Black is?], v. 30, 1790J. Fort- nightly [Death Laments of Savages], v. 13, 2103J. Leisure Hour [Cus- toms], v. 4, 2614J. Madden's Shrines [Mourning Customs], 342K. Penny Magazine [Women of the East], v. 7, 145B. Funerals, &c. Mourning City, Letters from a, by Oxel Munthe. 1887 1698R Mouse, The. See Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660Q. Knowledge [White footed or Deer- Mouse], v. 2, 2582J. Once a Week [Harvest], v. 5, 2265J. Natural History, &c. Mouth. See Chambers [Pranks with], v. 56, 1956J. Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R. Physiology, &c. Mowbray Family. See Dixon's Royal Windsor, 326H, &c. Mowing. See Rural Affairs, 574Q. Agriculture, Farming, &c. Moxley (T.), M.A., Reminiscences, chiefly of Oriel College and the Oxford Movement, 2 vols. 1882 1039-0R Moxon (E). See Curwen's Booksellers, 520O. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c [503] MOZ GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MUL Mozart (W. A., German Composer and Pianist, b. 1756, d. 1791), to Mario, Reminiscences of Half a Century, by Engel, 2 vols. 13/18-9O by Gehring [Great Musicians]. 1883 1226O Life of, translated from the German work of Nohl, by Lady Wallace. 1877 858-9O Rockstro's Plistory of Music 533H See also Blackwood, v. 131, 201J. Edinburgh Review, v. 150, 510J. Fort- nightly, v. 41, 2131J. Leisure Hour [with portrait], v. 15, 2625J. Naumann's Music, 929D. Temple Bar, v. 76, 1406J. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O. Fortnightly Review, v. 4r, 2131J, &c. Mozley (J. B., T/ieologian, b. 1813, ^. 1878), B.D., Eight Lectures on Miracles, preached before the University of Oxford [Bamp- ton Lectures, 1865]. 1867 540A Essays Historical and Theological, 2 vols. 1878 1023-4II "M. R. M.," Natural History of the Bible. 1880..... 719Z Mr. Chamberlain and the Liberal Part}'. See Contemporary, v. 54, 2064J. Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures, &c, by Jerrold. 1852 ,. 791R Mud Volcanoes of California. See All the Year Round, v. 55, 1815J. Mudie (C. E., Founded the Select Circulating Library 1842, b. 1818). See Cur- wen's Booksellers, 520O. Leisure Hour [Mudie's Library], v. 10, 2620J and v. 35, 2645J. Wynter's Subtle Brains and Lissom Fingers [Circu- lating Library], 269R, &c. Mudie (R., Scotch Naturalist, b. 1777, d. 1842), Man in his Intel- lectual Faculties and Adaptations. 1839 495T Physical Structure and Adaptations. 1838 494T Mueller (W.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Mughal Empire, The. See Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K, &c. Muhammad. See Mahomet. Muir (A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Muir (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Muir (M. M. P.), F.R.S.E., Chemists [Heroes of Science, S.P.C.K.]. 704O Muir (Sir William, Indian Statesman, &c, b. 1819), LL.D., Annals of the Early Caliphate. 1883 365F Life of Mahomet. 1877 364F The Coran, its Composition and Teaching, and the Testimony it bears to the Scriptures [S.P.C.K.]. 1878 97Q Muirhead (L.), Journals of Travels in Parts of the late Austrian Low Countries, France, &c. , in 1787 and 1 789. 1 803 39 1 K Mulberry, The. See Nature [Mulberry Tree], v. 2, 2662J. Once a Week, v. 9, 2269J. Fruit, &c. Mule, The. Sec Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 663Q. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F, &c. Mules. See All the Year Round [May-Day among the], v. 35, 1795J. Scribner [Rocky Mountain], v. 19, 1869J, &c. Mulgrave (Lord). See Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 207H. Mulhall (M. G.), F.S.S., Fifty Years of National Progress. 1837-87 297R Mullaby (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Mullen (L. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Mullens (J.), D.D., London and Calcutta compared in their Hea- thenism, Privileges and Prospects, showing the Great Claims of Foreign Missions upon the Christian Church. 1869 Muller (C. O.), Ancient Art and its Remains, edited by Welcher, translated by Leitch. 1852 Muller (E.), Noble Words and Noble Deeds, translated by Dora Leigh, illustrated. 1877 Humanity. Modesty. Friendship. Courage. Muller (George). See Household Words, v. 16, 1756J, &c. Muller (G.) and Reed (A.), by Pitman [World's Workers]. 1885... Sec also Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K, &c. CS04] MUL ENGLISH SECTION. MUL Muller (Professor H.), Fertilisation of Flowers, translated and edited by Thompson, and with a Preface by Darwin. 1883 79SF Muller (Max, German Orientalist, b. 1823), Biographical Essays ... 1477O Rammohun Roy. Keshub Chunder Sen. Dayananda Sarasvati Bunyiu Nanjiu. Colebrooke, Mohl, Bunsen and Kingsley. India, what can it teach us, or Lectures on the Ancient Religion and Literature of India. 1883 437A Introduction to the Science of Religion, with Two Essays on False Analogies, and the Philosophy of Mythology. 1873 ... 419M Lectures on the Science of Language, 2 vols. 1880. 1041-2 and 2002-3R Thought at the Royal Institution. 1888 913D Natural Religion, the Gifford Lectures at Glasgow University, 1888. 1889 1250M Sacred Books of the East, translated by various Oriental Scholars, 28 vols., 1879-85 : Vol. 1.— The Uphanishads, part 1, translated by Max Muller 559 A Vol. 2. — Sacred Laws of the Aryas, part 2, translated by Buhler 560A Vol. 3.- Sacred Books of China, part i, translated by Legge 561 A Vol. 4. — The Zend-Avesta, part 1, translated by Darmesteter 562 A Vol. 5. — Pahlavi Texts, part 1, translated by West 563A Vol. 6. — The Qur'an, part 1, translated by Palmer 564 A Vol. 7. — Institutes of Vishnu, translated by Jolly 565A Vol. 8. — The Bhagavadgita, &c, translated by Telang 566A Vol. 9. — The Qur' an, part 2, translated by Palmer 567A Vol. 10. — The Dhammapada, one of the Books of the Buddhists, translated from Pali by Max Muller . _ 568A Vol. n. — Buddhist Suttas, translated from Pali by Rhys Davids 569A Vol. 12. — The Satapatha-Brahmana, translated by Eggeling 570A Vol. 13. — Vinaya Texts, part 1, translated from the Pali by Rhys Davids and Oldenberg 5/iA Vol. 14. — Sacred Laws of the Aryas, part 2, translated by Buhler ........ 572A Vol. 15.— The Upanishads, translated by Max Muller, part 2 573A Vol. 16. — Sacred Books of China, part 2, translated by Legge . . . . 574A Vol. 17. — Vinaya Texts, part 2, translated from the Pali, by Davids and Oldenberg 575A Vol. 18. — Pahlavi Texts, part 2, translated by West 576A Vol. 19. — The Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King, a Life of Buddha, trans, by Beal. . 577 A Vol. 20. — Vinaya Texts, translated from the Pali, by Davids & Oldenberg, part 3, the Kullavagga, 4-12 581A Vol. 21. — The Saddharma-Pundarika, or the Lotus of the True Land, trans- lated by Keru 582A Vol. 22. — Gaina Sutras, translated from Prakrit by Jacobi, part 1, the Akaranga Sutra, The Kalpa Sutra 583 A Vol. 23. — The Zend-Avesta, part 2, translated by Darmesteter 578A Vol. 24. — Pahlavi Texts, trans, by West, part 3, Dina-i-Mainug-i Khirad Sikand-gumanik Vigar Sad Dar 584A Vol. 26. — Satapatha-Brahmana, according to the text of the Madhyandina School, translated by Eggeling, pt. 2, Books 3-4 585 A Vols. 27-28. — Sacred Books of China, te.vts of Confucianism, translated by Legge, parts 3-4, The Li Ki, 1-46 579«A Muller (Max), Science of Thought. 1887 585II See also Fraser [Chips from a German Workshop], v. 77, 687 J. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 27, 2637J. Nature, v. 13, 2673J. Ed., Memoirs of Baron Stockmar, by his Son, 2 vols. 1872 985-6O Muller (W., German Lyric Poet, b. 1794, d. 1827). Sec Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c* Mullet, The. See Once a Week [and the Gurnard], v. 10, 2270J. Seeley's Fishes, 81 1 F. Fish, &c Mullinger (J. Bass, Classical Scholar, b. 1834), M.A., A History of the University of Cambridge [Epochs of Church History] ... 259T Mullins (J. D., Chief Librarian Free Libraries, Birmingham), Free Libraries and Newsrooms, their Formation and Management. 1999R [505] MUL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MUR Mullins (W. E.), M.A., Ed., and Storr (F.), B.A., Selections from Hauff's Stories, a First German Reading Book for Schools. 1879 301R Muloch (Miss D. M. [Mrs. Craik], Novelist, b. 1826, d. 1887), A Legacy, being the Life and Remains of John Martin, School- master and Poet, 2 vols. 1878 1305-6O Poems 730M See also Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M. Fiction Class List follow- ing the General Catalogue, &c. Mulready (W., Irish Painter, b. 1786, d. 1863). See Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-6i6Fa. Gentleman's Magazine, v. 22, 742J. Leisure Hour, v. 13, 2623J, &c. Mummies. See Buckland's Curiosities, 598Q. Leisure Hour [Animal], v. 10, 2620J ; [Crocodiles of Egypt], v.22, 2632J. Living Age, v. 75, 3105J. Penny Magazine [found in Auvergne], v. 9, 147B, &c. Mumming, Christmas Custom of. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M. Munchausen, The Original. See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 265, 761J. Mundy (Gen. G. C), Pen and Pencil Sketches in India, ill. 1858 1505R Mundy (Harriot J.), The Journal of Mary Frampton, 1779 to 1846... 263 F Munford (W.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Muilger (T. T.), Freedom of Faith. 1883 630M Munich. See Blackwood [and its Schools of Christian Art], v. 87, 157J. Cham- bers [Metal Founder of], v. 15, 1934J. Green's German Pictures, 333B. Macmillan [Morning Calls on Police of], v. 21, 951J. Once a Week [as a Place of Residence], v. 19, 2279J. Temple Bar [Dwelling Houses in], v. 9,, 1339J ! [Theatre in], v. 6, 1336J, &c. Municipal Government. See Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Martin- eau's Thirty Years' Peace [Institutions], 449B. Probyn's Local Government [Boroughs], 303R. Bryce's American Commonwealth, 518-9H. Penny Magazine, [Origin of Corporations], v. 4, 142J ; v. 8, 146J. Leisure Hour [Municipalities], v. 35, 2645J, &c. Munk (W., Ba?-veian Librarian, b. 18 16), M.D., The Gold- Headed Cane [Medical Sketches and Biography]. 1884 1164R Munn (B.), Practical Land Drainer. 1856 259R [Drain Tiles and Pipes, Cotgreave's Drainage Plough, Tools, &c], Munro (H. A. J., Scotch Scholar, b. 1819, d. 1885), Tr., T. Lucreti Cari De Rerum Natura, Libri Sex. 1886 119SII Munro (J.), Electricity andits Uses [R.T.S.], illustrated 529R Munro (Robert), M.A., Ancient Scottish Lake-Dwellings, or Cran- nogs, with a supplementary chapter on Remains of Lake- Dwellings in England, illustrated. 1882 907F Munro (Sir Thomas, Governor 0/ Madras, b. 1760, d. 1827). See Quarterly [Life of], v. 43, 1173J, &c. Munthe (Axel.), Letters from a Mourning City [Naples, 1884] 1698R Muntz Metal. See lire's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 9D. Murat (Joachim, King of Naples, French Marshal, b. 1771, shot 1815). See Alison's Europe, 123-38O. Bingham's Bonapartes, 330-1O. Chambers [Death of], v. 10, 1930J. Blackwood [as King of Naples], v. 122, 192J, &c. Murchison (Sir Roderick I., Scotch Geologist, b. 1792, d. 1871), F.R.S., Life of, by Geikie, 2 vols. 1875 411-2F See also Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 13, 2623J. Nature, v. 5, 2665J. Murder. See All the Year Round [by Mistake], v. 12, 1772 J. Blackwood [as one of the Fine Arts], v. 21, R.L. Chambers [and the Microscope], v. 26, 1939J *, [Mania], v. 12, 1932J. Chronicles of Newgate [Murderers in London], v. 1, 330D. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Living Age [late Mur- ders], v. 5, 3035J. Quarterly [Appeal of and Trial by Battle], v. 18, 1148J. Crime, &c. Murdoch (J. Burn), Notes and Remarks made in Jersey, France, Italy, and the Mediterranean in 1843 and 1844. 1846 1730R Murger (Henri, French Poet, b. 1822, d. 1861). See Temple Bar, v. 37, i367jand V. 59j 1389 J. Zimmern's Novelists, 687O, &c. [506] MUR ENGLISH SECTION. MtJit Murillo (B. E., Spanish Painter, b. 1618, d. 1682). See Household Words, v. 19, 1759J, &.C. Murphy (A., Irish Scholar, b. 1727, d. 1805), Tr., Tacitus [Family Classical Library], 5 vols. 1830-1 U18-22Q Sec also Johnson's Works, 902Z. Inchbald's British Theatre. New English Theatre, &c. Murphy (J. J.). See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A. Murphy (J. M.), Sporting Adventures in the Far West. 1879 7HK Murphy (S. F.), Infectious Disease and its Prevention [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 990M Murrain, or Cattle Plague. See Living Age, v. 53, 3083J. Cattle, Farming, See. Murray (A.), F.L.S., Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Scotland. 1853 7S4F Economic Entomology [South Kensington Handbooks] 1037M Vol. 1. — Crustaceans (likely to be mistaken for Insects), Myriapods, Scor- pians, Spiders, Mites, Ticks, Itchmites, Lice, Spring Tails, &c. Murray (Captain A.), Memoir of the Naval Life and Services of Sir Philip C. H. C. Durham. 1846 243F Murray (Hon. Amelia M.), Letters from the United States, Cuba, and Canada, 2 vols, in 1. 1856 1613R Murray (Hon. C. A., Diplomatist, b. 1806). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Murray (D. C, Special Correspondent of " The Scotsman" and" The Times" during the Russo-Turkish War, b. 1847). See Fiction Class List fol- lowing the General Catalogue. Murray (E. C. Grenville), Turkey and Christendom, an Historical Sketch of the Relations between the Ottoman Empire and the States of Europe. 1853 632Z Murray (Hon. Henry A.), Lands of the Slave and the Free, or Cuba, United States and Canada, illustrated, 2 vols. 1855 1584-5R Murray (Hugh, Scotch Geographer, b. 1779, d. 1846), F.R.S.E., British America [Educational Cabinet Library]. 1839 400-2T Historical and Descriptive Account of China [Ed. Cab. Lib.] ... 397-9T History of British India. 1858 463H the United States of America, from the Earliest Period.... 394-6O Travels of Marco Polo [Educational Cabinet Library]. 1844 ... 936Q and Others, Adventures in Africa, its Geology, Mineralogy and Zoology. 1849 837Q British India [Ed. Cab. Lib.], 3 vols. 1832 391-3T See also Jameson's Africa (Joint-Author) 922Q, &c. Murray (John), F.S.A., A Glance at some of the Beauties and Sub- limities of Switzerland. 1829 143R Memoir on the Diamond. 1839 1093M Sketch of Chemistry, Practical and Applied. 1839 412R Murray (John, Publisher, b. 1778, d. 1843) [Curwen's Booksellers] ... 520O Murray's Colonial and Home Library, v.]). : Gatherings from Spain, by Ford 1285R Highland Sports and Natural History, by St. John 1292R Morocco, Western Barbary, its Wild Tribes and Savage Ani- mals, by Hay 1291R Notes and Sketches of New South W f ales, from 1839 to 1844, by Meredith , 1288R Pampas, Rough Notes taken by Sir Francis B. Head 1289R Residence in Sierra Leone, edited by Mrs. Norton 1286R Sketches of Persia, by Sir John Malcolm 1290R Typee, or a Four Months' Residence on the Marquesas Islands, or a Peep at Polynesian Life , 1287R [507] MUft GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MUS Murray's Handbook for Travellers in Central Italy. 1864 831Q to Southern Italy. 1862 415T Knapsack Guide for Travellers in India. 1864 625Z Murray (Lindley, Grammarian, b. 1748, d. 1826), Power of Religion on the Mind, with Additions by Stebbing 54Z Murray (Hon. R. D.), The Cities and Wilds of Andalucia, 2 V0IS...429-30K Murray (T. B.), M.A., Pitcairn, the Island, the People and the Pastor, illustrated, i860 1792Z Musaeus, Tieck, Richter, Tales of, translated by Carlyle, 2 vols. ... 82-3T Muscles and Nerves, by Rosenthal 367R Human, by Innes. 1804 .- 1461Z ■ See also Fortnightly [Strength], v. 6, 2096J. Harper [Free Development], v. 56, 1636J. Knowledge, v. 3, 2583J. Bastian's Brain, 387R. Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R. Nature [Mechanical Work clone by] v. 11, 267 1 J ; [Muscular Action], v. 17, 2677 J. Physiology, &c. Museums and Art Galleries, by Greenwood. 1888 1916R The Story of our Museum, how we formed it, &c., by Housman. 92R See also Art Journal [or Picture Galleries], v. 32, R.L. Atlantic [Dime, from a Naturalists' Point of View], v. 55, 1545J. Boy's Own Annual [Boy's Own], v. 5, 2955J. Century [Making of], v. 7, 1879J. Cham- bers [in London in 17th Century], v. 15, 1934J ; [of Arts and Trades at Paris], v. 9, 1929J ; [Provincial], v. 43, 1948J. Cowtan's British Museum, 894H. Dennis's Etruria, 439-0K. Good Words [Local], v. 23, 2193J. Harper's Magazine [of the History of Paris], v. 77) 1 ^>57J- Horner's Florence, 1424R. Jevons' Social Reforms, 1111F. Leisure Hour [of the United States], v. 31, 2641J. Macmillan [for the People], v. 19, 949J. Fortnightly Review [Bethnal Green], v. 18, 2108J ; [American], v. 48, 2138J. Good Words [Local], v. 23, 2193J. British Museum, South Kensington, &c. Musgrave (George) A Ramble into Brittany, 2 vols. ...1384-5 and 1386-7R Mushet (R., Traveller and Poet, b, 1798), Book of Symbols, Seventy-five Short Essays on Morals, Religion, and Philo- sophy, each Essay Illustrating an Ancient Symbol or Moral Precept. 1847 420M Mushet (R. S.), The Law relating to Trade Mark. 1885 319R Mushrooms. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Cooke's Fungi, 383R. Leisure Hour [Cave in Paris], v. 17, 2627J. Brown's Science for All, 629B. Chambers [for the Million], v. 61, 1961J ; [Russian], v. 44, 1948 J. Fraser, v. 59, 669J. Phillip's Discomycetes, 398R. Robin- son's Gardens of Paris, 609B. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R, &c. MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, &c — Works relat- ing to : {See also Singing, Names of Musical Composers, Instruments, e.g., Haydn, Mozart, Pianoforte, Violin, &*c). N.B. — For Musical Compositions, Cantatas, Duets, Oratorios, Odes, &^c, see Special Catalogue of the Mtcsic in the Guille-Alles Library. Music, A Concise History of, for the use of students, by Hunt [Cambridge College Text Books]. 1888 1885Z Popular History of, Musical Instruments, Ballet and Opera, from St. Ambrose to Mozart, by Matthews. 1888 943D and Manners, by Beatty-Kingston, 2 vols. 1887 953-4^ Music, 953F. Manners, 954F. — ■ Morals, by Haweis 975R • ■ Catechism for the Pianoforte Student. 1876 1507Z ■ ■- of Harmony and Thorough Bass, by Hamilton *.... 1508Z Chopin and other Musical Essays, by Finck. 1889 1169M [508] MUS ENGLISH SECTION. MUS MUSIC, &C, Works relating to :— {continued). Music, History of, by Naumann, trans, by Praeger, edited by Ouseley, illustrated, 2 vols 928-9D Rockstro. 1886 533H in the Form of Lectures for Students, &c., by Ritter 1085M Modern Music, by Hullah. 1888 942D with many Examples, by Ritter. 1880 1084M in England, Haifa Century of, Essays towards a History, by HuefTer 944^ its Art Mysteries, by Wylde. 1867 947 D the House, by Hullah. 1877 969M of the Bible, by Stainer, illustrated 549 M Sound in its Relation to, by Blaserna 384K Study in Germany, from the Home Correspondence of Amy Fay. 1886 1166R Musical Anecdotes, by Crowest, 2 vols. 1878 918-9R Composers and their Works, for the Use of Schools, by Tytler 860O Education and Vocal Culture, by Bach. 1884 94iD Instruments, by Engel, illustrated 1057M Life, My, by Haweis. 1884 1174^- Studies, by HuefTer. 1880 1086M Terms, a Dictionary of, edited by Stainer and Barrett. 1888. 940D See also Adam's Queen Anne, 1280H. All the Year Round [and Musi- cians], v. 56, 1816J ; [Influence on Lower Animals], v. 50, 1810J ; [Nation, British and Irish], v. 45, 1805J. Living Age, v. 166, 3196J. Argosy [Halls], v. 2, 2J. Blackwood [Ancient Scottish Musical Instruments], v. 45, R.L. ; [Relation to the Drama], v. 6, R.L. Boy's Own Annual, v. 4, 2954J ; [Military], v. 9, 2959J. Cassell's Popu- lar Educator, 164-9D. Chambers [Ancient Musical Instruments], v. 49, 1951J ; [Concert Pitch], _ v. 38, 1945J ; [hath Charms], v. 56, 1956J ; [Influence of, on Idiots], v. 26, 1939J ; [Oddities in], v. 32, 1942J ; [of the Streets and Cellars], v. 28, 1940J ; [Pitch and Tuning Forks], v. 34, 1943J. Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary [and Emotions], v. 15, 2025J ; [Impersonality and Evolution in], v. 42, 2052J ; [in England], v. 7, 2017J. Cornhill [Amateur], v, 8, 288J ; [Instruments], v. 2, 282J ; [Versus the Drama], v. 15, 295J. Edin- burgh Review [Ancient Scottish Melodies], v. 69, 429J ; [History of], v. 33, 393J J [Modern Theory of], v. 143, 503 J. Fraser [and the Modern Opera], v. 36, 646J ; [in Italy], v. 40, 650J ; [Phases of, in Russia], v. 50, 660J. Girl's Book, 1257H. Girl's Own Annual, v. 1, 2551J ; [a Plea for], v. 5, 2555J ; [and Scripture], v. 6, 2556J ; [Historical Sketches of Musical Forms], v. 8, 2558J ; [the Power of], v. 5, 2555J. Good Words [Amateur, in England], v. 10, 2180J ; [Chapters on], v. 16, 2187J ; [Ear],_ v. 2, 2172J. Guillemin's Applications of Physical Forces [Musical Instruments], 159D. Harper [and Musicians of England], v. 60, 1640J ; [and Musicians of New York], v. 62, 1642J ; [Mission of], v. 51, 1631J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [The Music of the Spheres], 1643J. Harper's Index [Musical Instru- ments], i64oJa. Knight's Pictorial Bible [Musical Instruments], 100-4M. Knowledge [Home Music], v. 3, 2583J. Leisure Hour, v. 23, 2633J ; [as Medicine], v. 34, 2644J ; [Curiosities of], v. 34, 2644J ; [Ear for], v. 3T, 2641J ; [Eastern], v. 24, 2634J ; [English Folk], v. 24, 2634J ; [Past and Present], v. 9, 2619J ; [Power of], v. 4, 2614J ; [Street], v. 11, 2621J. Living Age [Church], v. 35, 3065J ; [in France], v. 61, 3031J. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, igo8Ra. Macmillan [Literary Maltreatment of], v. 33, 963J. Murray's Magazine [Foun- dation Stones of English], v. 4, 1464J. Nature [and Science], v. 29, 2689J ; [Instruments, at South Kensington], v. 13, 2673J ; [Intervals], v. 3, 2663J ; [Pitch, History of], v. 21, 2681J. Once a Week [for Christmas], v. 21, 23, 2281 and 2283J ; [Pitch], v. 14, 2274J. Penny Magazine [Lyre, Lute, and Guitar], v. 9, 147B. Percy Anecdotes, 930Z. Quarterly, v. 83, 1213J ; [of the Olden Times], v. 106, 1236J. Scrib- [509] MU& GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MY T MUSIC, &C, Works relating to— {continued.') ner [Traditional, of the Spanish Pyrenees], v. 14, 1864J. Smith's Essays, 462M. Temple Bar [Grove's Dictionary of], v. 64, 1394J. The Family Friend [containing many Musical Compositions], 693-726R. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R. Young Lady's Book, 983M. Cassell's Magazine [Old], v. 3, 2343J ; [for the Blind], v. 6, 2355J. Sunday at Home [Power of], v. 3, 2853J ; [Musical Instruments of the Hebrews and Early Christians], v. 19, 2869J. > Poole's Index [and Musicians], R.L. Cassell's Family Magazine [Royal Academy of], v. 11, 2361J, &c. Musicians, Biographical Dictionary of, by Brown. 1886 664F The Great Composers, or Lives of Eminent Musicians, by Bonner, illustrated 680O See also Hueffer's Great Musicians, Music, Names of Composer's, &c. Musk. Sec Simmond's Animal Products, 1033M, See. Musk- Oxen. See Koldewey's Arctic Expedition, 605B. N ares' Polar Sea, 672-3K, &c. Musk-Rat. See Penny Magazine, v. 9, 147B, &c. Musketry. See Fraser [Volunteer Course at Hythe School of], v. 62, 672J, &c. Muskets. See Boutell's Arms, &c, 366O. Guns, &c. Muslin. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Mussel, The. See Brown's Science for All, 628B. Chambers [at a Mussel-Farm], v. 43, 1948J ; [French Mussel-Farm], v. 53, 1953J. Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807 F. Once a Week [and Mussel-Farming], v. 16, 2276J. Musset (Alfred De, French Poet, b. 1810). See Fraser, v. 56, 666J. Macmillan, v. 25, 955J. Mustard. See Kitto's Palestine, 610B, &c. Muston (A.), D.D., Israel of the Alps, The Persecution of the Wal- denses, translated by Hazlet [Nat. Illus. Lib]. 1852 1308R The Israel of the Alps, a Complete History of the Waldenses and their Colonies, prepared in great part from unpublished Docu- ments, translated by Montgomery, 2 vols, illustrated. 1875... 683-4A Muston (C. R.), M.A., Recognition in the World to Come; or, Christian Friendship on Earth Perpetuated in Heaven. 1840 42 iM Mutiny at Spithead and the Nore, by W. J. Neale. 1842 95Z See also All the Year Round [in the Navy], v. 18, 1778J. Chambers' Mis- cellany [Mutiny of the Bounty], 629R. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Trotter's India under Victoria, 538-9H. Indian Mutiny, Pitcaim, &c. Mutton. See All the Year Round [English], v. 2, 1762J. Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Diet, Foods, &c. My Confession, and the Spirit of Christ's Teaching, by Tolstoi 1245M Courier Pigeons and How I Trained Them [Boy's Own Annual], 2951 J Diary in India, 1858-9 [Indian Mutiny], by Russell, 1859 3730 First Holiday, or Letters Home, by Dall. 1881 1696R Grandfather's Pocket Book, from a.d. 1701 to 1796, by Wale ... 1137H Musical Life, by Haweis. 1884 1174R Rambles in the New World, by Biart, trans, by Hauteville. 1877 1615R Religion, by Tolstoi, translated by Smith. 1889 1242M Reminiscences, by Lord Ronald Gower. 1883 648F Schools and Schoolmasters [an Autobiography], by Hugh Miller 432 and 808 R Studies, and other Essays, by Phelps. 1886 1059R Study Windows, by Lowell. 1871 1206Z Lincoln. Thoreau. Chaucer. Emerson, &c. Telescope, and some Objects which it Shows Me, by A Quekett Club-man. 1888 1790Z Time and What I've done with it, by Burnand, an Autobiography [Macmillan's Magazine] 957J [5io] MXT! ENGLISH SECTION. MYT Mycense. See Blackwood [Pelasgic],v. 122, 192J. Edinburgh Review [Schliemann's Discoveries at], v. 147, 507 J. Fraser, v. 96, 706J. Nineteenth Cen- tury [and Cyprus], v. 5, 2215J. Penny Magazine [Ruins of], v. 2, 140B. Poole's Index, R.L, &c. Myddelton (Sir H., Mining Engineer, b. 1565, d. 1631). See Smiles' Engineers, 528O, &c. Myers (F. W. H.), Modern Essays. 1883 1293O Mazzini. Sand. Hugo. Renan. Trench. Eliot. A. P. Stanley. New Eirenicon. Rossetti. Myers (P. S.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mysteries of all Nations, Rise and Progress of Superstition, &c, by Grant. 1880 894F Magic, a Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi, with Essay by Waite. 1886 651A Time and Space, by Proctor, illustrated. 1883 448 R Tobacco, by Lane. 1846 599T See also Blackwood [Eleusinian], v. 73, 143J ; [of History] v. 68, 138J. Fortnightly [and other Violations of Relativity], v. 10, 2100J. Keary's Primitive Belief, 101K. Peasant Properties, 2004R, &c. Mysterious Legends of Edinburgh, by Leighton. 1 864 886M Mystery of Pain, Death and Sin, and Discourses refuting Atheism, byVoysey. 1878 680A — Suffering, and other Discourses, by Pressense. 1868 291M Mystic London or Phases of Occult Life in the Metropolis, by Davies. 1875 37R Mystics. See Fraser [and Reformers], v. 54, 664J. Heckthorn's Secret Societies, 377O. Living Age [and Reformers of the Fourteenth Century], v. 123, 3153J, &c. Mythe of Life, Sermons, by Stubbs. 1880 605M M YTHOLOG-Y and Science, an Essay, by Vignoli. 1885 372R Fairy, by Keighley. 1850 1009M Myths and Marvels of Astronomy, by Proctor. 1880 694D and Songs from the South Pacific, by Gill. 1876 689M See also All the Year Round [Historical and Literary], v. 57, 1817J. Beeton's Classical Dictionary, 890R. Contemporary [Germanic], v. 23, 2033J ; [Wind Myths], v. 26, 2036J. Cornhill [Science and Study of Com- parative], v. 19, 299J ; [Animal Myths], v. 47, 327J ; [Rationale of], v. 35. 3 J 5J ; [Solar and Lunar Myths], v. 46, 326J. Fortnightly [and Fairy Tales] v. 19, 2109J ; [Comparative], v. 14, 2104J. Fraser [Muller's Comparative], v. 104, 714} ; [of the Egyptians], v. 20, 630J ; [Prin- ciples of], v. 49, 659J. Freeman's Essays [Mythical and Romantic Elements in Early English History], 416H. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [Savage Myths], v. 18, 738J ; [Light and Time of the Stars], v. 34, 754J- Grant's Mysteries, 894F. Harper [Gog, Magog, & Co.], v. 46,i626J. Household Words [Finnish], v. 17, 1757J. Inman's Faiths [Myths], 96Ka. Keary's Primitive Belief, 101K. Knowledge [Birth and Growth of Myth], v. 3, 2583J. Macmillan [Ancient, in Modern Poetry], v. 44, 374} ; [Greek, as it Exists now], v. 51, 981J. Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1008M. Muller's India, 437A ; Science of Re- ligion, 419M. Nineteenth Century [Myths and Mycologists], v. 19, 2229J; [Lesson of Jupiter], v. 18, 2228J. Once a Week [and Folk-Lore], v. 25, 2285J. Pressens^'s Ancient World and Chris- tianity, 1194M. Quarterly [and Symbolism], v. 3, 1133J ; [of the Middle Ages], v. 22, 1152J and v. 122, 1252J ; [of the South Sea Islands], v. 142, 1272J. Ralston's Russian Folk-Tales, 1873, 943F. St. Paul's [Myths and Fairy Tales], v. 9, 1169F. Science of Thought, 585H. Scribner [Elder Myths], v. 10, 1860J. Story of the Nations, 424-O. Wagner's Asgard and the Gods, 903 F. Wright's England, Mid- dle Ages, 78O. [511] NAA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NAP NaAMAN, or Life's Shadows and Sunshine, by Aveling. 1853 .. 225AI Nabuchodonosor. See Nebuchadnezzar. Nack. See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Nadaillac (Marquis de), Pre-Historic America, translated by D'Anvers, edited by Dall, illustrated. 1885 897F Nagpur. See Temple's India, 464H. India, &c. Nails and Screws. See Household Words [Wonders of], v. 4, 1744J. Penny Magazine [Manufacture of], v. 10, 148B. Ure's Dictionary [Manufac- facture of], 8D, &c. Nails, Finger. .SV^Hand, Physiology, &c. Personal Beauty [p. 96], 1412Z. NAMES, a Popular Account of Christian Names, by Moody. 1863 1205R and Synonyms of British Plants, by Warburton. 1 889 1 888Z Christian, by Yonge, 2 vols. 1878 1 147-8R Their Derivation and Signification, by Tegg 1886Z English Surnames, by Lower, 2 vols. 1875 1921-2R of Men, Nations, and Places, by Salverte, translated by Mor- dacque, 2 vols. 1864 530-1II See also All the Year Round [and Nicknames], v. 49, 1809J. Burn's His- tory of Parish Registers, 536H. Chambers [Use and abuse of great], v. 4, 1924J ; [and Fortunes], v. 19, 1936J ; [Gossip about], v. 50, JO^U '■> [f° r Children], v. 44, 1948J ; [Droll Selection of], v. 52, 1952J ; [Lending of], v. 53, 1953J ; [Popular applications of], v. 62, 1962J. Cornhill [Christian in England and Wales], v. 23, 303J ; [Oddities of Personal Nomenclature], v. 45, 325J ; [Old English Clans], v. 44, 324J ; [Devonian], v. 46, 326J ; Fraser [English Local], v. 95, 705J. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 205H. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [Surnames and Nicknames], v. 30, 750J. Good Words [Choosing], v. 26, 2196J ; [In- fluence of], v. 2, 2172J. Harper [Proper Derivation of], v. 28, 1608J. Household Words, v. 18, 1758J ; [Changes of, in the U. S. j, v. 14, 1754J ; [Family], v. 15, 1755J. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K and 96Kn. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 104M. Leisure Hour [Gossip on], v. 9, 2619J. Nineteenth Century [Personal, in Ancient Greece], v. n, 2221J. Once a Week [Christian], v. 3, 2263J. Saunders' Pastime Papers, 1996R. Science of Thought, 585H. Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R. Science Gossip [Pronunciation of Scientific], v. 13, 2416J. Nomenclature, &c. Nana Sahib {Leader of Rebels in Indian Mutiny, supposed to have died 1858). See Holmes' Indian Mutiny, 470H. Martin's Life of the Prince Con- sort, 95F. Trotter's India under Victoria, 538-9H, &c. Nantes. See Harper [Week in], v. 41, 1621J. Macquoid's Brittany, 818Q, &c. Nanteuil (R., French Painter and Engraver, b. 1623, d. 1678). See Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Nantuckett. See Harper [Mass.], v. 21, 1601J, &c. Naomi. See Quiver, v. 21, 3291J, &c. Naphtha. See Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Napier (Sir Charles James, Commander-in-Chief in India, 1849, ^ 1778, d. 1853), Ed., Lights and Shadows of Military Life ... 542 II Life and Opinions of, by General Sir W. Napier, 4 vols. . 1857 861 -4O Passages in his Life, and Conquest of Scinde, by W. F. P. Napier. 1845 466II See also Adam's England at War, 199H. Alison's Europe, 145O. Black- wood, v. 82, 152J. Cassell's India, 229D. Fraser [Study of his Character], v. 57, 667J. Holmes' Indian Mutiny, 470H. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Quarterly [Life and Opinions of], v. 101, 1231J, &c. Napier (Admiral Sir Charles John, Scotch Admiral, b. 1786, d. i860), The Navy, its Past and Present, edited by Sir W. Napier. 1851 274II Napier (C. O. G.), F.G.S., Lakes and Rivers [S. P. C.K.]. 1879 623Q Napier (Lieut. -Col. E. Ellers), Excursions in Southern Africa. 1850 1549K Napier (J.), F.R.S.E., Manufacturing Arts in Ancient Times with Reference to Bible History. 1879 1096M [512] NAP ENGLISH SECTION. NAP Napier (M., Editor of the Edinburgh Review, erY., b. 1776, d. 1847), Correspondence of [1814-1846]. 1879 273H Containing Letters from Campbell, Playfair, Scott, Hazlitt, Dugald Stewart, Malthus, Mackintosh, McCulloch, Chalmers, Lewis, Hallam, Carlyle, Brougham, Lytton, Allen, Moore, Lister, Brewster, Empson, Mill, Macaulay (T. B.), Forbes, Jeffrey, Rogers, Palmerston, Dickens, Wilson, Ford, Senior, Russell (Lord John), Procter, Mrs. Austin, Sedgwick, Thackeray, Cockburn (Lord), Monteagle, Landsdowne, See also Contemporary [and the Edinburgh Reviewers], v. 36, 2046 J. Napier (Robert, Lord, o/Magdala, b. 1810). See Temple's India, 464H, &c. Napier (Sir W. F. P., General, Governor of Guernsey, 1842-8, />. 1785, d. i860), K.C.B., Conquest of Scinde, with some Passages in the Life of General Sir C. J. Napier. 1845 466H English Battles and Sieges in the Peninsula. 1855 294O History of the War in the Peninsula, 6 vols 261-6H Life of, edited by Bruce, 2 vols. 1864 413-4F — Ed., The Navy, its Past and Present, by Admiral Napier. 1851 274H See also Blackwood, v. 95, 165J. Edinburgh Review [Life of], v. 121, 481J. NAPLES [S.P.C.K.] 626Z Its Streets, People, Fetes, Pilgrimages, Environs,, &c, by Stainer 445K . Letters from a Mourning City, by Munthe. 1887 1698R Under Spanish Dominion, Carafas of Maddaloni, by Reumont, Trans. 1854 83O — See also Alison's Europe, 121-46O. All the Year Round, v. 54, 18T4J ; v. 7, 1767J. Bellow's Europe, 1399R. Edinburgh Review, v. 35, 395J. Fraser [Bay and Fish Market of], v. 44, 654J. Hare's Cities of Southern Italy, 1683-4R. Harper [Sketches of], v. 72, 1652J. Laurie's Mediaeval Education [Naples University], 306R. Leisure Hour [Fishermen of], v. 9, 2619J. Macmillan [Prisons of], v. 8, 938J. Man- ning's Italian Pictures, 328B. Penny Magazine [Castles of], v. 4, 142B ; [Macaroni-Eaters of], v. 2, 140B. Sala's Journey, 801 K. Saturday Review [Cruelty to Animals in], v. 59, R.L. Temple Bar [Street Life in], v. 67, 1397J. Sunday at Home [and its Protestant Schools], v. 10, 2860J. Argosy [in Sunny Climes], v. 45, 45J, &c. NAPOLEON (Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, b. 1769, d. 1821), and His Detractors, by Prince Napoleon, translated by Ledos De Beaufort. 1888 644F 1 and Marie-Louise [1810-14], a Memoir, by Madame La Generate Durand. 1886 1356O the Russian Campaign, by Tolstoi, translated by Smith 1527O Anecdotes of his Times, by Cunningham 261Z by Abbott [Harper's New Monthly Magazine] 15837 by Bourrienne, translated by Memes, 4 vols. 183 1 867-0O Court and Camp of [Family Library]. 1831 158Z [Harper's Library]. 1S48 H25Z English Caricature on, edited by Ashton, 2 vols. 1884 107-8F His Sayings and Doings, by Vieusseux, 2 vols, in 1. 1846 262Z History of, by Lockhart [Family Library], 2 vols.... 1056-7Q and 875-6Z in Exile, or a Voice from St. Helena, by O'Meara, 2 vols. 1827 865-6O Invasion of Russia [1812], by Wilson, i860 440H Life of. 1840 260Z at St. Helena, by Las Casas. 1818 338F by Lanfrey, 4 vols. 1871 101-4F Scott, 9 vols. 1827 1001-9Z 1828 106F 17 [513] NAP GUILLE-ALLfcS LIBRARY. NAR Napoleon, Short History of, by Seeley. 1886 1290O See also Adams' Great Campaigns, 47H. Alison's Europe, 119-46O. All the Year Round [Vicissitudes of the Napoleon Family], v. 24, 1784J. Ashton's Nineteenth Century, 861H. Blackwood [Last days of], v. 17, R.L. ; [Russian Campaign of], v. 64, 134J and v. 67, 137J. Broglie's Personal Recollections, 645F. Chambers [and Josephine], v. 57, 1957J ; [in Tor Bay], v. 63, 1963J. Cornhill [Veterans Meeting his Remains], v. 36, 316J. Crawley's Handbook, 1148M. Edinburgh Review, v. 26, 386J ; v. 27, 387 J ; v. 42, 402J ; [and Elba MS.] v. 30, 3Q0J ; [Correspondence of] v. 126, 486J ; [Military Genius of] v. 127, 487J ; [Surrender of] v. 44, 404J. Every Boy's Annual [1889], 1308H. Foy's Peninsula 'War, 258-60H. Fraser [Burning of Moscow], v. 29, 639J. Gleig's Leipsic Campaign, 459T. Harper [Lctitia, Mother of], v. 41, 1621J. Household Words [Anecdotes ol], v. 6, 1746J. Jackson's French Court, 334-5O. Junot's Memoirs, 329-31 F. Knight's England, 152-4H. Leisure Hour [Abdication in 1814], v. 14, 2624J ; [at St. Helena] v. 14, 2624J ; [Letters and Despatches of] v. 34, 2644J ; [Retreat from Moscow] v. 12, 2622J. Living Age [the Man of the World], v. 72, 3102J ; [Youth of] v. 34, 3064J. May's Demo- cracy, 38H. Memoirs of Prince Metternich, 113-6F. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Napier's Peninsula War, 261-6H. Penny Magazine [and his Wardrobe], v. 6, 144B. Quarterly [Appeal to the British Nation], v. 16, 1146J ; v. 17, 1147J ; [at St. Helena] v. 28, 1158J ; v. 82, 1212J. Edinburgh Review, v. 27, 387J ; v. 32, 392J ; v. 37, 397J J v. 38, 398J. Remusat's Letters [Napoleon and Josephine], 221 F. Saint Amand's Empress Marie Louise, 109F, Temple Bar [Peninsular War], v. 44, 1374J. Thier's Consulate and Empire, 303D ; French Revolution, 376-9H. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 207-8H. Williams' Alps, &c, 590B. Sunday at Home [in Egypt], v. 29, 2879J, &c. Napoleon II. {Emperor 0/ the French, b.. 1811, d. 1832, son of atoz'c). See Scribner, v. 5, 1855J. Leisure Hour, v. 5, 2615J, &c. Napoleon III. [Emperor of the French, b. 1808, d. 1873), Principal Events from 1851 to 1864 [Viel Castel's Memoirs] I75-6H Court and Social Life in France, during the Reign of Napo- leon III., by Whitehurst, 2 vols. 1873 110-1F — Emperor of the French, a Biography, by St. John. 1857 871O Story of the Coup d'Etat, by Maupas, trs. by Vandam, 2 vols. 324-5O See also Adams' Campaigns, 47H. Argosy [Two Days in his Life, August 6th, 1840 and September 26th, 1853], v. 15, 15J. Cassell's Franco- German War, 456-7B. Fraser [Marriage of], v. 47, 657J. Gentleman's Magazine, N.s. [Early Days of], v. 11, 731J. Harper [Anecdotes of], v. 23, 1603J. Lennox's Celebrities, 1014H. Living Age [and Eng- land], v. 57, 3087J ; [and Queen Victoria] v. 47, 3077J ; [and the Pope] v. 64, 3094J. McCarthy's History, 194-5 H. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 93-6F. Orsi's Recollections, 878O. Quarterly [French Autocrat], v. 90, 1220T. Scribner [at Vichy], v. 5, 1855J. Westmin- ster, v. 51, R.L. Living Age, v. 77, 3107J. Greville Memoirs, &c. Napoleon (Eugene, Prince Imperial 0/ France, son of Napoleon III., b. 1856, killed by the Znhis, 1879). See Living Age [Golden Opportunity of], v. 49, 3079J 5 v. 142, 3172J, &c. WarCOtiCS. See Chambers, v. 54, 1954J. Contemporary, v. 35, 2045J. Sim- mond's Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, 771 F. Thomson's Sick- room, &c, 834M. Alcohol, Stimulants, &c. Nares (Sir G. S., Captain R.N., b. 1831), F.R.S., K.C.B., Narra- tive of a Voyage to the Polar Sea, during 1875-6, in H.M. Ships Alert and Discovery, with Notes on the Natural His- tory, edited by H. W. Feilden, illustrated, 2 vols. 1878 672-3K NargOUX (F.), Notes and Sketches of an Architect in the North- West of Europe. 1876 484K Narratives of Peril and Suffering, by Davenport, 2 vols. 1840 1659-0Z — State Trials in the Nineteenth Century [1801-1830], by Browne, 2 vols. 1882 304-5O Narrow Escapes. See All the Year Round, v. 59, 1819J. Chambers, v. 60, 1960J. [5M] NAS ENGLISH SECTION. NAT Naseby, Battle of. See Adams' Battles, 241O. Chambers [a tale of Naseby Field], v. 63, 1963J. Contemporary [Battle of, and Yorktown], v. 40, 2050J, &c. Nash. (Beau, Adventurer, b. 1674, d. 1761). See Russell's Eccentric Personages, 1307O. Blackwood [Career of], v. 48, R.L. Chambers [and his little State], v. 32, 1942J, &c. Nash (E.), F.R.S.A., A Lecture on Pre-Adamite London. 1879... 674D Nash, (John). See All the Year Round Magazine, v. 42, 1822J, &c. Nasmyth. (Alexander, Scotch Landscape Painter, b. 1758, d. 1840). See Art Journal, v. 34, R.L. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Nasrnyth (J., Son of the above, Scotch Engineer, b. 1808), D.D. See Smiles' Industrial Biography, 73 iO, &c. Nassau in the Bahama Islands. See All the Year Round, v. 43, 1823J, &c. Natal, Life with the Zulus of, by Mason. 1855 1268R See also Argosy [Picnics in], v. 7, 7J. Chambers [Animals of], v. 62, T962J ; [as a place for Emigrants], v. 12, 1932J ; [Life at], v. 55, 1955J ; [Perils of the Bush], v. 31, 1942J ; [Port], v. 31, 1942J. Cornhill [Sea-Side of], v. 16, 296J. Cox's Colenso, 621-2F. Fraser [Fruits and Vegetables of], v. 93, 703J. Haggard's Cetyweyo and his White Neighbours, 1524O. Leisure Hour [Glance at], v. n, 2621J; [Port] v. 28, 2638J. Science Gossip [Flora of], v. 14, 2417J. Africa, &c. Nathaniel. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, i52K,^&c. Nation-Making. See Gentleman's Magazine, n.s., v. 21, 741J. National Advancement. See Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B, &c. Antipathies. See Cornhill, v. 21, 301 J, &c. Arms. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 3, 2953J. Arms, &c. Character. See Cornhill, v. 4, 284 J, &c. Characteristics. See All the Year Round, v. 26, 1786J, &c. Church, Idea of the. See Replies to Essays and Reviews, 663A. Convention. See Alison's Europe, 121-3O, &c. Customs. See Fraser [Illustrations of], v. 29, 639J, &c. Debt of Great Britain. See Alison's Europe, 121-380, &c. See Peto's Taxation, &c, 1016F. Temple's India, 486 K, &c. Debts and National Prosperity. See Fawcett's Essays, 1014F. Macmillan, v. 25, 955 J, &c. Defence. See Cassell's Magazine, v. 3, 2343J. Edinburgh Review, v. 8, 368J ; v. 12, 372J, &c. National Gallery and Royal Academy. See Chambers, v. 44, 1948 J. London. See Girl's Own Annual, v. 5, 2555J. Macmillan, v. 42, 972J. Penny Magazine [Pictures in], v. r, 139B. National Guard. See Alison's Europe, 120-7O. National. In connection with this word, see also subjects, e.g., Church, Customs, Education, &c. National Illustrated Library. v.D. : Buried City of the East, Nineveh, a Narrative of the Discoveries of Mr. Layard and M. Botta at Niinroud and Khorsabad. 1317R Holy Land, Egypt and Italy, a Visit to, by Madame I. Pfeiffer, translated by H. W. Dulcken. 1852 1314K Iceland, Visit to, and the Scandinavian North, by Madame I. Pfeiffer. 1852 I3 2iR Israel of the Alps, The, by Rev. Dr. A. Muston, a History of the Persecutions of the Waldenses. 1852 1308R Mormons, The, or Latter-Day Saints, with Memoirs of the Life and Death of J. Smith the American Mahomet 1 3 1 1 R Pictures of Travel in the South of France, by Alex. Dumas 1315P Picturesque Sketches of London, Past and Present, by T. Miller 1312R Siam, Residence in, by F. A. Neale. 1852 1313K Tartary, Thibet and China, Travels in during the years 1844-6, by M. Hue, 2 vols ', 1319R Tour to the Hebrides with Dr. Johnson, by James Boswell, with Introduction by R. Carruthers 1 320R [515 NAT GUlLLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NAT National Illustrated Library — {continued)* United States Exploring Expedition, Narrative of, by C. Wilkes, U.S.N., 2 vols. 1852 1309-10R Woman's Journey Round the World, from Vienna to Brazil, Chili, Tahiti, China, Persia and Asia Minor, by Ida PSfeiffer 1322R Miscellany, a Magazine of General Literature, 4 vols. 1853-5. ..1034-7H Progress, Fifty Years of, 1837-1887, by Mulhall. 1887 297R Wealth and Expenditure. See Contemporary, v. 40, 2050J, &c. Nations, Origin of, by Rawlinson 856F and 365O Story of the. See Story of the Nations. W r ealth of, by Smith, 3 vols 10268F Native Chiefs and their Offers to England. See Austral Africa, 1402H, &c. Natural and Divine Truth, Connection of, by Powell. 1838 f34K Conditions of Existence, by Semper 388R NATURAL HISTORY— Works relating to : {See also tender Animals, Birds, Fishes, Fauna, Flora, Reptiles, &>c, and special names, e.g., Dog, Horse, Lion, Tiger, Eagle, Ostrich, Herring, Salmon, Shark, &c, also under Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, Faheontology , Zoology, erY.) Natural History, American Friends worth Knowing, by Inger- soll, illustrated. 1881 582Q and Geology of Countries Visited during the Voyage of H. M.S. Beagle, by Charles Darwin. 1845 634-5Q and Wild Sports of the Highlands, by St. John. 1849... 1292R Boy's Own Book of, by Wood 185R by Goldsmith, 2 vols. 1840 112-13D Curiosities of, by Buckland, first, and second series ... 578 and 594Q illustrated, 4 vols. 1875-8 595-8Q Essays on Ornithology, &c., by Waterton, first and second series. 1844 580-1Q • Geographical and Geological Distribution of Animals, by Heilprin 396R Gleanings from, by Jesse. 1856 579Q Its Rise and Progress in Britain, Life and Labours of Naturalists, by Nicholson. 1886 1312O of Animals, by Jones, illustrated, 2 vols. 1845 J75-6R British Birds, by Morris, 8 vols 2I01-8R Cage Birds, by Bechstein. 1881 59R Creation, by Kemp. 1855 1283R Mankind, by W T ard, illustrated. 1851 612Q Selborne, by White. 1833 631Q edited by Jesse. 1851 41R the Bible, by M. K. M ,\<)Z Human Species, by Smith [Jardine's Naturalists' Library], coloured plates. 1884 685Q . Mammalia, illustrated, 6 vols in 3. 1849 : Vols. i-2. — Carnivora 712Z Vols. 3-4. — Pachydennata 713^ Vols. 5-6.--Ruminantia 7 J 4Z ___ Scriptures, by Carpenter, illustrated. 1833 256M Year, by Aikin. 1815 491T „ or Uncle Philip's Conversations with the Children about Tools and Trades among Inferior Animals, illustrated ... 706Z [5i6] NAT ENGLISH SECTION. NAT NATURAL HISTORY— Works relating io- {continued.) Natural History Rambles [S.P.C.K.], illustrated. 1879-80 Mountain and Moor, by Taylor Ponds and Ditches, by Cooke . . The Sea-Shore, by Duncan .... The Woodlands, by Cooke .... Underground, by Taylor In Search of Minerals, by Anstead 620Q Lakes and Rivers, by Napier 623Q Lane and Field, by Wood 624Q 1 Reason Why, by Philps. i860 Romance of, by Gosse, illustrated. 1861 824F Study of, by Swainson. 1834 481T > — Walks Abroad of Two Young Naturalists, from the French of Beaugrand, by Sharp. 1888 815F Naturalist and Missionary in Central India, a Life of Stephen Hislop, from 1844 to 1863, by Smith. 1888 656F Home, by Coultas 116R - ■ - - in Bermuda, a Sketch of the Geology, Zoology, and Botany of that Remarkable Group of Islands, by Jones. 1859... 823F ■ Humble Life [Cash's Where There's a Will There's a Way]. 1873 676T ■ Journal of a Naturalist. 1830 787F 1831 633Q Note Book for 1868 786F Rambles Among the Channel Islands [S.P.C.K.] 490T — of a, on the Coasts of France, Spain and Sicily, by Quatrefages, 2 vols. 1857 211 6- 7 R The, a Magazine Illustrative of the Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms, vols '1-8, edited by Morris. 1851-8 114-21D Natural History. See also Adams' Humming Birds, 54R. Agassiz (Louis), 473-4O. Art Journal [in its Relation to Art], v. 33, R. L. Belcher's Arctic Voyage, 661-2K. Bingley's Animal Creation, 726-8F. Black- wood [Curiosities of], v. 83, 153J. Book of Nature, 330-1B. Broder- erip's Zoological Recreations, 715F. Brown's Amazon, &c.,797K; Anecdotes, 642-3Q ; Taxidermy, 32 R. Butler's Pond Life, 140R. Camp- bell's Life in Normandy [French], 1700-1R. Cassell's Popular Educator [Recreative], 164-9D. Chambers [Home of a Naturalist], v. 59, *959J ') [Nature at War], v. 7, 1927J. Cooper's Rural Hours, 31 R. Dall's Alaska, 602B. Darwin (C), Life of, 612-4F. Darwin's Animals and Plants, 717-8F ; Researches, 26R. Derham's Physico- Theology, 40-1K. Edinburgh Review [Dictionary of], v. 6, 366J. Edward (Thomas), 771O. Gosse's Aquarium, 127R; The Ocean, 121R. Gunning's History of our Planet, 836R. Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q. Harper [Among our Footprints], v. 64, 1644J > [Beast, Bird and Fish], v. 39, 1619J; v. 40, 1620J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hartwig's Summer Migrants, 58R ; Tropical World, 897F. Harvey's Sea-side Book, 1868Z. Heath's Sylvan Winter, 1274H. Heer's Primaeval World of Switzerland, 732-3F. Holder's Living Lights, 174R ; Marvels of Animal Life, 800F. Hood's King's Windows, 539R. Houghton's Wonders near Home, 731Z. Insect Transfor- mation, 610Q. Jardine's Naturalists' Library [colored plates], 644-85Q. Jesse's Country Life, 39R. Jones' Animal Kingdom [Com- parative Anatomy], 722F. Kingsley's Glaucus, 591Q. Kitto's Pales- tine, 610B ; Scripture Lands, 368M. Knight's Leafy Ways, 2115R. Leisure Hour, v. 21, 2631J ; [Anecdotes in], v. 22, 1632J ; v. 23, 2633J '» v - 2 4> 2634J ; v. 25, 2635J ; v. 35, 2645J ; [of India], v. 16, 2626J ; [Papers on], v. 18, 2628J. Lessons on the Universe, 827Z. Lewis's Studies, 47 R. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Figuier's Mammalia, 723F. Lubbock's Scientific Lec- tures, 782F; Senses, Instincts and Intelligence of Animals, 376R. Mace's History of a Bit of Bread, 496-7T. Majenta's Dogs, 571Q. Mantel's Animalcule, 134R. Mivart's Common Frog, 151R. Nares' Polar Seas, 672-3K. Nature [Agassiz's Seaside Studies in], v. 5, 2665J ; [Cassell's], v. 27, 2687J ; [in Schools], v. 2, 2662J ; [Museums [517] NAT GUlLLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NAT NATURAL HI STORY- Works relating to— {continued.) of], v. 2, 2662 J ; v. 3, 2663J ; [Societies], v. 2, 2662J ; v. 3, 2663J. Nicol's Puzzle of Life, 33R. Orr's Sciences, 736-7F. Parrots and Monkeys, 60R. Penny Magazine [Curiosities of British], v. 12, 150B; v. 13, 151B. Pettigrew's Animal Locomotion, 354R. Pouchet's The Universe, 721 F. Pratt's Sea-Coast, 587Q. Quarterly [Systems of], v. 41, 1171J. Roberts' Wild Animals, 611Q. Robin- son's Noah's Ark, 16R. Romaines' Animal Intelligence, 46R. Rout- ledge's Science, 51 5R. Sanderson's Wild Beasts of India, 724F. Seasons of the Year, 569Q. Shaw's Madagascar, 1445R. Shuckard's Bees, 2118R. Slack's Pond Life, 135R. Taxidermy, 492T. Taylor's Byepaths, 62R. Tennent's Ceylon, 627-8K. The Amazon, 576Q. Timbs' Works [Errors in], 853Z. Tiny Workers, 724Z. Tytlers Footprints, 1176R. Van Beneder's Parasites, 361R. Wallace's Distribution of Animals, 194R ; Tropical Nature, 759F. Wilson's Evolution, 27R. Wood's Anecdotes, 48R ; Dwellers in our Gardens, 1T7R ; Man and Beast, 719-0F ; Nature's Teachings, 714F ; Strange Dwellings, 56R. Wright's Mammalia, 51R. Boy's Own Annual. Darwin's Works. Science Gossip [in Winter], v. 17, 2420J. Wallace's Darwinism, 2121R, &c. Natural Law in the Spiritual World, by Drummond. 1883 1208R • Magic, Letters on, by Brewster, illustrated. 1832 865Z See also Chambers' Miscellany, 627R. Penny Magazine [Credulity respecting], v. i, 139B. Leisure Hour, v. 27, 2637J. Magic, &c. '■ — Phenomena. See Timbs' Works [Erroneous views of], 853Z. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY- Works relating to : [See also Acoustics and Sound, Atoms and Molecules, Electricity, firV., Galvanism and Magnetism, Heat, Light, and Optics, Spectrum Analysis, Statics, Dynamics, Hydro- statics and Pneumatics, Physics, &c. ). Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, first book of, by Norton... 557R and Chemical Philosophy, by Leslie. 1838 462R [Lardner's Cyclopaedia]. 1831 722Q and 473R Compendium of, by Wesley, 2 vols. 1836 1661-2Z Elementary Treatise on, by Deschanel, translated and edited by Everett, illustrated, 4 parts. 1878-88 753 and 825-7D for Young Persons, &c, edited and translated by Atkin- son, illustrated. 1878 464R Handbook of, by Lardner, Electricity, Magnetism and Acoustics. 1 856 467 R Pleat, by Lardner. 1833 476R History of, by Baden Powell. 1842 7 2I Q Hydrostatics and Pneumatics, by Lardner. 1831 474R Letters of Euler on, with Life, by Brewster, illus., 2 vols. 873-4Z with Notes, &c, by Brewster. 1846 1121-2Z ■ — Library of Useful Knowledge, 4 vols. 1829 : Vol. 1.— Pleasures of Science. Mechanics. Hydrostatics. Hydraulics. Pneumatics. Heat. Optics. Double Refraction and Polari- sation of Light 749E> Vol. 2. — Natural Philosophy. Newton's Optics. Optical Instruments. Thermometer and Pyrometer. Electricity. Galvanism. Magnetism. Electro-Magnetism 750I) Vol. 3. — Astronomy. History of Astronomy. Mathematical Geo- graphy. Physical Geography, and Navigation 751D Vol. 4. — Chemistry. Botany. Animal Physiology. Animal Me- chanics ; . . . . 752D Mechanics, by Kater and Lardner. 183c 472R Philosophy in Sport made Science in Earnest, 2 vols. 1828... 823-4Z [Illustrated by Remarks on Popular Toys and Sports.] [518] NAT ENGLISH SECTION. NAT NATURAL PHILOSOPHY— Works relating to— {continued.) Physical and Mathematical Sciences, by Powell. 1834 ... 47 iR Forces, by Grove, Mayer, Faraday, &c, edited by Vou- mans. 1881 490R Study of, by Herschell. 1840 460R the Physical Sciences, by Bird. 1839 459R See also Clifford's Exact Sciences, 392R. Contemporary [Teaching of], v. 31, 2041J. Excelsior, 1926-31R. Fraser, v. 3, 613J. Huxley's Phy- siography, 495R. Matteucci's Physical Phenomena, 34R. Nature [Progress ofj, v. 1, 2661 J. Papillon's Nature and Life, 642H. Quar- terly [Playfair's], v. 8, 1133J. Reclus' Phenomena, 806F. Natural Religion, The Gifford Lectures at Glasgow University, 1888, by Max Miiller. 1889 1250M See also Religion. Science and Revelation, by Dawson [Present Day Tracts, vol. 8] 240T Science, Report and Transactions of the Guernsey Society of Natural Science [1882-1888]. 1889 2012R [Contributed to by Messrs. Guille, Derrick, Luff, Collenette and the Rev. E. Hill.] See also Nature [at the Royal Academy], v 2, 2662J ; [Miss Buckley's History of], v. T3, 2673J ; [Progress of, during Twenty-Five Years], v. 7, 2667J. Geology, Natural History, &c. Selection. See Living Age [Wallace on], v. 106, 3136J. Nature [Variability in], v. 3, 2663J. Wallace's Darwinism, 2i2iR. Darwin's Works, &c. Theology, by Brougham. 1856 602R Chadbourne. 1869 257M Theology, by Paley, with Illustrative Notes, &c, by Brougham and Bell, 2 vols. 1845 57-8Z in Connection with Astronomy, &c, by Whewell. 1833 728Q of Natural Beauty, by Tyrwhitt [S.P.C.K.] 98Q Outline of, by Crabbe. 1840 472A See also Macmillan's Olive Leaf, 558M. Prout's Chemistry, &c, 721D and 700Q. Atheism, Deism, God, Religion, &c. Naturalisation. See Chambers [European Laws of], v. 47, 1950J, &c. Naturalist. See Natural History. Nature, an Essay, &c, by Emerson. 1852 932R and Life, by Papillon. 1875 642H Revelation, by Powell. 1859 443M the Supernatural, as together Constituting the one System of God, by Bushnell. 1873 22K Aspects of, in Different Lands and Climates, by Humboldt, trans- lated by Sabine. 1849 565Qand 524-5R Book of, an Introduction to the Sciences, by Schoedler, ill. 747D and 713F by Good. 1828 541A Energy in, by Carpenter. 1883 528R Forces of, by Guillemin. 1877 158D Gospel in, by M'Cook. 1883 1193M Haunts of, by Worsley-Benison. 1889 2109R History and Scripture, Three Books of God, Sermons by Dawson 285M Laws of, by Beckett. 1879 694Q Light of, by Tucker, 2 vols. 1834 620-1H Marvels of, by Noyce, illustrated 504R Ministry of, by Macmillan. 1882 93T Miracles of, and Marvels of Art 1227Z Nature's By-Paths, Recreative Papers in Natural History, by Taylor. 1880 ] 62R Teachings, by Wood, illustrated 714F Poetic Interpretation of, by Shairp. 1877 564Q Studies, byJProctor and others 447R [519] NAT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NAV Nature, Studies of, by Saint-Pierre. 1846 121T Unity in, by Radcliffe. 1877 , 760F — of, by the Duke of Argyle. 1884 792F Views of, by Humboldt. 1850 29R Wonders of, by Rudolph, illustrated. 1882 540R See also All Year Round [Great Scourges of], v. 54, 1814J. Atlantic [Color- Harmonies in], v. 52,15427. Buckle's Civilization, 186-7O. Century [in England], v. 5, 1877J. Chambers [at War], v. 7, 1927J ; [Dupli- cates in], v. 40, 1946J ; [on the Roof], v. 61, 1961} ; [Teachers of], v. 55, I955J- Compayre^s Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary [and Mind], v. 19, 2029J ; [and Thought], v. 43, 2053J ; [Mind and Will in], v. 20, 2030J ; [Unity of], v. 38, 2048J ; v. 39, 2049J. Cornhill [Relation of Art to], v. 14, 294J. Drops of Water, 570Q. Edinburgh Review [Argyle's Unity of], v. 159, 519J. Girl's Own Annual [On Sketching from], v. 2, 2552J. Good Words [and Religion], v. 16, 2186J ; [Design in], v. 19, 2189J. Hooker's Child's Book, 477-9T. Humboldt's Cosmos, 483R. Knowledge [Sir E. Beckett on the Laws of], v. t, 2581J ; v. 5, 2585J. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life [Beauties of], ioo8Ra. Macmillan [as a Guide to Art], v. 10, 940J. Nineteenth Century [Uniformity of], v. 18, 2228J. Posnett's Literature, 394R. Quarterly [Immutability of], v. no, 1240J. Science of Thought, 585H. Sunday Magazine [Papers on, Man and Insect], 2474J ; [Papers on the Adap- tation of Birds to Climate], 2474 J. Quiver [Variety in], v. 25, 3295 J. Fortnightly Review [and Books], v. 47, 2137J. Girl's Own Annual [the Romance of], v. 10, 2560J, &c. Nature, a Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science, from vol I. 1869... 2661J The principal contents contained in this Journal will be found entered under their proper headings in the general body of the Catalogue with the shelf number specified. The general contents will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library), under such subjects as this Journal deals with. Nature, Printing. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D. Nature Series. See tinder Author or Subject required. Nauman (Emil), History of Music, translated by Praeger, edited by Ouseley, illustrated, 2 vols 928-9D Nautch Girl. See Household Words, v. 17, 1757J. India, &c. Nautical Tables for the Use of British Seamen, by Inman. 1830 ... 33D Navagoes. See Bourke's Snake Dance, &c, 717K. Navarre (Queen of]. See Sunday at Home, v. 34, 2884J. Margaret of Valois, &c. Nave (Johann), A Handy Book to the Collection of Freshwater and Marine Algoe, Diatoms, Desmids, Fungi, Lichens, Mosses, &c, with Instructions for the Formation of an Herbarium, translated and edited by Spicer, illustrated. 1869 584Q NAVIES, NAVAL BIOGRAPHY, MANOEUVRES, &C. , Works relating to : {See also Names of Countries, Battles, Wars and Sailors ; also tinder names of Celebrated Admirals, Voyages, dfc.) Naval and Military Anecdotes, 2 vols. 1844 I 5^3'^ Biography, from Howard to Codrington. 1840 191Z of Officers in 1823, by Marshall, 6 vols, in 12. 1823 ... 9-20F Daring, Deeds of, by Giffard. 1854 1161Z History of Great Britain, 1793-1827, by James, 6 vols 285-0H Naval War, Sketches of the Last, by Plunket, 2 vols. 1848 ... 292-3O Navies of the Continent, by Reed [Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vol. 74] 1654J Navy Battles of the British Navy, by Allen, 2 vols. 1853 1522-36 British, from the Earliest to the Fresent Time, by Yonge, ... 302-3II [520] NAV ENGLISH SECTION. NEA NAVIES, &c— Works relating to— {continued.) Navy, History of the Royal Navy, from the Earliest Times to the Wars of the French Revolution, by Nicolas, 2 vols. 1847 349-5° H of the United States, by Cooper, 2 vols. 1839 5 21 ^ The, Its Past and Present State, by Admiral Napier, edited by General Napier. 1851 274H See also Adam's Neptune's Heroes, 978Q. Alison's Europe [British], 121-38O. Blackwood's Magazine [Naval Manoeuvres], v. 144, 214J. Boy's Own Annual [Interior View of a Man of War, illus.], v. 5, 2955J '■> [Past and Present] v. 5, 2955J. Burney's British Nep- tune [Achievements of the British Navy], 901R. Chamhers [Remark- able Naval Duels], v. 22, 1937J ; [Reserve and Naval Volunteers], v. 54, 1954J. Cornhill [Ancient and Modern], v. 8, 288J ; [Hospital at Greenwich], v. 12, 292J ; [Life on_ a Man of War], v. 7, 287J. Edinburgh Review [American and British], v. 71, 431J ; [Gunnery], v. 96, 456J ; [of the World], v. 153, 513J ; [Past and Future Naval I Tactics] v. 51, 411J ; [Service], v. 47, 407J. Eggleston's United States, 421H. Escott's England and its People, 101SF. Excelsior [Naval Architecture], 1926, 1927, 1930R. Fraser [Science of Naval Architecture], v. 97, 707J. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [Administra- tion], v. 8, 728J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [the British], v. 72, T652J. Harper's Index [Naval Science], i64oJa. LeisureHour [Train- ing Ships of], v. 13, 2623J. Longman's Magazine [The Old Naval Songs], v. 12, 902J. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Macmillan [of France and England], v. 2, 932 J. Nature [Modern Naval Archi- tecture], v. 18, 2678J. Neale's Mutiny at the Nore, 95Z. Nineteenth Century Magazine [Naval Manoeuvres], v. 24, 2234J. Pascoe's Pro- fessions, 251R. Pepys' Diary, 902O. Peto's Taxation, &c, 1016F. Poole's Index [Cost of and Naval Education], R.L. Quarterly [British and French], v. 22, 1152J ; v. 26, 1156J ; [Education], v. 145, 1275J. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R. _ Naval Bio- graphy, Admirals, Seamen, and under general heading, Navies, Naval Biography, ike. NAVIGATION. See Blackwood [Laws], v. 22, R.L. ; v. 64, 134J ; v. 66, 136. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9L). Harpers Index, i64oJa. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 101-4M. Knowledge [Finding the Way at Sea], v. 8, 2588J ; [Great Circle Sailing], v. 8, 2588J. London Quar- terly [Inland], v. 66, 856J. Mchagen's Universal History, 14-5H. Nature [Sumner's Method at Sea], v. 14, 2674J. Quarterly [Modern Methods in, and Nautical Astronomy], v. 141, 1271J. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-8F. Taylor's Lunar Tables, 60D. Poole's Index, R.L. Academy, v. 27, R.L. St. Paul's, v. 13, 1173F, &c. Navigators of the Eighteenth Century, by Verne, illustrated. 1880 286F See also Harper [Old English Seamen], v. 66, 1646J. Navvies. See All Year Round, v. 31, 1791J. Help's Life of Brassey, 524O. Chambers [the Railroad-maker], v. 49, 1951J, &c. Navy. See Navies, Iron-clads, Man-of-War, Sailors, Ships, &c. NawSOIl(A. L.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Nayler (J., Quaker, b. 1616, Murdered 1660). See Brave Confessors, 1440O, &c. Nazareth, its Life and Lessons. 1872 542M See also Bellow's Europe, 1399R. Lynch's U.S. Expedition, 615B. Sunday at Home [Sunday at], v. 2, 2852J ; [and Loretto], v. T3, 2863J ; v. 21, 2871J. Harper's Monthly, v. 6 and 36, 1586 and 1616J, &c. Neal (D., Nonconformist Minister, b. 1678, d. 1743), A.M., History of the Puritans or Protestant Nonconformists [15 17-1688], revised and enlarged by Choules, 2 vols. 1863 409- 10A Neal (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Poets of America, 463D, &C. Neale (F. A.), Residence in the Kingdom of Siam [Nat. Illus. Lib.] 1313R Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Neale (W. J.), History of the Mutiny at S pithead and the Nore [Harper's Family Library]. 1842 95Z See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [521] NEA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NEF Neander (A., German Theologian,b. 1J89, d. 1850), Christian Life in the Early and Middle Ages, trans. [Bohn's Library], 1852 171M Epistle of Paul to the Philippians practically Explained. 1851 ... 169M General History of the Christian Religion and Church, translated by Torrey, 9 vols. 1847-55 296-304A Life of Jesus Christ in its Historical Connection and Historical Development [Bohn's Library]. 1851 170M Light in the Dark Places, Memorials of Christian Life in the Middle Ages. 1850 240Q Planting and Training of the Christian Church by the Apostles [Bohn's Library], 2 vols. 1851 172-3M See also Living Age, v. 28, 3058J ; v. 100, 3130J. Temple Bar [Student Life of], v. 36, 1366J, &c. Neapolitan Poems. See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. State Prosecutions. See Gladstone's Gleanings, 884Z. Naples, &c. Nearchus (Admiral tender Alexander the Great). See Mitford's Greece. 108H, &c. Neaves (C, Lord, Scotch Lawyer, b. 1800, d. 1876), The Greek An- thology [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1877 1098Q Nebo, Mount. See Sunday at Home [Visit to], v. 12, 2862J. Nebuchadnezzar (King of Babylon 588, d. 562 B.C.) See Ewald's Israel, 64K. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Josephus, 65H, &c. Nebulae and Comets [Wonders of the Heavens] 807Z See also Cornhill [Variability of], v. 7, 287J. Humboldt's Cosmos, 486R. Knowledge [Nebula in Orion], v. 1, 2851J. Nature [Are they star systems ?], v. 1, 2661J ; [What are they ?], v. 15, 2675J ; [Photographs of Spectrum of Nebula in Orion], v. 25, 2685J and v. 26, 2686J, &c. Necessity. See Blackwood [and Predestination], v. 10, R.L. Good Words, v. 19, 2189J. Penny Magazine [the Mother of Invention], v. 1, 139B. Quiver [and Luxury], v. it, 3281J, &c. Neeker (M.). See Alison's Europe, 1 19-240. Edinburgh Review [Last Views], v. 1, 361 J. Jackson's French Court, 334O, &c. Necromancers, Lives of the, by Godwin. 1 847 802O See also Edinburgh Review [Godwin's Lives of], v. 60, 420J. Chambers, v. 24, 1938J. Conjurers, Magic, &c. Necroscopy, Manual of, a Guide to the Performance of Post- Mortem Examinations, by Newth. 1878 1455^ Needle-Gun. See Cornhill [of Prussia], v. 14, 294J. Once a Week, v. 15, 2275J. Guns, &c. Needles, Needle-making, &c. See Chambers, v. 25, 1939J. Once a Week [Needle-making], v. 1, 2261 J. Ure's Dictionary [Manufacture], 8D. Wynter's Social Bees [Needle-making], 1159R, &c. Needlewomen. See Good Words, v. 4, 2174J. Once a Week [Health of], v. 3, 2263J. Cassell's Magazine, v. 1, 2350J. Seamstresses, Sewing, &c. Needlework, Beeton's Book of, illustrated 1143M by Glaister. 1 880 962M Encyclopaedia of, by Dillmont, illustrated 9 I2D Illuminated Book of, by Mrs. Owen. 1847 884D See also All the Year Round [Ancient], v. 30, 1790J. Edinburgh Review [Art], v. 164, 524J. Girls' Book, 1257H. Girls' Own Annual [Plain], v. 6, 2556J. Harper [Art], v. 61, 1641 J. Ladies' Handbook, 972M. Leisure Hour [Ancient], v. 22, 2632J. Macmillan, v. 28, 958J. Rees' Home Decoration, &c, 943M. Valentine's Girls' Own Book, 1187R. Young Ladies' Treasure Book, 131D. See Girl's Own Annual [Art Needlework], v. 10, 2560J. Sewing, &c. Neel (J., of Jersey). See Caesarea or Jersey, 1409H, &c. Neele (H.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Neelly (K. J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c Neff (Felix, Swiss Minister, Apostle of the Alps, b. 1798, d. 1829), Letters and Biography of, by Bost, trans, by Wyatt. 1843.. 872O [522] NEF ENGLISH SECTION. NEL Neff, Pastor of the High Alps, by Gilly. 1833 , 291T See also Penny Mag. [Gilly's Life of], v. i, 139B. Quarterly [Memoirs of] v. 49, 1179J. Quiver, v. 16, 3286J. Sunday at Home, v. 3, 2853J ; v. 10, 2860J, &c. NEGROES, as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers, Historical Re- search respecting (read before the Massachusetts Historical Society), by Livermore. 1863 480H Slavery in America, by Grahame. 1842 1038F See also Alison's Europe, 143-5O. All Year Round, v. 33, 1793J. Atlantic [in the U.S.], v. 51, 1541J ; [in the U.S., Problem of], v. 54, 1544J '. [Free, of North Carolina], v. 57, 1547J. Brown's Races of Mankind, 155D. Campbell's White and Black, 494H. Century [in the U.S., how can we help them?], v. 8, 1880J. Chambers [Family Life in Negro Town], v. 17, 1935J. Cornhill [Bond and Free], v. 4, 284J. Edinburgh Review [Character of], v. 6, 366J ; [Negro Character Vindicated], v. 6, 366J ; [Improvement and Emancipation of], v. 39, 399J ; [Social and "Industrial Capacities of], v. 45, 405J. Fraser [Question], v. 40, 650J. Froude's West Indies, 834K. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758 F. Leisure Hour [Negro Minstrels], v. 20, 2630J. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Macmillan [Suffrage], v. 12, 942J. Nature [Why they are Black], v. 30, 2690J, and v. 31, 2691J. Penny Magazine [as Estimated by our Ancestors], v. g, 143B. Scribner [Equality between White Man and], v. 18, 1 868 J. "Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Taylor's Eldorado [of the White Nile], 853R. Temple Bar [American], v. 2, 1332J, &c. Nehemiah (Jewish Governor, about 445 B.C.). See Ewald's Israel, 65K. Robin- son's Scripture Characters, 151K, &c. Neighbours. See Cornhill, v. 2, 282J. Society, &c. Neil(C), M.A., Exell (T. S.), M.A., and Spence (H. O. M.), M. A., Thirty Thousand Thoughts. 1885 4 A Neill (A). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Neill (E. D.), English Colonisation of America during the Seven- teenth Century. 1871 688K Neill (General). See Kaye's Indian Officers, 1454O, &c. Neilson (J. B.). See Smiles' Industrial Biography, 731O. Nell Gwynne. See All the Year Round Magazine [and Chelsea Hospital], v. 42, 1822J. For more complete references see under Gwynne (Nell). NELSON (Horatio, Lord, celebrated Admiral, b. 1758, killed in battle, 1805), and Lady Hamilton, an historical Biography, by Jeaffreson, 2 vols. 1888 1362-3O Dispatches and Letters, ed. with Notes by Nicolas, 7 vols. 1845 245-51 H Life of, by Duncan 265Z Harrison, 2 vols. 1806 632-3D Pettigrew, 2 vols. 1849 415-6F Southey. 1830 1058Q and 264Z See also Adam's Heroes, 978Q. Alison's Europe, 122-9O. Ashton's Nine- teenth Century, 861H. Blackwood [Despatches], v. 56, 126J. Cham- bers' Miscellany, 624R. Edinburgh Review [Letters to Lady Hamilton], v. 23, 383J. Hamilton [Lady], 690O. Juvenile Plutarch, T171Z. Leisure Hour [Funeral of], v. 1, 2611J. Living Age [and Lady Hamilton], v. 23, 3053T. Merydew's Love Letters, v. it, 677F. Penny Magazine [Monument to, at Yarmouth], v. 7, 145B. Quarterly, v - 3) 1133J. Wright's William IV., 82-3F. Yonge's British Navy, 302-3H. Boy's Own Paper [who killed Nelson], v. 1 1, 2961 J. Edinburgh Review, v. 164, 524J; Admirals, Navies, Trafalgar, &c. Nelson (T. Y.), Fifty Years on the Trail, a True Story of Western Life, by O'Reilly, illustrated. 1889 1749^ Nelson (R., Theologian, b. 1656, d. 171 5), Companion for the Fes- tivals and Fasts of the Church of England. 1773 ,,,,.••:• 424M Nelson (Thomas). See Cur wen's Booksellers, 520Q [523] NEL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NEW Nelson's British Library, 3 vols :— Vol. 1. — Dawn of the Reformation. Peter the Hermit. Portrait Paint- ing of the Red Indians. St. Bartholomew's Eve, &rc 181T Vol. 2. — Richard Cceur de Lion. Agnes Beaumont. Travels of a Bible. Eustace the Good Negro, &c 182T Vol. 3.— Alfred the Gieat. Celebrated Women. China, its Creeds and Customs. Gunpowder Plot. Earthquake of Genoa, &c 183T Neolithic People. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Neology at Oxford and Cambridge. See Quarterly, v. 98, 1228J. Nepaul, Journey to, by L. Oliphant. 1852 782 and 872Q See also Blackwood, v. 72, 142J. India, &c. Neptune's Heroes, or the Sea Kings of England, by Adams. 1861 978Q Nero (Claudius Ca:sar D.G., Emperor of Rome, b. 37, killed himself 68). See Cornhill [Was he a Monster?], v. 8, 288J. Fraser [Picture of], v. 8, 618J. Good Words, v. 19, 2189J. Haweis' Christ and Christianity, 1186M. Caesars, Roman History, &c. Nero ("Tiberius Claudius, Father of above). See Niebuhr's History of Rome, 88H. Nerval (GeYard de). See Fraser, v. 87, 697J, &c. Nerves and Muscles, by Rosenthal. 1883 367R See also Argosy [Apology for], v. 1, 1J. Brown's Science for All [or no Nerves'], 626B. Cornhill [Excitors or Controllers ?], v. 7, 287J ; [What are] v. 5, 285J. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [Origin of], v. 20, 740J. Man and his Maladies, 939K. Bastian's Brain [Nervous System of Fly], 387R. Blackwood [Nervousness, Vapours, Fears and Tremors], v. 105, 175J. Cassell's Family Magazine [How to Treat Nervousness], v. 10, 2360J. Chambers [Nervousness], v. 50, 1951J. Nesbitt (A. ), F.S. A., Glass [South Kensington Handbooks] 1040M Nesles (Sisters De). See Baker's French Society, 332O. Nest Builders of the Seas. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1648J. Nests and Eggs, British Birds, by Atkinson, colored illustrations. 1867 616Q of British Birds, by Morris, coloured plates, 3 vols. 1870 819-21F Familiar Birds, by Adams, illustrated. 1876 55R See rt/w Wood's Strange Dwellings, 56R. Science Gossip, v. 2, 2411J; v. 8, 2413J ; [Observation on Domed Nests], v. 20, 2421J, Leisure Hour, v. 37, 2647 J. Birds, &c. ' Netherlands, by Grattan. 1830 27O History of the, by Grattan. 1831 349O Revolt of the, by Schiller. 1847 84O United [1584-1609], by Motley, 4 vols. 1875 350"30 See also Chambers [Easter Ramble in], v. 6, 1926J ; [Notes from] v. 14 and 15, 1933 and 1934J. Contemporary [Reformed Church of], v. 1, 2011J. Family Library, 529Z. Gardiner's History of England, 461-8O. Good Words [and Holland], v. 3, 2173J. Green's English People, 190-92H. May's Democracy, 39H. Stanford's Compendium, 854K. Motley's Correspondence, 667-8F. Holland, United Netherlands, &c. Nets, Fishing. See Harvey's Sea-Side Book, 1868Z. Fishing, Sec. Netting. See Beeton's Needlework, 1143M. Owen's Needlework, 884D. Nettles. See Once a Week, v. 27, 2287J. Science Gossip, v. 1, 2411J. Botany, &c. Nettleship (H., Professor of Latin Literature, b. 1839), M.A., Ed., Lecture on the Life and Writings of Persius, by Conington. 1199H Neubeck (V. W.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe : 473D. Neuralgia. See Chambers, v. 17, 1935J/ Girl's Own Annual v. 1, 2551J ; [Remedy for] v. 6, 2556J. Living Age [Downing on] .v. 39, 3069J. Man and his Maladies, 939K. Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 4, 2353J. Haydn's Medicine, 91 iK. Toothache, &c. Nevada, See Harper [Reese River Country], v. 33, 1613J ; [Walker River Country] v. 31, 161 1 J ; [Wheeler Survey in] v. 55, 1635J, &c. Nevin (J, A.), D.D., Manual of Biblical Antiquities 1570Z Nevins (W.j, D.D., Practical Thoughts [American Tract Society]. 1679Z New Bath Guide, or Memoirs of the B— r— d Family, in a series of Poetical Epistles [by C. Anstey] 750H [524] NEW ENGLISH SECTION. NEW New Brighton. See Granville's Spas, &c, 352K. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Good Words, v. 5, 2175J, &c. New Britain, Wanderings in a Wild Country, by Powell, ill. 1883... 782K New Brunswick, by Buckingham 677K See also Murray's British America, 4oo-2T. Chambers, v. 9, 1929J, &c New Caledonia. See Coote's Wanderings, 810K. All the Year Round, v. 43, 1 803 J. New England, from 1630 to 1649, by Winthrop, 2 vols. 1853 509-10H — See also Austin's Massachusetts, 511H. Contemporary [Village Life in], v. 38, 2048J. Doyle's English in America, 173-4H. Edin- burgh Review [Fathers of], v. 102, 462J. Greg's United States, 558H. Harper [Adventures of Early Settlers of], v. 15, 1595J ; [Churches of] v. 50, 1630J. Scribner [and her Church], v. 9, 1859J. Good Words [Founders ofj, v. 21, 2191J, &c. New English Theatre, containing the most Valuable Plays which have been Acted on the London Stage, 14 vols. v.d. : Vol. 1. — Busy Body, and a Bold Stroke for a Wife, by Mrs. Centlivre. Conscious Lovers, by Sir R. Steele. The Miser, by H. Fielding. Suspicious Husband, by Dr. Hoadly 1262Z Vol. 2. — Orphan : or, the Unhappy Marriage, by Mr. Otway. Fair Peni- tent, by N. Rowe. Tancred aud Sigismunda, by James Thom- son. Phsedra and Hippolitus, by Edmund Smith. The Revenge, by E. Young 1263Z Vol. 3.— Spanish Fryar : or, The Double Discovery, by Mr. Dryden. Rule a Wife and have a Wife, altered from Beaumont and Fletcher, by D. Garrick. Old Bachelor, by Mr. Congreve. Recruiting Officer, by Mr. Farquhar. Provok'd Wife, by Sir John Vanbrugh 1264Z Vol. 4.— Merope, by Aaron Hill. Mourning Bride, by Mr. Congreve. Jane Shore, by Mr. Rowe. Rival Queens ; or, Alexander the Great, by Nathan Lee. The Gamester, by Mr. Moore 1265Z Vol. 5.— Way of the World, by Mr. Congreve. The Committee ; or the Faithful Irishman, by Sir Robert Howard. Every Man in his Humour, by Ben Johnson. Love for Love, by Mr. Congreve. Beaux' Strategem, by Mr. Farquhar 1266Z Vol. 6.— Oroonoko, by Thomas Southern. London Merchant ; or, The History of George Barnwell, by Mr. Lillo. Venice Preserved ; or, A Plot Discovered, by Mr. Otway. Tamerlane, by N. Rowe. Distrest Mother, by Mr. Amb. Phillips 1267Z Vol. 7. — Provoked Husband ; or, A Journey to London, by Sir John Van- burgh. Love makes a Man ; or, the Fop's Fortune, by C. Cibber. The Drummer ; or, The Haunted House, by Mr. Addison. Careless Husband, by Colley Cibber. The Funeral ; or, Grief a-la-Mode, by Sir R. Steele 1268Z Vol. 8. — Earl of Essex, by Mr. Henry Jones. Barbarossa : A Tragedy. Mahomet the Impostor : a Tragedy. All for Love : or the World well Lost, by Mr. Dryden. Tragedy of the Lady Jane Grey, by N. Rowe 1269Z Vol. 9.— Amphitryon ; or, The Two Sosias, by Mr. Woodward. Double Dealer, by Mr. Congreve. Double Gallant ; or, The Sick Lady's Cure, by Colley Cibber. The Inconstant ; or, the Way to Win Him, by Mrs. G. Farquhar. The Constant Couple ; or, a Trip to the Jubilee, by Mr. Farquhar 1270Z Vol. 10.— Cato : A Tragedy, by Mr. Addison. Theodosius ; or the Force of Love, by Nathan Lee. Siege of Damascus, by J. Hughes. Douglas : A Tragedy, by Mr. Home, Tragedy of Zara, by Aaron Hill 1271Z Vol. 11.— City Wives' Confederacy, by Sir J. Vanbrugh. Country Wife, altered from Wycherley, by David Garrick. The Wonder ! a Woman Keeps a Secret, by Mrs. Centlivre. The Minor, by Sam Foote. The Chances, by David Garrick 1272Z Yol. 12.— Medea ; A Tragedy, by Mr. Glover. Grecian Daughter, by Arthur Murphy. The Brothers ; A Tragedy, by Dr. Young. Isabella ; or, the Fatal Marriage, altered from Southern, by D. Garrick. Roman Father, by Mr. W. Whitehead 1273Z NEW GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NEW New English Theatre — {continued.) Vol. 13.— Arthur and Emmeline, abridged from the Masque of King Arthur: as altered from Dryden, by David Garrick. Comus, a Masque ; altered from Milton, by George Coleman. The Foundling, by Tom Moore. The Hypocrite ; altered from C. Cibber, by Mr. Bickerstaff. She Would and She Would Not : or, the Kind Impostor, by C. Cibber. Virgin Unmasked, by Henry Fielding 1274Z Vol. 14.— Artaxerxes ; An English Opera. Beggar's Opera, by Mr. Gay. Lionel and Clarissa ; or, The School for Fathers, by Mr. Bicker- staff. Love in a Village, by Mr. Bickerstaff. Maid of the Mill, by Mr. Eickerstaff. The Padlock ; A Comic Opera 1275Z New Forest, In the, by Wood [Argosy, v. 31] 31J See also Fraser, v. 62, 672J. Leisure Hour, v. 25, 2635J. Science Gossip [Sport in the], v. 13, 2416J. English Illustrated, v. 2, 1992J, &c. New Granada. See Living Age [Antiquities of], v. 19, 3049J. New Guinea, Adventure and Work in [1877-85], by Chalmers & Gill. 164 iR — and Western Pacific, by Romilly. 1886 1699R British, Issued by Messrs. Burns, Philip & Co. 1886 ., 347D . . , — See also All the Year Round, 1811 J. Chambers [Prospects of], v. 62, 1962J. Contemporary [and its Inhabitants], v. 34, 2044J. Fortnightly [Annexa- tion of], v. 40, 2130J. Leisure Hour [Notes on], v. 23, 2633J. Long- man's Magazine [Hoisting the Union Jack in], v. 5, 895J. Nature, v. 23, 2683J ; [Expedition to], v. 9, 2669J ; [Maclay on], v. 27, 2687J. Nineteenth Century, v. 14, 2224J. Quarterly [and Moresby's Poly- nesia], v. 144, 1274J. Stanford's Compendium, 853K. Science Gossip [Birds of], v. 13, 2416J. Sunday at Home, v. 32, 2882J ; [Life in], v. 34. 2884J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. New Hebrides. See All the Year Round, v. 59,i8i9j. Chambers [Notes on], v. 63, 1963J. Nineteenth Century [and France], v. 20, 2230J. Paton's Autobiography [Missionary], 1449O, &c. New Jersey, Early History of Perth Amboy, fee., by Whitehead. 1856 508H See also Harper [Coast of], v. 56, 1636J ; [Iron Region of], v. 20, 1600J. New Lands within the Arctic Circle, by Payer, trans., ill., 2 vols. 1876. 663-4K New Life, The, by Bushnell 14Q New Mexico. See All the Year Round [Native Tribes and Aztec Ruins of], v. 21, 1781J. Blackwood, v. 71, 141J. Century [Flood and Plague in], v. 4, 1 876 J ; [before the Capture in 1862, also the Capture, 1862], v. 7, 1879J. Harper [Incidents in], v. 8, 1588J. Bell's North America [and Arizona], 705-6K, &c. New Orleans. See All the Year Round [French Market], v. 33, 1793J. Chambers [Slave Market of], v. 16, 1934J ; v. 18, 1935J. Confederate States, T612R. Edinburgh Review [Battle of], v. 45, 405J. Hardy's Do An South, 735K. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 74, 1654J, &c. New Paul and Virginia, by Mallock. 1878 1019R New Plutarch. v.D. : Coligny (G. De), by W. Besant. 1879 1024Q Joan of Arc, by Janet Tuckey. 1880 1021Q Judas Maccaboeus, by C. R. Conder. 1879 1022Q Lincoln (A.), by C. G. Leland. 1879 1023Q New South Wales and Queensland , by Trollope. 1875 4 2 °T [1839-1844], by Mrs. Meredith 809Q and 1288R Wealth and Progress of [1866-7], by Coghlan. 1887 1107F ■' See also Blackwood [Letter from], v. 55, 125J. Brassey's Last Voyage, 862K. Chambers [Life in], v. 11, 1931J. Quarterly, v. 24 and 62, 1154J and 1 192 J. Sidney's Australia, 783K. Stanford's Compendium, 853K. Trollope's Australia, &c, 777K. _ Willoughby's Australian Pictures, 332 B. Westminster Review [Minerals of], v. 130, R.L. Victoria, Melbourne, &c. NEWTESTAMENT Commentary [Clark's Foreign Theol. Lib.] : Gospel of St. Matthew, by Lange 114-6A ^ Mark, by Lange , 1 1 6A [526] NEW ENGLISH SECTION. NEW NEW TESTAMENT Commentary— {continued. ) Gospel of St. Luke, by Oosterzee, 2 vols HO-lA On the Gospels, by Olshausen, 4 vols 122-5A Acts of the Apostles, by Lechler and Gerok, 2 vols 1 12-3 A Romans, by Olshausen 1 26A Corinthians, by Olshausen 127 A Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians and Thessalonians, by Ol- shausen 128A Philippians, Titus and the First of Timothy, by Wiesinger I3°A Hebrews, by Ebrard 129A Revelation of St. John, by Hengstenberg, 2 vols 1 17-8 A New Testament, Divine Authority of the, by Bogue 1684Z Ecclesiastical Polity of the, by Davidson. 1854 I17M Exposition, by Matthew Henry, 3 vols. 1843 90- 2 A Family Expositor, by Doddridge, illustrated, 6 vols. 1761-2 5°"5^ — 1839 192A History, by Pinnock. 1851 "... 61Z Introduction to the, by Michaelis, vols. 2-4. 1802 359-61A Sunday School Teachers' Manual, by Gray. 1867 333^1 With Explanatory Notes,by Wesley 515IM See also Quiver Magazine [How God preserved the], 3301 J. Barnes' Notes, 1-11M. Bible, Commentaries, &c. New West, The. its Wealth and Progress, Manufacturing and Com- mercial Interests, Historical, Statistical and Biographical, ill. 348D New West, or California in 1867-8, by Brace. 1869 1588R New Year's Day. See All the Year Round [in Scotland], v. 25, 1785J. Dyer's Popular Customs, 1036F. Good Words, v. 23, 2193J. Leisure Hour [in Germany], v. 15, 2625 J ; [in many Lands] v. 19, 2629J. Living Age [among the Mongols], v. 156, 3186J. Penny Magazine, v. 8, 146B, &c. Eve. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M, &c. NEW YORK, Amended Constitution of the State of, Adopted by the Convention of 1867-8. 1869 482H Banks of, by Gibbons. 1859 418O City, History of, by Mary L. Booth. 1859 343L> of, by Valentine. 1853 54?H Old Merchants of, by Barrett. 1863 877O History of, by Knickerbocker [YV. Irving] 163, 1646 and 1798Z Surgeons, by Francis. 1866 989O See also Atlantic [Central Park], v. 7, 1547 J. Bates' Great Republic, 1724R. Century [City Hall] v. 5, 1877J ; [Will it be the final World Metropolis], v. 4, 1876J ; [Machine Politics in] v. 10, 1882J. Chambers, v. 21, 1937J. Cornhill [Description of] v. xj, 297J. Fortnightly [Civil code of New York State], v. 14, 2104J. Harper [Approaches to], v. 69, 1649J ; [Bowery on Saturday Night] v. 42, 1622J ; [Castle Garden] v. 42, 1622 J ; [Charity Institutions of] v. 56, 1636 J; [Circum- navigated] v. 23, 1603J ; [Croton Aqueduct] v. 22, 1602J ; [Custom House] v. 43 and 69, 1623 and 1649J ; [Fire Department of], v. 62, 1642J ; [in Summer] v. 57, 1637J ; [Literary Movement in] v. 73, 1653J ; [Little Labourers] v. 47, 1227J ; [Problem of Living in], v. 65, 1645J ; [Metropolitan Museum] v. 60, 1640J ; [Music in] v. 57 1637J ; [Normal College of], v. 56, 1636J ; [Old Coffee Houses of v. 64, 1644J ; [Police of Harbour and Commerce of] v. 45, 1625J ; [Produce Exchange] v. 73, 1653J ; [Squatter Life in] v. 61, 1641J ; [Trinity Churchyard Tombs] v. 53, 1633J ; [Wall Street] v. 4T, 1621J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hazard's Pennsylvania [1669-1682], 515H. Karlstein's Gotham, 1210R. Knickerbocker's [W. Irving] History, 163Z. Leisure Hour, v. 20, 2630 j ; [Newsboys of] v. 18, 2628J. Macmillan [Social], v. 26. 956J ; [Three Weeks in] v. 5, 935J. Nine- teenth Century [the Emigrant in], v. 16, 2226J. Quarterly [Crime in NEW GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NEW New York— {continued') v. 122, 1252J. Scribner [Apartment Houses in], v. 8, 1853J ; [Aqua- rium] v. 13, 1863J ; [Attics and House-tops of] v. 21, 1871J ; [How it is fed] v. 14, 1864J ; [Mercantile Library] v. 1, 1851J ; [Sanitary con- dition of] v. 22, 1872J ; [Shantytown] v. 20, 1870J ; [Street Vendors of] v. 1, 1851J. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Temple Bar [Broadway], v. 14, 1344J ; [Clinton Place into Broadway] v. 14, 1344J. Washing- ton Irving s New York 655-6X. Sunday at Home, v. 27, 2877J, &c. NEW ZEALAND, by Trollope, 2 vols. 1873 777-8K Domestic Scenes. 1857 678Z Handbook of. 1848 797Q -— Her Commerce and Resources, by Griffin. 1884 481H Natural Wonders of [Chapman's Guide]. 1881 1656R Residence in, by Heaphy. 1842 1654R Zealanders [Library of Entertaining Knowledge]. 1830 677Z Sec also All the Year Round [Among the Maoris], v. 10, 1770J. Black- wood [and its Gold Fields], v. 105, 175J ", [Colonization of], v. 42, R.L. Boy's Own Annual [Volcanic Eruptions in], v. 9, 2959J. Brown's Countries of the World, 163D ; Palaeolithic Man [New Zealanders], 905F. Buckland's Curiosities [New Zealanders], 598Q. Century [in Blooming December], v. 5, 1877 J. Chambers [Second class to and Back], v. 42, 1947J ; [Social Progress in], v. 28, 1940J ; [Tea and Silk, farming in], v. 58, 1958J. Chequered Career, 773K. Contemporary [Volcanic Eruption in], v. 50, 2060J. Coote's Wanderings, 810K. Cornhill [Geyser Region of], v. 50, 330J ; [Maori Sketches], v. 12, 292J. Edinburgh Review, v. 91, 451J. Fraser [Resources of], v. 96, 706J ; [Geysers of], v. 99, 709J. Froude's Oceana, 804K. Girl's Own An- nual, v. 4, 2554J ; v. 7, 2557J. Good Words [First Week in], v. 5, 2175J ; [Shepherd Life in], v. 7, 2177J. Hay's Brighter Britain, 774-5K. Leisure Hour [and its Gold Fields], v. 11, 2621 J ; [Trip to], v. 29, 2639J ; [War in], v. 13, 2623J. Lubbock's Primitive Man [New Zealanders], 672B. O'Byrne's Victoria Cross [New Zealand War], 270O. Penny Magazine [Natives of], v. n, 149B. Quarterly [and Colonial Empire of Great Britain], v. 128, 1258J ; [Christianity in 1853], v. 95, 1225J ; Progress and Resources of], v. 106, 1236J. Russell's Polynesia, 388T. Stanford's Compendium, 853K. Temple Bar [Past, Present and Future], v. n, 1341J. Cassell's Family Magazine [Emigration to], v. 5i 2 354J- Science Gossip [Recent Volcanic Eruption in], v. 22, 2422J. Sunday at Home [a Sunday in], v. 8, 2858J, &c. Newall (John). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Newcastle-OXl-Tyne, and the Colleries [Land we Live in] 465B Sec also Art Journal, v. 34, R.L. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-7M. English Illustrated Magazine, v. 3, 1993J. Gentleman's Magazine, N.s., v. 13, 733 J- Granville's Spas, &c, 351K. Leisure Hour [Descent into a Coal Mine], v. 4, 2614J. Penny Magazine [Castle of], v. 5, 143B ; [Im- provements in], v. 7 and 9, 145 and 147B. Newcomb (S., Astronomer, b. 1835), LL.D., Popular Astronomy ... 693D Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Newcombe (S. P.), Pleasant Pages, a Journal of Instruction for the Family and for the School, 2 vols. 1872 !53"4T Newcome (W., Archbishop of Armagh, b. 1792, d. 1800), D.D., An Attempt towards an Improved Version, a Metrical Ar- rangement, and an Explanation of the Twelve Minor Pro- phets, 1836 258K Newell (E. J.), M.A., A Popular History of the Ancient British Church, especially in Wales. 1887 2 56Q Newell (Mrs. II., Wife of S. Neivell, American Missionary), Me- moirs by Wood. 1S15 292T Newell (W. S.). Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Newfoundland, Sketches of Life in, by McCrea. 1869 676K See also Blackwood, v. 114, 184J ; [and West Indies, Kennedy's], v. 138, 208J. Century Magazine, v. 5, 1877J. Harper [Trip to], v. 12, 1592J. McGregor's British America, 487H. Murray's British America, 400-2!'. Nature [Geological Survey of], v. 14, 2674J. Nineteenth Century [Glimpse at], v. 9, 2219J. Penny Magazine [Dogs], v. 3, 141 B. Stan- ford's Compendium, 850K &c. r^8i NEW ENGLISH SECTION. NEW Newgate, Chronicles of, by Griffiths, 2 vols. 1884 330- iD See also All the Year Round, v. 48, 1808J ; [and the Gordon Riots], v. 27, 1787J. Blackwood [and the Sponging Houses], v. 5, R.L. Chambers [Hour in], v. 4, 1924J ; [Past and Present], v. 59, 1959J. Fortnightly [a Retrospect], v. 37, 2127J. Fraser [Schoolmaster's Experience in], v. 5 and 6, 615 and 616J. Household Words [Lodged in], v. 8, 1748J. Cassell's Magazine [Sixty Years Ago], v. 6, 2346J. Gaols, Jails, Pri- sons, &c. Newman (E.), F.L.S., History of British Ferns, illustrated 848Z Ed., A Dictionary of British Birds, being a Reprint of Montagu's Ornithological Dictionary 83 1 F Newman (F. Wm., Historian, b. 1805). See Fraser [Theories and Character oij, v. 33, 643J. Newman (H. S.), Palestine, Lessons to My Class. 1888 1214M Ed.) Autobiography of George Fox. 1886 261F Newman (J. II., Catholic Cardinal, b. 1801), B.D., Apologia Pro Vita Sua 725 A Parochial and Plain Sermons, 8 vols. 1868 : Vol. 1. — Holiness necessary for future Blessedness. Immortality of the Soul. Secret Faults. Spiritual Mind. Sins of Ignorance and Weak- ness. Religious Use of Excited Feelings. Profession without Practice. Promising without Doing. Resurrection of the Bod}'. Religion of the Day. Christian Manhood, &c 589M Vol. 3. — Abraham and Lot. Wilfulness of Israel in rejecting Samuel. Saul, Early Years of David. Faith and Obedience. Contracted Views in Religion. Tears of Christ at the Grave of Lazarus. Bodily Suffering. Jewish Zeal a Pattern to Christians. Contest between Truth and Falsehood in the Church. Infant Baptism. Inter- cession, &c 591M Vol. 4. — Obedience without Love. Moral Consequences of Single Sins. Chastisement and Mercy. State of Grace. Communion of Saints. Invisible World. Moral Effects of Communion with God. Ventures of Faith. Faith and Love. Watching. Keeping Fast and Festival, &c 592M Vol. 5. — Worship. A Preparation for Christ's Coming. Reverence. A Belief in God's Presence. Mystery of Godliness. State of Innocence. Christian Sympathy. State of Salvation. Sins of Infirmity. Sincerity and Hypocrisy. Testimony of Conscience. Many Called, Few Chosen. Present Blessings. Affliction, a School of Comfort. Love, the One Thing Needful. Power of the Will, &c 593 M VoL 6.— Fasting, a Source of Trial. Life, the Season of Repentance. Apostolic Abstinence a Pattern for Christians. The Cross of Christ. The Measure of the World. Gospel Sign Addressed to Faith. Spiritual Presence of Christ in the Church. Eucharistic Presence. Judaism of the Present Day. Fellowship of the Apostles. Rising with Christ. Waiting for Christ. Subjection of the Reason and Feelings to the Revealed Word. Weapons of Saints. Peace in Believing, &c 594M Vol. 7. — Religion a Weariness to the Natural Man. Praise of Men. Tem- poral Advantages. Duty of Self Denial. Yoke of Christ. Moses the Type of Christ. The Crucifixion. Attendance on Holy Communion. Love of Religion. A New Nature. Sted- fastness in the Old Paths, &c 595M [N.B. — Vols. 2 and 8 of the set are wanting.] See also Arthur's The Popes, &c, 453-4F. Blackwood [Poems], v. 108, 178J. Century [with Portrait], v. 2, 1874J. Contemporary, v. 27, 2037J ; [and Matthew Arnold], v. 49, 2059J > [as a Preacher], v. 10, 2020 J ; [Essays], v. 19, 2029J. Edinburgh Review [Grammar of Assent], v. 132, 492J. Fortnightly [Theory of Belief of], v. 28, 2118J. Good Words land John Keble], v. 22, 2192J. Living Age [and Dr. Achilli], v. 34, 3064J. Quarterly [Apologia pro Vita Sua], v. 116, 1246J. Fortnightly Review, v. 32, 2122J, &c. Newry. See Crookshank's Methodism in Ireland, 669-71A. [529] NEW GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NEW News. See Chambers [and its Transmission], v. 38, 1945J. Living Age [Bringing unwelcome], v. 84, 3114J. Newsboys. See Chambers [Day], v. 19, 1936J ; [of London], v. 51, 1952J. NEWSPAPER PRESS, English Newspapers, by Fox Bourne, 2 vols. 1887 1282-3H Journalism in the United States [1690- 1872], by Hudson. ... 978H Origin, Progress and Present Position, by Grant, 3 vols. 1871. 957-9H See also All Year Round [My Newspaper], v. 11, 1771J ; [American], v. 56, 1816J ; [Far Western], v. 20, 1780J. Andrew's Eighteenth Century, 281R. Ashton'sXIXth Century, 862H. Blackwood [Offices], v. 126, 196J ; [Editors], v. 48, R.L. Century Magazine [Parisian], v. 13, 1885J. Chambers [American], v. 22, 1937J ; [American, on Them- selves], v. 61, 1961J ; [Daily], v. 22, 1937J ; [Maps], v. 36, 1944J ; [News- paper World], v. 30, 1491J ; [Early, of Modern Europe], v. 41, 1947J ; [French], v. 8, 1928J ; [How we get our], v. 42, 1947J ; [Leading Columns of], v. 44, 1948J ; [Nobody's], v. 35, 1944J ; [of London, Morning], v. 12, 1932J ; [of London, Sub-Editing of], v. 56, 1956J ; [of London, the Times of January 1st, 1788], v. 46, 1949J ; [Our Special Wire], v. 45, 1949J ; [Parochial], v. 31, 1942J ; [Scissors and Paste], v. 44, 1948J ; [Scottish], v. 24, 1938J ; [Special Staff of], v. 50, 195 1 J : [Trade], v. 40, 1946J ; [Under the Paper Duty], v. 36, 1944J. Clay's Agony Column of the Times, 556T. Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Corn- hill [Writers in Germany], v. 7, 287J ; [as Rulers of Public Opinion], v. 21, 301J ; [Early English], v. 18, 298J ; [History of French], v. 27, 28 and 29, 307, 308, 309J ; How Edited and how Conducted], v. 6, 286J ; [of France], v. 48, 328J. Edinburgh Review [Literature], v. 65, 425 J ; [Tax], v.61, 421J. Fortnightly, v. 42, 2132J. Fraser [French, and their Writers], v. 33, 643J ; [Influence of], v. 4, 614J ; [of London, Morning and Evening], v. 13, 623J ; [Enterprise, Modern], v. 93, 703J ; [Making a, without Credit or Cash], v. 20, 630J ; [of Paris], v. 17, 627J. Gentleman's Magazine, N.s. [Liberty and Libel], v. 9, 729J. Good Words [Making of], v. 26, 2196J ; v. 3, 2173J. Harper [and Editors], v. 46, 1626J ; [Falsehood in], v. 49, 1629J ; [Metropolitan], v. 56, 1636J. Hudson s Journalism in United States [1690-1872], 978H, Knight's England, 151-4H. Leisure Hour [and the War], v. 19, 2629J ; [Names of], v. 22, 2632J ; [the American], v. 20, 2630J ; [Rascal column of], v. i6,2626J. Martin's Marine Insurance, 535H. National Mis- cellany [Newspaper Stamps], 1036H. Nineteenth Century [of Paris], v. 1 2, 2222 J; [Provincial, how Managed], v. 20, 2230J. Once a Week [Comic, of Germany], v. 14, 2274J ; [Day in Newspaper Office], v. 9 and 10, 2669 and 2270J ; [Delivery in London], v. 4, 2264 J ; [of London], v. 24, 2284 J. Penny Magazine [beyond the Ganges], v. 6, 144B ; [Earliest English], v. 9, 147B ; [English and American], v. 5, 143B. Scribner [Reading of], v. 5, 1855J; Stephen's Memoirs of Tooke [Brief History of], 534F. Sunday Magazine [Penny, and their Power], v. 12, 2469J. Temple Bar [Early, in France], v. 1, 1331J ; [English country], v. 10, 1340J. Wall's Good Queen's Reign, 440O. Westminster [Stamp Duty on], v. 25 and 31, 1355 and 1361J. Yates' Recollections, 586-7F. Cassell's Family Maga- zine [a Chinese], v. 9, 2359J. Fortnightly Review, v. 42, 2132J. Poole's Index, R.L. Press, Periodicals, Magazines, &c. Newspapers in the Guille-AUes Library, Guernsey. See Framed List in News- room, and list at the end of English Catalogue. Newstead Abbey and Abbotsford, by Irving. 1856 1 800Z See also Living Age, v. 41, 3071 J, &c. Newth (A. H.), D.D., Manual of Necroscopy, a Guide to the per- formance of Post-mortem Examinations. 1878 I 455Z Newton {A., Zoologist, b. 1829), M. A., Zoology [Elementary Science, S.P.C.K.], illustrated. 1886 1834Z Newton (Sir I., Celebrated Mathematician, b 1642, d. 1727), Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture [a Work on the Trinity]. 492A his Friend and nis Niece, by Morgan. 1885 417F Life of [Religious Tract Society] 168Z by Brewster [Family Library] 1054Q and 266Z [530] NEW ENGLISH SECTION. NIC Newton. See also Contemporary [and Darwin], v. 41, 2051 J. Edinburgh Review, v. 103, 463J ; [and his Contemporaries], v. 78, 438J ; [Precursors of], v. 152, 512J. Humboldt's Cosmos, 483R. Leisure Hour, v. 1, 2611J ; v. 5, 2615J ; v. 12, 2622J ; [Home of, 1727], v. 11, 2621J. Living Age [Alleged Insanity of], v. 4 and 49, 3034 and 3079J. Morton's Heroes of Science, 703O. Quarterly [as a scientific Discoverer], v. no, 1240J. Routledge's Science, 515R. Tyndall's Light, 508R, &c. Newton (J., Theologian and Poet, b. 1725, d. 1807), Cardiphonia, or the Utterance of the Heart, 2 vols. 1819 147-8M [Short Biographies] 632F Life of, &c. [American Tract Society] 1699Z Memoirs, by Cecil. 1839 267Z See also Argosy, v. 28, 28J. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Sunday at Home [Character of], v. 2, 2852 J ; [Original Letter of], v. 3, 2853 J ; v, 7, 2857 J. Sunday Magazine [and his Hymns], v. 6, 2456J, &c. Newton (Richard), D.D., Rambles in Bible Lands, illustrated. 1879 425M Life of, by Jackson. 1855 873O Newton (Robert), D.D., Sermons, with a Sketch of his Character and an Account of his Death. 1856 426M Newton (T., Bishop of Bristol, b. 1704, d. 1782), D.D., Dissertations on the Prophecies, 2 vols 534"5A and 125-6K Ed. Paradise Lost, by Milton, 2 vols. 1790 480-1D Ney (M., French Marshal, b. iy6g, Shot 1815). See Adam's Campaigns, 47H. Alison's Europe, 123-41O. Blackwood, v. 34, R.L., &c. Niagara, Falls of, and other Famous Cataracts, by Holley, ill. 1882 713K See also All Year Round [Visitors' Book at], v. 26, 1786J. Good Words [Visit to], v. 16, 2186J. Harper, v. 7, 1587J. Knowledge [Dog goes over Alive], v. 1, 2581J ; [Folly and Courage at], v. 4, 2584J ; [Whirl- pool of, a Steamer goes safely past], v. 4, 2584J. Leisure Hour, v. 3, 2613J ; v. 20, 2630J. Macmillan, v. 28, 958J ; [Shooting], v. 47, 977J. Miracles of Nature, 1227Z. Nature [in Winter], v. 23, 2683J ; [Reces- sion of], v. 32, 2692J. Once a Week, v. 29, 2289J. Saturday Review [Death of Webb at], v. 56, R.L. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Science Gossip [Age of], v. 3, 2411J. Sunday at Home [and Saguenay], v. 27, 2877J, &c. Nicaragua : Its People, Scenery and Monuments, by Squires, illus. 764-5K See also Chambers [Camp Notes in], v. 44 and 45, 1948 and 1949J. Harper, v. 11, 1591J. Stanford's Compendium, 851K. Niccolini (Giov. Battista). See Cornhill, v. 10, 290J. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Nice. See Fraser[Life at], v. 61, 671 J ; [Sketches Framed in Olive Wood], v. 60, 670J. Health Haunts, 810Q. Old Sights with New Eyes, 1754R. Penny Magazine, v. 9, 147B, &c. Nichol (J.), M.A., Byron [English Men of Letters]. 1880 1060O English Composition [Literature Primers, edited by Green]. 1879 1215Z Francis Bacon [Knight's Philosophical Classics]. 1888 1081Q Nichol (J. P., Scotch Astronomer, b. 1804, d. 1859), LL.D., Planetary System, its Order and Physical Structure. 1850 ... 701 D Nicholas {Emperor 0/ Russia, b. 1796, d. 1855). See Alison's Europe, 140-46O. Blackwood [Death of], v. 77, 147 J ; [Visit to England, 1844], v. 56, 126J. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 92-4F. Quarterly, v. 96, 1226J, &c. Nicholls (B. E.), M.A., Help to Reading the Bible [S.P.C.K.] 1852 427M Nichols (G. W. and L. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Nichols (J.). See Knight's Old Booksellers, 1451O. Nichols (J.), F.S.A., and Ireland (J.), Hogarth's Works, with Life and Anecdotal Descriptions of his Pictures, illus. 1883 758-60R Nichols (T.), A Handy Book of the British Museum for Everyday Readers, illustrated. 1870 863F [531] NIC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NIC Nichols (T. L.), M.D., Social Life, a Manual of Morals and Behaviour. 1872 1420Z Nicholson (E. B., Bodey's Librarian), M.A., Rights of an Animal 52R Nicholson (Bishop). See Brave Confessors, 1440O, &c. Nicholson (H. A., Professor of Natural History, b. 1844), M.D., Manual of Palaeontology for the Use of Students. 1872 554R Zoology, for the Use of Students Natural History, its Rise and Progress in Britain as Developed in the Life and Labours of Leading Naturalists, ill us. 1886 1312O Nicholson (J.), Operative Mechanic and British Machinist, illus. 1853 838D Nicholson (John, General). See Kaye's Indian Officers, 1454O. Nicholson (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Nicias {Athenian General, put to death 413 B.C.). See Mitford's Greece, 102-3H. Plutarch's Lives, 448 F, &c. Nicias (Poet, 280 B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Nickel. See Simonin's Mines, 632B. U re's Dictionary of Arts and Manufac- tures, &c, 8-9D. Nicknames. See Chambers [American], v. 52, 1952 J. Girl's Own Annual [Kingly], v. 5, 2555J. Iddesleigh's Essays [and Names], 1277!!, etc. Nicodemus. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K. Nicolas (Sir H., Antiquarian, b. 1799, d. 1848), K.C.M.G., Chronology of History [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1833 2O History of the Royal Navy, from the Earliest Times to the Wars of the French Revolution, 2 vols. 1847 439-50H Life and Times of Sir C. Hatton. 1847 313F Ed., Dispatches and Letters of Vice- Admiral Lord Nelson, with Notes, 7 vols. 1845-6 245-51II Nicolay (C. G.), Oregon Territory, a Geographical and Historical Account of that Country and Its Inhabitants. 1846 669Z Nicolay (J. G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Nicolini (G. B.) History of the Jesuits [Bonn's Library]. 1854 367O Nicoll (H. J.), Great Orators. 1880 992Q [Burke, Fox, Sheridan, Pitt.] Scholars. 1880 991Q [Buchanan, Bentley, Porson, Parr, &c] Nicoll (James), Historical and Descriptive Account of Iceland, Creen- land, &c. [Ed. Cab. Lib]. 1840 387T Nicoll (R., Scotch Poet, b. 18 14, d. 1837), Poems of. 1842 336Q See also Good Words [and Writings], v. 16, 2186J, &c. NiCOll (W. R.), M.A., Ed., The Expositor [Devoted to the Exposi- tion of the Sacred Scriptures], from Vol I. 1875 55 r J Containing Contributions by Rev. Joseph Agar Beet, E. A. Wallis Budge, B.A., Rev. T. K. Cheyne, D.D., Rev. Prof. S. Ives Curtiss, D.D., Rev. Prof. W. P. Dickson, D.D., Rev. Marcus Dods, D.D., Prof. Henry Drummond, F.G.S., Rev. Canon T. S. Evans, D.D., Rev. Prof. J. M. Fuller, M.A., Rev. Prof. Godet, D.D., Edmund Gosse, Rev. John Ker, D.D.. Rev. Prof. A. F. Kirkpatrick, M.A., Right Rev. J. B. Lightfoot, D.D., Rev. Alexander Maclaren, D.D., Rev. Joseph Parker, D.D., Rev. Prof. S. D. F. Salmond, D.D., George Augustus Simcox, M.A., Rev. W. H. Simcox, Rev. Prof. G. T. Stokes, M. A., Rev. Prof. Hermann L. Strack, D.D., Rev. Prof. B. B. Warfield, D.D., Rev. H. Carruthers Wilson, The Editor, &c. Nicols (A.), F.R.G.S., The Puzzle of Life, and how it has been put together, a Short History of Vegetable and Animal Life upon the Earth from the Earliest Times, illustrated. 1877 33R Physical History of the Earth. 1880 , 5 l 9& NiCOStratus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. 532] NIE ENGLISH SECTION. NIM Niebuhr (B. G., Historian and Arc/uvologist, b. 1776, d. 1831), History of Rome from the First Punic War to the Death of Constantine, 2 vols, edited bv Schmitz. 1844 87-8II See also Blackwood, v. 71, 141J. Edinburgh Review [Life and Letters of], v. 96, 456J, &c. Nieritz (Gustav). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Niger, an Expedition to the, by Lander [Harper's Family Library]... 547-8Z Expedition to the, by Lander, 2 vols. 1838 666-7Z Tshadda, and Binu'i Exploration [Africa], Narrative of the, by Hutchinson. 1855 1268R See also Barth's Central Africa, 848K. Quarterly [Course of], v. 23, 1153J. Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Good Words [Up the], v. 27, 2197J, &c. Night. See Good Words, v. 25, 2195J, &c. Night Side of London, by Ritchie. 1861 1246Z unto Night, a Selection of Bible Scenes, by March 401 M Nightingale, The. See Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q. Chambers, v. 7 and 17, 1927 and 1935J. Jesse's Gleanings, 57gQ._ Watson's Sylvan Folk, 2112R. Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q. Science Gossip, v. 2, 2411J; v. 6, 2412J. Birds, &c. Nightingale (Florence, Philanthropist, b. 1820), by Alldridge [World's Workers]. 1887 ,. 1152O See also Fraser [Notes on Nursing], v. 61, 671J. Living Age, v. 44, 3074J. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 94F. Once a Week [Latest Charity of], v. 9, 2269J. Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 10, 2360J, &c. Nightingale (J.), Portraiture of Methodism, a View of the Rise, Progress, Doctrines, Discipline, and Manners of the Wesleyan Methodists. 1807 127K Nightmare. See Fraser [on the Rails], v. 34, 644J. Gentleman's Magazine, N.s., v. 28, 748J. Living Age, v. 4, 3034J. Millengen's Curiosities, 927K, &c. Nihilism. See All the Year Round [a Century Ago], v. 44, 1804J. Fortnightly [in Russia], v. 10, 2100J ; v. 28, 2118J ; [the European Terror], v. 39, 2129J. Frost's Secret Societies, 33H. Nineteenth Century [and Pessi- mism in Germany], v. 3, 2213J. Robertson's Critical Method [Recent], 1956R. Saturday Review [in Russia], v. 53, R.L. Leisure Hour, v. 3D, 2640J, &c. Nile, Cradle of the Blue Nile, by De Cosson, illus., 2 vols. 1877 1565-6R Land of the Nile, by Adams, illustrated. 1881 755Q "Palms and Temples," being Notes of a Four Months' Voyage on the Nile. 1882 600K Tributaries of Abyssinia, by Baker. 1868 601 K See also All the Year Round [and its Noble Savages], v. 10, 1770J. Baker's Albert N'yanza, 614-5K. Beke's Sinai in Arabia, 597B. Blackwood [and Red Sea Canal], v. 56, 126J. Edinburgh Review [.Sources of], v. 41, 401 J ; [Sources of, and the Albert N'yanza], v. 124, 484J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 69, 1649J. Leisure Hour [Christmas on], v. 8, 2618J ; [Valley of], v. 13, 2623J ; [Down from Nubia], v. 18, 2628J. Living Age [Cairo, the Sources of], v. 1, 3031J ; [Cutting the Banks of], v. 115, 3145J ; [Life on], v. 1, 3031J. Macdonald's Gordon and Khartoum, 459O. Macmillan [Abyssinian Tributaries of], v. 17, 947J. Nature [Basin of, Stone Implements and Changes of Level in the], v. 33, 2693J ; [Height of], v. 25, 2685J. Oliphant's Land of Khemi, 1562R. Speke's Journals, 612 and 613K. Stanley's Dark Con- tinent [Sources of the], 1563R. Scribner [Tour of], v. 11, 1861J. Stan- ford's Compendium [Blue Nile], 849K ; [Cataracts of the], 849K. Wil- son's Korti to Khartoum, 277O. See also Egypt, &c. Nilsson (Christina, Swedish Singer, b. 1844). See Edwards' Prima Donnas, 679F. Engel's Reminiscences, 1349O. Scribner [and her Maestro], v. 3, x 853j. Temple Bar, v. 74, 1404J, &c. Nimbus. See Twining's Symbols, 507M, &c. Nimrod [C. J. Apperley], The Horse and the Hound. 1843 73 iF [533] NIN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NIN Nineteenth Century. See Fortnightly [Few Words about], v. 37, 2127J. Fraser, v. 69, 679J ; [Physical Revolution of], v. 104, 714J. Harper [Seventh Decade of], v. 42, 1622J. Leisure Hour [Beginning and End of], v. 35, 2645J. Rockstro's History of Music, 533H, &c. Nineteenth Century, a Monthly Review, edited by Knowles, from Vol. 1. 1877 : Vol. 1, 1877.— Prefatory Poem, by Tennyson. Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion. Turkish Story Books. Imperial Policy of Great Britain. Church of England. Russia. Is the Pulpit losing its Power? True Story of the Vatican Council. Falkland. George Sand. The Radiometer. Ancient National Monu- ments, &c 2211J Vol. 2, 1877. — The future of Egypt. Impatience in Politics. George Daw- son. Harriet Martineau. Germany and Egypt. England and South Africa. Is Life worth Living? by Mallock. Mr. Glad- stone and our Empire. Cosmic Emotion. The County Franchise. Sun Spots and Famines. Hydrophobia and Rabies. Cheap Telegrams. Recent Science, &c 2212J Vol. 3, 1878.— France as a Military Power, in 1870 and 1878. Life of Mid- hat Pasha. Shakespeare in France. Is Life worth Living? (could.). Absolution. The Peace to Come. How the Turks rule Armenia. Germany and Holland. England as a Military Power, in 1854 an d in 1878. Spontaneous Generation. Can Jews be Patriots, &c 221 3J Vol. 4, 1878.— Ironclad Field Artillery. What the Sun is made of. Jews and Judaism. Liberty in Germany. Malta. Crown and Cabinet in Canada. Chinese as Colonists. England's Mission. Barry Cornwall. Three Colours of Pre-Raphaelitism. Beauty and the Beast. Future of India. Personal Rule, &c 22I 4J Vol. 5, 1879. — Novel Reading. Shorter Parliaments. Cyprus and Mycenae. Recent Science. Poor in France. The Drink Difficulty. The Bankruptcy of India. Meaning of Life. Reciprocity, the true Free Trade. Depression of Trade. East Roumelia. How shall we retain the Colonies? State Socialism. Greece and the Treaty of Berlin, &c 2215J Vol. 6, 1879. — Boy Soldiers. Education Question in France. Home Rule. Representation of Minorities. Generic Images. Com ^die Fran - caise. Wages' Fund. An Irish Ignis Fatuus. The British Army. Recreation. Union of the Liberal Party. The God of Israel. Flogging in the Army. Baptism. Cinderella. Irish Politics and English Parties, &c 2216J Vol. 7, 1880. — Russian Nihilism. Athletics in Public Schools. Purchase in the Church. Old-Fashioned Gardening. Paganism in Paris. Ritualists and Anglicans. Historical Psychology. Free Trade. Railways and the Growth of Commerce. Next Reform Bill. Agnosticism and Women. Irish Absenteeism. Crisis in Indian Finance, &c 2217J Vol. 8, 1880.— Modern French Art. Story-Telling. The Palais-Royal Theatre. Peasant Proprietors at Home. Fiction— Fair, and Foul. Creed of the Early Christians. Iceland. Representa- tive Government in the Colonies. The Future of China. Recent Literature. Ireland. National Insurance. Hypnotism. The Chase. The Sabbath. Evils of Competitive Examination. Recent Science. Explosions in Collieries. Music, .and the People. South Africa, &c 2218J Vol. 9, 1881.— The Dawn of a Revolutionary Epoch. The High Court of Justice. Newfoundland. A Census of Religions. Penny Fiction. Ritualism. The Transvaal. Explosions in Collieries, and_ their Cure. Fire-Damp. Philosophy of Liberalism. Irish Emigration. Art Needlework. Smoke Prevention. Long and Short Service. Working Men, and the Political Situation. Business in the House of Commons. George Eliot. I ; Religious Fairs in India. The New Irish Land Bill. Ernest Renan. Pawnbroking: Abroad, and at Home. The Intelligence of Ants, &c 2219 1 [534] NIN [ENGLISH SECTION. NIN Nineteenth Century— {continued. ) Vol. 10, i88r. — The Early Life of Thomas Carlyle. New Markets for British Produce. Second Chambers. Gossip of an Old Book- worm. Man's Place in Nature. Isolated Free-Trade. Here- ditary Rulers. President Garfield. The Intelligence of Ants (continued). Women as Civil Servants. " Four Centuries of English Letters." France, and North Africa. Ireland, and the Land Act. Fiction — Fair, and Foul (continued). Disease- Germs. Fair-Trade, and Free-Trade. International Copyright. Opium, and Common Sense. Dean Stanley. Vivisection, &c. . 2220J Vol. 11, 18S2. — The Agnostic at Church. Canada's Highway to the Pacific. Mythology among the Hottentots. The Babylonian Account of the Deluge. Opium, and England's Duty. The Channel Tunnel. Landowning as a Business. The Yellowstone Geysers. Annexation, and South Africa. A New Theory of the Sun. Small-pox, and Vaccination, in a.d. 1871-81. A School of Dramatic Art. Superstitions of Modern Greece. The Goal of Modern Thought. Town and Country Politics. Home Rule. Thought Reading. Shakespearian Criticism. Ireland, &c 2221J Vol. 12, 1882. — Climate in Town and Country. Civil Service Examina- tions. Electric Light and Force. With the Emigrants. Litera- ture, and Science. Homes of the Poor in London. The Royal Academy of Music. Comets. The Laws of War. Parliamentary Oaths. Parisian Newspapers. Exploration in Greece. Natural Religion. Financial Condition of Trades Unions. The French Educational System. Irish Revolution and English Liberals. The Jews. Modern Miracles. England in Egypt. Farming and Taxation, &c 2222J Vol. 13, 1883. — Our Position as a Naval Power. Russian Prisons. Modern Miracles. The Theatrical Revival. Middle-Class Education. Local Government in England and Wales. Religion, and the Rates. Our Hospitals. Wagner and Wagnerism. French Elementary Education. The Weakness of the Army. Our National Balance-sheet. An Unsolved Historical Riddle. England and South Africa. Cambridge University. France and China. Social Reform. Dwellings of the Poor. The English in Egypt, &c 2223 J Vol. 14, 1883.— House-Lighting by Electricity. New Guinea. The Sirens in Ancient Literature and Art. The German and British Armies. Lord Byron. Painters and their Patrons. After Death. Women and Representative Government. The Cholera and our Water-Supply. Salmon-Fishing. The Theatre and the Mob. Inequality in Punishment. India. The Politics of Literature. Short Service. Mesmerism. An Academy of Literature for Great Britain. The French Army of To-Day. Land as Property. The Sun's Corona. Dwellings of the Poor. Out- cast Russia. Ungrateful Ireland, by Duffy, &c 2224J Vol. 15 1884. — Religion ; a Retrospect and Prospect. Lord Melbourne. Ungrateful Ireland (continued'). Floods. Homes of the Poor. A New View of Mormonism. The House of Lords. The State, and the Medical Profession. "Cramming" in Elementary Schools. Proportional Representation. The Germ-Theory of Zymotic Diseases. Rainbows. Opening National Institutions on Sunday. Ship Insurances, and Loss of Life at Sea. The House of Commons. Wordsworth and Byron. Apparitions. Aus- tralia and the Imperial Connection. The Continental Sunday. Forgotten Bibles. Free-Trade in the Army, &c 2225 J Vol. 16, 1884. — Retrogressive Religion. Visible Apparitions. The House of Lords and the Country. Leprosy, Present and Past. A Limit to Evolution. Technical Education. Agnostic Metaphysics. The Darwinian Theory of Instinct. English Supremacy in the East. Charles Reade. Our Deaf and Dumb. England as a Market Garden. The Classification of Literature. The Art Treasures of Prussia. Lord Beaconsfield's Irish Policy. State- Directed Emigration. Over-Pressure. Proportional versus Ma- jority Representation. English Songs. Conservative and Liberal Finance, &.c 22 , [535J NIN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NIN Nineteenth Century— {continued. ) Vol. 17, 1885,— Caesarism. Will Russia Conquer India. Cycling and Cy- clists. Religion and the Stage. Imperial Federation. Propor- tional Representation. The Unity of the Empire. Egypt and the Soudan. The Highland Crofters. Whispering Machines. The Actor\s Calling. An Anglo-Turkish Alliance. The Sun's Corona. Gordon at Gravesend. Diet in Relation to Age and Activity. Shakespeare and Stage Costume. Mr. Gladstone as a. Foreign Minister. Housing the Poor. James Russell Lowell. The Crimes Act, &c 2227 J Vol. 18, 1885.— The Khedivate of Egypt. The Work of Victor Hugo. Par- liamentary Manners. The Armed Strength of Turkey. Mine Inspection. Aristocracy in America. Violins. The Burden of Ireland. An Episode of the Armada. Thibet. Vittoria Colonna. The Question of the Land. Female Labour in Australia. Sir Herbert Stewart's Desert March. Disestablishment in Wales. Free Schools. Our Insular Ignorance. Insanity and Crime. Solar Myths. Leopardi. Capital and the Improvement of Land, &c 2228J Vol. 19, 1886.— Proem to Genesis. Fallacy of Imperial Federation. Federal Union with Ireland. Home Rule in Austria-Hungary. Irish Education. Thomas Middleton. Dawn of Creation. Mr. Glad- stone and Genesis. Shall we Desert the Loyalists. William Cobbett. Samoa. Alternative Policies in Ireland. Evolution of Theology. Free Trade Idolatry. Home Rule. Women's Suffrage. The Attempts to Rule Ireland justly. A " National- ist" Parliament. The Nadir of Liberalism. Whence come the Comets. The Case of Galileo. Tho Factors of Organic Evolu- tion. Government of Ireland Bill. American Home Rule. Genius and Precocity. John Webster. Women and Politics. Mr. Glad- stone and the Irish Bill, &c 2229 J Vol. 20, 1886. — Political History of Canada. Primrose League. Revision of the Bible. France and the New Hebrides. Recreative Evening Schools. Pasteur and Hydrophobia. New Zealand and Mr. Froude. In an Indian Jungle. Letters and Letter Writers. Are Animals Happy. Naval Defence of the Colonies. Genesis and Science. Free Trade Argument. Visit to some Australian Mon- asteries. How a Provincial Paper is Managed. Egyptian Divine Myths. Our Superstition about Constantinople. Prisoners as Witnesses. Civil Service as a Profession. What Girls Read. Our Craftsmen. Church and Parliament. France, China and the Vatican. Exhibitions. Sisters-in-Law. Gustave Flaubert and George Sand. Workhouse Cruelties. Building up of a Uni- versity. Buying Niagara. Thought-Reader's Experiences. Visit to the United States, &c 2230J Vol. 21, 1887. — Government of Ireland. Physiological Selection. Schools as Prisons and Prisons as Schools. True Reform of the House of Commons. Rural Life in Russia. Zenith of Conservatism. Notes on New York. Astronomical Photography. Local Govern- ment in the Rural Districts. Revelations of the After World. True Position of French Politics. Trials of a Country Parson. Dulness of Museums. Twenty-four Hours in a Newspaper Office. Science and Pseudo-Science. A " Friend of God." Athletes of the Past and Present. England and Europe. A Militia Regi- ment. A Glimpse of Russia. Playing at " Coercion." Mental Difference between Men and Women. Deer Forests, Past, Present and Future. Fallacies of the French Press. Science falsely so-called. Are Animals Mentally Happy. South Africa as it is. Strange Medicines, &c 2231J Vol. 22, 1887.— Catholic Church and Biblical Criticism. Mr. Gladstone, and the Income Tax. A Regiment of Infantry. A First Visit to India. The Coming Anarchy. Europe Revisited. Dogs in Germany. English and the American Press. Memorials of the Dead. Creatures we Breathe. North Borneo. Professional Ignorance in the Army. Recent Criticism on Raphael. East End as represented by Mr. Besant. Church-going. Positivism [536] NIN ENGLISH SECTION. NIN Nineteenth Century — [continued. ) in Christianity. New Afghan Frontier. Letters on Phantasms. Literature for the Little Ones. Science and the Bishops. Anti- quity of Man in North America. Medical Women. British Missions and Missionaries in Africa. Mohammedanism in Africa. The Time it takes to Think. Belief and Doubt, &c 2232J Vol. 23, 1888. — Progress of Cremation. Shelley. Home Rule in Norway. Decline of Art. American Statesmen. Dethroning Tennyson. Leo the Thirteenth and the Civil Power. Struggle for Exist- ence. More Air for London. Panama Canal and its Prospects. How to Live on ^700 a Year. Chatter, or Business. Constitution of the United States. The Swarming of Men. Is Japanese Art Extinct ? Long Life and how to Attain it. Poor Men's Gardens. Invasion of Pauper Foreigners. Local Government. Life on a Guinea a Week. Breakdown of our Industrial System. Girls' Schools Past and Present. One Day's Sport in India. Ben Jonson. The Defencelessness of London. The Disenchantment of France. In the Bahamas. Clergy and the Land. "Robert Elsmere " and the Battle of Belief. Our Actual Military Strength. The Coming Reign of Plenty. Pasteur. Free Greece. A Woman's College in the United States. Local Government and County Councils in France, &c 2233 J Vo'. 24, 1888.— Elizabethan Settlement of Religion. Our Missionaries. A Story of our Lighthouses. Liberating the Slaves in Brazil. Buddhism. Who owns the Churches? East London Labour. The New Cure for Growing too Fat. Democracy and Part3\ Workers' Songs. American Statesmen. What is Left of Chris- tianity. Socialism through American Spectacles. An Armada Relic. Miners of Scotland. - Homiculture. Slavery in East Central Africa. Mr. Foster and Ireland. Sins of Belief and Sins of Unbelief. Future of English Tobacco. Sacrifice of Education to Examination. Frederick the Third and the New Germany. Public Buildings in London. German Conduct in Samoa. Queen Elizabeth and the Church of England. What St. John saw on Patmos. Soldiers' Rations. Autumn Visit to Japan. Selecting Colonial Governors, &c 2234J Vol. 25, 1889.— The British Fleet and the State of Europe. Isolation, or the Survival of the Unfittest. A Thousand more Mouths every Day. Clubs for Working Girls. A Brahmin School Girl. Daniel O'Connell. Agnosticism, by Huxley and Reply by Dr. Wace, &c. Noticeable Books. Is Examination a Failure ? The Sacri- fice of Education to Examination. Westminster Abbey and its Monuments. The Work of a London County Council. Monte Carlo. A Suggestion for Emigrants.^ With Father Damien and the Lepers. Society and Democracy in Europe. Six Generations of Czars. Italy in 1888-89. A few more Words on the Hawaii- ans and Father Damien. Sardinia and and its Wild Sheep. &c. 2235J Vol. 26, 1889. — The New Liberalism. On Change of Air. Wanted, a Gospel for the Century. The Deadly Wild Beasts of India. The Art of Conversation. The French in Germany. Noticeable Books. The Appeal against Female Suffrage. Diseases caught from Butcher's Meat. Criticism as a Trade. A Few Words to Fresh Workers. What next in Egypt ? In Search of a Religion. The New Liberalism. The Grievances of High Church. An Eight-Hour Law. Parliamentary Misrule of our War Services. Rome in 1889. The Comparative Insensibility of Animals to Pain. Mental and Physical Training of Children. Lady Toad. Water Poachers. The Middle Class and the New Liberalism. The New Trades-Unionism. The New Tories. The New National Party. Australia fifty years Ago. Women of to-day. History of a Star. Roman Catholicism in America. Criticism as a Trade ; a Reply. Modern Gambling and Gambling Laws. The English Church under Henry the Eighth, &c 2236J Ninevell and its Remains, by Layard, illustrated, 2 vols. 1850 556K The Buried City of the East, Discoveries of Layard, &c. [Nat. Illus. Lib.] 1851 ,, 1317R [537] NIN GUJLLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NON Nineveh.. See also Blackwood [and Babylon], v. 76, 146J. Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1665Z. Ewald's Israel, 64K. Fraser [Last from, 1863], v. 68, 678J. Leisure Hour [Day in], v. 1, 261 1 J. Madden's Shrines, 342K. Quiver [Fall of, and its Testimony to the Faith], v. 25, 3295J, &c. Nisbet (J.)- See Curwen's Booksellers, 520O. Nithsdale (W. M., Earl of, Jacobite, d. 1744). See Blackwood [Dream of], v. 53, R.L. ; v. 115, 185J. Dixon's H. M. Tower [and his Countess], 324H. Quarterly, v. 137, 1267 J, &c. Nitre. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 9D. Nitric- Acid, Nitro-Glycerine and Dynamite. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8-9D. Nitrogen. See Nature [in the Soil], v. 33, 2693J. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Nixies. See Keighley's Fairies, &c, 1009M. Fairies, &c. No. See Temple Bar [Importance of Saying], v. 44, 1374J, &c. Noah {Patriarch, b. about 2948 B.C.). See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Sunday at Home [Faith and Courage of], v. 6, 2856J. Quiver, v. 16, 3286J, &c. Noah's Ark. See All the Year Round, v. 13, 1773J. Fraser [Journal of the Ark], v. 9, 619J. Smith's Assyria, 888F, &c. Noah's Ark, or Mornings in the Zoo, by Phil Robinson. 1882 16R Noailles (Baroness De), Memoirs of the Marquise De Montagu. 603O Nobility, Our Old Nobility, by "Noblesse Oblige." 1879 8S5-6O [An account of Abuse of Patronage, State Grants, &c, connected with the Aristocracy.] See also Alison's Europe, 119-23O and 139-46O. Blackwood, v. 18, R.L. Chambers [Cheap], v. 58, 1958 J. Gould's Germany, 363O. Stubbs' History, 210-1O. Temple Bar [Paupers Among the English], v. 32, 1362J. Living Age, v. 81, 31 11 J, &c. Noble Deeds of Woman, by Starling. 1850 1311O Traits of Kingly Men ; or, Pictures and Anecdotes of European History, with a Bird's-eye View of the Grander Movements and their Leaders, illustrated *5370 Words and Deeds, by Muller, translated by Leigh, illus. 1877... 92Q Noble (L. L.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Noble (Capt. William), F.R.A.S., Hours with a Three-Inch Tele- scope, illustrated. 1886 422R " Noblesse Oblige" [Howard Evans], Our Old Nobility. 1879 885-6O Noctes Ambrosianoe, by Wilson, 4 vols. 1855 870-4R See also Blackwood, vols 11 to 37, R.L., &c. Noel (Lady A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Noel (Hon. R. ), Essays on Poetry and Poets. 1886 1039H [Chatterton. Byron. Shelley. Wordsworth. Keats. Hugo. Tenny- son, &c] Corsica [Fraser's Magazine, v. 19, N.s.]. 1879 7°9j Noel (T.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Noel-Feam (H.). See Christmas, H. Nohl (L.), Beethoven, depicted by his Contemporaries. 1880 509O Life of Mozart, translated by Lady Wallace, 2 vols. 1877 858-9O Noise. See All the Year Round [Noises], v. 27, 1787J. Good Words, v. 21, 2191J. Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R, &c. Nomenclature, English Surnames, by Lower, 2 vols. 1875 1921-2R Puritan, Curiosities of, by Bardsley. 1880 920M What shall we name it ? A Dictionary of Baptismal Names lor Children [containing 2000 Names] 1901Z See also Chambers, v. 42, 1947J. Edinburgh Review [English Local], v. in, 471J. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201 and 205H. Moody's Christian Names, 1205R. Norman People, 438H. Salverte's Names, 530-1H. Yonge's Christian Names, 1147-8R. Names, &c. Non- Alcoholic Home Treatment of Disease, by Ridge 819M Non-Biblical Systems of Religion. 1887 1187M [538] NON ENGLISH SECTION. NOft Nonconformists. Ancient Meeting-Houses ; or, Memorial Pictures of Nonconformity in Old London, by Pike. 1870 261O . Representative Nonconformists,- by Grosart. 1879 946O See also Contemporary [and Education], v. 22, 2032 J. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Fraser [Aspects of Modern], v. 98, 708J. Green's English People, 191-2H. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Knight's England, 149-50H. May's Democracy, 38-9H. Nineteenth Century [and Church Congress], v. 2, a2i2j. Poole's Index, _ R.L. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1034F. Stoughton's Religion in England, 94-7M. Wilson's Dissenters, 188-91 K. Neal's Puritans, 4C9-10A. Dissenters, Methodists, Puritans, Wesleyans, Quakers, Baptists, &c. Noontide at Sychar, or the Story of Jacob's Well, by Macduff. 1882 273T Nordenskiold (Adolf Erik, Swedish Nattiralist and Explorer, b. 1832), The Arctic Voyages of [1858-1879], illustrated. 1879. 665K Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, with a Historical Review of Previous Journeys along the North Coast of the Old World, translated by A. Leslie, illustrated. 188 1 666-7K Sec also Nature [and his Arctic Voyages], v 21, 2681J, &c. Nordhoff (C. , b. 1830), God and the Future Life, the Reasonable- ness of Christianity. 1884 429M Politics for Young Americans. 1876 525T The Communistic Societies of the United States, illustrated. 1875 I0 45E Economists. Shakers. The Amana. Zoarites. Oneida. Bethel. Aurora. Icarian, and other Societies. Their Religious Creeds, Industries, &c. Works of. See also Harper's Index, i64oJa. Nordurfari, or Rambles in Iceland, by Miles. 1854 126R Norfolk. See All the Year Round [Deluge in], v. 7, 1767J ; [Cruise in the Broads and Rivers of], v. 54, 1814J. Blackwood [Broads and Rivers of], v. 126, 196J. Chambers [Broads and Rivers of], v. 61, 1961J. Fraser [Historic Memorials of the Coast of], v. 104, 714J. Jessopp's Historic Essays [Village life Six Hundred Years ago], 1521O. Jones' Sandringham, 1348R. Ritchie's East Anglia, 623O. Froude's Eng- land, 198-2016, &c. Norfolk, Dukes of. See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 312-21H, &c. Norfolk Island, Pitcairn, by Murray, i860 1792Z See also Coote's Wanderings, 810K, &c. NORMAN Conquest, by Freeman, 6 vols. 1873 201-6H of England, by Thierry, translated, 3 vols. 1825 562-4H See also Chambers' Miscellany, 630R. England, Harold, William I., &c. People, The, and their existing Descendants. 1874 438H Nomenclature of Races. Danish Dominion in 879. Family of Hastings. Descendants of the Nobility and Commonalty in England. Gothic Origin of the Danes, Normans and Anglo-Saxons. List of Norman Names, &c. Sec also All the Year Round [Norman Life], 1770J. Bell's Feudalism, 232O. Froissart's Chronicles, 312-5D. Harper's New Monthly Maga- zine [Fisher Folk], v. 69, 1649J, &c. NORMANDY, a Summer in, with my Children, by Mrs. Ellis, ill. 1 376- 7R and Brittany, Pictures and Legends, by Macquoid, ill. 1879 ••• J 389R England, Ecclesiastical History of, to A.D. 1141, by Odericus Vitalis, trans, by Forrester [Bonn's Library], 4 vols. 1853-6... 113-6O History of, by Palgrave, 4 vols. . 1851 180-3H Dukes of, from the Time of Rollo to the Expulsion of King John, by Duncan. 1839 874O Excursions in, edited by Shoberl, 2 vols. 1841 1378-9R Life in [by J. F. Campbell], illustrated, 2 vols. 1863 1700-1R [539] NQft GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NOR Normandy, Western, and the Channel Islands, by Black 1742R See also All the Year Round [Glimpse of], v. 24, 1784J J [Tour in] v. 52, 181 2). Black's Guides land Brittany], 833Q. Chambers [Life in], v 40. 1946J. Green's Conquest of England, 187H ; French Pictures [and Brittany], 334B. Harper [Fisher Folk of], v. 69, 1649J. Penny Magazine, v. 4, 142B ; [Wood-cutters and Forest of] v. 8, 146B ; [Apple Harvest in] v. 9, 147B. St. Paul's [We four in], v. 7, 1167F ; [Land of the Conquerer] v. 8, 1168F. Scribner [Picturesque], v. 6, 1856J ; [By the Sea in] v. 22, 1872J. Wright's Louis Philippe [Queen Victoria's Visit to, in 1843], 112F. The Guernsey Star [Normandy of the Sea], September 6th and 8th, 1888, R.L., &c. NorriS (J. P.), M.A., Key to the Narrative of the Four Gospels.... 132Q See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Norse Country. See Good Words [Holiday in], v 2175J. Macmillan [Popu> lar Tales], v. 3, 933J. Quarterly [Mirro of Men and Manners], y. 143) I2 73J- Harper [Discoveries of Norsemen and Portuguese, in America], v. 65, 1645J. Koldewey's Arctic Expedition, 605B, &c. North Eastern Railway. See Acworth's Railways, 937D, &c. North Pole. See Chambers [Who owns], v. 53, I953J- Cornhill [Towards], v. 34, 3T4J. Gentleman's Magazine, N.s. [About], v. 15, 735J. _ Once a Week [at], v. 30, 2290J. Quarterly [Parry's intended Expedition to, 1827J, v. 37, 1167J. Arctic Seas, Polar Regions, &c. North Sea. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 69, 1649J, &.c. North (B.), B.A., Ourselves, a Picture sketched from the History of the Children of Israel. 1868 6Q North (Christopher [John Wilson], Scotch Philosopher and Essayist, b. 1785, d. 1854), Memoir of, by his Daughter, Mrs. Gordon 41 8F See also Blackwood [Critique on Tennyson's Poems], v. 31, R.L. ; [Speci- mens of the British Critics], v. 57, 127J. Wilson (J.), &c. North (Lord). See Creasy's Etonians, 1420O. Froude's Ireland, 205-6O. Tre- velyan's Life of Fox, 260F, &c. Northamptonshire. See All the Year Round [Traditions of], v. 32, 1792J ; [Chronicles of], v. 55, 1815J. Living Age [Words and Phrases of], v. 49, 3079J. Quarterly [History and Antiquities of], v. 101, i23ij,»&c. Northbrook (Francis Thornhill, Lord, Statesman, b. 1796, d. 1866). See Trotter's India, 538-9H. India, &c. Northbrook (Thomas George, Governor of India, b. 1826). See Temple's India, 464H. India, &c. .NorthGOte (J., Painter, b. 1746, d. 1831), R.A., Life of Titian ... 531-2F Northcote (Sir Stafford, Statesman, b. i8i8,_rf. 1887). See Fortnightly, v. 31, 2121J. Lucy's Parliament, 316-7H. Temple Bar, v. 70, 1400J ; [Eton Days of], v. 70, 1400J. ■ Sec also Iddlesleigh (Earl of). Northeast Passage. See Blackwood, v. 127, 197J. Leisure Hour, v. 29, 2639J. Nature [Nordenskiold's Expedition for], v. 21, 2681J. Quarterly [Nor- denskiold's Voyage], v. 58, 848J. Northern Travel, Sweden, Denmark and Lapland, by Taylor. 1869 857R Northmen. See Blackwood [Heathen and Christian], v. 105, 175J. Chambers [Sea Kings at Home], v. 46, 1949J. Fraser [in Britain], v. 46, 656J, &c. Northumberland. See Blackwood, v. 119, 189J. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Leisure Hour, v. 34, 2644J. Penny Magazine [Peasantry of], v. 6, 144B ; [Sunday Hirings in], v. 7, 145B. Temple Bar [Walk through], v. 24, 1354J, &c. Northumberland, Dukes and Earls of. See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 321-2H, &c. Northumbria. See Green's Conquest of England, 187H. Northwest Passage. See Chambers [by Land], v. 42, 1947J. Edinburgh Re- view [Discovery of], v. 103, 463J. Harper [Who Discovered ?], v. 9, 1589J. Quarterly, v. 18 and 21, 1148 and 1151J ; [Parry's Second Voy- age], v. 30, 1160J. Arctic Voyages, &c. Northwich. See Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R. Cheshire, &c. Northwick (Lord). See Frith's Reminiscences, 615F, &c. Norton (A., b. 1786, d. 1853). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Norton (Hon. Mrs., Poet and Novelist, b. 1808, d. 1877), Tales and Sketches. 1850 1918R [54o] N6& ENGLISH SECTION. NOT Norton (Hon. Mrs.), Residence of a Lady at Sierra Leone 79oQand 1286R Ed., Letters of Carlyle [ 1826-36], 2 vols. 1888 ...1458-9O See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Fraser [with Portrait], V. 3, 613J ; [and Married Women], v. 97, 707J. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Temple Bar [and her Writings], v. 52, 1382J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Norton (F. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Norton (W. A., Civil Engineer, l>. 1810), M.A., First Cook of Na- tural Philosophy and Astronomy. 1866 557 R NORWAY, a Month in, by Holway. 1853 413T About Norway, by Wood [Argosy, vol 29] 29J and Sweden, a Long Vacation Ramble, by X and Y. 1857 1469R Early Kings of, &c, by Carlyle. 1875 7 oT Norwegian Pictures, by Lovett, illustrated. 1885 329B Our Tour in, the Diary of Two London Girls [Girl's Own An- nual, vol. 6] 2556J Oxonian in [1854-5], by Metcalf, 2 vols. 1856 1465R Rambles in, by Forester. 1855 ' 1263R Residence in [1834-6], by Laing 763Q and 1262R Unprotected Females in, or the Pleasantest Way of Travelling there, passing through Denmark and Sweden, with Scandi- navian Sketches. 1857 1464R Norway. See also Alison's Europe, 132-7O. Argosy, v. 29, 29J. Blackwood [Sonnets], v. 129, 199J. Cassell s Family Magazine [a Glimpse of], v. 9» 2 359J- Chambers [Summer Holiday in], v. 54, 1954J ; [Under the Snow], v. 59, 1959J ; [Farms and Farmers in], v. 62, 1962J. Cornhill [Glacier Expedition in], v. 50, 330J. Du Chaillu's Land of the Mid- night Sun, 467-8K. Edinburgh Review [Laing's Chronicle of the Kings of], v. 82, 442J ; [Three in], v. 156, 516J. Excelsior [Notes on], 1927 and 1930R. Fortnightly [Fishing in], v. 2, 2092J ; [Sport and Travel in], v. 42, 2132J. Fraser [and the Norwegians], v. 23, 633J ; [Fishers], v. 40, 650J ; [Journey across the Fjeld], v. 60, 670J ; [Early Kings of], v. 91, 701J ; [Constitution of], v. 98, 708J. Girl's Own An- nual [Norwegian Girls], v. 7, 2557J. Good Words [Pictures of], v. 25, 2195J. Gosse's Literature, 960H. Leisure Hour [Waterfalls of], v. 21, 2631J ; [Visit to], v. 34, 2644J ; [Look at from the Sea], 2647J. Living Age [Forbes's and its Glaciers], v. 43, 3073J ; [Home Life in], v. 60, 3090J ; [and the Maelstrom], v. 134, 3164J. Longman [Fjords of], v. 1, 891) ; v. 4, 894J. Macmillan [Three Months' Holiday in], v. 46, 976J. Maunders Treasury of History, 1856Z. Nature [Geology of], v. 22, 2682J ; [Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun], v. 25, 2685J. Penny Magazine [Fiords], v. 5, 143B. Science Gossip [Natural His- tory, Notes in], v. 24, 2423J. Scribner [and the Norsemen], v. 13, 1863J. Stanford's Compendium, 854K. Temple Bar [Elk Hunting in], v. 65, 1395J. Good Words [Pictures of], v. 25, 2195J. Harper's Maga- zine [and its People], v. 78, 1658J. Leisure Hour [a Look at from the Sea], v. 37, 2647J, &c. Norwich, by Jessop. 1884 1601Z See also Land we Live in, 464B. Edinburgh Review [Worthies of], v. 150, 510J. Harper [Some Worthies of], v. 65, 1645 J. Leisure Hour [City of], v. 17, 2627J. Ritchie's East Anglia, 623O, &c. Norwood, or Village Life in New England, by Beecher. 1869 594^ Norwood (S.), B. A., Our Indian Empire. 1876 372O Nose, The. See Blackwood [Vision of Noses], v. 43, R.L. Leisure Hour [Chapter on Noses], v. 23, 2633J. Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R. Thomson's Sick Room [Nose-bleeding], &c, 834 M. Physiology, &c. Nossis {about 280 B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Notes and Reflections during a Ramble in Germany. 1827 418K on England, by Taine, translated by Rae. 1885 1676R V and Queries, a Medium of Inter- Communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, &c, from vol. 1. 1849... 1021J [54i] NOT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NUM Notices illustrative of the Drama and other Amusements of the Six- teenth and Seventeenth Centuries, and Notes by Kelly. 1865 453O Notre Dame, Cathedral of. See Sunday at Home, v. 12, 2862J. Pans, &c. Nottingham. Sec All Year Round [Insurrection in], v. 32, 1792J ; [Chronicles of Nottinghamshire], v. 53, 1813J. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Land we Live in [and the Hosiery District], 465B. Leisure Hour, v. 15, 2625J. Penny Magazine [Hill and Castle at], v. ic, 150B, &c. Tr • Nottingham (Earls of). See Dixon's Her Majesty s Tower, 322H, bzc. Nottingham (Lord Chancellor). See Campbell's Chancellors, 777-0, &c. Nourse (J. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Nova Scotia, by Buckingham 677K w See also Chambers [Banishment of the Acadians], v. 22, 1937J ; [Life in], v. 58, 1958J. Harper [Banishment of Acadians], v. 69, 1649J. Leisure Hour [Coal Fields of], v. 11, 2621J. Lyell's Geological Observations, 1580-1R. McGregor's British America, 488H. Murray's British America, 400-2T. Nature [Honeyman s Geology of], v. 3, 2663 J. Nineteenth Century [Home Rule desired by], v. 20, 2230J. Once a Week [Winter among the Blue-Noses], v. 26, 2286J. Stanford's Compendium, 850K, &c. Nova Zembla. See Good Words [Yachting Cruise to], v. 22, 2192J, &c. Novantia. See Good Words, v. 15, 2185J, &C. Novelists and Poets, French, by H. James, Jun. 1878 658O Half-Hours with Foreign, by H. and N. Zimmern. 1882 687-8O The, by Scott, 2 vols. 1825 1013-4Z See also Authors, Books, French Novelists, 658O. French Cata. Literature, &c. Novels and Tales, by Goethe. 1885 690M See also All Year Round IDefence of, and the Drama], v. 23, 1783J. Argosy [History of the Novel and the Drama in England], v. 14, 14J ; v. 13, 13J. Atlantic [Combination], v. 54, 1 544.1; [Modern Heroines in], v. 55, 1545.!. Blackwood [Writing], v. 4, R.L. ; [Novelists], v. 125, 195 J. Contemporary [Old and New], v. 45, 2055J ; [Dialogue on], v. 48, 2058J ; [The Re- ligious], v. 54, 2064J. Cornhill [Sea, and Captain Marryat], v. 27, 307J. Escott's England and its People [and Novelists], 1018F. Fort- nightly Review [Publication of, in England], v. 46, 2136J; [Present State of the Novel], v. 48, 2138J. Good Words [and Novel-makers], v. 22, 2192J. Hazeltine's Chats [Novelists and Poets], 977R. Lee's Dialogues, 1325H. Living Age [and Novelists, French], y. 27, 3057J ; [and Novelists], v. 170, 3200J. Macmillan [and their Times], v. 26, 956J. Quarterly [Growth of English], v. 163, 1293 J. Robertson's Critical Method [Howell's], 1956R. Scribner [and the Drama, spoiled], v. 6, 1856J. Temple Bar [As Mirrors of Society], v. 6, 1336J. Tucker- man's Prose Fiction, 1126H. Westminster [Female Novelists], v. 58, R.L.; [ Silly Novels by Females], v. 66, R.L. Fiction Class List at end of the General Catalogue. Novelties, Inventions and Curiosities, in Arts and Manufactures [by G. Dodd]. 1858 355T November. See Good 'Words [Out of doors in], v. 24, 2194J. Howiu's Seasons, 572Q. Knowledge, v. 1, 2581J. Leisure Hour [Antiquarian Gossip on], v. 25, 2635J. Eraser , v. 68, 678 J, &c. Nowell (A., Reformer, b. 1507, d. 1602), Catechism Written in Latin 238A Noyce (J.), Marvels of Nature [Juvenile Literature] 504R Noyes (G. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Nubia and Abyssinia, by Russell. 1833 394T See also Belzoni's Discoveries, 835-6K. Madden's Travels, 1457-8R, &c. Nugent (Lord, George Grenville, Brother of Marquis of Bucking- ham, b. 1788, d. 1850), Lands Classical and Sacred. 1846.. 1484Z Nuisances. Set All the Year Round [Inspectors of], v. 51, 181 1 J. Sanitation, &c. Numa. See Plutarch's Lives, 445F and 1130Q. Numbers, Notes on the Book of Numbers 130Q Numbers. See Bowring's Decimal System, 1123M. Clifford's Exact Sciences, 392R. Humboldt's Cosmos [Indian Numerals], 484R. Jones' Creduli- ties [Lucky], 902M. Nineteenth Century, v. 15, 2225J. Sunday at Home [Oriental], v. 13, 2863J. Numeration.. See Cornhill [Origin of different Systems of], v. 53, 333 J. Numerical Discrimination. See Nature [Power of], v. 3, 2663/. ■ Tables. See Penny Magazine [French], v. n, T49B. [542] NUM ENGLISH SECTION. OAT Numismatics. See Bowring's Decimal System of Coins, 1123M. Harper's In- dex, i64oJa. Henry's English Silver Coins, 1160M. Humphrey's Coin Collector, 1088-9M. Nature [Oriental], v. 12 and 13, 2672 and 2673J. Nichol's British Museum [Collections], 863F. See also Coins. Nuns. See Fraser [Rule of Good], v. 51, 661J. Michelet's Priests, &c.,4iiM. Quarterly [of Port Royal], v. 99, 1229J. Catholicism, &c. Nuremberg. See Bellow's Europe, 1398R. Blackwood [Buildings of], V. 10S, 1787. Leisure Hour, v. 34, 2644J, &c. Nurseries, Healthy, by Mrs. Gladstone. 1884 99 1 M See also Chambers [Public, in England], v. 23, 1938J. Fraser [Public], v. 42, 652J ; [Nursery Literature], v. 45, 655J. Quiver, v. 12, 3282J. Nursery Rhymes. See Blackwood, v. 38, R.L. Leisure Hour [Old], v. 25, 2635J. Temple Bar [and Legends], v. 8, 1338J, &c. Nurses. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Cornhill [Influence of], v. 6, 286J. Fraser [Training Schools for], v. 90, 700J. Macmillan, v. 34, 964J. Nineteenth Century [and Doctors in Hospitals], v. 7, 2217J ; [District Nurses], v. 13, 2223J. Westminster Review [and Nursing], v. 130, R.L. Nursing, Handbook of, by Wood 1470Z See also Cassell's Family Magazine [as a Profession], v. 5, 2354J. Century [as a profession for Women], v. 3, T875J. Chambers [Nursing Sisters], v. 52, 19S2J ; [for Educated Women], v. 53, 1953J ; [Mistakes in], v. 60, 1 960 J ; [Home], v. 61, 1961 and v. 62, 1962J. Fraser [as a Pro- fession for Ladies], v. 99, 709J. Girl's Book, 1257H. Girl's Own Annual, v. 5, 2555J ; [A few hints on health and], v. 7, 2557J. Leisure Hour [Hints on], v. 17, 2627J. Once a Week [Woman's Battle Field], v. 1, 2261J. Quarterly [Miss Nightingale's Notes], v. 107, 1237J, &c. Nutcracker, The. See Tardine's Naturalists' Library, 654Q. Fraser [and Jays], v. 56, 666J. Birds, &c. Nutmeg. See Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Spices. Nutrition in Health and Disease, by Bennet. 1877 918K See also Century Magazine [Chemistry of Food and Nutrition], v. 12, 1884J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Warner's Physical Expression, 393R, &c. Nuts. See All the Year Round [Edible], v. 28, 1788 J, &c. Nutt (Alfred), Studies on the Legend of the Holy Grail, with especial Reference to the Hypothesis of its Celtic Origin. 1888 1324H Nuttall (P. A.), LL.D., Spelling Bees, how to conduct them, and a list of 3,000 words 1231Z Nutting (M. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. vAK, The. See Chambers, v. 1, 1921J. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Once a Week [Hearne's], v. 9, 2269J. Penny Magazine [Uses of], v. 12, 150B ; [Oak-bark Peelers], v. 4, 142B. Leisure Hour [Trees], v. 23, 2633J. Trees, &c. Oakes (J. W., Landscape Painter). See Art Journal [and his paintings], v. 31. Oakey(A. F.), Home Grounds. 1881 ■. 948M Oars. See Woodgate's Boating, 1266R. Boating, &c. Oates (Titus, Informer, b. 1620,^.1705). See Knight's England, 150H. Pike's Crime in England, 308H. Stoughton s Religion in England, 95M. Oaths. See All the Year Round [Curious Modes of Taking], v. 41, 1801J. Black- wood [Coronation], v. 24, R.L. Contemporary [Parliamentary and Judicial], v. 49, 2059J. Edinburgh Review [Tyler on], v. 59, 419J. Fortnightly [What is an?], v. 5, 615J ; [Affirmation Bill], v. 39, 2129J. Fraser [Ordeal by], v. 66, 676J. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M. Macmillan [and Ordeals], v. 34, 964J. Nineteenth Century [Short Tract upon], v. 17, 2227J. Stubbs' History, 210-2O, &c. Oatmeal. See Bell's Food, 1052M. Wells' Pastrycook, 998M. Foods, &c. Oats. See Science Gossip, v. 6, 2412J. Smith's Foods, 380R, &c. [543] OB A GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. O'CO ■ ■■ » » - — ■" ■ " Obadiah(//^r«« Prophet, about 487 B.C.) and Elijah. See Sunday at Home, v. 29, 2879J Obedience. See Quiver [Liberty of], v. 17, 3287J, &c. Obelisk and Freemasonry, by Weisse. 1880 1113F Obelisks. See Adams' Land of the Nile, 755Q. Leisure Hour [and our Needle], v. 27, 2637J. Once a Week, v. 6, 2266J. Wilson's Egypt, 375O, &c. Oberammergau Passion Play. See Blackburn's Art in the Mountains, 903D. Blackwood, v. 107, 177J. Contemporary [and Symbolic Christianity], v. 18, 2028J. Macmillan [Passion Play in i860], v. 2, 932J. OberlinfJ. F., French Philanthropist, b. 1740, d. 1826). See Living Age, v. 60, 3090J. Penny Magazine [Memoirs of], v. 7, 145B. Sunday at Home, v. 25, 2875J, &c. Obesity. See Kalos [Cure of], 1412Z. Millingen's Medical Curiosities, 927K. Nineteenth Century Magazine [Cure of], v. 24, 2234J. Obituary [Deaths of Distinguished Persons]. See Excelsior, 1926-31R, &c. Object Lessons. See Compayr^'s Pedagogy, 296R, &C Objectors. See Chambers' Journal, v. 53, 1953.I, &C. O'Brien. (F. J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. O'Brien (H.). See Fraser [with Portrait], v. 12, 622J. Observation and Memory. See Chambers' Journal, v. 55, 1955J, &c. Observatories. See Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 843K. Edinburgh Review [Greenwich Observatory], v. 91, 451 J. Good Words [at Night in an Observatory], v. 3, 2173J. Leisure Hour [Southern], v. 18, 2628 J. Nature [Greenwich and Edinburgh, Visitations of], v. 12, 2672J ; [Vienna], v. 13, 2673J ; [Astronomical], v. 26, 2686J ; [Construction and Equipment of, for Amateurs], v. 33, 3693J, &c. Observer, a Paper, by Cumberland [British Essayists] 44-6T Observing Faculties, Culture of the, by Burton. 1865 554T Obstruction. See Nineteenth Century, v. 8, 2218J. Parliament, &c. O'Byrne (R. W.), The Victoria Cross, an Official Chronicle of Deeds of Personal Valour. 1880 270O O'Callaghan (J.), Usury, Funds and Banking, Monopoly, Forestall- ing, Traffick, Gallican Liberties, Graves, Anatomy. 1856... 273R Ocana (F. De). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Occasional Papers and Reviews, by Keble. 1877 1203II Occult Sciences, Traditions and Superstitions of Past Times, &c, by Smedley, &c I935R See also Fraser, v. 22, 632J. Divination, Magic, &c. Occupation and Health, by Richardson [S.P.C.K.]. 1879 1434Z See also Bellairs' Girls and Maidens, 984 M. Penny Magazine [of the People in Great Britain], v. 13, 151B ; [of the People, Changes in], v. 13, 151B. Ocean, The, by Gosse, illustrated. 1854 121R Atmosphere, and Life by Reclus, translated by Woodward, illustrated, 2 vols. 1873 805-6F Tides [S.P.C.K.], illustrated. 1857 692Q See also Chambers [as a Health Restoier], v. 62, 1962J. Contemporary [Dynamics of], v. 16, 2026J ; [Researches in the Challenger of Dyna- mics], v. 26, 2036J. Edinburgh Review [Currents of], v. 135, 495J. Ellis's Chemistry of Creation, 731Q. Gentleman's Magazine, N.s. [Deep-Sea Exploration], v. 18, 738J. Harper [Life under], v. 46, 1626J; [Treasures of], v. 58, 1638J. Humboldt's Cosmos, 483R. Maury's Physical Geography [Depths of the], 757H. Nature [the Circulation in], v. 4 and 14, 2664J and 2674J ; [Lenz's Doctrine of the circulation in], v. 10, 2670J ; [Ocean Swells], v. 30, 2690J ; Similarities in the Physical Geography of the Oceans], v. 35, 2695J. Once a Week [Life in the Depths of], v. 20, 2280J. Penny Magazine [Colour of], v. 11, 149B. Names, e.g., Atlantic, Pacific, Sea, &c. Oceana, or England and her Colonies, by Froude. 1886 804K See also Brown's Countries of the World, 163D, &c. Ochterlony (Sir D.). See Cassell's India, 228-9D, &c. O'Connell (D., Irish Agitator and Celebrated Oraior.b. 1775, d - ^47), Life of, by Hamilton [Saunder's Statesmen Series]. 1888 ... 1376O [544] O'OO ENGLISH SECTION. OG-I O'Connell (D.). See also Alison's Europe, 141-5O. Blackwood [Domination of], v. 38, R.L. Chambers [Anecdotes of], v. 52, 1952J. Cornhill [and his Era], v. 21, 301J. Fraser [Claim for a Peerage], v. 18, 628J ; [and the Government], v. 28, 638J. Froude's Ireland, 206O. Greville Memoirs. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Knight's England, 154H. Living Age [at Large], v. 3, 3033J. McCarthy's History, 193-6H. Macmillan, v. 28, 958 J. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Temple Bar [Character of], v. 45, 1375J. Torrens' Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 385-6F. Fraser [Use and Abuse of Friendship], v. 16, 626J ; [Literary Labours of], v. 23, 633J ; v. 37, 647J. Living Age [Personal Recollec- tions of], v. 18, 3048 J. 19th Century, v. 25, 2235 J, &c. O'Connell (Mrs. M. J.), Charles Bianconi, a Biography [1786-1875] 51 iO 8 'Conner (W. D ), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. 'Connor (Feargus E., Irish Chartist, b. 1796, d. 1855). See Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Fraser, v. 37, 647J, &c. O'Connor (T. P., President of the Irish National League of Great Britain, Editor of the "Star," London, b. 1848), M.A., M.P., The Parnell Movement, a History of the Irish Question from the Death of O'Connell to the Suicide of Piggott. 1S89 326R Lord Beaconsfield, a Biography. 1S76.... 1485O Gladstone's House of Commons. 1885 14S6O October. See Howitt's Seasons, 572Q. Leisure Hour [Antiquarian Gossip on], v. 2 5> 2 635j. Fraser [Thoughts], v. 80, 690J, &c. Octopus. See Buckley's Life, &c, 106R. Harper [and Sea-Serpent], v. 21, 1601J. Leisure Hour [of the Pacific], v. 21, 2631J, &c. Odd Notions and old Ones. See All the Year Round, v. 13, 1773J, &c. Odd People, or Singular Races of Men, by Reid, illustrated. 1863... 601Z See also Chambers, v. 56, 1956J, &c. Ode of Life ; and Gwen, a Drama in Monologue [Morris's Poetical Works, vol. 3] 308Q Odes. See Blackwood [Talk about], v. 129, 199J. Poetry, &c. Odillon (Barrot, French Statesman, b. 1791, d. 1873), Memoirs of. See Poole's Index, R.L. Odin (Mythological Hero, or Deity of the A r orse>nen). See Keary's Primitive Belief, 101K. Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1008M, &c. Odo (St., Archbishop of Canterbury, b. 875, d. 961). See Freeman's Norman Con- quest, 202-5H, &c. Odometer, or Divining Ring. See Mayo's Popular Superstitions, 901M. O'Donovan (E.), The Merv Oasis, Travels and Adventures East of the Caspian, 2 vols. 1882 494-5K O'Donovan (\V. R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Odyssey of Homer, translated by Worsley, 2 vols 1138-9II& 800-lM See also Macmillan, v. 36, 966J. Homer, &c. Offenbach. (Jacques). See Once a Week [Music of], v. 18, 2278 J, &c. Office, Phonography in the, a Complete Shorthand Clerk's Guide, by Kingston [Pitman series]. 1888 1895J Officers, Indian, by Kaye, 2 vols. 1889 1453-46 See also Army, Navy, Soldiers, Sailors, Biography, &c. Official England. See Escott's England and its People, 1018F. Officialism. See All the Year Round [Official Midges], v. 19, 1779J. Chambers' Journal [Official Mind], v. 39, 1946J. Once a Week [in Government], v. 6, 2266J, &c. O'Flanaghan (J. R.), The Irish Bar, Anecdotes, Bon-mots and Bio- graphical Sketches. 1879 I163R Ogilby (W.), The Elephant, principally viewed in Relation to Man 717Z Ogilvie (J., Scotch Minister and Poet, b. 1733, d. 1814). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Ogilvy (W. T.), Young Collector's Handbook of Postage Stamps ... 1844Z 18 [545] OGL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. OLD Oglethorpe (J. E., General tmder Marlborough, b. 1696, d. 1785), Memoir of, by Wright. 1867 876O See also Japp's Missionaries [and Georgia], 770O. All the Year Round, v. 18, 1778J. Temple Bar, v. 54, 1384J, &c. O'Gorman (Major). See Lucy's Parliaments, 316-7H, &c. Ogres. See All Year Round, v. 58, 1818J, &c. O'Hanlon (Alice). See Fiction Class Class List following the General Catalogue. O'Hara (E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Ohio. See Harper [Earliest Settlement in], v. 71, 1651J ; v. 77,1657]. Nadaillac's Pre-Historic America, 897F. Nature [Inscriptions in], v. 5, 2665J ; [Geological .Survey of], v. 6, and v. 15, 2666 and 2675J, &c. Ohnet (G.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Oil. See Cassell's Magazine [as a Substitute for Coal], v. 6, 2346 J. Chambers [Mineral, Trade in], v. 60, io6oj. English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 72, 1652J ; [Production of], v. 72, 1652J. Macmillan [and Gas Wells of Pennsylvania], v. 51, 981J. Mar- vin's Petroleum Region [Oil Wells], 805K. Nature [Effect of, on Waves], v. 35, 2695J. Simmond's Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, SiF. Ure's Dictionary [Volatile, Etherous, or Essential], 8-9D ; Oil ill], 9D. Chambers [Effect of, in Stilling Waves], v. 55 and y. 58, 1955 and 1958J. Living Age [Kerosene, a Good Time for Whales], v. 66, 3096 J. Chambers [Revival of Anointing with], v. 19, 1936J. Mac- millan [Making, in Tuscany], v. 33, 963J. Art Journal [Wells of America], v. 16, R.L. Cornhill [What are Oil-Weils], v. 5, 285J, &c. Oil Painting. See Ellis' Sketching from Nature [Oil Colours], 1067M. Girl's Own Annual, v. 3, 2553J. Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 107.6M. Art, &c. Ointments. See South's Household Surgery, 1857Z, &c. 0'Keefe(J., Irish Dramatist, b. 1747, d. 1833). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Okey (A. F.), Building a Home. 1882 942M Old Age. See Argosy [Art of Growing Old], v. 3, 3J. Cornhill, v. 48, 328J. Fraser [Concerning growing Old] v. 6i,67iJ. Living Age, v. 28, 3058J; [Advantages of, over Youth], v. 152, 3182J. Stark's Life's Stages, 1252M. Old Clothes. See Wynter's Human Hive, 244R, &c. Old Comrades, or Life in the British Army, by Malan. 1879 146T Old Court Suburb, or Memorials of Kensington, by Hunt 1341R Old Customs. See Blight's Land's End, 820Q. Timbs' Works, 851-6Z. Cus- toms, &c. Old English Chronicles [Bohn's Library], v.D. : Florence of Worcester, Chronicle of, trans, by Forester 104O Henry of Huntingdon, Chronicle of, trans, by Forester 102O Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland, trans, by Riley 105O Matthew of Westminster's Flowers of History, trans, by Yonge 100-1O Matthew Paris' English History, trans, by Giles 94-9O Ordericus Vitalis' Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy, trans. by Forester 113-6O Roger De Hoveden's History of England, &c, trans, by Riley 90-91O Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History, trans, by Giles 92-3O Six Old English Chronicles, ed. by Giles 117O William of Malmesbury's Chronicle of the Kings of England, ed. by Giles. . 103O Old English Homes, Glimpses of. See English Illustrated Magazine, v. 5, I995J- Old Faiths in New Lights, by Smyth 468M Old Horse Gray, and the Parish of Grumbleton, a poem, by Hopper. 705M Old Humphrey. See Parley (Peter). Old Maids. See Blackwood, v. 122, 192J. Chambers [From Principle], v. 8, 1928J ; [What she should be], v. 48, 1950J. Quiver, v. 14, 3284J. Good Words, v. 3. 2 J 73J> &c. Old Man's Thoughts about Many Things. 1872 179T Final Cause. Schools. Riches. Statues. Style. Books. Power. Educa- tion. Taxation. Judgment of Paris, &c. [546] OLD ENGLISH SECTION. 0L1 Old Masters and their Pictures, by Ty tier. 1 880 1 1 22R Old Red Sandstone, by Hugh Miller. 1875 802R Old Regime [France, Time of Louis XV.], by Lady Jackson. 1883... 9 8 3'4 R Old Roads and New Roads. 1852 617Z [Travelling. Stage Coaches. Tolls and Turnpikes, &c] Old Sights with New Eyes, by a Yankee. 1854 1754R Old Testament and New Testament Concordance, by Cruden I & 2A — Exposition, by Matthew Henry, 3 vols. 1843 90-2A Sunday School Teachers' Manual, by Gray. 1867 332M See vSunday Magazine [How to Study the], v. 5, 2455J. and New Testament. See Bible, Commentaries, Scripture, &c. Old Welsh Legends and Poetry. See Peasant Properties, 2004R, &c. Oldcastle (Sir J., Soldier and Reformer, b. 1360, burnt 1418). See Dixon's H.M. Tower, 321H. Pike's Crime in England, 307H, &c. Oldenberg (H), Traits. [Midler's Sacred Books of the East, vol. 13]. 571 A Oldfleld (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Olfactory Channels. See Bastian's Brain, 387R. Noses, &c. Olin (J. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Oliphant (L., Barrister and Traveller, b. 1831), Episodes in a Life of Adventure, or Moss from a Rolling Stone. 1887 1709R Haifa, or Life in Modern Palestine. 1837 1717R Journey to Katmandu (the Capital of Nepaul), with the Camp of Jung Bahadoor. 1852 782 and 872Q Land of Gilead, with Excursions in the Lebanon, illus. 1880.... 793 K : Khemi, Up and Down the Middle Nile, ill. 1882. 200J and 1562R Narrative of the Earl of Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, [1857-9], illustrated, 2 vols. 1859 516-7K See also Time, v. 20, 1510J. Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue, &c. Oliphant (Mrs., Scotch Novelist and Biographer, b. 18 18), Dress [Art at Home Series], illustrated. 1878 970M Historical Sketches of the Reign of George II. 1870 250O See also Blackwood's Magazine, 173J. Literary History of England, 3 vols. 1882 1044-6R Memoir of Count De Montalembert, 2 vols. 1872 1014-5Q — the Life of John Tulloch, D.D. 1888 500F Sheridan [Morley's English Men of Letters]. 1 883 1 090R The Makers of Florence [Dante. Giotto. Savonarola.] 1S81 3590 Ed. Foreign Classics for English Readers, V. D. : Pascal, by Tulloch 1179O Petrarch, by Reeve 1 180O Rabelais, by Besant u8tO Rousseau, by Graham 1182O Schiller, by Sime 1189O Sevigne (Madame de), by Thack- eray 11 87O St. Simon, by Collins 1183O Tasso, by Hasell 1184O Voltaire, by Hamley 1190O Calderon, by Hasell 1174O Cervantes, by Oliphant 1185O Corneille and Racine, by Trol- lope 1186O Dante, by Oliphant 1175O Goethe, by Hayward 1188O La Fontaine, and other French Fabulists, by Collins 1176O Moliere, by Oliphant and Tarver 1177O Montaigne, by Collins 1 178O See also Atlantic, v. 55, 1545J. Blackwood, v. 113, 183J. Living Age [Works ofj, v. 101, 3131J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Oliphant (W.), The Decision, or Religion must be all or is nothing. 180T Olive, The See Leisure Hour, v. 29, 2639J. Sunday at Home [and its Oil], v. 6, 2856J. All the Year Round, v. 9, 1769J. Once a Week [Culture of], v. 7, 2267J, &c. [547] OLI C-UILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ON& Olive Leaf, The, by Macmillan. 1886 558M Oliver Cromwell. See Cromwell (Oliver). Oliver (G. J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Olivers (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640J.1. OHivier(E., French Liberal Politician, b. 1825). See King's French Leaders, 659O, &e. Olmsted (F. L., American Engineer, b. 1822), Journey through Texas, or a Winter of Saddle and Camp Life. 1857 73°^ to the Seaboard Slave States. 1856 729K Olshausen (Herman), Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews.. 129A — Gospels, 4 vols. 1847 122-5 A St. Paul's Epistles to the Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians and Thessalonians. 1864 128A Philippians, to Titus and the first to Timothy. 1866 130A New Testament (Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans). 1871 126A upon St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians. 1869 127A Olympia. See Poole's Index, R.L. Olympian Games. See Mitford's Greece, 101H. Macmillan, v. 32, 962J, &c. Olympus, Mount. See Fraser [Ramble at the foot of], v. 36, 646J, &c. Oman (C. W. C), B.A., The Art of War in the Middle Ages, [a.d. 378-1515]. 1885 1110M Oman (J. Campbell), Indian Life, Religious and Social. 1889 I74'R Omar [Mussulman Caliph, b. 5S1, d. 644). See Mahomet's Successors, 1007Q. 0'Meara(B., Irish Naval Surgeon, b. 1778, d. 1836), Napoleon in Exile, or a Voice from St. Helena, 2 vols. 1827 865-6O Omens. See Brand's Antiquities, 1007M. Timbs' Works, 856Z. All the Year Round [Fatal], v. 31, 1791J. Blackwood [Dreams, Appearances, &c], v. 58, 128J, &c. Omnibuses. See Cassell's Magazine, v. 1, 234TJ. Leisure Hour, v. 19, 2629J ; [as a School of Manners], v. 35, 2645J. Wynter's Human Hive [Omnibus System], 243R. All the Year Round [in and on an], v. 12, 1772J. Chambers, v. 3 and 33, 1923 and 194 \[ ; [in a City] v. 44, 1948J, &c. Omnipotence. See Fraser [from the Sanskrit], v. 47, 657 J. Creator, God. &c. Omoo : A Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas by Melville [Sequal to " Marquesas Islands "]. 1847 , 775Q On a Surf-Bound Coast, or Cable Laying in the African Tropics, by Crouch. 1887.. 1715R Honour's Roll, Tales of Heroism, Nineteenth Century, by Valen- tine 1 204 R ■ the Track of the Pilgrim Fathers, by Ritchie. 1876 451M Once a Week : An Illustrated Miscellany, from vol 1. 1859 2261J The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found entered under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the General Body of the Catalogue, with the shelf number specified. The general contents up to the year 1874 will be found in Poole s Index [Reference Library] under such subjects as this Magazine deals with. O'Neil(Miss). See Lennox's Celebrities, 1014H. Temple Bar [the Tragic Actress], v. 54, 1384J, &c. O'Neil (Shan, Irish Chief,fl. 1559, assassinated 1567). See Froude's England, 198O. Ireland, &c. Onesimus. See Howson's Companions of St. Paul, 350M. Robinson's Scrip- ture Characters, 152 K, &c. OnestuS. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Onomacritus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Onslow (P.), M.A., and Smith (I. G.), M. A., Worcester [Diocesan Histories, S.P.C.K.]. 1883 1842Z [548] ONT ENGLISH SECTION, ORA Ontario. See Lome's Canadian Pictures, 331B. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Canada, &c. Ontology. See Doherty's Organic Philosophy, 567H. Metaphysics, &c. Onyx. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. King's Decorative Stones, 1159M. Blackwood, v. 44 and 45, R.L. Chambers [and the Cameo], v. si, 1937J, &c. Opal. See Emanuel's Precious Stone?, 1163M. King's Decorative Stones, 1159M. Argosy, v. 12, 12J. Household Words [Ring], v. 14, 1754L &c. Opera. See Mathew's History of Music, 943D. Naumann's Music, 928-9D. All the Year Round [at Rome], v. 4, 1764J ; [German, and its Makers], v - x 3> 1773J ! [Modern], v. 22, 1782J. Chambers [Italian], v. n and 17, 1931 and 1935J. Contemporary, v. 26, 2036J. Macmillan [Chances of English], v. 40, 370J. Temple Bar [in Paris, in the 18th Century], v. 52, 1382J. Fortnightly [Italian, Collapse of] v. 43, 2133J. Once a Week [Books of], v^ 8, 2268J. Stage, &c. Ophelia. See Shakespeare's Female Characters, 419D. Opie (Amelia, Poet, &°c. s wife of J. Opie, b. 1769, d. 1853), Poems by. 1S11 635T See also Miss Thackeray's Book of Sibyls, 502F. Edinburgh Review [Tales], v. 8, 368J. Edinburgh Review [Memorials of], v. 150, 510J ; [Poems], v. 1, 361J, &c. Opie (J., Historical Painter, b. 1761, d. 1807), and His Works, being a Catalogue of 760 Pictures, and a Biographical Sketch by Rogers. 1878 597F Opinion. Sec Bryce's American Commonwealth [Public], 517-9H. Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R. Chambers [Maxims on], v. 45, 1949J. Nineteenth Century [Authority in Matters of], v. 1, 2211J ; [Formation of] v. 1, 221 ij, &c. Opium Eater, Confessions of an, &c., by De Quincey 646 and 662R See also Church's Food, 1039M. Colquhoun's South China, 541-2K. Contemporary [and Sir R. Alcock], v. 41, 2C51J. Cumming's China, 790K. Eden's China, 813Q. Knowledge [Use of], v. 2, 2582 J. Mar- tineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Nineteenth Century [and England's Duty], v. 11, 2221T ; [Controversy on], v. 11, 2221J. Simmond's Pro- ducts of the Vegetable Kingdom, 77 iF. Temple's India, 486K. Good Words [London Opium Dens], v. 26, 2196J. Leisure Hour [Factory at Patna], v. 2, 2612J. McCarthy's History [War in China], 193H. Blackwood [and Coleridge], v. 57, 127J. Household Words, v. 16, 1756J. Living Age [Psychology of], v. 41, 3071J. Scribner [and the Opium Habit], v. 20, 1870J. Fortnight, v. 16, 2106J. Fraser [Question and Suspended trade with China], v. 21, 631J. Penny Magazine [Use of], v. 3, 141B ; [and Poppy Oil], v. 13, 151B, &c. Opossum, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 667Q, &c. Oppert (E.), A Forbidden Land, Voyages to the Corea. 1880 584K Optic Lobes. See Bastian's Brain, 387R. Eye, Optics, &c. Optical Illusions. See Leisure Hour, v. 27, 2637J. Brewster's Natural Magic, 1477Z. Scott's Demonology and Witchcraft, I479Z, Recreations. See Knowledge, v. 5, 6, 7, and 8,2585, 2586, 2587 and 2580J, &c. Toy Sports. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 4, 2954J ; v. 5, 2955J, &c. OptiC3, Treatise on, by Brewster. 1837 7i7Q Griffin. 1838 735D withput Mathematics, by Webb [S.P.C.K.] 716Q See also Brown's Science for All, 626 9B. Clifford's Seeing, &c, 157R. English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Joyce's Dialogues, 695Q. Lardner's Natural Philosophy, 468R. Lockyer's Spectroscope, 153R. Lommel's Nature of Light, 454R. Tyndall's Light, 5C8R. Whewell's Inductive Sciences, 768D. Edinburgh Review [Wood"s], v. 1, 361J ; [Young's], v. 5, 365J ; v - 6, 366J. Light, Sight, Eye, &c. Optimism. ^^Contemporary [and Pessimism], v. 18, 2028J. Fortnightly [The Scientific Bases of], v. 51, 2141J, &c. Oracle. See Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Salvertes' Magic, 598-9H, &c. Oracle, The, A Weekly Journal of Response, Research and Refer- ence, consisting of Answers to Correspondence on all Topics, Free of Charge, vols 8 and 9. 1883-4 235-8D [549] ORA GUILLE-ALLES LlBRAkV. ! R3 Orang-Outang, The. See Penny Magazine, v. 2 and 4, 140 and 142B. Orange, The. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Leisure Hour, v. 28, 2638J. Chambers, v. 41, 1947J. Penny Magazine [Orange Tree], v. 4, 142B. Fruit, &c. Orange, House of. See Harper, v. 70, 1650J. May's Democracy, 39H. Black- wood, v. 31, R.L. Orange (Princes of). See Motley's Netherlands and Dutch Republic, 350-6O. Chambers, v. 42, 1947J. Ireland, &c. Orange Society. See Frost's Secret Societies, 32H, &c. Orangemen. See Froude's Ireland, 206O. Fraser [Institution], v, 83, 693J, &c. Oranges and Aligators, Sketches of South Florida Life, by Hardy... 1720R Oratorio. See Matthew's History of Music, 943D. Naumann's Music, 928-9D. ORATORY, American, edited by Johnston, 3 vols. 1885 1560-2Z British, edited by Adams. ■ 1885 1563-5Z Dialogues concerning [Tacitus] , 1122Q Great Orators, byNicoll. 1880 992Q Orations of Demosthenes on the Crown and the Embassy, trans- lated by Kenedy. 1887 799M Representative British Orations, with Introductions by Adams. Printed in an easy reporting style of ^Phonography, with key [Pitman series], 2 vols 1899-1900Z See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21-8F. Duncan's Cicero, 885H. Emerson (R. W.), 929-0R. Enfield's Speaker, 933R. Hood's Preachers, 541M. May's Democracy, 38-9H. Fraser [Sir R. Peel], v. 31, 641J ; [Lord Stanley and Duke of Wellington], v. 32, 642J ; [Lord Palmerston], v - 33> 643J ; [of the Shop], v. 36, 646J ; v. 40, 650J. Cornhill, v. 2, 282J. Quarterly [American Orators and Statesmen], v. 67, 1197J. Elegant Extracts, 535 and 538-9D. Addresses, Eloquence, Speeches, &c. Orbs Around Us, the Moon, Sun, &c, by Proctor. 1875 439R Orchard and Fruit Garden, by Mcintosh, coloured illustrations. 1839 637Q . See All the Year Round [Houses], v. 3, 1763J. Gardening, Horticulture, &c. Orchestra. See Naumann's Music, 928-9D, &c. Orchid-G-rowers' Manual, by Williams. 1862 72R Orchids, British, by Webster, illustrated 199R See also Chambers, v. 60, 1960J. Good Words [a Gossip about], v. 25, 2195J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 73, 1653J. Nature [Australian], v. 30, 2690J. Science Gossip [and How to Grow them], v. 1, 241 1 J. Once a Week [or Fir Plants], v. 2, 2262J. Cassell's Family Magazine^ [and How to Grow them], v. 15, X365J. Botany, Flowers, Gardens, Horticulture, &c. Ordeal. See Chambers [in Asia and Africa], v. 45, 1949J. Cornhill [of Battle], v. 22, 302 J. OrderiCUS Vitalis {French Chronicler, h. 1075, d. 1141), Ecclesias- tical History of England and Normandy to a.d. 1141, trans- lated by Forester [Bohn's Library], 4 vols. 1853-6 I13-6O Orders of Knighthood. See Woodhouse's Religious Orders, 273O. Nature [Orders of Chivalry], v. 8, 2668J, &c. Ordination. See Contemporary [Natural], v. 22, 2032J, &c. Ordnance. See Nature [Construction of], v. 30, 2690J. All the Year Round [British], v. 38, 1798J. Chambers [and Large Guns], v. 3r, 1942"} ; [Experiments with, at Shoeburyness], v. 43, 1948J. Macmillan [Our Heavy Guns], v. 18, 948J. Quarterly [Projectiles and Powder], v. 103, 12 33J; [Guns and Armour], v. 115, 1245J. Temple Bar [Heavy, and Iron War Ships], v. 5, 1335J. Guns, Cannon, &c. Oregon Territory, byNicolay. 1846 669Z See also Fr£monts Exploring Expedition, 71 iK. Harper [in the Wahla- met Valley], v. 65, 1645J. All the Year Round [out in], v. 7, T767J. Edinburgh Review [Question], v. 82, 442J. Fraser, v. 27, 637 J. Harper [Wild Life in], v. 13, 1593 T- Living Age, v. 10, 3040J, &c. O'Reilly (H.), Fifty Years on the Trail, a true Story of Western Life, illustrated. 1889 1749R O'Reilly (Miles [Charles Grahame Halpine], Irish- American Writer, l>. 1846), Poetical Works, edited by Roosevelt. 1869 ; ... 700M [550] O'RE ENGLISH SECTION. ORM O'Rell (Max [Paul Blcuel], Caricaturist), Friend MacDonald. 1887 1253R John Bull and his Island 1251R. John Bull's Womankind 1252R Jonathan and his Continent.... I2 55R The Dear Neighbours [England and France] 1254R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Ores or Minerals yielding Useful Metals. See Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. Ure's Dictionary, 9D, &c. Orford (Sir Robert Walpole, First Earl of). See Walpole (Sir Robert). Organ. See Deschanel's Natural Philosophy [Organ pipes], 827D. English Me- chanic, v. 46 and 47, 1046 and 1047D. Girl's Own Book [The Amateur Organist], 1257H. Matthew's History of Music, 943D. National Miscellany [Some Chit-Chat about the], 1035H. Naumann's Music, 928-9D. Sunday at Home [Organists and Organ Playing], v. 28, 2878 J. All the Year Round [Church], v. 25, 1785 J. Fraser, v. 53, 663 J, &c. Organ Songs, Poems, by Macdonald 1872Z Organic Nature. See Ore's Circle of the Sciences, 735-7F. Organic Philosophy, or Man's True Place in Nature, by Doherty... 565-oH Organisation. See Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R, &c. Organisation of the Early Christian Churches, Eight Lectures, by Hatch. 1882 705A Organs of Speech, by Von Meyer 39 oR Oriel College and the Oxford Movement, by Moxley, 2 vols. 1882. 1039-0R Oriental Customs, illustrating the Scriptures, by Burder. 1841 ... 21Q Numbers. See Sunday at Home, v. 13, 2863J. Records, Confirmatory of the Holy Scriptures, by Rule, 1877 ... 556-7M Monumental, 556M. Historical, 557M. Religions, by Caird. 1882 477A Orientalism. See Chambers [Oriental Conception of Enjoyment], v. 11, 1931J. Macmillan [and Early Christianity in European Industry], v. 21, 951J. Origen, Lifeof [R.T.S.]. 1840 268Z See also Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670F. Froude's Short Studies [and Celsus], 532H. Sunday at Home, v. 15, 2865J. Fraser [Three Letters on, against Celsus] v. 97, 707J. Contemporary [and Beginnings of Christian Philosophy], v. 35, 2045J, &c. Origin and Age of Man, geologically considered, by Pattison, [Present Day Tracts, vol. 3] 236T of Evil and Original Sin [Wardlaw's Theology, vol. 2] 257 A other Sermons, by Momerie. 1885 412M Nations, by Rawlinson. 1878 365O Species, by Darwin. 1882 22R Study of Origins, or Problems of Knowledge, of Being and of Duty, by Pressense, translated by Holmden. 1883 644H Original Sin, by Payne. 1854 119M Originality. See Fraser [of Mind], v. 15, 625 J. Orinoco, The. See Humboldt's Nature, 29R. Stanford's Compendium, 851K, &c. Oriole, The/ See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 655Q. Birds, &c. Orkneys, Summers and Winters in the, by Gorrie. 1868 1362R See also Argosy [and Shetland Islands], v. 25, 25J. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-7M. Poole's Index, R.L. Saturday Review [and Shetland], v. 56, R.L. Good Words [and the Orcadians], v. 6, 2176J. Harper [and Shetland Islands], v. 55, 1635J. Nature [Glacial Geology of], v. 16, 2676J. Quarterly [Rude Stone Monuments in], v. 142, 1272!, &c. Orland.0 Furioso, by Ariosto, translated by Hoole, 5 vols. 1799 ...489-93D Orleans. See Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Art Journal [City of], v. 34, R.L. Living Age [House of], v. 22, 3052 J, &c. Orleans (C, Duke of, d. 1465). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Orleans (Philippe of). See Alison's Europe, 119-42O. History of Pottery and Porcelain, 936D. Greville Memoirs, &c. Ormer, The. .SV^ Excelsior [The Ormer ofthe Channel Isles], v. 3, T928R. Science Gossip [The Ormer Shell and its Inhabitant], &c, v. 9, 2414J, &c. [551] ORN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. OSG Ornament and Dress, Art in, by Blanc, illustrated. 1877 864D See also Art Journal [Renaissance], v. 34, R.L. Cameron's Africa, 602-3K. Nature [Evolution of forms of], v. 30, 2690J. Nadaillac's Pre-his- toric America, 897F. Young Lady's Book [Ornamental Work], 983M. Ornamental Art. See Art Journal [Museum of, at Marlborough House], v. 7, R.L. ; [Savage], v. 23, R.L. Fortnightly Review [in England], v. 14, 2104J, &c. Ornamental, Manuscript and Missal Alphabets 924D ORNITHOLOGY, a History of British Birds, by Morris, colored plates 2101-8R American, by Wilson and Bonaparte [Constable's Miscellany], edited by Jameson, 4 vols. 1831 707- 10Z Birds of Guernsey, by Smith, 1879 195R [Jardine's Naturalists' Library, vols. 1-14]. 1884 644-57Q Ornithological Biography of America, by Audubon. 1831 210D See also Atkinson's Eggs and Nests, 616Q. Book of Nature, 390-1B. Birds in the East India Museum, 709-10F. Brown's Science for All, 626-9B. Cooke's Woodlands, 622Q. English Illustrated Magazine [at South Kensington], v. 5, 1995J. Excelsior, 1926-31R. Jardine's Humming Birds, 617Q. Jenning's Birds' Eggs, 613 and 614Q. John's British Birds, 777F. Journal of a Naturalist, 787F. Koldewey's Arctic Ex- pedition, 605B. Seasons of the Year, 569Q. Stanley (E.), Birds, 615Q. Stanley (H. M.), Dark Continent, 1563R. Watson's Sylvan Folk, 2112R. Young Lady's Book, 983M. Blackwood [Selby's], v. 20, R.L. ; [of North America, Audubon's], v. 30 and 37, R.L. Nature [Popular], v. 3, 2663J ; [of New Zealand], v. 6, 2666J. Birds, Natural History, Names of Birds, e.g., Thrushes, Blackbirds, Canaries, &c. Ornsby (G.), M.A., York [Diocesan- Histories, S.P.C.K.] 1843Z Orphans and Orphanages. See Quiver [George Midler and his Orphanages], v. 25, 3295J ; [Orphan Homes of Scotland], v. 26, 3296J. Sunday at Home, v. 7, 2857J. All the Year Round [Orphan Schools], v. 31, 1791J. Good Words [English, in Paris], v. 19, 2180J, &c. Orpheus and Eurydice. See Cornhill, v. 38, 318J. Orrinsmith (Mrs.), The Drawing Room, its Decorations and Furni- ture [Art at Home Series], illustrated. 1878 968M Orr's Circle of the Sciences. 1854 : Organic Nature. Vol. 1. — Structure of the Skeleton and of the Teeth, and the Varieties of the Human Race 735F Vol. 2. — Botany and Invertebrated Animals 736F Vol. 3. — Vertebrated Animals 737F Orsi (Count, Italian Scholar^ b. 1652, d. 1 733), Recollections of the Last Half-Century [Louis Napoleon and Napoleon Louis].... 878O Orthodox London, or Phases of Religious Life in the Church of England, by Davies. 1876 282M Orthodoxy. See Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Good Words [St. Paul's Standards of], v. 14, 2184J. Religion, &c. Orton {]., Dissenting Minister, b. 1717, d. 1783), M.A., The Andes and the Amazon, or across the Continent of South America.. 763K Orton (J. R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Osborn (G.), D.D., Ed. The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley, 13 vols. 1868-72 754-66M Oshom (Sherard, Admiral, b. 1822, d. 1875), R.N., Quedah, or Stray Stories from a Journal in Malayan Waters, illus. 1857 1523R Osborne (Dorothy). See English Illustrated [and her Letters], v. 3, 1993J, &c. Osborne (Sir Peter, Governor of Guernsey, reign of Charles J.). See T upper's Castle Cornet, 1500O. Guernsey, &c. Osborne (Thomas, Earl of Danby, Statesman, b. 1631, d. 1712). See Stoughton's Religion in England, 94-5M, &c. Osgood (K. P. and S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. [552] O'SH ENGLISH SECTION. OUR O'Shauglinessy (R.), M.P., Local Government and Taxation in Ireland, edited by Probyn. 1882 3°3 R Osier (W. R.), Tintoretto [Great Artists]. 1879 1110O Osman Pacha. See Turko-Russian War, 450B, &c. Ossian {son of Fingal, Third Century), Poems of, translated by Macpherson 477D and 498Z See also Blackwood [Have you Read Ossian?], v. 46, R.L. Macmillan, v. 24, 954J, &c. Ossington (John Evelyn Denison, Lord, Speaker of the House of Commons, 1857, b. 1800, d. 1873). See Frith's Reminiscences, 615F, &c. Ossoli (Margaret Fuller). See Chambers, v. 17, 1935J. Household Words, v. 5, 1745J. Ostrich. See All the Year Round Magazine [Farming], v. 42, 1822J. Century [Farming], v. 3, 1875J. English Illustrated [Farming in the Cape Colony], v. 3, 1993J. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Longman's Magazine [Feathers], v. 12, 902 j. Nature [Incubation of], v. 27, 2687J. Stanford's Compendium [Farming], 849R. Science Gossip, v. 4, 2412J. All the Year Round [after an], v. 3, 1763J. Chambers [Domestication of], v. 46, 1949J. Living Age [Anecdotes of], v. 34, 3064J. Once a Week, v. 17, 2277J, &c. Oswald (F. L.), M.D., Physical Education, or the Health Laws of Nature. 18S2 994^ OtagO. See Leisure Hour [and its Gold Fields], v. 11, 2621J, &c. Other World, The. See Keary's Primitive Beliefs, 101K. Worlds than Ours, by Proctor, illustrated. 1878 440R Othmail (Sultans). See Mahomet's Successors, 1007Q, &c. Otho ( Emperor, &*c.). See Palgrave's Normandy, 181H. Plutarch's Lives, 450F and 1136Q, &c. Otis (F. N.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Ottawa River. See Harper [Trip on the], v. 71, 1651J. Otter. See Harper [Hunting in the Hebrides], v. 71, 1651J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660Q. Napier's Lakes and Rivers, 623Q. Saturday Review [Hunting on Dartmoor], v. 58, R.L. Science Gossip, v. 5, 2412J. The Penny Magazine [Habits of], v. 3, 141 B ; v. 8, 146B. Time [Otter- Hunting], v. 3, 1493J, &c. Otterburn, Battle of. See Living Age, v. 164, 3194J, &c. Ottley (H.), Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Recent and Living Painters and Engravers. 1866 ! 670B Otto (M.). See Ashton's Nineteenth Century, 861 H. Ottoman Empire in Europe, by Freeman. 1877 360O The Sultans, &c. [R.T.S.] 633Z Ottomans. See Living Age [Turks and Mohammedanism], v. 153, 3183J. O'Donovan's Merv, &c, 494-5K. Blackwood [Ottoman Empire], v. 89, 159J' Turkey, &c. Otway (Thomas, Dramatist and Actor, b. 1651, d. 1685). See New English Theatre, &c. Oude. See Holmes' Indian Mutiny, 470H. Blackwood, v. 83, 153J. Edinburgh Review [Conquest of, and Kingdom of], v. 107, 467J. India, &c. Oud.in.ot (C. N.). See Alison's Europe, 124-37O. " Ouida" [Louise De La Ramd]. See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Frith's Reminiscences, 616 F a. Contemporary [and her Novels], v. 22, 2032 T ; [Her Knowledge of Italian Life], v. 40, 2050J, &c. Our American Cousins, by Adams. 1887 1704R Our Bishops and Clergy, edited by Bullock [with portraits] 12910 Our Bishops and Deans, by Arnold, 2 vols. 1875 ••••• 879-0O Our Brothers and Sons, by Mrs. Reaney. 1882 973^1 Our Charlie, and what to do with him, by Stowe. 1869 I 543Z Our Children, How to Rear and Train them 1452Z Our Coffee Room, by Cotton. 1878 526T Our Coffee Room, More about, by Cotton. 1878 527T Our Daughters, their Lives here and hereafter, by Mrs. Reaney. 1880 450M Our English Shores, Watering Places of England, by Miller, ill. 1888 1723R [553] OUR GUIDLE-ALLES LIBRARY. OVI Our Farm of Four Acres, and the Money we Made by it. 1865 1100M Our Father in Heaven, The Lord's Frayer Explained and Illustrated for the Young, by Wilson. 1869 165Q Our Hundred Days in Europe, by Holmes [Atlantic Monthly] I549J Our Kin Across the Sea, by Firth. 1888 1735^ Our Kitchen Garden, the Plants We Grow, and How we Cook Them, byjerrold. 1881 343T Our Lifeboats. See Every Boy's Annual [1867], 1302H, &c. Our Lord, Journeys of. See Sunday at Home, v. 31, 2881J, &c. Our Lord's Prayer, Thoughts Suggested by, by Spring 470M Our Lord's Resurrection, The Forty Days After, by Hanna. 1863 ... 161M Our Old Country Towns, by Rimmer, illustrated 1349R Our Place Among Infinities, by Proctor 444R Our Seamarks, a Plain Account of the Lighthouses, Beacons, &c, on our Coasts, by Edwards, illustrated. 1884 1157M Our Sketching Tour, by Two of the Artists 189D Our Social Bees, Pictures of Town and Country Life i*59R Our Woodlands, Heaths and Hedges, by Coleman, colored illustra- tions. 1859 563Q Our Work, at Home and Abroad [Church Sunday School Union Magazine], from vol. 1, 1878 987II Our Workshop, Amateur Carpentry and Joinery, illustrated. 1866... 1499Z Ourselves, Sketched from the History of the Children of Israel, by North. 1868 6Q Ouseley (Sir F. A. G., Musical Composer, b. 1825), Ed., History of Music, by Naumann, illustrated, 2 vols 928- 9D Ouseley (Gideon). See Crookshank's Methodism in Ireland, 670-71A. Out-of-the-Way Pets. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 5, 2955J. Outbreak of the Great French Revolution, by Erckmann-Chatrian, translated by Mrs. Cashel-Hoey, 3 vols. 187 1 326-8O Outcasts' Havens. See All the Year Round Magazine, v. 42, 1822J, &c. Outdoor Relief. See Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Nineteenth Century, v. 13, 2223J. Guardians, Paupers, Poor, &c. Outdoor Sports and Pastimes. See Boy's Own Annual, from v. 1. 2951J. Sports, &c. Outfits and Outfitters. See Chambers' Edinburgh Journal, v. 20, 1936J, &c. Outram (Sir J., General during Indian Mutiny, b. 1803, d. 1863), C.B., The Conquest of Scinde, a Commentary. 1846 465II See also Holmes' Indian Mutiny, 470H. Japp's Labour and Victory, 951Q. Leisure Hour, v. 12, 2622J. Trotter's India, 538-9H. Blackwood [the Bayard of the East], v. 128, 198J. Good Words, v. 21, 2191J, &c. Outre-Mer, a Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea, by Longfellow. 1866... 797R Outward and Homeward Bound. See Chambers, v. 61, 1961J. Sailors, &c. Over Siberian Snows, Paris to Pekin, by Meignan. 1885 81 iK Overbury (Sir Thomas, Poet and Philosopher, b. 1581, poisoned 1613). See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 322H. All the Year Round, v. 31, 1791J. Fraser [Characters], v. 102, 712J, &c. Overflow Pipes. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Sanitation, Building, &c. Overland Passage. See Blackwood, v. 57, 127 J. Fraser [Reminiscences of Overland Trip], v. 40, 650J. Overton (J. H.), Evangelical Revival in the Eighteenth Century [Epochs of Church History]. 1886 430M and 257T Overwork. See All the Year Round [or Overworry], v. 28, 1788J. Macmillan, v. 41, 971J, &c. Ovid (Latin Poet, b. 43 B.C., d. 18 A.D.), by Church [Collin's An. Clas.] 1 165Q Fasti, Pontic Epistles, &c. 1851 1166II Heroides, Art of Love, &c, translated by Riley. 1852 1165H Metamorphoses, Epistles, translated by Dryden, Pope, &c. 302- 3Q [554] OVI ENGLISH SECTION. OXF Ovid, translated by Dryden, Pope, &c. [Fam. Clas. Lib.], 2vols. 1833 1147-8Q See also Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome. 474D. Temple Bar [an Apologia], v. 66, 1396J. Blackwood [Metamorphoses], v. 109, 179J, &c. Owen (C. and R. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Owen (Glendower, Welsh Chieftain, b. 1349, d. 1415)- See Howson's River Dee, 858K, &c. Owen (Mrs. IL), Illuminated Book of Needlework. 1847 884D Owen (J., Independent Theologian, b. 1616, ^.1683), D.D., Mortifi- cation of Sin in Believers [R.T.S]. 1842 55Z Nature, Power, &c, of Indwelling Sin in Believers, &c. [Select British Divines]. 1826 ~ 145^ Practical Exposition of Psalm CXXX. [Sel. Brit. Div.]. 1826 144M Temptation, The Nature and Power of It, &c. [Sel. Brit. Div.] 146M Works of, 16 vols. 1850-3 148-63A See also Stoughton's Religion in England, 93-5M. Sunday at Home, v. 6, 2856J. Living Age, v. 31, 3061J, Sec. Owen (O. F.), Trans., The Organon, or, Logical Treatises of Aris- totle, with Notes, &c. [Bohn's Library I, 2 vols. 1882-3 ...1 154- 5 II Owen (Mrs. O. F.), Heroines of Domestic Life, colored illus. i860 952Q Contents :— Ruth, Antigone, Panthea, Eponina, Gertrude Von Der Wart, Margaret Roper, Anne Askew, Jeanne D'Albret, Pocahontas, Lucy Hutchinson, Lady Rachel Russell, Grizel Cochrane, Winifred Coun- tess of Nithsdale, Helen Walker, Flora Macdonald, Louise Schepler, Emile De Lavalette, Elizabeth Fry, Prasca Loupouloff, Sarah Martin, Grace Darling, Florence Nightingale. Owen (P. C). See Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 27, 2637J, &c. Owen (Sir Richard, Naturalist, b. 1804), F.R.S. See Beke's Sinai in Arabia, 597B. Cassell's Family Magazine [and his work], v. 10, 2360J. Lewes' Sea Side Studies, 822F. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 32, 2642J. Re- plies to Essays and Reviews, 663A. Nature [With Portrait], v. 22, 2682 T. Once a Week [With Portrait], v. 27, 2287J, Sec. Owen (R. D., Social Philosopher, b. 1801, d. 1877), Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World. 1865 43*M Life, Times and Labours of 628F Threading my Way, Twenty-seven Years of Autobiography. 1874 1367O See also Leisure Hour [and English Socialism], v. 27, 2537J. Edinburgh Review [Plan for Relieving National Distress], v. 32, 392J. West- minster [Life of], v. 74, R.L. Owens College. See Macmillan [and Mr. Lowe], v. 35, 965J. Nature [Man- chester], v. 2, 2662 J, &c. Owenson (Miss). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Owl, The. See All Year Round Magazine, v. 43, 1823J. Chambers [and Owlets], v. 59, 1959J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 644Q and 654Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Jones' Bermuda, 823 F. Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q. Chambers, v. 15, 1934 J ; v. 42, 194 7J. Penny Magazine [White], v. 4, T42B. Time, v. 7, 1497J. Birds, &c. Ox, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 665 Q, &c. Oxalic Acid. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Oxenford (J., Dramatist and Critic, b. 1812, d. 1877), Trans., Au- tobiography of Goethe, 2 vols. 1881 674-5O Tr., Conversations of Goethe, with Eckermann and Soret. 1883 67 iO Oxford, Annals of, by JeafTreson, 2 vols. 1871 980-1H by Boase [Historic Towns]. 1887 1663R Marshall [Diocesan Histories]. 1882 1840Z ■ History of the University, by Brodrick [Epochs of Church His- tory]. 1886 260T Memories, a Retrospect after Fifty Years, by Pycroft, 2 vols. 1885 598-9F Methodists, by Tyerman. 1873 290A Movement and Oriel College, by Moxley, 2 vols. 1882 1039-0R -■ — University and Colleges, Students' Handbook. 1888 ., 312R [555] OXF GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PAC Oxford University, History of, by Lyte. 1886 557H See also Brand's Antiquities, T005-6M. Cassell's Family Magazine [The Bodleian Library at], v. 11, 2361J. Fortnightly [University in 1831-33], v. 40, 650J. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Green's English People, 189-92H. Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life [University], 1925R. Laurie's Mediaeval Education [and Cambridge Universities], 306R. Leisure Hour [the Isis at], v. 10, 2620J ; [in Vacation], v. 11, 2621J; [and its Colleges], v. 15, 2625J ; [University Revisited], v. 34, 2644J. McCulloch's British Empire [University], 71 2H. Macmillan [Profit and Loss at], v. 51, 981 J ; [on Classic Ground], v. 53, 983J. Quar- terly [University under the Puritans], v. 154, 1284J. Saturday Review [Merton College], v. 54, R.L Sunday at Home [A Sunday evening at], v. 2i, 2871J. Woodgate's Boating, 1266R. Fraser, v. 41 and 78, 651 and 688J. Penny Magazine, v. 3 and 4, 141 and 142B ; [Martyrs' Me- morial at], v. 10, 148B. Good Words [in the 17th Century], v. 13, 2183J, &c. " Oxford Graduate, An." See Ruskin (John). Oxfordshire, Flora of, by Walker. 1833 766F Oxlip, The. See Science Gossip, v. 3, 241 1 J. Oxonian in Iceland [i860], by Metcalfe. 1861 1482R Norway, [1854-5], by Metcalfe, 2 vols. 1856 1465R Thelemarken, Norway [1856-7], by Metcalfe, 2 vols. 1858...1467-8R Oxus River. See Lansdell's Asia, 830K ; Russian Central Asia, 829K, &c. Oxygen. See English Mechanic, v. 46 and 47, 1046-47D. Somerville's Micro- scopic Science, ncR. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Nature [Industrial Applications of], v. 13, 2673J ; [Density of Liquid], v. 17, 2677J. Knowledge land Disease Germs], v. 2, 2582J, &c. Oyly (Mrs. C. D'). See D'Oyly (Mrs. C). Oysters. See All the Year Round, v. 4 and 46, 1764 and 1806J ; [Grounds], v. 59, 1819J. Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Chambers [Ar- tificial Rearing], v. 60, 1960J ; [Whitstable], v. 62, 1962J. English Illustrated Magazine,, v. 1, 1991J. Leisure Hour, v. 20, 2630J. Nature [Industry in the United States], v. 27, 2687J ; [at the Fisheries Exhibition], v. 28, 2688J. Good Words [Oyster Culture], v. 5, 2175J. Once a Week [and Dredgers], v. 15, 2275J. Time [and Oyster Cul- ture], v. 18, 1508J ; [and Arcachon], v. 20, 1510J. Mollusca, &c. Ozanne (Capt. C. H., of Alderney). See Girl's Own Paper, Summer Number, [Learning to Swim], 1889, 2560J. Ozanne (J. W.) Three Years in Roumania. 1878 1486R Ozeda (Alonzo De). See Columbus and His Companions, 986Z. Ozone. See Estes' Recreations in Science, 497R. Nature [at Sea], v. 32, 2692J. Science Gossip [in the Atmosphere], v. 2, 241 1 J. Somerville's Micro- scopic Science, 110R. Ure's Dictionary, 9D. Once a Week, v. 12 and 27, 2272 and 2287J. Nature, v. 9, 2669J, &c. Jl ABODIE (W. J.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Pacific Islands. See Fortnightly [Trouble in], v. 37, 2127J. Nineteenth Century [European Diplomacy among, with Map], v. 20, 2230J. Edinburgh Review [Proceedings of the French in Pacific Islands], v. 79, 439J, &c Pacific Ocean, Discovery in, &c. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library], 1836 938Q 1 Four Years in the Pacific in H.M.S. Colling^vood, by Walpole, 1 850 795K Jottings from the, by Gill. 1885 1645R Western and New Guinea, by Romilly. 1886 1699R See also Edinburgh Review [Western Cruise in], v. 164, 524 J. Humboldt's Cosmos, 487R. Leisure Hour [South, Mysteries of], v. 31, 2641J. Seward's Travels, 601B. Sunday at Home, v, 27, 2877J ; [Forty Years in the], v. 23, 2873J. Nature [Charts of Pacific Ocean], v. p, 2669J, &c. Railroad. See Railroads. [556] PAO ENGLISH SECTION. PAI Packard (A. S.), Half Hours with Insects, illustrated. 1877..... 9^R Paddiana. See Quarterly Review [Scraps and Sketches of Irish Life], v. 8r, Paddington. See Leisure Hour [Curiosities of], v. 17, 2627J, &c. Paddy from Cork. See Chap Books, 1321H. Padilla. (P. De, Poet, d. 1600). See Longfellow's Poets of Europe, 473D. Padroil (R. Del). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Padua. See Bellow's Europe, 1399R. Italy, &c. Pagan Times in Scotland, by Anderson [Rhind Lectures]. 1883 ... 864F Paganini (N., Kalian Violinist, b. 1784, d. 1840). See All the Year Round, T 775j- Bull (Ole), 541O. Engel's Reminiscences, 1349O. Eraser [Cor- respondence of.], v. 105, 715J. Naumann's Music, 929D. Temple Bar, v. 77, 1407J. Argosy, v. 21, 21J, &c. Paganism, Rome under Paganism, 2 vols. 1843 317-18A See also Inman's Faiths, 96K. Kurtz's Church History, 706A. Pressens£'s Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M. Blackwood [Pagan Oracles], v. 51, R.L. Contemporary [and Christianity], v. 13, 2023J. Heathen, Idolatry, &c. Page (D.), F.G.S., Geology, in its Relation to the Arts and Manu- factures. 1874 681D Page (Harlan), Memoir of, by Hallock [Am. Tract Soc] 1689Z Page (H. A., [A. H. Japp]), Famous Men, illustrated. 1879 1329O John Coleridge Patteson, the Missionary Bishop. Charles Knight, the Pub- lisher. Robert Chambers, the Editor. Duncan Matheson, the Soldier's Friend. Henry Alford, the Commentator; Sir Henry Lawrence, the Soldier. James D. Forbes, the Philosopher. Leaders of Men, Biographies written for Youth. 1880 763O Prince Consort. R. Dick. Commodore Goodenough. George Moore. J. Duncan. S. Gregg. J. Wilson. A. Reed. Lord Lawrence. Literary Bye-Hours, a Look of Instructive Pastime. 1881 150T Thoreau, His Life and Aims, a Study. 1878 IO02O Vers de Societe and Parody. 1883 , 720M Page (H. A.). See Under Japp (A. H.). Pages and Pagedom. See Temple Bar [in the Past], v. 42, 1372J, S:c. Paget (C. E.), Healthy Schools [Int. Health Ex.]. 1884 991M Paget (Violet, [Vernon Lee]). See Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue. Lee (Vernon). Paget (Sir \V.). See Froude's England, 194-2C2O, &c. Paging Machines. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D. Pagodas. See Cclquhoun's South China, 541-2K. Cumming's China, 789-90K. English Illustrated Magazine [Auricles and Umbrellas], v. 5, 1995J, &c. Pain, Death and Sin, Mystery of, and a Refutation of Atheism, by Voysey. 1878 680A See also Cassell's Family Magazine [its Prevention and Relief], v. 6, 2355J. Contemporary [Logic of, and Pleasure], v. 45, 2055J. Quiver, v. it, 328 1 J. Warner's Physical Expression, 393R. Chambers [Do Animals feel?], v. 8, 1928J ; [Beneficence of], v. 28, 1940J. Contemporary Re- view [Mystery of], v. 35, 2045J. Living Age [Sense of, Beneficent Distribution of], v. 15, 3945J. Macmillan [Physical], v. 8, 938J, &c. Paine (R. TA See Griswold's Poets of America, 463D, &c. Paine (T., Deist, b. 1737, d. 1809). See Dixon's H.M. Tower, 324H. Infi- delity, &c, 1680Z. Leisure Hour, v. 2, 261 2 J. Fortnightly Review, v. 31, 2121J, &c. PAINTERS AND PAINTING- Works relating to : {See also Art, Colours, Names of Artists, &e.) Painter's and Colorman's Complete Guide, by Tingry. 1831 .. 107 iM Sculptors, Lives of, by Cunningham, vols. 1-2. 1846 H19-2QZ Art, or Grammar of Coloring, by Field. 1850 362T Dictionary of Painters, by Pilkingion, 2 vols. 1829 438-9F Five Great, by Lady Eastlake, 2 vols, 1 883 650- 1 Italian, Memoirs, by Jameson, 2 vols, in I. 1845 1611Z — — Modern, by Ruskin, 5 vols. 1 880-1 835-9R t-t- Sculptors and Architects, by Vasari, 5 vols, 1855 887-91Q [557] PAI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PAL PAINTERS AND PAINTING— Works relating to : {continued.) Painting, A Concise History of, by Heaton, revised by Monk- house 1 1 65 M Treatise on, by L. Da Vinci, translated by Rigaud. 1835 ... 1075M Ancient and Modern. 1835 1494Z — ■. — Decorative, by Saward 1066M Enamel, on Glass, &c, by Snell 905D English School of, by Chesneau. 1885 1072M Epochs of, Ancient and Modern, by Wornum. 1847... 1485 & 1732Z for Beginners, First Stage, Teaching the Use of One Colour, Facsimiles by Callow 919D Second Stage, Teaching the Use of Seven Colours, Facsimiles by Callow 920D Geometry, &c, by Hayter. 1832 927O German, Flemish and Dutch, by Buxtor and Poynter. 1881 1079M Handbook for Young Painters, by Leslie, illustrated. 1870 107SM House, Laws of Harmonious Colouring, by Hay. 1836 904D in England, Anecdotes of, by Walpole. 1871 1073M Italy, History of, by Lanzi, translated by Roscoe, 3 vols. 1063-5M on China, by Florence Lewis, with original coloured plates 922D On Colour, and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes, by Wilkinson, illustrated. 1858 948D Philosophy of, by Twining. 1849 93^D Studies in Animal Painting, with coloured plates from draw- ings by Tayler. 1884 , 921 D See also All the Year Round [Some old Masters], v. 53, 1813J. Anvers' History of Art, 1095M. Art Journal [Value of, in Germany], v. 34, R.L. ; [Mural, in Berlin], v. 35, R.L. ; [Signatures of], v. 35, R.L. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Cassell's Family Magazine [some great English], v. 11, 2360J. Cassell's Popular Educator [in Water Colours], 164-9D. Cornhill [Portrait Art of the Renaissance], v. 47, 327J. Cunningham's British Painters, &c, 1048-53Q. Dyce and Forster Collection, 1036M. Dyer's Imitative Art, 930D. Escott's England and its People, 1018F. Girl's Book, 1257H. Girl's Own Annual [How I Taught Myself], v. 3, 2553J ; [Mirror Painting], v. 7, 2 557j- Hamerton's Graphic Art<=, 1076M. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Humboldt's Cosmos, 484R. Knight's England, 151-54H. Leisure Hour [French], v. 16, 2626J; [Among the Old Masters], v. 17, 2627J. Mehagen's Universal History, 14H. Nineteenth Century [and their patrons], v. 14, 2224J. Patteson's Renaissance of Art [on Glass], 328D. Rees' Home Decoration [on Silk Panel Painting, &c], 943M. Rood's Chromatics 365R. Ruskin's Works, 843R. Young Lady's Book, 983M. Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manu- factures [Grinding of Paints], 8D. All the Year Round [for the Complexion], v. 7, 1767J. Cornhill [Powder, Patches], v. 7, 287J. Fraser [Painted Glass], v. 32, 642J. Hamerton's Graphic Arts [Tinted Papers], 1076M. &c. Palace and Hospital, or the Chronicles of Greenwich, by L'Estrange 1535-6O of Glass, and Gathering of the People, by Stoughton. 1851 166T Palaces. See Becher's Mexico, 738K. Eden's China, 813Q. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [of France], v. 5, 1585J. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Palaeolithic Man in N.W. Middlesex, &c, by Brown. 1887.... 905F Palaeontology, Manual of, for the Use of Students, by Nicholson 554R See also Brown's Science for All, 626-9B. Edinburgh Review [of South America], v. 155, 515J. Nature [Chinese], v. 29, 2689J. Timbs' Works [and Geology], 852Z. Geology, &c. Palais Royal, A Celebrity of the. See All the Year Round, v. 43, 1823J. Palate. See Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R, &c. Palermo. See Good Words [and its Neighbourhood], v. 23, 2193J. Hare's Cities of Southern Italy, 1683-4R. Leisure Hour [Visit to], v. 5, 2615J. Free- man's Essays [Normans at] 418H, &c. [558] PAL ENGLISH SECTION. PAL PALESTINE and Russia, by Hoare. 1877 42Z Sinai, by Stanley. 1856 545K Tourney to, by Stewart, illustrated. 1857 839K the East, Tour in, by Bell. 1887 1738R by Kitto, illustrated. 1841 610B Early Travels in, comprising the Narratives of Arculf, Sigurd, Bernard, &c. , edited by Wright. 1 848 1 500R Exploration Fund, Twenty-one Years' Work in the Holy Land [1865-1886]. 1886 1009O in its Physical Aspects, by Tristram 194R the Time of Christ, by Stapfer, translated by Holmden. 1886 477M Later Biblical Researches in 1852, by Robinson. 1856 147K Lessons to my Class, by Newman. 1888 1214M . Life in Modern Palestine, by Oliphant. 1887 I7 I 7^ Mount Sinai and Arabia Petraea, Biblical Researches in, in the year i838,3vols. 1841 ,.I48-5oK ; or the Holy Land, by Conder [Modern Traveller], 1824 534Z Russell [Edinburgh Cabinet Library], illus. 924Q and 106Z Tent Work in, a Record of Discovery and Adventure, by Conder, illustrated, 2 vols. 1878 552-3K See also Art Journal [Charles Wilson's Picturesque], v. 34, R.L. Bible Lands, 511-2A. Burton's Private Journal, 1491R. Century Magazine [Colonisation of], v. 2, 1874J. Contemporary [Ancient and Modern Exploration], v. 46, 2056J. Cruise of H. M.S. Bacchante, 787K. Edin- burgh Review [ Natural History of], v. 163, 523J. Cordon's Re- flections, 635M. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Kitto's Land of Promise, 1750R ; Scripture Lands, 368M. Leisure Hour [Two Months in], v. 18, 2628J. Living Age [Explorations of Ancient], v. 164, 3194J. Madden's Travels, 1457-8R. Maunders Treasury of History, i856Z. Seward's Travels, 601 B. Stanford's Compendium, 852K. Sunday at Home [Fertility of the Soil of], v. 6, 2856J ; [Primitive Races of], v. 12, 2862J ; [Agriculture in], v. 26, 2876J. Taylor's Land of the Saracens, 854R. Thomson's Land and the Book [Central, and Phoenicia], 401A. Sunday Magazine [Terraced Slopes oH, v. 1, 2451J, &c. Palette, The. See Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Painting, &c. Paley (F. A., Archaeologist ^ b. 18 16), M.A., Trans. Greek Wit, a Collection of Sayings, &c, from Greek Prose Writers. 1881 1232-3Z Paley (W., Archdeacon of Carlisle, b. 1743, d. 1805), U.D., Natural Theology, with Illustrative Notes, &c, by Brougham and Bell, 2 vols. 1845 57-8Z Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy, 2 vols. 1803 590-1H Works, consisting of Evidences of Christianity, Moral and Politi- cal Economy, Natural Theology, &c. 1 846 1 3 1 K of, with Notes and Illustrations, by Paxton, 5 vols. 1845 : Vol. 1. — Memoir, Evidences of Christianity 1045H Vol. 2. — Moral and Political Philosophy 1046H Vol. 3. — Horae Paulinae, Clergyman's Companion 1047H Vol. 4.— Natural Theology 1048H Vol. 5. — Sermons, Observations on the Character and Example of Christ and the Morality of the Gospel 1049H See also Sunday at Home, v. 26, 2876J, See. Palgrave (Sir F., Historian, b. 1788, d. 1861), F.R.S., History of England, Anglo-Saxon Period [Family Library]. 1831 ...... 1648Z < Normandy and England, 4 vols. 185 1 -1864 : Vol. 1. — General Relations of Mediaeval Europe. Carlovingian Empire. Danish Expeditions in the Gauls. Establishment of Rollo 1S0H Vol. 2. — Three First Dukes of Normandy : Rollo, Guillaume Longue Ep^e and Richard Sans-Peur, Carlovingian Line supplanted by the Capets 181H Vol. 3. — Richard Sans-Peur. Richard le Bon. Richard HI. Robert le Diable. William the Conqueror. . . -. 182H Vol. 4.— William Rufus. Accession of Henry Beauclerc 183H [559] PAL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PAM Palgrave (Sir F.), History of the Anglo-Saxons, illustrated. 1876 74O Palgrave (F. T., Art Critic, Son of above, b. 1824), Children's Treasury of Lyrical Poetry [Literature Primers]. 1879-80.... 483-4Z Palgrave (R. F. D.), Chairman's Handbook, Rules for Meetings ... 562T Palgrave (W. G., Traveller, Brother of above, b. 1826), Narrative of a Year's Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia, [1862-63]. 1865 585-6K Palissy (B., French Potter and Enameller, b. 1 5 10, d. 1590), Life of, by Morley , 996Q the Potter, a true tale, by Brightwell 560Q See also Blackwood [the Potter], v. 73, 143J, &c. Pallas (S. P., German Naturalist, b. 1741, d. 1811). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 661Q, &c. Pallas or Minerva (Greek Goddess of Wisdom}. See Homer's Iliad, Tele- machus, &c. Palleske (Emil), Schiller's Life and Works, translated by Lady Wallace, 2 vols, i860 .' 1482-3O Palliser (Mrs. Bury), Brittany and its Byways, some Account of its Inhabitants and its Antiquities, illustrated. 1869... .1381 and 1382R Pall Mall. See Timbs' Works, 855Z. Fraser [Greater and Lesser Stars of Old Pall Mall], v. 22 and 23, 632 and 633J. London, &c. Palm Sunday. See Dyer's Popular Customs, 103&F, &c. Palm Tribes and their Varieties 849Z See also Good Words [Palm Tree], v. 23, 2193J. Hartwig's Tropical World [Palm Trees], 758F. Leisure Hour, v. 18, 2628J. Science Gossip [Ac- climatization of], v. 14, 2417J. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Sunday Magazine [Place of Palm Trees in Palestine], v. 13, 2470J, Chambers [Family of Palm-Trees], v. 7, 1927J. Household Words [Cocoa Palm], v. 2 and 15, 1742 and 1755J, &c. • Palmer (E. 1L, Orientalist, b. 1840, d. 1882), Life of, by Besant. ... 892O See also Living Age, v. 159, 3189J. Leisure Hour, v. 23, 2633J. Midler's Sacred Books of the East, v. 6, 564A, &c. Palmer (H., J. W., L., and W. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Palmer (Sir Roundell, Baron Selbcrne, Lord Chanellor, b. 1S12). See Leisure Hour [with portrait], v. 22, 2632J, &c. Palmer (W., Scholar, Brother of above, b. 1811, d. 1879), M.A., Antiquities of the English Ritual, 2 vols. 1836 504-5A Ecclesiastical History. 1847 201Q Palmer (William Pitt, b. 1805). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Palmer (W. T.). See Huntley and Palmer. PalmerstOll (Lord, States/nan, b. 1784, d. 1865), by Trollope [Eng- lish Political Leaders]. 1882 1240O Life of [Sander's Statesmen Series], 1888 13750 See also Alison's Europe, 139-4CO. Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Ewald's Statesmen, 472F. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Leisure Hour, v. 5, 2615J ; [with portrait], v. 10, 2620J. McCarthy's History, 193-6H. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, g2-6F. Memoirs of Ernest II., 674-5F. Morley's Life of Richard Cobden, 190-1F. Raven's Parliamentary His- tory of England, 233O. Smith's Life of Gladstone, 275F. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 208H. Fraser, v. 18 and 72, 628 and 682J. Mials' Life of Richards, 424F. Quarterly, v. 143, 1273J. Greville Memoirs, &c Palmistry. See Nature, v. 13, 2673J. Palms and Temples, being Notes of a Four Months' Voyage upon the Nile, by Arnold. 1882 600K Palmyra, Letters from, by Ware. 1853 652Z See also Cassell's Magazine, v. 5, 2345J. Green's Bible Lands, 328B, &c. Pampas and Andes, Journeys Across the, by Head...3740, 794Q and 12S9R ■ — See also Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Gerstacker's Travels, 1632R. Nature [Barrenness of the], v. 31, 2691 J. Stanford's Compen- dium, 851K. All the Year Round [Cattle Farmers in], v. 5, 1765J, &c. [560] PAM ENGLISH SECTION. PAP Pamphlets containing various Essays, Treatises, &c, V.D. : Vol. i. — Young Collectors' Postage Stamp Handbook. Handbook of Beetles, and Handbook of Flowering Plants. Easy Lessons in Botany. Kent's Cavern. Coals and Coal Plants. Health, Work and Play. Bible Testimony to Use and Abuse of Wine. Adultera- tions of Food 1844Z Pamphlets. See Chambers [Thomas on Collection of], v. 55, 1955J. Panama. See Borth wick's California, &c, 723 K. Coote's Wanderings, 810K. Gallenga's America, 756K. Leisure Hour [Across], v. 29, 2639J. Na- ture [Canal], v. 32, 2692J. Saturday Review [Canal and American Dip- lomacy], v. 53, R.L. Chambers [to Chagres], v. 15, 1934 J. Harper [Railroad], v. 18, 1598J ; [and California], v. 19, 1599J. Nature [Ship Canal Across], v. 20, 2680J. Nineteenth Century [Panama Canal and its Progress], v. 23, 2233J. Isthmus, &c. Pancakes. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M. Well's Pastrycook, 998M, &c. Panics. See All the Year Round, v. 41, 1801J. Blackwood [of 1837], v. 42, R.L. Contemporary [and Reciprocity], v. 35, 2045J. Nature [and Sun Spots], v. 19, 2679J, &c. Panizzi (Sir Anthony, Italian Bibliographer, Librarian of British Museum, b. 1797, d. 1879), K.C.B., Life of, by Fagan, ill. 419-20F See also Cowtan's British Museum, 894H. Leisure Hour [with portrait], v. 30, 2640J. Quarterly, v. 151, 1281J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Panjab. See Temple's India, 486K. India, &c. Panmure (Lord). See Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 94-5F, &c. Panoramas. See Art Journal, v. 9, R.L. Chambers, v. 33, 1943 J. Penn Magazine [Cosmoramas and Dioramas], v. 11, 149J. Pansy, The. See Science Gossip, v. 2, 241 1 J ; v. 7, 2413 j. Botany, Flowers, &c. Pantaloon, The. See All the Year Round, v. 8, 1768J, &c. Pantheon. See Art Journal [at Rome], v. 20, R.L. Chambers [of London], v. 44, 1948J. Old Sights with New Eyes, 1754R, &c. Pantomime. See All the Year Round [Old and New], v. 42, 1822J. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [Progress of], v. 37, 757J. Good Words [Pantomime Children], v. 26, 2196J. Saturday Review, v. 37, R.L. All the Year Round, v. 17, 1777J. Chambers [English], v. 47, 1950J. Fraser [History °f]j v - 33) 643J. Once a Week [Introduction of], v. 26, 2286J. Temple Bar [hnglish, Origin of], v. 55, 1385J, &c. Pantropheon, The, or History of Food and its Preparation, by A. Soyer, illustrated. 1853 675D Papacy during the Reformation, by Creighton, 4 vols. 1882-7 329-32A History of the, by Wylie. 1852 328A The, its History, Dogmas, Genius and Prospects, by Wylie. 1888 682A See also Arthur's The Popes, 453-4F. Blackwood, v. 73, 143J. Griesin- ger's Jesuits [Papal Infallibility], 529H. Merivale's Church History 410M. Nicolini's Jesuits, 367O. Stubbs' History, 210-2O. Villemain's Gregory the Seventh, 289-0F. Edinburgh Review [and French Em- pire, 1800], v. 128, 488J. Fraser [and Germany], v. 89, 699J. Popes, Names of Individual Popes, Roman Catholics, Catholics, Ecclesiastical History, Religion, &c. Papendiek (Mrs.), Journals of the Court and Private Life of Queen Charlotte, edited by Mrs. Broughton, 2 vols. 1887 946-7F Paper. See Alison's Europe, 139-46O. Chambers [and the Pineapple Fibre], v. 59, 1959J ; [Something about], v. 60, 1960J ; [More uses of], v. 6r, 196TJ. English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [a sheet °fl> v - 75, I 655j. Leisure Hour [Waste], v. 30, 2640J. Ure's Diction- ary [Indelible Cheque], 8D ; [Japanese], 9D; [Manufacture of and Paper Cutting], 8D. All the Year Round [History of a Sheet of], v. 6, 1766J. Argosy [and its Substitutes], v. 14, 14J. Art Journal [Staining, French and English], v. 13, R.L. Chambers [Materials for], v. 22 and 58, 1937 and 1958J. Cornhill [Manufacture of], v. 4, 284J. Household Words, v. 18, 1758J. Macmillan [Pen and Ink], v. 1, 931J. Penny Magazine [Rice and Straw], v. 13, 151B, &c. Paper-hangings. See Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q. Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from v. 1, 2981 J. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, 8D, &c. Paper-Chasing. See Shearman's Athletics, 1259R. Atheletes, Sports, &c. [561] PAP GUILLE ALLES LIBRARY. PAR Paper [Money] against Gold, or the History and Mystery of the Bank of England, by Cobbett. 1828 317R ■ See also Jevons'_ Money, 360R.. Fortnightly [Modern Reforms in], v. 4, 2094J. Edinburgh Review [Depreciation of], v. 17, 377J. Money, Currency, &c. Papers for Thoughtful Girls. 1881 194Q See Newspapers, Press, &c. Papier-Mach.e\ See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactui es, 8 D. Art Journal [Ceramic], v. 12, R.L., &c. Papillon (F.)i Nature and Life, trans, by Macdonough. 1875 642H Papists and John Bull, Passages in the Life of an Anglican Rector, by Edgar. 1846 302M — See also Inman's Faiths, o6Ka. Catholics, Roman Catholics, Ecclesiastical History, Religion, &c. Papuans. See Nature [Maclay's Researches among], v. 9, 2669J ; [Ethnology of the], v. 14, 2074J. Stanford's Compendium of Geography, 853K, &c. Parables from Nature, by Gatty, 2 vols. 1880 28-9Z of our Lord, by Arnot. 1883 224M Notes on the, by Trench. 1877 179K — — Poems on, by Macdonald 1874Z See also Burns' Sermons, 247M. Clarke's Children's Picture Book, 241Q. Hood's World of Proverb and Parable, 135D. Quiver [of the Old Testament], v. 21, 3291J. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K. Sunday at Home, v. 4, 2854J. Good Words [in the Light of the Present Day], v. 4, 2174J, &c. Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, by Milton, with Notes by J. Edmondston. 1854 360Q Lost, by Milton, and Life of the Author, ed. by Newton, 2 vols 480- iD — See also Keary's Primitive Beliefs, 101K. Kitto's Scripture Lands [a Garden of Eden], 368M. Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. ParadlSO of Dante. See Dante's Divine Comedy, 713 and 810M, &c. Paraffin. See Brown's Science for All, 628B. Nineteenth Century [Use of Paraffin Oil in Orchard Cultivation], v. T4, 2224J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. All the Year Round, v. 21, 1781J. Chambers [Candles from Peat], v. 20, 1936J. Time [Lamp Accidents], v. 16, 1506J. Paraguay under Francia, Letters on, by Robertson, 3 vols. 1839 1629-31R See also Gallenga's America, 756K. Stanford's Compendium, S51K. Harper, v. 18, 1598J. Quarterly [Letters on], v. 63, 1193J, &c. Paralysis. See Man and his Maladies, 939K. Disease, &c. Paraphrasing. See Living Age [art of], v. 75, 3105J. Parasites, Animal and Messmates, by Van Beneder [International Scientific Series. 1883 361R See also Science Gossip, v. 8, 2413J. Nature, v. 3, 2663J, &c. Parcels Post. See All Year Round, v. 53, 1813J. Chambers, v. 59, 1959J. Postal System, &c. Parchment. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Pardoe (Miss, Novelist and Historical Writer, b. ' 1806, d. 1862), Louis XIV. and the Court of France in the Seventeenth Century, 2 vols. 1847 804-5O The City of the Magyar, or Hungary and her Institutions in 1839-40, 3 vols, illustrated. 1840 '. 453"5K Sultan and Domestic Manners of the Turks, with a Steam Voyage up the Danube. 1855 77°Q See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Pardon (G. F. [Captain Crawley]), Handbook of Chess 1528Z [For this author's general works see under games]. Pare" (Ambrose). See Fraser [Incident in the Life of], v. 51, 661 J. Parents. See Century [Training of], v. 6, 1878J. Gray's China [and Children], C20-1K. Winged Words, 1923R. JeafTreson's Bridals [Authority of], 983H. All theVear Round [To, and Children], v. 11, 1771J ; [Parental Rights], v. 24, 1784J, &c. 562] PAR ENGLISH SECTION. PAR Parini (G., Poet, b. 1729, d. 1799). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. PARIS after Waterloo, by Simpson. 1853 618Z Ancient and Modern [R.T.S.] : I13Z and its Historical Scenes [Lib. Ent. Know.], 2 vols. 1831 45 6 "7T Days near, by Hare. 1887 .. I743 R During the Siege, translated by Sarcey. 1871 1368R Herself Again in 1878-9, by Sala, illustrated 396-7K and 1367R in America, by De Rene Lefebvre, translated by Booth. 1863... 1571R Life, Photographs of, by Chroniqueuse [Mrs. Sikes]. 1861 1370R I Old, Its Court, &c, by Lady Jackson, 2 vols. 1878 1365-6R Parks and Gardens of, by Robinson, illustrated. 1878 609B The Great Exhibition, by Arnold. 1868 1369R to Pekin, over Siberian Snows, by Meignan. 1885 81 iK See also Alison's Europe, 119-46O. All the Year Round [Poor of], v. 12, 1772J ; [Restaurants], v. 33, 1793J ; [Free Lodgings in], v. 54, 1814J ; [Claque in Theatres of], v. 56, 1816J ; [Through the Paris Inter- national Exhibition, 1889], v. 64, 1824J. Argosy [Scenes at], v. 40, 40J. Art Journal [Salon of 1883], v. 35, R.L. ; [Salon of 1884], v. 36, R.L. Bellow's Europe [First Views of], 1398R. Blackwood [Theatres], v. 74, 144J. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6^- Cassell's Family Magazine [Paris International Exhibition and the Eiffel Tower], v. 15, 2365J. Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7 B. Chambers [Omnibuses of], v. 43, 1948J ; [Old], v. 44, 1948J ; [Siege of], v. 48, 1950J. Compayr£'s Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary Review [Municipal Organization of], v. 43, 2053J. Edinburgh Review [Parks and Gardens of], v. 130, 490J. Fortnightly Review [Salon of 1882], v. 37, 2127J ; [Government of], v. 39, 2129J ; [As an English Residence], v. 43, 2133J ; [Newspaper Press 01], v. 44, 2134J ; [Society in], v. 45, 2135J. Fraser [Newspapers of], v. 17, 627J. Gentleman's Magazine [Sieges of], v. 6, 726J ; [Salon of], v. 15, 735J ; [Some Streets of], v. 36, 756J. Good Words [Streets of], v. 5, 2175J ; [Prisons of], v. 15, 2185J ; [Ouvriers of], v. 24, 2194J. Green's French Pictures, 334B. Harper [Prisons and Prisoners of], v. 7, 1587J ; v. 77, 1657J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Head's Faggot of French Sticks, 1394-5R. Household Words [Student Life in], v. 3, 1743J. Laurie's Mediaeval Education [University], 306R. Leisure Hour [Locomotion in and Street Traders in], v. 4, 2614J ; [Night Adventure in], v. 10, 2620J ; [International Exhibition, 1867], v. 16, 2626J ; [New and Old], v. 24, 2634J ; [Trees of], v. 28, 2633J ; [Annual Salon], v. 33, 2643J. Living Age [Suburbs of], v. 166, 3196J. May's Democracy, 39H. Nature [Reflector of Observatory], v. 12, 2672J ; [Report of Observatory at], v. 28, 2688J. Nineteenth Century [Palais Royal Theatre], v. 8,22i8J. Once a Week [Workmen of], v. 18, 2278J. Peasant Properties, 2004R. Penny Magazine [Wine Market], v. 5, 143B ; [Water Carriers of], v. 6, 144B. Quarterly [Public Works], v. 99, 1229J. Quiver [Gospel in], v. 30, 3300J. Sala's Journey, 801K. Saturday Review [Finances of and Fortifications of], v. 55, R.L. ; [Pauperism in], v. 59, R.L. ; [Shows of], v. 62, R.L. Scribner's Monthly [in and about], v. 4, 1854J. Sunday at Home [a Sunday in] v. 2, 2852J ; [at Whitsuntide], v. 18, 2868J. Thier's French Revolution, 376-9H. Freeman's Essays [Early Sieges of], 416H. Chambers [Boarding Houses at], v. 6, 1926J ; [English Working man in, 1848], v. 11, T93J ; Good Old Times in], v. 16, 1934J ; [Bakers of], v. 41, 1947J. Edinburgh Review [Morals and Manners of], v. 78, 438J. Fraser [Two Years in], v. 26, 2196J. Harper [Journalists of], v. 51, i63ij. Household Words [Markets of], v. 2, 1742J. Once a Week [English in], v. 5, 2265J. Quarterly [Dan- gerous Classes of], v. 70, 1200J; [Fortifications of], v. 78, 1208J. Temple Bar [Balls in], v. n, 1341J. Old Sights with New Eyes, 1754R. France, Franco-German War, Germany, &c. Paris (Comte De). See King's Leaders, 659O, &c. Paris (Martial De [Dit d'Auvergne]). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Paris (J. A., /;. 1785, d. 1856), M.D., F.R.S., Life of Sir Plumphry Davy, 2 vols. 1831 654-5F [563] PAR GUILLEALLES LIBRARY. PAR Parish., The. Sec All the Year Round [Book-keeping], v. 7, 1767J ; [Clerk], v. 46, i8q6J. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Fraser [Priest], v. 69, 679J. Quekett's Reminiscences [Parish Work], 651 F. Sunday at Home [Sketches], v. it, 2861J, &c. Registers in England, Ireland, Scotland, &c., History of, by Burn. 1862 536H See also Quiver [Curiosities of], v. 14, 3284 J. Saturday Review [Custody of], v. 54, R.L., &c. Park (Mungo, African Traveller, b. XJJX, killed 1805). See Barlh's Central Africa, 847-8K, &c. Parker (H. W.), Rise, Progress, and Present State of Van Diervnin's Land, with Advice to Emigrants, &c. 1833 423T Parker (J., Minister of the City Temple and Chairman of the Con- gregational Union), D.D., Discourses 598M Sermons at the Poultry Chapel, London, 1869-70 263K The City Temple, a Pulpit Register, vol. 1. 1872 264K Pulpit Analyst, vol. 1. 1866 438M These Sayings of Mine and other Sermons 262K Wednesday Evenings at Cavendish Chapel, Homiletic Hints. ... 439M Ed., Springdale Abbey, Diaries and Letters of an English Preacher. 1869 1049R Parker (M., Archbishop of 'Canterbury \ b. 1504, e/. 1575), Correspon- dence of. 1853 219A See also Moulton's English Bible, 418M. Parker Society Publications, &c Parker (N. H.), Iowa as it is in 1857, a Gazetteer for Citizens, &c. 1504O Parker (Theod.). See Contemporary [and American Unitarianism], v. r, 2011J. Living Age [and his Supporters], v. 36, 3066J. Parker (W. M.), Works of. Sec Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Parker Society Publications- Bale (J.), D.D., Select Works of. 1849 224A Bradford (J.), M.A., Writings of, Letters, Treatises and Re- mains, 1853 217A Sermons, Meditations, &c. 1848 216A Calfhill, (J.), D.D., Answer to Martiall's Treatise of the Cross. 240A Coverdale (M.), Remains of. 1846 215A Writings and Translations of. 1844 214A Fulke (W.), D.D., Answers to Stapleton, Martiall and Sanders 237A Defence of the Translation of the Bible. 1843 239A Grindal (E.), D.D., Remains of. 1843 225A Hooper (J.), D.D., Early Writings of. 1843 218A • Later Writings and Letters of. 1S52 220A Hutchinson (R.), Works of. 1842 222A Latimer (H.) Sermons and Remains of 212 and 221 A Liturgical Services of Queen Elizabeth. 1847 226A Liturgies of Edward VI. 1844 228A Nowell (A. ), Catechism written in Latin. 1853 238A Original Letters Relative to the English Reformation, 2 vols. ... 235-6 A Parker (Archbishop M.), Correspondence of. 1853 219A Philpot(J.), B.C.L., Examinations and Writings of. 1842 232A Pilkington (J.), Works of. 1842 223A Private Prayers during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1851... 227 A Ridley (N.), D.D., Works of. 1841 211A Rogers (T.), A.M., Catholic Doctrine of the Church of England 213 A Sandys (E.j, D.D., Sermons of. 1841 234A Tyndale (W.J, Answers to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue. 1850 230A [564] PAR ENGLISH SECTION. PAR Parker Society Publications— {continued). Tyndale ( W. ), Doctrinal Treatises. 1 848 229A Expositions and Notes of. 1849 231A Whitaker (W.), D.D., Disputation on Holy Scripture. 1849... 233A . Whitgift (J.), D.D., Works of, 3 vols. 1851-3 208-10A Zurich Letters [1558-1602], 2 vols. 1842 and 1845 206-7A General Index to the Publications of the Parker Society. 1855 241A Parkes (Edmund A., Professor of Hygiene, b. 1819, d. 1876), M.D., On Personal Care of Health [S.P.C.K. Manuals of Health].. 1433Z See also Saturday Review [Museum of], v. 55, R.L., &c. Parkes (S. H.), F.R.A.S., Unfinished Worlds, A Study in Astro- nomy, illustrated. 1887 546R Parkes (Mrs. W.), Domestic Duties, or, Instructions to Young Mar- ried Ladies. 1828 954M Parkinson (H. W.), Modern Pleas for State Churches Examined 487A Parkinson (J.), Fossil Organic Remains, illustrated. 1830 734-F Parkman (F. & M. E.). Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Parks and Gardens of Paris, by Robinson, illustrated. 1878 609B London, by Larwood I197R See also Blackwood [and Gardens of London], v. 51, R.L. Contemporary [and Commons], v. 50, 2060J. Fraser [and Gardens], v. 47, 657]. Loftie's London, 252O. Once a Week [English], v. 16, 2276J. Time [and Pleasure-Grounds], v. 1, 1491J, &c Parley (Peter [S. G. Goodrich], American Writer for the Young, b. 1793, d. i860), Peter Parley's Kaleidoscope, or Parlour Pleasure Book, consisting of many Fields of the Curious, the Beautiful and the Wonderful, illustrated. 1858 31D Parley (Peter [George Mogridge], English Writer for the Young, b. 1787, d. 1854). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. PARLIAMENT, Diary of Two Parliaments [Disraeli and Glad- stone, 1874-1885], by Lucy. 1885 316-7H The Three Reforms of [1830-1885], by Heaton. 1885 456O See also Alison's Europe, 119-37O. All the Year Round [of Great Britain], v. 1, 1761J ; [Opening], v. 37, 1797J. Blackwood [Disfranchisement of], v. 70, 140J ; [Decline of the House of Commons], v. 131, 201J ; [opening of Session of 1883], v. 133, 203J ; [Session of 1883, Fran- chise Bill], v. 135, 205J. Brougham's Political Dissertations [Par- liamentary Reform], 604 and 606R. Burton's Scotland [1648- 1747], 336-7H. Campbell's Chancellors, 774-2O ; Chief Justices, 787O. Cham- bers [New Houses of], v. 16, 1934J. Clarendon's History of the Re- bellion, 297-302D. Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Contemporary [Cloture in], v. 42, 2052J ; [Session of 1882, Exclusion of Irish Members from], v. 49, 2059J. Edinburgh Review [Annual], v. 28, 388J ; [Long], v. 84, 444J ; [Reform Bills of 1832, 1867, 1885], v. 161, 521 J. Fort- nightly Review [Reform of, Conservative, View on], v. 41, 2131J ; [Reform of, Antidote to Agitation], v. 42, 2132J ; [Reform of, People, Parliament and Peers], v. 42, 2132J. Fraser [Reform of], v. 2, 612J. Gardiner's History of England, 466-9O. Green's English People, 189-92H. Grego's Elections [Parliamentary Elections], 1275H. Grote's Minor Works [Parliamentary Reform], 956H. Harper [Working Men in], v. 73, 1653J. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Help's Government [Acts of], 1110F. Knight's England [Parliamentary Reform], 151-4H. Leisure Hour [Long and Short], v. 8, 2618J. Macmillan [before Easter], v. 13, 943J ; [Redistribution of Seats], v. 50, 980J. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. May's Democracy [the English], 39H. Nine- teenth Century [Cloture in, and the Tories], v. 11, 2221 J ; [Crisis of, 1882], v. 11, 2221J ; [Parliamentary Oaths], v. 12, 2222J ; [and the Church], v. 18, 2228J. Pepys' Diary [1659-1669], 902O. Pike's Crime in Eng- land, 307-8H. Quarterly Review [of 1886], v. 162, 1292J. Rogers' [565] PAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PAR PARLI AME NT— {continued). Work and Wages, 1102F. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1034F. Saturday Review [Payment of Members], v. 60, 61 and 62, R.L. ; [Pro- cedure in], v. 61, R.L. Smith's Institutions, 517T. Stoughton's Re- ligion in England, 92-7M. Stubbs' History, 210-2O. Wall's Good Queen's Reign, 440O. Poole's Index, R.L. House of Commons, House of Lords, &c. Parliamentary Gazetteer of England and Wales, illustrated by maps, 4vols. 1843 5 2_ 5^ Generals of the Great Civil War, by Walford [Military Biogra- phies]. 1886 1249O Government in England, by Bisset, 2 vols. 1877 215-6H History of England, from the passing of the Reform Bill of 1832, by Raven. 1885 233O Parlour Games. See Cassell's Book of Amusements, 1259H. Games, &c. Parnienio of Macedon (/?. about 60). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Parnell (Charles S., Leader of the Irish Party in Parliament, Agitator for II ome Rule, b. 1846). See Contemporary [and Grattan], v. 49, 2059J. Lucy's Parliament, 316-7H. Saturday Review [Testimonial Fund], v. 56, R.L. ; [Programme ofj, v. 60, R.L., &c. Parnell Movement, a History of the Irish Question, from the death of O'Connell to the Suicide of Piggott, by O'Connor. 1889 326R Parnell (T., Poet, b. 1679, d. 1717), D.D., Poems, Life by Gold- smith [British Poets]. 1864 452Q Poetical Works, and Life by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain], 2 vols. 1807 348-9Z Parochial Work, by Monro. 1851 441A See also Contemporary [Parochial System at Fault], v. 54, 2664J. Keble's Papers and Reviews [Parochial Work], 1203H. Parsons, &c. Parody. See Living Age, v. 42, 3072 J. Page's Vers Se Soci£td, &c, 720M. Parole d'Honneur. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 37, 1617J, &c. Parr (Harriet). See Lee (Holme) in Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Parr (Mrs. Louisa). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Parr (Katherine, Sixth Wife of Henry VIII. , b. 1509, d. 1548). See Strickland's Queens of England, 800O. Henry VIII., English History, &c. Parr (Dr. S., Theologian and Critic, b. 1747, d. 1825), LL.D., and other Writings, by De Quincey. 1863 650R See also Nicoll's Great Scholars, 991Q, &c. Parrakeet, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 653Q. Birds, &c. Parrots and Monkeys, illustrated 60R See also Boy's Own Annual [and all about them], v. 4 and 7, 2954 and 2957 J. Cornhill [I have met], v. 54, 334J. Girl's Own Annual, v. 2, 2552J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 655Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. All the Year Round [and their Treatment], v. 43, 1803J. Chambers, v. 51, 1952J. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Leisure Hour, v. 10 and 12, 2620 and 2622J ; [Anecdotes of], v. 18, 2628J. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Science Gossip [Food for], v. 17, 2420J. Boy's Own Annual [Performing], v. 11, 2961J, &c. Parry (E.), Cambrian Mirror, or a New Tourist Companion through North Wales, illustrated. 1846 612Z Parry (Sir W. E., Admiral, Arctic Explorer, b. 1790, d. 1855). See Adams' Heroes, 978Q. Blackwood [Voyages], v. 4, 8, 9, R.L. Quarterly [Attempt to reach North Pole], v. 37, 1167J. Parsees. See All the Year Round [Ancient and Modern], v. 55, 1815J. Cornhill [Parsee Burial], v. 48, 328 J. Household Words, v. 19, 1759 J. Satur- day Review [History of, Karaka's], v. 59, R.L. Westminster, v. 124. Parsimony. See Chambers [Parsimonious People], v. 56, 1956J. Fraser [Hints on], v. 15, 625J, &c. [566] PAR ENGLISH SECTION. PAS Parsis. The Religion of the, and the Zend-Avesta, by Mitchell '[Present Day Tracts], v. 5 238T Parsnip, The. See Science Gossip [History of], v. 10, 2414J. Vegetables, &c. Parsons. See Cornhill [Country], v. 42, 322J. Fraser [Some Old- Fashioned], v. 89, 699J. Scribner [and Parsons], v. 17, 1867J, &c. Parsons (B.), Greatness of the British Empire traced to its Sources, 2 vols in I. 1851 563T Parsons (C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Parsons (T. W.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Parthenon. See Cornhill [from Corinth to, in 1886], v. 54, 334J. Saturday Re- view [Ferguson on], v. 55, R.L., &c. Parthians. See Niebuhr's History of Rome, 88H, &c. Parties [Habits of Good Society] 1408Z Parties, Political. See Bryce's American Commonwealth [Political], 517-9H. Century [and Partyism, Use and Abuse of], v. 6, 1878J. Contemporary [and Patriotism, Government by], v. 46, 2056J. Fraser [Political], v. 5> 615J ; v. 6, 616J. Macmillan [Political, Parliament without], v. 41, 971 J. Nineteenth Century [Spirit of, and Patriotism], v. n, 2221 J. Quarterly [and Principle], v. 163, 1293J. Poole's Index [and Politics], R.L. Government, Politics, &c. Partington (C. F.), Lectures on the Steam Engine, illustrated. 1826 352T Partnership. See Chambers [Associative], v. 15, 1934 J, &c. Parton (J., Journalist and Author, b. 1822), Famous Americans of Recent Times. 1869 641O Life and Times of Aaron Burr, 2 vols. 1870 546-7O Ed., Humorous Poetry of the English Language, from Chaucer to Saxe, with notes. 1867 721M — Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Parton (Mrs. Sarah P. [Fanny Fern], American Novelist, b. 1811, d. 1872). See Living Age, v. 39, 3069J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Partridges. See Chambers [Among], v. 34, 1943J ; v. 52, 1952J. Fraser [and Politics], v. 100, 710J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 646 and 651Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Birds, Game, &c. Pascal (Blaise, French Philosopher, b. 1623, d. 1662), Provincial Letters of, translated with notes, by M : Crie. 1848 152T by Tulloch [Foreign Classics]. 1878 1179O Studies on, byVinet. 1859 1125R See also Fortnightly [Provincial Letters], v. 24, 2114J. Fraser [and his Friends], v. 22, 632J. Quarterly [and his Editors], v. 148, 1278J. Satur- day Review [Pense'es], v. 58, R.L. Sunday at Home, v. 9, 2859J. Poole's Index, R.L. Sunday Magazine [his Life, &c], v. 1, 2451J, &c. Paschal Lamb. See Sunday Magazine [Blood of], v. 12, 2469J, &c. Paschal (G. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Pascoe (C. E.), Practical Handbook to the Principal Professions ... 25 iR The Dramatic List, the Principal Performances of living Actors and Actresses of the British Stage, with portraits. 1879 1323O Pasolini (Count Guiseppe). See Saturday Review, v. 60, R.L., &c. Pasquino (Maestro). See Chambers' Journal, v. 8, 1928J, &c. Passion Flower. See All the Year Round, v. 15, 1775J, &c Passion of our Lord, Sermons by Tholuck, translated. 1857 486M See also Twining's Symbols, 507M. Passion Play. See All the Year Round [at Brixlegg], v. 20, 1780J. Blackwood [His- tory of], v. ic6, 176J. Cornhill [Persian], v, 24, 304J. Harper [of Persia], v. 72, 1652J, &c. Passion Week, by Hanna. 1866 159M Passions. See Bell's Expression, 892R. Cornhill [and Machinery] v. 11, 291 J Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K, &c. [567] PAS GUILLE-ALL^S LIBRARY. PAT Passover. See Knight's Pictorial Bible, T00-4M. Passports. See Chambers, v. 36, 1944J. Leisure Hour [Getting], v. 4, 2614 J. Past and Present, by Carlyle 84T Past, The. See Fortnightly, v. 26, 2116J. Fraser [Past, Present, and the Coming], v. 35, 645J. Good Words [Past and Future], v. 9, 2179J. Pasta (G., Italian Singer, b. 1798, d. 1865). See Edwards' Prima Donna, 678F. Pasteboard, Art of Working in, by Boileau. 1831 354T Pastel. See Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M, &c. Pasteur (L., French Chemist, achieved very remarkable results in preventing hydrophobia, b. 1822), His Life and Labours, by his Son-in-Law, translated by Lady C. Hamilton. 1885 893O See also Edinburgh Review, v. 156, 516J ; [Life and Work of], v. 162, 522J. Fortnightly [Life and Labours of], v. 44, 2134J. Leisure Hour [Dis- coveries of], v. 13, 2623J. Nature, v. 26, 2686J. Nineteenth Century [and Hydrophobia], v. 20, 2230J. Tyndall's Floating Matter, 507R, &c. Pastime Papers [by F. Saunders]. 1885 1050 and 1996R Pastimes. See Brenner's Gymnastics for Ladies, 1095F. Cassell's Book of Sports, &c. 1262H. Field Book, 931F. Percy Anecdotes, 932Z, &c. Paston Letters [1422- 1509, A.D.], edited by Gairdner, a new edi- tion, 3 vols. 1872 293-5T Henry VI., 1422-61 a.d., 293T. Edward IV., 1461-71 A.D., 294T. Edward IV. — Henry VIL, 1471-1509, a.d., 295T. Sec also Leisure Hour, v. 52, 2632J, &c. Pastorals of France, by Wedmore. 1877 1390R See also Comhill [Pastoral Meditation], v. 47, 327J. Posnett's Literature, 394R, &c. Pastor's Notebook, or Preparations for the Pulpit, by Kent. 1867 365M. Narrative, or Before and After the Battle of Worth, 1870, by Klein, translated by Marshall. 1879 362O Pastrycook and Confectioner's Guide for Hotels, Restaurants, &c, by Wells. 1889 998M Pastry. See All the Year Round [and Entremet of Great Merit], v. 20, 1780J. Patagonia, Giants of. 1853 674Z Life Among the Giants, by Bourne 675Z See also All the Year Round [Captured by], v. 26, 1786J. Brown's Palaeo- lithic Man [Patagonians], 905F ; Races of Mankind [Patagonians], 155D. Gentleman's Magazine, [Idle Days in], v. 33, 753J *, [Life in], v. 35, 755J. Nature [Flora of], v. 30, 2690J. Stanford's Compen- dium, 851K, &c. Patchwork. See Valentine's Girl's Own Book, t i87R, &c. Patents, Law of, for all Countries, a handbook by Thompson. 1889 325R See also Chambers [English Patent Office], v. 39, 1946J ; [and Patentees], v. 53, 1953J ; [How to Procure], v. 62, 1962J. Edinburgh Review [Laws], v. 121, 481J. Fraser [Philosophy of Invention, Laws, &c], v. 67, 677 J. Leisure Hour [Letters Patent], v. 13, 2623J. Macmillan [Medicines], v. 47, 977J. Quarterly, v. 105, 1235J. Temple Bar [English and Patentees], v. 16, 1346J, &c. Paterculus (Velleius, Roman Historian, b. 19 B.C., d. 31 a.d.). See Watson's Sallust, &c, 1174H, &c. Paternoster Row. See Chambers [and Magazine Day], v. 23, 1938J. Timbs' Curiosities, 6oqZ. London, &c. Paterson ([.), Kay's Edinburgh Portraits, Scottish Biography, edited by Maidment, illustrated, 2 vols. 1885 745-60 Patmore (C, Poet and Assistant Librarian, British Museum, b. 1823), Ed., The Children's Garland, from the Best Poets 777M The Palmer. Wreck of the Hesperus. Dream of Eugene Aram. Lord of Burleigh. Pied-Piper of Hamelin. After Blenheim. Sweet William's Ghost. See also Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M. Macmillan [Angel in the House], v. 3, 933J, &c. [568] PAT ENGLISH SECTION. PAT Patmos. See Living Age v. 164, 3194J. Sunday at Home [as it is], v. 10, 2 86oJ, &c. Patois Poems of the Channel Islands, Norman-French Text, edited by Pitts, first and second series [Guille-Alles Library Series] 440- 1 D Paton (Chalmers T.), Freemasonry and its Jurisprudence according to the Ancient Landmarks and Charges, and the Constitutions, Laws, and Practices of Lodges and Grand Lodges. 1872 ... 1114F its Symbolism, Religious Nature, and Law of Perfection. 1873 699A Two Great Doctrines, the Existence of God and a Future State. 1878 700A Paton (J. G.), Missionary to the New Hebrides, an Autobiography... 1449O Patriarchs, The. See Ewald's Israel, 61-2K. Fraser [Longevity of], v. 86, 696J. MacdufFs Sunsets [Deaths of], 1501R. Sunday at Home [Life of Abraham], v. 2, 2852J, &c. Patrick (St.). See Household Words, v. 13, 1753J. Woodhouse's Orders [Knights of St. Patrick], 273O, &c. Patrick's Day (St.) See St. Patrick's Day, 1005M, &c. Patrick (Mary). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Patrick (Symon, Bishop of Ely, b. 1626, d. 1707), D.D., Assisted by Lowth, Arnold Whitby and Lowman, a Critical Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, 4 vols 37-40A See also Cattermole's Literature of the Church, 549A, &c. Patriotism. See Fraser, v. 99, 709J. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Macmillan [Patriotic Poetry], v. 46, 976J. Muller's Noble Deeds, &c, 92Q. Percy Anecdotes, 915Z. Tweedie's Earnest Men, 622O, &c. Patronage, Church. See Burton's Scotland [1648-1747], 336-7H, &c. Patten (G. W.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Patterson (H. S.), M.D., Health Studies, a Third Course of Lectures, delivered in the Lecture Hall of the Young Men's Christian Association. 1880 498T and 1404Z [Exertion. Worry. Rest and Sleep. A Merry Heart. Disease Germs. Food. Appetite, &c] Patterson (J. B. ), Beauties of Jeremy Taylor, with an Essay on his Life, &c. 1834 1124H Patterson (Mrs.), Why Do I Believe, or the Bible True and Inspired [R.T.S.] 204Q Patterson (J, Coleridge, Bishop of Melanesia, b. 1827, killed 187 1), Missionary Bishop, byYonge, 2 vols. 1874 „« 804-5O See also Boy's Own Annual, v. 7, 2957J. Gladstone's Gleanings, 882Z. Japp's Missionaries [and the South Pacific], 770O. Quarterly, v. 137, 1267J. Sunday at Home, v. 19, 2869J, &c. Patti (Adelini, Italian Soprano Singer, b. 1843), Fourteen Years with, by Lauw, translated by Brune. 1884 1371O See also Edward's Prima Donna, 679F. Engel's Reminiscences, 1349O. Temple Bar, v. 73, 1403J, &c. Pattison (Dorothy W.). See Sister Dora. Pattison (Mark, Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford, b. 1813, d. 1884), D.D., Memoirs. 1885 896O Milton [English Men of Letters]. 1880 1078O Tendencies of Religious Thought in England [1688- 1750] [Essays and Reviews] 662 A See also Gatton's Urbana Scripta, 315T. Morley's Miscellanies, 842-303. Saturday Review, v. 58, R.L. Temple Bar [Recollections of], v. 73, 1403J, &c. Pattison (Mrs. Mark), Renaissance of Art in France, illus, 1879... 327-8D Pattison (S. R.), Religious Topography of England [R.T.S.] 1051R Patton (W.), The Village Testament. 1834 230T [569] PAU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PAU Pau and the Pyrenees, by Russell. 1871 1391R See also Health Haunts, 810Q. Scribner [Fox Hunt at], v. 12, 1862J, Sic. PAUL (St., Apostle, said to have been beheaded at Rome, about 64), at Athens, by Alexander. 1865 161Q ■ Companions of, by Howson. 1874 349M Epistle to the Galatians, Commentary upon, by Luther. 18 10... 68 A Hebrews, Commentary on, by Olshausen. 1868 129A Philippians, Lectures upon, by Airay. 1866 '. 59A &c., Practically Explained, by Neander. 1851 169M Romans, Commentary upon, by Olshausen. 1871 126A — Critical Exposition of the Third Chapter, by Morison. 1866 131A Epistles of [Barnes' Notes] 4-9M to Corinthians [Ellicott's School Commentary] 257Q the Corinthians, Commentary on, by Olshausen. 1869 ... 127A Philippians, to Titus and the First to Timothy, Com- mentary upon, by Olshausen. 1866 130A Five Discourses by Monod, translated by Barrett. 1853 51Z Footsteps of, Designed for Youth, by Metcalf. 1881 102Q Four Greater Epistles, Evidential Conclusion from, by the Dean of Chester [Present Day Tracts], vol.4 237T in Rome, by Macduff. 1871 178Q ■ Life and Epistles of, by Conybcare and Howson. 1877 268M ■ 2 vols, in I. 1869 389A Work of, by Farrar, 2 vols. 1879 387-8A Observations on the Conversion of, by Lord Lyttleton. 1842 ... 77Q Picture of, by Haweis. 1887 1185M Saul of Tarsus, his Life and its Lessons, by Mackenzie. 1864 ... 1234M See also Good Words [Madness of], v. 4, 2174J ; [References to Roman Law], v. 7, 2177J ; [The Apostle and Jeremiah compared], v. 9, 2179J ; [How he Lived], v. 14, 2184J ; [Value of], v. 20, 2190J. Haweis' Christ and Christianity, 1186M. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 104M. Living Age [Saul of Tarsus], v. 37, 3067 J. Macknight's Works [Life of], 356A. Macmillan [The Apostle], v. 20, 950J. Quar- terly [Eloquence as a Preacher], v. 15, 1145J ; [and Christianity], v. 156, 1286J. Quiver [as a Friend], v. 13, 3283J. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K. Saturday Review [Dewe's Life of], v. 54, R.L. Sunday at Home [Questions on the Life and Character of], v. 6, 2856J ; [at Cyprus], v. 25, 2875J. Commentaries, Epistles, New Testa- ment, &c. Paul (Emperor of Russia, b. 1754, killed 1801). See Alison's Europe, 124-5O. Eraser, v. 72, 682J. Temple Bar [The Mad Tsar], v. 71, 1401J, &c. Paul III. (Alessandro Farnese, Pope of Rome, b. 1463, d. 1549). Sse Ward's Counter- Reformation, 256T. Popes, Ecclesiastical History, &c. Paul Jones. See Jones (John Paul). Paul the Silentiary. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Paul (C. Kegan), Biographical Sketches. 1883 1322O [Edward Irving. John Keble. Maria Hare. R. Williams. C. Kingsley. George Eliot. J. H. Newman.] William Godwin, his friends and Contemporaries, 2 vols. 1876 276-7F Paul (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Paulding (J. K., American Poet, b. 1779, d. i860). See Poets of America, 468D. Quarterly [Sketch of Old England], v. 3c, 1160J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Paull (M. A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Paull (R.), Life of Alfred the Great. 1853 479O Paul S Cross. See Milman's St. Paul's, 320H, &. [570] P AU feNGLISH SECTION. P£A Pauperism or Prosperity, by the Earl of Meath. 1889 1 105F See also Blackwood [and its Treatment], v. 61, 131J. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Century Magazine [Suppression of], v. 5, 1877J. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Fawcett's Essays [Charity and the Poor Law], 1014F. Fortnightly Review, v. 31, 2121J. Grant's Board- ing-out for Pauper Children, 1516Z. Haweis' Current Coin, 974R. Peirce's Juvenile Delinquents [United States], 1090F. Quarterly [Cause and Cure of], v. 43, 1173J. Saturday Review [in Paris], v. 59, R.L. Temple Bar [in England], v. 9, 1339J ; [How to Remedy], v. 13, I343J, &c. Paupers. See Contemporary [Little], v. 24, 2034J ; [Abroad], v. 27, 2037J. Good Words [Half Yearly Overhaul of], v. 14, 2184J. Leisure Hour [Visit to a School], v. 15, 2625J. Saturday Review [Boarding out of], v. 55, R.L. ; [Cottage Homes for Children], v. 53, R.L. Temple Bar [Aristocratic], v. 32, 1362J, &c. Pavement Portraits. See Chambers, v. 59 and 60, 1959 and 1960J, &c. Pavements. See Beckmann's Inventions [Paving of Streets], 697Q. Nature [Tar], v. 2, 2662J. Wynter's Human Hive [Paving], 244R, &c. Pawnbrokers and Pawnbroking. See All the Year Round, v. 57, 1817J. Fort- nightly Review [in England and Abroad], v. 50, 2140J. Good Words [the Poor Man's Banker], v. 5, 2175J ; [in Paris], v. 9, 2179J ; [in Eng- land], v. 11, 2181J. Harper [and Loan Offices], v. 39, 1619J. Leisure Hour [in Paris], v. 4, 2614J. Once a Week [Pawners and Pawnbrokers], v. 10, 2270J. Poole's Index, R.L. Quarterly, v. 155, 1285 J, &c. Pay Deferred. See Chambers' Edinburgh Journal, v. 60, 1960J. Wages, &c. Pay-day at the Works. See Chambers, v. 38, 1945 J. Wages, &c. Payer (Julius), New Lands within the Arctic Circle, Narrative of the Discoveries of the Austrian Ship Tegetthoff, in the years 1872-74, illustrated. 1876 663-4K Payn (J., Novelist, &*<:., b. 1830), Some Literary Recollections. 1884 1171R See also Harper's Index [Works of], 1640 Ja. Saturday Review [for Cash only], v. 53, R.L. Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue, &c. Payne (E. J.), M.A., Ed., Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America from Hakluyt. 1880 1691R Payne (G.), The Doctrine of Original Sin [Congregational Lectures] 119M Payne (J. H., American Actor and Dramatist, b. 1792, d. 1852). See Gris- wold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Payne (W. H.), M.A., Trans., History of Pedagogy, by Compayre. 296R Paysan (Mrs. S). See Fanny Fern or Parton(Mrs. S. P.). Payson (E., American Theologian, b. 1837), D.D., Sermons. 1846 20Q Memoir of, with an Introduction, by Bickersteth. 1832 897 O Pea, The. See Science Gossip, v. 11, 2415J. Gardening, Vegetables, &c. Peabody (A. P.), D.D., LL.D, Christianity and Science. 1875 ... 440M • Conversation, its Faults and Graces. 1882 1234Z [Lecture by Trench. Word to the Wise, by Gwynne, &c.]. Peabody (E. P.), Education in the Home, the Kindergarten and the Primary School, with an Introduction by Manning. 1887 ... 299R Peabody (E.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Peabody (G., American Philanthropist, b. 1795, d - 1869), Life of, by Hanaford 898O See also Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 11, 2621 J ; [and his London Build- ings, with Portrait], v. 15, 2625J. Saturday Review [Trust in London], v. 59, R.L., &c. Peabody (W. B. O.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Peace. See Blackwood [and War Agitations], v. 66, 136J. Boyce's Study'of His- tory, 2H. Fraser, v. 53. 663J. Saturday Review [Conference at Brussels, 1882], v. 54, R.L. Living Age [Necessity of], v. 48, 3078J. Sunday at Home, v. 13, 2863J. Sunday Magazine [in High Places], v. ti, 2468J. Mials' Life of Richards [Peace Society], 424F. Sunday Magazine [True and False], v. 5, 2455J, &c. [570 PEA GUILLEALLES LIBRARY. PEC Peach, The. See Breuil's Fruit Trees, 178R. Harper [in Delaware], v. 41, 1621J. Robinson's Gardens of Paris, 609B, &c. Peacock. Sec Doyle's Poultry [Japan], 825F. Gentleman's Magazine, N.s. [Loves of a Royal Bird], v. 31, 751J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library 657Q- Tegetmeier's Poultry Book, 664B. Birds, &c. Peacock (R. A.), Sinkings of Land. 1868 86R Peacock (T. L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Pear, The. See Breuil's Fruit Trees, 178R. Once a Week, v. 11, 2271 J. Penny Magazine [Produce of], v. 13, 151B. Robinson's Gardens of Paris, 609B. Fruit, &c. Pearce(S.), A.M., Memoir of, by Fuller [American Tract Society] 1688Z Peard(F. M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List fol- lowing the General Catalogue, &c. Pearl of Days, or the Advantages of the Sabbath to the Working Classes, illustrated. 1849 1052R Pearls. See All the Year Round [Scotch], v. 21, T781J ; [of the Bahama Islands], v. 43, 1823J. Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. Beckman's Inventions [Arti- ficial], 697Q. Boddam-Whetham's Islands of the Pacific [Pearls], 796K. Chambers' Journal [in the Persian Gulf], v. 19, 1936J ; [Artificial], v. 33, 1943J. Chambers' Miscellany [and Pearl Fisheries], 632R. Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Harper [and Gems], v. 21, 1601J ; v. 58, 1638J. Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807F. Leisure Hour [Fishery], v. 15, 2625J. Macmillan [Oriental], v. 4, 934J. Nature [Fisheries of Tahiti], v. 31, 2691J. Penny Magazine [Mother of Pearl], v. 7, 139B. Ure's Dictionary [Artificial], 8D, &c. Pears (Y,., Barrister, b. 1835), LL.B., Ed., Prisons and Reforma- tories at Home and Abroad. 1872 419H Pearsall (J. S.), Public Worship, the Best Methods of Conducting It. 1867 445M Pearson (E. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Pearson (H. N., Dean of Salisbury, b. 1777, d. 1856), D.D., Life of, by C. Buchanan 968Q and 1682Z Pearson (J., Bishop of Chester, b. 1612, d. 1686), D.D., Exposition of the Creed, with an Analysis, by Walford [Bohn's Library] 178M An Exposition on the Creed, edited by Bradley 142M See also Barry's Theology, 828O, &c. Pearson (T.), Infidelity , its Aspects, Causes, and Agencies. 1854 17Q Peasant Life in the West of England, by Heath. 1880 1329R Properties and other Essays, by Lady Verney, 2 vols. 1885 2004-5R Peasant. See Alison's Europe, 119-30O. Blackwood's Magazine [English], v. 144, 214J. Contemporary [Proprietors in France], v. 41, 2051J. Es- cott's England and its People [Proprietors], to^F. Fortnightly [Plea for], v. 31, 2121J. Gould's Germany [Proprietors], 363O. May's De- mocracy [Proprietors], 38-9H. Nineteenth Century [Foreign Opinions on, Proprietors], v. 18, 2228J ; [Proprietors in Italy], v. 19, 2229J. Once a- Week [Life, Picture of], v. 16, 2276J, &c. Pease Family. See Fortunes made in Business, 1032F. Leisure Hour [J. Pease, with portrait], v. 21, 2631J, &c. Peat. See All the Year Round [Fuel], v. 33, 1793J. Chambers [and Peat-Bogs], v. 62, 1962J ; [as a Manure], v. 63, 1963J. Household Words, v. 6, 1746J. Leisure Hour [Irish], v. 7, 2617J. Mantell's Wonders of Geology [Bogs], 724-5Q. Ure's Dictionary [and Turf], 8-9D, &c. Pebbles, British. See Boy's Own Annual [coloured plate], v. 8, 2958J, &c. Pebody (C), English Journalism and the Men who have Made it.... 1235Z Our Great Authors at Work 883O Jeffrey, Scott, Burns, Lamb, Sheridan, Smith, Macaulay, Byron, Words- worth, Moore, Mackintosh. Pecchio (Count, Italian Political Writer, b. 1785, d. 1835), Journal of Military and Political Events in Spain [1822-3], with Re- marks on the present Crisis, by Blaquiere. 1 824 45oH [572] PSO ENGLISH SECTION. PEL Peck (M. C, Provincial Gratui Secretary, Yorkshire). See Mactky's Lexicon of Freemasonry, 499Z, &c. Peck (W. F. G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6.j.oJa, &c. Peculiar People. See Good Words, v. 15, 2185J, &c. Pedagogue, Diversions of a. See Macmillan, v. 45,975j, &c. Pedagogy, History of, by Compayre, translated by Payne. 1S88 .. 296R Pedant. See Blackwood [The true], v. 10, R.L., &c. Pedestrian in France and .Switzerland, by Barrell. 1853 I374R Pedestrianism. See Cornhill [and Vagabondage], v. 43, 323J. Crawley's Handbooks, 1154M. Fraser [Route from Italian Lakes to Rhone Valley], v. 99, 719J. Living Age [in Switzerland], v. 53, 3083J. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 68 iT, &c. Pedigrees. See Cussan's Heraldry, 1443O. Edinburgh Review [and Peerages], v. 158, 518J. Living Age [and Pedigree Makers], v. 134, 3164J. Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 15, 1365J, &c. Pedlars. See Chambers [and Beggars], v. 55, 1955J. Jusserand's English Way- faring Life, 1925R. Penny Magazine [Yankee], v. 6, 144B, &c. Pedro (Dom, Emperor of Brazil). See Leisure Hour [with portrait], v. 20, 26 3 oJ,&c. Peebles. See All the Year Round, v. 58, 1818J, &c. Peek (F.), Social Wreckage, a Review of the Laws of England as they affect the Poor. 1883 290R Peel (Sir Robert, Premier 1834, b. 1788, d. 1850), An Historical Sketch, by Henry, Lord Dalling. 1874 42 iF by Smith [English Political Leaders]. 1881 1241O Life of, by Sir L. Peel, i860 899O See also Alison's Europe, 139-46O. Blackwood, v. 68, 138J.. Campbell's Chancellors, 780-3O. Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Croker Papers, 200-2F. Ewald's Statesmen, 472F. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Leisure Hour [with portrait], v. 26, 2636J. Lyndhurst, 696F. McCarthy's History, 193-6H. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 92-3F. Morley's Life of Richard Cobden, 190-1F. Nineteenth Century [and R. Cobden], v. 11, 2221 J. Quarterly, v. 53, 1183J. Raven's Parliamentary History of England, 1832-1880, 233O. Smith's Life of Gladstone, 275F. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 209H. Greville Memoirs, &c. Peeps at the Far East, a Visit to India, by Macleod. 187 1 815K into the Human Hive, by Wynter, 2 vols. 1874 243-4R Peerage. See Blackwood [British], v. 30, R.L. Edinburgh Review [and Pedi- grees], v. 158, 518 J. Fortnightly Review [British, and Baronetage, future of],. V. 42, 2132J. Fraser [Abolition of], v. 5, 615J. Leisure Hour [Curiosities of, and Baronetage], v. 13, 2623J. Saturday Review [Unclaimed Scottish, and Pedigrees], v. 55, R.L. Stubb's History, 211-2O. Temple Bar [Dormant and Kxtinct], v. 17, 1347J, &c. Peers. See Alison's Europe [Chamber of, &C.], 139-45O. Campbell's Chancellors, 774-3O. Chambers [What is a Peer'?], v. 61, 1961J. Fraser [New], v. 5, 615J. Harris' Radicals [House of], 1106F, &c. Pegot-Ogier (E.), The Fortunate Isles, or the Archipelago of the Canaries, translated, 2 vols. 1871 771-2K Peile (J.), M.A., Philology [Literature Primers, edited by Green].... 1210Z Peirce (B. R.), D.D., Half a Century with Juvenile Delinquents..,.. 1090F Peirson (Major, killed while repulsing a French attack 011 Jersey, 17 14). See Constitutional History of Jersey, 407H, &c. Pekin. See Cumming's China, 790K. Eden's China, 813Q. Gentleman's Maga- zine, N.s. [Lama Temple at], v. 35, 755J. Leisure Hour [and the People], v. 15, 2625J. Living Age [Fortune's Yeddo and], v. 77, 3107J ; [Summer Palace], v. 164, 3194J ; [Temple of Heaven at], v. 166, 3196J. Meignan's Paris to Pekin, 81 iK, &c. PelaghlS. See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 671 F, &c. Pelican, The. See Fraser, v. 58, 668J. Birds, &c Fish. See Leisure Hour, v. 32, 2642J. Fish, &c. Pell (J. H. and W. C), Works of. Set Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa, &c. [573] PEL GLtlLLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PEtt Pelletan (E.), Jean Jarousseau, the Pastor of the Desert, translated by L'Hoste. 1872 732O Pellico (S., Italian Poet and Patriot, b. 1789, d. 1854). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Pelopidas {Theban General, killed 364 e.c). See Plutarch's Lives, 446F and 113Q, &c. Peloponnesian War, by Thucydides, literal version by Dale [Bohn's Library], 2 vols. 1853-4..., I177-8H Peloponnessus. See Blackwood [Ride Across], v. 123, \gij, &c. Pember (E. H.), M.A. See International Policy, 332H. Pember (V. Y.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Pemberton (Sir F., Judge, b. 1625, d. 1697). See Campbell's Chief Justices, 787O, &c. Pemberton (H.\ A Winter Tour in Spain. 1868 428K Pembrokeshire. See Blackwood, v. 118, 188J, &c. Pen, The. See Chambers [Manufacture of Steel], v. 39, 1946J. Leisure Hour, v. 14, 2624J. Ure's Dictionary [Steel, and of other Metals], 8D. Fort- nightly [Pencil and Poison], v. 51, 2141J, &c. Pen and Ink Drawing, by Robertson. 1886 1116M See also Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M, &c. Pen Sketches, by a Vanished Hand, from the papers of the late M. Collins, edited by Tom Taylor, 2 vols 1053-4R Penal Servitude. See Contemporary, v. 44, 2054J. Fortnightly Review [Duration of Sentences], v. 39, 2129J. Hill's Repression of Crime [Penal Colonies], 1015F. Lecky's Eighteenth Century [Penal Code], 172H, &c. Penalties. See Roger's Scotland, 949-51 F, &c. Penance. See Fraser [and Absolution], v. 75, 685J. Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Pencil Manufacture. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Pendulum, The. See Chambers, v. 17, 1935J. English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Humboldt's Cosmos, 487R, &c. Penelope. See Cornhill [and other Women of Homer], v. 32, 3 i2j, &c. Pencz (Georg). See Scott's Little Masters, 1117O. Pengelly (W., Geologist, b. 1812), F.R.S., Kent's Cavern, its Testi- mony to the Antiquity of Man, illustrated. 1876 1844Z Peninsula. See Blackwood [Glance at the], v. 57, 127J, &c. Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Company. See All the Year Round, v. 27, 1787J, &c. War, English Battles and Sieges in the, by Napier. 1855 294O by Foy, 3 vols. 1827 258-0H Napier, 6 vols. 1838 261 -611 See also Blackwood [Battles of Salamanca and Victoria], v. 23, R.L. Life of Sir John Moore, 406-7F. Quarterly, v. 54, 1184J, &c. Penmanship. See Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Household Words [Mr. Van Plooson], v. 2, 1742J. Penn (W., Quaker, Founded Pennsylvania, b. 1644, d. 17 18), History of, by Dixon. 1872 901O Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of, by Clarkson. 1813... 422-3F The Founder of Pennsylvania, by Stoughton. 1882 900O See also Chambers' Miscellany [Life of], 630R. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 24F. Dixon's H.M. Tower, 324H. Harper [Grave of], v. 64, 1644J. Hazard's Pennsylvania, 515H. Knight's England, 150H. Scribner's Monthly, v. 12, 1862J. Stoughton's Religion in England, 95M. Sunday at Home [Principles of], v. 5, 2855J ; v. 22, 2872J. Sunday Magazine, v. 15, 2472J. Westminster Review [and Mr. Macaulay], v. 54, R.L., &c. Pennant (T., Naturlist and Antiquary, b. 1626, d. 1798). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 650Q. Pennefather (W.), B.A., Life and Letters of, edited by Braith- waite. 1878..., 425F Fennell(E. R.), Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin [Em. Women Series] 1136O [574] PEN ENGLISH SECTION. PEP Pennell (H. Cholmondeley, Inspector of Fisheries, b. 1836), Fishing [Badminton Library], 2 vols. 1887 I132-3M Salmon and Trout, 1132M. Pike and Coarse Fish, 1133M. Pennell (J.)- See Howell's Tuscan Cities, 674B and 220D, &c. Pennington (A. S.), F.L.S., British Zoophytes, an Introduction to the Hydroida, Actinozoa, and Polyzoa found in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands, illustrated. 1885 5°R Pennington (R.), F.G.S., Burrows and Bone Caves of Derbyshire 860F Pennsylvania, Annals of [1609-1682], by Hazard. 1856 515H See also Campbell's White and Black, 494H. Harper [Catawissa Railroad], v. 25, 1605J ; [Oil Regions of], v. 50, 1630J ; [Some Nooks of], v. 60, 1640J ; [Autumn Sketches in Highlands of, and Maryland], v. 64, T644J. Penn (W.), &c. Penny. See Chambers [Banks], v. 58, 1958 J. Macmillan [Press], v. 43, 973 J. Penny Magazine [Value of], v. 1, 139B, &c. Penny-a-Liner. See Leisure Hour, v. 11, 2621 J, &c. Penny Bank. See Girl's Own Annual, v. 7, 2557 J, &c. Penny Budget of Wit and Package of Drollery. See Chap-Books, 1321H. Penny Cyclopedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know- ledge, 27vols. 1839 109-35B First Supplement, 2 vols. 1845 136-7B • Second Supplement. 1858 138B Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know- ledge. 1832-1844 139-51B Penny Readings. See Carpenter's Readings, ioo-3Ta. Doggett's Brookleigh Manor, 11 55Z. Josh Billings and other Humourists. Hood's Works. Readings, Recitations, &c. Penrose (C. T.), M.A., Ed., Demosthenes after the Text of Lindorf, with English Notes. 1853 II94II Pens. See Pen (The). Pensions. See Century [Pension Office, U.S.], v. 6, 1878J. Fraser [Certain Government, in France], v. 95, 705J, &c. Pentateuch, Lectures on, by Kelly. 1871 361M Mosaic Authorship of the, by the Dean of Canterbury [Present Day Tracts, vol. 3] 236T See also Cox's Colenso, 621-2F. Smith's Jewish Church, 467M. Sunday at Home [Notes on the], v. 10, 2860J, &c. Pentecost, Day of. See Quiver, y. 15, 3285 J, &c. Pentonville. See Quarterly [Prisoners at], v. 82, 1212J ; [Discipline in Prison of], v. 92, 1222J, &c. Penurionsness. See Anspach's Thieves of Homes, 279R, &c. People, Elevation of the, by Milner. 1846 1053F I have Met, or Pictures of Society and People of Mark, by Willis. 1850 1903R The, by Michelet, translated by Cocks. 1846 232R See also Blackwood [Who are the], v. 59, 129J. Compayre's Pedagogy, 296 R. Escott's England and Its People, 1017F. Smith's Institutions, 517T. Temple Bar, v. 46, 1376J, &c. People's A. B.C. Guide to Health, by Stables. 1887 995M People's Magazine. 1868-1873 280-91B People's Palace, Apprentices at the. See All the Year Round Magazine, v. 42, 1822J, &.C. Pepper. See Leisure Hour, v. 10, 2620 J. Spices, &c. Pepys (Samuel, Secretary of Admiralty, b. 1632, d. 1703), F.R.S., and the World he Lived in, by Wheatley. 1880 908O Diary and Correspondence, with Life, by Lord Braybrooke, 4 vols. 1 882, 903-6O of, edited by Lord Braybrooke [Chandos. Classics'] ^. 902O [1659-1669], abridged, by MurrajH^Sr^rt^^.-^^.i^vT^.. 907O See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 24F. Stevenson's Men and Books, 640O. Temple Bar [aixfhis Diary], v. .: 1, 1 360J, &c. PEP GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. Pepysian Library, The. See Chambers' Journal, v. 59, 1959J, &c. Perambulators. See Chambers, v. 26, 1939J. Leisure Hour, v. is, 2625J, &c. Peran-zabuloe, and Account of the Oratory of St. Piran in the Sands, by Haslam. 1844 Perceiving without Seeing. See Good Words, v. 10, 2180J, &c. Perception. See Contemporary [Philosophy of], v. 20, 2030J, &c. Perceval (S., Statesman, b. 1762, Assassinated 1812). See Browne's State Trials, 305O. All the Year Round [Murder of], v. 16, 1776J. Perch, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 679 and 681Q. Once a Week, v. 7, 2267J. Seeley's Fishes, 811 F. Fishes, &c. Perchard Family of Guernsey. See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2, p. 117], 362B. Sarnia [p. 17], 1416O, &c. Percival (Frank). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Percival (J. G., American Poet, &-'e., b. 1795, d. 1856). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Living Age, v. 49, 3079J. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Percy Anecdotes, collected and edited by Reuben and Sholto Percy [J. C. Robertson and T. Byerley], 2 vols. 1868 :— Vol. 1.— Anecdotes Illustrative of Humanity. Beneficence. Eloquence. Patriotism. Youth. Enterprise. George the Third and his Family. Fine Arts. Captivity. Exile. Science. Literature. Heroism. War. Justice. Crime and Punishment. Instinct. Ingenuity. Humour. Eccentricity Vol. 2. — Anecdotes Illustrative of Imagination. Genius. Fidelity. Honour. Hospitality. Conviviality. The Bar. The Senate. Shipwreck. Travelling. Integrity. The Pulpit., Music. The Stage. Industry. Commerce. Fashion. Pastime. Woman. Domestic Life Percy Anecdotes, Original and Select, by Robertson and Byerley, 20 vols in 40, v. D. : Vols. 1, 2. — Humanity. Beneficence Vols. 3, 4. — Eloquence. Patriotism • Vols. 5, 6. — Youth. Enterprise Vols. 7, 8.— George III. and his Family. Fine Arts Vols. 9, 10. — Captivity. Exile Vols. 11, 12.— Science. Literature Vols. 13, 14. — Heroism. War Vols. 15, 16. — Justice. Crime and Punishment Vols. 17, 18. — Instinct. Ingenuity. Vols. 19, 20. — Humour. Eccentricity Vols. 21, 22. — Imagination. Genius Vols. 23, 24. — Fidelity. Honour •••••• Vols. 25, 26. — Hospitality. Conviviality Vols. 27, 28.— The Bar. The Senate Vols. 29, 30. — Shipwreck. Travelling Vols. 31, 32. -The Pulpit. Integrity Vols. 33, 34. — The Stage. Music Vols. 35, 36. — Industry. Commerce Vols. 37, 38. — Fashion. Pastime Vols. 39, 49. — Woman: Domestic Life. Index Percy (T., Poet and Antiquary, b. 1728, d. 1811), D.D., Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. 1839 ■ See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Percys, The, Earls of Northumberland. See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 321 H. Temple Bar Magazine [and Northumberland House], v. 38, 1368J and v. 83, 1413J, &c. Pere la Chaise. See MadSen's Shrines, 343K, &c. Perez (Antonio, Spanish Statesman, b. 1539, d. 1611), and Philip II., by Mignet. 1846 ....." See also Nineteenth Century, v. 13, 2223J, &c. Perfectibility. See Edinburgh Review [Doctrine of], v. 21, 381J, &c. Perfection. See Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R, &c. [576] PER ENGLISH SECTION. PER Perfumery. See All the Year Round, v. 29, 1789J. Harper [Art of], v. 40, 1629J. Once a Week [Manufacture of], v. 3, 2263J. Ure's Diction- ary of Arts and Manufactures [Art of], 8D, &c. Pericles {Athenian Statesman, b. 499, d. 429 B.C.)- See Josephus, 66H. May's Democracy, 38H. Mitford's Greece, 102-3H. Penny Magazine, v. 7, 145 B. Plutarch's Lives, 446F and 1131Q, &c. Peril and Suffering, Narratives of, by Davenport, 2 vols. 1840 289-90T Periodical Literature, Index to, 1852, by Poole. 1853 588D [For Complete Index see in Reference Library.] . See also Academy [Poole's Index to], v. 23, R.L. All the Year Round [Writings for], v. 14, 1774J. Blackwood [of America], v. 63, 133J ; [of England], v. 2, R.L. ; [Reciprocal Influence of], v. 16, R.L. Chambers [Two old Periodicals, 1737-38], v. 4, 1924J ; [Advice to Con- tributors], v. 43, 1948J. Quarterly, v. 1, 1131J, &c. Periwinkles. See Buckley's' Life, &c, 106R. Fraser [in Pound], v. 51, 661 J, &c. Perjury. See Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H, &c. Perkins (C. C), Historical Handbook of Italian Sculpture. 1883 ... 909D Perkins (F. B. and T. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Peron (Frangois. French Naturalist, b. 1776, d. 1810). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 668Q. Perowne (J. J. S., Canon ofLlandaff, b. 1823), D.D., and Stokes (L.), B.A., Letters, Literary and Theological of Bishop Thirlwall. 1881 530F Perpetual Motion. See Penny Magazine, v. 3, 141 B. Knowledge, v. 5, 2585 J. Perrier (A.), A Winter in Morocco. 1873 1561R Perrin(Abbe, Founder of the French Opera, d. 1680). See Mathew's History of Music, 943D, &c. Perrin (Emile C. V.). See Saturday Review, v. 60, R.L., &C. Perry (A. and N.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Perry (G. G. ), M.A., History of the Reformation in England [Epochs of Church History]. 1886 . 251T Perry (Capt. J., Civil Engineer, b. 1669, d. 1733). See Smiles' Engineers, 528O. Perry (Sir T. E., Indian Judge, b. 1806, d. 1882), Bird's Eye View oflndia. 1855 783Q Perry (T. S.), English Literature in the Eighteenth Century. 1883. 1057R Ed. See also Lieber (F.), 575D. Perry (W. C), Greek and Roman Sculpture, A Popular Introduction to the History of Greek and Roman Sculpture, with 268 illus- trations on wood. 1882 9 2 5£* Persecution. See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670-71 F. Good Words [Alleged Tendencies of Christianity to], v. 7, 2177J. Inman's Faiths, g6Ka. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Nineteenth Century [Right of], v. 5, 2215J. Once a Week [Famous], v. 30, 2290J. Wilson's Dissenters, 188-91K, &c. Persepolis. See Saturday Review, v. 55, R.L., &c. Perseus {King of Macedon). See Josephus, 68H, &c. PERSIA and China, by Conders [Modern Traveller], 2 vols. 1827.. 531Z by Benjamin [Story of the Nations], illustrated. 1888 1552O Historical and Descriptive Account of, by Fraser. 1834 389T Journey into [181 7] by Kotzebue, translated. 1819 509K Life and Manners in, by Lady Sheil, illustrated. 1856 1489R Media and Babylon, by Ragozin [Story of the Nations], ill. 1889 1551O Northern, Residence in, by Stuart. 1854 508K Persian Art, by Smith 1059M Persians and Greeks, by Cox [Epochs of Ancient History]. 1886 1814Z Sketches of, by Malcolm. 1849 1290R Susiana and Babylonia, Early Adventures in, by Layard. 1887 .. 1726-7R See also Alison's Europe, 140-4O. All the Year Round [Love and Mar- riage in], v. 6, 1766J ; [High Life in], v. 8, 1768J. Argosy [From Meshed to Trebizond], v. 2, 2 J. Elackwood [and Russia, War be- 19 [577] PER GUILLE ALLES LIBRARY. PES PERSIA— {cotztinued. ) tween], v. 23, R.L. ; LNarrative of Persian Princes in London], v. 54, R.L. ; [Painter in], v. 75, 145J. Brown's Races of Mankind [Per- sians], 156D. Century [Mountaineering in], v. 9, 1881J ; [Arts of], y. 10, 1882J. Chambers [Etiquette in], v. 44, 1948J ; [Punishments in], v. 50, 1951J. Contemporary [and Afghanistan], v. 48, 2058J. Fraser [Persian Woman], v. 8, 618J ; [British Policy in], v. 56, 666 J. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 74-85H. Good Words [Days and Nights in], v. 9, 2179J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [Domestic and Court Customs of], v. 72, 1652J. Inman's Faiths. g6Ka. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 101M. Leisure Hour [Shah of, with Portrait], v. 18, 2628J ; [Persian Women], v. 18, 2628J ; [As it is], v. 21, 2631J. Maunders Treasury of History, 1856Z. Mitford's Greece, 101-8H. Niebuhr's History of Rome, 88H. O'Byrne's Victoria Cross [Per- sian War], 270O. O'Donovan's Merv, &c, 494-5K. Quarterly v. 9, 1139J; [Shah of], v. 135, 1265J. Rawlinson's Ancient Reli- gions, 448 M ; Origin of Nations, 365O. Shepherd's Bombay to Bushire, &c.,_ 1508R. Stanford's Compendium, 852K. Sunday at Home [Religious Efforts for], v. 4, 2854 J ; [and her Kings], v. 20, 2870J. Temple Bar [Attempt to reach Merv], v. 65, 1395J. Thielmann's Journey, 1462-3R. Vambery's Adventures, 1011O, &c. Persian Gulf. See Gentleman's Magazine [Month in], v. 11, 731 J, &c. Persius Flaccus (A., Roman Satiric Poet, 0. 34, ^.62], Satires of, with a Translation and Commentary by Conington, and a Lec- ture on the Life of the Persians, edited by Nettleship. 1874 1199TT Translated by Drummond [Family Classical Library]. 1831 1126Q — See also Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Quarterly [Trans- lation of Satires], v. r, 1131J, &c. Personal Care of Health, by Parkes [S.P.C.K.] Recollections of the Due De Broglie, translated and edited by Beaufort, 2 vols. 1887 Remarks. See Giri's Own Annual [Why they are to be Avoided], v. 10, 2560J. Personality. See Nineteenth Century [Multiple], v. 20, 2230J, &c. Perspective, Easy Lessons in. 1830 Elements of, by Ruskin. 1880 Geometry, &c, by Hayter. 1832 See also Bradley's Geometry [Linear], 914D. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Ellis' Sketching from Nature, 1067M. Nature [Binocular], v. 26, 2686 J. Drawing, Art, &c. Perspiration. See Brown's Science for All, 628B, &c. Persuasives to Early Piety, bv Pike 60Z PERU, Conquest of, by PrescoU, 2 vols 527-8H and 388-9O Travel and Exploration in the Land of the Incas, by Squier, ill. 762K See also Blackwood [Conquest of], v. 62, 132J. Brown's Countries of the World [Republic of], 162D ; Races of Mankind [Peruvians], 155 D. Byam's Western Republic, 707K. Conder's Modern Traveller [and Chili], 555Z. Coote's Wanderings, 810K. Del Mar's Precious Metals [Ancient], 899F. Gallenga's America, 756K. Help's Life of Pizarro [Conquest of], giSO. Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Leisure Hour [Oroya Railway], v. 29, 2639J. Lubbock's Primitive Man [Peruvians], 672B. Nadaillac's Pre-Historic America, 897F. Saturday Review [War in, renewed 1882], 54, R.L. ; [in 1883], v. 55, R.L. Stanford's Compen- dium, 851K. Walpole's Pacific, 795K, &c. Perugia. See Fortnightly [Notes in], v. 6, 2096J, Szc. Peruvian. See Squier's Peru [Ancient Cities], 762K, &c. Peruvian Bark. See Once a Week [and the Trees], v. 8, 2268J. Quinine, &c. Pessimism, Modem, by Thomson [Present Day Tracts, vol. 6] 239T — ' See also Contemporary [on the Stage], v. 48, 2058J. Lee's Dialogues, 1325H. Macmillan, v. 36, 966J ; [Consolations of], v. 50, 980J. Tul- loch's Philosophy, 724A, &c. Pestalozzi (J. H., Swiss Philanthropist, b. 1746, d. 1827). See Blackwood [Sy- em of Education], v. 66, 136 J. Once a Week, v. 4, 2264J, &c. [578] PES ENGLISH SECTION. PET Pesth. See Cornhiil [Pageant at], v. 16, 296J. Penny Magazine [City of], v. 5, 143B, &a Pestilence. See Chambers [Rationale of], v. 20, 1936J. Quarterly [Directions in Case of], v. 46, 1176J, &c. Pet Animals, &c, Beeton's Book of Home Pets, illustrated 193R See also Boy's Own Annual [Out of the Way], v, 5, 2955J ; v. 7, 2957J. Chambers [Some uncommon], v. 54, 1954J. Good Words [Fate of], v. 13, 2183J. Home Amusements, 949M. Once a Week, v. 2, 2262J. Temple Bar [Animal], v. 41, 1371J. Boy's Own Annual [Price of Pets], v. 1, 2961J. Wood's Petland, 53R. Home Pets, Names of Animals, e.g., Cats, Dogs, &c. Pet, or Pastimes and Penalties [a Story for Children], by Haweis 976R Peter (Saint, Apostle, b. 10 B.C., crucified 67 A.D.), Epistle of, Com- mentary by Plummer 2 54Q First Epistle of, Commentary by Leighton. 1821 135^1 Footsteps of, being the Life and Times of the Apostle, by Mac- duff. 1881 217T Life of, by Lee. 1853 387^ See also Barnes' Notes, 10M. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-7M. Edinburgh Review [Patrimony of Peter], v. 112, 472J. Ewald's Israel, 66K. Good Words [Life and Times of], v. 17, 2187 J. Haweis' Christ and Christian- ity, 1186M. Leisure Hour [Was he ever at Rome ?], v. 30, 2640J. Robin- son's Scripture Characters, 152K. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Peter of Alexander. See Ante-Nicene Library. Peter the Great {Emperor of Russia, b. 1672, d. 1725), and Russian Empire, by Voltaire, translated, 2 vols. 1778 345-60 Life of [Family Library]. 1832 1074Q Sec also Blackwood [and Syria], v. 127, 197J. Chambers' Journal [Statue of], v. 3, 1923J. Chambers Miscellany [Life of], 628R. Living Age [in England], v. 47, 3077J ; [Court of], v. 77, 3107J ; v. 162, 3192J. Penny Magazine, v. 1, 130B. Quarterly, v. 158, 1288J. Scribner's Monthly, v. 19, 1869J. Russia, 8cc. Peter (W., Barrister and Poet, b. 1788, d. 1853), A.M., Ed., Speci- mens of the Poets and Poetry of Greece and Rome, by various translators. 1847 474E* Contents. — Greek Poets : Homer, Hesiod, Callinus, Archilochus, Tyr- taeus, Aliman or Alimaeon, Stesichorus, jEsop, Solon, Alcasus, Sappho, Erinna, Pittacus, Mimnermus, Ibycus, Theognis, Anacreon, Simonides, Timocreon of Rhodes, /Eschylus, Pindar, Pratinas, Epicharmus, Ono- macritus, Sophocles, Crates, Euripides, Empedocles, Bacchylide=, Euenus, Ariphron of Sicyon, Eupolis, Simmias of Thebes, Pherecrates, Philonides, Moschion, Plato the Philosopher, Plato the Comic Poet, Callistratus, Aristophanes, Aristotle, Hybrias of Crete, Perses, Nicos- tratus, Mnasalcus, Speusippus, Antiphanes, Anaxandrides, Eubulus, Alexis, Aristophon, Diodorus of Sinope, Hermesianax of Colophon, Philemon, Menander, Temocles, Diphilus, Apollodorus of Gela, Clearchus, Theophilus, Nossis, Anyte, Diotemus, Asclepiades of Samos, Simmias of Rhodes, Sotades, Phaedimus, Theocritus, Nicias, Leonidas, Poridippus, Aratus, Lycophron, Hegesippus, Euphorion, Antagoras, Callimachus, Nicsenetus of Samos, Dioscorides, Apollonius of Rhodes, Cleanthes, Rhianus, Damagetes, Alcasus of Messene. Bion, Theo- • dorides, Tymnaeus, Moschus, Polystratus, Antipaterof Sidon, Meleager, Archias, Philodemus, Zonas of Sardis, Antipater of Thessalonica, Crinagoras, Antiphilus, Leonidas of Alexandria, Philip of Thessalonica, Parmenis of Macedon, Xenocritus of Rhodes, Marcus Argentarius, iEmilianus Nicseus, Tullius Geminus, Onestus, Lucian, Dionysius, Philostratus, Strato, Rufinus, Carphylides, Lucillius, Gregory of Na- zianzen, Palladas, Julian Praefect of Egypt, Musaeus, Agathias, Mace- donius, Paul the Silentiary, Marianus Scholasticus, Demochares, uncer- tain authors. Roman. Poets: Ennius, Plautius, Terence, Lucretius, Catullus La- berius, Virgil, Horace, Tibullus, Propertius, Ovid, Manilius, Seneca, Persius, Lucan, Silius-Italicus, Statius, Martial, Juvenal, Claudian, Ausonius, Avienus. See also Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. [579] PET GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PET Peter Parley's Kaleidoscope, or Parlour Pleasure Book, by Goodrich 3il> See Parley (Peter). *' Peter Plymley." See Smith's Works, 951!!, &c. Peter "Williamson. See Chap-Books, 1321H. Peterborough, by Poole [Diocesan Histories] ... 1841Z: See also Leisure Hour [and round about it], v. 10, 2620J. Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R. Saturday Review [Cathedral, Tower of], v. 59, R.L., &c. Peterborough (Bishop of, and his Clergy). See Edinburgh Review, v. 37, 397J, Peterloo. See All the Rear Round [Sabreing of Manchester Workmen], v. 17, 1777J. Heaton's Reforms [Massacre], 456O, &c. Peters (Charles), Ed., Girl's Indoor Book, containing Practical Help to Girls on all Matters [Religious Tract Society] 1257H Girlhood. Needlework. Music. Art. Elocution. Health. Recreation. Etiquette. Cookery. Literature. Education. Remunerative Work. Girls' Allowances. The Higher Life. Peters (F. IL), M.A., Tr., Vassili Verestchagin, Painter, Soldier, Traveller, Autobiographical Sketches, 2 vols. 1887 539-40 F~ Peters (Hugh). See Chambers' Journal [with Portrait], v. 35, 1944J. Petherick (J.), F.R.G.S., Egypt, The Soudan and Central Africa... 637K Petigru (J. L ). See Living Age, v. 77, 3107J. Petitions. See All the Year Round, v. 31, 1791J. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [Some Prayers and Petitions to Pray], v. 6, 726J. Stubbs' History [Right of], 211-2O, &c. Petland Revisited [Pet Animals, &c], by Wood. 1884 53R See also Pet Animals, &c. Peto (Sir S. M., Railway Contractor, b. 1809), M.D., Taxation, its Levy and Expenditure, Past and Future. 1866 ioi6F~ Petofi. (Alexander). See Once a Week [Poems of], v. 16, 2276J, &c. Petra, Cairo and Damascus in 1839, by Kinnear. 1841 JSSJR See also Century [Photographers' Visit to], v. 9, 1881J. Leisure Hour [Ad- venture in], v. 7, 2617J. Penny Magazine [Ancient City of], v. 5, 143B, &c. Petrarch (F., Italian Poet, b. 1 304, d. 1 3 74), by Reeve [Foreign Classics]. 1878 1180O Life of, by Mrs. Dobson, 2 vols. 1797 426-7F See also Blackwood [Letter to Posterity], v. 3, R.L. Contemporary, v. 24, 2034 J. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Macmillan [Life, Times and Works of], v. 28, 958J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Petrel, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 647Q. Birds, &c. Petrifactions and their Teachings, by Mantell. 1851 126R Petroleum Region of the Caspian in 1883, by Marvin, ill. 1884 ... 805K See also Chambers [Russian], v. 63, 1963J ; [in Americal, v. 37, 1945J. Fraser [and Oil Wells], v. 92, 702J. Good Words [and Coal], v. 4, 2174J. Leisure Hour [in Pennsylvania], v. 15, 2625 J ; v. 34, 2644 J. Science Gossip [Origin of], v. 3, 2411 J. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures [as Fuel, Oils, &c], 8-9D. Good Words, v. 25, 2195J. Playfair's Social Welfare [the Light of the Poor], 336R, &c. Petrology, Study of Rocks, by Rutley. 1 879 674T Pets. See Pet Animals, &c. Petticoat Lane. See All the Year Round, v. 48, 1808J. Guernsey Magazine [and its History], v. 12, 2392J. Once a Week, v. 8, 2768J, &c. Pettigrew (J. B.), F.R.S., Animal Locomotion, &c. [International Scientific Series]. 1883.., 354R Pettigrew (T. ]., Antiquary, b. 1791, d. 1865), F.S.A., F.R.S., Chronicles of the Tombs, a Select Collection of Epitaphs [Bonn's Library]. 1864.., 1058R [580] PET ENGLISH SECTION. PHE Pettigrew (T.) Life of Lord Nelson, 2 vols. 1849 415-6F On Superstitions Connected with the History and Practice of Medicine and Surgery. 1844 899M Pevensey Castle. See Once a Week [Day at], v. 13, 2273J, &c. Peyton (J. L., Traveller, b. 1824), Adventures of My Grandfather, J. R. Peyton. 1867 710K History of Augusta County, Virginia. 1882 344^ Over the Alleghanies and Across the Prairies. 1 870 1 591 R The American Crisis [The Civil War, 1861], 2 vols. 1867 399-400O Peyton (T.), Glasse of Time, in the First Age. a Poem of 1620 [Reprint]. 1886 723M Peyton (W. M.), Memoir of, by J. L. Peyton. 1873 4 28F Pfeffel (G. C, German Fabulist, b. 1736, d. 1809). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, Sx. Pfeiffer (Ida, German Traveller, b. 1797, d. 1858), A Lady's Voy- age Round the World, trans, by Sinnett [Travellers' Library] 1272R A Visit to Iceland [National Illustrated Library]. 1852 1321R the Holy Land [National Illustrated Library]. 1852... 1314R — Woman's Journey Round the World, translated [National Illustrated Library]. 1850 1322R Biography and Travels of, illustrated. 1879 &71Q TPhaedirmiS. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. PhSBdrilS {Roman Fabulist, Jl. 14), with the Appendix of Gudius, translated by Smart [Family Classical Library]. 183 1 II2 5Q Phantasmagoria. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Phantasms of the Living. See Fortnightly, v. 39, 2i29_J, &c. Pliantastes, a Faerie Romance, by Macdonald 1875-6Z Phantom World, or Philosophy of Spirits, Apparitions, &c, by Calmet, edited by Christmas, 2 vols. 1850 908M Phantoms. See All the Year Round [of Regatta Island], v. 21, 1781J. Cham- bers [Horse], v. 26, 1939J ; [of Dead moor Tower], v. 45, 1949J ; [Armies], v. 48, 1950J. Good Words [Isles], v. 13, 2183J. Pharaohs (Kings of Egypt). See Bartlett's Palestine, 634K. Beke's Sinai in Arabia, 597B. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Sunday at Home [the Bible], v. 15, 2865J. Egypt, &c. Pharisees. See Ewald's Israel, 65K. Good Words [Rebuked], v. 2, 2172 J. Household Words [and Sinners], v. 8, 1748J. Smith's Jewish Church. 4 6 7 M, &c. Pharmacopoeia, British [A description of the various Medicines in use], published by the Medical Council. 1877 822M Pheasant, The. See Fraser, v. 49, 659J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 646 and 657Q. Nineteenth Century [Pheasant-Shooting], v. 14, 2224J. Mow- bray's Treatise, 173R. Penny Magazine [Horned, of India], v. 5, 143B ; [Common], v. 9, 147B. Science Gossip [a Chapter on], v. 20, 2421J. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T, &c. Phelp3 (A), D.D., Man's Renewal, or the Work of the Holy Spirit.. 226Q My Study and other Essays 1886 1059R [Future Retribution, Inspiration, Slavery, &c] Phelps (C. A.), Life and Services of General Grant and a Sketch of Colfax. 1868 679O Phelps (E.S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Fiction Class List follow- ing the General Catalogue, &c. Phelps (S., Actor, b. 1804, ^.1878), Ed., Complete Works of Shakes- peare, with Notes, &c, engravings by Browne 415-6D Life and Life Work of, by W. M. Phelps and Robertson. 1886 619F See also Saturday Review [Life of], v. 62, R.L. Shakespeare's Works, 415D. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1338-9R, &c. [58l] PHE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PHI - Phenomena of Death, Heat, &c. See Timbs' Works, 856Z, &c. Pherecrates. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Ph.id.ias (A thenian Sctdptor, fi. fifth century, b.c ). See Blackwood [and the Elgin Marbles], v. 114, 1S4J. Living Age [Works and Faith of], v. 143, 3173J, &c. Philadelphia. See Century [A Ramble in Old], v. 1, 1873J. Chambers [Visit to], v. 22, 1937J. Harper [Old], v. 52, 1632J. Leisure Hour [in 1871], v. 20, 2630J. Living Age [Bar of], v. 65, 3095 J, Quiver, v. 19, 3289J. Scribner's Monthly, v. 2, 1852J ; [Fairmount Park], v. 1, 1851J ; [Cen- tennial Exhibition], v. 12, 1862J. Sunday at Home, [and Princeton in 1761], v. 19, 2869J,&c. Philanthropy, Leaders in Modern, by Blackie, with Portraits [R.T.S.] 7o2(> See also Blackwood [Eminent Philanthropists], v. 49, R.L. Chambers [Mis- chievous], v. 55, 1955J. Chronicles of Newgate [in Newgate], v. 2, 331D. Muller's Noble Deeds, &c, 92Q. Names of Philanthropists, e.g., Wilberforce, Howard, Shaftesbury, Nightingale, &c. Peirce's Juvenile Delinquents (United States), 1090F. Temple Bar [Modern], v. 48, 3078J. Tweedie's Earnest Men, 622O. Sunday Magazine, v. 3, 2453J, &c. Philemon, Epistle to, Commentary by Barry 2530- [Barne's Notes] 8M Philemon {Writer of Comedies, 339 B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Philharmonic Society. See Leisure Hour [Few Recollections of], v. 37, 2647J. Philip (St., Apostle). See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K, &c. Philip II. (King of Spain, Ik 1527, d. 1588), and Antonio Perez, by Mignet. 1846 , 358O History of, by Watson, 3 vols. 1785 430-2F Reign of, by Prescott, 2 vols. 1856 3923O See also Blackwood, v. 79, 149J. Cornhill [Episode in the History of], v. 18, 298J. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 327H. Froude's England, 193-203O. Leisure Hour [of Spain], v. 5, 2615J. Living Age [and Don Carlos], v. 56, 3086J ; [in England], v. 141, 3171J, &c. Philip III. {the Pious, King of Spain, b. 1578, d. 1 621), History of, by Watson and Thomson, 2 vols, 1793 43^-7^ See also Edinburgh Review [and Henry IV.], v. 154, 5 T 4J- Philip V. {King of Spain, b. 1294, d. 1322). See Fraser [Times of], v. 29, 639J. Philip, King of Macedonia. See Josephus, 67H. Mit ford's Greece, 105-7H. Niebuhr's History of Rome, 87H. Greece, &c. Philip of Thessalonica. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Philip (R.), Christian Experience, or a Guide to the Perplexed. 1834 59Z. Philippa. See Clayton's Female Warriors, 643O, Sic. Philippart (J.), Memoirs of Charles John, Prince Royal of Sweden 117F Philippians, Epistle to the, Lectures by Airay. 1864 59A ■ — See also Commentaries, &c. Philippine Islands, Twenty Years in the, by La Gironiere. 1S53... 1267R See also Blackwood, v. 3, R.L. Living Age [and Manilla], v. 32, 3062J. ' Nature [Earthquake in 1876], v. 18, 2678J. Stanford's Compendium, 853K, &c Philips (A., Poet, b. 1 67 1, d. 1749), Poetical Works, and Life by * Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1S07 379Z Philips (C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Philips (J., Poet, b. 1676, d. 1708), Poetical Works, and Life by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807 347Z. Philistines, The. See Beke's Sinai in Arabia, 597B. Ewald's Israel, 63-4K. Smith's Prophets, 466M, &c. Philleo (C. W.), Works of. See Harpers Index, i64oJa. [582] PHI ENGLISH SECTION. PHI Phillimore (C. M.), Era Angelico [Great Artists]. 1SS1 1097O Phillimore (Lucy), Sir C. Wren, His Family and Times. 188 1 ... 585F Phillimore (Sir R., Judge, b. 1810, d. 1885), D.C.L., Principal Ecclesiastical Judgments, delivered in the Court of Arches [1867-75]. 1S76 495A Phillip (J., Scotch Painter, b. i3i7, d. 1867). See Frith's Reminiscences, 615F. Phillips "(Mrs. A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Phillips (B. and W. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Phillips (C), Curran and some of his Contemporaries. 18 18 206F See also Edinburgh Review [Speeches], v. 4, 354J. Quarterly [Poems and Speeches], v. 16, 1146J. Phillips (E. C), Havelock and Clyde [World's Workers]. 1885 .. 11450 Phillips (J., Geologist, b. 1800, d. 1874), F.R.S., Life on the Earth, its Origin and Succession, i860 161R See also Replies to Essays and Reviews, 663 A. Phillips ([. R.), Local Taxation in England and Wales, edited by Probyn. 1882...- 303R Phillips (W., Mineralogist, b. 1773, d. 1828), F.L.S., Elementary Mineralogy, augmented by Allan. 1837 559R Manual of British Uiscomycetes [Int. Scien. Series], illustrated 398R Speeches, Lectures, and Letters. 1870 1050II PhillpotS (Henry, Bishop of Exeter). See Blackwood [Letters to Canning], v. 21, R.L. Fraser, v. 2, 612J. Philo. See Fraser [The Jew], v. 90, 700J. PhilodeniUS. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Philology General or Developmental, by Latham. 1878 903R by Peile [Literature Primers]. 1877 1210Z Elements of Comparative, by Latham. 1862 1020H Sacred, with Interpretation, by Planck, translated by Turner 10Q See also Bartlett's Glossary, 187D. Buckle's Civilization, i85-80. Farrar's Families of Speech, 944 R ; Language, 945R. Fraser [Greek and Roman], v. 48, 658J ; [A Few Words on], v. 87, 697J ; [Ups and Downs in], v. 97, 707J. Gouraud's Cosmophonography, 123D. Harper [Our Debt to Cadmus], v. 46, 1626J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. John- son's Works, 993H. Muller's Works, 1041-2R. Nature, v. i, 2661J ; [Recent Progress in], v. 22, 2632J. Stanford's Compendium of Geo- graphy and Travel. Language, &c. Philonides. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Philopcemen (Greek General, b. 252, d. 183 B.C.). See Plutarch's Lives, 447F and 1132Q, &c. Philosopher's Stone. See Mackay's Delusions, 904M. Occult Sciences, 1935R. Chambers, v. 7, 1927J, &c. PHILOSOPHY, Works relating to : {See also Natural Philo- sophy and Physics, Mental Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Religion, Logic, Scepticism, Utilitarianism, Will, Emotions, Passions, Social Economy, Spiritualism, dfc, also under sub- jects, e.g., Sleep, Health, Magic, Names of Philosophers, &*£), Philosophers, English, v.d. : Hartley (D.) and Mill (J.), by Bowen 1230O Bacon (F.), by Fowler 1229O Smith (A.), by Farrer 1231O of the Time of George III, by Brougham. 1855 597R Philosophical Classics for English Readers, edited by Knight. See Knight (W.), LL.D. Classics, &c. ■ Enquiry into the Origin of our ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. 1770 6411! [583] PHI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PHI PHILOSOPHY— Works relating io— {continued.) Philosophical Essays by Stewart. 1818 596II Works of John Locke [Bonn's Library]. 1854 1010-1R Philosophy, a Study of Spinoza, by Martineau. 1882 976O and Religion, by Dick 29Q Modern Theories, by Tulloch. 1854 724A Biographical History of, by Lewes, 4 vols in 2. 1852 1750-1Z Greek, History of, by Zeller, translated by Alleyne, 2 vols.. 538-9M History of the Outlines of, by Zeller, trans, by Alleyne and Abbott. 1886 1196H ■ History of, by Enfield. 1837 206D from Thales to Comte, by Lewes, 2 vols. 1880 571-2H Ancient Philosophy, 571H. Modern Philosophy, 572H. ■ Moral and Political, by Paley, 2 vols. 1803 590- 1 H Higher Ministry of Nature, &c, by Leifchild. 1872 389M of Bacon, by Craik, 3 vols in 2. 1846 1522-3Z History and Social Evolution, by Doherty. 1874 iH Laughter and Smiling, by Vasey. 1877 I124R Life and Philosophy of Language, by ScLIegel, trans- lated by Morrison. 1847 2020R Magic, by Salverte, edited and translated by Thomson... 598-9H ■ — Painting, by Twining. 1849 93&D ■ Religion and History, by Fairbairn. 1880 308M Shakespeare, by Rankine. 1841 640T Sir W. Hamilton, edited by Wright. 1853 597H the Human Mind, by Stewart, 2 vols. 1818 573-4H Mind, by Brown, 4 vols. 1846 575-8H ■ Douglas. 1839 579H Moral Feelings, by Abercrombie. 1836 667T and 1422Z Seasons, Illustrating the Perfections of God, by Dun- can, 2 vols. 1855 300 iM William Shakespeare. 1863 648T Organic, or Man's True Place in Nature, by Doherty, 5 V0IS566-0H Episcomology, 566H. Ontology, 567H. Biology, 568H. Sociology, 569H. Method, 570H. Proverbial, by Tupper. 1 838 484D Sacred, Gleanings from Natural History and the Works of Creation. 1850 192Q Schools of Ancient Philosophy [R.T.S. ] 15MZ Synthetic, by F. H. Collins, with a Preface by Spencer. 1889 587H Data of Ethics [Principles of Morality], by Spencer. 1880. 592H See also Academy [and Modern Theories in], v. 26, R.L. Alison's Principles of Taste, 628-9H. Argyle's Unity of Nature, 792F. Beattie's Truth, &c, 645 H. Beckett's Laws of Nature, 694Q. Blackwood [Christian], v. 113, 183J. Boyce's Study of History, 2H. Brown's Ethics, 243M. Compayr^'s Pedagogy, 296R. Contempor- ary Review [and Theology], v. 2, 2012J. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21-8F. Dallinger's Creation, 823D. Davy's Life, 209- icF. Edinburgh Review [of Perception], v. 52, 412 J ; [History of], v. 56, 416J ; [Mental, Douglas on], v. 70, 430J. Escott's England and Its People, 1018F. Ewaid's Israel, 65K. Franklin's Works, 941H. Fortnightly [Course of Modern Thought], v. 27, 2117J. Eraser [in England and Germany], v. 4, 614J ; [Doctrine of Final Causes], v. 16, 626J. Gasparin's Human Sadness [Mental], 26Q. Haddock's Somnolism and Psycheism, 635H. Hamilton's Metaphysics, 600-1H. Human Progression, 1035F. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Janet's Final Causes, 652H. Life of I. Kant, 332F. Kant's Reason, Reason Why [Natural History], illustrated, i860 ... 35R Enquire Within Upon Everything 960M Philpot {].), B.C.L., Examinations and Writings of. 1842 232A Phipsoil (Emma), The Animal Lore of .Shakespeare's Time, includ- ing Quadrupeds, Birds, Reptiles, Fish and Insects. 1883 ... 929M Phiz. See Browne (Hablot K.), in Supplement. Phocion (Athenian General, b. 402, executed 317 B.C.). See Plutarch's Lives, 1134Q. .Phoebe. See Howson's Companions of St. Paul, 350M. Phoenicia, by Rawlinson [Story of the Nations], illustrated. 1889... 1553O See also Bellow's Europe, 1399R. Contemporary [Phoenicians in Greece], v. 34, 2044J. Donnelly's Atlantis, 1017M. Edinburgh Review [Phoenician Antiquities], v. 163, 523J. Humboldt's Cosmos, 484R. In- man's Ancient Faiths, 95-6K. Leisure Hour [Civilization of], v. 25, 2635J. Pressens^'s Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M. Quar- terly [and Greece], v. 124, 1254J. Rawlinson's Ancient Religions, 448 M. Rawlinson's Nations, 365O. Sunday at Home [Religion of the Phoenicians], v. 26, 2876J, &c. Phoenix. See Twining's Symbols, 507M. Goldsmid's Myths, 2011R, S:c. Phonograph, The. See Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 13, 2353J. Chambers [Phonography], v. 2, 1922J. Nature, v. 17, 2677J ; [and its Future], v. 18, 2678J; [Record under the Microscope], v. 18, 2678J. Scribner's Monthly [and Telephone], v. 15, 1865J. Ure's Dictionary, 9D. Tegg's Posts and Telegraphs, 563R, &c. Phonographic Reporter, or Reporter's Companion 1893Z Teacher and Key, by Pitman [Pitman series]. 1889 1891Z Phonography, British Orations and Introduction, by Adams [Pit- man series] 1899-0Z in the Office, by Kingston [Pitman series]. 1888 1895Z Leaves from the Note Book of T. A. Reed [Pitman series], 2 V0IS...1897-8Z Manual of, by Pitman [Pitman series]. 1888 1892Z Progressive Studies in [Pitman series]. 1888 1894Z Tales and Sketches, by Irving [Pitman series]. 1884 1896Z See also Estes' Recreations in Science, 497R. Cosmophonography, Short- hand, &c. Phosphates. See Nature [Mineral], y. 7,26671. Ure's Dictionary, 8-9D. Phosphorescence. See Buckley's Life, &c, 106R. Chambers [of the Sea], v. 41, 1947J ; v. 57, 1957J ; v. 60, 1960J. Harper [Phosphorescent Creatures], v. 66, 1646J. Nature [of Marine Animals], v. 32, 2692J. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Phosphoric Acid. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Phosphorus. See Cornhill [Waste of], v. o, 289J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Photographs of Paris Life, a Record of Politics, Fashion, &c, by Chroniqueuse [Mrs. Sikes]. 1861 1370R [585] PHO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PHY PHOTOGRAPHY and Light, Chemistry of, by Vogcl. 1888 358R ) by Charles Quinn [Every Boy's Annual], 1869 1303H Photographic Manipulation, by Price. 1858 1097M See also All the Year Round [Photographs], v. 7, 1767J ; [Criminal], v. 31, 179 1 J ; [New Uses of], v. 41, 1S01J ; v. 55, 1815J. Art Journal [on Paper and on Glass], v. 2, R.L. ; [Photographic Impressions], v. 3, R.L. ; [Photographic Pictures], v. 7, R.L. Boys' Own Annual [for Boys] v. 8, 2958J. Brown's Science for All, 626B. Cassell's Family Magazine [of the Heavens], v. 11, 2361J. Chambers [Photographs and Oxyhvdrogen Lantern], v. 32, 1942J ; [of the last Century], v. 41, 1947J ; [Photographic Wonders], v. 46, 1949J ; [Durable], v. 48, 1950J. Cornhill [Wonders of], v. 48, 328J. English Mechanic, v. 46 and 47, 1046 and 1047D. Estes' Recreation in Science, 497R. Fortnightly [Photographic Chronicles from Childhood to Age], v. 37, 2127J. Girl's Own Annual [for Girls], v. 7, 2557J. Good Words [Early History of], v. 15, 2185J ; [Recent Advances in], v. 23, 2193J. Harper [Application to Printing], v. 13, 1593J ; [Negative in] v. 41, 1621J. Household Words [Progress of], v. 9, 1749J. Knowledge [for Amateurs], v. 1, 2581J ; [Photographic Printing and Recreations], v. 6, 2586J ; Ama- teur Exhibition ot], v. 7, 2587J. Leisure Hour [Manipulation of], v. 6,. 2616J. Living Age [History and Applications of], v. 92, 3T22J. Long- man [in Science], v. 1, 891J. Macmillan [for Travellers and Tourists], v. 6, 936J. Nature [Instantaneous Photographs], v. 26, 2686J ; [Appli- cation to Military Purposes], v. 2, 2662J ; [Mercury], v. 5, 2665J ; [as an Aid to Science], v. 6, 2666J ; [Photographs, Pritish Museum], v. 6, 2666J ; [Bichromate Photographs], v. 8, 2668J ; [Photographic Pro- gress], v. 14, 2674J. Once a Week [Cartes de Visite], v. 6, 2266J; [a suppressed Art], v. 10, 2270J ; [Future of], v. 18, 2278J. Proctor's Science [Photographic Ghosts], 441R. Quarterly, v. 101, 1231 J. Science Gossip, v. 2, 241 1 J ; [by vital Phosphorescence], v. 23, 2423J. South Kensington Science Lectures, 500R. ' Ure's Dictionary [Photographic Engraving], 8D ; [Photographic Printing], 8-9D. Young Lady's Book, 983M. Harper's Magazine [Modern Amateur], v. 78, 1658J. Nature, v. 39, 2699J, &C. Ph.Otomeric Measurements. See Nature [of Sun and other Lights], v. 27, 2687J ; [Wedge Photometer, v. 26, 2686J, &c. Phraseology, Commercial, by Haddon [Weale's Series] 7o6Q" See also Macmillan [Phrases Historic], v. 35, 965J. Language, &c. Plireno-Mnemotechny, or The Art of Memory, by Gouraud. 1845 199LV Phrenology, System of, by Combe. 1843 76o-iL> See also Blackwood [Objections to], v. 13, R.L. ; [in France] v. 82, 152 J. Fraser [and Mr. George Combe], v. 22, 632J ; [and Psychology], v. 61, 671J ; [Propensities according to] v. 62, 672J ; [Intellectual Faculties according to] v. 63, 673J. Gibbon's Life of Combe, 196-7F. Lewes' Philosophy, 572H. Quarterly [Gall and Spurzheim on], v. 13, 1143J ; [Combe on] v. 57, 1187J, &c. Phrygians. See Rawlinson's Origin of Nations, 365O. Physic. Set Medicine, 6cc. Physical and Inorganic Chemistry,by Watts [Based on Fownes' Work] 672L> Physical and Moral Law, Difference between, by Arthur. 1883 823D' Physical Education, by Oswald. 1882 , 994M of Girls. See Girl's Book, T257H. Theoretical and Practical, by Maclaren. 18S5 1S08Z. See also Macmillan, v. 19, 949J ; [Athletics and Education] v. 43, 373J, &c. Physical Expression, by Warner 393^ Physical Forces, Applications of, by Guillemin. 1877 159D Physical Geography and Natural History of the Holy Land, by Kitto. 1841 610B by Geikie [Science Primers]. 1879 754^ ■ Mary Somerville. 1858 480R Traill. 1838 757** Handbook of, by Johnston. 1 870 479^ of the Sea, by Maury 757H and 690Q [586J PHY ENGLISH SECTION. PHY Physical Geography. See also Blackwood [Johnston's], v. 65, 135J. Quar- terly, v. S3, 1213J. Huxley's Physiography. 495R. Geography, &c. Physical History of the Earth, Geology and Paleontology, by Nicols. 1880 . 5I9R Physical Phenomena of Living Beings, by Matteucci. 1847 34R Set also Guillemin's Forces of Nature. 158D, &c. Physical Sciences, Connexion of the, by Somerville. 1836 691Q See also Buckle's Civilisation, 186-8O. Whewell's Inductive Sciences, 767D. Nature [at Cambridge], v. 2, 2662J ; [in Schools] v. 13, 2673J, &c. Physical Structure of Man, by Mudie. 1838 494T Physical Theory of another Life, by Taylor. 1836 47°A Physical Training, by Brabazon [Board School Reform] , 1103F See also Meath's Prosperity, 1105F, &c. Physicians, British, Lives of. 1S30 252Z See also Fraser [Plea for], v. 37, 647 J. Living Age [Female], v. 73, 3103J. Quiver [some Christian], v. 26, 3296J. Temple Bar [as Men of Letters], v. 55, 1385J. The Healing Art, 929-30K, &c. Physician's Holiday, A, Switzerland in the Summer of 1848, by Forbes 859K PhysiCO-Theology, or a Demonstration of the Being and Attri- butes of God, from his Works of Creation, by Derham. 1798 40-1K Physics and Politics, by Bagehot 379R Physicists, by Garnett. 1885 705O by Stewart [Science Primers]. 1879 753^ See also Brown's Science for All [General], 626-9B. Harper's Index, r64oJa. Nature, v. 7, 2677J. Lewes' Philosophy, 571-2H. Routledge's Science, 515R. Schoedler's Book of Nature, 713F. Smith's Essays [Ancient], 462M. Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Natural Philosophy, &c. Physiognomy, Essays on, by Lavater, translated by Holcroft, and a Memoir of the Author 469D See also Knowledge [Human Evolution of], v. 4, 2534J. Warner's Physical Expression, 393R. Blackwood [Science of], v. 6, R.L. Cornhill [First Principle of], v. 4, 284 J. Quarterly [of the Human Form], v. 99, i229j,&c. Physiography, by Huxley. 1S7S 495R See also Harper's Index, i64oJa. PHYSIOLOGY — Works relating to : {See also Anatomy, Biology, Muscles, Nerves, International Scientific Series, £fc). Physiology, Anatomy and Surgery, by Wilkinson. 1S51 1463Z and Intellectual Philosophy, by Barlow. 1842 465R Anatomy, Cyclopaedia of, edited by Todd, 5 vols, 1836-59 1-5D Animal, by Carpenter. 1844 7 2 5F by Clark [Elementary Science, S.P.C.K.]. 1882 1833Z M. Foster [Science Primers]. 1879 1436Z First Principles of Human Physiology, by Pilter 748Z for Practical Use, edited by Hinton, 2 vols. 1S74 829-0M of Digestion, &c , by Beaumont. 1838 840M by Combe. 1845 I45°Z &c, by Gamgee. 18S4 986M the Muscles and Nerves, by Rosenthal, 1883 367R Popular, by Lord. 1834 1464Z Principles of, by Combe 831M and 1116Z See also Bell's Expressions, 892R; Nervous System of the Human Body. 201D. Blackwood [Sentimental], v. 86, 156J. Brown's Science for All, 626-9B. Bullar's Bodily Life, 1463Z. Cassell's Popular Edu- cator [Human], 164-9D. Chambers [Physiological Errors], v. 55, 1955J. [587] PHST GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PIG -PHYSIOLOGY— Works relating to— {continued.) Clifford's Seeing and Thinking, 158R. Edinburgh Review [Animal and Vegetable], v. 60, 420J. Excelsior, 1927-31R. Geikie's Science of Common Life, 1419Z. Good Words [Moral Lessons of], v. 20, 2190J. Haddock's Somnolism and Psycheism, 635H. Harvey's Cir- culation of the Blood, 312F. Kaufman's Sketches, 1451Z. Liebig's Chemistry, 727D. Living Age [and Medicine], v. 75, 3105J. Nature [Laboratories in Great Britain], v. 3, 2663J ; [for Women], v. 5, 2665J ; [Human, Flint's], v. 8, 2668J ; [French Experimental], v. 13, 2673J ; [Elementary Instruction in], v. 16, 2676J. Schoedler's Book of Nature, 713F. Temple Bar [the Problem of Society], v. 6, 1336J. Walker's Exercises for Ladies, 1881Z. Whewell's Inductive Sciences, 768D. Science Lectures [Elementary], 45 iR. Nature, v. 39> 2990J. &c. Physiology of War, Napoleon and the Russian Campaign, and Power and Liberty, by Tolstoi, translated by Smith I5 2 70 Pianoforte Student, a Catechism for the, by Hiles. 1876 1507Z See also All the Year Round, v. 49, 1809J. Argosy, v. 2, 2J. Dodd's Manufactures, 1487Z. The English Illustrated Magazine [and its Pre- cursors], vol. 1, 1991J. Fraser [Mozart's], v. 43, 653J. Girls' Book, 1257H. Girls' Own Annual [How to Choose one and Keep it in Order], vol. 7, 2557J, Knowledge [Players, Surgery for], v. 8, 2588J. Leisure Hour [Domestic], v. 23, 2633J ; [Fathers of], v. 24, 2634J. Mathews' History of Music, 943D. Naumann's Music, 928-9D. Penny Maga- zine [Factory], v. 11, 149B. Girl's Own Annual [Duet playing], v. 10, 2560J, &c. Piatt (J. T-)> Ed., Poems of George D. Prentice, with a Biographi- cal Sketch. 1887 778M Pieardy. See English Illustrated Magazine [Picturesque], v. 4, 1994J, &c. Piccadilly. See Blackwood, v. 97, 707J ; v. 98, 708J. Fraser [Fine Day in], v. 30, 640 J. Picoiola, or the Prison Flower, by Saintine, illustrated. 1873 1091Q Pichegru (Charles, French Republican General, b. 1761, d. 1804). See Alison's Europe, 122-6O, &c. Pickerel Fishing. See Penny Magazine, v. 5, 143B. Seeley's Fishes, 811 F. Fishes, &c. Pickering (C), M.D., Races of Man, and an Analytical Synopsis of the Natural History of Man, by Hall. 185 1 42R Pickford (J.). See Notes and Queries, v. 79, 1099J. Pickles. Sec Babcock's Hints, 946M. Facts and Hints for Everyday Life, 942R. Girl's Own Annual [Home made], v. 4, 2554J. Leisure Hour [and Preserves], v. 9, 2619J. Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Enquire Within Upon Everything, 960M. Cookery, &c. Picnics. See Girl's Own Annual [by Land and Water], v. 7, 2557J. Home Amusements, 949M, &c. Pictet (B., Swiss Theologian, b. 1655, d. 1724), Christian Theology, translated by Reyroux. 1834 109O Pictography of the Cliff Dwellers. See Nadaillac's Pre- Historic America, 897F, $c. Picton (Sir Thomas, General, b. 1758, killed at Waterloo, 18 15). See Alison's Europe, 131-7O. Pictorial Press, its Origin and Progress, by Mason Jackson. 18S5.. 982H See also Periodicals, Press, &c. Picts and Scots. See Lappenberg's England, 1517O. Palgrave's Normandy and England [Scots-Picts], 183H. Scots, fee. Picture Bible, by Caunter 295A Pictures. See Academy [Old Masters at Edinburgh], v. 24, R.L. Art Hand Books, 964M. Art Journal [Picture Frames, and General Articles on Art and Pictures], R.L. Chambers [Picture Steding], v. 60, 1960J. Leisure Hour [How to enjoy a Pi ture Gallery], v. 8, 2618J ; [and Paint], v. 29, 2639J. Longman [and Prints, Care of], v. 7, 897J. National Miscellany [Public Picture Galleries], 1034H. Temple Bar [Private Views at Exhibitions of], v. 74, 1404J. Wilkinson's On Colour, 948D. Art, &c. [588] PIC ENGLISH SECTION. PIK Pictures from Australia, drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Willoughby 332B- Bible Lands, drawn with Pen and Pencil, edited by Green, illustrated by Whymper, &c 328B Canada, drawn wilh Pen and Pencil, by the Marquis of Lome 33 iB France, drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Green 334B- Holland, drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Lovett. 1887 , 335B Italy, by Dickens. 1846 620Z drawn with Pen and Pencil 330B Norway, drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Lovett, illustrated by Whymper, &c. 1 885 329B the German Fatherland, drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Green 333B Irish, drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Lovett. 1888 33^B Pies. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Wells' Pastrycook, 998M. Enquire Within Upon Everything, 960M. Cookery, &c. Piedmont, Vaudois of, by Baines. 1855 764Q and 1266R See also Manning's Italian Pictures, 323B. Sunday at Home [A Visit to the Valleys of], v. 19, 2869J. Italy, &c. Pierce (E. L.) Memoir and Letters of C. Sumner, 2 vols. 1878 ... 518-9F Pierce (Franklin, President of United States, b. 1804, d. 1869), Life of, by Hawthorn. 1853 977Q and 241Z Pierpont(J.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Poets of America, 468D, &c. Piers Ploughman, Vision and Creed of, a Poem, edited by Wright... 1413M Pierson (H. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Piety. See Abbott's Young Christian, 277M. Reaney's Our Daughters, 450M. Vinet's Vital Christianity, 67K. Sunday at Home [at Home], v. 28, 2878J. Religion, &c. Pig, The. See Brown's Science for All, 628B. Jardine's JSI aturalists' Library, 666Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 71TF. Mowbray's Breeding, &c., 173R. Saturday Review [Long's Book of the], v. 61, R.L. Nature [Ancient British], v. 14, 2674J. Household Words, v. 5, 1745J. Farming, Natural History, &c. Pigeons, Our Fancy Pigeons, and Rambling Notes of a Naturalist, . by Ure. 1889 , 2114R See also All the Year Round [Fancy], v. 59, 1819J. Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Boy's Own Annual [Pigeon Loft and Dovecot], v. 3 and 7, 2953 and 2957J. Brown's Science for All, 6-^8B. Cassell's Franco- German War [Pigeon Post], 456-7B. Cassell's Magazine [Courier], v. 4, 2344J ; Pastimes, 1262H. Century [Breeding of Fancy], v. to, 1882J. Chambers [Homing], v. 61, 1961J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [Plebeian and Aristocratic], v. 72, 1652J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 646 and 652Q. Knowledge [Tumbler], v. 5, 2585J. Leisure Hour [Post by], v. 20, 2630 J. Mowbray's Treatise, 173R. Science Gossip, v. 8, 2413J, &c. Pigott (A. S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Pigments. See Chambers [White], v. 60, 1960J. Colours, Paints, &c. Pigtails. See Leisure Hour [and Powder], v. 34, 2644J, &c. Pike, The. See Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Science Gossip, v. 2, 2411 J. Seeley's Fishes, 811 F. Taylor's Byepaths [Fishing in Norfolk], 62R. Satur- day Review [As Water Wolves], v. 60, R.L. Fishes, &c. Pike (A.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Pike (G. H.), Ancient Meeting Houses, or Memorial Pictures of Non- conformity in Old London. 1870 • 261 Life of Spurgeon, with Anecdotes, &c. 1887 1342O Pity for the Perishing, the Power of the Bible in London, with an Introduction by Earl Cairns. 1884 55oM [589] PIK GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PIN Pike (G. H.), Ed., The Heavenly World, Views of the Future Life, by Eminent Writers. 1880 1235M The Glorious Inheritance, by Spurgeon. Ten Views of Heaven, by Maclaren. The Intermediate State, by Foster. The Beautiful Vision, by Hall. What is Heaven, by Addison, Cowper, Johnson, Goldsmith, A'Kempis, Sheppard and Defoe. The Glorified State, by Watts. Eternal Rest, by Baxter. Heaven and its Associations, by Jay. Kingdom of God, by Chalmers. The Consummation of Happiness, by Henry. Heavenly State, by Price. The World to Come, by Bun- yan. Immortality, by Irving. The Perfect World, by Various Writers. Pike (J. G.), A Guide for Young Disciples of the Holy Saviour 167SZ • Persuasives to Early Fiety 60 and 1677Z Pike (L. O.), M.A., History of Crime in Engbnd, 2 vols. 1873 ... 307-8H Pike (M. C and J. S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Pike (N.), Sub-Tropical Rambles, &c. in the Mauritius, illus. 1S73 740K Pikes. See Boutell's Arms, 366O, &c. Pilate (Poutius, Roman Governor of Judcea, d. 30). See Ewald's Israel, 66K, &c. Pilcliard. See Chambers [Driving], v. 52, 1952J. Fraser [Fisheries of CornwaTJ, v. 95, 70SJ. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fishes, &c. Pile Dwellings. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F, &c. Pilgrimage to El Medinah and Meccah, by Burton, 2 vols. 1857...1498-9R Rome, by Seymour. 1849 1418R Pilgrimages. See Cassell's Maeazine [a Chapter on], v. 8, 2348J. Cornhill Magazine [Two British Pilgrimages in the Nineteenth Century], v. 11, 338J. Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. Madden's Shrines, 342-3K, &c. Pilgrims. See Art Journal [of Middle Ages], v. 13, R.L. Cornhill [and Shrines in the Middle Ages], v. 17, 297J. Cutt's Middle Ages, 940F. Eggles- ton's United States, 421 H. Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. Living Age [Return of, from Mecca], v. 22, 3052J ; [True Character of Pilgrim Fathers], v. 157, 3187J. Quiver, v. 21, 3291J. Sunday at Home [Glimpses of the Pilgrim Fathers], v. 1, 2851J. Sun- day Magazine [Pilgrims of New England], v. 14, 2471J. Harper [Good Old Times at Plymouth], v. 54, 1634J. Scribner [Pilgrims of New England and Puritans], v. 12, 1862 J. Noble Traits of Kingly Men, 1537O, &C Pilgrim's Progress and Holy War, by Bunyan 124Q by Bunyan 546A, 195Q, 17K and 1671Z • with Mason's Notes. 1846 86Q See also Bunyan's Life, 156F, &c. Pilkington (J.), Artist's Guide and Mechanic's Own Book. 1841... 526R Pilkington (J. G., Bishop of Durham, b. 1520, d. 1575), M.A., 7k, Confessions of St. Augustine. 1S76 334A • Works of. 1842 , 223A Pilkington (M.), A.M., Dictionary of Painters, 2 vols. 1829 43S-9F Pillory, See Penny Magazine, v. it, 149B. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Pilot-Pish, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 679Q. Fishes, &c. Pilots. See All the Year Round [and Pilotage], v. 24, 1784J. Navigation, &c. Pilter (W. T.), First Principles of Human Physiology, and a few Applications of them, illustrated. 1882 7482 Pindar Theban, Lyric Poet, b. 522, d. 442 B.C.), Odes of, translated by West, Sic, 2 vols. 1810 1765-6Z by Morice [Collins' Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1879 1166Q translated by Wheelwright [Family Classical Library]. 1830 ... 1117Q See also Fraser, v. 80, 690J. Quarterly [Moore's], v. 28, 1158J ; [Odes of Victory], v. 162, 1292J. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Pindar (Peter [John Vfo\cott\ Satirical Poet, b. 1 738, rf". 1819), Odes, Epistles, &c, and a Sketch of his Life. 1804 519Z Works of, 3 vols. 1797 514-6F [590] PIN ENGLISH SECTION. PIT Pindarics. See Quarterly [Account of the], v. 18, 1148J. India, &c. Pindemonte (T., Italian Poet, b. 1753, d. 1828). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Pineapples. See Science Gossip, v. 3 and 7, 3471 J and 2413 J. Fruit, &c. Pines. See Harper [In the], v. 65, 1645J. Once a Week [Stone Pine], v. r, 2261J. Temple Bar [Cultivation of], v. 17. 1347J, &c. Pingblaiicll (D. A.), Inquisition Unmasked, translated by Walton. 323-4A Pinkney (E. C). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Poets of America, 468D, &c. Pinnock (W.) Guide to Knowledge, illustrated, vols 1-6. 1833-9... II-16D See also Leisure Hour, v. 12, 2622J. PinilOCk (W. II.), B.C. L., Analysis of New Testament History, with Questions for Examination. 1851 61Z Pins. See Chambers, v. 47, 1950J. Penny Magazine [New], v. 3, 14TB. Ure's Dictionary [Pin Manufacture], 8D, &c. Pioneor Missionary and Naturalist in Central India [1844-1S63], a Life of Stephen Hislop, by Smith. 1888 656F Pioneering in South Brazil, by Wither, illustrated, 2 vols. 1878...1635-6R Pioneers of the Christian Faith, by A. G. Forbes, illustrated. 1S73 912O Piozzi (H. L.), Anecdotes of Samuel Johnson, during the last Twenty Years of his Life [Travellers' Library]. 1856 1275R British Synonymy. 1804 1236Z See also Blackwood, v. 91, 161J, &c. Pipe (J. S.) Dialogues on Sanctification, for the Use of those who are Seeking a Full Salvation. 1852 62Z Pipes. See Chambers [Manufacture of], v. 24, 1938J, Leisure Hour [and To- bacco in the East], v. 16, 2626J. Once a Week [Paper], v. 3, 2263J. Pirates, Monarchs of the Main, by Thornbury, 3 vols. 1855 I 3°5"7R See also All the Year Round [in the Channel], v. 6, 1765J ; [some Eminent], v. 36, 1796J ; [a Pirate Crew], v. 55, 18T5J. Blackwood [in the Gulf of Persia], v. to, R.L. Boys' Own Annual [with illustration], v. 5, 2955 J. Chronicles of Newgate [Prevalence of], v. 1, 330D. Cornhill [Cilician], v. 7, 237J : [Moslem, in the Mediterranean], v. 46, 326J. Cumming's China, 789K. Doyle's English in America, 173-4H. Household Words, v. 3, 1643J. Leisure Hour [Among], v. 15, 2625J. Living Age [and Piracy in the Eastern Archipelago], v. 18, 3048J Macfarlane's Robbers, 1224Z. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Roberts' Social History, 301 H. Thornbury's Monarchs of the Main, T305-7R. Kidd (Capt.), &c. Pirkis (Mrs. C. L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Pisa. See Temple Bar [Fortnight in], v. ax, 135 1 J. Girl's Own Annual [Campo Santo at], v. 10, 2560J. Pisan. (C. De). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Pisciculture. See Harper's Index [American Fish -Culture, &C.], i64oJa. Fishes, &c. Pistols. See All the Year Round [Pistol Practice in America], v. 42, 1802 J. Cen- tury [a Pistol Shot], v. 10, 1882J. Gentleman's Magazine [in America], v. 23, 743J. Household Words [Colts'], v. 9, 1649J. Living Age [for three], v. 54, 30S4J. Saturday Review [Growing use of], v. 59, R.L. Arms, Firearms, Guns, &c Piteairn Island, and an Account of the Mutiny of the Bounty. 1832 107Z the Island, the People and the Pastor, by Murray, illus. i860 ... 1792Z See also Blackwood, v. 73, 143J. Chambers [in 1849], v. 13, 1933J. Sunday at Home, [Incident in], v. 2, 2852J, &.c. Pitcher Plant (The). See Nature, v. 3, 2663J. Botany, Plants, &c. Pitman (Mrs. E. R.), Elizabeth Fry [Eminent Women Series]. 1 884 I128O Heroines of the Mission Field. 1880 707O — Muller and Reed [World's Workers]. 1885 II48O Pitman (Isaac, P/iono°rap/ier, invented Phonetic system of writing, 1837, b. 1813), Series of Phonography, V.D. : — Phonographic Teacher and Key 1891Z Manual of Phonography 1892Z Phonographic Reporter, or Reporter's Companion 1893Z [59i] PIT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PIT Pitman (Isaac)— («w//«W.) Progressive Studies in Phonography 1894Z Phonography in the Office, a complete Shorthand Clerk's Guide, by Kingston 1895Z Tales and Sketches, by Washington Irving 1896Z Leaves from the Note-book of Thomas Allen Reed, 2 vols. ...1897-8Z Representative British Orations, with Introductions by Charles Kendall Adams, 2 vols 1899-1900Z Pitman (R. C), LL.D., Alcohol and the State, a Discussion on the Problem of Law as applied to the Liquor Traffic. 1877 836M Pitmen. See All the Year Round [Dialect of a Real Pitman], v. 17, 1777J. Chambers [Past and Present], v. 63, 1963J. Pits. See Time [and Miners], v. 19, 1509J. Pitt (C, Poet, b. 1699, d. 1748), Poetical Works and Life, by John- son [Poets of Great Britain], 1807 37oZ Pitt (Sarah). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Pitt (Rt. Hon. W T ., Earl of Chatham, Premier, 1 766, b. 1 708, d. 1778), Anecdotes of the Life of, 3 vols. 1810 913-5G* Beauties of, consisting of Selections from his Speeches, by Howard... 1237Z by Sergeant [English Political Leaders]. 1882 1 242O Life of, by Tomline, 3 vols. 1822 440-2F See also Alison's Europe, 121-32O. Creasy's Etonians, 1420O. Cunning- ham's Eminent Englishmen, 27F. Edinburgh Review [Correspond- ence] v. 4, 364J ; [Character of], v. 67, 427J. Ewald's Statesmen, 471 F. Trevelyan's Life of Fox, 260F. Fitzgerald's Kings and Queens of an Hour [Early Loves of], 84F. Fraser [and Canning], v. 60, 670J ; [Last Ten Years of], v. 66, 676J. Froude's Ireland, 205-6O. Green's English People, 192H. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Lecky's Eighteenth Century, T71H. Macaulay's Essays, 15310; Miscellaneous Writings, 1530O. Mahon's England, 217-9O. Nicoll's Great Orators, 992Q. Quarterly [Correspondence of], v. 36, 1166J ; [Life of], v. 66, 1196J. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 208H, &c. Pitta CUS {One of the Seven Greek Sages, b. 652, d. 569 B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Pitts (J. Linwood), F.S.A. (Ncrmandy), Guernsey and its Bailiwick, a Guide and a Gossip, with Notices of Sark, Herm, Jethou and Alderney, with maps and illustrations. 1889 428H [Historic Possibilities, Old Government House, Guernsey versus The Riviera, Guille-Alles Library, Laws, Geology, Trade, &c] Guernsey under Queen Victoria, a Brief Jubilee Record of Fifty Years of Loyalty, Peace, Prosperity and Progress. 1887 ... 7o7L> How Guernsey Kep. the Jubilee [Guernsey Pamphlets, vol. 1], 188; 707L> and Cotgreave (A.), The Guille Alles Library, Guernsey, a Short Account of its History and Formation, with some Reference to its Contents [Guille-Alles Library Series], 1889 1924R Ed., Patois Poems of the Channel Islands, the Norman French Text, edited with Parallel English Translation, Historical In- troduction and Notes, first and second parts [Guille-Alles Library series] 440- 1 D Sermon on the Mount, and the Parable of the Sower, translated into the Franco-Norman Dialect of Guernsey, by G. Metivier [Guille-Alles Library series] 1858Z Witchtcraft and Devil Lore in the Channel Islands, Transcripts from the Official Records of the Guernsey Royal Court, with an English Translation and Historical Introduction. 1886... 442D Pittsburg. See Harper [Illustrated], v. 62, 1642J. Pitv. See Lecky's Morals, 384M, &c. [592] PIU ENGLISH SECTION. PLA Pius II. {Pope, b. 1405, d. 1464). See Leisure Hour [Private Life of], v. ax, 2631J. Macmillan, v. 27, 957J. Saturday Review [Autobiography of, Sup- pressed Passages], v. 57, R.L., &c. PiusVI. {Pope, b. 1717, d. 1799). See Edinburgh Review [Life of], v. 31, 391J. Pius VII. {.Pope, b. 1800, d. 1823). See Alison's Europe, 125-37O, &c. Pius VIII. {Pope, b. 1761, d. 1830). See Quarterly, v. 105, 1235J. Pius IX. {Pope, b. 1792, d. 1878). See Arthurs The Popes, &c, 453-4F. Cham- bers [at Home], v. 50, 1951J. Living Age [and Napoleon III.], v. 64, 3094J. Quarterly, v. 82, 1212J ; [and Sardinia], v. 97, 1227J. Pizarro (F. , Spanish Warrior, conquered Peru, />. 1475, assassinated 1 541), Life of, by Helps. 1869 916O See also Del Mar's Precious Metals, 899F. Prescott's Peru, 388-9O, &c. Places, i.e., Towns, Countries, &c. See under Names of Places required, or in Harper's or Poole's Indexes, Gazetteers, &c. Plagiarism. See Leisure Hour, v. 23, 2633J. Longman [Ethics of], V. 8, 998 J. Macmillan [and Coincidence], v. 15, 945J. Once a Week [Notes on], v. 22, 2232J. Saturday Review [ofW. H. Davenport Adams], v. 56, R.L. Plague of London [1665], by Defoe 643R, 141 and 1650Z Plague, The. See All the Year Round [at Eyam], v. 22, 1782J. Blackwood [Albano during], v. 102, 172J. Chambers [in old Times], v. 31, 1942J. Cornhill [and Pestilence, History of], v. 11, 291J. Fraser [of the 14th Century], v. 5, 615J. Quarterly, v. 33, 1163J; [a Contagious Disease], v. 33, 1163J. Sunday Magazine, v. 15, 2472J. Millingen's Medical Curiosities, 92/K, &c. Plagues of Egypt. Sec Sund; y at Home, v. 5, 2855J, &c. Plaice, The. See Jardine's N; tu alists' Library, 680Q. Fish, &c. Plain and Pleasant Talk about Fruits, Flowers and Farming, by Beecher. 1859 592R Plain Speaker, Opinions on Books, &c, by W. Hazlitt. 1870 75oR Plain- Speaking. See Good Words, v. 21, 2191J, &c. Plain Work. See Chambers, v. 42, 1947 J. Plains. See Longman [Across the], v. 2, 992J, &c. Plan (B. Du), Gentleman of Alais, Deputy-General of the Reformed Churches of France [1725- 1763], by Bonnefon. 1878 1464O Planche (F. D.), Cricket as now Played [Crawley's Hand Books] ... 1149M Planche" (J. R.). See Once a Week [with Portrait], v. 27, 2237J. Temple Bar [Theatrical Recollections of], v. 3?, 1366J. Plancnette. See Chambers [a Three-Legged Impostor], v. 45, 1949J. Once a Week, v. 17, 2277J. Spiritualism, &c. Planck (G. J.), Introduction to Sacred Philology and Interpretation. 10Q Planetary and Stellar Studies, by Gore. 1888 552R System, by Nichol. 1850 701D [Wonders of the Heavens] 808Z Planets. See Brown's Science for All, 628B. Century [and the Moon], v. 7, 1879J. Contemporary [New and Near the Sun], v. 34, 2044J. Dun- kin's Midnight Sky, 204D- Excelsior [the Planetary System], 1931R. Gentleman's Magazine [Great], v. 28, 748J. Harper [are they In- habited], v. 33, 1613J. Humboldt's Cosmos, 483 and 486R. Know- ledge [the Ring of Small], v. 4, 2584J ; [Planetary Movements], v. 5, 2 585j ; [Life in other Worlds], v. 7, 2587J. Lardner's Lectures, 756D. Nature [of the Season], v. 20, 2680J ; [outside Neptune, Telescopic Search for], v. 33, 2693J. Cassell's Family Magazine [Letters from the], v. 13, 2362J. Astronomy, Stars, &c. Plantagenet (Richard). See Chambers [The Royal Bricklayer], v. 59, 1959J. Plantagenet and Tudor Sovereigns, and English Freedom [Forster's Debates] 281O Plantagenet's Well. See Gentleman's Magazine [a True Story of the Days of Richard III.], v. 10, 130J. Plants, British, Names and Synonyms of, by Warburton. 1889 ... 1888Z Flowering, Young Collector's Handbook of, by Britten, illus. ... 1844Z Geography of [Religious Tract Society] 841Z. 20 [593] PLA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PL A Plants, Geological History of, by Dawson. 1888 549R Origin of Cultivated Plants, by Candolle. 1884 67R Plant Life, Freaks and Marvels of, by Cooke 774F Popular Papers on Botany, illustrated. 1881 Wonders of, by Herrick, illustrated. 1884 Power of Movement in, by Darwin, illustrated. 1880 Talks About, by Lankester, illustrated. 1879 The, a Biography, by Schleiden. 1848 Young Collector's Handbook of Flowering Plants, by Britten.... See also All the Year Round [British], v. 10, 1770J ; [Plant Lore], v. 56, 1816J ; [Disappearing] v. 58, 1818J. Blight's Land's End, 820Q. Brown's Science for All, 626B. _ Cassell's Magazine [Unlucky Plants], v. 2, 2342 J. Chambers [Climbing], v. 18, 1935J ; [Sleep of], v. 39, 1946J ; [Fresh Water] v. 40, 1946J ; [Habit in Plant Life] v. 59, 1959J ; [Instinct in] v. 60, 1960J. Cooke's Ponds and Ditches, 621Q. Corn- hill [Muscles in], v. 6, 286J ; [Nutrition of] v. 7, 287J. Geikie's Pre- historic Europe, 865F. Gentleman's Magazine [Inner Life of], v. 31, 751J. Girl's Own Annual [Useful], v. 3, 2553J. Good Words [Life and Curiosities of], v. 7, 2177J ; [Without Earth] v. 23, 2193 ]. Fort- nightly [and Insects], v. 27, 2117J. Harper [Excrescences formed by Insects upon], v. 72, 1652J. Humboldt's Nature, 29R. Jesse's Glean- ings [and Seeds], 579Q. Knowledge [New Mode of Growing], v. 1, 2581 J; [Climbing in Trees], v. 7, 2587 J. Leisure Hour [Popular Names of], v. 5, 2615J. Living Age [Habits of], v. 122, 3152 ; [Life on], v. 126, 3156J. Lubbock's Scientific Lectures [and Insects], 782F. Macmillan [Grouping of], v. 30, 960J. Maling's Handbook for Ladies, 493T. Nature [Carnivorous], v. 10, 2670J ; [Biology of], v. 14, 2674J ; [Self-Fertilization of], v. 14, 2674J ; [Sexuality of], v. 15, 2675 J ; [Phy- siology of], v. 23, 2683J ; [Power of Movement in], v. 25, 2685J ; [Ex- citability of], v. 26, 2686J ; [Cultivated], v. 27, 2687J ; [Absorption of Water by], v. 30, 2690J ; [Ascent of Water in], v. 30, 2690J ; [and their Defences], v. 34, 2694J ; [Colourless Specimens of], v. 35, 2695J. Oakey's Home Grounds [Planting], 948M. Once a Week [Useful Monstrosities of], v. 7, 2267J. Penny Magazine [Fecundity of], v. r, 139B; [Color and Order of], v. n, 149J. Quarterly [and Animals], v. 126, 1256J. Rhind's Vegetable Kingdom, 50O. Science Gossip, v. 1, 2411J ; [on Preserving], v. 11, 2415J ; [the Hypothectical], v. 15, 2418J ; [Varia- tions in], v. 23, 2423]. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Sunday Magazine [Make and Growth of], v. 12, 2469J. Timbs' Works [and Trees], 854Z. Wallace's Darwinism, 2121R. Transactions of the Guernsey Society of Natural Science [List of Flowering Plants found wild in Guernsey], 201 2R. Botany, Flowers, Gardening, &c. Plassey, Battle of. See Adam's Battles, 2416, &c. Plastering, Cements, &c, by Dobson. 1872 ; Plasters. See South's Household Surgery, 1857Z, &c. Plate, The River. See Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 786K. Stanford's Compendium, 851K, &p. Plate, Gold and Silver, &c. See All the Year Round [Hail-Marking of], v. 44, 1804J. Cripps' College and Corporation Plate, 1034M. Quarterly [and Plate Buyers], v. 141, 1271J. Ure's Dictionary [Plated Manufac- ture], 8D, &c. Platform Echoes, or Leaves from my Note-Book of Forty Years [Temperance Notes], by Gough. 1885 1; Platinum. See Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8-9D, &c. Plato {Greek Philosopher, b. 429, d. 347 B.C.), by C. W. Collins [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1879 I Introduction to the Dialogues of, by Sewell. 1841 Republic of, translated into English, with Analysis and Index, by Jowett. 1888 13 Summary and Analysis of the Dialogues of, by Day [Bohn's Library]. 1 870 I [594] PLA ENGLISH SECTION. PLB Plato, Translations from the Protagoras, &c 1993^- Translation of the Apology, Crito, &c I994-R- Works of, literally translated by Cary, Davis and Burges [Bohn Library], 6 vols. 1877-1881 : Vol. 1.— Apology of Socrates. Crito. Phaedo. Georgias. Protagoras. Phoedrus. Theaetetus. Euthyphron. Lysis 1167H Vol. 2.— The Republic. Timasus. Critias 1168H Vol. 3. — Meno. Euthydemus. Sophist. Statesman. Cratylus. Par- menides. Banquet 1 169H Vol. 4. — Philebus. Laches. Hippias. Two Alcibiades. Theages. Rivals. Minos. Clitopho, &c 1170H Vol. 5.— The Laws 1171H Vol. 6. — Epinomis. Axiochus. Eryxias. Virtue. Justice. Sisyphus. Demodocus. Timaeus Locrus, with Lives of Plato, by Diogenes Laertius, Hesychius and Olympiodorus 1172H See also Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary Review [Myths of], v. 2, 201 2}. Fortnightly [Authenticity of Works of], v. 8, 2098 J. Fraser [Works of], v. 7, 617J. Humboldt's Cosmos, 484R. Josephus, 67H. Lecky's Morals, 384M. Lewes' Philosophy, 571-2H. Living Age [Against the Atheists], v. 5, 3035J ; [Foreshado wings of Christian- ity in], v. 87, 3117J. Macmillan [Study of], v. 24, 954J. Malthus' Population, 1093 F. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Pres- sens of Flowers and Flowers of Poetry, edited by Osgood. 1841. 731M the American Civil War. See Chambers' Journal, v. 38, 1945J. Fraser's Magazine, v. 67, 677J. Greeley's American Conflict, 294D. English Language, illustrating the Seasons, edited by Jenks. 1856 475D Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews, by Lowth, translated by Gregory, 2 vols. 1787 107-8K Selections from Blair, Gray, Dodd, &c 478Z Poets and Novelists, French, by James, jun. 1878 658O Poetry of America, by Griswold. 1856 468D England in the Nineteenth Century, by Griswold... 472D Europe, with Introductions and Biographical Notices, by Longfellow. 1845 473^ Greece and Rome, edited by Peter. 1847 474D at Play, a Handbook of Humorous Recitations, edited by Langbridge, 2 vols. 1888 1410-1R Birds, by Robinson. 1883 737^ [A list of birds mentioned in poems, with references and notes.] Chronologically arranged [Chambers' Course] 506R Classic, their Lives and Times, by Dobson. 1879 580O Elegant Extracts from the, 3 vols. 1810 1577-8Z English, and Comic Writers, by W. Hazlitt. 1880 749R Lectures by Hazlitt. 1819 962H Gems of the Modern Poets, with Biographical Notices, by Hall. 1842 698M Homes and Haunts of the British Poets, by Howitt. 1857.. 713O Italian Poets, by F. E. and T. A. Trollope... 714-5O in the Garden, by Crommelin. 1886 1320H Pulpit [Addresses on the Poets], by Haweis. 1880 ... 1014R [Jones' Diamond Edition], 4 vols. 1827 660-3M Lake, Recollections of De Quincey. 1862 647R Laureate of England, by Hamilton. 1879 927O Lives of Celebrated Poets, extracted from Johnson. 1805... 242Z. Famous Poets, by Rossetti. 1878 792O the British Poets, by Johnson, 4 vols. 1854 788-91O [Johnson's Works] 907-9Z Scottish, by Irvine, 2 vols. 1810 490-1F vSelect, by Dr. Johnson 411D Stories from the Italian Poets, by Hunt, 2 vols. 1846 708-9M [598] POE ENGLISH SECTION. POE POETRY, POETS, &C.,— Works relating to— (continued). Poets. — The Modern Italian Poets, Essays and Versions, by Howells, with Portraits. 1887 1408O Six Chief Lives, from Johnson's Lives of the Poets and Macaulay's Life of Johnson, edited by Arnold. 1878 ... o,6aO Witty and Humorous side of the English Poets, by Elliott ... 514D See also under the following names of Poets for their works :— Akenside (M.), 383Q. Alfred (King), 868 R. Arnold (E.), 513D, 811M and 332Q. Arnold (M.), 65T-3M. Bailey (P. J.), 772M. Bampfylde (J.), 345Q. Beattie (J.), 345 and 392Q and 477Z. Beckett (S. B.), 776M. Bell (R.), 686M. Bloomfield (R.), 654-5M and 479Z. Bowles, 455D. Browning (E. B.), 672M, 275-9Q, 644T and 1757Z. Browning (R.), 274, 280-5 ar >d 286Q. Bryant (W. C), 673^1 and 481Z. Buchanan (R.), 674M and 335Q. Burns, 521D and 393 _ 5Q- Butler (S.), 348-9Q and 396-7Q. Byron, 519D, 312 and 398-407Q and 631T. Campbell (T.), 433D. 408Q. Chambers (R.), 677M. Chatterton (T.), 409-10Q. Chaucer, 503D, 678M and 377-82Q. Churchill (C), 411-3Q. Cochrane (C. B.), 680M. Coleridge (S. T.), 340 and 414-6Q. Collins (W.), 417Q. Corbet (D.), 524Q. Corn- wall (Barry), 456D and 645T. Cowper (W.), 339Q and 1572Z. Crabbe (G.), 434-8D and 525-32Q. Craik (Mrs. [D. Muloch]), 730M. Croly, 454D. Crommelin (May), 1320H. Dante (Alighieri), 713 and 714M. Dodds(J.), 618O. Donne (J.), 418Q. Dryden(J.), 419-23Q. Eliot (George), 457D. Elliott (A. H.), 514D. Emerson (R. W.), 929R. Fairfax (E.), 516Z. Falconer (W.), 424Q. Goethe (J. W. von), 462D and 691M. Goldsmith (O.), 427Q and 489Z. Gordon (A. L.), 1794Z. Gay (J.), 425-6Q. Gray (T.), 305, 314 and 428Q and 1575Z. Gulston (A. S.), 697M. Hall' (S. C), 698M. Halleck (F. G.), 699M. Halpine (C. G. [Miles O'Reilly]), 700M. Hart (Mrs.), 1855Z. Harte (Bret), 1612Z. Havergal (F. R.), 701-2M. Hayes (E.), 769-70M. Hayley (W.), 270-2Q. Heber (R.), 490Z. Hemans (F.), 461D, 703M and 490Z. Herbert (G.), 431Q. Herrick (R.), 429-30Q. Hogg (J. [Ettrick Shepherd]), 290-4Q. Holland (J. G.), 493Z. Homer, 505-6Z. Hood (T. ), 328-9, 330 and 432-6Q. Hopper (E.). 705M. Hows (J. \V. S.), 695M. Hugo (Victor), 707M. Hunt (L.), 1272H, 313 and 331Q. Ingelcw (Jean), 710M. John- SOn (S.), 411D. Keble~(J.), 1404M and 495Z. King Alfred, 868R. Kingsley (C), 1965R. Lamb (C), 711M. Landon (L. E.), 716M. Lewis (— ), 479Z. Little (Thos.), 1764Z. Lockhart (J. G.), 322Q. Longfellow, 470 and 471D, 323 and 325Q. Lowell (J. R.), 71 5M and 497Z. Lytton, 485D. Macaulay (Lord), 717-8M. Mackay (C), ioot Gems, 337Q. Mallet (L.), 1008M. Marvell (A.), 437Q. Mathews (C. S.), 706M. Meredith (O.), 499Z. Michell (N.), 1524R. Milman, 443-5 and 447D. Milton (J.), 480-1D, 438-40Q and 500-1Z. Moir (D. M.), 346-7Q. Montgomery (J.), 479D and 441-5Q. Moore (T.), 509D, 446-510 and 502Z. Morris (L.), 306-8Q. Morris (W.), 804-8M. Muloch (Miss), 730M. Nicoll (R.), 336Q. Opie (Mrs.), 635T. Ossian, 477D. Ovid, 302-3Q. Page (H. A.), 720M. Parnell (T.), 452Q. Parton (J.), 721 M. Patmore (C), 777M. Percy (T.), 590D. Peyton (T.), 723M. Pindar (Peter), 514-6Q and 519Z. Poe (E. A.), 327Q. Pollok (R.), 503Z. Pope (A.), 426-7D, 453-5Q and 504Z. Prentice (G. D.), 778M. Prince (J. C), 356Q. Prior (M.), 456-7Q. Radcliffe (A.), 490Z. Robin- son's Poets' Birds, 737 M. Rossetti (D. G.), 738M. Rutherford (G. S. de M.), 454M. Schiller, 462D. Scott (B.), 457M. Scott (Sir W.), 498-9 and 500D, 338 and 455-66Q and 637T. Shakespeare (W.), 47 oQ,&c. Shelley (P. B.), 47i- 4 Qand5i 5 Z. Skelton (J.), 467-9Q. Southey (R.), 506 and 508D, 295-301Q and 475-84Q. Spenser (E.), 413D and 4.85-9Q- Sperry (H. T.), 775M. Surrey (Earl of), 361 and 490Q. Swift (J.), 491-3Q. Swinburne (A. C), 748, 773 and 1403MJ Tasso, 516Z. Tegn£r (E.), 685M. Telemachus, 749-0M. Tenny- son, 485, 487 and 483D, 751, 752 and 771M, 273 and 311Q. Thom- son (J.), 341-4, 345 and 494-5Q- Tickell (T.), 452Q. Tomlinson (C), 753M. Tupper (M. F.), 867-8R and 1854Z. Turner (C), 287-8Q. Vaughan (H.), 496Q. Virgil, 802-3M. Waller (E.), 1106-7Z. Watts (T.), 814M. Watts (I.), 497Q. Wesley (S.), 333Q. West (G.), 345Q- White (H. K.), 568-70F and 498Q. VVhittier, 452D. Wilson (Prof.), 881 R. Wordsworth (W.), 512D, 499-505Q. Wright [599] POE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. POI POETRY, POETS, &C— Works relating to— (continued). (T.), M.A., 1413-4M. Young (E.), 507-8Q and 462D. See also trie following works relating to Poetry :— Adams' Queen Anne, 1281H. Adams' Town and Country, 1619R. All the Year Round [and Pantomime], v. 13, 1773J ; [Popular and Unpopular], v. 24, 1784J. Art Journal [Insensibility of, to Architecture], v. 35, R.L. Bayne's_ Two Great Englishwomen, 1010O. Bell's Poets of Great Britain, 278-3 19Z. Blackwood [Cockney School of], v. 2, 4, 5, 6, 12 and 18, R.L. ; [Inspiration], v. 8, R.L. ; [Professional men indifferent as], v. 8, R.L. ; [and Poetesses, Living], v. 31, R.L. ; [Female characters of Modern], v. 37, R.L. ; [of Sacred and Legendary Art], v. 65, 135J ; [at Play], v. 115, 185J ; [False Coin in], v. 131, 201J. Boys' Own Annual, v. 10, 2960J. Chambers [What is?], v. 1, 1921J ; [Poetic Instinct], v. 6, 1926J ; TProper Names in], v. 6, 1926J ; [and Flowers], v. 7, 1927J : [What is the Use of ?], v. 13, 1933J ; [Poets' Pets], v. 60, 1960J. Contem- porary [Recent], v. 3, 2013J ; [Religious and Scientific Criticism], v. 12, 2022J ; [Morality in], v. 39, 2049J '■> [Poetic Criticism], v. 41, 2051J ; [^Esthetic], v. 42, 2052J ; [Out-door, of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance], v. 45, 2055J. Cornhill [and Pessimism], v. 37, 317J ; [Poets and Nightingales], v. 47, 327J. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21-8F. Edinburgh Review [Lake School of], v. 1, 361J ; [Ancient German and Northern], v. 26, 386J ; [Modern], v. 163, 523J. Escott's England and its People [Poetry and Poets], 101SF. Every Boy's Annual [Homes of the Poets], [1889], 1308H. Fortnightly [Use of Metaphor in], v. 5, 2095 J ; [English Poets of To-Day], v. 40, 2130 J. Fraser [Decline and Fall of], v. 10, 620J ; [Lyrical and Dramatic, Recent], v. 36, 646J ; [and Players], v. 44, 654J ; [Little Lessons for Little Poets], v. 55, 665 J ; [of the Eigh- teenth Century], v. 69, 679J ; [Modern], v. 76, 686J ; [Prophetic Power of], v. 103, 713J. Galton's Urbana Scripta, 315T. Girl's Own Annual [Some of the Poetry we Read], v. 8, 2558J. Grant's Mysteries [and Superstition], 894F. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hazeltine's Chats [Poets and Novelists], 977R. Johnson's Works, 992H. Keble's Papers and Reviews [Sacred], 1203H. Lang's Grass of Parnassus, 1889Z. Legouve's Art of Poetry, 1073R. Leisure Hour [of the Bible], v. 15, 2625J ; [Pedigree of Poets], v. 21, 2631 J ; [Personal Appearance of Famous Poets], v. 35, 2645J. Living Age [Loyalist], v. 57, 3087J ; [Miscellaneous], v. 64, 3094J ; [Politics and Conservatism], v. 168, 3 tg8J ; [Compared with other Fine Arts], v. 171, 3201 J. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, i9o8Ra. Macmillan [and Politics], v. 53, 983J ; [Patriotic], v. 46, 976J ; [Poetic Imagination], v. 53, 983J ; [Province and Study of], v. 53, 983J. Once a Week [Poets Laureate to Nineteenth Century], v. 24, 2284 J. Quarterly [Modern English Female Poets], v. 66, 1196J ; [Bards of the Sixth Century], v. 91, 1221J ; [Society], v. 137, 1267J. Quiver [of the New Testament], v. 23, 3203J. Saturday Review [as a Motive Force in National Life], v. 61, R.L. Scottish Min- strelsy, 449-51D. Scribner's Monthly [in America], v. 22, 1872J. Smith's Essays, 462M. Temple Bar [and Painting], v. 59, 1389J. Westminster Review [Roumanian], v. 67, R.L. Wright's England v in Middle Ages, 78O. Poe (E. A.), 728 and 729M, &c. Poetry of Architecture, Cottage, Villa, &C. by " Kata Phusin," [conjectured nom-de-plume of Ruskin]. 1880 846R Pohlman (L. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Poindextre (J., of Jersey). See Caesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Pointer, The. See Youatt's The Dog, 817 F. Dogs, &c. Poisonous, Noxious, and Suspected Plants of our Fields and Woods, by Pratt [S.P.C.K.], illustrated 38D Poisons. See All the Year Round [of the Rattlesnake], v. 19, 1779J ; [Berries] v. 33, 1793 J ; [Poisonous Reptiles and Insects of India] v. 53, 1813J. Beckmann's Inventions [Secret], 697Q. Beeton's Household Manage- ment, 997M. Cassell's Family Magazine [in the House], v. 9, 2358J. Chambers [Poison Eaters], v. 16, 1934J ; v. 25, 1939J ; [Lurking] v. 30, 1941J ; [Arsenic] v. 36, 1944J ; [Poisoned Arrows] v. 54, 1954J ; [Poisonous Leaves] v. 60, i960 J ; [Poisoning] v. 61, 196 1 J ; [Curiosities of, and their Antidotes] v. 62, 1962J. Chronicles of Newgate [and Poi- [6oo] POI ENGLISH SECTION. POL Pois oris —{continued). soners], v. 2, 331D. Girl's Own Annual, v. 4, 2554J. Good Words [in Common Things], v. 23, 2103J. Health Lectures [Domestic], 1439Z. Household Words, v. 13, 1753J. Knowledge IHome Cures for], v. 2, 2582 J. Living Age [and Herbs of India], v. 164, 3194J. Macmillan [of the Day, a New Social Evil], v. 46, 976J. Mackay's Delusions [Poisoners], 903M. South's Household Surgery, 1857Z. Temple Bar [of Asps], v. 29, 1359J. Timbs' Works, 852Z, &c. Poitiers. See Penny Magazine, v. 8, 146R. Poker. See Knowledge, v. 2, 2582J ; [Principles of] v. 4, 2584J ; [Truth and] v. 4, 2584J. Longman [Principles and Chance Laws of], v. 2, 892 J, &c. POLAND, History of, by Fletcher. 1831 102Z — [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopcedia] 30O See also Alison's Europe, 119-46O. All the Year Round, v. 9, 1769J. Chambers [Life in], v. 41. 1947J. Edinburgh Review [History of], v. I 4> 374J I [Wrongs and Claims of] v. 55, 415J. English Illustrated Magazine [Polish Carpathians, In the], v. 5, 1995J. Fortnightly [Russian Government in], v. 7, 2097J. Fraser [Insurrection in 1830], v. 2, 612J ; [and Russia] v. 21, 631J ; [as it is] v. 42, 652J ; [Captivity of] v. 67, 677J ; [Women and the Insurrection] v. 68, 678J. Lecky's Eighteenth Century [Polish Question], 171 H. Leisure Hour [and the Poles], v. ir, 2621J; [Unhappy] v. 12, 2622J ; [200 Years ago] v. 26, 2636J ; Living Age [Alps of], v. 140, 3170J. Macmillan [Russian, Week in], v. 9, 939J. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. Mil- man's Jews, 159Q. Saturday Review [Expulsion from German}'], v. 60, R.L. Stephen's Travels, 564 K, &c. Polar Seas, a Voyage to the [1875-6], by Nares, illus., 2 vols. 1878 672-3K by Leslie, &c. 1831 549Z Expedition to the, Commanded by Admiral Von Wrangell, edited by Sabine. 1S44 7&9Q Journey to the [1819-22], by Franklin, 2 vols. 1824 670-1K Polar Seas and Regions. See also Chambers [Open Seas], v. 44, 1948J ; [Ice] v. 46, 1949J. Leisure Hour [Bears], v. 16, 2626J. Harper's Index [Exploration], i64oJa. Nature [South, Exploration], v. 7, 2667J. Quarterly [Exploration], v. 118, 1248J. Caswell's Family Magazine [Going to the South Pole], v. 15, 1365J. Polar Seas, Arctic Ocean, &c. Polarisation. See Deschanel's Natural Philosophy, 827D. of Light, by Spottiswoode. 1879. 152R Set also Tyndall's Light, 508R, &c. Pole Star. See Chambers [When shall we lose our ?] v. 62, 1962J. Astronomy, Stars, &c. Pole (Cardinal, Dean of Exeter, b. 1500, d. 1558). See Burke's Historical Por- traits, 541 F. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 327H. Froude's England, 192-7O. Gentleman's Magazine, v. 26, 746J, &c. Pole (W., Civil Engineer, b. 1814), F.R.S., Life of Sir "William Siemens. 1888 501F The Theory of the Modern Scientific Game of Whist. 1870 1532Z Polecat, The. See Chambers [Few Words about], v. 61, 1961J. Jardine's Na- turalists' Library, 660Q. Science Gossip, v. 15, 2418J. Police. See Blackwood [System of London], v. 140, 210J. Cassell's Magazine [Thames Police], v. 8, 2348J. Chambers [Police Officer, Recollections of a], v. 12-15, i93 2 '34j ', v. 20, 1936J ; v. 37, 1945J ; [of London and what is paid them] v. 41, 1947J ; [of Paris, Secret] v. 49, 1951J. Curran's Speeches [of Dublin, 1789], 898H. Edinburgh Review [of London], v. 48, 408J. _ Escott's England and its People, 1017-8F. Fraser [Force, Prevention of Crime], v. 77, 687 J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 74, T654J. Hill's Repression of Crime, 1015F. Leisure Hour [Detectives], v. 6, 2616J ; [Policeman in London, p. 11], v. 7, 2617J. Macmillan [of London], v. 46, 976J. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Murray's Magazine [of the Metropolis], v. 4, 1464J. Peto's Taxation, iot6F. Pike's Crime in England, 308H. Quarterly [and the Thieves], v. 99, 1229J. Saturday Review [London and French], v. 54, R.L. Scribner's Monthly [of New York], v. 16, 1866J. Temple's India, 486K. Wynter's Curiosities, 919M. Time, v. 20, 1510J. Wale's London, 327R, &c. [601] POL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. POL Polignac (Prince de, French Statesman, b. 1780, d. 1847). See Alison's Europe, 140-3O. France, &c. Polishing. See English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D, &c. Polite Letter Writer. See All the Year Round, v. 41, 1801J. Letters, Corre- spondence, &c. Politeness. See Chambers [Science of, in France], v. 18, 1935J. Cornhill [Among the Higher and Lower Classes], v. 5, 285J. Muller's Noble Deeds, &c, 92Q. Temple Bar, v. 34, 1364J ; [One Hundred Years Ago], v. 54, 13S4J. Emotions, Manners, Sentiments. &c. POLITICAL ECONOMY, POLITICS, &c, Works re- lating 1 to : {See also Capital and Labour, Comme7re, Democracy, Free Trade, Government, International Labour, Land, Law, Liberals, Monarchy, Party, Protection, Suffrage, Tory, Whig, Working Classes, and Names of Politicians, e.g., Disraeli, Gladstone, &c, or Countries, e.g., England, France, Germany, &*c. Poole's Index, R.L., <5fc. Political and Social Subjects, Speeches, by Brougham. 1857 605-6R Dissertations, by Brougham. 1857 604R Economy and Taxation, Principles of, by Ricardo. 1819 ... 1004F as applied to the American People, by Bowen. 1863,. .. 1002F by Greeley. 1870 219R Jevons. 1878 1512Z Mill. 1880 218R Domestic and Financial Condition of Great Britain, by Browning. 1 834 1001 F Economic Studies, by W. Bagehot, ed. by Mutton. 1880 1003F for Beginners, by M. G. Fawcett. 1874 1511Z ■ in Connection with the Moral State and Prospects of Society, by Chalmers. 1832 1000F of Art, by Ruskin. 1880 831R Principles of, by Malthus. 1820 999F Mill, 2 vols. 1852 997-SF Questions in [bv Bailey]. 1823 220R Essays, by Hugh Miller. 1875 806R Leaders, English, v.D. : Lord Palmerston, by Trollope. 1882 1240O See also English Political Leaders. French, by King. 1876 659O' Miscellanies, &c, by Burke, 2 vols. 1855 609-0R Women, by Menzies, 2 vols. 1875 928-9O Politics, a Manual of, by Lee. 1889 698F and Darwinism, by Ritchie. 1889 1998R Physics, by Bagehot 379R for Young Americans, by Nordhoff. 1876 5 2 5T of Aristotle, translated by Welldon. 1 888 788M Science of, by Amos. 1883 374-R Social, by Arnold. 1878 860II [United States], for 1 868, by Macpherson 290D Political Economy. See also Amos' Remedies for War, 1006F. Black- wood [Elements of Save-all-ism], v. 12, R.L. ; v. 140, 210J. Buckle's Civilization, 186-8O. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Chambers [Drolleries of false], v. 17, 1935J ', v. 29, 1941J. Contemporary [and Luxury], v. 8, 2018J. Edinburgh Review [Colonial Protection], v. 84, 444J ; [Primitive in England], v. 8 5> 445J- Escott's England, its People, Polity, &C, 1017-8F. Ex- celsior, 1927, 1928 and 1931R. Fawcett's Essays [and Social [602] POL ENGLISH SECTION. POL POLITICAL ECONOMY, POLITICS, &C.,— Works relat- ing to — (continued). Economy], 1014F. Fortnightly [and Comte], v. 13, 2103J ; [and Land], v. 13, 2103 J ; [in Germany], v. 20, 2110J; [in England], v. 25, 2115J ; [Future of], v. 26, 2116J ; [Education of the Country Voter], v. 46, 2136J. George's Progress and Poverty, 1023F. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Johnson's Works [Political Tracts], 993H. Martineau's Popular Tales, 774-81X. Paley's Works, 131K. Peto's Taxation, 1016F. Kinnear's Principles of Reform, 1005F. Rout- ledge's Popular Progress, 1034 F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1027-8F. Temple Bar [The Coming, and Social Upheaval], v. 34, 1364.1. Walker's Science of Wealth, 1025F. Politics. See Academy [Institutions, Spencer on], v. 54, R.L. Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 281R. Aristotle, 1156H. Bisset's Parlia- mentary Government, 215-6H. Bryce's American Commonwealth [Politicians], 518-9H. Chevalier's United States, 1042F. Col- chester's Diary [1802-17], 241-3H. Compayr£'s Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary [Morality in], v. 30, 2040J. Escott's England and its People, 1017-8F. Fortnightly [Present Position of European], v. 47, 2137J. Fraser [and the Press], v. 92, 702J. Frost's Recollections, 952R. Grego's Elections in Old Days, 1275H. Hallam's Constitutional History, 210H. International Policy [1866], 332H. Junius, Letters of, 985-6H. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Macmillan [and History], v. 40, 970J. Mill's Discussions, 646-8H. Porter's Progress of the Nation, 213-5R. Quarterly [as a Profession], v. 126, 1256J. Schlosser's Eighteenth Century, 24-31H. Seeley's England [and History], 15T5O. Timbs' Works [Political-Historico Information], 855Z. Yonge's Constitutional History, 211H. Young's Govern- ment, 227R. Time [Feminine], v. 20, T510J, &c. Polity of the New Testament, by Davidson. 1854 1 17M Poliziano (A.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Pollard (E. A.), The Lost Canoe, a New Southern History of the War of the Confederates. 1806 271D Pollard. (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Pollard (M. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Pollen (J. H.), M.A., Ancient and Modern Furniture and Wood- work [South Kensington Handbook], illustrated 1056M Gold and Silver-Smith's Work [South Kensington Handbooks]... IC41M Pollen, by M. P. Edgeworth. 1877 773F See also Nature [Pollen Plants], v. 20, 2680J, &c. Pollock (Frederick, Eldest son of Sir W. /'., Professor of Jurisprudence, b. 1845), See Saturday Review [Essays on Jurisprudence], v. 53, R.L, &c. Pollock (Sir \Y. F., Queen's Remembrancer, b. 181 5), Macready's Reminiscences, Diaries and Letters, 2 vols. 1875 362-3F Personal Remembrances of, 2 vols. 1887 1359-0O Spinoza, his Life and Philosophy. 1880 5951"! Pollock (W. H., Younger son of Sir W. F. Pollock, Lecturer, b. 1850) and Pollock (Lady), Amateur Theatricals [Art at Home Series]. 1879 967M See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Saturday Review, v. 55, R.L., &c. Pollok (R., Scotch Poet, b. 1799, d. 1827), A.M., Course of Time, a Poem, illustrated 503Z. See also Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Polly Peachum. See Palace and Hospital, 1536O, &c. Polo, Curling, &c. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Crawley's Handbooks, 1150M. Athletics, Games, Sports, &c. Polo (G. G.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Polo (Marco, Venetian Traveller, b. 1256, d. 1324), Travels of, by Murray [Edinburgh Cabinet Library]. 1844 936Q Travels of, by Wright. 1854 1522R ■ See also All the Year Round, v. 33, 1793J. Quarterly, v. 21, 1041J, &c. [603] POL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PON PolybiuS {Greek Statesman and Historian, b. 210, d. 128 B.C), General History of, by Hampton, 2 vols. 1823 963-4II See also Toole's Index, R.L., &c. Polycarp (Saint and Martyr, Bishop of Smyrna, said to be put to death 166). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670F. Haweis' Christ and Chris- tianity, 1186M. Quarterly Review [Lightfoot on], v. 162, 1292J. Sunday Magazine, v. 15, 2472J, &, Mistress of Louis XV., b. 1721, d. 1764). See Baker's French Society, 332O. Fraser, v. 42, 752J. Kavanagh's Women in France, 1043O. Living Age [Secret History of Court of France], v. 71, 3 1 01 J. France, fix, Pompeii and Herculaneum, by Adams, illustrated 73O Descriptive and Picturesque, by Butler. 1886 1022M Its History, Buildings and Antiquities, by Dyer. 1875 1430R [Lib. of Ent. Know.], illus., 2 vols. 1831 799-800Q and 821-2Q See also All the Year Round [Visit to], v. 55, 1815J. Argosy [Ruins of], v. 38, 38J. Art Journal [Paintings and Decorations of], v. 2, R.L. ; [Art in], v. 6, R.L. Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1665Z. Chambers [in 1564], v. 41, 1947J ; [Wall Scribbling at], v. 58, 1958J. Edinburgh Review [Inscription at], v. no, 470J. Leisure Hour, v. 19, 2629J. Manning's Italian Pictures, 328B. Sunday at Home, v. 30, 2880J, &c. Pompey the Great (Roman General, b. 106, murdered 48 B.C.). See Josephus, 68H. Marvels of Art [Pompey's Pillar], 1227Z. Penny Magazine [Pompey's Pillar], v. 3, 141 B. Plutarch's Lives, 448F and 1134Q, &c. Pond Life, by Slack. 1871 135R Insects, by Butler, illustrated. 1886 140R Ponds and Ditches, by Cooke, illustrated, [S.P.C.K.]. 1880 621Q Sec also Chambers [Natural History of my Pond], v. 27, 1940J ; [Fishing], v. 35, 1944J. Good Words [Life], v. 20, 2190J, &c. Ponies. See All the Year Round, v. 15, 1775J. Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Horses, Riding, &c. Pontalis (A. L.), John De Witt, Grand Pensionary of Holland, or Twenty Years of a Parliamentary Republic, translated by Stephenson, 2 vols. 1885 600-1F Pontefract. See Chambers' Journal [Castle of], v. 63, 1963J, &c. Pontius Pilate. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K. Stapfer's Pales- tine [Time of Christ], 477M. Pilate, &c. [604] PON ENGLISH SECTION. POO Ponton (Mungo), F.R.S.E., The Beginning, Its When and Its How. 407R Pool (M.), Annotations upon the Holy Bible, 3 vols. 1853 47"9A Poole. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 9, 2959J, &c. Poole (G. A.), M.A., Peterborough [Diocesan Histories, S.P.C.K.] 1841Z Poole (John), Esq., The Comic Miscellany for 1845. l8 45 2013R. See also Chambers [Tale and Sketches], v. 4, 1924J, &c. Poole (M. E.)- See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. PoolG (Paul Falconer, Royal Academician, b. 1806, d. 1879). See Leisure Hour, v. 15, 2625J, &c. Poole (R. L.) M.A., History of the Huguenots of the Dispersion at the Recall of the Edict of Nantes. 1880 207M Wycliffe and Movements for Reform [Epochs of Church History]. 1889 262T Poole (Sophia), Englishwoman in Egypt, Letters from Cairo. 1844 663Z Poole (Stanley Lane, Arabic Scholar and Writer of Works on Numis- matics for the British Museum, &c, b. 1854), Moors in Spain. 1887 43oO Speeches and Table Talk of the Prophet Mohammed. 1882 .. 175Q assisted by Gibb and Gfilman, Turkey [Story of the Nations]. 437O Poole (W. F.), Librarian of the Chicago Public Library), LL. D. , An Index to Periodical Literature, to 1852. 1853 588D [For complete Index to 1886, edited by Poole and Fletcher, see in Reference Library.] Poona. See Brassey's Last Voyage, 862K. India, &c. Poor, Annals of the, by Richmond. 1855 64Z • of London and their Homes, by Hill. 1875 ■ I169Z Relief in different parts of Europe, edited by Emminghaus. 1873 2 45^- The English, their wSocial and Economic History, by Mackay... 337R The, Poor Rates, Law, &c. See Alison's Europe, 139-45O. All the Year Round [Poor Laws in England], v. 4, 1764J ; [Board of Poor Laws in England], v. 16, 1776J ; [Shelters for the Poor], v. 42, 1822J ; [Poor in London], v. 53, 1813J ; [the unseen Poor], v. 55, 1815J. Bitter Cry of Outcast London, 551M. Blackwood [Poor Rates], v. 5, R.L. Brougham's Political Speeches [Laws], 606R. Chambers' Miscellany [Annals of the], 624R. Chambers [Relief of, at Home and Abroad], v. 59, 1959J. Contemporary Review [Lazarus at the Gate], v. 45, 2055J; [Poor Man's Gospel], v. 45, 2055J ; [Laws], v. 45, 2055J. Cornhill [French System of relieving], v. 6, 286J ; [Dwellings of, in Towns], v. 30, 310J. Escolt's England and its People [Law], 1017F. Fortnightly [Rural, in England], v. 1, 2091J ; [Homes of], v. 38, 2128J ; [in Eng- land, Housing of, in Towns], v. 40, 2130J ; [in London, Reforms for], v. 41, 2131J ; [Education of], v. 43, 2133J ; [in English Coun- try Parishes], v. 43, 2133J ; [in London, Bible Classes for Boys], v. 45, 2I 35J "> [Housing of the], v. 49, 2T39J. Fraser [Laws in Ireland], v. 4, 714J ; [Medical Relief for], v. 74, 784J. Good Words, v. 4, 2174J ; [How to relieve], v. 7, 2177J ; [District Visiting of]) v. 17, 2187J. Johnston's Public Charity in France, 1047F. Leisure Hour [Houseless], v. 15, 2625J. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Mac- millan [and Charity], v. 15, 945J ; [in London], v. 20, 950J ; [thoughts of a Guardian of], v. 22, 952J. Malthus' Population, 1093-4F. Mar- tineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Nineteenth Century [Dwellings of], v. 13, 2223J ; [in London, Dwellings of], v. 14, 2224J ; [in London, Work in an East End District], v. 18, 2228J ; [Housing of], v. 17, 2227J. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Quarterly [New Laws, in England in 1835], v. 52, 1182J ; [Laws of Scotland], v. 75, 1205J ; [Lodging Houses for], v. 82, 1212J ; [in England, Statistics concerning, 1883], v. 157, 1287J. Roger's Reminiscences [Guardians of the, Scandalous Administration], 1452O ; Work and Wages [Laws], 1102F and 284R. Blackwood [Poor Relations], v. 107, 177J. Wale's London [Poor- Law Relief], 327R. Rates, Taxes, Government, &c. [605] POO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. POP Poore (B. P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Poore (G. V.), M.D., Our Duty in Relation to Health [Inter- national Health Exhibition]. 1884 990M Popery and Scriptural Christianity, by Hulme. 1852 54Q as Opposed to the Knowledge, Morals, &c. , of Mankind. 1833 1825Z The Antichrist, a Sermon by Croly. 1848 573M Popes, History of the, in the 16th and 17th Centuries, by Ranke, translated by Kelly. 1843 327A and 310D — translated by Foster, 3 vols. 1 85 1 ... 175-7M Lives of the, from the Rise of the Roman Church to Gregory XII. [R.T.S.], 4 vols 177-80Z My Recollection of the last Four Popes, by Gavazzi. 1858 319M Recollections of the Last Four Popes, by Wiseman. 1858 326A Rome as it became under the Popes, 2 vols. 1843 317-18A The, and the Hohenstaufen, by Balzani [Epochs of Church History]. 1889 261T The Pope, the Kings and the People, the History of a Move- ment to make the Pope Governor of the World, by Arthur ... 453-4 F See also Chambers [Palace of], v. 13, 1933J. Contemporary [Exiled], v. 24, 2034J. Epochs of Church History, 258 and 261T. Fortnightly Re- view [Temporal Power of the Pope and Catholic Italy], v. 44, 2134J. Gib- bon's Roman Empire, 82-5H. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K and o6Ka. Juvenile Plutarch, 1171Z. Kurtz' Church History, 706A. Leisure Hour [Election of], v. 22, 2632J. Living Age [Poet], v. 161, 3191J. Macmillan [and Cardinals], v. 36, 966J. Mehagen's Universal History, 13-15H. Once a Week [The Pope as a European Sovereign], v. 2, 2262J. Quarterly [The Pope and the English Ministers], v. 88, 1218J ; [Infallibility of], v. 128, 1258J. Roscoe's Leo the Tenth, 766-7O. Sunday at Home [Popes in Great Britain], v. 14, 2864J. Papacy, &c. Pope (A., Poet, b. 1688, d. 1744), Essay on Man [an Ethical and Religious Poem]. 1774 1063R Tr., Homer [Family Classical Library], 3 vols. 1833 1144-6Q Iliad of Homer. 1805 309Q, 811-12R, 505-6 and 1574Z Odyssey of Homer, 2 vols. 1769 813-4R Poems, Life by Dyce [British Poets], 3 vols. 1864 453"5Q Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain], 11 vols. 1807 •••355-^SM 2 vols. 182 1 426-7D — with an Account of his Life and Writings. 1866 504Z by Stephen [English Men of Letters]. 1880 1079O See also Blackwood, v. 104, 174J. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 25F. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Edinburgh Review, v. 160, 520J. Fraser [and Twickenham], v. 61, 771J. Jones' Poets, 662M. Knight's Old Booksellers, 1451O. Living Age [as a Moralist], v. 119, 3149J. Macmillan's Magazine [and the Poetry of the Eighteenth Century], v. 58, 988J. Merydew's Love Letters, v. 1, 676F. Poole's Index, R.L. Quarterly [Works and Character of], v. 32, 1162J. Sat- urday Review [Elwin and Courthope's Edition], v. 53 and 55, R.L. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1102R. Thomson's Friendships, 565O. Timbs' Works [at Twickenham], 855Z. Williams' English Letter- Writer, 698F ; Ethics of Diet, 845M, &c. Popping the Question. See All the Year Round, v. 31, 1791J. Chambers, v. 59, 1959J. Steven's How Men Propose, 2014R. Courtship, Mar- riage, &c. Popular Antiquities, by Brand, revised, &c, by Ellis, 3 vols. 1845. IO05-7M Popular Culture. See Morley's Miscellanies, 8430a, &c. Popular Customs, Sports, &c, of the South of Italy, by Macfarlane. 1846 1482Z [606] POP ENGLISH SECTION. POR Popular Delusions, by Mackay, 2 vols. 1 850 903-4M Popular Epics of the Middle Ages of the Norse-German and Carlovingian Cycles, by Ludlow, 2 vols. 1865 1218-9Z Popular Errors Explained, by Timbs. i860 447T Popular Fallacies regarding General Interests, translated by Porter. 1849 523T Popular Physiology, by Lord. 1834 1464Z Popular Readings in Prose and Verse, edited by Carpenter, 5 vols...lOO-3Ta Popular Romances of the West of England, edited by Hunt, illus. 1881 898M Popular Superstitions and the Truths contained therein, by Mayo. 1852 901M Popular Tumults, Sketches of. 1847 1238Z Popular. In connection with this word, see also subject required, e.g., Astronomy, Education, Government, Readings, Superstitions, &c. Popularity. See Fraser [Essay on], v. 54, 664J, &c. Populatiou and Wealth of United States, by Tucker. 1843 1039F Principles of Population, by Malthas, 2 vols. 1807 1093-4F See also Alison's Europe, 121-46O. Blackwood [Surplus of, Great Britain], v. 21, R.L. Capital and Labour, 11T5F. Chambers, v. 57, 1957J. Cumming's China, 789-90K. George's Progress and Poverty, 1023F. Harper [Changes in], v. 38, 1618J. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Lansdell's Central Asia, 830 K ; Russian Central Asia, 828-9 K. London Quarterly [Has the Newest World the Oldest ?], v. 63, 853J. M'Cul- loch's British Empire, 71 iH. Macmillan [Mahhusian Principle of], v. 49) 979J- Medhurst's China, 1044F. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Quarterly [and Emigration], v. 45, 1175J; [of Great Britain and Ireland], v. 53, 1183J. Rogers' Work and Wages, 1102F. Science Gossip [Influence of Geology on], v. 24, 2423J. Stanford's Com- pendium, 850K, &c. Poquelill He Moliere (Jean-Baptiste). See Moliere. Porcelain and Glass, Manufacture of [Lardner's Cycle]. 1832 346T — Pottery, Mediaeval and Modern, by J. Marryat. 1868 936D English, by Church, illustrated 1060M See also All the Year Round [and China, Curious old], v. 34, 1794J. Art Journal [Dresden, Manufacture of], v. 3, R.L. ; [and other Clays, Methods of Preparing], v. 9, R.L. ; [Art Manufactures, 1882], v. 35, R.L. Brown's Science for All, 628B. Harper [Painting], v. 61, 1641J ; [a Collection of Chinese], v. 70, 1650J. Harper's Magazine, v. 77, 1657J. Household Words [and Pottery], v. 4, 1744J. Wheatley's Pottery, &c, 932D. Pottery, &c. Porch.es, Church. See Quiver, v. 30, 3300J. Architecture, &c. Porcupine, The. See Knowledge [Canadian], v. 5, 2585J. Penny Magazine, v. 5, 143B. Natural History, &c. Pork. See All the Year Round [English], v. 2, 1762J. Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Chambers [American], v. 58, 1958J. Smith's Foods, 380R, &c. Porpoise, The. See Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 669Q. Leisure Hour, v. 31, 2641J. Nature [Intellect of], v. 8, 2668 T. Once a Week, v. 16, 2276J. Scribner [Shooting], v. 20, 1870J. "Fishes, &fc. Porson (Richard, Classical Critic, Librarian of the London Institution, 1805, b. 1759, d. 1808). See Chambers, v. 36, 1944J. Creasy's Etonians, 1420O. Leisure Hour, v. n, 2621J. Nicoll's Great Scholars, 991Q, &c. Port Royal, France. See Edinburgh Review [Port Royalists], v. 73,433!. Fraser [and the Port Royalists], v. 60, 670J. Leisure Hour, v. 24, 2634J. Living Age [Beard's History of] v. 69, 3099J. Port Royal, Jamaica. See All the Year Round, v. 52, 1812J. Chambers [Great -."• t Earthquake of], v. 60, 1960J. Jamaica, West Indies, &c. Port Wine. See Once a Week [Word to Port Wine Drinkers], v. 14, 2274J. Thudichun's Alcoholic Drinks, 986M. Wine, &c. Porter (Anna M., Noretist, b. 1781, d. 1832). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [607] POR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. POR. Porter (G. R., Secretary of the Board of Trade, b. 1792, d. 1855), F.R.S., Progress of the Nation in its various Social and Economical Relations from the beginning of the Nineteenth Century to the Present Time, 3 vols. 183643 213-5R Tr. Popular Fallacies regarding General Interests, by Bastiat ... 523T Porter (Miss J., Novelist, Sister of Anna M., b. 1776, d. 1850), Ed., Sir Edward Seaward's Narrative of his Shipwreck, and Dis- covery of certain Islands in the Carribean Sea [Travellers' Library]. 1853 1280R See also Fraser [with portrait], v. 11, 621 J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Porter (J. L., Traveller, b. 1823), A.M., Five Years in Damascus... 1 550-1 R Porter (J. S., Professor of Sacred Criticism), Principles of Textual Criticism, with their Application to the Old and New Testa- ments. 1848 452A Porter (W., Major-General Royal Engineers), History of the Corps of Royal Engineers, 2 vols. 1889 423-4PI Knights of Malta, or the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, illustrated. 1883 54iH Port9US (B., Bishop of London, 1787, b. 1731, d. 1808), D.D., Evi- dences for the Truth and Divine Origin of the Christian Reve- lation 63Z Portfolio Papers, by Hamerton. 18S9 I168M [Essays on Art. Biographies of Artists, &c.]. Portfolios. See Girl's Own Annual [A Gossip on], v. 10, 2560J, &c. Portia, Shakespeare's. Sec Blackwood, v. 129, 199J. Shakespeare's Female Characters, 419D, &c. Portland. See Chambers [and the Breakwater], v. 29, 1941 J. Cornhill [Isle of], v. 46, 326J. Good Words [Visit to Portknd Prison], v. 14, 2184J. Household Words [Island], v. 17, 1757J. Leisure Hour [and its Quarries], v. 10, 2620J. Once a Week [Harbour of Refuge], v. 2, 2262 J ; [Three Days at], v. to, 2270J, &c. Porto Rico. See Edinburgh Review [Flinter's Ac.ount of]) v. 60, 420J. Nature, v. 29, 2689J. Tyng's Stranger in the Tropics, 1643R, &c. Portrait of an English Churchman, by Gresley. 1840 335^ Portraits of the Principal Reformers of the Sixteenth Century. 1835 269Z Portraits. See Blackwood [in this Style], v. 100, 170J. Contemporary [English National], v. 9, 2019J. Cornhill [Portrait Art of the Renaissance], v. 47i 3 2 7J- Dyce and Forster Collections, 1036M. Art Journal [Ex- hibited in London from 1760 to 1880], v. 35, R.L. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Photography, &c. Portsmouth. See All the Year Round, v. 1, 1761J ; [Easter Monday at], v. 19, J 779J- Art Journal, v. 34, R.L. Land we Live in, 464B. Leisure Hour [New and Old], v. 24, 2634J. Once a Week [Dockyard of], v. 7, 2267J. Penny Magazine [ inscription of], v. 6, 144B, &c. See also Molloy's London under Charles II., 260O. Charles II., &c. Portsmouth (Louise De Keroualle, Duchess of, Mistress of Charles II., b. 1649, d. 1734), 1 649- 1 734, or How the Duke of Richmond gained his Pension, and a Preface by Mrs. Craw- ford. 1887 643F Portugal and Galicia, with a Review of the Social and Political State of the Basque Provinces, by the Earl of Carnarvon. 1448R and 637Z Spain, History of [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], 5 vols. 1832 22-6O See also Alison's Europe, 119-46O. Blackwood [Politics of], v. 70, 140J ; [Country Life in], v, 128, 198J ; [Portuguese in East Africa], v. 144, 214J. Fortnightly [Through], v. 40, 2130J. Fraser [Portuguese Bull Fight], v. 34, 644J ; [Wine Country of], v. 36, 646J. Froissart's Chronicles [Ancient], 312-5D. Harper, v. 63, 1643J. Hunter's In- dian Empire, 485K. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe [Lan- guage and Poetry], 473D. Madden's Shrines, 343K. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. Penny Magazine [Commercial History and Resources of], v. 8, 146B. Stanford's Compendium, 854K, &c. [608] POS ENGLISH SECTION. POT Posidippus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Positivism. See Contemporary [and Christianity], v. 8, 201 8J ; [Religion of], v. 27. 2037J. Escott's England and its People, 1018F. _ Fortnightly [History of, during 1884], v. 43, 2133J. Saturday Review [Prospects of], v. 53, R.L. ; [Positivists' Religion], v. 58, R.L. ; [Positivists and Politics], v. 61, R.L. Westminster [Positivist Philosophy], v. 62, R.L. Posnett (H. Macaulay), Comparative Literature [Int. Scien. Series]. 394R Post and Telegraph, Past and Present, with an Account of the Tele- phone and Phonograph, by Tegg. 1878 563R Post Office. See All the Year Round [Mails], v. 1, 1761J ; [Provincial], v. 9, 1769J. Chambers [Curiosities of our], v. 25, 1939J ; [Life Assurance and Annuities], v. 61, 1961J ; [a Year's English Postal Work], v. 63, 1963J. English Illustrated [English], v. 1, 1991J; [Parcels and Telegraphs], v. 5, 1995J. Fraser [in Great Britain, General], v. 39, 649J ; [Insurance], v. 90, 700J. Girl's Book [Clerks], 1257H. Household Words [Money Orders], v. 5, 1745J ; [Chinese Postmen], v. 11, 1751J. Leisure Hour [Savings Bank], v. 10, 2620J ; v. 17, 2627J ; [-French], v. 23, 2633J ; [General, London], v. 25, 2635 J ; [in many_ Lands], v. 35. 2645 J. Living Age [Inquiry], v. 2, 3032J. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Once a Week [Past and Present], v. 12, 2272J. Peto's Taxa- tion, &c, 1016F. Quarterly [London, Mechanism of], v. 87, 1217J. Roberts' Social History, 301H. Saturday Review [English, Parcels Post], v. 56, R.L. Wynter's Human Hive, 244R. Wynter's Social Bees [General], 1159R. Tegg's Posts, &c, 563R, &c, Postage, History of Penny Postage, bv Sir Rowland Hill and G. B. Hill, 2 vols. 1880 '. 316-7F See also All the Year Round [Cheap], v. 25, 1785J. Chambers [Stamps], v. 58, 1958J. Coles' Public Life, 194-5F. Fortnightly [Penny Universal], v. 46, 2136J. Fraser [Report of Select Committee on], v. 18, 628 J, &c. Postage Stamp Catalogue and Collector's Guide, by Viner. 1887. 910D Stamps, Young Collector's Handbook of, by Ogilvy, illustrated.. 1844Z See also Boys' Own Annual [New, issued during 1880-1], v. 4, 2954J. Houseman's Museum [Collecting], 92R. Knowledge [Forgeries of], v. 4, 2584J. Leisure Hour, v. 8, 2618J ; v. 12, 2622J. Postal Cards versus Envelopes. See Chambers, v. 47, 1950J, &c. Post-Diluvian History. See Dew's Nations, 53H, &c. Post-Mortem Examinations. See Newth's Necroscopy, 1455Z. Postures, a Means of Describing Movements. See Warner's Physical Expres- sions, 393R, &c. Potash. See Penny Magazine [Manufacture of, in Canada], v. 10, 148B. Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8-9D, &c. Potato, The. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Chambers, v. 4, 1924J ; [Supply of], v. 60, i960 J. Cooke's Fungi [Potato Disease], 383R. Girl's Own Annual [Fried], v. 7, 2557J. Good Words [Potato Disease], v. 25, 2195J. Knowledge [Something about], v. 1, 2581 J ; [in Ireland], v. 5> 2 58sJ- Leisure Hour, v. 1, 2611J. Living Age [Potato Rot], v. 14, 3044J. McCulloch's British Empire, 711-2H. Nature [Potato Dis- ease], v. 6, 2666J ; [Invigoration of, by Crossing], v. 31, 2691J ; [Origin of our], v. 34, 2694J ; [Introduction into England, Tercentenary of], v. 35, 2695J. Penny Magazine [Products ofj, v. 12, 150B. Science Gossip, v. 6, 2412J ; [The Potato Disease], v. 8, 2413J ; [History of], v. 10, 2414 J. Vegetable Substances, 609Q. Vegetables, Food, &c. Potenger (Ensign A. T>., of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 52], 1416O. Potomac, The. See Featherstonhaugh's Canoe Voyage, 726K. Leisure Hour [Up the, 1814], v. 11, 2621J, &c. Pots and Pans. See All the Year Round [Pottery], v. 56, 1816J, &c. Potsdam. See Leisure Hour [Royal Palace at], v. 15, 2625J. Time [and its Princes], v. 19, 1509J, &c. Potter (E. T.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa, &c. Potter (J., Archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1674, d. 1747), D.D., Anti- quities of Greece, with a Life of the Author, by Anderson, and an account of the Greek Authors, by Dunbar, 2 vols. 1832 874-5F Potter (R., Classical Scholar, b. 1 72 1, d. 1804), M.A., Tr., ^ischy- lus [Family Classical Library]. 1833 I152Q Euripides [Family Classical Library], 3 vols. 1832 II41-3Q' 21 [609] POT GUILLE ALLES LIBRARY. POW Pottery and Porcelain, Mediaeval and Modern, by J. Marryat. 1868 936D the Precious Metals, by Wheatley. 1886 932D French, by Gasnault and Gamier, illustrated. 1884 1062M Painting, a Course of Instruction in the Various Methods of Working on Pottery and Porcelain, by Miller, illustrated ... 1069M See also Academy [Art of the Old English Potter], v. 25, R.L. All the Year Round [Unique], v. 50, 1810J. Art Journal [and Porcelain, Marks on], v. 7, R.L. ; [Ancient History of], v. 10, R.L. ; [Moorish, Persian and Rhodian Glazed], v. 29, R.L. Bourke's Snake Dance, Sec, 717K. Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Chambers [Visit to the Derby- shire], v. 10, 1930J. Church's English Earthenware, 1061M. Contem- porary [Old and New], v. 45, 2055J. Harper [and Porcelain], v. 48, 1628J ; [Cincinnati, Decorative], v. 62, 1642J ; v. 77, 1657J. Lei- sure Hour [Art, at Lambeth], v. 34, 2644J. Living Age [and Por- celain, History of], v. 26, 3056J ; [in Fiji], v. 160, 3190J. Longman [Prehistoric], v. 6, 896J. Nadaillac's Prehistoric America, 897F. Penny Magazine [History of a Teacup], v. 8, 146B. Saturday Review [Japanese, Bowe's Marks and Seals], v. 54, R.L. South Kensington Science and Art Handbooks. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Wedgwood's Teacup, Szc, 836Z. Wright's The Celt, the Roman and the Saxon, 1520O. Keramics, Earthenware, Porcelain, &c. Pottinger (Major Eldred). See Kaye's Indian Officers, 1454O. Pottinger (Sir H.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Poucliet (F. A.), M.D. , The Universe, or the Infinitely Great and the Infinitely Little, illustrated. 1882 721F Ploughkeepsie Seer. See Fraser [and his Revelations], v. 37, 647J. POULTRY Book, The, by Tegetmeier, illustrated '.. 664B Domestic, &c, by Mowbray, illustrated. 1842 173R edited by Doyle, coloured illustrations. 1854 825F for Prizes and Profit, by Long 171R Keeping for Pleasure and Profit, by Roland. 1888 828F and 191R Ornamental and Domestic, and their Management, by Dixon, &c. 1855 61R The Henwife, by Hon. Mrs. Arbuthnot, coloured illus. 1887 ... 198R their Breeding, Rearing, Diseases and General Management, by Dickson, with additions by Loudon, illustrated 172R See also All the Year Round v. 10, 1770J. Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Boy's Own Annual [Poultry Run], 2957J and v. 10, 2960J. Cassell's Family Magazine [How to Keep], v. 9, 2358J ; Pastimes, 1262H. Chambers [Show], v. 35, T944J ; [Yard], v. 39, 1Q46J ; [Poultry-Farming, will it Pay?], v. 58, 1958J. Eggs, &c, 5550- Harper [Breeding, a Lady's Enterprise], v. 47, 1627J. Health Lectures [as a Food], 839M. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 657Q. Jesse's Gleanings [the Hen], 579Q. Macmillan [Keeping, as a National Industry], v. 41, 971J. Martin's Domestic Fowls, 741Z. Girl's Own Annual [Poultry Farm- ing], v. 10, 2560J. Pounds (J.), Recollections of, by Hawkes. 1884 93°0 See also Boy's Own Annual, 1885, 2957J. Poussill (Nicolas). See Fortnightly, v. 17, 2107J. Poverty. See Blackwood [of London], v. 57, 127J. Chambers [Pleasures of], v. 9, 1929J. Fraser [Crime, and Emigration], v. 1, 611J. Nineteenth Century [What is the Pinch of?], v. 7, 2217J. Quiver, v.'n, 3281J. Reaney's East End, 1997R. The Poor, &C. Powder. See Chambers [Through the Powder Mills], v. 24, 1938J ; [Magazines at Purfleet], v. 41, 1947J. Gunpowder, Sec. Powell (B. H. Baden, Natural Philosopher, b. 1796, d. i860), M.A., Creation, and its Records. 1886 1180M Historical View of the Progress of the Physical and Mathematical Sciences [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopred ia]. 1 834 47 1 R History of Natural Philosophy from the Earliest Periods to the Present Time. 1842 721Q [610] POW ENGLISH SECTION. PR1 Powell (B. H. Baden), Order of Nature Considered in Reference to the Claims of Revelation. 1859 443M Study of Evidences of Christianity [Essays and Reviews] 662A The Connection of Natural and Divine Truth, or the Study of the Inductive Philosophy considered as subservient to Theology. 1838 134K Powell (G. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Powell (M.) See Manning (A.) Powell (Lieut. R. A., of Guernsey). See Sarnia, p. 122, 1416O. Powell (Lieut.-Col. T. S., of Guernsey), C.B. See Sarnia [p. 70], 1416O. Powell (W.), F.R.G.S., Wanderings in a Wild Country, Three Years Amongst the Cannibals of New Britain, illus. 1883... 782K Power and Liberty, by Tolstoi, translated by Smith 1527O Wisdom and Goodness of God, by Chalmers [Bridgewater Treatise]. 1853 26dM Power (Cecil). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Powers (H. N. and S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Powers (Hiram, the Sculptor). See Living Age, v. 15, 3045J. Poynter (E. J., Historical Painter, b. 1836), R.A., and Buxton (H. T- W.)j M.A., German, Flemish and Dutch Painting [Illustrated Text Books of Art]. 1881 1079M and Head (P. R.), Classic and Italian Paintings [Illustrated Text Books of Art]. 1880 1080M Practical Essays, by Bain. 1S84 261R Common Errors on the Mind. Errors of Suppressed Correlatives. Civil Service Examinations. Classical Controversy. Metaphysics and Debating Societies. University Ideal. Art of Study. Religious Tests. Parliament, &c. Practical Natural History. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 1, 2951J. Natural His- tory, &c. Practical Piety, or the Influence of Religion on Life, by More, 2 vols. 416-7M Practical Thoughts, by Nevins 1679Z Practical View of Christianity, by Wilberforce 83Q and 1669Z Practical Wisdom, or Counsels of Eminent Men to their Children 193Q Raleigh. Burleigh. Sidney. Strafford. Osborn. Hale. Bedford. Penn. Franklin, with Lives of the Authors. Practical. See in connection with this word various subjects, e.g., Art, Science, Religion, Philanthropy, &c. Pradt (Abbe de, French Prelate and Diplomatist, b. 1759, d. 1837). See Napoleon and his Detractors, 644F, &c. Praed(Mrs. C.)- See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Praed (W. A.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Praed (W. M., Poet, b. 1802, d. 1839). See Contemporary, v. 20, 2030J. Gris- wold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Praeger (F.) Tr., History of Music, by Naumann, ill., 2 vols 928-9D Praetorian Guards. See Niebuhr's History of Rome, 88H, &c. Prague. See Green's German Pictures, 333B. Harper [Glimpses of], v. 56, 1636J. Laurie's Mediaeval Education [Prague University], 306R. Leisure Hour [and its Memories], v. 7, 2617J. Once a Week, v. 3, 2263J, &c. Prairie and Forest, or the Game of North America, by Gilmore.... 1593R Prairie Traveller, by Marcy. 1859 418T Prairies. Across the, and over the Alleghanies, by Peyton. 1870. 1591R Commerce of the, by Gregg, 2 vols. 1844 795-6Q Experiences, in handling Cattle and Sheep, by Shepherd. 1884 716K See also Blackwood [and the Swamp], v. 54, R.L. Chambers [and their Inhabitants], v. 55, 1955 J. Good Words [Sketches on], v. 19, 2189 J. Living Age [Commerce of], v. 3, 3033J ; [Camp Life on], v. 160, 3tao'j. Stanford's Compendium [Prairie Regions], 850K. America, United States, &c. Praise. See Quiver [Influence and Power of], v. 26, -3296J, &c. Pratinas. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. [6ll] PRA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PRE Pratt (Anne, Botanist), Common Things of the Sea Coast, ill. 1856 587Q Dawnings of Genius, or the Early Lives of some Eminent Per- sons of the Last Century. 1841 205Z. Poisonous, Noxious, and Suspected Plants of our Woods and Fields [S.P.C.K.], illustrated 38D Wild Flowers [S.P.C.K.], coloured plates, 2 vols. 1857 846-7Z Pratt (F. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Pratt (J.), B.D., Ed., Life of David Brainerd. 1834 966Q Pratt (S. J.), Actor and Bookseller, b. 1749, d. 1814), Liberal Opinions, or the History of Benignus; 4 vols. 1783 1239-42Z. Pratten (B. P.) and others, 7>., Writings of Justin Martyr and Athenagoras [Ante-Nicene Library]. 1879 376A Prawns. See Once a Week [Prawning on the Sussex Coast], v. 17, 2277J. Temple Bar [and how to catch them], v. 18, 1338J. Shrimps, &c. PRAYER Book, Lectures on the, by Massingberd. 1864 58Q Does God Answer ? by Edgar. 1883 642M Prayers, and Offices of Devotion for Families, by Jenks. 1847 43Z and Meditations, by Johnson. 1806 632M during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1851 227A from the Plymouth Pulpit, by Beecher. 1870.... 633M Great Necessity of Public Prayer, by Beveridge. 1708 10Z in the Congregation, by Beecher. 1868 223Q The Mercy Seat, or Thoughts suggested by our Lord's Prayer, by Spring 470M See also Bickersteth (E.), 53Q. Contemporary, v. 20, 2030J. Good Words [and natural Law], v. 14, 2184J. Hamilton's Lectures, 40Z. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Johnson (S.), 632M. Johnson's Works, 993H. Ken's Divine Love, 4Q. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 101-4M. Knowledge [and Weather], v. 3, 2583J. Mortimer's Light in the Dwelling [Family], 390M. Stoughton's Religion in England [Prayer Book, The], 92-4M. Sunday Magazine [Does it do anything], v. 13, 2470J ; [Success in], v. 13, 2470J ; [Essentials of], v. 14, 2471J. Wilson's Our Father in Heaven, 165Q. Sunday Magazine [German War- Prayers], 2457J, &c. Preacher, The, containing Sermons by Eminent Living Divines 267-73K C. Bradley, B. Noel, T. Dale, Busfield, Hall, H. Melvill, H. S. Plumtre, W. Dodsworth, H. M. Neile, J. H. Evans, C. Benson, W. Blood, R. C. Dillon, J. Vaughan, J. Sankey, W. Jay, H. Blunt, J. Topham, Dr. Fletcher, Dr. Raffles, Dr. Thorpe, J. P. Alcock, Chalmers, J. E. Tyler, E. Bickersteth, Dr. Rudge, E. Rice, J. Goode, J. M. Cumming, S. Ramsay, D'Arblay, G. Bowers, W. Stone, H. Stowell, E. Irving, Dr. Holloway, T. Lewis, H. Pening, W. Dealtry, &c. Preacher's Cabinet of Illustrations, by Thring 491 M Classics of the English Church, with Introduction, .by Kempe.... 581-2O Donne, Barrow, South, Wilson, Butler, 581O. Bull. Horsely, Taylor, Tillotson, Andrewes, 582O. Lives of Early Methodist Preachers, edited by Jackson. 1837 1410-12Z Manual, by Sturtevant. 1875 141A Preaching, Apostolical, by Sumner. 1820 173K Colloquies on, by Twells. 1889 1240M Lectures on the Plistory of, by Ker, edited by Macewen. 1888. 1192M The Study, Helps for Preachers, from English, American, and Continental Sources. 1873 499-A- See also Academy [Mahaffy on Decay of Modern], v. 21, R.L. Carpen- ter's Prophets of Christendom, 935O. Century [for our Times], v. 9, 1779J. Contemporary [Ordinance of], v. 4, 2014J. Fowler's American Pulpit [American], 78K. Fraser [Modern], v. 79, 689J. Good Words [on the Stage], v. i, 2171J. Hood's Preachers, 541M. Punshon (W. M.), 936O. Quarterly [Village], v. 59, 1189J. Quiver [Silent Preachers], v. 22, 3292J ; [Great Preachers], 3301J. Saturday Review [Modern], v. 53, R.L. Sunday at Home [Underground Preaching], v. i2, 2862J. Taylor's Scottish Pulpit, 635A. Temple Bar, v. 70, 1400 J. Sermons, &c. [612] PRE ENGLISH SECTION. PRE Pre-Adamite Earth. See Temple Bar, v. 3, 1333J. Antediluvian World, Earth, World, Geology, &c. London, a Lecture, by Nash. 1879 674D Precedence. See Chambers [Matters of], v. 51, 1952J. Escott's England and its People, 1018F. Temple Bar [Conventional], v. 56, 1386J. Etiquette, Customs, &c. Precepts. See Mushet's Symbols, 420M, &c. Precious Stones, by Church [South Kensington Handbooks]. 1883. 1047M See also All the Year Round, v. 5, 1765 J. Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. Argosy [Various], v. 11, 11 J. Boy's Own Annual, v. 5, 2955 J. Cornhill [Myths of], v. 48, 328J. Emanuel's Diamonds and Precious Stones, 1163M. Murray's Diamonds, T093M. Simonin's Mines, 632-3B. Diamonds, Pearls, Jewellery, Gems, &c. Precious Thoughts, Moral and Religious, gathered from Ruskin's Works, by Tuthill. 1879 826R Precocity and Genius. See Nineteenth Century, v. 19, 2229J, &c. Predestination. See Contemporary, v. 20, 2030J. Quarterly [Copleston on], v. 26, 1156J, &c. Predictions, See All the Year Round [Fulfilled], v. 24, 1784 J. Blackwood, v. 4, R.L. Chambers [Scientific and commercial], v. 57, 1957J. Timbs' Works [Historical], 856Z, &c. Preece (William Henry), F.R.S. See Nature, vol. 40, 2700J. Prefaces. See Living Age [and Dedications], v. 61, 3091J. Prehistoric Europe, a Geological Sketch, by Geikie. 1881 865F World, by Becket, translated by Safford 513R See also Adam's Underground World, 592Q. Chambers [Man], v. 63, 1963J. Dawson's Fossil Men [in Europe], 1023M. Leisure Hour [Homes in Switzerland, v. 22, 2632 J. Nature [Archaeology], v. 1, 2661J ; [Giants] v. 27, 2687J ; [Cemeteries] v. 32, 2692J, &c. Prejudices. See Cornhill [International], v. 34, 314J. Macmillan [and Prin- ciples], v. 22, 952J. Quiver, v. 30, 3300J, &c. Premature Interment. See Timbs' Works, 856Z, &c. Prendergast (T.), The Mastery of Languages, or the Art of Speak- ing Foreign Tongues Idiomatically. 1869 1032II Prentice (G. D.), Poems of, edited with Biographical Sketch by Piatt. 1887 778M Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Poets of America, 468D, &c Prentiss (Elizabeth, Atithor of Stepping Heave muard), Life and Letters of, byG. L. Prentiss, illustrated. 1883 93iO See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Pre-Raphaelitism [by Ruskin]. 1880 847R PRESBYTERIAN Church in the United States, Constitutional History [1705-1788], by Hodge 272A in Ireland, by Reid, 3 vols. 1867 211-3M throughout the World, containing Portraits and Biographical Notices of Knox, Chalmers, Calvin, Luther, William of Orange, &c. 1875 .••; 271A Sec also Brown's Propagation of Christianity [Missions], v. 2, 265A. Brodie's British Empire, 212-4H. Burton's Scotland [1648-1747], 336-7H. Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 299-302D. Contem- porary Review [The Progress of Presbyterianism], v. 54, 2064J. Fort- nightly [Union of Church], v. 43, 2133J. Green's English People, 190-91H. May's Democracy, 39H. Rogers' Scotland, 949-51F. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-9M. Wilson's Dissenters, 188-91K, &c. Prescott (M. N.). Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Prescott (W. H., American Historian, b. 1796, d. 1859), Biographi- cal and Critical Essays. 1855 156T Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. 1856 578D [Irving, Scott, Cervantes, Chateaubriand, Bancroft, Moliere, Ticknor, &c] Conquest of Peru, 2 vols 527-8H and 388-9O [613] PRE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PRE Frescott (W. IL), History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a View of Ancient Mexican Civilisation and the Life of Cortes 524-6H and 386-7O Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the Catholic, of Spain 390-91O Philip the Second, King of Spain, 2 vols. 1856 ... 392-3O Lifeof, by Ticknor. 1864 577l> See also Calderon De La Barca's Mexico, 737K. Fraser [In Memoriam], v. 59, 669J. Harper, v. 28, 1608J. Leisure Hour, v. 6, 2616J. Living Age [Ticknor's Life of], v. 80, 3110J, &c. PresCOtts of Pamphillon. See Good Words, v. 14,21847. Prescriptions. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Medicine, &c. Presence of Mind. See Chambers, v. 3, T923J, &c. Present Day Tracts on Subjects of Christian Evidence, Doctrine and Morals, by Various Writers, 8 vols. 1883-1887 : Vol. 1. — Christianity and Miracles at the Present Day, by Cairns. His- torical Evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Dead, by Rowe. Christ the Central Evidence of Christianity, by Cairns. Christianity and the Life that now is, by Blaikie. Ex- istence and Character of God, by Row. Success of Christianity and Modern Explanations of it, by Cairns 234T' Vol. 2. — Christianity and Secularism compared in their Influence and Effects, by Blaikie. Agnosticism, a Doctrine of Despair, by Porter. _ Antiquity of Man historically Considered, by Rawlin- son. Witness of Palestine to the Bible, by Blaikie. Early Pre- valence of Monotheistic Beliefs, by Rawlinson. Witness of Man's Moral Nature to Christianity, by Thomson 235T' Vol. 3.--Age and Origin of Man Geologically Considered, by Pattison and Pfaff. Rise and Decline of Islam, by Muir. Mosaic Authorship and Credibility of the Pentateuch, by the Dean of Canterbury. Authenticity of the Four Gospels, by Wace. Modern Material- ism, by Wilkinson. Christianity and Confucianism compared in their Teaching of the Whole Duty of Man, by Legge 236T Vol. 4. — Christianity as History. Doctrine and Life, by Porter. Religious Teachings of the Sublime and Beautiful in Nature, by Rawlinson. Ernest Kenan and his Criticism of Christ, by Elmslie. Unity of the Character of the Christ of the Gospels, a proof of its Historical Reality, by Row. Vitality of the Bible, by Blackie. Evidential Conclusions from the Four Greater Epistles of St. Paul, by Howson . . 2 37T Vol. 5. — Zend-Avesta and the Religion of the Parsis, by Mitchell. Author- ship of the Fourth Gospel, by Godet. Present State of the Christian Argument from Prophecy, by Cairns. Origin of the Hebrew Religion, an Inquiry and an Argument, by Conder. Philosophy of Mr. Herbert Spencer Examined, by Iverach. Man not a Machine, but a Responsible Free Agent, by Row. . . . 238T Vol. 6. — Adaption of Bible Religion to the Needs and Nature of Man, by Blaikie. Witness of Ancient Monuments to the Old Testament Scriptures, by Sayce. Hindu Religion, a Sketch and a Con- trast, by Mitchell. Modern Pessimism, by Thomson. Divinity of Our Lord in Relation to His Work of Atonement, by Arthur. Lord's Supper, an Abiding Witness to the Death of Christ, by Muir 239T Vol. 7. — The Christ of the Gospels, a Religious Study, by Meyer. Ferdi- nand Christian Baur and his Theory of the Origin of Chris- tianity, and of the New Testament Writings, by Bruce. Man, Physiologically Considered, by Macalister, Utilitarianism, an Illogical and Irreligious Theory of Morals, by Thomson. His- torical Illustrations of the New Testament Scriptures, by Mac- lean Points of Contact between Revelation and Natural Science, by Dawson 240T Vol. 8. — Claim of Christ on the Conscience, by Stevenson. Doctrine of the Atonement Historically and Scripturally Examined, by Stough- ton. Resurrection of Jesus Christ in its Historical, Doctrinal, Moral and Spiritual Aspects, by Edgar. Buddhism, a Com- parison and a Contrast between Buddhism and Christianity, by Reynolds. Auguste Comte, and the Religion of Humanity, by Thomson. Ethics of Evolution Examined, by Iverach 241T [614] PRE ENGLISH SECTION. PRI Presentiments. See Cornhill, v. 14, 294J. Quiver, v. 12, 3282J, &c. Presents. See Penny Magazine [Usages regarding], v. 3, 141 B. Preserved .Meats. See Chambers [and Meat Biscuits], v. 18, 1935J. Fraser, v. 45> 655J. Once a Week [and Vegetables], v. 12, 2272J. Meat, &c. Presidents of the United States, by R. W. Lincoln. 1852 576D See also Bryce's American Commonwealth, 517-9H. Harper [Early], v. 68, 1648J. Nineteenth Century [Presidential Election in the United States], v. 24, 2234J. Freeman's Essays [Presidential Government], 416H. Cassell's Family Magazine [and President Making], v. 15, 1365J. Names, e.g., Grant, Lincoln, &c. PRESS, New York, Progress of American Journalism, from 1840 to 1870, by Maverick, illustrated. 1870 1031H English Newspapers, by Fox Bourne, 2 vols. 1887 ... 1282-3H Pictorial, its Origin and Progress, by Mason Jackson, ill 982H Spirit of the Public Journals [1823], a Selection of Humorous Tales, Essays, &c 891H See also Alison's Europe, 119-46O. Blackwood [Influence of], v. 36, R.L. Chronicles of Newgate [Severity of the Press Laws], v. 2, 331D. Contemporary [Influence of on the Government], v. 49, 2059J. Corn- hill [Sharpshooters of], v. 7, 287 J ; [French History, to Death of Mazarin], v. 27, 307J ; [French History, Reign of Louis XIV. and XV.], v. 28, 308J ; [Louis XVI.], v. 29, 309J. Edinburgh Re- view [Abuses of], v. 22, 382J. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Fortnightly, v. 42, 2132J. Fraser [and the Tories], v. 8, 618J ; [American Political], v. 52, 662J ; [and Politics], v. 92, 702J. Gentleman's Magazine [and Parliament], v. 25, 745J. Green's English People, I-92&. Leisure Hour [Errors of], v. 16, 2626J. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. May's Democracy, 39H. Quarterly [Libel and the Freedom of], v. 117, 1247J. Routledge's Popular Progress [Freedom of the], 1034F. Pitman's Phonographic Reporter [Correc- tions], 1893Z. Sells' and May's Press Guides, R.L. Newspapers, Periodicals, &c. Press, Hydraulic. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D. Pressense (E. De, Eminent French Protestant, b. 1824), D.D., Contemporary Portraits, translated by Holmden. 1880 59lO [Thiers, Voltaire, Strauss, L'Ariege, Dupanloup, Monod, Vinet, Verney, Robertson, &c] Jesus Christ, His Times, Life and Work. 1866 38K Religions before Christ. 1862 39K Study of Origins, or the Problems of Knowledge, of Being and of Duty, translated by Holmden. 1883 644H The Ancient World and Christianity, translated by Holmden ... 1194M Church of the French Revolution [1789- 1802], translated by Stroyan. 1869 329O — Early Years of Christianity, History of the First Three Centuries of the Christian Church, translated by Holmden, 4 vols. 1879 : — Vol. 1. — The Apostolic Age 197M Vol. 2. — The Martyrs and Apologists 198M Vol. 3. — Heresy and Christian Doctrine 199M Vol. 4. — Life and Practice in the Early Church 200M Pressgjang. See Chambers [of last War], v. 21, 1937J ; [Story of], v. 57, 1957]. Pretender, The. ^Vf Bur ton's Scotland [1648-1747], 336-7H. Mahon's England, 184-6H. Stuart (Prince Charles Edward). Chevalier, The, &c. Pretenders. See Chambers [Claimants to Royalty], v 63, 1963J. Pretentiousness. See Chambers' Journal, v. 60, 1960J. Priaulx Family of Guernsey. See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2, p. 287], 362B. Sarnia, 1416O, &c. Price (Professor Bonamy, Economist, b. 1807). See Temple Bar, v. 83, 1413J, &c. Price (E. C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Price (L.), A Manual of Photographic Manipulation. 1858 1097M [615] PRI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PRI Price (T. , Gardener)^ The Modern Gardener 1 496Z Price (Thos., Chaplain to the Convicts at Woolwich), Wisdom and Genius of Sfaakspeare. 1839 1105H Prices. See Academy [Mulhall's History of], v. 29, R.L. Contemporary [in England in 1885], v. 47, 2057J 1 [Low, and Depression in Trade], v. 47, 2 °57J- Quarterly [High and Low, Tooke on], v. 29, 1159J. Priestley (J., Chemist and Unitarian Minister, b. 1733, d. 1804), LL.D., Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air. 1775 819D See also Huxley's Science and Culture, 779D. Brougham's Philosophers, 597R. Macmillan, v. 30, 960J. Quarterly [Cavendish, Black and Watt], v. 77, 1207J, &c. Priestley (Joshua), Mental and Moral Excellence, and How to Attain it; Memorials of John Hessel. 1861 711O True Womanhood and Memorials of Eliza Hessel. 1859 710O Priests, Women and Families, by Michelet, trans, by Cocks. 1846 41 iM See also Bungener's France, 316-7O. Ewald's Israel, 63K. Fraser [in the Congregation], v. 72, 682J ; [in the School], v. 73, 683J. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M. Quiver [and Kings], v. 15, 3285J, &C. Prima Donna, The, Her History and Surroundings, from the Seven- teenth to the Nineteenth Century, by Edwards, 2 vols. 1888. 678-9F Prime (A. J., S. I. and W. C). Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Primer of American Literature, by Lawrence. 1880 1207Z Primeval World of Switzerland, by Heer, 2 vols 732-3F Primitive Manners and Customs, by Farrar. 1879 1014M Times. See Antediluvian World, 1017M. Dew's Ancient and Modern Na- tions, 53H. Nature [Primeval Man and Working Men Students], v. 30, 2690J. Schmidt's Mammalia, 385R. Wood's Ireland, 383K. Pre- Historic Times, Antiquities, Man, &c. Primogeniture. See Fraser, v. 82, 692J. Nature [and the Evolution Theory], v. 27, 2687J. Quarterly [and Entail], v. 83, 1213J, &c. Primrose, The. See Brown's Science for All, 627B. Buckley's Science [Life of a Primrose], 514R. English Illustrated Magazine [and Cowslips], v. 2, 1992J. Gentleman's Magazine [Polity of a], v. 27, 747 J. Science Gossip, v. 3, 241XJ ; [and Violets], v. 16, 2419J. Flowers, &c. Primrose League. See Saturday Review [Catholics and thel, v. 61, R.L. Nineteenth Century, v. 20, 2230J. Time [Truth about the], v. 17, 1507J, &c. Prince Consort. See Albert. Prince of Wales in India, by Gay. 1877 1509R Tour, a Diary in India, by Russell, illus., 2 vols. 1877 ... 603B Princess and People, Progress of our Times, illustrated by the Life and Work of the Prince and Princess of Wales [1863- 1889], by Burdett, with portraits, autographs, &c, 1889 1412H of Wales. See Names, e.g., Albert Edward, &c. Rupert. See Every Boy's Annual [1886], 1305H, &c. Princes. See All the Year Round [Thirteen Princes of Wales], v. 8, 1768J. Chambers [Princes of Wales and their Marriages], v. 39, 1946J. Dixon's Royal Windsor [and Princesses of England], 325-8H ; H.M. Tower, [The Young Edward V. and the Duke of York], 321-4H. Fraser [Origin of Prince of Wales' Feathers], v. 103, 713J. Poole's Index, R.L. Names of Princes, &c. Prince (J. C), Dreams and Realities, in Verse and Prose. 1850 356Q Prince Edward Island. See Harper, v. 55, 1635J. Murray's British America, 400-2T, &c. Prince of Wales' Island. See Brassey's Last Voyage, 862K, &c. Princesses, Lives of the English Princesses, by Strickland. 1866.. 51-8F of the House of Stuart, Last Four, by Strickland. 1872 50F [616] PRI ENGLISH SECTION. PRI Princesses of Wales, Lives of the, by Finch, 3 vols. 1883 932-4O See also All the Year Round [Princesses in the Past], v. 56, 1816J. Cham- bers [Princesses married to Subjects], v. 47, 1950J. Edinburgh Review [Hints on the Education of], v. 7, 367J. Fitzgerald's Family of George III., 74-5F. Fraser [Leaves from the Life of a Princess], v. 38, 648J. Girls Own Annual [Princesses of Wales], v. 5, 2555J, &c. Principles. See Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. Pringle (T., Scottish Poet, b. 1789, d. 1834). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Prinsep (V. C), Imperial India, An Artist's Journals, illustrated ... 816K Print Works. See Penny Magazine [Lancashire, Day at], v. 12, 150B. Printers. See Chambers [Printers' Blunders], v. 58, 1958J. Living Age [Famous English], v. 134, 3164J. Pastime Papers [of Olden Times], 1996R. Quarterly [Printer's Devil], v. 65, 1195J. Knowledge [On some Printers' Pranks, by Proctor], v. 12, 2592J. Printing, &c, PRINTING, Caxtonandthe Art of[R.T.S.] 1506Z Colour Printing, by Richmond I170M its Antecedents, Origin, History and Results, by Stark. 1855 ... 1284R • See also Academy [Bibliography of], v. 26, R.L. All the Year Round [Com- positor's Work, Lessons in], v. 39, 1799J. Art Journal [Carbon Process in], v. 20, R.L. ; [Engraved Borders], v. 35, R.L. Chambers [Early, in China], v. 11, 1931J ; [in Colours], v. 21, 1937J ; [Autographic], v. 57) J 957J- Chambers' Information, 25-6D. Harper [Early], v. n, 159*] ! [Origin of], v. 37, 1617J. Knight's Caxton, 201Z ; Life of Caxton, 1844Z. Leisure Hour [Inside a Printing Office], v. 12, 2622J ; [Notes on Compositors], v. 12, 2622J ; [The Walter Printing Press], v. 21, 2631J ; [and Binding, the Revised Bible], v. 34, 2644J. Penny- Magazine [Compositor's Work], v. 2, 140B. Pike's Crime in England, 307H. Richmond's Lithography, &c, 1171M. Saturday Review [In- vention of. New Light on], v. 61, R.L. Timbs' Inventions, 258R. Ure's Dictionary, 8D ; [Printing and Numbering Cards and Marks of Correction], 8D ; [Printing Ink, Machinery, Blocks, &c], 8-9D. Pitman's Phonographic Reporter [Marks of Correction], 1893Z, &c. Prior (Sir J., Irish Naval Surgeon, b. 1787, d. 1869), F.S.A., Life of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke. 1854 607R Prior (M., Poet and Diplomatist, b. 1664, d. 1 721), Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807... 328-0Z Poems, Life by Mitford [British Poets], 2 vols, i860 456-7Q See also Contemporary, v. 20, 2030J. Jones' Poets, 662M. Leisure Hour, v. 12, 2622J. Longman [Was he a Dorsetshire Man?], v. 4, 894J, &c. PRISON Books and their Authors, by Langford. 1861 1032R Diary, by Michael Davitt, 2 vols/ 1885 II77-8R Discipline, &c, by Buxton. 1818 322R Prisons and Reformatories at Home and Abroad, being the Transac- tions of the International Penitentiary Congress [1872], edited by Pears. 1872 419H Her Majesty's, by one who has tried them, 2 vols. 1881 307-8O London, by Dixon. 1850 606Z of London, by Mayhew and Binny. 1862 126D See also Ashton's Fleet, 904F ; Reign of Queen Anne, 68F. Century Magazine [Prison Reforms], v. 5, 1877J. Chambers [Interior of a London Prison], v. 20, 1936J ; [Pets], v. 60, 1960J. Chronicles of Newgate [first Report of the Inspectors of], v. 2, 331D. Contemporary [Official Optimism concerning Prison Discipline], v. 46, 2056J. Cornhill [Life in Military Prison], v. 15, 295J ; [and Convict Establishments, French] v. 46, 326J ; [in France], v. 46, 326J. Davenport's Bastile, 153Z. Dixon's John Howard, 233Z. Escott's England and its People [and Prisoners], 1017F. Fraser [Prison Labour], v. 78, 688J. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [Government], v. 28, 748J. Good Words [Eastern], v. 2, 2172J ; [of Naples], v. 9, 2179J ; [of Paris], v. 15, 2185J. Gray's China. 520-1K. Griffith's Millbank, 332-3D. Hill's Repression of Crime, 1015F. Harper [Reform, Education as a Factor in], v. 12, 1652J. Horsley's Jottings, [617] PRI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PRO PRISONS— (continued): 1207R. Howard the Philanthropist, 320F. James' Curiosities of Law, [Prisons, &c], 1075F. Lansdell's Asia, 830K ; Russia, 823K ; Siberia, 496-7K. Living Age [Female Life in], v. 75, 3105J. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Nature [Prison Bread], v. 19, 2679J. Newgate Chronicles, 330-1D. Nineteenth Century [French Experiences in], v. 19, 2229J. Oglethorpe [General], 876O. Once a Week [Visit to Con- vict Prisons of Ireland], v. 5, 2265J. Penny Magazine [of Scotland], v. 5, 143B ; [Dutch], v. 7, 145B. Quarterly [and Penitentiaries], v. 30, 1160J ; [Female Penitentiaries], v. 83, 1213J. Smith's Essays, 297O. Smith's Works, 589D. Sunday Magazine [A Month's Prison Notes, Inscriptions upon Walls, and why are Prisons Failures], v. 15, 2472J. Temple Bar [of England, Six Years in], v. 24, 1354J. Temple's India, 486K. Crime, Gaols, Jails, &c. Pritchard (C), F.R.S., Occasional Thoughts of an Astronomer on Nature and Revelation. 1889 1265M Pritchard (H. Baden), Beauty Spots of the Continent. 1875 1439R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Pritchard (W. T.)> F.R.G.S., Polynesian Reminiscences, Life in the South Pacific Islands 767 K Privateers. See Chambers, v. 8, 1928J ; [and Privateering], v. 22, 1937J ; v. 60, 1960J; [What is Privateering?], v. 62, 1962J, &c. Privilege. See Quarterly [Question of], v. 77, 1207J, &c. Privileges, Customs, &c, of Jersey and Guernsey, by Le Cras 1864Z Privy Council of England. See Escott's England and its People, 1018F. Lei- sure Hour, v. 18, 2628J, &c. Prize Competitions. See Boy's Own Annual, &c. Essays. See All the Year Round v. 49, 1809J. Essays, &c. Fighting. See Pugilism. Money. See Chambers v. 22, 1937 J. System in Education. See Chambers, v. 63, 1963J. Probabilities, an Aid to Faith, by Tapper 866R See also Edinburgh Review [La Place on], v. 23, 383J ; v. 92, 452 J. Knowledge [Laws of], v. 1 and 2, 2581-2J. Quarterly [De Morgan's Essay on], v. 64, 1194J. Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R, &c. Probate, Court of. See Fraser, v. 72, 682J. Leisure Hour, v. 19, 2629J. Law, Legislature, &c. Probyn (J. W.), Ed., Local Government and Taxation of the United Kingdom [Cobden Club]. 1882 303R Proceedings of the Amsterdam Conference of the Evangelical Alliance [1867], edited by Steane. 1868 661A Geneva Conference of the Evangelical Alliance [1861], edited by G. Carlyle. 1862 660A London Conference of the Evangelical Alliance [1846] 659A See also under Name of Association or Society, &c. Processions. See Brand's Antiquities [on Candlemas Day], 1005M. Dyer's Customs [Lord Mayor's Day], 1036F, &c. Proclamations. See Brodie's British Empire, 212-3H, &c. Procrastination. See Chambers' Journal, v. 59, 1959J, &c. Procter (A. A., Poetess, daughter of B. VV. Procter, b. 1835, d. 1804). See Adam's Celebrated Englishwomen, 1282O. Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M, &c. Procter (Brian Waller, Poet, b. 1790, d. 1874). See Fortnightly, v. 27, 2117J. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. See also under Psetuionym, Cornwall (Barry). (and A. L.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Proctor (R. A., Astronomer and Popular Lecturer, b. 1837, d. 1888), F.R.A.S., Chance and Luck, a discussion of the Laws of Luck, Coincidences, Wagers, Lotteries, Gambling, &c. 1887 1229R Easy Star Lessons, illustrated. 1882 45oR Familiar Science Studies. 1882 449R Flowers of the Sky, illustrated 641Q Hereditary Traits. 1882 777B [618] PRO ENGLISH SECTION. PRO Proctor (R. A.), Light Science for Leisure Hours, Familiar Essays on Scientific Subjects, Natural Phenomena, &c. t88o 44 T R Mysteries of Time and Space. 1883 448R Myths and Marvels of Astronomy. 1880 694D Orbs Around Us, Familiar Essays on the Moon, Planets, Meteors, Comets, Sun, and Coloured Pairs of Suns. 1875... 439^ Other Worlds than Ours, the Plurality of Worlds, studied under the Light of Recent Scientific Researches, ill. 1878... 440R Our Place among Infinities, a Series of Essays, contrasting our Little Abode in Space and Time with the Infinities Around us, with Essays on Astrology and the Jewish Sabbath 444R Pleasant Ways in Science. 1878 443^- [Sun Spots, Storm and Famine, Star Grouping, Volcanoes, Towards the North Pole, The Phonograph, Ozone, Dew, Ancient Babylonian Astrology.] Rough Ways made Smooth, Familiar Essays on Scientific Sub- jects. 1S80 442R Saturn and its System, illustrated. 1865 7°5^ The Borderland of Science, Familiar Dissertations on Stars, Planets, Gambling, Coal, Coincidences, Ghosts, &c 446R The Expanse of Heaven, a Series of Essays on the Wonders of the Firmament 445^- Moon, Her Motions, Aspect, Scenery, and Physical Condi- tion, illustrated. 1878 438R Seasons Pictured. 1885 338B- Spectroscope, and its Work [S.P.C.K. Science Manuals], ill. 755^ Sun, Ruler, Fire, Light, and Life of the Planetary System.... 437R The Universe of Stars, illustrated. 1878 704D and others, Nature Studies. 1882 447R Ed. Knowledge, an Illustrated Magazine of Science, Literature and Art, vols. I to II. 1881-88 2581-91J See also Saturday Review [Familiar Science], v. 53, R.L. Scribner, v. 7, 2267J ; [Tornadoes, by], v. 96, 3126J ; Lands and Seas of another World, by], v. 99, 3129J, &c. Proctor (W.), Management and Treatment of the Horse in the Stable, Field, and on the Road, illustrated. I883 196R Prodigies. See All the Year Round [Prodigy-Hunter], v. 6, 1766J. Once a Week [Old English], v. 5, 2265J, &c. Profane and Holy States, by Fuller 560M Profession, Choice of a, by Thomson. 1857 204R Professions, Principal, by' Pascoe 251R See also Blackwood [Outlying], v. 136, 206J. Boy's Own Annual [how to enter them], v. 5, 2955J. Chambers, v. 45, 1949J. Escott's Eng- land and its People [Professional England], 1018F. Penny Magazine [and Trades of the Metropolis], v. 3, 141B. Education, Army, Navy, Church, Civil Service, &c. Profit Sharing between Employer and Employee, by Gil man. 1889 334R Profits. See Chambers, v. 38, 1945/. Edinburgh Review [Rise and Fall of], v. 40, 400J. Household Words [of a Holiday], v. 18, 1758J. Ricardo's Political Economy, 1004F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-7F. Walker's Science of Wealth, 1025 F, &c Progress and Poverty, an Inquiry into the Cause of Industrial De- pression, and of Increase of Want with Increase of Wealth, by George. 1882 1023F of the Nation, by Porter, 3 vols. 1843 213-5R See also Fortnightly [What is, and are we Progressing?], v. 7, 2097J. Good Words [and Poverty, George's], v. 24, 2194J. Living Age [Will it Diminish Joy?], v. 140, 3170J. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life [Hope of], i9o8Ra. Maine's Popular Government [National], 1100F. Quarterly [the Age of], v. 159, 1289J. Social and Political Economy, &c. [619] PRO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PRO Projectiles. See Nature [Motion of, Bashforth's], v. 8, 2668J ; [Motion of], v. 29 and 30, 2689-90J ; [Law of the Resistance of the Air to], v. 33, 2693J. Once a Week, v. 1, 2261J. Quarterly [Manufacture of], v. 103, 1233J, &c. Prolixity. See Blackwood, v. 109, 179J, &c. Prologues. See All the Year Round, v. 31, 1791J. Chambers [and Epilogues], v. 43, 1948J, &c. Promiscuous Amusement*. See Anspach's Thieves of Homes, 279R, &c. Pronunciation. See Penny Magazine [of Hard Words], v. 2, 140B. Atlantic [Inaccuracies in the United States], v. 53, 1543J. Contemporary [of the Latin], v. 17, 2027J. Language, &c. Proof. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. Reader. See Cassell's Family Magazine [A Day in a Proof-Reader's Life], v. 15, 1365J. Propeller. See Nature [Imitating the Action of the Pipe-Fish], v. 11, 2671J ; [Water-Jet], v. 26, 2685J. Steam Ships, &c. Propertius (S. A., Roman Elegiac Poet, b. 51 B.C., d. 16 A.D.), by Davies [Collin's Ancient Classics] I161Q See also Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Property, Peasant Properties and other Essays, by Lady Verney. 2004-5R See also Alison's Europe, 119-26O. Amos' Science of Law, 356R. Bee- ton's Everybody's Lawyer, 324R. Blackwood [Law of], v. 83, 153J ; [Rights of, Joseph Chamberlain on], v. 137, 207J. Contemporary [Personal Debt and Interest], v. 37, 2047J. Fortnightly [and Taxa- tion], v. 19, 2109J. Levi's International Law, 399R. Maine's Early Law and Custom], 1082F. Peto's Taxation [and Income Tax], 1016F. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Saturday Review [Unearned Incre- ment of], v. 56, R.L. Temple's India, 486K. Mackay's English Poor, 337R. Land, Capital, &c. Prophecies, Analysis of Prophecy, by Hales, 4 vols. 1830 230-3H Dissertation on the, by Faber, 2 vols. 1S14 532-3A ■ Dissertations on the, by Newton, 2 vols 534-5A and 125-6K Evidence of the Truth of the Christian Religion, by Keith. 1848 414A Evidences of, from a work by Keith 1684Z Relating to Antichrist in Daniel and St. Paul, by Todd ... 529 and 537 A Unfulfilled, which are yet to have their Accomplishment, by Fry. 1835 53iA Prophet of Fire, Life of Elijah, by Macduff. 1864 398H Prophetic and other Subjects, Plain papers, by Trotter 506M Prophets, Improved Version and Explanation of the Twelve Minor Prophets, by Newcome. 1836 258K Lectures on the Minor Prophets, by Kelly. 1871 356M of Christendom, by Carpenter. 1884 9350 Israel and their Place in History, by Smith. 1882 466M and Prophecies. See also Blackwood [for the Present], v. 64, 134 J ; [German Popular], v. 6j, 137J. Ewald's Israel, 64K. Fraser [Modern], v. 96, 706J. Good Words [of the Old Testament], v. 6, 2176J ; [Scrip- ture Interpretation, Jewish], v. 15, 2185J. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Mackay's Delusions, 903M. Macmillan [Uninspired], v. 2, 932J. Quarterly [Scripture, Keith on], v. 53, 1183J. Quiver [False, in the Past], v. 29, 3299J. Smith's Jewish Church, 467M. Sunday at Home [and Fulfilments], v. 24, 2874J. Sunday Magazine [The Minor Prophets], v. 3, 2453J. Timbs' Works [Prophesying Almanac], 856Z. See also under names, e.g., Elijah, Josiah, Samuel, &c. Proposals of Marriage, How Men Propose, by Stevens. 1890 2014R Propositions. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. Prose Idylls, New and Old 993R Prose. See also Good Words [Composition], v. 6, 2176J. Legouve's Art of Reading, 1073R. Posnett's Literature, 394R, &c. Prosecutions for Religious Opinions, by Duncan. J 825 638H Prosecutions. See Chambers, v. 46, 1949J. Crime, Law, &c. [620] PRO ENGLISH SECTION. PRO Prosperity, Danger of, &c, by Bates. 1825 127M or Pauperism ? Physical, Industrial, and Technical Training, by the Earl of Meath. 1888 1105F Prosser (Mrs). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Protection. See Blackwood [and Free Trade], v. 54, R.L. ; [Meeting on, in London], v. 67, 137J. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Fortnightly [in Young Communities], v. 37, 2127J. Fraser [England under, and Free Trade], v. 104, 714J ; [Failure of, in U.S.], v. 104, 714J. Macmillan [and United States Industries], v. 45, 975J. Walker's Science of Wealth, 1025F. Buckle's Civilization, 187O, &c. Protector, The [Oliver Cromwell], a Vindication, by Merle D'Aubigne. 1847 •••••••• 1404H See also Cromwell (O.). PROTESTANTS AND PROTESTANTISM— Works re- lating" to : [See also Church and Ecclesiastical History, Religion, Reformation, Names of Reformers, e.g., Calvin, Luther, Wycliffe, ofc, and Sects, Quakers, Wesley ans, ofc.) Protestant Church of France, by Lorimer. 1841 261T Doctrine of the Sacraments, Harmony of the, by Tomlinson 290K Refugees, French, by Weiss. 1854 314A Protestantism, &c. , by De Quincey. 1863 652R History of, by Wylie, 3 vols , 78-80A in France [R.T.S.] 111Z Protestants' Armoury, a Refutation of Roman Catholicism ... 444M from France in 'their English Home, by Kershaw. 1885 ... 546M of France, History of the, by Felice, 2 vols. 1853 288M See also Blackwood [French Refugees], v. 74, 144J. Buckle's Civili- zation, 186-7O. Cornhill [and St. Paul], v. 20, 300J. Edinburgh Review [in Germany], v. 54, 414J. Epochs of Church History, 256T. Fraser [in France, State and Prospects of, 1838], v. 18, 628J ; [Con- dition and Prospects of], v. 77, 687J ; [Developments of], v. 78, 688J ; [Restoration in France in Eighteenth Century], v. 88, 698J ; [Liberal], v. 90, 700J. Froude's England, 192-203O. Good Words [in France], v. 1, 2171J. Inman's Ancient Faiths [Clergy], 95K. Mac- millan [Social Aspects of, in Germany], v. 16, 946J. Nicolini's Jesuits, 367O. Quiver [in Rome], v. 21, 3291J. Saturday Review [John Fiske on], v. 53, R.L. Scribner's Monthly [Liberty of], v. 6, 1856J. Sunday at Home [in Florence], v. it, 2861 J. Sunday- Magazine [of France, and the Roman Question], v. 4, 2454J. Temple Bar [Opposition to, in Spain], v. 26, 1356J. Wilson's Dissenters, 188K, &c. Proteus, or Unity in Nature, by Radcliffe 760F Protoplasm. See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 23, 743J. Nature [at the Anti- podes], v. 1, 2661J ; [Continuity of, in Plant Tissue], v. 31, 2691J. Proudhon (P. J., French Socialist, b. 1809, d. 1865). See Fraser, v. 85, 695J. Prout (E.), Life of J. Williams, Missionary to Polynesia. 1843 579 F Prout (Father, Francis Mahony, Irish Jesuit and Journalist, b. 1805, d. 1866). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Fraser [Prout Papers], v. 9, 619J, &c. Prout (W., Chemist and Meteorologist, b. 1786, d. 1S50), F.R.S., Chemistry and Digestion in reference to Natural Theology [Bridgewater Treatise, v. 8]. 1834 700Q Meteorology and the Function of Digestion, with reference to Natural Theology. 1845 721D Provencal Language, Handbook to, by Craig. 1863 1203R Provence. See Argosy [Life in], v. 32, 32J ; [Fair of Cuers], v. 34, 34J. Cham- bers [Holiday in], v. 51, ig5 2 J- Cornhill [Old Towns in], v. 18, 298J ; [Folk Songs of], v. 47, 327 J. [621] PRO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PSA Provence (Comtesse de). See Jackson's French Court, 334O. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Proverb and Parable, World of, by Paxton Hood. 1885 135D Proverbial Philosophy, by Tupper 484D and 868-9R Proverbs and Emblems, Eastern, by Long 1013R their Lessons, by Trench. 1879 1120R Book of, an Exposition, by Bridges. 1865 132A English and French, by Belcour. 1888 1239R — —- for the People, or illustrations of Practical Godliness, by Magoon. 242R from Far and Near, edited by Tegg. 1875 Handbook of, and Index, collected by Bohn. 1857 Polyglot of Foreign and English Translations, by Bohn. 1857.. The Salt Cellars, being a collection of Proverbs by C. H. Spurgeon, 2 vols. 1889 2006R See also All the Year Round [West Country], v. 59, 1819J. Arnot's Laws from Heaven [Book of Proverbs], 4K. Chambers [Gaelic], v. 59, 1959J ; [French and English], v. 63, 1963J. Leisure Hour, v. 6, 2616J ; [Questionable], v. 18, 2628J ; [Eastern], v. 32, 2642J. Piatt's Business, 235R. Quiver [Two-edged], v. 17, 3287J. Scribner's Monthly [Turkish], v. 6, 1856J. Titcomb's Gold Foil, 1115R. Wright's England in Middle Ages, 78O. Notes and Queries [and Phrases] seventh series, v. 7, 1099J. Time, v. 8, 1498J. Quotations, &c. Providence, Interposition of, Anecdotes [R.T.S.]. 1845 1128Z See also Good Words [Meditations on], v. 4, 2174J. Seneca's Dialogues, 1201H, &c. Provincial Dialects of England. See Chambers, v. 30, T941J. Language, &c. Life under the Roman Republic. See Quarterly Review, v. 167, 1297J. Provisions. See Edinhurgh Review [Adulterated], v. 33, 393J. Food, &c. Prudence. See Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Smith's Moral Sentiments, 588H, &c. Prudentius (C. A., Christian Latin Poet, b. 348, d. after 404). See Dana's Household Book Of Poetry, 476D. Pruning. See Breuil's Fruit Trees, 178R. Gardening, Horticulture, &c. Prussia, Recollections of, during Thirty-Three Years' Residence, translated by Wraxall. 1855 1300R Prussia. See Alison's Europe, 120-46O. Bellow's Europe [Life in], 1398R. Cas- sell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Contemporary [and France], v. 16, 2026J ; [Rural Administration in], v. 48, 2058J. Cornhill [Agri- cultural Life in], v. 14, 294J ; [Soldiers' Notes on Army of], v. 18, 298J. Edinburgh [Military Growth of], v. 124, 484J. Fraser [Court and Aristocracy of], v. 48, 658J ; [and Germany], v. 83, 693J ; [Reports on Army of], v. 84, 694J. Laing's Notes of a Traveller, 1262R. Leisure Hour [Kings of], v. 11, 2621 J. Maunders Treasury of His- tory, 1856Z. Quarterly [in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Cen- turies], v. 86, 1216J. Saturday Review [Incomes in 1882], v. 54, R.L. ; [Political Parties, 1803], v. 56, R.L. Germany, &c. Prussia (Frederick William, King oi). See Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 92-6F. Memoirs of Ernest II. , 674-5F. See also under Names of various Kings of Prussia winch appear in the Catalogue, &»c. Prussian Blue. See Ure's Dictionafy of Arts and Manufactures, 8D. PrussiC Acid. See Living Age [as a Poison], v. 5, 3035J. Pryce (A. H.), LL.D. See Ante-Nicene Library. Pryde (D.), M.A., Highways of Literature, or What to Read and How to Read 1066R Pryde (J.), F.E.I.S., Euclid's Elements of Plane Geometry, i860. 718Q Prynne (William, La-wycr, b. 1600, d. 1669). See Gardiner's History of England, 466-9O. Living Age [and Mont Orgueil Castle, Jersey], v. 45, 3075J. Pryor (Mary), A Life Story of a Hundred Years Ago, by Hack. 1887 PSALMS, Book of, Questions for Bible Classes, by Jones. 1863 ... Commentary on the, by Home 547^ an d J by Hengstenberg, translated by Fairbairn and Thomson [Clark's Foreign Theological Library], 3 vols. 1846-8 1; Conant. 1872 [622] PSA ENGLISH SECTION. PUD Psalms, Exposition of Psalm CXIX., by Bridges. 1830 120M CXXX., by Owen. 1826 144^ The, by Moll, translated from the German, by Briggs, &c. [Lange's Commentary]. 1872 60 A See also Ewald's Israel, 64-5K. Gray's Biblical Museum, 82M. Quarterly [Psalmody], v. 3, 1133J. Sunday at Home, v. 3, 2853J ; v. 15, 2865J. Dawson's Origin of the World, 564R. Pseudonyms. See Cushing's Initials and Pseudonyms, R.L. Chambers [in Literature], v. 55, 1955J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Once a Week, v. 24, 2284J. Clegg's Booksellers, R.L. Hazell's Almanack, R.L. Halkett and Laing's Anonymous Literature, R.L., &c. Psychology, Power of the Soul over the Body in Health and Morals, by Moore. 1845 4 J 5^ See also Bain's Education as a Science, 364R. Blackwood, v. 77, 147 J. Compayi^'s Pedagogy, 296R. Eicon's England and its People, 1018F. Fairbairn's Philosophy, 308 M. Fortnightly Review [Experi- mental], v. 45, 2135J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Kant's Reason, 666T. Knowledge [Society for Psychical Research], v. 6, 2586J. Lewes' Philosophy, 571-2H. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 71 1-2 F. Nature [in England], v. 2, 2662J. Occult Sciences [Psychological Experiences], 1935R. Ribot's Diseases of Memory, 373R. Saturday Review [Psychical Research], v. 62, R.L. Scribner [New Study of Psychic Force], v. 2, 1862 J. Sully's Illusions, 369R. Collin's Synthetic Philosophy [Principles of), 587H, &c. Ptarmigan. See Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Watson's Sylvan Folk, 2112R. Birds, &c. Ptolemies (Kings 0/ Egypt). See Humboldt's Cosmos, 484R. Josephus, 67-8H. Egypt, &c. Public Affairs for 1831 [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia] 6-7O See also Mackay's Recollections, 1026-7H. Public Buildings in America. See Century, v. 5, 1877J, &c. London. See Nineteenth Century Magazine, v. 24, 2234J. London, Buildings, &c. Public Duty. See Good Words, v. 25, 2195J. Duty, &c. Public Expenditure. See Chambers [Curiosities of], v. 39, 1946J, &c. Public Good, &c, edited by Edwards, 2 vols 1067-8R Public Houses. 6VtfEscott's England and its People, 1017F. Fortnightly [Muni- cipal], v. 27, 2117J, &c. Public Lands, our Policy concerning. See Harper, v. 71, 1651J. Land, &c. Public Libraries. See Whale's London [Forms of Requisition, Commissioners, &c], 327R. Greenwood ( T.). Libraries, Public, &c. Public Men. See Forney's Anecdotes, 948R. Biography, Authors, States- men, ' Cummings [Great Musicians]. 1881 1220O See also Matthew's History of Music, 943D, &c. Purchase System in the Army. See All the Year Round, v. 20, 1780J. Army, &c. Purgatives. See Man and his Maladies, 939K. Medicine, &c. Purgatorio, The, by Dante, translated by Dugdale. 1883 809M Purgatory. See Contemporary Review [and Modern Revelations], v. 44, 2054J. Eraser, v. 62, 672J. Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Puritan Captain, or the Story of Miles Standish, by Abbott 9770 Nomenclature, Curiosities of, by Bardsley. 1880 920M Revolution, the Chief Actors in the, by Bayne. 1878 294 A Puritans and their Principles, by Hall. 1851 90K Early, from the Reformation to the Opening of the Civil War in 1642, by Marsden. 1853 703A Later, from the Opening uf the Civil War, in 1642, to the Ejec- tion of the Non-Conforming Clergy in 1662, by Marsden 704A or, Protestant Nonconformists [15 17- 1688], by Neal, 2 vols.... 409-10A See~also Anderson's Memorable Women [Puritan Times], 831-2O. Bisset's Parliamentary Government, 215H. Bryce's American Commonwealth [influence of], 5T7-9H. Cornhill [and Church of England], v. 21, 301J. Edinburgh Review, v. 42, 402J. Green's English People, 190-1H. Macmillan's Magazine, v. 58, 988J. May's Democracy, 38-9H. Quar- terly [in the Highlands], v. 89, 1219J. Wilson's Dissenters, 183-91K. Purnell (Thomas). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties [Lib. Ent. Know.]. 1830. 1243-4Z Purves (D. L.), Biography of Swift [Swift's works] 587D 22 [625] PUS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PYR Pusey (E. B., Theologian, b. 1800, d. 1882), D.D., Dr. Pusey's Challenge respecting the Doctrine of the Real Presence, Answered by Harrison, 2 vols. 1871 555-6A Sec also Academy [Obituary], v. 22, R.L. Contemporary [and Ultramontanes], v. 14, 2024J. Edinburgh Review [Sermon, November 5th, 1837], v. 66, 426J. Fortnightly Review [and the High Church Movement], v. 39, 2129J. Fraser [and the Court of Appeal], v. 70, 680J ; [and Dr. Temple], v. 80, 690J. Good Words [and the Oxford Movement], v. 24, 2194J. Mozley's Essays, 1024H. Poole's Index, R.L. Quar- terly Review [and the Church], v. 154, 1284J, &c. Pushing on in Life. See Good Words, v. 21, 2191J, &c. Pushkin (Alexander, Russian Poet.). See Blackwood, v. 57, 127J. Fraser, v. 96, 706J, &c. Puss in Boots. See Home Treasury of Old Story Books, 2863X. Nineteenth Century [Folk Lore of], v. 13, 2223J. Putnam (A. P.) Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Putnam (G. P.), A.M., American Eacts, Notes and Statistics of the United States. 1845 1046F Ten Years of the World's Progress, a Supplement to the Work of that Title, a Comprehensive Record of Facts in the Annals of Nations from 1850 to 1 86 1. 1861 216R Monthly Magazine of American Literature, Science and Art, vol. 1 to 10, illustrated. 1853-1857 1290-9911 Putrefaction and Infection, Essays on the Floating Matter in the Air, byTyndall. 1881 507R See also Good Words [and Disease, Living Organisms related to], v. 27 2197J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Puzzles. See All the Year Round [Puzzle Mania], v. 44, 1804J. Boy's Own Annual, v. 9, 2959J. Cassell's Book of Amusements [Mechanical], 1259H. Chambers [Philosophical] v. 42, 1947J. Dalton's Evening Amuse- ments, 1526Z. Every Boy's Annual, [1867], 1302H ; [1869], 1303H ; [1874], 1304H. Knowledge [the Hog Puzzle] v. 1, 2581J ; [the Three- Square], v. 1, 2581 J ; [Logical], v. 3, 2583J. Leisure Hour [Symme- trical], 2647J, & c > Puzzledom, Excursions into, by Tom Hood and his Sister, Mrs. Broderip 1 260II Pycroft (J., Inctimbent of St. Mary's, Barnstaple, b. 1813), M.A., Oxford Memories, a Retrospect after Fifty Years, 2 vols. 1885 598-9F Pye (H. J.). See Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 927O. Pyle (H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Pym (H. N.), Ed., Memories of Old Friends, Letters, &c, of Caro- line Fox [1835-71]. 1882 833O Pym (John, Republican Statesman, b. 1584, d. 1643). See Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 297-3C0D. Gardiner's History of England, 463-9O. Green's English People, 191H. Knight's England, 149H. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 20, 2630J. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92M. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Pyramid, The Great, Its History and Gleanings, by Marks 402M Pyramids. See Adam's Land of the Nile, 755Q. Becher's Mexico, 738K. Bellow's Europe, T399R. Blackwood [Record of], v. 52, R.L. ; [Who Built them, and When?], v. 94, 164J. Cassell's Magazine [Great Pyramid Standards of Justice and Measure], v. 5, 2345 J; [A Visit to the], v. 7, 2347J. Este's Recreations in Science, 497R. Fraser [Builders and Historical Epochs of], v. 16, 626J ; [Exterior and Interior Mathematical Characters], v. 16, 626J. Good Words [and Egyptian Life Four Thousand Years agol, v. 8, 2178J. Joliffe's Egypt, 554-5K. Knowledge [the Great], v. 1,3, 4, and 5, 2581 and 2583-5J. Leisure Hour [the Great, Ascent of], v. 33, 2643J. Madden's Shrines, 342-3K. Marvels of Art, 1227Z. Once a Week, v. 24, 2284J. Rawlinson's Egypt, 428O. Sunday at Home [a Night at the], v. 7, 2857J ; v. 35, 2885J. Wilson's Egypt, 375O, &c. Pyrenees and Pau, by Russell. 1871 i39 lR [626] FYR ENGLISH SECTION. QUA Pyrenees, Beam and the, by Costello, illustrated, 2 vols. 1844 ... 405-6K Summer and Winter in the, by Mrs. Ellis 392K and 793Q The, a Description of Summer Life at French Watering Places, by Blackburn, illustrated by Dore. 1881 338O to Spain, by Eyre. 1865 1449R Sec also All the Year Round [Watering Place in], v. 28, 1788J. Blackwood, v. 62, 132J. Fortnightly Review [Health Resorts in the], v. 34, 2124J. Fraser [Excursions in the Eastern], v. 59, 669J. Green's French Pic- tures, 334B. Leisure Hour, v. 13, 2623J. Once a Week [Gaming Houses in], v. 28, 2288J. Science Gossip [Ferns of the], v. 20, 2421J, &c. Pyrites. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8-9D. Pyrometer. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Pyrotechny, Art of, by Brown 86oD See also Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8-9D. PyrrtlUS (King of Epirus, b. 318, killed at Siege of Argos, 272 B.C.). See Josephus, 68H. Plutarch's Lives, 447F and 1132Q, &c. Pythagoras {Greek Philosopher, ft. 540-510 B.C.). See Zeller's Greek Philo- sophy, 538-9M. Python and Pythoness. See Chambers, v. 37, 1945J. Serpents, &c. Pythonic and Demoniac Possession in India and Judea. See Living Age, v. 19, 3049J, &C, (aJuACKEPvY. See All the Year Round [Some Notable], v. 55, 1815J; [Ancient], v. 59, 1819T. Ashton's Eighteenth Century Waifs, 1951R. Inman's Faiths, 95-6Ka. Once a Week [and Quackery, in America], v. 27, 2287J ; [Old, Essay on], v. 36, 2296J. Penny Magazine [and Quack Medicines], v. 7, 145B. Scribner [Spiritual], v. 3, 1853J. Temple Bar [and Quacks], v. 2, 1332J ; [of the Eighteenth Century], v. 37> 1367J. Ticknor's Medical Philosophy [Exposition of], t453Z, &c. Quadrilateral, The. See Cornhill, v. 5, 285J. Leisure Hour, v. 13, 2623J. Quadrupeds. See Book of Nature, 390-1B. Cooke's Woodlands, 622Q. Chambers, v. 11, 1931J. Nature [Bell's History of British], v. 9, 2669J. Animals, Natural History, &c. Quagga, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 663Q. Natural History, &c. Quail, The. See Chambers, v. 2, 1922J. Macmillan [Shooting in America], v. 54, 984J. Saturday Review [Shooting], v. 60, R.L. Watson's Sylvan Folk, 2112R. Birds, &c. Quakers and George Fox, by Bickley. 1884 2 62F Fighting, A True Story of the War for our Union, by Duganne. 415O Quaker Laws of Plymouth, U.S 417O Religious Peculiarities of the, by Gurney. 1824 339^1 See also All the Year Round [School at Ack worth], v. 49, 1809J ; [White], v. 55, 1815J. Burns' History of Parish Registers, 536 H. Edinburgh Review [Mad], v. 23, 383J. Good Words [in Scotland], v. 13,2133/ ; [in Norway], v. 9, 2179J ; [and Convicts], v. 19, 2189J. Green's English People, 191-2H. Harper [Early, in England], 1645J ; [John G. Whittier], v. 68, 1648J ; [Early, in England and Pennsylvania], v. 65, 1645J. Knight's England, 150H. Living Age [Decline of Quakerism], v. 64, 3094J ; [Modern], v. 163, 3193J. Macmillan [and Quakerism], v. 34, 964J. Maurice's Kingdom of Christ, 407-8M. Routledge's Popular Progress, 1034F. Saturday Review, v. 57, R ; L. Stoughton's Religion [1800-80], 98M. Temple Bar [Quaker's Spiritual Diary], v. 17, I 347Ji l m Ireland], v. 61, 1391J. Wilson's Dissenters, 189-91K. Society of Friends, &c. Qualitative Ana'.ysis. See Nature, v. 6, 2666J. Quantity. See Clifford's Exact Sciences, 392R. Quarantine. See Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q. Chambers, v. 61, 1961J. Fraser [Reports of General Board of Health on], v. 47, 657J. Harper [and Ventilation], v. 18, 1598J. Quarterly [and Contagion], v. 27, 1157J, &c Quarles (F., Poet, b. 1592, d. 1644), Enchiridion, containing Institu- tions, Divine and Moral. 1856 I 934^ Sec also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. [627] QUA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. QUA Quarles (J-> S° n of aboz>e, Royalist Captain and Poet, b. 1624, d. of Plague 1665). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 4760, &c. Quarries and Quarrymen. See Adams' Underground World, 592Q. Harper [The Cape Ann], v. 70, 1650J, Quarter Sessions. See Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Fraser [From Charles I. to Charles II.], v. 95, 705J ; [Under James I., William and Mary and Queen Anne], v. 96, 706J. Penny Magazine, v. 8, 146B, &c. Quarterly Review, from vol. I. 1809 : Vol. i, 1809. — Sir Philip Sidney. Swift. Reliques of Burns. Walpole's Anecdotes of Painters. Curran's Speeches, &c 1131J Vol. 2, 1809. — Intolerance the Disgrace of Christians. William Tell. Cha- racter of Fox. Madness and Melancholy. Campaign in Spain. Fox's Works. Domesday Book, &c 1 132J Vol. 3, 1810. — Fables and Satires. Claims of the Irish Roman Catholics. Nelson. Ballads. Song Writing. Herculaneum, &c "33J Vol. 4, 1810. — British and Foreign Bible Society. Reply to Calumnies against Oxford. Pitt. Depreciation of the Currency. Chalmers' Caledonia. Sadler's State Papers, &c 1134J Vol. 5, 1811. — India. Chinese Language. The License Trade. Russian Arm}-. Bullion Report. Voyage to Surinam, &c 1135J Vol. 6, 1811. — Jamaica in 1808-10. Refutation of Calvinism. Spanish In- quisition. Oxford University. Hindu Infanticide. Ford's Dramatic Works, &c 1 136 J' Vol. 7, 1812. — America. Travels in Iceland. Spanish Colonies. Home Tooke. Travels in Brazil. Capital Punishment, &c 1137J Vol. 8, 1812. — Education. Calamities of Authors. French Campaign in Russia. Cardinal Wolsey. Gustavus Adolphus. Colman's Poetical Vagaries n^SJ Vol. 9, 1813. — Artificial Memory. _ British Fisheries. Paley. John Knox. Malta. Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor. Colman's Vagaries Vindicated, &c 1139J Vol. 10, 1814. — History of Dissenters, &c. United States. Greek An- thology. Hobhouse's Albania. Bossuet. Fenelon, &c 1140J Vol. 11, 1814. — Light. History of the Azores. English Poets. Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton. Voyage Round the World. Waverley, &c 1141J Vol. 12, 1814-15. — On Improving the Condition of the Poor. Shipbuilding. Bonaparte's Russian Campaign. Chalmers' English Poets. Dew. Oriental Memoirs. Guy Mannering, &c 1142J Vol. 13, 1815.— History of Fiction. Life of Wellington. Mungo Park. Irish Grand Jury Laws. Louis XVIII. Battle of Waterloo, &c. 1143J Vol. 14, 1816. — Ceylon. Bonaparte. Mendicity. Melanchthon. Jeremy Taylor. Kingdom of Cabul. Wordsworth's Poems. Culloden Papers. Elgin Marbles, &c 1144J5 Vol. 15, 1816. — The Poor. Insanity and Mad Houses. Baptismal Re- generation. Works on England. Population and Production. History of Persia, &c 1 145 J Vol. 16, 1817. — England and Ireland. Shakespeare. Savings Bank. Cowper. British Fur Trade in North America. Napoleon. Landscape Gardening, &c 1146J Vol. 17, 1817. — East India College. French Theatres. Tonga Islands. Java. Discoveries in Africa. Himalayas. Malthus on Popula- tion. France, &c 1 147 J Vol. 18, 1817-18. — Haydn and Mozart. Parliamentary Reform. Voyage to Hudson's Bay. Poor Laws. Corea. Bengal Native Infantry, &c. 1148J Vol. 19, 1818. — Evelyn's Diary. Power of Russia. Greenland. Turkey. Iceland. Vaccination, &c TI 49J Vol. 20. — General Index to the first Nineteen Volumes 1150J Vol. 21, 1819. — View of America. Natural Theology. Church-of-Eng- landism. Marco Polo. State of the Law of Copyright, &c IT 5iJ Vol. 22, 1819-20.— British Monarchism. Cape of Good Hope. Ashantee. Radical Reform. Ancient Greece. Burckhardt's Travels in Nubia, &c .-••••.•• «5«J Vol. 23, 1820. — Van Diemen's Land. Translation of the Bible. Emigration to Canada. Marlborough. Roads and Road Making. Vie privee de Vcltaire, &c 1133T Vol. 24, i32i. — Errors relative to Insanity. Wesley. Italian Tragedies. Adulteration of Food, &c i T 54j [628] «3UA ENGLISH SECTION. QUA Quarterly Review — (continued). Vol. 25, 1821. — Cromwell. Henry Martyn. Depressed State of Agricul- ture. Gothic Architecture. North-West Passage. Normandy, &c 1155J Vol. 26, 1821-2. — Central Africa. Predestination. Travels in Palestine. Weights and Measures. Population. Ancient Greeks. Kit- Cat Club, &C 1 156 J Vol. 27, 1822. — Last Ten Years of George II. Camoens. Society and Manners in America. National Debt. South Africa. War be- tween Great Britain and the United States, &c 1157J Vol. 28, 1822-3. — Religious Sects. Indian Archipelago. Slave Trade. Poor Laws. Egypt, Nubia, &c. Irish Melodies. Marriage and Divorce. Napoleon. Navigation Acts, &c i*53J Vol. 29, 1823.— Peninsular War. French Tragedy. High and Low Prices. Spain. French Comedy. Witchcraft. Friar Bacon. Slavery, &c. 1159J Vol. 30, 1823-4. — New England. Court of Chancery. Political Economy. Campaign in the Pyrenees and South of France. Mexican Revo- lution. History of Guatimala. Cowper. Ancient Armour. Prison Labour. Slavery, &c . . . . ; 1 160J Vol. 31, 1824-5. — Scott and Newton. North American Indians. Savings Banks. Brazil. Character of the Russians. Funding System. Rail and Tram Roads. Lisbon. Tithes, &c 1161J Vol. 32, 1825. — Pope. Slavery. South America. Bowles. Chevalier Bayard. Australia. Ancient and Modern Wines. Brougham and Education. Who Wrote Eikon Basilike ? &c 1 162J Vol. 33, 1S25-6. — Reformation in England. The Vaudois. Last Moments of Napoleon. Vaccination. Missions to Siam and Burmah. Usury Laws. Contagion and Quarantine. Pepys' Diary. Waterton's Wanderings in South America, &c 1 163J Vol. 34, 1S26. — Slave Trade. Man in the Iron Mask. Scientific Institu- tions. Anglo-Saxon Industry. Canova. J. P. Kemble. Ed- mund Burke. North-West Passage. Voyage to the South Pole. Madame de Genlis, &c 1 164J Vol. 35, 1827. — Life Assurance Societies. Government of India. Law of Libel. Hebrew Tales. Sandwich Islands. Burmese War. Bishop Middleton, &c 1165J Vol. 36, 1827. — Weights and Measures. The Universities. Agriculture and Rent. Bible Society. T. Wolfe Tone, Founder of the United Irish Society. Persia. State Trials, &c 1166J Vol. 37, 1828.— New South Wales. Reformation in Italy. Criminal Law. Salmon Fisheries. Byron. Corn Laws. Maynooth College. North Pole, &c 1 167J Vol. 38, 1828.— Double and Triple Stars. State of Ireland. West Indies. Legal Reform. Paley's Works. Franklin's Second Polar Expe- dition. Cultivation of Poor Soils. Coronation Oath, &c n63J Vol. 39, 1829. — Russia. Elementary Teaching. Fagging at Winchester. Surtees' History of Durham. Banking and Currency. Public Opinion, &c 1 169J Vol. 40. —General Index to Vols. 21 — 39 inclusive H70J Vol. 41, 1829. — Progress of Society. Embassy to Ava. Progresses of James I. , Caledonians, Picts, and Scots. History of Scotland. Co-operation, &c ... 1171J Vol. 42, 1S30. — Arabia. Mahcmedanism Unveiled. Ecclesiastical Endow- ments. East India Company. Real Property Laws. Church Reform. Insanity. Railroads. Sir T. Stamford Raffles, &c. . . 1172J Vol. 43, 1830. — Polynesian Researches. Conquest of Granada. Hiero- glyphics and Egyptian Antiquities. Peru. Bishop Butler. De- cline of Science in England. Bishop Heber. Geology. Affairs of Greece, &c n 73J Vol. 44, 1831.- Political Economy. Principles of Morality. Greek Classic Poets. Byron. French Revolution. Parliamentary Reform. Spain. Oberlin. Criminal Trials in Scotland. Poor Laws, &c . . 1174J Vol.45, 1S31. — Polar Expeditions. Law of Population. Parliamentary Re- form. Natural Philosophy. British Architects. Doctrine de Saint Simon, &c 1175J Vol. 46, 1831-2. — Dr. Johnson. Political Economy. Wealth and Taxation. Dr. Bentley. Cholera. Poor Laws. Civil Wars of Ireland. English Dramatic Poetry, &c 1176J [629] QUA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. QUA Quarterly Review — (continued). Vol. 47, 1832. — Domestic Manners of the Americans. Fables. Geology. Campaign in Spain and Portugal. Punishment of Death. Mira- beau. Revolutions of 1640 and 1830. Balance of Parties. Birds of America. Cranmer. Health. Industry. Precious Metals. John Hampden. Mechanism of the Heavens, &c "77 J Vol. 48, 1832. — Annals of Rajast'han. Political Economy. Robert Hall. New Zealand. Apparitions. Demonology and Witchcraft. Poor Laws. Louis VIII. Political Institutions of the United States. Church Reform, &c 1178J Vol. 49, 1833. — Shirley's Dramatic Works. Felix Neff. Tennyson. Dr. Burney. Naval Timber and Shipbuilding. French Revolution. Navigation of the Euphrates. Piozziana. Race Horses, &c. . . 1179J Vol. 50, 1833-4. — Bridgewater Treatises. Infirmities of Genius. Pelham. The Reform Ministry and the Reformed Parliament. Poor Laws. West Indies. China. Church Reform, &c 1180J Vol. 51, 1834. — Pindar. Dr. Adam Clarke. Corn Trade and Corn Laws. Sir Egerton Brydges. Duke of Wellington's Dispatches. Voy- ages along the Coast of China. Revolution of 1688, &c 1181 J Vol. 52, 1834. — India. Roman Literature. Mrs. Siddons. Eton School. Lettres de Napoleon a Josephine. Germany. Japan. Words- worth's Poems. Bokhara. Cookery. Hannah More, &c T182J Vol. 53, 1835.— New South Wales, &c. Thebes, Egypt and Nubia. Letter to Earl Grey, containing a Vindication of the Established Church. England, France, Russia and Turkey. America. Influence of Democracy, &c 1 1 83 J Vol. 54, 1835. — Ross' Arctic Voyages. Last Essays of Elia. Cookery. Municipal Corporations. Sir James Mackintosh. Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire. Iceland. Bolingbroke. Australia. Robespierre, &c 1 1 84 J Vol. 55, 1835-6. — Poor Laws. Africa. Admiral Viscount Exmouth. Halley's Comet. Niebuhr. Slave Trade. Sugar Trade. Pro- vincial Glossaries. Fossil Fishes. Walker's Original, &c 1185JP Vol. 56, 1836. — Scrope and Grosvenor Controversy. Geology and Minera- logy. Paul de Kock. Balzac. Peninsular War. Back's Arctic Land Expedition. Zoological Society. China and the Chinese, &c 1186J Vol. 57, 1836. — Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations. Phrenology. Gold- smith. Trial by Jury. Lucien Bonaparte. Factory System, &c. 1187J Vol. 58, 1837. — Africa. New Houses of Parliament. Lady Montagu's Letters. Portugal and Gallicia. Germany in 1831. Popes of Rome. Napoleon, &.c 1188J Vol. 59, 1837. — Coleridge. Bastardy Laws. Modern Egyptians. Eti- quette and Fashion. University Education. Pickwick Papers. Sketches by " Boz," &c 1 189J Vol. 60. — General Index to Vols, to 59 inclusive 1190J Vol. 61, 1838. — Galleries Historiques de Versailles. Diary of the Times of George IV. Wallenstein. Memorials of Oxford. Canadian Controversy, &c 1191J Vol. 62, 1838. — Admiral Earl Howe. Art and Artists in England. Pro- gress of the Nation. William Wilberforce. Gibbon's Rome. Admiral Earl St. Vincent. Queen Elizabeth andMary Queen of Scots. Transportation, &c 1192J Vol. 63, 1839. — Railways for Ireland. Deer-Stalking and Coursing. Canada. Natural History of the Sperm Whale. Telford. Tracts for the Times. Library of the Fathers. Newman and Pusey, &c 1193J Vol. 64, 1839. — Ferdinand and Isabella. Athens and Attica. Oliver Twist. Geology 7 . Persia and Afghanistan. Post Office Reform, &c. .. 1194J Vol. 65, 1839-40. — Printing in the Fifteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Eng- land under Edward VI. and Mary. Voyages of H.M.S. Ad- venturer and Beagle. Socialism. Opium Trade. Chinese War, &c 1195J Vol. 66, 1840.— Raphael. Pitt. Poems. Polar Expedition. Romilly, &c. 1196J Vol. 67, 1840-41.— State of Ireland. Employment of Children. Church of Scotland. Lord Palmerston. Sepulchres of Etruria. United States' Boundary Question. Maynooth College, &c 1197J [630] QUA ENGLISH SECTION. QUA Quarterly Review — {continued). Vol. 68, 1841. — Belgium. Convict Management. New Zealand. Aus- tralia. Inductive Sciences. Free Trade. Ireland and the Irish. Orders of Knighthood. Order of the Garter, &c 119SJ Vol. 69,1841-2. — Travels in Central America. Architecture. Law of Copy- right. British Channel Fisheries. Histoire de France. Russia. Salmon Fisheries. Scotland, &c 1199J Vol. 70, 1842. — Animal Chemistry. Greece. Condition of Children em- ployed in Mines, &c. Botany and Gardening. Diary of Madame D'Arblay. Pitt and the Duke of Rutland. English Churches, &c 1200J Vol. 71, 1842-3. — Bees. Homoeopathy. Hydropathy. Anti-Corn Law Circular. Sir Astley Cooper. Treaty of Washington, &c 1201 J Vol. 72, 1843. — British Museum Catalogue. The Waldenses. Noble Eng- lish Families. Sir C. Bell's Discoveries. Coinage of the Greeks and Romans. Sir D. Wilkie. Irish Fisheries. Irish Land- lords, &c 1202J Vol. 73, 1843-4. — The Waldenses and the Vaudois. William Taylor, of Norwich. Student Life of Germany. Discoveries on the North Coast of America. Conquest of Mexico. James Brindley. Russia, &c 1203J Vol. 74, 1844. — Lord Chancellor Eldon. Railways. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England. Life of a Radical. Dr. Arnold, of Rugby. James Harris, First Earl of Malmesbury, &c 1204J Vol. 75, 1844-5. — Painting and Design. Egypt. Women and Wives of England. Scottish Poor Laws. Repeal of the Union. Eccle- siastical Architecture of Italy. England and France, &c 1205J Vol. 76, 1845. — Census of 1841. Etruria. Mexico. The Holy Land. Blanco White. War in France and Belgium, 1815. Fall of Napoleon. Maynooth and the Jew Bill. Lady Hester Stan- hope. Chesterfield's Letters. French Revolution, &c 1206J Vol. 77, 1845-6. Lord Chancellors. Eusebius. Salmon Fishing in the Tweed. Men of Science. History of the House of Commons. Church in Scotland. George III. Geology of Russia. Lives of the Lindsays. Spain. Oregon and California, &c 1207J Vol. 78, 1846. — Borneo. Arctic Voyages. David Hume. The Punjaub. Fortifications of Paris. Education of the Poor. Dost Mo- hammed Khan. Free Trade and the Corn Laws, &c 1208 J Vol. 79, 1846-7. — Montrose and the Covenanters. Electricity. Magneti- zation of Light. Resources of Ireland. Malt Tax. Shakes- peare. British Costume. Cuneiform Inscription at Behistan. Arrow-headed Writing. Viscount Sidmouth, &c 1209 J Vol. 80. — General Index to Vols. 61 to 79 inclusive 1210J Vol. 81, 1847. — Progression by Antagonism. Christian Art. The Last Stuarts. Political Caricatures. From Oxford to Rome. Ross' Antarctic Voyage. Currency. Financial and Commercial Crisis. Peru. Mrs. Godolphin. Election Addresses, &c 1211J Vol. 82, 1847-8. — Elizabeth Fry. Condition of the Labouring Classes. Cuba. Prison Discipline. Learned Societies. Statistics of Scotland. History of Oil Painting. Captivity of Napoleon. George II. French Revolution in 1848, &c 1212J Vol. 83, 1848. — French and Spanish Painters. Sir T. Fowell Buxton. Church of Rome. Navigation Laws. Events in Borneo and Celebes. Prostitution. Beaumont and Fletcher. Artillery. Poland. Schleswigand Holstein. Panslavism and Germanism, &C 1213J Vol. 84, 1848-9. — Fallacies of Railway Investment. Nineveh. History of Prussia. Duchy of Schleswig. Dalmatia and Montenegro. Viscount Castlereagh. Astro-Theology. Dog-breaking. Skerry- -j vore, Bell, Rock and Eddystone Lighthouses. Austria, &c 1214J Vol. 85, 1849. — Astronomical Observations at the Cape of Good Hope. Thomas Campbell. Chess. Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister. Austria and Central Italy. Wales. Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges. Ornithology. Agriculture in Ire- laud, &c 12T5J [631] QUA GUILLE-AI LES LIBRARY. QUA Quarterly Review— {continued). Vol. 86, 1849-50.— Natural History of Man. Clergy Relief Bill. Agricul- ture. Draining. Free Trade. Venice. Lord Clarendon and the Orange Institution. House of Brandenburg. Queen's College, London. Grote's Greece. French Revolution of 1848, &c 1216J Vol. 87, 1850.— Condorcet. Spectacles. Dr. Johnson. Mechanism of the Post Office. Laplace. Agriculture in Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern Times. Austrian Revolution. Louis Philippe. Spanish Literature. Education in Wales. Metropolitan Water Supply. Young Italy, &c 1217J Vol. 88, 1850-51. — A Hunter's Life in South Africa. Ignatian Epistles. Ceylon. British Museum. Germany and the King of Prussia. Southey. The Queen's Ministers and the Pope. Poultry Literature. Woman in France. Local Self-Government. Cal- vin. Lord John Russsell, &c I2i3j Vol. 89, 1851.— Gardening. Reformation in Scotland. North America. Dukes of Urbino. Liturgies. Altar Lights. Bishop Ken. Norfolk and Suffolk. Sir Thomas Browne. Geology. Church of Rome. Revolutionary Literature. Co-operation. State of the Population in the Mining Districts, &c 1210J Vol. 90, 1851-2. — Military Memoirs. Kew Gardens. Anatomy of Expres- sion. Junius. Modern Poetry. Naval Gunnery. Muskets, Rifles, and Projectiles. Grenville Papers, &C. . 1220J Vol. 91, 1852. — Afghan War. Catholic Church in Ireland. Lord Jeffrey. Contemporaries of Lord Clarendon. Breton Bards of the Sixth Century. Ionian Islands. Irish Fisheries. Dr. Chalmers. Gold Discoveries. Free Trade, &c i22ij Vol. 92, 1852-3. — Government and Affairs of India. Charles V. British Museum. Wordsworth. History of Castle Combe. Hungary. Arctic Expeditions. Wellington, &c 1222J Vol. 93, 1853. — Annals of Ireland. Comparative Anatomy. St. Cyprian. Lord Palmerston. Oxford University Commission. T. Moore. Thomas A' Becket. Louis XVII. Magnetism, Electricity, &c. Table Turning and Table Talking, &c 1223 J Vol. 94, 1853-4. — Thomas Gray. Voyages in the Pacific. Guizot. China. Russia and Turkey. Art Treasures in Great Britain. The Greek and the Turk, &c 1224J Vol. 95, 1854. — Latin Christianity. Greek and Roman Biography, Mythology, Geography, and Antiquities. Electric Telegraph. Russians in Bulgaria and Roumelia in 1828-9. Bells. Gold- smith. Eclipse of Faith, See 1225 J Vol. 96, 1854-5. — Preservation of Life from Fire. Dr. John Dalton. The Atomic Theory. Warming and Ventilating. Consumptionof Smoke. Sebastopol. Conduct of the Crimean War. British Forest Trees. Food and its Adulterations. The Emperor Nicholas. Addison. Eastern Question, &c 1226 Vol. 97, 1855. — Archdeacon Hare. Colchester Castle. Sydney Smith. The Immaculate Conception. History of Newspapers. Nego- tiations at Vienna on the Eastern Question. The Charities and the Poor of London. Arago. C. J. Fox, &c 1227J Vol. 98, 1855-6. — Table Talk of Selden, Coleridge, and Luther. Reforma- tory Schools and Juvenile Crime. Fielding. Zoology. Results and Prospects of the War. Early Roman History. Modern Painters. Naval Gunnery. Southey. Papers on the Eastern Question, &c 1228J Vol. 99. 1856. — Savonarola. Charles I. and the Commonwealth. Hyde Park Disturbances. Central America. Bacon's Essays. Algiers. Jules GeYard, the " Lion Killer." Montaigne, &c 1229J Vol. too. — General Index to Vols. 81 to 99 inclusive 1230 J Vol. 101. 1857. — Northamptonshire. Ferns. Tweed Fisheries. Crimean War. General Sir C. J. Napier. Our North-West Frontier. Switzerland and the Alps. Insanity. Political Songs. Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin, &c i z 3 I J Vol. 102, 1857. — Society in France before the Revolution. Churches and Church Ornament. Manchester Art Treasures' Exhibition. Early Flemish Painters. Divorce. Cornwall, its Mines and Miners. Rugby School. George Stephenson. Indian Mutiny, &c 1232J [632] QUA ENGLISH SECTION. QUA Quarterly Review — {continued). Vol. 103, 1858.— Railway over Chat Moss. Historic Peerage of England. Smollett. Wiltshire. Manufacturing Branches of the War Department. Indian Mutiny. Boswell and Johnson. Agricul- ture. Michael Angelo. Chatham, Sheridan, Erskine and ' Fox. Lucknow and Cawnpore, &c * 2 33J Vol. 104, 1858.— Admiral Blake. Civilization in England. Wycliffe. Early Christian Church. Shipwrecks. Trade and Navigation. British Museum. Indian Mutiny. Giotto. Horace. Last Four Popes. James Watt and his Inventions, &c 1234J Vol. 105, 1859.— Cornwallis. Shakespeare. Consular Service. Specifica- tions of Patents. Sanitary Condition of the Army. Dr. John- son. Bread. Parliamentary Reform. Frederick the Great. Scottish Ballads and Songs. Napoleon III. and Italy, &c 1235J Vol. 106, 1859.— Erasmus. Life Assurance. Popular Music of the Olden Time. Geology and Palaeontology. Islands of the Pacific. Defences of Great Britain and Ireland. Architecture. New • Zealand. Sinai and Palestine. Tennyson. Strikes. Reform Bills, &c 1236J Vol. 107, i860.— Australia. State of Lancashire. Cotton. Samuel Crompton. Inventor of the Spinning Mule. Lord Elgin's Mission to China and Japan. Roman Wall. Cowper. Reform Bills. Agriculture. Horse Taming. C. R. Leslie, R.A. Results of the Reform Act of 1832, &c 1237J Vol. ic8, i860.— London Poor. Statistics of the United Kingdom. Post Office Savings Banks. The Cape and the Kaffirs. Church Rates. Brazil. Employment of Women. Wills of the Kings and Queens of England. George Eliot. John Forster. Naval Gunnery and Fortifications, &c I2 38J Vol. 109, 1861. — Canada. Arctic Searching Expedition. Hudson's Bay Company. Rise of the Dutch Republic. United Netherlands. Iron Trade. Affairs of Italy. Dogs. Taxation. Essays and Reviews. John Lilly, the Euphuist. Travels in Africa. Pitt, &c 1239J Vol. no, 1861. — De Quincey. Monks of the West. Virgil. Ancient Law. Domestic Annals of Scotland. Scottish Life and Charac- ter. Civilization in England. Russia on the Amoor. American Civil War. Shelley. Coal and Coal Pits. Sir Isaac Newton. Plutarch. Popular Education. Church Rates, &c I2 4oJ Vol. in, 1862. — Railways. Popular Education. Iceland. Spain. Prince Albert's Speeches. Lord Castlereagh and Sir C. Stewart. American Civil War. Dorset. Hymns and Hymn Books. Reforms in Turkey. J. M. W. Turner, R.A. Indian Archi- pslago. Shotproof Gun-Shields, &c 1241 J Vol. 112, 1S62.— Sir M. I. Brunei. Archbishops of Canterbury. Regula- tions for the Volunteer Force. English Poetry from Dryden to Cowper. International Exhibition. Islands of the Pacific. Bi-centenary of the Ejectment of Nonconformists in 1662. Duke of Buckingham. Flemish Literature. Belgium, Holland, and the Rhine. Scepticism. China. North America. Thomas Bewick. Washington Irving, &c I2 42j Vol. 113, 1863. — Peru' and Mexico. Education. Literary, Scientific, and Mechanics' Institutions. Russian Empire. Professor Wilson. Cobden, Palmerston and Disraeli. British India. American Civil War. Salmon and Salmon Fishing. Colenso on the Pen- tateuch. Poland. Modern Novels. &c 1243J Vol 114, 1863. — Austria and Hungary. Natural History of the Bible. Palestine. Glaciers. Colonization and Colonies. Emigration. Washington Irving. Sources of the Nile. British Engineers. Sir Wm. Armstrong's Address to the British Association at New- castle. Thomas Hood. Social Science. Japan. Italy, &c. 1244J Vol. 115, 1864. — ChinaandtheChine.se. Cicero. Fish and_ Fishing. Fish Culture. Schleswig-Holstein. American Life. Pompeii. Mexico. General Sir Wm. Napier. Shakespeare. Denmark and Germany, &c 1245J L6331 QUA GUILLE-AILES LIBRARY. QUA Quarterly Review — {continued). Vol. 116, 1864.— Ludwig Uhland. Free Thought. Trans-Caucasian Cam- paign of the Turkish Army. Le Pere Lacordaire. Fine Art. Abbeys and Castles of Great Britain. Borough Franchise Bill. Friendly Societies. Sanitary State of the Army in India, &c. . 1246 J Vol. 117, 1865. — William Blake. Aristotle. Sir John Eliot. Homer's Iliad. Seryiaand the Servians. Condition of Turkey and her Dependencies. Greek Anthology. Confederate Secession. Correspondence of Napoleon I. Lytton's Novels. Subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles. Central Asia. Law Books. English Government and Constitution, &c 1247 \ Vol. 118, 1865.— Rural Sports. Browning. American Civil War. North Polar Expeditions. Debate on the Oxford Tests Bill. Public Health. Cathedrals of England. Westminster Abbey. Devia- tions of the Compass. Magnetic Properties of Iron Bodies. Italy. Praed. Biography of" the Blind. Census of 1861. The Russians in Central Asia, &c 1248J Vol.119, 1866. — Livingstone's Travels. Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester. Port Royal. Chateaubriand. Plato. Arabia, Caricature. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Judges of England. Employ- ment of Children. Science of Language. The Coal Question. St. Patrick. Ecce Homo. Parliamentary Reform, &c I2 49j Vol. 120,1866. — Duke of Wellington. Metallurgy. The Albert N'yanza. Bishop Wilson. Disturbances in Jamaica. Reform Bills of 1866. Charlemagne. Chanson de Roland. Ancient Poets of France. Strauss' Life of Christ. History of Architecture. Marco Polo. Modern Warfare, &c 1250] Vol. 121. — Ghneral Index to Vols. 101 to 120 inclusive 1251J Vol. 122, 1867. — Charles Lamb. Cholera. ^Esop. Nursery Tales. Game Laws. Church Ornaments. American Humourists. Land Tenure in Ireland. George III. Sea Fisheries. History of Westmoreland and Cumberland. Northmen in Cumberland and Westmoreland. New America. The Mormons, &c 1252J Vol. 123, 1867. — Cornwall. Trades Unions. Strikes and Lock-Outs. The Talmuds. Source of the Nile. Abyssinia. Representation of the People Bill, &c 1253J Vol. 124, 1868. — Sir Walter Scott. Queen's Book. Confession and Absolu- tion. National Gallery. Human Longevity. State of Ireland. Macaulay. Dr. Robert South. University Education. Farm Insects. Questions for a Reformed Parliament. Humboldt. Purchase in the Army. The Irish Church, &c 1254J Vol. 125, 1868. — Garrick. Railways in India. Coleridge. Manufacture of Gunpowder. Marco Polo. History of Lace, Proverbs. Royal Commission on Railways. Deer and Deer Forests. Lake Dwellings. Homer. Yorkshire. Public Questions, &c 1255^ Vol. 126, 1869. — Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Brougham. Irish Life. Earth- quakes. Gladstone. The Ultra-Ritualists. Political Speeches. St Paul's Cathedral. Compaiative Anatomy. British Mission to Abyssinia. Education. Turkey and Greece. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. The Irish Church Question, &c I2 56. Vol. 127, 1869. — The Levant. Poor Law. Railways. Keble. Darwinism. Coast Defences. Agrarian Outrages in Ireland, The Koran, tht. Talmud, the Sunah and the Midrash. Mahomet. Dr. Isaac Barrow. Owen, Huxley and Darwin. True Story of Lady Byron. Water Supply. Celibacy, &c 1257 Vol. 128, 1870.— Life Assurance. European Morals. Agriculture. George II. New Zealand and our Colonial Policy. Papal Infallibility. Jane Austen. Miss Mitford. Irish Land Question. Napoleon I. The Church in Wales. Prehistoric Archaeology. Education. Mary, Queen of Scots, &c I2 58, Vol 129, 1870. — The Church and the Age. Metropolitan Police. Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans. Letter- Writing. Palmerston. Franco- German War. Modern Artillery. Bismarck, &c 1259 Vol. 130, 1871. — Our National Defences. Whist. Bismarck. Prussia and Pan-Teutonism. Financial Statements, 1860-70. Invasion of France. Lord Chancellors of Ireland. French Patriotic Songs. First Earl of Shaftesbury. Junius. Holy Roman Empire. Libraries and their Founders. Civil List Pensions. Japan. British Army. Prussian Infantry, &c 1260 [634] QUA ENGLISH SECTION. QUA Quarterly Review— J&entimied)* Vol. 131. 1871. — Shakespeare. Darwin. Austria since Sadowa. Bishop Jeremy Taylor. History of Music. Village Communities. Labour, Pauperism and Land Tenure. Elementary Education Act, 1870. Spiritualism. Liquor Trade. Turnpikes, Railways and Telegraphs. Plato. " Battle of Dorking," &c 1261J Vol. 132, 1872.— The Kemble Family. J. Hookham Frere. Swinburne, Rossetti and Morris. Berkeley. Monetary Panic of 1866. Charles Dickens. Marco Polo. Primary Education in Ireland. Gothic Architecture. Carlyle. China and Japan. The Tientsin Massacre. Milton. Geneva Arbitration, &c 1262J Vol. 133, 1872.— Saint Cuthbert. Canterbury. Reign of Terror in France. John Stuart Mill. Painting in North Italy. New Testament Revision. Sir Christopher Wren. History and Anecdotes of Dogs. East African Slave Trade, &c.i 1263 J Vol. 134, i873.--Princess Charlotte. Rural Sports. Game Laws. Iron- clad Ships and Naval Guns. Madame de S£vigne\ The Eng- lish in Ireland. Chaucer. Education. State of English^ Paint- ing. Railway Amalgamation. State Purchase of Railways. Central Asia. The Irish University Bill, &c 1264J Vol. 135, 1873. — Our Living Poets. Church of France. Celtic Scotland. George Grote. Dartmoor. Beaumarchais. Persia. Voltaire. Education. Holland House. Land of Moab. Herbert Spencer. The Liberal Party and its Leaders, &c 1265 J Vol. 136, 1874. — Winckelmann. Mrs. Somerville. Confession and Abso- lution. Banking. John Stuart Mill. Trades Unionism. The Russians in Central Asia. Gillray, the Caricaturist, &c 1266J Vol. 137, 1874. — Isle of Wight. Primitive Man. John of Barneveld. Trades Unions. State of the Church. Modern Architecture. Bishop Patteson. Criminal Statistics. Ritual'of the English Church, &c. 1267J Vol. 138, 1875. — Greville Memoirs. Doctrines of the Jesuits. The Prince Consort. Farrar's Life of Christ. Speeches of Pius IX. Mac- ready. Education in the United States. Vatican Decrees. Liv- ingstone's last Journals. England and Russia in Central Asia, &c 1268J Vol. 139, 1875. — Lord Bacon. Isaac Casaubon. England under the Stuarts. Jamaica. Aeronautics. " Theatre Francais." Falconry. Saint Simon. Fish and Fishing. The Temperance Question. Ice- landic Literature. Russian Proverbs. Census of 1871, &c 1269J Vol. 140, General Index to Vols. 122 to 139 inclusive 1270J Vol. 141, 1876. — Dean Swift. Wordsworth's Prose Works. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy. Parliamentary Government. Royal Commission on Unseaworthy Ships. Sir William and Caroline Herschel. Society in France before the Revolution, &C 1271J Vol. 142, 1876. — Macaulay. Arboriculture. Dr. Johnson. Rude Stone Monuments. George Ticknor. Geology. South Sea Island Mythology. Strawberry' Hill. The Arctic Regions and the Eskimo. Pauperism. Suez Canal. Pictorial Illustrations of Shakespeare. Parliamentary Papers on Turkey', &c 1272J Vol. 143, 1877. — Henry VIII. Cape of Good Hope. Mohammed and Mo- hammedanism. The Eastern Question. Pope. Palmerston. Cookery. George Sand. Russia. Harriet Martineau. Inter- national Law. Central Asia, &c ' 1273J Vol. 144, 1877. — Art and Archaeology in Rome. Dean Prideaux. Political Economy. Magnetism. Telegraphy. The Turko-Russian War. The Ridsdale Judgment and the Priest in Absolution. Progress of Russia in the East. Reports on Fisheries. Eastern Ques- tion, &c 1274J Vol. 145, 1878. — Democracy in Europe. Goethe. Railway Accidents. Viscount Melbourne. The House of Commons and the Obstruc- tives. The Church in the West Riding. Proclamation of the Queen as Empress of India. Legislation of the Commonwealth. The San Stefano Treaty, &c 1275 J Vol. 146, 1878. — Education and Employment of Women and Girls. Lam- beth Palace. The Block in the House of Commons. Catherine of Russia. The Crown and the Army. People of Turkey. Dryden. Burke. Cyprus. M. Thiers. The Lancashire Cotton Strike. Is the Church of England Protestant '? &c 1276J [635] QUA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. Quarterly Review — {continued). Vol. 147, 1879. — Lessing. Aggressive Nonconformity. Imperialism. Bis- marck. Education. Political Economy. Michael Angelo. Dis- turbances in India. Sir John Reresby. Samuel Pepys. Ancient Egpyt. Louis XV. Papers Respecting the Affairs of South Africa, &c Vol. 148, 1879. — Dean Hook and Bishop Selwyn. Music and Musicians. Count Cavour. Herefordshire. Glacial Epochs and Warm Polar Climates. Jeffrey and Cockburn. Irish University Bill. Pascal. Albert Durer. Caesar. Cicero. The Weather and its Predic- tion. Henry IV. of France, &c Vol. 149, 1880. — Essays on Art. Monarchy and Democracy. Gladstone's Speeches in Scotland, 1879. Russia and England, 1876-80. Hume's Works. Gardening. Wellesley and O'Connell. The Prayer-Book. Memoirs of Madame de Remusat. China. British India. General Election. &c Vol. 150, iS8o.-Thomas Chatterton. Arctic Voyages. Art Collections. Morley's " Diderot." Cicero. Around the World with General Grant. Recent Travels in Japan. Six Months of Liberal Govern- ment. Marie-Antoinette. Middlesex. Diderot. The News- paper Press. The Marshal Duke of Saldanha. The Universi- ties, and their Critics. Whigs, Radicals, and Conservatives, &c. Vol. 151, 1881. — Lord Beaconsfield's " Endymion." Protection of British Birds. Lord Bolingbroke. Lord Chancellor Campbell. Thomas Carlyle, and his Reminiscences. Employment of Women in the- Public Service. Endowments of the Church of England in a.d. 1830, and a.d. 1880. Californian Society. The Truth about Ireland. Ministerial Embarrassments. The Speaker's Com- mentary on the New Testament. Sir Anthony Panizzi. The Revolutionary Party. The Ritualists and the Law. Peasant Proprietors, &c Vol. 152, 1881. — St. Thomas Aquinas and the Vatican. The Past and Future of the Conservative Party. The Cause and Origin of Earthquakes. The Development of Electric Lighting. English Trade and Foreign Competition. Fair Trade and British Labour. Florence. India in a.d. 1880. Ancient and Modern Luxury. Madame de Stael. Dean Stanley's " Christian Institutions." New Testament Revision. Walks in England, &c Vol. 153, 1882. — The Manchester School : Richard Cobden and John Bright. Darwin on Earth-worms. Lecky's " England in the Eighteenth Century." English Poets and Oxford Critics. Fishes and their Habits. Journals of Caroline Fox. What shall be done with Ireland ? The Jacobin Conquest. The Liberal Work ofTwoVears. Sir Charles Lyell. Politics and Parties in the United States. Jonathan Swift. New Testament Revision, Szc. Vol. 154. 1882. — State and Prospects of English Agriculture. The Fall of the Monarchy of Charles I. Chinese Literature. The Hon. Henry Erskine and his Times. The Fish Supply of London. Greek Sculpture. Italian Literature of the Renaissance. Ten Years of Italian Progress. Mrs. Fanny Kemble's Records of her Life. Mediaeval Hymns. Natural Scenery. Oxford. The Paralysis of Government. Dr. Pusey and the Church. The New Religion of Nature. The "Speaker's Commentary," and Canon Cook. Vauban and Modern Sieges, &c Vol. 155, 1883.— Sir Archibald Alison's Autobiography. Corea. Was the Egyptian War Necessary ? Explosives. The French Republic in a.d. 1883. Illustrious Mothers. Lord Lawrence. Cardinal Mazarin. Mexico. The Mint and the Gold Coinage. James Nasmyth. American Novels. Pawnbroking. The Prospects of Popular Government. The True Position of Parties. Progress and Poverty. The English Stage. Archbishop Tait and the Primacy. The Transvaal, &c Vol. 156, 1883.— Dean Swift. The Progress of Medicine. Lord Byron. Modern Farming. English Literature. The Races of European Russia. The Indian Crisis. The Future of Parties and Politics. Socialism in England. St. Teresa. The Fur Seals of Commerce. French Occupation of Tonquin. Ecclesiastical Courts Commis- sion. Disintegration, &c [636] QUA ENGLISH SECTION. QUA Quarterly Review — {continued). Vol. 157, 1884.— The Constitution of the United States. The English Church in the Eighteenth Century. Financial Prospects. Farm- ing under the Tudors. The Dwellings of the Poor. Biographical Dictionaries. The Statistics of Agitation. Bossuet. The Malay Archipelago. The Royal Vatican. Irish Poor Law and Irish Emigration. Army Organization. Two Royal Books, &c 1287 J Vol. 158, 1884.— Municipal London. Modern Spanish Literature. Ameri- can Railroads. Peter the Great. England and her Second Colonial Empire. Redistribution and Representative Democracy. Mr. Gladstone's Foreign Policy. Nature of Democracy. Aris- tophanes. France under Richelieu. Country Life. Cricket. Massilon. The Croker Papers. The House of Lords and the Government, &c 1288J Vol. 159, 1S85. — London Livery Companies. Thomas Carlyle. Highland Crofters. Samuel Johnson and his Age. The River Congo and the Berlin Conference. Recent Discoveries in Greece. Modern Geneva. Early History of Britain. General Gordon's Life and Letters. Ireland. England and her Colonies. The Govern- ment and Parliament, &c 1289J Vol. 160. — General Index to Vols. 141 to 159 inclusive 1290J, Vol. 161, 1885.— F^nelon. The Channel Islands. Lord Macaulay and Sir Elijah Impey. English Society and its Historians. The Elec- tress Sophia. Game and the Game Laws in England. The Gladstone Ministry. The Revised Version of the Old Testament. The Predecessors of Shakespeare. Taxes and Taxation. Jacob- inism. Horse Racing. England and Egypt in the Soudan. Our Duty to South Africa. The Coming Election, &c 1291J Vol. 162, 1886.— Church and State. The House of Conde\ The Country Banker. The Patriarchal Theory. Burma, Past and Present. The Lords and Popular Rights. The New Parliament. Matthew Paris. Religious Schools in France and England. Archives of the Venetian Republic. Veoman Farmers in Norway. Oliver Cromwell. Travels in the British Empire. The Ignatian Epistles. St. Polycarp. Books and Reading. Characteristics of Democ- racy. The Gladstone-Morley Administration, &c 1292J Vol. 163, 1886. — China and the West. New Markets for British Industry. Mr. Gladstone and Ireland. English Literature at the Univer- sities. Salmon Fishing. American Poets. Bulgarian Plot. Bribery, Ancient and Modern. Growth of the English Novel. Flight to Varennes. Modern Christian Missions. Greek Islanders. National Gallery. Dearness of Gold. Historical Criticism of the New Testament. House of Commons as it is, &c 1203J Vol. 164, 1887. — Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury. London University. Nau- cratus and the Greeks in Ancient Egypt. Pictorial Arts of Japan. Canadian Pacific Railway. Yule's Anglo-Indian Glos- sary. Church Patronage. Epidemics. Constantinople, Rus- sia and India. A School of English Literature. Character of Shelley. Dictionary of National Biography. Suffolk. Hobbes of Malmesbury. Competition in Wheat Growing. Christopher Plantin, the Antwerp Printer. History of England from Peel to Palmerston. Law of the Land, &c 1294 \ Vol. 165, 1887.— Lecky's History of England. Our Meat Supply. Eng- lish Romantic School. Italian Schools of Painting. Great Men and Evolution. Tithe Question. Earl of Peterborough. Latest Attack on Christianity. Ministry and the Country. Catholic Revival of the Sixteenth Century. Dairy Produce. Count Beust. Roses. Popular Education. University of Cambridge. Suez Canal and the Egyptian Question. Lord Selborne on the Church. Irish Parliament and the Union. Future of Con- servatism, &c 1295J Vol. 1C6, 1888. — Life and Letters of Charles Darwin. Roman Catholics in England. Some Lessons of Prosperity and Depression. Lay- ard's Early Adventures. Mammoth and the Flood. Cabot's Life of Emerson. Cruise of the Marcfiesa. Landed Incomes [637] QUA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. Quarterly Review— (continu&t). and Landed Estates. Contest with Lawlessness. The Apocry- pha. Keats. Friendly Societies. Garden Farming. Kasper Hawer. Difficulties of Good Government. National Finances of the last Twenty-five Years, &c 1296/ Vol. 167, 1888. — Admiral Coligny. Scotland and Scotsmen in the Eight- eenth Century. Wagner and Liszt. The Game and Game Laws of India. History and Reform of Convocation. Chinese in Australia. House of Lords. Local Government Bill. Robert Elsmeie and Christianity. Daniel O'Connell's Correspondence. Nonsense as a Fine Art. Christian Biography and Antiquities. Matthew Arnold. Technical Education and Foreign Competi- tion. Mr. Balfour's Administration of Ireland. Reminiscences of Samuel Rogers, &c I2 97j Vol. 168,1889. — Early Life of Lord Beaconsfield. Memoirs of a Royalist. Venice, her Institutions and Private Life. Letters and Diary of Count Cavour. Gambling. Dean Burgon's Lives of Twelve Good Men. Lord Godolphin. The Universities' Mission to Central Africa. Public Life of the Prince of Wales. Motley's Correspondence. Old Age of Goethe. Waste. House of Percy. Mr. Norris' Novels. Civil Service. Raleigh's Poetry and Life. Wiclif and his Works. French and English Jacobinism, &c. . . . 1298J Vol. 169, 1889. — Johnson's Graphic Statistics of the Development of Canada since 1867. Ragguagli sulla vita e sulle opere di Marin Sanuto, per Rawdon Brown. Marci Tullii Ciceronis Cato Major B.C. 44. The Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris, Minister of the United States to France, edited by A. C. Morris. The Roman Poets of the Augustine Age. The Life of Sir William Siemens, F.R.S., D.C.L., LL.D., by Wm. Pole. Reports of the Archae- ological Survey of India. The History of Duels. La Revolu- tion Franchise a propos du Centenaire de 1789. The American Commonwealth. The Works and Life of Alexander Pope. Docu- ments historiques relatifs a la Principaute" de Monaco depuis le i5me siecle. William George Ward and the Oxford Movement. The Battle Abbey Roll. Sammtliche Werke. Von Heinrich Heine. Hamburg, 1876. Life and Labour. An Essay Concern- ing Human Understanding. History of the Great Civil War. Report of the Council of the Zoological Society of London for the Year 1887. The Political Life of our Time, &c 1299J Q,uartz. See Ansted's Minerals [Gems], 620Q. Atkinson's Siberia [Platinum, &&], 598B. Brown's Science for All [and Gold Nuggets], 627B. Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Science Gossip [its Varieties and Modes of Formation], v. 13, 2416J. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R, &c. Quatrefages (Prof. A. de, French Naturalist, b. 18 10), Human Species [International Scientific Series]. 1 886 340E Rambles of a Naturalist on the Coasts of France, Spain and Sicily, translated by Otte, 2 vols. 1857 2116-7K Quebec. See All the Year Round [Voyage from, to New York], v. 28, 1788 J. Century Magazine, v. 2, 1874J. Chambers [Ice Bridge at], v. 55, I 955J- Good Words, v. 23, 2193J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 76, 1656J. Living Age [Battle of], v. 63, 3093J. Lome's Canadian Pictures, 331B. Stanford's Compendium, 850K, &c. Quedall, or Stray Leaves in Malayan Waters, by Osborn. 1857 ... Queen of the Air, a Study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm, f£3 by Ruskin. 1880 Queens, History of Two, Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn, by Dixon, 4 vols. 1873 38-41F of England, by Strickland, 6 vols. 1877 795-800O of the House of Hanover, by Doran, 2 vols. 1875 36-7F Scotland, and English Princesses, by Strickland, 8 vols. 1866 51-8F [638] QUE ENGLISH SECTION. QUI Queens. See also Boy's Own Annual [and Kings, with a coloured plate], v. 9, 2959J. Chambers [Queen Margerie], v. 61, 1961J. Cornhill [Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamond], v. 53, 333J. Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower [of England], 321-4H ; Royal Windsor [of England], 325-8 H. Eraser [of the House of Hanover], v. 52, 662 J. Jameson's Female Sovereigns, 213-4Z. Living Age [of England before the Conquest], v. 44, 3074 J ; [Unqueened], v. 47, 3077J. See also Names, e.g., Anne, Elizabeth, Mary, Victoria, &c, and History under names of Countries, e.g., Eng- land, France, Scotland, &c. Queens of American Society, by Mrs. Ellet. 1868 468F Queensberry (Duke of). See Burton's Scotland [1648-1747], 336-7H. Queensberry (Kitty, Duchess of). See Chambers, v. 52, 1952J. Queensland and New South Wales, by Trollope. 1875 420T Its Resources and Institutions, edited by Fletcher. 1887 477^ See also All the Year Round, v. 5, 1765J. Brassey's Last Voyage, 862K. Brown's Countries of the World, 163D. Cassell's Magazine [Life in Northern], v. 1, 2341 J. Chequered Career, 773K. Fortnightly [Planters of, an Exculpation], v. 38, 2128T. Gentleman's Magazine [Angling in], v. 20, 740J ; [on a Sheep Station], v. 22, 742J. Leisure Hour, v. 12, 25 and 58, 2622, 2635 and 2658J. Once a Week [Cotton Plantation], v. 14, 2274J. Stanford's Compendium, 853K. Temple Bar [Bush Life in], v. 21, 1351J. Trollope's Australia, &c, 777K. Willoughby's Australian Pictures, 332B, &c. Queenstown. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine [a Run Ashore at], v. 69, 1649J. Ireland, &c. Queer People. See Chambers [Among], v. 41, 1947J, &c. Quekett(J. T., Surgeon and Microscopist, b. 1815, d. 1861), Lectures on Histology, or Elementary Tissues of Plants and Animals... 832F Practical Treatise on the Microscope. 1848 79 iF See also Leisure Hour, v. 25, 2635J, Sic. Quekett (W.), M.A., My Sayings and Doings, with Reminiscences of My Life. 1888 651F Querouaille (Louise de). See Portsmouth (Duchess of). Quest of the Holy Grail [Nutt's Studies on the Legend] 1324H Questions in Political Economy, &c. [by Samuel Bailey]. 1823 ... 220R See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R, &c. Quevedo y Villegas (F. de, Spanish Satirist and Poet, b. 1580, d. 1645). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Quicksilver. See All the Year Round [Mining for], v. 13, 1773J. Hutching's Scenes of Wonder [Mines], 721K. Living Age, v. 39, 3069J. Penny Magazine [Mines of Idria], v. 6, 144B. lire's Dictionary, 9D, Sec. Quiet Ways. See Temple Bar, v. 50, 1380J. Chambers [Art of Quietude], v. 21, 1937J, &c. Quilter (H.), M.A., Giotto di Bondone [Great Artists]. 1886 1124O Sentential Artis, First Principles of Art for Painters and Picture Lovers. 1886 906D Quilts, &c. See Glaister's Needlework, 962M. Quimper. See Macquoid's Brittany, 818Q, &c Quince, The. See Once a Week, v. 8, 2268J. Gardening, &c. Quincey (T. de). See De Quincey (T.). Quinet (E., French Politician and Poet, b. 1803, d. 1875), His plea 1 Early Life and Writings, by Heath. 1881 469F Quinine. See All the Year Round, v. 34, 1794J. Leisure Hour, v. 12, 2622J. Nature, v. 27, 2687J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Medicine, &c. Quintus, Sept. Flor. Tertullianus. See Tertullianus. Quips and Quiddities, edited by Adams. 1881 1130Z Quita (D. Dos R., Portuguese Poet, b. 1728, d. 1770). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Quito. See Stanford's Compendium, 851 K. South America, &c. Quiver, The, from Vol. 1. t86i 3271J The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found entered under their proper headings in fiction, or in the general body of the catalogue with the shelf number specified. [639] QUI GUILLE ALLES LIBRARY. RAC Quiver, The, Parts for Christmas, 1877-82 98D. Contents:— A Wife's Extravagance, by Mrs. Banks. Aaron Haggard's Repentance, by Wray. Tom Yorke's Legacy, by Garrett, &c. Quoits. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H, &c. Quotations, Familiar, by Bartlet. 1881 1155R Poetical, on every Subject, by Watson 464D. See also Chambers [Foundling], v. 63, 1963J. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [Some French], v. 32, 752J ; [A Literary Homily], v. 35, 755J. Great Truths by Great Authors, 961H and 957R. Lear's Here and There [Quaint], 704M. Notes and Queries, seventh series, v. 7, 1099J. Proverbs, &c. R, ,ABBE (A., French Historical Writer, b. 1786, d. 1830), and Duncan (J.), History of Russia, from the Foundation of the Empire by Rourick, to the Close of the Hungarian War 347-80 Rabbinical Commentary on Genesis, by Hershon, with Preface by Farrar. 1885 723A Rabbins, Traditions of the. See Blackwood, v. 52, R.L., &c. Rabbits. See All the Year Round [Rabbit-skins], v. 21, T781J. Beeton's Home Pets, 193R ; Household Management [Cookery], 997M. Boy's Own Annual, 1885-6, v. 7, 8 and iq, 2957-8 and 2960J. Brown's Science for All, 628B. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Chambers, v. 42, 1947J ; [in New Zealand], v. 58, 1958J. Davies's Mountain, Mea- dow and Mere, illustrated [Rabbiting], 1345R. Mowbray's Trea- tise, 173R. Once a Week [Rabbit Shooting], v. 17, 2277 J. Saturday Review [Sporting], v. 56, R.L. Boy's Own Annual [and how to Manage them], v. 11, 2961 J. Time [Rabbit Shooting], v. 20, T510J. Animals, &c. Rabelais (Francois, French Satirist, b. 1495, & I 553)» by Besant [Foreign Classics]. 1879 1181O Readings in, by Besant. 1883 , 1165R See also Cornhill [Satire of], v. 16, 296J. Fraser, v. 20, 630J. • Harper [Home of], v. 61, 1641J. Saturday Review [Besant's Readings in], v. 56, R.L. ; [Critics of], v. 56, R.L., &c. Rabies. See Youatt's The Dog, 817F. Madness, &c. Raccoon, The. See Penny Magazine, v. 7, 145B ; [Hunting], v. 10, 148B, &c. Race Horse. See Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 68 iT. Horses, Racing, &.C Races of Man, by Tickering, &c. 1851 42R Mankind, a Popular Description of the Characteristics, Man- ners and Customs of the Principal Varieties of the Human Family, by Brown, illustrated, 4 vols in 2 155-6D* Sec also Academy [Classification of]> v. 23, R.L. All the Year Round [Odd], v. 23, 1783J. Contemporary [Race and Language], v. 29, 2039J. Fortnightly [coloured, of Australia], v. 32, 2122J. Fraser [and Life on English soil], v. 106, 716J. Living Age [of France and Spain], v. 17, 3047J. May's Democracy, 38H. Nature [Brown on], v. 9, 2669J ; [Peschel on], v. 15, 2675J > [Relation of, to Species], v. 11, 2671J. Brown's Countries of the World, 160-3D. Freeman's Essays, Anthropology, Ethnology, Sic. Rachel ([Eliza Rachel Felix] Swiss Tragedian, b. 1821, d. 1858), by Mrs. Kennard [Eminent Women Series]. 1885 1138O See also Blackwood, v. 132, 262J. Cornhill, v. 9, 289J. Lennox's Cele- brities, 1017H. Nineteenth Century, v. 14, 2224J, &c. Racine (J., French Dramatic Poet, b. 1639, d. 1699) and the French Classical Drama, by Madame Blaze De Bury. 1845 IJ 53^ See also Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Temple Bar [and his Works], v. 54, 1384J. Corneille and Racine, &c. Racing. See Chambers [Rogueries of], v. 63, 1963J. Lennox's Fashion Then and Now, 1018-9H. Temple Bar [The Turf], v. 76, 1406J. Walker"s Manly Exercises, 1164M, &c. Racquets. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Crawley's Handbooks, 1153M, &c. [640I RAD ENGLISH SECTION. RAI Radcliffe (A., Novelist, b. 1764, d. 1823). Poems [Bohn's Library].. 490Z See also Living Age [Anecdote of J, v. 37, 3067 J, &c. Radcliffe (C. B.), M.D., Proteus, or Unity in Nature. 1877 760F Radcliffe (John, Physician and Founder of Observatory and Medical Library at Oxford, b. 1650, d. 1714). See Penny Magazine [and the Radclifle Library], v. 11, 149B. Rldetsky (Count, Austrian Field Marshal, b. 1760, d. 1858). See Alison's Europe, 142-6O. Radiation. See Contemporary, v. 43, 2053J. Nature [Repulsion resulting from], v. 13, 2673J, &C. Radical Party in Parliament, The, by Harris. 1885 II06F Radicalism. See Fortnightly [Rational], v. 41, 2131J. Fraser [Radicals, Dis- senters and Papists], v. 14, 624J. Macmillan [Radical Party in Parliament, History of the], v. 52, 982T. Quarterly [Passages in the Life of a Radical], v. 74, 1204J ; [Radical History and Tory Govern- ment], v. 152, 1282J, &c. Radiometer, The. See Nature [Experiments with], v. 15, 2675J. Nineteenth Century [and its Lessons], v. 1, 221 1 J, &c. Radowitz (J. von, Prussian Statesman, b. 1797, d. 1853). See Memoirs of Ernest II., 674-5F. Rae (]ohn). LL.D., Martin Luther, Student, Monk, Reformer. 1884 1463O Rae (Dr. W. F.), Austrian Health Resorts and the Bitter Waters of Hungary. 1888 940K Westward by Rail, a Journey to San Francisco and back. 1871 1599R Founders of New England [Good Words, vol. 21] 2I 9 r J Raft'aello D'Urbino {Celebrated Italian Painter, b. 1483, d. 1520). See Chambers' Miscellany, 631R. Vasari's Painters, 888-91O. Raphael. Raffles (Sir T. S., Statesman and Naturalist, b. 1781, d. 1826). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 651Q, &c. Ragged Homes and How to Mend Them, by Mrs. Bayly. 1820 ... 1414Z Ragged Schools, Sought and Saved, by Hall. 1855 207R &.c. See also Carpenter (Mary), 562O. Chamber's [at Liverpool], v. 7, 1927J. Good Words [Edinburgh and South Staffordshire], v. 2, 2172J. Leisure Hour, v. 7 and 11, 2617J and 2621 J ; [Guthrie's Edinburgh], v. 10, 2620J. Quarterly, v. 79, 1209J. Sunday Magazine [Ogle Mews], v. 14, 2471J, &c. Raglan (Lord, Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in Crimea, 1854, b. 1788, d. 1855). See Greville Memoirs, 303-4F. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 93-4F. Quarterly, v. 101, 1231J. Crimean War, &c. Ragozin (Z. A.), Assyria to the Fall of Nineveh [Story of the Nations] 432O Chaldea, to the Rise of Assyria [Story of the Nations]. 1887 ... 431O Media, Babylon and Persia, including a Study of the Zend- Avesta or Religion of Zoroaster, from the Fall of Nineveh to the Persian War [Story of the Nations], illustrated. 1889 ... 1551O Rags. See Cassell's Family Magazine [and the Trade in them], v. 9, 2359J. Chambers, v. 7, 1927J ; [and Ragpickers in France], v. 34, 1943J. Living Age [Want of], v. 42, 3072J. Ure's Dictionary, 9D. Ragusa (A. F. L. V., Duke of). See Edinburgh Review [Travels of], v. 70, 43C.J. Living Age, v. 52, 3082J. Rabat). See Gallaudet's Biography, 1603Z. Quiver, v. 16, 3286J. Rahbek (K. L.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Raikes (R.), A History of Sunday Schools, by Gregory. 1880 948Q See also Lennox's Celebrities, 1017H. Quiver, v. 23, 3293J. Sunday at Home, v. 6, 2856J ; v. 27, 2877J. Raikes (Thomas). See Household Words, v. 16, 1756J. Living Age [Journal], v - 55J J [Private Correspondence], v. 71, 3101J. RAILWAYS and Locomotion, by Dickson [S.P.C.K.]. 1854 1495Z of England, by Acworth. 1889 937l> Our Iron Roads, by Williams. 1883 887D Railway Morals and Railway Policy, by Spencer, reprinted from the Edinburgh Review. 1855 1284R 23 [641] RAI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. EAILWAYS. See also Addison's Construction, 1141M. Alison's Europe, 141-5O. All the Year Round [Railroad Arches and their Occupants], v. 19, 1779J ; [Suicides], v. 32, 1792J. Arnold's Politics [and the State], 860H. Austral Africa[Great importance of extension northward], 1402H. Bell's North America [Pacific], 706K. Blackwood [American, Freebooters of Finance], v. 136, 206J. Boys' Own Annual [Great Rail- way Accidents], v. 9, 2959J. Bryce's American Commonwealth, 518-9H. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Chambers [Social Effects of], v. 2, 1922J ; [Clearing House in 1853], v. 20, 1936J ; [and Telegraphs in America], v. 22, 1937J ', [Colony], v. 45, 1949J ; [Better Carriages needed], v. 46, 1949J ; [Suspension of], v. 47, 1950J ; [Air Brakes], v. 51, 1952J ; [Cheap Travelling], v. 52, 1952J ; [Claimants], v. 56, 1956J ; [Pilfering], v. 56, 1956J ; [Fastest Trains in Great Britain], v. 60, i960 J. Colqu- houn's Southern China, 541-2K. Contemporary [and the State], v. 22, 2032 J ; [Rates and British Trade], v. 46, 2056 J. Cornhill [in England, Opening of first passenger line], v. 49, 329J ; [Speculation in Great Britain in 1845], v. 54, 334J. Eden's Japan, 814Q. Edinburgh Re- view [and Modern Warfare], v. 135, 495J ; [Russian, in Asia], v. 158, 518J. English Mechanic, v. 46-7, 1046-7D. Escott's England and its People, 1017-8F. Fortnightly Review [Purchase of, by the State], v. 20, 2110J ; [Internal Workings of], v. 21, 2111J ; [Rates and Fares on], v. 24, 2114J ; [to India], v. 32, 2122J ; [Rates and Fares, Equalisation of], v. 38, 2128J ; [Workmen's Trains and the Passenger Duty], v. 39, 2129 T ; [State Control of], v. 45, 2135J ; Fraser, v. 29, 639J ; [Companies and Railroad Law], v. 43, 653J; [Commissioners and the Companies], v. 97, 1707J ; v. 104, 7 14 J. Good Words [Accidents and Securities against them], v. 6, 2T76J ; [the first Railway], v. 16, 2186J ; [Romance of], v. 17, 2187J. Granville's Spas [Travelling], &c, 351K. Harper [Transcontinental], v. 67, 1647J ; [English and American], v. 71, 1651J ; [Reform of Abuses connected with], v. 73, 1653J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Head's Stokers and Pokers [Clearing House], 1117R. Help's Life of Brassey, 524O. Kingsley's South by West [Pacific], 718K. Knight's Land we Live in, 464B. Knowledge [American Accidents], v. 2, 2582J ; [Speed of French and English Trains], v. 2, 2582J ; [Brakes], v. 6, 2586J ; [Plant at the Inventions Exhibition], v. 7, 2587J. Leisure Hour [Signals and Colour Blindness], v. 2, 2612J ; [Railroad Riddles and Railroad Wrongs], v. 13, 2623J ; [American], v. 18, 2628J ; [Clearing- House], v. 18, 2628J ; [History of], v. 22, 2632J ; [in India], v. 27, 2637J ; [Speed of Express Trains], v. 31, 2641J ; [Servants], v. 32, 2642J. Living Age [between Cairo and Suez], v. 4, 3034J. Marvels of Art, 1227Z. Macmillan [Travelling Express Trains], v. 47, 977J. Murray's Magazine [G.E.R., and L.B. and S.C.R., S.E.R., and L.C. and D.R.], v. 4, 1464J. Nature [Engineering], v. 28, 2688J ; [Locomo- tion, Inventor of], v. 32, 2692J. Nineteenth Century [Labour], v. 12, 2222J. Poole's Index [Accidents], R.L. ; [American Romance and Reality], R.L. Quarterly [and Locomotive Engines], v. 42, 1172J; [Engineering, Difficulties of], v. 103, 1233J ; [Accidents], v. 145J ; [Finance, Romance and Reality of], v. 158, 1288J. Roads and Rail- roads [Canals, &c], 1090M. Saturday Review [Law and Kings of the United States], v. 53, R.L. ; [American System of], v. 55, R.L. ; [State Ownership of, in France], v. 55, R.L. ; [Comfort in Travel on], v. 57, R.L. ; [in the United States, 1886], v. 62, R.L. Scribner [over the Andes], v. 14, 1864J ; [and the People], v. 2T, 1871J. Smiles' Engineers, 984O. Smiles' Life of G. Stephenson, 514F. Stanford's Compendium of Geography, 849-54K. Temple's India, 464H and 486K. Timbs' Inventions, 258R. Timbs' Works, 854Z. Trotter's India under Victoria, 538-9H. Wills' Brazil, 813-4K. Wynter's Human Hive [Season Tickets], 244R. See also under Stephenson, Brassey, &c. Jlain. See Cameron's Africa, 602-3K. Cassell's Magazine [Rain-fall], v. 8, 2348J. Cornhill [Levelling Power of], v. 35, 315J. Penny Magazine [Preter- natural], v. 12, 150B. Scribner [Signs of], v. 16, 1866J. Estes' Recrea- tions in Science, 497B. Good Words [Hailstones and Snowflakes], v. 23, 2193J. Living Age, v. 63, 3093J. Chambers [in 1862 in England], v. 40, 1946J. Nature [and Hailstones], v. 15, 2675J ; [in 1871], v. 5, 2665 J ; [in the Temperate Zone], v. 17, 2677 J ; [of the World], v. 19, 2679 J ; [of the Globe], v. 26, 2686J ; [of New South Wales], v. 30, 2690J ; [of the British Islands, in 1884], v. 31, 2691J ; [of the British Islands], v. 33, 2693J 5 [of Cape Colony], v. 34, 2694J. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Reclus' Phenomena [and Clouds], 806F. Stanford's Compendium, 849-54K. Giberne's Ocean of Air, 2123R, &c. [642] RAI ENGLISH SECTION. RAM IRamb OW, The. See Brown's Science for All, 626B. Contemporary [Iris of Homer and Bow of Genesis], v. 32, 2042J. Fortnightly [Ideality of], v. 2, 2092J. Knowledge [Noah's], v. 5, 2585J. Nineteenth Century, v. 15, 2225J. Nature [Circular, seen from a Hill-top], v. 29, 2639J ; [Circular], v. 30, 2690J ; [a Tertiary], v. 32, 2692J. Sunday at Home v. 7, 2857 J ; [Musings on], v. 24, 2874J, &c. Rainbow-Music, or the Philosophy of Harmony in Colour Grouping, by Lady Campbell. 1886 939^) IRain-water Tank. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Building, &c. Haisins and Currants. See Good Words, v. 8, 2178J, &c. Raleigh (A., Scotch Independent, l\ 1817), D.D., Book of Esther, its Practical Lessons and Dramatic Scenes. 1880 447M Rest from Care and Sorrow, Second Series of Thoughts for the Weary. 1884 555M Records of his Life, edited by Mary Raleigh. 1881 9370 Thoughts for the Weary and the Sorrowful. 1882 101Q Raleigh (Sir W., Statesman and Navigator, b. 1552, executed 16 18], by Gosse [English Worthies]. 1886 12040 Life of, by Ty tier [Edinburgh Cabinet Library]. 1833 93 5O ■ [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1851 938O — See also Aiken's Queen Elizabeth, 121-2F. Chambers [as a Court Poet], v. 16, 1934J. Criminal Trials, 1147Z. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Dixon's H.M. Tower, 321H. Edinburgh Re- view [v. 71], 431 J. Eggleston's United States, 421H. Fortnightly [Case against], v. 7, 2097J. Fraser [Thomson's Life of], v. 6, 616J. Gardiner's History of England, 460-1O. Leisure Hour, v. 13 and 18, 2623, and 2628J. Once a Week [Favourite of the Queen], v. 12, 2272J. Quarterly Review [Poetry and Life], v. 168, 1298 J, &c. Ralston (W. R. S., Assistant Librarian British Museum, 1853, Ik 1828), M.A., Russian Folk Tales. 1873 943^ Ramann (L.), Franz Lizt, Artist and Man [1811-1840], translated by Miss Cowdery, 2 vols. 1882 I 353"4C* Ramhach (J. J.), Meditations on the Sufferings of Christ, Abridged and Improved by Benson. 1827 144K Rambaut (W. H.), A.B. See Ante-Nicene Library. ""Rambler," a Newspaper, by Johnson and others 875 and 992H, 25-8Tand 903-5Z Rambles Among the Channel Islands, by a Naturalist, ill. [S. P. C. K.]. 490T Rambles among the Romantic Regions of the Hartz Mountains, by Andersen, translated by Beckwith. 1848 I484R ^Rambles in Bible Lands, by Newton, illustrated. 1879 425M Rambles in Ceylon, by De Butts. 1841 1511R Rambles in Germany and Italy, 1840-3, by Mrs. Shelley, 2 vols 1404-5R Rambles in Rome, by Forbes, illustrated. 1882 1417R Rambles in the British Isles [S.P.C.K.] 614Z Rambles in Wonderland, or up the Yellowstone, by Stanley, ill. 1880 1595R Rambles of a Naturalist on the Coasts of France, Spain, and Sicily, by Quatrefages, 2 vols. 1857 2116-7R Rambles of an Artist, being Papers on Art, by Fairholt, illustrated... 890D Rambosson (J.), Astronomy, translated by Pitman, illus. 1878.... 430R Hambouillet (Catherine, Marquise de). See Temple Bar, v. 3, 1333J. Hame (Mademoiselle Louise de la, Novelist, b. 1840). See Ouida in Fiction Class List. Hameau (Jean P., French Musical Composer, b. 1683, 93 2 J ! [Life-Boat, a Night on the Goodwin Sands], v. 3, 93 3J. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938 K, &c. Ranch Life in California, extracted from the Home Correspondence of E. M. H. 1886 1882Z the Far West. See Macmillan, v. 48, 973J, Sec. Randall (S. S.), First Principles of Popular Education. 1869 202R. Randolph. (E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Randolph (John). See Living Age [Death-Bed of], v. 15, 3045J. Randolph (T., Poet, b. 1605, d. 1634). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Randolph (T. J.), Memoirs and Correspondence of Thomas Jeffer- son, late President of the United States, 4 vols. 1829 424-7F" Randolph. (Mrs.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Rangoon. Sec Brassey's Last Voyage, 862K. Once a Week [Visit to], v. 8, 2268J. India, &c. Rank, Professional. See Escott's England and its People, 1018F. Ranke (L. von, German Historian, b. 1795, d. 1886), Ferdinand I. and Maximilian II. of Austria, an Essay on the Political and Religious State of Germany immediately after the Re- formation, translated by Gordon. 1853 1274R and 632/ History of Servia, and the Servian Revolution, with a Sketch of the Insurrection in Bosnia, &c, translated by Mrs. Kerr [Bohn's Library]. 1853 890- the Latin and Teutonic Nations, 149410 1514, translated by Ashworth. 1887 1024M — Popes and the Ottoman and Spanish Empires in the Six- teenth and Seventeenth Centuries, translated by Kelly. 1843 327 A and 310D' their Church and State, and especially of their Con- flicts with Protestantism in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, translated by Foster [Bohn's Library]. 185 1-3.... 175-7M See also Leisure Hour [with portrait], v. 34, 2644J. Macaulay's Essays. 1531O. Macmillan [History of England], v. 4, 934J, &c, Rankin (M. H.), Philosophy of Shakspere, extracted from his Plays, and interspersed with Remarks. 1841 640T Ransome (J. Allen, Agricultural Machinist), Implements of Agri- culture. 1843 37L> Ransoms. See Chambers [of the Middle Ages], v. 6, 1926J. Ranyard (Mrs. E.), by Alldridge [World's Workers]. 1887. 1152O See also L. N. R. Raphael ([Raffaello D'Urbino] Celebrated Italian Painter, b. 1483, d. 1520), by Danvers [Great Artists]. 1879 1106O See also Art Journal [Drawings of, at the British Museum], v. 35, R.L. ; [Youth of], v. 35, R.L. ; [Early Madonnas of], v. 37, R.L. Edinburgh Review [Life and Works of], v. J57, 517J. Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Leisure Hour [Faces of], v. 32, 2642J. Sunday Magazine [and his Bible Cartoons], v. 15, 2472J. Raffaello, &c. llapp (Count), First Aide-de-camp to Napoleon, Memoirs of. 1823... 105F [644] ;RAP ENGLISH SECTION. RE A Raprechtsweil (A. Von). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. .Raspberry, The. See Harper [Cultivation of], v. 73, 1653 J. Fruit, Gardening, &c. Rasselas [Johnson's Works] 906Z .Rat, The. See All the Year Round [Farmer Pinchers], v. 5, 1765J. Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History, 578Q. Chamhers [Mice and Weasels], V. 13, 1933J ', [Ratiana], v. 60, 1960J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 658 and 660Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Leisure Hour, v. 8, 2618J. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Science Gossip, v. 2, 241 1 J. Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Wilson's Naturalist, 639Q. Time [Land and Water], v. 19, 1S09J, Sue. Rates and Ratepayers. See Beeton's Everybody's Lawyer [Rates and Taxes], 324R. Escott's Eneland and its People, 1017F. Taxes, &c. Rathbone (Mrs. M. A.). ^Manning (A.) and Powell (M.). Rationalism, by Haddon [Replies to Essays and Reviews] 663A See also Campbell's Church of the Future, 221M. Contemporary Review, v. 1, 2011J, &c. .Rattlesnakes. See Chambers, v. 49, 195 1 J. Gentleman's Magazine M.S. [the Crotalus], v. 32, 752J. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758 F. Leisure Hour, v. 7, 2617J. Saturday Review, v. 59, R.L. Snakes, &c. "Rattray (H.), Country Life in Syria, illustrated. 1876 812Q Rau (C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Raumer (F. Von, German Historian, b. 1 78 1, d. 1873), America and the American People. 1 846 1041F England in 1841, translated by Lloyd. 1842 264-5O Raven, The. See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 265, 761J. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Once a Week [and Jackdaw], v. 16, 2276J. Birds, &c. Raven (J.), Parliamentary History of England from the Passing of the Reform Bill of 1832 to 1880. 1885 233O [Corn Laws. Disraeli. Gladstone. Income Tax. Ireland. Jewish Dis- abilities. Lowe. Marriage. Palmerston. Peel. Lord John Russell. Reform Bill. Lord Derby. Queen Victoria, &c] Ravenna. See Fraser [Recollections of], v. 48, 658 J. Saturday Review, v. 60, R.L. Twining's Symbols, 507M. Italy, Sec. Rawlinson (G., Professor of Ancient History, b. 18 1 5), M.A., An- cient Egypt, with the Collaboration of Oilman [Story of the Nations]'. 1887 428O History of Ancient Egypt, illustrated, 2 vols. 1882 871-2F Origin of Nations , 856F and 365O Phoenicia [Story of the Nations], illustrated. 1889 x 5530 Religions of the Ancient World [R.T.S.] 448M [Egypt, Assryria and Babylonia, Persia, India, Phoenicia, Etruria, Greece, Rome.] See also Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A. Rawlinson (Sir Henry C, Orientalist, Brother of above, b. 1810). See Leisure Hour [with portrait], v. 26, 2636J. Rays from the East, or Illustrations of the Holy Scriptures, derived from Eastern ■Manners and Customs [R.T.S.], illustrated 145K Ray, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fish, &c. Ray (J , Naturalist, b. 1628, d. 1704). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 676Q. Raymond. (C. A. and H. J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Raymond (H. J.), and the New York Press for Thirty Years, Pro- gress of American Journalism from 1840 to 1870, by Mave- rick, illustrated. 1870 1031H Raymond (R. W.), Ph.D., Mining Industry of the Rocky Moun- tains, illustrated with engravings and maps. 1874 35D Raynal (Abbe), Revolution of America. 1781 164Z Read (T. B., American Poet and Painter, b. 1822, d. 1872). See Dana's House- hold Book of Poetry. 476D. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Reade (A.), Tea and Tea-Drinking, illustrated. 1884 957^1 Reade (A. A.) Ed., Study and Stimulants, or the Use of Intoxicants and Narcotics in Relation to Intellectual Life [Opinions of many eminent men]. 1883 837M [645] REA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. REB: Keade (Charles, Noz-elist, b. 1814, d. 1884), D.C.L. See Century [Acquaintance with], v. 7, 1879 J. Contemporary, v. 45, 2054J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [at Home, Novels, &c], v. 29, 749j. > Harper's Index [Works of J, i64oJa. Once a Week [Charge of Plagiarism refuted], v. 19, 2279J ; [with por- trait}, v. 26, 2286J. Saturday Review, v. 57 and 58, R.L. Swin- burne's Miscellanies, 1340O. Temple Bar [Twenty Years' Personal Reminiscences of], v. 71 and 72, 1401-2J. "Eteade (Mrs. Compton). See Fiction Class Fist following the General Catalogue. Reade (H. L.), Money and How to Make it. 1872 1022F Headers. See Knowledge [to], v. 5, 2585J. Macmillan [General], v. 53, 983J. Saturday Review [Modern, and Old Writers], v. 57, R.L. Reading Aloud, Art of, by Vadenhoff. 1878 1225R Art of, by Legouve, translated by Roth. 1879 1073R of Books, by Thwing. 1883 1114R Reading Rooms and Free Libraries, by Lady John Manners. 1885... 1891R Readings in Prose and Verse, edited by Carpenter, 5 vols ioo-3Ta Rabelais, by Besant. 1883 1165R See also All the Year Round [made Easy], v. 16, 1776J ; [Aloud, Art of], v. 43, 1803 J ; [Art of], v. 50, 1810J. Carpenter's Sunday Readings, 1569Z. Cassell's Popular Educator [and Elocution], 164-9D. Chamber's [Something wanted to Read], v. 29, 1941J ; [Popular Rooms], v. 40, 1946J. Compayr^'s Pedagogy, 206K. Contemporary [List of one hundred Books for], v. 49, 2059J ; [Pleasure of]j v. 49, 2059J. Fraser [Course of English], v. 30, 640J. Girl's Own Annual [how to Profit by it], v. 5, 2555J. Iddesleigh's Essays [Desultory], 1277H. Leisure Hour [and Spelling], v. 26, 2636J. Living Age [Emerson on], v. 63, 3093J ; [Habit of], v. 139, 3169J ; [to Kill Time], v. 168,3198; ; [Desul- tory, Pleasures and Dangers of], v. 169, 3199J ; [Fallacies of Lists], v. 170, 32C0J. Nineteenth Century [for Girls], v. 20, 2230J ; [of the Work- ing Classes], v. 20, 2230J. Penny Magazine [and Writing], v. 7, 145B. Quarterly [and Books], v. 162, 1292J. Quiver, v. 29, 3299J. Richard- son's Choice of Books, 159T. Saturday Review [and Recitation], v. 54, R.L. Scribner [What our Boys are Reading], v. 15, 1865J. Temple Bar [Vice of], v. 42, 1372J ; v. 72, 1402J ; [a well-read Man], v. 76, 1406J. Penny Readings, Recitations, &c. Ready Reckoner. 1790 1518Z: Heal Estate. See Fraser [Transfer of], v. 96, 706J. Law, Property, &c. JR-ealf (R.), Poems by. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Kealism. See Fortnightly [Reasoned], v. 24, 2114J, Sec. Reaney (Mrs. G. S.% How to Help, or Pen and Pencil Sketches of the East Endi 1888 1997R Our Brothers and Sons. 1882 973M Our Daughters, their Lives Here and Hereafter. 1880 450M See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Heaping. See Chambers [Reaping Machine], v. 28, 1940J. Penny Magazine, v. 10, 148B. Agriculture, &c. Reason, Critique of Pure Reason, by Kant, trans, by Meiklejohn.... 654B Exposition of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, by Morris. 1882 666T Easy Lessons in Reasoning. 1866 1520Z See also Blackwood, v. 41, R.L. Chamber's [Drolleries in], v. 55, 1955J. Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R. Brown's Supreme Creator [and Revela- tion], 12-13K. Compayr^'s Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary [Origin of], v. 31, 2041J. Edinburgh Review [and Faith, Claims and Con- flicts of], v. 90, 450J. Fortnightly [Age of], v. 27, 2117J ; [Rights of], v.45, fli35j. Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Jesse's Gleanings frouTNatural History [and_ Instinct], 579Q. Lewes' Philosophy, 572H. Quarterly [and Revelation], v. 33, 1163J. Science Gossip [or Instinct], v. 22, 2422J. Science of Thought, 585H. Logic, &c. Reason Why [Natural History], by Philp. i860 35R Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, by Clarendon 245O and Overthrow of Slavery in the United States, by Boutwell 402O Great [Botts' American Civil War, i860]. 1866 407O [646] REB ENGLISH SECTION. REC Rebellion of 1745-6, by Chambers. 1869 280O See also Mutinies, Revolutions, History, War, Names of Countries, &c. Rebukes. See All the Year Round, v. 51, 1811J, &c. Recamier (Madame). See Chambers, v. 12, 1932J. Quarterly [Souvenirs and Correspondence of], v. 107, 1237J, Sec. Rechabites. See Beke's Sinai in Arabia, 597B. Sunday Magazine, v. 2, 2452J. Temperance, &c. Recipes. See Girl's Own Annual [French Recipes], v. 7, 2557J. Illustrated Carpenter and Builder [Useful], from v. 1, 2981J. Smith's Foods, 380R. Cookery, Medicine, Sx. Reciprocity. See Fraser, v. 99, 709J. Macmillan [Can it help us?], v. 39, 969 J. Nineteenth Century [and Free Trade], v. 5, 22 15 J, &c. Recitations, Humorous [Langbridge's Poets at Play] 1410-lR The Favourite Reciter 1157^ See also Girl's Book, 1257H. Readings, &c. Reclus (J. J. Elisee, French Geographer, b. 1830), A Descriptive History of the Phenomena of the Life of the Globe, trans- lated by 13. B. Woodward, the Queen's Librarian, edited by H. H. Woodward, British Museum, illustrated, 4 vols : — First Senes. -The Earth. The Earth as a Planet. The Land. The Circulation of Water. Subterranean Forces 803-4F Second Series. — The Ocean. Atmosphere and Life. The Seas. Cur- rents. The Tides. The Shores and Islands. The Dunes. The Air and Winds. Hurricanes and Whirlwinds. Clouds and Rains. Auroras. Magnetic Currents. Climates. Flora. Fauna. Man 805-6F History of a Mountain, translated from the French by Ness and Lillie, illustrated. 1881 45iO Recognition in the World to come, by Muston. 1840 421M of each other by the Blessed. See Timbs' Works, 856Z. Recollections of a Literary Life, or Books, Places and People, by M. R. Mitford, 2 vols. 1853 684F Recollections of an Actor, by Donaldson. 1865 282T and 211Z [Containing interesting Guernsey Reminiscences.] Recollections of Society, by Davies, 2 vols. 1 873 920- 1 R Recollections of the Last Half Century, by Orsi. 1881 878O [Napoleon Louis and Louis Napoleon.] Recollections of Writers, by Clarke. 1878 9390 Recollections. See also Subject required. Record of a Good Man's Life, by Taylor. 1835 312T Record of Ruth. 1885 545M Record Office. See All the Year Round, v. 51, 1811J, &c. Records. Sec Chambers' Journal [of the Past], v. 60, 1960J. Fraser [and Record Commissions], v. 66, 676J. Quarterly [and Registration], v. 39, 1169J, &c. Recreations and Studies of a Country Clergyman, by Twining. 1882 1121R Recreations of a Country Parson [by Boyd], 3 vols, v.d 820-2R Recreations of a Literary Man, or Does Writing Pay? by Fitz- gerald. 1882 946-7R Recreations of Christopher North, by Wilson, 2 vols. 1856 878-9R Recreations, Sunday and, a Symposium, by Linklater. 1889 1241M See also All the Year Round, v. 33, 1793J ; [of Men of Letters], v. 53, 1813J. "Cassell's Family Magazine [Healthful], v. 9, 2359J ; Pastimes [Recrea- tive Science], 1262H ; Popular Educator [Recreative Science], 164-9D. Century [of Americans], v. 6, 1878J. Compayr^'s Pedagogy, 296R. Good Words, v. 22, 2192J. Haweis' Current Coin, 974R. Knowledge [Skill in], v. 5, 2585J. Living Age [of Great Men], v. 135, 3165J. Nineteenth Century, v. 14, 2224J ; [Colour, Space and Music for the People], v. 15, 2225J. Oswald's Physical Education, 994M. Penny Magazine [for the People], v. 8, 146B. Reaney'sOur Daughters, 450M. Richardson's Common Health, 843M. Saturday Review [Necessity of]) v. 54, R.L. Sunday Magazine [About our], v. 14, 2471J. Amuse- ments, Games, Gymnastics, Pastimes, Sports, &c. [647] REC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. REE Recruiting. See Contemporary [Philosophy of], v. 12, 2022J. Fraser, v. 57, 667J ; [and the Militia], v. 91, 701J. Armies, Military, Militia, &c. Rector, The. Sec Blackwood, v. 90, 160J. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Fraser [Rector's Daughter], v. 34, 644J, &c. Rectory of Vale Head, by Evans i26Tand 1568Z Red, The Colour. See Wilkinson's On Colour, 948D. Red Cross Knight. See Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q. Red Deer, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660Q. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Watson's Sylvan Folk [Fallow, and Roe], 2112R. Deer, Natural History, &c. Red Indians. See Temple Bar [Indian Sketches], v. 45 to 48, 1375-8J. American Indians, Indians, &c. Red River Country. See Saturday Review [Rebellion in], v. 59, R.L., &c. Red Sea. See Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [Down the], v. 34, 754J. Scribner [Passage of], v. 3, 1853J. Stanford's Compendium [Coast], 849K, &c. Red Snow and other Parables from Nature, by Gatty. 1865 30Z Redcliffe (Stratford de, Viscount). See Stratford de Redcliffe (Stratford Canning, Viscount). Redden (H. P.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Redding 1 (Cyrus, Journalist, b. 1785, d. 1870), Personal Reminis- cences of Eminent Men, 3 vols. 1867 909-11O Remarkable Misers, 2 vols. 1863 940O See also Fraser [Literary Recollections], v. 57, 667J, &c. Redemption, Work of, by Edwards 1 676Z See also Atonement, Christ, Religion, &c. Redford(G.), D.D., A Manual of Sculpture [Illus. Handbooks of Art]. 1882 1082M [Egyptian. Assyrian. Greek. Roman.] Holy Scripture Verified [Congregational Lectures]. 1853 109M Redford (R. A.), M.A., Four Centuries of Silence, from Malachi to Christ. 1885 543M The Christian Plea against Modern Unbelief, Handbook of Chris- tian Evidence. 1881 146K See also Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A. Redgrave (G. R., Landscape Painter, b. 1804), Manual of Design, compiled from the Writings of R. Redgrave [South Ken- sington Handbooks] 1045M Redi (F., Italian Naturalist, b. 1626, d. 1698). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Redistribution Bill. See Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Redstart, The. See Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q. Birds, &c. Reduced Circumstances. See Good Words, v. 21, 219TJ. Poverty, Sec. Redwood (A. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Reed (A., Independent Minister, b. 1787, d. 1862). See Blaikie's Philanthropy, 762O, &c. and Midler (G.), by Pitman [World's Workers]. 1885 1148O Reed (Sir J.), F.R.S., Japan, its History, Traditions and Religions, and Account of a Visit in 1879. 1880 535-6K Reed (Thomas Allen), Leaves from the Note Book of, Printed in the Reporting Style of Phonography, with Key, 2 vols 1897-8Z Reefs, Coral. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Rees (J. E. Ruutz), Home Decoration. 1881 943M [Needlework, Painting on Silk, fee., Wood Carving.] Rees (J. R.), Horace Vernet [Great Artists]. 1880 1113O Reeve (H., Editor of Edinburgh Rcvieiv, b. 18 13), C.B., Petrarch [Foreign Classics]. 1878 1180O Ed., Greville Memoirs, 8 vols. 1874-87 2 93"5 and 300-4F Tr., Democracy in America, by ~De Tocqueville 1019-20F Reeves (Airs. H., Novelist, b. 1852). See Mathers (Helen). Reeves (Sims, Famous Tenor Singer, b. 1822). See Temple Bar, v. 67, 1397J. [648] REF ENGLISH SECTION. REG .Reflection. See Nature [of Light from Metallic Surfaces, Amount of], v. 30, 2690J ; [Remarkable Phenomenon of, in Crystals], v. 31, 2691 J, &c. "Reflections in Palestine, by General Gordon. 1884 635M Reflections on the Works of God, by Sturm. 1838 66Z Reflections. See Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Subject required, &c. Reform Bill of 1832, History of the, by Molesworth. 1865 1120F Reforms and Reformers, by Stanton. 1853 132Z National and Board School, by Brabazon. 1887 1103F Political and Legal, Principles of Reform, by Kinnear. 1865 ... 1005F See also Alison's Europe [Bills], 143-6O. Blackwood [Red-Hot], v. 134, 204J. Edinburgh Review [and Revolution], v. 88, 448J. Escott's England and Its People [Bills], 1018F. Fortnightly [Aim of], v. 17, 2107 J. Eraser [Reforms and Reformers], v. 9, 619J ; [Recent Writers on], v. 59, 669J. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Heaton's Parlia- ment [Acts, 1830-85], 456O. Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 172H. Leisure Hour [Some of the Men of], v. 32, 2642J. McCarthy's History of our Own Times [Bills], 193-6H. Raven's Parliamentary History of England [Bills, 1832-1880], 233O. Smith's Life of Bright [Bills], 151F. Reformation, English, Original Letters Relative to the, 2 vols 235-6A First Principles of the, or the Ninety-Five Theses and the Three Primary Works of Luther, translated and edited by Wace and Buchheim. 1883 702A in England, by Blunt 94 and 133Z Perry. 1886 251T France, by Heath [R.T.S.]. 1886 1218M — Italy and Spain, by McCrie, 2 vols. 1856 393^1 ■ of the Sixteenth Century, by D'Aubigne 267 and 268A and 278-81M Swiss, and Calvin, by Scott. 1833 95°Q See also Bayne's Luther, 694F. Brodie's British Empire, 212H. Forbes' Pioneers, 912O. Fraser [Errors of], v. 7, 617J ; [Antecedents of], v. 59, 669J. Good Words [in England], v. 19, 2189J. Green's English People, 190-91H. Knight's England, 148-9H. Kurtz's Church History, 707A. Living Age [and the Mystics], v. 123, 3153J. Luther, Life of, &c, 620 F. Saturday Review [in England], v. 55, R.L. Sunday at Home [New Reformation in Ireland], v. 1, 2851J. Swaine's Religious Revolution, 959Z. Ward's Counter-Reformation. 256T. Wilson's Dissenters, 188-91K. Calvin, Luther, Wycliffe, Reformers, Ecclesiastical History, Religion, &c. Reformatories at Plome and Abroad, edited by Pears. 1872 419H Reformatory Schools, by Carpenter. 1851 305R See also Blackwood [Reformatory Schools in France], v. 134,204,1. Hilfs Repression of Crime, 10T5F. Peirce's Juvenile Delinquents [United States], 1090F, &c. Reformed Pastor, by Baxter. 1829 52Q ^Reformers before the Reformation, by Bonnechose, translated. 1844 286M The, Lectures delivered in St. James's Church, Paisley, by Minis- ters of the United Presbyterian Church. 1885 1467O See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21-8F. Reformation, Names. Refraction. See Deschanel's Natural Philosophy, 827D, &c. Refrigeration. See Ure's Dictionary, 8-9D, &c. Refuse. See Gardner's Sanitary Science, 941K, &c. Regalia, Crowns, and Coronations, by Jones. 1883 93§D See also Academy [History of], v. 24, R.L. Leisure Hour [of England], v. 11, 2621J, &c. Regattas. See Woodgate's Boating, 1266R, &c. Regency, The. See Lecky's Eighteenth Century [178S], 171H, &c. Regicide. See May's Democracy, 39H, &c. Region of Eternal Fire, Petroleum Region of the Caspian in 1883, by Marvin, illustrated. 1884 805K Register Office. See Leisure Hour, v. 13, 2643J, &c. [649] REG GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. REL. Begister (S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Registers, Parish, History of, by Burn. 1862 536IE See also All Year Round, vol. 42, 1822J, &c. Reichenbach (Bnron Von, German Naturalist and Physicist, b. 1788, d. 1869), Researches on Magnetism, &c., translated and edited by Gregory. 1850 773D Reid (J. S.)', D.D., History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, 3 vols. 1867 211-3M Reid (Captain M., Irish Novelist, b. 1818, d. 1883), Odd People, being a Popular Description of Singular Races of Man, illus. 601Z. (and D. B.), Works of. See also Harper's Index, i64oJa. See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, Saturday Re- view, v. 56, R.L., &c. Reid (S. J.), Life and Times of the Rev. Sydney Smith. 1S84 503F Reid (T., Scottish Metaphysician, b. 1 7 10, d. 1796), D.D., An In- quiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense. 1810 5B4II Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, to which is Annexed an Analysis of Aristotle's Logic, with Notes, &c, by Wright. 580II Powers of the Human Mind, 3 vols. 1808 i 581-3H See also Hamilton's Biographical Memoirs, 517F, &c. Reid (T.), Treatise on Clock and Watchmaking, illustrated 1826... 193D Reid (T. W., Journalist, b. 1842), Charlotte Bronte, a Monograph 532O Life of the Rt. Hon. W. E. Forster, 2 vols. 1888 652-3F See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue.. Reign of Law, by Argyle. 1871 885R Reindeer. See Lamont's Arctic Seas, 674 and 675K. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Deer, Natural History, &c. Rejected Addresses, or the New Theatrum Poetarum, by H. and J. Smith. 1839 158T Relationships. See Chambers [Unpopular], v. 63, 1963J. Fathers, Mothers, &c. Belies. See Mackay's Delusions, 903M. Saturday Review [of Saints], v. 58, R.L. Sunday at Home, v. 3, 2853J, & c - Belief of the Poor. See Poor Relief. RELIGION, a Study of, its Sources and Contents, by Martineau ... 636-7 A Analogy of, by Butler. 1829 196Q' and Culture, by Shairp. 1872 H47H Philosophy, Modern Theories, by Tulloch. 1884 724A Science, a Series of Sunday Lectures, by Le Conte. 1874 ... 386M Conflict between, by Draper. 1883 298M Relations between, Lectures by Frederick, Bishop of Exeter [Bampton Lectures]. 1884 193K Christian Truth of, as established by the Miracles of Christ, by Bose 237M Essays on, by Whateley. 1831 475A for Young Persons, by Gisborne. 1825 82K. Institutes, by Calvin, translated by Allen, 3 vols. 1813 2 3"5K Conflict of Good and Evil in Our Day, by Maurice. 1885 547M Errors regarding, by Douglas. 1834 15Q Evidences of, Lectures by Cowper. 1870 271 M Hours with the Mystics, by Vaughan, 2 vols. 1879 509-oMi in Daily Life, by Garbett 104Q England from the Opening of the Long Parliament to the End of the Eighteenth Century, a.d. 1640 — 1800, by Stoughton, 6 vols. 1881 92-7M — 1800 to 1850, by Stoughton, 2 vols 98 9M [650] REL ENGLISH SECTION. REL Religion in the Soul, Rise and Progress of, by Doddridge. 1817 ... 237Q Lectures on the Origin and Growth of, as Illustrated by the Religions of India, by Max Miiller. 1878 121K Natural, by author of " Ecce Homo." 1882 473-^- The Gifford Lectures at Glasgow University, 1888, by Max MWler. 1889 1250M Non-Biblical Systems, a Symposium, by Farrar, Rawlinson, Wright, Muir, &c. 1887 1187M of Geology, by Hitchcock 344^ the Christ, by Leathes. 1876 383M Origin and Growth of, as illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians, by Sayce [Hibbert Lectures, 1887] 644A Power of, on the Mind, by Murray 54^ Practical View of, by Wilberforce 1669Z Primary Truths of, by Clark. 1869 217Q Principles and Duties of Natural Religion, by Wilkins. 1710... 521M — — Private Thoughts on, by Adams 121M upon, by Beveridge. 1825 202Q Reality of, by Van Dyke. 1885 1208M Science of, by Max Miiller. 1873 419M Service of the Poor, Religious Sisterhoods, by Stephen. 1871.. 475^' Studies in Modern Problems, by various writers, edited by Ship- ley. 1874 460M [Christian Ceremonial. Confession of Sin to a Priest. Reservation of the Sacrament. Missions, &c] The Truths of, by Douglas. 1832 528A Thoughts on, by Pascal, edited by Bickersteth. 1833 80Q Religions before Christ, by De Pressense. 1862 39K Dictionary of, by Williams 187K of China, by Le'gge. 18S0 388M Profane Antiquity, their Mythology, &c, by Duncan 677T the Ancient World, by Rawlinson 448M Old Faiths in New Lights, by Smyth 468M Oriental, by Caird. 1882 477A Religious Affections, by Edwards. 1827 150M & 1670Z Belief, Origin and Development of, by Baring-Gould. 1878... 228-9M Polytheism and Monotheism, 228M. Christianity, 229M. Influence on Life, by More, 2 vols. 1814.. 416-7M ■ Knowledge, Encyclopcedia of, by Edwards. 1835 72A ■ Life, Its Importance Considered, by Melmoth, &c. 1839 1222Z Thoughts on the, by Alden. 1879 207T Meditations, by J.G.B. 1866 226M Military Orders of the Middle Ages, by Woodhouse. 1879 273O Miscellany, Sermons, &c. [American Tract Soc] 1700-5Z Progress and Lectures on the Lord's Prayer, by Williams 626M Prosecutions, Legality of, by Duncan 638H Revolution in the Sixteenth Century, by Swaine. 1882 959^ State of Christendom, Papers Read at Paris [1855], and Berlin, [1857], in connection with the Evangelical Alliance, edited by Steane 655- 6A Thought, by Plumptre. 1879 65Q in Britain, Nineteenth Century, by Tulloch. 1885 629M - England [1688-1750], by Pattison. See Essays and Reviews, C62A. in Germany, reprinted from the Times. 1870 476A [651] REL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. REL Religious Thought, Limits of, Examined in Eight Lectures, by Mansel. 1870 400M Topography of England, by Pattison 105 iR Tracts Dispersed by the Society for Promoting Christian Know- ledge, 13 vols [vols 2, 6, 10, 12 and 13 are wanting]. 1823493-503M [For Contents see Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.] Wars of Erance, by Duncan. 1840 458T See also Academy [Savage], v. 23, R.L. ; [of Mexico and Peru], v. 26, R.L. Addison (J.), Evidences, 239Q. Alison's Europe, 119-38O. Baird's Huguenots, 201-2 M. Baxter, 197-9Q ; Reformed Pastor, 52Q. Bickersteth's Scripture Help, 111Q. Binney's Both Worlds, 87Q. Blair's Waldenses, 10-1K. Bonnechose's Reformers, 286M. Brodie's British Empire, si2-3H. Brown's Palaeolithic Man [Ideas], 905F. Bryce's American Commonwealth [Equality], 517-9H. Buchanan (J.), Affliction, 61-2Q. Buckle's Civilisation, 186-8O. Bungener's Priest and Huguenot, 203-4 M. Bunyan's Works, 124Q. Burton's Queen Anne, 236-8H. Channing's Works, 894H. Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Congregational Lectures, 105-19M. Contemporary [Philosophy of], v. 41, 2051J ; [Future, of the World], v. 43, 2053J ; [Downfall of, Effects of], v. 46, 2056J. Cotterill's Does Science Aid Faith, 645M. Crookshank's Methodism in Ireland, 669-71A. Gum- ming (J.), 233Q. David's Buddhism, 95Q. Davies' Orthodox and Unorthodox London, 282-3M. Dew's Nations, 53H. Dick's Philo- sophy and Religion, 29Q. Dobney's Letters to the Perplexed, 296M. Domenech's America [Indian], 693K. Douglas (R. K.), Confucianism, 94Q. Eden's Japan, 814Q. Edwards' Revivals, 58K. Epochs of Church His'ory, 257T. Escott's England and its People, 1017-8F. Fairbairn's City of God 446A ; Philosophy, 308 M. Fortnightly Review [Ethics of], v. 28, 2118J ; [Equality, in England], v. 41, 2131J. Freeman's Saracens, 298O. Gladstone's Gleanings [Thought], 883Z. Good Words [Natural, and Revealed], v. 24, 2194J ; [What is True?], v. 24, 2T94J. Grey's Self Culture, 961R. Griesinger's Jesuits, 529H. Hall (R.), Works, 243-8Q. HaUey's Sacraments, 114-5M. Hare's Guesses at Truth, 106Q. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Heath's Reforma- tion in France, 1218M. Hood's Great Revival, 347M. Hopkins' Working Men, 532T. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K and g6Ka. Iverach's Is God knowable, 646M. James (J. A.), Immortality, 236Q ; Ministry, 232Q. Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy [under the Com- monwealth], v. 2, 503A. Keary's Outlines of Primitive Belief, 101K. Law's Serious Call, 127Q. Lecky's Eighteenth Century [Legislation, Liberty, Revival, &c], 167-72H ; Morals, 384-5M. Living Age [Clothes of], v. 162, 3192J. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, i9o8Ra ; Primitive Man, 672B. Mallet's Northern Antiquities, iojSM. Mark's Great Pyramid [History], 402M. Marsden's Puritans, 703-4A. Martin's Chinese, 1521R. Massillon (J. B.), Selections, 45Q. Masson's Huguenots, 954Z. Maurice's Kingdom of Christ, 407-8 M. Mayo's Popular Superstitions [Delusions], 901M. Medhurst's China, 1044F. Mehagen's Universal History, 13-5H. Merle D'Aubigne's Reformation, 278-81M. Miall (E.), Equality, 389F. Michelet's Priests, 411M. Muir's Coran, 97Q. Munger's Faith, 630M. Mus- trel's Symbols, 420M. Neander (A.), Middle Ages, 240Q. Nichol's Social Life, 1420Z. Nightingale's Methodism, 127K. Nineteenth Century Magazine [Elizabethan Settlement of], v. 24, 2234J ; [Natural], v. 12, 2222J ; [Retrospect and Prospect], v. 15, 2225J ; [Retrogressive], v. 16, 2226J. Overton's Revival, Eighteenth Century, 430M. Popular Tumults [Persecution], 1238Z. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Present Day Tracts, 234-41 T. Pressens£'s Ancient World and Chris- tianity, 1194M ; Christianity, 197-200M. Putnam's American Facts, 1046F. Quiver [Manliness of], v. 20, 3290J ; [in Unlikely Places], v. 22, 3292J. Raleigh (A.), Thoughts, 101Q. Ranke's Popes, 175-7M. Redford's From Malachi to Christ [History], 543M. Row's Retribution, 640A. Ryle's Home Truths, 113Q. Saturday Review [of India], v. 54, R.L. Serle's Works, 110Q. Seymour's Jesuits, 458M. Simpson's Plea to Sceptics, 105Q. Smiles' Huguenots, 206M. Smith's Jewish Church, 467M ; Prophets, 466M. Spencer (J. S.), Salvation, 231Q. Spence's Christ, 160Q. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Stapfer's Palestine, Time of Christ [Life], 477M. Steane's Evangelical Alliance, 661A. Stobart (J. W. H.), Islam, 96Q. Stones Crying Out [History],, 54 8xM. [652] REL ENGLISH SECTION. ' REN Religious Works— {continued.) Sunday at Home [Intelligence], v. 2, 2852J ; [and Science], v. 3, 2 3S3J ; [and Commerce], v. 7, 2857J \ [Between the Old and New Testament Periods], v. 15, 2865J ; [and Business], v. 22, 2872J ; [of the Ancient World], v. 26, 2876J. Swedenborg's Doctrines, 264M. Taylor's Scottish Covenanters, 953Z. Tolstoi's Sly Confession, &c, 1245M. Trevor's Egypt, 1013M. Upham (T. C), Inner Life, 230Q. Venn's Christianity, 44Q. Watson's Works, 20-32M. White's Eighteen Centuries [History], 519M. Wiclif (J.), 574-5F. Wilberforce (Bishop), 576-3F ; Practical View, 83Q. Williams' Hinduism, 93Q. Wilson's Essays [and Science], 1209R. Wiseman's On Science and Religion, 122-3Q. Young's Millennium, 232J. Zeller's Greek Philosophy, 538-9M. Fortnightly [Ethics and], v. 51, 2141J. Buddhism, Christ, Christian, Church, Names of Countries, Crusades, Faiths, Hinduism, Huguenots, Missions, Mohametans, Mythology, Idolatry, Sects, Chris- tianity, Theology, Ecclesiastical History, Nonconformity, Reformation, Sabbath, Saviour, Scepticism, Talmud, Theology, Sec. Eellstab (L.) See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Remarkable Escapes from Peril [Religious Tract Society] 1245Z Women as Examples for Girls, by Swaine. 1882 ... 296T" Rembrandt (Paul Van Ryn, Dutch Painter and Engraver, b. i6c8, d. 1669), by Mollett [Great Artists]. 1879 1107a See also Chambers [Story ofj, v. 17, 1935J. Contemporary [Gospel History According to], v. 43, 2053J. Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Leisure hour, v. 26, 2636J. Penny Magazine, v. 4, 142 B, &c. Remedies. See Timbs' Works [and Small Services], 855Z. Chambers [Remark- able], v. 57, 1957J, &c. Reminiscences, Ancestral, Anecdotal and Historic, by Burke 900 R — — Chiefly of Oriel College and the Oxford Movement, by Mox- ley, 2 vols. 1882 1039-0R of a Veteran, Adventures in Portugal, Spain, France, &C, illus. 942-4O Scottish Life and Character, by Ramsay. 1874 I57T See also Cornhill [of Eton Life], v. 24, 304J. Subject required, &c. Remorse. See Smith's Moral Sentiments, 588 H, &c. Remuneration Conference [Industrial], Report of the Proceedings and Papers Read in Prince's Hall, Piccadilly, under the Presidency of Sir C. W. Dilke. 1885 H15F Remusat (Madame de), Letters to her Husband aud Son, 1804-1813, translated by Mrs. Hoey and L. Lillie. 1881 221F Memoirs of [1802-1808], with Preface and Notes by Paul de Remusat, translated by Hoey and Lillie. 1 880 609O See also Napoleon and his Detractors, 644F. Quarterly [Memoirs], v. 149, 1279J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Renaissance of Art in France, by Pattison,' 2 vols, illustrated. 1879 327-8l> Studies of the Antique and the Medireval in the Renaissance, by Vernon Lee, 2 vols. 1884 945-6D See also Art Journal [Forgotten Gems of], v. 32, R.L. Contemporary [Anomaly of], v. 34, 2044J; [Forgotten Dualism of], v. 36, 2046J. Fraser [Nemesis of], v. 97, 707J. Leisure Hour [Representative Characters of], v. 11, 2621J. Quarterly [Symonds on, in Italy], v. 145, 1275J. Temple Bar [Kings of], v. 47, 1377J. Art, &c Renan (J. E., French Critic, b. 1 823), Recollections of my Youth 1304O See also Fortnightly Review [The Apostles and France], v. 5, 2095J ; v. 21, 2111J ; v. 33, 2123J. Harper,/v. 28, 1608J. Macmillan [New Studies in Religious History], v. 50, 980J. Present DayTracts [and his Criticism of Christ, v. 4, 237T. Quarterly [and St. Paul], v. 150, 1280J, &c. Rencontres of the Road. See Fraser [Character Sketches, &c.J, v. 4 to 7, 614-7J. Rendu. (Jeanne Maria). See Living Age, v. 64, 3094J, &c. Rendu (M. Le Chanoine, Szoiss Bishop, b. 1789, d. 1859), Glaciers of Savoy, translated by Wills. 1874 784D [653] REN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. RES Renegade. St* Ma c mi l l a n, v. 49, 979J- Rennie (James, Zoologist, d. 1867), M.A., Architecture of Birds, illustrated [Library of Entertaining Knowledge] ... 483T and 717Z Domestic Habits of Birds [Library of Ent. Knowledge]. 1833 533I' Faculties of Birds [Library of Entertaining Knowledge], illus. 484T Insect Architecture [Lib. of Entertaining Knowledge], ill. 1S30 486T Rennie (J., Scotch Engineer, b. 1761, . 1828), M.D., Future of Sanitary Science [Address at the Royal Institution, 1877]. 1877 I44IZ Health and Life. 1878 1403Z Occupation [S. P. C.K. Manuals of Health]. 1879 1434Z Hygeia, a City of Health. 1876 1442Z On Alcohol [Lectures before the Society of Arts]. 1876 1448Z The Commonwealth, Essays on Health and Felicity. 1887 843M Total Abstinence, a Course of Addresses. 1878 833M Richardson (C. F.), The Choice of Books. 1881 159T Richardson (C. J.), The Englishman's House, a Practical Guide for Selecting and Building a House. 1888 , 1155M Richardson (D. L.). See Jones' Poets, 663M. Richardson (Frederika), The Iliad of the East, a Selection of Legends drawn from Valmiki's Sanskrit Poem, the Ramayana 1072R Richardson (G. F., Geologist, b. 1796, Committed Suicide 1848), F.G.S., Geology for Beginners, illustrated. 1846 4C0R Introduction to Geology and its Associate Sciences, Mineralogy, Fossil Botany and Palaeontology, revised and enlarged by Wright, illustrated, 1855 408R Richardson (James, Scotch Missionary, b. 18 10, d. 185 1), Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, 2vols. 1848 641-2K Richardson (James), Wonders of the Yellowstone Region in the Rocky Mountains during 1870- 1 . 1874 1 594R Richardson (Sir John). See Last of the Arctic Voyages, 661-2K, &c. Richardson (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Richardson (S., Novelist, b. 1689, d. 1 761), History of Sir Charles Grandison, 7 vols. 1781 733"9iR by Jeffrey. 1853 1275K See also Blackwood, v. 105, 175J. Contemporary, v. 44, 2054J. Edinburgh Review [Life and Correspondence of], v. 5, 365J. Fortnightly [as Artist and Moralist], v. 12, 2102J. Scott's Novelists, T014Z. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1102R. Jones' Poets, 663M. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Richardsons of Bessbrook. See Fortunes Made in Business, io33Fa. Richelieu (the Duke of). See Alison's Europe, 139-45O. France, &c. Richelieu (A. J., French Cardinal, b. 1585, d. 1642). See Buckle's Civilization, 187O. Fortnightly Review [Career of], v. 45, 2135J. Fraser, v. 75, 685J. Gardiner's History of England, 464-9O. Mehagen's Universal History, 15H. Sunday at Home, v. 29, 2879J. _ Temple Bar, v. 45 and 62, 1375 and 1392J. Ward's Counter-Reformation, 256T, &c. Richelieu, or th Conspiracy, a Flay, &c, by Lyt ton. 1839 1270H [658] RIC ENGLISH SECTION. RIF Riches. See Good Words [and Poverty], v. 17, 2187J. Muller's Noble Deeds, &c, 92Q. Rich Folks, &c. Richey (A. G.), LL.D., A Short History of the Irish People down to the date of the Plantation of Ulster, edited by Kane 561II Richmond. Park, Surrey. See Art Journal, v. 35, R.L. Harper, v. 57, 1637 J. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Land we Live in, 464B, &c. Richmond, Virginia. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine [Some Richmond Portraits], v. 70, 1650J. Richmond (Earls of). See Dixon's Royal Windsor, 327H, &c. Richmond (Frances Stuart, Duchess of). See Molloy's London under Charles II., 259O, &c. Richmond (Legh, Divine, b. 1772, d. 1827), M.A., Annals of the Poor. 1855 64 and 1571Z Domestic Portraiture. 1847 144Q Memoir of, by Grimshawe. 1828 473F Richmond (W. D.), Colour and Colour Printing, as Applied to Lithography II 70M Grammar of Lithography, a Practical Guide for the Artist and Printer 1171M Richter (J. P. F., German Novelist, b. 1763, d. 1825), Flower, Fruit and Thorn Pieces, or the Married Life, Death and Wedding of the Advocate of the Poor, Firmian Stanislaus Siebenkas, translated by Noel, 2 vols 271-2Z Leonardo Da Vinci [Great Artists]. 1879 1106O Levana, or the Doctrine of Education, translated. 1848 200R Sec also Chambers, v. 7 and 29, 1927 and 1941J. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F, &c. Riddell (Mrs. J. H.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Riddle (J. E., b. 1804, d. 1859), M.A., A Manual of Scripture His- tory, and History of the Jews between the Periods of the Old and New Testaments. 1868 56Q Ecclesiastical Chronology. 1840 293 and 557A First Sundays at Church, Conversations on the Services. 1837 ... 81 Q Manual of Christian Antiquities, with an Analysis of the Writings of the Anti-Nicene Fathers. 1839 255A Riddles. See Once a Week, v. 18, 2278J. Hood's Puzzledom, 1260H, &c. Ride in Egypt, by Loftie, illustrated. 1879 1530R through Hostile Africa and among the Boers, by Gillmore, ill. 799K to Khiva, by Burnaby. 1876 792K Rides. See All the Year Round [Remarkable], v. 43, 1803J, &c. Ridge (J. J.) Non-Alcoholic Home Treatment of Disease 819M Ridgeway (R-), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Ridicule. See Chambers [As a Weapon], v. 15, 1934J. Cornhill [and Truth], v. 35> 3 I 5J- Good Words, v. 2, 2172J. Leisure Hour [Is it the Test of Truth], v. 31, 2641J, &c. Riding, by the Earl of Suffolk and W. R. Weir [Badminton Series]. 1136M Young Horsewoman's Compendium, by Stanley. 1827 1120M See also All the Year Round [for Health], v. 22, 1782J. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Girl's Own Annual [How to Ride], v. 3, 2553J. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Walker's Manly Exercises, 1164M. Young Lady's Book, 983M, &c. Ridley (N., Bishop of London, b. 1500, burnt 1555), D.D., Works of. 1841 211A See also Brave Confessors, 1440O. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 22F. Milman's St. Pauls, 320H, &c. Rienzi (Nicola di. Dictator of Rome, b. 1313, assassinated 1354). See Quarterly [and his Times], v 69, 1199J, &c. Rifles. Sec Chambers [Enfield], v. 31, 1942J ; [Swiss], v. 28, 1940J ; [Needle Gun and Cartridge], v. 43, 1948J. Cornhill [Breech Loading, in the British Army], v. 14, 294J. Saturday Review [Martini-Enfield], v. 57, R.L. ; [Long-Range], v. 60, R.L. Guns, &c. [659] RIG GUILLE-ALLES library. rip Rigby (E. [Lady Eastlake]), Letters from the Shores of the Baltic [Murray's Library]. 1849 1291R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Rigg (A.), M.A., and Goolden (W. T.), B.A., Eds., Easy Intro- duction to Chemistry, illustrated. 1875 4H^ Rigg (J. H.), D.D., The Living Wesley, as he was in his Youth and Prime. 1874 1031O Rigging of Ships, by Kipping [Weale's Series]. 1866 7°5Q , — Knotting, &c. See Brady's Kedge-Anchor, 891D, &c. Right and Wrong. See Clifford's Essays, 887H. Fortnightly, v. 24, 2114J. Righ.t-Hand.ed.ness. See Brown's Science for All, 628B. Knowledge, v. 1, 2581J. Rights. See Edinhurgh Review [and Duties of the People], v. 20, 380J. Fort- nightly [Natural], v. 16, 2116J. Frost's Secret Societies, 33H, &c. Rig-Veda-Sankita, A Collection of Ancient Hindu Hymns, trans- lated by Wilson, 2 vols. 1850 459-oA See also Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Saturday Review [Arrowsmith's Edition], v. 62, R.L. Riley (H. T.), B.A., Tr., Ovid's Heroides, &c. 1852 1165H Fasti, Pontic Epistles, &c. 1851 1166H See also Old English Chronicles. Rimmer (A.), Ancient Stone Crosses of England, illustrated. 1875 862F Ancient Streets and Homesteads of England, with an Introduc- tion by Dean Howson, illustrated. 1877 365K Our Old Country Towns, illustrated. 1881 1349R Rambles round Eton and Harrow, illustrated. 1882 I347R and Howson (J. S.), D.D., The River Dee, its Aspect and History, illustrated. 1886 858K Rinderpest. See Household Words, v. 16, 1756J, &c. Ring, Marriage, by Landels [Notes on Marriage, &c.] 316R Rings. See All the Year Round [Stories about], v. 56, 1816J. Art Journal [Finger, Facts about], v. 17, R.L. Chambers [and their Significance], v. 25, 1939J ; [Marriage], v. 49, 1951J ; [Ring Trick], v. 6r, 1061J. Cornhill [and Seals, Antique and their Prices], v. 16, 290J. Fraser [and Seals, Old], v. 92, 702J. Jeaffreson's Bridals [Wedding], 983 H. Jones' Credulities, 902M ; Finger-Ring Lore, 928M. Living Age [Finger], v. 122, 3152 J. Occult Sciences, 1935R. Once a Week, v. 7, 2267J, &c. Ringler {German Ceramic Acarnisf). See History of Pottery and Porcelain, 936D. Rinking, Skating, &c. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1151M. Rio de Janeiro. See Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Fletcher's Brazil, 751 K. Gerstacker's Travels, 1632R. Household Words [Two Days in], v. 12, 1752J. Living Age [Rambles in], v. 3, 3033J. Scribner [Brazil], v. 18, 1868J. Walpole's Pacific, 795K. Well's Brazil, 813-4K. Rio de la Plate. See Gallenga's America, 756K, &c. Rio Grande. See Fletcher's Brazil, 751 K. Harper [Along the], v. 70, 1650 J, &c. Rioja (F. de, Spanish Poet., I. 1600, d. 1659). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Riots, The Mollie Maguire Riots in America, by Martin, illustrated 522H Tumults, &c, Sketches of. 1836 900M See also Ashton's Nineteenth Century, 861-2H. Blackwood [Corn-Law], v. 52, R.L. Chambers [Law of], v. 9, 1929J ; [Lord-George-Gordon], v. 58, 1958J. Cornhill [and Mobs, English], v. 15, 295J. Fortnightly Review [Means of Suppressing], v. 46, 2136J. Knight's England, 152-4H. Once a Week [Turnpike], v. 17, 2277J. Sketches of Popular Tumults, 1238Z, &c. Rip Van Winkle Legend. See Harper [Genesis of], v. 67, 1647J, &c. Rlpa (Father), Memoir of, translated by Prandi. 1844 1004Q Ripe for the Sickle, Memorials of Mademoiselle Jallott, and her Con- version from the Romish Church, &c. 1865 2 35^ [660] RIP ENGLISH SECTION. RIV Ripley (G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Ripple -Marks. See Nature, v. 29, 26S9J, &c. Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, by Doddridge. 18 17 2 37Q Rise of Great Families, by Burke. 1873 947^ Rispach. (H. von). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. "Rita " [Mrs. Eliza M. J. G. von Booth]. See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Ritchie (D. G.), M.A., Darwinism and Politics. 1889 1998R Ed., Early Letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle, together with a few of later years, and some of Thomas Carlyle. 1889 357^ Ritchie (J. E.), About London, i860 891R Night Side of London. 1861 1246Z On the Track of the Pilgrim Fathers, or Holidays in Holland ... 45 iM Personal Recollections of East Anglia [Suffolk and Norfolk] 623O Ritchie (Leitch, Scotch Novelist, b. 1801, d. 1865), Travelling Sketches on the Sea Coast of France. 1834 1396R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Ritson (J., Antiqziary, b. 1752, d. 1803), Fairy Tales, Legends and Romances, illustrating Shakespeare and other Early English Writers, to which are prefixed two Preliminary Dissertations, 1 on Pigmies, 2 on Fairies. 1875 638T See also Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q, &c. Ritter (F. L.), History of Music, from the Christian Era to the Present Time, with Examples. 1880 1084M — : in the Form of Lectures for Students. 1876 1085M Ritual, English, Antiquities of, by Palmer, 2 vols. 1836 504-5A See also Good Words [and Christianity], v. 14, 2184J. Ritualism. See Art Journal [and Art], v. 18, R.L. Contemporary Review [and the Ecclesiastical Law], v. 1, 201 1 J ; [Communion Service and], v. 7, 2017J ; [Rationale of], v. 17, 2027J ; [and Rationalism], v. 19, 2029J ; [Ethics of], v. 20, 2030J ; v. 22, 2032J ; [Ritualists, Why not Catholics ? a Reply], v. 33 ; [and Rejoinder], v. 34, 2044J. Edinburgh Review [in the Church of England], v. 125, 485 J. Gladstone's Gleanings, 886Z. Macmillan, v. 17, 947J. Quarterly [Ritualists and the Law], v. 151, 1281J. Stoughton's Religion [1800- 1 880], 99M. Rivals, The, a Comedy, by Sheridan [Inchbald's British Theatre] ... 1754Z Rivas (Duque De). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. River Dee, Its Aspect and History, by Howsonand Rimmer. 1886 858K of Golden Sand, Journey through China to Burmah, by Gill, illustrated, 2 vols. 1880 512-3K Rivers and Lakes, by Napier [S. P. C.K.], illustrated. 1879 623Q of the Bible, by Tweedie, illustrated. 1864 189Q of the Bible, by Gosse. 1850 330M See also Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 611B. Blackwood, v. 118, 188J. Brown's Science for All, 626B ; [of the Sea], 6276a. Chambers [Primi- tive Modes of Crossing], v. 53, 1953J; [Work of], v. 59, 1959J. English Illustrated [and River-Gorges of the Old World and the New], v. r, 1991J. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Hartwig's Tropical World [of the Tropics], 758F. Humboldt's Nature, 29R. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Knowledge [Action on Land], v. 5, 2585J. McCulloch's British Empire, 711H. Nature [Regulation of], v. 12, 2672J ; [Chinese, Discharge of], v. 26, 2686J. Seeley's Fishes, 811 F. Stanford's Com- pendium, 850K. Stanley's Dark Continent [African], 1563R. Timbs' Works [Seas and Lakes], 854Z. Woodgate's Boating [and Courses], 1266R. Also under names of Rivers. Rivers of Water in a Dry Place, or Christianity in South Africa 220T Riviera, The, Sketches of the Health Resorts of the North Mediter- ranean Coast of France, &c. , by Sparks. 1 879 1426R Winterings in the, by Miller, illustrated. 1879 438K [661] RIV GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ROB Riviera. See also Art Journal [Western], v. 36, R.L. Blackwood [Ramble to], v. i35> 2 °5J- Fortnightly Review [Health Resorts of the Western], v. 37, 2t27J. Health Haunts, 810Q. Living Age [Reverie on], v. i6g, 3199J. Saturday Review [Roman traces in], v. 54, R.L Cornhill [Winter in Unfrequented Parts of], v. 54, 334J. Rivingtons, The. See Curwen's Booksellers, 520O. Roach, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Librarj 680Q. Once a Week, v. 10, 2270J. Penny Magazine [and the Dace], v. II, 149B. Fishes, &c. Roads and Railroads, Vehicles and Modes of Travelling of Ancient and Modern Countries. 1839 1090M See also Andrew's Eighteenth Century, 281R. All the Year Round [in England], v. 6, 1766J ; [Rule of], v. 36, 1796J ; [Road-making], v. 58, 1818J. Cham- bers [and Roadmakers], v. 44, 1948J. Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. Land we Live in [and Railway], 464B. Penny Magazine [and Roadmaking in the U.S.], v. n, 149B. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Sunday at Home, v. 33, 2833J. Temple's India, 486K, &c. Roadside Poems, by Macdonald 1873Z Rob Roy (Robert Macgregor Campbell, Scottish Freebooter, b. 1660, d. 1735). See Blackwood [Memoir of], v. 2, R.L. Chambers' Domestic Annals, 346H. Chambers' Miscellany [and the Clan Macgregor], 629R, &c. Rob Roy Canoe, a Thousand Miles in the, by Macgregor. 1878 ... 875Q The. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 7, 2957 J. Macgregor (J.), &c. Robbers and Banditti, Lives and Exploits of, by Macfarlane. 1839 1224Z See also Highwaymen, Pirates, &c. Robbery. See Chronicles of Newgate [Prevalence of highway], v. 1, 330D. Harper [as a Science], v. 26, 1606J. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Crime, Highwaymen, &c. Robbia (Luca della, Florentine Sculptor, b. 1400, d. 1481). See History of Pottery and Porcelain, 936D. Robbins (R. D. C), Egypt and the Books of Moses, illustrated by the monuments, trans, by Hengstenberg. 1 845 883 A Robbins (Mrs. S. S.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Robert Bruce (King of Scotland, b. 1274, d. 1329). See Tytler's Worthies, 1045Q. Scotland, Kings, &c. Robert (Dukes of Normandy). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H, &c. Robert Le Diable (First Duke of Normandy, poisoned 1035). See Palgrave's Normandy, 182H. Robert Houdin (French Conjuror, b. 1805, d, 1871). See Household Words, v. 19, 1759J. Houdin, &c. Robert Elsmere and Modern Oxford. See Blackwood's Magazine, v. 144, 214J. Fortnightly [As a Symptom], v. 51, 2141J. Quarterly Review, v. 167, 1297J. Fiction Class List, &c. Roberts (Alexander), D.D., and Donaldson (J)., LL.D., Editors of Anti-Nicene Christian Library, 24 vols., 1871-80 362- 84 A Roberts (Arthur), M.A., Village Sermons [Rel. Tract Soc.]. vol. 2 242Q Roberts (David, Landscape Painter, b. 1796, d. 1864). See Frith's Reminiscences, 615F, &c. Roberts (Dorothea), Two Royal Lives, Gleanings from Berlin and from the Lives of their Imperial Highnesses the Crown Prince and Princess of Germany, illustrated. 1887 I 344C* Roberts (Emma), Rival Houses of York and Lancaster [Richard II. to Henry VII.], 2 vols. 1827 314-5II Roberts (General Sir F.). See Adam's England at War, 199H. Blackwood [Low's Life of], v. 134, 204J. Saturday Review [Low's Memoir of], v. 56 R.L., &c. Roberts (G. ), Social History of the People of the Southern Counties of England in Past Centuries. 1856 301H Roberts (J.). See Brave Confessors, 1440O, &c. Roberts (Margaret). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Roberts (Mary), Wild Animals, illustrated. 1854 611Q Roberts (S.). Sec Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Roberts (W.), History of Letter Writing, from the Earliest Period to the Fifth Century. 1843 1057II Life and Correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More, 4 vols. 1834 853-6O Memoires of the Life of Mrs. Hannah More. 1838 255Z [662] ROB ENGLISH SECTION. ROB Robertson (E. S.), M.A., English Poetesses, Critical Biographies, &c. 1883 635O Ed., Great Writers, y.D. : . Coleridge, by Hall Caine .... 1265O Longfellow(H.W.),by Robertson 1264O Dickens, by Marzials 1266O Marryat, by Hannay 1269O Goethe, by Sime 1268O Rossetti, by Knight 1267O Robertson (F. W., Theologian, b. 1816, d. 1853), Expository Lec- tures on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians. 1883 37M Sermons Preached at Brighton, 4 vols. 1883 : First Scries. — God's Revelation of Heaven, Parable of the Sower, Jacob's Wrestling, Shadow and Substance of the Sabbath, Sympathy of Christ, Advent Lectures, Loneliness of Christ, New Command- ment of Love to One Another, Message of the Church to Men of Wealth, Kingdom of the Truth, Scepticism of Pilate, The Israelite's Grave in a Foreign Land, &c 33M Second Series. — Christ's Judgment Respecting Inheritance, Star in the East, Baptism, Religious Depression, Restoration of the Erring, Christ the Son, Worldliness, Early Development of Jesus, Christ's Estimate of Sin, The First Miracle, The Good Shepherd, Doubt of Thomas, Irreparable Past, &c 34M Third Series. — The Tongue, Victory of Faith, The Trinity, Absolution, Sacrifice of Christ, Power of Sorrow, Sensual and Spiritual Ex- citement, Purity, Unity and Peace, Christian Casuistry, Marriage and Celibacy, Victory over Death, Prodigal and his Brother, John's Rebuke of Herod, &c 35M Fourth Series. — Character of Eli, _ Prayer, Selfishness as shown in Balaam's Character, Transitoriness of Life, Waiting for the Second Advent, Sinlessness of Christ, Regeneration, An Elec- tion Sermon, The Word and the World, Solomon's Restoration, Joseph's Forgiveness of his Brethren, Christian Friendship, Pre-eminence of Charity, Unjust Steward, Orphanage of Moses, Christianity and Hindooism, Rest, Humane Society, Inspiration, Last Utterances of Christ, &c 36M Life and Letters of, edited by Brooke, 2 vols. 1 882 948-9O of Brighton, by Arnold. 1886 1338O See also Blackwood, v. 99, 169J. Century [of Brighton, with Portrait], v. 1, 1873J. Contemporary [Life and Writings of], v. 1, 201 1 J. Tulloch's Religious Thought, 629M. Robertson (G. C), Hobbes [Phil. Classics for Eng. Readers]. 1886 1032Q Robertson (H. R.), The Art of Etching Explained and Illustrated, with Remarks on the Allied Processes of Drypoint, Mezzo- tint and Aquatint. 1885 1115M The Art of Pen and Ink Drawing, commonly called Etching, ill. 1116M Kobertson (J. C.) and Byerley (T.). See Percy Anecdotes. Robertson (John M.), Essays towards a Critical Method. 1889 ... 1956R Robertson (J. P. and W. P.), Letters on Paraguay, Four Years' Residence in the Republic under Dictator Francia, 3 vols. 1 629-3 iR Robertson (Tom). See Frith's Reminiscences, 6i6Fa, &c. Robertson (William, Scotch Historian, b. 1721, d. 1803), D.D., History of Scotland, Reigns of Queen Mary and James VI. ... 338-9II History of the Discovery and Conquest of America, with a Memoir of the Author, by Stewart. 1842..... 672Z Knowledge of the Ancients about India. 1802 160Z Reign of Charles V., Emperor of Germany. 1840 138Z 4 vols. 1777 3403H Works of, with an Account of his Life and Writings, by Rev. G. Gleig, 12 vols. 1822 : Vols. 1-3. — Life, History of Scotland during the Reigns of Mary and James VI 1066-8H [663] ROB GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ROB Robertson (William), Works of, &c — {continued.) Vols. 4-7. — View of the State of Europe, History of the Emperor Charles V 1069-72H Vols. 8-11.— History of America to 1652 1073-6H Vol. 12. — Disquisition concerning the Knowledge the Ancients had of India 1077H See also Brougham's Men of Letters, 598R. Hamilton's Biographical Me- moirs, 517F, &c. Robespierre (Francois Maximilian, French Revolutionist, b. 1758, Guillotined 1794). See Alison's Europe, 119-22O. Baker's French Society, 333O. Fortnightly, v. 26, 2 116 J. Temple Bar [Psychological Study of], v. 32, 1362J. Thiers' French Revolution, 376-9H, &c. Robilliard (Lieut. ]., of Guernsey). See Sarnia, p. 124, 1416O. Robin, The. See Chambers, v. 55, I955J- Cooper's Rural Hours, 31R. Gentle- man's Magazine, n.s. [The Legend of], v. 35, 755 J. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Jones' Credulities, 902M. Knowledge [Tame, unconfined], v. 5, 2585 J. Leisure Hour, v. 5, 2615J. Once a Week, v. 14, 2274J. ' Penny Magazine [American], v. 8, 146B. Science Gossip, v. 2, 2411J ; v. 7, 2413J ; [Tameness of a], v. 23, 2423 J. Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q. Birds, &c. Robin Hood {Outlaw of Shenuood Forest, ft. 131/1 Century). See Academy [Name of], v. 24, R.L. All the Year Round, v. 27, 1787J. Ancient Ballads, 767M. Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q. Chambers [Search for], v. 18, 1935 J. Chap-Books, 1321H. Edinburgh Review, v. 86, 446J. Fraser [and Kynge Richarde], v. 19, 629J. Knight's England, 147H. Leigh Hunt's Stories in Verse, 313Q. Tuckerman's Prose Fiction, 1126H. Wright's England, Middle Ages, 79O. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Robins (Hil), Sinners and Saints [American Novel, &c.] 1721R Robins (R.). See Chambers' Language, &c, 907R. Robinson Crusoe, by Defoe 645R Sec also Selkirk (Alexander) and Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Robinson (A. M. F., Novelist, Poet, &c, b. 1857), Emily Bronte. 533O Margaret of Angouleme, Queen of Navarre [Em. Worn. Series]. 1137O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Robinson (Anastasia, Actress and Singer, d. 1750). See Edward's Prima Donna, 678F, &c. Robinson (E., American Philologist, b. 1794, d. 1863), D.D., Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petrrea, a Journal of Travels in the Year 1838, 3 vols. 1841 148-50K Dictionary of the Bible, illustrated. 1879 515A Later Biblical Researches in Palestine and the Adjacent Regions, a Journal of Travels in the Year 1852. 1856 M7K Robinson (E. A.), Tr., History of Ireland from the Reformation to the Union, by Hassencamp. 1888 277II Robinson (F. Mabel). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Robinson (F. R., H. M. and T.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Robinson (F. W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Robinson (Hastings), Ed., Zurich Letters, 2 vols. 1842-4 206-7A Robinson (Henry Crabb, Barrister, b. 1775, d. 1867). See Bagehot's Studies, 864H. Edinburgh Review [Diaries and Correspondence], v. 130, 490J. Fortnightly, v. 12, 2102J, &c. Robinson (H. M.), The Great Fur Land, Sketches of Life in the Hudson's Bay Territory, illustrated 680K Robinson (Sir Hercules, Governor of New South Wales, b. 1824, d. 1875). See Austral Africa, 1402H, &c. Robinson (Jane). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Robinson (Phil, War Correspondent, &»c. t b. 1849), Noah's Ark, or, Mornings in the Zoo, being a Contribution to the Study of Unnatural History. 1882 16R [664] ROB ENGLISH SECTION. ROC Robinson (Phil), Sinners and Saints, a Tour Across the States, with Three Months among the Mormons. 1883 1721R The Poets' Birds. 1883 737M [A list of birds mentioned in poems, with references and notes.] See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Robinson (T., Minister of Leicester, b. 1749, d. 1813), M.A., Scripture Characters, or, A Practical Improvement of the Principal Histories in the Old and New Testament, with a Life of the Author, 2 vols : — Vol. 1. — Adam to Esther 26tA and 151K Vol. 2. — John the Baptist and Jesus Christ to Onesimus, Angels, &c. 262A and 152K Robinson (W.), F.L.S., God's Acre Beautiful, or, The Cemeteries of the Future, illustrated. 1880 H46H Parks and Gardens of Paris, illustrated. 1878 609B Robsart (Amye) and the Earl of Leicester, by Adlard. 1870 663F See also Fraser [Lord Dudley and Queen Elizabeth], v. 63, 673J. Living Age, v. 153, 3183J. Macmillan [Death of], v. 53, 983J. Nineteenth Century, v. n, 1883J, &c. Hochdale. See All the Year Round [Co-operative Society], v. 19, 1779J. Escott's England and its People [Rochdale Pioneers], 1017F, &c. Rochefbrt (Comte Henri, French Journalist, b. 1830). Contemporary [and La Lanterne], v. 10, 2020J. King's French Leaders, 659O. Once a Week v. 22, 2282J, &c. Rochefoucauld. See La Rochefoucauld, &c. Roche jaquelein. See La Rochejaquelein. Chambers' Miscellany, 623R, &c. Rochester. See Green's English People, 191H. Penny Magazine [Castle of], v. 2, 140B, &c. Rochester (John, Earl of, Satirical Poet, b. 1647, d. 1680), Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 325Z Rochester (Robt. Carr, Viscount, Favourite of James /., d. 1645). See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 322 H. Rock (D., Roman Catholic Theologian, b. 1799, d. 1871), D.D., Textile Fabrics [South Kensington Handbook], ill. 1876... 1053M Rock-boring Machinery. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, 8-9D, &c. Rockeries. See Church's Home Grounds, 947M. Gardening, &c. Rockets. See Cornhill [and Mortar Life-saving Apparatus], v. 28, 308J. Lei- sure Hour [and their Work], v. 25, 2635J. Penny Magazine [History and Manufacture of], v. 8, 146B, &c. Roekhill (W. W.), Tr., Life of the Buddha, and the Early History of his Order. 1884 666A Rockling, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fishes, &c. Rocks, Study of, Text Book of Petrology, by Rutley. 1879 674T Testimony of the, or the Two Theologies, Natural and Re- vealed, by Hugh Miller. 1875 801R See also Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 611B. Chambers' [at Low Water], v. 25, 1939J. Edinburgh Review [Classification], v. 34, 394J. Hum- boldt's Cosmos, 483R. Lyell's Geology, 726-7Q. Mantell's Geology [Cambrian], 725Q. Nature [Symond's Records of], v. 7, 2667J ; [Con- ducting Power of], v. 8, 2668J ; [Stratified, Structure and Origin of], v. 21, 2681J ; [Jointing of], v. 26, 2686J. Science Gossip [History of Rock Structure], v. 12, 2415J. Nature, v. 39, 2699J, &c. Rockstro (W. S.), History of Music. 1886 533H Mendelssohn [Great Musicians]. 1884 1225O Rockwell (J. O.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Rocky Mountains, &c, a Diary of Travel, Sport and Adventure, by Southesk. 1875 817K — a Lady's Life in, by Bird, illustrated. 1879-0 1598R Across the, by Kelly. 1852 428T and Mexico, Adventures, by Ruxton. 1849 419T — Exploring Expedition, [1842-4], by Fremont, illustrated. 1845 7nK [665] ROC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ROGr Rocky Mountains, Mormons, &c, a Summer Journey, by Bowles. 1866 1618R A Lady's Life in Montana 1788Z See also Bates' Great Republics, 1724R. Brown's Countries of the World. 161D. Century [Goat hunting in], V. 7, 1879J. Chambers' [Miss Bird's Life in], v. 57, 1957J. Frank's Ranche, 424T. Good Words [Winter in], v. 14, 2184J. Grohman's Camps, &c., 1597R. Harper [Photographs from high], v. 39, 1619J. Kingsley's South by West, 718K. Nature [Atmosphere of], v. 15, 2675J ; [Botany of], v. 16, 2676J. Ruxton's Adventures, 835Q. Scribner [Nights in], v. 20, 1870J. Stanford's Compendium, 850K, &c. Rod, History of the, by Cooper. 1877 , 914R See also Compayr6's Pedagogy, 296R. Flogging, &c. Roderick (Visigoi/iic King of Spain, slain, 711) The Last of the Goths, a Poem, by Southey, 2 vols in 1 299Q Rodgers (Joseph). See Everyday Heroes, 14550, &c. Rodney (G. B., Lord Admiral, b. 1718, d. 1792). See Adam's Heroes, 978Q. Palace and Hospital, 1536O. Quarterly [Battle of April 12th, 1782], v. 42, 1172J, &c. Rodwell (G. F.), F.C.S., Birth of Chemistry [Nature Series]. 1874 149R Etna, a History of the Mountain and of its Eruptions, ill. 1878 491R Roe (A. S.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Roe (E. P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Roebuck (J. A., Political Reformer, b. 1802, d. 1879). See Harris' Radicals, 1106F, &c. Roger De Hoveden {Historian), Annals, comprising the History of England and Europe, A.D. 732-1201, trans, by Riley. 1853 90-1O Roger of Wendover {Historian, d. 1237), Flowers of History, com- prising the History of England from the Descent of the Saxons to A.D. 1235, trans, by Giles [Bonn's Library]. 1849 92-3O See also Household Words, v. 7, 1747 J, &c. Rogers (C, Scotch Archccologist, b. 1825), LL.D., Social Life in Scotland from Early to Recent. Times, 3 vols. 1884-6 949-5 iF Rogers (II., Theologian and Critic, b. 1814), An Essay on the Life and Genius of Thomas Fuller, with Selections from his Writ- ings [Travellers' Library]. 1856 1274R Life of John Howe. 1863 200A Superhuman Origin of the Bible. 1874 542A Ed., Works of John Howe, 6 vols. 1862 194-9A See also Living Age, v. 42, 3072J, &c. Rogers (H. D., American Geologist, b. 1808, d. 1866), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Rogers (J. E. Thorold, Professor of Political Economy), M.P., Eight Chapters on the History of Work and Wages, being a reprint of some Chapters of Six Centuries of Work and Wages. 1885 284R Holland [Story of the Nations]. 1888 439O Six Centuries of Work and Wages in England. 1886 1102F The British Citizen, His Rights and Privileges [S.P.C.K.]. 452O and 399R and Bright (J.), Eds., Speeches on Questions of Public Policy, by Richard Cobden. 1880 323R Rogers (J. Guinness). See Bicentenary Lectures, 681A {Supplement). Rogers (John, Controversialist, b. 1679, d> I 7 2 9)» D.D., Charity Sermons Preached in St. Sepulchre, and other Churches. 1729 284K Rogers (John }.), M.A., Opie and His Works, being a Catalogue of 760 Pictures and a Biographical Ske:ch. 1878 597F Rogers (Joseph), M.D., Reminiscences of a Workhouse Medical Officer, edited by Professor Rogers. 1889 1452O Rogers (Robert). See Boy's Own Annual, v. 7, 2957J. [666] ROG ENGLISH SECTION. ROM Rogers (Samuel, Poet, b. 1763, d. 1855), Pleasures of Memory, Poems. 1796 35oQ Sec also Art Journal, v. 19, R.L. Edinburgh Review [Table Talk], v. 104, 464J. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Leisure Hour I with Portrait], v. 5 and 32, 2615 and 2642J. Quarterly [Poems], v. 9, 1139J 5 v - l6 7> 1297J, &C. Rogers (T.), A.M., Catholic Doctrine of the Church of England. 1854 21 3 A Roget (F. F.), An Introduction to Old French. 1887 1202R Roget (P. P.), M.D., Animal and Vegetable Physiology, 2 vols. 1836 139-0D Rogiers (P.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Rogues. See All the Year Round [Some old], v. 29. 1789J ; [Incorrigible], v. 6, 1766J. Blackwood [in Outline], v. 59 and 60, 129 and 130J. Rokeby, a Poem, by Scott 502D and 512Z Roland {Famous Paladin ofCharlmagnc, supposed to have perished at the Battle of Roncesi'alles, 778). See Academy [Legend], v. 24, R.L. Boys' Own Annual [Last of the Paladins], v. io, 2960J. Harper [Song of], v. 64, 1644J. Macmillan [Song of], v. 6, 936J. Quarterly [Song of], v. 120, 1250J. Roland (Arthur), Dairy Farming, edited by Ablett. 1887 ...83oFand 192R Poultry Keeping for Pleasure and Profit. 1888 828Fand 191 R Stock Keeping and Cattle Rearing. 1887 827F The Drainage of Land, Irrigation and Manures. 1887 829F Management of Grass Land, Laying down Grass, Artificial Grass, &c. 1887 '. 826F Roland [Madame, French Politician, b. 17 54, guillotined 1793), by Blind [Eminent Women Series]. 1886 1131O See also Baker's French Society, 333O. Blackwood, v. 133, 203J. Living Age, v. 144, 3174J ; v. 157, 3187J. Kavanagh's Women, 1044O. Temple Bar, v. 33, 1363J, &c. Rollicking Days of our Great Grandfathers. Sec All the Year Round, v. 24, 1784J. Rollin (Ledru, French Journalist, b. 1808, ., Lycophron [Family Class. Lib.]. 1832... 1137Q Rubbish.. See Chambers [Value of], v. 15, 1934J ; v. 56, 1956J, &c. Rubens (P. P., Flemish Portrait Painter, b. 1577, d. 1640), Life and Genius, by Waagen, trans., by Noel, edited by Jameson. 950O by Kett [Great Artists]. 1880 1109O See also Argosy [in Antwerp, Italy, and Paris], v. 2, 2J. Art Journal, v. 4, R.L. Fraser [Visit to the Chateau of], v. 57, 667J. Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Once a Week [in the Cloister], v. 11, 2271J. Temple Bar [in England], v. 43, 1373J, &c Rubies. See Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. Brown's Science for All [and Sapphires], 627B. Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Ure's Dictionary, 9D, &c. Ruckert (F., German Orientalist, b. 1789, d. 1866). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Macmillan, v. 14, 944J, &c. Rude Stone Monuments, called Cromlechs and Dolmens, by Lukis... 909F Rudel (G.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c, Rudimentary. See subject required. Rudler (F. W.), F.G.S., Ed. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts, 6-9D. Rudolf (Emperors of Germany, 1218-1612). See Ward's Counter-Reformation, 256T. Germany, &c. Rudolph (Professor), Wonders of Nature, illustrated. 1882 540R Ruff, The [an Article of Attire], and its Successors. See Chambers', v. 50, 1951J. Dress, &c. Ruff, The [a Fish]. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 679Q. Seeley's Fishes. 81 iF. Fish, &c. Ruffian, The. See All the Year Round, v. 20, 1780J, &c. Ruffini (J.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Ruffini (Lorenzo Benoni). See Quarterly, v. 93, 1223J. Rufinus {Roman Ecclesiastical Historian, b. 345, d. 410). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 671 F. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Rufus, William. See William II. [674] RUG ENGLISH SECTION. RUS Rugby School. See Blackwood [Visit to], v. 91, 161J ; v. 96, 166 J. Leisure Hour [under Dr. Tait], v. 24, 2634J ; v. 27, 2637J. Macmillan [and T. Arnold], v. 30, 960J ; [Experiences of a Day Boy at], v. 51, 981J. Quarterly [Reminiscences of], v. 102, 1242 J, &c. Ruins of Ancient Cities, by Bucke, 2 vols. 1840 1664-5Z Ruins of Bible Lands, by Tweedie. 1870 216Q Ruins ofMany Lands, a Poem, by Mitchell. 1850 1524R See also Squier's Peru, 762K. Stanford's Compendium [in Java], 853K. Antiquities, Archaeology, Names of Places, e.g., Pompeii, &c. Rule (W. H.), D.D., History of the Inquisition, 2 vols. 1874 319-0A Oriental Records, Monumental and Historical, Confirmatory of the Old and New Testament Scriptures. 1877 556-7M Monumental, 556M. Historical, 557M. Hum. See lire's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D. Thudichum's Al- coholic Drinks, 986M. Alcohol, Liqueurs, Spirits, &c. Rundell (Mrs.), New System of Domestic Cookery, formed upon Principles of Economy, and Adapted to the Use of Private Families, illustrated. 1811 600T Kunic Stones, Crosses, &c. See Academy [in the Isle of Man], v. 30, R.L. Fraser [Runes and Rune Stones], v. 93, 703J. Good Words [Runic Legends], v. 18, 2108 J. Saturday Review [Runic Monuments], v. 57, R.L. Runjeet Sing (Maharajah 0/ Lahore, b. 1780, d. 1839). See Edinburgh Review, [Court and Camp of], v. 71, 431 J. Sunning. See Maclaren's Physical Education, 1808Z. Shearman's Athletics, 1259R. Walker's Manly Exercises, 1164M, &c. Hupert (Prince of Bavaria, b. 1619, d. 1682). See Brodie's British Empire, 214H. Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, 297-302D. Fraser, v. 40, 650J. Gentleman's Magazine, N.s., v. 37, 757J. Green's English People, 191H. Knight's England, 150H. Pepys' Diary, 902O. Charles I., &c. Hupert's Land. See Sunday at Home [and its Bishop], v. 4, 2854J. Rural Administration. See Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Rural Affairs, Sketches of [S. P. C.K.]. 1856 574O [The Plough, Dairy, Sheep, Poultry, Hayfield, Orchard, &c] Rural Classes of England. See Temple Bar, v. 14, 1344J. Rural Hours, by S. F. Cooper. 1876 31R Rural Letters and Thought at Leisure, by Willis. 1849 IJ 34 an d 1902R Rural Life in France [Hamerton's Round my House]. 1876 1166M Rural Poetry of the English Language, by Jenks. 1856 475D Rural Rides [1821-1832], with Political Observations, by Cobbett. ... 1351-2R Rural Sanitary Science, by Gardner and others, edited by Marsh ... 941 K Uural Scenes of Pope and Milton. See Fraser, v. 23, 633 J. Rural Sketches, by Miller. 1839 1030R Rural Sports, by Stonehenge. 1857 681T Rush (Richard, Minister from the United States [1817-1825]), Resi- dence at the Court of London, also Recollections of the Court of Louis Philippe and the French Revolution of 1848. 955F The Court of London [1819-25]. 1873 354K Hush.es. See Once a Week, v. 15, 2275J. Ruskin (J., Art Critic, b. 1819), LL.D., Ariadne Florentina, Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving, ill. 1880 834R Art Culture, a Handbook of Art Technicalities and Criticisms, Arranged and Supplemented by Piatt, illustrated. 1877 828 R Crown of Wild Olive, Three Lectures on Work, Traffic and War, and Queen of the Air, being a Study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm. 1880 845R Elements of Drawing in Three Letters to Beginners, and Ele- ments of Perspective, Arranged for the Use of Schools, ill.... 849R Fors Clavigera, Letters to the Workmen and Labourers of Great Britain, 2 vols, in 1. 1880 844R [675] RUS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. RUS Ruskin (J.), LL.D., Hortus Inclusus, Messages from the Wood to theGarden. 1887 2008R Lectures on Art, Delivered at Oxford University, 1870. 1870... 1091M Modern Painters, illustrated, 5 vols. 1880-1 835-9R Poetry of Architecture, Cottage, Villa, &c, to which is added Suggestions on Works of Art, by " Kata Phusin," ill. 1880. 846R Precious Thoughts, Moral and Religious, Gathered from his Works, by Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. 1879 826R Pre-Raphaelitism, Notes on the Construction of Sheepfolds; King of the Golden River, or the Black Brothers, a Legend of Stiria, and Aratra Pentelici, Six Lectures on the Elements of Sculpture, illustrated. 1880 847R Selections from the Writings of. 1879 829R Seven Lamps of Architecture, Lectures on Architecture and Painting, and an Inquiry into some of the Conditions at present affecting " The Study of Architecture " in our Schools, illustrated. 1880 843R Stones of Venice, 3 vols. 1881 840-42R The Eagle's Nest, Ten Lectures on the Relation of Natural Science to Art ; and Frondes Agrestes, Readings in Modern Painters. 1880 832R The True and the Beautiful in Nature, Art, Morals and Religion, selections by Tuthill. 1880 827R The Two Paths, being Lectures on Art and its Application to Decoration and Manufacture, and Lectures on Art delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary Term, 1870 850R Time and Tide, by Weare and Tyne, Letters on the Laws of Work and Political Economy of Art. 1876-80 831R " Unto This Last," Four Essays on the First Principles of Political Economy, and Munera Pulveris, Six Essays on the Elements of Political Economy. 1879-80 833R Ed., The Story of Ida, by Francesca [Life of a Young Floren- tine Girl]. 1883 1351O See also Art Journal [Notes on the Exhibition, 1855], v. 7, R.L; [Two Paths], v. 11, R.L. ; [Childhood of, at Heme Hill], v. 38, R.L. Bayne's Lessons from my Masters, 873H. Blackwood [Works], v. 70, 140 J ; v. 80, 150J. Century Magazine, v. 13, 1885J. Edinburgh Re- view [Stones of Venice], v. 94, 454J ; [Ruskinism], v. 103, 463J. Fraser [At the Sea Side], v. 62, 672 J ; [Political Economy in the Clouds], v. 62, 672J ; [Recent Writings], v. 89, 699J. Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [on the Road with], v. 36, 756J. "Harper's Index [Works of], 1640 Ja. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 19, 2629J. Living Age [Letters to Young Girls], v. 132, 3162J ; [Will of], v. 133, 3163J : [Unique Dogmatism of], v. 135, 3165 J; [Ruskin's Museum at Sheffield], v. 165, 3195J. Macmillan [Lectures on Art], v. 22, 952 J. Nature [Bogies of], v. 29, 2689J. Tuthill's Precious Thoughts, 826R. Leisure Hour [Ruskin's Forge], v. 37, 2647J, &c. BuSSel (Alexander, Editor oj the Scotsvian 1845-76, b. 1814, d. 1876). See Fraser, v. 102, 712J. Russell (A., Dean of Adelaide), B.D., The Light that Lighteth Every Man, Sermons, with an Introduction by Plumptre... 1237M Russell (D.), Letters on the Gospel, 2 vols, in 1. 1825 162Q Russell (Edward, Earl of Oxford, Admiral, b. 1651, d. 1727). See Yonge's British Navy, 302H, &c. Russell (Count Plenry), Pau and the Pyrenees. 1871 1391R Russell (Lord John, Statesman, b. 1792, d. 1878), by Spencer Wal- pole, 2 vols. 1889 609-0F [676] RUS ENGLISH SECTION. RUS Hussell (Lord John). See also Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Edinburgh Review [Speeches], v. 131, 491 J. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Heaton's Reforms, 456O. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 12, 2622J. McCarthy's His- tory of our Own Times, 193-6H. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 92-6F. Mial's Life of Richards, 424F. Morley's Life of Richard Cobden, 190-1F. > Napier's Correspondence, 273H. Quarterly, v. 88, 1218J. Raven's Parliamentary History of England, 1832-1880, 233O. Smith's Life of Gladstone, 275F. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 209 H. Torren's Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 385-6F. Greville Memoirs, &c. Hussell (Lady John, Wife of the above). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609-10F. Russell (M., Bishop of Glasgozu, b. 1781, d. 1848), LL.D., A Con nection of Sacred and Profane History, from Joshua to the Decline of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, edited by Wheeler, 2 vols. 1869 54*5H History of the Barbary States [Edinburgh Cab. Library]. 1835 403T Nubia and Abyssinia, their History, Antiquities, &c. 1833 394-T Palestine from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, ill. 183 1 924Q or the Holy Land, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time [Harper's Family Library], illustrated. 1832 106Z Polynesia, or the South Sea Islands and New Zealand. 1842 ... 388T View of Ancient and Modern Egypt, with an Outline of its Natural History [Edinburgh Cabinet Library], ill. 923Q and 664Z Russell (W.), Extraordinary Men, their Boyhood and Early Life, ill. 1330O Russell (William, Historian, b. 1 746, d. 1794), History of Modern Europe, 4 vols. 1837 43-6H Russell (Lord William, Statesman and Patriot, b. 1 639, heheaded 1683), Life of, by Lord John Russell. 1853 951O Hussell (Lady Rachel, Wife of Lord William Russell, b. 1636, d. 1723). See Mothers and Wives of Great Men and Women, 682F. Russell (W. C. [Sydney Mostyn]). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Russell (W. H., Irish Journalist, Correspondent for the Times, b. 1821), A Diary in the East, during the Tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales, illustrated 562K Canada, its Defence, Condition and Resources. 1865 1626R Eccentric Personages, 2 vols. 1864 1307-8O My Diary in India in the Years 1858-9 [Indian Mutiny]. 1859.. 373O The Prince of Wales' Tour, a Diary in India, with Some Ac- counts of the Visits of His Royal Highness to the Courts of Greece, Egypt, Spain and Portugal, ill. by S. P. Hall. 1877 603B The War, from the Landing at Gallipoli to the Death of Lord Raglan 290O — Death of Lord Raglan to the Evacuation of the Crimea. 1856 289O RUSSIA— Works relating to : {See also Crimea, Cossacks, Names of Emperors and other Celebrities, e.g., Peter the Great, Nicholas, Catherine, Schat/iyl, &*c., also Art, Litera- ture, Religion, &c.) Russia, Abridged from the French of the Marquis De Custine.. 1264R and Germany, War in [1812-1813], by Cathcart. 1850 448H Greece, Travels in, by Taylor. 1870 858R Turkey, from the Geographical Dictionary of McCulloch. 1265R as it is, Its Court, People, &c, by Morell. 1854 635Z by Wallace, 2 vols. 1877 450- 1 K [677] RUS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. RUS RUSSIA— Works relating to— [continued.) Russia, Church of, by Mouravieff, translated by Blackmore. 1842 120K Eastern, Tarantasse Journey through, 1856, by Spottiswood. 1460R Free Russia, by Dixon, illustrated, 2 vols. 1870 446-7H from the Foundation of the Empire by Rourick, to the Close of Hungarian War by Duncan, 2 vols. 1854 347-8O History of, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, by Kelly, 2 vols. 1854 1505O History of [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], 2 vols. 1836 ... 31O in Central Asia in 1889, and The Anglo-Russian Question, by Curzon, maps and illustrations. 1 889 863K Invasion of, by Napoleon, 1812, by Wilson, i860 440H Modern Novelists of, by Turner. 1890 1491O Recollections of, during a Thirty-three Years' Residence, by a German Nobleman. 1855 1300R Revelations of, or the Emperor Nicholas, 2 vols. 1844 343-4O The Tarantas, Travelling Impressions of Young Russia, by Sollogul, illustrated. 1850 811Q Under the Tzars, by Stepniak, trans, by Westall. 1885 ... 441-2O Russian Acquisitions in India and China, Travels in, by Atkinson 61 iB Art, by Maskell [South Kensington Handbooks]. 1884 ... 1048M at the Gates of Herat, by Marvin, illustrated. 1885 1158R Central Asia, by Lansdell, illustrated, 2 vols. 1885 828-9K Empire, by Boulton. 1883 958Z under Peter the Great, by Voltaire, trans., 2 vols. 1778. 345-6O Folk-Tales, by Ralston. 1873 943^ Russians of the South, by Brooks. 1855 1265R See also Alison's Europe, 119-46O. All the Year Round [Travel in], v. 6 and 7, 1766-7J ; [Races in], v. 40, 1800J; [Old English Travellers in], v. 42, 1802J. Blackwood [Advance of, upon India], v. 136, 206J ; [Military Manoeuvres in 1884], v. 137, 207J ; [Aggression of], v. 138, 208J. Chambers' [and the Czar], v. 22, 1937J ; [Young], v. 22, 1937J ; [Serf Marriage in], v. 23, 1938J ; [Navy of, and its Sailors], v. 24, 1938J. Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Conder's Modern Traveller, 524Z. (Jon- temporary Review [Terrorism in], v. 45, 2055J ; [Contemporary Life and Thought in], v. 47 and 50, 2057 and 2060J ; [and the Treaty of Berlin], v. 50, 2060J ; [Policy of, in the East], v. 50, 2060J. Elliott's Travels, 421-2K. Erman's Siberia, 498-0K. Fort- nightly [and America], v. 6, 2096J ; [Present Condition of], v. 37, 2127J ; [Peace between Russia and England], v. 43. 2133J ; [and England], v. 46, 2136J. Fraser [Serfdom in], v. 36, 696 J ; [Navy of, and Russian- Gunners], v. 49, 659J ; [Early History of], v. 52, 662J ; [and China, 1880], v. 102, 712J. Girl's Own Annual [Girl Life in], v. 6, 2556J. Good Words [and India, Fairs and Pilgrimages in], v. 14, 2104J ; [Sundays in], v. 21, 2191J. Harper [Sleigh-Ride through Eas- tern], v. 38, 1618J ; [Russian Convicts in Salt Mines of Iletsk], v. 76, 1656J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Humboldt's Travels, 934Q. Kinglake's Crimea, 282-7O. Lansdell's Asia, 830K ;. Siberia, 496K. Leisure Hour [and China], v. 29, 2639J. Living Age [Navy of], v. 2, 3032J ; v. 42, 3072J ; [Bookselling in], v. 163, 3193J. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 194-6H. Mac- millan [Reform Period in], v. 37, 967J. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 93-6F. Marvin's Petroleum Regions, 805 K. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. Nineteenth Century [and India], v. 3, 2213J ; [Nihilism in], v. 7, 2217J; v. 17, 2227J ; [Six Generations of Czars], v. 25, 2235J. Once a Week [Adventures with a Passport in], v. 3, 2263J ; [Religious Sects in], v. 10, 2270J. Penny Magazine [Mar- riages in], v. 4, 142B ; [Villages of], v. 4, 142B ; [Travelling Post in], v. 11, 149B ; [Precious Metals in], v. 13, 151B. Poole's Index, R.L. Quarterly, v. 39, 1169J. Saturday Review [Finance of], v. 56, 57 and 59, R.L. Stanford's Compendium, 854K. Stephen's Travels, 564K. [678] RUS ENGLISH SECTION. SAB RUSSIA — Works relating to — {continued.) Sunday at Home [Religious Efforts in], v. i, 2851 J ; [the Gospel in], v. 18, 2S68J ; [a Stay in Northern], v. 26, 2876 J. Taylor's Travels, 858R. Temple Bar [Armament of], v. 74, 1404J. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 207-8H. Time [and England], v. 12, 1502J. Turko- Russian War, 450B. Excelsior, 1926R. Harper's Magazine [Social Life in], v. 78, 1658J. Nature, v. 30, 2699J. Westminster Review [Traits of the Russian Peasantry], v. 130, R.L., &c. Russling (J. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Rust, Smut, Mildew and Mould, Introduction to Study of Micros- copic Fungi, by Cooke, illustrated. 1870 618Q See also Brown's Science for All, 627B. English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D, &c. Ruth, Record of. 1885 545^ [A Narrative of the Time of Christ.] Ruth. See Gallaudet's Biography, 1693Z. Sunday at Home, v. 7, 2857 J ; Sunday Magazine, v. 3, 2453J, &c. Rutherford (G. S. de M.), Ed., Lays of the Sanctuary and other Poems. 1859 454^1 Rutherford (J.), The Troubadours, their Loves and their Lyrics, with Remarks on their Influence, Social and Literary. 1873 1074R Rutherford. (S., Scotch Theologian, b. 1749, d. 1661). See Grosart's Nonconfor- mists, 946O. Sunday Magazine, v. 4, 2454J. Taylor's Scottish Pulpit, 635A, &c. Rutilius and Lucius, or Stones of the Third Age, by Wilberforce ... 172T Rutlandshire. See All the Year Round [Chronicles of], v. 55, 1815J. Rutley (F.), F.G.S., Study of Rocks, an Elementary Text-Book of Petrology, illustrated. 1879 674T Ruutz-Rees ( J. E.). See Rees (J. E. Ruutz). Ruxton(G. F.), Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains 835Q & 419T Rye, Barley, Oats, &c. See Vegetable Substances, 609Q. Agriculture, Farming, &c. Rye (J.)- See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Rye (Maria S.). See Good Words [and her Work among the Poor], v. 12, 2182 J. Rye-House Plot. See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 33, 753J. Penny Magazine, v. 9, 147B, &c. Ryland (J. E.), M.A., Ed., Essay on the Improvement of Time, by Foster 951R Ed. Life and Correspondence of John Foster [Bonn's Library].... 653-4O See also All the Year Round, v. 59, 1819J. Rylands (L. Gordon), B.A., Crime, Its Causes and Remedy. 1889 315R Ryle (J. C, Bishop of Liverpool, b. 1816), M.A., Christian Leaders of the last Century. 1880 579O Home Truths, Addresses and Tracts 113Q [Consider Your Ways. Are You Forgiven. Only One Way. Christ and Two Thieves. Faith's Choice. Assurance.] s AARBRTJCK. See Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B, &c. SABBATH, Child's Book on the, by Hooker 1695Z Christian, considered by different Ministers, with Preface, by Noel. 1856 118Q Wardlaw, Jordan, Thomson, King, Hamilton, M'Owan, Hannah, Innes, Hetherington, Reid, Symington, Hamilton (R. W.), Bickersteth, Bates, Angell James, &c. The Pearl of Days, by a Labourer's Daughter [Barbara PI. Farquhar]. 1849 1052R — Viewed in the Light of Reason, Revelation, and History, by Gilfilan. 1862 1202M [679] SAB GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SAC SABBATH. See also Ewald's Israel, 66K. lnman's Faiths, 96K. Sunday at Home [Rest of the], v. 2, 2852J ; [the Continental], v. 26, 2876J. Lord's Day, Sunday, &c. Sabbath of the Fields [a Sequel to Bible Teachings in Nature], by Macmillan. 1882 94T Sabbath Readings [St. Mark], by Cumming. 1853 213T Sabine (Sir E., General, Royal Engineers, b. 1788, d. 1883), 2&/., Expedition to the Polar Sea, commanded by Admiral Von Wrangell. 1844 789Q Sabine (Lorenzo), Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the Ameri- can Revolution, 2 vols. 1864 686-7K Notes on Duels and Duelling. 1859 922M Sabonadiere(W.), Coffee Planter in Ceylon. 1866 883D Sacheverall (H., Tory Divine, b. 1672, d. 1724), D.D. See Burton's Queen Anne, 237H. Stoughton's Religion in England, 96M, &c. Sacraments, Inquiry into the Nature of the Sacraments, by Halley. 1 14-5M Protestant Doctrine of, by Tomlinson. 1843 290K Reservation of the [Shipley's Studies] 460M Sacred and Profane History, by Russell, 2 vols. 1869.. 54-5H of the World, by Shuckford, 2 vols. 1810.. 161-2K Sacred Biography, by Hunter. 1841 625F Sacred Books of the East, translated by Various Oriental Scholars and edited by Max Miiller, 28 vols. 1879-85 559-80A [For Contents see Miiller.] Sacred Dramas for Young Persons, by Hannah More 52 and 1755Z Sacred Hermeneutics Developed and Applied, including a History of Biblical Interpretation, by Davidson. 1843 900A Sacred History of the World, by Turner. 1834... 471A, 291-2K and 69-71Z Sacred Literature, Journal of, edited by Kitto and others : Vol. 1, 1851-2. — New Series. — A New Explanation of the Taxing in Luke. The Jesuits. Sabbath Day. Chronology of the Kings of Judah and Israel. Ministry of Angels. The Rephaim. Characteristics of Miracles, &c 905A Vols. 2-3, 1852-3. — Religion of Geology. Solomon's Temple. Pulpit of the Church of England. Last Blessing of Jacob. Language of Symbolism. Romanism in France. Harmony of the Gospels. Clemens Alexandrines, his Writings and his Principles. Acts of Andrew and Matthias in the City of the Men-eaters. Christianity rarely alluded to by Greek and Roman Writers. E\vald on the Prophets. Resurrection of the Body. Hebrew Literature. Hippolytus and his Age, &c 906A Vol. 4, 1853. — Scythian Dominion in Asia. Modern Contributions to the Study of Prophecy. Nature' of Sin and its earliest Develop- ments. _ Life and Epistles of St. Paul. Rivers of Damascus. Armenian Translation of Eusebius. On the Samaritan Penta- teuch. The Sinaitic Inscriptions. Collation of the Gospels. Syriac Metrical Literature, &c Vols. 5-6, 1853-4. — Robinson's Journey in Palestine. Inspired Character of the Four Gospels. Existence and Characteristics of Angels. Death of Judas. A Plea for the Old Theology. Birth and In- fancy of Jesus. On the Sources of the Received Text of the Greek Testament. Antediluvian Theocracy. What is the True Meaning of the word Faith ? Bible and the Common People. Discrepancy and Inspiration not Incompatible. Burial of Moses, &c 908A Vols. 4-5, 1857, Third Series. — Revision of Translations of the Holy Scrip- tures. The Lord's Day. The Will, Divine and Human. Law of Burial and the Sentiment of Death. Emblems of St. John. Lord Hervey on the Genealogies of Our Lord. Jesus when Twelve Years Old at Jerusalem and in the Temple. Egyptian Dynasties, &c qcqA Vol 6, 1857-8. — Gospel of St. John. History of the Sabbath under the Old Testament Dispensation. Legend of St. Peter's [680] SAC ENGLISH SECTION. SAC Sacred Literature, Journal of — {continued.) Penitential Food. Image of God. God's Providential and Moral Government. Pantheism, its Historical Phases. John the Baptist, his Mission and Character. Book of Tobit. Date of the Nativity, &c 910A Vol. 7, 1858. — Literature of the Song of Songs. Quotations in the New Testament. Did the Jews use Glass Windows ? Physiology and the Sabbath. The Bible and Judaism. The Darius of Scrip- ture. St. Paul and St. James on Justification. Life and Times of Zwingli. Observations on the Chronology of our Lord's Birth, Death, &c. ActsofAddi. Xenophon's Cyrapaedia, &c. . 911A Vol. 8, 1858-9. — St. Augustine. Literature of the Book of Job. Exposi- tory Remarks on 1st John, v. 4-9. A Chapter on the Church of Sweden. Verification of Christian Epochs. Rectification of Sacred and Profane Chronology. Dr. Cureton's Syriac Gospels. Cyrus the Great. The Franks and their Metropolitan. The Chinese. Exegesis of the Book of Job. Mr. Hugh Miller's Geology. Nicodemus, &c 912A Vol. 9, 1859. — Uncials and Cursives. Jewish Sacrifices. On the Country and Religion of the Empress Helena. Suggestions for a New Interpretation of St. Matthew, 2nd chap., 23rd verse. Miracles and Prophecies. Revised English Version of the Book of Job. Early Church History of Scotland. Biblical Revision. Assyrian History. Extraordinary Discovery of a Biblical MS., &c 913A Vol. 10, 1859-1860. — Modern Prophetic Literature. The Descent of Christ into Hell. Theology of Revelation and Heathenism. Slavery Condemned by Sacred and Profane Writers. On the True Read- ing and Correct Interpretation of Psalm xli., 6. The Origin and History of the Sacred Slaves of Israel. Ancient and Modern Commentaries on the Holy Scriptures. Theories of Biblical Chronology. Recent Syraic Literature, &c 914A Vol. 11, i860. — Route of the Exodus. George Buchanan. The Sisters of Galilee and Bethany. Remarks on the Book of Esther. The Righteousness of Christ. The Epistle to the Hebrews : to whom Addressed. The Wrath of God. Philosophy and the Knowledge of God. Kai, Khosru, and Ahasueras, &c 915A Vol. 12, 1860-1861. — Elijah at the Brook Cherith and at Zarephath. Diis- terdieck and others on the Apocalypse. Exegesis of Difficult Texts. Preaching to the Spirits in Prison. On the Parables of the New Testament. The Atonement. Jewish Orthodoxy. On the Epistles of St. Peter. The Church History of Scotland. The Chaldee of Daniel and Ezra. Origen's Commentary on Romans viii., 18-25, &c 916A Vol. 13, 1861. — The Early Development of our Lord Jesus Christ. The First-born, a Title of Jesus Christ. " Essays and Reviews." History of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Two Records of Our Lord's Temptation. On the Epistles of St. Peter. The Genea- logy of Christ. New Translation of the Book of Job. The Persians and Demetrius. The Family of Jesus, &c 917A Vol. 14, 1861-2. — Modern Miracles. The Prayers of Our Lord Jesus Illustrative of his Humanity. On the Divine Nature. The Eucharistic Blessing. The Gospel of St. Matthew. The Early Life of Bossuet. Hupfeld on Modern Theosophic Theology. Arioch and Belshazzar. The Omnipotence of God 918A Vol. 1, 1862, Fourth Series. — The Act of Uniformity. Ancient Atheism and Superstition. Benedict of Nursia. Manes and Manichaeism. The Nabateans and Professor Chowlson. Peter's Denial of Christ. Incidents in the Life of Christ. Nehemiah the Tirs- hatha. Religion of the Ancient Romans. Sacred Trees. Clement of Alexandria and his Defence of the Faith. The Antediluvian World, its Longevity, and Progress in the Arts. The Gospel of St. Luke. The Topography of the Sinaitis, &c 919A Vol. 2, 1862-3. — Prophecy, its nature, interpretation, and uses. Dean Ellicott en the Destiny of the Creature. The Atonement in relation to Hebrews be., 16-18. The Syriac Language and Litera- ture. Life and Miracles of Apollonius of Tyana. The Biblical Canon. A Sermon on the Resurrection, by Luis de Granada. Sir Isaac Newton on Ezra and Nehemiah. The Protestant Clergy in Bohemia. Marcus Antoninus a Persecutor. The [68l] SAC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SAI Sacred Literature, Journal of— {continued.) Egyptian Dynasties of Manetho. Notes on Excavated Prisons. The Date of the Apocalypse, &c 920A Vol. 3, 1863. — Notes of a Visit to Malta. Renan, Les Histoires Critiques de J£sus. The Buddhist Scriptures and their Language. The Samaritan Pentateuch. Revelation and Science. Judah's Grand- sons. Canon Stanley on the Jewish Church. ./Ethiopic Liturgies and Hymns. Inspiration. Contributions to Modern Ecclesiasti- cal History. Introduction to the Rabbinic Bible. Rumination of the Hare, &c 921A Vol. 4, 1863-4. — On Methods of Biblical Criticism. The Gustavus Adol- phus Society. The Epistle of Barnabas. The Bordeaux Pilgrim in Palestine. Renan's Life of Jesus. The Book of Daniel. Slavonic Protestants of Central Europe. Oriental Sacred Tra- ditions. The Old Testament Text and its Emendation. The Tree of Life. Modern Explanations of the Life of Christ. The Census, &o, of St. Luke, ii. 2, &c 922 A Vols. 5-6, 1864. — The Sepulchre in Sychem. Cornelius the Centurion. On the Nature of Man. Water Supply of Jerusalem, Ancient and Modern. The River of the Wilderness. Early Moravian Hymn Books. The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. The Vocation of the Preacher. An Old Account of the Strauss Controversy. Israel in Egypt. Analogy between the Apoca- lypse of the Old and the New Testament. Cuneiform In- scriptions Described and Tested. A Rational View of Hebrew Chronology, &c 923 A Sacred Literature, Succession of, in a Chronological Arrangement to the Year A. d. 1300, by Clarke, 2 vols. 1830 500-1A Sacred Palmlands, by Weld. 1881 1692R Sacred Poetry. See Poetry. Sacred Things, Hours of Thought on, by Martineau, 2 vols. i879..T404-5M Sacrifice, or Pardon and Purity through the Cross, by Hall. 1856. 38Z See also All the Year Round Magazine [Human], v. 42, 1822J. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 100-4M. Pressens6's Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M. Ragozin's Assyria, 432O. Smith's Jewish Church, 467M, &c. Saddles. See Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q. Riding, &c. Sadler (M. T., Philanthropist, b. 1780, d. 1835), M.P., Law of Population. See Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1530O, &c. Sadness, Human, by Gasparin. 1864 .' 26Q See also Emotions, Mental Philosophy, Passions, &c. Sadowa. See Quiver [a Trip to], v. 10, 3280J. Austria, &c. Ssemund. See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Safety Cage. See Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Safety Lamps. See Smiles' Engineers, 984O. Ure's Dictionary, 8-9D, &c. Saffron. See Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q. Science Gossip, v. 8, 2413J, &c. Sahara, The Great Desert of, Travels, by Richardson, 2 vols. 1848 641-2K See also Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Saturday Review [Flooding the], v. 55, R.L. Scribner's Monthly [Flooding of the Sahara], v. 18, 1868J. Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Wittich's Physical Geo- graphy, 688Q, &c. Sail and Steamer. See Land we Live in, 464B. Ships, Steamships, &c. Sailing. See Boy's Own Book, 1527Z. Crawley's Handbooks [and Yachting], 1152M. Walker's Manly Exercises, 1164M, &c. Sailmaking. See Boy's Own Annual, 1885, 2957J, &c. Sailor's Assistant to the Arts of Rigging, Splicing, Knotting, &c 891D Sailors. See Eden's Japan, 814Q. Froude's England, 199O. Leisure Hour [Homes], v. n, 2621J. Quiver [Our Future], v. 12, 3282J. Sunday Magazine [a Word to], v. 2, 2452J. Admirals, Navy, Sea, &c. Saint. Names of the Saints are entered under their distinctive names, e.g.) Au- gustine, Matthew, Paul, &c. St. Albans. See Good Words [Afternoon in], v. 9, 2179J. St. ALban's (Duchess of), Memoirs of, by Mrs. Barron-Wilson, 2 vols. 1886 607-8F Saint-Amand (I. De), Memoirs of Empress Marie Louise, wife of Napoleon Buonaparte. 1886 109F [682] ST. A ENGLISH SECTION. ST. P St. Andrews, Scotland. See Leisure Hour, v. 16, 2626J. St. Aubin. See Jersey. St. Bernards. See Living Age, v. 155, s^sj, &c. St. Cloud. See Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7E. St. Dalmas (E. De, Guernsey Author). See Boy's Own Annual [Practical Hints to Young Painters], v. 3, 2953J, &c. St. Davids. See Walford's Pleasant Places, 815Q. St. David's Day. See Brand's Antiquities, ioosM. St. Gelais (M. de). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D- St. Giles and St. James, [a Tale comparing the Higher and Lower Classes], by Jerrold 789R St. Gotbard. See Leisure Hour [Winter Post across], v. 18, 2628J. St. Helier. See Jersey. St- James's Palace. See Leisure Hour, v. 7, 2617J. London, &c. St. Jotm (B.), Tr., Legends of the Christian East, illustrated. 1856. 893M The Memoirs of the Duke of St. Simon, on the Reign of Louis XIV. and the Regency, 3 vols. 1889 433"5 F Two Years' Residence in a Levantine Family, and Adventures in the Libyan Desert, &c. 1850 651K St. John (C), Short Sketches of the Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands. 1846 808Q Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands [Murray's Library]. 1849 1292R St. John (Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke). See Bolingbroke (Henry St. John, Viscount). St. John (H. R.), Life of Columbus. 1850 990Q The Indian Archipelago, 2 vols. 1853 1504R St. John (J. A.), Lives of Celebrated Travellers [Family Library], 3 vols. 1832 : — Vol. 1. — Rubruquis, Marco Polo, Ibn Batuta, Africanus, Valle, Tavernier, Bernier, Chardin, Raimpfer, Maundrell 1061Q Vol. 2. — Tournefort, Shaw, Hasselquist, Lady Montague, Pococke, Bell, Ledyard, Forster, Bruce, Han way, Ulloa 1062Q Vol. 3.— Park, Pallas, Niebuhr, Choiseul-Gouffier, Burckhardt, Volney, Clarke, Vaillant, Belzoni, Denon, Heber 1063Q Louis Napoleon, Emperor of the French, a Biography. 1857... 871O St. John (Molineux), The Sea of Mountains, or Lord Dufferin's Tour through British Columbia in 1876, 2 vols. 1877 1624-5R St. John (Percy B.), The Three Days of February, 1848 [French Revolution]. 1848 154Z St. Lawrence River. See Harper's Magazine [The Lower], v. 77, 1657J. Stanford's Compendium, 850K, &c. St. Leonards. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. St. Louis. See Harper's Magazine, v. 68, 1648J ; v. 77, 1657J. United States, &c. St. Michel. See Leisure Hour, v. 14 and 22, 2624 and 2632J. St. Nicholas Magazine, Vol. XV. 1887-8 : Part /.—Arab Children, Pirates, Balloons, Elephants, Pantomimes, Peo- ple we Meet, &c, 1322H. Part II.— Miss Alcott, Bell-Buoy, Boat- ing, Josef Hofmann, Chinese Market, Old Corks, Dolls, Dogs, A Namesake, Riches and Poverty, Scent of Dogs, &c, 1323H. St. Pancras, Middlesex, Interesting and Curious Epitaphs copied from the Monuments, by Cansick. 1869 1228M See also Leisure Hour [Curiosities of], v 26, 2632J. London, &c. St. Patrick's Day. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M. St. Pauls, a Monthly Magazine, edited by A. Trollope, illustrated by Millais, vols 1-14 I161-73F The following Stories are contained in this Magazine : All for Greed, Phineas Finn, 1161F. Sacristan's Household, U62F. The Three Brothers, 1164F. An Editor's Tales, 1165F. Dowager Countess, 1166F. Wilfred Cumbermede, Hannah, 1167F. Ralph the Heir, 1169F. Off the Skelligs, 1170F. John Mardon, 1171F. Mr. Caring- ton, 1172F. Owl's nest in the City, 1173F. [683] ST. P GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SAL St. Paul's Cathedral, Annals of, by Milman. 1868 320H Gleanings from Old St. Paul's, by Simpson. 1889 197H See also Leisure Hour [Royal Visits to], v. 21, 2631J ; [Cathedral, London], v. 24 and 28, 2634 and 2638J. Loftie's London, 251-2O. Marvels of Art, 1227Z. Old Sights with New Eyes, 1754R. Sunday at Home, v. 14, 2864J, &c. St. Peters. See Chambers, v. 61, 1961J. Rome, &c. St. Peter's Port. See Guernsey. St. Petersburg, Pictures of, by Jerman, trans, by Hardman. 1852 762Q See also Living Age [Life in], v. 163, 3193J. Motley's Correspondence, 667F. Russia, &c. St. Pierre (B.), Paul and Virginia, translated by Williams. 1834... 1250Z Studies of Nature, abridged translation of Hunter. 1841 749^ Works of and Memoir by Clarke, 2 vols. 1846 120-1T Paul and Virginia and Indian Cottage, 120T. Studies of Nature, 121T. See also Masterpieces of Fiction, 556D, &c. Saint-Priest (Count Alexis de, French Diplomatist, b. 1805, d. 1851), History of the Fall of the Jesuits in the Eighteenth Century, translated. 1845 559T St. Sampson's. See Guernsey. Saint-Simon (C. H., Duke of, French Philosopher, b. 1760, d. 1825), Memoirs of, on the Reign of Louis XIV. and the Regency, translated by St. John, 3 vols. 1889 433*5F by Collins [Foreign Classics for English Readers] H83Q St. Simon (Louis de Rouvray, Due de, Historical Writer, b. 1675, d. 1755). See Living Age, v. 106, 3136J. St. Thomas, West Indies. See Tyng's Stranger in the Tropics, 1643R. St. Valentine's Day. See Macmillan, v. 21, 951J, &c. Saint^-Beuve (C. A., French Poet, b. 1804, d. 1869). See Gautier's French Authors, 254F. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Saintine [Joseph Xavier Boniface], Picciola, illustrated. 1873 1091Q See also Masterpieces of Foreign Literature, 555D. Saintly Workers, by Farrar. 1878 311M Saints and their Symbols, by E. A. G. 1881 27Z Saints' Everlasting Rest, by Baxter. 1831 I97Q> 9 and 1672Z Saints Indeed, &c, by Flavel 130M Saints' Lives of the, by Gould, 15 vols. 1872-7 41-55M — — — See also Conway's Demonology, 909-10M. Hone's Every-Day Book [Ro- mish], 934-5F. Inman's Faiths, g6Ka. Sunday Magazine [and Shrines of Switzerland], v. 14, 2471J, &c. Saintsbury (G., Litterateur and Politician, b. 1845), A History of Elizabethan Literature. 1887 1236R A Short History of French Literature. 1882 1075R Dryden [English Men of Letters]. 1881 1067O Marlborough [English Worthies]. 1885 1203O Primer of French Literature [Harper's series]. 1881 1249Z Sala (G. A., Critic and Journalist, b. 1826), A Journey Due South, Travels in Search of Sunshine, illustrated. 1885 801K Paris Herself Again in 1878-9, illustrated, 2 vols. 1879-80 396-7K 1884 1367R Twice Round the Clock, or the Hours of the Day and Night in London, 47 illustrations. 1878 1677R See also Frith's Reminiscences, 616F and 6i6Fa. Salad for the Social [by F. Saunders]. 1856 262R Solitary, by an Epicure [F. Saunders]. 1856 263R Saladin {Sultan of EgyJ>t and Syria, b. u.37, d. 1193). See Gibbon's Roman Empire, 84H. Knight's England, 147H. Saturday Review, v. 53, R.L. Crusades, Richard I., Saracens, &c. Salads. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Leisure Hour, v. 9, 2619J, &c. [684] SAL ENGLISH SECTION. SAL Salame (A.), Expedition to Egypt [1816] under Lord Exmouth 644K Salaries. See Peto's Taxation, Wages, &c, 1016F. Salcombe. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Saldanha (Marshal, Portuguese Statesman, b. 1790, d. 1876). See Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Sale (G., Orientalist, b. 1680, d. 1736), Tr., The Koran, 2 vols 153-4K or Alcoran of Mohammed, with a memoir of the trans- lator. 1844 466A. commonly called the Alkorano Mohammed, translated into English from the Original Arabic [Chandos Classics] ... 1209M Sale (Sir R. II., General, b. 1782, d. 1846), Sale's Brigade in Afghan- istan, by Gleig 291 and 374O See also Cassell's India, 229D. Afghanistan, &c. Sales Attici ; or the Maxims, Witty and Wise, of Athenian Tragic Drama, arranged by Thompson. 1867 5^T Salic Law. See Maine's Early Law and Custom, 1082F. Mehagen's Universal History, 13H. Salis (J. G. von). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Salisbury, by Jones [Diocesan Histories]. 1 880 1 603Z Cathedral. See Century Magazine, v. 13, 1885J. Salisbury (R. Cecil, Earl of, Lord Treasurer 1609, £. 1550, d. 16x2). See Doran's Her Majesty's Tower, 322H. Salisbury (R. Cecil, Marquis of, Premier 1885, b. 1830). See Fortnightly, v. 42, 2132J. Harper [Hatfield House and], v. 70, 1650 J. McCarthy's History of Our Own.Times, 196H, &c. Sallust {Roman Historian, b. 86 B.C., d. 34 a.d.), Florus and Vel- leius Paterculus, translated by Watson [Bonn's Library]. 1852 I174H translated by Rose [Family Classical Library] 1103 and 1109Q Salmagundi, Whim-Whams of Lawrence Langstaffe, Esq., by Irving. 1850 77oR Salmon. See All the Year Round Magazine, v. 43, 1823 J. Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Boy's Own Annual [Catching a], v. 3, 1880-1, 2953 J. Buckland's Curiosities, 598Q. Chamhers' [for the Million], v. 56, 1956J. Good Words, v. 25, 2195J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680 and 682Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Leisure Hour [Hatching], v. 12, 2622J. Longman [A Shannon forty-pound], v. 7, 897J. Science Gossip, v. 1, 2411J. Seeley's Fishes, 811F. Smith's Foods, 380R. Good Words, v. 25, 2195J, &c. Salmon (E.), The Parallel Gospels. 1876 652A Analysis of the Four -Parallel Gospels. 1876 653 A Salmond (S. D. F.), D.D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, v. 1, 619A. St. Augustine's Works. Ante-Nicene Library, &c. Salt and other Condiments, by Manley. 1884 985M See also Barth's Central Africa, 844-5K. Brown's Science for All, 628B. Cornhill [Origin of Salt-Beds], v. 52, 332J. Leisure Hour, v. 12, 2622J. Maury's Physical Geography [of the Sea], 690Q. Quiver [Autobiography of a Grain of], v. 13, 3283J ; [of the Earth], 3301J. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Temple's India, 486K. Trotter's India under Victoria, 538-9H. Ure's Dictionary [Rock, Sea, Culinary and Cutting Machine], 8-9D, &c. Salt-Cellars, The, being a Collection of Proverbs, by C. H. Spur- geon, 2 vols. 1889 2oo6R-20o6Ra Salt Lake City. See Harper, v. 69, 1649J. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Mormons, Utah, &c. Salt (Sir Titus, Philanthropist, b. 1803, d. 1876), and Moore (G.), by Burnley [World's Workers] 1149O Life of, by Balgarnie. 1877 953O See also Blackie's Philanthropy, 762O. Japp's Labour, &c, 951Q. Salt Family. See Fortunes Made in Business. 1032F, &c. Saltpetre. See Beckmann's Inventions, 6980, &c. Salts. See Adam's Underground World [and Natural Gases], 592Q. Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377R, &c. [685] SAL GUILLE ALLES LIBRARY. SAN Salutations and Courtesies of Nations, by Tegg. 1877 924M See also Girl's Own Annual, v. 8, 2558J. Etiquette, &c. Salvation Army. See Macmillan, v. 46, 976J. Saturday Review [Dangers of], v. 54,'R.L. ; [Worthing Riot], v. 58, R.L. Time, v. 18, 1508J, &c. Salvation of All Men, the Grand Thing Aimed at in the Scheme of God. 1784 180K The Way of, a Pastor's Sketches, by Spencer. 1861 2 3iQ Salvator Mundi, oris Christ the Saviour of all Men ? by Cox. 1878 1226M Salverte (E.), Names of Men, Nations and Places, translated by Mordacque, 2 vols. 1864 530-lH Philosophy of Magic, Prodigies and Apparent Miracles, trans- lated and edited by Thomson, 2 vols. 1 846 598-9H &c, translated with notes by Thomson, 2 vols. 1847.. 914-5M Salviani (Hippolito, Italian Naturalist, b. 1514, d. 1572). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 678Q, &c. Salvini (Tomaso). See Gentleman's Magazine, N.s. [on Shakspere], v. 32, 752J. Saturday Review, v. 57, R.L., &c. Salzburg. See Bellow's Europe, T398R, &c. Samaria See Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1665Z, &c. Samaritans. See Conder's Palestine, 552K. Ewald's Israel, 65K. Kurtz's Church History, 706A. Milman's Jews, 157-9Q. Sunday Magazine [Dealings with], v. 6, 2456J, &c. Samarkand. See Landell's Asia, 828-30K, &c. Samoa. See All Year Round, v. 56, 1816J. Nineteenth Century Magazine [Ger- man Conduct in], v. 24, 2234J. Time [Short Visit to], v. 6, 1496J. Pritchard's Polynesian Reminiscences [Samoan Gods], 767K, See. Sampson (H.), History of Advertising, from the Earliest Times, with Illustrations and Facsimiles. 1874 1076R Samson (/«^ in Israel about 1140-20, B.C.). See Gallaudet's Biography, 1693Z. Quiver, v. 15, 3285J ; v. 21, 3291 J. Sunday Magazine [his Life, &c], v. 5, 2455J, &c. Samson (J.). See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Samuel (Jewish Prophet, b. abotit 1155, d. 1057, B.C.). < See Ewald's Israel, 63K. Gallaudet's Biography, 1693Z. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Quiver, v. 16, 3286J ; v. 20, 3290J. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Sunday Magazine [The Ruler], v. 4, 2454J, &c. Samuels (E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Samuelson (J.), and Hicks (J. B.), F.L.S., The Earthworm and the Common House-fly, Eight Lectures, with Microscopic Illustrations. 1858 103R San Domingo. See Alison's Europe, 119-31O. Stanford's Compendium, 851K. West Indies, &c. San Francisco, Annals of, by Soule and others, illustrated. 1855 516H See also Bayard's Eldorado, 852R. Cornhill [China-Town], v. 54, 334J. Dixon's White Conquest, 492H. Harper's Monthly, v. 66, 1646J. Macfie's Vancouver Island, &c, 681K. Rae's Westward by Rail, 1599R. Smiles' Boy's Voyage, 834Q. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Sunday at Home, v. 27, 2877J, &c. San Juan. See Harper [Silver District of], v. 64, 1644J, &c. San Eemo. See Health Haunts, 810Q, &c. San Salvador. See Stanford's Compendium, 851 K, &c. Sanative Influence of Climate, by Clark. 1846 826M Sanborn (F. B.), Ed., Life and Letters of John Brown, Liberator of Kansasand Martyr of Virginia. 1885 153F Sanborn (Henry D.) Thoreau [American Men of Letters]. 1883 ... 1039Q Sancta Clara (Abraham A.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Sanctification, Dialogues on, by Pope. 1852 62Z Sanctuary. See Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. Smith's Jewish Church, 467M, &c. Sand. See Brown's Science for All, 628B. _ Harvey's Sea-side Book, 1868Z. Myer's Essays, 1293O. Ure's Dictionary [for Moulding, &c], 9D, &c. [686] SAN ENGLISH SECTION. SAN Sand (George [Madame Dudevant], French Novelist, b. 1804, d. 1876), by Thomas [Eminent Women Series]. 1883 1132O Letters of, translated and edited by De Beaufort, with a Bio- graphical Sketch, illustrated with six Portraits of George Sand.479-8iF See also Gautier's French Authors, 254F. Poole's Index, R.L. Zimmern's Novelists, 687O. Fiction Class List, &c. Sandal-Wood Trade. See Leisure Hour, v. 18, 2628J. Sandars (T. C.), M.A., Ed., Institutes of Justinian, with English Introduction, Translation and Notes. 1865 1097F Sanday (W.), D.D., Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans 141Q Galatians [Ellicott's School Commentary] 25 iQ Sandcroft (W., Abp. of Canterbury, b. 1616, d. 1693). See Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-6M, &c. Sanders (L. C), Ed., Statesmen Series, v.D. : Beaconsfield (Lord), by Kebble 13740 Metternich (Prince), by Malleson 13770 O'Connell (D.), by Hamilton 1376O Palmerston (Viscount), by Sanders I 3750 Sanderson (G. P.), Thirteen Years among the Wild Beasts of India, illustrated. 1878 724F Sandfinch., The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 654Q. Birds, &c. Sandford (Mrs. J.), Woman, in her Social and Domestic Character. 595T Sandgate. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K, &c. Sandpiper, The. See Jardine's Naturalists Library, 646Q. Jones' Bermuda, 823F. Science Gossip, v. 8, 2413J. Birds, &c. Sandringham, Past and Present, by Jones, illustrated. 1883 1348R See also Leisure Hour, v. 13, 2623 J, &c. Sands (R. C). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Sandstone, Old Red Sandstone, by Hugh Miller. 1875 802R Fossils. See Mantell's Geology, 724-5Q, &c. Sandwich. See Burrow's Cinque Ports, 1665R. Walford's Pleasant Places, 815Q, &c Sandwich Islands, Six Months in, by Bird, illustrated. 1876 1650R See also All the Year Round [Volcanoes of], v. 51, 1811J. Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Brown's Countries of the World, 163D. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Quarterly, v. 112, 1242J. Wilkinson's Sunny Lands, 837K, &c. Sandwich. (Earl of). See Pepys' Diary, 902O. Sandys (E.), D.D., Sermons of. 1841 234A Sandys (G.). See Dana's Housebook Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Sandys (Richard Hill), In the beginning ; Remarks on Certain Modern Views of the Creation. 1880 1303M Sandys (W.), F.S.A., and Forster (S. A.), History of the Violin. 931D Sanford (E.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Sanford (H. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Sang Greal. See Nutt's Legend of the Holy Grail, 1324H. Sangster (M. E.), Poems by. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Sanitary and Social Lectures and Essays, by Kingsley. 1889 1968R Commission of the United States. 1863 1440Z Economy, its Principles and Practice. 1850 821M Science, Future of, by Richardson. 1877 1441Z Rural, by Gardner and others, edited by Marsh. 1876 94-lK Sanitation. See Dempsey's Drainage, 598T. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Nature, v. 26, 2686J. Richardson's Health, &c, 1403Z. Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Temple's India, 486K, &c. Sankey (C), M.A., Spartan and Theban Supremacies [Epochs of Ancient History], 1884 1818Z See also Cox (Sir G. W.) M.A. Sankey (Ira D., American Revivalist, b. 1840). See Leisure Hour, v. 24, 2634J. Moody, &c. Sannazzaro (J., Neapolitan Poet, b. 1458, d. 1530). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. [68 7 ] SAN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. Sanskrit, Explanatory Version of Lord Bacon's Novum Organum, prepared in Sanskrit by Pandit Vitthala S'Astri, and in English by J. R. Ballantyne, &c, prepared for the Use of Benares College. 1852 „ ... Grammar, First Lessons in, prepared for the Use of Benares College. 1851 Reprints for the Pandits, a Dialogue Concerning Art, by J. Harris, &c, Reprinted for the Use of the English Classes in the Sanskrit Colleges. 1850 The Aphorisms of the Vais'eshika Philosophy of Kana'da, with Illustrative Extracts from the Commentary of Sankara Mis'ra, &c, printed for the Use of Benares College. 1851 See also Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Science of Thought, 585H. Bha- gavad-Gita, &c. Santa Anna (Gen. A. L. de, Mexican Dictator, b. 1798, d. 1876). See Bancroft's Mexican People, 420H. Gilliam's Mexico, 736K, &c. Santa Cruz Islands. See Coote's Wanderings, 8ioK, &c. Santiago. See Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Coote's Wanderings, 810K. King's Argentine Republic, 766K, &c. Santillana (Lope de Mendoza, Marquis de). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Sanzio Raffaello. See Raffello D'Urbino. Sapphires. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Ure's Dictionary [and Rubies], 8-9D, &c. Sappho {Greek Poetess, Jl. 61 1 — 592 B.C.], and Musaeus, translated by Fawkes [Family Classical Library]. 1832 See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Saracens, The, from the Earliest Times, by Gilman [Story of the Nations]. 1887 History and Conquests of the, by Freeman. 1876 Lands of the, or Palestine, Sicily, Spain, &c, by Taylor. 1869. See also Freeman's Ottoman Power, 360O. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 82-3H. May's Democracy, 38H. Saturday Review [Art of, in Egypt], v. 62, R.L., &c. SaragOSSa. Site All the Year Round [Defence of], v. 25, T785J. Spain, &c. Sarawak. Sec Stanford's Compendium, 853K. Borneo, &c. Sarcasm. See Quiver, v. 20, 3290J, &c. Sarcey (Francisque), Paris during the Siege. 1871 1368R Sardilli (G. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Sardines. See CasselTs Family Magazine [a Tin of], v. 4, 235 3 J. Fishes, &c. Sardinia. See Alison's Europe, 139-46O. Ansted's Scenery, Science and Art, 785F. Nineteenth Century [and its Wild Sheep], v. 25, 2235J, &c. Sardonyx. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. King's Decorative Stones, 1159M, &c. Sargent (E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Poets of America, 468D. Sargent (J.), M. A., Memoir of Rev. H. Martyn 1675Z SARK, A Sermon in Stones by Weisse [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 142] 212J and Guernsey, by Rooke 1859Z Folk-Lore, by Clarke. 1880 1860Z Artists' Haunts [Magazine of Art] R.L. Descriptive Account of the Island [Guernsey Magazine, vol. 3] ... 2383J Guernsey, &C, a Handbook for Invalids and Naturalists 707 D See also Argosy, 37J. Babington's Primitias Florae Sarnicae, 184R. Berry's Guernsey, &c, 363B. Black's Channel Islands and Western Normandy, T742R. Blackwood's Magazine [pages 178-98], 212J. Chambers' [Traditions of], v. 6, 1926J. Cornhill, v. 4, 284J. Daily Telegraph [Island of Sleep, by Clement Scott], Thursday, August 23, 1888. Dicey's Guernsey, &c, 1502O. Duncan's Guernsey, &c, 406H. Fraser, v. 89, 699J. Gentleman's Magazine [and its Caves], v. 31, 741J. Girl's Own Paper [A Girl's Tour in Brittany], 2560J. Good [688] SAR ENGLISH SECTION. SAU S ARK— {continued. ) Words [Caves and Rocks of], v. 26, 2196J. Gronovv's England and Wales [p. 261], 1020M. Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1288H. Harper, v. 51, 1631J. Hill's Rocks, &c, 707D. Household Words, v. 12, 1752J. Jacob's Annals of Guernsey, 361-2B. Knight's Cyclopaedia of British Empire [Guernsey], 88B. Leighton's Lichen Flora, 71R. Lisle's Faith, Hope and Charity, 1008R. Once a Week [Island of], v. 11, 2271 J. Peacock's Sinkings of Land [p. 185], 86R. Science Gossip [Raised Beach at], v. 21, 2422J. Smith's Birds of Guernsey, 195R. Swinburne's Century of Roundels [pp. 90-1], 773Z. Temple Bar [Trip to], v. 23, 1 353 J. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Tupper's Guernsey, 405H. Lisle's Faith, Hope and Charity, 201X. Report of the Guernsey Society of Natural Science, 2012R. Channel Islands, Guernsey, &c. SarmentO (J. E. de M.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Samia. See Guernsey. Sarnian Melodies. See Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1284-8H. Sarrans (B., Jun.), Lafayette, Louis-Philippe, and the Revolution of 1830, translated, 2 vols. 1832 314-5O Sartor Resartus, by Carlyle icooO and 87T Sartoris (Mrs. A., nee Adelaide Kemble). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains, by Southesk. 1875 ••• 817K Sass (Mr). See Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-6i6Fa. Satan. See Conway's Demonology, 909-10M. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 15 iK, &c. Satires, British Satirist, comprising the best Satires of the most Celebrated Poets. 1831 1905Z Satires of A. Persius Flaccus, with a Translation and Commentary by Conington and a Lecture on his Life, edited by Nettleship ... 1199II See also Leisure Hour [Service of], v. 12, 2632J, &c. Satsuma Rebellion, an Episode of Modern Japanese History, by Mounsey. 1879 37oO Saturday Magazine [1832-44] 170-83B Saturday Night. See All the Year Round, v. 51, 1811J, &c. Saturday Review, from vol I. 1855 R.L. Saturday Review, Essays and Sketches. 1873 1087R Saturn, Grecian Deity. See Conway's Demonology, 909M. Homer, &c. Saturn, the Planet, and its System, by Proctor, illustrated. 1865... 705D See also Brown's Science for All, 628B. Knowledge [Rings of], v. 3, 2583J. Leisure Hour [Architecture of], v. 6, 2616J. Astronomy, &c. Satyrs. See Goldsmid's Myths, 2011R, &c. Sauces. See BeetoiVs Household Management, 997M. Girl's Own Annual [and how to make them], v. 3, 2553J. Cookery, &c. Saul (First King of Israel, killed himself '1055 B.C.). See Ewald's Israel 63K. Milman's Jews, 157Q. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Sunday Magazine, v. 1, 2451J, &c. Saul of Tarsus [St. Paul], his Life and its Lessons, by Mackenzie ... 1234M See also Paul (St.), Apostles, Christianity, &c. Saumarez (James Saumarez, Lord de, Celebrated Admiral of Guern- sey, b. 1757, d. 1836), Memoirs and Correspondence of, by Ross, 2 vols. 1838 224-5 and 640-1F See also Macaulay's Wonderful Stories, 2380X. Guernsey and Jersey Maga- zine, Biographical Dictionaries, &c. Saumarez, or Sausmarez, Family of Guernsey. See Jacob's Annals, 362B. Sarnia, 1416O, and other works on Guernsey. Saunders (F.), Pastime Papers. 1885 1050 and 1996R [Names, Letter-writing, The Old Masters, Genius in Jail, Marvels of Memory, Cobblers, Printers, &c] Salad for the Social. 1856 262R [Money, Bookcraft, Toilet, Law Humours, Mysteries of Medicine, Literary Larcenies, Pulpit Peculiarities, &c] 26 [689] SAU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY SCA Saunders (F.), Salad for the Solitary, by an Epicure. 1856 263R [Talkative and Taciturn, Flowers, Matrimony, Curious Books, Sports, Dying Words, Selfish and Social, Pleasures of the Pen, Sleep and its Mysteries, &c] Saunders (John). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Saunders (Katherine). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Sausages. See Smith's Foods, 380K, &c. Sausmarez. See Saumarez. Saussure (De). See Forbes' Alps of Savoy, 596B, &c. Savage, The. See Inman's Faiths, o6Ka. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Malthus' Population [Savage Life], 1093F. Nineteenth Century, v. 17, 2227J. Heathen, Indians, South Sea Islands, Travel, &c. Savage (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Savage (M. W., Novelist, d. 1872). See Fortnightly [Women of Business], v. ir, 2101J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Savage (R., Poet, b. 1697, d. 1743), Poetical Works and Life by Johnson [Poets of Great Britain], 2 vols. 1807 375-6Z See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 25F. Fitzgerald's English Stage, 338D, &c. Savary (French General, b. 1774, d. 1833). See Alison's Europe, 124-36O, &c. Savigny (J. B. H.), Voyage to Senegal in 1816. 1818 640K Saving P\aith, by Morison. 1871 53Z Savings Banks. See Good Words [Penny], v. 1, 2171J. Levi's Work and Pay, 283R. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Saturday Review [Postal], v. 53, R.L. Banks, &c. Savioli (L. V.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Saviour, My, or Meditations on the Names and Titles of Christ, by East. 1832 69Q Sec also Inman's Faiths, o6Ka. Christ, Lord, Jesus, Messiah, &c. Savonarola (G., Italian Monk, b. 1452, Executed 1498), Life and Times of, by P. Valari, translated by L. Villari, with Portraits and Illustrations, 2 vols. 1889 680-lF See also Cooke's Great Lives, 1003O. Oliphant's Makers of Florence, 350O. Quiver, v. 12, 3282J. Sunday at Home, v. 29, 2879J. The Reformers, 1467O, &c. Savoy, Alps of, by Forbes, illustrated. 1845 59^B Glaciers of, by Rendu. 1874 784D See also Bellow's Europe, 1398R. Williams' Alps, Italy, &c, 590B, S:c. Saw-mills. See Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q, &c. Saward ( B. C. ) Decorative Painting 1066M Sawyer (William). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Saxe (J. G.). See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Poets of America, 468D, &c. Saxon, the Celt and the Roman, a History of the Early Inhabitants of Britain, illustrated. 1861 , 1520O Saxons. See Alfred the Great, 1525O. Boner's Transylvania, 423K. Green's Conquest of England [Saxon King>], 187H ; Making of England, 188H, &c. Saxony, Bohemia and Silesia, by White. 1857 1470R See also Alison's Europe, 122-35O, &c. Say (H-). See Senior's Conversations, 436-7H, &c. Say (Leon), Turgot [Great French Writers]. 18S8 547F Sayce (A. H., Classical Scholar, b. 1846), M. A., Assyria, its Princes, Priests and People [R.T.S.], illustrated. 1885 253M Fresh Light from the Ancient Monuments, a Sketch of the most Striking Confirmations of the Bible, from Recent Discoveries in Egypt, Assyria, Palestine, Babylonia and Asia Minor [R.T.S.], illustrated 251M Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion, as illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians 644A Life and Literary Relics of Dr. Appleton. 1881 131F See also Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A, &c. Scalds and Burns. See South's Household Surgery, 1857Z, &c [690] SCA ENGLISH SECTION. SCH .Scales of Fish. See Science Gossip, v. 7, 2413J. Fishes, &c. Scallop. See Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q, &c. Scandinavia, Ancient and Modern, by Crichton and .Wheaton, 2 vols. 1838 385-6T and 640-lZ Industrial Aits of, by Hildebrand [S. Kens. Handbooks]. 1883 1050M See also Leisure Hour [Du Chaillu's], v. 31, 2641J. Macmillan [Interna- tional Co-operation in], v. 52, 982J. Mallet's Northern Antiquities [Scandinavians], iooSM. Norway, Sweden, Travels, &c. Scapegrace. See Household Worlds, v. 13, 1753J, &c. Scarborough.. See Granville's Spas, &c, 351K. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K, &C. Scarlatti (A., Italian Composer, b. 1659, d. 1725). See Naumann's Music, 928D. Scarlet Fever. See Chambers [How to limit its spread], v. 20, 1936J. Leisure Hour, v. 31, 2641J. Thomson's Sick Room, &c, 834M. Diseases, &c. Scarth (H. M.), M.A., Roman Britain [S.P.C.K.] 679T Scenery, Science and Art, by Ansted, illustrated. 1854 '. 785F See Brown's Science for All [of the Shore], 62jBa.. Stanford's Compen- dium [of Australia], 853K. Names of Places, &c. Scenes and Legends of the North of Scotland, by Hugh Miller. 1876 803R "Scenes" in the Commons, by Anderson. 1884 1168R Scepticism and Christianity, by Girdlestone. 1882 327M Aspects of, with special Reference to. the Present Time, by For- dyce. 1883 318M of the Present Day [Carlyle's Evangelical Alliance] 660A See also Eeattie's Nature of Truth, 645H. Blackwood, v. 136, 206J. Buckle's Civilisation, 186-7O. Gleig's Great Problem, 87K. Sidg- wick's Fallacies, 39TR. Simpson's Plea for Religion, 105Q. Timbs' Works [and Belief], 856Z. M'Cosh's Mind, 74SA. Atheism, Religion, &C. Schaff (P., Swiss Lutheran, b. 1819), D.D., Through Bible Lands, Notes of Travel in Egypt, the Desert, and Palestine. 1878 455M Schainyl {Circassian Chief, b. 1797, d. 1871), The Sultan, Warrior, and Prophet of the Caucasus, by Wagner and Bodenstedt, translated by Wraxall l273Rand 634Z Sch.elli.ng (F. W. J.). See Lewes' Philosophy, 572H, &c. Sohiller (F. Von, German Poet and Historian, b. 1 759, d. 1S05), Dramatic and Poetical Works 462D Historical Dramas, &c. 1847 , 304Q [Don Carlos. Mary Stuart. Maid of Orleans. Bride of Messina]. Thirty Years' War and Revolt of the Netherlands, translated by Morrison [Bonn's Library]. 1847 84O by Sime [Oliphant's Foreign Classics]. 1 882 1 1 89O Life of, and Examination of his Works. 1845 9540 and Works, by Emil Palleske, translated by Lady Wallace. 1482-3O of, by Carlyle 85T Duntzer, translated by Pinkerton, illustrated. 1883 ... 1284O See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Edinburgh Review [Life of], v. 73, 433J. Japp's German Literature, 272F. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Masterpieces of Foreign Litera- ture, 555D. Saturday Review [Duntzer' s Life of], v. 56, R.L. Time [and his Actors], v. 4, 1494 J, &c Schiminer (K. A.), Sieges of Vienna by the Turks, translated 1289R Schism. See Kurtz's Church History, 706A, &c. Schlegel (A. W. von, German Critic, b. 1767, d. 1845), A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature, translated by Black, and revised by Morrison. 1846 2017-8R Schlegel (Caroline), and Her Friends, by Mrs. Sidgwick. 1889.... 1462O Schlegel (F. von, German Philologist, brother of A. W. Schlegel, b. 1772, d. 1829), /Esthetic and Miscellaneous Works of, translated by Wellington. 1849 20icR L691] SCH GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SCH Schlegel (F. Von), Lectures on the History of Literature, translated from the German 1144II and 1079R The Philosophy of Life and Philosophy of Language, translated by Morrison. 1847 2020R Schleiden (M. J., German Botanist, b. 1804), M.D., The Plant, a Biography, translated by Henfrey. 1848 772F Schliemann (Henry, German Scholar, b. 1819). See Leisure Hour, v. 26, 2636J, &c. Sclllosser (F. C, German Historian, b. 1776, d. 1861), History of the Eighteenth Century and of the Nineteenth, till the Over- throw of the French Empire, with particular Reference to Mental Cultivation and Progress, translated by Davison, 8 vols. 1843-52: — Vol. 1.— Connexion of Political History with Literature. Reformation - of Philosophy and Literature in England. Mental Culture of Europe, 1715-1760. Remarks upon English Literature 24H Vol. 2. — Germany till the beginning of the seventh Decennium of the Eighteenth Century. Progress and Nature of Intellectual Improvement and Literature 25H Vol. 3. — Summary of the Political History of the Eighteenth Century, from the beginning of the Century till the Austrian War of Succession. History of the Political Changes in the Social and Domestic Life of that Period, from the Accession of Frederick II. till the end of the Seven Years' War 26H Vol. 4. — Internal History of the States of Europe in Reference to Life. Morals and Administration till 1755. From the end of the Seven Years' War till the separation of the North American Provinces from Great Britain. Political History and Characteristics of the Social Life of this Period 27H Vol. 5. — France and England till the Second Year of the North Ameri- can War, from the revolt of the North American Provinces from England till 1788 28H Vol. 6.— From the Year 1788 till the end of the first (constituent) National Assembly, and till the second Partition of Poland. From the time of the Coalition against the new Constitution of France till the Truce of Udine, which preceded the Peace of Campo Formio Vol. 7. — From the Establishment of the French Directory till the Consu- late of Bonaparte. From the Establishment of the Consulate till the Peace of Presburg. Till Napoleon's Expedition to Russia 3 oH Vol. 8.— From the Peace of Tilsit till the Peace of Schonbrunn. Till the Year 1815. 3lH Schinid (C. Von), Rose Bush, a Tale for Young Persons 850Z Schmidt (Prof. O.), Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism, ill 382R The Mammalia in their Relation to Primeval Times, illustrated. 385 R Schmitz (L., German Historian, b. 1 807,) F.R.S.E., History of Greece. 1851 59 q Rome from the Earliest Times to the Death of Commodus. 71O the Middle Ages. 1871 80O Ed., History of Rome, by Niebuhr, 2 vols. 1844 87-8H Schmucker (S. S.), D.D., Elements of Popular Theology, with Special Reference to the Doctrines of the Reformation, as vowed before the Diet of Augsburg in 1530. 1834 155K Schneider (Hortense, French Actress, b. 1835). See Edward's Prima Donna, 679F. Schoedler (F.), Ph.D., Book of Nature, an elementary Introduc- tion to Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Zoology and Physiology, translated by Medlock, ill. 747D and 173F Scholars, Great, by Buchanan. 1880 991Q [692] 29H SCH ENGLISH SECTION. SCI .'Schomburgk (R. H., German Traveller, b. 1804, d. 1865). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 682Q, &c. School Board. See Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Shelden's Politics, 374R. Wale's London, 327R. Education, &c. ■School-Boy, or a Guide for Youth, by Abbott . H33Z Scbool-Grirl, Brahmin. See Nineteenth Century, v. 25, 2235J '. Girls, &c. School-Life at Winchester College, or the Reminiscences of a Win- chester Junior [by Mansfield]. 1866 1080R School of Life, The. See Timbs' Works, 854Z, &c. School-Ship. See Good Words [Conway on the Mersey], v. 24, 2194J. Schoolcraft (H. R., American Micrologist, b. 1793, d. 1864). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Schooley(J. S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Schoolmaster's Friend, Modes of Teaching, &c, by Dwight. 1835 1515Z Schools, Healthy, by Paget. 1884 991M of Ancient Philosophy [R.T.S.] 1524Z Art, their Origin, History, Work and Influence, by Sparkes. 989M the Future, by Zincke. 1852 304R Public, Suggested Reforms, by Cotterill. 1885 201 R Ragged [Life and Work of Mary Carpenter] 5^20 Reformatory, by Carpenter. 1851 3°5^- The House School, by Macleod. 1856 16Q See also All the Year Round [Brutality in], v, 56, 1816J. Boy's Own Annual, [Heads of our Great], v. 7, 2957J ; [Our Great], v. 8, 2958J. Cassell's Family Magazine [Our Foundation], v. 6, 2355J. Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Elizabeth College, 1410H. Escott's England and its People [and Schoolmasters], 1017-8F. Fortnightly Review [Abolition of School Fees], v. 49, 2139J ; [Free], v. 20, 2110J. Iddesleigh's Essays [and School Life], 1277H. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828-9K ; Siberia, 496-7K. Leisure Hour [District, at Sutton], v. 13, 2623J ; [of England, Great Public], v. 27, 2637 J. Longman's Magazine [Elemen- tary], v. 12, 902J. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Macmillan [Corporal Punishment in], v. 48, 978J. Poole's Index, R.L. Reid's Japan, 336K. Rimmer's Eton and Harrow, 1347R. Sketches and Essays, 1087R. Smith's Essays [Public], 297O. Temple's India, 486 K.. Time [and School Books], v. 7, 1497 J. Colleges, Universities, Education, Ragged Schools, Sunday Schools, &c Schopenhauer (A., German Philosopher, b. 1788, d. i860), His Life and Philosophy, by Zimmern. 1876 955^ See also Science of Thought, 585H, &c. 'Schubert (F. P., German Composer, b. 1797, d. 1828), by Frost 1218O See also Rockstro's History of Music, 533H. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O, &c. iSchulze (E. C. F.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Schumann (Clara). See Girl's Own Annual, v. 4, 2554J, &c. Schumann (R., German Composer, b. 1810, d. 1856), by Maitland.. 1227O See also Engel's Reminiscences. 1348O. Naumann's Music, 929D. Rock- stro's History of Music, 533H. Temple Bar, v. 67, 1397J. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O, &c. Schiitzenberger (P.), On Fermentation [Inter. Scien. Series] 362R Schweidler (M.), The Amber Witch [Trial for Witchcraft], by Meinhold, translated by Lady Gordon. 1846 912M Schweinfurth (Dr. Georg), The Heart of Africa from 1868 to 1871, translated by E. E. Frewer, illustrated, 2 vols. 187S 1558-9R Sciatica, Rheumatism, &c, by Fuller. 1856 922K SCIENCE: Works relating" to (See also the Names of the Sciences, Natural History, Natural Philosophy, &fc. ) Science and Art, Popular Lectures on, by Lardner, ill. 1846... 756-7D and Culture, &c, by Huxley. 1882 779^ Faith, Walks in the Regions of, by Godwin. 1883 38R [693] SCI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SCI SCIENCE— Works relating to— {continued. ) Science and Literature Class Book [Chambers' Ed. Course], ill. 1869 506R [Physics, Physiology, Zoology, Botany, Geology, Selections from the Poets and Prose Writers.] Religion, a Series of Sunday Lectures, by Le Conte. 1874 386M Conflict between, by Draper. 1883 298M Revealed Religion, Connection between, by Cardinal Wiseman, 2 vols. 1849 122Q Borderland of, by Proctor. 1882 446R Curiosities of, by Timbs. 1859 557Q and 819Z Fairy Land of, by Buckley. 1879 513-4R Familiar Science Studies, by Proctor. 1882 449R Fifty Years of, by Lubbock. 1882 780D for the Household : Vol. 1.— The Great Round World 821Z Vol. 2. — The Lightning Rod 822Z Fragments of, Essays, Addresses, &c, by Tyndall. 1879... 510-1R Half Hour Recreations, edited by Estes, 2 series 496-7R Home Teachings, by Cowper. 1850 810Z in a Nut-Shell, by Wall. 1882 542R Bible Lands, by Dawson, illustrated. 1888 1212M Short Chapters, by Williams. 1882 502R and 537R Lectures at South Kensington, 2 vols. 1 878 500- 1 R [Arney, Stokes, Forbes, Foster, Froude, Siemens, Roscoe, Brunton, &c] for the People, by Huxley, Roscoe, &c, delivered at Manchester. 1870, v.D 451 and 452R [Elementary Chemistry, by Roscoe. Zoology, by Alcock. Coal, by Jevons. Elementary Physiology, by Morgan. Coal and Coal Reefs, by Huxley. Spectrum Analysis, by Roscoe and Huggins. Coal, by Dawkins. Dickens, by Ward.] for the People, delivered in Manchester, 1879-80 194R [Islands, as Illustrating the Laws of the Geogrsphical Distribu- tion of Animals, by Wallace. The Age of Dragons, by Hawkins. Palestine in its Physical Aspect, by Tristram. Traps to Catch Sunbeams, by Abney.] Literature and Art, Introductory Address to the Devonshire Association, by Acland. 1880. 851H Manuals, Elementary [S.P.C.K.] 1831-4Z Botany, 1831Z. Crystallography, 1832Z. Physiology, 1833Z. Zoo- logy, 1834Z. Martyrs, or Lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe and Kepler, by Brewster. 1870 827O Myth and, an Essay by Vignoli. 1885 .' 372R Objects, Advantages and Pleasures of, by Brougham, &c. 1827 778D by Lord Brougham. 1831 425T' of Common Life, by Geikie 1419Z Law, by Amos. 1885 356R Politics, by Amos. 1883 374R Thought, Lectures by Miiller. 1888 91 3D and 585H Wealth, by Amasa Walker. 1866 1025F [Percy Anecdotes] 919Z Pleasant Ways in, by Proctor. 1878 443-R Popular History of, by Routledge, illustrated. 1 88 1 515R Primers, Introductory, by Huxley. 1 880 758Z Un-natural History, or Myths of Ancient Science, translated and edited by Goldsmid, 4 vols, in 1. 1886 2011R [694] SCI ENGLISH SECTION. SCO SCIENCE— Works relating to— (continued.) Science, Warfare of, by White. 1880 522R Worthies of, by Stoughton 1050O Scientific and Literary Men of France, by Mrs. Shelley. 1838 782-3T Great Britain and Ireland, by Dunham. 1836 757-9T Dialogues, by Joyce, illustrated. 1861 695Q and 520R Discovery, or Text Book of Facts, edited by Wells and Bliss 498R Essays, by Hugh Miller. 1875 8o6R Industries Explained, by Watt. 1881 1118M Lectures and Essays, by Kingsley. 1880 ... 499 R [Town Geology, Natural History, Superstition, &c] by Lubbock, illustrated. 1879 782F Series, International. See under International Scientific Series. Subjects, by Helmholtz 781-2D Lectures on, by Herschel. 1866 689Q Sec also British Annual, 1838, 828Z. Brougham's Dissertations and Addresses, 603R. Crabb's Technical Dictionary, 533R. Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Cornhill [Fairy Land of], v. 5, 185J. Duncan's Botanists, Zoologists and Geologists, 702O. Escott's England and its People, 1018F. Fortnightly Review [and Morals], v. 46, 2136J. Fraser [Poetry of], v. 39, 649J. Garnett's Physicists, 705O. Good Words [and Religion], v. 12, 2182J. Guizot's Christianity, [and Christianity], 337M. Illustrated Carpenter and Builder [Scientific Lectures], from v. 1, 2981 J. Kerr's Heredity of Alcohol, 815M. Knight's England, 151-4H. Leisure Hour [Dawn of, in England], v. 5, 2615J ; [in Humble Life], v. 24, 2634J. Lewes' Philosophy, 571-2H. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1908R. Morton's Astronomers, 703O. Muir's Chemists, 704O. Nature [and Art], v. 28, 2688J. Orr's Circle of the Sciences, 735-7F. Philosophy in Sport, 823-4Z. Play- fair's Social Welfare [and the State], 336R. Proctor's Light Science, 441R; Rough Ways made Smooth, 442R. Roscoe's -Science Lec- tures, 28R. Somerville's Mechanism of the Heavens, 825Z ; Physical Sciences, 691Q. Stapfer's Palestine, Time of Christ, 477M. Sunday at Home [and Religion], v. 3, 2853J. South Kensington Science and Art Handbooks. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R. Timbs' Works [Art and Invention, Errors in], 853-5Z. Tweedie's Earnest Men [and Art, Men of], 622O. Year Book of Facts, 1701-31Z, &c. Science-Gossip. — Hardwicke's Science Gossip, an Illustrated Medium of Interchange and Gossip for Students and Lovers of Nature, edited by M. C. Cooke, from vol. 1. 1865 2411J [Some of the principal contents contained in this Magazine will be found entered under their proper headings in the general body of the Cata- logue, with the shelf number specified.] Scilly Isles and Land's End, by White. 1855 I 355 R See also Blight's Land's End, 820Q. Lewes' Sea- Side Studies, 822F. Science Gossip, v. n, 2415J, &c. Scinde, Conquest of, a Commentary, by Outram. 1 846 • 465 H &c, by General W. F. P. Napier. 1845 466H See also India. Scipio (Roman Generals). See Church's Carthage, 427O. Josephus, 66-8H. Rome, &c. Scoble (A. R.), Ed., Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell. 1853 497Z Scorpions. See Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Science Gossip [of Mexico], v. 23, 2423J, &c. SCOTLAND-- Works relating to : {See also Highlands, Great Britain, Names of Places, e.g., Edinburgh, Glasgozu, &c.) Scotland, a Journey to the Western Islands, by Johnson. 18 16 369K As it was and as it is, by the Duke of Argyle, 2 vols. 1887 544"5H Ballad Minstrelsy of. 1871 742M [695] SCO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SCO SCOTLAND— Works relating to- {continued.) Scotland, Church of, by Spottiswoode, 3 vols. 1851 404-5A Coleoptera of, by Murray. 1853 784F Domestic Annals of, by Chambers, 3 vols. 1859 344-6H History of [1689- 1748], by Burton, 2 vols. 1853 336-7H by Scott. 1830 17O and 1010-1Z from the Accession of Alexander III. to the Union, by Tytler, 10 vols. 1866 1425H _ Queen Mary and James VI., by Robertson, 2 vols 338-9H Insurrection in 1745, by Mahon. 1853 239O Lectures on the History of the Church, by Lee, 2 vols, i860 288-9A ■ Old Scottish Customs, by Guthrie. 1885 1070M Rhind Lectures in Archceology, by Anderson, ill. 1881-6: Scotland in Early Christian Times, 1st and 2nd series 901 -2F Scotland in Pagan Times : Iron Age 876F Scotland in Pagan Times : Bronze and Stone Ages 864F Social Life in, from Early to Recent Times, by Rogers... 949-51F Songs of, Chronologically arranged, with Notes, &c 741M Western Islands of, by MacCulloch, 2 vols. 18 19 ,..,... 376-7K Scottish and English Ballads 3S4Q Anecdote, Book of, edited by Hislop. 1874 978R Border, Minstrelsy of the, 3 vols. 1812 449-51D Covenanters, by Taylor 953^ Lake Dwellings or Crannogs, and a Chapter on remains of Lake Dwellings in England, by Munro. 1 882 907F Life and Character, by Ramsay 9560 and 157T Poets, Lives of the, by Irvine, 2 vols. 1810 490-1F Pulpit from the Reformation, by Taylor. 1887 635 A Songs and Ballads, by Macdonald 1874Z See also Songs, Ballads, Poetry, &c. Story, Book of. 1081R Worthies, by Tytler [Family Library], 3 vols. 1833 1045-7Q • See also Abbott's Ardenmohr, 371 K. Acworth's Railways [Scotch Expresses], 937D. Alison's Europe, 139-46O. All the Year Round [Ballads of], v. 23, 1783J ; [Scottish Literature], 1815J. Blackie's Fact and Fiction, 1357R. Blackwood [Marriage Law of], v. 61, 131J ; [Local History in], v. 139, 609J. Boy's Own Annual, v. 8 [The Castles of], 2958J. Brand's Antiquities, J.005-7M. Brodie's British Empire, 212-4H. Browne's Geographical Evolution of the British Isles, 555R. Buckle's Civilisation, 186-8O. Burn's Parish Regis- ters, 536H. Campbell's Chancellors, 774-3O. Chambers' Scottish Church, 262M ; Rebellion of 1745-6, 280O. Contemporary [and England, Union of], v. 49, 2059J. Eddy's Travelling Party, 1327R. Fortnightly [Marriage Laws], v. 8, 2C98J ; [Village Community in], v. 45, 2135J. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Froissart's Chronicles [Ancient], 312-5D. Froude's England, 194-202O. Gardi- ner's History of England, 460-8O. Green's English People, 189-92H. Kay's Edinburgh Portraits [Eminent Scotchmen], 745-6O. Knight's England, 147-54H. Kohl's Tour, 348K. Lecky's Eighteenth Cen- tury, 168H. Leisure Hour [Scottish Highlanders], v. 22, 2632J. M'Crie's Life of Knox [Reformation in Sixteenth Century], 756O ; Life of Melville, 387-8F. M'Culloch's British Empire, 711-2H. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. Miller's Scenes and Legends [North of], 803R. O'Rell's Friend MacDonald, 1253R. Palgrave's Normandy and England, 183H. Probyn's Local Government, 303R. Quiver [Orphan Homes of], v. 26, 3296J. Rogers' Social Life in Scotland 1 [Scottish Kings], 949-51F. St. John's Highlands, 808Q. Science Gossip [Carboniferous Corals of], v. 19, 2421J. Stanford's Compen- [696] SCO ENGLISH SECTION. SCO SCOTLAND— Works relating to— ■{continued.') dium, 854K. Stoughton's Religion in England [the Scotch], 92-3M. Strickland's Queens of Scotland, 51-8F ; Queen Mary, 793-4O. Stubb's History, 211-2O. Sunday at Home [How to know a Scotch- man], v. 25, 2875J. Tegg's Marriage Customs, T480Z. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938 K. ; Martyr Graves, i67T. Tytler's Song- stresses, 739-40M. Westminster Review [Political Trials in], v. 130, R.L. ; [Why is it Liberal?], v. 130, R.L. Nature, v.39, 2699J; v. 40, 2700J. Quarterly Review, v. 167, 1297J. Scott's Tales of a Grandfather, 889-92X, &c. Scott (A.), Occasional Sermons, on Doctrinal, Experimental, and Practical Subjects, 2 vols. 1844-5 599-600M Scott (B., Chamberlain of London), F.R.A.S., Lays of the Pilgrim Fathers. 1861 457 M The Contents and Teachings of the Catacombs of Rome, a vindi- cation of Pure and Primitive Christianity, and an Exposure of the Corruptions of Romanism derived from the Sepul- chral Remains of the Early Christians 1238M Scott (Col.), A Journal of Residence in the Esmaillia of Abd-el- Kader and Travels in Morocco. 1842 1560R Scott (Sir G. G., Architect), A.R.A., Personal and Professional Re- collections, edited by his Son, G. Gilbert Scott, F.S.A 484F Secular and Domestic Architecture. 1857 873D Scott (J., Vicar of Ferriby, d. 1834), M.A., Calvin and the Swiss Reformation. 1 833 95oQ Luther and the Lutheran Reformation, 2 vols. 1832 221-2T Sermons. 1835 286K Scott (John, Earl of Eldon). See Eldon (Lord Chancellor.). Scott (L.), Fra Bartelommeo [Great Artists]. 1881 I098O Ghiberti and Donatello, and other Italian Sculptors iiooO Scott (Lady). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Scott (M.) See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Scott (R. H., Irish Physicist, Secretary of Meteorological Society, b. I 833), F.R.S., Elementary Meteorology [Int. Scien. Series]. 455R Scott (T., Biblical Commentator, b. 1747, d. 1 821), A.M., Holy Bible, 6 vols. 1812-14 14-19A 3 vols. 1847 20-22A The Force of Truth. 1821 228Q Life of, by John Scott. 1824 485F Scott (Sir W., Eminent Scotch Novelist and Poet, b. 1771, d. 1832), Demonology and Witchcraft. 1830 r 479Z Doom of Devorgoil, &c, Dramas. 1830 1054Z Essays, 1828 1102-3Z Goetz of Berlichingen, a Tragedy. 1826 io 55Z History of Scotland [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia] ...i7-80and 1010-1Z House of Aspen, a Tragedy. 1830 1056Z • Lady of the Lake [a Poem] 338Qand 514Z • Lay of the Last Minstrel, Ballads and Lyrical Pieces 5 IlZ Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, 9 vols. 1827 IC01-9Z Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 1828 106F Lord of the Isles [a Poem]. 1845 5 J 3 Z Marmion, a Tale of Flodden Field [a Poem] 510Z illustrated, 2 vols. 18 10 743-4M Memoirs, 2 vols. 1830 1 104-5Z [De Foe. Queensberry. Byron. George III., &c] [697] SOD GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SCR Scott (Sir W.), Poems and Life [British Poets], 9 vols. 1865 458-66Q Poetical Works. 1831 500D 7 vols 1016-22Z and Memoir, 2 vols. 1854 498-9D [Chandos Classics]. 1868 637T Rob Roy 1099-1101Z Rokeby, a Poem 502D and 512Z Tales and Essays. 1829 1012Z ofa Grandfather, 6 vols. 1829 i04oZa to 1044Z The Novelists, 2 vols. 1825 : Vol. 1.— Fielding, Le Sage, Smollett, Sterne, &c 1013Z Vol. 2. — Richardson, Johnson, Goldsmith, Walpole, &c 1014Z Anecdotes Illustrative of the Incidents, Characters and Scenery described in the Novels and Romances of Sir W. Scott, with a complete Glossary for all his Works. 1833 1038H by Hutton [English Men of Letters]. 1879 1080O Memoirs of the Life of, by Lockhart, 4 vols. 1837-8 486-9F See also Chambers' Miscellany [Life of], 631R. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Fraser, v. 2, 612J. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Keble's Papers and Reviews, 1203H. Leisure Hour, v. 2, 2612J ; [Reminiscences of], v. ax, 2631J. Lennox's Celebrities, 1017H. Merydew's Love Letters, v. 2, 677F. Rogers' Scotland, 950-1F. Stephens' Hours in a Library, 1102R. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1338R. Waverley Anecdotes, 1259-6Z. Fiction Class List fol- lowing the General Catalogue. Scott (W.), Existence of Evil Spirts Proved [Congregational Lectures] 113M Scott (William Bell), Little Masters [Great Artists]. 1881 1117O Ed., Poetical Works of L. E. Landon 716M Scott (W. Booth), Cleansing Streets and Ways in the Metropolis and large Cities [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 990M Scoville (S.), A Biography of Henry Ward Beecher. 1888 650F Scrap Book of Literary Varieties in Prose and Verse, ill. ... 1149 and 1273II Scrapers. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Screen-Making and Painting. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 5, 2955J. Girl's Own Annual [How to make them], v. 3, 2553J ; [Painting in Oil Colours], v. 10, 2560J. Glaister's Needlework, 962M. Screw Propeller. See Smiles' Inventions, &c, 1172R, &x. Screws. Sec English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D, &c. Scribes and Pharisees. See Smith's Jewish Church, 467M, &c. Scribner's Monthly, an Illustrated Magazine for the People, con- ducted by J. G. Holland, from Vol. 1. 1870 1851J The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the catalogue, with the shelf number specified. The general contents will be found in Poole's Index [Reference Library], under such subjects as this maga- zine deals with. In 1881 Scribner's Monthly was continued as the Century Magazine. SCRIPTURE.— Scriptural Coincidences, by Blunt. 1881 234M and Geological Science, by J. P. Smith 110M nnd 166Q Characters, by Robinson, 2 vols 261-2A and 151-2K Sketches of Sermons, by Burns. 1851 246M Doctrine of, by Ladd, 2 vols. 1883 259-0A Expositor, or Visitor's Assistant, by Holland 88Q' Help, by Bickersteth. 1835 ••• mQ History, by Riddle. 1868 56Q Jewish, by Giles. 1856 , 539A Illustrations, by Bush. 1870 73A Interpretation, by Wordsworth. See Replies to Essays and Reviews, 663A. [698] SCR ENGLISH SECTION. SOU Scripture Knowledge, Treasury of [Bagster's] 57Q- Lands, by Kitto. 1850 [Containing 24 maps, &c] 368M Manners and Customs 18Q' < Misread Passages of Scripture, by Brown. 1869 183Q ft Natural History, by Carpenter. 1833 256M Observations on the Unfulfilled Prophecies of, by PVy. 1835 ... 531 A Various Passages of, by Harmer, 4 vols. 18 16 25 1-4 A Pupil Teacher's Handbook, by Turner. 1864 9 X Q Studies, by White. 1866 520M Testimony to the Messiah, by Smith, 2 vols. 1847 526-7A Two Notable Corruptions of [a work on the Trinity], by Newton. 492A Typology of, by P'airbairn, 2 vols 457-8A Young Men of, by Hitchens. 1879 345M Scriptures, History of Interpretation, Lectures by Farrar. 1886 ... 192K Plenary Inspiration of the, by Gaussen. 1841 411A The Eastern Mirror, an Illustration of the Sacred .Scriptures, by Fowler. 1814 463A Monthly Interpreter, a new Expository Magazine, edited by Exell, vols. 1-3. 1885-6 619-21A Translated into Oriental Languages [Buchanan's Researches] ... 14K See also Burder's Oriental Customs, 21Q. Essays and Reviews [Inter- pretation], 662A. Expositor, 551 — J. Fowler's Eastern Mirror [Illustrated by Oriental Customs], 463A. Inman's Faiths, o6Ka. Moulton's English Bible, 418M. Quiver [the Unity of], v. 15, 3285J. Rays from the East, 145K. Sacred Literature, 905-23A. Sunday at Home [Chinese Illustrations of the], v. 1, 2851J. Timbs' Works [Scriptural Prophecies], 856Z. Bible, Old and New Testament, Commentaries, &c. Scrivener (F. H., Biblical Critic, b. 1813), M.A., Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament, for the use of Biblical Students. 1861 247A See also Codex Sinaiticus, 1301M, &c. Scriver (Christian), Gotthold's Emblems : or, Invisible Things Under- stood by Things that are made, translated by Menzies. 1863 1302M Scrofula. See Man and his Maladies, 939K. Medicine, &c. Scudder (H. E.), Noah Webster [American Men of Letters]. i04iQand 310T' and Taylor (M. Hanseen), Eds., Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor, 2 vols. 1884 997-8O See also Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Scudery (Madame de, Novelist, b. 1607, d. I 7° 1 )- See Kavanagh's French Women, 660O. Sculling and Canoeing. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1152M. Woodgate's Boating, 1266R. Boating, &c. SCULPTURE AND SCULPTORS— Works relating to : (See also Art, Architecture, Archccology, Names, dfc.) Sculptors, the most Eminent British, by Cunningham 10500^ Sculpture, Italian, Handbook of, by Perkins, illustrated. 1883 909D' Lectures on, by Flaxman. 1838 950D' Manual of, by Redford. 1882 1082M [Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Roman.] Ancient Sculpture, by Paris, edited by Harrison. 1S90 910F Wonders of, by Viardot, illustrated. 1872 865D See also Anver's History of Art, 1095M. Art Journal [Italian, at the Birmingham New Museum], v. 37, R.L. Can ova and his Works, 166F. Century [French Contemporary], v. 11, 1883J. Dyer's Imitative Art, 930D. Eastlake's Life of Gibson, 273F. Eden's Japan, 814Q. [699] •SOU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SEA SCULPTURE AND SCULPTORS-Works relating to-{continued.) Gentleman's Magazine, n.s. [and Modelling], v. 30, 750J. Great Artists, 1100O. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Harper's New Monthly- Magazine [Modern French], v. 76, 1656J. Layard's Nineveh, 556K. Pattison's Renaissance of Art in Frauce, 327D. Nichol's British Museum, 863F. Ruskin's Arata Pentelici [Lectures on], 847R. Scribner's Monthly, v. 4, 1854J. Vasari's Painters, &c, 887-91O, &c. ■Scurvy. See Long's Voyage of the Jeanne tie, 676-7B. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Disease, Sailors, Voyages, &c. Scythians. See Ewald's Israel, 64K. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K, &c. SEA and Sky in many Latitudes, or Wanderings in Search of Weather, by Abercromby. 1833 843Z Bottom of the, by Sonrel, translated by Rich, illustrated. 1870 2122R [Half Hours in the Deep]. 1875 566Q Physical Geography of the, by Maury 757H and 690Q The Depths of the, by Thomson, illustrated. 1873 756F Sea and its Living Wonders, by Hartwig, illustrated. 1873. 757*" Toilers in the, by Cooke. 1889 2124R World of the, by Hart, illustrated 755 and 807F See also Adam's British Navy, 470O ; Neptune's Heroes, 978Q. Brady's Kedge-Anchor, 891D. Brown's Science for All [Colour, Saltness, Deep Sea Life, &c], 627 B. Dana's Life before the Mast, 1731R. English Illustrated [Sea of Galilee], v. 5, 1995J. Estes' Recreations in Science [Animal life at Great Depths], 496R. Girl's Own Annual [Superstitions of the], v. 10, 2560J. Herbert's Fish and Fisheries, 796F. Holder's Marvels of Animal Life, 800F. Jones' Credulities [and Sea- men], 902M. Knowledge [Commercial Products of], v. 3, 2583J. Nature [Deep, Light in], v. 30, 2690J. Reclus' Phenomena, 805 F. Scribner's Monthly [Depths of the Sea], v. 14, 1864J. The Tides, 692Q. Timbs' Works [Seas' and Lakes and Rivers], 854Z. Zeller's Greek Philosophy, 538-9M. Boy's Own Annual [Collisions at Sea], v. 11, 2961J. Proctor's Studies [Monsters], 447R. Transactions of the Guernsey Society of Natural Science [Changes in Level of Sea and Land round Guernsey], 2012R. Also Names, e.g., Atlantic, Arctic, Mediterranean, Pacific, &c. Sea, The, its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril and Heroism, by Whymper, illustrated, 4 vols 108- 1 iD Sea- Anemones. See Brown's Science for All, 628B. Lewes' Sea-side Studies, 822F. Sowerby's Aquarium, 632Q, &c. Sea-Bathing. See Boy's Own Annual [and Sea Swimming], v. 4, 2954J. Buchan's Medicine, &c. [and Use of Mineral Waters], 913 K. Know- ledge [Dangers of], v. 4, 2584J. Bathing, Swimming, &c. Sea-Birds. Set Century Magazine [at the Fame Islands], v. 10, 1882J. Dun- can's Sea Shore, 627Q. Birds, Natural History, &c. Sea-Coast, Common Things of the, by Pratt, illustrated. 1856 587Q See also M'Culloch's British Empire, 711H, &c. Sea-Fishing. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 7, 2957J. Fishing, &c. Sea- Lion, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 663Q. Sea-Mosse3, Guide to Marine Algae, by Hervey, illustrated. 18S1 120R Sea-Ports. See Harper [Defence of our], v. 71, 1651J. M'Culloch's British Empire, 711H. Names, e.g., Bristol, Liverpool, Portsmouth, &c. Sea-Reptiles. See Brown's Science for All, 627B. Reptiles, &c. Sea-Serpent. See All the Year Round, v. 23, 1783J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 668Q. Knowledge [or Seaweed], v. 1, 2581J, &c. Sea-Shore, A Year at the Shore, by Gosse, col. illus. 1877 586Q Sea-Sickness. See Cassell's Family Magazine [and its Cure], v. 1, 2350J. Knowledge [Relief of], v. 4, 2584J. Medicine, &c. Sea-Side Book, being an Introduction to the Natural History of the British Coasts, by Harvey. 1857 1868Z Book for the Sea-side, illustrated [R.T.S.] 585Q [Cliffs, Fishes, The Beach, Shells, Sand, Sea- Weeds, Sea Birds, &c.] Common Objects of the Sea-Shore and Hints for our Aquarium, by Wood, illustrated. 1861 716Z [700] SEA ENGLISH SECTION. SEA Sea-side Doings, &c. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Half Hours at the Sea-Side, by Taylor, illustrated. 1876 ' 588Q Naturalist, by Fraser, illustrated 59oQj Resorts [Miller's Our English Shores], illustrated. 1888 1723R" Studies at Ilfracombe, Tenby, the Scilly Isles and Jersey, by Lewes, illustrated. 1858 822F of Natural History, by E. C. Agassiz and A. Agassiz. 1863 7S3F The, by Duncan [S.P.C.K.], illustrated. 1879 627Q Wonders of the, by Kingsley, coloured illustrations. 1859 59JQ See also Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Granville's Spas of England, 351-3 K. Knowledge [English], v. 3, 2583 J. Buckland's Curiosities, 594Q. Chambers' [Is it free to all?], v. 61, 1961J, &c. Sea-Tales, Episodes of Former Days, a Book for Boys 177T See also Contemporary [Clark-Russell's], v. 46, 2056J. Kingston, Marryat, &c, in Fiction Class List. Sea-Urchins, &c, by Romanes. 1883 124R See also Buckley's Life, &c, 106R. Fraser's Seaside Naturalist, 590Q. Sowerby's Aquarium, 632Q. Taylor's Seaside, 588Q, &c. Sea-Voyages. See Chambers [A Terrible Voyage], v. 56, 1956J. Voyages, Travels, &c. Sea-"Waves. See Fraser [Greatest ever known], v. 82, 692 J. Sea, Sec. Sea- Weed, British, a Popular History, and Notices of Fresh- water Algas, by Landsborough. 1857 2119R Collector, Guide to the Marine Botanist, by Hibberd, ill 133R- Collector's Guide, by Cocks. 1853 589Q Sea-weeds, Common, by Louisa Lane Clarke 583Q of Great Britain, by Grattann, illustrated 752F — — — See also Cassell's Family Magazine [Practical Uses of], v, 5, 2354J. Dun- can's Sea-Shore, 627Q. Harvey's British Algae, 770D. Leisure Hour [Sea-weed Harvest in Jersey], v. 10, 2620J. Pratt's Sea Coast, 587Q. Science Gossip, v. 1, 241 1 J. Taylor's Sea-side, 588Q. Boy's Own Annual, v. 6, 2956J. Marine Algae, Aquariums, Sea-Shore, &c. Sea of Mountains, Lord Dufferin's Tour through British Columbia, 1876, by St. John, 2 vols. 1877 1624-5R Seacole (Mary). See E very-day Heroes, 1455O, &c. Seal, The. See Buckley's Life's Race, 129R. Cassell's Magazine [a few words on], v. 8, 2348J. Chambers' [and Seal Hunting in Shetland], v. 61, 1961J. Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q. Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807 F. Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders [and Walruses], 757F. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660 and 668Q. Leisure Hour, v. 37, 2647J. Long's Voyage of the Jeannette, 676-7B. Martin's British Colonies, 472B, &c. Sealing-wax. See Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Seals, Great, illustrated. See Knight's England, 147-52H. Tytler's Scotti>h Worthies, 1045-7Q, &c. Seamarks, Our, a Plain Account of the Lighthouses, Lightships, Beacons, Buoys, &c, on our Coasts, by Edwards. 1884 1157M Seamen, Nautical Tables for, by Inman. 1830 33D See also Adam's Queen Anne, 1280H. Campbell's British Admirals, 1-7F. Harper [The Old English], 1646J. Leisure Hour [Superstitions of], v. 1, 26 ii J. Sailors, Mariners, Navy, &c. Seamer (Mrs.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Searle (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Sears (E. H.), Foregleams of Immortality. 1859 65Z Season Ticket, The, a work on Social and Political Thought and Ideas, i860 1052F Seasons, Book of the, by Howitt, illustrated. 1856 572Q of the Year. 1853 , 569Q Pictured in Forty-eight Sun Views of the Earth, and Twenty-four Zodiacal Maps and other Drawings, by Proctor. 1885 338B [701] SEA GUILLE-aLLES LIBRARY. SEG- Seasons, Sacred Philosophy of the, by Duncan, 2 vols. 1855 300-1M Spring, Summer, 300M. Autumn, Winter, 301M. The, Poems by Thomson 341 and 345Q . See also Heath's Winter, 1274H. Saturday Review [Old-fashioned], v. 53, R.L. Guernsey Magazine, v. 16 and 17, 2396-7J. Spring, Autumn, Winter, &C. Seaward (Sir E. ), Narrative of his Shipwreck and Discovery of certain Islands in the Carribean Sea, edited by Porter. 1853 1280R Sebastian! (French Generals). See Alison's Europe, 126-36O, &c. Sevastopol, Campaign of, by Hamley. 1855 282II See also Crimean War, Russia, War, &c. Secret of Death, from the Sanscrit, with some Collected Poems by Arnold. 1885 81 iM Secret of Success, or how to get on in the World, by Adams. 1879 239R See also Chambers, v. 59, 1959J, ccc. Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries, by Heckthorn, 2 vols ... 377O the European Revolution [1796- 1876], by Frost, 2 vols. ... 32-3II the Middle Ages [R.T.S.]. 1837 1247Z See also Alison's Europe, 139-46O. All the Year Round, v. 49, 1809J. Fenians, Freemasonry, &c. Sects. See Hall's Puritans, 90K. Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Ecclesiastical His- tory, Religions, etc. Secular Instruction, Suggested Hints towards Improved, making it bear upon Practical Life, by Dawes 1513 and 1514Z Secularism. Sec Davies' Heterodox London, 35K. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Present Day Tracts [and Christianity compared], v. 2, 235T. Religious Systems of the World [by Foote], 934A, &c. Sedan. See Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Good Words, v. 12, 2182J. Leisure Hour [In and around], v. 19, 2629J. Saturday Review [Cam- paign of, 1S71], v. 58, R.L., &c. Sedan-Chairs. See Colquhoun's China, 541-2K, &c. Seddall (H.), B.A., Malta Past and Present, a History from the Days of the Phoenicians to the Present Time. 1870 459K Sedgwick (A., Geologist, b. 1785, d. 1873), M.A., and Heape (W.), Eds., Elements of Embryology, by Foster and Balfour. 1883 828M Sedgwick (Miss C. M., American Novelist, b. 1790, d. 1867), Letters from Abroad to Kindred at Home [a Tour in Europe], 2 vols in I. 1841 I150R Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Seebohm (F.), The English Village Community. 1883 363K Seeds. See Brown's Science for All, 629 B. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Knowledge [Dispersion of], v. 9, 2589J. Science Gossip, v. 5, 2412J. Wallace's Darwinism, 2121R, Slc. Seeing and Thinking, by Clifford. 1879 158R See also Cassell's Family Magazine [and Reading, &C.], v. 15, 1365J. Seeley (H. G.), F.R.S., Factors in Life— Health, Food, Education 844M Freshwater Fishes of Europe, their Genera, Species, Structure, Habits and Distribution, illustrated. 1886 811F Seeley (J. R., Professor of History, b. 1834), M.A., A Short History of Napoleon the First. 1886 1290O Ecce Homo, a Survey of the Life and Work of Jesus Christ 453 A Life and Times of Stein, or Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age, 3 vols. 1878 S"-3F The Expansion of England, two courses of Lectures. 1888 1515O See also Fortnightly, v. 38, 2128J, &c. Seer, The, or Common-places Refreshed, by Hunt. 1840 970H Seguin (L. G.), The Black Forest, its People and Legends, illus. ... 1354R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [702] SEG ENGLISH SECTION. SEN Segur (Count, Ambassador from France to the Courts of Russia and Prussia, b. 1753, d, 1832), Memoirs and Recollections, 3 vols. 492-4F Seine, The. See Art Journal [Scenery of], v. 34, R.L. Paris, &c. Selbome, Natural History of, by White. 1851 631Q and 41R See also Longman [Pilgrimage to], v. 3, 893J, &c. ■Selbome (Roundell Palmer, Earl of, Lawyer, b. 18 1 2), A Defence of the Church of England against Disestablishment. 1886... 1203M Ancient Facts and Fictions concerning Churches and Tithes. 1888 1204M Selby. See Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1350R, &c. Select British Divines. See Bradley (C), 125-39M, &c. . Self See M 'Cosh's Mind, 748 A. Self-approbation, Self-command and Self-deceit. See Smith's Moral Senti- ments, 588H, &C Self-Consciousness. See Compayr^'s Pedagogy, 296R. Self-Culture and Self- Reliance, under God the means of Self-Eleva- tion, by Unsworth. 1879 H23R by Blackie. 1874 669T Thoughts on, Addressed to Women, by Grey and Shirreff. 185 1. 961 R Self-Formation, or Aids to Mind-Life, by P. Hood. 1879 519T Self-Help, with Illustrations of Character, &c, by Smiles... 1093R and 163T Self-Ignorance and Self- Acquaintance, by Baxter. 1828 198Q Self-Improvement. See Young Ladies' Treasure Book, 131D, &c. Selfishness. See Emotions, Sentiments, &c. Self-Knowledge, by Mason 1222, 1416 and 1687Z Self- Surrender, a Second series of Consecrated Women, by Hack. 957O Selkirk (A., Scotch Mariner, b. 1676, d. after 1711). See Chambers' Miscellany, v. 16. 630R. Robinson Crusoe, &c. Selwyn (G. A., Bishop of New Zealand, b. 1809, d. 1878), D.D., Life of, by Tucker, 2 vols. 1879 623-4F See also Boy's Own Annual, v. 7, 2957J. Japp's Labour, &c. , 951Q. Poole's Index, R.L. Sunday at Home, v. 25, 2875J, &c. Selwyn (George A., Man of Fashion and Wit, b. 17 19, d. 1 791), and Chesterfield (Lord), by Hayward. 1854 1276R See also Living Age, v. 2, 332J, &c. Semedburg (J. R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. iSemedo (B. M. C.) See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Semiramis (Queen of Assyria, flourished about 1250 B.C.). See Clayton's Female Warriors, 643O. Assyria, &c. •Semmes (Admiral, Confederate Naval Officer, Commanded the Ala- bama during the War of Secession, b. 1810), Memoirs of, Service Afloat during the War between the States. 1869 231D Semper (Karl), Natural Conditions of Existence, illustrated 388R Semple (Robert), Second Journey in Spain, in the Spring of 1809 ... 1702R Sen (Keshab Chandra), and the Brahma Samaj, by Slater. 1884 ... 559M See also Oxley's Modern Messiahs, &c, 1254M, &c. ■Senate. Sec Bryce's American Commonwealth [The Federal], 517-9H. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 74-85H. Percy's Anecdotes, 927Z, &c. Seneca (L. Annaeus, Roman Stoic and Moralist, b. 2, murdered 65), Minor Dialogues, together with the Dialogue on Clemency, translated by Stewart. 1889 1201H See also Humboldt's Cosmos, 483R. Lecky's Morals, 384-5 M. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Cates' Stoicism, 1255M, &c. Senefelder (A., German Inventor, b. 177 1, d. 1834), History and Course of Lithography, translated. 18 19 58D Senegal, a Voyage to, in 1816, by Savigny. 1818 640K Senior (N. W., Political Economist, b. 1 790, d. 1864), Conversations with Distinguished Persons during the Second Empire [1852-60], edited by his Daughter, 2 vols. 1880 436-7H [703] SEN "GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SER Senior (N. W.)> Conversations with M. Thiers, M. Guizot, &c. [1860-63], edited by his Daughter. 1878 434 -5H Journals kept in France and Italy, from 1848-52, with a Sketch of the Revolution of 1848, 2 vols. 1871 , 1371-2R See also Napier's Correspondence, 273H, &c. Sennacherib {King of Assyria, assassinated 680 B.C.). See Ewald's Israel, 64K. Ragozin's Assyria, 432O, &c. Sensation. See Knowledge Lin a severed Head], v. 6, 2586J. Lewes' Philosophy, 571-2H. Science of Thought, 585H. Sully's Illusions, 369R. M 'Cosh's Mind, 748A, &c. Sensationalism. See Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R, &c. Sense. See Kant's Reason, 666T. Westminster Review [Common Sense, a Nemesis], v. 130, R.L. Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of Animals, with special Refer- ence to Insects, by Lubbock. 1 889 376R of Man, by Bernstein. 1885 363R [Touch, Sight, Hearing, Smell and Taste.] See also Eastian's Brain, 387R. Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Good Words [Culture of the], 2199J. Knowledge [in Infants], v. 4, 2534J. Leisure Hour [the Five], v. 15, 2625J. Smith's Essays, 462M. M'Cosh s Mind, 748A, &c. Sensibilities. See CompayrcS's Pedagogy, 296R. Fortnightly Review [a Study of], v. 37, 2127J. Sunday at Home [Sensitiveness], v. 34, 2884J. Sententiae Artis, first Principles of Art, by Quilter. 1886 9o6L> Sentimental Journey, and Letters to Eliza, by Yorick [L. Sterne].. 616Z Sentiments, Moral, by Smith 588H See also Brown's Ethics, 243M. Wright's Domestic Manners, 942F. Character, &c. Sepoy Rebellion. See Cassell's India, 229D. Indian Mutiny. India, &c. September. See Howitt's Seasons, 572Q. Month, &c. Sepulchres of Etruria, in 1839, by Gray, illustrated. 1840 1427R our Departed, by Anspach. 1859 1222M See also Knight's Pictorial Bible, 400-4M. Scott's Catacombs of Rome [Remains of Early Christians], 1238M. Graves, &c. Sergeant (Adeline). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Sergeant (LA Greece, illustrated 404T William Pitt, English Political Leaders. 1 882 1 242O Seringapatam. See Cassell's India, 228D. India, &c. Serle (A., Devotional Writer, b. 1741, d. 1812), Selections from the Works of, by Bickersteth. 1833 HoQ SERMONS and Lectures, by McCombie. 187 1 587M at Cambridge [1856], by Trench. 1857 229T Oxford and Cambridge [1876-1878], by Vaughan. 1878 100Q by Hankinson. 1844 482A Henry Ward Beecher, 2 vols. 1869 488-9A Jay, 2 vols. 1830 98-9K Ker. 1869 584M Usher [R.T.S.] 73Z Charity, Preached in the Parish Church of St. Sepulchre, &c, [1729], by Rogers. 1729 284K for Children, by Walker. 1842 74Z Special Occasions, by Burns. 1846 245M Sundays, Festivals and Fasts, edited by Watson. 1846 287K the New Life, by Bushnell. 1859 249M Year, by Girdlestone, 2 vols. 1836 578-9M in Blank Verse, by Davidson 230K Letters, Dissertations, &c., by M'Lean. 1848 ... 154M of Mr. Yorick [L. Sterne], 6 vols 79-84Z [704] SER ENGLISH SECTION. SER SERMONS on Different Subjects, by Jortin, 7 vols 246-52K Hosea xiv., by Reynolds I33 M Important Subjects, by Finney 236K Scripture Characters, by Burns. 1851 246M Several Occasions, by Wesley, 4 vols.. 1779-82Z Sermon on the Mount and the Parable of the Sower, translated into the Franco-Norman Dialect of Guernsey, by G. Metivier, edited by Pitts [Guille-Alles Library Series] 1858Z New Testament, Three Hundred Outlines of. 1882 490 M Parables and Miracles of Christ, by Burns. 1850 247M Preached before Her Most Gracious Majesty [1841-2], by Wilberforce. 1842 625M the University of Oxford [1863-5], by Liddon. 1866 880A in St. Bartholomew's Church, Cripplegate, London, in Ad- vent. 1852 481A [Lying and Truth. Practical Repentance. Putting on Christ. The Judg- ment. Ministry and its Duty. Conversion, &c] — the King's Weigh-House Chapel, London [1829-1869], by Binney. 1869 209T Pulpit Cyclopaedia 602A Sketches of, Types and Metaphors, by a Dissenting Minister ... 461 M [Types and Metaphors of God, Christ, the Church, Saints, Believers, Ministers, Gospel, Heaven, &c] Thirty-Four Sermons, by Wainwright. 1856 456A to the Aged, by Binder 1699Z Unspoken, by Macdonald. 1884 1210M Various, by Duncan and others, v.d 56K Contents: Interests of Truth and Virtue invariably Pursued by Providence in the Permission of Error and Vice. Evidence of Christianity not Weakened by the Frailty of its Ministers. Duties of Industry, Fru- gality and Sobriety. Nature and Obligation of Virtue. Perseverance in Well-Doing. Devout Observance of the Christian Sabbath recom- mended. Sinner's Account fairly Stated. Christian Fortitude in Times of Danger. Origin of Consecrated Churches, and Benefits of Public Worship. The Sabbath. Rational Religion recommended. Nature and Destructive Effects of Slander. Unalterable Nature of Virtue and Vice. Village, by Berens. 1850 565-6M Roberts [R.T.S.], vol. 2 242Q See also Anderson (W.), 22Q. Aitken (W. H.), 561-3M. Allin (T.), 201K. Arnold (T.), 203K. Atkinson (C), 204K. Barrow (T.), 205-6K and 425-30A. Beecher (H. W.), 207-8K and 565-6M. Binney (T.), 2Q. Binney (T.), 209K. Blair(H.), 215K. Bradley (C), 220-1 K. Bradford (J.) [Meditations, &c], 128M. Brown (A. G.), 222K. Burder(G.), 223K. Butler's Works, v. 2 [1844], 424A. Carr (G.), 224-5K. Cecil (R.), 570M. Chalmers (T.), 226K. Church (R. W.), 261M. Classic Preachers, 581-2O. Congreve (J.), 267M. Contemporary Review [Manufacture of], v. 8, 2018J. Cox (S.), 272M. Cumming (J.), 233Q. Cunningham (J. W.), 228-9K. Dawson (G.), 285M. Dealtry (W.), 231K. Doane (G. W.), 232K. Doddridge (P.) [Religion], 237Q. Farrar (F. W.), 312, 314 and 627M. Forsyth, 258F. Foster's Essays, 951R. Fowler's American Pulpit, 78K. Good Words [Negro Ser- mons], v. 8, 2178J. Guthrie (T.), 340M. Haweis' Current Coin, 974R. Hood's Preachers, 541M. Home (G.), 237-8K. Horsley(S.), 239-42K. Hughes' Social Christianity, 1231M. Jones (T.), 355M. Kelley rW.), 356-64M. Ken(Bp.). Kingsley (C.) [Village Sermons], 366M and 84Q. Knox-Little (W. J.) [Christian Life], 27Q. Leighton (R.), 136M. Macduff (J. R.) [St. Paul in Rome], 178Q. Macleod (A.), 399M. Martin (S.), 113K. Maurice (F. D.) [Lord's Prayer]. Methodist Pulpit, 165K. Newman (J. H.), 589-95M. Newton (Dr.), 426M. Parker (J.), 262-3K. Payson (E.), 20CJ. Porteus (Bp.), 265K. 27 [705] SER GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SEW SERMONS- {continued). Pulpit Cyclopaedia, 455-^. Pulpit Memorials, 280K. Punshon (VV. M.), 036O. Quekett's Sayings and Doings, 651F. Raleigh (A.), 937O. Kobertson (K. W.), 33-6M. St. Augustine's Works [Sermon on the Mount], v. 8, 345A. Saturday Review [and their Hearers], v. 6r, R.L. Scotch Sermons [1880], 285K. Scott (A.), 599-0M. Scott (J.), M.A., 286K. Sherlock (Bp.), 23-4Q. Spurgeon's Metropolitan Taber- nacle, 471M ; Tabernacle Pulpit, 166K. Stanley (A. P.), 38M. Stubbs (C. \Y.), 605M. Tayler (C), 288K. The Preacher, 267-73K. The Pulpit Cyclopaedia, 139-42K. Tholuck's Passion of our Lord, 486M. Twells (H.), Vaughan (C. J.) [The Book and the Life]. 135Q ; [Thoughts for These Times], 229Q. Venn (J.), 293-5K. Watson's Works, 21-3M. Wesley (J.), 622-4M. Whitby (J.), 296-7K. Brad- ford, Latimer, Preachers' Manual, Preaching, Russell (A.), B.D. Sandys. Ellicott's Destiny of the Creature, 733A. Wesley's Works, &c. Serpents. See Conway's Demonology, 909-10M. Gentleman's Magazine, N.s. [Some uses of], v. 34, 754J. Quiver [Serpent Worship, Past and Present], v. 25, 3295J. Reptiles, Snakes, Natural History, &c. SertorillS {Roman General, Assassinated 72 B.C.). See Plutarch's Lives, 448F and 1133Q, &c. Servants. See All Year Round [Study of Black Maids], v. 57, 1817J. An- drew's Eighteenth Century, 281R. Ashton's Reign of Queen Anne, 67F. Beeton's Everybody's Lawyer, 324R. Caddy's Household, 952M. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Cassell's Family Magazine [Modern], v. 4, 2344J ; [Training Schools for], v. 6, 2355J. Cham- bers' [Domestic Servant Difficulty], v. 59, 1959J ; [Revolution below Stairs], v. 63, 1963J. Cornhil! [Side of the Maids and the Side of the Mistresses], v. 29, 309J. Fraser [Domestic], v. 8, 618J ; v. 74, 684J, and v. 77, 687J. Girl's Own Annual [and Service], v. 4, 2554J ; v. 6, 2556J ; [The Idle], v. 10, 2560J. Leisure Hour [Female], v. 26, 2636J. Macmillan, v. 34, 964J. Once a Week [Servants in Hamburg], v. 1, 2261 J. Responsibilities of Employers, 534T. Scribner's Monthly [Servants in the United States], v. n, 1861J, &c. Servia, Adventures in, among the Bashi-Bazouks, by Wright, edited by Bernard, illustrated. 1884 803K History of, and the Servian Revolution, &c, by Ranke, trans- lated by Kerr. 1853 89O See also Leisure Hour, v. 16 and 25, 2626 and 2635J. Turko-Russian War [Servians], 450B, &c. Serviss (Garrett P.), Astronomy with an Opera Glass: a Popular Introduction to the Study of the Starry Heavens with the Simplest of Optical Instruments, illustrated. 1889 690D Settlers and Convicts, or Recollections of Sixteen Years' Labour, by an Emigrant. 1852 676Z See also Austral Africa, 1401-2H. Colonies, Emigration, &c. Seven Heroines of Christendom, by C. D. Yonge. 1878 958O Seven Lamps of Architecture, &c, by Ruskin. 1880 843R Seven Voices of the Spirit, by Biber. 1857 .~ 574^1 Seven Wonders of the World. See Timbs* Works, 853Z, &c. Seven (L. von). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Sevigne (Madame De, French Authoress, b. 1626, d. 1696), by Miss Thackeray [Oliphant's Foreign Classics]. 1882 11S7O Her Correspondence and Contemporaries [1592-1676], by the ComtesseDe Puliga, 2 vols. 1873 226F See also Baker's French Society, 332O. Hayward's Eminent Writers, 249F. Living Age [Character and Poetry of], v. 164, 3194J. Sewage. See Dempsey's Drainage, 593T. Eassie's Healthy Houses, &c, 99 iM. Fortnightly [Pollution of the Thames by], v. 46, 2136J. Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Gardner's Sanitary Science, 941 K, &c. Sewall (W. G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Seward (\V. H., American Statesman, b. 1801, d. 1872), Life of John Quincy Adams. 1849 47iO Travels Round the World, edited by O. R. Seward, ill. 1873... 601B [706] SEW ENGLISH SECTION. SHA Sewell (Mrs. E. M., High Church Novelist, b. 1815), Thy Poor Brother, Letters to a Friend on Helping the Poor. 1863 ... 162J Life and Letters, by Mrs. Bayly. 1889 1436O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Sewell (L. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Sewell (W.), B.D., An Introduction to the Dialogues of Plato. 1841 161T Sewer-gas and how to Keep it out of Houses, by Reynolds. 1876 1443Z See also Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Wynter's Human Hive, 244R. English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Nature [Disinfection of], v. 32, 2692J. Waring's Drains, 820M. Sanitation, &c. Sewing. See Dillmont's Needlework, 912D. Girl's Book, 1257H. Ure's Dictionary [Sewing Machines], 8D. Wynter's Human Hive [Sewing Machines], 244R, &c. Sexes. See Compayre's Pedagogy [quality of], 296R. Darwin's Descent of Man, 25R. Knowledge [Influence of Sex on Mind], v. 1, 2581 J. McCulloch's British Empire, 711-2H. Man, Woman, Natural History, &c. Sexton (S.), M.D., Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Seymour (Rev. M. Hobart, Controversialist, b. 1802, d. 1874), M.A., A Pilgrimage to Rome, containing some Account of the High Ceremonies, the Monastic Institutions and Religious Services in that City. 1849 I418R Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. 1 849 458M Seymour (C. and H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Sforzosi (L.), Compendious History of Italy, translated by Greene [Harper's Family Library]. 1836 99Z Shackford (C. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Shad, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 81 iF. Fishes, &c. Shadow Pantomimes. See Boy's Own Book, 1527Z. Magic Lantern, &c. Shadows. See Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 843K. Brown's Science for All, 62 7 Ba, &c. Shadows of the Old Booksellers, by Knight. 1865 1451O Shadrach., Meshach and Abednego. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Shadwell (Lieut. Gen.), C.B., Life of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde. 162-3F Shadwell (T., Dramatist. 6r°c, b. 1640, d. 1692). See Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 927O, &c. Shaft Sinking. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 9D, &c. Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley Cooper, First Earl of, Lord Chan- cellor, b. 1621, d. 1683), by Traill [English Worthies]. 1S86 1205O See also Campbell's Chancellors, 777-8O. Stoughton's Religion in England, 94M, &c. Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of, Philosopher, b. 1671, d. 1 7 13), by Fowler [English Philosophers], 1882. 1232O Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley Cooper, Seventh Earl of, Religions Philanthropist, b. 1801, d. 1885), K.G., Speeches upon Sub- jects having Relation chiefly to the Claims and Interests of the Labouring Class. 1868 1083R True Nobility, or the Golden Deeds of an Earnest Life, by Kirton 1343O Life and Work of, by Hodder, illustrated, 3 vols. 1887 604-6F See also Bullock's Talks with the People, 197Z. Hope's Loving Work, 1224R. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 10, 2620J. Sunday at Home, v. 32, 2882J, &c. Shairp (J. C, Scotch Scholar and Poet, d. 1885), LL.D., Burns [English Men of Letters]. 1879 1059O Culture and Religion in some of their Relations [Lectures]. 1872 1147H On Poetic Interpretation of Nature. 1877 564Q Tait (P. G.), M.A., and Adams-Reilly (A.), F.R.G.S., Life and Letters of John David Forbes. 1873 257F See also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 58, 988J, &c. Shakers. Sec NordhofFs Communistic Societies, 1045F, &c. [707] SHA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SHA SHAKESPEARE (W., Celebrated Dramatist and Poet, b. 1564, d. 1616), Complete Works [Bohn]. 1862 376Q with Notes by Phelps, illustrated, 2 vols 415-6D Dramatic Works of, from the Text of Johnson, Stevens and Reed, with Glossorial Notes, Life, &c, by Rowe. 1848 1098H with Remarks on his Life and Writings, by Campbell... 422Da with Explanatory Notes, to which is added a copious Index to the remarkable passages and words by Ayscough. 1790... 420-2D Literary Biography, by Elze, translated by Schmitz [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1888 1492O Philosophy of, by Rankine, extracted from his Plays. 1841 640 T Passages selected from his Plays. 1863 648T Plays, for the Use of Girls, by Rosa Baughan. 1863 424D of, printed from the Text of the Corrected copies left by Steevens and Malone, and a Sketch of his Life and Glossary... 417-8D with Notes of Pope, Warburton, Johnson, Collins, Gray, Warton, Theobald, &c, edited by Manley Wood, illustrated, 14 vols. 1806 : Vol. 1. — Rowe's Life of Shakespeare, Shakspeare's Will, Johnson's Preface, Glossary, Tempest, Two Gentlemen of Verona 362Q Vol. 2. — Merry Wives of Windsor, Twelfth Night, Measure for Measure . . 363Q Vol. 3. — Midsummer Night's Dream, Love's Labour's Lost, Merchant of Venice 364Q Vol. 4.— Much Ado about Nothing, As You Like It, All's Well that Ends Well 365Q Vol. 5.— Taming of the Shrew, Winter's Tale, Comedy of Errors 366Q Vol. 6.— Macbeth, King John, King Richard II 367Q Vol. 7.— King Henry IV., Part I.; King Henry IV., Part II.; King Henry V 368Q Vol. 8.— King Henry VI., Part I. ; King Henry VI., Part II. ; King Henry VI., Part III. 369Q Vol. 9. — King Richard III., King Henry VIII., Troilus and Cressida 370Q Vol. 10. — Timon of Athens, Titus Andronicus, Pericles 371Q Vol. n. — Coriolanus, Julius Caesar 37 2 Q Vol. 12. — Antony and Cleopatra, Cymbeline 373Q Vol. 13. — King Lear, Romeo and Juliet 374Q Vol. 14.— Hamlet, Othello 375Q Poems, Life by Dyce [British Poems]. 1864 47oQ The Leopold, with Edward* III., and the Two Noble Kinsmen, and an Introduction by Furnivall, illustrated 425D Works of, from Mr. Pope's edition [Baskerville Shakespeare]. 1 768 801 -9T A Critical Study of his Mind and Art, by Dowden. 1880 1106H Study of, by Swinburne. 1880 1102H and Classical Antiquity, by Stapfer, tr. by Carey. 1880. 1 103H and 1026M — Holy Writ, Parallel Passages tabularly Arranged, by Mal- colm and Furnival. 1881 1248Z Animal Lore of Shakespeare's Time, by Phipson. 1883 929M by Dowden [Literature Primers]. 1877 1211Z Characters of Shakespeare's Plays, by Hazlitt. 1854 639T Commentaries, by Gervinus, translated by Bunnet. 1880 1099H Concordance to, by Mrs. Cowden Clarke. 1879 423D England of, by Goodby. 1881 957^ Fairy Tales and Legends, Illustrative of, by Ritson. 1875 638T — ! — Flora, a Guide to Passages where Trees, Plants, &c, are Mentioned, by Grindon. 1883 197R Life and Genius of, by Kenny. 1864 496F of, by Halliwell. 1848 495F [708] SHA ENGLISH SECTION. SHE SHAKESPEARE (W.), On Some of Shakespeare's Female Charac- ters, by Helena Faucit 419D [Ophelia, Portia, Desdemona, Juliet, Imogen, Rosalind, Beatrice.] Pope, Goethe and Schiller, by De Quincy. 1863 660R — Predecessors in the English Drama, by Symonds. 1884 1097H Remarks on Collier's and Knight's Editions, by Dyce. 1844 ... 67 1 B Secret Drama of Shakespeare's Sonnets, by Massey. 1888 1326H Shakespeariana Genealogica, by G. R. French. 1869 1096H Shakespearian Thought, Index to, by C. Arnold. 1880 1095II Story of the Youth of Shakespeare, by Williams. 1839 1101H Tales from, for Young Persons, by Lamb. 185 1 1100H The Man [Bagehot's Studies] 863H Treasury of Wisdom and Knowledge, by Stearns. 1869 1104H Wisdom and Genius of, by Price. 1839 II05H See also Century Magazine [Workshop of], v. 7, 1879J. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 23F. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 327-8H. English Illustrated Magazine [Shake- speare's Country], v. 2, 1992J. Fitzgerald's Kings and Queens of an Hour [Forgeries], 85F. Gentleman's Magazine [as a Prose Writer], v. 2 5> 745J \ N - s - l an d Napoleon III.], v. 34, 754J ; [Shakespeare's Trees], v. 265, 761J. Inchbald's British Theatre. Land we Live in [and Stratford], 464B. Leisure Hour [House and Tomb of], v. 13, 2623J ; [Ghosts of], v. 20, 2630J. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682 F. Posnett's Literature, 394R. Scribner [Portrait of, Death-Mask], v. 8, 1858J ; [How shall we spell Sh — \ — sp — r — s Name], v. 12, 1862 J. Timmins' Warwickshire, 141 3H, &c. Shales and Mineral Oils, See Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Shamrock, The. See Quiver, v. 28, 3298J. Science Gossip, v. 5, 2412J, &c. Shand (A. T.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Shanghai. See Cumming's China, 789-90K. China, &c. Shanklin. See Walford's Pleasant Places, 815Q. Shanks (D.), D.D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A. Shanks (W. F. G,), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Shanley(C. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. . Shannon, The. See Irish Pictures, 336B, &c. Shark, The. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 9, 2959J. Brown's Science for All [and Sturgeons], 628B. Every Boy's Annual [1867], 1302H. Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 757F. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 678and68oQ. Nature [Largest Known], v. 30, 2690J. Science Gossip [Chapters on Fossil], v. 20, 2421J. Sunday at Home, v. 8, 2858J. Sharp (D.), 7k, Walks Abroad of Two Young Naturalists, by Beaugrand, illustrated. 1888 815F Sharp (W,), Ed., Songs and Poems of the Sea. 1888 814M [Containing a Morning Swim in Guernsey, &c, by T. Watts.] Sharpe (C. K., Scotch Engineer, b. 1781, d. 1851). See Blackwood's Magazine, v. 144, 214J. Sharpe (S.), Egyptologist and Translator of the Bible, by Clayden... 959O Shaw (Captain E. M., Head of London Fire Brigade), C.B., Fires and Fire Brigades [Int. Health Ex.], illustrated. 1884 988iM Shaw (F. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Shaw (G. A.), P\Z.S., Madagascar and France, with some Account of its Island, its People, its Resources and Development I445R Shaw (G. Bernard). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Shaw (H. W.). See Billings (Josh) in Fiction List. Shaw (J.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Shaw (Prof. J. F.). See St. Augustine's Works. Shaw (W.) and Johnson (C. W.), F.R.S. See Thaer (A. D.), Agriculture, 36D. Shaw (Mrs., the Late Pritice Imperial's Nurse). See Chambers', v. 61, 1961J. Shawl Manufacture. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D. Shea (J. G., American Ethnologist, b. 1 824), LL.D., The Lincoln Memorial. 1865 .... 349F Shearman (M.), Athletics and Football [Badminton Library]. 1887 1259R [709I SHE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SHE Sheep, Treatise on, by Blacklock. 1841 744Z See also Cornhill Magazine [Concerning], 338 J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 665Q. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-12F. Rogers' Work and Wages, 1102F. Shep- herd's Prairie Experiences, 716K. Agriculture, Animals, Farming, Natural History, &c. Sheep-Dog. See Youatt's The Dog, 817F. Dogs, &c. Sheepfolds, Construction of, by Ruskin. 1880 847R Sheffer (Ary). See Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 21, 2631J. Sheffield. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 69, 1649J. Land we Live in [and its Cutleries], 464B. Science Gossip [Geology of], v. 15, 2418J. Sheil (Lady), Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia, with Notes on Russia, Koords, Turkomans, &c. 1856 1490R Shekleton (M.), Biblical Geography in a Nutshell. 1884 459M Sheldon (G., Archbishop 0/ Canterbury, £.1598, d. 1677). See Stoughton's Religion in England, 94-5M. Sheldon (G. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Shelley (P. B., Poet, b. 1792, d. 1822), Complete Poetical Works... 515Z Poems and Life, edited by Mrs. Shelley, 4 vols. 1870 471-4Q Poetical Works. 1845 515Z Select Letters of, edited by Garnett. 1882 1251Z A Study of, by Todhunter. 1883 960a by Sy monds. 1879 108 1 Life of, by Dowden, 2 vols. 1886 557-8F See also Bagehot's Studies, 863H. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Merydew's Love Letters, v. 2, 677 F. Noel's Essays, 1039H. Temple Bar [as a Teacher], v. 66, 1396J ; v. 67, 1397J. Saturday Review [Letters], v. 54, R.L., &c. Shelley (Mrs., Wife of above, b. 1797, d. 1851), Rambles in Germany and Italy [1840-3], 2 vols. 1844... 1404-5R Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of France. 2 vols. 1838. 782-3T [Montaigne, Rabelais, Corneille, Rochefoucauld, Moliere, La Fontaine, Pascal, S£vign6, Boileau, Racine, F£n61on, Voltaire, Rousseau, Con- dorcet, Mirabeau, Madame Roland, Madame De Stael.] See also Temple Bar, v. 74, 1404 J, &c. Shellfish. See Boy's Own Annual [Our Edible], v. 9, 2959J. Clark's Marine Mollusca, 749F. Duncan's Sea Shore, 627Q. Taylor's Seaside, 588Q. Mollusca, Oysters, &c. Shells and Shell Fish, a Treatise on, by Swainson. 1840 793T and their Inmates [R.T.S.] 733Z Beautiful, by Adams, illustrated 118R • British Land and Freshwater, by Adams. 1884 137R See also Boy's Own Annual, v. 8, 2958J. Buckley's Life, &c, 106R. Cassells [a Gossip about], v. 5, 2354J. Gosse's A Year at the Shore, 586Q. Harvey's Sea-side Book, 1868Z. Heer's Primaeval World of Switzerland, 732-3F. Houseman's Museum, 92R. Lyell's Geology, 726Q. Pratt's Sea-Coast, 587Q. Science Gossip [Varieties of British], v. 21, 2422J. Woodward's Mollusca, 181R. Conchology, &c. Shenstone (W., Poet, b. 17 14, d. 1763), Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain], 2 vols. 1807 ... 385-6Z — See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Johnson's Select Poets, 411D. Jones' Poets, 661M, &c. Shepherd Tribes. See Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R, &c. Shepherd (N. G.), Poems by. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Shepherd (Major W.), Prairie Experiences in Handling Cattle and Sheep, illustrated. 1884 716K Shepherd (W. A.), From Bombay to Bushire and Bussora. 1857... 1508R Sheppard (Jack, Highwayman, executed 1724). See Chronicles of Newgate [Scene at his Execution], v. 1, 330D, &c. Shere AH. See Trotter's India under Victoria, 538-9H. [710] SHE ENGLISH SECTION. SHI Sheridan (P. H., General U.S. Army, b. 1831), Personal Memoirs of, 2 vols. 1888 213-4F Sheridan (R. B., Orator and Dramatist, b. 1751, d. 1816), Drama- tic Works and Life of, by G. G. S. [Bonn's Lib.]... 1084R and 299T by Oliphant [Morley's English Men of Letters]. 1883 1090R Speeches and Sketch of his Life, 3 vols. 1842 1078-80II The Rivals, a Comedy in Five Acts 1754Z Works and Life of. 1848 299T Works of, with a Memoir, edited by Stainforth 1085R Memoirs of, by Moore, 2 vols. 1825 300-1T by Watkins, 2 vols. 1818 497-8F See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 27F. Fitzgerald's English Stage, 338D. Harris' Radicals, no5F. Merydew's Love Letters, v. 2, 677F. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682 F. Nicoll's Great Orators, 992Q. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1339R. Inchbald's British Theatre, &c. Sheridans, Lives of the, by Fitzgerald, 2 vols. 1886 638-9F Sheriffs. See Stubb's History, 210-2O. Chronicles of Newgate [of Old London], v. 1, 330D, &c. Sherlock (T., Bishop of London, 1748, b. 1678, d. 1761), D.D., Several Discourses Preached at the Temple Church. 1875... 23-4Q Sherlock (W., Dean of St. Pauls, father of above, b. 1641, d. 1707). See Stoughton's Religion in England, 96-7M. Sherman (General, American Federal General, b. 1820), and his Campaigns, a Military Biography, by Bowman and Irwin 292D See atso Century, v. 5, 1877J. America, United States, &c. Sherry. See Cornhill, v. 54, 334J. Thudichum's Alcoholic Drinks, 986M, &c. Sherwood (J. D. and M. E. ), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Sherwood (Mrs. M. M., Writer for the Young, b. 1775, lt > l8 50> History of Henry Milner, a Little Boy. 1845 844O ■ See also Sunday at Home [Life of], v. 2, 2852 J. Fiction Class List follow- ing the General Catalogue, &c. Shetland and Orkney Islands, by Wood [Argosy, v. 25] 25J ■ — See also Leisure Hour [Folk-lore of], v. 25, 2639J, &c. Shields. See Boutell's Arms and Armour, 36GO, &c. Shields (R. J.), Knights of the Red Cross, seven Allegorical Stories. 1540Z Shinto Religion. See Bird's Japan, 335K. Religious Systems of the World [by Isabella Bird], 934A, &c. Shinty, Golf, &c. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1150M. Shipley (O., Clergyman, became a Roman Catholic, b. 1832), M.A., Ed., Studies in Modern Problems, by Various Writers. 1874 460M Christian Ceremonial, by Field. Confession of Sin to a Priest, by Chambers. Reservation of the Sacrament, by Humble. Missions and Preaching Orders, by Vaux. Abolition of the XXXIX. Articles, by Pocock. Liturgy of Edward VI. and our own Compared, by Shipley. Ship-Building. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Marvels of Art, 1227Z, &c. Ship Canal, The Manchester. See Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 15, 1365J, &c. Ship-Money. See Brodie's British Empire, 212-3H. Gardiner's History of England, 462-8O, &c. Shipowners, Seamen, and the Board of Trade. See Contemporary, v. 45, _. . 2 °55J» &c. Shipping, Masting and Rigging of Ships, by Kipping, ill. 1866.... 705Q See also Alison's Europe, 139-46O. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Cassell's Family Magazine [Building of Ships], v. 13, 2362J. Chambers' Journal [and Sailors], v. 60, 1960J. Donnelly's Atlantis [Ships of Troy], 1017M. Gray's China, 520-1K. Leisure Hour [Notable Ships], v. 11, 262 1 J. National Miscellany [Ships of War in the Olden Times], 1036H. Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Navigation, Mercantile Marine, Navy, &c. Shipwreck, The, a Poem, by Falconer. 1811 353Q Shipwrecks, Great [1544-1877] 1659R [711] SHI GUILLEALLES LIBRARY. SHR Ship-wrecks. See also Blight's Land's End, 820Q. Boy's Own Annual [of the World], v. 7, 2957J ; v. 8, 2958J. Johns' Loss of the Amazon, 1742Z. Percy Anecdotes, 928Z. Quiver, v. 9, 3279J. Wynter's Curiosities, 919M, &c. Shipwrights. See Leisure Hour [among the], v. 37, 2647 J. Shirley (J., Poet, b. 1594, d. 1666). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Shirlev (W.). See Inchbald's British Theatre, &c. Shirreff ( Miss E.), Life of Frobel. 1887 1361O The Kindergarten, Principles ofFroebel's System and their Bear- ing on the Education of Women. 1876 293R and Grey (M. G.), Thoughts on Self-Culture addressed to Women. 1851 961R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Shoberl (F. ), Excursions in Normandy illustrative of the Character, Manners, Customs, and Traditions of the People. 1841-2... 1378-9R Shoes and Shoemakers [Crispin Anecdotes]. 1827 1497^ Hall's Book of the Feet [Shoemakers and Shoes] 1161M See also Cassell's Family Magazine [Shoemaking Fifty Years ago and now], v. 7, 2356J. Chambers' Miscellany [Anecdotes of Shoemakers], 630R. Harper [Shoes, How Made], v. 70, 1650J. Leisure Hour [Supersti- tions about Shoes], v. 33, 2643J, &c. Shooting, by Lord Walsingham, &c. [Badminton Lib.], 2 vols. 1887.1134-5M See also Chambers' [Rifle Practice at Long Range], v. 31, 1942J. Davies' Mountain, Meadow and Mere [illustrated], 1345R. Fortnightly Review, v. 38, 2128J. Herschel's Familiar Lectures [Target], 689Q. Jefferies' Amateur Poacher, 786R. Lennox's Fashion Then and Now, 1018-9H. Macmillan [Rifle Shooting and Drill], v. 5, 935J. Saturday Review [Covert], v. 57, R.L. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 68 iT. Walker's Manly Exercises, 1164M. Hunting, &c. Shooting Stars. See Brown's Science for All, 627B. Stars, Astronomy, &c. Shop Assistants. See Capital and Labour, 1115F. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia [Shops], 829K. Wynter's Social Bees [Shop- Windows], 1159R, &c. Shore (T. Teignmouth), M.A., Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians [Ellicott's Commentary] 142Q and Second Epistles to the Corinthians 2 57Q Shoreham. See Walford's Pleasant Places, 815Q. Shores and Islands. See Reclus' Phenomena, 805F. Short Biographies for the People. See Biography. Short History of the English People, by Green. 1878 258O Short Studies on Great Subjects, by Froude, 3 vols. 1878 207-9O fourth series. 1883 53 2 H Shorthand, Gurney's System Improved, by Miller. 1884 1241R See also Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Saturday Review [Anderson's History of], v. 53, R.L. Pitman, &c. Most of the works are under Phonography. Shorthou.se (J. Henry, Author, b. 1834). See Blackwood, v. 131, 201J. Molino's Golden Thoughts [Preface by Shorthouse], 103Q. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c Shot. See Chambers [Manufacture of Small Shot], v. 23, 1938J. Shovel (Sir Cloudesley, Admiral, b. 1650, Shipwrecked and £>rowned 1707). See Yonge's British Navy, 302 H. Showers (Lieut. -Gen.), C.L., A Missing Chapter in the Indian Mutiny. 1888 560H Shrew, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660Q. Natural History, &c. Shrewsbury. See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Shrewsbury (Earls and Dukes of). See Leader's Mary Queen of Scots, 347H. Strickland's Mary Queen of Scots, 793-9O, &c. Shrike, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 654Q. Natural History, &c. Shrimps and Prawns. See Argosy, v. 42, 42J. Bell's British Crustacea, 750F. Cassell's Magazine [Tea and Shrimps], v. 7, 2347J. Duncan's Sea Shore, 627Q. Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q. Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807 F. Crustacea, &c. Shrines and Sepulchres of the Old and New World, by Madden ... 342-3K _Seel also Time, v. 1, 1491J. Sepulchres, Graves, Tombs, &c. [712] SHR ENGLISH SECTION. SID Shropshire. See Leisure Hour, v. 37, 2647J. Shrovetide. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M. Dyer's Popular Customs [Shrove Tuesday], 1036F, &c. Shrubs. See Coleman's Woodlands, 563Q. Cooke's Woodlands, 622Q. Science Gossip [Seaside], v. 10, 2414J. Botany, &c. Shuckard (W. E.) t British Bees, an Introduction to the Study of their Natural History and Economy. 1866 2118R Shuckford (S., d. 1754), D.D., Sacred and Profane History of the World, 2 vols. 1810 161-2K Shuttleworth (P. N., Bishop of Chichester, b. 1782, d. 1842), D.D., Paraphrastic Translation of the Apostolical Fathers, with Notes. 1831 163K Siam, Kingdom of, by Neale, illustrated. 1852 1313R See also Beauvoir's Voyage, 1302R. China [and Anam], 1533O. Inman's Faiths, 96Ka. Leisure Hour [Embassies to], v. 2, 2612J. Stanford's Compendium, 852K. Sunday at Home [and the Siamese], v. 10, 2860J. Sibbald (Sir R., Scottish Physician, b. 1641. d. 1712). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 644Q, &c. Siberia, Oriental and Western, by Atkinson, illustrated. 1858 598B Through, by Lansdell, illustrated, 2 vols. 1882 496-7K Travels in, by Enr.an, 2 vols. 1848 498-9K See also Cassell's Family Magazine [On the Road to], v. 15, 1365J. Century [and the Exile System], v. 37, 1887J. Cornhill Magazine [Mammoth Hunting in], v. 58, 338J. Fortnightly Review, v. 21, 2111J. Lansdell's Russian Asia, 828 K. Nineteenth Century [Journey of Exiles to], v. 14, 2224J. Quiver [among the Prisoners of], v. 25, 3295J. Saturday Review, v. 55, R.L. Stanford's Compendium, 852K. White's July Holiday, 1470R. Meignan's Paris to Pekin [Siberian Snows], 8tiK. Boy's Own Annual [Through], v. 6, 2956J. Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Russia, Szc. Sibome (Capt. W.), War in France and Belgium, Quatre-Bras, Waterloo, &c, 2 vols. 1844 279-0H Sicilian Story, &c, Poems, by Barry Cornwall. 1820 645T Sicily, A Summer and Winter in the Two Sicilies, by Kavanagh 1477-8R and Southern Italy, Cities of, by Hare. 1883 1683R Calabria, &c, Unprotected Females in. 1859 I479R Diary of an Idle Woman in, by Elliot, 2 vols. 1881 1475-6R See also English Illustrated Magazine [a Month in], v. 3, 1993J. Freeman's Essays [Sicilian Cycles], 418H. Mitford's Greece [Ancient Grecian Settlements], 101-6H. Poole's Index, R.L. Taylor's Land of the Saracens, 854R, &c. Sick Clubs. See Leisure Hour, v. 20, 2630J. Sickness, Death and Burial. See Leisure Hour, v. 27, 2637J. Disease, Medicine. Siddons (J. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Siddons (Mrs., Tragic Actress, b. 1755, d. 1831), by Kennard. 1887 II39O See also Fitzgerald's English Stage, 338D ; The Kembles, 333-4F, &C Sidereal Universe. See Pouchet's The Universe, 721 F, &c. Sidgwick (Alfred), Fallacies, a View of Logic from the Practical Side [International Scientific Series] 39iR Sidgwick (Mrs. Alfred), Caroline Schlegel and her Friends. 1889... 1462O Sidmoutb. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K, &c. Sidm.OU.th (Henry Addington, Viscount, Premier 1801, b. 1757, d. 1844). See Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Sidney (Algernon, Patriot, b. 1622, beheaded 1683). See Nineteenth Century [Treatise on Love], v. 15, 2225J. Sidney (E.), A. M., The Field and the Ford, a Popular Exposition on the Science of Agriculture [R.T.S.] 74-iZ Sidney (Sir P., Statesman and Poet, b. 1554, mortally wounded in Battle, 1586), by Symonds [Morley's Eng. Men of Letters]... 1091R See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Thomson's Friendships, 565O, &c [713] SID GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SIL Sidney (S.), The Three Colonies of Australia: New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, their Pastures, Copper Mines and Gold Fields. 1852 783K Sidon. See Rawlinson's Phoenicia, 1553O. Sunday at Home, v. 9, 2859J, &c. SiebenkaS (F. S.). Richter's Flower, Fruit and Thorn Pieces 271-2Z Siebold (P. F. von, German Naturalist, b. 1796, d. 1866), Manners and Customs of the Japanese. 1841 1512R Sieges of Vienna by the Turks, by Schimmer, trans. 1 847 1 289R See also Battles, Wars, &c. Siemens (Sir C. W., German Physicist, b. 1823, d. 1883), F.R.S., Conservation of Solar Energy. 1883 718D — ■ See also Gentleman's Magazine, N.s., v. 34, 754J. &c. Siena. See Howell's Tuscan Cities, 674B. Temple Bar [August in], v. 69, 1399J. Sierra Leone, Residence at, edited by Mrs. Norton. 1849. 790Q and 1286R See also Sunday at Home, v. 27, 2877J. Westminster Review [Mr. Ban- bury's], v. 130, R.L. Siesmology. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Earthquakes, &c. Sieveking (A. W.), Lifeof, edited by Winkworth. 1863 961O Sight, An Exposition of the Principles of Monocular and Binocular Vision, by Le Conte. 1883 368R See also Bernstein's Five Senses, 363R. Higgins' Philosophers, 720Q. Knowledge [Influence of Civilization on], v. 7, 2587J. Timbs' Works [and Sound], 851Z. Eye, Optics, Light, Vision, &c. Sights of our Great Cities. See Boys' Own Annual, v. 10, 2960J. Sight-Seeing and Fairs. See Ashton's Reign of Queen Anne, 67F. Sigismund {Emperor of Germany, b. 1368, d. 1437). See Palace and Hospital, i=i350. Germany, Hungary, &c. Sign Boards, History of, by Larwood and Hotten, illustrated. 1 866 1000R See also Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q, &c. Signals, Marine [Marryat's Code] 17D See also Boy's Own Annual [Signal Flags of the World], v. 5, 2955J : [and Signalling], v. 6, 2956J. Once a Week [Naval], v. 19, 2279J, &c. Signatures, Autographs, &c. See Index to Harper's Magazine, R.L. Knight's England [Illustrious], 148-50H. Morley's English Literature [Fac- similes of many celebrated authors], 1223Z. Signs of the Times, the Moslem and his End, the Christian and his Hope, by Cumming. 1854 210Q — ; Omens and Warnings. See Grant's Mysteries, 894F. Sigourney (Mrs. L. H., American Poetess, b. 1791, d. 1865). See Lucy Howard's Journal [1858], 719O. Alibone, v. 2, R.L. Poole's Index, R.L. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Sikes (Mrs. Olive Logan). See Chroniqeuse. Sikes (W. W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Sikhism. See Religious Systems of the World [bv Pincott], 934A. Sikhs, Sikh War, &c. See Cassell's India, 229D. Trotter's India under Vic- toria, 538-9H. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. India, &c. Silence. See Argosy [Power ofj, v. 8, 8J. Living Age [Silence is Gold], v. 164, _,.. 3I94J, &c. Silence and the Voices of God, with other Sermons, by Farrar. 1877. 314M Silius-Italicus {Roman Poet, b. 25, d. 100). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Silk, Cotton, Linen and other Fabrics, Ancient History of. 1845 ... 2I 3F> Manufacture 1490Z See also All the Year Round, v. 39, 1799J. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Half Hours in the Tiny World [and Silk Worms], 567Q. Knowledge [Origin of Silk Culture], v. 6, 2586J. Lardner's Cyclopajdia [Manufac- ture], 347T. Leisure Hour [and Silk Worms], v. 7, 2617J ; v. 19, 2629J. McCulloch's British Empire [Manufacture], 711H. Rock's Textiles, 1053M. Ure's Dictionary, 8-9D, &c. Silkworms, Who were the First Weavers ? 1869 568Q See also Beeton s Home Pets, 193R. Leisure Hour, v. 14, 2624J. Science Gossip [Wild Chinese], v. 6, 2412J. Entomology, &c. [714] SIL ENGLISH SECTION. SIM Silurian Strata. See Lyell's Geology, 726-7Q, Sec Silver Mines. See Atkinson's Siberia, Sec, 598 B. Mines, Sec Silver. See Chambers [in Britain], v. 22, 1937J. Cripps' College and Corporation Plate, 1034M. English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Nineteenth Century [Crusade against Silver Money], v. 19, 2229J. Saturday Review [Silver in India], v. 53, R.L. Simonin's Mines and Miners, 632-3B. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Temple's India, 486K. Ure's Dictionary, 8-9D. Metals, Mines, Sec Silver Wings and Golden Scales, a Work upon Insects, illustrated ... 7481* Silvestre (G.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of England, 473D, &c. Simcox (E.), Episodes in the Lives of Men, Women and Lovers 1086R Sime(J.), M.A., G. E. Lessing, 2 vols. 1877 347-8F Life of Goethe [Great Writers]. 1888 1268O Schiller [Oliphant's Foreign Classics]. 1882 1189O Similes. See Spencer's Things New and Old, 1095-6R, Sec Simmias of Rhodes (Greek Poet, ft. about 300). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Simmias of Thebes. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Simmonds (P. L.), Animal Products [South Kens. Handbooks] ... 1033M Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom. 1854 77 1 ^ Simmons (B.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Simms (W. G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Poets of America, 468D, &c. Simon (Edouard), The Emperor William and his Reign (translated from the French), 2 vols. 1886 665-6F Simon (J., French Statesman, b. 1814), Government of M. Thiers, from 8th Feb., 1871, to 24th May, 1873, 2 vols. 1879 432-3H See also King's French Leaders, 659O. Simon (T., of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 8.], 1416O. Simonides {Greek Poet, b. 554, d. 469 B.C.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Simonin (L.), Mines and Mining, or Underground Life, translated and edited by Bristow, illustrated, 3 parts. 1868 632-3B Coal Mines. — Origin of Coal, History and Tradition, The Black Country, Shafts and Levels, The Miners. Metalliferous Mines. — Stages of the Human Race, Hidden Treasures, Metalliferous World, Crushing and Washing, The Miners. Mines of Precious Stones. — Family of Gems, In the East, and under the Tropics, The Seekers, &c. Simony. See Macmillan [What is], v. 47, 977J, &c. Simoon, The. See Sunday at Home, v. 35, 2885J, &c. Simpkin, Marshall and Co. See Curwen's Booksellers, 520O. Simple Lessons for Home and School Use, by Miller, &c. 1878... 592T Simple Simon's Misfortunes. See Chap Books, 1321H. Simplicity. See Compaynfs Pedagogy, 296R. Midler's Noble Deeds, Sec, 92Q, &c. Simpson (Christopher, Violinist and Composer, b. 1610, d. 1668). See Mathew's History of Music, 943D, &c. Simpson (U.), M.A., A Plea for Religion, addressed to Disciples of Paine, &c. 1837 105Q Simpson (J.), Paris after Waterloo, Notes taken at the Time and hitherto Unpublished. 1853 61 8Z Simpson (Sir J., Scotch Physician, b. 1811, d. 1870). See Japp's Labour, Sec, 95iQ. Simpson (Mrs. M. C. M.), Ed., Conversations with Distinguished Persons of the Second Empire, by N. W. Senior. 1880 436-7H Thiers, Guizot, &c, by N. W. Senior, 2 vols. 1878 434-5H ■ Correspondence, &c, between De Tocqueville and Senior 612-3O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Simpson (S.), M.D., Practical View of Homceopathy. 1836 202D Simpson (W. Sparrow), F.S.A., Gleanings from Old St. Paul's. 1889 197H [715] SIM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SIS Simrock (K., German Poet, b. 1802, d. 1876). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473 D, &c. Simson (Robt., Scotch Mathematician, b. 1687, d. 1768). See Brougham's Philosophers, 597R, &c. Sin, Christian Doctrine of, by Miiller, translated by Urwick. 1868. 767-8 A Doctrine of Original Sin defended, by Edwards. 1766 303M Mortification of Sin in Believers, by Owen [R.T.S.] 55Z Nature of Indwelling Sin, by Owen. 1826 145M Original, by Payne. 1854 I19M Pain, and Death, Mystery of, and a Refutation of Atheism, by Voysey. 1878 680A See also Inman's Faiths, 96K. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Nineteenth Century Magazine [Sins of Belief and Sins of Unbelief], v. 24, 2234J. Pressens^'s Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M. Quiver, v. 15, 3285J. Timbs' Works [and Punishment], 856Z. Wardlaw's Theology [Original], v. 2, 257A, &c. Sinai and Palestine, by Stanley. 1856 545K in Arabia and Midian, Discoveries of, by Beke, illustrated. 1878 597B The Hedjaz, and Soudan, Wanderings around the Birth-place of the Prophet, by Hamilton. 1857 , 1496R See also Bartlett's Palestine, 634K,, Century [to Shechem], v. 37, 1887 J. Kitto's Palestine [Mount Sinai], 610B, &c. Sincerity. See Midler's Noble Deeds, 92Q, &c. Sinclair (J.), Sketches of Old Times and Distant Places. 1875 1489O [Alison, Scott, Orkney Isles, Chalmers, The Petchley Hunt, Hume, Falls of Niagara, Erskine, &c] Sinclair (Miss Catherine, Novelist, b. 1800, d. 1864). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Sinclair (W. M.), M.A., Commentary on the Epistle of St. John... 254Z Sindh, and the Races that Inhabit the Valley of the Indus. 185 1. .. 487K Singapore. See Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Davidson's Travels, 1652R. India, &c. Singing, Principles of, by Bach. 1885 II12M Vocal Culture, by Bach 941O See also Century [Training of Children's Voices], v. 4, 1876J. Girl's Own Annual [How to Sing at Sight], v, 4, 2554J ; [in Church], v. 5, 2555J ; [On Learning to Sing], v. 8, 2558J. Girl's Own Book, 1257H. Mackenzie's Vocal Organs, 934K. Nineteenth Century [Art of], v. 13, 2223J. Winkworth's Christian Singers, 1 136R. Music, Voice, &c. Singleton (E., Rector of Kirks to we), Records of a Good Man's Life, by Taylor. 1835 312T Sinkings of Land, by Peacock. 1868 86R Sinners and Saints [American Travel, &c], by Robins 1721R ■Sir. See Chambers [Use of the Word], v. 29, 1941J. Sir Charles Grandison, by Richardson, 7 vols. 1781 733'9-K Sir Launcelot du Lake. See Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q. Sir Roger De Coverley, in the Spectator. 1852 1281R and 160T Sirius the Dog Star'. See Newcomb's Popular Astronomy, 693D. Serviss' Astronomy, 690D. Astronomy, &c. Sismondi (J. C. L. De, Swiss Historian, b. 1773, d. 1842), History of the Fall of the Roman Empire [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo- paedia], 2 vols, 1834 760-61T Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe, trans- lated, with a Life of the Author, by Thomas Roscoe. 1846 1091-2R History of the Italian Republics, a View of the Origin, Progress and Fall of Italian Freedom. 1841 455U and 28O Sister Dora ([Dorothy W. Pattison] Philanthropist, b. 1 832, d. 1878), A Biography, by M. Lonsdale. 1880 13730 See also Adam's Good Samaritans, 273F, &c. Sisterhoods in the Church of England, by Goodman. 1863 329M [716] SIS ENGLISH SECTION. SKY Sisterhoods. See also Nineteenth Century [English], v. 16, 2226J. Stephen's Service of the Poor [Religious], 475M, &c. Sisters-in-Law. See Time, v. 3, 1493J, Sec. Siva-"W"orsh.ip. See Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Six Hundred Dollars a Year, a Wife's Effort at Low Living under High Prices. 1867 1758Z Six Old English Chronicles, of which Two are now first Translated from the Monkish Originals, edited by Giles. 1848 117O Six Weeks in the Saddle, by Waller. 1874 1483 R SixtUS V. {Pope of Rome, b. 1521, d. 1590). See Ward's Counter-Reformation, 256T. Sizing and Dyeing Machines. See Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Sjogren (E.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Skate, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fish, &c. Skating. See Boy's Own Annual, v. n, 2961J. Boy's Own Book, 15277. Cas- sell's Pastimes, 1262H. Crawley's Handbooks [Rinking, &c], 1151M. Lennox's Fashion Then and Now, 1018-9H. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 6S1T. Walker's Manly Exercises, 1164M, &c. Skeat(W. W.). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Skeletons. See Cornhill, v. 7, 187J. Orr's Circle of the Sciences, 735F. Science Gossip [Cleaning], v. 7, 2413J. Anatomy. Taxidermy [of Animals, Birds, &c] Skelton (J., Poet Laureate, b. 1469, d. 1 529), Poems and Life, edited by Dyce [British Poets], 3 vols. 1864 467-9Q See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Skene (James Henry), Personal Reminiscences of Lord Stratford and the Crimean War [Temple Bar Magazine] 1 392J Skene (W. F., Archczologist, b. 1809), LL.D., Gospel History for the Young, being Lessons on the Life of Christ, adapted for Use in Families and in Sunday Schools, 3 vols. 1883-4... 1188-90M Sketch Book, The, by Geoffrey Crayon [\V. Irving], 2 vols. 1834 1666-7Z by Irving. 1850 771R Sketches and Essays from the Saturday Review. 1873 1087R Sketches of Popular Tumults Illustrative of the Evils of Social Ignorance 900M and 1 238Z Old Times and Distant Places, by Sinclair. 1875 1489O Sketching from Nature, by Ellis. 1883 1067M Rambles in the Alps and Apennines, by Catlow, illus., 2 V0IS....1443-4R Tour, Our, by Two of the Artists. 1882 189D See also Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D. Art, Drawing, &c. Sketchley (A. [Rev. G. Rose]). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Skies and Seas in many Latitudes, or Wanderings in Search of Weather, by Abercromby. 1888 843K See also Knowledge [Northern Skies in November], v. 1, 2581J. Astronomy. Skill, Games of. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Names, e.g., Chess, &c. Skin, Human. See Brown's Science for All, 628 B. Man and his Maladies, 939K. Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Physiology, &c. Skins. See Furs, Taxidermy, &c. Skirmishes and Sketches, by Gail Hamilton. 1866 969R Skirt, the Divided. See Knowledge, v. 4, 2584J. Dress, &c. Skittles. See Cassell's Pastimes, 1262 H. Games, &c. Skobeloff (General, Russian Commander). See Saturday Review, v. 54, R.L. Turko-Russian War, 450B, &c. SkrineQohn Huntley), a Memory of Edward Thring. 1889 1494O Skulls. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Buckland's Curiosities [Skeletons, &c], 598Q. Donnelly's Atlantic, 1017M. Knowledge [Skull and Spine], v. 3, 2583J. Leisure Hour [Museum of, at Hythe], v. 8, 2618J. Sky, Midnight, by Dunkin 204D Skies and Seas in many Latitudes, by Abercrombie. 1888 843K See also Astronomy, Skies, &c. [717] SKY GUTLLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SLE Skye, a Summer in, by Smith. 1866 1361R See aha All the Year Round [Isle of], v. 50, 1S10J. Leisure Hour, v. 9, 2619J. Temple Bar Magazine, 1398-9J. Hebrides, Scotland, &c. Skylark, The. See Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q. Birds, &c. Slack (H. J.), F.G.S., Marvels of Pond Life, a Year's Microscopic Recreations among the Polyps, Infusoria, Rotifers, Water- Bears and Polyzoa, illustrated. 1871 135R Sladen (Col. E. B.). See Anderson's Expeditions, 540K. Slag- See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8-9D, &c. Slander. See Leisure Hour, v. 27, 2637J. Libel Law, &c. Slater (T.), B.A., and Smith (T. Roger), Architecture, Classic and Early Christian. 1882 IC81M Slater (T. E.), Keshab Chandra Sen and the Bramah Samaj, being a Brief Review of Indian Theism from 1830 to 1884 [S.P.C.K.] 559M Slater (\V. F.), M.A., Methodism in the Light of the Early Church [Fernley Lecture of 1885] S24I) Slates. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. SLAVERY and Secession, by Aughey. 1863 255R in History, by Gurowski. i860 254R the United States, Laws relating to, by Stroud. 1856 1078F Results of, by Cochin, translated by Booth. 1863 3390 Results of Emancipation, by Cochin, translated by Booth. 1864 340O Review of the American Apology for Negro Slavery, by Gra- hame. 1842 1038F Slave States [Virginia, Carolina, &c], by Olmsted. 1856 729K Trade, Abolition of the, Speech by Wilberforce 1279II African, and its Remedy, by Buxton. 1840 1037F Cardinal Lavigerie and The, edited by Clarke. 1889 933 A Slavery, The Suppressed Book about. 1864 2 53R See also Alison's Europe, 119-45O. Austin's Massachusetts, 51TH. Ban- croft's United States, 489 H. Bout well's Rebellion [in United States], 402O. Boy's Own Annual [as it was and is], v. 5, 2955J. Brougham's Political Speeches, 606 R. Brown's Life and Letters, 1407O ; Races of Mankind, 156D. Cable's Louisiana, 802K. Cameron's Africa, 602-3K. Channing's Works, 91D. Davies' American Scenes, 708K. Dixon's White Conquest, 492-3H. Douglass (F.), 620O. Eggleston's United States, 421H. Fortnightly Review [Abolition of, in India and Egypt], v. 39, 2129J ; [East African], v. 49, 2139J. Freeman's Essays [Southern Slaves], 418H. Garrison's Life, 270-1 F. Good Words [in Africa], v. 29, 2J99J. Greg's United States, 558-9^ Helper's Impending Crisis ofthe South, 1101F. Knight's England, 151-3H. Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 172H ; Morals, 384-5M. Leisure Hour [East African], v." 22, 2632J ; [and Turks], v. 25, 2635J ; [and the Slave Trade], v. 33, 2643J. Life of Wilberforce, 1037O. Madden's West Indies, 1647-8R. Mill's Discussions [Slave Power], 648H. Morell's Algeria, 658K. Nineteenth Century [in Brazil], v. 24, 2234J ; [in East Cen- tral Africa], v. 24, 2234J. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. San- born's Life of Brown, 153F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-8F. Stanford's Compendium [Slave Coast], 849K ; [Abolition of], 850K. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Sunday at Home [a few words about], v. 21, 2871J. Thrupp's Anglo-Saxon Home, 345K. Overton's Revivals [Trade], 430M. Ranke's Servia [Provinces of Turkey], 89O. Longfellow's Poems on, 1417M. Wilberforce, Shaftesbury, Brown, &c. Slaves, White, of England, by J. C. Cobden. 1853 256R Sledges. See Nares' Polar Sea [Sledge-Crews], 672K. Koldewey's Arctic Expe- dition [Sledge Journeys], 605B. Whymper's Travels [Sledge Journey], 724 and 725K. Payer's Arctic Circle [Sledge Travelling], 664K. Robinson's Hudson's Bay 680K, &c. Sleep, Philosophy of, by Macnish. 1834 955M See also Brown's Science for All, 626B. Chambers [Sleeplessness], v. 60, 1960J. Estes' Recreations in Science [Phenomena], 496R. Fort- nightly [and its Counterfeits], v. 47, 2137J. Girl's Own Annual, v. 4, 2 554J- Good Words [Sleep-Walking Freaks], v. 23, 2193J. Leisure [718] SLE ENGLISH SECTION. SMI Sleep — {continued). Hour [Curiosities of J, v. n, 2621 J; v. 14, 2624J ; [How I go to], v. 18, 2628J. Playfair's Social Welfare [and its Concomitant Phenomena], 336R. Saunders' Salad for the Solitary, 263R. Stables' Guide to Health [Sleeplessness], 995 M. Warner's Physical Expression, 393R. Sleeping Beauty in the Wood. See Home Treasury of Old Story Books, 2863X. Sleighing, &c. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1151M. Sledges, &c. Slick (Sam [Judge Haliburton], Colonial Humourist, b. 1796, d. 1865), Letter Bag of the Great Western [Humorous Sketches] 1089R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Slides, Magic Lantern. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 7, 2957J. Magic Lantern, &c. SligO. See Crookshank's Methodism, 669-71A. Slings and Catapults, Old and New. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 5, 2955J, &c. Slips of the Tongue and Pen. See All the Year Round, v. 54, 1814J. Sloane (Sir H., Irish Naturalist, b. 1660, d. 1753). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 666Q. Leisure Hour, v. 11, 2621J, &c. Slugs and Snails. See Cooke's Woodlands, 622Q. Science Gossip, v. 23, 2423J. Small-Pox. See Malthus' Population, 1093-4F. Nineteenth Century [and Vacci- nation], v. ti, 2221J. Saturday Review [Hospitals of London], v. 54, R.L. Thomson's Sick Room, &c, 834M. Disease, &c. Small Tableaux, Poems, by Turner. 1868 287Q Small (William). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Smart (C), A.M., 7>., Phsedrus [Family Classical Library] 1125Q Smart (H.). See Fiction Class following the General Catalogue. Smeaton (John, Civil Engineer, b. 1724, d. 1792). See Smiles' Engineers, 963O. Smedley (E., Historical roel, b. 1789, d. 1836), M.A., and Others, The Occult Sciences, Sketches of the Traditions and Super- stitions of Past Times, and the Marvels of the Present Day ... 1935R Smedley (F. E., Novelist, Sou 0/ above, b. 1818, d. 1864). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Smee (A., Surgeon and Electrician, b. 1818, d. 1877), F.R.S., Elements of Electro-Metallurgy. 1859 493R Smell. See Bastian's Brain, 387R. Bernstein's Five Senses, 363R. Nature [Sense of], v. 26, 2686J, &c. Smellie (W., Scotch Naturalist, b. 1740, d. 1795). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 645Q. Smelt, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 81 iF. Fishes, Natural History, &c. Smiles (R.), David Livingstone [World's Workers]. 1885 H47O Smiles (S., Scotch Surgeon and Biographer, b. 1816), LL.D., Character 1495O George Moore, Merchant and Philanthropist. 1878 404F Industrial Biography, Iron-Workers and Tool-Makers. 1871 ... 731O Iron and Civilization, Iron Manufacture in Britain, Iron Smelting, Dudley, Andrew Yarranton, Coalbrookdale Iron Works, Cast Steel, Benjamin Huntsman, Henry Cort, Dr. Roebuck, David Mushet, The Hot Blast, J. B. Neilson, Mechanical Inventions, Joseph Bramah, Henry Maudsley, Joseph Clement, Fox of Derby, Murray of Leeds, Roberts and Whitworth of Manchester, James Nasmyth, W. Fairbairn. Life and Labour, or Characteristics of Men of Industry, Culture and Genius. 1887 J3550 of a Scotch Naturalist [Thomas Edward]. 1877 77iO George Stephenson. 1857 514F Lives of the Engineers, illustrated. 1874-7 : Vol.i. — Embankments and Canals: Vermuyden, Myddelton, Perry and Brindley 528O Vol. 2.— Harbours, Lighthouses and Bridges, Smeaton and Rennie 963O Vol. 3.— History of Roads, Metcalfe and Telford 839O Vol. 4. — Steam Engine, Boulton and Watt 522O Vol. 5.— Locomotive, George and Robert Stephenson 984O with an Account of their Principal Works, comprising also a History of Inland Communication in Britain, il. 1861. 250-1F [719] SMI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SMI Smiles (S.), Men of Invention and Industry. 1884 I172R Phineas Pett, Beginnings of English Shipbuilding. Francis Pettit Smith, Practical Introducer of the Screw Propeller. John Harrison, Inventor of the Marine Chronometer. John Lombe, Introducer of the Silk In- dustry into England. William Murdoch, his Life and Inventions. Frederick Koenig. Inventor of the Steam-Printing Machine. The Walters of The Times, Invention of the Walter Press. William Clowes, Book-Printing by Steam. Charles Bianconi, a Lesson of Self-Help in Ireland. Industry in Ireland, through Connaught and Ulster to Belfast. _ Shipbuilding in Belfast, by E. J. Harland, En- gineer and Shipbuilder. Astronomers and Students in Humble Life, a New Chapter in the "Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties." Robert Dick, Geologist and Botanist. 1878 615O Self-Help, with Illustrations of Character and Conduct, i860... 163T The Huguenots in France, After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, with a Visit to the Country of the Vaudois. 1873 ••• 206M Thrift. 1875 250R Ed., Boy's Voyage Round the World, by S. Smiles, Jun., illus... 834Q See also Chambers [Self-Help], v. 32, 1942J. Macmillan [Self-Help], v. 1, 931J. Quarterly [Works], v. 147, 1277J, &c. Smiling and Laughter, Philosophy of, by Vasey, illustrated. 1877. 1124R Smith (Adam, Scotch Political Economist, b. 172^, d. 1790), LL.D., Essays. 1872 462M [Moral Sentiments, Astronomical Inquiries, Formation of Languages, His- tory of Ancient Physics, Ancient Logic and Metaphysics, Imitative Arts, Music, Dancing, Poetry, External Senses, English and Italian Verses.] Inquiry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations 1026-8F Theory of Moral Sentiments. 1849 588IT and our Modem Economy [Bagehot's Economic Studies] 1003F [1723-1790], by Farrer [English Worthies]. 1881 1231O See also Brougham's Philosophers, 597R. Lennox's Celebrities, 1017H. Hamilton's Biographical Memoirs, 517F, &c. Smith. (Agnes). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Smith. (Alexander, Scotch Poet, b. 1830, d. 1867), A Summer in Skye 1361R See also Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M, &c. Smith (Alex.), D.D., Tr., Commentaries on the Laws of Moses, by Michaelis, 4 vols. 1814 55°-3A. Smith (B. B. ), M.A., Rome and Carthage, the Punic Wars [Epochs of Ancient History]. 1887 1819Z Smith (Cecil), F.Z.S., Birds of Guernsey, and the Neighbouring Islands, Alderney, Sark, Jethou, Herm. 1879 J 95R Smith (Charlotte, Post and Novelist, b. 1749, d. 1806), Natural His- tory of Birds, intended chiefly for Young Persons, illustrated, 2 vols in 1. 1819 711Z See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Jones's Poets, 663M. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Smith (Lt.-Col., C. H.), Natural History of the Human Species [Jardine's Naturalists' Library], coloured plates. 1884 685Q Smith (E., d. 1874), M.D., Health, a Handbook for Households and Schools. 1874 234R Foods [International Scientific Series], illustrated 380R Smith (Edmund), Poetical Works, and Life by Johnson. 1807. ... 347Z See also New English Theatre, &c. Smith (Edward), F.S.S., The Story of the English Jacobins, being an Account of the Persons implicated in the Charges of High Treason, 1794. 1881 , 215Z Smith (F.), The Canary, its Varieties, Management and Breeding, with Portraits of the Author's own 2113R [720] SMI ENGLISH SECTION. SMI Smith (F. Hopkinson), A White Umbrella in Mexico, ill. 18S9 I745& Smith (F. P.). See Smiles' Invention, Sec, 1172R. Smith. (Col. Sir G., of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 17], 1416O. Smith (G.), CLE., LL.D., Stephen Hislop, Pioneer Missionary and Naturalist in Central India [1844-63]. 1888 756F Life of Alexander Duff, 2 vols. 1879 582-3D John Wilson, Philanthropist and Scholar in the East. 1878 580F . William Carey, illustrated. 1885 167F Smith (G., British Museum'), Assyrian Discoveries [1873-4]. 1875... 8881 '" Smith (George), Chaldean Account of Genesis, illus. 1876 895F [Fall of Man, The Deluge, Tower of Babel, Babylonian Fables, &c. Smith (G.j of Coalville i, Gipsy Life, being an Account of our Gipsies and their Children, with Suggestions for their Im- provement, illustrated. 1880 , 887M See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Smith (Goldwin), Cowper [English Men of Letters]. 1880 1063O See also Contemporary [as a Critic], v. 41, 2051 J. Smith (G. B., Biographer, &>c, b. 1 841), Half- Hours with some Famous Ambassadors 686O [Keith, Talleyrand, Gondomar, Harley, Alberoni, &c] Life and Speeches of the Rt. Hon. J. Bright, M.P., 2 vols. 1881 150-1F of Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 1880 275F the Right Hon. John Bright, M. P. 1889 1448O Sir Robt. Peel [English Political Leaders], 1881 1241O Victor Hugo, His Life and Work. 1885 724O Smith. (Hannah). See Stretton (Hesba) in Fiction Class List. Smith. (Sir Harry). See Lennox's Celebrities, 1016H, &c. Smith (Major-Gen. Havilland, of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 31], 1416O. Smith (Horace), Festivals. Games, and Amusements, Ancient and Modern [Harper's Family Library] 868 and 1126Z See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. (and James), Rejected Addresses, or the New Theatrum Poetarum. 158T See also Lennox's Celebrities, 1017H. Smith (Huntingdon), Ed., A Century of American Literature, Ben- jamin Franklin to lames Russell Lowell 2028R Tr., My Religion, by Tolstoi. 1889 1242M Physiology of War, Napoleon and the Russian Campaign, and Power and Liberty, by Tolstoi 1 527O Smith (I. G., Bamplon Lecturer, b. 1826), M.A., and Onslow(P.), MA., Worcester [Diocesan Histories, S.P.C.K.]. 1883 ... 1842Z Smith (J.), M.A., The Temperance Reformation and its Claims upon the Christian Church [Prize Essay]. 1875 1089F Smith (J.), Ed., Choice Portions from the Works of the Rev. George Whitfield. 1850 85Z Smith (J.), A.L.S., P'erns, British and Foreign, with a Treatise on their Cultivation, &c, illustrated. 1877 66R Smith (J. Brook), M.A., Arithmetic in Theory and Practice. 1887 310R Smith (James A.), Ed. See Brooks (R.), M.D., General Gazetteer, 34D. Smith (Capt. John, Founder of Virginia, b. 1579, d. 1631), Adven- tures of Captain John Smith, newly ordered, by Ashton. 1883 1622R See also Eggleston's United States, 421H. Smith (John Pye, Independent Minister, b. 1774, d. 1 851), D.D., Relation between Scripture and some parts of Geological Science 110M and i66(> Sacrifice and Priesthood of Jesus Christ. 1847 220Q 28 [ 72I ] SMI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SMI Smith (John Rye), The Scripture Testimony to the Messiah, 2 vols. 1847 526-7A Smith. (Joseph). See Oxley's Modern Messiahs, &c, 1254M. Smith (Lucy Toulmin), TV., English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages [14th Century], by Jusserand. 1889 1925R Smith (Mrs. M. E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Smith (P; V.), M.A., English Institutions. 1873 5*7T [The People, Local Government, The King, Parliament, Legislation, Judicature, Executive, Taxation, &c] Smith (R. and H.), Laws concerning the Public Health, including the various Sanitary Acts passed in the Session 1883, and the Circulars issued by the Privy Council and the Local Govern- ment Board. 1883 942K Smith (R. B.)i F.G.S., Italian Irrigation, 2 vols. 1852 851-2D Life of Lord Lawrence, 2 vols. 1883 343-4F Rome and Carthage, the Punic Wars. 1887 1819Z Smith (Major R. M.), R.E., Persian Art [South Kens. Handbook]. 1059M Smith. (R. P., Orientalist, &>c, b. 1818), D.D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, v. 4, 622A. Smith (Seba, American Editor, b. 1792). See Poets of America, 468D. Down- ing (Major Jack), &c. Smith (Shirley). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Smith (Sir Sidney, Admiral, b. 1764, d. 1840). See Lennox's Celebrities, 1016H. Smith (Sydney, Cation of St. Paul's, Critic and Wit, b. 1 771, d. 1845), M. A., Elementary Sketches of Moral Philosophy, delivered at the Royal Institution in the Years 1804 to 1806. 589H Essays 297O [Catholic Question. Method of Teaching Languages]. Selections from the Writings of [Travellers' Lib.], 2 vol in I. 1856 1277R Wit and Wisdom of... 1090R Works of. 1846 589D Works of, 3 vols. 1845 : Vol. 1. — Articles originally published in the Edinburgh Revievv, Parnell (W.) and Ireland, Methodism, Hannah More, Public Schools, Mad Quakers, Game Laws, Chimney Sweepers, Spring Guns. . . 949H Vol. 2. — Persecuting Bishops, Cruel Treatment of untried Persons, Man Traps and Spring Guns, Catholics, Poor Laws, Anastasius, . Memoirs of Captain Rock, Granby 95°H Vol. 3. — Mission to Ashantee, Speech on the Catholic Claims, The Ballot, The Lawyer that tempted Christ, a Sermon ; Peter Plymley's Letters, Letters on Railways, Irish Roman Catholic Church 95iH and others, Table Talk on Books, Men and Manners, edited by Evelyn. 1853 1107R Life and Times of, by Reid. 1884 503F See also Harper [with Portrait], v. 69, 1649J. Macmillan. v. 58, 9S8J, &c. Smith (Thomas), D.D. See Ante-Nicene Christian Library. Smith (Thomas Assheton, Sportsman, b. 1776, d. 1858), Reminis- cences of, or The Pursuits of an English Country Gentleman, by Sir J. Eardley-Wilmot. i860 504F Smith (T. Roger), F.R.I.B.A., Acoustics in Relation to Architec- ture and Building, The Laws of Sound as applied to the Arrangement of Buildings [Weale Series], illustrated 1111M Architecture, Gothic and Renaissance, illustrated. r88o 1083M and Slater (J.), B.A., Architecture, Classic and Early Chris- tian. 1882 , 1081M Smith (Thomas Southwood, b. 1789, d. 1861), M.D., Philosophy of Health, 2 vols. 1851 1401-2Z Smith (Thornley), History of Moses, viewed in Connection with Egyptian Antiquities, and the Customs of the Times in which he Lived, illustrated. 1862 464M [722] SMI ENGLISH SECTION. SNO Smith (Thornley), Zaphnath-Paaneah, or The History of Joseph viewed in Connection with Egyptian Antiquities. 1856 463M Smith (W., Dean of Chester, b. 1711, d. 1787), D.D., Tr., Thucy- dides [Family Classical Library], 3 vols. 1831 1127-9Q Smith (W., Classical Scholar, b. 1814), LL.D., A Smaller Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, illustrated. 1853 1025M History of the Bible, illustrated. 1879 5 X 5 A Pictorial History of the Bible, illustrated with many Fine En- gravings and Maps 5H A Smith (Captain W. E.), Address to Evangelists. 1879 465M Smith, (W. H. and Son, Newsagents, &c). See Curwen's Booksellers, 520O, &c. Smith (W. R., /;. 1846), LL.D., Prophets of Israel and their Place in History, to the close of the Eighth Century B.C. 1882 ... 466M The Old Testament in the Jewish Church, Twelve Lectures on Biblical Criticism. i88~i 467M Smith (Worthington G.). See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905 F. Smithfleld. See Leisure Hour, v. 3, 2613J. London, &c. Smiths' Work. See Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from vol. 1, 2981J. Smits (D., Dutch Poet, b. 1702, d. 1752). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Smoke. See Nature [Abatement of], v. 25, 2685J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Smoking. See Leisure Hour [Thoughts of an old Smoker], v. 3, 2613J. Cham- bers [Is it injurious to Health ?], v. 61, 1961J. Tobacco, &c. Smollett (T., Novelist, b. 1721, d. 1771), M.D., History of Eng- land, William III. to George II., a continuation of Hume... 124-9II Travels through France and Italy [Smollett's Works]. 1824 1805X Life and Selections from his Writings, by Chambers. 1867 964O See also Scott's Novelists, 1013Z. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Smuggling. See All the Year Round [Manx], v. 54, 1814J. Cassell's Magazine [Modern], v. 7, 2347J. Peto's Taxation, &c, 1016F. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H, &c. Smut. See Cooke's Fungi, 618Q, &c. Smyrna. See Lynch's United States' Expedition, 615B, &c. Smyth (Newman), Christian Facts and Forces. 1888 1206M Old Faiths in New Light 468M Reality of Faith. 1888 1207M Smyth (Professor Piazzi). See Nature, v. 39, 2699J, &c. Smyth (Warrington W.), M.A., A Year with the Turks, or Sketches of Travel in the European and Asiatic Dominions of the Sultan. 1854 1454^ Smythies (Mrs. Y.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Snails and Slugs. See Brown's Science for All, 6278a. Buckley's Life, &C., 106R. Chambers [and Snail Eating], v. 52, 1952J. Cooke's Wood- lands, 622Q. Gentleman's Magazine [The Garden], v. 32, 752J. In- gersoll's American Natural History, 582Q, &c. Snake-Dance of the Moquis of Arizona, by Bo irke, illus. 1884 ... 717K Snakes. See Boy's Own Annual [and how to Tame them], v. 5, 1882-3, 2955J ; [and Vipers], v. 11, 2961J. Buckley's Life's Race, 129R. Cameron's Africa, 602-3 K. Conway's Demonology, 909M. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Knowledge [Poisons of], v. 3, 2583J. Leisure Hour, v. 2, 2612J. Nature [Do they Swallow their Young?], v. 33, 2693 J. Science Gossip, v. r, 2411J. Stanford's Com- pendium [Australian], 853K, &c. Sneering. See Warner's Physical Expression, 393R, &c. Snell (H. J.), Enamel Painting on Glass, Tiles, China, &c, illus 905 1> Snipe. See Century Magazine [Snipe-shooting], v. 4, 1S76J. Jones' Bermuda, 823 F. Birds, Shooting, &c. Snively (J. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Snob, The. See Saturday Review [Defined], v. 57, R.L., &c. [723] SNO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SOC Snodgrass (Major), Narrative of the Burmese War, the Operations of Sir A. Campbell's Army from May, 1824, to February, 1826. 1827 475II SnOW- See Brown's Science for All, 627B and 6276a. Cassell's Magazine [and Frost], v. 8, 2348J. Cassell's Family Magazine [Facts about], v. 9, 2358J. Knowledge [Collection of Dust from], v. 5, 2585J. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Sunday at Home, v. 25, 2875J. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Giberne's Ocean of Air, 2123R. Arctic Voyages, &c. Snow-shoes. See Boy's Own Annual [The Boy's Own], v. 12, 2962J, &c. Snow (J- Fy M. G. and W. P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Soap. See Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q. Brown's Science for All, 629B. Ure's Dictionary, 8D ; [Analysis of], 9D, &c. Social and Political Economy [Fawcett's PZssays] 101 4F See also Adams' Good Samaritan, 278F. Hill's Repression of Crime, 1015F. Kay's People of England, 228R. Porter's Progress, 213-5R. Seeley's Factors in Life, 844M. Social Notes, 82-7D. Society, &c. Speeches, by Brougham, 2 vols. 1857 605-6R Social and Sanitary Essays and Lectures, by Kingsley. 1889 1968R Social Christianity, Sermons, by Hughes. 1889 1231M Social Condition and Education of the People of England, by Kay... 228R Social Customs. See Temple Bar, v. 64, 1394 J. Social Democracy. See Gould's Germany, 363O. Social Economy, The English Poor, by Mackay. 1889 337 R Social Equality. See Bryce's American Commonwealth, 519H, &c. Social Essays, by Hugh Miller. 1875 806R Social Evolution, &c, by Doherty. 1874 ,.. iH Social History of England, by Creighton. 1887 298R — Great Britain, by Goodman, 2 vols. 1843 22 4"5R — Southern Counties of England in Past Centuries, by Roberts. 1856..... 301II Social Inequality. See Good Words, v. 26, 2196J, &c. Social Life, a Manual of Morals and Behaviour, by Nichols. 1872.. 142GZ in Scotland, from Early to Recent Times, by Rogers, 3 vols... 949-5 iF See also Knight's Pictorial Bible, I100-4M. Stapfer's Palestine, Time of Christ, 477M. Stoughton's Religion [i3oo-i88o], 99M, &c. Social Models, Addresses on Social Themes, by Hocking. 1889 ... 1887Z Social Notes, Social Reforms, Progress, &c, edited by S. S. Hall ... 82-7D Social Philosophy. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Mill's Political Economy, 997-8F. Social Politics, by Arnold. 1878 860H Social Pressure, by Helps. 1875 223R Social Reform, Methods of, by Jevons. 1883 1111F Social Science. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Sociology, Civilisation, Govern- ment, Education, Poor Laws, Crime, Politics, ike. Social Statics, by Spencer. 1851 586H Social Welfare, Subjects of, by Playfair. 1889 336R Social Wreckage, by Peek. 1883 , 290R Social. In connection with this word, see also subject required. Socialism, Christian, by Kaufmann. 1888 1205M French and German, in Modern Times, by Ely. 1883 53*T Practical, Essays on Social Reform, by Barnett. 1888 313R — See also Capital and Labour, 1115F. Century Magazine, v. 9, 1881J. Contemporary [as Government], v. 46, 2056J ; [and Atheism], v. 47, 2057 J. Fawcett's Essays [Modern], 1014F. Good Words [and Chris- tianity], v. 26, 2196J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [in London], v. 76, 1656J. Leisure Hour [Co-opera- tive, of Germany], v. 27, 2637J. Nineteenth Century, v. 24, 2234J. Poole's Index, R.L. Saturday Review [State], v. 60, R.L. Scribner's Monthly, v. 16, 1866J. Alison's Europe, 145-6O. May's Democracy [Socialists in France], 39H, &c. Societies, Secret, by Heckethorn, 2 vols. 1875 37/C> of the Middle Ages. 1S37 1247Z [724] SOC ENGLISH SECTION. SOC Societies, Secret. Sec a/so Excelsior, 1926-31R. Frost's Secret Societies, 32-3H. Knight's England, 151-4H. Overton's Revivals, 430M. Stoughton's Religion in England, 93-6M, &c. SOCIETY, Abominations of, by Talmage. 1872 225T and Christianity, by Haus. 1883 1196M Solitude, by Emerson. 1870 93 x ^ Early Law and Custom, by Maine. 1883 1082F Essay on the History of Civil Society, by Ferguson. 1814 627II French, from the Fronde to the Great Revolution, by Baker ... 332-3O [Habits of Good Society] 1408Z How our Working People Live, by Rowe 892M in America, by H. Martineau, 2 vols. 1837 694-5K London, by a Foreign Resident. 1885 1 182R Natural, by Burke. 1854 608R Progress and Poverty, by George. 1882 I023P' Recollections of, in France and England, by Davies, 2 vols. 1873 920- iR ■ Social Life in the Reign of Anne, by Ashton, 2 vols. 1882 67-8F The Gaol Cradle, who Rocks it? 275R Theory of Law and Civil Society, by Pulszky. 1888 1202II What Social Classes owe to each Other, by Sumner. 1883 530T Sec also Academy [Spencer's Descriptive], v. 21, R.L. Acland's Indian Manners, 819Q. Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 281 R. Anspach's Habits, &c, 279R. Art of Ingeniously Tormenting, 1418Z. Brown's The Home, 634M. Burke's Celebrated Trials, 309 H. Butler's Woman's Work, &c, 1088F. Chambers' [Inferior], v. 59, 1959J. Chevalier's United States, 1042 F. Compayr6's Pedagogy, 296 R. Cooper's England [1837], 349K. Cresswell's Woman, 917R. Daniell's That Boy, 268R. Day's America, 698-9K. Eden's Japan, 814Q. Ellett's Queens of American Society, 468F. Escott's England and its People, &c, 1017-8F. Farrer's Crimes and Punishment?, 276R. Fel- low's Asia Minor, 675B. Gamble's Ireland (1818], 382K. Guthrie's The City, its Sins and Sorrows, 340M. Haygarth's Bush Life, 819Q. Jackson's French Court, 334-5O. Levi's Wages and Earnings, 1024F ; Work and Pay, 283R. Lomenie's French Society, 501-4O. Malthus' Principles of Population, 1093-4F. Milner's Elevation^ of the People, 1053F. Murray's High Life in France, 960R. Peirce's Juvenile Delinquents [United States], 1090F. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Pulszky's United States, 1213-4R. Reaney's Our Brothers' and Sons, 973M ; Our Daughters, 450M. Scripture Manners and Customs, i8Q. .Seebohm's English Village Community, 363K. Smith's Temperance, 1089F. Timbs' Works [Errors in the Progress of], 853Z. Time [in India], v. 12, 1502J. Trevelyan's Life of Fox. 260F. Walford's Famines of the World, 1099F. Wilson's Infanticide in India, 1086F. Wynter's Subtle Brains, 269R. Young Lady's Book, 983M. Tolstois' What to Do, 2022R. Abstinence, Teetotalism, Alcholism, Intoxica- tion, Temperance. History under Names, e.g., England, France, &c. Manners and Customs, Antiquities, Etiquette, Crime, Law, Govern- ment, Sociology, &c. Society of Friends. See Fox (G.), Autobiography of, 261 F. Perm (W.), Life of, 422-3F. Quakers, &c. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Religious Tracts dis- persed by the, 13 vols. 1823 : Vol. 1. — On the Holy Scriptures, the Liturgy and Public and Private Devotion 493^ Vol. 3.— On the Church Catechism, Confirmation and Baptism 495M Vol. 4. — On the Holy Communion 496M Vols. 5, 7.— On the Christian Religion, Doctrine and Practice 497 and 499M Vols. 8-9. — Concerning Practical Duties 500 and 501 M Vol. 11. — Against Popery and Enthusiasm 503M \Note. — Vols. 2, 6, 10, 12 and 13 of the set are wanting]. Society Islands. Sec Walpole's Pacific, 795K. Sociology, Study of, by Spencer. 1887 352R [725] SOC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SOL, Sociology- See also Doherty's Organic Philosophy, 569H. Fortnightly Review [Place of], v. 30, 2120J. Jevons' Social Reforms, 1111F. Collins' Synthetic Philosophy [Principles of], 587H. Society, &c. Socrates {Athenian Philosopher,' b. 469, d. 399 B.C.), A Day in Athens with, translations from the Protagoras and the Re- public of Plato. 1887 I993R A Translation of the Apology, Crito, and parts of the Phoedo of Plato. 1887 I994K- Ecclesiastical History, from A.D. 305 to a.d. 445, translated [Bohn's Library]. 1853 275M Talks with, about Life, translations from the Georgias and the Republic of Plato. 1887 1995R Trial and Death of, translated by Church. 1886 1784Z See also Josephus, 67H. Lewes' Philosophy, 571H. Mitford's Greece, 102-6H. Pressense's Ancient World and Christianity, 11 94M, &c. Soda. See Ure's Dictionary, 9D ; [Carbonate of], 8D. Soda-water. See Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Sodium. See Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377R. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Soil- See Brown's Science for All, 628B. Taylor's Bye-paths, 62R. Agriculture, Farming, &c. Soissons (Raoul, Comte De). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Solar Atmosphere. See Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377R. Energy, Conservation of, a Collection of Papers and Discus- sions, by Siemens. 1883 718D Myths. See Nineteenth Century, v. 18, 2228J. System. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine [Central Engine of the], v. 73, 1653J. Humboldt's Cosmos, 486R. Spectrum Analysis, Astron- omy, &c. Solar Spectrum, Researches on the, and the Spectra of Chemical Elements, by Kirchoff, translated by Roscoe. 1862 339B Soldiers and Sailors, True Words for Brave Men, by Kingsley. 1878 191Q Life in India, by Hodson. 1883 H75R Mrs. Daniels' Work among. 1879 270R of the Victorian Age, by Low, 2 vols. 1880 505-6F See also Adams' Queen Anne, 1280H. All the Year Round [at Home], v. 52, 1812J. _ Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 611B. Barbiere's Scraps from the Prison Table [American Civil War], 523H. Camp and Barrack Room, 271O. Eden's China, 813Q. Fergusson's Recollections, 256F. Gleig's Campaigns at Washington, &c, 453T. Good Words [and Sailors at Home], v. 24, 2194J. Leisure Hour [Everyday Life of], v. 35, 2645J. Malan's Old Comrades, 146T. Nineteenth Century [Ra- tions], v. 24, 2234J. Temple's India, 486K. Wynter's Curiosities. 919M. Army, &c. Soles. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fishes, &c. Solicitors. See Chambers' [Chat about], v. 62, 1962J. Lawyers, &c. Solitaire. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 2, 2952J. Crawley's Handbooks [and Backgammon], 1147M. Solitude, by Zimmerman, with life of the author, by Ridley. 1804. 1142-3H See also Saturday Review [Lonely Lives], v. 55, R.L. Sollogmb (Count), The Tarantas, Travelling Impressions of Young Russia, illustrated. 1850 81 iQ Solomon {King of Israel, b. 1033, d. 975 B.C.), His Life and Times, by Farrar 650M Solomon's Proverbs, Expounded [Lange's Commentary] 841 A See also Ewald's Israel, 63K. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95-6K. Keble's Papers and Reviews [Character and History of], 1203H. Milman'.s Jews, 157Q. Quiver, v. 16, 3236J ; [Wisdom of], v. 18, 3288 J. Robin- son's Scripture Characters, 151K. Sunday Magazine [Wisdom of], v. 5> 2 455J- Scriptural History, &c. [726] SOL ENGLISH SECTION. SON Solomon Islands. See Coote's Wanderings, 810K, &c. Solon {Athenian Legislator, b. 638, d. 558 B.C.). See Josephus, 66H. Mitford's Greece, 101H. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Plutarch's Lives, 445 F and 1130Q. Somali Land, Adventures in, by Speke. See Blackwood's Magazine, 157J, &c. Some Eminent Women of our Times, by Mrs. H. Fawcett. 1889 ... 1487O Somers (Lord, b. 1650, d. 1716). See Campbell's Chancellors, 778O. Somerset. See All the Year Round [Chronicles of], v. 56, 1816J. English Illus- trated [Summer in], v. 5, T995J. Heath's Peasant Life, 1329R, &c. Somerset (Edward Seymour, Duke of). See Dixon's Royal Windsor, 327H, &c. Somerset House. See Chambers, v. 36, 1944J. Land We Live in [Government Offices], 464B, &c. Somerville (Mary, Scotch Natural Philosopher, b. 1780, d. 1872), Connexion of the Physical Sciences. 1836 69 iQ ■ On Molecular and Microscopic Science, illustrated, 2 vols 109-10R Physical Geography. 1858 480R Preliminary Dissertation on the Mechanism of the Heavens. 1832 825Z Personal Recollections of, with selections from her Correspond- ence, by her daughter. 1874 966O See also Adams' Celebrated Englishwomen, 1282O, &c. Somerville (T.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Somerville (W., Poet, b. 1692, d. 1742), Poetical Works and Life, by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain], 2 vols. 1807 3534^ See also Jones' Poets, 660M, &c. Somery Family of Guernsey. See Jacob's Guernsey [Part 2, p. 11], 362B. Somnambulism. See Harper, v. 3, 1583J. Macnish's Sleep, 955M. Mayo's Popular Superstitions, 901M. Millingen's Medical Curiosities, 927K. Somnolism and Psycheism, or the Science of the Soul, &c, by Haddock. 1851 635II Sonata, The. See Naumann's Music, 928-9D, &c. Song Birds and How to Keep them, by Maling. 1862 1740Z See also Century Magazine [English and American], v. 1, 1873J. Birds, Cage Birds, Home Pets, Pet Animals, &c. Song of Hiawatha, a Poem, by Longfellow. 1856 47iD and 325O See also Longfellow's Poetical Works, 1417M, &c. Song of Songs, translated, with a Commentary by Ginsburg. 1857... 750A Song of the Shirt. See Hood's Works, 768R. SONGS and Poems of the Sea, edited by Sharp. 1888 814M [Containing a Morning Swim in Guernsey, &c, by T. Watts.] Song Writers, Celtic and Irish, by Collins. 1885 813M Book of English, from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century 688M Cyclopaedia of 485Z from the Dramatists, edited by Bell. 1 854 632T Myths and Songs, from the South Pacific, by Gill. 1876 689M of England and Scotland, 2 vols. 1835 357-8Q Society from Anne to Victoria, edited by Adams. 1880 533Q* Scotland, chronologically arranged with Notes, &c 74 J M the Days and Nights, by Macdonald 1873Z Springtides, by Swinburne. 1 880 746 M Two Worlds [Morris's Works, vol. 1] 306Q One Hundred, by Ballantine, with Melodies Original and Selected. 1S66 1407M Sea Songs, by Dibdin 483D Universal Songster, or Museum of Mirth, a complete Collection of Ancient and Modern Songs in the English Language, 3 vols. 530-2D See also Boys' Own Annual, 2951J. Chambers [Drawing-room], v. 60, 1960J. Girls' Own Annual, 2551J. Nineteenth Century [English], v. 16, 2226J. Peasant Properties [and Legends], 2005R. Notes and Queries [and Ballads], seventh series, v. 7, 1099J. Ballads, Poetry, Sonnets, Music, &c. [727] SON GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SOU Songstresses of Scotland, by Tytler and Watson, 2 vols. 1S71 739-40M Sonnets, Book of, Poems by Macdonald 1872Z English, edited by Dennis. 1881 359Q by Poets of the Past, edited by Waddington. 1888 1904Z Secret Drama of Shakespeare's, by Massey. 1888 1326H The Sonnet, its Origin and Place in Poetry, by Tomlinson 753IM Sonrel (L.), Bottom of the Sea, trans, and edited by Rich. 1870 ... 2122R Sons and Daughters, &c. See Home Amenities, 945M. Valentine's Home Amenities [Grown up], 976M, &c. Sontag (H., German Vocalist, b. 1805. d. 1854). See Edward's Prima Donna, 6 7 8F, &c. Sophistry. See Beattie's Truth, 645H. Zeller's Greek Philosophy [Sophistic Opinion and Teaching], 538-9M, &c. Sophocles {Greek Tragic Poet, b. 495, d. 405 B.C.), by C. W. Collins. 1094Q translated by Franklin [Family Classical Library]. 1832 H03Q See also Blackwood [Ajax and Philoctetes], v. 135, 205J. Fortnightly- Review, v. 41, 2131J. Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Sorcery, or Witchcraft. See Brand's Antiquities, 1007M. Murray's Magazine [in New Guinea] v. 4, 1464J. Occult Sciences [Middle Ages], 1935R. Witchcraft, Wizards, &c. Sorrento. See Good Words [City of Beggars], v. 24, 2194J. Leisure Hour, v. 25, 2635J, &c. Sorrow. See Smith's Moral Sentiments, 588H. Sunday at Home, v. 5, 2855J, &c. Sotades {Greek Poet, fl. Third Century, B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Sotlieby (W., Poet, b. 1757, d. 1833), Tr., The Georgics of Virgil [Family Classical Library]. 1870 IXI 5Q See also Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Sothern (E. A., Comedian, b. 1830, d. 1879. See Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-i6Fa. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1338-9R, &c. Soudan, 1883 to 1887 in the Soudan, and an Account of Sir W. Hewitt's Mission to King Tohn of Abyssinia, by Wylde. 1888 275-6H The, &c, by Petherick ." 637K Wild Tribes of the, by James, illustrated. 1883 653K With Hicks Pasha in the Soudan, being an account of the Senaar Campaign in 1883, by Cclborne. 1884 4540 Sec also Blackwood [Slaughters in], v. 135, 205J. Contemporary [and England], v. 47, 2057 J. Fortnightly [Future of the], v. 42, 2132J ; [English Situation in], v. 43, 2133J. Nineteenth Century [with Baker and Graham in], v. 15, 2225J ; [and Egypt], v. 17, 2227J. Westminster Review [Experiences in the, and Abyssinia], v. 130, R.L. Wilson's Korti to Khartoum [Soudan War], 277O. Africa, Travels, &c. Sought and Saved, a Prize Essay on Ragged Schools, by Hall. 1855 207R Soul, The, Essay on the Immortality of the Human Soul, by Drew... 299M • Power of the Soul over the Body in Health and Morals, by Moore. 1845 415M See also Compayr6's Pedagogy, 296R. Gentleman's Magazine [and its Folk-Lore], v. 31, 751J. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Leckys Morals, 384-5M. Lewes' Philosophy, 571-2H. Pressensd's Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M. Timbs' Works, 856Z. Twining's Symbols, 507M. Zeller's Greek Philosophy, 538-9M, &c. Soule (F.), and others, Annals of San Francisco, with the History and Present Condition of California, illustrated. 1855 516H Soule (R.), Dictionary of English Synonyms, and Synonymous or Parallel Expressions, designed as a Practical Guide to Aptness and Variety of Phraseology. 1871 1094R Soillt (Marshal, French General, b. 1769, d. 1851). See Adam's Campaigns, 47H. Alison's Europe, 123-38O, &c. Sound, Experiments, &c, by Mayer, illustrated. 1879 156R in its Relation to Music, by Blaserna 384R [728] SOU ENGLISH SECTION. SOU Sound. See also Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Deschanel's Natural Philosophy, 827D. Estes' Recreations in Science, 497R. Guillemin's Forces of* Nature, 158D. Leisure Hour [Curiosities of], v. 6, 2616J. Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis [Sound Waves], ?77R. Nature [and Radiant Heat], v. 25, 2685J. Science Gossip [Production of, by Crickets], v. 18, 2420J. Timbs' Works [and Sight], 851Z ; [and Light], 852Z. Tyndall's Light, 508R. Giberne's Ocean of Air, 2123R. Acoustics, Speech, &c. Soup. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Cassell's Family Maga- zine, v. 4, 2353J. Chambers' [A Scientific Soup-kitchen], v. 60, 1960J, &c. South Australia, its History, Productions and Natural Resources, by Stow, illustrated. 1884 47811 See also Australia. South by West, or Winter in the Rocky Mountains and Spring in Mexico, by Kingsley, illustrated. 1874 71SK South. Carolina. See Leisure Hour [and Ashley Cooper], v. 10, 2620J. United States, &c. South. Eastern Railway. See Ackworth's Railway, 937D, &c. South Kensington Museum Art Handbooks, edited by Maskell, illus- trated, v.D. : Analysis, Adulteration and Chemistry of Foods, by Bell 1051-2M Ancient and Modern Furniture and Woodwork, by Pollen 1056M Animal Products, by Simmonds 1033M Bronzes, by Fortnum 1055M College and Corporation Plate, by Cripps IO34M Danish Arts, by Worsage 1035M Dyce and Forster Collections 1036M Economic Entomology, by Murray, vol. 1 1037M English Earthenware, by Church, part I 106 iM Porcelain, by Church 1060M Food and its Uses, by Church 1039M French Pottery, by Gasnault and Gamier 1062M Glass, by Nesbitt 1040M Gold and Silver, by Pollen ... 1041M Industrial Arts, Historical Sketches 1042M Ivories Ancient and Mediaeval, by Masked 1058M Japanese Pottery, by Franks J.043M Jones' Collection, Pottery, &c 1044M Majolica, by Fortnum 1054M Manual of Design, by Redgrave 1045M Musical Instruments, by Engel 1057M Persian Art, by Smith 1059M Plain Words about Water, by Church 1046M Precious Stones, by Church 1047M Russian Art, by Maskell 1048M .Scandinavian Arts, by Hildebrand 1050M Spanish Arts, by Riano 103 1 M Tapestry, by Champeaux 1032M Textile Fabrics, by Rock 1053M ■ See also Cole's Public Life, 194F. Leisure Hour, v. 8, 2618J, &c. South Kensington Science Lectures, 2 vols. 1878-9 500-501 R South Pacific Islands. See Pritchard's Polynesia, 767K, &c. South Sea Bubble. See Mackay's Delusions, 903M, &c. Company. See Knight's England, 152H, &c. Islands. See Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Froude's Oceana, 804K. Good Words, v. 2, 2172J. Malthus' Population, 1003F. Rus- sell's Polynesia, 388T, &c. [729] SOU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SOU South.. In connection with this word, see subject required, e.g., America (South), Africa (South), &c. South (J. F.), Household Surgery, or Hints on Emergencies, illus. ... 1857Z Southampton. See Granville's Spas, &c, 353K. Leisure Hour, v. 31, 2641 J. Saturday Review, v. 58, R.L., &c. Southampton (Thomas Wriottesley, Earl of). See Dixon's Royal Windsor, 3 2 7 H, &c. Southcott (Johanna). See Oxley's Modern Messiahs, &c, 1254M, &c. Southend. See Granville's Spas, &c, 353K, &c. Southern Cross. See Humboldt's Cosmos, 486R. Astronomy, Stan, &c. Southern (T„ Irish Dramatist, b. 1659, d. 1746). See Inchbald's British Theatre. New English Theatre, &c. Southesk (Earl of), F.R.G.S., Saskatchewan and the Rocky Moun- tains. 1875 817K Southey (Caroline A., Wife of Robert Southey, b. 1786, d. 1854). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Southey (R., Poet Laureate, b, 1774, d. 1843), LL.D., A Love Story, a Fragment from The Doctor, &c, edited by Waiter. 1853 1281R Common Place Book, 4 vols. 1876 : First Series. — Choice Passages from Moral, Religious, Political, Philo- sophical, Historical, Poetical and Miscellaneous Authors, Collec- tions for the History of Manners and Literature in England .... 1107H Second Series. — Special Collections 1108H Third Series. — Analytical Readings 1109H Fourth Series. — Original Memoranda, &c 1110H Cromwell and Bunyan [Select Biography]. 1844 912M and 1043Q Life of Lord Nelson. 1830 1058Q and 264Z Life of Wesley, and Rise and Progress of Methodism, with Notes by S. T. Coleridge and A. Knox, edited by C. C. Southey. 1864 1030 and 1437O Lives of the British Admirals, with an Introductory View of the Naval History of England [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], 5 vols. 1 833- 1 840: Vol. 1. — Naval History of England, from Caesar's Inquisition, to a.d. 1398 786T Vol. 2. — Naval History to 1577. Lord Howard 787T Vol. 3. — Clifford. Sir John Hawkins. Drake. Cavendish. Sir Richard Hawkins. Greenville 788T Vol. 4.— Earl of Essex. Raleigh 789T Vol. 5. — Frobisher. Mansel. Monson. Earl of Sandwich 790T ■ Poems, Life by Tuckerman [British Poets], 10 vols. 1864 475-84Q Poetical Works. 1829 506 and 508D ■ Poetical Works of, 14 vols, in 7, V.D. : Vols. 1-2. — Joan of Arc, an Heroic Poem 295Q Vols. 3-4. — Thalaba the Destroyer 296Q Vols. 5-6.— Madoc, a Poem 297Q Vols. 7-8.— Curse of Kehama 298Q Vols. 9-1C. — Roderick, the Last of the Goths 299Q Vols, n-12.— Minor Poems 3°°Q Vols. 13-14. — Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo, Lay of the Laureate 301Q Remains and Life of Henry Kirke White, 3 vols. 1816-22 568-0F The Book of the Church. 1837 164K [A History of the Christian Church.] The Doctor, &c, edited by Warter. 1848 1111H by Dowden [English Men of Letters]. 1879 1082O Correspondence of, with Caroline Bowles, edited by Dowden ... 5°7F Life and Correspondence of, edited by his Son, C. C. Southey 969-74O See also Chambers [Humour of], v. 18, 1935J. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Fraser [and Caroline Bowles], v. 105, 715J. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 927O. Leisure Hour, v. 12, 2622J, &c. [730] SOU ENGLISH SECTION. SPA Southey (Captain T.), Chronological History of the West Indies ... 484-6H Southgate (H.), Gone Before, a Manual of Consolation for the Bereaved and a Well of Sympathy for the Sorrowing. 1873.. S l Q South/port. See Granville's Spas, &c, 351 K. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Southwark. See Leisure Hour [Curiosities of], v. 19, 2629 J. Thomson's London Bridge, 145Z. London, &c. Souvestre (E., French Novelist, b. 1806, d. 1854), An Attic Philo- sopher in Paris, or A Peep at the World from a Garret and Confessions of a Working Man, trans. [Travellers' Library]. 1280R Brittany and La Vendee, Tales and Sketches with Life of E. Souvestre [Constable's Miscellany]. 1855 1297R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Sovereign, The. See James' Curiosities of Law, 1075F. Levi's International Law [Sovereignty of the State], 399R. Living Age [Burdens of Sovereignty], v. 153, 3183J. Kings, Queens, History, Government, &c. Sovereign [The Coin]. See Jevons' Money, 360R. Humphrey's Coin Collector, 1088-9M, &c. Sowerby (G. B., Conchologist, orV., b. 1812), F.L.S., Popular His- tory of the Aquarium of Marine and Fresh Water Animals and Plants, coloured illustrations. 1857 632Q Sowing-Machines, Agricultural. See Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q, &c. Soyer (A.), The Pantropheon, or History of Food, and its Prepara- tion from the Earliest Ages of the World. 1853 675D Space. See Clifford's Exact Sciences, 392R Humboldt's Cosmos, 485R. Nature [Matter of], v. 27 and 28, 2687-8J. M'Cosh's Mind, 748A, &c. SPAIN, A Winter Tour in, by Pemberton. 1868 428K — — and France, Border Lands of. 1856 1446R Morocco, Tourist in, by Roscoe, illustrated. 1838 1473R Portugal [Conders Modern Traveller], 2 vols. 1826 527-8Z History of [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], 5 vols. 1832 22-6O as it is, by Hoskins. 1852 55 iK Bible in, by Borrow. 1849 236M Diary of an Idle Woman in, by Elliott. 1884 I447R Gatherings from. 1846 801Q by Ford. 1851 1285R Gazpacho or Summer Months in, by Clark. 1850 431K History of the Reign of Philip II., by Watson, 3 vols. 1785 ... 430-2F III., by Watson and Thomson, 2 vols. 1793 436-7F Industrial Arts in, by Riafio [South Kens. Handbooks]. 1879 1031M Inquisition in, by Llorente 322A ■ — — Literature of, by Bouterwek. 1847 S94R Military and Political Events in, during the Last Twelve Months [1822-3], by Pecchio. 1824 45oR Moors in, by Poole. 1887 430O Over the Pyrenees into Spain. 1865 1449R Second Journey to [1809], by Semple, illustrated. 1809 1702R Sketches in, from Nature, Art and Life, by Lomas. 1884 1657R Spanish Armada. See Armada, 203O. War of Succession in, by Mahon. 1836 452H Main and West Indies, by Trollope. 1867 1646R Revolution, by Blaquiere. 1822 449H See also Alison's Europe, 119-46O. Ansted's Scenery, Science, and Art, 785F. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M. Buckle's Civilization, 186-7O. Cable's Louisiana, 802K. Cassell's Popular Educator [Spanish Language], 164-9D. Clark's Gazpacho, 431K. English Illustrated [Spanish Armada], v. 5, 1995J. Fortnightly Review [Political Condi- tion in 1883], v. 40, 2130J ; [Industry and Commerce of], V. 44, 2134J ; [The Women of], v. 51, 2141J. Froissart's Chronicles [Ancient, Spain], 312-5A. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 74-8^H. Girls' Own [731] SPA GUILLE ALLES LIBRARY. SPE SPAIN—(««/*««^. ) Annual [and Spanish Girls], v. 7, 2557J. Harper [a Neglected Corner of Europe, Lisbon, Oporto], v. 63, 1643J ; [Spanish Vistas], v. 64, 1644J ; v. 66, 1646J. Inman's Faiths, q6Ka. Leisure Hour [Folk- Lore of], v. 34, 2644J. Living Age [Customs in the 18th Century], v ' J 59> 3 X 89J' Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe [Language and Poetry], 473 D. McCrie's Reformation, 393 M. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. Milman's Jews, 159Q. Motley's Netherlands [Spanish Armada], 351O. Murray's Andalucia, 429-30K. Niebuhr's History of Rome, 87H. Nineteenth Century [Cuellar's Adventures, Spanish Armada], v. 18, 2228J. Poole's Index [Literature], R.L. Prescott's Conquest of Pen [The Spaniards], 527-8H ; Ferdinand and Isabella, 390-1O ; Phillip II., 392-3O. Stan- ford's Compendium, 854K, Sunday at Home [Sketches in the South of], v. 20, 2870J. Sunday Magazine [Wanderings in], v. 12, 2469J. Taylor's Land of the Saracens, 854R. Cortes, Pizarro, Literature, Poetry, History, Geography, Travels, &c. Spanish Gypsy, a Poem, by George Eliot. 18^8 457l> Spanish Student, a Poem. See Longfellow's Poetical Works, T417M. Spalding (T. A.), Elizabethan Demonology. 1880 913M Spalding (W.), Italy and the Italian Islands, 3 vols. 1841 382T Spangenberg (A. G., German Moravian Preacher, b. 1704, d. 1792), Life of Count Zinzendorf, Bishop of the Moravian Brethren, translated by S. Jackson. 1838 1053O Spaniel, The. See Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Youatt's The Dog, 817F. Dog, Natural History, &c. Sparkes (J. C. L.), Schools of Art, their Origin, History, Work, and Influence [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 989M Sparks (E. I.), M.A., The Riviera, Sketches of the Health Resorts of the North Mediterranean Coast of Erance and Italy. 1879 1426R Sparrow, The. See All the Year Round [Sparrows and their Nests], v. 43, 1823J. Jardine's Naturalist's Library, 645 and 654Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Leisure Hour [London], v. 13, 2623J. Science Gossip, v. 2, 241 1 J ; [New History of], v. 19, 2421 J. Watson's Sylvan Folk, 2112R. Birds, &c. Sparrowhawk, The. See Science Gossip, v. 15, 2418J. Birds, &c. Sparta, Spartan and Theban Supremacies, by Sankey. 1884 1818Z See also Bucke's Ancient Cities, 1664Z. May's Democracy, 38H. Mitford's Greece, 101-8H. Greece, Sx. Spas of England, by Granville, illustrated, 3 vols. 1841 35!-3K Germany, by Granville, illus., 2 vols. 1837 416-7K and 1400-lR See also Baths. Speakers of the House of Commons. See Lucy's Parliament, 316-7H. Stubbs' History, 211-2O, &c. Speaker's Commentary, edited by F. C. Cook, 10 vols 516-23A [For contents of volumes set under Cook (F. C.)]. Speaking. See Mackenzie's Vocal Organs, 934K. Time [Public Speaking], v. 4, 1494J. Elocution, Oratory, &c. Speaking-Trumpet. See Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q, &c. Spears. See Anderson's Scotland in Pagan Times, 896 F. Boutell's Arms and Armour, 366O. Brown's Palaeolithic Man [Stone Spears, &c.], 905F. Chambers' [Story of a Spear], v. 56, 1956J. Specie. See Money, Metals, &c. Species. See Nature [Diffusion of], v. 30, 2690J. Science of Thought, 585 H. Wallace's Darwinism, 2121R. Dawson's Origin of the World, 564R. Natural History, &c. Spectacles. See Cassell's Family Magazine [How to choose a pair of], v. 8, 2 357J- Spectator, The, by Addison [British Essayists]. 1840 ....880II and 1 2-2 1 T Spectral Illusions. See Leisure Hour, v. 13, 2623J. Inman's Faiths, g6Ka, &c. Spectrometer. See Nature [in Meteorology], v. 26, 2686J, &c. Spectroscope, The, and its Application, by Lockyer, illus. 1875.. 153 R by Proctor [S.P.C.K. Science Manuals]. 1877 755Z See also Brown's Science for All, 629B. Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377R. [732] SPE ENGLISH SECTION. SPE Spectrum Analysis, by Roscoe [Manchester Science Lectures]. 1870 452K by Schellen, trans, by Lassell. edited by Abney, illus. 1885... 695D in its Application to the Heavenly Bodies, by Huggins [Man- chester Science Lectures]. 1870 452R Solar Spectrum, Researches by Kirchoff, translated by Roscoe. 1862 339B Studies in, by Lockyer. 1886 377R See also Este's Recreations in Science, 4.96R. Good Words, v. 14, 2184J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Science Lectures, 452R. Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Astronomy, Light, Science, Spectroscope, &x. Speculations, Literary and Philosophic, by De Quincey. 1862 ... 657R Speculative Manias. See Chambers' Miscellany, 632R, &c. Speech and Elocution, Principles of, by Bell. 1849 650II Families of, Four Lectures, by Farrar. 1870 944R Organs of, by Von Meyer 390R The Speech we Utter [Suggestive Lessons] 1829Z See also Bastian's Brain, 387R. Hood's Preachers, 541M. Plumptre's Elo- cution, 1040H. Sound, Speaking, Oratory, &c. Speeches and Addresses of Albert, Prince Consort. 1862 91 F and Addresses of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales [1863- 1888], . edited by J. Macaulay. 1889 662F Miscellaneous Writings of Lord Macaulay. 1889 1530O Table Talk of Mohammed, translated with notes by Stanley Lane-Poole. 1882 175Q of Eminent Men, by Hill. 1868 9750 : the Earl of Shaftesbury, K.G., relating principally to the La- bouring Class 1083R on Public Affairs of the Last Twenty Years, by Bright. 1869 ... 189Z Questions of Public Policy, by Richard Cobden, edited by Bright and Rogers. 1880 , 323R Social and Political Subjects, with Historical Introductions, by Brougham, 2 vols. 1857 605-6R Rhetorical and Literary, Dissertations and Addresses, by Henry Lord Brougham. 1856 603R Wisdom Grave and Gay, by Sir W. Lawson, and Biographical Sketch. 1889 2016R See also Bright's Life, &c, 150-1F. Browne's British Cicero, 882-4 H. Burke's Works [Letters, &c], 607-13R. Chambers' [Maiden Speeches], v. 61, 1961J. Cromwell, 203-5F. Curran (J. P.), 898H. Harper [Hints on Speech-Making], v. 73, 1653J. Mackintosh's Works, 601D. Phillips (W.), 1050H. Pitt (W.), 1237Z. Sheridan (R. B.), 1078-0H. Webster (D.), 125F. Enfield's Speaker, 933R. Lectures, Oratory, &c. See also under names of Oiators, e.g., Gladstone, Pitt, Demosthenes, Beacons- field, O'Connell, &c. Speed. See English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D, &c. Speer (W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Speight (T. W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Speke (Capt. J. H.), Discovery of the Source of the Nile 612 and 613K See also Blackwood's Magazine [Adventures in Somali Land], 157 J. Spelling Bees, How to Conduct them, with a list of 3,000 words, edited by Nuttall 1231Z See also Century Magazine [Spelling Reform], v. 3, 1875J ; [Problem of Spelling Reform], v. 3, 1875J. Leisure Hour [and Orthography], v. 14, 2624J. Spells. See Occult Sciences, 1935R. Charms. Magic, &c. Spelman (E., Scholar, d. 1767), and Cooper (M. A.), Tr. t Xeno- phon [Family Classical Library], 2 vols. 1830 1110-1Q Spence (C. E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [7331 SPE CUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SPI Spence (H. D. M., Dean of Gloucester, b. 1836), M.A., Commen- tary on the Epistle to Timothy [Ellicotl's School Com.].... 252Q Titus [Ellicott's School Commentary] 2 53^ Exell (J. S.), M.A., and Neil (C), M.A., Thirty Thousand Thoughts. 1885 4 A Spence (James), M.A., Christ the Christian's God and Saviour. 1845 160Q Spence (W., Entomologist, b. 1780, d. i860), F.R.S., and Kirby (W.), F.R.S., An Introduction to Entomology, or Elements of the Natural History of Insects. 1858 99R Spencer (Herbert, Moral Philosopher, b. 1820), Manners and Fashion [Humboldt Library]. 1882 929F Railway Morals and Railway Policy, reprinted from the Edinburgh Review [Traveller's Library]. 1855 1284R Social Statics, or the Conditions essential to Human Happiness specified. 1851 586II Study of Sociology [International Scientific Series]. 1887 352R The Data of Ethics. 1S80 592H See also Compayr6's Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary [Data of Ethics], v. 37, 2047J. Fortnightly, v. 20, 2110J. Knowledge [on Church and State], v. q, 2589J. Lewes' Philosophy, 572H. Present Day Tracts [Philosophy examined], v. 5, 238J. Saturday Review [Quadrangular Duel], v. 57, R.L. ; [Philosophic Wrangle], v. 58, R.L. Fortnightly [as a Moralist], v. 49, 2139J. Collins' Synthetic Philosophy [Preface], 587H. M'Cosh's Mind, 748A, &c. Spencer (I. S., Presbyterian Minister, b. 1 798, d. 1854), D.D., A Pastor's Sketches, Conversations with Anxious Inquirers respecting the Way of Salvation. 1861 231Q Spencer (J., Librarian of S ion College, about 1650), Things New and Old, or A Storehouse of Similes, Sentences, Allegories, &c, 2 vols. 1869 1095-6R Spencer (J. P., Earl, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, b. 1835). See also Althorpe. Spencer (R. W.). See Dana's Household Bock of Poetry, 476D. Spencer (Works of several Authors of this name). See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Spender (E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Spender (Mrs. J. K.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Spenser (Edmund, Poet, b. 1553, d. 1599), by Church. 1879 1083O Poems and life, edited by Child [British Poets], 5 vols. 1864 485-9Q Poems and Works of, and Memoir, by Todd. 1846 4!3D [Faerie Queene. Shepheard's Calendar. Colin Clouts. Ruines of Rome. State of Ireland. Time of Elizabeth, &c] Poetical Works and Life, and Notes of Warton, Ilurd, &c. [Bell's Poets of Great Britain], 9 vols. 1807 292-300Z and His Poetry, by Craik, 3 vols. 1845 3 02 "3T See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Edinburgh Review [as a Philosophic Poet], v. 161, 521 J, &c. Sperry (H. T.), Country Love, v. City Flirtations, or Ten Chapters from the .Story of a Life, a Poem, illustrated. 1865 775M Spettigue (J. H.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Speusippus. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Sphinx, The. See Adam's Land of the Nile, 755Q. Egypt, &c. Spicer (H.), Judicial Dramas, or The Romance of the French Criminal Law. 1872 IJ.14H Spicer (W. W.), M.A., Ed.. Handy-Book to the Collection of Freshwater and Marine Algce, &c, by Nave, ill. 1869 584Q Spices. See Simmond's Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, 771F. Vegetable Substances, 609Q, &c. Spiders, British, by Staveley, illustrated. 1866 94R See also Boy's Own Annual [a Chat about], v. 5, 2955J. Brown's Science for All [Spiders' Webs], 627B. Buckley's Life, &c, 106R. Cooke's [734] SPI ENGLISH SECTION. SPO Spiders— {continued. ) Woodlands, 622Q. Goldsmid's Myths, 201 iR. Half Hours in the Living World, 567Q. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Murray's Economic Entomology, 1037 M. Science Gossip, from v. 1, 2411J; [the Diadem], v. 10, 2414J. Silver Wings and Golden Scales, 748F. Sunday at Home, v. 34, 2884J. Entomology, Insects, &c. Spillan (D.), A.M., and others, Trs., History of Rome, by Titus Livius [Bohn Library], 4 vols. 1850-57 1161-4H Spinal Cord. See Man and his Maladies, 939K. Medicine, &c. Spinel. Sec Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M, &c. Spinners. See Capital and Labour, 1115F. Work, &c. Spinning. See Century [Revival of, and Spinning and Weaving in Westmore- land], v. 37, 1887J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Spinoza (B. B., Dutch Philosopher, b. 1632, d. 1677), A Study of, by Martineau. 1882 97 60 by Caird [Knight's Philosophical Classics]. 1888 I080Q His Life and Philosophy, by Pollock. 1880 595H See also Fortnightly Review, v. 34, 2124J. Lewes' Philosophy, 572H. Science of Thought, 585H. Religious Systems of the World [by Pol- lock], 934A. Pantheism, 935-6A, &c. Spinsters. See Jeaffreson's Bridals, 984H. Spirit, The. See Twining's Symbols, 507M. Timbs' Works [Spiritual Life, &c], 856Z. M'Cosh's Mind, 748A. Religious and Theological Works, &c. Spirits, Alcoholic. See Drewry's Foods, 59 iT. Peto's Taxation, &c, 1016F. Thudichum's Alcoholic Drinks, 986M, &c. Spirits, Ghosts, &c. See Calmet's Phantom World, 907-8M. Inman's Ancient Faiths, 95K and 96Ka. Scott's Evil Spirits, 113M, &c. Spiritual Despotism. 1835 , 454A World, Natural Law in the, by Drummond. 1883 1208R Spiritualism, Modern, by Maskelyne. 1876 M74Z Spirit Rapping in England and America 1475Z See also Bates' Great Republic [in America], 1724R. Blackwood's Maga- zine ; [Manifestations], v. 73, 143J. Boy's Own Annual [at Home], v. 5, 1882-3, 2955 J. Chambers' [Flanchette, a Three-Legged Impostor], v. 45, 1949J. Davies' Heterodox London, 36K ; Mystic London, 37K. Fortnightly [Miracles and Medium Craft], v. 40, 2130J ; [Evidences of], v. 44, N.s., 2134J ; v. 45, 2135J. Frost's Conjurors, 803O. Grant's Mysteries, 894F. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Leisure Hour [Stance], v. 26, 2636J ; v. 30, 2640J. Owen's Another World, 431M. Quarterly [and its recent Converts], v. 131, 1261J. Tupper's My Life as an Author, 542F. Table Turning, &c. Spitzbergen. See Chambers, v. 35, 1944J. Dufferin's Voyage, 469K. Harper [Sporting in], v. 23, 1603J. Lamont's Yachting in Arctic Seas, 674K. Nature [Nova Zembla], v. 11, 2671J ; [Winter Life in], v. 29, 2689J, &c. Spohr (L., German Composer, b. 1784, d. 1859). See Naumann's Music, 929D. Rockstro's History of Music, 533H. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O, &c. Sponges. See Buckley's Life and her Children [How Sponges Live], 106R. Dun- can's Sea-Shore, 627Q. Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q. Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807F. Hibberd's Sea- Weeds, Szc, 133R. Science Gossip [Structure and Distribution of], v. 15, 241 8J. Somerville's Mi- croscopic Science, 110R. Taylor's Seaside, 588Q. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Spooner (W. C). See the Horse, its Breeds, Diseases, Sac, 856D. Spoons. See Cassell's Magazine, v. 13 [p. 747], 2362J, &c. Sport and Sportsmen [Sketches and Tales], by C. Stretton 134D Mountain, Meadow, and Mere, by Davies, illustrated. 1874 ... 1345R Sporting Adventures in the Far West, by Murphy. 1879 714K • Rural Sports, by Stonehenge. 1857 681T [Shooting. Hunting. Coursing. Fishing. Racing. Boating. Pedes* trianism.] [735] SPO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SQU Sports and Pastimes. See Ash ton's Reign of Queen Anne, 67F. Boy's Own Annual [and Pastimes in other lands], v. 5, 2955J ; [and Pastimes, Outdoor], v. 7, 2957J. Boy's Own Book, 1527Z. Cassell's Book of Pastimes, &c, 1262H. Crawley's Indoor and Outdoor Games, 114-54M. Dixon's Royal Windsor [Book of, set forth by Charles I.], 328 H. Field Book, 931F. Fortnightly [English Love of], v. 45, 2135J. Han- sard's Book of Archery, 926D. MacFarlane's Popular Sports, 1482Z. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Temple's India, 486K. Thrupp's Anglo-Saxon Home [and Pastimes], 345K. Timbs' Knowledge for the People, 1747Z, &c. Fortnightly Review [Sporting in England, State of the Turf], v. 43, 2133J. Cecil's Records of the Chase [Celebrated Sportsmen], 917M. Lennox's Celebrities [Sportsmen], 1015H, &c. SpottiSWOOde (J., Archbishop of St. Andrew's, b. 1565, of. 1639), History of the Church of Scotland, with biographical .sketch by Russell 404-5 A SpottiSWOOde (W., Mathematician, Queens Printer, b. 1825), LL.D., Polarisation of Light [Nature Series], illus. 1879.... 152R Tarantasse Journey through Eastern Russia in 1856. 1857 1460R See also Nature, v. 27 and 28, 2687-8J, See. Sprague (A. W.), A.M., Elements of Natural Philosophy. 1857.... 463R Sprague (C, Poet, b. 1791). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Sprague (W. B., American Presbyterian, b. 1795), LVD., Letters on Practical Subjects to a Daughter. 1851 1097R to Young Men, founded on the History of Joseph. 1851 1098R Spring, The. See Girl's Own Annual [The Gospel of], v. 4, 2554J ; [its Troubles and Dangers], v. 8, 2558J. Good Words [Wonders of the], v. 29, 2199J. Guernsey Magazine, v. 17, 2397J. Seasons of the Year, 569Q. Sunday at Home, v. 7, 2857J. Sunday Magazine [Childhood of the Year], v. 15, 2472J, &c. Spring Guns and Man Traps. See Edinburgh Review, v. 35, 395J, &c. Spring (G.), D.D., The Mercy Seat, Thoughts suggested by the Lord's Prayer 470M Springdale Abbey, Diaries of an English Preacher, edited by Parker 1049R Springer (J. S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Spring-heeled. Jack. See All the Year Round, v. 54, 1814J. Springs, Sources, and Fountains. See Adams' Underground World, 592Q. Harper's Monthly [French Mineral], v. 73, 1653J. Humboldt's Cosmos, 483R and 487R. Spurgeon(C. H., Baptist Minister, b. 1834), Metropolitan Taber- nacle Pulpit [Sermons], V.D, : 1866 — An Immovable Foundation. Things to Come. The Unwearied Runner. A Well Ordered Life. The Old Man Crucified. Serving the Lord. The Door Opened in Heaven. Real Grace for Real Need. Christ with the Keys of Death and Hell. The First Cry from the Cross. Safe Shelter. A Word for those who wait for Signs and Wonders. The Soul's Crisis .... 471 Mi 1867 — Good Cheer for the New Year. Cheering Words and Solemn Warnings. A Word in Season. The Heart a Den of Evil. Dawn of Revival. Loving Advice. A Happy Christian. God, All in All. Sin Offering. A Troubled Prayer. Self-Humbling. Alive or Dead. Work. Grace, the One Way. Water of Life. Seeing Jesus. Helps. Saving Knowledge. Saintly Death-Beds. The Rose and the Lily, &c 166K Talks to Farmers [Religious Advice, &c.]. 1882 iioiM The Salt Cellars, being a Collection of Proverbs, together with Homely Notes thereon, 2 vols. 1889 2006R Life and Work of, by Yarrow. 1880 508F With Anecdotal Reminiscences, by Pike. 1887 1342O See also Sunday at Home, v. 25, 2875J, &c Sptirgeon (Mrs. C. H., Wife of above), Ten Years of my Life in the Service of the Book Fund. 1886 1301O Squatters and Settlers. See Willoughby's Australian Pictures, 332B. Colonies, United States, Africa, America, Australia, &c. [736] SQU ENGLISH SECTION. STA Squier(E. G., American Archcvologist, b. 1 821), Nicaragua, its People, Scenery, Monuments and the Proposed Interoceanic Canal ... 764-5K Peru, Incidents of Travel in the Land of Incas, ill. 1877... 762K Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Squinting. See Knowledge, v. 5, 2585J, &c. Squire, The. See Escott's England and its People, 1017-8F, &c. Squirrel, The. See Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Boy's Own Annual, v. it, 2961J. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 658 and 660Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Leisure Hour, v. 6, 2616J. Animals, Natural History, &c. Stable Economy, a Treatise on the Management of Horses, by Stewart. 1838 597T See also Stonehenge's Rural Sports, [and Stabling], 68 iT. Horses, &c. Stables (W. G.), M.D., The People's ABC Guide to Health. 1887 995M Stace (Mrs. H.), A Voice to Mothers, i860 1426Z Stacey (].), The Church and the Age, or a Working Church the Want of the Times. 1857 472M Stael (Madame De, Swiss Politician, b. 1766, d. 18 1 7), A Study of her Life and Times [First Revolution and First Empire], by Stevens, 2 vols. 1881 610-1O by Duffy [Eminent Women Series]. 1887 1421O See also Edinburgh Review [Diplomatic Correspondence of]j v - I 57, 5!7J- Ka- vanagh's French Women, 661O. Leisure Hour, v. 29, 2639J. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Poole's Index, R.L. Sunday at Home, v. 17, 2867 J. Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue, &c. StafTa and Iona. See Sunday at Home, v. 31, 2881J. Hebrides, &c. Stajford (Marchioness of), How I Spent my Twentieth Year, being a Short Record of a Tour Round the World [1886-87]. 1889 1752R Staffordshire. See Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R, &c. Stag, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 664Q. Animals, Natural His- tory, &c. Stag -Beetle. See Science Gossip, v. 8, 2413J. Beetles, Insects, &c. Stage, Biography of the British Stage. 1824 1001O New History of the English Stage, by Fitzgerald, 2 vols. 1882.. 337-8D Profaneness and Immorality of the, by Jeremy Collier. 1730 ... 916M Romance of the English Stage, by Fitzgerald, 2 vols. 1874 474-5F See also Adam's Queen Anne [Dramatists], 1280H. Art Journal [as a School of Art], V. 36, R.L. Barron-Wilson's Duchess of St. Albans, 607-8F. Chambers [Some Stage Trades], v. 62, 1962. Cochrane's Theatre Fran- chise, 336D. Donaldson's Recollections of an Actor [Guernsey, &c], 282T. Escott's England and its People, 1017-8F. Fortnightly [Decora- tion], v. 40, 2130 J; [in Relation to Literature], v. 40, 2130J. Gould'sGer- many, 363O. Kemble's Records, 747-52O. Macready Reminiscences, 362-3F. Minor Theatre, 1357-63Z. Percy Anecdotes, 930Z. Phelps (S.) Life of, 619F. Poole's Index, R.L. Quarterly [English], v. 155, 1285J. Roberts Social History [Players], 301H. Saturday Review [Italian], v. 57, R.L. Thomson's Choice of a Profession, 204R. Time [as a Profession], v. 3, 1493J ; [and Drama in China], v. 20, 1510J ; [What the Pit Says], v. 20, 1510J. Drama, Plays, Theatre, &c. Stagnelius (E. J., Swedish Poet, b. 1793, d. 1823). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe. 473 D. Stained Glass. See Art Journal, v. 35, R.L. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Art, Paint- ing, Glass, &c. Stainer (Sir J., Musical Doctor, b. 1840), M.A., Music of the Bible, with an Account of the Development of Modern Musical In- struments from Ancient Types, illustrated 549M and Barrett (W. A.), A Dictionary of Musical Terms 940D Stainforth (F.), Ed., Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, with a Memoir, illustrated 1085R 2 9 [737] STA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY STA Stairs and Staircases. See Art Journal, v. 37, R.L. Building, &c. Stallo (J. B.), The Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics 389R Stamer (W. J. A.), Dolce Napoli, Naples, its Streets, People, Fetes, Pilgrimages, Environs, &c. 1878 445K Stammering. See Chambers' Journal [Hints on], v. 57, 1957J. Household Words, v. 14, I754.J- Stamped Paper. See Beckman's Inventions, 697-8Q. Stamping of Metals. See Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Stamps. — Stamp Collector's Guide, by Viner. 1887 . 910D , See also Chambers, v. 62, 1962J. Houseman's Museum, 92R. Once a Week, v. 9, 2269J. Peto's Taxation, &c, ioi6P\ Postage Stamps, Post Office, &c. Standards of Old England. See Boy's Own Annual [Illustrated], v. 5, 1882-3, 2955J- F'ags, &c. Standing. See Walker's Exercises for Ladies, 1881Z, &c. Standish (Miles, Puritan and Soldier, b. 1584, d. 1656), The Puritan Captain, by Abbott 9770 Sec also Longfellow's Works, 1417M. Boy's Own Annual, v. 7. 2957J, &c. Stanford (C), D.D., Philip Doddridge. 1880 1490D Wit and Humour of Life, Familiar Talks with Young Chris- tians. 1886 473M Stanhope (G., Theologian, b. 1660, d. 1728), D.D., Paraphrase and Comment upon the Epistles and Gospels, 3 vols. 1741 183-5M Stanhope (Lady H., Traveller, b. 1776, d. 1839), Memoirs of. 1845 978-0O See also Russell's Eccentric Personages, 1307O. Stanhope (Colonel L.), Greece, during Lord Byron's Residence in that Country in 1823 and 1824, to which is added the Life of Mustapha Ali, 2 vols. 1825 643-4Z Stanhope (Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield), Miscellaneous Works of, and a Life, by M. Maty, 4 vols. 1779 903-6H See Chesterfield (Earl of). Stanhope (Philip H., Fifth Earl). See Mahon (Lord). Stanley Falls. See Stanford's Compendium, 849K, &c. Stanley (A. P., Dean of Westminster, b. 1815, d. 1881), D.D., Addresses and Sermons. 1877 38M [Study of Greatness. Principles of Christianity. Two Great Command- ments, &c] Christian Institutions, Essays on Ecclesiastical Subjects. 1881 167K Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. 1868 358K Introduction to W T arren and Wilson's Recovery of Jerusalem ... S43K Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church, with Introduction on the Study of Ecclesiastical History. 1861 884A Jewish Church, with maps and plans, 3 vols : Vol. 1. — Abraham to Samuel 248A Vol. 2. — Samuel to the Captivity 2 49A Vol. 3. — Captivity to the Christian Era 250A Life and Correspondence of Arnold, 2 vols. 1877 1016-7Q Recollections of, by Bradley. 1883 c8iO Sinai and Palestine. 1856 545K See also Contemporary [as a Preacher], v. 42, 2052J. Good Words, v. 23, 2I 93J- Quiver, v. 30, 3300J. Stanley (E., Bishop of Norwich, Father of above, b. 1 779, d. 1849), Familiar History of Birds, illustrated. 1865 615Q Stanley (E. and C), Memoirs of, by their son, A. P. Stanley. 18S0 982O Stanley (E., Royal Artillery), Young Horsewoman's Compendium of the Modern Art of Riding : a Progressive Course of Lessons. 1827 1120M Stanley (E., Lord Derby). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609-10F Derby (Earls of), &c. [738] STA ENGLISH SECTION. STA Stanley (E. J.), Rambles in Wonderland, or Up the Yellowstone and Among the Geysers, Canons, &c, of the National Park 1595R Stanley (H. M., American Journalist and African Explorer, b. 1840), How I found Livingstone, Travels, Adventures and Discoveries in Central Africa, illustrated. 1872 604-5 and 606K Through the Dark Continent. 1880 1563R The African Explorer, byMontefiore I45°0 See also Cassell's Family Magazine [an Interview with], v. 11, 2361J. Knowledge, v. 2, 2582J. Macaulay's Stories, 3044X, &c. Stanley (Maude), Clubs for Working Girls. 1890 - 2029R Stanley (Sir M.). See Lennox's Celebrities, 1015H, &c. Stanley (T., Philologist, b. 1625, d. 1678). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Stannard (Mrs. H. E. V.). See Winter (John Strange). Stanton (B. B. and H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Stanton (H. B.), Reforms and Reformers of England. 1853 132Z Stapfer (E.), D.D., Palestine in the Time of Christ, translated by Holmden. 1886 477M Stapfer (Paul), Shakespeare and Classical Antiquity, Greek and Latin Antiquity as presented in Shakespeare's Plays, trans- lated by Emily J. Carey. 1880 1103H and 1026M Stapleton (E. J.), Ed. t Some Official Correspondence of George Canning, 2 vols. 1887 546-7 H Star in Astronomy. See Stars. Star Chamber. See Brodie's British Empire, 212-3H. Gardiner's History of England, 460-9O. Star of India, Order of. See Trotter's India under Victoria, 538-9H, &c. Star Papers, Experiences of Art and Nature, by Beecher. 1855 1342R Starch. See Bell's Foods, 1052M. Chambers [A Grain of], v. 60, 1960J. Nature [in Leaves, Formation of], v. 29, 2689J. Science Gossip [The Micros- copy of], v. 12, 2415J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Star-Fish, &c, by Romanes. 1883 124R ■ See also Buckley's Life, &c, 106R. Duncan's Sea-Shore, 627Q. Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807F. Scribner's Monthly, v. 22, 1872J. Sunday Magazine, v. 11, 2468J. Fishes, &c. Stark (A., Scotch Historical Writer ; b. 1 784, d. 1867), Printing, its Antecedents, Origin, History and Results [Travellers' Library]. 1855 1284R Stark (James), Life's Stages, their Duties and Opportunities. 1889 1252M Stark (J ohn and William). See Boy's Own Annual, v. 7, 2957 J, &c. Starling, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 645Q. Leisure Hour, v. 12, 2622.7. Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q. Birds, &c. Starling (E.), Noble Deeds of Woman, or Examples of Female Courage and Virtue. 1850 1311O STARS, Chemistry of the, by Wilson. 1854 < 1283R Easy Star Lessons, by Proctor. 1882 ... . 450R Testimony to the Truth of the Bible, by Dent. 1879 553R The [Wonders of the Heavens] 806Z Universe of, by Proctor, illustrated. 1878 704D See also Brown's Science for All, 626B. Cassell's Magazine [Star-Suns], v. 5, 2345J. Chambers' Journal [Photographic Star Charting], v. 63, J 9 6 3J » [Variable Stars], v. 65, 1965J. Dunkin's Midnight Sky, 204D. English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Gentleman's Magazine [Lore of], v. 37? 757.J- Good Words [and Lights], v. 10, 2180J ; v. 22, 2192J ; [Star of" Bethlehem], v. 29, 2199J. Gore's Planetary Studies, 552R. Hum- boldt's Cosmos, 483R; [Fixed Stars], 485R. Knowledge [for the Months], v. 1 and 2, 2581-2J ; [Star in the East], v. 2, 2582J. Leisure [739] STA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. STA STARS— {continued). Hour [Great Bear and Neighbours], v. 10, 2620J. Miller's Heavenly Bodies, 552R. Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Nineteenth Century [History of a Star], v. 26, 2236J. Once a Week [November Star-shower], v. 15, 2275J. Proctor's Flowers of the Sky, 641Q. Webb's Celestial Objects, 640Q. Wonders of the Heavens, 806Z. Zeller's Greek Philosophy, 538-9M. Boy's Own Annual [of the Months], v. 6, 2956J. Knowledge [on the Scintillation of], v. 13, 2593J. Chambers' [The Giant Sun, Sirius], v. 79, 1967J. Knowledge [on the Distances of the Fixed Stars, and List of Stellar Parallaxes], v. 13, 2593J. Astronomy, Planets, &c. Starvation. See Capital and Labour, 1115F. Man and his Maladies, 939K. Walford's Famines of the World, 1099F, &c. State Churches Examined by Parkinson. 1 874 487 A in Relation to Education, by Craik. 1884 291R Papers, Stories from the, by Ewald. 1882 934R Trials in the Nineteenth Century [1801-30], by Browne. 1882 304-5O The. See also Alison's Europe, 119-20O. Bryce's American Commonwealth, 517-8H. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Compayr6's Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary [a Divine Institution], v. 44, 2054J ; [Man versus State], v. 47, 2057J. Cornhill [State Trials], v. 6, 186J. Escott's Eng- land and its People, 1017-8F. Levi's International Law, 399R. May's Democracy [States-General of France], 39H. Stoughton's Religion in England [and Religion 1 800-1880], 99M. Church, Coun- tries, Kingdoms, History, &c. Statesmen, Eminent, by Hay ward, 2 vols. 1880 248-9E British [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], 2 vols. 1831 283-4T [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], 7 vols 750-6T Foreign, by Crowe [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo.], 3 vols. 1833 919-21Q by Crowe [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], 5 vols. 1835-8 717-21T of the Reigns of George III. and IV., by Brougham, 3 vols 304-6T Time of George III., and Remarks on the French Revo- lution, by Brougham, 3 vols. 1855 599-601R Representative [1593-1865], by Ewald, 2 vols. 1879 471-2F See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21-8F. Leisure Hour [Famous, Personal Appearance of], v. 35, 2645J. Nineteenth Cen- tury Magazine [American], v. 24, 2234J. Stubbs' England, 210-12O. Temple Bar [of Eastern Europe], v. 78, 1408J, &c. Statics and Dynamics, by Baker [Weale's Series]. 1851 7llQ Stationers' Hall. See Leisure Hour [Entered at], v. 26, 2636J. Copyright, &c. Statipnery. See Facts and Hints for Every Day Life, 942R. Paper, &c. Statistics, Commercial, by Macgregor, 5 vols. 1850 20-4D of Coal, including Mineral Bituminous Substances, by Taylor. 1123H of South Australia [1879], by Boothby. 1879 760II See also Harper's Index, 16407a. Knowledge [of Great Countries], v. 8, 2588J. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828K. Taylor's Coal, &c, 1123H. Temple's India, 486K. Ure's Dictionary [Mineral of France], 9D. Subject required, &c. Statins (P. P., Roman Poet, b. 61, d. 96). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Statues. See Ellis's Elgin Marbles, 360-1T. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Wilkin- son's On Colour, 948D. Art, Sculpture, &c. Stature. See Living Age [Hereditary], v. 168, 3198J. Physiology, &c. Statutes. See Stubbs' History, 211-2O. Legislation, Parliament, &c. Staunton (H., Chess Player, b. 1810, 3. 1874), The Great Schools of England, illustrated. 1865 1054F Staupitz (John von, German Theologian, d. 1524). See Bayne's Luther, 694-5F. Staveley (E. F.), British Insects, a Familiar Description of the Form, Structure, Habits, and Transformations of Insects *. 93R Spiders, an Introduction to the Study of the Araneidce of Great Britain and Ireland, illustrated. 1866 94 R Stays. See Penny Magazine [Evil Effects of Tight Lacing], v. 2, T40B, &c. [740] STE ENGLISH SECTION. STE STEAM, STEAM ENGINES, STEAM SHIPS, &c — Works relating to : See also Engines, Machinery, Ships, Inventions, Names of Engineers, e.g. , Stephenson, Watt, &>c. Steam Engine and its Inventors, by Galloway. 1881 1160R T. Watt [R.T.S.] 1505Z History of the, by Stuart. 1825 892D Lectures on the, by Partington. 1826 35 2 T [Marvels of Art] 1227Z Engines, the Model Engineer's Handybook, by Hasluck 1162M . See also Steam and Steam Engines. Roy's Own Annual [Model Engines], v. 3, 2953J. Cassell's Popular Educator [Steam Engine], 164-9D. Chambers [Steam-Hammer and its Inventor], v. 60, 1960J. English Mechanic [Steam], v. 46-7, 1046-7D. Knight's England [Steam Engines], 151-4!!. Lardner's Lectures [Steam Engine], 757D. Timbs' Inventions [Steam Engine], 258R ; [Navigation], 258R. Ure's Dictionary [Steam], 8D, &c. Steamboats and Ships. See Art Journal [Steam Yachting], v. 38, R.L. Century [Steam Yacht- ing in America], v. 2, 1S74J. Fortnightly [Ocean], v. 45, 2135J. Gentleman's Magazine [Jouffroy the Inventor of], v. 34, 754J. Know- ledge [Racing of], v. 6, 2586J. Leisure Hour [First British], v. 11, 261 1 J. Saturday Review [Atlantic], v. 58, R.L. Ships, &c. Steane (E., Baptist Minister, b. 1 798), D.D., Ed., Proceedings of the Amsterdam Evangelical Alliance [1867]. 1868 661A Religious Condition of Christendom, Papers read at Paris [1855] and Berlin [1857], in Connection with the Evangelical Alli- ance 65 5-6 A Stearine. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Stearns (C. W., Shakespearian Scholar), Shakespeare Treasury of Wisdom and Knowledge. 1869 1104H Stearns (E. J., of Annapolis), A.M., Notes on Uncle Tom's Cabin, being a logical answer to its allegations and inferences against slavery as an institution. 1853 1237R StebDing (H., Historian, b. 1800, d. 1883), D.D., History of the Church of Christ from the Diet of Augsburg [1530], to the Eighteenth Century, 3 vols. 1842 305-7A History of the Christian Church, 2 vols. 1833 78-9Q History of the Reformation [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], 2 vols 780- iT Life of William Covvper. 1840 1572Z •Stedman(E. C, American Poet). See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Steel, The Creators of the Age of Steel, by Jeans. 1884 1419O See also Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q. Brown's Science for All, 629B. English Illustrated Magazine (Steel and Iron Making], v. 2, 1992 J. English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Leisure Hour [Bessemer Process], • v. 5, 2615J. Nature [Hardening and Tempering], v. 27, 2687J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Steel (A. G.), and Lyttelton (Hon. R. H.), Cricket [Badminton Library]. 1888 1129M [With contributions by Lang, Grace, Mitchell, and Gale.] Steele (Mrs. A. C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Steele (Sir K., Irish Essayist, b. 167 1, d. 1729), by Dobson [English Worthies]. 1886 1206O Life and Writings of, by Montgomery, 2 vols. 1865 509-0F See also Fitzgerald's English Stage, 337D. Inchbald's British Theatre. Merydew's Love Letters, v. 1, 676F. New English Theatre. The Tatler [British Essayists], 881H. Thomson's Friendships, 564O, &c. Steeple-Chasing. See Saturday Review, v. 6o, R.L. Racing, Sports, &c. [741] STE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. STE Steeples. See Quiver {some Singular], v. 28, 3298J. Churches, Architecture. Steering. See Woodgate's Boating, 1266R, &c. Steevens and Malone. See Shakespeare. Steggall (J.). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Stein (H. F., Prussian Statesman, b. 1757, d. 1831), Life and Times of, or Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic Age, by Seeley, 3 vols. 1878 5""3F See also Memoirs of Ernest II., 674-5F, &c. SteinmetZ (A.), Tobacco, its History, &c. 1857 1852Z Stellar Universe, The. See Excelsior, 1931R. Lardner's Lectures, 757D, &c. Stencil Decoration. See Girl's Own Annual, v. 4, 2554J. Art Journal, v. 38, R.L. Boy's Own Annual [and Stencilling], v. 6, 2956J, &c. Stenhouse (Mrs. T. B. H.), An Englishwoman in Utah, a Life's Experience in Mormonism, illustrated. 1880 1603R Step (E.), Easy Lessons in Botany, illustrated. 1886 1844Z Step-Cleaners. See All the Year Round, v. 55, 1815J, &c. Stephen, St. See Robinson's Sculpture Characters, 152 K, &c. Stephen {King of E7igland, born about 1100, d. 1154). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 205H. English History, &c. Stephen (C. E.), Service of the Poor, an Inquiry into the Reasons for and against the Establishment of Religious Sisterhoods for Charitable Purposes. 1871 475M Stephen (Sir G., Writer against Slavery, &C, b. 1794, d. 1879), The Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse. 1845 164T Stephen (Sir J., Historian, b. 1789, d. 1859), K.C.B., Lectures on the History of France. 1852 329I3 See also Napier's Correspondence, 273 H, &c - Stranger in the Tropics, Handbook to Havana, &c, by C. D. Tyng 1643R Stranger's Guide to the Roman Antiquities of the City of Treves, by Wyttenbach, translated, edited by Turner. 1839 906D Strasburg. See Bellow's Europe, 1398R. Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Nature [New University of], v. 31, 2691J. Old Sights with New Eyes, 1754R. Penny Magazine [Cathedral of], v. 2, 140B. Stan- ford's Compendium, 854K, &c. Strata. See Lyell's Geology, 726-7Q. Geology, &c. •Stratford de Redcliffe (Stratford Canning, Viscount, Diplomatist, b. 1788, d. 1880), Personal Reminiscences of, and of the Crimean War, by Skene [Temple Bar Magazine, vols. 62-8]... 1392-8J See also Leisure Hour, v. 26, 2636J ; Living Age, v. 56, 3086J. Westminster Review, v. 130, R.L., &c. Stratford-on-Avon. See Leisure Hour [Shakespeare Property at], v. 13, 2623J. Temple Bar [Summer Day at], v. 74, 1404J. Timmins' Warwickshire, 1413H, &c. Strato (Greek Poet,Jl. Second Century). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Stratten (J.). Set Hood's Preachers, 54iM, &c. Strauss (D. F., German Theologian, b. 1808, d. 1874), Ulrich von Hutten, his Life and Times [The Reformation], translated by Mrs. Sturge. 1874 1025O Strawberries. See Cassell's Family Magazine [and how to Grow them], v. 7, 2356J. Harper [Cultivation of], v. 73, 1653T. Longman, v. 2, 892J. Science Gossip [History of], v. 22, 2422 J, &c. Strawberry Hill. See Hayward's Statesmen, &c, 249F. History of Pottery and Porcelain [Strawberry Hill collection], 936 L), &c. Stray Pearls, Memoirs of Margaret De Ribaumont, Viscountess of Bellaise, by Yonge, 2 vols in 1. 1883 14350 Street (A. B.). See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Poets of America, 468D, &c. Streeter (E. W.), E.R.G.S., The Great Diamonds of the World, their History and Romance, edited by Hatton and Keane ... 799K Streets, Cleansing, &c, by Scott. 1884 990M See also Andrews' Eighteenth Century [Street Fairs], 281R. Ashton's Nine- teenth Century [London], 861-2H; Street Ballads, 1406M. Leisure Hour [London Street Boys], v. 15, 2625J ; [Street Tumblers], v. 17, 2627J ; [Popular Street Tunes], v. 18, 2628J ; [Sketches], v. 19, 2629J. Na- tional Miscellany [Names], 1035 H, &c. Strength. See Knowledge [How to get Strong], v. 2, 4 and 5, 2582 and 2534-5J. Living Age [Physical], v. 65, 3095J. Athletics, Muscles, Physio- logy, Exercise, Sports, &c. Stretton (C), Sport and Sportsmen [Sketches and Tales] 134D Stretton (Hesba, [Mrs. H. Smith]), The Lord's Purse-bearers, Jessica's First Prayer, History of a Threepenny Bit 260Q See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. ■Strickland (Agnes, Historian, b. 18 10, d. 1874), Last Four Prin- cesses of the House of Stuart. 1872 50F [Mary, Princess Royal, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Henrietta Anne, Prin- cess Louisa.] [748] STR ENGLISH SECTION. STTJ Strickland (Agnes), Life of Mary, Queen of Scots [Bohn's Library], 2 vols. 1873 793-40 Lives of the Bachelor Kings of England. 1861 1414O Queens of England from the Norman Conquest [Bohn's Library], 6 vols. 1877 : Vol. 1. — Matilda of Flanders. Matilda of Scotland. Adelicia of Louvaine. • Matilda of Boulogne. Eleanora of Aquitaine. Berengaria of Navarre. Isabella of Angouleme. Eleanor of Provence. Eleanor of Castile. Marguerite of France. Isabella of France. Phillipa of Hainault. Anne of Bohemia. Isabella of Valois. Joanna of Navarre. Katherine of Valois. Margaret of Anjou 795O Vol. 2. — Elizabeth Woodville. Anne of Warwick. Elizabeth of York. Katharine of Arragon. Anne Boleyn. Jane Seymour. Anne of Cleves. Katherine Howard. Katherine Parr. Mary 1 796O Vol. 3.— Elizabeth 797O Vol. 4. — Anne of Denmark. Henrietta Maria. Catherine of Braganza. Mary Beatrice of Modena 798O Vol. 5. — Mary Beatrice of Modena (continued). Mary II 799O Vol. 6.— Mary II. (continued). Anne 8ooO Queens of Scotland and English Princesses, 8 vols. : Vol. 1. -Margaret Tudor. Magdalene of France. Mary of Lorraine .... 51F Vol. 2. — Mary of Lorraine (continued). Lady Margaret Douglas 52F Vols. 3-7.— Mary Stuart 53-7*" Vol. 8. — Elizabeth Stuart. Sophia, Electress of Hanover 58F Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Strickland (Miss J. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue. Strikes. See Alison's Europe, 141-6O. Leisure Hour, v. 3, 2613J. Levi's Work and Pay, 283R. Labour, Trades Unions, &c. StrobridgeC W. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Stroud. (G. N.), Sketch of the Laws relating to Slavery in the United States. 1856 1078F Struggle against Absolute Monarchy, by Cordery. 1603-8 127Z Stuart (Prince Charles Edward, the Young Chevalier, Grandson of James II., b. 1720, d. 1788). See Chambers' Rebellion, 280O. Mahon's Insurrection of 1745, 239O; England, 214-6O. England, Scotland, &c. Stuart (Prince James, the Old Pretender, Son 0/ fames II., b. 1688, d. 1765). See Mahon's England, 213-4O. England, Scotland, &c. Stuarts, England under the House of Stuart [Library of Useful Knowledge], 2 vols. 1840 155-6H Last Four Princesses of the House of Stuart, by Strickland. 1872 50F Sec also Burton's Scotland [1648-1747], 336-7H. Chambers' Journal [Last of the], v. 61, 1961J. Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 321-2H. Doran's Jacobite Times [The Chevaliers], 318-9 H. Edinburgh Review [Fall of the], v. 155, 515J. Madden's Shrines, 343K, &c. Stuart (Frances). See Richmond (Duchess of). Stuart (G. B.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Stuart (I. W.), Life of Governor Trumbull. 1859 538F Stuart (J., Editor of "London Courier" d. 1 840), Three Years in North America. 1833 I733R Stuart (Lieut. -Colonel), Journal of a Residence in Northern Persia • and the Adjacent Provinces of Turkey. 1854 508K Stuart (M., American Philologist and Divine, b. 1780, d. 1852), A Commentary on the Book of Proverbs. 1865 168K Critical Defence of the Old Testament Canon. 1849 483M Stuart (R ), History of the Steam Engine. 1825 892D Stuart (W. L. and D.), Works of. See Harper's Index. i64oJa. Stubbs (John William), History of the University of Dublin, from the Foundation to the end of the 18th Century. 1889 1424H Stubbs (W., Arc/urologist, b. 1825), D.D., Constitutional History of England, by Stubbs. 3 vols. 1883 210-2O [749] STU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SUE Stubbs (C. W.)i M.A., The Mythe of Life, Sermons. 1880 605M Stuckenberg (J. H. W., a Lutheran, b. 1835), D -I>., Life of Im- nianuel Kant. 1882 332F Students' Guide to the University of Cambridge. 1882 1807Z Handbook to the University of Oxford. 1888 312R Manual, by Todd. 1844 H16R and 1550Z Studies in the Life of Christ, by Fairbairn. 1882 307 M Studies of Nature, &c, by St. Pierre. 1846 120T Studios, Stories from the. See Argosy, v. 65, 45J. Study and Stimulants [Opinions of many Eminent Men], edited by Reade]. 1883 837M See also Bain's Essay [Art of], 26 iR. Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Grey's Self-Culture, 961R. Girl's Own Annual [Position of the Body while Studying], v. 7, 2557J. Education, Schools, &c. Study of Words, by Trench. 1878 1118R Study, The, Helps for Preachers from English, American and Con- tinental Sources. 1873 499A ■SturgeQ., Quaker Philanthropist, b. 1793, d. 1858). See Blaikie's Philanthropy, 762O. Mial's Life of Richards, 424F, &c. Sturgeon, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 811F. Fishes, &c. Sturgis (J.)- See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Sturm (C. C, German Theologian and Moralist, b. 1740, d. 1 786), Reflections for Every Day in the Year on the Works of God and His Providence throughout all Nature 1105R and 66Z Sturtevant (S. T., a Dissenter), D.D., Preacher's Manual. 1875... 141A Stuttering. See Legouve's Art of Reading, 1073R. Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R. Stammering, Elocution, Speech, &c. Style and Rhetoric, &c, by De Quincey. 1862 655R Style. See An Old Man's Thoughts about Many Things, 179T. Contemporary [in Literature], v. 47, 2057J. Leisure Hour [Peculiarities of], v. 9, 2619J. Dress, Manners, Literature and any subject required, &c. Styx River. See Contemporary [and other Myths of Death], v. 36, 2046J. Suakim. See Chambers, v. 61, 1961J. The Soudan, &c. Subjection of Women, by Mill. 1869 1028R Sublime and Beautiful, Philosophical Enquiry by Burke. ...641 II and 1142Z Submarine Cables. See Leisure Hour, v. 14, 2624J. Telegraphy, &c. Forests. See Taylor's Byepaths, 62 R, &c. Substance. See M'Cosh's Mind, 748A, &c. Subterranean Cities. See Oliphant's Gilead, &c, 793K, &c. Subterranean Forces. See Reclus' Phenomena, 804F, &c. Subterranean World, by Hartwig, illustrated. 1875 687D Subtle Brains and Lissom Fingers, by Wynter. 1869 269R Sub-Tropical Rambles in the Land of the Aphanaptergx [Mauri- tius], by Pike. 1873 740K Suburban Homes of London, a Residential Guide, &c, with Notes on Rental and Rates. 1881 1330R Success, Secret of, by Adams. 1879 239R See also Quiver, v. 10, 3280J, &c. Successful Men of Modern Times [R.T.S.] 173Z Successful Merchant, Life of Mr. Samuel Budgett, by Arthur. 1877 237R Suchet (Marshal, French General, b. 1770, d. 1826). See Alison's Europe, 123-37O, &c. Suckling (Sir J., Poet and Courtier, b. 1609, d. 1641). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Sudan. See Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Soudan, &c. Suetonius Tranquillus (Caius, Roman Historian, b. 65), Lives of the Twelve Caesars, &c, translated by Thomson [Bohn's Library]. 1855 549O L750] SUE ENGLISH SECTION. SUM Suez, Gulf of. See Beke's Sinai in Arabia, 597B, &c. Suez Canal. See Blackwood, v. 106, 176J. Chambers' Journal, v. 41, 1941J. Edinburgh Review, v. 103, 463J. Macmillan, v. 21, 951J. Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Fortnightly [International Position of], v. 40, 2130J. Leisure Hour, v, 18, 2628 J, &c. Suez, Isthmus of. See Isthmus of Suez. Suffering and Peril, Narratives of, by Davenport, 2 vols. 1840 1659-0Z Mystery of, and other Discourses, by Pressense. 1868 291M Suffolk. See All the Year Round [Chronicles of], v. 55, 1815J. Brand's Anti- quities, 1005-7M. Ritchie's East Anglia, 623O. Science Gossip [Red Crag and Chalk Pits of], v. 23, 2423J. Suffolk (Earls of). See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 322H, &c. Suffrage. See Alison's Europe, 142-6O. Macmillan [Popular] : The Labourer and the Franchise], v. 49, 979J. Elections, Votes, Reform, Govern- ment, &c. Sugar, See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Dodd's Manufactures, 1487Z. Fortnightly [Last Word on], v. 42, 2132J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [A Lump of], v. 73, 1653J. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Leisure Hour [Trade], v. 29, 2639J. Peto's Taxation, &c, 1016F. Saturday Review [in 1884], v. 57 and 58, R.L. Sim- mond's Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, 771F. Smith's Foods, 380R. Wills' Brazil, 813-4K. Ure's Dictionary [Manufacture, Sugar Cane, &c], 8-9D. Sugar-Cane. See Pike's Mauritius, 740K. Ure's Dictionary [Rust in], 9D. Suggestive Hints towards Improved Secular Instruction, for the use of Teachers, by Dawes. 1851 1513 and 1514Z Suggestive Lessons in Practical Life. 1886-8 : First Series.— The Food we eat 1826Z Second Series. — The Clothes we Wear, the Houses we Build, the Rooms we Furnish 1827Z Third Series. — The Fuel we Burn, the Metals we Smelt, the Forests we Clear 1828Z Fourth Series. — The Cities we Found, the Goods we Carry, the Speech we Utter, the Books we Read, the Triumphs we await 1829Z Suicide, an Essay on Comparative Moral Statistics, by Morselli 370R See also Chambers [Extraordinary], v. 44, 1948J. Contemporary [Insanity and Civilisation], v. 43, 2053J. Fortnightly Review, v. 35, 2125J. Gray's China, 520K. Lecky's Morals. 384-5 M. Nature, v. 25, 2685 J, &c. Sulla (L., Dictator of Rome, b. 138, d. 78 B.C.). See Niebuhr's History of Rome, 87H. Rome, &c. Sullivan (A. M., Irish Journalist and Home Ruler, b. 1830), M.P. See Lucy's Parliament, 316-7H. Sullivan (P. O.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Sully (J.), Illusions, a Psychological Study [Int. Sci. Series] 369R Sulphur. See Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Ure's Dictionary, 8-9D. Sulphuric Acid. See Ure's Dictionary, 8-9D. Sumatra. See Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672 B. Stanford's Compendium, 853K. Summer, from the Journal of Thoreau, edited by Blake. 1884 190R Holidays in Brittany, by Hutchinson, illustrated. 1876 1383R in the Antarctic Regions [S. P. C.K.]. 1848 681Z See also Guernsey Magazine, v. 17, 2397 J. Saturday Review [Dry, in Eng- land], v. 58, R.L. Seasons of the Year, 569Q. Sunday at Home, v. 7, 2857J. Sunday Magazine, 2457J, &c. Summer-Houses, &c. See Oakey's Home Grounds, 948M. Gardens, Build- ing, &c. Summerly (Felix). See Cole (Sir H.). Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Sumner (C, American Abolitionist, b. 1811, d. 1874), Memoir of, by Pierce, 2 vols. 1878 518-9F [751] SUM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SUN Sumner (C. R., Bishop of Winchester, Ik 1790, d. 1874), D.D., Life of, by G. H. Sumner. 1876 98SO Sumner (J. B., Archbishop of Canterbury, brother of above, b. 1780, d. 1862), M.A., Apostolical Preaching considered in an Examination of St. Paul's Epistles. 1820 173K The Evidence of Christianity, derived from its Nature and Re- ception. 1824 171K Treatise on the Records of the Creation and on the Moral Attri- butes of the Creator, with particular Reference to Jewish History, 2 vols. 1818 169-70K Sumner (W. G.), What Social Classes owe to each other. 1883 53oT Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. SUN and Moon, their Physical Character, Appearance, &c 805Z Chemistry of the, by Lockyer. 1887 820D Moon, and Stars, by Giberne. 1886 427R The, and his Phenomena, by Webb. 1885 426R by Young, illustrated. 1883 458R Its Planets, &c, by Ledger. 1882 425R Ruler, &c, of the Planetary System, by Proctor, illus. 1876 437R See also Abney's Traps to catch Sunbeams, 194R. Brown's Science for All, 626B. Cassell's Magazine [Recent Eclipse of the], v. 5, 2345J. Cen- tury Magazine [Sun Energy], v. 7, 1879J. English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Este's Recreations in Science, 497R. Good Words [Sun's Atmos- phere], v. 6, 2176J ; [Historical Sketch of Solar Eclipses], v. 12, 2132J ; [Solar Eruption], v. 13, 2183J ; [Sun's Heat], v. 28, 2198J. Herschel's Familiar Lectures, 689Q. Humboldt's Cosmos, 483-6R. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Knowledge [Fuel of], v. 2, 2582J ; [Sun-Worship], v. 3, 2583J ; [Distance of], v. 4, 2584J ; [Heat, of], v. 7, 2587J. Leisure Hour [What is it made of], v. 11, 2621J. Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377R. Miller's Heavenly Bodies, 551R. Nature [Physics of], v. 25 and 28, 2685 and 2688J ; [and the Stars], v. 33 and 34, 2693-4J ; v. 39, 2699J ; v. 40, 2700J. Once a Week [its Distance], v. 20, 2280J. Science Gossip [its Waste of Heat], v. 19, 2421J. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Sunday Magazine [Corona of], v. 12, 2469J. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Webb's Celestial Objects, 640Q. Zeller's Greek Philo- sophy, 538-9M. Astronomy, &c. Sunbeam Yacht, a Voyage in the, by Mrs. Brassey, illustrated. 1878 1682R Lady Brassey's Three Voyages. 1886 346B Last Voyage of Lady Brassey, edited by Broome 862 K Voyage in the Trades, the Tropics and the Roaring Forties, by Lady Brassey, illustrated. 1885 798K See also Nineteenth Century [The Voyage in], v. 15, 2225 J, &c. Sunbeam Library, vol. I. 1882 347B [Lady Brassey's Voyage in the Stcnbeam. Wood's Strange Dwellings. Hartwig's Arctic Regions.] Sun-bird, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 648 and 655Q. Birds, &c. Sunday. See Carlyle's Evangelical Alliance, 660A. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Lei- sure Hour [Observance of], v. 14, 2624J. Nineteenth Century [Con- tinental], v. 15, 2225 J. Saturday Review [Sunday Closing], v. 55, R.L. Brand's Antiquities [Palm-Sunday], 1005-6M. Bullock's Talks with the People, v. 1, 197Z. Sabbath, &c. Sunday Readings, in Prose and Verse, by Carpenter 1569Z Recreation, a Symposium, edited by Linklater. 1889 1241M Sunday-School Lessons, from the Pentateuch [International], Critical Notes by Driver. 1887 1211M Photographs, by Taylor. 1864 I34Q Teacher's Manual [The Class and the Desk], by Gray, 2 vols. 332-3M Sunday Schools. See Gregory's Robert Raikes [Origin of], 948Q. Teachers' Cabinet, 1509Z. Excelsior [Sunday School Union], 1930R. Fortnightly Review [m London, among the Poor], v. 45, 2135J. Quiver [Teaching in], v. 26, 3296J, &c. [752] SUN ENGLISH SECTION. SUR Sunday at Home, a Family Magazine for Sunday Reading, from vol.i. 1854 2851-J [The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the catalogue, with the shelf number specified.] Sunday Magazine, edited by Thomas Guthrie, W. G. Blackie and Benjamin Waugh, from vol. 1. 1865 245 1 -J [The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the cata- logue with the shelf number specified. The general contents will be found in the Supplement to Poole's Index (Reference Library) under such subjects as this magazine deals with.] Sunderland. See Granville's Spas, &c, 351 K, &c. Sunderland (L.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Sundials. See Boy's Own Annual [and how to make them], v. 6, 2956J ; [and their Mottoes], v. 9, 2959J. Brown's Science for All, 628B. Leisure Hour [Mottoes], v. 19, 262gJ, &c. Sun-fish., The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fishes, &c. Sunflowers. See Knowledge, v. 6, 2586J. Science Gossip, v. 24, 2423J. Flowers, &c. Sunlight Mysteries. See Harper, 1647J, & c - Sunny Land, or Prison Prose and Poetry, by Jones. 1868 989R Sunny Lands and Seas, a Voyage in the S.S. Ceylon, by Wilkinson. 837K Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, by Stowe. 1854 611Z Sunset. See Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 843K. Sun, &c. Twilight and Halos. See Brown's Science for All, 629B, &c. Sunsets in the Hebrew Mountains, by Macduff. 1877 1501R [Deaths of the Patriarchs and Prophets.] Sunshine and Sea, a Yachting Visit to the Channel Islands, &c, by a Country Doctor. 1885 1690R and Storm in the East, or Cruises to Cypus and Constantinople 1681R Sunspots. See Century, v. 6, 1878J. Nature [and cold], v. 28, 2688J. Sun, &c. Superior, Lake. See Harper [North Shore of], v. 69, 1649J. Leisure Hour [Adventures on], v. n, 2621J. Lakes, &c. Supernatural and Nature as Constituting , -the one System of God, by Bushnell. 1864 22 K and 1276M Supernatural Generation. See Inman's Faiths, 96Ka, &c. Supernatural Beings. See Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Supematuralism. See Saturday Review [Classical and Mediaeval], v. 56, R.L. Spirits, Ghosts, &c. Superstitions connected with the History of Medicine, by Petti- grew. 1844 899M Curiosities of, by Adams. 1882 923M — — Popular, &c, by Mayo. 1852 910M See also Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 281R. Buckle's Civilization, 186-8O. Grant's Mysteries, 894F. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Jones' Credulities, 902M. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Leisure Hour [Popular], v. 16, 2626J. Nineteenth Century [in the Good Old Times], v. 12, 2222J. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Proctor's Science, 446R. Quiver [Arab], v. 16, 3286J. Sunday at Home [in Spain], v. 5, 2855J. Thrupp's Anglo-Saxon Home, 345K. Timbs' Works [and Credulity], 853Z. Wright's England, Middle Ages, 78-9O. Kingsley's Lectures, i969R,&c. Suppers. See Cassell's Family Magazine [some facts about], v. n, 2361J. Sure of Heaven, a Book for the Doubting, by Mills. 1866 218T Sure to Succeed, by Davidson [Religious Advice to Young Men, &c] 1230M Surf-Bound. Coast, Cable-Laying in the African Tropics, by Crouch 1715R Surgeons, Distinguished Surgeons of New York, by Francis. 1866 989O See also The Healing Art, 930K, &c. Surgery, Anatomy, Physiology, by Wilkinson. 1851 1463Z Household, or Hints on Emergencies, by South, illustrated. 1853 *857£ See also Cassell's Magazine [War Surgery], v. 2, 2342J ; [Little Lessons in Household], v. 9, 2359J. Girls' Book, 1257H. Mackenzie's Frederick the Noble, 1415O. Vivisection, 932K. Medicine &c. 30 [753] SUR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SWA Surnames as a Science, by Ferguson. 1883 1170R English, Family Nomenclature, by Lower, 2 vols. 1875 1921-2R See also Cassell's Family Magazine [Our], v. 8, 2357J. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 205H. Girl's Own Annual [Musical], v. 6, 2556 J. Leisure Hour [What's in a], v. 35, 2645J. Saturday Review [Ferguson on], v. 55, R.L. Names, Nomenclature, &c. Surrey. See All the Year Round [Chronicles of], v. 57, 1817J. Century [Border- lands of], v. 2, 1874J. Fortnightly [Two Centuries of Magistrates' Work in], v. 51, 2141J. Godwin's Green Lanes, 8i3K. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [in Surrey], 1645J, &c. Surrey (Henry Howard, Earl of, b. 1515, beheaded 1547), Poems and Life 316 and 490Q See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476 D. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 327H. Thomson's Friendships, 564O, &c. Surrey (Earls of)- See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 322H, &c. Surveying and Levelling. See Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from v. I, 2981 J. Architecture, Engineering, &c. Surveys in Mines. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, qD, &c. Surville (C. de). See Dana's Housebook Book of Poetry, 476D. Long- fellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Susiana. See Layard's Persia, 1726-7R, &c. Sussex. See All the Year Round [Wanderings in], v. 48, 1808J ; [Chronicles of], v. 57 and 58, 1817-8J. Century [Among the Red Roofs of], v. 8, 1880J. Godwin's Green Lanes, 818K. Living Age, v. 162, 3192J. Sunday at Home [A Glimpse of the Weald of], v. 20, 2870J, Sec. Suter (H.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Sutter (Julie). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Suwaroff (Marshal, Russian General, b. 1729, d. 1800). See Alison's Europe, 121-5O, &c. Swain (C, Poet, b. 1803, d. 1874). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Swaine (Ann), Remarkable Women, as Examples for Girls. 1882... 296T Swaine (S. A.), General Gordon [World's Workers]. 1888 1153O Religious Revolution in the Sixteenth Century [Cassell's Library] 959Z Turner, the Artist [World's Workers]. 1885 1151O Swainson (C), M.A., Handbook of Weather Folk-Lore, a Collec- tion of Proverbial Sayings in various Languages relating to the Weather, with Explanatory and Illustrative Notes. 1873 896M Swainson (W., Naturalist, b. 1789, d. 1855), F.R.S., A.C.G., A Treatise on Malacology, or the Natural Classification of Shells and Shell-Fish [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], ill. ... 793T Animals in Menageries [Lardner's Cab. Cycle], illustrated. 1838 770T History of Insects [Lardner's Cyclopaedia]. 1840 577Q Natural History and Classification of Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], 2 vols. 1838 778-9T On the Habits and Instincts of Animals [Lardner's Cab. Cyclo.]. 791T ■ Natural History and Classification of Birds [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], illustrated, 2 vols. 1S36 748-9T Quadrupeds [Lardner's Cab. Cyclo.], ill. ... 771T Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural History [Lard- ner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1834 ...481 and 768T Taxidermy, with the Biography of Zoologists and Notices of their Works [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1840 772T Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals [Lard- ner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1835 480T Swallow, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 645Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q- Jones' Bermuda, 823F. Leisure Hour [Domesticated], v. 6, 2616J ; [Return of], v. 18, 2628J. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Science Gossip, v. 1, 2411J ; v. 3, 2411J. Sunday a Home [and its Migrations], v. 9, 285qJT. Birds, &c. [754] SWA ENGLISH SECTION. SWI Swammerdam(J.)- See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 671Q, &c. Swan The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 647Q. Science Gossip [and Cygnets], v. 9, 2414J. Birds, &c. Swartz (C. F.), Life of [Christian Biography]. 1840 1699Z Swayne (G. C), M.A., Herodotus [An. Classics for Eng. Read.]. 1877 I0 99Q Swaziland. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Sweden, Denmark and Norway, by Dunham [Lardner's Cab. Cyclo.] 773-5T . In Sweden, by Anderson I544 z See also Alison's Europe, 119-34O. Bloomfield's Memoir, 147F. Du Chaillu's Land of the Midnight Sun, 467-8K. Gosse's Literature, 960H. Malthus' Population, 1093-4F. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. Nature, v. 39, 2699J ; v. 40, 2700J. Stanford's Compendium, 854K. Sylvanus' Rambles, 466 K.. Taylor's Northern Travel, 857R. Temple Bar, v. 70, 1400J. Time [no longer a Terra Incognita], v. 16, 1506J. Sweden (Charles John, Prince Royal of), Memoirs, by Phillipart 117F Swedenborg(E., Baron Von, Swedish Philosopher, b. 1688, d. 1772), Arcana Coelestia, or Heavenly Mysteries, contained in the Sacred Scriptures, 13 vols. 1802-10 172-84A True Christian Religion. 1874 185A His Life and Writings, by White, 2 vols. 1867 186-7A Doctrines of 264M See also Oxley's Modern Messiahs, &c, T254M. Swedenborgians. See Stoughton's Religions, 99M. Wilson's Dissenters 189K. Religious Systems of the World, 934A. Swedish Language and Poetry. See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Sweden, &c. Sweet (Alexander), Villa and Cottage Gardening, specially adapted for Scotland, Northern England, and Ireland. 1889 476T Swegen {King of Danes). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-4H. Swetchine (Madame). See Gautier's French Authors, 254F. Swift (J., Dean of St. Patrick's, b. 1667, d. 1745), D.D., Choice Works in Prose and Verse 1106R Beauties of, selected by Howard 1252Z Poems, Life by Mitford [British Poets], 3 vols. 1864 4QI-3Q . Poetical Works and Life by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain], 4 vols. 1807 ...*. 333-6Z Works of, and a Biography of the author by Purves. 1869 587D [Tale of a Tub. Gulliver's Travels. Journal to Stella, &c] by Jeffrey. 1853 1275R Stephen [English Men of Letters]. 1882 1085O Life of, by Craik. 1882 522F See also Academy [Journal and Letters of], v. 29, R.L. Argosy, v. 38, 38J. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 25F. Knight's Old Booksellers, 1451O. Merydew's Love Letters, v. 1, 676F. Poole's Index, R.L. Quiver, v. 11, 3281J. Russell's Eccentric Personages, 130SO. Wil- liams' English Letter- Writers, 698F. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Swimming, Learning to Swim, by Captain C. H. Ozanne [Girl's Own Paper, Summer Number, 1889] 2560J &c. [Crawley's* Handbooks] I151M See also Boy's Own Annual, 1879, 2951J. Boy's Own Book, 1527Z. Cas- sell's Pastimes, 1262H. Chambers, v. 63, 1963J. Knowledge, v. 2, 2582J. Pettigrew's Animal Locomotion, 354R. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Walker's Manly Exercises, 1164M, &c. Swimming Birds. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 647Q. Birds, &c. Swinburne (A. C, Poet. b. 1837), A Century of Roundels. 1883... 773M Study of Shakespeare. 1880 I102H Victor Hugo. 1886 722O Erechtheus, a Tragedy, poetry. 1876 745^ Les Casquettes, a poem [English Illustrated] I99 1 ! [755] SWI GUILLE-ALLfeS LIBRARY. SYD Swinburne (A. C. ), Miscellanies. 1886 1340O [English Poets. Bronte. Reade. Vacquerie. Mary, Queen of Scots. Sir Henry Taylor on Shelley, &c] Poems and Ballads. 1889 1409M [second series]. 1878 747M [third series]. 1889 1403M Songs of the Springtides. 1880 746M Tristram of Lyonesse and other Poems. 1882 748M See also Academy [Century of Roundels], v. 23, R.L. Contemporary Review [and Arnold], v. 6, 2016J. Fortnightly [Poems], v. 43, 21^. Galton's Urbana Scripta, 315T. Stoddart's Late English Poets, 687M, &c. Swindlers and Sharpers. See Chronicles of Newgate, v. 1, 330D. Saturday Review [Swindling], v. 53, R.L., &c. Swine, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 666Q. Pigs, Animals, &c. Switnin (St. , Bishop of Winchester, d. 862). See Bramston's Winchester, 301O. Brand's Antiquities [St. Swithin's Day], 1005 M, &c. SWITZERLAND— Works relating to : Swiss Letters and Alpine Poems, by Havergal. 1881 1441R Men and Swiss Mountains, by Ferguson 772Q and 1260R Switzerland, a Month in, by Zincke. 1873... 1705R A Second Month in, or Swiss Allmends and a Walk to see them. 1875 1706R A Third Month in, or a Walk to the Orisons. 1875 1707R Physician's Holiday in 'the Summer of 1848, by Forbes... 859K Excursions in, by Cooper. 1836 411, 412 and 483K Germany and France, Baths of, by Lee 1402R Glance at some of the Beauties and Sublimities of, by Murray. 1 829 143 1 R History of [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1832 29O Primaeval World of, by Heer, edited by Heywood. 1876... 732-3F The Alps and Northern Italy, by Williams, illustrated. 1854 590B Pioneer of the Reformation, by D'Istria, 2 vols. 1858... 408-9K Unknown, by Tissot, translated by Mrs. Wilson. 1889 1751R See also Alison's Europe, 119-37O. Ansted's Scenery, Science, and Art. 785F. Bellow's Europe, 1398R. Contemporary Review [Lake Dwellings of], v. 4, 20T4J ; [Contemporary Life and Thought in], v. 45, 2055J. Continental Tourist, 456-8K. Cooper's Excursion up the Rhine, 389K. Fortnightly [as a Holiday Resort], v. 46, 2136J. Good Words [History of], v. 25, 2195J. Laing's Notes of a Traveller, 1262R. Living Age, v. 167, 3197J. Macmillan [Notes in a Swiss Village], v. 52, 982J. Malthus' Population, 1093F. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. May's Democracy [Swiss Confedera- tion], 38H. Science Gossip [A Geological Excursion to], v. 18, 2420 J ; [Coral roots of], v. 23, 2423J. Scott's Swiss Reformation, 950Q. Stanford's Compendium, 854K, &c. Sword, The. See All the Year Round, v. 37, 1797 J. Anderson's Scotland in Pagan Times [and Daggers], 896F. Bird's Japan, 336K. Boutell's Arms and Armour, 366O. Macmillan [Forms and History of], v. 48, 978J. Peasant Properties [Mythical and Mediaeval], 2005R. Saturday Re- view [History of], v. 56, R.L. Arms, Weapons, &c. Sword-Fisn, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 678 and 679Q. Leisure Hour, v. 18, 2628J. Science Gossip, v. 8, 24I3J. Knowledge [Charms of Sword- Fishing, v. 2, 2582J. Fishes, &c. Sword-Players. See Walker's Manly Exercises, Fencing, Duels, &c. Sydney. See Ccote's Wanderings, 810K. Smiles' Boy's Voyage, 834Q. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. New South Wales, Colonies, &c. Sydney (Algernon, Patriot, b. 1622, beheaded 1683), Life and Times of, by Ewald, 2 vols. 1873 523-4F See also Dixon's H.M. Tower, 324H, &c. [756] SrL ENGLISH SECTION. TAB Sylla. See Plutarch's Lives, 447F. Sulla, &c. Syllogism. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R, &c. Sylvan Folk, Sketches of Bird and Animal Life in Britain, by Watson. 1889 2112R Sylvan Winter, by Heath, illustrated. 1886 1274H " Sylvanus " [R. Colton], Rambles in Sweden and Gottland. 1847 466K Sylvester (J., Poet, b. 1563, d. 1618). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Symbols and Emblems of Early Mediaeval Art, by Twining. 1885.. 507M Book of, by Mushet. 1847 420M See also Inman's Faiths, 96K. Sidgwick's Fallacies, 39TR. Sunday at Home [and Realities], v. 15, 2865J. Quarle's Enchiridion, 1934R, &C Symington (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Symms' Perspective in Drawing [for Young Persons] III4M Symonds (J. A., Scholar and Poet, b. 1840), Ben Jonson [English Worthies]. 1886 1202O Shakespere's Predecessors in the English Drama. 1884 1097H Shelley [Morley's English Men of Letters]. 1879 I081O Sir Philip Sydney [Morley's English Men of Letters]. 1886 109 iR Sympathy. See Bastian's Brain, 387R. Geikie's Human Sympathies of Christ, 320M. Girl's Own Annual, v. 10, 2560J. Occult Sciences, 1935R. Quiver, v. 10, 3280J. Smith's Moral Sentiments, 588H. Sunday Magazine, v. 13, 2470J, &c. Synagogues. See Knight's Pictorial Bible, 403-4M. Jews, &c. Synonyms, English, by Soule. 1871 1094R Whately. 1880 551T — — British, by Piozzi 1236Z Synopsis Filicum, or a Synopsis of all Known Ferns, by Hooker and Baker. 1868 768F Synthetic Judgments. See M'Cosh's Mind, 748 A, &c. Philosophy, Epitome of, by F. H. Collins, with a preface by Spencer. 1889 587H Syphon, The. See Joyce's Dialogues, 695Q, &c. Syphon-trap. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K, &c. Syracuse. See Good Words, v. 23, 2193J. Mitford's Greece, 101-6H, &c. Syria and Asia Minor [Conder's Modern Traveller], 2 vols. 1824... 532Z Egypt, in relation to Bible History, by Dawson [R.T.S.]. 1885 252M Country Life in, by Rattray, illustrated. 1876 812Q Palestine and the Holy Land, Inner Life of, by Isabel Burton 1491R Syriac Documents attributed to the first three Centuries, trans. by Pratten. 1871 378A The Howadji in, by Curtis. 1872 I495R Travel in, Syrian Sunshine, by Appleton I494R See also Bellow's Europe, 1399R. Carne's Letters from the East, 1455-6R. Conder's Heth and Moab [Syrian Explorations], 549K. Contemporary [Colonisation of], v. 43, 2053J. Falkland's Chow-Chow, 524-5K. Fort- nightly [and France], v. 40, 2130J. Green's Bible Lands, 328B. Heifer's Travels, 510-iKand 1492-3R. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Stan- ford's Compendium, 852K, &c. Syrups of Fruits and Flowers. See Argosy, v. 42, 42 J, &c. T, ABERNACLE. See Ewald's Israel, 63K, &c. Table, a Book about the, by Jeaffreson, 2 vols. 1875 932-3F Talk and Poems, by Cowper. 1867 339Q Essays on Men and Manners, by W. Hazlitt. 1876 75 iR [757] TAB GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TAL> Table Talk on Books, Men and Manners, edited by Evelyn. 1853... 11C7R or the Modern Scrap Book. 1829 1128II [A collection of interesting Anecdotes and Sketches, Biographical, His- torical, Poetical, &c, illustrated.] Pulpit, by Ramsay 219T Selections from Coleridge 176T Table Turning. See Spiritualism, &c. Tables. See Leisure Hour [Original], v. 24, 2634J, &c. Tableaux Vivants. See Cassell's Magazine, v. 4, 2344J. Home Amusements, 949M. Scribner's Monthly [a Chapter on], v. 21, 1871J. Valentine's Girl's Own Book, 1187K, &c. Tabor (Miss). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Tacitus (C. C, Roman Historian, b. 55, d. after 117), Agricola and Germany of, translated by Church and Brodribb 796M Annals of, translated by Church and Brodribb. 1888 794M by Donne [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1873 I0 9 2 Q History of, translated by Church and Brodribb. 1888 795M Works of, Oxford Translation revised, with Notes, 2 vols. 1854 1175-6H translated by Murphy [Family Classical Library], 1830... 1118-22Q [The Annals. The History and Manners of the Germans. Life of Agricola.] See also Academy [Annals], v. 25, R.L. Saturday Review, v. 55, R.L. Classics, &c. Tact. See Sunday at Home, v. 35, 2885J, &c. Tactics. See Blackwood [in England, Modern], v. 135, 2osJ._ Nineteenth Cen- tury [Infantry, British System of], v. 17, 2227J. Military, &c. Tadema (Laurence Alma, Dutch Painter, b. 1836). See Art Journal, v. 35, R.L. TagUS, River. See Harper's Magazine [Boats on the], v. 77, 1657J. Stanford's- Compendium, 854K, &c. Tahiti, or Otaheite. See Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Contem- porary [Last King of], v. 41, 2051J. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B Pritchard's Polynesia, &c,, 767K, &c. Tailors. See Pastime Papers, 1996R. Remuneration of Capital and Labour [and Tailoresses], 1115F, &c. Taine (H. A., French Writer, b. 1828), D.C.L., Ancient Regime, translated by Durand [Les Origines de la France contem- poraine]. 1876 37iH History of English Literature, translated by Van Laun, 2 vols. 1135-6H Notes on England [a Treatise on the Government, Life, litera- ture, Institutions and Commerce of England and the English People]. 1885 1676R On Intelligence, translated by Haye. 1871 651H The Revolution, translated by Durand [Les Origines de la France contemporaines], 2 vols. 1878 369-0H See also Edinburgh Review, v. 156, 516J. Nineteenth Century [a Literary Portrait], v. 20, 2230J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Tait (Archibald Campbell, Archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1811, d. 1882), Church of the Future. 1881 221M See also Cox's Colenso, 621-2F. Good Words, v. 24, 2194J. Quarterly [and the Primacy], v. 115, 1285J, &c. Tait (Catherine, Wife of above). See Girl's Own Annual, v. 1, 2551J. Sunday at Home, v. 27, 2877J. (and Craufurd, Son of Above), A Memoir, edited by Benham 9930 Tait (P. B.). See Stewart (B.). Tait (Professor P. G.). See Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Stallo's Modern Physics, 389R, &c. Talbot (E. A.), Five Years' Residence in the Canadas, including a Tour through Part of the United States in 1823, 2 vols. 1824 678-9K Talbot (Hon. T.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Talbot (Miss). See Thomson's Friendships, 565O. Talboys (W. P.), West India Pickles, Diary of a Cruise through the West Indies, illustrated. 1876 1743^ [758] TAL ENGLISH SECTION. TAM Tales and Essays, by Scott. 1829 1012Z Sketches in Prose and Verse, by Mrs. Norton. 1850 1918R [including Conversations with Ferguson and Burns], by Hugh Miller. 1874 , 805R bv Crabbe. 1814 438D by Wilson. T858 880R [Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life. Trials of Margaret Lyndsay, &c] from American History, vol.3 riI 5 an d !553Z Shakespeare for Young Persons, by C. Lamb. 1851 1100H of a Wayside Inn [Poems]. See Longfellow's Poetical Works, 14T7M. Enchantment, &c, for Boys and Girls, illustrated 1261H Mystery and Imagination, &c. , by Poe 729M our Great Families, by Walford, 4 vols. 1877-80 1126-9R the Hall, by Crabbe, 2 vols. 1819 435-6D Romantic Stories of the Legal Profession 107 iR See also Book of Scottish Story, 1081R. Bunce's Origin of Fairy Tales, 899R. Davenport's Peril and Suffering, 289-0T. Excelsior, 1926-31R. Longfellow's Poems [Tales of a Wayside Inn], 323Q. Swift's Works [Tale of a Tub], 587D. Table Talk, 1128H. Whymper's Story of the Sea, 108-11D. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Talfourd (Sir T. N., Judge and Tragic Poet, b. 1795, d. 1854), D.C.L., Final Memoirs of Charles Lamb. 1850 7590 See also Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Talismans. See^ Jones' Credulities, 902M. Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Talk. See Cornhill [and Talkers], v. 46, 326J. Conversation, &c. Talks to Farmers [Religious Advice, &c], by Spurgeon. 1882 HOlM Talks with Socrates about Life, translations from the Georgias and the Republic of Plato. 1887 I995R Talks with the People, by Men of Mark, edited by Bullock : Vol. 1.— Earl of Shaftesbury. . 197Z Vol.6.— Rt. Hon. W.E.Gladstone 1915Z Vol. 2. — Archbishop of Canter- \ Vol. 7. — Earl of Derby 1916Z bury 109Z Vol.8. — Bishop of Manchester. . 1917Z Vol. 3. — Earl of Beaconsfield . . 1912Z Vol. 9. — Sir W. Lawson 200Z Vol. 4. — Earl Cairns 1913Z Vol. 10. —Bishop of Liverpool .. 1918Z Vol. 5. — Archbishop of York. . 1914Z Vol. 11.— President Garfield 198 and 220Z Talleyrand-Perigord (C. M. tie, Prince of Beneven'o), Correspon- dence with Louis XVIII., with Notes by Pallain, 2 vols. 1881 430-1II See also Alison's Europe, 124-38O. Baker's French Society, 333O. Schlosser's Eighteenth Century, 27-31H. Temple Bar, v. 67, 1397J. Greville Memoirs. Alison's Europe, 124-43O, &c. Talleyrand (Madame, Wife of above, d. 1835). See All the Year Round, v. 49, 1 809 J, &c. Tallien (Jean Lambert, French Revolutionist, b. 1769, d. 1820). See Alison's Europe, 120-4O. Tallien (Madame [Theresa Cabanus], Wife of above}. See Kavanagh's Women in France, 1044O, &c. Tallies. See Cornhill [and Scores], v. 53, 333J. Tallis (Thomas, Musical Composer, b. 1529, d. 1585). See Mathew's History of Music, 943D, &c. Talmage (T. de Witt), The Abominations of Modern Society 225T Talmas, The (Actor and Actress about 1790). See Jackson's French Court, 3340, &c. Talmud, The, by Barclay. 1878 7K Treasures of the, classified subjects from A to L, translated by Hershon, with Notes, &c, by Spence. 1882 639 A See also Hosmer's Jews, 425O. Leisure Hour, v. 17, 2J27J. Quiver, v. 14, 3284J ; [Tales from the], v. 15, 3285J, &c. Tamar and Tavy, Borders of, by Bray, 2 vols. 1879 I343-4R See also Devonshire, &c. Tamarind-Tree. See Earth's Central Africa, 845-6K, &c. Tambourine. See Mathew's History of Music, 943D, &c. [759] TAM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TAS Tamerlane or Timon {Tartar Conqueror, b. 1336, d. 1405). See Lansdell's Central Asia 830K ; Russian Central Asia, 828-9K. Leisure Hour [and his Siege of Delhi], v. 7, 2617J, &c. Tancock (O. W.), M.A., England during the American and Euro- pean Wars [1765- 1820] [Harper's Series, English History] 129Z Tandon (Mons. Moquin), World of the Sea, trans, by Martin, ill. 755E Tangiers. See Harper's Magazine [and Morocco], v. 78, 1658J, &c. TannahilKR., Scotch Poet, b. 1774, d. 1810). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Tanning. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 9D. Leather, &c. Tansillo (L., Italian Poet, b. 1510, d. 1568). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Taoism. See Legge's Religions of China, 388M. Religious Systems of the World [by Halfour], 934A, &c. Tapestries, The New Gallery of, at Florence. See Harper, v. 77, 1657J, &c. Tapestry, by Champeaux 1032M See also Art Journal [Museum of Pictorial], v. 37, R.L. Bayeux Tapestry, 342O. Cassell's Family Magazine [The Making of], v. 5, 2354J. Freeman's Norman Conquest [of Bayeux], 203H. Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M, &c. Tapirs, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 666Q, &c. Tappan (W. B.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Tar. See Brown's Science for All, 628B ; [Coal], 629B. Chambers', v. 30, 1941J. Tarantas, The, Impressions of Young Russia, by Sollogub. 1850 81 iQ Tarantasse Journey through Eastern Russia, 1856, by Spottiswoode 1460R See also Landsell's Russian Central Asia, 829K, &c. Tarantula. See Goldsmid's Myths, 201 iR. Knowledge [of Southern Cali- fornia], v. 6, 2586J. Natural History, &c. Tarquini (Cardinal), See Arthur's The Popes, &c, 453F. Tarring (C. J.), Law Relating to the Colonies. 18S2 1074F Tartaric Acid. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Tartar Tribes [K.T.S.] 117Z Tartary, Thibet and China, Recollections of a Journey through [during the years 1844 to I 846], by Hue... 765Q, 1267 and 1318-9R See also Atkinson's Siberia [Chinese], 598B. Bird's Golden Chersonese, 1488R. Eden's China [Tartar Dynasty], 813Q. Malthus' Population, 1093F. Tegg's Funeral Rites, 1481Z. Wallace's Russia, 451K, &c. Tarts. See Well's Pastrycook, 998M. Cookery, &c. Tarver (F.), M.A., and Oliphant (Mrs.), Moliere [Foreign Classics] 1177O Tashkend. See Lansdell's Central Asia, 830K. Asia, &c. Tasmania. See Brown's Countries of the World, 163D ; Palaeolithic Man, [Tas- manians], 905!". Science Gossip [Land and Freshwater Shells of], v. 14, 2417J. Stanford's Compendium [Colony of], 853 K. Trollope's Australia, &c.,778K. Willoughby's Australian Pictures, 332B. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. Australia, Van Diemen's Land. Tasso (B., Italian Poet, b. 1493, d. 1569). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Tasso (Torquato, Italian Poet, son of above, />. 1544, d. 1595), God- frey of Bulloigne, or the Recovery of Jerusalem, translated by Fairfax, 2 vols in I. 1844 516Z by Hasell [Oliphant's Foreign Classics], 1882 1184O Life of, by Milman, 2 vols. 1850 994"50 See also Fortnightly, v. 43, 2133J. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Tassoni (A., Italian Poet, b. 1565, d. 1635). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Taste, Nature and Principles of, by Alison, 2 vols. 1811 628-9H See also All the Year Round [Modern], v. 58, 1818J, &c. Smell, &c. See Bastian's Brain, 387R. Bernstein's Five Senses, 363R. Brown's Science for All, 62yBa.. Cornhill [Sense of], v. 50, 330J, &c. Tastu (A., French Poetess, b. 1798). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. [760] TAT ENGLISH SECTION. TAY Tatar Merchants. See Atkinson's Russian Acquisitions, 6nB. Tate (N.). See Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 927O. Poets, &c. Tate (R.), A.L.S. See Woodward's Mollusca, 181R, &c. Tate and Brady. See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Tatian {Greek Christian Apologist, fl. Second Century). See Donaldson's Chris- tian Literature, 48K, &c. and Th.eoph.ilus, Writings of. See Ante-Nicene Library, &c. Tatler, by Steele and others [British Essayists] 881II and 8-llT Tattersall (R.). See Lennox's Celebrities, 1017H. Tattersall's. See All the Year Round, v. 56, 1816J. Tatting. See Beeton's Needlework, 1143M. Valentine's Girl's Own Book, 1187R, &c. Tattooing. See Cassell's Magazine [Savage and Civilised], v. 7, 2347J. Nature [Japanese], v. 32, 2692J. Nordenskiold's Voyage of the Vega, 666-7K. Tautology. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. Tautpheeus (Baroness). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Tavern Life Fifty Years Ago. See All the Year Round, v. 43, 1823J, &c. Tavistock. See Devonshire. Tavistock (Lord Francis, 7th Duke of Bedford). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609-10F, &c. Tavy River. See Devonshire, Tamar and Tavy, &c. TAXATION, its Levy and Expenditure, by Peto. 1866 1016F Poverty and the Remedy, Free Trade, Labour, &c, by Briggs... 338R See also Alison's Europe, 119-46O. All the Year Round [Curiosities of], v. 56, 1816J. An Old Man's Thoughts about many Things, 179T. Ashton's Nineteenth Century, 861-2H. Bryce's American Commonwealth, 517-9H. Capital and Labour, n 15 F. Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Con- temporary Review [of Rents in London], v. 54, 2064J. George's Pro- gress and Poverty, 1023F. Kinnear's Principles of Reform, 1005F. Leisure Hour [and the Working Classes], v. 27, 2607J. Probyn's Local Government, 303R. Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy, 1004F. Rogers' Work and Wages, 1102F. Saturday Review [Local], v. 61, R.L. Smith's Institutions, 517T ; Wealth of Nations, 1027-8F. Stubbs' History, 210-3O. Temple's India, 486K. Westminster Review [Indi- rect in America], v. 130, R.L., &c. Taxidermy, Bibliography and Biography, by Swainson. 1840 772T Collecting and Mounting Objects of Natural History 492T Practical, and Home Decoration, by Batty, illustrated. 1880 .... 43R by Browne 32R without a Teacher [Preservation, Stuffing and Mounting Animals, &c], by Manton. 1882 747Z See also Century Magazine [the Taxidermal Art], v. 3, 1875J. Nature [Practical], v. 30, 2690J, &c. Tayler (C, Minister of Bethel Chapel, Guernsey), B.A., Seven Sermons on the Lord's Prayer, with Introductory Discourses on the Necessity and Advantages of Public and Private Wor- ship. 1831 288K Taylor (A.), Sunday School Photographs. 1864 134Q Taylor (Bayard, American Writer, b. 1825), Egypt and Iceland in 1874. 1875 1535* Studies in German Literature. 1880 1108R Views Afoot, or Europe seen with Knapsack and Staff. 1869. ... 603Z Works of, 13 vols. 1868-9 : Vol. 1. — Eldorado, or Adventures in California and Mexico 852R Vol. 2. — Journey to Central Africa 853R Vol. 3.— Lands of the Saracen 854R Vol. 4.— Visit to India, China, and Japan in the year 1853 855R Vol. 5.— Views a- Foot, Europe seen with Knapsack and Staff 856R Vol. 6. — Northern Travel, Sweden, Denmark, and Lapland 857R Vol. 7.— Travels in Greece and Russia, with an Excursion to Crete 858R Vols. 8-9.— At Home and Abroad, Sketch Book of Life, Scenery and Men. . 859-60R Vol. 10. — Hannah Thurston, Story of American Life 861R [761] TAY GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TAY Taylor (Bayard), Works of— {continued.) Vol. ii. — John Godfrey's Fortunes, Story of American Life 862R Vol. 12. — Story of Kennett 863R Vol. 13. — By-ways of Europe 864R Life and Letters of, edited by Marie Hansen-Taylor and Scudder 997-8O See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Harper's Index [Works of], T64oJa. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Saturday Review, v. 58, R.L. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Taylor (C, Engraver, b. 1756, d. 1823), Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible. 1849 70A Taylor (C. B., b. 1797, d. 1875), M.A., The Records of a Good Man's Life. 1835 312T Taylor (Edgar). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Taylor (Emily). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Taylor (F.), Studies in Animal Painting, with eighteen coloured plates from Water Colour Drawings. 1 884 92 1 D Taylor (H., Essayist and Dramatic Poet, b. 1800, d. 1886), Auto- biography of [1800-1875], 2 vols - l88 3 525-6F See also Academy, v. 29, R.L. All the Year Round [Autobiography of], V. 56, 1816J. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 4726, &c. Taylor (I., Philosophical Writer, b. 1786, d. 1865), Elements of Thought, or Concise Explanations of the Terms employed in the several Branches of Intellectual Philosophy. 1 88 1 2000R Fanaticism. 1 833 639H Home Education. 1851 332R Natural History of Enthusiasm. 1829 483A and 122K Physical Theory of another Life. 1836 470A Spiritual Despotism. 1835 454^ Taylor (Isaac, Independent Minister, father of above, b. 1759, d. 1829). See Leisure Hour, v. 16, 2626J. Taylor (Jane), Contributions of Q.Q. to a Periodical Work, with some Pieces not before published, 2 vols. 1826 1109-10R Taylor (Mrs. Janet), Lunar Tables. 1835 60D Taylor (Jeremy, Bishop of Down, &c, b. 1613, d. 1667), Beauties of, selected from his works, with an Essay on his Life, &c, by Patterson. 1834 1124H Contemplations of the State of Man, &c. [Sel. Brit. Div.]. 1825 138-9M Life and Death of Christ, edited by Buckley. 1851 219Q Scottish Covenanters [Cassell's Library] 953Z See also Adam's Churchmen, 681O. Barry's Theology, 828O. Catter- mole's Literature of the Church, 549A. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Hood's Preachers, 541M. Quiver, v. 24, 3294J. Sun- day at Home, v. 9, 2859J, &c. Taylor (J. B.), Memoir of, by Rice [American Tract Society] 1681Z Taylor (J. E.), F.G.S., Common British Fossils. 1885 125R Flowers, their Origin, Shapes, Perfumes and Colours, coloured plates. 1878 76R Half-Hours at the Sea-Side, illustrated. 1876 588Q The Waves. Seaweeds. Sponges. Sea-Worms. Corallines. Jelly Fish. Sea Anemones. Sea-Mats. Sea Urchins. Shell-Fish. Crustacea. Mountain and Moor [S. P. C.K.], illustrated. 1879 625Q Nature's Byepaths, a series of Recreative Papers in Natural History. 1880 ' 62R Underground Natural History Rambles [S.P.C.K.], ill. 1879 ... 626Q Taylor (J. S.), M.A., Selections from the Writings of, with Sketch of his Life. 1843 I125II [762] TAY ENGLISH SECTION. TEC Taylor (Colonel P. Meadows, Novelist, b. 1808, d. 1876), The Story of my Life, edited by his Daughter. 1882 996O Taylor (Dr. Rowland, the Martyr, burnt 1555), LL.D. See Sunday at Home, v. 4, 2854J, &c. Taylor (R. C, Antiquarian Geologist, b. 1789, d. 185 1 ), Statistics of Coal, including Mineral Bituminous Substances employed in Arts and Manufactures, and Account of Production, &c, on the American Continent, revised by Haldeman. 1855 1123H Taylor (Thomas), Life of Cowper. 1833 967Q Ed., Pen Sketches by a Vanished Hand, from the Papers of the late Mortimer Collins, 2 vols. 1879 1053-4R Taylor (Tom, Critic and Dramatist, b. 1817, d. 1880), Ballads and Songs of Brittany. 1865 453D Taylor (W.), California Life Illustrated, illustrated. 1858 1589R Taylor (W. C, Historical Writer, b. 1800, d. 1849), LL.D., History of Ireland from the Anglo-Norman Invasion till the Union of the Country with Great Britain, with Additions by Sampson 96-7Z Illustrations of the Bible from the Monuments of Egypt. 1838 226T Ed., Pinnock's Greece for Schools. 1864 61O and others, The Occult Sciences, Sketches of the Traditions and Superstitions of Past Times, and the Marvels of the Present Day. 1855 1935R Taylor (W. M.), D.D., John Knox [Men Worth Remembering]... 1164O Scottish Pulpit, from the Reformation to the Present Day. 1887 635A TEA and TeaDrinking, by Reade. 1884 957M Countries of China, by Fortune, illustrated, 2 vols. 1853 1515-6R See also Cassell's Family Magazine [Afternoon Teal, v. 15, 1365J. Colqu- houn's South China, 541-2K. Coote's Wanderings, 810K. Eden's Japan, 814Q. English Illustrated Magazine, v. 3, 1993J. Fortune's Visits [Plantations in the Himalaya], 1515-6R. Girl's Own Annual [in Health and Sickness], v. 4, 2554J. Gray's China, 521K. Health Lectures [and Coffee, Cocoa, &c.,as Drinks], 839M. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Leisure Hour [Chat about], v. 1, 2611J ; [Gardens of Shanghai], v. 14, 2624J. Peto's Taxation, &c, 1016F. Simmond's Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, 771F. Smith's Foods, 380R. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, 8-9D. China, India, Japan, &c. Tea-cup, History of the, and Account of the Potter's Art, by Wedg- wood 836Z Teacher, The, or Moral Influences, by Abbott 1132Z Teachers' and Students' Handbook of Scripture, by Turner. 1864 91Q Teacher's Cabinet, Papers on Sunday Schools, by R. \V. Dale and others. 1873 •• 1509-10Z Teachers, Training of, and other Educational Papers, by Laurie. 1882 286R Teaching, Hints on Home Teaching, by Abbott. 1883 212R Lectures on, by Fitch. 1885 285R and Teachers. See also All the Year Round [Organ of], v. 50, 1810J. Coinpayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Dawe's Suggestive Hints, 1513 and 1514Z. Leisure Hour [Market for], v. 34, 2644J. Education, Schools. Teale (T. P.), M.A., Dangers to Health, a Pictorial Guide to Domestic Sanitary Defects, illustrated. 1 88 1 920K Tears. See Chambers' Edinburgh Journal [Anatomy of] ? v. 9, 1929J, &c. Technical Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, by Crabb. 1851 533R Technical Training, by Twining. 1874 1112F — Education, &c. See Brabazon's Board School Reforms, 1103F. Chambers' [Gordon's College, Aberdeen], v. 61, 1961J. Meath's Pros- perity, &c, 1105F. Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Nineteenth Century Maga- zine, v. 16, 2226J ; v. 24, 2234J. Quarterly Review [and Foreign Competition], v. 167, 1297J, &c. [763] TEC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TEL Tecumseh. (Indian Chief). See Life of Sir T. Brock, 975Q. Tupper's Family Records, &c, 642F, &c. Teeling (C. J.), History of the Irish Rebellion. 1876 238O Teesdale (Brevet Major C. C, of Guernsey), C.B. See Sarnia, p. 98, 1416O, &c. Teeth. See Brown's Science for All, 627-8B. Buckley's Life's Race [Animal], 129R. Cassell's Magazine [and the Toothache], v. 1, 2341J. English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Este's Recreations in Science, 497R. Mantell's Geology [Fossil], 724-5Q. Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R. Orr's Circle of the Sciences, 735F. Youatt's The Dog, 817F, &c. Teetotalism. See Leisure Hour [Origin of Teetotal Movement], v. 27, 1937 J. Abstinence, Temperance, &c. Tegetmeier (W. B.), F.Z.S., The Poultry Book, illustrated 664B Tegg (Thomas). See Curwen's Booksellers, 520O. Tegg (W.), Christian Names, their Derivation and Signification 1889Z Epitaphs, Witty, Grotesque, Elegant, &c. 1875 I2 55Z Posts and Telegraphs, Past and Present, with an Account of the Telephone and Phonograph. 1878 563R The Knot Tied, Marriage Ceremonies of all Nations. 1878 1480Z Last Act, being the Funeral Rites of Nations and Individuals 1481Z Mixture for Low Spirits, Witty Sayings of many People ... 1257Z Salutations and Courtesies of Nations, with Notes on Titles, Dignities, &c. 1877 924M Wills of their Own [Curious Wills] I759Z Ed., Proverbs from Far and Near. 1875 - I2 55Z Tegner (E., Swedish Poet, b. 1782, d. 1846), Axel, a Poem, trans- lated from the Swedish, by Dobree. 1866 685M See also Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Teheran. See Century, v. 9, 1881J. VambeVy's Asia, 791 K. Persia, &c. Teignmouth. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Devonshire, &c. Teignmouth. (John Shore, Lord, Statesman, b. 1751, d. 1834), Life and Writings of Sir William Jones. 1815 328F Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Correspondence of Sir William Jones. 1815 328F Reminiscences of Many Years, 2 vols. 1878 527-8F Telang (K. T.), M.A., Tr. See Midler's Sacred Books of the East, v. 8, 566A. Telegraph, Atlantic, by Field. 1866 531R Handbook of the, by Bond. 1862 358T Telegraphs and Posts, by Tegg. 1878 563R See also Blackwood [Cheap Telegrams], v. 137, 207J. Boy's Own Annual [and Telegrams], v. n, 2961J. Century Magazine [American Inven- tors of the], v. 13, 1885J. Chambers [Making of Telegraph Cables], v. 40, 1940J. Crouche's Cable-Laying, 1715R. Deschanel's Natural Philosophy, 826D. Every Boy's Annual, 1887, 1306H. Fortnightly Review [Cheap Telegrams], v. 44, 2134J. Knowledge [Submarine, Cables], v. 4, 2584J ; [in a Gale], v. 5, 2585J. Leisure Hour [Atlantic], v. 14, 2624J ; [Duplex and Multiplex Systems], v. 31, 2641J. Stan- ford's Compendium [of Australia], 853K. Urbanitzky's Electricity, 63gD. Wynter's Human Hive, 243 R. Brown's Science for All [Weather Telegraphy], 627B. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Tel-el-Kebir. See Nineteenth Century [Second Division at], v. 12, 2222J. Temple Bar [Battle of], v. 68, 1398J. Egypt, Soudan, &c. Telemachus, Adventures of, translated, a Poem, by E. W.S, 1857 749-0M The Son of Ulysses, Adventures of, by Fenelon, translated by Hawkesworth. 1847 1911Z Telephone, The. See Brown's Science for All, 626B. Cassell's Magazine, v. 4, 2 353J- English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Este's Recreations in Science, 497R. Good Words [Electric], v. 19, 2189J. Knowledge [Who Invented it ?], v. 5, 2585J. Leisure Hour, v. 27, 2637J. Nature [a Mechanical], v. 32, 2692J. Scribner's Monthly [and Phonograph], v. 15, 1865J. Tegg's Posts and Telegraphs, 563R. Urbanitzky's Electricity, 689D. Ure's Dictionary, 9D, &c. [764] TEL ENGLISH SECTION. TEM Telescope, Hourswitha, by Noble. 1886 422R My, and some Objects which it Shows me, by a Quekett Club- Man. 1888 1790Z The, Phenomena of Heavenly Bodies, &c, by Ward. 1879.... 42 iR See also Boy's Own Annual [How to Make an Astronomical], v. 6, 2956J. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Higgin's Philosopher, 720Q. Humboldt's Cosmos, 485R. Knowledge [New, at Princeton], v. 2, 2582J ; [Limits of the], v. 3, 2583J. Science Gossip [Hours with a Three-Inch], v. 23, 2423J. Timbs' Inventions, 258R. Webb's Celestial Objects, 640Q, &c. Telford (J.), Life of John Wesley. 1886 1283O Telford (T. , Civil Etigineer, b. iT$7y »• ^3^)- See Smiles' Engineers, 839O. Tell (W., Swiss Patriot, d. 1350). See Chambers' Miscellany [and Switzerland], [6-i3R. William' Alps, Switzerland, &c, 590 B. Edinburgh Review [Legend of], v. 129, 489 J. Harper's Monthly [Switzerland], v. 14, i59 4 J, &c. Temper. See Quiver [Good and Bad], v. 28, 3298J. Sundav at Home, v. 29, 2S79J, &c. Tempera. See Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M, &c. Temperance, by Sir Wilfred Lawson , 200Z Case for Total Abstinence, by Lacey. 1889 330R History, by Dawson Burns II16F Recollections, Labours, Defeats, and Triumphs, by Marsh. 1867 823O Reformation and its Claims upon the Christian Church, by J. Smith. 1875 1089F — — Religious and Educational Aspects, by Kerr, French, Hannay, &c. 816M Voice of Science on, by Kerr, Davis, Ridge, Paterson, Gill, Richardson, &c 8 1 5M the Pulpit, by Farrar, Wilberforce, Macleod, Maguire, Taylor, &c 817M Wisdom, Grave and Gay, being Select Speeches of Sir Wilfrid Lawson. 1889 2016R See also Buxton's Drunkenness, 282R. Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary [Legislation], v. 50, 2060J. Fortnightly [Compulsory], v. 42, 2132J. Gough's Platform Echoes, 1300O ; Sunlight and Shadow, 280F and Autobiography, 281 F. Muller's Noble Deeds, &c, 92Q. Ridge's Non-Alcoholic Treatment, 819M. Bullock's Talks with the People, v. 9, 200Z. Drunkenness, Teetotalism, &c. Temperature. See Brown's Science for All, 627 B. Deschanel's Natural Philosophy, 825D. Humboldt's Cosmos, 483R and 487R. Lamont's Arctic Seas [of Sea], 674 and 675K. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Nature [Regulators of], v. 26, 2686J ; [Improved], v. 33, 2693J. Science Gossip, v. 4, 2412J. Thomson's Depths of the Sea, 756F. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Cold, Heat, Climate, &c. Tempests. See Abercrombie's Weather, 548R. Meteorology, Winds, Storms, Gales, Weather, &c. Templars, The. See Frost's Secret Societies, 33H. Good Words, v. 27, 2197J. Saturday Review, v. 62, R.L. Secret Societies, 1247Z. Matthew Paris, Matthew of Westminster, Henry of Huntingdon, William of Malmesbury, Florence of Worcester, Ingulph, Roger of Wendover, Roger De Hoveden, Ordericus Vitalis, &c. Templars, Good. See Good Templars. Temple (Crona). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Temple (F., Bishop of London, formerly of Exeter, b. 1 821), Educa- tion of the World [Essays and Reviews] 662A Relations between Religion and Science [Bampton Lectures, 1884] 193K Temple (Sir R., Governor of Bombay, 1875), G.C.S.L, Men and Events of my Time in India. 1882 464H See also Saturday Review, v. 62, R.L. Temple (Sir William, Statesman, b. 1628, d. 1698). See Macaulay's Essays, 1531O, &c. Temple Bar. See Leisure Hour [London, and its old Ornaments], v. 2, 2612J. London, &c. [765] TEM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TEN Temple Bar, a London Magazine for Town and Country Readers, from Vol. I. 1861 133J The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the catalogue with the shelf number specified. The general contents will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library), under such subjects as this magazine deals with. Temple of Fame, the, a list of winners of races [Woodgate's Boating] 1266R Templer (J. C), £d. t Private Letters of Sir James Brooke. 1853... 334-6O Temples. See Colquhoun's South China, 541-2K. Cumming's China, 789-90K. Eden's Japan, 814Q. Ewald's Israel [Temple of Solomon], 63-4K. Haweis' Christ and Christianity [and Bishops], 1186M. Inman's Faiths, a6Ka. Marvels of Art [Temple of Jerusalem], 1227Z. Milman's Jews, 157-9Q. Stapfer's Palestine, Time of Christ, 477M, &c. Temptation, Its Nature and Power, by Owen. 1826 146M See also Quiver, v. 11, 3281 J, &c. Ten Thousand Wonderful Things, edited by King IiilR Ten Tribes. See Leisure Hour [Where are they?], v. 21, 2631 J, See. Ten Years of my Life in the service of the Book Fund, by Mrs. Spurgeon. 1 886 1 301 Ten Years on a Georgia Plantation since the War, by Leigh. 1883 734K Tenant Right. See Contemporary [True Principle of], v. 41, 2051J. Fortnightly, v. 23, 2113J. Fraser [for British Farmers], v. 105, 715J. Temple's India, 486K, &c. Tenby. See Lewes' Sea-Side Studies, 822F. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Tench, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 81 iF. Fishes, &c. Tencin (Madame de). See Kavanagh's French Women, 660O. Women in France, 1043O, &c. Tenders and Contracts. See Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from vol. 1, 2981-J. Teneriffe. See Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Cornhill [Peak of], v. 58, 338J. Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 786K. Edwardes' Canary Islands, 1739R. Leisure Hour [Top of], v. 8, 2618J ; v. 37, 2647J. Nature [Peak of, Volcano active again], v. 27, 2687J, &c. Tenison (T., Archbishop of Canterbury , b. 1636, d. 1715). See Stoughton's Re- ligion in England, 96M, Sec. Tennis. See Boy's Own Annual [Lawn Tennis], v. 4, 2954J. Cassell's Pas- times, 1262H. Contemporary [and its Players], v. 40, 2050J ; [Lawn Tennis], v. 40, 2050J. Saturday Review [Championship], v. 59, R. L. Games, Lawn Tennis, &c. Tennyson (A., Lord, Poet Laureate, b. 1809), D.C.L., Ballads and other Poems. 1880 752M Complete Works. 1879 486D Demeter and other Poems. 1889 192 iZ Enoch Arden and other Poems 273Q and 647T Gareth and Lynette and the Last Tournament. 1872 311Q Poems. 1869 488D ■ Poetical Works, illustrated. 1870 487D The Cup and the Falcon. 1884 643T Tiresias and other Poems. 1885 77 ! ^ ■ Worksof. 1878 751M — — See also Academy, v. 26, R.L. Bayne's Lessons from my Masters, 873H. Blackwood [Christopher North's Critique upon], v. 31, R.L. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Galton's Urbana Scripta, 315T. Gladstone's Gleanings, 882Z. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Harper's Index [Worksof], i64oJa. Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 927O. Hayward's Eminent Writers, 249F. Leisure Hour, v. 12, 2622J. Noel's Essays, 1039H. Robertson's Critical Method [Art of], 1956 R. Science Gossip [Botanical Allusion in], v. 5, 2412J. Scribner's Monthly, v. 8, 1 858 J, &c. Tennyson (F.). See Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M, &c. Tent and the Khan, a Journey to Sinai and Palestine, by Stewart 839K Tent-Preaching. See Rogers' Scotland. 950F, &c. [766] TEN ENGLISH SECTION. THA Tent Work in Palestine, by Conder, illustrated, 2 vols. 1878 552-3K Tents and Tent Life, by Rhodes, illustrated. 1858 930F Tents. See also Boy's Own Annual [of all Countries], v. 6, 2956J . Teilterden(Lord). See Campbell's Chief Justices, 787O, &c. Tenure of Land in Various Countries, edited by Probyn [Cobden Club Papers]. 1881 248R Terence (Roman Poet, b. 196, d. 159 B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Teresa (St., Spanish Nun, b. 1515, d. 1582), Life of. 1875 999O See also Living Age, v. 159, 3189J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c Terhune (Mrs. Mary V.). See Harland (Marion). Terment (Sir J. E.), LL.D., Ceylon, an Account of the Island, Phy- sical, Historical and Topographical, 2 vols, i860 627-8K Termites, or White Ants. See Hartwig's Tropical World, 758 F, &c. Terra-COtta. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Terrail (Pierre du, The Hercules of France). See Every Boy's Annual, 1886, 1305H, &c. Territories. See Bryce's American Commonwealth, 517-9H. Levi's Inter- national Law, 399R, &c Terry (Ellen, Actress, b. 1848). See Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1339R, &c. Terry (F. C. B.). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J, 6cc. Terry (R.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, See. Tersteegen (G.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Tertiary Period. See Mantell's Wonders of Geology, 724-5Q, &c. Tertullianus {Latin Father, b. 160, d. 240). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670F. Ante-Nicene Library, &c. Testaments. See Poole's Index, R.L. Twining's Symbols, 507M. Old or New Testament, Bible, Commentaries, &c. Testimony of the Rocks, on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed, by Hugh Miller 433, 434 and 801R Testwood (R.). See Dixon's Royal Windsor, 327H, &c. Teutonic and Latin Nations, 1494 to 15 14, by Ranke, translated by Ashworth. 1 8S7 1024M See also Kingsley's Roman and the Teuton, 1519O. Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1008M. May's Democracy, 33-9H. Religious Systems of the World [by Powell], 934A, &c. Teutonic Knights. See Woodhouse's Religious Orders, 273O, &c. Texas and Mexico, Missionary Travels in, by Domenech, translated 73 iK the Gulf of Mexico, by Mrs. Houston, illustrated. 1844 ...1607-8R Gone to, Letters from our Boys, by Hughes. 1884 1606R Journey Through, Saddle and Camp Life, by Olmsted. 1857... 730K Rise, Progress and Prospects of, by Kennedy, 2 vols. 1841 ... 732-3K See also Dixon's White Conquest [and Texans], 492H. Gentleman's Maga- zine [Ranch Life in], v. 36, 756J. Girl's Own Annual [a Lady's Journey to], v. 4, 2554J ; v. 5, 2555J. Leisure Hour [Adventures in], v. 12, 2622J. Living Age, v. 162, 3192 J, &c. Textile Fabrics, by Rock, illustrated. 1876 1053M [Industrial Arts] 1042M See also Ure's Dictionary, 8-9D. Linen. Manufactures, &c. Texts and Flowers 775F See Hood's Preachers, 541 M. Preaching, Sermons, &c. Thaarup (T.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Thackeray (Miss, Novelist, Daughter of W. M. Thackeray), A Book of Sibyls. 1883 ". 502F [Barbauld. Opie, Edgeworth, Austen.] Madame de Sevigne [Oliphant's Foreign Classics]. 1882 1187O See also Harper's Index [Works of], i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, Sec. Thackeray (W. M., Novelist and Satirist, b. 1811,^. 1863), English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century [Lectures]. 1853 1042Q [Fielding, Sterne, Goldsmith, Swift, Congreve, Addison, Steele, Prior, Gay, Pope, Hogarth, Smollett.] [767] THA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. THE Thackeray (W. M.), Miscellanies I547Z Thackerayana, Notes and Anecdotes, illustrated by Numerous Sketches 1 1 1 2R by Trollope [English Men of Letters]. 1879 I086O See also Atlantic Monthly [Morality of], v. 51, 1541J. Bagehot's Studies, 864H. Cassell's Magazine [Recollections of], v. 2, 2342J. Century Magazine [In the Footsteps of], v. 4, 1876J. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Field's Authors, 1052O. Good Words, v. 29, 2199J. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 13, 2623J. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Scribner's Monthly [as a Dramatist), v. 20, 1870J. Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M. Temple Bar [and Dickens], v. 83, I4I3J- Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Thaer (A. D.), Principles of Agriculture, translated by Shaw and Johnson. 1852 36D Thalaba, a Poem, by Southey, 2 vols, in 1 296Q Thalberg (S., Swiss Pianist, b. 1812, d. 1871). See Engel's Reminiscences, 1349O. Thames, River. See All the Year Round [along the Shore], v. 56, 1816J. Ashton's XIX. Century, 861H. Boy's Own Annual [From Oxford to its Source], v. 5, 2955J. English Illustrated [a Pilgrimage on the], v. 2, 1992J. Fortnightly Review, v. 48, 2138J. Huxley's Physiography, 495R. Knowledge [Embankment], v. 3, 2583J. Leisure Hour [Banks of], v. 2, 261 2]. Marvels of Art [Thames Tunnel], 1227Z. Thomson's London Bridge, 145Z. Woodgate's Boating [Preservation Act], 1266R, &c. That Boy : Who Shall Have Him ? by Daniels. 1878 268R Thatcher (B. B.), Indian Traits, Manners, Customs, &c. 1844 U13-4Z See also Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Thaumaturgas (Gregory). See Ante-Nicene Library. Thaxter (C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Thayer (J. B.), Ed., Letters of Chauncey Wright, with some Account of his Life. 1878 .. I051O Thayer (W. M.), From Log- Cabin to White House, the Story of Garfield's Life. 1881 666 and 667O Theatre Francais in the Reign of Louis XX., by Cochrane. 1879 33^D The, An Essay upon the Non-Accordancy of Stage Plays with the Christian Profession, by Leeds. 1886 1240R See also All the Year Round [in the Time of Charles the Second], v. 42, 1822J ; [Up in the Gallery], v. 50, 1810J. Century Magazine [Chinese], v. 7, 1879J. Chambers [Unseen Regions of], v. 63, 1963J. Cornhill [Stage Scenery and Management], v. 53, 333J. Fortnightly [A Plea for an Endowed], v. 51, 2141J. Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 172H. Malcolm's London. Eighteenth Century, 749 H. Minor Theatre, 1357-63Z. Scribner's Monthly [London], v. 21, 1871J. Stage, Drama, Actors, Plays, &c. Theatrical Anecdotes, by Larwood. 1882 142T Theatricals, Amateur, by Pollock. 1879 967M See also Lennox's Celebrities, 1014H. ; Fashion Then and Now [Amateur], 1018-9H. Charades, Plays, Theatre, &c. Thebes, Egypt. See Adams' Land of the Nile, 755Q. Macmillan [Discovery at], v. 45, 975J. Rawlinson's Egypt, 428O. Sunday at Home [Tombs at], v. 22, 2872J ; v. 35, 2885J. Egypt, &c. Thebes, Greece. See Mitford's Greece, 101-7H. Greece, &c. Theism, A Critical Survey of the Grounds of Christian Theism, by Conder. 1881 266M See also Fairbairn's Philosophy, 308M. Slater's Keshab Chandra Sen [Indian, 1830-84], 559M. Sunday at Home [Ancient and Modern], v. 25, 2875J. M'Cosh's Mind, 748A. Religious Systems of the World [by Voysey], 934A. Religion, &c. Thelemarken ; South-Western Norway, Oxonian in [1856-7], by Metcalfe, 2 vols. 1858 "1467-8R Thelwall (J., Political Writer, b. 1764, d. 1834), The Vestibule of Eloquence, Original Articles, Oratorical and Poetical. 1810 1319H See also Knight's Life of Wordsworth, vols. 1-3, 297-9F. [768] THE ENGLISH SECTION. THE Themistocles {Athenian General and Statesman, b. 514, d. 449 B.C.)- See Josephus, 66H. Mitford's Greece, 102H. Plutarch's Lives, 445F and 1130Q, &c. Theocritus [Greek Poet, fl. third Century B.C.), translated into English Verse, by Calverley. 1883 793M See also Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Th.eod.ore (King of Abyssinia, b. 1820, killed himself 1868). See Adam's Eng- land at War, 199H. Blanc's Narrative, 1502R. Theodore of Corsica (German Adventurer, became King of Corsica, b. 1690, d. 1756). See Fitzgerald's Kings and Queens of an Hour, 84F. Theodoret and Evagrius (Greek Ecclesiastical Writers), History of the Church from a.d. 322 to a.d. 594 [Bohn]. 1854 276M Theodorides. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Theodosius. See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670F. Theodosius the Great (Emperor of the East, b. 346, d. 395). See Gibbon's Roman Empire, 76-85H, &c. Theognis (Greek Poet, b. 570, d. 485 b.c.) See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. THEOLOGY, Works relating to : (See also Christianity, Church and Ecclesiastical History, Religion, Names of Sects, e.g., Baptists, Quakers, Congregalionalists, dr'c, Names of Eminent Theologians, Catholics, Protestants, dfc.) Theological and Speculative Discourses and Essays, by Farley. 1851 : 309M Annual (Dickinson's), edited by Kernahan and Jellie 349-52A Dictionary, by Buck. 1829 15K Institutes [Watson's Works] 29-31M Lectures, by Leighton. 1821 137M Library, v.D. : Does Science aid Faith in Regard to Creation, by Cotterill. 1886 . . 645M Life : Is it Worth Living, by Lang. 1885 643M Are Miracles Credible, by Lias. 1883 644M Is God Knowable, by I verach. 1 884 646M Is Dogma a Necessity, by Meyrick. 1883 641M Does God Answer Prayer, by Edgar. 1883 642M Literature [Kurtz's Church History] 706A Thought, 1800-1880 [Stoughton's Religion] 99M Works of Dewey. 1854 1215M Isaac Barrow, 8 vols. 1830 425-30A Theology, Christian, in the Apostolic Age, by Ken, 2 vols. 1872 450-lA Translated from the Latin of Pictet, by Reyroux. 1834 109Q [Church of the Fathers]. 1842 I2 5Q Theology [Clark's Foreign Theological Library] : Auberlen (C. A.), Divine Revelation 838A and Riggenbach (C. J.), Commentary on the Two Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians, &c 839A Baumgarten (M.), Acts of the Apostles 816-8A Bengel (J. A.), Gnomon of the New Testament 821-5A Bleek (F.), Introduction to the New Testament 819-20A Calvin (J.), First Book of Moses called Genesis 807-8A Acts of the Apostles 813- 14A Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans 812A Psalms of David 809-ilA Delitzsch (F.), D.D., Book of Job 828-9A Psalms 830-2 A Prophesies of Isaiah 826-7A 31 [769] THE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. THE THEOLOGY— Works relating to— {continued.) Theology— Clark's Foreign Theological Library — {continued.) Deiitzsch (F.), D.D., System of Biblical Psychology 806 A De Pressense (E.), D.D., The Redeemer 815A Dorner (Dr. J. A.), History of the Doctrine of the Person- ality of Christ 833-7A Ebrard (Dr. J. H. A.), Biblical Commentary on the Epistles of St. John 805A Gospel History 846A Fairbairn (Rev. P.), D.D., Ezekiel and the Book of his Prophecy 804A Hagenbach(K. R.), Compendium of the History of Doctrines 41 2-3 A Harless (Dr. G. C. A. V.), System of Christian Ethics ... 803 A Havernick (H. A. C. ), Introduction to the Old Testament. 794A Pentateuch 793 A Hengstenberg (E. W. ), Dissertations on the Genuineness of the Pentateuch 787-8A Commentary on the Psalms 119-21A Prophecies of the Prophet Ezekiel 79&A Dissertations on the Genuineness of Daniel 795 A Gospel of St. John 796-7A Revelation of St. John 117-8A • Christology of the Old Testament 799-2A Keil(K. F.), D.D., Ph.D., Book of Joshua 784A Introduction to the Old Testament 775-6A and Bertheau (E.), Books of Kings and Chronicles .. 782-3A and Deiitzsch (F.), Commentary on the Books of Samuel 777 A Joshua, Judges and Ruth 781A the Minor Prophets 785-6A Pentateuch 778-0A Xling (C. F. ), Commentary on the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians 843A Kurtz (Prof. J. H.), D.D., History of the Christian Church 789 A Old Covenant 790-2A Sacrificial Worship of the Old Testament 7 74 A Lange (J. P.), D. D., Commentary on Genesis 840A the Gospels of St. Matthew and St. Mark 114-6A Life of the Lord Jesus 105-9A and Fay (Rev. F. R.), Commentary on the Epistle of Paul to the Romans 844A Van Oosterzee (J. J.), Commentary on the Epistle of St. James, &c 845 A Lechler (G. V.) and Gerok (K.), Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles Martensen (Dr. II.), Christian Dogmatics 769 A Muller (Dr. J.), Christian Doctrine of Sin 767-8 A Murphy (J. C), LL.D., Commentary on Genesis 77°A Exodus 771 A Neander (Dr. A.), General History of the Christian Re- ligion and Church 296-304A Olshausen (H.), D.D., Commentary on the Gospels 122-5A Romans 126A [77o] THE ENGLISH SECTION. THE THEOLOGY- Works relating to- {continued.) Theology — Clark's Foreign Theological Library- - {continued.) Olshausen (H.), D.D., Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians 127A Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians and Thessalonians 128A and Ebrard (Dr. J. H. A.), Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews 129A — Wiesinger (Lie. August), Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Philippians, Titus, and First ofTimothy 130A Ritter (Carl), Comparative Geography of Palestine 763-6A Robinson (E.), D.D., Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament 762A Schmid (C. F.), D.D., Biblical Theology of the New Testament 75* A Schmoller (Otto), Ph.D., Commentary on St. Paul's Epistles to the Galatians and Colossians 842 A Stier (R.), Words of the Apostles 75 2A Lord Jesus 753-oA Risen Saviour, &c 761A Tholuck (Dr. A.), Commentary on the Gospel of St. John 773 A Van Oosterzee (J. J.), D.D., Commentary on St. Luke's Gospel 1 1 o- 1 1 A Von Gerlach (Otto), Commentary on the Pentateuch 77 2 ^- Zockler (Dr. Otto), Commentary on the Proverbs of Solomon 841A Elements of Popular Theology, by Schmucker. 1834 J55K Experimental and Controversial, by Cole. 1836 544A Masters in English Theology, edited by Barry. 1877 828O of the Early Christian Church, by Bennett. 1855 I12M Pastoral, by Vinet. 1852 183K Systematic, by Wardlaw, 3 vols. 1856 256-8A See also Buckle's Civilization, 186-8O. Charnocke's Attributes of God, 638A. Contemporary [Natural, and Natural Selection], v. 42, 2052 J. Excelsior [and Christian Ethics], 1926-31 R. Inman's Ancient Faiths [Theologians], 95K. Kant's Reason, 666T. Kurtz's Church History [Theological Science and its Controversies], 707 A. Mozley's Essays, 1023-4H. Pearson's Exposition of the Creed, 178M. Steane's Evangelical Alliance, 66rA. Thirlwall (Bishop), 530F. Whately (R.), 565-6F. Whewell(W.), Life of, 567F. White- field (G.), Life of, 572-3 F. Wilson (J.), Life of, 580 F. M'Cosh's Christianity, &c, 747 A. Meyrick's Dogma, 641 M. Smith's Bible Dictionary, 1305M, &c. Th.eoph.ilus (St., Greek Ecclesiastical Writer, d. about t8i-6). See Donaldson s Christian Literature, 48K. Ante-Nicene Library, &c. Th.eoph.ilus (Greek Poet about 320 e.c). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Theophrastus (Greek Philosopher and Naturalist, b. 374, d. 287 B.C.), Characters of [Family Classical Library], ill. 1831 ... 1123Q Theories and Concepts of Modern Physics, by Stallo 389R Theory. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R, &c. Theosophy. See Saturday Review, v. 59 ; [Buddhist], v. 60, R.L., &c. Thermometers. See Brown's Science for All, 628B. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Lardner's Lectures, 757D. Leisure Hour, v. 4, 2614J. Nature [Deep Sea], v. 26, 2686J. Timbs' Inventions, 258 R. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Thermotics and Atmology. See Whewell's Inductive Sciences, 768D. &c. [77il THE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. THI Theron and Aspasia, Dialogues and Letters, by Hervey, 3 vols. 1867 194.-6M " These Sayings of Mine," Pulpit Notes on Seven Chapters of the First Gospel, and other Sermons, by Parker 262K Theseus. See Mitford's Greece, 101H. Plutarch's Lives, 445F and 1130Q, &c. Thesis. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R. Thessalonians, Epistle to the, Commentary, by Mason 252Q &C Epistle to the [Barnes' Notes] 8M St. Paul's Epistle to the, Commentary, by Ellicott. 1858 729 A Two Epistles to the [Lange's Commentary] 839A See also Paul (St.), Epistles, Commentaries, &c. Thibaud {King of Navarre). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D- Thibet. See Hues Tartary, Sec, 765Q, 1267 and 1318-9R. Nineteenth Century, v. 18, 2228J. Time [the Trouble with], v. 19, 1509J, &c. Thibetan Tales. See Academy, v. 22, R.L., &c. Thielman (Baron Max Von) Journey in the Caucasus, Persia, and Turkey in Asia, translated by Heneage, 2 vols. 1875 1462-3 R Thierry (J. N. A., French Historian, b. 1795, d. 1856), Conquest of England by the Normans, translated, 3 vols. 1825 562-4II Formation and Progress of the Tiers Etat, or Third Estate in France, translated by Wells, 2 vols. 1855 336-7O Thiers (L. A., French Statesman and Historian, b. 1797, d. 1877), Consulate and Empire of France. 1875 303L> Government of [1871-1873], by Simon, translated, 2 vols. 1879 43 2_ 3H History of the French Revolution, translated by Shobell. 1854 376-9II Mississippi Bubble, and Memoir of John Law, edited and trans- lated by Fiske. 1S59 761O See also Alison's Europe, 140-6O. Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Fortnightly Review [Conversations with], v. 28, 2118J. Greville Memoirs. Hayward's Statesmen, 248F. King's French Leaders, 659O. Leisure Hour[ with portrait], v. 19, 2629J. May's Democracy, 39H. Memoirs of Ernest II., 674F. Senior's Conversations, 434-5H. Thieves of Homes, or Habits that Impoverish, by Anspach. 1881... 279R Thieves. See Chambers [and Thieving], v. 6t, 1961J. Hill's Repression of Crime, 1015F. Sunday Magazine [in London], v. 15, 2472J. Wynter's Curiosities, 919M. Crime, &-c. Thimbles. See Girl's Own Annual [and Thimble Makers], v. 8, 2558J. Things New and Old, or a Storehouse of Similes, &c, by Spencer... 1095-6R Things not Generally Known, by Timbs, 12 vols in 6. 1868-72 851 -6Z [For contents see under Timbs (J.), F.S.A.] Things Seen [Choses Vues], by Victor Hugo, 2 vols. 1 887 t 3 1 5-6H Things you ought to Know about Yourself, or Sketches of Human Physiology, by Kaufmann, illustrated. 1877 I 45 1 ^ Thinkers. See Leisure Hour [Thoughts about], v. ir, 2621J. Thinking and Seeing, by Clifford. 1879 158R Thirlmere. See Knight's Lake District, 817Q, &c. Thirlwall (Connop, Bishop of St. Davids, b. 1797, d. 1875), D.D., History of Greece [Lardner's Cab. Cyclo.], 8 vols. 1835 : — Vol. 1.— Geographical Outline of Greece. Early Inhabitants. Hellenic Nation. Heroic Age. The Heracleids, Lycurgus. Messenian War. Forms of Government, &c 50O and 734T V0I.2. — Civil History of Attica. Colonies. Arts and Literature. Battles of Marathon and Salamis. Persian Invasion, &c 51O and 735T Vol. 3. — Maritime Ascendency. Administration of Pericles. Peloponnesian War. Pacification of Sicily. Peace of Nicias. Conquest of Melos. Sicilian Expedition, &c 52O and 736T Vol. 4. — The Spartans and Alcibiades. Battle of Notium. End of the Peloponnesian War. Expedition of Cyrus the Younger. Return of the Greeks. Death of Lysander. Peace of Antalcidas, &c. 53O and 737T [772] THI ENGLISH SECTION. THO Thirlwall (Connop), History of Greece— {continued.) Vol. 5.— End of the War between Sparta and Olynthus. Battle of Leuctra. Founding of Messena. Battle of Mantinea. Philip of Macedon. The Social War. Fall of Olynthus. End of the Sacred War, &c 54O and 738T Vol. 6.— Hostilities between Philip and the Athenians. Death of Philip. Accession of Alexander. Taking of Thebes. History of Persia. Expedition to Asia and Battle of Issus. Taking of Persepolis. Death of Darius. Campaigns in Bactria and Sogdiana, &c. 55O and 739T Vol. 7. — Campaigns in India. Death of Alexander. Lamian War. Occu- pation of Athens. Treaty between Antigonus and Ptolemy. Battle of Ipsus, &c 56O and 740T Vol. 8. — Death of Pyrrhus. Accession of Antigonus Doson. Battle of Sellasia. Roman Protection. Greece a Roman Province, &c. S70and 741T Letters, Literary and Theological, edited by Perowne and Stokes 53°F Letters to a Friend, edited by Stanley. 1881 529F See also Living Age, v. 157, 3i87j,_&c. Thirsk. See Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1350R, &c. Thirst and Hunger. See Blackwood, v. 83, 153J, &c. Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England, Exposition on, by Burnet. 1831 20K Testimonies to the Doctrine of the Church of England, by Cary. 1835 506A See also Shipley's Studies, 460M. Theology, &c. 'Thirty Thousand Thoughts, by Spence, Neil, and Exell. 1885 4 A Thisted (W. A.), Letters from Hell, given in English by L. W. J. S., with a Preface by George Macdonald 1716R Thistle, The. See Quiver, v. 28, 3298J. Botany, &c. Thistle, Order of the. See Woodhouse's Orders, 273O. Thistlewood (A., Conspirator, b. 1772, executed 1820). See Browne's State Trials, 305O. Dixon's H.M. Tower, 324H, &c. Tholuck (F. A. G., German Theologian, b. 1799, d. 1877), Com- mentary on the Gospel of St. John [Clark's Theological Library]. 1863 ft$\ Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews, 2 vols. 1842 II-2Q Exposition of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, translated by Menzies [Clark's Biblical Cabinet]. 1842 1285-6M Light from the Cross, Sermons on the Passion of Our Lord. 1857 486M Thomas A'Becket. See A'Becket (Thomas). Thomas Hickathrift. See Chap-Books, 1321H, Thomas Aquinas (St., b. 1224, d. 1274), St. Mark, translated by Dalgairns [Commentary on the Four Gospels]. 1842 402A Thomas (St., the Apostle). See Hunter's Indian Empire [Conversion of India], 485K, &c. Thomas (Annie [Mrs. Pender Cudlip]). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Thomas (B.), George Sand [Eminent Women Series]. 1883 1132O Thomas (F. W.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Thompson (D. W.), Sales Attici, or the Maxims Witty and Wise of Athenian Tragic Drama. 1867 561T Thompson (Sir H., Surgeon, l>. 1820), F.R.C.S., Cremation, the Treatment of the Body after Death. 1884 II27M Food and Feeding. 1880 958M Modern Cremation, its History and Practice. 1889 I172M Thompson (II., Vicar of Chard), M.A., and others, The Occult Sciences, Sketches of the Traditions and Superstitions of Past Times and the Marvels of the Present Day. 1855 1935^ Thompson (J. M. and J. R.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Thompson (J. R.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. [773] THO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. THO Thompson (Professor Silvanus P.). See Nature, v. 40, 2700J, &c. Thompson (W. P.), F.C.S., Handbook of Patent Law of all Coun- tries. 1889 325R Thomson (A. T., Medical Writer, &c, b. 1778, Chronicles of London Bridge, by an Antiquary. 1834 145^ [Thoughout this work the Author assumes the name of Geoffrey Barbican.] Illustrations of the History of Great Britain, 2 vols. 1828 136-7Z Thomson (R. D., Physicist, b. 1805, d. 1864), M.D., Ed. British Annual, and Epitome of the Progress of Science for 1838 ... 828Z. Thomson (S.), M.D., Health Resorts of Britain, and How to Profit bythem. i860 938K Structure and Functions of the Eye illustrative of the Power and Goodness of God. 1857 1454^ Wild Flowers, with Remarks on their Medicinal Uses, coloured plates. 1858 562Q Thomson (T., Scotch Chemist, b. 1773, d. 1852), M.D., History of Chemistry, 2 vols. 1830-31 829-30Z. [774] THO ENGLISH SECTION. THR Thomson (W. M.), D.D., The Land and the Book, Biblical Illus- trations Drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and Scenery of the Holy Land, illustrated. 1879... 401 A and 487M Thor {Scandinavian Mythological God of War, Son of Odin). See Keary's Primi- tive Beliefs, 101K. Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1008M, &c. Thorbum (S. S.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Thoreau (Henry D., French Writer), Summer, ed. by Blake. 1884 190R by Sanborn [American Men of Letters]. 1833 T °39Q His Life and Aims, a Study by Page. 1878 1002O See also Century, v. 2, 1874J. Good Words, v. 29, 2199J. Stevenson's Men and Books, 640O, &c. Thornbury (G. W., Miscellaneous Writer and Poet, b. 1828, d. 1876), Monarchs of the Main, or Adventures of the Buc- caneers, 3 vols. 1855: 1305-7R See also Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Thornes, of Bristol [Fox Bourne's English Merchants] 1496O Thornhill (M.), Personal Adventures of a Magistrate during the Indian Mutiny. 1884 474H Thornton (P. M.), Foreign Secretaries of the Nineteenth Century to 1880 [with Portraits], 3 vols. 1881-3 : Vol. 1, 1791-1810. — Grenville. Liverpool. Harrowby. Mulgrave. Fox. Grey, &c 207H Vol. 2, 1810-34. — Wellesley. Castlereagh. Canning. Dudley. Aber- deen, &c 208H Vol. 3, 1834-80.— Wellington. Aberdeen. Malmesbury. Russell. Clarendon. Palmerston. Granville, &c 209H Thorold (A. W., Bishop of Rochester, b. 1825), D.D., Yoke of Christ in the Duties and Circumstances of Life. 1884 33Q [Marriage, Illness, Letter-writing, Friends, Money, Loss of Friends.] Thorold (T.), The Lathe and how to Use it [Every Boy's Annual] 1302H Thorpe (B., Scholar, b. 1780, d. 1870), F.S.A., Tr., History of England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings, by Lappenberg. . . . 1517-8O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Thorpe Family, of Guernsey. See Sarnia, p. 103, 1416O, &c. Thorpe (T. B.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Thorpe (T. E., Professor of Chemistry, b. 1845), F.R.S., Ed., Coal, its History and Uses. 1878 688D See also Nature, v. 40, 2700J, &c. Those Holy Fields, Palestine, by Manning, illustrated [R.T.S.] 337B Thought, Discursive, a Text-book of Formal Logic, by McCosh [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1870 1327H Elements of, or Concise Explanations of the Principal Terms employed in the several Branches of Intellectual Philo- sophy, by Isaac Taylor, 1881 2000R The Science of, by Miiller. 1887 585H Three Introductory Lectures on the Science of, by Miiller. 1888 913D See also Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary [and Nature], v. 43, 2053J. Knowledge [and Language], v. 7, 2587J. Lewes' Philosophy, 571-2H. Mahon's Science of Logic [Laws of]. 604H. Thought-Reading. See All the Year Round, v. 54', 1814J and v. 58, 1818J. Century, v. 12, 1884J. Knowledge [and Muscle-Reading], v. 5, 2585J. Nature, v. 24, 2684J. Proctor's Studies, 447R, &c. Thoughts for the Weary and Sorrowful, by A. Raleigh. 1882 101Q from various Authors, selected and arranged by Davison. 1880.. 1113R of Peace for the Christian Sufferer. 1850 67Z Thread Manufacture. See Ure's Dictionary- of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Threading my Way, Twenty-Seven Years of Autobiography, by Owen. 1874 1367O [7751 THR GUTLLEALLES LIBRARY. TIG Three Friends of God, Records from the Lives of John Tauler, Nicholas of Basle and Henry Suso, by Bevan. 1887 I191M Three Hundred Years of a Noble House, the Barons of Gournay, A.D. 1000 to 1300, by Hannay. 1867 1352O Thrift, by Smiles. 1875 250R Lessons, by Walters. 1881 247R See also Bellairs' Girls and Maidens, 984M. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Health Lectures, 1439Z. Leisure Hour [Helps to], v. 31, 2641J, &c. Thring (Edward), A Memoir of, by Skrine. 1 889 1494O Throat, The. See Cassell's Family Magazine [its Trials and Troubles], v. 6, 2355J. Mackenzie's Frederick the Noble [Throat Diseases], 1415O. Medicine, Physiology, &c. Throneof Grace, by Trail [R.T.S.] 68Z Through Masai Land, Eastern Equatorial Africa, by Thomson. 1885 646K Peril to Fortune, Sport and Adventure by Land and Sea, by Liesching, illustrated JSS 2 ^ the Dark Continent [African Travel], by Stanley, illus. 1880.... 1563R Thrupp (J.), The Anglo-Saxon Home, a History of the Domestic Institutions of England, Fifth to Eleventh Century. 1862 345K Thrush, The. See Family Friend [Missel], 708R. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 645 and 654Q. Birds, &c. Thucydides {Athenian General and Historian, b. 471, d. 402 B.C.), Peloponnesian War, translated by Smith [Harper's Classical Library], 2 vols 1108-9Z The Peloponnesian War, Literal Version by Dale [Bohn Library]. 1 177-8H translated by Smith [Family Classical Library], 3 vols. 1831 1127-9Q by Collins [Collins' Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1167Q See also Fortnightly Review [Jovvett's], v. 37, 2127J, &c. Thudiclmm (J. L. W.), M.D., Alcoholic Drinks [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 986M Thugs. See Chambers' [Suppression of], v. 8, 1928J. Mackay's Delusions, 903M. Thunder, Thunderstorms, Thunderbolts, &c. See Abercrombie's Weather [Thunderstorms], 548R. All the Year Round [Thunderbolts], 1783J. Brown's Science for All [Thunderstorms], 626 and 628 B. Cassell's Magazine [Ballooning in Thunderstorms], v. 6, 2346J. Cornhill [Thundei bolts], v. 50, 330J. Giberne's Ocean of Air [Thunderstorms], 2123R. Guernsey Magazine [Thunderstorm at Guernsey], v. 17, 2397 J. Knowledge [Thunderstorms], v. 4, 2584J. Lardner's Lectures [Thunder Storms], 756D. Reclus' Phenomena [Thunderstorms], 806F. Science Gossip [Thunderbolts], v. 8, 2413J. Scott's Meteorology [Thunder- storms], 455R. Meteorology, Lightning, &c. Thurlow (Lord). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Thurston (Prof. R. H.), Growth of the Steam Engine [International Scientific Series], illustrated 386R Thwing (C. F.), Reading of Books, its Pleasures, Profits, and Perils. 1883 1114R Thwing (E. P. ), The Preacher's Cabinet, a Handbook of Illustra- tions 491M " Thy Poor Brother," Letters on Helping the Poor, by Sewell. 1863 162T Tibaldes (A.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Tiberius G-racchus. See Plutarch's Lives, 449F and 1135Q. Tibullus {Roman Poet, b. 54, d. 19 B.C.), by Davies [Collins' An- cient Classics] I161Q See also Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Tich.borne Demonstration. See Lucy's Parliament, 316H. Tickell (T., Poet and Essayist, b. 1686, d. 1 740), Poems, Life by Johnson [British Poets]. 1864 452Q [776] TIC ENGLISH SECTION. TIM Tickell(T.), Poetical Works, and Life by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain]. 1807 352Z Ticket cf Leave System. -SV^ Hill's Repression of Crime, 1015F. Ticknor (C.), Medical Philosophy, or an Exposition of Quackery 1453^ Ticknor (G., American Historian, b. 1791, d. 1871), Life of W. H. Prescott. 1864 577D See also Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L., &c. Tides, The[S.P.C.K.]. 1857 692Q See also Cassell's Family Magazine [Rise and Fall of], v. 8, 2357 J. Cornhill ITidal Evolution], v. 36, 316J. Fraser's Seaside Naturalist [and Winds], 590Q. Hartwig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 757 F. Lardner's Lectures, 756D. Leisure Hour [Historic Tidal Incidents], v. 11, 2621J. Nature [and Geology], v. 25, 2685J ; [Tidal Friction and the Evolution of a Satellite], v. 33 and 34, 2693-4J. Poole's Index [Tidal Wave], R.L. Proctor's Science, &c. [Tidal Waves], 44 iR. Reclus' Phenomena, 805F. Ocean, Sea, Moon, &c. Tieck (L., German Poet, &c., b. 1772, d. 1853). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Japp's German Literature, 272F. Tiedge (C. A., German Poet, b. 1752, d. 1841). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Tien-Tsien. See Seward's Travels [Massacre at], 601B. China, &c. Tierra del Fuego. See Cornhill [Thorold the Pioneer of], v. 53, 333J. Stanford's Compendium, 851K, &c. Tiers Etat, or Third Estate in France, by Thierry, trans, by Wells 336-7O Tiffany (Osmond). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Tiger, The. See Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q. Cornhill [Hunting at Gunna- poorum], v. 48, 328 J. Good Words, v. 27, 2197 J. Hartwig's Tropical World. 758 F. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 659Q. Leisure Hour [in India], v. 6, 2616J. Natural History, &c. Tight-Rope Feats. See Buckland's Curiosities, 598Q, &c. Tigris, River. See Stanford's Compendium, 852K, &c. Tiles, &c. See Fortnum's Majolica, 1054M. Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manu- factures, 8D. Waring's Drains, 820M, &c. Till the Doctor Comes, and How to help Him, by Hope [R.T.S.]... 1466Z Tillotson (J., Archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1630, d. 1694). See Cattermole's Literature of the Church, 549A. Stoughton's Religion in England, 94-6 M, &c. Timber, Dry Rot in, by Britton. 1875 « 85R See also Illustrated Carpenter and Builder [and Iron], from v. 1, 2981-J. Macfie's Vancouver's Island, 681K. Wood, Trees, &c. Timbs (J., Antiquary, b. 1801, d. 1875), F.S.A., Ancestral Stories and Traditions of Great Families. 1869 487O Anecdotes of the later Wits and Humourists, 2 vols. 1874 1040-41O Canning, Morris, Coleridge, Curran, Lamh, Barham, Jerrold, Kelly Mathews, Southey, Hill, Poole, 1040O. Talleyrand, Whateley, Rogers, Hood, Landor, Smith, Hunt, Maginn, Thackeray, Dickens, Prout, 1041O. Curiosities of London, exhibiting the most Rare and Remark- able Objects of Interest in the Metropolis. 1855 609Z Doctors and Patients, or Anecdotes of the Medical World and Curiosities of Medicine. 1876 842M Eccentricities of the Animal Creation, illustrated. 1869 49R English Eccentrics and Eccentricities, 2 vols. 1866 850- iO Knowledge for the People, or the Plain Why and Because : Vol. 1. — Domestic Science. Antiquities. Sports. Curious Customs, &c. 1747Z V0I.2. — Quadrupeds. Birds. Fishes. Worms. Insects, &c 1748Z Vol. 3. — Chemistry. Mechanics. Arts and Manufactures, &c 1749Z Pleasant Half-Hours for the Family Circle [Anecdotes, &c] 169T [777] TIM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TIM Timbs {].), Things not Generally Known, 12 vols in 6 :— Vols, i, 2 : General Information. — Marvels of the Heavens. The Earth. The Sea. The Atmosphere. Sight and Sound. Geographical Discovery. Life and Death. The Animal Kingdom. Trees and Plants. Natural Magic. Domestic Manners. The Calen- dar. Laws and Customs. Church and State : Parliament. Nationalities. Dignities. Science, Arts and Manufactures. Money. Art-Terms. Language and Books. Old English Manners, Ceremonies and Customs. Olden Meals and House- wifery. Punch and Judy. Old Plays, Pageants and Music. English Laws, Legal Customs, Privileges and Dignities. Money, Weights and Measures. Olden Herbs and Fruit. Phenomena of Life. Funeral Customs and Ceremonies. Home Proverbs, Sayings and Phrases. Weather-Wisdom. Pictures, and the Care of Them. Inventions and Discoveries 851Z and 559Q Vols. 3, 4 : Curiosities of Science.- -Physical Phenomena. Sound and Light. Astronomy. Geology and Palaeontology. Meteoro- logical Phenomena. Physical Geography of the Sea. Pheno- mena of Heat. Magnetism and Electricity. The Electric Telegraph. Miscellanea. Alchemy and Chemistry. Modern Chemistry. Chemistry of Metals. Poisons. Hippocrates. Physiological Chemistry. Chemistry of Food. The Laboratory. Chemical Manufactures. General Science. Chloroform. . .852Z and 557Q Vols. 5, 6 : History; Popular Errors. — The Sacied Story. Greece, Rome, Babylon and Carthage. Legends and Fables. Voyages, Travels and Adventures. Modern History. British History. The Seven Wonders of the World. Historic Sayings and Origins. Ensigns, Laws and Government. Historic Doubts. Miscel- lanea. Errors Respecting the Economy of Man. Erroneous Views of Natural Phenomena. Errors in the Progress of Society. Errors in Science, Art and Invention. Erroneous and Tradi- tional History. Errors in Natural History. Fabulous Animals. Superstition and Credulity. Erroneous Laws and Customs. Errors in Domestic History. Miscellanea 853Z and 446-7T Vols. 7, 8 : Daily Life ; Miscellaneous. — Marvels of the Universe. Geo- logical Progress. Seas, Lakes and Rivers. Antiquity of Man. Study of Man and his Monuments. New Countries. Animal Life. Trees and Plants. Science applied to the Arts. Mining and Working in Metals. The Railway. The Electric Telegraph. Operations of War. Diamonds. Life, Health and Death. Historic Jottings. The Great Exhibition. Miscellaneous. Time. Lffe and" Length of Days. The School of Life. Busi- ness-Life. Home Traits. The Spirit of the Age. World- Knowledge. Predictions of Flowers. The World's Cycles. Death All-Eloquent 854Z Vols. 9, 10 : Garland for the Year ; Knowledge for the Time. — Pall Mall : the Game and the Street. Whitebait. Personal Recollections of Brambletye. Domestic Arts and Customs. Glories of a Garden. Early Gardeners and Writers on Gardening. Lord Bacon, John Evelyn and Sir William Temple. A Day at Hatfield. London Gardens. Pope at Twickenham. Celebrated Gardens. Curiosities of Bees. Prompt Remedies and Small Services. Historico-Political Information. Progress of Civili- zation. Dignities and Distinctions. Changes in Laws. Measure and Value. Progress of Science. Life and Health. Religious Thought 855Z Vol. ii, 12: Mysteries of Life, Death, &>c . ; Predictions Realized. — Life and Time. Nature of the Soul. Spiritual Life. Mental Operations. Beliefs and Scepticism. What is Superstition ? Premature Interment. Phenomena of Death. Sin and Punish- ment. The Crucifixion of Our Lord. The End of the World foretold. Man after Death. The Intermediate State. The Christian Resurrection. The Future States. The Recognition of Each Other by the Blessed. Adversaria. The Pilgrim's Progress. Tradition of the Lambton Family. Literary History of Madmen. Days and Numbers. Prophesying Almanacs. Omens. Historical Predictions. Predictions of the French Revolution. The Bonaparte Family. Discoveries and Inven- tions Anticipated. Scriptural Prophecies. Miscellaneous 856Z [77S] TIM ENGLISH SECTION. TIT TimbS (J.), Wonderful Inventions. 1868 258R See also Leisure Hour [My Autobiography], v. 20, 2630J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. and others, Eds., Year Book of Facts l70iZa [For contents see under Year Book of Facts ] Timbuctoo and Housa, by El Hage, &c M with Notes by Jackson.... 643K See also Earth's Central Africa, 847-8 K. Africa, &c. Time and Space, Mysteries of, by Proctor, illustrated. 1883 448 K Essay on its Improvement, by Foster 95 iK See also Knowledge [Standard], v. 5, 2585J. Leisure Hour [Curious Time- Measurers], v. 28, 2638J. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1908R. Nature [Measurement of], v. 29, 2689J ; [Geological], v. 34, 2694J. Timbs' Works, 854Z ; [and Life], 856Z. M'Cosh's Mind, 748A, &c. Time and Tide, by Weare and Tyne, Letters to a Working Man on the Laws of Work, by Ruskin. 1876 831R " Time," a Monthly Magazine of current Topics and Literature and Art, edited by Edmund Yates, from vol. I I49 I_ J [The serial tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the cata- logue with the shelf number specified.] " Times," The, Agony Column, edited by A. Clay. 1881 55 6T See also All Year Round [The First Number of], v. 42, 1822J. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Greville Memoirs. May's Newspaper Guide, R.L. Sell's World's Press, R.L., &c. Timmins (Sam.), F.S.A., A History of Warwickshire [Popular County Histories]. 1889 1413H Timocles. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Timocreon of Rhodes. See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Timoleon (Corinthian General, b. 415, d. 337 B.C.). See Plutarch's Lives, 446F and 1131Q, &c. Timoneda (J. De). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Timor Group, The. See Stanford's Compendium, 853K, &c. Timor. See Tamerlane. Timothy, St. {First Bishop of Ephesus, b. 35, d. 97) [Howson's Companions of St. Paul] 35°^ Epistle to, Commentary by Spence 252Q [Barnes' Notes] 7M See also Paul (St.), Commentaries, &c. Timpson (T.), British Female Biography. 1849 515O Tin. See Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q. McCulloch's British Empire, 71 iH. Simonin's Mines, 632-3B. Ure's Dictionary, 8-9D. Metals, &c. Tinker (M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Tinned. Meats. See Girl's Book, 1257H. Foods, &c. Tintoretto (A Vetietian Painter, b. 15 12, d. 1594), by Osier [Great Artists]. 1879 1110O Tin-worth (George). See Sunday at Home, v. 32, 2882J. Tipple (S. A.), Echoes of Spoken Words, Sermons. 1877 174K [Christ Comforting Himself, The New Birth, Our Robe of Righteousness, Confession and Forgiveness, Gehenna and its Fire, Dives in Hell, Abolition of Death, The Foolish Virgins, David's Self-restraint, &c] Tippoo (Sahib, Sultan of Mysore, b. 1749, Killed 1799). See Alison's Europe, 129O. Cassell's India, 228D, &c. Tips. See Leisure Hour [British Baksheesh], v. 12, 2622J, &c. Tiresias and other Poems, by Tennyson. 1885 771M TiSChendorf (C, German Biblical Critic, b. 1818, d. 1S74), The New Testament. 1869 242T The Origin of the Four Gospels, translated by Gage. 1868 ... 1300M Tissot ( V.), Unknown Switzerland. 1889 1751K Tit for Tat. See Harper's Monthly, v. 66, 1646J, &c. Titcomb (M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. [779] TIT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TOD Titcomb (Timothy [J. G. Holland]), Gold Foil Hammered from various Proverbs. 1859 1115R Tith.es, History of, from Abraham to Queen Victoria, by Clarke 1253M See also Alison's Europe, 139-46O. Contemporary [Origin of], v. 44, 2054J. Ricardo's Political Economy, 1004F. Selborne's Ancient Facts, &c, 1204M. Stubbs' History, 210-2O, &c. Titian (Tiziano Vecellio, Venetian Painter, b. 1477, d. 1 576), by Heath [Great Artists]. 1879 1111O Life of, by Northcote, 2 vols. 1830 531-2F See also Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Jameson's Memoirs, &c, 985R. Sunday Magazine, v. 13, 2470J, &c. Titiens (Teresa, German Operatic Singer, b. 1834). See Edwards' Prima Donna, 679F. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1338R, &c. Title Pages. See Tupper's An Author's Mind, 1127H, &c. Titles. See Marshall's Ceremonials, 939F. Girl's Book [Addresses, &c], 1257H. Stanley's Dark Continent [and African Names], 1563R. Tegg's Meet- ings and Greetings [Dignities, &c], 924M, &c. Titmarsh, M.A., Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Ca iro. 1 846 792Q Titmouse, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 645Q. Natural History, &c. Titus, Epistle to, Commentary by Spence 2 53Q [Barnes' Notes] 8M See also Howson's Companions of St. Paul, 350M. Milman's Jews, 158Q. Commentaries, Epistles, New Testament, &c. Toad, The. See Knowledge, v. t, 2581J. Longman [Past and Present], v. 2, 892J. Science Gossip, v. 1, 2411J ; [Natural History of], v. 16, 2419J ; [Curious Remarks on the History of], v. 22, 2422J, &c. Toasting, or Drinking of Healths in England, by French. 1881 ... 818M Toasts. See Time [and Sentiments], v. 7, 1497J, &c. Tobacco, Its History, &c, by Steinmetz. 1857 1852Z — ; — Tobacco, Mysteries of, by Lane. 1846 599T See also All the Year Round [Ethics of], v. 53, 1813J. Anspach's Thieves of Homes, 279R. Ashton's Reign of Queen Anne, 67 F. Chambers' [Cul- tivation], v. 63, 1963J. Dodd's Manufactures, 1487Z. Donnelly's Antediluvian World, 1017M. Eggleston's United States, 421H. Eng- lish Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Fothergill's Health, 824M. Knowledge [and Consumption], v. 2, 2582J. Nineteenth Century [English], v. 24, 2234J. Peto's Taxation, &c, 1016F. Simmond's Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, 771F. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Tobacco-pipes. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8-9D, &c. Tobogganing. See Girl's Own Annual, v. 4, 2554J. Saturday Review, v. 57, R.L., &c. ToCCLUeville (A. De, French Statesman, &c, b. 1805, d. 1859), Correspondence and Conversations with N. W. Senior, [1834-1859], edited by Simpson, 2 vols. 1872 612-3O Democracy in America, translated by Reeve, 2 vols. 1838 409- 10M Todd (Major d'Arcy). See Kaye's Indian Officers, T454O. Todd (J.), Students' Manual 1116R and 1550Z The Story of his Life. 1876 533F Todd (J. H., Irish Antiquary, b. 1805, d. 1869), D.D., Prophecies relating to Antichrist in Daniel and St. Paul. 1840 529A the Apocalypse of St. John. 1846 537A Todd (R. B., Physiologist, b. 1810, d. i860), M.D., Ed., Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology, 5 vols. 1836-59 : Vol. 1.— A— Dea iD Vol. 4.— Pla— Wri 4 D Vol. 2.— Dia— Ins 2D Vol. 5.— Supplement, Ovu— Ute. sD Vol. 3.— Ins— Pla 3D Todhunter (I., Mathematician, b. 1820, d. 1884), F.R.S., History of the Mathematical Theories of Attraction and the Figure of the Earth, from the time of Newton to that of Laplace.... 699-0D Todhunter (J.), A Study of Shelley. 1883 960O [780] TOD ENGLISH SECTION. TON Tody, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 656Q, &c. Toil, Curiosities of, by Wynter, 2 vols. 1870 1144-5R See also Quiver [and Sloth], v. 29, 3299 J. Labour, Work, &c. Toilers in London, or Enquiries concerning Female Labour in the Metropolis, by the "British Weekly" Commissioners. 1889 335R Toilers in the Sea, by Cooke [Coral Builders, &c] 1889 2124R Toilet, The. See Facts and Hints for Everyday Life [Toilet Hints], 942R. Young Lady's Book, 983M. Dress, Customs, &c. Toledo. See Saturday Review, v. 56, R.L. Spain, &c. Toleration, Metaphysical Basis of. See Bagehot's Studies, S64H. Tollens (H., Dutch Foet, b. 1780, d. 1856). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Tolls. See Old Roads, &c, 617Z. Tolly (General B. De). See Alison's Europe, 119-38O, Sic. Tolomei (C). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Tolstoi (Count L. N., Eminent Rttssian author, b. 1828), Life, translated by Hapgood 2021R My Confession, and the Spirit of Christ's Teaching 1245M Religion, translated by Smith. 1889 . ... 1242M Sevastopol, translated by Hapgood 2025R The Long Exile and other Stories for Children, trans, by Dole... 2026R The Physiology of War, Napoleon and the Russian Campaign, and Power and Liberty, translated by Smith.... 1527O What to Do ? [a Social Essay] 2022R See also Fortnightly Review, v. 48, 2138 J. Turner's Novelists of Russia, 1491O. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. TolteCS. See Kecher's Mexico, 738K. Mexico, &c. Tom Long the Carrier. See Chap-Books, 1321H. Tom Tram. See Chap-Books, 1321 H. Tomato, The. See Cassell's Family Magazine [How to Cook], v. 9, 2359J. Science Gossip, v. 12, 2415J, &c. Tombs. See Burns' History of Parish Registers [Tombstones], 536H. Dennis's Etruria, 439-0K. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 829K. Madden's Shrines, 342-3K. Sunday at Home [at Thebes], v. 22, 2872J. Wilson's Egypt, 375O. Archaeology, Graves, Sepulchres, &c. Tomes (R.), The Champagne Country. 1867 874Q Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Tomkirtson (E. M.), Benjamin Franklin [World's Workers], 1885 1142O Tomline (G., Bishop of Manchester, b. 1750, d. 1827), D.D., Life of William Pitt, 3 vols. 1822 440-2F Toralinson (C), Pneumatics for the Use of Beginners [Weale Series], illustrated. 1848 715O Tomlinson(C), F.R.S., The Sonnet, its Origin, &c, with Transla- tions from the Sonnets of Dante, Petrarch, &c, and Remarks on the Art of Translating. 1874 753M Tomlinson (D. G.), Harmony of the Protestant Doctrine of the Sacraments. 1843 290K Tone. See Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R. Speech, &c. Tone (T. W., Irish Politician, b. 1763, d. 1798), Autobiography of 273Z See also Froude's Ireland, 2c60. Ireland, &c. Tonga Islands, by Mariner and Martin. 2 vols. 1827 683-4Z See also Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B, &c. Tongue, Human. See Brown's Science for All, 62763. Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R, &c. Tongue (Cornelius). See Cecil (Cornelius Tongue). Tonic Sol-Fa System. See Century Magazine, v. 13, 1885J. Singing, &c. Tonics. See Girl's Own Annual [How to use them beneficially], v. 7, 2557 J. Medicine, &c. Tonnage. See Nature [Legislation on], v. 26, 2686J, &c. Tonquin. See Leisure Hour [and Anam], v. 33, 2643J. Saturday Review [Colonists in], v. 60, R.L. China, Tunking, &c. [781] TON GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TOR Tonson (Jacob, Publisher, b. 1656, d. 1736). See Knight's Old Booksellers, 1451O, &c TOO Late for Gordon and Khartoum, by Macdonald. 1887 4590 Tooke (J. Home, Philologist and Political Writer, b. 1736, d. 1812), Memoirs of, by Stephens, 2 vols. 1813 534-5^ Tooley (Mrs. G. W.), Lives Great and Simple. 1884 801O Tools. St* English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Illustrated Carpenter and Builder from v. 1 [Construction of], 2981J. Ure's Dictionary, 6-9D. Carpen- try, Gardening, Engineering, Manufactures, &c. Tooth, The. See Teeth. Tooth-ache. See Girl's Own Annual [Prevention and Cure], v. 3, 2553J. Buchan's Medicine, 913K. Domestic Medicine, 1445Z. Medicine. Tooth-drawing. See South's Household Surgery, 1857Z, &c. Tops. See Boy's Own Annual [Boy's Own Chromatic], v. it, 2961J. Cassell's Pastimes [Top Games], 1262H, &c. Topaz. See Ansted's Minerals, 620Q. Emanuel's Precious Stones, H63M. King's Decorative Stones, 1159M, &c. Topffer (R.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Topinard (Paul), Anthropology, trans, by Bariley, illustrated. 1878 943K Toplady (A. M., Divine, b. 1740, d. 1778). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. TOPOGRAPHY and History of Ancient Athens, by Dyer. 1873... 608B Religious Topography of England, by Pattison 1051R ■ See also Beilby's Birmingham, 788K. Blight's Land's End, 820Q. Bray's Tamar and Tavy, 1343-4R. Buchanan's Lome and Hebrides, 1363R. Cobbett's Rural Rides, 2 vols., 1351-2R. Collins' Pen Sketches, 1053R. Dixon's H.M. Tower, 321-4H. Royal Windsor, 325-8H. Doran's Our Great Towns, 366K. Dugdale's England and Wales, illustrated, 738-47H. Dumas' South of France, 1393R. Eddy's Travelling Party, 1323-7R. Gleig's Chelsea Hospital, 605Z. Gome's Orkneys, 1362R. Holroyd's Bradford, 331 H. Horner's Florence, 1423R. Howitt's Remarkable Places, 364K. Macquoid's About Yorkshire, 1350R. Brittany, 818Q. Marshall's Cathedral Cities, 1356R. The Queen's Our Life in the Highlands, 832Q. Rimmer's Ancient Streets, &c, 365K ; Eton and Harrow, 1347R ; Old Country Towns, 1349R. Ritchie's East Anglia, 623A ; Sea Coasts of France, T396R. S^guin's Black Forest, 1354R. Smith's Skye, 1361R. Squier's Nicaragua, 764-5K. Taylor's Views Afoot, 603Z. Walford's Pleasant Places, 815Q. Weymouth, 1353R. Williams' Jerusalem, 658A ; South of France, 1392R. Black's and Murray's Guides and Hand Books. Dio- cesan Histories, 1836-43Z. Knight's Land we Live in, 464-5B. Tours, Travels, Names of Towns and Places, &c. Tories. See Alison's Europe, 139-45O. Contemporary [Democratic], v. 43, 3053J. Green's English People, 191-2H. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Conservatives, Parliament, Politics, &c. Tornadoes. See Nature, v. 25, 2685J. Hurricane, Storms, Winds, Meteorology, Weather, &c. Toronto. See Leisure Hour, v. 34, 2644J. Lome's Canadian Pictures, 331B. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Canada, &c. Torpedoes. See All the Year Round [Torpedo Boats], v. 57, 1817J. Cassell's Family Magazine [what is a], v. 4, 2353J. Nineteenth Century [Tor- pedo Flotillas and Ironclads], v. 18, 2228J. Saturday Review [Torpedo Boats], v. 6, R.L. ; v. 54, R.L. Harper's Monthly [and Torpedo Boats], 1645J, &c. Torquay. See Granvilje's Spas, &c, 353K. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Devonshire, &c. Torrens (W. M., Irish Lawyer, l>. 1813), M.P., Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 2 vols. 1878 385-6F Torres (D. M.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Tortoises. See Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Cassell's Magazine, v. 1, 2341J. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Science Gossip, v. 5, 2412J. Natural History. Knowledge [and Turtles], v. 13, 2593J, &c. Tortoise-shell. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. Torture. See BlSSSt's Parliamentary Government, 215H. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Inquisition, &c. [782] TOR ENGLISH SECTION, TOW Toryism. See Tories, Conservatives, Parliament, Politics, &c. Tostig (Earl, Earl of Northumberland, Son of Earl Godwin, killed 1066). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 202-4H. Total Abstinence, Case for, by Lacey. 1889 330R See also Abstinence, Temperance, &c. Touch.. See Bastian's Brain, 387R. Brown's Science for All, 627 B. Leisure Hour [and Space, Sense of], v. 15, 2625J. Bernstein's Five Senses, 363R. Blackwood, v. 40, R.L. Feeling, &c. Touchstone of Sincerity in Religion, by Flavel ... 1669Z Tour in Brittany, Notes by Tregelles 43°T of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque, by Combe, illustrated 642T Round the World in her Twentieth Year, by the Marchioness of Stafford. 18S9 1752R through South Holland, up the Rhine, &c. [Harper's Family Library]. 1831 529Z to Austrian Lombardy, &c, by Barrow. 1841 1403R Tourist in Spain and Morocco, by Roscoe, illustrated. 1838 I473R Tourist's Car Guide to Jersey and Guernsey [Black's Guides] R.L. Tourist's Guide to Devonshire. 1865 608F See also Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Eddy's Our Travelling Party, 1323-7R. Sedgwick's Letters from Abroad [in Europe], 1150R. Blackwood, v. 46, R.L. Topography, Travels, Names of Places, e.g., Paris, Rome, Italy, &c. Touraine with Normandy and Brittany [Black's Guides], illustrated 833Q Tourgee (A. W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Tournaments. See Boy's Own Annual, v. 5, 2955J. Leisure Hour [Rules of], v. 35, 2645J. Sabine's Duels, 922M, ike. Tourzel (Duchesse De), Governess to the Children of France) [1789-93 and 1795], Memoirs, published by the Duke Des Cars, 2 vols. 1886 626-7F Toussaint L'Ouverture (Francois Dominique, Negro Haytian Patriot, b. 1743, d. 1803), Life of, by Beard. 1853 809O See also Alison's Europe, v. 8, 126O. Chambers' Miscellany [and the Re- public of Hayti], 625R, &c. Tovey (Charles), Wine and Wine Countries, a Record and Manual for Wine Merchants and Wine Consumers, illustrated. 1877 2125R Towards the Sunset [On Christian Faith, &c], by Boyd. 1883 825R Tower Menagerie [Tower of London]. 1829 816F Tower of London, Her Majesty's Tower, by Dixon, 4 vols. 1867 ... 321-4H Memorials of, by Lord De Ros. 1866 610Z See also Boy's Own Annual, v. 4, 2954J. Chambers' Journal [Monday at], v. 60, 1960J. Loftie's London, 251O. Sunday at Home, v. 11, 2861J. London, &c. Towers of Italy. See Leisure Hour, v. 21, 2631 J. Towle (G. M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Town and Country, or Life at Home and Abroad [Sketches, Poems, &C.T, by Adams. 1856 1619R Town Council, The. See Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Town Geology, by Kingsley [Good Words], vol. 13 2 ^3] See also Kingsley's Lectures, 1969 R. Town, Old Country Towns, by Rimmer, illustrated. 1881 I349R Our Great Towns [1860-77], by Doran. 1878 366K The Town [London], by Leigh Hunt 1336R and 136T Towns and Buildings, Drainage of, by Dempsey. 1849 598T See also Alison's Europe, 139-46O. Escott's England and its People [Towns of Business and Pleasure], 1017F. Longman [Frenc'.i and English], v. 4, 894J. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Stubbs' History, 210-2O. Wright's The Celt, the Roman and the Saxon, /520O. See also under Name of Town required, or in Harper's or Poole's Indexes. Topo- graphy, &c. [783] TOW GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TRA Townley (J., Wesley an Methodist), D.D., Illustrations of Biblical Literature, with Biographical Notices of Eminent Trans- lators, 3 vols. 1821 242-4A Literary History of the Bible. 1833 143O Townsend (G.), M.A., The New Testament, with copious Notes on the Principal Subjects in Theology, &c, 2 vols. 1838 924-5 A Townsend (P. D.), Joseph Haydn [Great Musicians]. 1884 1222O Townsend (W. J.), Great Schoolmen of the Middle Ages. 1881 ... 683O Townshend (F. Trench), Wild Life in Florida, with a Visit to Cuba 728K Toyribee (Arnold). See Academy, v. 26, R.L., &x. Toys. Set Cassell's Book of Amusements [Toy Games and Toy-making, 1259H ; Pastimes [Games], 1262H, Good Words, v. 3, 2172J. Leisure Hour v. 16, 2626J, &c. Tozer (Rev. II. Fanshawe, Tictor), M.A., Classical Geography [Literature Primers]. 1876 702Z Researches in the Highlands of Turkey, 2 vols. 1869 1452-3R The Church and the Eastern Empire [Epochs of Church History] 254T Tracey (J. L-), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Tract Magazine and Christian Miscellany [R.T.S.]. 1878 492M Tract Society, American [Christian Library], vols. 2-45, y.D 1669-1705Z Tractarian Movement. See Saturday Review [Palmer on], v. 56, RL. Stough- ton's Religion [Tractarianism, 1800-80], 99M, &c. Tracy (Mick), The Irish Scripture Reader, a Tale of Facts 1004O Trade and Travel in the Far East, Java, Singapore, China, &c, by Davidson. 1 846 1652R See also Alison's Europe [Free Trade, &c], 139-6O. All Year Round [Old Trade Notices], v. 50, 1810J ; [Curiosities of], v. 54, 1814J. Buckle's Civilization, 186-8O. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Colquhoun's South China, S41-2K. Contemporary Review [Work of Trades Unions], v. 44, 2054J. Escort's England and its People [Trades Unions], 1017F. Jevons' Social Reform [Trades Societies], 1111F. Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828-9K. Leisure Hour [Trades Unions], v. 15, 2625J. Levi's Work and Pay [Trades Unions], 233R. McCulloch's British Empire, 712H. Quarterly Review [and Industry], v. t, 1296J. Ricardo's Political Economy, 1004F. Rogers' Work and Wages, 1102F. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-8F. Stanley's Dark Con- tinent [and Trade Prospects], 1563R. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain [Indian, &c], 335H. Names of Countries, &c. Trade Marks, Law relating to, by Mushat. 1885 319R Trade Winds. See Abercrombie's Seas and Skies, 843K. Trades Unions, Societies, &c. See Trade. Traditions, Family, by Ingram. 1884 905-6M Trafalgar, Battle of. Sec All the Year Round, v. 18, 1778J. Ashton's Nineteenth Century, 861H. Macmillan [Reminiscences of], v. 45. Nelson (Lord) Battles, Navy, &c. Traill (C. P.), Backwoods of Canada, being Letters from the Wife of an Emigrant Officer, illustrative of the Domestic Economy of British America. 1846 669Z Traill (H. D., Journalist, Biographer, &c.,b. 1842), Coleridge [Eng- lish Men of LettersJ. 1884 IC62O Lord Strafford [English Men of Action]. 1889 1469O Shaftesbury [English Worthies]. 1886 1205O Sterne [English Men of Letters]. 1882 1084O William the Third [Twelve English Statesmen]. 1888 1398O Traill (Mrs.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Traill (R.), A.M., Throne of Grace Discoursed of in Thirteen Ser- mons from Hebrews iv. 16 [R.T.S.] 68Z Traill (T. S.), Physical Geography. 1838 757H Training of Teachers, k, by Laurie. 1882 286R [784] TRA ENGLISH SECTION. TRA Training, Mental. See Compayr£'s Pedagogy, 296R. Grey's Self-Culture, 961R. Knowledge, v. i, 258rJ. Education, ike. Training, Physical. See Cassell's Family Magazine [for Girls], v. 15, 1365J. Cornhill [Exercise in], v. 15, 295J. Crawley's Handbooks, 1154M. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T, &c. Trajan {Emperor of Rome, b. 52, d. 117). See Arnold's Roman Commonwealth, 73H. Niebuhr's History of Rome, 88H. Rome, &c. Tramps. See Leisure Hour [and Vagrants], v. 17, 2627J. Beggars, &c. Trance. See Chambers [Story of a], v. 62, 1962J. Mayo's Popular Superstitions, 901M. Sleep, &c. Transcaspian Railway. See Curzon's Russia, 2123R. Translations. See Boy's Own Annual [some Queer], v. ti, 2961J. Cornhill [From the Classics], v. 16. Classics, Language, &c. Translations of Scripture into the Oriental Languages. See Buchanan's Chris- tian Researches, 14 K. Moulton's English Bible [Translations of the Bible], 418M. Bible, Scripture &c. Transportation. See Hill's Repre-. 1705, d. 1774), Light of Nature pur- sued, 2 vols. 1834 620-1II Vol. 1. — Life of Author, Human Nature, Theology 620H Vol. 2. — Lights of Nature and Gospel blended 621H Tucker (Miss C. M., Novelist). See A.L.O.E. [A Lady of England]. Tucker (G.), Progress of the United States in Population and Wealth in Fifty Years, as exhibited in the Decennial Census. 1039F Tucker (St. G.). See Poets of America, 468D. Tucker (H. W.), M.A., Life of Bishop Selwyn, 2 vols. 1879 623-4F The English Church in other Lands, or the Spiritual Expansion of England [Epochs of Church History]. 1886 252T Tuckerman (B.), History of English Prose Fiction, from Malony to Eliot. 1882 1126II Tuckerman (C. K. and H. T.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Tuckerman (H. T.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Tuckey (Janet), Joan of Arc, "The Maid." 1880 1021Q Tudors and the Reformation [1485-1603], by Creighton 131Z See also Saturday Review [Burke's Historical Portraits of the Tudor Dy- nasty], v. 55, R.L. History, &c. Tuileries, My Mistress, the Empress Eugenie, or Court Life at the Tuileries, by Madame Carette 956E See also Sunday at Home, v. 30, 2880J. Paris, &c. Tullamore. See Crookshank's Methodism in Ireland, 669A. Tullidge (E. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Tullin (C. B.). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Tulloch (J., Scotch Theologian, b. 1823, d. 1886), LL.D., Modern Theories in Philosophy and Religion. 1 884 724 A Movements of Religious Thought in Britain, Nineteenth Cen- tury. 1885 629M [Ca'rlyle. Mill. Maurice. Kingsley. Robertson. Ewing. Stanley.] [792] TUL ENGLISH SECTION. TUP Tulloch (J.), LL.D. Pascal [Foreign Classics]. 1878 1179O Memoir of, by Mrs. Oliphant. 1888 500F See {also Blackwood [Life of], v. 144, 214J. Good Words, v. 27, 2T97J. Living Age, v. 169, 3169J, &c. Tulloch (W. W.), B.D., Story of the Life of Queen Victoria. 1887. 1345O Tumulis. See Madden's Shrines, 342-3K, &c. Tunbridge Wells. See Granville's Spas, &c, 353K. Leisure Hour [Day at], v. 6, 2616J. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K, &c. Tungking', by Mesny, of the Chinese Army. 1884 1514R See also Tonkin. Tunis. See Century [and its Bey], v. 1, 1873J. Good Words, v. 22, 2192J. Living Age, v. 154, 3T84J. Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Time, v. 7, i49*7J. Algeria, &c. Tunnels. See Acworth's Railways, 937D. All the Year Round [Tunnelling the Alps], v. 56, 1816J. Boy's Own Paper [and Tunnelling], v. ir, 2961J. Roads and Railroads, 1090M. Railways, &c. Tupper (F. B., Guernsey Historian and Biographer), Chronicles of Castle Cornet, Guernsey, with Details of its Nine Years' Siege during the Civil War, and Frequent Notices of the Channel Islands. 1851 1500O Family Records, containing Memoirs of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, K.B., Lieutenant E. W. Tupper, R.N., and Colonel William De Vic Tupper, with Notices of Major-General Tupper and Lieutenant E. Tupper, R.N., to which are added the Life of Te-Cum-Seh ; a Memoir of Colonel Havilland, Le Mesurier, &c. 1835 255 and 642F History of Guernsey and its Bailiwick, with Occasional Notices of Jersey. 1876 405I I Sarnia [Guernsey], or Brief Memorials of Many of her Sons [Civil, Military and Naval]. 1862 1416O N.B. — The Dates preceding Navies are the Dates of Death. I1554] John Andros. [1591] John de La Court. [1602] John Tupper. [1627] Thomas De Lisle. [1650] Peter Priaulx. [1602] Rev. Thomas Le Marchant. [1665] Thomas Simon. [1672] Sir Henry De Vic. [1674] Amias Andros. [1690] Samuel Carey. [1697] John De Sausmarez. [1714] SirE. Andros. [1720] John Tupper. [1730] William De Beau- voir. [1747] Captain Phillip Saumarez. [1751] Nicholas Dobree. [1759I Nicholas Le Messurier. [1764] Captain Thomas Saumarez. [1769] Lawrence Carey. [1794] Lieut. Carrd Tupper. _ [1795] Major-General John Tupper. [1796] Commander Daniel Guerin. [1798] William De Vic Tupper. [1799] Lieutenant Thomas Falla. [1800] Nicholas Dobree. [1805] Paul Le Mesurier. [1806] Peter Perchard. [1809] Colonel Sir George Smith. [1809] Captain Rawdon McCrea. [1810] Osmond De Beauvoir. [1811] Lieutenant Peter De Lisle. -[1812] Major-Gen. Le Marchant. [1812] Major-Gen. Sir Isaac Brock. [1812] George Lefebvre. [1813] Colonel Havilland Le Mesurier. [1813] Lieutenant Peter Le Mesurier. [1813] Midshipman Peter Le Cocq. [1814] Captain Carey Le Marchant. [1815] Midshipman Charles James Tupper. [1816] Lieutenant George Cheppmell. [1817] Major-Gen. Havilland Smith. [1818] Commander Nicholas Charles Dobree. [1821] Sir Peter De Havilland. [1822] Rev. Thomas Le Mesurier. [1825] Peter Carey Tupper. [1825] Major-Gen. Thomas Carey. [1825] Rev. Peter Paul Dobree. [1826] Lieutenant E. W. Tupper. [1827] Midshipman Thomas De Sausmarez. [1829] John Priaulx. [1830] Colonel William De Vic Tupper. [1835] Dr. John MacCulloch. [1836] Captain John Allez. Colonel William Le Mesurier Tupper. Admiral the Right Hon. Lord De Saumarez. [1837] Colonel Oliver De Lancey. [1838] Ensign Walter Carey. Peter Le Pelley. [1840] Robert Porret Le Marchant. Lieut. B. G. Le Mesurier. [1841] Sir John Jeremie. Thomas Tupper. Cap- tain R. B. McCrea. [1842] Ensign A. Delacombe Potinger. Daniel De Lisle Brock. [!843] Lieut -Gen. John Le Mesurier. Captain Thomas De Havilland. [1844] Major-Gen. Sir Octavius Carey. John Savery Brock. Martin Tupper. [1845] General Sir Thomas Saumarez. [793] TUP GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TUP Tupper (F. B.), Sarnia [Guernsey] — {continued). John Guille. Lieut. Octavius Carey. [1846J Commander Henry Maingay. [1851] Lieut. Hir/el Carey. Commander Nicholas Mauger. [1852] Gen. Peter Carey. James Perchard Tupper. [1854] Colonel Saumarez Brock. Rev. William George Tupper. Sir William Collins Lieut. William Dalgairns Guille. Lieut. -Col. John G. Champion. [1855] Midshipman Charles James Dobree. [1857] Lieut-Col. Thomas Sidney Powell. Admiral Thomas Le Marchant Gosselin. Captain R. C. McCrea. [1858] Captain Robert Bainbrigge. Rear- Admiral Sir Thomas Mansell. Captain Jos. Marrett. Commander Arthur Metivier Brock. Lieut. Edward Murray Tupper. Osmond Potinger Tupper. Rev. Carter Priaulx Carey. [1859] General Gerard Gosselin. [i860] Captain Thomas P. Dobree. [1861] James Barbet. Bonamy Main- gay. [1862] Gerald Le Mesurier Carey. [Addm. 1672] Sir Henry De Vic. List and Short Notices 0/ Military Officers living in 1862, Natives of or nearly Connected with Guernsey. Lieut. Edwin B. Andros, Captain T. P. St. George Armstrong, Major-Gen. i. H. Bainbrigge. Capt. H. Le Marchant Baynes, Paymaster W. Carey owden, Major H. G. Bowden, Lieut. D. C. Brock, Major-Gen. D. A. Cameron, Major Le M. Carey, Commissary-Gen. Tupper Carey, Major G. J. Carey, Lieut •Col. R. Carey, Lieut. -Col. W. F. Carter, Brevet-Major R. H. Champion, Dr. J. B. Cockburn, Col. J. E. Collins, Brevet-Major A. F. Connell, Lieut. F. J. Connell, Brevet- Major J. De Havilland, Captain O. G. De Lancey, Surgeon R. F. V. De Lisle, Lieut. J. De Vine, Com. -Gen. J. S. Dobree, Captain B. Fanshawe, Major Fanshawe, W. Gostling, Captain T. P. Harvey, Lieut. -Gen. Sir J. G. Le Marchant, Major-Gen. W. A. Le Mesurier, Brevet-Lieut. -Col. W. G. Le Mesurier, Captain E. Le Pelley, Captain F. Du Bois Lukis, Brevet-Major R. B. McCree, Captain F. B. McCrea, Captain J. McCrea, Lieut.-Col. G. F. Mann, Captain W. M. Mansell, Brevet-Major C. C. Teesdale, Captain G. Le Marchant Tupper, Capt. A. De Vic Tupper, Capt. J. De Vic Tupper, Capt. D. W. Tupper, Capt. F. D. Walters. Her Majesty's Indian Army. — Capt. T. A. Carey, Lieut. C. J. Durand, Surgeon T. S. Lacy, Surgeon W. Mansell, Lieut. A. Carey, Captain J. H. Champion, Lieut. A. Durand, Captain H. Le Cocq, Captain C. Mauger, Lieut.-Col. J. D. Woolcomb, Lieut. F. W. Dobree, Lieut. -Gen. Thomas Marrett, Lieut. R. D. Thorpe, Lieut. R. A. Walters. Officers in H.M. Navy Living, 1862. — Lieut. C. Andros, Commander O. Borland, Lieut. O. De B. Brock, Lieut. P. Brock, Capt. T. S. Brock, Lieut. C. J. Carey, Lieut. H. M. Carr£, Commander P. De Sausmarez, Lieut. J. C. Gosselin, Lieut. Ed. Lacy. Commander N. Lefebvre, Lieut. F. H. Le Mesurier, Capt. J. D. McCrea, Capt. R. C. McCrea, Lieut. H. M. Magrath, Assist.- Surgeon M M. Magrath, Com. P. Maingay, Lieut. A. L. Mansell, Com. Bonamy Mansell, Lieut. G. H. Mansell. Lieut. R. A. Powell, Lieut. J. Roubilliard, Lieut. P. Saumarez, Capt. R. Saumarez, Capt. T. Saumarez, Lieut. G. Sayer. Ed., Life of Sir Isaac Brock, also brief Memoirs of Daniel De Lisle Brock, Lieut. E. W. Tupper, and Colonel W. De Vic Tupper. 184S .•• .53oC" and 975Q [Some interesting facts relating to Guernsey will be found in this work.] Tupper (M. F., Poet descended from a Guernsey Family., b. 1 8 10, d. 1890), M.A., An Author's Mind, the Book of Title Pages.... 1127H Complete Works, 4 vols. 185 1 : Vol. 1.— Crock of Gold, The Twins, and Heart 865R Vol. 2. — An Author's Mind, Miscellaneous Essays, Probabilities 866R Vol. 3. — Ballads for the Times, Geraldine, Hacterrus, A Thousand Lines and other Poems . . . 867R Vol. 4.— Proverbial Philosophy, A Modern Pyramid, Poems of King Alfred 868R My Life as an Author. 1886 542F Proverbial Philosophy, a Book of Thoughts and Arguments, Originally Treated 484D and 869R [794] TUP ENGLISH SECTION. TUR Tupper (M. F.)i Selections from his Works [Moxon's Miniature Poets]. 1854Z See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Tupper Family of Guernsey. See Sarnia, 1416O. Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, 1285H, and several works on Guernsey, Sec. Turanians [Brown's Races of Mankind] 156^ Turbot, The. See Cornhill [and Soles], v. 53, 333J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fishes, S:c. Turcomans. See O'Donovan's Merv, &c, 494-5K Turkistan, Sec. Turenne (H. De LaTourD'Auvergne, Viscount, Marshal of France, b. 161 1, killed 1675), by Hozier [Military Biographies]. 1885 1247O Life of, by Cockayne. 1853 .' 1029O and 1273R See also Every Boy's Annual, 1887, 1306H. Turf. See Beckmann's Inventions [as Fuel], 697Q, &c. Turf, The, Racing, &c. See Fortnightly [Turf Reform], v. 51, 2141J. Walker's Manly Exercises, 1164M. Racing, Sports, Sec. Turgenieff (Ivan, Russian Author, b. 1818, d. 1883). See Saturday Review [Death of], v. 56, R.L. Turner's No%elists of Russia, 1491O. Zim- mern's Novelists, 6880. First Love [Life of], 2385X. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Turgot (A. R. J., French Statesman, b. 1727, ,/. 1781), by Say. 1888 547F See also Alison's Europe, 119O. Morley's Miscellanies, 843O, Sec. TURKEY: Works relating to {See also Eastern Question, Ottomans, Names of Celebrated Men, Art, Literature, drY. ) Turkey and Christendom, Reprinted from the Edinburgh Review. 1 854 1 274R Russia, from the Geographical Dictionary of M'Culloch 1265R by Stanley Lane Poole [Story of the Nations]. 1888 4370 Domestic Manners of the Turks [Pardoe's City of the Sultan] 770Q Highlands of, by Tozer, 2 vols. 1869 1452-3R Ottoman Empire, The Sultans, &c. [R.T.S.] 633Z Past and Present, by Morell. 1854 630Z People of, by a Consul's Daughter and Wife [Mrs. J. E. Blunt], edited by Stanley Lane Poole, 2 vols. 1878 ...1450-1R Roving Englishman in [by E. C. Grenville Murray]. 1855 631Z Turkish Empire, by Milner 3570 Harems and Christian Homes, by Mrs. Harvey. 1871 432K Turko-Russian War, illustrated 450B Turks, A Year with the, by Smyth. 1854 1454R See also Alison's Europe [Navy of], 121-33O ; [General], 139-44O. All the Year Round [Army of], v. 36, 1796J. Game's Letters from the East, 1455-6R. Conder's Modern Traveller, 1827, 523Z. Elliott's Travels, 421-2K. Fortnightly Review [Coming Crisis in], v. 46, 2136J. Freeman's Ottoman Power, 360O. Gibbon's Roman Empire, 83-5H. Harper's Monthly, v. 77, 1657J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Levi's International Law, 399R. Living Age [Turks in Europe], v. 165, 3195J. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times [and Egypt], 193-6H. Madden's Travels, 1457-8R. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 93-4F. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. Ranke's Servia [Slave Provinces of], 89O. Saturday Review [Reforms in, 1882], v. 53, R.L. Schimmer's Sieges of Vienna [Turks], 1289R. Stanford's Compendium, 854K. Stephen's Travels, 564 K. Thiel- mann's Journey [Turkey-in-Asia], 1462-3R. Turko Russian War, 450B. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H, &c. Turkey, The [Tegetmeier's Poultry Book] 664K See also Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Doyle's Poultry [Wild], 825F. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 657Q. Beckmann's Inventions [Origin], &c, 697Q. Birds, &c. Turkish-Bath, The. See Wynter's Social Bees, 1159R. Baths, &c Turkistan. See Lansdell's Russian Central Asia, 828-9K and 830K. Stanford's Compendium, 852K. Vambery's Central Asia, 791K, Sec. 1795] TUR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TWE Turnbull (T. M. C. and N.), American Photographs, 2 vols. 1859 1574-5R Turnbull (Robert), Index of British Plants according to the London Catalogue [Eighth Edition]. 1889 691D Turner (B. Bannister), Commerce and Banking, an Introductory Handbook , 329R Turner (C), Small Tableaux, Poems. 1868 287Q Sonnets, Lyrics, &c 288 and 289Q See also Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M. Turner (Charles Edward), The Modern Novelists of Russia. 1890 1491O Turner (D.), Ed., Stranger's Guide to the Roman Antiquities of the City of Treves, by Wyttenbach, translated. 1839 906F Turner (E. F.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Turner (E. S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Turner (F. C), B.A., Short History of Art, illustrated. 1886 907D Turner (G.), Pupil Teacher's and Student's Handbook of Scripture... 91Q Turner (J. M. W., Landscape Painter, b. 1775, d. 1851), by Monk- house [Great Artists]. 1879 1119O Life of, by Hamerton. 1879 1008O The Artist, by Swaine [World's Workers]. 1885 I151O See also Every Boy's Annual, v. 7, 1307H. Frith's Reminiscences, 615F. Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 30, 2640J. Art, &c. Turner (S., Historian, b. 1768, d. 1847), F.S.A., Sacred History of the World, as Displayed in the Creation and Subsequent Events to the Deluge 47iA, 291-2K and 69-71/ Turning", A Concise Treatise on Eccentric Turning, illus. 1852 122D for Amateurs, illustrated 8861 ) Lathes, A Manual for Technical Schools, &c, by Lukin. 188S 1156M Joinery, Sec. See Every Boy's Annual, 1302H. Carpentry, &c. Turnpikes. See Old Roads, &e., 617Z. Roads, &c. Turpin (Dick). See All the Year Round, v. 17, 1777J. Chronicles of Newgate [Execution of], v. 1, 330D, &c. Turquoise, The. See Chambers, v. 63, 1963J. Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. King's Decorative Stones, 1159M. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Turrets. See Cassell's Magazine [and Ironclads], v. 2, 2342J. Turtles. See Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807F. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Jones' Bermuda, 823F. Science Gossip [the Snapping], v. 12, m 2 4 i 5 J, &c. Tuscan Cities, by Howells. 1886 674B and 220D Hills and Venetian Waters, by Villari, illustrated. 1885 1485R Tuscany. See Manning's Italian Pictures, 328B. Italy, &c. Tussaud (Madame, Swiss Wax Work Exhibitor, b. 1760, d. 1850), Memoirs and Reminiscences of Erance, edited by Herve 264F See also Leisure Hour [Exhibition of], v. ti, 2621 J. London, &c. Tuthill (Mrs. L. C), Precious Thoughts, Moral and Religious, gathered from Ruskin's Works. 1879 826R The True and Beautiful, selected from Ruskin's Works. 1880... 827R Tuttle (J. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Twain (Mark [S. L. Clemens], American Humourist, b. 1835). See Century [The Trip of], v. 3, 1875J. Haweis' Humourists, 482O. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Tweedie (W. K., Scotch Pastor), D.D., Earnest Men, Their Life and Work. 1881 622O [Heroes for the Truth. Philanthropists. Patriots. Men of Science and Art, &c] Jerusalem, Pictorial and Descriptive, illustrated. 1873 649Z Lakes and Rivers of the Bible, illustrated. 1864 189Q Ruins of Bible Lands. 1870 216Q [796] TWE ENGLISH SECTION. TYL Tweedie (W. K,), D.D., Youthful Diligence and Future Greatness... 1253Z "Twells (PL, Rector of JVallhajii), M.A., Colloquies on Preaching 1240M Twelve English Statesmen, v.d. : William the Conqueror, by Freeman 13Q1O Henry II., by Mrs. Green 1392O Edward I., by Powell 1393O Oliver Cromwell, by Harrison . . 1397O William III., by Traill 1398O Walpole, by Morley 1399O Chatham, by Morley 1400O Pitt, by Morley 1401O Peel, by Thursfield 1402O Henry VII., by Gairdner 1394O Wolsey, by Creighton *3950 Elizabeth, by the Dean of St. Paul's 1396O Twelve Good Men, Lives of, by Burgon, 2 vols. 1889 660-1F [Routh (M. J.). Rose (H. J.). Marriott (C). Hawkins (E.). Wilber- force (S.). Cotton (R. L.). Greswell (R.). Coxe (H. O.). Mansel (H. L.). Jacobson (W.). Eden (C. P.). Higgins (C. L.)]. See also Quarterly Review, v. 1, 1298J. Twelve Minor Prophets, by Newcome, with Notes by Horsley and Blayney 258K Twice Round the Clock, or the Hours of the Day and Night in London, by Sala, illustrated. 1878 1677R Twickenham. See Leisure Hour, v. 2, 2612J, &c. Twining (Henry), On the Philosophy of Painting, a Theoretical and Practical Treatise, illustrated. 1849 93&D Twining (L.), Recollections of Workhouse Visiting and Manage- ment during Twenty-Five Years. 1880 528T Symbols and Emblems of Early and Mediaeval Christian Art 507M Twining (T., b. 1734, d. 1804), M.A., Recreations and Studies of a Country Clergyman of the Eighteenth Century. 1882 II21R Technical Training, or a Sketch of a National System of Indus- trial Instruction, &c. 1874 III2F See also Academy [Letters of], v. 23, R.L., &c. Twiss (H., Lawyer and Politician, b. 1786, (/. 1 849), Public and Private Life of Lord Chancellor Eldon, 3 vols. 1844 244 -6F Two Chiefs of Dunboy, or an Irish Romance of the Last Century, by Froude. 1 889 24 1 7X Two Paths, The, Lectures on Art and its Application to Decoration and Manufacture. 1879 850R Two Queens, History of Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn, by Dixon, 4 vols. 1873 38-42F Two Royal Lives, the Crown Prince and Princess of Germany, by Roberts. 1887 1344O Two Worlds are Ours, by Macmillan. 1881 90T Two Years before the Mast, by Dana 1731R Two. In connection with this word see also subject required. Tyburn, the early place of Public Execution. See Chronicles of Newgate, v. 1, 330D. Loftie's London, 252O. Gaols, Prisons, &c. Tycho Brahe\ See Morton's Heroes of Science, 703O. Brahe (Tycho), &c. Tyerman (L.), Life and Times of John Wesley, Founder of the Methodists, 3 vols. 1871 559-61F - — — Life of George Whitefield, 2 vols. 1876 572-3F • Oxford Methodists. 1873 290A [Memoirs of Clayton, Ingham, Gambold, Hervey, Broughton, &c] Wesley's Designated Successor, The Life, Letters, &c, of J. W. Fletcher. 1882 563F Tyler (M. C), History of American Literature [1607-1765]. 1S80...1117-8H Vol. 1.— 1607-1676, 1117H. Vol. 2.— 1676-1765, 1118H. Tyler (M. F.), Souvenirs of Madame Vigee Le Brun. 1880 345F Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. [797] TYL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TYT Tyler (Wat, a Rebel, killed 1381). See Leisure Hour [True Story of], v. 34, 2644J. L'Estrange's Greenwich, 1535O. Richard II., History, &c. Tymnseus. Sec Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D. Tyndale (W., Reformer and Martyr, b. 1484, strangled, 1536), Answers to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue. 1850 230A Doctrinal Treatises. 1848 229A Expositions and Notes of. 1849 231A See also Anderson's Annals of the English Bible, 498K. Brave Confessors, 1440O. Leisure Hour [Early Life of], v. 21, 2631J. Moulton's English Bible, 418M, &c. Tyndall (John, Physicist, b. 1820), E.R.S., Faraday as a Discoverer [Electricity, Magnetism, &c] 1868 186F and 1438O Floating Matter of the Air in relation to Putrefaction and In- fection. 1881 507R Forms of Water [International Scientific*Series]. 1885 35 1 R Fragments of Science, Essays, Addresses, and Reviews. 1879... 510-1R Heat a Mode of Motion. 1880 509R Six Lectures on Light, delivered in the United States ... 776D and 508R " The Glaciers of the Alps, a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents. 1437R Huxley and others, the Culture demanded by Modern Life. ... H49R See also Jean's Electricians, 1285O. Leism-e Hour, v. 23, 2633J, &c. Tynemouth. See Granville's Spas, 351K, &c. Tyng' (C. D.), The Stranger in the Tropics, being a handbook for Havana and Guide book to Cuba, Puerto Rico, &c. 1 868... 1643R Tyng (S. IL), D.D., Christ is All, 2 vols. 1849 493*4^ Recollections of England. 1847 508M Type. See English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047 D. Ure's Dictionary, 8D. Printing, &c. Type-^v^riting Machine. See Nature [Remington], v. 14, 2674J, &c. Typee, or a Narrative of a Four Months' Residence among the Mar- quesas Islands, by Melville. 1847 1287R Types of Virtue. See Girl's Own Annual, v. 10, 2560J. Virtue, Sec. Typhoid Fever. See Science Gossip [Cause of], v. 22, 2422J. Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Disease, Health, Medicine, &c. Typhoon. See Nature [History of a], v. 30, 2690J. Storms, Meteorology, &c. Typical Forms and Special Ends in Creation, by McCosh [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1862 565R Typographical Errors. See (Jornhill Magazine, v. n, 338J. Printing, &c. Tyre, its Glory and Desolation [R.T.S.] ll6Z See also Rawlinson's Phoenicia, 1553O, &c. Tyrol and the Tyrolese, by Grohman, illustrated. 1877 !474^ See also Alison's Europe, 124-31O. Bellow's Europe, 1398 R. Edward's Un- trodden Peaks, &c, 414K. Green's German Pictures [and Eastern Alps], 333B. Leisure Hour [Austrian, Week in], v. 14, 2624J. Wil- liams' Alps, &c, 590B, &c. TyrtSBIlS {Greek Poet,fl. jt/i Century B.C.). See Peter's Poetry of Greece and Rome, 474D, &c. Tyrwhitt (R. St. John), M.A., Natural Theology of Natural Beauty [S.P.C.K.] 98Q Tytler (A. F., Lord Woodhouselee, Scotch Judge, />. 1747, d. 18 13), Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern. 1836.. 1734Z Universal History, from the Creation of the World to the Be- ginning of the Eighteenth Century [Harper's Family Library], 6 vols. 1834-9 88-93Z Tytler (M. F.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Tytler (F. F., Scotch Historian, b. 1 791, d. 1849), F.R.S., His- torical View of the Progress of Discovery on the more Northern Coasts of America [Ed. Cab. Lib.], illus. 1832 ... 933Q [798] TYT ENGLISH SECTION. ULT Tytler (P. F.), F.R.S., History of Scotland from the Accession of Alexander III. to the Union, io vols. 1866 : Vol. 1. — Alexander III. John Baliol. Robert the Bruce. a.d. 1149 to 1329 14-5H Vol. 2.— David II. State and Manners of Scotland, a.d. 1329 to 1370 .. 1426H Vol. 3. — Robert II. and III. James I. Remarks on the Death of Richard II. a.d. 1370 to 1436 1427H Vol. 4.— James II., III. and IV. a.d. 1436 to 1497 1428H Vols. 5-7. — James IV. (continued). James V. Mary. a.d. 1497 to 1573 .. 1429-31H Vol.8. — Regency of Morton. James VI. a.d. 1573 to 1587 i43 2 H Vol. 9. — James VI. (continued), a.d. 1587 to 1603 1433H Vol. 10.- Index 1434^ Life and Reign of Henry the Eighth, with Biographical Sketches of Wolsey, More, Erasmus, Cromwell, Cranmer, &c. 701 and 940Q of Sir Walter Raleigh, and a View of the most important Transactions in the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 938O and 935Q Lives of Scottish Worthies [Family Library], illustrated, 3 vols. 1831-3: Vol. 1.— Alexander the Third. Michael Scott. Sir William Wallace. Robert Bruce 1045^ Vol. 2. — Robert Bruce (continued). John Barbour. Andrew Wyerton. John De Fordun. James the First 1046Q Vol. 3. — James the First (continued). Robert Henryson. William Dunbar. Sir David Lindsay. Chapter of Antiquarian Illustrations 1047Q Progress of Discovery on the more Northern Coasts of America, with Sketches of the Natural History by Wilson, ill. 1833 550/ See also Christian Biography, 1441O. Leisure Hour, v. 17, 2627J, &c. Tytler (Sarah), Footprints, Nature seen on its Human Side, illus. ... 1176R Jane Austen and her Works 489O Marie Antoinette, the Woman and Queen. 1883 817O Musical Composers and their Works, for the Use of Students in Music. 1880 S60O Papers for Thoughtful Girls. 1881 194Q The Old Masters and their Pictures. 1880 1122R and Watson (J. L.), Songstresses of Scotland, 2 vols. 1871 ...739-G.M See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Tzars, The. See Stepniak's Russia, 441-2O. Names, e.g., Catherine, Peter the Great, Russia, &c. IL BIQITE." Sec Gillmore (Parker), 1593R. Ugliness, Cure of. See Kalos, 1412Z. Beauty, &c. Uhland (J- L., German National Poet, b. 1787, d. 1862). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473 D. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 47<5D,&c. Ulfeldt (Leonora Christina, Daughter of Christian IV. of Denmark), Memoirs of, Written during her Imprisonment in the Blue Tower at Copenhagen [1663-1685], translated by Bunnett ... 1 SS I r "Ullswater. See Knight's Lake District, 817Q. Ulster. See All the Year Round [Folk- Lore], v. 48, 1808 J. Contemporary [and Ireland], v. 48, 2058J. Crookshank's Methodism, 669A. r roude's Ireland, 204-6O. Sunday at Home [Three weeks in], v. 6, 2856J. Ire- land, &c. Ultramarine. See Beckmann's Inventions, 697Q. Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8L>, $C. [799] UMB GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. UNI Umbrellas. See Cassell's Magazine, v. i, 2341J. English Illustrated Magazine, V. 5, i995_b Leisure Hour, v. 1, 261 1 J. Saturday Review, v. 55, R.L., &c. Umbreit (D. F. W. C.)» A New Version of the Book of Job, with Expository Notes, trans, by Gray [Clark's Biblical Cabinet] 1283-4M TJmbria. See English Illustrated Magazine, v. 3, 1993J, &c. Unbelief, a Christian's Plea against Modern Unbelief, by Redford... 146K See also Lee's Dialogues [Responsibilities of], 1325H. Nineteenth Cen- tury [Subjective], v. 13, 2223J. Quiver [Tyranny of], v. 16, 3286J. Scepticism, Atheism, &c. Unclaimed. Money. 6V Unemployed. See Capital and Labour, 1115F. Nineteenth Century, v. 24, 2234J. Labour, Working Classes, &c. Unfettered. Clergy. See Winged Word, 1923R. Clergy, &c. Unfinished Worlds, Astronomy, by Parkes. 1887 546R Ungewitter (F. II.), LL.D., Europe, its Past and Present Condi- tion. 1855 147O Unicorn (The). Set Goldsmith's Myths, 2011R. Science Gossid, v. 8, 24T3J. See. Uniforms. See Chambers' Journal [British Military], v. 60, 1960J. Costume, &c. Union between England and Scotland [Burton's Scotland, 1648 -174 7] 336-7II [Burton's Queen Anne] 236I I Union Pacific Railway. See Leisure Hour [Eastward by], v. 32, 2642J. Unionists. See Nineteenth Century Magazine, v. 24, 2234J. Home Rule, Parliament, Politics, Ireland, Sec. Unique, r l he, a Book of its Own Kind, Hints for Evangelical Ministers, by Godolphin. 1844 35Z Unitarianism. See Academy [Early Sources of English], v. 26, R.L. Chan- ning's Works, 894-7H. Davies' Heterodox London, 35 K. Religious Systems of the World [by Crosskey], 934A. Religions, Sects, &c. United Brethren. See Moravian Brethren. United Irishmen, their Lives and Times, 2 vols. 1842 543'4-F See also Frost's Secret Societies, 32H. Froude's Ireland, 205-6O, Sec. United Kingdom. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. England, Great Britain, &c. United Netherlands [1584-1609], History of, by Motley, 4 vols. 1875 350-3^ See also Motley's Correspondence, 667-8F. Netherlands, Holland, &c. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : Works relating to (See also America, Names of States or Towns, e.g., Massa- chusetts, Pennsylvania, Boston, New York, l&V. Names of Celebrities, e.g., Washington, Garfield, Lincoln, Washington Irving, (StY. Also Antiquities, Art, Commerce, Industries, Literature, Religion, Travel, £rY.) United States, A Year at the Great Republic, by E. C. Bates. 1724R Second Visit, by Lyell, 2 vols. 1850 1582-3R ■ American Facts, by Putman. 1845 1046F Communistic Societies of, by Nordhoff, illustrated. 1875 ••• I0 45^ [800] UNI ENGLISH SECTION. UNI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA— Works relating to— {continued). United States, Constitution of, by Farrar. 1869 1009F several States [American Guide]. 1840 1012F by Bancroft, 2 vols. 1882 287-SD Constitutional History of, and a Development of American Law, by Cooley and others. 1889 H2lF Democracy in, by De Tocqueville 1019-0F Gillet. 1868 416O Eighty Years' Progress, 2 vols in 1. 1867 286D Emigration to, by Bromwell. 1856 34^D Expedition [1838-42], by Wilkes, illustrated, 2 vols. 1852 1309-0R to the Jordan and Dead Sea, by Lynch, ill. 1852 840K Fifty Years on the Trail, a True Story of Western Life, by O'Reilly, illustrated. 1889 1749^ Forest Trees of, by Browne. 1832 51D Geology of [Lyell's North America] 1580-1R Government, by Lamphere. 1881 1011F Grinnel Expedition in Search of Sir J. Franklin, by Kane, illustrated. 1857 669K Handbook of American Travel, by Appleton. 1857 1572R History of, by Bancroft, 3 vols. 1845 489-91H 7 vols. 1854 379-850 of, by Murray, 3 vols. 1844 394-60 — — from the Foundation of Virginia to the Re- construction of the Union, by Greg, 2 vols. 1887 558-9H — Plantation of the British Colonies till the Declaration of Independence, by Grahame, 4 vols. 339-42D Household History of, and its People, by Eggleston, ill. ... 42 iH Journalism [1690-1872], by Hudson. 1873 97§H Letters from, by Murray, 2 vols in 1. 1856 1613R Navy, History of, by Cooper, 2 vols. 1839 521H Our Kin Across the Sea, by Frith. 1888 1735^ Presidents of the, by R. W. Lincoln. 1852 576D Progress in Population and Wealth in Fifty Years, by Tucker. 1843 1039F — — Sanitary Commission. 1863 1440Z Secret Service, History of the, by Baker. 1867 520H Society, Manners and Politics, by Chevalier. 1839 1042F Some Impressions of, by Freeman. 1883 1576R Speeches, Letters, &c, during the Civil War [Echoes from the South] 1609R ■ Statistical View of, by De Bow. 1854 130D Western World [Lardner's Cab. Cyclo.], 2 vols. 1830 742-3T White and Black in, by Campbell. 1879 494H Words and Phrases Peculiar to, by Bartlett. 1869 187D See also Adam's Our American Cousins, 1704R. Alison's Europe, 119-46O. Augusta County, 344D. Austin's Massachusetts, 511H. Beecher's Life, 650F. Bill's Florida, i6icR. Brown's Countries of the World, 160-1D. Booth's New York, 343D. Boutwell's Rebellion, 402O. Century [A Full-Length Portrait of the], v. 37, 1887J. Cob- den's Speeches, 323R. Contemporary Review [City Life in], v. 40, 2050 J ; [Government in], v. 48, 2058J. Dawson's The Federalist, 1021F. Farrar's Minnesota, 1601R. Fortnightly Review [Aspects of Public Life in], v. 38, 2123J. Garfield, 269F. Grahame's Review of Slavery 1038F. Grant's Campaigns, 291D. Greeley's American Conflict, 294-5D. Hardy's Down South, 735K. Harper's Monthly 33 [801] UNI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. UNI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA— Works relating to— {continued). [Naval Academy], v. 77, 1657J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Hazard's Pennsylvania [1609-1682], 515H. Head's Emigrant, 1627R. Helper's Impending Crisis in the South [Slave States], 1101F. Houston's Hesperos, 1586-7R. Levi's International Law, 399R. Lome's Trip, 1642R. Lyell's Geological Observations, 1580-1R. Lynch's Ex- pedition to the Jordan, &c, 615B. Mahon's American War, 296D. Maine's Popular Government, 1100F. Martin's Mollie Maguire Riots, 522H. Moorman's Mineral Waters, 827M. Murray's Travels, 1584-5R. Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Olmsted's Slave States, 729K ; Texas, &c, 730K. Pierce's Juvenile Delinquents, 1090F. Phillip's Speeches, &c, 1050H. Pollard's Lost Cause, 271D. Presbyterian Church in United States, 272A. Pulszky's White, Red, Black, 1213-4R. Science Gossip [Gems and Ornamental Stones of the], v. 23, 2423J. Seward's Travels, 601B. Semmes* Services Afloat, 231D. Sherman's Campaigns, 292D. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Stroud's Laws on Slavery, 1078F. Soule's San Francisco, 516H. Westminster Review [Anglophobia in], v. 130, R.L. Whitehead's New Jersey, 508H. White's Georgia, 289D. Willis's Trenton Falls, 1605R. Wortley's Travels, 1849-0, 709K. Probyn's Land Tenure, 248R. Sheridan's Personal Memoirs [Civil War in America], 213-4F, &c. Unity of Nature, by the Duke of Argyle. 18S4 792F Universal Code of Signals [1858] for the Mercantile Marine of all Nations, by Marryat, with night Fog Signals, &c., by Richardson. 1858 17D Universal History, from the Creation of the World, by Wood- houselee, 6 vols. 1834 88-93Z Universal Review, edited by Harry Quilter, from vol. 1. 1888 3321 J [The principal contents of this Review are entered under their subject headings in the Supplement.] Universal Songster, a Complete Collection of Ancient and Modern Songs in the English Language, with a Classified Index, ill. ...530-2D [Ancient. Amatory. Bacchanalian. Comic. Dibdin. Duets. Trios. Glees. Choruses. Irish. Jews. Masonic. Military. Naval. Scotch. Sentimental. Sporting. Welsh. Yorkshire, &c] Universe, The, by Pouchet, illustrated. 1882 721F See also Century [Destiny of], v. 5, 1877J. Fortnightly Review [Constitution of the], v. 2, 2092 J. Stewart's Unseen Universe, 639M. Sunday at Home [Problem of the], v. 26, 2876J. Timbs' Works [Marvels of the], 8s 4 Z. Universities, German, for the Last Fifty Years, by Conrad, trans- lated by Hutchinson. 1885 1109F History of the University of Cambridge, by Mullinger [Epochs of Church History]. 1888 259T Oxford, by Brodrick. 1886 260T Privileges of the University of Cambridge, &c, by Dyer, 2 vols. 329-30H Rise and Early Constitution of, by Lawrie. 1886 306R University of Dublin [Foundation to end of Eighteenth Century], by Stubbs 1424H See also Bryce's American Commonwealth, 519H. Cassell's Popular Educa- tor, 164-9D. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Gladstone's Gleanings, 887Z. Green's English People, 189-92H. Nature [Scientific], v. 31, 269^ ; [Function of a], v. 34, 2694J and 40, 2700J. Nineteenth Century [and the Poor], v. 15, 2225J. Playfair's Social Welfare [Teach- ing and Examining Boards], 336R. Poole's Index, R.L. Quarterly Review [Mission to Central Africa], v. 1, 1298J. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1028F. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-7M. Wood- gate's Boating, 1266R. Cambridge. Oxford, &c. University and other Examinations. See Chambers' Journal [Humors of Ex.], v. 60, 1960J. Fortnightly [University], v. 23 and 25, 21 13 and 2115J ; Competitive], v. 46, 2136J. Gentleman's Magazine [Ex. Mania], v. 31, 751J. Macmillan [Examiner's dream], v. 54, 984J. Nature [Sand- hurst], v. 30, 2690J. Nineteenth Century [Good and Evil], v. 3 and 8, 2213 and 2218J. [802] UNK ENGLISH SECTION. UTR Unknowable, The. See Century [and the Unknown], v. 15, 1887J, &c. Unnatural History, or Myths of Ancient Science, translated and edited by Goldsmid, 4 vols in 1. 1886 2011R Unorthodox London, or Phases of Religious Life in the Metropolis, byDavies. 1876 283M Unprotected Females in Norway, Travels, &c. 1857 1464R Unprotected Females in Sicily, Calabria, &c. 1859 I479R Unseen Universe, or Speculations on a Future State, by Stewart and Tait. 1884 639M Unseen World, including Apparitions, Warnings, Haunted Places, &c. 1847 212Q Unselfishness. See Mailer's Noble Deeds, &c, 92Q, &c. Unsworth (W.), Self-Culture and Self- Reliance, under God the Means of Self- Elevation. 1879 I123R Unto this Last, Four Essays on the First Principles of Political Economy, by Ruskin. 1879 833R Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys, by Edwards. 1873... 4 J 4K Unwin(Mary, Friend of 'Coivper, b. \-jii,., d. 1796). See Thomson's Friendships, 564O. Cowper, &c. Upanishads, translated by Muller [Sacred Book of the East], 1879 559A Upas Tree. See Leisure Hour [Fact and Fiction of], v. 6, 2616J, &c. Upham (C. W.), Ed., Life of General Washington, first President of the United States, written by himself, 2 vols. 1856 1027-8O Upham (T. C.)j D.D., Life and Religious Opinions of Madame De La Mothe Guyon, &c. 1872 1366O Principles of the Interior or Hidden Life. 1857 230Q See also Jahn (J.). Upholstery. See Eastlake's Hints, 861D. Girl's Own Annual [Home], v. 5, 2 555j. Furniture, &c. Urbana Scripta, Studies of Five Living Poets, &c, by Galton. 1885 315T [Tennyson. Browning. Arnold. Swinhurne. Morris.] Urbanitzky (Dr. A. R. Von), Electricity in the Service of Man, edited with copious additions, by Wormall, illustrated. 1886 689D Urbino (Dukes of). See Marryat's Pottery and Porcelain, 936D. Urchin, Sea. See Gosse's A Year at the Shore, 586Q. Sea, &c. Ure (A., Scotch Chemist, b. 1778, d. 1857), Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, edited by Hunt and Rudler, 4 vols. 1878-9 : Vol. r.— A— C. ! 6D I Vol. 3.— J— Z 8D Vol. 2.— D— 1 7 D I Vol. 4.— Supplement, A— Z 9 D Supplement to the third edition of Ure's Dictionary. 1846 870D Ure (David, Naturalist). See Chambers, v. 28, 1940J, Sic. Ure (George), Our Fancy Pigeons, and Rambling Notes of a Natura- list, illustrated. 1889 2114R Urns. See Anderson's Scotland in Pagan Times, 864 and 896F. Dennis's Etruria, 439-0K. Madden's Shrines. 342K. Burials, &c. Ursins (Princess De, French Politician, b. 1641, d. 1722). See Menzies' Political Women, 929O. Usher (J., Archbishop of Armagh, b. 1580, d. 1666), D.D., Sermons [R.T.S.]. 1831 73Z Usury, Funds and Banking, by O'Callaghan. 1856 273R ■ See also Anspach's Thieves of Homes [and Oppression], 279R. Utah, an Englishman in, an Experience in Mormonism, by Sten- house, illustrated. 1880 1603R Life in, or the Mysteries and Crimes of Mormonism, by Beadle, illustrated. 1870 948F See also Dall's My First Holiday, 1696R. Harper [Saunterings in], v. 67, 1467J. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Mormons &c. Utrecht. See Pictures from Holland, 335B. Holland, &c. [803] XJTI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. VAL Utilitarianism, an illogical and irreligious Theory of Morals, by Thomson [Present Day Tracts, Vol. VII. ] 240T See also Mill's Discussions, 648H, &c. Utility. See Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R, &c. V ACCINATION. See Leisure Hour, v. 16, 2626J. Nineteenth Century [and Small-pox], v. 11, 2221J. Playfair's Social Welfare, 336R. Medicine. Small-pox, Disease, Medicine, &c. Vacquerie (Auguste, French Journalist '; b. 1819). See Swinburne's Miscellanies, 1340O, &c. Vagrancy- See Saturday Review, v. 53, R.L. Beggars, Poor Laws, &c. Vaillant (F. le). See Levaillant in Supplement, &c. Valdenses, The. See Waldenses. Valdes (J. M., Spanish Poet, b. 1755, d. 1817). See Mellendez Valdes (Juan), in Supplement. Valdes (Juan and Alfonso, Spanish Reformers in Sixteenth Century) [Short Biographies] 631F Valentine (D. T.), History of the City of New York. 1853 543H Valentine (Mrs.), Girl's Home Book, or How to Play and How to Work, illustrated 1188R Heroism and Adventure, a book for boys 1189R On Honour's Roll 1 204R The Amenities of Home 976M The Girl's own Book of Amusements, Studies and Employments 1187R Ed., Heroism and Adventure, a book for Boys 1189R Valentine and Ursine [Orson]. See Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q, &c. Valentine's Day. See All the Year Round, v. 42, 1822J. Brand's Antiquities, IC05M. Argosy, v. 25, 25J. Chambers', v. 33, 1943J. Living Age, v. 161, 3191J, &c. Valentines, The Quiver of Love, a Collection of Valentines Ancient and Modern, by Ranking and Tully, illus. 1880 1922Z See also Girl's Own Annual, v. 3, 2553J. Wynter's Human Hive, 244R. All the Year Round, v. 11, 2621 J. Boy's Own Annual [in East Anglia], v. 12, 2962J. Leisure Hour [My Bundle of], v. 15, 2625J, &c. Valentinian (Emperors of Rome). See Gibbon's Roman Empire, 77-9H. Rome, &c. Valerian {Roman Emperor, b. 190, d. 26g). See Niebuhr's History of Rome, 88H. Rome, &c. ' Valleys. See Edward's Untrodden Peaks, 414K, &c. VallingS (J. F.), M.A. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22 A. Valparaiso. See Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Gerstacker's Travels, 1632R. Walpole's Pacific, 795K. Chili, &c. Valpy (Abraham John, Classical Scholar, b. 1787, d. 1 854), Ed., Scriptores Latini in usum Delphini cum notis variorum, varus lectionibus, conspectu codicum et editionum, et indicibus accurate recensiti 142 v. Londini. 1819-30 R.L. 1-7, Virgillius. 8-n, Caesar. 12-13, Juvenal. 14, A. P. Flaccus. 15-16, Sallustius. 17-23, Tacitus. 24-6, C. Claudius. 27, Eutropius. 28-34, Ovidus. 35, C. V. Paterculus. 36-7, C. Nepos. 38, Phsedrus. 39-40, La Florus. 41, C. V. Catullus. 42, Tibullus. 43-4; Justinius. 45-6, S. A. Propertius. 47-8, Martial. 49-51, T. Lucretius. 52-3, Val. Maximus. 54, Bcethius. 55-7, M. Ausonius. 58-60, Terentius. 61-3, P. P. Statius. 64-7, Aulus Gellus. 6S-9, A. Prudentius. 70-4, Apuleius. 75-8, Horatius. 79-81, O. C. Rufus. 82, Minores. 83-4, S. P. Festus. 85-7, C. Suetonius. 88-9/, Plinius Sec. 98-118, Livius. 119, M. Manlius. 120-3, Paneg Veteres. 124-5, Aurelius. 126-9, M. A. Plautius. 130-42, Cicero, &c. Valpy (E., of Jersey, Classical Scholar, brother of R. Valpy, b. 1764, d. 1832,). See Caesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Valpy (Rev. R., of Jersey, Master of Reading ScJwol, Father of A. J. Valpy, b. 1754, d. 1836), D.D. See Csesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Value. See Ricardo's Political Economy, &c. 1004F. Timbs' Works [and Measure], 855Z. Walker's Science of Wealth, 1025F, &c. [804] VAL ENGLISH SECTION. VAS Valves. See English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Hasluck's Engineer's Handbook, 1162M, &c. Vambery (A., Hungarian Traveller, b. 1832), Hungary [Story of the Nations]. 1887 434-0 His Life and Adventures, written by himself, illus. 1884 1011O Travels in Central Asia, an Account of a Journey from Teheran Across the Turkoman Desert on the Eastern Shore of the Caspian to Khiva, Bokhara, and Samarcand in 1 863. 1 864 79 *K Sec also All the Year Round, v. 53, 1813J, &c. Vampires. See Calmet's Phantom World, 907-8 M. Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Vampyrism. See Mayo's Popular Superstitions, 901M. Van Beneden (P. J.), Animal Parasites and Messmates [Inter- national Scientific Series]. 1883 361R Vanbrugh. (Sir J., Dramatist, &*c, b. 1666, d. 1726). See Inchbald's British Theatre. New English Theatre, &c. Vancouver (Capt. G., Maritime Discoverer, b. 1758, 97°J- Olmsted's Slave States, 729K. Sanborn's Life of Brown, 153F. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Time [to Virginia and Back], v. 4. 1494J. United States, America, &c. Virtue. See Chambers' Journal [Misapplied], v. 59, 1959J. Compayrd's Pedagogy, 296R. Fuller's Holy and Profane States, 560M. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Smith's Moral Sentiments, 588H. Sentiments, &c. Virtue (G.). See Curwen's Booksellers, 520O, &c. Vishnu {The Preserver, Indian God). See Hunter's Indian Empire [Vishnu- worship], 485K. Midler's Sacred Books of the East [Institutes of]) v. 7, 565A. India, Paganism, Religions, &c. Vision. See Leisure Hour [Sense of], v. 15, 2625J. Sight, Optics, &c. Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman, a Poem, edited by Wright.... 1413M Visions. See Century [Presentiments and Apparitions], v. 38, 1888 J. Occult Sciences, 1935R. Visits to Remarkable Places, by Howitt. 1840 364K Visits to the Monasteries of the Levant, by Curzon, ill. 1865 1471R See also Travels, Voyages, Names of Countries, &c. Visscher (M. T., Dutch Poet, b. 1547, d. 1620). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Vitality. See Richardson's Health, 1403Z. Life, &c. Vivisection, The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Royal Commission. 1876 932K See also Fortnightly Review, v. 23, 2113J. Leisure Hour, v. 24 and 25, 2634 and 2635J. Nature [Life Saved by], v. 31, 2691J. Playfair's Social Welfare, 336R, &c. Vogel (Dr. H.), Chemistry of Light and Photography. 1888 358R Vogelweide (W. Von Der). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Voice and Ear, Art of Improving the. 1825 917K Vocal Culture and Musical Education, by Bach. 1884 94iL> Organs, Hygiene of the, a Handbook for Singers and Speakers, by Mackenzie. 1887 934K See also Brown's Science for All, 629B. Cassell's Family Magazine [How to Keep it in Health], v. n 2361J. Century [Training of Children's Voices], v. 4, 1876J. Contemporary Review [Cultivation of the], v. 10, 2020J. English Illustrated [the Singing], v. 3, 1993J. Mackenzie's Vocal Organ], Q34K. Meyer's Organ's of Speech [Vocal Apparatus], 390R. Plumptre's Elocution, 1040H, Warner's Physical Expression [Voice in Illness], 393R. Singing, Elocution, Speaking, &c. Voice of Wisdom, Moral Truths from the best Authors, selected by J. E. 1 179R Voices of the Night, Sermons, &c, by Cumming. 1851 233Q In connection with this word see also subject dealt with. Volcanoes, A Description of, by Daubeny. 1848 706D and Earthquakes, by Zurcher and Margolte, trans, by Lockyer... 489R [813] * VOL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. VOY . 1 ■ Volcanoes and Earthquakes, Lessons for Children [Kingsley's Madame How and Lady Why]. 1873 55^Q What they are, &c, by Judd, illustrated. 1881 488R See also Becher's Mexico, 738K. Boy's Own Annual [and Volcanic Erup- tions], v. 9, 2959J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Herschel's Familiar Lectures [and Earthquakes], 689Q. Humboldt's Cosmos, 483 and 487R ; Nature, 29R. Leisure Hour [of Auvergne], v. 16, 2626J ; [Volcanic Eruption in Java, 1883], v. 34, 2644J. Lyell's Geology [Volcanic Rocks], 726-7Q. Nature [Volcanic Dust Phenomena], v. 30, 2690J ; [Volcanic Eruptions and Red Sunsets], v. 34, 2694J. Reclus' Phenomena, 804F. _ Science^ Gossip [Volcanic Cones], v. 16, 2419J. Stanford's Compendium [Extinct Australian], 853K. Sunday at Home, v. 10, 2860J. Wittich's Physical Geography, 683Q, &c. "Voltaic Electricity. See Cassell's Popular Educator, 164-9D, &c. Voltaire (F, M. A. de, French Philosopher, Poet, and Historian, b. 1694, d. 1778), History of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great, 2 vols. 1778 345-60 and His Times, by Bungener. 1854 1023O by Hamley [Oliphant's Foreign Clas. for Eng. Readers]. 1 190O and 309T by Morley. 1872 549F See also Alison's Europe, 119-0O. Brougham's Men of Letters, 598R. Cornhill [in England], v. 46, 326J. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Nineteenth Century, v. 12, 2222J. Williams' Ethics of Diet, 845M, &c. Volunteers. See Ashton's Nineteenth Century [Arms of], 862H. Boy's Own Annual [Our Volunteers and their Work], v. it, 2961J. Every Boy's Annual, v. 8, 1308H. Froude's Ireland, 205-6O. Temple Bar [Royal Commission], v. 7, 1337 J, &c. Von Bothmer (Countess M.). See Bothmer (Countess M. Von). Vondel(J. V. D., Dutch Dramatic Poet, b. 1587, d. 1679). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. 'Vovti^evn{British King, Jl. Fifth Century). See Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 75O. Britons, &c. VOSS (J. H., German Poet and Critic, b. 1751, d. 1826). See Longfellow s Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Voting. See Harper, v. 12, T592J ; v. 38, 1618J. Macmillan, v. 15, 945J. Temple Bar [Corrupt], v. 15, 1345J. Elections, Parliament, &c. Vowels. See Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R. Grammar, &c. VOWS. See Sunday at Home, v. 8, 2858J. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS— Works relating to : {See also under Travels, Tours, Names of Great Travellers and Ex- plorers and Names of Places, &c. ) Voyages and Discoveries of the Companions of Columbus, by Irving 759Q> 521 and 586Z Travels [Drake, Cavendish and Dampier] 9 2 5Q — Remarkable , 639K in the Sunbeam, by Lady Brassey 346 and 347B of Captain Cook round the World, by Kippis. 1839 587Z Columbus and His Companions, by Irving, 3 vols 894-6Z • by Irving, 2 vols. 1850 760-1Q Discovery Round the World, by Vancouver. 1801 310-5K II. M.S. Alceste to China, Corea and the Island of Lew- chew, by M'Leod. 1820 572K the Fox in Search of Sir J. Franklin, by McClintock 668 K Jeannelte, Ship and Ice Journals of Captain Long, U.S.N., edited by Emma Long, illus., 2 vols. 1883.... 676-7B Vega round Asia and Europe, by Nordenskiold, trans- lated by Leslie, illustrated, 2 vols. 1881 666-7K [814] VOY ENGLISH SECTION. WAC VOYAGES AND TRAVELS— Works relating to— (continued.) Voyages Round the World, by Anson [1740-4], compiled from his paper, by Walter. 1841 582Z Belcher, 2 vols. 1843 317-8K De Beauvoir, 2 vols. 1870 1301-2R Pfeiffer. 1852 1272R in the Years 174C-4, made by Anson, compiled by Walter . 582 and 583Z of Captain Cook, by Kippis. 1788 588Z from the Death of Captain Cook to the Present Time [Edinburgh Cabinet Library]. 1843 937Q United States Exploring Expedition, by Wilkes ... 320K to the Polar Sea [1875-6], by Nares, illustrated, 2 vols. 1878 672 3K Yachting in the Arctic Seas, by Lamont, illustrated. 1876. 674K See also Adams' Amazon and its Wonders, 576Q ; Land of the Nile, 755Q. Arnold's Voyage upon the Nile, 600K. Baines' Piedmont, 764Q. Bennett's Whaling Voyage, 835-6K. Boddam-Whetham's Pearls of the Pacific, 796K. Brassey's In the Trades, &c, 798K. Circumnavigation of the Globe, 938Q and 585Z. Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 786-7K. Dana's Two Years before the Mast, 1731R. Darwin's Natural History and Geology of Countries visited in the Ship Beagle, 26R. Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier, 1070Q. European Cruise in the United States Flag-Ship Franlil/n, 600B. Excelsior, 1926-31 R. Faithfull's America, 794K. Ferguson's Swiss Men and Swiss Mountains, 772Q. Head's Bruce, 1044Q ; Forest Scenes, 619Q. Hue's Tartary, Thibet, and China, 765Q. Humboldt's Travels, 934Q. Irving's Columbus, 682-3K and 1073Q. Jerrmann's St. Petersburg, 762Q. Koch's Crimea, &c, 768 and 769Q. Koldewey's Arctic Expedition, 605 B. Laing's Norway, 763Q. Lynch's United States Expedition to the Jordan, &c, 6156. Mac- gregor's Rob Roy Canoe, 875Q. Marchioness of Stafford's Tour, 1752R. Medhurst's China, 1044F. Melville's Marquesas Islands, 774Q ; Omoo, 775Q. Nordenskiold's Arctic Voyage, 665 K. Oli- phant's Land of Gilead, 793K. Pardoe's City of the Sultan, 770Q. Polo (Marco), 936Q. St. John's Celebrated Travellers, 1061-3Q. Seward's Travels Around the World, 601 B. Smiles' Boy's Voyage, 834Q. Trollope's Vienna, Austria, &c, 766Q. Voyage to the Mauritius, 629K. Walpole's Pacific, 795K. Whymper's Story of the Sea, 108-11D. Wilkinson's Sunny Lands and Seas, 837K, &c. Voysey (C., Vicar of Healough, b. 1828), B.A., The Mystery of Pain, Death and Sin, and Discourses in Refutation of Atheism 680A Vulgarisms in Words. See All the Year Round, v. 43, 1823J, &c. Vulgate, The. .SY* Moulton's English Bible, 418M, &c. Vulture, The. See Hartwig's Tropical World, 758F. Sunday Magazine [as the World's Purifiers], v. 14, 2471J. Sunday at Home, v. 34, 2884J, &c. WAAGEN (Dr.), Peter Paul Reubens, translated by Noel, edited by Jameson. 1840 95oO "Waee (Henry), D.D., and Buchheim (C. A.), Ph.D., First Principles of the Reformation, or the Ninety-five Theses and the Three Primary Works of Dr. Martin Luther. 1883 702A Foundations of Faith. 1880 442A "Wace (R., Anglo-Norman Poet, b. 1120, d. 1174). See Caesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Guernsey and Jersey Magazine, v. 2, 1285H &c. [815] WAC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WAL Wachsmuth(\V., German Historian, b. 1784,^. 1866), Historical Antiquities of the Greeks, with reference to their Political Institutions, 2 vols. 1837 878-9F Waddington (G., Dean of Durham, b. 1793, d. 1869), MA., His- tory of the Church from the Earliest Ages to the Reforma- tion. 1833 284A Waddington (J.), D.D., Congregational Church History, from the Reformation to 1662. 1862 513M Congregational History [1200-1850], 4 vols. 1869-78 273-6A Waddington (S.), Ed., English Sonnets, by Poets of the Past 190 4Z Wade (J., Journalist, b. 1787, d. 1875), History of the Middle and Working Classes. 1833 521T Women Past and Present, their Social Vicissitudes, &c. 1859... 1046O Ed., Letters of Junius [Bohn's Library], 2 vols. 1850 990-9 iR Wade (T.). See Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D, &c. Wagers. See Chambers [Achievements for], v, 51, 1952J. Proctor's Chance 1229R. Gambling, Racing, &c. Wages and Earnings of the Working Classes, Report to Sir A. Bass, M.P., by Levi. 1885 1024F and Work, Six Centuries of, by Rogers. 1886 1102F See also Academy [Roger's Six Centuries of Work and Wages], v. 25, R.L. Alison's Europe, 139-46O. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. George's Progress and Poverty, 1023F. Heath's Peasant's Life, 1329R. Levi's Work and Pay, 283R. McCulloch's British Empire. 711-2H. Play- fair's Social Welfare [Effect of Protection on], 336R. Ricardo's Political Economy, &c, 1004F. 'Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1026-8F. Walker's Science of Wealth, 1025F. Labour, Capital, Social Economy. Waggerman (M. T.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Wagner (F.) and Bodenstedt (F.), Schamyl, the Sultan, Warrior, and Prophet of the Caucasus, translated by Wraxall [Travel- lers' Library]. 1855 1273R and 634Z Wagner (R., German Musical Composer arid Poet, b. 1813, d. 1883), by Hueffer [Great Musicians]. 1881 1217O See also Academy [Obituary of], v. 23, R.L. Engel's Reminiscences, 1349O. Girl's Own Annual, v. 4, 2554J. Naumann's Music, 929D. Quarterly [and Liszt], v. 167, 1297J. Rockstro's History of Music, 533H. Temple Bar, v. 65 and 68, 1395 and 8J. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O, &c. Wagner (W,), Asgard and the Gods, Tales and Traditions of our Northern Ancestors, edited by Anson. 1882 903F Wagtail, The. See Cassell's Family Magazine [Ways of the], v. 13, 2362J. Jar- dine's Naturalists' Library, 645Q. Birds, &c. Waifs and Strays. See Davies' London, 37K, &c. Wainwright (J. M.), D.D., Thirty-four Sermons, edited by his Widow. 1856 456A [Confessing or Denying Christ. Prospect of Church of England. Sins of Omission. Accountability for our Thoughts. Neither Riches nor Poverty Desirable, &c] Waite (A. E.), Ed., Mysteries of Magic, a Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi [Alphonse Louis Constant]. 1886 651A "Waiters. See All the Year Round, v. 59, 1819J, &c, Wakes. See Harper [An Irish Wake], v. 61, 1641J. Funerals, Ireland, &c. Wakefield (Gilbert, Theological Writer, b. 1756, d. 1801). See Martin's Memoirs, 834O, &c. Waldenses, a Complete History of the, by Muston, translated by Montgomery, 2 vols. 1875 683-4A History of the, by Blair, 2 vols. 1833 10-1K in Piedmont, &c.' 1827 , 181K Israel of the Alps, by Muston. 1852 1308R Waldensian Church, by Willyams 522M [816] WAL ENGLISH SECTION. WAL Waldenses. See also Hare's Cities of Southern Italy, 1683-4R. Sunday Maga- zine, v. 2, 2452J. Vaudois, &c. Wale (II. J.), M.A., My Grandfather's Pocket Book [1701 to 1796]. 1883 H37H Wales, History and Geography of, for the Young 3 l ZK of, from Authentic Sources, by Williams 312H Wild Wales, its People, Customs and Manners, by Borrow 31 iH See also Argosy [Among the Welsh], v. 39, 39J. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-7M. Brown's Geographical Evolution of the British Isles, 555R. Dugdale's England and Wales delineated, 738-47H. Freeman's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Green's Conquest of England, 187H. Harper [Wild Coast of], v. 66, 1646 J. Knight's England, 147-8H. Land we Live in, 465B. Leisure Hour [Welsh Names], v. 24, 2634J. McCulloch's British Empire, 711-2H. Mial's Life of Richards [Liberation Society, &c], 424 F. Newell's Ancient British Church, 256Q. Probyn's Local Govern- ment, 303R. Saturday Review [in 1200], v. 57, R.L. Stubb's History, 210-1O. Sunday at. Home [Hymn Writers of, and their Hymns], vol. 34, 2884J. Tegg's Marriage Customs, 1480Z. See also Geography, Gazetteers, Geology, Great Britain, England, &c. Wales (Prince and Princess of), Prince, Princess and People [1863- 1889], by Burdett, with Portraits, Autographs, &c. 1889... 1412H See also Harper's New Monthy Magazine [at Sandringham], v. 70, 1650J. Leisure Hour [Badges and Mottoes of], v. 12, 2622J. Mar- tin's Life of the Prince Consort, 92-6F. Quarterly Review, v. 168, 1298J. Trotter's India under Victoria, 538-9H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. Alexandra, Princess of Wales, &c. Walford (C, Statistician, b. 1827, d. 1885), F.L.S., Famines of the World. 1S79 1099F Walford (E.), M.A., Chapters from Family Chests, 2 vols 914-5F Juvenal [Ancient Classics for English Readers] 1097Q Londoniana, 2 vols. 1879 1333-4R Pleasant Days in Pleasant Places, illustrated. 1878 81 5Q Politics and Economics of Aristotle. 1881 1156H Tales of our Great Families, 2 vols. 1877 1126-7R second series, 2 vols. 1880 1128 9R Walford. (L. B.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Walford (Major N. W.), Parliamentary Generals of the Great Civil War [Military Biographies]. 1886 1249O Walker (Alexander). See Ante-Nicene Library. Walker (Amasa), Science of Wealth, a Manual of Political Economy 1025F Walker (Ann), Easy and Familiar Sermons for Children, illus. 1842 74Z Walker (Annie L.)- See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Walker (Donald), Exercises for Ladies, Calculated to Preserve and Improve Beauty, illustrated. 1837 1881Z Manly Exercises of Rowing, Sailing, Riding, &c. , revised by Craven. 1850 I164M Walker (G. W.), and the Convicts. See Japp's Missionaries, 770O. Walker (J., Philologist, b. 1732, d. 1807), Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language. 1849 1250H Walker (J.), D.D. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 646Q, &c. Walker (K. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Walker (Mrs.), Eastern Life and Scenery, 2 vols 866-7K Untrodden Paths in Roumania 868K Walker (R.), F.L.S., Flora of Oxfordshire, illustrated. 1833 766F Walking. See Girl's Own Annual [Etiquette in], v. 5, 2555 J. Marey's Animal Mechanism, 357R. Pettigrew's Animal Locomotion, 354R. Shear- man's Athletics, 1259R. Walker's Exercises for Ladies, 1881Z; Manly Exercises, 1164M. Warner's Physical Expression, 393R. Pedestrian- ism. Blackwood, v. 81-2, 151-2J. Nature, v. 29 and v. 32, 2689 and 2692J, &c. 34 [817] WAL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WAL "Walking-Sticks. See Leisure Hour, v. 2, 2612J. Good Words, v. 12, 2182J, &c. Walks Abroad by Two Young Naturalists, from the French of Beau- grand, by Sharpe. 1888 815F in Florence, by Horner, illustrated. 1877 1423-4R Churches, Streets and Palaces, 1423R. Public Galleries, See, 1424R. See also Lansdell's Asia, 830K. Oakey's Home Grounds [and Drives], Q48M. Tours, Names of Places, Pedestrianism, &c. Wall of China. See Marvels of Art, 1227Z. China, &c. Wall-Papers. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K, &c. Wall (A. H., Librarian of the Shakespeare Memorial Library), Fifty Years of a Good Queen's Reign, a Book for the Royal Jubilee of 1886-7. 1886 440O Wallace, A Franconia Story, by Abbott. 1862 J 543Z Wallace (A. R., Naturalist, b. 1822), F.R.G.S., Darwinism, an Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection, with some of its Applications. 1889 2121R Island Life, or the Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras. 1881 778F Islands, as Illustrating the Laws of the Geographical Distribu- tion of Animals 194R The Malay Archipelago, the Land of the Orang-utan and the Bird of Paradise, with Studies of Man and Nature. 1880... 1497R Tropical Nature and other Essays. 1875 759F See also Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F, &c. Wallace (D. M.), M.A., Russia, 2 vols. 1877 450-51K Wallace (J. A.), Waymarks for the Guiding of Little Feet. 1866... 170T Wallace (Lady), Tr. t Life of Mozart, by Nohl. 1877 858-9O Wallace (Lewis), Ben-Hur, a Tale of the Christ. 1881 '. 274T Wallace (W.), LL.D., Kant [Phil. Classics for English Readers] ... 1033Q "Wallace (Sir William, Scotch Patriot, b. 1270, Executed 1305). See Chambers' Miscellany [and Bruce], 624R. Mrs. Hemans' Poems [Wallace's Invoca- tion to Bruce], 3isQ» Porter's Scottish Chiefs, 2614X. Scotland, &c. Wallace (W. R., American Poet, b. 1819). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja, &c. Wallack (Lester), Memories of Fifty Years 177F Wallaeks, The. See Boner's Transylvania, 423K. "Wallenstein (Albert W. E. von). See Leisure Hour, v. 6, 2616J. Waller (E., Poet, b. 1605, d. 1687), Foetical Works, and Life of, by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain], 2 vols. 1807 301-2Z Works of, in Prose and Verse, 2 vols. 1 799 1 106- 7Z See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Waller (H.), The Last Moments and Sufferings of Livingstone, ob- tained from his Servants. 1874 1156H Waller (J. F., Dublin Barrister, b. 1810), LL.D., Boswell and John- son, their Companions and Contemporaries. 1881 185Z See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Waller (S. E.), Six Weeks in the Saddle, a Painter's Journal in Ice- land, illustrated. 1874 1483R WalliS (R. E.), Ph.D., Trans., Writings of Cyprian and Novatian [Ante-Nicene Library], 2 vols. 1880 362-3A Walpole (C. G.), M.A., Short History of Ireland, from the Earliest Times to the Union. 1882 200H Walpole (Lieut, the Hon. Fred.), R.N., Four Years in the Pacific in H.M.S. Collingzvood, from 1844101848. 1850 795K Walpole (IL, Earl of Orford, Antiquary, b. 1717, d. 1 797), Anec- dotes of Painting in England. 1871 1073M — — Reign of King George the Second, edited by Lord Holland. 1846 69-71F [818] WAL ENGLISH SECTION, WAL Walpole (Horace), Biography of, by Ewald 669F See also Creasy's Etonians, 1420O. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 25F. Galton's Urbana Scripta, 315T. Macaulay's Essays, 1S31O. Merydew's Love Letters, v. 1, 676F. Poole's Index, R.L. Scott's Novelists, 1014Z. Stephen's Hours in a Library, 1103R. Trevelyan's Life of Fox, 260F, &c. Walpole (Sir Robert, Statesman, First Earl of Or/ord, Father of above, b. 1676, d. 1745), by Morley [Twelve English States- men] 1 399O See also Creasy's Etonians, 1420O. Ewald's Statesmen, 471F. Knight's England, 151-2H. Mahon's England, 213-5O. &c. Walpole (Spencer, Governor of Isle of Man, b. 1839), History of England, 5 vols 364-8H Life of Lord John Russell, 2 vols. 1889 609- 10F W"alrus, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 668Q. Koldewey's Arctic Expedition, 605B. Lamont's Arctic Seas, 674 and 675K. Nares' Polar Sea, 672-3K. Science Gossip, v. 13, 2416J. Harper [Walrus- Hunting], v. 55, 1635J, &c. W alsall. See Sister Dora, 1373O, &c. Walsh. (A. S.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Walsh (J. H. [Stonehenge]), F.R.C.S., The Dog in Health and Disease, illustrated. 18S7 '. 818F Manual of Domestic Economy suited to Families Spending from ;£ioo to ;£i,ooo a Year, illustrated. 1857 1429Z See also " Stonehenge," &c. Walsh (\V. P.), D.D., Heroes of the Mission Field. 1879 706O "Walsin.gh.am (Sir F., Statesman, b. 1536, d. 1590). See Froude's England, 194-2030, &c. Walsingham (Lord) and Payne- Gallwey (Sir P.), Shooting, [Badminton Library], 2 vols. 1887 1134-5M [Field and Covert, 1134M. Moor and Marsh, 1135M.] Walter (H., Archbishop of Canterbury), B.D., History of England, Men and Events considered on Christian Principles, 7 vols. 1828-39 : Vol. t. — From the Earliest Periods to the Signature of Magna Charta .... 151O Vol. 2. — From the Signature of Magna Charta to the Death of Edward IV 152O Vol. 3.— From the Death of Edward IV. to the Death of Queen Elizabeth 153O Vol. 4. — From the Accession of James I. to the Abdication of James II. . . 154O Vol. 5. — From the Revolution of 1688 to the Concluston of the Wars conse- quent on the Change of Dynasty, by the Peace of 1763 155O Vol. 6. — From the Peace of 1763 to the Declaration of War against the British Government by the Republic of France in 1793 156O Vol. 7, parts 1 and 2. — From the Beginning of the First War with France, 1793, to the Revolution affected in the British Constitution, by the Parliamentary Reform Bill in 1832 157-8O Walter (R.), Anson's Voyage Round the World. 1841 582Z Walter (W. B.). See Grisvvold's Poets of America, 468 D, &c. Walters (J. T.), Thrift Lessons, Familiar Letters. 18S1 247R Walters (W.), Views of Life, Nine Lectures. 1873 236R Walters Family of Guernsey. See Sarnia, 1416O, &c. Walters of The Times. See Smiles' Invention, 1172R, 8k. Waltham Church [Freeman's Norman Conquest] 201 -5H "Waltheof \Earl of Northumberland, Beheaded 1075). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 202-5 H, & c - "Walton (Bryan, Bishop of Chester, Orientalist, b. 1600, d. 1661). See Catter- mole's Literature of the Church, 548A, &c. Walton (E. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Walton (I., Writer on Angling, b. 1593, d. 1683), Life of Hooker [Hooker's Works] 92K [819] WAL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WAR Walton (I.) and Cotton (C), The Complete Angler. 1853 1130R See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Leisure Hour, v. 1 and =3, 2611 and 2633J. Quiver, v. 9, 3279J, &c. "Walton (Mrs. O. F.) See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. "Walton (W.). See Pringblanch (D. A.). "Walworth (M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Wand (S. W.), M.A., Algebraical Geometry. 1835 73lD Wanda. See Clayton's Female Warriors, 643O. "Wandering Jew. See All the Year Round, v. 33, 1793J. Ballads and Metrical Tales, 334Q. Chambers, v. 52, 1952J. Hosmer's Jews, 425O. Living Age, v. 44, 3074J. Keary's Primitive Beliefs, 101K. Sunday at Home, v. 4, 2854J, & c - Wanderings of a Journeyman Tailor through Europe and the East, 1824 to 1840, by Holthaus. 1844 7&&Q Pilgrim in the Shadow of Mont Blanc, by Cheever. 1846 1442R over Bible Lands and Seas [by Mrs. Charles], 1866 1 740 R South and East, by Coote, illustrated. 1882 810K See also Names of Countries, Travellers, Voyages, &c. Wanted. See Cassell's Family Magazine [Next of Kin Wanted], v. 15, 1365J, &c. WAR, Art of, in the Middle Ages, by Oman. 1885 1110M -in France and Belgium, by Siborne, 2 vols. 1844 279-0H — the Peninsula, by Foy, translated, 3 vols. 1827 258-60 H Last Naval, by Juries De La Graviere, trans, by Plunkett, 2 vols. 292-3O Physiology of, Napoleon and the Russian Campaign, by Tolstoi, translated by Smith 1527O Political and Legal Remedies for War, by Amos. 1880 1006F System, Horrida Bella, or an Impeachment of the War System... 1884Z The [Crimean War], by Russell, Times Correspondent. 1855-6 : From the Landing at Gallipoli to the Death of Raglan 290O From the Death of Raglan to the Evacuation of the Crimea 289O Wars of the Eighteenth Century, by Cust, 5 vols. 1858-60 147-51Z Huguenots, by Hanna. 1871 272O Religious Wars of France, by Duncan. 1840 458T —— — See also Adams' Campaigns, 47 H ; England at War, 198-9H. Alison's Europe, 119-34 and 139-45O. All the Year Round, v. 42, 1822J. Boyce's Study of History, 2H. Caesar's Commentaries, 1159H. Cas- sell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Cathcart's Russia, &c, 448H. Fortnightly [and Working Men], v. 38, 2128J ; v. 51, 2141J. Foy s Peninsular War, 258-0H. Fraser [Right Side of], v. 52, 662J. Gentle- man's Magazine, v. 29, 1749J. Gleig's Leipsic Campaign, 1273R. Good Words [and its Claims], v. 3, 2173J. Gordon's Germany, 798Q. Harper's Index [Revolutionary], i64oJa. James' Military Occurrences, 283-4H. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Letters and Essays [and Christianity], 1013H. Levi's International Law, 399R. Mahon's Spain, 452H. Mallet's Northern Antiquities, 1008M. Maxwell's British Victories, 278O. Napier's Peninsula War, 261-6H. Once a Week [Use of Bal- loons in], v. 23, 2283J. Percy Anecdotes, 92CZ. Pike's Crime in Eng- land, 307-8H. Robert's York and Lancaster, 314-5H. Seeley's Eng- land [and Commerce], 1515O. Smith's Wealth of Nations, 1027-8F. Snodgrass' Burmese War, 475H. Sunday at Home, v. 13, 2863J. Thiers' French Revolution, 376-9H. Timbs' Works [Operations of], 854Z. Turko-Russian War, 450B. Leisure Hour [War Office], v. 18, 2628J. Nineteenth Century [War Office], v. 24, 2234J. Grant's (U. S.) Memoirs, 602-3F. Wolfe (J.) Life of, 581F. New Review [and Commerce], v. 1, 3351J. Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L. Wellington, Napoleon. Names of Commanders, Countries, &c. "Warbeck (Perkin Pretender to the Throne, hanged 1499). See Green's English People, 190H. Knight's England, 148H, &c. "Warburton (E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Warburton (G.), Hochelaga, or England in the New World, a Work on Canada. 1854 7^7Q [820] WAR ENGLISH SECTION. WAR Wartmrton (Geoffrey Egerton), Names and Synonyms of British Plants, Collating the Nomenclature of the London Catalogue, English Botany, Babington's Manual, &c, and a list of Authorities for Plant Names. 1889 1888Z Warburton (Mr.), Treatise on the History, Laws and Customs of the Island of Guernsey. 1822 41 ill Warburton (W., Bishop of Gloucester, b. 1698, d. 1779), D.D., Divine Legation of Moses Demonstrated, with some Account of the Author, by Bishop Hutd, 3 vols. 1846 4335^ See also Keble's Papers and Reviews [Unpublished Papers ofJ, 1203H. Ward (Artemus [C. F. Browne], American Humourist, b. 1836, d. 1867). See Haweis' Humourists, 482O. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &C Ward (A. W.), Chaucer [English Men of Letters]. 1879 1061O Dickens [English Men of Letters]. 1882 1066O Dickens [Manchester Science Lectures]. 1870 45 2 ^ The Counter Reformation [Epochs of Church History] 256T W"ard (C. A.). See Notes and Queries, Seventh Series, v. 7, 1099 J. Ward (E.), Boys and their Rulers, or what we do at School. 1854... 1151R Ward (Mrs. Harriet), The Cape and the Kaffirs, a Diary of Five Years' Residence in Kaffirland. 1851 43 I T See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Ward (Mrs. Humphrey), Tr., Amiel's Journal, the Journal Intime of Henri-Frederic Amiel, 2 vols. 1885 483-4O See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Ward (H. M.), Timber and some of its Diseases 2128R Ward (J.)- See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Ward (Mrs. Maria), Female Life among the Mormons, illus. 1855.. 1600R Ward (R. P., Novelist, b. 1765, d. 1846). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Ward (S. H.), M.D., Natural History of Mankind, illus. 1851 612Q 'Ward (T., Poet, b. 1652, d. 1689). See Griswold's Poets of America, 463D, &c. Ward (Thomas H.), Ed., Reign of Queen Victoria, 2 vols. 1887.... 145-6H Ward (Mrs. T. H.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Ward (Hon. Mrs.), The Microscope, illustrated. 1880 uiR The Telescope, a Familiar Sketch, coloured plates. 1879 421R Wardlaw (G.), M.A., The Leading Christian Evidences, and the Principles on which to estimate them. 1870 S J 4^ Wardlaw (R., Scottish Congregational Divine, b. 1779, d. 1853), D.D., Christian Ethics [Congregational Lectures]. 1852 .... 105M Systematic Theology, edited by J. R. Campbell, M.A. 1856 ... 256-8A Wardrobes. See Art at Home Series, 963M. Furniture, &c. Ware (H.). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. W*are (Mrs. H.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Ware (H. G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. Ware (J. R.), Ed., Famous Centenarians, upwards of 200 persons who have lived to be 100 years old 1295O Ware (Samue Hibbert b. 1782, d. 1848), M.D. See Academy, v. 24, R.L. Ware (W.), Letters of Lucius from Palmyra, or Zenobia. 1853 652Z Rome and the Early Christians. 1855 623Z See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Waring (G.), M.A., and Bosworth (J.), D.D., The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels in Parallel Columns, with Preface and Notes. 1888 669A Waring (G. E., J inr.), Draining for Profit and Draining for Health 820M Elements of Agriculture, a Book for Young Farmers. 1868 1099M and (S. M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6^oJa, &c. Warington (R., Chemist, b. 1807, d. 1874), Chemistry of the Farm. 1882 1102M [821] WAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WAS Warkworth. See Art Journal, v. 35, R.L. Northumberland, &c. Warming:, Ventilation, and Lighting, by Galton. 1884 989M and Lighting a House [Health Lectures] 1439^ Warner (A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. "Warner (Anna). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Warner (Miss A. B.). See Lothrop (Amy). Warner (C. D.), Ed., American Men of Letters, v.d. : Cooper, by Lounsbury 1040Z I Thoreau, by Sanborn 1039Q Irving, by Warner .... 1038Q and 234Z | Webster, by Scudder 1041Q See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Warner (F.), M.D., Physical Expression, its Modes and Principles 393R Warner (R.), Excursions from Bath. 1801 367K Warner (Susan). See Wetherell (Elizabeth). Warre (E.), M.A., and others, Athletics, or Physical Exercise and Recreation [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 987M Warren (C, Captain P.E.), and Wilson (Captain), Recovery of Jerusalem, Exploration and Discovery in the City and the Holy Land, illustrated. 1871 543K Underground Jerusalem and Its Exploration. 1876 887F Warren (C. F. S.). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Warren (S., Novelist, b. 1807, d. 1877), Q.C., F.R.S., Lily and the Bee, an Apologue of the Crystal Palace. 185 1 560T Miscellanies, Critical, Imaginative and Juridical, 2 vols. 1855 IJ.31-2R See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Warren-Horne (E. T.). See Mathew's History of Music, 943D, &c. Warrington. See Quekett's Reminiscences, 651F, &c. Warriors, Female, by Clayton, 2 vols. 1879 643-4O Warsaw, City of. See Alison's Europe, 122-33O. Temple Bar, v. 10, 1340 J. Russia, &c. Warter (J. W., b. 1806, d. 1878), D.D., Ed., The Doctor, &c, by Southey. 1848 1111H wSouthey's Common-place Book, 4 vols. 1876 1 107-0H Warton(T., Poet Laureate, b. 1728, d. 1798). See Dana's Household Book of Poetrv, 476D. Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 927O, &c. Warwick and Warwickshire [Black's Guides]. 1887 1902Z History of, by Tim mins. 1889 1413H See also All the Year Round [Chronicles of], v. 54, 1814J. Freeman's Nor- man Conquest, 204H, &c. Warwick (J. Dudley, Earl of). See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 321H, &c. Warwick (Thomas De Beauchamp, Earl of)- See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 321H. Burke's Peerage, 170D, &c. Warwick (Earls of). See Robert's York and Lancaster, 314-5H. Burke, &c. Wash. (The). See Cassell's Family Magazine [In the Wash], v. 15, 2364J. Wasnburne(E B., American Ambassador to France, b. 1816), LL.D., Recollections of a Minister to France [1869-77], ill. 1887... 232-3D W ashing. See Leisure Hour Magazine [Washing made Easy], v. 37, 2647J, &c. Washington, Metropolis of the United States. See Campbell's White and Black, 494H. Dixon's White Conquest, 493H. Macmillan [City of], v. 54, 1074J. Olmsted's Slave States, 729K. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Sunday at Home [and Chicago], v. 27, 2877J. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. United States, America, &c. Washington (George, First President of the United States, b. 1732, d. 1799), Life of, by Irving, 4 vols. 1859 780-3R 2 vols. 1840 274-5Z Written by Himself, edited by Upham, 2 vols. 1856 1027-8O and Monk, Historical Studies, by Guizot. 1851 287T See also Austin's Massachusetts, 511H. Bryce's American Commonwealth, 517-8H. Chambers' Miscellany, 626R. Century [in New York in 1789], v. 37, 1887J. Eggleston's United States, 421H. Knight's Eng- « land, 152-3H. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 19, 2629J. Mahon's History of England, 216-9O. Mothers of Great Men and Women [Mother of], 682F. Rimmer's Old Country Towns [Washington Family], 1349R. United States, America, &c. [822] WAS ENGLISH SECTION. WAT Wasps, Ants and Bees, by Lubbock. 1882 101R See also Cooke's Woodlands, 622Q. Half Hours in the Tiny World, 567Q. Jesse's Gleanings, 579Q. Jones' Bermuda, 823F. Lindsay's Mind in the Lower Animals, 711-2F. Nature [Carnivorous], v. 30, 2690J. Science Gossip, v. 1, 2411J ; v. 3, 2411J ; v. 8, 2413J ; v. 10, 2414 J. Silver Wings and Golden Scales [and Hornets], 748F. Entomology, &c. Waste. See Quarterly Review, v. 168, 1298J, &c. "Waste-pipe. See Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Sanitation, &c. W"astell (§.)• See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Wat Tyler. See Tyler (Wat). Watch and Clock-making, by Reid. 1826 193D Watches and Clocks, Curiosities of, from the Earliest Times, by Wood. 1866 836D See also English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Leisure Hour [and how to use them], v. 9, 2619J. Timbs' Inventions, 258R. English Mechanic [a Mysterious Watch], v. 50, 1050D. Clocks, Horology, &c. Watch.-Dog, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 662Q. Dogs, &c. WATER, Air and Disinfectants, by Hartley [S.P.C.K.] 1435^ and its Teachings, by Morgan. 1882 815Z — 1 Water-supplies and Unfermented Beverages, by Attfield. 1884 992M Bitter Waters,' B Health Resorts of Hungary and Austria, by Rae... 940K Drops of, their Marvellous and Beautiful Inhabitants, by Catlow, coloured illustrations. 1851 57°Q Forms of, by Tyndall. 1885 351R Plain Words about, by Church [South Kensington Handbooks]... 1046M See also Brown's Science for All, 626B. Chambers' Papers for the People [Supply of Towns], 917H ; Journal, v. 6i, 1961J. Deschanel's Natural Philosophy, 825D. Eassie's Healthy Houses, &c. [Water Supply], 991M. English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D ; v. 47, 1047D. Fortnightly [the London Supply], v. 51, 2T41J. Gardner's Sanitary Science, 941K. Giberne's Ocean of Air, 2123R. Good Words [Life in a Drop of], v. 5, 2175J. Half Hours in the Tiny World [Life in], 567Q. Higgins Philosopher, 720Q. Household, The, 1096F. Leisure Hour [and Washing], v. 27, 2637J. Man and his Maladies, 939K. Moorman's Mineral Waters, 827M. National Miscellany, 1036H. Palgrave's Arabia [Water Supply], 585-6K. Reclus' Phenomena [Circulation of , 803F. Scribner's Monthly [its Ways and Uses], v. 2, 1852J. Smith's Foods, 380R. Somerville's Microscopic Science, 110R. Sunday at Home, v. 33, 2833J. Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Temple's India [Water Supply], 486K. Tyndall's Heat, 509R. Ure's Dictionary [Mineral, &x.], 8-9D. English Mechanic [Weight of], v. 50, 1050D. Food, &c. Water-Babies, A Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby, by Kingsley. 1889 1963R Water-Colours. See Ellis' Sketching from Nature, 1067M. Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Art, Painting, &c. Water Cure in Chronic Disease, by Gully. 1846 916K See also Hydropathy, Medicine, &c. Waterfalls. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Hutching's Scenes of Wonder, 721K. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Sunday at Home [and Waterways], v. 3,4, 2884J, &c. Water Hen, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 655Q. W"ater-Meter. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D. Water-Raising by Hydraulic and other Machines, by Ewbank 830 Water- Spirits. See Keighley's Fairies, &c, 1009M. Fairies, &c. Water-SpoutS. See Boy's Own Annual [and the Whirlpool], v. it, 2g5iJ. Household Words, v. 9, T749J. Lardner's Lectures [and Whirlwinds 756D. Nature, v. 25, 2685}, &c. Water- Wheel, The. See Brown's Science for All, 62763, &c. Waterford. >">> I74§), D.D., Logick, or the Right Use of Reason. 1801 605H The World to Come. 1815 185K Poems, Life by Southey [British Poets]. 1864 497Q Poetical Works, and Life by Johnson [Bell's Poets of Great Britain], 3vols. 1807 344-6Z Life and Correspondence of, by Milner. 1858 55°F See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Jones' Poets, 662M. Stoughton's Religion in England, 96M. Sunday at Home, v. 6, 2856J ; v. 21, 2871J, &c. W"atts (Theodore). See Athenaeum, 1882 [pp. 432 and 529], R.L. "Waugh. (A.). See Hood's Preachers, 541M, &c. Waverley Anecdotes, illustrative of Scott's Novels and Romances... 1259-60Z Novels. See Bagehot's Studies, 864H. Scott (Sir W.) Fiction Class List, &c. Waves. See Deschanel's Natural Philosophy [Wave-lengths], 827D. Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807F. Hartwig's The Sea and itt Living Wonders, 757F. Williams' Science in Short Chapters [Throwing Oil on the], 502 and 537R. Sea, Ocean, &c. W"ax. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. "Wax-flowers, &c. See Young Lady's Book, 983M. Ure's Dictionary, 7D, &c. Waxwork Humanity. See Chambers' Journal, v. 58, 1958J, &c. Waxworks. See Tussaud (Madame). Way to Fortune, Essays, Anecdotes, &c 520T Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages [Fourteenth Century], by Jusserand, illustrated. 1889 1925R Wayland (F.), D.D., Ed., Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. 1334-5O Waymarks for Little Feet, by Wallace. 1866 170T [825] WEA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WEB "Wealden Fossils, &c. See Mantell's Geology, 724-5Q. Weale (J., Publisher, b. 1791, d. 1862), Ed., Measures, Weights, and Moneys of all Nations, by Woolhouse [Weale Series] 516T Weale'S Rudimentary Series, V.D. : Algebra, by Haddon. 1867 713Q Architecture, by Garbett. 1850 351T Book-keeping, by Haddon. 1854 706Q Calculus, Integral, by Hann. 1850 709Q Drainage of Towns and- Buildings, by Dempsey. 1849 598T Electricity, by Harris. 1848 7i 2 Q Euclid, by Law, 2 vols, 1862 714Q Foundations and Concrete Works, by Dobson. 1872 344T Limes, Cements, Mortars, &c, by Burnell. 1872 345T Magnetism, by Harris. 1850 707Q Masonry and Stonecutting, by Dobson. 1849 350T Masting and Rigging, by Kipping. 1866 705Q Mathematical Instruments, by Heather. 1851 710Q Measures, Weights and Moneys of all Nations, by Woolhouse. 1872 516T Mensuration, by Baker. 1859 708Q Pneumatics, by Tomlinson. 1848 7 I 5Q Statics and Dynamics, by Baker. 1851 7 IX Q Telegraph, The, by Bond. 1862 358T Wealth and Population of United States, by Tucker. 1843 1039F of Nations, by A. Smith, 3 vols. 1806 1026-8F Science of, by A. Walker. 1866 1025F See also Century [Christianity and], v. 6, 1878 J. Fortnightly Review [and the Working Classes], v. 47, 2137J. George's Progress and Poverty, 1023F. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1908R:'.. Malthus' Population, 1094F. Riches, &c. Weapons. See Boutell's Arms, &c, 366O. Boy's Own Annual [Strange, and stranger ways of using them], v. 4, 2954J. Names, e.g., Swords, Guns. Weasel, The. See English Illustrated [and his Family], v. 1, 1991J ; v. 5, 1995J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 660Q. Wood's Lane and Field [and Stoats], 624Q. Natural History, &c. WEATHER, a Popular Exposition, by Abercromby. 1888 548R Elementary Meteorology, by Scott, illustrated. 1883 455 R Folk-Lore, by Svvainson. 1873 896M Sec also Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 843K. All the Year Round [Old- Fashioned], v. 50, i3ioJ. Brand's Antiquities [Omens], 1007M. Brown's Science for All [Telegraphy], 627B ; [Forecasts], 629B. Good Words [and Morals], v. 22, 2192J ; [Watching the, on Ben Nevis], v. 23, 2193J. Guernsey Magazine, v. 17, 2397J. Herschel's Familiar Lectures [and Weather Prophets], 689Q. Hone's Every-Day Book [Prognostication], 934F. Lardner's Lectures, 756D. Leisure Hour [Forecasts], v. 26, 2636J ; [Weather Charts and Storm Warnings], v. 27, 2637J. Nature [Weather- Forecasting], v. 41, 2701J. Once a Week [Our Progress in Weather Knowledge], v. 28, 2288J. Poole's Index, R.L. Science Gossip [Notes on], v. 18, 2420J ; v. 24, 2423J. Scribner's Monthly [Weather Telegrams and Storm-Forecasts], v. 1, 1851J. Timbs' Works [Weather- Wisdom], 851Z. Ure's Dictionary [Weather Charts], 9D. Meteorology, Climate, &c. Weathercocks. See Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q, &c. Weatherley (G.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Weaving (Who were the First Weavers?). 1869 ... 568Q [A work on Silkworms, &c] See also Capital and Labour [Weavers], 1115F. Quiver, v. 30, 3300J. . Ure's Dictionary [by Electricity], 8D, &c. Webb (J. and W. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Webb (Mrs. J. B.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. "Webb (Captain M., Famous Siuimnier across the Channel, drowned at Niagara Falls, 1888). See Boy's Own Annual, v. 5, 2955J, &c. Webb (T. W.), M.A., Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes. ... 640Q Optics without Mathematics [S. P. C.K.] 716Q The Sun, a Familiar Description of his Phcenomena, ill. 1885... 426R Webber (C. W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [826] WEB ENGLISH SECTION. W£L Weber (K. M. Von, German Musical Composer, b. 1786, d. 1826), by Benedict [Great Musicians] 1216O See also Naumann's Music, 929D. Rockstro's History of Music, 533H. Tytler's Musical Composers, 860O, &c. W"eber (V., German Poet-,fl. in Fifteenth Century). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, S:c. Webster (A. D.), British Orchids, illustrated 199R Webster (D., American Statesman and Orator, b. 1782, d. 1852), Great Orations of. 1853 J.35F Webster (D.), Private Correspondence of, edited by F. Webster, 2 vols. 1857 620-1B See also Century Magazine, v. 1, 1873J. Harper [Personal Recollections of], v. 64, 1644J, &c. Webster (Noah, American Lexicographer, b. 1758, d. 1843), by Scudder [American Men of Letters]. 1883 1041Q and 310T Wedderburn (Sir David), Life of, by his Sister 60F Wedding Days. See Family Friend, 711R, &c. "Wedding Ring. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005-6M, &c. "Weddings. See Hone's Year Book, 937F. Lovett's Norwegian Pictures, 329B. Sketches and Essays [and Wedding Presents], 1087 R. Temple Bar [A Humorous Sketch], v. 5, 1335 J. Bridals, Marriage, &c. Wedgwood (G. R.), History of the Tea-cup, with a Descriptive Account of the Potter's Art, illustrated 836Z WedgWOOd (Josiah, Manufacturer of Art Pottery, b. 1730, d. 1795), Life of, with notices of his Works and their Productions, Memoirs of the Wedgwood and other Families, and of the Early Potteries of Staffordshire, by Jewitt, illus. 1865 455F See also Gladstone's Gleanings, 882Z. Marryat's History of Pottery and Porcelain [Memoir and Works], 936D, &c. Wedgwood (Julia), John Wesley and the Evangelical Reaction of the Eighteenth Century. 1870 516M Wedmore (F., Art Critic, b. 1844), Life of Honore de Balzac [Great Writers]. 1890 1270O Pastorals of France. 1877 1390R Week of Seven Days. See Contemporary, v. 50, 2060J, &c. Weeks (H.), R.A., Lectures on Art 95iL> Weevils. See Wood's Insects Abroad, 749F. Entomology, &c. Weigall (Lady R.), Memoir of Princess Charlotte, Daughter of George IV. 1874 183F Weight. See Bastian's Brain, 387R. English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Guille- min's Applications of Physical Forces [Laws of], 159D, &c. Weights, Measures and Moneys of all Nations, &c, by Woolhouse. 516T "Weights and Measures. See Nature, v. 27, 2687J. Ure's Dictionary, 8D, &c. Weimar. See Edward's Holiday Letters, 1472R. Weir (Harrison, Artist, especially for Animals, b. 1824), Our Cats 2129R Weir (Marion E.), Patience to Work, &c, a Tale 209Q Weismann (Dr. August). See Nature, v. 40, 2700J, &c. Weiss (C), French Protestant Refugees, translated by F. Hardman. 3T4A Weisse (J. A.), M.D., The Obelisk and Freemasonry according to the Discoveries of Belzoni and Commander Gorringe, illus... 1113F Weisse (S.), Sark, a Sermon in Stones. See Blackwood's Magazine, v. 142, 1887 [pp. 178-198], 212J. Welby (H.). See Timbs (John). Welcker (F. C, German Scholar, b. 1784, d. 1869), Ed., Ancient Art, by Muller, translated by Leitch. 1852 893F Weld (A. G.), Sacred Palm Lands, or the Journal of a Spring Tour [Egypt and Palestine]. 1881 1692R [827] WEL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WER Weld (C. R., Assistant Secretary to Royal Society, b. 1813, d. 1 869), Florence, the new capital of Italy. 1867 1425R History of the Royal Society, 2 vols 666-67D Welldon (J. E. C, Headmaster of Harrow School, b. 1854), Tr., Politics of Aristotle, with Analysis and Critical Notes. 1888 788M "Wellesley (Arthur). See Wellington (Duke of). Wellesley (Richard Cowley, Marquis, Statesman, b. 1 760, d. 1842), Life of, by Malleson 61F WELLINGTON (Duke of, Field Marshal and Statesman, b. 1769, d. 1852), by Hooper [English Men of Action]. 1889 1468O Characteristics apart from his Military Talents, by Earl De Gray. 1853 551F His Character, Writings, &c. , by Maurcl. 1 853 972Q Life of, by Browne [S. P. C.K.]. 1856 970Q Clarke, 2 vols S52-3F Memoir [from The Times of September 15-16, 1852] ...1029O and 1273R Notes of Conversations with [1831-1851], by Stanhope 62F Public and Private Life, by Browne. 1888 1409O Victories of, by Maxwell. 1852 278O See also Adam's England at War, 198H ; Great Campaigns, 47H. Alison's Europe, 123-46O. Blackwood [Military Errors of], v. 6, R.L. Cassell's India, 228D. Creasy's Etonians, 1420O. Croker Papers, 200-2F. Every Boy's Annual, 1886, 1305H. Ewald's Statesmen, 472F. Frith's Re- miniscences, 615F. Harris' Radicals, 1106F. Hayward's Statesmen, 248F. Knight's England, 151-4H. Leisure Hour, v. 1, 261 1 J. Len- nox's Celebrities, 1014 and 1016H. Lyndhurst, 696F. McCarthy's History of Our Own Times, 193-6H. Martineau's Thirty Years' Peace, 449B. Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 93F. Napier's Correspond- ence, 273H. Poole's Index, R.L. Quiver, v. n, 3281J. Thornton's Foreign Secretaries, 208 and 209H. Torrens' Memoirs of Viscount Melbourne, 385-6F. Walpole's Lord Russell, 609-10F. Wall's Good Queen's Reign, 440O. Murray's Magazine, v. 5, 1465J. Greville Memoirs, &c. . Wells. See Gardner's Sanitary Science, 941K. Sunday at Home [of the Bible], v. 31, 2881J. Teale's Dangers to Health, 920K. Water, &c. Wells (D. A.) and Bliss (G.), Junr., Eds., Annual of Scientific Dis- covery, Exhibiting the most Important Discoveries and Improvements in Mechanics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Meteor- ology, Botany, Geology, Antiquities, &c. 1850 498 R Wells (J. W.), F.R.G.S., Exploring and Travelling Three Thousand Miles through Brazil, from Rio De Janeiro to Maranhao, ill. 813-4K Wells (R.), Pastrycook and Confectioner's Guide for Hotels, Res- taurants, &c. 1889 998M Wells (W. V.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i6 4 oJa. Welsh,. See Wales. Wendover (Roger de). See Roger de Wendover. Went worth (Thomas, Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, b. 1593, beheaded 1641), Life of, by Cooper, 2 vols. 1874 ... 555-6F See also Gardiner's History of England, 461-5O. Strafford (Earl of), &c. Wentworth Papers [1705-1739], and a Memoir of Thomas Went- worth, Earl of Strafford, by Cartwright. 1883 554F Werewolves. See All the Year Round, v. 52, 1812J, &c. Werne (F.), African Wanderings, or an Expedition from Sennaar to Taka, Basa, and Beni-Amer, translated by Johnson [Travellers' Library]. 1852 416T and 1269R Werner (A. G,, German Mineralogist, b. 1750, d. 1817). See Jardine's Natura- lists' Library, 672Q, &c. Werner (E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. [828] WER ENGLISH SECTION. WES "Werner (F. L. Z., German Dramatic Poet, b. 1768, d. 1823). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Wesley (C, Methodist Preacher, brother of John Wesley, b. 1708, d. 1788). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Quiver [in Marylebone], v. 30, 3300J ; [and Sarah], v. 21, 3291 J. Wesley (John, Founder of Methodism, b. 1703, d. 1791), A.M., Compendium of Natural Philosophy, edited by Mudie [Family Library], 2 vols. 1836 1661-2Z Epistles of the Apostolical Fathers, &c. 1845 227Q Journal of, 4 vols. 1864 179-82M Sermons on Several Occasions, 4 vols 1779-82Z with Life of the Author, 3 vols. 1838 622-4M The New Testament, with Explanatory Notes 5*5^ Works of, 16 vols, 1809-13 : Vol. 1.— Account of his Family, and the Early Part of his Life. Journals, from 1735 to 1739 603A Vol. 2. — Journals, 1739 to 1749 '. 604A Vol. 3. — Journals, 1749 to 1760 605A Vol. 4. — Journals, 1760 to 1770 606A Vol. 5. — Journals, 1770 to 17S4 •_ 607A Vol. 6. — Journals, 1784 to 1790. Particulars of his Death. Plain Account of the Methodists, &c 608A Vols. 7-1 1. — Sermons and Tracts ^ . . 609-13A Vol. 12. — Appeals to Men of Reason and Religion. Answers to Mr. Church. Letters 614A Vol. 13. — Letters. Tracts on Polemical Divinity 615A Vol. 14. — Doctrine of Original Sin. Predestination, &c 616A Vol. 15. — Essays and Letters on various Subjects 617A Vol. 16. — Letters and Tracts on various Subjects and index 618A (and C), Poetical Works, 13 vols. 1868 754-66M Ed., History of Henry, Earl of Moreland. 1 81 5 408F and the Evangelical Reaction of the Eighteenth Century, by Wedgwood. 1870 516M by Green 276Z Letters to, by Hervey. 1790 636M Life of, and the Rise and Progress of Methodism, by Southey, edited by Atkinson. 1889 14370 by Southey. 1864 1030O Telford. 1886 1283O and Times of, by Tyerman, 3 vols. 1871 559-61F The Living Wesley, as he was in his Youth and Prime, by Rigg. 1031O Wesley's Designated Successor, the Life, Letters, &c, of J. W. Fletcher, by Tyerman. 1882 563F Wesley his own Biographer, Illustrations of his Labours, &c, from his Journals and Letters, with an Introduction, by Rowe. 1871 617H See also Crookshank's Methodism in Ireland, 669-71A. Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 26F. Epochs of Church History, 257T. Over- ton's Revivals, 430M. Stevens' Methodism, 507A. Stoughton's Re- ligion in England, 97M. Sunday at Home [Visit to the Grave of], v. 1, 2851 J ; v. 10, 2860J; [as an Evangelist], v. 32, 2882J. Watson's Works [Life of], 24M. Wilson's Dissenters, 188-91K, &c. Wesley (Samuel, Poet, Father 0/ above, b. 1662, d. 1735). See Stoughton's Re- ligion in England, 96M, &c. Wesley (Samuel, Poet, Son of above, b. 1692, d. 1739), Poems on Several Occasions. 1743 333Q Wesley (Susanna, Mother of John and Charles Wesley), by Clarke [Eminent Women Series]. 1886 H34O Biography of, by Kirk 1297O and 1013Q [829] WES GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WES "Wesley. See also Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682 F. Saturday Review [Mother of the Wesleys], v. 62, R.L., &c. Wesley Family, by Clarke, 2 vols. 1836 911-2R — Memorials of the, including Biographical and Historical Sketches of all the Members of the Family, and a Genealogi- cal Table of the Wesleys for more than Nine Hundred Years, by Stevenson. 1876 562 and 697F — See also Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 168H. Sunday Magazine [Mother of the], v. 2, 2452J ; [and their Hymns], v. 5, 2455J, &c, Wesley an-Methodist Polity and History, &c, by Gregory. 1888 1232M W"esleyans. See Stoughton's Religion [1800-80], 98M. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Quiver [Wesleyan Methodist Conference], v. 32, 3302 J. Methodism, Dissenters, &c. West, The. See All the Year Round [Gambles in], v. 20, T780J. America, &c. West End [London], A Saunter Through the, by Leigh Hunt. 1861 1337R WEST INDIES, A Christmas in the, by Kingsley. 1889 1967R and Spanish Main, by Trollope. 1867 1646R by Eden. 1880 405T Chronological History of, by Captain Southey, '3 vols. 1827 484-6 1 1 English in the, by Froude, illustrated. 1888 834K Negroes of the. 1819 806Q Six Months in the [1825], by Coleridge 682 and 1658Z &c, edited by Bates [Stanford's Compendium]. 1885 851K Twelve Months in the West Indies, by Madden. 1835 1647-8R West India Pickles, Diary of a Cruise through the West Indies in the Yacht josefi/iine, byTalboys, illustrated. 1876 1743Z ■ 1 ■ See also Alison's Europe, 141-46O. Brown's Countries of the World, 161D. Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 786K. Girl's Own Annual, v. 4, 2554J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [A Midsummer Trip to the], v. 77, 1657J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Kingsley's At Last, 1714R. Kim- bal's Cubans, 1638R. Living Age [Possessions of Great Britain in], v. 15a, 3T89J. Lome's Trip, 1642R. Madden's Cuba, 1637R. Martin's British Colonies, 472B. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. Poole's Index, R.L. Quarterly Review [British, and the Sugar Bounties], v. 158, 1288J. Stanford's Compendium, 851K. Tyng's Havana, Cuba, &c, 1643R. Westminster Review [The Future of the], v. 130, R.L. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. Also Names, e.g., Cuba, Jamaica, &c. West (B., American Historical Painter, b. 1738, d. 1820), R.A., Life and Studies of, by Gait. 1817 564F West (E. W.), Tr.i Midler's Sacred Books of the East, vol. 5 563A West (Gilbert, Poet and Translator, b. 1706, d. 1756), Observations on the History and Evidences of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1749 1268M Poetical Works, and Life by Johnson. 1807 381Z and 472Z and others, Tr., Odes of Pindar, 2 vols. 1810 1765-6Z West (T.), Half-Hours with the Microscope, illustrated 636c ) Westall (W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. WestCOtt (T.), Life of J. Fitch. 1857 6460 Western Australia. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5 H. W"estern Barbary. See Barbary. Western Islands of Scotland, including the Isle of Man, by Mac- culoch, 2 vols. 1819 376-7K Western Islands. See Azores. Western Lands and Western Waters, by Gerst'acker, illustrated. 1864 715K Western World, United States [Lard. Cab. Cyclo.], 2 vols. 1830 742-3T [830] WES ENGLISH SECTION. WHA Westgarth. (W.), Australia, its Rise, Progress and Present Condi- tion. 1861 1651R . Half a Century of Australian Progress, a Personal Retrospect ... 141 ill "Westminster. See English Illustrated [Westminster School], v. 4, 1994J. Free- man's Norman Conquest, 202-5H. Living Age [Fabric of], v. 161, 3191J. Loftie's London, 252O. Pike's Crime in England, 307H, &c. Westminster Abbey, by Stoughton [Sunday at Home], vol. 23 ... 2873T Historical Memorials of, by Stanley. 1868 35§K See also Contemporary Review [The Future of], v. 54, 2064J. Harper's Monthly [Share of America in], v. 76, 1656J. Nineteenth Century, v. 25) 2235J. Old Sights with New Eyes, 1754R. Quiver [Notes on], v. 12, 3282J. Sunday at Home, v. 9, 2859J. Twining's Symbols, 507M. "Westminster Hall. See Harper's Monthly, v. 69, 1649J, &c. "Westminster Review. This Review will be found in the R.L. "Westphalia Secret Tribunals. See Secret Societies, 1247Z, &c. Westropp (H. M., Archceologist), Early and Imperial Rome, or Lectures on Archaeology. 1884 443R Handbook of Archaeology, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, Roman, illustrated. 1878 534R Manual of Precious Stones and Antique Gems I173M Westward by Rail to San Francisco and Back, &c, by Rae. 187 1 1599R "Westwood (J. C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. "Westwood (T.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Stoddard's Late English Poets, 687M, &c. *Weth.erell (E. [Susan Warner], American Novelist, b. 1818). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. "Weyman (Stanley J.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Weymouth as a Watering Place. 1857 I353R • See also Granville's Spas, &c, 353K. Science Gossip [a Botanical Ramble Around], v. 18, 2420 J. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K, &c. Whale, The, Whaling Voyage Round the Globe [1833- 1836], and Sketches of Polynesia, California, &c, by Bennett, 2 vols. 1840 J 835-6K See also Brown's Countries of the World [Whaling], 160D. Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q. Hart's World of the Sea, 755 and 807 F. Hart wig's The Sea and its Living Wonders, 757F. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 669Q. Koldewey's Arctic Expedition, 605B. Lamont's Arctic Seas, 674 and 675 K. Leisure Hour [Sperm], v. 4, 2614J ; [Pilot], v. 27, 2637J. Leslie's Polar Seas [Whale Fisheries], 549Z. Longman, v. 5, 895 J. Nordenskiold's Voyages, 666 K. Science Gossip [and Seals of the British Seas], v. 13, 2416J. Wilson's Naturalist, 639Q, &.c. Whale (G.), Greater London and its Government, a Manual and Year Book for Electors, Citizens, Ratepayers, &c. 1888 3 2 7R "Whalley (G. H). See Lucy's Parliaments, 316-7H, &c. Wharncliffe (Lord, b. 1776, d. 1845), Ed., Letters and Works of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, 2 vols 401 -2F What Girls can do, by Browne . . 980M What is your Name ? A popular Account of the Meanings and Deriva- tions of Christian Names, by Moody. 1863 1205R What to do? by Tolstoi. [1890] 2022R What We Saw in Australia, by Hill. 1875 l6 53^ What We Saw in Egypt [R.T.S.] 662Z Whateley (Miss E. J.), English Synonyms. 1880 551T The High Priesthood of Christ 344T See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. "Wkately (Miss M. L.). See Fiction Class List following the Gener; Whateley (Richard, Archbishop of Dublin, b. 1787, d. iS63),"D.D., Elements of Logic. 1840 a^vvV^Nw 4? "606H Elements of Rhetoric. 1877 .•«.........-/.. 240K. Essays on the Christian Religion. 1831 .... r 475A ""•' fifL-tf WHA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WHI Whateley (Richard), Life and Correspondence of, by E. Jane Whateley, 2 vols. 1866 565-6F See also Leisure Hour, v. 13, 2623J ; 19, 2629J. Quiver, v. 10, 3280J. Sun- day at Home, v. 11, 2861J, &c. Wheat Plant, by Klippart, illustrated, i860 136R See also Alison's Europe, 140-6O. Contemporary [Waste in Crops], v. 49, 2059J. English Illustrated Magazine [Walks in the Wheatfields], v. 4, 1994J. McCulloch's British Empire, 71 iH. Rogers' Work and Wages, 1102F. Stanford's Compendium [Markets], 850K. Vegetable Sub- stances, 609Q. Corn, &c. Wheatley (H. B.), F.S.A., A Handbook of Art Industries in Pottery and the Precious Metals, illustrated. 1886 932D How to Catalogue a Library [Book-Lovers' Library]. 1889 1903Z Samuel Pepys and the World he Lived in. 1880 908O Ed., Every Man in his Humour, by Jonson. 1877 1261Z Wheaton (H.). LL.D. and Crichton (A.), LL.D., Scandinavia, Ancient and Modern, being a History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, 2 vols. 1838 385-6T and 640-lZ Wheatstone (Sir C, Physicist, b. 1802, d. 1875). See Jean's Electricians, 1285O, &c. Wheelbarrows. See Agriculture, Farming, Mining, &c. Wheeler (G.J, Choice of a Dwelling 940M Homes for the People, in Suburb or Country, Villas, Mansions, &c. 1855 941M Wheeler (J. T.), Analysis and Summary of Herodotus. 1883 797M Madras versus America, a Handbook of Cotton Cultivation 1104M "Wheels. See English Mechanic, v. 46-7, 1046-7D, &c. Wheelwright (C. A.), Tr., Pindar [Family Classical Library]....... 1117Q Whelk. See Buckley's Life, &c, 106R. Half Hours in the Deep, 566Q. Shell- fish, Mollusca, &c. W"helpley (J. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. "WhelptOIl (E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Where there's a Will there's a Way ! Naturalists in Humble Life, by Cash. 1873 676T Whetham (J. W. Boddam), Pearls of the Pacific, illustrated. 1876 796K Whewell (W., Mathematician, b. 1794, d. 1866), D.D., Astronomy and General Physics, considered with reference to Natural Theology. 1833 728Q History of the Inductive Sciences, 2 vols. 1882 767-8I) Account of his Writings, by Todhunter 64F Life and Correspondence of, by Douglas. 1881 567F See also Stallo's Modern Physics, 389R, &c. Whichcote (B., b. 1610, d. 1683), D.D. See Barry [s Theology, 828O, &c. _ "WhigS, The. See Alison's Europe, 140-44O. Edinburgh Review [Position of [1882], v. 155, 515J. Green's English People, 191-2H. Harris' Radi- cals [Whig Party], 1106F. Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 167 H, &c. Whims and Oddities. See Hood's Works, v. 5, 765R, &c. "WMlipple (E. P.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. ^Vhirlpools. See Boy's Own Annual [and Waterspouts], v. 11, 2961J. Brown's Science for All [and Whirlwinds], 626B. Penny Magazine, v. 8, 146B. Whirlwinds. See Winds, Meteorology, &c. W"hisky. See Thudichum's Alcoholic JDrinks, 986M. Ure's Dictionary, 9D, &c. Whist, Easy Whist, by Aquarius. 1884 1853Z Laws and Principles of, by Cavendish. 1868 1530 and 1531Z Loo, and Cribbage [Crawley's Handbooks]. 1876 H45M Modern Scientific Game of, by Pole. 1870 1532Z Player, by Lieut. -Col. B . 1856 I186R Short, by Watson, and Long Whist, by Burney. 1842 1533^ Laws of, edited by Baldwin. 1864 1745^ See also Fraser [and Whist-Players], v. 79, 689J. Knowledge, from v. 1, 2581J. Time [Whist-table], v. 2, 1492J. Cards, &c. [832] WHI ENGLISH SECTION. WHI Whiston (W., Theologian, b. 1667, d. 1752), 7h, Works of Josephus, illustrated, 2 vols. 1835 64-5II Whitaker (W.), D.D., Disputation on Holy Scripture. 1849 233A "Whitby. See Macquoid's About Yorkshire, T350R. Science Gossip [Flora of], v. 18, 2420J. Time, v. 9, 1499J, &c. White, the Colour. See Hamerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Tingry's Colourman's Guide, 1071M. Colours, &c. White and Black, The Outcome of a Visit to the United States, by Campbell. 1879 494H White Conquest, by Dixon, 2 vols. 1876 492-3H White Fields of France, Mission to the Working Men of Paris and Lyons, by Bon ar. 1879 235M White Horse, Berkshire. See Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q, &c "White House. See Century, v. 5, 1877J. Washington, &c. "White Lead. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 8D, &c. "White Mountains, The. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 63, 1643J. White, Red, Black, Sketches of Society in the United States, by Pulszky, 2 vols. 1853 1213-4R White Umbrella in Mexico, by Smith. 1889 I745R White (Andrew D.), LL.D., The Warfare of Science. 1880 522R White (Arnold), Problems of a Great City 444H White (B.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Gladstone's Glean- ings, 882Z. Mozley's Essays, 1024H. "W"hite (Fred M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. White (George), M.A., Historical Collections of Georgia. 1855 289D White (Gilbert, Naturalist, b. 1 720, d. 1793), A.M., Natural History of Selborne. 1833 631Q edited by Jesse [Bohn's Library]. 1851 41 R White (H. K., Poet. b. 1785, d. 1806), Poems, Life by Nicolas [British Poets.] 1864^ , 498Q Poetical Remains of, &c. [Jones' British Poets]. 1825 661M Remains of, and a Life of, by R. Southey, 3 vols. 1816-22 568-0F See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Jones' Poets, 661M. Leisure Hour, v. 22, 2632J, &c. White (James, Dramatist and Historian, b. 1785, d. 1862), Eighteen Christian Centuries. 1870 519M Landmarks of the History of England. 1855 140Z See also Oxley's Modern Messiahs, &c, 1254M, &c. White (John T.), M.A., and Riddle (J. E.), M.A., A Latin-Eng- lish Dictionary. 1862 171D White (R.), From Infancy to Womanhood. 1882 1133R "White (R. G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. White (T. C), M.R.C.S., A Manual of Microscopical Manipulation, for the Use of Amateurs. 1887 1789Z White (Walter, Clerk to the Royal Society), A July Holiday in Saxony, Bohemia and Silesia. 1857 1470R Londoner's Walk to the Land's End and a Trip to the Scilly Isles- 1855 1355R White (William, of Hampstead), Emanuel Swedenborg, his Life and Writings, 2 vols. 1867 186-7A Scripture Studies, or Things New and Old. 1866 520M White (W. F.), M.E.S.L., Ants and Their Ways, with Illustrations and an Appendix giving a complete List of Genera and Species of the British Ants [R.T.S.], illustrated iodR. Whitebait, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 81 iF. Timbs' Works, 855Z. Fishes, &c. Whiteboys, The. See Lecky's Eighteenth Century, 170H. Ireland, &c. W r hitechapel. See New Review, v. 1, 3351J. London, &c. 35 1*33] WHI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WID Whitecross (J.), Anecdotes illustrative of select Passages in each Chapter of the New Testament 232T of the Old Testament 231T Whitfield (G., Methodist Preacher, b. 1 7 14, d. 1 770), Portions of his Works, selected by Smith. 1850 &5Z Life of, by Tyerman, 2 vols. 1876 57 2 "3F . See also Epochs of Church History, 257T. Hood's Preachers, 541M. Over- ton's Revivals, 430M. Stevens' Methodism, 507A. Stoughton's Re- ligion in England, 97M. Wilson's Dissenters, 188-91K, &c. Whitehall. £« Cornhill [Past and Future], v. 46, 326J. English Illustrated Magazine, v. 1, 1991J, &c. Wlliteliead (C), Memoirs of Grimaldi, edited by " Boz," revised by Whitehead. 1853 285T WTlitehead (W., Poet, b. 1715, d. 1785). Sec Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 927O. New English Theatre, &c. Whitehead (W. A.), Early History of Perth Amboy [New Jersey]... 508H Whitehurst (F. M.), Court and Social Life in France under Napo- leon the Third, 2 vols. 1873 > 110-lF Whitelaw (T.), D.D. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, 619-22A. Whitgift (J., Archbishop of Canterbury, b. 1530, d. 1604), D.D., Works of, 3 vols. 1851-2-3 . 208-10A Whiting, The. See Jardine's Library, 680Q. Seeley's Fishes, 811 F. Whiting (Mary B.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. "Whitman (Walt, American Poet, b. 1819). See Nineteenth Century, v. 12, 2222J. Noel's Essays, 1039H. Stevenson's Men and Books, 640O. Universal Review, v. 6, 3326J, etc. Whitney (Adeline D. T., American Poet, b. 1825). See Fiction Class List; following the General Catalogue. 'Whitney (W. D.), Life and Growth of Language. 1885 359R Whiton (J. M.)j Ph.D., Beyond the Shadow, or the Resurrection of Life. 1885......... 638M "WTlitsuntide. See Dyer's Popular Customs, 1036F, &c. Whittier (J. G., American Poet, b. 1807), Complete Poetical Works 452D See also Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 10, 2360J. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Harper [The Quaker Poet], v. 68, 1648J. Leisure Hour [with Portrait], v. 27, 2637J ; v. 37, 2647J. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Quiver, v. 32, 3302 J, &c. Whittington (Sir Richard, Lord Mayor of London, fl. 1393-1419). See Chronicles of Newgate [Repairs Newgate], v. 1, 330D. Fox Bourne's English Merchants, 1496O. Leisure Hour, v. 10, 2620J. Loftie's London, 251O, &c. "W^hittlesea. See Rimmer's Old Country Towns, I349R. Whitty (E. W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Whitty(J.), Nineteen Sermons on various Important Subjects. IJ66-8 296-7K Who were the First Builders? [Birds, Animals, &c], illus. 1876 ... 730Z Who were the First Weavers? [Silkworms, Spiders, &c], illus. 1869 568Q Whole Duty of Man, Private Devotions, &c, by Hawkins. 1842 ... 1244M Why Do I Believe? or the Bible True and Inspired, by Patterson ... 204Q "Why we Men do Not Marry. See Temple Bar, v. 84, 1414J. Whymper (E., Artist and Alpine Traveller, b. 1 840), Ascent of the Matterhorn, illustrated. 1880 ! 410K Whymper (F.), The Sea, its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril and Heroism, illustrated, 4 vols.. 108-11D Travel and Adventure in Alaska, illustrated. 1869 ...724 and 725K Wicklow, County of, by Fraser. 1851 604Z See also Time [A Little Trip to], v. 19, 1509J. Ireland, &c. Wiclif. See Wycliffe. Wider Hope, (The), Essays on the Doctrine and Literature of a Future, by various Writers. 1890 1330H Widgeon The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 647Q. Birds, &c. [834] WID ENGLISH SECTION. WIL "Widow-Burning in India. See Chambers' Journal, v. 55, 1955 J. Hindoos, &c. "Wieland (C. M., German Poet, b. 1733, d. 18 13). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Wiesener (L.), Youth of Queen Elizabeth, [1553- 1558], edited by Yonge, 2 vols. 1879 630-1O "Wife, Advice to a, by Chavasse 1428Z Biographies of Good Wives, by Child. 1847 984Q See also All the Year Round [Wife-Selling], v. 55, 1815J. Chambers' [Sale of], v. 36, 1944J. Girl's Own Annual [Helpful Wives], v. 7, 2557J. Home Amenities, 945M. Mrs. Ellis's Family Monitor [Wives of England], 186D. Reaney's Our Daughters, 450M. Quiver [Good Wives of Great Men], v. 26, 3296 J. Stark's Life's Stages, 1252M. Thrupp's Anglo-Saxon Home [a.d. 500-1100], 345K. Marriage, &c. "Wight, Isleof, Geological Excursions, by Mantell. 1854 4o5R Picture of the, byBrannon 368K See also Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Granville Spas, 353K, &c. Wight (O. W.)j Ed., Philosophy of Sir William Hamilton, Bart 597H Wightwick (M. G.)- See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. "Wigs. See Cassell's Family Magazine [A Chat about], v. 13, 2362 J. Leisure Hour, v. 20, 2630J ; [Gossip on], v. 28, 2638 J. Hair, &c. "Wilberforce (E. ), Brazil Viewed through a Naval Glass, with Notes on Slavery and the Slave Trade [Travellers' Library]. 1856 1270R Wilberforce (R. ]., Son of William, b. 1802, d. 1857), A.M., Doctrine of Holy Baptism. 1849 545A Church Courts and Church Discipline. 1843 186K Rutilius and Lucius, or Stories of the Third Age. 1842 172T "Wilberforce (S., Bishop of Oxford, Son of William, b. 1805, killed by a fall from his horse, 1873), M.A., Four Sermons Preached before her Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria, in 184 1-2 625M Life and Correspondence of, by Ashwell and R. G. Wilber- force, 3 vols. 1880 576-8F See also Burgon's Twelve Good Men, 661F. Cox's Colenso, 621-2F. Fort- nightly, v. 39, 2129J, &c. Wilberforce (W., Philanthropist, b. 1759, d. 1 833), M.P., Pre- vailing Religious System of Professed Christians contrasted with Real Christianity, with a Memoir of the Author.. 83Q, 86, 1669Z Speech on Abolition of the Slave Trade, 13th May. 1789 1279H by S toughton. 1 880 1036O His Friends and Times, by Colquhoun. 1866 1038O Life of, by his Son, S. Wilberforce. 1868 I037O See also Adam's Good Samaritans, 278F. Knight's England, 152-4H. Poole's Index, R.L. Quiver, v. 30, 3300 J. Temple Bar [some Recollections- of], v. 83, 1413J, &c. "Wilcox (C). See Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. "Wilcox (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. "Wild Animals. See Boy's Own Annual [Adventures with], v. 1, 2951J, &c. "Wild-Cat, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 659-60Q. Natural History. "Wild Ducks. See Buckland's Curiosities, 597Q. Birds, &c. "Wild Flowers, Birds and Insects of the Months, by Adams, illus. ... 561 by Pratt, 2 vols. [S.P.C.K.], illustrated. 1857 846-7Z of the Year [R.T.S.] 842Z Our English [Boy's Own Annual, v. 8], coloured plate 2958J Season among the, by Wood 73R their Medicinal Uses, &c, by Thomson, colored illustrations.. 562Q Worth Notice, by Lankester, illustrated. 1879 75R See also Century Magazine [Visit to the], v. 12, 1884J. Girl's Own Annual [Wanderings among our], v. 3, 2553J. Flowers, Botany, &c. "Wild Fruits. See Coleman's Woodlands, 536Q. Fruits, &c. Wild Sports in the Highlands, by St. John 808Q and 1292R [835] WIL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WIL> Wild Tribes of the Soudan, by James, illustrated. 1883 653K Wild Wales, its People, Customs and Manners, by Borrow 311 II Wild. In connection with this word see Animals. Flowers, or any other subject required . Wild (Jonathan), History of, by Fielding 464X and 1795Z Sec also Chronicles of Newgate [his Career], v. 1, 330D. Wilde (Lady), Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms and Superstitions of Ireland. 1888 960F Wilde (R. H.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Gris wold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Wildermuth. (Ottilie). See Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue, &c. Wilderspin (S., Promoter of Infant Schools, b. 1792, d. 1866), Early Discipline Illustrated, or the Infant System Successful 33 iK Willielm Meister's Apprenticeship, by Carlyle. 1874 72-4T Wilkes (C, American Federal Admiral, b. 1801, d. 1877), United States Expedition, 2 vols. [Nat. Illus. Lib.]. 1852 1309-0R Voyage Round the World, embracing the Principal Events of the Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, ill. 320K Wilkes (J., Lord Mayor of London, temp. George II L), M.P., Life of, by Fitzgerald, 2 vols. 1888 1370O See also Knight's England, 152-4H. Leisure Hour [in House of Commons], v. 30, 2640J. Loftie's London, 251O. Mahon's History of England, 217-9O. Trevelyan's Life of Fox, 260F, &c. Wilkie (Sir D., Scottish Painter, b. 1785, d. 1841), by Mollett [Great Artists]. 1881 , 1114O See also Frith's Reminiscences, 6i5-6i6Fa. Wall's Good Queen's Reign, 440O, &c. Wilkins (A. S.), M.A., Greek Antiquities [History Primers]. 1878 1534Z Roman Antiquities [History Primers]. 1 879 1 535Z Wilkins (Dr. J.), Principles and Duties of Natural Religion. 1710. 521M Wilkins (W. J.), Modern Hinduism, being an Account of the Re- ligion and Life of the Hindus in Northern India. 1887 698A Wilkinson (II.), Sunny Lands and Seas, a Voyage in the S.S. Ceylon. 1883 837K Wilkinson (Sir J. G., Egyptologist, b. 1797, d. 1878), A Popular Account of the Ancient Egyptians, illustrated. 1854 1526-7R Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, illustrated. 1847 866-0F On Colour and on the Necessity for a General Diffusion of Taste among all Classes, illustrated. 1858 948D Wilkinson (W.), Outlines of Physiology, Anatomy, Surgery. 185 1 1463Z Wilks (R.). See Fitzgerald's English Stage, 337-8D, &c. Will Power, its Range in Action, by Fothergill. 1885 1228R See also Bastian's Brain, 387R. Grey's Self-Culture, 261 R. Knowledge, v. 5) 2 585.T. M'Cosh's Mind, 748A. Sunday Magazine [a Sermon to Young Men], v. 14, 2471J, &c. Willaert (A., Flemish Musical Composer). See Naumann's Music, 928D, &c. Willard (i ranees E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. William I. {the Conqueror, King of England and Duke of Nor- mandy, b. 1027, d. 1087), by Freeman [Twelve English States- men] 1391O History of, by Abbott. 1853 1442O See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 21 F. Freeman's Norman Con- quest, 201-5H. Palgrave's Normandy and England, 182H. Pike's Crime in England, 307H. Thierry's Norman Conquest, 562-4H. Eng- lish History, &c. William II. (Rufus, King of England, son 0/ above, I'. 1056, killed 1100). See Harper [Great Hall of], v. 69, 1649J. Palgrave's Normandy and Eng- land, 183H. Strickland's Bachelor Kings, 1414O. England, &c. [836] WIL ENGLISH SECTION. WIL. "William III. {Khtg of England and Prince of Orange, b. 1650, d. 1702), by Traill. 1888 1398O Letters illustrating the Reign of, edited by James, 3 vols. 1841. 77-9F See also Burton's Scotland, 336-7H. Dixon's Royal Windsor, 328H. Leisure Hour [of England, Landing at Torbay, 1688], v. 14., 2624J. May's Democracy, 38-9H. Presbyterian Church, 271A. Stoughton's Religion in England, 92-6M. England, &c. William IV. {King of England, b. 1765, d. 1837), and Caroline Von Leusingen, unpublished Love-Letters, translated by Arundel. 1026O and Victoria, Courts and Cabinets of, by the Duke of Bucking- ham, 2 vols. 1861 88-9F Life and Reign of, by Wright, 2 vols. 1837 82-3F Times of, by Fitzgerald, 2 vols. 1884 86-7F See also Alison's Europe, 141-3O. Lennox's Celebrities, 1014H. Greville Memoirs, 300-2 F. Wall's Good Queen's Reign, 440O. Walpole's Lord Russell, 609 F. England, &c. William I. {Emperor of Germany, b. 1797, d. 1888), and His Reign, by Simon, translated, 2 vols. 1886 665-6F William of Germany, a succinct Biography, by Forbes. 1888 52 1 Story of the Life of, for Boys and Girls, by Tulloch. 1888 1403O See also Adam's Great Campaigns, 47H. Leisure Hour [and the Crown Prince], v. 20, 2630J. Cassell's Franco-German War, 456-7B. Vasili's Berlin Society, 1222 R. English Illustrated [Some Recollections of], vol. 5, 1995J. Prussia, Germany, &c. William of Malmesbury's Chronicle of the Kings of England to the Reign of Stephen, edited by Giles. 1847 I03O "William of Wykeham. See Bramston's Winchester, 301O. Cunningham's Architects, 1051Q, &c. Williams (B. S.), F.R.H.S., Orchard Grower's Manual, Brief Des- criptions of upwards of Four Hundred and Forty Orchidaceous Plants. 1862 72R Williams (C), The Alps, Switzerland and North of Italy, with Directions for Travellers, illustrated. 1854 59oB Williams (C. T.), M.A., Climate of the South of France, and its Varieties most Suitable for Invalids, with Remarks on Italian and other Winter Stations. 1867 823M and 1392R Williams (D. E.), Life and Correspondence of Sir Thomas Law- rence, 2 vols. 1831 341-2F and 688-9F Williams (E. V., Judge of Common Pleas, d. 1875), Laws of Execu- tors and Administrators, 2 vols. 1856 250-1D Williams (Folkestone), Memoirs and Correspondence of Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, 2 vols in 1. 1869 i32F Williams (Frederick S.), Our Iron Roads, their History, Construc- tion and Administration, illustrated. 1883 887D Williams (G., Scholar, b. 1814, d. 1878), M.A., The Holy City, or Historical and Topographical Notices of Jerusalem. 1845... 658 A Williams (Howard), M.A., English Letters and Letter- Writers of the Eighteenth Century, with Explanatory Notes, first series 698F The Ethics of Diet, a Catena of Authorities Deprecatory of the Practice of Flesh-Eating. 1883 845M Williams (J.), A.M., Life of Alexander the Great 1066Q and 182Z Williams (Jane), History of Wales from Authentic Sources 312H Williams (John, Missionary of Polynesia, b. 1 796, killed 1839), Life of, by Ellis I493O Prout. 1843 579F See also Christian Biography, 1441O, &c. [837] WIL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WIL. "Williams (John, Archbishop of York, b. 1582, d. 1650). See Brodie's British Empire, 212-3H. Campbell's Chancellors, 776O. Dixon's H.M. Tower, 323H. Gardiner's History of England, 462-9O, &c. "Williams (J. B.),F.S. A. See Henry (Matthew). "Williams (J. Carvell). See Bicentenary Lectures, 681A. Supplement. "Williams (K. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Williams (Monier, Orientalist, b. 1819,), D.C.L., Modem India and the Indians. 1878 489K. Hinduism [S.P.C.K.]. 1878 93Q Williams (R., Vicar of Broadchalke, b. 1817, d. 1870), D.D., Life and Letters of, edited by his Wife, 2 vols. 1874 1039O Bunsen's Biblical Researches [Essays and Reviews] 66A See also Replies to Essays and Reviews, 663A. Williams (R. F.), Story of the Youth of Shakespeare. 1839 1101H. See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Williams (S. E.), Forensic Facts and Fallacies, a Popular Con- sideration of some Legal Points and Principles. 1885 288R. Williams (T.), A Dictionary of all Religions, and Religious Denom- inations. 1 823 1 87K Williams (W. M.), F.R.A.S., A Simple Treatise on Heat. 1880... 477R Science in Short Chapters. 1882 502 and 537R [Fuel of the Sun. Lunar Volcanoes. Benefits of Paraffin. Formation of Coal. Meteoric Astronomy. Barometer and the Weather. Oiling the Waves, &c] Williams ( W. M. ), Through Norway with Ladies 869K Williams (W. R.), D.D., Religious Progress, and Lectures upon the Lord's Prayer 626M Williamson (Prof. W. C, Owens College), F.R.S., Coals and Coal Plants, illustrated. 1876 1844Z See also Manchester Science Lectures, 28R, &c. Williamson (W. C). Set Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Willis (N. Parker, American Essayist, l>. 1807, d. 1867), Fun-Jot- tings, or Laughs I have Taken a Pen to 1135 and 1906R Hurry-Graphs, or Sketches of Scenery and Society [America] .. 1905R [Alboni, Poe, Irving, Lind, Married Ladies, Etiquette, Watering Places, Opera, Mayday, Railway, The Hudson, J. F. Cooper, Lover, Bulwer, Cape Cod, Delawares, &c] Inklings of Adventure, 2 vols in I. 1836 1907R Life Here and There, or Sketches of Society and Adventure at Far-Apart Times and Places. 1854 1904R [Edith Lindsey. Scenes of Fear. Incidents on the Hudson. Pedlar Karl. Niagara, Lake Ontario. The St. Lawrence. Cherokie's Threat. F. Smith. Leaves from the Heart-Book of Earnest Clay. Beauty and the Beast. Miss Tones' Son. Lady Rachel. Wigwam versus Almanacks]. People I Have Met, or Pictures of Society and People of Mark. 1850 1903R [Two Buckets in a Well. Brown's Day with the Mimpsons. Lady Ravel- gold. Beware of Dogs and Waltzing. Flirtation and Fox-Chasing. Revenge of the Signor Basil. Love and Diplomacy. The Icy Veil. Born to Love. Pigs and Chickens, &c] Prose Works. 1854 I33D- [Pencillings b}- the Way in France, Italy, Greece, Asia, Turkey and Eng- land, Adventures, Tales, &c] Rural Letters, and Records of Thought and Leisure 1134 and 1902R [Letters from under a Bridge. The Four Rivers. Open-Air Musings in the City. Invalid Rambles in Germany. Letters from Watering- Pkices. A Plain Man's Love, Sec] Trenton Falls, Picturesque and Descriptive, illustrated. 1862 1605R: See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [838] WIL ENGLISH SECTION. WIL Willis (R.), M.D., Harvey and his Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood. 1878 Z12Y "Willmets (C. L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Wlllmott (R. A., Biographer, b. 1809, d. 1863). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476 D, tSic. Willoughby (F., Naturalist, b. 1635, d. 1672). See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 648Q, &c. Willoughby (II.), Australian Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil. 1866 332B Willoughby (Lady), Diary of 75F Willow, The. See Science Gossip, v. 12, 2415J. Botany, &c. Wills of their Own, Curious Wills, by Tegg I759Z See also Beeton's Everybody's Lawyer, 324R. Byrne's Curiosities of the Search Room [Curious Wills], 923H. Cassell's Family Magazine [I must Make my Will], v. 15, 1365J. Chambers [How to Prove, in England], v. 63, 1963J. Leisure Hour [and Will-Making], v. 14, 2624J. Williams' Facts and Fallacies [and their Pitfalls], 288R. Law, &c. Wills (G. S. V.), Chemistry, Inorganic, vol 1. 1888 673D Willyams (J. L,), Chillon, or Protestants of the Sixteenth Century, an Historical Tale, 2 vols. 1845 523-4M The Waldensian Church in the Valleys of Piedmont, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, edited by Mrs. Mathe- son[R.T.S.] 522M Wilmot (Sir John Eardley,y>/^ [843] WOM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WOM WOMAN — Works relating to— (continued). Woman, the Five Talents of. 1889 996M What Girls can Do, by Browne 980M Woman's Work and Woman's Culture, by Butler. 1862 1088F Womanhood, Infancy to, by White. 1882 H33R True, Memorials of Eliza Hessel, by Priestley. 1859 710O Women Artists in all Ages and Countries, by Airs. Ellet. 1859 I045O Biographies of Good Women, by Yonge. 1876 9§5Q — — Celebrated, by James, 2 vols. 1837 829-0O Duties of, by Cobbe. 1881 979-NI * in the Reign of Queen Victoria, by Caplin 974M Lives of Noble Women, by Adams. 1881 1327O Noble Deeds of, by Starling. 1850 1311O of England, Their Habits, &c, by Mrs. Ellis. 1839 927R Europe in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, by Mrs. Higgins, 2 vols. 1885 582-3F — Fashion and Representative Women in Letters and Society, by Adams, 2 vols. 1878 1047-8O the Puritan Times, by Anderson, 2 vols. 1862 831-2O Worth, a Book for Girls, illustrated by Dickes 314T Past and Present, by Wade. 1859 I046O Political, by Menzies, 2 vols. 1875 928-9O Remarkable, as Examples for Girls, by Swaine. 1882 296T Some Eminent Women of our Times, Short Biographical Sketches, by Mrs. H. Fawcett. 1889 1487O [E. Fry, M. Somerville, M. Carpenter, C. Herschell, S. Martin, Queen Victoria, H. Martineau, F. Nightingale, M. Lamb, A. E.Jones, C. and E. Bronte, E. B. Browning, Lady Sale, E. Gilbert, J. Austen, M. Edgeworth, Queen Louisa of Prussia, D. Wordsworth, Sister Dora, Mrs. Barbauld, J. Baillie, H. More, American Abolitionists, P. Craudall and L. Mott.]. Subjection of, by Mill. 1869 1028R Two Great Englishwomen, C. Bronte and Mrs. Browning, by Bayne. 1881 . IOIoO See also Academy [Woman Question in Europe], v. 26, R.L. Adams' Englishwomen of the Victorian Era, 1282O. Arnold's Politics [Legal Position of Married Women, and Woman Suffrage], 860H. Bellair's Girls and Maidens, 984M. Bourkes' Snake Dance, &c, 717K. Brand's Antiquities, 1006-7M. Brenner's Gymnastics for Ladies, 1095F. Bryce's American Commonwealth [Posidon of], 518-9H. ^ Capital and Labour, 1115F. Chambers' [Clever Married], v. 57, IQ 57J- Chambers' Miscellany [Trials in Humble Life], 632R. Compayr^'s Pedagogy, 296R. Contemporary Review [in France], v. 5, 2015J ; [Education of], v. 7, f2oi7j ; [Powers of], v. 14, 2024J ; [Employment of, Married Women in Facfbries], v. 41, 2051 J ; [Christianity and the Equality of the Sexes], v. 46, 2056J. Cum- ming's China, 789K. Darton's Christian Women, 1310O ; Famous Girls, 1326O. Dixon's White Conquest, 492-3H. Eden's China, 813Q; Japan, 814Q. Ellet's Queens of American Society, 468F. Eminent Women Series, 11250. Escott's England and its People, ior7-8F. Fawcett's Essays [Education of], ior^F. Fortnightly Review [of Chivalry], v. 48, 2138J ; [The Enfranchisement of], v. sr, 2141J. Fraser [Education of], v. 74, 684J. Girl's Own Annual [of Intellect, Womanhood, &c], v. 3, 2553J ; [What is her Appointed Position and Work], v. 5, 2555J ; v. 6, 2556J. Gould's Germany, 363O. Grey's Self-Culture, 961R. Hack's Self-Surrender [Religious], 957O. Harper [Convicts], v. 28, 1608J. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Jameson's Mothers and Governesses, &c, 985R. Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy [Clerical], v. 1, 502 A ; Bridals, 983-4H. Lecky's Morals, 384-5M. Leisure Hour [as Physicians], v. 19, 2629 J; [Savings of], v. 34, 2644J. Living Age [Our Grandmothers], v. 171, 3201J. [844] WOM ENGLISH SECTION. WOO WOMAN — Works relating to — {continued). Longman's Magazine [Work and Wages], v. 12, 902J. Lubbock's Primitive Man, 672B. Lytton's France, 310O. Macmillan [Suffrage for], v. 30, 960J ; [Emigration for], v. 45, 975J. Mallet's Northern Anti- quities, 1008M. Malthus' Population, 1093F. Michelet's Priests, Women, &c, 411 M. Mill's Discussions [Enfranchisement of], 648H. Mrs. Ellis' Family Monitor [Women of England, Their Social Duties, &c], 186D. Nineteenth Century [and Politics], v. 19, 2229J. Nordhoffs Communistic Societies, 1045F. Peasant Properties [The Powers of Women], 2005R. Percy Anecdotes, 933Z. Pike's Crime in England, 307-8H. Quarterly [Rights of], v. 75, 1205J. Reaney's Our Daughters, 450M. Saturday Review [Hypocrisy], v. 56, R.L. Scribner's Monthly [English and American], v. 7, 1857J. Smiles' Life and Labour, 1355O. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Stap- fer's Palestine [Time of Christ], 477M. Sunday at Home [Her Glory and Greatness], v. 6, 2856J. Temple Bar [Excessive Influence of], v. 49, 1379J. Timpson's Female Biography, 5150. Williams' Forensic Facts and Fallacies [Married], 288R. Faithfull's America. Cornhill [George Meredith's Views of], v. 86, 1416J. New Review [Three Types of Womanhood], v. 1, 3351 J. Woman's World [and Democracy], v. 1, R.L. ; [Field Work for], v. 2, R.L. ; [Woman's Suffrage], v. 2, R.L. Fortnightly Review [Eastern], v. 52, 2142J ; [Women's Suffrage], v. 52, 2142J. Westminster Review [In Public Life], v. 132, R.L. 19th Century [Decline of Reserve among], v. 27, 2237J, &c. "Woman's Journey Round the World, by Pfeiffer, ill. in full. 1850... 1322R "Wombwell (Sir G., Menagerist, b. 1777, d. 1850). See Lennox's Celebrities, 1016H, &c. Wonderful Characters, by Wilson and Caulfield 1049O Wonderful Things, Ten Thousand, edited by King iniR Wonders Near Home [Natural History Rambles of Two Boys, by Houghton [R.T.S.] 731Z of Creation. 1875 809Z Nature and Art. 1828 1329H [Astronomy], by Rudolph. 1882 54°R Organic Life [R.T.S.] 737Z the Underground World, by Adams. 1878 59^Q Vegetable World. 1877 844Z World, in Nature, Art and Mind, edited by Ince, illus 325K See also any special Subject Required. Wood. See Beckman's Inventions [Floating of]) 697Q. Boy's Own Annual [Artificial], v. 5, 2955J. English Mechanic, v. 46-7, 1046-7D. Leisure Hour [Artificial], v. 30, 2640J. Mantell's Wonders of Geology [Fossil], 724-5Q. Ure's Dictionary [Preserving], 9D. limber, Trees, &c. Wood (A.), Tr., Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee, by Havard 463K "Wood. (Sir C). See Martin's Life of the Prince Consort, 93-6F. Wood (C. J.), Food and Cookery for Infants and Invalids. 1884 985M Handbook of Nursing, with a Glossary of the most Common Medical Terms 1470Z Wood (C. W., Ed. of the "Argosy''' from 1887), Under Northern Skies, illus. 1886 1766R For other works by this Author see the Argosy from v. 1, ij. W"ood (Sir E., General in Ashantee JVar, b. 1838). See Cox's Colenso, 622F. Wood (E. J.), Curiosities of Clocks and Watches from the Earliest Times. 1866 836D Wood (H.), A Season among the Wild Flowers, illustrated. 1883... 73R Wood (Mrs. Henry, Novelist and Editor of the "Argosy," b. 1820, d. 1887). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Wood (J. G., Naturalist, b. 1827, d. 1889), Common British Insects, selected from the Typical Beetles, Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain, illustrated. 1882 91R Common Objects of the Microscope, illustrated. 1864 608Q [845] WOO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WOO Wood (J. G.), Common Objects of the Sea Shore, including Hints for an Aquarium 716Z Dominion of Man over Animals 2130R Fresh and Salt-Water Aquarium, coloured illustrations. 1868... 715Z Horse and Man 2131R Insects Abroad, an Account of Foreign Insects, illustrated. 1874 749F Lane and Field [S.P.C.K.], illustrated. 1879 624Q Man and Beast Here and Hereafter, 2 vols. 1874 719-0F « Nature's Teachings, Human Inventions Anticipated by Nature... 714F Out of Doors 2132R Petland Revisited [Pet Animals], illustrated. 1884 53R Sketches and Anecdotes of Animal Life, illustrated. 1855 48R Strange Dwellings [Sunbeam Library, vol. 1]. 1882 347B — being a Description of the Habitations of Animals 56R The Boy's Own Book of Natural History, illustrated 185R Brook and its Banks [Girl's Own Annual, vol 8] 2558J Common Moths of England, coloured plates 186R Life and Work of. 1890 59F Wood (Samuel). See Everyday Heroes, 1455O, &c. Wood (Sara), Dwellers in Our Gardens [Birds, Butterflies,, &c] 1877 117R Wood (Thomas), A.M., Mosaic History of the Creation of the World, revised by Durkin. 1831 484A "Wood (T.), M.D., Primitive Inhabitants of Ireland. 1821.. 383K Wood (T.), M.E.S., Practical Lessons on Insect Life, illus. 1882.... 97R Wood-Carving, edited by Miller, illustrated II13M and Turning. See also Art Journal, v. 17 and 38, R.L. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Every Boy's Annual, 1304H. Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from v. 1, 2981-J. Rees' Home Decoration, 943M. Ure's Dictionary [Machinery], 9D. Carving, Carpentry, Joinery, &c. Wood-Engraving, Bewick and his Pupils, by Dobson. 1889 1484O See also Century Magazine, v. 3, 1875J ; v. 38, 1888J. Girl's Own Annual, v - 7> 2 557J» Hainerton's Graphic Arts, 1076M. Harper [History of], v. 64, 1 644 J. Ruskin's Works, 834 R, &c. Wood-Pigeon and Woodcocks. See Cassell's Family Magazine [Woodcocks], v. 7, 2356J. Chambers' Journal [Strange Story of a Wood Pigeon], v. 60, 1960J. Gentleman's Magazine [Plover, Woodcock and Snipe], v. 43, N.s., 763J. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 646Q. Birds, &c. Wood Leighton, or a Year in the Country, by Howitt. 1853 r 539Z Woodfall (Henry). See Knight's Old Booksellers, 1451O. Woodfall's Junius, The Letters of Junius from the latest London Edition. 1888 1139R Woodgate (W. B.) Boating, with an Introduction by Edmond Warre, D.D. [Badminton Library], illustrated. 1888 i266Ra [Amateurs Past and Present. Books on Boating. Cambridge Clubs. Eton. Henley Regatta. Chinese Junks. Oxford Regattas. Rivers and Courses. Sculling. Steering. Temple of Fame [List of Winners of Races]. Thames Preservation Act. Universities. Watermen, &c] Woodhouse (F. C), M.A., Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages. 1879 273O Woodhouselee (Lord). See Tytler (Hon. A. F.). Woodland, Moor and Stream, being the Notes of a Naturalist, edited by Owen. 1889 2126R Woodlands, The, by Cooke [S. P. C.K.], illustrated. 1879 622Q See also Longman's Magazine, v. 12, 902J. Forests, &c. Woodlark, The. See Science Gossip, v. 7, 2413J. Birds, &c. Woodpecker, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 655Q. Science Gossip, v. 2, 241 1 J. Birds, &c. Woodruff* (E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. [846] WOO ENGLISH SECTION. WOR Woods (L.), D.D., Memoirs of Mrs. Harriet Newell, wife of the Rev. Samuel Newell, American Missionary to India. 1815.. 292T "WoodvilleCF.lizabeth, Queen of Edward IV., d. 1498). See Strickland's Queens of England, 8ooO, &c. Woodward (G. E. ), Architecture and Rural Art, illustrated. 1869... 1092M Woodward (H., Comedian, b. 1717, d. 1777). See New English Theatre. Woodward (H. B.), F.G.S., Geology of England and Wales, with Notes on the Physical Features of the Country, 2 vols. 1844 6JJ-8D "Woodward (Mrs.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Woodward (S. P., Geologist, b. 1821, d. 1865), A.L.S., Manual of the Mollusca, a Treatise of Recent and Fossil Shells, with Appendix, by Tate. 1868 181R Woodworth, (S., American Poet, b. 1785, d. 1842). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Griswold's Poets of America, 468D, &c. Wool, Ancient History of. 1845 213D See also Leisure Hour [Wool Trade], v. 29, 2639J. McCulloch's British Em- pire [Woollen Manufacture], 711 H. Simmond's Animal Products, 1033M. Stanford's Compendium, 850-4K. Ure's Dictionary [Woollen Manufacture], 8-9D. Sheep, &c. Wool-work. See Girl's Book, 1257H, &c. Wool-gathering [American Humorous Sketches], by Gail Hamil- ton. 1868 968R Woolh.OH.se (W. S. B.), F.R.A.S., Measures, Weights, and Moneys of all Nations, and an Analysis of the Christian, Hebrew, and Mahometan Calendars [Weale Series]. 1872 516T Woollcombe (Lieut.-Col. J. ~Dobt£e, of Guernsey), C.B. See Sarnia [p. 102], 1416O, &c Woolsey (Miss S. C). See Coolidge (Susan), in Fiction Class List. Woolson (C. F.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Fiction Class List _ following the General Catalogue, &c. Woolwich. See Leisure Hour [Arsenal], v. 3, 2613J. Once a Week [a day at], v. 5, 2265J. Penny Magazine, v. 8, 146B. Wynter's Curiosities, 919M. Worboise (Mrs. E. J., Novelist, b. 1825), Ed., Christian World Magazine from 1872 2 4iJ See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Worcester, by Smith [Diocesan Histories]. 1883... 1842Z See also Leisure Hour, v. 21, 2631 J. All the Year Round [Chronicles of], v. 54, 1814J. England, &c. Worcester (Edward Somerset, Second Marquis of, Philosopher, b. 1601, d. 1667), Life and Scientific Labours and a Reprint of his "Century of Inventions," with notes by Dircks. 1865... 690F Word in Season, A. See Chambers' Journal, v. 59, 1959J. Word-Book of the Romany, or English Gypsy Language, by Borrow S96R Words and Phrases peculiar to the United States, by Bartlett. 1869 187D Biographies of, and the Home of the Aryas, by Max Muller 2001R On the Study of, by Trench [Humboldt Library], 2 vols 1129-0H Study of, by Trench. 1878 1118R See also Cassell's Book of Amusements [Word Puzzles], 1259H. Chambers' Journal [Lapses in], v. 60, 1960J. Dictionary of Every-Day Difficul- ties [Words made easy], 1915R. Good Words [Short Biographies of], v. 27, 2197J. Leisure Hour [and Places], v. 21, 2631J. Science of Thought, 585H. Language, &c. Words for the Heart and Life, by Morris. 1855 588M Words from the Cross and Thoughts for these Times, Sermons by Vaughan. 1875 229Q Words of Hope and Comfort to those in Sorrow. 1874 534M Words of the Apostles, by Stier, translated by Venables [Clark's Foreign Theological Library]. 1869 752A Wordsworth (Charles, Nephew of the Poet, Bishop of St. Andreius and Tutor to Mr. Gladstone, b. 1806). See Knight's Life of Wordsworth, v. 3, 299F. Saturday Review, v. 56, R.L., &c. [847] WOR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WOR "Wordsworth. (Christopher, Bishop of Lincoln, Nephew of the Poet, Brother of Above, b. 1807), D.D., Lectures on the Apoca- lypse [Hulsean Lectures, 1848]. 1849 657A On the Interpretation of Scripture [Replies to Essays and Re- views] 663A St. Hippolytus and the Church of Rome in the Earlier Part of the Third Century. 1880 535M See also Knight's Life of Wordsworth, v. 1-3, 297-9F. "Wordsworth. (J-)- See Knight's Life of Wordsworth, v. 1-3, 297-9F. Wordsworth (W., Poet Laureate, b. 1770, d. 1850), Poetical Works 512D by Myers [English Men of Letters]. 1881 1087O Life of, by Knight, 3 vols. 1889 297-9F Poems and Life [British Poets], 7 vols. 1864 : Vol. 1. — Life. The Borderers. Lucy Gray. We are Seven. The Pet Lamb. Westmorland Girl. Lament of Mary Queen of Scots. Maternal Grief. The Sailor's Mother. The Childless Father. Idiot Boy. Her Eyes are Wild, &c .• 499Q Vol. 2.— The Waterfall and the Eglantine. To the Daisy. The Wagoner. To the Cuckoo. She was a Phantom of Delight. Power of Music. Star-Gazers. Gypsies. The Thorn. To a Skylark. Wishing Gate. Peter Bell. To Sleep. Grief. Retirement. To a Snowdrop. Captivity. Mary Queen of Scots. Filial Piety. At Furness Abbey, &c ,, 500Q Vol. 3. — At the Grave of Burns. Rob Roy's Grave. The Brownie's Cell. To Toussaint L'Ouverture. Occasioned by the Battle of Waterloo. Three Cottage Girls. At Dover. The Egyptian Maid. Flowers. Stepping Stones. Whence that low Voice. In the Sound of Mull. Highland Hut. Both well Castle. Fancy and Tradition, &c 501 Q Vol. 4. — The White Doe of Rylstone. How soon, alas ! did Man created Pure. Crusaders. The Vaudois. The Virgin. Charles the Second. Aspects of Christianity in America. The Marriage Ceremony. Regrets. By the Sea-side. Mary Queen of Scots. Isle of Man. The Somnambulist. To my Sister. Fidelity. Humanity. To May. So Fair, so Sweet, withal so Sensitive. Men of the Western World! in date's Dark Book. Young England — what is then Become of Old, &c 502Q Vol. 5. — Liberty. The Gleaner. How Beautiful the Queen of Night on High. To a Child. Inscriptions. Troilus and Cressida. Epi- taphs and Elegiac Pieces, &c 5°sQ Vol. 6. — Dedication. The Wanderer. The Solitary. Despondency. The Pastor. The Churchyard among the Mountains. The Parson- age, &c 504Q Vol. 7. — Growth of a Poet's Mind. School-Time. Summer Vacation. Books. Residence in London. Residence in France. Imagina- tion and Taste, how Impaired and Restored, &c 505Q See also Bagehot's Studies [Wordsworth, Tennyson and Browning], 864H. Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Field's Authors, 1052O. Griswold's Poets and Poetry of England, 472D. Hamilton's Poets Laureate, 927O. Leisure Hour, v. 4 and 12, 2614 and 2622 J. Noel's Essays, 1039H. Poole's Index, R.L. Stephen's Hours in a Library 1104R, &c. "WORK amongst Working Men, by Hopkins 532T and Adventure in New Guinea [1877- 1885], by Chalmers and Gill, illustrated. 1885 1641R Pay, by Levi. 1877 283R Play, by Bushnell. 1864 885M Wages, by Rogers. 1885 284R Six Centuries of, by Rogers. 1886 1102F [848] WOR ENGLISH SECTION. WOR Work. Health, and Play, by Acland. 1856 1844Z Religious, Among Working Men, by Hopkins 53 2 T See also Browne's What Girls can Do [Work for Pleasure and Necessity], 980M. Bullock's Talks with the People, v. 1, T97Z. Girl's Own Annual [and Workshops], v. 3, 2553J ; [versus Idleness], v. 5, 2555J. Nineteenth Century [Work-girl's Diary], v. 24, 2234J. Richardson's Health, &c, 1403Z. Overwork, Labour, &c. Workhouse Medical Officer, Reminiscences, by J. Rogers. 1889... 1452O Visiting and Management during Twenty-five Years, by Twining 528T Workhouses. See Ashton's Reign of Queen Anne [Hospitals, &c], 68F. Capi- tal and Labour, 1115F. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Nineteenth Century [Cruelties in, in England], v. 20, 2230J. Quiver [Workhouse Worries], v. 32, 3302J. Sunday at Home [Life in Town and Country], v. 36, 2886J, &c. Working and Middle Classes [by Wade]. 1833 521T Class, Progress of the, by Ludlow and Jones. 1867 238R Classes, Habits and Customs of the, by a Journeyman Engineer.. 895M Speeches upon Subjects having Relation to the, by the Earl of Shaftesbury. 1868 IC83R Wages and Earnings of, by Levi. 1885 1024F See also Alison's Europe, 140-6O. Carlyle's Evangelical Alliance, 660A. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Escott's England and its People, 1017-8F. Leisure Hour [Abroad], v. 22, 2632J. Sunday at Home, v. 23, 2873J, &c. Working Girls, Clubs for, by Maude Stanley. 1890 2029R See also Girl's Own Annual [How they Live in London], v. 10, 2560J. Working Men and Women, by a Working Man. 1879 1140R — : Lectures to, by Brown, 2 vols in 1. 1866 I13T Workmen and their Difficulties, by Bayly. 1861 522T See also All the Year Round [Workmen's Train], v. 50, 1810J. Capital and Labour [Working Tailors], 1115F. Cassell's Pastimes [The Workshop], 1262H. Heckthorn's Secret Societies [Unions], 377O. Illustrated Carpenter and Builder [the Workshop], from vol 1, 2981 J. McCulloch's British Empire, 711-2H May's Democracy [International Society of], 38-9H. Ruskin's Fors Clavigera [Letters to Workmen and Labourers], 843R. Harper [Homes], v. 68, 1648 J. Leisure Hour [Earnings and Savings of], v. 10, 2620J ; [Clubs], v. 13, 2623J. Temple Bar [Clubs for], v. 8, 1 338 J, &c. Workshop, Health in the, by Lakeman. 1884 991M WORLD, A Trip around the, by Caine. 1888 855K • See also Voyages, Travels, &c. before the Deluge, by Figuier, illustrated. 1866 686D Countries of the, by Brown, 4 vols 16C-3D Origin of the, according to Revelation and Science, by Daw- son. 1888 564R of the Sea, by Tandon, translated and enlarged by Hart, illustrated 755 F" Sacred and Profane History of the, by Shuckford, 2 vols. 1810 161-2K History of the, as Displayed in the Creation, by Turner. 1834 471A Ijy Turner, 2 vols. 1834 291-2K 3 vols. 1838 69-71Z Surveyed in the Nineteenth Century [Parrot's Journey to Ararat] translated by Cooley. 1 845 , 324K Ten Years of the World's Progress, by Putnam. 1861 216R The World's Birthday, by Gaussen. 1861 804Z See also Cornhill [End of], v. 45, 325J. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Knowledge, from v. i, 2531Z. Timbs' Works, 853-4Z ; [End of the World Fore- told], 856Z ; [Seven Wonders of the], 853Z. Zeller's Greek Philosophy, 538-9M. Creation, Earth, &c. "World," The, by Moore and others [British Essayists] 32-5T 36 [849] WOR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WRA "World of Wonders, a Record of Things Wonderful in Nature, Science and Art 665B "Worlds, More Worlds than One, the Creed of the Philosopher and Hope of the Christian. 1876 239M "Worlds, Other Worlds than Ours, by Proctor. 1878 440R Plurality of. 1853 769D See also Astronomy. "World's Workers Series, v.d. : Cobden (R.)j by Gowring 1140O Dickens (C.), by his Daughter 1 141O Franklin (B.), by Tomkinson 1 142O Gordon (General), by Swaine 1153O Guthrie, Matthew, Burset and Li vesey, by Kirton 1 143O Handel, by Clarke 1 144O Havelock and Colin Campbell, by Phillips 1 145O Lincoln (A.), by Foster 1146O Livingstone (D.), by R. Smiles 1147G Midler (G.)and Reed (A.), by Pitman it 4 80 Nightingale (Florence), &c, by Alldridge 1152O Salt (Sir T.) and Moore (G.), by Burnley 1149O Stephenson (G. and R.), by Mat£aux 1150O Turner the Artist, by Swaine 1151O "Wormell (R.), M.A., Ed., Electricity in the Service of Man, by Urbanitzky, illustrated. 1886 689D "Worms. See Darwin's Vegetable Mould [Earth], 21R. Duncan's Sea Shore, 627Q. Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q, &c. Wornum (R. N., Art Critic, l>. 1812, d. 1877). Epochs of Painting Characterized. 1847 1485 and 1732Z "Worsaae (J. J. A., Danish Archccologist, b. 1821), F.S.A., Indus- trial Arts of Denmark, before the Danish Conquest of Eng- land [South Kensington Handbooks]. 1882 1035M "Worship, Public, Best Methods of Conducting it, by Pearsall. 1867 445M Sacrificial, of the Old Testament, by Kurtz, translated by Martin [Clark's Theological Library]. 1863 774^ — — — See also Inman's Faiths, 96K. Kurtz's Church History, 706A. Living Age [Mechanical Modes of], v. 163, 3193J. Pjessensd's Ancient World and Christianity, 1194M. Church, Religion, Theology, &c. "Worship of Masculinity. See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 265, 761J, &c. "Worsley (P. S., Scholar, d. 1866), M.A., Tr., Odyssey of Homer, 2 vols. 1861 1138-9H and Soo-lM "Worsley-Benison. See Benison in Supplement. "Worsted. See McCulloch's British Empire [Worsted Manufacture], 711H. Ure's Dictionary [Worsted and Worsted Stuffs], 9D, &c. "Worth and Wealth, Maxims for Men of Business, by Hunt. 1856... 246R Worthies of All Souls, Four Centuries of English History, illustrated from the College Archives, by Burrows. 1 874 5^4^ "Worthies of Science, by Stoughton 1050O "Wortley (Lady E. S. W., Poet and Traveller, b. 1806, d. 1855), Travels in the United States [1849-0]. 1851' .. 7°9K See also Living Age [Travels in America], v. 29, 3059J, &c. "Wotton (Sir H., Diplomatist and Poet, b. 1568, d. 1639). See Dana's House- hold Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. "Wotton (Dr.). See Froude's England, 194-7O, &c. "Wounded, Aid for the. See Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 9, 2358J, &c. "Wounds. ^"^ South' s Household Surgery, 1857Z. Medicine, Surgery, &c. # Wrangham (F., Archdeacon of Cleveland, b. 1770, d. 1843). See Knight's Wordsworth, v. T-3, 297-9F. and others, Trs., Virgil [Family Classical Library], 2 vols. 1 830 III5-6Q "Wranglers, Senior. See Cornhill, v. 45, 325J. Universities, &c. [850] WRA ENGLISH SECTION. WRI Wraxall (Sir F. C. L., Essayist, b. 1S28, d. 1865), and Wehrhan (R.), Memoirs of Queen Hortense, Mother of Napoleon III. 718O Wraxall (L.), Trans., Recollections of Russia, by a German Noble- man. 1855 I300R "Wray (J. Jackson and T. Jackson, Writers 0/ Moral Tales £?>c.) See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. "Wreaths and Chaplets. See Friend's Flower Lore, 794F, &c. "Wrecks- See Chambers' [Wrecked on the Goodwin*], v. 45. 1940J. Gilmore's Storm Warriors, &c, 2015 R. Leisure Hour [Wreckers, and Life- Boats], v. 3, 2613J ; [Wreck of the A/nherst], v. 35, 2645J. Long- fellow's Poetical Works [Wreck of the Hesperus, a Poem], 1417M. Wynter's Human Hive [and Wreckers], 244R. Sea Voyages, &c. "Wren, The. See Academy [Hunting of], v. 27-, R.L. Brand's Antiquities [Wren- Hunting], 1007M. Ingersoll's American Natural History, 582Q. Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 645Q. Wood's Lane and Field, 624CJ. Birds, Ornithology, &c. Wren (Sir C., Architect, b. 1632, d. 1723), His Family and His Times [1585-1723], by Lucy Phillimore. 18S1 585K See also Cunningham's Eminent Englishmen, 24F. Loftie's London, 251-2O. Milman's St. Paul's, 320H. Sunday Magazine, v. 11, 2468 J, Sic. "Wrestling. See Boys' Own Book, 1527Z. Cassell's Pastimes, 1262H. Crawley's Handbooks, 1154M. Saturday Review, v. 57, R.L. New Review [in Japan], v. 1, 3351J. Athletics, &c. Wright (Dr. A.), Adventures in Servia, Experiences of a Medical Free Lance among the Bashi-Bazouks, &c. , edited by Farqu- har-Bernard, illustrated. 1884 803K Wright (C.), Letters of, and some Account of his Life, by Thayer 1051O Wright (E. P.), F.L.S., Mammalia, their Various Forms and Habits, popularly illustrated by Typical Species, adapted lrom the text of Figuier, illustrated 51 R Wright (G. N., Rector of St. Alary IVoolnoth, London, b. 18 12), M.A., Life and Times of Louis Philippe, illustrated II2F and Watkins (J.), LL.U., Life and Reign of William IV. 82-3 F See also Reid's Intellectual Powers, 580H. Wright (Joseph, of Derby, Historical Painter, b. 1734, d. 1797). See Art Journal, v. 35, R.L. Wright (Mrs. J.), The Globe Prepared for Man, a Guide to Geology 1737Z Wright (R.), Life of General Wolfe. 1864 581F Memoir of General Oglethorpe. 1867 876O Wright (Thomas, Antiquary, b. 1810, d. 1877), F.S.A., Biographia Britannica Literaria, or Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland [Anglo-Norman Period]. 1846 ... 144F Early Travels in Palestine, 1848 i^odR Essays on Archaeological Subjects and on Various Questions connected with the History of Art, Science, and Literature in the Middle Ages, illustrated, 2 vols. 1861 912-3F ■ History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England during the Middle Ages, illustrated. 1862 942F History of Scotland, 2 vols 468-9U. Homes of Other Days, or Domestic Manners in England from Ancient to Modern Times. 1871 197D Literature, Superstitions and History of England in the Middle Ages, 2 vols. 1846 , 78-9O The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon, a History of the Early In- habitants of Britain, illustrated. 1861 1520O Ed., King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. 1866... 1 141 -3R The Vision and Creed of Piers Ploughman, from a Contem- porary Manuscript [Poetry], 2 vols. 1887 1413-4M Travels of Marco Polo. 1854 1522R L851] WRI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WYN" Wright (W.), D.D., Empire of the Hittites, with Decipherment of Hittite Inscriptions, by Sayce ; a Hittite Map, by Wilson and Conder, and a Set of Hittite Inscriptions, by Rylands.... 194K Wright (William Aldis, Librarian of Trinity College), Ed., Letters and Literary Remains of Edward Fitzgerald, 3 vols. 1889... 990-2O Writers, Our G reat Writers, by Andrews. 1884 884O Writing. See Argosy [Easy Writing], v. 1, tJ. Bastian's Brain, 387R. Beck- mann's Inventions [Pens], 697Q. Boys' Own Annual [Secret Writing], v. 9, 2959J. Compayre's Pedagogy, 296R. Knight's Pictorial Bible, 400-4M. Leisure Hour [Hints to Writers and Speakers], v. 5, 2615J. Pitman (I.), Works on Phonography [Writing by Sound]. Cassell's Family Magazine [Ancient and Modem], v. 15, 2364J, &c. Wryneck, The. See Science Gossip, v. 7, 2413J. Birds, &c. W"ulfstan(St., Bishop of Worcester). See Freeman's Norman Conquest, 202-5H. Wurtz (A., Professor at Paris, b. 1817), Atomic Theory, translated by Cleminshaw [International Scientific Series]. 1888 366R Elements of Modern Chemistry, translated and edited by Greene. 41 7R See also Nature [with Portrait], v. 30, 2690J, &c. Wurtzburg (C. Von). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. "Wyandotte Cave and its Fauna. See Nature, v. 7, 2667J, &c. Wyatt (M. D., Architect, b. 1820, d. 1877), M.A., Fine Art and its Application to Industry. 1870 901D and Tymms (W. R.), History, Theory, and Practice of Illu- minating 1 124M Wyatt (Sir T., Statesman and Poet, b. 1503, d. 1542), Poems and Life [British Poets]. 1864 506Q See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D. Froude's England, 1Q2-6O. Thomson's Friendships, 564O, &c. Wyatt (Sir T., The Younger, son 0/ above, b. about 1520, executed 1554). See Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, 321H. Royal Windsor, 327H. Froude's England, 192-6O, &c. Wycherley (W., Dramatist, b. 1640, d. 1715). See New English Theatre. Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1339R, &c. Wycliffe (J., Reformer, b. 1324, d. 1384), and His English Pre- cursors, by Lechler, translated by Lorimer, 2 vols. 1878 ... 574-5F Movements for Reform, by R. Lane Poole [Epochs of Church History]. 1889 262T Life of [R.T.S.] 174Z See also Blackwood [Life and Work of], V. 136, 206J. Brave Confessors, 1440O. Fortnightly Review [and the Bible], v. 43, 2133J. Green's English People, 189H. Harper's Monthly [with Portraits], v. 70, 1650J. Jeaffreson's Book about the Clergy, v. 1, 502A. Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. Moulton's English Bible, 418M. Quarterly Review [and his Works], v. 168, 1298J. Stubbs' History, 211-2O. Sun- day at Home [Visit to Birthplace of], v. 30, 2880 J. Reformers, 1467O. Wye, River. See Art Journal [Down the], v. 38, R.L. Land we Live in, 464B. "Wykenam (William of). See Stubbs' History, 211-2O. Winchester, &c. Wylde (A. B.), '83 to '87 in the Soudan, with an Account of Sir W. Hewett's Mission to King John of Abyssinia, 2 vols. 1888.. 275-6H Wylde (H., Musician, b. 1822), Music in its Art-Mysteries. 1867... 947L> Wylde (Katherine). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Wylie (J. A.), LL.D., History of Protestantism, 3 vols 78-80A The Papacy, its History and Prospects. 1856 328A Dogmas, Genius and Prospects. 1888 682A Wyndham (H. P., b. 1736, d. 1819), Diary of the late George Bubb Dodington, Baron of Melcombe Regis, from 1749 to 1761 210Z Wynne (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. [852] WYN ENGLISH SECTION. YAC Wynter (A., Editor "British Medical Journal '," 1845, b. 1819, d. 1876), M.D., Curiosities of Civilization, i860 9*9^1 Curiosities of Toil, 2 vols. 1870 II44-5R . Fruit between the Leaves [Miscellaneous Sketches], 2 vols in I... 1146R Our Social Bees, Pictures of Town and Country Life 1 1 59^ Peeps into the Human Hive, 2 vols. 1874 2 43 _ 4^ > Subtle Brains and Lissom Fingers, being some of the Chisel- marks of our Industrial and Scientific Progress, and other Papers. 1869 269R Wyttenbach (J. H.), The Stranger's Guide to the Roman Antiqui- ties of the City of Treves, trans., edited by D. Turner 906F J\. and Y, a Long Vacation Ramble in Norway and Sweden. 1857 1469R Xavier (Francis [St. Francis], Jesuit Missionary to the Indies, b. 1506, d. 1552), Life of, by Morgan. 1826 277Z See also Dana's Household Book of Poetry. 476D, &c. Xenophon {Athenian General and Philosopher, b. 445, d. 359 B.C.), Anabasis, or Expedition of Cyrus, &c, translated by Watson 1179H by Grant [Ancient Classics for English Readers]. 1877 1099Q translated by Spelman and Cooper [Fam. Clas. Lib.], 1830 ...nio-lQ See also Josephus, 67H. Mitford's Greece, 104-5H, &c. .Xerez. See Tovey's Wine Countries, 2125R, &c. Xerxes {Kings of Persia, ft. 485-425, B.C.). See Josephus, 66-7H. Mitford's Greece, 102-5H. Persia, &c. X ACCA. See Capello's Africa, 83T-2K, &c. Yachting, by Lord Brassey and others [Badminton Library]. 1890 1137^1 in the Arctic Seas, by Lamont, illustrated and edited by Livesey. 674K Sunshine and Sea, a Yaching Visit to the Channel Islands, by a Country Doctor. 1885 1690R Yachts. See Art Journal [Types of Cruising Yachts], v. 33, R.L. Bowies' Flotsam and Jetsam, 1360R. Boys' Own Annual [Model Yachts], v. 2, 2952J ; [and Canoe Building and Yachting at Kensington], v. 5, 2955J ; [Model Yachts], v. 7, 2957J ; [Our Winning Yachts], v. 8, 2958 J ; [Model Yachting in 1888 and 1889, containing also a notice of the Guernsey Model Yacht Pond], v. ix, 2961 J. Century Magazine [and Yachting], v. 2, 1874J. Chambers' [and Yacht Clubs], v. 33, 1943J. Coffin's America's Cup, &c. [Yacht Races], 1215R. Crawley's Handbooks [Yachting and Sailing], 1152M. English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Fortnightly [Yacht Racing], v. 44, 2134J. Harper [the Modern Yacht], v. 67, 1647 J. Houston's Texas, &c, 1607-8R. Knight's Falcon on the Baltic, 1746R. Leisure Hour [English Yachts], v. 33, 2643J. Lennox's Fashion Then and Now, 1018-9H. Longman's [a Formal American Yacht Cruise], v. 12, 902J. Saturday Review [Yachting in 1883], v. 55 and 56, R.L. ; [Yachting in America], v. 59, R.L. ; [Small Yachts], v. 60, R.L. Scribner's Monthly [and Yachting], v. 4, 1854J. Stonehenge's Rural Sports, 681T. Temple Bar [Cruise in the Yacht Merlin], v. 28, 1358 J. Gentleman's Magazine [in Norfolk Waters], v. 42, n.s., 762J, &c. [853] YAM GUILLEALLES LIBRARY. YEA Yams. See Barth's Central Africa, 845 and 847 K, &c. Yarmouth, Quaint Old, by Rideing, illus. [Harper's Monthly, v. 65] 1645J See also All the Year Round [Yarmouth Notes], v. 42, 1822J. English Illus- trated, v. 3, 1993J. Walford's Pleasant Places, 815Q, &c. Yarrell (W., Naturalist, l>. 1784, d. 1856), F.Z.S., History of British Birds, illustrated, 3 vols. 1856 706-8F Yarrow. See Saturday Review [Reminiscences of], v. 61, R.L., &c. Yarrow (W. H.), Life and Work of Spurgeon. 1880 5c8F Yates (E., Novelist and Dramatist, b. 1831), His Recollections and Experiences, 2 vols. 1884 586-7F See also Academy [Recollections of], v. 26, R.L. Fortnightly [Recollections of], v. 42, 2 132 J. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Yates (Frederic, Actor, Father of Above, b. 1797, d. 1842). 6V£,Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1338-9R, &c. Ye Olden Time, English Customs in the Middle Ages, by Holt 1019M Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art, edited by Timbs, &c. : 1840. — Steamers and Railways. Daguerreotype. Galvanic Apparatus. Chemical Science. Mammalia, Birds, Reptiles and Insects. Vegetable Physiology. Geology. Meteors, &c i70iZa 1S41. — Ship-Building. Electrotype Processes. Photography. Structural Economy. Newly Discovered Plants. Earthquakes and Land- slips. North West Passage, &c i702Za 1842. — Civil Engineering. Tides. Electro-Metallurgic Processes. Zoo- phytes and Insects. Progress of Geology. Asteroids and Meteors, &c lyo^ZtL 1843. — Thames Tunnel. Diving-Bell Operations. Lighthouses. Waves and Tides. Weights and Measures. Electric Light. Torpe- does. Microscopic Researches. Botany. Artesian Wells, &c . . ijo^Za. 1844. — Glass Working. Telescope and Microscope. Voltaic Apparatus. Chromotype. Tithonotype. Fishes. Reptiles. Earthquakes and Volcanoes, &c jjosZa 1845. — Mining and Working Metals. The Great Rosse Telescope. Hydro- Electric Machines. Amphitype. Mammalia and Birds. Comets and Meteors, &c 1706Z 1846. — Steam Navigation and Locomotion. Nutrition of Plants. Electric Telegraphs. Photography. Reptiles and Zoophytes. Physical Geography. Comets, &c 1707Z 1847. — Architecture. Bridges. Electric Conduction. Galvanic Apparatus. Gun-Cotton. Birds and Insects. Glacial Theory. Astronomy. 1708Z 1848. — Machinery and Manufactures. New Phenomena of Light. Light- ing and Smelting by Electricity. Chemical Science. Mammalia and Reptiles. Glaciers. New Comets, &c 1709Z 1849. — Gas Lighting. Watchman's Clock. American Steamers. Litho- graphy. Atmospheric Waves. Berkeley's Theory of Vision. Benefit of Volcanoes. Zoology. Botany. Geology. As- tronomy, &c 1710Z 1850. — Rapid Printing. Gutta Percha. Ventilation of Coal Mines. Fire- Proof Buildings. Law of Storms. The Phantoscope. Gypsies. Electric Light. . Cholera. Chloroform, &c 1711Z 1851. — Building for the Exhibition. Great Suspension Bridge of Russia. Lighthouses. Glass. Atlantic Waves. Telegraphy. Light and Heat. Zoology. Geology. Astronomy, &c 1712Z 1851. — Great Exhibition ; with account of the Articles and Objects Ex- hibited therein 1713Z 1852. — Flax Manufacture. Life-Boats. Peat and its Products. Rotation of the Earth. Electrical Science. Natural History. Glacial Period, &c i7*4Z [854] YEA ENGLISH SECTION. YEA Year-Book of Facts in Science and Art — {continued). 1853. — Bridges. Pantograph. Coal Gas. Cotton Manufacture. Balloon Ascents. Physiology of Vision. Early Egyptian Chemistry. Strychnine and Bitter Beer. Fish and Insects. Sheet Light- ning, &c 171 5Z 1854. — Crystal Palace at Sydenham. Steam Hammers. Steam Naviga- tion. Diving Apparatus. Perpetual Motion. Magnetism. Stereoscope. Table Moving. Geology. Astronomy, &c 1716Z , 1855. — Tunnelling. Raising Sunken Vessels. Reaping Machines. War Missiles. Lock-Making. Photography. Osmotic Force. Zoology. Botany. Mineralogy, Astronomy, &c i7 I 7Z 1856. — Exposition at Paris. Rifles. Sugar Manufacture. Paper and Paper- Making. Standard of Measure. Aurora Borealis. Sponta- neous Combustion. Charcoal. Birds. Reptiles. Geology, &c. 171SZ 1857. — Manufacture of Iron and Steel without Fuel. Bridges. Steam Boilers. Westminster Clock. Stone-Cutting Machines. Mag- netism of Iron Ships. Colour Blindness. Fish. Botany. Geology. Astronomy, &c I 7 I 9Z 1858. — Leviathan Steam Ship. Railways. Lighting Mines by Gas. Great Bell of Westminster. Standard of Length. Figure of the Earth. Silver in Sea-water. Insects. Geology. Astronomy. 1720Z 1859. — Steam Navigation. Ship Building. Miners and Waste of Life. Patent Printing Type. Decimals. Atlantic Telegraph Cable. Animal Ammonia. Zoology. Botany. Mineralogy, &C 1721Z 1860 — Civil Engineering. Destructive Engines of War. Supply of Coal. Conservation of Force. Light. Destructive Effects of Waves. Atlantic Cable. Reptiles. Insects. Fossils. Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Asl ronomy. Obituary, &c 1722Z i36i. — Improvements in the Steam Engine. Ship Building. Rifled Cannon. Street Railways. Light-houses. Storms. Colours. Human Ear. New Dye-Colours. Fish. Insects. Botany. Antiquity of Man. Eclipses, &c i7 2 3Z 1862. — Building for the Exhibition. Rifled Ordnance. Fleet of the Future. Iron Construction. Light. Heat. Causes of Earth- quakes. Torpedoes. Cure for Serpents' Bites. Paraffin. The Gorilla. Imperial Crown of England, &c 1724Z 1863.— -Metropolitan Subterranean Railway. Civil Engineering. Ironclad Navies. Bridges. Fires. Storms. Balloon Ascents. Heat. Telescopes. Telegraphy. Lime Light. Photography. Geology. Astronomy, &c 1725Z 1864. — Armstrong Gun "Big Will." Auto-Topography. Earthquake in England. Submarine Cables, Chemical Science. Mammalia. Birds, &c 1726Z 1865. — Steam'Engine. Gunnery Experiments. Petroleum Oils. Iron and Steel. Bridges. Electrical and Chemical Science. Fish. Rep- tiles. Geology, &c 1727Z 1866.— Shipbuilding. Iron and Steel. Lights and Light-houses. Planets. Meteors. Comets. The Microscope. Electricity. Schultze's Gunpowder, &c 1728Z 1867. — Torpedo Experiments. Thames Embankment. Solar Physics. Heat. Magnesium Light. Researches in Photography. Zoology. Botany. Mineralogy. Astronomy, &c 1729Z 1 868.— Researches in Mechanical Science. Ventilating Apparatus. Sound- ing and Sensitive Flames. Discoveries in Electricity. Progress of Chemistry. Botany. Geology. Meteorology, &c 1750Z 1869. — Holborn Viaduct. Railways. Iron. Coast Defences. London Street Tramways. Electro-Magnetism. Elephants. Statistics of Coal. Earthquakes, Sx i73 J Z Year of Consolation [a Year in Italy], by Mrs. Butler [Fanny Kemble], 2 vols. 1847 ....1421-2R [855] YEA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. YOR Year's Housekeeping in South Africa, by Lady Barker, ill. 1877... 1543R Yeast. See Estes' Recreations in Science, 496R. Schi'itzenberger's Fermenta- tion, 362R, &c. Yeatman (J. P.), Introduction to the Study of Early English History. 1874 231O Yeddo. See Seward's Travels, 601 B. Jeddo, Japan, &c. Yeldham (S.), M.R.C.S., Homoeopathy in Acute Diseases. 1849 928K Yellow, the Colour. See Tingry's Painter's Guide, 107TM. Wilkinson's On Colour, 948D. Colours, &c. Yellow-Fever. See Knowledge [Vaccination for], v. 6, 2586J. Stanford's Compendium, 851K, &c. Yellowhammer, The. See All the Year Round [Nest of the], v. 43, 1823J. Wood's Lane and Field, 624Q. Birds, &c. Yellowstone Region in the Rocky Mountains, edited by Richard- son, illustrated. 1874 1594H See also Leisure Hour [Marvels], v. 21, 2631J. Scribner's Monthly [Won- ders of the], v. 2, 1852J. Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Stanley's Wonderland, 1595R, &c. Yeo (J. B.), M.D., Health Resorts and their Uses, being Vacation Studies in various Health Resorts. 1882 841M Yeo (L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Yeowell (J.), Chronicles of the Ancient British Church, anterior to the Saxon Era. 1847 536M Yesterdays with Authors, by Fields. 1881 I052O Yew. See Brand's Antiquities, 1C05-6M. Science Gossip [Poisonous Properties of the], v. 22, 2422J. Trees, &c. "Yezid.(Omniad Caliphs, Jl. 644-744). See Mahomet's Successors, 1007Q, &c. Yoke of Christ, by Bishop Thorold. 1884 33Q Yokohama. See Brassey's Voyage in the Sunbeam, 1682R. Eden's Japan, 814Q. Japan, &c. Yonge (C. D., Professor of History and Classical Writer, b. 1812), M.A., British Navy from the Earliest to the Present Times. 302-3 H Constitutional History of England [1760- 1860]. 1882 21 iH Life and Administration of Lord Liverpool, 3 vols. 1868 350-2F of Marie Antoinette, 2 vols. 1876 815-6O The Seven Heroines of Christendom. 1878 958O [Joan Dare. Margaret of Anjou. Isabella of Castile. Charlotte, Coun- tess of Derby. Maria Teresa. Flora Macdonald. Marie Antoinette.] Ed. and Trans. See Old English Chronicles, 100- iO, &c. Yonge (C. M., Novelist, &c. s b. 1823), Hannah More [Eminent Women Series]. 1888 1422O History of Christian Names, 2 vols. 1878 II47-8R France [History Primers]. 1878 119Z J. C. Patteson, Missionary Bishop, 2 vols. 1874 894-5O . Stray Pearls, Memoirs of Margaret de Ribaumont, Viscountess of Bellaise, 2 vols, in I. 1883 14350 The Herb of the Field. 1887 177R Ed. , Biographies of Good Women. 1876 9&5Q Youth of Queen Elizabeth [1533-58], by Wiesener. 1879 630- iO See also Fraser, v. 50, 660J. Saturday Review, v. 54-5, R.L. Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue, &c. Yonge (J. E.), M.A. See Exell's Monthly Interpreter, v. 3, 621A. Yorick (Mr.). See Sterne (Laurence). York, About Yorkshire, by Macquoid, illustrated. 1883 1350R by Ornsby [Diocesan Histories] 1843Z Congregationalism in Yorkshire, by J. G. Miall. 1868 269A Yorkshire Legends as told by her Ancient Chronicles, her Poets and Journalists, by Parkinson. 1890 961F Oddities, &c, by Baring-Gould, 2 vols. 1874 S81M [856] YOR ENGLISH SECTION. YOU York. See also All the Year Round [some Chronicles of], v. 42, 1822J. Brand's Antiquities, 1005-7M. Escott's England and its People, 1017F. Free- man's Norman Conquest, 201-5H. Green's Conquest of England, 187H. Harper [Coast of Yorkshire], v. 68, 1648 J. Leisure Hour [Pestilence and Cholera at York], v. 2, 2612J ; [Abbeys of Yorkshire], v. 26, 2636J. Rimmer's Old Country Towns, 1349R. Science Gossip [Geology of], v. 17, 2420J. Harper's Monthly, v. 79, 1659J, & c - York and Lancaster, Rival Houses of, by Roberts, 2 vols. . 1827 ... 314-5H York (Anne Hyde, Duchess of, Mother of Queens Mary and Anne, b. 1637', d. 167 1) [Molloy's London under Charles II.] 259O York (His Royal Highness Frederick, Duke of, Second Son of George III., b. 1763, d. 1827), Biographical Memoir, by Watkins ... 588F York (James, Duke of). See Stoughton's Religion in England, 94-6M, &c. Yorke (S.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Youatt (W., Professor in Royal Veterinary College, b. 1777, d. 1847), The Horse, its Breed, Management and Diseases, with a Treatise on Draught, by Brunei, illustrated. 1876 856D The Dog, illustrated. 1879 817F Youghal. See Woman's World [an Old-Fashioned Irish Town], v. 1, 1888, R.L. Youl (E.). See Dana's Household Book of Poetry, 476D, &c. Youle (Dr.). See Tyndall's Heat, 509R, &c. Youmans (E. A.), First Book of Botany, Designed to Cultivate the Observing Powers of Children, illustrated. 1872 7°R Young, Books for the. See Juvenile Literature, &c. Young Chevalier. See Stuart. Charles-Edward. Chevalier, &c. Young Collector Series, illustrated, v.d. : British Butterflies, Moths and Beetles, by Kirby *39R British Fungi, Lichens and Mosses, by Holmes and Gray 141 R Crustaceans and Spiders, by Skuse 143R Handbook of English Coins, by Jewitt 144R Handbook of Mosses, by Bagnall 138R Naturalists' Diary, edited by Roberts 145R Pond Life, Insects, by Butler 140R Seaweeds, Shells and Fossils, by Gray and Woodward 142R Young Horsewoman's Compendium of Riding, by Stanley. 1827... 1120M Young Ladies' Journal, an Illustrated Magazine of Fashion, Fancy Work, Reading, &c, from vol. 35. 1890 3475 _ J Young Lady's Book of Elegant Recreations, Arts, Sciences and Accomplishments [Bonn's Library]. 1859 983M Young Lady's Treasure Book, or Cyclopaedia of Occupations and Amusements suitable to Young Ladies 131D Young Man in the Battle of Life, by Landels 960Z Young Man's Friend and Guide through Life to Immortality, by James. 1851 236Q Young Men, Lectures to, on various Important Subjects, by Beecher 595R Young Men of Scripture, by Hitchings. 1879 345^ Young Men's Christian Association. See Excelsior, 1926-31R. Harper, v. 64, 1 644 J, &c. Young, Pages for the [Sunday at Home], from vol. 1 285 1 -J Young Woman's Companion, in all her Social Relations, &c. 1863 978M Young. In connection with this word see also subject required. Young (Arthur), Travels in France during the Years 1787-89, with an Introduction, Biographical Sketch and Notes, by M. Betham- Edwards. 1889 I753R Young (A. W.), Science of Government and Compend of the Civil Jurisprudence of the United States, i860 227R Young (B. C), Short Arguments about the Millennium, or Plain Proofs for Plain Christians. 1867 233T [857] you guille-alles library. zim Young (C. A.), LL.D., The Sun [Inter. Scien. Series], illus. 1883 458R Young (Sir C. L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Young (E., Poet, b. 1684, d. 1765), LL.D., Night Thoughts, a Poem, with Life and Notes by Gilfillan. 1853 463D Poems and Dramas 462D Poems, Life by Mitford [British Poets], 2 vols. 1864 507-8Q Poetical Works, and Life by Johnson. 1807 371-4Z See also New English Theatre, &c. Young (J. R.), Algebra. 1844 518R Mathematical Tables, Logarithms of all Numbers, from 1 to 36,000. 1833 - 743t> Young (R.), LL.D., Holy Bible, consisting of the Old and New Covenants, Translated according to the Letter and Idioms of the Original Languages. 1881 537^1 Light in Lands of Darkness : a Record of Missionary Labour, illus. 1883 544M Young (Dr. Sydney). See Nature, v. 39, 2699J, &c - Young (Thos., Physician and Natural Philosopher, b. 1 773, d. 1829), F.R.S., Egyptian Antiquities. 1823 600D Young (T., Land Agent), A Residence on the Mosquito Shore [1839- 41], with an Account of Bonacca, Truxillo and Roatan. 1842 1639R Young (W. B.), Arithmetical Dictionary, or Book of Reference 737L> Youth.. See Percy Anecdotes, 916Z. Stark's Life's Stages, 1252M, &c. Youthful Diligence and Future Greatness, by Tweedie. 1881 1253Z Yriarte (T. De, Spanish Poet, b. 1750, d. 1791). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Yucatan, Incidents of Travel in, by Stephens, illus., 2 vols. 1843 745-6K See also Harper's [The New and Old in], v. 70, 1650J. Becher's Mexico, 738K. Stanford's Compendium, 851 K. Stephen's Central America, 747-8 K. America, Mexico, &c. Yukon Territory. See Dall's Alaska, 602B, &c. Yule. See Brand's Antiquities, 1005M, &c. z ANZIBAR. See Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. ; How I Found Living- stone, 604-5 and 606K. Universal Review, v. 3, 3323J, &c. Zaphnath-Paaneah, or the History of Joseph, by Smith, 1856 463M Zedekiah (King of Judah, b. about 618, d. after 588 B.C.) See Ewald's Israel, 64K. Israel, &c. Zedlitz (J. C., German Poet, b. 1790, d. 1862). See Dana's Household Rook of Poetry, 476D. Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D, &c. Zeeland. See Pictures from Holland, 335B. Holland, &c. Zeller (E., German Philosopher, b. 1814), History of Greek Philosophy, from the Earliest Period to the Time of Socrates, translated by Alleyne, 2 vols. 1881 ... 538-9M Outlines of the Plistory of Greek Philosophy, translated by Alleyne and Abbott. 1886 1196H Zend-Avesta, The, and the Religion of the Parsis, by Mitchell ... 238T Zenobia (Queen of Palmyra, 266-274). See Clayton's Female Warriors, 643O. Niebuhr's History of Rome, 88H, &c. Zeus and Melissa. See Inman's Faiths, 96K. Keary's Primitive Beliefs, 101K. Zimmerman (J. G., Swiss Physician, b. 1728, d. 1795), 0n Soli- tude, with a Life of the Author, by Ridley, illustrated. 1804 1142-3H [858] ZIM ENGLISH SECTION. ZOO Zimmem (Helen), Arthur Schopenhauer. 1876 9550 The Hansa Towns [Story of the Nations]. 1889 1554O [Liibeck. Bergen. Bruges. Hamburg. Livonia, &.C.] (and Alice;, Half Hours with Foreign Novelists, 2 vols. 1882 : Vol. 1. — Sand, Murger, Auerbach, Busken-Huet, Stifter, Farina, Daudet, Spielhagen, Sacher-Masoch, Cherbuliez, &c 637O Vol. 2. — Turgenieff, Freytag, Caballero, Feuillet, Kraszevvski, Marlitt, Bjornson, Balzac, Heyse, Gaboriau, Keller, Sandeau, &c 6830 Zinc. See Beckmann's Inventions, 698Q. English Mechanic, v. 46-7, 1046 and 1047D. Simonin's Mines, 632-3B. Ure's Dictionary, 8-9D, &c. Zincali, or Gipsies of Spain, by Borrow. 1846 890M Zincke (F. B., Vicar of Wherstead, 1840), A Month in Switzer- land. 1873 1705K A Walk in the Grisons, or a Third Month in Switzerland. 1875 1707K Some Thoughts about the School of the Future. 1852 304R Swiss Allmends, or a Second Month in Switzerland. 1874 1706R Zingari, The. See Salvertes' Magic, 599H. Gipsies, &c. Zinzendorf (N. L., Count, Bishop of the Moravian Brethren, b. 1700, d. 1760), Life of, by Spangenberg. 1838 1053O Zion. See Sunday at Home [Round about], v. 34, 2884j,'&c. Zodiac. See Humboldt's Cosmos, 485-6R. Astronomy, Sun, &c. Zodiac Stones. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M, &c. Zola(Emile./ r ;r«c/j Writer, b. 1840). See Fortnightly, v. 37, 2127J ; v. 44, 2134J. Zones. See Humboldt's Cosmos, 483R, &c. ZOOLOGY— Works relating to : (See also Natural History, Names of Animals, and under Divisions such as Entomology, Ornithology, also under Names of Countries, &C. ) Zoological Recreations, by Broderip. 1849 715F Zoologists, by Duncan [Heroes of Science] 702O Lives of, from Aristotle to Linnoeus, by Macgillivray. 1834 939Q Zoology. A Manual of, by Edwards, translated by Knox, edited by Blake. 1863 1869Z Book of Nature 390- 1 B by Newton [Elementary Science, S.P.C.K.]. 1886 1834Z Facts and Fictions of, by Wilson [Humboldt Library]. 1882 779F Introduction to, by Gosse, 2 vols. 1844 114-5K Manual of, for the Use of Students, by Nicholson. 1873.... or Four Flans of Animal Creation, by Alcock [Manchester Science Lectures] 45 1 R See also Agassiz (L.), 473-4O. Brown's Science for All, 626-9B. Buckland's Log-Book, 128R. Buckley's Life and Her Children, 106R. Cooke's Toilers in the Sea [Marine], 2124R. Excelsior, 1926-31R. Fellows' Asia Minor, 675B. Foster's Embryology, 828M. Gill's Pacific, 1645R. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Harvey's Sea-Side Book, 1868Z. Hunter's Indian Empire, 485K. Huxley's Crayfish, 123R. Jones' Bermuda, 823F. Kitto's Palestine, 610B. Koldeway's Arctic Expedition, 605B. Murray's Africa, 837Q. Nature, v. 39, 2699J \ [Zoological Gardens], v. 39, 2699J. Palgrave's Arabia, 585K. Schoedler's Book of Nature, 713F. Science Gossip, v. 1, 2411J. Science Lectures, 451R. Stanford's Compendium, 850-4K. Stanley's Dark Continent, 1563R. Timbs' Knowledge for the People, 1747Z. Timmins' Warwickshire, 1413H. Wallace's Island Life, 778F. Wbewell's Inductive Sciences, 768D. Wynter's Curiosities [Zoological Gardens], 919M. Jardine's Naturalists' Library. Fishes, Microscope, Natural History, Palaeontology, &c. Zoophytes, British, found in Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands, by Pennington. 1885 50R See also Book of Nature, 390-TB. Cooke's Toilers in the Sea, 2124R. Science Gossip, v. 5, 2412J. Sowerby's Aquarium, 632Q, &c [859] ZOR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ZWI Zoroaster (Native of Bactria, Founder of the Magian Religion). See Frost's Conjurors, 803O. Inman's Faiths, 96K. Salvertes' Magic, 599H and 914-5M. Nineteenth Century [Religion of]> v. 9, 2219J. Zschokke (H.) , Autobiography of. 1845 593F See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Zululand. [Haggard's Cety wayo and his White Neighbours]. 1888 1524O Zulus of Natal, South Africa, Life with the, by Mason. 1855 1268R See also Austral Africa [Zululand and England], 1402H. Boys' Own Annual [The Future of], v. 1, 2951J. Cox's Colenso, 62T-2F. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Fortnightly Review [Story of the Zulu War], v. 31, 2121J ; [Future of], v. 38, 2128J. Gillmore's Africa, 799K. Good Words, v. 20, 2190J. Stanford's Compendium, 849K, &c. Zurcher and Margolle (MM.), Volcanoes and Earthquakes, translated by Lockyer, illustrated. 1868 489R Zurich Letters [1558-1602], edited by Robinson, 2 vols 206-7A See also Alison's Europe, 124-6O. May's Democracy, 38H. Williams' Alps, Switzerland, &c, 590B, &c. Zuyder Zee. See Pictures from Holland, 335B, &c. Zwingli (A., Swiss Reformer, b. 1484, d. in Ba Me, 153 1) [Short Biographies] 632F ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. In this List each Work is entered twice, viz., tinder the ?iame of its author, and also in the alphabetical order of the first word of its own Title, except when that first word is the article a, an, or the, in which case the second word is used. When a Work is followed by the name of a Magazine, for instaiice : "Abbott (/.), Rodolphus {Harper's Mo?ithly, v. 4], 1584J," it signifies that the story in question will be found i?i a serial form in the particular volume of the Magazine mdicated. Pseudonymous Works — or works written under a nom-de-plume — will generally be found entered wider such nom-de-plume, seeing that it is the one by which the author is usually best known to the reader. As, for instance ^ i?i the case of " Ouida,' } which is the nom-de-plume adopted by Mademoiselle Louise de la Rame. The real names of authors, however, when known, are also entered in their proper alphabetical sequence, accompa?tied by a reference to the Pseudo?iyms under which their works are given. The fullest entry of any work of fiction will generally be found where it appears under its title, in order to save space. When several numbers follow a work, as in "Abbot" The, by Sir W. Scott, each additional number denotes a duplicate copy, so it will be seen there are five copies of this work in the Library. A Subject Index to many of the Novels and Romances will be found at the e?id of this class. The period or subject of many works has also been noted in brackets following the title entries. To save space under author e?itries the references to many of the Magazines have been abbreviated, as for instance : " All the Year Round" [A . Y. R.]y " Once a Week" [O. a W.]; " Leisure Hour" [L. H]y "Sunday Magazine" [S. M.], c.) : Edged Tools [T. B., v. 80] 1410J I Misjudged, or the Troubles of His only Enemy [L. II., 26] 2636J | a City Man [L. H., v. 30]. 2640! ARNOLD (R. Arthur), Hever Court [Once a Week, v. 16] 2276J Around the World in Eighty Days, by Jules Verne 1021X Arrah Neil, or Times of Old [Times of Elizabeth], by James 2638X Artemus Ward, his Book, by C. F. Browne [Artemus Ward] 1505X ARTHUR (T. S., American Writer, b. 1809) : Anna Lee 450X | Sow well and Reap well 452X Arthur Bonnicastle, by J. G. Holland [Scribner's Monthly, v. 5] ... 1855T Arthur O'Leary, Adventures of, by Charles Lever 757X Artist's Son, a Tale [Sunday at Home, v. 11] 2861J As a Tale that is Told, by Agnes Giberne [Sunday at Home, v. 23]... 2873J [867] AS H GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. AUS As He Comes up the Stair, by Helen Mathers [Mrs. Reeve] 1435 and 2077X See also Gentleman's Magazine, v. 17, n.s., 737 J. As in a Looking-Glass, by F. C. Phillips 3 2 35^ AscaniO, an Historical Romance [Jesuits, 16th Century], by Dumas 41 iX Aspern Papers, by Henry James [Atlantic Monthly, v. 61] 1551J Asphodel, by Miss Braddon [Mrs. J. Maxwell] 162X See also All the Year Round, v. 45, 1805J. Asserted, but not Proved, or Struggles to Live, by A. Bower 2346X ASSOLLANT (Alfred, French Novelist, b. 1827), Fantastic History of the Celebrated Pierrot, translated into English by Munro 3064X Astbury's Bargain, by Charles Gibbon [Chambers' Journal, v. 66J... 1966J ASTOR(W. M. Waldorf), Valentino, an Plistorical Romance of Italy... 2110X Astray, a Tale of a Country Town, by C. M. Yonge and others 2328X At any Cost, by Edward Garrett [Living Age, v. 163] 3193J At Her Mercy, by James Payn [All the Year Round, v. 30] 1790J At His Gates, by Mrs. Oliphant [Good Words, v. 13] 2 1 83J See also Scribner's Monthly Magazine, v. 3, 1853J. At the Bar, by Charles Collins [All the Year Round, v. 14] I774.T At the Mast Head [Boy's Own Annual, v. 1] 2951J At the Moment of Victory, by C. L. Pirkis [All Year Round, v. 62] .. 1822J At the Red Glove [Harper's Monthly, v. 70] 1650J At the Sign of the Violet [Leisure Hour, v. 36]. . . .- 2646] At War with Fate [Christian World Magazine, 1887] 256J Atelier du Lys, or An Art Student in the Reign of Terror [French Revolution, 1793] by M. Roberts.. 1537^ Athelings, or the Three Gifts [Living Age, v. 50] 3080J Atonement of Learn Dundas, by E. Lynn Linton 1699X See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 32, 312J. Attache, or Sam Slick in England, by Thomas C. Haliburton 1450X Attila [Gaul and Italy, 5th Century], by G. P. R. James 689, 698 & 2663X Attractive Man, by Mrs. F. Trollope 2754X An Large, by George W. Cable [Century Magazine, v. 13] 1885J Anbrey, by Mrs. Anne Marsh 2677X AUERBACH (Berthold, German Writer, b. 1812, d. 1882) : Country House on the Rhine 3 1 29J | On the Heights 1713X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Aunt Diana, by Rosa N. Carey [Girls' Own Annual, v. 6] 2556J Annt Dorothy's Story Book, by M. and E. Kirby 2236X Aunt Jane's Hero, by E. Prentiss 1617X Aunt Judy's Letters, by Mrs. Gatty 911X Aunt Lucia's Locket [Quiver, v. 20] 3 2 9°J Aunt Phillis' Cabin, or Southern Life as it is, by Mrs. Eastman 2364X Aunt Rachel, by David Christie Murray 2154X See also English Illustrated, v. 3, 1993J. Auriol, or the Elixir of Life, by William Harrison Ainsworth 73X Aurora Floyd, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] 2324 and 183X See also Temple Bar, v. 4, 1334J. AUSTEN (Jane, Novelist of Domestic Life, b. 1775, d. 1817): Emma 108 and 2509X Lady Susan 105X Mansfield Park 107, 118 and 2512X Northanger Abbey and Persuasion no, 2511 and 2973X Pride and Prej udice 109 and 25 1 3X Sense and Sensibility 106, 2508 and 2901X N. B.—See also the General Catalogue for this Author. [868] AUS ENGLISH SECTION. BAL Austin Elliot, by Henry Kingsley I374X Aut Caesar aut Nihil, by Von Bothmer 512X Author's Daughter, by Catherine Ellen Spence 1833X Author's Daughter, by Mary Howitt [Living Age, v. 6] 3036J Autobiography of a Man-o'-War's Bell, by Lieut. C. R. Low 1304H Awdries and their Friends [Leisure Hour, v. 14] 2624J AYTOUN (W. E., Scotch Poet and Scholar, b. 1813, d. 1865), Nor- man Sinclair [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 87] 157J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Azalia, by Joel Chandler Harris [Century Magazine, v. 12] 1884J BABES in the Wood [Home Treasury of Old Story Books] 2863X Baby's Grandmother, by L. B. Walford 3236X . See also Blackwood's Magazine, v. 134, 204J. Living Age, v. 160, 3190J. Bachelor's Blunder, by W. E. Norris 3237X See also Temple Bar Magazine, v. 76, 1406J. Back to Life, a Tale of the Jungle, by Hutchinson [Boys' Own, v. 10] 2960J Bad Luck, by Albany De Fonblanque 1900X BAILEY (J. M.), Mr. Miggs of Danbury 2871X BAKER (J.), John Westacott [A History cf Every-day Events] 113 & 2472X BAKER (William M.), New Timothy [Harper's Monthly, v. 36] 1616J Virginians in Texas [Harper s New Monthly Magazine, v. 35] — 1615J [The following short tales also by this author will be found in Harper's Monthly Magazine: — Clergyman's Adventure, 1603J. Glitter and Gold, 1601J. Little Miss Mouse and her Scholar, 1637J. Mr. Dods' Six Shots, 1612J. Natural Selection, 1632J. Survival of the Fittest, 1630J.I BALFOUR (Clara L.), Family Honour and Kate Ormond's Dower [Quiver, v. 9] Ballad Story [Girls' Own Annual, v. 2] Ballads, by William Makepeace Thackeray 1085 and BALLANTYNE (R. M., Instructive Writer for the Young] : Big Otter 2478X Also Every Boy's Annual . . 1305H Black Ivory 2479X Coral Island 2480X Deep Down 2481X Dog Crusoe and his Master 2482X Dusty Diamonds 2483X Erling the Bold 2484X Fighting the Flames 2485X Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands 2486X Fort Desolation 2497X Also Every Boy's Annual . . 1301H Freak on the Fells 2487X Fugitives 2488X Gascoyne 2489X Giant of the North Golden Dream G orilla Hunters Hudson Bay In the Track of the Troops... Iron Horse Island Queen Life in the Red Brigade Lifeboat Lighthouse '. Lonely Island Madman and the Pirate Martin Rattler Middy and the Moors, an AlgerineStory[B.O.A.]... 3279J 2552J 1098X 2490X 249 1 X 2492X 2493X 2494X 2495X 2496X 2497X 2498X 2499X 119X 120X 121X 2960J [869] BAL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BAR BALLANTYNE (R. M.)— (continued) My Doggie and I 148X Also Boys' Own Annual, v. 3 2953J Norseman in the West 1 49X Philosopher Jack 257X Pirate City 258X Post Haste 259X Prairie Chief 260X Also Boys' Own Annual, v. 8 2958J Red Eric 279X Red Man's Revenge 280X Also Boys' Own Annual, v. 2 2952J Red Rooney 28 iX Rivers of Ice 455X Rivers of the Andes 456X Settler and the Savage 457X Shifting Winds 458X Six Months at the Cape 459X Tales of Adventure : By Flood, Field, and Moun- tain 487 and 502X On the Coast 489X On the Sea 486X Wild Work in Strange Places 488X Twice Bought 499X A Iso Boys' Own Annual, v. 5 . . 2955J Under the Waves 673X Ungava 674X Wild Man of the West 675X World of Ice 676X Young Fur Traders 677X Young Trawler 678X Ball-room Repentance, by Annie Edwardes [Temple Bar, v. 64] .... 1394J BALZAC (Honore de), and others, Public and Private Life of Animals 2384X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. BANIM (John, Irish Novelist, b. 1800, d. 1842) : Father Connell 2774X I John Doe 2773X Ghost Hunter & his Family 2514X | Tales of the O'Hara Family 121 iX BANKS (Mrs. G. Linnceus, Manchester Novelist, b. 1821) : Manchester Man ..2377 and 2378X Also Cassell's Magazine, v. I.. 2350 J More than Coronets [Girls' Own Annual, v. 1] 2551J Wooers and Winners 3298X Blush Rose [G. O. A. , v. 3] 2553J Caleb Booth's Clerk ....... 2375X Glory 2376X God's Providence House... 2377X In His Own Hand 3256X Barbara Philpot, by Hon. Lewis Wingfield 3303X Barbara Street, a Family Story of To-day [Quiver, v. 26] 3296J Barbara's Brothers, by Green [Sunday at Home, v. 34] 2884J Barbara's Warning, by Mrs. Houstoun , 2197X Barbicane & Co., or the Purchase of the Pole, by Jules Verne [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12] 2962J BarcTiester Towers, by Anthony Trollope 1154X BARDSLEY (C. W.), Brownie 2799X BAEHAM (Rev. A. H.). See Ingoldsby (Thos.). BARKER (Lady, Traveller in Africa), Sybil's Book 2848X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Barford Bridge, or Schoolboy Trials, by Rev. H. C. Adams 1302II Barnaby Rudge, a Tale of the Riots of 'Eighty [Gordon Riots, 1780], by Charles Dickens 346, 383, 384, 1069 and 2941X Barney Branagan, by William Carleton 1238X Baron Munchausen's Original Travels and Adventures [by Raspe] ... 2416X Baronet and the Balloon [Temple Bar Magazine, v. 84] 1414J BARR (Amelia E., Scotch Writer) : Border Shepherdess 2296X Daughter of Fife 1885X Faint Heart never won Fair Lady [Harp. v. 63] 1643J In Spite of Himself 3 143X Jan Vedder's Wife 1884X [870] Last of the MacAllisters 2643J Lone House [Leisure Hour, v. 36] 2646J Squire of Sandal Side 1883X Under which Flag [C. W. M.] 258J BAR ENGLISH SECTION. BEA Barren Honour, by G. A. Lawrence [Fraser's Magazine, v. 64] BARRETT (Frank, Serial Writer) : By Misadventure [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 14] 2363J Harlowe's Helpmate 2361 J Hidden Gold [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 6] 2355J 674J John Ford, his Faults and Follies, and what came of Them 2359J Major Godfroy's Discovery... 2356J Prodigal's Progress 553X Under a Strange Mask 2364J Barriers Burned Away [Great Chicago Fire], by E. P. Roe 1764X Barrington, by Charles Lever 75°X Barry Lyndon, by William Makepeace Thackeray 1078 and 1091X See also Fraser's Magazine, v. 29 639J BARTLETT (J. Allen), Bill Martock, a Tale of the Severn Sea [Boys' Own Annual, v. 10] 2960J BASIL. See King (Richard Ashe). Basil Plant, a Present Day Story, by Ethel Coxon 1592X Basil Woolcombe, Midshipman, by Arthur Lee Knight 2959J BASKIN (Mary), Conquered at Last [Christian World Magazine]... 244J Bateman Household, and what became of Them, by James Payn [Chambers' Journal, v. 33] 1943J Baylerbay, or Strangers in Turkey, by J. C. Fife Cookson 2174X BAYLEY (Thomas Haynes, Lyric Poet, b. 1799, d. 1839), Kindness in Women 2515X BAYLY (Ada Ellen). See Lyall (Edna). BEACONSFIELD (Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of, Celebrated Statesman and Author, b. 1805, d. 1 881) : Alroy 132, 138, & 144X Coningsby 131, 141, 142 & 2568X Contarini Fleming 129, 146, 2569X Endymion 126 & 147X Henrietta Temple 134 & 2565X Ixion in Heaven 2573X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author BEALE (Anne, Serial Writer, &>c.) : Adopted, a short Story [Girls' Own Annual, v. 5] Charlie is My Darling [Girls' Own Annual, v. 11] Courtleroy [Girls' Own A.] Farm on the Down 2882J His Steadfast Purpose ... 3292J Idonea [Leisure Hour]. ... 2639J In Vanity and Vexation . . . 3294J Lothair 125, 136 and 137X Sybil 135, 139, 145, 2566X Tancred 133, 143, 2570X Venetia 130, 140 &2572X Vivian Grey 127 & 2567X Young Duke.. 128 & 2571X 2555J 2561J 2557J Old Gwen [Sunday at H.]... Pennant Family [Quiver] ... Queen o' the May[G. O. A.] Rose Mervyn of Whitelake.. Seven Years for Rachel, or Welsh Pictures sketched from Life Also Girl's Own Annual, v. 6 Squire Lisle's Bequest[L. H.] White Rose of Whitelake ... Whither Drifting [Quiver] ... 2885J 3289J 2552J 1542X 3I94X y 2556J 2641J 3292J 3295J Miller's Daughter [Quiver] 3290J BEARNE (L. W.), Sister Ursula [Christian World Magazine, 1883] 252J Beatrice, or the Unknown Relatives, hy C. Sinclair 2739X Beatrice Melton's Discipline, by Maud J. Franc 1911X Beau Nash [Fashionable Manners, 18th Cent.], by W. H. Ainsworth 61X Beau Tancrede, or the Marriage Verdict, by Alexandre Dumas 410X Beauchamp, or the Error, by George Payne Rainsford James 263 iX [8713 BEA GUTLLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BER Beauehamp's Career, by George Meredith 2574X See also Fortnightly Review, v. 22, 2112J. Beauclercs, Father and Son, by Charles Clarke [Fraser, v. 72] 682J Beauforts of Beatrice Gardens, by L. T. Meade [Quiver, v. 31].... 3301T Beautiful Jim, by John Strange Winter [Mrs. Stannardl 2696X Beautiful Miss Roche, by Mrs. G. W. Godfrey [Temple Bar, v. 61] 1391J See also Living Age, v. 149, 3179J. Beautiful Wretch, by William Black 3052X Beauty and the Beast, a Fairy Story [Treasury of Old Story Books] 2863X Beauty and the Beast, a Novel, by Sarah Tytler 2030X BEDE (Cuthbert [Rev. E. Bradley], Antiquarian Novelist, b. 1827, d. 1889), Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green 2424 and 3057X See also Good Words, v. 25, 2195J. Living Age, v. 160, 3190J. Beauty's Daughters, by Mrs. Argles [The Duchess] t 1978X Beckside Boggle, and other Lake Country Stories, by Alice Rea. ... 2102X Bede's Charity, by Hesba Stretton [Hannah Smith] 20S9X See also Sunday at Home, v. 19, 2869 J. Beeehcroft at Rockstone, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 3153 and 3378X Beggar's Daughter of Bethnal Green [Chambers' Miscellany] 623R Begum's Daughter, by Edwin Lassetter Bynner [Atlantic Monthly, v. 63] 1553J Begum's Fortune, by Jules Verne 1025X Behind Closed Doors, by Anna Katharine Green 3132X Behind the Veil, a Tale of the Days of William the Conqueror, by E. S. Holt 3093X also Leisure Hour, v. 28, 2638 J. Beleaguered City, a narrative of Certain Recent Events in the City of Semur, in the Department of the Haute Bourgogne, a Story of the Seen and the Unseen, by Mrs. Oliphant 2476X Belinda, by Maria Edgeworth 2445X Belinda, by Rhoda Broughton 1571X See also Temple Bar, v. 67, 1397 J. BELL (Acton, Currer and Ellis). See Bronte. BELL (Catherine D.), Home Sunshine 2971X BELL (M.), Deeds and Words 1217 and 1218X Bell of St. Paul's, a short Tale by Besant [Longman's Magazine, v. 13] 903J Belton Estate, by Anthony Trollope nioand H15X » ■ See also Fortnightly Review, v. i, 2091J. Living Age, v. 86, 3116J. Ben Brace [Days of Nelson, 18th Century], by Captain Chamier 2118X Ben Norton, a Frontier story, by S. S. Robbins [Boys' Own An. v. 2] 2952J Beneath the Wheels, by F. E. M. Notley 2321X BENEDICT (Frank Lee), Her Friend Laurence I545X Benedicta, by Mrs. Alfred Phillips : 17S3X. BENNETT (Mary, Serial Writer) : Fireside Fairy [Fam. Friend] 717R | Good as Gold [Family F.].. 716R Benyowski's Adventures [Macaulay's Stories] 3044X Beppo, the Conscript, by T. Adolphus Trollope [Once a Week, v. 9]. 2269J Berenice 2056X BERESFORD (Mrs.), Poppy 515X Berna Boyle, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell 3123X BERSIER (Madame E.), Micheline 548X Bertha, or Smiles and Tears [Leisure Hour, v. 8] 2618J [S72] BER ENGLISH SECTION. BET Bertie and I, a Home Story [Quiver, v. 24] 3 2 94j Bertie Danby's Training, by Leslie [Sunday at Home, v. 35] . 2885J Bertram Family, by Mrs. Charles 59°X See also Sunday Magazine, v. 12, 2462 J. Bertram Raven, a Story of College Life, by Vernon [Leisure Hour] 2634J Bertrams, The, by Anthony Trollope 1137 and 1153X Bertrand. De La Croix, by James [Romancist and Novelists' Library] 228.1 X BESANT (Walter, Scholar and Novelist \ b. 1838) : All in a Garden Fair I947X Also Good Words,v. 24 2194J All Sorts and Conditions of Men 2366 and237iX Bell of St. Paul's, a Short Tale [Longmans, v. 13] 90 3J Captain's Room, &c 782X Also All Year Round, v. 48 x8o8J Children of Gibeon ...783 & 1980X Also Longman's Mag., v. 7 897 J Dorothy Forster 2037X For Faith and Freedom... 3076X Glorious Fortune 784X Also All Year Round, v. 53 1813J Herr Paulus, his Rise, his Greatness and his Fall 300 iX Humbling of the Memb- lings, &c 782X In Luck at Last, &c 784X Also All the Year Round, v. 55 1815J Katharine Regina 2211X Last Mass [Harper, v. 78] ... 1658J Let Nothing you Dismay ... 782X Also All the Year Round, v. 51 1811J Murder of Nick Vedden 782X Revolt of Man 203 and 2372X They were Married 782X To Call Her Mine 2612X World went very Well then 2367, 2368 and 2407X N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. BESANT (Walter) and POLLOCK (Walter Herries) : 784X I Sir Jocelyn's Cap 784X Julia, &c Also English Illustrated, Also Longman's Magazine, v. 5 895 J 1991J 1 Uncle Jack, &c 784 and 205 iX BESANT (Walter) and RICE (James) By Celia's Arbour 785X Case of Mr. Lucraft 786X Chaplain of the Fleet 2053X Chien d'Or 885X Golden Butterfly 787X Monks of Thelema 788X My Little Girl 789X Also Once a Week, v. 27. Over the Sea Also All Year Round, v. 46 . . Ready Money Mortiboy... Also Once a Week, v. 26. . . . Bessie Among the Mountains, Seamy Side 882 and 3068X Also Time Magazine, v. 1 1491J Shepherds all and Maidens Fair 885X Such a Good Man 885X Sweet Nelly 883X Ten Years' Tenant 883X This Son of Vulcan 884X 'Twas in Trafalgar's Bay 885X Also All the Year Round, v. 41 1801J With Harp and Crown 886 & 3069X 2287J 883X 1 806 J 881X 2286J by Mathews [sequel to 1706X] ... 1703X Bessie and her Friends, by Joanna H. Mathews 1 706X Bessie and Maggie, by Joanna H. Mathews [sequel to 1706X] 1711X Bessie at School, by Joanna H. Mathews [sequel to 1703X] 17C8X Bessie at the Seaside, by Joanna H. Mathews 1710X Bessie on her Travels, by Joanna II. Mathews [sequel to 1708X] ... 1705X Bessy Rane, by Mrs. Henry Wood 7, 29 and 1924X Bessy Wells, by Mrs. Henry Wood 2951X See also Sunday Magazine, v. 11, 2461J. Best of Husbands, by James Payn [Chambers' Journal, v. 5] 1952J Betham-Edwards (M.). See Edwards (M. Betham). Betrothed, The, [Crusades, &c, 12th Century] by Sir W. Scott 925 & 973X l*73l BET GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BLA Betrothed Lovers, by A. Manzoni, translated by Worboise See also Christian World Magazine, 1875, 2 44j- Better than Gold, by Alton Clyde [Mrs. A. Jeffreys] [Quiver, v. 16] Between the Heather and the Northern Sea, by Mary Linskill [Good Words, v. 25] Beyond Recall, by Adeline Sergeant Beyond the Gates, by E. S. Phelps Beyond the Seas, by Oswald Crawfurd Big Otter, a Tale of the Great Nor' West, by R. M. Ballantyne See also Every Boy s Annual, 1886, 1305H. Bill Martock, a Tale of the Severn Sea, by Bartlett [B. O. A., v. 10] Bimbi, Stories for Children, by Ouida [Mademoiselle De la Rame]... Binko's Blues, a Tale for Children of all Growths, by H. C. Merivale Bird of Passage, by J. Sheridan Le Fanu [Temple Bar, v. 29] Bird Talisman [Family Friend, 1861] Birds of Prey, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] BISHOP (William H.) The Golden Justice [Atlantic Monthly, v. 52] BLACK (William, Scotch Novelist, b. 1841) : Princess of Thule [Mac- Beautiful Wretch 3052X Daughter of Heth 504X Green Pastures and Picca- dilly [Sequel to 505X] 507X Also Living Age, v. 132 3162J In Far Lochaber [Harper's Magazine, v. 76] 1656J In Silk Attire 568X Judith Shakespeare 51 iX A Iso Harper, v. 68 1648J Kilmeny 510X Lady Silverdale's Sweet- heart 513X Macleod of Dare *554X Also Good Words, v. 19. . . . 2189J Harper, v. 56 1636J Living Age v. 136 . . 3166J 30] millan, v. 27] . . Sabina Zembra Shandon Bells Snow Idyll [Good W., v. A Iso Harper, v. 64 Strange Adventures of a House Boat Strange Adventures of a Phueton Also Living Age, v. 112 • Macmillan, v. 25 Sunrise Three Feathers A Iso Cornhill, v. 30 '— Living Age, v. 122 White Heather [Longman's] White Wings Also Cornhill, v. 40 Harper, v. 59 Yolande. N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. I378X 3286J 2I95J I820X 2968X 3304X 2478X 2960J 866X 639X I359J 718R 501X I542J 957J 2C2IX I.S57X 2200J 1644J 1261X 505X 3142J 955.1 3054X 3055X 3 10 J 3 1 52 J 895J 3050X 320J 1639J 5I4X Madcap Violet 1950X Also Macmillan, v. 33 i 963J Maid of Killeena 3°53X Marriage of Moira Fergus [Cornhill, v. 31] 311J Penance of John Logan... 3331X Black Arrow, by Robert Louis Stevenson 2290X Black Beauty, the Autobiography of a Horse, by E. M. Sewell 2858X Black but Comely, or the Adventures of Jane Lee, by Melville 840X Black Donkey, or the Guernsey Boys, by Darley Dale [S.P.C.K.]... 2398X Black Dwarf, by Sir Walter Scott 897, 945 and 985X and 1026Z Black Eagle, or Ticonderoga, by G. P. R. James 2624X Black Flag, by W. S. Hayward 1215X Black Ivory, a Tale of Adventure among the Slaves of East Africa, by R. M. Ballantyne 2479X Black Poodle and other Stories, by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie] 2218X See also Longman's Magazine, v. 1, 891 J. Black Prophet, a Tale of Irish Famine, by W. Carleton 2524 and 1237X Black Robe, by Wilkie Collins 3004X [874] BLA ENGLISH SECTION. BLA Black Sheep, by Edmund Yates [All the Year Round, v. 16] 1776] Black Story[Once a Week, v. 38J 2298J Black Troopers [Leisure Hour, v. 19] 2629J Black Tulip, by Alexandre Dumas 412X Black Watch, by Tames Grant 922X BLACKBURNE (E. Owens): Chronicle of Barham iHeartofErin 1560X rOuiver, V. 2ll 32QIT N.B. — See also the General ^ J • J I Catalogue for this Author. BLACKFORD (Mrs.), Scottish Orphans 1219X Blackmail, by R. Mounteney-Jephson 2201X BLACKMORE (Richard Doddridge, Poet and Novelist, b. 1825) : Lorna Doone 482X Maid of Sker [Blackwood, v. no] 180J Also Living Age, v. 111 3141J Mary Anerley[Fraser, v. 100] 710J Springhaven [Battle of Tra- falgar, &c] 2059X Also Harper's Monthly, v. 72 . . 1652J Tommy Upmore 485X Alice Lorraine 2809X Also Blackwood's M., v. 115 185J Living Age, v. 121 . . 3151J Christowell 516X Also Good Words, v. 22 2192J Clara Vaughan 454X Cradock Nowell 1563X Also Macmillan, v. 12 942 T Cripps the Carrier 2028X Erema [Cornhill, v. 34] ... 314J A Iso Harper's Monthly, v. 54 J 634J Blackwood, Tales from :— Vols. i-2. — Glenmutchkin Railway. Vanderdecken's Message Home. Float- ing Beacon. Colonna the Painter. Napoleon I. A Legend of Gibraltar. Iron Shroud. Lazaro's Legacy. Story without a Tail. Faustus and Queen Elizabeth. How I became a Yeoman. Devereux Hall. Metempsychosis. College Theatricals 2821X Vols. 3-4. — A Reading Party in the Long Vacation. Father Tom and the Pope. La Petite Madelaine. Bob Burke's Duel with Ensign Brady. The Headsman : a Tale of Doom. The Wearyful Woman. How I Stood for the Dreepdaily Burghs. First and Last. Duke's Dilemma. Old Gentleman's Teetotum. " Woe to us when we lose the Watery Wall." My College Friends : — Charles Russell, the Gentleman-Commoner. The Magic Lay of the One- Horse Chay 2822X Vols. 5-6. — Adventures in Texas. How we got Possession of the Tuileries. Captain Paton's Lament. The Village Doctor. A Singular Letter from Southern Africa. My Friend the Dutchman. My College Friends : — Horace Leicester. The Emerald Studs. My College Friends: — Mr. W. Wellington Hurst. Christine: a Dutch Story. The Man in the Bell 2823X Vols. 7-8.— My English Acquaintance. Murderer's Last Night. Narration of certain Uncommon Things that did formerly happen to me, Herbert Willis, B.D. Wags. Wet Wooing : a Narrative of '98. Ben-na-Groich. Surveyor's Tale. Forrest-Race Romance. Di Vasari : a Tale of Florence. Sigismund Fatello. Boxes 2824X Vols. 9-10. — Rosaura : a Tale of Madrid. Adventure in the North-West Territory. Harry Bolton's Curacy. The Florida Pirate. The Pandour and his Princess. The Beauty Draught. Antonio di Carara. Fatal Repast. Vision of Cagliostro. First and Last Kiss. The Smuggler's Leap. Haunted and the Haunters. Duellists 2825X Vols. 11-12.— The Natolian Story-Teller. The First and Last Crime. John Rintoul. Major Moss. The Premier and his Wife. Tickler among the Thieves ! The Bridegroom of Barna. The Involun- tary Experimentalist. Lebrun's Lawsuit. The Snowing-up of Strath Lugas. A few Words on Social Philosophy 2826X Second Series, Vol. 1. — Irene Macgillicuddy. Nan, a Summer Scene. The Bells of Botreaux. A Recent Confession of an Opium Eater. Shakespeare's Funeral. A Night with the Volunteers of Strathkinahan. The Philosopher's Baby. The Secret Chamber 2827X [8751 BLA GUILLE-ALLfes LIBRARY. BLI Blackwood, Tales from — {continued.) Vol. 2.— The Battle of Dorking. Late for the Train. The Congress and the Agapedome. Maga's Birthday. Grace Owen's Engagement. The Raid of Arnaboll. How to make a Pedigree 2828X Vol. 3.— Who Painted the Great Murillo de la Merced ? A Parochial Epic. A Military Adventure in the Pyrenees. The Pundrapore Resi- dency. Falsely Accused. Witchampton Hall 2829X Vol. 4. — The Romance of Ladybank. Metamorphoses. Betsy Brown, a True Story. The Last French Hero. Unlucky Tim Griffin. The Spectre of Milaggio 2830X Vol. 5. — The Autobiography of a Joint-Stock Company (Limited). Bee or Beatrix. The Night- Wanderer of an Afghaun Fort. Ayrshire Curling Song. The Light on the Hearth. How to Boil Peas. Clive's Dream before the Battle of Plassey 2831X Vol. 6.— What I did at Belgrade. Wrecked off the Riff Coast. Dollie and the Two Smiths. A Railway Journey. A Dog without a Tail. Wassail 2832X Vol. 7. — Cousin John's Property. A Modern Magician. Edgar' Wayne's Escape. The Lost Secret of the Cocos Group. The Two Mrs. Scudamores. Bates's Tour 2833X Vol. 8.— The Devil's Frills : a Story of Eulenberg. The Shadow of the Door. The Wreck of the Strathmore. Hero-Worship and its Dangers. Annie and her Master. A Feuilleton 2834X Vol. 9.— Guy Neville's Ghost. The Great Unknown. The Easter Trip of Two Ochlophobists. Rapping the Question. My Adventures with Peter Schlemihl. Aunt Ann's Ghost Story. The Blue Dragoon. Lord Hatton 2835X Vol. 10. — The Missing Bills : an Unsolved Mystery. My Hunt of the Silver Fox. Narrative of Prince Charlie's Escape. A Fenian Alarm. The Philosopher's Pendulum. Lady Adelaide : a Study. A Christmas Tale. How Frank Thornton was Cured. -In Life and in Death : a Page of Family History. A Cause worth Trying 2S36X Vol. n. — The Haunted Enghenio. Milly's First Love. Mrs. Beauchamp's Vengeance. A Family Feud. The Disappointing Boy. The Cottage by the River. A Ride for Life. A Sketch from Baby- lon. The Engine-driver to his Engine. The Coachman of the ' ' Skylark " 2837X Vol. 12. — Left-handed Elsa. The Great Earthquake at Lisbon. Some One Pays. Sir Tray : an Arthurian Idyl. Whittlebridge. Nenu- phar : a Fancy. Whist at our Club. My Investment in the Far West. Brown's Peccadillo 2838X BLAKE (Paul, Writer for Boys) : A Week on the Thames [Boy's Own Annual, v. 3] 2953J " Marquis " of Torchester, or Schoolroom and Playground [Boys' Own Annual, v. 9] 2959J School and the World, a Story of School and City Life [Boys' Own Annual, v. 7] 2957J Siguard the Viking [Boys' Own Annual, v. 4] 2954J The New Boy [Boys' Own Annual, v. 3] 2953J Two Chums, a Grammar-school Story [Boys' Own Annual, v. 5] 2955T Blanche Montaigne, by P. H. Myers 2713X Bleak House, by Charles Dickens 363, 382 and 2950X See also Harper's Monthly Magazine, v. 4, 1584J. BLIND (Mathilde), Tarantella 2054X See also the General Catalogue. Blind Beggar's Daughter of Bethnal Green [" Home Treasury of old Story Books"] 2863X Blind John Netherway [Sunday at Home, v. 14] 2864J [876] BLI ENGLISH SECTION. BOY Blind Justice, by Helen Mathers [Mrs. Reeve] 3320 Blithedale Romance, by Nathaniel Hawthorne 1322 and 2889X Blockade, An Episode of the Fall of the First French Empire, by Erckmann-Chatrian 2213X Blockade Runners [American Civil War], by Jules Verne ...." 1023X Blondel Parva, by James Payn [Chambers' Journal, v. 45] ... * I949J Blood-money and 'other Stories, by Charles Gibbon 3082X Blue and Green, or the Gift of God, a Romance of Old Constanti- nople, by Sir H. Pottinger I775X Blue Bell, by Maud Bramston 2795X Blue Ribbon, by Miss Tabor 1972X Blue Roses, or Helen Malinofska's Marriage, by C. Dempster 1566X Blue Stocking, by Mrs. Annie Edwardes 2215X See also Temple Bar, v. 50, 1380 J. Bluebeard's Keys, by Miss Thackeray 1824X See also Cornhill Magazine, v, 23, 303J. Blues and Buffs, by Arthur Mills [Fraser's Magazine, v. 101] 711J Blush Rose, a Short Story, by Mrs. Linnreus Banks [Girls' Own, v. 3] 2553J Boarding-House Romance [All the Year Round, v. 52] 1812J BONCCEUR (Jean, Serial Writer) : Adriana [Once a Week, v. 14] 2274J Joyce Dormer's Story [Once a Week, v. 15] 2275J On Silver Wings [Once a Week, v. 24] 2284J Bond of Wedlock, by Mrs. Campbell Praed ... 33°5X Bones and I, or the Skeleton at Home, by G. J. Whyte Melville ... 829X Boniface (J. X.). See Saintine (X. B ). Book of Goaks, by Artemus Ward [Charles F. Browne] 3364X Book of Snobs, by W. M. Thackeray 1083 and IC96X and 1547Z Book of the Passions and other Tales, by G. P. R.James 700X Book without a Name, by Lady Morgan 1393X Booth (Mrs. E. M. J. Gollan Von). See Rita. Boots and Saddles, or Life in Dakota with General Custer, by Custer 1266X Border Shepherdess, by Amelia E. Barr 2296X Border Tales and Legends of the Cheviots, by W. H. Maxwell 2702X Borderers, or the Heathcotes, a Romance of Prairie Life, by James Fenimore Cooper 319 and 2902X Borderland, a Country Town Chronicle, by Jessie Fothergill 98X Borne Back, a Tale, by Emma E. Hornibrook [Quiver, v. 24] 3 2 94j Boscobel, or the Royal Oak, a Tale of the Year 165 1 [Escape of Charles II.], by William Harrison Ainsworth 62X Bostonians, The, by Henry James 2141X See also Century Magazine, v. 7, 1879J. Bothwell, or the Days of Mary Queen of Scots, by James Grant ... 1220X Bound to Earth [Girls' Own Annual, v. 4] 2554T Bourgonef [Living Age, v. 161J 3191J BOWER (A.), Asserted but not Proved, or Struggles to Live 2346X BOWMAN ( Anne, Writer for the Young) : Kangaroo Hunters 1221X | Pirate Island [E. B. A., 1866] 1301II BOWRA (Harriette), Cross Currents, a Tale [Leisure Hour, v. 24].. 2634J Box for the Season, by Charles Carlos Clarke 608X Boy and Man, a Story for Young and Old, by Millington [Leisure Hour, v. 25] 2635I [877] BOY GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BRA Boy Captain, The, a Tale of Adventure by Land and Sea, by Jules Verne [Boys' Own Annual, v. 2] 2952J Boy-Slaves, The, by Captain Mayne Reid 1768X Boy Tar, The, by Captain Mayne Reid I77IX Boys and Girls' Illustrated Gift Book, with upwards of 250 illustra- trations by Wolf, Harrison Weir, &c. , &c 345X Boy's Campaign, by Ascott R. Hope [Boys Own Annual, v. 2] 2952J BOYLE (Frederick), Golden Prime 2283X BRADDON (M. E. [Mrs. J. Maxwell], Popular Novelist, b. 1837) : Asphodel 162X Also All Year Round, v. 45 . . 1805J Aurora Floyd 183 & 2324X Also Temple Bar, v. 4 *334T Birds of Prey 501X Captain of the Vulture.... 655X Charlotte's Inheritance *79X Cloven Foot 159 & 2324X Day will Come 3342X Dead Men's Shoes 2157X Dead Sea Fruit 517X Doctor's Wife [T. B. , v. 10] 1340J Eleanor's Victory 180 & 184X Also Once a Week, v. 8 2268 J Fatal Three 3306X Flower and Weed 2148X Golden Calf 519X His Secret 2324X Hostages to Fortune ...181 & 252X Ishmael 2408 & 2149X John Marchmont's Legacy 520X Also Temple Bar, v. 7 1337J Just as I am 21 56X Lady Audley's Secret 2324X Lady Lisle. S22X Lady's Mile 165X Like and Unlike 2024X Lost for Love 191 & 199X Lovels of Arden 171X Lucius Davoren 175X Mohawks 2023X Mount Royal 523X Octoroon 2324X Only a Clod 525X Only a Woman 529X Open Verdict 174X Phantom Fortune 526X Ralph the Bailiff 198X Rupert Godwin 178X Sir Jasper's Tenant 166X Also Temple Bar, v. 13 1343J Strange World 185X Strangers and Pilgrims " 177X Taken at the Flood 188X To the Bitter End 168X Trail of the Serpent 182X Under the Red Flag 3310X Vixen 197X A Iso All the Year Round, v. 41 . . 1801 J Wages of Sin 2324X Wavering Image 2324X Weavers and Weft 176 & 2153X Wyllard's Weird 528X Bradley (Rev. E.). See Bede (Cuthbert). BRADSHAW (Mrs. John), Merevale 2311X Braes of Yarrow, by Charles Gibbon 913X Brambletye House, or Cavaliers and Roundheads, by Horace Smith 1458X Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly, by Charles Lever 745X — See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 15, 295J. Living Age, v. 96, 3126J. BRAMSTON (Maud), Blue Bell 2795X Brandon, or a Hundred Years Ago, a Tale of the American Colonies, by O. Tiffany 1487X Brandreths, The, by A. J. B. Beresford Hope 2180X Brave Geordie, the Story of an English Boy, by Grace Stebbing 2820X Brave Lady, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. D. M. Craik] [Harper, v. 38] j... 1618J See also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 20, 950J. Brave Life, by Isa Craig-Knox [Quiver, v. 11] 3281J [878] BRA ENGLISH SECTION. BRI Bravo, The, by James Fenimore Cooper 306 and 2532X BRAY (Mrs. A. E., Historical Novelist, &c., b. 1800, 936, 984, 987, 1003X and 1040Z Castle of Ehrenstein, its Lords Spiritual and Temporal [Otho. IV., Robber Barons], by G. P. Rainsford James 2622 and 2914X Castle Rackrent [Irish Character, 18th Century], by Maria Edgeworth 2448X Castle Richmond [Famine, 1847], by Anthony Trollope H36X Castle Warlock, by George Macdonald 1543X [884] €AS ENGLISH SECTION. CHA Castleneau, or the Ancient Regime, by G. P. R. James... 683, 693, & 2664X Catching a Tartar, by G. Webb Appleton 2216X Catharine, by William Makepeace Thackeray 1085 and IC98X •Catharine Blum, by Alexandre Dumas 4 2 9^ Catharine de Medicis, or The Queen-Mother, by L. S. Costello 1265X Caught by a Thread, a Story of Real Life [Once a Week, v. 21] . .. 228 ij Cavaliers and Roundheads, or Stories of the Great Civil War, by JohnG. Edgar 1282X Cavalry Life in Barracks and Out, by John Strange Winter 2435X Caxtons, a Family Picture, by Lord Lytton 216, 244, 245 and 246X See also Blackwood, v. 63, 133J. Also Sequel, My Novel, 204, 231 & 233X. Cecil Castlemaine's Gage and other Novelettes, by Ouida [Mademoiselle Louise de la Rame] 845 and 851X Cecil, or the Adventures of a Coxcomb, by Mrs. Gore 1240 and 2176X Cecil's Tryst [Chambers' Journal, v. 48] T 95°J a Cedar Creek, from the Shanty to the Settlement, a Tale of Canadian Life [Leisure Hour, v. 10] 2620J Celia [Living Age, v. 144] 3 J 74J Celia and her Legacy, by M. E. Hullah [Girls' Own Annual, v. 5].... 2555J Cerise, a Tale of the Last Century, by J. G. Whyte Melville 83 iX CERVANTES (Miguel de) Don Quixote 1242 and 1243X Chaff and Wheat [Once a Week, v. 37] 2297J Chainbearer, or the Little Page Manuscripts, by Cooper ...287 and 324X CharrTbercornbe, a Tale of North Devonshire [Leisure Hour, v. 14] 2624J CHAMIER (Frederick, Captain, b. 1796, d. 1870), Ben Brace 2118X Chance Acquaintance, by William D. Howells 1 293X Chandos, by Ouida [Mademoiselle Louise de la Rame] 848X Change of Luck, by William Cyples [Chambers', v. 45] I949J Changes and Chances, by Mrs. Carey Brock 2374X Channings, The, by Mrs. Henry Wood 2, 40, 55 and 1926X See also the Sequel, Roland Yorke, 3, 1525 and 1528X. Chantry House, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 2393X Chantry Priest of Barnet, by Alfred J. Church 3 2 39 x Chaplain of the Fleet, by Walter Besant and James Rice 2053X Chaplet of Pearls [St. Bartholomew, 1572], by Charlotte M. Yonge 3089X • See also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 17, 947 J. Charity Helstone, by Mrs. Carey Brock 543X CHARLES (Mrs., Historical Novelist) : Diary of Mrs. Trevylyan ... 59 iX Against the Stream 599X Also Sunday Magazine, v. 2. 2459J Bertram Family 59oX Also Sunday Magazine, v. 12 2462 J Chronicles of the Schon- . berg-Cotta Family 1245X Conquering and to Con- quer ...'. 597X Draytons and Davenants .... 600X Joan the Maid 593X Also Sunday Magazine, v. 15.. 2465J Lapsed but not Lost [Sun. M.] 2463J Ravens and Angels 594^ Victory and the Vanquished. 596X Winifred Bertram 2096X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Charles O'Malley, by Charles Lever 764X Charles Tyrrell, or the Bitter Blood, by James 687, 2620 and 2915X CHARLESWORTH (Mrs., b. 1819, d. 1880) : Broken Looking Glass 606X Ministering Children 602X Ministry of Life 2411X Oliver of the Mill 605X [885] CHA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CHR Charlie, a Waifs History told by Himself, by Mrs. Woodward 1S72X Charlie is My Darling, by Anne Beale [Girls' Own Annual, v. 11]... 2561 J Charlie Thornhill, or the Dunce of the Family, by C. C. Clarke 609X Charlie's Courtship, a Guernsey Story, by Adolphus Collenette [Guernsey Magazine, v. 7] 2387J Charlotte's Inheritance, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell].. 501X Charmed Scarf, by Morton [Romancist and Novelists' Library] 228 iX Charmed Sea, and other Tales, by Harriet Martineau 778X Charming Fellow, by F. E. Trollope [All the Year Round, v. 33]... 1793J Charmouth Grange, a Tale of the Seventeenth Century, by Groves 336X Charms and Counter-Charms, by Maria Mcintosh 2692 and 2924X Cheaterie Packman, by Ritchie [Romancist and Novelists' Library] 2282X Checkmate, by J. Sheridan Le Fanu [CasselPs Magazine, v. 2] 2342J Chelsea Householder, Anonymous 5 1 8X Chelsea Pensioners, by George Robert Gleig 1475^ CHERBULIEZ (Victor, of the French Academy, b. 1832), Saints and Sinners 2266X Cherry Ripe, by Helen Mathers [Mrs. Reeve] 1 7 1 2X ■ See also Temple Bar, v. 49, 1379J. CHESNEY (Colonel C. C, Writer on Military Affairs, b. 1827, d. 1876), Private Secretary [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 128] 198J CHESNEY (Colonel G.), Dilemma [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 117] 187J CHETWYND (Hon. Mrs. Henry W.), March Violet 1925X Chetwynd Calverly, by William Harrison Ainsworth 88X Chevalier de Maison Rouge, a Tale of the Reign of Terror, by Alexandre Dumas 399X Chevy Chase [Home Treasury of old Story Books] 2863X Chicot the Jester, French Historical Romance, by Alexandre Dumas 400X Chien d'Orj by Walter Besant and James Rice 885X Child of Nature, by Robert Buchanan 555X Child of Stafferton, by W. J. Knox Little 3138X Child of the Cavern, or Strange doings Underground, and Dr. Ox's Experiment, by Jules Verne 1019X Child of the Revolution, by Margaret Roberts 3240X Child Ruth, by Beatrice Leigh Hunt [Quiver, v. 17] 3287T Child Wife, by Captain Mayne Reid 3131X Childhood, Boyhood, Youth, by Count Lyof N. Tolstoi 2750X Children at Home, by Mrs. Carey Brock 544X Children of Gibeon, by Walter Besant 783 and 1980X See also Longman's Magazine, v. 7, 897J. Children of the New Forest [Civil War, 17th Cent.], by Capt. Marryat 1552X Child's Influence, or Kathleen and her Great Uncle, by L. Lockyer 3061X Choice Humorous Works of Mark Twain, by S. L. Clemens 1496X Chris, by W. E. Norris 3136X See also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 57, 987J. Chrisna, the Queen of the Danube [Living Age, v. 61] 3091 J Christian Vagabond, by Blanchard Jerrold [Gent. Mag., v. 4, N.s.].. 724J Christian's Mistake, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Dinah M. Craik] 2199X Christie Johnstone, by Charles Reade * 1765X Christie's Faith, by Frederick W. Robinson 1814X Christina North, by E. M. Archer [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 55]... 955J See also Living Age, v. 114, 3144J. Christmas Books, by Charles Dickens 375, 376 and 2959X Christmas Eve, or the Sympathies of Life, by Mrs. H. Brock 2851X [886] CHR ENGLISH SECTION. CLA Christmas Stories from " Household Words" and "All the Year Round," by Charles Dickens 2961X ' See also above named Magazines. Christmas Tales [Boys' Own Annual, v. 4] 2954J Christopher Kenrick, his Life and Adventures [Gentleman's Maga- zine, v. I, N.S.] 72lJ Christowell, by Richard Dodridge Blackmore 516X See also Good Words, v. 22, 2192J. Chronicle of Barham, by E. Owens Blackburne [Quiver, v. 21] 3291J Chronicle of Ethelfled, by Anne Manning 3241X Chronicles of Carlingford and Salem Chapel, by Mrs. Oliphant ... 1244X See also Blackwood, v. 90, 160J. Living Age, v. 71, 3101J. Chronicles of the Canongate, by Sir Walter Scott 1067-8Z Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family [Reformation, 16th Century], by Mrs. Charles 1245X Chrystabel, or Clouds with Silver Linings, by Emma J. Worboise... 1178X Chums, a Tale of the Queen's Navy, by Severne 190 and 1583X CHURCH (Alfred J., Profesor of Latin at University College, London, b. 1829) : Three Greek Children 3355X To the Lions ! 3356X Also Quiver, v. 32 3302 J Two Thousand Years Ago . . . 2386X Chantry Priest of Barnet... 3239X Stories from Homer 1198R Stories from Livy 1167R Stories of the Magicians ... 235 iX N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. CHURCH (Alfred J.) and SEELEY (Richmond), The Hammer, a Story of the Maccabean Times 3 I0 5X Church Catechism, by Mrs. Carey Brock 536X Cinnamon and Pearls, by Harriet Martineau 780X Circe's Lovers, by James Leith Derwent 2196X Circumstantial Evidence, a Guernsey Story, by Frederick James Clarke [Guernsey Magazine, v. 10] 2 39°J Citizen Bonaparte [Maria Therese, 18th Cent.],byErckmann-Chatrian 844X Citizen of Prague [French Revolution, 1 744- 181 5], trans, by Howitt 1333X City and Suburb, by F. G. Trafford [Mrs. Riddel] 1788X City of Sunshine, by Alexander Allardyce 2173X City of the Sultan and Domestic Manners of the Turks, with a Steam Voyage up the Danube, by Miss Julia S. H. Pardoe 1409X Clackitts of Inglebrook Hall, by Prosser [Leisure Hour, v. 19] 2629J Clairvoyant, a Tale, from the German of Zschokke [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 6, N.S.] 726J Clan-Alhyn, a National Tale, by Mrs. Johnstone 1350 and 2670X Clara, or Slave Life in Europe, translated from the German of F. W, Hacklander . 1246X Clara Vaughan, by Richard Dodridge Blackmore 454X Clare, by Lizzie Alldridge 2796X Clarence, a Tale of Our Own Times, by Mrs. Sedgwick 1440X Clarionet, by William Carleton 1238X Clarionet and the Dead Boxer and Barney Branagan, by Carleton.. 2525X Clarissa, or the History of a Young Lady, by S. Richardson 877X Clarissa's Tangled Web, by Beatrice Bristowe 2038X CLAEK (Charles Heher). See Adeler (Max). [887] CLA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. COG CLARKE (Charles Carlos, Serial Writer, &c.) Charlie Thornhill 609X Lord Falconberg's Heir 61 iX Beauclercs, Father and Son [Fraser, v. 72] 682X Box for the Season 608J CLARKE (Frederick James, Editor of the " Guernsey News? and " Guernsey Magazine ") : Circumstantial Evidence : I Perotine : a Guernsey His- a Guernsey Story torical Tale [Guernsey [Guernsey Mag., v. 10].. 2390J | Magazine, v. 8] 2388J CLARKE (Marcus), For the Term of his Natural Life 3066X CLARKE (Mary C.) Rambling Story [Gent. Mag., v. 12, N.S.] 732J CLARKE (Percy), Three Diggers 3354X Claude Hambro, by J. C. Westwood 1863X ClaveringS, by Anthony Trollope 1104 ami 1139X See also Cornhill, v. 13, 293J. Living Age, v. 8, 3ii8J. CLAY (Lady), Stranger in a Strange Land 503X Clear Shining after Rain, a Tale of Guernsey, by Mrs. Carey Brock 338 iX Clemence D'Orville, a Novel of Russian Life [Living Age, v. 103] 3133J CLEMENS (S. L.) Choice Humorous Works of Mark Twain 1496X Cleopatra, being an Account of the Fall and Vengeance of Harma- chis, the Royal Egyptian, as set forth by his own Hand, by Henry Rider Haggard 3048 and 3049X Cleve Hall, by Elizabeth M. Sewell 1038, 1041 and 2841X Cleveden, by Stephen Yorke 1878X Clever Woman of the Family, by C. M. Yonge [Living Age, v. 82]. 3112J Cliff Climbers [A Sequel to Plant Hunters], by Captain Mayne Reid. 1773X Clipper of the Clouds, by Jules Verne 3031X See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 9, 2959J. CLIVE (Mrs. Archer) Paul Ferroll 1249X CLIVE (Katherine), Eberhard 524X Clockmaker, or the Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick of Slick - ville, by Thomas Chandler Haliburton 1449X Closer than a Brother, by G. B. Stuart [All Year Round, v. 61] 182 1 J Cloven Foot, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] 159 & 2324X CLYDE (Alton [Mrs. Arnold Jeffreys], Serial Writer, &-V.) : L Better than Gold [Quiver, j'john Hesketh's Charge Iukca"* v. 16] 3286J [Quiver, v. 14] 3284J His by Right [Quiver, 15] 3285J | Under Foot [Quiver, 12] 3282J Clyffards of Clyffe, byjames Payn [Chambers' Journal, v. 42] i947Ta Clytie, a Novel of the Day, by Joseph Hatton 1001X See also Gentleman's Magazine, v. 10, n.s., 730J. Coals of Fire and other Stories, by David Christie Murray I744X COAPE (H. C), What will Society say 1967X COBBAN (J. MacLaren), Master of his Fate [Blackwood, v. 146]... 216J COBBOLD (Richard, of Ipswich, b. 1797, d. 1877) : History of Margaret Catch- I Mary Anne Wellington 2527X l v .^ 3 r pole 1251X I Zenon 1250X Cobwebs, by Mabel Collins 1589X Cobwebs and Cables, by Hesba Stretton [Miss Hannah Smith] 2185X See also Sunday Magazine, v. 17, 2467J. COCKTON (Henry, Serio-Comic Writer) : Sylvester Sound 1999X j Valentine Vox 2000X [888] CCEL ENGLISH SECTION. COL Coelebs in Search of a Wife, by Hannah More 1252X Co-Heirs, a Cornish Story, by John Berwick Harwood [Cassell's owe a."" -Family Magazine, v. 9] 2 35^J COLE (Sir Henry). See Summerly (Felix). COLEMAN (John) and CHUTE (John C), Gladys' Peril 2205X COLERIDGE (C. R.), An English Squire 1586X Collects, The, by Mrs. Carey Brock 538X College Days at Oxford, or Wilton of Cuthbert's, by H. C. Adams 2760X College Life of Maitre Nablot, by Erckmann-Chatrian [Cassell's, v. 8] 2348J Collegians, The, or the Colleen Bawn, a Tale of Garryowen, by Gerald Griffin 1311 and 3014X COLLENETTE (Adolphus, Guernsey Lecturer and Scientist),F.C.S. : Charlie's Courtship: a Guernsey Scory [Guern- sey Magazine, v. 7] 2387J Leaf of the Log of a Voy- age of Life [Guernsey Magazine, v. 5] 2385J COLLINS (Charles), At the Bar [All the Year Round, v. COLLINS (Mabel, Psychological Writer, &c.) : An Innocent Sinner 1922X | Cobwebs 1589X COLLINS (Mortimer [R.T. Cotton], Journalist and Novelist, b. 1827): Rachel Mauger ; or, The Two Courtships and their Sequels : a Guernsey Story [Guernsey Magazine v. 1].. N.B. — See also the Supplement to the General Catalogue for this Author. Hi 238IJ 774J Fight with Fortune 1894X Mr. Carrington, a Tale of Love [St. Paul's, v. 12] 1172F N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author COLLINS (Wilkie, Popular Novelist, b. 1824, d. 1889) Sweet and Twenty 1914X Sweet Anne Page 6T2X You Play me False 615X After Dark 261X Antonina 268X Armadale 276X A Iso Cornhill, v. 10 290J Harper, v. 30 1610J Black Robe, &c 3004X Dead Secret 272 & 274X A Iso Household Words, v. 15 1755J Living Age, v. 52 3082J Dream Woman J 372j Evil Genius, The 2310X Frozen Deep 2 73^ Also Temple Bar, v. 42 1372 J Girl at the Gate [Eng. 111. J 1992J Hide and Seek 267 & 278X I Say No 3005X Jezebel's Daughter...... 618X Law and the Lady 266X Legacy of Cain 3261X Man and Wife 621X Also Cassell's Magazine, v. 1 2341 J Miss or Mrs 269X Moonstone 275X Also All the Year Round, v. 19 1779J My Miscellanies 262X New Magdalen 264 & 270X A Iso Harper, v. 45 2645 J Temple Bar, v. 36 1366 J No Name 277X A Iso All the Year Round, v. 7 . . 1767 J No Thoroughfare [A. Y. R.] 1778J Poor Miss Finch 265X Also Cassell's Magazine, v. 4 . . 2344 J Queen of Hearts 620X Two Destinies [Temple Bar] 1376J Woman in White 263X Also All the Year Round, v. 2 1762J The following short tales also by this author will be found in Harper's New Monthly Maga- zine : Marriage Tragedy, Percy and the Prophet, v. 55, 1635J. v. 55, N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Colonel Enderby's Wife, by Lucas Malet [Mrs. Harrison] 2469X Colonel Pellinore's Gold [Boys' Own Annual, v. 7] 2957J Colonel Quaritch, V.C., Tale of Country Life, by Haggard... 2389 & 2390X Colonel's Story [Boys' Own Annual, v. 4] 2954J Colthorpe Cousins, and other Stories, by Annie Thomas 185 iX [889] COM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. COO Comedy of a Country House, by Julian R. Sturgis [Murray, v. 5] ... 1465J Comet of a Season, by Justin McCarthy 1439^ See also Gentleman's Magazine, v. 26, N.S., 746 J. Cometh up as a Flower, by Rhoda Broughton 549X Comic Dramas, by Maria Edgeworth 2455X Coming Race, by Lord Lytton 1418X Coming thro' the Rye, by Helen Mathers [Mrs. Reeve] 1436X Commissioner, The, or Adventures of a Gentleman, by James ... 2265X Compulsory Marriage, by Annette Maillard 2697X Con Cregan, The Irish Gil Bias, by Charles Lever 749 and 759X Confession, or the Blind Heart, by W. G. Simms 1259X Confessions of a Clarionet Player, by Erckmann-Chatrian 864X Confessions of a Frivolous Girl, a Story of Fashionable Life, edited by James Grant 2131X Confessions of a Publisher, by J. Strange Winter [Mrs. Stannard] 2300X Confessions of an Etonian, by Charles Rowcroft....! 2733X Confessions of Con Cregan, the Irish Gil Bias, by Lever ... 749 and 759X Confessions of Harry Lorrequer, by Charles Lever 748 and 760X Confessor, The, a Jesuit Tale of the Times, by Miss Hardy... 1254 and 2789X Confidence, by Henry James 1659X Confidential Agent, by James Payn 1598X Confirmed Bachelor [Chambers' Journal, v. 49] 1951J Coningsby, or the New Generation, by B. Disraeli, Earl of Beacons- field 131, 141, 142, 2568 and 2904X Conquered at Last, or Marian De Grey's Story, by Mary Baskin ... 244J Conquering and to Conquer, by Mrs. Charles 597X Conqueror Compass, or the Days of John Company, by Fox [B.O.A.] 2961J CONSCIENCE '(Hendrick, Flemish Poet, b. 1812, d. 1883) : Curse of the Village 2530X Lion of Flanders... 1256 & 2528X Miser Ricketicketack 2540X Tales of Flemish Life 1258X Tales of Old Flanders I2 55X The Happiness of being Rich and Life of the Author . . . 3043X Veva 1257 & 2529X Conscript, The, by Erckmann-Chatrian 865X Conscript's Bride, by Thomas Colley Gratton 2589X Conspirators, or the Chevalier d'Harmental, by Dumas ... 420 and 1056X Constable De Bourbon, by William Harrison Ainsworth 57X Constable of France, by JamesGrant 928X Constable of the Tower, an Historical Romance, by Ainsworth 74X Consuelo, by George Sand [Madame Dudevant] 2734X Contarini Fleming, a Psychological Romance, by B. Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield 129, 146, 2569 and 2905X Contraband, by G. J. Whyte Melville 839X Contrast, The, by Maria Edgeworth 2444X Convict, The, by George Payne Rainsford James 2628X CONWAY (Flugh [Frederick John Fargus], d. 1885) : Called Back 2872X j Family Affair [Eng. 111. Mag.] 1992J Cardinal Sin 2406X Living or Dead 3324 and 3264X Dark Days 2873X I Slings and Arrows 2294X COOK (Dutton, Serial Writer, &c.) : Doubleday's Children [All , Trials of the Tredgolds [Tem- the Year Round, v. 37] 1797J j pie Bar Magazine, v. 7] ... 1337J Hobson's Choice [O. a W.] 2275J Prodigal Son[0. a W., v. 6] 2266J Also Living Age, v. 73 3103J Upstairs and Downstairs [Once a Week, v. 17] 2277J Young Mr. Nightingale 33C0X f89o] coo ENGLISH SECTION. COS COOKSON (J. C. Fife), Baylerbay, or COOLIDGE (Susan) [Miss Woolsey], Feud was Healed COOPER (James Fenimore, Popular d. 1851): Afloat and Ashore 302, 318, 2547X Borderers, Wyandotte, Mark's Reef and Satan- stoe 319 & 2902X Bravo, The 306 & 2532X Chainbearer 287 & 324X Crater 289X Deerslayer, The 299, 321 & 2558X Eve Effingham 316 & 2541X Headsman 309, 321, 2552 & 2903X Heathcotes, The ...2542 & 2932X Heidenmauer286, 321, 329, 2550X Home as Found 3 X 3X Homeward Bound 282, 292, 316 & 2543X Imagination 2280X Jack O'Lantern 325X Jack Tier 303 & 2553X Last of the Mohicans 295, 1757 & 2531X Lionel Lincoln 288, 320, 328 & 2533X Lucy Hardinge 323X N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. COOPER (Katherine), Sebastian [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 37] 967J COOPER (Mrs.), Nearly in Port [Sunday at Home, v. 32] 2882J Coquette's Conquest, by Richard Ashe King [Basil] 3170X Coral Island, Tale of the Pacific Ocean, by R. M. Ballantyne 2480X CORBETT (Julian), Kophetua the Thirteenth [Time, v. 18] 1508} CORBIERE (J. E.), Mount Orgueil Castle, a Tale of Jersey during the War of the Roses 3C95X CORELLI (Marie, Psychological Writer) : Strangers in Turkey 2174X Guernsey Lily, or how the 2273X American Novelist, b. 1789? Mark's Reef 330 & 2535X Mercedes of Castile 296X Miles Wallingford 293, 318 & 2538X Monikins 304 & 326X Ned Myers 320 & 2544X Oak Openings 311, 320 & 2534X Pathfinder 305, 317 & 2556X Pilot 284, 316& 2555X Pioneers 308, 317 & 2548X Prairie 315, 317 & 2537X Precaution ...314, 320, 327 & 2536X Ravensnest 322X Red Rover ...283, 310, 318 & 2551X Redskins 298X Satanstoe 301 & 2539X Sea Lions 307 & 2549X Spy, The 291, 316 & 2557X Two Admirals ...290, 318 & 2546X Water Witch 285, 321 & 2554X Ways of the Hour 294X Wept of Wishton Wish 3 1 2X Wing and Wing 3coX Wyandotte 297 & 2559X 3233X Ardath Romance of Two Worlds [Human Electric Spirit] 3070X 307 IX Thelma, a Norwegian Prin- cess Vendetta, or the Story of the Forgotten 3072X Cornelius O'Dowd [Charles Lever] upon Men and Women, and other Things in General 1261X CORNER (Miss Julia, Educational Writer, £rc, b. 1798), English Envoy at the Court of Nicholas 1 2560X Cornet of Horse, a Tale of Marlborough Wars, by G. A. Henty 1045X Cornhill to Grand Cairo, by William M. Thackeray 1081 and 1094X Corse de Leon, or the Brigand, by G. P. R. James 695 and 696X Cossacks, The, a Tale of the Caucasus in the year 1852, by Count Lyof N. Tolstoi 2730 and 3090X COSTELLO (Dudley, Journalist, &c, b. 1803, d. 1865), Joint Stock- Banker 1264X [891] COS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. COX COSTELLO (Louisa Stuart, Poetess, b. 1799, d. 1870), Catherine de Medicis 1265X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. COTTON (Robert Turner). See Collins (Mortimer). Counsel of Perfection, by Lucas Malet [Mrs. Harrison] 1974^ See also Murray's Magazine, v. 2, 1463J. Count Fathom, a Romance, by Tobias Smollett 1057X Count Hugo of Craenhove 2793X Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas 423X Count Robert of Paris, by Scott ....934, 982, 983, 988 and iod7X and 1033-9Z Counterfeit Presentiment, by William D. Howells 1 296X Counterparts, or the Cross of Love, by E. L. Sheppard 2160X Countess de Charny, an Historical Romance, by Alexandre Dumas. 415X Countess Eve, by J. Henry Shorthouse 2015X Counting-House Romance [Chambers' Journal, v. 49] 1951J Country Gentleman and his Family, by Mrs. Oliphant 2397X See also Atlantic Monthly, v. 55, 1545J. Country-House on the Rhine, by Auerbach [Living Age, v, 99].... 3129J Country in Danger, by Erckmann Chatrian 871X Country of the Dwarfs, a new work of Stirring Adventure [Africa], by Paul Du Chaillu..... 1281X Country Stories, by Mary Russell Mitford 2710 and 1386X Country Vicarage, by Mrs. Anne Marsh 2682X County [Cornhill Magazine, v. 59] 339J County Family [Chambers' Journal, v. 46] I949ja See also Living Age, v. 102, 3132J. Course of True Love Never did run Smooth, by Charles Reade 1423X Court Netherleigh, by Mrs. Henry Wood 26 and 1927X See also Argosy, v. 31, 31J. Court Royal, by S. Baring-Gould 3242X See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 51, 331J. Court Secrets, by Mrs. Thomson 1480X COURTENEY (Luke Theophilus), Travels in the Interior 122X See also Girls' Own Annual, v. 7, 2557J. Courting of Mary Smith, by Frederick W. Robinson 3184X Courtleroy, by Anne Beale [Girls' Own Annual, v. 7] 2557J Courtship in 1720 and in i860, by Hawley Smart 1825X Cousin Alice. See Tabor (Miss Eliza). Cousin Felix, by Beatrice May Butt [Temple Bar, v. 62] 1392J Cousin Geoffrey, by Theodore Hook 1273X Cousin Henry, by Anthony Trollope 1144X Cousin Mabel's Experiences, Gathering up Fragments, by Miss E. Jane Whately [Sunday at Home, v. 27] 2S77J Cousin Marshall, by Harriet Martineau 776X Cousin Mary, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 117X Cousin Phillis, by Mrs. Gaskell [Cornhill Magazine, v. 8] 288J See also Living Age, v. 8o, 3110J. Cousin William, by Theodore Hook I3 2 9^ Cousins, by L. B. Walford 1857X Coward Conscience, by Frederick W. Robinson 1 8 1 2X COX (James, Writer for Boys), R.N. : Hadji's Amulet, a Strange Story [Boys' Own Annual, v. 8] 2958J Morgan's Head, or the Treasure Cave of the Carribean Sea [Boys' Own Annual, v. 6] 2956J Nearly Garotted [Boys' Own Annual, v. 5] 2955J Schoolboy's Adventures with Moonlighters [Boys' Own An., v. 7] 295 7J [892] COX ENGLISH SECTION CRO COXON (Ethel), A Basil Plant, a Present Day Story 1592X Crack of Doom, by Minto [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 138] 208J CRADDOCK (Charles Egbert [Miss M. N. Murfree]) : In the Clouds [Atlantic Monthly, v. 57] 1547J Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains [Atlantic Monthly, v. 55] 1545J The Despot of Broomsedge Cove [Atlantic Monthly, v. 61] J 55 J J Cradle and Spade, by William Sime [Time Magazine, v. 1 2] 1 502J Cradock Nowell, a Tale of the New Forest, by Richard Blackmore 1563X See also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 12, 942J. CKAIK (D. M.). See Muloch (Miss D. M.). CRAIK (Georgiana M. [now Mrs. E. M. May]) : Dorcas 28 1 7X I Winifred's Wooing 2816X Fortune's Marriage I594 x | CRAIK (Georgiana M.), and STERLING (M. C), Two Tales of Married Life 1836X CRAKE (A. D., Historical Novelist) : Brian, Fitz-Count 3199X I Last Abbot of Glastonbury 3201X Edwy the Fair 3200X j Crane Court, by A. M. Monro , 114X Cranford and other Tales, by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell 49iX CRANKY (Cyrus), Mysterious Guest 2282X Crater, or Vulcan's Peak, a Tale of the Pacific, by J. F. Cooper 289X CRAVEN (Mrs. Augustus), Elaine I597X CRAWFORD (Annabella). See Lisle (Anna). CRAWFORD (Francis Marion, Popular Author, b. 1845) : American Politician 533 & 2329X Sant' Ilario [Eng. 111., v. 6] 1996J Doctor Claudius 2195X Greifenstein 3150 & 3377X Marzio's Crucifix 2422X Also English Illustrated, v. 4 1994J Mr. Isaacs 2342X Paul Patoff 2058X Also Atlantic, v. 59 1549J Roman Singer 2187 & 2418X CRAWFURD (Oswald) : Beyond the Seas... 3304 and 3341X | World we Live in 535X CRAYON (Crotchet), Rival Houses of the Hobbs and Dobbs 2776X CRAYON (Geoffrey). See Irving (Washington). Cressy, by Bret Harte 3173X See also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 58, 988J. CRESWELL (Henry), Incognita 625X Crew of the Dolplmi, by Hesba Stretton [Miss Hannah Smith] 2337X Crichton, The Admirable, a Romance, by Wm. Harrison Ainsworth 65X Criminal, The, from the German of Frederick Schiller 221X Crinkles of Crinklewood Hall, by Prosser [Leisure Hour, v. 25] 2635J Cripps the Carrier, a Woodland Tale, by R. D. Blackmore 2028X Crock of Gold, a Tale of Coveteousness, &c, by Martin F. Tupper 865R Croesus' Widow, by Dora Russell 2234X CROKER(B. M.): Proper Pride 3078X | Some One Else 3079X CROMMELIN (May), Jewel of a Girl 1531X [893] • Sarracinesca [Blackwood, v. 139] 209J Tale of a Lonely Parish 2420X To Leeward 2094X W 7 ith the Immortals 1062X Also Macmillan's Mag., v. 56 986J Zoroaster 1917X CRO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DAG Cromwell, an Historical Novel, by Henry W. Herbert 1323X Crooked Path, by Mrs. Alexander 3317^ Crooked Places, a Story of Struggles and Hopes, by Garrett [S. M.] 2459J Crookit Meg, a Story of the Year One, [Living Age, v. 145 J 3175J Cross and the Crown, a Tale of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes [Sunday at Home, v. 32] 2882J Cross Currents, a Tale by Harriette Bowra [Leisure Hour, v. 24] ... 2634J Cross Purposes, a Tale by George Macdonald 1879Z CROW (Louisa), Mollie's Maidens [Quiver, v. 28] 3298J CROWE '(Mrs.,*. 1800, 384, 1069 & 2941X DIC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DIX DICKENS (Charles)— {continued.) Bleak House... 363, 382 & 2950X A ho Harper's Mag., v. 4 i5 8 4J Christmas Books.375, 376 & 2959X Christmas Stories from Household Words and All Year Round.. ..361 & 2961X David Copperfield..356and 2948X Dombev and Son 354/1067, 1968, 2275 & 2946X Gt. Expectations 358, 393 & 2956X A Iso All the Year Round, v. 4 1764J Hard Times 352 & 396X Also Hous. Words, v. 9 .... 1749J All the Year Round, v. 3 1763J Holiday Romance [H. W.] 1 779) Holly-Tree Inn 357X Also Household Words, v. 12. 1752J Hunted Down 3f>oX Little Dorrit 355> 387, 398 & 2952X Also Harper's Mag., v. 2 i59 2 J Martin Chuzzlewit 196, 353> 392, 1071 & 2943X Master Humphrey's Clock 37 iX Mugford Society 630X Mystery of Edwin Drood 386, 627 & 2962X New Uncommercial Sam- ples [A. Y. R., V. 21] ... I781J Catalogue for this Author. Dick's Wandering, by Julia Sturgis ...., •. 601X DIEHL (Alice Mangold) : Eve Lester 583X | Woman's Love Story 3296X Difficulties of a Young Housekeeper, and how she overcame Them, by Dora Hope [Girls' Own Annual, v. 2] 2 55 2 J Digby Grand, an Autobiography, by G. J. Whyte Melville 817X See also Fraser's Magazine, v. 44, 654J. Dilemma [Indian Mutiny, 19th Century], by Colonel G. Chesney ... 187J See also Living Age, v. 126, 3156J. DILKE (Lady), Shrine of Death 3334X DILLWYN (E. A., Novelist, &»c.) : Jill [Corsica, &c] 636X | Rebecca Rioter 1607X Dim.pleth.orpe, by Miss Tabor 2122X Dingy House at Kensington [Quiver, v. 15] 3285J Discipline, by Mary Brunton 2523X Disenchantment, an Everyday Story, by F. Mabel Robinson 173X Disillusion, or Mary of the Mill and the Countess Maria, from the German of Wildermuth [Leisure Hour, v. 16] 2626J Disowned, The [Christian Philosophy], by Lord Lytton 213, 239 &241X DISRAELI (Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield). See Beaconsfield (Earl of). Disturbing Element, or Chronicles of the Blue Bell Society, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 2797X DIXON (Emma), Isabel's Fortune [Girls' Own Annual, v. 8] 2558J [898] Nicholas Nickleby 360,381, 1065, 2274 & 2937X Old Curiosity Shop 351, 1070, 2939X Oliver Twist 629X Our Mutual Friend 359, 365, 2957X Also Harper's Magazine, v. 29.. i5ooj Pickwick Papers 347, 374, 379? 388, 397, 1068 & 2934X Seven Poor Travellers 39 J ^ Sketches by B0Z...348, 390 & 2933X Tale of the Riots of '80... 383 & 384X Tale of Two Cities. 362, 3S9 & 2954X Also All the Year Round, v. 1 . 1761J Uncommercial Traveller 369, 370 & 2955X Also All the Year Round, v. 2. . 1762J The following short tales also by this author will be found in Harper's Monthly : — Christmas and John Doe, v. 4, 1584J. Christmas Stories, v. 6, 1586J. Lawyer's Story, v. 10, 1590 J. Nightly Scene in London, v. 12, 1592J. Redeemed Profligate, v. 10, 1590J. Schoolboy's Story, v. 8, 1588J. A Sleep to Startle us, v. 4, 1584J. To be read at Dusk, v. 10, T590J. Widow's Story, v. 10, 1590J. N.B. — See also the General DIX ENGLISH SECTION. DOR DIXON (W. Hepworth, Historian, b. 1821, d. 1879), Diana, Lady Lyle 1609X N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. DOBNEY (H. H.), Brooklield Rectory Twelve Years Ago [C. W.] 246J Docteur Noir, by A. Marsh [Tales of the First French Revolution]. . 1368X Doctor Basilius, by Alexandre Dumas IO SS^ Doctor Birch and his Young Friends, by W. M. Thackeray 1086 and 1099X Doctor Blandford's Conscience, by Sarson C. J. Ingham 2111X Doctor Breen's Practice, by William D. Howells 3373X Doctor Claudius, a True Story, by Francis Marion Crawford 2195X Doctor Cupid, by Rhocla Broughton 2359X Doctor Grimshawe's Secret, a Romance by Nathaniel Hawthorne... 2414X Dootor Middleton's Daughter [Once a Week, v. 28] 2288J Doctor Ox's Experiment, and other Stories, by Jules Verne 1019 and 2066X Doctor Rameau, by George Ohnet 3 2 44X Doctor Sevier, by George W. Cable [Century Magazine, v. 5] 1877J Doctor Thorne, by Anthony Trollope 170 and 1109X See also Blackwood's Magazine, v. 127, 197J. Doctor Victoria, a Picture from the Period, by G. G. Alexander I534X Doctor's Daughter, by Mrs. Henry Wood 2323X Doctor's Dilemma, by Hesba Stretton [Miss H. Smith] 1466X See also Cassell's Magazine, v. 5, 2345J. Doctor's Mixture [All the Year Round, v. 24] I 784J Doctor's Wife, by Miss Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] [Temple Bar, v. 10] 1340J DODD (Anna Bowman), Glorinda [Kentucky, Negroes, &c] 2003X Doid Family Abroad, by Charles Lever 768X DODGE (Mary A.). See Hamilton (Gail). Dodge Club, by De Mille [Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 34] 1614J DODGSON (Rev. C. Lutwidge). See Carroll (Lewis). Dodo and I, by Captain Haggard 3 X 49 X Dog" and his Shadow, by Francillon [Gentleman's Mag., v. 15, N.S.] 735J Dog* Crusoe and his Master, Story of Adventure in the Western Prairies, by R. M. Ballantyne 2482X Dog Fiend, or Snarleyyow, by Captain F. Marryat 795, 802 and 2325X Dog of Flanders and other Stories, by Ouida [L. De La Rame] 847 and 3067X Dog with a Bad Name, by Talbot Baines Reed [Boys' Own An., v. 9] 2959J Dollars and Cents, by Anna Warner [Amy Lothrop] 1507X Dombey and Son, by Charles Dickens 354, 1067, 1968, 2275 and 2946X Domestic Confessions of Mrs. Chignal [Once a Week, v. 36] 2296J Domestic Stories, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] 2815X Dominion of Darkness, by Count Lyof N. Tolstoi 3321X Don Angelo's Stray Sheep [Living Age, v. 170] 3 20 °J Don John, by Jean Ingelow 1056 and 1984X See also Living Age, v. 148, 3178J. Don Quixote, by Miguel De Cervantes 1242 and 1243X Donal Grant, by George Macdonald I544 x Donna Quixote, by Justin McCarthy I444 x Donovan, a Modern Englishman, by Lyall 2143, 2146, 2462 and 2463X Doom, an Atlantic Episode, by Justin Huntly McCarthy 2202X Doones of Exmoor [Leisure Hour, v. 12] 2622J Dorcas [Domestic Life, &c] by Georgiana M. Craik 2817X Doris Barugh, by Katherine S. Macquoid [Good Words, v. 18] 2188J See also Living Age, v. 135, 3165J. Dorothy Forster [George I., The Pretender, &c], by Walter Besant. 2037X [899] DOR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DUB Dorothy Fox, by Louisa Parr 3116X See also Living Age, v. 104, 3134J. Dorothy's Daughters, by Mrs. Marshall 1726X Dorothy's Vocation, by Evelyn E. Green [Quiver, v. 32] 3302J Doubleday's Children, by Dutton Cook [All Year Round, v. 37].... 1797J Doubly Blind [Quiver, v. 26] 3296J Doubting Heart, by Annie Keary [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 38]... 968J See also Living Age, v. 137, 3167J. Doubts and Fears, by Theodore Hook 1328X Douce Lass, by Sarah Tytler 1529X DOUDNEY (Sarah, Writer for Girls) : Anna Cavaye [Sunday at Heme, v. 27] 2877T Long Lane with a Turning [Girls' Own Annual, v. 4] 2554J Love Dream of Gatty Fenning [Quiver, v. 32] 3302I Michaelmas Daisy [Girls' Own Annual, v. 2] 2 552j Missing Rubies [Argosy, v. 43] 43J Prudence Winterburn [wSunday at Home, v. 28] 2878J Thy Heart's Desire, a Tale of Three Wishes [Sunday Mag., v. 16] 2466J When we Two Parted '. 644X When we were Girls Together, a Story of School-Life [G. O. A.] 2556J Wrong Side of Life [Sunday Magazine, v. 15] 2465J Dove in the Eagle's Nest [Domestic Life, 15th Century], by Charlotte Mary Yonge [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 12] 942J Dowager, The, or the New School for Scandal, by Mrs. Gore 1299X DOWLING (Richard), Duke's Sweetheart 3172X Down in the World [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 9] 2 358J DOWNEY (E.), Anchor-W r atch Yarns 2305X DOWNING- (Major Jack [Seba Smith], American Httmorist), My Thirty Years out of the Senate 1280X DOYLE (A. Conan) : Micah Clarke 3141X | Uncle Jeremy's Household... 2959} Drat the Boys, or Recollections of an Ex-French Master in England, by Max O'Rell [Paul Blouet] 2471X DRAYSON (Maj.-Gen.), F.R.A.S. : From Keeper to Captain I Diamond Hunters of South [Boys' Own Annual]... 1307H | Africa 3343X Draytons and Davenants [Worcester Fight, 1651], by Mrs. Charles. 600X Dream Woman, a Short Tale, by W. Collins [Temple Bar, v. 42] ... 1372T Dreamer, A, by Katherine Wylde 1875X Dreamland in the English Channel, by E. M. Robin [Guernsey Magazine, v. 12] 2392T Dred, a Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp, by Mrs. H. B. Stowe .... I472X Driven to Bay, by Florence Marryat [now Mrs. Lean] 3345X Drowned Gold, a Boy's Adventure on the West Coast of Africa, by David Ker [Boys' Own Annual, v. 8] 2958J Drummer Boy, a Story of the Days of Washington, by Louis Rous- selet [Boys' Own Annual, v. 5] 295CJ Drunkard's Vow [Family Friend, 1852] 700R DRURY (Anna H.), Gabriel's Appointment 1612X DRYDEN (Mary), Only a Business Man [All Year Round, v. 56]... 1816J DUBOURG (A. W., Serial Writer, &»f.) : Old Man's Darling [T. B.] 1378J j Vittoria Contarina[T. B., 45] 1375J [9C0] DU O ENGLISH SECTION. EAS DU CHAILLU (Paul, African Traveller, b. 1835), Country of the Dwarfs [a new work of Stirring Adventure] 1281X DUCHESS (The). See Argles (Mrs.). DUDE VANT (Madame). See Sand (George). Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders [India and Afghanistan], by Grant 963X Duke's Own [War in India, 1798, &c], by Major J. Percy Groves 468X Duke's Sweetheart, by Richard Dowling 3 l 7 2 ^ Duleie's Delusion [Chambers' Journal, v. 48] i95°J a DUMAS (Alexandre, French Historical Novelist, b. 1803, d. 1870) : Ascanio 411X Beau Tancrede 410X Black Tulip 412X Captain Paul 407X Cardinal Mazarin 426X Catherine Blum 429X Chevalier de Maison Rouge 399X Chicot the Jester 40oX Conspirators 420X Count of Monte Cristo ... 423X Countess de Charny 4 J 5^ Doctor Basilius io 55-^ Forty-five Guardsmen 413X George 2577X Half Brothers 421 & 425X Ingenue 408X Isabel of Bavaria 417X Marguerite de Valois 405X Memoirs of a Maitre d'Armes 428X Memoirs of a Physician 401 & 427X Nanon 404X Page of the Duke of Savoy.. 406X Pauline 418X Queen's Necklace 416X Regent's Daughter 632X Russian Gipsy A l 9^- Taking the Bastile 43 oX Three" Musketeers 422 & 633X Twenty Years After [Sequel to Three Musketeers] 635X Twin Captains 409X Vicomte de Bragelonne [Se- quel to Twenty Years After] 637X Watchmaker ^ 2448X Duindumington Rectory, and the Adventures of Two Curates, by Author of " Mariage a la Mode " 2073X Dun, The, by Maria Edgeworth 2448X DUNPHIE (Charles J.), Splendid Advantages of Being a Woman.. 2047X Dust, a Novel, by N. Hawthorne [Gentleman's Mag., v. 28, N.S.] .. 748J Dusty Diamonds Cut and Polished, Tale of City Arab Life and Ad- venture, by R. M. Ballantyne 2483X Dutch the Diver, the Tale of some Sunken Ships, by George Manville Fenn [Once a Week, v. 39] 2299J Dutchman's Fireside, by J. K. Paulding 1410 and 2716X DU VAL (Charles), With a Show through Southern Africa 2164X Dynamiter, by Robert Louis Stevenson 3229X EAGLE'S Verdict [Home Treasury of Old Story Books] 2863X Earl's Daughter, by Elizabeth M. Sewell... 169, 1032 and 2637X Earl's Dene, by R. E. Francillon [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 106] ... 176J See also Living Age, v. 103, 3133J. Earl's Promise, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell 1790X Earthen Pitchers', by Rebecca H. Davis [Scribner's Monthly, v. 7].. 1857J East Lynne, by Mrs. Henry Wood , 52, 1932 and 2323X East3r Offering, by Fredrika Bremer 174*2 EASTMAN (Mrs. Mary IL), Aunt Phillis's Cabin 2364X [901] EAV GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ED¥ Eavesdropper, an Unparalleled Experience [Cornhill Mag., v. 57] 337J Eberhard, or the Mystery of Ralhsbeck, by Katherine Clive 5 2 4X EBERS (George, Orie?italisi, &>c, b. 1837) : Burgomaster's Wife 2172X | Only a Word 3279X EBLANA. Last Monarch of Tara 2341X EDEN (Charles H.), Ralph Somerville, or a Midshipman's Adven- tures in the Pacific Ocean 2878X EDERSHEIM (Rev. Dr., Serial Writer, &c.) : Miriam Rosenbaum [S. H.] 2868J | What is her Name [S. at H.] 2869J EDGAR (John G.) : Cavaliers and Roundheads 1282X I The Story of the Diamond Necklace[E. B. A.] 1301H Edgar Akeroyd, a Yorkshire Tale of the Present Time, by Horner 2607X Edged Tools, by Ethel M. Arnold [Temple Bar Magazine, v. 80] ... 1410J EDGEWORTH (Maria, Educational Writer, b. 1767, d. 1849) : Absentee, Madame de Fleury, Emile De Cou- langes and the Modern Griselda 2454X Belinda 2445X Castle Rackrent, Ennui, the Dun, &c 2448X Comic Dramas 2455X Contrast 2444X Ennui 1283X Harrington, Thoughts on Bores, and Ormond ... 2510X Helen 651 & 2545X Leonora 2455X Manoeuvring, Almeria and Vivian, and Tales of Fashionable Life 2449X Moral Tales : Forester, The Prussian Vase, The Good Aunt, Angelina ; or,L'Amie Inconnue, The Good French Governess, Made- moiselle Panache, and The Knapsack 2230 and 2436X Parents' Assistant 2368X Patronage 2455X Popular Tales: Lame Jervas, The Limerick Gloves, Out of Debt out of Danger, Rosanna, Murad the Un- lucky, The Contrast, The Grateful Negro, To-Mor- row, &c 2233 and 2444X Edina, by Mrs. Henry Wood 24, 36 and See also Argosy, v. 21, 21J. Edinburgh Tales, conducted by Mrs. Johnstone Edith, a Tale of the Present Day, by Lady Herbert EDMONDS (E. M.), Fair Athens Edric, the Forester, by Mrs. Ker [Romancist and Novelists' Library] Edric the Norseman, by J. F. Hodgetts [Boys' Own Annual, v. 10] Edward Morgan, by Author of " Old Town Pump" [Rom. & N. Lib.] Edward Turner, Carpenter and Builder, by Agnes Macdonell [Q., 18] EDWARDES (Mrs. Annie, Popular Novelist) : Archie Lovell [T. B., 16] 1346J Leah Ballroom Repentance, A [Temple Bar, v. 64] ... 1394J Blue Stocking 2215X Also Temple Bar, v. 50 1380J Girton Girl 1880X A Iso Temple Bar, v. 72 .... T 4 02 J Jet, Her Face or her For- tune [Temple Bar, v. 52] 1382J A Iso Temple Bar, v. 42 Ought we to Visit Her [T.B.] Pearl Powder [T. B., v. 88] Steven Lawrence [T. B., 20] Susan Fielding [T. B., v. 25] Vagabond Heroine [T. B.,37] Vivian the Beauty [Temple Bar Magazine, v. 56] I934X 2250X 2181X 2040X 2281X 2960T 2281X 3288J 662X 1372J 1361J 1418J I355J I367J 1386J [902] EDW ENGLISH SECTION. ELL EDWARDS (Amelia Blandford, Popular Novelist, b. 1831) : Debenham's Vow [G. W.] 2180J I My Brother's Wife 2578X Half a Million of Money 1773J | EDWARDS (Mrs. H. Bennett), Pharisees 3349X EDWARDS (II. Sutherland), Malvina [Gent. Mag., v. 5, n. s.] ... 725J EDWARDS (Matilda Betham, Popular Novelist, b. 1836) : Bridget 2057X Brother Gabriel 1548X Exchange no Robbery [Fraser'sMag., v. 105]... 715J Felicia 1551X Parting of the Ways 3281X Pearla 2289X Also Good Words, v. 24 2194J Sylvestres [G. W., v. 12] ... 2182J Wild Flower of Ravens- Kitty [Temple Bar, v. 23] 1353J I worth 8 4iX Next of Kin Wanted 239 iX | Edward's Wife, by Mrs. EmmaMarshall 1722X Edwy the Fair, by A. D. Crake 3200X EGGLESTON (Edward, American Writer) : Graysons, The, a Story of Illinois [Century Magazine, v. 14] 1886J Roxy [Scribner's Monthly, v. 15] 1865J Egoist, The, a Comedy in Narrative, by George Meredith 1718X Eight Cousins, by Louisa May Alcott 234X EILOART (Mrs., Writer for Boys, &>c.) : Ill-Used Boy, or Lawrence Hartley's Grievances [Boys' Own An.] 2954J Jack and John, their Friends and their Fortunes [Boys' Own An.] 2951 J My Lady Clare 1944 and 2355X Eisenbach, by Pickin [Romancist and Novelists' Library] 2282X Elaine, by Mrs. Augustus Craven I597X Elbow Room, a Novel without a Plot, by Max Adeler [C. H. Clark] 2706X Elchester College, by Mrs. Henry Wood 2402X Elder's Cottage, by Miss D. Alcock [Sunday at Home, v. 22] 2872J Eldorado, or Adventures in the Path of Empire, by Bayard Taylor 2748X Eleanor's Ambition [Girls' Own Annual, v. 2] 2552J Eleanor's Victory, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] ...180 and 184X See also Once a Week, v. 8, 2268 J. Elect Lady, by George Macdonald [Sunday Magazine, v. 17] 2474J Elie and Her Shadow [Family Friend, 1861] 718R ELIOT (George [Marian Evans, Lewes, Cross], Poetess, b. 1820, d. 1880) : Adam Bede 192, 432 & 441X Daniel Deronda 440X Also Harper's Mag., v. 52 1632J Felix Holt 124 & 446X Impressions of Theophras- lus Such 438X Middlemarch 435X Mill on the Floss 442 & 445X Romola 3056X Also Cornhill Magazine, v. 6.. 286 J Harper, v. 52 1605 J Scenes of Clerical Life 439 & 2874X Silas Marner 436 & 437X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this author. Elisabetta Sirani, by Lord Lytton [Cornhill Magazine, v. 3] 283J Elise, or Too Late with the Basket, by Nicholson [Chris. World M.] 245J Ella of Garveloch [The Highlands], by Harriet Martineau 775X Ellen Montgomery's Bookshelf, by Elizabeth Wetherell [S. Warner] 1858X Ellen Vincent, or Dawningsof the New Life [Sunday at Home, v. 9] 2859J Ellice Quentin, and other stories, by Julian Hawthorne 1641X ELLIS (Mrs., Writer for Girls, &c): Mother's Mistake[Fam.F.] 701 R | Woman's Hand 2125X [903] ELS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ERR Elster's Folly, by Mrs. Henry Wood 19, 33 and 1935X Emigrant, The, by Sir F. B. Head, Bart 2605X Emigrant Boy's Story, by Ascott R. Hope [Boys' Annual, 1888] ... 1307H Emigrant in Search of a Colony, by Charles Rowcroft 2732X Emigrants of Abadarra, a Tale of Irish Life, by W. Carleton 1236 & 2526X Emigrant's Daughter [Family Friend, 1849] 693R Emile De Coulanges, by Maria Edgeworth 2454X Emilia Wyndham, by Mrs. Anne Marsh 1369, 2470 and 2678X Emilia's Inheritance, by Emma J. Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] H97X Emma, by Jane Austen 108 and 2509X Emmeline, and other pieces, by Mary Brunton 1228X Enchanted. Keys, &c, a Companion to the Arabian Nights ... 2076X Encounters with Wild Beasts 2183X Endymion, by B. Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield.. 126 and 147X Enga, by Mrs. Prestwich 1973^ Engaged Man [Chambers' Journal, v. 47] 1950J Engaged to be Married, by Meade [Cassell's Family Mag., v. 15]... 2364J English at the North Pole, by Jules Verne 1849X See also Every Boy's Annual, 1B74, 1304H. English Envoy at the Court of Nicholas I. , by Julia Corner 2560X English Humourists, by William Makepeace Thackeray 1084 & 1097X English Princess [Girls' Own Annual, v. 6] 2556J English Squire, An, by C. R. Coleridge 1586X Englishman in Russia, a Tale of Catherine II. [Leisure Hour, v. 5] 2615J Enid's Silver Bond, by Agnes Giberne [Sunday at Home, v. 32] 2882J Ennni, by Maria Edgeworth 1283 & 2448X Entranced with a Dream, by R. Rowlatt 527X Episodes in an Obscure Life [Sunday Magazine, v. 6] 2456J Equal to the Occasion, by Edward Garrett [I. F. Mayo] [Quiver, v. 25] 3295J ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN (MM., Two French Novelists): Daniel Rock 3202X Friend Fritz 872X Invasion of France in 18 14... 1284X Alsatian Schoolmaster 842X Blockade 2213X Campaign in Kabylia, the Narrative of a Chasseur d'Afrique [Cas. Mag., 7] 2347J Citizen Bonaparte 844X College Life of Maitre Nablot [Cas. Mag., v. 8] 2348J Confessions of a Clarionet Player 864X Conscript 865X Country in Danger 871X Madame Therese 873X Also Living Age, v. 99 3129J Man Wolf 3203X Story of the Plebiscite 2092X Also Cornhill Magazine, v. 24. 304 J Living Age, v. 112 .... 3142J Two Brothers [L. A., 116].. 3146J Waterloo 874X Wild Huntsman 3204X Year One of the Republic ... 875X Erema, or My Father's Sin, by R. D. Blackmore [Cornhill, v. 34]... 314J See also Harper's Magazine, v. 54, 1634J. Eric, by Frederic William Farrar 879X Erica, by Frau von Ingersleben [Living Age, v. 135] 3165J Erling the Bold, a Tale of the Norse Sea Kings, by Ballantyne 2484X Ernest Maltravers, or the Eleusinia, 2 parts, part 2 being the Sequel, Alice, or the Mysteries, by Lord Lytton 202, 243, 249 & 25 5X ERROLL (Henry) : Academician 3230X j An Ugly Duckling 3111X [904] ESM ENGLISH SECTION. FAI Esmond [Times of Anne, 18th Century], by Thackeray 1078 and 1091X Essay on Irish Bulls, by Maria Edgeworth 2448X Essays, Miscellaneous Essays, Sketches and Reviews and Contribu- tions to Punch, by William Makepeace Thackeray l099Xa Esther, by Rosa Nouchette Carey [Girls' Own Annual, v. 5] 2555J Esther Dudley's Wooers, by Mrs. Daniel 1698X Esther West, by Isa Craig-Knox [Quiver, v. 12] 3282J Esther Wynne, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] 1191X Esther's Glove, by Francillon [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 23, N.S.].. 743J Ethel Ray's Troubles, by Nicholson [Christian World Magazine, 1879] 248J Eugene Aram, by Lord Lytton 206X Eunice [Sunday at Home, v. 33] 2833J Eustace Diamonds, by Anthony Trollope 770 and 1106X See also Fortnightly Review, v. 16, 2106J. Eva St. Clair and other Tales, by George Payne Rainsford James .... 2660X Evan Harrington, or He would be a Gentlemen, by George Meredith 2576X See also Once a Week, v. 2, 2262J. Eve, by S. Baring Gould 3246X See also Longman's Magazine, v. 10, 900J. Eve Effingham [Sequel to Homeward Bound], by J. F. Cooper 316 & 2541X Eve Lester, by Alice Mangold Diehl 583X Eve's Daughters, or Common Sense for Maid, Wife, and Mother, by Marion Harland [Mrs. E. P. Terhune] 2128X EVELAC (Hamilton), Leaven of Malice 2186X Evelyn's Story, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] 187 iX EVEREST (John), Philip Vaughan's Life Work [Quiver, v. 21] 3291 J Every Man his own Trumpeter, by G. W. Thornbury 1483X Evil Genius, by Wilkie Collins 2310X EWING- (Juliana Horatio, Writer for Young Persons) : Jackanapes 876X I Six to Sixteen 656X Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales 878X | We and the World 658X Exchange no Robbery, by Edwards [Fraser's Magazine, v. 105] ... 715J Executor, by Mrs. Alexander 2272X Exiles in Babylon [The Jewish Captivity], by Charlotte Tucker 422X Exiles of Salzburg [Leisure Hour, v. 17] 2627J Exile's Trust, a Tale of the French Revolution [Leisure Hr., v. 16] 2626J Experience of Life, by Elizabeth M. Sewell 1028, 1033 and 2636X Expiation, by E. Phillips Oppenheim 2322X Exploration of the World, by Jules Verne 1850X EYRE (Kate, Serial Writer) : For the Good of the Family [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 14]... 2363J Step in the Dark [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 13] 2362[ Eyre's Acquittal, by Helen Mathers 3215 and 3247X 1 ABIAN'S Tower, by Rosa Mackenzie Kettle 1360X Face Illumined, by E. P. Roe 1761X Facing the Footlights, by Florence Marryat [now Mrs. F. Lean] ... 1558X Failures and Successes, or Sketches of Character, by Miss E. Jane Whately [Sunday at Home, v. 26] 2876J [905] FAI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. FAR Faint Heart never won Fair Lady, by Barr [Harper's Monthly, v. 63] 1643J Fair Athens, by E. M. Edmonds 2040X Fair Barbarian, by Frances Hodgson Burnett 2159X See also Scribner's Monthly, v. ax. 1871J. Faire Gospeller: Mistress Anne Askew [Religious Persecutions, time of Henry VIII.], by Miss Anne Manning, 1285X Fair Maid, by Frederick W. Robinson 2150X Fair Maid of Perth [The Scottish Clans, 15th Century], by Scott 930 and 978X Fair Maids of February [Sunday at Home, v. 22] 2872J Fair Rosamond [Home Treasury of Old Story Books] 2863X Fair to See, by Laurence W. M. Lockhart [Blackwood's Mag., v. 109] 179J Fairlight Lodge, Another Christmas Eve [Boys' O. Ann., v. 5] ... 2955J Fairly-Cuni-Forelands, or Our Parish and Some of its People [Leisure Hour, v. 10] 2620J Fairy Footsteps, or Lessons from Legends, by A. H. Forrester 1286X Fairy Tales, by Hans Christian Andersen 1209X Fairy Tales and Legends of Roumania 2757X Faith and Fortune, by Sir C. L. Young [Once a Week, v. 24] 2284! Faith and Unfaith, by Mrs. Argles [The Duchess].... 2210X Faith Gartney's Girlhood, by Mrs. Whitney 1901X Faith, Hope and Charity, by Anna Lisle 201X Faithful, the Story of Daisy May [S.P.C.K.], by Annette Lyster... 2332X Faithful and Unfaithful, by M. Lee 1971X Faithful Heart [Quiver, v. 30] 3300J Faithful Lover, by Katherine S. Macquoid 1701X Falcon Family [Irish Politics, 19th Century], or Young Ireland, by [Marmion W. Savage] 1303X FALCONER (Helen), Story of a Strange Marriage 3352X Falkland and Zicci, by Lord Lytton 1421X Fallen Fortunes, by James Payn 1600X See also Chambers, v. 53, 1953J. Fallen Idol, by F. Anstey [F. Anstey Guthrie] 1905X False Heir, by George Payne Rainsford James 2646X False Start, by Hawley Smart 3179X Family Affair, by Hugh Conway [English Illustrated Magazine, v. 2] 1992J Family Feud, by Adam Hornbook [Thomas Cooper] 1330X Family History, by Harriet Martineau [Once a Week, v. 12] 2272J Family Honour, by Clara L. Balfour [Quiver, v. 9] 3 2 79j Family Party in the Piazza of St. Peter and other stories, by Thomas Adolphus Trollope 1 854X Family Romance, or Episodes in the Domestic Annals of the Aristo- cracy, by John Bernard Burke 1232X Family Scapegrace, by James Payn [Chambers' Journal, v. 35] I944J Family Secret, by Charles Gibbon [Chambers' Journal, v. 65] 1965J Fancy Free, by Charles Gibbon _ 918X FANE (Violet [Mrs. Singleton]), Sophy, or the Adventures of a Savage..... , 568X See also Time Magazine, v. 3, 1493J. Fanny's Fortune, by Isa Craig- Knox [Quiver, v. 17] 3287J Fantastic History of the Celebrated Pierrot, by Assollant, trans- lated into English by Munro 3064X Far Above Rubies, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell 2362X Far from the Madding Crowd, by Thomas Hardy [Cornhill, v. 29].... 309J See also Living Age, v. 120, 3150J Fardoroug-ha the Miser, or the Convicts of Lisnamona, by Carleton 1237X See also Living Age, v. 34, 3064J. FAEGUS (Frederick John). See Conway (Hugh). [906] FAR ENGLISH SECTION. FEN FARJEON (B. L., Serial Writer, &c.) : Great Porter Square 2217X Secret Inheritance 3201J Also Eng. Illus. Mag., v. 4 . . 1994J Set in a Silver Sea [A. Y. R.] 1804J Toilers of Babylon [Sun. M.] 2474J Young Girl's Life 3340X Farm on the Down, by Anne Beale [Sunday at Home, v. 32] 2882 J Farm on the Mountain, by Rev. F. Arnold [Sunday at Home, v. 17] 2867J Farmer of Inglewood Forest, by Helme [Romancist & Novelists' Lib.] 2282X FARNINGHAM (Marianne [Mary Anne Hearne]) : Brothers and Sisters [Christian World Magazine, 1872] 241J Lessons in Patience [Christian World Magazine, 1873] 242J Through Night to Light [Christian World Magazine, 1874] 243J FARRAR (F. W., Archdeacon of Westminster, b. 1831), D.D. : Eric 879X I St. Winifreds 887X Julian Home 880X | See also the General Catalogue. Farrers of Budge Row, by Harriet Martineau 781X Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens 2745X Fashion and Passion, by the Duke of Pomar... 3248X Fast and Steady, or the Career of Two Clerks [Leisure Hour, v. 10] 2620J Fast Life, an Autobiography of a Man upon Town 2778X Fatal Three, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 3306X Fatal Whisper, by John Gait [Romancist and Novelists' Library] ... 2280X Fatal Zero, by Percy H. Fitzgerald [All the Year Round, v. 21] 1781J Fate, a Tale of Stirring Times [Revolution, 1688], by G. P. R. James 692X Fated to be Free, by Jean Ingelow 1690X See also Good Words, v. 16, 2186J. Living Age, v. 124, 3154J. Father Butler, by William Carleton 1239X Father Clement, a Roman Catholic Story [Times of George I., Buccaneers], by Grace Kennedy 1287X and 1557Z Father Connell, by the O'Hara Family [John Banim] 2774X Father Darcy, an Historical Romance [Gunpowder Plot, Guy Fawkes, James I.], by Mrs. Anne Marsh 2684X Father Fabian, the Monk of Malham Tower, by E. J. Worboise 1190X Fathers and Sons, by Theodore Hook 1274X Faucit of Balliol, a Story in Two Parts, by H. C. Merivale 1721X Favorite Fairy Tales 1288X Fawn of Sertorius, by R. E. Landor 1289X Fearful Responsibility, by William D. Howells 1297X Feats on the Fiord, a Tale of Norway [18th Century], by Harriet Martinean I555Z" See also Living Age, v. 19, 3049 J. Felicia, by Matilda Betham Edwards 1551X Felix Holt, the Radical, by George Eliot [Mrs. J. W. Cross]... 124 and 446X Fenella [Sunday at Home, v. 17].... 2867J FENN (George Manville, Writer for Boys) : Antony Grace 3 X 63X Curlieu Bog [B. O. A., v. 8] 2958J Devon Boys 886X Dutch the Diver [O. a W.] 2299J Golden Incubus [C. J.]... 1965J Haute Noblesse [Good W.] 2200J Lass that Loved a Soldier 3259X London Legend [O. a W.] 2298J Menhardoc 3205X Off to the Wilds 333, 334 & 1979X One Maid's Mischief 3278X Readings by Starlight 2291 J Rosery Folk [C. J., v. 60] ... 1960J Silver Canon 335X Also Boys' Own Annual, v. 6. . 2956 J Thereby Hangs a Tale 2293J This Man's Wife [Good W.] 2179J Also Living Age, v. 168 3198 J Under an African Sun [C. J.] 1966J Under the Yellow Flag 2297J Vicar's People 1304X Yussuf the Guide 892X [907] FEN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. FIX FENN(W. W.) and BUXTON (B. H.), Noble Name 2412X FERN (Fanny [Mrs. S. Parton], b. 181 1, d. 1872) : Fern Leaves [Fam, F.]... 707R I Ginger Snaps Also Living Age, v. 39 3 o6 9J | Love and Duty [Fam. F.]... 707R Fern Glen Farm, by Helen Pinkerton Redden 2240X Fernyhurst Court [Good Words, v. 11] 2181J See also Living Age, v. 107, 3137J. FERRIER (James Walter), Mottiscliffe 1965X FERRIER (Miss Mary, Scotch Novelist, b. 1782, d. 1854) : Destiny 453 & 454X I Marriage 449, 450 & 31C0X Inheritance 451&452X | Ferrol Family, or Keeping up Appearances [Leisure Hour, v. 9] 2619T Fettered yet Free, by Alice King 3249X Fickle Fortune, by E. Werner 3073X Field of Ice, by Jules Verne 2095X FIELDING (Henry), Amelia 469X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. FIFE-COOKSON (Lieut. -Col.), Baylerbay, or Strangers in Turkey 2174X Fifine, by Katherine S. Macquoid [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 22]. ... 952J Fifth Form at Saint Dominic's, a School Story [Boy's Own An. , v. 4] 2954J Fight with Fortune, by Mortimer Collins [R. T. Cotton] 1894X Fighting the Air, by Florence Marryat [now Mrs. F. Lean] 1565X Fighting the Flames, Tale of the London Fire Brigade, by R. M. Ballantyne 2485X Filthy Lucre, a Story without a Crime, by Albany de Fonblanque [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 21, N.S.] 741J Fina's Aunt, some Passages from Miss Williamson's Diary [Cornhill] 322J See also Living Age, v. 148, 3178J. Fire and Sword, a Tale of the Indian Mutiny, by John Gray [O. a W.] 2299J Fireside Fairy, by Mary Bennett [Family Friend, 1861] 717R First Friendship [Fraser's Magazine, v. 66] 676J First Love and Punin and Babiirin, by I. S. Turgenev, translated from the Russian, with a Biographical Introduction by Sidney Jerrold 2385X First Person Singular, by David Christie Murray 1674X First Violin, by Miss Jessie Fothergill 2046X See also Temple Bar, v. 52, 1382J. Fisherman of Ange [Saint Paul's Magazine, v. 6] 1166F Fisherman's Daughters [Sunday at Home, v. 15] 2865J Fitz of Fitz Ford, a Legend of Devon, by Mrs. Anna E. Bray 2519X FITZGERALD (Percy H., Irish Novelist, b. 1834), F.S.A. : Dear Girl [A. Y. R., v. 18] 1778J Fatal Zero [A. Y. R., v. 21] 1781J Little Strangers [C. M., 5] 2345J Never Forgotten [A. Y.R.] 1772J Notes or Gold [A. Y. R.]. 1789J Phoebe [All Yr. Rd.,v. 35] 1795J Second Mrs. Tillotson [All the Year Round, v. 15].... I775J Sword of Damocles, or Me- moirs of a Successful Family [Once a Wk., v. 22] 2282J Will he Escape [Gent. Mag.] 723J Five Weeks in a Balloon, a Voyage of Discovery in Central Africa, by Jules Verne 1020X Five Years "in a Convent, by E. C. G. Murray [Time Magazine, v. 6] 1496J Five Years' Penal Servitude, by one who has endured it 2109X Fixed Period, The [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 130] 2C0J [908] FLA. ENGLISH SECTION. FOR Flag: of Distress, a Story of the South Sea, by Captain M. Reid 1798X See also Chambers' Journal, v. 52, i952ja. FLAGG (W. J.), A Good Investment [Harper's Mon. Mag., v. 44].. 1624J FLAUBERT (Gustave), Salammbo 2078X Flitch of Bacon, or the Custom of Dunmow, a Tale of English Home, by William Harrison Ainsworth 866 and 2504X Floating City, by Jules Verne 1023X Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands, by R. M. Ballantyne 2486X Flood and Field [Boys' Own Annual, v. 1] 295fJ Flower and Weed and other Tales, by Miss Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] 2148X Flower-Girl of Hampstead [Sunday at Home, v. 15] 2865J Flower of the -Family, by Elizabeth Prentiss 1619X Flying Skull, by Rev. P. B. Power [Quiver Magazine, v. 31] 330!j FOLI (Mme. R.), Last Stake, a Tale of Monte Carlo 2222X Folk and Fairy Tale, by Mrs. B. Harrison 2935X Folle-Farine, by Ouida [Mademoiselle Louise De La Rame] 854X Following up the Track [Chambers' Journal, v. 53] *953J FONBLANQUE (Albany de, Lawyer, b. 1797, d. 1872) : Bad Luck 1900X | Filthy Lucre [Gent. Mag.] ... 741T FONTAINE (James), Memoirs of a Huguenot Family 2319X Fool's Errand, by one of the Fools [Albion Winegar Tourgee] 2091X Fool's Task [Comhill Magazine, v. 59] 339J FOOTE (Mary Hallock) : John Bodewin's Testimony [Century Magazine, v. 9] 1881J The Led-Horse Claim, a Romance of the Silver Mines [Cent., 3]. 1875J For Better for Worse, by Edmund Yates [Temple Bar, v. 1] 1331J For Cash Only, by James Payn 1769X For Each and for All, by Harriet Martineau 777X For England, Home and Beauty, a Tale of the Navy Ninety Years Ago, by Gordon Stables [Boys' Own Annual, v. 10] 2960J For Faith and Freedom, by Walter Besant 3076X For Himself Alone, by T. W. Speight [Living Age, v. 156] 3186J For James or George, a Schoolboy's Tale of 1745, by H. C. Adams 2956! For Lack of Gold, by Charles Gibbon 917X For Life and Death, or the Chief of the Red Sword, a Tale of Northern India, by David Ker [Boy's Own Annual, v. 12] ... 2962J For Love and Life, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 1585X For Name and Fame, by George Alfred Henty 1682X See also Every Boys' Annual, 1886, 1305H. For Percival, by Margaret Veley [Cornhill Magazine, v. 36] 316J For Pity's Sake [Living Age, v. 129] 3 x 59j For the Good of the Family, by Eyre [Cassell's Fam. Mag., v. 14]... 2363J For the Major, by Constance Fenimore Woolson [Harper, v. 65] 1645J For the Right, by K. E. Franzos, translated by Sutter, with a Preface by George Macdonald 104X For the Term of His Natural Life, by Marcus Clarke 3066X FORBES (Urquhart A.), Otterstone Hall 2307X Foregone Conclusion, by William D. Howells 1301X Forest Days, or Robin Hood, by George P. R. James 684 and 2667X Forest Exiles, by Captain Mayne Reid 1782X Forest of Vazon, a Guernsey Legend of the Eighth Century... 3046 and 3047X Forester, The, by Maria Edgeworth 2436X Foresters, by Professor Wilson 2970X Forged Will [Leisure Huur, v. 11] 2621J [909] . FOR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. FRA Forgery, The, or Best Intentions, by G. P. R. James 680 and 2634X Forget Me Not, by Mrs. Parr, a Short Tale [Temple Bar, v. 82] ... 1412J Forgotten by the World, Memoirs of an Englishman, by Macquoid 1549X See also Sunday Magazine, v. 5, 2455J. Forlorn, yet not Forsaken, the True Story of a Nursery Governess [Girls' Own Annual, v. 7] .- 2557T FORRESTER (Mrs.) : I have Lived and Loved... 3255X I Viva 1615X My Lord and My Lady .. 2007X | Young Man's Fancy 3299X Forsaken Tom, by A. K. Green 3133X Fort Desolation, or Solitude in the Wilderness, by R. M. Ballantyne 2497X See also Every Boy's Annual, 1866, 1301H. Fortress, The, an Historical Tale of the 15th Century, from Records of the Channel Islands [Mount Orgueil Castle, Jersey] 1291X Fortune's Favourite, by Emma Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] 1 179 and 1189X See also Christian World Magazine, 1884, 253J. Fortune's Fool, by Hawthorne [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 45] 975X Fortune's Marriage, by Georgiana M. Craik [now Mrs. May] I594X Fortune's Wheel, by Shand [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 137] 207J See also Living Age, v. 165, 3195J. Fortunes of Bertram Oakley, by John B. Harwood [Chambers', v. 18] 1958J Fortunes of Cyril Denham, by Emma Jane W T orboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] T186X Fortunes of Duncuft, a Family Story, by L. T. Meade [Q., v. 28 j 3298J Fortunes of Glencoe, by Charles Lever 765X See also Living Age, v. 47, 3077J. Fortunes of Nigel [Days of James I.], by Scott... 914, 962, 1004X, 1082-4Z Fortunes of Philippa Fairfax, by Burnett [Christian World Mag.]... 259J Fortunes of the Colville Family, or a Cloud and its Silver Lining, by Frank E. Smedley , J 455X Forty Five Guardsmen, an Historical Romance, by A. Dumas 413X FOSTER (Frank), All Round the World 1618X Foster Brothers of Doon, a Tale of the Irish Rebellion [L. H., v. 13] 2623J FOTHERGILL (Caroline) : Put to the Proof... 1 62 1 and 2409X | Voice in the Wilderness 3313N FOTHERGILL (Jessie, Popular Author) : Borderland 98X Lassies of Leverhouse 3258X Made or Marred 3206X Peril [Temple Bar, v. 70] ... 1400J Probation [Temple Bar, v. 55] 1385J Wellfields, The 3040 & 3080X First Violin 2046X Also Temple Bar, v. 52 .... 1382J From Moor Isles [T. B.,82] 1412J Healey 894X Kith and Kin 909X A Iso Temple Bar Mag., v. 61 1391J Foul Play, by Charles Reade 1767X See also Once a Week, v. 18, 2278 J. Found at Last, by Mrs. G. S. Reany [Sunday at Home, v. 29] 2879J Found Dead, by James Payn [Chambers' Journal, v. 45] I949J Foundling of the Fens [Sunday at Home, v. 10] 2860J Four Georges, The, Sketches of George L, II., III. and IV, by William Makepeace Thackeray 1084 and 1097X Four Ghost Stories, by Mrs. Molesworth 2191X FOX (Franklin), Conqueror Compass, or the Days of John Company [Boys' Own Annual, v. n] ... 2961J Foxglove Manor, by Robert Buchanan 2198X Fragoletta, by " Rita " [Mrs. Eliza M. J, Gollan Von Booth] 1625X Framley Parsonage, by Anthony Trollope [Cornhill Mag., v. 1] 281J [910] FRA ENGLISH SECTION. FRI FRANC (Maud Jean [now Mrs. Evans]) : BeatriceMelton'sDiscipline 1911X I Minnie's Mission 1915X Emily's Choice 191 3X | Silken Cords 1916X FRANCILLON (R. E., Editor of the " Law Magazine," b. 1841) : By Day and Night [G.M.] 749J Dog and his Shadow 735J Earl's Dene [Black., v. 106] 176J Also Living Age, v. 103 3 X 33J Esther's Glove [G. M., 23] 743 [ Jack Doyle's Daughter ... 1807 J Olympia [G. M., v. 12, N.S.] 732J Queen Cophetua [G. M. , 24] 744J Rare Good Luck[G. M., 17] 737J Real Queen [Time Mag., 8] 1498T Strange Waters [A.Y.R., 38] 1798J Streaked with Gold [G. M.] 735J Frank Fairleigh, or Scenes from the Life of a Private Pupil, by Frank E. Smedley 1454 and 2742X Frank Hilton, a Military Romance, by J. Grant [Arabia, 18th Cent.] 931X Frank Layton, an Australian Story [Leisure Hour, v. 3] 2613J Frank Meanwell [Family Friend, 1850] 695R Frank Mildmay, or the Naval Officer, by Captain Marryat 1550 and 2325X Frank Raleigh of Watercombe, by author of "Wolf Hunting in Brittany" 1624X Frank Sinclair's Wife [Cassell's Magazine, v. 2] 2342J Franklins, The, or the Story of a Convict [Leisure Hour, v. 12].... 2622J FRANZOS (Karl Emil), For the Right 104X FRASER (Mrs. Alexander) : She Came Between 335 iX | Thing of Beauty 1627X FRASER (James Baillie), Khan's Tale 2579X Fran Frohmann, by Anthony Trollope 1840X Freaks on the Fells, and why I did not Become a Sailor, by R. M. Ballantyne 2487X Fred Kenny, or Out in the World 2870X Fred Markham in Russia, or the Boy Travellers in the Land of the Czar, by William H. G. Kingston 2977X FREDERIC (Harold) Seth's Brother's Wife 3292X Free Lances, a Romance of the Mexican Valley, by Captain Mayne Reid 3322X Freedom, a Tale of the East [Sunday at Home, v. 4] 2854J FREEMAN (Philip), Guessing Stories 2854X French Heiress in her Own Chateau, by E. C. Price 2258X French Janet [Cornhill Magazine, v. 58] 338J French Wines and Politics, by Harriet Martineau 777^- Freres, The, by Mrs. Alexander 1938X See also Temple Bar, v. 61, 1391J. Living Age, v. 148, 3178J. Friar Bacon [Home Treasury of Old Story Books] 2863X Friend Fritz, by Erckmann-Chatrian 872X Friend of the Family, by Theodore Hook 1327X Friendly Hands and Kindly Words 2962X Friends and Lovers, by Annie Thomas [Mrs. Pender Cudlip] 1832X Friends Though Divided, a Tale of the Civil War, by Henty 1046X Friendship, by Ouida [Mademoiselle Louise de La Rame]...858 and 868X FRISWELL (James Hain, Essayist, b. 1827), One or Two, or a Left-Handed Bride [Once a Week, v. 23] - 2283J FRITH (Henry) : Cruise of the Wasp [Every Boy's Annual, 1889] 1308H Struggles of Abel Strong [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 15] I 3°5j FRITH (Henry) and KINGSTON (William H. G.) : Great African Travellers... 2979X I Notable Voyages 2993X [911] FRI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GAL Fritters, or, It's a Long Lane that has no Turning, by Sarah Pitt... 2333X From an Island, by Miss A. T. Thackeray [Cornhill Magazine, v. 18] 298J From Cadet to Captain, by Captain Groves 395X From Dawn to Dark in Italy, a Tale of the Reformation in the Six- teenth Century [Sunday at Home, v. 9] 2859T From Exile, by James Payn 1772 and 2018X From First to Last, or Gwendoleen's Engagement [Once a Week.]. ... 2294J From Generation to Generation, by Lady A. Noel 2064X From Jest to Earnest, by E. P. Roe 2806X From Keeper to Captain, by Drayson [Every Boy's Annual, 1888] ... 1307H From Moor Isles, by Jessie Fothergill [Temple Bar Mag., v. 82]... 1412J From Powder Monkey to Admiral, Story of Naval Adventure, by William H. G. Kingston 2978X See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 1, 2951J. From Strength to Strength, by Alice King [Girls' Own Annual, v. 2] 2552J From the Earth to the Moon Direct in Ninety-seven Hours and Twenty Minutes, by Jules Verne IC18X From the Green Bag, by F. M. Allen 3045X From the Wings, by B. H. Buxton 1574X FROUDE (J. A., Historian, b. 1818), The Two Chiefs of Dunboy, or an Irish Romance of the Last Century 2417X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Frozen Deep and other Tales, by Wilkie Collins 273X See also Temple Bar Magazine, v. 42, 1372J. Frozen Pirate, by W. Clark Russell 3166 and 3224X Fugitives, or the Tyrant Queen of Madagascar, by Pallantyne .... 2488X FULLERTON (Lady Georgina, Daughter of First Earl Gran- ville, b. 1812, d. 1885), Lady-Bird 3124X Fur Country, or Seventy Degrees North Latitude, by Jules Verne... 1016X FURLEY (C. Grant), Troth of Odin [All the Year Round, v. 63]... 1823J Further Adventures of Joshua Hawespipe, Master Mariner, by Lieut. C. Low [Every Boy's Annual, 1869] 1303II trABLE House [Sunday at Home, v 29] 2879T Gaboon, The, or Adventures in Gorilla Land, by Thomas Miller [Every Boy's Annual, 1869] 1303H GABORIAU (Emile, French Writer) : In Peril of His Life 2224X Lerouge Case 2223X Little Old Man of the Batignolles [Li v. Age]... 3164T Slaves of Paris 1987X Gabriel Allen, M. P. , by George Alfred Henty 2204X Gabriel Conroy, by Bret Harte [Scribner's Monthly, v. 11] 1861J Gabrielle de Bourdaine, by Mrs. Spender 521X Gabriel's Appointment, by Anna H. Drury 1612X See also Argosy, v. 23, 23J. Gala Days, by Gail Hamilton [Mary A. Dodge] 1313X GALBRAITH (W.), Mrs. Farquharson's Niece [Chambers, v. 65]. 1965J GALT (John, Scotch Novelist, b. 1779, d. 1839) Annals of the Parish 1990X Book of Life 2282X Fatal Whisper 2280X Haddad-Ben- Ahab 2280X [912] Painter 2282X Provost, and other Tales 1994X Sir Andrew Wylie of that Ilk 199 iX The Entail 1993X GAM ENGLISH SECTION. GEO Gambler's Wife, by Mrs. Colonel Grey 2787X Game of Life, by Leitch Ritchie 1428, 2727 and 2927X Garden of Eden 1845X Garden of Memories [Living Age, v. 170] 3 2 °°J GARDINER (Linda), His Heritage 116X GARNETT (Edward), Light and Shadow [Universal Rev., v. 4] ... 3324J GARRETT (Edward [Isabella F. Mayo], Serial Writer, &*e.) : Her Object in Life [G.O. A.] 2553J House by the Works [S.M.] 2464J Husband and Wife [S. M.] ... 2474J King's Daughter [G.O. A.]... 2555J Occupations of a Retired Life 2454J Also Living Age, v. 95 3 12 5j Stranger within the Gates — 3299J At any Cost [Liv. A., 163] 3 193 J By Still Waters, a Story for Quiet Hours [S. M.] 2460J Crooked Places, a Story of Struggles and Hopes.... 2459J Crust and the Cake [S. M.] 2455J Equal to the Occasion [Q.] 3295J Garrison Gossip, by John Strange Winter [Mrs. Stannard] 2155X Garth, by Julian Hawthorne *933 x See also Harper's Magazine, v. 51, 1631J. Gascoyne, the Sandal- Wood Trader, a Tale of the Pacific, by R. M. Ballantyne 2489X GASKELL (Mrs. E. C, Poetess, &-Y., ft, 1813) : Cousin Phillis [Cornhill, 8] 2S8J My Lady Ludlow [II. W.]... 1758J Also Living Age, v. 80 3 IIO J | North and South 490X Cranford 491X1 Also Household Words, v. 10.. 1750J Dark Night's Work[All the | Ruth 493 & 494X Year Round, v. 8] 1 768 [ I Sylvia's Lovers 495^ Lizzie Leigh 498 & 2771X Wives & Daughters 496, 497, 2014X Also Household Words, v. 1. 1741J i Also Cornhill, v. 10 290J Mary Barton 492 & 2772X •■ — Living Age, v. 85 . 3 n 5 j N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author.. GASPARIN (Countess Agenor de), Sunny Fields 1400X Gaston de Latour, by Walter Pater [Macmillan's Magazine,- v. 58].. 988J Gates Ajar, or Our Loved Ones in Heaven, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 1606X Gates of Eden, by Anna Swan 3187X GATTY (Mrs. Alfred), Aunt Judith's Letters 911X GAUTIER (Th^ophile, French Journalist, b. 181 1, d. 1872), Ro- mance of a Mummy 2074X Gaverocks, The, by S. Baring Gould 2152X See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 55, 335J. Gay World, by Joseph Hatton 3323X Gay worthys, The, by Mrs. Whitney 1 902X Gehenna, or Havens of Unrest, by Hon. Lewis Wingfield 1869X Gems she Wore, by L. T. Meade [Sunday Magazine, v. 22] 2472J General Bounce, or the Lady and the Locusts, by Melville 828X See also Fraser's Magazine, v. 49, 659J. Genevieve, a Tale of Peasant Life, translated from the French of Alphonse De Lamartine 1341X and 1804Z Genevieve, or the Children of Port Royal [Sunday at Home, v. 34]. 28S4J Gentianella, by Mrs. Randolph 1789X Gentleman of the Old School, by George P. Rainsford James 2630X Geoffry Hamlyn, by Henry Kingsley 1385X Geoffrey the Genius and Percy the Plodder [Leisure Flour, v. 8] 2618J George Burley, his History, Experiences, and Observations, by G. E. Sargent [Leisure Hour, v. 15] 2625! George Canterbury's Will, by Mrs. Henry Wood 14X 40 [913] GEO GUTLLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GIL George, or the Planter of the Isle of France, by Alexandre Dumas... 2577X Gerald, by E. C. Price [All the Year Round, v. 53] 1813J GERARD (E. D.), Reata : What's in a Name ? 3287X German Novelists, translated from the Originals with Critical and Biographical Notices, by Thomas Roscoe 1 206X German Popular Stories, edited by Edgar Taylor 2245X German Tales and Traditions. See Thorpe's Yule Tide Stories, 1486X Gertrude, by Elizabeth Sevvell 1029, 1040 and 2843X Gervase Skinner, by Theodore Hook 1275 and 1329X Ghost-Hunter and His Family, by John Banim [O'Hara Family]... 2514X Ghost in the Snow [Once a Week, v. 30] 2290 T Ghost of the School [Boys' Own Annual, v. 5] 2955] Ghost Stones [All the Year Round, v. 7] 1767J Giant of the North, or Pokings Round the Pole, by Ballantyne 2490X Giant Raft, by Jules Verne, Part I., Eight Hundred Leagues on the R k:EA D '~ Amazon — Part II., The Cryptogram IOT4X See als0 Boys' Own Annual, v. 3, aos^J. Giant's Heart, a Tale, by George Macdonald 1878Z Giant's Robe, by F. Anstey [F. Anstey Guthrie] 2344X GIBB (John), Gudrun and other stories 2107X GIBBON (Charles, Scotch Novelist, &£.) : Astbury's Bargain [C. J.].. 1966J Blood Money and other Stories 3082X Braes of Yarrow 913X By Mead and Stream 196 1 J Dead Heart, a Tale of the Bastile 3081X Family Secret [Cham. J.] 1965J GI BERNE (Agnes, Writer of Domestic Tales) : As a Tale that is Told ... 2873J j Life's Changes [S. at H., 26] Curate's Home, The 1918XI Muriel's Key-Note [S. at H] Dalrymples [S. at H., 36] 2886J ( Number Three, Winifred Fancy Free 198X For Lack of Gold 917X Golden Shaft [G. W., v. 23] 2193J In Honour Bound [Cass., 9] 2349J Of High Degree 1970X Robin Gray 91 5X What will the World say ? ... 1953X 2876T 2875J Decima'sPromise[G.O.A.] 2553T Enid's Silver Bond[S. at H.j 2882J Gwendoline, or Halcots and Halcombes[S. at H.] 2880J Jacob Witherby 1920X "Kathleen, the Story of a Home [S. at H., v. 29] 2879J Place [Sund. at Home, 31] 2881J Quiet Valley [S. at H., 33] 2S33J Ralph Hardcastle's Will 335°X Rector's Home 1677X Sisters of Duesbury Dee [Q.] 3291J Through the Linn, or Miss Temple's Wards [S. at H.] 2878J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Gideon Fleyce, by Henry W. Lucy 506 and 695X GIFT?(Theo [Miss Dora Havers], Serial Writer, &c.) : Visited on the Children [All the Year Round, v. 45]... 1805J Also Living Age, v. 147 3 r 77j Matter-of-Fact Girl 3273X Pretty Miss Bellew [Cass.] 2350T Victims [A. Y. R., v. 57] 1817J Gil Bias of Santillane, by Alain-Rene Le Sage 1460X GILBERT (William, Serial Writer, <5rV.) : Landlord of "The Sun" 1359J I Two Stories in One [Quiver, Struggle in Ferrara [S. M.] 2456J | v. 15] 3285T Gilbert Gurney, by Theodore Hook 3382X Gilbert Rugge [Fraser's Magazine, v. 69] 679J [914] GIL ENGLISH SECTION. GOL Gilded Age, a Tale of To-day, by Mark Twain and Chas. D. Warner 2330X ■Gilded Pill [Once a Week, v. 39] 2299J Gin a Body Meet a Body, by Constance Mac Ewen 1912X Ginger Snaps, by Fanny Fern [Mrs. S. Parton] 7°7^ Gipsy Breynton, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 1608X Gipsy Girl of Sorrento [Sunday at Home, v. 25] 2875T Gipsy, The [Times of George II.], by G. P. R. James 2617 and 2916X Gipsy's Cousin Joy, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps [Sequel to 1608X]... 1610X Gipsy's Sowing and Reaping, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 1611X Gipsy's Yearat the Golden Crescent, by E. S. Phelps[Sequel to 1610X] 1613X Giraffe Hunters, by Captain Mayne Reid 1774^ Girl at the Gate, by Wilkie Collins [English Illustrated, v. 2] 1992 J Girton Girl, by Mrs. Annie Edwardes 1880X See also Temple Bar, v. 72, 1402J. GISSING (George, Serial Writer, &e.) : A Life's Morning [Cornhill] 337J | Nether World 3083X Gladiators, a Tale of Rome and Judaea [Fall of Jerusalem 1 a.d.], by George John Whyte Melville 819 and 836X Gladys Fane, a Story of Two Lives, by T. Wemyss Reid 42 and 643X Gladys' Peril, by John Coleman and John C. Chute 2205X GLEIG (George R., Historian, £rc, b. 1796) : Chelsea Pensioners I475X I Light Dragoon 2580 & 2907X Hussar 1474X | Subaltern 1473^ N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Glenmavis, by Agnes Smith 1830X Glimpse of the World, by Elizabeth M. Sewell 2635X Glorinda [Kentucky, Negroes, &c], by Anna Bowman Dodd 2003X Glorious Fortune, by Walter Besant 7$4 X See also All the Year Round, v. 53, 1813J. Glorious Return, a Story of the Vaudois, by Temple [S. at IL, v. 36] 2X Glory, a Wiltshire Story, by Mrs. G. Linnaeus Banks 2376X God and the Man, by Robert Buchanan 557^ GODDARD (Arthur), Under Currents 2882X GODDARD (Julia, Serial Writer, &>c.) : Grace Selwode [O. A. W.] 2285J | Ursula's Stumbling Block ... 2334X GODFREY (Mrs. G. W., Serial Writer, &c.) : Beautiful MissRoche[L. A.] 3179J Mrs. Forrester's Secret 1401J Also Temple Bar, v. 61 — 1391J Unspotted from the World... 1395J Little Bohemian [T. Bar] 1390] Godfrey Morgan, a Californian Mystery, by Jules Verne 1021X See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 5, 2955J. GODKIN (G. S.), An Easter Long Ago [Christian World Magazine] 249J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Godolphin, by Lord Lytton 218 and 237X God's Providence House [Slave Emancipation, 1791], by Mrs. Banks 2377X GOETHE (J. W. Von, German Poet, Novelist, &°c, b. 1749, d. 1832), Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels I2 95^ N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Gold Fish, by Rev. A. N. Malan [Boys' Own Annual, v. 7] 2957J Gold in the Sky, by Jeanie Hering [Quiver, v. 19] 3 2 &9j Golden Argosy, by Fred M. White [Chambers' Journal, v. 63] 19637 Golden Bar, by E. M. Archer 562X [915] GOL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GRA Golden Butterfly, by Walter Besant and James Rice 787X Golden Calf, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. J. Maxwell] 519X Golden Dream, or Adventures of the Far West, by Ballantyne 2491X Golden Grasshopper, a Story of the Days of Sir T. Gresham, by W. H. G. Kingston , 2446X Golden Hills, or Single Influence [Leisure Hour, v. 8] 2618J Golden Incubus, by George M. Fenn [Chambers' Journal, v. 65] ... 1965J Golden Justice, by W. H. Bishop [Atlantic Monthly, v. 57] 1547J Golden Key, a Fairy Tale, by George Macdonald 1 879Z Golden Ladder, by Elizabeth Wetherell [Susan Warner] 1 859X Golden Lion of Granpere, by Anthony Trollope [Good Words, v. 13] 2183J See also Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 44, 1624 J. Golden Locks [Home Treasury of Old Story Books] 2863X Golden Prime, by Frederick Boyle , 2283X Golden Shaft, by Charles Gibbon [Good Words, v. 23] 2193T Golden Sheaves, or Grace Reynold's Work for the Master 2246X Golden Sorrow [Chambers' Journal, v. 49] 195 1 J GOLDSMITH (Oliver, Irish Author, b. 1728, d. 1774), Vicar of Wakefield 1305, 2253X and 888Z N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Goldsmith's Wife [Jane Shore, &c] by William Harrison Ainsworth 94X Golowin'S Banishment to Siberia [Leisure Hour, v. 4] 2614T Gone Wrong, a Burlesque Novel, by Francis C. Burnand... 576X Good as Gold, by Mary Bennett [Family Friend, i860] 716R Good Aunt [Moral Tale], by Maria Edgeworth 2436X Good Bye, Sweetheart, by Rhoda Broughton 2171X See also Temple Bar, v. 32, 1362J. Good Fight and other Tales, by Charles Reade 1424X See also Once a Week, v. 1, 2261 J. Good for Nothing, or All Down Hill, by G. J. Whyte Melville 824X See also Fraser's Magazine, v. 63, 673J. Good French Governess, by Maria Edgeworth 2436X Good Investment, by W. J. Flagg [Harper's Monthly Magazine, v. 44] 1624J GORE (Mrs., Fashwnable Novelist, b. 1799, ^- l86 : Cecil 2176X Diamond and the Pearl .... 2582X Dowager 1 299X Hamiltons 2l68X j Also Living Age, v. 11 "3041 J Gorilla Hunters, Tale of the Wilds of Africa, by R. M. Ballantyne 2492X GOTTHELF (Jeremiah), Kate the Grandmother, or the True Way out of Trouble [Sunday Magazine, v. 1] 2451J GOULD (S. Baring, Incumbent of Ballon, b. 1834) : Man of Honour [E. T.] 2250X Men of Capital 2583X Temptation and Atonement 2584X Mehalah... 2426 & 2427X Pennycome Quicks. 3148X Red Spider 2220& 3013X Richard Cable, the Light- shipman [Cham. J., v. 64] 1964J Also Living Age, v. 172. .. . 3202 J Arminell [Tem. Bar, v. 85] 1415J Court Royal 3242X Also Comhill Magazine, v. 51 331 J Eve 3246X Gaverocks, The 2152X A Iso Cornhill Magazine, v. 55 335J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for tn is Author. Gowrie, or the King's Plot [Scotland and France, 17th Century], by George Payne Rainsford James 2659X Grace and Isabel, or to Seem and to Be, by Maria J. Mcintosh 2690X Grace Balmayns' Sweetheart, by Tames Runciman 3250X [916] GRA I.ENGLISH SECTION. GRE Grace Darling, or the Heroine of the Fern Islands, by Reynolds ... 2256X Grace Hamilton's School-Days, by E. J. Worboise [Mrs. Guy ton]... 1185X Grace Howard, and the Family at Glen Luna, by E. Wetherell 2860X Grace Kennedy [Living Age, v. 27] 3057J Grace Selwode, by Julia Goddard [Once a Week, v. 25] 2285J Grafton Family [Leisure Hour, v. 2] 2612J GRAHAM (Ennis). See Molesworth (Mrs.). Grahams of Invermoy, by M. C. Stirling 1839X Granby, by Thomas Henry Lister 1363X Grandissimes by George W. Cable [Scribner's Monthly, v. 19] ... 1869J Grandmother Dear, by Mrs. Molesworth 3217X Grandmother's Money, by F. W. Robinson. .> .. 1818X GRANT (Courteney), An Angel Unawares 1630X GRANT (James, Scotch Historian and Novelist, b. 1822, d. 1887) : Adventures of an Aide-de- Camp 2120X Adventures of Rob Roy ... 920X Black Watch 922X Bothwell 1220X Cameronians 96 iX Captain of the Guard 924X Constable of France 928X Duke of Albany's Own Highlanders 963X Frank Hilton 93iX Harry Ogilvie 2588X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. GRANT (Robert), Ed., Confessions of a Frivolous Girl 2131X Grants of Lockside, or the Life of Scotch Emigrants in Canada [Leisure Hour, v. 25] 2635J GRANVILLE (Charles), Broken Stirrup Leather 3134X Granvilles, an Irish Tale, by Hon. Thomas Talbot 547X Grape from a Thorn, by James Payn [Cornhill Magazine, v. 43] 323J Grasp your Nettle, by E. Lynn Linton 1702X Grateful Negro, The, by Maria Edge worth 2444X ORATTAN (Thomas Colley, Irish Novelist, b. 1795, d - I§ 64) 1 Agnes de Mansfeldt 1309X Cagofs Hut 2589X Conscript's Bride 2589X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. GRAY (John), Fire and Sword, a Tale of the Indian Mutiny [Once a Week, v. 39] 2299J GRAY (Louisa M.), Mine Own People 1263X GRAY (Maxwell, Serial Writer, firV.): Reproach of Annesley.... 1464J | Silence of Dean Maitland.... 245 iX Gray sons, The, a Story of Illinois, by Edward Eggleston [Cent.]... 1886J Great African Travellers, from Mungo Park, to Livingstone, Stanley and Cameron, by W. H. G. Kingston and Frith 2979X Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens 358, 393 and 2956X See also All the Year Round, v. 4, 1764J. Great Tontine, by Flawley Smart 2297X [917] Jack Chaloner 933X King's Own Borderers 940X Lady Glendonwyn 2013X Letty Hyde's Lovers 942X Oliver Ellis 953X One of the Six Hundred 1 300X Only an Ensign 955X Phantom Regiment 2777X Queen's Cadet 957X Romance of War 2585X Royal Highlanders 965X Scottish Cavalier 1401 & 2586X Heiress of Bruges 2590X Highways and Bye-Ways 1310X GRE GUTLLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GRO Great-Grandmamma Severn, by Leslie Keith [Leisure Hour, 37] 2647J Great Heights Gained by Steady Efforts, or Perseverance and Faith- fulness Triumphant, by T. S.Wilson 2244X Great Hoggarty Diamond, by W. M. Thackeray ... 1082, 1095X and 15472 See also Fraser's Magazine, v. 24, 634J. Great Mistake, a Story of Adventure, by Rev. T. S. Millington [Boys' Own Annual, v. 8] 2958J Great Porter Square, a Mystery, by B. L. Farjeon 2217X Great Van Broek Property, an American Story [Leisure Hr., v. 15]. 2625J Greatest Heiress in England, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 2212X GREEN (Anna Katherine, Writer of Tales of Crime, &*c.) : Behind Closed Doors 3132X I Leavenworth Case 3207X Forsakenlnn 3 1 33X | Strange Disappearance 3208X GREEN (Evelyn Everett, Serial Writer, <&V.) : Monica or Stronger than Death [Cassell's M., v. 14] 2363J Oliver Langton's Ward [Q.]. 3299J Barbara's Brothers[S. at H.] 2884J Dorothy's Vocation [Q.]... 3302 J Marcus Stratford's Charge 2885J Green Hand, a Short Yarn [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 64] 134! Green Pastures and Piccadilly, by William Black 507X See also Living Age, v. 132, 3162J. Green Pleasure and Grey Grief, by Mrs. Argles [The Duchess] 3193X Green Ray, a Romance of the Scottish Highlands, by Jules Verne... 1025X Greene Feme Farm, by Richard Jefferies [Time Magazine, v. 1] ... 149 1 J GREENWOOD (Fred), Loves of an Apothecary 2794X GREENWOOD (James, Amateur Casual), Dick Temple 1632X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. GREG (Percy, Political Writer), Sanguelac 586X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Gregors, A Cornish Story, by Jane Spettigue 2130X Greifenstein, by Francis Marion Crawford 3150 and 3377X Gretchen, by "Rita" [Mrs. Eliza M.J. G. Von Booth] 2231X See also All the Year Round, v. 60, 1820J. GREY (Mrs. Col. E. C, Popular Authoress-) : Gambler's Wife 2787X I Rectory Guest 2591X Little W T ife 2593X | Sybil Lennard 2594X GREY (Mrs. M. J.) and SHIREFF (Miss E.), Passion and Principle 2592X GREY (Rowland), By Virtue of His Office 2450 and 2461X Grey and Gold, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. Guyton] ... 1165 and 1180X Grey House at Endlestone, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. Guyton] 1192X GRIFFIN (Gerald, Irish Novelist, b. 1803, d. 1840) : Collegians, the, or the Colleen Bawn, a Tale of Garryowen 131 1 & 3014X Rivals, The 2595 and 2908X Griffith Gaunt, by Charles Reade [Argosy, v. 1] I J GRIFFITHS (Arthur), Lola 1635X Griffith's Double, by Mrs. C. Hoey [All the Year Round, v. 35] ... 17955 GRIMM (J. L. and W. K., German Philologists, 1785- 1863), Grimm's Fairy Tales, with Illustrations by E. H. Wehnert 2818X GROVES (Major J. Percy, Librarian of Candic Library, Guernsey, Writer of Military Adventures) : A Soldier Born 44*7 X From Cadet to Captain 395X Anchor and Laurel 483X The Duke's Own 468X Charmouth Grange 33^X [918] GRY ENGLISH SECTION. HAG Gryll Grange, by T. L. Peacock [Fraser's Magazine, v. 61] 671 J Gudrun and other Stories, from the Epics of the Middle Ages, by John Gibb , 2107X Guernsey Lily, or How the Feud was Healed, a Story for Boys and Girls, by Susan Coolidge [Miss Woolsey] 2273X Guessing" Stories, a Book for the Young, by Rev. Philip Freeman... 2854X Guild. Court, a London Story, by George Macdonald 1504X See also Good Words, v. 8, 2 178 J. Gulab Singh, a Story of Peril and Heroism, by Rev. R. D. O. Martin [Boys' Own Annual, v. 11] 2961J Gulliver's Travels into several Remote Nations of the World, by Jonathan Swift 1477^ GULSTON (Alan James), Warren Knowles 1638X Gummers Fortune, by John Baker Hopkins [Once a Week, v. 26] 2286J GUNTER (Archibald Clavering) : Mr. Barnes of New York 905X | Mr. Potter of Texas 1997X Gurney Married, by Theodore Hook 1248X Gustavus Vasa, or Prince and Peasant, by Gustav Nieritz [L. H.] 2631 J GUTHRIE (F. Anstey). See Anstey (F.). Guy, Earl of Warwick, by Elizabeth Wetherell [Home Tieasury of Old Story Books] 2863X Guy Fawkes [Gunpowder Plot, 1605], by W. H. Ainsworth 76 and 84X Guy Livingstone, by George A. Lawrence 3041X Guy Mannering, by Sir Walter Scott 891, 939X and 1045-7Z Guy Rivers, the Outlaw, by W. Simms [Romancist & Novelists' Lib.] 2280X GUYTON (Mrs. E.). See Worboise (Emma Jane). Gwen Beverly, by Mrs. Prosser [Sunday at Home, v. 28] 2878J Gwendoline, or Halcots and Halcombes, by Agnes Giberne 2880J Gwendoline's Harvest, by James Payn [Chambers' Journal, v. 47] 1950J H ACKLANDER (F. W.), Clara, or Slave Life in Europe . Haddad-Ben-Ahab, by J. Gait [Romancist and Nov. Lib. Hadji's Amulet, by James Cox [Boys' Own Annual, v. 8] ... HAGGARD (Capt.), Dodo and I HAGGARD (Henry Rider, Barrister, &c, b. 1856) : Allan Quatermain 2138, 2458, 2459 & 3029X Allan Quatermain [Long.] 899J Allan's Wife 3097X Cleopatra, being an account of the Fall and Venge- ance of Harmachis, the Royal Egyptian, as set forth by his own Hand 3048 and 3049X Colonel Quaritch, V.C., a Tale of Country Life 2389,239oX [919] Dawn Jess Also Cornhill Magazine, v. 53.. King Solomon's Mines 2136, 2453, 2455 & Maiwa's Revenge A Iso Harper's, v. 77 Mr. Meeson's Will She 2137, 2456 & Witch's Head, The N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. I246X 2280X 2958J 3I49X 2139X 2327X 333J 3026X 247 3X 1657J IO58X 2457X 3120X HAI GULLLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HAR Hair-Breadth Escapes, or Adventures of Three Boys in South Africa, by H. C. Adams 2810X HAKE (T. St. E., Serial Writer, <&* 947> 986 and 1002X, also 1030-3Z Hearts, by David Christie Murray 1659X Hearts of Gold, a Tale of Normandy [Family Friend, 1862] 719R Hearts-Ease [Sunday at Home, v. 34] 2884J Hearts-Ease in the Family, by Worboise [Mrs. Guyton] 1183X Heartsease, or the Brother's Wife, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 2228X Heathcotes, or the Wept of Wish-ton- Wish, by J. F. Cooper 2542 & 2932X Heather and Harebell, by Mrs. Emma Marshall 1722X HECTOR (Mrs. Annie). See Alexander (Mrs.). Hector O'Halloran, by William Hamilton Maxwell 1717X Hector Servadac [Astronomical Romance], by Jules Verne 1011X Hedged in, a Religious Tale, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 1614X Heidelberg, by G. P. R. James [30 Years' War, Germany] 690 and 2553X Heidenmaur, or the Benedictines, a Legend of the Rhine, by James Fenimore Cooper 286, 321, 329 and 2550X Heir of Kilfinnan, a Tale of the Shore and Ocean, by Kingston 2980X Heir of Linne, by Robert Buchanan 3002X Heir of Redclyffe, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 2194X Heir of Sand ford Towers, a Story of Conflict [Quiver, v. 29] 3 2 99j Heir of West Wayland, by Mary Howitt 2608X Heir Presumptive, by Florence Marryat [now Mrs. F. Lean] 3252X Heiress of Bruges [Netherlands' struggle with Spain], by Grattan. 2590X Heiress of Cheevely Dale, bv Mrs. Prosser [Leisure Hour, v. 16] ... 2626J Heiress of Dedlow Marsh, by Bret Harte 3174X Heirs of Errington, by Emma J. Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] 1199X Held in Bondage, or Granville de Vigne, a Tale of the Day, byOuida [Mademoiselle Louise de la Rame] ,.856 and 861X HELDMANN (B., Jersey Author), Mutiny on Board the ship Leander 193, 337 and 338X Helen, a Moral Tale, by Maria Edgeworth 651 and 2545X Helen Charteris, by Mrs. Ward 2759 and 2888X Helen Mordaunt, or the Standard of Life, by Mrs. J. B. Webb 1639X Helen Quatermaine, or For Conscience' Sake [Quiver, v. 20] 3290J Helena, Lady Harrogate, by John B. Harvvood [Chambers', v. 55]... 1955J Helena's Household, a Tale of Rome in the First Century [Paul, Luke, Nero, &c], by Mrs. Charles 2048X Helene, by Mrs. Arthur Kennard 1931X Helen's Diary, by Mrs. Emma Marshall 1725X Helen's Escape, by H. F. Abell [Chambers' Journal, v. 65] 1965J HELME (Elizabeth), Farmer of Inglewood Forest 2282X HELMORE (M. C), A Little Western Flower 2801X Helon of Alexandria, a Jewish Tale of the Days of the Maccabees [Sunday at Home, v. 30] 2S80J HELPS (Sir A., Essayist, b. 1817, d. 1875), Realmah [Macmillan] 947J HEMYNG (Bracebridge), Called to the Bar 2299X [924] HEN ENGLISH SECTION. HET Hendricks the Hunter, or the Border Farm, Tale of Zululand, by W. H. G. Kingston * 2981X Henrietta Temple, by The Earl of Beaconsfield 134 and 2565X Henry de romeroy, or the Eve of St. John, a Legend of Cornwall and Devon, also The White Rose, by Mrs. Bray 1224 and 2520X Henry Masterton, or the Adventures of a Young Cavalier, by G. P. R. James [Commonwealth, Worcester Fight, 165 r] — 6S5 and 265 iX Henry of Guise, or the States of Blois [Massacre of St. Bartholo- mew, 1572], by George Payne Rainsford James 2662X Henry Smeaton, a Jacobite Story [Reign of George I., Buccaneers], by George Payne Rainsford James 691X HENTY (George Alfred, Journalist and Writer of Military Ad- venture, b. 1 832) : By Sheer Pluck 1681X Cornet of Horse 1045X For Name and Fame , 1682X Also Every Boy's Annual . . . 1305H Friends though Divided... 1046X Gabriel Allen, M. P 2204X In the Reign of Terror 3372X In Times of Peril 1072X Jack Archer 339 & 340X Out on the Pampas JQ73X St. George for England 1687X True to the Old Flag 1684X Winning his Spurs 1314X W T ith Clive in India 1685X Under Drake's Flag 1074X Young Colonists 1886X Her Dearest Foe, by Mrs. Alexander [Mrs. Annie Hector] 2087X See also Temple Bar, v. 44, 1374J. Living Age, v. 126, 3156J. Her Dignity and Grace, by H. C 22C0X Her Father's Name, by Florence Marryat [now Mrs. F. Lean] 1704X Her Friend Laurence, by Frank Lee Benedict !545X Her Husband's Keeper, by Mrs. Daniel 3 2 53X Her Lord and Master, by Florence Marryat [now Mrs. F. Lean] 1567X Her Neighbours, by J. E. A. Brown [Sunday Magazine, v. 16] 2466I Her Object in Life, by Isabella Fyvie Mayo [Girls' Own Annual, v. 3] 2553J Her Own Choice, by Ruth Lamb [Girls' Own Annual, v. 5] 2555J Her Sailor Love, by Katherine S. Macquoid 3254X Her Two Millions, by William Westall [Good Words Mag., v. 28]... 2198J Her Wedding Day, by Marion Harland [Mrs. Terhune] 981X Her Week's Amusement, by Mrs. Argles [The Duchess] 3 T 57X HERBERT (Henry William, Greek Scholar, b. 1807), Cromwell .... 1323X HERBERT (Lady), Edith [A Tale of the Present Day] 2181X Here and There in the South, by Rebecca H. Davis [Harper's Mag.] 1655T Hereward the Wake [Saxons, nth Century], by C. Kingsley 736 and 3037X See also Good Words, v. 6, 2 176 J. HERING (Jeanie, Writer for the Young, &V) : Gold in the Sky [Quiver] 3289J | Truth will Out [Quiver, v. 16] 3286J Heritage of Langdale, by Mrs. Alexander [Mrs. Annie Hector] ... 372X Hermit of Warkworth [Henry Percy, &c] [Chambers' Miscellany].. 624R Heroine of Home, by Isa Craig-Knox [Quiver, v. 23] 3293I Herr Baby, by Mrs. Molesworth 2190 and 3085X Herr Paulus, his Rise, his Greatness and his Fall, by W. Besant 3001X Hester Morley's Promise, by Hesba Stretton [Cassell's Mag., v. 7]... 2347J Hester's Yenture, by Margaret Roberts 1743 and 2400X HETHERINGTON (William M., Scotch Ecclesiastical Historian), The Minister's Family 1324X Hetty, by Henry Kingston [Once a Week, v. 20] 2280J [925] HEV GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HOD Hever Court, by R. Arthur Arnold [Once a Week, v. 16] 2276J HEWLETT (J. T.), Parsons and Widows 2784X Hidden Gold, by Frank Barrett [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 6]... 2355J Hidden Talent, by M. Nicholson [Christian World Magazine, 1875] 244J Hide and Seek, or the Mystery of Mary Grice [New Forest, 1647], by Wilkie Collins 267 and 278X High. Mills, by Katherine Saunders [Good Words, v. 12] 2182J High Spirits, Stories written in Them, by James Payn 3220X High- Ways and By-Ways, or Tales of the Roadside picked up in the French Provinces by a Walking Gentleman, by Grattan. 1310X Highland Widow, by Sir Walter Scott 929 and 977X Hilary St, Ives, by William Harrison Ainsworth 92X Hilda and her Pet [Sunday at Home, v. 33] 2833J HILDRETH (Richard, American Abolitionist, b. 1807), Ed., White Slave, or Memoirs of a Fugitive 1325X Hill and the Valley, by Harriet Martineau 774X Hill Farms [Sunday at Home, v. 23] 2873 f Hillyars and the Burtons, by Charles Kingsley [Macmillan, v. 9]... 939J Hinchbrook, by J. C. Jeaffreson [Fraser's Magazine, v. 51] 661J HIRST (J. Crowther), Hiram Greg 1906X His at Last [Once a Week, v. 29] 2289J His Brother's Keeper [Temple Bar Magazine, v. 30] 1360J His by Right, by Alton Clyde [Mrs. A. Jeffreys] [Quiver, v. 15] 3258J His Cousin Betty, by Frances Mary Peard 103X His Good Sister [Girls' Own Annual, v. 6] 2556J His Heritage, by Linda Gardner 116X His Inheritance, by Adeline Trafton [Scribner's Monthly, v. 14] 1864J His Last Stake, by Shirley Smith 1909 and 2025X His Little Cousin [Ravenna, &c], by Emma Maria Pearson 1780X His Little Mother, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Dinah M. Craik] 1569X His Little Serene Highness, by F. Reuter [Living Age, v. 116] 3H6J His Next of Kin, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guy ton] 1172X His Only Enemy, by Mrs. Arnold [Leisure Hour, v. 26] 2636T His Own Executor [Chambers' Journal, v. 50] I 95 I Ja His Secret, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 2324X His Steadfast Purpose, by Anne Beale [Quiver, v. 22] 3292J His Uncle and her Grandmother [Blackwood, v. 147] 217J History of a Walking Stick in Ten Notches, by R. Le Free 2079X History of John Marten, a Sequel to the Life of Henry Milner, by Mrs. Sherwood 1441X History of Margaret Catchpole, a Suffolk Girl, by Rev. R. Cobbold 1251X History of Sir Charles Grandison, by Samuel Richardson 870X History of Theophilus and Sophia, by Mrs. Sherwood 1548Z Hobgoblin and Demon, by Mrs. De Witt [Every Boy's Annual] 1306H Hobson'S Choice, by Dutton Cook [Once a Week, v. 15] 2275J HODG-ETTS (Professor J. F., Historical Novelist) : Edric the Norseman [Boys' Own Annual, v. 10] 2960J Harold, the Boy Earl, a Tale of Old England [Boy's Annual, v. 6] 2956) Ivan Dobroff, a Russian Story [Boys' Own Annual, v. 7] 2957J Kormak the Viking, or the Shield-Borne Boy [Boys' Annual, v. 8] 2958J [926] HOE ENGLISH SECTION. HOO HOEY (Mrs. Cashel, Serial Writer, <5rY.) House of Cards [Liv. Age]... 3128J Lover's Creed 3325X. Question of Cain [A.Y.R.,46] 1806J Stern Chase [All Yr. R., 56] 1816J All or Nothing [A. Y. R.] 1801J Blossoming of an Aloe [Chambers' J., v. 51]... 1969T Griffith's Double [A. Y. R.] 1795J HOFLAND (Mrs.), Young Crusoe, or the Adventures of a Ship- wrecked Family on a Desolate Island 2855X Hoity Toity, the Good Little Fellow, by C. Camden 3062X Holiday Romance, by Charles Dickens [Household Words, v. 19]... 1779J HOLLAND (J. G. [Timothy Titcomb], American Journalist ', b. 1819), M.D. : Arthur Bonnicastle [S.M.] 1855J I Story of Sevenoaks [S. M.].. . 1859J Nicholas Minturn [S. M.]. 1863J | Holly-Tree Inn, by Charles Dickens [Household Words, v. 12) 1752J See also Household Words, v. 12, 1752 J. Hollywood, by Annie L. Walker 2177X Holmby House, a Tale of Old Northamptonshire, by Melville 821X See also Frascr's Magazine, v. 59, 669J. Living Age, v. 61, 3091J. HOLMES (Emra), Lady Muriel 2847 and 2910X HOLT (Emily S.) : Behind the Veil 3093X I Stephen Main waring's Woo- It Might have been 3094X | ing 2072X Home, or Life in Sweden, by Fredrika Bremer 588X Home Again, by George Macdonald 2442X Home as Found, Sequel to Homeward Bound, by J. F. Cooper 3 r 3X Home at Greylock, by Elizabeth Prentiss 1620X Home Influence, a Tale for Mothers and Daughters, by Grace Aguilar 1 156, 2507 and 2807X See also the Sequel, Mother's Recompense, 1157X. Home Memories, or Echoes of a Mother's Voice, by Mrs. C. Brock... 2C44X Home Scenes and Heart Studies, by Grace Aguilar JI 59^ Home Stories, or Pleasant Tales, by Miss Sedgwick 1554^ Home Sunshine, or Family Life, by Catherine D. Bell ... 297 iX Home Treasury of Old Story Books, ed. by Summerly and Merton... 2863X Homes Abroad, by Harriet Martineau 777^ Homeward Bound, or the Chase, a Tale of the Sea, by James Feni- more Cooper 282 292, 316 and 2543X HOMFRAY (Alfred), Salaratus Spec, a Tale of Golden Gulch 2293J Honourable Mrs. Vereker, by Mrs. Argles [The Duchess] 3158X HOOD (Thomas, Famous Writer and Humourist, b. 1798, d. 1845) : Hood's Own, or Laughter I Tylney Hall 2261X from Year to Year 2250X | N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. HOOK (Theodore, Journalist, &c., b. 1788, d. 1841) : Cousin Geoffry 1273X Cousin William, &c 1329X Danvers, &c 1327X Doubts and Fears 1329X Fathers and Sons 1274X Friend of the Family 1327X Gervase Skinner 1275X Gilbert Gurney 3382X Gurney Married 1 248X [927] Jack Brag 1253X Marquis 21 66X Maxwell 1271X Merton 1 277X Parson's Daughter 2165X Passion and Principle.. 1 326 & 1328X Sutherlands, &c 1328X Widow 2166X HOP GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HOU HOPE (Right Hon. A. J. B. B.) M.P. : Strictly Tied Up 1842X | The Brandreths 2180X HOPE (Ascott R., Writer for Young Persons) : Sister Mary, a Public School Story [Boys' O. A., v. 11]. 2961J Stories of the Wild West [Every Boy's Annual, 1889] 1308H Strange Trip Abroad [B.O.] 2959J Tell Tale, a School Story ... 2955J Young Rebels 1290X Youngsters' Yarns [Every Boy's Annual, 1887] 1306IT Adventures of a Boston Boy among Savages 2953J All by Himself, a Story of the Highlands [B.O.A.] 2954J Book about Boys 1279X Boys' Campaign [B. O. A.] 2952J Buttons 1278X Emigrant Boy's Story 1307H Parlour Boarder, a School Story [Boys' Ann., v. 11] 2961J HOPE (Dora, Writer for Girls) : Difficulties of a Young Housekeeper and how she overcame Them 2552J Margaret Trent, and how she kept House [Girls' Own Ann., v. 3] 2553J She couldn't Boil a Potato, or the Ignorant Housekeeper and how she acquired Knowledge [Girls' Own Annual, v. 8] 2558J HOPE (Lady E. R.), Maiden's Work [Coffee Rooms] 2039X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. HOPE (F. T. L.), Three Homes [Quiver, v. 16] 3286T HOPE (Mark), Prodigal Daughter 1646X Hope Leslie [Puritans in America, Indians, &c.,], by Miss Sedgwick 1440X Hopes and Fears, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 1 893X See also Living Age, v. 64, 3094J. HOPKINS (Arabella M.), Life's Fitful Fever [Cassell's Mag., v. 13] 2362J HOPKINS (John Baker, Serial Writer, &c.) : By the Waters of Babylon 1496J 1 Making the Worst of it Cummer's Fortune 2286J | [Gent.'s Mag., v. 10, N.S.] 730J HOPKINS (Tighe, Serial Writer, rence Marryat [now Mrs. F. Lean] 2189X How two Boys served King George [Every Boys' Annual, 1888] 1307H How Vickerscroft was Redeemed [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 6J... 2355J How we Girls Earned our Living [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 13] 2363J HOWARD (Lady Constance, Society Novelist, &c.) : Mated with a Clown 3272X I Sweetheart and Wife 1292X Mollie Darling 2295X | Howard Pickney, by F. W. Thomas [Romancist and Novelists' Lib.] 2280X HOWELLS (William D., American Writer, b. 1837) : Annie Kilburn [Harper]. .. 1657J Minister's Charge 2293X April Hopes [Harper, V. 74] 1654J Also Century Magazine, v. 9 1881J Chance Acquaintance 1293X Modern Instance I3 X 3 X Counterfeit Presentiment.. 1296X ~ ^^ Century Magazine, v. 1 1873J Doctor Breen's Practice ... 3373X °" of t^Q u ? st T I3 ° 2 &n will a]so b ' e foun § Life of Mahomet OObX under the name of Author and Salmagundi 653&667X Title of Work in the General Sketch Book 657, 669 & 670X Catalogue. Is he Popenjoy? by Anthony Trollope ...1131 and II43X See also All the Year Round, v. 39, 1799J. [932] ISA ENGLISH SECTION. JAG Isabel of Bavaria, an Historical Romance, by Alexandre Dumas 4 X 7^ Isabel's Fortune, by Emma Dixon [Girls' Own Annual, v. 8] 2558J Ishmael, by Miss Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 2149, 2152 and 240SX Island. Queen, or Dethroned by Fire and Water, a Tale of the Southern Hemisphere, by R. M. Ballantyne 2496X Ismay'S Children, by Miss Laffan 3257X It is Never too Late to Mend, by Charles Reade I4 2 5^ It might have Been, the Story of the Gunpowder Plot, by E. S. Holt 3094X It was a Lover and his Lass, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant I593N Italian Novelists, translated from the originals with Critical and Biographical Notices by Thomas Roscoe 1207X Ivan and Vasilesa, a Tale of Modern Life in Russia [Sun. at Home] 2860J Ivan Dobroff, a Russian Story, by Professor J. F. Hodgetts [B.O.A.] 2957J Ivan Ilyitch and other Stories, by Lyof N. Tolstoi 3°9 1 ^ Ivanhoe, a Romance of the Days of Richard Caeur de Lion and Robin Hood, by Sir Walter Scott 904, 952X and 1091-2Z I've been Thinking, or the Secret of Success, by A. S. Roe 2731X Ivors, or the Two Cousins, by Elizabeth M. Sewell ...1039, 1042 and 2844X Ixion in Heaven, by the Earl of Beaconsfield 132, i38and2573X JABEZ Oliphant [Fraser's Magazine, v. 79}: 689J Jack and Jill, by Louisa May Alcott 3 66 X Jack and John, their Friends and their Fortunes, by Mrs. Eiloart [Boys' Own Annual, v. 1] 2951 J Jack Archer, a Tale of the Crimea, by George A. Henty 339 and 340X Jack Brag, by Theodore Hook 1253X Jack Chaloner, or the Fighting Forty- Third, by James Grant 933^ Jack Doyle's Daughter, by R. E. Francillon [All Year Round, v. 47], 1807J Jack Hamilton's Luck [Once a Week, v. 32] 2292J Jack Hinton the Guardsman, by Charles Lever 744, 761 and 2672X Jack of all Trades, by Charles Reade [Harper's Monthly, v. 16] 1596J See also Every Boy's Annual, 1867, 1302H. Jack o'Lantern [Le Feu Follet], or The Privateer, by J. F. Cooper 325X Jack Sheppard [Escapes from Newgate, &c], by William Harrison Ainsvvorth 75^- Jack the Fisherman, by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 2960X Jack the Giant Killer, the Fairy Tale [Home Treasury of Old Story Books] 2863X Jack the Giant Killer, a Novel, by Miss Thackeray [Cornhill, v. 16] 296J See also Living Ae;e, v. 95, 3125J. Jack Tier, or the Florida Reef, by J, Fenimore Cooper , ...303 and 2553X Jackanapes, by Juliana Horatia Ewing 876X Jack's Courtship, a Sailor's Yarn of Love and Friendship, by W. Clark Russell 1662X See also Longman's Magazine, v. 3, 893J. Jack's Father, by W« E. Norris [Murray's Magazine, v. 3] 1 4&3J Jack's Sister ! or Womanly past Question [Once a Week, v. 30] 2290J Jacob Faithful, by Captain Frederick Marryat 799, 808, 81 1 and 2325X Jacob Witherby, or Need of Patience, by Agnes Giberne 1920X Jacquerie, The, or the Lady and the Page, by G. P. R. James 2642X Jacques Bonneval [Sunday at Home, v. 14] 2864J [933] JAM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JAM JAMES (George Payne R., Historical Novelist, b. 1801, d. i860) : A Whim 2654X Agincourt 2621 & 2912X Ancient Regime 693X Arabella Stuart 2656X Arrah Keil 2638X Attila 689, 698 & 2663X Beavichamp ... 263 iX Bertrand de la Croix 2281X Black Eagle 2624X Book of the Passions, &c... 7C0X Bride of Landeck [Harper] 1 585 J Brigand, The 2615 & 2913X Castle of Ehrenstein 2622 & 2914X Castelneau 683, 693 & 2664X Charles Tyrrell 687, 2620 & 2915X Commissioner, The 2265X Convict, The 2628X Corse de Leon 695 & 696X Dark Scenes of History... 2641X Darnley, or the Field of the Cloth of Gold 1345X Delaware 2647X De L'Orme 2657X Eva St. Clair 2660X False Heir 2646X Fate 692X Forest Days 684 & 2667X Forgery, The 680 & 2634X Gentleman of the Old School 2630X Gipsy, The 2617 & 2916X Gowrie 2659X Heidelberg 690 & 2653X Henry Masterton.....685 & 2651X Henry of Guise 2662X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author JAMES (Henry, Jun., Essayist, fi*V., b Americans I 353X Aspern Papers [Atlantic] .. 1551J Bostonians 2141X Also Century, v. 7 J^cjJ Confidence 1659X Daisy Miller 1359X Lady Barberina [Century]. 1878J London Life 3182 & 3380X Louisa Pallant [Harp. v. 76] 1656J Henry Smeaton '. 691X Huguenot, The 2632X Jacquerie, The ... 2642X King's Highway 2623 & 291 7X Leonora d'Orco 2627X Life and Adventures of John Marston Hall 699, 2618 & 291 8X Man at Arms 688X Margaret Graham 2640X Mary of Burgundy 697, 2619 & 2919X Morley Ernstein. 682 & 2643X My Aunt Pontypool 2666X One in a Thousand 681, 2616 & 2920X Philip Augustus 694 & 2648 X Richlieu 2665X Robber, The 2658X Rose dAlbret 702 & 2652X Russell 2649X Sir Theodore Broughton 686, 701 & 2661X Smuggler, The 2625 & 2655X Step-Mother, The 2645X Ticonderoga 2624X Woodman, The 2644X The following short tales also hy this author will be found in Harper's Magazine: — Four Sights of a Young Man, v. 8, 1588J. The Garrote, v. 8, 1588J. Governor's Lady, v. 8, 1588J. Italian Sisters, v. 8, 158SJ. Love and Charcoal, v. 10, 1590J. Mysterious Occur- rence in Lambeth, v. 11, 1591J. Night in an Old Castle, v. 9, 1589J. The Raven, v. 8, 1588J. 1843) : Portrait of a Lady [Macm.]. Princess Casamassima[Atln. ] Reverberator [Macmillan] ... Tales of Three Cities Tragic Muse [Atlantic Mon.] Washington Square. Also Cornhill, v. 41 Harper, v. 61 N.B — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. JAMES (Marian) : Lord of the Creation I Sister Anne [Living Age, [Living Age, v. 51] ... 3081J | v. 46] James Braithwaite the Supercargo, story of his Adventures Ashore and Afloat, by William H. G. Kingston See also Leisure Hour, v. 17, 2627 J. [934] 972J I546J 987J 3336X I553J 3360X 321J 1614J 3076J 2987X JAM ENGLISH SECTION. JEW James the Second, or the Revolution of 1688, by W. Ainsworth 2501 & 2900X Jan Veddar's Wife, by Amelia E. Barr 1884X Jane Eyre, an Autobiography, by Charlotte Bronte 151 & 153X Jane Sinclair, or the Fawn of Spring- Vale, by William Carleton 1238X Janet Mason's Troubles [Living Age, v. 129] 31 59j Janet's Repentance [Living Age, v. 54] 3084J Japhet in Search of a Father, by Captain Marryat 793, 809 and 2325X Jarousseau, or the Last of the Huguenots, by William Westall [Christian World Magazine, 1886] 255T JARVIS (M. R.), Raynham Farm [Sunday at Home, v. 36] 2886J Jasper Deane, by John Saunders [Good Words, v. 18] 2188J Jasper Lyle, a Talc of Kaflrland, by Mrs. Ward 2758 and 2930X JEAFFRESON (J. Cordy, Barrister, &V U b. 1831) : Hinchbrook [Eraser, v. 51] 661 J | Rapiers of Regent's Park ... 595X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Jeanie Wilson of Lammermoor [Sunday at Home, v. 22] 2872J JEANS (Thomas), Tommiebeg Shootings, or a Moor in Scotland ... 2668X JEFFERIES (Richard, Naturalist, &c): Green Feme Farm [Time] 1491J | Wood Magic 1348X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. JEFFREYS (Mrs. Arnold). See Clyde (Alton). Jenifer, by Annie Thomas [Mrs. Pender Cudlip] 1956X See also All the Year Round, v. 51, 1811J. JENNINGS (L. J.), Millionaire [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 133] ... 203J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. JEPHSON (R. Mountenay), Blackmail 2201X Jeremy York, a Story of Old Deal, by W. Clark Russell [Cham- bers' Journal, v. 66] 1966J JERROLD (Douglas, Dramatist, &c\, b. 1803, d. 1857) : Cakes and Ale 7*9^ Man Made of Money 718X Men of Character 721X Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lec- tures 717^- Punch's Letters to his Son .. 716X St. Giles and St. James 715X Also Living Age, v. 4 3°34j Shilling Magazine 7 2 3^ N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. JERROLD (W. Blanchard, Journalist, son of Douglas, b. 1826), Christian Vagabond [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 4, N.S.] 7 2 4j N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Jersey Boys, The, by Darley Dale 2399X Jess [South African Settler Life], by Henry Rider Haggard 2327X See also Comhill Magazine, v. 53, 333J. Jessamine, by Marion Harland [Mrs. Terhune] 1600X Jessica's First Prayer, by Hesba Stretton [Hannah Smith] 2338X Jessie Lynn, a Love Story [Christian World Magazine, 1878] 247T Jessie Wilson, a Tale of Scottish Life [Sunday at Home, v. 8] 2858J Jesuit, a Tale showing, the Character and Policy of the Order, by C. Spindler 2790X Jet, Her Face or Her Fortune, by Mrs. Edwardes [Temp. Bar, v. 52] 1382J Jewel of a Girl, by May Crommelin I 53 1 ^ JEWETT (3. O.), A Marsh Island [Atlantic Monthly, v. 55] 1545J JEWSBURY (G. E.), Half-Sisters 2669X [935] JEZ GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JON Jezebel's Daughter [Fallen Nature, Maternal Love, &c], by William Wilkie Collins 618X Jill [A Drive through Corsica, &c.], by E. A. Dillwyn 636X Joan, by Rhoda Broughton 187 and 1941X Joan Carisbroke, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] 1175X Joan the Maid [War in France, 15th Century], by Mrs. Charles 593X See also Sunday Magazine, v, 15, 2465J. Joanna's Inheritance, by Mrs. Emma Marshall I737X Job Singleton's Heir, by Mrs. Emma Marshall 1 726X Jock O'Hazelgreen, by Helen Mathers [Mrs. Reeve] 3216X John, by Mrs. Oliphant [Living Age, v. 103] 3133J — See also Blackwood's Magazine, v. 106, 176 J. John Barlow's Ward 1661X John Bodewin's Testimony, by Mary Hallock Foote [Century, v. 9]. 18S1J John Brown and Larry Lohengrin, by William Westall 2005X John Caldigate [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 123] 193J John Deane, Historic Adventures by Land and Sea [Assassination Plot, 17th Century], by William H. G. Kingston 2988X John Doe, by John Banim [O'Hara Family] 277 3X John Eax, or the South [America] without a Shadow, by Albion W. Tourgee 1490X John Ford, his Faults and Follies, and what Came of Them, by Frank Barrett [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 9] 2 359j John Halifax, Gentleman, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] 1570X John Hazel's Vengeance, by W. Stephens Hayward 1226X John Hesketh's Charge, by Alton Clyde [Quiver, v. 14] 3284J John Holdsworth, by W. Clark Russell 1650X John Inglesant [Civil War, 17th Cent. Jesuits, &c], by J. H. Shorthouse 1663X John Law [Financial Schemes], by William Harrison Ainsworth 64X John Marchmont's Legacy, by Miss Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] 52GX Sec also Temple Bar, v. 7, 1337J. John Marston Hall, or the Little Ball o'Fire, by George Payne Rainsford James , 699, 2618 and 2918X John Needham's Double [a Story Founded on Fact], by Joseph Hatton 2308X John Vale's Guardian, by Murray [Chambers' Journal, v. 66] 1966J John Ward, Preacher [Religious Doubt, &c], by Margaret Deiand 1388X John Westacott, by J. Baker 113 and 2472X Johnny Darbyshire, a Primitive Quaker, by William Howitt 2250X Johnny Ludlow, by Mrs. Henry Wood, first series 27 and 1939X Johnny Ludlow, by Mrs. Henry Wood, second series 28X Johnny Ludlow, by Mrs. Henry Wood, third series 3129X See also Argosy, v. 1-44, 1-44J. JOHNSON (Colonel), White Fawn, a North American Story 2250X JOHNSON (Samuel, Lexicographer, &c, b. iyog,d. 1784) : Rasselas ... 2253X | The Prince of Abyssinia 1415X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. JOHNSTONE (Mrs.), Clan Albyn [a Scotch National Tale] 2670X See also Temple Bar, v. 20, 1350J. JOHNSTONE (Mrs.), Editor, Edinburgh Tales. See tinder Titles 2250X Joint Stock Banker, a Tale of the Day, by Dudley Costello 1264X JOLLY (Miss, Society Novelist, &c.) : Caste 3210X I My Son's Wife 3212X Mr. Arle 321 iX | Jonathan Frock and Veronica, by Zschokke, translated by Godwin 1522X Jonathan Wild, History of, by Henry Fielding 464X [936] JOS ENGLISH SECTION. KAV Joseph Andrews, Adventures of, &c, by Henry Fielding 465X Joseph's Coat, by David Christie Murray 1666X Joshua Taylor's Passion [Sunday Magazine, v. 1] 245 1 J Journal of a Home Life, by Elizabeth M. Sewell ,. 1823X Journey into the Interior of the Earth, by Jules Verne 1852X Journeying of the Children of Israel, by Mrs. Carey Brock .54°X Jovinian, or the Early Days of Papal Rome, by William H. G. Kingston [Quiver, v. 20] 3 2 9°J Joy after Sorrow, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell I79'X Joyce [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 141] 211J Joyce Dormer's Story, by Jean Boncoeur [Once aWeek, v. 15] 2275J Judith Shakespeare, by William Black 5" x See also Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 68, 1648J. Julamerk, a Tale of the Nestorians [Koordistan, Persia, 5th Century] by Mrs. J. B. Webb 15" *nd 2763X Julia, Uncle Jack, Glorious Fortune, &c, by Walter Besant 7§4 X See also English Illustrated Magazine, v. 1, 1991J. Julian, or the Close of an Era [Louis XVI.], by L. F. Bungener ... 1229X Julian Home, a Tale of College Life, by Frederick William Farrar 880X Juliet 1928X Juliet's Guardians, by Mrs. H. Lovett Cameron 3 X 9 8X Junia, by Author of Estelle Russell 1665X Jupiter Lights, by C. F. Woolson [Harper's Magazine, v. 78] 1658J Just as I am, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 2156X Juvenile Tales for all Seasons, by M. J. MTntosh 2857X KALOOLAH, or Journeyings to the Djebel Kumri, an Autobio- graphy of Jonathan Romer, edited by W. S. Mayo... 2705 and 2923X Kang'aroo Hunters, or Adventures in the Bush, by Anne Bowman.. 1221X Kard.00, the Hindoo Girl [Sunday at Home, v. 15] 2865J Kate and Rosalind, or Early Experiences 2227X Kate Coventry, an Autobiography, byG. J. Whyte Melville 826X See also Living Age, v. 48, 3078J. Kate Ormond's Lower, by Clara L. Balfour [Quiver, v. 9] 3 2 79j Kate the Grandmother, by Jeremiah Gotthelf [Sunday Magazine, v. 1] 245 ij Kate Valliant, by Annie Thomas [Mrs. Pender Cudlip] 2277X Katerfelto, a Story of Exmoor, by G. J. Whyte Melville 834X Katharine, a Tale of Woman's Trials, by Burbury [Family Friend] 705R Katharine Ashton, by Elizabeth M. Sewell 1030, 103 1 and 2840X Katharine Regina, by Walter Besant 2211 and 2612X Katherine Earle, by Adeline Trafton [Scribner's Monthly, v. 7] 1857J Kathleen, the Story of a Home [Sunday at Home, v. 29] 2879J Kathleen's Handful, by Margaret Roberts [Girls' Own Annual, v. 11] 2561J Katie Stewart, a True Story, by Mrs. Oliphant [Blackwood, v. 72] 142J See also Living Age, v. 36, 3066J. KAVANAGH (Julia, Irish Novelist, b. 1824) : Sybil's Second Love 2083X | Two Lilies 1668X and 1998X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Kavanag'h, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1366X [937] gfllVB-R* 1 **/ KEA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. KIN KEARY (Annie, Serial Writer, &>c.) : Castle Daly [Macmillan's Doubting Heart [Mac, v. 38] 968J Magazine, v. 29] 959T 4!*o Living Age, v. 137 3167J York and Lancaster Rose... 1696X. N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. KEDDIE (Mrs. Henrietta). See Tytler (Sarah). KEENE (H, G.), St. George, His Cross, an Episode in the Channel Islands 1 332, 2443 and 301 7X See also Guernsey Magazine, v. 14, 2394J. KEITH (Leslie [Keith Johnston], Serial Writer, &~'r.) : Simple Maiden 2798X Surrender 1671 and 3353X Uncle Bob's Niece [All the Year Round , v. 60] 1 820J Alasnam's Lady 2219X Great Grandmamma Severn 264 7j Of all Degrees [S. at H.] 2886J Ralph Ellison's Opportu- nity [Sunday at Home] 2885J KEITH (Nellie), Stella [Time Magazine, v. 8] 1498J Kelly's and the O'Kelly's, by Anthony Trollope 1 105 and 1122X Kenelm Chillingly, his Adventures and Opinions, by Lord Lytton... 25 1 X Kenilworth [Amy Robsart, Elizabeth and Leicester], by Sir Walter Scott 910, 958, 994X and 1051-3Z KENNARD (Mrs. A.), Helene 1931X KENNEDY (G., b. 1782, d. 1825), Father Clement 1287X and 1557Z KEON (Miles Gerald), Harding, the Money-Spinner 1975X Kept in the Dark, by Anthony Trollope 1151X See also Good Words, v. 23, 2193J. KER (Mrs. Ann), Edric the Forester, or the Mysteries of the Haunted Chamber [Romancist and Novelists' Library] 2281J KER (David, Writer for Boys) : Drowned Gold, a Boy's Adventures on the West Coast of Africa 2958J For Life and Death, or the Chief of the Red Sword [B.O.A.]... 2962/ Ilderim the Afghan, a Tale of the Indian Border [Boys' Annual] 2958J Red Fingered Cyril, or the Russian Prince and the Tartar Boy.... 2959J Through the Darkness, or the Conquest of Angola [Boys' Annual] 2961 J Keraban the Inflexible, part I, the Captain of the Guidara ; part 2, Searpante the Spy, by Jules Verne 1024X See also Every Boy's Annual, 1886, 1305H. KETTLE (Rosa Mackenzie, Writer of Tales of the Sea Coast, &c.) Sea and Moor 3213X Smugglers and Foresters 1371X Wreckers. 1 379X Fabian's Tower 1360X Last Mackenzie of Red- castle 3260X Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, presenting the Original Facts and Docu- ments upon which the Story is Founded 1471N Khan's Tale [Persians, Arabs, &c], by James Baillie Fraser 2579X Kickleburys on the Rhine, by W. M. Thackeray 1086 and 1099X Kilmeny, by William Black 5icX Kindness in Women, by Thomas Haynes Bayly 2515X KING (Alice, Serial Writer, <&V.) : Fettered yet Free 3249X I Twice Loved 1673X From Strength to Strength 2552J | KING (Florence M.), Man of the Name of John [Casseli's Magazine] 2362 J [938] KIN ENGLISH SECTION. KIN KING (Richard Ashe [Basil], Serial Writer, <5rY.) : A Coquette's Conquest ... 3 1 70X | Leal Lass [All Year R., v. 62] King and the Cobbler [Home Treasury of Old Story Books] King Arthur [Duties of Parents to Children], by Miss Muloch King Solomon's Mines, by Rider Haggard 2136, 2453, 2455 and King's Daughter, by Isabella Fyvie Mayo [Girls' Own Annual, v. 5] King's Highway [William and Mary Fenwick Conspiracy, 17th Century], by George Payne Rainsford James 2623 and King's Own (Mutiny at the Nore, 1797], by Captain Marryat 798, 813 & King's Own Borderers [Peninsular Campaign], by James Grant King's Servants [R.T.S.], by Hesba Stretton [Hannah Smith] King's Service, a Story of the Thirty Years' War [Sun. at H., v. 31] Kingsdene, by Mrs. F. Lacy KINGSLEY (Charles, Canon of Chester, b. 1819, d. 1875) : Alton Locke 737, 738, 2671, 3038X Hereward the Wake 736 & 3036X Also Good Words, v. 6 .... 2176J Hypatia 733X Also Eraser's Magazine, v. 45 655 J Sir Amyas Leigh 735X Two Years Ago 731, 732 & 3035X Yeast 730, 2876 & Also Fraser's Magazine, v. 38. . N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. KINGSLEY (Henry, Brother of Above, b. 1830, d. 1876) : "Water Babies Also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 6 Living Age, v. 75 ...... Westward Ho ! •••735 & Austin Elliot I374X Geoffrey Hamlyn 1 385X Harveys 1678X Hillyars and the Burtons.. 939T Hornby Mills 1404X Leighton House 1397^ Number Seventeen I 4 I 3^ Old Margaret Ravenshoe [Macmillan, v. 3] Reginald Hetherege Silcote of Silcotes [Macmil- lan's Magazine, v. 14] ... Stretton 1822J 2863X 2251X 3026X 2555J 2917X 2325X 940X 2339X 288 1 T 1676X 734X 936J 3'°5J 3034X 3037X 648J. I403X 933J I4IIX 944J I407X KINGSTON (William H. G., Writer of Travel and Instruction, for Boys, b. i< Books ii 4 , d. of Adventure, 1880) : Adrift in a Boat 2975X Adventures Afloat, or the Story of a Supercargo... 2953J Afar in the Forest 2976X Dick Cheveley 341 & 342X Fred Markham in Russia.. 2977X From Powder Monkey to Admiral 2978X Also Boys' Own Annual, v. 1 2951 J John Deane 2988X Jovinian, or the Early Days of Papal Rome [Quiver] 3290J Maiden May [Leisure H.].... 2633J Mark Seaworth 2989X Marmaduke Merry 2990X Missing Ships 2991X My First Voyage to Southern Seas 2992X Golden Grasshopper 2446X j Old Jack 2994X Heir of Kilfinnan 2980X Hendricks the Hunter 2981X Hetty [Once a Wk., v. 20] 2280J Hurricane Hurry 158X Idiot of Dixmuyde [Qvr.]. 3287J In New Granada ... 160 & 2983X In the Rocky Mountains... 2984 X In the Wilds of Africa ... 2985X In the Wilds of Florida ... 2986X James Braithwaite 2987X Also Leisure Hour, v. 17 .... 2627 J On the Banks of the Amazon 2995X Our Sailors 163 & 2996X Our Soldiers 2997X Paddy Finn 2998X Paul Gerard, the Cabin Boy 1301H Peter the Whaler 2999X Peter Trawl 3000X Also Boys' Own Annual, v. 2 . . 2952J Reginald Warrender[E. B. A. ] 1302H Rival Crusoes 161 & 679X T939] KIN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LAD -continued ' : Three Lieutenants [Sequel to 7HX] Three Midshipmen True Blue Twice Lost Two Supercargoes Two Voyages Voyage Round the World . . . Wanderers W T ill Weatherhelm With Axe and Rifle Young Llanero Young Rajah N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. KINGSTON (William H. G.) Roger Kyfnn's Ward, a Story of Adventure by Land and Sea [Boys' Own Annual] 2958T Also Leisure Hour, v. 20 .. 2630J SaltWater 703X Saved from the Sea 704X Settlers 1351X Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea 705X Snowshoes and Canoes ... 706X South Sea Whaler 7°7^ Three Admirals [Sequel to 709X] 708X Three Commanders [Sequel to 710X] 709X KINGSTON (William H. G.) and FRITH (Henry) : Great African Travellers... 2279X | Notable Voyages Kipling (Rudyard), Plain Tales from the Hills KIRBY (Mary and Elizabeth), Aunt Dorothy's Story Kirby in the Dale, by John Rye [Rev. John Oates] 186, 2012 and Kirke Webbe, the Privateer Captain [Chambers' Journal, v. 28]. ... Kirsteen, by Mrs. Oliphant [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 60] Kissing the Rod, by Edmund Yates Kith and Kin, by Jessie Fothergill See also Temple Bar, v. 61, 1391J. Kitty, by M. Betham Edwards [Temple Bar Magazine, v. 23] Knapsack, The, by Maria Edgeworth Knaves and Fools, or Friends of Bohemia, by E. M. Whitty KNIGHT (Arthur Lee), Basil Woolcombe, Midshipman [B. O. A.] KNIGHT (H. C), No Gains without Pains, a True Story Knight Errant, by Edna Lyall [Miss A. E. Bayley] 2434 and Knight of Gwynne [The Union, 1801], by Charles Lever Knight of St. John [Siege of Malta, 16th Century], by Porter KNOX (Isa Craig, Serial Writer, &>c.) : Brave Life [Quiver, v. 11] 328 ij Deepdale Vicarage 3280J Esther West 3282J Fanny's Fortune [Quiver].. 3287J Kophetna the Thirteenth, a Romance, by Julian Corbett tTime]. Kormak the Viking, or the Shield Borne Boy, by Prof. J. F. Hod getts [Boys' Own Annual, v. 8] Half Sisters [Quiver, v. 10] Heroine of Home [Quiver]... In Duty Bound [Quiver] Two Years [Quiver, v. 13]... 710X 711X 712X 7I3X 714X 724X 725X 726X 727X 343X 728X 729X 2993X 3128X 2236X 2140X 1940J 99oJ 1882X 909X I353J 2436X 2105X 2959J 2237X 3030X 769X 2719X 3280T 3293J 3283J 3283J 1508J 295SJ J jABOUR and W T ait, or Evelyn's Story, by Emma Jane Worboise.. 1871X See also Family Friend, 1864, 724R. LACY (Mrs. F.), Kingsdene 1676X Ladies Lindores, by Mrs. Oliphant [Longman's Magazine, v. 131]... 201J ■ See also Living Age, v. 153, 3183J. [940] LAD ENGLISH SECTION. LAM Ladies of Bever Hollow [English Country Life], by Miss Manning... 1354X Lady Adelaide, by Mrs. Henry Wood 12, 46, 56 and 1924X See also Temple Bar Magazine, v. 17, 1347 J. Lady Anna, by Anthony Trollope 1112 and 1125X Sec also Fortnightly Review, v. 19, 2109J. Lady Audley's Secret, Octoroon, Cloven Foot, His Secret, Wavering Image, Wages of Sin and Aurora Floyd, by Miss Braddon... 2324X Lady Baby [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 144] 214J Lady Barberina, by Henry James, jun. [Century Magazine, v. 6] .... 1878J Lady Beauty, or Charming to her Latest Day, bv Alan Muir X 394X Lady Bell, a Story of the Last Century, by Sarah Tytler [G. W.] ... 2184J Lady-Bird, by Lady G. Fullerton 3124X Lady Clarissa, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] 1171X Lady Ueane, by Mrs. Garth Adams [All the Year Round, v. 47] 1807J Lady Drusilla, a Psychological Romance, by Thomas Purnell 2429X Lady Flavia, by James Payn [Chambers' Journal, v. 42] I947ja Lady Glendonwyn, by James Grant 201 3X Lady Godiva, a Story of Saxon England, by John B. Marsh 2421X Lady Grace, by Mrs. Henry Wood 2142 and 3191X See also Argosy, v. 43, 43J. Lady Hazelton's Confession, by Mrs. Spender [Time, v. 22] 1512J Lady Hetty, a Story of Scottish and Australian Life 1683X Lady Jane, by Mrs. Oliphant [Good Words Magazine, v. 23] 2I 93j See also Living Age, v. 153, 3183J. Lady Lee's Widowhood, by Colonel E. B. Hamley [Blackwood, v. 73] 143J See also Living Age, v. 37, 3067J. Lady Lisle, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 522X Lady Livingston's Legacy [Chambers' Journal, v. 50] !95 r Ja Lady Lovelace, by C. L. Pirkis [All the Year Round, v. 55] 1815J "Lady Maud" Schooner Yacht [Wreck on the Bahama Cays], by W. Clark Russell 1652X See also Fraser's Magazine, v. 105, 715J. Lady Muriel and other Tales, by Emra Holmes 2847 and 2910X Lady Nancye, by Rita [Mrs. E. M. J. Gollan von Booth] ... 3169 and 3223X Lady of the Aroostook, by William D. Howells 1334X Lady of the Manor, being a Series of Conversations on the Subject of Confirmation, by Mrs. Sherwood 1442X Lady Silverdale's Sweetheart, by William Black 5!3X Lady Susan, by Jane Austen, and a Life of the Author 105X Lady Valeria, by A. Moberly [Argosy, v. 41] 41J Lady's Mile, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 165X Lady's Walk, a Story, by Mrs. Oliphant [Longman's Mag., v. 131].. 201J LAFFAN (Miss), Ismay's Children 3257X Laird Nabal [Sunday at Home, v. 20] 2870J LAMARTINE (Alphonse De, French Poet y b. 1792, d. 1869) : Genevieve 1804Z I Wanderer and his Home 2564X Memoirs of my Youth 2563X [ A Sequel to 2563X. N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. LAMB (Ruth, Writer for Girls, &c.) : Her Own Choice [G.O.A.] 2555J I Work, Wait, Win [Girls' Only a Girl Wife [G.O. A.] 2557J | Own Annual, v. 11] 2561J [941] LAM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LAW Lame Tervas, and other Popular Tales, by Maria Edgeworth 2444X Lamplighter, by Miss Cummins 623X Lancashire Witches, a Romance of Pendle Forest [16th Century], by William Harrison Ainsworth 77 and 2502X Land at Last, by Edmund Yates [Temple Bar, v. 14] x 344j Land, of the Hibiscus Blossom [The Papuan Gulf], by H. Nisbet .... 2002X Landlord of "The Sun," by William Gilbert [Temple Bar, v. 29]. 1359J Laneton Parsonage, a Tale for Children, by E. M. Sewell...i035 and 2839X LANGBRIDGE (F.), Major Monk's Motto 2382X Laodicean, or the Castle of the Stanceys, by Thomas Hardy 55oX See also Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 62, 1642J. Lapsed but not Lost, a Story of Roman Carthage, by Mrs. Charles 2463J Lares and Penates, or the Background of Life, by Mrs. Caddy 1234X Lass that Loved a Soldier, by George Manville Fenn 32.S9X Lasses of Leverhouse, a Tale of Bolton, by Jessie Fothergill 3258X Last Abbot of Glastonbury [Dissolution of Monasteries], by A. D. Crake 3201X Last Days of Pompeii [Jews at Rome, I a.d.], by Lord Lytton 211 and 256X Last Chronicle of Barset, by Anthony Trollope 1147X Last Love, by George Ohnet 3192X Last Mackenzie of Redcastle, by Rosa Mackenzie Kettle 3260X Last Mass, a Short Tale by Walter Besant [Harper's Month., v. 78] 1658J Last Meeting [American Tale], by Brander Matthews 2061X Last Monarch of Tara, a Tale of Ireland in the 6th Cent., by Eblana 234 1 X Last of Her Line, by Hesba Stretton [Miss Hannah Smith] 2447X Last of the Barons [Wars of the Roses, 15th Cent.], by Lytton 219 and 235X Last of the Haddons, by Mrs. Newman [Chambers' Journal, v. 54] .. 1954J Last of the Incas [Patagonian Indians, &c], by Gustave Aimard 87X Last of the MacAllisters, by Amelia E. Barr [Leisure Hour, v. 33] 2643J Last of the Mohicans, a Narrative of 1757, by J. F. Cooper 295, 317, 2531X Last of the Paladins, or the Heritage of Karl the Great, by Charles Deslys [Boys' Own Annual, v. 10] 2960J Last Stake, a Tale of Monte Carlo, by Madame Foli 2222X Last W r ords, by Lord Lytton [Cornhill Magazine, v. 2] 282J LATHROP (George P.), Newport [Atlantic Monthly, v. 52] 1542J LAUDER (Sir Thomas Dick), Story of Farquharson of Inverey 2250X Laura Leigh, a Tale of Highbridge Paper Mills, by M. M. Pollard [Girls' Own Annual, v. 4] 2 554j Laura Loft, a Tale of Women's Rights, by Mrs. Prosser [Leis. Hr.] 2632J Laurel Bush, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] [Good Words, v. 17] ... 2187J See also Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 53, 1633J. LAURIE (A., Serial Writer for Boys, &rc.) : A Marvellous Conquest, a Story of the Bayouda [Bringing the Moon to the Earth, &c], [Boys' Own Annual, v. 11] 2961J Raymond Frezols: a Strange Story of Pluck, Pith and Adventure [Petroleum Wells, America, &c], [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12] 2962J Lauterdale, a Story of Two Generations [Ironworks, Quakers, &c] 1982X La Vendee, an Historical Romance, by Anthony Trollope 1127X LAW (J.), Captain Lobe 3*35 x Law and the Lady, by Wilkie Collins 266X LAWLESS (Hon. Emily), Major Lawrence, F.L.S. [Murray's Mag.] 1461J See also Living Age, v. 173, 3203J. N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this author. [942] LAW ENGLISH SECTION. LES LAWRENCE (George Alfred, *. 1827, d. 1876) : Sans Merci, or Kestrels and Falcons [O. a W., 13] 2273J Sword and Gown [Fraser] ... 669) Anteros [Harper, v. 40] ... 1620J Barren Honour [Fraser] ... 674) Breaking a Butterfly 2363X Guy Livingstone 304 1 X Xiazarus in London [Girls in Business, &c], by Frederick W. Robinson 2123X Xieaf out of the Log of a Voyage of Life, a Guernsey Story, by Adolphus Collenette [Guernsey Magazine, v. 5] 2 3%5J Leaguer of Lathom, a Tale of the Civil War in Lancashire [17th Century], by William Harrison Ainsworth 69X Leah, a Woman of Fashion, by Mrs. Annie Edwardes 662X See also Temple Bar, v. 42, 1372J. Leal Lass, by Richard Ashe King [All the Year Round, v. 62] 1822J LEAN (Mrs. F.). See Marryat (Florence). Xieaven of Malice, by Hamilton Evelac 2186X Leavenworth Case, by A. K. Green 3207X Leaves from the Autobiography of a Small Terrier [Gent. Mag., v. 7] 727J LE CLERC (Edward), Music of a Merry Heart 3347* Lecture at the Egyptian Hall, by Artemus Ward 3366X Led-Horse Claim, a Romance of the Silver Mines, by Mary Plallock Foote [Century Magazine, v. 3] 1875J LEE (Holme [Harriet Parr], Serial Writer, <5rY.) : Brother Adam (Good I Story of a Haunted House... 30S4J Words, v. 13) 2183J I Thorney Hall 1356X LEE (M.), Faithful and Unfaithful 1971X LEE (Vernon [Violet Paget]), Ottilie [an Eighteenth Century Idyll]... 1357X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. LE FANU (J. Sheridan, Serial Writer, &c.) : Tenants of Malory [L. A.]... 3124J The Bird of Passage J 359j Uncle Silas 2348X Checkmate [Cassell'sMag.] 234 2J In a Glass Darkly 2423 X Lost Name [Temple Bar].. 1350J LE FREE (Richard), History of a Walking Stick 2079X Left-handed Elsa [Living Age, v. 128] 3158J Left out on Lone Star Mountain, by Bret Harte [Longman, v. 3] ... 893J Legacy of Cain, by Wilkie Collins 3261X Legal Secret, by Thomas St. E. Hake [Chambers' Journal, v. 66]... 1966J Legend of Montrose [Covenanters, 17th Cent.], by Scott 903, 951 and 987X Legends of the Province House, by Nathaniel Hawthorne [Second Series of Twice Told Tales] 2893X Legends and Stories of Ireland, by Samuel Lover 1422X Leighton House, by Henry Kingsley 1397X Leila, or the Siege of Granada [1492], by Lord Lytton 222X Leonora [Patronage, &c], by Maria Edgeworth 2455X Leonora Casaloni, by Anthony Trollope [Fortnightly Review, v. 9]. 2099J Leonora D'Orco, an Historical Romance, by G. P. R. James 2627X Lerouge Case [a French Sensational Tale], by Emile Gaboriau 2223X LE SAG-E (A. R., French Writer, b. 1668, d. 1747), Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane 1460X LESLIE (Emma, Serial Writer, &*c.) : Bertie Danby's Training... 2885J | Snatched from Prison Doors 2554J [943] LES GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LIF LESLIE (G.), Old Inn in the Tine Valley [Christian World Mag.] 241 J Les Miserables [a Tale of the Unfortunate, &c], by Victor Hugo .... 2132X Lessons in Patience, by Marianne Farningham [Christian World]... 242J Let Nothing you Dismay, by Walter Besant 782X See also All the Year Round v. 51, 181 1 J. Letter Bag of the Great Western, or Life in a Steamer, by Thomas Chandler Haliburlon [Sam Slick] 1452X Letters from Palmyra [3rd Century], by William Ware 2761 and 293 iX Letters to " Punch " and Practical Jokes, by A. Ward and M. Twain 2755X Lettice Arnold, by Mrs. Anne Marsh 2263 and 2676X See also Harper's Magazine, v. 1, 1581J. Living Age, v. 25, 3055J. Lettice Lisle,by Lady Verney [Cornhill Magazine, v. 18] 298J See also Living Age, v. 99, 3 129 J. Letty Hyde's Lovers [English Service, 1742], by James Grant 942X LEVER (Charles James, Popular Irish Novelist, b. 1806, d. 1872) : Adventures of Arthur O'Leary 757X Barrington 75oX Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly 745X Also Cornhill Mag., v. 15. . 295J Living Age, v. 96 — 3 126 J Charles O'M alley 764X Confessions of Con Cregan, the Irish Gil Bias.... 749 & 759X Confessions of Harry Lorrequer .....;. 748 & 760X Daltons, or Three Roads in Life 755X Davenport Dunn, a Man of Our Day 74-iX Day's Ride, a Life's Ro- mance 767X Also All Year Round, v. 3.. 1763 J Dodd Family Abroad 768X Fortunes of Glencore 765X Jack Hinton 744, 761 & 2672X Knight of Gwynne, a Tale of the Time of the Union 769X Lord Kilgobbin 75iX Also Cornhill Mag., v. 22 3° 2 J Luttrell of Arran 752X Martins of Cro Martin 753^ Maurice Tiernay, the Soldier of Fortune 746X Also Harper, v. 1 1581J Living Age, v. 25 3055 J O'Donoghue 763X Rent in a Cloud 747 & 758X Also AW the Year Round, v. 11 1771J Roland Cashel 766X Sir Brooke Fossbrooke....99 & 756X A Iso Blackwood's Mag. , v. 97 . . 167J _ Living Ag€, v- 85 3115J Sir Jasper Carew, his Life Experiences 743, 1447 & 2673X That Boy of Norcotts 754X Also Cornhill Magazine, v. 18 298J Tom Burke of " Ours" 762X Tony Butler [Blackwood] ... 164J Also Living Age, v. 79 3 T °9i What I did at Belgrade 173J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this author. LEVY (Amy, Jewish Writer, &*c. ) : Reuben Sachs 3121X | Romance of a Shop 1988X LEWES (Marian). See Eliot (George). LEWIS (Monk), Raymond and Agnes [or the Bleeding Nun, &c] 2282X Lewis Arundel, or the Railroad of Life, by Frank E. Smedley 2207X LIARDET (Frederick), Tales by a Barrister 1 358X Life for a Life, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] 2868X Life Here and There [Sketches of Society, &c], by N. Parker Willis 2765X Life in a French Village, by L. G. Seguin 21 27X Life in the Red Brigade, a Fiery Tale, by R. M. Ballantyne 2497X Life in the Wilds [Industry and Progress], by Harriet Martineau 774X Life Interest, by Mrs. Alexander [Mrs. A. F. Hector] 3262X Life on the Mississippi, by Mark Twain [Samuel L, Clemens] I497X Life on the Ocean Wave [Boys' Own Annual, v. 2] 2 95 2 J [944] LIF ENGLISH SECTION. LIO Life's Assize, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell I793X Life's Atonement, by David Christie Murray J 675X See also Chambers' Journal, v. 57, 1957J. Life's Changes, by Agnes Giberne [Sunday at Home, v. 26]... 2876J Life's Fitful Fever, by Hopkins [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 13] 2362J Life's Mistake, by Mrs. H. Lovett Cameron 3181 and 3379X Life's Morning, by G. Gissing [Cornhill Magazine, v. 7] 337J Life's Secret, by Mrs. Henry Wood 17, 34 1 43, 2323 and 28mX < See also Leisure Hour, v. ir, 2621 J. Life's Struggles [Sunday at Home, v. 8] 2858J Lifeboat, a Tale of Our Coast Heroes, by R. M. Ballantyne 2498X Light and Shadow, by Edward Garrett [Univ. Review, v. 4] 3324J Light Dragoon, by Rev. George Robert Gleig 2580 and 2907X Lighten the Hearth [Living Age, v. 59] 3089J Light Princess, by George Macdonald 1878Z Lighthouse, The, being the Story of a Great Fight between Man and the Sea, by R. M. Ballantyne 2499X Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, by John Wilson 1362 and 2970X Lights of Paris [Sunday at Home, v. 29] 2879J Like and Unlike, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] 2024X Like Father like Son, by James Payn 1602X Lilian's Child, by M. H. L 1680X Lilian's Golden Hours, a Tale for Children, by E. Meteyard 1361X Lilith, by Walter Hemes Pollock [Temple Bar, v. 43] I 373j Lillias Davenant, by Miss Elizabeth M. Stewart 2744X LILLIE (Lucy C), Roslyn's Trust 3103X LILLIE (Mrs. J.), Prudence (Harper's New Monthly Mag,, v. 64].. 1644J Lily and the Bee, by Samuel Warren 1509 and 1510X Limerick Gloves, by Maria Edgeworth 2444X Limited Horizon [Chambers' Journal, v. 46] I949ja Limoelan, Tales of the First French Revolution, by Mrs. Marsh.... T368X ' Lincolnshire Heroine, by Edwin Whelpton 1866X Linda Tressel, by Anthony Trollope [Blackwood's Mag., v. 102] 172J See also Living Age, v. 95, 3125J. Lindisfarn Chase, by T. A. Trollope [Living Age, v. 81] 3HiJ LINSKILL (Mary, Serial Writer, &*t.) : Between the Heather and the Northern Sea [Good Words, v. 25] 2195T Haven under the Hill [Good Words, v. 27] 2197J Lost Son and Glover's Daughter 2036X ■ See also Leisure Hour, v. 34, 2644J. Vignettes of a Northern Village [Good Words, v. 29] 2199J LINTON (Mrs. E. Lynn, Social Novelist, &Y., b. 1822) : Atonement of Learn Dun- das 1699X Also Cornhill, v. 32 3 I2 J Paston Carew [Tern. Bar, 76] 1406J Patricia Kemball [T. B., 40] 1370J Rebel of the Family [T. B.]. 1388J Grasp your Nettle 1702X i Under which Lord 1700X lone 1689X J Also Gentleman's Mag., v. 22.. 742J Also Temple Bar, v. 67 — 1397J I World Well Lost 1692X Mad Willoughbys ... 3214X ! Linwoods, or Sixty Years since in America, by Miss Sedgwick 2255X Lion of Flanders, or the Battle of the Golden Spurs [14th century], by Hendrick Conscience 1256 and 2528X 42 [945] LIO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LOC Lionel Lincoln, or the Lenguer of Boston [American War of Inde- pendence, 1775-84], by James F. Cooper... 320, 328, 288 and 2533X LISLE (Anna [Annabella Crawford]), Faith, Hope, and Charity [a Tale of Sark] 201X LISTER (T. H. ), Granby [Society early part of Nineteenth Century] 1363X LITTLE (James Stanley), Whose Wife shall She Be ? 336 iX LITTLE (W. J. Knox, Religious Writer, &>t.) : BrokenVow 3137X [ Child of Stafferton 3138X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Little Aggie's Fresh Snow-Drops, and what they did in one Day ... 1545Z Little Bohemian, by Mrs. G. W. Godfrey [Temple Bar, v.6o] 1390J Little Camp on Eagle Hill, by Elizabeth Wetherell [S. Warner] 1644X Little Daylight, by George Macdonald 1879Z Little Dorrit, by Charles Dickens 355, 387, 398 and 2952X See also Harper's Magazine, v. 62, 1592J. Little Fables for Little Folks, which Great Folks may read !556Z Little Faith, or the Child of the Toy Stall, by Mrs. Walton 2876J Little Fanny Bethel, by Mrs. Johnstone 2250X Little Fool, by John Strange Winter [Mrs. Stannard] 3263X Little Journey in the World, by C. D. Warner [Harper, v. 78] 1658J Little Kate Kirby, by F. W. Robinson [Cassell's Magazine, v. 6]... 2346J Little Loo [Sailor Life before the Mast], by W. Clark Russell 1653X Little Lord Fauntleroy, by Frances Hodgson Burnett m and 1977X Little Maid, an Old Maid and the Major, by Joyce Darrell [Argosy]. 46J Little Meg's Children, by Hesba Stretton [Hannah Smith] 1631X Little Men, by Louisa May Alcott 226X Little Miss Peggy, a Nursery Story, by Mrs. Molesworth 3218X Little Miss Primrose, by Hesba Stretton [Hannah Smith] 2440X Little Nina, or Wooing a Title [Family Friend, 1S62] 720R Little Old Man of the Batignolles, by E. Gaboriau [Living Age, 134] 3164J Little Rookwood [Sunday at Home, v. 15] 2865J Little Saint Elizabeth and other Stories, by Frances Hodgson Burnett 3102X Little Schoolmaster Mark, a Spiritual Romance, by J. Henry Short- house [English Illustrated Magazine, v. 1] !99iJ Little Stepson, by Miss Florence Marryat [Mrs. F. Lean] 1707X Little Stranger, by Percy Fitzgerald [Cassell's Magazine, v. 5] 2 345 F Little Western Flower, by M. C. Helmore 2801X Little Wife, by Mrs. Colonel Grey 2593X Little Wives, by Louisa May Alcott 227X Little Women, or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, a Story for Girls, by Louisa May Alcott 2345 and 2899X Living Link, by James de Mille [Harper's Monthly, v. 47] 1627J Living of Langleys, by Whiting [Sunday Magazine, v. 22] 2472J Living or Dead, by Hugh Conway [Frederick John Fargus] 3264 and 3324X Livonian Tales, by Elizabeth Rigby [Lady Eastlake] 2965X Lizzie Leigh, and other Tales, by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell 498 and 277 iX See also Household Words, v. 1, 1741J. LLOYD (J. Sale), We Costelions 1888X Locket, The, a Tale of Old Guernsey, by Mary A. M. Hoppus [Mrs. Alfred Marks] ... 3362X LOCKHART (L. W. M.), Fair to See [Blackwood's Mag., v. 109] 179J [946] X.OC ENGLISH SECTION. LOT LOCK YER (L.), Child's Influence, or Kathleen and her Great Uncle 3061X XiOla, a Tale of the Rock Gibraltar, by Arthur Griffiths 1635X JLombardy Court, a Story of the City and the Sea, by Rev. T. S. Millington [Leisure Hour, v. 27] 2637J XiOndon Legend, by George Manville Fenn [Once a Week, v. 38].... 2298J London Life, A, and other Tales, by Henry James 3182 & 3380X XiOne House, a Galloway Story, by A. E. Barr [Leisure Hour, v. 36] 2646J Lonely Island, or the Refuge of the Mountaineers, by Ballantyne ... 119X IjONG- (Lady Catherine), Sir Roland Ashton 1365X Long Exile and other Stories for Children, by Lyof N. Tolstoi 2026X XiOng Lane with a Turning, by Sarah Doudney [Girls' Own Annual] 2554J XiOngbeard, or the Revolt of the Saxons, by C. Mackay 2922 and 2695X X.ONG-FELLOW (Henry Wadsworth, Celebrated American Poet and Author, &-Y., b. 1807, d. 1882) : Kavanagh 1366X [This author's Tales, Sketches, and other works of Fiction being Charac- teristic, will be found under the name of author, and title of work in the General Catalogue]. XiOOking Round, an American Tale, by Azel Stevens Roe 1756X LiOOm and the Lugger, by Harriet Martineau 779X Lord and Lady Piccadilly, by the Earl of Desart 3345^ XiOrd Brackenbury, by Amelia Bland ford Edwards 73°X XiOrd Falconberg's Heir, by Charles Carlos Clarke 611X Lord Kilgobbin, an Irish Novel, by Charles Lever 75iX — See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 22, 302 J. .Lord Lynn's Wife, by John B. Harwood [Chambers' Journal, v. 41] .. 1947J XiOrd Mayor of London, or City Life in the Last Century [Times of George II.], by William Harrison Ainsworth 60X XiOrd Oakburn's Daughters, by Mrs. H. Wood.... 10, 30, 39, 1495 and 1524X See also Once a Week, v. 10, 2270 J. X. 1852) : Coming thro' the Rye 1436X As he comes up the Stair 1435 & 2077X Also Gentleman's Mag., 17.. 737J Blind Justice ... 3320X Cherry Ripe 1712X Also Temple Bar Mag., v. 49 1379J Eyre's Acquittal 3 2I 5 an d 3247X Jock O'Hazelgreen 3216X My Lady Green Sleeves 1715X Sam's Sweetheart 2016 & 2350X MATHEWS (Cornelius), Moneypenny, or the Heart of the World.. 2701X MATHEWS (Joanna IL, Writer for Girls) : Bessie among the Moun- tains I7°3X Bessie and her Friends 1 706X Bessie and Maggie 1711X Bessie at School 1708X Bessie at the Seaside 1710X Bessie on her Travels 1 705 X N.B. — See under Bessie for the order of reading. Matt, a Story of a Caravan, by Robert Buchanan 55§X Matter of Fact Girl, by Theo Gift [Theodora Boulger] 3273X Matthew Mellowdew, by Rev. J. Jackson Wray .' 1877X Matthew Morrison, the Autobiography of a Scottish Probationer [Leisure Hour, v. 23] 2633! MATTHEWS (Brander), Last Meeting, an American Tale 2061X MATTHEWS (Helen). See Mathers (Helen). Mattie, a Stray, by Frederick W. Robinson 1816X MATURIN (Edward), Irish Chieftain [Conquest of Ireland, Henry IL] 1380X Maude Bolingbroke, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] ... 1194X Maurice and Berghetta, or the Priest of Rahery, by H. William Parnell 1381X Maurice Tiernay, the Soldier of Fortune [French Revolution, 1799], by Charles Lever 746 and 144SX See also Harper, v. 1, 15S1J. Living Age, v. 25, 3055J. Max Kromer, a Story of the Siege of Strasbourg [Franco-German War, Nineteenth Century], by Hesba Stretton [H. Smith] ... 2630J MAXWELL (Mrs. John). See Braddon (Miss M. E.). MAXWELL (William H., Irish Novelist, b. 1795, d > 1850) : Brian O'Linn 1719X Dark Lady of Doona 1522X Hector O'Halloran 1717X Stories of Waterloo 2 7°3X Adventures of Captain Blake 2315X Border Tales and Legends of the Cheviot and the Lammermoor 2702X Maxwell, by Theodore Hook 1271X Maxwell Drewitt [Irish Election, Politics, &c. J by Mrs. J. H. Riddell 2161X MAY (Mrs. E. M.). See Craik (G. M.). May, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 1588X Mayflower, or Servant of All, a Religious Tale [Quiver, v. 18] 3288J MAYHEW (Henry Augustus and Horace, Miscellaneoiis Writers) : Image of his Father 1382X | Magic of Kindness 2967 & 1383X MAYHEW (Henry). See the General Catalogue for this Author. MAYO (Isabella Fyvie). See Garrett (Edward). • MAYO (W. S.)j Kaloolah, or Journeyings to the Djebel Kumri..2705 & 2923X Mayor of Casterbridge, a Story of a Man of Character, by Hardy... 2360X [957] 1MEA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MEN MEADE (L. T., Serial Writer) : Andrew Harvey's Wife [Sunday Magazine, v. 1 6] 2466J Beauforts of Beatrice Gardens [Quiver Magazine, v. 31] 3301J Daddy's Boy, a Story for Fathers and Mothers [Sunday Magazine] 2473 f Engaged to be Married [Cassell's Magazine, v. 15] 2364J Fortunes of Duncuft, a Family Story [Quiver, v. 28] 3298. f Gems she Wore [Sunday Magazine, v. 22] 2472J How it all came Round [Sunday Magazine, v. 19] 2469} Mother Herring's Chicken [Sunday Magazine, v. 17] 2467J Mediation of Ralph Hardelot, by Professor W. Minto [Eng. 111..]... 1995J MEDINA-POMAR (Duke of), Fashion and Passion 7 3248X " Medora," The [Crimea, &c.], by Captain C. F. Armstrong 444X Mehalah, a Story of the Salt Marshes, by S. Baring Gould 2426 and 2427X MEINHOLD (William, Writer on Witchcraft, 6rc) 1 Amber Witch 1298 and 2735X I Sidonia the Sorceress 1387, 1388, 1976 and 2707X Melbourne House, by Elizabeth Wetherell 1861 and 2396X See also the Sequels, Daisy, 2206X, and Daisy in the Field, 1642X. Melita, a Turkish Love Story, by Louise M. Richter 2235X MELVILLE (George John Whyte, Scotch Novelist, b. 1821) : Black but Comely 840X Bones and 1 829X Brookes of Bridlemere 832X Cerise 831X Contraband S39X Digby Grand 817X Also Fraser's Magazine, v. 44 654J General Bounce 828X Also Fraser's Magazine, v. 49 659J Gladiators 819 & 836X Good for Nothing 824X Also Fraser's Magazine, v. 63 673 J Holmby House 821X Also Fraser's Magazine, v. 59 669 J ■ — Living Age, v. 61 ... . 3 OQI J Inside the Bar 823X Interpreter 816X Also Fraser's Magazine, v. 55 665J Living Age, v. 52 ... . 3082J Kate Coventry 826X Katerfelto 834X M or N 830X Market Harborough 823X Queen's Maries 837 & 838X Rosine 818X Roy's Wife 843X Also Gentleman's Mag., v. 20 740J Sarchedon 822X Satanella 827X Also Gentleman's Mag., v. 8.. 728 J Sister Louise 833X Tilbury Nogo 815 & 820X Uncle John 825X White Rose 835X Also Fortnightly Review, v. 7 2097J Yellow Gown [Eraser, v. 58] 668J MELVILLE (Herman, Traveller and Writer on South Sea Islands, firv.): Omoo [South Seas] 2708X | Typee [Marquesas] 2709X N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Memoirs of a Huguenot Family [Revolution 1688, &c], by James Fontaine 2319X Memoirs of a Maitre d'Armes, or Eighteen Months at St. Peters- burgh, by Alexandre Dumas 428X Memoirs of a Physician [Louis XV.], by Alexandre Dumas ...401 and 427X Memoirs of a Water-Drinker 1 3$9 X Memoirs of E. F. Vidocq as a Convict and Agent of the French Police J 5oiX Memoirs of My Youth, by A. De Lamartine [Autobiography] 2563X Men of Capital [Love of Money, &c], by Mrs. Gore 2583X Men of Character [Humorous Sketches], by Douglas Jerrold 721X MenhardOG, or Cornish Nets and Mines, by George Manville Fenn 3205X [958] MEN ENGLISH SECTION. MIL Mental Struggle, by Mrs. Argles [The Duchess] 3 T 59X Mercedes of Castile, or the Voyage to Cathay [Expulsion of Jews from Spain, 1492], by J. Fenimore Cooper 296X Merchant Prince, being the Fortunes of Bertram Oakley, by John B. Harwood 577X Mercy Gliddon's Work [Hospitals, &c], by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps 1616X MEREDITH (George, Philosophic and Moral Novelist, b. 1828): Rhoda Fleming 2587X Sandra Belloni 2596X The Shaving of Shagpat and Farina 2603X Tragic Comedians [Fort- nightly Review, v. 34] ... 2124J Vittoria 2610X Also Fortnightly Review, v. 3.. 2093J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Adventures of Harry Rich- mond [Cornhill, v. 22].. 302J Beauchamp's Career 2574X Also Fortnightly Review, 22 2112J Diana of the Crossways ... 2575X Also Fortnightly Rev., v. 41 2131 J Egoist 1718X Evan Harrington 2576X Also Once a Week. v. 2 2262J Ordeal of Richard Feverel 258 iX Merevale, by Mrs. John Bradshaw 2311X MERIVALE (Herman Charles, Miscellaneous Writer): Faucit of Balliol 1721X | Binko's Blues 639X Merkland, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 1376X Merle's Crusade, by Rosa N. Carey [Girl's Own Annual, v. 8] 2558J Merry Men, by Robert Louis Stevenson 3274X r- See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 45, 325J. Merton, or there's many a Slip 'twixt Cup and Lip, by T. Hook 1277 & 1327X Mervyn Clitheroe [a Cheshire Tale, &c], by W. Harrison Ainsworth 2505X Messrs. Vanderput and Snoek, by Harriet Martineau 779X METEYARD (Eliza), Lilian's Golden Hours 1361X M.H. Strathrowan : A Tale of Modern Life 1897X M.H.L. Lilian's Child 1680X Micali Clarke, by A. Conan Doyle 314^ Michael Strogoff, the Courier of the Czar, by Jules Vernei 1015X Michael Tressider, a Cornish Tale 1 384X Michaelmas Daisy, by Sarah Doudney [Girls' Own Annual, v. 2]... 2552J Michelene, by Madame E. Bersier 548X Middlemarch, a Study of Provincial Life, by George Eliot 435X MIDDLE MASS (Jean, Serial Writer, &c.) : Touch and Go 1 727X Vaia's Lord 3359X Nelly Jocelyn, Widow ... 3328X Poisoned Arrows 1724X Silvermead [Time, v. 8]... 1498J Middy and the Moors, by R. M. Ballantyne [Boys' Own An., v. 10] 2960J Midshipman Easy, by Captain Frederick Marryat 796 and 807X Midway on Life's Journey, by Beatrice Bristowe [Chris. World Mag.] 252J Mildred Arkell, by Mrs. Plenry Wood 20, 37 & 1948X Miles Wallingford, or Lucy Hardinge [Sequel to "Afloat and Ashore"] by James Fenimore Cooper 293, 318 and 2538X MILFORD (Philip), Ned Stafford's Experiences in the United States [American Character, Life, &C.J 1390X Mill on the Floss, by George Eliot [Mrs. Cross] 442 and 445X MILLER (Hugh). [This author's Tales, Sketches, and other works of Fiction, being charac- teristic, will be found under the name of Author and Title of Work in the General Catalogue.] [959] MIL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MIS MILLER (Thomas, Poet, &»c, b. 1808, d. 1874) : Jack of all Trades [Every Boy's Annual, 1867J 1302H The Gaboon, Adventures in Gorilla Land [Boys' Annual, 1869]... 1303II N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Miller's Daughter [Smuggling, &.C.], by Anne Beale [Quiver, v. 20] 3290J Millicent Kendrick, or the Search after Happiness, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] 1187X Millicent Leigh, by Emma Marshall 1 72SX MILLINGTON (Rev. T. S., Writer for Boys) : A Great Mistake [B.O. A.] 2958J Our Holiday Tramp 2952J By Hook or by Crook 2641J Some of our Fellows 2952J Boy and Man [L.H., v. 25] 263 5J Something to his Advantage. 2646! Lombardy Court [L.H.].. 2637J Straight to the Mark [L.H.]. 2638J Nine-Tenths of the Law... 2639J Through Fire and Water No Choice [Leis. H., 33]. 2643J [Boys' Own Annual, v. 4]. 2954J Millionaire, by Jennings [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 133] 203T Millionaire's Cousin [Living Age, v. 164] 3194J MILLS (A.), Blues and Buffs [Fraser's Magazine, v. 101] 711J MILLS (John), Too Fast to Last 1730X Milly and Oily, or a Holiday among the Mountains, by Ward 2053X Milly's Hero [Devonshire Mines, &c], by Frederick W. Robinson.... 1808X MILMAN (Robert), Mitslav, or the Conversion of Pomerania *39iX Milner'S Mistake, by F. Anstey [F. Anstey Guthrie] [a short Tale in Macmillan's Magazine, v. 56] 986J Min, a Railroad Story of the Far West [Chambers' Journal, v. 65] ... 1965J Mind, Body and Estate, by F. E. M. Notley 3275X Mind your own Business [Boys' Own Annual, v. 1] 295 1 J Mine Own People, by Louisa M. Grey 1263X Minister of Kindrach, The [Murray's Magazine, v. 6] 1466J Minister's Charge, by William D. Howells 2293X See also Century Magazine, v. 9, 1881J. Minister's Family, by Rev. W. M. Hetherington 1324X Minister's Wooing, by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe 1628X Ministering Children and Sequel, by Mrs. Charlesworth 602X Ministry of Life, by Mrs. Charlesworth 2411X Minnie's Mission, Australian Temperance Tale, by Maud Jean Franc [Mrs. Evans] 1915X Minsterborough, a Tale of English Life, by H. Sand with 1817X MINTO (William, Professor of Logic, b. 1845) : Crack of Doom [Blk., 138] 208J | Mediation of Ralph Ilardelot 1995J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Miriam, or the Power of Truth, by Charlotte Anley 2864X Miriam Rosenbaum, by Rev. Dr. Edersheim [Sunday at Home, v. 18] 2868J Mirk Abbey, by James Payn [Chambers' Journal, v. 43] 1948J Mirza [Persian Character, Life, &c,], by James Morier 2278X Miser, The Ricketicketack, by Henri Conscience 2540X Miser's Daughter [Old Vauxhall, &c], by Wm. Harrison Ainsworth 67X Misjudged, or the Troubles of a City Man, by Mrs. Arnold [L. IL] 2640J Miss Angel, by Miss Thackeray 2182X See also Cornhill, v. 31, 311J. Harper, v. 50, 1630 J. Living Age, v. 124, 3154J. Miss Barkle's Legacy, by Edward Cuming [Chambers' Journal, v. 65] 1965J Miss Blake of Monkshalton, by I. O. F. [Murray's Magazine, v. 7] 1467J [960] MIS ENGLISH SECTION. MRS Miss Bretherton, by Mrs. Humphrey Ward 3180X Miss Elvester's Girls, by author of ' ; By-Ways " 1 733X Miss Hilary's Suitors [Quiver, v. 32] 33°2j Miss Mackenzie, by Anthony Trollope 1 124 and I150X Miss Majoribanks, by Mrs. Oliphant [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 97] 167J See also Living Age, v. 84, 3114J. Miss Misanthrope, by Justin McCarthy [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 18] 738J MiSS or Mrs. ? and other Stories in Outline, by Wilkie Collins 269X Miss Pilkington [Leisure Hour, v. 27] 2637J MiSS Tommy, a Mediaeval Romance, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik]... 2163X Missing Rubies, by Sarah Doudney [Argosy, v. 43] 43J Missing Ships, or Notes from the Log of the Ouzel Galley, by William Harrison Gainsford Kingston 299 1 X Missionary, an Indian Tale, by Miss Owenson 1402X Mr. Arle, by Miss Jolly 3211X Mr. Barnes of New York, by Archibald Clavering Gunter 905X Mr. Carrington, a Tale of Love, by Collins [St. Paul's Magazine, v. 12] 1172F Mr. Charlton [The Unpopular Curate, &c], by Christiana J. Douglas 2022X Mr. Esholl's Young Wife, by T. W. Speight [Chambers' Jour., v. 65] 1965J Mr. GilfrTs Love Story [Living Age, v. 53] $083} Mr. Golightly, or the Adventures of an Amiable Man [O. a W., v. 23] 2283J Mr. Isaacs, a Tale of Modern India, by F. Marion Crawford 2342X Mr. Magsdale's Courtship, by Edward Cuming [Chambers' J., v. 65] 1965J Mr. Meeson's Will, by Henry Rider Haggard 1058X Mr. Midshipman Easy, by Captain Frederick Marryat 2325X Mr. Miggs of Danbury and his Neighbours, by J. M. Bailey 287 iX Mr. Montenello [Romance of Civil Service], by W. A. B. Hamilton. 619X Mr. Montmorency's Money, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. Guyton] 1198X Mr. Potter of Texas, by Archibald Clavering Gunter J 997X Mr. Scarborough's Family, by Anthony Trollope 542X See also All the Year Round, v. 49, 1809J. Mr. Trench of Brasenose, by Armitt [Cassell's Fam. Magazine, v. 15] 2365J Mrs. Arthur, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 1891X Mrs. Barton's Best Bedroom, by Hesba Stretton [Miss H. Smith] 1624X Mrs. Beresford, by B. M. Butt [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 41, N.s.].. 761J Mrs. Bob, by John Strange Winter [Mrs. Stannard] 3130X Mrs. Brown's Visit to Guernsey, edited by Andros 1262, 2425 and 3039X Mrs. Carr's Companions, by M. G. Wightwick [Argosy, v. 35] 35J Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures, The Story of a Feather, The Sick Giant and the Doctor Dwarf, by Douglas Jerrold 717X Mrs. Dalrymple's Nephew, by Mrs. Seamer [Christian World Mag.] 248J Mrs. Dymond, by Miss Thackeray [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 51] 981J See also Living Age, v. 164, 3194J. Mrs. Farquharson's Niece, by W. Galbraith [Chambers' Journal, v. 65] 1965J Mrs. Fenton, by W. E. Norris 3151X Mrs. Forrester's Secret, by Mrs. G. W. Godfrey [Temple Bar, v. 71] 1401J Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles, by Mrs. Henry Wood 4, 42 and 48X Mrs. Keith's Crime, a Record 3346X Mrs. Lamshed's WUl [Chambers' Journal, v. 66] 1966J Mrs. Mark Luke ; or, West Country Exclusives, by Mrs. Johnstone.. 2250X Mrs. Matthews, or Family Mysteries, by Mrs. Trollope 1494X Mrs. Perkins' Ball, Sketches, by W. M. Thackeray 1086 and 1099X Mrs. P.'s Parrot [Once a Week, v. 31] 2291J Mrs. Raven's Temptation [Argosy, v. 3] 33J 43 [961] MRS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MON Mrs. Vereker's Courier Maid, by Mrs. Alexander [Mrs. Annie F. Hector] Gentleman's Magazine, v. 33, N.s.] 753J Mrs. Willoughby's Octave, by Mrs. Emma Marshall 1731X Mistress and Maid, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Dinah Maria Craik] 1576X See also Good Words, v. 3, 2173J. Living Age, v. 74, 3104J. Harper's Monthly Magazine, v. 24, 1604J. Misunderstood, by Florence Montgomery 1738X Mitchelhurst Place, by Margaret Veley 634X See also Macmillan, v. 50, 980J. Living Age, v. 161, 3191J. MITCHELL (S. W.), In War Time [Atlantic Monthly, v. 53] 1543J MITFORD (Mary Russell, Poet, 6v„, b. 1786, d. 1855) : Country Stories [Village Life, &c] 1386 & 2710X Freshwater Fisherman 2250X N.B. — See also the General Gatalogue for this Author. Mitre Court, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell [Temple Bar Magazine, v. 73]... 1403J Mitslav, or the Conversion of Pomerania, by Rt. Rev. R. Milman... 1391X Mo Keanna, a Treble Temptation, by Francis Cowley Burnand 575X MOBERLY (A.), Lady Valeria [Argosy, v. 41] 41J Model Father, by David Christie Murray 1670X Modern Accomplishments, or the March of Intellect, by C. Sinclair 2738X Modern Circe, by Mrs. Argles [The Duchess] 3160X Modern Flirtations, or a Month at Ilarrowgate, by C. Sinclair 2741X Modern Griselda, The, by Maria Edgeworth 2454X Modern Instance, by William D. Howells 1331X See also Century Magazine, v. 1, 1873J. Modern Lover, by George Moore 2298X Modern Society, or the March of Intellect, by Catherine Sinclair 2740X Modem Vassal, by John Wilmer [Living Age, v. 23] 3°53j Mohawks, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 2023X MOIR (David Macbeth, Scotch Poet, &c, b. 1798, d. 1851), Bridal of Borth wick 2282X N.B. — See a'so the General Catalogue for this Author. MOLDWARP (Nicholas), B.A. See Manning (Miss Anne). MOLESWORTH (Mrs. [Ennis Graham], Writer for the Young) : Adventures of Herr Baby [Child Life, &c] 2190 and 3085X " Carrots," Just a Little Boy 3084X Four Ghost Stories 2191X Grandmother Dear, a Book for Boys and Girls 3217X Hathercourt Rectory ■ 2287, 2353 and 1736X Little Miss Peggy, only a Nursery Story 3218X Marrying and Giving in Marriage 2288X See also Longman's Magazine, v. 9, 899J. Rectory Children 3107X Tell me a Story [Stories for Children] 3219X That Girl in Black, a Short Story [English Illustrated Mag., v. 5] 1995J Third Miss St. Quentin 3175X Mollie Darling, by Lady Howard 2295X Mollie's Maidens, by Louisa Crow [Quiver, v. 28].... « 3298J MOLLOY (J. Fitzgerald), What Hast thou Done? 580X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Moloch, a Story of Sacrifice, by Mrs. Campbell Praed 539X Mona Manwearing, by B. Bristowe [Christian World Magazine] 255J Mona's Choice, by Mrs. Alexander [Mrs. Hector] 2026X Monastery [Reformation, &c], by Scott 906, 954, 993X and 1079-8 iZ [962] MON ENGLISH SECTION. MOU Moneypenny, or the Heart of the World, by C. Mathews 2701X Mongrels, by T. Wilton 613X Monica, or Stronger than Death, by Green [Cas. Fam. Mag., v. 14] 2363J Monikins, by James Fenimore Cooper 304 and 326X Monk, The, by Mrs. Sherwood 2737X Monks of Thelma, by Walter Besant and James Rice 788X MONRO (A. M.), Crane Court 114X Monsieur at Home [French Life and Character], by Albert Rhodes 2090X Mont Orgueil Castle, a Tale of Jersey during the Wars of the Roses, by J. E. Corbiere 3095 x MONTAGUE (Charles W.), Recollections of an Equestrian Manager [Chambers' Journal, v. 57] l 957j MONTGOMERY (Florence, Popular Novelist, &c. Thwarted, or Duck's Eggs in a Hen's Nest 2413X Very Simple Story, &c 2214X Misunderstood 1738X Seaforth I739X Thrown Together 1740X Moods [Moody Nature of a Young Girl, &c], by Louisa May Alcott 271X Moonstone [Story of a Diamond], by Wilkie Collins 275X See also All the Year Round, v. 19, 1779J. MOORE (George), Modern Lover 2298X Moral of Many Fables, by Harriet Martineau 781X Moral Tales, by Maria Edgeworth 2230X MORE (Hannah, Moral Essayist, &V., b. 1745, d. 1833), Ccelebs in Search of a Wife 1252X N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. More Happy Thoughts, by Francis Cowley Burnand 573^ More T. Leaves, by Edward F. Turner 2432X More than a Million, or a Fight for a Fortune 1 742X More than Conqueror, by F. M. F. Skene [Quiver, v. 21] 3 2 9 1 J More than Coronets, by Mrs. G. Linnaeus Banks [Girls' Own An., v. 1] 2551 J MORGAN" (Mary de). See De Morgan (Mary). MORGAN (Lady Sidney [T. C], Irish Novelist, b. 1783, d. 1859), O'Donnel [Catholic Emancipation, &c] 1392X N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. MORGAN (Sir T. C. and Lady), Book without a Name 1393X Morgan's Head, or the Treasure Cave of the Carribean Sea, by Cox 2956J MORI (Madame Margaret), Child of the Revolution 3 2 4 -^ MORIER (James, Traveller, crV., b. 1780, d. 1849) : Martin Toutrond 2712X | Mirza 2278X Morley Ernstein, or the Tenants of the Heart, by G. P. R. James... 2643X Mortimers, The, a Novel with Two Heroes [Once a Week, v. 22].. 2282J MORTON (A.), Charmed Scarf [Persian Tale] 2281X Mortons of Morton Hall, a Tale [Leisure Hour, v. 17] 2627J MOSS from a Rolling Stone, by Mrs. Oliphant [Blackwood, v. 139]... 209J Mosses from an Old Manse, by N. Hawthorne 2601, 2895 and 2909X MOSSMAN (Samuel), Mandarin's Daughter, a Story of the Chinese £#a Great Rebellion [Leisure Hour, v. 23] 2633J !~3N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Mother Carey's Chickens [Boys' Own Annual, v. 7] 2957J Mother Herring's Chicken, by L. T. Meade [Sunday Mag., v. 17] .. 2467J Mother's Mistake, by Mrs. Ellis [Family Friend, v. 9] 701 R Mother's Recompense, Sequel to " Home Influence," by Aguilar... 1157X Moths [Society Novel], by Ouida [Mademoiselle Louise de la RameJ 859X Mottiscliffe, an Autumn Story, by James W. Ferrier 1965X Mount Royal, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 523X [963] MOU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MUR Mount Sorel, or the Heiress of the De Veres, by Mrs. A. Marsh Mountain Path, by Lily Watson [Girls' Own Annual, v. 6] Mudfog Society [Christmas Carol, &c.] by Charles Dickens MUIR (Alan), Lady Beauty, or Charming to her Latest Day MULLER (Christine), Burgomaster's Family [Living Age, v. 114]... MULLHOLLAND (Miss), Wicked Woods of Tobereevil [A. Y. R.] MULOCH (Miss Dinah M. [Mrs. Craik], b. 1826, d. 1887) : My Mother and I Also Good Words. < Harper, v. 4 Noble Life Ogilvies, The .... Olive Studies from Life Two Marriages Unkind Word Woman's Kingdom, The ... Also Good Words, v. 9 Harper, v. 36 Woman's Thoughts about 2767 & 2184 & Women. Young Mrs. Jardine [G. W.] A Iso Harper, v. 58 Tr. A Parisian Family, by Madame de Witt The following Short tales also by this author will be found in Har- per : Double House, v. 13, 1593J; Lost, v. 16 1596J ; Low Mar- riage, v. 14, I594J- N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Agatha's Husband 1395 & 2879X Brave Lady [Harper, v. 38] 1618J Also Macmillan, v. 20 95°J Bread upon the Waters,&c. 2814X Christian's Mistake 2199X Domestic Stories 28 1 5X Fragments from a Young Wife's Diary 1585J Hannah [St. Paul's, v. 7]. 1167J Also Living Age, v. 108 3138J Head of the Family 2768X His Little Mother 1569X John Halifax 1 570X King Arthur 2251X Laurel Bush [Good Words] 2 1 87J Also Harper, v. 53 1633J Life for a Life 2868X Magnus and Morna, a Shet- land Fairy Tale 1633J Miss Tommy 2163X Mistress and Maid 1576X Also Good Words, v. 3 .... 2173J Harper, v. 24 1604J Living Age, v. 74 . . 3104J Munchausen, Baron, his Original Travels and Surprising Adven- tures [by Raspe] MUNRO (J.), The Wire and the Wave, or Cable-laying in the Coral Seas [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12J Murad the Unlucky [a Persian Tale], by Maria Edgeworth Murder of Nick Vedden, by Walter Besant MURDOCH (J. E.) 5 F.R.G.S., Dead Man's Secret MUEFEEE (Miss M. N.). See Craddock (C. E.) Muriel's Key-note, by Agnes Giberne [Sunday at Home, v. 25] Murphy's Master, a Tale [Chambers' Journal, v. 50] MURRAY (Hon. C. A.) Hassan, or the Child of the Pyramid MURRAY (David Christie, Journalist and Popular Novelist, Friend of George Datvson, b. 1847) : Aunt Rachel, a Rustic Sen- timental Story 2154X Also English Illus. Mag., v. 3 1993J By the Gate of the Sea ... 327J Coals of Fire I744-X Cynic Fortune ...1667 and 3319X First Person Singular 1674X Hearts 1 669X John Vale's Guardian [Chambers' Jour., v. 66] 1966J Joseph's Coat 1666X 2680X 2556J 630X I394X 3H4J I787J 1572X 2185J 1628J 2880X 2766X 2925X 2813X I573X 1609J 1578X 2 1 79 J 1616J 2812X 2190T 1638J 3280X Life s Atonement..... Also Chambers' Journal, v. 17.. Major's Valediction [Time]... Model Father .' Old Blazer's Hero Also Good Words, v. 28 Paul Jones's Alias, &c Rainbow Gold [Cornhill, 51] Schwartz Val Strange Also Chambers' Journal, v. 59 Weaker Vessel [Good Wds.] 2416X 2962J 2444X 782X 3H8X 2875J i95U~a 1396X 1675X 1957J I496J 167CX 2284X 2I 9 8J 3I89X 33 1 J 3I55X 1672X 1959J 2199J [964] MUR ENGLISH SECTION. MY S MURRAY (David Christie and Henry), Dangerous Catspaw 3 JI 3 X See also Longman's Magazine, v. 12, 902J. MURRAY (D.""C.) and HERMAN (Henry), One Traveller Returns 2285X See also Longman's Magazine, v. 10, qooj. Music of a Merry Heart, by Edward Le Clerc 3347^ Musicians, Tales of the [Family Friend, v. 16] 708R Mutineers of the Good Inieiit [Boy's Own Annual, v. 5] 2955J Mutiny on Board the Ship Leander, a Story of the Sea, by Bernard Heldmann [Jersey author] 193, 337 and 338X My Aunt Margaret's Mirror, by Sir Walter Scott 929 and 977X My Aunt Pontypool, by George Payne Rainsford James 2666X My Best Shipmate, a Sea Officer's Reminiscence, by George Cupples 2647J My Brother Basil [Quiver, v. 30] 33°°J My Brother's Friend, by Eglanton Thorne [Girls' Own Annual, v. 7] 2557J My Brother's Keeper, by Susan Warner [E. Wetherell] 1862X See also Excelsior, 1926-8 R. My Brother's Wife, a Life History, by Amelia B. Edwards 2578X My Cousin Nicholas, by Thomas Ingoldsby [R. H. Barham] 2611X My Dark Days [Sunday at Home, v. 5] 2855J My Doggie and I, by R. M. Ballantyne 148X See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 3, 2953J. My Enemy's Daughter, by Justin McCarthy 1481X My Faithful Johnny [Living Age, v. 147] 3 l 77j My First Curacy [Leisure Hour, v. 17] 2627J My First Voyage to Southern Seas, by W. H. G. Kingston 2992X My Friend Jim, by W. E. Norris [English Illustrated Mag., v. 3] .... 1993J My Friend Smith, by Talbot Baines Reed [Boys' Own Annual, v. 5].. 2955J My Friend Mrs. Timepiece [Once a Week, v. 26] 2286J My Heart's in the Highlands, by Author of "Artiste" 1747^ My Husband and I, by Lyof N. Tolstoi 3327^ My Lady Clare, by Mrs. Eiloart I944X My Lady Coquette, by " Rita " [Mrs. O. Von Booth] 1985 and 2126X My Lady Green Sleeves, by Miss Helen Mathers [Mrs. Reeve] 1715X My Lady Ludlow, by Mrs. Gaskell [Household Words, v. 18] 1758J See also Living Age, v. 58, 3088J. My Land of Beulah, by Adams [All the Year Round, v. 42] 1802J My Little Girl, by Walter Besant and James Rice 789X See also Once a Week, v. 27, 2287J. My Little Lady [Convent Life, &c], by Miss E. F. Poynter 1750X My Lord and My Lady, by Mrs. Forrester 2007X My Miscellanies [Character, Social Grievances, &c], by Wilkie Collins 262X My Mother and I, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] 1572X See also Good Words, v. 15, 2185J. Harper's New Monthly, v. 48, 1628J. My Namesake Marjorie, a Tale [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 10] ... 2360J My Novel, or Varieties in English Life, by Lord Lytton... 204, 231 and 233X See also Blackwood, v. 68, 138J. Harper, v. 1 and 2, 1581-2J. Living Age. v. 27, 3057T. N.B. — My Novel is a sequel to The Caxtons, 216, 244, 245 and 246X. My Peninsular Medal [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 66] 136J My Poor Dick, by John Strange Winter [Mrs. Stannard] 2252X My Shipmate Louise, by W. Clark Russell [Chambers' Journ., v. 77] 1967J My Sister Rosalind, by E. M. Archer 1753^ My Sister the Actress, by Miss Marryat [Mrs. Lean] 2043X My Son's Wife, by Miss Jolly 3212X My Story, by Katherine S. Macquoid I959X (9651 MY T GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NEW My Thirty Years out of the Senate, by Major Jack Downing [Seba Smith] 1280X My Trivial Life and Misfortune, by a Plain Woman 2114X My Uncle the Curate [by Marmion W. Savage] 2791X My Watch Below* [Sailors' Yarns], by W. Clark Russell 1664 and 2370X Myddleton Pomfret, by William Harrison Ainsworth 79X MYERS (P. H.), Blanche Montaigne [American Indians, &c, 1708] 2713X Myself and my Relatives [Chambers' Journal, v. 36] 1 944J Mysteries of Heron Dyke, by Thomas W. Speight [Argosy, v. 29] 29J Mysterious Document [Chili, Pampas, &c], by Jules Verne I&55X Mysterious Guest, by C. Cranky [Romancist and Novelists' Lib.]... 2282X Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne 1043X See also Scribner's Monthly Magazine, v. 7, 1857J. Mystery in the Palace Gardens, by Mrs. J . H. Riddell 1 800X Mystery of Allan Grale [Argosy, v. 39] 39J Mystery of Edwin Drood, by Charles Dickens 386, 627 & 2962X Mystery of Mirbridge, by James Payn 3*45X NANCY, by Rhoda Broughton ^r 551X Nanon, or Women's War [Mazarin, &c], by Alexandre Dumas 404X Naomi, or the Last Days of Jerusalem, by Mrs. J. B. Webb 2242X Narka, a Story of Russian Life, by Kathleen O'Meara [Harper, v. 74] 1654J Narrow Escape, by Thomas [All the Year Round, v. 32] 1792J Nature and Human Nature, by Thomas C. Haliburton [Sam Slick], 145 iX Nature's Nobility [Lost Child, &c], by John Newall , 1755^ Nature's Serial Story, by E. P. Roe [Harper's Monthly Mag., v. 68] 1648J Naval Officer, Frank Mildmay, by Captain Frederick Marryat 803X Neal Malone, an Irish Tale, by William Carleton 1238X NEALE (Captain W. J., Naval Writer), Pride of the Mess 1398X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Near to Nature's Heart [American War of Independence], by Rev. Edward P. Roe I759X Nearly Garotted, by James Cox [Boys' Own Annual, v. 5] 2955J Nearly in Port, by Mrs. Cooper [Sunday at Home, v. 32] 2882J Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde, and other Stories, by Mary De . Morgan 2099X Ned Myers, or a Life before the Mast, by J. Fenimore Cooper. .,320 & 2544X Ned Stafford's Experiences in the United States, by Philip Milford... 1390X Neighbours, a Story of Everyday Life, by Fredrika Bremer 1336X Neighbours of Kilmaclone, by Frances Browne [Leisure H., v. 21] 2631J NEILL (A.), Jessie Lynn [Christian World Mngazine, 1878] 247J Nellie's Memories, by Rosa Nouchette Carey 3108X Nelly Brook, by Florence Marryat [Mrs. F. Lean] 1562X Nelly Jocelyn, Widow, by Jean Middlemass , 3328X Nether World, by George Gissing 3083X Nettles, a Tale [Once a Week, v. 27] 2287J Never Forgotten, by Percy Fitzgerald [All the Year Round, v. 12] .. 1772J New Abelard, a Romance, by Robert Buchanan 3003X See also Gentleman's Magazine, v. 30, n.s., 750J. [966] NEW ENGLISH SECTION. NO L New Adam and Eve, by Nathaniel Hawthorne 2896X New Antigone 2474X New Boy, by Paul Blake [Boys' Own Annual, v. 3] 2953J New Graft on the Family Tree, by Pansy [Mrs. S. M. Alden] 640X New Magdalen, by Wilkie Collins 264 and 270X See also Harper's New Mon. Mag., v. 45, 1625 J. Temple Bar, v. 36, 1366J. New Manager, by Katherine Saunders [Good Words, v. 26] 2196J See also Living Age, v. 164, 3194J. New Mistress, The 607X New Paul and Virginia, or Positivism on an Island, by W. H. Mallock 1019R New Stories, containing Hard Times and Pictures from Italy, by Charles Dickens 352 and 396X See also Household Words, v. 9, 1749 J. New Timothy, by W. M. Baker [Harper's New Monthly Mag., v. 36] 1616J New Uncommercial Samples, byChas. Dickens [All Yr. Rnd., v. 21] 1781J NEWALL (John), Nature's Nobility [Lost Child, &c] 1755X Neweomes, The, by William Makepeace Thackeray 1077 and IC90X See also Haiper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 7, 1587J. NEWMAN (Mrs., Serial Writer, &c.) : Last of the Haddons [C.J.] 1954J | With Costs [Time Mag., v. 3] 1493J Newport, by E. P. Lathrop {Atlantic Monthly Magazine, v. 52] ... 1542J Newton Forster, or the Merchant Service, by Captain Frederick Marryat 791, 804, 812, 2325 and 2974X Newton Forster, Rattlin the Reefer, Japhet in Search of a Father, Snarleyyow, Midshipman Easy, Pacha of many Tales, by Captain Frederick Marryat 2325X Next of Kin Wanted, by Matilda Betham Edwards 2391X Nicholas Minturn, by J. G. Holland [Scribner's Monthly, v. 13] ... 1863J Nicholas Nickleby, by Charles Dickens ...360, 381, 1065, 2274 and 2937X NICHOLSON (M., Serial Writer, &c.) : Elise [Christ. World Mag.] 245J I Hidden Talent [Chris. W.M.] 244J EthelRay'sTroubles[C. W.] 248J | Mark Dudley [Chr. Wor. M.] 245J NIERITZ (Gustav, Serial Writer, dfc.) : Gustavus Vasa, or Prince and Peasant [Leisure Hour, v. 21] 2631 J Tall Man [Leisure Hour, v. 24] 2634J Nigel Fortescue, or the Hunted Man, an Andean Romance, by William Westall 2006X Night and Morning [a Satire on Society and Vice], by Lord Lytton 220X Nina Balatka [Story of a Christian Maiden of Prague who loved a Jew, by Anthony Trollope [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 100] 170J See also Living Age, v. 91, 3121J. Nineteen Beautiful Years, or Sketches of a Girl's Life, by Frances E. Willard 652X Nine-Tenths of the Law, by Rev. T. S. Millington [Leisure Hour] 2639J Ninety Three [French Revolution, 1893] by Victor Hugo 1688X NISBET (Hume), Land of the Hibiscus Blossom [Papuan Gulf] 2002X No Alternative, by Annie Thomas [Mrs. Pender Cudlip] [All Year R.] 1790J No Choice, a Story of the Unforeseen, by Rev. T. S. Millington [Leisure Hour, v. 33] 2643J No Gains without Pains, a True Life Story for Boys, by H. C. Knight 2237X No Love Lost, by Mrs. Randolph 1792X [967] NO N guille-alles library. not No Name, by Wilkie Collins 277X See also All the Year Round, v. 7, 1767L No New Thing, by W. E. Norris [Combill Magazine, v. 45] 325J No Place Like Home, by Hesba Stretton [Hannah Smith] 2340X See also Sunday at Home, v. 28, 2898J. No Proof [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 8] 2357J No Relations [a Tale of Performing Dogs, &c, for the Young], by Hector Malot 3117X No Surrender, by E. Werner 3074X No Thoroughfare, by Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins ["A. Y. R.] 1778J Noble Life, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] 2880X Noble Name, by B. H. Buxton and W. W. Fenn, with other Stories 2412X Noble Wife, by John Saunders 3329X Noblesse Oblige, by Sarah Tytler [Good Words, v. 10] 2180J Nobly Born, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. Guy ton] 1188X Nobody's Business [Family Friend] 722R NOEL (Lady Augusta), From Generation to Generation 2064X Norah, by Mrs. Oliphant [Scribner's Monthly Magazine, v. 2] 1852J Nora's Love Test, by Mary Cecil Hay , 1145X Norman Sinclair, by W. E. Aytoun [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 87]. 157J Norman's Bridge, a Scottish Tale, by Mrs. Anne Marsh 2675X NORRIS (W. E., Serial Writer, 6V.) : Marcia [Murray, v. 7] 1467J Mrs. Fenton 3151X My Friend Jim [English illustrated, v. 3] I993J No New Thing [Living Age] 3184J Rogue 3289X Also Temple Bar, v. 82 !4 I2 J Thirlby Hall 3116X Adrian Vidal 3231X Bachelor's Blunder 3237X Also Temple Bar, v. 76 1406J Chris 3136X Also Macmillan, v. 57 987 J Jack's Father [Murray, 3I. 1463J Major and Minor 3 lI 5X Also Good Words, v. 28 .... 2 198 J Living Age, v. 172 . . . 3202J Norsemen in the West, or America belore Columbus, by R. M. Ballantyne 149X North and South, by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell 490X See also Household Words, v. 10, 1750J. North Country Maid , by Mrs. H. Lovett Cameron 566X Northam Cloisters, by the Author of " Alcestis" 1758X Northanger Abbey, and Persuasion, by Jane Austen ...no, 511 and 2973X NORTON (Hon. Mrs.), Old Sir Douglas [Macmillan's Mag., v. 13] 943J < See also Living Age, v. 88, 3118J. N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Not all in Vain, by Lambert Shields [Quiver, v. 31] 330iJ Not Ended Here, by L. De Bruce [Christian World Magazine, 1883] 252J Not in Society, by Joseph Hatton [Gentleman's Magazine, v. I. N.s.] 721J Not very Kind, by Mary Richardson [Christian World Magazine, 1886] 255J Not Wisely but too Well, by Rhoda Broughton 2162X Notable Voyages from Columbus to Nordenskiold, by William H. G. Kingston and Henry Frith 2993X Notes or Gold, by Percy Fitzgerald [All the Year Round, v. 29] 1789J NOTLEY (Fanny E. Millett, Popular Novelist) : Beneath the Wheels 232 iX Love's Crosses 2260 & 3268X Love's Young Dream 3269X Mind, Body and Estate ... 3275X Olive Varcoe 3109X Red Riding-Hood 2188 & 3288X Time shall Try [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 4] ... 2353J [968] NOT ENGLISH SECTION. OLD Notre Dame, or the Bell-Ringer of Paris, by Victor Hugo 647X Now-a-Days, or the King's Daughter, by Mrs. Marshall 1732X Now and Then [Advocating Christian Morality], by Warren 1509 and 1510X Number Seventeen, by Henry Kingsley 1413X Number Three Winifred Place, by Agnes Giberne [S. at H., v. 31]. 2881 J Number Twenty-Nine, by Mrs. Prosser [Sunday at Home, v. 24] .. 2874J Nun's Curse, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell 3183X Nuptials at Sark, a short Tale [Guernsey Magazine, v. 9] 2 3&9j Nurse Grand's Reminiscences, a Tale [Sunday at Home, v. 3] 2 ^53J 0- 'AK Openings, or the Bee-Hunter, by Jas. F. Cooper...3ii, 320 and 2534X OATES (Rev. John). See Rye (John). O'BRIEN (W.), M.P., When we were Boys [a Tale of Ireland] 3190X Occupations of a Retired Life, by Edward Garrett [S. M., v. 4].... 2454J See also Living Age, v. 95, 31 25 J. Ocean Free Lance, by William Clark Russell 1655X Ocean Waifs [Sequel to " Ran away to Sea "], by Mayne Reid 1776X Oceola, a Romance, by Captain Mayne Reid [Chambers, v. 29] 1941J Octoroon, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] 2324X O'Donnel [Ireland, Catholic Emancipation, &c], by Lady Morgan... 1392X O'Donoghue [Irish Character, &c], by Charles'Lever 763X Of all Degrees, by Keith [Sunday at Home, v. 36J 2886J Of High Degree, by Charles Gibbon 1970X Off the Skelligs, by Jean Ingelow 1691X See also Living Age, v. 112, 3142J. Saint Paul's Magazine, v. 10, 1170F. Off to the Wilds, being the Adventures of two Brothers, by George Manville Fenn 333, 334 and 1979X Ogilvies, The, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] 2766X O'HANLON (Alice, Serial Writer, &>c.) : Diamond in the Rough... 2360J | Unforeseen [G.M., v. 34, N.S.] 754J O'HARA Family. See Banim (John and M.). OHNET (George) : Dr. Rameau 3244X I Last Love 3192X Ironmaster 2052 and 2169X | Will 3316X Oil on the Troubled Waters, a Story of the Shetland Isles [S. at H.]. 288 ij Old Abbot's Road, by Lizzie Alldridge 2050X Old Blazer's Hero, by David Christie Murray 2284X See also Good Words, v. 28, 2198J. Old Charlton, by H. Baden Pritchard 1786X Old Convents of Paris, by Madame C. Reybaud 2726X Old Court, by William Harrison Ainsworth 80X Old Crusty 's Niece, by J. Jackson and T. Jackson Wray 3104X Old Curiosity Shop, by Charles Dickens 351, 1070 and 2939X Old Fashioned Fairy Tales, by Juliana Horatia Ewing 878X Old Fashioned Girl, by Louisa May Alcott 2802X Old Helmet, by Elizabeth Wetherell [Susan Warner] 1864X Old Inn in the Tine Valley, by Leslie [Christian World Mag., 1872].. 241 J Old Jack, a Tale for Boys, by William H. G. Kingston 2994X Old Judge, by T. Chandler Haliburton [Sam Slick] 968X Old Gwen, by Beale [Sunday at Home, v. 35] 2885J [969] OLD GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. OLI Old Kensington, by Miss Thackeray [Mrs. Ritchie] [Cornhill, v. 25].. 305J See also Harper's Magazine, v, 44, 1624J. Old Lieutenant and his Son, by Norman MacLeod [Good Words, v. 2] 2172J Old Maid's Paradise, by Elizabeth Stewart Phelps 2098X Old Manor House [Reformation, Henry VIII.] [Sun. at Home, v. 12] 2862J Old Man's Darling, by Seamer [Christian World Magazine, 1870] ... 249J Old Man's Darling, by A. W. Dubourg [Temple Bar, v. 48] 1378J Old Man's Love, by Anthony Trollope 545X Old Man's Will, a Tale [Leisure Hour, v. 32] 2642J Old Margaret, by Henry Kingsley 1403X Old Mortality, by SirW. Scott... 897, 898, 899, 945, 946, 947, 985X & 1027-9Z Old Mrs. Barron [Sunday at Home, v. 27] 2877J Old Order Changes, by W. H. Mallock 2415X Old Robin and his Prorerb, by Mrs. Henry Brock 285 2X Old Sailor's Story, by George E. .Sargent 2944X See also Leisure Hour, v. 10, 2620J. Old St. Paul's, a Tale of the Plague and the Fire, by W. H. Ainsworth 83X Old Sir Douglas, by Hon. Mrs. Norton [Macmillan's Mag., v. 13] .... 943J See also Living Age, v. 83, 3118J. Old Stories Re-Told [All Year Round, v. 16, 17, and 48].. ..1776-8 and 1788J Old Way and the New, by T. W. Speight [Chambers', v. 64] 1 964J Old World and the New, by Mrs. Trollope I493X OLDFIELD (Marriott), Two Friends 2714X Oldtown Folks [New England Life], by Harriet B. Stowe 1519 & 2392X OLGA (Princess) Radna, or the Great Conspiracy of '81 3 2 §5X OLIPHANT (Laurence, Barrister, b. 1831), Altiora Peto '648X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. OLIPHANT (Mrs. Margaret, Scotch Biographer, &»c s b. 1828) : At his Gates [G.W., v. 13] 2183J Also Scribner's Mag., v. 3.. 1853 J Beleaguered City 2476X Brownlows[Blackwd., 101] 171 J Also Living Age, v. 92 3122 J Caleb Field 1402X Carita 192 & 1760X Also Cornhill Magazine, v. 33 313J Living Age, v. 130.. 3160J Chronicles of Carlingford 1244X Also Blackwood Mag., v. go 160J Living Age, v. 71.. . . 3101J Country Gentleman and his Family 2397X Also Atlantic Monthly, v. 55 1545J Cousin Mary 117X Curate in Charge 962J Also Living Age, v. 127 3157J For Love and Life 1585X Greatest Heiress in Eng- land 2212X He that Will not when He May [Macmillan, v. 41] 97 1 J Also Living Age, v. 143.... 3173J House divided against It- self [Chambers', v. 2] ... 1962T A Iso Living Age, v. 164 3 x 94j In Trust [Fraser, v. 103] 713J Innocent 1587X A Iso Living Age, v. 117 3*47 J It was a Lover and his Lass... 1593X John [Blackwood, v. 106] ... 176J Also Living' Age, v. 103 3 I 33J Katie Stewart [Blackwood]... 142J Kirsteen [Macmillan, v. 60]... 990J Ladies Lindores [Bd., 131] .. 201J Lady Jane [Good Words]... 2193J Also Living Age, v. 153 3^83j Lady's Walk [Longman] 891 J Madam 3086X ^to Longman's Mag., v. 3 893 J Living Age, v. 88 3118J Madonna Mary 2877-8X Margaret Maitland *375X May 1588X Merkland 1376X MissMajoribanks [Bd., 97].. 167T Mrs. Arthur 1891X Moss from a Rolling Stone 209J Norah [Scribner, v. 2] 1852J Oliver's Bride 3276X Ombra 1763X Orphans 1 405X Perpetual Curate [L. A.]... 3107J [97o] OLI ENGLISH SECTION. ONE OLIPHANT (Mrs.)— continued, Story of Valentine and his Brother [Blackwood, v. 1 1 5] 1 85 J Also Living Age, v. 120 3150J Three Brothers [St. Paul, v. 4] 1 164F Two Mrs. Scudamores...- 1853T Whiteladies [Good Words].. 2186J Within the Precincts 1 595X Also Cornhill Magazine, v. 37 317J Living Age, v. 136 3166J Wizard's Son [Macmillan] ... 977J Young Musgrave [Macmil- lan's Magazine] 965J Zaidee [Blackwood, v. 76]... 146J Phoebe Junior [Sequel to 1 244X] 1 590X Poor Gentleman [L. H.]... 2645J Primrose Path 3176X Queen Eleanor [Cornhill].. 333J Quiet Hour [L. A., v. 41] 3071X Rose in June 1406X Also Cornhill Mag., v. 29 . . 309J Living Age, v. 121 3I5 1 ? Son of his Father 3146X Son of the Soil [Macmillan] 939J Also Living Age, v. 80 3i«oJ Squire Arden I59 1 X Story of Anne Maturin.... 1861J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. OLIPHANT (Mrs.) and ALDRICH (Thomas Bailey), Second Son, [Atlantic Monthly, v. 59] *549j Olive, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] 2767 and 2925X Olive Varcoe [Misjudged], by Fanny E. Millett Notley 3109X Oliver Cromwell and the Protectorate, by Daniel Wilson 1514X Oliver Ellis, or the Fusiliers, by James Grant 953X Oliver Langton's Ward, by Evelyn Everett Green [Quiver, v. 29].... 3299J Oliver of the Mill [a Religious Story], by Mrs. Charlesworth 605X Oliver Twist [The Poor, Thieves, &c], by Dickens 364, 377, 378, 1066 and 2936X Oliver Westwood, or Overcoming the World, by E. J. Worboise 1170X See also Christian World Magazine, 1873, 242J. Oliver Wyndham, a Tale of the Great Plague [by Mrs. J. B. Webb] 1640X Oliver's Bride [a True Story], by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 3276X Olivia, a Tale for an Hour of Idleness [by Augusta Louisa, Lady Lyons] 1 364X Olivia's Favour, a Tale of Hallowe'en [St. Paul's Magazine, v. 4].... 1164F Olympia, by R. E. Francillon [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 12, N.S.] 732J Ombra, by Mrs. Oliphant , 1763X O'MEARA (Kathleen), Narka, a Story of Russian Life [Harper, v. 74] 1654J Omoo, a Narrative of Adventures in the South Seas, by H. Melville 2708X On Circumstantial Evidence, by Florence Marryat [now Mrs. Lean]... 3277X On Silver Wings, by Jean Boncceur [Once a Week, v. 24] 2284T On Special Service, a Naval Story, by Gordon Stables [Boy's Ann.] 2957J On the Banks of the Amazon, or a Boy's Journal of his Adventures in the Tropical Wilds of America, by W. H. G. Kingston 2 995X On the Ferry Boat, by Jennie Harrison 2964X On the Fo'k'sle Head [Sea Yarns], by William Clark Russell 3226X On the Heights, by Berthold Auerbach 171 3X On the Sark Cliffs, by E. M. Robin [Guernsey Magazine, v. 18] 2398J On the Scent, by Lady Margaret Majendie 3 I0 4 and 3376X On the Wings of the Morning, by Miss D. Alcock [Sunday Magazine] 2467J On this Side Heaven, by Beatrice Bristowe [Christian World Mag.]... 253T One False, both Fair, or a Hard Knot, by Harwood [Chambers, 60]... 1960J One False Step, by A. Stewart 333°X One Golden Summer, by Mrs. Mackenzie Daniels 1601X One in a Thousand, or the Days of Henri Quatre, by George Payne Rainsford fames 681, 2616 and292oX [971] ONE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. OUI One Life Only, by F. M. F. Skene [Quiver, v. 17] 3287J One Maid's Mischief, by George Manville Fenn 3278X One of His Little Ones [Quiver, v. 25] 3 2 95J One of the Family, by James Payn [Chambers, v. 44] I948ja One of the Six Hundred [Crimean War], by James Grant 1300X One of Us, by Edmund Randolph 631X One or Two, or a Left-Handed Bride, by Hain Friswell [O. a W.] 2283J One Traveller Returns, by David Christie Murray 2285X See also Longman's Magazine, v. 10, 900J. One Woman's History, by T. W. Speight [Chambers' Journal, v. 61] 1961J Only a Business Man, by May Dryden [All the Year Round, v. 56]... 1816J Only a Clod, by Miss Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] 525X Only a Girl Wife, by Ruth Lamb [Girls' Own Annual, v. 7] 2557J Only a Woman, edited by Miss Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] 529X Only a W T ord [Black Forest], by George Ebers 3279X See also Sunday at Home, v. 31, 2881J. Only a Year [Once a Week, v. 30] 2290J Only an Ensign [Retreat from Cabul], by James Grant. 955X Only by Sight, by Beatrice Bristowe [Christian World Magazine] 255J Only Son [Living Age, v. 69] 3099J Only the Governess, by Rosa Nouchette Carey , 3077X Open Verdict, by Miss Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] 174 and 194X Opening of a Chestnut Burr, by Rev. Edward P. Roe 1762X OPPENHEIM (E. Phillips), Expiation [England and Canada] 2322X Ordeal of Richard Feverel, by George Meredith 2581X O'RELL (Max [Paul Blouet], Caricaturist) : Dear Neighbours 2084X ! Drat the Boys 2471X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Organist of Henderley Church, by E. Rolls [Christian World Mag.] 255J Orlando, by Clementina Black 1992X Orley Farm, by Anthony Trollope ui8and 1149X See also Harper's Monthly Magazine, v. 22, 1602 J. Ormond [Story of a Young Gentleman], by Maria Edgeworth 2510X Orphans, The, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 1405X Orville College [School Tale], by Mrs. Henry Wood 22, 32 and 1951X Oswald Cray, by Mrs. Henry Wood 9 and 1952X See also Good Words, v. 5, 2175J. Otterstone Hall, by Urquhart A. Forbes 2307X Ottilie, an Eighteenth Century Idyll, by Vernon Lee [Violet Paget] 1357X Ought We to Visit Her, by Mrs. Annie Edwardes [Temple Bar, v. 31] 1361J OUIDA [Louise tie la Rame], Society Novelist, b. 1840) : Ariadne 857X Bimbi 866X Cecil Castlemaine 845 & 85 iX Chandos.- 848X Dog of Flanders 847 & 3067X Folle-Farine 854X Friendship 858 & 868X Held in Bondage....... 856 & 867X Idalia 1579^ In a Winter City 158X In Maremma 2884X Moths 859X Pascarel 855X Pipistrello 852X Princess Napraxine 1582X Puck, his Vicissitudes 860X Strathmore 846X Tricotrin 862X Two little Wooden Shoes.... 853X Under Two Flags 867X Village Commune 1584X Wanda 863 & 2356X [972] OUR ENGLISH SECTION. PAI Our Holiday Tramp, by Rev. T. S. Millington [Boys' Own Annual] 2952J Our Home in the Silver West : a Story of Struggle and Adventure, by Gordon Stables [Boy's Own Annual, v. 12] 2962J Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickens 359, 365 and 2957X See also Harper's Magazine, v. 29, 1609J. Our Nell [Quiver, v. 23] 3293 x Our New House, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. Guyton] 1200X Our New Neighbour [Quiver, v. 23] 3293J Our Old Home, a Series of English Sketches, by N. Hawthorne 2897X Our Patty's Victory, or a White Hand, by Fairleigh Owen [G. O. A.] 2552J Our Sailors, Anecdotes of Engagements and Gallant Deeds of the British Navy during the Reign of her Majesty Queen Victoria, by William H. G. Kingston 163 and 2996X Our Soldiers, Anecdotes of the Campaigns and Gallant Deeds of the British Army during the Reign of her Majesty Queen Victoria, by William H. G. Kingston 2997X Our Street, Sketches by William Makepeace Thackeray 1086 and 1099X Our Village [Once a Week, v. 27] 2287J Out of Charity [Living Age, v. 90] 3120J Out of Debt out of Danger, by Maria Edgeworth 2444X Out of the Fog, by W. M. Hardinge [Temple Bar Magazine, v. 80].. 1410J Out of the Hurly Burly, or Life in an odd Corner, by Max Adeler [Charles Heber Clark] 25G0X Out of the Question, by William D. Howells 1302 and 3209X Out on the Pampas, or the Young Settlers, by George Alfred Henty.. 1073X Outlaw, The, an Historical Romance, by Mrs. Samuel Carter Hall.. 2599X Outsiders, by Hawley Smart 3178X Outward Bound, or a Merchant's Adventures, by Captain Marryat... 805X Over the Sea with the Sailor, by Walter.Besant and James Rice 883X See also All the Year Round, v. 46, 1806J. Overdale, or the Story of a Pervert, by Emma Jane Worboise 1169X Ovingdean Grange, a Tale of the South Downs, by Ainsworth..97 & 2503X OWEN (Fairleigh), Our Patty's Victory, or a White Hand [G.O.A.] 2552J Owen, a W T aif, by Frederick William Robinson 1819X Owen Tudor [Welsh Chieftain, Grandfather of Henry VII , an Historical Romance, 15th Century], by Jane Robinson 18G3X OWEN (J. A.), Candalaria, a Story of the Rocky Mountains, founded on Fact [Girls' Own Annual, v. 5] 2 555T OWENSON (Miss), Missionary [an Indian Tale] 1402X Owl's Nest in the City, by Lovel [Saint Paul's Magazine, v. 13] H73F Ozeola, a Romance, by Capt. Mayne Reid [Chambers' Journal, v. 30] 1941J JTACHA of Many Tales, by Captain Marryat 792 and 2325X Paddiana, or Scraps and Sketches of Irish Life, Present and Past, by Author of "A Hot Water Cure" 1408X Paddy Finn, or Adventures of a Midshipman Afloat and Ashore, by W. H. G. Kingston 2998X Page of the Duke of Savoy, an Historical Romance, by A. Dumas.. 406X PAGET (Violet). See Lee ^Vernon). Paid in Full, by Henry J. Byron [Temple Bar Magazine, v. 11] I 34 I J [973] PAI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PAU Painter, by John Gait [Romancist and Novelists' Library] 2282X Pair of Blue "Eyes, by Thomas Hardy 976X PANSY [Mrs. S. M. Alden], New Graft on the Family Tree 640X Pardoned [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 9] 235SJ Parents' Assistant, by Maria Edgeworth , 2368X Paris Sketch Book, by William Makepeace Thackeray 1081 and 1094X Parisian Family, by Madame De Witt, trans, by Miss Muloch 3280X Parisians [Franco-German War, The Commune, 19th century], by Lord Lytton 224X See also Blackwood's Magazine, v. 112, 182J. Living Age, v. it6, 3146J. Parkwater, by Mrs. Henry Wood 23, 41, 54 and 1954X Parlour Boarder, a School Story, by Hope [Boys' Own Ann., v. 11] 2961J PARNELL (W.), Maurice and Berghetta, or The Priest of Rahery 1381X PAKE, (Harriet). See Lee (Holme). PARR (Mrs. Louisa, Serial Writer, 6v.-) : Adam and Eve 1 766X Also Living Age, v. 143 .... 3173J Temple Bar, v. 58 ... . 1388J Dorothy Fox 3 IX 9X Also Living Age, v. 104 ^^J Forget Me Not [T. B., 82] 1412J Loyalty George [T. B., v. 80] 1410J Prescotts of Pamphillon 2184J Also Living Age, v. 117 3 I 47J Robin 500X Also Living Age, v. 152 3 x 82j Temple Bar, v. 64 I 394j Parsonage, by Rodolph Topfer 2121 and 1489X Parsonage of the Hartz [Sunday at Home, v. 14] 2864J Parsons and Widows [by James T. Hewlett] , 2784X Parson's Daughter, by Theodore Hook 2165X Parting of the Ways, by Matilda Betham Edwards 3281X Pascarel [Italy, &c], by Ouida[Mdlle. Louise de la Rame] 855X Passages from the Diary of a late Physician, by S. Warren.. .1508 & 2117X Passages in the Life of the Faire Gospeller, Mistress Anne Askew, by Anne Manning [Mrs. Rathbone] 1285X Passenger from Scotland Yard, by H. F. Wood 334§X Passion and Principle, by Mrs. W. Grey and E. Shirreff 2592X Passion and Principle, by Theodore Hook 1 326 and 1328X Passion in Tatters, by Annie Thomas 1829X Past Hours, by Mrs. A. Sartoris [Adelaide Kemble] 1352X Paston Carew, Millionaire and Miser, by E. L. Linton [T. B., v. 76] 1406J Pastor'sj Fireside [England, Spain and Vienna, 18th Century], by ,V'!%;£ Jane Porter 1414X PATER (Walter), Gaston de Latour [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 58].. 988J PATERSON (Arthur), Better Man [English Illustrated Mag., v. 6]. 1996J Pathfinder, or the Inland Sea, by Jas. Fenimore Cooper 305, 317 &2556X Patience to Work and Patience to Wait, by Marion E. Weir 209Q Patricia Kemball, by E. Lynn Linton [Temple Bar Mag., v. 40] ... 1370J PATRICK (Mary), Marjorie Bruce's Lovers 1778X Patronage, by Maria Edgeworth 2 455^ Patty, by Katharine S. Macquoid [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 23] ... 953J See also Living Age, v. no, 3140J. Paul, the Spanish Sharper, by J. Stevens [Romancist and Nov. Lib.] 228cX Paul and Virginia, by Saint-Pierre 55»Dj 120T, 2849X and 1250Z Paul and Virginia, New, by W. H. Mallock 1019R Paul Bradley [Inculcating Kindness to Animals], by Mrs. Charles Bray 2850X [974] PAU ENGLISH SECTION. PEA Paul Clifford [Robbers, Prison Discipline, &c.], by Lord Lytton...2i2 & 228X Paul Faber, Surgeon, by George Macdonald 2081X Paul Ferroll [by Mrs. Archer Clive] 1249 and 3282X Paul Gerard, the Cabin Boy, by Kingston [Every Boy's Ann., 1866]. 1301H Paul Jones's Alias, &c. , by David Christie Murray 31 89X Paul Meggitt's Delusion, by Jackson Wray 1879X Paul Patoff [Turkey, Russia, &c], by F. Marion Crawford 2058X See also Atlantic, v. 59, 1549J. PAULDING (James Kirke, American Novelist and Poet, b. 1779, if. i860) : Dutchman's Fireside 2716X | Puritanand his Daughter i4io,27i5X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Pauline, or Buried Alive, by Alexandre Dumas 41 8X Pauline, by L. B. Walford [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 121] 191J See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 44, 324J. Living Age, v. 133, 3163J. PAULL (M. A.), Thistledown Lodge [a Scottish TaleJ 2301X Paul's Sister, by F. M. Peard [Temple Bar, v. 85] 1415J Pausanias the Spartan, an unfinished, Historical Romance, by Lord Lytton 230 and 229X PAX [Hugh F. McDermott], Danver's Jewels [Temple Bar, v. 79]... 1409J See also Cushings. PAYN (James, Editor of Chambers' Journal, b. 1830) : 79oJ I943J I952J [949J At Her Mercy[A.Y.R.,3o] Bateman Household, and what became of them.... Best of Husbands [C.J., 51] Blondel Parva [C.J., v. 45] By Proxy 1596X Canon's Ward 3238X Carlyon's Year [O. a W.]. 227 7J Clyffardsof Clyffe [C.J., 42] I947J* Confidential Agent 1 598X County Family [L. A., 102] 3132J Fallen Fortunes 1600X Also Chamb. Journ., v. 53.. i953ja Family Scapegrace [C. J.] I944J Found Dead [C. J., v. 45] 1949J For Cash Only 1769X From Exile 1772 & 2018X Grape from a Thorn 323J Gwendoline's Harvest ... 1950J Halves [All Year Rd.,v. 34] 1794J High Spirits 3220X Lady Flavia [C. J., v. 42] ... I947ja Like Father like Son 1602X Lost Sir Massingberd [C. J.] 1947J Luck of the Darrells [G. W.] 2196J Married Beneath Him [C. J.] 1947J Mirk Abbey [C. J., v. 43]... 1948J Mystery of Mirbridge 3145X One of the Family [C. J., 44] I948ja Prince of the Blood 3122X Talk of the Town 3221X Also Cornhill Magazine, v. 50. 330J The Burnt Million [CM., 60] 340J Thicker than Water [L.M., 1] 891 J Walter's Word 1603X Also Chambers' Journal, v. 32.. t952ja What he cost Her [All the Year Round, v. 36] 1796J Woman's Vengeance 1605X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. PEACOCK (T. L.), Gryll Grange [Fraser's Magazine, v. 61] 671T PEARD (F. M., Serial Writer, &c.)\ His Cousin Betty 103X | Paul's Sister [Tern. B., v. 85] 1415J Pearl-Shell Necklace, by J. Hawthorne [Gent. Mag., v. 19, N.s.].. 739J Pearl of Orr's Island, a Story of the Coast of Maine, by Mrs. Stowe. 2747X Pearl Powder, by Mrs. Annie Edwardes [Temple Bar, v. 88] 1418J Pearla, by Matilda Betham Edwards 2289X See also Good Words, v. 24, 2194J. PEARSON (Emma Maria), His Little Cousin ; 1780X Peasant Life [Sketches of the Villagers and Field Labourers in Glenaldie] 2129X [975] PEE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PHE Peep Behind the Scenes, by Mrs. Walton 3096X Peeress and Player, by Florence Marryat [Mrs. F. Lean] 3283X Peggy Ogilvie's Inheritance [Quiver, v. 11] 3281J Pelham, or Adventures of a Gentleman, by Lord Lytton 210X Penance of John Logan, by William Black 333iX Pendennis, by William Makepeace Thackeray 1076 and 1089X Penelope, by E. J. Worboise [Mrs. Guyton] [Christ. World Mag.]. 249J Pennant Family, by Anne Beale [Quiver, v. 19] 3289J Pennycome Quicks, by S. Baring Gould 3148X People I have Met, or Pictures of Society and People of Mark, by Nathaniel Parker Willis 2764X PERCIVAL (Frank), Al Lyn Sahib [Gent. Mag., v. 14, N.S.] 734J Percival Keene, a Naval Story, by Captain Marryat 794 and 806X Peregrine Pickle, by Tobias Smollett 1053X Perfect Treasure [Chambers' Journal, v. 46] 1 949ja Pericles, a Tale of Athens in the 83rd Olympiad, by Caroline Frances Cornwallis 1412X Peril, by Jessie Fothergill [Temple Bar, v. 70] 1400J Perilous Secret, by Charles Reade [Temple Bar, v. 72] 1402J Perils of Orphanhood, or Frederica and her Guardians, by Mar- garet M. Robertson 3063X Perotine, a Guernsey Plistorical Tale, by Frederick James Clarke [Guernsey Magazine, v. 8] 2388T Perpetual Curate, by Mrs. Oliphant [Living Age, v. 77] 3107J Perplexities in Daily Life, or, Which Way ? by Miss E. J. Whately 2869J Personal History of David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens.... 356 & 2948X Peter Pengelly, or True as the Clock, by J. Jackson Wray 2404X Peter Simple [a Sea Tale], by Captain Marryat 801, 810 and 2325X Peter the Whaler, his Early Life and Adventures in the Arctic Regions, by William Harrison Gainsford Kingston 2999X Peter Trawl, or the Adventures of a Whaler, by W. H. G. Kingston 3000X See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 2, 2952J. Peter's Perplexities in Pursuit of Science [Boys' Own Annual, v. 7] 2957J Petronel, by Florence Marryat [Mrs. Lean] " 1559X Petticoat Government, by Anthony Trollope 1841X Peverilofthe Peak [Isle of Man, &c], by Scott. ..916, 964, ioo9Xand 1063-6Z Phantom City, a Volcanic Romance, by W. W estall 151 3X Phantom Fortune, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] 526X Phantom Regiment, or Stories of Ours, by James Grant 2777X Phantom Ship, by Captain Marryat 1553^ Phantoms and Realities, an Autobiography [Harper, v. 2] 1582J Pharisees, by Mrs. H.Bennett-Edwards 3349X Phayre Phenton, Side Scenes of the Garibaldian Revolution, by Tighe Hopkins [Leisure Hour, v. 36] 2646J PHELPS (Elizabeth Stewart, American Writer of Religious Tales, &*€., 1864-70) : Beyond the Gates 2968X Gates Ajar 1606X Gipsy Breynton 1608X Gipsy's Cousin Joy 1610J Gipsy's Sowing and Reaping 161 1 J N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author [976] Gipsy's Year at the Golden Crescent 1 6 1 3X Hedged In 1614X Jack the Fisherman 2960X Mercy Gliddon's Work 1616X Old Maid's Paradise 2098X PHI ENGLISH SECTION. POA Philip, by William Makepeace Thackeray 1093H Philip Augustus, or the Brothers in Arms, by G. P. R. James... 694 & 264SX Philip Leigh [Temple Bar, v. 40] 1370J Philip Nolan's Friends, by E. E. Hale [Scribner's Monthly, v. 11].. 186 I J Philip Vaughan's Life Work, by John Everest [Quiver, v. 21] 3291J PHILIPS (F. C., Serial Writer, &c.) : As in a Looking Glass ... 3235X I Young Mr. Ainslie's Court- Dean and His Daughter... 3171X I ship [Time, v. 20] 1510J Philistia, by Cecil Power [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 32, N.S.] 752J PHILLIPS (Mrs. Alfred), Benedicta 1783X Philosopher Jack, a Tale of the Southern Seas, by Ballantyne 257X Philosophers and Actresses [Scenes Vivid and Picturesque] 2785X Phineas Finn, the Irish Member, by Anthony Trollope 164 and 1102X See also Saint Paul's Magazine, v. 1, 1161F. Living Age, v. 95, 3125J. Phineas Redux, by Anthony Trollope 1107X Phoebe, by Percy Fitzgerald [All the Year Round, v. 35] 1795J Phoebe Junior, a last Chronicle of Carlingford, by Mrs. Oliphant ... 1590X Picciola, or the Prison Flower, by Xavier B. Saintine 2253X See also Chambers' Miscellany, v. 1, 1854, ^ 2 3^. PICKEN (A, Scotch Writer, b. 1788, d. 1833) : Eisenbach 2282X { Three Kearneys 2282X Pickwick Abroad, or the Tour in France, by G. W. M. Reynolds... 2225X Pickwick Papers, by Charles Dickens... 347, 374,379, 388, 397, 1068 & 2934X Pictures of Comical People and Stories about Them 2845X Pictures of Cottage Life in the West of England, by M. E. Poole 2060X Pierrotts, The, a Story of French Life [Leisure Hour, v. 4] 2614J PIG-OT (F.), Strangest Journey of my Life 201 iX Pilgrim Street, a Story of Manchester Life, by Hesba Stretton 2335X Pilgrims of the Rhine, by Lord Lytton 217, 248 and 250X Pillar House, by Florence Severne 3 1 77X Pillars of the House, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 1895X Pilot, a Tale of the Sea, by James Fenimore Cooper ... 284, 316 and 2555X Pinch of Poverty [Sunday Magazine, v. 17] 2 474j Pioneers, or the Sources of the Susquehanna, by James Fenimore Cooper 308, 3 1 7 and 2548X Pipistrello and other Stories, by Ouida [Mdlle. L. de la Rame].... 852X Pirate, by Sir Walter Scott 912, 960, 995, 999X and 1060-2Z Pirate and Three Cutters, by Captain Marryat I555X Pirate City, an Algerine Tale, by R. M. Ballantyne 258X Pirate Island, by Anne Bowman [Boys' Own Annual] 1301PI PIRKIS (Mrs. C. L., Serial Writer, Gfc) : At the Moment of Victory 1822 J I Lady Lovelace [A. Y. R.]... 1815J Dateless Bargain 1819J | Saint and Sibyl 598X Di Fawcett 509X | PITT (Sarah), Fritters, or it is a Long Lane that has no Turning 2333X Pity of It, by Mrs. M. E. Smith 589X Plain Frances Mowbrav [Living Age, v. 164] 3 J 94j Plain Tales from the Hills [India], by Rudyard Kipling 3128X Plan of Campaign [Home Rule, Ireland, &c] by F. Mabel Robinson 3390X Plant Hunters, a Romance, by Captain Mayne Reid 3405X Plucky Voyagers [Boys' Own Annual, v. 3] ... 2953J Poacher, The, by Captain Frederick Marryat 790X 44 [977] POC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. POR Pocaliontas, a Story of the First English Emigrants to North America [Leisure Hour, v. i] 2611J POE (Edgar Allan, American Poet, b. 181 1, d. 1849), Tales of Mystery, Imagination and Humour 2717X PoganilC People, by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe 1 746X Poison Tree, a Tale of Hindu Life in Bengal, by B. C. Chatterjee 2062X Poisoned Arrows, by Jean Middlemas 1724X Policy and Passion, by Mrs. Campbell Praed 3284X Polish Lancer, or 181 2, a Tale of Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, by Louis Rellstab 2725X Politician in Trouble about his Soul, by Auberon Plerbert 2129J POLLARD (Eliza F.), Vengeance is Mine 337iX POLLARD (M. M., Serial Writer, frc.) : Laura Leigh, a Tale of Highbridge Paper Mills [Girls' Own An.] 2554J Wincherley Hall, a Tale [Sunday at Home, v. 30] 2880J POLLOCK (Lady), Story of Marie Dumont [Temple Bar, v. 63].... 1393J POLLOCK (Walter Herries, Barrister and Lecturer, Ed. of" Satur- day Review" b. 1850), Lilith [Temple Bar Magazine, v. 43] 1373J N.B. — See atso the General Catalogue for this Author. POLLOCK (Walter Herries) and BESANT ( W. ), Sir Jocelyn's Cap 784X See also Longman's Magazine, v. 5, 895 J, POM All (Duke of Medina). See Medina- Pomar (Duke of). Pomeroy Abbey, by Mrs. Henry Wood , 25X and 1958X See also Argosy, v. 25, 25 J. Pomponia, or the Gospel in Coesar's Household, by Mrs. Webb 2863J POOLE (M. E.), Pictures of Cottage Life in the West of England.. 2060X Poor Folk, a Story [All the Year Round, v. 61] 1821J Poor Gentleman, by Mrs. Oliphant [Leisure Hour, v. 35] 2645J Poor Humanity, by Frederick William Robinson 1821X Poor Man's Wife [Quiver, v. 28] 3298J Poor MisS Finch, by William Wilkie Collins 265X See also Cassell's Magazine, v. 4, 2344 J. Poor Robin, the Merry Saddler of Walden [Chap Books] 1321H Poor Scholar, by the author of Powdering Room [Sun. at Home, v. 19] 2869J Poor Zeph, by Frederick William Robinson [Gent. Mag., v. 19, N.S.] 739J Popanilla [Imaginary Voyage], by Beaconsfield 132 and 133X Poppies and Pansies, by Mrs. Emma Marshall 1729X p OPPy 5 by Mrs. Beresford 515X Popular Tales, by Maria Edgeworth 2233X Portent, a Story of the Inner Vision of the Highlanders, commonly called Second Sight, by George Macdonald 2ii3Xand 1877Z PORTER (Anna Maria, Historical Novelist, Friend of Sir Walter Scott, b. 1 78 1, d. 1832) : Knight of St. John 2719X | Recluse of Norway 2718X PORTER (Jane, Historical Novelist, Sister of above, b. 1776, d. 1850): Pastor's Fireside 1414X I The Scottish Chiefs [Life of Thaddeus of Warsaw 2720X | Sir William Wallace] 2614X N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. [978] POR ENGLISH SECTION. PRI Portia, or by Passions Rocked, by Mrs. Argles [The Duchess] I497J Portrait of a Lady, by Henry James [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 42] 972 J Post Haste, a Tale of Her Majesty's Mails, by R. M. Ballantyne 259X Posy Ring [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 25, N.S.] 745J POTTING-ER (Sir H.), Blue and Green 1775X Powder Monkey to Admiral, by Kingston [Boys' Own Annual, v. 1] 2951J Powdering' Room [Sunday at Home, v. 18] 2868J POWER (Cecil), Philistia [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 32, N.s.] 752J POWER (Rev. P. B.), Flying Skull [Quiver Magazine, v. 31] 3301J Power of Attorney, by F. Liardet [Tales by a Barrister] 1 358X POYNTER (Eleanor F.), My Little Lady 1750X Practical Jokes with Artemus Ward, by Mark Twain, &c 2756X PRAED (Mrs. Campbell, Serial Writer, «5rV.) : Policy and Passion 3284X Zero [Story of Monte Carlo] 537X Also Temple Bar Mag., v. 70. . 1400J Affinities 3232 and 3301X Bond of Wedlock 33°5X Head Station 3127X Moloch 539X PRAED (Mrs. Campbell) and MCCARTHY (Justin), The Right Honourable, a Romance of Society and Politics 3°33^ Prairie [American Indians, &c], by Jas. Fenimore Cooper 315, 317 & 2537X Prairie Chief [American Indians, &c], by R. M. Ballantyne 260X — See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 8, 2958J. Prairie Flower, a Tale of the Indian Border, by Gustave Aimard ... 89X Preacher and the King, or Bourdaloue in the Court of Louis XIV., byL. F. Bungener 1231X Precaution, by James Fenimore Cooper 314, 320, 327 and 2536X PRENTISS (Mrs. Elizabeth, American Writer for the Young) : Aunt Jane's Hero 1617X I Home at Greylock 1620X Flower of the Family 1619X | Stepping Heavenward 2017 & 2866X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Prescotts of Pamphillon, by Mrs. L. Parr [Good Words, v. 14] 2184J See also Living Age, v. 117, 3147J. President's Daughter [including Nina], by Fredrika Bremer 587X Preston Fight, or the Insurrection of 1715, by Wm. H. Ainsworth 78 & 85X Pretty Miss Bellew, by Theo Gift [Theodora Boulger] [Cassell's, v. 1] 2350J Previsions of Lady Evelyn, by Mrs. Anne Marsh 1369 and 2679X PRICE (Miss Eleanor C, Serial Writer, &c.)t A French Heiress 2258X I Gerald [All Year Rd., v. 53] 1813J Alexia [All Year R., v. 58] 1818J | Red Towers [A.Y.R., v. 61] 1821J Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen 109 and 2513X Pride of the Mess, a Naval Tale of the Crimean War, by Capt. Neale 1398X Prime Minister, by Anthony Trollope HiiX Primrose Path, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 3176X Prince and the Pauper, a Tale for Young People of all Ages, by Mark Twain 1498X Prince of the Blood [a Sea Tale, &c], by James Payn 3122X Prince of the House of David, or Three Years in the Holy City, by T. H. Ingraham 2249X [979] PRI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PUR Prince of Wales' Garden Party, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell ,. 1794X Prince of Abyssinia [by Samuel Johnson] 1415X Prince Otto, by R. L. Stevenson [Longman's Magazine, v. 5] 895J Princess and Curdie [Fairy Tales], by George Macdonald 2193X Princess and the Goblin [Fairy Tales], by George Macdonald 2080X Princess Casamassima, by Henry James [Atlantic Monthly, v. 56]... 1546J Princess Napraxine, by Ouida [Mdlle. Louise de la Rami] 1582X Princess of Thule, by William Black [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 27] 957J Princess Rosetta [Home Treasury of Old Story Books] 2863X Princess Sarah, by John Strange Winter [Leisure Hour, v. 37] 2647J Princess Sunshine and other Stories, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell 3332X PRINSEP (Val), Virgine, a Tale of One Hundred Years Ago [Long- man's Magazine, y. 15] 905J Priscilla [Story of a Boy's Love], by Clara L. Willmets 2243X See also Christian World Magazine, 1879, 248J. PRITCHARD (H. Baden), Old Charlton 1786X Private Secretary, by Chesney [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 128] 198J Privateer's Man, One Hundred Years Ago, by Captain Marryat ... 800X Probation, by Jessie Fothergill \ 896X See also Temple Bar Magazine, v. 55, 1385 J. Probation of Dorothy Travers, a Story of Waiting [Cassell's, v. 7] 2356T Prodigal Daughter, a Story of Female Prison Life, by Mark Hope. 1646X Prodigal Son, by Dutton Cook [Once a Week, v. 6] 2266J See also Living Age, v. 73, 3 103 J. Prodigal's Progress, by Frank Barrett 553X Professor, The, by Charlotte Bronte" [Currer Bell] 157X Proper Pride, by B. M. Croker 3078X Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains, by C. E. Craddock [Atlan- tic Monthly Magazine, v. 55] J 545j PROSSER (Mrs., Serial Writer) : Laura Loft, a Tale of Wo- man's Rights [Leis. Hr.,22] 2632J Man in Possession [L. H.,18] 2628J Master of Aynhoe [L. H., 20] 2630J Number Twenty-Nine 2 §74j Under the Mulberry Tree [Sunday at Home, v. 18].. 2868J ClacketsoflnglebrookHall 2629J Crinkles of Crinklewood Hall [Leisure Hr., v. 25] 2635 J Day after To-morrow 2868J Days of the Cattle Plague. 2865J Gwen Beverly [S. at H. ,28] 2878J Heiress of Cheevely Dale 2626J Protestant, The [Days of Queen Mary, 16th Cent.], by Mrs. Bray... 2517X Provost, and other Tales, by John Gait 1994X Prudence, by Mrs. John Lillie [Harper's New Monthly Mag., v. 64] 1644J Prudence Winterburn, by Sarah Doudney [Sunday at Home, v. 28] 2878J Prussian Vase, and other Tales, by Maria Edgeworth 2436X Public and Private Life of Animals, by J. Thomson 2384X Puck, his Vicissitudes, Adventures, Observations, Conclusions, Friend- ships and Philosophies, by Ouida [Mdlle. Louise de la Rame] 860X Puck to the Rescue [Boys' Own Annual, v. 4] 2954J Punch's Letters to his Son, Punch's Complete Letter Writer and Sketches of the English, by Douglas Jerrold 716X Purchase, by F. Liardet [Tales by a Barrister] 1358X Pure Gold, by Mrs. H. L. Cameron 2286X Puritan and his Daughter, by J. K. Paulding 1410 and 2715X PURNELL (T.), Lady Drusilla, a Psychological Romance 2429X [980] PUT ENGLISH SECTION. RAL Pat to the Proof, by Caroline P^othergill 2409 and 1621X Put Yourself in His Place, by Charles Reade 3398X See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 19, 299J. QUADROON, The, by Captain Mayne Reid 1777* Quatrefoil [a Welsh Tale], by Mary Deane 1604X Queechy, by Elizabeth Wetherell [Susan Warner] 2071 and 2861X Queen Cophetua, by R. E. Francillon [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 24] 744J Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamond, by Mrs. Oliphant [Cornhill, 53]. 333J Queen Madge [Quiver, v. 16] 3286J Queen of Hearts, by Wilkie Collins 620X Queen of Marriage, by Haycraft [Christian World Magazine] 255J Queen o' the May, by AnnaBeale [Girl's Own Annual, v. 2] 2552J Queen of two Worlds, by Laurence Brooke 1568X Queen's Cadet, by James Grant 957 x Queen's Maries, a Romance of Holyrood [Days of Mary, Queen of Scots, 16th Century], by G. J. W. Melville 837 and 838X Queen's Necklace, an Historical Romance [French Court, 18th Cen- tury], by Alexandre Dumas 416X Queer Cards [Once a Week, v. 34] 2294J Quentin Durward [Days of Louis XL, 15th Century], by Sir Walter Scott 919, 967Xand 1054-7Z Quiet Heart, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant [Living Age, v. 41] 3071J Quiet Valley, by Agnes Giberne [Sunday at Home, v. 33] 2833J Question of Cain, by Hoey [All the Year Round, v. 46] 1806J QUILLINAN (Edward), Rangers of Connaught 2250X Quite Alone, by George Augustus Sala [All the Year Round, v. 11].. 1771J Quits, by Baroness Tautpheeus 2112X RACE for a Wife, by Hawley Smart [Temple Bar Magazine, v. 28] 1358J Race for Life [Chambers' Journal, v. 49] I95 X J Race for Wealth, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell I796X See also Once a Week, v. 14, 2274J. Rachel Mauger, or the Two Courtships and their Sequels, a Guernsey Story, by Adolphus Collenette [Guernsey Magazine, v. 1] ... 2381 J Rachel Ray, by Anthony Trollope 1103 and 1121X Radna, or the Great Conspiracy of '81, by Princess Olga 3285X Rainbow Gold, by David Christie Murray [Cornhill Magazine, v. 51] 331J Ralph Draper, or the Blight of Covetousness [Leisure Hour, v. 9].... 2619J Ralph Ellison's Opportunity, by Leslie Keith [Keith Johnstone] 2885J Ralph Hardcastle's Will, by Agnes Giberne 335 oX Ralph Raeburn's Trusteeship, by J. B. Harwood [C. F. M., v. 8]. ... 2357J Ralph Somerville, or a Midshipman's Adventures in the Pacific Ocean, by C. H. Eden 2878X [981] RAL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. REA One of "Us"... Wood Anemone Ralph the Bailiff, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] Ralph the Heir, by Anthony Trollope 772 and See also St. Paul's Magazine, v. 9, 1169F. Ralph Wilton's Weird, by Mrs. Alexander [Temple Bar, v. 43] Rambling Story, by M. C. Clarke [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 12]... Ran Away to Sea, an Autobiography for Boys, by Capt. Mayne Reid See also the Sequel, Ocean Waifs, 1776X. Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood, by George Macdonald RANDOLPH (Mrs., Novelist, &c.) : Cyclamen 2029X Gentianello 1789X No Love Lost 1792X Random Shots, by Max Adder [C. H. Clark] Rangers of Connaught, by Edward Quillinan Ranulph the Red, or the Fen Fiend [12th Century] Rape of the Gamp, by C. Welsh Mason [Harper's Monthly, v. 49]... Rapiers of Regent's Park, by J. C. Jeaffrieson Rare Good Luck, byR. E. Francillon [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 17] RASPE (R. E., Hanoverian Mineralogist, b. 1737, d. 1794), Original Travels and Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen ... Rasselas, by Samuel Johnson — — — See also Johnson's Works, 993H. EATHBONE (Mrs.). See Manning (Anne). Rattlin the Reefer, by Captain Frederick Marryat 797 and Ravens and Angels, and other Stories and Parables, by Mrs. Charles Ravenshoe [Crimean War,'i9th Cent.], by H. Kingsley [M. M., v. 3] Ravensnest, or the Redskins, by James Fenimore Cooper Ray of Light to brighten Cottage Homes, by Mrs. H. S. Mackarness Raymond, by F. M. F. Skene [Quiver, v. 19] Raymond and Agnes, by Monk Lewis [Romancist and Nov. Lib.].. Raymond Frezols, a Strange Story of Pluck, Pith and Peradventure, [about Oil Wells], by A. Laurie [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12]. Raymond's Atonement, by Ernst Werner Raynham Farm, by M. R. Jarvis [Sunday at Home, v. 36] REA (Alice), Beckside Boggle and other Lake Country Stories READE (Charles, Barrister, &V., b. 1814, d. 1884), D.C.L. : Autobiography of a Thief 1424X Never too Late to Mend Christie Johnstone 1 765X Course of True Love 1423X Foul Play 1767X Also Once a Week, v. 18 2278 J Good Fight, &c 1424X Also Once a Week, v. 1 2261 J Griffith Gaunt 3399* Also Argosy, v. 1 ij Hard Cash 3397X Also All the Year Round, v. 9 1769J Jack of all Trades 1424X Also Harper's Monthly, v. 16 i59 6 J Love me little, Love me long 2103X READE (Mrs. Compton) : Sidonie 2292X [9B2] 198X 1114X I373J 732j 1416X 2033X 631X 2304X 2724X 2250X 1417X 1629J 595X 737J 2416X 2253X Peg Woffington Perilous Secret [T. B., v. 72] Put Yourself in His Place . . . Also Cornhill Magazine, v. 19. . Simpleton Also Harper's Mag., v. 45 Terrible Temptation [C. M.] Woman Hater Also Blackwood's Mag., v. 119 Harper's Mag., v. 53. . . N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. 2325X 594X 933J 322X I411Z 3289J 2282X 2962T 3286X 2886J 2I02X I425X 3396X 1 402 J 3398X 299J I420X 1625J 2343J I795X 189J 1633J Who was then the Gentleman? 3314X REA ENGLISH SECTION. REE Readings by Starlight, by George Manville Fenn [O. a W., v. 31].. 2291J Ready-Money Mortiboy, a Matter-of-Fact Story, by Besant and Rice 88 iX See also Once a Week, v. 26, 2286J. Real Queen, by R. E. Francillon [Time Magazine, v. 8] I49§J Realmah [Lake Dwellers], by Sir Arthur Helps [Macmillan, v. 17]. 947J RE ANY (Mrs. G. S., Religious Writer) : Found at Last, a Tale [Sunday at Home, v. 29] 2879J How the Home was Won Back 2433X Willie Wills' Wings [Sunday at Home, v. 35] 2885J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Reata, What's in a Name? by E. D. Gerard 3287X Rebecca Rioter, The, a Story of Killarney Life, by E. A. Dillwyn... 1607X Rebel of the Family, by E. Lynn Linton [Temple Bar, v. 58] 1388J Receipt, by F. Liardet [Tales by a Barrister] 1358X Recluse of Norway, by Anna M. Porter 2718X Recollections of an Equestrian Manager, by Charles W. Montague 1957J Rector of Oxbnrg, by J. B. Baynard 1539X Rector's Home, by Agnes Giberne 1677X Rectory and the Manor, by Mrs. Carey Brock 1227 and 2088X Rectory Children, by Mrs. Molesworth 3107X Rectory Guest, by Mrs. Grey 2591X Red as a Rose isShe, by Rhoda Broughton 55 2 ^ See also Temple Bar, v. 26, 1356J. Red Cloud, the Solitary Sioux, a Story of the Great Prairie, by Lieut. -Col. Butler 331X Red Court Farm, by Mrs. Henry Wood 15, 1957 and 3059X Red Eric, or the Whaler's Last Cruise, by R. M. Ballantyne 279X Red Fingered Cyril, or the Russian Prince and the Tartar Boy, by David Ker [Boys' Own Annual, v. 9] 2959J Red Gauntlet [Jacobite Conspiracies, 18th Century], by Sir Walter Scott 923 and 971X and 1096-8Z Red Man's Revenge, a Tale of the Red River Flood, by R. M. Ballantyne 280X See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 2, 2952 J. Red Riding Hood, a Novel, by Fanny E. Millett Notley 2188 and 3288X Red Rivington, by William Westall S92X Red Rooney, or the Last of the Crew, by R. M. Ballantyne 281X Red Rover, by James Fenimore Cooper 283, 310, 318 and 2551X Red Spider, by"S. Baring Gould 2220 and 3613X See also Temple Bar Magazine, v. 79, 1409J. •" Red Towers, by E. C. Price [All the Year Round, v. 61] 1821J REDDEN (H. P.), Fern Glen Farm 2240X Redeemed, by Shirley Smith 556X Redskins, or Indian and Injin, by James Fenimore Cooper 298X REED (Talbot Baines, Serial Writer for Boys) : A Dog with a Bad Name [Boys' Own Annual, v. 9] 2959J Master of the Shell, a Public School Story [Boys' Own An., v. 10] 2960J My Friend Smith [Boys' Own Annual, v. 5] 2955J Reginald Cruden, a Tale of City Life [Boys' Own Annual, v. 7] 2957J Sir Ludar, a Story of the Days of the Great Queen Bess [B.O.A.] 2961 J Willoughby Captains, a School Story [Boys' Own Annual, v. 6] 2956J [983] REF GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. RIC Refugees of the Black Forest [Leisure Hour, v. 2] 2612J Regent's Daughter, by Alexandre Dumas 632X Regimental Legends, by John Strange Winter [Mrs. Stannard] .... 2460X Reginald Cruden, a Tale of City Life, by Talbot Baines Reed 2957J Reginald Hetherege, by Henry Kingsley 1411X Reginald Warrender, or Days at Eton, by William H. G. Kingston 1302II REID (Captain Mayne, Irish Writer of Tales of Adventure among the American Indians, at Sea, &C., b. 1 81 8, d. 1883) : Boy Slaves 1768X Boy Tar 1771X Child Wife 3131X Cliff Climbers 1773X Death Shot 1781X Desert Home 2119X Flag of Distress 1798X Also Chambers' Journal, v. 51 ig52ja Forest Exiles 1782X Free Lances .. 3322X Giraffe Hunters 1774X Hunter's Feast 2722X Ocean Waifs 1776X Oceola [Chambers, v. 29] ... 1941J Quadroon. 1 777J Ran Away to Sea 1416X Rifle Rangers ... 2721X Scalp Hunters 2723 & 2926X The Plant Hunters 3405X War Trail 1785X Also Chambers' Journal, v. 27 1940J White Chief 1779X White Squaw 1784X Wild Huntress r 943j N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. EID (T. Wemyss), Gladys Fane 642 and 643X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Reigning Favourite, by Annie Thomas 3168X RELLSTAB (Louis), Polish Lancer [Napoleon in Russia, 1812] ... 2725X Remarkable Adventures [All the Year Round, v. 34] 1 794J Reminiscences of a Highland Parish, by Norman MacLeod [G. W.] 2174J Renounced Treasure, the [from the Swedish of Nicander], by William Howitt 2250X Rent in a Cloud [Germany, Italy, &c], by Charles Lever 747 and 758X See also All the Year Round, v. 11, 1771J. Reproach, of Annesley, by Maxwell Gray [Murray's Magazine, v. 4] 1464J Reputed Changeling, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 3 1 52X Rescued from Egypt [Exodus 149 1 B.C.], by A. L. O. E 424X Restored, by Emily Spender 2316X Return of the Native, by Thomas Hardy [Harper's Magazine, v. 56] 1636J Reuben Sachs [[ews in Modern Society, &c], by Amy Levy 3121X REUTER (Fritz, Serial Writer, &c.) : His Little Serene Highness [Living Age, v. 116] 3146J Seed-Time and Harvest, or During my Apprenticeship [L. A.]... 3138J Revelations of a Commonplace Man [Living Age, v. 32] 3062J Reverberator, The, by Henry James [Macmillan, v. 57] 987J Revolt of Man, by Walter Besant 203 and 2372X REYBAUD (Madame Charles), Old Convents of Paris 2726X Reynard the Fox, translated by Thomas Roscoe 2034X REYNOLDS (G. W. M.) : taffig Grace Darling 2256X | Pickwick Abroad 2225X Rhoda Fleming, by George Meredith 2587X RHODES (Albert), Monsieur at Home [about the French] 2090X BICE (James;. See Besant (Walter) and Rice (James). Rich Woman [Quiver, v. 22] 3292J [984] RIC ENGLISH SECTION. KIT Richard Cable, the Lightshipman, by S. Baring-Gould [Chambers] See also Living Age, v. 172, 3202J. RICHARDSON (Mary), Not very Kind [Christian World Mag., 1886] RICHARDSON (Samuel, Dramatist, 6rY.): Clarissa 877X | Sir Charles Grandison N.B.- -See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Richelieu [Manners of the 16th and 17th Century], a Tale of France, by George Payne Rainsford James Richer than Wealth RICHTER (Louise M.), Melita, a Turkish Love Story RIDDELL (Mrs. J. IL, Editor of " St. James' Magazine," 1867) : Above Suspicion 1801X I Mystery in Palace Gardens.. Alaric Spenceley 3302X Nun's Curse Berna Boyle 3123X City and Suburb 1788X Earl's Promise 1 790X Far above Rubies 2362X Joy after Sorrow I79 J X Life's Assize . . . , 1 793X Maxwell Drewitt 2161X Mitre Court [T. B., v. 7 si I 4°3J Riddle of Ivygreen [Once a Week, v. 21] RIDEING (William H.), Through the Desert Canon, or the Wildest of the Wild West [Boys' Own Annual, v. 4] Rienzi, the Last of the Roman Tribunes [14th Century], by Lord Lytton 215, 223 & Rifle Rangers, or Adventures in Southern Mexico, by Capt. M. Reid RIG-BY (Elizabeth [Lady Eastlake]), Livonian Tales N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Right Honourable, a Romance of Society and Manners, by Justin McCarthy and Mrs. Campbell Praed Righted Wrong, by Edmund Yates Ring and Coronet, a Story of Circus Life, by Arena Ring o' Bells, by George R. Sims Rip Van Winkle [Irving's Works, v. 5] Rise of Iskander, by Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield Rise of Silas Lapham, by William D. Howells See also Century Magazine, v. 7, 1877J. " RITA " ([Mrs. Eliza M. J. Gollan Von Booth], Popular Novelist) : Prince of Wales's Garden Party Princess Sunshine Race for Wealth Also Once a Week, v. 14 Senior Partner Struggle for Fame Too Much Alone After Long Grief and Pain 1986X An Autobiography 1426X Dame Durden 1622X Fragoletta 1625X Gretchen 2231X Also All the Year Round, v. 60 1820J RITCHIE (Leitch, Scottish Historical Novelist, b. Lady Nancye 3169 and My Lady Coquette Sinless Secret Two bad blue Eyes Vagabond Lover [801, d. 1865) Cheaterie Packman 2282X Game of Life.. 1428, 2727 & 2927X Magician, The 2929X Romance of History, [France] 1202X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author, [985] Schinderhannes Wearyfoot Common [Cham- bers' Journal, v. 21] Also Living Age, v. 41 Winter Evenings 1964J 255J 870X 2665X 2403X 2235X 1800X 3183X 1794X 3332X 1796X 2274J 1797X 3295X 1799X 2281J 2954J 2689X 2721X 2965X 3033X 1889X 1903X 3368X 6 57 X 144X 2431X 3223X 1985X 2405X 1623X 3312X 2728X I937J 3071J 1427X Kathleen's Handful [Girls' Own Annual, v. 1 1] 2561J Sydonie's Dowry 1745X RIT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. R03 RITCHIE (Mrs. Richmond). See Thackeray (Anne Isabella). Rival Crusoes, by William H. G. Kingston 161 and 679X Rival Heirs [Leisure Hour, v. 11] 2621J Rival Houses of theHobbs and Dobbs, by Crochet Crayon 2776X Rivals, The, and Tracey's Ambition, by Gerald Griffin 2595 and 2908X See also Boys' Own Annual, 2957 J. Rivers of Ice, illustrative of Alpine and Glacier Action [Moun- taineering, &c], by R. M. Ballantyne 455X Rob Roy, Adventures of [Jacobites, 18th Cent.], by James Grant ... 920X Rob Roy [Conspiracies of the Jacobites, 18th Cent., Clan Mac Gregor, Highlands, &c], by Sir Walter Scott... 895, 943, 2255X & 1099-1101Z Robber, The [Times of Charles II., 17th Cent.], by G. P. R. James 2658X Robbie and his Mother [Sunday at Home, v. 17] 2867J ROBBINS (Mrs. S. S., Serial Writer for Boys, 6fa) : Ben Morton, a Frontier Story [Boys' Own Annual, v. 2] 2952J Stephen Mitchell, a Florida Story [Leisure Hour, v. 27] 2637J Robert Elsmere, by Mrs. Humphrey Ward 1419, 2008 and 2468X Robert Falconer [Religious Belief, &c], by George Macdonald 1517X See also Argosy, v. 3, 3J. Robert Ord's Atonement, by Rosa Nouchette Carey 1807X Robert Wreford's Daughter, by E. J. Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton]... 1168X See also Christian World Magazine, 244J. ROBERTS (Miss Margaret) : Atelier Du Lys ' I537X Child of the Revolution... 3240X Hester's Venture I743X ROBERTSON (Margaret M.), Perils of Orphanhood, or Frederica and her Guardians 3063X ROBIN (Ellen Mary, Guernsey Author) : Daisy's Ear-ring [Guernsey Magazine, v. 9] 2389J Dreamland in the English Channel [Guernsey Magazine, v. 12]... 2392J On the Sark Cliffs [Guernsey Magazine, v. 18] 2398J Robin, by Mrs. Harriet Parr 500X See also Living Age, v. 152, 3182J. Temple Bar, v. 64, 1394J. Robin Goodfellow [" Home Treasury of Old Story Books "] 2863X Robin Hood and Little John [" Home Treas. of Old Story Books "].. 2863X Robin Hood, by J. B. Marsh 3009X Robin Hood, Story of, by W. Heaton 3010X Robin the Runner [Sunday at Home, v. 10] 2860J Robina Crusoe and her Lonely Island Home [Girls' Own An., v. 4]. 2554J ROBINSON (A. Mary F. [now Madame Darmesteter], Poetess, &c, b. 1857), Arden 1810X ROBINSON (F. Mabel), The Plan of Campaign 3390X ROBINSON (Frederick William, Popular Novelist, i860) : Christie's Faith i8r4X Mattie, a Stray ....; I § I ^ X Courting of Mary Smith ... 3184X Coward Conscience .'.... 1812X Disenchantment 173X Fair Maid 2150X Grandmother's Money 1818X Hands of Justice 1 806X In Bad Hands 2124X Lazarus in London 21 23X Little Kate Kirby [C. M.] 234 6J [986] Milly's Hero 1808X Owen, a Waif 1819X Poor Humanity 1821X Poor Zeph [G. M., v. 19].... 739j Second Cousin Sarah [CM.] 2348J Very Strange Family 3112X Woman's Ransom 1813X Women are Strange 1S05X ROB ENGLISH SECTION. ROM ROBINSON (Jane, Historical Novelist, &c.) : Owen Tudor 1803X | Whitehall... 2769X Whitefriars 2770 & 2928X | ROBINSON (Philip Stewart [Phil Robinson], War Correspondent of " Daily Telegraph" in Zuhtland,\S'c. i b. 1849), In my Indian Garden 1429X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner, by Daniel De Foe.. ..2254 and 2853X Rocky Mountain Sketches [Sunday at Home, v. 31] 2881J Roderick Random [Bombardment of Carthagena, 1741], by Tobias Smollett 1051, 1052 and 1053X Rodolphus, a Franconia Story, by Jacob Abbott [Harper, v. 4] 1584J Rody the Rover, or the Ribbonman, by William Carleton 1768Z ROE (Azel Stevens, Popular American Novelist, b. 1798) : I've been Thinking 1430X I Woman our Angel I 757^- Looking Round I756X | ROE (Rev. Edward P., Serial Writer, 6rV.) : Near to Nature's Heart 1 759X Opening of a Chestnut Burr.. 1762X What Can she Do 2239X A Face Illumined 1761X Barriers Burned Away ... 1764X From Jest to Earnest 2806X Nature's Serial Story 1648J Roger Kyffin's Ward, a Story of Adventure by Land and Sea, by William H. G. Kingston [Boys' Own Annual, v. 8] 2958J See also Leisure Hour, v. 20, 2630 J. Rogue, The, by W. E. Norris 3289X See also Temple Bar, v. 82, 1412J. Rogues and Vagabonds, by George R. Sims 3369X Roland Cashel [Italy, Ireland, &c], by Charles Lever 766X Roland Leigh, or the Story of a City Arab [Leisure Hour, v. 6] 2616J Roland Oliver, by Justin McCarthy 3333^ Roland Yorke [Sequel to The Channings], by Mrs. Henry Wood 3, 1525, 1528 and 1958X ROLLS (Eliza, Serial Writer, &c): In Another Man's Garden 258J | Organist of Henderley Church 255J Roman Singer, by F. Marion Crawford 2187 and 2418X Romance of a Mummy, by Theophile Gautier 2074X Romance of a Shop, by Amy Levy 1988X Romance of Agostini, a True Story of Modern Rome [L. A., v. 67]. 3097T Romance of History [France], by Leitch Ritchie 1202X Romance of History [Italy], by C. Macfarlane 1204X Romance of History [Spain], by Don I. De Trueba 1203X Romance of London, by John Timbs 1201X Romance of Matrimony, a Tale Founded on Fact [Poetical] 719M Romance of Real Life, by Charlotte Smith 1456X Romance of the Castle, by G. Haines [Romancist and Nov. Lib.].. 2281X Romance of the Nineteenth Century, by W. H. Mallock I377X Romance of Two Worlds, by Marie Corelli 3070X Romance of War, or the Highlanders in Spain [18th and 19th cen- turies], by James Grant 2585X [987] ROM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ROW Romeo and Juliet, or, the Lovers of Verona, by Matteo Bandello ... 2281X ROMER (Isabella F., English Authoress, d. 1 851), Stunner A Tale of Mesmerism and other Sketches from Life] 143 iX Romola [Savonarola, 15th Century], by George Eliot 3056X See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 6, 286J. Harper's Monthly, v. 25, 1605J. RONILE (Louisa), Via Cruris 1815X Rookstone, by Katherine S. Macquoid [Leisure Hour, v. 20] 2630J Rookwood. [Gipsies, Dick Turpin, &c], by William H. Ainsworth.. 72X Root of all Evil, by Florence Marryat [now Mrs. F. Lean] 3290X Rory O'More [South of Ireland], by Samuel Lover 2805X Rosalind and Felicia, or The Sisters, by Author of " Historical Pic- tures of the Middle Ages " 2167X Rosanna [Examples of Content, &c], by Maria Edgeworth 2444X ROSCOE (Thomas, Author and Translator, b. 1791, d. 1871) : German Novelists 1206X j Spanish Novelists 1205X Italian Novelists I207X N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this author. Rose and the Key [All the Year Round, v. 25] 1785J Rose and the Ring, by William Makepeace Thackeray 1086 and 1099X Rose Bush, The [Advantages of Religion], by C. Von Schmid 850Z Rose d'Albert [Manners, 16th Century], by George P. R. James 702 & 2652X Rose in Bloom, by Louisa May Alcott [sequel to " Eight Cousins"] 247X Rose in June, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 1406X See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 29, 309J. Living Age, v. 121, 3151J. Rose Mervyn of Whitelake, by Anne Beale 1542X Rosery Folk, by George M. Fenn [Chambers' Journal, v. 6c] 1960J Roses and Thorns, or Five Tales of the Start in Life I433 x Roses on the Brink, by William Sawyer [Once a Week, v. 34] 2294J ROSETTI (C. G.)» Strange Journey [Egypt and Soudan] 604X Rosine, Story of the Red Revolution, by G. J. Whyte Melville 818X Roslyn's Trust, by Lucy C. Lillie 3 I0 3 X Roughing It [Silver Mining in Nevada, &c], by Mark Twain 2331X Roumanian Fairy Tales and Legends 2757X Round about my Garden, by Francis Cowley Burnand 582X Round the Galley Fire, by W. Clark Russell 3227X Round the Moon [Sequel to " From the Earth to the Moon "], by Jules Verne 101 8X Roundabout Papers, by William Makepeace Thackeray ....1084 and 1097X See also Cornhill Magazine, v. i, 281 J. ROUSSELET (Louis, Writer for Boys, &*c.) : Drummer Boy, a Story of the Days of Washington [B.O. A., v. 5] 2955J Son of the Constable of France [Rome, Pirates, &c, 1605] 344^ The Tigerskin, a Story of Central India [Boys' Own An., v. 6] ... 2956J Two Cabin Boys, a Story of Adventure by Land and Sea [B.O. A.] 2954J Rover of the Andes, a Tale of Adventure in South America [Bandits, Savages, Turtles, &c] by R. M. Ballantyne 456X ROWCROFT (Charles, Descriptive Novelist, &V., b. 1844) : Confessions of an Etonian. 2733X I Emigrant in Search of a Colony 2732X ROWLATT (R.), Entranced with a Dream 527X [988] ROX ENGLISH SECTION. SAI Roxy, by Edward Eggleston [Scribner's Monthly Magazine, v. 15]... 1865J Royal Highlanders, by James Grant 965X Royal Law, by Charlotte Mason [Sunday at Home, v. 36] 2886 J Roy'S Wife, by G. J. Whyte Melville 843X See also Gentleman's Magazine, v. 20, 740J. RUFFINI (John, Serial Writer, 6v.) : Carlino [Living A., v. 104] 3134J | Vincenzo [Macmillan, v. 6]. 936J RUNCIMAN (James), Grace Balmayn's Sweetheart 3250X Running" Free, a Boating Adventure in the Shetland Isles, by Jessie M. E. Saxby [Boys' Own Annual, v. 8] 2958J Rupert Godwin, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 178X RUSKIN (John, Art Critic, b. 18 19) : [This Author's Tales, Sketches and other Works of Fiction, being charac- teristic, will be found under the name of Author and title of work in the General Catalogue.] RUSSELL (Dora, Novelist, &*c.) : Croesus' Widow 2234X | Strange Message 3294X RUSSELL (William Clark, Writer of Novels descriptive of the Mer- cantile Marine, Adventures, Voyages, drc. ) : Little Loo 1653X Marooned [Macmilln., v. 59] 989J My Shipmate Louise [C. J.] 1967J My Watch Below 1664 & 2370X On the Fo'k'sle Head 3226X Round the Galley Fire 3227X Sailor's Sweetheart 1657X Sea Queen 1658X Strange Voyage 3228X Wreck of the Grosvenor 1660X Russell [a Tale of the Reign of Charles II.], by G. P. R. James ... 2649X Russian Gipsy, or the Palace of Ice, by Alexandre Dumas 4 T 9X Russian Proprietor and other Stories, by Count Lyof N. Tolstoi 3092X Russian Stories, Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar, by Hodgetts. 1890 3402X Ruth, and other Tales, by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell 493 and 494X RYE (John [John Oates], Principal of Elizabeth College, Guernsey), M.A., Kirby-in-the-Dale [a Tale of Yorkshire].. 186, 2012 and 2140X An Ocean Free Lance 1655X Death Ship 3167X Frozen Pirate 3166 & 3224X In the Middle Watch 3225X Jack's Courtship 1662X Also Longman's Mag., v. 3 893 J Jeremy York [C. J., v. 66] 1966J John Holdsworth 1650X Lady Maud 1652X Also Fraser's Mag., v. 105 . . 715J OABINA Zembra, by William Black 2021X Sacristan's Household, a Story of Lippe-Detmold, by Frances M. Trollope [Saint Paul's Magazine, v. 2] 1162F Sad Bird of the Adriatic, by H. Tuckerman[Rom. and Nov. Library] 2280X Saddle and Sabre [Steeplechases, The Army, &c], by Hawley Smart. 3291X SADLER (S. Whitchurch), Adventures on the Spanish Main 2955J Sage of Sixteen, by L. B. Walford 3106X Sailor Hero, or the Frigate and the Lugger, by Captain Armstrong... 443X Sailor's Daughter [Quiver, v. 16] 3294J T989] SAI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SAN Sailor's Sweetheart [Wreck of the Waldershare\ by W. C. Russell... 1657X Saint and Sybil, a Story of Old Kew, by C. L. Pirkis 598X St. Beetha's, or the Heiress of Arne, by Worboise [Mrs. Guyton] .... 1181X St. George and St. Michael [Worcester Fight, 165 1, Roundheads and Royalists, &c], by George Macdonald 1541X St. George for England [Cressy and Poitiers], by George Alfred Henty 1687X St. George's Cross, or England above All, an Episode of Channel Island History, by H. Keene 1332, 2443 and 301 7X See also Guernsey Magazine, v. 14, 2394J. St. Giles and St. James [a Tale, or Sketch comparing the Higher and Lower Classes], by Douglas Jerrold 715X and 789R See also Living Age, v. 4, 3034J. St. James's [Time of Queen Anne, 18th Century], an Historical Romance, by William Harrison Ainsworth 58X ST. JOHN (Bayle, Journalist, b. 1822, d, 1859), Maretimo 1937J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. St. Martin's Eve, by Mrs. Henry Wood 21, 35 and 1960X St. Olave's, by Miss Tabor 2467X SAINT-PIERRE (J. H. Bernardin de, French Novelist, b, 1737, d. 1814), Paul and Virginia [a Tale of Virtue and Constancy], 2849X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. St. Ronan's Well, by Sir Walter Scott 921, 969, 1008X and 1048-50Z St. Vedas, by Anna Swan 3188X St. Winifred's [a School Tale], by Frederick William Farrar 887X SAINTINE (X. B. [Joseph Xavier Boniface], French Dramatist, &*c.) : Beatrice, or The Unknown Relatives 2739X Modern Accomplishments, or the March of Intellect 2738X Modern Flirtations, or a Month at Harrogate 2741X Modern Society, or the March of Intellect 2740X [9951 SIN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SLI Single Heart and Doubleface 2115X Singlehurst Manor, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guy ton] ... 814X Singular Case [Living Age, v. 156] 3186J Sinless Secret, a Romance of the Franco-Prussian War, by " Rita " 2405X Sir Andrew Wylie of that Ilk [a Scotch Tale], by John Gait 1991X Sir Brooke Fossbroke [an Irish Tale], by Charles Lever 99 and 756X See also Living Age, v. 85, 31 15 J. Sir Charles Danvers [Temple Bar, v. 86] i4 IO J Sir Charles Grandison, by Samuel Richardson 870X Sir Gibbie, a Scottish Tale, by George Macdonald 1532X See also Living Age, v. 139, 3169J. Sir Harry Hotspur, or Humble and Private, by Anthony Trollope.... 1101X See also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 22, 952 J. Sir Jasper Carew, his Life and Experiences, by C. Lever 743, 1447 and 2673X Sir Jasper's Tenant, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell]... 166X See also Temple Bar Magazine, v. 13, 1343J. Sir Jocely n's Cap, by Walter Besant and H. Pollock 784X See also Longman's Magazine, v. 5, 895 J. Sir Julian's Wife, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guy ton] 1184X See also Family Friend Magazine, 1865, 726R. Sir Launcelot Greaves, by Tobias Smollett 1059X Sir Ludar, a Story of the Days of the Great Queen Bess, by Talbot Baines Reed [Boys' Own Annual, v. 11] _ 2961J Sir Philip Hetherington, by Lady Lyons 1364X Sir Percival, by J. Henry Shorthouse 3335^ Sir Roland Ashton, a Tale of the Times, by Lady C. Long 1365X Sir Theodore Broughton, or Laurel Water, by George Payne Rains- ford James 686, 701 and 2661X Sissie, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] XI 93X Sister Anna's Probation, by Harriet Martineau [Living Age, v. 73] 3103J Sister Anne [by Marian James] [Living Age, v. 46] 3°76J Sister Louise, or the Story of a Woman's Repentance, by G. J. W. Melville S33X Sister Mary, a Public School Story, by Hope [Boys' O. Ann., v. 11] 2961J Sister Ursula, by Lucy Warden Bearne [Christian World M., 1883] 252J Sister's Love, A [Girls' Own Annual, v. 1] 2551 J Sisters of Duesbury Dee, by Agnes Giberne [Quiver, v. 21] 3291J Six Months at the Cape, or Letters to Periwinkle from South Africa [Diamond Fields, Kaffirs, &c], by R. M. Ballantyne 459X Six to Sixteen, by Juliana Horatia Ewing 656X SKENE (F. M. F., Serial Writer about 1843) : Still and Deep [Quiver, v. 18] 3288J Tried, a Tale [Quiver, v. 14] 3284J More than Conqueror 3291 J One Life Only [Quiver]... 3287J Raymond [Quiver, v. 19] 3289J Sketch Book [Broken Heart, &c], by Washington Irving. 657, 669 and 670X Sketches by " Boz," by Charles Dickens 348, 390 and 2933X SKETCHLEY (Arthur [Rev. G. Rose]), Brown Papers 2972X Slave Captain's Escape [Boys' Own Annual, v. 3] 2953J Slaves of Paris, by Emile Gaboriau 1987X SLICK (Sam) See Halliburton (Thomas Chandler). Slings and Arrows, by Hugh Conway 2294X Slip in the Fens [Living Age, v. i'6] 3H6J [996] SMA ENGLISH SECTION. SOL SMALL (William), Village Blacksmith [Argosy, v. 47] 47J Small Beer Chronicles [All the Year Round, v. 8] 1 768 J Small House at Allington, by Anthony Trollope 1048 and 1116X See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 6, 286J. Harper's Magazine, v. 25, 1605J. SMART (Hawley, Society and Sporting Novelist ', 6-Y.) : Breezie Langton 1996X Courtship in 1 720 and in i860 1825X False Start 3*79X Great Tontine 2297X Hard Lines 1827X Master of Rathkelle 3H4 X Outsider 3178X Race for a Wife [Tem. Bar] 1358J Saddle and Sabre 3291X Social Sinners 1989X Sunshine and Snow 2019X SMEDLEY (Francis Edward, b. 1818, d. 1864) : Harry Coverdale's Courtship 1050, 1453 & 2743X Lewis Arundel 2207X Fortunes of the Colville Family 1455^ Frank Fairleigh 1454 & 2742X SMITH (Alexander, Scotch Poet, b. 1830, d. 1867), Alfred Hagart's Household [Good Words, v. 6] 2176J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. SMITH (Agnes), Glenmavis [a Society Tale] 1830X SMITH (Mrs. Castle). See Brenda. SMITH (Charlotte, Poet, &*t. , b. 1749, d. 1806), Romance of Real Life 1456X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. SMITH (Miss Hannah). See Stretton (Hesba). SMITH (Horace, Poet, &c, b. 1779, d. 1849) : Adam Brown 1459X | Brambletye House 1458X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. SMITH (Mrs. M. E.), Pity of It [Society, Politics, &c] 589X SMITH (Shirley, Novelist, &c) : His Last Stake 1909 & 2025X | Redeemed 556X SMOLLETT (Tobias G., Historian, &*c t b. 1721, d. 1771) : Adventures of an Atom... 1061X I Peregrine Pickle, &c 1053X Count Fathom, &c 1057X Roderick Random... 1051 and 1063X Humphrey Clinker.. 1061 & 1064X | Sir Launcelot Greaves 1059X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Smuggler, The, by George Payne Rainsford James 2625 and 2655X Smugglers and Foresters, by Rosa Mackenzie Kettle 1371X Smuggling Adventure, by the Rev. A. N. Malan [B. Own An. v. 10] 2960J SMYTHIES (Mrs. Yarick), Breach of Promise 27S6X Snarleyyow, or the Dog Fiend, by Capt. Fred. Marryat 795, 802 and 2325X Snatched from Prison Doors, by Emma Leslie [G. Own An., v. 4] 2554T Snow-Bound at Eagle's, by Bret Harte 2170X Snow Idyll, by William Black [Good Words, v. 30] 2200J Snow Image, and other Twice Told Tales, by Nathaniel Hawthorne 2893X Snow- Shoes and Canoes, or the Early Days of a Fur Trader in the Hudson Bay Territory, by William H. G. Kingston 706X So as by Fire, an Irish Tale 559^ So Runs the World away, by Mrs. A. C. Steele [Once a Week, v. 20] 2280J Social Sinners [Racing, &c], by Hawley Smart 1989X Soldier Born, A, or the Adventures of a Subaltern of the 95th in the Crimea and Indian Mutiny, by Major Percy Groves 47 iX [997] SOL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SPR Soldier of Fortune, by Henry Curling 2562X Soldier's Fortune [Tales of First French Revolution], by Anne Marsh 1368X Soldier's Story, by C. M. Archibald [Boys' Own Annual, v. 9] 2959J Soldiers' Stories and Sailors' Yarns, a Book of Mess-table Drollery, Reminiscences Picked up Ashore and Afloat, by Officers, Naval, Military and Medical 1461X Soldiers Three, Stories by Rudyard Kipling 3389X Some of our Fellows, a School Story, by Rev. T. S. Millington 2952J Some One Else, by B. M. Croker 3°79 x Something' to his Advantage, by Rev. T. S. Millington [L. H., 36] 2646J Something to Read, Vol. L, comprising seven complete Stories by Mrs. Henry Wood 2323X Something to Read, Vol. II., comprising seven complete Stories, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] .., 2324X Son Christopher, an Historiette, by Harriet Martineau [O. a W. , v. 9] 2269J Son of his Father, by Mrs. Oliphant 3146X Son of the Constable of France, or the Adventures of Jean De Bourbon, by William II. G. Kingston 344X Son of the Soil, by Mrs. Oliphant [Macmillan's Magazine, v. 9] 939J See also Living Age, v. 80, 3110J. Sons and Daughters [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 147] 2I 7j Sophy, or the Adventures of a Savage, by Violet Fane 568X See also Time Magazine, v. 3, 1493J. South Sea Whaler, a Story of the Loss of the Champion and the Adventures of her Crew, by William H. G. Kingston 707X SOUVESTRE (Emije, French Novelist, b. 1806, d. 1854), Brittany and La Vendee, Tales and Sketches 1462X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Sow Well and Reap Well, Book for the Young, by T. S. Arthur 452X Sowers not Reapers, by Harriet Martineau 780X Sower's Reward [Leisure Hour, v. 19] 2629J Spanish Match, or Charles Stuart at Madrid [Religious Persecutions, 16th Century], by William Harrison Ainsworth 68X. Spanish Novelists, translated from the Originals, with Critical and Biographical Notice by Thomas Roscoe 1205X Speculations, or the Glen Luna Family, by Amy Lothrop 2674X SPEIGHT (Thomas W., Serial Writer, &*c.) : Mysteries of Heron Dyke ... 29J Old Way and the New [C. J.] 1964J One Woman's History [C. J.] 196 ij Two Days in a Lifetime l 9&i] Brought to Life [C. J., 43] 1948J Dead Reckoning [C. J., 66] 1966J For Himself Alone [L. A.] 3186J Mr. Esholt's Young Wife.. 1965J SPENCE (Caroline Ellen), Author's Daughter 1833X SPENDER (Emily), Restored [a Tale of Cornwall] 2316X SPENDER (Mrs. John Kent. Novelist, &V.) : Gabrielle de Bourdaine ... 521 X | Lady Hazleton's Confessions 1512J Spendthrift, a Tale of 1782, by William Harrison Ainsworth 71 and 2506X SPETTIGUE (Jane H.), The Gregors., a Cornish Story 2130X Spiders of Society, by Florence Marryat [now Mrs. Lean] 3293X Splendid Spur [Civil Wars, 1642-3, &c], by Hall Caine 3140X Spoilt Guy, the Story of a Child, by Darley Dale [Sunday Magazine] 2469J Spring Comedies [Various Stories], by Lady Barker 1216X [998] ;SPR ENGLISH SECTION. STE Springliaven, by Richard Dodridge Blackmore 2059X See also Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 72, 1652J. Spuytenduyvel Chronicle [an American Tale] 1463^ .Spy [American War of Independence, 1775-84], a Tale of the Neutral Ground, by James Fenimore Cooper 291, 316 and 2557X Squire Arden, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant I59 J ^ 'Squire Lisle's Bequest, by Anne Beale [Leisure Hour, v. 30] 2640J Squire of Sandal Side, by Amelia E. Barr 1883X Squire's Legacy, by Mary Cecil Hay 2203X -STABLES (Gordon, Serial Writer for Boys, &c.) : Cruise of the Snowbird [Boys' Own Annual, v. 3] 2953J Family of Boys, and How they were Started in Life [C. F. M.]... 2363J For England, Home, and Beauty, a Tale of the Navy, Ninety Years Ago [Boys' Own Annual, v. 10] 2960J Man in a Million, a Tale of the Indian Ocean [C. F. M., v. 15].. 2364J On Special Service, a Naval Story [Boys' Own Annual, v. 7] 2957J Our Home in the Silver West, a Story of Struggle and Adventure 2962J Stanley O'Grahame, Boy and Man [Boys' Own Annual, v. 5] 2 955j Wild Adventures round the Pole, or the Cruise of the Arrandoon. 2954J STAEL-HOLSTEIN (Mdme.de, Swiss Writer, b. 1766, d. 1817), Delphine [a Correspondence during the French Revolution, 1790] 1270X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Stanley Brereton, by William Harrison Ainsworth 59X :Stanley O'Grahame, Boy and Man, by Gordon Stables [B. O. A., 5] 2955J iStar Chamber, The [Days of James L, 17th Century], by William Harrison Ainsworth 8 1 X •Star of the Settlement, Tale of the Diamond Fields, by Verne. 2957J and 2035X ;Starling', a Scotch Story, by Norman Macleod 2031X — See also Good Words, v. 8, 2178J. Living Age, v. 93, 3123J. Steam-House (1) Demon of Cawnpore ; (2) Tigers and Traitors, by Jules Verne 1044X ■STEBBING (Grace, Serial Writer for the Young, &c.) : Brave Geordie, the Story of an English Boy 2820X Provide Things Honest, or Those two young Hills [G. O .A., v. 3] 2553J STEELE (Mrs. A. C), So runs the World away [Once a Week, v. 20] 2280J .Steep Tarpeian Death [Boys' Own Annual, v. 3] 2953J Stella, by Leslie Keith [Keith Johnstone] [Time Magazine, v. 8] 1498J Step in the Dark, by Kate Eyre [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 13]... 2362J "Step-Mother, The, by George Payne Rainsford James 2645X •Stephen Akroyd's Guerdon, by J. Jackson Wray [Quiver, v. 22] 3292J Stephen Archer, and other Tales, by George Macdonald 1540X Stephen Mainwaring's Wooing, with other Fireside Tales, by Emily S. Holt 2072X Stephen Mitchell, a Florida Story, by S. S. Robbins [L. H., v. 27]. 2637J •STEPHENS (Mrs. A. S., American Authoress, 1831), Fashion and Famine, an American Tale 2745X Stepping Heavenward, by Elizabeth Prentiss 2017 and 2866X iStern Chase, A, by Mrs. Cashel Hoey [All the Year Round, v. 56].. 1816J .STERNE (Lawrence, Divine and Humourist, b. 17 13, d. 1768) : Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman... 165T, 1464 & 2253X Sentimental Journey through France and Italy 1465X N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. [999] S TE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. STO Steven Lawrence, Yeoman, by Mrs. Annie Edwards [T. B., v. 20].. 1350J STEVENS (John), Paul, the Spanish Sharper 2280X STEVENSON (Robert Louis, Miscellaneous Writer, &c.) : Black Arrow 2290X Dynamiter 3 22 9 x Master of Ballantrae.3iio& 3270X Merry Men 3274X Prince Otto [Longman, v. 5] 895J Strange Case of Ur. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 2226X Treasure of the Franchard... 89 1 J N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. STEWART (Andrew), One False Step 3330X: STEWART (Miss E. M.), Lillias Davenant [a Tale of Derbyshire].. 2744X Stiffnecked Generation, by L. B. Walford 3*54^ See also Blackwood, v. 143, 213J. Still and Deep, by F. M. F. Skene [Quiver, v. 18] 3288J STIRLING- (M. C), Grahams of Invermoy [Scotch Highlands] ... 1839X STIRLING (M. C.) and CRAIK (G. M.), Two Tales of Married Life, Hard to Bear and A True: Man 1836 and 2819X Stirring 1 Stories of Peace and War by Sea and Land [Chinese Gordon, Paul Jones, Siege of Gibraltar, &c.]. by J. Macaulay 3044X. STOCKTON (Frank R.), Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine [Century Magazine, v. 10] 18S2J STODDART (JaneT.), In Cheviot Glens [a Scotch Tale] 2365X STONE (William L.), Tales and Sketches [Witch Tales, &c] 1468X Stone Edge, by Lady Verney [Cornhill Magazine, v. 15] 295J Stork's Nest, or Pleasant Reading from the North, collected by J ohn Fulford Vicary 2093X Stories from the History of Italy, by Anne Manning 2966X Stories of an Old Bohemian Life 650X Stories of English and Foreign Life, by William and Mary Howitt.. 2475X Stories of Old England, by George E. Sargent 2940X Stories of the Canadian Forest, or Little Mary and her Nurse [Squirrels, Snakes, Indians, &c], by Mrs. Traill 2859X Stories of the Magicians, by Alfred J. Church 2351X Stories of the Wild West, by Ascott R. Hope [Every Boy's Annual] 1308H Stories of Vinegar Hill, by Elizabeth Wetherell 1647X Stories of Waterloo [the French Empire, 1815], by W. H. Maxwell 2703X Storm of Life, by Hesba Stretton [Miss H. Smith] [G. W., v. 17]... 2187J Stormy Waters, by Robert Buchanan 2291X Story of a City Arab [The Poor, &c], by George E. Sargent 2942X Story of a Clever Young Man [Leisure Hour, v. 7] 26 1 7 J Story of a Diamond, by Miss M. L. Whately [Leisure Hour, v. 16] 2626J Story of a Family [Living Age, v. 17] 3047} Story of a Happy Little Girl [a Tale for Children] 2865X Story of a Haunted House, by Holme Lee [Living Age, v. 54] 3084J Story of a Needle, by A. L. O. E. [Miss Tucker] 2401X Story of a Pocket Bible [Sunday at Home, v. 3] 2253J Story of a Strange Marriage, by Helen Falconer 3352X Story of an African Farm, by Ralph Iron. 1 890 3383X Story of Anne Maturin, by Mrs. Oliphant [Scribner's Mag., v. 11] 1861J Story of Carnival, by Mary A. M. Hoppus [Mrs. Alfred Marks] 616X Story of Charles Strange, by Mrs. Henry Wood [Argosy, v. 45] 45T Story of Elizabeth, by William M. Thackeray [Cornhill Mag., v. 6] 286J [1000] STO ENGLISH SECTION. STR Story of Farquharson of Inverey, by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder 2250X Story of Helen Troy, an American Tale 2846X Story of Jael, by Baring-Gould [English Illustrated Magazine, v. 5]... I995J Story of Marie Dumont, by Lady Pollock [Temple Bar Mag., v. 63] 1393J Story of Martha Guinnis and Her Son, by Mrs. Crowe 2250X Story of Penelope, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] 1163X Story of Sevenoaks, by J. G. Holland [T. Titcomb] [Scribner, v. 9] 1859J Story of the Crooked Sixpence [Leisure Hour, v. 9] 2619J Story of the Faith in Hungary [Sunday at Home, v. 14] 2864J Story of the Mine [Sunday Magazine] 2457J Story of the Plebiscite, told by one of the 7,500,000 who voted Yes [Franco-German War, 19th Century], by Erckmann-Chatrian 2092X See also Cornhill Magazine., v. 24, 304J. Living Age, v. 112, 3T42J. Story of Valentine and his Brother, by Mrs. Oliphant [Blackwood, 115] 185J See also Living Age, v. 120, 3150J. Story of Waterleigh Mill [Once a Week, v. 13] 2273J Story of Yves, by {Catherine S. Macquoid [Macmillan's Mag., v. 42] 972J See also Living Age, v. 147, 3177J. STOWE (Mrs. Harriet Beecher, American Novelist, b. 1 81 2) : Pearl of Orr's Island 2747X Poganuc People 1746X Uncle Tom's Cabin ...1469 & 1470X We and our Neighbours 243J N.B.- — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Agnes of Sorrento[Cornh.] 283J Captain Kidd's Money ... 1751X Dred 1472X Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin 147 iX Minister's Wooing, The... 1628X Old town Folks .."....2392 & 1519X Straight to the Mark [Leisure Hour, v. 28] 2638J Strange Adventures of a House-boat, by William Black 126 iX Strange Adventures of a Phaeton, by William Black 5°5^ See also Living Age, v. 112, 3142J. Macmillan's Magazine, v. 25, 955J. See also the sequel, Green Pastures and Piccadilly, 507X. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, by Robert L. Stevenson 2226X Strange Chapman, a North of England Story, by W. Marshall 1709X Strange Disappearance, by A. K. Green , 3208X Strange Journey, or Pictures from Egypt and the Soudan, by Rossetti 604X Strange Message, a Scotch Story, by Dora Russell 3294^ Strange Story [Illustrative of Animal, Human and Spiritual Nature], a Romance, by Lord Lytton 214X See also All the Year Round, v. 5, 1765J. Strange Trip Abroad, by Ascott R. Hope [Boys' Own Ann., v. 9] 2959J Strange Voyage, by Dora Russell 3228X Strange Waters, by R. E. Francillon [All the Year Round, v. 38]... 1798J Strange World, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 185X Stranger in a Strange Land [Mesmerism, &c], by Lady Clay 503X Stranger than Fiction, by Joseph Hatton [Gent. Mag., v. 8, n.s.].. 728J, Stranger within the Gates, by Edward Garrett [Quiver, v. 29] 3299J Strangers and Pilgrims, by M. E. Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] 177X Strangest Journey of my Life, by F. Pigot 201 iX Strapmore [Parody on " Strathmore "], by Francis Cowley Burnand 584X Strathmore, or Wrought by his own Hand, by Ouida[L.DeLaRame] 846X Strathrowan, a Tale of Modern Life, by M. H 1897X Streaked with Gold, by R. E. Francillon [Gent. Mag., v. 15, N.S,] 735J. [1001J STR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SUM STRETTON (Hesba [Miss Hannah Smith], Popular Novelist) : Alone in London 1629X Bede's Charity [R.T.S.] ... 2089X Also Sunday at Home, v. 19 2869J Carola 2317X Cobwebs and Cables 2185X Also Sunday Magazine, v. 17 2467 J Crew of the Dolphin 2337X David Lloyds Last Will.. 2313X Also Leisure Hour, v. 18 2628 J Doctor's Dilemma 1466X Also Cassell's Magazine, v. 5 2345 J Hester Morley's Promise.. 2347J In Prison and Out [S. M.] 2465J Jessica's First Prayer 2338X King's Servants 2339X Last of Her Line . . .*. 2447X Little Meg's Children 1631X Little Miss Primrose 2440X Max Kromer [Leis. H.,v. 20] 2630J Mrs. Burton's Best Bedroom 1624X No Place like Home 2340X Also Sunday at Home, v. 28 . . 2878J Pilgrim Street 2335X Storm of Life [G. W., v. 17] 2187J Thorny Path 2241X Also Sunday at Home, v. 26 2876J Through a Needle's Eye 2336X Also Sunday Magazine, v. 14. . 2464J N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Stretton, by Henry Kingsley 1407X STRICKLAND (Miss Jane Margaret, Historical Writer, &c± t Sister of Agnes), Adonijah [Jewish Dispersion] 1467X Strictly Tied Up [by Right Hon. A. J. B. B. Hope] 1842X Strife and Peace, or Scenes in Norway, by Fredrika Bremer 2522X Stronger than Death, by Evelyn E. Green [Cassell's Fam. Mag., 13] 2363J Stronger than Fate, by M. B. Whiting [Sunday Magazine, v. 17] ... 2474J Stronger Will, by Evelyn Everett Green [Cass. Fam. Mag., v. 16]. 2365J Struggle for Fame, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell 3295X Struggle in Ferrara, by W. Gilbert [Sunday Magazine, v. 6] 2456J Struggles of Able Strong, by Frith [Cassell's Family Mag., v. 15]... 1365J Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson, by Trollope [Cornhill, 4] 284J STUART (G. B.), Closer than a Brother [All Year Round, v. 61] ... 1821 \ Studies for Stories, from Girls' Lives, by Jean Ingelow 2343X Studies from Life, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] 2184 and 2813X STURGIS (Julian R., Serial Writer, &°C.) : Accomplished Gentleman. 2116X Comedy of a Country House [Murray, v. 5] ... 146 5 J Dick's Wandering 60 1 X Thraldom [Longman's Maga- zine, v. 10] 900J Sturmer, a Tale of Mesmerism and other Sketches from Life, by Isabella F. Romer I43 iX Subaltern, The [Peninsular War, 1813, &c], by Gleig H73^ Success and how he Won it, by E. Werner 3°75 x Such a Good Man, by Walter Besant and James Rice 885X Sukie's Boy, a Story of Trials and Rewards, by Tytler [S. M., v. 3]. 2460J See also Living Age, v. 119, 3149J. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life, by Mrs. Whitney 1904X Summer Rest, by Gail Hamilton [Mary A. Dodge] 1 3 1 2X Summer Snow, by Sarah Tytler 2800X .SUMMERLY (Felix [Henry Cole], Editor of Historical Register, Journal of Design, &c, b. 1808, d. 1882), and MERTON (A.), Eds., Home Treasury of Old Story Books 2863X Jack the Giant-Killer. Little Red Riding-Hood. Jack and the Bean- stalk. Beauty and the Beast. Dick Whittington and his Cat. Sleeping Beauty in the Wood. Puss in Boots. Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper. Guy, Earl of Warwick. Friar Bacon. King and the Cobbler. The Princess Rosetta. Robin Goodfellow. Golden Locks. Eagle's Verdict, &c. Ballads.— Chevy Chase. Robin Hood and Little John. Blind Beggar's Daughter of Bethnal Green. Babes in the Wood. Death of Fair Rosamond. [1002] SUN ENGLISH SECTION. SYM Sunbeam of the Factory, a True Story [Girls' Own Annual, v. 2] ... 2552J Sunday Evenings at Northcourt, by G. E. Sargent [S. at H., v. 15]. 2865T second series, by G. E. Sargent [Sun. at Home, v. 19J. 2869J Sunny Fields and Shady Woods, by A. De Gasparin 1400X Sunrise, by William Black , 3054X Sunshine and Cloud [Chambers' Journal, v. 54] I954J Sunshine and Snow, by Hawley Smart 2019X Supernatural Stories. See Timbs' Romance of London, 1201X, &c. Surgeon's Daughter [Times of George III., 18th Century], by Sir Walter Scott 936, 984 and 1003X Surly Bob [a Tale for Boys] [Quiver, v. 8] 3288J Surrender, by Leslie Keith [Keith Johnston] 1671 and 3353X Survivors of the Chancellor ■, Diary of J. R. Razallon, Passenger, by Jules Verne 1013X Susan Fielding, by Mrs. Annie Edwardes [Temple Bar, v. 25] I355J Susan Hopley, or the Adventures of a Maid Servant, by Mrs. Crowe 2561X Sutherlands [a Midland County Family], by Theodore' Hook 1328X SUTTER (Julie), When the Sea gives up its Dead [Sunday Mag.].. 2469J SWAN (Anna, Novelist, &c.) : Briar and Palm 3186X 1 St. Vedas 3188X GatesofEden 3187X | Sheila 3185X Swedish. Tales and Traditions. See Thorpe's Yule Tide Stories, 1486X. Sweet and Twenty, by Mabel and Frances Collins I9£4X Sweet Anne Page, by Mabel Collins 612X Sweet Christabel, by Arabella M. Hopkinson[Cas. Fam. Mag., v. 10] 2360J Sweet Nelly, My Heart's Delight, by Walter Besant and Jas. Rice... 883X Sweet will be the Flower, by Haycraft [Christian World, 1886] 255J Sweetheart and Wife, by Lady Howard 1292X SWIFT (Jonathan, Dean of St. Patrick's, b. 1667, d. 1745) : Gulliver's Travels 1477X | Tale of a Tub 1476X Swiss Family Robinson [by J . R. Von Wyss] 2808X Swiss Sojourn, a Little, by William D. Howells [Harper's, v. 76]... 1656J Sword and Gown, by George Alfred Lawrence [Fraser's Mag., v. 59] 669J Sword of Damocles, or Memoirs of a Successful Family, by Percy Fitzgerald [Once a Week, v. 22] 2282J Sybil, or The Two Nations [Chartists, 19th Century], by the Earl of Beaconsfield , 135, 139, 145, 2566 and 2886X Sybil Lennard, by Mrs. Grey 2594X Sybil's Book, a Story for Girls, by Lady Barker 2848X Sybil's Second Love, by Julia Kavanagh 2083X Sydonie's Dowry, a French Tale, by Miss Roberts 1 745X Sylvester Sound [Humours of Somnambulism], by Henry Cockton 1999X Sylvestres, by Matilda Betham Edwards [Good Words, v. 12] 2182J Sylvia's Lovers, by Mrs. Gaskell 495X Sylvie and Bruno, by Lewis Carroll [Rev. C. W. Dodgson] 3098X SYMMINGTON (Maggie, Serial Writer, &»£.) : A Daughter named Damaris [Girls' Own Annual, v. 3] 2 553j Trixy, or those who Live in Glass Houses should not throw Stones 238 iX IC03] TAB GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TAL, TaBOR (Miss Eliza [Cousin Alice], Novelist, &>c.) : Blue Ribbon 1972X I St. Olaves 2467X Dimplethorpe 2122X | Taken at the Flood, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell]... 188X Taking the Bastile [Sequel to Queen's Necklace], by A. Dumas 430X Talba, The, or Moor of Portugal [15th Century], by Mrs. Bray 2521X TALBOT (Hon. T.), The Granvilles 547X Tale of a Lonely Parish, by Francis Marion Crawford 2420X Tale of a Red Coat, by the Rev. A. N. Malan [Boys' Own An., v. 8] 2958J Tale of a Tub, written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind, by Dean Swift 1476X Tale of Sin, by Mrs. Henry Wood 2323X Tale of the Tyne, and other Tales, by Harriet Martineau 780X Tale of Two Cities [French Revolution, 1793], by Dickens 362, 389 and 2954X See also All the Year Round, v. 1, 1761J. Tales [of Persia], by Wilhelm Hauff, translated by Mendel 1317X Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar, Russian Stories by Hodgetts. 1 890 3402X Tales and Sketches [Witches, America, &c], by William J. Stone... 1468X Tales and Sketches [Inheritance, Boarding Schools, &c], by R. Topfer 1488X Tales and Sketches, illustrating the Characters, Usages, Traditions, Sports, and Pastimes of the Irish Peasantry, by W. Carleton 2270X Tales from Blackwood. See Blackwood, Tales from. Tales from the German of Zschokke, translated by P. Godwin 1523X Tales from the German, translated by J. Oxenford and G. A. Feiling 2264X Tales from the History of the Saxons, by Emily Taylor 2075X Tales from the Old Dramatists, by Shirley Brooks [Gent. Mag., v. 2] 722J Tales of a Grandfather, by Sir Walter Scott, first, second, third, and fourth series...... 989, 990, 991 and 992X Tales of a Traveller, by Washington Irving 661 and 2867X Tales of Adventure, by R. M. Ballantyne : — Flood, Field and Mountain, 487 and 502X. On the Coast, 489X. On the Sea, 486X. Wild Work in Strange Places, 488X. Tales of all Countries, by Anthony Trollope 1119X Tales of Charlton School, by Rev. H. C. Adams 2762X Tales of Fashionable Life, by Maria Edgeworth 2449X Tales of Flemish Life [Amsterdam, 1696], by Hendrik Conscience... 1258X Tales of Good and Great Kings, by M. Fraser Tytler 1500X Tales of my Landlord. See Sir Walter Scott's Works. Tales of Mystery, Imagination and Humour, and Poems, by Poe ... 2717X Tales of Old Flanders : Count Hugo of Craenhove and Wooden Clara, by Hendrik Conscience I2 55^ Tales of the Crusaders [Betrothed, Talisman], by Sir Walter Scott... 1072-5Z See also Scott's complete Works. Tales of the O'Hara Family, by John Banim 1211X Tales of Three Cities, by Henry James, Jun 3336X Tales of To-Day, by George R. Sims 3337^ Tales of Woods and Fields, second series of Two Old Men's Tales, by Mrs. Anne Marsh 1367X Tales Told Round a New Zealand Camp Fire [Once a Week, v. 28] 2288J Talisman [Third Crusade, Richard, Saladin and Knights Templars, 1189], by Sir Walter Scott 926 and 974X and 1074-5Z Talk of the Town, by James Payn 3221X See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 50, 330J. [IOO4] TAL ENGLISH SECTION. THA Tall Man, by Gustav Nieritz [Leisure Hcur, v. 24] 2634J Tallangetta, The Squatter's Home, a Story of Australian Life, by William Howitt . . . 1 344X Tallants of Barton, by Joseph Hatton 1080X Tailored, or The New Crusade, by the Earl of Beaconsfield 133, 143 & 2570X Tanglewood Tales, by Nathaniel Hawthorne 2890X Tapestried Chamber [Time of George III.], by Scott 929 and 977X Tarantella, a German Tale, by M. Blond 2054X TAUTPHGEUS (Baroness, German Authoress, Sfc.) : Cyrilla 3243X | Quits 2112X TAYLOR (Bayard, American Traveller and Writer, b. 1825, d. 1878), Eldorado [San Francisco, Gold Regions, Mexico, &c] 2748X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. TAYLOR (Edgar, Scholar, d. 1839), Ed., German Popular Stories 2245X TAYLOR (Emily, Historical and Instructive Writer for the Young), Tales from the History of the Saxons 2075X Teacher of the Violin, by J. Henry Shorthouse 2306X Tell Me a Story [Tales for Children], by Mrs. Molesworth 3219X Tell Tale, a School Story, by Ascott R. Hope [Boys' Own An., v. 5] 2955J TEMPLE (Crona, Serial Writer, &>e.) : Glorious Return, a Story of the Vaudois [Sun. at Home, v. 36] 288GJ In the Days of the Great Armada [Sunday at Home, v. 35] 2885!" Temptation and Atonement, and other Tales, by Mrs. Gore 2584X See also Living Age, v. 11, 3041J. Ten Thousand a Year, by Samuel Warren 2349X Ten Years' Tenant, by Walter Besant and James Rice 883X Tenant of Wildfell Hall, by Anne Bronte" 2516X Tenants of Malory, by J. Sheridan Le Fanu [Living Age, v. 94] 3124J Tenth Earl, by John Berwick Harwood [Cassell's Magazine, v. 5]... 2354J TERHUNE (Mrs.). See Harland (Marion). Terrible Legacy, a Tale of the South Downs, by G. W. Appleton... 3156X Terrible Temptation, by Charles Reade [Cassell's Magazine, v. 3]... 2343J THACKERAY (Anne Isabella [now Mrs. Ritchie], Daughter of William Makepeace Thackeray) : Old Kensington [C. M., 25] 305T Also Harper's Magazine, v. 44 1624J Story of Elizabeth [C. M., 6] 286J Toilers and Spinsters 1828X Village on the Cliff [C. M.] 294J The following short tales also by this author will be found in Harper's New Monthly Maga- zine : — Miss Morier's Nerves, v. 58, 1638J. Peat Fields*V. 53, i633j- N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Bluebeard's Keys 1824X ^4/^Cornhill Magazine, v. 23 303J Da Capo [L. Age, v. 135] 3165J Also Harper's Monthly, v. 56 1636J From an Island [C. M. , 18] 298T Jack the Giant Killer 296J Miss Angel 2182X Also Cornhill Magazine, v. 31 311J — Harper's Mag., v. 50 1630J Living Age, v. 124 . . 3 154 J Mrs. Dymond [Mac. M.] 981 J Also Living Age, v. 164 .... 3194J THACKERAY (William Makepeace, Eminent Novelist and Essayist. b. 181 1, d. 1863) : Adventures of Philip, &c. 1093X I Christmas Books of Mr. Also Cornhill Mag., v. 3.. .. 283J Titmarsh, &c 1086 & 1099X Harpers Mon., v. 23 160^ \ r u-n * r^ 1 r" • Barry Lyndon 107S & 1091X C ° rnhl11 t0 Grand Ca,ro c B Also Fraser's Magazine, v. 29 639 J I . IOSl & I094X Book of Snobs 10S3 & 1096X I I)ems Duval 1085 & 1098X burlesques 1082 cSr iog^X I Also Cornhill Mag , v. 9 ... . 289J Catherine 1085 & IO98X I Harpers Mag., v. 28 .. z6o8J [1OO5] THA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. THO THACKERAY (William Makepeace) Four Georges 1084 & 1097X Great Hoggarty Diamond 1082, 1095 & 1547Z Also Fraser'sMag., v. 24 .. 634 J History of Henry Esmond 1078 & 1091X History of Pendennis. 1076 &1089X Irish Sketch Book 1081, 1087 & 1094X Lovel the Widower 1085 & 1098X AlsoCornhWX Mag., v. 1 281J Harper's Mag., v. 20. . 1600J Memoirs of Yellowplush 1082, 1095 & 1547Z Miscellaneous Sketches,&c. 3027X —continued : Newcomes 1077 & Also Harper's Magazine, v. 7.. Paris Sketch Book 1081, 1087 & Roundabout Papers. ...1084 & Shabby Genteel Story Vanity Fair 1075 & Virginians 1079 & Also Harper's Magazine, v. 16 The following short tales also by this author will be found in Harper's New Monthly Maga- zine: — On being Found Out, v. 23, 1603J. Two Children in Black, v. 20, 1600J. N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Thaddeus of Warsaw, by Jane Porter [Poland, 19th Century] That Aggravating School Girl [Girls' Own Annual, v. 2] That Bother of a Boy [Girls' Own Annual, v. 3] That Boy of Norcott's, an Irish Tale, by Charles Lever See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 18, 298J. That Girl in Black, a Short Tale by Mrs. Molesworth [Eng. 111. M.] That Lasso' Lowrie's, a Lancashire Story, by Frances H. Burnett... See also Scribner's Monthly Magazine, v. 12, 1862J. That Little Frenchman [Once a Week, v. 29] 1090X 1587J 1094X 1097X 63 1 J 1088X 1092X 1 596 J Their Pilgrimage, by Charles D. Warner [Harper's Monthly, v. 72]. Their Summer Day [Quiver, v. 20J Their Wedding Journey, American Tale, by W. D. Howells Thelma, a Norwegian Princess, by Marie Corelli Theo Leigh, by Annie Thomas [Once a Week, v. 11] TheophihlS and Sophia, by Mrs. Sherwood Thereby Hangs a Tale, by G. Manville Fenn [Once a Week, v. 33] They were Married, by Walter Besant Thicker than Water, by James Payn [Longman's Magazine, v. 1] ... Thieves, Fallen among Thieves [Boys' Own Annual, v. 5] Thing of Beauty, by Mrs. Alexander Fraser Third Miss St. Quentin, by Mrs. Molesworth Thirlby Hall, by W. E. Norris This Man's Wife, by George Manville Fenn [Good Words, v. 27].... See also Living Age, v. 168, 3198J. This Mortal Coil, by Grant Allen []. A. Wilson] [Chambers' J., v. 65] This Son of Vulcan, by Walter Besant and James Rice Thistledown Lodge, by M. A. Paull THOMAS (Annie [Mrs. Pender Cudlip], b. 1838) : Kate Valliant Love's a Tyrant [Time, 16].. Narrow Escape [A.Y.R.] ... No Alternative [A.Y.R.] ... Passion in Tatters Reigning Favourite Allerton Towers [Time, 6] 1496J Colthorpe Cousins 1851X Dennis Donne 1831X Friends and Lovers 1 832X Jenifer 1956X A ho All the Year Round, v. 51] 181 1 J THOMAS (F. W., American Poet, b. 1810), Howard Pickney Thomas Wingfold, Curate, by George Macdonald [1006] 2720X 2552J 2553J 754X I995J 2097X 2289T 1652J 3290J I335X 307 1 X 2271J 1548Z 2293J 782X 891J 2955J 1627X 3I75X 3H6X 2 1 97 J 1965J 884X 2301X 2277X 1506J 1792J 1790Z 1829X 3168X 2280X 2108X THO ENGLISH SECTION. THR THOMPSON (W. T.), Major Jones' Courtship 2049X THOMSON (E. W.), Colonel Pellinore's Gold [Boys' O. A., v. 7] 2957T THOMSON (Mrs. Katherine, Historical Novelist) Court Secrets 1480X Tracey, or the Apparition... 2751X White Mask 2753X Anne Boleyn 1479, 2749 & 2929X Carew Ralegh, or the Heir of Sherborne 2752X THORBURN (S. S.), David Leslie [or the Afghan Frontier] 23C9X THORNBURY (George Walter, Antiquarian, &c, b. 1828), Every Man his own Trumpeter 483X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. THORNE (Eglanton, Serial Writer, £rc.) : Aldyth's Inheritance 2561J | My Brother's Friend[G.O.A.] 2557T Thorney Hall, by Holme Lee [Harriet Tarr] 1356X Thorny Path, by Hesba Stretton [Hannah Smith] 2241X See also Sunday at Home, v. 26, 2876J. Thornycroft Hall, its Owners and its Heirs, by E. J. Worboise... 1195X THORPE (Benjamin, Anglo-Saxon Scholar, b. 1780, according to Vincent, d. 1870), Ed. , Yule-tide Stories 14S6X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Thoth, a Romance of Athens, &c 333SX Thoughts on Bores, by Maria Edgeworth 2510X Thousand and One Nights, or the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, edited and translated by E. W.Lane J 355^ See also Arabian Nights. Thraldom, by J. Sturgis [Longman's Magazine, v. 10] 900J Three Admirals and the Adventures of their Young Followers [Sequel to Three Commanders], by William H. G. Kingston 708X Three Ages [Political Sketches], by Harriet Martineau 78 iX Three Brass Balls [Pawnbrokers, &c], by George R. Sims 337oX Three Brides, by Charlotte M. Yonge 1896X Three Brothers, by Mrs. Oliphant [St. Paul's Magazine, v. 4] I164F Three Clerks, The, by Anthony Trollope 3114X Three Commanders, or Active Service Afloat in Modern Days, by William H. G. Kingston [Sequel to Three Lieutenants].... 709X See also the sequel, Three Admirals. Three Diggers, by Percy Clarke 3354X Three Feathers, by William Black 3055X — See also Living Age, v. 122, 3152J. Cornhill Magazine, v. 30, 310J. Three Greek Children [Athens, B.C.], by Rev. A. J. Church 3355X Three Homes, by F. T. L. Hope [Quiver, v. 16] 3286J Three Hundred Virgins, a Tale of the Southern Seas [O. a W., v. 35] 2295J Three Kearneys, by Picken [Romancist and Novelists' Library] 2282X Three Lieutenants, by William H. G. Kingston [Sequel to 711X]. ... 710X See also the Sequel, Three Commanders, 709X. Three Love Dreams [Living Age, v. 53] 3083T Three Midshipmen, by William H. G. Kingston 711X See also the Sequels, Three Lieutenants, 710X, Three Commanders, 709X, and Three Admirals, 708X. Three Musketeers [La Rochelle, 1627], by Dumas 422and633X See also the Sequels, Twenty Years After, 635X. Vicomte de Bragelonne, 637X. Iron Mask, 3403X. Louise de la Valliere, 3404X. Three Recruits and the Girls they Left Behind them, by J. Hatton... 1316X Three Red Men, by W. S. Hayward 1233X Three Years of a Girl's Life [Girls' Own Annual, v. 1] 2551J [1007] THR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TOL 'Through a Needle's Eye, by Hesba Stretton [Hannah Smith] 2336X See also Sunday Magazine, v. 14, 2464J. Through Fire and through Water, by Rev. T. S. Millington [B.O. A.] 2954J Through Gates of Gold [All the Year Round, v. 43] 1923J Through Green Glasses, by F. M. Allen 2387X Through Night to Light, by Marianne Farningham [Christ. World]. 243J Through one Administration, by Frances H. Burnett 1981X See also Century Magazine, v. 1, 1873J. Through the Darkness, or the Conquest of Angola, by Ker [B.O. A.] 2961J Through the Deepest Canon, or the Wildest of the Wild West, by William H. Rideing [Boys' Own Annual, v. 4] 2954! Through the Linn, or Miss Temple's Wards, by Agnes Giberne 2878]" Through the Looking-Glass, and what Alice found there, by Lewis Carroll [C. L. Dodgson] 2452X Through the Snowdrifts [Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow], by Madame De Witt [Every Boys' Annual, 1888] 1307H Thrown Together, by Florence Montgomery 1740X Thwarted, or Duck's Eggs in a Hen's Nest, a Village Story, by Florence Montgomery 241 3X Thy Heart's Desire, a Tale of Three Wishes, by Sarah Doudney 2466J Thy Name is Truth [an Irish Social Novel] 610X Thyrza, by George Gissing 101X Ticonderoga [United States, Old French War, Defeat of Aber- crombie, 18th Century], by George P. R. James 2624X TIFFANY (Osmond), Brandon, or a Hundred Years Ago, a Tale of the American Colonies , 1487X Tigerskin, The, a Story of Central India, by Louis Rousselet 2956J Tiger-Slayer, a Tale of the Indian Desert, by Gustave Aimard 96X Tilbury Nogo, or Passages in the Life of an Unsuccessful Man, by George John Whyte Melville 815 and 820X Tini Cronin, an Irish Tale, by Mrs. Hoare [Chambers' Miscellany]... 632R Tim Thomson's Trial, or All is not Gold that Glitters, by George Weatherley 2383X TIMBS (John, Antiquary, b. 1801, d. 1875), F.S.A., Romance of London [Chandos Classics] 1201X N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Time shall Try, by F. E. M. Notley [Cassell's Family Mag., v. 4].... 2353J TIMPERLEY (W. IL) Bush Luck, an Australian Story [B. O. A.] 2962J Tinted Venus, by F. Anstey [F. A. Guthrie] 1907X TITCOMB (Timothy). See Holland (J. G.) Tithe Proctor [Ireland, Church Imposts, 19th Cent.], by Carleton... 1236X To be Given up, by Kate Eyre [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 16] ... 2365 J To Call Her Mine, &c, by Walter Besant 2612X To Leeward, byE. Marion Crawford 2094X To the Bitter End, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. Maxwell] 168X To the Lions [a Tale of the Early Christians], by Rev. A. J. Church 3356X See also Quiver, v. 32, 3302J. Toby, a School Story [Boys' Own Annual, v. 3] 2953J Toilers and Spinsters, by Miss Thackeray 1828X Toilers of Babylon, by B. L. Farjeon [Sunday Magazine, v. 17] 2474J Toilers of the Sea [a Tale of Guernsey], by Hugo 1342, 1346 and 1347X Tolla, Tale of Modern Rome [19th Century], by Edmund About 1208X [1008] My Husband and 1 3327X Russian Proprietor, &c 3092X Sevastopol 2025R Two Pilgrims, The 2629X War and Peace 2438X What Men Live By 2633X Where Love is, there God is also 2626X TOL ENGLISH SECTION. TRA. TOLSTOI (Count Lyof N., Russian Author, b. 1828) : Anna Karenina 2439 & 3032X Childhood, Boyhood, Youth 2750X Cossacks, The 2730 & 3090X Dominion of Darkness 332 1 X Invaders 3344X Ivan Ilyitch, &c 3091X Long Exile and other Stories for Children 2026R N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Tom Brown at Oxford [Sequel to Tom Brown's Schooldays], by Thomas Hughes 1 339X See also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 1, 931J. Tom Brown's Schooldays, by Thomas Hughes 1340X Tom Burke of Ours [Wars of Napoleon, &c], by Charles Lever 762X Tom Cringle's Log [Sea Life, Pirates, Slavers, &c], by Michael Scott. 2312X Tom Holt's Log, a Tale of the Deep Sea, by W. Stephens Hayward 1214X Tom Jones, a Foundling, by Henry Fielding 466X Tom Ray, or the Mother's Prayer answered [Sunday at Home, v. 3].. 2853J Tom Saunders, his Shipwreck and Wanderings in Tropical Africa, by Commander V. Lovett Cameron [Boys' Own Annual, v. 9]... 2959J Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] 3006X ■ See also the Sequel, Huckleberry Finn, 1499X. Tom Stanton, a Story of Country Life [Boys' Own Annual, v. 7 J 2 957j Tommiebeg Shootings, or a Moor in Scotland, by Thomas Jeans ... 2668X Tommy Upmore, by Richard Doddridge Blackmore 485X To-morrow, and other Tales, by Maria Edgeworth 2444X Tony Butler, by Charles Lever [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 94] 164J See also Living Age, v. 79, 3109J. TOO clever Capture by Half, by W. W. Fenn [Every Boy's An., 1886] 1305H Too Fast to Last, by John Mills [Fast Life, Racing, &c] 1730X TOO Good for Him, by Florence Marryat [Mrs. F. Lean] 1561X TOO Much Alone, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell [F. G. Trafford] 1799X TOO Soon [Leisure Hour, v. 22] 2632J TOPFER (Rodolph, Swiss Novelist, &c.) : Parsonage 1489 & 2121X | Tales and Sketches 1488X Touch and Go, by Jean Middlemass 1727X Tour of the World in Eighty Days, by Jules Verne 2068X TOURGEE (Albion W., American Judge, Novelist, &V.) : Bricks without Straw 2101X I John Eax 1490X Fool's Errand 2091X | Mamelon 1490X TOUBGEKIEPF, or Toorgeynieff (Ivan S.) See Turgdnev (Ivan S.) Tower of London, an Historical Romance [Lady Jane Grey, 16th Century], by William Harrison Ainsworth 93X Town and Forest, by Anne Manning [Living Age, v. 60 ] 3090J Toydonia, or the Land of Toys, by Emma Brewer [G. O. A., v. 6]. 2556Y Tracey, or the Apparition, by Mrs. Thomson 275 iX TRACY (Rev. Thomas), Undine, or the Spirit of the Waters 2280X Traditionary Tales of Tweeddale [Chambers' Miscellany, v. 10] ... 627R TEAPFOED (F. G.). See Riddell (Mrs. J. H.) 46 rj.009] T RA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TRO TRAFTON (Adeline, Serial Writer, &%.) : His Inheritance [Scrib.v. 14] 1864J | Katherine Earle [Scrib.,v.7] 1857J Tragic Comedians, by George Meredith [Fortnightly Review, v. 34] 2124J Tragic Muse, by Henry James [Atlantic Monthly, v. 63] 1553J Trail of the Serpent, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell].. 182X TRAILL (Mrs.), Stories of the Canadian Forest 2859X Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, by William Carleton 2268X Tramp Abroad [Tour through Europe, 1878], by Mark Twain 2347X Transformation, the Romance of Monte Beni, by Hawthorne 1318X Transformed, by Florence Montgomery [Girls' Own Annual, v. 8]... 2558J Transformed Island, a Story of the South Seas [Sunday at H., v. 1] 285 1 J Trap to Catch a Sunbeam, and a Merry Christmas, by Mrs. Mackarness 2856X Trapper's Daughter [Rocky Mountains], by Gustave Aimard 205X Traseaden Hall, '* When George III. was King," by G. Ham ley., 628X Travels among the Mormons, by Artemus Ward [C. F. Browne] . . . 3365X Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet, by Captain Marryat .... 2699X Travels in the Interior, or the Wonderful Adventures of Luke and Belinda [Human Physiology], by L. T. Courtney 122X Treasure Hunters, or the Search for the Mountain Mine [O. a W.] . 2292J Treasure of Franchard, by Robert L. Stevenson [Longman, v. 1]... 891J Treasure of the Cacique, a Mexican Story, by Sir Gilbert Campbell 2960J Treherne's Temptation, by Alaric Can S7iX TRELAWNEY (Captain), Adventures of a Younger Son 1491X Trelawney of Trelawne, or the Prophecy, a Legend of Cornwall, by Mrs. Anna Eliza Bray 1223X Trevelyan [a Society Tale of Richmond] [by Lady Scott] 1492X Trevelyn Hold, by Mrs. Henry Wood 18, 1527 and 1963X Trial, The, [sequel to " Daisy Chain,"] by Charlotte Mary Yonge ... 1898X Trials of Margaret Lindsay, by Professor Wilson [Christopher North] 2970X Trials of the Heart [Orphans of La Vendee, &c], by Mrs. Bray 2518X Trials of the Tredgolds, by Dutton Cook [Temple Bar Mag., v. 7]... 1337J Tribulations of a Chinaman [Sea Adventures], by Jules Verne 1026X TriGOtrin, The Story of a W^aif and Stray, by Ouida [L. de la Rami] 862X Tried, by F. M. F. Skene [Quiver Magazine, v. 14] 3284J Tristram. Shandy, by Lawrence Sterne 1464 and 2253X See also Blackwood Magazine, v. 95, 165 J. Triumph of Truth, a Story for the Young [Family Friend, 1854] 708R Trixy, or Those who live in Glass Houses should not throw Stones, by Maggie Symington 238 1 X TROLLOPE (Anthony, Celebrated Novelist and Writer of Travels, b. 1815, d. 1882): American Senator ....189 & 1128X Also Temple Bar, V. 47 1377J Attractive Man 2754X Barchester Towers 1 1 54X Belton Estate 1110 & 1115X Also Fortnightly Review, v. 1 2091 J Living Age, v. 86 3"6J Bertrams 1137 & I153X Can You Forgive Her? 1 100 & 1146X Castle Richmond 1136X Claverings 1 104 & H39X Also Cornhill Magazine, v. 13 . . 293J Living Age, v. 88 3*i8J Cousin Henry 1 144X Doctor Thome 170 & 1109X Doctor Wortle's School io 7X Duke's Children [A. Y. R.]... 1803J Eustace Diamonds 770 & 1106J A ho Fortnightly Review, v. 16... 2106J [IOIO] TRO ENGLISH SECTION. TRO TROLLOPE (Anthony)— continued: EyeforanEye 1140X Framley Parsonage H13X. Also Cornhill Magazine, v. 1 281 J Frau Frohmann 1840X Golden Lion of Granpere 2183J Harry Heathcote 1142X Also Living Age, v. 120 .... 3 150 J He Knew he was Right ,. . 1 1 17X Hunting Sketches 1134X Is he Popenjoy 1131 & 1143X Also All Year Round, v. 38 1799J Kellys & 0'Kellys..uo5 & 1122X Kept in the Dark 1151X Also Good Words, v. 23. . . . 2193J Lady Anna 1112& 1125X Also Fortnightly Rev., v. 19 2109J Last Chronicle of Barset 1147X La Vendee 1127X Leonora Casaloni [F. R.] 2099J Linda Tressel [Blackwood] 172J Also Living Age, v. 95 3* 2 5j Lindisfarn Chase [L. A.]. 31 1 ij Lotta Schmidt and other Stories 1108&1123X Mabel's Progress [A. Y. R. ] 1 777T Macdermots of Ballycloran 1 120X Miss Mackenzie 1124& 1150X Mr. Scarborough's Family 542X Also All the Year Round, v. 49 1809J Nina Balatka [Blackwood].. 170J Also Living Age, v. 91 3* 2 iJ Old Man's Love 545X Orley Farm 1118& 1149X A Iso Harper's Mon. Mag.,v. 22 1602J Phineas Finn 164 & 1102X A Iso Living Age, v. 95 3125J St. Paul's Mag., v. 1.. 1161F Phineas Redux 1107X Prime Minister 1111X Rachel Ray 1103 & I121X Ralph the Heir 772 & 1114X Also St. Paul's Mag., v. 9 1169F Sir Harry Hotspur 1101X Also Macmillan's Mag., v. 22 952 J Small House at Allington 1 1 16 & 1048X Also Cornhill Mag., v. 6 286J Harper's Mag., v. 25 1605} Struggles of Brown, Jones and Robinson [Corn. M.] 284T Tales of all Countries — La Mere Barouche, &c 1119X Three Clerks 3114X Veronica [A. Y. R., v. 22]... 1782J Vicar of Bullhampton... 773 & 1135X Vicar of Wrexhill 1 843X Warden 1127 & 1138X Way we Live Now 1 838X W T hy Frau Frohmann Raised her Prices [G. W., v. 18] 2188J The following short tales by this author will be found in Harper's New Monthly Magazine : — Courtship of Susan Bell, v. 21, 1601J. O'Conors of Castle Conor, v. 20, 1600J. Relics of General Chass£, v. 20, 1600J. N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. (Mrs. Frances E., Mother of Anthony, b. 1778, d. Petticoat Government Sacristan's Household, a Story of Lippe-Detmold [St. Paul's Mag., v. 2] TROLLOPE 1863) : Anne Furness [Harper's] 1622J Charming Fellow [A.Y.R.] 1793T Mrs. Mathews 1494X Old World and the New... 1493X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. TROLLOPE (Thos. Adolphus, Brother of Anthony, b. 18 10) Beppo, the Conscript [Once a Week, v. 9] Family Party in the Piazza of St. Peter, &c N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Troth of Odin, by Grant Furley [All the Year Round, v. 63] Trouble it Brought, by C. E. Despard [Cassell's Magazine, v. 7]... Troubles at Sandstone [Chambers' Journal, v. 32] Troubles of a Chinaman, by Jules Verne [Leisure Hour, v. 29] Troubles of Chatty and Molly [Quiver, v. 14] Troublesome Daughters [a Scotch Tale], by L. B. Walford Troublesome Girl, by Mrs. Argles [The Duchess] [ion] 1841X 1162F 2269T 1854X 1S23J 2356J 1942; 2639J 3284T 1908X 3357X TRU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. TWI True Blue, Life and Adventures of a British Seaman of the Old School, by William H. G. Kingston 712X True to the Old Flag, by George Alfred Henty 1684X TRUEBA (T. de), Romance of History [Spain] [Chandos Classics]. 1203X Trumpet-Major, by Thomas Hardy [Good Words, v. 21] 2I 9 1 J Trust and Trial [a Norwegian Tale], by Mary Howitt 1495^ Trustee, by Frederick Liardet [Tales by a Barrister] 1358X Truth will Out, by Jeanie Hering [Quiver Magazine, v. 16] 3286J TUCKER (Miss Charlotte). See A.L.O.E. (a Lady of England). TUCKERMAN (H.), Sad Bird of the Adriatic 2280X TUPPER (Martin Farquhar) : This author's Tales, Sketches and other works of fiction being charac- teristic, will be found under the name of author and title of work in the General Catalogue. Turn of the Tide, by Lady Margaret Majendie 3307X TURG-ENEV (Ivan S., Russian author, b. 1818, d. 1883): First Love and Punin andBaburin, translated from the Russian... 2385X Unfortunate One, translated by A. Thompson 3339^ N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. TURNER (Edward F.), More T. Leaves 2432X TWAIN (Mark [Samuel Langhorne Clemens], American Humorist) : A Yankee at the Court of King Arthur, a Satire 3C99X Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer's Comrade M99^ Adventures of. Tom Sawyer 3006X Choice Humorous Works [Innocents Abroad, New Pilgrim's Progress, Life of the Author, &c. ] 1496X Innocents Abroad [Records of a Pleasure Trip] 2885X Innocents at Home 2icoX Life on the Mississippi [History of the River, Southern Sports, &c] 1497X Practical Jokes with Artemus Ward , 2755 & 2756X Prince and the Pauper [Edward, Son of Henry VIII., &c] 1498X Roughing It [Silver Mines of Nevada] 2331X Tramp Abroad [Tour through Europe, 1878] 2347X TWAIN (Mark) and WARD (Artemus), Letters to " Punch " and Practical Jokes [Artemus Ward in London, &c] 2 755^ TWAIN (Mark) and WARNER (C. D.), Gilded Age 2330X 'Twas in Trafalgar's Bay, by Walter Besant and James Rice 885X See also All the Year Round, v. 41, 1801J. Tweeddale Traditionary Tales [Chambers' Miscellany, v. 10] 627R Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, by Jules Verne... ioi2and2c67X Twenty Years After [Mazarin, 17th Century, Sequel to Three Musketeers], by Alexandre Dumas 635X Twice Bought, A Tale of the Oregon Gold Fields, by Ballantyne 499X See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 5, 2955J. Twice Lost, Story of Shipwreck and Adventure in the Wilds of Australia, by William II. G. Kingston 713X Twice Loved, by Alice King 1673X Twice Told Tales, comprising the Gray Champion, Wedding Knell, Gentle Boy, &c, by N. Hawthorne 1320, 2602 and 2892X See also Hawthorne's Legends of the Province House, 2893X. Twin-Captains [French Empire, 1804], by Alexandre Dumas 409X 'Twixt Love and Duty, by Tighe Hopkins [Leisure Hour, v. 34] .... 2644J [1012] TWO ENGLISH SECTION. TYT Two Admirals, by James Fenimore Cooper 290, 318 and 2546X Two Bad Blue Eyes, by Rita [Mrs. O. von Booth] 1623X Two Birthdays [Sunday at Home, v. 17] 2867J Two Brothers [Quiver, v. 19] 3289} TWO by Tricks, by Edmund Yates 1890X TWO Cabin Boys, a Story of Adventure by Land and Sea, by Louis Rousselet [Boys' Own Annual, v. 4] 2954J Two Chiefs of Dunboy, or an Irish Romance of the Last Century, by James Anthony Froude 241 7X Two Chums, a Grammar School Story, by Paul Blake [B. O. A., v. 5] 2055J Two Days in a Lifetime, by T. W. Speight [Chambers' Journal, v. 61] 1961J Two Destinies, by Wilkie Collins [Temple Bar Magazine, v. 46] 1376J Two Dreamers, by John Saunders 3308X Two Drovers, by Sir Walter Scott 929 and 977X Two Friends, or Life in Earnest, by Marriott, Oldfield 2714X Two Great Surprises, a Short Guernsey Tale [Guernsey Mag., v. 9].. 2389J Two Lilies [Tale of an Architect], by Julia Kavanagh 1668 and 1998X Two Little Wooden Shoes, by Ouida [Mdlle. Louise de la RameJ 853X Two Marriages, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] I573 x Two Midshipmen, by Captain C. F. Armstrong 447^ Two Miss Flemings, by the Author of " Rare Pale Margaret " 1848X Two Mrs. Scudamores, by Mrs. Oliphant [Scribner's Mon. Mag., v. 3] 1S53J Two Old Men's Tales : The Deformed, and The Admiral's Daughter, by Mrs. Anne Marsh 1367X Two on a Tower, a Romance, by Arthur S. Hardy 979X TWO Pastors, a Tale of Religious Life in Germany [Sun. at H., v. 7] 2857J Two Pilgrims, or Love and Good Deeds, by Count Lyof N. Tolstoi... 2629X Two Sides of a Shield, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 3309X TWO Stories in One, by William Gilbert [Quiver, v. 15] 3285J Two Supercargoes, or Adventures in Savage Africa, by W. H. Kingston 714X Two Tales of Married Life : Hard to Bear, and a True Man, by Georgiana M. Craik and M. C. Stirling 1836 and 2819X Two Thousand Years Ago, or the Adventures of a Roman Boy, by Alfred J. Church 2386X Two Voyages, or Midnight and Daylight, by William H. G. Kingston 724X See also Sunday at Home, v. 12, 2862J. Two Years, by Isa Craig-Knox [Quiver, v. 13] i 3283J Two Years Ago, by Charles Kingsley 731, 732, 1943, 1983 and 3035X Tylney Hall, by Thomas Hood 2261X Typee, a Peep at Polynesian Life, by Herman Melville 2709X TYTLER (Margaret Fraser, Writer for Young People) : Tales of Good and Great Kings [Gustavus Vasa, Henri Quatre, &c. ] 1 500X The Deformed, a Short Scottish Tale 2250X TYTLER (Sarah, Writer for Young People) : Beauty and the Beast 2030X Also Good Words, v. 25 2195! Living Age, v. 160. . . 3190J Bride's Pass [G. W., v. 20] 2190! Also Living Age, v. 140 .... 3 170 J Cast in theWaggon[G.W.] 2173J In the Fort [Sun. M., v. 12] 2462J Lady Bell [Good W., v. 14] 2184J Noblesse Oblige [G. W. , v. 10] 21 80J Sukie's Boy [L. A., v. 119] 3149J Summer Snow 2800X Days of Yore.! 30S8X What She came Through ... 2187J Douce Lass 1529X Huguenot Family in the English Village 2055X Also Sunday Magazine, v. 3 2453J ! [IOI3] Also Living Age, v. 120 3^59J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. uxc guille-alles LIBRARY. UPS [JnCLE Bob's Niece, by L. Keith [Keith Johnston] [A. Y. R., v. 60] 1820J Uncle Jack, Sir Tocelyn's' Cap, &c, by Walter Besant 784 and 2051X Uncle Jeremy's Household, by A. Conan Doyle [B. O. A., v. 9] 2959J Uncle John, by George John Whyte Melville 825X See also Temple Bar Magazine, v. 39, 1369J. Uncle Remus, or Mr. Fox, Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Terrapin [Negro Tales, &c], by Joel Chandler Harris 2070X Uncle Silas, a Tale of Bartram-Haugh, by J. Sheridan Le Fanu 2348X Uncle Tom's Cabin, or Slave Life in America, by H. B. Stowe 1469 and 1470X Uncle Tom's Cabin, Key presenting the Original Facts and Docu- ments upon which the Story is founded, together with corroborative statements verifying the truth of the work, by Harriet Beecher Stowe I47 r ^ Uncle Towser, a Story for Boys Young and Old, by Rev. A. N. Malan [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12] 2962J Uncommercial Traveller, by Charles Dickens 349, 369, 370 and 2955X See also All the Year Round, v. 2, 1762 J. Under a Strange Mask, by Barrett [Cassell's Family Mag., v. 15] .... 2364J Under an Afric Sun, by George Manville Fenn [Chambers' J., v. 65] 1966J Undercurrents, a Story of the Period, by Arthur Goddard 2882X Under Drake's Flag, a Tale of the Spanish Main, by G. A. Henty... 1074X Under Foot, a Tale, by Alton Clyde [Mrs. Jeffreys] [Quiver, v. 12]... 3282J Under Salisbury Spire in the Days of George Herbert [The Recol- lections of Magdalene Wydville], by Emma Marshall 3395^ Under the Meteor Flag, the Log of a Midshipman during the French Revolutionary War, by Harry Collingwood 33 2 ^ Under the Mulberry Tree, by Mrs. Prosser [Sunday at Home, v. 18] 2868J Under the Red Flag, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. J. Maxwell] 3310X Under the Storm, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 33"^ Under the Waves, or Diving in Deep Waters, by R. M. Ballantyne. 673X Under the Yellow Flag, by George M. Fenn [Once a Week, v. 37]. 2297J Under Two Flags, by Ouida [Mademoiselle Louise de la Rame] 867X Under which Flag, a Short Tale, by A. E. Barr [Chris. World Mag.] 258J Under which Lord [Husband or Priest], by E. Lynn Linton 1700X See also Gentleman's Magazine, v. 22, n.s., 742 J. Under Wild Skies [Once a Week, v. 30] 2300J Undine, by Rev. T. Tracey [Romancist and Novelists' Library] 2282X Undiscovered Country, by William D. Howells 1307X Unequal Yoke [Sunday at Home, v. 2] 2852J Unforeseen, by Alice O'Hanlon [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 34, N.S.] 754J Unforgotten, by Beatrice Bristowe [Christian World Magazine] 249J Unfortunate One, by Ivan S. Turgenev 3339X Ungava, a Tale of Esquimaux Land, by R. M. Ballantyne 674X Unguarded Hour [Romancist and Novelists' Library] 2282X Unholy Wish, and other Stories, by Mrs. Henry Wood 3*97X Unsocial Socialist, by G. Bernard Shaw 3358X Unspotted from the World, by Mrs. G. W. Godfrey [Tern. B., v. 65] 1395J Up-Stairs and Down-Stairs, by Dutton Cook [Once a Week, v. 17] 2277 J Ups and Downs of a Donkey's Life, by C. L. Mateaux 2875X [1014] URS ENGLISH SECTION. VER Ursula, a Tale of Country Life, by Elizabeth M. Sewell ... 1036 and 2842X Ursula's Stumbling Block, or Pride comes before a Fall, a Tale for Girls, by Julia Goddard 2334X VAGABOND Heroine, by Mrs. Annie Edwardes [T. B., v. 37] ... 1367J Vagabond Lover, by "Rita" [Mrs. Gollan von Booth] 3312X Vaia's Lord, by Jean Middlemass 335°X Val Strange, by David Christie Murray 1672X Vale of Cedars, or the Martyrs [Expulsion of Jews from Spain, 1492], by Grace Aguilar I161X Valentine M'Clutchy, the Irish Agent, or the Chronicles of Castle Cumber [Evictions in Ireland, &c], by William Carleton ... 2267X Valentine Strange, a Story of the Primrose Way, by D. Christie Murray [Chambers' Journal, v. 59] I959J Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist, by Henry Cockton 2000X Valentino, an Historical Romance of the 16th century in Italy [The Borgias, &c], by William Waldorf Astor 2110X Valerie, an Autobiography, by Capt. Frederick Marry at 2700X Valerie's Fate, by Mrs. Alexander [Gentleman's Mag., v. 31, N.S.].. 751J See also Living Age, v. 160, 3190J. Valley of a Hundred Fires [Wales, &c], by Mrs. Anne Marsh 2466X Valley of Poppies, by Joseph Hatton [Gentleman's Mag., v. 7, N.S.] 727J VAMBERY(Armenius), My Early Adventures, an Autobiographical Sketch [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 9] 2 349j N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Vanished Diamond, a Tale of South Africa, by Jules Verne 2035X or Star of the Settlement. See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 7, 2957J. Vanity Fair, by William Makepeace Thackeray 1075 and 1088X VELEY (Margaret, Serial Writer, &c,) : Damocles 565X Also Cornhill Magazine, v. 45 325 J For Percival [Cornhill, 36] 316J Mitchelhurst Place 634X Also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 5° 9 8o J Vendetta, or the Story of one Forgotten, by Marie Corelli 3072X Venetia [a Tale of the 18th Century], by the Earl of Beaconstield 130, 140, 2572 and 2887X Vengeance is Mine, by Eliza F. Pollard 337iX Verdant Green, an Oxford Freshman, by Cuthbert Bede ... 2424 and 3057X Verena Fontaine's Rebellion, by Johnny Ludlow [Living Age, v. 145] 3175J See also Argosy, v. 29, 29 J. VERNE (Jules, French Dramatist and Novelist, b. 1828) : Adrift in the Pacific, or the Adventures of a Schoolboy Crew 3065X See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 11, 2961 J. Adventures of Captain Hatteras [English at the North Pole, &c] 1847X See also English at North Pole, Ice Desert, Field of Ice, &c. [IOI5] VER GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. VER VERNE (Jules)— continued: Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa 1022X Among the Cannibals [Maoris, New Zealand, &c.] 1856X Around the World in Eighty Days [for a Wager] 1021X Barbicane & Co., or the Purchase of the Pole [B. O. A., v. 12]... 2962J Begum's Fortune and the Green Ray 1025X See also Leisure Hour, v. 28, 2638J. Blockade Runners [American Rebellion, 1862], &c 1023X Boy Captain, a Tale of Adventure by Land and Sea [B. O. A., v. 2] 2952J Child of the Cavern, or Strange doings Underground , 1019X Clipper of the Clouds [Aerial Navigation, &c] 303 iX See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 9, 2959J. Cryptogram. See Giant Raft, 1014X and 2954J. Dick Sands, the Boy Captain [Whaling, Shipwreck, &c] 1017X Dr. Ox's Experiment and Master Zacharius 1019 and 2066X English at the North Pole [Part I. of Captain Hatteras]... 1847 and 1849X Exploration of the World [Celebrated Travels and Travellers] ... 1850X Field of Ice [same as Captain Hatteras] 2C95X Five Weeks in a Balloon, a Voyage of Discovery in Central Africa 1020X Floating City [a Tale of the Great Eastern Steamship], &c 1023X From the Earth to the Moon, Direct, in ninety-seven hours twenty minutes, and Around the Moon 1018X Fur Country, or Seventy Degrees North Latitude 1016X Giant Raft, Part L, Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon ; Part II., The Cryptogram [Brazil, South America, &c] 1014X ■ See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 3, 2953J. Godfrey Morgan, a Californian Mystery 1021X See also Boy's Own Annual, v. 5, 2955J. Green Ray, a Romance of the Scottish Highlands 1025X Hector Servadac [Algeria, Adventures, &c] , 1011X Ice Desert [Part II. of Captain Hatteras] 1853X Journey into the Interior of the Earth 1852X Kereban the Inflexible, Part L, The Captain of the Guidore ; Part II. , Searpante the Spy [Turkey and Russia] 1024X See also Boys' Own Annual, 1305H. Martin Paz and Five Weeks in a Balloon IC20X Michael Strogoff, the Courier of the Czar [Russian Police, &c.]... 1015X Mysterious Document [Chili, Straits of Magellan, &c] 1855X Mysterious Island [Sequel to 20,000 Leagues under the Sea] 1043X See also Scribner's Monthly Magazine, v. 7, 1857J. Round the Moon, a Sequel to From the Earth to the Moon 1018X Star of the Settlement. See Vanished Diamond, 2035X. Steam House [Indian Mutiny, Nana Sahib, &c] 1044X Survivors of the Chancellor, Diary of J. R. Kazallon, Passenger.. 1013H Tour of the World in Eighty Days 2068X Tribulations of a Chinaman [Adventures in the Sea, &c] 1026X Troubles of a Chinaman [Leisure Hour, v. 29] 2639 J Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea 1012 and 2067X ■ See also the Sequel, Mysterious Island [Death of Captain Nemo, &c.]. Vanished Diamond, a Tale of South African Diamond Fields 2035X ■ See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 7, 2957T. Winter amid the Ice, and other Stories 1022X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Vemer's Pride, by Mrs. Henry Wood 6, 53 and 1964X See also Once a Week, v. 7, 2267J. [IOI6] VER ENGLISH SECTION. VIV VERNEY (Lady, Serial Writer, 6%.) : FernyhurstCourt[L.A. 107] 3137J j Stone Edge [Cornhill Maga- Lettice Lisle [Cornhill, 18] 298J zine, v. 15] 295J Also Living Age, v. 99 3 129 J I VERNON (J. R. ), Bertram Raven, a Story of College Life [L. H. , 24] 2634J Veronica, or the Free Count of Aarau, by H. Zschokke 1522X See also All the Year Round, v. 22, 1782J. Veronique, by Miss Florence Marryat [now Mrs. F. Lean] 2042X Very Simple Story, and Wild Mike, by Florence Montgomery 2214X Very Strange Family, by Frederick William Robinson 3112X Veva, or the War of" the Peasants, an Historical Tale [Flemings and the French Republic] by Hendrik Conscience 1257 and 2529X Via Crucis, by Louisa Ronile 1815X Viear of Bullhampton, by Anthony Trollope 773 and H35X Vicar of Wakefield, by Oliver Goldsmith 1305, 2253X, 888 and 1162Z Vicar of Wrexhill, by Anthony Trollope 1843X Vicar's Daughter, by George Macdonald 1533X See also Sunday Magazine, 2458J. Vicar's People [Cornish Mines, &c], by George Manville Fenn 1304X VICARY (John Fulford), a Stork's Nest [Danish Stories, &c] 2093X Vice Versa, or a Lesson to Fathers, by F. Anstey [F. Anstey Guthrie] 2209X Vicomte de Bragelone [Sequel to 637X], by Alexandre Dumas 637X Victims, by Theo Gift [T. Havers] [All the Year Round, v. 57] ... 1817J Victor and Vanquished, by Mary Cecil Hay H33^ Victory and the Vanquished, by Mrs. Charles 596X VIDOCQ (E. F.), Memoirs of, as a Convict Spy and Agent of the French Police 1 501X Vignettes of a Northern Village, by Mary Linskill [Gocd Words]... 2199J Village Belles, a Tale of English Country Life, by A. Manning 2792X Village Blacksmith, by Small [Argosy, v. 47] 47J See also Argosy, v. 45, 45J. Village Commune, by Ouida [Mdlle. Louise de la Rame] 1584X Village Doctor, by D'Arbouville [Family Friend, v. 11] 703R Village on the Cliff, by Thackeray [Cornhill Magazine, v. 14] 294J See also Living Age, v. 90, 3 120 J. Village Tragedy, by Margaret L. Woods 2419X Villette, by Charlotte Bronte [Currer Bell] 150 and 154X Vincenzo ; or, Sunken Rocks, by J. Ruffini [Macmillan's Mag., v. 6] 936J Violet Douglas, by Mrs. Emma Marshall 1734^ Violet Vaughan, or the Shadow of Warneford Grange, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] 1177^ Virgine, a Tale of One Hundred Years Ago, by Val Prinsep 905J Virginians, The [Eve of American War, 18th Century], by William Makepeace Thackeray 1079 and 1092X See also Harper's Magazine, v. 16, 1576J. Virginians in Texas, by William M. Baker [Harper's Mag., v. 34]. 1614J Visited on the Children, by Theo. Gift [All the Year Round, v. 45] 1805J See also Living Age, v. 147, 3177J. Vittoria [Lombard Campaign, &c], by George Meredith 2610X See also Fortnightly Review, v. 3, 2093J. Vittoria Contarini, or Love the Traitor, by Dubourg [T. B.. v. 45] 1375J Viva [French Society, &c], by Mrs. Forrester 1615X Vivian and his Friends, or Two Plundred Years Ago [S. at H., v. 10] 2860J Vivian Grey, by B. Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield 102, 127 and 2567X [1017] VIV GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WAR Vivian the Beauty, by Mrs. Annie Edwardes [Temple Bar, v. 56].... 1386J Vivienne, by Rita [Mrs. Gollan von Booth] 2C82X Vixen, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 197X Sec also All the Year Round, v. 41, 1801J. VOG-EL (Sir Julius), Anno Domini 2,000, or Woman's Destiny 3393X Voice, A, and The Lover upon Trial, by Lady Lyons 2788X Voice in the Wilderness, by Caroline Fothergill 3313X VOLTAIRE (F. M. A. de), Zadig [Romancist & Novelists' Library] 2282X Voyage Round the World, by William H. G. Kingston 725X "WAGES of Sin, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 2324X Wages of Sin, by Lucas Malet [Universal Review, v. 6] 3326T Waif of the Plains [Prairie Life, &c], by Bret Harte 3125X Wait a Year, by Rev. T. S. Millington [Leisure Hour, v. 28] 2638J Waiting Supper, The, by Thomas Hardy [Murray's Magazine] 1463J Waiting to Win, a Story of Fairlawn Grange [Once a Week, v. 21] 2281J WALFORD (L. B., Serial Writer, drc.) : Pauline [Blackwood v. 121] 191 J Also Living Age, v. 133 3 I( 53J Sage of Sixteen 3106X Troublesome Daughters 1 908X Baby's Grandmother 3236X Also Blackwood Mag., v 134 204J Cousins 1857X Dick Netherby 1910X Also Good Words, v. 22 .... 2192J WALFORD (Mrs.), Stiffnecked Generation 3154^ WALKER (Annie L.), Hollywood 2177X WALSH (A. Stewart), Mary the Queen of the House of David and Mother of Jesus [the Story of her Life] 123X Walter's Word [Italian Brigands, &c], by James Tayn 1603X See also Chambers' Journal, v. 12, ig52ja. WALTON (Mrs. O. F., Serial Writer, &>t.): Little Faith, or the Child of the Toy-Stall [Sunday at Home, v. 26] 2876J Peep Behind the Scenes [Wandering Actors, Circus, &c] 3096X WALWORTH (M. ), Love for Life [Family Friend] 723R Wanda, by Ouida [Mademoiselle Louise de la Rame] 863 and 2356X Wanderer and His Home, being a Continuation of Memoirs of my Youth, 2563X, by Alphonse de Lamartine 2564X Wanderers, Adventures in the Wilds of Trinidad, and up the Orinoco, by William Harrison Gainsford Kingston 726X War and Peace : I. Before Tilsit ; II. The Invasion ; III. French at Moscow, by Count Lyof N. Tolstoi.: 2438X War Correspondent, by the Wandering Jew [Once a Week, v. 36] ... 2296J War Trail, or the Hunt of the Wild Horse, by Captain Mayne Reid. 17S5X See also Chambers' Journal, v. 27, 1940J. WARBURTON (Eliot B. G., Irish Novelist, b. 1810, .drowned 1852), Darien, or the Merchant Prince 1502X WARD (Artemus [Charles F. Browne], American Humorist and Lecturer, b. 1836, d. 1 867) : Book of Goaks 3364X I Lecture at the Egyptian Hall 3366X His Book I 5°5^ I Travels among the Mormons 3365X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. [1018] WAR ENGLISH SECTION. WAT WARD (Artemus) and TWAIN (Mark), Letters to "Punch" and Practical Jokes 2755X WARD (Herbert D.), The Master of the Magicians 3385X WARD (Mrs. Humphrey, Writer of Travels, firV.) : Helen Charteris 2759 & 2888X I Miss Bretherton 3180X Jasper Lyle 2758 & 2930X | Robert Elsmere 1419, 2008 & 2468X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. WARD (James, Biographer, <5rY.), Adolphe Renouard [France] 1506X WARD (Robert Plumer, Novelist and Politician, b. 1765, d. 1846) : De Clifford 2276X | De Vere 1276X WARD (Mrs. T. H.), Milly and Oily [among the Mountains] 2063X WARE (William, Unitarian Minister, b. 1797, d. 1852), Letters from Palmyra ; or Zenobia 2761 and 2931X N.B. —See also the General Catalogue for this Author. WARE (Mis. Hibbert), The Water Tower 1860X Warleig'h's Trust, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. E. Guyton] 1166X See also Christian World Magazine, 251J. WAEIEK (Anna B., Sister 0/ Susan Warner [Elizabeth IVetherell]. See Lothrop (Amy). WARNER (Charles Dudley, Barrister and Journalist, b. 1829) : Little Journey in the World [Harper's Magazine, v. 78] 1 658 J Their Pilgrimage [Harper's Monthly Magazine, v. 72] ID 5 2 J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. WARNER (Charles Dudley) and TWAIN (Mark), Gilded Age.... 2330X WARNER (Susan, Celebrated American Novelist, b. 1818). See Wetherell (Elizabeth). Warrawarra, the Carib Chief, a Tale of 1770, by Henry H. Breen 1225X Warren Knowles [a Tale of Revenge, &c], by Alan James Gulston. 1638X WARREN (Samuel, Recorder of Hull, 1854, b. 1807, d. 1877), M.P. : Diary of a Late Physician [Tales of Vice and Virtue] . . 1508 and 2117X Now and Then, Lily and the Bee, &c 1509 and 1510X Ten Thousand a Vear [English Society, 19th Century] 2 349X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Was He Severe? Lost Bank-Note, Doctor's Daughter, Haunted Tower, &c, by Mrs. Henry Wood 2323X Was it Wise to Change [Casseli's Eamily Magazine, v. 8] 7J Washington Square, and other Tales, by Henry James, junr 3360X See also Harper's Magazine, v. 61, 1641J. Cornhill Magazine, v. 41, 321J. Waste Not, Want Not, and other Tales 1552Z Watchmaker [a German Romance], by Alexandre Dumas 414X Water Babies, A Fairy Tale for a Land Baby, by Charles Kingsley 734X See also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 6, 936J. Living Age, v. 75, 3105J. Water Tower, by Mrs. Hibbert Ware 1860X Water Witch, or the Skimmer of the Seas, by James Fenimore Cooper 285, 321 and 2554X Waterloo [French Empire, 181 5], by MM. Erckmann-Chatrian .... 874X Waters of Hercules [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 136] 206J WATSON (Lily, Serial Writer, c.)i Living of Langleys [Sunday Magazine, v. 22] 2 472j Stronger than Fate [Sunday Magazine, v. 17] 2 474j WHITNEY (Mrs. A. D. T., American Poet and Novelist, b. 1824): A Summer in Leslie Gold- thwaite's Life 1904X Bonnyborough 2352X Faith Gartney's Girlhood... 1901X Gay worthys 1902X We Girls 2803X WHITTY (Edward M.), Knaves and Fools [London Life] 2105X Who was then the Gentleman ? [a Social Story], by Compton Reade 3314X Whose Wife shall She Be? by James Stanley Little 3361X Why Frau Frohmann Raised her Prices, by Anthony Trollope [G.W.] 2188J Wicked Girl, by Mary Cecil Hay 3315X Wicked W 7 oods of Tobereevil, by Miss Mullholland [A. Y. R., v. 27] 1787T Wide, Wide World, by Elizabeth Wetherell 2069 and 2862X Widow and the Marquess, or Love and Pride, by Theodore Hook... 2166X Wife's Trials, The, by Emma Jane W r orboise [Mrs. E. Guy ton] 1874X See also Living Age, v. 47, 3077J. WIGHTWICK (M. G.), Mrs. Carr's Companions [Argosy, v. 35]... 35J Wild Adventures round the Pole, or the Cruise of the Arrandoon, by Gordon Stables [Boys' Own Annual, v. 4] 2 954j Wild Flower of Ravensworth, by M. Betham Edwards 841X Wildgoose Lodge , Clarionet, Dead Boxer, &c, by William Carleton 1238X Wild Huntress, a Romance, by Capt. Mayne Reid [Chambers, v. 34] 1943J Wild Huntsman, and other Tales, by Erckmann-Chatrian 3204X Wild Kathleen [Girls' Own Annual, v. 1] 2551J Wild Man of the West, a Tale of the Rocky Mountains [Buffaloes, Bears, Redskins, &c], by R. M. Ballantyne 675X Wild Mike, and Very Simple Story, by Florence Montgomery 2214X WILDERMUTH (Ottilie), Disillusion, or Mary of the Mill and the Countess Maria [Leisure Hour, v. 16] 2626J Wilfrid Cumbermede, Autobiographical Story, by George Macdonald 1536X Sec also St. Paul's Magazine, v. 7, 1167F. Scribner's Magazine, v. 1, 1851J. Living Age, v. 107, 3137J. [1022] WIL ENGLISH SECTION. WIN Wilful Young Woman, a Tale [Cassell's Magazine, v. n] 2361 J Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels, from the German of J. W. Von Goethe 955R and 1295X "Will, by Georges Ohnet 33*6X Will, The, and other Tales-, by Maria Edgeworth 2444X Will he Escape, a Tale, by Percy Fitzgerald [Gent. Mag., v. 3, N.S.] 723J Will he no' Come Back Again, by Jessie M. E. Saxby [L. II., v. 30] 2640J Will She be Happy? by Mrs. Woodward 2208X Will Weatherhelm, the Yarn of an Old Sailor about his Early Life and Adventures, by William H. G. Kingston 7 2 7 x WILLARD (Frances E.), Nineteen Beautiful Years 652X Willard's Weird, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] 528X William Fitz-Osbert, a Story of London Life in the Days of Richard Cceur De Lion [Family Friend] 93"5^ WILLIAMS (R. Folkestone), Youth of Shakspeare 1518X WILLIAMS (W. H.), Silkrobed Cow, a Story of Life in the Canadian North-West [Boys' Own Annual, v. 9] 2959J Willie Wills' Wings, a Short Tale, by Mrs. Reaney [S. at H., v. 35] 2885J Willing to Die [All the Year Round, v. 28] 1788J WILLIS (John R.), Carleton, or Duty and Patriotism 2282X WILLIS (Nathaniel Parker, American Journalist, &fc.) : Life Here and There 2765X j People I have Met 2754X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. WILLMETS (C.L.), Priscilla, Story of a Boy's Love 2243X See also Christian World Magazine, 1879, 248J. Willoughby Captains, a School Story, by T. B. Reed [B. A. O., v. 6] 2956J WILLS (W. G.), David Chantry [Temple Bar Magazine, v. 13] 1343J WILMER (John), Modern Yassal [Living Age, v. 23] 3053T Wilmingtons, The, by Mrs. Anne Marsh 2683X WILSON (J. Arbuthnot). See Allen (Grant). WILSON (Professor John [Christopher North], Scotch Philosopher and Essayist, b. 1 785, d. 1 854) : Foresters, a Scotch Tale 2970X Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, Margaret Lindsay, &c 2970X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. WILSON (T. P., Rector of Smithcote, Temperance Writer, frc.) : Great Heights gained by Steady Efforts 2244X WILTON (L. E.), Mary Browne, a Tale for Girls 1919X WILTON (T.), Mongrels [a Tale of a Boy's Hardships] 613X Wineherley Hall, a Tale, by M. M. Pollard [Sun. at Home, v. 30] 2880J Windaway Hill, by Beatrice Bristowe [Christian World Magazine] 247J" Windsor Castle [Times of Henry VIII. , 16th Century], an Historical Romance, by William Harrison Ainsworth 82X Wing and Wing, or Le Feu Follet, by James Fenimore Cooper 300X WINGFIELD (Hon. Lewis, Novelist, &c.) : Abigel Rowe 53°X I Curse of Koshiu [Japan] 2009X Barbara Philpot 33°3N | Gehenna [Havens of Unrest] 1869X Winifred Bertram, and the World She Lived in, by Mrs. Charles... 2096X Winifred Power, a Love Tale, &c ... 2004X See also Argosy Magazine, v. 35, 35J. [1023] Little Fool 3263X Mrs. Bob 3130X My Poor Dick 2252X Princess Sarah [L. H., v. 37] 2647J Regimental Legends 2460X Seige Baby, A 2175X A Iso Living Age, v. 162 3202 J WIN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WOM Winifred's Wooing and other Tales, by GeorgianaM. Craik.. ........ 2816X Winnie's History [France, &c], by Mary C. M. Simpson 1822X Winning his Spurs, a Tale of the Crusades, by George Alfred Henty 1314X WINTER (John Strange [Mrs. Stannard, Writer of Military Tales]) : Army Society 3 2 34^ Beautiful Jim 2696X Booties' Baby 2302X Booties' Children 2303X Cavalry Life, in Barracks 2435X Confessions of a Publisher 2300X Garrison Gossip 2I 55^ Harvest 3 2 5 lX Winter Amid the Ice, and other Stories, by Jules Verne 1022X Winter Evenings [Characteristic Tales], by Leitch Ritchie I4 2 7X Wire and the Wave, or Cable-laying in the Coral Seas, a Tale of the Submarine Telegraph, by J. Munro [Boys' Own An., v. 12]. 2962T Witches Head, The, by Plenry Rider HaggardJ 3120X With a Show through Southern Africa, and Personal Reminiscences of the Transvaal War, by Charles Du Val 2164X With a Stout Heart, by Mrs. Sale Barker [Every Boy's Annual, 1874] 1304H With Axe and Rifle, or the Western Pioneers, by W. H. G. Kingston 343X With Clive in India, or the beginnings of an Empire, by G. A. Henty 1685X With Costs, by Mrs. Newman [Time Magazine, v. 3] T 493j With Harp and Crown, by Walter Besant and James Rice 886X and 3069X With the Immortals, by F. Marion Crawford IC62X and 3401X See also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 56, 986J. Within Sea Walls, or How the Dutch kept the Faith [S. at PL, 17] 2867J Within the Clasp, a Story of the Yorkshire Jet-Hunters, by J. Ber- wick Harwood [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 9] 2 359j Within the Maze, by Mrs. Henry Wood II, 31 and 1966X Within the Precincts [Society Tale, &c], by Mrs. Oliphant I595X Sec also Cornhill Magazine, v. 37, 317J. Living Age, v. 136, 3166J. Without Further Delay [Chambers' Journal, v. 49] 1951J Without Intending it, or John Tincroft, Bachelor and Benedict, by Sargent [Leisure Hour, v. 21] 2631 T Witness my Hand, a Fenshire Story [Cassell's Family Mag., v. 9]... 2359J WITT (Madame Guizot De, French Writer) : Hobgoblin and Demon [Every Boy's Annual, 1887] 1306II Parisian Family, translated by Miss Muloch 3280X Through the Snowdrift [Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow] 1307H N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Wives and Daughters, by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell 496, 497 and 2014X See also Cornhill Magazine, v. 10, 290 J. Living Age, v. 85, 3115J. Wizard's Son, by Mrs. Margaret Oliphant 3394^ See also Living Age, v. 157, 3187 J. Macmillan's Magazine, v. 47; 977J. Wolfert'S Roost, and other Tales, by Washington Irving 666X Womanlike, by Florence M. King [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 16] 2365J Woman Against Woman, by Miss Florence Marryat [Mrs. Lean] ... 1564X Woman Hater [Germany, &c], by Charles Reade 1795^ See also Blackwood's Magazine, v. 119, 189J. Harper's Mag., v. 53, 1633J. [1024] WOM ENGLISH SECTION. WOO Woman I loved and the Woman who loved me [Once a Week, v. 6] 2266T See also Living Age, v. 73, 3103J. Woman in Red [Magicians, Jews, &c], by W. S. Hayward 1152X Woman in White [Story of a Woman's Patience], by Wilkie Collins 263X See also All the Year Round, v. 2, 1762J. Woman of Business, by W. M. Savage [Fortnightly Review, v. 11]. 2101/ Woman our Angel, or Led into the Light, by A. S. Roe *757X Woman's Friendship, a Story of Domestic Life, by Grace Aguilar... 1158X Woman's Hand, by E. M. Ellis 2125X Woman's Kingdom, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] 1578X See also Good Words, v. 9, 2179J. Harper's Magazine, v. 36, 1616J. Woman's Love Story, by Alice Mangold Diehl . . 3296X Woman's Patience, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. Guyton] 1196X See also Christian World Magazine, 1878, 247J. Woman's Ransom, by Frederick William Robinson 1813X Woman's Reason, an American Tale, by William D. Howells 1649X See also Century Magazine, v. 3, 1875J. Woman's Revenge, by Veit Weber [Romancist and Novelists' Lib.] 228 iX Woman's Strength, A, by Hopkinson [Cassell's Family Mag., v. 15] 2364J Woman's Thoughts about Women, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] ... 2812X Woman's Vengeance [Oxford, the Thames, &c, France], by J. Payn 1605X See also Chambers' Journal, v. 49, 1951J. Women are Strange, &c, by Frederick William Robinson 1805X Women of Israel, Characters and Sketches from the Holy Scriptures and Jewish History, by Grace Aguilar 1*59^ Won [Hamburg, Lovers, &c], by Mrs. B. H. Buxton 2010X Won, Not Wooed, a Tale [Chambers' Journal, v. 48] i95oJa Won by Waiting, by Edna Lyall [Miss Ada Ellen Bayly] 2145 and 2464X Wonderful Stories of Daring Enterprise and Adventure [Columbus, John Brown, &c], by Dr. James Macaulay 2380X WOOD (H. F. ), Passenger from Scotland Yard 3348X WOOD (Mrs. Henry, Celebrated Novelist, b. 1820, d. 1887) : Anne Hereford... 16, 1923 & 3C58X Bessy Rane 729 & 1924X Bessy Wells 2951X Also Sunday Magazine, v. 11 2461J Channings 2, 40, 55 & 1926X Court Netherleigh ... 26 & 1927X A ho Argosy, v. 31 31 J Danesbury House, a Tem- perance Tale 1929X Dene Hollow 8, 50 & 1930X Doctor's Daughter 2323X East Lynnc.i, 52, 1932 & 2323X Edina 24, 36 & 1934X A Iso Argosy, v. 21 21 J Elchester College 2402X Elster's Folly 19, 33 & *935 x George Canterbury's Will 14, 38 & I937X Haunted Tower 2323X House of Halliwell [Arg.] 49J Johnny Ludlow, first series 27 & 1939* Johnny Ludlow, 2nd series 28X Johnny Ludlow, 3rd series 3129X Lady Adelaide 12, 46 & 56X Also Temple Bar, v. 17 1347J Lady Grace 2142 & 3129X A Iso Argosy, v. 43 43J Life's Secret 1.7, 34, 1943, 2 323 & 2821X Also Leisure Hour, v. 11 .... 2621J Lord Oakburn's Daughters 10, 30, 1524 & 1945X Also Once a Week, v. 10 2270J Lost Bank Note 2323X Also Leisure Hour, v. 12 2622 J Lost in the Post 2811X Master of Greylands 13, 43, 49 & 1946X Mildred Arkell 20, 37 & 1948X Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles 4, 42 & 48X Orville College 22, 32 & 195 iX Oswald Cray 9 & 1952X Also Good Words, v. 5 2175J Parkwater 23, 41, 54 & 1954X Pomeroy Abbey 25 & 1955X Also Argosy, v. 25 35 J Red Court Farm. ..15, 1957&3059X 47 [1025] woo GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WOR WOOD (Mrs. Henry)— {continued) Roland Yorke 3, 1525, 1528 & 195SX St. Martin's Eve. ..21, 35 & 1960X Shadow of Ashlydyat 5, 51, 1961 & 3060X Story of Charles Strange.. 45J Tale of Sin Trevelvn Hold 18, 1527 & Unholy Wish Verner's Pride ... 6, 53 & Also Once a Week, v. 7 Was He Severe? Within the Maze ....11, 31 & Wood Anemone, a Society Tale, by Mrs. Randolph Wood Leighton, or a Year in the Country, by Mary Howitt 2609 and Wood Magic, a Fable [about Weasles, Squirrels, &c. "J, by R. Jeffries. Woodlanders, The, by Thomas Hardy See also Macmillan's Magazine, v. 54, 984J. Woodman, The, an Historical Romance [Times of Richard III., 15th Century], by George Payne Rainsford James WOODS (Margaret L.), Village Tragedy Woodstock [Commonwealth, Cromwell, Charles II., Worcester Fight, 1651], by Sir W r alter Scott 927, 975X and I WOODWARD (Mrs., Novelist, &c.) : Charlie 1872X | Will She be Happy Wooed and Married, by Rosa Nouchette Carey Wooers and Winners, by Mrs. G. Linmeus Banks Wooing o't, by Mrs. Alexander [Mrs. Hector] See also Temple Bar, v. 35, 1365J. WOOLSEY (Miss). See Coolidge (S\isan). WOOLSON (Constance F., Serial Writer, &c) : Anne 2085X Also Harper's Mag., v. 62. . . 1642J WORBOISE (Emma Jane [Mrs. E. Novelist, b. 1825) : Abbey Mill 1167X Amy Wilton I182X Brudenells of Brude 1164X Campion Court 1868X Canonbury Holt 869X Chrystabel 1178X Emilia's Inheritance ri 97X Esther Wynne 1191X Evelyn's Story 1871X Father Fabian 119DX Fortune's Favourite I179& 1189X Also Christian World Mag.. 253J Fortunes of Cyril Denham 1186X Grace Hamilton's School Days Grey and Gold.... 1 165 and Grey House at Endlestone Heart's-Ease in the Family Heirs of Errington 1185X 1180X 1192X 1183X 1199X His Next of Kin 1172X Jupiter Lights [Harp., v. 78] For the Major [Harp., v. 65] Guyton], Popular Religious House of Bondage Also Christian World Mag. . . Husbands and Wives Joan Carisbroke Labour and Wait [F. F. ] . . . . Lady Clarissa Lottie Lonsdale Margaret Torrington Married Life Maude Bolingbroke Millicent Kendrick Mr. Montmorency's Money.. Nobly Born Oliver West wood Also Christian World,. 1873. .. . Our New House Overdale Robert Wreford's Daughter.. Also Christian World, 1875 St. Beetha's 2323X 1963X 3I97X 1964X 2267J 2323X 1966X 2304X 2911X 1348X 3297X 2644X 2419X 093-5Z 2208X 1580X 3298X 368X 1658J I645J "73X 241J 2158X 1175X 724R 1171X 1873X 1174X 1176X 1194X 1187X 1198X 1188X 1170X 242J 1200X 1169X 1168X 244J 1181X [1026] WOR ENGLISH SECTION. YEA WORBOISE (Emma Jane [Mrs. E. Guyton])— {continued) Singlehurst Manor 814X Sir Julian's Wife 1184X Also Family Friend, 1865 726R Sissie 1193X Violet Vaughan H77^ Warleigh's Trust 1166X Also Christian World Magazine .. 251 J Wife's Trial 1874X Story of Penelope II63X | Also Living Age, v. 47 3077J Also Christian World Mag. 249J j Woman's Patience 1196X Thomeycroft Hall II95X 1 Also Christian World Magazine .. 247J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Work, Wait, Win, by Ruth Lamb [Girls' Own Annual, v. 11] 2561J Working and Waiting, or Patience in Well-doing, by Mrs. C. Brock 2045X World of Ice, or the Whaling Cruise of the Dolphin, and Adventures of the Crew in Polar Seas, by R. M. Ballantyne 676X World we Live in [a Society Tale], by Oswald Crawfurd 535X World Well Lost, by E. Lynn Linton 1697X World Went very Well Then, by Walter Besant 2367, 2368 and 2407X World's Opinion, by Martell [Family Friend, 1852] 698R Worth Winning, by Mrs. H. Lovett Cameron 567X WRAY (Rev. J. Jackson, Temperance Writer , &-V.) : Man Every Inch of him... 1876X Matthew Mellowdew 1877X Paul Meggitt's Delusion... 1879X Peter Pengelley, or True as the Clock 2404X Stephen Akroyd's Guerdon.. 3292J WRAY (J. Jackson and T. Jackson), Old Crusty's Niece 3104X Wreck of the Grosvenor, Mutiny of the Crew, &c, by W. C. Russell 1660X Wrecked in Port, by Edmund Yates [All Year Round, v. 21, N.s.].. 1781J Wrecker, a Tale of the Sixteenth Century [Romancists' Library] ... 2281X Wreckers [Smugglers, Shipwrecks, &c], by Rosa Mackenzie Kettle 1372X Wrong Side of Life, by Sarah Doudney [Sunday Magazine, v. 15]... 2465J Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey, by E. and A. Bronte, with a Preface and Memoir of both Authors, by Charlotte Bronte. 152 & 156X Wyandotte, or the Hutted Knoll, by James F. Cooper.. 297, 319 and 2559X WYLDE (Katherine), Dreamer 1875X Wyllard's Weird, by Miss M. E. Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell] .... 528X WYSS (J. R. Von), The Swiss Family Robinson, or the Adventures of a Shipwrecked Family on an Uninhabited Island near New Guinea, translated by Mrs. H. B. Paull 280SX X ANKEE at the Court of King Arthur, by Mark Twain 3099X YATES (Edmund, Dramatist and Novelist, b. 183 1] Black Sheep[A.Y.R.,v. 16] 1776J Broken to Harness 2106X Also Temple Bar, v. 10 1340J Castaway [A. Y. R. , v. 26] 1 786J For Better, for Worse 1331J Impending Sword I 5 I 5^ Kissing the Rod 1882X Land at Last [T. B., v. 14] 1344J Righted Wrong 1 889X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Year One of the Republic, the Story of a Peasant [French Revolution, 1793], by Erckmann-Chatrian 875X [1027] Scenes and Characters, or Eighteen Months at Beech- croft 3374X Silent Witness [A. Y. R., 33] 1793! Two by Tricks 1890X Wrecked in Port [A. Y. R.]. 1781J Yellow Flag [All the Year Round, v. 2J] 1787J YEA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. YOU Yeast, a Problem, by Charles Kingsley 730, 2876 and 3037X See also Fraser, v. 38, 648J. Yellow Chief and White Squaw, by Captain Mayne Reid 1784X Yellow Flag, by Edmund Yates [All the Year Round, v. 27] 1787T Yellow Gown, by Whyte Melville [Fraser, v. 58] 668J Yellow Plush Papers, by William Makepeace Thackeray... 371, 10S2 & 1095X YEO (Leslie), Youngest Son 641X Yolande, by William Black 514X Yone Santo, a Child of Japan, by E. H. House [Atlantic, v. 61] 1551J YONGE (Charlotte Mary, Popular Novelist, b. 1823) : Armourer's Prentices 1991J Astray, a Tale of a Coun- try Town 2328X Beechcroft at Rockstone 3153 and 3378X Caged Lion 3363 x Chantry House 2393X Chaplet of Pearls 3089X ^l/wMacmillan'sMag., v. 17 947J Clever Woman of the Family[Living A.,v. 82] 3112J Cunning Woman's Grand- son 3 J 39 X Daisy Chain 1812X Danvers' Papers 3429X Disturbing Element 2 797X Dove in Eagle's Nest [M.] 942J N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author Heartsease 2228X Heir of Redclyffe 2194X Hopes and Fears 1893X Also Living Age, v. 64 3094 J Kenneth 3414X Little Duke 3438X Love and Life 2178X Magnum Bonum, or Mother Carey's Brood 2693X Pillars of the House 1895X Prince and the Page 3411X Reputed Changeling 3 1 52X Three Brides, The 1 896X Trial, The [sequel to 1812X] 1898X Two Sides of a Shield 3309X Under the Storm 33nX York and Lancaster Rose, a Book for the Young, by Anne Keary ... 1 696X YORKE (Stephen), Cleveden, a Tale of North Yorkshire 1878X You Play me False, by Mortimer Collins 61 5X Young Brown, or the Law of Inheritance, by Eustace Clare [Gren- ville Murray] [Cornhill Magazine, v. 28] 308J Young Colonists, by George Alfred Henty 1886X Young Commander, by Captain Armstrong 448X Young Crusoe, or the Adventures of a Shipwrecked Family on a Desolate Island [Island of St. Paul], by Mrs. Hofland 2855X Young Curate, or the Quicksands of Life 2780X Young Duke, a Moral Tale, though Gay, by the Earl of Beaconsfield 128, 2571 and 2906X Young Franc-Tireurs, and their Adventures in the Franco-Prussian War [English Boy Adventurers], by George Alfred Henty... 1887X Young Fur-Traders, or Snowflakes and Sunbeams, from the North, by R. M. Ballantyne...., 677X Young Girl's Life, byB. L. Farjeon 3340X Young Llanero, a Story of War and Wild Life in Venezuela [17th Century], by William H. G. Kingston 728X Young Lord Penrith, by John B. Harwood [Chambers' Jour., v. 56] 1956J Young Man's Fancy, by Mrs. Forrester 3299X Young Mr. Ainslie's Courtship, by F. C. Phillips [Time Mag., v. 20] 1510J Young Mr. Nightingale, Tale of a Youth, &c, by Dutton Cooke 3300X See also All the Year Round, v. 30, 1790J, [1028] YOU ENGLISH SECTION. ZUL Young Mrs. Jardine, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] I575 x See also Good Words, v. 20, 2190 J. " Harper's Magazine, v. 58, 1638J. Young Mrs. Roberts' Three Christmas Dinners, by Mrs. Johnstone 2250X Young Musgrave, by Mrs. Oliphant [Macmillan's Magazine] 965J Young Rajah, Story of Indian Life and Adventure [Indian Mutiny], by W. H. G. Kingston 729X "Young Rebels [Battle of Lexington], by Ascott R. Hope 1 290X YOUNG (Sir C. L., Serial Writer, &V.) : Broken Trust [O. a W.].. 2285 J | Faith and Fortune [O. a W.] 2284J Young Trawler, a Story of Life, and Death, and Rescue on the North Sea, by R. M. Ballantyne 678X Young Wife's Story [Leisure Hour, v. 26] 2636J Youngest Son [Young Actor, &c], by Leslie Yeo 641X Youngsters' Yarns, by Ascott R. Hope [Boys' Own Annual] 1306H Your Life and Mine, a Chronicle of Struggles and Hopes [Sun. Mag.] 2457J Youth of Shakespeare, by R. Folkestone Williams 1518X Yule-Tide Stories, a collection of Scandinavian and North German Popular Tales and Traditions, edited by Thorpe 1486X Yussuf the Guide [Asia Minor], by George Manville Fenn 892X Z ADIGr, from the French of Voltaire [Romancist & Novelists' Lib.] 2282X .Zaid.ee, by Mrs. Oliphant [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 76] 146J See also Living Age, v. 44, 3074J. Zanoni [a Philosophical Romance], by Lord Lytton 221 and 2688X Zara, or My Grandmother's Money [Girls' Own Annual, v. 1] 2551J Zelda's Fortune [Cornhill Magazine, v. 27] 307J Zenobia, or the Fall of Palmyra [Early Rome], by William Ware .. 2779X Zenon, The Roman Martyr [Early Christians], by Rev. R. Cobbold. 1250X Zero, a Tale of Monte Carlo, by Mrs. Campbell Praed 537X See also Temple Bar Magazine, v. 70, 1400J. Zoe'S "Brand" [Southern Slavery], by Mrs. Houston 1521X Zoroaster, by F. Marion Crawford 1917X ZSCHOKKE (Heinrick, German Novelist and Historical Writer, b. 1771, d. 1848): Jonathan Frock, translated by Parke Godwin 1522X Tales from the German, translated by Parke Godwin I 5 2 3^~ Fool of the XIX. Century. Harmonius. Jack Steam the Busy-Body. Floretta, or the First Love of Henry IV. Adventures of a New Year's Eve. The Clairvoyant [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 6, N.S.] 726J Veronica, or the Free Court of Aarau 1522X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Zulaka Bee, The Mussulman Child [Sunday at Home, v. 28] 2878J [1029] Supplement to the Fiction Class List This List contains Entries which were too late for insertion or correction in the Fiction Class List. ABB ARE Abbot, by Sir Walter Scott [Sequel to the Monastery] 908, 956 cS: 996X Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey, by W. Irving 665X ABELL (II. F.), Helen's Escape [Chambers' Journal, v. 65] 1965J Accomplished Gentleman, by Julian R. Sturgis 2116X ADDISON (Joseph), Essays, Moral and Humorous, also on Imagina- tion and Taste 2254X Agatha's Husband, by Miss Muloch [Mrs. Craik] 3400X Aide-de-Camp [War in Italy, &c], by James Grant 2120X ALDEN (Mrs. S. M.). See Pansy. Aldyth's Inheritance, by Eglanton Thome [Girls' Own Annual, v. 1 1] 2561 J ALEXANDER (Mrs.), Ralph Wilton's Weird [Temple Bar, v. 43] 1373J A. L. O. E. : Daybreak in Britain [Early Christianity] 341 7X Spanish Cavalier, a Story of Seville [Spanish Revolution, 1868]... 3406X War and Peace [Retreat from Cabul, 1842] 3409X American Baron, by Professor de Mille [Harper's Magazine, v. 42] 1622J American Notes and Uncommercial Traveller, by C. Dickens 349X American Politician, by F. Marion Crawford 533 and 2329X American Senator, by Anthony Trollope 189 and 1128X Americans at Home, by T. C. Haliburton [Sam Slick] 966X Among the Cannibals [Maoris, New Zealand, &c], by Verne... 1056 & 1856X Amor Vincit, by Mrs. H. Martin 2395X Amy Wilton, by Emma Jane Worboise [Mrs. Guy ton] 1182X Ancient Regime [France, time of Louis XV.], by G. P. R. James 693X Anchor and Laurel, a Tale of the Royal Marines, by Major Groves 483X Anchor Watch Yarns [Coasting Trade], by E. Downey 2305X Angel Unawares, by Courteney Grant 1630X Anna Cavaye, by Sarah Doudney [Sunday at Dome, v. 27] 2877J Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood, by George Macdonald 2192X See also the Sequel, Seaboard Parish, 2065X. Anne Askew, Mistress, The Faire Gospeller [Religious Persecutions, time of Henry VIII. ], by Miss Anne Manning 1285X Anno Domini 2,000, or Woman's Destiny, by Sir Julius Vogel 3393X1 " ARENA," Ring and Coronet, a Story of Circus Life 1903X [IO31] ARG GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BRA ARGLES (Mrs.), Faith and Unfaith 2210X ARMITT (M. L.), Mr. Trench of Brasenose 2365J Artemus Ward, His Travels among the Mormons 33°5^ Autobiography, An, by Rita [Mrs. Von Gollan Booth] 1426X Awakening of Mary Fenwick, by Beatrice Whitby 3387X BALLANTYNE (R. M.), Cannibal Islands 3442X BANIM (M. B.), The Croppy [Irish Insurrection of 1798] 3420X BARDSLEY (Charles Wareing), Jenny [Fireside Tale] 2072X BARING- GOULD (S.). See Gould (S. Baring). BARKER (Lady), Spring Comedies [various Tales] 1216X BARKER (Mrs. S.), With a Stout Heart [Every Boy's An., 1874]. 1304H Barony [Monmouth's Rebellion, 17th Cent.], by Miss A. M. Porter. 3428X Basil and Annette, by B. L. Farjeon [Good Words, v. 31] 2201 J BAYNARDQ. B.), Rector of Oxbury 1539X BEACONSFIELD (Earl of, Celebrated Statesman and Author) : Venetia... 130, 140, 2572 and 2887X Vivian Grey ...102, 127 and 2567X Young Duke ...128, 2571 and 2906X Infernal Marriage 132, 138, 2573X Pompanilla 132 & 133X Rise of Islander 144X Sybil ... 135, 139, 145 and 2886X BEARNE (L. W.), Hannah Fenwell's Secret [Christian World, 1881] 250T Beau Nash, by William Harrison Ainsworth 61X See also under Nash (Beau) in the General Catalogue. Begum's Fortune, by Jules Verne [Leisure Hour, v. 28] 2638J BESANT (W., Scholar and Novelist) : The Holy Rose 3386X The Inner House 3S88X The Last Mass 3386X Uncle Jack 784 & 2051X Camilla's Last String 3386X Even with This 3386X Julia 784X Also English Illustrated, v. 1 1991J Bethrothed, by Scott [Tales of the Crusaders] 1072-3Z Better Man, by Arthur Paterson [English Illustrated Magazine, v. 6]. 1996J Beware of the Hydrophagon ! a Story of School and Country Life, by Rev. A. N. Malan [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12] 2962J BISHOP (W. IL), Golden Justice [Atlantic Monthly, v. 57] 1547J Bivouac, by W. H. Maxwell 3439 x BLACK (Clementina), Orlando 1992X BLACK (W.), Princess of Thule 3051* BLIND (Mathilde), Tarantella, a German Tale 2054X Bodley Family, by author of Dream Children [H. E. Scudder] 2104X Bonnyborough, by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney 2352X Book about Boys, by Ascott R. Hope [Friendships, &c] 1279X Bootlo's Baby, by John Strange Winter [Mrs. Stannard] 2302X Bootle's Children, by John Strange Winter [Mrs. Stannard] 2303X BOTHMER (Countess M. Von), Aut Ceesar Aut Nihil 512X Both-well, or the Days of Mary, Queen of Scots, by Grant 1220X See also under Bothwell in the General Catalogue. BOTJLGER or HAVERS (Theodora). See Gift (Theo). BRAY (Mrs. Charles), Paul Eradley, a Village Tale 2850X [1032] BRI ENGLISH SECTION. COO Bride from the Bush [Cornhill, v. 62] 342j BROCK (Mrs. Carey), Changes and Chances 2374X BROUGH (Robert B.), Marian [Chambers' Journal, v. 50] i95 r J a BROWNE (I. Henderson), In the Spring Time 1643X Burnt Million, by James Payn [Cornhill, v. 60] 34°J BUTT (Beatrice May)*, Mrs. Beresford [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 41] 7 6l J BUXTON (Mrs. B. H.), Won [Hamburg, Lovers, &c] 2010X •CABLE (George W.), Grandissimes [Scribner's Monthly, v. 19] 1869J •Csesar Borgia [Girlhood of Catherine de Medici], by Jane Robinson.. . 3424X -Called, to the Bar, by Bracebridge Hemyng 2299X Camilla's Last String, by Walter Besant 33 86X •Cannibal Islands, by R. M. Ballantyne 344 2 X Cardinal Mazarin, or Twenty Years After, by Dumas 426X See also under Mazarin (Cardinal) in the General Catalogue. Cardinal Pole, or the Days of Philip and Mary, by Ainsworth ...63 and 91X See also under Pole (Cardinal) in the General Catalogue. CAREY (Rosa Nouchette), Robert Ord's Atonement 1807X CARLETON (W., Writer of Irish Tales, SrV.): Fardorougha the Miser ... 1237X | Neale Malone 1238X A ho Living Age, v. 34 3046X1 Rody the Rover 1768Z Hand and Word 1236X | Wildgoose Lodge 1238X Jane Sinclair 1238X j CARLYLE (Thomas), The Elves 2250X Castle Cornet, or the Island's Troubles in the Troublous Times, a Story of the Channel Islands [Commonwealth], by Hawtrey 1499O Catherine De Medici, or the Queen Mother, by Costello 1265X See also under Catherine de Medici in the General Catalogue. Catherine de Medici, by T. Adolphus Trollope 3425X CHARLES (Mrs., Historical Novelist): Helena's Household, a Tale of Rome in the First Century 2084X Martyrs of Spain [Persecution, Spain and Portugal, 16th Century] 3434X Charlie, by Mrs. Woodward 1872X CHATTER JEE (P. C), Poison Tree, a Tale of Hindu Life in Ben- gal, translated by Knight 2062H -CHURCH (Mrs. Ross). See Marryat (Florence). CLEMENS (Samuel Langhorne). See Twain (Mark). Cleopatra, by Henry Rider Haggard 3048 and 3049X N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for works referring to this Queen. COLLINGWOOD (Harry), The Log of the Flying Fish 3392X COLLINS (Wilkie), At the Bar [All the Year Round, v. 14] 1774] Colloquies of Edward Osborne, Citizen and Clothworker of London [Apprentices], by Anne Manning 1047R COOK (Dutton), Young Mr. Nightingale [All Year Round, v. 30] 1790J COOK (Mrs.). See Collins (Mabel). COOPER (James Fenimore), Afloat and Ashore 302, 318 and 2547X N.B.- -For Sequel see Lucy Hardinge or Miles Wallingford, which is the same book, 293, 318, 323 and 2538X. [1033] COR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. EIG CORNWALLIS (Caroline Frances), Pericles, a Tale of Athens in the 83rd Olympiad 1412X Cousins, The, by Mrs. Fraser 2250X CRAWFORD (F. M.), With the Immortals 3401X Crichton, the Admirable, a Romance, by William Harrison Ainsworth 65X See also the General Catalogue for other works referring to Edward Crichton. Criminal, The, by Frederick Schiller 2281X Croppy, The [Irish Insurrection of 1798], by M. B. Banim 3420X CROSS (Marion). See Eliot (George). CROWE (Mrs.), The Story of Martha Guinnis and Her Son 2250X Crusts and Crumpets [Fireside Tale], by Emma Marshall 2072X Czarina [Exile of Prince Menzikoff], by Mrs. Hofland 3426X Danesbury House, a Temperance Tale, by Mrs. Henry Wood 1929X Danvers 1 Jewels, by Pax [Hugh F. McDermott] [Temple Bar, v. 79] 1409J Danvers Papers [Monmouth's Rebellion, 17th Century] 3429X DARMESTETER (Madame). See Robinson (A. Mary F.). Day-break in Britain, by A. L. O. E. [Miss Tucker] 3417X Days of Bruce, a Story of Scottish History, by Aguilar 1 155 and 1162X See also under Bruce (Robert) in General Catalogue. Dead Heart, a Tale of the Bastile, by Charles Gibbon 3081X See also under Bastile in the General Catalogue. Deformed, The, a Scottish Tale, by M. Fraser Tytler 2250X DE MILLE (James), American Baron [Harper, v. 42] 1622J DESPARD (C), Lyndon of High Cliffe [Cassell's Fam. Mag., v. 12] 2361T Diary of a Late Physician [Tales of Vice and Virtue], by Warren.. 1508, 2117X Diary of Mary Powell [Days of Milton], by Miss Manning 3427X Did She Love Him ? [Indian Mutiny], by James Grant 343°X Doctor Wortle's School, by Anthony Trollope [Blackwood, v. 127] 197J Dominion of Darkness, by Count Lyof N. Tolstoi 332 iX DOUGLAS (C. J.), Mr. Charlton [The Unpopular Curate, &c] ... 2022X DU CHAILLU (P.). See the General Catalogue for this Author. Duke's Children, by Anthony Trollope [All the Year Round, v. 43] 1803 J Duke's Own, The, by Major J. P. Groves 468X Dynamiter, by Robert Louis and Fanny Stevenson 3229X EBERS (George) : Homo Sum 3408X I The Sisters [Ptolemy, Egypt OnlyaWord[S.atH.,v.3i] 2881J | and Cleopatra, 164 B.C.].. 3435X E. C. G., Five Years in a Convent [Murray's Magazine, v. 6] M96J EDEN (Charles H.), Ula [Cetewayo, Africa, &c] 34HX EDGAR (J. G.) : How I Won my Spurs 34©7^ Story of the Diamond Necklace [Every Boy's Annual] 1310H EDGEWORTH (Maria, Educational and Moral Writer, &c.) : Irish Bulls 2448X I The Lottery 2444X Manufacturers, The 2444X j Edinburgh Tales, conducted by Mrs. Johnstone 2250X EDWARDS (Mrs. H. Bennett), Pharisees 3349^ Eight Days, a Tale of the Indian Mutiny, by Dudley Hardress Thomas 342J [1034] ELS ENGLISH SECTION. GOR Elsie Venner, a Romance of Destiny, by O. W. Holmes 339JX. Elves, The, from the German of Tieck, by Thomas Carlyle 2250X Emily's Choice, an Australian Tale, by M. J. Franc I9 I 3^ English Squire [a Tale of Westmoreland], by C. R. Coleridge 1586X. Entail, The, by John Gait *993 x Eugene Aram, by Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton 206X N.B. — See also the General Catalogue for this Author. Eva, a True Story of Light and Darkness, a Poem, by Lord Lytton. . 250X EVANS (Marion). See Eliot (George). Even with This, by Walter Besant 3386X Eye for an Eye, by Anthony Trollope 1140X EYRE (Kate), To Be Given up [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 16]... 2365 J Fair Rosamond [Third Crusade, 1189], by T. Miller 3410X Fair Rosamond [Home Treasury of Old Story Books] 2863X N.B. — See also under Rosamond in the General Catalogue. Fairer than a Fairy [Indian Mutiny], by James Grant 343 iX Family of Boys, by Gordon Stables 2363X FARJEON (B. L.), Basil and Annette [Good Words, v. 31] 2201J Farmers of Budge Row, by Harriet Martineau 781X Female Nihilist [Russia, 19th Century], by E. Lavigne 343 2 X FENN (G. M.), This Man's Wife [Good Words, v. 27] 2197J FENN (W. W.), A Too Clever Capture by Half [E.B.A.]. 1886 ... 1305H FERN (Fanny), Ginger Snaps Fern Leaves, by Fanny Fern [Mrs. S. Parton] 707R. See also Living Age, v. 39, 3069J. Fernyhurst Court, by Lady Verney [Living Age, v. 107] 3137J FIELDING (Henry, Dramatic Writer, &t.) : Jonathan Wild, &c 464X I Tom Jones 466X Joseph Andrews 465X | N.B.— See also the General Catalogue for this Author. First Love, and Piinin and Baburin, by Ivan Turgener 2385X F. M. S., Little Aggie's Fresh Snow-drops and what they did in one Day 1545Z Fool's Errand, by one of the Fools, by Albion W. Tourgee 209 iX FORRESTER (A. H.), Fairy Footsteps, or Lessons from Legends 1286X FOTHERGILL (J.), Borderland 98X Franklanl the Barrister, by Mrs. Johnstone 2250X FRASER ^Mrs.), Cousins 2250X Freshwater Fisherman, by Miss Mitford 225CX From Cadet to Captain, by Major J. P. Groves 395X G-ARNETT (E.), Lost and Found [Fireside Tale] 2072X GARRETT (Edward), Not by Bread Alone [Sund". at Home, v. 37] 2887J Geoffrey Stirling, by L. Adams [All the Year Round, v. 50] 1810J George Canterbury's Will, by Mrs. Henry Wood 14, 38 and 1937X GERARD (Dorothea), Lady Baby 3384X GISSING (George), Thyrza 101X GOLDSMITH (Oliver), Vicar of Wakefield 1162Z. GORE (Mrs.), The Maid of Honour 2250X [1035] GOU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HER GOULD (S. Baring, Incumbent of Dallon) : Red Spider [Devon Fifty Years Ago] [Temple Bar, v. 79] 1409J Story of Jael [English Illustrated Magazine, v. 5] 1905 T Gowrie, or the King's Plot, by G. P. R.James 2659X N.B. — See also under Gowrie (Earl of) in the General Catalogue. GRANT (James) : Did she Love him? [Indian Mutiny] 3430X Fairer than a Fairy [Indian Mutiny] 343iX White Cockade 3437X GRATTON (Thomas Colley) Conscript's Bride and Cagot's Hut 2589X Great African Travellers, by Kingston and Frith 2979X N.B. — See also under Names in the General Catalogue. GREEN (E. E.), The Stronger Will [Cassell's Family Mag., v. 16].. 2365J Green Pastures and Piccadilly [Politics, &c], by William Black 507X [N.B. — This is a sequel to Strange Adventures of a Phaeton, 505X]. GRIFFIN (G. ), The Rivals [Boys' Own Annual, v. 7] 2957J Griffith Gaunt, or Jealousy, by Charles Reade 3399X GROVES (Major J. Percy), A Soldier Born 471X Guy Fawkes [Gunpowder Plot], by William Harrison Ainsworth...76 &84X N.B, — See also under Fawkes (Guy) in the General Catalogue. HALIBURTON (T. C), Nature and Human Nature 1451X HALL (Mrs. S. C), Whiteboy, a Story of Ireland in 1822... 1306 and 1308X Hard Cash, a Matter-of-Fact Romance, by Charles Reade 3397^ HARDY (Arthur S.), Passe Rose [Atlantic Monthly, v. 62] 1552J Harold, the last of the Saxon Kings, by Lytton 209, 236 & 238X N.B. — See also under Harold, Saxons, &c, in the General Catalogue. HARRIS (J. C), Azalia [Century Magazine, v. 12] 1884J HARWOOD (J. Berwick, Serial Writer, &»€.) : In the Wild West, a Story of Adventure [Cass. Fam. Mag., v. 16] 2365J Lord Lynn's Wife [Chambers' Journal, v. 41] x 947j HATTON (J.), Not in Society [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 1, N.s.] ... 721J HAVERS or BOULGER (Theodora). See Gift(Theo). HAWTHORNE (J.), Pearl Shell Necklace [Gent. Mag., v. 19, n.s.] 739J HAWTHORNE (Nathaniel, American Poet) : Pauline [Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, v. 121] 191J Scarlet Letter [Puritans of New England, &c] 1321X See also Living Age, v. 133, 3163J. BAWTREY (Louisa), Castle Cornet, or the Island's Troubles in the Troublous Times, a Story of the Channel Islands 1499O HEATON (W.), Story of Robin Hood..... « 3010X Helen and Olga [Domestic Manners, Russia, 19th Century], by Miss Manning 3440^ HELME (Elizabeth), St. Clair of the Isles [Hebrides, James L, &c] 3416X Henry of Guise, or the States of Blois, by G. P. R. James 2662X N.B. — See also in the Supplement to the General Catalogue. HENTY (George Alfred), Young Franc-Tireurs 1887X HERBERT (Auberon), Politician in Trouble about his Soul [Fort.] 2129J ■Hereward the Wake [Saxons, nth Cent.], by C. Kingsley 736 & 3037X N.B. — See also under Hereward in the General Catalogue. [1036] HIR ENGLISH SECTION. KEI Hiram Greg fa Lancashire Tale], by J. Crowther Hirst 1906X His Book, by Artemus Ward [Charles F. Browne] 1501X History of Henry Esmond, by William Makepeace Thackeray. . . 1078 & 1091X HODGETTS (Edith M. S.), Tr. s Tales and Legends from the Land of the Tzar, a Collection of Russian Stories 3402X HOFLAND (Mrs.), Czarina [Exile of Prince Menzikoff] 3426X HOLMES (Oliver Wendell), Elsie Venner, a Romance of Destiny... 3391X HOLT (Emily S.), White Rose of Langley [Lollards] 3423X Holy Rose, Last Mass, &c, by Walter Besant 3386X Homo Sum, by George Ebers 3408X HOOK (Theodore, Journalist, &*c): Man of Many Friends 1328.X | Martha the Gipsy 1327X HOPE (Ascott R. [Robert Hope Moncrieff]). See Fiction Class List. Hour and the Man [Toussaint L'Ouverture, Hayti, &c], by Harriet Martineau 34 1 3X. House of Halliwell, by Mrs. Henry Wood [Argosy, v. 49] 49J Household of Sir Thomas More [Times of Henry VIII. ], by Miss Manning 3418X HOUSSAYE (Arsene), Philosophers and Actresses, Scenes Vivid and Picturesque 2785X HOUSTOUN (Mrs.), Zoe's Brand 1521X How I Won my Spurs, by J. G. Edgar 3407X HOWITT (Mary), Trust and Trial 1495X In the Wild West, a Story of Adventure, by J. Berwick Harwood [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 16] 2365T Inner House, by Walter Besant , 3388X Innocent Sinner, by Mortimer Collins 1922X Invaders, by Count Lyof N. Tolstoi 3344X lone Stewart, by E. Lynn Linton 1689X See also Temple Bar, v. 67, 1397J. IRON (Ralph) [Olive Schreiner], Story of an African Farm 3383X Jack Sheppard [Highwayman], by William Harrison Ainsworth 75X N.B.— See also under Sheppard (Jack) in the General Catalogue. James the Second, or the Revolution of 1688, by Ainsworth 2501 and 2900X N.B.— See also under James II. in the General Catalogue. Jarrouseau, or the Last of the Huguenots, by W. W r estall [C. W.] 255J N.B. — See also under Jarrouseau (Jean) in the General Catalogue. Jenny [Fireside Tale], by Charles Wareing Bardsley . . . , 2072X Jessie Lynn, a Love Story, by A. Neill [Christian World, 1878] ... 247J J. M. C. , Ida Conway [Fraser's Magazine, v. 45] 655J1 Joan of Arc, by Mrs. Charles [Sunday Magazine, v. 15] 2465J J. O. F., Miss Blake of Monkshalton [Murray, v. 7] 1467J Jokes with Artemus Ward, by Mark Twain 2756X Jonathan Wild, History of, by Henry Fielding 464X N.B. — See also under Wild (Jonathan) in the General Catalogue. Julian, or Scenes in Jiukea, by William W T are 344iX KEITH (Leslie [Keith, Johnston], Serial Writer, <&V.) : Senior and Junior, a Country Town Chronicle 2649T Surrender 3353^ [io37] KEN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LYT Kenneth, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 34 HX KER (David), Lost Expedition, or the City of Skulls, a Story of Western Africa [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12] 2962J JKestell of Greystone, by Esme Stuart [All the Year Round, v. 67]... 1827 J KETTLE (Rosa Mackenzie), Wreckers [Smugglers, Shipwrecks, &c] 1372X KING- (Florence M.), Womanlike [Cassell's Family Mag., v. 16] .... 2365J KINGSLEY (Charles), Two Years Ago 1943 and 1983X KINGSLEY (Henry), Austen Elliot 1374X KIPLING (Rudyard), Soldiers Three 3389X Lady Adelaide, by Mrs. Henry Wood 12, 46, 56X and 1347J Lady Baby, by Dorothea Gerard 3384X Lady Godiva, a Story of Saxon England, by J. B. Marsh 242 1 X N.B. — See also under Godiva (Lady) in the General Catalogue. Lady Grace, by Mrs. Henry Wood 2142 and 3129X Lady Jane Grey, by T. Miller 3412X LADY L., Sir Philip Hetherington 1364X Last Mass, The, by Walter Besant 3386X Last of the Barons [Wars of the Roses, 15th Century], by Lylton 219 and 235X N.B. — See also under Warwick (Earls of), in General Catalogue. Last of the Fenwickes, by Helen Shipton [Good Words, v. 31] 220 ij Last of the Paladins, or the Heritage of Karl the Great, by Deslys 2960J N.B. — See also under Charlemagne and Roland in the General Catalogue. LAVIGNE (E.), A Female Nihilist [Russia, 19th Century] 3432X LEATHES (Mrs. Stanley), Ade, a Romance 2314X LEE (M.), Faithful or Unfaithful 1971X LEE (Vernon [Violet Paget]), Culture Ghost [Fraser, v. 103] 713J Legend of Montrose, by Sir Walter Scott 1036-7Z Life and Adventures of John Marston Hall, by James 699, 2618, 2918X LINTON (Mrs. E. Lynn, Social Novelist, &c.) : lone Stewart 1689X I World Well Lost 1697X Also Temple Bar, v. 67, 1397J ! Little Duke, by Charlotte Mary Yonge 3438X Little Schoolmaster Mark [Spiritual Romance], by Shorthouse 3436X Log of the Flying Fish, a Story of Aerial and Submarine Adventure and Peril, by Henry Collingwood 3392X Long Exile, by Count Lyof N. Tolstoi 2026R Lords of Strogue [Irish Insurrection of 1803], by Lewis Wingfield ... 3421X Lost and Found [Fireside Tale], by E. Garnett 2072X Lost Expedition, or the City of Skulls, a Story of Western Africa, by David Ker [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12] 2962J LOTHROP (Amy [Elizabeth Wetherell]), Golden Ladder 1859X LUDLOW (Johnny). See Wood (Mrs. Henry). LYONS (Lady), A Voice, and the Lover upon Trial 278SX LYTTON (Edward Bulwer, Lord) : 111- Omened Marriage 250X [ Pausanias 229 & 230X [1038] MAC ENGLISH SECTION. NOT MACQUOID (K. S.)i Rookstone [Leisure Hour, v. 20] 2630J Maitland of Laurieston, by Annie S. Swan [Sunday Mag., v. 19] ... 2476J MALAN (Rev. A. N.), Beware of the Hydrophagon ! a Story of School and Country Life [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12] 2962J MALLOCK (W. IL), Old Order Changes 2415X MANNING (Miss Anne) : Colloquies of Edward Osborne [London Apprentices] 1047R Diary of Mary Powell [Days of Milton] 3427X Helen and Olga [Domestic Manners, Russia, 19th Century] 3440X Household of Sir Thomas More [Times of Henry VIIL] 3418X Marchioness of Brinvilliers [The Poisoner in Old Paris], by Albert Smith 3433^ Marguerite de Valois, an Historical Romance, by Dumas 405X N.B. — See also under Henry IV. in the General Catalogue. MARSH (Mrs. Anne, Historical Novelist) : Previsions of Lady Evelyn 1 369X j Sealed Orders 1 368X MARSH (E. M.), Saved as by Fire [Good Words, v. 29] 2199J MARSHALL (Emma) : Crusts and Crumpets [Fireside Tale] 2072X Sir Christopher Crawley's Crotchets 2072X Under Salisbury Spire 3395^ MARTINEAU (Harriet), Hour and the Man [Toussaint l'Ouverture, Hayti, &c] 34*3^ Martyrs of Spain [Persecution, Spain and Portugal, 16th Century], by Mrs. Charles 3434^ Mary* Jane's Memoirs, compiled from her original MS., by George Robert Sims !.. 3367X MASON (C. Welsh), Rape of the Gamp [Harper, v. 40] 1629J Master of the Magicians, a Tale of Babylon, by Phelps and Ward 3385X MAXWELL (W. H.), Bivouac 3439X MELVILLE (George John Whyte, Scotch Novelist) : Inside the Bar 823X | Uncle John [Tem. Bar, v. 39] 1369J MILLER (T.): Fair Rosamond [Third Crusade, 1 189] 3410X Lady Jane Grey 34 I2 X Royston Gower [Times of John, England] 3422X MILLINGTON (T. S.), Wait a Year [Leisure Hour, v. 28] 2638J Miscellaneous Sketches, by William Makepeace Thackeray 3027X Monastery, by Sir Walter Scott 906, 954 and 993X See also the sequel, The Ahbot, 908, 956 and 996X, &c. MONCREIFF (Robert Hope). See Hope (Ascott R.). Mount Orgueil Castle, by J. E. Corbiere 3095X MULOGH (Miss Dinah Maria), Agatha's Husband 3400X MURRAY (Eustace Clare Grenville), Young Brown [Cornhill, v. 28] 308J My Early Adventures, by Armenius Yambery [Cass. Fam. Mag., 10] 2359J NICHOLSON (J. Shield, Professor of Political Economy, Edinburgh University), Thoth, a Romance of Athens, &c 333§X "No Place like Home, by Hesba Stretton [Sunday at Home, v. 28] ... ^878J .Not by Bread Alone, by Edward Garrett [Sunday at Home v. 27]--' 2887J [1039] OLI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SAI OLIPHANT (Mrs. Margaret, Scotch Biographer and Novelist)-. Caleb Field 1402 & 1405X I Zaidee [Living Age, v. 44]... 3074J The Wizard's Son 3394* | One in a Thousand, or the Days of Henri IV., by G. P. R. James .. 68 iX N.B.— See also under Henry IV., King of France, in the General Catalogue. Paddy at Home, by Mandat-Grancey 2373X PARLEY (Peter), Hatchups of Me and My Schoolfellows 2238X Passe Rose, by A. S. Hardy [Atlantic Monthly, v. 62] 1552J PAYN (James, Editor of Chambers' Journal) : Gwendoline's Harvest 1950J | Woman's Vengeance [C. J.]... 1951J Peg Woffmgton [Actors, &c], by Charles Reade 3396X Pericles, a^Tale of Athens in the 83rd Olympiad, by C. F. Cornwallis. 141 2X N.B. — See also in the General Catalogue. PHELPS (Elizabeth Stuart), The Master of the Magicians 3385X Philip Augustus, King of France. See Philip Augustus, or the Brothers in Arms, by James. Pilgrims of New England, by Mrs. J. B. Webb 2969X Pirate Island, by Anne Bowman [Every Boy's Annual, 1866] 1301H PIRKIS(C. L.), A Red Sister [All the Year Round, v. 67] 1827J Pomeroy Abbey, by Mrs. Henry Wood 1955X PORTER (Miss A. M.), Barony [Monmouth's Rebellion, 17th Century] 3428X PRESTWICH (Mrs.), Enga, a Scottish Story 1973X Prince and the Page [Eighth Crusade, 1267], by Charlotte Yonge ... 341 iX Princess of Thule, by William Black 3051X Punin and Baburin, and First Love, by Turgenev, trans, by Jerrold 2385X Red Sister, by C. L. Pirkis [All the Year Round, v. 67] 1827J Regent's Daughter [Philip, Duke of Orleans], by Alexandre Dumas. 632X N.B. — See also under Orleans (Philip, Duke of) in the General Catalogue. Richelieu, a Tale of France, by G. P. R. James 2665X N.B. — See also in the General Catalogue. Rienzi, Last of the Roman Tribunes, by Lord Lytton 215, 223 & 2689X N.B. — See also in the General Catalogue. RITA [Mrs. Gollan von Booth] Vivienne 2082X Rob Roy [Clan McGregor, Highland Freebooters, &c], by Scott 895 & 943X N.B. — Sec also in the General Catalogue. Robin Gray, a Scotch Tale, by Charles Gibbon 915X Robin Hood, Story of, by W. Heaton 3010X N.B. — See also in the General Catalogue. ROBINSON (Jane), Ccesar Borgia [Catherine de Medici] 3424X Robinson Crusoe, by Daniel Defoe 2254 & 2853X N.B. — See also under Selkirk (A.) in the General Catalogue. Roderick Random, by Tobias Smollett 1051 and 1063X Royston Gower [Times of John, England], by T. Miller 3422X St. Clair of the Isles [Hebrides and James I.], by Elizabeth Helme 3416X SAINT-PIERRE (J. H. B. de), Paul and Virginia 556D, I20T, 2849X and 1250Z [1040] SAI ENGLISH SECTION. THO SAINTINE (X. B.), Picciola, or the Prison Flower [Cham. Miscell.] 623R SARGENT (G. E.), Sunday Evenings at Northcourt [S. at H.] 2865 & 2S09J SAVAGE (W. M.), Woman of Business [Fortnightly Review, v. 11] 2101T SCHREINEE (Olive). See Iron (Ralph). SCOTT (Michael), Tom Cringle's Log 2312X SCOTT (Sir Walter, Scotch Historian and Novelist) : Kenilworth [Elizabeth, Leicester, Amy Robsart, &c] 1051-3Z Tales of a Grandfather [Scottish History] io/pZa to 1044Z N.B. — Many of Scott's Novels refer to incidents and characters in the ahove work. SEDGWICK (Miss, American Novelist) : Hope Leslie 1440X | Irish Girl, &c 2736X SEWELL (E. M.), Glimpses of the World 2635X SHORTHOUSE (J. H.), Little Schoolmaster Mark [Spiritl. Rom.] 3436X Sidonia the Sorceress, by William Meinhold 2707X Silas Marner, by George Eliot [Mrs. Cross] 436 and 437X Sir Christopher Crawley's Crotchets, by Emma Marshall 2072X Sisters [Ptolemy, Egypt and Cleopatra, 164 B.C.], by George Ebers 3435X SMITH (A.), Marchioness of Brinvilliers [Poisoner in Old Paris] 3433^ SMITH (Horace), Tor Hill [Times of Henry VIII.] 3419X Soldier Born, by Major J, Percy Groves 447X Spanish Cavalier, a Story of Seville, by A. L. O. E. [Miss Tucker] 3406X Spanish Match, or Charles Stuart at Madrid, by W. H. Ainsworth... 68X N.B. — See also under Charles I. in the General Catalogue. SPINDLER (C), Jesuit 2796X STOCKTON (F. R.), Hundredth Man [Century Magazine, v. 11]... 1883J Story of an African Farm, by Ralph Iron 3383X Strange Voyage, by William Clark Russell 3228X STRETTON (Hesba), Lord's Purse Bearers, and other Tales 200Q STUART (Esme), Kestell of Greystone [All the Vear Round, v. 67] 1827J Surgeon's Daughter [Times of George III.], by Sir Walter Scott ... 1072-5Z SWAN (Annie S.), Maitland of Laurieston [Sunday Magazine, v. 19] 2476J Tales of a Grandfather, by Sir W. Scott [Scottish History].. i04oZa to 1044Z N.B. — Many of Scott's Novels refer to incidents and characters in the above work. Tales of the First French Revolution, collected by Anne Marsh 1368X Talisman, by Sir W. Scott [Tales of the Crusaders] 926 & 974X Ik 1074-5Z THACKERAY (Anne Isabella), Jack the Giant Killer, a Novel ... 3125J THACKERAY (William Makepeace) : Doctor Birch and his Voung Friends 1086 and 1099X English Humorists 1084 and 1097X Kickleburys on the Rhine 1086 and 1099X Mrs. Perkin's Ball 1086 and 1099X Our Street 1086 and 1099X Rose and the Ring 1086 and 1099X THOMAS (A.), Theo Leigh [Once a Week, v. 11] 2271J THOMAS (Dudley Hardress), Eight Days, a Tale of the Indian Mutiny [Cornhill, v. 62] 342J 48 [1041] THO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WIN THOMSON (J. ), Public and Private Life of Animals 2384X THORNBURY (G. W.), Every Man his own Trumpeter 1483X Thoth, a Romance of Athens, &c, by J. Shields Nicholson 3338X Tor Hill [Times of Henry VIII.], by Horace Smith 34*9^ Travels through France and Italy, by Tobias Smollett 1068X TROLLOPE (Mrs. F. E.) : Attractive Man 2754X | Veronica [A. Y. R., v. 22]... 1782J TROLLOPE (T. Adolphus), Catherine de Medici 3425X Ula [Cetewayo, Africa, &c], by Charles H. Eden 3414X Veronica, by Mrs. F. E. Trollope [All the Year Round, v. 22] 1782T Vicar of Wakefield 1305 & 2253X, 888 & 1162Z "War and Peace [Retreat from Cabul, 1842], by A.L.O.E 3409X WARE (William) : Julian, or Scenes in Judaea 344* X Letters from Palmyra, or Zenobia : 2779X WEIR (Marion E.), Patience to Work and Wait 209Q WETHERELL (Elizabeth, American Novelist) : My Brother's Keeper 1S62X I Wide Wide World 2862X A ho Excelsior 1 926-8R I White Cockade, by James Grant 3437X White Rose of Langley [Lollards], by Emily S. Holt 3423X WILLIS (Nathaniel Parker), People I have Met 2764X WILSON (J.). Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life 1362 & 2970X WILSON (Prof. John), Trials of Margaret Lindsay 2970X WINGFIELD (Hon. Lewis), Lords of Strogue [Irish Insurrection of 1803] 3421X [1042] SUBJECT AND CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX TO FICTION. This index does not 7'efer to every work in Fiction, bnt only to such as appear to have soi/ie special design, or that give a fair amount of interesting information on some popular or useful subject. Many of the works of Fiction having no particular object or matter other than recreative, do not come within ■the scope of this index, and have therefore been left out. The compiler regrets that the time at his disposal did not permit of such adequate treatment of this work as he would have desired, and that many interesting references have doubtless been omitted on this account. The number of any work required will be found in the Fiction Class List. Abbreviations of Magazines have been occasionally used in the Fiction Class List and in this Index, as shown in the following List. Any others will be understood. All the Year Round A.Y.R. Argosy Arg. Atlantic Monthly Atl. Blackwood's Magazine Black. Boys' Own Annual B.OA. Cassell's Family Magazine C. F.M. Cassell's Magazine Cas. Century Magazine Cent. Chambers' Journal C.J. Cornhill Magazine Corn. English Illustrated Eng. 111. Every Boy's Annual E. B. A. Fortnightly Review Fort. Fraser's Magazine Fras. Gentleman's Magazine G.M. Girls' Own Annual G.OA. Good Words G.W. Guernsey Magazine Guern. M. Harper's Monthly Harp. Household Words H.W. Leisure Hour L. H. Living Age L. A. Longman's Magazine Long. Macmillan's Magazine Mac. M. Murray's Magazine Mur. M. Once a Week O. a W. Quiver Quiv. or Q. St. Paul's Magazine St. P. M. Scribner's Monthly Scrib. Sunday at Home S. at H Sunday Magazine S.M. Temple Bar T. B. Time Time. AC! PART I. — SUBJECT INDEX. ADV Accomplishments. See Modern Ac- complishments, by Sinclair. Actors and Actresses. See Peep Be- hind the Scenes, by Walton. My Sister the Actress, by Marryat. Philosophers and Actresses. Admirals. See Three Admirals, by Kingston. Our Sailors, by Kingston. Also works by Marryat. ADVENTURES. See Boy Captain, by Verne. Great Mistake, by Milling- ton. Hector Servadac, by Verne. John Deane [Historic], by Kingston. Kangaroo Hunters, by Bowman. [I043] AER GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY ASK Baron Munchausen, his Original Travels and Adventures, by Raspe. Our Home in the Silver West. Re- markable Adventures. Tales from Blackwood, v. 3, 2nd series. Tales of Adventure, by Ballantyne. Wonderful Stories of Daring Enterprise, by Macaulay. Also under following authors : Adams, Aimard, Ballantyne, Kingston, Marryat, Murray, Neale, &c. Aerial Navigation. See Clipper of the Clouds, and Five Weeks in a Balloon, by Verne. Affinities. See Affinities, by Praed. Afghanistan. See David Leslie [Afghan Frontier]. Duke of Albany's High- landers [And India, Nineteenth Cen- tury], by Grant. Ilderim the Afghan, by Ker. Tales from Blackwood [Af- ghaun Fort], v. 5, 2nd series. AFRICA. See Adventures of Herbert Massey in, by Commander V. L.Cameron. Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South, by Verne. Black Ivory, by Ballantyne. Drowned Gold [West], by Ker. Five Weeks in a Balloon [Central], by Verne. Gorilla Hunters, by Ballantyne. Hair-Breadth Escapes [South], by Adams. In the Wilds of Africa, by Kingston. Settler and the Savage, by Ballantyne. Six Months at the Cape [South], by Ballan- tyne. Two Supercargoes [Adventures in Savage], by Kingston. Ula [Cete- wayo], by Charles H. Eden. Under an Afric Sun, by Fenn. Vanished Dia- mond [Tale of South Diamond Fields], by Verne. With a Show through South- ern Africa, by Du Val. Great African Travellers, by Kingston and Frith. Story of an African Farm, by Iron. Alfred the Great. See Chronicles of Ethelfled [oth century], by Miss Man- ning. Algeria. See Hector Servadac, by Verne. Pirate City, by Ballantyne. Alpine. See Rivers of Ice, by Ballantyne. Amazon. See Cryptogram [Eight Hun- dred Leagues on the], by Verne. Giant Raft, by Verne. On the Banks of the Amazon, by Kingston. Amber Witch. See Maiy Schweidler, by Meinhold. AMERICA. See Blockade Runners [American Rebellion, 1862], by Verne. Fashion and Famine [a Tale of], by Mrs. Stephens. Giant Raft [South], by Verne. Linwoods, by Miss Sedgwick. Norse- men in the West, by Ballantyne. On the Banks of the Amazon, by Kingston. Pocahontas [North] [L. H., v. 1]. Pio- neers, by Cooper. Seventeen-Seventy- Six [War of Independence], by Browne [L. H., v. 25]. Si Slocum [Trappers] [O. a W., v. 65]. Spuytenduyvel Chronicle. Tales and Sketches, by Stone. Through the Desert Canon, by Rideing [B. O. A., v. 4]. Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Stowe. Virginians [Eve of American War, 18th Century], by Thackeray. White Fawn, by Johnson. Carleton [American Re- volution], by Willis. Pocahontas [Lei- sure Hour, v. 1]. Afar in the Forest, by Kingston. Also United States and Works by Cooper, Irving, Slick, &c. American Colonies. See Brandon, by Tiffany. Canada, &c. American Indians. See Prairie Chief, by Ballantyne. Prairie, by Cooper. Also following authors : Aimard, Ballantyne, Cooper, Kingston, Reid, &c. American War of Independence. See Spyj by Cooper. The Virginians [Eve of the American War, 18th Century], by Thackeray. White Scalper [1775-84],. by Aimard, Sec. Amiable. See Mr. Golightly [O. a W.]. Amulets. See Hadji's Amulet, by Cox [Boys' Own Annual, v. 8]. Anchor-watch Yarns. See Anchor- Watch Yarns, by Downey. Angola. See Through the Darkness [Con- quest of], by Ker [B. O. A., v. n]. Animals. See Public and Private Life of Animals, by Balzac. Paul Bradley [Kindness to], by Mrs. Bray. Encoun- ters with Wild Beasts. My Doggie and I, by Ballantyne, &c. Anne Boleyn. See Anne Boleyn, by Thompson. Windsor Castle, by Ains- worth. Anne, Queen of England, Times of. See John Law [England, 18th Century], by Ainsworth. St. James [England, 18th Century], by Ainsworth. Esmond, by Thackeray. Devereux, by Lytton. Antwerp. See Golden Grasshopper [Time of Mary and Elizabeth], by Kingston. Apparition. See Tracey, or the Appari- tion, by Thomson. Appearances. See Ferrol Family [Keep- ing up] [Leisure Hour, v. 0]. Apprentices. See Colloquies of Edward Osborne [London, 16th Century], by Miss Manning. Seed Time, by Reuter [Living Age, v. 108]. Arabia. See Beyond Recall, by Ser- geant. Frank Hilton [Wars, 18th Cen- tury], by Grant. Homo Sum [Monks, Egypt and the East, a.d. 3], by Ebers. Shaving of Shagpat, by Meredith. Ara- bian Nights Entertainment, &c. Armada, Spanish. See In the Days of the Great Armada, by Temple [Sunday at Home, v. 35]. Westward Ho ! [1588], by Kingsley, &c. Army. See Our Soldiers, by Kingston. Regimental Legends, by Winter, &c. Artagnan (Chevalier d'). See Constable of France, &c, by Grant [Captain-Lieu- tenant of the Mousquetaires du Roi]. Artist Life. See After Dark, by Collins. Asia. See India, Afghanistan, &c. Askew (Anne). The Faire Gospeller [England, 16th Century], by Miss Manning. [IO44] ASS SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. BUR Assassination Plot. See John Deane of Nottingham [England, 17th Century], by W. H. G. Kingston. Assyria. See Sarchedon [Egypt and the East, 2,odo B.C.], by Whyte Melville. Athens. See Fair Athens, by Edmonds. Pericles [in the 83rd Olympiad], byCorn- wallis. Three Greek Children [is.c], by Church. Thoth, by, Nicholson, &c. Atom. See Adventures of an Atom and other Tales, by Smollett. Attorney. See Power of Attorney and other Tales, by Liardet. Aunts. See Maiden Aunt [L. A., v. 15]. AUSTRALIA.. See Bush Luck [B.O.A., v. 12]. Frank Layton[L. H., v. 3]. Geo- ffrey Hamlyn, by Kingsley. Hamiltons [Australian Life], by Davidson. Harry Heathcote of Gangoil [Bush Life], by Trollope. Lady Hetty [Scottish and Australian Life]. Martin Beck [Settlers], by Harris. Harry Treverton, by Tim- perley [Boys' Own Annual, v. 10], &c. Babylon. See Tales from Blackwood, v. 11, second series. Bachelor. See Confirmed Bachelor [Cham- bers' Journal, v. 9]. Bacon (Friar). See Home Treasury of Old Story Books. Balloons. See Five Weeks in a Balloon [Central Africa], by Verne. Baltic Shores, 12th Century. See Mits- lav, by Milman. Barons. See Last of the Barons, by Lytton. How I Won my Spurs [War of the, 13th Century], by J. G. Edgar. Also Works by Scott. Barracks. See Cavalry Life, by Winter. Barristers. See Power of Attorney, by Liardet. Purchase, by Liardet. Bastille. See Dead Heart, by Gibbon. Taking of the Bastile, by Dumas. Battles. See The Subaltern [American War of 1812], by Gleig. Tales from Blackwood [Plassey, v. 5, second series]. Waterloo [1815], by Erckmann-Chat- rian. Vanity Fair, by Thackeray. War, Revolution, Sieges, &c. Bayouda. See Marvellous Conquest, by Laurie [Boys' Own Annual, v. 11]. Beacons. See Tales from Blackwood. Beau Nash. See Nash (Beau). Beauty. See Tales from Blackwood [Beauty Draught], v. 5, 1st series. Bedrooms. See Mrs. Barton's Best Bed- room, by Stretton. Benedictines. See Heidenmaur [Le- gend of the Rhine], by Cooper. Bengal. See Hindu Life in Bengal, by Chatterjee. India, &c. Black Dragoons. See Harry Ogilvie, by Grant. Black Forest. See Refugees of the Black Forest [Leisure Hour, v. 2]. Black Prince, The. See Lances of Lynwood [England, 14th Century], by C. M. Yon . Blacksmith. See Village Blacksmith. [Argosy, v. 45 and 47]. Blois, States of. See Henry of Guise, by James. Boats. See Three Men in a Boat, by Jerome. Bohemian Life. See Stories of an Old Bohemian Life. Boleyn, Anne. See Anne Boleyn, by Thomson. Windsor Castle, by Ains- worth. Henry VIII. , &c. Bonner (Bishop). See Cardinal Pole [Days of William and Mary], by Ains- worth. Bores. See Thoughts on Bores, by Edge- worth. Borgias. See Valentino, by Astor. Also Works by Lytton. ! Boston. See Lionel Lincoln [Siege of, American War, 1775], by J. F. Cooper. : Bothwell (James Hepburn, Earl of, Con- sort of Mary Queen of Scots). See Both- well, by Grant. Mary, Scotland, &c. Bothwell Bridge. See Old Mortality [Scotland, 1679], by Scott. Bourbon (Constable de). See Constable de Bourbon, by Ainsworth. Bourdaloue. See Preacher and the King, by Bungener. Boxer. See Dead Boxer, by Carleton. Boyhood. See Childhood, by Tolstou Priscilla [Boy's Love], by Willmets. Ranald Bannerman's Boyhood, by Mac- donald. That Bother of a Boy [G.O.A, v. 3]. Boys' Own Annual from v. 1, &c Brazil. See Giant Raft, by Verne. Mar- tin Rattler, by Ballantyne. Bridesmaids. See Margaret and her Bridesmaids, by Mrs. Marsh. Brigands. See Corse de Leon, by James. Britons. See Daybreak in Britain [An- cient] [Sunday at Home, v. 2]. Brittany. See Brittany and La Vendde, by Souvestre. Broken Heart. See Sketch Book, by Irving. Diary of a late Physician [also the Wife], by Warren. Brothers. See My Brother Basil [Q., v. 30]. My Brother's Friend, by Thome [G. O. A., v. 7I. My Brother's" Keeper, by Warner. My Brother's Wife, by Edwards, &c. Bruce (Robert). See Days of Bruce [A. Story of Scottish History], by Aguilar. Scottish Chiefs, by Po ter. Bruges. See Heiress of Bruges, by Grattan. Buccaneers. See Buccaneer, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. Westward Ho ! by Kingsley. Pirates, &c. Builder. See Edward Turner, Carpenter and Builder, by Macdonell [Quiv. v. 18]. Bulgaria. See In the Track of the Troops [Bulgarian Atrocities], by Ballantyne. Burgomaster. See Burgomaster's Family [Living Age, v. 114]. Buried Alive. See Pauline, by Dumas. Burning Island. See Alfonso and Gre- gorio [Boys' Own Annual, v. 4]. [1045] BUS GUILLE-ALLfeS LIBRARY. CHE Bush Life. See Kangaroo Hunters [Aus- tralia], by Bowman. Bride from the Bush [Cornhill]. Australia, &c. Business Man. See Only a Business Man, by Drvden [A. Y. R., v. 56]. Cabin Boys. See Paul Gerard, by King- ston [E. B. A., 1866]. Sailors, Sea. Also Works by Marryat, &c. Cable-Laying. See Wire and the Wave, by Munro [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12]. Cabul, Retreat from. See War and Peace [India, 1842], by A. L. O. E. Afghans. Cadets. See From Cadet to Captain, by Groves. Queen's Cadet, by Grant, and other works by these authors, &c. Caesar's Household. See Pomponia, by Mrs. Webb [Sunday at Home, v. 13]. Cagliostro. See Tales from Blackwood, v. 5, first series. Cairo. See Cornhill to Grand Cairo, by Thackeray. California. See Godfrey Morgan, by Verne. Golden Dream, by Ballantyne. Calvin, The Days of. See The Brigand [France, 16th Century], by G. P. R. James. Reformation. Cameron. See Great African Travellers, by Kingston and Frith. Camp Fire. See Hunter's Feast [Conver- sations around the], by Reid. Also Works by Cooper. Campaigns. See Campaign in Kabylia, by Erckman-Chatrian. War, &c. Canada. See Cedar Creek [Canadian Life], [L. H., v. 10]. Giants of Lcckside [Leisure Hour, v. 2;]. Silk Robed Cow [North West], by Williams [B. O. A., v. 9]. Stories of Old England [Cana- dian Forest], by Mrs. Traill, &c. Cancer. See Diary of a late Physician, by Warren. Canoes. See Snowshoes and Canoes, by Kingston. Indians, &c. Canongate. See Chronicles of the Canon- gate, by Scott. Cape Cod. See Cape Cod Folks, by McClean. Cape of Good Hope. See Six Months at the Cape, by Ballantyne. Africa, See. Capital. See Men of Capital, by Gore. Captivity, The. See Exiles in Babylon [Egypt and the East, B.C.], by A. L.O. E. Caravans. See Matt, by Buchanan. Carib Chief. See Warrawarra [Tale of 1770], by Breen. Carnival. See Story of Carnival, by Hoppus. Carpenter. See Edward Turner, Car- penter and Builder, by Macdonell [Quiver, v. 18]. Cartnage. See Lapsed but not Lost, by Mrs. Charles. Carthagena. See Roderick Random [Bombardment of, 1741], by Smollett. Castile. See Mercedes of Castile, by Cooper. Spain, &c. Catechism. See Church Catechism, by Mrs. Brock. Cathay. See Mercedes of Castile, by Cooper. Spain, &c. Catherine de Medici. See Crichton, by Ainsworth. Works by Dumas, &C. Catholics. See Father Clement [Roman. Catholic Story], by Kennedy. Cattle Plague. See Days of the Cattle Plague, by Prosser [S. at H., v. 15]. Caucasus in the Year 1852. See the Cos- sacks, by Tolstoi. Cavaliers. See Brambletye House, by Smith. Cavaliers and Roundheads, by- Edgar. Henry Masterton [Young Cava- lier], by James. Charles I. Common wealth, &c. Cavalry. See Cavalry Life [in Barracks],, by Winter. Grant, Groves, &c. Cetewayo. See Hendricks the Hunter,, by Kingston. Ula, by C. H. Eden. Channel Islands. See Castle Cornet, [In Days of Civil War, 17th Century], by Hawtrey. St. George's Cross, by Keene. Doctor's Dilemma, by Stretton.. Toilers of the Sea, by Hugo. Guern- sey, &c. Character. See Failures and Successes [Sketches of], by Miss Whately [S. at H., v. 26]. Mayor of Casterbridge, by Hardy. Men of Character, by Jerrold.. Tales and Sketches, by Carleton. Charge of the Six Hundred. See One of the Six Hundred, by Grant. Charity. See Faith, Hope and Charity,, by Lisle. Charlemagne. See Romance of History [France], by Ritchie. Charles I. See Brambletye House, by Horace Smith. John Inglesant, by Shorthouse. Whitehall, by Jane Robin- son. Children of the New Forest, by Marryat. Puritan and his Daughter, by Paulding. Civil War, &c. CHARLES II. See Boscobel, or The Royal Oak [Escape of], by Ains worth. Captain of the Guard [Times of], by Grant. Oliver Wyndham [Plague, 1665], by Mrs. Webb. Robber [Times of], by James. Russell [Times of], by G. P. R. James. Whitefriars, by Robinson. Charles VI. of France. See Isabel of Bavaria [France, 14th Cent.], by Dumas. Joan the Maid, by Mrs. Charles. Charles Edward, Prince. See Red Gaunt- let, by Scott. Waverley, by Scott. Charles Stuart. See Waverley, by Scott. Chartists [19th Century]. See Alton Locke, by Kingsley. Sybil, by Beacons- field. Cheshire. Sea Water Tower, by Ware. Lady Godiva, by Marsh. Cheviots. See Border Tales and Legends, by Maxwell. In Cheviot's Glens, by Stoddart. Chelsea. See Chelsea Householder, by Anon. Chelsea Pensioners, by Gleig. Chevalier, Young. See Charles Edward,. Prince. Chevy Chase. See Chambets' Mis., v. 2. [1046] CHI SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. CON See Barriers Burned Away, by Breen. Chicago Fi by Roe. Chiefs. Sea Warrawarra, American Indians, Kx. Childhood. See Childhood, by Tolstoi. Children. See Child's Influence, by Lockyer. Spoilt Guy, by Dale [Sunday Magazine]. Tell Me a Story, by Mrs. Molesworth. Three Greek Children, by Church. Ministering Children, by Mrs. Charlesworlh. Also Hoys' Own Annual, Every Boy's Annual, Girls' Own Annual. Chili. See Mysterious Document, by Verne. China. See Mandarin's Daughter [Leisure Hour, v. 23]. Tribulations of a China- man, by Verne. Christ. See Prince of the House of David [Life of], by Ingraham. Christianity. See Daybreak in Britain, by A.L.O.E. [Sunday at Home, v. 2]. To the Lions, by Church. Christmas. See Christmas Books, by Dickens. Fairlight Lodge [Eve] [B. O. A. , v. 5]. Christmas Stories, by Dickens. Christmas Tales [B. O. A., v. 4]. CHRONOLOGY, or Periods. See Chronological Index, page 1067. Church Imposts. See Tithe Proctor, by Carleton. Circumstantial Evidence. Sae Circum- stantial Evidence [Guernsey Magazine, v. 10]. Circus Life. See Peep Behind the Scenes, by Walton. Ring and Coronet, by Arena. City. See Lombardy Court, by Milling- ton [Leisure Hour, v. 27]. City Arabs. See Story of a City Arab, by Sargent. Dusty Diamonds, by Ballan- tyne. City Life. See Reginald Cruden, by Reid [B. O. A., v. 7]. '"School and the World, by Paul Blake [Boys' Own Annual, v. 7]. City Man. See Misjudged, by Mrs. Arnold [Leisure Hour, v. 30]. CIVILWar. See Blockade Runners [Ameri- can], by Verne. Children of the New Forest [Charles I.], by Marryat. Harry Ogilvie [in Scotland], by Grant. Holmby House [and Italy], by Whyte Melville. John Inglesant [England, 17th Century], by J. H. Shorthouse. Leaguer of Lathom, by Ainsworth. Ovingdean Grange, by Ainsworth. Splendid Spur [1642-3], by Caine. White Hoods, by Bray. Brian Fitz- Count [England, Time of Stephen], by Crake. Commonwealth, Revolution, &c. Clairvoyant. See Clairvoyant [Gent. Magazine, v. 6, n.s.]. Clarionet Player. See Confessions of a Clarionet Player, by Erckmann- Chatrian. Claverhouse. See Scottish Cavalier, by Grant. Cleopatra. See Cleopatra, by Haggard. The Sisters, by Ebers. Clerks. See Three Clerks, by Trollope. Diary of a late Physician [Merchants' Clerk], by Warren. Clever Young Man. See Story of a Clever Young Man [Leisure Hour, v. 7]. Cliffs. See Cliff Climbers, by Reid. Clive. See With Clive in India, by Henty. Coast, The. See Lifeboat, &c, by Ballan- tyne. Also Works by Kettle (R. M.). Colds. See Diary of a late Physician [a s'ight Cold], by Warren. Colleen Pawn. See Collegians, by Griffin. College Life. See Bertram Raven [Story of], by Vernon [L. H., v. 24]. College Days at Oxford, by Adams. College Life of Maitre Nablot, by Erckmann- Chatrian [Cassell's, v. 8]. Colonies. See Brandon, by Tiffany. Emigrant in Search of a Colony, by Rowcroft. Harry Treverton [Colonial Life], by Broome. Young Colonists, by Henty. Australia, Canada, &c. Colonna. See Tales from Blackwood. Columbus. See Notable Voyages, by Kingston and Frith. Comanche Country. See Adventures in the Comanche Country, by Webber. Commanders. See Three Commande-s [Naval], by Kingston. Young Com- mander, by Armstrong. COMMONWEALTH. See Andrew Marvel and his Friends, by Hall. Dray- tons and Davenants, by Mrs. Charles. Henry Masterton [Worcester Fight], by G. P. R. James. Life of Colonel Jack, by Defoe. Memoirs of a Cavalier, by Defoe. St. George and St. Michael [England, 17th Century], by G. Macdonald. Wood- stock [Worcester Fight, 1651], by Scott. Commune, Paris, 19th Century. See Parisians, by Lytton. Companions. See Mrs. Carr's Com- panions, by Wightwick [Argosy, y. 35]. Confessors. See Confessor [Jesuit], by Hardy. Catholics, Jesuits, &c. Confidence. See Confidence, by James. Confirmation. See Lady of the Manor, by Sherwood. Conquest. See Alhambra [of Granada], by Irving. Through the Darkness [of Angola], byKer[B. O. A.]. War, &c. Conscience. See Coward Conscience, by Robinson. Dr. Blandford's Conscience, by Ingham. Helen Quatermaine [Q., v. 20], &c. Conscript. See Beppo, by Trollope. Erck- mann-Chatrian, &c. Conspiracies. See Red Gauntlet [Jacob- ite], by Scott. Rob Roy [of the Jacobites, 18th Century], by Scott. Conspirators [or the Chevalier d'Harmentel], by Dumas. James I. Guy Fawkes, &c. Constable of France. See Son of the Constable of France, by Kingston. Constantinople. See Blue and Green [Times of Justin and Justinian, 6th century], by Sir H. Pottinger. Consumption. See Diary of a late Phy- sician, by Warren. [1047] CON GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DEV Convents. See Five Years in a Convent, by Murray [T., v. 6]. Old Convents of Paris, by Reybaud, &c. CONVICTS. The Convict, by James. Fardoraugha the Miser [of Lisuamona], by Carleton [L. A., v. 120]. The Franklins [Story of a] [L. H./v. 12]. It is Never too Late to Mend, by Reade. Memoirs of Vidocq [Convict Spy]. Five Years Penal Servitude. Les Miser- ables, by Hugo, &c. Coral Seas. See Wire and the Wave by Munro [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12]. CORNWALL. See Co-Heirs, by John Berwick Harwood [Cass. F. M., v. 9]. Deep Down [Cornish Mines], by Ballan- tyne. Michael Tressider. The Gregors, by Spetiigue. Henry de Pomeroy [Legend of], by Bray. Vicar's People [Mines], by G. M. Fenn. Menhardoc [Cornish Nets and Mines], by Fenn. Three Feathers, by Black, &c. Cossacks. See Cossacks [a Tale of the Caucasus in the year 1S52], by Tolstoi'. Crimea, Russia, &c. Cottage Homes. See Ray of Light to Brighten Cottage Homes, by Mrs. Mac- harness. Pictures of, by Poole [West of England], &c. Countries, Various. See Tales of all Countries, by Trollope. Names, &c. Country Life, &c. See Borderland, by Fothergill. Ursula, by Sewell. Village Belles [English Life], by Manning. Ladies of Bever Hollow, by Manning. Courier of the Czar. See Michael Stro- goflf, by Verne. Czar, Russia, &c. Court, The. See Preacher and the King, by Bungener. Names of Kings, &c. COURTSHIP. See Courtship in 1720 and i860, by Smart. Harry Coverdale's Courtship, by Smedley. Jack's Court- ship, by Russell. Major Jones' Court- ship. Mr. Magdale's Courtship, by Cuming [Cham. J, v. 65]. Rachel Man- ger [Guernsey Magazine, v. 1], &c. Cousins. See Cousins, by L. Walford. Covetousness, &C See Crock of Gold, by Tupper. Ralph Draper [Leisure Hour, v. 9], &c. Coxcomb. See Cecil [Adventures of a], by Gore. Crichton (Edward). See Crichton [The Admirable], by Ainsworth. Crime. See Shadow of a Crime, by Hall. CRIMEAN War. See Jack Archer, by Henty. Interpreter [and Hungary], by Melville. One of the Six Hundred [Bala- clava], by Grant. Pride of the Mess, by Neale. Ravenshoe, by H. Kingsley. Se- vastopol, by Tolstoi. Soldier Born, by Groves, &c. Criminals. See Criminal, from the Ger- man of Schiller. Cromwell (O.). See Cavaliers and Round- heads, by Edgar [17th Century]. Crom- well, by Herbert. Oliver Cromwell, by Wilson. Buccaneer [Days of], by Mrs. Hall, &c. Cruising. See Cruise of the Daring, by Armstrong. Cruise of the Snowbird, by Stables [B. O. A., v. 3]. Cruise of the Wasp [Chambers' Journal, v. 57]. CRUSADES. See Fair Rosamond [Third, 1189], by T. Miller. Ivanhoe, ly Scott. The Prince and the Page [Eighth, 1267], by Yonge. Tales of the Crusaders, by Scott. The Talisman [Third, 1189], by Scott. Winning his Spurs, by Henty. Philip Augustus, or the Brother in Arms, by James. CURATES. See Curate's Home, by Giberne. Curate in Charge, by Mrs. Oli- phant [Mac, v. 32 ; L. A , v, 127]. Dunn Dunnington Rectory [Adventures of Two]. My First Curacy [L. H., v. 17]. My Uncle the Curate, by Savage. Per- petual Curate, by Mrs. Oliphant. Thomas Wingfold, Curate, by Mac- donald, &c. Custer (General). See Boots and Saddles, by J.B. Custer. Czars. See Michael Strogoff [Courier of the], by Verne. Also Works by Tolstoi'. Russia, &c. Daily Life. See Perplexities in Daily Life, byWhately [Sunday at Home, v. 26]. Dakota. See Boots and Saddles, by Custer. Darien Scheme, 1698. See Darien, or The Merchant Prince, by E. Warburton. Daring. See Wonderful Stories of Daring Enterprise, by Macaulay. Also Aimard, Ballantyne, Reid, Russell, &c. D'Artagnan (Chevalier). See Constable of France, &c, by Grant. Three Mus- keteers and The Sequels, by Dumas. Also under Artagnan (Chevalier d). Daughters. See Home Influence, by Aguilar. Sons and Daughters [Black., v. 147]. Wives and Daughters, by Gas- kell [Corn., v. 10 ; L. A., v. 85], &c. Days of Yore. See Days of Yore, by S. Tytler ; and under Period. Dead Men's Shoes. See Dead Men's Shoes, by Miss Braddon. Demons. See Hobgoblin and Demon, by De Witt [Every Boy's Annual, 1887]. Denmark. See Stork's Nest, by Vicary. Derry, Siege of. See Deny, by Charlotte Elizabeth. Desert. See In the Desert, a Story of France before the Revolution, byAlcock [Sun. M., v. 12]. Through the Desert Canon, by Rideing[B. O. A., v. 4]. Destiny. See Destiny, by Ferrier. DEVONSHIRE. See Chambercombe [North] [L. H., v. 14]. Fitz of Fitz Ford [Legend of], by Bray. Henry de Pom- eroy [Legend of], by Bray. Devon Boys, by Fenn. Hartland Forest [North, 18th Century], by Mrs. Bray. Red Spider [Devon Life Fifty Years Ago], by S. Baring Gould. Lorna Doone [a Romance of Exmoor], by Blackmore. Westward Ho ! by Kingsley, &c. [IO48] DIA SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION ENS Diamonds. See Story of a Diamond, by Wh.itely. Six Months at the Cape [Diamond Fields], by Ballantyne. Star of the Settlement [Diamond Fields], by Verne. Diamond Necklace. See Diamond Neck- lace, by J. G. Edgar. Dick Turpin. See Rookwood, by Ains- worth. Dieppe. See Desiree Lefranc [Sunday at Home, v. 26]. Diggers. See Three Diggers, by Clarke. Discipline. See Beatrice Melton's Dis- cipline, by Franc. Discipline, by Brunton. Discovery. See Five Weeks in a Balloon [Voyage of, in Africa], by Verne. Ad- ventures, Travels, Voyages, &c. Disowned. See Disowned, by Lytton. Ivanhoe, by Scott. Diving. See Under the Waves, by Ballan- tyne. -Dogs. See Autobiography of a Terrier [Gentleman's Magazine, v. 7, n.s.]. My Doggie and I, by Ballantyne. DOMESTIC Life, &c See Deeds, Not Words, by Bell. Domestic Confessions of Mrs. Chignal [O. a W., v. 36]. Domestic Stories, by Muloch. Dove in the Eagle's Nest'[Germany, 16th Cent.], by Yonge. Lady Bell [England, 18th Century], by S. Tytler. Mary of Bur- gundy [arid Manners, 15th Century], by G. P. R. James. Mrs. Halliburton's Troubles, by Wood. Donkey. See Ups and Downs of a Donkey's Life, by Mateaux. Doom. See Crack of Doom, by Minto [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 138]. Dorking. See Tales from Blackwood, v. 2, second series. Drake (Sir Francis). See Under Drake's Flag, by Henty. _ Drama. See Comic Dramas, by Edge- worth. Tales from Old Dramatists, by "Brooks [Gent. M., v. 2]. Actors, &c. Drunkards. See Drunkard's Vow. Danesbury House, by Wood. Tem- perance. Duels. See Tales from Blackwood, v. 2 and 5, first series. Diary of a late Phy- sician [Duelling], by Warren. Dunce. See Charlie Thornhill, by Clarke. Schools, &c. Dunmow. See Flitch of Bacon [Custom of], by Ainsvvorth. Dutch., The. See Burgomaster's Family [Dutch Character], by Muller. Within Sea Walls [Sunday at Home, v. 17]. Duval (Claude). See Whitefriars [High- waymen], by Robinson. Dynamite. See Dynamiter, by R. L. Stevenson. Earth. See Journey into the Interior of the Earth, by Verne. Earthquakes. See The Escape [Earth- quake of Lisbon, 1755]. Tales from Blackwood, v. 12, second series. Eavesdropper. See Eavesdropper [An Unparalleled Experience] [Cornhill Magazine, v. 57]. Eclipse. See Yankee at the Court of King Arthur, by Twain. King Solo- mon's Mines, by Hagcard, &c. Edward VI. See Constable of the Tower, by Ainsworth. The Prince and the Pauper, by Twain. EGYPT. See Beyond Recall [19th Cen- tury], by Sergeant. Hassan, or the Child of the Pyramid [19th Century], by C. A. Murray. Hypatia [Neo-Platonism, 5th Century], by Kingsley. Rescued from Egypt [Israelites], by A. L. O. E. Strange Journey, by Rossetti. Eldorado. See Eldorado, or Adven- tures in the Path of Empire, by Taylor. Electricity. See several of Verne's Works. ELIZABETH (Queen), Days of. See Arrah Neil [Ireland, 12th Century], by James. Kenilworth [and Leicester], by Scott. Sir Ludar [Boys' Own Annual, v. 11]. Tales from Blackwood. Westward Ho ! by Kingsley. Constable of the Tower, by Ainsworth. Golden Grass- hopper, by Kingston. Sir Ludar, by Reed [Boys' Own Annual, v. n]. EMIGRANT. See The Emigrant, by Head. Emigrant Boy's Story, by Hope [E.B.A., 1888], Emigrant in Search of a Colony, by Rowcroft. Emigrants of Abadarra, by Carleton. Grants of Lock- side. In the Middle Watch [Rations], by W. Clark Russell. Pocahontas [L. H., v. 1]. Emmet. See The Lords of Strogue [In- surrection of Ireland, 1803], by Wingfield. Empire, The. See France. Engaged. See Engaged Man [Chamb. J., v. 4]. Engaged to be Married, by Meade [Cassell's Family Mag., v. 15]. ENGLAND. See Dear Neighbours [English and French], by Max O'Rell. Drat the Boys [English and French], by Max O'Rell. Dreamland in the English Channel [Guern. M., v. 12]. Eng- lish Squire [Country Life], by C. R. Coleridge. Flitch of Bacon [English Home], by Ainsworth. Harold the Boy Earl [Saxons], by Hodgetts. Minster- borouah [English Life], by Sandwith. My Novel [English Life], by Lytton. Pictures of Cottage Life [in the West of England] by Poole. Punch's Letters to his Son [Sketchesof], by Jerrold. Stories of English and Foreign Life, by Howitt. Stories of Old England, by Sargent. Strange Chapman, by Marshall. Village Belles [Country Life], by Manning. Pastor's Fireside [Spain and Vienna, 18th Century], by Porter. Behind the Veil [Norman Conquest], by Holt. Also under Names of Kings and Queens, e.g., Charles, George, Elizabeth, Mary, &c. Ennui. See Ennui, by Edgeworth. Ensign. See Only an Ensign, by Grant. Cadet, Soldiers, &c. [IO49] ENT GUILLE-ALLtS LIBRARY FLO Enterprise. See Wonderful Stories of Daring Enterprise, by Macaulay. Erin. See Heart of Erin [Ireland], by Blackburne, also under Ireland. Escape of Charles II. See Boscobel, by Ainsworth. Essays. See Miscellaneous Essays, by Thackeray ; also by Collins. Esquimaux. See Ungava [Tale of], by Ballantyne ; also Charles II. Eton. See Confessions of an Etonian, by Rowcroft. Reginald Warrender, by Kingston. Evangelist. See Mark Thoresby [Sunday at Home, v. 4]. Evictions. See Valentine M'Clutchy [in Ireland], by Carleton. Exiles. See Exiles of Salzburg [L. H., v. 17]. From Exile, by Payn. Long Exile, by Tolstoi. Exmoor. See Katerfelto. by Melville. Lorna Doone, by Blackmore. Exodus, 1491 li.c. See Rescued from Egypt [Israelites], by A. L. O. E. Experience. See Experience of Life, by Sewell. Expiation. See Expiation, by Oppen- heim. Exploration. See Exploration of the World, by Verne, also Voyages, Travels, &c. Fables. See Little Fables for Little Folks. Moral of Many Fables, by Martineau. ^Esop, Gray, &c. Factory. See Sunbeam of the Factory [Girls' Own Annual, v. 2]. Failures. See Failures and Successes, by Miss Whately [Sunday at Home, v. 26]. FAIRIES. See Fairy Tales, by Ander- sen. Favourite Fairy Tales. Folk and Fairy Tales, by Harrison. Grimm's Fairy Tales. Summerly's Old Treasury [ Fairy Tales and Old World Stories]. Also under following names — Assollant, Car- leton, Carrol), Hall, &c. Faith. See Faith, Hope, and Charity, by Lisle. Faith and Unfaith, by Argles. Story of the Faith in Hungary [Religious Faith] [Sunday at Home, v. 14]. Faithfulness. See Faithful Heart [Q., v. 30]. Faithful Lover, by Macquoid. Faithful and Unfaithful, by Lee. Great Height gained by Steady Efforts, by Wilson. False Step. See One False Step, by Stewart. Fame. See for Name and Fame [Afghan- istan War], by Henty. Struggle for Fame, by Riddell. FAMILY. See Family Feud, by Horn- brook. Family History, by Martineau [O. a W., v. 12]. Family Honour, by Balfour [Q., v. 9]. Family Romance, by Burke. Family Secret, by Gibbon [Cham.]. For the Good of the Family, by Eyre [Cas., v. 14]. Home Sunshine [Family^ Life], by Bell. Mr. Scar- borough's Family, by Trollope. Tales from Blackwood [Family Feud, v. 11, 2nd Series]. Barbara Street [Family Story] [Quiver, v. 18]. Famine. See Black Proohet, by Carleton. Castle Daly [of 1847, Ireland], by Miss. Keary. Castle Richmond [Irish], by A. Trollope. Fashion and Famine, by Mrs.. Stephens. Farm. See Raynham Farm, by Jarvis. [Sunday at Home, v.]. Far West. See Golden Dream, by Ballan- tyne. Tales from Blackwood [v. 12, 2nd. Series]. America, California, &c. Fashion. See Fashion and Famine, by Mrs. Stephens. Leah, a Woman of Fashion, by Edwards. Fashionable Life. See Absentee, The, by Edgeworth. Almeria and Vivian, by Edgeworth. Confessions of a Frivolous. Girl, edited by Grant. Tales of Fashion- able Life, by Edgeworth. Beau Nash [Manners, 18th Century], by Ainsworth. Fast Life. See Fast and Steady [L. H.„ v. 10]. Too Fast to Last, by Mills, &c. Fathers. See Like Father Like Son, by Payn. Fathers and Sons, by Hook, &c. Faustus. See Tales from Blackwood. Female Prison Life. See ProdigaV Daughter, by Hope. Fenians. See Tales from Blackwood, v. 10, 2nd Series]. When We were Boys, by O'Brien. Whiteboy [Ireland, 1822], by Mrs. Hall. Ireland, &c. Fenshire. See Witness my Hand [Cas- sell's Magazine, v. 9]. Fern Islands. See Grace Darling, by Rey- nolds. Field Labourers. See Peasant Life [ir» Glenaldie]. Field of the Cloth of Gold. See Darnley, by James. Henry VIII. , &c. Fife. See Daughter of Fife, by Barr. Figure-Heads. See In the Middle Watch, by W. Clark Russell. Fingal's Cave. See Green Ray, by Verne Fires. See Old St. Paul's [Fire of Lon- don], by Ainsworth. Fighting the Flames, by Ballantyne. History of the Plague [Fire and Plague, England, 1665], by Defoe, &c. Fishermen. See Fisherman of Ange. [St. P. M., v. 6]. Fisherman's Daughters. [Sunday at Home, v. 15]. Jack the Fisherman, by Phelps, &c. Flanders. See Lion of Flanders, by Con- science. Tales of Flemish Life, by Con- science. Tales of Old Flanders, by- Conscience. Veva, by Conscience, &c. Fleet Prison. See Chaplain of the Fleet, by Besant and Rice; Flirtations. See Modern Flirtations, by Sinclair. Florida. See Jack Tier [Reefs], by Cooper. Stephen Mitchell, by Robbins [L. H., v. 27]. Tales from Blackwood [Pirates]. Flower-Girls. See Flower-Girl of Hampstead [Sunday at Home, v. 15]. [1050] FOL SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. GEO Folk-Lore. See Folk and Fairy Tales, by Harrison. Fools. See Fool's Errand, by Tourgee. Fool's Task [Com., v. 59]. Knaves and Fools, by Whitty, &c. Foreign Lands. See Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, by Stowe. Travels. Foreign and English Life. See Stories of English and Foreign Life, by Howitt. Foresters. See Foresters, by Wilson. Forests. See Afar in the Forest, by Kingston. Forest Exiles, by Reid. Martin Rattler, by Ballantyne. Forest of Vazon [Guernsey]. Dick Sands, and the Giant Raft [American Forests], by Verne. New Forest, &c. Forgery. See Forgery, or Best inten- tions, by James. Forged Will [Leisure Hour, v. n]. Diary of a late Physician, by Warren, &c. Forgiveness. See David Fleming's For- giveness [Sunday at Home, v. 25]. Fortune. See Fanny's Fortune, by Craig- Knox [Q., v. 17]. Fickle Fortune, by Werner. Fight with Fortune, by Col- lins. Phantom Fortune, by Miss Brad- . don, &c. Foster Brothers. See Collegians, by Griffin. | Foster Brothers of Dcon [L. H., v. 13]. Hector O'Halloran, by Maxwell. Foxes. Reynard the Fox, by Roscoe. Uncle Remus, by Harris, &c. FRANCE. See Adventures in the French ! War [Cham., v. 51]. Agincourt [15th | Century], by G. P. R. James. Atelier du Lys [French Revolution, 1793], by Roberts. Ben Brace [French Empire, Sea, French War,] by Chamier. The Con- script [French Empire, 1813], by Erck- mann Chatiran. Constable of France, by Grant. Crecy and Poictiers [14th Century], by J. G. Edgar. Dear Neigh- bours [French and English], by Max O'Rell. Delphine [French Revolution, 1790], by Stael-Holstein. Docteur Noir [French Revolution], by Lovell. Drat the Boys [French and English], by Max O'Rell. Exile's Trust [French Revolution] [L. H., v. 16]. The Hugue- not [French Protestants], by James. The Hunchback of Notre Dame [Old Paris], by Victor Hugo. In the Desert [Before the Revolution], by Al- cock [S. M., v. 12]. The Invasion of France [Russian Invasion, 1814], by Erckmann-Chatrian. Joan the Maid [War in, Joan of Arc, 15th Century], by Mrs. Charles. Kenneth [the Rus Campaign, 1812]. Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, by Sterne. Life in a French Village. Martin Toutrond, by Morier. Memoirs of Vidocq [French Police]. Les Miserables [French Em- pire, 1815], by Victor Hugo. Monsieur at Home, by Rhodes. The Pierrotts [French Life] [Leisure Hour, v. 4]. Pickwick Abroad, by Reynolds. The Queen's Necklace [French Court, 18th Century], by Dumas. Richelieu [Tale of the 16th and 17th Century], by James. Romance of History, by Ritchie. The Polish Lancer [French Empire, the, Rus Campaign, 1812], by S. Rellstab. Sealed Orders [First French Revolution], by Marsh. The Shadow of the Sword [Napoleon's Return from Elba], by R. Buchanan. Soldier's For- tune [French Revolution], by Marsh. Stories of Waterloo [French Empire,. 1815], by W. H. Maxwell. Sydonie's Dowry, by Miss Roberts. Tale of Two- Cities [French Revolution, 1793], b y Dickens. That Little Frenchman [O. a W., v. 29]. Ticonderoga [French War in America, 18th Century], by James. The Twin Captains [French Empire, 1804], by Dumas. Veva [French Repub- lic], by Conscience. Viva [French Society], by Forrester. War and Peace [at Moscow], by Tolstoi. Waterloo, by Erckmann-Chatrian. Winnie's History. Tales of the First Revolution, collected by Marsh. Also under About, Dumas,. Hugo, &c., and places, e.g., Paris, &c. Franco- German War. See Max Cro- mer [Siege of Strasburg, 19th Cen- tury], by Hesba Stretton. Sinless Secret, by Rita. Story of the^ Ple- biscite, by Erckmann-Chatrian. Young Franc-Tireurs, by G. A. Henty. Frederick II., King of Prussia. See Moral Tales, v. 1, by Edgeworth. Frederic of Saxony. See Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family, by Mrs.. Charles. Frederick the Great. See Consuelo [18th, Century], by G. Sand. Friendship. See First Friendship [Fras. M., v. 66]. Friends and Lovers, by Thomas. Friends though Divided, by Henty. Man of Many Friends, by Hook, &c. Frivolous Girl. See Confessions of a Frivolous Girl, edited by Grant. Fur Traders. See Snow Shoes and Canoes, by Kingston. Young Fur Traders, &c. Gallant Deeds. See Our Soldiers, by Kingston Our Sailors, by Kingston. Ballantyne, Henty, Kingston, &c. Galloway. See Lone House, by E. Barr- [Leisure Hour, v. 36]. Gambler. See Gambler's Wife, by Grey_ Garibaldians. See Phayre Phantom, by Hopkins [Leisure Hour, v. 36]. Garrison Gossip. See Garrison Gossip, by Winter. Garry OV/en. See Collegians, by Griffin. Gaul and Italy. See Attila [5th Century],, by James. George I., Times of. See Captain Sin- gleton [Buccaneers, 18th Century], by De Foe. Father Clement, by Grace Kennedy. Henry Smeaton, by James.. Preston Fight, by Ainsworth, &c. [1051] G30 GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HAG 'George II., Times of. See For James or George [Schoolboys' Tale of 1745], by A Jams [B. O. A., v. 6]. The Gipsy, by G. P. R. James. The Lord Mayor of London, by Ainsworth. The Miser's Daughter, by Ainsworth. "George III., Times of. See Surgeon's Daughter, by Scott. The Tapestried Chamber, by Scott. George I. II. III. IV. See Four Georges, by Thackeray. Georgia. See Guy Rivers, by Simms. GERMANY. See Rent in a Cloud, by Lever. Also A, Y. R., v. n. Tales from the German, by Oxenford and Feiling. Tales from the German of Zschokke, by Godwin. Tarantella, by Blind. Two Pastors [Life in] [Sun- day at Home, v. 7]. Also Goethe, Taut- phaeus, Auerbach, &c. Ghent. See Old Margaret [The Nether- lands, 15th Century], by H. Kingsley. Mary of Burgundy [Revolt of], by James. Ghosts. See Four Ghost Stories, by Molesworth. Tales from Blackwood. Gibraltar. See Stirring Stories [Siege of], by Macaulay. Gipsies. See The Gipsy, by James. Gipsy Girl of Sorrento [S. at H., v. 25]. Lavengro, by Borrow. Giraffes. See Giraffe Hunters, by Reid. GIRLS. See Little Women, by Alcott. Only a Girl Wife, by Lamb [G. O. A., v. 7]. Story of a Happy Little Girl. Studies for Stories [Girls' Lives], by Ingelovv. Sybil's Book, by Lady Barker. Three Years of a Girl's Life [G. O. A., v. 1]. Young Girl's Life, by Farjeon, Also A.L.O.E., Brock, Carey, Hope, Lamb, Stretton, Phelps, Stowe, We- therell, Worboise, Yonge, &c. 'Glacier. See Rivers of Ice, by Ballan- tyne. Ice, &c. Glenaldie. See Peasant Life [Villagers and Field Labourers in]. Go diva. See Lady Godiva [Coven try, Canute, nth Century], by Marsh. Gog and Magog. See Tower of London, by Ainsworth. 'Gold. See Adventures in the Comanche Country [Mines], by Webber. Dead Man's Secret [Valley of], by Murdoch. Eldorado, by Taylor. Three Diggers, by P. Clarke. California, &c. 'Good Deeds. See Two Pilgrims, by Tolstoi. Good People. See Tales of Good and Great Kings, by Tytler. 'Goodwin Sands. See Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands, by Ballantyne. Gordon (General). See Stirring Stories, by Macaulay. Marvellous Conquest, by Laurie [Boys' Own Annual, v. 11]. Gordon Riots, 1780. See Barnaby Rudge, by Dickens. Gorilla, The. See Gorilla Hunters, by Ballantyne. 'Gospel. See Pomponia, by Webb. Re- ligion, Christianity, &c. Governess. See Only the Governess, by Miss Carey. Grace Darling. See Grace Darling, by Reynolds. Grammar Schools. See The Two Chums [Boys' Own Annual, v. 5]. Tom Brown's Schooldays, by Hughes. Granada, Conquest of. See Alhambra, by Irving. Leila, by Lytton. Grand Cairo. See Cornhill to Grand Cairo, by Thackeray. Great Armada. See In the Days of the Great Armada [Sunday at H., v. 35]. Great Eastern Steamship. Ses Floating City, by Verne. Great People. See Tales of Good and Great Kings, by Tytler. Greece. See Glaucia [Christianity at Athens], by E. Leslie. Three Greek Children, by Church. Gresham (Sir T.). See Golden Grass- hopper, by Kingston. Grey (Lady Jane). See Lady Jane Grey [16th Century], by T. Miller. The Tower of London, by Ainsworth. Gnadalonpe. See Oliver Ellis [Capture of, 1794], by Grant. Guardians. See Perils of Orphanhood, by Robertson. Guardsmen. See Forty-Five Guards- men, by Dumas. GUERNSEY. See Black Donkey [Guernsey Boys], by Dale. Charlie's Courtship [Guerns. M., v. 7.] Circum- stantial Evidence [Guerns. M., v. 10]. Dan the Fisher Boy [A short Story of Guernsey] [Guerns. M., v. a]. Forest of Vazon [Legend of the Eighth Century]. Guernsey Lily, by Coolidge. Mrs. Brown's Visit to Guernsey, by Andros. Perotine [Historical Tale] [Guerns. M., v. 8]. Rachel Mauger [Guerns. ML, v.i]. Toilers of the Sea, by Hugo. Castle Cornet [Civil War], by Haw trey. The Locket [Old Guernsey], by Hoppus. St. George's Cross, by Keene. Doctor's Dilemma, by Stretton. Guise, Duke of. .See One in a Thousand [Assassination of], and Henry of Guise, by James. Gunpowder Plot. See Father Darcy [1605], by Mrs. Marsh. Guy Fawkes, by Ainsworth. It Might Have Been [Story of the], by Holt.' Gustavus Adolphus, Times of. See The Amber Witch [Pomerania], by J. W. Meinhold. Gustavus Vasa. See Tales of Good and Great Kings, by Tytler. Guy, Earl of Warwick. See Guy, Earl of Warwick. [Home Treasury of Stories.] Guy Fawkes. See Guy Fawkes, by Ains- worth. Father Darcy, by Mrs. Marsh. Gunpowder Plot, &c. Hague, The. See The Black Tulip [The Netherlands, 1672], by Dumas. [1052] HAL SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. IND See Half-Brothers, by Favour [St. Half-Brothers. Dumas. Hallowe'en. See Olivia's Paul's Magazine, v. 4. Hallucination. See Diary of a late Physician [the Turned HeadJ, by Warren. Harnpstead. See Flower Girl of Hamp- stead [Sunday at Home, v. 15]. Happiness. See Millicent Kendrick, by Worboise. Happiness of being Rich, by Conscience, i\:c. Harrogate. See Modern Flirtations, by Sinclair. Haunted. See Story of a Haunted House, by Lee. Ghosts, &c. Hayti. See The Hour and the Man [Toussaint L'Ouverture], by Martineau. Headsman. See Headsman, by Cooper. Heart. See Morley Ernstein, by James. Diary of a late Physician [the Broken Heart], by Warren. Hebrides. See St. Clair of the Isles [and James I., Scotland, 15th Century], by Helme. Heidelberg. See Heidelberg, by James. Heiress. See Greatest Heiress in Eng- land, by Oliphant. Henri Quaere, King of France. See Tales of Good and Great Kings, by Tytler. One in a Thousand, by James. Henry VIII., Times of. See Household of Sir Thomas More. Three Ages, by Martineau. Windsor Castle, by Ains- worth. Tor Hill, by Horace Smith. Constable of the Tower, by Ainsworth. Henry of Guise. See Henry of Guise, by James. One in a Thousand, by James. Her Majesty's Mails. See Post Haste, by Ballantyne. Heraldry. See Romance of Heraldry, [Boys' Own Annual, v. 3]. Heroism. See Gulab Singh, by Martin [B. O. A., v. ii ]. See also works by Ballantyne, Kingston, &c. Highlands. See All by Himself, by Hope. My Heart's in the Highlands. Portent. Reminiscences of a Highland Parish, by MacLeod. Rob Roy, by Scott. Macleod of Dare and Princess of Thule, by Black. Works by Scott, Scotland, &c. Hindu Life. See Hindu Life in Bengal, by Chatterjee. India, &c. History. See Dark Scenes of History, by James. Romance of History, by Ritchie. Romance of History, by Macfarlane. Also under Names of Countries, Kings, &.C. Hobgoblin. See Hobgoblin and Demon, by De Witt [E. B. A., 1887]. Grimm's and Andersen's Fairy Tales. Holiday Tramp. See Our Holiday Tramp, by Millington [B. O. A., v. 2]. Holy Scriptures. See Women of Israel, by Aguilar. Religion, Scriptures, &c. Holyrood. See Queen's Maries, by Mel- ville. Bothwell, by Grant, &c. Home. See Our Old Home, by Haw- thorne. We Girls, by Whitney. Home Influence and Scenes, by Aguilar, &c. Honest. See Provide Things Honest [Girls' Own Annual, v. 3]. Honour. See Barren Honour, by Law- rence. Hope. See Faith, Hope, and Charity, by- Lisle. Crooked Places, by Garrett [Sunday Magazine, 1871]. Your Life and Mine [Sunday Magazine, v. 2]. Horses. See About buying a Horse, by Burnand. Black Beauty, by Sewell. Recollections of an Equestrian Manager, by Montague [Chambers, v. 57]. War Trail [Wild Horses], by Reid, &c. House-boat. See Strange Adventures of a House-boat, by Black. Housekeepers. See Difficulties of a Young Housekeeper [and How she Over- came them], by Hope [G. O. A., v. 2]. Houses. See Our New House, by Wor- boise. Hudson Bay. See Hudson Pay [Life in the Wilds of North America], by Ballan- tyne. Snowshoes and Canoes, by King- ston, &c. HUGUENOTS, The. See Constable de Bourbon, by Ainsworth. Huguenot [ France, 17th Century], by G. P. R. James. Huguenot Family, by S. Tytler. Ja- rousseau, by Westall [Christian World, 1886]. Memoirs of a Huguenot Family, by Fontaine, &c. Humour. See Mark Twain's Library of Humour. Tales of Mystery, by Poe. English Humourists, by Thackeray. Hungary. See Interpreter [Miscellane- ous, 19th Century], by Whyte Melville.. Story of the Faith in Hungary [Sunday at Home, v. 14], &c. HUNTING. See Hendricks the Hunter [Tale of Zululand], by Kingston. Hunter's Feast, by Reid. Hunting Sketches, by Trollope. In the Wilds of" Florida [and Warfare], by Kingston. KangaroD Hunters, by Bowman, &c. Husbands. See Husband and Wife, by Garrett [S. M., v. 17]. Husbands and Wives, by Worboise. Under Which Lord, by Linton, &c. Ice, Icebergs, &c. See Among the Ice- bergs [O. a W., v. 35]. Ice Desert, by Verne. Rivers of Ice, by Ballantyne.. Winter Amid the Ice, by Verne. World of Ice, by Ballantyne, &c. Imagination. See Tales of Mystery, &C, by Poe. Incas. See Last of the Incas, by Aimard. Independence. See De Vere [the Man of], by Ward. INDIA. See Duke of Albany's Highlanders [and Afghanistan, 19th CenturyJi by Grant. Fire and Sword [Indian Mu- tiny] by Gray [O. a W., v. 39]. Ilderim the Afghan, by Ker [B. O. A.", v. 8]. Indian Summer, by Howells [Harp., v. 71]. la [I053] IND GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JAP my Indian Garden, by Robinson. In Times of Trouble [Mutiny of], by Henty. Mr. Isaacs, by Crawford. Plain Tales of the Hills, by Kipling. Soldier Born [Indian Mutiny], by Groves. Steam House [Indian Mutiny], by Verne. With Clive in India, by Henty. Young Rajah [Indian Life and Mutiny], by Kingston. Eight Days [Indian Mutiny], by Thomas [Comhill, v. 62]. Indian Desert. See Tiger Slayer, by Aimard. Indian Ocean. See Man in a Million [Cas., v. 15]. Mark Seaworth, by King- ston, &c. -Indians, American. See Deerslayer [Red], by Cooper. Mark Thoresby [S. at H., v. 4]. Prairie Chief [American], by Cooper. Redskins, by Cooper. Stories of the Canadian Forest, by Mrs. Traill. Comanche Country, by Webber. Also Works by Aimard, Cooper, Reid, &c. Inheritance. See Inheritance, by Fer- rier. Inquisition. See Catholics, Jesuits, &c. Insurrection of 1715. See Preston Fight, by Ainsworth. Intellect. See Modem Accomplishments, by Sinclair. Modern Society, by Sin- clair, &c. Interior of the Earth. See Journey into the Interior of the Earth, by Verne. Deep Down, by Ballantyne, &c. Intriguing. See Diary of a late Phy- sician [and Madness], by Warren. -IRELAND and the Irish. See Black Pro- phet, by Carleton. Castle Rackrent Irish Character, 18th Century], by M. Edgeworth. Confessions of Con Cregan [Irish Gil Bias], by Lever. Croppy, The [Insurrection of 1798], by B. Banim. Emigrants of Abadarra [Irish Life], by Carleton. Essay on Irish Bulls [Irish Bulls], by Edgeworth. Granvilles, by Talbot. Handy Andy [Irish Life], by Lover. Heart of Erin [Story of To- Day], by Blackburn. Ireland [Fatality, Crime, &c.J, by Martineau. Irish Chieftain, by Maturin. Irish Girl, by Sedgwick. Irish Sketch-Book, by Thackeray. John Inglesant [Irish Re- bellion, Charles I.], by Shorthouse. Last Monarch of Tara. Legends and Stories of Ireland, by Lover. The Lords of Strogue [Insurrection of Emmet, 1803] by Lewis Wingfield. O'Donnel, by Morgan. Paddiana [Irish Life]. Re- becca Rioter [Killarney Life], by Dill- wyn. Rivals, by Griffin. Sir Brooke Fossbroke, by Lever. Tales and Sketches [Irish Peasantry], by Carleton. That Boy of Norcott's, by Lever. Thy Name is Truth. Tim Cronin, by Mrs. Hoare [Ch. M.]. Tithe Proctor [Church Imposts], by W. Carleton. Valentine M'Clutchy [Irish Agent, Grievances, &c], by Carleton. When we were Boys, by O'Brien. Whiteboy, by Hall. Eva, {English Conquest, 12th Century], by Maturin. Knight of Gwynne [Legis- lative Union, 19th Century], by C. Lever. Also following authors: Carleton, Banim, Hall, Lever, Lover, Maxwell, &c. Ironmaster. See Ironmaster, by Ohnet. Isabel of Bavaria. See Isabel of Bavaria, by Dumas. Isle of France. See George [Planter of the], by Dumas. Isle of Man. See Peveril of the Peak, by Sir Walter Scott. Israel. See Journeying of Children of Israel, by Brock. Rescued from Egypt, by A Lady of England, &c. ITALY. See Pictures from Italy, by Dickens. Attila[and Gaul, 5th Cent.], by G. P. R. James. Betrothed, The [Plague at Milan, 17th Century], by Manzoni. Conquering and to Conquer [Christian- ity, times of St. Jerome, 5th Century], by Mrs. Charles. Jovinian [Early Days of Papal Rome, 4th Century], by W. H. G. Kingston. Lapsed not Lost [Early Christianity, 1st Cent.], by Mrs. Charles. Leonora D'Orco [French Invasion of,i5th Century], by G. P. R. James. Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, by Sterne. Pictures from Italy, by Dickens. Pomponia [Christianity in Rome and Britain, 1st Century], by Mrs. Webb. Rent in a Cloud, by Lever [A. Y. R., v. 11]. Romance of History, by Mac- farlane. Stories from the History of Italy, by Manning. Valentino, by Astor. Victory of the Vanquished [Early Christianity, 1st Century], by Mrs. Charles, &c. Jack Sheppard. See Jack Sheppard, by Ainsworth. JACOBITES. See Adventures of Rob Roy [Conspiracies, 18th Century], by Grant. Black Dwarf, The [Conspiracies of the, Scotland, 18th Century], by Scott. Henry Smeaton, by James. Old Manor House, by Charlotte Smith. Red Gauntlet [Conspiracies, 18th Century], by Scott. Waverley, by Scott, &c. Jamaica. See Captain's Story [ L. H. , v. 8]. James I. of England, Days of. See Ara- bella Stuart [17th Century], by G. P. R. James. Fortunes of Nigel, by Scott. Star Chamber, by Ainsworth, &c. James II., of England. See For James or George [School-boy Tale of 1745], by Adams. James II, by Ainsworth. Lorna Doone, by Blackmore, &c. James I. of Scotland. See The Caged Lion [Captivity of, 15th Century], by C. M. Yonge. James II. of Scotland, Times of. See the Captain of the Guard [15th Century], by Grant. James V., Times of. See The Braes of Yarrow [16th Century], by C. Gibbon. Japan. See Curse of Koshiu, by Wing- field. [1054] JEA SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. LON Jean De Bourbon. See Son of the Con- stable of France, by Kingston. Jersey. See Mount Orgueil Castle [a Tale during the War of the Roses], by Corbiere. Fortress, The. Channel Is- lands, &c. Jerusalem. See Naomi, by Webb. Jesuits. See Ascanio [France, 16th Cen- tury], by Dumas. Confessor [Tale of the Times], by Hardy. John Inglesant, by Shorthouse. Jesuit [Policy of the Order], by Spindler, &c. Jesus. See Mary, Queen of the House of David [Mother of Jesus, a Story of her Life], by Walsh. Prince of the House of David [Life of], by Ingraham, &c. Jet-Hunters. See Within the Clasp, by Harwood [Cassell's, v. 9]. Jewels. See Danvers Jewels [Temple Bar, v. 79J. JEWS. See Adonijah [Jewish Dispersion], by Strickland. Helon of Alexandria [Sunday at Home, v. 30]. Prince of the House of David, by Ingraham. Reuben Sachs [Jews in Modern Society], by Levy. Vale of Cedars [Expulsion of], and Women of Israel, by Aguilar, &c. Joan of Arc. See Joan the Maid, by Charles. John (King of England), Times of. See Royston Gower [13th Century], by T. Miller. Ivanhoe, by Scott, &c. Joint Stock Company, &c. See Tales from Blackwood, v. 5, 2nd series. Joint Stock Banker, by Costello, &c. Jokes. See Letters to Punch, by Ward and Twain. Humour, &c. Jones (Paul, American Privateer Cap- tain). See Stirring Stories, byMacaulay. Joy. See Joy after Sorrow, by Riddell. Judaea. See Gladiators, by Melville. Jungle. See Back to Life, by Hutchin- son [Boys' Own Annual, v. 10]. India. J£affirland. See Jasper Lyle, by Ward, Six Months at the Cape, by Ballantyne. -Kaffirs. See Jess, by Haggard. Story of an African Farm, by Iron. ^Kangaroos. See Kangaroo Hunters, by Bowman. Australia, &c. ^Kensington. See Dingy House at Ken- sington [Quiver, v. 15]. Old Kensing- ton, by Thackeray [Cornhill, v. 25], &c. Killamey Life. See Rebecca Rioter [Ire- land], by Dillwyn. Ireland, &c. -Kindness. See Friendly Hands and Kindly Words. Kindness in Women, by Bayly. Magic of Kindness, by May- hew, &c. Kings. See Tales of Good and Great Kings, by Tytler. Names of Kings, &c. Knaves. See Knaves and Fools, by Whitty. Knigllts Templars. See Talisman, by Scott. Ivanhoe, by Scott. Lake Country. Rea. See Beckside Boggle, by Lake Dwellers. See Realmah, by Helps [Mac, v. 17]. Lancashire. See Caleb Booth's Clerk, by Banks. Leaguer of Lathom, by Ainsworth. That Lass o' Lowrie's, by Burnett, &c. La Rochelle. See Three Musketeers, by Dum.iN Laurie (Annie). See Scottish Cavalier, by Grant. La Vendde. See Brittany, by Souvestre. La Vendue, by Trollope, &c. Lectures. See Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures, by Jerrold. Lecture at the Egyptian Hall, by Ward, &c. Left-handed. See Left-handed Elsa [Living Age, v. 128]. Legacies. See Dashmarton's Legacy [C. J., v. 13]. Lady Livingston's Legacy [C. J., v. 50]. Miss Barkle's Legacy, by Cuming [C. J., v. 65]. Terrible Legacy, by Appleton, &C. Legends. See Legend of Montrose [Cove- nanters, 17th Century], by Scott. Also Works by Hawthorne, Lover. Carleton, Hall, Scott, &c. Leigh (Sir Amyas). See Westward Ho ! by Kingsley. Leyden. See Burgomaster's Wife [Siege of], by Ebers. Lieutenants. See Three Lieutenants, by Kingston. Also Naval and Military Writers. LIFE. See Daltons [Three Roads in], by Lever. Experience of Life, by Sewell. Game of Life, by Ritchie. Lares and Penates, by Mrs. Caddy. Life's Changes, by Giberne [S. at H., v. 26]. Life's Fitful Fever, by Hopkins [C. F. M., v. 13]. Margaret Torrington, by Worboise, &c. Lifeboat. See Lifeboat, by Ballantyne. Lighthouse. See Lighthouse, by Ballan- tyne. Lightship. See Richard Cable, the Lightshipman, by Gould [Chambers, v. 64 ; Living Age, v. 172]. Lincolnshire. See Lincolnshire Heroine, by Whelpton. Lisbon. See Tales from Blackwood, v. 12, second series. Livelihood. See How we Girls Earned our Living [Cassell's Magazine, v. 6]. Livingstone. See Great African Travel- lers, by Kingston and Frith. Livonia. See Livonian Tales, by Rigby. Logs. See Missing Ships, by Kingston. Log of the Flying Fish, by Colling wood. Lollards, The. See White Rose of Lang- ley, by Emily S. Holt. Lombardy. See Vittoria [Lombard Campaign], by Meredith. LONDON. See Alone in London, by Stretton. Cj^gjJ'i' I of Ed-ward Osborne [Apprentices,. i6th Century], hy Man- ning. Cruet London, by Hatton. Fight- ing the Flames [London Fires], by Bal- lantyne. Lazarus in London [Poor], by Robinson. _ London Legend, by Fenn ['°55l V A A »*«« LOU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAR [O. a W., v. 38]. Martin Toutrond, by Morier. Romance of London, by Timbs. William Fitz-Osbert [Time of Richard I.]. London Life, by H. James. Also Works by Dickens, 1 imbs, Sala, &c. Louis XI. SeeQuentin I )urward [France, 15th Century], by Scott. XiOUis XIV. ^ee Preacher and the King, by Bungener. Louis XV. See Memoirs of a Physician [Death of], by Dumas. Louis XVI. See Julian [Close of Reign], by Bungener. LOVE and Lovers. See Capriccio, by Carr. Counterparts. Course of True Love, by Reade. Cynthia [Lovers]. For Love and Life, by Oliphant. Friends and Lovers, by Thomas. Letty Hyde's Lovers, by Grant. Love, by Bury. Love and Duty, by Fern [F. F.]. Love and Life, by Yonge. Love Match, by Maberly. Love's a Tyrant, by Thomas [Time M., v. 43]. Marjorie Bruce's Lovers, by Patrick. Mr. Carrington, by Cotton [St. P.'s M., v. 12]. Mr. Gilfil's Love Story [L. A., v. 53]. Modern Lover, by Moore. Old Man's Love, by Trollope. Old Soldier's Love Story, by Despard [Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 12]. Three Love Dreamers [Living Age, v. 53]. Two Pilgrims, by Tolstoi', &c. Loyalty. See March of Loyalty, by McClintock. Luther (Martin). See Chronicles of the Schunberg-Cotta Family, by Mrs. Charles. Maccabsean Times. See The Hammer, by Church and Seeley. Maccabees. See Helon of Alexandria [Sunday at Home, v. 30]. Madagascar. See Fugitives, by Ballan- tyne. Madness. See Diary of a late Physician [Intriguing and Madness], by Warren. Madrid. See Spanish Match, by Ains- worth. Tales from Blackwood, v. 5, 1st series. Magellan Straits. See Mysterious Docu- ment, by Verne. Magician. See Magician, by Ritchie. Tales from Blackwood, v. 7, 2nd series. Stories of the Magicians, by Church. Maida, Italy. See The Aide-de-Camp [Campaigns of, t8o6], by Grant. Maids. See Mistress and Maid, by Miss Muloch. Maiden's Work, by Hope. Susan Hopley [Maid Servant], by Mrs. Crowe. Girls, &c. Mails, Her Majesty's. See Post Haste, by Ballantyne. Maine. See Pearl of Orr's Island, by Mrs. Stowe. Maitre d'Armes. See Memoirs of a Maitie d'Armes, by Dumas. Majuba Hill. See Macaulay's Stories. [Boer War, South Africa.] Malice. See Leaven of Malice, by Evelac. Malta. See The Knight of St. John [The Siege of, &c, 16th Century], by Miss A. M. Porter. Mammon. See Seven Sons of Mammon, by Sala [Tern. Bar, v. 1]. Man about Town. See Diary of a late Physician, by Warren. Manchester. See Manchester Strike, by Martineau. Mary Barton, by Mrs. Gaskell. Pilgrim Street [a Story of Manchester Life], by Stretton. Man- chester Man, by Mrs. Banks. Mandarin. See Mandarin's Daughter [Leisure Hour, v. 23]. MANNERS. See Right Honourable, by McCarthy and Praed. Beau Nash [Fashionable, England, 18th Century], by Ainsworth. Leonora D'Orco [France, 16th Century], by James. Rose d'Albret [France, 16th Century], by James. Richelieu [France], 17th Century], by James. Sidonia the Sorceress [Pome- rania, 16th Century], by J. W. Mein- hold, &c. Manoeuvring. See Manoeuvring, by Edgeworth. Man- o' -"War's Bell. See Autobiography, by Low [Every Boy's Annual, 1874]. Manufacturers. See The Manufacturers, by Edgeworth. Manufacturing Districts. See Manches- ter Strike, by Miss Martineau. Mary Barton, by Mrs. Gaskell. North and South, by Mrs. Gaskell, &c. Manuscript. See Manuscript Man. [Sunday at Home, v. 15]. Maoris. See Adventures of Three Eng- lishmen, &c, by Verne. Margaret of Scotland. See Days of Yore [15th Century], by S. Tytler. Marguerite de Valois. See Marguerite de Valois, by Dumas. Maria Therese. See the Citizen of Prague [Germany, 18th Century], by H_ J. Paalgow [trans, by Mary Howitt]. Mariners. See Further Adventures of Joshua Hawespipe, by Low [Every Boy's Annual, 1S69]. Marlborough Wars. See Cornet of Horse, by Henty. MARRIAGE. See Compulsory Marri- age, by Maillard. Ill-Omened Marriage, .by Lytton. Marriage, by Miss Ferrier. Marrying and Giving in Marriage, by Mrs. Molesworth. Story of a Strange Marriage, by Falconer, &c. Married Life. See Two Tales of Married Life, by Craik and Stirling. Married Life, by Worboise. Martyrs. See Vale of Cedars, by Aguilar. Anne Askew, by Manning. Cardinal Pole [Days of William and Mary], by Ainsworth, &c. Mary (The Virgin). See Mary the Queen of the House of David [Story of her Life], by Walsh. Mary, Queen of England, Days of. See Cardinal Pole [16th Century], by Ains- worth. Protestant, by Bray. Golden [1056] MAR SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. MUS Grasshopper, by Kingston. Constable of the Tower, by Ainsworth. Protestant [Daysofi6th Century], by Mrs. Bray,&c. Mary of Burgundy. See Mary of Bur- gundy, by James. Mary, Queen of Scots. See Abbot [Scot- land, 16th Century], by Scott. Both- well, by Grant. Crichton, by Ains- worth. Monastery, by Scott. Queen's Maries [Days of, T6th Century], by Mel- ville, &c. Massachusetts. See Lionel Lincoln [Siege of], by Cooper. May Day, May Pole, &c. See Queen of the May, by Beale [G. O. A., v. 2]. Star Chamber, by Ainsworth, &c. Mazarin. See Cardinal Mazarin [17th Century], by Dumas. Twenty Years After, by Dumas. Medals. See My Peninsular Medal [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 66]. Medici. See Caesar Borgia [Girlhood of Catherine De Medici], by E. Robinson. Catherine de Medici, by T. A. Trollope. Crichton, by Ainsworth. Meekness. See Weaver of Naumberg [Leisure Hour, v. 5]. MelariCthon (P.). See Chronicles of the Schonberg - Cotta Family, by Mrs. Charles. Men and Women. See Cornelius O'Dowd [and other things in general], by Lever. Menzikoff (Prince). See Czarina [Exile of], by Mrs. Hofland. Crimea, Sec. Merchants. See Darien, by Warburton. Merchant Prince, by Harwood. Diary of a late Physician [Ruined Merchant], by Warren. Diary of a late Physician [Merchant's Clerk], by Warren. Mesmerism. See Stranger in a Strange Land, by Clay. Mesopotamia, nth Century. See Alroy, by Earl of Beaconsfield. Methodists, The. See Humphrey Clin- ker [18th Century], by Smollett. Mexico. See Eldorado, by Taylor. Rifle Rangers [Southern], by Reid, &c. Midlothian. See Heart of Midlothian, by Scott. Scotland, &c. MIDSHIPMEN". See Basil Woolcombe, by Knight [B. O. A., v. 9]. Marmaduke Merry, by Kingston. Paddy Finn, by Kingston. Ralph Somerville [Adven- ture in the Pacific Ocean], by Eden. Three Midshipmen, by Kingston. Un- der the Meteor Flag [Log of a Middy], by Collingwood, &c. Military. See Frank Hilton, by Grant. Tales from Blackwood, v. 3, second series. Grant, Groves, Henty, Soldiers. Millionaires. See Paston Carew, by Linton [T. B., v. 76]. Millionaire, by Jennings [Black., v. 133]. Millionaire's Cousin [Living Age, v. 164], &c. Milton, Days of. See The Diary of Mary Powell [17th Century], by Miss Manning. Mines. See Master of the Mine, by Buchanan. Vicar's People [Cornish], I See Missionary, by Miss Old Helmet, by Wetherell. See Life on the Mississippi, See Misunderstood, by G. M. Fenn. Deep Down, by Ballantyne. Menhardoc, by Fenn. Ministers. See Minister's Charge, by Howells. Minister's Family, by Hether- ington. Minister's Wooing, by Stowe. Miser. See Paston Carew, by Linton [Temple Bar, v. 76]. Misjudged. See Misjudged, by Mrs. Arnold. Missionary Owenson. Mississippi by Twain. Misunderstood. by Montgomery. Modern Life. See Tolla, by About. Strathrowan, by M. H. Mohawks. See Mohawks, by Braddon. Mohicans. See Last of the Mohicans, by Cooper. Money. See Half a Million of Money, by Edwards [A. Y. R., v. 13]. Mr. Mont- morency's Money, by Worboise. Monks. See Father Fabian, by Worboise. Monk, by Mrs. Sherwood. Homo Sum [Monks, Arabia, 3rd Century], byEbers. Monks of Thelma, by Besant and Rice. Monmouth (Duke of). See Barony [Monmouth's Rebellion, 17th Century], by Miss A. M. Porter. Danvers Papers [Monmouth's Rebellion, 17th Century], by C. M. Yonge, &c. Mont Blanc. See To the Top of Mont Blanc [Boys' Own Annual, v. 9]. Mont Orgueil Castle. See Mont Orgueil Castle [a Tale of Jersey during the Wars of the Roses], by Corbiere. The Fortress, Channel Islands, &c. Monte Carlo. See Last Stake, by Madame Foli. Ze>o, by Praed. Montrose. See Legend of Montrose, by Scott. Moods. See Moods, by Alcott. Moon. See From the Earth to the Moon, by Verne. Around the Moon, by Verne. Marvellous Conquest, by Laurie [Boys' Own Annual, v. n]. MOSCOW. See War and Peace [French at], by Tolstoi. Russia, &c. MOTHERS. See Home Memories [Echoes of a Mother's Voice], by Mrs. Brock. Home Influence, by Aguilar. How the Home was Won Back [Story for Mothers], by Reaney. Mother's Mis- take, by Mrs. Ellis [Family Friend, v. 9]. Mother's Recompense, by Aguilar. Diary of a Late Physician [Mother and Son], by Warren. Mountains. See Milly and Oily [Among the], by Ward. MungO Park. See Great African Travel- lers, by Kingston and Frith. Murder. See Murder of Nick Vedden, by Besant. Tales from Blackwood [Mur- derer's Last Night], v. 4, 1st series. Called Back, by Conway, &c. Musician. See In the Days of Mozart, by Watson [Girls' Own Annual, v. 8J. Musicians [Family Friend, v. 16.] 49 [1057] MUS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. OXF Mussulman. See Zulaka Bee [Sunday at Home, v. 28]. MUTINY. See Did She Love Him, by Grant. Mhe Dilemma [India], by Ches- ney. Fairer Than a Fairy [India]. In Times of Peril, by Henty. Mutineers of the Good Intent [B. O. A., v. 5]. Mutiny on Board the Ship Lcander, by Heldman. Steam House [In India], by Verne. The' King's Own [Mutiny of the Nore], by Marryat. The Young Rajah [India], by Kingston. Eight Days, a Tale of the Indian Mutiny, by Thomas [Cornhill, v. 62]. Mystery. See Mrs. Matthews, by Mrs. Trollope. Tales of Mystery, by E. A. Poe, &c. Nabob. See Indian Nabob [L. H., v. 7]. Nana Sahib. See Steam House, by Verne. Indian Mutiny, &c. NAPOLEON Bonaparte. See Through the Snowdrifts [Retreat from Moscow], ♦ by Madame De Witt [E. B. A., 1888]. Polish Lancer [Invasion of Russia, 1812], by Rellstab. Tales from Blackwood, v. 1, 1st series. The Shadow of the Sword [the Return from Elba], by R. Buchanan ; also under Dumas, Erck- mann-Chatrian, Hugo, Maxwell. Nash. (Beau). See Fashionable Manners, 18th Century, by Ainsworth Naumberg. See Weaver of Naumberg [Leisure Hour, v. 5]. NAVY. See Chums, by Severne. For England, Home, and Beauty [Ninety Years Ago], by Stables [B. O. A., v. 10]. Hurricane Hurry [Adventures of an Offi- cer], by Kingston. Naval Officer, by Marryat. Our Sailors, by Kingston. See also works by Armstrong, Neale, Marryat, Kingston, Clark, Russell, &c. Necklaces. See Pearl-bhell Necklace, by Hawthorne [G. M., v. 10, N.S.]. Diamond Necklace, by Dumas, &c. Needle. See Story of a Needle, by A. L. O. E. Negroes. See Grateful Negro, by Edge- worth. Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Stowe. Neighbours. See Mr. Miggs of Dan- bury and his Neighbours, by Bailey. Our New Neighbour [Q., v. 23], &c. Nelson (Lord), Days of. See Ben Brace, by Chamier. Nephew. See Mrs. Dalrymple's Nephew, by Mrs. Seamer [C. W., 1S79]. Nestorians. See Julamerk [Egypt and the East, 5th Century], by Mrs. Webb. Netherlands. See The Burgomaster's Family [Dutch Character, 18th Century], by C. Muller. White Hoods, by Bray ; also Works by Conscience. New England. See Love for a Life, by /Walworth [Family Friend]. New Forest. See Children of the New Forest, by Marryat. Cradock Nowell, by Blackmore, &c. New Generation. See Coningsby, by Dis- raeli. New Granada. See In New Granada, by Kingston. New York. See We and our Neighbours, by Stowe [Christian World, 1874]. New Zealand. See Adventures of Three Englishmen, &c, by Verne. Tales Told Round a New Zealand Camp Fire [Once a Week, v. 28]. Nicholas I., of Russia. See English Envoy at the Court of, by Corner. Nieces. See Mrs. Farquharson's Niece, by Galbraith [C. J., v. 65]. Nihilism. See A Female Nihilist [Russia, 19th Century], by Lavigne. Nordenskiold. See Notable Voyages, by Kingston and Frith. Nore, Mutiny at the, 1797. See The King's Own [The Navy], by Marryat. Norman Conquest. See Hereward the Wake [England, nth Century], by C. Kingsley. Behind the Veil [Sir W. de Percy], by Holt. Harold, byLytton. Harold, the Boy Earl, by Hodgetts. Normandy. See Hearts of Gold [Family Friend, 1862]. Norsemen. _ See Erling the Bold and Norsemen in the West, by Ballantyne. North Pole. See Adventures of Captain Hatteras, by Verne. English at the North Pole, by Verne. Barbicane & Co. or the Purchase of the Pole, by Verne [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12], &c. Northamptonshire. See Holmby House [Old], by Melville [Living Age, v. 61]; Fraser's Magazine, v. 59]. Norway. See Feats on the Fiord [Scan- dinavia, 18th Century], by Miss Mar- tineau. Strife and Peace, by Bremer. Thelma, by Corelli. Stork's Nest, by Vicary, &c. Nuns. See Nun's Curse, by Riddell. Old Convents of Paris, by Reybaud. Nuremberg. See. Linda Tressel, by Trollope [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 102]. Obscure Life. See Episodes in an Ob- scure Life [Sunday Magazine, v. 6]. Oil Wells. See Raymond Frezols, by Laurie [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12]. Oliver Cromwell. See Oliver Cromwell and the Protectorate, by Wilson. Opium Eater. See Tales from Black- wood, v. 1, second series. Orinoco. See Wanderer's Adventures in the Wilds of Trinidad, by Kingston. Orphans. See Orphans, by Mrs. Oli- phant. Perils of Orphanhood, by Robertson, &c. Otho IV. See The Castle of Ehren- stein [Robber Barons, Germany, 13th Century], by G. P. R. James. Outlaw. See Guy Rivers [a Tale of Georgia], by Simms. Our Own Times. See Clarence, by Mrs. Sedgwick. Oxford. See College Days at Oxford, by Adams. Verdant Green [Freshman], by [1058] PAC SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. POL Bede. Tom Brown at Oxford, by Hughes. Pacific. See Crater, or Vulcan's Peak, by Cooper. Ralph Somerville [Adventures in the], by Eden. Paladins. See Last of the Paladins, by Deslys [Boys' Own Annual, v. 10]. Palestine. See Count Robert of Paris [and Constantinople, Second Crusade, nth Century], by Scott. Crusades, &c. Palmyra. See Letters from Palmyra [Egypt and the East, 3rd Century], by Ware. Pampas. See Out on the Pampas, by Henty. Papal Rome. See Jovinian [Early Days of], by Kingston. Pardoned. See Pardoned [C. F. M., v. 9]. PARIS. See Crichton [a Romance of, 16th Century], by Ainsworth. Forty-five Guardsmen, by Dumas. Lights of Paris [S. at H., v. 29]. Marchioness of Brinvilliers [The Poisoner in Old Paris], by Smith. Hunchback of Notre Dame, by Hugo. Old Convents of Paris, by Reybaud. Owen Tudor [France, r6th Century], by J. Rob- inson. Slaves of Paris, by Gaboriau. Paris Sketch Book, by Thackeray, &c. Parr (Catherine, Queen of Henry VIII.'). See Constable of the Tower, by Ains- worth. Parsonage. See Parsonage, by Topfer. Parsonage of the Hartz [Sunday at Home, v. 14]. The Rectory and The Manor, by Mrs. Brock, &c. Parsons. See Parsons and Widows, by Hewlett. Parson's Daughter, by Hook. Parson's Wife, by Clarke, &c. Passion. See Passion in Tatters, by Thomas. Passion and Principle, by Grey and Shire ff. Portia, by Mrs. Argles, &c. Patronage. See Patronage, by Edge- worth. Pauper. See Prince and the Pauper, by Twain. Pausanias. See Pausanias [the Spartan], by Lytton. Peasant Life. SeeAdolpheRenouard, by Ward. Genevieve. Peasant Life, &c Pedigree. See Tales from Blackwood, v. 2, 2nd series. Penal Servitude. See Five Years' Penal Servitude, by one who has endured it. Pendle Forest. See Lancashire Witches, by Ainsworth. PE3STIJNI SUL AR War, 18th and 19th Century. See Alice Lorraine [Spain and Portugal], by R. D. Blackmore. The King's Own Borderers, by Grant. The Phantom Regiment, by Grant. The Ro- mance of War, by Grant. Subaltern [1813], by Gleig, &c. Pensioners. See Chelsea Pensioners, by Gleig. Percy f Sir W. de, Founder of the House of A orthumherland). See Behind the Veil [Norman Conquest], by Holt. Peril. See Gulab Singh, by Martin [Boys' Own An. I, v. n]. Adventure, &c. PERIODS. Works relating to various periods will be found in the Chrono- logical Index, page 1067. Perplexities. See Perplexities in Daily Life,by Whately[Sundayat Home, v. 19]. Persecution. See The Martyrs of Spain [Spain and Portugal, 16th Century], by Mrs. Charles. Memoirs of a Physi- cian [Louis XV., France, 18th Century], by Dumas, &c. Perseverance. See Great Heights gained by Steady Efforts, by Wilson. Persia. See Julamerk [Nestorians, Egypt and the East, 5th Century], by Mrs. Webb. Shaving of Shagpat, by Mere- dith. Arabian Nights, &c. Perth. See Fair Maid of Perth, by Scott. Scotland, &c. Pervert. See Overdale, by Worboise. Phaeton. See Strange Adventures of a Phaeton, by Black. Phantoms. See Phantom Regiment, by Grant. Phantom Ship, by Marryat. Phantoms and Realities [Harper, v. 2]. Philip and Mary. See Cardinal Pole [Days of, Marriage, &c], by Ainsworth. Philip Augustus. See Philip Augustus [France, 13th Century], by James. Philip, Duke of Orleans [1719]. See Regent's Daughter, by Dumas. Philosophers. See Philosophers and Actresses, by Houssaye. Diary of a Late Physician [the Martyr Philosopher], by Warren. Philosopher's Pendulum. See Tales from Blackwood [v. 10, 2nd series]. Physician. See Passages from the Diary of a Late Physician [Early Struggles], by Warren. Pilot. See Pilot, by Cooper. Pioneers. See Pioneers, by Cooper. PIRATES. See Madman and the Pirate, by Ballantyne. Pirate, by Scott. Pirate and Three Cutters, by Marryat. Pirate City, by Ballantvne. Pirate Island, by Bowman [E. B." A. 1866]. Red Rover, by Cooper. Water Witch, by Cooper. Plague, Great. See Great Plague, by Mrs. Webb. History of the Plague, by De Foe. Old St. Paul's, by Ainsworth. Oliver Wyndham, by Mrs. J. B. Webb. Plague at Milan. See The Betrothed Lovers [17th Century], by A. Manzoni. Plants. See The riant Hunters, by Reid. Playground. See "Marquis" of Tor- chester, by Paul [B. O. A., v. 9]. Plebiscite. See Story of the Plebiscite, by Erckmann-Chatrian. Pluck. See By Sheer Pluck, by Henty. Raymond Fr^zols, by Laurie [Boys' Own Annual, v. 12], &c. Poacher. See Poacher, by Marryat. Poland. See Polish Lancer [Napoleon in Russia, 18 12], by Relistab. Thaddeus of Warsaw, by Porter. POLE. See Barbicane & Co., by Verne. Giant of the North, by B.llantyne. [10593 POL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. REC Wild Adventures Round the Pole, by Stables [Boys' Own Annual, v. 4]; also works by Verne, Ballantyne, &c. Pole (Cardinal). See Cardinal Pole, by Ainsworth. Politics. See Adolphe Renouard [Politi- cal Clubs], by Ward. De Vere [Political Life, 1 8th Century], by R. P. Ward. Pity of It, by Smith. The Right Honourable, by Praed and McCarthy. Polynesian Life. See Typee, by Mel- ville. South Seas, &c. Polynesian Sea. See Arab Wife [Cham- bers' Journal, v. 53]. Pomerania. See Mitslav, by Milman. Sidonia the Sorceress [Manners in], by J. W. Meinhold. Pompeii. See Last Days of Pompeii, by Lytton. Pomponia. See Pomponia [Gospel in Caesar's Household, by Mrs. Webb [Sunday at Home, v. 13]. Poor, The. See Poor Folk [A. Y. R., v. 61]. Poor Man's Wife [Quiver, v. 28]. Poor Gentleman, by Mrs. Oliphant [Leisure Hour, v. 35]. Diary of a Late Physician [and Rich], by Warren. Popish. Plots. See Guy Fawkes [James I., 17th Century], by Ainsworth. Peveril of the Peak [1678], by Scott. Portsmouth. See By Celia's Arbour, by Besant and Rice, and Marryat's works. Portugal. See The Talba [Spain and Portugal, 15th Century], by Mrs. Bray. Poverty. See Pinch of Poverty [Sunday Magazine, v. 17]. PRAIRIES. See Borderers, by Cooper. Dog Crusoe and His Master [Western], by Ballantyne. Prairie, by Cooper. Prairie Flower, by Aimard. Prairie Chief, by Ballantyne. Red Cloud, by Butler. Waif of the Plains [Prairie Life], by Bret Harte, and following authors : Aimard, Cooper, Reed, &c. Prejudice. See Pride and Prejudice, by Austen. President. See President's Daughter, by Bremer. Preston. See Preston Fight, by Ains- worth. Pride. See Pride and Prejudice, by Austen. Proper Pride, by Croker. Ursula's Stumbling Block, by Goddard. Priests. See Maurice and Berghetta, by Parnell. Under Which Lord, by Linton. Prime Minister. See Prime Minister, by Trollope. Prince. See Prince and the Pauper, by Twain. Principle. See Passion and Principle, by Grey and Shireff. Prisons. See Snatched from Prison Doors, by Leslie [G. O. A., v. 4]. Taking of the Bastile, by Dumas. Five Years Penal Servitude, &c. Privateers. See Jack O'Lantern, by Cooper. Kirke Webbe [Cham. J., v. 8]. Privateer's-Man, by Marryat, and other Tales by Marryat, Cooper, Armstrong, Neale, Russell, &c. Property. See Great Van Brock Pro- perty [Leisure Hour, v. 15]. PBOTESTANTS. See The Huguenot [French], by James. Protestant [Days of Queen Mary, 16th Century], by Mrs. Bray. Golden Grasshopper [Nether- lands, Days of Mary and Elizabeth], by Kingston. Proverbs. See Proverbs for the People. Providence. See Marvellous in our Eyes, by Hornibrook [Quiver, v. 26]. Provincial Life. See Middlemarch, by George Eliot. Village Belles, by C. Manning. Psychology. See Contarini Fleming, by Disraeli. Innocent Sinner, by Col- lins. Lady Drusilla, by Purnell. Ptolemy. See The Sisters [Egypt and Cleopatra, 164 B.C.], by Ebers. Public School. See Sister Mary, by Hope [B. O. A.,v. 11]. Tom Brown's School- days, by Hughes. Schools, &c. Publishers. See Confessions of a Pub- lisher, by Winter. Pugilism. See Diary of a Late Physician [The Thunder-struck Boxer], by Warren. Punch. See Letters to Punch, by Ward and Twain. Purchase. See Purchase, by Liardet. Puritans. See Puritan and his Daughter [Days of Charles I.], by Paulding. Buccaneer, by Mrs. Hall. Common- wealth, &c. Putting Off. See To-Morrow [Popular Tales, v. 1], by Edgeworth. Pyramid. See Hassan, by Murray. Pyrenees. See Tales from Blackwood, v. 3, 2nd series. Quadroons. See Quadroon, by Reid. Queen o' the May. See Queen o' the May, by Beale [G. O. A., v. 2]. Queens. See under name required. Queensland. See Bush Life. Rabbits. See Uncle Remus, by Harris. Radical. See Felix Holt, by Eliot. Rafts. See Cryptogram, by Verne [Boys- Own Annual, v. 4]. Sea, Adventures, Shipwrecks, &c. Railroad. See Min, a Railroad Story of the Far West [Chambers' Journal, v. 65]. Railway Journey. See Tales from Black- wood, v. 6, second series. Rapping. See Tales from Blackwood [Spirit-Rapping], v. 9, second series. Readings and Recitations. See Illustrated Penny Readings. Cassell's Penny Read- ings, edited by Hood. Rebellion. See Blockade Runners [Ameri- can, 1862], by Verne. Mandarin's Daughter [Great Chinese], by Moss- man [Leisure Hour, v. 23]. Receipts. See Tales of a Barrister, by Liardet. [1060] HEC SUBJECT INDEX TO FICTION. ROS Recruits. See Three Recruits and the Girls they Left behind them, by Hatton. Rector. See Rector of Oxburg, by Bay- nard. Rectory. See Dunn Dunnington Rec- tory, by the Author of " Marriage a la Mode." Rectory and the Manor, by Mrs. Carey Brock. Rectory Children, by Mrs. Molesworth. Rectory Guest, by Mrs. Grey. Rector's Home, by Giberne, &c. Red River. See Red Man's Revenge, by Ballantyne. Redskins. See Ravensnest, by Cooper. Redskins, or Indian and Ingin, by Cooper. Indians, America, &c. REFORMATION. See Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family [Germany, 16th Century], by Mrs. Charles. From Dawn to Dark in Italy [in the 16th Century] [S. a H., v. 9]. Margareta Colburg [Sunday at Home, v. 35], &c. Regency. See A bigel Rowe [Beau Brum- mel, &c, by Wingfield. Reign of Terror. See Chevalier de Maison Rouge, by Dumas. In the Reign of Terror [French Revolution, 1793], by Henty. France, &c. Relatives. See Myself and my Rela- tives [Chambers', v. 36]. RELIG-IOJNT. See John Inglesant [Re- ligious Doubt], by Shorthouse. Robert Falconer {Religious Belief], by Mac- donald. Golden Grasshopper [Religious Persecutions in the Netherlands, 16th Century], by Kingston. Two Pastors [S. a H., v. 7]. _ What can she Do? by Roe. Christianity, Reformation, &c. Repentance. See Sister Louise, by Mel- ville. Republics. See Veva [French], by Con- science. Year One of the Republic, by Erckmann-Chatrian. America, &c. Rescues. See YoungTrawler, by Ballan- tyne, and under many Tales of Adven- ture, by Aimard, Ballantyne, Reid, &c. Resurrectionists. See Diary of a Late Physician [Grave Doings], by Warren. Retired Life. See Occupations of a Re- tired Life, by Garrett [S. M., v. 4]. Revenge. See Red Man's Revenge, by Ballantyne. Maiwa's Revenge, by Hag- gard, &c. REVOLUTIONS, America. See Lionel Lincoln and The Spy, by Cooper ; also several other works by this Author. Carleton, by Willis. England. See Fate, by G. P. R. James. Outlaw, by Mrs. S. C. Hall. James II. [1688], by Ainsworth. France. See Atelier du Lys, by Miss Roberts. Blockade, by Erckmann-Chatrian. Chevalier of Mai- son Rouge [Red Terror, 18th Century], by Dumas. Child of the Revolution, by Roberts. Citizen Buonaparte, by Erckmann-Chatrian. Comtesse de Charney [Champs de Mars, 1790], by Dumas. Country in Danger, by Erckmann-Chatrian. Docteur Noir, by Lovell. Exile's Trust [L. H., v. 16]. Ingenue, or the Death of Marat, by Dumas. La Vendue, by A. Trollope. Limoelan, by Marsh. Madame Thdrese, by Erckmann - Chatrian. Maurice Tierney, by Lever. Six Years Later [Taking the Bastile], by Dumas. Tale of Two Cities, by Dickens. Year One of the Republic, by Erckmann-Chat- rian. Spain. See Spanish Cavalier [19th Century], by A. L. O. E., &c. Rewards. See Sukie's Boy, by Tytler [Sunday Magazine, v. 3]. Rhine. See Heidenmaur [Legend of the], by Cooper. Kickleburys on the Rhine, by Thackeray. Schinderhannes, by Ritchie. Rlbbonism. See Rody the Rover [Ire- land, 19th Century], by W. Carleton. Rich.. See Curse of the Village [Happi- ness of being Rich], by Conscience. Rich Woman [Quiver, v. 22]. Diary of a Late Physician [and Poor], by Warren. Richard Cceur De Lion. See Talisman, by Scott. William Fitz-Osbert [Family Friend, 1866]. Ivanhoe, by Scott. Richard III., Days of. See Woodman, by James. Richelieu. See Richelieu [a Tale of France], by James. Ride for Life. See Tales from Blackwood, v. 11, 2nd Series. Rivals. See Rivals, by Griffin. Robber. See Robber, by James. Schin- derhannes, by Ritchie. Outlaws, &c. Robin Hood. See Forest Days, by James. Ivanhoe, by Scott. Robin Hood, by Heaton ; also by Marsh. Robinson Crusoe. See Life and Adven- tures of Robinson Crusoe, by Defoe. Rocky Mountains. See In the Rocky Mountains, by Kingston. Candalaria [G. O. A., v. 5]. Wild Man of the West, by Ballantyne. Trapper's Daughter, by Aimard. Canada, Sx. Rolling Stone. See Moss from a Rolling Stone, by Mrs. Oliphant [Black., v. 139]. ROME. See Antonina [The Fall of, 546], by Wilkie Collins. Gladiators [Fall of Jerusalem], by Whyte Melville. Helena's Household [in the First Cen- tury], by Charles. Lapsed, but not Lost, by Mrs. Charles. Naomi [Fall of Jerusalem, 1st Century], by Mrs. Webb. Rienzi [Roman Tribunes], by Lytton. Tolla, by About. Two Thou- sand Years Ago [Roman Boy], by Church. Zenon [Roman Martyr], by Cobbold. Jovinian, by Kingston. Zeno- bia ; or, the Fall of Palmyra [Early Rome], by Ware. Rienzi [Last of the Roman Tribunes], by Lytton. Zenon, the Roman Martyr [Early Christians] by Cobbold. Rosamond. See Queeh Eleanor, by Oliphant [Corn. M., v. 53]. Home Trea- sury of Old Story Books. Roses, Wars of the. See Last of the Barons [Earl of Warwick], by Lytton. [I06I] ROU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SEA Boumania. See Fairy Tales and Legends of Roumania. Soundheads. See Brambletj'e House, by Smith. Cavaliers and Roundheads, by Edgar. Commonwealth, Cromwell. Bumed Family. See Delaware, by Tames. Diary of a Late Physician [Ruined Merchant], by Warren. BUSSIA. See Fred Markham in Russia, by Kingston. Ivan and Vasilesa [S. at H.,v. 10]. Ivan Ilyitch and other Stories, by Tolstoi. In the Track of the Troops [Russo-Turco War], by Ballantyne. Michael Strogoff [Tartar Rebellion], by Verne. Narka [Russian Life], by O'Meara [Harper's Monthly, v. 74]. Anna Kar£nina, bv Tolstoi*. Clemence D'OrviUe [High Life] [L. A., v. 5]. Englishman in Russia [L. H., v. 5]. Kereban the Inflexible, by Verne. Sacrifice. See Moloch, by Mrs. Praed. SAILOBS. See Harry Lawton's Adven- tures [Wanderings]. In the Middle Watch [Food], by W. Clark Russell._ Old Sailor's Story, by Sargent. Our Sailors, by Kingston. Over the Sea with the Sailor, by Besant and Rice. Freaks on the Fells [Why I did not Become a], by Ballantyne. See also under Cooper, Marryat, Neale, Russell, &c. St. Bartholomew, Massacie of. See Chaplet of Pearls [France, 1572], by C. M. Yonge. Henry of Guise, and Man at Arms, by James. Marguerite de Valois, by Dumas. St. Paul's. See Old St. Paul's, by Ains- worth. St. Petersburg. See Memoirs of a Maitred'Armes, by Dumas. Russia, S LIBRARY. FIF Eighth Century. Forest of Vazon [Guernsey Legend]. Ninth Century. Chronicles of Ethelfled [Alfred the Great], by Miss Manning. Tenth Century. Erling the Bold [Scandinavia], by Kingston. Little Duke [Richard the Fearless of Normandy], by Yonge. Eleventh Century. Count Robert of Paris [Constantinople and Palestine, Second Crusade], by Sir Walter Scott. - Harold the Last of the Saxon Kings, by Lytton. Hereward the Wake [England under William the Conqueror], by Kingsley. Lady Godiva [Coventry. Canute], by J. B. Marsh. Truce of God [Henry IV. and Gregory VII. of Germany], by G. H. Miles. Twelfth Century (1177). Fair Rosamond, by T. Miller. (1189). Ivanhoe [Return of Richard I. from the Crusades, Barons, Robin Hood, &c], by Scott. Arrah Neil [Ireland], by James. Betrothed, by Scott. King and the Troubadour [Third Crusade], by Julia Corner. Lady Sybil's Choice [Third Crusade], by Holt. Mitslav [Baltic Shores], by Milman. Ranulph the Red [Fen Fiend]. Talisman [Third Crusade, Richard I., Saladin, &c], by Scott. Thirteenth Century. (1267). The Prince and the Page [Eighth Crusade], by Yonge. Castle Dangerous [Scotland, English War], by Scott. Castle of Ehrenstein [Robber Barons, Germany], by James. Days of Bruce [English War], by Aguilar. How I Won my Spurs [Barons' War], by Edgar. Philip Augustus [France], by James. Royston Gower [Times of John, King of England], by Miller. Runnymede and Lincoln Fair [Third Crusade], by J. G. Edgar. Scottish Chiefs [Wallace], by Porter. Fourteenth Century (1361). Half Brothers [Spain and Portugal], by Dumas. Castle Dangerous [Scottish Wars], by Scott. Crecy and Poictiers [France, War in], by J. G. Edgar. De Foix [France], by Bray. Forest Days [Robin Hood], by James. Isabel of Bavaria [Charles VI.], by Dumas. Lances of Lynwood [Black Prince], by Yonge. Lion of Flanders [France], by Conscience. Rienzi [Roman Tribunes], by Lytton. Robin Hood, by Heaton. Robin Hood, by Marsh. Romola [Italy, Savonarola, &c], by Eliot. The Jacquerie [France], by James. Fifteenth Century (1492). Leila [Conquest of Granada], by Lytton. (1492). Mercedes of Castile [The Expulsion of the Jews], by Cooper. • (1492). The Alhambra [Conquest of Granada], by Irving. (1492). Vale of Cedars [Expulsion of Jews from Spain], by Aguilar. Agincourt [France, War in], by James. Agnes de Sorrento [Savonarola, Italy, &c], by Stowe. Anne of Geierstein [The Vehmgericht, France, Germany, &c], by Scott. Caged Lion [Captivity of James I., of Scotland], by Yonge. Captain of the Guard [James II. of Scotland, Times of], by Grant. Cloister and Hearth [Old Paris], by Reade. Days of Yore [Margaret of Scotland], by S. Tytler. Dove in the Eagle's Nest [Germany], by Yonge. Fair Maid of Perth [The Clans], by Scott. Hunchback of Notre Dame [Old Paris], by Hugo. Joan the Maid [War in France, Joan of Arc], by Mrs. Charles. Last of the Barons [Wars of the Roses], by Lytton. Leonora D'Orco [French Invasion of Italy], by James. Mary of Burgundy [France, Germany, the Netherlands, &c], by James. Norseman in the West [America before Columbus], by Ballantyne. Old Margaret [the Netherlands, Ghent], by Kingsley. Quentin Durward [France, Louis XL], by Scott. [1068] FIF CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX TO FICTION. SEV Fifteenth Century (continued). St. Clare of the Isles [Hebrides and James I., of Scotland]. Talba [Spain and Portugal], by Mrs. Bray. Woodman [Richard III.], by James. Yellow Frigate [Scotland], by Grant. Sixteenth Century (1521). Cortez [The Fall of Mexico], by Taylor. (1547). Mary of Lorraine [Battle of Pinkie], by Grant. (1572). Henry of Guise [Massacre of St. Bartholomew, France], by James. (1588). Westward Ho ! [Spanish Armada], by Kingsley. Abbot [Mary, Queen of Scots], by Scott. Alone in London [Apprentices], by Stretton. Ascanio [Jesuits, France], by Dumas. Bothwell, Mary, Queen of Scots], by Grant. Braes of Yarrow [ limes of James V. of Scotland], by Gibbon. Brigand [Days of Calvin, France, &C.J, by James. Caesar Borgia [Italy], by Robinson. Cardinal Pole [Days of Mary, Queen of England], by Ainsworth. Catherine de Medici [Girlhood of C. de M., Italy, &c], byTrollope. Chaplet of Pearls [Massacre of St. Bartholomew], by Yonge. Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family [Reformation in Germany], by Mrs. Charles. Cloister and the Hearth [the Reformation], by Reade. Colloquies of Edward Osborne [Apprentices], by Miss Manning. Constable De Bourbon [Huguenots, France], by Ainsworth. Constable of the Tower [Edward VI.], by Ainsworth. Crichton [Paris, Catherine de Medici, Marguerite de Valois, &c], by Ainsworth. Darnley [Wolsey], by James. Dove in Eagle's Nest [Germany], by Yonge. Faire Gospeller [Anne Askew], Religious Persecution and Martyrdom], by Miss Manning. Forty-five Guardsmen [France], by Dumas. From Dawn to Dark in Italy. Golden Grasshopper [Sir Thomas Gresham], by Kingston. Gowrie. Household of Sir Thomas More [Henry VIII.], by Manning. — — Heiress of Bruges [Spain, Struggle with the Netherlands], by Grattan. Jane Seton [Witchcraft and Intrigue], by Grant. Kenilworth [Elizabeth and Leicester, Amy Robsart], by Scott. Knight of St. John [The Siege of Malta], by Miss A. M. Porter. Lady Jane Grey, by Miller. Lancashire Witches [Henry VIII., James I., &c], by Ainsworth. Leonora D'Orco [French Manners], by James. Man -at- Arms [St. Bartholomew], by James. Margaret De Valois [Massacre of St. Bartholomew], by Dumas. Martyrs of Spain [Spain and Portugal], by Mrs. Charles. Monastery [Mary, Queen of Scots], by Scott. One in a Thousand [Assassination of the Duke of Guise, France], by James. Owen Tudor [Romance of Paris], by Robinson. Protestant [Days of Mary], by Bray. Queen's Maries [Days of Mary, Queen of Scots], by Melville. Richelieu [France], by James. Rose d'Albret [French Manners], by James. _ Sidonia the Sorceress [Manners in Pomerania], by Meinhold, &c. Spanish Match [Charles II. in Spain, &c], by Ainsworth. Tower of London [Lady Jane Grey], by Ainsworth. Windsor Castle [Henry VIII., Heme the Hunter, Anne Boleyn, Sir Thomas Wyatt, &c], by Ainsworth. Seventeenth Century (1605). Father Darcy [Gunpowder Plot], by Marsh. (1627). Three Musketeers [La Rochelle], by Dumas. (1642-3). Splendid Spur [Civil War], by Caine. (1651). Woodstock [Worcester Fight, &c], by Scott. (1665). History of the Plague [Fire and Plague, England], by De Foe. (1665). Old St. Paul's [Fire of London and Plague], by Ainsworth. (1672). Black Tulip [The Netherlands, the Hague, &c], by Dumas. (1678). Peveril of the Peak, by Scott. (1679). Old Mortality [Bothwell Bridge], by Scott. (1689). Scottish Cavalier [Claverhouse, Battle of Killiecrankie], by Gait. (1691). Redmond, Count O'Hanlon [Battle of the Aughrim], by Carleton. (1698). Darien [Darien Scheme], by Warburton. [I069] SEV GUILLE-ALLfeS LIBRARY. EIG Seventeenth Century {continued). Agnes de Mansfeldt [Germany], by Grattan. Amber Witch [Pomerania, Gustavus Adolphus], by Meinhold. Arabella Stuart [Days of James I. of England], by James. Arrah Neil [Ireland, Time of Charles I.], by James. Barony [Monmonth's Rebellion], by Porter. Boscobel [Escape of Prince Charles], by Ainsworth. Betrothed Lovers [Plague at Milan], by A. Manzoni. Buccaneer [Civil War, Cromwell, &c], by Hall. Captain Kyd [Massachusetts], by Ingraham. Captain of the Guard [Charles II.], by Grant. • Cardinal Mazarin, by Dumas. Castle Cornet [Channel Islands in the Days of Civil War], by Hawtrey. Cavaliers of Virginia [Cromwell, United States], by Carruthers. Children of the New Forest [Civil War], by Marryat. Danvers Papers [Monmouth's Rebellion], by Yonge. De L'Orme [France], by James. Diary of Mary Powell [Days of Milton], by Miss Manning. Draytons and Davenants [Commonwealth], by Charles. Fate [Revolution, 1688, Cromwell, &c], by James. Fortunes of Nigel [Days of James I.], by James. Harry Ogilvy [Civil War in Scotland], by Grant. Gowrie [James I. of England], by James. Guy Fawkes [James 1st, Papist Conspiracy, Gunpowder Plot, &c], by Ainsworth. Heidelberg [Thirty Years' War, Germany], by James. Henry Masterton [Commonwealth], by James. Holmby House [Civil War], by Melville. Huguenot [France], by James. Huguenot Family [France], by Tytler. James II., or, the Revolution of 1688, by Ainsworth. John Deane of Nottingham [Assassination Plot], by Kingston. John Inglesant [Civil War, Irish Rebellion, Charles I.], by Shorthouse. King's Highway [William and Mary, The Fenwick Conspiracy], by James. Leaguer of Lathom [Civil War], by Ainsworth. Legend of Montrose [Covenanters], by Scott. Life of Colonel Jack [Commonwealth], by Defoe. Lorna Doone [Days of James II.], by Blackmore. Marchioness of Brinvilliers [Poisoner in Old Paris], by Smith. Memoirs of a Cavalier [Civil War], by Defoe. Nanon [Mazarin], by Dumas. ■ Ovingdean Grange [Civil War], by Ainsworth. • Paul the Pope and Paul the Friar [Italy], by Trollope. Richelieu [France], by James. Robber [Times of Charles II.], by James. Russell [Time of Charles II.], by James. St. George and St. Michael [Commonwealth], by Mac Donald. Scottish Cavalier [Battle of Killiecrankie, &c], by Grant. Star Chamber [Days of James I.], by Ainsworth. The Phantom Ship [Germany], by Marryat. Twenty Years' After [Mazarin], by Dumas. Wept of Wish-ton-Wish [United States], by Cooper. Whitefriars [Charles II., Claude Duval, Titus Oates, Colonel Blood, &c], by Robinson. Whitehall [Days of Charles L], by Robinson. Eighteenth Century (1715). Preston Fight [Insurrection of 1715], by Ainsworth. (1720). Courtship [Courtship in], by Smart. (1736). Heart of Midlothian [Porteous Riots], by Scott. (i74*)- Roderick Random [Carthagena, Bombardment of), by Smollett. (i74 2 )- Letty Hyde's Lovers [English Service, 1742] by Grant. (1745). For James or George [Schoolboy's Tale], by H. C. Adams [B .0. A., v. 6.] (1746). White Cockade [Falkirk and Culloden], by Grant. (1750). Satanstoe [New York, Anti-Rentism, &C.], by Cooper. (1755)- Escape [Earthquakes of Lisbon], Tales from Blackwood. (1756-60). Last of the Mohicans [Old French War], by Cooper. (1770). Warrawarra [Carib Chief], by Breen. (1775-84). Hurricane Hurry [American War of Independence], by Kingston. (1775-84). White Scalper [American War of Independence], by Aimard. (1775). Lionel Lincoln [Siege of Boston], by Cooper. (1780). Barnaby Rudge [Gordon Riots], by Dickens. (1789). Child of the Revolution [France], by Roberts. (1789). Taking the Bastile [The Revolution], by Dumas. [IO70] EIG- CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX TO FICTION. EIG Eighteenth Century {continued). (1790). Comtesse De Charney [Champ de Mars], by Dumas. Delphine [French Revolution], by Lovell. God's Providence House, by Mrs. Banks. Country in Danger [French Revolution], by Erckmann-Chatrian. Madame TheYese [Revolution], by Erckmann-Chatrian. Ingenue, French Revolution [Death of Marat], by Dumas. Ninety-Three [France, La Vendue], by Hugo. Atelier du Lys [French Revolution, Reign of Terror], by Roberts. Tale of Two Cities [French Revolution], by Dickens. Year One of the Republic [French Revolution], by Erckmann-Chatrian. Oliver Ellis [Capture of Guadaloup], by Grant. Citizen Bonaparte [French Revolution and Empire], by Erckmann-Chatrian. King's Own [Mutiny at the Nore], by Marryat. Irish Widow's Son [Insurrection of 1798], by Con O'Leary. The Croppy [Irish Insurrection], by Banim. — Adventures of Rob Roy [Jacobite Conspiracies], by Grant. Against the Stream [Slave Emancipation], by Mrs. Charles. Alice Lorraine [Peninsular War], by Blackmore. Ancient Regime [Louis XV., France], by James. Beau Nash [Fashionable Manners, Times of George III.], by Ainsworth. Ben Brace [Days of Nelson], by Chamier. Black Dwarf [Conspiracies of the Jacobites, Scotland], by Scott. Burgomaster's Family [Dutch Character], by C. Muller. Cannibal Islands [Captain Cook], by Ballantyne. Captain Singleton [George I.], by De Foe. Castle Rackrent [Irish Characters], by Edgeworth. Chevalier of the Maison Rouge [Red Terror, France], by Dumas. Citizen of Prague [Maria Theresa, Germany], by H. J. Paalgrovv, trans, by Howitt. Consuelo [German}', Frederick the Great], by Sand. Cornet of Horse [Marlboro's Wars], by Henty. De Vere [Political Life], by Ward. Devereux [Time of Queen Anne], by Lytton. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevelyan [Whitefriars and Wesley], by Mrs. Charles. Esmond [Queen Anne, Young Chevalier, &c], by Thackeray. Feats on the Fiord [Norway], by Miss Martineau. Frank Hilton [War in Arabia], by Grant. Gipsy [George II.], by James. Guy Rivers, the Outlaw [Georgia], by Simms. Hartland Forest [Devonshire], by Bray. Henry Smeaton [George I.], by James. Humphrey Clinker [The Methodists], by Smollett. John Law [South Sea Bubble], by Ainsworth. King's Own Borderers [Peninsular Campaign], by Grant. La Vendue [France], by Trollope. Lady Bell [England], by Tytler. Lord Mayor of London [George II.], by Ainsworth. Lords of Strogue [Insurrection of Emmet, Ireland], by Wingneld. Louise De La Valliere [Louis XIV.], by Dumas. Lucy Arden [Times of George I.], by Grant. Memoirs of a Physician [Death of Louis XV., France], by Dumas. Miser's Daughter [George II.], by Ainsworth. Near to Nature's Heart [Washington, Arnold, &c], by Roe. Pastor's Fireside [England, Spain and Vienna], by Porter. Peg Woffington [The Stage], by Reade. — — Phantom Regiment [War in Spain], by Grant. Queen's Necklace [French Court], by Dumas. Redgauntlet [Conspiracies of the Jacobites], by Scott. Rob Roy [Conspiracies of the Jacobites], by Scott. Rody the Rover [Ribbonism], by Carleton. Romance of War [Peninsular Campaign], by Grant. St. James's [Queen Anne], by Ainsworth. Sir Edward Seaward's Narrative [Carribean Seas], by Porter. Spy [American War, Washington], by Cooper. Subaltern [Battle of New Orleans], by Glegg. Subaltern [Peninsular Campaign], by Gleig. Surgeon's Daughter [Times of George III.], by Scott. Tales of Flemish Life, by Conscience. The Pilot [American War, Paul Jones], by Cooper. Ticonderoga [French War in America, Defeat of Abercromby], by James. [1071] EIG- GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NIN Eighteenth Century (confirmed). Uncle Tom's Cabin [American Slavery], by Stowe. Valentine McClutchy [Irish Grievances], by Carleton. Virginians [Eve of American War of Independence], by Thackeray. Waverley [the "'45"]> ky Scott. Whiteboy [Secret Societies, Ireland], by Hall. Nineteenth Century (1S01). Knight of Gwynne [Legislative Union of England and Irealnd], by Lever. Lords of Strogue [Insurrection of Emmet], by Wingfield. Twin Captains [the Empire, Napoleon, France], by Dumas. Aide-de-Camp [Campaign of Maida], by Grant. Kenneth [French in Russia], by Yonge. Polish Lancer [Napoleon in Russia], by Rellstab. — Romance of War [Peninsular War, Spain], by Grant. Subaltern [American War], by Gleig. Conscript [French Empire], by Erckmann-Chatrian. Invasion of France [Russian Invasion], by Erckmann-Chatrian. Citizen Bonaparte [French Revolution and Empire], by Erckmann-Chatrian. Les Miserables [French Empire], by Victor Hugo. Waterloo [Battle of], bv Erckmann-Chatrian. War and Peace [Cabul, Retreat from], by A. L. O. E. Castle Daly [Irish Home], by Keary. Castle Richmond [Irish Famine], by Trollope. Cossacks [Caucasus in the Year 1852], by Tolstoi. Courtship in, by Smart. Blockade Runners [American Rebellion], by Verne. In the Middle Watch [Slave Ships in 1884], by Russell. Hobgoblin and Demon [Demons], byDe Witt. Through the Snowdrifts [Retreat from Moscow], by Madame De Witt. Alice Lorraine [Peninsular War], by Blackmore. Alton Locke [Chartists], by Kingsley. Ben Brace [French Empire, Naval War], by Chamier. Beyond Recall [Egypt, Bombardment of Alexandria], by Sergeant. Bivouac [France, Peninsular War], by Maxwell. Duke of Albany's Highlanders [India and Afghanistan], by Grant. Female Nihilist [Nihilism], by Lavigne. Hassan, or the Child of the Pyramid [Egypt], by Murray. Helen and Olga [Domestic Manners, Russia], by Manning. Hour and the Man [Hayti, Toussaint L'Ouverture], by Martineau. In Times of Peril [Indian Mutiny], by Henty. Interpreter [Crimean War and Hungary], by Whyte Melville. Lady Wedderburn's Wish [Crimean War], by Grant. Laura Eveiingham [Crimean War], by Grant. Margaret Muller [Franco-German War], by Mme. Bersier. Mary Barton [Manufacturing Districts], by Mrs. Gaskell. Max Cromer [Franco-German War, Siege of Strasburg], by Stretton. North and South [Manufacturing Districts], by Mrs. Gaskell. One of the Six Hundred [Balaclava], by Grant. Parisians [Commune, Paris], by Lytton. Ravenshoe [Crimean War], by Kingsley. Rody the Rover [Ireland], by W. Carleton. Shadow of the Sword [Escape of Napoleon from Elba], by Buchanan. Story of the Plebiscite [Franco-German War], by Erckmann-Chatrian. Sybil [Chartists], by Disraeli. Ten Thousand a Year, by Warren. Thaddeus of Warsaw [Poland], by Porter. Tolla [Modern Rome], by About. Ula [Zulus, Cetewayo], by Eden. Wayside Cross [Spain and Portugal], by Milman. When we were Boys [Irish Life, Insurrection, &c], by O'Brien. Young Franc-Tireurs [Franco-German War], by Henty. Young Llanero [War in Venezuela], by Kingston. Young Rajah [Indian Mutiny], by Kingston. [I072] Supplement to the General Catalogue. ABB ACK JLXBBE (Professor Cleveland). See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Abbot (Charles, Lord Colchester, Speaker of the House of Commons, b. 1762, d. 1832), Diary of [1802-17], edited hy his Son 241-3H Abbott (Jacob, American Writer, b. 1803, d. 1879), History of William the Conqueror. 1853 1442O Memoirs of the Holy Land [Harper's New Monthly Magazine].. 1585J Abbott (John S. C, Brother of Above, b. 1805, d. 1877), Napoleon Bonapar te [ Harper's New Monthly Magazine] 1 583 J Palaces of France [Harper's New Monthly Magazine] 1585J — > Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Abbott (L.), Ed., Henry Ward Beecher, a Sketch of his Career 657F AbednegO. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Abel. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Abercromby (Hon. R.), Seas and Skies in many Latitudes, or Wanderings in Search of Weather. 1888 843K See also Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Aberdeen (Lord). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 610F. Aberystwith. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Abingdon. See English Illustrated, v. 6, 1996J. Ablett (William H.), Ed. See Roland's Agricultural Works, 826- 30F. Abney (Captain W. de W., Inspector in Science Department, Royal Engineers, b. 1843), F.R.S., Ed., Spectrum Analysis in its Application to Terrestrial Substances and the Physical Con- stitution of the Heavenly Bodies, by Schellen, translated by Lassell, illustrated. 1885 695D Traps to Catch Sunbeams [Lecture on the Sun] 1 94R See also Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Aborigines, The. See Stanford's Compendium, 853K. > Absalom {Son of David, d. 1023 B.C.). See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K, &c. Abscess. See Man and his Maladies, 939K. Medicine, &c. Abstinence, Case for Total Abstinence, by Lacey. 1889 330R Abstraction. See Science of Thought, 585H. Abyssinia. See Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Wylde's Soudan, 275-6 H, &c. Accidents. See Cassell's Family Magazine [Nursery Accidents, and What to do for them,], v. 15, 1365J, &c. Accounts. See Bowring's Decimal System, 1123M. Aeheta Domestica, M. E. S. [Miss L. M. Budgeon], Episodes of Insect Life, illustrated. 1849 834F Ackworth (W. M. ), Railways of England. 1889 937D 50 [1073] ACL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. AGA Aciand (H. W.), F.R.S., Health, Work, and Play. 1856 1844Z Acoustics. See Williams' Science in Short Chapters, 502R. Acrobats. See Gymnastics, Athletic Exercises, &c. Actors. See English Illustrated Magazine [What Players are they], v. 5, 1995J. Acts and Contracts. See Levi's International Law, 399R. Acts of Parliament. See Gardner's Sanitary Science, 941 K. Smith's Laws con- cerning the Public Health, 942K, &c. Acts of the Apostles, by Baumgarten, translated by Morrison. 1854 816-8A Commentary by Calvin, ed. by Beveridge, 2 vols. 1844 813-4A See also Alford's Greek Testament, 927A. &c. Adam (A., Latin Scholar, b. 1741, d. 1809), LL.D. See Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Adams (Ernest), Ph.D., Elements of the English Language. 1872. 1952R Adams (Sir Francis Ottiwell), C.B., and Cunningham (C. D.), The Swiss Confederation. 1889 3PI Adams (H. C, Greek Scholar), M.A., Jews after the Dispersion 2882J Adams (II. G.), Favourite Song Birds, coloured plates. 1889 2133R Adams (H. G. and H. B.), The Smaller British Birds, with Descrip- tions of their Nests, Eggs, Habits, &c, coloured plates. 1874 39D Adams (John Quincy, American Stateman, b. 1767, d. 1848). See Bryce's American Commonwealth, 517H, &c. Addison (P. L.), Practical Elements of Construction, a reference Book for Engineers and Builders. 1888 1141M Adelaide. See Brassey's Last Voyage, 862 K, &c. Adjectives. See Science of Thought, 585H. Grammar, &c. Adlard (George) Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leycester, and a History of Kenil worth Castle. 1870 663F Admirals, Lives of the British Admirals [Lardner's Cab. Cycle] ... 786-90T Adrian VI. {Pope of Pome, b. 1459, d. 1523). See Ward's Counter-Reforma- tion, 256T, &c. Adulterations. See Smith's Foods, 380R. Foods, &c. Adventure, Inklings of [by Willis], 2 vols in 1. 1836 1907R Adventures in Persia, &c, by Layard, illustrated, 2 vols. 1887. ...1726-7R See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 1, 2951J. Excelsior, 1926-31R. Fiction, &c. JEneid of Virgil, translated by Conington. 1888 802M Aeronautics. See Harper's Index, i64oJa, &c. JEschylus (Greek Tragic Poet, b. 525, d. 456 B.C.). See Posnett's Literature, 394R, &c. JEsthetiu and Miscellaneous Works of Frederick Von Schlegel, translated by E. J. Millirgton. 1849 2019R .ZEsthetical Questions [Vernon Lee's Juvenilia] 2009R JEsthetics. See Hamerton's Portfolio Papers, 1168M, &c. Afghanistan, Disasters in 1841-2, by Lady Sale. 1843 5 6 5 H See also Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Macmillan s Magazine [Afghan Boundary], v. 58, 988J. Poole's Index, R.L. Stanford's Compendium, 852 K, &c. Africa, Central, In Darkest Africa, or the Rescue and Retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria, by Henry Morton Stanley, 2 vols., illustrated. 1890 871-2 and 873-4K North and Central, Travels and Discoveries in the years 1849-1855, by Earth. 1857 . 844-8K See also Blackwood's Magazine [Critical Position of Europeans in], v. 146, 216J. Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905 F. Contemporary Review, v. 56, 2066J ; [what Stanley has done for the Map of], v. 57, 2067J. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. Fortnightly [England and Germany in South], v. 51, 21.41J. Harper's Index, i64oja. Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H, &c. Agate. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. King's Decorative Stones, 1159M. [1074] AGE ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. ALE Age. See Sigourney's Past Meridian, 2045R. Agitation. See Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Agnosticism. See Fortnightly [The Future of, and Cowardly], v. 51, 2141J. Nineteenth Century, v. 25, 2235J. Westminster Review, v. 132, R.L. Agreement. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R, &c. AgTicola and Germany of Tacitus, &c, translated by Church and Brodribb. 1885 796M Agricultural Chemistry and Geology, by Johnston and Cameron 668D Agriculture [Blacklock's Treatise on Sheep] 744Z See also Adams' Swiss Confederation, 3H. Blackwood's Magazine [Twenty Years' Movements in], v. 144, 214J. Capital and Labour, 1115F. Grif- fith's Manures, 2120R. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J. Playfair's Social Welfare [and Fair Trade], 336R. Poole's Index, R.L. Roland's Grass Land, 826F. Stanford's Compendium [in Egypt], 849K ; [in Australia], 853K. Westminster Review [the Pro- gress of], v. 132, R.L. Grass, Cattle, Farming, Dairies, &c. Aliab (King of Israel, 918-897 B.C.). See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 151K. Ailment. See Cassell's Family Magazine [Your Little Ailment], v. 15, 1365J. Ainger (A.), Ed., The Letters of Charles Lamb, 2 vols. 1888 ... 1479-0O Air, Experiments and Observations, by Priestley. 1775 819D Ocean of, Meteorology for Beginners, by Giberne. 1890 2123R See also Cassell's Family Magazine [Travels in the], v. 15, 1365J. Alabaster. See King's Decorative Stones, 1159M, &c. Alaska. See Stanford's Compendium, 850K, &c. A-lbani (Madame, Vocalist). See Edwards' Prima Donna, 679F. Albany. See Brassey's Last Voyage, 862K, &c. Albatross. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Birds, &c. Albers (Captain). See Everyday Heroes [p. 192], 1455O, &c. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales and the Princess of Wales, Pro- gress of our Times, illustrated by the Life and Work of the Prince and Princess of Wales [1863-1889], by Burdett, with Portraits, Autographs, Sec. 1889 1412II Albert Edward Nyanza. See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, 873-4K. Albert (Prince Consort). See Memoirs of Ernest II., 674-5F. Walpole's Lord Russell. 610F, &c. Albret (Jeanne D'). See Jeanne D'Albret. Alcock (D.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Alcohol. See Man and his Maladies, 939K. Smith's Foods, 380R. Gustafson's Foundation of Death, T122F, &c. Alcott (Miss Louisa May), Her Life, Letters and Journals, edited by E. D. Cheney. 1889 1488O Aldegrever (Heinrich). See Scott's Little Masters, 1117O. Alden (H. M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Alderney and Guernsey Cow, its Nature and Management, by Fowler. 1855 188R [Babington's Primitije Flora? Sarnicce] : 184R Island of, its Early History, &c, by Clarke. 1851 1870Z See also Athenaeum [Lighthouse Girl, a Poem, p. 432], 1882, R.L. Black's Channel Islands and Western Normandy, 1742R. Smith's Birds of Guernsey, 195R. Temple Bar [its Defences], v. 4, 1334J. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Rooke's Guernsey and Sark, 1859Z, &c. Aldricn (T. B., American Journalist), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Alehouses. See Jusserand's Wayfaring Life [14th Century], 1925 R, &c. Alembert (J. le R. de, French Philosopher and Mathematieian, o. 1717, d. 1783). See Brougham's Philosophers, 597M, &c. Alexander the Great. See Rawlinson's Phoenicia, 1553O, &c. Alexander of Lycopolis. See Ante-Nicene Library, Sx. Alexander (Several Popes of Rome of this Xamc\. See Balzani's Popes and the Hohenstaufen, 261T, &c. Alexandra (Princess of Wales). See Burdett's Prince, Princess and People, 1412H, &c. [1075] ALF GUILLE-ALLfeS LIBRARY. AME Alford (Henry), D.D., Quebec Chapel Sermons. 1863 1293-7M Divine Love, 1293M. On Christian Practice, 1294M. Person and Office of Christ, 1295M. Concluding Sermons, 1296M. The Greek Testament. 1855 : Vol. 2. — Acts of the Apostles, Epistles to the Romans and Corinthians 927A Vol. 3. — Epistles to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timotheus, Titus and Philemon 928A Vol. 4, part 1. — Epistle to the Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles of St. James and St. Peter 929A Vol. 4, part 2. — Epistles of St. John and St. Jude and the Revelation 930A Alfred the Great ( King of England), by Hughes. 1887 1 525O See also Lappenberg's England, 1518O. Saxons, &c. Algeria, A Winter in Algiers, by Bridgman [Harper's Month., v. 76] 1656J See also Stanford's Compendium, 849K, &c. Alison (Sir Archibald). See Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Alkali Act, &c. See Smith's Public Health Laws, 942K. All-Fours. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1148M. Cards, &c. Allan (R.), F.R.S.E. See Phillips' Mineralogy, 559R, &c. Alleghanies, Heart of the. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 1647 J. Allen (Alfred). See Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science, 3413J. Allen (E. A.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Allen (Grant). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Allen (Joseph), R.N*, Battles of the British Navy, with Portraits [Bohn's Library], 2 vols. 1853 1522-3O Alleyne (S. F.) and Abbott (E.), Trs. y Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy, by Zeller. 1886 1196H AHez (Capt. J., of Guernsey}. See Sarnia [p. 43], 1416O. Allington (W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Allison (J. W). See Notes and Queries, v. 7, 7th series, 1099J. Alluvial Deposits. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905 F. Almsgiving, Method in, a Handbook for Helpers, by Moggridge 1031R Alphege (St., Archbishop of Canterbury, 1006, killed 1012). See L'Estrange's Greenwich, 1535O. Alps, Israel of the, a History of the Persecutions of the Waldenses, by Muston. 1852 1308R See also Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Altdorfer (Albrecht, German Painter, b. 1488, d. 1538). See Scott's Little Masters, 1117O. Aluminium. See English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D, &c. Amazon River. See Stanford's Compendium, 851K, &c. Naturalists on the River Amazon, by Bates, 2 vols.... 1863 2143-4R Amazons. See Clayton's Female Warriors, 644O, &c. Ambassadors. See Levi's International Law, 399R, &c. Amber. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Ambition. See Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, igoSRa. Quiver [Right and Wrong], v. 32, 3302J. Temple Bar, v. 87, 1417J, &c. Ambrose (St., Bishop of Milan, b. 340, d. 397). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 671F. Mathew's History of Music, 943D, &c. America, Baggage and Boots, or Smith's First Peep at America, ill. 1755R Central and South, and West Indies, edited by Bates. 1885.... 851K North, edited by Hoyden and Selwyn [Stanford's Compendium] 85CK Three Years in, by Stuart, 2 vols in 1. 1833 I733R American Commonwealth, by Bryce, 3 vols. 1888 517-9H Literature, a Century of, from Franklin to Lowell. 1889 2028R Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Manning [R.T.S.] 311B See also Crookshank's Methodism in Ireland [in connection with America], 670-71A. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. Eggleston's United States, 421H. Frith's Our Kin across the Sea, 1735R. Harper's Index [Rebellion, 1861-65], i64oJa. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. Murray's Magazine [Some Recent Criticism of], v. 4. 1464J. Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J. Peasant Properties [Americans], 2005R. Westminster Review [Indirect Taxation in], v. 130, R.L. Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H. [IO76] AME ENGLISH SECTION.- GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. ANI Amethyst. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. King's Decorative Stones, 1159M, Sac. Among the North Sea Trawlers. See Contemporary Review, v. 54, 2064J. Amphibians, Fishes and Reptiles, Natural History and Classifica- cation of, by Swainson [Lirdner's Cabinet Cyclo.] 1838.... 778-9T Amsterdam. See Pictures from Holland, 355B. Amulets. See Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Amusements, Indoor. See Boys' Own Annual, from v. 1, 2951J, Harper's Index, i64oJa. Jevons' Social Reform, 1111F, &c. Amusing Prose Chap Books, chiefly of Last Century, edited by Cunningham. 1889 1321H Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leicester, and a History of Kenilworth Castle, by Adlard. 1870 663F Anam and Siam. See China, 1533O, &c. Analogy. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. Anatomy, Artistic, by Duval, translated by Fenton, illustrated. 1884 931K Anatomy. See Nature, v. 40, 2700.!. Quekett's Histology, 832F, &c. Ancient Cities of Mexico. See All the Year Round, v. 42, 1822J. Mexico, &c. Faiths and Modern, by Inman. 1876 96Ka Anderson (A.), Game of Draughts Simplified, and Illustrated with Practical Diagrams. 1878 I158M Anderson (James S. M.), M.A., History of the Church of England in the Colonies and Foreign Dependencies of the British Empire, 3 vols. 1856 1908-I0Z Anderson (John), F.L.S., Mandalay to Momien, a Narrative of the Two Expeditions to Western China of 1868 and 1875, under Colonel Sladen and Colonel Browne, illustrated. 1876 540K Anderson (Miss Mary, American Actress, b. 1859). See Woman's World, v. 1, 1888, R.L. Andes. See Stanford's Compendium, 851K. Andrew. See Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K. Andrews (E. A.), LL.D., A Copious and Critical Latin-English Lexicon, founded on the larger Latin-German Lexicon of Dr. W. Freund, with Additions, &c. 1853 149D Andros Family of Guernsey. See Jacob's Guernsey, 362B. Sarnia, 1416O, &c. Anecdote, World of, by E. Paxton Hood. 1 870 979R See also Harper's Index, i64oJa. Fiction, &c. Angelo, Michael. See Blackwood's Magazine, v. 144, 214J. Buonarotti &c. Angels. See Occult Sciences, 1935 R. Robinson's Scripture Characters, 152K, &c. Anger. See Seneca's Dialogues, 1201H, &c. Anglican Church Architecture and Ecclesiastical Furniture, by Barr. 1846... 1867Z Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary, by Bosworth. 1888 1317H Gothic Gospels in Parallel Columns, with Preface and Notes, by Bosworth and Waring. 1888 667A Kings. See Lappanberg's England, 1517-8O, &c. Angola. See Stanford's Compendium, 849K, &c. Angora Goat. See Lennep's Asia Minor, 1847-8R. Animals, Geographical and Geological Distribution of, by Heilprin 396R Habits and Instincts of, by Swainson [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo.] 79 iT in Menageries, by Swainson [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia. 1838 770T Animal Lore of Shakespeare's Time, by Phipson. 1883 929M Animal Magnetism, by Binet and Fere 397R Animals : Senses, Instincts and Intelligence of, by Lubbock 376R - [1077] ANI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ARA Animals. See also Dawson's Origin of the World, 564R. Y.very Hoy's Annual [Clever], 1869, 1303H ; [Life], 1308H. Girls' Own Annual [Bits about], v. 10, 2560J. Manchester Science Lectures [Animal Intelligence], 2127R. New Review [the Origin of], v. 2, 3352J. Nineteenth Century [Comparative Insensibility of, to pain], v. 26, 2236J. Quekett's Histo- logy, 832F. Science of Thought, 585H. Stanford's Compendium [of Australia], 853K. Tower Menagerie, 816F. Vivisection, 932K. Wallace's Darwinism, 2121R. Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H, &c. Anne of Austria {Queen Regent of France, Mother of Louis XIV.), Regency of, by Freer, 2 vols. 1866 267-8F Married Life of; and Don Sebastian, King of Portugal, by Freer, 2 vols. 1864 265-6F Anne of Cleves. See Palace and Hospital, i5350> Sk. Anne (Queen). See the Wentworth Papers, 553F. Anointing. See Jones' Coronations, 938D. Anson (\V. S. W.), Ed., Asgard and the Gods, Traditions of our Northern Ancestors. 1882 903F Anspach (F. R.), A.M., Sepulchres of our Departed. 1859 1222M Anstey (C., Satiric Poet, b. 1724, d. 1805), New Bath Guide, a series of Poetical Epistles 75°^ Anthropoid Apes, by Hartmann 37 8R Anthropology, by Paul Topinard, translated by Bartley, ill. 1878 943K See also English Mechanic [British Association Address], v. 50, 105CD. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J. Man, &c. Antilles, The. See Stanford's Compendium, 851K, &c. Antiquities of the City of Treves, by Wyttenbach, translated, edited by Turner. 1839 9°6F Smaller Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, by Smith... 1025M [Gesarea or J ersey] 1 409II See also Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel, 849-54K. Tim- min's Warwickshire, 1413H, &c. Antoinette (Marie). See Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Antonines, Age of the, or Roman Empire of the Second Century, by Capes. 1884 1812Z Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius). See Capes' Stoicism, 1255M. Haw'eis' Christ and Christianity, 1186M, &c. Antonius. For several celebrated Romans of this name see Long's Roman Re- public, 90-4H. Antwerp. See English Illustrated Magazine, v. 5, 1995J, &C Apes, Anthropoid, by Hartmann 37&R Apocrypha. See London Quarterly, v. 71, 861J. Quarterly Review, v. t, 1296J. Ante-Nicene Library [Apocryphal, Gospels, &c], 374A, &c Apostles, Words of the, by Stier, translated by Venables. 1869 752A See also Acts of the Apostles. Kurtz' Church History, 706A, &c. Apostolic Epistles, a literal Translation from the original Greek, with Notes, &c, by Macknight. 1832 150D Fathers, Writings of the, translated by Robertson, &c. 1879.... 375A Apostolical Constitutions. See Ante-Nicene Library, &c. Apparitions. See Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c Apples. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Breuil's Fruit Trees, 178R. Science Gossip [History of the Apple Tree], v. 15, 2418J. Fruit, &c. Apprentices. See Beeton's Everybody's Lawyer, 324R. Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from v. 1, 2981 J, &c. Apricot, The. See Breuil's Fruit Trees, 178R. Fruit. &c. Aquarium, The. See Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Boys' Own Annual, v. 2, 2952J ; v. 7, 2857J, &c. " Aquarius," Easy Whist. 1884 1853Z Aquatics. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Boating, 8zc. Arabia. See Maunders Treasury of History, 1856Z. Stanford's Compendium, 852K, &c. [IO78] ARA ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. ARN Arabs. See Layard's Persia, &c, 1726-7R, Sec. Aran, The Isles of. See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 43, N.s., 763J. Ararat, Journey of Dr. Parrot [Cooley's World Surveyed]. 1845. ... 3 2 4^ Arbitration, International. See Mial's Life of Richards, 424F. Arblay (Madame D'). See Macaulay's Essays, 1531O. Arbuthnot (Hon. Mrs.), The Hen wife, her own Experience in her own Poultry- Yard, coloured illustrations. 1887 198R Archaeological Subjects, Essays on, by Wright, 2 vols. 1861 912-3E Archaeology and Art, Illustrated Dictionary of Words used in, by Mollett. 1883 935D See also Boys' Own Annual [and Legend], v. 8, 2958J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from v. t, 2981J. Lennep's Asia Minor, 1847-8R. Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Archelaus. See Ante-Nicene Library, &c. Archery. See Boys' Own Annual, v. 7, 2957J, &c. Architecture, Church, by Barr. 1846 1867Z Villas and Cottages in the United States, by Vaux. 1874 955^ See also Atlantic Monthly [In the West], v. 64, 1554J. Dyer's Imitative Art, 930D. Girls' Own Annual, v. 7, 2557J. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from v. 1, 2981J. Wilkinson's On Colour, 948D, &c. Arctic Service, Three Years of, an Account of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition [1881-84], by Greely, 2 vols. 1886 856-7K Argentine. See Stanford's Compendium, 851K. Argument. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R. Argyll (Duke of). See Motley's Correspondence, 667-8 F. Ariosto, Portrait of. See English Illustrated, v. 5, 1995J. Aristophanes. See Posnett's Literature, 394R, Szc. Aristotle. See Science of Thought, 5S5H. Stallo's Modern Physics, 389R, &c. Arithmetic, Treatise on, by Lardner [Lardner's Cab. Cyclo.]. 1S34 767T See also Every Boy's Annual [Arithmetical and Mathematical Questions], 1866, 1301H. Arkansas. See Harper's Magazine, v. 77, 1657J. Armada, The Second. See Temple Bar Magazine, v. 83, 1413J. Armagh. See Irish Pictures, 336B. Ireland, &c. Armour in History and Romance [Boys' Own Annual, v. 7]. 1885 295 7 J Arms, The. See Walker's Exercise for Ladies [Exercise for the Arms], 188 iZ. Armstrong (Captain T. Priaulx St. George, 0/ Guernsey). See Sarnia, p. 91, 1416O. Armstrong (W.), Wrestling [Badminton Series]. 1889 1138M Armstrong (Sir William G., Inventor of Ordnance Gun, &>c., b. 1810). See Fortunes made in Business, io33Fa, &c. Army, The. See Adams' Swiss Confederation, 3H. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Poole's Index, R.L. Westminster Review [The United States], v. 132, R.L., &c. Arne (Thomas A., Mtisical Composer, b. 1710, d. 1778). .SV^Mathew's History of Music, 943D, &c. Arnobius. Seven Books adversus Gentes. See Ante-Nicene Library, v. 19, 369A. Arnold (Edwin, Orientalist and Poet, b. 1831), M.A., Secret of Death [From the Sanscrit], with some collected Poems. 1885 81 iM Arnold (F.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Arnold (G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Arnold (George M. Brock), M.A., Gainsborough and Constable [Great Artists], illustrated. 1889 H2lO Arnold (Matthew, Poet, b. 1822). See Temple Bar [Poetry], v. 84, 1414J. Murray, v. 7, 1467J. Quarterly Review, v. 167, 1297J, Szc. Arnold (Mrs.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Arnold (Thomas), D.D., Life and Correspondence, by Stanley, illus. See also Christian Biography, 1441O. Arnot (William), Illustrations of the Book of Proverbs, i860 [1079] ARN GUILLE-ALLfeS LIBRARY. ASS Arnould (Sophie). See Edwards' Prima Donna, 678F. Arrow Heads. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Art (Fine), and Archceology, Illustrated Dictionary of Words used in, by Mollett. 1883 935D and Literature, Dramatic, Lectures by Schlegel. 1846 Art-Galleries and Museums, by Greenwood. 1888 1916R Bewick and his Pupils, by Dobson, illustrated. 1889 1484O Concise History of Painting, by Heaton. 1888 I165M Education of the Artist, by Chesneau, translated by Bell. 1886. 1126M Etcher's Handbook, by Hamerton. 1881 1167M Great Minds on Art, &c, by Tirebuck. 1888 551O Imitative, its Principles and Progress, &c, by Dyer. 1882 930D Lectures on, delivered at the Royal Academy, London, by Weekes. 1880 951D Lectures on Painting and Design, by Haydon. 1844 949D Portfolio Papers, by Hamerton. 1888 and 1889 1168M Round my House, by Hamerton. 1880 1166M Royal Academy Antics with more than 60 illustrations, by Furniss 954D The Artist and the Man. by C. Despart [Cas. Fam. Mag., v. 5]. 2354J The Italian Masters and Pictures in the National Gallery, by Att- weil. 1888 373F See also Blackwood's Magazine [in Scotland], v. 146, 216J. Flaxman's Sculp- ture, 950D. Good Words [Artists I have Known], 2199T. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1908R. Poole's Index [Art Collections], R.L. Rus- kin's Eagle's Nest, 2040R. Time [Modern and Public Taste], v. 20, 1510J. Woman's World [Irish Industrial], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Church's Chemistry of Painting, 953D, &c. Arts (Useful), Manufactures, Manners and Institutions of the Greeks and Romans [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], 2 vols. 1835... 731-2T See also Excelsior [Useful Arts], 1928-31R. Murray's Magazine [The Arts and Crafts], v. 6, 1466J, &c. ArtemtlS Ward. See Ward (Artemus). Articulation. See Romanes' Mental Evolution, 1335H. Artistic Anatomy, by Duval, translated by Fenton, illustrated. 1884 93 iK Arthur (King). See Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 75O. Nutt's Holy Grail, 1324!!, &c. Arthur (T. S.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Artizans' Dwellings Acts. See Smith's Public Health Laws, 942K. Aryas, Home of the, and Biographies of Words, by Muller...93oM & 2001R See also Muller's Biographies of Words, 930M. AsgardL and the Gods, Tales and Traditions of our Northern Ances- tors, by Wagner, adapted by Macdowall and edited by Anson, illustrated. 1882 903F Ashantees. See Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Ashburton (Lord). See Dunning (John). Ashton (John), Eighteenth Century Waifs. 1887 1951R Modern Street' Ballads, illustrated. 1888 1406M The Fleet, its River, Prison and Marriages, illustrated. 1889 ... 904F Asia, edited by Temple [Stanford's Compendium]. 1886 852K Travels in Little-known Parts of Asia Minor, by Lennep, 2 vols, illustrated. 1870 1747-8R See also Dilke s Problems of Great Britain, 335H. Good Words [Travel- ling in Central], v. 30, 2200J. Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H. Asoland, Fancies and Facts, Poems by Browning. 1890 1920Z Ass, The. See Wood's Dominion of Man, 2130R. Assertion. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R, &c. Association Football. See Boys' Own Annual, v. 5, 2955J. Assumptions. See Sidgwick's Fallacies 39iR, &c. [1080] ASS ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. AUS Assyrians. See Religious Systems of the World, by Rawlinson, 934A, &c. Asteroids. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M, &c. Asthma. See Man and his Maladies, 939K. Medicine, &c. Astrology. See Century Magazine [Divination and Coincidences], v. 13, 1885J. London Quarterly [Elizabethan], v. 72, 862J. Occult Sciences, 1935R, &.C. Astronomy and Natural Philosophy, First Book of, by Morton. 1866 557R Astronomer's Thoughts on Nature and Revelation, by Pritchard. 1265M by Herschel [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1833 794-T with an Opera Glass, by Serviss. 1889 690D See also English Mechanic [Progress of, in 1889], v. 50, 1050D. Excelsior, 1926-1928 and 193 [ R. Guernsey Magazine [the First Astronomers], v. 17, 2397 J. Harley's Moon Lore, 828 1). Harper's Index, i64oja. Nature, v. 40, 2700!. Proctor's Flowers of the Sky, 641Q. Peter's Girls' Own Out-door Book, 1256H, &c. Asylums. See Wale's London, 327R, &c. At Last, a Christmas in the West Indies, by Kingsley. 1889 1967R Athanasius (St.). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670-7 iF, &c. Atheism, a Refutation of, by Voysey. 1878 680A Ataenagorus and Justin Martyr, Writings of, translated by Dods and others [Ante-Nicene Library]. 1879 376 A Athletics. See Boys' Own Annual [Athletic Training], v. 2, 2952J ; v. 7, 2957J. Crawley's Handbooks, 1154M, &c. Atkinson (J. A.), M.A., Ed., Life of Wesley and the Rise and Pro- gress of Methodism, by Southey. 1889 1437O Atlantic to the Pacific, by Lester, illustrated. 1873 1732R See also Nature [North Atlantic], v. 40, 2700J. Atlantic Monthly, a Magazine of Literature, Science, Art and Poli- tics, from v. 51. 1883 1541J [The Serial Tales and some of the principal contents will be found under their proper headings in Fiction, or in the general body of the Cata- logue, with the shelf number specified. The entire contents will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library) under subjects required.] Atonement, The. See Gore's Lux Mundi, 937A. Atterbury (Francis, Bishop of Rochester, b. 1662, d. 1732). See Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1530O. Attitude. See Walker's Exercises for Ladies [Principles of], i83iZ, &c. Attributes. See Midler's Science of Thought, 585H, &c. Attwell (H.), Italian Masters, with Special Reference to Pictures in the National Gallery. 1888 373F Auberlen (Carl A.), Ph.D., The Divine Revelation, an Essay in Defence of the Faith, to which is prefixed a Brief Memoir of the Author, translated by Paton [Clark's Theo. Lib.]. 1867 838 A Auckland. See Payton's New Zealand, 870K. New Zealand, &c. Auctions. See Beeton's Everybody's Lawyer, 324R, &c. Augury- See Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Augustine (St. ). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 671F. Mothers of Great Men and Women [Mother of], 682F, &c. Austen (Jane), Life of, by Goldvvin Smith. 1890 1271O See also Time Magazine, v. 20, 1510J. Austen (J. G.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Australia, Australian Progress, Half a Century of, a Personal Re- trospect, by Westgarth. 1889 1411H Australian Ramble, or a Summer in Australia, by Ritchie. 1890. 1768R Australian Settlement, Reports of the Principal Events in connec- tion with the Celebration of the Cenlenary of. 1888 479H [Centennial Supplement to the Sydney Morning Herald.] See also Abercromby's Seas and Skies, 843K. Blackwood's Magazine [Im> pressions of], v. 144, 214J. Boys' Own Annual [Australians' Cricket Tour], v. 3, 1 880-1, 2953J. Brassey's Last Voyage [Western], 862K. Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Contemporary [Impressions of], v. [I08l] AUS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BAD Australia — {continued). 54, 2064 T. Dilke's Problems [Australasian Colonies of Greater Britain], 334-5H. Fortnightly [in 1888], v. 51, 214TJ. Macmillan [Australian Politics], v. 60, 990J ; v. 61, 991J. Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. Nature, v. 39, 2699J ; v. 40, 2700J. Nineteenth Cen- tury [Fifty Years ago], v. 26, 2236J. Quarterly Review [Chinese in], v. 167, 1297J. Stanford's Compendium, 854K. _ Tovey's Wine Coun- tries, 2125^. Westminster Review [and Imperial Federation], v. 130, R.L. New South Wales, &c. Austria, Austrian Health Resorts and the Bitter Waters of Hun- gary, by Rae. 1888 940K See also Stanford's Compendium, 854K. Freer's Anne of Austria, 265-8F, &c. Author's Mind, a Ramble, by Tupper 993R See also Cheney's Life of Alcott, 1488O. Murray's Magazine [and Pub- lishers], v. 7, 1467J, &c. Autographs, Fac-Simile. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Autumn. See Sunday at Home, v. 7, 2857J. Auvergne. See Peasant Properties, 2004R, &c. Ava and the Burmese. See China, 1533O. Aveling (E.), D.Sc., Mechanics and Experimental Science as re- quired for the Matriculation Examination of the University of London, illustrated. 1889 558R Aveling (S. T.), Ed., Heraldry, Ancient and Modern, including Boutell's Heraldry, illustrated. 1873 1444-0 Aviary, The. See Boys' Own Annual, v. 8, 2958J, &e. Axes. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Antiquities, &c. Axiom. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. AySGOUgh (S., Assistant Librarian of British Museum), F.S.A., Shakespeare's Dramatic Works, with a copious Index. 1790. 420-2D Azores, The. See Good Words, v. 30, 2200J, &c. Aztecs. See All the Year Round Magazine, v. 42, 1822 J. Bancroft's Mexican People, 420H. Stanford's Compendium, 850K, &c. B ABEE (Mr. E. C). See Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L. Babington (Charles C, Botanist, b. 1808), M.A., Primitive Floras Sarnicse, or an Outline of the Flora of the Channel Islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney and Sark. 1839 182R Baboon Taming. See Boys' Own Annual, v. 4, 2954J, &c. Babylon, Persia and Media, by Ragozin [Story of the Nations], ill. 1551O See also Religious Systems of the World [by Boscawen], 934A, &c. Bach (Albert B.), Musical Education and Vocal Culture for Vocalists and Teachers of Singing. 1884 9A 1 ^ Bach(Johann S.). See Mathew's History of Music, 943D, &c, Backgammon and Solitaire [Crawley's Handbooks] II47M Bacon. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Smith's Foods, 380R, &c. Bacon (Francis, Lord). See Juvenile Plutarch, 1171Z. London Quarterly, v. 72, 862 J. Macaulay's Fssays, 1531O, &c. Bacteria. See Man and his Maladies, 939K, &c. Bad Company. See Runciman's Joints in our Social Armour, 205CR. Badminton. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1153M. Badminton Library Series, edited by the Duke of Beaufort : Driving, by the Duke of Beaufort. 1889 1130M Fencing, by Pollock, &c. Boxing, by Mitchell. Wrestling, by Arm- strong. 1889 1138M Fishing, by Cholmondeley-Pennell, 2 vols. 1887 1132-3M Hunting, by the Duke of Beaufort and Mo\vbray*M orris, illustrated. i883 1131M Shooting, by Walsingham, &c, 2 vols. 1887 1134-5M [1082] BAG ENGLISH SECTION. -GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. BAN Bagdad. See Stanford's Compendium, 852K. Bagehot (W.), Physics and Politics [International Scientific Series] 379R Baggage and Boots, or Smith's First Peep at America, illus. 1883 1755R Bahamas. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Bain (A.), LL.D., Mind and Body, the Theories of their Relation ... 381R Practical Essays. 1884 261R Common Errors on the Mind. Errors of Suppressed Correlatives. Civil Service Examinations. Classical Controversy. Metaphysics and Debating Societies. University Ideal. Art of Study. Religious Tests. Parliament, &c. Bainbrigge (W. M.), Early Education, four Lectures delivered in the Collegiate Institution, Liverpool. 1881 333^- Bainbrigge Family of Guernsey. See Sarnia, 14160. Baker (General L. C), History of the United States Secret Service 520II Baker (Sir Samuel). See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1, 873K. Baker (W. M.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640)3. Baking. See Donovan's Domestic Economy, 7S2T. Balaam {Killed 1452 B.C.), History and Prophecies of, by Hengsten- berg, translated by Ryland [Clark's Theological Library] 1848 793A Balancing. See Walker's Manly Exercises, 1164M. Baldwin, being Dialogues on Views and Aspirations, by Vernon Lee 1325II Balfour (Clara L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Balfour (J. H.), M.D., Elements of Botany for the Use of Schools 182R Balfour (Mr.). See Quarterly Review, v. 167, 1297J. Balkans. See Stanford's Compendium, 854K. Ball (W. W. Rouse), A History of the Study of Mathematics at Cambridge. 1 889 56 1 R Ballads and Poems, by George R. Sims 1421M _, by Swinburne. 1889 14C9R Brand-New, by Leland [Hans Breitmann], 1885 812M by Macdonald 1874Z Legendary Ballads of England and Scotland, edited by Roberts... 1418M Modern Street, by Ashton. 1888 1406M Poems and Ballads, third series, by Swinburne. 1889 1403M Ballantine (J.), One Hundred Songs, with Melodies Original and Selected. 1866 1407M Ballantyne (Archibald), Father Damien and the Lepers. See Longman's Magazine, v. 14, 904 J. Ballooning. See Boys' Own Annual [Adventures in the Air], v. 5, 1S82-3, 2955J ; [Fire and Gas Balloons], v. 3, 1880-1, 2953J. English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D ; [Construction of], v. 50, 1050D, &c. Baltic, The Fa/con on the Baltic, a Coasting Voyage by Knight. 1889 1746R Baltimore. See Stanford's Compendium, 850K. Baluchistan. See Stanford's Compendium, 852K. Balzac (H. De), Life of, by Wed more. 1890 1270O Balzani (Ugo), The Popes and the Hohenstaufen [Epochs of Church History]. 1889 261T Bamfylde Moore Carew. See Chap-Books, 1321H. Bampton Lectures, Organization of the Early Christian Church, by Hatch. 1882 705A Bancroft (H. H.), A Popular History of the Mexican People. 1888 420II Bandinel (Dr. James, of Jersey). See Csesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Bangor. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Bank of England, First Nine Years of, by Rogers. 1887 1048F Banking and Commerce, an Introductory Handbook by Turner 329R See also Girls' Own Annual [Romance of the Bank of England], v. 8, 2558J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 68, 1648J ; [the New York Bank], v. 80, 1660J. [1083] BAN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BAT Banshees. See Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Banyans. See Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Baptismand Baptismal Regeneration, by Boyd. 1865 1269M Baptists. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Religious Systems of the World [by Clifford], 934A. . Time [The Place of, in the Evolu- tion of British Christianity], v. 20, 1510J. Bar, The. See Bryce's American Commonwealth, 517-9H. Bar Bells. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1154M. Barbados. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Barbary Corsairs, by Stanley Lane-Poole. 1890 15550 States. See Maunder's Treasury of History, 1856Z. Barbel, The. See Seeley's Fishes, 811F. Fishes, &c. Barbet (S. and J.), Guide to the Island of Guernsey, its Scenery, Public Buildings, Laws, Privileges, &c. 1838 1866Z Barbet (J., of Guernsey). See Sarnia [p. 83], 1416O. Baring (Sir Evelyn). See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1, 873K. Baring (Sir Francis). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609-10F. Baring's, The, of London [Fox Bourne's English Merchants] 14960 Baring- Gould (S.). See Gould (S. Baring). Barker (Rev.). See Quiver, v. 32, 3302 J. Barley. See Smith's Foods, 380R. Corn, &c. Barmaid Show. See Davies' London, 37K, &c. Barnard. (John), of London [Fox Bourne's English Merchants] 1495O Barnes (William, The Dorset Poet), Early Manhood of. See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 41, n.s., 761J. Barnett (S. A. and Mrs.), Practicable Socialism, Essays on Social Reform. 1888 313R Barnstaple. See Devonshire. Barr (J.), Anglican Church Architecture and Furniture. 1846 1867Z Barrett (VV. A.), Mus.Bac, and Stainer (Sir John), Mus.Doc, A Dictionary of Musical Terms 940D Barrie (J. M.), My Lady Nicotine [a Work on Smoking, To- bacco, &c.]. 1890.. 2049R Barrows and Monuments in the Islands of Brittany, by Lukis. 1875 90SF See also Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Barry (Marie Jeanne Gomard de Vaubernier, Comtesse du). See Du Barry. Barth (PL, German Traveller, b. 1821, d. 1865), D.C.L., Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa, being a Journal of an Expedition undertaken under the Auspices of II.B.M.'s Government [1849-1855], 5 vols. 1857 844-8F Barttlot (Major). See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1, 873K. Basaltic. See Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H, &c. Base-ball and Rounders, by Captain Crawley [G. F. Pardon], illus. 1149M Basilisk. See Goldsmid's Myths, 201 iR, &c. Basil (St.). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 671F. Basire (Dr. I., of Jersey). See Caesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Bastian (H. C.), M.D., The Brain as an Organ of Mind, illustrated 3S7R Bastile, The. See Contemporary Review [The Centenary of], v. 56, 2066 J. Bates (Henry Walter, Naturalist, Traveller, &c), Ed. : Central America, the West Indies and South America [Stanford's Compendium], maps and illustrations. 1885 85 iK The Naturalist on the River Amazon, illustrated, 2 vols. 1863. 2143-4R Bathing and Use of Mineral Waters. See Buchan's Medicine, &c, 9T3K. . Baths and Washouses Act. See Smith's Public Health Laws, 942K. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Battel Abbey, Chronicle of [1066-1176], translated and edited by Lower. 185 1 721 A Batteries. See English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Urbanitzky's Electricity, 689D. Electricity, &c. Battle Abbey, Roll of. See London Quarterly, v. 73, 863J. [1084] BAT ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. BEL Battles of the British Navy, by Allen, 2 vols. 1853 1522-3O See also Blackwood [The Roll of Battle], v. 146, 216J. Boys' Own Annual [Battle of Parkhurst Heath], v. 3, 2953J ; [Some famous British], v. 3, 2953 J. Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Baudyn (L., of Jersey). See Csesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Baumg-arten (M.) The Acts of the Apostles, or the History of the Church in the Apostolic Age, translated by Morrison. 1854. 816-8A Bavaria. See Maunder's Treasury of History, J856Z. Bax (Captain B. W. ), Eastern Seas, a Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Dwarf vs\ China, Japan and Formosa, illus. 1875.. I 5 2 °P- Baxter (R.). See Brave Confessors, 1440O. Bayard (Chevalier De, French Warrior, b. 1473, killed 1524). See Every Boys' Annual, 1886, 1305H. Last of the Paladins [B. O. A , v. 10], 2960J. Bayley (Miss A. E.). See Lyall (Edna) in Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Bayly (Mrs.), Life and Letters of Mrs. Sewell. 1889 1436O Bay ne (Peter, Scotch Theologian, b. 1830), LL.D., Martin Luther, His Life and Work, "2 vols. 1887 694-5F Bayne (T.). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Bayn.es (Captain H. Le Marchant, of Guernsey). See Sarnia, p. 91, 14160. Bays. See Stanford's Compendium, 849-54K. Beacons. See Edwards' Our Seamarks, 1157M. Beaconsfield (Lord). See Nineteenth Century [Last Illness of], v. 26, 2236J. Quarterly Review, v. 168, 1298 J. Poole's Index, R.L. Beatrice. See Shakespeare's Female Characters, 419D. Beaufort (Duke of), K.G., Driving [Badminton Library], ill. 1889 1130M and Morris (Mowbray), Hunting [Badminton Library], ill. 1888 1 131M Beaugrand (C), Walks Abroad of Two Young Naturalists, trans- lated by David Sharp, illustrated. 1888 815F Beaumaris. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938 K. Beaumont (Sir G.). See Knight's Life of Wordsworth, 297-9F. Beauty. See Woman's World [From the Historical Point of View], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Weekes' Lecture on Art, 951D. Beauvoir (O., of Guernsey), D.D. See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2, p. 176], 362B. Beaver, The. See Every Boy's Annual, 1869, 1303H. Bechuanaland. See Austral Africa [Expedition under Sir Charles Warren], 1402H. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Stanford's Com- pendium [Bechuanas], 849K, &c. Beckford (W.). See Marryat's Pottery, 936D, &c. Bede (Cuthbert). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Bedford (John, Sixth Duke of). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609F. Beech, The. See Ward's Timber, 2128R. Beecher (H. W.), A Sketch of his Career, edited by Abbott 657F A Memoir of Sir Joshua Reynolds, followed by his Literary Works, 2 vols. 1846 , 505-6O — See also London Quarterly, v. 73, 863J. Beecher (Mrs. H. W.). See Life of H. W. Beecher, 650F. Bee£ See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Smith's Foods, 380R. Beer. See Thudichum's Alcoholic Drinks, 986M. Bees and Beekeeping [Boys' Own Annual, v. 2]. 1879-80 2952J British, an Introduction to the Study of, by Shuckard. 1866 ... 2118R See also Beeton's Home Pets, 193R, &c. Beethoven (L. R., Mother of). See Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Beetles, Young Collector's Handbook of, by Kirby, illustrated 1844Z See also Boys' Own Annual [Setting and Preserving], v. 4, 2954J. Beeton (Mrs. I.), Ed., Book of Household Management, ill. 1880.. 997M Home Pets, illustrated 193R Needlework, consisting of Descriptions and Instructions.... 1143M Law Book [Everybody's Lawyer]. 1888 324R Beham (Barthel and Hans Sebald). See Scott's Little Masters, 1117O. Behring Sea Question, The. See Atlantic Monthly, v. 65, 1555J. Belcher (J. J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. [1085] BEL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BET Belfast. See Crookshank's Methodism, 670A. Irish Pictures, 386B. Ireland. Belgium. See Probyn's Land Tenure, 248R. Stanford's Compendium, 854K. Belief See Lee's Dialogues [Consolations of], 1325H. Poole's Index [and Un- belief], R.L. " Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. Bell (Sir C), K.G.H. See Paley's Natural Theology [Treatise on Animal Me- chanics, &c], 57-8Z. B°ll (C. D.), D.D.. Gleanings from a Tour in Palestine and the East, illustrated. 1887 1738R Bell (R.), Ed., Poetical Works of Surrey, Sackville, Sec. 1854 361Q Poets of England [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], 2 vols. 1839 : Vol 1.— Drayton, Cowley, Waller, Milton, Butler 784T Vol. 2. — Drydon, Dorset, Heywood, Newton, Dyer, Greville, Beaumont, Overburj'-, Randolph, Young, Akenside, Lovelace, &c 785T Bellows. See English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D. Bells, An Account of Church Bells, by Lukis. 1857 Belzoni (G. B., the Egyptian Explorer). See Macaulay's Wonderful Stories, 2380X. Ben Nevis Observatory. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Astronomy, &c. Bench and Bar. Wit and Wisdom of, by Moncrieff. 1882 1830Z Bengal. See Urwick's Indian Pictures, 314B. Bengal Army. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Beng'el (John A., German Scholar, b. 1687, d. 1752), and others, Gnomon of the New Testament, translated by Bandinel and others [Clark's Foreign Theol. Lib.], 5 vols. 1857-8 : Vol 1.— Notes on St. Matthew and St. Mark 821 A Vol. 2. — Commentary on the Gospels according to St. Luke and St. John and the Acts of the Apostles 822 A Vol. 3.— Commentary on the Romans and I. and II. Corinthians S23A Vol. 4. — Commentary on the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I. and II. Thessalonians, I. and II. Timothy, Titus, Philemon and Hebrews 824A Vol. 5. — Commentary on the Epistles of James, I. and il. Peter, I. II. and III. John, Jude and the Apocalypse 825A Benguela. See Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Benham (W.)» B.D., Ed., Prose Works of Thomas Ken, D.D., Bishop of Bath and Wells, and a Biographical Notice 1236M [Ichabod. Sermons. Divine Love. Prayer. Hymn=. Pastoral Letters. Visitation and Enquiry. On Queen Mary's Funeral Sermon.] Benison (H. W. S. Worsley), Haunts of Nature. 1889 2109R Benjamin (S. G. W.), Persia [Story of the Nations], illus. 1888 ... 1552O Bentley (R.), F.L.S., A Manual of Botany, illustrated. 1873 183R Bentley (Professor), F.L.S., Botany [Elementary Science, S.P.C.K.] 1831Z Benyowski. See Macaulay's Stirring Stories, 3044X. Berbers in Algeria, Sec. See Stanford's Compendium, 849K. Beresford (W.), Lichfield [Diocesan Histories, S.P.C.K.] 1839Z Berkely (George). See Midler's Science of Thought, 585H. Berlin Work. See Beeton's Needlework, 1143M. Bermuda, Naturalist in, a Sketch of the Geology, Zoology, and Botany of that remarkable group of Islands, by Jones. 1859 823F Berry (C. A.). See Bicentenary Lectures, 681A. [Supplement.] Berthean (E.), Commentary on the Books of Chronicles, translated by Martin [Clark's Foreign Theological Lib.], 2 vols. 1857. 782-3 A Bsrthelot (Marcellin), F.R.S. See Nature, v. 39, 2699J ; v. 40, 2700J. Beryl. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. King's Decorative Stones, 1159M. Besant (W.), The Eulogy of Richard Jefferies. 1888 1461O Betel Nut. See Hickson's North Celebes, 864K. BethelT(Commander), R.N., in Bechuanaland. See Austral Africa, 1402H. [1086] BET ENGLISH SECTION. -GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. BIO Betting. See Fortnightly Review, v. 52, 2142J. Beverages, Alcoholic. See All the Year Round, v. 28, 1788J. Chambers', v. 58, 1958J. Once a Week, v. 23, 2283J. Beveridg'e (Henry), Ed., Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, by Calvin [Clark's Foreign Theological Lib.], 2 vols. 1844. 813A Bewick (Thomas), and His Pupils, by Dobson. 1889 1484O Beyond the Stars, or Heaven, its Inhabitants, Occupations and Life, by Hamilton. 188S 1229M Bezique. See Crawley's Handbook, 1148M. Bible, a Smaller Dictionary of the Bible for the Use of Schools and Young Persons, by Smith. 1866 1305M and Inspiration, an Enquiry, by Horton. 1889 1221M Biblia Sacra, Vulgate Editionis, Sixti V. et Clementis VIII 1282M Illustrations, by Kitto. 1865 1279-81M Moses and Judges, 1279M. Samuel, Saul and David, 12S0M. Solomon and Kings, 1281M. Lands and Seas, Wanderings over, by Mrs. Charles. 1866 1740R Testimony of the Bible to the Use and Abuse of Wine, &c, by Kelly. 1851 1844Z The Pictorial, with Notes by Kitto, illustrated, 4 vols. 1856 143-6D See also Bosworth's Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels, 669A. Brown's New Testament, 1273 M. Davidson's Sacred Hermaneutics, goj\. Girls' Book, 1257H. Quiver [Some Little Known Bibles], v. 32, 3302J. Tischendorf's Gospels, 1300M. See also under Names or Subjects, e.g., Genesis, Adam, Moses, David, Jerusalem, &c. Biblical Literature, Cyclopaedia of, by Kitto, 2 vols. 1849 9 2 4"5 -^ Papers. See Sunday Magazine [Job and his Friends], v. 17, 2474J. Psychology, by Delitzsch, translated by Wallis [Clark's Theo- logical Library]. 1867 S06A Bibliography. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, io9 9 J, &c. Bicentenary Lectures, a Historical Series delivered on the Occa- sion of the Bicentenary of the Revolution of 16SS, by Fair- bairn and others. 1889 681A Reformation to Restoration, Restoration to Revolution, Progress from Toleration to Religious Equality, &c. Bicycle Riding, Its Theory and Practice, by a Member of the O.B.C., &c. [Captain Crawley's Handbooks]. 1878 1142M See also Boys' Own Annual [Trip through Norway and Sweden], v. 5, 1882-3, 2955J ; [Bicyclists and Bicycling], v. 2, 1879-80, 2952J. English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Harper [lira], v. 63, 1643J. Riding. See Cycling. Biglow(Hosea). See Lowell (J. Russell). Billiards. See English Illustrated [History of], v. 6, 1996J. Biliousness. See Man and his Maladies, 939K. Billings (Josh), Wit and Humour. 1873 1863Z See also Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Billington (C. E.), Works of. See Harper's Indev, i6 4 oJa. Bi-Metallism. See Playfair's Social Welfare, 336R. Binck (Jacob). See Scott's Little Masters, 1117O. Binet (Alfred) and Fere (C), Animal Magnetism [Int. Sci. Series] 397R Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, by Brown. 1886 664 F Essays, by Max Midler. 1884 J 4770 Biographies of W T ords and the Home of the Aryas, by Max Miiller. 1888 2001R Biography, Mythology and Geography, a Smaller Classical Dic- tionary, by Smith. 1862 1027M rio8 7 ] BIO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. Biography. Short Biographies for the People. 1888 Vol. 5. — Doddridge, Hooper, P. Henry, Wilson, Cooke, Newton, Zwingli, M. Henry, Hamilton, Bunyan, Hill, Charles. Biography, General. See Bell's Poets of England, 784-5T. Brave English Confessors, 1440O. British Stage, 1001O. Creasy's Etonians, 1420O. Crowe's Eminent Foreign Statesmen, 717-21T. Dunham's Literary and Scientific Men of Great Britain, 757-9T. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670-7 iF. Fawcett's Eminent Women, 1487O. Forster's British Statesmen, 750-56T. Hamerton's Portfolio Papers, 1168M. Howie's Scottish Covenanters, 374F. Kaye's Indian Officers, T453-4O. Merrydew's Love Letters of Famous Men and Women, 676-7F. Modern Christian Biography, 1441O. Montgomery's Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain and Portugal, 725-7T. Sout'hey's British Admirals, 786-90T. Stevenson's Wesley Family, 697F. Strickland's Bachelor Kings of England, 14T4O. Turner's Modern Novelists of Russia, 1491O. Excelsior, 1926-31R. Hall's Book of the Feet [Shoemakers], 1161M. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Bullock's Isle of Man, 349H. Reminiscences of a Boyhood, 472O. Trollope's Italian Women, 1032-3O. Biography, Individual. See Alcott (Louisa May), 1488O. Aldegrever(Heinrich). 1117O. Alfred the Great, 1525O. Altdorfer (Albrecht), 1117O. Auberlen (C. A.;, D.D., 838A. Balzac (H. De), 1270O. Beecher (H. W.), 657F. Beham (Bar- thel), 1117O. Beham (Hans Sebald), 1117O. Bewick (Thomas), 1484O. Binck (Jacob), 1117O. Bolingbroke (Henry St. John, Viscount), 1420O. Bright(J.), 1448O. Brosamer (Hans), 1117O. Browning(E. B.), 825F. Buonarotti Michelangelo, 1120O. Car lyle (Jane W.), 357 F. Carnot, 594F. Chiniquy (Pastor Charles), 643A. Clarke (A.), LL.D., 238-40F, and 687F. Constable, 1121O. Davy (Sir H.), 654-5F. Devereux (Robert, Third Earl of Essex), 1420O. Doddridge (P.), D.D., 1490O. Du Plan (Benjamin), by Bonnefon, 1464O. Dufferin and Ava (Mar- chioness of), 451-2F. Ernest II. , 674-5F. Eugenie (Empress), 956F. Faber (G. S.), B.D. 746F. Faraday (Michael), 186F and 1438O. Father Damien, by Clifford, 1475O. Fitzgerald (Edward,), 990-92O. Frith (W. P.), 6i6Fa. Franklyn (B.), by Thayer, 567-8O. Gains- borough, 1121O. Garibaldi, 1418O. Gordon (G. M.). Grammont (Count de), 4S6F. Gray (Thomas), 1420O. Hamilton (Anthony), 456F. Henry VI., 1420O. Hosg (J. E.), 692F ; 686F. Isaiah, 885A. Jefferies(R.), 1461O. Jevons (W. S.), 691F. Kean (E.), 1465-6O. Keble(Rev.J.),6 9 3F. Keble(J.), M.A., 1456-7O. Ken (Bishop), 1236M. Kennard(Mrs. A.), 1139O. Lamb fC), 1479-0O. Land- seer (Sir Edwin), 1116O. Lawrence (Sir T.), 688-9F. Lawson (Sir Wilfred), 2016R. Leonardo Da Vinci, by Clement, 223F. Lenox (J.), 1481O. Livingstone (D.), 1447O. Louis XIV., 433-5F. Luther (Martin), by Bayn, 694-5F ; by Rae, 1463O. Lyndhurst (Lord), by Martin, 696F. Lyttleton (George, Lord), 1420O. Lytton (Edward Bulwer, Lord), 658-9F. Lytton (Rosina, Lady), 571 F. Macaulay (Lord), by Trevelyan, 1532O. Macdonald (James), 483F. Marryat (Captain), 1269O. Mitford (M. R.), 684F. Mahomet, 1478O. Mahomet's Successors, 1803Z. Michelangelo, by Clement, 223F. Montalembert, 594F. More (Hannah), 1422O. Motley (John Loth- rop), 667-8F. North. (Lord), 1420O. Pasteur (Louis), 893O. Paton(J. G.), 1449O. Penez(Georg), 1117O. Persius, 1199H. Pitt (William, Earl of Chatham), 1420O. Plan (D. W.), 1464O. Poe (E. A.), 203T-4R. Pope, by Williams, 698F. Porson (Richard), 1420O. Prentice (G. D.), 778M. Raphael, 495F ; by Clement, 223F. Reynolds (Sir Joshua), 1204H ; by Beechey, 505-6O. Ribaumont (Margaret De), 1435O. Richard (Henry), 424F. Rogers (J.), M.D., 1452O. Rogers (Samuel), 1497-8O. Russell (Lord John), 609-10F. Saint-Pierre (J. B. H. de), 120T. Schiller (J. C. F.), 1482-3O. Schlegel (Caroline), 1462O. Sewell (Mrs.), 1436O. Shakespeare, 1492O. Sheridan, 213-4F. Siddons (Mrs.), 1139O. Stael (Madame De), 1421O. Stanley (H. M.), 1450O. Stevenson's Wesley Family, 697 F. Stowe (H. B.), 143F. Strafford (Lord), 1469O. Swift, by [1088] BIO ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. BIS Biography {continued) — Williams, 698 F. Thring (Edward), 1494O. Tolstoi, 507O. Tooke (J- H.), 534-5^- Turgot, 547F. Vauban, 554F- Velasquez, 1122O. Vereslchagin (V.), 539-0F. Vinci (Leonardo Da), 554O. "Walpole (H.), 14200. Walpole (Sir Robert, First Earl of Orford), 1420O. Victoria (Queen), 145-6H. Watt (James), 222F. Weekes (Henry), 951 D. Wellington (Duke of), 1420O. Wesley (J.), 1437O. Williams (John), 1493O. Wordsworth (William\ 297-9F. Young (Arthur), 1753R, &c. Job; 891 A. Albret (Jeanne d'), 465-6F. Anne of Austria, 265F. Arnold (Thomas), D.D., 2052R. Austen ( fane), 1271O. Derby (Earl of), 378O. Duff (A.), D.D., 841O. Erskine (Thomas Lord), 518D. Evelyn (John), F.R.S., 459F. Franklin (B.), 583O. Hatch (Edwin), D.D., 481O. Havelock (Sir H.), 1470O. Henry IV. {of France), 81-2O. Howitt (Mary), 463-4F. Jessopp (A.), D.D., 2047R. Kinr.aird (Lady M. J.), 772O. Lee(General, R.E.), 574D. McDougall (Francis Thomas), and Harriette his Wife, 44 and 45F. Mackonochie (A. H.), 736O. Malthus(T. R.), 457F. Oberlin (John Frederic), 467F. Sebastian (Don), 265-6 F. Stratford de Redcliffe, 46-7 F. Strozzi (Filippo), 401O. Wallack (Lester), ^F. Walpole (Sir Robert), i 69F. Wedderbum (Sir D.), 60F. Wellesley (The Marquess), K.G., 61F. Wesley Family, by Stevenson, 697F. Whewell (W.), D.D., 64-5F. William I. {German Emperor), 521O. Williams (Montagu), 376 -7F. Wordsworth (C). 63F. Yonge (C. D.), 461-2F. Titian (t. V.), 48-9 F, &c. Bio-Geology. See Kingsley's Lectures, 1969R. Biolley (Paul), Costa Rica and Her Future. 1889 292H Biology. See Collins' Synthetic Philosophy [Principles of], 587H. English Me- chanic [British Association Address], v. 50, 1050D. Nature, v. 39-40, 269g-oJ. Science of Thought, 585H. Bird (Miss I. L.). See Poole's Index, R.L. Birds and Animal Life in Britain [Watson's Sylvan Folk]. 18S9 ... 2112R Birds, British, a Dictionary of, compiled and edited by Newman [a Reprint of Montagu's Ornithological Dictionary] 83 1 F — by Morris, coloured plates, 8 vols 2101-8R Favourite Song Birds, by Adams, coloured plates. 1889 2133R I have kept in Years gone by, by Greene, coloured plates. 1885 2134R Life, Rural, being Essays on Ornithology, by Dixon, ill. 1882.. 2135R Natural History and Classification of, by Swainson, 2 vols. 1836 748-9T Nests and Fggs of British Birds, by Morris, colored plates, 3 vols 819-21 F of Guernsey, &c, by Smith. 1879 J 95R Our Rarer, being Studies in Ornithology and Oology, by Dixon.. 833F Smaller British, with Descriptions of their Nests, Eggs, Habits, &c, by Adams, coloured plates. 1874 39D The Canary, its Varieties, Management, &c, by Smith, illus 2113R See also Bastian's Brain, 387R. Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Blackwood [Winter], v. 146, 216J. Boys' Own Annual [Birds' Eggs], v. 2, 2952J ; [List of British, coloured plates], v. 4, 2954J ; [Management], v. 7, 2957J ; [Boys' Own Aviary], v. 4, 2954J. Cassell's Family Magazine [of the Months], v. 15, 1365J. Girls' Own Annual [Bird Life in Oc- tober], v. 10, 2560J. Good Words [Among the], v. 29, 2199J. Leisure Hour [Words about Nests], v. 37, 2647J. Longfellow's Poetical Works [Birds of Passage], 1417M. Macmillan's Magazine [English Birds of Prey], v. 60, 990J. Murray's Magazine [Bird Life in London], v. 5, 1465J. Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Smith's Foods, 380R. Stanford's Com- pendium [of Brazil], 851 K. Sunday Magazine [Adaptation of, to Climate], v. 17, 2474 J. Wallace's Darwinism, 2121R. Ure's Pigeons, 2114R. Boy's Own Annual [Flight of Birds], v. 12, 2962J, &c. Birmingham. See Poole's Index, R.L. Timmins' Warwickshire, 1413H, &c. Biscuits. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Wells' Pastrycook, 998M, &c Bishops. See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 67 iF. Haweis' Christ and Chris- tianity [and. Temples], 1186M. Murray's Magazine, v. 5, 1465J, &c. Bismarck (Prince). See Motley's Correspondence, 668F. Murray's Magazine [Personality of], v. 5, 1465J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Bisset (Andrew), A Short History of the English Parliament. 1882 203R 51 [1089] BLA GUILLE-ALL^S LIBRARY. BLO Black, The Colour. See Colourman's Guide, 1071M. Black's Guide to Devonshire, illustrated. 1886 608F Warwickshire, illustrated. 1887 1902Z Jersey, Guernsey, Herm, Sark, Alderney, and Western Nor- mandy, plans and maps. 1889 1742R Black Cabinet [Secret State Papers], by d'Herisson, translated by blackith. 1887 221R Black Death in East Anglia. See Jessopp's Historic Essays, 1521O. Black Prince. See Juvenile Plutarch, 1171Z, &c. Black (William). See Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 66, 1646J. Harper's Index [Works], i64oJa, &c. Blackburn (E. Owens). See Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue. Blackett (A. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Blacksmith. See English Mechanic [Practical Details of Blacksmithing], v. 50, 1050D. Blackwood, Tales from. See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Blackwood's Magazine : Vol. 145, 1889. — An Arcadian Summer. Major Barttelot's Camp on the Aruhwimi. Gabriel Bonvalot. Notes from the Congo. Elizabeth of Valois and the Tragedy of Don Carlos. The Emperor Frederick. English Farmers. Falstaff's Deathbed. William Hedges. Kiim to Isfahan. Local Government in Scotland. National Defence. Lawrence Oliphant. Parliamentary Pros- pects. Procedure in the House of Commons. Future of Rail- ways in China. On the Riviera. Titus Oates. Wemysses of Wemyss. Life of Richard Westbury, &c 21 5 J Vol. 146, 1889. — American Commonwealth. Art of Shooting. Winter Birds. British and American Democracy. Burmese, Siam, China Railway. Recent Conversations in a Studio. Critical Position of Europeans in Central Africa. The Crofters. Cruise of the Chrysalis. Defence of the British Mercantile Marine. Edward Fitzgerald. Current Influence on Foreign Politics. French Elections. Hunter in the Himalayas. Lepers at the Cape. Naval Manoeuvres of 1889. Partition of the Earth. Roll of Battle. Lord John Russell. St. Dyfrig's City. My First Visit to Zimme, &c 216J Vol. 147, 1890. — Old Boston. Last of the Cannibal Chiefs. Lord Chester- field. The Collector on the Prowl. Changes in Literary and Social Taste. Some Great Beauties and Social Celebrities. The Young England Party. Exchange with India. German Aims in East Africa. Glimpse of Lake Nyassa. Improvident Thrift. What I learned in Ireland. Jamaica. Land Purchase in Ireland. Cardinal Lavierie and the Slave Trade. Nile Campaign of 1889. Political Position. The Portuguese and Makololo-land. Report of the Commission. Romance of Two Heiresses. Sikkim and Tibet. Some Eventful Voyages. The Transvaal and its Gold Fields, &c *. 217 J Blaikie (W.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Blair (J. A.), M.B., Organic Analysis of Potable Waters. 1890 ... 545 R Blake (C. C.), F.G.S., Ed., Manual of Zoology, by Edwards. 1863 1869Z Blake (H. G. O.), Ed., "Summer/ 1 from the Journal of H. D. Thoreau. 1884 190R Blaserna (Professor P.), The Theory of Sound in its Relation to Music [International Science Series], illustrated 384R Blavatsky (Helena Petrovna). See Oxley s Modern Messiahs, &c, 1254M. Bleek (F.), An Introduction to the New Testament, translated by Urwick [Clark's Foreign Theol. Lib.], 2 vols. 1869 819-20A Blind and Helpless. See Quiver Magazine, v. 31, 3301J. Blind, Works for the. See under Moon (W.) Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green. See Chap-Books, 1321H. Blinds. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Blood, The. See Manchester Science Lectures, 2127R. Smith's Foods, 380R Bloodhound, The. See Century, v. 38, 1888J. Bloodstone. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. [IO90] BLO ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. BOH Bloomfield (S. T.), M.A., Recensio Synoptica Annotations Sacne, being a Digest and Synoptical Arrangement of the most Im- portant Annotations on the New Testament, carefully col- lected and condensed from the best Commentators, both Ancient and Modern, and accompanied with a copious body of Original Annotations, 8 vols. 1826-28 : Vol. 1.— Matthew 734A Vol. 2.— Mark and Luke.. 735 A. Vol. 3. — John 736A Vol. 4.— Acts of the A- postles 737 A Blossom-Land and Fallen Leaves, by Scott. 1890 1772R Blowpipe. See Chambers' Journal, v. 9, 1929J. English Mechanic, v. 47. Nature, 2673J, &c. Blue, The Colour. See Colourman's Guide, 1071M. Wilkinson's On Colour, 948D. Blue Beard. See Chap-Books, 1321H, &c. Bluebottles. See Knowledge [and Houseflies], v. 13, 2593J. Blunt (Henry), A. M., Lectures on the History of Elisha. 1842 1321M Blyth (Alfred Wynter), F.C.S., Diet in Relation to Health and Work [Int. Health Ex.]. 1884 954^ Boadicea {British Queen). See Miller s Anglo-Saxons, 75O. Boase (C. W.), Oxford [Historic Towns]. 18S7 1663R Boating" [Crawley's Handbooks] 1152M Vol. 5. — Acts— Romans 738A Vol. 6. — Romans, 1st Corinthians. 739A Vol. 7. — 2 Corinthians, Philippians 740A Vol. 8. — Colossians, Jude 74*A See also Boys' Own Annual [Events in 1882], v. 4,2954^ ; v. 8, 2958J. Every 1301H. Boy's Annual [How to rig a boy's boat, by W. H. G. Kingston], 1301 Hutchison's Indoor Gaines and Recreations, 1255H. Jerome's Three Men in a Boat, 2046R. Body. Mind and Body, by Bain. 1887 381R Boers. The. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Uritain, 334H. Haggard's Cete- wayo, 1524O. Stanford's Compendium, 849K. BOHN'S LIBRARY SERIES : Building of the British Isles, by Jukes-Browne. 1S88 555R English History of Mathew Paris, translated from the Latin by Giles 94-6O Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe, by Simonde De Sismondi. 1846 1091-2R History of England and Normandy, by Ordericus Vitalis. 1853-6 113-6O Florence, by Macchiavelli. 1854 85O Painting in Italy, translated by Roscoe. 1847 1063-5M Rome, by Titus Livius. 1850-7 1 161-4H — Russia, by Kelly. 1854-1855 1505-6O the French Revolution of 1848, by Lamartine. 1849 323O Jesuits, by G. B. Nicolini. 1854 367O Peloponnesian War, by Thucydules. 1853-1854 1177-8H Planting and Training, by Neander. 1851 ... 172-3M Popes, by Ranke. 1853 I 75"7M Life and Correspondence of John Foster, edited by J. E. Ryland. 1852 .... 653-4O Letters of Washington Irving, by his nephew, Pierre E. Irving .... 1405-6O Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, with a Biographical Account of De Foe. 1S61 645R — Voyages of Christopher Columbus, by Irving. 1850 775-6R of Alfred the Great, translated from the German of Dr. R. Pauli, by Thorpe. 1853 479O George Washington, by Irving. 1857-9 780-3R Leo the Tenth, by Roscoe. 1853 765-7O Mahomet, by Irving. 1850 778R Mary, Queen of Scots, by Agnes Strickland. 1873 793-4O • the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, by Prior. 1854 607R Lives of the Caesars, by Suetonius Tranquillus. 1855 549O Queens of England, by A. Strickland. 1877 795 to 800O Metaphysics of Aristotle, translated from the Greek by M'Mahon. 1879. • • • IX 53H Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle, translated by Browne. 1882 1157H Novels and Miscellaneous Works of Daniel De Foe, by Scott. 1854-1856 .... 639-44R Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs, by Bohn 1064R Sallust, Florus, and V. Paterculus, translated by Watson 1174H Salmagundi, or the Whim- Whams and Opinions of Launcelot Langstaff, by Irving. 1850 770R [1091] BOI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BOT Boilers. See English Mechanic, v. 46-47, 1046-7D. Hasluck's Engineers' Hand- book, 1162M, &c. Bokhara. See Curzons Russia, 2123R. Boleyn (Anne). See Palace and Hospital, T535O, &c. Bolinebroke (Henry St. John, Viscount). See Creasy's Etonians, 1420O. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Bolivia. See Stanford's Compendium, 851K. Bolles (J- A.). Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Bolton (Col. Sir Francis), London Water Supply [Int. Health Ex.] 960K Bombay. See Brassey's East Voyage, 862K. Urwick's Indian Pictures, 314B. India, &c. Bonamy {of Guernsey). See Jacob's Guernsey [part 2, p. 171, 180], 362B. Bonar (James), Malthus and his Work. 1885 457F Boncceur (Jean). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Bones. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Man and his Maladies, 939K. Smith's Foods, 380R, &c. Boniface (J. X.). See Safntaine. Bonin (General). See Memoirs of Ernest II., 675F. Bonnefon (D. ), Benjamin Du Plan, Gentleman of Alais, Deputy General of the Reformed Churches of France from 1725 to 1763. 1878 1464O Bonner (J.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Bonnets. See Woman's World [of Queen Victoria's Reign], v. 1, 1888, R.L. Bonny (Prof. T. G.), F.R.S. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Bonny (William). See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1, 873K. Bonstettin (Charles V. de). See Poole's Index, R.L. Book of Dreams, a Poem, by George Macdonald 1873Z Book of Family Crests, 2 vols. 1865 : Vol. 1. — Mottoes, Plates, &c 1445O Vol. 2. — Dictionary of Names, &c 1446O Book of Job, translated, &c, by Carey. 1858 697A Book of Kings, Commentary upon, by Keil, translated by Murphy... 782-3A Book of Oddhies, by Andrews. 1882 2070R Book of Proverbs. See Proverbs. Book of the Feet, by Hall. 1847 I161M Books we Read [Suggestive Lessons] 1829Z See also Girls' Own Annual, v. 6, 2556J. Lubbock's Pleasures of Life, 1908R. Murray's Magazine [and Book Buying], v. 6, 1466J. Booksellers, Shadows of the Old, by Knight. 1865 1451O Bookselling, English, Earlier History of, by Roberts. 1889 2065R Boots. See Hall's Book of the Feet, 1161M. Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L., &c. Bordeaux. See Tovey's Wine Countries, 2125R. Borderlands of Insanity and other Papers, by A. Wynter. 1877,.. 945K Boring a Cylinder. See Hasluck's Model Engineer's Handbook, 1162M. Borland. (Commander O., of Guernsey). See Sarnia, p. 104, 1416O. Borneo. See Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel, 853K, &c. Borodino (Battle of). See Tolstoi's Napoleon, 1527O, &c. Borron (Robert de). See Nutt's Holy Grail, 1324^ Borrow (George), Wild Wales, its People, Language and Scenery... 311H Bosio (Angiolina). See Edwards' Prima Donna, 679F, &c. Bosnia. See Contemporary Review [and its Land Tenure], y. 56, 2066J, &c. Boston. See Harper's Index, i64o)a. Manning's American Pictures, 311B. McMaster's Franklin, 583O. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Bos-well {].). See Knight's Old Booksellers, 1451O. Bosworth (J.), D.D., A Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary. 1888 I3*7H and Waring (G.), M.A., The Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels in Parallel Columns, with the Versions of Wycliffe and Tyn- dale, arranged with Preface and Notes. 1888 669A BOTANY, by Bentley [Elementary Science, S.P.C.K.]. 1888 1831Z by Henslow [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1836 769T [1092] BOT ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. BRA Botany, Easy Lessons in, according to Requirements of New Code, by Step, illustrated. 1880 1844Z Flora of the Channel Islands, by Babington. 1839 184R Manual of, by Bentley, illustrated. 1873 183R Names and Synonyms of British Plants, by Warburton. 1889... 1888Z Poisonous Plants, &c, by Pratt [S.P.C.K.], illustrated 38D See also English Mechanic [for Students], v. 50, 1050D. Excelsior, 1926R. Harper's Index, i64oJa. Jones' Bermuda, 823 F. Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Plues' British Ferns, 377R Quekett's Histology, 832F. Woman's World [Teaching to Children], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Peter's Girls' Own Outdoor Book, 1256H. Report of the 3uernsey Society of Natural Science, 2137R. Stanley's Darkest Africa, v. 2, 874K. Plants, &c. Bottcher (J. F., The Discoverer of Porcelain). See History of Pottery and _ Porcelain, 936D, &c. Botticelli (Sandro). See Harper's Magazine, v. 77, 1657J. Bouchier (].). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Boulanger (General). Sec New Review, v. 1, 3351 J. Bourne (H. R. Fox), English Merchants, Memoirs in illustration of the Progress of British Commerce, illustrated. 1886 1496O Bournemouth. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Boutell (C), Heraldry, edited and revised by Aveling. 1873 1444-0 Bow and Arrow. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F, &c. Bowdeu Family of Guernsey. See Sarnia, 1416O. Bowels. See Man and his Maladies, 939K. Bell's Woman in Health and Sick- ness, 946K, &c. Bower (Capt. Graham). See Austral Africa [Imperial Secretary and Accountant], 1442H. Bowling, Hurling, &c. See Crawley's Handbooks, itS3M. Bowra(rlarriette). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Boxing", Fencing, and Wrestling, by Pollock, Mitchell, Armstrong, &c. [Badminton Library] 1138M See also Crawley's Handbooks, 11 54M. Boyd (Archibald), A.M., Baptism and Baptismal Regeneration. 1865 1269M Boyd (Captain). See Everyday Heroes, 1455O. Boyhood, Adolescence and Youth, by Tolstoi, translated by Popoff.. 507O Boyle Lectures, 1866 [Christ and Christendom], by Plumptre. 1867. S93A Boys. See Boys' Own Annual [Boys of English History], v. 1, 2951J ; [Boys'Own Workshop, Woodwork], v. 5, 2955J ; [Boys who became famous], v. 1, 295 1 J ; [Boys who have Risen], v. 5, 2955J. Boys' Own Book of Boats, by Kingston, 1129M. Boys' 0>vn Book of Natural History, by Wood, 185R, &c. Boz. See Dickens (Charles). Brabazon (Reginald, Earl of Meath), Prosperity or Pauperism, Phy- sical, Industrial and Technical Training. 1888 1105F [Contributions by Chadwick, Bearsley, Bousfield, Lubbock, Bayley, Smith, Auchmuty, Magnus, Cunynghame, Fowler, Hartington, Huxley, Chapman, Lady Leigh, Miss Headon, Miss Calder, Watherston, Mon- tague, Samuelson, Leland, Bellows, Paton, &c] Bradlaugh (Mr.). See Davies' Heterodox London [on Toryism], 36K. Bradley (M. E.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Brahmin School-Girl. See Nineteenth Century, v. 25, 2235J. Braidwood (James). See Everyday Heroes, 1455O. Brain as an Organ of Mind, by Bastian. 1885 387R See also Biichner's Man, 1332H. Man and his Maladies, 939K. Science of Thought, 585H. Warner's Physical Expression, 393R, &c. Brakes. See Ackworth's Railways, 837D. English Mechanic [Webb's Air Pres- sure], v. 46, 104CD, &c. Bramwell (Baron). See Williams' Leaves of a Life, 376F. Brand-New Ballads, by Leland [Hans Breitmann], illustrated. 1885 812M Brandenburg (Count). See Memoirs of Ernest II., 674-5F. [1093] BRA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BRI Brass. See English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Illustrated Carpenter and Builder [Brass Turning], from v. 1, 2981J, &c. Brassey (Lady), Last Voyage to India and Australia in the Sun- beam, edited by Broome, illustrated. 1889 862K Brave old English Confessors, illustrated by Hurrd I440O Bray (W.), Ed., The Diary of John Evelyn, F.R.S., from 1641 to 1705-6. 1890 459E Brazil. See Contemporary [Past and Future], v. 57, 2067J. Stanford's Compen- dium, 851K, &c. Breach, of Promise. See All the Year Round, v. 47, 1807J. Chambers, v. 33, 1943J. Household Words, v. 16, 1756J, &c. Bread. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Smith's Foods, 380R. Wells' Confectioner, &c, 998M. Health Exhibition Literature [Chemistry of Bread-making], 956K, &c. Breitmann as an Uhlan, by Leland. 1871 1863Z See also Hans Breitmann in the General Catalogue. f* Brenda." See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Brevint (Dr. D., of Jersey). See Cacsarea or Jersey, 1409H. Brewer (E. C). See Notes and Queries. 7th series, v. 7. T099J. Brewer (J. S.), M.A., The Endowments and Establishment of the Church of England. 1885 1225M Brewing, &c. See Donovan's Domestic Economy, 732T. Bricklayers. See Capital and Labour, 1115F. Bricks. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Bridals. See Lady's World [Bridal Favours and Wedding Decorations], 1887, R.L. Bridger (A. E.), M.D., Man and his Maladies, or the Way to Health, a Popular Handbook of Physiology and Domestic Medicine in accord with the Advance in Medical Science 939K Bridges. See Addison's Construction, 1141M. Jusserand's Wayfaring Life, 1925R, &c. Brigands and Brigandage. See Boys' Own Annual, v. 4, 2954J. BriggS (T. ), Poverty, Taxation and the Remedy, Eree Trade, Free Labour, &c 33§R Bright (John, Statesman and Reformer, b. 181 1, d. 1889), M.P., and Rogers (J. E. TV), Eds., Speeches on Questions of Public Policy, by Richard Cobden. 1880 323R Life and Times of, by Robertson. 1883 683F Life of, by Smith. 1889 1448O See also Fortnightly, v. 51, 2141 J. Mial's Life of Richards, 424F. Mot- ley's Correspondence, 667-8F. Murray's Magazine, v. 5, 1465J. Poole's Index, R.L. Quiver [a friend indeed], v. 32, 3302J. Universal Review, v. 3) 3323J) & c - Bright's Disease. See Man and his Maladies, 939K, &c. Brighton. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Ackworth's Railways [Brighton and South Coast], 937D, &c. Brilliants. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M, &c. Brine (M. D.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oja. Briscoe (J. P., Librarian of Nottingham Free Library), F.R. H.S.. Gleanings from God's Acre, being a Collection of Epitaphs... 1861Z Britain, Greater, a Record of Travel in English-speaking Countries [1866 and 1867], by Dilke. 1869..-. 1567R Health Resorts of, and how to Profit by Them, by Thomson 938K Remains Concerning, by Camden. 1870 2044R See also Poole's Index, R.L., &c. British Association. See Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J. British Citizen, his Rights and Privileges, by Rogers [S.P.C.K.] .... 339R British Colonisation of Australia. See Stanford's Compendium, 853K, &c. British Columbia. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Dependencies, Constitutional History of, by Mills. 1856 I437H British Ferns, by Plues, coloured plates. 1866 377R British Guiana. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. [1094] BRI ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. BRO British Honduras. See Stanford's Compendium, 851 K. British India. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. India, &c. British Islands, a Short Geography of the, by Green. 1889 1835Z ; — See also Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Stanford's Compendium, 854K. British Museum. " See Blackwood's Magazine [and the People who go there], v. 144, 214J. Nature, v. 39, 2699J, & c - British New Guinea, issued by Messrs. Burns, Philip & Co. 1886 347D British Saints. See Verney's Peasant Properties, 2005R. British Satirist, Satires of the best Poets from Pope to Milton. 1831. 1906Z Brittany, Islands of, Barrows and Monuments, by Lukis. 1875 ... 908F See also Verney's Peasant Properties, 2004R. Woman's World [Summer Days in], v. 1, 1888, R.L. Britten (J.), F.L.S., Young Collector's Handbook of Flowering Plants, illustrated 1 844Z Broadstairs. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Brock Family of Guernsey. See Jacob's Guernsey, 362B. Sarnia, 1416O, &c. Brodrick (Hon. G. C), D.C.L., A History of the University of Oxford [Epochs of Church History]. 1886 260T Bronchitis. See Bridger's Man and his Maladies, 939K. Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Bronte (Charlotte). See Good Words, v. 30, 2200J. Bronze Period. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Brook and its Banks (The) [Natural History], by Wood [G.O.A., v. 8] 2558J Brooke (Rajah Sir James). See Bunyan's Memoirs of McDougall, 44 and 45F. Brooklyn. See Harper [and New York circumnavigated], v. 23, 1603J ; [and the East River Bridge], v. 66, 1646J. Leisure Hour, v. 20, 2630J. Brooks (N.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Brooks (Shirley). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Broome (Lady F. N.). See Barker (Lady). Brosamer (Hans). See Scott's Little Masters, 1117O. Brotherhoods. See Contemporary Review, v. 57, 2067 J. Brougham (Lord), F.R.S. See Lyndhurst (Lord), 696 F. Paley's Natural Theology [Introductory Discourse of Natural Theology, &c], 57-8Z. Brown (D.), D.D., and Fausset (A. R.), A.M., Commentary on the New Testament [Critical Pocket Bible]. 1867 1273M Brown (James D. ), Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, with a Bibliography of English Writings on Music. 1886 664F Brown (John). See Macaulay's Wonderful Stories, 2380X. Brown (John Allen), F.R.G.S., Palceolithic Man in North- West Middlesex, the Evidence of his Existence and the Physical Condition under which he lived in Ealing and its Neighbour- hood, illustrated by the condition and culture presented by certain existing Savages, illustrated. 1887 905F Brown (John William), Life of Leonardo Da Vinci, with a Critical Account of his Works. 1 828 5540 Brown (William, of Liverpool) [Fox Bourne's English Merchants] 1496O Browne (Frances). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Browne (H. J.), B.A. See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Browne (Hablot K. [Phiz]). See Fortnightly Review [and Book Illustration], v. 41, 2131J. Browne (Colonel H.). See Anderson's Expeditions, 540K. Browne (J. E. A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Browne (Phillis). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Browning (E. B.), by Ingram [Eminent Women Series]. 1889 1423O See also Knight's Life of Wordsworth, 299F. London Quarterly, v. 72, 862 J. Dawson's Makers of Modern English, 458 F. Browning (Robert, Poet, b. 1812, d. 1889), Asolando, Fancies and Facts. 1890 1920Z Handbook to the Works of, by Mrs. S. Orr. 1890 2035R See also Contemporary, v. 57, 2067J. London Quarterly, v. 73, 863J. Time, v. 22 [as a Theologian], 1512J. Universal Review, v. 3, 3323J. Daw- son's Makers of Modern English, 458F. Forster's Four Great Teachers, 9360. [1095] BRO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. BUO Brownrigg (H.). See Jerrold (D.). _ . Bruce (A. B.), Ed., The Gospel History, by Ebrard. 1863 846A Bruce (James, Earl of Elgin). See Elgin (Earl of). Brumniel (G. Beau). See Merydew's Love Letters, v. 2, 677F. BruilO Giordano. See Poole's Index, R.L. Westminster Review,* v. 132, R.L., &c. Bryant (W. C), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Bryce (James), American Commonwealth, 3 vols. 1888 517-9H Bubna (A. de), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Buchan (John Stewart, Earl of, Constable of France, b. 1380). See Grant's Con- stable of France, 928X. Buchan (W.), M.D., Domestic Medicine, or a Treatise on the Pre- vention and Cure of Diseases by Regimen and Simple Medicines. 1805 913K Bucllheim (C. A.), Ph.D., and Wace (Henry), D.D., First Princi- ples of the Reformation, or the Ninety-Five Theses and the Three Primary Works of Martin Luther. 1883 702A BuChner (Dr. L.), Man in the Past, Present, and Future, a popular Account of the Results of recent Scientific Research as regards the Origin, Position and Prospects of the Human Race, translated by Dallas. 1872 1332H Buckland (C. T.), F.Z.S. See Longmans' [Old College Days in Calcutta], v. 14, 904 J. Buckley (W. E.). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Buddha, Life of the, by Rockhill. 1884 666A See also Arnold's Light of Asia, 687Ma. Buddhism. See London Quarterly [Modern], v. 72, 862J. Nineteenth Century Magazine, v. 24, 2234J. Religious Systems of the World [by Beal], 934A. Time [Esoteric], v. 20, 1510J, &c. Budgeon (Miss L. M.) [Acheta Domestica, M. E. S.], Episodes of Insect Life, illustrated. 1849 834F See also Acheta Domestica. Building, Choice of a Dwelling, &c, by Wheeler. 1872 940M The Englishman's House, by Richardson. 1888 H.S5M See also Capital and Labour, 1115F. English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Illus- trated Carpenter and Builder [and Joinery], from v. 1, 2981 J. Wonders of Nature and Art [Principal Buildings in Europe, Asia, Africa and America], 1329H, &c. Bullock (C), B. D., Ed., Talks with the People, by Men of Mark : Vol. 6.— Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone 1915Z Vol. 7. — Earl of Derby 1916Z Vol. 8. — Bishop of Manchester .... 1917Z Vol. 9. — Sir Wilfrid Lawson 200Z Vol. 10. — Bishop of Liverpool 1918Z Vol. 11. — President Garfield 198 & 220Z Vol.i. — Earl of Shaftesbury 197Z Vol. 2. — Abp. of Canterbury 1919Z Vol. 3. — Earl of Beacons- field 1912Z Vol. 4. — Earl Cairns 1913Z Vol. 5. — Abp. of York .... 1914Z Bullock (H. A.), History of the Isle of Man, Past and Present State of vSociety and Manners, also Biographical Anecdotes of Eminent Persons connected with that Island. 1816 349H Bulwer (E. L.), Works of. See Harper's Index, 1640 Ja. Lytton (Lord), &c. Buns. See Wells' Pastrycook, 998M. Bunsen (Bardn), A Memoir of, from the Papers of his Widow, 2 vols 957-8F See also Memoirs of Ernest II., 674-5F. The Critical School and Dr. Williams, by Rose [Replies to Essays and Reviews], 663A. Essays and Reviews [Bunsen's Biblical Researches, by Williams], 66aA. Bunyan(J<'hn). See Brave Confessors, 1440O. Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writ- ings, 1S30O, &c. Buiiyon (Charles John), Memoirs of Francis Thomas McDougall, some time Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak, and of Plarriette his wife. 1889 44-45F Buoys. See Edwards' Our Seamarks, 1157M. [1096] BUR ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. BYR Blirdett (H. C.), Prince, Princess and People ; an Account of the Social Progress and Development of our Own Times by the Public Life and Work of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales [1863-1889]. 1889 1412H Burdett-Coutts (Baroness, Daughter of Sir F. Burdett, b. 1814) [Darton's Famous Women] 1326O Burglaries. See Chronicles of Newgate, v. 2, 331D, &c. Burgon (J. W.), B.D., Lives of Twelve Good Men, 2 vols. 1889...660-61F Martin Joseph Routh. Hugh James Rose. Charles Marriott. Edward Hawkins. Samuel Wilberforce. Richard Lynch Cotton. Richard Greswell. Henry Octavius Coxe. Henry Lonqueville Mansel. William Jacobson. Charles Page Eden. Charles Longuet Higgins. See also Quarterly Review, v. 1, 1298J. Burgundy. See Tovey's Wine Countries, 2125R. Burial. See Thompson's Cremation, 1127M. Wales' London [Burial Boards], 327R. Funerals, &c. Burmah, Upper. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. China [Burmese], 1533O. Cobden's Political Speeches [Burmese War], 222R. Burnaby (Captain). See Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Burnard (Frank). See Williams' Leaves of a Life, 376F. Burnes (Sir Alexander). See Kaye's Indian Officers, 1454O. Burnett (F. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oja. Burney (Dr.). See Matthew's History of Music, 943D. Burnham (S. W. , an A merican amateur A stronomer). See Century Magazine, v. 38, 1888J. Burns. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Barns (Dawson), D.D., Temperance History, a Consecutive Narra- tive of the Rise, Development and Extension of the Temper- ance Reform, Part I. 1826- 1S42 1116F Burns (Robert). See Merydew's Love Letters, v. 1, 676F. Dawson's Makers of Modern English, 458F, &c. Burritt (E.). See Mials' Life of Richards, 424F. Burrows (Montagu), Cinque Ports [Historic Towns]. 1888 1665R Burton (Sir R. F.). See London Quarterly [Early, Private and Public Life], v. 70, 860J. Bury (Baroness Blaze de). See Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue. Bury (Viscount), K.C.M.G. and Hillier (G. L.), -Cycling, il. 1887 1128M Bushnell (Horace), D.D., Nature and the Supernatural, as together constituting the one System of God. 1864 1276M Business. See Leisure Hour [Brief Counsels concerning], v. 39, 2649J. 'Busses and 'Busmen. See Murray's Magazine, v. 7, 1467J, &c. Butler (E.), For Good Consideration [Social and Moral Essays]. 1889 1239M Butler (W. A.). See Christian Biography, 1441O. Butter. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Smith's Foods, 3SoR,&c. Butterflies, European, by Kane. 1885 189R See also Every Boy's Annual, 1869 [How to Catch and Set Them], 1303H. Transactions of the Guernsey Society of Natural Science [of Guernsey], 2012R. Wallace's Darwinism, 2121R, &c. Butterfly Trick, The Japanese. See Every Boy's Annual, 1869, 1303H. Buxton. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Buxton (T. F.), Prison Discipline, &c. 1818 322R By Leafy Ways, Brief Studies from the Book of Nature, by Knight ... 2115R Byers (W. H.), Works of. See Harper's Index, i64oJa. Bynner (Edwin Lassetter). See Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue. Byrd (William). See Matthew's History of Music, 943D. Byron (Lord). See Dawson's Makers of Modern English, 458F. Merydew's Love Letters, v. 11, 677 F. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. [1097] CAB GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CAM! C/ABBAGE See Beeton's Household Management, 997M, &c. Cabiri, Mysteries of the, or Gods of Phoenicia, Egypt, Troas, Greece, &c, by Faber, 2 vols. 1803 742-3A Cabs. See Murray [and Cabmen], v. 7, 1467J, &c. Cabul Pass. See Macaulay's Stories, 3044X. Cachemallle (J. L. V.), Historical Sketch of Sark [1890] 1541O See also Guernsey Magazine, v. 2-4, 2382-4J. Cade (Jack, Rebel, killed 1450). See Palace and Hospital, 1535O. History, &c. Cadell (Thomas). See Knight's Old Booksellers, 1451O. Csesar. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Long's Roman Republic, 90-4H. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Cages and Hutches. See Boys' Own Annual [How to Make them], v. 5, 2955J. Caillard (E. M.), The Invisible Powers of Nature. 1888 43 iR Caine (W. S.), M.P., A Trip round the World in 1887-8, ill. 1888 855K Cairns. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F, &c. Cajetan (Cardinal). See Bayne's Luther, 694F. CaJfces. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Wells' Pastrycook, 998M. Calcedony. See King's Decorative Stones, 1159M, &c. Calciner. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 9D, &c. Calcium. See Lockyer's Spectrum Analysis, 377R. Calderwood (II.), LL.D., Handbook of Moral Philosophy. 188S... 1251M Calendar, The. See Girls' Own Annual [Chats about the], v. 4, 2554J. California, Ranch Life in. 1886 1882ZI • See also Bryce's American Commonwealth, 518-9H. Eggleston's United States, 421H. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [Southern], 1645J. Stanford's Compendium [Californian Chinese], 850K. Wise's Los Gringos, 550K, &c. Calisthenics. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1154M. Caloiine (M. de). See Marryat's History of Pottery and Porcelain [Protects the Porcelain Manufactory of Arras], 936D. Calvin (John), A Commentary on the Psalms of David, 3 vols. 1840 809-1 1 A • Commentaries on the First Book of Moses, called Genesis, trans- lated by King, 2 vols. 1847 807-8A Commentary upon the Acts of the Apostles, 2 vols. 1844 813A Epistle of St Paul to the Romans. 1844 812A See also The Reformers, 1467O. Calvo (J. B.), The Republic of Costa Rica, trans, by L. de T. 1890 291H Cambert (Robert). See Matthew's History of Music, 943D. Cambridge, History of the University, by Mullinger 259F Study of Mathematics at, by Ball. 1889 561R See also Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J. Camden (C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Camden (William), Remains concerning Britain. 1870 2044R Camel, The. See Earth's Central Africa, 844 K. Cameos. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, T163M. Camera. See English Mechanic, v. 46, 10460, &c. Cameron (Sir Charles A.), M.D., Elements of Agricultural Chemis- try and Geology. 1886 668D Campbell (Lady Archibald), Rainbow-Music, or the Philosophy of Harmony in Colour-Grouping. 1886 939L> Campbell (H.), M.A. See Ante-Nicene Library. Campbell (John, Lord), LL.D., Lives of the Chief Justices of Eng- land, 4 vols. 1874 : Vol. 1.— Origin and Functions of the Office. Sir R. Tresilian. Sir W. Hankford. Sir J. Fitz James. Sir J. Popham. Sir Edward Coke. Sir H. Montagu, &c 784a Vol. 2.— Sir Nicholas Hyde. Rolle. Oliver St. John. John Bradshaw. Sir Robert Foster. Sir M. Hale. Sir F. Pemberton. Sir E. Saunders. Sir J. Holt, &c 785O Vol. 3. -Sir J. Holt {continued). Sir D. Ryder. Sir J. Wiles. Sir E. Wilmot. Lord Mansfield, &c 786O Vol. 4. — Lord Mansfield {continued). Lord Kenyon. Lord Ellenborough. Lord Tenterden, &c 7870- [1098] CAM ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. CAP Campbell (John, Lord), LL.D., Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, io vols. 1868 : Vol. 1. — Anglo-Saxon Chancellors, from the Conquest to Henry II. Thomas a Becket. William of Wickham. Cardinal Beaufort. Cardinal Wolsey, &c 774^ V0I.2. — Sir Thomas More. Lord Paulet. Richard Rich. Bishop Good- rich. Sir Christopher Hatton. Lord Ellesmere, &c 7750- Vol. 3. — Lord Bacon. Bishop Williams. Sir Edward Littleton. Sir John Finch. Sir Edward Herbert, &c 776O Vol. 4. — Lord Clarendon. Lord Bridgman. Lord Shaftesbury. Lord Not- tingham. Francis North. Lord Guildford. Judge Jeffreys. .. . 777O Vol. 5. — Lord Maynard. Lord Trevor. Lord Somers. Lord Cowper. Sir Simon Harcourt, &c 778O Vol. 6.— Earl of Macclesfield. Sir Peter King. Lord Talbot. Lord Hard- wicke. Earl of Northington. Earl Camden 779O Vol. 7. — Earl Camden (continued). Right Hon. Charles Yorke. Earl Bathurst. Edward, Lord Thurlow. Lord Loughborough 780O Vol. 8. — Lord Loughborough (continued). Lord Erskine 78 iO Vol. 9. — Lord Erskine (continued). Lord Eldon 782O Vol. 10. — Lord Eldon (continued). Index to the whole Work 783O Campbell (Thomas). See Temple Bar, v. 85, 1415J. Camps. See Boys' Own Annual [Hunting Camps], v. 12, 2962J. Canada, History of the Dominion of, by Greswell. 1890 1539-0 See also Boys' Own Annual [Canadian or Birch-Bark Canoe], v. 5, 1882-3, 2955J. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. Harper's Maga- zine, v. 77, 1657J ; [A Winter in], 1648J. Macaulay's Stories, 3044X. Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Universal Review [Future of], v. 3, 3323J. Fisheries Literature [Fisheries of], 974K. Canals, The Great. See Boys' Own Annual, v. 7, 2957J. Smith's Public Health Laws [Canal Boat Act], 942K. Canary, The, Its Varieties, Management and Breeding, by Smith ... 2113R ■ See also Boys' Own Annual [How to keep and breed Canaries], 1882, 2954J. Birds, &c. Canary Islands, Rides and Studies in the, by Edwards, illus. 1888. 1739R Cancer. See Bridgets Man and his Maladies, 939K. Candles. See Health Exhibition Literature, 962K. Cannibals of New Guinea, Among the, by McFarlane. 1888 1756R Cannibalism. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Fortnightly [Ethics of], v. 51, 2141J. Stanford's Compendium [of Australia], 853K. Canning (Kt. Hon. Stratford, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe). See Stratford de Redcliffe. Canoes. See Boys' Own Annual [And how to Build them], v. 7, 2957J. Brown's Pakeolithic Man, 905F. Crawley's Handbooks [Canoeing and Scull- ing], 1152M. Every Boy's Annual [Canoeing, by Sidney Daryl], 1869, 1303H. Macgregor's Rob Roy Series [Canoe Travelling], Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1255H, &c. Cansick (F. T.), Interesting and Curious Epitaphs copied from the Monuments of Saint Pancras, Middlesex 1228M Cantlie (James), F.R.C.S., Accidental Injuries; their Relief and Immediate Treatment [Int. Health Ex.]. 1884 957K Capes (W. W.), Stoicism [Chief Ancient Philosophies, S.P.C.K.].... 1255M Canterbury, by Jenkins [Diocesan Histories]. 1880 1836Z See also Boys' Own Annual [Round about], v. 12, 2962J. Canute (King of England, Denmark, &C.% See Lappenberg's England, I5I80, &c. Canynges (of Bristol). See Fox Bourne's English Merchants, 1496O. Caoutchouc. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 9D. Cape, The. See Austral Africa [Cape Colony], 1402H. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain [Cape Colony], 335H ; [Cape of Good Hope], 334H. Haggard's Cetywayo [Cape of Good Hope], 1524O. Quarterly [Cape of Good Hope], v. 22, 1152J, and v. 25, 1155J, &c. Capital. See Bryce's American Commonwealth, 519H. Capital and Labour, 1115F. [1099] CAP GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CAT Capital Punishments. See Chronicles of Newgate, v. 2, 33iD. Fortnightly Review [The case against], v. 52, 2142J, &c. Capri. See English Illustrated Magazine, v. 5, 1995J. Harper's Monthly [Sketches of], v. 77, 1657J. Caractacus {British King). See Lappenberg's England, 1517O. Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 75O, &c. Carbonic Acid. See Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 9D. Carbuncle. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Card Tricks, by Hoffman. 1889 2030R Cards. See under Names of Games, e.g., Ecarte, Whist, &c. Cardboard Models. See P.oys' Own Annual, v. 5, 2955J. Carey (C. P., Incumbent of St. Joint's, Guernsey), Tr., The Book of Job, trans, from the Hebrew; Notes, Woodcuts, &c. 1858 697A Carette (Madame), My Mistress, the Empress Eugenie, or Court Life at the Tuileries 956F Carlisle, by Creighton [Historic Towns]. 1889 1666R Carlyle (Jane Welsh), Early Letters of, together with a few of Later Years, and some of Thomas Carlyle, edited by Ritchie. 1889 357F Carlyle (Thomas), Letters of [1826-36], edited by Norton, 2 vols. ..^1458-90 See also Atlantic Monthly [Letters of], v. 64, 1554J. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Poole's Index, R.L. Forster's Four Great Teachers, 639O, &c. Carmen Sylva. See Woman's World [The Poet Queen], v. 1, 1888, R.L. Sylva (Carmen). CamaC. See Gentleman's Magazine [The Giant Stones of], v. 43, n.s., 763J. Carnelian. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Carnot, Vauban and Montalembert, Engineer Studies, by Lloyd 594^ Carpentry. See Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from v. 1, 2981J. Carr (A.), M.A., The Church and the Roman Empire. 1887 255T Carr (Katherine). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Carriages. See Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L., &c. Carrots. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Carrying Weight. See Walker's Manly Exercises, 1164M. Carson (Kit). See Boys' Own Annual, v. 7, 2957J. Carter (Eccles J.), M.A., Remarks on Christian Gravestones, with Working Drawings. 1857 956D Carter (T. T.), M.A., Imitation of our Lord Jesus Christ [Lectures] 882A Carteret (Rear-Admiral, of Jersey). See Caesarea, or Jersey, 1409H. Carteret (Sir G., of Jersey). See Caesarea, or Jersey, 1409H. Carteret (Sir P., of Jersey), Bart. See Caesarea, or Jersey, 1409H. Carteret (Lord). See Quarterly Review, v. 1, 1296J. Carving. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Cary (Lucius, Viscount Falkland). See Falkland (Viscount). Casati (Captain). See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1, 873K. Caspian. See Curzon's Russia, 2123R. Casquettes, Les, a Poem by Swinburne. See English Illustrated, v. 1, 1991J. Castings. .SV^Finglish Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D, &c. Castle Cornet, Lord Hatton, a Tale of Castle Cornet in Guernsey, by the Earl of Winchilsea [Blackwood's Magazine, v. 113]... 183J or the Island's Troubles in Troublous Times, a Story of the Channel Islands, by Hawtrey *4990 See also Macaulay's Wonderful Stories [Escape of Prisoners from], 2380X. Metcalfe's Channel Islands [and Guernsey], 1435H. Castles. See Boys' Own Annual [of Scotland], v. 8, 2958J. Timmins' Warwick- shire, 1413H. Castro (Thomas). See Tichborne Claimant. Catacombs at Rome, their Contents and Teachings, by B. Scott 1238M Catalani (Angelican, Italian Singer, b. 1782, d. 1849). See Edwards' Prima Donna, 67 8 F, &c. Cataloguing Books, How to Catalogue a Library, by Wheatley ... 1903Z See also Chambers' [the Secret of a Catalogue], v. 66, 1966J. Guille-Alles Library Catalogue [Its Aims and Characteristics], by A. Cotgreave, &c. [1100] CAT ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. CHA Catherine II., Empress of Russia. 1888 1307H See also Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, R.L., &c. Catholicism. See Papacy, &c. Wylie's Papacy, 682A. Cato Street Conspiracy. See Chronicles of Newgate, v. 2, 331D, &c. Cattegat, The. See Wood's Under Northern Skies, 1766R. Cattle Rearing and Stock Keeping, by Roland. 1 887 827F Cats, Our Cats and all about Them, by Weir, illustrated. 1889 2129R See also Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Boys' Own Annual, 1885, 2957J. English Illustrated [and Kittens], v. 7, 1997J. Wood's Dominion of Man, 2130R, &c. Cat's Eye. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163^!, &c. Caucasus, The. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine [by Meeker], v. 74, 1654J Causality. See Science of Thought, 585H. Sidguick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. Cavaleaselle (G. B.), and Crowe (J. A.), Life and Times of Titian, with some Account of his Family, illustrated, 2 vols. 1881... 48-9F Caverns. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man [Caves and Cave Men], 905F. Won- ders of Nature and Art, 1329H, &c. Cavour (Count). See Poole's Index, R.L. Quarterly Review, v. 1, 1298J, &c. Caxton Pisistratus. See Lytton (Lord). Cecil (R). See Christian Biographer, 1441O. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Celebes, North, Naturalist in, by Hickson. 1889 864K See also Brassey's Last Voyage, 862K. Stanford's Compendium, 853K, &c. Celery. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Vegetables, &c. Celt, Roman and Saxon, a History of the Early Inhabitants of Britain, by Wright, illustrated. 1861 1520O See also Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905 F. Celtic Irish Songs and Song Writers, by Collins. 1885 813M Cement. See English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D. Ure's Dictionary, 9D. Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Cemetery Clauses Act. See Smith's Public Health Laws, 942K. Centenarianism. See Temple Bar, v. 87, 1417J. Central Authority. See Helps' Government, 1110F. Century of Inventions, by the Marquis of Worcester, a reprint, with Life of Author and a Commentary, by Dircks. 1865... 690F Century Magazine. The contents will be found in Poole's Index (Reference Library), under subjects required. Cetewayo and Lis White Neighbours, or Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal, by Haggard. 1888... 1524O Ceylon. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Urwick's Indian Pictures, 314B. Chairman's Assistant and Young Debater 2072R Chairs. See Woman's World [Sedan], v. 2, 1889. R.L. Chalcedony. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Chaldean Account of Genesis, by Smith, illustrated. 1876 895F Chalmers (Thomas). See Christian Biography, 1441O. Religious Systems of the World, 934 A, &C. Chamberlain (Right Hon. J.). See Contemporary Review [and the Liberal Party], v. 54, 2064J. Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Chameleons. See Goldsmid's Myths, 2011R, &c. Champagne. See Tovey's Wine Countries, 2125 R. Chance. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R. Chance (F.). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099 J. Channel Islands and Western Normandy, by Black. 1889 1742R Historical and Legendary Sketches, by Metcalfe [Poetry], ill. 1435H Patois Poems of, by Pitts 440- 1 D St. George, His Cross, an Episode in the Channel Islands, by Keene 1332, 2443 and 3017X See also Athenaeum [Sonnets from the Channel, by Theodore Watts, pages 432 and 539], R.L. Excelsior [The Ormer Shell], 1928R. Fortnightly [Lefevre'-s Channel Islands], v. 32, 2122J. Good Words, v. 31, 2201J. Hawtrey's Castle Cornet, 1499O. Pitts' Guernsey [A Guide and a Gossip], 428H. Pines' British Ferns [Channel Islands Ferns], 187R. [IIOI] CHA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CHE Channel Islands {continued) — Science Gossip [Birds of], v. 18, 2420J ; [a Botanical Ramble Round], v. 20, 2421J ; [Holiday Rambles in St. Ouen's Bay, Jersey], v. 14, 24T7J ; [Notes on the Natural History of Jersey], v. 17, 2420J. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Mill's Colonial Constitutions [Government Orders and Council, Sec], T437H. Fisheries Exhibition Literature Analytical Index [Number of Men and Boys engaged in Fishing], 983 K. Chantilly. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 75, 1655J. Chap-Books, Amusing Prose, chiefly of last Century, edited by Cunningham. 1889 1321II Chappell (W.). See Matthews' History of Music, 943D. Chapters from Family Chests, by Walford, 2 vols. 1887 9M"5F Character Studies in Macbeth, by Fletcher. 1889 I933R Hints on the Culture of Character, by Dale and others 1309M See also Good Words [and Faith], v. 30, 2200J. Murray's Magazine [in Children], v. 4, 1464J. Characteristics of American Cities. See Westminster Review, v. 130, R.L. Charades. See Every Boy's Annual, 1866, 1301H. Enigmas, Transpositions, &c, 1810, 2071R. Charcoal. See lire's Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 9D, &c. Charities. See White's Problems of a Great City, 444H Charity. See Capital and Labour, H15F. Cassell's Family Magazine [Charity Commission], v. 15, 1365J. Time [Charity Organisation Society], v. 20, 1510J, &c. Charles the Greac [Charlemagne]. See Every Boy's Annual, 1S66, 1305^ Charles I. See L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital, 1536O. Poole's Index, R.L. Diary of Lady Willoughby, 75F, &c. Charles II. See L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital, 1536O. Macaulay's Stories, 3044X, &c. Charles XII. See Macaulay's Stories, 3044X. Charles Edward (Prince, the Young Chevalier). Sec Mahon's Insurrection of 1745, 239O. Charles (Mrs.), Wanderings over Bible Lands and Seas. 1866 1740R Charleston. See Eggleston's United States, 421 H. Charms. See Occult Sciences, 1935R. Wilde's Ireland [Ancient], 960F. Charts published by the Meteorological Society Office, London, framed from daily Weather Reports, and extending over the whole of Western Europe R.L. Chateau Margaux. See Tovey's Wine Countries [Description of], 2125R. Chatham (William Pitt, Earl of). See Pitt (William, Earl of Chatham). Chatterton (Thomas, Poet). See Poole's Index, R.L., &c. Chaucer's House of Fame. See Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. Cheese. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Chef, The. See Girls' Own Annual [How a French Cook makes Soup], v. 10, 2560J. Chelsea. See All the Year Round [History of Old Chelsea], v. 42, 1822J. Cheltenham. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Chemical Recreations, by Griffin. 1838 560R Chemist, Domestic, Detection of Adulteration, &c. 1831 1851Z Chemistry, by Donovan [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1832 ... 766T Elementary, by Roscoe [Manchester Science Lectures] 45 iR of Paints and Painting, by Church. 1890 953 O Story of, by Picton. 1889 41 1 R See also Boys' Own Annual [and Conjuring], v. 3, 2953J. English Mechanic, v. 46, 1046D ; [British Association Address], v. 50, 1050D. Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J, &c. Cheney (Ednah D.), Ed., Louisa May Alcott, Her Life, Letters and Journals. 18S9 1488O Chepstow. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Chess, Its Theory and Practice, by Captain Crawley [G. F. Pardon] 1146M [1102] CHE ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. CHO Chess Problems, by Rayner. 1890 See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 1, 2951J. English Mechanic, v. 46-7, 1046-7D. Every Boy's Annual, 1S74, 1304H. Gentleman's Magazine [in Praise of], v. 42, n.s., 762 J. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1255H, ., Franz Liszt, Artist and Man [181 1- 1840], by Ramann, 2 vols. 1882 I353-40 Cowper (William). See Macmillan, v. 60, 990J. Merydew's Love Letters, v. 2, 677 F. Mothers of Great Men and Women, 632F, &c. Cox (Sir G. W.), M.A., Lives of Greek Statesmen : Vol. 1.— Solon — Themistokles 320T Vol. 2. — Ephialtes — Hermokrates 321T Cox (James). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cox (S.), Salvator Mundi, or is Christ the Saviour of all Men. 1878 1226M Crab-Fish., The. See Jones' Bermuda, 823F. Nature [Crabs], v. 41, 2701J, &c. Crabbe (George). See Macmillan, v. 60, 990J. Temple Bar, v. 90, 1420 J. Craddock(C. E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Crafts and Arts. See Murray's Magazine, v. 6, 1466J. Craig-Knox (Isa). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Crake (A. D.,1. See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Craniology. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Phrenology, &c. Cranky (Cyrus). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cranks. See Haslucks' Handbook to Model Steam-Engines, 1162M. Cranmer (Thomas). See Brave Confessors, 1440O. Cream. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Creasy (Sir E.), Memoirs of Eminent Etonians, illustrated. 1876 1420O Creation, In the Beginning : Modern Views of the Creation, by Sandys. 1880 1303M Philosophy of, Essays, by Powell. 1855 I333H Typical Forms and Special Ends in, by McCosh. 1862 565R See also Dawson's Origin of the World, 564R. Genesis, &c. Creed. See London Quarterly [and Character], v. 70, 85oJ. Creighton (M.), M.A., Carlisle [Historic Towns]. 1889 1666R Cremation, Modern, its History and Practice, by Thompson. 1889 1172M The Treatment of the Body after Death, by Thompson. 1884... 1127M Crests, Book of Family Crests, 2 vols. 1865 1445-6O Vol. 1 — Mottos, Plates, &c, 1445O. Vol. 2 — Dictionary of Names, &c, 1446O. of Great Britain and Ireland, Dominion of Canada, India and Australia, derived from the best Authorities, ill. , 2 vols. 1883 933-4D Vol. 1.— Text, 933D. Vol. 2.— Plates, 934O. Crete. See Walker's Eastern Life, 866-7K. Fortnightly [Cretan Insurrection of 1889], v. 53, 2143J. 19th Century [and the Sphakiots], v. 27, 2237J. Cribbage, Loo, &c. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1145M. Cricket as now Played, by Planche [Crawley's Handbooks], illus. ... 1149M by Lyttelton, illustrated [All England Series]. 1890 , 901T See also Boys' Own Annual from v. 1, 295J. Cricket, The. Sec Atlantic Monthly, v. 63, 1.553J. Crimea, Invasion of the, by Kinglake, vols. 8-9. 1888 2880a to 2880b See also Tolstoi's Sevastopol, 2025R, &c. [mi] CRI GUILLE-ALLkS LIBRARY. CUR Crimes and Criminals. See Griffiths' Chronicles of Newgate, v. 2, 331D. Williams' Leaves of a Life, 183-4F. Prisons, &c. Critical Method, Essays, by Robertson. 1889 1956R Criticism. See Nineteenth Century [as a Trade], v. 26, 2236J. Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. Crochet. See Beeton's Needlework. 1143M. Crofters, The. See Blackwood, v. 146, 216J. Croker (B. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Crombie (A. and F.). See Ante-Nicene Library. Cromer. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Cromlechs and Dolmens, by Lukis. 1875 909F Crommelin (May), Poets in the Garden 1320H Cromwell (Oliver), The Protector, a Vindication, by Merle D'Au- bigne. 1847 1404H and the Protectorate, by Wilson. 1848 244O Crooksliank (C. H.), M.A., History of Methodism in Ireland : Vol. 1. — Wesley and his Times 669A. Vol. 2.— The Middle Age 670A Vol. 3. —Modern Development 671 A Croquet, Fioco, Fives, &c. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1153M. Crosse and Blackwell's. See All the Year Round, v. 42, 1822J. Croup. See Bridger's Man and his Maladies, 939K. Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Crow (Louisa). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Crowe (E. Evans), Eminent Foreign Statesmen [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], 5 vols. 1832 : Vol. 1. — Amboise, Ximenes, Leo the Tenth, Granvelle, Barneveldt, Sully, Lerma, Ossuno, Medici 717T Vol. 2. — Richelieu, Oxensteirn, Guzman, Olivarez, Lucar, Mazarin 718T Vol. 3. — Retz, Colbert, Seignelai, Witt, Tellier, Luvois 719T Vol. 4. — Haro, Dubois, Alberoni, Duke of Ripperda 720T Vol. 5. — Cardinal de Fleury, Philip Louis, Sebastian Joseph, Joseph Monino, James Neckar 72 iT Crowe (J. A.) and Cavalcaselle (G. B.), Life and Times of Titian, with some account of his Family, illustrated, 2 vols. 188 1... 48-9F Crown, The. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Crowns and Coronations, a History of Regalia, by Jones. 1 883 938 D Croydon. See Cassell's Family Magazine [In the old Palace of], v. 15, 1365J. Cruelty to Animals. See Jevons' Social Reform, 1111F. Cruising. See London Quarterly, v. 71, 861J. Crusades. See Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. Kurtz's Church History, 707A. Noble Traits of Kingly Men, 15370, &c. Crustacea, British Stalk-eyed, and Spiders, by Skuse. 1887 143R See also Excelsior, 1929R. Fisheries Literature, 975K. Crystal. See King's Decorative Stones, 1159M. Cuba. See Townshend's Florida, 728K. West Indies, &c. Cucumbers. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Smith's Foods, 380R, &c. Cuming (Edward). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cunningham (C. D.) and Adams (Sir Francis Ottiwell), C.B., The Swiss Confederation. 1889 3H Cunningham (R. H.), Ed., Amusing Prose Chap Books. 1889 ... 1321H Cupples (George). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Cures, Ancient. See Wilde's Ireland, 960F. Curiosities of the Church, by Andrews. 1890 852 A Curling, Polo, &c. See Crawley's Handbooks, 1150M. Currents, Ocean. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Curtis (G. W.j, Ed., The Correspondence of John Lothrop Motley 667-8F Curzoil (Hon. G. N.), M.P., Russia in Central Asia in 1889 and the Anglo-Russian Question, illustrated. 1889 863K [1112] CUS ENGLISH SECTION. -GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. DAN Cussans (J. E.), Handbook of Heraldry, with instructions for tracing Pedigrees and deciphering Ancient MSS., Rules for the Appointment of Liveries, Sec. 1882 1443O Customs. Curious Customs, Services and Records of the Church, by Andrews. 1890 852 A Privileges, &c, of Jersey and Guernsey, by A. J. Le Cras. 1839 1864Z Cuts. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Cuttle-Fish. See Harvey's Sea-Side Hook, 1868Z. Cutts (E. L.), B.A., Colchester [Historic Towns]. 1888 1664R Cuvier (G.). See Williams' Ethics of Diet, 845M. Cazzoni (Francesca). See Edwards' Prima Donna, 678F. Matthew's History of Music, 943D, &c. Cycles and Cycling, by Griffin, with a Chapter for Ladies by Miss Davidson . 1 890 902T See also Boys' Own Annual, v. 7, 2957J. Cyclones. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Storms, &c. Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature, edited by Kitto, 2 vols. 1849... 924-5A Cylinders. See Hasluck's Handbook to Model Steam Engines, 1162M. Cyprian (St.). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670F. Ante-Nicene Library [Writings of], 362 and 363A. Cyprus. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. D A COSTA (I.). See Costa (I. Da). Daggers, Flint. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. " Dagonet." See Sims (G. R.). Daily Paper. See All the Year Round Magazine [The Earliest], v. 48, 1822J. Dairies. See Health Exhibition Literature [The English and Danish Dairies and Dairy Management], 956K. Dairy Farming, by Roland. 18S7 830F and 192R Houses. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Construction of], 958D. D' Albret (Jeanne). See Jeanne D'Albret. Dale (David, of Glasgow). See Fox Bourne's English Merchants, 1496O. Dale (Thomas), M.A., and others, Hints on the Culture of Character 1309M D' Alembert (J. Le R.). See Matthew's History of Music, 943D. *' Dalhousie," Foundering of the. See Everyday Heroes, 1455O. Dallinger (Rev. W. H.). See Quiver, v. 32, 3302 J. Damascus, Five Years in, by G. J. L. Porter [Jersey author] 1550-1R Damien (Father), A Journey from Cashmere to his Home in Hawaii, by Clifford. 1889 1475^ See also Fortnightly Review [and Leprosy in India], v. 52, 2142J. Mac- millan, v. 60, 990J. Nineteenth Century [and the Lepers], v. 25, 2235J, &c. Damp. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Dancing. See Walker's Exercises for Ladies, 1881Z. Dandies. See Runciinan's Joints in'our Social Armour, 2050R. Danes. See L'Estrange's Greenwich, 153SO, &c. Daniel the Prophet, Lectures at Oxford, by Pusey. 1864 904A and Zechariah, Genuineness and Integrity of, by Hengstenberg, translated by Pratten, &c. [Clark's Theological Library] 793A Daniel O'Rouke's Wonderful Voyage to the Moon. See Chap-Books, 1321H. _ Dante (Alighieri), Divine Comedy, translated by Longfellow, with Introduction by H. Morley. 1887 I405M [Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso.] See also Nineteenth Century [and the New Reformation], v. 27, 2237J. Religious Systems of the World [by Browning], 934A. [Ill DAN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DEA Danube, The. See Pardoe's City of the Sultan, 1767R. Darius, Kings of Persia. See Benjamin's Persia, 1552O. Darling (Grace). See Everyday Heroes, 1455O. Leisure Hour, v. 32, 2642J. Owen's Heroines, 952Q. Dartmoor. See Excelsior, 1929R. Dartmouth. See Devonshire, &c. Darwin (Charles). See Buchner's Man, 1332H. Milne's Earthquakes, 395R. Quarterly Review [Darwin's Life and Letters], v. 1, 1296J. Science of Thought, 585H. Warner's Physical Expression, 393 R. Darwinism, an Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection, by Wallace. 1889 *. 2121R and Dissent, by Schmidt 382R Politics, by Ritchie. 1889 1998R See also Good Words [as a Philosophy], 2199 J. London Quarterly [Sting of], v. 70, 860 J. Daudet's LTmmortel. See Atlantic Monthly, v. 62, 1552J. D'Auvergne (Rear- Admiral, Prince of Bouillon, of Jersey). See Csesarea or Jersey, 1409H. D'Auvergne (Rev. E., of Jersey). See Csesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Davenport (R. A.), History of the Bastile 153 and 1647Z David. See Quiver, v. 16, 3286J. Sunday at Home [Life of, as reflected in the Psalms], v. t8, 2863J ; [Studies from the Life of], v. 7, 2857J. Davidson (J. Thain), D.D., Sure to Succeed. 1888-9 ...1230M and 1306M [Religious Advice to Young Men.] Davidson (Samuel), LL.D., An Introduction to the New Testa- ment, 3 vols. 1848 901-3A Four Gospels, 901A. Acts to Thessalonians, 902A. Timothy to Revela- tion, 903 A. Sacred Hermeneutics, including a History of Biblical Interpre- tation. 1843 900A Davies (J. Llewelyn), Ed., Lessons of Hope selected from the Works of F. D. Maurice. 1889 , 1320M Davison (W. T.), M.A., : The Christian Conscience, a contribution to Christian Ethics [Fernley Lecture, 1888] 668 A Davos, its Local, Physical and Medical Aspects, a Practical Hand- book for Physicians and Patients, by Vormann. 1882 , 47 5T Dawkins (W. Boyd), F.R.S., On Coal [Man. Science Lectures]. 1870 452R See also Brown's Palaeolithic Man, 905F. Dawson (Sir J. William), K.C.M.G., Origin of the World according to Revelation and Science. 1888 ." 564R Dawson(W-), Geological History of Plants [Int. Sci. Series], illus. 549^ Dawson (W. J.), The Makers of Modern English, a Popular Hand- book to the Greater Poets of the Century. 1890 458F [Burns, Byron, Shelley, Keats, Scott, Coleridge, Southey, Wordsworth, Tennyson, Browning, Arnold, Rossetti, Swinburne, Morris.] The Threshold of Manhood, a Young Man's Words to Young Men. 1 889 1 243O Day (Francis), F.L.S., Fish Culture [Fisheries Exhibition]. 1884 ... 971K Indian Fish and Fishing [Fisheries Exhibition]. 1884 97 iK Days and Hours in a Garden, by " E. V. B." 1890 30R Days near Paris, by Hare. 1887 I743R Days Lost. See Runciman's Joints in our Social Armour, 2050R. Dead, The. See Brown's Palaeolithic Man [Disposal of], 905F. Playfair's Social Welfare [Disposal of], 336R. Dead Sea. See Manning's Palestine, 337B, &c. Deaf. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine [Poetry of the], v. 68, 1648J. Gentle- man's Magazine [and Dumb, teaching them to Talk], v. 43, N.S., 763J. Death, Pain and Sin, Mystery of, and a Refutation of Atheism, by Voysey. 1878 680A [1114] DEB ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. DES- Debtors. See Chronicles of Newgate, v. i, 330D, &c. , De Carteret (Sir P., 0/ Jersey). See Caesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Deception. See Longman's Magazine, v. 14, 904J. Decorations. Sec Peter's Home Handicrafts, 952D. Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Deduction. Set Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R. Dee, The River, its Aspect and History, by Howson and Rimmer ... 858K Deer, The. See Wood's Dominion of Man, 2130R. Deer-Parks. See Timmins' Warwickshire, 1413H. Deeside. See Green's Scottish Pictures, 313B. Defoe's Wife. See Contemporary Review, v. 57, 2067J. Degraded Men. See Runciman's Joints in our Social Armour, 2050R. Delagoa Bay. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. De La Pole Family of Hull. See Fox Bourne's English Merchants. 1496O. De La Pame (Mademoiselle Louise). See Ouida in Fiction Class List follow- ing the General Catalogue. Delicacies. See Cassell's Family Magazine [Tea-Table Delicacies for the Summer Season], v. 15, 1365 T. De Liefde (J. B.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Delirium. See Bridger's Man and his Maladies, 939K. Delitzseh (F.), D.D., A System of Biblical Psychology, translated by Wallis [Clark's Foreign Theological Library]. 1867 806A Biblical Commentary on the Book of Job, trans, by Bolton. 1866 828-9A Prophecies of Isaiah, trans, by Martin, 2 vols. 1867 826-7 A Psalms, translated by Bolton, 3 vols. 1871 830-32 A Deluge, The. See Contemporary Review, v. 56, 2066J. English Mechanic, v. 47, 1047D, &c. Demeter and other Poems, by Tennyson. 1889 1921Z De Miller (James). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Democracy. See Blackwood [British and American], v. 146, 216J. Bryce's American Commonwealth, 517-9H. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335 H. Nineteenth Century [and Party], v. 24, 2234J. Uni- versal Review [and Progress], v. 6, 3326J. Contemporary Review [or Aristocracy], v. 57, 2067J. Demonology and Witchcraft, by Scott 1015Z Demons, &c. See Oman's Indian Life, 1741R. Demonstration. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. De Morgan (Augustus), An Essay on Probabilities and on their Application to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices. 1838 2o69Rand 762T Demosthenes. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 321T. De Mouilpied (T., Advocate and Editor, Guernsey), Ed., Guern- sey Herd Book R.L. Denison (John Evelyn). See Ossington (Lord). Denman (Lord). See Lyndhurst (Lord), 696F. Denmark, Sweden and Norway, by Dunham, 3 vols. 1839 773"5T See also Maunders Treasury of History. 1856Z. Grose's Northern Studies, 1937R. Wood's Under Northern Skies, 1766R. De Omnibus Rebus, an Old Man's Discursive Ramblings on the Road of Everyday Life [by Byrne], 1888 1251II Departments. See Helps' Government, 1872, 1110F, &c. Deportment. See Walker's Exercises for Ladies, 1881Z, &c. Depression. See Bridger's Man and his Maladies, 939K. Derby (Edward G., 14th Earl of), Life of, by Kebbel. 1890 1378O Derbyshire, Ballads and Songs of, by Jewitt. 1867 1422M Derwentwater (Earl of). See L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital, 1536O. Descartes (R. Du Perrot). See Midler's Science of Thought, 585H. Descent and Darwinism, Doctrine of, by Schmidt. 1884 382R Desdemona. See Shakespeare's Female Characters, 419D. Desert. See Harper's Monthly [The Great American], v. 77, 1657J. Leisure Hour Magazine [of the Lower Rhone], v. 37, 2647 J. Desk, How to Make one. See Boys' Own Annual, v. 5, 955J. Despard (C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. LIII5] DES GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DIO Despondency. See Cassell's Family Magazine [How to cure], v. 15, 1365J. De Stael (Madame). See Atlantic Monthly, v. 64, 1554J. Destiny of the Creature and other Sermons, by Ellicott. 1865 733-A. See also Lubbock's Pleasures of Life [Destiny of Man], 1908 Ra. Devereux (Robert, Third Earl 0/ Essex). See Creasy's Etonians, 1420O, &c. DeVQy (Louisa), Life of Rosina, Lady Lytton, published in Vindica- tion of her Memory. 1887 57iF Devil, The. See Smedley's Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Devonshire [Black's Guides]. 1886 608F See also Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. D'Herisson (M. A., le Comte), The Black Cabinet [Le Cabinet Noir], translated by Blackitt. 1887 221R Diamond Hunters of South Africa, by Urayson, illustrated J 777R Diamonds and Precious Stones, their History, Value, and Distin- guishing Characteristics, by Emanuel. 1867 1163M Diarrhoea. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Diaz (P.). See Bancroft's Mexican People, 420H. Dick (Robert). See Boys' Own Annual, v. 2, 2952J. Dick (T.), LL.D., Christian Philosopher, or the Connection of Science and Philosophy with Religion. 1836 1316M Improvement of Society by the Diffusion of Knowledge, ill. 1836 1318M ■ On the Mental Illumination and Moral Improvement of Mankind 1319M Philosophy of a Future State. 1836 1315M — Religion, or an Illustration of the Moral Laws of the Universe. 1836... 1317M Dick Whittington. See Cunningham's Chap-Books, 1321H. Dickens (Charles), by Ward [Manchester Science Lectures]. 1870 45-2R See also Cornhill Magazine [Who wrote Dickens' novels], v. 11, 338J Eng- lish Illustrated [in Southwark], v. 6, 1996.1. Holloway's Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682 F. Temple Bar [and Thackeray, two great novelists], v. 83, 1413J. Dickie (George), M.D., and M'Oosh (James) Typical Forms and Special Ends in Creation. 1862 565R Dickson (W. B.), Poultry, their Breeding, Diseases and General Management, witn additions, by Loudon 172R Dictionary, A Compendious Anglo-Saxon and English Dictionary, by Bosworth. 1888 1317H of Every-day Difficulties in Reading, Writing and Speaking the English Language !9 r 5R Greek and Roman Antiquities, by Smith, illustrated. 1853... 1025M Words used in Art and Archaeology, by Mollett, illus. 1883. 935D Diehl (A. M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Diet in Relation to Health and Work, by Blyth. 1884 954K The Ethics of, a Catena of Authorities deprecatory of the Practice of Flesh-Eating, by Williams. 1883 845 See also Bridger's Man and his Maladies, 939K. Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Digestion. Digestive Ferments and Chemical Processes of Diges- tion, by Gamgee. 1S84 956 See also Lewes' Sea-Side Studies, 822F. Bridger's Man and his Maladies, 939K, &c. Dilke (Sir C. W.), M.P., Greater Britain, a Record of Travel in English-speaking Countries during 1866 and 1867. 1869 ... 1567R Problems of Greater Britain, 2 vols with maps. 1890 334-5H Dining-room. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Dinners. See Lady's World, 1887, R.L., &c Dionysins of Alexandria. See Ante-Nicene Library. Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 6-2 F. [III6] K DIP ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. DON Diplomacy. See Helps' Government, iiioF. Temple Bar [Our Diplomatists], v. 84, 1414J, &c. Diphthongs. See Meyer's Organs of Speech, 390R, &c. Diphtheria. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Discipline, Early, or the Infant System Progressing and Successful, by Wilderspin. 1832 33iR See also Runciman's Joints in our Social Armour, 2050R. Discomycetes, Manual of British [Mushrooms and other Fungi], by Philips [International Scientific Series]. 1887 398R Disease. See Gardner's Sanitary Science, 941 K. Bridger's Man and his Mala- dies, 939K. Nineteenth Century [caught from Butcher's Meat], v. 26, 2236J. Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 2, 874K, &c. Disinfectants. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Dislocations. See South's Household Surgery, 1857Z, &c. Disproof. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R. Disraeli (Rt. Hon. B.). See Holloway's Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Temple Bar Magazine [Womankind], v. 84, 1414J ; v. 85, 1415J. Walpole's Lord Russell, 610 F. Beaconsfield (Earl of), &c. Distemper. See Youatt's The Dog, 817F, &c. Distilling. See Donovan's Domestic Economy, 732T. Divination. See Smedley's Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Divine Book, Sacrifice, Son, Spirit, Unknown, &c. See Haweis' Winged Words 1923R Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, translated by Longfellow, with Introduction by Morley. 1887 1405M Revelation, an Essay on the Defence of the Faith, by Auberlen, translated by Paton [Clark's Theological Library]. 1867 838A Divorce. See Beeton's Everybody's Lawyer, 324R. Dixon (Charles), Our Rarer Birds, being Studies in Ornithology and Oology, illustrated. 1888 833F Rural Bird Life, being Essays on Ornithology, with instructions for Preserving Objects relating to that Science, illus. 1882 2135R Dixon (J.). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Dixon (Wm. H.). See Fraser [Spiritual Wives], v. 77, 687J. Once a Week [with Portrait], v. 26, 2286J. Westminster Review, v. 105, R.L., &c. Dobson (Austin), Thomas Bewick and his Pupils, illustrated. 1889 1484O Dr. Faustus. See Cunningham's Chap- Books, 1321H. Doctors and Doctors, some curious Chapters in Medical History and Quackery, by Everitt. 1888 947K Doctrine. See Keble's Papers and Reviews [Trial of], 1203H. Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism, by Schmidt. 1884 382R Doddridge (P.), D.D., by Stanford. 1880 1490O Dog, The, in Health and Disease, by Walsh, illustrated. 1887 818F See also All the Year Round [Historic], v. 42, T822J. Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Blackwood's Magazine [Professions for], v. 144, 214J. Boys' Own Annual [Dog Management], v. 7, 2957J ; [How to Train them], v. 7, 2957J. Every Boy's Annual [Anecdotes of], 1866, 1301H. Wood's Dominion of Man, 2130R. Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [How to make Dog Kennels], 958 D, &c. Dogger, The. See Argosy [Fish-Catching on], v. 45, 45J. Dole (Ellen B.). See Scott (Walter). < Domestic Arts and Customs. See Timbs' Works, 855Z. Economy, by Donovan [Lardner's Cab. Cyclo.], 2 vols. 1830... 732-3T See also Health Exhibition Literature, 964K. Medicine, by Buchan. 1805 913K Dominion of Man, by Wood, illustrated. 1889 2130R Donaldson (J.), LL.D., and Roberts (A.), D.D., Eds., Ante- Nicene Christian Library, Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to a.d. 325, 24 vols., v.d 362-84A Donegal. See Cassell's Family Magazine [An Unbeaten Track in], v. 15, 2364J. Lovett's Irish Pictures, 336B, &c. Donkeys. See Beeton's Home Pets, 193R. Boys' Own Annual [And all about them], v. 11, 2961J, &c. [III7] DON GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. DUC Donovan (Michael), M.R.I.A., Domestic Economy, 2 vols. 1830 : Vol. 1. — Brewing, Distilling, Wine-making, Baking, &c 732T Vol. 2. — Animal and Vegetable Aliments used by the various Nations of the World 733T Treatise on Chemistry [Lardner's Cab. Cyclopaedia]. 1832 766T Doomesday Book. See Girls' Own Annual, v. 7, 2557J, & c - Doors. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Dormouse, The. See Boys' Own Annual, v. n, 2961J, &c. Dorner (Dr. J. A.), History of the Development of the Doctrine of the Person of Christ, trans, by Alexander and Simon. 1861-3: Division 1. — First Four Centuries 833-4A Division 2. — From the end of the Fourth Century to the Present Time 835-7 A Dostoevsky (Theodore M.). See Turner's Novelists of Russia, 1491O. Doubts. See Lee's Dialogues, 1325H. Doudney (Sarah). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Doulton's Pottery. See All the Year Round Magazine, v. 42, 1822J. Dove (Mr. Tommy). See Atlantic Monthly, v. 63, 1553J. Dover. Sec Burrows' Cinque Ports, 1665R. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Dowden (E.), LL.D., Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley, 2 vols. 1886... 557-8F Dragomanov (Michael). See Stepniak. Dragons, Age of, by Hawkins ,,>...,-..«,-.,> 194R See also Goldsmid's Myths, 2011R. Dragon-fly. See Benison's Nature, 2109R. Drainage of Land, Irrigation and Manures, by Roland. 1887 829F Drains. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Drama. See Posnett's Literature, 394R. Dramatic Art and Literature, Lectures on, by Schlegel. 1846 2017-8R Draughts. See Chambers' [Cause of], v. 66, 1966J. Draughts, Game of, Simplified and Illustrated with Practical Dia- grams, by Anderson. 1878 1158M See also Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1255H. Drawing. See Ellis's Sketching from Nature, 1067M, &c. Drawing-rooms. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Drayson (Major General A. W.), F.R.A.S., The Diamond Hunters of South Africa, illustrated I777R Dreams. See Argosy [which are not all Dreams], v. 45, 45J. Smedley's Occult Sciences, 1935 R. Dreams, A Book of, a Poem, by George Macdonald 1873Z Dredging. See Harvey's Sea-Side Book, 1868Z. London Quarterly, v. 71, 861J. Dresden. See Motley's Correspondence, 667F. Dress and its Relation to Health and Climate, by Godwin. 1884 ... 960K See also Cassell's Family Magazine [Winter Dress of Men and Women], v. 15, 1 3^5J J [How to wash coloured Dresses], v. 15, 1365J. Contemporary Review [and Jewels], v. 56, 2066J. Girls' Own Annual [In Season and in Reason], v. 10, 2560J. Woman's World [Decollete in Character], v. 2, 1889, R.L. ; [The Modern], v. 1, 1889, R.L. Health Exhibition Literature [History of English Dress and Children's Dress], &c, 962K. Drink. See Contemporary Review [the Ethics of the Drink Question], v. 56, 2066 J. Gustaffson's Foundation of Death, 1122F. Jevons' Social Reforms, [Traffic], 1111F. Runciman's Joints in our Social Armour, 2050R. White's Problems of a Great City, 444H. Dmids. See Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 75O. Wright's The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon, 1520O. Drummond (Thomas). See Westminster Review, v. 132, R.L. Dryden(J-). See Knight's Old Booksellers, 1451O. Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1530O, &c. Dryness. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Dry-Rot. See Chambers' Journal, v. 66, 1966 J, &c. Dublin. See Crookshank's Methodism in Ireland, 669-71 A. Irish Pictures, 336B. Dublin University, History of, to the End of the 18th Century, by Stubbs. 1889 1424H Duck, The. See Beeton's Household Management, 997M. Doyle's Poultry, 825F. Jones' Bermuda, 823F, &c. [Ill8] DUO ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. EAS Duclaux (Dr. C.), Fermentation [Inter. Health Exhibition]. 1884 960K Duels. See Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital, 1536O, Sic. Duff (A.), D.D., Memorials of, by his son, W. P. Duff. 1890 841O Duff (Harry), M.A., Legal Obligations in Respect to Dwellings of the Poor [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 957K Dufferin and Ava (Marchioness of), Our Viceregal Life in India, Selections from my Journal [1884- 1888], 2 vols. 1889 451-2F Dumaresq (Admiral, of Jersey). See Csesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Dumaresq (P., Esq., of Jersey). See Caesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Dumb-Bells. See Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1255H. Walker's Exercises for Ladies, 1881Z, &c. Dumplings. See Wells' Pastrycook, 998M. Duncan (Captain F.), M.A., History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, 2 vols. 1872 1438H Dundonald. See Macaulay's Wonderful Stories, 2380X, &c. Dunham vS. A.), Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, 3 vols. 1839.... 773-5T Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Great Britain, 3 vols : Vol. 1. — St. Columba, Alfred the Great, Chaucer, Heywood, Spencer 757T Vol. 2. — Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher, Massinger, Ford, Webster, Minor Dramatists 758T Vol. 3. — Shirley, Davenant, Otway, Shadwell, Wycherley, Congreve, Van- burgh, Cibber, Cumberland, Cowley, &c 759T History of Europe during the Middle Ages, 4 vols. 1833-4 744-7T the Germanic Empire [Lardner's Cab. Cyclo]. 1834-5 ... 763-5T Dupr6 (Drs. E. and J., of Jersey). See Csesarea or Jersey, 1409H. Durell (E.). See Falle's Account of the Island of Jersey, 1407H. Durell Family of Jersey. See Caesarea or Jersey, 1409H. D'Urfey (Thomas). See Matthew's History of Music, 943D. Durham. See Jusserand's English Wayfaring Life, 1925R. Dutch., The. See Fisheries Literature [History of Dutch Sea Fisheries], 978K. Duty, with Illustrations of Courage, Patience, and Endurance, by Smiles 1476O Duval (M.), Artistic Anatomy, translated by Fenton, illus. 1884 ... 93 iK Dwarfs. See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, 873-4K. Dyaks. See Bunyon's Memoirs of McDougall, 44 and 45F. Dyes and Dyeing. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Dysentery. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Dyspepsia. See Bridger's Man and his Maladies, 939K. JCjAGLE's Nest, Lectures on the Relation of Natural Science to Art, by Ruskin. 1887 2040R Early Discipline, &c, by Wilderspin. 1832 , 331R Earth, Composition, Life, and Chemistry of the Earth, by Roscoe and others [Manchester Science Lectures], illustrated 28R See also Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H. Earthquakes and other Earth Movements, by Milne. 1886 395R See also Nature, v. 39, 2699J ; v. 40, 2700J ; v. 41, 2701J. Sunday at Home, v. 8, 2858J. Wonders of Nature and Art [The Phenomena and Causes of], 1329H. Eassie (William), Healthy and Unhealthy Houses in Town and Country [International Health Exhibition] 95iK East, The [Folk-Lore and Legends]. 1889 929T [1119] EAS GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. EDH East End, The, and the Poor, Pen and Pencil Sketches, by Mrs. Reaney. 1 888 1 997 R See also Contemporary Review, v. 54, 2064J. London, &c. East India Islands. See Maunders Treasury of History, 1856Z. Eastern Church, Lectures on its History, &c, by Stanley. 1861 ... 884 A Eastern Seas, Islands of the. See All the Year Round, v. 43, 1823J. Eastern Life and Scenery, by Mrs. Walker, 2 vols. 1886 866-7K [Asia Minor, Mytilene, Crete and Roumania.] Eastern Question. See Inagaki's Japan and the Pacific, 1436H. E. A. T. See Towle (Mrs. C). Ebbutt (Percy G.), Emigrant Life in Kansas. 1886 861K Ebrard (Dr. J. H. A.), Biblical Commentary on the Epistles of St. John, in continuation of the Work of Olshausen, with Appen- dix on the Catholic Epistles and an Introductory Essay on the Life and Writings of St. John 805 A The Gospel History, a Compendium of Critical Investigations in support of the Historical Character of the Four Gospels, translated by Martin 846A Ecclesiastes, Book of, and Commentary on, trans, by Ginsburg. ... 749A Ecclesiastical History, Institutes of, by Mosheim, translated by Murdoch and edited by Soames, 4 vols. 1845 896-9 A See also Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670-1F. Stanley's Eastern Church [Study of Ecclesiastical History], 884A. Eclipses. See Boys' Own Annual, v. 12, 2962J. Nature, v. 39, 2699J ; v. 41, 2701J. Edersheim (Rev. Alfred, d. 1889). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Edgar. For Saxon Kings of this name, see Lappenberg's England, 1518O. Edinburgh, Memorials of, in the Olden Time, by Wilson, ill. 1886 442II See also Green's Scottish Pictures, 313B. Reminiscences of a Boyhood, 472O. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Edinburgh Review : Vol. 169, 1889. — United States of America. Bryce's American Common- wealth. Royal Artillery. Books on China. Imperial Defence. Relief of the Destitute. India under the Marquis of Dufferin. France since the Revolution of 1789. French Preachers in the 13th Century. Sidney, Earl of Godolphin. Eruption of Kraka- toa, 1883. Literature and Language. Migrations of Plants. Frangois Rabelais. Lord Stratford de Redcliffe. Unionist Party. Wordsworth's " The Recluse," &c 529 J Vol. 170, 1889. — Books upon East Africa. French Conquest of Algeria. Ross's Apluia. Gardiner's Great Civil War. Reminiscences of the Duke of Coburg. Charles, second Earl Grey. Hamilton Manuscripts. Imperial Federation. Origin of Intellect. Mait- land of Lethington. The Normans and their Descendants. Railways of England. Recent Discoveries at Rome. Internal Economy of Russia. Savonarola, &c 530J Vol. 171, 1890. — Life of Lord John Russell. Report of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger. Wages of Labour. English in Egypt. Curzon's Russia in Central Asia. Democracy in Switzerland. Naval Supremacy and Naval Tactics. Conquest of Algeria. A Hanoverian Marriage. Lord Melbourne's Papers. Bury's Later Roman Empire. Henri de Rohan and the Huguenot Wars. Mr. Swinburne's Lyrics. Catholic Democracy in America. Velasquez. Talleyrand and Napoleon I. Con- federation or Independence, &c 531 J Edis (Robert W.), Healthy Furniture and Decoration [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 951K Edison (T. A.). See Harper's Monthly [Talks with], v. 80, 1660J. Manchester Science Lectures [and some of his Inventions], 2127R. Edmund. For Kings of this name, see Lappenberg's England, 1518O. [II20] EDU ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. ELE Education, Conference on [Health Exhibition Lit.], 4 vols. 1884. 963-6K Early, by Bainbrigge. 1881 333R from the Cradle [to Young Women], by Princess Mary Ouroussov, translated by Mrs. E. Fielding. 1890 241R Home [by Isaac Taylor]. 1851 332R Intellectual, and its Influence on the Character and Happiness of Women, by Emily Shirreff. 1858 1143F The New Code, edited by Gowing. 1890 1124F See also Adams' Swiss Confederation, 3H. Bryce's American Common- wealth, 517-9H. Bullock's Talks with the People, v. 1, 197Z. Capital and Labour, 1T15F. Century, v. 38, 1888J. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335 H. Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J. Nineteenth Century [and Examination], v. 25, 2235J. Playfair's Social Welfare [Primary and Technical], 336R. Twining's Technical Training, 1112F. Westminster Review [Elementary], v. 130, R.L. ; [Question], v. 132, R.L. Macmillan [of Children], v. 61, 991 J. Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Edward. For Saxon Kinqjs of this name see Lappenberg's England, 1518O. Edward the Confessor. See Good Words, v. 30, 2-200], &c. Edward III. See Freeman's Essays, 4T6H. Macaulay's Stories, 3044X. Edward IV. See L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital, 1535O. Edward VI. See Juvenile Plutarch, 1171Z. Palace and Hospital, 1535O. Edward.es (C), Rides and Studies in the Canary Islands, ill. 1888 1739R Edwards (E. Price), Our Seamarks, a Plain Account of the Light- houses, Lightships, Beacons, Buoys and Fog Signals on our Coasts, for the Guidance of Mariners, illustrated. 1884 1157M Edwards (H. S. ), The Prima Donna, her History and Surround- ings from the 17th to the 19th Century, 2 vols. 1888 : Vol. 1. — Cuzzoni, Mara, Catalini, Pasta, Sontag, Malibran, Grisi, Sophie Arnould, Lavinia Fenton, Anastasia Robinson, &c 678F Vol. 2. — Jenny Lind, Titiens, Patti, Albini, Schneider, Christine Nilsson, Pauline Lucca, Bosio, &c 679F See als» Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Edwards (M.), A Manual of Zoology, translated by Knox, edited by Blake. 1863 1869Z Eels and Elvers. See Murray's Magazine, v. 6, 1466J. Egbert. For Saxon Kings of this name, see Lappenberg's England, 1518O. Eggleston (E.), Household History of the United States and its People, illustrated. 1889 421H Eggs and Nests of British Birds, by Morris, coloured plates, 3 vols. 8 19-21 1" See also Adams' Smaller British Birds, 39D. Beeton's Household Manage- ment, 997M. Doyle's Poultry, 825 F. Smith's Foods, 380R. Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Management of], 958 D. Sylvia's Family Manage- ment [Choosing of], 177D, &c. Egypt and the Books of Moses illustrated by the Monuments of Egypt, by Hengstenberg, from the German of Robbins. 1845 883 A Egyptian Sketches, by Lynch, illustrated. 1890 875K Egyptians, Modern, Manners and Customs of, by Lane, ill. i860 959F See also Stanley's In Darkest Africa [and England], v. 1, 873K. Maunders Treasury of History, 1856Z. Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H. Eiffel Tower. See English Mechanic [Struck by Lightning], v. 50, 1050J. New Review, y. 1, 3351J, &c. Eight Hours' Question. See Contemporary, v. 57, 2067J. Nineteenth Century, v. 26, 2236J. Eighteenth Century Waifs, by Ashton. 1887 1951F El Dorado. See Manning's American Pictures, 311B. Eldon (Lord). See Lyndhurst (Lord), 696F. Electric Lighting. See Nineteenth Century [Dangers of], v. 27, 2237J. Our Home, 173D. Murray's Magazine [Present Position of], v. 7, 1467J. 53 [1121] ELE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. EMI Electricity [Aveling's Mechanics and Experimental Science]. 1889 558R [Deschanel's Natural Philosophy], illustrated. 1887 826D in the Service of Man, by Urbanitzky, illustrated. 1886 689D Magnetism and Meteorology, by Lardner [Cabinet Cyclo.]. 1841 701-2T See also Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0.}. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recrea- tions, 1255H. Knowledge [Clerk Maxwell's Theory of], v. 13 2593J. Elephants. Set Chambers', v. 66, 1966 T. Stanley's In Darkest Africa [at Mem- berri], v. i, 873K. Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Science Gossip [Pedigree of the], v. 20, 2421J. Wood's Dominion of Man, 2130R. Baker's Wild Beasts and their Ways, 837F. Eliot (George), Selections from the Works of. by Main. 1881 1156Z Elisha, Lectures on the History of, by Blunt. 1842 1321M Elixirs. See Smedley's Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Elizabeth College, Guernsey, a short Chronicle and List of Scholars from 1824. [1888] 1410H Statutes for the Government of 707D Elizabeth de Valois {Queen of Spain), and the Court of Philip II., by Freer, 2 vols. 1857 768-9O Elizabeth., Queen. See All the Year Round [and Sir F. Drake], v. 43, 1823J. Memoirs of Robert Cary [Favourites of], 175F. L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital, 1535O. Elizabeth. {Queen Consort 0/ Roumania). See Sylva (Carmen). Elizabeth. Woodville (Queen of Edward IV., d. 1498). See Strickland's Queens of England, 800O. Elk-Hunting in the Rocky Mountains. See Harper's Magazine, v. 77, 1657J, &c Ellenborongh (Edward Law, Lord), A Political Diary [1828-1830], edited by Lord Colchester, 2 vols. 1881 459-60II Ellicott (C. J.), D.D., A Critical and Grammatical Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Thessalonians. 1858 729A — Ephesians. 1859 728A — — — Philippians, Colossians and to Philemon, with a revised Translation. 1857 73°A — the Pastoral Epistles. 1861 73iA Destiny of the Creature and other Sermons. 1865 733A Historical Lectures on the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 1861 732A St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, with a Critical and Gram- matical Commentary and a revised Translation. 1863 7 2 7^ Ellis (James J.), John Williams, the Martyr Missionary of Polynesia 1493O Ellwood (Thomas). See Hurrd's Brave Confessors, 1440O. Eloquence, Vestibule of, Articles Oratorical and Poetical, by Thel- wall. 1810 1319H Elphinstone (Hon. Mountstuart). See Kaye's Indian Officers, 1453O. Elsmere (Robert). See London Quarterly, v. 70, 860J. Quarterly Review, v. 167, 1297J. Elze (Karl), LL.D., William Shakespeare, a Literary Biography .... 1492O Emanuel (IL), F.R.G.S., Diamonds and Precious Stones, their History, Value and Distinguishing Characteristics. 1867 .... 1163M Emblems and Monograms. See Marryat's Pottery, 936D. Embroidery. See Beeton's Needlework, 1143M. Woman's World [Hints on Modern Ecclesiastical], v. 2, 1889, R. L. Emerald. See Emanuel's Precious Stones, 1163M. Emerson (R. W.). See Quarterly Review [Cabot's Life of], v. 166, 1296J. Forster's Four Great Teachers, 936O. Emery Wheels. See English Mechanic [Mounting], v. 50, 1050D. "E. M. H.," Ranch Life in California. 1886 1882Z Emigrant Life in Kansas, by Ebbutt. 1886 861K Emigrants. See Biyce's American Commonwealth, 517-9H. Macmillan's Magazine [Gentlemen], v. 58, 988J. Westminster Review [Compul- sory Emigration], v. 130, R.L. White's Problems of a Great City [Emigration], 444H. [I 122] EMI ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. EG-Y Emin Pasha and the Rebellion at the Equator, by Mounteney-Jephson 879K Emin's Rescue, as told in Mr. Stanley's Letters, edited by Keltic 1890 1769R See aho Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1, 873K. Life of Barttelot, 1403F. Eminent Women Series, Browning (E. B.), by Ingram. 1869 825F Emotions. See Warner's Physical Expressions, 393R. Empire State. See Manning's American Pictures, 31 iB. Empirical Law. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R. Employers. See Capital and Labour, 1115F. Enchiridon, containing Institutions Divine and Moral, by Quarles... 1934R Encore Reciter, Humorous, Serious and Dramatic, edited by Steele, second series. 1889 ... 516D Encyclopaedia of Gardening, by Loudon 172D Endurance. See Smiles' Duty. 1476O. Engineer Studies, Vauban, Montalembert and Carnot, by Lloyd ... 594F Engineer's Handbook, a Practical Manual on Model Steam Engines, by Hasluck, illustrated. 1889 1162M England, History of, by Pinnock 230O from the Conclusion of the great War in 1815, by Spencer Walpole, 5 vols. 1878-1886 364-8H from the Ancient Britons to the Death of George II., by Mackintosh [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo.], 10 vols. 1830-9 703-liT in the Eighteenth Century [vols. 7 and 8], by Lecky. 1890.. i72Ha& i72Hb [James II. to William III.], 2 vols. 1889 1528-9O [Maunder's Treasury of History] 1856Z See aho Bryce's American Commonwealth [and America compared], 517-9H. Cobden's Political Speeches, 222R ; Speeches, 323 R. Contemporary Review, v. 56, 2066J ; [Origin of the English], v. 57, 2067J. Dilie's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Freeman's English Constitution, 438H. Probyn's Land Tenure, 248 R. Smiles' Huguenots, 1311M. Walpole's Life of Lord John Russell, 609-0F. Booth's In Darkest England, 1440H. Time [Population of], v. 12, 1512J. English and Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, by Dosworth. 1888 1317H French, a Comparison, by Hamerton. 1889 2036R Wits. See Leigh's Jeux d'Esprit, 143T. Art. See English Illustrated Magazine, v. 5, 1995J. Church, Life in the [1660-1714], by Overton. 1885 43F Coins and Tokens, by Jewitt, and Greek and Roman Coins, by Head [Young Collector's Series]. 1888 J 44R Constitution, Growth of the, from the Earliest Times, by Free- man. 1887 456H Dictionaries. See Gentleman's Magazine [some Curiosities of], v. 41, N.s., 761 J. Literature. See Macmillan [The Teaching of], V. 61, 991J. Merchants, by Fox Bourne, illustrated. 1886 1496O Parliament in its Transformations through a Thousand Years, by Gneist, translated by Shee. 1886 439H Poor, their Social and Economic History, by Mackay. 1889 ... 337R Silver Coins, issued since the Conquest, with their Values, by Henry, illustrated. 1882 1160M Surnames, by Lower, 2 vols. 1875 1921-2R • Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages [14th Century], by Jus- serand. 1889 1925R English. Channel. 6"^ Chambers' Journal [Crossing the], v. 50, 1951J. Good Words [Winter Gale in the], v. 5, 2175J. Once a Week [Depth of the], v. 19, 2279J. Temple Bar [Yacht Cruise in tie], v. 15, I345J- Engraving on Wood, Bewick and his Pupils, by Dobson. 1889 ... 14S4O Enigmas, Charades, Transpositions, &c. 1810 2071R Egypt. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. [1123] ENN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. EVE Enniskillen. Set Crookshank's Methodism in Ireland, 669-71A. Entomology. See Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J. Report of the Guernsey Natural Science Society, 2137R. Skuse's Crustacea, 143R. Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 2, 874K. Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Jephsoa's Emin Pasha, 879K. Eph.esi.ariS. See Epistles, Commentaries, New Testament, &c. Ephialtes. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 321T. "Epic" See Posnett's Literature, 394R. Epidemics. See Chambers' Journal [Past and Present], v. 66, 1966J. Epilepsy. See Bridger's Man and his Maladies, 939K. Epistles, Apostolic, a Literal Translation, by Macknight. 1832 .... 150D Pastoral, Commentary on, by Ellicott. 1861 73iA See also Alford's Greek Testament, 927-30A. Ellicott's Colossians, Philip- pians, &c, 730A. Stier's St. James [Commentaries on the], 761 A. Clarke's Theological Library, Commentaries, &c. Epistolary Parody, Old Friends, by Lang 2048R Epitaphs, Gleanings from God's Acre, by Briscoe. 1883 1861Z See also Camden's Britain, 2044R. Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Equality. See Runciman's Joints in our Social Armour, 2050R. Erasmus (Desiderius). See The Reformers, 1467O, &c. Ernest II. [Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), Memoirs of [1 8 18-1850]. 674-5F Erskine (Thomas, Lord), Speeches of, with a Memoir of his Life, by Walfurd. 1880 518D Eskimos, The. See Quiver [Christian Work among the], v. 32, 3302J. Essays and Lays of Ancient Rome, by Macaulay : 717-8M Moral and Humorous, also on Imagination and Taste, by Joseph Addison. 1839 , 2254X on Archreological Subjects, by Wright, 2 vols. 1861 912-3F Sanitary and Social, by Kingsley. 1889 1968R Speeches and Sermons, by Connop Thirlwall, edited by Perowne 517D toward a Critical Method, by Robertson. 1889 1956R See also Excelsior, 1926-30R, &c. Etchers' Handbook, by Hamerton. 1875 I167M Ethnology. -SY*; Excelsior, 1926-31R. Hickson's Celebes, 864K. Nature, v. 39, 2699J; v. 41, 2701J. Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 2, 874K, &c. Etiquette. See Peter's Girls' Own Out-door Book, 1256H. Time [Medical], v. 20, 1510J, &c, Eton. See Macmillan [Fifty Years Ago], v. 61, 991J. Etty t (William). See Hamerton's Portfolio Papers, 1168M, &c. Eugenie (Empress), or Court Life at the Tuileries, by Madame Carette 956F Eugenie de Guerin. See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Euphorion, being Studies of the Antique and the Mediaeval in the Renaissance, by Vernon Lee, 2 vols. 1884 945-6D Europe during the Middle Ages [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo.]. 1833.. 744-7T South, Normans in, by Barton. 1886 45$H See also Atlantic Monthly [the Reconstruction of], v. 65, 1555J. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Gentleman's Magazine [Europe in the Twenty-fourth Century], v. 41, n.s., 761J. Noble Traits of Kingly Men [European History], 1537O. Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H, &c. Euston Station. See Ackworth's Railways, 937D. Evangeline, a Poem. See Longfellow's Poetical Works, 1417M. Evans (Evan), 7k, Specimens of the Poetry of the Ancient Welsh Bards, with Notes 1331H "E. V. B.," Days and Hours in a Garden. 1890 30R Evelyn (John), F.R.S., Diary from 1641 to 1705-6, with Memoir, edited by Bray. 1890 459L .Everest (John). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [II24] EVE ENGLISH SFXTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. EXT Everett (J. D.), M.A., Tr. and Ed., Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy, by Deschanel, parts 2, 3 and 4, illus 825-7D Everitt (G.), Doctors and Doctors, some Curious Chapters in Medical History and Quackery. 1888 947K Every Boy's Annual for 1889, edited by Edmund Routledge, illus.... 1308H E very-day Difficulties, Dictionary of, in Reading, Writing and Speaking the English Language I 9 I 5P- Every-day Heroes during the Queen's Reign [1837-1888] [S.P.C.K.] 1455O Evidence. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391 R. Evidences of Christianity, by Lyttleton. 1824 24Z Evolution. See Cornhill, v. 86, 1416J. Lee's Dialogues, 1325H. Science of Thought, 585 H, &c. Ewald (Alex. Charles), F.S.A., Sir Robert Walpole, a Political Biography [1676- 1 745]. 1878 669F Examination a Failure. See Nineteenth Century, v. 25, 2235J. Time [Examin- tion Craze], v. 20, 1510J. Lankester's Advancement of Science [Exami- nations], 836F. Excelsior, Helps to Progress in Religion, Science and Literature, 6 vols. 1854-56 : Vol. 1. — The Mould and the Medallion. Life in its Lower Forms. Papers on t'ie Air and Sky. Sketches in Ornithology. My Brother's Keeper. On the Populations of the Russian Empire. Raleigh's History of the World, &c 1926R Vol. 2. — Ourselves. British Mining. Notes on Great Pictures. Homes, how to Make and how to Improve Them. Clouds. A Peep into our Naval Dockyards. Hume's England. The Funds. Notes on Norfolk. William Cowper, &c 1927R Vol. 3. — Hearts of Oak. Night Views from my Window. Lunar Scenery. Life in its Intermediate Forms. English Letter-writers. Times of Refreshing. Robins and their Songs. Scenes in Hispaniola. The Lion. British Mining, &c 1928R Vol. 4. — Geology. Notes on Norway. Scripture Zoology. Christian and Ecclesiastical Sacerdotalism. Bibliomania. Notes on Great Pic- tures. The Mediterranean in the Sixth Century, B.C. The Working Men of Europe, &c 1929R Vol. 5. — How to make a Fortune. The Witches' Dance on the Brocken. Devotional Writers. Life in its Higher Forms. Nature's Laws. Cape Town and Constantia. Meteoric Stones. The Oldest Christian Hymns. The Shipwreck of St. Paul, &c 1930R Vol. 6. — The Dull Watering-place. Pioneers and First-fruits. Lucifer- matches. The Eagle. The Hills. Divine Thoughts in the Facts of Creation. The Cloud. Mrs. Sherwood. Candles and Lamps. The Psalmist. The Mosque of Omar, &c I93-R Executive. See Bryce's American Commonwealth [and Legislative Departments, 517-9H. Exercises for Ladies to Preserve and Improve Beauty, by Walker... 1881Z See also Sylvia's Family Management [Food, and Gentle], 177D. Exeter. See Devonshire Exhibitions. See Gentleman's Magazine [The Irish Exhibition and Irish Manufactures], v. 265, 761J. Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Fisheries Exhibi- tion, Health Exhibition, &c. Existence, Natural Conditions of, by Semper 388R Exodus, Commentary on [Hebrew and English], by Kalisch. 1855. 932A Commentary upon, with a New Translation by Murphy. 1866.. 770A See also Robbin's Books of Moses, 883 A, &c. Exorcism. See Smedley's Occult Sciences, 1935R, & c - Explanation. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 391R, &c. Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, Great, by Verne, ill. 1881... 287F Expression. See Warner's Physical Expression [by a series of Movements and Trophic Actions], 303 R. Extract of Meat. See Smith's Foods, 380R, &c. Extradition. See Quarterly, v. 170, 1300J. [1125] EYE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. FAR Eye-onyx. See King's Decorative Stones, 1159M. Eyes. See Cassell's Family Magazine [My eyes are so bad], v. 15, 1365 J. War- ner's Physical Expression, 393 R. Bell's Woman in Health and Sick- ness, 946K. Sylvia's Family Management [Cataract of the], 177D, &c. Eyre (Kate). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Ezekiel and the Book of his Prophecy, an Exposition, by Fairbairn. 804A Book of, translated, with a Commentary, by Henderson. 1885.. 887 A Exposition of, with Observations by Greenhill [1650], revised by Sherman. 1864 148D Prophecies of, Elucidated, by Hengstenberg, translated by Murphy [Clark's Theological Library]. 1 869 798 A JyABER (George Stanley), A.M., Horse Mosaicce, or a View of the Mosaical Records, 2 vols. 1801 744-5A The Mysteries of the Cabiri, or the Great Gods of Phenicia, Samothrace, Egypt, Troas, Greece, Italy and Crete, being an attempt to deduce the several Orgies of Isis, Ceres, Mithras, Bacchus, Rhea, Adonis and Hecate, from a union of the Rites commemorative of the Deluge, with the Adora- tion of the Host of Heaven, 2 vols. 1803 742-3A The Many Mansions in the House of the Father, Spiritually Discussed and Practically Considered and a Memoir of the Author, by F. A. Faber. 1854 746A Fables of La Fontaine, translated from the French by Wright, edited by Gibbs. 1888 . 1412M Face, The. See Warner's Physical Expression, 393R. Face-aclie. See Sylvia's Family Management, 177D. Eacts. See Sidgwick's Fallacies, 3Q1R. Fairbairn (A. M.), D.D., and others, Bicentenary Lectures, a Historical Series delivered on the Occasion of the Bicentenary of the Revolution of 1688, under the direction of the Congre- gational Union of England and Wales. 1889 681A Fairbairn (Patrick), D.D., Ezekiel and the Book of his Prophecy, an Exposition [Clark's Foreign Theological Library]. 1855 804A Fairies. See Smedley's Occult Sciences, 1935R, &c. Faith. See Good Words [and Character], v. 30, 2200J. Gore's Lux Mundi, 937A. Quiver [Firmness of], v. 32, 3302J. Faith-Healing. See Sunday at Home, v. 37, 2887J. "Falcon" on the Baltic, a Coasting Voyage in a Three-ton Yacht, by Knight, illustrated. 1889 1746R Fall of the House of Usher and other Prose Writings of Poe. 1889 1936R Fallacies, a View of Logic, by Sidgwick. 1886 39-iR Falle (P.), Account of the Island of Jersey, with an Appendix of Records, &c, to which are added Notes by Durell. 1837 ... 1407H Falloux (Comte de). See Quarterly Review, v. 168, 1298J. Family Chests, Chapters from, by Walford, 2 vols. 1887 9*4"5F Fans. See Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L. Fanshawe (Lady). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Faraday as a Discoverer, by Tyndal. 1868 186F and 1438O Fares. See Ackworth's Railways, 937D. Farjeon (B. L.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Farming, Dairy Farming, by Roland. 1887 830F See also Cobden's Speeches, 323R. Murray's Magazine [and Rooks], v. 6, 1466J. Griffiths' Manures, 2120R. Roland's Grass Land, 826F. [1 126] FAR ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. FEV Farquhar (Barbara H. [a Labourer's Daughter]), The Pearl of Days [the Sabbath]. 1849 1052R Farquhar (G.). See Merydew's Love Letters, v. 1, 676F. Farrar (F. W.), D.D., Lives of the Fathers, Sketches of Church History in Biography, 2 vols. 1889 670-71F Farrer (J. A. ), Adam Smith [1723- 1790] [English Philosophers]. 1881 1231O Fascination. See Smedley's Occult Sciences, 1935R. Fashions. .SV., Coheleth, commonly called the Book of Ecclesiastes, with a Commentary, Historical and Critical 749 A Song of Songs, translated with a Commentary 75oA Ginx'S Baby [a Social Satire], by Jenkins 1865Z Gipsies, I've been a Gipsying, or Rambles among our Gipsies and their Children in their Tents and Vans, by Smith, ill. 1885 204 1 R Giraffe, The. See Wild Beasts and their Ways, 838F. Girling (Mary Ann). See Oxley's Modern Messiahs, &c, 1254M. Girls' Clubs for Working Girls, by Maude Stanley. 1890 2029R [II351 GIR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GOR Girls' Own Outdoor Book of Occupation and Recreation, edited by Peters, illustrated [R.T.S.] 1256II See also Cassell's Family Magazine [Physical Training for], v. 15, 2364J. Girls' Own Annual [Cricket Club], v. 10, 2560J ; [Studies oi], v. 4, 2554J ', [Tour in Brittany], v. 10, 2560J. Health Exhibition Literature [Physical Exercises for], 962 K. Girton. See Woman's World [Life at], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Gladstone (John, of Liverpool). See Fox Bourne's English Merchants, 1496O. Gladstone (W. E.)- See Contemporary Review [the Candour ofj, v. 56, 2066J. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Fortnightly Review [and the Civilised World], v. 52, 2142J. Life of Faraday, 186F. Lyndhurst, 696F. Macaulay's Essays, 1531O. Mial's Life of Richards, 424F. Quarterly Review, v. 166, 1296J. Walpole's Lord Russell, 610F. Williams' Leaves of a Life, 376-7F, &c. Gladstone (Mrs.), Healthy Nurseries and Bedrooms [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 951K Gladys [Rosetta R. Rowswell]. For various poems by this author, see the Guernsey Advertiser since April, 1888, and the Guernsey Magazine since 1889. Glasgow. See Greene's Scottish Pictures, 313B. Glass. See Harper [A Piece of], v. 79, 1659J. Wilkinson's On Colour, 948D, &c. Gleanings from God's Acre, being a Collection of Epitaphs. 1883 1861Z Gleanings from Old St. Paul's, by Simpson. 1889 197II Gloucester (Duke of). See L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital, T535O. Gloves. See Christian World Magazine, 258J. Woman's World [Old and New], v. 2, 1889, R.L., &c. Gluck (J. C, German Musical Composer, b. 1714, d. 1787). See Matthew's His- tory of Music, 943 D. Glue and Glueing. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Gnat, The. See Benison's Nature, 2109R. Insects, &c. Gneist (Dr. Rudolf), The English Parliament in its Transformations through a Thousand Years, translated by Shee. 1886 439^ Gnomon of the New Testament, by Bengel, translated by Badinel, &c. [Clark's Theological Library], 5 vols. 1857-8 821-5A Goa. See Brassey's Last Voyage, 862K, &c. Goat, The. See Lennep's Asia [Angora], 1847-8R. Wood's Dominion of Man, 2130R. Go-ban. See Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1255H. God, Philanthropy of God, by Hughes. 1890 1312M See also Tulloch's Philosophy, 724A. Goddard (Julia). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Godfrey (Mrs. G. W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Godolphin(Lord). See Quarterly Review, v. 166, 1298J. Godolphin (Mrs.). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Godwin (E. W.), F.S.A., Dress and its Relation to Health and Climate [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 960K Goethe. See Holloway's Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Quarterly Review [The Old Age of], v. 166, 1298J, &c. Gold. See Gentleman's Magazine [The Quest of], v. 42, N.s., 762J. Golden Legend, a Poem. See Longfellow's Poetical Works, 1417M. Goldsmid (E.), F.R.H.S., Un-natural History, or Myths of Ancient Science, 4 vols in 1. 1886 , 2011R Goldsmith. (Oliver). See Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1530O. Goldsmith (Richard). See Everyday Heroes, 1455O. Golf, by Hutchinson [Badminton Library], illustrated. 1890 H39M Goncharoff(Ivan A.). See Turner's Novelists of Russia, 1491O. Good Breeding. See Etiquette. Good Company. See Runciman's Joints in Our Social Armour, 2050R. Goodness. See New Review [The Evolution of], v. 2, 3352 J. Goods Traffic. See Ackworth's Railways, 937D. Goodwin (H.), M.A., Commentary on the Gospel of St. Matthew... 1270M Goodwin Sands [Gilmore's Life-Boat Work] 201 5R Gordon Boys' Home. See All the Year Round, v. 42, 1822J. [1 136] GOR ENGLISH SECTION. -GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. GRA Gordon (General!. Sec If acaulay's Stories, 3044X. Stanley's In Darkest Africa [and the Slave Trade], v. 1, 873K. London Quarterly [and Garibaldi], v. 70, 860J. Contemporary Review [Recollections of a Voyage with], v. 57, 2067J. Jephson's Emin Pasha, 879K. Gordon (Elizabeth, last Duchess of), Life and Letters of, by Stuart... 460P" Gordon (W. J.). See Fonblanque's How are we Governed, 1448O. Gore (Charles), M.A., Ed., Lux Mundi, a Series of Studies in the Religion of the Incarnation. 1890 937A G03pel History, by Ebrard, translated by Martin, edited by Bruce ... 846A Origin of the Four Gospels, by Tischdendorf, translated by Gage 1300M Women, Poems, by Macdonald. 1884 1872Z Gospels, Harmony of the, by Da Costa, translated by D. D. Scott... 889 A See also Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, &c. Gosse (Edmund), A History of Eighteenth Century Literature [1660-1780]. 1889...' 2073R Northern Studies. 1890 I937R Gosse (P. H.), F.R.S., Romance of Natural History, illus. 1861... 824F Gothenburg. See Wood's Under Northern Skies, 1766R. Gotthelf (Jeremiah). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Gotthold'S Emblems, or Invisible Things understood by Things that are made, by Scrivener, translated by Menzies. 1863... 1302M Gould (S. Baring). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Gout- See Bridger's Man and his Maladies, 939K. Sylvia's Family Manage- ment [Plumbers, Rheumatic Gout], 177D. Governess, The. See Murray's Magazine, v. 5, 1465J, &c. Government, How we are Governed, by Fonblanque, revised by Gordon. 1889 1448O See also London Quarterly [Local], v. 71, 861J. Whale's London, 327R. Nineteenth Century [and the Tithes], v. 27, 2237J, &c. Gowing (L. F.), Five Thousand Miles in a Sledge, a Midwinter Journey across Siberia. 1889 I7/6R Gowing (Richard), The New Code of Regulations of the Education Department. 1 890 1 124F Goya. See Hamerton's Portfolio Papers, 1168M. Gracchi, The See Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682F. Grace Darling. See Everyday Heroes, 1455O. Leisure Hour, v. 32, 2642J, &c. Graham (Sir James, Statesman, b. 1792, d. 1861). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609-10F. Grail. See Holy Grail. Grammar, English, including the Principles of Grammatical Analysis, by Mason. 1876 , I953R Grammont (Count de), Memoirs of the, containing the History of the English Court under Charles II., by Hamilton, translated with notes by Walpole 456F Granite. See Science Gossip [Xotes on], v. 23, 2423 J. Grant (Tames), Constable of France and other Military Historiettes. 928X Granville (J. M.), M.D., Ed., Care and Cure of the Insane, Reports of the Lancet Commission [1875-67], republished by permis- sion, 2 vols. 1877 948-9K Granville (Mary). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Graphophone, The. See English Mechanic, v. 50, 1050D. Grass Land, Management of, by Roland. 1887 825F Grass of Parnassus, Rhymes Old and New, by Lang. 188S 1889Z Grattan (Henry). See Westminster Review, v. 130, R.L. Grave-Stones, Christian, Remarks on, with drawings by Carter ... 956D Gravel-Pit. See Kingsley's Lectures [Thoughts in a], 1909R. Gray (John). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. 54 [1137] GRA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. GRI Gray (P.), and Woodward (B. B.), Sea-Weeds, Shells, and Fossils [Young Collector's Series]. 1890 142R Great Artists. See Illustrated Biographies of Great Artists. Great Bear, Constellation of the. See Proctor's Easy Star Lessons [its History, Composition, Motion, &c, p. 189], 450R. Great Britain. See Harper's Monthly [The Standing Army of], v. 80, 1660J. Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century, by Verne, illus. 1881. 287F Great Minds in Art, with an Introduction on Art and Artists, by Tirebuck, with portraits. 1888 551O Great Thoughts from Master Minds, 13 vols., illustrated 1884-90.. .390-99D Greater Britain, a Record of Travel in English-speaking Countries during 1866 and 1867, by Dilke. 1869 1567R — Problems of, by Dilke, with maps, 2 vols. 1890 334-5 1 1 Greece, a History of [from the Pelagians to the reduction of Greece to a Roman Colony], by Thirlwall, 8 vols. 1835-46 734-41T See a-'so Tovey's Wine Countries [Wines of], 2125R. Fortnightly [A Glance at Contemporary Greece], v. 53, 2143J. Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament, by Robinson, revised by Negris and Duncan [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.] 762 A — to the New Testament, by Parkhurst and others. 1851 881 A Roman Coins, by Head. 1888 144R Fairy Tales [Kingsley's Heroes] 1962R Heroines, Lives of the, by Menzies. 1880 3 2 3T Statesmen, Lives of the, by Cox. 1885 : Vol. 1.— Solon — Themistokles 320T Vol. 2.— Ephialtes — Hermokrates 321T Testament, by Alford, vols. 2-4. 1855 .....927-30A Greeks and Romans, Arts, Manners, &c. [Lard. Cab. Cyclo.]. 1835 731-2T Green, the Colour. See Colourman's Guide, 1071M. Wilkinson's On Colour, 948D. Green (Evelyn Everett). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Green (S. G.), D.D., Scottish Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil [R.T.S.] 313B Greenbacks. See Bryce's American Commonwealth, 518H. Greene (W. T.), M.A., Birds I have kept in Years gone by, with Original Anecdotes and full directions for keeping them successfully, coloured plates. 18S5 2134R Greenhill (William, Rector of Stepney, d. 1671), M.A., An Exposi- tion of the Prophet Ezekiel, with useful Observations there- upon. 1864 148D Greenwich, the Palace and the Hospital, or Chronicles of Green- wich, by L'Estrange, 2 vols. 1886 1 535 60 Gregory (St.). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670-1F. Matthew's History of Music, 943D, &c. Grellet (Stephen). See Sunday at Home, v. 13, 2863J. Gresnam Family of London. See Fox Bourne's English Merchants, 14960, &c. Greswell (W.P), M. A., History of the Dominion of Canada. 1890 1539O Gretton (F. E.), B.D., Memory's Harkback through Half-a- Century [1808-1858] 18S9 589F Grey (Lady Jane). See Juvenile Plutarch, 1171Z. Adams' Remarkable Women, 393 F. Grey (Lord, second Earl). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609 F, Sec. Griffin (G. \V.), New Zealand, her Commerce and Resources. 1884 4S.1H Griffin (H. Hewitt), Cycles and Cycling, with a Chapter for Ladies, by Miss L. C. Davidson [All England Series]. 1890 902T Griffiths (A. B.), F.R.S.E., Manures and their Uses, a Handbook for Farmers and Students. 1889 2120R GRI ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. GUI Grindrod (R. B.), M.D., Malvern, its Claim? as a Health Resort, and an Exposition of the Physiological Influence of Com- pressed Air . 937K Grottoes. See Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H, &c. Group of Englishmen [1790 to 1815], being Records of the Younger Wedgwoods and their Friends, embracing a History of the Discovery of Photography by Meteyard. 1871 42F Grouse. See Cornhill [and Ptarmigan], v. 60, 340J. Watson's Sylvan Folk [Grouse Disease], 2112R, && Grove (Archibald), Ed. See New Review, from vol. 1, 3351— J. Groves (Captain), Military Life, &c 1442H Guard, Old, by Headley 1924Z Guardians of the Poor. See Whale's Illustrated London, 327R, &c. Guernse3 r Society of Natural Science and Local Research, Report and Transactions for 1889. 1893 2137R Report and Transactions [1882-1888]. 1889 2012R See also Darley Dale's Black Donkey, or the Guernsey Boys, 2403X. Forest of Vazon, 3046X. Good Words, v. 31, 2201J. Hawtrey's Castle Cornet, 14990. Leisure Hour [Vraic cutting in], v. 35, 2645J. Macaulay's Wonderful Stories [Escape of Prisoners from Castle Cornet], 2380X. Metcalfe's Channel Islands, 1435H. Report of the Guernsey Society of Natural Science [Meteorological Observations for 1889], 2137R. Science Gossip [A Botanical Ramble round], v. 20, 242TJ ; [Flora of, by E. D. Marquand], v. 26, 2425J. Thomson's Health Resorts, 933K.. Fisheries Exhibition Literature Analytical Index [celebrated for its Red Mullet, &c], 983K. Mills' Colonial Constitutions [Government Orders in Council. &c], 1437H. Scott's Blossom-land [Carnation Island], &c, 1772R. Atlantic Monthly [Sir Peter Osborne, Governor of Guernsey, 1622-46], v. 65, 1855J. Guernsey Magazine, a Monthly Illustrated Journal, edited by F. J. Clarke : Vol. 17, 1889. — Biography— Mr. George Allez. Miss Sophia Carey. Mr. Rawlings. Dumaresq. Mr. James Gliddon. Captain O. de B. Priaulx. Mrs. de Vic Tupper. Miscellaneous — Account of a Great Storm in Guernsey. Books, Libraries and Self Educa- tion. By-and-Bye. Court of Chief Pieas. Cross of Heather. Death of the Lieutenant Governor. The First Astronomers. Farming in the Channel Islands. Gone Before. Guernsey Population in 1801. Jurat's Oath. Mount Orgueil Castle, Jersey. Opening of the Guille-Alles Library Extension. Rocks of Alderney and the Casquets. Spring. States of Guernsey. Summer. Three Weeks in the Channel Islands. Town Church Organ. The Weather and its Changes. Winter. Work at the Post Office, &c 2397J Vol. 18, 1890. — Biography — Mrs. Le Marchant. Mr. William Le Masurier. Mrs. Henry Tupper. Miss MacCulloch. General George De Sausmarez. Miscellaneous — On the Sark Cliffs. From a Martello Tower. The Siege of Sark. Cider and Perry in the Channel Islands. A Vanished Industry [the Silver Mines of Little Sark]. The Channel Passage, Past, Present and Prospective. The Hanois Lighthouse. Elizabeth Col- lege. Our Roofs. Alderney Wrecks and Wreckers. Flora of Guernsey. The Candie Library. Shorthand and its Advan- tages. Wace, a Jersey Poet of the Twelfth Century. The "Holy" Island. The Casket Lights. A Reminiscence of Jersey, September, 1889. A Visit to Jethou. Original Letters on the Early History of Guernsey. The Channel Islands. Herm. A Day and a Night at Sark, June 24th and 25th, 1890. A Year's Training with the Royal Guernsey Militia Artillery, &c. -35SJ Guignet (A.). See Hamerton's Portfolio Papers, 116SM. Guinness (Mrs. H. Grattan), The New World of Central Africa, with a History of the first Christian Mission on the Congo.... S76K [1 139] GUI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HAM Guitar, The. Sec Girls' Own Annual [How to Play the], v. 2, 2552J. Gun. Sec Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [How to Manage a Gun], 958D. Gunpowder. Sec Manchester Science Lectures [Modern History of], 2127R. Gunter (A. C.). Sec Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Gurney Family of London [Fox Bourne's English Merchants] 1496O GuStafson (Axel and Zadel Barnes), The Foundation of Death, a Study of the Drink Question. 1888 1122F Gymnasiums. Sec Boys' Own Annual [Rev. J. G. Wood as a Gymnast], v. it, 2961J. Walker's Exercises for Ladies, 1881Z. Woman's World [for Girls], v. 2, 1S89, R.L. Health Education Literature [Gymnastics and other Physical Exercises], 963K. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1255H, &c. a __,AAHLEM. See Lovett's Pictures from Holland, 335B. Hiiekel (Professor). See Biichner's Man, 1332H. Haekwood (R. W.). Sec Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099^ Haddock, The. See Jardine's Naturalists' Library, 680Q. Fishes, &c. Hail. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Hairdressing. See Lady's World, 1887, R.L. Hake (Thomas St. E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Half a Century of Music in England [1837- 1887], Essays towards a History, by Hueffer. 1889 944D Hall. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Hall (A.). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Hall (Newman). LL.E. See Quiver [An Interview with], v. 32, 3302J. Ham. Sec Sylvia's Family Management, 177D. Hamer ton (Philip Gilbert, Artist and Art Writer, b. 1834), French and English, a Comparison. 1889 2036R Portfolio Papers [Essays on Art, Biographies of Artists, &c] ... 1168M Biographies.— Constable, 1873. Etty, 1875. Chintreuil, 1874. Guignet, 1874. Goya, 1S79. Essays. — Style, 1881. Soul and Matter in the Fine Arts, 1884. Nature of the Fine Arts, 1885. Can Science help Art? 1870. Notes on ^Esthetics, Conversations, Etching, &c. Round My House, Notes of Rural Life in France in Peace and War. 1876 1166M The Intellectual Life. 1887 I957R Hamilton {A., Statesman, b. 1757, d. 1804), by Lodge [American Statesmen]. 18S6 1705O See also Bryce's American Commonwealth, 517-8H. Hamilton (Count Anthony), Memoirs of the Count de Grammont, containing the History of the English Court under Charles II. , translated with Notes by Walpole 456F Hamilton (A. H. A.), Quarter Sessions from Queen Elizabeth to Queen Anne, Illustrations of Local Government and History, drawn from Original Records. 1 878 4S3H Hamilton (Patrick, Scotch Reformer, b. 1503, d. 1527). See The Reformers, 1467O. Hamilton (Edward), F.L.S., Riverside Naturalist, Notes on the Various forms of Life met with either in, or by, the Water, or in its Immediate Vicinity, illustrated. 1890 839F Hamilton (Sir W. R.). See Quarterly, v. 170, 1300J. Knight's Wordsworth, 297-gF. Hamlet. See Harper [a Century of], v. 79, 1659J. Hammocks. Sec Hutchison's Indoor Gaines and Recreation, 1255H. Hampstead Hill. See Cornhill, v. 60, 340J, &c. [1140] HAN ENGLISH SECTION. -GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. HEA Haildel (George F). See Temple Bar, v. 86, r4i6J. Matthew's History' of Music, 943D, &c. Handicrafts. Home Handicrafts, by Peters, illustrated 952D See also Health Exhibition Literature, 964 K. Hangings. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Hansa Towns, by Ziramern. 1889 1554O [Liibeck, Bergen, Bruges, Hamburg, Livonia, &c] Happiness. Promotion of General Happiness, by Macmillan. 1890 230R See also Spencer's Social Statics, 586H. Parry's Ministry of Fine Art, 957D. Hardinge-Giffard (Sir [Lord Halsbury]). See Williams' Leaves of a' Life, 376-7F. Hardy (Thomas, Novelist, b. 1840 ). See Contemporary Review, v. 56, 2of6J. Hare (A. J. C.), Cities of Northern and Central Italy, ill., 3 vols. ...16S4-6R Southern Italy and Sicily, illustrated. 18S3 1683R Hare (A. W., Theologian, b. 1792, d. 1834) and Hare (J. C). See Knight's Life of Wordsworth, v. 2 and 3, 298-9 F, &c. Harless (Dr. G. Chr. Adolph von, German Scholar, b. iSo5), Sys- tem of Christian Ethics, translated by Morrison. 1S6S S03A Harness. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Management of]> 958D. Harp, The. See Matthew's History of Music, 943D, &c. Harris (Thomas Lake). See Oxley's Modern Messiahs, &c, 1254M, Szc. Harrison (Jane E.), Ed., Manual of Ancient Sculpture, by Paris 910F Harrogate. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938 K. Hart (H. C). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J, &c. Hartlepools, The. See Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom, 713H. Harwood (J. Berwick). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hastings. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 933K. Hastings (Warren). See Macaulay's Essays, 1531O. Hatch (E., Classical Scholar, b. 1835, <*• 1889), M.A., Organization of the Early Christian Churches [Bampton Lectures, 18S0]... 705A Memorials of, edited by his brother. 1890 481O Hatton (Kit). See Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L. Hauser (Kasper). See Quarterly Review, v. 166, 1296 J. Haveloek (Sir H.), Life of, by Forbes [Eng. Men of Action]. 1890 1470O Havergal (Frances Ridley). See London Quarterly [Autobiography of], v. 69, 859J. Havernick (H. A. Ch.), A General Historico-Critical Introduction to the Old Testament, translated by Alexander. 1852 794 A An Historico-Critical Introduction to the Pentateuch, translated by Thomson [Clark's Theological Library]. 1850 793^ Hawkins Family, of Plymouth. See Fox Bourne's English Merchants, 1456O. Hawkins (Mr. justice). See Williams' Leaves of a Life, 375-7F. Hawkwood (Sir John, English Soldier of Fortune, d. 1394). See London Quarterly, v. 73, 863J, &c. Hay-fever. See Chambers' Edinburgh Journal, v. 66, 1966J, &c. Haydon (B. R.), Lectures on Painting and Design. 1844 949"D See also Knight's Life of Wordsworth, v. 1 and 3, 297 and 299F, &c. Hazlitt (W. Carew), Schools, School Books and Schoolmasters, a Contribution to the History of Educational Development in Great Britain. 1888 , , 209R Headache. See Sylvia's Family Management, 177D. Head Dressing. See Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L. Hairdressing, &c. Head (B. V.), M.R.A.S., Greek and Roman Coins. 1SS8 144R Headley (J. T.), The Old Guard, illustrated 1924Z Health and Sickness, Woman in, by Bell. 1889 946K Health Exhibition Literature, 19 vols, illustrated. 1SS4 : Health in the Dwelling. Vol. r. — Handbooks — Health in the Village. Healthy Nurseries and Bed- rooms. Healthy and Unhealthy Houses in Town and Country. Healthy Furniture and Decoration. Healthy Schools. Health in the Workshop. Ventilation, Warming, and Lighting for Domestic Use 951K [II41] HEA GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HEA Health Exhibition Literature — (continued.') Vol. 2. — Conferences — Mansion House Council on the Dwellings of the Poor. Royal Institute of British Architects. Social Science Association 952K Vol. 3.— Lectures— Anglo-Saxon Houses. Health}' Houses. Healthy Town and Country Houses. Foul Air in Houses. Ventilation in Connection with Warming and Lighting. Healthy Furni- ture. Domestic Use of Gas. Health in the Workshop. Smoke Abatement 9S3K Health in Diet. Vol. 4. — Handbooks— Physiology of Digestion and the Digestive Organs. Diet in Relation to Health and Work. On the Principles of Cooking. Food and Cookery for Infants and Invalids. Water and AVater Supplies, and Unfermented Beverages. Salt and other Condiments. Alcoholic Drinks 954-K Vol. 5. — Conferences — Central Chamber of Agriculture. Institute of Chemistry. British Bee-keeper's Association 935K. Vol. 6. — Lectures— Digestive Ferments and Chemical Processes of Di- gestion. Rearing of Hand-fed Infants. Practical Dietetics. Chemistry of Bread-Making. Science of Cookery. Pure Milk. The English Dairy. The Danish Dairy. Dairy Management. Esthetic use of Wine 956K Health in Relation to Civic Life. Vol. 7.— Handbooks— " Our Duty" in Relation to Health. Infectious Disease and its Prevention. Accidental Injuries : their Relief and Immediate Treatment. How to Prevent Accidents becoming more Serious. Cleansing Streets and Ways in the Metropolis and Large Cities. Fires and Fire Brigades. Legal Obligations in Respect to Dwellings of the Poor. Schools of Art : Their Origin, History, Work and Influence 957K Vol. 8.— Conferences— Society of Medical Officers of Health. Sanitary Institute of Great Britain. Parkes' Museum of Hygiene. St. John's Ambulance Association Society of Arts 95$K Vol. 9. — Lectures— Anglo-Saxon Dress and Food. Health, Work and Play in Village Life. Recreation. Ambulance Organisation in War and Peace. Street Accidents and their Amelioration. Prevention of Cholera. History and Results of a Dispensary for Sick Children threatened with Chronic Disease. Our Domestic Poisons. Thrift in its Relation to Health, or the Right Use of Refuse 959K General Hygiene. Vol. 10. — Handbooks — Athletics, or Physical Exercise and Recreation. Dress and its Relation to Heal'.h and Climate. Fermentation. Public Health. Laboratory Work. London Water Supply. . . . 960K Vol. 11. — Conferences — Medical Society of London and National Health Society. Royal Meteorological Society. Association for" the Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. Society of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians. Epid emiological Society of London. g6iK Vol. 12. — Lectures — Parasites of Meat and Food. Candles. Soap. His- tory of English Dress. Children's Dress. Textiles Generally. Physical Exercises for Girls. Old and Modern Poison Lore 962K Conference on Education. Vol. 13. — Section A : Organisatio7i of Elementary Education, &c. — Con- ditions ofHealthy Education. Infant Training and Teaching. Organisation of Elementary Education. Inspection and Ex- amination of Schools. Gymnastic and oiher Physical Exercises. Teaching of Music in Schools 963K. [1142] HEA ENGLISH SECTION.- GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. HEN Health Exhibition Literature — (continued.) Vol. 14. — Section B : Technical Training, &c. — Manual Training Schools. On the Teaching of Natural Science as a Part of the Ordinary- School Course. Practical Cooking in Elementary Schools. Teaching of Drawing and Colouring. Teaching of Agriculture. School Farms and Farm Schools. School Museums. Thrift in Schools. School Savings Banks 964K Vol. 15. — Section C: Organisation of University Education— "London Uni- versity. Teaching Considered from the Modern Side. On Science Teaching in Laboratories. Teaching of History. On Theological Teaching in a University. Notes on Higher Educa- tion in France. Duties of the Universities towards our Indian Empire. University Education of Women 965K Vol. 16. — Section D : Training of Teachers, &C. — Training of Teachers for Public Elementary Schools. Professorships and Lectureships on Education. The Scotch Training Colleges. Free Education University Extension Movement. On the Curriculum of a Modern School. _ On Numbers in a Class. Times of Work and Rest. Comparative Advantages of Boarding and Day Schools. . 966K Miscellaneous. Vol. 17. — Papers on Japan, &>c. — Special Catalogue of the Education Divi- sion. Catalogue of Manufactures, Decorations and Designs. Catalogue with Explanatory Notes of the Exhibits from the Department of Education. Empire of Japan. General Outlines of Education in Japan 967K Vol. 19. — Papers on China, &»c. — Official Guide. Guide to the Sanitary and Insanitary Houses. Handbook to the Aquarium and Fish Culture Department. China. Public Health in China. Na- tional Education in China. Diet, Dress, and Dwellings of tli2 Chinese in Relation to Health 969K Health, Ministry of, and other Addresses, by Richardson. 1877 9S4K Public Laws concerning the, edited by R. and H. Smith. 1883 942H Resorts of Britain and how to Profit by them, by Thomson 938K in Austria and the Bitter Waters of Hungary, by Rae. 1888 940K Work and Play, Suggestions, by Acland. 1856 1844Z See also Bridger's Man and his Maladies, 939K. Gardner's Sanitary Science, 941 K. Playfair's Social Welfare, 336R. Blyth's Diet in Relation to Health and Work, 954 K, &c. Heart Diseases. See Bridger's Man and his Maladies, 939K. Sylvia's Family Management [Palpitation of the], 177D. Heat. See Sylvia's Family Ma-iagament [Clothing, &c], 177D. Heath (F. G.), Tree Gossip. 1885 2146R Heathenism. See Kurtz's Church Historv, 705A. Heatley (G. S.), M.R.C.S., Practical Veterinary Remedies, a useful Hand-book on Medicine for Animals. 18S5 985K Hebrides, Our Journey to the, by Joseph Pennell and Elizabeth R. Pennell. 1890 I774R See also Harper's New Monthly Magazine, v. 77, 1657J. Longman [Cruise among the], v. 14, 904J, &c. Hebron. See Manning's Palestine, 337B. Hector (Berlioz). See Atlantic Monthly, v. 63, 1553J. Helene. See Menzies' Greek Heroines, 323T. Heligoland- See Quiver [Sunday under the Shadow of] v. 32, 3302J. Guernsey Magazine, v. 18, 239SJ. Henderson (E.), D.D., Book of Isaiah, translated with a Com- mentary and a Dissertation on the Life of the Prophet. 1857 885 A Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, with a Commentary, Critical, Philological and Exegetical. 1855 8S7A Jeremiah and that of Lamentations, translated with a Commentary. 1S51 886A [1 143] HEN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HEY Henderson (E.), Tr. t Twelve Minor Prophets, with a Commentary 888 A Hengist (SaxOH Chief, d. 488). See Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 75O, &c HengStenberg (E. W.), Chnstology of the Old Testament and a Commentary on the Messianic Predictions, trans, by Meyer 799-802A Commentary on the Gospel of St. John, translated, 2 vols. 1865 796-7A Dissertations on the Genuineness of ihe Pentateuch, translated - by Ryland [Clark's Foreign Theological Lib.], 2 vols. 1847 787-8A Daniel and the Integrity of Zechariah, translated by Pratten, and a Dissertation on the History and Prophecies 795 A The Prophecies of the Prophet Ezekiel elucidated, translated by Murphy [Clark's Theological Library]. 1848 798A 7k, Egypt and the Book of Moses, by Robbins. 1845 883 A Henry IV. {King of France and Navarre), Reign of, by Freer 81-2O Henry V. {King- of England, b. 1388, d. 1422). Sec L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital, 1535O, &c. Henry VI. See L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital, 1535O. Henry VII., by Gairdner [Twelve English Statesmen]. 1889 1394O See also L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital 1535O. Henry VIII. See L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital, 1535O. Henry of Guise. See Eaird's Huguenots and Henry of IS'avarre, 414-5H. Henslow (Prof. G.). See Wallace's Darwinism, 2121R. Henslow (J. S.), F.L.S., Principles of Descriptive and Physio- logical Botany [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], illus. 1835 769T Her Majesty's Prisons, their Effects and Defects, by one who has tried Them. 1S83 _ 455O Heraldry, Manual of, being a concise Description, of the several Terms used, and containing a Dictionary of every Designation in the Science, illustrated 1 927Z See also Girls' Own Annual [Historically and Practically considered], v. 8, 2558J. Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J, &c. Heredity. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Lankester's Advancement of Science [A Theory of], 836F, &c. Heresies. .SV v. 85, 1415J, &c. Hobbes (T.), A Brief of the Art of Rhetorick, containing in Sub- stance all that Aristotle hath Written on that Subject. 1883 115SH Hocking (S. K.), F.R.H.S., Social Models, Addresses on Social Themes. 1889 1887Z Hock (Dr. P. P.), Oyster Culture [Fisheries Exhibition]. 1884 980K Hodder (Edwin), Sir George Burns, Bart., his Times and Friends 395F Hoffman (Professor), Magic [ Every Boy's Annual]. 1889 1308H The Young Wizard [Boys' Own Annual, v. 8] 2 958J Tricks with Cards, a Complete Manual of Card Conjuring, ill... 2030R Hogarth (William). See Every Boy's Annual, 1888, 1307H. Hog*g (James), Memorials of, edited by his Daughter 692F Holdsworth (E. W. H.), F.L.S., Apparatus for Fishing [Fisheries Exhibition]. 1884 9/oK Holidays, Our Summer. See Peters' Girls Own Out-door Book, 1256H. Holker (Sir John). Sec Williams' Leaves of a Life, 376-7 F. Holland, Pictures from, drawn with Pen and Pencil. 1887 335B See also Blackwood, v. 146, 2i5J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [Artist Strolls in], v. 69, 1649J. Macmillan, v. 60, 990J. Probyn's Land Tenure, 248R, &c. Holland (John), Treatise on the Progressive Improvement and Present State of the Manufactures in Metal, 2 vols, ill. 1831-4. 722-4T Holland (Lord). See Macaulay's Essays, 1531O. Holmes (P.), D.D. See Ante-Nicene Library, 367 and 379 A. Holt (Joseph). See Time, v. 20, 1510J, &c. Holy Grail, Studies of the Legend, by Nutt. 1888 1324H See also Gentleman's Magazine, v. 42, n.s., 762J. Holy Land. Sec Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329 H. Holy Spirit, The. See Gore's Lux Mundi [and Inspiration], 937A. Home Handicrafts, by Peters, illustrated 952D Our Homes, and how to make them Healthy, edited by S. F. Murphy, illustrated. 1885 173D Sec also Girls' Own Annual [Domestic ways since the Time of Henry VIII.], v. 8, 2558J. Lady's World [Artistic], 1887, R.L. Murray's Magazine [Home Rule in the Nursery], v. 5, 1465J. Sylvia's Family Management [Active Duties of], 177 D, &c. Homfray (Alfred). Sec Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Honey. See Health Exhibition Literature, 955K. Hong-Kong. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H, &c. Honour. See Lee's Dialogues, T325H, &c. ["451 HOO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HOW Hood (E. P.)) World of Anecdote, an Accumulation of Facts, Inci- dents and Illustrations, Historical and Biographical. 1870 979R Hood (Thomas). See Dawson's Makers of Modem English, 458 F. Hooper (G.), Wellington [English Men of Action]. 18S9 1468O Hope, Lessons of, Readings from the works of F. D. Maurice, selected by J. L. Davies. 1889 1320M Hope (Ascott R. ), Stories of the Wild West [Every Boy's Annual] 1308II Hope(F. T. L.). See Fiction Class List following the Gene'ral Catalogue. Hopkins (John Baker). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hopkins (Tighe). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hopkinson (Arabella). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Hops. See English Illustrated Magazine [and Hop-Picking], v. 4, 1994J. Horae Mosaics, or a View of the Mosaical Records, by Faber, 2 vols. 744- 5 A Horder (W. Garrett), The Poet's Bible, 2 vols. 1889 1313-4M [Old Testament, 1313M. New Testament, 1314M]. The Hymn Lover, an Account of the Rise and Growth of English Harmony. 1S89 2027R Home (John), F.G.S.,and Peach (Benjamin N.), F.G.S., Chapters on the Geology of the Orkneys and Shetland 46 iH Hornibrook (Emma E.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Horns. See Knowledge [and Antlers], v. 13, 2593J. Horrida Bella, an Impeachment of the War System. 1889 1884Z Horsa. See Miller's Anglo-Saxons, 75O. Horse and Man, their Mutual Dependence and Duties, by Wood, ill. 2131R Horse Doctor, by Mayhew, illustrated. 1888 855D Horses. See Cassell's Family Magazine [Our Friends the], v. 15, 2564J; Cham- bers' [Montague's Recollections of an Equestrian Manager] v. 57, !957j' Wood's Dominion of Man, 2130R. Atlantic Monthly [Cart Horses], v. 65, 1555 J. Time [of the Pampas], v. 12, T512J. Encyclo- paedia of Domestic Economy [Various breeds of], 174D. Horseback, Women on. See Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L. Hortus Indusus, Messages from the Wood to the Garden, by Ruskin. 1887..... 2008O Hosmer (J. K.), Samuel Adams [American Statesmen]. 1886 1702O Hospitals. See Girls' Own Annual [and the Benefits they Confer], v. 8, 2558J. Hosts and Guests. See Longman, v. 15, 905J. Houghton (W.)« F.L.S., Natural History and Cultivation of the Sole [Fisheries Literature]. 1884 980K Hours with the Mystics, a Contribution to the History of Religious Opinion, by Vaughan, 2 vols. 1879.., 509-10M House-flies. See Knowledge [and Bluebottles], v. 13, 2593J. Housekeeping. See Girls' Own Annual [How I keep House on .£250 a Year], v. 6, 2556J. Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling [Housekeeper's Room], 940M. Houses, Healthy and Unhealthy Houses in Town and Country, by Eassie. 1884 951K Choice of a Dwelling, by Wheeler. 1872 940M See also Eassie's Healthy and Unhealthy Houses in Town and Country, 951K. Health Exhibition Literature, 951-3K. Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Construction of], 958D. Our Home [Daily Cleaning of the], 173D. Sylvia's Family Management [Points to Notice in], 177D. Housewifery. See Cassell's Family Magazine [School of], v. 15, 1365J' House of Commons. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Lords. See Quarterly Review [Speeches in], v. 167, 1297J. Houses. See Gardner's Sanitary Science, 941K. Nineteenth Century [Old Country], v. 26, 2236J, &c. How I spent my Twentieth Year, a Tour round the World, 1886-87, by the Marchioness of Stafford, illustrated. 1889 1752K How Men Propose, the Fateful Question and its Answer, collected by A. Stevens. 1890 2014R [1 146] HOW ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. HUT How to Catalogue a Library, by "Wheatley. 1 889 1 903Z How to Help, Pen and Pencil Sketches of the East End, by Mrs. Reaney. 1888 1997R Howard (Edward), Rattlin the Reefer, edited by Capt. F. Marry at.. 797X Howell's Novels. Sec Robertson's Critical Method, 1956R. Howes (G. Bond), Zoology and Food Fishes [Fisheries Exhibition]. 971K Howie (John), Lives of the Scottish Covenanters, with Preface and Notes by M'Gavin. 1862 374P' Howitt (Mary), An Autobiography, edited by her Daughter. 1S89.. 463-4F See also Murray's Magazine [Quaker and Catholic], v. 7, 1467J. Howorth (Henry H.), M.P. See Nature, v. 39, 2C99J. Hoyle (W., of Totti/igtoii). See London Quarterly, v. 69, 859J, &c. Huggins (W.), LL.D., Spectrum Analysis in its Application to the Heavenly Bodies [Manchester Science Lectures]. 1870 452R See also Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Hugh.en.den. See Woman's World [A Visit to], v. 2, 18S9, R.L. Hughes (H. P.), M.A., The Philanthropy of God, Sermons. 1890. 1312M Hughes (Thomas McKenny) and Clark (J. \V.), Life and Letters of the Rev. Adam Sedgwick, 2 vols, illustrated. 1890 396-7F Hugo (Victor). See Fortnightly [Toute la Lyre], v. 51, 2141J. Huguenots, Benjamin Du Plan, Deputy-General [1725- 1763], by Bonnefon 1464O Huguenot Pastor, or Arnold Delahaize 322T Their Settlements, Churches, and Industries in England and Ireland, by Smiles. 1869 1311M See also Kurtz's Church History, 707A. Lorimer's Protestant Church of France, 216T, &c. Hullah (John) LL.D., History of Modern Music, a Course of Lec- tures delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 1888 942D Human Faculty, Origin of, by Romanes. 1888 I335H Human Happiness. See Spencer's Social Statics, 586 H. Human Longevity and the Amount of Life upon the Globe, by Flourens, translated by Martel. 1855 933K Human Species, by Quatrefages. 1886 340R Humanitarianism. See Danes' Heterodox London, 35 K. Westminster Review, v. 132, R.L. Humanity. See Religious Systems of the World [by Harrison], 934A. Humber, The. See Industrial, Rivers of the United Kingdom, 713H. Hume (Joseph, Scotch Politician, b. 1777, d. 1855). Sec Walpole's Lord Russell, 609-10F. Humility. See Friswell's Silent Hour, 1310M. Hungary, Bitter Waters of, and Austrian Health Resorts, by Rae .. 940K See also Tovey's Wine Countries [Wines of], 2125R. Hunt (H. G. Bonavia), F.R.S.E., A Concise History of Music, from the Commencement of the Christian Era to the Present Time. 1885Z Hunt (Leigh). See Macaulay's Essays, 1531O. Hunting. See Boys' Own Annual [Hunting Camps], v. 12, 2962J. Huntley and Palmer's Factory. See All Year Round Magazine, v. 42, 1822J. Hurry. See Woman's World, v. 2, i83g, R.L. HUS (John). See The Reformers, 1467O, &c. Husband, The. See Stark's Life Stages, 1252M. Marriage, &c. Hutchinson (H. G.), Golf [Badminton Library Series], ill. 1890.. 1139M Hutchinson (Mary, afterwards Wife of Wordsiiwrtli). See Knight's Life of Wordsworth, v. 1-3, 297-9F. Hutchison (G. A.), Ed., Indoor Games and Recreations, a Popular Encyclopaedia for Boys, by Stables and others, illustrated i 2 55H Hutchison (J.), M.A., 7>\, The German Universities for the last Fifty Years, by Conrad. 1885 1109F [1 147] HUT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. IND Hutton (Richard H.), Cardinal Newman. 1891 1716O Huxley (T. H.), Coral and Coral Reefs [Manchester Sci. Lee.]. 1870 452R See also Biichner's Man, 1332H. Hysena, The. See Baker's Wild Beasts and their Ways, 838 F. Hyderabad. See Brassey's Last Voyage, 862K, &c. Hydrophobia. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Lankester's Advancement of Science [and Pasteur], 836F, &c. Hymn Lover, Account of English Hymnology, by Holder. 1S89... 2027R Hymnology. See London Quarterly [pre-Wesleyanism], v. 70, 860J, &c. Hypnotism, by Albert Moll [Contemporary Science Series]. 1890.. 1502M See also Nineteenth Century, v. 8, 2218J. Universal Review, v. 6, 3326J. Fortnightly [The Latest Discoveries in], v. 53, 2143J. Nineteenth Century [Was I Hypnotised], v. 27, 2237J. New Review, v. 2, 3352 J, &c. Hythe. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. I CE. See Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Age in North America, and its Bearings upon the Antiquity of Man, by Wright, illustrated. 1889' 785D Ice Creams. See Wells' Pastrycook, 998M. Ice-House. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Icthyology. See Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Iddesleigh (Earl of, Statesman, b. 1818, d. 1887). See Northcote (Sir Stafford). Ideal, The. See Lee's Dialogues [Value of the], 1325H. Ideas. See Romanes' Mental Evolution, 1335H. Mtiller's Science of Thought, 585H. Ilfracombe. See Gentleman's Magazine [and Lundy], v. 43, n.s., 763J. Thom- son's Health Resorts, 938K. Devonshire, iSic. Illustrated. Books of Travel : Those Holy Fields, Palestine, by Rev. S. Manning 3371' [Judaea. Bethlehem to the Dead Sea. Jericho and the Jordan to Jerusa- lem. Jerusalem. Samaria. Galilee and Nazareth. Gennesareth, &c] Imagination. See Quiver [Use and Abuse of], v. 14, 3284J. Imitation of our Lord Jesus Christ, Lectures by Carter. 1863 882A Immigration. See DUke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. Imogen. See Shakespeare's Female Characters, 419D. Imperial Defence. See Murray's Magazine [Sir Charles Dilke on], v. 7, 1467 J. In Darkest Africa, or the Rescue and Retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria, by H. M. Stanley, 2 vols, ill. 1890. ...S71-2 and 873-4K In Darkest England and the Way Out, by Booth. 1890 1440H In the Beginning, Remarks on Modern Views of Creation, by Sandys. 1303M Inagaki (Manjiro), B. A., Japan and the Pacific, and a Japanese View of the Eastern Question. 1890 1436H Incarnation, The. See Gore's Lux Mundi [and Development], 937 A. Inchbald (Elizabeth). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393 F. Independents. See Religious Systems of the World [by White], 934 A. Index of British Plants according to the London Catalogue. 18S9... 69 il) India before the Sepoy Mutiny. 1887 15340 Indian Fish and Fishing, by Day [Fisheries Exhibition]. 18S4. 971K Indian Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Urwick [R.T.S.] 314B Our Vice-Regal Life in [1884-8], by Lady Dufferin, 2 vols. 1S89 451-2F Peeps at the Far East, a Familiar Account of a Visit to India 865K See also Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain [Central], 335H. Fortnightly [Our True Policy in], v. 51, 2141 J. Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Nineteenth Century [Deadly Wild Beasts of], v. 26, 2236 J. Probyn's Land Tenure, 248R. Urwick S Indian Pictures, 314B. Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Re- ligious Systems of the World [Indian Poetry, by Macdonald], 934A. Males' Scenes through the Battle Smoke [Indian Mutiny], 1441H. [1 148] IND ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. INV Indian Clubs. See Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1255H. Indians, American. Sec Boys' Own Annual [Sign Language of the], v. 12, 2962J. India-rubber Producing Trees. Sec Nature, v. 39, 2690J. Indigestion. Sec Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946 X. Indo-China. Sec Blackwood, v. 147, 217J. Indoor Games and Recreations, a Popular Encyclopedia for Boys, by Stables and others, edited by Hutchison [R.T.S.], illus... 1255H Industrial Competition and Commercial Freedom. Sec Playfair's Social Wel- fare, 336R. Industrial Exhibitions. Sec Argosy [The First], v. 45, 45J. Industrial Remuneration Conference, Report of the Proceedings and Papers read in Princes Hall, Piccadilly, under the Presi- dency of Sir Charles W. Dilke. 1885 1115F Infancy to Womanhood, a book of Instruction for Young Mothers, by Rhoda E. White. 1882 2074R Infants. Sec Food and Cookery for Infants and Invalids [Inter. Health Exhibi- tion], 934K. Health Exhibition Literature [Rearing of Hand-fed], 956K. Infectious Disease and its Prevention, by Murphy. 1884 957K Inflammation. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Bridget's Man and his Maladies, 939K. Influence. See Girls' Own Annual, v. 7, 2557 J, Influenza. See Cassell's Family Magazine [Colds and Whooping Cough], v. 16, 2365 J. English Mechanic [Horse], v. 50, 1050D. Knowledge [is it Communicable, p. 77], v. 13, 2593 J. Universal Review [a Symposium and a History], v. 6, 3326J. Nature, v. 41, 2701 J. Sylvia's Family Management, 177D, Sic. Ingersleben (Frau von). Sec Fiction Class List following the General Cata- logue. Ingram (J. H.), Ed., The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, including his Biography, 4 vols. 1874 2031-4R Inks and Ink Making. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Inquisition. See Quiver [Land of the], v. 32, 3302J. Insane, Care and Cure of, Reports on Lunatic Asylums, 2 vols. 1877 935K The, Reports of the Lancet Commission on their Care and Cure, 1875-6-7, republished by Granville, 2 vols. 1877 948-9K Insanity and Sanity, by Mercier, illustrated. 1890 1501M ■ Borderlands of, by Wynter, with Five New Chapters by Gran- ville. 1877 945 and 950K Sec also Universal Review [Care and Cure of the Insane], v. 4, 3324J. Insect Life, Episodes of, by Acheta Domestica. 1S49 834F Sec also Wallace's Darwinism, 2121R. Hamilton's Riverside Naturalist, 839F. Insight. See Cornhill Magazine, v. 14, 341J. Inspiration. See Gore's Lux Mundi [and the Holy Spirit], 937A. Instinct. See Science Gossip [Darwin's Opinion on], v. 20, 2421J. Instruction. See Health Exhibition Literature [Subsidiary aids to], 964K. Insurance Offices, &c, by De Morgan. 1838 2069R Insurance. See Fisheries Literature [Best System of Life Insurance for Fishermen], 977K. Intellectual Education, and its Influence on the Character and Happiness of Women, by Emily Shirreff. 1858 1123F Intellectual Life, by Hamerton. 1887 1957R International Arbitration. See Mial's Life of Richards, 424F. Exhibition. See under Fisheries Exhibition, Health Exhibition, &c. Intuitions of the Mind, inductively investigated by McCosh. 1865 748A Invalids. Sec Girls' Own Annual [Occupations for], v. 2, 2552J. Food and Cookery for Infants and Invalids [Inter. Health Exhibition], 954K. Inventions and Discoveries. See Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from v. 1, 29S1J. Inverness. See Green's Scottish Pictures, 313B. Invisible Powers of Nature, by Caillard. 188S 431R [1 149] IOW GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JAM Iowa. See Harper [the State of], v. 79, 1659J. Ipirigeneia. See Menzies' Greek Heroines, 323T. Ireland, Ancient Cures, Charms, and Usages of, by Lady Wilde 960F [Folk-Lore and Legends]. 1889 928T History of [from 1000 B.C. to A.D. 1646], by Moore. 1835-46. ..713-16T Irish Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Lovett. 18S8 ... 336B Parnell Movement, by O'Connor. 1889 326R See also Blackwood [What I learned in], v. 147, 217J. Cobden's Political Speeches, 222R. Fortnightly [Land-purchase in], v. 53, 2143 J. London Quarterly [and the Celtic Church], v. 69, 859J. Nineteenth Century [Plain Speaking on the Irish Union], v. 26, 2236J ; [The Actual and the Political], v. 27, 2237J. Probyn's Land Tenure, 248R. Reminiscences of a Boyhood, 472O. Smiles' Huguenots, 1311M. Sunday at Home [Irish Sacred Literature and Art], v. 36, 28S6J, &c. Westminster Re- view [Causes for Popular Sympathy with, Home Rule for, The Forster Tragedy in], v. 130, R.L. ; [Irish Question], v. 132, R.L. All the Year Round Magazine [Irish Exhibition, v. 42, 1822J. Nineteenth Century [the Actual and the Political], v. 27, 2237J. Fisheries Litera- ture [Fisheries of], 976K. New Review [Land Purchase for], v. 2, 3352J. Time [Irish Wit and Humour], v. 12, 1512J, &c. Irenseus (St.). See Farrar's Lives of the Fathers, 670F. Ante-Nicene Library. Iron. See Chambers [in its Relation to Life], v. 66, 1966 J. Irving (Edward). See Ox :ley's Modern Messiahs, &c, 1254M. Irving (Henry). See Williams' Leaves of a Life, 376F. Irving' (Washington), Tales and Sketches of, in the Corresponding Style of Phonography, with key [Pitman Series]. 1884 1896Z Isaiah, Book of the Prophet, translated, with a Commentary by Henderson. 1857 S85A Prophecies of, Biblical Commentary by Delitzsch, translated by Martin [Clark's Theological Library], 2 vols. 1867 826A Isle of Man, History of, with Biographical Notes of Eminent Persons, by Bullock. 1816 349H Isolation, or Survival of the Unfittest. See Nineteenth Century, v. 25, 2235J. Israel, The Religion of, a Manual by Knappert, translated by Arm- strong. 1877 130SM See also Sunday at Home [Route of the Israelites], v. 3, 2853!. Italian Masters, with special Reference to Pictures in the National Gallery, by Attwell. 1888 373F Italian Women, a Decade of, by T. A. Trollope, 2 vols. 1859 1032-3O Italy, History of the Waldenses of, by Comba. 1889 851A North, Our Tour in [Girls' Own Annual], v. 8 255SJ See also All the Year Round Magazine, v. 42, i322j. Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J. Nineteenth Century [in 1838-9], v. 25, 2235J. Tcvey's Wine Countries [Wines of], 212SR. Ithaca. See Nineteenth Century [Phoenician Affinities of], v. 26, 2236J. U ACK Cade. See Cade (Jack). . L Estrange's Palace and Hospital, 1535O. Jack the Giant-Killer. See Cunningham's Chap-Books, 132 iH, &c. Jacob {Jewish Patriarch). See Quiver, v. 16, 3286J. Jacobinism, French and English. See Quarterly Review, v. 168, i2gSJ. Jaffa. See Manning's Palestine, 337B, &c. JagO (F. W. P.), M.B., The Ancient Language, and the Dialect ot Cornwall, with a Glossary of Provincial Works, &c. 1882... 2o65R Jam. See Girls' Own Annual [Home-made], v. 4, 2554 T. Wells' Pastrycook, 998M, &c. Jamaica. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Harper [New and Old], v. 80 1660J. [II 50] JAM ENGLISH SECTION. -GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. JES James (St.), Epistle of. See Stier's Commentary, 761A. Lange's Commentary, 845 A, &c. James I. [King of England), A Counter-blaste to Tobacco, edited byGoldsmid. 1884 I73 T James I. and II. See L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital, 15360. James II. of England. See Smiles' Huguenots, 1311M. Doyle's Micah Clarke, 3449X James (Sir Henry). See Williams' Leaves of a Life, 376-7F. Jameson (James S.). See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1, 873K. "Janus," the Pope and the Council. 1869 1266M Japan and the Pacific, a Japanese View of the Eastern Question, by Inagaki, with maps. 1890 1436H See also Century [an American Artist in], v. 38, 1888J. Nature, _ v. 39, 2699J. Religious Systems of the World, by Pfoundes, 934 A. Scribner's Monthly, v. 11, 1861J. Universal Review [a Trip to], v. 6, 3326J. Woman's World [a Chat about Japanese Dress], v. 2, 1880, R.L. Atlantic Monthly [Japanese Constitution], v. 65, 1555J. Fisheries Exhibition Literature [Sketch of the Fisheries of], 974K. Health Exhibition Literature [General Outlines of Education in, &C.], 967K. Nature, v. 41, 2701J, &c. Japp (Alexander Hay). See Page (H. A.). Jaundice. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Bridger's Man and his Maladies, 939K. Java. See Nineteenth Century [English Conquest of], v. 27, 2237J. Jeanne D'Albret, Queen of Navarre, Life of, by Freer, 2 vols. 1855 465-6F Jefferies (Richaro 1 ), Field and Hedgerow. 1890 2145R Jefferson (Thomas), by Morse, jun. [American Statesmen]. 1886... 1706O Jeffreys (Judge). See All the Year Round Magazine, v. 42, 1822 J. Jellies. See Wells' Pastrycook, 998M. Jenkins (John), Ed., Poetry of Wales. 1873 1420M Jephson (A. J. Mounteney), Emin Pasha and the Rebellion at the Equator ; a Story of Nine Months' Experiences in the last of the Soudan Provinces, with the Revision and Co-operation of II. M. Stanley. 1890 S79K See also Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1-2, 873-4K. Jeremiah and Lamentations, translated, with a Commentary, by Henderson. 1S51 S86A Jericho. See Manning's Palestine, 337B. Jerome (St. [Hieronymus], Father of the Church, b. 333, d. 420). See London Quarterly [and his Times], v. 70, 860J. Jerome (J. K.), Three Men in a Boat 2046 and 2075R Jerrold. (Blanchard). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Jersey, A Week in, by C. W. Wood [Argosy, v. 47], illustrated 47J See also Boys' Own Annual [Conquest of], v. 9, 2959 J. Chambers' Journal [Anglo-French in], v. i3, 1935J. Good Words [Notes on], v. 12, 2182J ; v. 31, 2201J. Harper's New Monthly Magazine [Jersey Cattle in America], v. 70, 1650J. Metcalfe's Channel Islands, 1435H. Mill's Colonial Constitutions [Government Orders in Council, &c], 1437H. Nature [Relics of non-historic Times], v. 2, 2662J. Once a Week [Jottings in], v. 3, 2263J ; [An Experience of Jersey Law, Escape from Imprisonment for Debt], v. 4, 2264J. Science Gossip [Holiday Ram- bles in St. Ouen's Bay], v. 14, 2417J ; [Notes on the Natural History of], v. 17, 2420J ; [Birds of], v. 18, 2420J ; [A Botanical Ramble Round], v. 20, 2421J. Southey's British Admirals [Sir Walter Raleigh's ap- pointment as Governor of Jersey, p. 337], 789T. Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Guernsey Masazine [a Reminiscence of, September, 1889], v. 18, 2398 J. Channel Islands, &c. Jerusalem. See Century [Round about], v. 38, t883J. Girls' Own Annual [My Life in], v. 10, 2560J. Manning's Palestine, 3376, &c. Jervis (Sir John, afterwards Earl St. Vincent, Admiral, b. 1734, d. 1823). See Macaulay's Wonderful Stories, 2380X. Jessopp (A.), D.D., Trials of a Country Parson. 1890 2047R JES GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. JOS Jesuits. See Blackwood [Glimpse into a Jesuit Novitiate], v. 146, 216J, &c. Jesus Christ, Observations on the History and Evidences of the Resurrection of, by West.^ 1749 1268M Resurrection of, with an Examination of Strauss in his " New Life of Jesus," by Macpherson. 1867 1267M Words of the Lord, by Stier, translated by W. B. Pope, 8 vols 753-0A See also Harper [The Flight into Egypt], v. 80, 1660J. Sunday at Home [Journey of Our Lord], v. 31, 233ij. Jewitt (Llewellynn), F.S.A., Ed., Ballads and Songs of Derbyshire, with Illustrative Notes, and Examples of the Original Music. 1867 1422M English Coins and Tokens, and a Chapter on Greek and Roman Coins, by Head [Young Collector's Series]. 18S8 144R Jews under Roman Rule, by Morrison, illustrated. 1890 1 5 5 7 K Sec also Keble's Papers and Reviews [Jewish Nation, and God's Dealings with them], 1203H. Religious Systems of the World [Jewish Ethics], 934A. Sunday at Home [Modern], v. 33, 2833J ; [after the Disper- sion], v. 32, 2882J. Westminster Review [Both Sides of Jewish Character], v. 130, R.L., &c. Joail of Arc. See Girls' Own Annual, v. 7. 2557J. Sunday Magazine, v. 15 [by Charles], 2465J. Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F, &c. Jol), Biblical Commentary, by Delitzsch, translated by Bolton. 1866 828A Book of, and History of his Life, Times, Friends, &c, by Lee 891A by Umbreit, translated by Gray [Clark's Biblical Cabinet] 1283-4M SiC also Dawson's Origin of the World, 564R. Westminster Review [A New Reading of the Book of], v. 132, R.L., &c. John (St.), Epistles of, Commentary, &c. , by Ebrard, translated by Pope [Clark's Theological Library], i860 805A by Liicke [Clark's Biblical Cabinet, v. 15]. 1837... 1289M Gospel of, Commentary by Hengstenberg, trans., 2 vols 796-7A Tholuck [Clark's^Theological Library]. 1863 773 A — [Lange's Commentary] 61A [Costa's Four Witnesses] 889A John of Gaunt. See All the Year Round, v. 42, 1822J. Johnson (Samuel), LL.D. See Boys' Own Annual, 1885, 2957J. Macaulay's Miscellaneous Writings, 1530O. L'Estrange's Palace and Hospital, 15360. Johnson (V. E.), B.A., The Uses and Triumphs of Mathematics, Its Beauties and Attractions popularly treated in the Lan- guage of Everyday Life 562R Johnston (H. H.), F.R.G.S., The Kilima-njaro Expedition, a Record of Scientific Exploration in Eastern Equatorial Africa, illustrated. 1S86 877K Johnstone (Alexander). See Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Joinery and Building. See Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, from v. 1, 2981J, &c. Joints in Our Social Armour, by Runciman. 1890 2050R Jonathan and his Continent, Rambles through American Society, by Max O'Rell and Allyn. 1889 1255R Jones (Professor T. V.). See Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Jones (John Paul). See Macaulay's Stories, 3C44X. Jordan, The. See Manning's Palestine, 337B. Joseph {Hebrew Patriarch, d. 1635 B.C.). Sec Quiver, v. 16, 3286J. Sunday at Home [Lessons from the History of], v. 5, 2855J, &c. Joseph of Arimathea. See Nutt's Holy Grail, 1324H. Joshua, Commentary on, by Keil, translated by Martin. 1857 784A Judges and Ruth, Commentary on, by Keil and Delitzsch. 1865 781 A [1152] JOU ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. KEL Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science, the Journal of the Postal Microscopical Society and the "Wesley Naturalists' Society, edited by Allen and Spiers, from vol 3. 1890 3413J Sacred Literature, edited by Kitto. 1852 64 905-23A [For contents see under Sacred Literature, by Kitto]. Journalism. See Harper's New Monthly Magazine [Western], v. 77, 1657J. New Review [the New], v. 1, 3351J. Time [and Journalists], v. 20, 1510J. All the Year Round [The Earliest Daily Paper], v. 48, 1822J, &c. Journey through Cornwall, by Muloch [English Illustrated, v. 1] ... 1991J Jubbulpore. See Brassey's Last Voyage, 862K. Jud8ea. See Manning's Palestine, 337B. &c. Judaism. See Kurtz's Church History, 706 A. Judd (Professor John W.), F.R.S. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Judge Jeffreys. See All the Year Round Magazine, v. 42, 1822J. Judiciary. See Bryce's American Commonwealth [Federal], 517-9H. Juliet. See Shakespeare's Female Characters, 419D. Jupiter, The Planet. See Chambers' Journal, v. 66, 1966J. Justice. See Nineteenth Century, v. 27. 2237J. Justin Martyr and Athenagoras, Writings of, translated by Dods, Pratten, &c. [Ante-Nicene Library, v. 2]. 1879 376A Juvenile Answers. See Cassell's Family Magazine [Amusing Juvenile Answers], v. 15, 1365J. K. .ALISCH (M. M.), M.A., Historical and Critical Commentary on the Old Testament, with a new Translation. v.D 93 1 -2 A Genesis, 931 A. Exodus [Hebrew and English], 932A. Kant (Immanuel). See Midler's Science of Thought, 585H. Tulloch's Philo- sophy, 724A, &c. Kaspar Hauser. See Quarterly Review, v. 166, 1296J. Kassandra. See Menzies' Greek Heroines, 323T. Kean (Edmund). See British Stage, 1001O. Keats (John). See Dawson's Makers of Modern English, 458F. Quarterly Review, v. 166, 1296J. Kebbel (T. E.), M.A., Life of the Earl of Derby [Statesmen Series] 1378O Keble (J.), M.A., Occasional Papers and Reviews. 1877 1203II [Scott. Sacred Poetry. Parochial Work. Lord's Supper. Solomon. Jewish Nation, &c] Keene (H. G.) See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Keil (Carl Friedrich), D.D., Biblical Commentary on the Twelve Minor Prophets, translated by Martin [Clark's For. Theo. Lib.] 785-6A Commentary on the Book of Joshua, translated by Martin. 1857 784A Books of Kings, translated by Murphy, and supple- mented by Commentary on the Books of Chronicles, trans- lated by Martin [Clark's Foreign Theoi. Lib.]. 1857 782-3A ■ Manual of Historico-Critical Introduction to the Canonical Scrip- tures of the Old Testament, translated by Douglas. 18-9-70 775-6A and Delitzsch (F.), Biblical Commentary on the Book of Samuel, translated by Martin [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.]... 777A Old Testament, translated by Martin. 1864-5 778-80A — vol iv., Joshua, Judges, Ruth, translated by Martin [Clark's Foreign Theological Library]. 1865 781A Keith. (Thomas). 6>£ Grant's Constable of France [Story of a Private who became Aga of the Mamelukes and Governor of Medina], 928X. Keltie (J. S., Librarian to the Geographical Society), Story of Emin's Rescue as told in Mr. Stanley's Letters. 1890 1769R 55 [ii53] KEN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. KLY Ken (Thomas), D.D., Life of, by Plumptre, 2 vols. 1888 704F Kenilworth. Castle. See Timmins' Warwickshire, 1413H. Kennan (G.), Russia and the Siberian Exiles [Century Mag., v. 38] ... 1888J Kensington Palace. See English Illustrated, v. 6, 19Q6J. Kent (W. Saville), F.L.S., Marine and Freshwater Fishes of the British Islands [Fisheries Exhibition]. 1884 970K Kentucky. See Harper [Fairs], v. 79, 1659J. Kenyon (John). See Temple Bar [and his Friends], v. 88, 1418J. Keshab, Chandra Sen and the Brahma Samaj, by Slater. 1884 559M Kilima-Njaro Expedition, Scientific Exploration in Eastern Equa- torial Africa, by Johnston, illustrated. 1886 877K Killamey. See Lovett's Irish Pictures, 336B. Kimon. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 321T. Cimon, &c. Kindergarten in Elementary Schools. See Time, v. 12, 1512J. King (Florence M.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. King (Richard Ashe [Basil]). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. King and the Cobbler. See Cunningham's Chap Books, 1321H. Kings, Book of. See Book of Kings. Kingsley (C), Sanitary and Social Lectures and Essays. 1889 1968R Scientific Lectures and Essays. 1890 1969R Town Geology [Good Words, v. 13] 2183J Kingsley (Rose G.), The Children of Westminster Abbey, illus 1034O [The Building of the Abbey. Princess Catherine and Prince Henry. Con- quest of Wales. Prince Alfonso. John of Eltham, the Young Knight. Edward the Fifth, and Richard, Duke of York. King Edward the Sixth. Miss Elizabeth Russell, "the Child of Westminster." Prin- cess Sophia and Mary. Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales. Lord Francis Villiers. Princess Anne, and Henry, Duke of Gloucester. William Henry, Duke of Gloucester. Kingston (Alfred), Phonography in the Office, a Complete Short- hand Clerk's Guide [Pitman Series]. 1888 1895Z Kingston (William). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Kinnaird (Lady Mary Jane), by Donald Fraser. 1890. 772O Kirchoff (G.), Researches on the Solar Spectrum and the Spectra of the Chemical Elements, translated by Roscoe, ill. 1862.. 339B Kissing. See Chambers' Journal, v. 60, i960 J. Kitchen. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [and Table Ware], 958D. Our Home, 173D. Kitchin (G. W.), D.D., Winchester [Historic Towns]. 1890: 1670R Kite Making. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. KittO (John), D.D., Daily Bible Illustrations. 1850 1279-81M [Moses and Judges, 1279M. Samuel, Saul and David, 1280M. Solomon and the Kings, 1281M]. Pictorial History of Palestine, &c. [from the Patriarchs to Judah], v. 1. 1844 147D Scripture Lands, described in a Series of Historical and Geo- graphical Sketches, illustrated with 24 maps, &c. 1850 368M The Pictorial Bible, being the Old and New Testaments accord- ing to the Authorised Version, illustrated with steel engrav- ings and many hundred woodcuts, with original notes, 4 vols. 143-6D Vol. 1. — Genesis to Joshua, 143D. Vol. 2. — Judges to Job, 144D. Vol. 3. — Psalms to Malachi, 145D. Vol. 4. — Matthew to Revelation, 146D. Ed., A Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature, 2 vols., ill 894-5 A Kleistnenes. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 320T. t Kleon. See Cox's Greek Statesman, 321T. Klytemnaestra. See Menzies' Greek Heroines, 323T. ["54] KNA ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. LAN Knappert (J., Pastor at Leiden), The Religion of Israel, a Manual, translated by Armstrong. 1877 1308M Knight (William), LL.D., Life of William Wordsworth. 1889 297-9F Knights of the Round Table. See Arthur (King). Knights Templars. See Noble Traits of Kingly Men, 1537O. Knots. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [How to Tie], 958D. Knowledge, Diffusion of, and Improvement of Society, by Dick. ... 1318M See also Midler's Science of Thought, 585H, &c. Knox (John). See The Reformers, 1467O. Konig (Dr. A.). See Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Korolenko (V. Garschine and V.). See Turner's Novelists of Russia, 1491O. Kruger {President of the Boers). See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Krummacher (F. W.), D.D., A Glance at the Kingdom of Grace.. 37 iM Elijah the Tishbite. 1836 369M Kurtz (Professor), History of the Christian Church to the Reforma- tion, with Emendations and Additions by Edersheim. i860. 789A Old Covenant, translated, annotated, &c, by Eders- heim and Martin [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.], 3 vols. 1859... 790-2A Sacrificial Worship of the Old Testament, trans, by Martin. 1863 7 74 A XJABOUCHERE (H., b. 1831), M.P. See Fortnightly, v. 53, 2143J. Labour. See Bryce's American Commonwealth, 518-9H. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Edinburgh Review [The Wages' of], v. 171, 53tJ. Playfair's Social Welfare [Displacement of, by Invention], 336R Toilers in London [Female Labour in the Metropolis], 335 R. West- minster Review [The Question in Australia], v. 132, R.L. Nineteenth Century [Development of the Labour Movement], v. 27, 2237 J. New Review [Labour Conference], v. 2, 3355J, &c. Labour of Love under the Red Cross during the Late War [Franco- German War, 1870-71], by Mrs. H. Templer 2039R Iiabuan. See Brassey's Last Voyage, S62K. Bunyan's Memoirs of McDougall, 44 and 45 F, &c. Lace-makers. See Woman's World [of Le Puy, The], v. 1, 1889, R.L. Ladders. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Construction of], 958D. Ladies. See Atlantic Monthly [and Learning], v. 64, 1554J. Lady's World [of Note], 1887, R.L., &c. La Fontaine (J. de), Fables, edited by Chauvey, with Notes by Levigne 1424M of, translated from the French by E. Wright, edited by Gibbs 1412M Lake District. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Lake Dwellers. See Harper, v. 80, 1660J. Lake Poets, Cradle of the. See Leisure Hour, v. 37, 2647J. Lakes. See Manning's Swiss Pictures [Swiss Italian], 312B. Xiakeman (J. B., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Factories), Health in the Workshop [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 ... 95 iK Lamb (C.)i Letters of, edited by Ainger, 2 vols. 1888 1479-0O See also Knight's Life of Wordsworth, v. 1-3, 297-9F. Temple Bar (> v. 85 [Letters of], 1415J. Westminster Review [Letters of, edited by Ainger], v. 130, R.L., &c. Lamps. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Management of], 958D. Lancelot. See Nutt's Holy Grail, 1324H. Land Tenure in Various Countries, edited by Probyn. 1881 248R See also Capital and Labour, 1115F. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Westminster Review [How to Nationalize the], v. 132, R.L. Quarterly Review [Landed Interests and Landed Estates], v. 166, 1296 J. [II55J LAN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LAR Land of Promise, a Description of Palestine, by Kitto [R.T.S.] 1750R Land we Live in, a Pictorial and Literary Sketch Book of the British Empire, 4 vols in 2 464-5B Landor (W. S.). See Knight's Lire of Wordsworth, v. 1-3, 297-9F. Landsborough (D., Scotch Botanist, b. 1781, d. 1854), A.L.S., Popular History of British Seaweeds, coloured plates. 1857 2119R Landsdowne (George Granville, Viscount, Poet and Statesman, b. 1667, d. 1735), Works, and Life by Johnson [Bell's Poets] ... 331Z. Landsdowne (H. Petty Fitz-Maurice, Lord, Statesman, b. 1780, d. 1863). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609-10F. Landseer (Sir Edwin), by Stephens [Great Artists], illus. 1881 1116O Lane (Edward William), M.R.S.L., An Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, illustrated, i860 959E Lang (Andrew), M.A., Grass of Parnassus, Rhymes Old and New... 1889Z Letters on Literature. 18S9 , • 2C07R Oxford, Brief Historical and Descriptive Notes, illustrated. 1890 1538O Langtoridge (F.), Ed., Poets at Play, a Handbook of Humorous Recitations. 1 888 1410- 1 R Lange (John P., German Theologian), Commentary on the Holy Scriptures, Critical, Doctrinal and Homiletical, translated from the German and edited with Additions Original and Selected, by Philip Schaff [Clark's For. Theol. Lib.], v D : Old Testament. Vol. 1. — Introduction to the Old Testament. Genesis, by J. P. Lange 840A Vol. 9. — The Psalms, by Carl B. Moll, with a new Version of the Psalms, Philological N otes by J. T. Conant 60A Vol. 10. — The Proverbs of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, by Otto Zockler, edited with Annotations, Dissertations on leading Ideas, together with a New Metrical Version and an Introduction thereto by Taylor Lewis. Song of Solomon, by O. Zockler 841 A New Testament. Vol. 3. — Gospel According to St. John, by John P. Lange 61 A Vol. 5.— Epistle to the Romans, by John P. Lange and F. R. Fay 844A Vol. 6. — Epistle to the Corinthians, by Christian F. Kling . . . . 843A Vol. 7. — Galatians, by Otto Schmoller. Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, by Karl Braune 842A Vol. 8. — Thessalonians, by C. A. Auberlen and C. J. Riggenbach. Timothy, Titus, Philemon, by T. J. Van Oosterzee. Hebrews, by Carl B. Moll " 839A Vol. 9. — James, by J. P. Lange and J. J. van Oosterzee. Peter, by G. F. C. Fronmiiller. Epistles of John, by Karl Braune. Jude, by G. F. C. Fronmiiller 845A Language (Ancient) and Dialect of Cornwall and Glossary of Words, by Jago. 1882 2066R Biographies of Words, and Home of the Aryas, by Max Midler.. 2001R Lectures on the Science of Language, by Max Muller. 1880. ...2002-3 R Philosophy of, and Philosophy of Life, by Schlegal, translated by Morrison. 1847 2020R See also Camden's Britain, 2044R. Romanes' Mental Evolution, 1335H. Midler's Science of Thought, 585H. Laodameia See Menzies' Greek Heroines, 323T. Larder. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Lardner (D.), LL.D., A Manual of Electricity, Magnetism and Meteorology [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia], illus., 2 vols... 701-2T A Treatise on Geometry [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo.], illus. 1840 79 2 T Treatise on Arithmetic, Theoretical and Practical. 1834 767T [1 156] liAR ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. LEG- Larynx. See Mackenzie's Frederick the Noble, 14*50. Physiology, Throat, Voice, &c. Lassell (Jane and Caroline), Tr., Spectrum Analysis in its Applica- tion to Terrestrial Substances and the Physical Constitution of the Heavenly Bodies, by Schellen, edited by Abney, illus. 695D Last Voyage of Lady Brassey to India and Australia, edited by Broome. 1889 862K Latin-English Dictionary, by White and Riddle. 1862 1 7 1 D Lexicon, by Andrews. 1853. 149D Laurie (A.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lauriston (Marquis of). See Grant's Constable of France [Grand Veneur of France], 928X. Lavigerie (Cardinal) and the Slave Trade, edited by Clarke. 1889 933A Law. See Once a Week [Jersey Law of Debtor and Creditor], v. 4, 2264J. Quar- terly 'Review [Lawlessness], v. 166, 1296J. Time [and Lawyers], v. 22, 1512J. Williams' Forensic Facts and Fallacies, 288R. Time [and Lawyers], v. 12, 1512J, &c. Laws Concerning Public Health, edited by R. and II. Smith. 18S3 942II Lawrence (E.), A Primer of American Literature [Half Hour Series] 1207Z Lawrence (Sir T.), Life and Correspondence of, by Williams. 1831 688-9F Lawson (Sir W.), Temperance Advocate, b. 1829), M.P., Wisdom Grave and Gay, being Select Speeches chiefly on Temperance and Prohibition, edited by Jameson. 1889 2016R Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews, by Huxley. 1S87 70 1 A Layard (Sir H.). See Quarterly Review [Early Adventures], v. 166, 1295J. Leamington. See Thomson's Health Resorts, 938K. Lear(E.). See Quarterly Review, v. 167, 1297J. Leather. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Tanning and Care of], 958D. Leath.es (Mrs. Stanley). See G. M. Leaves of a Life, being the Reminiscences of Montagu Williams, Q.C. 376-7F Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature, by Schlegel. 1846 2017-18R Sanitary and Social, by Kingsley. 1889 1968R See also Midler's Language, 2002-3R. New Review [Lecture against Lec- turing], v. 2, 3352J. Lee (Ann, Shaker, b. 1735, d. 1784). See Oxley's Modern Messiahs, &c, 1254M. Lee (Henry), F.G.S., Sea Fables Explained [Fisheries Ex.]. 1884. 972K Sea Monsters Unmasked [Fisheries Exhibition]. 1884 972K Lee (R. E., Confederate General), His Military and Personal Plistory, by A. L. Long, assisted by M. J. Wright,. illus. 1886 574D Lee (Samuel, Self-taught Orientalist, b. 1783, d. 1852), D.D., The Book of the Patriarch Job, to which is prefixed an Introduc- tion of his History and Times, &c 891 A Lee (Sidney), Stratford-on Avon, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Shakespeare. 1890 1540O Lee (Vernon), Baldwin, being Dialogues on Views and Aspirations .. 1325H Euphorion, being Studies of the Antique and the Mediaeval in the Renaissance, 2 vols. 1884 945-6D Juvenilia, being a Second Series of Essays on Sundry /Esthetical Questions, 2 vols. 1887 , 2009-10R Leeds. See English Illustrated, v. 6, 1996J. Leeward Islands. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Lefroy. See Williams' Leaves of a Life, 376F. Left-Leggedness. See Nineteenth Century, v. 27, 2237J. Legend, of the Holy Grail, Studies by Nutt. 1888 1324H Legendary Ballads of England and Scotland, edited by Roberts, ill. 1418M Legends. See Household Words [Wild Legends], v. 10, 1750J. Timmins' War- wickshire, 1413H, &C. ' Legislation. See Bryce's American Commonwealth, 517-9H. [1157] LEM GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. LIS Lemonade. See Wells' Confectioner, &c., 998M. Lenox (James, of Neiv York), and the Formation of his Library, by Stevens. 1886 1481O Leo XIII. (Pope). See London Quarterly, v. 69, 859J. Lepers. See Blackwood [at the Cape], v. 146, 216J. Chambers' [in Canada], v. 77, 1967 J. Cornhill [Curiosities of Leperdoni], v. 60, 340J. Fortnightly- Review [and Father Damien, Leprosy in India], v. 52, 2142J ; [Leprosy and its Causes], v. 52, 2142J. Nineteenth Century [and Father Damien], v. 25, 2235J ; [Dreadful Revival of Leprosy], v. 26, 2236J. Leslie (Emma). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lessons of Hope, Readings from the Works of F. D. Maurice, selected by J. L. Davies. 1889 1320M L'Estrange (A. G.), M.A., Royal Winchester, Wanderings in and about the Ancient Capital of England, illustrated. 1889 445H The Palace and the Hospital, or Chronicles of Greenwich. 1886. 1535-6O Letters of Charles Lamb, edited by Ainger, 2 vols. 1888 1479-0O Levaillant (F., Freneh Naturalist, b. 1753, d. 1824). See Jardine's Natura- lists' Library, 655Q. Levi.ath.an. See Goldsmid's Myths, 201 iR. Lexicon, Greek and English, of the New Testament, by Robinson... 762A to the New Testament, by Parkhurst and others. 1851 881 A Latin-English, by Andrews. 1853 I49L> Liberalism. See Westminster Review, v. 132, R.L. Liberty. See Runciman's Joints in our Social Armour, 2050R. Libraries, How to Catalogue a Library, by Wheatley. 1 889 1903Z Hours in a Library [Cornhill Magazine, v. 23] 303J See also Wale's London [Public Libraries Act], 327R. Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling [The Library], 940M. Catalogues, &c. Lick Observatory, California. See Knowledge [with Illustrations], v. 13, 2593J. Universal Review, v. 3, 3323J. Liddon (H. P., Canon of St. PauFs), M.A., Sermons preached before the University of Oxford [1863-5] 880A Life, by Tolstoi', translated by Hapgood 2021 R Philosophy of, and Philosophy of Language, by Schlegel, trans- lated by Morrison. 1847 2020R See also Fortnightly [The Art of Prolonging Life], v. 51, 2141J. Universal Review [Essays on], v. 4, 3324J. Fisheries Literature [Saving Life at Sea], 976K. Parry's Ministry of Fine Art, 957D. Life's Stages, Their Duties and Opportunities, by Stark. 1889 1252M Lifeboat Work on the Goodwin Sands, by Gilmore. 1889 2015R See also Quiver, v. 9, 3279J. Light- See Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J. Light in Lands of Darkness, a Record of Missionary Labour, by Young, illustrated. 1883 544^ Light of Asia, or the Great Renunciation [Life of Buddha], a Poem, by Arnold, illustrated. 1890 68;Ma Lightfoot (J. B., Bishop of Durham, b. 1828, d. 1889), D.D., S. Clement of Rome, the Two Epistles to the Corinthians.... 726A See also Contemporary Review, v. 57, 2C67J. Lighthouses. See Fortnightly [A Story of the], v. 51, 2141J. Lightning. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Construc- tion of Lightning Rods], 958D. Lillie (Lucy C). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lime. See Kingsley's Lectures [The Lime in the Mortar], 1969R. Linskill (Mary). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Lippinoott's Monthly Magazine from v. 45. 1890 337 1 J Liquors. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Thudichum's Alco- holic Drinks, 986M. Lister (Sir Joseph). See Cochrane's Useful Lives, 508O. Liszt (Franz). See Quarterly Review [and Wagner], v. 167, 1297 \. [II 5 8] LIT ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. LOV Literary and Clerical Life Reminiscences, 2 vols. 1889 664-5O Scientific Men of France, by Mrs. Shelley, 2 vols. 1838 782-3T Great Britain and Ireland, by Dunham. 1836 757-9T Italy, Spain, and Portugal, by Montgomery. 1835-7 725-7T Literature, American, a Century of, Franklin to Lovell. 1889 2028R Primer of, by Lawrence. 1880 1207Z Biblical Cyclopaedia of, edited by Kitto, 2 vols. 1849 924- 5 A Lectures on Literature and Dramatic Art, by Schlegel. 1846 ...2017-8R of the Eighteenth Century, a History of, by Gosse. 1889 2073R See also Fortnightly [Hopes and Fears for], v. 51, 2141J. Lang's Old Friends, 2048R. Sunday at Home, v. 36, 28S6J. Woman's World [Woman in Oriental Poetry and Literature], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Little Masters, by Scott [Great Artists], illustrated. 1881 1117O Liturgies. See Ante-Nicene Library, &c. Livermore (George), Historical Research respecting Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers, read before the Massachu- setts Historical Society. 1863 480II Livingstone (D.), Travels in Africa, illustrated. 1857 607 and 608 K Lizards. See Good Words [our British, and their Ways], v. 30, 2200J. Loafers. See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 44, n.s., 764J Lobsters. See Fisheries' Literature [Artificial Culture of], 975K. Local Authorities. See Gardner's Sanitary Science, 94 iK. Local Government Bill. See Quarterly Review, v. 167, 1297J. Local Option. See Bullock's Talks with the People, v. 9, 200Z. Lockyer (J. N.), F.R.S. See Manchester Science Lectures, 28R. Nature, v. 39, 2699J, & c - Lodge (Oliver J.), F.R.S. See Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J. Logic, Laws of Discursive Thought, by McCosh. 1870 1327H Lond (A. L.), Military and Personal History of General Robert E. Lee, illustrated. 1886 574^ London in 1890, illustrated by Maps, Views, &c, originally compiled by H. Fry. 1890 I773R of To-Day, an Illustrated Handbook for the Season 1890, by Pascoe 1770R Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Lovett [R.T.S.]. 1890 310B The Problems of a Great City, by White. 1886., 444H Water Supply, by Bolton. 1884 , 960K See also Cassell's Family Magazine [The Prettiest Scenery around], v. 15, 1365J. Lady's World [Drawing Rooms and their ChStelains], 1887, R.L. Smiles' Huguenots, 1311M. Woman's World [The Streets of], v. 1, 1888, R.L. ; [Shopping in], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Murray's Magazine [Medical Relief in], v. 7, 1467/, &c. London County Council. See Nineteenth Century [Work of], v. 25, 2235J. Wale's London, 327R. Long Exile, and other Stories for Children, by Tolstoi 2026 R Longfellow (H. W.), Poetical Works [Chandos Poets], ill. 1867... 1417M Looking Backward 2000-1887 [Social Changes, &C.1 by Bellamy ... 2078R Lords, House of. See Westminster Review, v. 130, R.L. Loudon (J. C, Scotch Botanist, b. 1783, d. 1843), F.L.S., An En- cyclopaedia of Gardening, illustrated. 1834 172D Louis XIV. of France. See Freer's Anne of Austria [Mother of], 267-8F. Smiles' Huguenots, 1311M. Louis XVI. See Macaulay's Stories, 3044X. Louis Napoleon. See Napoleon III. Lounsbury (T. R.), John Fenimore Cooper. 1883 104CQ Love-Serve. See Girls' Own Annual, v. 10, 2560J. Lovett (R.), M.A., London Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil.... 310B [1159] LOW GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. McK Low (Sampson), Jun., Sanitary Suggestions, or the Householder's Vade Mecum, illustrated. 1885 944K Lubricators. See English Mechanic [Improvements in], v. 50, 1050D. Lucas (Joseph). See Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Luck. See Chambers' [Good and Bad], v. 66, 1966 J. Llicke (Friedrich), A Commentary on the Epistles of St. John, translated by Repp [Clark's Biblical Cabinet, v. 15]. 1 837.. 1289M Luke (St.)- See Costa's Four Witnesses, 889A. Lukis (W. C, Guernsey Author), M.A., F.S.A., An Account of Church Bells, with some Notices of Wiltshire Bells, &c. 1857 916F Lunatics, Care and Cure of the Insane, Reports on Lunatic Asylums, by Granville, 2 vols. 1877 935K as Patients not Prisoners. See Nineteenth Century, v. 25, 2235J. Lundy. See Gentleman's Magazine [and Ilfracombe], v. 43, n.s., 763J. Lungs, The. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. LuSignan (Princess Annie de), The Twelve Years' Reign of His Imperial Majesty Abdul Ham id II., Sultan of Turkey. 1889 4 X 40 Luther (Martin). See Sunday at Home [Homes and Haunts of], v. 4, 2864J ; v. 21, 2871J. Noble Traits of Kingly Men, 1537O, &c. Lux Mundi, a series of Studies in the Religion of the Incarnation, edited by Gore. 1 890 937 A Lyall(Edna). See Woman's World [with Portrait], 1890. R.L. Lyell (Sir Charles). See Biichner's Man, 1332H. Lying, Decay of, by Wilde. See Nineteenth Century, v. 25, 2235J. Lynch (J.), Egyptian Sketches, illustrated. 1890 875K Lyttelton(Hon. and Rev. E.), Cricket [All Eng. Series]. 1890 ... 901T Lytton (Lord). See Cornhill [Last Words v. 2, 282J. EL LACAULAY (J.), M. A., Sea Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil 315B Macaulay (Thomas Babington, Lord). See Cornhill [at Home], v. 86, 1416J. Macbeth.. See English Illustrated [on the Stage], v. 6, 1996J. Gentleman's Magazine [Facts and Fancies about], v. 42, n.s., 762J. McCosh. (James), LL.D., Christianity and Positivism, a series of Lectures to the Times on Natural Theology and Apologetics 747A Laws of Discursive Thought, being a Text-Book of Formal Logic. 1870 ; 1327H and Dickie (George), M.D., Typical Forms and Special Ends in Creation, illustrated. 1862 565R Macdonell (J.), Journalist, by Nicoll. 1890 483F McDougall (Francis Thomas, some time Bishop of Lalman and Sara- wak), D.C.L., Memoirs of, and of Harriette his Wife, by Bunyon. 1889 44 & 45F Macedonia, In. See Macmillan, v. 60, 990J. Macfadyen (J. A.). See Quiver [an Interview with], v. 32, 3302J. McFariane (S.), LL.D., Among the Canibals of New Guinea, illus. 1756R Mackerel. See Cassell's Magazine, v. 3, 2343J. Fisheries Literature [and Pilchard Fisheries], 975K. Mackay (A. M.). See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1, 873R. Mackay (T.), The English Poor, a Sketch of their Social and Economic History. 1889 337R Mackey (A. G.), A Lexicon of Freemasonry 499F McKinney (S. B. G.), M.A., Science and Art of Religion. 1888... 1307M [1 160] MAC ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. MAN Mackintosh (Sir James), LL.D., and Wallace (William), History of England, 10 vols. 1830 703-12T Vol. 1. — From the British and Roman Period to Henry VI., 703T. Vol. 2. — Henry VI. {continued) to Mary, 704T. Vol. 3. — From the Acces- sion of Elizabeth to the Spanish Armada, 705T. Vol. 4. — The Spanish Armada {continued) to the Death of James I., 706T. Vol. 5. — From the Accession of Charles I. to the Battle of Naseby, 707T. Vol. 6.— Battle of Naseby (continued) to the second Long Parliament, 708T. Vol. 7. — From the Savoy Conference to the Death of Charles II., 709T. Vol. 8.— From the Accession of James II. to the Abjuration of Jame<, 710T. Vol. 9. — From the Council of Regency to the Death of Queen Anne, 711T. Vol. 10. — From the Accession of George I. to the Death of George II., 712T. Macknight (James), D.D., A New Literal Translation from the Original Greek of all the Apostolical Epistles, with a Com- mentary and Notes. 1832 15°^ Macleod(D., Editor of Good Words from 1873). See Good Words from v. 14, 2t8 4 J. Macleod (N., Editor of Good Words, b. 1812, d. 1872), D.D., Peeps at the Far East, a Visit to India. 1871 865K Macmahon (J. H.), M.A. See Ante-Nicene Library, &c. McMaster (John Bac), Benjamin Franklin as a Man of Letters. 1 887 583O Mackonocllie (A. H.), A Memoir by E. A. T. [Mrs. Towle], edited by E. F. Russell. 1890 73^0 Macpherson (Robert), D.D., The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, with an Examination of the Speculations of Strauss in his new Life of Jesus. 1867 1267M Madeira. See Tovey's Wine Countries [Wines of], 2125R. Madi Tribe. See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1, 873 K. Madness. See Knowledge [and Marriage], v. 5, 2585 J. Madras. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Urwick's Indian Pictures, 3T4B. Magic Lantern. See Boys' Own Annual [Slides], v. 7, 2957J. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1255H. Magna Charta. See Gneist's English Parliament, 439H. Magnetism, Electricity and Meteorology, by Lard ner, 2 vols. 1841 701-2T See also Nature, v. 39-0, 2699-0J. Magoon (E. L.), Proverbs for the People. 1849 2 42R Malldi, The (Mohamet Achmet). See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1, 873K. Mahomet, Life of, by Washington Irving. 1850 668X ■ See also Sunday at Home, v. 29, 3299J, &c. Mahommedans. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Religious Systems of the World [by Leitner], 934A. Sunday at Home [and Christianity], v. 14, 2864J, &c. Maiden, The. See Stark's Life's Stages, 1252M. Maintenon (Madame De). See Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L. Makers of Modern English, a Handbook to the Greater Poets of the Century, by Dawson. 1890 45§F Malacology, or Shells and Shell-Fish, a Treatise on, by Swainson 793T Malleson (Col. C. B.), C.S.I., Lifeofthe Marquess Wellesley, K.G. 61F Mallet (Sir Louis), C.B. See Cobden's Political Writings, 222F. Malone (Edmond, Irish Critic, b. 1741, d. 1812), Life and Writings of Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1867 1204H Malta. See Argosy [a Day at], v. 45, 45J. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Malthus and his Work, by Bonar. 1885 457F Mammals. See Knowledge [Pouched], v. 13, 2593J. Mammoth, and the Flood. See Quarterly Review, v. 166, 1296J. Mail and Horse, their Mutual Dependence and Duties, by Wood 2131R [1161] MAN GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MAS Man, Dominion of, by Wood, illustrated. 1889 2130R in the Past, Present and Future, an Account of the Results of Recent Scientific Research as Regards the Origin, Position, and Prospects of the Human Race, by Buchner, translated by Dallas. 1872 1332H See also Dawson's Origin of the World, 564R. English Mechanic [Pre- Historic], v. 50, 1050D. Nineteenth Century [Natural Inequality of], v. 27, 2237J. Universal Review [a Day with Primeval Man], v. 3, 3323J. Wallace's Darwinism, 2121R. Westminster Review [Evolu- tion of], v. 132, R.L. Anthropology, &c. Man-of-^War. See Good Words [Life on Board a Modern], v. 30, 2200 J. Management. See Lady's World [Household], 1887, R.L. Manchester Ship Canal. See Cassell's Family Magazine, v. 15, 2364J. Chambers', v. 65, 1966J. Murray's Magazine, v. 5, 1465J, &c. Manila. See Harper [and its Surroundings], v. 80, 1660J. Manitoba. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Canada, &c. Manley (John J.), M.A., Literature of Sea and River Fishing. 1884 972K Salt and other Condiments [Inter. Health Exhibition]. 1884.... 954K Manning (S.), LL.D., American Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil [R.T.S.] 311B Swiss Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil [R.T.S.] 312B Those Holy Fields, Palestine, illustrated [R.T.S.]. 337B Mansel (Henry Lonqueville), B.D., Limits of Religious Thought Examined [Bampton Lectures]. 1867 1277M Metaphysics, or the Philosophy of Consciousness, Phenomenal and Real, i860 1328H t866 655H Mansergh (J. F.). See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Manufactures in Metal [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1831... 722-4T See also London Quarterly [Irish], v. 71, 861J. Manures and Their Uses, by Griffiths. 1889 2120R Many Mansions in the House of the Father, Scripturally Discussed and Practically Considered, by Faber. 1854 74^A Maple. See Ward's Timber, 2128R. Maple Sugar Making. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Maps. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Drawing and Mounting], 958D. March. See Time, v. 20, 1510J. " Marchesa," Cruise of the. Sec Quarterly Review, v. 166, 1296J. Marie Antoinette. See Mothers of Great Men and Women, 682 F. Mark (St.). See Costa's Four Witnesses, 889A. Marketing. See Peters' Girls' Own Out-door Book, 1256H. Marriage, How Men Propose, by Stevens. 1890 2014R See also Lady's World [Fashionable], 1887, R.L. Westminster Review, v. 130, R.L. Woman's World [Being Married], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Fort- nightly [Morality of], v. 53, 2143J, &c. Marryat (Frederick), Life of, by Hannay [Great Writers] 1269O Marsll (L.), M.D., Ed., Rural Sanitary Science, by Gardner and others. 1876 94 lK Marshall (E.)- See Notes and Queries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Martensen (Dr. H.), Christian Dogmatics, a Compendium of the Doctrines of Christianity, translated by Urwick. 1866 769A Martineau (H.) See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Martyrs. See Timmins' Warwickshire, 1413H. Marzials (Frank T.)j Life of Leon Gambetta [The Statesmen Series] 1380O Masai Land, Through, by Thomson. 18S5 646K Mason (Sir Josiah), A Biography and History of the Steel-pen Trades, by Bunce. 1890 1035O [1162] MAS ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. MET Mason (Sir Josiah). See also Cochrane's Useful Lives, 508O. Mass, The. See Religious Systems of the World [by Costello], 934A. Massey (Gerald), Secret Drama of Shakespeare's Sonnets. 1888 ... 1326H Massinger (Philip). See Fortnightly Review, v. 52, 2142J. Mathematics. See English Mechanic [British Association Address], v. 50, 1050D. Nature [and Physics], v. 39-0, 2699-0J. Nature, v. 41, 2701J, &c. Mather (Cotton), D.D., The Wonders of the Invisible World, being an Account of the Tryals of Several Witches lately Executed in New England, to which is added a Farther Account of the Tryals of the New England Witches, by Increase Mather.... 2043 R Mather (Increase), Remarkable Providences illustrative of the Earlier Days of American Colonization. 1890 2042R Mats. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [How to Make], 958D. Matthew (St.), Commentary on the Gospel of, by Goodwin. 1857.. 1270M See also Commentaries, New Testament, Gospel, &c. Costa's Four Wit- nesses, 889A, &c. Maurice (F. D.), Lessons of Hope, Readings from the Works of Maurice, selected by J. L. Davies. 1889 1320M Maxims. See Cassell's Family Magazine [Matrimonial, by a Married Man], v. 15, 1365J. Mazarin (Cardinal). See Atlantic Monthly [the Nieces of], v. 64, 1554J. Mazes. See Boys' Own Annual [Ancient and Modern] v. 5, 2955J. Measles. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Mecca. See Cornhill [Pilgrims to], v. 60, 340J. Mechanical Science. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Mechanics, Simple, by Blakelee, illustrated 958D Medals. See Boys' Own Annual [of the British Army], v. 11, 2961 J. Medicine. See Harper [Delusions of], v. 46, 1626J. Woman's World [Profes- sions for Women], v. 1, 1889, R.L., &c. Mediaeval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources. See Nature, v. 39, 2699J. Mediterranean Sea. See Nature [Tides of], v. 12, 2672 J. Meetings. See Young Debater and Chairman's Assistant, 2072R. Melbourne. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. Australia, &c. Melbourne (Lord). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609F. Melendez Valdes (Juan, Spanish Poet, b. 1755, d. 1817). See Longfellow's Poets and Poetry of Europe, 473D. Memnon's Head. See Macaulay's Wonderful Stories, 2380X. Memories of Fifty Years, by Wallack, illustrated. 1889 375^ Men. See Nineteenth Century [Natural Inequalities of], v. 27, 2237 J. Menageries, Animals in, by Swainson [Lard. Cab. Cyclo.]. 1838. 770T Mendelssohn (B. F.). See London Quarterly [and his Music], v. 72, 862J. Mental Deterioration. See Westminster Review [Some of its Avoidable Causes], v. 130, R.L. Mental Evolution in Man, Origin of Human Faculty, by Romanes... 1335H • Illumination and Moral Improvement of Mankind, by Dick 1319^ Menzies (L.), Lives of the Greek Heroines. 1880 / 3 2 3T Merchant Service, Our. See Nineteenth Century, v. 27, 2237 J. Merchants, English, by Fox Bourne, illustrated. 1886 1496O Mercier (Charles), M.B., Sanity and Insanity. 1890 1501M Meredith (Owen). See Lytton (Lord E. R. Bulwer). Mermaids. See Goldsmid's Myths, 201 iR. Merton (A,). See Home Treasury of Old Story Books, 2863X. Merv. See Curzon's Russia, 2123R, &c. Messiahs, Modern, and Wonder Workers, by Oxley. 1889 1254M Metallurgy. See Nature, v. 41, 2701J ; [of Gold], v. 39, 2699J. Metals, Manufacturers in [Lardner's Cabinet Cycle], 3 vols. 1831 722-4T Metaphysics, or the Philosophy of Consciousness, by Mansel 655 & 1328H Metcalfe (C. J.,Jun.),The Channel Islands, Historical and Legendary Sketches [Poetry], illustrated. 1852 1435H [1 163] MET GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MIR Meteorites. See Good Words, v. 22, 2192J. Meteorology, Magnetism and Electricity, by Lardner, 2 vols. 1 84 1 701 -2T for Beginners, Ocean of Air, by Giberne. 1890 2123R See also Nature, v. 39-0, 2699-0J ; v. 41, 2701J. Stanley's In Darkest Africa, 873-4K, &c. Meteors. See Chambers [the November], v. 66, 1966J. Nature, v. 40, 2700J ; v. 41, 2701J. Meteyard (Eliza), A Group of Englishmen [1795 to 1815], being Records of the Younger Wedgewoods and their Friends, em- bracing the History of the Discovery of Photography and a Facsimile of the First Photograph. 1871 42F Methodism. See London Quarterly [Middle Age of], v. 69, 859J. Religious Systems of the World [by Amos], 934A, &c. Meth.od.ius (St., Greek Monk and Missionary and Eminent Painter, d. 900). See Ante-Nicene Library, 374A. Metropolitan Board of Works. See Wale's London, 327R, &c. Mexico, A White Umbrella in, by F. H. Smith. 1889 I775R See also Harper [the Mexican Army], v. 79, 1659J. Miall (Charles S.), Henry Richard, M.P., a Biography. 1889 424F Miall (Edward). See Life of Henry Richard, 424F. Mice. See Good Words [Harvest Mouse], v. 30. 2200J, &c. Microscope, The. See Girls' Own Annual [and Ourselves], v. 10, 2560J. Nature, v. 39, 2699J, &c. Michelangelo, Lionardo Da Vinci, and Raphael, with a Preliminary Chapter on Art in Italy before the 16th Century, by Clement, translated by Cockran, illustrated. 1880 223F Michelet (Madame). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393 F. Mid- Age. See Contemporary Review, v. 56, 2066J. Middle Class, The. See Nineteenth Century [and the New Liberalism], v. 26, 2236J. Middle Life. See Stark's Life Stages, T252M. Midlands, The. See Murray's Magazine, v. 5, 1465J. Milford, True History of. See Temple Bar, v. 88, 1418J. Milk, Pure. See Health Exhibition Literature, 956K. Miller (Fred), Pottery Painting, a Course of Instruction in the Various Methods of Working on Pottery and Porcelain, illus. 1069M Mills (A.), Colonial Constitutions, an Outline of the Constitutional History and Existing Government of the British Dependen- cies, by A. Mills. 1856 I437H Miltiades. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 320T. Mimicry. See Wallace's Darwinism, 2121R, &c. Mind, Instruction of the, inductively Investigated, by M'Cosh 748A See also Knowledge [Growth and Decay of], v. 13, 2593J. London Quar- terly [and Evolution], v. 72, 862J, &c. Mineral- Oil Trade. See Chambers, v. 60, 1960J, &c. Mineral Springs, &c. See Nineteenth Century, 2230J. Mineralogy. See Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Mines, &c. Minerals. See Harper [of Eastern France], v. 73, 1653J. Nature, v. 39-0, 2699-0J. Wonders of Nature and Art [Wonders of the Mineral Kingdom], 1329H, &c. Mines and Miners. See All the Year Round, v. 48, 1808J ; [Disasters], v. 58, 1818J. Capital and Labour, r 115 F. Chambers, v. 60, 1960J. Century [Hydraulic Mining in California], v. 3, 1875J. Leisure Hour [Customs and Superstitions of], v. 32, 2642J ; [Among the Northumberland Miners], v. 34, 2644J. Nineteenth Century [Inspection of, a Sham], v. 17, 2227J. Ministry of Health and other Addresses, by Richardson. 1877. ... 984K Minor Prophets, translated with a Commentary, by Henderson. 1858 888A Minto (Lord). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609-10F. MinucillS Felix. See Ante-Nicene Library, v. 13, 363A. Miracles. See Westminster Review, v. 132, R.L. [H64] MIS ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. MOO Missions, Light in Lands of Darkness, a Record of Missionary Labour, by Young, illustrated. 1883 and Missionaries. See Contemporary Review [The Old Missionary], v. 56, 2066J. London Quarterly [Roman Catholic], v. 71, 861J. McFarlane's Cannibals of New Guinea, 1756R. Sundav at Home, v. 36, 2S86J. Hickson's Celebes, 864K. Mitchel (E. B.), Boxing [Badminton Library]. 1889 Mitchell (W. Stephen), M.A., Place of Fish in a Hard-working Diet, with Notes on the Use of Fish in Former Times. 1884 Mitford (Mary Russell). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Mithraism. See Religious Svstems of the World [by Robertson], 934A. Modem Messiahs and Wonder Workers, by Oxley. 1 889 Mohamet, Half Hours with Muhammad, by Wollaslon. 1S86 Molesworth (W. N.), M.A., History of the Reform Bill of 1832 ... Moll (Albert), Hypnotism [Contemporary Science Series]. 1890 Moltke (Baron Von). See Atlantic Monthly [Some Characteristics of], v. 63, !553j- Molluscs. See Fisheries Literature [Mussels, Whelks, &c, used for Food or Bait], 975K. Monarchy. See Contemporary [the Future of English], v. 57, 2067J. Mont Blanc, To the Top of, by the Rev. W. Senior [B.O.A., v. 9] .. of New Zealand. _ See Cassell's Family Magazine [A Trip to the], v. 15, 2364J. Manning's Swiss Pictures, 312B. Montagu (Lady M. W.). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Montague (Charles W.), Recollections of an Equestrian Manager... Monte Carlo. See Nineteenth Century, v. 25, 2235 J. Montgomery (James), Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal [Lard. Cab. Cyclo.]. 1835-37 : Vol. 1. — Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Lorenzo De' Medici, &c, Bojardo, Berni, Ariosto, Machiavelli Vol. 2. — Galileo, Guicciardini, Vittoria, Colonna, Guarini, Tasso, Chia- brera, Tassoni, Marini, Filicaja, Metastasio, Goldoni, Alfieri, Monti, Ugo Foscolo Vol. 3. — Boscan, Mendoza, Herrera, Ercilla, Cervantes, Gongora, Quevedo, Calderon, Camoens, &c Month at Gastein, or Footfalls in the Tyrol, illustrated Montilla. See Tovey's Wine Countries [Description of], 2125R. Montreal. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Harper's Monthly, v. 79, 1659J, &c. Moon, The. See Century [How Man's Messenger outran the Moon], v. 38, 1888J. Chambers' [Harvest Moon], v. 66, 1966J. Knowledge [the Great Bright Streaks which radiate from the Lunar Craters], v. 13, 2 593J-_ Books for the Blind, arranged in embossed 544^ 1138M 970K 1254M 14780 1120F 1502M 2959J I957J 725T 726T 7 2 7 r 1771R Moon (W.), LL.D . type : Amos 1 1 Y Collects ;.... iY Cootes (E.), Life of [in French] 27Y Davy (Sir Humphrey) 21Y Ecclesiastes 62Y Esther 6Y Ferguson the Astronomer .... 20Y First Lessons for the Blind 53Y Franklin (B.), Life of, in 2 parts 24-5Y Genesis, 3 parts 2-4Y Grammar for the Blind ' 54Y Grey (Lady Jane) 26Y Hele's Morning and Evening Prayers 19Y Herschel(SirW.) 23Y Isaiah 7 & 40Y Jeremiah 9, 10 & 41Y John's Epistles, 1st, 2nd and 3rd 18Y John, (St.), Gospel of. . . .15-6, 49 & 5°Y [1 165] Jonah Key to Lucas's System Luke, (St.), Gospel of Magazine for the Blind, from June, 1854, to March,*i855, also August, 1855 Matthew, (St.), Gospel of 14 Music, by Hughes Nehemiah Obadiah Peter, 2nd Epistle of Peter the Great Psalms, Book of 42- Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in Churches, by Brady and Tate Romans to 2 Corinthians Specimens of different Systems for teaching the Blind Writing for the Blind, Methods of 13Y 28Y 48Y 29-39Y and 45Y 52Y 5$ 12Y 17Y 22Y 4&46Y 47 l 63Y 61Y MOO GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. MUL Moore (Sir John). See Macaulay's Stories, 3044X. Moore (Thomas), History of Ireland from 1000 B.C. to A.D. 1646 713-16T Moral Improvement of Mankind, by Dick. 1836 1319M Moral Muscle and how to Use it : a Friendly Chat to Young Men, by Atkins. 1890 1322M Morality. See Collins' Synthetic Philosophy [Principles ofj, 587H, &c. More (Margaret). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393 F. Morell (John Reynell), Russia as it is, its Court, Government, and People. 1854 1923Z Morfill (W. R.), M.A., Russia [Story of the Nations]. 1890 1556O Morgan (Lady). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393 F. Morgan. See also De Morgan. Morley (John), Walpole [Twelve English Statesmen]. 1889 1399O See also New Review [and the New Radicalism], v. 1, 3351J. Quarterly Review, v. 1, 1298J. Morley (Samuel, Advocate of Nonconformity, Educational Reform, &>c, b. 1S09, d. 1886). See Cochrane's Useful Lives, 508O. Mial's Life of Richard, 424F, &c. Mormonism. See Gentleman's Magazine [Early], v. 43, N.S., 763 J. Morphology. See Nature, v. 40, 2700J. Morris (Gouverneur). See London Quarterly, v. 72, 862J. Morris (Lewis, Modem Poet, &c), M.A., Songs of Britain. 1887 1905Z Morris (William). See Dawson's Makers of Modern English, 458F. Morrison (W. D.), The Jews under Roman Rule, illustrated. 1890 1557R Morte d' Arthur. See English Illustrated, v. 6, 1996J. Morton (Dr. William T. G.). See Cochrane's Useful Lives, 508O. Mosaics. See Wilkinson's On Colour, 948D. MOSCOW. See Harper [Holy Moscow], v. 79, 1659J. Moses. See Faber's Horae Mosaicae, 744-5A. Robin's Egypt [Books of Moses], 883A. Mosheim (John Lawrence Von), D.D., Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern, translated by Murdock, and edited with additions, by Soames, 4 vols. 1845 : Vol. 1.— Primitive Period 896 A I Vol. 3.— The Reformation 898A Vol. 2.— Mediaeval Period. ... 897A | Vol. 4.— Modern Period 899A Mosses, British, a Popular History, by Stark, coloured plates. 186c 2136R ■ and Moss Ornaments. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Mossman (Samuel). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Mothers. See Cassell's Family Magazine [a Leaf out of a Young Mother's Journal], v.' 15, 1365J. Oxley's Modern Messiahs, &c, 1254M. Stark's Life's Stages, 1252M. Temple Bar [according to English Novelists], v. 88, 1418J. White's From Infancy to Womanhood, 2074R. Temple Bar [According to English Novelists], v. 88, 1418J. Motley (J. L.). See London Quarterly [Letters of], v. 72, 862J. Quarterly Review [Correspondence], v. 168, 1298 J. Mount Orgueil Castle, Jersey. See Metcalfe's Channel Islands, 1435H. Mount Sinai, Petra, and the Desert, Described and Illustrated by Withrow, illustrated. 1 879 647Z Mountains. See Good Words [Underground Mountains], v. 31, 2201J. Hick- son's Celebes, 864K. Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H. Mourning. See Woman's World [Clothes and Customs], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Moxon (Edward, Pxiblisher and Poet, b. 1801, d. 1858). See Knight's Life of Wordsworth, v. 3, 299F. Muffs. See Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L. Muhammad, Half-Hours with, by WoHaston. 1886 689O See also Mahomet. Muirhead (James Patrick), M.A., Life of James Watt, with Selec- tions from his Correspondence, illustrated. 1859 222F Muller (Christine). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Miiller (J.), The Christian Doctrine of Sin, translated by Urwick ... 767-8A [1 166] MUL ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. NAT Miiller (Max), Biographies of Words and the Home of the Aryas.... 930M Mullins (J. D.), Free Libraries and News Rooms, their Formation and Management 2082R Muloch(Miss), An Unsentimental Tourney through Cornwall 1991J Mumps. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Murdoch. (James), A History of Constitutional Reform in Great Britain and Ireland. 1885 1076F Murphy (James G.), LL.D., A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Exodus [Clark's Theological Library]. 1866 770A Genesis [Clar k's Theol. Lib.]. 1863 771 A Murphy (Shirley F.), Infectious Disease and its Prevention. 1884 957K Murray (E. C. Grenville). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Murray (J. A. H.). See Notes and Qu eries, 7th series, v. 7, 1099J. Murray's Handbooks. See Murray's Magazine [Origin and History of], v. 6, 1 466 J. Mushrooms. See Chambers [Russian], v. 44, 1948J ; [Culture in Japan], v. 54, 1954J. Fraser, v. 59, 669J. Once a Week, v. 19, 2279J. Time [and Toadstools], v. 17, 1507J. Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Culture], 958D. Philips' British Discomycetes, 398R. Music See Cassell's Family Magazine [the Guildhall School of], v. 15, 1365J ; [What is Chamber], v. 15, 1365 J. Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1255H. Lady's World [for the American Organ], 1887, R.L. Peter's Girls' Out-door Books [Out-door Music], 1256H. Time [Musicians and Music], v. 6, 1496J. Universal Review [Abolition of Music Clefs], v. 4, 3324J. Health Exhibition Literature [Teaching of Music in Schools], 963K. Music Halls. See Contemporary Review [the Modern], v. 56, 2066J. Cornhill, v. 60, 340J. Mussels. See Fisheries Literature [Whelks and Molluscs used for Food or Bait], 975K. Musset (Alfred de). See Fortnightly [Reminiscences of], v. 51, 2141J. Mutineers of the Good Intent. See Boys' Own Annual, v. 5, 2955 J. May Queen. See Boys' Own Annual, v. 9, 2959J. My Lady Nicotine [a work on Smoking], by Barrie. 1890 2049R My Mistress, the Empress Eugenie, or Court Life at the Tuileries, by Madame Carette 956F Myddeltons and the Middletons of London [Fox Bourne's English Merchants] 1496O Myrrh. See Quiver [What is?], v. 32, 3302J. Mysticism. See Religious Systems of the World [by Lilly], 934A. Mythology, Geography and Biography, smaller Classical Dictionary, by Smith. 1862 1027M Myths of Ancient Science, translated and edited by Goldsmid. 1886 201 iR See also Dawson's Origin of the World, 564R. New Review [and the Old Testament], v. 1, 3351J. N, AILS and Nailing. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Names. See Chambers [The Confusion of Proper Names], v. 66, 1966J. Nomen- clature, &c. Napier (Lord, of Magdala). See Fortnightly, v. 53, 2143J. _ Napoleon Bonaparte. See Macaulay's Stories [Abdication in 1814], 3044X. Napoleon III. See Walpole's Lord Russell, 610F. Natal. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. National Debt. See White's Problems of a Great City, 444H. .National Finances. See Quarterly Review, v. 166, 1296J. [II673 NAT GU1LLE-ALLES LIBRARY. NEW National Portrait Gallery. See Quarterly Review, v. 166, 1296J. Natural History, Notes on, by Pritchard, illustrated. 1844 17R Field and Hedgerow, by Jefferies. 1890 2145R Out of Doors, by Wood. 1890 2132R Rambles and Reveries of a Naturalist, by Spiers. 1890 2147R Study of, by Swainson [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo.]. 1834 768T • See also Kingsley's Lectures [How to Study, &c.], 1969R. Nature, v. 39, 2699J; v. 41, 2701 J. Woodland, Moor and Stream, 2126R, &c. Natural Science Society of Guernsey, Report for 1889. 1890 2137R Natural Selection. See London Quarterly [Prophet of], v. 70, 860J. Natural Theology. See Kingsley's Lectures [of the Future], 1969R. Naturalism. See Westminster Review, v. 132, R.L. Naturalist in North Celebes, by Hickson, illustrated. 1889 864K on the River Amazon, 2 vols. 1863 2143-4R Nature and Revelation, Occasional Thoughts of an Astronomer, by Pritchard. 1889 1265M the Supernatural as Constituting the One System of God, by Bushnell. 1864 1276M Invisible Powers of, by Caillard. 1888 43iR See also Gentleman's Magazine [Romance of], v. 43, n.s., 763J. Cornhill Magazine [at Night], v. 61, 341J, &c. Naval History of England, Lives of the British Admirals. 1 833-40.. 7S6-90T See also Blackwood [Naval Manoeuvres of 1S89], v. 146, 216J. Contem- porary Review [Two Years of Naval Manoeuvres], v. 56, 2c66J. Fort- nightly [What our Navy should be], v. 50, 2140J, &c. Nazareth. See Manning's Palestine, 337B-. Nebulae. See English Mechanic [ISiews from the], v. 50. 1050J. Science Gossip [the Nebular Hypothesis], v. 26, 2424J, &c. Needlework. See Peters' Girls' Own Out-door Book [Holiday], 1256H. Woman's World [Ancient, and of the Day], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Negeb, or " South Country " of Scripture, by Wilton. 1863 1304M Negroes. See Century [Industrial Education for], v. 38, 1888J. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain [Negro Education], 335H, &c. Nelson (Captain). See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 2, 874K. Nelson (Lord) and the Naval Supremacy of England, by Russell. 1890 917O Nepaul. See Nineteenth Century [Sport in], v. 26, 2236J. Nestleton Magna, by J. Jackson Wray 3448X Netherlands. See Fisheries Literature [Oyster Culture, &c], 974 K. Neuralgia. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. New England. See Manning's American Pictures, 31 iB. Mather's Providences, 2042R ; Mather's Wonders [Witches], 2043R, &c. New Forest. See Gentleman's Magazine [as a National School], v. 44, 764J. New Guinea, Among the Cannibals of, by McFarlane. 1888 I75&R See also Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. New Review, edited by Grove, from vol I. 1889 335 r J New South Wales. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Fisheries Literature [Notes on the Food, Fishes, &c, of], 974K. New Testament, a Full Collation of the Codex Sinaiticus, &c, with Introduction by Scrivener. 1864 1301M [Alford's Greek Testament], v. 2-4. 1855 927-30A Biblical Theology of, by Schmidt, translated by Venables 75 1 A Commentary by Brown and Fausset [Critical Pocket Bible] ... 1273M Gnomon of the, by Bengal, translated by Badinel, &c, 5 vols. 821-5A Greek and English Lexicon, by Parkhurst and others. 1851. 881A by Robinson, revised by Negris and Duncan 762 A Handbook to the Grammar of the Greek Testament, with Vocabulary and Synonyms [R.T.S.] 1274M Introduction to, by Bleek, translated by Urwick. 1869 819-0A [1168] NEW ENGLISH SECTION -GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. NOV New Testament, Introduction to, by Davidson, 3 vols. 1848 901-3A Four Gospels, 901 A. Acts to Thessalonians, 902 A. Timothy to Revela- tion, 903 A. Synopsis of, Annotations by Bloomfield, 8 vols. 1826 734A [For contents see under Bloomfield.] with Notes on Theology, &c., by Townsend, 2 vols. 1838... 924-5A upon the Basis of Archbishop Newcome's New Translation ... 890A New York. See Murray's Magazine [during the Presidential Election], v. 5, 1465J. New Zealand, Round about, being Notes from a Journal of Three Years' Wanderings in the Antipodes, by Pay ton, illus. 1888 S70K See also Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Gentleman's Maga- zine [Bush Life in], v. 42, N.s., 762J ; v. 43, n.s., 763J, &c. Newcastle (Duke of). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 610F. Newfcmndland. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Fisheries Literature [its Fisheries and General Resources], 974K. Newspapers. See All the Year Round [The Earliest Daily Paper], v. 42, 1822J. Lippincott [the Newspaper and the Individual], v. 45, 3371J. McMaster's Benjamin Franklin, 583O. All the Year Round [The Earliest], v. 48, 1822J. Nineteenth Century [Illustrating of Books and the Newspaper Press], v. 27, 2237J. Newt, The. See Boys' Own Annual [as a Pet], v. 12, 2962J. Niagara Falls. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Nicoll (W. Robertson), M.A., James Macdonell, Journalist. 1890.. 483F Uikias. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 32 iT. Nineteenth. Century, Great Explorers of the, by Verne, illus. 1881 2S7F Nineteenth Century, A Monthly Review : Vol. 27, 1890. — The German Daily Press. Ourselves and our Foremothers. Future of the City Charities. Ten Years of British Art. The Ascertainment of English. Dangers of Electric Lighting. Natural Rights and Political Rights. Future of Russia in Asia. The Illustration of Books and Newspapers. Play and Players on the Riviera. The Naturalist on the Pampas. On Books and the Housing of them. Wallace on Darwinism. On Justice. Brain Work and Manual Work. Our Merchant Service. The Suppression of Rabies in the United Kingdom. Continental and English Painting. Ireland Then and Now. Prince Bismarck. The Good Time Coming. The Newspaper Press. A Penny Post for the Empire. Racing in 1890. New Wine in Old Bottles. Something about Village Almshouses, &c 2237J Niobe. See Menzies' Greek Heroines, 323T. Nomenclature. See Camden's Britain, 2044R. Miall's Life of Richard, 424F. Nonconformity. See Religious Systems of the World [by Picton], 934A. Nonsense as a Fine Art. See Quarterly Review, v. 167, 1297J. Norman (C. B.), Colonial France. 1886 457H Normanby (Lord). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609-10F. Normandy. See Argosy, v. 49, 49J. Chambers [Fugitive Facts from], v. 77, 1967J. English Illustrated [Ramble through], v. 6, 1996J. Murray's Magazine [Quiet Corner of, Caudebec], v. 7, 1467J. Normans in South Europe, A Short History, by Barlow. 1886 ... 458II !N"orris (W. E.). See Quarterly Review [his Novels], v. 168, 1298J. North. Sea Trawlers. See Contemporary Review [Among the], v. 54, 2064J. North (Dudley, 0/ London). See Fox Bourne's English Merchants, 1496O. Northern Studies [Norway, Sweden, Denmark, &c], by Gosse .... 1937R Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, by Dunham [Lard. Cab. Cyclo.]... 773-5T Through Norway with Ladies, by Williams. 1877 869K See also Chambers [Norwegian Folk-Lore and Superstitions], v. 66, 1966J. Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J. Wood's Under Northern Skies, 1766R. Fisheries Literature [Notes on the Fish Supply of], 974K. Nova Scotia. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H, &c. 56 [H69] NOV GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ORT Novatian (.First Anti-Pope, consecrated Bishop of Rome 251). See Ante-Nicene Library, v. 13, 363A. Novelists of Russia, Modern, by Turner. 1890 1491O Novels. See London Quarterly [Two modern novels, Donovan and We Two], v. 70, 860J. Longmans [The Dramatisation of], v. 14, 904J. Mac- millan [On the Naming of], v. 6t, 991J, &c. Numismatics. See Jewitt's English Coins and Tokens, 144R. Nurseries, Healthy [for Children] and Bedrooms, by Mrs. Glad- stone [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 95 iK Nursing. See Quiver [Home Nursing], v. 32, 3302 J. Woman's World [as a Profession for Women], v. 1, 1889, R.L. Nuts. See All the Year Round [Nutting], v. 47-8, 1807-8J. AK. See Ward's Timber, 2128R. Oberlin (J. F., Pastor of Waldbach), Memoirs of. 1829 467F Ocean of Air, Meteorology for Beginners, by Giberne. 1890 2123R Ochre. See Tingry's Colourman's Guide, 1071M. O'Connell (Daniel). See Quarterly Review, v. 167, 1297J. Walpole's Lord Russell, 609F. Oddities, Book of, by Andrews. 18S2 2070R Odontology. See Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Oh.net (Georges). See Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L. Oils. See Tingry's Colourman's Guide, 1071M. Old Covenant, History of the, by Kurtz, trans, by Edersheim. 1859. 790-2A Old Friends, Essays in Epistolary Parody, by Lang. 1890 2048R Old Guard [of Napoleon], by J. T. Headley 1924Z Old Testament, Biblical Commentary, The Pentateuch, by Keil and Delitzsch, translated by Martin [Clark's Theological Library] 778-80A Old Testament, Commentary on Exodus [Hebrew and Eng.], by Kalisch 932A Commentary on Genesis, by Kalisch. 1858 93 r ^ Commentary on the Twelve Minor Prophets, by Keil 785-6A Historico-Critical Introduction, by Keil, tr. by Douglas 775-6A Introduction to the, by Havernick, trans, by Alexander 794 A- See also Contemporary Review [and the Critics], v. 57, 2067J. Ontario. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Opera, The. See Gentleman's Magazine [the English Opera of the Future], v. 42, n.s., 762J. Optics. See Nature, v. 39-40, 2699-0J. Orange River Free State. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Organic Analysis of Potable Waters, by Blain. 1890 545R Organs, Church. See English Mechanic [Brindley's Improvements in, &c], v. 50, 1050D. Oriental Folk-Lore and Legends. 1889 929T Origen (Greek Father and Mystic, b. 186, d. 254). See Ante-Nicene Library, v. 10, 364A. Origin of the World, according to Revelation and Science, by Dawson. 1888 5^4^ Ormsby (J.), 7k, The Poem of the Cid, with Introduction and Notes 1423M Ornithology. See Adams' Favourite Song Birds, 2133R ; Smaller British Birds, 39D. Dixon's Our Rarer Birds, 833F ; Rural Bird Life, 2135R. Green's Birds I have Kept, 2134R. Nature, v. 39-41, 2699-1J. Stan- ley's In Darkest Africa, v. 2, 874K. Orr (Mrs. Sutherland), Handbook to the Works of Robert Brown- ing. 1890 2035R Orton (Arthur). See Tichborne Claimant. [I I70] OSB ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. PAL Osborne (Dorothy, Daughter of 'Sir Peter Osborne \ Deputy-Governor of Guernsey). See Atlantic Monthly, v. 62, 1552J. London Quarterly, v. 71, 861 J. Osborne (Sir Peter, Deputy-Governor of Guernsey from 1622-46). See Atlantic Monthly, v. 65, 1855J. Ostrich, The. See Wood's Dominion of Man, 2130R. O'Sullivan (W. H., b. 1827, d. 1887). See Times' Register, p. xxxvii, 1887, R.L. Ottoman Empire. See Fortnightly Review [The Last Days of the], y. 52, 2142J. Our Journey to the Hebrides, by Joseph Pennell and Elizabeth R. Pennell. 1S90 1774^ Ouroussov (Princess Mary), Education from the Cradle [for Young Women], translated by Mrs. E. Fielding. 1890 24 iR Out of Doors, Articles on Practical Natural History, by Wood. 1890 2132R Overcrowding. See White's Problems of a Great City, 444H. Overton (J. H.), M. A., Life in the English Church [1660-1714]. 1885 43F and Wordsworth. (Elizabeth), Christopher Wordsworth, Bishop of Lincoln [1807— 1885]. 1888 63F Owen (J. A.), Ed., Woodland, Moor and Stream, being the Notes of a Naturalist. 1889 2126R Ox, The. See Wood's Dominion of Man, 2130R. Oxford, by Lang, Brief, Historical and Descriptive Notes. 1890 I53 8 ° See also Contemporary Review [Professors and Tutors], v. 56, 2066J. Woman's World [The Women Benefactors of], v. 1, 1889, R.L. Con- temporary [Professors and Tutors of], v. 57, 2067 J. Macmillan [Demo- cratic and Popular], v. 61, 991J. Oxley (William), Modern Messiahs and Wonder Workers, a History of the various Messianic Claimants to Special Divine Preroga- tives, and of the Sects that have arisen thereon in Recent Times. 1889 1254M Oyster Culture, by Anson, Willet, and Hoek. 1884 980K See also Christian World Magazine [and Oyster Eating], 258J. Good Words [Oyster Culture], v. 31, 2201J. Fisheries Literature [Oyster Culture, &C, in the Netherlands], 974K. PACIFIC, Japan and the, by Inagaki, with maps. 1890 1436H South. Sec Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. Padua. See Hare's Cities of Southern Italy, 1683-4R. Italy, &c. Paez (Don R.), Travels and Adventures in South and Central America. 1868 1694R Paganism. See Time [Decay of Pagan Thought], v. 22, 1512J. Woman's World [Fall of the], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Paget (Charles E.). Healthy Schools [Int. Health Exhibition]. 1884. 951K Pain. See Gore's Lux Mundi [The Problem of], 937A. Painting and Design, Lectures on, by Haydon. 1844 949^ Paints and Painting, Chemistry of, by Church. 1890 953 d See also Peters' Home Handicrafts [Painting], 952D. Williams' Science in Short Chapters [Luminous Paint], 502 R. Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [and Painting], 958D. Palaces. See Wonders of Nature and Art [Principal Palaces in Europe, Asia, Africa and America], 1329H. Palaeontology. See Nature, v. 39-0, 2699-0J. Williams' British Fossils, 146R. Palestine and the Sinailic Peninsula, Comparative Geography of, by Ritter, trans, by Gage [Clark's Theo. Lib.], 4 vols. 763-6 & 847-50A [II7I] PAL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PAT Palestine, by Conder. 1889 1757R Pictorial History of, vol. I [from the Patriarchs to Jiulah], by Kitto. 1844 147D Those Holy Fields, by Manning, illustrated [R.T.S.] 337B See also London Quarterly [Recent Explorations in], v. 69, 859J. Palmerston (Lord). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609-10F. Palmistry. See Universal Review [as a Fine Art], v. 4, 3324J. Pampas. See Nineteenth Century [a Naturalist on the], v. 27, 2237J. Panmixia. See Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Pantheism, History of, from the Earliest Times to the Age of Spinoza, 2 vols. 1878 935-6 A Pantomime. See Gentleman's Magazine [One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago], v. 42, n.s., 762J. Gentleman's Magazine [in the Far West], v. 44, 764J. Papacy, The. See Contemporary Review, v. 56, 2066J. Papal Infallibility. See Pope and Council, 1266M. Catholicism, Roman Catholics, Popes, &c. Pape-Carpantier (Madame). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Paper. See Chambers' [Watermarks on], v. 66, 1966J. Paraffl.il. See Williams' Science in Short Chapters [The Social Benefits of], 502R. Parasites. See Health Exhibition Literature [of Meat and Food], 962 K. Know- ledge [Harmless Parasites and other Uninvited Companions], v. 13, 2593 J. Pardoe (Miss), City of the Sultan, and Domestic Manners of the Turks, with a Steam Voyage up the Danube. 1854 1767R Paris. See Atlantic Monthly [Loitering through the Exposition], v. 65, 1555 J. Fortnightly Review [The Fortress of], v. 52, 2142J. Nature, v. 39, 2699J '■> [Exhibition of, &c], v. 40, 2700J. Sunday at Home [at the Time of the Reformation], v. 35, 2885J. Paris (P.), Manual of Ancient Sculpture, edited by Harrison. 1890 910F Parke (Surgeon T. H.). See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1 and 2, 873-4K. Parkes (Sir H., Premier 0/ 'New South Wales, b. 1815). See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Parkes (Dr.), [Marsh's Sanitary Science] 94iK Parkhurst (John, Hebraist and Hellenist, b. 1728, d. 1797), M.A., and others, A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testa- ment. 185 1 88 1 A Parks. See Cornhill [Some Royal], v. 60, 340J. Parliament, A short History of the English Parliament, by Bisset... 203R The English Parliament in its Transformations through a Thousand Years, by Gneist, translated by Shee. 1886 439H See also Fortnightly [Transit of Parliamentary Power], v. 9, 2099J. Parody, Epistolary. See Lang's Old Friends, 2048R. Parrot (F.), Journey to Ararat [Cooley's World Surveyed]. 1845... 3 2 4^ Parry (Sergeant). See Williams' Leaves of a Life, 376-7 F. Parry (T. Gambier), Ministry of Fine Art to the Happiness of Life, Essays on Various Arts. 1886 957D Parsi Religion. See Religious Systems of the World [by Naoroji], 934A. Parsonage, The. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Parsons, Trials of a Country Parson, by Jessopp. 1890 2047R Party Government. See Murray's Magazine, v. 5, 1465J. Pascoe (C. E.), London of To-Day, an Illustrated Handbook for the Season. 1890 1770R Passengers, Steerage. See Murray's Magazine, v. 5, 1465J. Passion Play on the Italian Lakes. See Macmillan, v. 60, 990J. Murray's Magazine [Passion Players at Home, or Ober-Ammergau in Winter], v. 7» J467J- Past Meridian [Concerning Age], by Mrs, Sigourney. 1854 2045R Paste. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [How to Make], 958D. Pasteur (L.). See Gentleman's Magazine [at Home], v. 44, 764J. Murray's Magazine [a Visit to the Pasteur Institute], v. 6, 1466J. Pastoral Epistles, Commentary on, by Ellicott. 1861 731 A Paterson (Arthur). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. [1172] PAT ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. PET Paterson (William), of Dumfries [Fox Bourne's Eng. Merchants].... 1496O Patience. See Cornhill, v. 60, 340J. Smiles' Duty, 1476O. Patrick (St. ), St. Patrick's Purgatory, an Essay on the Legends of Purgatory, Hell, and Paradise, current during the Middle Ages, by Wright. 1844 877F See also London Quarterly [and Early Irish Art], v. 72, 862J. Wilde's Ancient Ireland, 960F. Paul (St.), Epistle to Ephesians, Commentary by Ellicott. 1859 .. 728 A the Galatians, with Commentary and Translation, by Ellicott. 1863 727A Epistle to the Romans, Commentary upon, by Calvin, edited by Beveridge [Clark's Foreign Theological Library]. 1844 81' 2 A Exposition of, by Tholuck, translated by Menzies 1285-6M [The Greek Text with English Notes], by Vaughan 892A Thessalonians, Commentary by Ellicott. 1858 729A St. Paul's Epistles to the Philippians, Colossians and to Phile- mon, translated with a Commentary, by Ellicott. 1857 73°^ See also Quiver [his Character and Mission], v. 32, 3302 J. Paul the Pope, and Paul the Friar [Paul V., Pope of Rome], by T. A. Trollope. 1861 983O Pausanias. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 320T. Payton (E. W.), Round about New Zealand, being Notes from a Journal of Three Years' Wanderings in the Antipodes. 1 888 870K Peabody (George). See Cochrane's Useful Lives, 508O. Peace (Charles). See Williams' Leaves of a Life, 376F. Pebbles. See Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations [British], 1255H. Kingsley's Lectures [in the Street], 1969R. Peel (Sir Rohert). See Walpole's Lord Russell, 609-10F. Peel Family, of Manchester. See Fox Bourne's English Merchants, 1496O. Peeps at the Far East, by Norman Macleod. 1871 865K PeisistratOS. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 320T. Pemberton (T. E.), A Memoir of Edward Askew Sothern. 1889 392F Pembroke (Countess of). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Penelope. See Menzies' Greek Heroines, 323T. Pennell (Joseph) and Pennell (Elizabeth R.), Our Journey to the Hebrides. 1890 I774R Pennsylvania. See McMaster's Benjamin Franklin, 583O. Penny Post. See Nineteenth Century [for the Empire], v. 27, 2237J. Pentateuch, Genuineness of the, Dissertations by Hengstenberg, translated by Ryland [Clark's Theo. Lib.], 2 vols. 1847 787-8A Introduction to the, by Havernick, translated by Thomson. 1850 793A The Commentary, by Gerlach, translated by Dowing. i860 ... 772A Percival (Mrs. E. H.), Life of Sir D. Wedderburn. 1884 60F Percy, The House of. See Quarterly Review, v. 1, 1298J. Perfumery, Art of, by Piesse 959D See also Lady's World, 1887, R.L. Perikles. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 321T, Pericles, &:c. Perowne (J. T. S.), D.D., Ed., Essays, Speeches and Sermons, by Connop Thirlwall. 1880 517D Persia. See Nineteenth Century [of the Shah], v. 26, 2236J. Thielman's Journey, 1462-3R. Peters (Charles), Ed., Girl's Own Outdoor Book, containing Practical Help to Girls on Matters relating to Outdoor Occupation and Recreation [R.T.S.], illustrated 1256H Home Handicrafts 952D Petroleum, Nature of. Sec Our Home, 173D. [1173] PHI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PNE. Philadelphia. See Manning's American Pictures, 311B. McMaster's Benjamin Franklin, 5830 Philanthropy of God, Described and Illustrated in a Series of Sermons, by Hughes. 1890 1312M Philemon. See Commentaries, Epistles, New Testament, &c. Philippians. See Epistles, Commentaries, New Testament, &c. Philips (Katharine). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Phillips (J.), F.R.S., Treatise on Geology [Lard. Cab. Cyclo.], 2 vols 776-7T Philosopher's Stone. See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 44, n.s., 764J. Philosophy, Christian, &c, by Dick. 1836 1316M Essays on the Spirit of the Inductive, by Powell. 1855 J 333ht of Consciousness, Metaphysics, &c, by Mansel. 1866 655H of a Future State, by Dick. 1836 1315M — Religion, by Dick. 1836 1317M See also London Quarterly [Socialist], v. 71, 861J. Philpot (The Venerable Benjamin, b. 1791, d. 1889). See Times' Register of Events. Phiz. See Browne (Hablot K.). Phonetic Journal, devoted to the Propagation of Pitman's Short- hand (Phonography), and Phonetic Reading, Writing and Printing, edited by Pitman, from vol. 49. 1890 3439J Phormion. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 321T. Photography. See Harper [Fifty Years Ago], v. 79, 1659J. Knowledge [Rapid Exposure], v. 13, 2593J. Meteyard's Group of Englishmen [Discovery of Photography], 42F. Peters' Girls' Own Outdoor Book, 1256H. Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Physicians. See Everett's Doctors and Doctors, 947K. Physics. See English Mechanic [British Association Address], v. 50, 1050D. Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Physiography, Elements of, by Prince. 1 885 1 907Z Physiology, Elementary, by Morgan [Manchester Science Lectures] 451R of Digestion and the Digestive Organs, by Gamgee. 1884 954K See also Nature, v. 41, 2701 J. Picton (Harold W.), Story of Chemistry, with a Preface by Roscoe 41 iR Pictures and Picture Frames. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Piesse (G. W. S.), Ph.D., Art of Perfumery 959D Pig-Pens. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Pilate. See Sunday at Home, v. 37, 2887J. Pilchard, The. See Fisheries Literature [and Mackerel Fisheries], 975K. Pilgrim Sorrow, a Cycle of Tales, by Carmen Sylva [Queen Eliza- beth of Roumania], translated by Zimmern. 1884 3447X Pilkington (La?titia). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F.) Pine. See Ward's Timber, 2128R. Pink. See Tingry's Colourman's Guide, 1071M. Pinnock's History of England 230O Pitman (Isaac). See Phonetic Journal, 3439J. Pitts (J. L.), and Cotgreave (A.), The Guille-Alles Library, Guernsey, a short Account of its History and Formation, with some reference to its Contents and Catalogue 1924R Planets, The. See Boys' Own Annual [and where to find them], v. 12, 2962J. Cassell's Family Magazine [in 1890], v. 16, 2365J. Plants, Index of British, according to the London Catalogue. 18S9 691D Poisonous, Noxious, and Suspected, by Pratt [S.P.C.K.], illus... 38D See also English Mechanic [How plants maintain themselves], v. 50, 1050D. Manchester Science Lectures [Insectivorous], 2127R. Plays of Shakespeare, edited by Wood, 14 vols. 1806 362-75Q See also Shakespeare, Drama, &c. Pleurisy. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Ploughs and Ploughing. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Plumtree (E. H.), M.A., The Boyle Lectures for the Year 1866 .... 893A Pneumatology, Theory of, concerning Presentiments, Visions, and Apparitions, by Jung-Stilling, translated by Jackson. 1834 2079R [1 174] POE ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. POT Poe (Edgar Allen), Talcs of Adventure, Mystery and Imagination ... 205 iR Works of, edited by Ingram. 1875 : — Vol. 1. — Memoir. Tales of Mystery 2031R Vol. 2.— Tales of Imagination and Humour 2032R Vol. 3. — Poems and Essays 2033R Vol. 4. — Chapter on Autography. Literary and Biographical Criticisms, &c. 2034R Poetry, A Popular Handbook to the Greater Poets of the Century... 458F English Poets, by Bell [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclo.], 2 vols. 1839 784-5T Female Poets of Great Britain, by Rovvton 529D Handbook to the Works of Robert Browning, by Orr. 1890.... 2035R of Wales, edited by Jenkins. 1873 1420M Poem of The Cid, translated from the Spanish, with Notes, &c, by Ormsby. 1879 I423M and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth, by Meredith. 1885 1416M Poet's Bible [Old Testament], edited by Horder. 1 889 1 3 1 3M Specimens of the Poetry of the Ancient Welsh Bards, translated into English with notes by Evans I334H See also Browning's Asolando, 1920Z. Excelsior, 1926-31R. Leisure Hour [of the Century], v. 39, 2694J ; [Cradle of the Lake Poets], v. 37, 2647J. Tennyson's Demeter, 1921Z. Timmins' Warwickshire, 1413H. Universal Review [and Science], v. 6, 3326J. Leisure Hour [Cradle of the Lake Poets], v. 37, 2647J, &c. Poisons. See Health Exhibition Literature [Old and Modern Poison Lore], 962K ; [Our Domestic], 959K. Political Diary [1828-1830], by Edward Law, Lord Ellenborough, edited by Lord Colchester, 2 vols. 1881 459-60H Economy, Logic of, &c, by De Quincey. 1863 658R Writings of Richard Cobden, with an Introductory Essay, by Mallet. 1878 222R Politics. See Gore's Lux Mundi [and Christianity], 937A. Walpole (Sir R.) [Politics from 1676-1745], 669F. Westminster Review [Workmen and] v. 132, R.L. Woman's World [Woman's Work in], v. 2, 1889, R.L, &c. Pollock (Frederick) The Fishery Laws [Fisheries Exhibition], 1884 970K Pollock (W. H.)> an d others, Fencing, Boxing and Wrestling. 1889 1138M Polykrates. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 320T. Polymicrian Greek Lexicon to the New Testament, by Greenfield. 36Z Ponies, Shetland. See Cornhill Magazine, v. 14, 341J. Poole (R. L.), Sebastian Bach [Great Musicians]. 1882 1221O Poole (Stanley Lane), Life of the Right Hon. Stratford Canning, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe, K.G., from his Memoirs and Private and Official Papers, 2 vols. 1888 46-7F The Barbary Corsairs [Story of the Nations], 1890 15550 Poor, Legal Obligations in Respect to Dwellings of the, by Duff. 1884 957K See also Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Murray's Magazine [Brotherhoods of the], v. 6, 1466J. Fortnightly [Homes of the], v. 53, 2143J. Health Exhibition Literature [Mansion House Council on the Dwellings of the Poor], 952K, &c. Poore (George Vivian), Our Duty in Relation to Health. 1884 957 K Pope and the Council, by Janus. 1869 1266M Population. See Bonar's Malthus, 457F. Mackay's English Poor, 337R. Port. See Tovey's Wine Countries, 2125R. Port Talbot. See Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom, 713H. Portraiture. See Weekes' Lectures on Art, 951 D. Portugal. See Frier's Don Sebastian, 265-6F. Fortnightly [the Portuguese in East Africa], v. 53, 2 143 J. Positivism and Christianity, by McCosh. 1871 747A Potato, The. See Cornhill [Place in History], v. 60, 340J. Potter Family of Manchester [Fox Bourne's English Merchants] 1496O [1175] POT GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. PRU Pottery and Porcelain, Handbook of, by Westropp. 1880 I174M Poverty, Taxation and the Remedy, Free Trade, Free Labour, &c, by Briggs 338R Powell (Baden), F.R.A.S., Essays on the Spirit of the Inductive Philosophy, the Unity of Worlds and the Philosophy of Creation. 1855 I333H Prgeterita, Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts perhaps Worthy of Memory in my Past Life, by Ruskin, 2 vols. 1886-87 622-3D Precious Stones. See Lady's World, 1887 R.L. Predictions. See Chambers [some Predictions and Co-incidences], v. 67, 1967J. Prentice (Archibald). See Macmillan, v. 60, 990J. Presbyterians. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Present and Past. See Murray's Magazine, v. 7, 1467J. Presents. See Chambers', v. 66, 1966J. Woman's World [Wedding, Past and Present], 1888, R.L. Presentiments, Visions, and Apparitions, by Jung-Stilling, trans- lated by Jackson. 1834 2079R Press, The. See All the Year Round [the Earliest], v. 62, 1822J. Nineteenth Century [the German Daily Press], v. 27, 2237J. Pressense (E. de), D.D., The Redeemer, with Introduction by Alexander [Clark's Theological Library]. 1864 815A Primitive Methodist. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Primogeniture. See Probyn's Land Tenure, 248 R. Primroses. See Leisure Hour, v. 39, 2649J. Prince (John J.), Elements of Physiography, for the use of Science Classes, &c. 1885 1907Z Printer Boy, or how Benjamin Franklin made his Mark, by Thayer. 567O Printing. See English Mechanic [and Embossing Processes], v. 50, 1050D. Time [Revolution in], v. 12, 1512J. Prior (Matthew). See Contemporary Review, v. 57, 2067J. Prisons, Her Majesty's, their Effects and Defects, by One who has tried Them. 1883 455O Female Life in, by Robinson 205R See also Gentleman's Magazine [and Prisoners], v. 42, n.s., 762 J. Pritchard (Andrew), M.R.S., Notes on Natural History, ill. 1844 17R Prize Fighting and Boxing. See Time, v. 12, 1512J. Probabilities, Essay on, by De Morgan [Lard. Cab. Cycle]. 1838 762T Problems of a Great City, by White. 1886 444H Problems of Greater Britain, by Dilke, with maps, 2 vols. 1890 ... 334-5PI Probyn (J. W.), £J., Systems of Land Tenure in Various Countries 248R Profit- Sharing. See Contemporary, v. 57, 2067J. Property. See Nineteenth Century, v. 27, 2237J. Prophecies of Ezekiel Elucidated, by Hengstenberg. 1869 798 A Isaiah, Biblical Commentary, by Delitzsch, 2 vols. 1867 826A Prophets, Book of the, Twelve Minor Prophets and Commentary, by Henderson. 1858 888A See also Henderson's Isaiah, 885A. Protection. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Proverbs, Book of, illustrated by Arnot. i860 1275M for the People, by E. L. Magoon 242R National, in the Principal Languages of Europe, by Caroline Ward. 1862 T , 1174M of Solomon [Lange's Commentary] 841 A See also Wilde's Ancient Ireland, 960F. Providences. Illustrious Providences, giving an Account of many Remarkable Events in New England, by Mather. 1890 2042R Prussia. See London Quarterly, v. 70, 860J. Probyn's Land Tenure, 248R. [1176] PSA ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. RAG Psalms, Biblical Commentary, by Delitzsch, trans, by Bolton. 1871 830-2 A Commentary on, by Calvin, 3 vols. 1840 809-nA [Lange's Commentary] 160A Translation and Commentary on the Book of, by Tholuck, trans- lated by Mombert. 1856 854A See also London Quarterly [and Modern Criticism], v. 72, 862J. Quiver [Metrical Version of], v. 32, 3302J. Public Health, Laws concerning, by R. and H. Smith. 1883 942H Laboratory Work, by Cheyne and Corfield. 1884 960K Publishers. See Contemporary [a Plea for the], v. 57, 2067J. Murray [and Authors], v. 7, 1467 J. Pulsford (J.), Quiet Hours [Reality of the Religion of the New Testament]. 1859 1298M [Religious Essays, Thoughts, &c.]. 1859 1297M Pumps. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Management of], 958D. Punishment. See Fortnightly Review [the Ethics of], v. 52, 2142J. Puiljaub. See Sunday at Home [Missions in], v. 36, 2886J. Urwick's Indian Pictures, 314B. Punshon (William Morley). See London Quarterly, v. 69, 859J. Pusey (E. B.)„ D.D., Daniel the Prophet, Nine Lectures delivered at Oxford. 1864 904A Putty and Puttying. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Pygmies, African. See Gentleman's Magazine, v. 44, n.s., 764J. Pyramids. See Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H. ct iUADRUPEDS, Natural History and Classification of, by Swain- son 771T Quaker Reformation. See Religious Systems of the World [by Pollard], 934A. Quarantine. See Chambers', v. 66, 1966J. Quarterly Review : Vol. 170, 1890. — The Modern French Novel. Buddhism. The Viking Age. Beginning and the End of Life. St. Saviour's, South- wark. Sophocles. The French in Italy and their Imperial Project. Robert Browning. Parliamentary Position of Scotland. Greater Britain. Sir William Rowan Hamilton. The Blind and the Deaf. Alexander I. of Russia and the Poles. The Church in Wales. Haddon Hall. Extradition. Early Christian Biography. County Counsel. The Coming Session, &c 1300J Quebec. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. Quebec Chapel Sermons, by Alford, vols 4 to 7. 1863 1293-6M Queensland. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. Quiet Hours, by Pulsford [Reality of the Religion of the New Testa- ment]. 1859 1298M [Religious Essays, Thoughts, &c.]. 1859 1297M Quin (James). See Stirling's Old Drury Lane, 1339R. Quiver of Love, a Collection of Valentines Ancient and Modern [Poetry], by Ranking and Tully, illustrated. 1880 1922Z Quotations, Book of, being a Collection of Popular Extracts from the Best Authors. 1866 2024R R ; ABIES. See New Review [by L. Pasteur], v. 1, 3351 J. Rabbit Cage. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Races. See Atlantic Monthly [Trotting Races], v. 64, 1554J. [1177] RAC GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. REM Rachel (Madame). See Williams' Leaves of a Life, 376F. Ragged Schools. See Quiver [Old and New], v. 32, 3302J. Railways. See Murray's Magazine [Scotch], v. 6, 1466J. Nineteenth Century [in China], v. 27, 2237J. Rainbow, The. See Boys' Own Annual [and how to Make it], v. 12, 2962J. Rain-pipes. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Rajputana. See Urwick's Indian Pictures, 314B. Rambles and Reveries of a Naturalist, by Spiers. 1890 2147R Ranking (B. Montgomerie) and Tully (Thomas K.), Quiver of Love, a Collection of Valentines Ancient and Modern. 1880 1922Z Raphael (Santi), His Life and Times, by Wolzogen, translated by Bunnett. 1866 405F Michelangelo and Lionardo Da Vinci, by Clement, translated by Corkran, illustrated. 1 880 223F Rattlill the Reefer, by Edward Howard, edited by Capt. F. Marryat 797X Rat, The. See Cornhill Magazine, v. 61, 341J. Rayner (James), Chess Problems. 1890 147R Razor and its Use. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Reading. See Cassell's Family Magazine [Seeing and Thinking], v. 15, 2364J. Time [The Reading Public], v. 12, 1512J. Readings from the Works of F. D. Maurice, selected by J. L. Davies [Lessons of Hope]. '1889 1320M See also Steele's Reciter, 516D. Recitations, &c. Reality. See M'Cosh's Mind, 748 A. Reason. See M'Cosh's Mind, 748A. Recamier (Madame De). See Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L. Recitations. See Boy's Own Annual [and How to Recite], v. 12, 2962 J. Sims' Ballads and Poems, 1421M. Westminster Review [Dramatic], v. 132, R.L., &c. Reciter, Encore, Humorous, Serious, &c, by Steele. 1887 516D Recollections of an Equestrian Manager, by Charles W. Montague. See Chambers' Journal, v. 57, 1957J. Recreations;. See Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1255H. Peters' Girls' Own Outdoor Book [Outdoor], 1256H. Health Exhibition Literature, 959K. Recruits. See Gentleman's Magazine [Are good Recruits worth Paying for], v. 15, n.s., 735J. Red, The Colour. See Tingry's Colourman's Guide, 1071M. Red Riding Hood. See Home Treasury of Old Story Books, 2863X. Redcliffe (Viscount Stratford De). See Stratford de Redcliffe. Redeemer, The, Discourses by Pressense [Clark's Theol. Library]... 81 5 A Reform. See Murdoch's Constitutional Reform, 1076F. Reformation, The, by Stebbing [Lard. Cab. Cyclo.], 2 vols. 1836 780-1T See also Gneist's English Parliament, 439H. Refugees. See Smiles' Huguenots, 131TM, &c. Religion of the Incarnation [Lux Mundi]. 1890 937A Israel, A Manual, by Knappert, translated by Armstrong. 1877 1308M Philosophy of, by Dick. 1836 1317M Science and Art of, by McKinney. 1888 1307M See also Adams' Swiss Confederation, 3H. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Hughes' Philanthropy of God, 1312M. London Quarterly [Martineau's Study of], v. 70, 860J. Nineteenth Century [in Search of a], v. 26, 2236J. Pulsford's Quiet Hours [Reality of], 1298M. Quiver [on Earth and in Heaven], v. 32, 3302J. Religions Systems of the World, Addresses at South Place [1888-9] 934A [By Clodd, Rawlinson, Pollock, Legge, Balfour, Lillie, Costelloe, &c] Thought, Limits of, by Mansel [Bampton Lectures, 1858]. 1867 1277M Reminiscences, chiefly of Towns, Villages and Schools, by Mozley, 2 vols. 1885 2067-8R of a Boyhood, in the Early part of the Century. 1889 472O [1178] REM ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. ROG- Reminiscences of a Literary and Clerical Life, 2 vols. 1889 664-5O Kenan's Dramas. See Atlantic Monthly, v. 63, 1553J. Report of the Guernsey Society of Natural Science and Local Re- search for 1889. 1890 2137R Reptiles, Fishes and Amphibians, Classification of Natural History 778-9T See also Knowledge [Giant Land], v. 13, 2593J. Republics. See Biolley's Costa Rica and Her Future, 292H. Calvo's Costa Rica, 291 H. New Review [Thoughts on], v. 2, 3352J. Respectability and Genius. See Runciman's Joints in our Social Armour, 2050R. Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Observations on the History and Evidences of the, by West. 1749 1268M ; with an Examination of Strauss in his New Life of Jesus, by Macpherson. 1867 1267M Eeuter (Fritz). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Revelation, Book of, translated by Tregelles. 1849 1299M Divine, by Auberlen [Clark's Theological Library]. 1867 838A Revelations of Russia, or the Emperor Nicholas, 2 vols. 1844 343"40 Review of Reviews, edited by Stead, from vol. I. 1890 3391J Revolution, The. See Gneist's English Parliament, 439H. Reynolds (Sir Joshua), Literary Works of, with a Memoir of the Author, by Beechey, 2 vols. 1846 505-6O Works of, and Life, by Malone. 1867 1204II See also Weekes' Lectures on Art, 951D. Rheumatism. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Rhine, The. See Manning's Swiss Pictures, 312B. Tovey's Wine Countries [Wines of the], 2125R. Richardson (Dr. B. W.). See Longmans, v. 14, 904J. Richmond Palace. See London Quarterly [Richmond and its Royal Residence], v.71, 86tJ. Riddle (J. E.), M.A., and White (J. T.), M.A., A Latin-English ' Dictionary. 1862 171D Ritchie (J. Ewing [Christopher Crayon]), An Australian Ramble, or a Summer in Australia. 1890 1768R Ritter (Carl), Comparative Geography of Palestine and the Sinaitic Peninsula, translated by Gage, 4 vols. 1866 763-6 and 847-50A Riviera. See Nineteenth Century [Play and Players on the], v. 27, 2237J. Rivers, Industrial, of the United Kingdom, illustrated. 1888 713H See also Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 2, 874K. Road. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. "Rob Roy" Canoe on the Jordan, &c, by Macgregor. 1886 876Q on the Baltic, a Canoe Cruise through Norway, Sweden, Den- mark, the North Sea, &c, by Macgregor, illustrated 875Q Roberts (John S.), Ed., Legendary Ballads of England and Scot- land [Chandos Poets], illus. 1868 1418M Roberts (W.), Earlier History of English Bookselling. 1889 2065R Robin Hood. See Gentleman's Magazine [Who was?], v. 44, N.S., 764J. Robinson (Ed.), D.D., A Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament [Clark's Theological Library]. 1857 762A Robinson (F. W.), Female Life in Prison 205R Robinson (Henry C). See Knight's Life of Wordsworth, v. 1-3, 297-9F. Robinson (Sir Hercules). See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Robinson (Phil), Fishes of Fancy : their Place in Myth, Fable, Fairy-tale and Folk-Lore [Fisheries Exhibition]. 1884 972K Rocks. See Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H. Roger (Sir). See Tichborne Claimant. [1 179] ROG GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. RUS Rogers (James E. Thorold), First Nine Years of the Bank of Eng- land, An Inquiry into a Weekly Record of the Price of Bank Stock from August 17, 1694, to August 17, 1703. 1887 1048F Rogers (S.), and His Contemporaries, by Clayden, 2 vols. 1889 ...1497-8O See also Knight's Life of Wordsworth, v. 1-3, 297-9F. Roland (Madame). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Roman and Greek Coins, by Head. 1888 144R Empire, Fall of the, by Sismondi [Lardner's Cab. Cyclo]. 1834 760- iT Rule, The Jews under, by Morrison, illustrated. 1890 J 557R Roman Catholic Church. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334-5H. Catholicism. See Nineteenth Century [in America], v. 26, 2236J. Romanes (George John), F.R.S., Mental Evolution in Man, Origin of Human Faculty. 1888 I335H Romans, Epistle to the [Lange's Commentary] 844A and Greeks, Arts, Manners, &c. [Lardner's Cab. Cyclo]. 1835. 731-2T Rome, History of [Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia]. 1834 728-9T See also Nineteenth Century [in 1889], v. 26, 2236J. Roof. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Rooks. See Murray's Magazine [and Farmers], v. 6, 1466J. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel). See Dawson's Makers of Modern English, 458F. Every Boy's Annual, 1888, 1307H. Universal Review [and Sicily], v. 4i 33 2 4j ; [Reminiscence of], v. 6, 3326J. Rothschild. (Nathan Meyer, of London). See Fox Bourne's English Mer- chants, 1496O. Rotterdam. See Contemporary Review [and Dutch Workers], v. 57, 2067J. Roumania, Untrodden Paths in, by Mrs. Walker. 1888 868K See also Walker's Eastern Life, 866-7 K. Row (C. A.), M.A., Christian Theism, a Brief and Popular Survey of the Evidence upon which it rests, and the Objections urged against it Considered and Refuted. 1890 93§A Rowe (Elizabeth). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Rowswell (Basil T.). See Guernsey Magazine [A Year's Training with the Royal Guernsey Artillery], v. 18, 2398J ; [Account of a Great Storm at * Guernsev], v. 17, 2397J ; [Autumn], v. 16, 2396J ; [Books, Libraries, and Self-Education], v. 17, 2397J ; [A Day and a Night at Sark, June 24-25, 1890], v. 18, 2398J ; [The first Astronomers], v. 17, 2397J ; [Shorthand and its Advantages], v. 18, 2398 J ; [Spring], v. 17, 2397J; [Summer], v. 17, 2397J ; [The Weather], v. 17, 2397J ; [Visit to Jersey, September, 1889], v. 18, 2398J ; [Winter], v. 17, 2397J ; [The Wintry Weather of November 25th to December 1st, 1890], v. 19, 2399J, &c. Rowswell (Rosetta R.). See Gladys. Royal Academy Antics, illustrated by Furniss. 1890 954^ Royal Grants. See Contemporary Review, v. 56, 2066J. Royal Meteorological Society. See Health Exhibition Literature, 961K. Royal Regiment of Artillery, History of the, by Duncan. 1872 ... 1438-9H Royal Society, History of the, with Memoirs of the President, by Welds 666-7D See also Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Royal Winchester, the Ancient Capital of England, by L'Estrange 445II Rudolph (Crown Prince). See Temple Bar, v. 85, 1415J. Runciman (J.), Joints in Our Social Armour. 1890 2050R Rural Bird Life, being Essays on Ornithology, with Instructions for Preserving Objects relating to that Science, by Dixon, il. 1882 2135R Ruskin (John), Proeterita, Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts perhaps Worthy of Memory in my Past Life, 2 vols. 1886-87. 622-3D The Eagle's Nest, Ten Lectures on the Relation of Natural Science to Art. 1887 2040R See also Forster's Four Great Teachers, 639O. Gentleman's Magazine [Artist and Publisher], v. 44, N.S., 764J. Harper, v. 80, 1660J. Russell (E. F.), M.A., Ed., Alexander H. Mackonochie, A Memoir by E. A. T. [Mrs. Towle]. 1890 73^0 [1 180] RUS ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. SAR Russell (Lord John). See Blackwood, v. 146, 216J. Westminster Review [Life of], v. 132, R.L. Macmillan, v. 61, 991J. Russell (William Clark), Horatio Nelson, and the Naval Supremacy of England. 1 890 9*70 Russia as it is, its Courts, its Government and its People, by John Reynell Morell. 1854' 1923Z by Morfill [Story of the Nations]. 1890 1556O See also Century Magazine [and the Siberian Exiles], v. 38, 1888J. Cobden's Political Speeches, 222R. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Fortnightly Review [Some Truths] about], v. 52, 2 142 J ; [Russian Characteristics], v. 53, 214^. Harper [Social Life in], v. 79, 1659J. New Review [A Month in], v. 1, 3351 J. Probyn's Land Tenure, 248R. Nature, v. 41, 2701J. .Rust on Metals. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Ruth. See Keil's Old Testament, 781A. Rylauds Qohn). See All the Year Round, v. 59, 1819J. S ACEAMENTS, The. See Gore's Lux Mundi, 937A. Sacrificial Worship of the Old Testament, by Kurtz, translated by Martin [Clark's Theological Library]. 1863 747A Sailors. See Christian World [and Fishermen, some Superstitions of], 259J. St. Andrew's. See Harper's Magazine, v. 80, 1660J. St. George and the Dragon. See Cornhill Magazine, v. 14, 341J. St. Helena. See Chambers' Journal [Glimpse of], v. 56, 1956J. Cornhill, v. 22, 302J. Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Leisure Hour [Recollections of], v. 19, 2629J. Nature [Beetles of], v. 17, 2677J, &c. St. John's Ambulance Association. See Health Exhibition Literature, 958K. St. John's River. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. St. Louis to Denver. See Manning's American Pictures, 31 iB. St. Patrick's Purgatory. See Patrick (St.). St. Peter-Port Harbour, Guernsey, by Collenette [Guern. Mag., v. 47]2384-7j Saint-Pierre (J. B. H. de, b. 1737), Works of, and Memoir of the Author by Clarke, 2 vols. 1846 120T [Studies of Nature. Paul and Virginia. Indian Cottage.] St. Vincent. See Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante, 786K. West Indies, &c. Sala (G. A.), Streets of the World [Temple Bar, v. 10] 1340J Sale (Lady), A Journal of the Disasters in Afghanistan, 1841-2 565H Salmon Fisheries, by Fryer. 1884 97*K See also Fisheries Exhibition Lit. [Salmon Legislation in Scotland], 977K. Salt and other Condiments, by Manley. 1884 954^ Salvation Army. In Darkest England and the Way Out, by Booth 1440H See also Murray's Magazine, v. 5, 1465J. Samaria. See Manning's Palestine, 337B. Samoa. See Century, v. 38, 1888J. Sunday at Home [Past and Present], v. 36, 2886J, &c. Samuel, Books of, Commentary by Keil and Delitzsch, translated by Martin [Clark's Theological Library]. 1866 777A San Francisco. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 334H. Sanitary Suggestions, or the Householders' Vade Mecum, by Samp- son Low, Jun. 1885 944K Sanitary Matters. See Bullock's Talks with the People, v. 1, 197Z. Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M, &c. Sanity and Insanity, by Mercier, illustrated. 1890 1501M Sappho. See Atlantic Monthly, v. 65, 1555.L Sardinia. See Chambers [and the Sardes], v. 66, 1966J. [H8l] SAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SCO Sark, Sketch of, by Cachemaille [1890] 1541O See also Guernsey Magazine, v. 2-4, 2332-4J. A Ballad of, by Swinburne [English Illustrated Magazine, v. 1]... 1991J See also Good Words, v. 31, 2201J. Guernsey Magazine [A Day and a Night at], v. 18, 2398 J. Metcalfe's Channel Islands, 1435H. Scott's Blossom-land [Island of Sleep], 1772R, &c. Saturn, the Planet. See Harper [Saturn's Rings], v. 79, 1659J. Saunders (Katherine). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Savage (Marmion W.). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Savings Banks. See London Quarterly [Trustee], v. 70, 860J. Saviour, The, Words of the Risen Saviour and Commentary on St. James, by Stier, translated by Pope [Clark's For. Theo. Lib.] 761 A Savonarola. See London Quarterly, v. 72, 862 J. Sayce (Professor). See London Quarterly, v. 70, 860J. Scandals. See Time [School Board], v. 12, 1512J. Scares. See Woman's World [Social], v. 1, 1889, R.L. Scarlet Fever. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Scent. See Woman's World [and Scent Bottles], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Scepticism. See M'Cosh's Mind, 748A. SchaafFhausen (Professor). See Biichner's Man in the Past, &c, 1332H. Schaff (Philip), D.D., Saint Augustin, Melancthon, Neander, three biographies. 1 886 1 701 Schellen (Dr. H.), Spectrum Analysis in its application to Ter- restrial Substances and the Physical Constitution of the Heavenly Bodies, translated by Lassell and edited by Abney... 695D Schmid (C. F.), Biblical Theology of the New Testament, translated by Venables [Clark's Foreign Theological Library]. 1870... 751A School Board, The New Code, 1890, edited by Gowing. 1890 1124F See also Time [School Board Scandals], v. 22, 1512J. Schools, Conference on Education [Health Ex. Lit.], 4 vols. 1884. 963-6K Healthy, by Paget [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 951K School-books and Schoolmasters, a Contribution to the History of Educational Development in Great Britain, by Hazlitt. ... 209R See also Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain [Roman Catholic], 335H. Gentleman's Magazine [Examining Scotch], v. 44, 764J. Mozley's Reminiscences, 2067-8R. Murray's Magazine [The Evil of Scholar- ships], v. 5, 1465J. Time [School Board Scandals], v. 22, 1512J. Con- temporary Review [Free Schools and Public Management], v. 57, 2067 J. Sylvia's Book, T77D. Schurz (C), Life of Henry Clay [American Statesmen], 2 vols 1703-4O Science and Religion. See Dick's Christian Philosopher, 1316M. in the Middle Ages, Popular Treatises on, by Wright. 1841 ... 176D ■ Lectures for the People delivered at Manchester. 1878-9 2127R Circulation of the Blood, by Huxley. The Sun, by Roscoe. Aborigines of Tasmania, by Flower. Insectivorous Plants, by Williamson. Edison and some of his Inventions, by Barrett. Our Earliest Ancestors in Britain, by Dawkins. Gunpowder, by Abel. Minute Forms of Life, by Dallinger. Animal Intelligence, by Romanes. See also Quiver [and Christianity], v. 32, 3302 J. Health Exhibition Litera- ture, 964K. Scientific Lectures and Essays, by Kingsley. 1890 1969R Scotland [Folk-Lore and Legends]. 1889 930T History of, from Alexander III. to the Union, by Tytler, 10 vols. 1866 1425-34H the Earliest Period, by Wright, continued from 1874 and brought down to the present time, by W. Melven, il. 2 V0IS468-9II Scottish Covenanters, Lives of the, by Howie, with Preface and Notesby M'Gavin. 1862 374F Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Green [R.T.S.] 3 X 3B [1182] SCO ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. SHE Scotland. See also Blackwood [Art in], v. 146, 216J. Chambers [a Remnant of Pagan Scotland], v. 66, 1966J. Harper [a Corner of Scotland worth knowing], v. 79, 1659J. Sunday at Home [Preachers of], v. 36, 2886J. Westminster Review [Home Rule for], v. 132, R.L. Scottish Review, from v. 1, 2731 J. Fisheries Literature [Herring Fisheries of], 975^- Scott (Clement), Blossom-land and Fallen Leaves [Tours to the Channel Islands and other Places]. 1890 1772R See also under Guernsey and Sark. Scott (E. P.), Stanley and his Heroic Relief of Emin Pasha 1765R Scott (J., Editor 0/ the "Champion" and the "London Magazine"). See Knight's Life of Wordsworth, v. 1-3, 297-9F. Scott (Sir W.), Demonology and Witchcraft 1015Z See also Dawson's Makers of Modern English, 458F. Scott (William Booth), Cleansing Streets and Ways in the Metropolis 957^ Scottish Review, from vol. 1. 1882 2731J Screens. See Woman's World [Ancient and Modern], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Scripture Lands, The Negeb, or " South Country " of Scripture, by- Wilton. 1863 1304M Scriptures. See Friswell's Silent Hour [How to Read them], 1310M. Sculpture. See Weekes' Lectures on Art, 95 iD. Sea. See Murray's Magazine [Command of the], v. 5, 1465J. Runciman's Joints in our Social Armour, 2050R. Knowledge [Why is the Sea Salt ?], v. 13, 2593J. Sea Fables Explained, by Lee [Fisheries Exhibition Literature]. 1884 972K Sea Fishes. See Fisheries Exhibition Literature, 970-83K. Sea Monsters Unmasked, by Lee [Fisheries Exhibition Lit.]. 1884 972K Sea Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil, by Macaulay [R.T.S.] 3 r S^ Seals, The Fish. See Fisheries Exhibition Literature [Seal Fisheries], 976K. Seaside. The. See Peters' Girls' Own Outdoor Book, 1256H. Seaside and the Fireside Poems. See Longfellow's Poetical Works, 1417M. Seats. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [for Gardens and Lawns], 958D. Sea-Weeds, Shells and Fossils, by Gray and Woodward. 1890 142R Sebastian (Don, King of Portugal), An Episode of Portuguese History, 2 vols 265-6F Second Sight. See Adam's Curiosities, 923M. Blackwood [Remarkable In- stance of], v. 3, R.L. Conway's Demonology, 909-10M. Once a Week, v. 8, 2268J. Scribner [Secret of], v. 21, 1871J, &c. Seismology. See Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Selbome. See Murray's Magazine [Past and Present], v. 7, 1467 J. Self-Consciousness. See Romanes' Mental Evolution, 1335H. Senior (William), Angling in Great Britain [Fisheries Ex.]. 1884... 97*K Senior Wranglers. See Cornhill Magazine, v. 45, 325J. Sentimentalism. See Macmillan [The Nemesis of], v. 60, 990J. Sermons, Lay Sermons, &c, by Huxley. 1 887 701A See also Thirlwall (C), D.D., 517D. Serpents. See Century [the Poison of], v. 38, 1888 T. Servants. See Lady's World [and Household Management], 1887, R.L. Woman's World [Are Servants a Failure], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Severn, The. See Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom, 713H. Sewage, Treatment of. See Our Homes, 173D. Shaftesbury (Lord). See Cochrane's Useful Lives, 508O. Shairp (Principal). See Good Words, v. o, 2200J. Shakespeare, Plays of, illustrated edition, by Knight, 4 vols 494-7D See also Westminster Review, v. 132, R.L. Woman's World [Mother of], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Sharpe (Charles Kirkpatrick). See Cornhill, v. 86, 1416J. Shaw (Capt. Eyre M.), Fires and Fire Brigades [Int. Health Ex.]... 957K Shawls. See Lady's World, 1887, R.L. Shechem. See Manning's Palestine, 337B. Sheep. See Wood's Dominion of Man, 2130R. Gentleman's Magazine [Moun- • tain Sheep], v. 44, N.S., 764J. Shelley (P. B.). See Dawson's Makers of Modern English, 458F. [H83] SHE GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. SMI Shells, Sea-Weeds and Fossils, by Gray and Woodward. [1890] ... 142R See also Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Shell Work], 958D. Sherry. See Tovey's Wine Countries, 2125R. Shiloh. See Manning's Palestine, 337B. Ships. See Boys' Own Annual [Figure-heads of famous War Ships], v. 12, 2962J. Chambers [Derelict Ships], v. 66, 1966J. Shirreff (Emily), Intellectual Education and its Influence on the Character and Happiness of Women. 1858 II23F Shoes. See Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L. Harper's [A Pair of], v. 70, 1650J. Shooting. See Blackwood [Art of], v. 146, 21 6J. Shopping. See Peters' Girls' Own Outdoor Book, 1256H. Shorthand. See Guernsey Magazine [and its Advantages], v. 18, 2398J. Woman's World [and Type-writing for Women], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Shrews. See Longmans' Magazine, v. 14, 904J. Siberia, Five Thousand Miles in a Sledge, a Mid- Winter Ride across Siberia, by Gowing , 1776R See also Century Magazine [and the Exile System], v. 38, 1888J. Sicilian Travel. See Contemporary Review, v. 56, 2066J. Sidney (Mary). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Siemens (Sir C.W.), Life of, by Pole. 1888 501F Sierra Leone. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Sigourney (Mrs. L. H.), Past Meridian [Old Age, &c.]. 1854 2045R Sikhs, The. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Silent Hour, The, Essays for Sunday Reading [by J. Hain Friswell] 1310M Sime (William). See Fiction Class List following the General Catalogue. Simpson (Sir James Y.). See Cochrane's Useful Lives, S08O. Simpson (John Palgrave, b. 1807, d. 1887). See Times' Register of Events, R.L. Sims (George R.), Ballads and Poems '. 1421M Sinai, Mount Sinai, Petra and the Desert, described and illustrated by Withrow. 1879 647Z Sinclair (Sir John). See Cochrane's Useful Lives, 508O. Singapore. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335H. Sirius, the Dog Star. See Proctor's Easy Star Lessons [pages 47-8], 450R. Situation. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Skin, The. See Health Exhibition Literature [Ethics of the Skin], 959K. Skinner (J.), Angling Clubs [Fisheries Exhibition]. 1884 980K Skuse (F. A. A.), British Stalk-eyed Crustacea and Spiders. 1887.. 143R Slang. See Chambers' [Sea Slang], v. 66, 1966 J. Slates. See Kingsley's Lectures [on the Roof], 1969R. Slave Trade. See Blackwood, v. 147, 217J. Contemporary Review [Slave-Driv- ing], v. 56, 2066J. Macmillan [Granville Sharp and the], v. 61, 991J. Sledging, Five Thousand Miles in a Sledge, a Mid-Winter Journey across Siberia, by Gowing 1 776R Sleep. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling [Sleeping Rooms], 940M, &c. Smiles (S.), Duty, with Illustrations of Courage, Patience and En- durance. 1889 1476O The Huguenots, their Settlements, Churches and Industries in England and Ireland. 1869 1311M Smith (F. Hopkinson), A W 7 hite Umbrella in Mexico, illus. 1889 1775R Smith (George, of Coalville), I've been a Gipsying, or Rambles among our Gipsies and their Children in their Tents and Vans, illustrated. 1885 2041R Smith (Goldwin), Life of Jane Austen. 1890 1271O Smith (Wm.), LL.D., A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology and Geography. 1862 1027M • A Smaller Dictionary of the Bible for the Use of Schools and Young Persons. 1866 1305M Smithneld. See Good Words [and its Surroundings], v. 30, 2200J. [I 184] SMO ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. STA Smoke. See Williams' Science in Short Chapters [Consumption of], 502R. Health Exhibition Literature [Smoke Abatement], 953K. Contemporary Review [or Sunlight], v. 57, 2067J. Smoking. See Barrie's Lady Nicotine, 2049R. New Review [Effect of, on the Voice], v. 2, 3352J. Smyrna. See Harper [The Smyrna Fig Harvest], v. 80, 1660J. Snails. See Longman's Magazine, v. 15, 905 J. Snakes. See Murray's Magazine, v. 5, 1465J. Nineteenth Century [Venomous Snakes of India], v. 26, 2286J, &c. Soap. See Williams' Science in Short Chapters [The origin of], 502R. Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [and Soap Making], 958D. Health Exhibition Literature, 962 K. Social, Literary and Political, Monarchy of the Middle Classes, France, by Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer [Baron Dalling], 1856 310O Socialism'. See Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain, 335 H. Good Words, v. 31, 2201J. London Quarterly [and Self Help], v. 72, 862J. Westmin- ster Review [Practicable], v. 132, R.L. White's Problems of a Great City, 444H. Time [in the German Reichstag and on the German Throne], v. 12, 1512J, &c. Society, Improvement of, by the Diffusion of Knowledge, by Dick... 1318M See also Lady's World [Society Types], 1887, R.L. New Review [Deteriora- tion in], v. 2, 3352J. Runciman's Joints in our Social Armour, 2050R. Bellamy's Looking Backward [Social Changes], 2078R. Soil, The. See Kingsley's Lectures [cf the Field], 1969R. Solder and Soldering. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Soldiers. See Headley's Old Guard [of Napoleon], 1924Z. Quiver [Our Soldiers' Amusements], v. 32, 3302J. Sole, The, Natural History and Cultivation, by Houghton. 1884 ... 980K Solitaire. See Hutchison's Indoor Gaines and Recreations, 1255H. Solon. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 320T. Somerville (Mrs.). See Adams' Remarkable Women, 393F. Songs and Ballads of Derbyshire, edited by Jewitt. 1867 1422M — -. See also Woman's World [Romany], v. 2, 18S9, R.L. Sonnets from the Channel, by Watts. See Athenaeum for 1882 [pp. 432 & 539], R.L. Sothern (E. A., Popular Comedian, b. 1826, d. 1881), Memoir of, by Pemberton. 1889 392F Sound. See English Mechanic, v. 50, 1050D. Southampton Waters. See Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom, 713H. Southey (Robert). See Dawson's Makers of Modern English, 458F. Knight's Life of Wordsworth, v. 1-3, 297-9F. Spain. See Tovey's Wine Countries [Wines of], 2125R. Fisheries Exhibition Literature [Fisheries of], 974K. Sparkes (John), Schools of Art, their Origin, History, Work and . Influence [International Health Exhibition]. 1880 957K Speaker's Power, The. See Atlantic Monthly, v. 64, 1554J. Speaking", The Young Debater and Chairman's Assistant 2072R Spectrum Analysis. See Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Sun, &c. Speech.. See Contemporary Review [and Song], v. 56, 2066J. Romanes' Mental Evolution, 1335 H. Speeches. .SVv [The Betterment Tax], v. 57, 2067J. Taxidermy. See Hutchison's Indoor Games and Recreations, 1255H. Taylor (Rev. W. M.). See Quiver, v. 32, 3302J. Tea. See Chambers' [the Revolution in], v. 66, 1966J. Teachers. See Health Exhibition Literature [Training of Teachers and Technica Teaching, &c], 963-6K. Teak. See Ward's Timber, 2128R. Tees. See Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom, 713H. Teeth.. See Knowledge [and their Variations], v. 13, 2593J. Telegraph. See Century [Telegraphing in Battle], v.~ 38, 1888J. Chambers' [Early], v. 66, 1966J. Telephone, The. See English Mechanic [The New Mechanical], v. 50, 1050D. Temperance Progress, Facts and Figures for Temperance Workers 1040F See also Atlantic Monthly, v. 63, 1553J. Century Magazine [Temperance Question in India], v. 38, 1888J, &c. Templer (Mrs. II.), A Labour of Love under the Red Cross during the Late War [Franco-German War, 1870-71]. 1872 2036R Tenants. See Contemporary Review [The Position of the Irish], v. 56, 2066J. Teneriffe. See Nineteenth Century [Health seeking in], v. 26, 2236J. Tennant (Dorothy,). See Stanley (Mrs. Henry M.). Tennyson (Lord). See Atlantic Monthly, v. 65, 1555J. Dawson's Makers of Modern English, 458F. Universal Review [Gallic Study of], v. 4, 3324J, &c. Tenures. See Gentleman's Magazine [some Curious], v. 42, n.s., 7627. Textiles. See Health Exhibition Literature, 962K. Thames. See Boy's Own Annual [A Week on the], v. 3, 2953J. Jerome's Three Men in a Boat, 2046R. Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom, 7 T 3LL Thayer (William M.), From Printing Office to the Court of St. James, The Boyhood and Manhood of Benjamin Franklin. 1890.... 568O Printer Boy, or How Benjamin Franklin Made his Mark 567O Tact, Push and Principle. 1888 2038R Theatres. See Chambers' [A Greek Theatre], v. 66, 1966J. Murray [Theatre Fires in 1889], v. 7, 1467J. Thebes. See Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H. Theism, Christian, by Row. 1890 93§A [Is there a God ? Will Man Survive this Existence ?. &c.]. Witness of Reason and Nature to an All-Wise and Beneficent Creator, by Tulloch. 1855 856A Themistokles. See Cox's Greek Statesmen, 320T. Thermometer, The. See Girl's Own Annual [What does the Thermometer Say ?], v. n, 2561J. Thermopylae. See Murray's Magazine, v. 7, 1467J. Thibet. See Contemporary Review [Philosophical Buddhism in], v. 57, 2067J. Thirlwall (Connop), D.D., Essays, Speeches and Sermons, edited by Perowne. 1880 517D Tholuck (A. F.), D.D., Translation and Commentary on the Book of Psalms, translated by Mombert. 1856 854A Thomas (Dudley Hardress). See Supplement to the Fiction Class List follow- ing the General Catalogue. Thomson (J.) and Smith (E. Harris), Ulu 3414X Three Men in a Boat (to say nothing of The Dog), by Jerome K. Jerome. 1889 2046 and 2075R [11SS] THR ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. TRE Thrift. See Blackwood [Improvident], v. 147, 217J. Health Exhibition Litera- ture [in Schools], 964K. Thring (Rev. Edward, b. 1821, d. 1887). See Times' Register of Events, &c, R.L. Through. Norway with Ladies, by Williams, illustrated. 1877 869K Thudichum (John L. W. ) Alcoholic Drinks [Int. Health Ex.]. 1884 954K Tichbome Claimant. See Gentleman's Magazine [Untold Incidents of], v. 8, n.s., 728J ; v. i2, n.s., 732J. Temple Bar, v. 85, 1415J. Williams' Leaves of a Life, 376F. Tigers. See Chambers' [Trapping], v. 66, 1966 J. Tiles. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Timber and some of its Diseases, by Ward [Nature Series], ill. 1889 2128R See also Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [and its Management], 958D. Timoleori. See Westminster Review [The Liberator of Sicily], v. 132, R.L. Tingry (P. F.), Painter's and Colourman's Complete Guide. 1831 107 iM Tintyra. See Wonders of Nature and Art, 1329H. Tippu-Tib. See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, v. 1, 873K. Tiretmck (W.), Great Minds in Art, with an Introduction on Art and Artists. 1888 55*0 Tithes. See Contemporary, v. 57, 2057J. New Review [Tithes Bill, how to get it through the House of Commons], v. 2, 3352J. Titian (Tiziano Vecellio), Life and Times of, by Crowe and Caval- caselle, 2 vols. 1881 48-9F Title-Page, The. See Universal Review [History of the], v. 4, 3324J. Tobacco, A Counter-blaste to, written by King James I., edited by Goldsmid. 1884 173? See also Barrie's Lady Nicotine, 2049R. Chambers' [as a Disinfectant], v. 66, 1966J. Todlrailter (J.), M.A., William Whewell, an Account of his Writ- ings, 2 vols. 1876 64-5F Tolstoi (Count Leon), Boyhood, Adolescence and Youth, translated by Popoff. 1890 507O Tone. See Romanes' Mental Evolution, 1335H. Tools. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Kitting up and Using], 958D. Toothache. See Chambers' [Toothache Charms], v. 66, 1966J. Tovey (Charles) Wine and Wine Countries, a Record and Manual for Wine and Wine Consumers. 1877 2125R Towers. See Chambers' [Leaning Towers], v. 66, T965J. Towle (Mrs. Charles [E.A.T.]), A Memoir of Alexander Heriot Mackonochie, edited by E. F. Russell. 1890 73^0 Towns. See Mozley's Reminiscences, 2067-8 R. Toynbee (Arnold). See Cochrane's Useful Lives, 508O. Toys. See Chambers [Ancient and Modern], v. 66, 1966J. Trade Unionism. See Nineteenth Century [the New], v. 26, 2236J. Murray's Magazine [New and Old], v. 7, 1467J. Trades. See Contemporary Review, v. 56, 2066 J. Transpositions, Enigmas, Charades, &c. 1810 2071R Traps and Trapping. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Travel and Geography, Stanford's Compendium of, with maps and illustrations, 6 vols. 1883-1888 849-54K See also All the Year Round [Early Travels in England], v. 42, 1822J. Guinness' Central Africa, 876K. Hebrides, 1774R. Payton's New Zealand, 870K. Peters' Girl's Own Out-door Book [Travelling], 1256H. Scott's Blossom-Land and Fallen Leaves, 1772R. Stanley's In Darkest Africa [Keltie's Story of Emin's Rescue], 871-2 & 873-4K. Walker's Eastern Life, 866-7K ; Roumania, 868K. Williams' Through Norway, 869K. Wood's Under Northern Skies, 1766R. Macgregor's Rob Roy Canoe. Trawling. See Fisheries Exhibition Literature, 976K. Treasures. See Chambers' Journal [and Fortunes], v. 66, 1966J. Tree Gossip, by Heath. 1885 2146R [11S9] TRE GUILLE-ALLtS LIBRARY. VAS Trench (Archbishop). See London Quarterly, v. 71, 861J. Trials of a Country Parson, by Jessopp. 1890 2047R Trollope (T. Adolphus), A Decade of Italian Women, 2 vols. 1859. 1032-3O Fillippo Strozzi, a History of the Last Days of the Old Italian Liberty, i860 401 ■ Paul the Pope and Paul the Friar [Paul V.], a Story of an Inter- dict. 1861 983O Trotting Horses. See Atlantic Monthly, v. 63, 1553J. Trustees. See Contemporary Review [Perils of]> v. 57, 2067J. Truth. See Universal Review [and Delusion], v. 3, 3323J. Tuck (Robert), B.A., A Handbook of Biblical Difficulties. 1886.... 853A Tulloch (John), D.D., Theism, the Witness of Reason and Nature to an All- Wise and Beneficent Creator. 1855 856A See also London Quarterly, v. 71, 861J. Tulloch (W. W.), The Story of the Life of the Emperor William, told for Boys and Girls all over the World. 1888 1403O Tully (Thomas K.), and Ranking (B. Montgomerie), Quiver of Love, a Collection of Valentines, Ancient and Modern [Poetry], illustrated. 1880 1922Z Tupper (Martin F., b. 1810, d. 1889). See Times' Register of Events, R.L. Turf, The. See New Review [Turf Reform], v. 2, 3352J. Runciman's Joints in our Social Armour [the Ethics of], 2050R. Turkey. See Contemporary Review [Christians and Kurds in Eastern Turkey], v.56, 2066J. Lusignan's Abdul Hamid, 414O. Turks, Domestic Manners of the [Pardoe's City of the Sultan]. 1854 1767R. Turpentine. See Tingry's Colourman's Guide, 107 iM. Twain (Mark [S. L. Clemens]), Life of. See Twain's Choice Humorous Works, 1496X. Twining (Thomas). See London Quarterly, v. 69, 859J. Tyne, The. See Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom, 713H. Tyrol. See Month at Gastain, 1771R. U: LCERS. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness. 946K. Ultramarine. See Tingry's Colourman's Guide, 1071M. Ulu, by Thomson and Harris-Smith 34*4^ Umbrella, The. See Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L. Under Northern Skies, by Wood, illustrated. 1886 1766R Unemployed, The. See White's Problems of a Great City, 444H. Unionist Fusion. See Contemporary Review, v. 57, 2067J. United States. See Westminster Review [Army], v. 132, R.L. Atlantic Monthly [Pension Office], v. 65, 1555 J. Fisheries Exhibition Literature [Fishery Industries], 974K. Universities. See Health Exhibition Literature [Organisation of University Education], 965K. Untrodden Paths in Roumania, by Mrs. Walker. 1888 868 K Urwick (W.), M.A., Indian Pictures drawn with Pen and Pencil ... 314B Usages, Customs, &c. See Wilde's Ireland [Ancient], 960F. Usk. See Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom, 713H. V ACCUSATION. See English Mechanic, v. 50, 1050D. Vagrants. See London Quarterly, v. 69, 859J. Valentine's Day. See Woman's World, v. 2, 1889, R.L. Varnish, and Varnishing. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Vasa (Gustavus). See Macaulay's Stories, 3044X [1 190] VAU ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. WAR Vaux (Calvert), Villas and Cottages, a Series of Designs prepared for Execution in the United States, illustrated. 1874 955^ Veils. See Woman's World [Bridal], v. 2, 1889, R.L. Venice. See Murray's Magazine [Old Venice], v. 6, 1466J. Venetia. See Harper [Venetian Boats], v. 80, 1660J. Ventilation, Warming, and Lighting for Domestic Use, by Galton. 95 iK See also Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Venus, the Planet. See Chambers' Journal, v. 66, 1966J. Verne (Jules). See Boys' Own Annual, v. 2, 2952J. Versailles. See Good Words [A Glance at], v. 31, 2201J. Veterinary Remedies, a useful Handbook on Medicines for Animals, by Heatley. 1885 985 K Vid0CC[ (F. J.), Memoirs of, as a Convict, Spy, and Agent of the French Police 1501X Vikings, The. See Scottish Review, January, 1890. Villages. See Mozley's Reminiscences, 2067-8R. Knowledge [Village Commu- nities], v. 13, 2593J. Acland's Health in the Village, 951K. Health Exhibition Literature [Health, Work, and Play in Village Life], 959 K. Villas and Cottages, a Series of Designs prepared for Execution in the United States, by Vaux. 1874 955D See also Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Vincent (Bishop). See Cochrane's Useful Lives, 508O. Vinci (Leonardo Da), Life of, with an Account of his Works, by Brown. 1828 554O Michelangelo and Raphael, by Clement, translated by Corkran, ill. 223F Violin and Flute. Sec Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Visions, Apparitions, and Presentiments, by Jung-Stilling, translated byjackson. 1834 2079R Vogt (Carl). See Buchner's Man in the Past, Present and Future, 1332H. Volcanoes. See Nature, v. 41, 2701J. Vornian (W. H.), Davos, its Local, Physical and Medical Aspects. 475T Voyage alone in the Yawl Rob Roy, by Macgregor. 1881 877K Voyages. See Blackwood [some Eventful], v. 147, 217J. w. AGrNEE (R.). See London Quarterly, v. 70, 860 J. "Wagons and their Management. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Wakeman (H. O.), M.A., Life of Charles James Fox. 1890 13790 Waldenses of Italy, History of the, from their Origin to the Re- formation, by Comba, translated by T. E. Comba. 1889 851A Wales, Poetry of, edited by Jenkins. 1873 1420M Specimens of the Poetry of the Ancient Welsh Bards, translated into English with Notes by Evans 133 HP See also Quarterly Review [The Church in], v. 170, 1300J. Walford (Edward), Speeches of Thomas, Lord Erskine, with a Memoir of his Life. 1880 51SD Wallack (Lester), Memories of Fifty Years, illustrated. 1889 375F Walls. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling. 940M. Walpole (Horace), Letters of, edited by C. D. Yonge, with portraits and illustrations, 2 vols. 1890 461-2F See also Temple Bar, v. 88, 1418J. Walpole (Sir Robert), A Political Biography [1676-1745], by Ewald. 669F Walpole (His Excel. Spencer), British Fish Trade [Fisheries Ex.]... 970K Walton (Izaak). See Atlantic Monthly, v. 65, 1555J. "War. See Runciman's Joints in Our Social Armour, 2050R. [II9I] WAR GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. WIL Ward (Caroline), National Proverbs in the Principal Languages of Europe. 1 842 1 926Z Warner (Charles Dudley). See Good Words, v. 30, 2200J. Warre (Edmond) and others, Athletics, or Physical Exercise and Recreation [International Health Exhibition]. 1884 95oK Warren (S.), Intellectual and Moral Development of the Present Age 1509, i5ioand 1854X Washington. See Manning's American Pictures, 31 iB. Water and Water Supplies and Unfermented Beverages, by Attfield. 954K Organic Analysis of Potable Waters, by Blair. 1890 545 R Water- Service. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. "Waterloo, Battle of. See Headley's Old Guard, 1924Z. Wealth.. See Universal Review [The Gospel of], v. 6, 3326J. "Wear, The. See Industrial Rivers of the United Kingdom, 713H. Weasels. See Wood's Dominion of Man, 2130R. "Weather, The. See Chambers', v. 66, 1966J. Lippincott [Weather Prophets], V. 45, 337iJ- Murray [Weather Forecasting], v. 7, 1467J. Times' Register of Events [Daily Charts and Monthly Reports] from 1877, R.L. Wedderburn (Sir D.), M.P., Life of, compiled from his Journals and Writings, by his Sister, Mrs. Percival. 18S4 60F "Weddings. See Chambers' [Peculiar], v. 66, 1966.!. Wedgwoods, A Group of Englishmen (1795 to iS 15), being Records of the Younger Wedgwoods and their Friends, embracing the History of the Discovery of Photography, by Mete- yard. 1 87 1 42F Weir (H.), F.R.H.S., Our Cats and all about their Varieties, Habits and Management, illustrated. 1889 2129R Wellesley (Richard Cowley, Marquess, Brother of the Duke of WeUin°ton, h. 1760, d. 1842), K.G., Life of, by Malleson ... 61F Wellington. See Payton's New Zealand, 870K. "Wells. See Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Westminster Abbey, The Children of, by Rose G. Kingsley. 1886 I034O [See under author for contents.] Westmoreland. See Reminiscences of a Boyhood, 472O. Westropp (Hodder M.), Handbook of Pottery and Porcelain, or History of those Arts from the Earliest Period, illus. 1880 1174M Wheelbarrows. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Wheeldon (J. P.), Angling Cluhs and Preservation Societies of London and the Provinces [Fisheries Exhibition]. 1884 972K Practical Lessons in the Gentle Craft [Fisheries Exhibition]. 1884 972K "W^helks. See Fisheries Literature [Molluscs, &c, used for Food or Bait], 975K. Whewell (W., Master of Trinity College, Cambridge), U.D., an Account of his Writings, &c, by Todhunter, 2 vols. 1876... 64-5F "WhigS. See Macmillan [and Imperial Federation], v. 61, 991J. White (Arnold), The Problems of a Great City. 1886 444II White (Rhoda E.), From Infancy to Womanhood, a Book of In- struction for Young Mothers. 1882 2074R White Umbrella in Mexico, by F. H. Smith, illustrated. 1889 1775R Whitewashing. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics, 958D. Wilde (Lady), Ancient Cures, Charms and Usages of Ireland. 1890 960F Willett (E. H.), F.D.A., and Anson (Com. C. V.), R.N., Oyster Culture [Fisheries Exhibition Literature]. 1884 980K William I. {German Emperor and King of Prussia), a Succinct Biography, by Forbes. 1888 , 521O Williams (Jos. W.), British Fossils and where to Find Them. 1890 146R Williams (Montagu), Q.C., Leaves of a Life, Reminiscences. 1890 376-7F [1192] WIL ENGLISH SECTION.— GENERAL SUPPLEMENT. WYN Wilson (Daniel, Antiquarian, b. 1816), F. S.A.Scot., Oliver Cromwell and the Protectorate. 1848 244O Winchester, by Kitchen [Historic Towns]. 1890 1670R . Royal, The Ancient Capital of England, by L'Estrange. 1889... 445H — See also Bunyan's Memoirs of McDougall, 44 & 45F. W"indows. See Chambers, v. 66, 1966J. Wheeler's Choice of a Dwelling, 940M. Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [Management of], 958D. Wine. See Health Exhibition Literature [/Esthetic Use of], 956K. Winter. See Good Words [Wonders of], v. 30, 2200J. "Wire Fences. See Blakelee's Simple Mechanics [How to Build], 953D. Wisby. See Wood's Under Northern Skies, 1766R. Witciies in New England, by Mathers. 1862 2043R Wizards, The Young Wizard, by Hoffmann [Boys' Own Annual, v. 8] 2958J Wolfe (General). See Boys' Own Annual, v. 12, 2962J. Grant's Constable of France, &c. [a Memoir of], 928X. Woman in Health and Sickness, or what She ought to Know for the Exigencies of Daily Life, by Bell. 1889 946K Womanhood, From Infancy to, a book of Instruction for Young Mothers, by White. 1882 2074R Women, Child-Life and Girlhood of Remarkable Women, by Adams 393F Intellectual Education and its Influence on the Character and Happiness of Women, by Emily Shirreff. 1858 1123F Italian, by T. A. Trollope, 2 vols. 1859 1032-3O See also Christian World [Woman's Work], 259J. Wonders of the Invisible World, Tryals of Several Witches in New England, by Mather. 1862 2043R Wood (Sir Andrew, of Largo). See Grant's Constable of France [Captain of the Yellow Frigate and Admiral of James III.], 928X. Wood (Rev. J- G.), M.A., Out of Doors. 1890 2132R — See also Boys' Own Annual [as a Gymnast], v. 11, 2961J. Wood (Miss), Food and Cookery for Infants and Invalids. 1884... 954-K Wood- Charcoal. See Chambers', v. 66, 1966J. Woodward (B. B.), and Grey (P.), Sea- Weeds, Shells and Fossils 142R Word Portraits of Famous Writers, by Wotton. 1887 2037R Words, Biographies of Words and the Home of the Aryas, by Midler. 1888 93° M Wordsworth (Christopher, Bishop of Lincoln, b. 1807, d. 1885), by J. H. Overton and Elizabeth Wordsworth, with portraits 63F Wordsworth. (William). See Dawson's Makers of Modern English, 458 F. Work. See Blyth's Diet in Relation to Health and Work, 954K. Nineteenth Century [Brain Work and Manual Work], v. 27, 2237J. Worlds, Unity of, Essays, by Powell. 1855 I333 H "Worms. See Bell's Woman in Health and Sickness, 946K. Wray (J. Jackson), Nestleton Magna 344§X "Wrecks. See Every Day Heroes [Foundering of the Dal/iousie], 1455O. Wrestling, Fencing, and Boxing, by Pollock, Mitchell, and Arm- strong [Badminton Library]. 1889 1138M Wright (G. F.), D.D., The Ice Age in North America, and its Bearings upon the Antiquity of Man, illustrated. 18S9 789E) Wright (Marcus ].). See Lee (R. E., Confederate General). Wright (Thomas'), M.A., St. Patrick's Purgatory, an Essay on the Legends of Purgatory, Hell and Paradise, current during the Middle Ages. 1844 877F Wynter (Andrew), M.D., Borderlands of Insanity and other Papers, with additions by J. M. Granville. 1877 945 & 95°K [1 193] YEL GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ZOO X ELLOWSTONE. See Manning's American Pictures, 311B. Yew. See Ward's Timber, 2128R. Yonge (C. D.), M.A., Letters of Horace Walpole, with portraits and illustrations, 2 vols. 1890 461-2F Yosemite. See Manning's American Pictures, 311B. Young" Debater and Chairman's Assistant 2072R ZJANZIBARIS. See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, 873-4K. Zoology. See Stanley's In Darkest Africa, 873-4K. Nature, v. 41, 2701J. [1 194] LIST OF PSEUDONYMOUS AUTHORS Or Authors who have changed their Names. Italics signify original proper names (not Pseudonyms) which have been changed by Marriage, ofc. ABO AUS PSEUDONYMS OR FORMER NAMES. Ab-o'-th'-Yate Adder (Max) A. F. T A. G A. K. H. B Alexander (Mrs.) Alice (Cousin) Allen (F. M.) Allen (Grant) Allendale (Alfred) A.L.O.E. [A Lady of England] Amateur Casual A. M. B. ... Amelia (Annie) Amelia (Ellen) Amicus Curiae Anastasius Anglo-Catholicus Anglus (Phil) Ann of Swansea Anstey (F.) Argus Ariosto Arley Armytage (Dudley) Armytage (Ernest) Augur Augusta Louisa ... Aunt Judy Austin (A.) PROPER OR PRESENT NAMES. Biierley (Ben). Clarke (Charles Heber). Tytler (Anne Fraser. Giberne (Agnes). Boyd (Rev. Andrew K. H.). Hector (Mrs. Annie F.). Tabor (Miss E.). Downey. Wilson (J. A.). Hook (Theodore E.). Tucker (Miss C. M.). Greenwood (James). Browne (Montagu). Garrett (Annie Amelia). Garrett (Ellen Amelia). Collier (John Payne). Drummond (H.): Manners (Lord James). Penn (William). Kemble (Frances Ann). Guthrie (F. Anstey). Willes (Irwin). Irving (Rev. E.). Andrews (M. P.). Axon (William E.). Axon (W. E. A.). Blake (W.). Lyons (Lady). Gatty (Mrs.). Wilson (Prof. J.) [H9S] B.. GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. CHA PSEUDONYMS OR FORMER NAMES. B (Lord) Bab Baldwin (Edward) Balfour (Clara) ... Barebones (Caustic) Barker, Lady Barrister-at-Law ... Basil Beatrice ... Bede (Cuthbert) Bell (Acton) Bell (Currer) Bell (Ellis) Bellamy (Thomas) Beranger (Paul) ... Berwick (E. L. A.) Biblicus ... Bickerstaff (Isaac) Biglow (Rosea) ... Billings (Josh) Bird {Isabella) Blackburne (E. Owens) ... Blinkingsop (Vicesimus), LL.D. Bobbin (Tim) Bon Gaultier Bon Gaultier Bostonian.., Bounce (Benjamin) Bouverie (B.) ... ... Boz Braddon {Miss M. E.°) Breitmann (Hans) Brightwell (Richarde) ... Brown (Mrs.) Brown (Thomas [the Younger])... Brownngg (H.) ... Buck (Ruth) Burton (Robert) ... Butt (B. Mary) C.A Carr (Comyns) ... Carre (Thomas) ... Carroll (Lewis) ... Cavendish... Caxton (Pisistratus) C. A. W C. C Cecil Celatus C. E. M. ... Chamier (Captain) Charlotte Elizabeth PROPER OR PRESENT NAMES. Brougham (Lord). Gilbert (W. S.). Godwin (William). Hemans (Mrs.). Bridges (Thomas). Broome (Lady F. N.). Eardley (Sir J. E.). King (Richard Ashe). Manning (Anne). Bradley (Rev. Edward). Bronte (Agnes). Bronte (Charlotte). Bronte (Emily). Janson (Sir Henry). Collin (J. G. D.) Reynolds (James). Tulloch (Alexander), D.D. Steele (Sir Richard). Lowell (James Russell). Shaw (A. W.). Bishop (Mrs.). Casey (Elizabeth). Hook (Theodore). Collier (John). Aytoun (William E.). Martin (Theodore). Poe (Edgar Allan). Carew (Henry). Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.). Dickens (Charles). Maxwell (Mrs. John). Leland (C. G.). Frith (John). Rose (George). Moore (Thomas). Jerrold (Douglas). Lamb (Mrs. Joseph). Crouch (Nathaniel). Hutt (Mrs. W.). Anstey (Christopher). Williams (Josh.). Pinckney (Miles). Dodgson (Rev. C. Lutwidge). Jones (Henry). Lytton (Edward Bulwer, Lord). W r heeler (C. A.). Clark (Charles). Tongue (Cornelius). Owen (Robert). Mudie ( ). Jones (William). Tonna (Mrs. C. E.). [1 196] CHE PSEUDONYMOUS AUTHORS. ELD PSEUDONYMS OR FORMER NAMES. Chevalier (The) Chilly Charley Cicero (Marcus Tullius).. Clarence (Fitzroy) Claribel Clark (Rev. T.) Clarke (Rev. Mr. ) Cleishbotham (Jedediah) Clifford (Charles) Clinton (Walter) Clyde (Alton) Coffin (Joshua) Collet (Stephen), A.M. ... Comus Contrasts ... Conway (Hugh) Conway (H. Derwent) ... Coolidge (Susan)... Cornwall (Barry) Cotton (Robert Turner) ... Country Parson, A Country Pastor, A Craddock (Charles Egbert) Crawley (Captain) Crayon (Christopher) Crayon (Geoffrey) Criticus, (Philo-) Crowquill (Alfred) Crusca (Delia) Cussing (Paul) Cycla PROPER OR PRESENT NAMES. Ramsay (A. M.). Clark (Charles). Melmoth (William). Thackeray (W. M.). Barnard (Mrs.). Gait (John). Gait (John). Scott (Sir Walter). Ireland (William Henry). Adams (W. H. Davenport). Jeffreys (Mrs. A.). Longfellow (H. W.). Byerley (John S.). Ballantyne (Robert Michael). Gilbert (William). Fargus (Frederick John). Inglis (Henry W.). Woolsey (Miss). Proctor (Bryan Waller). Collins (Mortimer). Boyd (Rev. A. K. H.). Whately (Archbishop). Murfree (Miss M. N.). Pardon (G. F.). Ritchie (J. Ewing). Irving (Washington). Hare (Francis). Forrester (Alfred Henry). Merry (Robert). Wood (R. A.) Clacy (Helen). Dagonet Dangerfield (John) D'anvers (Caleb) ... Daryl (Holme) ... Daryl (Sidney) ... D. G Delorme (Joseph) Delta ^Mansie W.) Derrick (Frances) Douglas ... Downing (Major Jack) Doyle (Martin) ... Druid Duchess (The) ... Dunsmuir (Amy) . . . Sims(G. R.). Crawford (Oswald John Frederick). Amhurst (Nicholas). Herbert (David). Straight (Douglas). Garrick (David). Beuve (C. A. Sainted. Moir (David M.). Notley (Mrs. F. G. M.). Reed (Andrew). Smith (Seba). Ross (Hickey). Dixon (Henry Hall). Argles (Mrs.). Oliphant (Mrs.) E. A. M Earle of Essex Elder, An Eldon (Dr. Abraham) Maddock (Mrs. E. A.). Bacon (Francis, Lord). Mathieson (James). Wyse (Thomas). [1197] ELI GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. HIS PSEUDONYMS OR FORMER NAMES. PROPER OR PRESENT NAMES. Elia . Lamb (Charles). Eliot (George) . Cross (Mrs. J. W., nee Evans). Elizabeth, Charlotte . Tonna (Charlotte Elizabeth), Mrs. Phelan, uce Browne. Ephemera . Fitzgibbon (Edward). Epsilon . Brown (J. Baldwin). Eugene . Arnot (Hugo). Eusebius ... ,. Rack (Edmund). Fane (Violet) Fanny (Aunt) Farningham (Marianne)... Fern (Fanny) Fitzboodle (George) Fitz-Eustace (Father) Fitz-Hugh (Francis) Fitz-Osbome (Sir Thomas), Bart. Fitz- Victor (John) Fleming (George) Fouleweather (Adam) ... Foulis (Oliver) ... J?ranc\M.j^ Free Lance Freeholder (A) Fullwood (Francis) Fume (Joseph) Garrett (Edward) G. A. S Gay (Joseph) Gentleman Commoner of Oxford Gibbons (Lee) GiffordQ.) Gift(Theo) Gilderoy (Roland) Girl of the Period Goosequill (Benjamin) ... Governor ... Graduate of Oxford Graham (Ennis) ... Gray (Simon) Greville (Henry) ... Gypsy Hamilton (Gail) ... Harland (Marian) Harmer (Anthony) Harte (Bret) H. C Heliostropolis Henry Greville ... Hermit of Marlow Historicus ... Singleton (Mrs. M.). Barrows (Fanny). Hearne (Mary Ann). Barton (Sarah). Thackeray (\V. M. ). Fraser (W.) Mackay (Francis Alexander). Melmoth (William), Junr. Shelley (Percy Bysshe). Fletcher (Julia). Nash (Thomas). Lloyd (David). Evans (Mrs.). Richardson (Alex.). Carlyle (Alexander). Baxter (Richard). Chatto (\V. A.). Mayo (Isabella F.). Sala (G. A.). Pope (Alexander). Croxall (Samuel). Roscoe (Thomas), Junr. Green (John Richard). Havers (Miss Dora). Rowley (Charles). Linton (Mrs. Lynn). Adair (J. M.). Inglis (John). Ruskin (John). Molesworth (Mrs.). Boswell (Sir Alexander). Durand (Madame). Courtland (Grace). Dodge (M. IL). Terbune (Mrs., nee Hawes). Wharton (Henry). Harte (Francis Bret). Ireland (S. W. H.). Defoe (Daniel). Durand (Madame). Shelley (Percy Bysshe). Harcourt (Greville Vernon). ["93] HOL PSEUDONYMOUS AUTHORS. MAL PSEUDONYMS OR FORMER NAMES. Holding (Ephraim) Homo Novus Honoria(N.) , Hope (Ansted) ... Hope (A. R.) Hope (Mark) Hop pus {Mary A. M.) ... Horatius ... Hornbook (Adam) Hosea Biglow Hughson (David), LL.D. Humphrey (Old) ... Hyacinthe (Pere) Iconoclast Ignatius (Father) Ingoldsby Ingoldsby (Thomas) Isa... Janus Jay(W. M. L.) Jedediah Cleishbotham ... John Dangerfield... John of Manchester Jones (T. Percy) ... Jorrocks (John) ... Joseph Skillet Keith (Leslie) Kembh {Adelaide) Kerr (Orpheus C.) King {Alice) Kirke (Edmund) ... Knickerbocker (Died rich) .Knight of Kerry ... Langdon (Mary)... JLangstaff (Launcelot) . . . Larwood (Jacob) Learned Blacksmith (The) -Lee (Holme) Lee (Vernon) L. E. L L. N. R Locker (Arthur) ... JLondon Antiquary Lot (Parson) Lothrop (Amy) ... Lyall (Edna) Macgregor (Malcolm) ... Maitland (Thomas) Malet (Lucas) PROPER OR PRESENT NAMES. Modridge (George). Courthope (VV. J.) Power (Marguerite A.). 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WID Variety ; a Tale for Married People Vathek Venetian Bracelet Venetia's Lovers, an Uneventful Story Vera ... Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax Victories of the British Armies Victory Won... Vidaj Study of a Girl Village Pastor Village Reminiscences, by an Old Maid Village Sermons, by a Country Clergyman ... Viola ... Violet Stuart, a Tale of Gibraltar ... Vizier's Son ; or the Adventures of a Mogul Voice from the Sea ; or the Wreck of the Eglantine ... Vow of the Peacock and other^Poems Voyage into the Levant Voyage of Captain Popanilla Walk and Wanderings in the World of Literature Walks through London Walter Colyton, a Tale of 1688 ... Walter, the Schoolmaster ... Wanderer, The Ward of the Crown, a Historical Novel Warlock, The Warp and Woof; or the Reminis- cences of Doris Fletcher ... Water-lily on the Danube ... Way to be Happy ; or the Story of Willie the Gardener's Boy Way Women Love, a Novel Wearing the Willow ; or Bride Fielding Weaver's Family Wedlock ; or Yesterday and To-day Westminster Abbey ; or the Days of the Reformation ... What is a Christian ? Wheat and Tares, a Tale When I was a little Girl Whitefriars Why Paul Ferroll killed his Wife ... Wide of the Mark ... Whitehead (William). Beckford (William). Landon (Letitia Elizabeth). Johnston (Miss Keith). Dempster (Charlotte Louisa Hawkins). Parr (Harriett). Maxwell (William Hamilton). Marsh (Miss Catherine). Dunsmuir (Amy [Miss Oliphant]). Wilkins (George). Monkland (Mrs.). Berens (Edwards). Jolly (Emily). Philimore (Harriet Eleanor). Hockley (William Brown). Elliott (Ruth [Lillie Peck]). Landon (L. E.). Blunt (Sir Henry). Disraeli (Benjamin). Grant (James). Hughson (David [Dr. Pugh], LL. D. ). Smith (Horace). Monro (Edward). Meredith (Owen [Edward Robert Bul- wer-Lytton]). Wolfensberger (H. T.). Barker (Matthew Henry). Lee (Holme [Harriet Parr]). Mansfield (Robert Blackford). Cousin Kate [C. D. Bell]. Blackburne (E. Owens [Elizabeth Cosey]). Tytler (Sarah [H. Keddie]). Gilbert (William). Jenkins (Mrs.). Robinson (Miss Jane). A.L.O.E. [Charlotte Tucker]. Cunningham (H. S.). Tabor (Miss). Robinson (Miss Jane). Clive (Mrs. Archer). Houston (Mrs.). [1212] WID ANONYMOUS WORKS AND THEIR AUTHORS. YOU Widow's Lodgings .. Widow's Tale, and other Poems ... Wife and Woman's Reward Wife Hunter and Flora Hunter, tales by the Moriarty Family ... Wife's Story, and other Tales Wife's Temptation, a Tale of Bel- gravia Wildflower Wilful Ward, a Novel William Douglas, or the Scottish Exiles Willie Wabster's Wooing and Wedding on the Braes of Angus... Winter in Edinburgh, or the Russian Brothers, a Novel ... Winter Story ... Witch-Finder, The, or the Wisdom of our Ancestors ... Woman I Loved, and the Woman who Loved Me Woman Scorned, a Novel ... Woman's Riddle, a Romantic Tale... Women of the Last Days of Old France Women of the Gospels ; the Three Wakings, and other verses Women, or Pour et Contre, a Tale... Wonderful Life Wonders of the Vegetable Kingdom Display'd Wondrous Strange, a Novel World's Verdict Worth of a Baby, and How Apple - Tree Court was Won Wreath of Smoke ... Wrongs of Woman ... Ballantyne (John). Bowles (Caroline), afterwards Mrs. Southey. Norton (Mrs.). Grant (John O'Brien). Jolly (Miss Emily). Challice (Mrs. A. E.). Robinson (F. W.). Pinkney (Miss). Duncan (Henry). Ogilvy (Dorothea) of Clova. Scott (Honoria [Mrs. Frazer]). Peard (Frances Mary). Gaspey (Thomas). Blagden (Isabella). Blackburne (E. Owens [Elizabeth Casey)]. Ann of Swansea [Miss Frances Ann Kemble]. Roberts (Margaret). Charles (Mrs.). Maturin (Charles Robert). Stretton (Hesba [Mrs. Hannah Smith]). Roberts (Mary). Newby (Mrs. C. J.). Edwardes (Mrs. Annie). Stretton (Hesba [Mrs. Hannah Smith]). A.L.O.E. [Charlotte Tucker]. Elizabeth(Charlotte[Mrs.C.E.Tonna]). Yachtman's Holidays ; or Cruising in the West Highlands ... Year after Year, a Tale Year Nine, a Tale of the Tyrol Yesterday in Ireland Young Baronet, a Novel Young Brown, or the Law of In- heritance ... Young Cottager, a True Story Young Heads on Old Shoulders ... Young Lord The " Govenor " [John Inglis]. Clive (Lady). Manning (Anne). Crowe (Eyre Evans). Daniel (Robert Mackenzie). Murray (Eustace Clare Grenville). Richmond (Legh), M.A. Hope (Ascott R. [Robert Plope Mont- crieff]). Ponsonby (Lady Emily). [1213] YOU GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. ZUL Young Mountaineer ; or Frank Mil- ler's Lot in Life ... Young Widow Younger Sister Youth and Womanhood of Helen Tyrrel Zadoc, the Outcast of Israel, a Tale Zaida's Nursery Note-book... Zana, or the Heiress of Clair Hall... Zastrozzi, a Romance Zayda, a Spanish Tale Zeluco... Zenobia, or the Fall of Palmyra ... Zillah, a Tale of the Holy City ... Zoe, an Athenian Zofloya ; or the Moor Zohrab, the Hostage Zophiel ; or the Bride of Seven Zulneida, a Tale of Sicily Holme (Daryl [David Herbert]). Daniel (Robert Mackenzie). Dawe (Anne). Howard (Mary Matilda). Elizabeth (Charlotte [Mrs. Tonna]. A.L.O.E. [Charlotte Tucker]. Stephens (Mrs. Ann S.). P.B.S. [Percy Bysshe Shelley]. Oscar [Mrs. Leman Grimstone]. Moore (John). Ware (Rev. William). Smith (Horace). Colquhoun (John Campbell). Dacre (Charlotte [Mrs. Byrne, better known as Rosa Matilda]). Morier (James). Del Occidente (Maria [Maria Brooks]). Mower (A.). [1214: Iglefexexxce ^epaxtxnent BY J. LINWOOD PITTS, Curator. The Reference Department of the Library, lohich is not yet catalogued, com- prises about 20,000 volumes in the French and English languages. Pending a fuller classification of these varied — and many of them extremely rare — ivorks, the following brief summary of a portion of the contents may perhaps be useful to readers and students. WORKS OF GENERAL REFERENCE :— Encyclopedia Britannica, the last (9th) edition, and also earlier edi- tions. Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. Penny Encyclopedia, with supple- ments. Chambers' Encyclopedia. Popular Encyclopedia. Bayle's Dictionary. Dictionary of National Biography, edited by Leslie Stephen. Dictionnaire Universel des Littera- teurs, par G. Vapereau. La Rousse, Dictionnaire Universel. Encyclopedic Moderne. Encyclopedic des Gens du Monde. Biographie Universelle. L'Art de Verifier les Dates. Buisson, Dictionnaire de^Pedagogie. Covvden Clarke's^^pjp-a^clance to Shakespeare. Thomson's Dictionary of Philosophy. Wurtz, Dictionnaire de Chimie. Whitaker's Almanack and the various local almanacks. New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, Dr. Murray. Ogilvie's Imperial English Diction- ary, 4 vols. Littre's Dictionnaire de la Langue Francaise, 5 vols. Skeat's Etymological Dictionary. Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon. Dictionaries in various ancient and modern languages. Roget's Thesaurus of English Words. Boissiere, Dictionnaire Analogique de la Langue Francaise. Du Cange, Glossarium Medie et In- fime Latinitatis, 10 vols. Sainte-Palaye, Dictionnaire Historique de l'ancien langage Francois, 10 vol. Lowndes' Bibliographers' Manual. [&iuvEr. t,2I - ;] 1 £*\ *» -*' GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY Manuel clu Libraire par Brunet, avec supplement par Deschamps et Brunet. Spon's Household Manual. Hazell's Annual Cyclopaedia. Mulhall's Dictionary of Statistics. Government Year Book. Sell's World's Press. Civil Service Directory. Cassell's Domestic Dictionary. Official Army List. Clergy List. Readers' Handbook. Stock Exchange Year Books. The Times Year Books. Atlases, various, English and French. Gazetteers. Anderson's Topographical Dictionary. Geography of the British Empire. Bouillet, Atlas d'histoire et de geo- graphic Dictionnaire du Commerce et de la Navigation, 4 vol. Burke's Peerage and Landed Gentry. Debrett's Extinct and Dormant Peer- ages. Dod's Peerage, &c. Debrett's Peerage, Baronage and Knightage. Debrett's House of Commons and Judicial Bench. Lodge's Peerage and Baronage. Walford's County Families. Fairbairn's Family Crests. Sanford's Great Governing Families. Sir Harris Nicholas' Historic Peerage. Bridge's Index to Pedigrees of Eng- lish Families. Portraits of Illustrious Personages. Jersey Armorial. La Noblesse Francaise. Nobiliaire de France. Nobiliaire de Normandie. Dictionnaire de la Noblesse, 12 vol. Chambers' Biographical Dictionary of Eminent Scotchmen. Waters' Parish Registers. Lower's Patronymica Britannica. Lower's Essays on English Surnames. Yonge's Christian Names. Handbook of the Indian Army, by Egerton. Naval and Biographical Dictionary. Men of the Time. Men of the Reign. Celebrities of the Century. Vapereau, Dictionnaire des Contem- porains. Irving's Annals of our Time, with supplements. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. of Biography. Dictionary of English History. Smith's Dictionaries. Bible. Antiquities. Classical. Knight's Practical Dictionary of Me- chanics. Chaffers' Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain. Hook's Church Dictionary. Young's Analytical Concordance. Cruden's Concordance. Homiletic Encyclopaedia. Cyclopaedia of Theology. Encyclopedic des Sciences Reli- gieuses. Pictorial Bible Dictionary. Allibone's Quotations : — Prose. Poetical. Great Authors. Bertram's Dictionary of Poetical Illus- trations for the Pulpit and Platform. Bertram's Homiletic Encyclopaedia, Illustrations in Theology and Morals. Bate's 6,000 Illustrations of Moral and Religious Truths. Day's Encyclopaedia of Prose Quota- tions. Dickenson's Dictionary of Illustra- tions adapted to Christian Teaching. Proctor's Classified Gems of Thought. [1216] REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. Hoyt and Ward's Cyclopedia of Prac- tical Quotations. Southgate's Noble Thoughts in Noble Language. Adams' Dictionary of English Litera- ture. Lorenz, Catalogue Francaise, II vol. Book-Lore. de la Librairie Chambers' Book of Days. Staunton, Chess Handbook and Praxis. Modern Works, by the British Subject Index of 1880-85, issued Museum. Subject and Chronological Index to Fiction, by Alfred Cotgreave. by H. Courthope Bowen. The English Catalogue of Books. Poole's Index of Periodical Literature. Index to Harper's Monthly Magazine. Various General Indexes to Reviews and Magazines. Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseu- donymous Literature of Great Britain, by Halket and Laing, 4 vols. Initials and Pseudonyms, 2 vols, by Cushing. Directory of Second-hand Booksellers. Directory of Free Libraries, &c. British Museum and other Library Catalogues, English and American. Institution of Civil Engineers, Minutes from 1881. ANTIQUITIES, &c. :— Herculaneum and Pompeii. Montfaucon ; Antiquity Explained. Grose's Antiquities. The Antiquary. The Reliquary, from vol I, i860. Achseological (Association) Journal. Works by Lukis, Evans, Fergusson, Lubbock, Stevens, Keeller, Brash Fosbrook and many others. FINE ARTS AND ILLUS- TRATED WORKS :— Ruskin's Modern Painters. Stones of Venice. Seven Lamps of Architecture. Miscellaneous Works. Art Journal. Portfolio, Hamerton. Magazine of Art. Illustrated London News. The Graphic. Gazette des Beaux-Arts. Catalogue of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Duplessis, Histoire de la Gravure. Livre d'Or des Metiers. Mercuri, Costumes Historiques. Dressesand Decorations of the Middle Ages. Lacroix, various works. Labarte, Histoire des Arts Industriels. Hamerton's Landscape. Carter's Ancient Architecture of Eng- land. The Marlborough Gems. Waring's Masterpieces of Industrial Art and Sculpture. II Vaticano. Picturesque Europe. Picturesque Palestine. The Hundred Greatest Men. Castles and Abbies of England. Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain. Holbein's Portraits of the Court of Henry VIII. Vernon Gallery. Waring's Architecture in Central Italy. Rowlandson's Caricatures. Works by Bewick, Albert Durer. Bayeux Tapestry, by Fowke. 59 [1217] GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. Bayeux Tapestry, by Bruce. The Queen's Visit to Jersey. Les Promenades de Paris, Alphand. Statistique Monumental de Paris, Lenoir. Musee Francais. Histoire de l'Art par les Monuments D'Agincourt. Les Catacombes de Rome. Waring's Ornamental Metal Work. BIOG-RAPHY :— Dictionary of National Biography, by Leslie Stephen. Biographie Universelle. Nouvelle Biographie Universelle. Encyclopaedic des Gens du Monde. Plutarche Francais, par Turpin. Les Musiciens Celebres, par Clement. Vie des Peintres, par D'Argenville. Lives of Eminent Englishmen. Campbell's Lives of the Admirals. Howitt's Queens of England. Baring- Gould's Lives of the Saints. Great Navigators, 18th Century, by Verne. Hook's Archbishops of Canterbury. Lord Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors. Chief Justices. Agnew's French Protestant Exiles. Milton and his Times, by Masson. HISTORICAL DOCU- MENTS, LAWS, &C. :— The various Publications issued by the Master of the Rolls from Her Majesty's Record Office, 250 vols. Calendar of State Papers. English National Manuscripts. Documents Inedits sur l'Histoire de France, 175 vol. [1 Coutumier de Normandie. Terrien's Commentaries. Ancient Laws and Institutes of Eng- land. Anciennes Lois Francaises. Bayeux Tapestry, by Fovvke. Bruce. HISTORY, &o. :- Works by Bancroft, Prescott, Macau- lay, Hallam, Froude, Gibbon, Rawlinson, Kinglake, Alison, Motley, Russell, Mackintosh, Lecky, Knight, Mitford and many others. Hansard's Parliamentary Debates. Woodfall's Parliamentary Debates. Debrett's Parliamentary Registers. 1 Asiatic Researches. ' Schlosser's Eighteenth Century. 1 Pinkerton's History of Scotland. I Knight's Old England. I Oldfield's Representative History of Great Britain and Ireland. French Revolution. Thiers' Revolution Francais. Le Consulat et l'Empire. History of France, by Martin and Deans. Long's French Revolutions. Dulaure's Histoire de Paris. Naval History, by Brenton. James. Camden's Britannia. Raleigh's History of the World, folio 1677. Thurloe's State Papers. Speed's History of Great Britain, folio 1632. Sharon Turner, Middle Ages. Anglo-Saxons. Knight's Pictorial History of England. Taylor's Pictorial History of Scotland. Chambers' Pictorial History of Eng- land. Thierry, Conquete de l'Angleterre. 218] REFERENCE DEPARTMENT. Wellington's Dispatches. Napier's History of the Peninsular War. Kinglake's Invasion of the Crimea. NATURAL HISTORY AND BOTANY (English) :— British Museum Natural History Catalogues and Publications. Micrographic Dictionary. Cassell's Natural History. Morris' British Birds, Moths and Butterflies. Cassell's Book of Birds. Audubon's Birds of America, full-size plates, elephant folio. Latham's History of Birds. Layard and Sharpe's Birds of South Africa. Knight's Encyclopaedia of Natural History, 2 vols. Curtis' British Lepidoptera. Couch's British Fishes. Sowerby's English Botany. Baillon's Natural History of Plants. Say's Entomology. Nature- Printed Seaweeds. Lowe's Nature-Printed Ferns. Lowe's British Grasses. Harvey's British Seaweeds. Phycologia Australica. Hooker's Ferns. Tripp's British Mosses. Florigraphia Britannica. Bentham's British Flora. Harris's Insects Injurious to Vegeta- tion. Gosse's Anemones. Various Works by Wood, Penning- ton, Darwin, Hooker, Loudon, Gosse, Prichard, Lyell and many others. Journals, &c. , of various Exploring Expeditions. Quain's Anatomy. HISTOIRE NATURELLE (French) :— Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle. Cuvier Regne Animal : Ossemen's Fossiles. Chenu, Encyclopedic d'Histoire Na- turelle. Various Works by Guillemin, Predol, Flamarion, Pouchet, Grandville, Buffon, Figuier, &c. GENERAL LITERATURE:— Gautier, Les Epopees Francais. Reynouard, Poesies des Troubadours. Querard, Supercheries Litteraires La France Litteraire. Brabazon, Fabliaux et Contes. Recueil General des Fabliaux des XHIe. et XlVe. siecles, par Mon- taiglon et Raynaud. Lorentz, Catalogue de la Librairie, 1 1 vol. Vallee, Bibliographic des Biblio- graphies. Wharton's History of English Poetry. Gentleman's Magazine, 1731 — 1828. Gentleman's Magazine Library. The Alphabet, by Isaac Taylor. Old Book Collectors' Miscellany. Silvestres' Universal Palaeography. Dodsley's Old English Plays. The Delphin Classics, edited by Valpy, 142 vols. Many valuable standard works and sets of works by French, English and American authors. RELIG-ION, &c.:— Bibles in Various Languages. Bagster's Hexapla. Picart, Ceremonies Religieuses. Martigny, Dictionnaire des Antiquites Chretiennes. Lichtenberger, Encyclopedie des Sciences Religieuses, 12 vols. Browning's History of the Huguenots. Treasury of Religious Thought, 6 vols. Gardner's Faiths of the World. Malcom, Index to Religious Litera- ture. Agnew, French Protestant Exiles. Mrs. Jameson's Works on Religious Art. [1219] GUILLE-ALLES LIBRARY. Bingham's Antiquities of the Christian Church, 2 vols. Kitto's Cyclopaedia of Biblical Litera- ture, 3 vols. McClintock and Strong's Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ec- clesiastical Literature, 10 vols. Milman's Latin Christianity, 6 vols. Smith's Dictionary of Christian Anti- quities, 2 vols. Dictionary of Christian Bio- graphy. ^ Bible Dictionary, 3 vols. Clarke's Commentary. Vestiarium Christianum. Schermerhorn, Sacred Scriptures of the World. Various Works by Lardner, Calmet, Scott, Calvin. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, &o. Original Lists of American Emigrants, 1600 to 1700. Lossing's Life of Washington. American Field-Book of the Revolution. Field-Book of the War of 1812. Documents Relating to the Campaign of 1781. History of the Indian Wars in New England, by Hubbard, with Notes by Drake. Hinton's History of the United States. Bancroft's History of the United States. Greeley's American Conflicts. Moore's Records of the Rebellion. Sparke's American Biography. Hunt's Merchants' Magazines, 63 vols. Histoire de la Louisiane, par Gayarre. Histoire du Canada, par Garneau. Catlin's American Indians. Drake's Indian Tribes of the United States. Schoolcraft's History of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Audubon's Birds of America, full-size plates, elephant folio. and Bachman's Quadrupeds of North America. Cassin's Birds of California, Texas, &c. Wilson's American Ornithology. Ferns of North America. Emerson's Trees and Shrubs of Massachusetts. Yosemite Valley. The Library contains also an exten- sive and valuable collection of American printed works on Local History and Biography, Municipal Records, Documents concerning the Early Settlers in the United States, &c. [1220] CATALOGUE des ouvrages a emporter dc la Bibliotheque Guille-Alles A GUERNESEY SECTION FRANCAISE dressee d'apres le plan general de M. A. Cotgreave par M. HENRI BOLAND l.ONDRES DE LTMPRIMERIE DE MM. JOHN HALE ET F1I.S 87 ET 89, GREAT TITCHFIEIJ) STREET, W. 1889 EXTRAIT DES REGLEMENTS Retour des livres. — Tout livre en location doit etre retourne clans les quinzc jours. Cependant si, clans I'intervalle, aucun abonne n'en a fait la demande, l'ouvrage peut etre garde pour une seconde periode de quinze jours, a condition de faire renouveler l'inscription par le bibliothecaire. Ponctualite dans le retour des livres. — Les directeius de la bibliotheque n'ont pas voulu recourir a un systemc d'amendes a. appliquer aux abonnes qui negligeraient de retourner les livres dans le delai de rigudur ; mais ils comptent sur leur bonne volonte et leur ponctualite dans l'observance du reglement a cet egard, toute infraction pouvant causer des desappointements a d'autres abonnes desireux de se procurer a leur tour l'ouvrage retenu au mepris des regies. Cartes d'abonnement. — Les cartes d'abonnement sont strictement personnelles et ne pourront en aucun cas etre transferees par les titulaires. Les livres ne seront delivres que sur presentation de la carte, qui sera placee dans le volume a sa sortie. Les abonnes qui retourneraient un livre sans en prendre d'autre au meme moment, devront deposer leur carte entre les mains du Bibliothecaire, qui la leur remettra lorsqu'ils viendront chercher de nouveaux ouvrages. Responsabilite des abonnes. — Tout livre perdu par un abonne devra etre remplace a ses depens et le retour d'un livre endommage assujettira l'abonne au paiement des frais de reparation ou d'un montant, a fixer par les directeurs de la Bibliotheque, reprt'sentant la diminution de valeur resultant du dommage cause. Les abonnes sont instamment pries de donner immediatement connaissance au Bibliothecaire de toute souillure ou degat quelconque qu'ils constateraient dans les livres et qui pourrait avoir echappe a son examen. Soin des livres. — Les livres ne doivent pas etre confies a des enfants ni exposes a la pluie et aux intemperies. Mesures d'ordre. — II est formellemenl defendu d'amencr des chiena el de (inner dans le local de la Bibliotheque ct ses dependances. AVERTISSEMENT Nous n'avons pas a. entrer dans de minutieux details sur le catalogue que nous presentons aujourd'hui au public. Le lecteur les trouvera dans la preface a. la section anglaise. Nous nous contenterons, pour l'edification des personnes auxquelles la langue anglaise n'est pas familiere, d'exposer les donnees principales et d'e- noncer les grandes lignes de l'ceuvre. Le catalogue tout entier a ete dresse sur le plan de M. Alfred Cotgreave, membre de la Library Association, un catalogographe experimente dont le nom fait autorite en Angleterre. Le systeme de M. Cotgreave consiste dans une combinaison eminemment pratique embrassant a la fois les divers plans gene- ralement connus et adoptes, pour en condenser sous la forme alphabetique les informations et les avantages et en supprimer les inconvenients et les longueurs. A ce titre, notre catalogue sera en France une revelation et il doit elre considere comme une tentative basee sur l'experience etrangere, plutot que comme une formule definitive a. recommander aux catalogograpbes de l'avenir. Si divergentes sont en effet les faeons de voir de l'un et de l'autre peuple, que ce qui passe outre*Manche pour le dernier mot de l'art pourrait bien heurter des idees preconcues et ne pas plaire au public francais. Ni l'auteur du plan ni le compilateur n'aftichent de pretentions a l'impec- cabilite ; leur travail est une ceuvre de reflexion et de bonne foi et, s'ils se sont trompes, on voudra bien leur tenir compte de leurs intentions et de leurs efforts. II ne faut pas perdre de vue que Fere des bibliotheques populaires est a peine ouverte, que la lecture a ete jusqu'en ces dernieres annees l'apanage du petit nombre et que les catalogues ont toujours ete dresses en vue de repondre aux besoins des bibliophiles et des lettres. A une classe nouvelle et peu instruite de lecteurs, il fallait un catalogue simplifie tout en restant complet ; c'est en s'inspirant de cette necessite pres- sante que les catalogueurs anglais et americains sont arrives a abandunner le systeme de la classification pour lui substituer le plan alphabetize, en y intercalant, sous forme de rappels et de renvois, en abrege, les elements qui constituaient la valeur de l'ancien procede. L'inspection du catalogue en dira plus long sur ce sujet que tons les com- mentaires. La simplicite de la methode est telle, en effet, que les avantages en sautent aux yeux, et il suffit d'cuvrir le catalogue et d'en feuilleter les pages pour se convaincre des facilites ofFertes aux lecteurs et, nous aimons a insister la-dessus, mises a la portee des moins instruits. Et d'abord, en principe, afin d'eviter des repetitions qui eussent fait du catalogue un livre embrouille et encombrant, la designation complete des ouvrages ne se trouve que sous le nom de leur auteur. On aura remarque deja que notre plan amalgame auteurs et sujets dans l'ordre aphabetique. Sous le nom de l'auteur done, on est certain de trouver les titres des livres dans leur entierete, avec le nombre de volumes, si Touvrage en a plusieurs, la date de publication et autres renseignements secondaires, par exemple la mention : ill., si le livre contient des gravures explicatives du texte. Ailleurs, le titre a pu etre ecourte, au besoin la date de publication supprimee, pour menager l'espace, et cela sans inconvenient, puisqu'il suffit au lecteur de. se reporter au nom de l'auteur pour obtenir d'emblee les details les plus complets. Les sujets importants se detachent du reste en gros caracteres et sous des rubriques telles que : France, Angleterre, Histoire, Biographie, Beaux- Arts, etc., non-seulement le lecteur trouvera la nomenclature com- plete des livres qui s'y rapportent, mais de plus, a la suite, en petit texte, une liste d'ouvrages qui se rattachent plus ou moins directement, en tout ou en partie, au sujet designe et dans lesquels le lecteur puisera souvent d'utiles renseignements sur des points speciaux qui lui eussent echappe, si son attention n'eiit ete attiree sur ces livres par ces brefs rappels. Ces renvois ou references, qui forment une nouveaute de notre catalogue, ne seront probablement pas du gout des lettres ; mais nous avons la conviction qu'ils seront apprecies a leur juste valeur par le public populaire, pour qui ils constitueront le meilleur des guides et la plus sure des boussoles. Nous croyons superflu, tant la methode suivie est simple et aisee a com- prendre, de nous appesantir davantage sur les merites du systeme et d'entrer dans des considerations techniques auxquelles l'intelligence du lecteur suppleera tout naturellement. II nous suffira de dire que les numeros des volumes se lisent a la droite de chaque page et que si deux volumessont relies par un trait- d'union (par exemple 1505-6I), cela signifie que l'ouvrage se compose de deux volumes, tandis que si les deux numeros sont relies par la conjonction " et " (par exemple 1505 et 1506I), il en ressort que la Bibliotheqtie possede deux exemplaires de l'ouvrage, l'un portant le premier, l'autre le second de ces numeros. Les romans ont ete publies separement a la suite du catalogue general, pour la plus grandc facilite d'une classc considerable de lecteurs. Nous n'ignorons pas que cette collection d'ouvrages francais est loin d'etre complete et que de nombreux vides sont a regretter dans les sujets et quelque- fois aussi sous les noms des auteurs ; mais cette apparente anomalie s'explique, si Ton considere que nous vivons dans un milieu bilingue, oil la langue fran- caise, demeuree l'idiome officiel, disparait peu a peu devant l'anglais, devenu le vehicule de la pensee pour la presque totalite de la population, et qu'il nous a fallu, dans le choix des livres, tenir compte de l'esprit particulier a. la Grande* Bretagne et ecarter ainsi certains ouvrages qui eussent ete admis en France sans recriminations. De plus, la plupart des ouvrages qui manquent dans la section des livres a emporter se trouvent dans celle des livres a consulter, dont le catalogue n'a pas ete publie jusqu'ici. On pent dire que les deux sections se completent l'une par l'autre. Avons-nous repondu a toutes les objections ? Ce serait folie et jactance que d'oser s'y attendre : il est en l'espece des objections comrae des sables de la mer, que le vent balaye d'un cote pour les reformer plus loin. Nous reclamons pour le travail et pour son ouvrier l'indulgence des esprits bienveillants, qui savent que " la critique est aisee et l'art difficile, " et nous dirons en terminant, avec le bibliophile Jacob : " Rien deplus facile a faire qu'un mauvais catalogue ; rien de moins facile que d'en faire un bon. Aussi les meilleurs sont-ils imparfaits. ** II. B, BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES GUERNESEY. ♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Section des ouvrages a emporter " Une lecture amusante est aussi utile a la sanfe" que l'exercice du corps." — Kant, "En finissant un bon livre, il semble que Ton quitte un ami."— Voltaire. ABC ABE ABCdu travailleur, par About. 1868 nolL A travers l'Ocean, causeries avec les Fran9ais d'Amerique, par Boland. 1888 1482L A travers les continents, par Vulliet. 1868 ► ... 372G A travers mers et forets, par Lamy. 1876 275G Abbadie (J.), Sermons et panegyriques. 1760 1001G Traite de la verite de la religion chr^tienne, 2 vol 1 55 1-2 et 1553-4G Abbott (J.), Le jeune chretien ou explication familiere des principes des devoirs du chretien. 1843 J 555G Comment faire le bien. 1861 I556G Abd-el-Kader et la guerre d'Afrique, par Pl£e 360C ABEILLES ET APICULTURE. — Ouvrages sur les : Abeilles, Histoire naturelle de la reine des, par Schirach. 1771 133L Les, par Perez. 1888 2167I Les, par Rendu. 1873 73iL Les, et l'apiculture, par Frariere. 1855 260L Plaisirs et profits de l'eleveur d', par Des Vaulx. 1865 ...>„ 22 iL Traite £lementaire et pratique sur le gouvernement des, par Desormes 75§L Traite pratique sur l'education des, par Beaunier. 1806 ... 8L Voir aussi Apiculture, — Burger : Cours complet d 'agriculture pratique, — Entomologie, — Instruction pour le peuple, — Millet-Robinet : Maison rustique des dames, — etc. Abeille fran9aise, L', recueil de morceaux interessants des plus celebres auteurs, a 1' usage de la jeunesse. 1802 181I Abelous (L.), Les bienfaiteurs modernes de l'humanite. 1871 705E Les catacombes de Rome, suivies de souvenirs de Rome, par un voyageur anglais, i860 126G Quelques femmes de la r^forme. 1859 „... 701E Vie de Gustave Adolphe. 1858 701, 702, 703 et 704E 1 [1] ABO BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES AFR Abou-Bekr. Voir Abu-Beer. About (E.), A B Cdu travailleur. 1868 1101L La Grece contemporaine. 1854 706E La question romaine 1859...... 7E Rome contemporaine, 1861 iG Voir aussi Romans. Abraham, Meditations sur la vie d', par Blunt. 1848 1607G Abrantes (Duchesse d'), Memoires ou souvenirs historiques sur Napo- leon, la Revolution, le Directoire, le Consulat, V Empire et la Restauration, 12 tomes rel. en 6 vol. 1835 1-6E Abria (J. J. B.), De quelques proprietes generates des corps II27L AbriC-Encontre (Mme), Un quaker francais. Vie d'Etienne de Grellet ; recit de ses travaux philantropiques et missionnaires. 8E Abu-Beer, Califat de, [Histoire universelle] 242E Abyssinie, Histoire de 1', [Histoire universelle] 264-5E Journal d'un sejour en, par Gobat. 1830-32 1166G et Nubie, Voyages en, par Lebrun. 1851 288G Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, [Memoires de lit- erature] 655-73I des Sciences, Eloges historiques lus a 1', par Flourens. 1857 246L Fran9aise, Observations de 1', sur les remarques de M. de Vaugelas, 2 vol. 1705 182-3T Histoire du 41 me fauteuil de 1', par Houssaye. 1856 457I Accidents, Premiers secours a donner en cas d', avant l'arrivee du medecin. 1867 690L soins a donner aux malades et aux blesses, par Turck 1412L Voir anssi Asphyxie, — Empoisonnement, — etc. Achaie, Histoire de 1', [Histoire universelle] 211E Achard (A.). Voir Romans. Acoustique, par Radau. 1867 2118I Adam (Mme.). Voir Lamber. Adele et Theodore, ou lettres sur l'education, par Genlis, 3 vol 389-911 Adeline (J.) Lexique des termes d'art iL Aden. Voir Simonin. Adieux d'Adolphe Monod a ses amis et a l'Eglise. 1856 1284G Administration, par Bossuet 156C militaire, Cours d', par Vauchelle, 3 vol. 1847 1476-8L Adresse au lecteur serieux, qui demande : Que faut-il que je fasse pour etre sauve? par La Flechere. 1831 1211G Affaires religieuses en Boheme, au XVIme siecle, Les, par Charveriat 700E Affinites electives, Les, par Goethe. 1844 398I AFRIQUE. — Ouvrages sur 1', descriptions, explorations, histoire, etc. : Afrique, Abrege' du voyage de F. Levaillant dans l'intdrieur de 1', [1780-85] 294G Au cceur de 1', par Schweinfurth [1868-71] 343G Australe, Exploration dans 1', par Livingstone [1840-64] ... 295G Centrale, Origine et developpement du christianisme et de la civilisation dans 1', par Tucker. 1854 1870G Resume historique de l'exploration faite de 1853 a 1856 par Vogel, par Malte-Brun 37G Resume historique de la grande exploration de 1', [1850- l8 55L par Malte-Brun 35G [2] AFR SECTION FRANCHISE AGR AFRIQUE.— Ouvrages sur 1', descriptions, explorations, histoire, etc. : — {suite.) Afrique, Dernier journal, par Livingstone. 1879 296G Histoire de 1', [Histoire universelle] 267-9E lies de 1', par d' Avezac, [Univers], 1 848 630E [Histoire universelle] 264E L', ouverte, par Paumier. 1868 318G L', par Lanier, ill. 1886 4"G Les peuples de 1', par Hartmann. 1880 26G Orientale, Voyage aux grands lacs del', par Burton, ill. 1862 26C Souvenirs de la vie militaire en, par Castellane. 1856 800E Voyage aux pays mysterieux, par Jacolliot 435^ Voyage dans le Sud-Ouest de 1', par Baines 158G Voyage de la mission Flatters au pays des Touareg Azdjers, par Brosselard, ill. 1883 396G Voir aussi Baker, — Baldwin, — Burton, — Daumas, — Dumas, — ■ G^nin : Explorations de Brazza, — Gerard, — Lanoye, — Livingstone, — Moffat, — Mont^mont, — Pl£e : Abd-el-Kader, — Rivoyre : Fran- cois a Obock, — Sparrman, — Speke, — Stanley, — Thibaut — Voyages, Histoire g£n£rale des, — etc. Agassiz (M. et Mme), Voyage au Bresil,ill. 1874 127G Age du bronze, L', par Evans, ill. 1882 45 oL Agir, c'est vivre, par Mile Monod. 1862 I797G Agnes Sorel et la chevalerie, par Capefigue. 1 860 789E AGRICULTURE. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Agriculteur commen9ant, Manuel de 1', par Schwerz 397E Agriculture, Causeries sur 1', par Joigneaux 301L Cours de multiplication et de perfectionnement des princi- paux animaux domestiques, par Grognier et Magne, 1841 74L d', par Gasparin. 3 vol. 18437 61-3L par Joigneaux. 1865 705 et 706L elementaire d', par Girardin et Du Breuil. 1850 266L des 6coles, petite, par Saucerotte. 1861 739 et 74°L Essai sur les engrais, par Re. 1813 126L Les animaux nuisibles a 1', par Des Vaulx. 1865 222L apotres de 1', par Muller. 1881 1815L engrais perdus dans les campagnes, par Delagarde 215L travaux des champs, par Bone. 1876 184L Nouveau cours complet d', theorique et pratique, par l'lns- titut de France. 16 vol. 1821 35"5°L Petite ecole d', par Joigneaux. 1878 300L pratique, Cours complet d', par Burger, Pfeil, Rohlwes et Ruffiny. 1839 491C des differentes parties de l'Angleterre, par Marshal. 5 vol. 1803 107-11 L Traite d, et d'economie rurale, par Ponce 366L Principes d', par Rendu. 1853 380L Simples notions sur 1', par Barrau. 1856 170L Situation de 1', par Barral, [Entretiens populaires] 399 et 412L «■■ — ' — Voir aussi Barral : Statique cbimique des animaux, — Des Vaulx: L'atelier du laboureur, Plantes de grande culture, Signes du temps et travaux des jours, — Goritz : Cours d'economie rurale, — Grandvoinnet : Drainage, — Halphen : Lectures choisies pour les campagnes, — Instruction pour le peuple, — Joigneaux : Instructions agricoles, Les champs et les pr£s, La chimie du cultivateur, Petits entretiens [3] AGR BIBLIOTIIEQUE GUILLE-ALLES ALG AGRICULTURE.— Ouvrages sur V:— {state.) sur la vie des champs, — Jourdier : Materiel agricole, — Lavergne : Economie rurale de l'Angleterre, — Lefour : Culture g£ne>ale, — Maison rustique, — Million de /aits, — Mussa : Pratique des en- grais chimiques, — Vidal : Les loisirs d'un instituteur, — etc. Aguesseau (Le chevalier d'), Discours et autres ouvrages. 1 756 1 -2I Aguilar (G.). Voir Romans. Ahasverus, par Quinet 1843G Aicard (G.), Miette et Nore. 1885 1094I Aides chevels de Normandie, Dissertation sur les, par Jort. 1706 1199L Aiguille, Manuel de travaux a 1', par Mme Regnard. 1881 375L Aimard (G.). Voir Romans. Aime-Martin (L.). Education des meres de famille, ou de la civili- sation du genre humain par les femmes. 1838 1002G Plan d'une bibliotheque universelle ; etude des livres qui peuvent servir a l'histoire litteraire et philosophique du genre humain ; suivi du catalogue des chefs-d'oeuvre de toutes les langues. 1837 1569I Voir aussi La Rochefoucauld, — etc. Air, L', par Moitessier. 1880 2112I Histoire de 1', par Levy 1427L par Tissandier 220E L', et le monde aerien, par Mangin. 1865 542C Proprietes physiques et chimiques de 1', par J eannel 1127L Alaska, Voyage dans 1', par Whymper. 1880 1824L Alaux (G. d ), L'empereur Soulouque et son empire. 1856 7o8et709E Albert (P.), La litterature fran9aise des origines a la fin du XVIme siecle. 1881 185I au XVIIme siecle. 1880 186I — XVIIIme siecle. 1879 187I La po£sie, 6tude sur les chefs-d'ceuvre des poetes de tous les temps et de tous les pays. 1880 184I Poetes et poesies. 1881 188I Albert (Prince, epoux de la reine Victoria), par Martin, 2 vol. 1883 401 -2E Albret (Jeanne d, reine de Navarre), par Muret. 1862 1026E par Vauvilliers. 3 vol. 1818 644-6E Album poetique des jeunes personnes, par Tastu. 1856 951I Alchimie, L', et les alchimistes, par Figuier. 1856 23 7L Alcock (Miss). Voir Romans. Alcool, L', par Riant. 1876 732L Alcoolisme, l'eau-de-vie, ses dangers, par Bouchardat et Junod 1438L Voir aussi Debourge : Le buveur, — Temperance, — Intemperance, — etc. Alcoran de Mahomet, L', par Du Ryer. 1649 1681G Alcott (L. M.). FwV Romans. Aldrich (T. B.). Voir Romans. Alembert (D'). [Correspondance de d'Alembert et de Voltaire]. ... 1078-80I Alfred-le- Grand ou l'Angleterre sous les Anglo-Saxons, par Guizot. 1856 9C0E Algebre, Elements d', par Bede , 173L ALGERIE. — Ouvrages sur V : Alger, Histoire d', [Histoire universelle] 267E Algerie, A travers 1', par Reuss, ill 423G En, par Vemes d'Arlandes. 1881 370G [4] ALG SECTION FRANCHISE AME ALGERIE.— Ouvrages sur 1' :— {suite.) Algerie, Moeurs et coutumes, par Daumas. 1855 210G Quatre mois au Sahel, par Imbert. 1888 409G Souvenirs cl'un chef de bureau arabe, par Hugonnet. 1858. 47 1 ! Voir aussi Boucher de Perthes, — R^veillaud : Sahara algeVien et tunisien, — etc. Alimentation publique sous l'ancienne monarchie, L', par Louandre. 249C ALLEMAGNE. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Allemagne, De France en, par Cambon. 1887 397G 1', par Mme de Stae'l. 1879 1132E En, par Lemonnier. 1888 '. A l $& Enseignement manuel et professionnel en, par Salicis et Jost. 1887 132L Femmes de la Reformation en, par Anderson 711 et 7HE Histoire d', jusqu'a 1838, par Kohlrausch. 1839 344-C jusqu'en 1711, [Histoire universelle] 298-301E — de la guerre de trente ans, par Schiller. 1848 ... 903I 1', par Guerin. 1846 880E desidees religieuses en, par Lichtenberger, 3 vol 1221-3G Hommes eminents en savoir et en sentiment religieux d', par Goguel. 1865 872E L', en 1870-71, par Rothan. 1884 687E L'idee moderne du droit en, par Fouillee. 1878 1148L Manuel pour les voyageurs en, par Engelman. 1835 24G Allemands, Histoire des, par Schmidt, 8 vol. 1784-9 539-46E Voir aussi Bande du Jura, — Boucher de Perthes, — Confe'd£ration germanique, — Dumas, — Guerre franco-allemande, — Tissot, — Voltaire : Annales de 1' Empire, — etc. Allibert (J.), Guide de l'eleveur de poules, poulets, etc. 1855 166L Almanachdes gourmands. 1804-12 1401-8L Almoran et Hamet, par Prevost, ill 804I ALPES.— Ouvrages sur les : Alpes, Les, par Berlepsch, ill. 1869 19C Talbert. 1880 1817L Tschudi, ill. 1859 69C Suisses, Les, par Rambert. 1869 102G Voyages dans les, par de Saussure, 2 vol. 1779- 1786 55-6C Voir aicssi Bande du Jura, — Berthoud, — Dumas, — Suisse, — etc. Alphonse XII. [Leroy-Beaulieu : Un empereur] 985E Alsace-Lorraine, recits de l'invasion, par Mezieres. 1871 1010E Alvares (D. L.), Precis methodique de l'histoire ancienne et moderne des litteratures europeennes et orientales 1 89I Amazonie, Les Frangais en, par Coudreau, ill 390G Ame, L', et la vie, par Saisset. 1864 1862G Traite des facultes de 1', par Gamier, 3 vols. 1872 J.151-3G affermie dans la foi et premunie contre la seduction de l'erreur, L\ 1821 1569G Ames mortes, Les, par Gogol, 2 vol. 1859 406-7I Americaines, Les, ou la preuve de la religion chretienne, par Le- prince de Beaumont, 6 vol. 1811 1766-71G AMERIQUE. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Amerique, A travers 1', North America, Etats-Unis, par Au- douard. 1871 , I53G [5] AME BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES ANA AMERIQUE.— -Ouvrages sur 1' :— {suite.) Amerique, A travers 1', le Far-West, par Audouard. 1869 152G De la democratic en, par Tocqueville, 2 vol. 1836 1168-9E Du Sud (1'), A travers, par Dabadie. 1858 20SG Equatoriale, son histoire et sa geographie, par Onffroy de Thoron. 1866 96G Histoire de la guerre civile en, par le comte de Paris, 6 vol. 1874-83 459-64E ■ L', actuelle, par Jonveaux. 1870 266G devant l'Europe, par Gasparin. 1862 169E L'histoire de 1', par Robertson, 4 vol. 1780 1078-81E 2 vol 1082-3E L', par Lanier, ill. 1885 412G Les predicateurs pionniers de l'ouest americain, par Lelievre. 1762G Moeurs domestiques des Americains, par Trollope. 1841 ... 361G Offenbach en, notes de voyage 1717S Paris en, par Laboulaye. 1872 269G Promenades dans les deux, par Cotteau. 1876-7 „. 204G Relations diplomatiques de Louis XVI avec 1', par Cape- figue. 1856 796E Voir aiissi Br£sil, — Canada, — Etats-Unis et les autres subdivisions politiques des deux Am^riques, — Histoire universelle, — Mont£- mont, — Rdvoil, — Voyages, Histoire g^ndralc des, — etc. Amherst, — Voyages en Asie de, [Montemont] 82G Ami de la jeunesse, L', 17 vol 1303-19I • ■ — maison, L', revue hebdomadaire ill 215C — — des jeunes demoiselles, L', ou conseils aux jeunes personnes qui entrent dans le monde, 2 vol 1 102-3L — — — hommes, L', ou traite de la population, par Mirabeau, 5 vol. 1756 690-4I Amicis (E. de), Constantinople. 1878 128G La Hollande. 1878 130G L'Espagne. 1878 129G Aminte, L', par le Tasse 1125I Amis (S.) Voir Schefer et Amis. Amour conjugal dans le drame, De 1', par Saint-Marc Girardin 246C dans le manage, L', par Guizot. 1858 898E maternel chez les animaux, L', par Menault. 1874 2101I Amours et haines, poesies, par Pailleron. 1869 727I Ampere (J. J.), La Grece, Rome et Dante, etudes litteraires d'apres nature. 1859 190I L'empire romain a Rome, 2 vol. 1867 13-14E L'histoire romaine a. Rome, 4 vol. 1866 9-12E Amyraut (M.), Sermons sur divers -textes de la Sainte-Ecriture. i653 1003G Ana, ou collection de bons mots, contes, pensees detachees, traits d'histoire et anecdotes des hommes celebres, 8 vol. 1799 3-10I ■ Voir aussi M^nagianaet Scaligerana. Anabaptistes, Histoire de la guerre des, par Weill 1876 et 1877G Anacharsis, Voyage du jeune, par Barthelemy, 7 vol. 164-70G et 211-17I Atlas du 18C ■ 2vol 436-7G Analyse grammatical, Traite d', par Poitevin. 1867 763I Anastase ou memoires d'un Grec, par Hope, 1844 915E [6] ANA SECTION FRANCHISE ANG ANATOMIE.— Ouvrages sur 1 : Anatomie des formes exterieures du corps humain, par Gerdy. 1829 64L generate, Traite d', par Henle, 2 vols. 1843 81-2L Voir aussi Hugues : Ma maison, — Ignotus : Machine humaine, — Million de faits, — Notre habitation terrestre, — etc. Ancien regime, L', par Taine. 1880 585E dans une bourgeoisie lorraine, par Munier-Jolain. 1885 ... 1261E i et la revolution, par Tocqueville. 1856 628E Ancien Testament, par Godet. 1876 1723G 1 Voir aussi Bible, — Girard des Rergeries, — Saint-Albin : Po£sie des livres saints, — etc. Andersen (H. C.). Voir Romans. Anderson (Le rev.), Les femmes de la Reformation, 3 vol. 1865-9 Tome I. —Suisse, France, Italie 710 et 713E Tome II. — Allemagne, Hollande, Espagne 711 et 714E Tome III. — Angleterre, Ecosse 712 ct 715E Andre (J. F. D.), Lectures pour les enfants de 6 a 12 ans, Ire partie : Merveilles de la nature. 1870 191I Andrienx. — [Poetes francais modernes] 28I Ane, Histoire d'un, et de deux jeunes filles, par Stahl 223C L', par Hugo. 1880 102I Anecdotes du temps de Louis XVI et de la Terreur. 1854 716E historiques et litteraires. 1853 192E de la cour de Philippe-Auguste, par Mile de Lussan, 2 vol 991-2L des beaux-arts 167L du temps de Napoleon Ier, par Marco de Saint-Hilaire. 1854... 994E Angelo, tyran de Padoue, par Hugo 1462I ANGLETERRE. — Ouvrages sur V : Anglais chez eux, Les, par Wey. 1876 382G Les, en Irlande, par Daryl. 1888 430G Angleterre, Abrege de l'histoire d', par Goldsmith. 2 vol. 1826 873-4E Agriculture pratique des differentes parties de 1', par Mars- hal, 5 vol. 1803 107-11L Alfred-le-Grand ou l'Angleterre sous les Anglo-Saxons, par Guizot. 1856 900E Apergu de la reformation en, par Blunt. 1840 1609G Charlotte de la Tremoille, comtesse de Derby [1 601 -1664], par Mroe de Witt. 1870 1208E Chroniques de Froissart. 1875 1245E Collection des memoires relatifs a la revolution d', 25 vol.: Tome I. — Memoires de Sir Philippe Warwick sur le regne de Charles Ier et ce qui s'est passd depuis la mort de Charles Ier jusqu'a la restau- ration des Stuart 108E Tomes II et III. — Histoire du Long-Parlement, convoque" par Charles Ier en 1640, par Thomas May, secretaire du Parlement 109-10E Tome IV. — Memoires de John Price, chapelain de Monk, sur la restauration des Stuart. Memoires de Sir Thomas Herbert, valet de chambre de Charles Ier, sur les deux dernieres ann^es du regne de ce prince. Memoires de Sir John Berkeley sur les negotiations de de Charles Ier avec Cromwell et l'arm£e parlementaire 111E Tome V. — Memoires de Hollis. Memoires de Huntington. Memoires de Fairfax I12 E Tomes VI a VIII.— Mtinoires de Ludlow m-isE [7] ANG- BIBLIGTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES ANG ANGLETERRE.— Ouvrages sur 1' :— (mite.) Angleterre, Memoires relatifs a, la revolution d' : — {suite.) Tome IX. — Proces de Charles Ier. Eikon Basilik£, apologie attribute a Charles Ier. Memoires de Charles II sur sa fuite apres la bataille de Worcester 116E Tomes X et XI. — Mdmoires de Mrs. Hutchinson. Memoires sur Mrs. Bendysh, petite fille de Cromwell 117-8E Tomes XII a XV. — Memoires de Lord Clarendon, grand-chancelier d'Angleterre sous le regne de Charles II 119-22E Tome XVI. — Journal de Lord Henri Clarendon, fils du grand-chancelier, sur les ann£es 1687 a 1690 123E Tomes XVII a XX.— Histoire de mon temps, par Burnet, £veque de Salis- bury 124-7E Tome XXL— Memoires de Sir John Reresby. Memoires du due de Buck- ingham 128E Tomes XXII a XXV.— Memoires de Jacques II 129- 32E Angleterre, Condition politique et sociale de la Grande-Bre- tagne, par Simon, 2 vol. 1846 » 1273-4L Constitution de 1', par de Lolme. 1819 974L De la decadence de 1', par Ledru-Rollin, 2 vol. 1850 390- 1 E misere des classes laborieuses en, par Buret, 2 vol. 1842 1120-1L l'avenir politique de 1', par Montalembert, 1857 1008E Dix ans de l'histoire d', par Blanc, 10 vol. 1879-81 746-55E Economie rurale de 1', par Lavergne. 1863 310L Femmes de la Reformation en, par Anderson 712 et 715E Histoire d', [Histoire universelle] 310-11E constitutionnelle d', depuis l'avenement de Henri VII jusqu'a la mort de George II, par Hallam, 5 vol. 1828. 190-4E d', par Fleury, 2 vol. 1852 848-9E par Rapin de Thoyras, 16 vol. 1749 363-78C depuis l'avenement de Jacques II, par Macaulay, 2 vol. 1853 385-6E de ce qui s'est passe de plus memorable en, par Burnet [de Jacques Ier a Anne. Mai 1713], 2 vol. 1735 329-30C la conquete de 1', par les Normands, par Thierry, 4 vol. 1846 H4i-4et 1151-4E litterature anglaise, par Taine, 5 vol. 1866 944-8I presse en, par Cucheval-Clarigny. 1857 308 et 1089I republique d', et de Cromwell [1649-58], 2 vol. par Guizot. 1854 891-4E revolution d', depuis l'avenement de Charles Ier jusqu'a sa mort, par Guizot, 2 vol, 1850 , 895-6E rivalite de la France et de 1', par Gaillard, 6 vol. 1818 162-7E Guillaume-le-Conquerant, par Prevost, ill 786I des Anglo-Saxons, par Palgrave. 1836 ... 458E — du protectorat de Richard Cromwell et du retablissement des Stuart [1658-60], par Guizot, 2 vol. 1856 328-9E regne de Guillaume III, par Macaulay, 3 vol. 1857. 387-9E Hommes eminents en savoir et en sentiment religieux d', par Goguel. 1865 872E Jacques II a. Saint-Germain, par Capefigue. 1833 1807E La Duchesse de Portsmouth et la cour galante des Stuart, par Capefigue. 1861 787E [8] ANG SECTION FRANCAISE ANI ANGLETERRE.— Ouvrages sur 1' -.—{stiite.) Angleterre , La grande charte, ou l'etablissement du regime constitutionnel en, par Rousset. 1853 1103E peinture anglaise, par Chesneau 29L philosophic religieuse en, par Carrau. 1888 I4 J 5G reine vierge Elisabeth, par Capefigue. 1863 777^ republique d', aux jours de Cromwell, par Merle d'Aubigne. 1848 4"E. societe de Londres, par Vasili. 1885 677E L', au dix-huitieme siecle, parRemusat, 2 vol. 1856.. 497-8E La vie de college en, par Laurie 237C village en, ou souvenirs d'un exile. 1863 148G publique en, par Daryl H39L L'education correctionnelle en, par Lajoye. 1880 964L L'eglise catholique en, au XVIme siecle, memoires du Pere Gerard, S. J. 1888 1247E Le Prince Albert de Saxe-Cobourg, epoux de la Reine Vic- toria, par Martin, 2 vol. 1883 401-2E Les orateurs de laGrande-Bretagne depuis leregne de Charles Ierjusqu'a nos jours, par Lalouel, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1841 578I L'esprit des Anglais, par Esquiros I I44-L Les quatre conqu6t.es de 1', par Bonnechose, 2 vol. 1852 1 66-7et6S-QE L', et la vie anglaise, par Esquiros, 4 vol 232-5G les Anglais, par Lytton, 2 vol. 1839 9 22 "3 L L'idee moderne du droit en, par Fouillee. 1878 1148L L', son gouvernement, ses institutions, par Fonblanque. 1881 947^ Memoires du Comte de Grammont, par Hamilton, 2 vol. 1816 18467E Monk, chute de la republique et retablissement de la monarchic en, [1660], par Guizot. 1855 179^ Notes sur 1', par Taine. 1872 355 G Petite histoire d', par Lacombe. 1876 1855E Recits tires de 1 'histoire d', par Sargent, 2 vol. 1877 537-8E Reformation d', par Merle d'Aubigne, 1862 I794& Sir Robert Peel, par Guizot. 1858 1932E Souvenirs d', par Mme Craven. 1884 207G Voir aussi Beecher-Stowe, — Daryl : A Londres, — Dumont de Bosta- quet: Memoires, — Evans: Lage du bronze, — Guizot : Portraits politiques, — Mengin, — O'Rellj — PreVost : Marguerite d'Anjou, — Saint-Rend Taillandier : Le roi Leopold et la reine Victoria, — Thierry : Dix ans d'e"tudes historiques. — Ulbach : La Csardas, — Woestyn : Guerre d'Orient, — etc. Angus (Dr. J.), Le manuel de la Bible, introduction a. l'etude de I'Ecriture-Sainte. 1857 1004G ANIMAUX. — Ouvrages sur les : Animaux a metamorphoses, Les, par Meunier. 1867 114L Curiosites de la vie des, par Noth 225C d'autrefois, Les, par Meunier. 1869 113L de la ferme, Les, par Des Vaulx 228L De l'instinct et de Intelligence des, par Flourens. 1870 ... 426L domestiques, Cours de multiplication et de perfectionnement des principaux, par Grognier et Magne. 1841 74^ [9] ANI BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES ANT ANIMAUX. — Ouvrages sur les : — {suite.) Animaux domestiques, par Lefour. 1877 313L etranges, Les, par Mme Demoulin. 1 880 508C La vie des, par Franklin, 6 vol 254-9L et les moeurs des, par Figuier, 4 vol. 1866-79 : Zoophytes et mollusques 510C Les poissons, les reptiles et les oiseaux 511C Les mammiferes 513C Les insectes 514 et 515C L'amour maternel chez les, par Menault. 1874 2101I L'homme clans ses rapports avec les, par Muller 22 iC L'intelligence des, par Menault. 1872 21031 Voir Pichard : Madame Adeline, — etc. Les migrations des, et le pigeon- voyageur, par Zaborowski... 1429L miseres des, par Fee. 1863 2 35L Merveilles de la vie chez quelques, revelees par le microscope. .1854 330L nuisibles a l'agriculture, Les, par Des Vaulx. 1865 222L Mceurs et instincts des, par Pouchet. 1887 576C Nos cruautes envers les, par Blatin. 1867 183L Statique chimique des, par Barral. 1850 169L utiles, domestication et naturalisation des, par Geoffroy Saint- Hilaire. 1854 265L et animaux nuisibles, veillees de Jean Rustique, entretiens sur les, par Pizzetta. 1863 * 362L • Voir aussi Histoire naturelle, — Toussenel : L'esprit des betes, — etc. Anjou (Marguerite d', reine d'Angleterre), par Prevost, ill 784I Ann ales de la vertu, Les, ou histoire universelle, par Mme de Genlis, 5 vol. 1811 ? 860-4E par Genlis, 3 vol 386-8I l'Empire depuis Charlemagne, par Voltaire, 2 vol 1017-18I Anne d'Autriche et la minorite de Louis XIV, par Capefigue. 1861 791E Annee evangelique, I/, par Durand, 7 vol. 1781 I136-42G litteraire 1887, L', par Ginisty 1104I politique 1887, L', par Daniel 1271E scientifique et industrielle, L', par Figuier. 1887 4 2 3L terrible, L', par Hugo. 1872 464614651 Annuaire de Peconomie politique et de la statistique, par Block 1113I1 ■ du bureau des longitudes, [la collection} statistique de la France. 1880 601C Anquetil (L. P.), Histoire de France, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a la revolution de 1789,4 vol. 1850 320-3C et G-allois. — Histoire de France depuis les Gaulois jusqu'a Pavenement de Louis-Philippe, 15 vol. 1829-31 435-49C Antenor. — Voyages d'Antenor en Grece et en Asie, avec des notions sur PEgypte, manuscrit grec trouve" a Plerculanum, 5 vol. 1818 140-4G Anthoine (Les), La mortde Louis XIV, journal des Anthoine. 1880 717E Antil, Les Histoire des, par Regnault, [Univers]. 1849 636E Voir aussi Fortunat : G£ographie d'Haiti, — etc. Antilles franjaises. Voir Dhormoys : Sous les tropiques, — Hue et Haurigot : Nosgrandes colo- nies, — etc. Antiquite, De la Morale dans P, par Gamier. 1865 ... , 379I [10] ANT SECTION FRANCHISE ARC Antiquite, Entretiens sur l'histoire de 1', et du moyen-age, par Zeller, 2 vol. 1865 1224-5E Etudes morales sur 1', par Martha. 1883 1791G Histoire de l'esclavage dans 1', par Wallon, 3 vol. 1879 1035-7L Antiquites romaines. 1811 1106L Antiquitez judai'ques, par Basnage, [Republique des Hebreux 1066-7E Antoine (A.), Les petits artisans devenus hommes celebres. 1829 718E Antonio Perez et Phillippe II, par Mignet. 1853 432E Anvers. Voir Mengin. Anville (D'), — Geographie ancienne abregee,avec cartes, 3 vols. 1782 I49-5IG Apiculture. Voir Abeilles Apocalypse, L', par Henriquet. 1873 1026G Aquarelle, Manuel du lavis a la seppia et de 1', par Langlois de Longueville, ill. 1828 760L Arabes et Mores d'Espagne, Histoire des, par Viardot, 2 vol 657-8E Histoire des, par Sedillot. 1854 II28E Voir aussi Histoire universelle, — etc. Arabie Centrale, Une annee dans 1', par Palgrave [1862-63] 317G de voyage dans, par Palgrave [1862-63], ill. 2 vol 47-48C Voir aussi La Roque, — etc. AragO (E.), L'hotel de ville de Paris au 4 Septembre et pendant le siege 719E AragO (F.), Le9ons d'astronomie. 1849 168L Arbel (A. d', aine). Voir Jaclot et Arbel. Arbois de Jubainville (H. d'), Introduction a l'etude de la litte- rature celtique. 1883 Ill ARBORICULTURE. — Ouvrages sur V : Arboriculture, cours pratique et gratuit d', par Gaudry. 1848 262L Arbres fruitiers, Conferences sur la culture des, par Joigneaux 298 et 299L De la taille des, par Puvis 367L vigne et des, par Ysabeau. 1858 408L Les insectes nuisibles aux, par Goureau. 1861 75L Methode elementaire pour tailler et conduire soi-meme les poiriers, pommiers et autres, par Lachaume. 1858 ... 308L Traite de la taille des, et description des greffes, par Hardy. 1858 78L Voir aussi Baltet : Les bonnes poires, — Burger : Cours complet d'agriculture pratique, — Instruction pour le peuple, — etc. Arbousse-Bastide. — La verite dans la charite, conferences religieuses « 1 583G Arc (Jeanne d'). Voir Jeanne d'Arc. Arcbambault (P. J.). Voir Violette et Archambault. Arcbeologie chretienne, par Bourasse. 1867 14L etrusque et romaine, Manuel d', par Martha 112L grecque, Manuel d', par Collignon 32L Voir aussi Instruction pour le peuple, — etc. Archipel, L', de la Manche, par Hugo. 1883 27G ARCHITECTURE.— Ouvrages sur V : Architecture, Comment on construit une maison, par Viollet- le-Duc 444L La maison franjaise, par Boussard. 1883 416L [n] ARC BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES ART ARCHITECTURE.— Ouvrages sur 1' :— {suite.) Architecture, Les merveilles de 1', par Lefevre. 1867 2080I Voir atissi Boutard : Dictionnaire des arts du dessin, — Instruction pour le peuple, — Lubke : Precis de l'histoire des beaux-arts, — Viollet-le-Duc : Histoire d'une maison, — etc. Arene (P.). Voir Romans. Argent, L', et ses critiques, par Baudrillart 1 1 34L Arioste (L'), Roland furieux, traduction, introduction et notes de C. Hippeau, 2 vol. 1876 193-4I Aristophane. CEuvres, traduction, introduction et notes de C. Poyard. 1881 , 195I Aristote. [Wiart : De la politique de Platon et d'Aristote] 251C ARITHMETIQUE.— Ouvrages sur 1' : Arithmetique, Application des regies de 1', ou cours complet d'analyses arithmetiques, problemes amusants et ins- tructifs, par Gremilliet. 1843 76L commerciale et pratique, par Degranges. 1 867 54L Elements d', par Bourdon. 1851 15L Petite, par Gresse 268L Recreations arithmetiques, par Jaclot et d'Arbel, 2 vol. 1838 92-3L Armaille (Ctesse d'), Catherine de Bourbon, sceur de Henri IV [1559- 1604]. 1865 720E Armee de la Loire, La deuxieme, par Chanzy . 1872 99E Armenie, Histoire de 1', [Histoire universelle] 216E par Bore, [Univers] 641E Armes, Les, et les armures, par Lacombe. 1868 2070I Armoiries, Grammaire heraldique, contenant la definition exacte de la science des, par Gourdon de Genouillac I449L Arnaud. — L'esprit de M. Arnaud, tire de sa conduite et des ecrits, tant de lui que de ses disciples, particulierement de TApologie pour les catholiques. 1684 1585G Arnaud (D'), Epreuves du sentiment, 5 vol. 1772 201-5I Nouvelles historiques, 2 vol. 1774 199-200I Theatre, 3 vol. 1770 Tome I. — Le comte de Comminge ou les amants malheureux 196I Tome II. — Euphdmie, ou le triomphe de la religion 197I Tome III.— Fayel, tragedie 198I Arnaud (H.), Histoire de la glorieuse rentree des Vaudois clans leurs vallees, \reimpression\ 1880 1584G Voir aussi Lamy : Quelques h£ros des luttes religieuses, — etc. Arnoul (A.). Voir Romans. Arsac (J. d'), Memorial du Siege de Paris. 1871 1230E ART. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Art a, Paris, L', par Massarani, 2 vol. 1880 115-6L byzantin, L', par Bayet 7E japonais, L', par Gonse 433^ L', par Pecaut et Baude 45 J L Lexique des termes d', par Adeline iL Arts, Chronique des, et de la curiosite 498-507C Essai sur le beau dans les, par Topffer. 1853 960I Voir aussi Beaux-Arts, — Peinture, — Sculpture, — etc. [12] ART SECTION FRAN^AISE ATL Art de bien dire, L', par Dupont-Vernon. 1888 422L perfectiormer 1'homme, L', par Virey, 2 vol. 1808 1404-5G vivre longtemps, L', par Noirot. 1868 4HL d'etre heureux, L', par Berdalle de Lapommeraye H3 2 L militaire. [Million de faits.] 403 L naval, Les merveilles de 1', par Renard. 1866 2121I Artanville (D'), M6noires pour servir a l'histoire du prince Eugene de Savoie, 2 vol. 1710 721-2E Artisans devenus homines celebres, Les petits, par Antoine. 1829... 718E Ascensions celebres aux plus hautes montagnes du globe, Les, par Zurcher et Margolle. 1867 2150I ASIE. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Asie centrale, Voyages d'un faux derviche dans 1', par Vambery. 364G Voyages d'un faux derviche dans 1', par Vambery, ill. 1865. 70C mineure, Histoire des colonies grecques de 1', [Histoire, universelle] 2 1 2E et Syrie, par Belgiojoso. 1861 181G Voyage dans 1', par Poujoulat, 2 vols. 1840 100-lG Voir at{ssi Mont^mont, — Recherches asiatiques, — etc. Asphyxie, Secours a donner aux personnes asphyxiees, par Orfila. 1830 348L Assolant (A). Voir Romans. Assurance, L', par Levasseur 1134L Assyriens, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 207E Astie (J. F.), Histoire de la Republique des Etats-Unis depuis l'eta- blissement des premieres colonies jusqu'a l'election du president Lincoln [1620- 1 860], 2 vol. 1865 15-16E ASTRONOMIE. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Astronomie, Abrege' d', par La Lande. 1774 95L amusante, Manuel complet d', par Tomlinson. 1844 74-8L Cours elementaire d', par Delaunay, 2 vol. 1853 216-7E descriptive, Petite, par Flammarion. 1877 244 et 245L des dames, par Lalande. 1820 60L Dictionnaire d', par Guynemer. 1852 77L Elements d', par Quetelet. 1847 371L Histoire de 1', par Hoefer. 1873 281L Lecons d', par Arago. 1849 168L Manuel d', par Bailly. 1830 601L moderne, Les fondateurs del', par Bertrand 180L Notions d', par Catalan 689 et 1416L Voir anssi Flammarion : Contemplations scientifiques, Lumen, Mer- veilles celestes, Mondes imaginaires et mondes rdels, Plurality des mondes habitus, — Guillemin : Le soleil, La lune, Les6toiles, Les nebuleuses, — Lespiault: Systeme solaire, — Million de faits, — etc. Atala, Rene, les Abencerages, suivis du voyage en Amerique, par Chateaubriand. 1 847 255I Athenes, Histoire d', [Histoire universelle] 210 et 212E Atlan tique, De 1', au Pacifique, par Hulot. 1 888 408G Atlas, par La Harpe 41C elementaire de geographie moderne, Nouvel, a l'usage des ecoles primaires 72C Petit, par Cortambert ..; 73C en abrege, par Peeters. 1692 36G [13] ATL BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES AUT Atlas portatif general pour servir a l'intelligence des auteurs classiques, Sir Grenet 38C ere, Les phenomenes de 1', par Zurcher 753L — organismes vivants de 1', par Miguel. 1883 544-C quelques phenomenes atmospheriques, par Jamin. 1880 1809L Attila, Histoire d', etde ses successeurs, par Thierry, 2 vol. 1856... 591-2E Au bord de la mer 13 iG Aubery du Maurier, par Ouvre. 1853 1311G Aubigne (J. H. Merle d'). Voir Merle d'Aubigne. Aubigne (T. A. d'), Memoires de Theodore Agrippa d'Aubigne, avec les memoires de Frederic-Maurice de la Tour, Prince de Sedan, une relation de la cour de France en 1700, par Priolo, et l'histoire deMme de Mucy, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1731 723E Audebez (J. J.), Sermons sur divers textes de TAncien et du Nouveau Testament, dedies a l'Eglise chretienne reformee de Nerac. 1837 1036G Audebrand (P.) Voir Romans. Audiat (L.\ Bernard Palissy, sa vie et ses travaux. 1868 724E Audouard (Mme. O.), A travers l'Amerique: North-America, Etats- Unis, constitution, moeurs, usages, lois, institutions, sectes religieuses. 1871 153G le Far-West. 1869 , 152G Auerbach (B.) Voir Romans. Auge (L.) Les tombeaux. 1879 2002I Voyage aux sept merveilles du monde. 1878 2001I Auger (E.), Voyage en Californie. 1852-53 154G Augier (E.)etSandeau(J.), LegendredeM.Poirier, comedie. 1884. 10951 Aulnoy (Mme d'). Voir Romans. Aumale (Leducd'), Histoire des princes de Conde pendant les XVIe et XVIIe siecles, tomes I et II. 1863-4 19-20E Aunet (Leonie d'), Voyage d'une femme au Spitzberg. 1854 J 55G Voir aussi Romans. Auregny. [Boland : lies de la Manche] 377G ■ Voir aussi Guernesey, — etc. Austin (S.), Un singulier petit homme, [Magasin d'education] 239C AUSTRALIE.— Ouvrages sur V: Austr alie, A travers 1', par Vattemare. 1 880 1 822L Aventures d'un voyageur en. 1869 319G Les convicts en, par Merruau. [1851-52] 384G Lettres d'un mineur en, par Fauchery. 1857 368I • par de Beauvoir. 1871 174G Voir aussi Cotteau : En Oceanic, — Russell, — etc. Autorite des sens contre la transsubstantiation. 1 700 1 741 G Autran (J.), La vie rurale, tableaux et recits. 1856 206I Milianah, episode des guerresdAfrique. 1857 207I AUTRICHE. — Ouvrages sur l'empire d' : Autriche (Anne d'). Voir Anne d'Autriche. Histoire de l'empire d', [Histoire universelle] 312E Hongrie. [Memoires du Cte de Beust.] 680-1E La France- et 1', au XVIIe siecle, par Filon 244C L', et le prince roumain 21E L', et ses provinces italiennes. 1859 I447L Voir aussi Allemagne et Hongrie, — Ulbach : La Csardas, — etc. [14] AVE SECTION FRANCHISE BAR Avent, par Bourdaloue. 1834 •••••••• I0 57£ parMassillon l6 9C et 1252G A ventures de Robert Chevalier, dit de Beauchene, par Le Sage. 1783 0121 trois Russes et de trois Anglais dans l'Afrique australe, par Verne, [Magasin d'education] 5 2 °S Avezac(D'), lies de l'Afrique, [Univers] 1848 630E Axel, Frithiof, Toesies diverses, par Tegner. 1846 95 21 IjABEAU (A.), La vie rurale dans l'ancienne France. 1883 901 L Babinet, De la periode glaciaire, [Entretiens populaires.] 399 et 41 2L Babyloniens, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 207-8E Bacchantes, Les, et les jeunes patriciens sous les Cesars, par Cape- figue. 1864 775^ Bachaumont. — Memoires, [Magasin de librairie] 242C Bachelier de Salamanque, Le, par Le Sage. 1783 615I Bacon (Lord), GEuvres, 2 vol. 1845 1586-7G Badin (A.), Grottes etcavernes. 1867 2003I Bailie (J.), L'electricite. 1869 2005I Baillet (A.), Jugemens des savants sur les principalis ouvrages des auteurs, revus, corrigez et augmentez par M. de la Monnoye. Nouvelle edition augmentee: 1. de l'Anti-Baillet de Menage, avec des observations de M. de la Monnoye ; 2. des Re- flexions sur les jugemens des savans ; 3. des Reflexions sur la vie de Descartes, par Baillet ; 4. des Jugemens des savans sur les maitres d'eloquence, par M. Gibert, professeur de rhetorique. 8 vol. 1725 481-8C Bailly (F.), Manuel d'astronomie. 1830 601L Bailly (C), Manuel complet theorique et pratique du jardinier, 2 vol. 1827 602-3L Baines (T.), Voyage dans le sud-ouest de l'Afrique, explorations fakes en 1861 et 1862 depuis la baie Valfich jusqu'aux chutes Victoria 158G Baker (Sir S. W.), Decouverte de l'Albert N'yanza, nouvelles ex- plorations des sources du Nil, ill. 1868 17C Le lac Albert, nouveau voyage aux sources du Nil. 1872 160G Balbi (A.), Elements de geographie generate ou description abreg^e de la terre, d'apres ses divisions politiques coordonnees avec ses grandes divisions naturelles. 1848 161G Baldwin (W. C), Du Natal au Zambese [1851-66], recits de chasses 162G Ballons, Les, et les voyages aeriens, par Marion. 1867 2091I Baltet (C.), Les bonnes poires, leur description abregee et la maniere de les cultiver. i860 2L Baltique, La, par Leouzon Le Due. 1855 983E Balzac (H. de), Theatre, 2 vol. i860 208-9I Voir aussi Romans. Banville (H. de), [Fauchery: Lettres d'un mineur en Australie] 368I Barante (De), Histoire des dues de Bourgogne de la Maison de Va- lois [1364-1477], 12 vol. 1839 22-33E [15] BAR BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES BAS Barante (De), Etudes historiques et biographiques, 2 vol. 1857 47-8E Barbares. Voir Invasions barbares, — etc. Barbe-Marbois. — Histoire de la Louisiane et de la cession de cette colonie par la France aux Etats-Unis de l'Ameiique septentrionale. 1 829 49E Barbier (A.), Iambes etPoemes. 1867 210I Bardes bretons, Les, par Hersart de la Villemarque. i860 78I Barni (J.), Napoleon Ier 1433L Barnum (P. T.). Voir Romans. Barral (J. A.), Statique chimique des animaux appliquee speciale- ment a la question de l'emploi agricole du sel. 1850 169L Situation de l'agriculture, [Entretiens populaires] 399 et 412L Barrau (Th. H.), Direction morale pour les instituteurs. 1869 1108L Du role de la famille dans l'education ou theorie de l'education publique et privee. 1857 902L Des devoirs des enfants envers leurs parents. 1866 1109L Conseils aux ouvriers sur les moyens cVameliorer leur condition. 1867 1107L Simples notions sur l'agriculture, le jardinage et les plantations. 1856 170L Voir Hussi Romans. Barreau francais, collection des chefs-d'oeuvre de l'eloquenoe judi- ciaireen France, recueillis par Clair et Clapier, 16 vol 926-41L Barry (H.), La Russie contemporaine. 1873 163G Barth (H.). Voir Malte-Brun. Barthelemy. Nemesis. 1878 218I Barthelemy (J. J.), Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grece, vers le milieu du IVme siecle avant l'ere vulgaire, 7 vol. 164-70G et 211-17I Atlas de cartes, plans, vues et meclailles. 18C ( 2 vol 436-7G Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire (J.), Lettres sur l'Egypte. 1857 171G Mahomet et le Coran. 1865 1589G Le Boudha et sa religion. 1866 : 1588G Barthez (F.), Guide pratique des malades aux eaux de Vichy. 185 1 171L Bas-Empire, Abrege de l'histoire du, de Lebeau, par Caillot, 2 vol. . 1853 972-3E Histoire du, par Segur, 9 vol. 1833 1900-8E Basnage. — Antiquitez judai'ques, [Republique des Hebreux] 1066-7E Nouveaux Sermons, avec des prieres pour les differents etats de la vie, de la penitence et de la mort. 1720 1411G Histoire des Juifs depuis Jesus-Christ jusqu'a present, 9 tomes rel. en 15 vol. 17 16 726-40E —— Histoire du Vieux Testament. 1712 1590G L'Histoire et la religion des Juifs, depuis Jesus-Christ jusqu'a. present, pour servir de supplement et de continuation a l'histoire de Joseph, 5 vol. 1707 1801-5E — — Sermons sur divers sujets de morale, de theologie et de l'histoire sainte, 2 vol. 1709 1409-10G Basse-cour, La, par Rendu. 1873 731L Voir aussi Allibert : Guide de 1'eleveur de poules, poulets, etc., — Millet- Robinet : Maison rustique des dames, — etc. Bastiat (F.), Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas, ou l'economie politique en une legon UloL Harmonies economiques. 1850 9°3L [16] BAS SECTION FRANCHISE BEA Bastide (J.), Lesguerres de religion en France i$9 l G Bastille, La prise de la, et ses anniversaires, par Lecocq. 1881 ... 1254E Bataille (A.), Memorial illustre de la guerre de 1870-71, des deux sieges de Paris, de la Commune et des deux presidences de M. Thiers et du Marechal de Mac-Mahon, ill. 1878 325C Bafrbie, — De l'impot, [Entretiens populaires] 410L Batteux (L'abbe). Voir Du Marsais et Batteux. Baude (C). Voir Pecaut et Baude. Baudoncourt (J. de), Histoire populaire du Canada 679E Baildrillart (H.), Bibliotheques et cours populaires 1129L Des habitudes d'intemperance 1132L Economie politique populaire. 1876 iuiL Histoire du luxe prive et public, depuis l'antiquite jusqu'a nos jours, 4 vol. 1878 3-6L La propriete 1130L L'argent et ses critiques 1134L Luxe et travail I131L Vie de Jacquard H29L Bausset (Le cardinal de), Histoire de Bossuet 162C Bautain (L'abbe), Etude sur l'art de parler en public. 1863 219I Baviere, Correspondance au sujet de la succession de, par Frederic II. 156E Bawr (Mme de). Voir Romans. Baxter (R.), Le repos eternel des Saints ou un traite sur l'etat bien- heureux des Saints dans leur jouissance de Dieu dans le Ciel. 1822 1592G Bayer (C. G. ), Histoire de PEgypte, [Histoire universale] 235E Bayet (C), L'art byzantin 7L Beaeonsfield (lord). Voir Romans. Beau dans la nature, l'art et la poesie, Du, par Pictet. 1856 737I Beauchamp (A. de), Histoire des campagnes de 1814 et de 1815 ; Seconde partie, comprenant le recit de tous les evenements survenus en France en 1815, 2 vol. 1817 50-51E Beauchesne (A. de), La vie de Madame Elisabeth, sceur de Louis XVI, 2 vol. 1869 52-3E Beaugrand (C.) et Desclosieres (G.), Biographie des grands in- venteurs dans les sciences, les arts et l'industrie. 1877 725E Beaulieu (C. de). Voir Romans. Beaumarehais (P. A. C. de), Memoires dans l'affaire Gcezman. 1878. 741E CEuvres completes, 5 vol. ; Memoires, 3 vol. ; Theatre, 2 vol. 1780-5 12-16I Theatre, suivi de ses poesies diverses, precede d'observations litteraires, par Sainte-Beuve 220, 221 et 222I Beaumont (G. de), Marie ou l'esclavage aux Etats-Unis. 1842 223I LTrlande sociale, politique et religieuse, 2 vol. 1863 172-3G ; — 1845 742-3E Voir aussz Tocqueville : CEuvres et correspondance inddites, — etc. Beaumont-Vassy (Le vicomte de), Histoire de mon temps [1830- 64], 6 vol.: Ire s(5rie. — Regne de Louis-Philippe ; Seconde R^publique, 4 vol 54-7E lime s£rie. — Pr^sidence d^cennale ; Second Empire, 2 vol 58-9E Papiers curieux d'un homme de cour [1770-1870]. 1875 744E Beaumont (Mme de), Voir Leprince de Beaumont. Beaunier (S.), Traite pratique sur l'education des abeilles. 1806 ... 8L [17] BEA BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES BEL Beaupre (De), Conseils en action donnes aux cochers et aux charretiers et suivis d'une conference sur le cheval, son histoire naturelle, ses travaux et ses souffrances, son utilite alimentaire. 1868... 172L Beauriez (L. de), Une fille de France et sa correspondance inedite. 1887 1234E BeatlSObre (de), Histoire critique de Manichee et du manicheisme. . 1734 164C Beaute humaine, De la, specialement chez la femme, par Debay. 1851 211L Beauvilliers (A.), L'art du cuisinier, 2 vol. 1816 1409-10L Beauvoir (Cte de), Australie, [Voyage autour du monde]. 187 1 174G Java, Siam, Canton, [Voyage autour du monde]. 1881 176G Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco, [Voyage autour du monde]. 1872 179G Beauvoir (R. de). Voir Romans. BEAUX-ARTS : Beaux-Arts, Anecdotes des 167L Bibliotheque de l'enseignement des Beaux-Arts : Histoire de la musique, par Lavoix 99L La gravure, par Delaborde 56L mosaique, par Gerspach 65L L'anatomie artistique, par Duval 59L La peinture anglaise, par Chesneau 29L flamande, par Wauters 156L hollandaise, par Havard 79L L'arch£ologie 6trusque et romaine, par Martha 112L grecque, par Collignon 32L L'art de la verrerie, par Gerspach 66L Les manuscrits et la miniature, par Lecoy de la Marche 100L ' — process de la gravure, par Lostalot 104L Lexique des termes d'art, par Adeline iL Monnaies et mddailles, par Lenormant 102L Mythclogie figured de la Grece, par Collignon 33L Precis de l'histoire des, par Lubke. 1885 105L Voir aussi Art, — Peinture, — Sculpture, — Instruction pour le peuple, — Million de faits, — etc. Beccaria (C. B. S. Marquis de), Des debts etdes peines. 1821 904L Becquerel (A. C. ), Elements d'electro-chimie appliquee aux sciences relies et aux arts. 1843 9L Bede (E.), Elements d'algebre 173L Beecher-Stowe (Mme H.). Voir Romans. Beechey. — Voyages de, [Montemont] 68G Beethoven, Sa vie et son ceuvre, par Wilder. 1883 1205E Beleze (G.), Jeux des adolescents. 1858 1112L Le livre des menages, nouveau manuel d'economie domestique. 1861 905L Belgiojoso (Princesse de), Asie-Mineure et Syrie, souvenirs de voyages. 1861 181G 1 Voir aussi Romans BELGIQUE.— Ouvrages sur la : Belgique, De l'etat de l'instruction primaire et populaire en, par Ducpetiaux, 2 vol. 1838 II41-2L Guide du voyageur en, s. d. \ancieii\ 1 38G Le cbemin de fer beige, par Simons et de Ridder. 1839 ... 128L Voyage en, par La Sagra, 2 vol. 1839 109- 10G pittoresque en, par Texier, ill. 1857 62C 1 ■ Voir aussi Boucher de Perthes, — Dumas, — Quinet : M£moires d'exil — Saint-Rene' Taillandier : Le roi Leopold et la reine Victoria, — Ulbach : La Csardas, — etc. [18] BEL SECTION FRANCHISE BER Belin de Launay (J.), Abrege de la geographie de la France. 1855 i 182 et 383G Bell (C.), Voir Romans. Belle-Ile-en-Mer, par Trebuchet, ill. 1887 393^ Belle vie, Une, parMmede Witt. 1881 1210E Belles actions d'autrefois, [Livre d'or] 1221E Bellier (A. ), La prevoyance et la charite 1 1 32L Bellingshausen. — Voyages de, [Montemont] 70G Bendy sh (Mrs.), Petite-fille de Cromwell, memoires sur 118E Benedetti (Le cte), Ma mission en Prusse. 1871 60E Bengale. [Recherches asiatiques] 567-8C Benion (A.), Traite des maladies du cheval. 1877 174L Benoist (H.), Les grands phenomenes. 1869 175L Bentham (J.), Theorie des peines et des recompenses, 2 vol. 1818 909-10L Traite de legislation civile et penale, 3 vol. 1820 906-8L Bentzon (T.). Voir Romans. Ber anger, (P. J. de), Le Beranger des families 224I Berard (C), Lecons fran9aises a l'usage des commencants et des cadets de l'academie militaire des Etats-Unisa West-Point. 225I Berard (E. P.), Economie domestique de l'eclairage. 1867 733L La matiere des vegetaux ou cellulose. 1867 733L Berdalle de Lapommeraye (H.), L'art d'etre heureux 1132L Les societes de secours mutuels II30L Berenger. Voir Cook. Berger (Ad.). [Cucheval: Eloquence latine] 306-7I Bergmann (F. G.), Les Scythes, les ancetres des peuples ger- maniques et slaves, leur etat social, moral, intellectuel et religieux, esquisse ethno-genealogique et historique. 1858 ... 324C Berkenmeyer (P. L. ), Le curieux antiquaire ou recueil geographique et historique des choses les plus remarquables qu'on trouve dans les quatre parties de l'univers, 2 vol. 1729 183-4G Berkley (Sir J.), Memoires sur les negotiations de Charles Ier avec Cromwell et l'armee parlementaire HiE Berlepsch (H. A.), Les Alpes, descriptions et recits, ill. 1869 19C Berlin, La Societe de, par Vasili. 1884 643E Bernard (C. de). Voir Romans. Bernard (F.), Les evasions celebres. 1870 2006I - - Les fetes celebres de l'antiquitd, du moyen-age et des temps modernes. 1878 2008I Vie d'Oberlin. 1867 745E Bernard (L.), Les voyages modernes racontes a la jeunesse, 2 vol. 185-6G Bernard (P. L), CEuvres 1320I Bernardin de Saint-Pierre (J. H.), CEuvres completes, preface d'Aime Martin, 19 vol. 1820 Tomes I et II. — Voyage a. l'lle-de-France 1321-21 Tomes III a X. — Etudes de la nature 1323-30I Tomes XI a. XV. — Harmonies de la nature 1331-35I Tome XVI. — Voeux d'un solitaire 1336I Tome XVII. — Dialogues philosophiques 1337I Tome XVIII. — Melanges 1338I Tome XIX. — Essai sur la vie et les ouvrages de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. 1339I N.B. — Le Tome VIII (VIme des Etudes de la nature) contient : Paul et Virginie, — et La chaumiere indienne. Etudes de la nature, abreg^es par L. Girault, 2 vol. rel. ens 604L [19] BER BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES BIA Bernardin de Saint-Pierre (J. H.), Etudes de la nature i76eti77L Voir aussi Romans. Berquin, — Choix de petits drames et de contes. 1853 226I Voir aussi Romans. Berruyer (le P. I. J., S. J.), Histoire du peuple de Dieu, depuis son origine jusqu'a la naissance du Messie ; tiree des seuls Livres-Saints, 10vol. 1742 1593-1602G Bersezio (V.). Voir Romans. Bersier (E.), Sermons, 5 vol. 1870-81 1037-41G (Mme E.). Voir Romans. Bersot (E.), Mesmer et le magnetisme animal. 1853 178L Un moraliste — Etudes et pensees, notice biogr. d'Ed. Scherer. 1882 1603G Bert (P.), Lecons, discours et conferences 415L Revues scientifiques publiees par le journal : La Republique francaise, 2 vol. 1879-80.... io-iiL Bertheau (C.), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture Sainte. 1730 1412G Berthelot. — Science et philosophic 1886 158L Berthet (E.). Voir Romans. Berthoud (F.). Voir Romans. Berthoud (S. H.), La botanique au village. 1864 179L L'esprit des oiseaux. 1867 12L ■ Voir aussi Romans. Bertillon (J.), La statistique humaine de la France (naissance, mariage, mort) 1 43 1 L Bertin. — CEuvres completes. 2 vol. 1812 1347-8I Bertin (E.), Les mariages dans l'ancienne societe francaise. 1879 675E Bertrand (J.), Les fondateurs de l'astronomie moderne : Copernic, Tycho-Brahe, Kepler, Galilee, Newton 180L Betail, Cours de multiplication et de perfectionnement des principaux animaux domestiques, par Grognier et Magnc 1841 74L . Elevage du, [Burger : Cours complet d'agriculture pratique] 49 iC Traite de zootechnie ou economie du, par Sanson, 5 vol 391-5L Bethune (M. de). Voir Sully. Betteraves, Maladies des, de 1845 a 1853, par Payen 354L Bendant (F. S.), Geologic 1851 , 182L Mineralogie. 1851 181L Beugny d'Hagerue (G. de). Voir Romans. Beule (C. E.), Le drame du V£suvc 1872 187G Beust (Comte de), Memoires, avec des notes in^dites et une preface par Frederic Kohn-Abrest [1809-85], 2 vols. 1888 680-81E Beveridge (G.), Pensees secretes divisees en deux parties : I. Re- flexions sur la religion; II. Reflexions sur la vie chretienne, 2 vols. 1731 1 604- 5G Beyschlag (F.), Souvenirs d'un jeune pasteur allemand. [1826-56] 1606G Beze (T. de), Histoire ecclesiastique des eglises reformees au royaume de France, 3 vol. 1841 1043-5G — — Sermons sur l'histoire de la resurrection de Notre Seigneur Jesus- Christ. 1593 1046G Biancour (F. de), Quatre mille lieues aux Etats-Unis. 1888 395G Biard (F.), Deux annees au Bresil, ill. 1862 20C Biart (L.), Un voyage involontaire, [Magasin d'education] 232C Voyage de deux enfants dans un pare, [Magasin d'education] 229C Voir aussi Romans. [20] BIB SECTION FRANCAISE BIO BIBLE. — Ouvrages et commentaires sur la : Bible, argumens et reflexions sur les livres et les chapitres de la Sainte. 1775 163C Dictionnaire des paralleles, concordances et analogies bi- bliques, par Lambert. 1862 1883G Etudes bibliques, par Godet, 2 vol. 1876 1723-4G Guide du lecteur de la, par Harens. 1861 1728G Histoire d'une, racontee par elle-meme. 1869 1027G La Sainte, edit. Louis Segond. 1880 1865G La Sainte, par Martin, 2 vol. 1819 i228-9et 1230-1G Le Manuel de la, par Angus. 1857 1004G Mceurs et coutumes bibliques, par Maltbi. 1865 1789G son autorite, son contenu et sa valeur . 1 882 1 396G Voir aussi Ancien Testament, — Descombaz, — Gainet, — Libdrateur, — Meylan, — Monod: Lucile — Nouveau Testament, — Pozzy: La terre et le r£cit biblique de la creation, — etc. Bibliographie, Curiosites bibliographiques, par Lalanne. 1857 ... 577I Bi bliotheque des dames, par Steele, 3 vol. 1727 1 280-2L merveilles. Voir Merveilles. Guille-Alles, Catalogue de la, par A. Cotgreave ; partie francaise par Henri Boland. 1888 1480L Voir aussi Boland : Institutions de langue frangaise a Guernesey, — etc. portative des ecrivains fran9ais, par Moysant et de Levizac, 3 vol. 1803 297-9C universelle, Plan d'une, par Aime-Martin. 1837 1569I Bibliotheques, Les, et les cours populaires, par Baudrillart 1129L Bienfaisance publique, De la, par Gerando, 4 vol. 1839 956-9L Bienfaiteurs modernes de l'humanite, Les, par Abelous. 1871 ... 705E Biere, Traite theorique et pratique de la fabrication de la, par Rohart, 2 vol. 1848 130-1L Bigot (C), La fin de l'anarchie. 1878 1290L BIOGrRAPHIE : Biographie generate ou collective. Voir Artisans devenus hommes c^lebres, — Barante : Etudes historiques et biographiques, — Bienfaiteurs modernes de l'humanite, — Bouillet, — Charton : Histoires de trois pauvres enfants, — Comberousse : Grands ing£nieurs, — Compositeurs celebres, — Dictionnaire his- torique, — Don Carlos et Philippe II, — Du Chatelet, la marquise, et les amies des philosophes du XVI lime siecle, — Ecossaises et le covenant, — Flourens: Eloges historiques lus a l'Acad£mie des sciences, — Empereurs romains, — Enfances celebres, — Enfants celebres, — Etudes contemporaines, — Exemples et conseils, — Femmes cdlebres, — Femmes de la Reformation, — Femmes de la reTorme, — Femmes philosophes, — Fondateurs de l'astronomie moderne, — Fondateurs de l'linkd francaise, — Grands hommes de la France, — Grands hommes venge\s, — Guizot : Portraits poli- tiques, — Haag, — H£ros des luttes religieuses au XVIme et au XVI Ime siecles, — Hdros et poetes de la Grece moderne, — Hommes d'Etat du temps de George III, — Hommes du jour, — Hommes du Second Empire, — Hommes du septennat, — Hommes ^minents en savoir et en sentiment religieux, — Hommes et choses du temps present, — Hommes et femmes illustres de la France, — Hommes illustres de l'Orteanais, — Hommes illustres, de Plutarque, — Illustres m£decins et naturalistes des temps modernes, — Illustres voyageuses, — Inventeurs c&ebres, — Jeunesse des hommes celebres, — Lamartine : Souvenirs et portraits, — Lanfrey : Etudes et por- traits politiques, — Leroy-Beaulieu : Un empereur, — Louis XIV et sa cour, — M£rim£e : Demetrius, — Mignet : Eloges historiques, — Mil- lion de faits. — Missionnaires, — Nourrisson: Peres de l'Eglise latine, — Ouvriers anglais, — Ouvriers francais, — Ouvriers selon Dieu, — Papes, — Pasteurs du desert, — Peintres et statuaires roman- [21] BIO BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES BLA BIOGRAPHIE: {suite.) Biographie generate ou collective : — [suite.) tiques, — Plutarque: Hommes illustres, — Poetes et philosophes du XVII Ime siecle, — Portraits de femmes, — Portraits historiques, — Portraits historiques et littdraires, — Portraits litt£raires, — Prddica- teurs et sermonnaires francais, — Predicateurs pionniers de l'Ouest ame'ricain, — Rois de France, — Savants de Fantiquitd, — Savants illustres, — Sculpteurs, peintres, musiciens du XVI I lme siecle, — Shahs de Perse, — Socidte' de Berlin, — Socidte" de Londres, — Socidte' de Paris, — Voyages, Histoire g£ne>ale des : gouverneurs- g£ne>aux des Indes nderlandaises — etc. Biographies individuelles : Voir Abd-el-Kader, — Abu-Beer, — Agnds Sorel — Albert, le prince, — Albret, — Alfred le Grand, — Anne d'Autriche, -- Attila, — Aube>y du Maurier, — Beauchesne : Madame Elisabeth, — Beauriez : Une fille de France, — Beethoven, — Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, — Bersot, — Bonaparte et son temps, — Bossuet, — Bourbon, Catherine de, — Broglie, — Brown, — Bruce, — Brydayne, — Burnet. — Cadoudal, — Galas, — Calvin, — Candolle, — Catherine de Mddicis, — Cel- lerier, — Cellini, — Channing, — Charlemagne, — Charles XII, — Charles d'Orldans, — Charles-Quint, — Charles-le-T£me>aire, — Charlotte de la Tr£moille, comtesse de Derby, — Chdnier, — Chris- tine de Suede f> — Colbert, — Coligny, — Corneille, — Cousin, — Dante Alighieri, — Darwin, — Daudet, — Desmoulins, — Diane de Poitiers, — Dubois, — Du Bosc, — Du Cayla, — Du Guesclin, — Durand, — Elisabeth d'Angleterre, — Erasme, — Eugenie de Gue>in, — Fdval, — Fleshier : Th£odose-le-Grand, Cardinal Ximdnes, Car- dinal Commendon, — Fourier, — Franklin, — Franz de Hochwarten, — Fr£d6ric le Grand, — Fulton, — Gabrielle d'Estrdes, — Gari- baldi, — Girard, — Goethe et Schiller, — Gonthier, — Gordon, — Grellet, — Guillaume-le-Conqu£rant, — Guiton, — Guizot, — Gus- tave-Adolphe, — Gutenberg, — Havelock, — Henri IV, — Hiouen- Thsang, — Hugo, — Hunt, — Isabel de Baviere, — Jacquard, — Jacques Ierd'Ecosse, — Jeanne d'Arc, — Jefferson, — Jdsus,— Joseph, — Josiah Henson, — Juhen l'Apostat, — Kitto, — Krudener, — La Fldchere, — Lafayette, — Lamartine, — Lanfrey, — La Noue, — Laprade, — La Valliere, — Law, — Lee, — Le Geyt, — L'Hopital, — Lincoln, — Livingstone, — Longden, — Louis XIII, — Louis XIV, — Louis XV, — Louis XVI, — Luther, — Mahomet, — Mallet, — Manichde, — Manin, — Marie-Amelie, reine des Frangais, — Marie Stuart, — Marnix de Sainte-Aldegonde, — Mazarin, — Mddicis, — Melanchton, — Mesmer, — M£tivier, — Mirabeau, — Monk, — Monod, — Montcalm, — Montespan, — Montesquieu, — Montyon, — Moore, — Napoleon, — Nardin, — Neff, — Mesle, — Oberlin, — Offenbach — Orleans, Duchesse de, — Palissy, — Parabere, — Pas- teur, — Peel, — Penn, — Polignac, — Portsmouth, — Queteville, — Raousset-Boulbon, — Richelieu, le cardinal, — Richelieu, le mard- chal, — Richmond, — Roi Leopold, — Saint Francois Xavier, — Saint Louis, — Saint Paul, — Savonaiole, — Scanderberg, — Sevignd, — Serre, — Shakespeare, — Sobieski, — Socrate, — Soulouque, — Spener, — Stael, Mme de : Vie privde de M. Necker, — Stephenson, — Sterne, — Stuart, — Tasse, — Taylor, — Thiers, — Topffer, — Trenck, — Tuckermann, — Turgot, — Valois, — Vincent, — Vinet, — Voltaire, — Washington, — Wesley, — Wellington, — Zin- zendorf, — etc. N.B. — Une notice biographique sur l'auteur precede gdneValement les ceuvres des classiques et grands dcrivains. Bire (E.), Victor de Laprade, sa vie et ses ceuvres 1235E Biscaye. [Quatrefages : Souvenirs d'un naturaliste] 368-9L Biscoe. — Voyages de, [Montemont] 70G Blackie (J. S.), L'education de soi-meme. 1882 1315L Blackwell (Mme Dr. E.), La religion de la sante. 1872 605L Blanc (C). Voir Romans. Blano (L.), Dix ans de l'histoire d'Angleterre, 10 vol. 1879-81 746-55E Histoire de dix ans [1830-40], 5 vol. 1843 61-65E Blanchard (P.), Mythologie de la jeunesse, 2 vol. 1809 1436-7L [22] BLA SECTION FRANCHISE BOK Blandy (S.), Le petit roi, [Magasin d'education] . 227C Blaserna (P.), Le son et la musique, suivis des causes physiologiques de l'harmonie musicale, par H. Helmholtz. 1879 *3L Blatin (Dr. H.), Nos cruautes envers les animaux au detriment de 1 'hygiene, de la fortune publique et de la morale. 1867 183L Blaze (H.), [Goethe : Poesies] 401 et 404I Ble, Du, au point de vue de l'hygiene, par Bouchardat, [Entretiens populaires] 399 et 4 I2L Bles, Maladies des, de 1845 a 1853, par Payen 354^ Bligh, Voyages de, [Montemont] 62G Bloch. — Histoire naturelle des poissons, 9 vol. 1801 641-9L Block (M.), Annuaire de l'economie politique et de la statistique, (la collection) 1 1 1 3L Blockhausen (A. de). Voir Romans. Blouet (A. C). Voir Romans. Blunt (H.), Meditations pratiques sur la vie du prophete Elisee. 1845 1608G Meditations sur la vie d' Abraham. 1848 1607G Blunt (I. J.), Apercu de la reformation en Angleterre. 1840 1609G Bocquillon (H.), La vie des plantes. 1871 2009I Bodin (C. ). Voir Romans. Boheme, Histoire de l'Eglise des freres de, et de Moravie, par Bost. 1831 1416G Les affaires religieuses en, au XVIme siecle, par Charveriat.... 700E Voir Gudrin : Allemagne, Hongrie, Boheme, — etc. Boileau-Despreaux (N.), CEuvres, avec des eclaircissements his- toriques donnes par lui-meme, 4 vol. I7 2 9« Tome I. — Satires et epitres 227I Tome II. — Art po^tique, lutrin, etc 228I Tome III. — Traits du sublime ou du merveilleux dans le discours, trad. du grec de Longin 229I Tome IV. — Discours, correspondance, etc 230I 2 vol I349-50I Poesies. 1800 . 231 et 1351I Boileau (L. J. de), Histoire du droit francais. 1806 1114L Boillot (A.). [Fontenelle : Entretiens sur la pluralite des mondes]. ... 1425L Boinvilliers. — Cacographie. 1822 232 et 233I Bois (C.), Le miracle et les lois de la nature, [Verite chretienne]. 1670G Bois (V.), La telegraphie electrique. 1853 407L Boismont (A. de). Voir Brierre de Boismont. Boissier (G.), Ciceron et ses amis, etude sur la societe roinaine du temps de Cesar. 1877 234I Mme de Sevigne, [Les grands ecrivains fran9ais]. 1887 235I Promenades archeologiques. Rome et Pompei. 1881 188G Boissonnas (Mme. B.), Un vaincu, souvenirs du general Robert Lee. 1875 75 6E Voir atissi Romans. Boitard. — Nouveau manuel complet de botanique. 1852 606L Le Jardin des Plantes, description et mceurs des mammiferes, de la menagerie et du museum d'histoire naturelle, precede d'une introduction historique, descriptive et pittoresque. par J. Janin 490C Voir aussi Breant et Boitard, — etc. Boiteau (P.), Christine de Suede, [Magasin de librairie] 240C Bokharie. [Voyages, Histoire generale des] 7C [23] BOL BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES BOR Boland (IL), A travers l'Oc£an, causeries avec les Francais d'Am£- rique, precedees d'une 6tude sur Immigration canadienne fran9aise aux Etats-Unis. 1888 1482L Catalogue des livres francais de la Bibliotheque Guille-Alles. 1888 1480L lies anglaises de la Manche, [Guides Joanne]. 1887 377G Les institutions de langue francaise a Guernesey : Societe Guernesiaise ; Bibliotheque Guille-Alles. 1885 1481L Voyage au pays de la misere : L'Irlande contemporaine. 1888.. 438G Voir aussi Romans. Boldenyi (J.), La Hongrie ancienne et moderne, histoire, arts, litte- rature, monuments. 1853 326C Bolivie, par Lacroix, [Univers]. 1843 638E Voir aussi d'Ursel. Bolle (Mine. R.), Voir Romans. Bologne, Histoire de, [Histoire Universale] 289E Bon vieux temps, Le, par Gasparin. 1874 1704G Bonaparte et son temps, par lung. 3 vol. 1881 ,..i249-5iE ou l'homme du destin, tablettes historiques et chronologiques, par J. P. R. C. 1821 1806E Voir aussi Napoleon, — etc. Bonheur au foyer, par Mme Fertiault. 1877 1146L domestique, Tableau du, par Formey. 1766 1692G Le, par Gasparin. 1865 1701G Philosophic du, par Janet. 1880 1303L Bonhours (Le rev. Pere), La vie de Saint-Francois Xavier, apotre des Indes et du Japon, 2 vol. 1 788 768-9E Bonifas (F.). Voir Felice. Bonifas (P.), La doctrine de la redemption dans Schleiermacher. 1865 1047G Bonnechose (C. de), Montcalm et le Canada francais. 1881 763E Bonnechose (E. de), Bertrand du Guesclin. 1866 764E Histoire de France continuee jusqu'en l'annee 1873, 2 vol. 1874 757-8, 759 60 et 761-2E Jean Hus et leconcile de Constance, 2 vol. i860. .. .1610-11 et 1612-13G Les quatre conquetes de l'Angleterre, son histoire et ses institu- tions sous les Romains, les Anglo-Saxons, les Danois et les Normands, depuis Jules Cesar jusqu'a la mort de Guillaume- le-Conquerant, 2 vol. 1852 667 et 689E Histoire des paysans depuis la fin du moyen-age jusqu'a nos jours [1200-1850], precedee d'une introduction [an 50 av. J.C. — 1200 ap. J.C], 2 vol. 1856 70-lE Bonnet (J.). Voir Marolles. Bonnet (L.), La famille de Bethanie, meditations sur la maladie, la mort et la resurrection de Lazare. 1834 1049G L'homme banni d'Eden, meditations sur le troisieme chapitre de la Genese, suivies de developpements exegetiques. 1834 ... 1048G Bonnetain (P.). Voir Romans. Bordier (F.), Aux parents, conseils sur l'education. 1871 1317L Bore (E.), Armenie, [Univers] 641E Borie (V.), Les travaux des champs. 1876 184L Bory de Saint- Vincent (J. B. G. M.), Essais sur les Isles For- tunees et l'antique Atlantide, ou precis de l'histoire generale de l'archipel des Canaries, ill. 1803 23C [24] BOS SECTION FRANCAISE BOU Bosc (L. A. G.), Histoire naturelle des coquilles, 5 vol. 1802 666-70L crustaces, 2 vol. 1802 664-5L vers, 3 vol. 1802 671-3L Bossin. — L'art de cultiver les jardins ou nouveau manuel complet des jardiniers 607L Bossuet (J. B.), Chefs-d'oeuvres oratoires, 4 vol. 1844 : Tome I. — Oraisons funebres* panegyriques, discours sur l'unit^ de l'Eglise 1418G Tome II 4 IV. — Sermons 1419-21G Discours sur l'histoire universelle, 1836 765-6E, 1050G et 1351I Giuvres completes, 12 vols. 1845 : Tomes I et II. — Ecriture sainte et meditations I5I-2C Tomes III et IV. — Sermons 153-4C Tome V. — Education 155C Tome VI. — Education et administration \ 156C Tomes VII et VIII. — Controverse 157-8C Tome IX. — Controverse, qui&isme 159C Tome X. — Controverse, correspondance 160C Tome XI. — Correspondance 161C Tome XII. — Correspondance, Histoire de Bossuet 162C Bossuet (J. B.), CEuvres philosophiques, preface de Jules Simon. 1844 I4!7G Oraisons funebres, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1802 1614G 1815 I353I Essai sur la philosophic de, par Nourrisson. 1862 1309G Vie de, par le cardinal de Bausset 162C Bost (A.), Histoire ancienne et moderne de l'Eglise des freres de Boheme et de Moravie, depuis son origine jusqu'en 1741, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1831 1416G Lettres de Felix Neff, ministre protestant en Suisse, dans les departements de l'lsere et des Hautes-Alpes, formant, avec quelques additions, la seule biographie complete qui ait paru sur ce pr^dicateur, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1842 443E Bost (J. A.). Voir Romans. BOTANIQUE. — Ouvrages sur la : Botanique, par Rousseau 850I a la campagne, La, par Grimard „ 269L au village, La, par Berthoud. 1864 179L des ecoles, La, par Pizzetta 365L elementaire, par Ysabeau. 1866 755 et 756L et physiologie vegetale, par Jehan, ill. 1847 452L Histoire de la, par Hcefer. 1872 282L Le docteur au village, entretiens familiers sur la, par Mme Meunier. 1870 332L Nouveau manuel complet de, par Boitard. 1852 606L par Jussieu. 1848 305 et 306L ' Principes elementaires de, par Loiseleur. 1817 103L Voir aussi Candolle, — Darwin : Les plantes insectivores, — Denis et Rouard : Horticulture, — Des Vaulx : Les plantes suspectes de la France, — Focillon : Premieres legons d'histoire naturelle, — Gilibert : Histoire des plantes d'Europe et 6trangeres, — Mangin : Les plantes utiles, — Million de faits, — etc. Bouant (E.), Les grands froids. 1880. 2012I merveilles du feu. 1885 2013I [25] BOU BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES BOU Bouchardat (A.), Du ble" au point de vue de l'hygiene, [Entretiens populaires] 399 et 412L Le travail, son influence sur la sante. 1863. 911L Physique elementaire, avec ses principales applications. 1851 i85L et Junod (H.), L'eau de vie, ses dangers 1438L Bouchee de pain, Histoire d'une, par Mace 322L Boucher (P. ), Etudes intimes sur la vie morale. 1854 1051G Boucher de f Perthes. — Voyage en Danemarck, en Suede, en Norwege, par la Belgique et la Hollande, retour par les villes anseatiques, le Mecklembourg, la Saxe, la Baviere, le Wur- temberg et le grand-duche de Bade, sejour a. Bade. 1854 ... 189G Voyage en Espagne et en Algerie. 1855 190G Bouchot (A.), Histoire du Portugal et de ses colonies. 1854 767E Boudha, Le, et sa religion, par Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire. 1866 ... 1588G Bouffons, Les, par Gazeau. 1882 2051I Bougainville. — Voyages de, [Montemont] 53G Bougeault (A.), Histoire des litteratures etrangeres, 3 vol. 1876 : Tome I. — Literatures allemande, scandinave, finnoise, hongroise 17I Tome II. — Litt6ratures'anglaise, des Pays-Bas, literature slave 18I Tome III. — Literatures italienne, espagnole, portugaise et grecque moderne 19I Bougie, Les mysteres d'une, la combustion, la lumiere, la chaleur. 1870 405L Bouillet (N.), Dictionnaire universel d'histoire et de geographie, contenant l'histoire, la biographie universelle, la mythologie et la geographie ancienne et moderne, 2 vol. 1854 21-2C Bouillier (F.), Nouvelles etudes familieres de psychologie et de morale. 1887 1615G Bouilly (J. N.), Conseilsama fille. 1821 1115L Les jeunes femmes, 2 vol. 1820 1116-7L meres de famille, 2 vol II18-9L Voiraussi Romans. Boullier (D. R.), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture Sainte. 1748 1056G Boullier (J. R.), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture Sainte, 4 vol. 1803 1052-5G Bourasse (l'Abbe J. J.), Archeologie chretienne ou precis de l'histoire des monuments religieux du moyen-age. 1867 14L Bourbon (Catherine de), par la comtesse d'Armaille [1559-1604]. 720E Bourbons, Avenement des, au trone d'Espagne, par Hippeau, 2 vol. 1875 200-1E Bourbonnais, En, et en Forez, par Montegut. 1875 312G Bourdaloue (L.), CEuvres completes, 16 vol. 1834 : Tome I. — Avent 1057G Tomes II a IV. — Careme 1058-60G Tomes V a VII. — Dominicales 1061-3G Tomes VIII et IX. — Exhortations 1064-5G Tomes X et XI. — Mysteres IC66-7G Tomes XII et XIII. — Pan^gyriques 1068-9G Tomes XIV et XV. — Pens£es 1070-1G Tome XVI. — Retraite 1072G Voir aussi Oraisons funebres, — etc. Bourde (P.). Voir Romans. Bourdon (I.), Illustres medecins et naturalistes des temps modernes. 186L Elements d'arithmetique. 1851 15L Bourget (P.). Voir Romans. [26] BOU SECTION FRANCHISE BRE BourgOgne, Assassinat du due d'Orleans par Jean-sans-Peur, par Viriville 246C Histoire des dues de, de la maison de Valois, par Barante [1364- 1477], 12 vol. 1839 22-33E Bourguignons, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 233 E Bourguin (L. A.), Monsieur Lesage ou entretiens d'un instituteur avec ses eleves sur les animaux utiles et sur l'hygiene 187L Soyez bons pour les animaux. i860 188L Bournet (A.), Rome, etudes de litterature et d'art. 1883 191G Bourrienne (de), Memoires sur Napoleon, le Directoire, le Consulat, l'Empire et la Restauration, 10 vol. 1830 72-81E Bousquet (G.), Le Japon de nos jours et les echelles de l'Extreme- Orient, 2 vol. 1877 18-19G Boussard (J.), La maison francaise; ce qu'elle est, ce qu'elle devrait etre. 1883 416L Boutard. — Dictionnaire des arts du dessin, de la peinture, de la sculpture, de la gravure et de l'architecture. 1826 16L Bouverie (F. W. B.). Voir Romans. Bouvier (A.). Voir Romans. Bovet (F.), Le comte de Zinzendorf, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1865 82E Voyage en Terre-Sainte. 1870 192G Bowdicli. — Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 77G Bowmann (A.). Voir Romans. Boyer (Dr. J.), Guerison de la phthisie pulmonaire et de la bronchite chronique, a l'aide d'un traitement nouveau. 1888 417L Brachet (A.), L'ltalie qu'on voit et l'ltalie qu'on ne voit pas. 1881 602C Morceaux choisis des grands ecrivains fran$ais du XVIme siecle, accompagnes d'une grammaire et d'un dictionnaire de la langue du XVIme siecle. 1881 236I BraCOlinier (E.), Application de la geographie a l'histoire ou itude elementaire de geographie et d'histoire generates com- parees, 2 vol. 1845 •'•• J 93"4G Braddon (Miss M. E.). Voir Romans. Brainne (C), La Nouvelle-Caledonie [1774-1854] 195G Debarlbouiller (J.) et Lapierre (C. F.), Les hommes illustres de l'Orleanais, biographie generale des trois departe- ments du Loiret, d'Eure-et-Loir]et de Loir-et-Cher, 2 vol. 1852 327-8C Bratin (G. J.), Memoires d'un ouvrier : lesaventures de ma vie. 1877 770E Bravard (R.) et La Bruyere (de), Nouvelle France pittoresque : histoire, geographie, statistique de la France, de l'Algerie et des colonies, ill., avec un atlas de 100 cartes. 1873 J 6C Brazza, Les explorations de, par Genin 404G Breant (V.) et Boitard, Traite de la culture des fleurs et arbustes dagrement. 1855 191L Breguet \ (Abraham-Louis), [Ernouf : Histoire de trois ouvriers fran9ais.] 832E Brehat (He de), [Quatrefages : Souvenirs d'un naturaliste] 268-9L Brehat (A. de), Souvenirs de l'lnde anglaise. 1876 196G ■ Voir aussi Romans. Bremer (F.). Voir Romans. Bresil, Deux annees au, par Biard, ill. 1862 20C Voyage au, par Agassiz, ill. 1874 127G par Denis, [Univers], 1846 631E — — Voir aussi d'Ursel. [27] BRE BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES BRO BRETAGNE. — Ouvrages sur la : Bretagne, Chants populaires de la, par Hersart de la Ville- marque. 1 867 14S0L Coutume de, par Hevin. 1 735 1 288L Coutumes generates du pays et duche de, 3 vol. 1745-8 ... 101-3C Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 232E par Joanne. 1870 264G Voir aussi Flaubert : Par les champs et par les greves, — Hersart de la Villemarqu^ : Lesbardes bretons, La l£gende celtique, Romans de la Table Ronde, — Leflocq : Etudes de mythologie cel- tique, etc. Breteuil (Le baron de), Episodes de la cour de Louis XIV, [Ma- gasin de librairie] 240C Breton. — Nouveaux elemens de litterature, 6 vol. 1813 1354-9I Brevans (A. de), La migration des oiseaux. 1878 2014I Brewer (Dr. E. C.), La clef de la science et les phenomenes de tous les jours expliques, revu et corrige par l'abbe Moigno. 1858 192L Brewster (Sir D.), Manuel d'optique, 2 vol. 1833 609-10L Nouveau manuel de magie naturelle et amusante. 1839 608L Brezin (Michel). [Ernouf: Histoire de trois ouvriers francais.] 832E Bridel (L.), Recits americains ou conversions, reveils, experiences chretiennes et entretiens sur la recherche du salut, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1854 1616G Brierre de Boismont (A.), Du suicide et de la folie suicide. 1865 447L Brigitte, par La Madeline 249C Brillat-Savaritl (A.), Physiologie du gout ou meditations de gas- tronomic transcendante. 1869 , 1439L Brisse (Le baron), 366 menus. 1869 1440L Brisson (H. ), [Fonblanque : L'Angleterre] 947L Brissot de Warville (J. P.),Bibliotheque philosophique du legis- lateur, du politique, du jurisconsulte ; ou choix des meilleurs discours, dissertations, essais, fragmens, composes sur la legislation criminelle, par les plus celebres ecrivains, 10 vol. 1782 912-21L Brook (Mme. C), Voir Romans. Brock (T.), La doctrine de l'Evangile au sujet des bonnes ceuvres, considered dans trois discours sur Ephesiens VIL, 10. 1820 1010G Brock (W.), Biographie du general Henry Havelock, mort a Luck- now. 1858 1232E Broglie (A. de), L'Eglise et l'Empire romain au IVme siecle, 6 vol : Tomes I et II. — Regne de Constantin 1073-4G Tomes III et IV. — Constance et Julien 1075-6G Tomes V et VI. — Valentinien et Th£odose 1077-8G Broglie, (Le due de), par Guizot. 1872 890E Voir aussi Cochin : Etudes sociales et dconomiques, — etc. Brongniart (A.), Tableau des terrains qui composent l'ecorce du globe. 1838 757L Traite elementaire de miueralogie, 2 vol. 1807 17-18L Bronze, L'age du, par Evans, ill. 1882 45 oL Brooke (C.), Voyages en Europe de, [Montemont] 94G Brosselard (H.), Voyage de la mission Flatters au pays des Touareg Azdjers, ill. 1883 , 39^G Brothier (L.), Causeries sur lamecanique 611L 1 Histoire populaire de la philosophic 1420L [28] BRO SECTION FRANCHISE BUN Broughton (R.). Voir Romans. Broussel (C). Voir Romans. Brown (John), par Marquand. i860 998E Browne, — Voyages en Afrique cle, [Montemont] 74G Bruce (J. ), Voyages en Afrique cle, [Montemont] 72G Bruce (Robert), par Marmier. 1873 997E Brunei (H.), Avant le christianisme ou histoire des doctrines re- ligieuses et philosophiques de l'antiquite. 1852 1079G Brunetiere (F.), Etudes critiques sur l'histoire de la litterature franeaise, 3 vol. 1880-87 237-9I Brunswick, Histoire du, [Histoire universelle] 313E Brydayne (le P.), Sermons publies sur les manuscrits autographes, 7 vol. 1861 1080-6G Sa vie, par Caron. 1858 1088G Buckingham (Le due de), Memoires 128E Buckingham. —Voyages en Asie de, [Montemont] 81G Buckland (A.). Voir Romans. Budget du foyer, Le, par Leneveux 1206L Buenos-Ayres, La Pampa et la Patagonie, par Daireaux. 1877 ... 209G par Famin, [Univers]. 1840 634E Buet (C), Paul Feval, souvenirs d'un ami 1236E Buffon (Cte G. L. de), Chefs-d'oeuvre litteraires, 2 vol. 1864 20-21 1 Histoire naturelle, 29 vols. 1802. Tomes I et II. — Thdorie de la terre, Epoques de la nature 612-3L Tome III. — Discours g^neraux sur l'histoire naturelle 614L Tomes IV a X. — Quadrupedes 615-21L Tomes XI a XXVI. — Oiseaux 622-35L Tomes XXVII a XXXI. — Mineniux, par E. M. L. Patrin 636-40L GEuvres choisies, 2 vol. 1850-51 189-90L completes, avec les supplements, augmentees de la classification de Cuvier, ill., 9 vol. 1835-6 19-27L Morceaux choisis, nouveau recueil suivi de morceaux choisis de Gueneau de Montbeillard, avec des notes litteraires, philo- logiques et scientifiques, par M. Hemardinguer. 1884 418L Petit, illustre : Quadrupedes, par Jacob, 4 vol. 1854 701 -4L Voir anssi La Fontaine et Buffon, — Morceaux choisis, — etc. Buisson (G.), Poesies legeres. 1822 22I Bulgarie, A travers la, par Lonlay, ill. 1886 417G Bullock. — Voyages en Amerique de, [Montemont] 90G Bulwer-Lytton (E.). Voir Romans. Bungener (F.), Calvin, sa vie, son oeuvre et ses ecrits. 1863 771E Christ et le siecle. 1856 1623G Lincoln, sa vie, son ceuvre et sa mort. 1865 772E Saint Paul, sa vie, son oeuvre et ses epitres. 1867 1624G Bungener (L. F.), Histoire du concile de Trente, 2 vol. 1847 1617-8G Rome et le vrai, etudes sur la litterature catholique contem- poraine. 1880 1619G Trois sermons sous Louis XV, 3 vol. 1875-6. I. — Un sermon a la Cour 1620G II. — Un sermon a la ville 1621G III. — Un sermon au desert 1622G — — Voir aussi Gasparin, — Bungener, — de Pressens6, — Merle d'Aubign£, ■— de Gasparin et Viguet, — etc. Bunsen (C. C. J. de), Dieu dans l'histoire. 1868 1625G Bunyan(J.), La guerre sainte ou Fame de l'homme prise et recon- quise. 1796 1628G [29] BUN BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES CAD Bunyan (J.), La sainte guerre, ou le geant Diabolos, usurpateur d'lmmortelle, expulse par le grand roi Schaddai. 1842 1881G Le voyage du chretien vers l'Eternite bienheureuse. 1820... 1626 et 1627G Buquet. (C. P.), Nouveau cours de litterature, suivides commentaires de La Harpe. 1840 240I Burat. — De la houille et du fer en France, [Entretiens populaires] 410L Burchell (W. J.), Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 75G Burckhardt (J. L.), Voyages en Asie de, [Montemont] 81 G Buret (E. ), De la misere des classes laborieuses en Angleterre et en France, 2 vol. 1842 H20-lL Burger, Pfeil, Rohlwes et Ruffiny. — Cours com.plet d'agricul- ture pratique, trad. Noirot. 1839 49iC Agronomie, Agriculture proprement dite, Education du bdtail, Economie agricole, Economie forestiere, Mddecine vdterinaire, Culture des arbres fruitiers, de la vigne et des plantes potageres, Education des abeilles, Economie usuelle, etc. Burgraves, Les, par Hugo 1464I Burnes (Sir A. ), Voyages en Asie de, [Montemont] 86G Burnet (G., eveque de Salisbury), Histoire de ce qui s'est passe de plus memorable en Angleterre pendant la vie de Gilbert Burnet, eveque de Salisbury, 2 vol. 1735 : Tome I. ■ — Jacques Ier, Charles Ier, Cromwell, Charles II, Jacques II, elec- tion de Guillaume . .•;••■ 3 2Q C Tome II. — Guillaume III, Marie II, Anne jusqu'en Mai 1713, suivi de reflexions et de la vie de l'auteur, par son fils 330C Burnet (G.), Histoire de mon temps 4 vol 124-7E Burns (R.), GEuvres completes, trad* Leonde Wailly. 1843 241I Burton (R. F.), Voyages k la Mecque, aux grands lacs d' Afrique et chez les Mormons. 1870 197G Voyage aux grands lacs de 1' Afrique orientale, trad. Loreau. ill. 1862 26C Burton (E.). Voir Romans. Buveur, Le, son present et son avenir, par Debourge. 1864 212L Buzot. — Memoires sur la Revolution francaise. 1 823 83E Byron (Commodore), Voyages de, [Montemont] 5 I_2 G Byron (Lord G.), Correspondance avec un ami, comprenant en outre les lettres ecrites a sa mere du Portugal, de l'Espagne, de la Turquie et de la Grece, dans les annees 1809, 1810 et 181 1, et des souvenirs et observations ; le tout formant une histoire de sa vie de 1808 a 1814. Par feu R. C. Dallas, 2 vol. 1825 23-4I CEuvres completes, trad. Amedee Pichot, 4 vol. 1877 244-7I CEuvres completes, trad. Benjamin Laroche, 2 vol. 1874-81 : Tome I. — Poesies diverses, Childe-Harold 242I Tome II. — Poemes 243I CaBALISTIQUE, Hans Weinland, Le, par Erckmann-Chatrian. 249C Caballero (F.) Voir Romans* Cable transatlantique, Le, par Cesanne 1127 et I131L Caboche (Ch.), Memoires historiques de la France, [Magasin de librairie] 243C Cacographie, par Boinvilliers. 1822 232 et 233I Cadet (E.), Dictionnaire usuel de legislation. 1888 ,'n 1291L [30] CAD SECTION FRAN£AISE CAN Cadoudal (G. de), Georges Cadoudal et la chouannerie. 1887 682E Cafe, Influences du, sur l'economie humaine, par Debay. 1864 210L Le, par Riant. 1876 73 2 L Caille. — Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 78G Cailliaud. — Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 74G Caillot (A.), Morceaux d'eloquence extraits des sermons des orateurs protestants francais les plus celebres du XVI Ime siecle, pre- cedes d'une courte notice sur la vie de chacun d'eux. 1810 1087G Voir aussi Lebeau et Caillot. Calas (Jean), et sa famille, par Coquerel. 1858 805E Voir aztssi Tolerance, — etc. Calemard de la Fayette (C.). Voir Romans. Calendrier, Le systeme du monde et le, par Rouche 1128L CALIFORNIE. — Ouvrages sur la: Califomie, Le jeune voyageur en, par Champagnac 200G Le Mineur de, par Simonin i^L Un missionnaire en, [1849-56], par Lelievre 1761G Voyages dans la, par Whymper. 1880 1824L Voyage en, par Auger [1852-3] I54-G Californies, Les, par Denys, [Univers]. 1849 636E Voir aussi Cotteau : En Oc^anie, — Simonin, — etc. Callet (F.), Tables portatives de logarithmes, \ed de 1795]. 1819 ... 28L Callot (P. S.\ Jean Guiton, dernier maire de l'ancienne commune de La Rochelle [1628]. 1872 331C Calvin (John), par Guizot. 1873 181E Sa vie, son oeuvre et ses Merits, parBungener. 1863 77 iE Vie de, par Puaux. 1864 . 1052E Calvinisme, Histoire du, et celle du papisme mises en parallele ; ou apologie pour les reTormateurs, pour la reformation et pour les reformes, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1683 !035G Cambon (V.), De France en Allemagne. 1887 397& Oambrie. [Hersart de la Villemarque : La legende celtique] 145 iL Campagnede 181 5, Histoire de la, par Quinet. 1867 47 2E Campagnes de 1814 et 1815, Histoire des, par Beauchamp, 2 vol. 1817 5o-5iE des armees de l'Empire en 1870, par Tenot. 1872 1140E Campan (Mme), De l'education, suivi des conseils aux jeunes filles, d'un theatre pour les jeunes personnes et de quelques essais de morale, publies par F. Barriere, 2 vol. 1824 924-5L Memoires sur la vie de Marie-Antoinette. 1884 773E Campbell (John), Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 78G CANADA. — Ouvrages sur le : Canada, Histoire populaire du, par Baudoncourt 679E Les Francais au, par Chalamet, ill 3&7G Montcalm et le Canada frangais, par Bonnechose. 1881 ... 763E par Lacroix, [Possessions anglaises dans l'Amerique du Nord et Univers]. 1849 636E Voir aussi Canivet : Les colonies perdues, — Hulot : De l'Atlantique au Pacifique, — Lamothe, — Milton et Cheadle, — Molinari, —etc. Canal de Suez, Le, par Desplaces. 1858 814E Canaries. Voir Bory de Saint-Vincent. Cancale, La baie de, par Trebuchet, ill. 1888 392G [31] CAN BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES cap Candeze (E.), Aventures d'un grillon, [Magasin d'education] 229C LaGileppe, [Magasin d'education] 233C Candolle (A. P. de), Sa vie et ses travaux, par La Rive. 1851 967E Canel (A.), Recherches historiques sur les fous des rois de France. 1873 774E Canivet (C), Les colonies perdues: Canada, Inde, ill. 1884 398G Voir aussi Romans. Canler. — Voir Romans. Canon des Saintes-Ecritures dans l'Eglise chretienne, Histoire du, par Reuss. 1863 *339G Le, par Gaussen, 2 vol. i860 1154-5G Cantacuzene (Princesse O.). Voir Romans. Can toques evangeliques ou spirituels, Recueil de. 1827 1566G Cantn (C.), Histoire universelle: Lestrente dernieres annees [1848-78]. 1881 86E Cap de Bonne-Esp6rance, Voyage au, par Sparrman, 3 vol 122-4G Capefigue (J. B. H. R.), Agnes Sorel et la chevalerie. i860 789E Anne d'Autriche et la minorite de Louis XIV. 1861 79 iE Catherine de Medicis. 1856 788E Diane de Poitiers, i860 792E Gabrielle d'Estrees et la politique de Henri IV. 1859 790E Histoire constitutionnelle et administrative de la France, depuis la mort de Philippe-Auguste, premiere epoque : de Louis VIII a la fin du regne de Louis XI [1223-1483], 3 vol. 1834. 1816-8E Histoire de la Reforme, de la Ligue et du regne de Henri IV, 8 vol. rel. en4. 1834 1819-22E Histoire de Philippe-Auguste, 5 vol. 1830 1811-15E Histoire philosophique des Juifs, depuis la decadence des Machabees jusqu'anos jours, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1834 1808E Hugues Capet et la troisieme race, jusqu'a Philippe-Auguste, 4 vol. rel. en 2. 1839 1809-10E Isabelle de Castille. 1869 783E Jacques II a Saint-Germain. 1833 1807E La comtesse de Lichtenau et Frederic-Guillaume II. 1867 782E Parabereet le Palais-Royal sous la Regence. 1863 ... 778E du Cayla, Louis XVIII et les salons du faubourg Saint- Germain sous la Restauration. 1866 776E duchesse de Portsmouth et la cour galante des Stuarts. 1861 787E marquise de Montespan. 1868 786E du Chatelet et les amies des philosophes du XVIIIe siecle. 1868 780E reine vierge Elisabeth d'Angleterre. 1863 777E L'Europe depuis l'avenement du roi Louis-Philippe. 10 vol. 1845 ; 87-96E pendant le consulat et l'empire de Napoleon, 20 vol. rel. en 10. 1840 1827-36E Le cardinal Dubois et la regence de Philippe d'Orleans 794E de Richelieu. 1865 793 E gouvernement de Juillet, les partis et les hommes politiques [1830-35], 2 vol. rel. ens. 1836 1840E marechal de Richelieu. 1857 795^ Les Bacchantes et les jeunes patriciens sous les Cesars. 1864 ... 775E Les cent jours, 3 vol. 1841 1837-39E [32] CAP SECTION FRANCHISE CAS Capefigue (J. B. H. R.), Les derniers jours de Trianon. — La du- chesse Gabrielle de Polignac et les amies de la reine. 1866... 785E Les heroines de la Ligue et les mignons de Henry III. 1864 ... 781E Louis XIV, son gouvernement et ses relations diplomatiques avec l'Europe, 6 vol. rel. en 3. 1837 1823-5E Louis XVI, ses relations diplomatiques avec l'Europe, lTnde, l'Amerique et l'Empire Ottoman. 1856 796E Madame la marquise de Pompadour. 1858 784E Mesdemoiselles de Nesle et la jeunesse de Louis XV. 1864 779E Philippe d'Orleans, regent de France [1715-23], 2 vol. rel. ens. 1839 1826E Capitaine de quinze ans, Un, par Verne 231C Cappadoce, Histoire de la, [Histoire universelle] 216E Caprices et zigzags, par Gautier. 1 856 243G Caraetere, Excelsior ! Essais pour aider a la formation du, par Maurel. 1882 1226L L'education du, par Martin. 1887 975 et 1305L Caracteres de Theophraste et de La Bruyere, 2 vol. 1759....; 520-1 1 Les, par La Bruyere 1469I 2 vol. 1470-1I Careme, par Bourdaloue, 3 vol. 1834 1058-60G — — par Massillon 1 69C par Massillon, 4 vol 1244-7G Carne (Cte L. de), Les fondateurs de l'unite francaise : Suger, Saint- Louis, Du Guesclin, Jeanne d'Arc, Louis XI, Henri IV, Richelieu, Mazarin ; etudes historiques, 2 vol. 1856 84-5E Souvenirs de ma jeunesse au temps de la Restauration. 1873 ••• 797E Voir aussi Romans. Carnet (Dr.), Maux d'estomac, constipation; regime, hygiene, traitement. 1866 199L Carnot. — [Institutions militaires de la France] H53L Caro (E.), La fin du dix-huitieme siecle, etudes et portraits, 2 vol. 1880 248-9I L'idee de Dieu et ses nouveaux critiques. 1878 1629G M. Littre et le positivisme. 1883 1630G Saint Dominique, et les Dominicains. 1853 798E Caron (l'Abbe), La vie du P. Brydayne, missionnaire royal. 1858... 1088G Carpentier. Voir Noel. Carrau (L.), La philosophic religieuse en Angleterre depuis Locke jusqu'a nos jours. 1888 1415G Carraud (Mme. Z.), Les metamorphoses d'une goutte d'eau. 1865 200L Voir aussi Romans. Carrel (A.), Resume de l'histoire d'Ecosse, avec une introduction par Augustin Thierry. 1825 1841E Voir aussi Courier : GEuvres. Carrey (E.), Recits de Kabylie, campagne de 1857 799E Voir aussi Romans. Carriere (E. A.), Encyclopedic horticole 201L Entretiens familiers sur l'horticulture. i860 202L Carteret (P.), Voyages de, [Montemont] 51-2G Carteron (A.), Causeries sur l'histoire naturelle, oiseaux et papil- Ions. 1868 203L CarthaginoiS, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 229E Cassagnac (A. Granier de). Voir Granier de Cassagnac. 2 [33] CAS BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES CHA Castel (A.), Les tapisseries. 1876 2015I Castellane (Comte P. de), Souvenirs de la vie militaire en Afrique. 1856 800E Castillon (A.), Recreations physiques. 1863 204L Catalan (E.), Notions d'astronomie 689 et 1416L Catalogue de la bibliotheque Guillc-Alles, par A. Cotgreave ; partie francaise par Henri Boland. 1888 I480L des chefs-d'oeuvre de toutes les langues, par Aime-Martin. 1837 1569I Catechisme de l'Eglise anglicane, explication du, par Clarke. 1737 1638G Catherine de Medicis, par Capefigue. 1856 788E et les protestants [1562-70], par Zeller. 1887 1266E Catlin (G.), La vie chez les Indiens, scenes et aventures de voyage parmi les tribus des deux Ameriques. 1872 198G Caucase, Le, par Ernouf. 1876 231G Voir aussi Hue : Aux pays du petrole, — etc. Causeries du lundi, par Sainte-Beuve, 16 vol 871-86I florentines, par Klaczko. 1880 516I guernesiaises, par Stapfer. 1869 163I litteraires, par Pontmartin. 1854 764I Causes amusantes et connues, 2 vol. 1769 I122-3L celebres, nouvelles, ou fastes du crime, par Mocquart, 2 vol. 1866 113-4C par Gayot de Pitaval, 20 vol 1156-75 et 1176-95L Recueil des, par Mejan, 21 vol. 1808 977-97L Cazin (A.), La chaleur. 1867 2017I L'etincelle electrique. 1880 2019I Les forces physiques. 1871 2020I Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas, par Bastiat iuoL Cellerier (J. I. S.), Sermons, homelies, discours familiers et prieres, avec une notice biographique de M. le prof. Diodati. 1845... 1089G Cellini, Benvenuto, par Lamartine. 1866 957E Celtes, Histoire des, etdes Germains, par Pelloutier, 8 vol. 1770 1035-42E Cent jours, Les, par Capefigue, 3 vol. 1841 1837-9E Ceramique, Les merveilles de la, par Jacquemart, 3 vol. 1869 2064-6I Cervantes (M. de), Don Quichotte, trad. Florian, 6 vol 1432-7I — ■ Voir aussi Romans. Cesar (J.), Commentaires, avec deux cartes, 2 vol. 1810 1933-4E Cezanne (E.), Le cable transatlantique 1127 et 1131L Chalamet (A.), Les Francais au Canada, ill 387G Chalet des sapins, Le, par Chazel 224C Chaleur et froid, par Tyndall. 1868 400L interieure du globe, La, par Daubree. 1866 708L La, et l'humidite a la surface de la terre, par Dujardin. 1867 ... 708L La, par Cazin. 1867" 2017I Challamel (A.), Colbert. 1880 1237E Chalmers (T.), Preuves et autorite de la revelation chre- tienne. 1848 1631G Champagnac (J. B. J.), Le jeune voyageur en Californie, recits instructifs et moraux 200G Champeaui (A. de), Le meuble, 2 vol. I. — Antiquity, Moyen-age et Renaissance 4iqL II. — XVIlme, XVIIIme et XlXme siecles 4 2 oL Champfleury— Histoire de l'imagerie populaire. 1886 448L Voir aussi Romans. Champs, Les, et les pres, par Joigneaux. 1S56 294L [34] CHA SECTION FRANCHISE CHA Champs, Physique et chimie des, par Safifray. 1876 734L Chananeens, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 203E Chandelle, Histoire d'une, par Faraday 234L Channing (W. E.), CEuvres sociales, avec avant-propos d'Ed. Laboulaye : De la temperance et de l'ivrognerie, — Les droits et les devoirs des pauvres, — Devoirs moraux des municipalites, — Eloge du docteur Tuckerman 1124L Sa vie et ses oeuvres, preface de Charles de Remusat. 1873... 1060E Chanson de Roland, La, par Theroulde 1126I Chansons des rues et desbois, Les, par Hugo. 1867 461 1 Voir aussi B^ranger, — etc. Chant des fontaines, Le, par Lenfestey. 1875 6051 Chantelauze (R.), Le cardinal de Retz et l'affaire du chapeau, etude historique, suivie des correspondances inedites de Rctz, Mazarin, etc., 2 vol. 1878 97-SE Chants de Sion, cantiques, hymnes, etc., par Malan. 1841 1227G du crepuscule, Les, par Hugo. 188 1 460 et 1466 1 drain rimeux, Les, par Corbet. 1884 1092I soldat, Nouveaux, par Deroulede 1 398 et 1 399I populaires de la Bretagne, par Hersart de la Villemarque 1450L Chanzy (Le general), La deuxieme armee de la Loire [1870-71] 99E Charbon, Histoire d'un morceau de, par Hement. 1868 278L Charite, De la, par Duchatel. 1829 944L Charlemagne et sa cour, par Haureau [742-814J. 1S54 900 et 901E Charles I, Histoire de la revolution d'Angleterre, depuis l'avene- ment de, jusqu'a sa mort, par Guizot, 2 vol. 1850 895-6E Memoires sur les deux dernieres annees de son regne, par Herbert 111E son regne, par Warwick , 108E Proces de, et apologie attribute a 1 16E Ses negotiations avec Cromwell et l'armee parlementaire, par Berkley UiE Charles II, Memoires sur sa fuite apres la bataille de Worcester .... 116E Voir aussi Capefigue : La duchesse de Portsmouth, — Angleterre, — etc. Charles-Quint, de Mignet. 1855 433E Histoire du regne de, par Robertson, 6 vol. 1771 1070-5E 2 vol 1076-7E Voir aussi Ranke : l'Espagne, — etc. Charles XII, Histoire de, par Voltaire 1015I Charles-le-Temeraire, par Dumas, 2 vol. 1871 822-3E Charlotte de la Tremoille, Comtesse de Derby [1601-64], par Mme de Witt. 1870 , , 120SE Charmes (G.), Cinq mois au Caire et dans la Basse-Egypte 201G Charpentier (J. P.). Les ecrivains latins de l'Empire. 1859 801 E Charpillon. — Gisors et son canton [Eure], Statistique et his- toire. 1867 332C Charriere (E.). Voir Romans. Charron (P.). De la sagesse. 4 vol. 1801 1632-5G Charte, La grande, ou l'etablissement du regime constitutionnel en Angleterre, par Rousset. 1853 1103E Voir aussi Lanjuinais : Constitutions de la nation francaise, — etc. Charton (E.), Flistoire de trois pauvres enfants. 1867 802E ■ Voyageurs anciens et modernes ou choix des relations de voyages les plus interessantes et les plus instructives depuis leVme siecle av. J.-C. jusqu'au XlXme siecle, avec biographies, notes, etc., 4 vol. 1854-7 27-30C — — Voirausu' Magasin pittoresque. — et Romans. [35] CHA BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES CHE Charveriat (E.), Les affaires religieuses en Boheme au XVIme siecle, depuis l'origine desfreres bohemes jusqueset y compris la lettre de Majeste de 1609, 1886 700E Chasles (P.), Encore sur les contemporains. 1869 251I Etudes contemporaries : voyages, philosophic et beaux- arts. 1866 250I Voyages d'un critique a travers la vie et les livres : I. Orient; II. Italie et Espagne, 2 vol. 1865-9 252-3I . Voir aussi Moliere — et Romans. Chasse a tir en France, La, par La Vallee. 1857 I457L Chasses, Les grandes, par Meunier. 1867 2106I dans l'Amerique du Nord, par Revoil. 1869 104G Voir aussi Instruction pour le peuple, — etc. Chastel (E.), Histoire de la destruction du paganisme dans l'empire d'Orient. 1850 1090G Chateaubriand (R. F. A., vte de), Atala Rene, les Abencerages, suivis du voyage en Amerique. 1847 255I Essai sur la litterature anglaise et considerations sur le genie des hommes, des temps et des revolutions. 1836 254I Etudes historiques, 3 vol. 1833 258-60I Genie du christianisme, 4 vol. 1830 1363-6I 1838 25I Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem et de Jerusalem a Paris, 3 vol. 1 830 1 360-2I 1862 31C Les martyrs, ou le triomphe de la religion chretienne, 3 vol. 1830 1367-9I Natchez, suivis de melanges politiques, 2 vol. 1840 26-27 1 quatre Stuarts, int. Sainte-Beuve. 1872 261-2I Melanges politiques, 2 vol. 1833 256-7I Voir aussi Milton : Paradis perdu, — R^camier : Souvenirs et correspon- dance, — Romans, — etc. Chatelain (Le chevalier de), Fables nouvelles. 1856 26SI Chatiments, par Hugo 462 et 1467I Chaufepie (J. G. de), La pratique des vertus chretiennes, ou tous les devoirs de l'homme avec les devotions particulieres pour diverses occasions ordinaires et extraordinaires, 2 vol. rel. ens. i860 . 1636G Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte, 3 vol. 1787 1091-3G Chaumiere indienne, La, par Bernardin de Saint-Pierre 1328I Chausey. [Quatrefages : Souvenirs d'un naturaliste] 368-9L Chaussard, Jeanne d'Arc. 1806 100E Chauvin (V.). Voir Denis. Cliavannes (J. ), Les refugies fran9ais dans le pays de Vaud et particu- lierement aVevey. 1874 l ^31^-* Chavette (E.). Voir Romans. Chazel(P.), Riquette, [Magasin d'education] 236C Le chalet des sapins, [Magasin d'education] 224C Cheadle (Le docteur). Veir Milton et Cheadlc. Chefs- d'OBUVre des plus celebres beaux-esprits francais, tanl: en vers qu'en prose, Recueil des. 1763 819I Cliemin de la saintete, Le, par Palmer. 1859 1821G des bois, Le ; poesies, par Theuriet. 1867 954^ [36] CHE SECTION FRANCHISE CHI CHEMINS DE FER. — Ouvrages sur les : Cliemin defer beige, Le, par Simons et de Ridden 1839 128L Chemins de fer, Les, par Guillemin. 1867 2057I par Perdonnet li3 r L Voir aussi Instruction pour le peuple, — Stephenson, — etc. Chenier (A.), CEuvres en prose, notice litteraire d'Eugene Hugo. 1840 271I CEuvres poetiques, publiees avec une introduction, biographie et notes, par Eugene Manuel. 1884 1096 1 Poesies, notice de H. de Latouche. 1868 270I ■ Voir aussi Poetes francais modernes. Chenier (M. J. de), Tableau historique de l'etat et des progres de la litterature francaise, depuis 1789. 1821 I37°I Theatre : Henri VIII, Jean Calas, Caius Gracchus, Fenelon. 272I Voir aussi Poetes francais modernes. Chenu (Dr. J. C), Encyclopedic d'histoire naturelle ou traite complet de cette science d'apres les travaux des naturalistes les plus eminents [Oiseaux], 6 vol 492-7C Les trois regnes de la nature, lectures d'histoire naturelle. Annees 1864-66, 3vol. ill 573-5C Cherbourg. Voir Mengin, — etc. Cherbuliez (A. E.), Etude sur les causes de la misere, tant morale que physique, et sur les moyens d'y porter remede. 1853 ... 1289L Simples notions de l'ordre social a 1 'usage de tout le monde. 1848 690L Cherhuliez (V.). Voir Romans. Cheruel (A.), Histoire de France sous le ministere de Mazarin [1651-61], 3 vol. 1882 101-03E Voir aussi Saint-Simon : M£moires, — etc. Chesneau (E.), La peinture anglaise 29L Les nations rivales dans l'art, peinture, sculpture, l'art japonais. 1868 205L Peintres et statuaires romantiques. 1880 206L Cheval, Achat du, ou choix raisonne des chevaux, par Gayot 263L L'ami du, par Megnin. 1865 329L Le, son histoire naturelle, ses travaux et ses souffrances, son utilite alimentaire, par Beaupre. 1868 172L Traite des maladies du, par Benion. 1877 174L Chevalerie, Histoire de la, par Roy. 1839 855I Voir aussi Capefigue : Agnes Sorel, — etc. Chevalier (E.). Voir Romans. Chevalier Sarti, Le, par Scudo. 1857 906I Chevignard. (A. T.), Instruction pour la jeunesse, 2 vol. 1805 30-31L Childe (E. L.), Le general Lee, sa vie et ses campagnes. 1874 975E Chili, par Famin, [Univers]. 1840 634E Voir aussi Davin : 50,000 milles dans l'Oc(San Pacifique, — Ursel, — etc. CHIMIE. — Ouvrages sur la : Chimie, Abrege de, par Pelouze et Fremy, 3 vols. 1865 3557L agricole, Traite pratique de, par Meunier. 1 880 33iL' amusante, Manuel de, par Vergnaud. 1854 75iL Cours elementaire de, par Regnault, 4 vol 376-9L des champs, La, par Saffray. 1876 734L vegetaux, par Sacc 389L Dictionnaire des analyses chimiques, par Violette et Archam. bault, 2 vols. 1851 152-3L [37] CHI BIBLtOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES CHft CHIMIE. — Ouvrages sur la :— {state.) Chimie, Dictionnaire des reactifs chimiques, par Lassaigne 3°9L clu cultivateur, La, par Joigneaux. 1850 296 et 297L sol, par Sacc 388L elements d'electro, appliquee aux sciences naturelles et aux arts, par Becquerel. 1843 9L elementaire, theorique et pratique, Traite de, par Thenard, 2 vol. 1836 , 569-70C generale, Traite de, avec applications, par Pelouze et Fremy, 6 vol. et un atlas. 1854 559-65C Histoire de la, par Hcefer. 1872 284et285L inorganique et organique, Manuel complet de, par Vergnaud, 1845 75oL La theorie atomique, par Wurtz. 1880 T 57L Les merveilles de la, par Deherrypon. 1872.... 2026I Les principaux faits de la, par Sanson 73^L Lettres sur la, par Liebig. 1845 S^L Notions de physique et de, applicables aux usages de la vie, par Sainte-Beuve. 1856 390L Nouvelles manipulations chimiques simplifiees. 1839 154^ Voir aiissi Barral : Statique chimique des animaux, — Million de faits, — etc. CHINE. — Ouvrages sur la : Chine, A travers la, par Rousset. 1878 339G Aventures de Robert Fortune dans ses voyages en. 1843-50 145G contemporaine, La, par Lavallee. i860 97 I E De France en, par Yvan. 1855 37^G Histoire de la, et des Chinois, par Parley, ill 1029E L'Indo-Chine et la, par Thomson. 1879 1819L L'Inde et la, par Ott. 1878 I4 J 5L La vie reelle en, par Milne, i860 3°5G Le monde chinois, par Daryl. 1885 43 J G Souvenirs d'une ambassade en, et au Japon, par de Moges. 308G Voir aiissi Histoire universelle, — Hue, — Meignan, — Pauthier : Con- fucius et Mencius, — Russell, — Voyages, Histoire g£ne>ale des, — etc. Chirurgie, Principes de, par de La Faye. 1796 213L Voir aussi Gerdy : Anatomie des formes, — etc. Chocolat, Influences du, sur l'economie humaine, par Debay. 1864 210L Le, par Riant. 1876 73^ Choix de beaux exemples tires des auteurs anciens et modernes, pour l'instruction et l'amusement de la jeunesse. 1821 273I Chouannerie, Georges Cadoudal et la, par Cadoudal. 1887 682E Chrestomatllie francaise, par Vinet, 3 vol. 1843 983-5I Petite, par Gresse 4 11 ! CHRIST et CHRISTIANISME.— Ouvrages sur : Christ et le siecle, par Bungener. 1856 1623G Christian isme au IVme siecle, Le, par de Gasparin, Bungener et de Pressense. 1858 1707G aux trois premiers siecles, Le, par Merle d'Aubigne, Bungener, de Gasparin et Viguet. 1857 1706G Avant le, par Brunei. 1852 , 1079G [38] CHR SECTION FRANCHISE CLA CHRIST et CHRISTIANISME.— Ouvrages sur :—(sutte.) Christianisme, Etudes philosophiques sur le, par Nicolas, 4 vol. 185 1 1807-10G Genie du, par Chateaubriand, 4 vol. 1830 1363-6I par Chateaubriand. 1838 25I Le, et la methode experimentale, par Lagrange. 1883 1212G revolution fran9aise, par Quinet 1842G sous les tropiques, Le, par Tucker. 1854 1870G Voir aussi J£sus, — Religion, — etc. Christine de Suede, par Boiteau 240C Chronique des arts et de la curiosite. 10 vol 498-507E du regne de Charles IX, par Merimee. 1865 684I Chroniques de Froissart, ed. Yanoski. 1875 1245E publiees par Yanoski. 1859.... 1223E Chronologie universelle, par Dreyss. 1853 819E Voir aussi Lenglet du Fresnoy: Tablettes chronologiques de l'histoire universelle, — Million de faits, — etc. Chute d'un ange, La, par Lamartine. 1849 584I Chypre, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 213E Ciceron et ses amis, par Boissier. 1877 234I Histoire de, par Prevost, 4 vol., ill 806-9I Ciliciens, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 209E Cimetiere du Pere La Chaise, Promenade philosophique au, par Viennet. 1824 966I Cinq cents millions de la Begum, Les, par Verne, [Magasin d 'educa- tion] 233C mois chez les Francais d'Amerique, par Lamothe. 1880 274G Circassie et Georgie, par Famin, [Univers] 641E Cite antique, La, par Fustel de Coulanges. 1883 1154L Cites ouvrieres de mineurs, Les, par Simonin I129L Citoyen franeais, Manuel elementaire du, par Meschine. 1877 998L Civilisation, De la, par Duveyrier, [Entretiens populaires] 410L en Europe, Histoire de la, par Guizot 889 et 1845E France, Histoire de la, par Guizot, 4 vol. 1856 885-8E Histoire sommaire de la, par Ducoudray. 1886 1240E Les mensonges conventionnels de notre, par Nordau. 1888 1307L Civilisations inconnues, Les, par Comettant. 1863 381G Clair et Clapier. — Barreau francais, collection des chefs-d'oeuvre de l'eloquence judiciaire en France, 16 vol. 1823 926-41L Clapperton. — Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 76-7G Clarendon (Lord H., grand-chancelier d'Angleterre sous Charles II), Memoires, 4 vol 1 19-22E Journal sur les annees 1687 a. 1690 123E Claretie (J.), Camille Desmoulins, Lucile Desmoulins, etude sur les dantonistes. 1875 104E Histoire de la revolution de 1870-71 : Chute de l'Empire, La guerre, Le gouvernement de la defense nationale, La paix, Le siege de Paris, La commune, Le gouvernement de M. Thiers, ill. 1872 •••333et334C Voir aussi Romans. Clarion (A.), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte, 2 vol. 1805 1094-5G Clarisse Harlowe, par Prevost, 6 vol. , ill 789-94I [39] OLA BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES COL Clarke (S.), Explication du catechisme de l'Eglise anglicane. 1737 1638G Classes dangereuses de la population clans les grandes villes, Des, par Fregier, 2 vol. 1840 951-2L laborieuses en Angleterre et en France, De la misere des, par Buret, 2 vol. 1842 1120-1L ouvrieres en France, Histoire des, par Levasseur, 2 vol. 1859 972-3L pauvres, De la condition des, a. la campagne, par Dutouquet. 1846 946L Claude (J.), L'examen de soi-meme, pour se bien preparer a la com- munion. 1 682 1 639G CEuvres posthumes. 5 vol. 1688 1097-1101G Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte. 1 724 1096G Claude (Monsieur). Voir Romans. Claude Gueux, par Hugo 1462I Clavel (Dr. A.), Traite d'education physique et morale, avec plans d'ensemble indiquant la disposition principale des etablisse- ments d'instruction publique, par Emile Muller, 2 vol. 1855.. 1125-6L Clemence Oge, par Serret 243C Clement XIV (Ganganelli, le pape), Lettres interessantes du pape Clement XIV (Ganganelli), suivies de diverses bulles, brefs, et de l'oraison funebre du Pontife, 2 vol. 1776 1640-lG Clermont' Gallerande (Le marquis C. G. de), Memoires particu- liers pour servir a l'histoire de la Revolution qui s'est operee en France en 1789, 3 vol. 1826 105-7E Cleveland, — tils naturel de Cromwell, Histoire de, par Prevost, 4 vol. ill 774-7I Cluseret (Le General), Memoires, 3 vols. 1887-8 1268-70E Coalition de 1701 contre la France, La, par de Courcy, 2 vol. 1886.. 683-4E Cochers et charretiers, Conseils en action donnes aux, par Beaupre. 172L Cochin (A.), Etudes sociales et economiques, notice de M. le due de Broglie. 1880 942L Les esperances chretiennes. 1883 1423G Cochin (J. D. M.), Manuel des salles d'asile. 1845 943L Cochut (P. A.), Law, son systeme et son epoque [1716-29] 1229E Code civil, Resume populaire du, par Morin 1413L Colardeau. — Chefs-d'oeuvre, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1803 1371I Colbert JJ. B.), par Challamel. 1880 1237E Coleopteres de France, Histoire des, par Seriziat. 1880 398L Colet*(Mme L.), Enfances celebres. 1873 803 et 804E 1856 274I Promenade en Hollande. 1859 202G Coligny (Gaspard de), par Delaborde, 3 vol. 1879-82 335"7C L'amiral, par Tessier. 1872 588E Vie de, par Meylan. 1862 IO09E Colleville (C). Voir Romans. Collignon (E.), Les machines. 1873 2022I Collignon (M. ), Manuel d'archeologie grecque 32L Mythologie figuree de la Grece 33L Collius (W.). Voir Romans. Colomb (C), Lamusique. 1878 , 2023I Colomb (Mme.). Voir Romans. Colombey (E.). Voir Romans. Colombie anglaise, Voyages et aventures dans la, par Whymper 1S24L Voir aussi Milton et Cheadle, — etc. et Guyanes, par Famin, [Univers]. 1846 631E [40] COL SECTION FRANCHISE COM Colonie francaise en Prusse, Histoire de la, par Reyer. 1855 1068E Colonies, Nos grandes, par Hue et Haurigot, 2 vol. 1887 406-7G perdues, Les, par Canivet, ill. 1884 39 8G Colons du rivage, Les, par Porchat. 1867 7 6 9 J Colosses anciens et modernes, Les, par Lesbazeilles. 1881 2085I Combe (T.). Voir Romans. Coniberousse (C. de), La femme dans la faraille H33L Les grands ingenieurs 1129L Comedies choisies, 2 vol. : Tome I. — Crispin medecin, par de Hauteroche, — L'esprit foletou la dame invisible, par de Hauteroche, — Democrite, Les Menechmes et Les folies amoureuses, par Regnard 1 37 2 ^ Tome II. — L'^cole des meres, par Nivelle de la Chaussde, — L'ecole des meres, par Marivaux, — La pupille, par Fagan, — L'isle de la raison, ou les petits homines, par Marivaux — et Le d^serteur, par Mercier *373* Comedies de Tlaute, 2 vol. 1876 742-3 1 tragedies et operettes, reliees ensemble, 5 vol. : Tome I. — La melomanie, — L'enrolement suppose, — L'^preuve villa- goise, paroles de Desforges, musique de Gretry, — Le jugement de Midales, paroles de d'Hela, musique de Grdtry, — Le bour- geois-gentilhomme, de Moliere, — Le valet reconnaissant, — La perruque blonde, de L. B. Picard, — Madame Angot ou la poissarde parvenue, par le citoyen Maillot, — L'extravagance amoureuse, ou la boiteuse, — Les deguisemens, — Le valet a. deux maitres, ou le maii a deux femmes 275I Tome II. — Don Carlos, a tragedy, by Schiiler, — Pizarro, ein Trauerspiel, von Kotzebue, — Fenelon, tragexlie, par M. J. Ch6nier, — - Olga ou l'orpheline moscovite, par Ancelot, — Semiramis, trag^die, par Voltaire, — Philoctete, tragedie de Sophocle, trad. La Harpe, — L'honnete criminel, drame 276I Tome III. — Le glorieux, par Destouches, — La coquette corrig£e, par Delanoue, — L'avare, par Moliere, — L'inconstant, par Collin d'Harleville, — Le vieux celibataire, par Collin d'HarleviUe, — Pamela ou la vertu rdcompensee, par Fi-ancjis de Neufchateau, — Les fausses confidences, par Marivaux 277I Tome IV. — The foundling of the forest, by William Dimond, — Pride shall have a fall, — Le fou raisonnable ou 1' Anglais, — Les trois maris, par L. B. Picard, — Les femmes, et Le conciliateur ou l'homme aimable, par C. A. Demoustier 27SI Tome V. — Le barbier de Seville, par Beaumarchais, — Avant, pendant et apres, par Scribe et de Rougemont, — Une folie, paroles de J. N. Bouilly, musique de Mehul, — Fanchon la vielleuse, par J. N. Bouilly et Jos. Pain, — Ma tante Aurore ou le roman im- promptu, — 1, 2, 3, 4, ou la cassette precieuse, par_ Martinville, — Drelindindin ou le carrillonneur de la Samaritaine, par Hen- rion et Serviere, — Les Visitandines, paroles de L. B. Picard, musique de C. Deviennes, — M. de Bievre, ou 1'abus de l'esprit, — Vercingdtorix, trageldie 279I Voir aussi Theatre. Come tt an t (O. ), Les civilisations inconnues. 1 863 38 1 G Commencements, Les, et les progres de la vraie piete, par Dod- dridge 1117G Comment faire le bien ? par Abbott. 1861 1 556G j'ai retrouve Livingstone, par Stanley. 1880 35 J G" Commentaires de Cesar, 2 vol. 1810 1933-4E Commerce, Le negociant universel, recueil de lettres de commerce, par Keegan. 1812 3°7L Recueil de lettres de, factures, comptes de vente, connaisse- ments, lettres de change, etc., a l'usage des eleves du college de commerce de Woodford. 1816 125L [41] COM BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES CON Commerce : — {suite.) Voir aussi Essai historique sur le commerce, — Million de faits, — Voyages, Histoire g6n£rale des, — etc. Commune de Paris : Voir Eataille : Guerre de 1870-71, — Claretie : Revolution de 1870-71, — Cluseret : M£moires, — Guerre francc-allemande, — Paris, — etc. Communians, Les devoirs des, par Ostervald 1 8 1 9G Communiailt, Le vrai, par Superville. 1760 1869G Compositeurs celebres, par Ernouf, ill. 1888 1243E Comptabilite, tenue des livres, par Luquin. 1886 438L Concile de Bale, Histoire du, et guerre des Hussites, par Lenfant 167C Constance, Le, par Bonnechose, [Hus], 2 vol. i860. 1610-1 et 1612-3G Trente, Histoire du, par Bungener, 2 vol. 1847 1617-8G Conde, Histoire des princes de, par d'Aumale, 2 vol. 1863-4 19-20E Condillac (E. B. de), CEuvres completes, 16 vol. 1822 : Tome I. — Essai sur l'origine des connaissances humaines. 29I Tome II. — Traite" des systemes 30I Tome III. — Trails des sensations et des animaux 31I Tome IV. — Le commerce et le gouvernement 32I Tome V. — Art de penser et art d'^crire 33I Tome VI. — Art de raisonner et grammaire 34I Tomes VII a X. — Histoire ancienne 35-8I Tomes XI a XIV. — Histoire mederne 39"4 2 I Tome XV. — Etude de l'histoire et logique 43I Tome XVI. — La langue des calculs 44I Condom, Seconde reponse a monsieur de. 1680 1567G Condorcet (J. A. N.). [Destutt de Tracy: Commentaires sur l'esprit des lois] 1 140L Voir aussi Euler, — etc. Confederation germanique, Etats de la, [Univers], par Le Bas. 633E CONFERENCES : Conferences, par Massillon 170C d'Angleterre, par Renan. 1880 825I ■ de Notre Dame de Paris, par Lacordaire, 4 vol 1206-9G et discours synodaux, par Massillon, 3 vol. 1776 1253-5G faites a la gare Saint-Jean, a Bordeaux, sous le patronage de la compagnie des chemins de fer du Midi [Ire serie]. 1867: G. Simon : Discours d'ouverture, — J. J. E. Abria : De quelques pro- pri£t£sg£n£rales des corps, — Cte de KeVatry : Les mines de Pom- pel, — F. Ranees : De la navigation a vapeur, — J. Jeannel : De l'air (propri£te\s physiques), De l'air (propri£t£s chimiques), — E. Ce"sanne : Le cable transatlantique, — V. Raulin : Le regne mineral, — L. O. de Lacolonge : De l'eau conside>£e aux points de vue physique, mdcanique et alimentaire, — G .Les- piault : Systeme solaire, — E. Royer : Les gaz pernicieux du foyer 1127L Conferences litteraires de la salle Barthelemy, au profit des blesses polonais. 1 864 ' 280I parisiennes, par Legouve. 1872 604I Conferences populaires faites a l'asile de Vincennes : Montyon ou la vie d'un homme de bien, par Ernest Morin, — Les h£ros du travail, par Camille Flamniarion, — De l'histoire et de l'usage de la langue franchise, par E. Egger 1842E Conferences populaires 8 vol. 1867-8 : Tome I. — E. Rouche" : Le systeme du monde et le calendrier, — A. Daubr^e : La mer et les continents, leur parent^, — A. C. Cons- tantin : Dissertation sur la vaccine, — C. Lavollde : Les exposi- tions de l'industrie et l'exposition universelle de 1867 1128L [42] CON SECTION FRANCAISE CON CONFERENCES :— [suite.) Conferences populates, 8 vol. 1867-8 -.—(suite.) Tome II. — H. Baudrillart : Les bibliotheques et les cours populates, — Ch. de Comberousse : Les grands ingejiieurs, — H. Baudrillart : Vie de Jacquard, — L. Simonin : Les cit£s ouvrieres de mineurs. 1129L Tome III. — J. Duval : Les soci£t6s co operatives de production, Des soci£t6s co-operatives de consommation, — H. Berdalle de La- pommeraye : Les socidtds de secours mutuels, — H. Baudril- lart: La propriety — L. Wolowski : De la monnaie H3°L Tome IV. — L. Simonin : Le mineur de Californie, — A. Perdonnet : Les chemins de fer, — H. Baudrillart : Luxe et travail, — £. Ce\sanne : Le cable transatlantique iiS 1 ^ Tome V. — H. Baudrillart : Des habitudes d'intemp£rance, — A. Riant : Les ennemis de la santd, — H. Berdalle de Lapommeraye : L'art d'etre heureux, — C. Robert : De l'ignorance, — A. Bellier : La pr£voyance et la charite" H3 2 L Tome VI. — Ch. de Comberousse : La femme dans la famille, — Ad. Franck : De la famille, — E. Egger : Un manage d'autrefois, dtude de morale et d'£conomie domestique, — E. Worms : Quelques con- siderations sur le manage "33L Tome VII. — A. Rondelet : L'economie politique dans la vie pratique, — E. Levasseur : L'assurance, — H. Baudrillart : L'argent et ses critiques, — F. Passy : Le principe de la population (Malthus et sa doctrine) J r 34L Tome VIII. — Ad. Franck : La vraie et la fausse egalitd, — E. Menu de Saint-Mesmin : L'ouvrier autrefois et aujourd'hui, — F. Passy: L'industrie humaine, — E. Menu de Saint-Mesmin : Les habi- tations £conomiques 1135L Conferences sur le christianisme, par Pressense. 1849 1326G Voir aussi Discours, — Eloquence, — Sermons, — etc. Confesseurs, Conduite des, dans le tribunal de la penitence, par Daon. 1828 1665G Confessions de Rousseau, 3 vol 848I par Rousseau, 2 vol I54 1 " 2 ! Confidences, Les, par Lamartine. 1862 5971 Nouvelles, par Lamartine. 1863 59^1 Conflits de la science et de la religion, Les, par Draper. 1876 1123G Confucius et Mencius, philosophic de la Chine, par Pauthier. 1841 1032E Congo. [Genin : Explorations de Brazza] 404G Congres de Vienne, Correspondance inedite de Talleyrand avec Louis XVIII pendant le 381C Conjurations des Espagnols contre la republique de Venise et des Gracques, par Saint-Real. 1803 1883E Connais-toi toi-meme, par Figuier. 1879 521C Conscience (H.). Voir Romans. Conscience, Dictionnaire portatif des cas de, 2 vol. 1759 1570-1G La, et la foi, par Coquerel. 1867 1643G Resolutions de plusieurs cas de, sur la coutume de Normandie. 1764 I2 43L Traite de la, par La Placete. 1699 1740G Conseils a ma fille, par Bouilly. 1821 1115L en action donnes aux cochers et aux charretiers, par Beaupre. 172L Consolations de l'ame fidele contre les frayeursdela mort, Les, par Drelincourt. 1724 1674G 2 vol 1675-6G Conspirations royalistes du Midi, sous la Revolution, Histoire des, par Daudet [1790-93]. 1881 1227E [43] CON BIBLIOTH^QUE GUILLE-ALLES COQ Constant (B.), Discours a la chambre des Deputes, 2 vol. 1828 ... 281-2I Voir miss I Romans Constant- Viguier (S. F.), Manuel de miniature et de gouache, ill. 760L Constantin (A. C), Dissertation sur la vaccine 1127L Recherches analytiques sur divers sujets d 'hygiene privee, ap- plicables aux besoins du pays. 1859 34L Constantinople, par Amicis. 1878 128G Gautier. 1856 242G Constipation, par Carnet. 1866 ., 199L Constituants, Les, par Lamartine, 4 vol. 1854 347-50E Constitution de l'Angleterre, par de Lolme. 1819.... 974L Constitutions de la nation frangaise, par Lanjuinais, 2 vol. 1819... 966-7L des Jesuites, Les, avec les declarations. 1843 1564G CONSUL AT DE BONAPARTE. - Ouvrages sur le : Consulat, Histoire du, par Thiers. 1865 386C et de l'Empire, par Thiers, 21 vol. 1845-69 >. 593-613E L'Europe pendant le, par Capefigue, 10 vol. 1840 1827-36E Voir aussi Bonaparte, — France, — Napoleon, — Abrantes : M£- moires, — Bourrienne : M£moires, — Mignet : Revolution francaise, — Morellet : M£moires, — Norvins : Tableau de la revolution fran- gaise, — etc. Contemplations, Les, par Hugo, 2 vol. 1868 467-8I scientifiques, par Flammarion. 1876 243L Contes, aventures et faits singuliers, par Prevost, ill. 805I en vers, par Voltaire 1003I sur l'economie politique, par Miss Martineau, 6 vol. 1834-5... ...1220-5L Continent mysterieux, par Stanley, 2 vol. ill. 1879 60- iC Continents et oceans, par Grove, ill 434L Les, par Reclus, [Les phenomenes terrestres]. 1870 372L Contrat social, Le, par Rousseau 836I Controverse, par Bossuet, 4 vol 157-60C Convention, Memoires sur la, par Thibaudeau, 2 vol. 1824 589-90E Conversation, La, par Delille 1392I Convictions religieuses, Essai sur la manifestation des, par Vinet. 1414G Cook (Le capitaine), Histoire abregee des premier, second et troisieme voyages autour du monde, par Cook, mise a la portee de tout le monde, par Berenger, 3 vol. 1795 20-22G Voir anssi Mont^mont et Sparrman. Cooper (F.). Voir Romans. Copernic. — [Bertrand : Les fondateurs de l'astronomie mo- derne.] 180L Coquerel (A.), Cours de religion chretienne. 1833 1642G Sermons. 1856 1102G Coquerel (A., fils), Histoire du Credo. 1869 1644G Jean Calas et sa famille, etude historique d'apres les documents originaux, suivie des depeches du cte de Saint-Florentin, ministre secretaire d'Etat et d'autres fonctionnaires publics, et des lettres de la soeur A. J. Fraisse, de la Visitation, a Mile Anne Calas. 1858 805E La conscience et la foi. 1867 1643G Les for§ats pour la foi, etude historique [1684-1775]. 1866 1645G Sermons et homelies. 1858 1103G Coquilles, Histoire naturelle des, par Bosc, 5 vol. 1802 666-70L [44] COR SECTION FRANCAISE C03 Corail, Les recifs de, par Darwin. 1878 449L Coran, Le, par Savary, 2 vol. 1786 1863-4G ■ Voir mtssi Alcoran. Corbeille de l'enfance, La, par Guerard, 1866 1459* Corbet (D.), Les chants du drain rimeux, ou pieces de poesie originale en guernesiais et en francais. 1884 1092I Les feuilles de la foret, ou recueil de poesie originale en anglais, francais et guernesiais. 1871 283 et 1091I Corday (Charlotte). FwVLamy: Femmes c&ebres, — Quatre femmes au temps de la Revolu- tion, — etc. Cordier (E. L.) Voir Goepp et Cordier. Coree, [Histoire universelle] 225E Voir aussi Voyages, Histoire g£n£rale des, — etc. Corinne ou l'ltalie, par Stael, 3 vol. 1809 933-51 Cormenin (L. M. de), Entretiens de village. 1847 2S4I Voir aussi Lalouel : Les orateurs de la Grande-Bretagne, — Tinion, — etc. Corne (H.), Education intellectuelle. 1886 1292L Le cardinal de Richelieu. 1879 806E Le cardinal Mazarin [1642-1661J. 1879 807E Voir Romans. Corneille (P.), Chefs-d'oeuvre, 3 vol. 1800 1374-61 CEuvres, precedees de l'eloge de Pierre Corneille, par Victorin Fabre, 5 vol. 1838 45"49l Corneille (P. et T.) Chefs-d'oeuvre, 4 vol. rel. en 2. 1823 1378-9I CEuvres completes, 5 vol. 1857 285-9I Theatre, 2 vol. 1879 1097-8I Corneille (Th.), Chefs-d'oeuvre. 1800 1377I CEuvres. 1838 50I Commentaires sur, par Voltaire, 3 vol 1054-6I et son temps, par Guizot. 1858 415! Comely (J.) Voir Romans. Corps, Dequelques proprietes gent-rales des, par Abria U27L humain, Le, par Le Pileur. 1868 2083I Correspondence, par Bossuet, 3 vol 160-2C commercial, Traite de, par Degranges. 1872 55L de Benj. Franklin [1757-90], 3 vol. ' 1870 853-5E d'Alembert et Voltaire, 3 vol I078-80I Frederic II, roi de Prusse, 3 vol 157-9E George Sand [1812-76], 6 vol. 1882 1122-7E l'imperatrice de Russie et de Voltaire 1077I Rousseau [1732-77], 3 vol 851-3 et 1544-6I du roi de Prusse et de Voltaire, 4 vol 1073-6I generate de Voltaire, 16 vol 1057-72I pendant son voyage dans l'lnde [1828-32], par Jacquemont ... 262-3G Corse, Histoire de la, [Histoire universelle] 287-8E Cortambert (E.), Elements de geographie physique, texte et cartes. 1849 208L Petit atlas elementaire de geographie moderne 73C Cortambert (R.), Les illustres vcyageuses. 1866 808E Voyage pittoresque a travers le monde, morceaux extraits de divers auteurs. 1877 , 33C Cortez. (F.). F^zVLebrun. Cosmos, par Humboldt, 4 vol. 1846-59 83-6 et 87-90L [45] COT BIBLlOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES COX Cotgreave (A.), Catalogue de la bibliotheque Guille-Alles ; partie fran9aise par Henri Boland. 1888 1480L Cotte (M.), Le Maroc contemporain. i860 203G Cotteau (E. ), De Paris au Japon a travers la Siberie, voyage execute du 6 mai au 7 aoiit, 1881 205G En Oceanie, voyage autour du monde en 365 jours, ill. 1888 ... 399G Promenades dans les deux Ameriques. 1 876-7 204G Cottin (Mme). Voir Romans. Couat (A.), La poesie alexandrine sous les trois premiers Ptolemees [324-222 av. J. C.]. 1882 51I Coudreau (H. A.), Les Fran9ais en Amazonie, ill 390G Couleurs et vernis, Manuel du fabricant de, par Riffault et Vergnaux. 1850 386L Coulin (F.)i Homilies. 1872 1104G La divine autorite de N. S. Jesus-Christ, [Verite chretienne]. 1878 1670G Les ceuvres chretiennes. 1863 1646G Couly (J.). Voir Lock et Couly. Coupe, Methode de, et d'assemblage, par Schefer. 1887 1310L Coupe (J. M. L.), Les soirees litteraires, 9 vol 52-60I Courcelle-Seneuil (J. G.), Precis de morale rationnelle 1293L Voir aussi Sumner : Des devoirs respectifs des classes de la soci£t6, — etc. Courcy (A. de), Voir Romans. Courcy (Marquis de), La coalition de 1701 contre la France, 2 vol. 683-4E Courier (P. L.), QEuvres, precedees d'un essai sur la vie et les ecrits de l'auteur, par Armand Carrel 290I Courtonne(P. J.), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte.... 1105G Cousin (V.), Cours de l'histoire de la philosophe moderne, 8 vol. 1846-7 1647-54G Du vrai, du beau et du bien. 1867 , 1660G Fragments de philosophie cartesienne. 1852 1659G philosophiques, 4 vol. 1847 1655-8G 1833 1106G Justice et charite. 1849 XI 37L par Jules Simon. 1887 926I Cousine Julie, La, par Fremy 246C Coutume de Bretagne, par Hevin. 1735 1288L Coutumes generales du pais et duche de Bretagne, et usemens locaux de la mesme province, avec les procez-verbaux des deux refor- mations, les notes de M. Pierre Hevin, doi'en des avocats du Parlement, etc., 3 vol. 1745-8 101-3C Coutume de Normandie, Nouveau cornmentaire portatifde la, par Le Royer de la Tournerie, 2 vol. 1778 1207-8 et 1209-10L Resolutions de plusieurs casde conscience sur la. 1764 ... 1243L Coutumes du pays et duche de Normandie. 1783 I138L Voir aussi Le Marchant : Remarques et animadversions sur l'approbation des lois, — etc. Co vino (A.), De Turin a Chamberyou les vallees de la Dora Riparia et de l'Arc et le tunnel des Alpes cottiennes. 1872 206G Cowper (B. II.), Dictionnaire geographique elementaire, contenant des explications sur tous les lieux mentionnes dans le Nouveau- Testament, 1865 1661G Cox (G.), Les dieux et les heros, contes mythologiques. 1867 291 1 COX (R.), Vie du rev. J. G. de la Flechere, cure de Madeley en Shropshire. 1827 809E [46] COX SECTION FRANCAISE CUI Cox, Voyages en Asie de, [Montemont] 83G Craik (Mrs.). Voir Romans. Craven (Mme A.), Reminiscences ; souvenirs d'Angleterre etd'Italie. 207G Voir anssi Romans. Creation, La, Lettres d'un pere a ses enfants. 1859 , I574rgiques de Virgile 1381I Tomes III a. VI. — En6ide de Virgile 1382-5I Tomes VII et VIII. — Paradis perdu, de Milton 1386I Tome IX. — Les jardins 1387 et 1397I Tome X. — L'homme des champs 1388 et 1394I Tomes XI et XII. — L'imagination 1389I Tomes XIII et XIV. — Les trois regnes dc la nature 1390I Tome XV. — La pitie" *39 l I Tome XVI. — La conversation 1392I Tomes XVII et XVIII. — Essai sur l'homme, de Pope, — CEuvres posthume?. 1393I Pensees. 1816 720I Delisle (L.), Histoire du chateau et des sires de Saint-Sauveur-le- Vicomte. 1867 141E DelitS, Des, et des peines, par Beccaria. 1821 904L Delon (C), Histoire d'un livre. 1879 1802L Le cuivre et le bronze. 1877 693L Le fer, la fonte et l'acier. 1876 692L Le sol, roches et minerais. 1880 692L Mines et carrieres. 1877 693L Promenades dans les nuages. 1881 1801L Voir aussi Flammarion : Petite astronomie descriptive, — etc. Delon (Mme F. C. et C), Exercices et travaux pour les enfants, selon la methode et les procedes de Pestalozzi et de Frcebel. 57L Delord (T.) } Histoire du second Empire [1848-70], 6 vol 142-7E [50] DEL SECTION FRANCAISE DES Delord (T.), Une course en Italie, notes de voyage, [Magasin de li- brairie] 244C Delpit (A. ), Voir Romans. Delrieu (A.), Le Rhin depuis sa source jusqu'a son embouchure, ill. 213G Demagogue, Manuel du, par Frary. 1884 1153L Demetrius, Les faux, episode de l'histoire de Russie, par Merimee. 1007E Democratic en Amerique, De la, par Tocqueville, 2 vol. 1836 1168-9E France, De la, par Guizot. 1849 960L Demogeot (].), Histoire de la litterature franeaise depuis ses origines j usqu'a nos j ours. 1855 315I des litteratures etrangeres considerees dans leurs rapports avec le developpement de la litterature frangaise. — I, Litteratures meridionales (Italie-Espagne). — II, Litteratures septentrio- nales (Angleterre-Allemagne). 2 vol. 1880 316-7I Demoiselles, Le. La Bruyere des jeunes, par Mme Malles de Beaulieu. 1821 1219L Magasin des. 1867-8 219C Demonstration de l'authenlicite et de la divinite des livres du Nouveau-Testament. 1799 1160G Demoulin (Mme G.), La pluie etle beau temps. 1881 1804L Les animaux etranges. 1880 508C cinq sens. 1881 1803L Denham (D.), Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 76G Denis (F.), Bresil, [Univers]. 1846 631E et Chauvin (V.), Les vrais Robinsons, naufrages, solitude, voyages. 1863 34C Denis (J.), Histoire des theories et des idees morales dans l'antiquite. 2vol. 1879 1109-10G Denis et Rouard, Traite complet de l'horticulture pour les grands et les petits jardins, precede de la botanique simplified, publie sous la direction de M. Hilaire de Romilly. 1846 58L Denys(F.), Les Californies, [Univers]. 1849 636E Depping (G.), Histoire des expeditions maritimes des Normands et de leur etablissement en France au Xme siecle. 1843 148E Merveilles de la force et de l'adresse. 1878 2029I Dequet (A.), Histoire de mon oncle et de ma Urate, [Magasin d'edu- tion] 234C Derby (Comtesse de). Voir Charlotte de la Tremoille. Dernier jour d'un condamne, Le, par Hugo 1462I journal, par Livingstone. 1879 296G Derniers jours d'unphilosophe, Les, par Davy. 1869 1668G temps de l'empire d'Occident, par Thierry. 1876 1162E Derjulede (P.), Chants du soldat. 1877 1398I La Moabite, drame. 1881 1402I L'hetman, drame en 5 actes, en vers. 1 883 1401 1 Marches et sonneries. 1881 1400I Nouveaux chants du soldat. 1883 I399I Desbordes-Valmore (Mme), Poesies inedites, publiees oar Gustave Revilliod. i860 61I Descartes (R.), CEuvres choisies. 1876 318I Deschanel(E.), Le romantisme des classiques. 1885 1099I Racine, 2 vol. 1885 1100-1I Descieux (Dr), Manuel d'hygiene a. l'usage des eleves des ecoles normales primaires, des ecoles speciales, des lycees, colleges et seminaires, 1867 219L [5i] DES BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES DEV Desclosieres (G.), Vie et inventions de Philippe de Girarcl, inventeur de la filature mecanique du lin. 1858 813E Voir aussi Beaufrand et Desclosieres. Descombaz (S.), Guide biblique ou harmonie et commentaire pra- tique et populaire de l'Ancien et du Nouveau-Testament, 3 vol. 1856 1111-13G Des Echeroiles (A.), Une famille noble sous la Terreur. 1879 ... 149E Desert, Cinquante jours au, par Didier. 1857 216G Le, et le monde sauvage, par Mangin. 1866 54)C Desmarets. —Chefs-d'oeuvre. 1800 1489I Desmoulins (Camille et Lucile), par Claretie. 1875 104E Desormes (F.), Traite elementaire et pratique sur le gouvernement des abeilles, avec pi ' 75SL Desplaces (E.), Le canal de Suez. 1858 814E Despreaux (L.). Voir Romans. Des Sablons. — Les grands homines venges, ou examen des juge- ments portes par M. de V. et par quelques autres philosophes, sur plusieurs hommes celebres, 2 vol. 1769 815-6E Dessin, Comment on devient dessinateur, par Viollet-Le-Duc ... 406 et445L explique par la nature, Le, par Mme Pape-Carpentier. 1873 ••• 35°L Voir aussi Boutard : Dictionnaire des arts du dessin, — Instruction pour le peuple, — etc. Destination de l'homme, La, par Godet. 1878 1670G Destonches (N.), GEuvres, 10 tomes rel. en 5. 1754 319-23I GEuvres choisies, 2 vol. 1S15 1403-4I CEuvres dramatiques, 2 vol. 1757 216-7C Destruction du paganisme dans l'empire d'Orient, Histoire de la, par Chastel. 1850 , 1090G Destutt de Tracy (Cte A. L. C), Commentaires sur l'esprit des lois de Montesquieu, suivi d'observations inedites de Condor- cet et d'unmemoive sur cette question : Quels sont les moyens de fonder la morale d'un peuple ? 1822 1140L Des Vaulx (Dr J. P.), Ce que rend une vacherie, lait, beurre, fromage 224L L'atelier du laboureur : terrains, defrichements, engrais 225L La vie des champs, bien-etre, sante, plaisirs 226L Les animaux de la ferme 228L Les animaux nuisibles a. l'agriculture. 1865 222L- Les economies d'un vieux jardinier : legumes, fruits, fleurs 227L Les plantes suspectes de la France 223L Les plantes de grande culture alimentaire, industrielle et fourra- gere 229L Plaisirs et profits de l'eleveur d'abeilles. 1865 22 iL Signes du temps et travaux des jours, calendrier agricole 220L Deux ministres pedagogues : M. Guizot et M. Ferry. 1887 435L prisonniers de Windsor, Les, par Delecluze , 245C Deux-Siciles, Expedition des, par Du Camp. 1861 820 et 82 iE Devic (M.) 5 Petite physique, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1880 694L Devoir, Le, par Naville. 1870 1230L Simon. 1863 1275L Devoirs de l'homme et du citoien, Les, par Pufendorf, 2 vol. 17 18. 1239-40L et droits de l'homme, par Marion. 1883 1304L respectifs des classes de la societe, par Sumner 1311L [52] DEV SECTION FRANCHISE DIC Devotions raisonnables et chretiennes, par Formey, 2 vol. 1770 ...1693-4G Devouement, Le, par Masson. 1874 2099I Dhombres (E.), Sermons et homelies. 1867 1114G Dhormoys (P.), Sous les tropiques 40iG Diable boiteux, Le, par Le Sage. 1783 609I Dialogues de Rousseau 849 et 1543I des morts, par Frederic II 156E — — et entretiens philosophiques, par Voltaire, 2 vol 1034-5I philosophiques, par Bernardin de Saint-Pierre x 337l Diamants et pierres precieuses, par Dieulafait. 1871 2031I Diane de Poitiers, par Capefigue. i860 792E Dick Moon en France, par Wey. 1863 373G Dickens (C), L'embranchement de Mugby, [Magasin d'education]. 232C ■ Voir a.7issi Romans. Diction, l'art de bien dire, par Dupont-Vernon. 1888 422L DICTIONNAIRES : Dictionnaire biblique populaire, par Meylan. 1869 1275G biograghique et bibliographique des predicateurs fran9ais, par l'abbe de la P***. 1824 1213G d'astronomie, par Guynemer. 1852 77L de geographie ancienne et moderne, par Meissas et Michelot. i8S5 44C musique, par Rousseau, 2 vol I 538-9l des reactifs chimiques, par Lassaigne. 1840 309L ■ — termes de marine, anglais et francais. 1777 572C d'art, par Adeline iL analyses chimiques, 2 vol. 1851 152-3L arts du dessin, de la peinture, de la sculpture, de la gravure et de l'architecture, par Boutard. 1826 16L inventions, des origines et des decouvertes, par Noel, Car- pentier et Puissant fds. 1837 557C metaphores de Victor Hugo, par Duval. 1888 H03I paralleles, concordances et analogies bibliques, par Lam- bert. 1862 1883G franco-normand, par Metivier. 1870 162I geographique elementaire, par Cowper. 1865 1661G geographique et statistique. 1863 39C historique, Nouveau, ou histoire abregee de tous les hommes qui se sont fait un nora par des talents, des vertus, des forfaits, des erreurs, etc. , 8 vol. 1 786 448-55E historique portatif, par Ladvocat, 2 vol. 1752 935-6E philosophique de la religion, par l'auteur des Erreurs de Voltaire. 1773 1024G par Voltaire, 9 vol 1036-44I portatif des cas de conscience, 2 vol. 1759 1570-1G raisonne, universel d'histoire naturelle, par Valmont-Bomare, 15 vol. 1800 136-50L et universel d'agriculture, par l'Institut de France, 16 vol. 1821 35-50L universel des synonymes de la langue frangaise, 2 vol. 1833. 1405-6I du droit francais, par Paillet, [5 premiers vol. A. — Arres- tion]. 1825-7 1004-8L d'histoire et de geographie, par Bouillet, 2 vol. 1854... 21-22C usuel de legislation, par Cadet. 1888 1291L [53] DID BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES DOM Didier (C.), Cinq cents lieues sur le Nil. 1858 214G Cinquante jours au desert. 1857 216G Sejour chez le grand-cherif de la Mekke. 1857 217G Dieppe, Histoire de, par Vitet. 1844 1201E Dietricll (A.). [Nordau: Les mensonges conventionnels de notre civilisation] 1 307 L DIEU, Considerations sur les ceuvres de, par Sturm, 2 vol. 1798 ... 1867-8G dans l'histoire, par Bunsen. 1868 1625G de l'existence et des attributs de, par Fenelon. ' 1845 1682G Dieu bibelot, Le, par Ginisty. 1888 761L Dieulafait (L.), Diarnants et pierres precieuses. 1871 2031 1 Dieux, Les, et les heros, par Cox. 1867 291I Diodati (E.), Discours religieux. 1861 1116G Meditations sur des textes tires de l'epitre aux Ephesiens. 1863 1115G Dire Ctoire, Memoires sur le, par Thibaudeau, 2 vol. 1824 589-90E Voir aussi Abrantes : Memoires, — Bourrienne : MeVnoires, — etc. DISCOURS : Discours, par Panchaud 1282G ■ ■ academiques de l'abbe de Vertot. 1819 656E et meditations, par Rochat. 1838 I343G ■ — melanges litteraires, par Villemain. 1850 977et982l moraux, par Formey, 2 vol. 1 764 1 148-9G Nouveaux, sur quelques sujets religieux, par Vinet. 1848 1399G populaires, par Laboulaye 1201L religieux, par Diodati. 1861 1116G sur les revolutions du globe, par Cuvier. 1854 208L quelques sujets religieux, par Vinet. 1845 1398G Voir aussi Conferences, — Eloquence, — Sermons, — etc. Disraeli (B.) Voir Beaconsfield. Dissertation sur l'innocence des erreurs de l'esprit, par Frederic II. 156E Dissertations critiques, Deux, par Martin. 1717 1239G sur divers sujets de morale et de theologie, par La Placete. 1704. 1749G Divine comedie, La, par le Dante. 1880 309, 310 et 311I Dix an S d'etudes historiques, par Thierry. 1846 1146, 1156 et I161E Dix-huitieme siecle, La fin du, par Caro, 2 vol. 1880 248-9I Galerie du, par Houssaye, 2 vol. 1858 287-8L Dixon (H.), La Suisse contemporaine. 1872 218G et 817E Les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, impressions de voyage, abregees par H. Vattemare. 1879 1805L Voyages de, [Montemont] 62G Dochard. — Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 77G Doctenr au village, Le, par Mme Meunier. 1870. 2 vol 332-3L Doctrine de l'Evangile au sujet des bonnes-oeuvres, La, par Brock. 1010G Doddridge (P.), Les commencements et les progres dela vraie piete. 1751 HI7G 1828 1671G expliques dans une suite d'exhorta- tions serieuses et pratiques ; avec des meditations et prieres. 1825 1413G Doherty (Dr. H.), L'homme et la nature (philosophic organique). 1882 U18G Domairon. — Rhetorique franjaise. 1804 324I [54] DOM SECTION FRANCHISE DUB Domat. — Les loix civiles clans leur ordre naturel ; le droit public et legum delectus, 2 vol. 1777 104-5C Domenech. (E.), Histoire du Mexique: Juarez et Maximilien, 3 vol. 150-2E Journal d'un missionnaire au Texas et au Mexique [1846- 1852]. ... 23G Dominicains. — Voir Saint-Dominique. Dominicales, par Bourdalouc, 3 vol. 1834 1051-3G Don Carlos et Philippe II, par Moiiy 1024 et 1260E Don Quichotte, par Cervantes, trad. Florian, 6 vol 1432-7I Doria et Barberousse, par Jurien de la Graviere. 1886 1252E Douen (O.), Les premiers pasteurs du desert [1685-1700], 2 vol.... 1119-20G Doumergue (E.), La methode experimentale et le christianisme, [Verite chretienne]. 1878 1670G Doyen de Killerine, Le, par Prevost, 3 vol. ill 778-80I Drainage, par Grandvoinnet. 1855 267L Draper (J. W.), Les conflits de la science et de la religion. 1876 ... 1123G Dranssin (H.), Portraits historiques. 1883: 818E Jules Favre, — A. Thiers, — F. Guizot, — Gambetta, — Garibaldi, — V. Hugo. Drelincourt (C), Le Saint-Ministere de l'Evangile, represente en deux sermons. 1651 1677G Le triomphe de l'Eglise sous la Croix ou la gloire des mar- tyrs. 1670 1125G Les consolations de l'ame fidele contre les frayeurs de la mort, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1724 1674G 2 vol 1675-6G Les visites charitables ou les consolations chretiennes. 1 668 1 672G • pour le temps de la contagion. 1867 1673G — pour toutes sortes de personnes affligees 1124G Sonnets Chretiens sur divers sujets, avec les psaumes penitentiaux en vers heroiques. 1714 1407 et 1408I 1795 325et326I Dreyfus (F. C. ). [Fonblanque : L'Angleterre] 947L Dreyss (C), Chronologie universelle. 1853 819E DROIT. — Ouvrages sur le : Droit civil romain, Histoire du, par Godefroy. 1847 1285L commercial, par Luquin. 1883 437L de disposer par testament, Du, par Royer. 1870 1025 L tester, Du, par Franck, [Entretiens populaires] 399 et 41 2L francais, Dictionnaire universel du, par Paillet, [5 premiers vol. A— Arrestation]. 1825-7 1004-8L Histoire du, par Boileau. 1806 1114L Traites du, par Pothier, etc., 11 vol. 1835 1014-24L L'idee moderne du, en Allemagne, en Angleterre et en France, par Fouillee. 1878 H48L naturel, Des principes du, par Franck, [Entretiens populaires]. 41 1 L et politique, Principes du, par La Forest-d'Armaille. 1828. 948L Voir aussi Legislation, etc. Droz (G. ). Voir Romans. Drumont (E.). Fw'r Romans. Dubarry (A.), Lamer. 1886 421 L Dubeux (L.), La Perse, [Univers]. 1841 632E Du Bois (L.), Pratique simplified du jardinage. 1825 230L [55] BUB BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES DUM Dubois (Le cardinal), et la regence de Philippe d'Orleans, par Cape- figue. 1861 794E DubOS (E. C), Les fleurs, idyl.les, suivies de poesies diverses. 181 7 695L Du Bos (L'abbe), Reflexions critiques sur la poesie et la peinture, 2 vol. 1770 327-8I Du BOSC (P.), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte, 4 vol. 1692-1716 1126-9G Sermons sur l'epitre de Saint-Paul aux Ephesiens, 3 vol. 1699- 1716 1130-2G La vie de, par Le Gendre. 1716 1217G Du Camp (M.), Expedition des Deux-Siciles. 1861 820 et 821E Le Nil, [Egypte et Nubie]. 1854 219G Paris, ses organes, ses fonctions et sa vie dans la seconde moitie du XlXme siecle, 6 vol. 1879 221-6G Paris bienfaisant. 18S8 1046L Souvenirs litteraires, 2 vol. 18S2 62-3I Voir aussi Romans. Du Cayla (La comtesse), Louis XVIII et les salons du faubourg Saint-Germain sous la Restauration, par Capefigue. 1866 ... 776E Duchatel (M. T.), De la charite dans ses rapports avec l'etat moral ^et le bien-etre des classes inferieures de la societe. 1829 944L Du Chatelet (La marquise), et les amies des philosophesdu XVIIIme siecle, par Capefigue. 1868 7S0E Duclos (C. P.), Considerations sur lesmceursde ce siecle, [Moralistes fran9ais] 171C Ducoudray (G.), Histoire sommairede la civilisation, depuis l'origine jusqu'a nos iours. 1886 1240E Ducpetiaux (E. ), De la condition physique et morale des jeunes ouvriers et des moyens de l'ameliorer, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1843 945 L De l'etat de l'instruction primaire et populaire en Belgique, compare avec celui de l'instruction en Allemagne, en Prusse, en Suisse, en France, en Hollande et aux Etats-Unis, 2 vol. 1838 1141-2L Duoray-Duminil (C). Voir Romans. Dufferin (Lord), Lettres ecrites des regions polaires, trad. F. de Lanoye, ill. i860 35C Dufour (M.). Voir Romans. Dugas - Montbel. — Observations sur l'lliade d'Homere, 2 vol. 1829-30 436-7I Du Guesclin (Bertrand), par Bonnechose. 1866 764E Du Hamel (Cte V.), Histoire constitutionnelle de la monarchic espa- gnole jusqu'a la mort de Ferdinand VII [411-1833], 2 vol. rel. ens. 1845 J 54 E Dujardin. — La chaleur et l'humidite a la surface de la terre. 1867... 708L Du Lac (P., S. J.), France 1102I Dulaure (J. A.), Histoire de la Restauration [1814-30], 4 vol. rel. ens : 338C Dulaurens (L'abbe). Voir Romans. Dumarsais. — Essai sur les prejuges. 1822 1409I ■ et Batteux (l'abbe), Des tropes ou des differents sens dans lesquels on peut prendre un meme mot dans une meme langue, et de la construction oratoire. 1815 329I Dumas (A.), Charles-le-Temeraire, 2 vol. 1871 822-3E Voir aussi Romans, [56] DUM SECTION FRANCAISE DUV Dumas (A., fils). Voir Romans. Dumoncel (T.), L'eclairage electrique, 2 vol. 1883 2033-4I Le microphone, le radiophone ct le phonographe. 1882 2036I et Geraldy (F.), L'electricite comme force motrice. 1883 20351 Dumont de Bostaquet. — Memoires inedits sur les temps qui ont precede et suivi la revocation de l'edit de Nantes, sur le refuge et les expeditions de Guillaume III en Angleterre et en Irlande ; publies par Ch. Read et F. Waddington [1632-93]. 1864 339C Dumont (E.), La bonne cuisine francaise 1443L Dumont (G.), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte. 1750 1133G Du Moulin (P.), Premiere, deuxieme, troisieme, quatrieme et cin- quieme decades de sermons, 5 tomes rel. ens I J 34G Du Moulin (P., fils), Traite de la paix de l'ame et du contentement de l'esprit. 1729 1679 et 1680G Dunoyer (Mme). Voir Romans. Dupaty (E.), Les delateurs, ou trois annees du XlXme siecle. 18 19 1444L Dupin (C.), Enseignement etsort des ouvriers et de l'indusrrie, avant, pendant et apres 1848 1143^ Voir aussi Pothier : CEuvres, — etc. Duplessis (G.), Les merveilles de la gravure. 1869 2038I Dupont-Vernon (H.), L'art de bien dire ; principes et applications. 1888 422L Dupuis. — Abrege de l'origine de tous les cultes. 1820 H35G Dupuis(E.). Voir Romans. Dupuis (Jean). [Gros : Origines de la conquete du Tongkin] 388G Durand (F. J.), L'Annee eVangelique ou sermons pour tous les dimanches et fetes de l'annee chretienne, 7 vol. 1781 1136-42G Sermons nouveaux, precedes d'une notice historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de l'auteur, par Armand-Delille, 2 vol. 1809...1143-4G Durand (H.), Serie de discours explicatifs de la liturgie anglicane, recueillis de plusieurs auteurs anglais ; avec un precis histo- rique de la liturgie. 1827 1145G Duruy (V.), Abrege de l'histoire de France, 2 vol. 1855 826-7E Histoire de France, 2 vol. 1868 828-9E 1884 1241-2E et des temps modernes, depuis l'avenement de Louis XlVjusqu'a 1815. 1868 830E grecque. 1856 - 824E romaine jusqu'a l'invasion des barbares. 1855 825E Duryer. — Chefs-d'oeuvre. 1800 1489I Du Ryer. — L' Alcoran de Mahomet. 1649 1681G Dutouquet (Dr. H.), De la condition des classes pauvres a la cam- pagne ; des moyens les plus efncaces de l'ameliorer. 1846... 946L Duval (G.), Dictionnaire des metaphores de Victor Hugo. 1888 1103I Voir aussi Romans. Duval (J.), Des societes cooperatives de consommation 1130L Les societes cooperatives de production 1 1 30L Notre planete. 1873 231L Duval (M.), Precis d'astronomie a. l'usage des artistes 59L Duveyrier (C), De la civilisation, [Entretiens populaires) 410L [571 EAU BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES ECO JfcL/AU, De 1', par Lacolonge 1127L considered au point de vue physique, mecanique et alimen- taire, par Lacolonge. 1867 708L L', par Tissandier. 1867 2136I Le feu et 1', par Pizzetta. 1884.. 359L Le monde microscopique des eaux, par Girard. 1872 759L Les glaciers et les transformations de 1', par Tyndall, ill. 1880... 135L Voyages d'une goutte d', par Pizzetta. 1870 363L Eau-de-vie, L', par Bouchardat et Junod 1438L Ebel (J. G.), Manuel du voyageur en Suisse. 1818 227G Eclairage au gaz, L', par Payen. 1867 733L Economie domestique de 1', par Berard. 1867 733L electrique, L', par Du Moncel, 2 vol. 1883 2033-4I Eclairs et tonnerre, par Fonvielle. 1867 2043I Ecole, L', par Simon. 1865 1276L des Robinsons, L', par Verne 239C Ecoles du doute, Les, et l'ecole de la foi, par Gasparin. 1875 1702G industrielles, Des, et de la protection des enfants insoumis ou abandonnes, par Robin. 1879 115C ECONOMIE DOMESTIQUE. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Economie domestique a l'usage des jeunes filles et travaux manuels, par Schefer et Amis. 1887 1309L Cours d', par Mme Hippeau 962L de l'eclairage, par Berard. 1867 733L Hygiene et, par Ysabeau. 1864 409L Le livre des menages, par Beleze. 1861 905L par Millet-Robinet 337L Voir aussi Instruction pour le peuple, — Juranville : Le savoir-faire et le savoir-vivre, — Leneveux : Le budget du foyer, — etc. ECONOMIE POLITIQUE. — Ouvrages sur V : Economie politique, Annuaire de 1', et de la statistique, par Block, [la collection'] 1 1 1 3L chretienne, par Villeneuve-Bargemont, 3 vol. 1834 1032-4L Contes sur 1', par Miss Martineau, 6 vol. 1834-5 1220-5L dans la vie pratique, L', par Rondelet H34L Essais de morale et d', par Franklin. 1869 1150L Etudes sociales et economiques, par Cochin. 1880 942L Harmonies economiques, par Bastiat. 1850 903L Inegalite des conditions, par Rousseau 835I L', par Jevons 1424L populaire, par Baudrillart. 1876 UliL Voir aussi Bastiat : Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas, — Instruc- tion pour le peuple, — etc. Economie rurale, Cours d', par Goeritz, 2 vol. 1850 70- iL de l'Angleterre, de l'Ecosse et de l'lrlande, Essai sur 1', par Lavergne. 1863 . 310L Traite d'agriculture pratique et d', par Ponce 366L sociale, Simples lecons d', par Templar. 1867 1283 et 1284L Ecorce du globe, Tableau des terrains qui composent 1', par Brong- niart. 1838 757L terrestre, L', par Meunier. 1882 2105I [58] ECO SECTION FRANCHISE EGG ECOSSE. — Ouvrages sur 1* : Ecossaises, Les, et le covenant. 1863 S31E Ecosse, Economie rurale de 1', par Lavergne. 1863 3 IQ L Femmes de la Reformation en, par Anderson 712 et 7 J 5E Histoire d', d'apres Frazer Tytler, continuee jusqu'a nos jours, par Maries. 1840 996E Resume de l'histoire d\ par Carrel. 1825 1841E Robert Bruce, par Marmier. 1873 997 E Vie de Marie Stuart, reine d', par Gentz. 1820 867E Voir aussi Fleury : Histoire d'Angleterre et d'Ecosse, — Mengin, — etc. Ecriture-Sainte, par Bossuet, 2 vol iS 1 ' 2 ^ Simples explications de quelques expressions figurees de 1'. 1861 1579G Ecrivains latins de l'Empire, Les, par Charpentier. 1859 801 E Eddas, La Saga des Niebelungen dans les, par Laveleye. 1866 33°I Les, trad, du Puget 33 1 ! Edgeworth (Miss). Voir Romans. Edmond (C), Voyage dans les mers du Nord a. bord de la corvette la Reine Hortense, ill. 1857 3 6 C EDUCATION— Ouvrages sur 1' \ Education, Aux parents, Conseils sur V, par Bordier. 1 871 ... 1317L chretienne, Principes generaux d', par Vulliet. 1887 I3 J 4E correctionnelle, L', en Angleterre, aux Etats-Unis et en France, par Lajoye. 1880 964L De P, par Mme Campan, 2 vol. 1824 9 2 4"5 L Spencer I43 2L de la premiere enfance, Vues sur 1'. 1782 1 SS^ 1 des filles, De 1', par Fenelon 373 et H45 L Opinions des anciens et des modernes sur 1', par Larcher 968L femmes par les femmes, L', par Greard. 1887 I3 0I L meres de famille, par Aim^-Martin. 1838 10G2G de soi-meme, L', par Blackie. 1882 I 3 I 5L du caractere, L', par Martin. 1887 975 et 1305L Du role de la famille dans 1', par Barrau. 1857 902L Prevost-Paradol. 1857 1049L Entre deux jeunes meres, dialogues sur 1', par Mme Fer- tiault. 1882 :... U47L et instruction, par Greard, 4 vol. 1887 1297-1300L intellectuelle, par Corne. 1886 1292L Le salut par 1', par Robert. 1873 i3 l6L par Bossuet, 2 vol !55-6C ■ physique et morale, Traite d', par Clavel, 2 vol. 1855 1125-6L progressive, L', par Mme Necker de Saussure, 2 vol. 1864. 1231-2L Voir aussi Genlis : Adele et Theodore, — Juranville : Le savoir-faire et le savoir-vivre, — Million de faits, — etc. Edwards (E.), Voyages de, [Montemont] 62G Egalite, La vraie et la fausse, par Franck II35L Egger (E. ), De l'histoire et de l'usage de la langue fran9aise, [Confe- rences populaires]..... 1842E Histoire du livre depuis ses origines jusqu'a nos jours 332I [Magasin d 'education] 231C L'Egypte moderne et l'Egypte ancienne. 1868 230G Le papier dans l'antiquite et dans les temps modernes. 1866 ... 733L [59] EGG- PJBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES ELO Egger (E.), Un menage d'autrefois, etude de morale et d'economie domestique H33L Eglise catholique, L', en Angleterre au XVIme siecle, memoires du Pere Gerard, S.J. 1888 1247E chretienne, Histoire des trois premiers siecles de 1', par Pressense, 4vol. 1858-61 1319-22G Histoire de 1', et de l'Empire, par Le Sueur, 7 vol. 1686 1773-9G L', et l'Empire romain au IVe siecle, par Broglie, 6 vol. 1856-66. 1073-8G et les philosophes au Xlllme siecle, par Lanfrey. 1879 I737G reformee de France, histoire ecclesiastique, par deBeze, 3vol. 1841. 1043-5G romaine, Pourrai-je entrer jamais dans 1', par Malan. 1854 1885G EGYPTE. — Ouvrages sur V : Egypte, Cinq mois au Caire et dans la Basse-, par Charmes 201 G En, par Hugonnet. 1883 260G Expedition francaise en [1798-1801], [Montemont] 71G Histoire de 1', par Bayer \temps anciens\ 235E Lettres sur 1', par Barthelemy St-Hilaire. 1857 171G par Savary, 3 vol. 1786 II2-4G Moderne, L', et l'Egypte ancienne, par Egger. 1868 230G Un hiver en, par Poitou. i860 » 54C Voyage dans la Haute et Basse, par Sonnini, 3 vol. et un album de gravures. 1799 119-21G et 58C Voir aussi Canal de Suez, — Didier, — Du Camp,— Histoire universale, — etc. Electricite (L'), par Bailie. 1869 2005I — — comme force motrice, par Du Moncel et Geraldy. 1883 2035I L'etincelle electrique, par Laurencin. 1869 311L — — — Voir aussi Cazin et Du Moncel, — etc. Electro-Chimie, Elements d', par Becquerel. 1843 9L metallurgie, Elements d', par Smee, 2 vol. 1854 744-5L Elie et Elisee, Lecons sur les prophetes, par Gaussen. 1870 1712G Eliezer et Nephtali, par Florian 1431I Elisabeth, d 'Angleterre, La reine vierge, par Capefigue. 1863 777E Elisee, Meditations poetiques sur la vie du prophete, par Blunt. 1845 1608G Eliza et Maria, par Marquand. 1853 38G Eloges historiques lus a l'Academie des sciences, par Flourens. 1857 246L par Mignet. 1864 1012 E ELOQUENCE. — Ouvrages sur V : Eloquence chretienne au I Vme siecle, par Villemain. 185 1 ... 979I Tableau de 1', par Villemain. 1858 I397G ■ de la chaire, Essai sur I*, par Maury. 1850 654I ■ Dialogues sur 1', par Fenelon 373I — — judiciaire en France, Collection des chefs-d'oeuvre de 1', par Clair et Clapier, 16 vol. 1823 926-41L — - latine, Histoire de 1', par Cucheval, 2 vol. 1881 306-7I ' Morceaux d', extraits des sermons des orateurs protestants francais les plus celebres du XVI Ime siecle. 1810 IC87G poetique, Chefs-d'oeuvre d', a l'usage des jeunes orateurs, ou discours francais tires des auteurs tragiques les plus celebres. 1820 269I ' Voir atissi Conferences, — Discours, — Orateurs, — Sermons, — Bau- tain : Etude sur l'art de parler en public, — Lalouel : Les orateurs de la Grande-Bretagne, — Mirabeau : Chefs-d'ceuvre oratoires, — etc. [60] EMA SECTION FRANCHISE ENP Emanuel, ou paraphrase evangelique, par Le Noir. 1698 1218G Embranchement de Mugby, L', par Dickens 232C Emile, ou de l'education, par Rousseau, 2 vol 840-41 1 3 vol 1532-41 Empereurs romains, Histoire des, par Crevier, 2 vol. ill. 1836 810-1E Les, par Zeller. 1863 1214E Empire chinois, L', par Hue, 2 vol. 1857 256-7G Empire, L', des sources du soleil ou le Japon ouvert. i860 146G EMPIRE. — Ouvrages sur le premier Empire frangais : Empire, Condition ct influence des femmes sous 1', par S. R. 1828 1271L Evenements en France depuis le debarquement de Napoleon, le Ier Mars 18 15, iusqu'au traite du 20 Novembre, par Miss Williams. 1816 670E Guerres maritirnes sous 1', par Jurien de la Graviere, 2 vol. 1847 927-8E Histoire de la campagne de 181 5, par Quinet. 1867 47 2 ^ 1', et du Consulat, par Thiers, 21 vol. 1845-69 593-613E par Thiers, 4 vol. 1865-7 ^ 387-90C Napoleon et de la grande armee pendant l'annee 181 2. 2 vol. 1852 547-8E par Tissot, 2 vol. 1833 614-5E Les cent jours, par Capefigue, 3 vol. 1841 1837-9E L'Europe pendant 1', par Capefigue, 10 vol. 1840 1827-36E Souvenirs militaires de 1804 a 1814, par Fezensac. 1869 ... 845E Voiranssi Abrantes : M£moires, — Bourrienne : M^moires, — Lettres et M£moires de Mme de R£musat, — Mignet : Revolution francaise, — Miot de Melito : M^moires, — Norvins : Tableau de la revolution francaise, — Tissot : V ictoires des Francais, — Vdron : M6moires d'un bourgeois de Paris, — etc. Empire ottoman. Voir Turquie. romain a Rome, L', par Ampere, 2 vol. 1867 13-14E Empoisonnement, Secours a donner aux personnes empoisonnees, par Orfila. 1830 348L Enault (L.). Voir Romans. Encore sur les comtemporains, par Chasles. 1869 251I Encyclopedic horticole, par Carriere 201 L Eneide de Virgile, 3 vol. 1822 1563-5I de Virgile, trad. Delille, 4 vol 1382-5I Energie morale, L', par Zurcheret Margolle. 1882 , 2152I ENFANCE. — Ouvrages sur et pour V : Enfanoe a Paris, L', par d'Haussonville. 1879 961 L La seconde, par Perier. 1888 1308L ■ Vues sur l'education de la premiere. 1782 !55L Enfances celebres, par Colet 803, 804E et 274I Enfants celebres, Les, par Masson. 1855 403E - — — Devoirs des, envers leurs parents, par Barrau. 1866 1109L -= — ■ Exercices et travaux pour les, par Delon. 1873 57L Histoire de trois pauvres enfants, par Charton. 1867 802E insoumis ou abandonnes, par Robin. 1879 115C ■ Journal des 218C La mythologie racontce aux, par Lame-Fleury. 1865 1456L [6i] ENF BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES ERG ENFANCE. — Ouvrages sur et pour 1' : — {suite.) Enfants, Sagesse des, par Fath, ill. 1885 367I Santedes, par Mme de Segur. 1881 1272L Les, par Hugo 469 1 peres et les, au XlXme siecle, par Legouve, 2 vol 1203-4L Petite histoire naturelle pour les. 1876 280L Voir aussi Andre : Lectures pour les enfants, — Bawr : Contes pour les enfants, — Berquin : Choix de petits drames et de contes, --- Bour- guin : Monsieur Lesage, Soyez bons pour les animaux, — Calemard de la Fayette, — Carraud, — Charton, — Choix de beaux exemples, ■ — Colomb, — Edgeworth, — Flesselles : Petit theatre de famille, — Genlis : Giuvres completes, — Gouraud, — Gu6rard : La corbeillede l'enfance, — Guibert : Lecons sur la nature, — Kuhff : Le9ons et lectures, Les enfantines, _ Rimes et dictons, — Lamd Fleury : , Mythologie, Histoire ancienne, Histoire grecque, Histoire ro- maine, — Livre des enfants, — Lectures pour les enfants, — Mallcs de Beaulieu, — Marcel, — Marechal, — Muller, — Pape-Carpen- tier, — P^caut et Baude : L'art, — Picbard : Madame Adeline, — Pitray, — Porchat : Les colons du rivage, Histoire de France, La sagesse du hameau, — Pressense" (Mme de), — Sandras, — Sannois, — Schmid, — Segur, — Stahl : Morale familiere, — Stolz, — Ulliac- Tr£madeure : Les jeunes naturalistes, — Witt (Mme de), — etc. Enfantines du bon pays de France, Les, par Kuhff. 1878 518I Engelmann (J. B.), Manuel pour les voyageurs en Allemagne et dans les pays limitrophes. 1835 24G Engrais chimiques, Pratique des, par Mussa. 1873 342L Essai sur les, par Re. 1813 126L perdus dans les campagnes, Les, par Delagarde , 215L Ennemi de la famille, L', par Gasparin. 1874 I7°3(j ENSEIGNEMENT. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Enseignement du peuple, L', par Quinet, [Politique et religion]. 1844G manuel et professionnel en Allemagne et dans les pays du Nord, De T, par Salicis et Jost. 1887 132L primaire, par Greard, [Education et Instruction]. 1887 ... 1297L ■ secondaire, par Greard, [Education et Instruction], 2 V0I....1298-9L superieur, par Greard, [Education et Instruction]. 1887 ... 1300L » Voir aussi Education, — Instruction, — Instruction pour le peuple, — etc. Entomologie. Voir Insectes, — SeViziat : Histoire des ccl^opteres de France, — etc. Entre deux cousins, par Stahl , 228C jeunes meres, par Mme Fertiault. 1882 1147L Entrecasteaux (d'), Voyages de, [Montemont] 64G Entretiens de village, par Cormenin. 1847 284! • populaires, publies par Evariste Thevenin, annee 1865, 2 vol. 410-11L publies par Thevenin, annee 1866 399 et 412L solitaires d'une ame devote avec son Dieu, par Kniphuysen Nienoort, 3 tomes rel. ens. 1706 1203G Epargne, L', par L'Etang. 1869 1212L Epigrammes de Martial, Choix d\ 1852 444I Epitre aux Hebreux, Exposition de 1'. 1555 1274G Epitres, par Voltaire 1002I Epreuves du sentiment, par d'Arnaud, 5 vol. 1772 201-5I Erasme, Eloge de la folie, precede de l'histoire d'Erasme et de ses ecrits, par M. Nisard, 1843 338I Erckmann-Cnatrian, Le cabalistique Hans Weinland, [Magasin de librairie] 249C M ERO SECTION FRANCAISE ESP Erckmann-Chatrian, Le talion, [Magasin de librairie] 250C violon du pendu, [Magasin de librairie] 248C Voir aussi Romans. Erckmann (J.) Voir Romans. Ermite de la chaussee d'Antin, L', par Jouy, 3 vol. 1823 478-80I 5 vol 502-6I Guiane, L', par Jouy, 2 vol. 1823 483-4I en prison, L', par Jouy, 1823 493I province, par Jouy, 8 vol. 1823 485-92I Ernouf (Le baron), Compositeurs celebres : Beethoven, Rossini, Meyerbeer, Mendelssohn, Schumann, ill. 1888 1243E Deux inventeurs celebres, Philippe de Girard et Jacquard. i867 833 E Ilistoire de trois ouvriers francais, Richard Lenoir, Abraham- Louis Breguet, Michel Brezin. 1867 832E Le Caucase, la Perse et la Turquie cVAsie. 1876 231G Erreurs et prejuges populaires, par Puissant. 1873 1241L Escande (G.), Hoche en Irlande [1795-8], d apres des documents inedits : Lettres de Hoche, deliberations secretes du Direc- toire, memoires secrets de Wolf Tone. 1888 1244E Eschenburg (J. J.), Manuel de litterature classique ancienne, conte- nant l'archeologie, une notice des auteurs classiques, la mytho- logie, les antiquites grecques et romaines, 2 vol. an X 339"4oI Eschyle. — Tragedies, trad. Ad. Bouillet. 1878 341I par Patin. 1858 73 1 ! Esclavage ancien et moderne, Histoire de 1', par Tourmagne. 1880 1030L dans l'antiquite, Histoire de 1', par Wallon, 3 vol. 1879 1035-7L Histoire de l'abolition de 1', aux Etats-Unis, [Jouault : Lincoln]. 926E Voir aussi Beaumont : Marie ou l'esclavage aux Etats-Unis — Marquand : John Brown, — etc. Esclaves, Histoire de la cote des, [Histoire universale] 267E Escoffier (H.). Voir Romans. Esmeralda, La, par Hugo 1464I ESPAGNE-Ouvrages sur 1' : Espagne, A travers 1', par Meylan. 1876 303G Antonio Perez et Philippe II, par Mignet. 1853 432E Avenement des Bourbons au trone d', par Hippeau, 2 vol. 200- iE Charles-Quint, par Mignet. 1855 433E Conjurations des Espagnols contre la republique de Venise, par Saint-Real. 1803 1883E Conquete de Grenade, par Lemercier. 1859 ... 977E contemporaine, par Teste. 1872 358G Don Carlos et Philippe II, par Moiiy. 1863 1024E 1888 1260E et Algerie, Voyage en, par Boucher de Perthes. 1855 190G Femmes de la Reformation en, par Anderson 711 et 714E Histoire abregee de l'inquisition d', par Gallois. 1823 1698G de la monarchic espagnole [411- 1833], par Du Hamel, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1845 J 54E 1', depuis la mort de Charles III, par Reynald. 1873 1069E [Histoire universelle] 231 et 271-3E des Arabes et des Mores d', par Viardot, 2 vol. 185 1 ... 657-8E Osmanlis et de la monarchic espagnole, pendant les XVIme et XVIIme siecles, par Ranke. 1839 478E [63] ESP BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES ETA ESPAGNE.— Ouvrages sur 1' -.—{suite.) Espagne, Histoire clu regne de l'empereur Charles-Quint, par Robertson, 6 vol. 1771 1070-5E 2 vol. 1844 1076-7E Isabelle de Castille, par Capefigue. 1869 783E L', par Amicis. 1878 129G sous Charles-Quint, Philippe II et Philippe III, par Ranke. 1873 1061E Memoires historiques sur la revolution d', par de Pradt. 1816 469E Sac au dos a travers 1', par France. 1888 403G Voiraussi Inquisition, — Beauriez : Une fille de France, — Dumas : Im- pressions de voyage, — Miot de Melito : Memoires, — Verncs d'Arlandes, — etc. Espece humaine, L', par Quatrefages. 1877 124L Especes, Variabilite des, par Faivre. 1868 233L Esperances chretiennes, Les, par Cochin. 1883 1423G Esprit de M. Nicole, L'. 1765 181 iG des betes, L', par Toussenel 57!^ journaux francais et etrangers, L', par une societe de gens de lettres, 1785-86, 24 vol 342-65I lois de Montesquieu, Commentaires sur 1', par Destutt de Tracy. 1822 1140L oiseaux, L', par Berthoud. 1867 12L L', de Mr. Arnaud, tire de sa conduite et des ecrits, tant de lui que de ses disciples 1684 ^^G Esquimaux, Deux ans chez les, par Hall. 1880 1807L Esquiros (A.), L'Angleterre et la vie anglaise, 4 vol 232-5G L/esprit des Anglais 1144L Voir aussi Franklin : La vie des animaux, — etc. Esquisses historiques et litteraires, par Lomenie. 1879 628I Quatre femmes au temps de la Revolution, par l'auteur des souvenirs de Madame Recamier. 1866 1053E Essai de meditations religieuses sur l'Evangile selon Saint-Matthieu. 1034G historique sur le commerce et la navigation de la mer Noire ou voyages et entreprises pour etablir des rapports commerciaux et maritimes entre les ports de la mer Noire et ceux de la Mediterranee. 1805 3G sur la philosophic de Bossuet, par Nourrisson. 1862 1309G l'homme, de Pope, trad. Delille 1393I les formes de gouvernement et les devoirs des souverains, par Frederic II 156E mceurs et l'esprit des nations, par Voltaire, 6 vol 1005-10I Essais de Montaigne, 6 vol. 1818 1497-1502I Theodicee sur la bonte de Dieu, etc., par Leibnitz, 2 vol ... 1756-7G litteraires, par Macaulay. 1865 106I sur les Isles Fortunees, par Bory, ill. 1803 23C Estelle, par Florian 1417I Estevanille Gonzalez, par Le Sage. 1783 618I Esthetique, Essais d\ par Lesfauris. 1858 317L Estomac, Les serviteurs de 1', par Mace 3 2 3L Maux d', par Carnet. 1866 199^ Estrees, (Gabrielle d'). Voir Gabrielle d'Estrees. Etat, L', ou la Republique, par Platon 745| Etat de siege, par Quinet, [Politique et Religion] 1844G [64] ETA SECTION FRANCA I3E. ETU ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE. — Ouvrages sur les : Etats-Unis, A travers I'Atlantique et dans le Nouveau-Monde, par Pascal. 1870 394G Les, par d'Haussonville. 1883 248G Abraham Lincoln, Histoire de l'abolition de l'esclavage aux, parjouault. 1875 926E Constitution, moeurs, sectes religieuses, etc., par Audouard 153G dAmerique, Les, impressions de voyage, par Dixon. 1879 1805L par Roux de Rochelle, [Univers]. 1853 639E depuis 1812, par Regnault et Labaume, [Univers]. 1849 ••• 636E Histoire de la presse aux, par Cucheval-Clarigny. 1857... 308 et 1089I republique des, par Astie [1620- 1860], 2 vol. 1865 15-16E Washington et de la fondation de la republique des, par de Witt. 1855 671E des, par Laboulaye, 3 vol. 1870 932-4E John Brown, par Marquand. i860 998E L'education correctionnelle aux, par Lajoye. 1880 964L Lettres sur les, et le Canada, par Molinari 3°9G Lincoln, sa vie, son ceuvre et sa mort, par Bungener. 1865 772E Marie ou l'esclavage aux, par Beaumont. 1842 223I Origine et fondation des, par Lorain. 1853 990E Prieres publiques, sacrements, rites et ceremonies de l'Eglise protestante episcopate aux, par Verren. 1831 1872G Quatre mille lieues aux, par Biancour. 1888 395Gr Un vaincu, souvenirs du general Robert Lee, par Mme Boissonnas. 1875 756E Vie de Franklin, par Mignet. 1869 1013E Voyage dans les, par La Rochefoucauld [1795-97] 7 vol 28-34G Voir aussi Gasparin : Un grand peuple qui se releve, — Histoire univer- sale, — Hue : Aux pays du petrole, — Hulot : De I'Atlantique au Pacifique, — Lee, — Paris (Cte de) : Guerre civile en Amerique, — Pike, — Simonin, — Tocqueville : Ddmocratie en Amerique, — Washington, — Witt : Thomas Jefferson, — etc. Ete au bord de la Baltique et de la mer du Nord, Un, par Marmier 299G Etincelle electrique, L', par Cazin. 1880 2019I Laurencin. 1869 311L Etoiles, Les, par Guillemin. 1877 271L Etolie, Histoire de 1', [Histoire universelle] 211E Etrangers en France, Situation des, au point de vue du recrutement, par L'Esprit. 1888 1047L Etrusques, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 234E Etudes commerciales, par Luquin, 2 vol. 1883-6 437-8L contemporaines, par Chasles. 1866 250I par Pressense. 1S80 1220E de la nature, par Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, 8 vol 1323-30I et portraits politiques, par Lanfrey. 1874 602I evangeliques, Nouvelles, par Vinet. 1862 , 1875G - par Pressense. 1867 1837G Vinet. 1847 1400G : — — 1861 1874G historiques et biographiques, par Barante, 2 vol. 1857 47-8E par Chateaubriand, 3 vol. 1833 258-60I intimes sur la vie morale, par Boucher. 1854 1051G morales sur l'antiquite, par Martha. 1883 1791G 3 [65] ETU BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES EXP Etudes napolitaines, par Peter. 1882 320G par Saint-Marc Girardin 240C philosophiques sur le christianisme, par Nicolas, 4 vol. 1851...1807-10G scientifiques, de l'utilite des, pour les ouvriers, par Martelet, [En- tretiens populaires] 41 iL sociales et economiques, par Cochin. 1880 ..; 942L sur les tragiques grecs, par Patin, 4 vol 73WI Traite des, par Rollin, 4 vol. 1813 , 826-9 et 830-3I 2V ° L / l8lS 117-8I abrege. 1846 834I Eugenie de Guerin, journal et fragments, parTrebutien 1172E Lettres d', publiees par Trebutien. 1866 I173E Euler (L.), Lettres a une princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophic, precedees de l'eloge d'Euler, par Condorcet, introd. et notes de M. Emile Saisset. 1843 232L Eure-et-Loir, Departement du, ses homines illustres, [Brainne : Hommes illustres de l'Orleanais] 327-8C Euripide, par Patin, 2 vol. 1858 732-3I EUROPE. — Ouvrages generaux sur V : Europe au moyen-age, L', par Hallam, 4 vol. 1837 195-8E Considerations sur le corps politique de 1', par Frederic II... 156E Histoire de la civilisation en, par Guizot. 1856 889E — generale de la civilisation en, par Guizot. 1854 1845E L', depuis l'avenementde Louis-Philippe, par Capefigue, 10 vol. 1845 87-96E par Lanier, ill. 1887 410G pendant le consulat et l'empire de Napoleon, par Cape- figue, 10 vol. 1840 1827-36E Voir aussi Mont6mont, — les principales subdivisions politiques de l'Europe, — etc. EVANGILE. — Ouvrages sur ' : Evangile, La morale de 1', par Lucas. 1710 ... 1782G selon Saint-Jean, Explication de V. 1863 1025G Lecons explicatives et pratiques sur 1', par Sumner. 1384G Luc, Lecons sur 1', par Gaussen, 2 vol. 1876-9 ... 1710-11G Matthieu, Essai de meditations religieuses surl'. 1844. . . 1034G Evangiles, De la date de nos, par Tischendorf. 1866 1394G Voir aussi Ancien-Testament, — Bible, — Nouveau-Testament, — Religion, — etc. Evans (J.), L'age du bronze, instruments, armes et ornements de la Grande-Bretagne et de l'Irlande, trad. W. Battier, ill. 1882 450L Evasions celebres, Les, par Bernard. 1870 2006I Examen de soi-meme, L', par Claude. 1682 1639G Excelsior! par Maurel. 1882 1226L Exemples et conseils, par Triqueti. 1858 629E Exercices de piete et prieres, par Zollikofre. 1787 1880G Exhortations, par Bourdaloue, 2 vol. 1834 1064-5G Existence, De 1', et des attribute de Dieu, parFenelon. 1845 1682G Exode, Lecons sur les vingt premiers chapitres de 1', par Gaussen. 1709G Explorations dans l'interieur de l'Afrique australe, par Livingstone, [1840- 1 856] ill 42C du Zambese et de ses affluents, par Livingstone [1858-1864], ill... 43C [66] EXP SECTION FRANCHISE FAN Explorations sous-marines, Les, par Perrier. 1886 . 577C Exposition universelle de 1867, Les curiosites de 1', par Gautier 1155^ Expositions de l'industrie, Les, et l'exposition universelle de 1867, par Lavollee • • 1 1 28L FABLES de Fenelon. 1867 1411I Florian 1429I La Fontaine 5 2 3» 5 2 4, 1472 et 1474I 2 vol i47S-6et 1477-8I annotees par Buffon iliol et paraboles, par Porchat. 1854 768I poesies diverses, Choix de, par Gresse 409I nouvelles, par Chatelain. 1856 268I par Lachambeaudie. 1862 522I Longuecand. 1881 - 630I Viennet. 1855 9 6 7* Fablierdes dames 14 101 ecoles, Le, par Porchat, 2 vol. 1866 1507-8I Fabre (F.). Voir Romans. Fagan(L.). [Merimee : Lettres a M. Panizzi] 109-10I Fairbairn, (William). Qonveaux : Histoire de quatre ouvriers an- glais.] 923E Fairfax (Lord T.), Memoires 112E Faivre (E.), La variability des especes et ses limites. 1868 233L Falloux (Cte A. de), Memoires d'un royaliste, 2 vol. 188S 685-6E FAMILLE. — Ouvrages sur la : Famille, Du role de la, dans l'education, par Prevost-Paradol 1049L De la, par Franck IJ 33L La femme dans la, par Comberousse IT 33L jDar Gasparin. 1866, 2 vol 1699-1700G " 2 vol. 1876 954-5L — Janet. 1866 963L 1881 1302L Le pretre, la femme et la, par Michelet. 1881 1228L 2N° S filles et nos fils, scenes et etudes de, par Legouve 1205L Voir atissi Legouv£ : Les peres et les enfants au XlXme siecle, — etc. Famille Chester, Histoire de la, par Stahl et Hughes 221C de Bethanie, La, par Bonnet. 1834 1049G noble sous la Terreur, Une, par des Echerolles. 1879 149E Famin (C), Chili, Paraguay, Uruguay, Buenos- Ayres, [Univers] 634E Circassie et Georgie, [Univers] 641E Colombie et Guyanes, [Univers]. 1846 631E Fanning (Col. D.), Voyages de, [Montemont] 70G Fantin-Desodoards (A.), Abrege chronologique de la revolution de France, 3 vol. 1802 842-4E Voir aussi H6n ault et Fantin-Desodoards, — etc. [67] FAR BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES FEN Faraday (M.), Histoire d'une chandelle, notes de Henri Sainte-Claire Deville 234L Farre (Marquis de la), CEuvres diverses. 1750 937E Far- West, Dans l'extreme, par Johnson, ill. 1874 265G Du, a Borneo, par Wogan. 1873 375G Le, par Audouard. 1869 152G Souvenirs du, par Woelmont. 1883 374G Voir aussi Etats-Unis, — etc. Fath (G.), Ea sagesse des enfants, proverbes illustres. 1885 367I Fauchery (A. ), Lettres d'un mineur en Australie, preface de Theodore de Banville. 1857 368I Faust et le second Faust, par Goethe, trad. G. de Newal. 1879 400I par Goethe, trad. Henri Blaze. 1866 401 et 402I trad. Daniel. 183 1 399I Favrat (L.). Voir Zschokke et Favrat. Favre (Jules). [Draussin : Portraits historiques] 818E Favre (L.). Voir Romans. Fawcett (H.), Travail et salaires. 1885 1294L Faye (C. de), Histoire d'un homme qui a perdu un sens, ou vie du docteur John Kitto. i860 841E Faye (P.), Notions de geometric 1866 696L Fee (A. L. A.), Les miseres des animaux. 1863 2 35L Feer (H. L.), Les mines de Ninive ou description des palais detruits des bords du Tigre, suivie d'une description du musee assyrien du Louvre, ill. 1864 25G Feillet (A.), r^'r Romans. Felice (G. de), Histoire des protestants de France, continuee depuis 1861 jusqu'au temps actuel, par F. Bonifas. 1874 II46G depuis l'origine de la Reformation jusqu'au temps present. 1856 1678G FEMME. — Ouvrages sur la : Femme, De la, par Roussel. 1788 1267L dans la famille, La, par Comberousse 1133L La, le pretre et la famille, par Michelet. 1881 1228L par Monod. 1871 1283G Femmes celebres, Deux, par Lamy. 1884 960E de la Reformation, Les, par Anderson, 3 vol. 1865-9 710-2 et 713-5E reforme, Quelques, par Abelous. 1859 701E Essai sur le caractere, les moeurs et l'esprit des, par Thomas. 1823 1286L L'education des, par les femmes, par Greard. 1887 1301L La mission des, en temps de guerre, par Mme Monod. 1870 1229L Le merite des, par Legouve. 1813 1480I Les, leur condition et leur influence dans l'ordre social, par Segur, 3 vol. 1828 1268-70L Les, sous l'Empire et depuis la Restauration, par S. R. 1271L philosophes, Les, par Lescure. 1881 986E Portraits de, par Sainte-Peuve 8861 et 1116E Fenelon (Francois de Salignac de La Mothe), De l'education des filles. 1811 1145L l'existence et des attributs de Dieu. 1845 1682G [68] FEN SECTION FRANCAISE. FIG Fenelon (F. de Salignac de La Mothe), Dialogues sur l'eloquence et ceuvres choisies : de l'education des filles, etc., notice par le cardinal de Bausset 373I Fables, notes de Ad. Regnier. 1867 1411I Les aventures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse. 1839 374I Morceaux choisis 1412 et 1413I CEuvres choisies, 4 vols. 1865 369-72I Fer, Le, la fonte et l'acier, par Delon. 1876 692L par Gamier. 1878 2048I Voir aussi Jonveaux : Histoire de quatre ouvriers anglais, — etc. Feraud (E.), Les petites causes de nos maladies. 1865 236L Ferme, Les animaux de la, par Des Vaulx 228L Ferrare, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 289E Ferry (G.). Voir Romans. Ferry (J. ). [Deux ministres pedagogues] 435L Fertiatilt (Mme J.), Entre deux jeunes meres, dialogues sur l'educa- tion. 1882' H47L Le bonheur au foyer. 1877 1146L Fetes celebres de l'antiquite, du moyen-age et des temps modernes, Les, par Bernard. 1878 2008I Feu, Le, et l'eau, par Pizzetta. 1884 359L Les merveilles du, par Bouant. 1885 2013I Feuille de papier, Histoire d'une, par Pizzetta. 1868 364L Feuilles d'automne, Les, par Hugo. 18S1 460 et 1466I de la foret, Les, par Corbet. 187 1 283 et 1091I Feuillet de Conches (F.), Louis XVI, Marie- Antoinette et Madame Elisabeth, lettres et documents in edits, 4 vol. 1864 380-3E Feuillet (O,) Voir Romans. Feval (P.) Voir Romans par Buet 1236E Fezensac (Due de), Souvenirs militaires de 1804 a 1814. 1869 845E Fidji, Les iles, [Lelievre : L'apotre des cannibales] 976E Figuier (L.), Connais-toi toi-meme, notions de physiologie a l'usage de la jeunesse et des gens du monde. 1879 521C Exposition et histoire des principales decouvertes scientifiques modernes, 2 vol. 1851 238-9L Histoire des plantes. 1865 516C L'alchimie et les alchimistes, essai historique et critique sur la philosophic hermetique. 1856 237L L'annee scientifique et industrielle. 1887 423L La terre avant le deluge. 1866 519C et les mers, ou description physique du globe. 1866 520C La vie et les moeurs des animaux, 4 vol. 1856-79 : Zoophytes et mollusques 5roC Les poissons, les reptiles et les oiseaux 511C Les mammiferes 513C Les insectes 514 et 515C L'homme primitif. 1870 522C Le savant du foyer ou notions scientifiques sur les objets usuels de la vie. 1867 517C Les grandes inventions modernes et anciennes dans les sciences, l'industrie et les arts. 1865 518C Les races humaines. 1873 509C Scenes et tableaux de la nature. 1879 1806L [69] FIG BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES FLE Figuier (L.), Vies des savants illustres, depuis 1'antiquite jusqu'au XlXme siecle, avec l'appreciation sommaire de leurs travaux, 4 vol. 1870 : Savants du moyen-age 523C Savants de la Renaissance 524C Savants du XVIIme siecle 525C Savants du XVIIIme siecle 526C Vies des savants illustres depuis 1'antiquite jusqu'au XlXme siecle: savants de 1'antiquite, 2 vol. 1873 846-7E Figuier (Mme L.), L'ltalie d'apres nature, — L'ltalie meridionale. 236G La predicante des Cevennes. 1864 1683G Voir aussi Romans. Filles, De l'education des, par Fenelon. 1811 1145L Nos, et nos fils, par Legouve 1205L Opinions des anciens et des modernes sur l'education des, par Larcher 968L Filon (A.), La France et l'Autriche au XVIIme siecle, [Magasin de librairie] 244C Des origines du pouvoir temporel des papes, [Magasin de librairie]. 247C Fin de l'anarchie, La, par Bigot. 1878 1290L Finlande. [Le Due] . 291G Finlayson. — Voyages en Asie de, [Montemont] 83G Fistie (C). r^/r Romans. Flammarion (C.), Contemplations scientifiques, Ire serie. 1876 ... 243L La pluralitedes mondes habites. 1866 241 et 242L 1 Les heros du travail, [Conferences populaires] 1 842E Les merveilles celestes. 1865 2040I Les mondes imaginaires et les mondes reels, voyage pittoresque dans le ciel. 1866 240L Lumen 4 2 4L Petite astronomie descriptive, adaptee aux besoins de l'enseigne- ment, par C. Delon. 1877 244 et 245L Reves etoiles. 1888 425L Flandre, La legende du bienheureux Charles-le-Bon, comte de, par Galbert de Bruges. 1853 858E Flandrin (E.), Histoire des chevaliers de Rhodes, depuis la creation de l'ordre a Jerusalem jusqu'a sa capitulation a Rhodes. 1867 340C Flatters. — Voyage de la mission, au pays des Touareg-Azdjers, par Brosselard, ill. 1883 396G Flaubert (G.), Lettres a George Sand, precedees d'une etude par Guy de Maupassant. 1884 375I Par les champs et par les greves, [Voyage en Bretagne], accom- pagne de melanges et de fragments in edits. 1 886 343G Fleehier (E., eveque de Nimes), CEuvres completes, avec notice de A. V. Fabre de Narbonne, 10 vol. 1828 : Tome I. — Oraisons funebres 64I Tomes II a IV. — Sermons, discours, panegyriques 65-7I Tome V. — Panegyriques, mandements, etc 681 Tome VI. — Histoire de Th£odose-le-Grand 69I Tome VII. — Vie du cardinal Ximenes 70I Tome VIII. — Vie du cardinal Commendon 71I Tome IX. — Poesies latines et francaises, etc 72I Tome X. — Lettres et pieces diverses 73^ Voir aussi Oraisons funebres, — etc. [70] FLE SECTION FRANCAISE FON Flesselles (Mme de), Petit theatre de famille, ou scenes propres a. etre jouees par des enfants. 1823 376I Fleuriot (G.). Voir Romans. Fleurs, Guirlande de Flore 713L Histoire des roses, par Malo 714L La vie des, par Noel 343L Le langage des, par Mme de Latour 707L Les, par Dubos. 1817 695L Mollevaut 1494I Souvenir de Flore, ou le langage des 746L Voir aussi Botanique, — Horticulture, — Jardinage, — etc. Fleurs des mines, poesies, par Lemoyne. 1887 1112I Fleury (J. A.), Histoire d'Angleterre, comprenant celle de l'Ecosse, de l'lrlande et des possessions anglaises, 2 vol. 1852 848-9E Moeurs des Israelites et des Chretiens. 1839 1684G Fleury. — Memoiresde Fleury, de la Comedie-Francaise, publies par J. B. P. Lafitte [1757-1820], 2 vol. rel. ens. 1847 8 5 oE Fleuves et ruisseaux, Les merveilles des, par Millet. 1871 2110I Florence, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 292-3E Florian (J. P. C. de), CEuvres, 24 vol. 1810 : Tome I. — Galatee 1410I Tome II. — Estelle — 1417I Tome III. — Melanges 1418I Tomes IV a. VI. — Theatre 1419-21I Tomes VII et VIII. — Numa Pompilius 1422-3I Tomes IX et X. — Nouvelles 1424-5I Tomes XI a. XIII. — Gonzalve de Cordoue 1426-8I Tome XIV. — Fables 1429I Tome XV. — Guillaume Tell 1430I Tome XVI. — Eliezer et Nephtali 1431I Tomes XVII a. XXII. — Don Quichotte, de Cervantes 1432-7I Tome XXIII. — Nouveaux melanges 1438I Tome XXIV. — M^moires d'un jeune Espagnol [Jeunesse de Florian] 1439I 12 vol. I44O-51I Voir aussi Romans. Flourens (P.), De l'instinct et de l'intelligence des animaux. 1870 426L la vie et de l'intelligence. 1858 247L Recueil des eloges historiques lus dans les seances publiques de l'Academie des sciences. 1857 246L Focillon (Ad.), Premieres le9ons d'histoire naturelle : Zoologie, Botanique, Mineralogie. 1866 248, 249 et 250L Foi divine, Traite de la, par La Placete, 3 vol. 1716 1744-6G L'excellence de la, et de ses effets, par Martin, 2 vol. 1710 ...1235-6G Folie, Eloge de la, par Erasme. 1843 338I Fonblanque (A. de), L'Angleterre, son gouvernement, ses institu- tions, trad. F. C. Dreyfus, preface de Henry Brisson. 1881 947L Fondateurs de l'astronomie moderne, Les, par Bertrand 180L l'unite francaise, Les, par Came, 2 vol. 1856 84-5E Fontenelle (B. le Bouyer de), Entretiens sur la pluralite des mondes mis au courant des progres de la science, par A. Boillot 1425L et de Lalande (J.), Entretiens sur la pluralite des mondes, par Fontenelle, precedes de l'astronomie des dames, par J. de Lalande. 1820 60L Voir aussi Morceaux choisis, — etc. Fonvielle (W. de), Eclairs et tonnerre. 1867 2043I Le glacon du Polaris, aventures du capitaine Tyson,, racontees d'apres les publications americaines. 1877 237G [71] FON BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES. FRA Fonvielle (W. de), Le petrole. 1888 2165I Lepolesud. 1888 2166I Les merveilles du monde invisible. 1869 2045I Forbin (Cte de), Voyage a. Siam. 1853 294G ForQats pour la foi, Les, par Coquerel. 1866 1645G Force de la verite, La, par Scott. 1818 *373G Force, Merveilles de la, et de l'adresse, par Depping. 1878 2029I Forces physiques, Les, par Cazin. 187 1 2020I Foret, Les enchantements de la, par Theuriet. 1881 1818L Forets, Les, par Lesbazeilles. 1884 2087I Forgues (E. D.), Voir Romans. Formey (J. H. S.), Abrege de l'histoire ecclesiastique, 2 vol. 1763 1695-6G Devotions raisonnables et chretiennes a. l'usage de tous les fideles, 2 vol. 1770 1693-4G Discours moraux pour servir de suite au philosophe chretien, 2 vol. 1148-9G Le philosophe chretien, 4 vol. 1752-7....- 1688-91G pa'ien ou pensees de Pline, avec un commentaire litteraire et moral, 3 vol. 1759 1685-7G Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-sainte, 2 tomes rel. ens. 1147G Tableau du bonheur domestique, suivi de quelques discours sur quelques verites interessantes de la religion et de la morale. 1692G Forster, (C), Pologne, [Univers]. 1840 642E Forster (J. B.), Voyages au coin du feu 238G Fortunat (D.), Abrege de la geographie de l'ile d'Ha'iti et des autres Antilles. 1888 402G Fortune (R.), Aventures dans ses voyages en Chine a la recherche des fleurs et du the. 1843-50 145G Fossey (M. de), Le Mexique. 1857 37C Fossiles, Les, par Tissandier. 1875 2140I Fouillee (A.), L'idee moderne du droit en Allemagne, en Angleterre et enFrance. 1878 U48L Fouinet (E.), Voir Romans. Fouret. — Voir Viard et Fouret. Fourier, Charles, sa vie et sa theorie, par Pellarin. 1843 1034E Fourmis, Moeurs des, par Huber. 1861 289L Lubbock. 1880 ; .. 489C Fournel. — Traite du voisinage, considere dans l'ordre judiciaire et administratif et dans ses rapports avec le code civil, 2 vol. 1834 949-50L Founder (E.), Le vieux-neuf, histoire ancienne des inventions et decouvertes modernes, 3 vol. 1877 251-3L FOUS des rois de France, Recherches historiques sur les, par Canel. 1873 - •••■ 774E Foyer, Le bonheur au, par Mme Fertiault. 1877 1 146L Fragments philosophiques, par Cousin. 1833 II06G 4 vol. 1847 1655-8G Fraissinet (E.), Le Japon, histoire et description, rapports avec les Europeens, expedition americaine, 2 vol 851-2E FRANCE. — Ouvrages sur la, et sur les Frangais : Fr angais a Madagascar, Les, par Hue, ill 3$6G Obock, Les, par Rivoyre, ill 39!^ au Canada, Les, par Chalamet, ill 3&7G en Amazonie, Les, par Coudreau, ill 39°Gr [72] FRA SECTION FRANCAISE. FRA FRANCE. — Ouvrages sur la, et sur les Frangais : — (stute.) Frangais en Guyane, Les, par Gros, ill 389G Les, dans les ties de la Manche, par Fremine, ill. 1888 385G France, Abd-el-Kader et la guerre d'Afrique, par Plee 360C Abrege chronologique de la revolution de, par Fantin- Desodoards, 3 vol. 1802 842-4E de la geographie de la, par Belin de Launay. 1855 182G l'histoire de, par Duruy, 2 vol. 1855 826-7E des temps modernes, par Michelet. 1884 1255^ Agnes Sorel et la chevalerie, par Capefigue. i860 7^9^ Anecdotes du temps de Louis XVI et de la Terreur. 1854... 716E Anne d'Autriche et la minorite de Louis XIV, par Capefigue. 79 iE Annuaire statistique dela 601C Armee de la Loire, la deuxieme [1870-71], par Chanzy. 1872 99E avant 1789, La, par Pizard. 1882 1046E Bertrand du Guesclin, par Bonnechose. 1 866 764E Camille Desmoulins, par Claretie. 1875 104E Campagne de 1813 en Saxe, par Odeleben, 2 vol. 1817 ... 17-18E Paris, souvenirs de la mobile, par Rendu. 1872 1062E Campagnes des armees de l'Empire en 1870, par Tenot. 1872 H40E et evenements de 181 5, par Beauchamp, 2 vol, 181 7 ... 50-5 iE Catherine de Bourbon, sceurde Henri IV [1 559-1604], par la Ctesse d'Armaille. 1865 720E Medicis, par Capefigue. 1856 788E Chroniques de Froissart 1223 et 1245E du regne de Charles IX, par Merimee. 1865 684I Collection des chefs-d'oeuvre de l'eloquence judiciaire en, par Clair et Clapier, 16 vol. 1823 ....926-41L Considerations sur les principaux evenements de la revolution frangaise, par Mme de Stael, 3 vol. 1819 580-2E Constitutions de la nation frangaise, par Lanjuinais, 2 vol. 966-7L contemporaine, Les origines de la, par Taine, 3 vol. 1880-81 . . . 585-7E Correspondance inedite de Marie-Antoinette. 1864 ... 396et397E Talleyrand avec Louis XVIII pendant le congres de Vienne 38 1 C Cours de litterature frangaise, par Villemain, 6 vol 97°-$I Decadence de la monarchie frangaise, par Pelletan 141 iL De la democratic en, par Guizot. 1849 960L justice criminelle en, par Jourdan ^A 1 !^ misere des classes laborieuses en Angleterre et en, par Buret, 2 vol. 1842 1120-iL Diane de Poitiers, par Capefigue. i860 792E Elements d'histoire de la litterature frangaise, par' Vapereau 965I Episodes de la cour de Louis XIV, par Breteuil 240C Esquisses historiques : Quatre femmes au temps de la Revolu- tion. 1866 1053E Essai sur la revolution frangaise, par Lanfrey. 1879 966E l'histoire de la formation et des progres du Tiers-Etat, par Thierry, 2 vol. 1855 H49-5oet 1159-60E Essais historiques sur Paris, par Saintfoix, 2 vol. 1765 1881-2E sur l'histoire de, par Guizot, 1844 884E Etablissement des Normands en, au Xme siecle. 1843 148E et Rome, par Quinet, [Politique et religion] 1844G [73] FRA BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES. FRA FRANCE. — Ouvrages sur la, et sur les Francais : — {suite.) France, Europe, L', depuis l'avenement du roi Louis-Philippe, iovol. 1845 87-96E Evenements en, depuis le debarquement de Napoleon Buona- parte le Ier Mars 1815, jusqu'au traite du 20 Novembre, par Miss Williams. 1816 670E Femmes de la Reformation en, par Anderson 710 et 713E fondateurs de l'unite francaise, Les, par Carne, 2 vol. ...1856 84-5E Gabrielle d'Estrees et la politique de Henri IV, par Cape- " figue. 1859 790E Geographie physique de la, par Belin de Launay. 1855 383G Georges Cadoudal et la chouannerie, par Cadoudal. 1887... 682E Guerre d'Orient, Crimee et Baltique, par Woestyn, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1857 408-9C franco-allemande, Tableau historique de la, [15 Juillet 1870— ioMai 1871] 584E Guerres maritimes sous la Republique et l'Empire, par Jurien de la Graviere, 2 vols. 1847 927-8E Histoire anecdotique du second Empire, par un ancien fonc- tionnaire. 1887 695E de, a l'usage de la jeunesse, par Porchat. 1856 1879E 1825 a 1828, par Montgaillon. 1829 440E depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1789, par Martin, 17 vol 418-34C de dix ans [1830-40], par Blanc, 5 vol. 1843 61-65E de, et des temps modernes, depuis l'avenement de Louis XIV jusqu'a 1815, par Duruy. 1868 830E de Henri-le-Grand, par Genlis, 2 vol. 1815 170-1E Jeanne d'Arc, par Villiaume. 1864 660E ' jusqu'a 1789, par Anquetil, 4 vol. 1850 320-3C la mort de Louis XI, par Segur, 22 vol. 1S33... 1909-30E Louis XV, [Histoire universelle] 275-9E jusqu'a l'avenement de Louis-Philippe, par Anquetil et Gallois, 1 5 vol 435-49C ; jusqu'en 1873, par Bonnechose, 2 vol. 1874 757-8, 759-60 et 761-2E la campagne de 1815, par Quinet. 1867. 472E d'ltalie, par Giguet [1796-7]. 1853 994E civilisation en, par Guizot, 4 vol. 1856 885 -8E colonie francaise en Prusse, par Reyer. 1855 1068E la, de Louis VIII, a. la fin du regne de Louis XI [1223-1483], par Capefigue, 3 vol. 1834 1816-8E l'administration de la police de Paris depuis Philippe- Auguste jusqu'a 1789, par Fregier, 2 vol. 1850 160-1E la Fronde, par Sainte-Aulaire. 1842 536E liberte religieuse en, par Dargaud, 2 vol. 1859 1666-7G Monarchic de Juillet, par Thureau-Dangin, 4 vol. 696-9E reformation francaise, par Puaux, 7 vol. [1859-69] 1828-34G Reforme, de la Ligue et du regne de Henri IV, par Capefigue, 8 vol. rel. en4. 1834 1819 22E Restauration, par Dulaure [1814-30] 338C Lamartine, 8vol. 1856 947-54E Lock [1814-30] 1419L revolution de 1848, par Lamartine, 2 vol. rel. ens. 95f>E [74] FRA SECTION FRANCAISE. FRA FRANCE. — Ouvrages sur la, et sur les Frangais : — {suite J) France, Histoire de la revolution 'de 1870-71, par Claretie. 1872,111 .' 333et334C frangaise depuis 1789 jusqu'en 18 14, par Mignet. 2 vol. 1886 1258-9E 1842 1871E 2 vol. 1845 43°- lE Rambaud [1789-99]. 1883 1057E Thiers, 2 vol. 1866 382-361384-50 rivalite de la, et de 1' Angleterre, par Gaillard, 6 vol. 162-7E societe frangaise au moy en-age, par Rosieres [987- 1483], 2 vol. 1882 532-3E pendant la revolution, par Goncourt. 1864.. 875E l'Empire, par Thiers, 4 vol. 1865-7 387-90C Louis-Philippe, par Zevort X 935 E 1'unitepolitiqueetterritorialedela, par Paquier, 3 vol. 1009-11L mon temps, par Beaumont-Vassy, 6 vol 54"9 E Napoleon et de la grande armee pendant l'annee 18 12, par de Segur, 2 vol. 1852 547-8E par Norvins, 5 vol. 1843 1873-7E 2 vol. 1839 358-9C 4vol. 1828 444-7 E Tissot, 2 vol. 1833 614-5E Ier, par Lanfrey, 5 vol. 1870 961 -5E par Duruy, 2 vol. 1884 1241-2E 2 vol. 1868 828-9E pendant le XVIIIme siecle, par Lacretelle, 6 vol. 1812. 338-43E de Philippe- Auguste, par Capefigue, 5 vol. 1830 1811-5E Saint-Louis, par Joinville. 1865 920E de, sous le ministere de Mazarin [1 651 -61], par Cheruel, 3 vol. 1882 101-3E des classes ouvrieres en, par Levasseur, 2 vol. 1859 972-3L coleopteres de, par Seriziat. 1 880 398L conspirations royalistes du midi sous la Revolution [1790-93], par Daudet. 1881 1227E dues de Bourgogne, par Barante, 12 vol. 1839 22-33E Frangais, par Sismondi, iS tomes rel. en 9 vol. 1846... 570-8E Gaulois jusqu'a. la soumission de la Gaule a la domina- tion romaine, par Thierry, 2 vol. 1858 1 165-6E Girondins, par Lamartine. 1851 345C 8 vol. 1848 939-46E paysans, par Bonnemere, 2 vol. 1856 70-1E princes de Conde, par d'Aumale, 2 vol. 1863-4 19-20E protestants de, par Felice. 1856 1678G refugies protestants de, par Weiss, 2 vol. 1853 1878-9G du Consulat et de l'Empire, par Thiers, 21 vol. 1845-69 593-613E par Thiers. 1865 386C couronnement et du sacre de Napoleon Ier. 1805 ... 327E duche de Normandie, par Goube, 3 vol. 1815 172-4E d'un crime [185 1], par Hugo, 2 vol 330-1 et 916-7E d'un parti: les Cinq sous l'Empire [1857-60], par Dari- rnon. 1885 1238E du Parlement de Paris, par Voltaire 1019I [75] FRA BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES. FRA FRANCE. — Ouvrages sur la, et sur les Fraii9ais :— {suite. ) Franee,IIistoireduregnedeHenriIV,par Poirson, 4 vol. 1865. 1047-50E tribunal revolutionnaire de Paris, avec le journal de ses actes, par Wallon, 6 vol. 18S0-2 663-8E maritime de, par Guerin, 2 vol. 1844 881-2E populaire de, jusqu'en 1867, par Martin, 6 vol 346-51C politique et litteraire de la presse en, par Hatin, 8 vol. 425-432I Homines eminents en savoir et en sentiment religieux de, par Goguel. 1865 872E Hugues Capet et la troisieme race jusqu'a Philippe-Auguste, par Capefigue, 4 vol. rel. en 2. 1839 1809-10E Itineraire du royaume de, divise en cinq regions, comprenant la maniere de voyager dans les departements, la topo- graphic des routes de poste, la description des pays. 181 6... 135G Jeanne d'Arc, par Chaussard. 1806 100E Lock [1429-31]. 1866 1860E Wallon. 1869 1204E La, avant les Francs, par Mace 233C La chasse a tir en, par La Vallee. 1857 I457L coalition de 1701 contre la, par de Courcy, 2 vol. 1886... 683-4E comtesse de Parabere et le Palais-Royal sous la Regence, par Capefigue. 1863 778E du Cayla, Louis XVIII, et les salons du faubourg Saint-Germain sous la Restauration, par Capefigue. 776E duchesse de la Valliere, par Mme de Genlis, 2 vol. 1818. 865-6E La, et l'Autriche au XVI Ime siecle, par Filon 244C sa politique exterieure en 1867, par Rothan, 2 vol. 691-2E L'affaire du Luxembourg, par Rothan. 1882 693E La guerre de 1870-71, par Rustow et Boert. 1872 1104E en province pendant le siege de Paris, par Freycinet. 856E Ligue, par Vitet, 2 vol. 1844 988-9I precedee des Etats d'Orleans, par Vitet, 2 vol. 1861 1199-1200E Louisiane et sa cession aux Etats-Unis, par Barbe-Mar- bois. 1829 49E marquise de Montespan, par Capefigue. 1 868 786E du Chatelet et les amies des philosophes du XVIIIme siecle, par Capefigue. 1868 780E mort de Louis XIV, journal des Anthoine. 1880 717E L'ancien regime et la revolution, par Tocqueville. 1856 ... 628E La politique francaise en 1866, par Rothan. 1879 689E Prusse et son roi pendant la guerre de Crimee, par Rothan. 1888 690E ■ societe de Paris, par Vasili, 2 vol. 1888 416- 17C vie rurale dans l'ancienne, par Babeau. 1883 901 L Law, son systeme et son epoque [1716-29], par Cochut... 1229E ■ Le cardinal Dubois et la regence de Philippe d'Orleans, par Capefigue . 1 86 1 794E Mazarin, par Come. 1879 807E Richelieu, par Capefigue. 1865 793E Corne. 1879 806E comte de Serre et la politique moderee sous la restaura- tion, par Mazade. 1879 1219E L'education correctionnelle en, par Lajoye. 1880 964L [76] FRA SECTION FRANCAISE. FRA FRANCE. — Ouvrages sur la, et sur Ies Francais : — (suite.) France, Le gouvernement de Juillet, par Capefigue [1830-35], 2 vol. rel. ens. 1S36 1840E marechal de Richelieu, par Capefigue. 1857 795^ manage d'un roi, par Raynal, [Louis XV, 1721-5]. 1887. 1274E L'Europe pendant le consulat et l'empire de Napoleon, par Capefigue, 10 vol. 1840 1827-36E Les cent jours, par Capefigue, 3 vol. 1841 1837-9E constituants [1789], par Lamartine, 4 vol. 1854 347-50E derniers jours de Trianon ; la duchesse Gabrielle de Polignac et les amies de la reine, par Capefigue. 1866... 785E Valois, les Guise et Henri IV, par Sainte-Aulaire. 1854. 1105E environs inconnus de Paris, par Tinnenbrock, ill. 1888... 425G etapes d'un touriste en, par Trebuchet, ill., 2 vol. 1888 : La baie de Cancale, Granville, le mont Saint-Michel 392G Belle Ile-en-Mer 393^ Les Francais en Russie et les Russes en, par Pingaud. 1886. . . 1275E grands homines de la, par Goepp, Cordier et de Man- noury d'Ectot, 4 vol. 1874 868-71E guerres de religion en, par Bastide I 59 I G heroines de la Ligue et les mignons de Henri III, par Capefigue. 1864 781E hommes du septennat, par Grenville-Murray. 1876 878E institutions militaires de la. 1867 J 453L manages dans l'ancienne societe frangaise, par Bertin. .675E plages de la, par Landrin. 1866 2074I plantes suspectes de la, par Des Vaulx 223L reformateurs de la, au Xllme siecle, par Peyrat. i860... 1835G Lettres d'un soldat, guerre de 1870-71, par Saint-Genest. 1231E sur l'histoire de, par Thierry. 1846 1145 et 1155E L'hotel de ville de Paris au 4 Septembre et pendant le siege, par Arago 7 J 9E L'idee moderne du droit en, par Fouillee. 1878 1148L L'instruction publique en, par Cucheval-Clarigny. 1883 ... 51L - Louis XIV, par Capefigue, 3 vols. 1837 1823-5E Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette et Madame Elisabeth, par Feuillet de Conches, 4 vol. 1864 380-3E ses relations diplomatiques avec l'Europe, l'lnde, l'Amerique et l'Empire ottoman, par Capefigue. 1856... 796E Louise de La Valliere et la jeunesse de Louis XV, par Lair. 346E Ma mission en Prusse, par Benedetti. 1871 60E Madame la marquise de Pompadour, par Capefigue. 1858... 784E Manuel elementaire du citoyen francais, par Meschine. 1877. 998L Memorial de Sainte-Helene, par Las Cases, 8 vol. 1823 ...359-66E du siege de Paris, par d'Arsac. 1871 1230E illustre de la guerre de 1870-71, des deux sieges de Paris, de la Commune et des deux presidences de M. Thiers et du marechal de Mac-Mahon, par Bataille. 325C Memoire historique sur l'etat ecclesiastique des protestants franeais, depuis Francois Ier jusqu'a Louis XVIII. 1818 H14L Memoires de Guy Joli, du cardinal de Retz et de la duchesse de Nemours, 2 vol. 1777 921-2E l'abbe Guillon de Montleon pour servir a. l'histoire de Lyon pendant la Revolution, 2 vol. 1824.! 176-7E [77] FRA BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES. FRA FRANCE. — Ouvrages sur la, et sur les Francais : — {suite.) France, Memoires de la duchesse d'Abrantes sur Napoleon, la Revolution, le Directoire, le Consulat, l'Empire et la Restauration, 12 tomes rel. en 6 vol. 1835 1-6E Memoires de Malouet, 2 vol. 1868 394--5E Mme Roland, 2 vol. 1864 1085-6E M. de Bourrienne, ministre d'Etat, sur Napoleon, le Directoire, le Consulat, l'Empire et la Restauration, 10 vol. 1830 72-81E Sully, 7 vol. 1767 1133-9E du cardinal de Retz, de Guy Joli et de la duchesse de Nemours, sur les premieres annees du regne de Louis XIV, 6 vol. 1820 499-504E comte Miot de Melito, 3 vol. 1858 434-6E due de Saint-Simon sur le siecle de Louis XIV et la regence, 7 vol. 1878 1108-14E — d'un bourgeois de Paris, par Veron, 4 vol. 1853 647-50E royaliste, parFalloux, 2 vol. 1886 685-6E historiques de la, par Caboche 243C inedits de Pabbe Morellet, 2 vol. 1823 441-2E pour servir a. l'histoire de la Revolution de 1789, par Clermont-Gallerande, 3 vol. 1826 105-7E mon temps, par Guizot, 8 vol. 1858 182-9E sur la Convention et le Directoire, par Thibaudeau, 2 vol. 1824 589-90E Revolution franeaise, par Buzot. 1823 83E le second Empire, par Maupas. 1884 404E la vie de Marie-Antoinette, par Mme Campan. 1884. 773^ Mesdemoiselles de Nesle et la jeunesse de Louis XV, par Capefigue. 1864 779E Napoleon a l'ile d'Elbe, par Pichot. 1875 468E et la grande armee en Russie, par Gourgaud. 1826 175^ Notre, par Michelet. 1886 418G Nouveau voyage de, geographique, historique et curieux, dispose par differentes routes, a l'usage des etrangers et des Francais. 1778 ; 134G Nouveaux memoires d'un bourgeois de Paris, par Veron. 1866. 651E Nouvel abrege chronologique de l'histoire de, de Clovis a. Louis XIV, par Henault, continue par Ant. Fantin-Deso- doards, de la paix d'Utrecht au traite de Campo-Formio, 5 vol. 1775-1800 .....908-12E Nouvelle, pittoresque, par Bravard et de la Bruyere, ill., cartes. 1873 16C Origine, nature et progres de la puissance ecclesiastique en, par Montlosier. 1829 1291G Origines de la conquete du Tong-Kin, par Gros, ill 3^SG Paris, Versailles et les provinces au XVIIIme siecle, 2 vol. 465-6E Petite histoire du peuple francais, par Lacombe. 1868 1228E Philippe d'Orleans, regent de [1715-23], par Capefigue. 1839 1826E Philosophic de l'histoire de, par Quinet 1842G Revolution franeaise et christianisme, par Quinet 1842G Portraits des rois de, par Mercier, 3 vol. 1783 1004-6E Precis de l'histoire de la Revolution franeaise, par Rabaut de Saint-Etienne. 1819 1880E [78] FRA SECTION FRANgAISE. FRA FRANCE. — Ouvrages sur la, et sur les Francais : — {suite.) France, Precis du siecle de Louis XV, par Voltaire 1014I et 1203E Proces de Louis XVI [tomes 20 et 21 des causes celebres], 2 vol 996-7L protestante, La, ou vie des protestants francais qui se sont fait un nom dans l'histoire, 10 vol. 1846-58 1182-91G Recherches historiques sur les fous des rois de, par Canel. ... 774E Recits de l'invasion: Alsace et Lorraine, par Mezieres. 1871. 1010E des temps merovingiens, par Thierry, 2 vol. 1851. 1 147-8 et 1157-8E Relation de la cour de, en 1700, par Priolo, [Aubigne] 7 2 3E Retz, le cardinal de, et 1 'affaire du chapeau, par Chante- lauze, 2 vol. 1878 97-8E Richelieu et les ministres de Louis XIV, de 1621 a 1624, par Zeller. 1880 673E par Zeller. 1880 1216E Ruines historiques de, par Lavergne. 1 860 97°E Siecle de Louis XIV, par Voltaire. 1853 1202E et 1083I 3 vol 1011-13I ed. Louandre 1265E Situation des etrangers en, au point de vue du recrutement, par L'Esprit. 1888 1047L Six mois au Mont-Valerien [1870-71], par Moussoir. 1886. 1023E Souvenirs de l'empereur Napoleon Ier a Sainte-Helene, par Las Cases. 1854 968E ma jeunesse au temps de la Restauration, par Carne. 797E militaires de 1804 a 1814, par Fezensac. 1869 845E Statistique generale methodique et complete de la, par Schnitzler, 4vol. 1846 I15-8G humaine de la, par Bertillon I 43iL Tableau de la revolution francaise, depuis son origine jusqu'en 1814, suivi de la charte constitutionnelle. 1819 1872E Une annee de la vie de l'empereur Napoleon [ier Avril 1814— 21 Mars 1815] 384E Une excursion a Noirmoutiers, par Dalloz, ill. 1881 432G Une fille de, et sa correspondance inedite (Louise-Elisabeth), par Beauriez. 1887 1234E Victoires, conquetes, desastres, revers et guerres civiles des Francais, de 1789 a 1815, 12 vol. 1840 616-27E Vie de Madame Elisabeth, par Beauchesne, 2 vol. 1869 ... 52-3E Marie-Amelie, reine des Francais. 1872 1188E des hommes et femmes illustres de la, par Mennechet, 6 vol. 1835-8 35 2 -7C Voyage dans les departements du Midi de la, par Millin, 4 vol. et un atlas. 1807 41-4G et 45C Voir^ aussi Beecher-Stowe : Souvenirs heureux, — Dumas : Impres- sions de voyage, — Rothan : 1'Allemagne et l'ltalie en 1870-71, — Salvandy, — Thierry : Dix ans d'^tudes historiques, — Ulbach : La Csardas, — etc. France (A.), Voir Romans. France (H.), Sac au dos a travers l'Espagne. 1888 403G Franciscains. Voir Saint-Francois d'Assise. Franck (A.) De la famille , 1133L Des principes du droit naturel et de ses rapports avec la famille, [Entretiens populaires] 411L Du troit de tester, [Entretiens populaires] 399 et 412L [79] FRA BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES. FRE Franck (A.) La vraie et la fausse egalite H35L Morale pour tous. 1868 1 149L FrailCS, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 233E Franklin (A.), La vie privee d'autrefois : arts et metiers, modes, mceurs, usages des Parisiens du Xllme au XVIIIme siecle. 1295L Franklin (B.), Correspondance, trad. Ed. Laboulaye, 3 vol. [1757-90] 853-5E Essais de morale et d'economie politique, trad. E. Laboulaye. I150L La science du bonhomme Richard, etc., precedee de la jeunesse de Franklin, par E. Laboulaye. 1872 I152L Morceaux choisis, con tenant la science du bonhomme Richard et autres ecrits populaires. 1834 1151L Vie de, par Mignet. 1869 1013E Franklin (L'amiral sir John), Notice biographique, par La Roquette 379C Voyages en Ameriquede, [Montemont] 89G Voir aussi Lanoye, — etc. Franklin (Dr J.), La vie des animaux, histoire naturelle biogra- phique et anecdotique des animaux, trad. A. Esquiros, 6 vol. : Tome I. — Reptiles 254L Tome II. — Oiseaux 255L Tome III. — Poissons, Mollusques 256L Tome IV. — Le monde des metamorphoses, Crustac£s, Insectes, Vers, Animaux rayonn^s 2 57E Tomes V et VI. — Mammiferes 253-9L Frariere (A. de), Les abeilles et l'apiculture. 1855 260L Frary (R.), Manuel du demagogue. 1884 1153L Fraser (J. B. ), Voyages en Asie de, [Montemont] , 84G Frederic II (roi de Prusse), CEuvres posthumes, 15 tomes rel. en 5 vol. 1788: Ier vol. — Tomes I et II : — Histoire de mon temps. — Tome III : — Histoire de la guerre de Sept ans 155E lime vol. — Tome IV : — Histoire de la guerre de Sept ans. — Tome V : — M6moires de 1763 a 1778, — Correspondance au sujet de la suc- cession de Baviere. — Tome VI : — Considerations sur le corps politique de l'Europe, — Essai sur les formes de gouvernement et sur les devoirs des souverains, — Dialogue des morts entre le prince Eugene Marlborough et le prince de Lichtenstein, — Idem entre le due de Choiseul, Struensee et Socrate, — Idem entre Marc-Aurele et un recollet, — Examen critique du systeme de la nature, — Avant-propos sur la Henriade de Voltaire, — Dissertation sur l'innocence des erreurs de l'esprit, — Poesies . . 156E Illme vol. — Tome VII :— Poesies. — Tome VIII : — Poesies, — Corres- pondance. — Tome IX : — Correspondance 157E IVme vol. — Tomes X, XI et XII :— Correspondance 158E Vme vol. — Tomes XIII, XIV et XV. — Correspondance , 159E Frederic II (roi de Prusse), La comtesse de Lichtenau et, par Capefigue. 1867 782E Frederic-le-G-rand, Sur, par Zimmerman. 1 790 674E Fregier (H. A.), Des classes dangereuses de la population dans les grandes villes et des moyens de les rendre meilleures, 2 vol. 951-2L Histoire de l'administration de la police de Paris depuis Philippe- Auguste jusqu'aux Etats-Generaux de 1789* 2 vol. 1850 160-1E Fremine (A. et C.), Les Francais dans les iles de la Manche, ill. 385G Fremy (A. ), La cousine Julie, [Magasin de librairie] 246C Fremy (E.). Voir Pelouze et Fremy. French lyrics selected and annotated by Saintsbury. 1883 377I [80] FRE SECTION FRANCAISE GAN Freret. — Lettre de Thrasihule a Leucippe 1697G Freycinet (C. de), La guerre en province pendant le siege de Paris, [1870-71] 856E Freytag (G.). Voir Romans. Fries (N.). Voir Romans. Froebel, Methode. Voir Delon, — Masson : L'ecole Frcebel, — etc. Froissart (J.), Chroniques, avec preface, notices, explications et dis- sertations historiques de M. Jean Yanoski. 1875 1245E publiees avec preface, notes et dissertations historiques, par M. Jean Yanoski. 1859 1223E Fromentin (E.), Un ete dans le Sahara. 1857 239G Une annee dans le Sahel. 1859 240G Fronde, Histoire de la, par Sainte-Aulaire. 1842 536E Fruits, La corbeille de, par Malo 7 I][ L Fulton (R.), Georges et Robert Stephenson, par Janin. 1861 919E Fustel de Coulanges (N.D.), La cite antique, etude sur le culte, le droit, les institutions de la Grece et de Rome. 1883 H54-L Fuster (Ch.), Essais de critique. 1886 378I (jABON. [Genin: Explorations de Brazza.] 404G Gaboriau (E.). Voir Romans. Gabrielle d'Estrees et la politique de Henri IV, par Capefigue. 790E Gaillard. — Histoire de la rivalite de la France et de l'Angleterre, 6 vol. 1818 162-7E Gaillard (L. de), Questions italiennes, — histoire, — politique, i860 857E Gainet (L'abbe), Accord de la Bible et de la geologie dans la crea- tion de six jours, dans le recit du deluge mosaique et dans l'epoque de l'apparition de l'homme. 1876 1150G Galatee, par Florian 1416I Galbert de Bruges. — La legende du bienheureux Charles-le-Bon, recit du Xllme siecle. 1853 858E Galdos (B. P.). Voir Romans. Galerie du XVII Ime siecle, par Houssaye, 2 vol. 1858 287-8L philosophique du XVIme siecle, par Mayer, 3 vol. 1825 405-7E Galeries souterraines, Les, par Helene. 1876 2062I Galilee. — [Bertrand : Les fondateurs de l'astronomie moderne] 180L Galland. — Voir Romans. Gallienne (J.), Traite de la renonciation par loi outre'e et de la garantie. 1845 1038L Gallois (L.), Histoire abregee de l'inquisition d'Espagne. 1823 1698G Voir aussi Anquetil et Gallois. Galvanoplastie, Manuel complet de, par Smee, 2 vol. 1854 744-5L Gamba — Voyages en Europe de, [Montemont] 94G Gambetta (Leon). [Draussin : Portraits historiques] 818E Gambie. [Voyages, Histoire generale des]. 3C Ganot (A.), Traite elementaire de physique experimentale et ap- pliquee et de meteorologie. 1856 261L [Si] GAR BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES GAY Gardes-malades, Manuel des, par Morin. 1829 730L Garibaldi et les hommes rouges, i860 168E Voir aussi Draussin : Portraits historiques, — etc. Gamier (A.), De la morale dans l'antiquite, introduction de Prevost- Paradol. 1865 379I Traite des facultes de l'ame, comprenant l'histoire des principales theories psychologiques, 3 vol. 1872 I151-3G Gamier (E.), Les nains et les geants. 1884 2050I Garnier (J.), Le fer. 1878 2048I Nouvelle-Caledonie (cote orientale). 1871 241G Oceanie, iles des Pins, Loyalty et Tahiti. 1871 380G Gaskell (Mrs. L. E.). Voir Romans. Gaskell et Craik. Voir Romans. Gasparin (Cte. A. de), Cours d'agriculture, 3 vol. 1843-7 61-3L La famille, ses devoirs, ses joies et ses douleurs, 2 vol. 1866. 1699-1700G ' — 1876 954-5L L'Amerique devant l'Europe. 1862 169E Le bonheur, discours prononces a Geneve. 1865 1701G bon vieux temps. 1874 1704G L'ennemi de la famille. 1874 1703G Les ecoles du doute et l'ecole de la foi. 1875 1702G tables tournantes. 1888 427L Luther et la Reforme au XVIme siecle. 1873 1705G Un grand peuple qui se releve : les Etats-Unis en 1861 953L Bungener et de Pressense — Le christianisme au IVme siecle : Constantin, Ambroise, Augustin. 1858 1707G Voir aussi Merle d'Aubign£, Bungener, de Gasparin et Viguet, — etc. Gasquet (A.), Henri IV 1246E Gastineau (B. ), Les genies de la science et de l'industrie 141 8L Gaudry (L.), Cours pratique et gratuit d'arboriculture. 1848 262L Gaule chretienne, La, d'apres les ecrivains et les monuments anciens. 1844E La, et les Gaulois, d'apres les ecrivains grecs et latins. 1877 .... 1843E Gaulois, Histoire des, jusqu'ala soumission a la domination romaine, par Thierry, 2 vol. 1858 1165-6E Voir aussi Histoire universelle, — etc. Mceurs des, par Thevenin, [Entretiens populaires] 399 et 412 L Gaussen (L.), Le canon des Saintes-Ecritures au double point de vue de la science et de la foi, 2 vol. i860 1154-5G Lecons donnees dans une ecole du dimanche sur le livre du prophete Jonas et sur quelques psaumes. 1855 I 7 I 3^ les prophetes Elie et Elisee. 1870... 1712G sept premiers chapitres de Josue. 1714G l'Evangile selon Saint-Luc, 2 vol. 1710-11G — les vingt premiers chapitres de l'Exode. 1866 1709G — — — quelques chapitres de la Genese. 1708G Le premier chapitre de la Genese expose dans une suite de lecons pour une ecole du dimanche. 1865 17*5^ Gauthier. — Voir Vulpian et Gauthier. Gautier (H.), Les curiosites de l'Exposition universelle de 1867 ir 55L Gantier (T.), Caprices et zigzags. 1856 243G Constantinople. 1856 242G Voir aussi Romans. Gay (S.) Voir Romans. [82] GAY SECTION FRANCAISE GEO Gayot (E.), Achat du cheval ou choix raisonne des chevaux d'apres leur conformation et leur aptitude 263L Poules et ceufs. 1878 264L Gayot de Pitaval — Causes celebres et interessantes, avec les juge- mens qui les ont decidees, 20 vol. 1739-50 1156-75 et 1176-95L Gaz, L'eclairage au, par Payen. 1867 733L pernicieux du foyer, Les, par Raulin 1127L Royer. 1867 733L Gazeau (A.), Les bouffons. 1882 2051I Geffroy (A.), Histoire des Etats scandinaves : Suede, Norvege, Dane- mark. 1851 859E Geikie (A.), La geographie physique. 1879 1426L La geologic 1880 1428L Gendre de M. Poirier, Le, par Augier et Sandeau. 1884 1095I Genes, Histoire de la republique de, [Histoire universelle] 285-7E Genese, Le premier chapitre de la. 1859 1886G expose en lecons, par Gaussen. 1865 171 5G Lecons sur la, par Gaussen. 1865 1708G Geneve, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 297E Genie du christianisme, par Chateaubriand, 4 vol. 1830 1363-6I romain, Le, par Yung 250C Genin (E.), Les explorations de Brazza 404G Genlis (Ctesse. de), Histoire de Henri-le-Grand, 2 vol. 1815 170-1E La duchesse de la Valliere, 2 vol. 1818 865-6E Les annales de la vertu ou histoire universelle iconographique et litteraire, a l'usage des artistes et des jeunes litterateurs, 5 vol. 860-4E CEuvres completes, 18 vol. 1783-7 : Tomes I a IV. — Theatre a l'usage des jeunes personnes 380-3I Tomes V et VI. — Theatre de socidte" 384-5I Tomes VII a IX. — Annales de la vertu, on cours d'histoire a l'usage des jeunes personnes 386-8I Tomes X a XII. — Adele et Theodore, ou lettres sur l'6ducation 389-91 1 Tomes XIII a XVI. — Les veill^es du chateau, ou cours de morale a l'usage des enfants 392-5I Tome XVII. — Theatre a. l'usage des jeunes personnes, ou pieces tirdes de l'Ecriture-Sainte 396I Tome XVIII. — La religion conside>£e comme l'unique base du bonheur et de la veritable philosophic 397I Voir aitssi Romans. Gennevraye (A.), Petites comedies, [Magasin d'education] 239C Gentz (F.), Vie de Marie Stuart, reine d'Ecosse. 1820 867E Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (T.), Domestication et naturalisation des animaux utiles. 1854 265L GEOGRAPHIE. — Ouvrages sur la : Geographie ancienne, abregee, avec cartes, 3 vol., par d'An- ville. 1782 149-51G par Meissas et Michelet. 1855 302G commerciale et industrielle, Abrege de, par Sardou 111G de la France, Abrege de la, par Belin de Launay. 1855 ... 182G Etat geographique de la province de Normandie, par Masse- ville, 2 vol. 1722 1869-70E generate comparee, par Ritter, 3 vol. 1836 105-7G elements de, par Balbi. 1848 161G [83I GEO BIBLIGTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES GER GEOGRAPHIE.— Ouvrages sur la -.—{suite.) Geographie, Haiti et autres Antilles, Abrege de la, par Fortunat 402G mode'rne et universelle, Nouveaux elements de, par Guthrie, 2 vol. 1824... 245-6G ■ Nouvel atlas elementaire de 72C ■ Petit atlas elementaire de, par Cortambert 73C physique, La, par Geikie. 1879 1426L de la France, par Belin de Launay. 1855 383G Elements de, par Cortambert. 1849 208L par Maury 327L Resume d'uncours elementaire de, par Lamouroux. 1821. 96L Repetitions ecrites pour le baccalaureat es-lettres. 1858 ... 1056E Voir aussi Bouillet, — Braconnier, — Bravard, — Cowper, — Guibert, — Lanier : L'Afrique, L'Am£rique et L'Europe, — Meissas et Michelet, — Michelet : Notre France, — Million de faits, — etc. GEOLOGIE. — Ouvrages sur la ; Geologie agricole, Traite pratique de, par Meunier. 1880 33 iL de Beudent. 1851 182L Geikie. 1880 1428L Jersey, par Noury. 1886 440L elementaire, par d'Orbigny, 3 vol. 1849-52 345-7L Seignette. 1887 s 443L Histoire de la, par Hoefer. 1872 282L Nouveau manuel complet de, par Huot. 1852 698L Voir aussi Brongniart : L'£corce du globe, — Delon : Le sol, — Gainet, — Longchene : Le monde souterrain, — Maury : La terre et l'homme, — Million de faits, — etc. Geometrie de la nature, par Mme Pape-Carpentier 34°X descriptive, Traite de, par Lefebure de Fourcy 101L Notions de, par Faye. 1866 696L Georgie, par Famin, [Univers] 641E Georgiques de Virgile, trad. Delille 1381I Geraldy (F.), Voir Du Moncel et Geraldy. Gerando (M. J., baron de), De la bienfaisance publique, 4 vol. 1839. 956-9L Histoire comparee des systemes de philosophic, considered rela- tivement aux principes des connaissances humaines, 4 vol. 1156-9G Voir aussi Mignet : Eloges historiques, — etc. Gerard (J.), L'Eglise catholique en Angleterre au XVIme siecle : Memoires du Pere John Gerard, S. J., missionnaire catholique en Angleterre, sous le regne d'Elisabeth, traduits et annotes par le R. P. James Forbes, de la compagnie de Jesus. 1888. 1247E Gerard (Jules), Voir Romans. Gerdy (P. N.), Anatomie des formes exterieures du corps humain, appliquee a la peinture, a. la sculpture eta la chirurgie. 1829. 64L Germains, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 232E Celtes et des, par Pelloutier, 8 vol. 1770 1035-42E Gerspaeh. — La mosai'que 65L L'art de la verrerie. 1885 66L Gerstacker (F.), Voir Romans. Geruzez (E.), Histoire de la litterature pendant la Revolution francaise, [Magasin de librairie] 240C Gervinus (G. G.), Introduction a l'histoire du XlXme siecle. 1858. 341C [84] - GES SECTION FRANCAISE GOD Gessner (S.)> La mort d'Abel, poe'me en cinq chants. 1762 1716G GSuvres completes, 2 vol 1452-3I Ghika (Pcesse A.), La Valachie devant l'Europe 21 E Giberne (A), Voir Romans. Gibert (E.), Demonstration de l'authenticite et de la divinile des livres du Nouveau-Testament, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1799 1160G Sermons sur les points les plus importants de la doctrine evan- gelique, 3 vol. 1804-6 1163-5G Giguet (P.), Histoire de lacampagne d'ltalie [1796-7]. 1853 994E Gilbert. — CEuvres. 1817 1454I Gil Bias de Santillane, par Le Sage, 2 vol. 1783 610-11I Gileppe, La, par Candeze 233C Gilibert (J. E.), Histoire des plantes d'Europe et etrangeres, les plus communes, les plus utiles et les plus curieuses, ou elemens de botanique pratique, 3 vol. 1806 67-9L Gillet-Damitte. — Bibliotheque usuelle de l'instruction primaire, 5 vol 428-32L Gillet (F. P.), Plaidoyers et autres oeuvres, 2 vol. 1718 111-12C Ginisty (P.), L'annee litteraire. 1887 1104I - Le dieu bibelot. 18S8 761L Girard (J.), Etude sur Thucydide, [Magasin de librairie] 242C Le monde microscopique des eaux. 1872 759L Les plantes etudiees au microscope. 1873 2052I Le sentiment religieux en Grece d'Homere a Eschyle. 1879 ... 1720G Girard (M.), Les metamorphoses des insectes. 1866 2054I Girard des Bergeries (J.), Moise sans voile ou explication des types et des figures de l'Ancien-Testament l 7 l 7, 1718 et 1719G Girard (Philippe de), Vie et inventions de, par Desclosieres. 1858... 813E Voir aussi Ernouf : Deux inventeurs celebres, — etc. Girardin (Mme E. de). Voir Romans. Girardin (J.), et Du Breuil (A.), Corns elementaire d'agriculture. 266L Voir aussi Romans. Girault-Duvivier (Ch. P.), Grammaire des grammaires ou analyse raisonnee des meilleurs traites de la langue francaise, 2 vol. 1840. 74-5I Giroil (A.). Voir Romans. Girondins, Histoire des, par Lamartine, 8 vol. 1848 939-46E — 1851 345C Gisors et son canton, par Charpillon. 1867 332C Glaciers, Les, et les transformations de l'eau, par Tyndall, ill. 1880. 135L par Zurcher et Margolle. 1868 2153I Glacon'du Polaris, Le, par Fonvielle. 1877 237G Gladstone (W. E.), Rome et le Pape devant la conscience et l'his- toire. 1877 1884G Glaneur chretien, Le. 1846-47 1572G litteraire, Le, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1878 160I Glouvet (J. de). Voir Romans. Gobat (S.), Journal d'un sejour en Abyssinie pendant les annees 1830-32 II66G Goblet d'Alviella (Cte A. J.), Sahara et Laponie, ill. 1876 244G Godeau (A.), Paraphrase des psaumes de David en vers francais, mis en chant par Thomas Gobert. 1659 1721G Godefroy (J.), Histoire du droit civil romain. 1847 1285L Godet[(F. ), Etudes bibliques : Ire serie, Ancien Testament ; — He serie, Nouveau-Testament. 2 vol. 1876 1723-4G [85] GOD BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES GOU Godet (F.), Histoire de la reformation et dii refuge dans le pays de Neuchatel. 1 859 1 722G La destination de l'homme, [Verite chretienne]. 1878 1670G Goepp (E.) et Cordier (E. L.), Les grands hommes de la France : Hommes de guerre, 2 vol. 1874 868-9E et Mannoury d'Ectot (H. de), Les grands hommes de la France : Marins, 2 vol. 1874 870-71E Gceritz. — Cours d'economie rurale professe a l'institut agricole de Hohenheim, 2 vol. 1850 70-1L Goetlie (J. W. von), Faust et le second Faust, suivis d'un choix de poesies allemandes, trad. Gerard de Nerval, avec une notice sur l'auteur et le traducteur. 1879 ... 400I trad. Blaze. 1866 401 et 402I Daniel. 1831 399I Les affinites electives, suivies d'un choix de pensees. 1844 398I Poesies, trad. Henri Blaze. 1843 4°4^ Theatre, trad. X. Marmier. 1848 403I Werther, precede de considerations sur la poesie de notre epoque, par P. Leroux, suivi de Hermann et Dorothee, trad. X. Marmier. 1850 404I Wilhelm Meister, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1843 4°5l et ses deux chefs-d'ceuvre classiques, par Stapfer. 1881 1124I et Schiller, par Saint-Rene Taillandier 249C Voir aussi Romans. Goezman, L'affaire, Memoires de Beaumarchais dans. 1878 741E Goguel (G.), Hommes eminents en savoir et en sentiment religieux d'Angleterre, d'Allemagne, de France et de Suisse. 1865 ... 872E Gogol (N.), Les ames mortes, 2 vol. 1859 406-7E Voir aussi Romans. Goldsmith (O. ), Abrege de l'histoire d'Angleterre, depuis l'invasion des Romains jusqu'a nos jours, 2 vol. 1826 873-4E Voir (uissi Romans. Gomez (Mme de). Voir Romans. Goncourt (E. et J. de), Histoire de la societe francaise pendant la revolution. 1864 875E Gonfreville (D.), Art de la teinture des laines en toison, en fil et en tissu. 1848 72L Gonse (L.), L'art japonais 433L Gonthier (F. A. A.), Petite bibliotheque des Peres de l'Eglise, 3 vol. 1840-62 : Tome I. — Docteurs de l'Eglise des trois premiers siecles 1725G Tomes II et III. — Docteurs de l'Eglise du IVme siecle 1726-7G Notice sur, par Vulliemin. 1838 1931E Gonzales (E.). Voir Romans. Gonzalve de Cordoue, par Florian. 3 vol 1426-8I Gordon (Le genl.), Lettres a sa sceur, ecrites du Soudan, parParyl... 1239E Gordon (William), ou le philosophe chretien triomphant de la mort, par Hall. 1852 899E Gosset (P.), Histoire du moyen-age. 1876 1248E Gotthelf (J. ). Voir Romans. Goube (J. J. C.), Histoire du duche de Normandie, 3 vol. 1815 172-4E Gouffe (J.), Le livre des soupes et des potages. 1875 1448L Goulard (S.). Voir Seneque. Gouraud (J.). Voir Romans. [86] GOU SECTION FRANCHISE GRE Gourdon de Genouillac (II.), Grammaire heraldique, contenant la definition exacte de la science des armoiries, suivie d'un vocabulaire explicatif 1449L Goureail (C.)» Les insectes nuisibles aux arbres fruitiers, aux plantes potageres, aux cereales et aux plantes fourrageres. 1861 ... 75^ Gourgaud (Le general), Napoleon et la grande armee en Russie, ou ex amen critique de l'ouvrage du Cte de Segur. 1826 175^ Gouvernement de Juillet, Le, par Capefigue. 1 836 1 840E Gozlan (L.). Voir Romans. Gracques, Conjuration des, par Saint-Real. 1803 1883E Graffigny (H. de), Les moteurs anciens et modernes. 1881 2056I Grammaire de Mile Lili, La, par Mace 226C de Napoleon Landais. 1835 296C des grammaires, par Girault-Duvivier, 2 vol. 1840 74"5^ francaise-russe, par Reiff. i860 446L heraldique, par Gourdon de Genouillac 1449L Grammont (Cte de), Memoires, par Hamilton 342C 2 vol. 1816 1846-7E Grand peuple qui se releve, Un, par Gasparin. 1861 953L Grandes scenes de la nature, Les, par Lanoye. 1867 281 G Grandisson, Histoire du chevalier, par Prevost, 4 vol. ill 795-81 Grand-Pierre (J. H.), Essais sur le Pentateuque ou eclaircissements sur les principales dimcultes que presente la lecture des livres de Moise. 1844 1167G Grands froids, Les, par Bouant. 1880 2012I hommes de la France, Les, par Goepp, Cordier et de Mannoury d'Ectot, 4 vol. 1874 868-71E Vie des, par Lamartine, 5 vol 353-7E venges, Les, par des Sablons, 2 vol. 1769 815-6E Grandville (J. J.). Voir Romans. Grandvoinnet (J.), Drainage : L'art de tracer etd'etablir les drains. 267L Granier de Cassagnac (A.), Histoire des origines de la langue franeaise. 1872 76I Grant. Voir Speke et Grant. Grant (J.). Voir Romans. Granville, par Trebuchet, ill. 1888 392G Grattan (E. C). Voir Romans. Gravure, La, par Delaborde * 56L ' Les merveilles de la, par Duplessis. 1869 2038I I procedes de la, par Lostalot 104L Voir aussi Boutard : Dictionnaire des arts du dessin, — Instruction pour le peuple, — etc. Gray. — Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 77G Greard (O.), De la morale de Plutarque. 1880 1296L Education et instruction, 4 vol. 1887 : Tome I. — Enseignement primaire 1297L Tomes II et III. — Enseignement secondaire 1298-9L Tome IV. — Enseignement supdrieur 1300L L'education des femmes par les femmes, etudes et[portraits. 1887. 1301L GRECE.— Ouvrages sur la : Grece contemporaine, La, par About. 1854 706E Etudes sur les tragiques grecs, par Patin, 4 vol 73J-4I Histoire de la revolution grecque, par Soutzo. 1829 579E litterature grecque, par Pierron. 1863... 74oet74iI grecque, par Duruy. 1856 824E Ilesde la, par Lacroix, [Univers]. 1853 640E [87] GRE BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES GRO GRECE.— Ouvrages sur la -.—{suite.) Grece, La, etles iles Ioniennes, par Lenormant. 1865 982E Rome et Dante, par Ampere. 1859 190I Le sentiment religieux en, d'Homere a Eschyle, par Girard. 172CG L'histoire grecque racontee aux enfants, par Lame Fleury. 1858E Manuel d'archeologie grecque, par Collignon 32L moderne, par Yemeniz, 1862-69 : Scenes et remits des guerres de l'lnddpendance 1211E H£ros et poetes 1212E Mythologie figuree de la, par Collignon 33L Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en, par Barthelemy, 7 vol 164-70G Atlas pour servir au 18C 7 vol. 1790 211-17I 2VOl 436-7G Voyages d'Antenor en, 5 vol. 1818 140-4G Grecs illustres, Vie des, par Plutarque. 1868 761I Voir aussi Fustel de Coulanges : La cite" antique, — etc. Grecourt. — GEuvres diverses, 4 vol. 1761 1455-81 Grecque moderne, Histoire d'une, par Prevost, ill 781I Gregoire (Le conventionnel), Histoire des sectes religieuses qui sont nees, se sont modifiees, etc., jusqu'a l'epoque actuelle, 6 vol. 1828 1168-73G Grellet (Etienne de), Vie, travaux philantropiques et missionnaires, par Abric. 1873 8E Gremilliet (J. J.), Recueil de problemes amusants et instructifs, avec les demonstrations raisonnees et l'application des regies de l'arithmetique a leurs solutions, ou cours complet d'analyses arithmetiques, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1843 76L Grenade, Conquete de, par Lemercier. 1859 977E Grenet (L'Abbe), Atlas portatif general pour servir a. l'intelligence des auteurs classiques 38C Grenville-Murray (E. C.), Les hommes du septennat. 1876 878E Voir anssi Romans. Gresse (A.), Choix de fables et poesies diverses, a l'usage des ecoles primaires 409I lectures, dictees et exercices de style .• 410I Manuel de lecture courante elementaire 408I Petite arithmetique a l'usage des ecoles primaires 268L chrestomathie franeaise 411I Gresset. — CEuvres, 2 vol. 1765 412-3I GEuvres, 2 vol. rel. ens. ill. 1794 77I Greville (H.). Voir Romans. Grillon, Aventures d'un, par Candeze 229C Grimard. (E.), La botanique a la campagne 269L Grimm (Les freres). Voir Romans. Grimshawe (T. S.), Vie du rev. Legh Richmond. 1843 879E Grisot. — Morceaux choisis d'auteurs frangais, prose et poesie, 3 vol. 1107-9I Grognier (L. F.), Precis d'un cours d'hygiene veterinaire. 1833 ... 73L et Magne (H.), Cours de multiplication et de perfectionnement des principaux animaux domestiques, ou Ton traite de leurs services et de leurs produits, augmente de considerations generales sur l'amelioration des races et d'un traite sur les pores. 1 84 1 74L [88] GRO SECTION FRANCAISE GUE Gros (J.), Les Fran9ais en Guyane, ill 389G Origines de la conquete du Tong-Kin, depuis l'expedition de Tean Dupuis jusqu'a la mort de Henri Riviere, ill 388G Grottes et cavernes, par Badin. 1867 2003I Grove (G.), Continents et oceans, ill 434L Guatemala, par La Renaudiere, [Univers]. 1843 638E Gueneau de Montbeillard. [BufFon: Morceaux choisis] 418L Guepes, Les, par Karr, 4 vol. 1853 509-12I Guerard (Mme J. A.), La corbeille de l'enfance. 1866 I459I Guerin (Eugenie de). Voir Eugenie de Guerin. Guerin (L.), Histoire maritime de France, 2 vol. 1884 881-2E L'Europe, Histoire des nations europeennes: Allemagne, Hongrie et Boheme. 1846 880E GUERNESEY : — Ouvrages sur File de : Guernesey, Dictionnaire franco-normand ou recueil des mots particuliers au dialecte de, par Metivier. 1870 162I Les institutions de langue francaise a, par Boland : Societe guernesiaise ; Bibliotheque Guille-Alles. 1885 1481L Remarques et animadversions sur l'approbation des lois et coustumier de Normandie usitees es-jurisdiction de, par Le Marchant, 2 vol. 1826 *- 1043-4L Traite sur l'histoire, les lois et coutumes de File de, avec un appendice contenant le precepted 'assize, etc., par Warburton. 1045L Voir aussi Archipel de la Manche, — Boland : lies anglaises de la Manche, — Corbet : Les chants du drain rimeux et Les feuilles de la foret, — Fremine : Les Francais dans les iles de la Manche, — Gallienne : Traite de la renonciation par loi outr£e, — Guiton, — Lelievre : M£thodisme dans les iles, — Metivier : Poesies guerne- siaises et Rimes guernesiaises, — Pegot-Ogier : Histoire des iles de la Manche, — Stapfer : Causeries guernesiaises, — Vacquerie : Profils et grimaces, — Wesley : Methodisme dans les iles de la Manche, — etc. [Ouvrages publies a, ou dus a des auteurs guernesiais] : Voir Bouverie, — Brock, — Buisson : Poesies legeres, — Bunyan : Guerre sainte, Cantiques £vangeliques, — Constantin : Dissertation sur la vaccine et Hygiene priv^e, — Corbet : Chants du drain rimeux et Feuilles de la foret, — Doddrige, — Durand : Fille du laitier, — Gallienne, — Gilbert, — Girard des Bergeries : Homelies, — James, — Jersey (de) : Vie du rev. de Quetteville, et Jesus, Histoire de, — Le Marchand : Remarques et animadersions sur l'approbation de> lois, — Lenfestey : Le chant des fontaines, — Longden, Vie de, — Lucas : Biographie et journal de Mme Judith Le Poidevin, — Magasin m£tho- diste, — Marquand, — Metivier, — Mills, — Osterwald, — Pitts : Patois poems et Sorcellerie dans les iles de la Manche, — Quertier : M^moire, — Refuge, — ReVeil religieux, — Sacrement de la Sainte- Cene, — Tupper, — et Warburton : Traitd sur l'histoire, les lois et coutumes de l'ile de Guernesey. Gueroult (C). Voir Romans. GUERRE. — Ouvrages sur la, et recits historiques de guerres : Guerre civile en Amerique, Histoire de la, par le comte de Paris, 6 vol. 1874-83 459-64E de 1870-71, Lettres d'un soldat, par Saint-Genest. 1873 ••• 1231E Memorial du siege de Paris, par d'Arsac. 1871 1230E illustre de la, de 1870-71, par Bataille. 1878 325C [S9] GUE BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES GUI GUERRE. — Ouvrages sur la, et recits historiques de guerres : — {suite.) Guerre franco-allemande, Campagne de Paris, souvenirs de la mobile, par Rendu. 1872 1062E campagnes des armees de l'Empire en 1870, par Tenot. 1140E la guerre de 1870-71, par Rustow et Boert. 1872 1104E la guerre en province pendant le siege de Paris, par Freycinet. 1872 856E l'hotel de ville de Paris au 4 Septembre et pendant le siege, par Arago 719E recits de l'invasion, par Mezieres. 1871 1010E six mois au Mont-Valerien [1870-71], par Moussoir. 1886 1023E ■ Tableau historique de hf [15 juillet 1870-10 Mai 1871]. 584E Voir aussi Benedetti : Mission en Prusse, — Chanzy : La deuxieme arm£e de la Loire, — Claretie : Revolution de 1870-71, — Cluseret : Memoires, — etc. de sept ans, par Frederic II, 2 vol 155-6E trente ans, Histoire de la, par Schiller. 1848 903I du Peloponese, Histoire de la, par Thucydide. 1878 955I Homines de, [Gcepp et Cordier : Grands hommes de la France] 868-9E La mission des femmes en temps de, par Mme Monod. 1229L Traite theorique et pratique des operations secondaires de la, par Lallemand, 2 vol. 1824 1454-5L Guerres de religion en France, Les, par Bastide I59 J G maritimes sous la Republique et l'Empire, par Jurien de la Graviere, 2 vol. 1847 927-8E Guerre sainte, La, par Bunyan. 1796 1628G Guibert (A.), Dictionnaire geographique et statistique. 1863 39C Guilbert (Mme de), Le9ons sur la nature, ou descriptions morales de quelques sujets de physique et d'histoire?naturelle. 1806. 697L Guieherit (J. J.), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte. 1174G Guide biblique, par Descombaz, 3 vol. 1856 IHI-13G pratique des malades aux eaux de Vichy, par Barthez. 1851. 17 iL Guillaume-le-Conquerant, Histoire de, par Prevost 786I et 470E ou l'Angleterre sous les Normands, par Guizot [1027-87] 897E Vie de, par Guillaume de Poitiers. 1826 676E Guillaume III, Histoire du regne de, par Macaulay, 3 vol. 1857... 387-9E Guillaume le franc-parleur, par Jouy, 2 vol. 1823 481-2I Guillaume Tell, par Florian 1430I Guillaume de Jumiege. Voir Jumiege. Guillaume de Poitiers. Voir Poitiers. Guille-Alles, Bibliotheque. Voir Bibliotheque Guille-Alles. Guillemin (A.), La lumiere et les couleurs. 1879 272L lune. 1866 274L vapeur. 1881 2059I Le soleil. 1876 453E Les chemins de fer. 1867 '. 2057I etoiles. 1877 271L nebuleuses, notions d'astronomie siderale. 1880 270L Le son, notions d'acoustique physique et musicale. 1878 273L Guillemin (Al,), Le livre des Psaumes, en vers frangais, d'apres le texte hebreu, avec des notes. 1838 H77G Guillemin (J. J.), Histoire ancienne. 1852 883E [90] GUI SECTION FRANCAISE GUT Guillon de Montleon(L'abbeA.), Memoirespour servir a l'histoire de la ville de Lyon pendant la Revolution, 2 vol. 1824 176-7E Guillon (N.)- Voir Romans. Guinee, Histoire de la, [Histoire universelle] 266E Voir aussi Hertz, — Voyages, Histoire g£ne>ale des, — etc. Guiot (J.), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte, 3 vol. 1779 1178-80G Guise, Les. [Sainte-Aulaire : Derniers Valois] 1105E Guiton (F.), Histoire du methodisme wesleyen dans les iles de la Manche. 1846 1181G Guiton (Jean), Dernier maire de l'ancienne commune de La Rochelle [1628], par Callot, 1872 331C Guizot (F.), Corneilleet son temps, etude litteraire. 1858 415I De la democratic en France. 1849 960L Essais sur l'histoire de France, pour servir de complement aux observations sur l'histoire de France, de l'abbe de Mably 884E Etude historique sur Washington, [Witt]. 1855^ 671E Guillaume-le-Conquerant ou l'Angleterre sous les Normands [1027-87]. 1854. ; 897E Histoire de la civilisation en Europe, depuis la chute de l'empire romain jusqu'a la revolution francaise. 1856 889E France, depuis la chute de l'empire romain, 4 vol. 885 -8E republique d'Angleterre et de Cromwell [1649-58], 2 vol. 1854 891-2 et 893-4E revolution d'Angleterre, depuis l'avenement de Charles Ier jusqu'a sa mort, 2 vol. 1850 895-6E du protectorat de Richard Cromwell et du retablissement des Stuart [1658-60], 2 vol. 1856 328-9E generale de la civilisation en Europe, depuis la chute de l'empire romain jusqu'a la revolution francaise. 1854 1845E L'amour dans le mariage, etude historique. 1858 898E Le due de Broglie. 1872 890E Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de mon temps, 8 vol. 1 858 ... 182-9E Monk : Chute de la Republique et retablissement de la monarchic en Angleterre, en 1660. 1855 179E Portraits politiques. 1855 178E Lord Hollis, Edm. Ludlow, Thomas May, Sir P. Warwick, John Lilburne, Lord Fairfax, Mrs. Hutchinson, Sir Th. Herbert, John Price, Edouard et Henry Hyde, comtes de Clarendon, l'dveque Gilbert Burnet, le Due de Buckingham, Sir John Reresby, etc. Saint-Louis, Calvin, [Vie de quatre grands Chretiens francais]. ... 181E Shakespeare et son temps, etude litteraire. 1858 414I Sir Robert Peel, etude d'histoire contemporaine. 1858 180 et 1932E Monsieur Guizot, dans sa famille et avec ses amis, par Mme de Witt. 1880 1209E Voir aussi Deux ministres pedagogues, — Draussin : Portraits historiques, — Hallam : Histoire constitutionnelle d'Angleterre, — Jumidge : His- toire des dues de Nurmandie, — Lorain : Origine et fondation des Etats- Unis d'Amdrique, — Rousset : La grande charte, — etc. Guizot (G.), Alfred-Le-Grand ou l'Angleterre sous les Anglo-Saxons. 900E Guizot (Mme). Voir Romans Gurney (J. J.), De l'habitude et de la discipline. 1857 1196L Gustave-Adolphe, Vie de, par Abelous. 1858 701, 702, 703 et 704E Gutenberg (Jean), par Lamartine. 1853 958E [91] GUT BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES HAM Guthrie (F.), Nouveaux elements de geographic moderne et univer- selle, 2 vol. 1824 245-6G Guyane, Les Franeais en, par Gros, ill 389G fran5ai.se, [Hue et Haurigot : Nos grandes colonies] 407G Guyanes, par Famin, [Univers], 1846 631E Guy Joli. — Voir ] oil Guy-Raoul. — Enseignement complet et methodique de l'hygiene. 1861 275L Guynemer (A. M. A.), Dictionnaire d'astronomie a. l'usage des gens du monde. 1852 77L Guzman dAlfarache, par Le Sage, 2 vol. 1783 613-4I Gymnastique raisonnee, Traite de, par Heiser. 1854 80L Voir aicssi Instruction pour le peuple, — etc. a „AAG (E. et Em.), La France protestante, ou vie des protestants fran£ais qui se sont fait un nom dans l'histoire depuis les premiers temps de la reformation jusqu'a la reconnaisance du principe de la liberte des cultes par l'Assemblee nationale, ouvrage precede d'une notice historique sur le protestantisme en France et suivi de pieces justificatives, 10 vol. 1846-58. 1182-91G Habitations economiques, Les, par Menu de Saint-Mesmin ll 3S^- j merveilleuses, Les, par Rousseau 387L Habitude, De 1', et de la discipline, par Gurney. 1857 1196L ■ L', et l'instinct, par Lemoine. 1875 * J 765G Hachette. — Traite elementaire des machines. 1819 5 2 7C Hacklander (F. W. ). Voir Romans. Haiti, Geographie d', par Fortunat. 1888 402G L'empereur Soulouque et son empire, par d'Alaux. 1856 ... 708 et 709E Voir aussi Dhormoys : Sous les tropiques, — etc. Halevy (L.). Voir Romans. Hall (B. ), Scenes du bord et de la terre ferme. 1858 247G Voyages de, [Montemont] 70, 88 et 90G Voir aussi Romans. Hall (C. F.), Deux ans chez les Esquimaux, abrege par Mme H. Loreau. 1880 1807L Hall (N.), William Gordon ou le philosophe chretien triomphant de la mort. 1852 899E Hallam (H.), Histoire constitutionnelle d'Angleterre, depuis l'avene- ment de Henri VII jusqu'a la mort de George II, trad. Guizot, 5 vol. 1828 .-. 190-4E L'Europe au moyen-age, 4 vol. 1837 195-8E Voir aussi Mignet : Eloges historiques, — etc. Halphen (L.), Lectures choisies pour les campagnes 276L Halt (R.). Voir Romans. Hamel. — Choix historique et litteraire sur l'origine des arts et des sciences. 1810 416I Hamilton (A.), Memoires du comte de Grammont 342C 2 vol. 1816 1846-7E [92] HAM SECTION FRANCHISE HEM Hammond (IL), La pratique cle la morale chretienne, en forme d'en- tretiens. 1696 1 192G Hanno (G.), Les villes retrouvees. 1881 2061I Hanovre, Histoire du, [Histoire universelle] 3 1 3E Hardy (J. A.), Traite de la taille des arbres fruitiers, suivi de la des- cription des greffes employees dans leur culture. 1858 78L Harens (J. J.), Guide du lecteur de la Bible. 1861 1728G Harmonies de la nature, par Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, 5 vol 1331-5I economiques, par Bastiat. 1850 903L poetiques et religieuses, par Lamartine. 1848 581, 594 et 595I providentielles, Les, par Leveque. 1873 2089I Hartmann (R.), Les peuples de l'Afrique, ill. 1880 26G Hatin (E.), Histoire politique et litteraire cle la presse en France, avec une introduction historique sur les origines du journal et la bibliographie generale des journaux depuis leur origine, 8 vol. 1859 417-24 et425-32l HaufF (W. ). Voir Romans. Haureau (B.), Charlemagne et sa cour [742-814]. 1854 900 et 901E Hatirigot (G.). Voir Hue et Haurigot. Haussonville (Vte O. d'), A traversles Etats-Unis. 1883 248G L'enfance a Paris. 1879 961L Le salon de Madame Necker, d'apres des documents tires des archives de Coppet, 2 vol. 1 882 902-3E Havard (H.), Histoire de la peinture hollandaise. 1882 79L La Hollande pittoresque, 3 vol. ill. 1875-8 : Tome I. — Voyage aux villes mortes du Zuiderzee 249G Tome II. — Les frontieres menac£es ; voyage dans les provinces de Frise, Groningue, Drenthe, Overyssel, Gueldre et Limbourg 250G Tome III. — Le caeur du pays ; voyage dans la Hollande m^ridionale, la Z£lande et le Brabant 434G Havelock (Le genl), Biographie, par Brock. 1858 1232E Havergal (Frances-R.), Souvenirs recueillis par sa sceur. 1883 904E Hawai, lies, par Monnier. 1885 420G Voir aussi Sandwich, — etc. Hawthorne (N.). Voir Romans. Hayes (J. ), La mer libre du pole. 1870 251G Head (Sir F. B.), Voyages en Ameriquede, [Montemont] 90G Heber (R. ), Voyages en Asie de, [Montemont] 85G Hebreux. Voir Juifs. Hector Servadac, par Verne 229C Heeren (A. H. L.), Manuel del'histoire ancienne. 1836 199E considered sous le rapport des constitutions, du commerce et des colonies des divers Etats de l'antiquite, 2 vol. 1840 905-6E Heine (H.), Memoires. 1884 907E Heiser (C), Traite de gymnastique raisonnee, au point de vue orthopedique, hygienique et medical. 1854 80L Helene (M.), Les galeries souterraines. 1876 2062I Helmholtz (H.). Voir Blaserna : Le son et la musique, — Tyndall, — etc. Hement (E.), Histoire d'unmorceau de charbon. 186S 278L Hement (F.), Les infiniment petits. 1881 1808L [93] HEM BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES HIO Hement (F.), Premieres notions d'histoire naturelle. 1866 277L Henault et Fantin-Desodoards (A.), Nouvel abrege chronolo- gique de l'histoire de France de Clovis a Louis XIV, continue de la paix d'Utrecht au traite de Campo-Formio, 5 vol. 1775-1800 908-12E Henle (J.), Traite d'anatomie generate, ou histoire des tissus et de la composition chimique du corps humain, 2 vol. 1843 81-2L Henri III, Les heroines de la Ligue et les mignons de, par Capefigue. 781E Henri IV, Gabrielle d'Estreeset la politique de, par Capefigue. 1859. 790E Histoire du regne de, par Capefigue, 4 vol. 1834 1819-22E Poirson, 4 vol. 1865 1047-50E Histoire de Henri-le-Grand, par Genlis, 2 vol. 181 5 170-1E Voir atissi Sainte-Aulaire : Derniers Valois, — etc. Henriade, La, par Voltaire. 1815 999, 1082 et 1567I Henriquet (A.), Apocalypse (L') ou revelation de Jesus-Christ brieve- ment expliquee par l'Ecriture et par l'histoire. 1 873 1026G Herbert (Sir T. ), Memoires sur les deux dernieres annees du regne de Charles Ier 111E Herder (J. G. von), Idees sur la philosophic de l'histoire de l'humanite, trad. Quinet, 3 vol. 1834 H93-5G Herieault (C. d'). Voir Romans. Hermann et Dorothee, par Gcethe, trad. Marmier. 1850 404I Hernani, par Hugo 1464I Herodote. — Histohes. 1881 433I Heroisme franeais, L', par Lair, ill. 1884 1253E par Renaud. 1873 21 25I Heros des luttes religieuses au XVImeetau XVIIme siecle, Quelques, par Lamy. 1866 959E du travail, Les, par Flammarion 1842E et poetes de la Grece moderne, par Yemenig. 1862 1212E Hersart de la Villemarque.— Barzaz Breiz, chants populaires de la Bretagne, recueillis, traduits et annotes. 1867 1450L La legende celtique et la poesie des cloitres en Irlande, en Cam- brie et en Bretagne. 1864 1451 et 1452L Les bardes bretons, poemes du VIme siecle, traduits pour la pre- miere fois en franeais avec le texte en regard revu sur les manuscrits et accompagne d'un facsimile, i860 78I romans de la Table Ronde et les contes des anciens Bretons. 1861 79I Hertz (C), Leparadis des noirs, excursions sur les cotes de Guinee... 252G Herve (A.) et Lanoye (F. de), Voyage dans les glaces du pole arctique. 1878 253G Hervey (J.), Meditations. 1771 1729G Tombeaux et meditations, [Young: Nuits] 158-9I Herzen (A.). Voir Romans. Hesse, Histoire de la, [Histoire universelle] 314E Hetman, L', drame en vers, par Deroulede. 1883 1401I Hevin. — Coutume de Bretagne. 1735 1288L Hezecques (Cte d'). Voir Romans. Hildebrand. — Voir Romans. Himalaya occidental, Voyage d'une Parisienne dans 1', par Ujfalvy, ill. 1887 363C Hiouen-Thsang, sa vie et ses voyages dans l'lnde [629-645], par Hoei-Li et Yen-Thsong. 1853 334E [94] HIP SECTION FRANCAISE HIS Hippeau (C), Avenement des Bourbons au trone d'Espagne, cor- respondance inedite du marquis d'Harcourt, ambassadeur de France aupres des rois Charles II et Philippe V, 2 vol. 1875. 20C-1E Voir aussi Arioste : Roland furieux, — etc. Hippeau ( Mme E. ), Cours d'economie domestique 962L Hippocrate. — CEuvres. 1845 209L HISTOIRE. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Histoire ancienne de l'Orient, Manuel d', par Lenormant, 2 vol. 980-1 E Manuel de 1', par Heeren. 1836 199E 2 vol. 1840 905-6E par Guillemin. 1852 883E Rollin, 7 vol. 1817 512-8E 5 vol. 1756 527-3IE Segur, 9 vol. 1833 1884-92E racontee aux enfants, par Lame Fleury. 1867 1857E de dix ans [1830-40], par Louis Blanc, 5 vol. 1843 61-65E — l'humanite, Introduction a la philosophic de 1', par Quinet, [Les Jesuites]. 1873 1845G Voir aussi Herder. mon temps, par Beaumont-Vassy, 6 vol 54-9E Frederic II 155E Guizot, 8 vol. 1858 182-9E des souffrances du bienheureux martyr Louis de Marolles, preface et notes de Jules Bonnet. 1883, \i-eimpressioti\. 1568G et de la mort du "fidele confesseur et martyr monsieur Isaac Le Febvre, de Chatel-Chinon en Nivernais, advo- cat en Parlement [1686-1702] 1576G du calvinisme et celle du papisme mises en parallele, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1683 1035G moyen-age, par Gosset. 1876 1248E XlXme siecle, Introduction a 1', par Gervinus. 1858 ... 341C d'un parti : les Cinq sous l'Empire, par Darimon. 1885 ... 1238E ecclesiastique, Abrege del', par Formey, 2 vol. 1763... 1695-6G — ancienne et moderne, par Mosheim, 6 vol. 1776 1292-7G Entretiens sur 1', par Zeller, 2 vol. 1865 1224-5E generale, Elemens d', par l'abbe Millot, 9 vol. 1787 : I. — Histoire ancienne, 4 vol 1014-7E II. — Histoire moderne, 5 vol 1018-22E Histoire generale, Essai sur 1', et sur les mceurs et l'esprit des na- tions, depuis Charlemagne jusqu 'a nos jours, 7 vol. 1764. 834-40E grecque, parDuruy. 1856 824E moderne, Etudes d', par Villemain. 1848 978I Repetitions ecrites pour le baccalaureat es-lettres. 1858... 1056E romaine a Rome, L', par Ampere, 4 vol. 1866 . ; 9-12E Abrege de 1', a l'usage des eleves de l'ancienne ecole royale militaire. 1835 707E jusqu'a l'invasion des Barbares, par Duruy. 1855 825E par Rollin, 8 vol. 1818 519-26E sainte, Les origines de 1', par Thiersch. 1882 1386G Souvenirs contemporains d', et de litterature, par Villemain, 2 vol. 1 850 980-I universelle, Abrege de 1', par Segur, 47 vol. 1833 1884-1930E de 1543 a 1610, par de Thou et Rigault, 16 vol. 1734...391-406C [95] HIS BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES HIS HISTOIRE.— Ouvrages sur V -.—{suite.) Histoire universelle depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'a present, composee en anglais par une societe de gens de lettres, nouvellement traduite en francais par une societe de gens de lettres; enrichie de figures et de cartes, 125 vol. 1780-91 : Tome I. — Jusqu'a la dispersion du genre humain 202E Tome II. — Egypte et Chanaan 203E Tome III. — Chananeens, Philistins, Syriens, Phehiciens et Juifs 204E Tome IV. — Histoire romaine, par J. L. Schulz 205E Tome V. — Juifs jusqu'a Salomon 206E Tome VI. — Juifs, Assyriens, Babyloniens 207E Tome VII. — Babyloniens, Medes, Perses 208E Tome VIII. — Perses, Scythes, Phrygiens, Troyens, Mysiens, Lydiens, Lyciens, Ciliciens 209E Tome IX. — Histoire fabuleuse et he>o'ique des Ath^niens 210E Tome X. — Laced£mone, Achaie et Etolie 211E Tome XI. — Athenes, colonies grecques de l'Asie-Mineure, Sicile et Rhodes 212E Tome XII. — Crete, Chypre, Samos, Macddoine 213E Tome XIII. — Macedoine jusqu'a la conquete par les Romains 214E Tome XIV. — Seleucide et Egypte 215E Tome XV. — Armenie, Pont, Cappadoce, etc 216E Tome XVI. — Juifs jusqu'a J£sus-Christ 217E Tome XVII. — Juifs, Parthes, Perses 218E Tome XVIII. — Italie, Histoire romaine 219E Tomes XIX a. XXVII. — Histoire romaine 220-8E Tome XXVIII. — Carthaginois et Numides 229E Tome XXIX. — Maures, etc 230E Tome XXX. — Indiens, Chinois, Espagnols, Gaulois 231E Tome XXXI. — Germains, Bretons, Huns, etc 232E Tome XXXII. — Sueves, Francs, Bourguignons, etc 233E Tome XXXIII. — Egypte, Ph^nicie, Etrusques, etc 234E Tome XXXIV. — Ombriens, Sabins, Egypte, par C. G. Bayer, etc 235E Tome XXXV. — Egypte, Perse, Syracuse, etc 236E Tome XXXVI. — Mac^doniens, Syriens, etc 237E Tomes XXXVII a. XL. — Table chronologique de 1'histoire ancienne et table alphabetique 2^8-4iE Tome XLI. — Vie de Mahomet et califat d' Abu-Beer ■ 242E Tomes XLII a XLIV. — Arabes 243-5E Tome XLV. — Arabes et Turcs 246E Tome XLVI. — Turcs et Tartares 247E Tome XLVII. — Tartares et Mongols 248E Tome XLVIII. — Mongols 249E Tome XLIX. — Shahs de Perse, Turcomans, etc 250E Tomes L et LI. — Indoustan 251-2E Tome LI I. — Presqu'ile des Indes au-dela. du Gange 253E Tome LIII. — Tartares orientaux, etc 254E Tome LIV. — Chine, Cor£e, Japon 255E Tome LV. — Japon, Indes Orientales 256E Tomes LVI a. LVIII. — Etablissements europ^ens aux Indes Orientales . . 257-9E Tomes LIX et LX. — Empire ottoman 260-1E Tomes LXI et LXII. — Dispersion des Juifs 262-3E Tome LXIII. — Egypte, iles de 1'Afrique, Abyssinie 264E Tome LXIV. — Abyssinie, etc 265E Tome LXV. — Guinee, cote des Esclaves, etc 266E Tomes LXVI a LXVIII. — Afrique (Alger, Tunis, etc.) 267-9E Tome LXIX. — Chevaliers de Make jusqu'en 1725 270E Tomes LXX a LXXII. — Espagne 271-3E Tome LXXIII. — Portugal 274E Tome LXX IV. — Navarre, France 275E Tomes LXXV a LXXVIII. — France jusqu'a la mort de Louis XV 276-9E Tomes LXXIX a LXXXI. — Italie 280-2E Tomes LXXXII et LXXXIII. — Savoie, Piemont, Sardaigne 283-4E Tomes LXXXIV a LXXXVI. — Republique de Genes, Corse 285-7E Tome LXXXVII. — Corse, Parme et Plaisance 288E Tome LXXXVI II. — Ferrare, Mcdene, Bologne, le Milanais 289E Tome LXXXIX. — Milanais, Mantoue, Venise 290E [96] HIS SECTION FRAN^AISE HIS HISTOIRE.— Ouvrages sur i' :— (suite.) Histoire universelle, etc. : — [suite.) Tome XC. — Venise 291E Tome XCI. — Venise, Florence 292E Tome XCI I. — Florence 293E Tome XCI 1 1. — Florence, Pise, Lucques, Sienne, Saint- .Marin 294L Tome XCI V. — Naples et Sicile 295E Tome XCV. — Naples, Deux-Siciles, Suisse 296 E Tome XCVI. — Suisse, Geneve 297E Tomes XCVTI a XCIX. — Allemagne jusqu'en 1711 298-300E Tome C. — Allemagne, Hollande 301E Tome CI. — Hollande 302E Tome CI I. — Danemark 303E Tome CIII. — Danemark et Suede 304 E Tome CIV. — Suede 305E Tome CV. — Russie 306E Tome CVI. — Russie, Pologne 307E Tome CVII. — Pologne, Prusse 308E Tome CVI II. — Lithuanie, Angleterre 309E Tome CIX. — Angleterre 310E Tome CX. — Angleterre, Hongrie 311E Tome CXI. — Empire d Autriche 312E Tome CXII. — Palatinat, Brunswick, Hanovre, Mecklembourg 3 J 3E Tome CXIII. — Mecklembourg, Hesse 314E Tomes CXIV a CXIX. — Amerique 315-20E Tome CXX. — Terres Australes, Etats-Unis 321E Tomes CXXI et CXXII. — Table alphabdtique de l'histoire moderne 322-3E Tomes CXXI 1 1 a CXXV. — Table chronologique de l'histoire moderne . . 324-6E Histoire universelle, Discours sur I', par Bossuet. 765 et 766E, 1050G et 1352I par Cantu [1848-78]. 1881 86E Tablettes chronologiques de 1', jusqu'a 1775, par Lenglet du Fresnoy, 2 vol. 1778 978-9E Voir aussi Voyages, Histoire g£n£rale des, — M^moires et les ouvrages suivants : — Alaux : Soulouque et son empire, — Ampere : L'empire romain, — Anquetil : Histoire de France, — Anquetil et Gallois : His- toire de France jusqu'a l'averiement de Louis-Philippe, — Anthoine : Mort de Louis XIV, — Arago: L'hotel de ville de Paris au 4 Septem- bre, — Arnaud : Vaudois, — Asti£ : Etats-Unis, — Aumale: Princes de Cond<5, — Barante : Dues de Bourgogne et Etudes historiques, — Barbd-Marbois : Louisiane, — Basnage : Histoire des Juifset Histoire et religion des Juifs, — Bataille : Guerre de 1870-71, — Baudoncourt : Histoire populaire du Canada, — Beauchamp : Campagnes de 1814 et de 1815, — Beaumont: Irlande, — Beauriez : Une fille de France, — Beausobre : Manich^e et le manich^isme, — Benedetti : Mission en Prusse, — Bergmann : Les Scythes, — Blanc : Dix ans de l'histoire d' Angleterre, — Boldenyi : La Hongrie, — Bonne- chose : Histoire de France, — Les quatre conquetes de 1' Angleterre et Montcalm et le Canada francais, — Bonnemere : Histoire des paysans, — Bouchot : Portugal et ses colonies, — Bouillet, — Bracon- nier, — Broglie, — Bungener, — Burnet : Histoire d'Angleterre, — Cadoudal : Georges Cadoudal et la chouannerie, — Canivet : Les co- lonies perdues, — Canel : Fous des rois de France, — Carrel : Resume" de l'histoire d'Ecosse, — Capefigue : Gouvernement de Juillet, — Histoire constitutionnelle et administrative de la France depuis la mort de Philippe-Auguste, — Histoire philosophique des Juifs, — Hugues Capet et la troisieme race, — Jacques II a Saint-Ger- main, — L'Europe depuis Louis-Philippe, — L'Europe pendant le Consulat et l'Empire, — Louis XIV, — Philippe-Auguste, — Philippe d'Orl^ans et ReTorme, Ligue et Henri IV, — Carne" : Fondateurs de l'unite" francaise, — Chalamet : Frangais au Canada, — Chantelauze : Le cardinal de Retz, — Chanzy : La deuxicme arm£e de la Loire, — Charpillon : Gisors, — Charvdriat : Les affaires religieuses en Boheme au XVIme siecle, — Chastel, — 4 [97] HIS BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES HISTOIRE.— Ouvrages sur 1' -.—{suite.) Chaussard : Jeanne d' Arc, — Cheruel : Histoirede France sous Ma- zarin, — Claretie : Revolution de 1870-71, — Condillac : Histoire ancienne, Histoire moderne, et Etude de l'histoire, — Courcy : Coalition de 1701 contre la France, — Crevier : Empereurs romains, — Daniel : L'ann^e politique, — Dargaud, — Daru : Republique de Venise, — Daudet : Conspirations royalistes du midi sous la Revo- lution, — Delisle : Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, — Delord : Second empire, — Denis, — Depping : Expeditions maritimes des Nor- mands, — Dixon : Suisse contemporaine, — Domenech: Mexique, — Du Camp : Expedition des Deux-Siciles, — Ducoudray : Histoire sommaire de la civilisation, — Du Hamel : Monarchic espagnole, — Dulaure : Histoire de la Restauration, — Duruy : Abr6g6 de l'histoire de France, Histoire de France et Histoire de France et des temps modernes, — Escande : Hoche en Irlande, — Fantin- Desodoards : Abreg£ chronologique de la revolution de France, — Feuillet de Conches: Louis XVI, — Fezensac : Souvenirs militaires de 1804 a 1814, — Flandrin : Chevaliers de Rhodes, — Fleshier : Histoire de Theodose-le-Grand, — Fleury : Histoire d'Angleterre, — Fraissinet : Japon, — Francais en Amazonie, — Frederic II : CEuvres posthumes, — Fr£gier : Police de Paris, — Fr^mine : Francais dans les iles de la Manche, — Freycinet : Guerre en pro- vince, — Froissart : Chroniques, — Gaillard : Questions italiennes, et Rivalite" de la France et de l'Angleterre, — Gallois : Inquisition d'Espagne, — Geffroy : Etats scandinaves, — Genlis : Annales de la vertu, et Henri-le-Grand, — Gerando, — Giguet: Campagne d'ltalie, — Goldsmith : Abregd de l'histoire d'Angleterre, — Gon- court : Societe franchise pendant la revolution, — Goube : Duche de Normandie, — Gourgaud : Napoleon et la grande arm£e, — Gr^goire, — Gros : Frangais en Guyane, et Origines de la conquete duTong-Kin, — Guerin : Allemagne, Hongrie et Boheme, — Guizot : Civilisation en Europe, Civilisation en France, Essais sur l'histoire de France, Guillaume - le - Conqudrant, Monk, Protectorat de Richard Cromwell, Republique d'Angleterre, et Revolution d'Angleterre, — Hallam : Histoire constitutionnelle d'Angleterre, et L'Europe au moyen-age, — H^nault : Nouvel abrdge chronologique de l'histoire de France, — Hippeau : Aver- ment des Bourbons au trone d'Espagne, — Hue : Les Frangais a. Madagascar, — Hugo : Histoire d'un crime, — Hugues, — Inquisi- tion, — ■ Joinville : Saint-Louis, — Josephe : Histoire des Juifs, — et Si^ge de Jerusalem, — Jumiege : Histoire des dues de Normandie, — Jurien de la Graviere : Doria et Barberousse, et Guerres maritimes sous la Republique et l'Empire, — Kohlrausch : Histoire d'AIle- magne, — Laboulaye : Histoire des Etats-Unis, — Labutte : Dues de Normandie, — Lacombe : Petite histoire du peuple francais, — Lacretelle : France pendant le XVIIIme siecle, — Ladvocat : Dictionnaire historique portatif, — Lair : Louise de la Valliere, — Lamartine : Girondins, Les Constituants, Restauration, Revolution de 1848, et Russie, — Lanfrey : Essai sur la revolution francaise et Napoleon Ier, — Las Cases: Memorial de Sainte-Heiene, — Lavoliee : Chine contemporaine, — Lebeau et Caillot : Abrege de l'histoire du Bas-Empire, — Lecocq : La prise de la Bastille, — Ledru-Rollin : Decadence de l'Angleterre, — Lemercier : Conquete de Grenade, — Lenfant : Guerre des Hussites, — Lenormant : Grece et iles Ioniennes, — Leouzon : La Baltique et Russie contemporaine, — Le Sueur : Histoire de l'Eglise et de l'Empire, — Lesur : Annuaire historique, — Lichtenberger, — Lievre, — Llorente : Inquisition d'Espagne, — Lock : Histoirede la Restaura- tion, — Lopez : Races aryennes du Perou, — Lorain : Origine et fondation des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, — Macaulay : Guillaume III et Histoire d'Angleterre, — Marie-Antoinette : Correspondance, — Maries: Inde, et Irlande et Ecosse, — Marmier: Robert Bruce, — Martin : Histoire de France, et Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus recuies jusqu'en 1789, — Masseville : Normandie, — Mazade : Italie moderne, — Merimee : Episode de l'histoire de Russie, — Merle d'Aubigne : Le Protecteur, — Michaud : Histoire des croisades, — Michelet : Abrege d'histoire de France, et Notre France, — Mignet : Antonio Perez et Philippe II, Charles-Quint, [98] His section francaise His HISTOIRE.— Ouvrages sur 1' -.—{suite.) et Revolution francaise, — Million de faits, — Mills, — Munier- Jolain : L'ancien regime, — Montgaillon : Histoire de France, — Moiiy : Don Carlos et Philippe II, — Napoleon, Couronnement, — N£ander, — Norvins : Napoleon, et Tableau de la revolution franchise, — Odeleben : Campagne de Saxe, — Ott : L'Inde et la Chine, — Palgrave: Anglo-Saxons, — Paris (Cte de): Guerre civile en Amerique, — Parley: Chine, — Pdgot-Ogier: lies de la Manche, — Pelletan : Decadence de la monarchic franchise, — Pelloutier : Histoire desCeltes et des Germains, — Pepe : Revolu- tions et guerres d'ltalie, — Pichot : Napoleon a life d'Elbe, — Pinard : Histoire du moyen-age, — Pingaud : Les Francais en Russie, — P16e : Abd-el-Kader, — Poirson : Regne de Henri IV, — Porchat : Histoire de France, — Prescott : Conquete du Mexique, — Pressense\ — Provost : Guillaume-le-Conquerant, — Quinet : Campagne de 1815, — Rabaut de Saint-Etienne : Precis de l'histoire de la revolution francaise, — Rambaud : Revolution francaise, — Ramsay : Washington, — Ranke : L'Espagne sous Charles-Quint, Philippe II et Phillipe III, Osmanlis et monarchic espagnole, et Papaute, — Rapin de Thoyras : Angleterre, — Raynal : Histoire des deux Indes, et Le mariage d'un roi, — Remusat : L' Angleterre au XVIIIme siecle, — Reuss, — Reyer : Colonie francaise en Prusse, — Reynald : Espagne, — Robertson : Amerique, et Regne de l'Empereur Charles-Quint, — Robinet ; Russie, Pologne, Suede et Norwege, — Rollin et Crevier : Histoire ro- maine, — Rosieres : Societe francaise au moyen-age, — j Rothan : L'affaire du Luxembourg, La France et sa politique ext'erieure en 1867, L'Allemagne et l'ltalie en 1870-71, La Prusse et son roi pen- dant la guerre de Crimee, et Politique francaise en 1866, — Rousset : La grande charte, — Rozan : Petites ignorances historiques et litteraires, — Rustow et Boert : Guerre de 1870-71, — Saintfoix : Essais historiques sur Paris, — Saint-Real : Conjurations des Espagnols contre la republique de Venise, et des Gracques, — Saint-Rene Taillandier : Le roi Leopold et la reine Victoria, — Sainte-Aulaire : Derniers Valois, et Fronde, — Salvandy : Sobieski et la Pologne, — Sargent : Recits de l'histoire d'Angle- terre, — Schiller : Guerre de Trente ans, — Schmidt: Histoire des Allemands, — Second Empire. Histoire anecdotique du, — Sedillot : Histoire des Arabes, — Segur : Napoleon et la grande armee, — Sismondi : Chute de TEmpire romain, His- toire des Francais, et Republiques italiennes du moyen-age, — Soutzo : Revolution grecque, — Stael : Considerations sur la revolution francaise, — Taine : Origines de la France con- temporaine, — Talleyrand : Correspondance inedite, — Thierry : Conquete de l'Angleterre par les Normanos, Dix ans d'etudes historiques, Formation et progres du Tiers-Etat, Histoire d'Attila, Hi«-toire des Gaulois, Lettres sur l'histoire de France, Recits de l'histoire romaine au Vme siecle, et Recits des temps merovintriens, — Thiers : Consulat et Empire, et Revolution francaise, — Thucy- dide : Guerre du Peioponese, — Thureau-Dangin : Monarchic de {uillet, — Tissot : Napoleon, et Victoires des Francais, — Tite- ,ive : Histoire romaine, — Tocqueville : L'ancien regime et la revolution, — Univers, — Valentin: Histoire de Venise, — Vau- villiers : Jeanne d'Albret, — Vertot : Revolutions de la republique romaine, — Revolutions de Suede, et Revolutions de Portugal, — Viardot : Arabes et Mores d'Espagne, — Vitet : Histoire de Dieppe, et La Ligue, — Voltaire : Melanges historiques, Precis du siecle de Louis XV, et Siecle de Louis XIV, — Wallon : Jeanne d'Arc, et Tribunal revolutionnaire de Paris, — Warburton : Traite sur l'histoire, les lois et coutumes de 1'ile de Guernesey, — Weill : Guerre des anabaptistes, — Weiss : Refugies protestants de France, — Witt: Histoire de Washington et des Etats-Unis, et Peuple Juif, — Williams : Evenements de 1815 en France, — Woestyn : Guerre d'Orient, — Xenophon : Retraite des dix mille, — Zeller : Catherine de Medicis et les protestants, — Chute de l'ltalie au XVIme siecle, Italie, La Saint-Bartheiemy, et Richelieu, — Zschokke et Favrat : Suisse, — etc. Histoire de mes idees, par Quinet 1272E [99] HIS BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES HOL HISTOIRE NATURELLE. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Histoire naturelle 279L Causeiies sur 1', par Carteron. 1868 203L de Buffon, 29 vol. 1802 612-40L des coquilles, par Bosc, 5 vol. 1802 666-70L crustaces, par Bosc, 2 vol. 1802 664-5 L ecoles, Petite, par Saucerotte. 1866 74*L insectes, par Tigny, 10 vol. 1802 654-63L poissons, par Bloch, 9 vol. 1801 641-9L quadrupedes, par Jacob, 4 vol. 1854 701 -4L reptiles, par Sonnini et Latreille, 4 vol. 1802 6503L vegetaux, par Lamarck et Mirbel, 15 vol. 1803 674-88L vers, par Bosc, 3 vol. 1 802 67 1 -3L Dictiormaire raisonne, universel d', par Valmont-Bomare, 15 vol. 1800 136-50L Encyclopedie d', par Chenu, 6 vol 492-7C (Euvres completes de Buffon, avec la classification de Cuvier. 9 vol. ill. 1835-6 19-27L Petite, pour les enfants. 1876 280L Precis elementaire d', par Delafosse. 1855 214L Premieres lecons d\ par Focillom 1866 248, 249 et 250L notions d, par Hement. 1866 277L Voir anssi Boitard : Le Jardin des Plantes, — Bourdon : Illustres m£decins el naturalistes, — Chenu : Les trois regnes de la nature, — Demoulin : Les animaux Granges, — Figuier : La vie et les moeurs des animaux, — Franklin : Vie des animaux, — Lubbock : Les moeurs des fourmis, — Martins, — Meunier : Animaux a meta- morphoses, Animaux d'autrefois, — Saussure, — Toussenel : L'es- prit des betes, — Tschudi, — Voyages, Histoire g£n£rale des : Histoire naturelle des Indes Orientales, — etc. Hoadly (B.), Le moyen de plaire a Dieu sous l'Evangile, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1720 *73°G Hoclie en Irlande [1795-8], par Escande. 18S8 1244E Hcefer (F.), Histoire de la botanique, de la mineralogie et de la geologic 1872 282L ■ physique et de la chimie. 1872 284 et 285L l'astronomie depuis ses origines jusqu'a nos jours. 1873 ... 281L la zoologie. 1873 286L des mathematiques. 1874 283L Voir anssi Cuvier : Discours sur les revolutions du globe, — etc. Hoei-Li et Yen-Thsong, Histoire de la vie de Hiouen-Thsang et de ses voyages dans l'lnde [629-645]. 1853 334^ Hoff (G. A.), Viede Martin Luther. 1873 913E Hoffmann (E. T. W.). Voir Romans. Hogarth etses amis, par Wey. 1876. [Anglais chez eux] 382G HOLLANDE. — Ouvrages sur la : Hollande, Femmes dela Reformation en, par Anderson 711 et 714E Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 301 -2E la peinture hollandaise, par Havard. 1882.... 79^ La, par Amicis. 1878 130G • pittoresque, La, par Havard, 3 vol.^ 1875-6 : Vol. I. — Voyage aux villes mortes du Zuiderzee 249G Vol. II. — Les fronticres menac^es 25°G* Vol HI. — Le cceur du pays 43-fG [100] HOL SECTION FRAN£AISE HOR HOLLANDE.— Ouvrages sur la :— {suite.) Hollande, Promenade en, par Colet. 1859 -.. 202G Voyage en, et en Belgique, par La Sagra, 2 vol. 1839 109- 10G — pittoresque en, par Texier, ill. 1857 62C Voir anssi Boucher de Perthes, — Mengin, — Ulbach : La Csardas, — etc. Hollard (Mile H.). Voir Romans. Hollis. — Memoires * II2E Homelies de l'eglise anglicane sur la misere du genre humain, sur le salut par Jesus-Christ, sur la Foi et sur les bonnes ceuvres. I162G ou sermons de l'Eglise anglicane sur les doctrines fondamentales de la religion chretienne. 1818 1010G Homere. CEuvres 434-5. 439-4° et 442I Voiraussi Dugas-Montbel, — etc. Homiletique ou theorie de la prediction, par Vinet. 1853 1402G HOMME. — Ouvrages sur 1', et les races humaines : Homme, Devoirs et droits de l' ; par Marion. 1883 1304L Essai sur 1', de Pope, trad. Delille 1393I Histoire de T, par Saffray. 1881 735^ L', avant les metaux, par Joly. 1881 94L L', dans ses rapports avec les animaux, par Muller 22 iC et la nature, L\ par Doherty. 1.882 1118G prehistorique, L', par Jaborowski. 1878 1414L primitif, L', par Figuier. 1870 522C sauvage, L', par Lanoye. 1873 2076I Homme banni d'Eden, L', par Bonnet. 1834 1048G des champs, L', par Delille 1388 et 1394I Hommes d'Etat du temps de George III, esquisses historiques des, par Legeay. 1847 368E du jour, biographies. 1859 9 r 4E septennat, Les, par Grenville-Murray. 1876 878E eminents en savoir et en sentiment religieux, par Goguel 872E et choses du temps present, par Valbert. 1883 1191E femmes illustres de la France, Vie des, par Mennechet, 6 vol. 352-7C illustres de l'Orleanais, Les, par Brainne, Debarbouiller et La- pierre, 2 vol. 1852 327-8C Les vies des, par Plutarque, 2 vol. 1854 361-2C 14 vol. 1778 747-60I Homonymes francais, Des, par Philipon. 1806 736I Hongrie ancienne et moderne, La, par Boldenyi. 1853 326C Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 31 iE inconnue, La [Voyage au pays des Tziganes], par Tissot. 1880. 360G Voir aussi Gue>in : Allemagne, Hongrie et Boheme, — Ulbach : La Csard&s, — etc. Hope (T.), Anastase ou memoires d'un Grec, ecrits a. la fin du XVIIIme siecle, avec une notice sur l'auteur et des notes de J. A. Buchon. 1844 915E Horace (Horatius Flaccus), CEuvres completes, suivies d'un choix d'epigrammes de Martial, trad. Goupy. 1852 444I en latin et en francais, avec des remarques critiques et histori- ques, par Dacier, 10 vol. 1709 447-56I trad. Jules Janin. 1878 443I Patin, 2 vol. i860 445*61 Hornemann. — Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 74G Tioil HOR BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES HUG HORTICULTURE. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Horticulture, Causeries sur 1', par Joigneaux 301L Encyclopedic d', [Maison rustique] 535 et 540C horticole, psrCarriere 201L Entretiens familiers sur 1', par Carriere. i860 202L Traite complet de 1', pour les grands et les petits jardins, par Denis et Rouard. 1846 58L de la culture des fleurs et arbustes d'agrement, par Breant et Boitard. 1855 191L Voir anssi Legrand : Le dahlia, — Lemaire : Le jardin fleuriste, — Noel : La vie des fleurs, — etc. Hossbach (W.), Spener et son epoque. 1847 1196G Houille, De la, et du fer enFrance, par Burat, [Entretiens populaires] 410L La, et les houilleurs, par Simonin, [Entretiens populaires] ...399 et 41 2L par Tissandier. 1869 2138I Houssaye (A.), Galerie du XVIIIme siecle, 2 vol. 1858 : Poetes et philosophes 287L Sculpteurs, peintres, musiciens 288L Histoire du 4ime fauteuil de l'Academie francaise. 1856 457I Voir aussi Romans. Houssaye (H.), 1814. 1888 ; 450G Houze (J. P.), Le livre des metiers manuels 43°L Huber (P.), Recherches sur les mceurs des fourmis indigenes. 1861. 289L Hubner (Baron J. A. de), Promenade autour du monde [1871], 2 vol. 254-5G Hue (E. R.), L'empire chinois, 2 vol. 1857 256-7G Souvenirs d'un voyage dans la Tartarie, le Thibet et la Chine [1844-46], 2vol 258-9E Hue (F.), Aux pays du petrole, ill. 1887 405G Les Francais a Madagascar, ill 386G et Haurigot (G.), Nos grandes colonies, 2 vol. 1887 : Tome I. — Afrique : La Reunion, Madagascar et S£n6gal 406G Tome II. — Amdrique : Antilles et Guyane 407G Huet (T.), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-sainte, 3 vol. 1732. 1197-9G Hughes (W. ). Voir Stahl et Hughes. Hugo (Eugene). [Chenier : GEuvres en prose] 271E Hugo (F. V.). Voir Shakespeare : OSuvres completes, — et Sonnets. Hugo (V.), Chatiments 462 et 1467I Choses vues. 1887 168I Cromwell, Marie Tudor, Le roi s'amuse 1463I Histoire d'un crime, 2 vol. 1877 330-1 et 916-7E ■ La legende des siecles, Ire serie. 1880 463I L'ane. 1880 102I — - L'annee terrible. 1872 464 et 465 1 L'archipel de la Manche. 1883 27G La pitie supreme. 1879 101 et 470I Le Rhin, 3 vol. rel. ens i 1461I Les chansons des rues et des bois. 1867 461 1 i contemplations, 2 vol. 1868 467-8I enfants : le livre des meres 469I * 1 feuilles d'automne, — Les chants du crepuscule, — Les voix interieures, — Les rayons et les ombres 1466I orientales, — Les feuilles d'automne, — Les chants du cre- puscule. i88i ; 460I Les voix interieures, — Les rayons et les ombres. 1855... 466I « quatre vents de l'esprit, 2 vol. 1881 99-100I [102] HUG SECTION FRANCHISE HYG Hugo (V.), Les voix interieures, — Les rayons et les ombres. 1879 ... 459I Lucrece Borgia; Angelo, tyran de Padoue ; Le dernier jour d'un condamne ; Claude Gueux, — Litterature et philosophic melees, — relies ens 1462I Marion Delorme ; La Esmeralda; Hernani, oul'honneur castillan; Ruy-Blas et Les Burgraves 1464I Napoleonic Petit. 1862 1848E Odes et ballades. 1881 458I Les Orientales 1465I ■ poesies diverses, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1834 1460I Religions et religion. 1880 103I William Shakespeare. 1864 98I raconte par un temoin de sa vie [1819-41], 2 vol. 1863 332-3E Voir aitssi Draussin : Portraits historiques, — Romans, — etc. Hugo (Victor), Dictionnaire des metaphores de, par Duval. 1888 ... 1103I Hugonnet (F.), Souvenirs d'un chef de bureau arabe. 1858 471I Hugonnet (L.), En Egypte, Le Caire, Alexandrie, Les Pyramides. 1883 260G Huguenots du XVIme siecle, Les, par Schoeffer. 1870 1372G Les, en Angleterre et en Irlande, par Smiles. 1870 *379G Hugues Capet et la troisieme race, par Capefigue, 4 vol. rel. en 2.... 1809- 10E Hugues (A. ), L'Observatoire et ses merveilles. 1868 290L Hugues (E.), Histoire de la restauration du protestantisme en France au XYIIIe siecle, Antoine Court, 2 vol. 1875 1200-1G Hugues (W.), Ma maison, histoire familiere de mon corps. 1869... 291-2L Hulot QBaron E.), De l'Atlantique au Pacifique, a travers le Canada et le nord des Etats-Unis. 1888 408G Humbert (A.). Voir Romans. Humbert (E.), Les villes de Thuringe (Weimar, Erfurt, Iier : La seconde enfance, — Segur : Sant£ des enfants, — etc. Hypnotisme. [Meric : Le merveilleux et la science] 1 59L XAMBESet Poemes, par Barbier. 1867 210I Idee de Dieu, L', et sesnouveaux critiques, par Caro. 1878 1629G Idees sur la philosophic de l'histoire de l'humanite, par Herder, 3 vol. 1834 II93-5G Ignorance, De 1', par Robert 1132L Ignotus (Dr), Petit traite de la machine humaine ou rudiments de - la science de l'homme physique. 1864 2 93L He de France, Voyage a I', par Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, 2 vol.... 1321-2I ILES DE LA MANCHE. — Ouvrages sur les ; lies anglaises de la Manche, par Boland. 1887 377& de la Manche, Discipline ecclesiastique des, par Lee. 1885. 1424G Histoire des, par Pegot-Ogier. 1881 678E Les Francais dans les, par Fremine, ill. 1888 385G Voir aussi Archipel de la Manche, — Guernesey, — Jersey, — etc. Iliade, L', par Homere, 1828 434, 439, 440 et 442I Observations sur 1', par Dugas-Montbel, 2 vol. 1829-30... 436-7I Illustres medecins et naturalistes des temps modernes, par Bourdon. 186L voyageuses, Les, par Cor tambert. 1 866 808E Imagerie populaire, Histoire de 1', par Champfleury. 1886 448L Imagination, L', par Delille 1389I Joly. 1877 2162I Imbert (H.), Quatre mois au Sahel. 1888 409G Impot, Del', par Batbie, [Entretiens populaires] 410L Imprimerie. Voir Gutenberg, — Instruction pour le peuple, — etc. Incendies, Les grands, par Petit. 1882 2117I INDE. —Ouvrages sur l'empire indo-britannique : Inde anglaise, L', Souvenirs de, par de Brehat. 1876 196G Histoire de 1', par Maries. 1850 995E L', contemporaine, par Lanoye. 1855 276G et la Chine, par Ott. 1878 1415L Les royaumes de 1', par Rousselet. 1879 1816L Relations diplomatiques de Louis XVI avec l'lnde, par Capefigue. 1856 796E Voyages de Hiouen-Thsang dans 1', [629-645] 334E Voir aussi Canivet : Les colonies perdues, — Cotteau : En Oceanie, — Jacquemont, — Montemont, — etc. Indes, Histoire philosoohique et politique des deux, par Raynal, 10 vol. 1782 ". 479-SSE [104] IND SECTION FRANCAISE INS Indes, Histoire de la presqu'ile des, au-dela du Gange, [Histoire universelle] 253E La vie de Saint-Francois Xavier, apotre des, parBonhours, 2 vol. 768-9E occidentales, Souvenirs des, par Marquand. 1853 38G orientales, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 256-9E Voir aussi Voyages, Histoire g^nerale des, — Russell, — etc. Indiens de la baie d' Hudson, Les, par Delessert. 1861 212G Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 231E La vie chez les, par Catlin. 1872 19SG Indo-Chine, L\ et la Chine, par Thomson. 1879 1819L Indoustan, Histoire de 1', [Histoire universelle] 251-2E Inductions morales et physiologiques, par Keratry. 1817 1202G Industrie en Europe, L', par Reybaud. 1856 1245L humaine, L', par Fassy . ll 3S^ Les genies de la science et de 1', par Gastineau 1418L Voir aussi Instruction pour le peuple, — etc. Inegalite des richesses, Des causes de 1', par Fassy. 1849 H37L Infiniment petits, Les, par Hement. 1881 1S08L Ingenieur civil, Manuel complet de 1', par Schmitz, Jullien et Lorentz, 2 vol. 1845 74 2 \3L Ingenieurs, Les grands, par Comberousse 1 1 29L Inglis, Voyages en Europe de, [Montemont] 94G Inondations, Les, par Landrin. 1880 2072I Inquisition d'Espagne, Histoire abregee de 1', par Gallois. 1823... 1698G critique de 1', depuis sonetablissement jusqu'au regne de Ferdinand VII, par Llorente, 4 vol. 1817 372-5E Inquisitions, Histoire des ; oil Ton rapporte l'origine et les progres de ces tribunaux, leurs variations et la forme de leur juridic- tion, 2 vol. 1759 1562-3G INSECTES ou ENTOMOLOGIE : Insecte, L\ par Michelet. 1880 335L Inseotes, Histoire naturelle des, par Tigny, 10 vol. 1802 654-63L Les, par Figuier. 1875 5*4 et 515C ^ Malo 710L Metamorphoses des, par Girard. 1866 2054I Mceurs pittoresques des, par Rendu. 1872 383, 384 et 385L nuisibles aux arbres fruitiers, aux plantes potageres, aux cereales et aux plantes fourrageres, Les, par Goureau ... 75^ par Franklin, [La vie des animaux] 257L Theologie des, par Lesser. 1 742 1 220G Voir aussi Abeilles, — Histoire naturelle, — Huber : Mceurs des fourmis, — Instruction pour le peuple, — Papillons, — etc. Institut de France, Nouveau cours complet d'agriculture theo- rique et pratique, ou dictionnaire raisonne et universel d'agri- culture, par les membres de la section d'agriculture de l'lns- titut de France, 16 vol. 1821 35"5oL Institutes de Justinien 1 200L de Theophile, Les. 1847 1285L Instituteurs, Direction morale pour les, par Barrau. 1869 1108L Institution chretienne, L', 3 vol 1559-61G Institutions judiciaires de l'Europe, esprit, origine et progres des, par Meyer, 5 vol. 1823 999-1003L militaires de la France, Les : Louvois, Carnot, Saint-Cyr. 1867... 1453L ouvrieres de Mulhouse, Les, par Veron. 1866 1031L [105] INS BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES ITA INSTRUCTION. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Instruction du peuple, L', par Laveleyc. 1 872 970L obligatoire, L', par Robert. 1 87 1 1 29L pour la jeunesse, par Chevignard, 2 vol. 1805 30-31L le peuple, — Cent traites sur les connaissances les plus in- dispensables. 1850 528C primaire, Bibliotheque usuelle de 1', par Gillet-Damitte, 5 vol 428-32L et populaire en Belgique, De l'etat de 1', par Ducpetiaux, 2 vol. 1838 1141-2L publique en France, L', par Cucheval-Clarigny. 1883 51L Voiraussi Education, — Enseignement, — Etudes, — La Sagra, — etc. Instructions agricoles, par Joigneaux. 1857 295L Intelligence, De la vie et de 1', par Flourens. 1858 247L des animaux, L', par Menault. 1872 2103I Intemperance, Des habitudes d', par Baudrillart 1 1 32L Invasions barbares, Les, d'apres les ecrivains et les monuments anciens. 1 879 1849E INVENTEURS ET INVENTIONS. —Ouvrages sur les : Inventeurs, Biographie des grands, dans les sciences, les arts et l'industrie, par Beaufrand et Desclosieres. 1877 7 2 5E celebres, Deux, par Ernouf. 1867 833E Inventions, Dictionnaire des, des origines et des decouvertes, par Noel, Carpentier et Puissant fils. 1837 557C et decouvertes modernes, Histoire ancienne des, ou le Vieux- Neuf, par Fournier, 3 vol. 1877 251-3L modernes et anciennes, Les grandes, par Figuier. 1865 ... 518C Voir aussi Instruction pour le peuple, — Girard, — Gutenberg, — etc. IRLANDE. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Irlande, Chez Paddy, par Mandat-Grancey. 1 887 440G Economie rurale de 1', par Lavergne. 1863 310L Histoire d', d'apres Thomas Moore, par Maries. 1840 996E Hoche en [1795-8], par Escande. 1888 1244E L', sociale, politique et religieuse, par Beaumont, 2 vol. 1845. 74 2 3E 2V0l. 1863 I72-3G Les Anglais en, par Daryl. 1888 430G Voyage au pays de la misere : lTrlande contemporaine, par Boland. 1888 43SG Voir anssi Angleterre, — Evans : L'age du bronze, — Fleury : His- toire d'Angleterre, — Hersart de la Villemarque" : La ldgende celtique, — Prevost : M^moires de M. de Montcal, — Voyages, Histoire gendrale des, — etc. Irving (W.), Voyages et decouvertes des compagnons de Colomb. 285G Isabelle de Castille, par Capefigue. 1869 783E Israelites, Mceurs des, et des chretiens, par Fleury. 1839 1684G ITALIE. — Ouvrages sur 1' : Italie des Italiens, L', par Narjoux, ill. 1888 421G Expedition des Deux-Siciles, par Du Camp. 1861 820 et S21E Femmes de la Reformation en, par Anderson 710 et 7 J 3E Histoire de la campagned', par Giguet [1796-7]. 1853 994E chute de 1', au XVIme siecle, par Zeller 240C [106] ITA SECTION FRANCHISE JAC ITALIE.— Ouvrages sur 1' :— {suite.) Italie, Histoire de 1', depuis l'invasion des Barbares jusqu'a nos jours, par Zeller. 1853 1213E Venise, par Valentin. 1855 1192E des republiques italiennes du moyen-age, par Sismondi, 16vol. 1809 554-69E revolutions et desguerres d' } en 1847-49, par Pepe. 1850. 467E d', [Histoire universelle] 280-2E V, d'apres nature : l'ltalie meridionale, par Figuier. 1868... 236G en 1870-71, par Rothan. 1885 688E qu'on voit et l'ltalie qu'on ne voit pas, par Brachet. 1881. 602C Les reformateurs de 1', au Xllme siecle, par Peyrat. i860. 1835G tribuns et les revolutions en, par Zeller. 1874 1215E moderne, L', par Mazade. i860 1001E Naples et les Napolitains. 1859 1027E parPaya. 1857 1033E Napoleon III et 1'. 1859 1447^ Questions italiennes, par Gaillard. i860 857E Souvenirs d', par Craven. 1884 207G Une course en, par Delord 244C Voyage en, par Taine, 2 vol. 1880-81 : Tome I. — Naples et Rome 35 6 G Tome II. — Florence et Venise 357*-* Voir aussi Bandedu Jura, — Daru : Rdpublique de Venise, — Dumas : Impressions de voyage, — Stendhal, — Ulbach : La Csardas, — etc. Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem, par Chateaubriand, 3 vol. 1830 ... 1360-2I des bateaux a vapeur de Paris au Havre, avec une description des bords de la Seine, suivi d'un guide du voyageur, precede d'une notice historique sur le chemin de fer de Paris a Saint-Germain, s. d. [Ana'e/i] 137G lung (Th.), Bonaparte et son temps [i769"99]> 3 vol. 1881 1 249-5 iE JACK et Jane, par Stahl et Lermont 239C Jaclot (J.) et Arbel (A. d', aine), Recreations arithmetiques, 2 vol. 1838 92-3L Jacob (P. L. Lacroix, bibliophile), Madame de Krudener, ses lettres et ses ouvrages inedits. 1880 918E Petit Buffon illustre ; Histoire naturelle des quadrupedes, 4 vol. 1854 701-4L Voir aussi Romans. Jacobs (A.), L'Oceanie nouvelle. 1861 261G Jacolliot (L.), Voyage aux pays mysterieux 435^ Jacquard (M. J.), Vie de, par Baudrillart H29L Voir aussi Ernouf : Deux inventeurs celebres, — etc. Jacquemart (A.), Les merveilles de la ceramique, 3 vol. 1869 2064-61 Jacquemont (V.), Correspondance avec sa famille et ses amis pen- dant son voyage dans l'lnde [1828-32], 2 vol. 1869 262-3G Jacques Bonhomme chez John Bull, par Jupilles. 1885 439G Jacques Ier d'Ecosse. [Delecluze : Les deux prisonniers de Windsor]. 24 5C Jacques II h Saint-Germain, par Capefigue. 1833 1807E [107] JAO BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES JEH Jacqties II. Memoires, 4 vol 129-32E Voir aussi Capefigue : La duchesse de Portsmouth, — etc. Jacquinet (M. ), Fragments d'etudes et notes prises dans une biblio- theque. 1880 472I Jamaique, La. Voir Le Moyne, — etc. James (J. A.), La recherche du salut. 1851 1731G Jamin. — Quelques phenomenes atmospheriques. 1880 1809L Jan Mayen. [Voyages, Histoire generale des] 15C Janet (P.), La famille, le9ons de philosophic morale. 1881 1302L 1866 963L philosophic francaise contcmporaine. 1879 X 73 2 G Les maitres de la pensee moderne. 1883 *733G Philosophic du bonheur. 1880 1303L Janin (A.), Georges Fulton et Robert Stephenson, ou les bateaux a vapeur et les chemins de fer. 1861 919E Janin (J.). Voir Boitard ; Le Jardin des Plantes, — Horace: CEuvres, — Romans, — etc. JAPON. — Ouvrages sur le : Japon, Histoire du, [Histoire universelle] 255-6E L'art japonais, par Chesneau, [Nations rivales dans l'art] ... 205L Gonse 433D La vie de Saint-Francois Xavier, apotre du, par Bonhours, 2 vol. 1788 768-9E Le, de nos jours, par Bousquet, 2 vol. 1877 18-19G par Fraissinet, 2 vol 851-2E ouvert, Le. i860 146G Voir aussi Moges, — etc. JARDIN AGE. — Ouvrages sur le, et les jar dins: Jardin fleuriste, Le, par Lemaire. 1857 316L Jardinage, Conferences sur le, par Joigneaux , 298 et 299L Le, ou l'art de creer et de bien tenir un jardin, par Ysabeau. 407L Pratique simplifiee du, par Du Bois. 1825 230L Jardinier, Les economies d'un vieux, par Des Vaulx. 1865 ... 227L Manuel complet du, par Bailly, 2 vol. 1827 602-3L Jardiniers, L'art de cultiver les jardins ou nouveau manuel com- plet des, par Bossin 607L Voir aussi Millet- Robinet : Maison rustique des dames, — etc. Jardin des Plantes, Le, par Boitard 490C Jardin d'enfants, Histoire d'un, [L'ecole Froebel], par Masson... 976L Voir aussi Delon. Jardins, Les, parDelille .....1387 et 1397I Java, Siam, Canton, par de Beauvoir. 1881 176G Voir aussi Cotteau : En Oc<;anie, — etc. Jeanne d'Arc, Histoire de, par Villiaume. 1864 660E par Chaussard. 1806 100E Lock [1429-31]. 1866 1860E Wallon. 1869 1204E Voir aussi France, — Voltaire : La Pucelle d'Orl^ans, — etc. Jeannel (J.), De Pair, proprietes physiques et chimiques 1127L Jefferson (Thomas), par Witt. 1862 1206E Jehan (L. F.), Botanique et physiologie vegetale, ill. 1847 45 2 L [108] JER SECTION FRANCHISE JON JERSEY. — Ouvrages sur l'ile de : Jersey, Geologie de, par Noury. 1886 44 oL Manuscrits de Philippe Le Geyt sur la constitution, les lois et les usages de l'ile de, 4 vol. 1846-7 1039-42L Voir cntssi Archipel de la Manche, — Boland : lies anglaises de la Manche, — Famine : Les Francais dans les lies de la Manche, — Guiton, — Lelievre, — P^got-Ogier : Histoire des iles de la Manche, — Vacquerie : Miettes de l'histoire, — Wesley :' M6tho- disme dans les iles de la Manche, — etc. Ouvrages publies a, ou par des auteursjersiais : Voir Baxter, — Drelincourt : Sonnets Chretiens, et Glaneur chrdtien, — La FI£chere, — Le Geyt : Manuscrits, — etc. Jersey (H. de.), Vie du rev. Jean de Queteville, avec de nombreux extraits de sa correspondance et un abrege de la vie de Madame de Queteville. 1847 47iE Jerasalem, Siege de, par Josephe. 1872 924 et 925E — ■ — delivree, La, par le Tasse 141 et 1125I Jesuites, Les constitutions des, avec les declarations. 1843 1564G par Quinet. 1873 1 1845G JESUS-CHRIST, La divine autorite de N.S., par Coulin. 1878... 1670G ■ Morale de. 1807 1023G Examen de la vie de, par Quinet 1842G Histoire de, pendant sa manifestation en chair, tiree mot a mot des quatre Evangiles, reduits en harmonic 1850 1582G son temps, sa vie, son oeuvre, par Pressense 1422G Vie du Seigneur, par Riggenbach. 1864 1340G Jeune chretien, Le, par Abbott. 1843 1555^ Jeiines demoiselles, L'ami des, ou conseils aux jeunes personnes qui entrent dans le monde, 2 vol 1 102-3 et l I0 4"5L femmes, Les, par Bouilly, 2 vol. 1820 1116-7L Jeimesse, Instruction pour la, par Chevignard, 2 vol. 1805 30- iL des homines celebres, La, par Muller 1025E Jeux des adolescents, par Beleze. 1858 II12L Jevons (W. S. ), L'economie politique 1424L Joanne (A.), Bretagne, Guide diamant en. 1870 264G Job, Le livre de, par Renan. i860 1336G Joeelyn, par Lamartine. 1851 583I Johnson (R. B.), Dans l'extreme Far-West, ill. 1874 265G Joigneaux (P.), Causeries sur ['agriculture et l'horticulture 301 L Conferences sur le jardinage et la culture des arbres fruitiers. 29S et 299L Cours d'agriculture. 1865 705 et 706L Instructions agricoles. 1857 295L La chimie du cultivateur. 1850 296 et 297L Les champs et les pres. 1856 294L Petite ecole d'agriculture. 1878 300L 1 Petits entretiens sur la vie des champs. 1876 276L Joinville (Le sire de), Histoire de Saint- Louis, id. Natalis de Wailly. 1865 920E Joli (Guy), Memoires, suivis d'un memoire concernant le cardinal de Retz et memoires de la duchesse de Nemours, 2 vol. 1777... 921-2E • Voir aussi Retz. Joly(H.), L'imagination. 1877 2162I Psychologie des grands hommes. 1883 I734G Joly (N.) L'homme avant les metaux. 1881 1 94L Jonas, Lecons sur le livre du prophete, par Gaussen. 1855.; 1713Q [109] JON BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES JUI Jonveaux (E.), Histoire dequatre ouvriers anglais : Henry Maudslay, George Stephenson, William Fairbairn, James Nasmyth, precede d'une introduction sur l'industrie du fer. 1868 923E L'Amerique actuelle. 1870 ,' 266G Jort (De), Dissertation sur les aides chevels de Normandie, apelez aides coustumiers. 1706 1 199L Josephe (Flavius), Histoire des Juifs, trad. Arnauld d'Andilly, 5 vol. 1 706 1 850-4E CEuvres completes. 1858 343C Notice de J. A. Buchon, Autobiographic de Flavius Joseph, Histoire ancienne des Juifs, Histoire de la guerre des Juifs, Histoire du martyre des Machabees, Reponse a Appion en justification de 1'his- toire ancienne des Juifs. Siege de Jerusalem. 1872 , 924 et 925E Jost (G. ). Voir Salicis et Jost. Josue, Lecons sur les sept premiers chapitres de, par Gaussen. 1870. 1714G Jouan (H.), Les lies du Pacifique I435L Jouault (A.), Abraham Lincoln, sa jeunesse et sa vie politique, histoire de l'aboliticn de l'esclavage aux Etats-Unis. 1875 ... 926E Joubert (J.), Les correspondants de, lettres inedites publiees par Paul de Raynal. 1883 473 et 474I Jouffroy (Th.), [Mignet : Eloges historiques] 1012E Jourdan (G. ), De la justice criminelle en France 141 7L Jourdier (A.), Le materiel agricole. 1856 302 et 303L Journal de lecture, Le. . , 104I des enfants 218C d'un solitaire et voyage a la Schlucht, par Thiriat. 1883 1167E encyclopedique ou universel, 3 vol. 1786 47571 Journaux francais et etrangers, L'esprit des, 24 vol. 1785-6 342-65I Jouy (E.), CEuvres completes, 24 vol. 1823-28 : L'ermite de la chaussde d'Antin, 3 vol 478-80I Guillaume le franc-parleur, 2 vol 48 1-2I L'ermite de la Guiane, 2 vol 483-4I L'ermite en province, 8 vol 485-92I L'ermite en prison 493I Theatre, 4 vol 494"7l Melanges, 2 vol 498-9I La morale appliqu^e a. la politique 500I Table g£n£rale des matieres 501I Jugemens des savants sur les principaux ouvrages des auteurs, par Baillet, 8 vol. 1725 , 481-SC JUIFS. — Ouvrages sur les : Juifs, Essais sur la litterature des Hebreux, par Montbron, 2 vol. 708-9I Histoire ancienne des, par Joseph. 1858 343C ■ de la dispersion des, [Histoire universelle] 262-3E guerre des, par Joseph. 1858 343C — des, par Basnage, 15 vol. 1716 726-40E Josephe, 5 vol. 1706 i85o-4E ■ du peuple juif, par Mme de Witt. 1867 1207E philosophique des, depuis la decadence des Machabees, par Capefigue, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1834 1808E L'histoire et la religion des, par Basnage, 5 vol. 1707 1801-5E Republique des Hebreux, suivie des antiquitez judai'ques de Basnage, 5 vol. 1705-13 1063-7E Siege de Jerusalem, par Josephe. 1872 924et925E Voir aussi Hebreux, — Histoire universelle, — Peuple de Dieu, — etc, [no] JU1 SECTION FRANCHISE KOT Juif-Errailt, Les tablettes du, par Quinet 1843G Julie ou la nouvelle Heloi'se, par Rousseau 854I 3 vol 837-9 et 1529-31I Julien l'Apostat, par Lame •. " 246C Jullien (C. E.)- Voir Schmitz, Jullien et Lorentz. Jumiege (G. de) et Poitiers (G. de), Histoire des dues de Norman- die, publiee par M. Guizot, et suivie de la vie de Guillaume- le-Conquerant. 1826 676E Junod (H.). Voir Bouchardat et Junod. Jupilles (F. de), Jacques Bonhomme chez John Bull. 1885 439G Juranville (C. ), Le savoir-faire et le savoir-vivre dans les diverses circonstances de la vie 304L Jurien de la Graviere (E.), Doria et Barberousse. 1886 1252E Jurisprudence. Voir Legislation, — Lois, — Million de faits, — etc. Guerres maritimes sous la Republique et l'Empire, 2 vol. 1847. 927-8E Jussieu (A. de), Botanique. 1848 305 et 306L Justice criminelle en France, De la, par J ourdan 141 7L et charite, par Cousin. 1849 H37L Justinien (F. A.), Institutes 1200L Voir aussi Th^ophile, — etc. Juvenal (D. J. ), GEuvres. 1873 5°7l KABYLIE, Recits de, par Carrey. 1858 799E Kamtschatka. [Voyages, Histoire generate des] 1 5C Karr(A.), Les guepes, 4 vol. 1853 509-12I soirees de Sainte-Adresse. 1853 515I Une poignee de verites, melanges philosophiques. 1857 508I Promenades hors de mon jardin. 1856 514I Voyage autour de mon jardin. 1857 513I Voir aussi Romans. Keegan (C), Le negociant universel ou recueil de lettres originales de commerce. 1812 307L Keith (Dr. A.), Les propheties et leur accomplissement litteral, tel qu'il resulte de l'histoire des peuples, etc. 1838 929E Kepler (J.), [Bertrand : Les fondateurs de l'astronomie moderne] ... 180L Keratry (A. H.), Inductions morales et physiologiques. 1817 1202G Keratry (Cte E. de), Les mines de Pompei. 1868 230G et 1127L Kibrizli-Mehemet-Pacha (Mme). Voir Romans. Kingsley (H.). Voir Romans. Kingston (W. H. G.), Chez les Zoulous, aventures de guerre et de chasse. 1881 267G Kitto (John), Vie de, par Faye. i860 841E Klaczko (J.), Causeries florentines. 1880 516I Klaproth. — Voyages en Europe de, [Montemont] 94G Kniphuysen-Nienoort (Cte G. G.), Entretiens solitaires d'une ame devote avec son Dieu, 3 tomes rel. ens. 1706 1203G Kohlrausch (H. F. T.), Histoire d'Allemagne depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a i'annee 1838 344C Kohn-Abrest (F.). [Beust : Memoires] 680-1E Kotzebue (A. de), L'annee la plus memorable de la viede Jvotzebue, 2 vol. 1802 930-1E [in] KOT BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES LAC Kotzebue (A. tie), Souvenirs de Paris en 1S04 268G Voyages de, [Montemont] 66G Krudeiier (Mme de), Ses lettres et ses ouvrages inedits, par le bibliophile Jacob. 1880 ...» 918E ■ Voir aussi Romans. Krusenstern.— Voyages de, [Montemont] 66G Kuhff (P.), Lecons et lectures pour enfants de 8 a 12 ans. 1878 517I Les enfantines du bon pays de l 7 rance : Berceuses, Rondes, Noels, etc. 1878 518I Rimes et dictons pour petits et grands. 1878 519I Kulm (F.), Luther, sa vie et son ceuvre, 3 vol. 1883 335-6«E JjABADIE (J. de), Declaration touchant les raisons de sa juste separation de la nouvelle Eglise romaine et de son union a la Reform ee 1 204G Labaume (J.). Voir Regnault et Labaume. La Blancnere (H. de). Voir Romans. Labouisse (A. de), Pensees, observations et reflexions morales, poli- tiques et litteraires, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1810 1468I Laboulaye (E.), Discours populaires. 1870 1201L Histoire des Etats-Unis [1620-1789], 3 vol. 1870 932-4E Jeunesse de Franklin. 1872 1152L Paris en Amerique. 1872 269G Voir anssi Channing : CEuvres sociales, — Franklin : Correspondance, et Essais de morale, — Romans, — etc. Laboureur, L'atelier du, par Des Vaulx 225L La Bruyere des jeunes demoiselles, Le, par Mme Malles de Beaulieu. 1219L La Bruyere (J. de), Les caracteres de Theophraste, avec les carac- teres ou les mceurs de ce siecle ; notes et defense de La Bruyere et de ses Caracteres, par M. Coste, 2 vol. 1759 520-1I Les caracteres, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1843 1469I 2 vol 1470- 1 1 Voir aussi Bravard, — Morceaux choisis, — etc. Labutte (A.), Histoire des dues de Normandie jusqu'a la mort de Guillaume-le-Conquerant. 1866 337E Lac Albert, Le, par Baker. 1872 160G des Quatre-Cantons, Le, et ses rives classiques, guide du voyageur. . . 1837 I39G Lacedemone, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 211E Lachanibeandie (P.), Fables. 1862 522I La Chapelle (A. de), La necessite du culte public parmi les Chre- tiens. 1746 1205G Lachanme (J.), Methode elementaire pour tailler et conduire soi- meme les poiriers, pommiers et autres arbres fruitiers. 1858. 3C8L Lacoloilge (L. O. de), De l'eau consideree au point de vue physique, mecanique et alimentaire. 1867 708 et 1127L Lacombe (P.), Le patriotisme. 1878 2163I Les armes el: les armures. 1868 2070I Petite histoire d'Angleterre depuis les origines jusqu'en 1650. 1855E du peuple fran9ais. 1868 1228E Lacordaire (J. B. H.), Conferences de Notre-Dame de Paris, 4 vol 1206-9G [112] LAO SECTION FRANCHISE LAL Laoratelle (C), Histoire dc France pendant le XVUIme siecle, 6 vol. 1812 338-43E Lacroix (F.), Patagonie, Terre de Feu et archipel des Malouines, [Univers]. 1840 634E Perou et Bolivie, [Univers]. 1843 63SE Possessions anglaises dans l'Amerique du Nord, [Univers]. 1849... 636E Lacroix (L.), lies de la Grece, [Univers]. 1S53 640E Lacroix (P. de), Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de la revolution de Saint-Domingue, 2 vol. 1819 344"5E Lacroix (P. L.). Voir Jacob. La Douespe (S. de), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte. 1752 1210G Ladvocat (L'abbe), Dictionnaire historique portatif contenant l'histoire des patriarches, des princes hebreux, des empereurs, des rois, etc., 2 vol. 1752 935-6E La Faye (G. de), Principes de chirurgie. 1796 213L Lafayette (Madame de), Vie de, par Lasteyrie. 1869 969E Lafitte (J. B. P.). [Fleury : Memoires] 850E La Flecnere (J. G. de), Adresse au lecteur serieux qui demande : Que faut-il que je fasse pour etre sau ve ? 1831 1211G Vie de M. le pasteur de. 1845 659E Vie du rev. J. G. de, par Cox. 1827 809E La Fontaine (J. de), Fables 523, 524, 1472 et 1474I 2 vol 1475-6 et 1477-8I et Buffon (G. L. de), Fables annotees 1 1 10I La Forest-d'Armaille (De), Principes du droit naturel et politique. 948L Lagrange (C.), Le christianisme et la methode experimentale, pre- cede d'une lettre de M. Ernest Naville. 1883 1212G La Harpe (J. F. de), Chefs-d'oeuvre dramatiques, accompagnes de notes et observations litteraires, par Nelly Janin. 1814 576I Lycee ou cours de litterature ancienneet moderne, 14 vol 527-40I 16 vol 541-56 et 560-75I Philosophie du XVIIIme siecle, 2 vol. 1818 525-6I 3 vol 557.9I Voir aussi Buquet : Nouveau cours de literature, — Racine : CEuvres, — etc. Laing. — Voyages en Afiique de, [Montemont] 77G Lair (A.), L'heroi'sme francais, ill. 1884 1253E Lair (J.), Louise de la Valliere et la jeunesse de Louis XV, d'apres des documents inedits. 1881 346E Lajoye (R.), L'education correctionnelle en Angleterre, aux Etats- Unis et en France. 1880 964L Lakanal. — Mignet, [Eloges historiques] 1012E Lake et Richard. — Londres tel qu'ilest, [guide] 270G La Lande (J. de), Abrege d'astronomie. 1774 95L Voir aussi Fontenelle et de La Lande. La Landelle (G. de). Voir Romans. Lalanne (L.), Curiosites bibliographiques. 1857 577I Lalaure.— Traite des servitudes reelles, revu et annote, par Paillet. 1827 , 965L Lallemand (A.), Traite theorique et pratique des operations secondares de la guerre, 2 vol. 1824 1454-5L Lalouel (H.), Les orateurs de la Grande-Bretagne depuis le regne de Charles Ier jusqu'a nos jours, precede d'une lettre de M. de Cormer.in, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1841 578I ["3] LAM BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES LAM La Madelene (J. de), Brigitte, [Magasin de librairie] 249C Le Comte G. de Raousset-Boulbon, sa vie et ses aventures, d'apres ses papiers et sa correspondance. 1876 93§E Lamarck (J. B.) et Mirtoel (B.), Histoire naturelle des vegetaux, 15 vol. 1803 674-88L Lamartine (A. de), Benvenuto Cellini. 1866 957E Gutenberg, inventeur de Fimprimerie [1400-1469]. 1853 958E Harmonies poetiques et religieuses. 1848 581, 594 et 595I Histoire de la Restauration, 8 vol. 1856 947-54E revolution de 1848, 2 vol. Tel. ens. 1849 955E Russie, 2 vol. 1855 351-2E des Girondins, 8 vol. 1848 939-46E 1851 345C Jocelyn, episode, journal trouve chez un curede village. 1851... 583I La chute dun ange, episode. 1849 584I Les confidences. 1862 597I constituants [1789], 4 vol. 1854 347-50E Meditations poetiques. 1831 1479I Memoires inedits [1790-1815]. 1870 358E Nouvelles confidences. 1863 598I meditations poetiques, — Le dernier chant du pelerinage d'Harold, — Chant du sacre. 1848 580, 591, 592 et 593I Premieres meditations poetiques, — La mort de Socrate. 1848. 579, 588, 589 et 590I Raphael, pages de la vingtieme annee. 1851 587I Recueillements poetiques. 1849 582I Souvenirs et portraits, 3vol. 1871-2 599-601I Souvenirs, impressions, pensees et paysages pendant un voyage en Orient [1832-33] ou notes d'un voyageur, 2 vol. 271-2G et 585-6I Toussaint Louverture, poeme dramatique. 1854 596I Vie des grands homines, 5 vol 353-7E Viedufasse. 1866 956E sa vie litteraire et politique, par Mazade. 1872 1002E Voir aussi Poetes francais modernes, — Romans, — etc. L amber (J.). Voir Romans. Lambert (C. IL), Dictionnaire des paralleles, concordances et analo- gies bibliques, ou table methodique des versets ou textes de l'Ecriture. 1862 1883G Lame (E. ), Julien l'Apostat, [Magasin de librairie] 246C Lame-Fleury.— La mythologie racontee aux enfants. 1865 . . . 1856E et 1456L L'histoire ancienne racontee aux enfants. 1867 1857E grecque racontee aux enfants. 1863 1858E • romaine racontee aux enfants. 1865 1859E Lamennais (F. de), CEuvres completes, 2 vol. 1839 165-6C Paroles d'un croyant ; Une voix de prison ; De l'esclavage moderne, avec une etude de Sainte-Beuve. 1877 1735G Lamothe (H. de), Cinq mois chez les Francais d'Amerique, voyage au Canada et a. la riviere Rouge du Nord. 1880 274G Lamouroux (J. V. F.), Resume d'un cours elementairede geographie physique. 1821 96L Lamy (B.), La rhetorique ou l'art de parler 1736G Lamy (V.), A travers mers et forets, scenes et aventures de voyages. 275G ■ Deux femmes celebres : Mine Roland et Charlotte Corday. 1884. 960E Quelques heros des luttes religieuses au XVIme et au XVIIme siecles (Bernard Palissy, Milton, Henri Arnaud et les Vaudois). 959E ■ Voir aussi Romans ["4] LAN SECTION FRANCAISE LAP Landais (N.), Grammaire, resume general de toutes les grammaires francaises, presentant la solution analytique, raisonnee et logiqae de toutes les questions grammaticales anciennes et modernes. 1835 296C Lander (R. et J.), Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 79G Landrin (A.), Les inondations. 1880 2072I Les monstres marins. 1867 2073I • ■ Les plages de la France. 1866 2074I Lanfrey (P.), Essai sur la revolution francaise. 1879 966E Etudes et portraits politiques. 1874 602I Histoire de Napoleon Ier, 5 vol. 1870 961-5E politique des Papes. i860 J 738G L'Eglise et les philosophes au XVI lime siecle, avec etude bio- graphique par E. de Pressense. 1879 I737G Langage, De l'origine du, par Renan. 1858 116I Langlois de Longueville (F. P.), Manuel du lavis a la seppia et de l'aquarelle, ill. 1828 760L Langue francaise, de l'histoire et de l'usage de la, par Egger 1842E Histoire de la, par Littre, 2 vol. 1863 626-7I • — des origines de la, par Granier de Cassagnac. 1872 76I Langues, Essai sur l'origine et l'antiquite des. 1 767 366 1 Voir aussi Lopez : Races aryennes du P£rou, — etc. Lanier (L.), LAfrique, ill. 1886 411G ■ LAmerique, ill. 1885 412G L'Europe (sans la France), ill. 1887 410G Lanjuinais (Le cte), Constitutions de la nation francaise, avec un essai de traite historique et politique sur la charte, 2 vol. 1819. 966-7L La Noue (Francois de, dit Bras-de-Fer), par Vincent. 1875 1198E Lanoye (F. de), La mer polaire : Voyage de " l'Erebe " et de la "Terreur " et expeditions a la recherche de Franklin. 1865. 280G La Siberie. 1865 282G Le Niger et les explorations de lAfrique centrale depuis Mungo- Park jusqu'au docteur Barth. 1858 .' 278G Le Nil, son bassin et ses sources. 1870 279G Les grandes scenes de la nature. 1867 281G L'homme sauvage. 1873 2076I • L'Inde contemporaine. 1855 276G Voir aussi Hervd, — etc. La P*** (L'abbe de), Dictionnaire biographique et bibliographique des predicateurs et sermonnaires francais, depuis le XVIme siecle jusqu'a nos jours. 1824 1213G La Perouse (J. F. de), Voyages de, [Montemont] 61-2G Lapierre (C. F.). Voir Brainne, Debarbouiller et Lapierre. Laplace (P. S. de), Exposition du systeme du monde, 2 vol. 1824.. 97-8L La Place (De). Voir Noel et de la Place. La Placete (J.), Dissertations sur divers sujets de morale et de theologie. 1704 I749G La morale chretienne abregee et reduite a trois principaux devoirs, 2 vol. 17 14 .- 1742-3G Traite de la conscience. 1699 1740G • foi divine, 3 vol. 17 16 1744-6G restitution. 1696 1 747G l'autorite des sens contre la transsubstantiation. .1700 ... 1741G ' . l'orgueil. 1700 1748G ["5] LAP BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES LAV Laponie. Voir Goblet, — L^ouzon Le Due, — Marmier, — etc. Laprade (V. de), Histoire du sentiment de la nature, 3 vol. 1866-82 : Tome I. — Prolegomenes 1750G Tome II. — Le sentiment de la nature avant le christianisme 1751G Tome III. — Le sentiment de la nature chez les modernes 1752G — — sa vie et ses ceuvres, par Bire 1235E Larcher (L. J. ), Opinions des anciens et des modernes sur l'education des filles ou le livre des institutrices etdes meres de famille... 968L La Renaudiere (De), Mexique et Guatemala, [Univers]. 1843 6 3 8E Largeau (V.), Le pays de Birha Ouargla, Voyage a Rhadames, ill. 283G La Rive (A. de), A. P. de Candolle, sa vieet ses travaux. 1851 ... 967 E La Rochefoucauld (F. de), Maximes et reflexions morales. 1819. 1753G Reflexions et maximes, [Moralistes francais], suivies d'une refuta- tion par L. Aime-Martin 171C La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (De), Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique [1795-1797], 7 vol 28-34G Laromiguiere. — Lecons de philosophic, ou essai sur lesfacultes de l'ame, 2 vol. 1815 1214-5G Voir aussi Mignet : Eloges historiques, — etc. La Roque (De), Voyage dans la Palestine, vers le grand emir, chef des princes arabes du desert, connus sous le nora de Bedouins, fait par ordre du roi Louis XIV ; avec la description generale de l'Arabie. 1718 284G La Roquette (De), Notice biographique sur l'amiral Sir John Franklin 379C Larroumet (J.), La comedie de Moliere: l'auteur et le milieu. 1887. mil La Sagra (R. de), Voyage en Hollande et en Belgique sous le rap- port de l'instruction primaire, des etablissements de bien- faisance et des prisons, 2 vol. 1839 109- 10G Las Cases (Cte M. J. E. A. de), Memorial de Sainte-Helene, 8 vol. 1823 359-66E Souvenirs de l'empereur Napoleon ler a Sainte-Helene. 1854... 968E Lassaigne (J. L.), Dictionnaire des reactifs chimiques. 1840 309L Lasteyrie (F. de), Histoire de l'orfevrerie depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. 1877 2078I Lasteyrie (Mme de), Vie de Mme de Lafayette, precedee d'une notice sur la vie de sa mere, Mme la duchesse d'Ayen [1737- 1807]. 1869 , 969E Latouche (H. de). [Chenier : Poesies] 270I Voir aussi Romans. Latour (C. de), Le langage des fleurs 7°7^ La Tour (F. M. de, prince de Sedan), Memoires, [Aubigne] 723E Latreille (P. A.). Voir Sonnini et Latreille. Laugel (A), Les problemes de la vie. 1867 17540- Laurencin (P.), L'etincelle electrique, son histoire, ses applications. 311 L Laurent (E.), Le pauperisme et les associations de prevoyance, nou- velles etudes sur les societes de secours mutuels. i860 969L Laurent-Pichat (L.). Voir Romans. Laurie (A.), La vie de college'en Angleterre, [Magasin d'education]... 237C La Vallea (J.), La chasse a tir en France. 1857 1457L La Valliere (La duchesse de), par Mme de Genlis, 2 vol. 1818 ... 865-6E La Valliere (Louise de), et la jeunesse de Louis XV, par Lair. 1S81. 346E [116] LAV SECTION FRANgAlSE LEF Laveleye (E. de), La Saga des Niebelungen dans les Eddas et dans le nord scandinave, traduction precedee d'une etude sur la forma- tion des epopees nationales. 1866 33°^ L'instruction du peuple. 1872 97°L ■ Les Niebelungen. 1866 7 21 * Lavergne (A. de), Ruines historiques de France, chateaux et abbayes. 970E Lavergne (L. de), Essai sur l'economie rurale de l'Angleterre, de l'Ecosse et de PIrlande. 1863 310L La Villemarque (H. de). Voir Hersart de la Villemarque. Lavoix (H., fils), Histoire de la musique 99L Lavollee (C), La Chine contemporaine. i860 97iE Les expositions de l'industrie et l'exposition universelle de 1867... 1128L Law, son systeme et son epoque [1716-29], par Cochut. 1853 1229E Laya (A.), Etudes historiques sur la vie privee, politique et litteraire de M. Thiers [1830-46], 2 vol. rel. ens 367E Le Bas(P.), Etats de la confederation germanique, [Univers]. 1842... 633E Lebeau et Caillot (A.), Abrege de l'histoire du Bas-Empire, de Lebeau, depuis Constantin-le-Grand jusqu'a la mort de Mahomet II, par Ant. Caillot, 2 vol. 1853 972-3E Lebrun (H.), Aventures et conquetes de Fernand Cortez au Mexique. 287G Voyages en Abyssinie et en Nubie. 1851 288G Le Brun. — Essai sur la prestation des fautes, ou Ton examine combien les lois romaines en distinguent d'especes, avec une dissertation de Pothier sur cet essai. 1813 1202L Le Chartier (H.), Tahiti et les colonies francaises de la Polynesie, ill. 414G La Nouvelle-Caledonie et les Nouvelles-Hebrides, ill, 1885 413G Leclereq. {].), Le Tyrol et le pays des Dolomites. 1880 289G Lecocq (G.), La prise de la Bastille et ses anniversaires. 1S81 1254E Le Cointe. — Sermons choisis. 1783 1216G Lecomte (J. ). Voir Romans. LeQOns, discours et conferences, par Bert 4*5L et lectures pour enfants de 8 a 12 ans, par Kuhff. 1878 517I francaises de litterature et de morale 105I Lecoy de la Marche (A.), La societe au XHIme siecle. 1S80 971L Les manuscrits et la miniature 100L Lecture a haute voix, Petit traite de, par Legouve 314L courante elementaire, Manuel de 408I L'art de la, par Legouve 603I Lecons de, par Legouve 2 35C Lectures choisies pour les campagnes, par Halphen 276L Choix de, dictees et exercices de style, par Gresse 410I pour les enfants de 6 a 12 ans, par Andre. 1870..... 191I Ledderhose. — Vie de Martin Luther. 1837 369E Philippe Melanchton. 1855 - 974 E Ledru-Rolliu (A. A.), De la decadence de l'Angleterre, 2 vol. 1850. 39Q-1E Le Due (L. Leouzon). Voir Leouzon Le Due. Lee (G. E.), M.A., Discipline ecclesiastique des lies de la Manche [1576 et 1597]. — Actes du consistoire del'eglise de St-Andre, enl'ile de Guernesey [1615-1655]. 1885 1424G Lee (Le general Robert), sa vie et ses campagnes, par Childe. 1874. 975E Souvenirs du, par Mme Boissonnas. 1875 756E Le Febvre (Isaac), Histoire des souffrances et de la mort du fidele confesseur et martyr Monsieur Le Febvre, Isaac, de Chatel- Chinon en Nivernais, advocat en Parlement [1686- 1702] ... 1576G [117] LEF BIBLIOTHEQUE GU1LLE-ALLES LEL Lefebure de Fourcy. — Traite de geometrie 101L Lefevre (A.), La philosophic. 1879 1755G Les merveilles cle l'architecture. 1867 2080I pares et les jardins. 1867 2082I Leflocq (J.), Etudes cle mythologie celtique. 1869 1458L Lefour. — Culture generale et instruments aratoires 312L Animaux domestiques, zootechnie generale. 1877 3 J 3L Le Gal La Salle.— Voir Romans. Legeay (U.), Esquisses historiques des hommes d'Etat du temps de George III, d'apres lord Brougham. 1847 368E Legende celtique, La, par Hersart cle la Villemarque. 1864... 145 1 et 1452L des mois, La, par Levy. 1879 318L siecles, La, par Hugo. 1880 „, 463I du bienheureux Charles-le-Bon, La, par Galbert cle Bruges. 1853. 858E Le Gendre (L'abbe), Memoires, [Magasin cle librairie] 243 C Le Gendre (P.), La vie de Pierre du Bosc, ministre du Saint-Evan- gile ; enrichie de lettres, harangues, dissertations et autres pieces importantes, qui regardent ou la theologie ou les affaires des Eglises reformees de France. 1716 1217G Le Geyt (P.), Les manuscrits cle Philippe Le Geyt, ecuyer, lieutenant- bailli de l'ile de Jersey, sur la constitution, les lois et les usages de cette ile, precede d'une notice sur la vie et les ecrits cle l'auteur, par Robert Pipon Marett, 4 vol. 1846-7 1039-42L LEGISLATION. — Ouvrages sur la : Legislation civile et penale, Traite de, par Bentham, 3 vol. 906-8L Des debts et des peines, par Beccaria. 1 82 1 904L Dictionnaire usuel de, par Cadet. 1888 1291L Theorie des peines et des recompenses, par Bentham, 2 vol. 909-10L Voir aussi Brissot de Warville : Bibliotheque philosophique du l£gisla- teur, — Coutumede Bretagne, — Coutume de Normandie, — Gallienne : Traits de larenonciation par loi outr^e, — Instruction pourle peuple, — Jurisprudence, — Justinien : Institutes, — Le Brun : Essai sur la prestation des fautes, — Le Geyt, — Le Marchant, — Lois, — Loiseleur : Les crimes et les peines, — Meyer : Institutions judiciaires de l'Europe, — Million de faits, — Pothier : CEuvres, — Royer : Du droit de disposer par testament, — Soulatges : Style universel de toutes les cours et jurisdictions du royaume, — Th^ophile : Insti- tutes, — etc. Legouve (E.), Conferences parisiennes. 1872 604I L'art de la lecture 603I ■ Legons de lecture, [Magasin d'education] 2 35C Les peres et les enfantsau XlXme siecle, 2 vol 1203-4L Nos filleset nos fils, scenes et etudes de famille 1205L Petit traite de lecture a haute voix a l'usage des ecoles primaires. 314L Soixante ans cle souvenirs, 4 vol. 1888 1129-32I Voir aussi Theatre de campagne, — etc. Legouve (G.), Le merite des femmes, et autres poesies. 1813 1480I Legrand (A.), Le dahlia, histoire et culture detaillee. 1843 315L Leibnitz (G. W.), Essais de theodicee sur la bonte cle Dieu, la liberte de l'homme et l'origine du mal, 2 vol. 1734 1756-7G Leland (J.), Nouvelle demonstration evangelique, ou Ton prouve l'utilite et la necessite de la revelation chretienne, etc., 3 vol. 1768 1758-60G [118] LEL SECTION FRANCAISE LER Lelievre (M.), Histoire du methodisme dans les iles de la Manche. 1764G John Wesley, sa vie et son oeuvre. 1883 1 7^ > 3^ c L'apotre des cannibales, vie de John Hunt, missionnaire aux iles Fidji. 1866 976E Les predicateurs pionniers de l'Ouest americain. 1876 1762G Un missionnaire en Californie [1849-56], aventures et travaux du rev. William Taylor. 1870 1761G Le Marchant (T.), Remarques et animadversions sur l'approbation des lois et coustumier de Normandie usitees es-jurisdiction de Guerneze et particulierement en la cour royale de la ditte isle, 2 vol. 1826 1043-44L Lemaire (C.), Le jardin fleuriste. 1857 316L Lemercier (A.), Conquete de Grenade, d'apres W. Irving. 1859... 977E Lemoine (A.), L/habitude et l'instinct, etudes de psychologie com- paree. 1875 1765G Lemoinne (J.). [Milton: Paradis perdu] 6861 Lemonnier (C.), En Allemagne, sensations d'un passant. 1888 415G Lemoyne (A.), Fleurs des mines, poesies. 1887 1112I Voir aussi Romans. Le Moyne (A.), La Nouvelle-Grenade, Santiagode Cuba, lajamai'que et l'isthme de Panama, 2 vol. 1880 292-3G Leneveux (H.), Le budget du foyer: economie domestique 1206L Lenfant (J.), Histoire de la guerre des Hussites et du concile de Bale, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1731 167C Lenfestey (T.), Le chant des fontaines, poesies. 1875 605I Lenglet du Fresnoy (L'abbe), Tablettes chronologiques de l'histoire universelle, sacree et profane, ecclesiastique et civile, depuis la creation du monde jusqu"a l'an 1775, edition revue par J. L. Barbeau de la Bruyere, 2 vol. 1778 978-9E Lenient (C), La satire en France au moyen-age. 1877 606I ou la litterature militante au XVIme siecle, 2 vol. 1887. 607-8I Le Noir (P.), Emanuel, ou paraphrase evangelique comprenant l'histoire et la doctrine des quatre Evangiles de Jesus-Christ Notre Seigneur, poeme chretien. 1698 1218G Lenormant (F. ), La Grece et les iles ioniennes. 1865 982E Manuel d'histoire ancienne de l'Orient jusqu'aux guerres mediques, 2 vol. 1868 980-1E Monnaies et medailles 102L LeouzonLeDuc (L.), LaBaltique. 1855 983E ■ La Russie contemporaine. 1854 984E Vingt-neuf ans sous l'etoile polaire, souvenirs de voyages, 2 vol : I. — L'ours du Nord : Russie, Esthonie, Jlogland 290G II. — Le renne : Finlande, Laponie, iles d'Aland 291G Le Pileur (A.), Le corps humain. 1868 2083I Le Poidevin (Mme Judith), Biographie et journal de, par Lucas... 1233E Leprinee de Beaumont (Mme. M. de), Le tresor des pauvres, artisans, domestiques et gens de la campagne. 1826 1772G Les Americaines ou la preuve de la religion chretienne, par les lumieres naturelles, 6 vol. 1811 1766-71G Lermont. — Voir Stahl et Lermont. Le Rousseau (J.), De l'association de l'ouvrier aux benefices du patron. 1870 1211L [119] LER BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES LET Leroy~Beaulieu (A.), Un empereur, un roi, im pape, une restau- ration : Napoleon III, Victor-Emmanuel, Pie IX, Alphonse XII. 1879 , 985E Leroy (R.), Les miracles de Jesus - Christ, leur possibilite, leur realite. 1884 1219G Le Royer de la Tournerle(E.), Nouveau commentaire portatifde la coutume de Normandie, 2 vol. 1778 1207-8 et 1209-10L Le Sage (A. R.), CEuvres choisies, ill. 15 vol. 1783 : Tome I. — Le diable boiteux, augmente d'une journee dcs Parques et des b^quilles du diable boiteux 609I Tomes II et III. — Gil Bias de Santillane, 2 vol 610-11I Tome IV. — Les aventures de M. Robert Chevalier, dit de Beauchene, capi- taine de flibustiers dans la Nouvelle-France 612I Tomes V et VI. — Histoire de Guzman d'Alfarache, 2 vol 613-4I Tome VII. — Le bachelier de Salamanque ou les m£moires et aventures de don Che>ubin de la Ronda 615I Tomes VIII et IX. — Nouvelle traduction de Roland l'Amoureux, de Matheo Maria Boyardo, comte di Scandiano, 2 vol 616-71 Tome X. — Histoire d'Estevanille Gonzalez, surnomme' le gargon de bonne humeur 618I Tome XL — Theatre francais 619I Tomes XII a XV. — Le theatre de lafoire, ou l'ope>a-comique, 4 vol 620-3I Le Sage (A. R.), Theatre choisi : Crispin rival de son maitre ; Turcaret. 1853 624I Voir aussi Romans. Lesbazeilles (E.), Les colosses anciens et modernes. 1881 2085I forets. 1884.... 2087I merveilles du monde polaire. 1881 2088I Lescallier. — Vocabulaire des termes de marine, anglais et francais. 57 2 C Lescure (M. de), Les femmes philosophes (la societe francaise au XVIIIme siecle). 1881 986E Voir aussi Romans. Lesfauris (J.), Essais d'esthetique precedes de notions nouvelles sur le vrai, le beau, le bien. 1858 317L Lespiault (G.), Systeme solaire. 1867 708 et I127L L'Esprit (A.), Situation des etrangers en France au point de vue du recrutement. 1888 1047L Lesseps (F. de), Souvenirs de quarante ans, 2 vol. 1887 414-15C Lesser. — Theologie des insectes, ou demonstration des perfections de Dieu dans tout ce qui concerne les insectes, 2 vol. rel. ens., avec planches. 1742 1220G Lesson (R. P.), Nouveau manuel d'ornithologie domestique, ou guide de l'amateur des oiseaux de voliere. 1834 7°9L Le Sueur (J.), Histoire de l'Eglise et de l'Empire, 7 vol. 1686... 17739^ Lesur (C. L.), Annuaire historique, ou histoire politique etlitteraire de l'annee 1818 370E L'Etang (E. A. de), L'epargne ou puissance des gros sous. 1869 ... 1212L L'ouvrier, sa femme et ses enfants. 1870..... 1213L Voir aussi Templar : Simples lecons d'£conomie sociale, — etc. Lettre a d'Alembert, par Rousseau 1536I Lettres a. Isaac Secretan, par Vinet 1403G M. Panizzi, par Merimee, 2 vol. 18S1 v 109-10I sa fille et a ses amis, par Mine de Sevigne, 12 vol. 1811... 154859I une inconnue, par Merimee, 2 vol. 1874 107-8I bulles, brefs, etc., du pape Clement XIV, 2 vol. 1776 1640-1G cabalistiques, 7 vol. 1769 , 1481-7I [120] LET SECTION FRANCHISE LIT Lettres choisies de Mme de Sevigne, 2 vol. 1836 1 560-1 1 d'Alex. Vinet et de quelques-uns de ses correspondants, 2 vol. 661-2E de Mme de Remusat [1804-14], 2 vol. 1881 .. 495-6E Sevigne, 10 vol. 1784 912-21I Thrasibule a Leucippe, par Freret 1697G 1 diverses, par Rousseau J 535l d'un solclat, par Saint-Genest. 1873 1231E ecrites des regions polaires, par Dufferin, ill. i860 35C en vers et en prose, par Voltaire 1004I sur le Nord, par Marmier. 1857 300G Levaillant (F.), Abrege - du voyage dans l'int^rieur de l'Afrique [1780-85] 294G Voir aussi Montdmont, — etc. Levallois (J.). [Rousseau (J. -J.), ses amis et ses ennemis] 120- 1 1 Levasseur (E.), Histoire des classes ouvrieres en France depuis la conquete de Jules Cesar jusqu'a la revolution, 2 vol. 1859... 972-3L — — - ^'assurance 1 1 34L Leveque (C), La science de l'invisible, etudes de psychologie et de theodicec 1865 1780G Les harmonies providentielles, 1873 2C89I Lever (C). Voir Romans. Levizac (De). Voir Moysant et de Levizac. Levot (P.), Recits de naufrages, incendies, temp£tes et autres evene- ments de mer. 1882 ,. 416G Levray (A. ). Voir Romans. Levy (A.), Curiosites scientifiques. 1880 1810L Histoire de l'air 1427L La legende des mois. 1879 318L Nos vraies conquetes. 1880 1811L Levy (M.), Hygiene publique et privee, 2 vol 454-5L Lexique des termes d'art, par Adeline iL L'Hopital (M. de), Vie du chancelier, par Villemain. 1874 1264E Liberateui', Le, journal d'etudes bibliques et d'experience chretienne. 168C Liberte religieuse en France, Histoire de la, et de ses fondateurs, par Dargaud, 2 vol. 1859 1666-7G Lichtenau (La comtesse de), et Frederic-Guillaume II, par Cape- figue. 1867 782E Lichtenberger (F.), Histoire des idees religieuses en Allemagne depuis le milieu du XVIIIe siecle jusqu'a nos jours, 3 vol. ...1221-3G Liebig (J.), Lettres sur la chimie, consideree dans ses rapports avec l'industrie, Tagriculture et la physiologic 1845 3!9L Lievre (A.), Histoire des protestants et des eglises reformees du Poitou, 3 vol. 1856-60 1224-6G Ligne (Marechal prince de), Lettres et pensees du, par Stae'l-Holstein. 371 E Ligue, Histoire de la, par Capefigue, 4 vol. 1834 1819-22E La, par Vitet, 2 vol. 1844 988-9I 1861 1199-1200E Les heroines de la, et les mignons de Henri III, par Capefigue. 781 E Lincoln (Abraham), par Jouault. 1875 926E — ■ — sa vie, son oeuvre et sa mort, par Bungener. 1865 772E Lindorf (Bon de). Voir Romans. Linguet (S. N. H.), Examen raisonnedesouvragesdeM. de Voltaire. 625I Lithuanie, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 309E [121] LIT BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES LIT LITTERATURE.— Ouvrages surla litterature des divers peuples : Litterature ancienne et etrangere, Etudes de, par Villemain. 1849 157 et 976I moderne, Cours de, par La Harpe, 14 vol. 1818 527-40I ■ 16 tomes rel. en 19 vol 541-59I !6 vol. 1813 560-75I anglaise, Essai sur la, par Chateaubriand. 1836 254I Histoire de la, par Taine, 5 vol. 1866 _ 944-8I catholique contemporaine, Etudes sur la, par Bungener [Rome et le vrai]. 1880 1619G celtique, Introduction a l'etudedela,par Arboisdejubainville. ill classique ancienne, Manuel de, par Eschenburg, 2 vol. an X. 339-40I contemporaine, Choix d'etudes sur la, par Villemain. 1857. 156I des Hebreux, Essais sur la, par Montbron, 2 vol. 18 19 708-9I ■ dramatique, Cours de, par Saint-Marc Girardin, 5 vol. 1877. 860-4I du midi de l'Europe, De la, par Sismondi, 4 vol. 1819 927-30I Essais sur divers sujets de, et de morale, par Trublet, 3 vol. 961 -3I et philosophic melees, par Hugo 1462I Litterature irangaise au XVIIme siecle, La, par Albert ... 186I XVIIIme siecle, La, par Albert. 1879 187I contemporaine, Etudes sur la, par Stapfer. 1881 936I Cours de, par Villemain, 6 vol. 1846-50 : Literature du moyen-age, 2 vol 970-1 1 Literature au XVIIIme siecle, 4 vol 972-5I Cours de, par Villemain, 6 tomes rel. en 3 vol 146-8I 7 vol ; 149-551 . des origines a la fin du XVIme siecle, La, par Albert. 185I Elements d'histoire de la, par Vapereau. 1883 965I Etudes critiques sur l'histoire de la, par Brunetiere, 3 vol. 237-9I — Histoire de la, par Demogeot. 1855 315I Louandre, 2 vol. 1863-4 631-2I Les trois siecles de la, ou tableau de l'esprit de nos ecrivains depuis Francois Ier jusqu'en 1779, 4 vol. 1779. 856 9I Tableau historique de l'esprit et du caractere des littera- teurs francais, depuis la renaissance des lettres jusqu'en 1785; ou recueil de traits d'esprit, de bons mots et d'anecdotes litteraires, 4 vol. 1785 937-40I Tableau historique de l'etat et des progres de la, depuis 1789. 1821 I370I Voir aussi Instruction pour le peuple, — etc. Litterature grecque, Histoire de la, par Pierron. 1863... 740 et 741I Lejons francaises de, et de morale, par Noel et De La Place, 2 vol. 1844 722-3 et724-5l Nouveau cours de, par Buquet. 1840 240I Nouveaux elemens de, par Breton, 6 vol. 1813 1354-9I pendant la Revolution francaise, Histoire de la, par Geruzez 240C romaine, Histoire de la, par Pierron. 1863 738 et 739I Souvenirs contemporains d'histoire et de, par Villemain, 2 vol. 980-1I Litteratures etrangeres, Histoire des, considerees dans leurs rapports avec le developpement de la litterature frangaise, par Demogeot, 2 vol. 1880 3 x 6-7l [122] LIT SECTION FRANCAISE tOC LITTERATURE. — Ouvrages sur la litterature des divers peuples : — {suite. ) Litteratures, Histoire des, par Bougeault, 3 vol. 1876......... 17-19I europeennes et orientales, Precis methodique de l'histoire ancienne et moderne des, par Alvares 189I Voir aussi Ampere : Grece, Rome et Dante, — Brachet : Morceaux choisis des grands 6crivains fran^ais du XVIme siecle, — Buffon : Chefs-d'oeuvre litt^raires, — Dante, — Eddas, — Ginisty : L'annde litte>aire, — Goethe, — Heine : M^moires, — Juvenal, — La Bruyere, — Laveleye : La Saga des Niebelungen dans les Eddas, — Legouve" : Soixante ans de souvenirs, — Macaulay : Essaislitteraires, — Million de faits, — Moysant et de Levizac : Bibliotheque .portative des ecrivains frangais, — Nodier : Melanges tire\s d'une petite biblio- theque, — Pontmartin, — Rozan : Petites ignorances historiques et litteYaires, — Sainte-Beuve, — Sand : Correspondance, Histoire de ma vie, — Stael, Mme de : (Euvres completes, — Stapfer : Goethe, — Villemain : Discours et melanges litte>aires, — Vogue" : Le roman russe, — Voltaire: CEuvres completes, — etc. Littre (E.), Histoire de la langue francaise, 2 vol. 1863 626-7I et le positivisme, par Caro. 1883 1630G Liturgie anglicane, Serie de discours explicatifs de la, par Durand. 1145^ Livingstone (Dr. D.), Dernier journal. 1879 296G Explorations dans l'interieur de l'Afrique australe et voyages a travers le continent, de Saint-Paul de Loanda a l'embouchure du Zambese, de 1840 a 1856, ill 42C Livingstone (D. et C), Explorations dans l'Afrique australe et dans le bassindu Zambese [1840-64] 295G du Zambese et de ses affluents et decouverte des lacs Chirona et Nyassa [1858-1864], ill 43C La vie et les voyages de, par Stanley 35 2 G Voir aussi Paumier, — Stanley, — etc. Livius (Titus). Voir Tite-Live. Livre, Histoire du, par Egger 231C et 332I d'un, par Delon. 1879 1802L Livre de M. Trotty, Le, par Cretin 238C des menages, Le, par Beleze. 1861 9°5L d'or, Le, par l'auteur de l'heritier de Redclyffe, trad. Mme de Witt, nee Guizot, 2 vol. : I. — Belles actions d'autrefois , 1221E II. — Belles actions des temps modernes 1222E Livres de l'institution de la femme chretienne, Les, par Vives. 1579. 1406G LIVRES SAINTS, La poesie des, par Saint-Albin. 1870 1861G Llorente (J. A.), Histoire critique de l'lnquisition d'Espagne, depuis l'epoque de son etablissement par Ferdinand V, jusqu'au regne de Ferdinand VII, tiree des pieces originales des archives du Conseil de la Supreme et de celles des tribunaux subalternes du Saint-Office, 4 vol. 1817 372-5E Portrait politique des Papes, consideres comme princes temporels et comme chefs de TEglise, depuis l'etablissement du vSaint- Siege a. Rome jusqu'en 1822,2 vol. rel. ens. 1822 376E Lock (F.), Histoire de la Restauration [1814-30] 1419L Jeanne d'Arc [1429-31]. 1866 1860E et Couly (J.), Les prix de vertu fondes par M. de Montyon, discours prononces a. l'Academie francaise, reunis et publies avec une notice sur M. de Montyon, 2 vol. [1819-60].... 1214-15L Lockert (E.), La vapeur et ses merveilles. 1870 320L [123] 1,00 BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES LOU Lockroy (E.). Voir Romans. Locomotion, Les merveilles de la, par Deharme. 1878 2024I Logarithmes, Tables portatives des, par Callet. 1819 ... 28L Logique, La, par Crousaz, 3 vol. 1720 1662-4G Loir-et-Cher, Departement du, ses hommes illustres, [Brainne : Homines illustres de l'Orleanais] 327-8C Loire historique, La, par Touchard, 5 vol. ill. 1840 64-8C Loiret, Departement du, ses hommes illustres, [Brainne : Hommes illustres de l'Orleanais] 327-8C Lois de Jersey, par Le Geyt, 4 vol. 1846-7 1039-42L civiles dans leur ordre naturel, Les, 5 vol. 1697 106-10C par Domat, 2 vol. 1777 104-5C et coutumes de Guernesey, par Warburton. 1831 104-5C Les, par Platon. 1842 746I Loiseleur-Deslongchamps (J. L. A.), Nouveau voyage dans l'empire de Flore, ou principes elementaires de botanique, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1817 103L Loiseleur (J.), Les crimes et les peines dans l'antiquite et dans les temps modernes. 1863 1216L Loisir3 d'un instituteur, Les, par Vidal 276L Lolme (De), Constitution de l'Angieterre. 1819 974L Lomenie (L. de), Esquisses historiques et litteraires. 1879 628I Les Mirabeau, nouvelles etudes sur la societe francaise au XVIIIme siecle, 2 vol. 1879 377-8E Londres, A, par Daryl. 1887 429G Guide a, par Lake et Richard 270G La societe de, par Vasili. 1885 677E Long-Parlement, Histoire du, par May, 2 vol IC9-10E Longchene (M. de), Le monde souterrain ou merveilles geologiques. 321L Longden (H.), Vie de M. Henri Longden, contenant le recit de sa conversion, le succes etonnant de ses travaux dans le ministere et dans la visite des malades ; ses peines, epreuves et tenta- tions, sa fin heureuse et triomphante. 1820 987 et 988E Longfellow (H. W.), Drames et poesies, trad. X. Marmier. 1872. 629I Longin (D.), Traitedu sublime, trad, du grec par Boileau, [Boileau : CEuvres] 229I Louguecand (F.), Fables. 1881 630I Lonlay (D. de), A travers la Bulgarie, souvenirs de guerre et de voyage, par un volontaire au 26me regiment de Cosaques du Don, ill. 1886 417G Lonsdale (M.), Soeur Dora. 1882 ... ; 989E Lopez (V. F.), Les races aryennes du Perou, leur langue, leur religion, leur histoire. 1871 379^ Lorain (P.), Origine et fondation des Etats-Unis d'Amerique [1497- 1820], revu par M. Guizot. 1853 990E Lorentz (E.). Voir Schmitz, Jullien et Lorentz. Lostalot (A. de), Les procedes de la gravure 104L Louandre (C), De l'alimentation publique sous l'ancienne monarchic, [Magasin de librairie] 249C Histoire de la litterature francaise, par les monuments, depuis son origine iusqu'a nos jours, 2 vol. 1863-4 631-2I La noblesse frangaise sous l'ancienne monarchic 1880 633I — — La sorcellerie. 1853 1781G > Voir aussi Voltaire : Siecle de Louis XIV, — etc, [124] LOtf SECTION FRANCHISE LTJtf Louisiane, Histoire de la, par Barbe. 1829 49E Louvois (F. M. Le Tellier, marquis de), [Institutions militaires de la France] I453L LOUIS XIV, roi de France. — Ouvrages sur le regne de : Louis XIV, Anne d'Autriche et la minorite de, par Capeflgue. 791 E Episodes de la cour de, par Breteuil 240C et sa cour, par Saint-Simon [1694-1715]. 1863 1115E La mort de, journal des Anthoine. 1880 7 T 7E par Capefigue, 3 vol. 1837 1823-5E Siecle de, par Voltaire. 1853 1202E et 1083I ed. Louandre 1265E 3 vol 1011-13I Voir aussi Saint-Simon : Memoires, — etc. LOUIS XV, roi de France. — Ouvrages sur le regne de : Louis XV, Le manage d'un roi, par Raynal. 1887 1274E Memoires de la minorite de, par Massillon. 1805 1291G Mesdemoiselles de Nesle et la jeunesse de, par Capefigue. 779E ■ Precis du siecle de, par Voltaire 1203E et 1014I Voir aussi Lair : Louise de la Valliere, — etc. LOUIS XVI, roi de France. — Ouvrages sur le regne de : Louis XVI, Anecdotes du temps de, et de la Terreur. 1854 ... 716E Marie-Antoinette et Mme Elisabeth, par Feuillet de Conches, 4 vol. 1864 380-3E par Capefigue. 1856 796E Proces de, [Causes celebres], 2 vol 996-7L Louis XVIII, roi de France. Voir Restauration. Louis-Philippe, Histoire de, par Zevort I935E Voir aussi Monarchic de Juillet, — etc. Lubbock (Sir J.), Les mceurs des fourmis. 1880 489C Lubke (Dr. W.), Precis de l'histoire des beaux arts : architecture, sculpture, peinture, musique. 1885 105L Lubomirski (Pee J.), Voir Romans. Lucas. — La morale de l'Evangile, oil Ton traite de la nature de la vertu chretienne, des motifs qui nous y doivent porter, et des remedes contre les tentations. 1710 1782G Lucas (P.), Biographie et journal de Madame Judith Le Poidevin, du Valle, a Guernesey. 1872 1233E Lucien. — Dialogues satiriques, philosophiques et divers petits traites. 636I GEuvres completes, 2 vol. 1874 634-5I Lucile ou la lecture de la Bible, par Monod. 1851 1796G Lugon et Mindanao. 1870 147G Lucques, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 294E Luerece. — De la nature des choses, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1823 1488I Lucrece Borgia, par Hugo 1462I Ludlow. — Memoires, 3 vol 113-5E Ludwig (O.). Voir Romans. Lui etelle, par Musset 242C Lumiere et les couleurs, La, par Guillemin. 1879 272L La, par Moitessier. 1876 2114I Lundi, Causcries du, par Sainte-Beuve, 16 vol 871-86I Lundis, Nouveaux, par Sainte-Beuve, 13 vol. . 1879 887-99I Premiers, par Sainte-Beuve, 3 vol. 1875 • 868-701 [125] LUN BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES MAC Lune, La, par Guillemin. 1866 274L Luquin (E.)j Etudes commerciales, 2 vol. 1883-6 : I. — Droit commercial , 437L II. — Comptabilite\ — Tenue des livres 458L LuSSan (Mile de), Anecdotes de la cour de Philippe-Auguste, 2 vol. 1782 991-2E Lutfullah. — Memoires. 1858 993E LUTHER (Martin). — Ouvrages sur : Luther et la Reforme au XVIme siecle, par Gasparin. 1873 ••• 1705G Memoires ecrits par lui-meme, traduits et mis en ordre par Michelet, 2 vol. 1837 1861-2E sa vie, ses voyages, par Stoughton. 1879 380C Vie de, par Hotf. 1873 913E Ledderhose. 1837 369E Sa vieet son oeuvre, par Kuhn, 3 vol. 1883 335-6aE Voir aussi Protestantisme, — Reforme, — etc. Lutte contre la misere, La, par Maze. 1883 1306L Luxe et travail, par Baudrillart 1131L prive et public, Histoire du, par Baudrillart, 4 vol. 1878 ,. 3-6L Luxembourg, L'affaire du, par Rothan. 1882 693E Ly all. — Voyages en Europe de, [Montemont] 93G Lycee ou cours de litterature ancienne et moderne, par La Harpe, 14 vol. 1818 „ 527-40I Lyeiens, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 209E Lydiens, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 209E Lyon, Memoires de l'abbe Guillon de Montleon pour servir a l'histoire dela villede, pendant la Revolution, 2 vol. 1824... 176-7E Lytton (Lord E. L. Bulwer), L'Angleterre et les Anglais, 2 vol 922-3L Voir aussi Romans. JXLaBLY (G. B. de), Entretiens de Phocion, sur le rapport de la morale avec la politique. 1804 1217L GEuvres completes, 13 vol. 1789 637-49I Macartney (G. ), Voyages en Asie de, [Montemont] 82G Maeaulay (Lord T. B.), Essais litteraires, trad. G. Guizot. 1865... 106I Histoire d'Angleterre depuis l'avenement de Jacques II, 2 vol. 385-6E du regne de Guillaume III, 3 vol. 1857 3 8 7"9E CEuvres diverses, trad. A. Pichot pour la Ire serie, A. Joanne et E. D. Forgues pour la lime serie, 2 vol 650-51I Voir aussi Mignet : Eloges historiques, — etc. Mace (J.), Histoire d'une bouchee de pain 3 22 L La France avant les Francs, [Magasin d'education] 2 33^' La grammaire de Mile Lili, [Magasin d'education] 226C La vie d'un brin d'herbe. 1869 3 2 4L ■ Les serviteurs de l'estomac 3 2 3L Macedoine, Histoire de la, [Histoire universelle] 213, 214 et 237E Macha"bees, Histoire du martyre des, par Joseph. 1858 343 c Machiavel (N.), Le prince. 1822 ; 1218L Giuvres politiques, precedees d'un essai sur l'esprit revolution- naire, par P. Christian. 1842 652I [126] MAC SECTION FRANCHISE MAG Machine a vapeur, La, par Muller. 1879 341L Voir aussi Instruction pour le peuple, — etc. Machine humaine, Petit traite de la, par Ignotus. 1864 293L Machines, Les, par Collignon. 1873 2022I Passy. 1866 352L Traite elementaire des, par Hachette. 1819 5 2 7C Mac Intosh (Miss). Voir Romans. Macleod (M). Voir Romans. Mac Mahon, (Le marechal), Presidence de, [Bataille : Guerre de 1870-71] 325C Madagascar, Les Francais a, par Hue, ill 386G Voyage a, par Ffeiffer. 1881 325G Voir aussi Hue et Haurigot : Nos grandes colonies, — Simonin, — etc. Madame Adeline, par Pichard. 1874 358L Madame Elisabeth, La vie de, par Beauchesne, 2 vol. 1869 52-3E Magasin d'education et de recreation, publie par Jean Mace, P. J. Stahl et Jules Verne, 20 vol. Extrait des tables des matieres : Tome XVI. — Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais dans l'Afrique centrale, Le pays des fourrures, par Jules Verne, — Histoire de l'air, par G. Tissandier 220C Tome XVII. — Histoire de la famille Chester et de deux petits orphelins, par P. J. Stahl et William Hughes, — L'homme dans ses rapports avec les animaux, par E. Muller 221C Tome XVIII. — Histoire d'une maison, par Viollet-le-Duc 222C Tome XIX. — L'ile myste>ieuse, par Jules Verne, — Histoire d'un ane et de deux jeunes filles, par P. J. Stahl, — Les souliers de mon voisin, trad, de l'anglais, par E. de Villers 223C Tome XX. — Le chalet des sapins, par Prosper Chazel 224C Tome XXI. — Curiosit^s de la vie des animaux, par Pierre Noth, — De Dorlisheim a l'lnstitut, par P. J. Stahl 225C Tome XXII. — La grammaire de Mile Lili, par Jean Mace" 226C Tome XXIII. — Michel Strogoff, par Jules Verne, — Le petit roi, par S. Blandy 227C Tome XXIV. — Entre deux cousins, par P. J. Stahl 228C Tome XXV. — Aventures d'un grillon, par E. Candeze, — Hector Ser- vadac, par Jules Verne, — Voyage de deux enfants dans un pare, par Lucien Biart 229C Tome XXVI. — 230C Tome XXVII. — Histoire du livre, par E. Egger, — Maroussia, par P. J. Stahl, — Un capitaine de quinze ans, par Jules Verne 231C Tome XXVIII. — L'embranchement de Mugby, par C. Dickens, — Un voyage involontaire, par Lucien Biart 232C Tome XXIX. — La France avant les Francs, par Jean Mac£, — La Gileppe, par le Dr Candeze, — Les 500 millions de la B£gum, par Jules Verne 233C Tome XXX. — Histoire de mon oncle et de ma tante, par A. Dequet, — La maison a. vapeur, Les rdvoltds de la Bounty, par Jules Verne. 234C Tome XXXI. — Lemons de lecture, par E. Legouv£, — Les quatre filles du docteur Marsch, par P. J. Stahl 235C Tome XXXII. — Riquette, par Prosper Chazel 236C Tome XXXIII. — La Jangada, par Jules Verne, — La premiere cause de l'avocat Juliette, par P. J. Stahl, — La vie de college en An- gleterre, par Andr6 Laurie 237C Tome XXXIV. — Le livre de M. Trotty, par E. M. Creun 238C Tome XXXVI. — L'dcole des Robinsons, par Jules Verne, — Jack et Jane, par Stahl et Lermont, — Petites comedies, par A. Gennevraye, — Un singulier petit homme, par Stella Austin 239C Magasin de l'eglise anglicane et registre missionnaire pour les iles de la Manche 1162G [127] MAG BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES MAI Magasin de librairie, Le, publie par Charpentier [1858-60], 12 vol. contenant principaleinent : Tome I. — Poe\sies, par A. de Musset, — Histoire de la literature pendant la Revolution francaise, par Ge>uzez, — Etudes de Saint-Marc Girardin, — Episodes de la cour de Louis XIV, par le baron de Breteuil, — Histoire de la chute de l'ltalie au XVIme siecle, par Zeller, — Christine de Suede, par Paul Boiteau 240C Tome II. — Poesies, par A. de Musset, — Essai de philosophie religieuse, par E. Saisset, — Les contemporains de Shakespeare, par Alfred Mezieres 241C Tome III. — Mdmoires de Bachaumont,— Lui et elle, par Paul de Musset, — Etude sur Thucydide, par Jules Girard 242C Tome IV. — Memoires historiques de la France, par Ch. Caboche, — M6- moires de l'abbe" Le Gendre, — Ctemence Og£, par Ernest Serret . . 243C Tome V. — La France et l'Autriche au XVTIme siecle, par A. Filon, — Une course en Italie, notes de voyage, par Taxile Delord 244C Tome VI. — Les deux priscnniers de Windsor, par E. J. Deldcluze 245C Tome VII. — La cousine Julie, par Arnould Fremy, — Julien l'Apostat, par Emile Lame, — Assassinat du due d'Orldans par Jean-Sans- Peur, par V. de Viriville, — Monsieur et Madame Feme], par Louis Ulbach, — De l'amour conjugal dans le drame, par Saint-Marc Girardin 246C Tome VIII. — Des origines du pouvoir temporel des papes, par Filon 247C Tome IX. — Du vrai criterium en morale, par E. Wiart, - - Le violon du pendu, par Erckmann-Chatrian 248C Tome X. — Brigitte, par Jules de la Madelene, — Goethe et Schiller, par Saint-Rend Taillandier, — Le cabalistique Hans Weinland, par Erckmann-Chatrian, — De l'alimentation publique sous l'ancienne monarchic, par Ch. Louandre 2 49C Tome XL — Le talion, par Erckmann-Chatrian, — Le g£nie romain, par Yung 250C Tome XII. — De la politique de Platon et d'Aristote, par Wiart 25 iC Magasin des demoiselles 219C methodiste, Le , 1 573G pittoresque, Le, dirige par E. Charton. [La collection complete.} Mage (E.), Voyage dans le Soudan occidental 297G Magellan. Voir Vast. Magie naturelle et amusante, Nouveau manuel de, par Brewster. 1839. 608L Magnan (afne). — Trieste et Marseille, question du transit commercial de TOrient 21E Magne (J. H.), Choix des vaches laitieres ou description de tous les signes a l'aide desquels on peut apprecier les qualites lactiferes des vaches 325L Voir aussi Grognier et Magne, — etc. Magnetisme animal, Mesmer et le, par Bersot. 1853 178L Le, par Radau. 1875 2120I Magny (J. ), Histoire d'un morceau de verre. 1 869 326L Mahomet et le Coran, par Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire. 1865 1589G ' Vie de, [Histoire universelle] 242E Voir aussi Savary : Le Coran, — etc. Mahometisme, Histoire du, par Mills. 1826 '. 1276 et 1277G Mahalin (P.). Voir Romans. Maillard (F.). Voir Romans. Mairet. — Chefs-d'oeuvre. 1800 1489I Maison, Comment on construit une, par Viollet-le-Duc ... 444L francaise, La, par Boussard. 1883 416L Histoire d'une, par Viollet-le-Duc 222C Ma, histoire familiere de mon corps, par Hugues. 1869 291 et 292L Maison rustique des dames, par Mffle Millet, 2 vol. il! 1312-13L [128] MAI SECTION FRANCAISE MAN Maison rustique du XlXme siecle, 5 vol. 1844-49 : Tome I. — Agriculture prcprement dite 531 et 536C Tome II. — Cultures industrielles et animaux domestiques 532 et 537C Tome III. — Arts agricoles 533 et 538C Tome IV. — Agriculture forestiere, legislation et administration rurale . .534 et 539C Tome V. — Encyclopedic d'horticulture 535 et 540C La nouvelle, ou economie rurale, pratique et generate de tous les biens de campagne, 2 vol. 1790 529-30C Maistre (X. de). Voir Romans. Maitres de la pensee moderne, Les, par Janet. 1883 1733G Maladies des pommes de terre, des betteraves, des bles et des vignes, Les, de 1845 a I 853> P ar Payen 354L Les petites causes de nos, par Feraud. 1865 236L Malaisie, La, par Wallace. 1880 1823L Voir aussi Cotteau : En Oceanie, — etc, Malail (C), Chants de Sion, ou recueil de cantiques, d'hymnes, de louanges et d'actions de graces. 1841 1227G — — Pourrai-je entrer jamais dans l'Eglise romaine, aussi longtemps que je croirai toute la Bible ? 1854 1885G Malan (C). Voir Romans. Malebranche (N.), De la recherche de la verite, ou Ton traite de la nature de l'esprit de l'homme et de l'usage qu'il en doit faire pour eviter l'erreur dans les sciences, 4 vol. 1712 1783-6G Entretiens sur la metaphysique, sur la religion et sur la mort, 2 vol. 1732 1787-8G Malesher "bes. — Pensees et maximes, suivies de reflexions sur les lettres de cachet. 1802 1114L Malkerbe. —Poesies. 1800 653 et 149GI Malles de Beaulieu (Mme), Le LaBruyere des jeunes demoiselles, ou principaux caracteres des jeunes personnes. 1821 1219L Voir aussi Romans. Mallet (Mme Jules, nee Oberkampf), par Mme de Witt. 1881 1210E Malo (C), Guirlande de Flore 713L Histoire des roses 7 14L Lacorbeille de fruits 711L Les insectes t> 7 10L Les papillons 712L Malot (Ii.). Voir Romans. Malouet. — Memoires, 2 vol. 1868 394"5E Malouines, Archipel des, par Lacroix, [Univers]. 1840 634E Maltbi (E.), Mceurs et coutumes bibliques expliquees d'apres les recits des voyageurs. 1865 1789G Maite, Histoire des chevaliers de, jusqu'en 1725, [Histoire univer- selle] 270E de la jeunesse du commandeurde ***, par Prevost, ill 783I Malte-Brun (V. A.), Resume historique de la grande exploration de l'Afrique centrale faite de 1850 a 1855 par J. Richardson, H. Barth, A. Overweg 35G l'exploration faite dans l'Afrique centrale de 1853 a 1856 par le docteur Ed. Vogel 37G Voir aussi Romans. Mai thus et sa doctrine, par Passy H34L Mammiferes, Les, par Figuier. 1879 513C par Franklin, [La vie des animaux], 2 vol , 258-9L Mandat-Grancey (Baron E. de), Chez Paddy. 1887 440G 5 [129] MAN BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES MAR Mangin (A.), L'air et le monde aerien. 1865 542C , Le desert et le monde sauvage. 1866 543G , Les mysteres de l'ocean. 1865 541C Lesplantes utiles, ill. 1870 106L Manichee, Histoire critique de, et du manicheisme, par Beausobre. 164C Manin (Daniel), par Martin. 1859 400E Mannoury d'Ectot (H. de). Voir Goepp et Mannoury d'Ectot. Manon Lescaut, par Prevost, 3 vol. ill 771-3I Man toue, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 290E Manuel (E.), Pages intimes, poesies. 1883 1113I Poemes populaires. 1886 1114I Poesies du foyer et de l'ecole. 1888 , 1105I Voir aussi Chdnier : CEuvres po^tiques, — etc. Manuscrits, Les, et la miniature, par Lecoy de la Marche „ 100L Manzoni (A.). Voir Romans. Marc-Aurele, par Renan. 1880 825I Marcel (J.). Voir Romans. Marchand. — Voyages de, [Montemont] 64G Marches et sonneries, par Deroulede. 1881 1400I Marco de Saint-Hilaire (E.), Anecdotes du temps de Napoleon Ier. 994E Marechal (M.). Voir Romans. Marett (R. P.), Notice sur la vie et les Merits de Philii^pe Le Geyt, [Le Geyt : Manuscrits] 1039-42L Margolle (E.), Les phenomenes de la mer 715 et 1421L Voir aussi Zurcher et Margolld. Mariage d'un roi, Le, par Raynal. 1887 1274E Mariage, L'amour dans le, par Guizot. 1858 898E Quelques considerations sur le, par Worms 1 133L Mariages dans l'ancienne societe fran9aise, Les, par Bertin. 1879. 675E Marie ou l'esclavage aux Etats-Unis, par Beaumont. 1842 223I Marie-Amelie, reine des Francais, Vie de, par Trognon. 1872 H18E Marie-Antoinette, Correspondancein^dite de, publiee par le comte Paul Vogt d'Hunolstein. 1864 396 et 397E Memoires sur la vie de, par Mme Campan. 1884 773E Voir aussi Capefigue : Les derniers jours de Trianon, — Quatre femmes au temps de la Revolution, — etc. Marie Stuart, reine d'Ecosse, Vie de, par Gentz. 1820 867E Marie Tudor, par Hugo 14631 Marine, Guerres maritimes sous la Republique et l'Empire, par Jurien de laGraviere, 2 vol. 1847 927-8E Histoire generale de la, par Van Tenac, 4 vol. ill 410-3C Vocabulaire des termes de, anglais et francais. 1777 572C Voir aussi Coligny, — Gue>in : Histoire maritime de France, — Grands hommes de la France, par Gcepp et de Mannoury d'Ectot, — etc. Marion Delorme, par Hugo 1464I Marion (F.), Les ballons et les voyages aeriens. 1867 2091I merveilles de la vegetation. 1866 2093I L'optique. 1867 , 2095I Marion (H.), Devoirs et droits de l'homme. 1883 1304L Marion. — Voyages de, [Montemont] 53G Marivaux. — Voir Comedies choisies, — et Romans. Markham (A. H.), La mer glacee du pole, souvenirs d'un voyage sur "l'Alerte" [1875-76], ill 298G [130] MAR SECTION FRANCHISE MAR Maries (T. de), Histoire de l'lnde ancienne et moderne. 1850 995E Histoire de lTrlande, d'apres Thomas Moore, suivie de l'histoire d'Ecosse, d'apres Frazer Tytler, et continuee jusqu'a nos jours. 1840 996E Marmier (X.), Lettres sur le Nord : Danemark, Suede, Norvege, Laponie, Spitzberg. 1857 300G Robert Bruce : Comment on reconquiert un royaume. 1873 997 E Un ete au bord de la Baltique et de la mer du Nord. 1856 299G Voir aussi Romans, — Goethe : Werther, — Longfellow : Drames et poesies, — Schiller : Theatre, — etc. Marmontel (J. F.). Voir Romans. Marnix de Sainte- Aldegonde, par Quinet 1 273E Maroc contemporain, Le, par Cotte. i860 203G Le, et ses caravanes, par Thomassy. 1845 1029L Voir aussi Vernes d'Arlandes, — etc. Marolles (Louis de), Souffrances du bienheureux martyr, preface et notes de Jules Bonnet. 1 883, \i'iimpressioii\ 1 508G Maroussia, par Stahl 231C Marquand (H. E.), John Brown, i860 , 998E Souvenirs des Indes occidentales et impressions intimes, suivis de Eliza et Maria. 1853 38G Voir aussi Romans. Marquises, Leslies, [Davin: 50,000 milles dans l'Ocean Pacifique]. 400G Marryat (Le capitaine). Voir Romans. Marshal. — Agriculture pratique des differentes parties de l'Angle- terre, 5 vol. 1803 ....107-IlL Mai'teilhe (J.), Memoires d'un protestant condamne aux galeres de France pour cause de religion [ 1 700- 13]. 1 865 1 790G Martelet. — De l'utilite des etudes scientifiques pour les ouvriers, [Entretiens populaires] 411L Martha (C), Etudes morales sur l'antiquite. 1883 1791G Martha (J.), Manuel d'archeologie etrusque et romaine 112L Martial. — Choix d'epigrammes, 1852 444I Martin (A.), L'education du caractere. 1887 975 et 1305L Martin (D.), Deux dissertations critiques : la premiere sur le verset 7 du ch. V de la Ire Epitre de Saint-Jean, la seconde sur le passage de Joseph touchant Jesus-Christ. 1717 1239G La Sainte Bible, contenant l'Ancien et le Nouveau-Testament, revue sur les originaux, 2 vol. 1819 1228-9G verite du texte de la Ire Epitre de Saint-Jean, ch. V, verset 7 : " Car il y en a trois au ciel," etc., demontree- 1721 1237G Le vrai sens du Psaume CX, avec diverses matieres de litterature et de critique. 1715 1240G L'excellence de la Foi et de ses effets expliquee en vingt sermons sur le chap. XI de l'Epitre aux Hebreux, prononces a Utrecht dans les annees 1708 et 1709, 2 vol. 1710 1235-6G Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte. 1 708 1 238G Traite de la religion naturelle. 1713 1232G revelee, 2 vol. 1723 1233-4G Martin (H.), Daniel Manin. 1859 400E Histoire de France depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1789 17 vol ... ; ...418-34C populaire depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'en 1867, 6 vol 346-51C [131] MAR BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLKS MAU Martin (N.), Voir Romans. Martin (Sir T.), Le prince Albert de Saxe-Cobourg, epoux de la reine Victoria, d'apres leurs lettres, journaux, memoires, etc., 2 vol. 1883 401-2E Martineau (Miss H.), Contes sur l'economie politique, 6 vol 1220-5L Martins (C), Du Spitzberg au Sahara, etapes d'un naturaliste en Spitzberg, en Laponie, en Ecosse, en Suisse, en France, en Italie, en Orient, en Egypte et en Algerie. 1866 47G Martonne (A. de), La piete du moyen-age. 1855 1241G Martyrs, Les, par Chateaubriand, 3 vol. 1830 1367-9I Marx (A.). Voir Romans. Mary (J.). Voir Romans. Mary-Lafon. — Voir Romans. Mary an. — Voir Romans. Marzy (E.), L'hydraulique. 1868 , 2097I Mascaron. — Voir Oraisons funebres. Massarani (T.), L'art a Paris, 2 vol. 1880 115-6L Masse (Mme A.). Voir Romans. Masseville (De), Etat geographique de la province de Normandie, 2 vol. 1722 1869-70E Histoire sommaire de Normandie, 6 vol. 1698-1704 1863-8E Massillon (J. B.), Conferences et discours synodaux sur les princi- paux devoirs des ecclesiastiques, 3 vol. 1776 I2 53"5G Memoires de la minorite de Louis XV. 1805 1291G CEuvres, 2 vol. 1833 : Tome I. — Avent, Careme, Petit-Careme, Oraisons funebres 169C Tome II. — Mysteres, Panegyriques, Conferences, Paraphrases sur les Psaumes, Pensees 1 70C Pensees sur differents sujets de morale et de piete. 1776. ...1258 et 1259G Petit-Careme 1 793G Sentiments d'une ame touchee de Dieu, tires des Psaumes de David, ou paraphrase morale de plusieurs Psaumes en forme de priere, 2 vol. 1776 1256-7G Sermons et morceaux choisis. 1845 1242G Sermons, 9 vol. 1776 1244-52G Tomes I a IV, Careme. — Tome V, Petit-Careme. — Tome VI, Pane- gyriques. — Tome VII, Mysteres. — Tome VIII, Oraisons funebres et professions religieuses. — Tome IX, Avent. Voir aussi Morceaux choisis, — Oraisons funebres, — etc. Masson (M.), Le devourment. 1874 2099I Les enfants celebres. 1855 403E Voir aussi Romans. Masson (O.), L'ecole Frcebel, histoire d'un jardin d'enfants, guide aux meres de famille et aux institutrices des ecoles gardiennes et des salles d'asile. 1872 976L Materiel agricole, Le, par Jourdier. 1856 302 et 303L Mathematiques, Histoire des, par Hoefer. 1874 283L Recreations, par Vinot , 151L —~— ~ Voir aussi Acad^mie royale des sciences, — Arithm£tique, — Callet : Tables de logarithmes, — Million de faits, — etc. Mathey(E.). Voir Romans. Matiere, La, et ses transformations, par Deleveau. 1882 2028I Maudslay (Henry). [Jonveaux : Histoire de quatre ouvriers anglais], 923E Maupas (De), Memoires sur le second empire : La presidence de Louis-Napoleon. 1884 x 404E [132] MAU SECTION FRANCAISE MED Maupassant (G. de). [Flaubert : Lettres a George Sand] 375 1 Maurel (J.), Le due de Wellington. 1853 iocoE Maurel (T.), Excelsior ! [Gentle Life] ou essaispour aider a la forma- tion du caractere. 1882 1226L Maurelle. — Voyages de, [Montemont] 62G Maures, Histoiredes, [Histoire universale] 230E Maurice, He. Voir He de France, — Simonin, — etc. Maury (Le cardinal J. S.), Essai sur l'eloquence de lachaire. 1850 ... 654I Maury (L. F. A.), La terre et l'homme. 1861 4 J 3 L Maury (M. F.), Geographie physique a l'usage de la jeunesse et des gens du monde, trad. Zurcher et Margolle 3 2 7^ Maw. — Voyages en Amerique de, [Montemont] ... 9 £ G Maximes et reflexions de La Rochefoucauld, [Moralistes francais] ... 171C par La Rochefoucauld. 1819 1753^ May (T.), Histoire du Long-Parlement, convoque par Charles Ier en 1640, 2 vol 109- 10E Mayer. — Galerie philosophique du XVIme siecle, 3 vol. 1825 405-7E Mayne-Reid (Le capitaine). Voir Romans. Mazade (C. de), Lamartine, sa vie litteraire et politique. 1872 1002E Le comte de Serre : La politique moderee sous la restauration. 1219E L'ltalie moderne, recits des guerres et des revolutions italiennes. 1001E Mazarin (Le cardinal), Histoire de France sous le ministere de Mazarin, par Cheruel, 3 vol. 1882 101-3E [1642-61], par Corne. 1879 807E Maze (H.), La lutte contre la misere. 1883 1306L Meares. — Voyages de, [Montemont] 62G Mecanicien anglais, Le, par Nicholson, 2 vol. 1842 555-6C MECANIQUE. — Ouvrages sur la : Mecanique, Causeries sur la, par Brothier 611L Cours elementaire de, par Delaunay. 1851 218L Manuel complet de, par Terquem. 1851 747L pratique, Aide-memoire de, par Morin. 1864 117L Traite de, par Poisson, 2 vol. 1833 I19-20L Voir aussi Million de faits, — Passy : Les machines, — etc. Mecklembourg, Histoire du, [Histoire universelle] 313-4E Mecque, La, Voyages a, aux grands lacs d'Afrique et chez les Mor- mons, par Burton. 1870 I97G Voir aussi Didier, — etc. MEDECINE. — Ouvrages sur la : Medecyie a la maison, La, par Saffray. 1880 736L et chirurgie des pauvres. 1818 328L domestiques, Manuel de, par Morin. 1847 728L Manuel des gardes-malades, par Morin. 1829 73oL populaire ou premiers soins a donner aux malades et aux blesses en l'absence du medecin, par Turck 749 et 141 2L pratique, Abrege de la, par Allen, 2 vol. 1728 164-5L Traite des entozoaires et des maladies vermineuses de l'homme et des animaux domestiques, par Davaine. 1877 53L usuelle des menages, La, suivie de l'art veterinaire usuel, par Villiers et Pujol, ill. 1846 164L [133] MED BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES MEM MEDECINE.— Ouvrages sur la -—{suite.) Medecine veterinaire, Notions usuelles de, par Sanson. 1876... 396L — — — Voir aussi Bourdon : Illustres m£decins, — Boyer : Gue>ison de la phthisie pnlmonaire et de la bronchite chronique, — Burger : Cours complet d'agriculture pratique, — Carnet : Maux d'estomac, constipation, — Fdraud: Les petites causes de nos maladies, — Hippocrate, — Hygiene, — Instruction pour le peuple, — Meunier : Le docteur au village, — Million de faits, — Sant6, — etc. Medes, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 208E Medicis (Catherine de). Voir Catherine de Medicis. Meditations evangeliques, par Vinet. 1849 1401G par Bossuet, 2 vol 151-2C Hervey. 1771 1729G Voir aussi Young : Nuits, — etc. — — poetiques, par Lamartine. 1831 I479I Nouvelles, par Lamartine. 1848 580, 591, 592 et 593I Premieres, par Lamartine. 1848 579, 588, 589 et 590I pratiques sur la vie du prophete Elisee, par Blunt. 1845 1608G sur des textes tires de Fepitre aux Ephesiens, parDiodati. 1863... 1115G la mort et l'eternite, publiees avec la permission de Sa Majeste la reine Victoria. 1864 1029G vie d'Abraham, par Blunt. 1848 1607G et ses devoirs religieux, publiees avec la permission de Sa Majeste la reine Victoria. 1864 1028G les vingt premiers chapitres du second livre des chroniques. 1342G Megnin (J. P.), L'ami ducheval. 1865 329L Meignan (V.), De Paris a Pekin par terre, Siberie, Mongolie, ill. 301G Meissas et Michelot. — Dictionnaire de geographic ancienne et moderne, 8 cartes. 1855 44C Geographie ancienne comparee avec la ge'ographie moderne. 302G Mejail (M.), Recueil des causes celebres et des arrets qui les ont decidees [les tomes 20 et 21 contiennent le proces de Louis XVI], 21 vol. 1808 977-97L MelanchtOll (Philippe), Vie de, par Ledderhose. 1855 , 974E Melanges critiques, par Montegut. 1887 710I et nouveaux melanges de Florian 1418 et 1438I evangeliques. 1828 1007G historiques, par Voltaire, 3 vol 1020-22I litteraires, par Voltaire, 4 vol 1050-3I par Bernardin de Saint-rierre 1338I . Jouy, 2 vol. 1823 498-9I Rousseau I54°I philosophiques, litteraires, historiques et religieux, par Stapfer, 2 vol. 1844 , I3 82 "3G politiques, par Chateaubriand, 2 vol. 1833 256-7I tires d'une petite bibliotheque, par Nodier. 1829 II IJ MEMOIRES : Memoire de Priscille Quertier, de Guernesey. 1870 1054E Memoires complets et authentiques du due de Saint-Simon sur le siecle de Louis XIV et la Regence, 7 vol. 1878 ... 1108-14E de 1763 a 1778 et guerre de 1778, par Frederic II 156E Bachaumont 242C Beaumarchais dans l'affaire Gcezman. 1878 .. 74 J E [134] MEM SECTION FRANCAISE MEM ME MO I RES -.—{suite.) Memoires de Beaumarchais, 3 vol 12-14I Charles II sur sa fuite apres la bataille de Worcester 116E Fairfax I12E Fleury, de la Comedie-Francaise [1757- 1820], 2 vol. rel. ens. 1847 850E Guy Joli, clu cardinal de Retz et de la duchesse de Ne- mours, 2 vol. 1777 921-2E Henri Heine. 1884 907E Hollis 112E Huntington 1 1 2E — Jacques II, 4 vol 129-32E John Price sur la restauration des Stuart 111E l'abbe Le Gendre 243C la duchesse d'Abrantes, 12 tomes rel. en 6 vol. 1835 J -6E minorite de Louis XV, par Massillon. 1 805 1 29 1 G lord Clarendon, grand-chancelier d'Angleterre sous Charles II. 4 vol 119-22E Ludlow, 3 vol r 113-5E Lutfullah, gentilhomme mahometan. 1858 993E Luther, 2 vol. 1837 1861-2E Malouet, 2 vol. 1868 394-5E M. de Montcal, par Prevost, ill 782I Mme de Remusat [1802-8], 3 vol. 1880 492-4E Roland, ecrits durant sa captivite, 2 vol. 1864 1085-6E Mrs. Hutchinson, 2 vol 117-8E Sir John Berkley sur les negociations de Charles Ier avec Cromwell 111E Reresby 128E Thilippe Warwick sur Charles Ier 108E Thomas Herbert sur les deux dernieres annees du regne de Charles Ier 1 1 1 E Sully, principal ministre de Henri-le-Grand, 7 vol. 1767. 1133-9E Theodore - Agrippa d'Aubigne, avec les memoires de Frederic-Maurice de la Tour, prince de Sedan, une relation de la Cour de France en 1700, par Priolo, et l'histoire de Mme de Mucy, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1731 723E d'exil, par Mme Quinet. 1868 !055E documents et ecrits divers du prince de Metternich [1773- 1848], 7 vol. 1880 412-18 et 419-25E d'outre-tombe, par Chateaubriand, 5 vol. 1848 263-7I du baron de Tott sur les Turcs et les Tartares, 2 vol. 1785. 1170-1E cardinal de Retz, de Guy Joli et de la duchesse de Nemours, 499-504 et 505-9E comte de Beust, 2 vol. 1888 680-81E Grammont, par Hamilton, 2 vol. 18 16 1846-7E Segur, 3 vol. 1824 S49-51E Miotde Melito, 3 vol. 1858 434-6E due de Buckingham 128E general Cluseret, 3 vol. 1887-8 1268-70E P. John Gerard, S.J., missionnaire catholique en Angle- terre sous le regne d'Elisabeth. 1888 1247E [135] MEM BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES MEN MEMOIRES -.—{suite.) Memoires d'un bourgeois de Paris, par le docteur Veron, 4 vol. 647-50E Nouveaux, par le docteur Veron. 1866 65 lE protestant condamne aux galeres, par Marteilhe. 1865... 1790G royaliste, par Falloux, 2 vol. 1888 685-6E d'une enfant, par Mme Michelet 1257E reine infortunee (Caroline-Matilde). 1776 1003E historiques de la France, par Caboche 243C sur la revolution d'Espagne, par de Pradt. 18 16 469E inedits de Dumont de Bostaquet, gentilhomme normand [1632-93]. 1864 339C l'abbe Morellet, 2 vol. 1823 441 -2E Lamartine [1790-1815]. 1870 358E pour servir a l'histoire de la revolution de Saint-Domingue, par Lacroix, 2 vol. 1819 344-5E par Clermont-Gallerande, 3 vol. 1826. 105-7E Lyon pendant la Revolution, par Guillon, 2 vol. 1824 176-7E mon temps, par Guizot, 8 vol. 1858 182-9E d u prince Eugene de Savoie, par d'Artanville, 2 vol. 17 10 . 721-2E relatifs a l'histoire de la revolution d'Angleterre, [Pour les details, voir Angleterre], 25 vol. 1827 108-32E sur la Convention et le Directoire, par Thibaudeau, 2 vol. 589-90E Revolution frangaise, par Buzot. 1823 83E vie de Marie-Antoinette, par Mme Campan. 1884 ... 773E le Second Empire, par Maupas. 1884 404E Mrs. Bendysh, petite-fille de Cromwell 118E Napoleon, le Directoire, le Consulat, l'Empire et la Restauration, par Bourrienne, 10 vol. 1830 72-81E Voir aussl Carne - : Souvenirs, — Canler, — Claude, — Daudet, — Dumas, — Hugo racontd, — Lamartine : Souvenir; et portraits, — Lesseps : Souvenirs dejquarante ans, — Michelet : Ma jeunesse, Mon journal, — Rdcamier : Souvenirs et ■ correspondance, — Renan, — Sand : Histoire de ma vie, — Souvenirs, — etc. Memoires de la Societe des antiquaires de Normandie, annees 1826, 27-28 et 29-30, 3 vol 408-10E d'un honnete homme, par Prevost, ill 803I jeune Espagnol, par Florian 1439I ouvrier : Les aventures de ma vie, par Braun. 1877 77oE et aventures d'un homme de qualite, par Prevost, 3 vol. ill 771-3I pour servir a. l'histoire de la vertu, par Prevost, 3 vol. ill 800-2I Memorial de Sainte-Helene, par Las Cases, 8 vol. 1823..... 359-66E Menage d'autrefois, Un, par Egger ... ... 1133L Menage. — Menagiana ou les bons mots et remarques critiques, his- toriques et d'erudition, de M. Menage, 4 vol. 1729 674-7I Menagerie imperiale, La, 3 vol. 1812 716-8L Menault (E.), L'amour maternel chez les animaux. 1874 2101I L'intelligence des animaux. 1872 2103I Mengin-Fondragon (Bon de), Souvenirs de voyages: Les bords du Rhin, la Hollande, Anvers, l'Angleterre, l'Ecosse et Cher- bourg. 1841 48G Mennechet (E.), Le Plutarque frangais, vies des hommes et femmes illustres de la France, avec leurs portraits en pied, 6 vol. 352-7C [136] MEN SECTION FRANCAISE MES Mensonges conventionnels de notre civilisation, Les, par Nordau. 1307L Menu de Saint-Mesmin (E.), Les habitations economiques H35 L L'ouvrier autrefois et aujourd'hui JI 35L MER. — Ouvrages sur la : Mer glacee du pole, La, par Markham [1875-76], ill 298G La, et les continents, par Daubree 1 1 28L par Dubarry. 1886 421 L Le fond de la, par Sonrel. 1870 2133I Les phenomenes de la, par Margolle 715 e t I4 2I L libre du pole, La, par Hayes. 1870 251G polaire, La, par Lanoye. 1865 280G Mers, Les, et les meteores, par Reclus, [Les phenomenes terrestres]. 373L Mereier. — Portraits des rois de France, 3 vol. 1783 IO04-6E Mercure de France [Mai-Octobre 1785], 6 vol. 678-83I Meres de famille, Les, par Bouilly, 2 vol 1118-9L Merie (E.), Le merveiileux et la science, etude sur Fhypnotisme 159L Merimee (P.), Chronique du regne de Charles IX, suivie de la double meprise et de la Guzla. 1865 684I Episode de l'histoire de Russie, Les faux Demetrius. 1854 1007E — — Lettres a M. Panizzi [1850-70], publiees par M. Louis Fagan, 2 vol. 1881 109-10I une inconnue, precedees d'une etude sur Merimee, par Taine, 2 vol. 1874 107-8I Portraits historiques et litteraires. 1874 685I ■ — Voir aussi Romans. Merite des femmes, Le, par Legouve. 1813 1480I Merle d'Aubigne (J. H.), Histoire de la reformation du XVIme siecle, 5 vol. 1856 1260-4 et 1265-9G en Europe au temps de Calvin, 8 vol 1425-32G Le Protecteur, ou la republique d'Angleterre aux jours de Crom- well. 1848 411E Reformation d'Angleterre. 1862 1794G Bungener, de Gasparin et Viguet. — Le christianisme aux trois premiers siecles, seances historiques donnees a Geneve en Fevrier, Mars et Avril 1857 1706G Merruau (P.), Les convicts en Australie [1851-52] 384G Merveilles, Bibliotheque des : Voir: Augd, — Badin, — Bailie, — Bernard, — Bocquillon, — Bonant, — Brevans, — Castel, — Cazin, — Collignon, — Colomb, — Deharme, — Deherrypon, — Deleveau, — Depping, — Dieulafait, — Du Moncel, — Duplessis, — Flammarion, — Fonvielle, — Gamier, — Gazeau, — Girard, — Graffigny, — Guillemin, — Hanno, — Hdlene, — Jacque- mart, — Joly, — Lacombe, — Landrin, — Lanoye, — Lasteyrie, — Lefevre, — Le Pileur, — Lesbazeilles, — L£veque, — Marion, — Marzy, — Masson, — Menault, — Meunier, — Millet, — Moites- sier, — Moynet, — Narjoux, — Perez, — Petit, — Radau, — Renard, — Renaud, — Reynaud, — Sauzay, — Simonin, — Sonrel, — Ternant, — Tissandier, — Viardot, — Zurcher, — etc. Merveilles celestes, Les, par Flammarion. 1865 2040I de la nature et de l'art, par Vulliet. 1867 752L vie chez quelques animaux, revelees par le microscope. 1854. 330L du monde, Les, par Propriac, 2 vol. 1832 328-9G Merveiileux, Le, et la science, par Meric 159L Mery. — Voir Romans. Meschine (E.), Manuel elementaire du citoyen francais. 1877 998L [1373 MES BIBLIGTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES MEX Mesmer et le magnetisme animal, par Bersot. 1853 178L Messager de l'ecole du Dimanche, Le, 2 vol. 1866-67 1580-1G Mestrezat (J.), Exposition de l'epitre aux Hebreux en sermons prononces a. Charenton. 1555 1 274G Metamorphoses de l'homme et des animaux, par Quatrefages. 1862. 370L d'une goutte d'eau, Les, par Carraud. 1865 200L — — Le monde des, par Franklin, [La vie des animaux] 257L Metaphysique, Entretiens sur la, sur la religion et sur la mort, par Malebranche, 2 vol. 1732 1787-8G Metaux, Le cuivre et le bronze, par Delon. 1877 693L Le fer, lafonte et l'acier, par Delon. 1876 692L Voir aussi Simonin, — etc. Meteores, Les, par Zurcher et Margolle. 1867 2157I Meteorologie, Elements de physique experimentale et de,par Pouillet, 2 vol. et un atlas. 1853 121 -3L Traite de, par Ganot. 1856 261L ; — Voir aussi Million de faits, — etc. Methode experimentale, La, et le christianisme, par Doumergue. 1878. 1670G Methodisme, Histoire du, dans les iles de la Manche, par Lelievre. 1764G wesleyen dans les iles de la Manche, Histoire du, par Guiton. 1181G Voir aussi Wesley, — etc. Methodiste, Le magasin I573G Metiers manuels, Le livre des, par Houze 436L Metivier (G.), Dictionnaire franco-normand ou recueil des mots p-ur ticuliers au dialecte de Guernesey, faisant voir leurs relations romanes, celtiques et tudesques. 1870 /62I Poesies guernesiaises et francaises, avec glossaire ; notice sur l'auteur, par Henri de Monteyremar. 1883 161I Rimes guernesiaises, par un Catelain. 1831 1093T traducleur, [Tupper : Philosophie proverbiale] 1 87 1 G Metternich (Le prince de), Memoires, documents et ecrits divers laisses par le prince de Metternich, chancelier de cour et d'Etat, publies par son fils, le prince Richard de Metternich [1773-1848], 7 vol. 1880 412-18 et4i9-25E Meuble, Le, par Champeaux, 2 vol 419-20L Meunier (S.), La planete que nous habitons, notions fnmilieres d'astronomie physique. 1881 , 1812L Traite pratique de chimie et de geologie agricoles. 1880 33 X L Meunier (V.), La philosophie zoologique 7!9 L Les animaux a. metamorphoses. 1867 114L d'autrefois. 1869 113L grandes chasses. 1867 2106I peches. 1868 2108I Meunier (Mme H.), Le docteur au village, entretiens familiers sur la botanique. 1870 33 2L l'hygiene. 1869 333L Voir aussi Blackwell : La religion de la sante\ — etc. Meunier (Mme S.), L'ecorce terrestre. 1882 , 2105I Le monde animal. 1880 1813L vegetal. 1881 ; 1814L MEXIQUE. — Ouvrages sur le : Mexique, Aventures et conquetes de Fernand Cortez au 287G Conquete du, par Prescott. 1880 1051E [138] MEX SECTION FRANCHISE MIL MEXIQUE.— Ouvrages sur le :— {suite.) Mexique et Guatemala, par La Renaudiere, [Univers]. 1843... 6 3 8E Histoire du, Juarez et Maximilien, par Domenech, 3 vol. 150-2E Journal d'un missionnaire au, par Domenech [1846-1852] ... 23G Le, par Fossey. 1857 37C Voir aussi Cotteau : En Oc^anie, — La Madeline : Vie et aventures du comte G. de Raousset-Boulbon, — etc. Meyer (J. D.), Esprit, origine et progres des institutions judiciaires des principaux pays de l'Europe, 5 vol. 1823 999-1003L Meylan (A.), A travers les Espagnes. 1876 303G Russies. 1880 304G Dictionnaire biblique populaire, comprenant l'histoire, la bio- graphie, l'archeologie, la geographie et l'histoire naturelle dans leurs relations avec l'etude de la Bible ; des introductions speciales aux livres de l'Ancien et du Nouveau-Testament, ainsi que l'exposition abregee des principales doctrines du christianisme. 1869 I2 75G Vie de Gaspard de Coligny, amiral de France. 1862 1009E Mezieres (A.), Les contemporains de Shakespeare, [Magasin de librairie] 24 1 C Recits de l'invasion : Alsace et Lorraine. 1871 1010E Michaud (J. F. ), Histoire des croisades, 4 vol 426-9E Michelet {].), Abrege d'histoire de France : Temps modernes. 1884. 1255E La montagne. 1868 336L Pologne martyr, Russie, Danube. 1863 1226E sorciere 1795G et 1227L Le pretre, la femme et la famille. 1881 , 1228L L'insecte. 1880 335L L'oiseau. 1867 334L Majeunesse. 1884 , ioiiE Mon journal [1820-23]. 1888 1256E Notre France : sa geographie, son histoire. 1886 418G Voir aussi Luther: M^moires, — etc. Michelet (MmeJ.), Memoires d'une enfant 1257E Microphone, Le, le radiophone et le phonographe, par Du Moncel. 2036I Microscope, Merveilles de la vie chez quelques animaux revelees parle. 1854 330L Nouvelles recherches sur les decouvertes microscopiques, par Spalanzani. 1769 134L Telescope et, par Zurcher et Margolle 1423L Miette et Nore, par Aicard. 1885 ,„ 1094I Miettes de l'histoire, Les, par Vacquerie 1190E Mig-net (F. A.), Antonio Perez et Phillippe II. 1853 432E Charles-Quint, son abdication, son sejour et sa mort au monastere de Yuste. 1855 433E Eloges historiques : Th. Jouffroy, Baron de Gerando, Laro- miguiere, Lakanal, Schelling, Comte Portalis, Hallam, Lord Macaulay. 1864 1012E Histoire de la revolution francaise, depuis 1789, jusqu'en 1814, 3 vol. rel. ens. 1842 1871E 2 vol. 1845 430-1E 2 vol. 1886 1258-9E Vie de Franklin. 1869 1013E Milanais, Histoire du, [Histoire universelle] 290E [139] MIL BIBLIOTH&QUE GUILLE-ALLES MIR Mil huit cent quatorze, par Houssaye. 1888 450G Millet (A. ), Les merveilles des fleuves et des ruisseaux. 1871 2110I Millet-RoDinet (Mme C), Economie domestique 337L Maison rustiquedes dames, 2 vol. ill 1312-13L Millevoye. — [Poetes fran9ais modernes] 28I Milianah, par Autran. 1857 207I Millin (A. L.), Voyage dans les departements du midi de la France, 4 vol. et un atlas. 1807 41-44G et 45c Million de faits, Un, aide-memoire universel des sciences, des arts et des lettres, par J. Aicard, Desportes, Paul Gervais, Leon Lalanne, Ludovic Lalanne, A. Le Pileur, Ch. Martins, Ch. Verge et Young. 1843 403L Millot (L'abbe), Elemens d'histoire generale : I, Histoire ancienne, 4 vol. — II, Histoire moderne, 5 vol.; ens. 9 vol. 1787 1014-22E Mills (C.), Histoire du mahometisme, comprenant la vie et le carac- tere du prophete arabe, une relation succincte des empires fondes par les armes mahometanes, des recherches sur la theologie, la morale, les lois, la litterature et les usages des Musulmans, trad. Buisson. 1826 1276 et 1277G Milne -Edwards. — Introduction a la zoologie generale. 1851 340L Zoologie. 1877 439L 1850 338 et 339L Milne (W. C.), La vie reelle en Chine, i860 305G Milton (].), Le Paradis perdu, trad. F. de Chateaubriand, precedee d'une etude de John Lemoinne. 1866 , 6861 trad. Addisson, 2 vol. 1729 688-9I trad. Pongerville. 1865 6861 Paradis perdu, trad. Delille 1386I Voir aussi Lamy : Quelques hdros des luttes religieuses, — etc. Milton (Le Vte) et Cheadle (le Dr). — Voyage de l'Atlantique au Pacifique, a travers le Canada, les Montagnes Rocheuses et la Colombie anglaise. 1872 : 3°7G ill. 1866. 49C MIN^RALOGIE. — Onvrages sur la : Miner alogie, Histoire de la, par Hoefer. 1872 282L Le regne mineral, par Raulin 1 1 27L Nouveau manuel complet de, par Huot, 2 vol. 1841 699-700L par Beudant. 1851 181L Traite elementaire de, par Brongniart, 2 vol. 1807 17-18L Mineranx, par Patrin, [Buffon : Histoire naturelle], 5 vol 636-40L usuels, Histoire elementaire des, par Reynaud. 1867 2126I Voir aussi Focillon : Premieres legons d'histoire naturelle, — etc. Mines et carrieres, par Delon. 1877 693L Mineur de Californie, Le, par Simonin I131L Minenrs, Les cites ouvrieres de, par Simonin 1129L Miniature, Manuel de, et de gouache, par Constant- Viguier. 1828. 760L Miot de Melito (Le cte), Memoires, 3 vol. 1858 434-6E Miquel (P.), Les organismes vivants de Tatmosphere. 1883 544-C Mirabaud. — [attribtte a], Systeme de la nature, ou des lois du monde physique et du monde moral, 6 vol. 1780 720-5L [140] MIR SECTION FRANCAISE MON Mirabean (H. G.), Chefs-d'ceuvre oratoires, 2 vol. 1822 1491-2I L'ami cles hommes, ou traite de la population, 5 vol. Les tomes 4 et 5 contiennent le memoire sur les Etats provinciaux, etc. 1756 690-4I Morceaux choisis, avec preface et notes, par Ed. Milliet. 1882... 1115I Mirabeau, Les, par Lomenie, 2 vol. 1879 377-8E Miracle, Le, et les lois de la nature, par Bois 1670G Miracles de Jesus-Christ, Les, par Leroy. 1884 1219G Mirbel (B.). Voir Lamarck et Mirbel. Mirecourt (E. de). Voir Romans. Mireille, poeme provencal, par Mistral. 1881 • 1493I Misere des classes laborieuses en Angleterre et en France, De la, par Buret, 2 vol. 1842 1120-1L Etude sur les causes de la, par Cherbuliez. 1853 1289L La lutte contre la, par Maze. 1883 1306L par Siegfried. 1877 1026 et 1027L Mission en Prusse, Ma, par Benedetti. 1871 60E Missionnaires anglais, Voyages des, [Montemont] 62G Les grands. 1875 876 et 877E Voir aussi Hunt, — Moffat, — etc. Mistral (F.), Mireille, poeme provencal, trad. E. Rigaud. 1881 ... 1493I Mitchell (E. C), Les sources du Nouveau-Testament 1278G Moabite, La, drame, par Deroulede. ' 1881 1402I Mocquart. — Nouvelles causes celebres ou fastes du crime, 2 vol. 1866. 1 13-4C Modene, Histoire de, [Histoire universale] 289E Moaurs de ce siecle, Considerations sur les, par Duclos 171C des Israelites et des Chretiens, par Fleury. 1839 1684G et coutumes bibliques, par Maltbi. 1865 1789G instincts des animaux, par Pouchet. 1887 576C Moffat (R.), Vingt-trois ans de sejour dans le sud de l'Afrique, ou travaux, voyages et recits missionnaires. 1846 49G Moges (Le marquis de), Souvenirs d'une ambassade en Chine et au Japon en 1857 et 1858 308G Moigno (L'abbe). Voir Brewer, — Tyndall : Chaleur et froid, — Moffat, — etc. Moines d'Occident, Les, par Montalembert, 5 vol. 1860-7 1286-90G Mois, La legende des, par Levy. 1879 318L Moise sans voile, par Girard 1717, 1718 et 1719G Moitessier (A.), L'air. 1880 2112I La lumiere. 1876 2114I MoliereQ. B. Poquelin de), CEuvres, 2 vol. 1885 1116-17I CEuvres, avec des remarques grammaticales, des avertissemens et des observations sur chaque piece, par Bret, 8 vol. 1809 ... 700-7I CEuvres completes, publiees par Philarete Chasles, 5 vol. 1855. 695-9I Moliere, La comedie de, par Larroumet. 1887 mil Molinari (G. de), Lettres sur les Etats-Unis et le Canada. 1876 309G Mollevaut (C. L.), Les fleurs, poeme en 4 chants 1494I Mollien. — Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 77G Amerique de, [Montemont] 91G Mollusques, par Figuier. 1866 , 510C par Franklin, [La vie des animaux] 256L Mon oncle et ma tante, Histoire de, par Dequet 234C [141] MON BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES MON MONARCHIE DE JUILLET [1830-48].— Ouvragessur la: Monarchie de Juillet, Histoire de la, par Thureau-Dangin, 4 vol. 696-9E . Louis-Philippe, par Zevort !935E par Beaumont-Vassy, [Histoire de mon temps], 4 vol. 54"7^ Vie de Marie- Amelie, Reine des Francais. 1872 1188E Voir aussi Blanc : Histoire de dix ans, — Capefigue : Gouverne- ment de Juillet, L'Europe depuis Louis-Philippe, Louis-Philippe, — France, — V£ron : Mdmoires d'un bourgeois de Paris, — etc. Monarchie francaise, Decadence de la, par Pelletan 141 iL Monchoisy. — La nouvelle Cythere. 1888 419G Moncrif (Paradis de), (Euvres choisies, 2 vol. 1801 1495-61 Monde americain, Le, par Simonin. 1877 346G animal, Le, par Mme.Meunier. 1880 1813L invisible, Les merveilles du, par Fonvielle. 1869 2045! Le systeme du, et le calendrier, par Rouche 1 1 28L moral, Le, par Prevost, ill 799I m polaire, Les merveilles du, par Lesbazeilles. 1881 2088I souterrain, Le, par Longchene. 1846 321L Les merveilles du, par Simonin. 1868 2130I vegetal, Le, par Mme Meunier. 1881 1814L Mond.es imaginaires, Les, et les mondes reels, par Flammarion. 1866. 240L Mongols, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 248-9E Monk (general, due d'Albemarle), par Guizot. 1855 179E Monnaie, De la, et de son role, par Passy, [Entretiens populaires]... 41 iL par Wolowski 1130L Monnaies'et medailles, par Lenormant 102L Voir aussi Sardou, — etc; Monnier (Marc), Pompeii et les Pompeiens. 1867 310G Voir aussi Romans. Monnier (Marcel), Un printemps sur le Pacifique : lies Hawaii. 1885. 420G Monod (A.), Adieux a ses amis et a l'Eglise ^ 1284G La femme ; Deux discours. 1871 1283G Lucile ou la lecture de la Bible. 1850 1796G Sermons, 3 vol. 1859-60 1279-81G Souvenirs de sa vie, extraits de sa correspondance et choix de lettres a sa famille et a ses amis, 2 vol. 1885 437-8E Voir aussi Pressense" : Etudes contemporaines, -- etc. Monod (E.), Les vraies conditions du bonheur, [Verite chretienne]. 1670G Monod (H.), Sermons. 1864 1285G Monod (J.), Les livres du Nouveau-Testament, [Verite chretienne], 1670G Monod (Mme W.), La mission des femmes en temps de guerre. 1870. 1229L Monod (Mile S.), Agir, e'est vivre. 1862 I797G Monsieur et Madame Fernel, par Ulbach 246C Monstres marins, Les, par Landrin. 1867 2073I Mont Saint-Michel, Le, par Trebuchet, ill. 1888 392G Montagne, Histoire d'une, par Reclus 441L La, par Michelet. 1868 336L Montagu (Madame de), [Quatre femmes au temps de la Revolution]. 1053E Montaigne (M. de), Essais, 6 vol. 1818 1497-1502I Montalembert (Cte C. F. de), De l'avenir politique de l'Angleterre. 1008E Les moines d'Occident depuis Saint-Benoit jusqu'a Saint-Bernard, 5 vol. 1860-7 1286-90G Montbron (J. C. de). Essais sur la litterature des Hebreux, 2 vol. 708-9I Montcalm et le Canada francais, par Bonnechose. 1881 /63E [142] MON SECTION FRANCAISE MON" Montegut (E.), En Bourbonnais et en Forez. 1875 312G Les Pays-Bas, impressions de voyage et d'art. 1 869 31 3G .Melanges critiques. 1887 710I Montemont (A.), Bibliotheque universelle des voyages effectues par terre ou par mer dans les diverses parties du monde, depuis les premieres decouvertes jusqu'a nos jours, revus ou traduits par A. Montemont, 46 vol. 1833-36 : Tome I. — Premieres ddcouvertes ou conquetes des Portugais en Afrique et dans l'lnde, vers la fin du XVme siecle et au commencement du XVTme, — Premiers voyages autour du monde ex6cut£s pendant les XVIme et XVI Ime siecles 50G Tome II. — Premiere moitie" du XVI I line siecle, — Pe>iode de 1764 a. 1769, — Byron, Walliset Carteret 51G Tome III. — Byron, Carteret, Wallis (suite), — Surville 52G Tome IV. — Bougainville [1766-9], — Marion [1771] 53G Tomes V a XI. — Voyages de Cook [1769-80] 54-60G Tome XII. — Jean-Francois de la Pe>ouse [1780-90] 61G Tome XIII. — La P£rouse (suite et Jin), — Maurelle, Portlock et Dixon, Bligh, Meares, Wilson, E. Edwards, missionnaires anglais 62G Tome XIV. — Vancouver [1790-5] 63G Tome XV. — D'Entrecasteaux [1791-3I, — Marchand [1790-2] 64G Tome XVI. — Porter [1812-14], — Paulding [1825-26] 65G Tome XVII. — Krusenstern [1803-6], — Kotzebue [1815-26] 66G Tome XVIII. — Navigateurs francais 67G Tome XIX. — Beechey [1825-28] 68G Tome XX. — Benjamin Morrell 69G Tome XXI. — Basil Hall [1816], — Weddell [1822-24], — Bellingshausen [1819-21], — Fanning [1800-32], — Biscoe [1830-32] 70G Tome XXII. — Voyages en Afrique antdrieurs au XlXme siecle, — Expe- dition frangaise en Egypte [1798-1801] 71G Tome XXIII. — Voyages en Afrique :— Bruce [1768-72] 72G Tome XXIV. — Voyages en Afrique : — Levaillant [1780-85] 73G Tome XXV. — Voyages en Afrique : — Mungo-Park [1795-97], — Browne [1793-96], — Hornemann [1798-1800], — Cailliaud [1819-22] 74G Tome XXVI. — Voyages en Afrique : — Burchell [1810-15] 75G Tome XXVII. — Voyages en Afrique : — Denham et Clapperton [1822-24]. 76G Tome XXVIII. — Voyages en Afrique: — Laing [1822], — Clapperton [1825-26], — Gray et Dochard [1818-21], — Hutton [1820], — Bowdich [1817-1819], — Mollien [1816-18] 77G Tome XXIX. — Voyages en Afrique : — Thompson [1823-24], — Camp- bell [1820], — Caille [1827-28], 78G Tome XXX. — Voyages en Afrique : — Richard et Tohn Lander [1830-31]. 79G Tome XXXI. — Voyages en Asie ant^rieurs au XlXme siecle 80G Tome XXXII. — Voyages en Asie : — Burckhardt [1814-17], — Buckingham [1816] 81G Tome XXXIII. — Voyages en Asie: — Timkowski [1820-21], — Amherst [1816], — Macartney [1792-94] 82G Tome XXXIV. — Voyages en Asie : — Finlayson [1821-22], — Cox [1797- 1800] : 83G Tome XXXV. — Voyages en Asie : — Fraser [1821-22] 84G Tome XXXVI. — Voyages en Asie : — Heber [1824-26],— Skinner[i826-28]. 85G Tome XXXVII. — Voyages en Asie : — Burnes [1831-33] 86G Tome XXXVIII. — Voyages en Am^rique ante>ieurs au XlXme siecle .. 87G Tome XXXIX.— Voyages en Amenque :— Basil Hall [1827-28], — Trollope (Mrs.) [1827] 88G Tome XL. — Voyages en Am£rique: — Ross [1818-33], — Parry [1819-27], — Franklin [1819-27] ._. 89G Tome XLI. — Voyages en Ame>ique : — Bullock [1823], — Watterton [1812-24], — Head [1825], — Basil Hall [1820-21] 90G Tome XLIL— Maw [1827-28], — Walsh [1828-29], — Mollien [1822-23]. . 91G Tome XLIIL — Introduction aux voyages en Oc^anie, — Voyages en Oc^anie : — Cunningham [1824-26], — Sturt [1828-31] 92G Tome XLI V. — Voyages en Europe : — Walsh [1821-25], — Lyall [1822] .. 93G Tome XLV. — Voyages en Europe : — Capel Brocke [1820], — Inglis [1834], — Klaproth et Gamba [1807-24] 94G Tome XLVI. — Voyages en Europe : — Divers voyages anciens et modernes. 95G [143] MON BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES MOR Montespan (La marquise de), par Capefigue. 1868 786E Montesquieu (C. de), Considerations sur les causes de la grandeur des Romains et de leur decadence, suivies du dialogue de Sylla, etc. 1852 , 439E CEuvres completes, 2 vol. 1856 711-12I 7 vol. 1785 7J3-I9I par Sorel. 1887 932I Voir n?essi Destutt de Tracy : Commentaires sur l'esprit des lois, — etc. Monteyremar (H. de). [Metivier : Poesies guernesiaises et fran- caises] 161I Montgaillon (L'abbe de), Histoire de France pendant les annees 1825, 26, 27 et le commencement de 1828, 2 vol. rel. ens. 440E Montgomery (F.). Voir Romans. Montlosier (Cte de), De l'origine, de la nature et des progres de la puissance ecclesiastique en France. 1829 1 29 1 G Montyon ou la vie d'un homme de bien, par Morin 1842E Voir aussi Lock et Couly : Les prix de vertu, — etc. Moore (George), par Smiles. 1880 1131E MORALE.— Ouvrages sur la : Morale appliquee a. la politique, La, par Jouy. 1 823 500I chretienne, La, par La Placete, 2 vol. 17 14 1742-3G Pictet, 2 vol. 1710 I75-6C pratique de la, par Hammond. 1696 1192G dans l'antiquite, De la, par Gamier. 1865 379I de Jesus-Christ, ou la vie et les instructions de Jesus-Christ, tirees du Nouveau-Testament. 1807 1023G l'Evangile, La, par Lucas. 1710 1782G Plutarque, De la, par Greard. 1880 1296L des poetes. La, par Moustalon. 1816 720I Du vrai criterium en, par Wiart 248C Essais de, par Franklin. 1869 H5°L sur divers sujets de litterature et de, par Trublet, 3 vol. 961-3I familiere, par Stahl 1279L pour tous, par Franck. 1868 1149L rationnelle, Precis de, par Courcelle-Seneuil... 1293L Voir aussi Bouillier, — Lecons francaises de literature et de morale, — etc. Moraliste, Un, etudes et pensees d'Ernest Bersot. 1882 1603G Moralistes francais. 1838 .-. 171C Pensees de Blaise Pascal, — Reflexions et maximes de La Rochefoucauld, suivies d'une refutation par L. Aim£-Martin, — CEuvres completes de Vauvenargues, — Considerations sur les mceurs de ce siecle, par Duclos. Morand (J.), Introduction al'etude des sciences physiques 726 et 727L Moraves, Les Freres. [Bovet : Le comte de Zinzendorf.] 82E Moravie, Histoire de l'Eglise des freres de Boheme et de, par Bost. 1416G Morceaux choisis d'auteurs francais, par Grisot, 3 vol. 1887 1107-9I dej. J.Rousseau. 1883 11221 Mirabeau. 1882 II15I Pascal,de Mme de Sevigne, de La Bruyere, de Massillon, de Fontenelle et de Buffon, avec des notes historiques et litteraires. 1 864 1 090I Morellet (L'abbe), Memoires inedits, suivis de sa correspondance avecM. le comte R***, ministre des finances a Naples, 2 vol. 441-2E [144] MOR SECTION FRANCHISE MUL Morin (A.), Aide-memoire de mecanique pratique. 1864 I17L Morin (E.), Montyon ou la vie d'un homme de bien, [Conferences populaires] 1 842E Morin (F.), Saint-Francois d'Assise et les Franciscains, [1 182- [226] .. 798E Morin (J.), Manuel theorique et pratique des gardes-malades. 1829. 73°^ d 'hygiene, ou l'art de conserver sa sante. 1835 7 2 9L Nouveau manuel complet de medecine etde chirurgie domestiques. 728L Resume populaire du code civil I 4 I 3L Mormonisme. Voir Burton, — etc. Mornand (F.). Voir Romans. Morrell (B.), Voyages de, [Montemont] 69G Mort d'Abel, La, par Gessner. 1762 1716G Mortier (A.). Voir Romans. Mosaique, La, par Gerspach 65L Mosheim (Baron de), Histoire ecclesiastique, ancienne et moderne, depuis la naissance de Jesus-Christ jusques au XVIIIme siecle, 6 vol. 1776 1292-7G Moteurs anciens et modernes, Les, par Graffigny. 1881 2056I Mouchon (P.), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte, 2 vol. 1298-9G Mouhot (H.), Voyage dans les royaumes de Siam, de Cambodge, de Laos et autres parties de l'lndo-Chine. 1868 3 I 4G Mouhy (Chev. de). Voir Romans. Moulin (M.). F«r Romans. Moussoir (G.), Six mois au Mont-Valerien [1870-71]. 1886 ... 1023E Moustalon. — La morale des poetes, ou pensees extraites des plus celebres poetes latins et francais, augmente des pensees de Delille. 1816 720I Moiiy (Cte C. de), Don Carlos et Philippe II. 1888 1260E 1863 1024E MOYEN-AGE. — Ouvrages sur le : Moyen-Age, Archeologie chretienne ou precis de l'histoire des monuments religieux du, par Bourasse. 1867 14L Entretiens sur l'histoire du, par Zeller, 2 vol. 1865 1224-5E Histoire de la societe frangaise au, par Rosieres [987-1483], 2 vol. 1882 532-3E du, par Gosset. 1876 1248E Pinard 1044E La piete du, par Martonne. 1855 1241G poesie du, par Paris. 1887 1118I Savants du, par Figuier 5 2 3C Voir aitssi Thierry : Dix ans d'^tudes historiques, — etc. Moyen de plaire a Dieu sous l'Evangile, Le, par Hoadly. 1720 1730G Moyens de vivre longtemps, Les, par Saffray. 1878 736 et 737L Moynet (J.), L'envers du theatre. 1874 2115I Moysant et Levizao (de). — Bibliotheque portative des ecrivains francais ou choix des meilleurs morceaux extracts de leurs ouvrages en prose et en vers, 3 vol. 1803 2 97"9C Mucy (Mine de), Histoire de, [Aubigne] 723E Mulhouse, Les institutions ouvrieres de, par Veron. 1866 1031L Muller (E.), Lajeunesse des hommes celebres 1025E machine a vapeur, son histoire et son role. 1879 34 iL Les apotres de l'agriculture. 1881 1815L [145] MUL BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES nap Muller (E.), L'homme dans ses rapports avec les animaux, [Magasin d'education] 221 C Voir aussi Clavel : Traite" d'dducation physique et morale, — Romans, — etc. MungO-Park. — Voir Park (Mungo). Municipalities, Devoirs moraux des, par Charming 1124L Munier-Jolain (J.), L'ancien regime dans une bourgeoisie lorraine. 1261E Muntz (E.), La tapisserie 118L Muret (T.), Histoire de Jeanne d'Albret, reine de Navarre, precedee d'une etude sur Marguerite de Valois, sa mere. 1862 1026E Murger (H.). Voir Romans. MUSIQUE. — Ouvrages sur la, et les musiciens : Musiciens du XVIIIme siecle, par Houssaye. 1858 288L Musique, Compositeurs celebres, par Ernouf, ill. 1888 1243E Dictionnaire de, par Rousseau, 2 vol 845-6 et 1538-9I Dissertations et ouvrages divers sur la, par Rousseau 844I Ecrits sur la, par Rousseau J 537l Histoire de la, par Lavoix 99L La, par Colomb. 1878 2023I Le son et la, par Blaserna. 1879 13L Voir aussi Instruction pour le peuple, — Lubke : Precis de l'histoire des beaux-arts, — Wilder : Beethoven, — etc. Mussa (L.), Pratique des engrais chimiques suivant le systeme Georges Ville. 1873..... 342L Musset (A. de), Poesies, [Magasin de librairie] 240-1C Musset (P. de), Lui et elle, [Magasin de librairie] 242C Voir aussi Romans. Muston (A.), L'Israel des Alpes, premiere histoire complete des Vaudois du Piemont et de leurs colonies, 4 vol. 1851 ... 1798-1801G Mysiens, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 209E Mysteres de l'Ocean, Les, par Mangin. 1865 541C par Bourdaloue, 2 vol. 1834 1066-7G Massillon 170C et 1250G MYTHOLOG-IE. — Ouvrages sur la : My thologie celtique, Etudes de, par Leflocq. 1869 1458L de la jeunesse, par Blanchard, 2 vol. 1809 1436-7L Mme Tardieu, 2 vol. 1820 1474-5L Elemens de l'histoire poetique, ou instructions sur la, par A. L. D., 2 vol. 1813 I445-6L figuree de la Grece, par Collignon 33L La, mise a la portee de tout le monde, 1 1 vol. ill. An VII... 1460-70L racontee aux enfants, La, par Lame-Fleury. 1865...1856E et 1456L Voir aussi Bouillet, — Cox : Les dieux et les he>os, — Million de faits, — etc. N AINS, Les, et les geants, par Gamier. 1884 2050I Naples et Deux Siciles, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 295-6E les Napolitains. 1859 1027E par Pava. 1857 1033E Voir aussi Peter, — etc. [146] NAP SECTION FRANCHISE NAT NAPOLEON Ier. — Ouvrages sur : Napoleon a l'ile d'Elbe, par Pichot. 1875 468E Anecdotes du temps de, par Marco de Saint-Hilaire. 1854. 994E et la grande armee en 1812, Histoire de, par Segur, 2 vol. 547-8E Russie, par Gourgaud. 1826 175E ses detracteurs, par le prince Napoleon. 1887 1262E Evenements de 18 1 5, par Miss Williams. 1816 670E Histoire de, par Lanfrey, 5 vol. 1870 961-5E Norvins, 4 vol. 1828 „ 444-7E 2 vol. 1839 358-9C 5 vol. 1843 1873-7E Tissot, 2 vol. 1833 614-5E Histoire du couronnement, ou relation des ceremonies re- ligieuses, politiques et militaires qui ont eu lieu pendant les jours memorables consacres a celebrer le couronne- ment et le sacre de. 1805 327E Les cent jours, par Capefigue, 3 vol. 1841 1837-9E L'Europe pendant le consulat et l'empire de, par Capefigue, 10 vol. 1840 1827-36E Memorial de Sainte-Helene, par Las Cases, 8 vol. 1823 ...359-66E par Barni I433L Souvenirs de l'empereur, a Sainte-Helene, par Las Cases. 968E Souvenirs militaires de 1804 a 1814, par Fezensac. 1869 ... 845E Une annee de la vie de l'empereur [ier Avril 1814— 21 Mars 1815]. 1815 384E Voir aussi Abrantes : M^moires, — Bonaparte, — _ r?ourrienne : M6moires, — Empire, — France, — Mignet : Revolution franchise, — etc. Napoleon IIIetlTtalie. 1859... 1447L L'empereur, et les principautes roumaines 21 E le Petit, par Hugo. 1862 1848E Voiratcssi France, — Guerre franco-allemande, — Second Empire, — Leroy- Beaulieu : Un empereur, — etc. Napoleon (Le prince Jerome), Napoleon et ses detracteurs. 1887 ... 1262E Nardin (J. F.), Le predicateur evangelique, avec laviedeM. Nardin. 1833 1300-3 et 1304-5G Narjonx(F.), Histoire d'un pont. 1884 2116I L'ltalie des Italiens, ill. 1888 421G Narrey (C). Voir Romans. Nasmyth (James). [Jonveaux : Histoire de quatre ouvriers anglais], 923E Natal, Du, auZambese, par Baldwin [1851-66] 162G Natchez, Les, par Chateaubriand, 2 vol. 1840 26-27I Nations rivales clans l'art, Les, par Chesneau. 1868 205L Naturaliste, Le cabinet du, ou esquisses interessantes de l'histoire des animaux, 6 vol ... 193-8L Souvenirs d'un, par Quatrefages, 2 vol. 1854 368-9L Naturalistes, Les jeuues, par Mme Ulliac-Tremadeure, 2 vol. 401 -2L NATURE. — Ouvrages sur la : Nature, De la, par Robinet. 1763 1341G des choses, De la, par Lucrece. 1823 14881 Etudes de la, par Bernardin de Saint- Pierre 176, 177 et 604L Harmonies de la, par Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, 5 vol 1331-5I Histoire du sentiment dela, par Laprade, 3 vol. 1866-82. ..1750-2G [147] NAT BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES NIC NATURE. — Ouvrages sur la -.—(suite). Nature humaine, La, par Nourrisson. 1 865 1 308G Lecons sur la, par Guibert. 1806 697L Les trois regnes de la, par Delille 1390 et 1395-6I publie sous la direction du Dr Chenu, 3 vol. ill. 1864-66 573-5C Scenes et tableaux de la, par Figuier. 1879 1 806 L Systeme de la, attrihie a Mirabaud, 6 vol. 1780 720-5L Tableaux de la, par Humboldt. 1850-51 91L Nature, La, Revue des sciences et de leurs applications aux arts et a l'industrie 545'54-C Naudin (C. ). [Seriziat : Histoire des coleopteres de France] 398L Naufrages celebres, Les, par Zurcheret Margolle. 1873 2155I Recits de, par Levot. 1882 416G Voir aussi Van Tenac : Histoire gdn£rale de la marine, — etc. Navarre, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 275E Voir aussi Albret, — etc. Navigateurs francais, Voyages de, [Montemont] 67G Navigation a vapeur, De la, par Ranees 1127L Voir aussi Essai historique sur le commerce et la navigation, — Fulton, — Instruction pour le peuple, — Piddington, — Renard, — Voyages, Histoire g£n£rale des, — etc. Naville (E.), La physique moderne, etudes historiques et philoso- phiques. 1883 1306G — — Le devoir. 1870 1230L Le Pere celeste, discours. 1866 1803G Le probleme du mal. 1869 , 1802G Voir aussi Lagrange, — etc. Navire, Histoire d'un, ill. 1866 37iG Neander (A.), Histoire de Saint-Bernard et de son siecle. 1842 1307G La vie chretienne dans les premiers siecles de l'Eglise. 1864 ... 1804G Nebuleuses, Les, par Guillemin. 1880 270L Necessite du culte public parmi les chretiens, La, par La Chapelle. 1205G Necker de Saussure (Mme), L'edueation progressive, ou etude du coursde la vie, 2 vol. 1864 1231-2L Notice sur Mme de Stael, [Stael, Mme de : Guivres completes]. 1241 — — Le salon de, par d'Haussonville, 2 vol. 1882 902-3E Neff (Felix), Lettres et biographie de, par Bost. 1842 443E Negociant universel, Le, recueil de lettres de commerce, par Keegan. 307 L Negrin (E.), Les promenades de Nice. 1866 316G Nemesis, par Barthelemy. 1878 218I Nemours (La duchesse de), Memoires. Voir]o\\, — Retz, — etc. Nerval (G. de). Voir Romans. Nesle (Mesdemoiselles de), etlajeunesse de Louis XV, par Capefigue. 779E Newton (J.), Cardiphonia, ou correspondance de J. Newton. 1833... 1806G Omicron, ou quarante-une lettres sur des sujets religieux. 1830 ... 1805G Newton (Sir I.) Voir Bertrand : Les fondateurs de l'astronomie moderne, — Voltaire : Philo- sophic de Newton, — etc. Nice, Les promenades de, par Negrin. 1866 316G Nicholson (J.), Le mecanicien anglais ou description pratique des arts mecaniques de la Grande-Bretagne, 2 vol. 1842 555-6C Nicolardot (L.), Histoire de la table, curiosites gastronomiques de tous les temps et de tous les pays. 1868 1471L Nicolas (A. ), Etudes philosophiques sur le christianisme, 4 vol. 1851. 1807-10G [148] NIC SECTION FRANCHISE NOR Nicole. — L'esprit de M. Nicole, ou instructions sur les verites de la religion, tirees des ouvrages de ce grand theologien, etc. 1765. 181 iG Niebelungen, La Saga des, dans les Eddas r par Laveleye. 1866 ... 330I Les, trad, de Laveleye. 1866 721I Niger, Le, et les explorations de l'Afrique centrale, par Lanoye. 1858. 278G Nil, Cinq cents lieues sur le, par Didier. 1858 214G Expedition a la recherche des sources du, par Thibaut [1839-40]. 125G Le, par Du Camp. 1854 219G Lanoye. 1870 279G Les sources du, par Speke. 1865 59C et Grant. 1867 349G Voir aussi Afrique, — Egypte, — Lac Albert, — etc. Ninive, Les mines de, par Feer, ill. 1864 25G Nisard (D.), [Erasme : Eloge de la folie] 338I Noblesse francaise sous l'ancienne monarchic, La, par Louandre. 1880. 633I Nooes vermeilles, Les, par Ramee 1846G Nodier (C), Melanges tires d'une petite bibliotheque, ou varietes litteraires et philosophiques. 1829 nil Voir aussi Romans. Noel (B.), Vaudois et vallees du Piemont, visites en 1854 1812G Noel (E.), La vie des fleurs 343L Noel, Carpentier et Puissant fils — Dictionnaire des inventions, des origines et des decouvertes dans les arts, les sciences, la geographie, l'histoire, l'agriculture, le commerce, etc. 1837. 557C Noel et La Place (de). — Lecons francaises de litterature et de morale. 261C Lecons francaises de litterature et de morale, en prose et en vers, 2 vol. 1844 722-3 et 724-5T Noir (L.). Voir Romans. Noirmoutiers, Une excursion a, par Dalloz, ill. 1881 432G Noirot (Dr.L.), L'art de vivre longtemps. 1868 414L Non plus moiet pourtant moi. 1883 J 565G Nonnotte (L'abbe), Les erreurs de Voltaire, 3 vol. 1770 1813-5G Nordau (M.), Les mensonges conventionnels de notre civilisation, trad. Auguste Dietrich. 1888 1307L Noriac (J.). Voir Romans. NORMANDIE. — Ouvrages sur la, et les Normands : Normandie, Commentaires du droit civil, tant public que prive, observe au pays et duche de, par Terrien. 1574 116C Coutumes du pays et duche de, anciens ressorts et enclaves d'icelui ; avec les arrets de reglement de la Cour, edits, declarations, arrets du Conseil et du Parlement. 1783. 1138L Dissertation sur les aides chevels de, par Jort. 1706 I199L Etat geographique de la province de, par Masseville, 2 vol. 1722 1869-70E Guillaume-le-Conquerant ou TAngleterre sous les Normands, par Guizot [1027-87]. 1854 897E Histoire de Guillaume-le-Conquerant, par Prevost 470E et 786I la conquete de l'Angleterre par les Normands, par Thierry, 4 vol. 1846 1141-4 et I151-4E des dues de, jusqu'a la mort de Guillaume-le-Conquerant, par Labutte. 1866 337E par Guillaume de Jumiege. 1826 676E expeditions maritimes des Normands, par Depping. ... 148E [149] NOR BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES NOU NORMANDIE. — Ouvrages sur la, et les Normands : — {suite.) Normandie, Histoire du duche de, par Goube, 3 vol. 1815 .., 172-4E sommaire de, par Masseville, 6 vol. 1698- 1704 1863-8E Les dues hereditaires de. i860 J53E Memoires de la societe des antiquaires de, 3 vol 408- 10E Nouveau commentaire portatif de la coutume de, par Le Royer de la Tournerie, 2 vol. 1778 1207-8 et 1209- 10L Remarques et animadversions sur l'approbation des lois et coustumier de, par Le Marchant, 2 vol. 1826 1043-4L Resolutions de plusieurs cas de conscience, sur la coutume de. 1243L Norvins (De), Histoire de Napoleon, 4 vol. 1828 444-/E 2 vol. 1839 358-9C 5vol. 1843 I873-7E Tableau de la revolution francaise, depuis son origine jusqu'en 1814, suivi de la charte constitutionelle. 1819 1872E Norwege, Histoire de la, par Robinet. 1847 1084E Histoire des Etats scandinaves, par Geffroy. 1851 859E Voir aussi Marmier, — Suede, — etc. Notaire, Traite des connaissances necessaires a. un, avec formules d'actes, 3 vol. 1774-5 • ; 1233-5L Noth (P.), Curiosites de la vie des animaux, [Magasin d'education].... 225C Notre habitation terrestre et son architecte. 1871 344-L Nourrisson (J. F.), Essai sur la philosophic de Bossuet. 1862 1309(1 La nature humaine, essais de psychologie appliquee. 1865 1308G Lesperesdel'Eglise latine,leur vie,leursecrits, leur temps, 2 vol. 1817-18G Tableau des progres de la pensee humaine depuis Thales jusqu'a Hegel. 1867 1816G Nourriture del'ame, La, ou recueil de prieres, par Ostervald. 1815. 1310G Nonry (Ch., S. J.), Geologie de Jersey. 1886 440L Nouveau-Brunswick, par Lacroix, [Possessions anglaises dans l'Amerique du Nord et Univers]. 1849 636E Nouveau-Mexique, Voyage au, par Pike, 2 vol. 1812 .... 98-9G Nouveau-Testament, Dictionnaire geographique elementaire, contenant des explications sur tous les lieux mentionnes dans le, par Cowper. 1865 , 1661G Le, mis en catechisme par demandes etpar reponses, 2 vol 1021-2G Les livres du, par Monod. 1878 1670G Les sources du," par Mitchell 1278G par Godet. 1876 1724G Voir aussi Ancien-Testament, — Bible, — Gilbert, — etc. Nouvelle-Caledonie, La, et les Nouvelles-Hebrides, par Le Char- tier, ill. 1885 413G par Brainne [1774-1854] 195G Gamier. 1871 241 G Voir aussi Cotteau : En Oc^anie, — Delescluze, — etc. Nouvelle-Cythere, La, par Monchoisy. 1888 419G Nouveile-Ecosse, par Lacroix, [Possessions anglaises dans l'Ameri- que du Nord et Univers]. 1849 636E Nouvelle-Grenade, La, Santiago de Cuba, la Jamai'que et Panama, par Le Moyne, 2 vol 292-3G Nouvelle-Zelande. Voir Russell, — etc. Nouvelle-Zem Die. [Voyages, Histoire generale des] 1 5C Nouvelles de Florian, 2 vol 1424-5I historiques, par Arnaud, 2 vol. 1774 199-200I [150] NOU SECTION FRANCHISE ONF Nouvelles etudes familieres de psychologie et de morale, par Bouil- lier. 1887 : 1615G Nouvelles-Hebrides, La Nouvelle-Caledonie et les, par Le Chartier, ill. 1885 4*3^ Voir aussi Cotteau : En Oceanie, — etc. Nuages, Promenades dans les, par Delon. 1881 1801L Nubie. — Voir Lebrun, — etc. Nuits, Les, par Young, 2 vol. 1824 I58-9 1 Numa Pompilius, parFlorian, 2vol 1422-3I Numides, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 229E Numismatique : Voir Lenormant : Monnaies et mddailles, — Million de faits, — etc. Nyon (E.). Voir Romans. OBERLIN, Vie d', par Bernard. 1867 745^ pasteur au Ban de la Roche. 1863 1878E Obock, Les Francais a, par Rivoyre, ill 39 r ^ Observatoire, L', etses merveilles, par Hugues. 1868 290L Ocean, Les mysteres de 1', par Mangin. 1865 54 I( ~ : Ocean Paciflque, 50,000 milles dansl', par Davin, ill. 1886 400G Oceanie, En, par Cotteau, ill. 1888 399^ L', nouvelle, par Jacobs. 1861 261G par Gamier. 1871 3 8o( ^ Voir aussi Montemont, — etc. Odeleben (Baron de), Relation circonstanciee de la campagne de 1813, en Saxe, 2 vol. 1817 17-18E Odes et ballades, par Hugo 1465I poesies diverses, par Hugo. 1834 458 et 1460I Odyssee d'Homere, Observations sur T, par Dugas-Montbel. 1833. 438I L', par Homere 435> 439> 441 et 442I CEuvres chretiennes, Les, par Coulin. 1863 1646G Ohnet (G.)« Voir Romans. OISEAUX ET ORNITHOLOGIE : Oiseau, L', par Michelet. 1867 334L Oiseaux de voliere, Guide de l'amateur des, par Lesson. 1834. 7°9L La migration des, par Brevans. 1878 2014I L'esprit des, par Berthoud. 1867 12L ■ par Chenu, 6 vol 49 2 "7C — Figuier. 1868 5iiet5i2C Franklin, [La vie des animaux] 255L Ornithologie domestique, Nouveau manuel d', par Lesson 709L Voir aussi Carteron : Causeries sur l'histoire naturelle, — Histoire naturelle, — etc. Olivier (J.). Voir Romans. Olivier (U.). Voir Romans. Ombriens, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] ;.. 236E Onffroy de Thoron. — Amerique equatoriale, son histoire pittoresque et politique, sa geographic et ses richesses naturelles, son etat present et son avenir. 1866 , 96G [I5H OPT BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES OUV Optique, L', par Marion. 1867 2095I Manuel d', par Brewster, 2 vol. 1833 609-10L Or, L', et l'argent, par Simonin. 1877 2132I Oraisons funebres et professions religieuses, par Massillon 1251G panegyriques, discours sur l'unite del'Eglise, par Bossuet 141 8G par Bossuet 1614G et 1353I Flechier, Mascaron, Bourdaloueet Massillon, 2 vol 1414-15I Massillon 169C Orateurs de la Grande-Bretagne, Les, depuis le regne de Charles Ier jusqu'a nos jours, par Lalouel, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1841 57^1 Livre des, par Timon. 1848 1562I Orbigny (A. d'), Cours elementaire de paleontologie et de geologie stratigraphiques, 2 vol. rel. en 3 parties. 1849-52 345-7L Orbigny (C. d'). [Huot : Geologie] ' 698L Ordre social, Simples notions de 1', par Cherbuliez. 1848 690L O'Rell (Max). Voir Romans. Orfevrerie, Histoire de 1', par Lasteyrie. 1877 2078I Orfila. — Secours a donner aux personnes empoisonnees et asphyxiees. 348L Organismes vivants de l'atmosphere, Les, par Miquel. 1883 544^ Orgaeil, Traite de 1', par La Placete. 1700 1748G Orient, Guerre d', ou victoires et conquetes des armees alliees, par Woestyn, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1857. 408-9C Manuel d'histoire ancienne de 1', par Lenormant, 2 vol. 1868... 980- iE Voyage en, par Lamartine [1832-33], 2 vol 271-2G et 585-6I Voir aussi Pressens6, — etc. Orientales, Les, par Hugo 460, 466 et 1465I Origine, nature et progres de la puissance ecclesiastique en France, par Montlosier. 1829 1291G Origines, Les, par Pressense. 1883 1325G OrleanaiS, Les hommes illustres de 1', par Brainne, Debarbouiller et Lapierre. 1852 327-8C Orleans (Ch. d'), Foesies. 1842 726I Orleans (Madame la duchesse d', Helene de Mecklembourg- Schwerin). 1859 392 et 393E Orleans (Philippe d', regent de France)[i7i5-23], par Capefigue. 1839. 1826E N.B. — Pour les ouvrages sur la famille d'Orl^ans, voir France, — Louis- Philippe, — Monarchie de Juillet, — etc. Omithologie. Voir Oiseaux. Osman-Bey. — Voir Romans. Osmanlis, Histoire des, et de la monarchic espagnole, pendant les XVIme et XVIIme siecles, parRanke. 1839 478E Ostervald (J. R.), La nourriture de l'ame, ou recueil de prieres pour tous les jours de la semaine et les principales fetes de l'annee. 1310G Les devoirs des communians 1819G Ott (A.), L'Inde et la Chine. 1878 1415L Ouida. [Mile L. De La Rame]. Voir Romans Ours, L', du Nord : Russie, Esthonie, Hogland, par Leouzon Le Due. 290G Ouvre (H.), Aubery du Maurier, ministre de France a La Haye, documents inedits sur l'histoire du protestantisme en France et en Hollande [1566-1636]. 1853 1311G Ouvrier, De l'association de 1', aux benefices du patron, par Le Rousseau. 1870 121 iL de huit ans, L', par Simon. 1867 1277L L', autrefois et aujourd'hui, par Menu de Saint-Mesmin H35L [152] OUV SECTION FRANCAISE PAN Ouvrier, L', sa femme et ses enfants, par L'Etang. 1870 1213L Ouvriers anglais, Histoire de quatre, par Jonveaux. 1868 9 2 3^ Conseils aux, sur les moyens d'ameliorer leur condition, par Barrau. 1867 1107L De la condition physique et morale des jeunes, par Ducpetiaux. 945^ l'utilite des etudes scientifiques par les, par Martelet, [Entre- tiens populaires] 411L en Angleterre, Situation des, par le Cte de Paris. 1873 1013L Enseignement et sort des, et de l'industrie, avant, pendant et apres 1848, par Dupin 1143^ francais, Histoire de trois, par Ernouf. 1867 832E selon Dieu etleurs ceuvres, Les, par Triqueti, 13 vol. 1868.,. 1175-87E Overweg (A. ). Voir Malte-Brun. PaCIFIQUE, Les iles du, par Jouan 1435L Paganel (C), Histoire de Scanderberg, ou Turcs et Chretiens au XVmesiecle. 1855 1028E Pages intimes, poesies, par Manuel. 1883 H13I Pailleron (E.), Amours et haines, poesies. 1869 727I Paillet de Warcy (L. ), Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Voltaire, 2 vol. 1824 4S6-7 E Pailliet (J. B. J.), Dictionnaire universel du droit francais [Les 5 premiers vol. A.— Arrestation]. 1825-7 1004-8L Pain, Histoire d'une bouchee de, par Mace 323L Palatinat, Histoire du, [Histoire universelle] 313E Paleographie, [Million de faits] 403L Paleontologie, Cours elementaire de, par d'Orbigny, 3 vol. 1849-52. 345-7L Palestine, Voyage dans la, par La Roque. 1718 284G — Voir aussi Bovet, — Chateaubriand: Itine>aire de Paris a. Jerusalem, — Lamartine : Voyage en Orient, — Poujoulat, — Tischendorf, — etc. Paley (W.), Theologie naturelle ou preuves de l'existence et des attributs de la Divinite, tirees des apparences de la nature. 1312G Palgrave (Sir F.), Histoire des Anglo-Saxons. 1836 458E Palgrave (W. G.), Une annee dans l'Arabie centrale [1862-63] 317G Voyage dans l'Arabie centrale [1862- 1 863], ill., 2 vol 47-48C Palissy (B.), CEuvres. 1777 558C notice d'Anatole France. 1880 728I sa vie et ses travaux, par Audiat. 1868 724E Voir aussi Lamy : Quelques he>os des luttes religieuses, — etc. Pallas (P. S.), Voyages de P. S. Pallas en differentes provinces de l'empire de Russie et dans l'Asie septentrionale, 5 vol. 1788. 49-53C Pallu (P.), La solide et veritable devotion envers la Sainte-Vierge. 1820G Palmer (Mme P.), Le chemin de la saintete, recit d'experiences chretiennes. 1859 1821G Pamela ou la vertu recompensed, par Prevost, 2 vol. ill 787-8! Panama et Darien, par Reclus [1876-78] 335G Isthme de, [Le Moyne] 292-3G Panchand. (E.), Discours 1282G. La femme, sa vie, sa mission ; Pourquoi je demeure dans l'Eglise £tablie ; Marie-Magdeleine ; L'ami de l'argent ; Qui a soif ? ; Le g£61ier de Philippes ; Les fondements renverses ; Le plan de Dieu ; De la com- munaute' des biens selon l'Evangile. [153] PAN BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES PAR Panegyriques, par Bourdaloue, 2 vol. 1834 1068-9G Massillon 1 70C et 1 249G Panizzi, Lettres a, par Merimee, 2 vol. 1S81 , 109- 10I Pantheon, Le, par Quinet, [Politique et religion] 1844G PAPAUTE, Histoire de la, par Ranke et de Saint-Cheron, 3 vol ... 475-7 E pendant les XVIme et XVIIme siecles, par Ranke, 4 vol. 1838 I3 2 7-3oG Papes, Des origines du pouvoir temporel des, par Filon 247C Histoire politique des, par Lanfrey. i860 I73&G Portrait politique des, par Llorente. 1 822 37^E Pape-Carpentier (Mme M.), Le dessin explique par la nature. 350L Le secret des grains de sable ou geometrie de la nature 349^ Voir aussi Romans. Papier dans l'antiquite et dans les temps modernes, Le, par Egger. 733-L Histoire d'une feuille de, par Pizzetta. 1868 364L Papiers curieux d'un horarae de cour, par Beaumont- Vassy [1770- 1870]. 1875 744E Papillon (F.), Histoire d'un rayon de soleil. 1869 35 lL Papillons, Les, par Malo 7 I2L Voir aussi Carteron : Causeries sur l'histoire naturelle, — etc. Paquier (J. B.), Histoire de l'unite politique et territoriale de la France, 3 vol. 1879 1009-11L Par les champs et par les greves, par Flaubert. 1886 433^ Parabere (La comtesse de), et le Palais-Royal sous la Regence, par Capefigue. 1863 77§E Paraboles de Notre-Seigneur, par Trench. 1878 1395^ Paradis de Moncrif. Voir Moncrif. Paradis des noirs, Le, par Hertz 252G perdu de Milton, trad. Delille 13 861 Le, par Milton 686 et 687I 2 vol 688-9I Paraguay, par Famin, [Univers], 1840 634E Pares, Les, et les jardins, par Lefevre. 1867 2082I PardesstlS (J. M.), Traite des servitudes, ou services fonciers. 1823. 1012L PARIS. — Ouvrages sur : Paris bienfaisant, par Du Camp. 1888 1046L Campagne de, souvenirs de la mobile, par Rendu. 1872 ... 1062E Essais historiques sur, par Saintfoix, 2 vol. 1765 1881-2E Histoire des environs de, comprenant la description des villes, bourgs et villages, sites pittoresques et curiosites naturelles, chateaux, eglises, anciens couvents, etc., clans un rayon de 30 a. 40 lieues, 4 vol. 1857 4 _ 7G Histoire du Parlement de, par Voltaire 1019I La police de, depuis Philippe-Auguste jusqu'a 17^9? p ar Fregier, 2 vol. 1850 160-1E L'art a, par Massarani, 2 vol. 1880 115-6L La societe de, par Vasili, 2 vol. 1888 416-17C L'enfance a, par d'Haussonville. 1879 961L Les environs inconnus de, par Tinnenbrock, ill. 1888 4 2 5^ L'hotel de ville de, au 4 Septembre et pendant le siege, par Arago 719E Memorial du siege de, par d'Arsac. 1871 1230E [154] PAR SECTION FRANCAISE PAS PARIS. — Ouvrages sur : — {suite). Paris, Miroir historique, politique et critique de l'ancien et du nouveau, par Prudhomme, 5 vol 330-4G protestant, par Decoppet. 1876 1669G ses organes, ses fonctionset sa vie, par Du Camp, 6 vol. 1879.221-6G Siege de : Voir Kataille : Guerre de 1870-71, — Claretie : — Revolution de 1870-71, — Smiles : George Moore, ■ — etc. Souvenirs de, en 1804, par Kotzebue 268G Tableau de, 12 tomes relies en 6 vol. 1783 12-17G Tribunal revolutionnaire de, son histoire, avec le journal de ses actes, par Wallon, 6 vol. 1880-2 663-8E Versailles et les provinces au XVIIIme siecle, anecdotes sur la vie privee de personnages connus, sous les regnes de Louis XV et Louis XVI, 2 vol. 1809 465-6E Versailles, Marly, Vincennes, Saint-Cloud et environs, Curiosites de, 2 vol. 1778 132-3G Voir aussi France, — Franklin : La vie privee d'autrefois, — Guerre franco-allemande, — etc. Paris, De, a Cayenne, par Delescluze. 1869 211G • Pekin par terre, par Meignan, ill. 1877 301G ■ au Japon, a travers la Siberie, par Cotteau. 1881 205G ; en Amerique, par Laboulaye. 1872 269G Paris (Louis-Philippe d'Orleans, Cte de), De la situation des ouvriers en Angleterre. 1873 1013L Histoire de la guerre civile en Amerique, 6 vol. 1874-83 459-64E Paris (G.), La poesie du moyen-age. 1887 1118I Park (M.), Voyages en Afriquede, [Montemont] 74G Parlement de Paris, Histoire du, par Voltaire 1019I Parley (P.), Histoire de la Chine et des Chinois, ill 1029E Parme, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 288E Parnasse, La nouvelle abeille du. 1845 1301 et 1302I Paroles d'un croyant, par Lamennais. 1877 I735G Parry (W.E.), Voyages en Amerique de, [Montemont] 89G Parthes, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 218E Pascal (B.), Les provinciales, 2vol. rel. ens. 1815 I5°3l I ou lettres ecrites par Louis de Montalte a un provincial de ses amis et aux R.R. P.P. Jesuites, sur la morale et la politique de ces Peres, avec les notes de Guillaume Wendrock, 3 vol. 1735 1823-5G ■ (Euvres completes, 2 vol 729-30 et 1505-6I ■ Pensees, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1837 1504I [Moralistes francais] 171C ■ sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets. 1712 1882G - m 1714 1822G Voir aussi Morceaux choisis, — etc. Pascal (C), A travers l'Atlantique et dans le Nouveau-Monde. 1870. 394G Voir aussi Romans. Passy (F.), De la monnaie et de son role dans le developpement economique des societes, [Entretiens populaires] 411L Le Petit- Poucet du XlXme siecle : Georges Stephenson et la naissance des chemins de fer. 1881 1030E < Le principe de la population : Malthus et sa doctrine 1 1 34L ■ Les machines et leur influence sur le developpement de l'hu- manite. 1866 352L [155] PAS BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES PEI Passy(F.), L'histoire du travail. 1872 1236L L'industrie humaine H35L Passy (H.), Des causes de l'inegalite des richesses. 1849 IJ 37L Pasteur (L.), Histoire d'un savant, par un ignorant 1031 et 1263E Pasteurs du desert, Histoire des [1685-1789], par Peyrat, 2 vol 1316-7G Les premiers, par Douen, 2 vol. 1879 1119-20G Patagonie, par Lacroix, [Univers]. 1840 634L Voiraussi Davin : 50,000 milles dansl'Oc^an Pacifique, — etc. Pa tin. — Etudes sur les tragiques grecs. 1858 : Eschyle 731I Euripide, 2 vol 732-3I Sophocle 734I Voir aussi Horace : (Euvres, — etc. Patrin (E. M. L.), Mineraux, [Buffon : Histoire naturelle], 5 vol. ...636-40L Patriotisme, Le, par Lacombe. 1878 2163I Paul et Virginie, par Bernardin de Saint-Pierre 1 328I Paulding (J. K.), Voyages de, [Montemont] 65G Paumier (H.), L Afrique ouverte, ou une esquisse des decouvertes du Dr Livingstone. 1868 318G Pauperisme, Economie politique chretienne, ou recherches sur la nature et les causes du, par Villeneuve-Bargemont, 3 vol. ...1032-4L Le, et les associations de prevoyance, par Laurent, i860 969L Pauthier (G.), Confucius et Mencius : Les quatre livres de philo- sophic morale et politique de la Chine. 1841 1032E Pauvres, Les droits et les devoirs des, par Channing 1124L Paya(C), Naples [1 130-1857] 1033E Payen (A.), Des substances alimentaires et desmoyens de les ameliorer, de les conserver et d'en reconnaitre les alterations. 1853 ... 353^ L'eclairage au gaz. 1867 733^» Les maladies des pommes de terre, des betteraves, des bles et des vignes, de 1845 a 1853 354^ Pays-Bas, Les, par Montegut. 1869 3*3 G Voir aussi Belgique, — Hollande, — etc. Pays de Birha Ouargla, Le, par Largeau, ill. 1879 283G l'P2vangile, Les, par Pressense 3 2 7 G des milliards, Voyage au, par Tissot. 1876 359 G Tziganes, Voyage au, par Tissot. 1880 3°°G lointains, Les, par Simonin. 1867 344G Paysans, Histoire des, par Bonnemere, 2 vol. 1856 70-1E Les travers des, par Tounissoux 1287L Peaux-Rouges, Une excursion chez les, par Simonin. 1868 57C Pecaut (E.) et Baude (C), L'art, simples entretiens a l'usage de la jeunesse 45 1 L Peches dans l'Amerique du Nord, par Revoil. 1870 103G Les grandes, par Meunier. 1868 2108I Voir aussi Instruction pour le peuple, — etc. Peel (Sir Robert), par Guizot. 1858 180 et 1932E PegOt-Ogier. — Histoire des iles de la Manche. 1881 678E Peines et recompenses, Theorie des, par Bentham, 2 vol. 1818 909-10L PEINTURE. — Ouvrages sur la, et les peintres : Peintres du XVIIIme siecle, par Houssaye. 1858 288L et statuaires romantiques, par Chesneau. 1880 .« 206L [156] PEI SECTION FRANCAISE PER PEINTURE. — Ouvrages sur la, et les peintres -.—(suite). Peillture anglaise, La, par Chesneau 29L flamande, La, par Wauters 156L hollandaise, Histoire de la, par Havard. 1882 79L Les merveilles de la, par Viardot, 2 vol. 1870 2144-5I Reflexions critiques sur la, par du Bos, 2 vol. 1770 327-8I Voir aussi Art et Beaux-Arts, — Boutard : Dictionnaire des arts du dessin, — Chesneau : Les nations rivales dans l'art, — Gerdy : Anatomie des formes, — Instruction pour le peuple, — Lubke : Precis de l'histoire des beaux-arts, — Topffer : Reflexions et menus propos d'un peintre genevois, — Viollet-Le-Duc, — etc. Pekin, Yeddo, San Francisco, par Beauvoir. 1872 179^ Pellarin (C), Charles Fourier, sa vie et sa theorie. 1843 1034E Pellet an (E.), Decadence de la monarchic francaise 1411L Profession de foi du XlXme siecle. 1864 1048L Pellico (S.). Voir Romans. Pelloutier (S.), Histoire des Celtes et des Germains jusqu'a la prise de Rome par les Gaulois, 8 vol. 1770 1035-42E Pelouze (J.) et Fremy (E.), Abrege de chimie, 3 vol. 1865 3557-"L Traite de chimie generale, comprenant les applications de cette science a l'analyse chimique, a l'industrie, a l'agriculture et a l'histoire naturelle, 6 vol. et un atlas. 1854 559*^5^ Pene (H. de). — Voir Romans. Penn (William), par Vulliemin. 1855 407C Pensee humaine, Tableau des progres de la, par Nourrisson. 1867. 1816G Pensees de Bourdaloue, 2 vol. 1834 1070-1G Delille. 1816 720I Massillon : 170C et 1258G Pascal 1504I, 1822 et 1882G 2 vol 1505-6I Pascal, [Moralistes francais] 171C et maximes de Segur. 1823 *547l par Malesherbes. 1802 1114L observations et reflexions morales, par Labouisse. 1810 1468I secretes, par Beveridge, 2 vol. 1731 1604-5G Pentateuque, Essais sur le, par Grand-Pierre. 1844 1 167G Pepe (Le general G.), Histoire des revolutions et des guerres d'ltalie en 1847, 1848 et 1849. 1850 467E Perdonnet (A.), Les cheminsde fer 1131L Pere celeste, Le, par Naville. 1866 , 1803G Peres, Les, et les enfants au XlXme siecle, par Legouve, 2 vol 1203-4L de 1'Eglise latine, Les, leur vie, leurs ecrits, leur temps, par Nourrisson, 2 vol. 1856 1817-18G Lectures spirituelles tirees des, pour tous les jours de l'annee , I577G Petite bibliotheque des, par Gonthier, 3 vol 1725-7G Perez. — Les abeilles. 1888 2167I Perier(C). Voir Romans. Perier (Dr. E.), Laseconde enfance, guide hygienique des meres et des personnes appelees a dinger l'education de lajeunesse. 1888. 1308L Perigord (A. B. de), Le tresor de la cuisiniere et de la maitresse de maison 1 472L Periode glaciaire, De la, par Babinet, [Entretiens populaires] ....399 et 412L [157] PER BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES PHI Perou, par Lacroix, [Univers]. 1843 638E Races aryennes du, par Lopez. 1871 379E Voir aussi Davin : 50,000 milles dans l'Ocdan Pacifique, — Ursel, — etc. Perrens (F. T.), Jerome Savonarole. 1856 1043E Per ret (P.). Voir Romans. Perrier (E. ), Les explorations sous-marines. 1 886 577C Perron d'Are (H.), Aventures d'un voyageur en AustraHe : Neuf mois de sejour chez les Nagarnooks. 1869 319G Perrone (P. J.), Le protestantisme et la regie de foi, 3 vol. 1854...1313-5G Perse, La, par Dubeux, [Univers]. 1841 632E ■ Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 208, 209, 218 et 250E Voir aussi Ernouf, — etc. Perse. — CEuvres. 1873 507I Voir aussi Juvdnal, — etc. Pestalozzi, Methode. [Delon] 57L Peter (J.), Etudes napolitaines. 1882 320G Petit (L.), Guide de l'etranger a Rouen 321G Petit (M.), Les grands incendies. 1882 2117I Petit-Careme, par Massillon 169C, 1243, 1248 et 1793G Petit roi, Le, par Blandy 227C Petites comedies, par Gennevraye 239C ignorances historiques et litteraires, par Rozan. 1888 694E Petrole, Aux pays du, par Hue, ill. 1887 405G Le, par Fonvielle. 1888 2165I Peuple de Dieu, Histoire du, par Berruyer, 10 vol. 1742 1593-1602G Peuples, Des, et des gouvernemens, par Raynal. 1822 1242L Histoire et description de tous les, [Univers] 630-42E Peyrat (N.), Histoire des pasteurs du desert depuis la revocation de l'edit de Nantes jusqu'a la revolution francaise [1685-1789], 2 vol 1842 1316-7G Les reformateurs de la France et de l'ltalie au XHme siecle. i860. 1835G Peyrebrune (G. de). Voir Romans. Pfeiffer (Mme I.), Mon second voyage autour du monde. 1880 ... 323G Voyage a Madagascar. 1881 3 2 5G d'une femme autour du monde. 1858 322G Voyages autour du monde. 1869 324G Pfeil. — Voir Burger. Phares, Les, par Renard. 1867 , 2123I Phelps (E. S.), Les portes entr'ouvertes. 1874 735I Pheiliciens, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 204 et 234E Phenomenes atmospheriques, Quelques, par Jamin. 1880 1809L celestes, Les, par Zurcher et Margolle 1430L de la mer, Les, par Margolle 1421L l'atmosphere, Les, par Zurcher 1422L Les grands, par Benoist. 1869 175L terrestres, Les, par Reclus, 2 vol. 1870-2 372-3L Philantropie. Voir Montyon, — Smiles : George Moore, — etc. Philipon-La Madelaine (L.), Des homonymes francais, ou mots qui, dans notre langue, se ressemblent par le son et different par le sens. 1806 736I Philippe-Auguste, Anecdotes de la cour de, par Mile de Lussan, 2 vol. 1782 „ 991-2E Histoire de, par Capefigue, 5 vol. 1830 1811-5E Philippe II et Philippe III. [Ranke: L'Espagne] 1061E [158] PHI SECTION FRANCHISE PHY Philipps (J. R.), Exaucements remarquables de la priere. 1881 ... 1826G Philistins, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] - 204E Philologie. [Million de faits] 4°3 L PHILOSOPHIE. — Ouvrages sur la : Philosophie cartesienne, Fragments de, par Cousin. 1852 1659G chretienne, La, exposee, eclaircie, demontree et appuyee sur l'immuable base de la revelation, sermons, discours et homelies, 3 vol. en 5 tomes. 1800 1015-19G de Bossuet, Essaisurla, par Nourrisson. 1862 1309G la liberte, La, par Secretan. 1872 1374G l'histoire de l'humanite, Introduction a la, par Quinet, [Les Jesuites]. 1873 1845G Newton, par Voltaire, 2 vol 1027-8I du bonheur, par Janet. 1880 1303L XVIIIme siecle, La marquise du Chatelet et les amies des philosophes, par Capefigue. 1868 780E parHoussaye. 1858 287L i La Harpe, 2 vol. 1818 525-6I '3 vol 557-91 francaise contemporaine, La, par Janet. 1879 I73 2 G generale, metaphysique, morale et theologie, par Voltaire, 5 vol , 1029-33I Histoire comparee des systemes de, par Gerando, 4 vol 1156-9G Histoire populaire de la, par Brothier 1420L La, par Lefevre. 1879 I755G Lecons de, par Laromiguiere, 2 vol. 1815 1214-5G Lettres a. une princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de, par Euler . 1 843 232L moderne, Cours de l'histoire de la, par Cousin, 8 vol. 1846-7. 1647-54G naturelle, Principes de la. 1 787 1005G philosophe pai'en, Le, par Formey, 3 vol. 1759 1685-7G proverbiale, par Tupper. 1851 1871G religieuse en Angleterre, La, par Carrau. 1888 1415G Essai de, par Saisset 241C Science et, par Berthelot. 1886 158L zoologique, La, par Meunier 719L Voir aussi Bacon, — Bernardin de Saint-Pierre: Dialogues philoso- phiques, — Caro, — Cousin, — Davy, — Descartes, — Doherty, — Fragments philosophiques, — Herder, — Hugo : Literature et philosophie melees, — Janet : La famille, — Mayer : Galerie philoso- phique, — Million de faits, — Nicholas, — Pauthier : Confucius et Mencius, — Pellarin : Fourier, — Pidoux-Liechti, — Sdneque, — etc. Phocion, Entretiens de, par Mably. 1804 1217L Phonographie. -- Voir Du Moncel, — etc. Photographie, Les merveilles de la, par Tissandier. 1874 2142I Phrygiens, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 209E Phthisie pulmonaire, Guerison de la, et de la bronchite chronique, par Boyer. 1888 417L Physiologie du gout, par Brillat-Savarin. 1869 1439L et hygiene des hommes livres aux travaux de l'esprit, par Reveille. 127L Voir aussi Figuier : Connais-toi toi-meme, — etc. [1591 PHY BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES PIT PHYSIQUE. — Ouvrages sur la: Physique des champs, La, par Saffray. 1876 734L elementaire, par Bouchardat. 1851 185L experimentale, Elements de, et de meteorologie, par Pouillet, 2 vol. et un atlas. 1853 , 121-3L et appliquee, Traite de, par Ganot. 1856 261L Histoire de la, par Hoefer. 1872 284 et 285L Introduction a l'etude des sciences physiques, par Morand. 726et 727L Lettres a une princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de, par Euler. 1843 232L moderne, La, par Naville. 1883 1306G Notions de, applicables aux usages de la vie, par Sainte- Preuve. 1856 390L Petite, par Devic. 1880 694L Recreations physiques, par Castillon. 1 863 204L Voir aussi Acad6mie royale des sciences, — Million de faits, — etc. Picard (E.), Discours parlementaires : Les cinq [1861-63]. 1882 ... 262C Pichard. — Madame Adeline, ou recits d'une institutrice a ses eleves sur l'intelligence des animaux. 1874 358E Voir aussi Romans. Pichot (A.), Napoleon a l'ile d'Elbe. 1875 468E Pictet (A.), Du beau dans la nature, l'art et la poesie, etudes estheti- ques. 1856 , 737I Pictet (B.), Dissertation sur les temples, leur dedicace et plusieurs choses qu'on y voit, avec un sermon. 1716 1318G La morale chretienne, ou 1'art de bien vivre, 2 vol. 1710 175-6C La theologie chretienne et la science du salut, ou 1'exposition des veritez que Dieu a revelees aux hommes clans la Sainte- Ecriture, avec la refutation des erreurs contraires, 3 vol 172-4C Piddington (H.), Lois des tempetes ou guide du navigateur. 1849. 97G Pidoux-Liechti. — Un mot de verite pour chacun, philosophic populaire. 1871 1836G Pie IX. [Leroy-Beaulieu : Un empereur] 985E Piemont, Histoire du, [Histoire universelle] 283-4E Pierre-le-Grand, Histoire de la Russie sous, par Voltaire 1016I Pierron (A.), Histoire de la litterature grecque. 1863 740 et 741 1 Histoire de la litterature romaine. 1863 738 et 739I Piete du moyen-age, La, par Martonne. 1855 1241G Les commencements et les progres de la vraie, par Doddridge. 1828 1413 et 1671G Pigeon voyageur, Les migrations des animaux et le, par Zaborowski . . 1 429L Pike (Le major Z. M.), Voyage au Nouveau-Mexique, a la suite d'une expedition ordonnee par le gouvernement des Etats-Unis, pour reconnattre les sources des rivieres Arkansas, Kansas, La Plate et Pierre-Jaune, dans l'interieur de la Louisiane occi- dentale, precede d'une excursion aux sources du Mississipi, pendant les annees 1805, 1806 et 1807, 2 vol 98-9G Pinard(J.), Histoire du moyen-age 1044E Pingaud (L.), Les Fran9ais en Russie et les Russes en France 1275E Piron (H.), L'iledeCuba. 1876 326G Pise, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 294E Piteairn, nouvelle ile fortunee dans l'Ocean Pacifique. 1853 1045E [160] PIT SECTION FRANCAISE PLU Pitie, La, par Delille 139*1 Pitie supreme, La, par Hugo. 1879 I01 et 47°I Pitray (Ctesse de). Voir Romans. Pitts (J. Linwood), Patois Poems, Ire et lime series, 2 vol 1483-4L Sermon on the Mount [Sermon sur la montagne], textes anglais, francais, guernesiais et serquais 1485k Witchcraft in the Channel Islands [La sorcellerie clans les iles de la Manche], texte anglais et vieux francais 1486L Pizard (A.), La France avant 1789: la societe, le gouvernement, l'administration. 1 882 1046E Pizzetta (J.), Histoire dune feuillede papier. 1868 3 6 4L La botanique des ecoles 3^5^ Le feu et l'eau. 1884 359 L Les secrets de la plage. 1868 •••360 et 361L Les veillees de Jean Rustique, simples entretiens sur les animaux utiles et les animaux nuisibles. 1863 3^ 2 L Les voyages d'une goutte d'eau. 1870 363L Plage, Les secrets de la, par Pizzetta. 1868 360 et 361 L Plages de la France, Les, par Landrin. 1866 2074I Plaidoyers et autres ceuvres de Gillet, 2 vol. 1718 111-12C Plaisance, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 288E Planchut (E.), Le tour du monde en 120 jours. 1888 422G Planete, Notre, par Duval. 1873 231L que nous habitons, La, par Meunier. 1881 1812L PLANTES. — Ouvrages sur les : Plantes, Culture des, par Rendu. 1866 381L de grande culture, Les, par Des Vaulx 229L d'Europe et etrangeres, Histoire des, par Gilibert, 3 vol. 67-9L Histoire des, par Figuier. 1865' 516C insectivores, Les, par Darwin. 1877 5 2 L La vie des, par Bocquillon. 1871 2009I Les, etudiees au microscope, par Girard. 1873 2052I suspectes de la France, Les, par Des Vaulx 223L utiles, Les, par Mangin, ill. 1870 • 106L Voir aussi Botanique, — etc. Plata (La). Voir Ursel. Platon. — La republique ou du juste et de l'injuste. 1726 *77C L'Etat ou la Republique 745I Les lois. 1842 746I CEuvres. 1880 744I De la politique de, et d'Aristote, par Wiart 251C Voir aussi X^nophon et Platon, — etc. Plaute (M. A.), Comedies, 2 vol. 1876 742-3I Plebiscite et concile, par Quinet, [Politique et religion] 1844G Plee (L.), Abd-el-Kader, nos soldats, nos generaux et la guerre d 'Afrique 360C Pline (le jeune), CEuvres, trad, de Sacy, 2 vol. 1808 1570-1I Pensees de, [Formey] 1685-7G Pluie, La, et le beau temps, par Mme Demoulin. 1881 1804L Pluralite des mondes, Entretiens sur la, par Fontenelle 60 et 1425L habites, La, par Flammarion. 1866 241 et 242L 6 [161] PLU BIBLIGTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES POE Plutarque. — Les oeuvres meslees de Plutarque, translates du grec en francois, revues et corrigees en plusieurs passages par le translateur. 1621 762I Vies des hommes illustres, 2 vol. 1854 361-2C trad. Dacier, 14 vol. 1778 747-60I N.B. — Le dernier vol., supplement, trad, de l'anglais de Thomas Rowe, par l'abbe Boulanger. Vies des Grecs illustres, abregees et annotees par Alph. Feillet, sur la traduction de E. Talbot. 1868 761I De la morale de, par Greard. 1880 1296L Plutarque fran9ais, Le, par Mennechet, 6 vol. 1835-8 352-7C Poe (E. ). Voir Romans. POESIE. — Ouvrages sur la, et recueils poetiques : Poesie alexandrine sous les trois premiers Ptolemees, La, par Couat. 1882 51I du moyen-age, La, par Paris. 1887 H18I La, par Albert. 1880 184I Reflexions critiques sur la, par du Bos, 2 vol. 1770 327-8I Poesies completes, par de Vigny. 1876 968I d'Andre Chenier. 1868 270I 1884 1096I de Boileau I35 1 ! Casimir Delavigne. 1880 167I Charles d'Orleans. 1842 726I . Goethe, trad. Henri Blaze. 1843 404I Malherbe. An VIII 653I et de Racan. 1800....* 1490I du foyer et de l'ecole, par Manuel, 1888 1105I et discours en vers, par Voltaire 1001I . fugitives, Elite de, 5 vol. 1769 333-7^- par Delille I3 8 °I guernesiaises et francaises, par Metivier. 1883 161 1 inedites, par Mme Desbordes-Valmore. i860 61I legeres, par Buisson. 1822 22I par Frederic II, 2 vol 1 56-7E par Musset 240- 1 C populaires, par Manuel. 1886 1114I ■ pour les jeunes filles, recueil de, publie par Mme de Witt. 1084I Poetes et poesies, par Albert. 1881 188I philosophies du XVIIIme siecle, par Houssaye. 1858... 287L francais, Les, recueil des chefs-d'oeuvre de la poesie fran- caise depuis les origines jusqu'a nos jours, par divers collaborateurs, sous la direction de Eugene Crepet, intro- duction par Sainte-Beuve, 4 vol. 1861-3. Tome I.— Du Xllme au XVIme siecle.. 112I Tome II. — De Ronsard a Boileau T13I Tome III. — De Boileau a Lamartine 114I Tome IV. — Les contemporains 115I modernes, Collection des. 1829 28I Andrieux, Millevoye, Andre Chenier, M. J. Chenier, Lamartine. Voir aussi Litterature, — et les ouvrages suivants : — Aicard : Miette et Nore, — Autran : Vie rurale, Milianah, — Barbier : Iambes et Poemes, — Boileau, — Byron, — Colardeau :_ Chefs- d'oeuvre, — Corbet : Chants du drain rimeux, Les feuilles de [162] POE SECTION FRANCAISE POP POESIE. — Ouvrages sur la, et recueils poetiques : — {suite.) la foret, — Corneille, — Dante, — Dubos : Les fleurs, — Elo- quence poe^ique, — Ftechier, — French lyrics, — Gessner, — Gilbert : CEuvres, — Girardin, — Grecourt : OEuvres diverses, — Hersart de la Villemarqu£ : Les bardes bretons, — Hugo, — La- martine, — Legouv6, — Lemoyne : Fleurs des ruines, — Long- fellow : Drames et poesies, — Manuel : Pages intimes, — M£tivier : Rimes guernesiaises, — Million de faits, — Mistral : Mireille, — Moliere, — Moustalon : La morale des poetes, — Moysant et de Ldvizac : Bibliotheque portative des ecrivains francais, — Pailleron : Amours et haines, — Parnasse, — Pitts : Patois Poems, — Porte- feuille sentimental, — Potvin, — Racine, — Tastu : Album poetique, — Voltaire : OEuvres completes, — etc. Poids et mesures. Voir Sardou. Poignee de verites, Une, par Karr. 1857 508I Poires, Les bonnes, et la maniere de les cultiver, par Baltet. i860. 2L Poirson (A.), Histoire du regne de Henri IV, 4 vol. 1865 1047-50E Poisson (S. D.), Traite de mecanique, 2 vol. 1833 119-20L Poissons, Histoire naturelle des, par Bloch, 9 vol. 1801 641 -9L par Franklin, [La vie des animaux] 256L reptiles et oiseaux, par Figuier. 1868 511C Poitevin (P.), Traite d'analyse grammaticale. 1867 763I Poitiers (Diane de). Voir Diane de Poitiers. Poitiers (G. de). Voir Jumiege et Poitiers. Poitou (E.), Un hiver en Egypte. i860 54C Pole sud, Le, par Fonvielle. 1888 2166I Polioa de Paris, La, depuis Philippe-Auguste jusqu'a 1789, par Fregier, 2 vol.1850 160-lE Polignae (La duchesse Gabrielle de), et les amies de la reine a Trianon, par Capefigue. 1866 785E Politique de Platon et d'Aristote, De la, par Wiart 25 1 C - ■ - et legislation, par Voltaire, 4 vol 1023-6I religion, par Quinet 1844G francaise en 1866, La, par Rothan. 1879 689E par Rousseau, 2 vol 1527-8I Pologne, Histoire de Jean Sobieski et de la, par Salvandy. 1844 ... 1117E la, par Robinet. 1847 1084E [Histoire universelle] 307-8E La, martyr, par Michelet. 1863 1226E > par Forster, [Univers]. 1840 642E Pommes de terre, Maladies des, de 1845 a 1853, par Payen 354L Pompadour (Madame la marquise de), par Capefigue. 1858 784E Pompei et les Pompeiens, par Monnier. 1867 310G Les ruines de, par Keratry 230G et 1127L Voir aitssi Boissier, — etc. Ponce (I.), Traite d'agriculture pratique et d'economie rurale 366L Ponson du Terrail (Le vte). Voir Romans. Pont, Histoire d'un, par Narjoux. 1884 2116I Royaume de, [Histoire universelle] 216E Pontmartin (A. de), Causeries litteraires. 1854 764I Nouveaux samedis, XVIIIme et XlXme series, 2 vol. 1880 ... 765-6I Souvenirs d'un vieux critique, Hlme serie. 1883 767I ■ Voir aussi Romans. Pope (A.), Essai sur l'homme ^3931 Population, Le principe de la, par Passy 1134L Traite de la, par Mirabeau, 5 vol. 1756 690-4I [163] POR BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES PRE Porcliat (J. J.), Fables et paraboles. 1854 768I Histoire de France a l'usage de la jeunesse. 1856 1879E La sagesse du hameau. 1867 1238L Le fablier des ecoles, 2 vol. 1866 1507-8I . Les colons du rivage ou Industrie et probite. 1867 769I ■ Voir aussi Romans. Portalis (Le comte), [Mignet : Eloges historiques] 1012E Portefeuille sentimental ou melange de prose et de poesie. 1807... 770I Porter (J. L.), Voyages de, [Montemoat] 65G Portes entr'ouvertes, Les, par Phelps. 1874 735I Porteus (B.), Abrege des principals preuves de la verite et de la divinite de la religion chretienne. 1803 1827G Portlock. — Voyages de, [Montemont] 62G Portraits de femmes, par Sainte-Beuve. 1856 m6Eet886I historiques et litteraires, par Merimee. 1874 685I par Draussin ,. 818E litteraires, Derniers, par Sainte-Beuve. 1854 867I par Sainte-Beuve, 2 vol. 1855 865-6I politiques, par Guizot. 1855 178E Portsmouth (La duchesse de), et la cour galante des Stuarts, par Capefigue. 1861.., 787E Portugal, Histoire des revolutions de, par Vertot. 1712 1196E 1819 656E du, et de ses colonies, par Bouchot. 1854 767E [Histoire universelle] 274E Pothier (R. J.), CEuvres, contenant les traites du droit franeais, edition publiee par M. Dupin, 1 1 vol. 1835 IOI4-24L Voir aussi Le Brun : Essai sur la prestation des fautes, — etc. Potvin (C.). Voir Romans. Pouchet (F. A.), Mceurs et instincts des animaux. 1887 576C Pouillet (C. S. M.), Elements de physique experimentale et de me- teorologie, 2 vol. et un atlas. 1853 121-3L Poujoulat (B!), Voyage dans TAsie-Mineure, en Mesopotamie, a Palmyre, en Syrie, en Palestine et en Egypte, 2 vol. 1840... 100-1G Poules, poulets, etc., Guide de l'eleveur de, par Allibert. 1855 166L Pouschkine (A.). Voir Romans. Pouvillon (E.). Voir Romans. Pozzy (B.), La terre et le recit biblique de la creation. 1874. ..566C et 1670G Pradt (D. de), Memoires historiques sur la revolution d'Espagne 469E Pratique des vertus chretiennes, La, par Chaufepie. 1760 1636G Precepte d'assize, [Warburton : Traite sur l'histoire, les lois et coutumes de l'ile de Guernesey] 1045L Predicante des Cevennes, La, par Figuier. 1864 1683G Predicateur evangelique, Le, par Nardin. _ 1833 1300-3 et 1304-5G Predicateurs et sermonnaires frangais, Dictionnaire biographique et bibliographique des, par La P***. 1824 1213G pionniers de l'Ouest americain, Les, par Lelievre. 1876 1762G Prejuges, Essai sur les, par Dumarsais. 1822 1409I Premiere cause de l'avocat Juliette, La, par Stahl 237 C Premiers pasteurs du desert, Les, par Douen, 2 vol. 1879 1119-20G PreSGOtt (W. H.), Conquete du Mexique. 1880 1051E Presse en France, Histoire politique et litteraire de la, par Hatin, 8 vol. 1859 417-24 et 425-32I Histoire de la, en Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis, par Cucheval- Clarigny. 1857 1089I [164] PRE SECTION FRANCAISE PRI Pressense (E. de), Conferences sur le christianisme dans son appli- cation aux questions sociales. 1849 1326G Etudes contemporaines. 1880 1220E evangeliques. 1867 1837G Histoire des trois premiers siecles de l'Eglise chretienne, 4 vol. 1319-22G Jesus-Christ, son temps, sa vie, son ceuvre 1422G La royaute de l'homme, [Verite chretienne]. 1878 1670G Le pays de l'Evangile, notes d'un voyage en Orient 327G Les origines : 1883 I 3 2 5G Le probleme de la connaissance, — Le probleme cosmologique, — Le probleme anthropologique, — L'origine de la morale et de la reli- gion. Voir aussi Gasparin, Bungener et de Pressense^ — Lanfrey : L'Eglise et les philosophes, — etc. Pressense (Mme E. de). Voir Romans. Prestation des fautes, Essai sur la, par Le Brun. 18 13 1202L Pretre, Le, la femme et la famille, par Michelet. 1881 1228L Preuves et autorite de la revelation chretienne, par Chalmers. 1848. 1631G Prevost (L'abbe A. F.), Histoire de Guillaume-le-Conquerant. 1810. 47cE Gutvres choisies, avec figures, 39 vol. 1783-85 : Tomes I a III. — M6moires et aventures d'un homme de quality, suivis de Manon Lescaut, 3 vol 771-3! Tomes IV a. VII. — Le philosophe anglais ; histoire de Cleveland, fils naturel de Cromwell, 4 vol 774-7! Tomes VIII a. X. — Le doyen de Killerine, 3 vol 778-80I Tome XI. — Histoire d'une Grecque moderne 781I Tome XII. — Campagnes philosophiques, ou m£moires de M. de Montcal, aide- de-camp du mar^chal de Schomberg, contenant l'histoire de la guerre d'Irlande 782I Tome XIII. — Histoire de la jeunesse du commandeur de ***, mique 785I Tome XVI. — Histoire de Guillaume-le-Conqu6rant, due de Normandie et roi d'Angleterre 786I Tomes XVII et XVIII. — Pamela ou la vertu r^compensee, 2 vol 787-8I Tomes XIX a XXIV. — Lettres anglaises ou histoiie de Miss Clarisse Harlowe, avec l'eloge de Richardson, 6 vol 789-94I Tomes XXV a. XXVIII. — Nouvelles lettres anglaises, ou histoire du chevalier Grandisson , 4 vol 795-81 Tome XXIX. — Le monde moral, ou mdmoires pour servir a. l'histoire du cceur humain 7 ggl Tomes XXX a. XXXII. — Mdmoires pour servir a l'histoire de la vertu, extraits du journal d'une jeune dame, 3 vol 800-2I Tome XXXIII. — MBAUT DE SAINT-ETIENNE (J. P.), Precis de l'histoire de la revolution francaise, avec une table des principaux decrets rendus pendant les annees 1789 a 1791. 1819 1880E Racan (Honorat de Bueil, marquis de), Poesies. 1800 1490I Races humaines, Les, par Figuier. 1873 • 5°9C Racine (J.), CEuvres, 7 vol. 1768 810-6I 2 vol 817-8I 5 vol. 1821 1510-4I avec les jugemens de La Harpe sur les tragedies et des notes grammaticales, par M. de Levizac, 3 vol. 1804.. .1515-7 et 1518-20I Theatre. 1885 1120I par Deschanel, 2 vol. 1885 1100-1I Racine (fils), La religion, poeme. 1812 1525I Radan (R.), L'acoustique ou les phenomenes du son. 1867 2118I Le magnetisme. 1875 2120I Rany (C.), Repetitions ecrites d'histoire et de geographie pour le baccalaureat es-lettres. 1858 1056E Raimbault (A. T.), Le parfait cuisinier ou le breviaire des gour- mands, augmente du cuisinier etranger et du patissier royal, revu par Borel. 1822 1473^ Raison humaine, Petit code de la, par M. B. D. 1789 1237L Rambaud (A.), Histoire de la Revolution francaise [1789-99]- l88 3- 1057E Rambert (E.), Alexandre Vinet, histoire de sa vie et de ses ouvrages, 2 vol. 1876 1058-9E sa vie et ses ouvrages. 1875 473^ Les Alpes suisses, 3 vol. rel. ens. 1869 102G Ramee(D.), Les noces vermeilles, Histoire de la Saint-Barthelemy [1572], rei7npression. 1877 1846G Ramsay (D.), Vie de George Washington. 1809 474^ Ranees (F.), De la navigation a vapeur 1127L Ranke (L.), Histoire de la Papaute pendant les XVIme et XVIIme siecles, 4 vol. 1838 1327-30G des Osmanlis et de la monarchic espagnole pendant les XVIme et XVIIme siecles. 1839 478E L'Espagne sous Charles-Quint, Philippe II et Philippe III, ou les Osmanlis et la monarchic espagnole pendant les XVIme et XVIIme siecles. 1873 1061E [168] HAN SECTION FRANCAISE REF Ranke (L.) et Saint-Cheron (A. de), Histoire dela Papaute, 3 vol. 475-7B Raousset-Boulbon (Le comte G. de), sa vie et ses aventures, par La Madelene. 1876 93§E Voir aussi Romans. Raphael, par Lamartine. 1851 587I Rapin de Thoyras (P.), Histoire d'Angleterre, 16 vol. 1749 363-78C Rapin (R.), OEuvres, qui contiennent les comparaisons des grands hommes de l'antiquite qui ont le plus excelle dans les belles- lettres, etc., reflexions sur l'eloquence, la vie des predestines, l'esprit du christianisine, 3 vol. 1725 1847-9G Rail (S. F. J.), Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte, 3 vol. 1331-3G Raulin (V.), Le regne mineral 1127L Raynal (L'abbeG. T.), Despeuples et des gouvernemens, recueil de pensees extraites de l'histoire philosophique des deux Indes. 1242L Histoire philosophique et politique des etablissements et du commerce europeens dans les deux Indes, 10 vol. 1782 ...479-88E Raynal (P. de), Le mariage d'un roi, [Louis XV, 1721-5]. 1887 .. 1274E Les correspondants de J. Joubert [1785- 1822], lettres inedites de M. de Fontanes, Mme de Beaumont, M. et Mme de Chateau- briand, M. Mole, Mme de Guitaut, M. Frisell et Mile de Chastenay. 1883 473 et 474I Rayon de soleil, Histoire d'un, par Papillon. 1869 35 r L Rayons et les ombres, Les, par Hugo 459, 466 et 1466I Re (P.), Essai sur les engrais. 1813 126L Recamier (Mme), Souvenirs et correspondance tires des papiers de Mme Recamier, 2 vol. i860 489-90E les amis de sa jeunesse et sa correspondance intime. 1872 49 J E Recherche de la verite, De la, par Malebranche, 4 vol. 1712. ... 1783-6G du salut, La, par James. 1851 I 73 l G Recherches asiatiques, ou memoire de la Societe etablie au Bengale pour faire des recherches sur l'histoire et les antiquites, les arts, les sciences et la litterature de l'Asie, trad. Labaume, 2 vol. 1805 567-8C Recifs de corail, Les, par Darwin. 1878 ' 449L RecitS americains, par Bridel. 1854 1616G de l'invasion, par Mezieres. 1871 1010E des temps merovingiens, par Thierry, 2 vol. 1851... 1 147-8 et 1157-8E tires de l'histoire d'Angleterre, par Sargent, 2 vol. 1877 537-8E Reclus (A.), Panama et Darien, voyages d'exploration [1876-78] ... 335G Reclus (E.), Plistoire d'une montagne 44iL d'un ruisseau 374 et 442L Les phenomenes terrestres : I, Les continents. — II, Les mers et les meteores, 2 vol. 1870-72 372-3L Voyage a la Sierra-Nevada de Sainte-Marthe, paysages de la nature tropicale. 1881 336G Recreations mathematiques, parVinot 151L physiques, par Castillon. 1863 204L Recrutement, Situation des etrangers en France, au point de vue du, par L'Esprit. 1888 1047L RecueillementS poetiques, par Lamartine. 1849 582I Redemption, Doctrine de la, par Bonifas. 1865 1047G Reflexions et menus propos d'un peintre genevois, par Topffer. 960I [169] REF BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES REL, REFORME. — Ouvrages sur la, les reform at eurs et les reformes : Reformateurs de la France et de l'ltalie au Xllme siecle, Les, parPeyrat. i860 1835G Reformation d'Angleterre, par Merle d'Aubigne. 1862 I794G en Angleterre, Apercu de la, par Blunt. 1840 1609G francaise, Histoire de la, par Puaux, 7 vol. 1859-69 1828-34G Histoire de la, du XVIme siecle, par Merle d'Aubigne, 5 vol. 1856 1260-4 et 1265-9G en Europe au temps de Calvin, par Merle d'Aubigne, 8 vol 1425-32G et du refuge, dans le pays de Neuchatel, par Godet. 1859 1722G Lesfemmes de la, par Anderson, 3 vol. 1865-9... 710-2 et 713-5E Origine et progres de la, a. La Rochelle, par Richemond. 1872 1851 et 1852G Souvenirs de la. 1872 1578G Reforme, De la, et du protestantisme, par Remusat. 1854 1334G Histoire de la, par Capefigue, 4 vol. 1834 : 1819-22E Quelques femmes de la, par Abelous. 1859 701 E Voir aussi Bbze, — Bonnechose, — Bovet : Le comte de Zinzendorf, — Calas, — Calvin, — Calvinisme, — Coquerel, — Douen, — Dumont de Bostaquet : Memoires. — Felice, — Huguenots, — Labadie, — Lamy : Quelques heros des luttes religieuses, — Le Febvre, — Lievre, — Luther, — Marolles, — Marteilhe : Memoires d'un protestant, — Ouvr£, — Protestantisme, — Religion,— Vincens : Francois de la Noue, — Weiss : Histoire des reTugies protestants de France, — Ze.ller : Catherine de M£dicis et les protestants, La Saint-Barthel£my, — etc., etc. Refuge, Le, trad. F. Alles. 1817 1008G 1827 1575^ Refugies francais dans le pays de Vaud, Les, par Chavannes. 1874. 1637G protestants de France, Histoire des, par Weiss, 2 vol. 1853 1878-9G Regence, La comtesse de Parabere et le Palais-Royal sous la, par Capefigue. 1863 778E Voir aussi Capefigue : Le Cardinal Dubois, Philippe d'Orl^ans, — Saint- Simon : Memoires, — etc. RegnardfJ. F.), CEuvres, 4 vol 820-23I Voir aussi Comedies choisies, — etc. Regnard (Mme C), Manuel de travaux a l'aiguille a l'usage des jeunes filles. 1881 375^ Regnault (E.), Histoire des Antilles, [Univers]. 1849 636E Principautes danubiennes, histoire politique et sociale, [Univers]. 635E et LpJDaume (J.), Etals-Unis depuis 181 2, [Univers]. 1849 ••• 6 3^E Regnault (V.), Cours elementaire de chimie, 4 vol 376-9^ Regnier (M.), CEuvres. 1819 15 261 Reiff (C. P.), Grammaire fran9aise-russe on principes de la langue russe a l'usage des Fran9ais. i860... 446L RELIGION. — Ouvrages generaux sur la : Religion chretienne, Cours de, par Coquerel. 1833 1642G Traite de la verite de la, par Abbadie, 2 vol. 1864 1551-2 et I553-4G Verite et divinite de la, par Porteus. 1803 1827G consideree comme base du bonheur, La, par Genlis 397I Dictionnaire philosophique de la. 1773 1024G [170] REL SECTION FRANCAISE REP RELIGION. — Ouvrages generaux sur la: — {suite.) Religion, La, poeme, par Racine fils. 1812 1525I Les guerres de, en France, par Bastide l S9 l( ^ naturelle, Traite de la, par Martin. 1713 1232G revelee, Traite de la, par Martin, 2 vol. 1723 1233-4G Religions et religion, par Hugo. 1880 103I Le genie des, par Quinet. 1851 1841G Voir aussi Basnage : Histoire et religion des Juifs, — Carrau : La philosophic religieuse en Angleterre, — Charv£riat : Les affaires re- ligieuses en Boheme au XVI me siecle, — Goguel : Hommes £mi- nents en savoir et en sentiment religieux, — Longden, — Lopez : Races aryennes du P6rou, — Vinet : Convictions religieuses, — etc. Remusat (C. de), De la reforme et du protestantisnie. 1854 I334& John Wesley et le methodisme. 1870 1850G L' Angleterre au XVIIIme siecle, etudes et portraits pour servir a l'histoire du gouvernement anglais depuis la fin du regne de Guillaume III, 2 vol. 1856 497-8E La Saint-Barthelemy, drame. 1878 I335G ■ Voir aussi Channing, — etc. Remusat (Mme C. E. J. de), Lettres [1804-14], 2 vol. 1881 495-6E Memoires [1802-08], 3 vol. 1880 492-4E Renaissance, Savants de la, par Figuier 524C Renan (E.), Conferences d'Angleterre : Rome et le christianisme, Marc-Aurele. 1880 825I De l'origine du langage. 1858 116I Le livre de Job. i860 1336G Souvenirs d'enfance et de jeunesse. 1883 824I Voir aussi Romans. Renard(L.), Les merveilles de l'art naval. 1866 2121I Les phares. 1867 2123I Renaud (A.), L'heroi'sme. 1873 2125I Rendu (A.), Campagne de Paris : Souvenirs de la mobile. 1872 1062E Rendu ( V.), Culture des plantes. 1866 381L dusol. 1866 382L La basse-cour ; Les abeilles. 1873 73iL Moeurs pittoresques des insectes. 1872 383, 384 et 385L Principes 'd'agriculture. 1853 380L Renegats de 89, Les, par Saint-Rene Taillandier. 1877 263C Renne, Le, Finlande, Laponie, iles d'Aland, par Leouzon Le Due. 29 iG Renneville (Mme de). Voir Romans. Renonciation par loi outree, Traite de la, par Gallienne. 1845 ••• 1038L Repos eternel des Saints, Le, par Baxter. 1822 1592G Reptiles, Histoire naturelle des, par Sonnini et Latreille, 4 vol. 1802. 650-3L par Figuier. 1868 511C Franklin, [La vie des animaux] 254L Voir aussi Histoire naturelle, — etc. Republique, De la, par Platon 745I de 1848, par Beaumont-Vassy, [Histoire de mon temps] 57E [Veron : Memoires d'un bourgeois de Paris] 647-50E des Hebreux, La, 5 vol. (Les vol. IV et V portent le titre : Anti- quitez judai'ques, ou remarques critiques sur la Republique des Hebreux, par Basnage). 1705-13 1063-7E francaise, La troisieme. Voir Bataille : Guerre de 1870-71, — Claretie : Revolution de 1870-71, — etc. La, ou du juste et de l'injuste, par Platon. 1726 177C [171] RER BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES REV" Reresby (Sir J.), Memoires 128E RESTAURATION [1814-1830]. — Ouvrages sur la : Restauration, Condition et influence des femmes depuis la, par S. R. 1828 1271L Histoire de France de 1825 a 1828, par Montgaillon. 1829. 440E Histoire de la, par Dulaure [1814-30] 338C Lamartine, 8 vol. 1856 947-54E • — Lock 1419L La comtessedu Cayla, Louis XVIII et les salons du faubourg Saint-Germain sous la Restauration, par Capefigue. 1866. 776E Le comte de Serre et la politique moderee sous la, par Ma- zade. 1879. • 1219E Souvenirs de ma jeunesse au temps de la, par de Carne. 1873. 797E Voir ctussi Abrantes : Mdmoires, — Bourrienne : Memoires, — Dupaty : Les delateurs, — France, — V£ron : Memoires d'un bourgeois de Paris, — etc. Restitution, Traite de la, par La Placete. 1 696 1 747G Retraite des dix mille, La, par Xenophon. 1777 672E par Bourdaloue. 1834 1072G Retz (J. F. P. de Gondi, cardinal de), Memoires du cardinal de Retz, de Guy Joli et de la duchesse de Nemours, contenant ce qui s'est passe de remarquable en France pendant les premieres annees du regne de Louis XIV, 6 vol. 1820 499-504E Memoires. 5 vol. 1828 505-9E et l'affaire du chapeau, par Chantelauze, 2 vol. 1878 97-8E Reunion (La). [Hue et Haurigot : Nos grandes colonies] 406-7G Reuss (Dr. L. M.), A travers l'Algerie, ill 423G Reuss (E.), Histoire de la theologie chretienne au siecle apostolique, 2 vol. 1864 . I337-8G Histoire du canon des Saintes-Ecritures dans l'Eglise chretienne. I339G Reveil religieux et sermons divers 1009G Reveillaud (E.), Une excursion au Sahara algerien et tunisien. 1887, 424G Reveille-Parise (J. H.), Physiologie et hygiene des hommes livres aux travaux de l'esprit, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1843 • 127L Revelation chretienne, nouvelle demonstration de son utilite et de sa necessite, par Leland, 3 vol. 1768 1758-60G Preuves et autorite de la, par Chalmers. 1848 1631G Reveries et dialogues, par Rousseau I543I maternelles. 1864 1244L Reves etoiles, par Flammarion. 1888 4 2 5L Revilliod(G.). Voir Desbordes-Valmore : Poesies in^dites, — Romans, — etc. Revillon (T.). Voir Romans. Revoil (B. H.), Chasses dans l'Amerique du Nord. 1869 104G Peches clans l'Amerique du Nord. 1870 103G Revoltes de la Bounty, Les, par Verne 234C Revolution d'Angleterre, Collection des memoires relatifs a la, 25 vol. 1827 108-32E de 1848, Histoire de la, par Lamartine, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1849. 955 E 1870-71, Histoire de la, par Claretie, ill. 1872 333 et 334C [172] REV SECTION FRANCHISE KEY REVOLUTION FRANQAISE. — Ouvrages sur la : Revolution francaise, Abrege chronologique de la, par Fantin- Desodoards, 3 vol. 1802 842-4E Anecdotes du temps de Louis XVI et de la Terreur. 716E Appel a l'impartiale posterite, par la citoyenne Roland, 2 vol. 1796 510-nE Considerations sur les principaux evenements de la, par Stael, 3 vol. 1819 580-2E Esquisses historiques: Quatre femmes au temps de la. 1866. 1053E Essaisur la, par Lanfrey. 1879 966E Georges Cadoudal et la chouannerie, par Cadoudal. 1887. 682E Guerres maritimes sous la Republique, par Jurien de la Graviere, 2 vol. 1847 ' 927-8E Histoire de la litterature pendant la, par Geruzez 240C . par Mignet. 1842 1871E 2vol. 1845 43°" lE 2 vol. 1886 1258-9E Rambaud [1789-99] 1057E Thiers, 2 vol. 1866 382-3 et 384-5C societe francaise pendant la, par Goncourt. 1864. 87 5E des conspirations royalistes du Midi sous la [i79°-93]> par Daudet. 1881 . . 1227E du tribunal revolutionnaire de Paris, avec le journal de ses actes, par Wallon, 6 vol. 1880-2 663-8E Les constituents, par Lamartine, 4 vol. 1854 347-50E Memoires de Mme Roland, 2 vol. 1864 1085-6E Malouet, 2 vol. 1868 394-5E pour servira l'histoire de la,par Clermont-Gallerande,3 v. 105-7E villedeLyon pendant la, par Guillon, 2 vol. 1824 176-7E sur la Convention et le Directoire, par Thibaudeau, 2 vol. 589-90E parBuzot. 1823 83E Precis de l'histoire dela,par Rabaut deSaint-Etienne. 1819. 1880E Tableau de la, par Norvins. 1819 1872E La, parTaine. 1881. 2 vol 586-7E Voir aussi Abrantes: Memoires, — France, — Miot de Melito : Memoires, — ' Morellet : Memoires, — Stael, Mme de : CEuvres completes, — Tissot : Victoires, etc. des Francais, de 1789 a. 1815, — Tocque- ville : L'ancien regime et la revolution, — etc. Revolution religieuse au XlXme siecle, La, par Quinet, [Politique et religion] 1844G Revue ehretienne, annees i860 et 1861 et supplement theologique, 3 vol 178-80C des cours scientifiques (revue rose), la collection. litteraires (revue bleue), la collection. des Deux Mondes, annees 1847 a 1888. Pour les details, consulter les tables en s'adressant au biblioth£caire. La livraison du 15 Edcembre 1849 contient une etude de M. Theodore Pavie, sous le titre : — Les iles de la Manche. Jersey et Guernesey en 1848 et 1849, souvenirs d'un exile de Fevrier. Revues scientifiques publiees par le journal : " La Republique frangaise," par Bert, 2 vol. 1879-80 10-nL Reybaud (L.), L'industrie en Europe. 1856 1245L Voir ajissi Romans. Reybaud (Mme C). Voir Romans. Reyd (Mayne). Voir Mayne-Reid. [173] KEY BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES ROB Reyer (C), Histoire de la colonie francaise en Prusse. 1855 1068E Reynald (H.), Histoire de l'Espagne depuis la mort de Charles III jusqu'a nos jours. 1873 1069E Reynaud. (J.), Histoire elementaire des mineraux usuels. 1867 2126I Rhetorique francaise, par Domairon. 1804 324I La, ou l'artde parler, par Lamy. 1736 !736G Rhin, Le, par Delrieu, ill. 1846 213G par Hugo 1461I Voyage pittoresque sur les bords du, par Texier, ill. 1858 63C Voir aussi Allemagne, — Mengin, — etc. Rhodes, Histoire des chevaliers de, par Flandrin. 1867 340C ■ de, [Histoire universelle] 212E Riant (Dr A.), Le cafe, le chocolat, le the, l'alcool et le tabac. 732L Les ennemis de la sante 1132L Richard. — Manuel du voyageur en Suisse et dans le Tyrol 338G Voir aussi Lake et Richard, — etc. Richard-Lenoir (F.), [Ernouf : Histoire de trois ouvriers francais]. 832E Richardson (J.). Voir Malte-Brun. Richardson (S.). Voir Romans. Richelieu et les ministres de Louis XIV, de 1621 a 1624, parZeller. 673E Le cardinal de, par Capefigue. 1865 793E Corne. 1879 8o6E parZeller. 1880 1216E Richelieu (Le marechal de), par Capefigue. 1857 795E Richemond (L. de), Origine et progres de la reformation a La Rochelle, precede d'une notice sur Philippe Vincent ... 1851 et 1852G Richepin (J.). Voir Romans. Richer (F.), Reedition augmentee des causes celebres et interessantes de Gayot de Pitaval, 21 vol. 1772-88 1246-66L Richesse, La morale de la, par Rondelet. 1864 1318L Richmond (rev. Legh), Vie du, par Grimshawe. 1843 8 79 E Ridder (De). Voir Simons et de Ridder. Riffault et Vergnaud. — Nouveau manuel complet du fabricant de couleurs et de verms, edition refondue, par Toussaint de Sens. 1850... 386L Rigault (N.). [Thou: Histoire universelle] 391-406C Riggenhach (C. J.), Vie du Seigneur Jesus. 1864 I34°G Rimes et dictons pour petits et grands, par Kuhff. 1878 519I guernesiaises, par un Catelain, [Metivier]. 1831 1093I Riquette, par Chazel 236C Ritter (K.), Geographie generale comparee, ou etude de la terre dans ses rapports avec la nature et avec l'histoire de l'homme, 3 vol. 105-7G Riviere (Henri). Voir Gros : Origines de la conquete du Tongkin, — Romans, — etc. Rivoyre (D. de), Les Francais a Obock, ill 391G Robert (C), De l'ignorance 1132L Le salut par l'education. 1873 I3 X 6L L'instruction obligatoire. 1871 129L Voir aussi Romans. Robertson (W.), L'histoire de l'Amerique, 4 vol. 1780 1078-81E ■ 2 vol 1082-3E L'histoire du regne de l'empereur Charles-Quint, precedee d'un tableau des progres de la societe en Europe depuis la destruc- tion de l'Empire romain jusqu'au commencement du XVIme siecle, 6 vol. 1771 1070-75E [174] ROB SECTION FRANCAISE ROM Robertson (W.), L'histoire du regne de l'empereur Charles-Quint, 2 vol 1076-7E Robin (E.), Des ecoles industrielles et de la protection des enfants insoumis on abandonnes. 1879 I15C Robinet (E. ), L'Europe, histoire des nations europeennes : Russie, Pologne, Suede et Norwege. 1847 1084E Robinet (J. B.), De la nature. 1763 134^ Rochat (A.), Discours et meditations sur diverses portions de la parole tie Dieu. 1838 I343G Meditations sur les vingt premiers chapitres du second livre des chroniques. 1846 I34 2 & Roger (A.). Voir Romans. Rohart (F.), Traite theorique et pratique de la fabrication de la biere, 2 vol.. 1848 i3<>3 lL Rohlwes. — Voir Biirger. Roi Leopold, Le, et la reine Victoria, par Saint-Rene Taillandier, 2 vol. 1878 534-5E Roi s'amuse, Le, par Hugo 1463I Rois de France, Portraits des, par Mercier, 3 vol. 1783 1004-6E Roland farieux, par l'Arioste, 2 vol. 1876 193-4I La chanson de, par Theroulde 1126I ■ l'amoureux, par Le Sage, 2 vol. 1783 616-7I Roland (Mme M. ), Appel a l'impartiale posterite, par la citoyenne Roland, femme du ministre de l'interieur, ou recueil des ecrits qu'elle a rediges pendant sa detention aux prisons de l'Abbaye et de Sainte-Pelagie, 2 vol. 1796 510-nE Memoires ecrits durant sa captivite, 2 vol. 1864 1085-6E ' Voir aussi Lamy : Femnies c&ebres, — Quatre femmes au temps de la Revo- lution, — etc. Rolland (C), LaTurquie contemporaine. 1854 108G Rolland (J.). Voir Romans. Rollin (C), Abrege du traite des etudes. 1S46 834I De la maniere d'enseigner et d'etudier les belles-lettres, par rap- port a l'esprit et au cceur [Traite des etudes], 4 vol. 181 3. 826-9 et 830-3I Histoire ancienne, 5 vol. 1756 527-31E CEuvres completes, 15 vol. 181 7- 18 : Histoire ancienne, 7 vol 512-8E Histoire romaine, 8 vol 519-26E Opuscules, precedes de l'eloge de Rollin, par Saint-Albin Berville. 119I Traite des etudes, 2 vol. 1818 117-8I et Crevier. — Histoire romaine depuis la fondation de Rome jusqu'a la bataille d'Actium et la fin de la Republique, 16 vol. 1769 1087-1102E Rollin (M.), Memoire historique sur l'etat ecclesiastique des protes- tants frangais, depuis Francis Ier jusqu'a Louis XVIII 1114L Romains, Grandeur et decadence des, par Montesquieu 439E Roman russe, Le, par Vogue. 1888 1127I Romans de la Table ronde et les contes des anciens Bretons, Les, par Hersart de la Villemarque. 1861 79I ROMANS, NOUVELLES et FANTAJSIES. Voir cata- logue special a la suite du catalogue general. Romantisme des classiques, Le, par JJeschanel. 1885 1099I [175] ROM BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES ROS ROME ANCIENNE ET MODERNE.— Ouvrages sur : Rome, Abrege de l'histoire romaine, a l'usage des elevcs de l'ancienne ecole royale militaire. 1835 707E Antiquites romaines. 181 1 I106L Ciceron et ses amis, par Boissier. 1877 234I ■ Commentaires de Cesar, 2 vol. 1810 1933-4E contemporaine, par About. 1 86 1 iG et le christianisme, par Renan. 1880 825I Pape devant la conscience et l'histoire, par Gladstone. 1884G — — vrai, par Bungener. 1880 1619G Histoire de la chute de l'Empire romain et du declin de la civilisation, par Sismondi [250-1000], 2 vol. 1835 552-3E litterature romaine, par Pierron. 1863 ...... 738 et 739I l'eloquence latine jusqu'a Ciceron, par Cucheval, 2 vol. 188 1 306-7I — des empereurs romains, par Crevier, 2 vol. ill. 1836 810-11E — — revolutions arrivees dans le gouvernement de la re- publique romaine, par Vertot, 3 vol. 1727 1193-5E — — — de la republique romaine, par Vertot, 3 vol. 1819. 652-4E — du droit civil romain, par Godefroy. 1847 1285L — romaine jusqu'a l'invasion des barbares, par Duruy 825E par Rollin et Crevier, 16 vol. 1769 1087-1102E Rollin, 8 vol. 1818 519-26E Schulz 205E — Segur, 7 vol. 1833 1893-9E Tite-Live, 4 vol. 1877 956-9I — — [Histoire universelle] 219-28E Itineraire de, par Vasi, 2 vol. 1820 368-9G La societe de, par Vasili. 1887 45iC Le genie romain, par Yung 250C L'empire romain a, par Ampere, 2 vol. 1867 13-14E Les Bacchantes et les jeunes patriciens sous les Cesars/par Capefigue. 1864 775E catacombes de, par Abelous. i860 126G ecrivains latins de l'Empire, par Charpentier. 1859 801E empereurs romains, par Zeller. 1863 1214E L'histoire romaine a, par Ampere, 4 vol. 1866 9-12E racontee aux enfants, par Lame-Fleury. 1865 1859E Naples et Florence, par Stendhal 353G par Bourne t 191G Recits de l'histoire romaine au Vme siecle, par Thierry, 3 vol. 1874-76 1162-4E Voir aussi About : Question romaine, — Ampere : Grece, Rome et Dante, — Boissier, — Fustel de Coulanges : La cite" antique, — etc. Romilly. — Sermons sur divers textes de l'Ecriture-Sainte, 2 vol. 1788 I344-S et 1346-7G Rondelet (A.), L'economie politique dans la vie pratique H34L La morale de la richesse. 1864 1318L Rose (Cowper), Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 78G Roses, Histoire des, par Malo 714L Rosieres (R.), Histoire de la societe francaise au moyen-age [987- 1483], 2 vol. 1882 f 532-3E ROSS (A. ), Voyages en Amerique de, [Montemont] 89G [176] ROT SECTION FRANCAISE ROW Rothan (G.), L'affaire du Luxembourg : Le prelude de la guerre de 1870 ,. 693E La France et sa politique exterieure en 1867, 2 vol. 1887 691-2E L'Allemagne et l'ltalie [1870-71], 2 vol 687-8E La politique francaise en 1866 689E La Prusse et son roi pendant la guerre de Crimee. 1888 690E Rotrou (Jean), Chefs d'ceuvre. 1800 1489I Rouard. — Voir Denis et Rouard. Rouche (E.), Le systeme du monde et le calendrier 1128L Rouen, Guide de f'etranger a, par Petit 3 2I G Roumanie. Voir Michelet : La Pologne martyr, — Ulbach : La Csardas, — etc. Rousseau (J. J.), Morceaux choisis, avec une introduction, pax George Renard. 1883 1122I CEuvres completes, 20 vol. 1801 : Tome I. — In6galit£ des conditions, 4conomie politique 835I Tome II. — Contrat social, gouvernement de Pologne 836I Tomes III a V. — Julie ou la nouvelle Heloi'se 837-9I Tomes VI et VII. — Emile, ou de l'education , 840-1I Tome VIII. — Lettres Writes a M. de Beaumont et lettres £crites de la mon- tagne 842I Tome IX. — Lettre a d'Alembert : De l'imitation th£atrale, — Theatre 843I Tome X. — Dissertation sur la musique moderne, — Essai sur 1'origine des langues, — Lettres sur la musique francaise, — Sur la musique militaire. 844I Tomes XI et XII. — Dictionnaire de musique 845-46I Tome XIII. — Melanges 847I Tome XIV. — Confessions [ier volume] completes avec 2 vol. de l'ed. de Geneve [suppt] 848-848CI Tome XV. — Manque, \_remplac4 ci-dessus.~\ Tome XVI. — Dialogues 849I Tome XVII. — Lettres, — Reveries, -- Botanique 850I Tomes XVIII a XX. — Correspondance [1732-77] 851-3I CEuvres, 20 vol. 1819 : Tomes I et II. — Politique I5 2 7-8I Tomes III a. V. —Julie ou la nouvelle Heloise 1529-31I Tome VI a. VIII. — Emile ou de l'dducation 1532-4I Tome IX. — Lettres diverses I535I Tome X. — Lettre a d'Alembert, — Theatre 1536I Tome XI. — Ecrits sur la musique 1537I Tomes XII et XIII. — Dictionnaire de musique 1538-9I Tome XIV. — Melanges i54°! Tomes XV et XVI. — Confessions 1541- 21 Tome XVII. — Reveries et dialogues *543l Tomes XVIII a XX. — Correspondance i544' 6 I ses amis et ses ennemis, correspondance publiee par M. G. Streckeisen-Moulton, introduction de Jules Levallois, appre- ciation critique de Sainte-Beuve, 2 vol. 1865 1 20- 1 1 Voir aussi Stael, Mme de : CEuvres completes, — etc. Rousseau (L.), Les habitations merveilleuses, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1869. 387L Roussel (P.), De la femme, considered au physique et au moral, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1788 1267L Rousselet (L.), Les royaumes de l'lnde. 1879 1816L Rousset (C), La grande charte ou 1'etablissement du regime consti- tutionnel en Angleterre, revu par M. Guizot. 1853 1103E Rousset (L.), A traversla Chine. 1878 339G Roux de Rochelle (J. B. G.), Etats-Unis d'Amerique, [Uni- vers]. 1853 639E Villes anseatiques, [Univers]. 1844 637E Rower oft (C). Voir Romans. [177] ROW BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES SAG- Rowe (T.). [Plutarque: Hommes illustres] *6oI Roy (J. J. E.), Histoire de la chevalerie. 1839 $551 Royaute de l'homme, La, par Pressense. 1878 „ 1670G Royer (C. de), Du droit de disposer par testament : legislations anciennes, legislation romaine, legislation francaise. 1870 ... I025L Royer (E.), Les gaz pernicieux du foyer. 1867 733 et I127L Rozan (C), Petites ignorances historiques et litteraires. 1888 694E Ruffiny. — Voir Burger. Ruines historiques de France, par Lavergne. i860 97°E Les, par Volney. 1820 1566I Ruisseau, Histoire d'un, par Reclus 374 et 442L Russe, Grammaire francaise-russe, par Reiff. i860 446L Russell- Killough (Cte IL), Seize mille ' lieues a travers l'Asie et l'Oceanie [1858-61], 2 vol : I. — Siberie, Mongolie, Chine, Colonies australiennes 34°^ II. — Nouvelle-Zelande, Indes, Himalaya, etc 34 T G RUSSIE. — Ouvrages sur la : Russie contemporaine, La, par Barry. 1873. 163G ■ — Leouzon Le Due. 1854 984E Episode de l'histoire de : Les faux Demetrius, par Merimee. 1007E Histoire de la, par Lamartine, 2 vol. 1855 351 -2E — Robinet. 1847 1084E [Histoire universelle] 306-7E La, et les Russes, par Tissot. 1882 379G Les Francais en, et les Russes en France, par Pingaud. 1888. 1275E sous Pierre-le-Grand, Histoire de la, par Voltaire 1016I Voyages en differentes provinces de l'empire de Russie et dans l'Asie septentrionale, par Pallas, 5 vol. 1788 49*53^ Russies, A travers les, par Meylan. 1880 304G ■ Voir aussi Dumas : Impressions de voyage, — Kotzebue : Annee la plus memorable, — Le Due : La Baltique, — Michelet : La Pologne martyr, — etc. Rustow (G.) et Boert. — La guerre de 1870-71. 1872 1104E Ruy-Blas, par Hugo 1464I RyleQ. C.), GEuvres, 8 vol. 1861 1853-60G OABINS, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 235E Sacc (Dr F.), Chimie des vegetaux 3^9^ Chimie du sol 3§8L Sacher-Masoeh. — Voir Romans. Sacrement de la Sainte-Cene, Traite sur la nature du. 1818 1010G Saffray (Dr), Histoire de la terre, entretiens sur le passe, le present et l'avenir de notre planete, — Histoire de l'homme : les ages primitifs. 2 broch. rel. ens. 1880-1 735^ La physique et la chimie des champs. 1876 734-L Les moyens de vivre longtemps, — La medecine a. la maison. 2 broch. rel. ens. 1878-80 73^ Sagesse, De la, par Charron, 4 vol. 1801 1632-5G du hameau, La, par Porchat. 1867 1238L [178] S1H SECTION FRANCHISE SAI Sahara algerien et tunisien, Une excursion au, par Reveillaud. 1887. 424G et Laponie, par Goblet d'Alviella, ill. 1876 244G Un ete dans le, par Fromentin. 1857 2 39G Sahel, Quatre mois au, par Imbert. 1888 409G Une amiee dans le, par Fromentin. 1859 240G Saint-Albin (A. de), La poesie des livres Saints : Ancien-Testament. 1861G Saint-Barthelemy, La, drame, par Remusat. 1878 I335 G par Zeller [1570-74]. 1887 1267E Les noces vermeilles ou histoire de la, par Ramee 1846G [24 Aout 1572], Recit extrait de l'Estoile, Brantome, Marguerite de Navarre, de Thou, Montluc, etc. 1853 1106E Saint-Bernard et son siecle, Histoire de, par Neander. 1842 I3°7G Saint-Cheron (A. de). Voir Ranke et de Saint-Cheron. Saint-Cyr, [Institutions militaires de la France] I453 L Saint-Domingue, Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de la revolution de, par Lacroix, 2 vol. 1819 .- 344 - 5^ Saint-Dominique et les Dominicains, par Caro. 1853 79 8E Saint-Francois d'Assise et les Franciscains, par Morin[i 182-1226] 798E Saint-Frangois-Xavier, La vie de, par Bouhours, 2 vol. 1788... 768-9E Saint-Genest (Albert Marie Durand de Bucheron, dit), Lettres d'un soldat : Froeschiviller, 4 Septembre, Campagne d'Orleans, Campagne de l'Est. 1873 '. 1231E Saint- Jean-Chrysostome et l'imperatrice Eudoxie, par Thierry. 1164E Saint- Jerome, par Thierry. 1875 1163E Saint-Louis, Histoire de, par Joinville. 1865 9 2oE par Guizot. 1873 181E Saint-Marc Girardin (Marc Girardin, dit), Cours de litterature dramatique, ou de l'usage des passions dans le drame, 5 vol... 860-4I De 1 'amour conjugal dans le drame, [Magasin de librairie] 246C Etudes, [Magasin de librairie] 240C ■ La Syrie en 1861 : Condition des Chretiens en Orient. 1862 ... 1107E Saint-Marin, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 294E Saint Ministere de l'Evangile, Le, par Drelincourt. 1651 1677G Saint-Paul, sa vie, son ceuvre etses epitres, parBungener. 1867... 1624G Saint-Real (Cesar Vichard, abbe de), Conjurations des Espagnols contre la republique de Venise, et des Gracques, precedees de sept discours sur l'usage de l'histoire. 1803 1883E Saint-Rene Taillandier (R. G. E.), Goethe et Schiller, [Magasin de librairie] 249C Le roi Leopold et la reine Victoria, 2 vol. 1878 534-5E Les renegats de 89, souvenirs du cours d'eloquence francaise a la Sorbonne. 1877 263C Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte, Histoire du chateau et des sires de, par Delislc. 1867 I 4 I E Saint-Simon (Le due L. de), Louis XIV, et sa cour, portraits, jugements et anecdotes extraits des memoires [1694-1715] ... 1115E Memoires complets et authentiques sur le siecle de Louis XIV et la regence, collationnes sur le manuscrit original, par M. Cheruel et precedes d'une notice de Sainte-Beuve, 13 torn. rel. en 7 v. 1108-14E Sainte-Aulaire (Louis-Clair de Beaupoil, comte de), Histoire de la Fronde, 2 vol. rel. ens 536E Les derniers Valois, les Guise et Henri IV. 1854 1105E Sainte-Beuve (C. A,), Causeries du lundi, 16 vol 871 -861 Derniers portraits litteraires. 1854 867I [179] SAI BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES SAN Sainte-Beuve (C. A.), Nouveaux lundis, 13 vol. 1879 887-99I Portraits de femmes. 1856 1116E Portraits litteraires, 2 vol. 1855 865-6I Premiers lundis, 3 vol. 1875 868-70I Voir aussi Beaumarchais : Theatre, — Chateaubriand : Les quatre Stuarts, — — Lamennais : Paroles d'un croyant, — Poetes francais, — Rousseau, J. J.,ses amis et ses ennemis, — Saint-Simon : Mdmoires, — etc. Sainte guerre, La, par Bunyan. 1842 1881G Sainte-Helene, Memorial de, par Las Cases, 8 vol. 1823 359-66E Souvenirs de l'empereur Napoleon Ier a, par Las Cases. 1854... 968E Sainte-Preuve (B.), Notions de physique et de chimie applicables aux usages de la vie. 1856 390L Sainte-Therese, CEuvres de. 1839 183C Sainte- Vierge, La solide et veritable devotion envers la, par Pallu. 1820G Saintes (A. E. de), Delassemens de ma fille. 1834 900I Saintfoix (De), Essais historiques sur Paris, 2 vol. 1765 1881-2E Saintine (X. B.). Voir Romans. Saintonge. [Quatrefages : Souvenirs d'un naturaliste] 368-9L Saints, Le repos eternel des, par Baxter. 1822 1592G Saintsbury (G.), French lyrics selected and annotated. 1883 377I Saisset (E.), Essai de philosophic religieuse, [Magasin de librairie].. 241 C L'ame et la vie, etude sur la renaissance de l'animisme, suivie d'un examen critique de 1'esthetique francaise. 1864 1862G — Voir aussi Euler, — etc. Salicis (G.) et Jost (G.), De l'enseignement manuel et professionnel en Allemagne et dans les pays du Nord. 1887 1 32L Salles d'asile, Manuel des, par Cochin. 1845 943 L Salvandy (N. A. de), Histoire de Jean Sobieski et de la Pologne. 1117E Seize mois ou la revolution et les revolutionnaires : Paris, Juillet 1830, — Lyon, Novembre 1831 1291G Salverte (E.), Essai historique et philosophique sur les noms d'hommes, de peuples et de lieux, considered principalement dans leurs rapports avec la civilisation, 2 vol. 1824 122-3I Samedis, Nouveaux, par Pontmartin, 2 vol. 1880 765-6I Samos, Histoire de, [Histoire universale] 213E Sand (G.), Correspondance [1812-1876], 6 vol. 1882 1122-7E Histoire de ma vie, 4 vol. 1879 1118-21E Voir aussi Flaubert : Lettres a George Sand, — Romans, — etc. Sand (M.), Six mille lieues a toute vapeur. 1863 342G Sandeau (J.). Voir Augier et Sandeau, — Romans, — etc. Sandras (Mme M.). Voir Romans. Sandwich, lies. Voir Davin : 50,000 milles dans l'Ocean Pacifique,— Hawai,— Varigny,— etc. Sannois (Ctesse de). Voir Romans. Sanson (A. ), Les principaux faits de la chimie 73&L Notions usuelles de medecine veterinaire. 1876 39^L Traite de zootechnie ou economie du betail, 5 vol. 1874-8 391-5L Sanson (pere et fils), Description de tout l'univers, en plusieurs cartes, et en divers traites de geographie et d'histoire. 1700 71C Sante, Conseils pratiques de, et premiers secours a donner en cas d'accident avant l'arrivee du medecin. 1867 690L des enfants, La, par Mme de Segur. 1881 1272L La religion de la, par Mme Dr Blackwell. 1872 605L Le travail, son influence sur la, par Bouchardat. 1863 911L [180] SAN SECTION FRANCAISE SCH Sante, Les ennemis de la, par Riant I132L Voiraussi Hygiene, — Mgde'cine, — etc. Sardaigne, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 283-4E Sardou. — Abrege de geographie commerciale et industrielle, avec un tableau des monnaies, poids et mesures de tous les pays. mG Sargent (G.), Recits tires de l'histoire d'Angleterre, 2 vol. 1877 ... 537-8E Satire en France au moyen-age, La, par Lenient. 1877 606I La, au XVIme siecle, par Lenient, 2 vol. 1877 607-8I Menippee de la vertu du' Catholicon d'Espagne et de la tenue des Estats de Paris, avec commentaires et notice de Charles Labitte. 1848 901I Saucerotte (Dr), Petite agriculture des ecoles. 1861 739 et 740L histoire naturelle des ecoles. 1866 74 X L Saurin (J.), Sermons choisis, annotations de Ch. Weiss. 1854 I 37 I G sur divers textes de l'Ecriture sainte, 10 vol. 1776-80 1350-9G Saussure (H. B. de), Voyages dans les Alpes, precedes d'unessai sur l'histoire naturelle des environs de Geneve, 2 vol. 1779-1786. 55-6C Sauzay (A.), La verrerie depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. 1868 2128I Savant du foyer, Le, par Figuier. 1867 517C Savants de l'antiquite, Vies des, par Figuier, 2 vol. 1873 846-7E illustres, Vies des, par Figuier, 4 vol. 1870 : Savants du moyen-age 523C Savants de la Renaissance 524C Savants du XVIIme siecle 525C Savants du XVIIIme siecle 526C Savary (N.), Le Coran, traduit de l'arabe, accompagne de notes, et precede d'un abrege de la vie de Mahomet, 2 vol. 1786 ... 1863-4G Lettres sur l'Egypte, ou Ton offre le parallele des mceurs anciennes et modernes de ses habitants, ou Ton decrit l'etat, le com- merce, l'agriculture, le gouvernement, l'ancienne religion du pays et la descente de St-Louis a Damiette, tiree de Joinville et des auteurs arabes, avec des cartes geographiques, 3 vol. 1786 112-14G Savoie, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 283-4E Memoires pour servir a l'histoire du prince Eugene de, par d'Artanville, 2 vol. 1710 721-2E Savoir-faire, Le, et le savoir-vivre dans les diverses circonstances de la vie, par Juranville 304L Savonarole (Jerome), par Perrens. 1856 1043E Saxe, Relation circonstanciee de la campagne de, en 1813, par Ode- leben, 2 vol. 1817 17-18E Say (L.), Turgor. 1887 '.. I123I Scaliger (J.), Scaligerana, ou bons mots, rencontres agreables et remarques judicieuses et S9avantes, avec des notes Le Fevre et de Colomies. 1695 902I Scander-Beg (Georges), Histoire de, par Paganel. 1855 1028E Scarron (P.). Voir Romans. Scenes du bord et de la terre ferme, par Hall. 1858 247G et recits des guerres de l'lndependance, [Grece moderne], par Yemeniz. 1869 1211E Schseffer (A.), Les Huguenots du XVIme siecle. 1870 1372G Schefer (G.), Methode de coupe et d'assemblage pour robes de femmes et vetements d'enfants. 1887 1310L [181] SCH BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES SEO Schefer (G.) et Amis (S.), Travaux manuels et economie domes- tique a l'usage des jeunes fllles. 1887 1309L Schelling (F. W. J. von), [Mignet: Eloges historiques] 1012E Scherer (E.). Voir Bersot. Schiller (J. C. F.), Histoire de la guerre de Trente ans. 1848 903I Theatre, trad. X. Marmier, 2 vol. 1840 904-5I Voir aussi Goethe et Schiller, — etc. Schirach (A. G. ), Histoire naturelle de la reine des abeilles, avec l'art de former des essaims. 1771 133L Schleiermacher (F. D. E.). Voir Bonifas. Schmid (Le chanoine J. C. ). Voir Romans. Schmidt (M. I.), Histoire des Allemands jusqu'en 1597, 8 vol 539-46E Schmitz (E.), Jullien (C. E.) et Lorentz (E.), Nouveau manuel complet de l'ingenieur civil ou traite sur l'application directe des sciences aux arts et manufactures, 2 vol. 1845 74 2 "3L Schnitzler (J. H.), Statistique generale methodique et complete de la France, comparee aux autres grandes puissances de TEurope, 4 vol. 1846 115-8G Schubert (G. H. de). Voir Romans. Schulz (J. L.), Histoire romaine, [Histoire universelle] 205E Sclrweinfurth (G.), Au cceur de l'Afrique [1868-71] 343G Schwerz. — Manuel de l'agriculteur commencant 397L SCIENCE, Causeries sur la, par Tissandier. 1880 1820L de l'invisible, La, par Leveque. 1865 1780G du bonhomme Richard, La, par Franklin. 1872 H5 2 L et philosophic, par Berthelot. 1886 1 58L La clef de la, par Brewer. 1858 192L Les geniesde la, et de l'industrie, par Gastineau 1418L Sciences, Premieres notions sur les, par Huxley 1434^ Scott (T.), La force de la verite, ou recit authentique de la conversion de Thomas Scott. 1818... I373& Scott (W.). Voir Romans. Scribe (E.). Voir Romans. Scudo (P.), Le chevalier Sarti, histoire musicale. 1857 906I Sculpteurs, peintres, musiciens, du XVIIIme siecle, par Houssaye. 288L Sculpture, Les merveilles de la, par Viardot. 1869 2148I Voir aussi Arts, — Beaux-Arts, — Boutard : Dictionnaire des arts du dessin, — Chesneau : Les nations rivales dans l'art, - Gerdy : Anatomie des formes, — Instruction pour le peuple_, — Lubke : Precis de l'histoire des beaux-arts, — Peintres et statuaires romantiques, — Viollet-Le- Duc, — etc. Scythes, Histoire des, par Bergmann. 1858 324C « [Histoire universelle] 209E Second (A.). Voir Romans. SECOND EMPIRE FRANCAIS [1851-1870]. — Ouvrages sur le : Second Empire, Histoire anecdotique du, par un ancien fonc- tionnaire. i88"7 695E Histoire du, par Delord [1848-70], 6 vol 142-7E d'un crime [1851], par Hugo, 2 vol. 1877 916-7E Memoires sur le, par Maupas. 1884 404E par Beaumont- Vassy, [Histoire de mon temps], 2 vol 5^-59^ Voir aussi Cluseret : Memoires, — Darimon : Histoire d'un parti, — France, — Guerre franco-allemande, — Hugo : Napoleon le Petit, — Napoldon III, — V^ron : Nouveaux mdmoires d'un bourgeois de Paris, — etc. [182] SEC SECTION FRANCALSE SEP Seconde reponse a monsieur de Condom, ou Ton refute l'avertisse- ment et les pieces qu'il a fait mettre a la tete de la nouvelle edition de son Traite de la doctrine de FEglise catholique *567G Secours a donner aux personnes empoisonnees et asphyxiees, par Orfila. 1830 348L mutuels, Les societes de, par Berdalle de Lapommeraye 1130L [Laurent : Le pauperisme et les associations de pre- voyance] 969L Secret des grains de sable, Le, ou geometrie de la nature, par Mme Pape-Carpentier 349E Secrets de la plage, Les, par Pizzetta. 1868 360 et 361L Secretaire de la'Cour, Le nouveau, 2 vol. 1 774 907-8I Secretan (C), La philosophic de la liberte. 1872 1374G Le principe de la morale. 1883 I 375G' Secretan (I.). VoirV'met. Sectes religieuses, Histoire des, par Gregoire, 6 vol. 1828 1168-73G Sedillot (L. A.), Histoire des Arabes. 1854 1128E Segond (L.), La sainte Bible, qui comprend l'Ancien et le Nouveau- Testament, traduits sur les textes originaux hebreu et grec. 1865G Seglir (Cte P. P. de), Abrege de l'histoire universelle, ancienne et moderne, a l'usage de la jeunesse, 47 vol. 1833 : Histoire ancienne, 9 vol 1834-92E Histoire romaine, 7 vol 1893-9E Histoire du Bas-Empire, 9 vol 1900-8E Histoire de France jusqu'a la mort de Louis XI, 22 vol 1909-30E Histoire de Napoleon et de la grande armee pendant l'annee 1812,2 vol. 1852 547-8E Memoires ou souvenirs et anecdotes, 3 vol. 1824 549-51E Pensees, maximes, reflexions extraites de ses ouvrages. 1823 ... 1547I Segur (Ctesse E. de, nee S. Rostopchine), La sante des enfants. 1881. 1272L -■ Voir aussi Romans. Segur (Vte A. J. P. de), Les femmes, leur condition et leur influence dans l'ordre social, chez les differents peuples anciens et modernes, suivi de la condition des femmes sous l'Empire et depuis la Restauration, par S. R., 4 vol. 1828 1268-71L Sejour chez le grand-cherif de la Mekke, par Didier. 1857 217G Seignette (A.), Cours elementaire de geologic 1887 443L Seize mille lieues a travers l'Asie et l'Oceanie [1858-61], par Russell, 2 vol 340-1G mois ou la revolution et les revolutionnaires, par Sal vandy. 1831. 1291G Sel, Histoire d'un grain de, par Villain. 1869 404L Seleucide, Histoire de la, [Histoire universelle] 215E Semeur, Le, journal religieux, politique, philosophique et litteraire. Tome Ier, 1832-33 ; tome II, 1834-35. 2 vol 181-2C Senegal. [Hue et Haurigot : Nos grandes colonies] 406-7G Seneque (L. A.), (Euvres completes, 2 vol. 1879 909-10I morales et meslees c T e Senecque, traduites du latin en fran^is, par Simon Goulard, Senlisien, 3 vol. rel. ens. 1606 911I Sens, Les cinq, par Mme Demoulin. 1881 1803L Sentiers des siecles passes, Les, lectures tirees d'anciens sermon- naires francais. 1861 I 558G Sentiments d'une ame touchee de Dieu, par Massillon, 2 vol. 1776. 1256-7G Sept merveilles du monde, par Auge. 1878 2001I Septennat, Les hommes du, par Grenville-Murray. 1876 878E [183] SER BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES SER SERCQ. - Ouvrages sur Pile de : Voir Boland : lies anglaises de la Manche, — Frdmine : Les Francais dans les iles de la Manche, — Guernesey, — Ilesde la Manche, — Pegot- Ogier : Histoire des iles de la Manche, — Pitts : Sermon on the Mount, — Vacquerie : Miettes de l'histoire, — etc. Seriziat (Dr), Histoire des coleopteres de France, precedee d'une introduction a l'etude de 1'entomologie, par Ch. Naudin 398L SERMONS : Sermons 1020G choisis, par Le Cointe. 1783 1216G Saurin. 1854 1371G Wesley, 2 vol. 1835 1407-8G Choix de, par Spurgeon, 2 vol. 1861-6 1380-1G et homelies, par Coquerel fils. 1858 II03G Dhombres. 1867 1114G morceaux choisis, par Massillon. 1845..... 1242G panegyriques, par Abbadie. 1760 1001G homelies, discours familiers et prieres, par Cellerier. 1845... 1089G Nouveaux, par Basnage. 1 720 141 iG Durand, 2 vol. 1809 II43-4G par Amyraut. 1653 1003G Audebez. 1837 1036G . — Basnage, 2 vol. 1709 1409-10G Bersier, 5 vol. 1870-81 1037-41G Bertheau. 1730 I4I2G Bossuet, 2 vol J 53'4C 3 vol. 1844 1419-21G Boullier, 4 vol. 1803 1052-5G I74 8 1056G . — Brydayne, 7 vol. 1861 1080-6G - — Chaufepie, 3 vol. 1787 1091-3G Clarion, 2 vol. 1805 1094-5G Claude. 1724 1096G Coquerel. 1856 I102G Courtonne. 1777 1105G Du Bosc, 4 vol. 1692-1716 1126-9G Dumont. 1750 H33G Du Moulin H34G Formey. 1772 H47G Gilbert, 3 vol. 1804-6 1163-5G 2 vol 1161-2G Guicherit. 1797 H74& Guiot, 3 vol. 1779 1178-80G Huet, 3vol. 1732 1197-9G La Douespe. 1752 1210G Martin. 1708 •• , 1238G Massillon, 9 vol. 1776 1244-52G Monod, 3 vol. 1859-60 1279-81G X 86 4 1285G Mouchon, 2 vol. 1798 1298-9G Nardin. 1833 1300-3 et 1304- 5G .- Rau, 3 vol. 1809-11 I33I-3G Romilly, 2 vol. 1788 I344'5 et 1346-7G [184] SER SECTION FRANCAISE SIA SERMONS -.—{suite.) Sermons par Saurin, 10 vol. 1776-80 1350-9G Superville. 1700 1385G Tillotson, 7 vol. 1722-43 1387-93G sur l'epitre de Saint-Paul aux Ephesiens,par Du Bosc, 3 vol. 1130-2G deuxieme de Saint-Paul a. Timothee. 1660 7 1108G les chap. 9, 10 et 11 de l'epitre de St-Paul aux Romains, 3 yoL 1735-41 ; 1012-14G l'histoire de la mort et passion de N. S. Jesus-Christ 1006G resurrection de Jesus-Christ, par de Beze. 1593. 1046G Trois, sous Louis XV, 3 vol. par Bungener. 1875-6 : I. — Un sermon a la Cour 1620G II. — Un sermon a la ville 1621G III. — Un sermon au de\sert 1622G Vingt, par Daille. 1653 II07G Voir aiissi Conferences, — Discours, — Eloquence, — Homilies, — Orai- sons funebres, — et Bonnet, — Bourdaloue, — Brock, — Caillot, — De l'Angle, — Diodati, — Doddridge, — Drelincourt, — Durand, Fleshier, — Lacordaire, — La P***, — Martin, — Mestrezat, — Panchaud, — Philosophie chr^tienne, — Pictet, — R£veil religieux. — Rochat, — etc. Serre (Le comte de), par Mazade. 1879 1219E Serret (E. ), Clemence Oge, [Magasin de librairie] 243C Serviteurs de l'estomac, Les, par Mace 323L Servitudes reelles, Traite des, par Lalaure. 1827 965L Traite des, par Pardessus. 1823 1012L Sevigne (Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de), Lettres a sa fille et a ses amis, 12 vol. 1811 1548-59I Lettres choisies, 4 vol. rel. en 2. 1836 1560-1I Recueil de lettres a Madame la comtesse de Grignan, sa fille, 10 vol. 1784 912-21I par Boissier. 1 887 235I Voir aussi Morceaux choisis, — etc. Shaftesbury (Cte de), CEuvres, contenant ses Caracteristiks, ses • Lettres et autres ouvrages, 3 vol. 1769 1376-8G Shahs de Perse, Les, [Histoire universelle] 250E Shakspere (W.), Chefs-d'ceuvre, 3 vol. 1864 922-4I CEuvres completes, trad. Francois- Victor Hugo, 18 vol. 1859-66 : Tome I. — Les deux Hamlet. 80I Tome II. — Feeries 81I Tome III. — Les tyrans 82I TomesIVetV. — Lesjaloux.. 83-4I Tome VI. — Les comedies de 1'amour 85I Tome VII. — Les amants tra- giques 861 Tome VIII. — Les amis 87I Tome IX. — La famille 881 Tome X. — La societd 89I Tomes XI a. XIII. — La patrie. 90-2I Tome XIV. — Les farces 93I Tome XV. — Sonnets, — Poemes, Testament 94I Tomes XVI a XVIII. - Les apocryphes 95-7I CEuvres completes, trad. Laroche, 2 vol. rel. ens 264C Sonnets, trad. F. V. Hugo. 1857 925I et son temps, par Guizot. 1858 414I par Victor Hugo. 1864 98I Les contemporains de, par Mezieres 241 C Sherwood (Mrs. M. M.). Voir Romans. Si am, Voyage a, par Forbin. 1853 294G Voyage dans le royaume de, en Cambodge, en Laos et autres parties de l'lndo-Chine, par Mouhot. 1868 314G Voir aussi Voyages, Histoire generate des, — etc. El8S] SIB BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES SMI Siberie, La, par Lanoye. 1865 282G Voir anssi Cotteau, — Kotzebue : Annee la plus memorable, — Meignan, — Russell, — Voyages, Histoire g£n£rale des, — etc. Sicile, Histoire de la, [Histoire universelle] 212 et 295E Voir aussi Quatrefages : Souvenirs d'un naturaliste, — etc. Siege de Paris. Voir Paris. Siegfried (J.), La misere, son histoire, ses causes, ses remedes. 1877. 1026 et 1027L Sienne, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 294E Sierra-Nevada de Sainte-Marthe, Voyage a la, par Reclus. 1881. 336G Signes du temps et travaux des jours, par des Vaulx 220L Simon (C. G.), Examen de la condition politique et sociale de la Grande-Bretagne, 2 vol. 1846 .1273-4L Simon (G.). [Conferences faites a la gare Saint-Jean, a Bordeaux] ... 1127L Simon (J.), L'ecole. 1865 1276L Le devoir. 1863 1275L L'ouvrier de huit ans. 1867 .' , 1277L Victor Cousin. 1887 926I Simonin (A. H.), Histoire de la psychologic 1879 1866G Simonin (L.), Lahouilleetleshouilleurs, [Entretiens populaires]. 399et4iaL La Toscane et la mer tyrrhenienne, etudes et explorations. 1868. 345G. Le mineur de Califomie 1131L Le monde americain, souvenirs de mes voyages aux Etats- Unis. 1877 346G Les cites ouvrieres de mineurs 11 29L merveilles du monde souterrain. 1868 2130I - — pays lointains (Californie, Maurice, Aden, Madagascar). 1867. 344G L'or et l'argent. 1S77 2132I Une excursion chez les Peaux-Rouges. 1868 57C Simons et de Ridder. — Le chemin de fer beige, ou recueil des memoires et devis pour l'etablissement d'un chemin de fer d'Anvers et Ostencfe a Cologne, avec embranchement de Bruxelles et de Gand a la frontiere de France. 1839 128L Simples explications de quelques expressions figurees de TEcriture, adressees a la jeunesse. 1861 J 579G Singulier petit homme, Un 5 par Austin 239C Sismondi (J. C. L. Sismonde de), De la litterature du midi de l'Europe, 4 vol. 1819 927-30I Histoire de la chute de l'Empire romain et du declin de la civili- sation [250-1000], 2 vol. 1835 55 2 "3E des Francais, 18 tomes rel. en. 9 vol. 1846 570-8E republiques italiennes du moyen-age, 16 vol. 1809 554-69E Six mille 1 ieues a toute vapeur , par Sand. 1 863 34 2 G mois au Mont-Valerien, par Moussoir [1870-71]. 1886 1023E Skinner. — Voyages en Asie de, [iMontemont] S5G Slaves occidentaux, Les 21 E Smee (A.), Nouveau manuel complet de galvanoplastie ou elements d'electro-metallurgie, 2 vol. 1854 744-5L Smiles (S.), George Moore ou un heros de la philanthropic. 1880... 1131E La vie des Stephenson, comprenant l'histoire des chemins de fer et de la locomotive. 1868 1129 et 1130E Les Huguenots, leurs colonies, leurs industries, leurs eglises en Angleterre et en Irlande. 1870 I379& Voyage d\in jeune gar^n autour du monde. 1881 348G- [186] SOB SECTION FRANCAISE SOU Sobieski (Jean), Histoire de, et de la Pologne, par Salvandy. 1844. 1117E Societe au XHIme siecle, La, par Lecoy de la Marche. 1880 97 iL de Berlin, La, par Vasili. 1884 643E Londres, La, par Vasili. 1885 677E Paris, La, par Vasili, 2 vol. 1888 416-17C Rome, La, par Vasili. 1887 451C Vienne, La, par Vasili. 1885 45 2 C Des devoirs respectifs des classes de la, par Sumner 1311L francaise au moyen-age, Histoire de la, par Rosieres [987-1483], 2 vol. 1882 532-3E pendant la Revolution, Histoire de la, par Goncourt. 1864... 875E Societe guernesiaise. — [Boland : Institutions de langue fran- caise a Guernesey] 1481L Societes cooperatives de consommation, Des, par Duval 1130L production, Les, par Duval 1130L Socrate, La vie et la mort de, par Xenophon et Platon. 1853 1088I Soenr Dora, par Lonsdale. 1882 989E Soirees de Sainte-Adresse, Les, par Karr. 1853 515I litteraires, Les, par Coupe, 9 vol. 1795-9 52-60I Soixante ans de souvenirs, par Legouve, 4 vol. 1888 1129-32I Sol, Chimie du, par Sacc 388L Le, roches et minerais, par Delon. 1880 692L Soleil, Histoire d'un rayon de, par Papillon. 1869 35iL Le, par Guillemin. 1876 453L Sollohoub (Cte V.). Voir Romans/ Son, Le, etla musique, par Blaserna. 1879 13L par Guillemin. 1878 273L Sonnets Chretiens, par Drelincourt. 1714 i407eti4o8I 1795 3 2 5 et 326I de Shakespeare. 1857 925I Sonnini (C. S.), Voyage dans la Haute et Basse-Egypte fait par ordre de l'ancien gouvernement, 3 vol. et une collection de planches gravees par Tardieu. 1799 119-21G et 58C et Latreille (P. A.), Histoire naturelle des reptiles, 4 vol. 1802. 650- 3L Sonrel (L.), Le fond de la mer. 1870 2133I Sopnocle. — Tragedies, notice de Ed. Tournier. 1879 93 xI par Patin. 1858 734I Sorcellerie, La, par Louandre. 1853 1781G Voir aussi Pitts : Witchcraft in the Channel Islands, — etc. Sorciere, La, par Mich elet i795Get 1227L Sorel (Agnes). Voir Agnes Sorel. Sorel (Albert), Montesquieu. 1887 932I Soudan occidental, Voyage dans le, par Mage 297G Soulatg*es (J. A.), Style universel de toutes les cours et jurisdictions du royaume, concernant les saisies et executions tant des meubles que des immeubles. 1784 1278L Souliers de mon voisin, Les, par Villers 223C Soillie (F.). Voir Romans. Soulouque (Faustin), L'empereur et son empire, par d'Alaux. ... 708 et 709E Soutzo (A.), Histoire de la revolution grecque. 1829 579E SOUVENIRS contemporains d'histoire et de litterature, par Ville- main, 2 vol. 1856 980-1I — — de Frances R. Havergal. 1883 904E l'empereur Napoleon Ier a Sainte-Helene, par Las Cases. 968E [187] SOU BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES STA SOUVENIRS de ma jeunesse au temps de la Restauration, par Carne. 797E d'enfance et de jeunesse, par Renan. 1883 8241 de quarante ans, par Lesseps, 2 vol. 1887 414-15C voyages, par Mengin. 1841 48G d'un chef de bureau arabe, par Hugonnet. 1858 471I jeune pasteur allemand [1826-56], par Beyschlag 1606G naturaliste, par Quatrefages, 2 vol. 1854 368-9L vieux critique, par Pontmartin. 1883 767I voyage dans la Tartarie, le Thibet et la Chine [1844-46], par Hue, 2 vol 258-9G et correspondance de Mme Recamier, 2 vol. i860 489-90E portraits, par Lamartine, 3 vol. 1871-2 599-601I litteraires, par Du Camp, 2 vol. 1882 62-3I militaires de 1804 a 1814, par Fezensac. 1869 S45E Voir aussi Memoires, — etc. Souvestre (E.). Voir Romans. Spallanzani (L'abbe L.), Nouvelles recherches sur les decouvertes microscopiques et la generation des corps organises, avec notes de M. de Needham, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1769 134L Sparrman (A.), Voyage au Cap de Bonne- Esperance et autour du monde avec le capitaine Cook, et principalement dans le pays des Hottentots et des Cafres, ill. 3 vol 122-4G Speke (Capitaine J. H.), Les sources du Nil, journal de voyage. 1865. 59C et Grant (J. A.), Les sources du Nil. 1867 349G Spencer (H.), De l'education .* 1432L Spener et son epoque, par Hossbach. 1847 1196G Spiritisme, Les tables tournantes, par Gasparin. 1888 427L Spitzberg, Du, au Sahara, par Martins 47G — Voyage d'une femme au, par Aunet. 1854 !55G ' — Voir aussi Marmier, — etc. Splittgerber (F.). Fw> Romans. Spurgeon (C. H.), Choix de sermons, 2 vol. 1861-6 1380-lG StaeT-Holstein (La baronne A. L. G. de), Considerations sur les principaux evenements de la revolution francaise, 3 vol. 1819. 580-2E Corinne ou lTtalie, 3 vol. 1809 933'5l De l'Allemagne. 1879 1132E Lettres et pensees du marechal prince de Ligne. 1809 37 1 E CEuvres completes publiees par son fils, precedees d'une notice sur le caractere et les ecrits de Mme de Stael, par Mme Necker de Saussure, 17 vol. 1820 : Tome I. — Notice et lettres sur Rousseau 124I Tome II. — Melanges 125I Tome III. — De l'influence des passions 126I Tome IV. — De la litterature 127I Tomes V a VII. — Delphine 123-30I Tomes VIII et IX. — Corinne ou l'ltalie 131-2I Tomes X et XL — De l'Allemagne 133-4I Tomes XII a XIV. — Considerations sur les principaux evenements de la revolution frangaise 135-7I Tome XV. — Dix annees d'exil 138I Tome XVI. — Essais dramatiques 139I Tome XVII. — Vie privee de M. Necker ; Melanges 140I Voir aussi Romans. Stahl (P. J.), De Dorlisheim a. l'lnstitut, [Magasin d'education] 225C Entre deux cousins, [Magasin d'education] 228C [188] STA SECTION FRANCHISE STU Stahl (P. J.), Histoire d'un ane et de deux jeunes filles, [Magasin d'education] 223C La premiere cause de l'avocat Juliette, [Magasin d'education] ... 237C Les quatre filles du docteur Marsch, [Magasin d'education] 235C Maroussia, [Magasin d'education] 231C Morale familiere, contes, recits, souvenirs et conseils d'un pere a ses enfan ts 1 279L et Hughes (W.)j Histoire de la famille Chester et de deux petits orphelins, [Magasin d'education] 22 1 C Lermont. — Jack et Jane, [Magasin d'education] 239C Voir aussi Romans. Stanley (H. M.), A travers le continent mysterieux, decouverte des sources meridionales du Nil, circumnavigation du lac Victoria et du lac Tanganika, descente du fleuve Livingstone ou Congo jusqu'a l'Allantique, 2 vol. ill. 1879 60-lC Comment j'ai retrouve Livingstone. 1880 35 J G 1 La vie et les voyages de D. Livingstone 35 2 G Stapfer (P.), Causeries guernesiaises. 1869 163I Etudes sur la litterature fran9aise moderne et contemporaine. 1881. 936I Goethe et ses deux chefs-d'oeuvre classiques. 1881 1124I • Laurence Sterne, sa personne et ses ouvrages. 1870 583E Stapfer (P. A.), Melanges philosophiques, litteraires, historiques et religieux, 2 vol. 1844 1382-3G Stapleaux (L.). Voir Romans. Statique chimique des animaux, par Barral. 1850 169L Statistique, Annuaire de l'economie politique et de la, par Block. 1113L statistique de la France 60 iC humaine de la France, La, par Bertillon 1431L Voir aussi Bravarcl, — Charpillon : Gisors, — Guibert, — Schnitzler, — etc. Steele (Le Chevalier R.), Bibliotheque des dames, contenant cles regies generates pour leur conduite dans toutes les circonstances de la vie, 3 vol. 1727 1280-2L Stendhal (Henry Beyle, dit), Rome, Naples et Florence. 1854 353G Voir aussi Romans. Stephens (A. S). Voir Romans. Stephenson (Georges) et la naissance des chemins de fer, par Passy. 1030E Voir aussi Jonveaux : Histoire de quatre ouvriers anglais, — etc. Stephenson (Georges et Robert), La vie des, par Smiles 1129 et 1130E Stephenson (Robert), par Janin. 1861 919E Sterne (Laurence), sa personne et ses ouvrages, par Stapfer. 1870... 583E Voir aussi Romans. Stolz (Mme de). Voir Romans. StOUghton (J.), Martin Luther, sa vie, ses voyages, ses diverses residences. 1879 380C Streckeisen-Monlton (G.). [Rousseau (J. J.), ses amis et ses ennemis] 1 20- 1 1 Stretton (H.). Voir Romans. Stuarts, Histoire du retablissement des, par Guizot, 2 vol. 1856 ... 328-9E Restauration des, par Price 1 1 1 E La duchesse de Portsmouth et la cour galante des, par Capefigue. 787E Les quatre, par Chateaubriand. 1872 261 et 262I Sturm (C. C. ), Considerations sur les oeuvres de Dieu, clans le regne de la nature et de la Providence, 2 vol. 1798 1867-8G Sturt (Capt. C), Voyages en Oceanie de, [Mentemont] 92G [189] SUB BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES SZA Substances alimentaires, Des, et des moyens de les* ameliorer, de les conserver et d'en reconnaitre les alterations, par Payen. 353 L Sud-Amerique, par d'Ursel. 1880 366G Sue (E.). Voir Romans. SUEDE. — Ouvrages sur la : Suede, Histoire de la, par Robinet. 1847 1084E des Etats scandinaves, par Geffroy. 1851 859E revolutions de, par Vertot. 1695 1197E 1819 655E [Histoire universelle] 304-5E Vie de Gustave-Adolphe, par Abelous. 1858... 701, 702, 703 et 704E Voir aussi Boucher de Perthes, — Eddas, — L£ouzon Le Due : La Baltique, — Marmier, — Voltaire : Charles XII, — etc. Suede (Christine de), par Boiteau 240C Sueves, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] ; 233E Suez, Le canal de, par Desplaces. 1858 814E —Voir aussi Lesseps : Souvenirs de quarante ans, — etc. Suicide, Du, et de la folie suicide, par Brierre de Boismont. 1865... 447L SUISSE. — Ouvrages sur la, et les Helvetes : Suisse contemporaine, La, par Dixon. 1872 817E et 218G et Tyrol, Manuel du voyageur en 338G Femmes de la Reformation en, par Anderson 710 et 713E Histoire de la, par Zschokke et Favrat. i860 1217 et 1218E [Histoire universelle] 296-7E Hommes eminents en savoir et en sentiment religieux de, par Goguel. 1865 872E ■ Manuel du voyageur en 227G Voir aussi Bande du Jura, — Beecher-Stowe : Souvenirs heureux, — Berlepsch, — Berthoud, — Dumas : Impressions de voyage, — Glaciers, — Jura, — Lac, — Lac des quatre cantons, — Quinet : M^moires d'exil, — Rambert, — Saussure, — Tschudi, — Ulbach : La Csardas, — etc. Sully (Maximilien de Bethune, due de), Memoires, 7 vol. 1767 1133-9E Sumner (J. B. ), Lecons explicatives et pratiques sur l'Evangile selon Saint-Jean, pour servir au culte de famille. 1837 1384G Sumner (W. G.), Des devoirs respectifs des classes de la societe, trad. J. G. Courcelle-Seneuil 1311L Superville (D. de), Le vrai communiant, ou traite de la Sainte-Cene et des moyens d'y bien participer, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1760 1869G — '■ — Sermons sur divers textes de PEcriture-Sainte. 1 700 1 385G Synonymes de la langue francaise, Dictionnaire universel des, 2 V0I..1405-6I Syracuse, Histoire des tyrans de, [Histoire universelle] 236E Syrie, La, en 1861, condition des chretiens en Orient, par Saint- Marc Girardin. 1862 1107E Syriens, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 204 et 237E Systeme du monde, Exposition du, par Laplace, 2 vol. 1824 97-8L social, par Holbach, 2 vol. 1822 1197-8L solaire, par Lespiault. 1867 708 et 1127L Szajnocha (C.), Fw> Romans. [190] TAB SECTION FRANC AISE TER TABAC, Le, par Riant. 1876 732L Tableau de l'eloquence chretienne au IVrrie siecle, par Villemain ... 1397G Tableaux de la nature, par Humboldt. 1850-51 91L Tables portatives de logarithmes, par Callet. 1 8 1 9 28L tournantes, Les, par Gasparin. 1888 427L Tacite (C. C), CEuvres. 1858 941, 942 et 943I Tahiti et les colonies francaises de la Polynesie, par Le Chartier, ill. 414G Voir atissi Cotteau : En Oc^anie, — Davin : 50,000 milles dans l'Cc£an Pacifique, — Nouvelle Cythere, — etc. Taille des arbres fruitiers, Traite de la, par Hardy. 1858 78L Taine (H.), Histoire de la litterature anglaise, 5 vol. 1866 944-8I Les origines de la France contemporaine : L'ancien regime, 1 vol. — La revolution, 2 vol. Ens. 3 vol. 1880-81 5S5-7E Notes sur l'Angleterre. 1872 355G Notice sur P. Merimee, [Lettres a une inconnue] 107-8I ■ Voyage aux eaux des Pyrenees, ill. 1855 354G Voyage en Italie, 2 vol. 1880-81 : I. — Naples et Rome 356G II. — Florence et Venise 357G Talbert (E.), Les Alpes, etudes et souvenirs. 1880 1817L Talion, Le, par Erckmann-Chatrian 250C Talleyrand (Pee C. M. de), Correspondance inedite avec Louis XVIII, pendant le congres de Vienne, notes de G. Pallain ... 38 iC Talmeyr (M.). Voir Romans. Tapisserie, La, par Miintz 118L Tapisseries, Les, par Castel. 1876 2015I Tardieu-Denesle (Mme), Nouvelle mythologie de la jeunesse, par demandes et par reponses, 2 vol. 1820 1474-5L Tartares, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 247-8 et 254E Voir aussi Tott : M£moires, — Voyages, Histoire gdndrale des, — etc. Tasmanie, [Cotteau: En Oceanie] _ 399G Tasse (Torquato), Jerusalem delivree. 1838 141I trad, du prince Lebrun, notice de Suard 949 et 950I La Jerusalem delivree, suivie de l'Aminte, trad. Desplaces 1125I Vie du, par Lamartine. 1866 956E Tastu (Mme A.), Album poetique des jeunes personnes. 1856 951I Taylor (Lerev. William), Aventures et travaux missionnaires en Cali- fornie [1849-56], par Lelievre 1761G Tegner (I.), Axel; Frithiof; Poesies diverses, trad. Mile du Puget. 952I Teillture des laines en toison, en fil et en tissu, Art de la, par Gon- freville. 1848 •. 72L Telegraphes, Les, par Ternant. 1881 2135I Telegraphie electrique, La, par Bois. 1853 407L Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse, Les aventures de, par Fenelon. 1839 ... 374I Telescope et microscope, par Zurcher et Margolle 1423L Temperance, De la, et de l'ivrognerie, par Channing 1124L Voir aussi Alcoolisme, — Eau-de-vie, — Intemperance, — etc. Tempetes, Lois des, guide du navigateur, par Piddington. 1849 ••• 97G Templar (P.), Simples lecons d'economie sociale, trad. E. A. de l'Etang. 1867 1283 et 1284L Temples, Dissertations sur les, par Tictet. 1716 1318G Tenot (E.), Campagnes des armees de l'Empire en 1870 1140E Ternant (A. L.), Les telegraphes. 1881 2135I Terquem (O.), Nouveau manuel complet de mecanique. 1851 747L [191] TER BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES THE TERRE avant le deluge, La, par Figuier. 1866 519C Histoire de la, par Saffray. 1 880 735L La, et le recit biblique de la creation, par Pozzy. 1874 566C 1878 1670G les mers, par Figuier. 1866 520C l'homme, par Maury. 1861 413L Terre-de-Feu, par Lacroix, [Univers], 1840 634E Terre-Sainte, par Teschendorf. 1868 378G Voyage en, par Bovet. 1870 192G Terres australes, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 32 iE Terreur, Anecdotes du temps de la. 1853 716E Une famille noble sous la, par des Echerolles. 1879 J 49E Voir aussi Revolution fran9ai.se, — etc. Terrien (G.), Commentaires du droit civil, tant public que prive, observe au pays et Duche de Normandie. 1574 116C Tessier (J.), L'amiral Coligny. 1872 588E Testament, Du droit de disposer par, par Royer. 1870 1025L Testas (M. F.). Voir Romans. Teste (L.), L'Espagne contemporaine. 1872 358G Texas, Journal d'un missionnaire au, par Domenech [1846-1852] 23CT Texier (E.), Voyage pittoresque en Hollande et en Belgique, ill. 62C sur les bords du Rhin, ill. 1858 63C Thackeray (W. ). Voir Romans. The, Influences du, sur Feconomie humaine, par Debay. 1864 210L Le, parRiant. 1876 732L THEATRE. — Pieces de, et ouvrages sur le : Theatre a l'usage des jeunes personnes, par Genlis, 4 vol 38°'3l complet, par de Vigny. 1873 969I d'Arnaud, 3 vol. 1770 196-8I de Balzac, 2 vol. i860 208-9I de Beaumarchais 220, 221 et 222I 2 vol ., I5 _I 6I campagne, preface d'Ernest Legouve. 1881 953I M. J. Chenier. 1793 272I P. et T. Corneille, 2 vol. 1879 1097-8I — Casimir Delavigne, 3 vol. 1886 164-6I famille, Petit, par Flesselles. 1823 376I Florian, 3 vol 1419-21I Goethe, trad. Marmier. 1848 403I Jouy, 4vol. 1823 494-71 lafoire, Le, par Le Sage, 4 vol. 1783 620-3I Moliere, 2 vol. 1885 1116-17I Racine. 1885 1120I Rousseau J 536I Schiller, 2 vol. 1840 904-5I societe, par Genlis, 2 vol 384-5I Voltaire, 9 vol 990-8I 1128I francais, par Le Sage. 1783 619 et 624I Le gendre de M. Poirier, par Augier et Sandeau. 1884 1095I L'envers du, par Moynet. 1874 2115I tire de l'Ecriture-Sainte, par Genlis 39 61 [192] TrIE SECTION FRAN£AISE THI THEATRE.— Pieces de, et ouvrages sur le :— {suite.) Theatres, Code des, par Vulpian et Gauthier. 1829 1568I Voir aussi Comedies choisies, — Comedies de Plaute, — Comedies, tragedies et operettes, — Deroulede : La Moabite, et L'hetman, — Destouches, — Dumas, — Eschyle : Tragedies, — Fleury : Memoires, — Hugo, — La Harpe : Chefs-d'oeuvre dramatiques, — Larroumet : La comedie de Moliere, — Legouvd : Soixante ans de souvenirs, — Longfellow : Drames et poesies, — Moliere, — Remusat, — Saint- Marc Girardin : Cours de literature drainatique, et De l'amour con- jugal dans le drame, — Sophocle : Tragedies, — Souvestre, — Stiiel : CEuvres completes, — Voltaire : CEuvres completes, — etc. Tiienard (Baron L. J. ), Traite de chimie elementaire theorique et pratique, suivi d'un essai sur la philosophic chimique et d'un precis sur l'analyse, 2 vol. 1836 569-70C Theodicee, [Leibnitz] 1756-7G Tlieologie chretienne au siecle apostolique, Histoire de la, par Reuss, 2 vol. 1864 1337-8& La, et la science du salut, par Pictet, 3 vol. 1708-21 172-4C naturclle, par Paley. 1818 1312G Voir aussi Bible, — Religion, — etc. Theophile. Les Institutes de Theophile, paraphrase des institutes de Justinien, precedees de la traduction de l'histoire du droit civil romain, de Jacques Godefroy. 1847 1285L Theophraste. Caracteres, [La Bruyere] I470-1I Thedrie atomique, La, par Wurtz. 1880 157L Theories et idees morales dans l'antiquite, Histoire des, par Denis, 2 vol. 1879 1109-10G Therese (Sainte-), CEuvres. 1839 183C Theroulde.— La chanson de Roland 1126I Theuriet (A.), Le chemin des bois, poemes et poesies. 1867 954I Les enchantements de la, foret. 1881 ., 1818L Voir aussi Romans. Thevenin (E.), Entretiens populaires, annee 1865, 2 vol : Tome I. — Burat : De la houille et du fer en France, — Batbie : De l'impot, — Ch. Duveyrier : De la civilisation 410L Tome II. — Passy: De la monnaie et de son role dans le developpement economique des societ^s, — Franck : Des principes du droit naturel et de ses rapports avec la famille, — Martelet : De I'utilite* des dtudes scientifiques pour les ouvriers 41 1 L Entretiens populaires, annee 1866, contenant : Barral : Situation de l'agriculture, — Bouchardat : Du bid au point de vue de l'hygiene, — Babinet : De la periode glaciaire, — Franck : Du droit de tester, — Simonin : La houille et les houilleurs, — Thevenin : Mceurs des Gaulois 399 et 412L Tllibaudeau (A. C), Memoires sur la Convention et le Directoire, 2 vol. 1824 589-90E Thibaut. — Expedition a la recherche des sources du Nil [1839-40], Journal de M. Thibaut, publie par les soins de M. le comte d'Escayrac de Lauture 125G Thierry (Amedee), Histoire des Gaulois depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a l'entiere soumission de la Gaule a la domina- tion romaine, 2 vol. 1858 I165-6E Recits de l'histoire romaine au Vme siecle 3 vol. 1874-6 : Demiers temps de l'empire d'Occident 1162E Saint-Jerome 1 163E Saint-Jean Chrysostome et l'impdratrice Eudoxie 1164E 7 [193] THI BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES TIS Thierry (Aug.), Dix ans d'etudes historiques. 1846 ... 1146, 1156 et 1161E Essai sur l'histoire de la formation et des progres du Tiers-Etat, suivi de deux fragments du recueil des monuments inedits de cette histoire, 2 vol. 1855 1149-50 et 1159-60E - — - Histoire d'Attila et de ses successeurs, 2 vol. 1856 591-2E de la conquete de l'Angleterre par les Normands, 4 vol. 1846. 1141-4 et 1151-4E . Lettres sur l'histoire de France, pour servir d'introduction a cette histoire. 1846 1145 et I155E Recits des temps merovingiens, precedes de considerations sur l'histoire de France, 2 vol. 1851 1147-8 et 1157-8E Voir aussi Carrel : Resume" de l'histoire d'Ecosse, — etc. Thiers (L. A.), De la propriete. 1848 1028L Du droit de propriete. 1848 "37L Histoire de la revolution francaise, 2 vol. 1866 382-3 et 384-5C l'Empire, 4 vol. 1865-7 387-90C du consulat et de l'Empire, 21 vol. 1845-69 593-613E 1865 386C . Etude historique [1830-46], par Laya ; 367E . Voir aussi Bataille : Guerre de 1870-71, — Claretie : Revolution de 1870-71, — Draussin : Portraits historiques, — Pressense' : Etudes contem- poraines, — etc. Thiersch (H. W. J.), Les origines de l'histoire sainte, d'apres la Genese. 1882 . 1386G Thiriat (X.), Journal d'un solitaire et voyage a la Schlucht, par Gerardmer, Longemer et Retournemer. 1883 1167E Voir aussi Romans. Thomas. — Essai sur le caractere, les moeurs et l'esprit des femmes dans les differens siecles. 1823 1286L Thomassy (R.), Le Maroc et ses caravanes, ou relations de la France avec cet empire. 1845 1029L Thompson. — Voyages en Afrique de, [Montemont] 78G Thomson (J.), L'Indo-Chine et la Chine, voyages abreges par H. Vattemare. 1879 1819L ThOTl (J. A. de), Histoire universelle depuis 1543 jusqu'en 1607, tra- duite de l'edition latine de Londres, continuee jusqu'en 1610, par Nicolas Rigault, 16 vol. 1734 391-406C Thoyras (De). Voir Rapin et de Thoyras. Thucydide. Histoire de la guerre du Peloponese. 1878 955I Etude sur, par Girard 242C Thurean-Dangin (P.), Histoire de la monarchic de Juillet, 4 vol. 696-9E Thuringe, Les villes de, par Humbert, ill. 1869 40C Tibet. [Voyages, Histoire generale des] 6-7C Tiers-Etat, Essai sur l'histoire de la formation et des progres du, par Thierry, 2 vol. 1855 1149-50 et 1159-60E Tigny (F. M. G. T. de), Histoire naturelle des insectes, 10 vol 654-63L Tillotson (J.), Sermons sur diverses matieres importantes, 7 vol 1 3^7'93 ( ^ Timkowski. — Voyages en Asie de, [Montemont] 82G Timon (Vte L. M. de Cormenin, dit), Livre des orateurs, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1848 1562I Tinnenhrock (R.), Les environs inconnus de Paris, ill. 1888 425G TiSGhendorfF(C), De la date de nos Evangiles ou reponse a cette question: Quand est-ce que nos Evangiles ont ete composes ? 1394G Terre-Sainte, avec les souvenirs du pelerinage de S. A. I. le grand-due Constantin. 1868 37^G [194] TIS SECTION FRANCAtSE TRA Tissandier (G.), Causeries sur la science. 1880 1820L Histoire de l'air, [Magasin d'education] 220E Lahouille. 1869 2138I L'eau. 1867 2136I Les fossiles. 1875 2140I Les merveilles de la photographic 1874 2142I Tissot (P. F.), Histoire de Napoleon, 2 vol. 1833 614-5E Victoires, conquetes, desastres, revers et guerres civiles des Fran- 9ais, de 1789 a 1815, 12 vol. 1840 616-27E Tissot (V.)j La Russie et les Russes, indiscretions de voyage. 1882. 379^ Voyage au pays des milliards. 1876 359^ Tziganes, [La Hongrie inconnue]. 1880 360G Tite-Live. Histoire romaine, 4 vol. 1877 956-9I Tocqueville (A. de), De la democratic en Amerique, 2 vol. 1836...1168-9E L'ancien regime et la revolution. 1856 628E GEuvres et correspondance inedites, publiees et precedees d'une notice par Gustave de Beaumont, 2 vol. 1861 142-3 et 144-5I Tolerance, Traite sur la, a l'occasion de la mort de Jean Calas. 1763. 1033G Tolstoi (Cte L.). Voir Romans. Tombeaux, Les, d'Hervey, [Young: Nuits] 158-9I par Auge. 1879 2002I Tomlinson (L.), Nouveau manuel complet d'astronomie amusante. 748L Tonquin, Origines de la conquete du, par Jules Gros, ill 388G Topffer (R.), Reflexions et menus propos d'un peintre genevois ou essai sur le beau clans les arts, avec notice biographique d'Albert Aubert. 1853 960I Voir aussi Romans. Toscane, La, et la mer tyrrhenienne, par Simonin. 1868 345^ Tott (Le baron de), Memoires sur les Turcs et les Tartares, 2 vol. 1785. 11 70-1 E Touchard-Lafosse. — La Loire historique, pittoresque et bio- graphique, d'apres les auteurs de l'antiquite et les legendes, chroniques, chartes, etc., ill., 5 vol. 1840 64-8C Touilissoux (L'abbe), Les travers des paysans 1 287L Tour du monde en 120 jours, Le, par Planchut. 1888 422G Le, il y a quatre siecles, par Vast. 1880 1821L Tour du Monde, Le, journal des voyages, publie sous la direction de M. Edouard Charton, [la collection com£lete\ Tourgueneff (I.). Voir Romans. Tourmagne (A.), Histoire de l'esclavage ancien et moderne. 1880. 1030L Toussaint-Lonverture, par Lamartine. 1854 596I Toussenel (A.), L'esprit des betes 571C Tragedies d'Eschyle, Les. 1878 341I ■ de Sophocle. 1879 931I Voir aussi Theatre, — etc. Traite de la paix de Tame, par Du Moulin. 1729 1679 eti68oG des facultes de Fame, par Gamier, 3 vol. 1872 1151-3G Travail et salaires, par Fawcett. 1885 1294L Le, son influence sur la sante, par Bouchardat. 1863 911L Les heros du, par Flammarion 1842E L'histoire du, par Passy. 1872 1236L Travaux a l'aiguille, Manuel de, par Mme Regnard. 1881 375L des champs, Les, par Borie. 1876 184L ■ manuels et economie domestique a l'usage des jeunes filles, par Schefer et Amis. 1887 ; 1309L [195] TEE BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES TUR Trebuchet (L.), Les etapes d'un touriste en France, ill. 1887-88 : La baie de Cancale ; Granville ; Le Mont Saint-Michel 392G Belle-Ile-en-Mer , 393G Trebutien (G. S.), Eugenie de Guerin, journal et fragments publics avec l'assentiment de sa famille. 1865 1172E Lettres d'Eugenie de Guerin, publiees avec l'assentiment de sa famille. 1866 I173E Trench (R. C.), Les paraboles de Notre-Seigneur. 1878 1395^ Trenck (Baron F. de), Vie ecrite par lui-meme, 2 vol. re!, ens. 1788. 1174E Tresor des pauvres, Le, par Leprince de Beaumont. 1826 *77 2 G Tressan (Cte L. E. de). Voir Romans. Trianon, Les derniers jours de, la duchesse Gabrielle de Polignac et les amies de la reine, par Capefigue. 1866 7^5^ Tribunal revolutionnaire de Paris, Histoire du, par Wallon, 6 vol. 663-8E Trieste et Marseille, Transit de l'Orient, par Magnan 21 E Triomphe de l'Eglise sous la Croix, Le, par Drelincourt. 1670 1125G Triqueti (H. de), Exemples et conseils. 1858 629E Les ouvriers selon Dieu et leurs ceuvres, 13 vol. 1868 1175-87E Trognon (A.), Vie de Marie-Amelie, reine des Franeais. 1872 1188E Trois regnes de la nature, Les, par Delille , 1390 et 1395-6I publie sous la direction du Dr Chenu, 3 vol. ill. 573-5C Trollope (A.). Voir Romans. Trollope (Mrs.), Mceurs domestiques des Americains. 1841 361G Voyages en Amerique de, [Montemont] 8SG Voir aussi Romans. Trombes et cyclones, par Zurcher et Margolle. 1876 2159I Tropes, Des, par Du Marsais et Batteux. 1815 329I Tropiques, Sous les, par Dhormoys 401 G Troyens, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 209E Triian (H.), Les grands ecrivains fran9ais, nouvelles lectures com- mentees en frangais et en langues etrangeres, allemand, anglais, etc. 1885 265C Trublet (L'abbe N. C. J.), Essais sur divers sujets de litterature et de morale, 3 vol. 1754 961-3I Tsclmdi (F. de), Les Alpes, description pittoresque de la nature et de la faunc alpestres, ill. 1859 69C Tucker (Miss), Le christianisme sous les tropiques : Abbeokuta, origine et developpement du christianisme et de la civilisation dans l'Afrique centrales 1854 1870G Tuckerinann (H. T.), Eloge du docteur, par Channing 1124L Tunis, Histoire de, [Histoire universelle] 267-9E Voir aussi R^veillaud : Sahara alg^rien et tunisien, — etc. Tupper (M. F.), Philosophic proverbiale [la philosophic en pro- verbes], trad. George Metivier. 1851 1871G Turcaret, par Le Sage. 1853 624I Turck (Dr. L.), Medecine populaire ou premiers soins a donner aux malades et aux blesses en l'absence du medecin 749 et 1412L Turcomans, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 250E Turcs, Histoire des, [Histoire universelle] 246-7E T argot, par Say. 1887 1123I Turin, De, a Chambery, par Covino. 1872 206G Turquie actuelle, La, par Ubicini. 1855 I180E contemporaine, La, par Rolland. 1854 108G [196] TUR SECTION FRANCHISE URU Turquie, Relations diplomatiques de Louis XVI avec la, par Capefigue 796E ■ Voir aussi Ernouf, — Lonlay : A travers la Bulgarie, — Paganel : Scander- berg, — Tott : Mdmoires, — Turcs, — etc. Tycho-Brahe. — [Bertrand : Les fondateurs de l'astronomie moderne]. 180L Tyndall (J.), Chaleur et froid, trad, de l'abbe Moigno. 1868 400L Dans les montagnes 362G Les glaciers et les transformations de l'eau, avec une conference sur le merae sujet, par M. Helmholtz, ill. 1880 135L Tyrol, Le, par Leclercq. 1880 289G Voir aussi Richard, — etc. Tytler (P. F.). Voir Maries. U> BICINI (A.), La Turquie actuelle. 1855 1189E Ujfalvy -Bourdon (Mme de), Voyage d'une Parisienne dans l'Himalaya occidental, ill. 1887 363G Ulbaoll (L.), La Csardas, notes et impressions d'un Fran9ais en Autriche, en Hongrie, en Roumanie, en Angleterre, en Italie, en Suisse, en Belgique, en Hollande et en France. 1SS8 ... 426G Monsieur et Madame Fernel, [Magasin de librairie] 246C Voir aussi Romans. Ulliao-Tremadeuro (Mme S.), Les jeunes naturalistes ou entre- tiens sur l'histoire naturelle des animaux, des vegetaux etdes mineraux, 2 vol. 1856 401 -2L Ultramontanisine, L', par Quinet, [Les Jesuites]. 1873 1845G Univers, Description de tout 1', par Sanson. 1700 71C L', histoire et description de tous les peuples, 13 vol. : Tome I. — lies de l'Afrique, par d'Avezac. 1848. 630E Tome II. — Br£sil, par F. Denis : Colombie et Guyanes, par C. Famin. 1846. 631E Tome III. — La Perse, par Louis Dubeux. 1841 632E Tome IV. — Etats de la confederation germanique, par Ph. Le Bas. 1842. . 633E Tome V. — Chili, Paraguay, Uruguay, Buenos-Ayres, par Famin, — Pata- gonie, Terre de Feu et archipei des Malouines, par F. Lacroix. 1840. ■ 634E Tome VI. — Principautds danubiennes (histoire politique et sociale), par Elias Regnault. 1855 _ _. 635E Tome VII. — Histoire des Antilles, par Elias Regnault ; Etats-Unis depuis 1812, par Elias Regnault et Jules Labaume ; Possessions anglaises dans l'AmeYique du Nord, par F. Lacroix ; Les Californies, par F. Denys. 1849 636E Tome VIII. — Villes ans^atiques, par Roux de Rochelle. 1844 637E Tome IX. — Mexique et Guatemala, par de La Renaudiere ; Pe>ou et Bolivie, par Lacroix. 1843 638E Tome X. — Etats-Unis d'Anferique, par Rouxde Rochelle. 1853 639E Tome XL — lies de la Grece, par Louis Lacroix. 1853 640E Tome XII. — Circassie et G£orgie, par C6sar Famin ; Armenie, par Bor^. 641E Tome XIII. — Pologne, par Charles Forster. 1840. 642E Ursel (Cte C. d'), Sud-Amerique, sejours et voyages au Bresil, a la Plata, au Chili, en Bolivie et au Perou. 1880 366G Uruguay, par Famin, [Univers]. 1840 634E [1971 VAO . BIBLIOf HEQUE GUILLE-ALLES VAU V-A-CCINE, Dissertation sur la, par Constantin 1128L Vacherie, Ce que rend une, par Des Vaulx 224L Vach.es laitieres, Choix des, par Magne 3 2 5L Vacquerie (A.), Les miettes de l'histoire 1190E Voir aussi Romans. Valachie devant l'Europe, La, par Ghika 21E ■ Quelques mots sur la 21E Valbert (G.), Hommes et choses du temps present. 1883 1191E Valentin (F.), Histoire de Venise. 1855 1192E Vallery-Radot (R.). Voir Romans. Vallotton (P.), La Bible, son autorite, son contenu et sa valeur. 1396G Valmont de Bomare (J. G.), Dictionnaire raisonne, universel, d'his- toire naturelle, 15 vol. 1800 136-50L ValoiS, Les derniers, les Guise et Henri IV, par Sainte-Aulaire. 1105E ■ Voir aussi Barante : Dues de Bourgogne, — etc. ValoiS (Marguerite de), [Muret : Jeanne d'Albret] 1026E Valois de Forville. Voir Romans. Vambery (A.), Voyages d'un faux derviche dans l'Asie centrale, de Teheran a Khiva, Bokhara et Samarcand, par le grand desert turcoman, ill. 1872 ". 70C et 364G Vancouver, Voyages dans l'ile de, par Whymper. 1880 1824L Vancouver (George), Voyages de, [Montemont] 63G Van Lennep (J.), La dame de Wardenbourg, episodes de la revolu- tion des Pays-Basau XVIme siecle. 1861 964I Van Tenac. — Histoire generate de la marine, comprenant les naufrages celebres, les voyages autour du monde, combats et guerres navales jusqu'au bombardement de Tanger et la prise de Mogador par le prince de Joinville, 4 vol. ill 410-13C Vapereau (G.), Elements d'histoire de la litterature frangaise. 1883. 965I Vapeur, La, et ses merveilles, par Lockert. 1870 320L . . — par Guillemin. 1881 2C59I Variabilite des especes, La, et ses limites, par Faivre. 1868 2 33L Varigny (C. de), Quatorze ans aux ties Sandwich. 1874 367G VasCO de Grama. — [Vast: Le tour du monde] v 1821L Vasi (Le chev. M.), Itineraire instructif de Rome ancienne et moderne, 2 vol. 1820 368-9G Vasili (Cte P.), La societe de Berlin. 1884 643E Londres. 1885 677E Paris, 2 vol. 1888 : Tome I. — Le grand monde 416C Tome II. — Le monde politique 4t 7 C Rome. 1887 451C Vienne. 1885 452C Vast (PL), Le tour du monde il y a quatre siecies : Vasco de Gama et Magellan. 1880 i82lL Vattemare (H.), A travers l'Australie. 1880 1822L Vaucbelle (Baron A. J.), Cours d'administration militaire, 3 vol. 1847. 1476-8L VaudoiS du Piemont et leurs colonies, Histoire des, ou 1'Israel des Alpes, par Muston, 4 vol. 1851 1798-1801G et vallees du Piemont visites en 1854, par Noel 1812G Histoire de la glorieuse rentree des, dans leurs vallees, par Ar- naud, \reimpression\ 1880 1584G [Lamy : Quelques heros des luttes religieuses] 959E Vaugelas (Claude Favrede), [Academie frangaise] 182-3I [198J VAU SECTION FRANCAISE VER Vautier (G.). Voir Romans. Vauvenargues (L. de), CEuvres completes, [Moralistes francais] ... 171C Vauvilliers (Mile), Histoire de Jeanne d'Albret, reine de Navarre, 3 vol. 1818 644-6E Vegetation, Les merveilles de la, par Marion. 1866 2093T Veg'etaux, Histoire naturelle des, par Lamarck et Mirbel, 15 vol. ...674-88L La matiere des, ou cellulose, par Berard. 1867 733L Veillees de Jean Rustique, Les, par Pizzetta. 1863 362L du chateau, Les, par Genlis, 4 vol 392-5 1 Venise, Conjurations des Espagnols contre la republique de, par Saint- Real. 1803^ 1883E Histoire de la republique de, par Daru, 8 vol. 1821 133-40E par Valentin. 1855 1192E [Histoire universelle] 290-2E Vergnaud (A. D.), Nouveau manuel complet de chimie amusante ou nouvelles recreations chimiques. 1854 75 iL inorganique et organique, suivi d'un dictionnaire de chimie. 1845 75°L Voir ctussi Riffault et Vergnaud, — etc. Verite chretienne, La, et le doute moderne, conferences donnees a Paris pendant l'Exposition universelle de 1878 1670G dans la charite, La, par Arbousse-Bastide 1 583G du texte de la Ire Epitre de Saint-Jean demontree, La, par Martin. 1721 1237G Verne (J.), Histoire generale des grands voyages et des grands voya- geurs : Les voyageurs du XlXme siecle, 2 vol 427 -8G Voir aussi Romans. Vernes d'Arlandes (T.), En Algerie, a travers l'Espagne et le Maroc. 1881 37oG Veron (E. ), Les institutions ouvrieres de Mulhouse et des environs... 1031L Veron (Le DrL. ), Memoires d'un bourgeois de Paris, comprenant la fin de l'Empire, la Restauration, la monarchie de Juillet et la Republique jusqu'au retablissement de l'Empire, 4 vol. 1853. 647- 50E Nouveaux memoires d'un bourgeois de Paris. 1866 65 iE Voir aussi Romans. Verre, Histoire d'un morceau de, par Magny. 1869 326L Verren (A.), Livre des prieres publiques, de l'administration des sacremens et des autres rites et ceremonies de l'Eglise, selon l'usage de l'Eglise protestante episcopate dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, avec le psautier ou les psaumes de David 1872G Verre rie, La, par Sauzay. 1868 2128I L'art de la, par Gerspach. 1885 66L Ver3, Histoire naturelle des, par Bosc, 3 vol. 1802 671-3L Vertot (L'abbe R. A. de), Histoire des revolutions arrivees dans le gouvernement de la republique romaine, 3 vol. 1727 H93-5E de la republique romaine, 3 vol. 1819 652-4E Portugal. 1712 1196E suivie de discours academiques. 1819 656E Suede. 1695 1197E 1819 655E Vertu, Les prix de, fondes par M. de Montyon, par Lock et Couly, 2 vol. 1864 1214-5L [199] VER BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES VIL Vertus chretiennes, La pratique des, ou le devoir de l'homme, avec des devotions particulieres et des prieres pour toutes sortcs d'occasions. 17 19 103 iG par Chaufepie. 1760 1636G Vesuve, Le drame du, par Beule. 1872 187G Viard et Fouret. — Le cuisinier royal, ou i'art de faire la cuisine, la patisserie et tout ce qui concerne l'ofnce, pour toutes les for- tunes, suivi d'une notice sur les vins, par Pierhugue. 1822... 1479L Viardot (L.), Histoire des Arabes et des Mores d'Espagne, 2 vol 657-8E Les merveilles de la peinture, 2 vol. 1870 2144-5I sculpture. 1869 2148I Vichy, Guide pratique des malades aux eaux de, par Barthez. 1851. 17 iL Victor-Emmanuel (roi d'ltalie), [Leroy-Beaulieu : Un empereur]... 985E Vidal (P.), Les loisirs d'un instituteur, choix de notions pratiques, de conseils et de faits agricoles 276L Vie chretienne dans les premiers siecles de l'Eglise, La, par Neander. 1804G de college en Angleterre, La, par Laurie 237C De la, et de l'intelligence, par Flourens. 1858 , 247L des animaux, La, par Franklin, 6 vol 254-9L champs, La, par Des Vaulx 226L Petits entretiens sur la, par Joigneaux. 1876 276L d'un brin d'herbe, La, par Mace. 1869 324L privee d'autrefois, La, par Franklin. 1887 1295L rurale dans l'ancienne France, La, par Babeau. 1883 901 L La, par Autran. 1856 206I Vienne, La societe cle, par Vasili. 1885 452C Viennet (J. P. G), Fables. 1855 967I Promenade philosophique aucimetiere du Pere-Lachaise. 1824. 966I Vieux-neuf, Le, par Fournier, 3 vol. 1877 251-3L Vieux-Testament, Histoire du, par Basnage. 17 12 1590G Vigne, Culture de la, [Burger : Cours complet d'agriculture pratique]. 491C De la, et des arbres fruitiers, par Ysabeau. 1858 408L Vignes, Maladies des, de 1845 a l8 53> P ar Payen 354L Vigny (A. de), Poesies completes. 1876 968I Theatre complet. 1873 969I Voir aussi Romans. Viguet. — Voir Merle d'Aubigne, Bungener, de Gasparin et Viguet. Villain (H.). Histoire d'un grain de sel. 1869 404L Les mysteres d'une bougie, la combustion, la lumiere, la chaleur. 405L Ville (G.), [Mussa : Pratique des engrais chimiques] 342L Villemain (A. B.), Choix d'etudes sur la litterature contemporaine. 156I Cours de litterature francaise, 6 vol. 1846-50 : Literature du moyen-age, 2 vol 970-1 1 Literature au XVIIIme siecle, 4 vol ' 972-5I Cours de litterature francaise, moyen-age et XlXme siecle, 6 tomes rel. en 3 vol 146-8I — 6 vol 149- 55I Discours et melanges litteraires. 1850 977 et 982I Etudes de litterature ancienne et etrangere 157 et 976I d'histoire moderne. 1848 9781 Souvenirs contemporains d'histoire et de litterature, 2 vol. 1856. 980- il Tableau de l'eloquence chretienne au IVme siecle I397G et 979I Vie du chancelier de l'Hopital. 1874 1264E [200] VI L SECTION FRANC AISE VIR Villeneuve-Bargemont (Vte A. de), Economie politique chre- tienne, ou recherches sur la nature et les causes du pau- perisme, en France et en Europe, et sur les moyens de le soulager et de le prevenir, 3 vol. 1834 1032-4L Villers (E. de), Les souliers de mon voisin, [Magasin d'education] ... 223C Villes anseatiques, par Roux de Rochelle. [Univers]. 1844 637E retrouvees, Les, par Hanno. 1881 2061I Villiaume (M.), Histoire de Jeanne d* Arc. 1864 660E Villiers de l'lsle-Adani (Cte de). Voir Romans. Villiers (Dr Ch.) et Pujol. — La medecine usuelle des menages, suivie de Part veterinaire usuel, ill. 1846 164L Villiers (P. de), Pensees et reflexions sur les egaremens des homines dans la voye du salut, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1693 1873G Vimoilt (C), Histoire d'un navire, ill. 1866 371G Vineeas (C), Francois de la Noue, dit Bras-de-Fer, [Les heros de la Reforme]. 1875 1198E Vincent (C.) et David (R. G.). Voir Romans. Vincent (J.). Voir Romans. VinC8nt (Philippe), Notice sur, par Richemond. 1872 1851 et 1852G Vinet(A.), Chrestomathie franeaise, 3 vol. 1843 9S3-5I ■ Discours sur quelques sujets religieux. 1845 1398G Essai sur la manifestation . des convictions religieuses et sur la separation de l'Eglise et de l'Etat. 1842 I4I4G Etudes evangeliques. 1847 1400G . 1861 1874G Homiletique ou theorie de la predication. 1853 1402G Lettres a Isaac Secretan, accompagnees de notes biographiques. 1403G de, et de quelques-uns de ses correspondants, 2 vol. 1882 ... 661 -2E Meditations evangeliques. 1849 1401G Nouveaux discours sur quelques sujets religieux. 1S48 I399-G Nouvelles etudes evangeliques. 1862 1875G sa vie et ses ouvrages, par Rambert. 1875 473^ 2 vol. 1876 1058-9E Voir aiissi Pressense' : Etudes contemporaines, — etc. Vingt-trois ans de sejour dans le sud de l'Afrique, par Moffat. 1846. 49G Vingt-neuf ans sous l'etoile polaire, par Leouzon Le Due. 2 vol.... 290- iG Vinot (J.), Recreations mathematiques 151L Violette (H.), Nouvelles manipulations chimiques simplifiees. 1839. 154L Violette (J. H. M.) et Archambault (P. J.), Dictionnaire des analyses chimiques, 2 vol. 1851 - 152-3L Viollet-le-Duc (E. ), Comment on construit une maison 444L devient dessinateur 406 et 445L Plistoire d'une maison, [Magasin d'education] 222C Violon du pendu, Le, par Erckmann-Chatrian 248C Virey (J. J.), L'art de perfectionner l'homme, ou de la medecine spirituelle et morale, 2 vol. 1808 1404-5G Virgile (Publius Virgilius Maro), Eneide, trad. Delille, 4 vol 1382-5I iraduite en vers, par C. L. Mollevaut, 3 vol. 1822 1563-5I Georgiques, trad. Delille 1381T CEuvres choisies, ill. 1867 987I completes. 1878 986I Viriville (V. de), Assassinat du due d'Orleans, par Jean-sans-Peur, [Magasin de librairie] 246C [201] VIS BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES VOY Visites charitables, Les, ou les consolations chretiennes, par Drelin- court . 1 665 11 24G par Drelincourt. 1668 1672G pour le temps de la contagion, par Drelincourt. 1867 ... 1673G Vitet (L.), Histoire de Dieppe. 1844 1201E La Ligue, precedee des Etats d 'Orleans, scenes historiques, 2 vol. 1861 1199-1200E scenes historiques, 2 vol. 1844 988-9I Voeux d'un solitaire, par Bernardin de Saint-Pierre 1336I Vogel (Le docteur E.). Voir Malte-Brun Vogue (Vte E. M. de), Le roman russe. 1888 I127I Voisinage, Traite du, par Fournel, 2 vol. 1834 949-50L Voix interieures, Les, par Hugo. 1879 459? 466 et 1466I Volcans et tremblements de terre, par Zurcher et Margolle. 1866... 2160I Volney (C. F.'), Les mines, ou meditations sur les revolutions des empires. 1820 1566I Voltaire (F. M. Arouet de), La Henriade.^ 1843 1082I 1 poeme, suivi de l'Essai sur la poesie epique. 1815 1567 1 CEuvres, 92 vol. 1785-9 990-1081I OZuvres completes, 30 vol. 1768-77 266-95E Precis du siecle de Louis XV. 1824 1 203E - Siecle de Louis XIV. 1853 1202E suivi de la liste raisonnee des personnages celebres X-- de son temps ; nouvelle edition annotee d'apres les lettres, memoires, documents et actes officiels du XVIIme et du XVIIIme siecle, et les principaux historiens etrangers ou francais, par Charles Louandre 1265E Theatre 1128I 1 Avant-propos sur la Henriade de, par Frederic II 1 56E Examen raisonne des ouvrages de, par Linguet. 1817 625I Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de, par Paillet de Warcy, 2 vol. 456-7E Les erreurs de, par Nonnotte, 3 vol. 1770 _ 1813-5G Vie de 1081I Voir aussi Capefigue : La marquise du Chatelet, — Des Sablons : Grands hommes venges, — etc. VOYAGES.— Recits de : Voyage autour de mon jardin, par Karr. 1857 513I du monde, Mon second, par PfeifTer. 1880 3 2 3G aux pays mysterieux, par Jacolliot 435G dans les glaces du pole arctique, par Herve et de Lanoye.... 253G mers du Nord, par Edmond, ill. 1857 36C de l'Atlantique au Pacifique, a. travers le Canada, par Milton et Cheadle. 1872 307G par Milton et Cheadle, ill. 1866 46C d'un jeune gallon autour du monde, par Smiles. 1881 348G d'une femme autour du monde, par Pfeiffer. 1858 322G ■ en Danemarck, en Suede, en Norwege, etc. [1854], par- Boucher de Perthes 189G pittoresque a travers le monde, par Cortambert. 1877 ...... 33C Voyages au coin du feu, par Forster 238G autour du monde, par Pfeiffer. 1869 3 2 4G Bibliotheque universelle des, par Montemont, [ Voir Mon- temont pour le detail des matieres contenues dans chaque volume], 46 vol. 1833-36 , 5<>95G [202J VOY SECTION FRANCHISE VOY Voyages.— Recits de:— {suite.) Voyage du capitaine Robert Lado, par Prevost, ill 785I ■ et decouvertes des compagnons de Colomb, par Irving 285G Histoire generale des, ou nouvelle collection de toutes les relations de voyage par mer et par terre, qui ont ete publiees jusqu'a present dans les differentes langues de toutes les nations connues ; pour former un systeme com- plet d'histoire et de geographie moderne, qui repre-sen- tera l'etat actuel de toutes les nations, enrichie de cartes geographiques, de plans et de perspectives, de figures d'animaux, de vegetaux, habits, antiquites, etc., nou- velle ed., revue sur l'original anglais ; figures et cartes gravees par et sous la direction de J. Van der Schley, eleve distingue du celebre Picart le Romain ; traduction de l'abbe Prevost. La Haye, 1747-79, 15 vol. depareilles, comme suit : Tome I. — Introduction, — De 1'origine et des progres de la navigation et du commerce dans les differentes parties du monde, — Premiers voyages des Portugais aux Indes Orientales, — Premiers voyages des Anglais eh Guin£e et aux Indes Orientales iC Tome III. — Voyages en differentes parties de l'Afrique etdans les ilesad- jacentes, — Voyage au long de la cote occidentale d'Afrique, depuis le cap Blanco jusqu'a Sierra-Leona 2C Tome IV. — Voyages au long des cotes occidentales dAfrique, depuis le cap Blanco jusqu'a Sierra-Leona; contenant l'etablissement du commerce des Anglais sur la riviere de Gambra (la Gambie), — Voyages en Guin6e, a Benin et sur toute la cote, depuis Sierra- Leona jusqu'au cap de Lope-Gonzalvo Tome V. — Description de la Guin£e ; Description des cotes, depuis Rio da Volta jusqu'au cap Lope-Gonzalvo Tome VII. — Voyages dans l'empire de la Chine, — Description de la Chine, contenant la geographie et 1'histoire civile et naturelle du pays. . . . Tome VIII. — Suite de la description de la-Chine, — Description de la Cor^e, de la Tartarie orientale et du Tibet Tome IX. — Suite de la description de la Tartarie orientale et du Tibet ; Voyages dans la Tartarie, le Tibet, la Bokharie et la Chine Tome XI. — Voyages des Hollandais aux Indes Orientales (iles Moluques, Amboine, Banda), — Voyages des Francais aux Indes Orientales. . 8C Tome XII. — Voyages dans le royaume de Siam 9C Tome XIV. — Voyages dans la presqu'ile en dec^aduGange, — Voyages aux Indes Orientales par le Sud-Ouest 10C Tome XVI. — Voyages aux terres australes ou antarctiques, — Voyages errants ou sans terme fixe 11C Tome XVII. — Vies des gouverneurs-gendraux, avec 1'abrege" de 1'histoire des etablissements hollandais aux Indes Orientales, — Histoire na- turelle des Indes Orientales, — Considerations sur l'etat de la com- pagnie hollandaise des Indes Orientales 12C Tomes XIX et XX. — Suite des voyages, decouvertes et etablissements en Amerique 13.14C Tome XXIV. — Islande, — Jan Mayen, — Nouvelle-Zemble, — Kam- tschaka, — Siberie 15C Voyages, Le tour du monde, journal des, publie sous la direc- tion de M. Edouard Charton, [la collection complete']. Les grands, et les grands voyageurs : Les voyageurs du XlXme siecle, par Verne, 2 vol 427-8G modernes, Les, racontes a la jeunesse, par Bernard, 2 vol 185-6G Voyageurs anciens et modernes, par Charton, 4 vol. 1854-7... 27-30G Voir aussi Bande du Jura, — Beecher-Stowe : Souvenirs heureux, — Berthoud, — Biancour : Quatre mille lieues aux Etats-Unis, — Boland : Voyage au pays de la misere : L/Wande contem- [203] VOY BIBLIOTH&QUE GUILLE-ALLES VUL VOYAGES.— Recits de:— {suite.) poraine, — Brosselard : Mission Flatters au pays des Touareg Azdjers, — Cambon : De France en Allemagne, — Chalamet : Francais au Canada, — Chateaubriand : Itinien et tunisien, — Riviere, — Rousselet : Les royaumes de l'lnde, — Stendhal, — Sterne, — Stoughton : Martin Luther, — Thiriat : Journal d'un solitaire et voyage a la Schlucht, — Thomson ; L'Indo-Chine et la Chine, — Tinnenbrock : Les environs incon- nus de Paris, — Tr^buchet : Les Stapes d'un touriste en France, — Ulbach : La Csardas, — ' Univers, — Van Tenac : Histoire gdndrale de la marine, — Vast : Le tour du monde il y a quatre siecles, — Vattemare : A travers l'Australie, — Wallace : La Malaisie, — Wbymper : Colombie anglaise, Vancouver, Alaska et Californie, — etc. Voyage de deux enfants dans un pare, par Eiart 229C du chretien, Le, par Bunyan. 1820 1626 et 1627G involontaire, Un, par Biart 232C Voyages d'un critique a travers la vie et les livres, par Chasles, 2 vol. 252-3I d'une goutte d'eau, Les, par Pizzetta. 1870 363L Vrai, Du, du beau et du bien, par Cousin. 1867 1660G sens du psaume CX, Le, par Martin. 1715 1 240G Vraies conditions du bonheur, Les, par Monod. 1878 1670G conquetes, Nos, par Levy. 1880 1811L Vrais Robinsons, Les, par Denis et Chauvin. 1863 34C Vnes sur l'education de la premiere enfance. 1 782 1 55L Vulliemin (L.), William Penn. 1855 407C Vulliemin (L. et Ch.), Notice sur Fr.-Aug-Alph. Gonthier, ministie de l'Evangile. 1838 1931E Vulliet (A.). A travers les continents, aventures en divers pays 372G Drames et aventures en divers pays. 1873 1085I Principes generaux d'education chretienne. 1887 I 3 I 4L Quelques merveilles de la nature et de l'art, lectures instructives pour les families et les ecoles. 1867 752L Vulpian (A.) et GautMer. — Code des theatres ou manuel a l'usage des directeurs, etc. 1829 1568I [204] WAI SECTION FRANCAISE WIL WAILLY (L. de). Voir Romans. Wallace (A. R.), La Mataisie, abrege par H. Vattemare. 1880 1823L WaUiS (Samuel), Voyages de, [Montemont] 51-2G Wallon (H.), Histoire de l'esclavage dans 1'antiquite, 3 vol. 1879...1035-7L Histoire du tribunal revolutionnaire de "Paris, avec le journal de ses actes, 6 vol. 1880-2 663-SE — — Jeanne d'Arc. 1869 1204E Wal3h. — Voyages en Amenque de, [Montemont] 91G Europe de, [Montemont] 93G Warbnrton. — Traite sur l'histoire, les lois et coutumes de 1'ile de Guernesey, avec un appendice contenant le precepte d'assize. 1045L Warwick (Sir P.), Memoires sur le regne de Charles Ier et ce qui • s'est passe depuis la mort de Charles Ier jusqu'a la restaura- tion des Stuart 10SE Washington (G.), Etude historique sur, par Guizot, [Witt]. 1855. 671E Histoire de, et de la fondation de la republique des Etals-Unis, par de Witt. 1855 671E Vie de, par Ramsay. 1809 ' 474E Voir a?/ssi Etats-Unis, — etc. WatSOIl (R.), Vie du Rev. Jean Wesley, avec quelques details sur son frere, le rev. Charles Wesley, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1840 669E Watterton. — Voyages en Amerique de, [Montemont] 90G Waitters (A. J.), La peinture flamande 156L Weddell. — Voyages de, [Montemont] 70G Weill (A.), Histoire de la guerre des anabaptistes. 1874 ...... 1S76 et 1877G Weiss (C. ), Histoire des refugies protestants de France, depuis la re- vocation de l'edit de Nantes jusqu'a nos jours, 2 vol. 1853. 1878-9G Voir azissi Saurin, — etc. Weiss (S.), La civilisation politique et la regence en Prusse I447L Wellington (Le due de), par Maurel. 1853 1000E Werther, par Goethe, trad. Marmier. 1850 404I Wesley (J.), Sermons choisis, 2 vol. 1835 1407-8G et le methodisme, par Remusat. 1870 1850G sa vie et son ceuvre, par Lelievre. 1883 1763G Vie du rev. Jean, par Watson. 1S40 669E Voir aussi Methodisme, — etc. Wetherell (E.). Voir Romans. Wey (F.), Dick Moon en France, journal d'un Anglais. 1863 373G Les Anglais chez eux, suivi de Hogarth et ses amis ou Londres au siecle passe. 1876 382G Whyniper (F. ), Voyages et aventures dans la Colombie anglaise, File Vancouver, le territoire d'Alaska et la Californie, abreges par II. Vattemare. 1880 1824L Wiart (E. ), De la politique de Platon et d'Aristote, [Magasin de librairie] 25 1 C ^ Du vrai criterium en morale, [Magasin de librairie] 248C Wilder (V.), Beethoven, sa vie et son ceuvre. 1883 1205E Wilclernmtli (Mme O.), Voir Romans. Wilhelm Meister, par Goethe, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1S43 405I Willia,ms (Miss H. M.), Relation des evenements qui se sont passes en France depuis le debarquement de Napoleon Buonaparte, au ier Mars 1815, jusqu'au traite du 20 Novembre 1816 670E Willyams (J. L.). Voir Romans. [205] WIL BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES YVA Wilson. — Voyages de, [Montemont] 62G Witt (C. de), Histoire de Washington et de la fondation de la repu- blique des Etats-Unis, precedee d'ime etude historique sur Washington, par M. Guizot. 1855 671E ■ ■ Thomas Jefferson, etude historique sur la democratic americaine. 1206E Witt (Mme C. de, nee Guizot), Charlotte de la Tremoille, comtessede Derby, d'apres des lettres inedites conservees dans les archives des dues de la Tremoille [1601-64]. 1870 1208E Histoire du peuple juif depuis son retour de la captivite a Baby- lone jusqu'a la mine de Jerusalem. 1867 1207E M. Guizot dans sa famille et avec ses amis [1787-1874] 1209E Recueil de poesies pour les jeunes fdles. 1873 1084I Une belle vie : Madame Jules Mallet, nee Oberkampf [1794- 1856], souvenirs et fragments. 1881 1210E Voir aussi Livre d'or, — Romans, — etc. Woelmont (A. de), Souvenirs du Far-West. 1883 374G Woestyn (E.), Guerre d'Orient, — Les victoires et conquetes des armees alliees, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1857 4o8et409C Wogan (Baron E. de), Du Far-West a Borneo. 1873 375G Wolff (A.). Voir Romans. Wolowski (L. ), De la monnaie. 1 130L Wood (Mme II.). Voir Romans. Worboise (J. E.). FwV Romans. Worms (E.), Quelques considerations sur le manage H33L Wurtz (A.), La theorie atomique. 1880 157L Wyss (J. R.). Voir Romans. X ENOPHON. — De l'expedition de Cyrus, ou de la retraite des dix mille. 1777 672E CEuvres completes, 2 vol. 1879 1086-7I et Platon. — La vie et la mort de Socrate [470-400 av. J. C.]. 1088I Y ANOSKI (J.), [Froissart : Chroniques] 1223 et 1245E Yemeniz (E.), La Grece moderne : Heros et poetes. 1862 1212E Scenes et recits des guerres de lTndependance, — Grece moderne. 121 iE Yonge (Miss C. M.). Voir Romans. Young" (E.), Les nuits, suivies des tombeaux et des meditations d Hervey, etc., trad. Le Tourneur, 2 vol. 1824 158-9I Ysabeau (A. ), Botanique elementaire. 1866 75 5 et 756L De la vigne et des arbres fruitiers. 1858 408L Hygiene de l'homme et des animaux domestiques. 1866 754L et economie domestique. 1864 409L Le jardinage ou l'art de creer et de bien tenir un jardin. 1855... 407L Yung (G. E.), Le genie romain, [Magasin de librairie] 250C Yvan (Dr M.), De France en Chine. 1855 376G [206] ZAB SECTION FRANCAISE ZUR ZaBOROWSKI. — L'homme prehistorique. 1878 1414L Les migrations des animaux et le pigeon-voyageur 1429L Z'dCCOne (P.)- Voir Romans. Zeller (B.), Catherine de Medicis et les protestants [1562-70]. 1887. 1266E La Saint-Barthelemy [1570-74]. 1887 1267E Richelieu. 1880 1216E et les ministres de Louis XIV, de 1621 a 1624. 1880 673E Zeller (J.). Entretiens sur l'histoire, 2 vol. 1865 1224-5E I. Antiquite et moyen-age. — II. Moyen-age. Histoire de la chute de lltalie au XVIme siecle, [Magasin de librairie] 240C l'ltalie depuis l'invasion des Barbares jusqu'a nos jours 1213E Les empereurs romains, caracteres et portraits historiques. 1863. 1214E tribuns et les revolutions en Italic 1874 1215E Zevort (E.),- Histoire de Louis-Philippe I935 E Zimmermann (Le chevalier J.), Sur Frederic-le-Grand et mes entre- tiens avec lui peu de jours avant sa mort. 1 790 674E Zinzendorf (Le comte de), par Bovet. 1865 82E Zollikofre (G. J.), Exercices de piete et prieres pour 1 'edification particuliere des Chretiens eclaires et vertueux, 2 vol. rel. ens. 1880G ZOOLOGIE. — Ouvrages sur la : Zoologie generate, Introduction a la, par Milne-Edwards. 1851. 340L Histoire de la, par Hoefer. 1873 286L par Milne-Edwards. 1850 33 8 et 339L 1877 439L Voiraussi Animaux, — Focillon : Premieres lecons d'histoire naturelle,— Histoire naturelle, — Million de faits, — etc. Zoophytes et mollusques, par Figuier. 1866 5 IoC Zootechnie, Traite de, par Sanson, 5 vol. 1874-8 391-5L Zoulous, Chez les, par Kingston. 1881 267G Zschokke (H.), Voir Romans. etFavrat (L.), Histoire de la nation suissejusqu'en i860. ..I2i7et 1218E Zurcher (F.), Les phenomenes de l'atmosphere 753 et 1422L • et Margolle (E.), L'energie morale, beaux exemples. 1882 ... 2152I Les ascentions celebres aux plus hautes montagnes du globe... 2150I glaciers. 1868 2153I meteores. 1867 2157I naufrages celebres. 1873 2155I phenomenes celestes 1 43°L Telescope et microscope 1423L Trombes et cyclones. 1876 2159I Volcans et tremblements de terre. 1866 2160I Voir aussiMzury : G^ographie physique, — etc. [20/] BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES AIM Romans et Fantaisies. — Casier S. N.B. — Tous les ouvrages de la division des romans et fantaisies appartenant au casier S, nous avons cru pouvoir nous dispenser de faire suivre de cette lettre les num^ros des volumes. A FLORENCE, [Bande du Jura] Tecole de la vie, par Witt la mer, par Mayne-Reid — recherche du bonheur, par Tolstoi propos d'un tapis, par Mme Beecher-Stowc Abbe Constantin, L', par Halevy L 5 , par Scott 57 59 65 62 60 63 69 70 About (E.), CEuvres : Dernieres lettres d'un bon jeune hommeasa cousine Madeleine Le fellah, souvenirs d'E- gypte.... L'homme a l'oreille cassee. Maitre Pierre Le mari imprevu Achard. (A.), CEuvres : Belle- Rose La famille Aubernin Histoire de mes amis Acte, par Dumas Adam (Mme). Voir Lamber. Addrich des mousses, par Zschokke Adieu les amoureux, par Broughton Adolphe Mory, par Olivier par Constant Adriani, par Sand Affaire de la rue du Temple, L', par Gueroult embrouillee, Une, par Conscience • Lerouge, L', par Gaboriau Aguilar (G.), Le voeu d'Ellen, 2 vol Ahnied-le -Boucher, par Lockroy Ailes d'Icare, Les, par Bernard Aimard (G.), CEuvres: La belle riviere, 2 vol. : I. — Le fort Duquesne 95 II. — Le serpent de satin .... 96 Les bohemes de la mer ... 90 [208] Les manages de Paris Les manages de province.. Le marquis de Lanrose ... Le roi des montagnes Leromand'un brave homme Tolla Trente et quarante Les vacances de la comtesse Le journal d'une heritiere. La robe de Nessus in 1465 1072 1785 206 951 21 63 64 1662 58 56 61 55 1485 66 67 5ii 1483 293 1 in 453 1191 1608 412 825 71-2 1761 220 Les chasseurs d'abeilles. Le chercheur de pistes . Le cceur de pierre La fievre d'or 76 84 So 80 Rosas 75 Sacramenta 78 Les trappeurs de l'Arkan- sas 94 Valentin Guillois 83 Les Vaudoux 85 Zeno Cabral 73 AIM SECTION FRANCHISE ANT Aimard (G.), CEuvresj — {suit*,) Le forestier 79 i Les pirates des prairies ... 82 Les Gambucinos 81 Le grand chef des Aucas, 2 vol 92-3 La grand e flibuste 91 Le Guaranis 77 Le Mas- Horca 87 Les nuits mexicaines 74 Alba, par Enault 737 Alcoek (Miss), Les parias de France 96 Alcott (L. M.), Jeunes femmes 98 Petites femmes 99 Aldrich (T. B.), Le crime de Stillwater 100 Alizia'Pauli, par Feval 782 Allumeur de reverberes, L', par Miss Cummins 1665 Amadis de Gaule. Voir Tressan. Amants du Pere-Lachaise, Les, par Robert 1172 Amaury, par Dumas 512 Amazone, L', par Carrey, 2 vol. : I. — Les M£tis de la Savane 355 II. — Les revokes du Para 356 Amelie Mansfield, par Mme Cottin, 2 vol 1521-2 Ami commun, L', par Dickens, 2 vol 1673-4. des enfants, L', par Berquin, 8 vol 234-41 Fritz, L', par Erckmann-Chatrian 741 Macdonald, V, par O'Rell 11 19 Manso, L', par G aid OS 174 Amour au village, L', par Fistie 803 — ! — filial, par Barrau 181 Amours de l'aged'or, Les, parSand 1193 de Paris, Les, par Feval, 2 vol 787-8 Victor Bonsenne, Les, par Soulie 1 264 du beau Gustave, Les, par Brehat 286 Amoureux de la reine, L', par Robert 1 177 ■ Sylvie, Les, par Gaskell 840 An I de la Republique, L', par Erckmann-Chatrian 757 Andersen (H. C), Contes 101 Andre Chenier, par Mery 1082 le graveur, par Favre 769 sorcier, par Mirecourt 1085 par Sand 1 1 92 Ange Pitou, par Dumas 513 Angele, par Greville 916 Anges de Paris, Les, par Robert 1166 du foyer, Les, par Souvestre 1307 Anne-Babi, par Gotthelf, 2 vol 895-6 Anne Severn, par Craven 462 Annee a Davos, Une, par Dufour 1793 Florence, Une, par Dumas 1599 de la vie de Lilian, Une 1490 des merveilles, L', par Conscience 411 Antiquaire, L' 5 par Scott 14 [209] ANT BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES BAL Antoine, L'ami de Robespierre, par Saintine H9° Apres la pluie le beau temps, par Segur 1259 Arable heureuse, L', par Dumas, 3 vol 614-6 Arbre de Noel, L', par Marmier 1042 Arene(P.), Le canot des six capitaines 1720 Argent des autres, L', par Gaboriau, 2 vol. : I. — Les hommes de paille 826 II. — La peche en eau trouble 827 Armelle Trahec, par Fleuriot 804 Arnoul (A.), Au village 102 Artus de Bretagne. Voir Tressan. Ascanio, par Dumas, 2 vol S l S'^ Assassin, Un, par Mirecourt 1087 Assolant (A.), Une ville de garnison 103 Atala, Rene, les Natchez, par Chateaubriand 377 Au bord de la Neva, par Marmier io 45 jour le jour, par Soulie 1265 large, par Bonnetain 1 7 2 4 village, par Arnoul i° 2 Auberge de l'ange-gardien, L', par Segur ^58 du Spessart, L', par Hauff 954 maudite, L', par Noir I77 1 Alldebrand (P.), Alexandre Dumas a la Maisond'Or I7 21 Auerbach (B.), Nouvelles villageoises de la Foret-Noire 104 Anlnoy (M. C. J. de B., ctesse d'), Les contes des fees, 5 vol 15 12-16 Aunet (L. d'), L'heritage du marquis d'Elvigny 105 Aurelien, par Conscience, 2 vol 4 2 9"3° Autour de la lune, par Verne 1436 Avatar, par Gautier 1 749 Aventure d'amour, Une, par Dumas S l 7 de Jeanne, L', par Daudet 478 A ventures de John Davys, par Dumas, 2 vol 5 l8 -9 La Ramee, par La Blanchere 263 Nigel, Les, par Scott 24 Pisistrate Caxton, par Bulwer 34 1 quatre femmes, par Dumas fils 7 1 7 Saturnin Fichet, Les, par Soulie, 2 vol 1266-7 d'un jeune cadet de famille, par Soulie 1268 naturaliste, par Biart !7 ^ rat, Les IJ 9 • d'une colonie d'emigrants en Amerique, par Gerstacker 17°° Aventuriers de Paris, Les, par Zaccone 1482 Avocat du peuple, L', par Robert IJ 74 BACHELIER de Salamanque, Le, par Le Sage 1565 Bal du diable, Le, par Narrey l6l ° Baleiniers, Les, par Dumas 5 2 ° [210] BAL SECTION FRANCHISE BEA 147 172-3 145 156 163 142 141 152 174 143 177 154 136 162 146 164 1 70- 1 137 175 Balzac (H. de), CEuvres : Beatrix Les celibataires, 2 vol. ... Cesar Birotteau Les chouans, ou la Bre- tagne en 1 799 Le contrat de mariage . . . Le cousin Pons La cousine Bette Le cure de village Le depute d'Arcis La derniere incarnation de Vautrin L'enfant maudit L'envers de l'histoire con- temporaine, — Z. Mar- cas Eugenie Grandet La femme de trente ans. Histoire des treize Honorine Illusions perdues, 2 vol... Le lys de la vallee Louis Lambert Balzac et ses amies, par Ferry Bananier, Le, par Soulie Bande a Fifi Vollard, La, par Gueroult Bande du Jura, La, 4 vol. : I. — Les prouesses de la bande du Jura II. — Premier voyage III. — Chez les Allemands ; chez nous IV. — A Florence Banni, Le, par Erckmann-Chatrian Barnabe Rudge, par Dickens, 2 vol Barnum (P. T.), Les blagues de l'univers Barrau (T. H.), Amour filial, recits a la jeunesse Bastide rouge, La, par Berthet Bataille de la vie, La, par Dickens Batard de Mauleon, Le, par Dumas, 3 vol Batavia, par Conscience Batelier de Clarens, Le, par Olivier, 2 vol Bavolette, La, par Musset Bawr (Mme de), Nouveaux contes pour les enfants Bayart, Histoire de, par Feillet Beaconsfield (Lord), Endymion, 2 vol Lothair, 2 vol — Sybil Beatrix, par Balzac Beaulieu (C. de), Jean Mulhberg Beau-pere, Un, par Bernard, 2 vol Beauvoir (R. de), CEuvres : Le cabaret des morts 195 chevalier de Charny. 187 Saint-George. 193 L'ecolier de Cluny 192 Histoires cavalieres. .'. 186 Mademoiselle de Choisy . . . 196 La maison du chat-qui- pelote La maison Nucingen Les Morana Le medecin de compagne. Memoires de deux jeunes mariees Modeste Mignon La paix du menage Les Parisiens en province. Les paysans La peau de chagrin Le pere Goriot Petites miseres de la vie conjugate Physiologie du mariage... La recherche de l'absolu. Les rivalites Splendeurs et miseres des courtisanes Sur Catherine de Medicis. Une tenebreuse affaire... Ursule Mirouet Le moulin d'Heilly Les mysteres de l'ile Saint- Louis, 2vol Le pauvre diable Les soirees du Lido trois Rohan , 168 144 176 139 166 167 165 149 150 I5 2 138 161 160 158 169 140 157 I5 2 148 1747 1269 1609 108 109 no III 742 493-4 180 181 250 1409 521-3 441 1 1 14-5 1096 183 770 1675-6 506-7 505 147 185 228-9 1 90- 1 188 194 197 BEA BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES BIB La case de l'oncle Tom ... La fiancee du ministre ... Ma femme et moi Les petits remords Souvenirs heureux, voyage en Angleterre, en France et en Suisse, 3 vol La tyrannic rose et blanche. Beaux messieurs de Bois-Dore, Les, par Sand, 2 vol. Beecher-Stowe (Mme H.), CEuvres : A propos d'un tapis, ou la science du foyer domes- tique 206 Dred, histoire du grand marais maudit, 2 vol... 200-I Josiah Henson, ou la vie de l'oncle Tom racontee par lui-meme 210 Belgiojoso (Le prince de), Scenes dela vie tufque Belisaire, par Marmontel Belle Alliette, La, par Chavette nivernaise, La, par Daudet riviere, La, par Aimard, 2 vol : I. — Le fort Duquesne II. — Le serpent de satin Belle-Rose, par Achard Bentzon (Th.), Georgette L'obstacle Recits de tous les pays Berger, Le, et le proscrit, par Porchat . par Glouvet Bernard (Ch. de), CEuvres : Les ailes d'Icare 220 Un beau-pere, 2 vol 228-9 L'ecueil 219 Le gentilhomme campa- gnard, 2 vol 225-6 Gerfaut 222 Bernardin de Saint-Pierre (J. II.), La chaumiere indienne CEuvres choisies Paul et Virginie Berquin (A.), L'ami des enfants, 8 vol Bibliothequedes villages, 2 vol ! Pieces choisies de l'ami des enfants Bersezio (V.), Nouyelles piemontaises Bersier (Mme E.), L'ermite de Ploucrneau. Micheline BertheUE.) GSuvres : Le nceud gordien paratonnerre para vent La peau du lion et la chasse aux amants 231 250 254 252 249 La bastide rouge Le crime de Pierrefitte dernier Irlandais L'enfant des bois Berthoud (F.), Sur lamontagne, 3 vol I. — Alpes et Jura II. — Courses lointaines III. — Autour du foyer Berthoud (S. PL), Lectures des soirees d'hiver .. Beugny d'Hagerue (G. de), Le secret de Rose Beyle (H. ). Voir Stendhal. Biart (L.). Aventures d'un jeune naturaliste.. La capitana Bibliotheque des villages, par Berquin, 2 vol.... [212] La fontaine de la fidelite Richard le fauconnicr . . . La roche tremblante 1 194-5 198 1663 202 209 203-5 207 211 1054 1728 1738 95 96 68 217 216 218 1 141 874 227 221 224 223 151S 230 et 1722 234-41 232-3 244 246 248 247 253 255 251 257 253 259 256 260 1706 261 23 2 -3 BIG- SECTION FRANCHISE BRE Bigarrette, par Fleuriot 805 Black, par Dumas 524 Blagues de l'univers, Les, par Barnum 1 80 Blanc (C.)i Jeanne de Valbelle 262 Blanchefleur, par Feval 779 Blancs, Les, et les bleus, par Dumas, 3 vol 525-7 Bleak House, par Dickens, 2 vol 501-2 Blockhausen (A. de), La famille Durandel ou l'enseignement de la maxime : " II ne faut pas maltraiter les animaux : ' 265 BlOGUS, Le, par Erckmann-Chatrian 743 Blouet (A. C), Le mont Saint-Michel 1691 Bodill (C. ), La cour d'assises 266 Boheme3 de la mer, Les, par Aimard 90 Bois de La Boulaye, Le, par de Courcy 456 Bojssonnas (Mme B.), Une famille pendant la guerre [1870-71] ... 267 Boite d'argent, La, par Dumas fils 724 Boland (H.), Premiers rayons 1723 Bolle (Mme R.), Maria Gordon ou la jeune menagere 269 Souvenirs de l'oncle William, histoire d'une famille naufragee ... 268 Bon frere, Le, par Marcel 1034 Bonne affaire, Une, par Malot 1766 Marie, par Greville 1752 Bonnetain (P.), Au large 1724 Bord du lac, Au, par Souvestre 1 308 BOSSU, Le, par Feval, 3 vol 797-9 Bost (J. A.), Chaumont, suivi du Sergent de Villars 270 Bouillie de la comtesse Ber the, La, par Dumas 528 Bouilly (J. N.), CEuvres : Contes a ma fille, 2 vol 271-2 Les jeunes femmes, 2 vol... 277-8 meres de famille, 2 vol. 279-80 Conseils a. ma fille, 2 vol. 275-6 Les encouragemens de la jeunesse, 2 vol 2 73"4 Boule de neige, La, par Dumas 529 Bourde (P.), La fin du vieux temps 1692 Bourgeois de Darlingen, Les, par Conscience :.. 443 — Molinchart, Les, par Champfleury 370 Bourget (P.), Craelle enigme 1693 Bourgniestre de Liege, Le, par Conscience 426 Bourse, La, ou la vie, par Lacroix, [Romans divers] 1 7 10 Bout du monde, Au, par Souvestre 1309 Bouverie (F. W. B.), Force et faiblesse 1 Bouvier (A.), CEuvres : Monsieur Coquelet, le mou- chard 1607 Colette 1725 Le domino rose 1606 manage d'un forcat. 1726 Bowmann (A.), Laura Temple ou la jeune institutrice 281 Braddon (Miss M. E.), Le secret de lady Audley, 2 vol. 284-5 Vixen, 2 vol 282-3 Braves gens, Les, par Girardin 1671 et 1751 Brehat (A. de), Les amours du beau Gustave 286 Les filles clu Boer, souvenirs du cap de Bonne-Esperance 287 Bremer (F.), Les filles du president 2 Le foyer domestique 2S9 Scenes de la vie dalecarlienne 288 Bretagne, En, par Souvestre 1326 [213] BRI BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES CAP Bric-a-Brac, par Dumas, 2 vol Brigadier Frederic, Le, par Erckmann-Chatrian Brock (Mme C), Charite Helstone Manoir et presbytere Broughton ( R. ), Adieu les amoureux ! Fraiche comme une rose Broussel (C), Une institutrice en Angleterre, histoire de trois amies, 2 vol Bruin ou les chasseurs d'ours, par Mayne-Reid Buckland (A.), La ferme de Hillside Bug-Jargal, par Hugo, ill Bulwer-Lytton (E.), CEuvres: Aventures de Pisistrate Caxton 341 Le dernier des barons, 2 vol 339-40 Les derniers jours de Pompei, 4 vol 329-32 Devereux, 4 vol 3 : 3-6 Ernest Maltravers, 4 vol. 333-6 Eugene Aram, 4 vol 309- 1 2 Falkland, 2 vol 297-8 Harold, le dernier des rois saxons, 2 vol 337-8 Burton (E.), Memoires d'une feuille de papier, ecrits par elle-meme. Mon roman, 2 vol Paul Clifford, 4 vol Pelham ou les aventures d'un gentilhomme an- glais, 4 vol Les pelerins aux bords du Rhin, 2 vol Qu'en fera-t-il ? 2 vol Rienzi, le dernier des tri- buns de Rome, 2 vol. . . . Zanoni, 2 vol 530-1 744 291 290 293 292 294-5 1075 296 1646 342-3 305-S 301-4 299-300 344-5 317-8 346-7 1694 CABALLERO (F.), La Creole de la Havane 350 Cabaret des morts, Le, par Beauvoir 195 Cadet de famille, Un, par Dumas, 3 vol 532-4 Calemard de la Fayette (C), Petit-Pierre ou le bon cultivateur. 352 et 1707 La prime d'honneur 351 Cameron (Mme), Memoires d'Emma et de sa bonne ou histoire de lady Harewood, [Histoires diverses] 1509 Camille 112 Campagne en Kabylie, Une, par Erckmann-Chatrian - 745 Candidat, par Claretie 1799 Canivet (C), La ferme des Gohel 1727 Canler. — Memoires de Canler, ancien chef du service de surete, 2 vol 1695-6 Canot des six capitaines, Le, par Arene 1 720 Cantacuzene (Pcesse O.), Poverina 354 Cantonnier, Le, par Conscience 452 Capitaine Arena, Le, par Dumas 1602 Pamphile, Le, par Dumas 535 Paul, Le, par Dumas 536 Rhino, Le, par Dumas 537 Richard, Le, par Dumas 538 Simon, Le, par Feval , 785 Capitana, La, par Biart 261 [214] Une servante d 'autrefois ... 361 Les veillees de maitre Patri- geon, entretiens familiers sur l'impot, le travail, etc. 360 CAR SECTION FRANCAISE CHA Caravane, La, par Hauff 956 Carmen et autres nouvelles, par Merimee 1079 Carne (L. de), Un drame sous la Terreur 357 Caroline de Liehtfield, par de Lindorf, 3 vol 1 568-70 Carraud (Mme Z.), CEuvres : Les gouters de la grand' mere 358 La petite Jeanne ou le de- voir 359 Carrey (E.), L'Amazone, 2 vol. : I. — Les Mltis de la savane 355 II. — Les reVoltds du Para 356 Case de l'oncle Tom, La, par Beecher-Stowe 198 Catherine Blum, par Dumas 539 de Medicis, Sur, par Balzac 157 ■ par Sandeau 1 242 Caucase, Le, par Dumas, 3 vol 614-6 Causeries historiques et litteraires, par Souvestre, 3 vol 1311-3 par Dumas, 2 vol 54 " 1 Ce que chacun peut faire pour son prochain, ou tante Betsy et le pauvre Robert 1500 femme veut, par Vincent 1789 Cecile ou la petite sceur, par Gouraud 9°° par Dumas 54 2 Celibataires, Les, par Balzac, 2 vol I7 2 "3 Cent-unieme regiment, Le, par Noriac 1098 Cervantes Saavedra (M. de), Don Quichotte de la Manche 362 ■ ■ Nouvelles 1664 Cesar Birotteau, par Balzac 145 ■ Borgia ou lTtalie en 1500, 2 vol 127-8 par Dumas 543 Cesette, par Pouvillon "45 Chacnn son idee, par Girardin 861 Chambre des poisons, La, par Lacroix, [Romans divers] IT 10 Champfleury (Jules Fleury, dit), CEuvres : Les excentriques 37 1 Ma tante Peronne 374 Souvenirs des Funambules. 372 Les bourgeois de Molin- chart 370 Chien-Caillou 373 Chancellor, Le, par Verne 143$ Chantage, Le, par Gaboriau, [Esclavcs de Paris] 832 Charite Helstone, par Mme Brock 291 Charles-le-Temeraire, par Scott 34 Charriere (E.), Memoires d'un seigneur russe 375 Charton (E.), Lectures de famille choisies dans la collection du Magasin pittoresque *6l2 Chartreuse de Parme, La, par Stendhal 138° Chasles (P. ), Souvenirs d'un medecin, [Samuel Warren] 376 Chasse au lion, La, par Gerard 854 Chasseur de plantes, Le, par Mayne-Reid 1073 sauvagine, Le, par Dumas 544 Chasseurs d'abeilles, Les, par Aimard 76S Chateau d'Aarau, Le, par Zschokke 1484 d'Eppstein, Le, par Dumas, 2 vol 545'6 de la rage, Le, par Stapleaux 17^1 [215] CHA BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES CLA. Chateau de Zolkiew, Le, par Szajnocha 1404 cles desertes, Le, par Sand 1 1 96 Pyrenees, Le, par Soulie, 2 vol 1270- 1 perilleux, Le, par Scott 36 Chateaubriand (LevteR. F. A. de), Atala, — Rene, — Les Natchez. 377 Av. du dernier Abencerage 1 5 x 7 Chatiment, Le, par Enault 738 Chauiniere indienne, La, par Bernard in de Saint-Pierre 15 18 Chaumont, par Post 270 Chavette (E.), La belle Alliette 1728 ■ Lilie, Tutue, Bebeth 1 729 Chemin de France, Le, par Verne 1443 la fortune, Le, par Conscience 425 traverse, Le, par Janin 979 Cherbuliez (V.), CEuvres : Le roman d'une honnete femme 1 380 Samuel Brohl et Cie 385 Le comte Kostia 378 L'idee de Jean Teterol... 386 Meta Holdenis 379 Miss Rovel 381 Chercheur de pistes, Le, par Aimard 84 Chers voisins, Les, par O'Rell 1 1 18 Chevalerie, Romans de. Voir Tressan. Chevalier de Charny, Le, par Beauvoir 187 Maison-Rouge, Le, par Dumas 548 Saint-Georges, Le, par Beauvoir 193 d'Harmental, Le, par Dumas 547 Chevalier (E.), Les Pieds-Noirs 388 Chez les Allemands ; Chez nous, [Bande du Jura] 1 10 Yankees, par Despreaux 1741 Cllien-Caillou, par Champfleury 373 Chiens de chasse, Les, par Ponson du Terrail 1719 ChillOil, par Willyams 1458 Chonchette, par Prevost 1775 Chouans, Les, ou la Bretagne en 1799, par Balzac 156 Chroniques de la Canongate, par Scott 32 mer,par Souvestre 1314 et nouvelles, par Stendhal 1381 Chute d'un ange, La, par Lamartine 1679 Cigarette, par Ouida, 2 vol , 1121-2 Cinq cent mille francs de rente, par Veron , 1444 Les, par Feval, 2 vol I7 I 4"5 Cinq-Mars, par Vigny 1445 Cinq semaines en ballon, par Verne 1433 Cinquante ans de vie litteraire, par Mary- Lafon 1059 Cite Menard, par Greville 917 Citoyen Bonaparte, Le, par Erckmann-Chatrian 758 Claire d'Albe, par Mme Cottin , 1520 Clairieres, Les, par Souvestre, 2vol I3 I 5"6 CI are tie (J. ), CEuvres : Monsieur le ministre 390 Le train 17 391 troisieme dessous 392 Candidat! 1799 Mademoiselle Cachemire. 393 La maison vide 389 mansarde 1730 Clarisse Harlowe, par Richardson, 1 1 vol 1 5S2-92 [216] CLA SECTION FRANCHISE CON Olarisse par Daudet 479 Claude. — Memoires de M. Claude, chef de la police de siirete sous le second Empire, 10 vol 394"4°3 Cleomades et Claremonde. Voir Tressan. Clique doree, La, par Gaboriau 1690 Coeur de pierre, Le, par Aimard 86 Coin du feu, Au, par Souvestre 1310 Colette, par Bouvier 1725 Colleville (C), Renelle, roman pastoral 1 5 19 Collier de la reine, Le, par Dumas, 3 vol 549-51 Collins (W. ), Mademoiselle ou Madame ? 406 La pierre de lune, 2 vol 404-5 Colomba, par Merimee 1080 Colomb (Mme), CEuvres : Deux meres, ill 1614 | Ici et la 408 La fille de Cariles, ill. ... 1613 | Les infortunes de Chouchou. 407 Colombe, La, par Dumas 552 Colombey (E. ), Histoire anecdotique du duel dans tous les temps et dims tous les pays 409 Colon de Mettray, Le, par Nyon 1099 Van Diemen, Le, par Rowcroft, 3 vol HS3-5 Colons du Canada, Les, par Marryatt, 2 vol 1061-2 Combe (T.), Pauvre Marcel 410 Comedies et proverbes, par Segur 1 262 Compagnons de Jehu, Les, par Dumas, '3 vol 553-5 du silence, Les, par Feval, 3 vol 7&9 _ 9 l Compere Mathieu, Le, par Dulaurens, 4 vol 1550-3 Comte de Foix, Le, par Soulie - 1272 Monte-Cristo, Le, par Dumas, 3 vol 556-8 Toulouse, Le, par Soulie 1273 Kostia, Le, par Cherbuliez 378 Comtesse de Charily, La, par Dumas, 3 vol 559-61 Monrion, La, par Soulie I2 74 > — Salisbury, La, par Dumas, 2 vol 562-3 Sarah, La, par Ohnet 1102 Confession generate, par Soulie, 2 vol 1275-6 Confessions de la marquise, Les, par Dumas, 2 vol 564-5 d'un ouvrier, par Souvestre 1317 Conscience (FL), CEuvres L'annee des merveilles ... 411 Aurelien, 2 vol 4 2 9-3° Batavia 44 1 Les bourgeois de Darlin- gen 443 Le bourgmestre de Liege. 426 cantonnier, — L'illu- sion d'une mere 452 chemin de la fortune. 425 conscrit 442 coureur des greves... 440 demon de l'argent... 421 — dujeu 420 Les drames flamands, — Le fleau du village 445 gant perdu 415 gentilhomme pativre. 444 La guerre des paysans ... 448 Le guet-apens 427 Les heures du soir 414 Le jeunedocteur 423 La jeune femme pale 416 Les Kerles de Flandre, 2 vol 1731-2 Le lion de Flandre, 2 vol. 432-3 Maitre Valentin 428 Le marchand d'Anvers ... 431 La mere Job 438 Une affaire embrouillee. 412 L'oncle et la niece 417 L217: CON BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES CON La sorciere flamande 450 tombe de fer 413 Le tribun de Gand, 2 vol. 434-5 Les veillees flamandes ... 436 La voleuse d'enfant 419 Conscience (H.), GEuvres :—(««/*. ) L'oncle Reimond 451 L'orpheline 439 Le pays de Tor 424 Un sacrifice 418 Le sang humain 422 Scenes de la vie flamande, 2 vol 446-7 Conscience l'innocent, par Dumas, 2 vol 566-7 par Malot 1768 Conscrit de l'an VIII, Le, par Valois de Forville 1430 1813, Histoire d'un, par Erckmann-Chatrian 754 Le, par Conscience 442 Conseiller d'Etat, Le, par Soulie 1277 Conseils a ma fille, par Bouilly, 2 vol 275-6 Constant (B.), Adolphe 453 Consuelo, par Sand, 3 vol 1197-9 Contes allemands du temps passe 1626 par Martin 1066 a ma fille, par Bouilly, 2 vol 271-2 jeune famille, par Malles 1026 americains, par Macintosh, 2 vol 101 5-6 anglais, par de Witt 146 1 choisis, par Grimm 941 ■ ■ de l'adolescence, par Edgeworth 728 la montagne, par Erckmann-Chatrian 746 l'atelier, Les, par Masson, [Romans divers] 1710 l'enfance, par Edgeworth 727 Noel, par Dickens 503 des bords du Rhin, par Erckmann-Chatrian 747 fees, Les, par Mme d'Aulnoy, 5 vol 151 2- 16 d'un planteur de choux, par Pontmartin 1137 d'une grand'mere : Le chene parlant, par Sand 1778 et nouvelles, par Karr 982 Souvestre 131 8 recits de ma grand'mere, par Soulie 1279 fantastiques, par Erckmann-Chatrian 748 Hoffmann 962 merveilleux, par Porchat 1 142 moraux, par Marmontel, 3 vol 1051-3 par Andersen 101 Nodier, [Romans divers] I7 1 © Testas I4°5 populaires de differents pays, par Marmier 1039 2me serie, par Marmier 1769 l'Allemagne, par Grimm 1643 pour les enfants, par Schmid 1681 Soulie 1278 sans malice, par Girardin 860 vosgiens, par Erckmann-Chatrian 749 Contrat de manage, Le, par Balzac 163 (Ppjiversion, Une, par Raousset 115 2 [218] coo SECTION FRANCHISE" CUR Cooper (F.), CEuvres, 5 vol. : I. — Le pilote, — Sur mer et sur terre, — Lucie Hardinge, — Le Robinson amdricain, — L'homme des bois, — L'Ontario II. — Christophe Colomb, — L'^cumeur de mer, — Le bravo, — OEil-de- Faucon, — Precaution III. — Le bourreau, — Le colon d'AmeYique, — La prairie, — Lionel Lin- coln, — Le paquebot IV. — Eve Effingham (suite du Paquebot), — Le feu follet, — Le camp des paiens, — Les deux amiraux, — Les lions de mer V. — Satanstoe, — Le porte-chaine, — Ravensnest, — Les moeurs du jour, — Les Monikins Coq du clocher, Le, par Reybaucl Corde au cou, La, par Gaboriau Corinne, par Mme de Stael Corne ( H. ), Souvenirs d'un proscrit Comely (J.), L'oeil du diable Corricolo, Le, par Dumas .' Costal PIndien, par Ferry Cottin (Mme S. R.), CEuvres : 1521-2 520 Malvina, 2 vol.. Mathilde, 3 vol. Amelie Mansfield, 2 vol. Claire d'Albe Elisabeth ou les exiles de Siberie, — La prise de Jericho 1528 | Cour d'assises, La, par Bodin Courcy (A. de), Le bois de La Boulaye Coureur des bois, Le, par Ferry, 2 vol greves, Le, par Conscience Couronne d'epines, Une, par Masson, [Romans divers] Cousin Pons, Le, par Balzac Cousine Bette, La, par Balzac Craik (D. M.), Deux Manages Craik (G. M.), Mildred Craven (Mme A.), CEuvres : Anne Severin 462 Eliane, 2 vol I486-7 Fleurange, 2 vol 465-6 La jeunesse de Fanny Kemble 461 Creole de la Havane, La, par Caballero Crime de Jean Malory, Le, par Daudet Pierrefitte, Le, par Berthet Stillwater, Le, par Aldrich Sylvestre Bonnard, Le, par France du moulin d'Usor, Le, par Jacolliot Criquette, par Halevy Croix de Berny, La, par Mme de Girardin, Gautier, Sandeau et Mery. Croquis, par Greville Cruelle enigme, par Bourget Cummins (M. S.), L'allumeur de reverberes Mabel Vaughan Cure du docteur Pontalais, Une, par Halt Cure de village, Le, par Balzac Currer-Bell (Charlotte Bronte, dite), Jane Eyre ou les memoires d'une institutrice Shirley et Agnes Grey, 2 vol Le mot de l'enigme, 2 vol. Recit d'une soeur, souvenirs de famille, 2 vol La soeur Natalie Narisch- kin 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 II58 822 1373 454 455 1600 1698 1523-4 1525-7 266 456 771-2 440 1710 142 141 457 458 459-60 463-4 3 35o 480 254 100 817 1755 95o 870 918 1693 1665 467 953 152 212 214-5 [219] BAM BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES DEE 733 735 734 468 472 473 1738 475 1792 478 479 480 1737 La vie publique en Angle- terre Wassili Samarin Lcs rsccrets d'une sorciere, 2 vol La vie chaste et la vie im- pure Jack, 2 vol. ,.;„,hi,.i Le nabab Numa Roumestan Les rois en exil Tartarin sur les Alpes Trente ans de Paris .. JL/AME de Monsoreau, La, par Dumas, 3 vol volupte, La, par Dumas, 2 vol Dames verles, Les, par Sand Dailiella, La, par Sand, 2 vol Dans la forteresse, par Splittgerber prairie, par Souvestre les Alpes, par Lamber pres et sous les bois Daryl (P.), CEuvres : En yacht La petite Lambton SigneMeltroe,mceurs ber- linoises Dash (La ctesse), CEuvres : Mademoiselle de la Tour- du-Pin, Le neuf de pique, suite et fin des secrets d'une sorciere Daudet (A.), CEuvres : Aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon... La belle Nivernaise L'evangeliste 1686 Eromont jeune et Risler aine - L'immortel Daudet (E.), CEuvres : L'aventure de Jeanne ... Clarisse Le crime de Jean Malory.. Jourdan coupe-tete David Copperfield, par Dickens, 2 vol De la terre a la lune, par Verne Paris a Cadix, par Dumas Defoe (D.), Robinson Crusoe Degres de l'echelle, Les, par Greville DegTingolade, La, par Gaboriau, 2 vol. : I. — Un mvstere d'iniquite" II. — Les Maillefert Delplline, par Mme de Stael Delpit (A.), CEuvres: Le fils de Coralie 483 I La marquise Le mariage d'Odette... ... 1683 | Theresine .. Deniain, par Edgeworth Demoiselles du Roncay, Les, par Second Demon de l'argent, Le, par Conscience — — du jeu, Le, par Conscience Depute d'Arcis, Le, par Balzac Dernier Abencerage, par Chateaubriand amour de lord Saint-Albans, par Hericault des barons, Le, par Bulwer, 2 vol -- commis-voyageurs, Le, par Reybaud [220] Mon frere et moi, souvenirs d'enfance et de jeunesse. Pervertis 568-70 571-2 1200 1201-2 1795 1319 1757 1791 1697 1736 470-I 469 1684-5 476 477 474 5 1739 482 481 497-8 1435 1603 809 919 828 829 1375 484 1740 729 1252 421 420 174 I5I7 1702 339-40 "59 i)SK SECTION FRANCHISE DOC Dernier des Tremolin, Le, par Drumont Irlandais, Le, par Berthet Derniere Aldini, La, par Sand ■ incarnation de Vautrin, La, par Balzac soeur grise, La, par Gozlan Dernieres chasses, Mes, par Gerard fees, Les, par Feval lettres d'un bon jeune homme, par About Derniers Bretons, Les, par Souvestre, 2 vol jours de Pompei, Les, par Bulwer, 4 vol pavsans, Les, par Souvestre Despreaux (L.), Chez les Yankees Destinee de Paul Harding, La, par Prins La, par Enault Deux Anglaises a. Rome, par Trollope cadavres, Les, par Soulie ■ Diane, Les, par Dumas, 3 vol enfants de Saint-Domingue, Les, par Gouraud. filles de M. Dubreuil, Les, par Wailly, 2 vol. . freres, Les, par Erckmann-Chatrian manages, par Mine Craik : meres, par Mme Colomb, ill miseres, par Souvestre petits freres, Histoire de, par Witt reines, Les, par Dumas, 2 vol Devereux, par Bulwer, 4 vol Diable aux champs, Le, par Sand boiteux, Le, par Le Sage Diamant de famille, Le, par Thackeray Diane de Lys, par Dumas fils et Louise, par Soulie Dickens (Ch.), CEuvres : 2 vol M. Pick- 1673-4 [666-7 493-4 1409 501-2 503 497-r L'ami commun Aventures de wick, 2 vol Barnabe Rudge, 2 vol. .. La bataille de la vie Bleak House, 2 vol Contes de Noel David Copperfield, 2 vol Dombey et fils, 2 vol 495-6 Les grandes esperances, 2 vol 1670-1 Le grillon du foyer 1409 Le magasin d'antiquites, 2 vol 499-500 Dieu dispose, par Dumas, 2 vol Dimitri Roudine, par Tourgueneff Diseours a l'Academie, par Hugo Disraeli (B.). £Wr Beaconsfielcl. Doeteur dans l'embarras, Le, par Stretton Herbeau, Le, par Sandeau mysterieux, Le, par Dumas, 2 vol La mort de l'ivrogne, — La femme au voile noir, — Les quatre soeurs ... Le mystere d'Edwin Drood Nicholas Nickleby, 2 vol. Olivier Twist Paris et Londres en 1793. La petite Dorritt, 3 vol.... Les temps difficiles Vie et aventures de Martin Chuzzlewitt, 2 vol 2 vol. 1743 252 1203 143 907 856 783 57 1320-1 329-32 1322 1741 ii5i 733 1426 1280 573-5 906 1453-4 75o 457 1614 1352 1462 576-7 313-6 1204 1561 1409 721 1282 1541 1672 1668-9 487 504 488-90 485 491-2 578-9 1423 1558 [3967 1780 580-1 [221] £>0C BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES DUM Docteur Ox, Le, par Verne Servans, Le, par Dumas fils Doit et avoir, par Freytag, 2 vol Dom Ursino-le-Navarin. Voir Tressan. Dombey et fils, par Dickens, 2 vol Domino rose, Le, par Bouvier Don Quichotte, par Cervantes Dosia, par Greville Drame dans les airs, Un, par Verne de 93, Le, par Dumas, 3 vol intime, Un, par Enault sous la Terreur, Un, par Carne Drames de la mer, Les, par Dumas ■ flamands, Les, par Conscience galants, Les, par Dumas, 2 vol parisiens, Les, par wSouvestre Dred, par Beecher-Stowe, 2 vol Droz (G.), CEuvres : L'enfant 1742 I Monsieur, Madame etBebe. Entre nous 1711 | Tristesses et sourires Drnmont (E.), Le dernier des Tremolin Du Camp (M.), Memoires d'un suicide „ Duchesse de Montbarre, La, par Robert Ducray-Duminil (Ch.), Les soirees de la chaumiere ou les lecons du vieux pere, 8 vol Duel, Histoire anecdotique du, par Colombey Dufour (M.), Une annee a Davos Dnlaurens (L'abbe), Le compere Mathieu ou les bigarrures de l'esprit humain, 4 vol Dumas (A.), CEuvres : Acte 511 Amaury 5 12 Ange Pitou 513 Ascanio, 2 vol 515-6 Une aventure d'amour .... 517 Aventures de John Davys, 2 vol..... 518-9 Les baleiniers 520 Le batard de Mauleon, 3 vol 521-3 Black 524 Les blancs et les bleus, 3 vol 525-7 La bouillie de la comtesse Berthe 528 La boule de neige 529 Bric-a-Brac, 2 vol 530- 1 Un cadet de famille, 3 vol. 532-4 Le capitaine Pamphile ... 535 . Paul 536 Rhino 537 ■ Richard 538 Catherine Blum 539 [222] Causeries, 2 vol Cecile Cesar Le chasseur de sauvagine. Le chateau d'Eppstein, 2 vol chevalier de Maison- Rouge d'Harmental collier de la reine, 3 vol La colombe, — Maitre Adam le Calabrais Les compagnons de Jehu, 3 vol Le comte de Monte- Cristo, 3 vol La comtesse de Charny, 3 vol — Salisbury, 2 vol Les confessions de la mar- quise, 2 vol 1437 723 319-20 495-6 1606 362 920 1437 582-4 739 357 585 412 5^6-7 1324 200- L 509 5IO 1743 353 1 164 1542-9 409 1793 1550-3 540-1 542 543 544 545-6 548 547 549-51 552 553-5 556-8 559-6i 562-3 564-5 DUM SECTION FRANCHISE DUM Dumas (A.), (Euvres :— {suite.) Conscience l'innocent, 2 vol La dame de Monsoreau, 3 vol. 566-7 568-70 volupte (Me- moires de Mile de Luynes), 2 vol 571-2 Les deux Diane, 3 vol. ... 573-5 reines, suite et fin des memoires de Mile de Luynes, 2 vol... 576-7 Dieu dispose, 2 vol 578-9 Le docteur mysterieux, 2 vol 580-1 drame de 93, 3 vol. . 582-4 Les drames de la mer 585 galants, 2 vol. ... 586-7 Emma Lyonna, 3 vol. ... 588-90 La femme au collier de velours 591 Fernande 592 La fille du marquis, 2 vol . . . 593-4 Une fille du regent 595 Le fils du forcat 596 Les freres corses 597 Gabriel Lambert 598 Les Garibaldiens, revolu- tion de Sicile et de Naples 599 Gaule et France 600 Georges 601 La guerre des femmes, 2 vol 602-3 Henri IV, Louis XIII, et Richelieu 1687 Histoire de mes betes 605 d'un casse-noisette... 604 L'homme aux contes 606 Les hommes de fer 607 L'horoscope 608 L'ile de feu 609 Impressions de voyage, 19 vol. : I. — En Russie, 4 vol 610 3 II. — Le Caucase, — L'A- rabie heureuse, 3 vol. .. 614-6 III. — Midi de la France, 2 vol 617-8 IV. — Excursions sur les bords du Rhin 1596 V. — Suisse, 2 vol I597" 8 VI. — Une ann£e a. Flo- rence, — La villa Pal- mieri 1599 [223] Impressions, etc. :— (suite.) VII. — Le corricolo 1600 VIII. — Le speronare 1601 IX. — Le capitaine Arthia. 1602 X. — De Paris a Cadix . . 1603 XL — LeV£Ioce ouTanger, Alger et Tunis 1604 XII. — Quinze jours au Sinai 1605 Ingenue, 2 vol 619-20 Isaac Laquedem, 2 vol.... 621-2 Isabel de Baviere 623 Italiens et Flamands 624 Jacques Ortis, — Les fous du docteur Miraglia ... 625 Jacquot sans oreilles 626 Jane 627 Jehanne la Pucelle 628 La jeunesse de Louis XIV, comedie 629 Joseph Balsamo,memoires d'un medecin, 3 vol. ... 630-2 Louis XIV et son siecle, 2 vol 643-4 XVetsacour 645 XVI et la revolution. 646 Les louves de Machecoul, 3 vol 633-5 Madame de Chamblay, 2 vol 636-7 La maison de glace, 2 vol. 638-9 Le maitre d'armes, — Le meneur de loups 647 Les manages du pere Oli- fus 640 Medicis 648 Mes memoires, 10 vol. ... 649-58 Memoires d'une aveugle (Mme duDeffand) 659 Le meneur de loups 641 Les mille et un fantomes.. 642 Mohicans de Paris, 2 vol 660-1 morts vont vite,2 vol. 662-3 Napoleon 664 Une nuit a Florence 665 Olympe de Cleves, 3 vol. . 666-8 Le page du due de Savoie, 2 vol 669-70 Parisiens et provinciaux... 671 Le pasteur d'Ashbourn ... 672 Pauline et Pascal Bruno... 673 Un pays inconnu 674 Le pere Gigogne 675 La Ruine 676 DUM BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES EN Dumas (A.), (Euvres : — {suite.) Le prince des voleurs, 2 vol. La princesse de Monaco, vie et aventures, 2 vol.. Flora Les quarante-cinq, 3 vol.. La regence reine Margot Robin Hood le proscrit... La route de Varennes .... Le salteador Salvator, suite et fin des Mohicans de Paris, 3 vol. La San-Felice, 2 vol Souvenirs d'Antony 677-8 680-1 679 682-4 685 686 687 688 689 691-3 694-5 696 d'une favorite, 4 vol. . .697-700 Les Stuarts Sultanetta Sylvandire La terreur prussienne Le testament de M. Chau- velin Trois maitres Les trois mousquetaires... Le trou de l'enfer La tulipe noire Levicomtede Bragelonne, 3 vol...;.... Une vie d'artiste Vingt ans apres, suite des Trois mousquetaires, 3 vol Dumas (Alexandre), a. la Maison d'or, par Audebrand ses clernieres annees, par Ferry Dumas (A. fils), CEuvres : Aventures de quatre fem- mes et d'un perroquet. 717 La boite d'argent 724 Diane de Lys 721 Le docteur Servans 723 Dunoyer (Mme), Lettres historiques et galantes de deux dames de condition. 1733 Dupuis (E.), Notre-Dame-des-Pres Duval (G.), Le tonnelier Le roman d'une femme Le sergent Mustel Tristan-le-Roux Trois homines forts 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710-12 713 714-16 1721 1699 720 719 718 722 725 726 1744 XijAUX de Saint-Ronan, Les, par Scott.. 27 Echelle de femmes, L', par Souvestre 1323 Ecole buissonniere, L', par Marcel 1035 Ecolier de Cluny, L', par Beauvoir 1 92 L', ou Raoul et Victor, 2 vol 944-5 Ecueil, L', par Bernard 219 Edge worth (Miss), CEuvres : Contes de l'adolescence. 728 I Demam 729 l'enfance 727 | Le vase prussien 730 Eliane, par Craven, 2 vol 1486-7 Elisabeth, par Mme Cottia 152S Eliza et Maria, par Marquand 1055 Elsie Venner, par Forgues 815 Emma Lyonna, par Dumas, 3 vol 5SS-90 ou la priere d'une mere 133 En campagne [1870-71], par Moulin 1093 chemin de fer, par Marmier 1041 coupe, par Fleuriot 807 yacht, par Daryl 1733 [224] ENA SECTION FRANCAISE ERN 736 738 733 739 734 Les perles noires Le roman d'une veuve. Stella La veuve Enault (L.), CEuvres : Alba Le chatiment La destinee Un drame intime Histoire d'une femme . Encouragemens de la jeunesse, Les, par Bouilly, 2 vol. Endymion, par Beaconsfield, 2 vol , Enfant des bois, L', par Berthet du guide, L', par Gouraud gate, Un, par Fleuriot maudit, L', par Balzac L', par Droz sans mere, Un, par Montgomery Enfants de la ferme, Les, par Gouraud des Tuileries, Les, par Pitray et parents, par Witt Enquete, L', par Gaboriau, [Monsieur Lecoq] Entre chien et loup, par Pontmartin ciel et terre, par Ludwig nous, par Droz En vers, L', de l'histoire contemporaine, — Z. Marcas, par Balzac .. Epreuves de Raissa, Les, par Greville Equipage du dauphin, L', par Stretton Erekmann-Chatrian. — CEuvres : 74i 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 75o 752 753 760 754 759 L ami Fritz Le banni blocus brigadier Frederic. Une campagne en Kabylie Contes de la montagne . . . des bords du Rhin... fantastiques vosgiens Les deux freres Le grand'pere Lebigre ... La guerre Histoire du plebiscite ... d'un consent de 1813 homme du peuple paysan, ill. : Les Etats-G£ne>aux, — La Patrie en danger, — L'an I de la Republique, — Le citoyen Bonaparte I. — Les Etats-Gene>aux [1789! ••••: • II. — La Patrie en danger ti79 2 ] III.— L'an I de la Re- publique [1793] IV. — Le citoyen Bona- parte. [17948.1815] Erekmann (J.), Le pere La Vendee Ermite de Plouerneau, L', par Mme Bersier Ernest Maltravers, par Bulwer, 4 vol 8 [225] d' un sous-mai- 755 756 757 758 docteur Ma- ou le fou Ye- Histoire tre L'illustre theus L'invasion gof Madame Therese La inaison forestiere Maitre Gaspard Fix, suivi de l'education d'un feodal Romans nationaux, ill. : 735 731 737 732 273-4 [675-6 249 902 806 177 1742 1090 901 1132 1463 836 1 136 1014 1711 154 922 1399 761 751 762 763 764 765 Le consent de 1813, — Waterloo. — Madame The>ese ou les volon- taires de92, — L'inva- sion, — L' homme du peuple, — La guerre, — Le blocus, — Le capi- taine Rochart Souvenirs d'un ancien chef de chantier a l'isthme de Suez Les vieux de la vieille ... Waterloo, suite du consent de 1813 1627 766 767 768 740 248 333-6 ERR BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES FER Erreur d'Isabelle, L', par Maryan 1060 Esclaves de Paris, Les, par Gaboriau, 2 vol. : I. — Le chantage 832 I I. — Le secret des Champdoce 833 Espion chinois, L', ou l'envoye secret de la cour de Pekin pour examiner l'etat present de l'Europe, 6 vol. 1773 1501-6 Estelle et Nemorin, par Florian 1557 Ete a Meudon, Un, par SouKe* 1281 Etranges histoires, par Grenville-Murray 914 Tourgueneff 1455 Escqffier (H. ), Troppmann 1 745 Eugene Aram, par Bulwer, 4 vol 309- 1 2 Eugenie Grandet, par Balzac 136 Evangeliste, L', parDaudet 1686 Excentriques, Les, par Champfleury 371 Excursions sur les bords du Rhin, par Dumas 1 596 Exiles dans la foret, Les, par Mayne-Reid 1076 Expiation deSaveli, L', par Greville 921 Exploits de Fifi Vollard, Les, par Gueroult 1608 Eyma (X.), Excentricit^s americaines, [Histoires diverses] 1508 FaBRE (F.), Mon oncle Celestin 1746 Falkland, par Bulwer, 2 vol 297-8 Famille Aubernin, La, par Achard 69 Durandel, La, par Blockhausen 265 En, par Souvestre 1 327 Halliburton, La, par Wood, 2 vol 1472-3 pendant la guerre de 1870-71, Une, par Mme Boissonnas 267 Fanfarons du roi, Les, par Feval 784 FauDOurg Saint- Antoine, Le, par Revillon 1776 Fausse route, par Girardin, ill 1641 Favre (L.), Andre le graveur ou l'art dans l'industrie 769 Feillet (Alph.), Histoire abreg^e du gentil seigneur de Bayart 770 Fellah, Le, par About 59 Femme au collier de velours, La, par Dumas 591 voile noir, La, par Dickens 1541 de trente ans, La, par Balzac , , 162 Femmes en Turquie, Les, par Osman-Bey 1120 Ferme de Hillside, La, par Buckland ... 296 Frilly, La, par Porchat 1579 des Gohel, La, par Canivet 1 727 Fernande, par Dumas 592 Ferry (G.), (Euvres : Balzac et ses amies 1 747 Costal l'lndien, scenes de la guerre de l'in- dependance du Mexi- que 1698 [226] Le coureur des bois ou les chercheurs d'or, 2 vol 771-2 Les dernieres annees d'Alex- andre Dumas [1864-70]. 1699 Scenes de la vie mexicaine. 773 FEtJ SECTION FRANCHISE FLE Feuillet(0.), OEuvres : Histoire de Sibylle d'une Parisienne Le journal d'une femme... Feval (P.), GEuvres : Alizia Pauli Les amours de Paris, 2 vol Blanchefleur Le bossu ou le petit 775 778 776 782 787-8 779 Le roman d'un jeune homrae pauvre La veuve, — Le voyageur... Les compagnons du silence, 3 vol. . ; '. dernieres fees fanfarons du roi Le fils du diable, 4 vol Parisien, 3 vol 797-9 I Les nuitsde Paris capitaine Simon, — La fille de Vital- gre 785 Les cinq, 2 vol 1714-5 Fiance de Sylvie, Le, par Greville Fiancee de Lammermoor, La, par Scott du ministre, La, par Mme Beecher-Stowe proscrit, La, par Pascal, 2 vol Fiances du Spitzberg, Les, par Marmier — — Les, par Marcel Fievre d'or, La, par Aimard Figuier (MmeL.), GEuvres : La reine des epees Le roi des gueux, 2 vol Les tribunaux secrets, 8 vol. ill Le gardian de la Camar- gue, scenes et souvenirs desMaremmesduRhone 802 Mos de Lavene 801 Les sceurs de lait, scenes et souvenirs du Bas-Lan- guedoc 774 777 789-91 783 784 793-6 792 786 780-1 [629-36 923 18 1663 1125-6 1044 1033 80 800 Fille aux oies, La, par Rolland 1 182 de Cariles, La, par Mme Colomb, ill 1613 Satan, La, par Robert 1163 du capitaine, La, par Pouschkine 1144 forestier, La, par Olivier 1 106 marquis, La, par Dumas, 2 vol 593"4 regent, Une, par Dumas 595 Filles de John Bull, Les, par O'Rell 1117 lord Oakburn, Les, par Wood, 2 vol 1466-7 du Boer, Les, par Brehat 287 president, Les, par Bremer 2 Fillenle, La, par Sand 1205 Fils de Coralie, Le, par Delpit 483 du diable, Le, par Feval, 4 vol 793*6 format, Le, par Dumas 596 Maugars, Le, par Theuriet 1413 Fin du proces, La, par Pontmartin 1 138 vieux temps, La, par Bourde 1692 Fistie (C), L'amour au village , , 803 Flavie, par Sand 1206 Fleau du village, Le, par Conscience 445 Fleur des batailles, La. Voir Tressan. Fleurange, par Craven, 2 vol 465-6 Fleurs de la foret, Les 1507 [227] FLE BIBLK)THEQUE GUILLE-ALLES GAB Un enfant gate 806 Plus tard, ou le jeune chef de famille 808 Fleuriot (Z.), CEuvres : Armelle Trahec 804 Bigarrette 805 En coupe 807 Flores et Blanchefleur. Voir Tressan. Florian (J. P. C. de), Estelle et Nemorin, suivi de Galatee 1557 Flossette, par Giberne 859 Foire aux vanites, La, par Thackeray, 2 vol 1406-7 Fontaine de la fidelite, La, par Berthet 253 Force et faiblesse, par Bouverie I Forceurs de blocus, Les, par Verne 1441 Forestier, Le, par Aimard 79 Glouvet 873 Forgerons, Les, par Soulie , 1283 Forgues (E. D.), Elsie Venner, — La sorciere a l'ambre 815 Fort Duquesne, Le, par Aimard, [Belle-Riviere] 95 Fortune de Gaspard, La, par Segur 1256 Fortunio, par Gautier 1749 Fon par amour, Le, par Mirecourt 1088 Fouinet (E.), L'ile des cinq 816 . Roch le corsaire, 2 vol 1555-6 Fous du docteur Miraglia, Les, par Dumas ., 625 Foyer breton, Le, par Souvestre, 2 vol 1 328-9 domestique, Le, par Bremer 289 Fraiche comme une rose, par Broughton 292 Francais peints par eux-memes, Les, 5 vol. ill 1620-4 France (A.), Le crime de Sylvestre Bonnard, membre de l'lnstitut... 817 . Le livre de mon ami 818 Frangois le bossu, par Segur 1255 — champi, par Sand " 1207 Francs-juges, Les, par Robert 11 76 Franz de Hocliwarten, La vie de, par Schubert 1248 Freres corses, Les, par Dumas 597 et soeurs, par Yonge, 2 vol 1480-1 Freytag (G.), Doit et avoir, 2 vol 819-20 Fries (N.), Les humbles ouvriers de notre Dieu 821 Fromont jeune et Risler aine, par Daudet 475 G ABORIAU (E.), (Euvres: L'affaire Lerouge 825 j Les esclaves de Paris, 2 v. : L'argent des autres, 2 vol. : I. — Les hommes de paille. 826 II. — La peche en eau trouble 827 I. — Le chantage 832 II. — Le secret des Champdoce 833 Manages d'aventure 823 Monsieur Lecoq, 2 vol.: I. — L'enquete 836 La Clique doree 1690 | II. — L'honneurdu nom ; . 837 La corde au cou 822 | Le petit vieux des Bati- La degringolade, 2 vol.: gnolles 834 I. — Un mystere d'ini- Le treizieme hussards 824 quite" 828 La vie infernale, 2 vol. : II. — Les Maillefert 829 I. — Pascal et Marguerite. ?3° I II. — Liad'Argeles 831 [228] GAB SECTION FRANCHISE Gill Gabriel Lambert, par Dumas 598 Galatee, par Florian 1557 Galdos (13. P.), L'ami Manso 1748 Galland. — Les raille et une nuits, contes arabes, 2 vol 838-9 Gambucinos, Les, par Aimard 81 Gant perdu, Le, par Conscience 415 Gardian de la Camargue, Le, par Mme Figuier ....;;;;. 802 Garibaldiens, Les, par Dumas .-. 599 Gaskell ( Mme L. E. ), Les amoureux de Sylvie 840' Marie Barton 842 Ruth 841 et Craik. — Trois histoires d'amour 844 Gaule et France, par Dumas 600 Gautier (T.), (Euvres: Avatar, — Fortunio 1749 I Militona 845 Tettatura 1750 | Voir aussi Croix de Berny. Gay (S. ), Un manage sous l'empire 846 Gazida, par Marmier 1038 General Dourakine, Le, par Segur 1261 Genevieve, par Lamartine 993 Genlis (Ctesse S. F. de), (Euvres : Les petits emigres, 2 vol. 850-1 Les veillees du chateau, Petrarque et Laure, 2 vol. 852-3 2 vol 848-9 Le siege de La Rochelle. . . 847 Gentilhomme campagnard, Le, par Bernard, 2 vol 225-6' pauvre, Le, par Conscience 444 Georges, par Dumas 601 Georgette, par Bentzon 217 Gerard de Nevers. — Voir Tressan. Gerard (J. ), La chasse au lion 854 ' Mes dernieres chasses 856 Voyages et chasses ; 855 . Gerfaut, par Bernard 222 Gerstacker (F.), Aventures d'une colonie d'emigrants en Amerique. 1700 Les pirates du Mississippi 857 Les voleurs de chevaux 858 Giberne (A.), Flossette 859 Gil-Bias, par Le Sage 1002 Gil Braltar, par Verne 1443 Girardin (J.), (Euvres : Les braves gens 175 1 ill 1671 Chacun son idee 861 Contes sans malice 860 Fausse route, — Souvenirs d'un poltron, — La pre- miere faute, — Aveux d'un egoiste, ill \d\t J'aime mieux retourner a l'ecole Girardin (Mme E. de), (Euvres : La croix de Berny S70 En collaboration avec Th. Gautier, Jules Sandeau et M6ry. Marguerite ou deux a- mours 867 [229] 1794 Monsieur le marquis de Fon- tanges 866 Nouvelles 868 Poesies completes 869 Le vicomte de Launay, let- . tres parisiennes, 4 vol. ... 862-5 GIR BIBLIOTJIEQUE GUILLE-ALLES GRE L'ideal Le marinier. 895-6 897 893 701 Giron (A.), Une grande demi-mondaine Gloire des Verner, La, par Wood, 2 vol Gloriole, La, par Wolff Glouvet (J. de), (Euvres : Le berger 874 | Le forestier 873 | Goethe (J. W. de), Werther Gogol (N. ), Nouvelles choisies Goldsmith (O. ), Le vicaire de Wakefield Gomez (Mme de), Les journees amvtsantes, 4 vol. 1758 Gonzales (E.), La servante du diable 1 La vierge de l'Opera Gotthelf (J.), (Euvres: Anne-Babi, 2 vol Le miroir des paysans ... Nouvelles bernoises Ulric le fermier, seconde partie d' Ulric le valet de ferme Gouraud (J.), (Euvres : Cecile ou la petite soeur... Les deux enfants de Saint- Domingue ,„ Les enfants de la ferme... L'enfant du guide Gouters de la grand'mere, Les, par Carraud Goutte d'eau, La, par Souvestre Gozlan (L.), La derniere soeur grise, — Celecte... Grand, chef des Aucas, Le, par Aimard, 2 vol Grand'pere Lebigre, Le, par Erckmann-Chatrian ■ Vauthret, Mon, par Rolland Grande demi-mondaine, Une, par Giron flibuste, La, par Aimard marniere, La, par Ohnet , Grandes esperances, Les, par Dickens, 2 vol Grant (J.), Les mousquetaires ecossais, 2 vol Grattan (E. C), L'heritiere de Bruges, 3 vol. .. Graziella, par Lamartine Gren villa-Murray (E. C), Etranges histoires... Les hommes du second Empire , Veuve ou mariee ? 87 1 468-9 1790 872 875 1677 876 877 880-3 891 892 900 906 901 902 Ulric le valet de ferme, ou comment Ulric arrive a la fortune Memoires d'un caniche. petit garcon.... Le petit colporteur Petite et grande Les quatre pieces d'or . Greville (IL), (Euvres: Angele Bonne-Marie Cite Menard Croquis Les degres de l'echelle . . Dosia Les epreuves de Raissa . . L'expiation de Saveli Le fiance de Sylvie L'heritage de Xenie L'ingenue Les Koumiassine, 2 vol.. 916 1752 917 918 919 920 922 921 923 924 925 926-7 [230] Louis Breuil, histoire d'un pantoufiard Marier sa fille..... La Niania Nouvelles russes Perdue, ill Rose Rozier, 2 vol Sonia Suzanne Normis, roman d'un pere Une trahison Un violon russe, 2 vol. ... Le vceu de Nadia 903 898 899 904 905 358 1332 907 92-3 752 1182 871 91 1 103 [670-1 908-9 910-2 992 914 912 915 928 929 930 931 1642 932-3 934 935 936 939-40 937 GRI SECTION FRANCHISE HIL Grillon du foyer, Le, par Dickens 1419 Grimm (Les freres), Contes choisis 940 • populaires de l'Allemagne 1643 Grisou, Le, par Talmeyr 1782 Guaranis, Le, par Aimard 77 Guerin de Montgiave. — Voir Tressan. Gueroult (C), L'affaire de la rue du Temple, — Les exploits de Fifi Vollard 1608 La bande a Fifi Vollard 1609 Guerre des femmes, La, par Dumas, 2 vol 602-3 paysans, La, par Conscience , 448 La, par Erckmann-Chatrian 753 Guet-apens, Le, par Conscience 427 Guillon (N.), La mere Justin, protectrice des animaux 1557 Guizot (Mrae), L'ecolier ou Raoul et Victor, 2 vol 944-5 Guy Marine ring, par Scott 13 Guzman d'Alfarache, par Le Sage, 2 vol 1003-4 HABITATION du desert, L', par Mayne-Reid 107O Hacklander (F. W.), La vie militaire en Prusse, 4 vol 946-9 Hale vy ( L. ), L'abbe Constantin 951 Criquette 950 Hall (B.), Scenes de la vie maritime 952 Halt ( R. ), Une cure du docteur Pontalais 953 Histoire d'un petit homme 1754 Les infortunes d'un gentilhomme 1753 Han dTslande, par Hugo, ill 1645 Harold, par Bulwer, 2 vol 337-8 Harry Lorrequer, A ventures de, par Lever, 2 vol 1006-7 Hauff , (W.), L'auberge du Spessart 954 La caravane, contes orientaux 956 Hawthorne (N.), La lettre rouge 958 La maison aux sept pignons 957 Helene et ses amies 121 ou un maleutendu 118 Henri IV, Louis XIII et Richelieu, par Dumas 1687 Henry Esmond, par Thackeray 1410 Hericault (C. d ; ), En 1792, — Le dernier amour de lord Saint- Albans 1702 — — Le premier amour de lord Saint-Albans 959 Heritage de Jacques Farruel, U 1000 Xenie, L', par Greville 924 du marquis d'Elvigny, L', par Aunet 105 Un, par Sandeau 1245 Heritiere de Bruges, L', par Grattan, 3 vol 910-2 Herzen (A.), Ricits et nouvelles 7 Heures du soir, Les, par Conscience 414 Hezecques (Cte d'), Souvenirs d'un page de la cour de Louis XVI... 960 Hildebrand. — Scenes de la vie hollandaise 961 [231] HIS BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLKS HUM HistOire de mes amis, par Achard 70 betes, par Dumas 605 Sibylle, par Feuillet 775 des treize, par Balzac 146 d'vm casse-noisette, par Dumas 604 ■ homme du peuple, par Erckmann-Chatrian 759 pauvre musicien, par Marmier 1043 paysan, par Erckmann-Chatrian, 4 vol 755-8 petit homme, par Halt 1754 d'une femme, par Enault 734 Parisienne, par Feuillet , 778 Histoires cavalieres, par Beauvoir 186 d'autrefois, par Souvestre 1333 de la bonne tante, Les, par Macintosh 1019 diverses, 3 vol. : I. — La fille du laitier, — Le pauvre homme, — Les plaisirs du dimanche, — Lettre a un ami sur l'autorite\ le but et les effets du christianisme et en particulier sur la doctrine de la redemption, — De l'lmmortalite" de lame, — etc 1493 II. — Francois le mauvais sujet ou la malediction d'un pere, — La haie d'epines, — Excentricitds am^ricaines, par Eyma 1508 III. — Marguerite qu la victoire de l'orpheline, — Memoires d'Erama et de sa bonne ou histoire de Lady Harewood, par Mine Cameron, — Sou- venirs de Rose S., — Deux sermons pour les enfants, par Ryle, — La Croix traits pour les temps presents, par Ryle 1509 Histoires et lecons de choses, par Pape-Carpentier 1123 et 1704 normandes, par Karr 983 Hiver, L', par Olivier 1107 Hivernage dans les glaces, Un, par Verne 1437 Hoffmann (E. T. W.), Contes fantastiques 962 Hollard (Mile H.), Pauvre garcon, 2 vol 963-4 Homme a l'oreille cassee, L', par About 65 aux contes, L', par Dumas 606 de neige, L', par Sand, 3 vol. ... 1208-10 et l'argent, L', par Souvestre J 334 qui rit, L', par Hugo, 3 vol 1660- ibis Hommes de fer, Les, par Dumas 607 paille, Les, par Gaboriau, [Argent des autres] 826 du Second Empire, Les, par Grenville-Murray 912 Honneur du nom, L', par Gaboriau, [Monsieur Lecoq] 837 Honorine, par Balzac 164 Horace, par Sand 1211 Horizons prochains, Les 106 Horoscope, L', par Dumas 608 Hortcnse, par Karr 980 Houssaye (A.), Le violon de Franjole 965 Hugo (C.), Victor Hugo en Zelande 971 Hugo (V.), (Euvres : Bug-Jargal, ill 1646 Discours a l'Academie, — Bug-Jargal, — Han d'ls- lande 1558 Han d'Islande, ill 1645 L'homme qui rit, 3 vol. 1660-ibis Huit jours au chateau, par Soulie 12S4 Humbert (A.), Jean le denicheur ou misere et richesse 1560 [232] Les miserables, 5 vol 972-6 Notre-Damede Paris, 2vol. 967-8 Qiiatre-vingt-treize, 2 vol. 969-70 Les travailleurs de la mer, 2 vol 977-8 HUM SECTION FRANCHISE JEA Humbles ouvriers de notre Dieu, Les, par Fries 821 Huon de Bordeaux. Voir Tressan. Idetla 113 . par Mine Colomb 408 Ideal, L', par Glouvet 872 Idee de Jean Teterol, L', par Cherbuliez . . 386 II y a deux ans, par Kingsley, 2 vol 986-7 He de feu, L', par Dumas 609 des cinq, L', par Fouinet 816 mysterieuse, L', par Verne 223 Illusion d'une mere, L', par Conscience 4.52 Illusions perdues, par Balzac, 2 vol 7 1 70- 1 Illustre docteur Matheus, L', par Erckmann-Chatrian 75 1 Immortel, L', par Daudet , 1792 Impressions de voyage, par Dumas, 19 vol 610-8 et 1596-1605 Incas, Les, par Marmontel, 2 vol 1049-50 Indiana, par Sand 1212 Infortunes de Chouchou, Les, par Mme Colomb 4°7 d'un gentilhomme, Les, par Halt *753 Ingenue, par Dumas, 2 vol 619-20 L', par Greville 9 2 5 Institutrice, L' 117 en Angleterre, Une, par Broussel, 2 vol 2 94"5 Invasion, L\ par Erckmann-Chatrian , 7 62 Isaac Laquedem, par Dumas, 2 vol 621-2 Isabel de Baviere, par Dumas 623 Italiens et Flamands,' par Dumas 624 Ivan l'imbecile, par Tolstoi 1 79^ Ivan hoe, par Scott , 19 Jack, par Daudet, 2 vol 1684-5 Jacob (P. L. Lacroix, bibliophile). La bourse ou la vie, [Romans divers] 171° La chambre des poisons, [Romans clivers] 1710 Jacolliot (L.), Le crime du moulin d'Usor , 1755 Jacques Dubar, par Maillard 1021 Ortis, par Dumas 625 par Sand 1213 Jacquot sans oreilles, par Dumas 626 J'aime mieox retourner a l'ecole, par Girardin 1794 Jane Eyre, par Currer-Bell 212 par Dumas 627 Jangada, La, par Verne I439"40 Janin (J. ), Le chemin de traverse 979 Jean-de-Jeanne, par Pouvillon 1800 Jean le denicheur, par Humbert 1 560 Laroche, par Olivier 1104 Mulhberg, par Beaulieu 185 qui grogne et Jean qui rit, par Segur 1253 [233] JEA BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES KOU Jeanne de Valbelle, par Blanc 262 par Sand 1217 Jelianne la Pucelle, par Dumas 628 Jerome Paturot a la recherche de la meilleure des republiques, par Reybaud 1 1 57 — — > d'une position sociale, par Reybaud 11 56 Jesuite de Fribourg, Le, par Mathey 1068 Jettatnra, par Gautier 1750 Jeune docteur, Le, par Conscience 423 femme pale, La, par Conscience , 416 Jeunes femrnes, Les, par Bouilly, 2 vol 277-8 par Alcott 98 personnes, Les, par Renneville, 2 vol H53"4 Jeunesse de Fanny Kemble, La, par Craven 461 Louis XIV, La, par Dumas 629 Joeelyn, par Lamartine 1678 John Bull et son ile, par O'Rell 1116 Jolie fille de Perth, La, par Scott 33 Joseph Balsamo, par Dumas, 3 vol 630-2 Josiah Henson, ou la vie de l'oncle Tom racontee par lui-meme, par Mme Beecher-Stowe 210 Jour sanslendemain, Le, par Sandeau 1243 Jourdan coupe-tete, par Daudet 1737 Journal de Therese, Le, par Pressense 1148 Tristan, Le, par Theuriet 1416 d'un poete, par Vigny 1447 ■ — solitaire, par Thiriat , 141 7 ■ volontaire d'un an, par Vallery-Radot 1428 ■ d'une femme, Le, par Feuillet 776 heritiere, Le, par Achard 66 Journees amusantes, Les, par Gomez, 4 vol. 1758 880-3 Jours de soleil, Les, par Olivier 1108 Joyeuse nichee, Une, par Pressense 1147 Les soirees de Sainte- Adresse 984 Sous les tilleuls 981 KARR(A.), (Euvres: Contes et nouvelles 982 Histoires normandes 983 Hortense, — Feu Bressier. 980 Kenilworth, par Scott '. '22 Kerles de Flandre, Les, par Conscience, 2 vol 1731-2 Ketty Trevylyan, journal d'une jeune fille au temps de Whitefield et de Wesley , 116 Kibrizli-Mehemet-Pacha (Mme), Trente ans dans les harems d'Orient [1840-70], souvenirs intimes 985 Kingsley (C), II y a deux ans [1854-56], 2 vol 986-7 Krudener (MmeJ. de), Valerie 990 Koumiassine, Les, par Greville, 2 vol 926-7 [234] Jocelyn 1678 Raphael, pages de la ving- tieme annee 1703 Voyage autour du Grand- Pin 1758 LAB SECTION FRANCHISE LIV La BLANCHERE (H. de), Aventures de La Ramee et de ses trois com pagnuns 263 Oncle Tobie le pecheur 264 Laboulaye (E.), Le Prince-Caniche 991 Lacroix (P., bibliophile Jacob). Voir Jacob. LaLandelle (G. de), La route del'exil, aventures d'un gentilhomme. 995 Lamartine (A. de), (Euvres : La chute d'un ange 1679 Genevieve, histoire d'une servante 993 Graziella 992 Lamber (J.), (Euvres : Dans les Alpes 1757 Recits du golfe Juan 1756 Le siege de Paris, jour- nal d'une Parisienne ... 1760 Lamy (V.), Les veillees en famille 994 LatOUClie (H. de), La valleeaux loups 996 Laura TeniDle, par Bowmann 281 Laurent-Picnat (L.), Lapai'enne 997 Locomte (J.), Les pontons anglais ou le mort vivant, 2 vol 998-9 Leatures des soirees d'hiver, par Berthoud 256 extraites du Magasin pittoresque, par Charton 1612 pour les enfants, choix de petits contes, 3 vol 1496-8 Le Gal La Salle. — L'heritage de Jacques Faruel 1000 Lelia, par Sand, 2 vol 1215-6 Lemoyne (A.), Paysages de mer et fieurs des pres, — Une idylle nor- mande iooi Lepreux de la cite d'Aoste, Le, par Maistre 1764 Le Sage (A. R.), (Euvres : Aventures de Gil Bias de \ Le diable boiteux, augmente Santillane 1002 Le bachelier de Sala- manque ou memoires et aventures de don Cherubin de la Ronda. 1565 Lescure (M. de), Mademoiselle de Cagliostro 1005 Lettre rouge, La, par Hawthorne 958 Lettres historiques et galantes, par Dunoyer 725 Lever (C.), Aventures d'Harry Lorrequer, 2 vol 1006-7 Levray (A.), La veillee, nouvelles 1008 Lia d'Argeles, par Gaboriau, [Vie infernale] 831 Lilie, Tutue, Bebeth, par Chavette 1729 Lindorf (Baron de), Caroline de Lichtfield ou memoires extraits des papiers d'une famille prussienne, 3 vol 1 568-70 Lion amoureux, Le, par Soulie 1286 de Flandre, Le, par Conscience, 2 vol 432-3 Lioime, La, par Soulie 1285 Lise Fleuron, par Ohnet 1682 Livre de mon ami, Le, par France 818 des enfants, Le, contes de fees 1494 d'une mere, Le, par Ulbach 1787 pour les femmes mariees, Un •.,.„.... «-. 1510 [235] des Bequilles du diable boiteux 1 561 Histoire de Guzman d'Al- farache, 2 vol ic.03-4 LOO BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES MAI Lockroy (E.), Ahmed -le-Boucher : la Syrie et l'Egypte au XVIIIme siecle 1 76 1 Loin du pays, par Souvestre 1335 Lothair, par Beaconsfield, 2 vol 506-7 Louis XIII, par Dumas. Voir Henri IV. XIV et son siecle, par Dumas, 2 vol 643-4 XV et sa cour, par Dumas 645 XVI et la revolution, par Dumas 646 Breuil, par Greville 928 Lambert, par Balzac 17 c Louve3 de Machecoul, Les, par Dumas, 3 vol 633-5 Lllbomirski (Prince J.), CEuvres: Scenes de la vie militaire en Russie ion Souvenirs d'un page du tzar Nicolas 1009 Par ordre de l'empereur, 2 vol 1012-3 Safar-Hadgi, — Un no- made, — Les Russes a. Samarkand IOIO Lucrezia Floriani, par Sand ,, 1214 IiUdwig(0.), Entre ciel et terre IO i 4 Lune de miel, La, par .Souvestre 1336 Lys de la vallee, Le, par Balzac 137 Lytton (E, B,). Voir Bulwer-Lytton. JjIA femme et moi, par Beecher-Stowe 202 ■ tante Peronne, par Champfleury 374 Mabel Vaughan, par Cummins 467 Macintosh (Miss M. J.), Contes americains, 2 vol 1015 6 Les histoires de la bonne tante 1019 ■ Vaincre et se vaincre ou le veritable heroi'sme 1018 Macleod (N.), Le petit David ou l'influence d'un enfant 1020 Madame Adeline, par Pichard 1131 de Chamblay, par Dumas, 2 vol 636-7 ■ Therese, par Erckmann-Chatrian 763 Madeleine, par Sandeau 1779 Mademoiselle Cachemire, par Claretie , 393 de la Tour du Pin, par Dash 468 — Cagliostro, par Lescure 1005 — Choisy, par Beauvoir 196 Kerouare, par Sandeau , 1241 ou Madame ? par Collins 406 Magasin d'antiquites, Le, par Dickens, 2 vol 499- 500 Magnetise ur, Le, par Soulie 1287 Mahalin (P.), La pointe au corps, 2 vol 1762-3 Maillard (F.), Jacques Dubar ou le respect de la propriete 1021 Un secret bien garde, histoire pour la jeunesse 1022 Maillefert, Les, par Gaboriau, [Degringolade] 829 Maison a vapeur, La, par Verne, 2 vol 1797-8 aux sept pignons, La, par Hawthorne 957 blanche, La, par Pressense 1 146 de glace, La, par Dumas, 2 vol 638-9 [23<3] MAI SECTION FRANCHISE MAR Maison de Penarvan, La, par Sandcau 1240 des deux barbeaux, La, par Theuriet 1414 du chat-qui-pelote, La, par Balzac 168 forestiere, La, par Erckmann-Chatrian 764 modele, La, par Marechal 1036 Nucingen, La, par Balzac 144 n° 3 de la rue de Provence, La, par Soulie 1289 rouge, La, par Souvestre 1337 vide, La, par Claretie 389 Maistre (X. de), Guivres choisies 1024 completes 1023 Voyage autour de ma chambre, — Le lepreux de la cite d'Aoste... 1764 Maitre Adam le Calabrais, par Dumas 552 d'armes, Le, par Dumas 647 de forges, Le, par Ohnet 1101 Greylands, par Wood, 2 vol 1470-1 Gaspard Fix, par Erckmann-Chatrian 765 Pierre, par About 62 Valentin, par Conscience 428 Zacharius, par Verne 1437 Maitres sonneurs, Les, par Sand 1218 Maitresse de Louis XIII, Une, par Saintine 1187 Malan (C), Lepauvre horloger de Geneve 1025 Malheur complet, Un, par Soulie 1290 Malheurs de Sophie, Les, par Segur 1260 Malles de Beaulieu (Mme), Contes amajeune famille 1026 Le Robinson de douze ans , 1027 Mal0t(H.), (Euvres: Une bonne affaire 1766 Conscience 1768 Les millions honteux 1 765 Paulette . 1028 Malte-Brun. — Les partis ou les aventures de sir Charles Credulous h. Paris II Malvina, par Mme Cottin, 2 vol 1523-4 Mandrill, par Robert 1167 Manoir du Vieux-Clos, Le, par Olivier 1 109 — — et presbytere, par Mme Brock 290 Manon Lescaut, par Prevost 1581 Mansarde, La, par Claretie 1730 Marana, Les, par Balzac 176 Marcel (A.), Les fiances, histoire milanaise du XVIIme siecle 1033 Marcel (J.), Le bon frere 1034 L'ecole buissonniere 1035 Marchand d'Anvers, Le, par Conscience 431 Mare au diable, La, par Sand 1219 Marechal (M.), La maison modele 1036 Marguerite Bede 126 ou deux amours, par Mme de Girardin 867 par Soulie. ... - 1 288 Mari de la fermiere, Le, par Souvestre 1338 imprevu, Le, par About 60 Maria Gordon, par Mme Bolle 269 Mariage de Gerard, Le, par Theuriet ...... 1783 [237] La petite sceur, 2 vol. 1029-30 Pompon 1688 Sans famille, 2 vol 1031-2 Seduction 1767 MAR BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES MAS Mariage d'Odette, Le, par Delpit 1683 d'un forcat, Le, par Bouvier 1726 sous la Terreur, Un, par Mirecourt 1086 l'empire, Un, par Gay 846 Mariages d'aventure, par Gaboriau 823 de Paris, Les, par About 63 • province, Les, par About 64 du pere Olifus, Les, par Dumas 640 Marie Barton, par Gaskell 842 Marier sa fille, par Greville 929 Marinier, Le, par Glouvet 875 Marivaux. — La vie de Marianne ou les aventures de Mme la Ctesse de *** 1037 Marinier (X.), CEuvres : L'arbre de Noel, contes et legendes 1042 Au bord de la Neva,contes russes 1045 Contes populaires de dif- ferents pays 1039 — — — [2me serie] 1769 En chemin de fer, nouvel- les de Test et de l'ouest. 1041 Les fiances du Spitzberg ... 1044 Gazida 1038 Histoire d'un pauvre musi- cien [1770-93] 1043 Nouvelles danoises 1048 Sous les sapins, nouvelles du Nord IO40 Marmontel (J. F.), Belisaire, suivi des Fragments de philosophic morale 1 054 Contes moraux, 3 vol I0 5 I "3 Les Incas ou la destruction de l'empire du Perou, 2 vol 1049-50 'Maroussia, par Stahl 1377 Marquand (H. E.), Souvenirs des Indes occidentales et impressions intimes, suivis d'Eliza et Maria 1055 Ma visite a Henri Sanson, bourreau de Paris 1056 Marquis de Fayolle, Le, par Nerval 1097 — Lanrose, Le, par About 1662 Pazaval, Le, par Valois de Forville 143 1 Villemer, Le, par Sand 1712 Marquise de Courcelles, La, par Mirecourt 1084 La, par Delpit 484 Marry at (Le capitaine F.), Les colons du Canada, 2 vol 106 1-2 La mission ou scenes africaines 1063 Martin Chuzzlewitt, par Dickens, 2 vol 491-2 Martin (N.), Contes allemands 1066 Martyrs d'Espagne, Les, et les protestants des Pays-Bas au XVIme siecle 135 venges, Les, par Robert 1168 Marx (A.), Les petits memoires de Paris 1770 Mary (J.), Les nuits rouges ou l'lrlande en feu 1057 Mary-Lafon. — Cinquante ans de vie litteraire 1059 Moeurs et coutumes de la vieille France 1058 Maryan. — L'erreur d'Isabelle 1060 Mas-Horca, Le, par Aimard 87 Masse (Mme A.), Pierre ou comment une piece de vingt francs peut devenir un sou 1067 Masson (M.), Les contes del'atelier, [Romans divers] 1710 — — - Une couronne d'epines, [Romans divers] 1710 [238] L'habitation du desert 1070 Les pert pies etranges 1078 La quarteronne 1069 Les vacances des jeunes Boers 1077 MAT SECTION FRANCAISE MIL Mat de cocagne, Le, par Souvestre 1339 Mathey (E.), Le jesuitede Fribourg 1068 Mathilde, par Mme Cottin, 3 vol 1525-7 Matinees d'automne, par Olivier 1112 Mauprat, par Sand 1221 Mayne-Reid (Le capitaine), (Euvres: A la mer ! ... 1072 Bruin ou les chasseurs d'ours 1075 Le chasseur de plantes ... 1073 Les exiles dans la fovet... 1076 Medecin de campagne, Le, par Balzac 139 Medicis, Les, par Dumas 648 Memoires de Canler, 2 vol 1695-6 deux jeunes mariees, par Balzac 166 M. Claude, 10 vol 394-403 du diable, Les, par Soulie, 2 vol 1291-2 d'un ane, par Segur 1263 caniche, par Gouraud 903 lapin blanc, par Sandras 1 246 petit garcon, par Gouraud 898 ■ — seigneur russe, par Charriere 375 suicide, par Du Camp 353 touriste, par Stendhal, 2 vol 1382-3 d'une aveugle, par Dumas 659 feuille de papier, par Burton 1694 Mes, par Dumas, 10 vol 649-58 Memorial de famille, Le, par Souvestre 1340 Mendiant de Saint-Roch, Le, par Souvestre 1341 MendiantS de la mort, Les, par Robert 1165 Paris, Les, par Robert 1169 Meneur de loups, Le, par Dumas 641 et 647 Mere Job, La, par Conscience 438 Justin, La, par Guillon 1557 Meres de famille, Les, par Bouilly, 2 vol 279-80 Merimee (P.), Carmen et autres nouvelles 1079 Colomba, suivi de la Mosaique 1080 Merveilles de la nuit de Noel, Les, par Souvestre 1653 Mery (J.), Andre Chenier 1082 Salons et souterrains de Paris 1083 Voir aussi Croix de Berny. Meta Holdenis, par Cherbuliez 379 Metis de la savane, Les, par Carrey, [Amazone] 355 Meunier d'Angibault, Le, par Sand 1222 Michel Strogoff, par Verne 227C Verneuil, par Theuriet 1415 Mieheline, par Mme Bersier 247 Midi de la France, par Dumas, 2 vol 617-8 Mil sept cent quatre-vingt-neuf, par Erckmann-Chatrian 755 Mildred, par Craik 458 Militona, par Gautier 845 Mille et un fantomes, Les, par Dumas 642 une faveurs, Les, par Mouhy, 7 vol 1 57 1 -7 nuits, Les, par Galland, 2 vol 838-9 [239] MIL BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES MYS Millioent Kendrick, par Worboise, 2 vol 1476-7 Millions honteux, Les, par Malot 1765 Mirecourt (E. de), (Euvres : Andre le sorcier 1085 Un manage sous la Terreur. 1086 Un assassin 1087 La marquise de Courcelles. 1084 Le fou par amour 1088 Miroir des paysans, Le, par Gotthelf 897 Mise Brun, par Reybaud 1160 Miserables, Les, par Hugo, 5 vol 972-6 Misere doree, La, par Robert 1171 Miseres du coeur, Les, par Perret 1713 Miss Rovel, par Cherbuliez 381 Mission, La, par Marryat 1063 Modeste Mighon, par Balzac 167 Moeurs et coutumes de la vieille France, par Mary-Lafon 1058 Mohicans de Paris, Les, par Dumas, 2 vol 660-1 Moine de Chaalis, Le, par Reybaud 1 1 60 Mon aimee, par Wetherell 1456 frere et moi, par Daudet 482 oncle Celestin, par Fabre 1746 roman, par Bulwer, 2 vol 342-3 Monastere, Le, par Scott 20 Monde tel qu'il sera, Le, par Souvestre 1 343 Monnier (M.), Nouvelles napolitaines 1089 Monsieur Coquelet, parBouvier 1607 et madame Fernel, par Ulbach 1 7 16 Lecoq, par Gaboriau, 2 vol. : I. — L'enquete 836 II. — L'honneur de nom 837 le marquis de Fontanges, par Mme de Girardin 866 ministre, par Claretie 390 Madame et Bebe, par Droz 509 Sylvius, par Olivier .- 1110 Monstre, Le, par Mortier 1092 Mont-Reveche, par Sand , 1223 Mont Saint-Michel, Le, par Blouet 1691 Montagne tremblante, La, par Porchat 1578 Montgomery (F.), Un enfant sans mere 1090 Mort de l'ivrogne, La, par Dickens 1541 MortS, Les, vont vite, par Dumas, 2 vol 662-3 Mortier (A.), Le monstre 1092 Mos de Lavene, par Mme Figuier 801 Mosaique, La, parMerimee ic8o Mot de l'enigme, Le, par Craven, 2 vol 459-6o Mouhy (Le chevalier de), Lesmille et une faveurs,contes decour tires de l'ancien gaulois par la reine de Navarre, 7 vol I57I-7 Mon lin d'Heilly, Le, par Beauvoir 1 89 Moulin (M.), En campagne [1870-71] 1093 Mousquetaires ecossais, Les, par Grant, 2 vol 908-9 Muiler (E.), Robinsonette, histoire d'une petite orpheline 1094 Murger (II.), Le pays latin 1095 Musset (P. de), La bavolette 1096 Mystere d'Edwin Drood, Le, par Dickens 1672 d'iniquite, Un, par Gaboriau, [Degringolade] 828 [240] MYS SECTION FRANCAISE NYO Mysteres de la Bastille, Les, par Robert U7° 1 ile Saint-Louis, Les, par Beauvoir, 2 vol 190-1 NaBAB, Le, parDaudet 476 Nain noir, Le, par Scott 16 Napoleon, par Dumas 664 Vie de, par Stendhal 1390 Narcisse, par Sand 1224 Narrey (C), Le bal du diable 1610 Nee Michon, par Pene 1774 Nerval (G. de), Le marquis de Fayolle 1097 Neuf de pique, Le, par Dash 472 Niania, La, par Greville 93° Nicolas Nickleby, par Dickens, 2 vol 1668-9 Nid, Un, par Witt 1656 Noclier (C), Contes, [Romans divers] 1710 Nosud gordien, Le, par Bernard . 227 Noir (L.), L'auberge maudite 177* Noriac ([.)> Le ioime regiment 1098 Normand(F.), La vie de Paris 1091 Notre-Dame de Paris, par Hugo, 2 vol 967-8 des Pres, par Dupuis 726 Nouveau maitre d'ecole, Le, par Ponson du Terrail 1 135 Nouveaux contes pour les enfants, par Mme de Bawr 183 recits galiciens, par Sacher-Masoch ... 1186 Nouvelles bernoises, par Gotthelf 893 choisies, par Gogol 876 wSollohoub 1 144 danoises, par Marmier 1048 genevoises, par Topffer 1420 histoires et lecons de choses, par Pnpe-Carpentier 1680 extraordinaires, par Poe 1 1 34 ■ moscovites, par Tourgueneff 1422 • napolitaines, par Monnier 1089 par Cervantes 1664 — Mme de Girardin 868 piemontaises, par Bersezio 246 pour l'enfance et la jeunesse, par Porchat 1 140 russes, par Greville 931 villageoises de la Foret-Noire, par Auerbach 104 Nuit a Florence, Une, par Dumas ? 665 NuitS de Paris, Les, par Feval 792 mexicaines, Les, par Aimard 74 rouges, Les, par Mary : 1057 Numa Roumestan, par Daudet 477 Nyon (E.), Le colon de Mettray 1099 [241] OBS BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES PAR musicien en II02 1 103 1682 IIII 1 106 1 107 1 104 1 105 I IO9 Obstacle, L', par Bentzon OEil du diable, L', par Comely pour oeil, par Trollope Offenbach (J.), Offenbach en Amerique, notes d'un voyage, notice biographique d'Albert Wolff .... Officier de fortune, L', par Scott , Olinet (G.), CEuvres: La comtesse Sarah La grande marniere ... Lise Fleuron Olivier Duhamel, par Soulie Twist, par Dickens Olivier (J.), Le batelier de Clarens, 2 vol Olivier (U.), CEuvres : Adolphe Mory, nouvelle villageoise La fille du forestier L'hiver, recits populaires. Jean Laroche Les jours de soleil, nou- velles Le manoir du Vieux-Clos. Olympe de Cleves, par Dumas, 3 vol. Oncle, L', et la niece, par Conscience Reimond, par Conscience Tobie le pecheur, par La Blanchere Opulence et misere, par Stephens O'Rell (Paul Blouet, dit Max), CEuvres : L'ami MacDonald n 19 I Les filles de John Bull Les chers voisins ! 1118 | John Bull et son ile Orpheline, L', par Conscience Osman-Bey. — Les femmes en Turquie Ouida (L. de la Rame, dite), Cigarette, cantiniere aux zouaves, 2 vol. Ours, L', et l'ange, par Porchat Le maitre de forges Serge Panine Volonte Matinees d'automne, nou- veaux recits de chasse et d'histoire naturelle Monsieur Sylvius, nouvelle vaudoise Recits de chasse — du village 216 455 1425 1717 1101 1 1 DO 1772 1293 487 I1I4-5 III2 IIIO III3 IIOS 666-8 4i7 45i 264 i39i 1117 1116 439 1 120 [121-2 "39 jTAGE du due de Savoie, Le, par Dumas, 2 vol 669-70 Paienne, La, par Laurent-Pichat 997 Paix du menage, La, par Balzac 165 Pamela, par Richardson, 2 vol *49 2 -3 Pape-Carpentier (Mme M.), Histoires et lecons de choses pour les enfants 1123 et 1704 ■ Nouvelles histoires et lecons de choses pour les enfants 1680 Par ordre de Tempereur, par Lubomirski, 2 vol 1012-3 Paratonnerre, Le, par Bernard 221 Paravent, Le, par Bernard , 224 Parias de France, Les, par Miss Alcock 97 Paris et Londres en 1793, par Dickens 5°4 Parisiens en province, Les, par Balzac 149 et provinciaux, par Dumas 671 Partis, Les, par Malte-Brun II [242I PAS SECTION FRANCAISE PET Pascal et Marguerite, par Gaboriau, [Vie infemale] 830 Pascal (C.)» La fiancee du proscrit, 2 vol 1 1 25-6 Pasteur dAshbourn, Le, par Dumas 672 d'hommes, Le, par Souvestre 1344 du peuple, Le, par Robert , 1 1 75 Patins d'argent, Les, par Stahl 1378 Patrie en danger, La, par Erckmann-Chatrian 756 Paul Clifford, par Bulwer, 4 vol 305-8 et Virginie, par Bernardin de Saint-Pierre 231 et 1722 Paulette, parMalot 1028 Pauline et Pascal Bruno, par Dumas 673 ■ par Sand 1225 Pauvre diable, Le, par Beauvoir 188 ■ garcon, par Hollard, 2 vol 963-4 horloger de Geneve, Le, par Malan 1025 Marcel, par Combe 410 Pays de Tor, Le, par Conscience 424 des fourrures, Le, par Verne 220 inconnu, Un, par Dumas 674 latin, Le, par Murger 1095 Paysages de mer, par Lemoyne 1001 Paysan, Histoire d'un, par Erckmann-Chatrian, ill 1628 Paysans, Les, par Balzac 150 Peau de chagrin, La, par Balzac 159 du lion, La, et la chasse aux amants, par Bernard 223 Peche en eau trouble, La, par Gaboriau, [Argent des autres] 827 Peche de Madeleine, Le 1491 M. Antoine, Le, par Sand, 2 vol 1226-7 Peches de jeunesse, Les, par Souvestre 1345 Pecheurs de Port-Derby, Les 124 Pelerins aux bords du Rhin, Les, par Bulwer, 2 vol 299-300 Pelnam, par Bulwer, 4 vol 301-4 Pellico (S.), Mesprisons 1129 Pendant la moisson, par Souvestre 1 346 Pene (H. de), Nee Michon 1774 Trop belle 1773 Perdue ! 122 par Greville, ill 1642 Pere Gigogne, Le, par Dumas 675 Goriot, Le, par Balzac 1 38 La Ruine, Le, par Dumas 676 La Vendee, Le, par Erckmann 740 Perier (C), La pomine d'Eve 1718 Perles noires, Les, par Enault 735 Perret (P.), Les miseres du cceur 1713 Pervertis, par Daudet 481 Petit Ben Hadden, Le 131 colporteur, Le, par Gouraud 899 David, Le, par Macleod 1020 due, Le 123 Jehan de Saintre, Le. Voir Txessan Petit-Pierre ou le bon cultivateur, par Calemard de la Fayette... 352 et 1707 Petit vieux des Batignolles, Le, par Gaboriau , 834 Petite Annette, La 129 [243] PET BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALL1.S PON Petite Dorritt, La, par Dickens, 3 vol 488-90 et grande, par Gouraud 904 fadette, La, par Sand 1228 Jeanne, La, ou le devoir, par Mme Carraud 359 Lambton, La, par Daryl 1 735 May ou comment serais-je utile? 1499 soeur, La, par Malot, 2 vol 1029-30 Petites femmes, par Alcott , 99 filles modeles, Les, par Segur 1257 miseres de la vie conjugale, par Balzac 161 Petits brins de fil, Les 114 emigres, Les, par Mme de Genlis, 2 vol 850 I evenements et gros chagrins 132 memoires de Paris, Les, par Marx 1770 remords, Les, par Mme Beecher-Stowe 209 Petrarque et Laure, par Mme de Genlis, 2 vol 852-3 Peuples etranges. Les, par Mayne-Reid 1078 Peveril du Pic, par Scott 25 Peyrebrune (G. de), Polichinelle et Cie 1130 Philosophe sous les toits, Un, par Souvestre 1371 Physiologie du manage, par Balzac 160 Piccinino, Le, par Sand, 2 vol 1230-1 Piociola, par Saint inc.. 1188 Pichard. (L.), Madame Adeline, ou recits d'une institutrice a ses eleves sur l'intelligence des animaux 1131 Pickwick, par Dickens, 2 vol 1666-7 Pieces choisies de l'ami des enfants, par Berquin 244 Pieds-Noirs, Les, parChevalier 388 Pierre de lune, La, par Collins, 2 vol 404-5 Pierre de Provence et la belle Maguelone. Voir Tressan. et Jean, par Souvestre 1347 par Mme Masse 1067 Piquillo Alliaga, par Scribe, 3 vol 1249-51 Pirates des prairies, Les, par Aimard 82 du Mississippi, par Gerstacker 857 Pit ray (Vtesse de), Les enfants des Tuileries 1132 Plebiscite, Histoire du, par Erckinann-Chatrian 760 Plumes d'or, Les, romans et nouvclios 508 Plus tard, par Fleuriot 808 Poches de mon oncle, Les, par Stolz 1393 Poe (E. ), Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires 1 134 Poesies completes, par Mme de Girardin 869 Pointe au corps, La, par Mahalin, 2 vol 1762-3 Polichinelle et Cie, par Peyrebrune 1130 Pomme d'Eve, La, par Perier 171S Pompon, par Malot 1688 Poason du Terrail (Vte P. A. de), Les chiens de chasse 1719 Le nouveau maitre d'ecole 1 135 Pontmartin (A. de), Contes d'un planteur de choux 1137 Entrechien et loup 1136 La fin du proces 1 138 Pontons anglais, Les, par Lecomte, 2 vol 99^-9 [244] POR SECTION FRANCHISE QUA L'ours et l'ange, legende Suisse 1 1 39 Trois mois sous la neige, journal d'un jeune habi- tant du Jura 1580 Porchat (J.), CEuvres : Le berger et le proscrit ... 1 141 Contes merveilleux 1142 La ferine de Prilly, lettres d'un jeune Parisien ... 1579 La montagne tremblante. 1578 Nouvelles pour l'enfance et la jeunesse 1 140 Port de Creteil, Le, par Soulie .' 1294 Potvin (C), Le roman du renard, mis en vers d'apres les textes originaux 1 1 43 Pouschkine (A.), La filledu capitaine 1144 Pouvilloii (E.), Cesette, histoire d'une paysanne 1145 Jean-de-Jeanne 1800 Poverina, par la pcesse Cantacuzene 354 Premier amour de lord Saint-Albans, Le, par Hericault 959 voyage, [Bande du Jura] 109 Premiere priere de Marguerite, La 130 Premiers rayons, par Boland 1723 Presbytere, Le, par Tdpffer 1419 Pressense (Mine E. de), CEuvres Rosa 1 149 Seulette 1150 Le journal de Therese ... 1148 Une joyeuse nichee 1147 La maison blanche, his- toire pour les ecoliers... 1 146 Pretendus, Les, par Soulie 1219 Prevost (L'abbe A. F.), Histoire du chevalier des Grieuxetde Manon Lescaut 1 58 1 Prevost (M.), Chonchette 1775 Prime d'honneur, La, par Calemard de la Fayette 351 Prinee-Caniche, Le, par Laboulaye 991 des voleurs, Le, par Dumas, 2 vol 677-8 Princesse de Monaco, La, par Dumas, 2 vol 680-1 Flora, La, par Dumas 679 Prins (A.), La destinee de Paul Harding 1151 Prise de Jericho, La, par Mme Cottin.-T. 1528 Prisrne, Le, encyclopedic morale du XlXme siecle, ill 1625 Prison d'Edimbourg, La, par Scott 17 Prisons, Mes, par Pellico 1129 Profils et grimaces, par Vacquerie 1427 Promenades autour d'un village, par Sand 1232 dans Rome, par Stendhal, 2 vol I 384-5 ■ matinales, Les, par Souvestre 1349 Pronesses de la bande du Jura, Les, [Bande du Jura] 108 Proverbe de ma mere, Le 134 Puritains d'Ecosse, Les, par Scott 16 QlJARANTAINE, En, par Souvestre 1330 Quarante-Cinq, Les, par Dumas, 3 vol 682-4 Quarteronne, La, par Mayne-Reid 1069 [245] QUA BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES REY Quatre epoques, Les, par Soulie 1296 Napolitaines, Les, par Soulie, 2 vol 1297-8 peurs de notre general, Les, par Stahl 1379 pieces d'or, Les, par Gouraud 905 sergents de La Rochelle, Les, par Robert 1 173 soeurs, Les, par Dickens 1541 Soulie 1299 Quatre-vingt-treize, par Hugo, 2 vol 969-70 Qu'en fera-t-il ? par Bulwer, 2 vol 344-5 Quentin Durward, par Scott 26 Quinze jours au Sinai, par Dumas •. 1 605 RaOUSSET-BOULBON (Cte G. de), Une conversion 1152 Raphael, par Lamartine 1703 Rayon de Soleil et ses vacances 115 vert, Le, par Verne 1442 Realites de la vie domestique presentees aux jeunes femmes 120 Recherche de l'absolu, La, par Balzac 1 58 Recit d'une sceur, par Craven, 2vol 463-4 Recits de chasse, par Olivier 1113 tous les pays, par Bentzon 218 du golfe Juan, par Lamber 1757 village, par Olivier 1105 d'un chasseur, par Tourgueneff 1786 et nouvelles, par Herzen 7 souvenirs, par Souvestre 1350 tableaux de la vie souabe, par Wildermulh 1457 Redgauntlet, par Scott 28 Regence, La, par Dumas 685 Reid (Capitaine M.). Voir Mayne-Reid. Reine des epees, La, par Feval 786 Margot, La, par Dumas 686 Reliques vivantes, Les, par Tourgueneff 1424 Remords du docteur, Le, par Vautier 1432 Renan (E.), Souvenirs d'enfance et dejeunesse 1705 Renelle, par Colleville 1519 Renneville (Mme de), Les jeunes personnes, 2 vol II 53~4 Reprouves, Les, et les elus, par Souvestre, 2 vol 1353-4 Reve d'amour, Un, par Soulie 1300 Revilliod (G. ), Les veillees du chalet, scenes de la vie suisse 1 155 Revillon (T.), Le faubourg Saint-Antoine 1776 Re voices du Para, Les, par Carrey, [Amazone] 356 Reybaud (L.), CEuvres : Le coq du clocher 1 1 58 Jerome Paturot a la recher- Le dernier des commis- che de la meilleure des voyageurs, — Lesaven- republiques 1157 tures d'un fifre 1159 Jerome Paturot a la recher- che d'une position sociale. 1 1 56 Reybaud (Mme Ch.) Le moinede Chaalis, — Mise Brim 1160 [246] RIC SECTION FRANCAISE ROM Richard en Palestine, par Scott 30 le fauconnier, par Berthet 255 Richardson (S.), Lectures anglaises ou histoire de Miss Clarisse Harlowe, 11 vol 1 582-92 Pamela, ou la vertu recompensee, 2 vol 1492-3 Riche et pauvre, par Souvestre 1355 Richelieu, par Dumas, [Henri IV] 1687 Riches et pauvres, par Witt 1464 Rienzi, par Bulwer, 2 vol 317-8 Rigda et Regner Lodbrag. Voir Tressan. Rivalites, Les, par Balzac 169 Riviere (H.), Souvenirs de la Nouvelle-Caledonie 1161 Rob-Roy, par Scott 15 Robe de Nessus, La, par Achard 67 Robert de Paris, par Scott 35 Robert (C), CEuvres Les amants du Pere-La- chaise 1172 L'amoureux de la reine ... 1177 Les anges de Paris 1166 L'avocat du peuple 1 1 74 Les mendiants de Paris ... 1169 La misere doree 1171 Les mysteres de la Bastille. 1 1 70 Le pasteur du peuple ...... 1 175 Les quatre sergents de La Rochelle 1173 Le secret de maitre Andre. 11S0 La tour Saint-Jacques 1 178 Le tresor de Saint-Claude... 1 162 tribunal secret 1 1 79 La duchesse d e Montbarre. 1 1 64 La fille de Satan 1 1 63 Les francs-juges 1176 Mandrin 1167 Les martyrs venges , 11 68 mendiants de la mort. 1 165 Robin -Hood le proscrit, par Dumas , 687 Robinson Crusoe, par De Foe 809 de douze ans, Le, par Malles 1027 Suisse, Le, par Wyss, 2 vol 1478-9 Robinsonette, par Muller 1094 Roch le corsaire, par Fouinet, 2 vol !555-6 Roche aux mouettes, La, par Sandeau 1239 tremblante, La, par Berthet 251 Roger Milbrook ou le combat de la vie 1511 Roger (A.), Voyage sous les flots 1181 Roi des gueux, Le, par Feval, 2 vol 780-1 montagnes, Le, par About 58 du monde, Le, par Souvestre, 2 vol 1356-7 Rois en exil, Les, par Daudet 474 Roland furieux. Voir Tressan. l'amoureux. Voir Tressan. Rolland (J.), La fille aux oies, — Mon grand'pere Vauthret 1182 Roman comique, Le, par Scarron, 2 vol 1594-5 de la Rose, Le. Voir Tressan. du renard, Le, par Potvin 1143 d'un brave homme, Le, par About 56 jeune homme pauvre, Le, par Feuillet 774 d'une femme, Le, par Dumas 720 honnete femme, Le, par Cherbuliez 3go veuve, Le, par Enault 7-^1 Romans nationaux, par Erckmann-Chatrian, ill 1627 Rome, Naples et Florence, par Stendhal , 1335 [247] R03 BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES SAN Rosa et Gertrude, par Topffer !42i par Pressense U4Q Rosas, par Aimard j? Rose Rozier, par Greville, 2 vol 932-3 Rouge, Le, et le noir, par Stendhal .'.'.'..'..'.'...'..'.'. 1387 Route de l'exil, La, par La Landelle .,', 995 Varennes, La, par Dumas 688 Roweroft (C.)> Le colon de Van Diemen, ouaventuresd'un emigrant, „ . 3 vol Il83 . 5 Russie, En, par Dumas, 4 vol 610-3 Ruth, par Gaskell 841 Picciola Seul ! ... SACHER-MASOCH. — Nouveaux recits galiciens Sacramenta, par Aimard Sacrifice, Un, par Conscience SaC3 et parchemins, par Sandeau Safar-Hadgi, par Lubomirski Saintine (X. B.), (Eavres ; Antoine, l'ami de Robes- pierre 1 190 Une maitresse de Louis XIII 1 187 Salons et souterrains de Paris, par Mery Salteador, Le, par Dumas Sal va tor, par Dumas, 3 vol Samuel Brohl et Cie, par Cherbuliez .. Sand (G.), (Euvres: Adriani Les amours de 1'a.ge d'or, — Evenor et Leucippe. Andre Les beaux messieurs de Bois-Dore, 2 vol Le chateau des desertes... Consuelo, 3 vol Contes d'une grand'mere : le chene parlant 1778 1191 1 193 1192 1 194-5 IT96 1 197-9 Les dames vertes 1 200 La Daniella, 2 vol 1201-2 La derniere Aldini 1203 Le diable aux champs ... 1204 La filleule 1205 Flavie 1206 Francois le champi 1207 L'homme de neige, 3 vol. 1208-10 Horace 1211 Indiana ■ 1212 Jacques 1213 Jeanne 1217 [248] Lelia, 2 vol Lucrezia Floriani, — La- vinia Les maitres sonneurs La mare au diable Le marquis de Villemer... Mauprat Le ineunier d'Angibault. . . Mont-Reveche Narcisse Pauline Le peche de M. Antoine, 2 vol La petite fadette Le Piccinino, 2 vol Promenades autour d'un village Le secretaire intime, — Mattea, — La vallee noire Simon, — La marquise, — etc 1 186 418 1244 IOIO 1 188 1 189 I0S3 689- 691-3 385 1215-6 1214 1218 1219 1712 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226-7 1228 I23O-I 1232 1233 1234 SAN SECTION FRANCAISE SEC Sand (G.), (Euvres:-- (suite) Teverino, — Leone Leoni. L'uscoque Sandeau (J.), (Euvres : Catherine Le docteur Herbeau Un heritage Le jour sans lendemain, — Olivier, — Helene Vail- lant Voir aiessi Croix cle Berny. 1235 I236 1242 I780 1245 :243 Valentine La ville noire Madeleine Mademoiselle deKerouare La maison de Penarvan.. La roche aux mouettes ... Sacs et parchemins 1237 1238 1779 1241 1240 1239 1244 Sandras (Mme M.), Memoires d'un lapin blanc San-Felice, La, par Dumas, 2 vol Sang humain, Le, par Conscience Sannois (Ctesse de), Les soirees a la maison Sans famille, par Malot, 2 vol Sathaniel, par Soulie Scarron (P.), Le roman comique, 2 vol .*.. Scenes de la chouannerie, par Souvestre vie dalecarlienne, par Bremer — — — flamande, par Conscience, 2 vol hollandaise, par Hildebrand __ intime, par Souvestre — maritime, par Hall — mexicaine, par Ferry militaire en Russie, par Lubomirski — turque, par le prince de Belgiojoso et recits des Alpes, par Souvestre historiques du protestantisme francais, par Witt par Mme de Witt, 2 vol. ill. : Vol. I. — Odette la suivante ; L'enfar.ce des Pascal ; Vaux et Pignerol ; Derriere les haies, guerre de la Vendue Vol. II. — Saint et roi; Pere et fille ; Nolite confidere principibus ; Une porte ferm£e : De Charybde en Scylla ; La femme forte Schmid (Le chanoine), 190 contes pour les enfants Schubert (G. H. de), La vie de Franz de Hochwarten Scott (W.), (Euvres : L'abbe L'antiquaire Les aventures de Nigel ... Charles le-Temeraire Le chateau perilleux Chroniques de la Canon- gate . Les eaux de Saint-Ronan. La fiancee de Lammer- moor, — L'officier de fortune Guy Mannering Ivanhoe La jolie fille de Perth 21 14 24 34 36 32 27 puri- Kenilworth Le monastere Le nain noir ; Les tains d'Ecosse (Euvres, ill Peveril du Pic La prison d'Edimbourg Quentin Durward Redgauntlet Richard en Palestine ... Rob-Roy Robert de Paris Waverley Woodstock Scribe (E.), Piquillo Alliaga ou les Maures sous Philippe III, 3 vol. Second (A.), Les demoiselles du Roncay Secret bien garde, Un, par Maillard de lady Audley, Le, par Bra'ddon, 2 vol [2 49] 1246 694-5 422 1247 103 1 -2 1 301 1 594-5 1358 288 446-7 961 1360 952 773 ion 211 1359 1459 1658 1659 1681 1248 22 20 16 1652 25 17 26 28 30 15 35 12 3i 1 249-51 1252 1022 284-5 SEO BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES SOU Secret de l'echafaud, Le, par Villiers de l'lsle-Adam... 1788 — maitre Andre, Le, par Robert 1180 — — — Rose, Le, par Beugny 263 des Champdoce, Le, par Gaboriau, [Esclaves de Paris] 833 Secretaire intime, Le, par Sand 1233 Secrets d'une sorciere, Les, par Dash, 2 vol 47<>i Seduction, par Malot 1767 Segur (Ctesse E. de, nee S. Rostopchine), (Euvres : Apres la pluie, le beau temps I2 59 L'auberge de l'ange-gar- dien 1258 Le general Dourakine 1261 Jean qui grogne et Jean qui rit 1253 Les malheurs de Sophie 1260 Comedies et proverbes.... 1262 I Memoires d'un ane 1263 La fortune de Gaspard.... 1256 I Lespetites filles modeles.... 1257 Francois-le-bossu 1255 | La soeur de Gribouille 1254 Sentier borde d'epines, Un, par Stretton 1400 Serge Panine, par Ohnet 1100 Sergent Dale, Histoire du, par Sherwood 1593 Mustel, Le, par Dumas fils 719 Serment de lady Adelaide, par Wood, 2 vol 1474-5" Serpent de satin, Le, par Aimard, [Belle riviere] 96 Servante d'autrefois, Une, par Mme Carraud 361 du diable, La, par Gonzales 891 Servitude et grandeur militaires, par Vigny 1448 Seul ! par Saintine 1189 Seulette, par Pressense : 1150 SeulS a Londres 1489 Sherwood, (Mrs. M. M.), Histoire du Sergent Dale et de sa fille Theophile et Sophie 1593 Shirley et Agnes Grey, par Currer-Bell, 2 vol 214-5 Si jeunesse savait, par Soulie, 2 vol 1304-5 Siege de la Rochelle, Le, par Mme de Genlis 847 Paris, Le, par Lamber 1760 Signe Meltroe, par Daryl j 734 Simon, par Sand 1 234 Soeur de Gribouille, La, par Segur 1254 d'Etienne Bede, La 125 Natalie Narischkin, La, par Craven 3 Une, par Witt, ill 1655 Soeur S de lait, Les, par Mme Figuier 8oo Soirees a la maison, Les, par Sannois 1247 de la chaumiere, Les, par Ducray-Duminil, 8 vol 1542-9 Meudon, Les, par Souvestre 1361 Sainte-Adresse, Les, par Karr 984 du Lido, Les, par Beauvoir 194 Sollohou D (Cte), Nouvelles choisies 1 144 Sonia, par Greville 934 Sorciere flamande, La, par Conscience 450 Soulie (F.), (Euvres : Les amours de Victor Bon- I Les aventures de Saturnin senne 1264 [ Fichet, 2 vol 1266-7 Aujourlejour 1265 Aventures d'un jeune ca- det de famille 1268 [250] SOtf SECTION FRAN^ALSE SOU Soulie (F.), CEuvres :— {suite.) Le bananier, — Eulalie Pontois 1269 — chateau de Pyrenees, 2 vol 1270-1 — comte de Foix 1272 Toulouse 1273 La couitesse de Mormon.. 1274 Confession generale, 2 vol. 1275-6 Le conseiller d'Etat 1277 Contes et recits de ma grand'mere 1279 Le magnetiseur 1287 La maison no 3 de la rue de Provence 1289 Un malheur complet 1290 Marguerite, — Le maitre d'ecole 1288 Les memoires du diable, 2 vol 1291-2 Olivier Duhamel 1293 Le port de Creteil 1294 Les pretendus 1295 Les quatre epoques . . 1 296 Napolitaines, 2 vol. 1297-8 soeurs 1299 Un reved'amour 13CO Sathaniel 1301 Si jeunesse savait, si vieil- lesse pouvait, 2 vol 1304-5 Le vicomte de Beziers 1306 784 — pour les enfants 1278 Les deux cadavres 1280 Diane et Louise 1282 Un ete a Meudon 1281 Les forgerons 1283 Huit jours au chateau 1284 Le lion amoureux 1286 La lionne 1285 SOUS bois, par Theuriet la tonnelle, par Souvestre 1362 — : — les filets, par Souvestre 1363 ombrages, par Souvestre 1364 sapins, par Marmier 1040 tilleuls, par Karr 98 1 Sous-maitre, Histoire d'un, par Erckmann-Chalrian 761 Souvenirs d'Antony, par Dumas 696 d'enfance et de jeunesse, par Renan 1705 de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, par Riviere 1161 l'oncle William, par Mme Bolle 268 des Funambules, par Champfieury 372 Indes occidentals, par Marquand 1055 d'un ancien chef de chantier, par Erckmann-Chatrian 766 Bas-Breton, par Souvestre, 2 vol 1365-6 medecin, par Chasles 376 — page de Louis XVI, par d'Hezecques 960 du tzar Nicolas, par Lubomirski 1009 proscrit, par Corne 454 ■ vieillard, par Souvestre 1367 d'une favorite, par Dumas, 4 vol 697-700 heureux, voyages en Angleterre, en France et en Suisse, par Beecher-Stowe, 3 vol 2 °3"5 Souvestre (E.), (Euvres : Les anges du foyer 1307 Au bord du lac bout du monde, etude sur les colonisa- tions francaises coin du feu 1308 1309 1310 I3H-3 1314 I3I5-6 [251] Causeries historiques et litteraires, 3 vol Chroniques de la mer Les clairieres, 2 vol Confessions d'un ouvrier. 131 7 Contes et nouvelles 13 18 Dans la prairie 1319 Les derniers Bretons, 2 vol. 1 320- 1 paysans 1322 Deux miseres 1352 Les drames parisiens 1 324 L'echelle de femmes 1323 En Bretagne 1326 famille 1327 sou BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES sto Souvestre (E.), (Etxvres :— {suite.) En quarantaine, scenes et moeurs des greves 1330 Le foyer breton, contes et recits populaires, 2 vol. 1328-9 La goutte d'eau 1332 Histoires d'autrefois 1333 L'homme et l'argent 1334 Loin du pays, etude sur les colonisations francaises. 1335 La lune de miel 1336 maison rouge 1337 Le mari de la fermiere 1338 mat de cocagne 1339 memorial de famille. 1340 mendiant de Saint- Roch 1341 Les merveilles de le nuit de Noel, recits fantasti- ques du foyer breton, ill. 1 653 Le monde tel qu'il sera... 1343 pasteur d'hommes ... 1344 Les peches de jeunesse. ... 1 345 Pendant la moisson 1 346 Un philosophe sous les toits, journal d'un hom- me heureux 1371 Pierre et Jean Les promenades matinales Recits et souvenirs Les reprouves et les elus, 2 vol Riche et pauvre Le roi du monde, histoire de l'argent et de son influence, 2 vol Scenes de la chouannerie. vie intime.... Scenes et recits des Alpes. Les soirees de Meudon. ... Sous la tonnelle les filets, scenes et mceurs des rives ombrages Souvenirs d'unBas-Breton, 2 vol vieillard, La der- niere etape Sur la pelouse Theatre de la jeunesse . . . Trois femmes, reves poeti- ques La valise noire Speronare, Le, par Dumas Splendeurs et miseres des courtisanes, par Balzac Splittgerber (F.), Dans la forteresse, souvenirs d'un aumonier de garnison [1858-66] Stael (Mme A. L. G. de), Corinne ou l'ltalie Delphine Stahl (P. J.), (Euvres: Maroussia 1377 Les patins d'argent his- toire d'une famille hol- landaise et d'une bande d'ecoliers 1378 Stapleaux(L.) Le chateau de la rage Stella, par Enault Stello, par Vigny Stendhal (Henry Beyle, dit de), (Euvres : Les quatre peurs de notre general, souvenirs d'en- fance La chartreuse de Panne. Chroniques et nouvelles. Memoires d'un touriste, 2 vol Promenades dans Rome, 2 vol [380 I33l : 384-5 Rome, Naples et Florence. Le rouge et le noir Vie de Napoleon ; Frag- ments Stephens (Miss A. S.), Opulence et misere Sterne (L.), Voyage sentimental, suivi des lettres d'Yorick a Eliza..., Stolz (Mme de), Les poches de mon oncle Le trcsor de Nanette — — Le vieux de la foret [252] 1347 1349 i35o 1353-4 1355 1356-7 1358 1360 1359 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365-6 1367 1368 1369 1370 1372 1601 140 1795 1373 1375 1379 1 78 1 737 1449 1386 1387 1393 1391 1392 1393 1395 1394 Sl'H SECTION FRANCALSK TOP U sentier borde d'epines.. 1400 Le tresor d'Euclide ou en prison et en liberte 1398 Stretton (H.), (Euvres : Le docteur dans l'em- barras, 2 vol 1396-7 L'equipage du dauphin... 1399 Stuarts, Les, par Dumas 701 Sue (E.), La vigie de Koat-Ven, 2 vol 1401-2 Suisse, par Dumas, 2 vol 1597-8 Sultanetta, par Dumas 702 Sar la montagne, par Berlhoud, 3 vol. : I. — Alpesetjura 257 II. — Courses lointaines 258 III. — Autour du foyer 259 la pelouse, par Souvestre 1368 Suzanne Normis, parGreville 935 Swift (J. ), Voyages de Gulliver 1403 Sybil, par Beaconsfield 505 Sylvandire, par Dumas 'jot, Szajnocha (C), Le chateau de Zolkiew 1404 TaLMEYR(M.), Legrisou 178^ Tartarin de Tarascon, par Daudet 47^ sur les Alpes, par Daudet ^ TenipS difficiles, Les, par Dickens 48-* Tenebreuse affaire, Une, par Balzac 153 Terreur prussienne, La, par Dumas 704 Testament de M. Chauvelin, Le, par Dumas 705 Testas (Mme M. F.), Contes 1405 Teverino, par Sand 1235 Thackeray (W. ), Le diamant de famille et la jeunesse de Pen- dennis 1409 La foire aux vanites, 2 vol 1406-7 Henry Esmond, memoires d'un officier de Marlborough 1410 Theatre de la jeunesse, par Souvestre 1369 Theresine, par Delpit .. 1740 Theuriet (A.), (Euvres : Le manage de Gerard 1 783 Michel Verneuil 1415 Sous bois 1784 Le fils Maugars 1413 Le journal de Tristan, im- pressions et souvenirs... 1416 La maison des deux bar- beaux, — Le sang des Finoel 1414 Thiriat (X.), Journal d'un solitaire et voyage a la Schlucht 1417 Tolla, par About 61 Tolstoi (Cte L. ), A la recherche du bonheur 1 785 • Ivan l'imbecile 1796 Tombe de fer, La, par Conscience 413 Tonnelier, Le, par Duval 1744 Tdpffer (L.), Nouvelles genevoises 1420 Le presbytere 1419 — — Rosa et Gertrude 142 1 [253] TOtf BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES TYft Tour du monde en 80 jours, Le, par Verne 1434 Saint-Jacques, La, par Robert 1178 Tourgueneff (I.), CEuvres Etranges histoires 1455 Nouvelles moscovites 1422 Recits d'un chasseur 1786 Les reliques vivantes 1424 Dimitri Roudine, suivi du Journal d'un homrae de trop et de Trois ren- contres 1423 Tout simplement, par Witt 1460 Trahison, Une, par Greville 936 Train 17, Le, par Claretie 391 Trappeurs de 1' Arkansas, Les, par Aimard 94 Travailleurs de la mer, Les, par Hugo, 2 vol 977-8 Treizieme hussards, Le, par Gaboriau 824 Trente ans dans les harems d'Orient, par Mme Kibrizli 985 de Paris, par Daudet 1739 et quarante, par About 55 Tresor d'Euclide, Le, par Stretton 1398 de Nanette, Le, par Stolz , 1395 Saint-Claude, par Robert 1162 Tressan (Cte de), CEuvres choisies, romans de chevalerie, 10 vol.... 37-46 Amadis de Gaule, — Roland l'amoureux, — Roland furieux, — Tristan de L£onois, — Artus de Bretagne, — Flores et Blanche Fleur, — Cleomades et Claremonde, — Le roman de la Rose, — Pierre de Provence et la belle Maguelone, — La fleur des batailles, — Huon de Bordeaux, — GueVin de Montglave, — Dom Ursino le Navarin, — Le petit Jehan de Saintr£, — Gerard de Nevers, — Histoire de Rigda et de Regner Lodbrag, — Z61ie ou l'ingdnue. Tribun de Gand, Le, par Conscience, 2 vol 434"5 Tribunal secret, Le, par Robert 1179 TribunauX secrets, Les, par FeVal, 8 vol. ill 1629-36 Tristan de Leonois. Voir Tressan. le Roux, par Dumas fils 7 X ^ Tristesses et sourires, par Droz 510 Trois femmes, par Souvestre 1370 histoires d'amour, par Gaskell et Craik 844 homines forts, par Dumas fils 722 maitres, par Dumas , 706 mois sous la neige, par Porchat 1580 mousquetaires, Les, par Dumas 707 Rohan, Les, par Beauvoir 197 Troisieme dessous, Le, par Claretie 392 Trollope (A.), CEil pourceil 1425 Trollope (F. E.), Deux Anglaises k Rome 1426 Trop belle, par Pene , 1773 Troppmann, par Escoffier 1 745 Trou de l'enfer, Le, par Dumas 708 Tueur de brigands, Le, par Vincent et David 1611 Tulipe noire, La, par Dumas 7°9 Tyrannie rose et blanche, La, par Mme Beecher-Stowe 207 254] ULB SECTION FRANCAISE VER XJLBA0H(L.), Le livre d'une mere 1787 Monsieur et Madame Fernel 1716 Ulric le fermier, par Gotthelf 1701 valet de ferme, par Gotthelf 6 Ursule Mirouet, par Balzac 148 Usco^ue, L', par Sand 1236 VACANCES de lacomtesse, Les, par About des jeunes Boers, Les, par Mayne-Reid Vacquerie (A.), Profils et grimaces Vaincre et se vaincre, par Macintosh Valentin Guillois, par Aimard Valentine, par Sand Valerie, par Krudener Valise noire, La, par Souvestre Vallee aux loups, La, par Latouche Vallery-Radot (R.), Journal d'un volontaire dun an Valois de Forville. — Le consent de l'an VIII — marquis de Pazaval Vase prussien, Le, par Edgeworth.... Vaudoux, Les, par Aimard Vautier (G. ), Le remords du docteur Veillee, La, par Levray Veillees de maitre Patrigeon, Les, par Mme Carraud , du chalet, Les, par Revilliod ■ — chateau, Les, par Mme de Genlis, 2 vol en famille, Les, par Lamy flainandes, Les, par Conscience Veloce, Le, ou Tanger, Alger et Tunis, par Dumas .. Verne (J.), (Euvres: Autourdela lune Aventures de trois Russes et de trois Anglais dans l'Afrique australe, [Ma- gasin d'education] 220C Un capitaine de quinze ans, [Magasin d'educa- tion] Le chancellor, — Martin Paz — chemin de France, suivi de Gil-Braltar Cinq semaines en ballon.. De la terre a la lune Le docteur Ox, — Maitre Zacharius, — Un hiver- nage dans les glaces, - - Un drame clans les airs. L'ecole des Robinsons, [Magasin d'education]. H36 231C 1438 1443 1433 1435 :437 239C [255] Hector Servadac, [Maga- sin d'education] L'ile mysterieuse, [Maga- sin d'education] La Jangada, [800 lieues sur l'Amazone], 2 vol [Magasin d'educa- tion] — maison a vapeur, 2 vol. [Magasin d'e- ducation] Michel Strogoff, [Magasin d'education] Les 500 millions de la Be- gum, [Magasin d'edu- cation] Le pays des fourrures, [Ma- gasin d'education] — rayon-vert 1485 1077 1427 1018 83 1237 990 1372 996 1428 I430 1431 730 85 1432 1008 360 "55 848-9 994 43^ 1604 229C 223C 1439-40 237C 1797-8 234C 227C 233C 220C 1442 VER BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES VOY Verne (J.), CEuvres : — {suite,) Les revoltes de la Bounty, [Magasin d'education].. 234C Le tour du monde en 80 jours 1434 Une yille flottante — Les forceurs de blocus 1441 Voyage au centre de la tejie, ill 1654 Veron (Le Dr L.), Cinq cent mille francs de rente 1444 Vesper 107 Veuve ou mariee ? par Grenville-Murray 915 La, par Enault 732 Feuillet 777 Vicaire de Wakefield, Le, par Goldsmith 877 Vicomte de Beziers, Le, par Soulie 1306 ■ Bragelonne, Le, par Dumas, 3 vol 710-2 Launay, Le, par Mme de Girardin, 4 vol 862-5 Victor Hugo en Zelande, par C. Hugo 971 Vie chaste, La, et la vie impure, par Dash , 469 d'artiste, Une, par Dumas 713 de Marianne, La, par Marivaux 1037 • — Paris, La, par Normand 109 1 infernale, La, par Gaboriau, 2 vol. : I. — Pascal et Marguerite 830 II. — Lia d'Argeles 831 militaire en Prusse, La, par Hacklander, 4 vol 946-9 publique en Angleterre, La, par Daryl 1697 Vierge de l'Opera, La, par Gonzales 892 Vieux de la foret, Le, parSlolz 1^94 vieille, Les, par Erckmann-Chatrian "67 Vig'ie de Koat-Ven, La, par Sue, 2 vol 1401-2 Vigny (A. de), CEuvres : Cinq-Mars J 445 Servitude et grandeur mili- Journal d'un poete 1447 litaires 1448 Stallo 1449 Villa Palmieri, La, par Dumas 1599 Ville de garnison, Une, par Assolant 03 flottante, Une, par Verne 1441 noire, La, par Sand 1238 Villiers de l'lsle-Adam (Cte de), Le secret de l'echafaud 1788 Vincent (C.) et David (R. G.), Le tueur de brigands, histoires anec- dotiques des principaux bandits de l'ltalie 1611 Vincent (J.), Ce que femme veut 1789 Vingt ans apres, par Dumas, 3 vol 7*4"6 Violon de Franjole, Le, par Houssaye 965 russe, Un, par Greville, 2 vol 939"4° Visite a Henri Sanson, Ma, par Marquand 1056 Vixen, par Braddon, 2 vol 2S2-3 V03U d'Ellen, Le, par Aguilar, 2 vol 71-2 de Nadia, Le, par Greviile 937 Voleurs de chevaux, Les, par Gerstacker , 858 Voleuse d'enfant, La, par Conscience 419 Volonte, par Ohnet 1772 Voyage au centre de la terre, par Verne, ill 1654 autour de ma chambre, par Maistre 1 764 — du Grand-Pin, par Lamber I75& sentimental, par Sterne I39 2 [256] VOY SECTION FRANCAISE ZSC Voyage sous les flots, par Roger 1181 Voyages de Gulliver, par Swift 1403 et chasses, par Gerard 855 WaILLY (L. de), Les deux filles de M. Dubreuil, 2 vol Wassili Samarin, par Daryl "Waterloo, par Erckmann-Chatrian , Waverley, par Scott Werther, par Goethe Wetherell (E.), Mon aimee Wildermuth (Mme O.), Recits et tableaux de la vie souabe . Willyams (J. L.), Chillon ou les protestants au XVIme siecle Witt (Mme C. de, nee Guizot), CEuvres A l'ecole de la vie, recits pour les enfants 1465 Contes anglais 1461 Enfants et parents 1463 Histoire de deux petits freres 1462 Un nid, ill 1655 Riches et pauvres, contes pour les enfants 1464 Scenes historiquesdu pro- testantisme francais 1459 Wolff (A.), La gloriole "Wood (Mme H.), (Euvres : La famille Halliburton, 2 vol 1472-3 Les filles de lord Oak- burn, 2 vol 1466-7 LagloiredesVerner, 2 vol. 1468-9 "Woodstock, par Scott Worboise (J. S.), Millicent Kendrick ou la recherche du bonheur, 2 vol Wyss (J. R.), Le Robinson suisse, 2 vol Scenes historiques, 2 vol. ill. : Vol. I. — Odette la suivante ; L'en- fance des Pascal ; Vaux et Pignerol ; Derriere les haies, guerre de la Vendue Vol. II. — Saint et roi ; Pere et fille ; Nolite confidere prin- cipalis ; Une porte fermde ; De Charybde en Scylla ; La femme forte Une sceur, ill Tout simplement vers les hauteurs, par la vallee ... La maitre de Greylands, 2 vol Le serment de lady Ade- laide, 2 vol 1453-4 1736 768 12 1677 1456 1457 1458 1658 1659 [655 1460 1790 1470-1 1474-5 31 1476-7 1478-9 X ONGE (Miss C. M.)i Freres et sceurs ou les colonnes de la maison, 2 vol 1480- 1 ZACCONE (P.), Les aventuriers de Paris 1482 Zanoni, par Eulwer, 2 vol 346-7 Zelie, ou l'ingenue. Voir Tressan. Zeno Cabral, par Aimard 73 Zschokke (H.), Addrich des mousses 1483 Le chateau d'Aarau 1484 [257] Supplement au catalogue des francais. ATR romans CLO A travers pays, par de Witt About (Edmond), GEuvres : Germaine 1825 I Le turco .. Madelon 1841 | Amour de la mort, L', par Ribaun Amours fragiles, par Cherbuliez Arene (P.), Au bon soleil Attelage de la marquise, L', par de Tinseau Au bon soleil, par Arene Galadoc, par Fleuriot Maroc, par Loti Aventure de Ladislas Bolski, L', par Cherbuliez 1*37 1867 1855 1888 1863 1888 1822 1879 1852 Bazin (R.), Une tache d'encre Beaulieu (Mme. C. D. de), Trad. vaut l'usure que la rouille .... Braconnette, par Giron Charles Hamilton, ou mieux Cadet, Le, par Richepin Carmen Sylva, Qui frappe Cerisy (R. de), Trad., Contes de Dickens Ces bons Rosae'c ! par Fleuriot Ceux qui nous aiment et ceux que nous aimons, pax de Witt., Charles Hamilton, trad, de l'anglais, par Mme. de Beaulieu Chateau des anges, Le, par Enault Cherbuliez (V.), CEuvres : [855 Amours fragiles L'aventure de Ladis- las Bolski La ferme du Choquard Le fiance de Mile, de Saint- Maur Une gageure Le grand ceuvre Clef d'or, La, par Fleuriot .. Clos Toustain, Le, par de Pressense 1852 1857 1854 1848 1851 Noirs et rouges Olivier Maugant Paule Mere Profils etrangers Prosper Randoce La revanche de Joseph Noirel La vocation du comte Ghislain 1861 1868 1809 1894 1862 1875 1821 i8ir 1868 1839 1856 1858 1850 1847 1849 1853 1859 1812 1874 [259] CCE BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES HOP Coeur et la tete, Le, par Fleuriot 1816 Contes, par Dickens 1875 et nouvelles, par Mery 1827 Daudet (A.), L'immortel 1801 Lettres de mon moulin 1896 De fil en aiguille, par Fleuriot. 1833 De trop, par Fleuriot 1823 Derniere bataille, La, par Drumont ... 1892 Dickens (C), Contes 1875 Dostoievsky (Th.), Les pauvres gens, trad, par Derely 1871 Dragon imperial, Le, par Mendes 1887 Drumont ( E. ), La derniere bataille 1 892 Edelweiss, poesies, par Mme. de Gasparin 1877 Enault (L.), CEuvres: Le chateau des anges 1839 I Le sacrifice 1S40 Histoire d'amour 1826 | Valneige 1838 Epreuves d'Etienne, Les, par Girardin 1830 Ferme ( du Choquard, La, par Cherbuliez 1857 Fiance de Mile, de Saint Maur, Le, par Cherbuliez 1854 Fiances, Les, par Manzoni 1845 Fleuriot (Mile. Z.), CEuvres: Au Galadoc 1822 Ces bons Rosae'c 1821 La clef d'or ... 181 2 Le coeur et la tete 1816 L' heritier de Ker- guignon 1824 Loyaute 181 Raoul Daubry 1820 Reseda 1814 Sans beaute 1817 Le theatre chez soi 1819 Tombee du nid... 18 13 De trop 1823 La vie en famille 18 15 Fleurir-t (K.), De fil en aiguille 1833 Gageure, Une, par Cherbuliez 1848 G-asparin (Mme. de), Edelweiss, poesies 1877 G-autier (J. ), Iskender, histoire persane 1886 Germaine, par About „ 1825 Girardin (J.), CEuvres: Le locataire des demoiselles Rocher 1829 Miss Sans-cceur 1832 Les theories du Dr. Wurtz 1831 Les epreuves d'Etienne 1830 J'aime mieux re- tourner a l'ecole... 1897 Giron (A.). Braconnette 1809 Grai. d ceuvre, Le, par Cherbuliez 051 Greville (H.), CEuvres: Un mystere 1872 I Une seconde mere 1 89 Nikanor 1870 | Guillot (A.), Nouvelles romandes 1S95 Heritage de Tantale, L', par Poitevin 1S76 — — Un, par de Witt 1835 Heritier de Kerguignon, L', par Fleuriot ... 1824 Heuresd'hiver, par Legouve 1X66 Histoire d'amour, par Enault , 18 6 Hope (A. R.), Mon tie deserte — souvenirs d'ecolier, trad, de l'anglais 1S78 [260] IMM SUPPLEMENT DES ROMANS FRAN^AIS PER Immortel, L', par Daudet 1801 Inutile beaute, L', par Maupassant 1890 Iskender, par Gautier 1886 J'aime mieux retourner a l'ecole, par Girardin 1897 Jonathan et son continent : la societe americaine, par O'Rell 1803 Keary (A.), Oldbury, trad, de l'anglais 1S91 Legouve (E.), Heures d'hiver 1S66 Lettres de mon moulin, par Daudet 1896 Locataire des demoiselles Rocher, le, par Girardin 1829 Loti (Pierre), CEuvres : Mon fre re Yves 1882 Pecheurs d'Islande 1880 Le roman d'un enfant 1884 Le roman d'un spahi 1883 Au Maroc 1879 Madame Chrysan- theme 1885 Le mariage de Loti ... 188 1 Loyaute, par Fleuriot 1818 Madame Chrysantheme, par Loti 1885 Madelon, par About 1S41 Malot(IL), Mere 1893 Manzoni (A.), Les fiances 1845 Mariage de Loti, Le, par Loti 1881 Marmier (X.), CEuvres: Memoires d'un or- I Le roman d'un heritier 1S43 phelin 1844 | Maupassant (G. de), L'inutile beaute 1890 Memoires dun orphelin, par Marmier 1844 Mendes (J.), Le dragon imperial 1887 Mere, par Malot 1 893 Mery (J.), Contes et nouvelles 1827 Miss Sans-coeur, par Girardin 1832 Mon frere Yves, par Loti 1882 Mon ile deserte — souvenirs d'ecolier, par Hope, trad, de l'anglais ... 1878 Mon oncle Benjamin, par Tillier 1889 Montgomery (F.), Une vie nouvelle 1864 Mystere, Un, par Greville 1872 Neuvaine de Colette, La i860 Nikanor, par Greville 1870 Noir et rose, par Ohnet 1S02 Noirs et rouges, par Cherbuliez ... 1856 Nouvelles romandes, par Guillot 1895 Ohnet (G.), Noiret rose 1802 Oldbury, par Keary, trad, de l'anglais 1 891 Olivier Maugant, par Cherbuliez ... 5 858 O'Rell (Max), Jonathan et son continent : la societe americaine 1803 Paule Mere, par Cherbuliez , 1850 Pauvres gens, Les, par Dostoievsky, trad, du russe par Derely 1871 Pecheurs d'Islande, par Loti 18S0 Perdue a la poste, par Wood 1846 [261] POI BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES WOO Poitevin (Mile. M.), L'heritage de Tantale 1876 Pressense (Mme. E. de), CEuvres : Le clos Toustain 1874 | Les voisins de Mme. Bertrand 1873 Profils etrangers, par Cherbuliez 1847 Prosper Randoce, par Cherbuliez 1849 Qui frappe, par Carmen Sylva 1862 Raoul Daubry, par Fleuriot 1820 Heine et maitresse, par de Witt 1834 Reseda, par Fleuriot 1814 Revanche de Joseph Noirel, La, par Cherbuliez 1853 Reveillon, Un, par Schaeffer 1865 Ribaun (A.), L'amour de la mort 1867 Richepin (J.), Le cadet 1894 Roman d'un enfant, Le, par Loti ... 1884 heritier, Le, par Marmier 1843 spahi, Le, par Loti 1883 Sacrifice, Le, par Enault 1840 Sans beaute, par Fleuriot 1817 Schseffer (A.), Un reveillon 1865 Seconde mere, Une, par Greville 1869 Sons tous les cieux, par de Witt 1836 Tache d'encre, Une, par Bazin 1861 Theatre chez soi, Le, par Fleuriot 1819 Theories du Dr. Wurtz, Les, par Girardin 1831 Tillier (C), Mon oncle Benjamin 1889 Tinsean (L. de), L'attelage de la marquise 1863 Tombee du nid, par Fleuriot 1813 Trop heureux, par Wey 1828 Turco, Le, par About 1842 Valneige, par Enault 1838 Vie en famille, La, par Fleuriot 1815 Vie nouvelle, Une, par Montgomery 1864 Vieux contesde la veillee, par de Witt , 1810 Vocation du comte Ghislain, La, par Cherbuliez 1S59 Voisins de Mme. Bertrand, Les, par Pressense 1873 Wey (F.), Trop heureux 1828 Witt (Mme. C. de), CEuvres : Ceux qui nous airnent et ceux que nous aimons 1811 Un heritage 1835 Reine et maitresse 1834 Sous tous les cieux 1836 A t ravers pays 1837 Vieux contes de la veillee 1810 Wood (Mme.), Perdue a la poste 1846 [262] Supplement au catalogue de la section francaise. A TR BAN A travers les forets vierges, par Charnay 448G A travers les tropiques, par Marmier 447G A travers l'ltalie, par Meylan 445G Afrique, Dans les tenebres de 1', par Stanley, trad, de l'anglais. 1890. 464-5C Albigeois, Histoire des, par Peyrat, 3 vol. 1870 I434-6G Alcoolisme, L', par le docteur Chatelain 471I. Alembert, D', par Bertrand [Grands ecrivains fran9ais]. 1889 1338E Alexandre, Empereur de Russie. Voir Schnitzler : La Russie. Allemagne. Voir Demmin : Souvenirs de voyages. Amerique du Nord, La terre des merveilles : promenades au pare national de l'Amerique du Nord, illustre. 1886 45oG Histoire de Taction commune de la France etde l'Amerique pour l'independance des Etats-Unis, par Bancroft, 3 vol. 1876 ...1301-3E Promenade en : Etats-Unis, Cuba, Mexique, par Ampere. 1867. 602-3G Angleterre, L'expansion de 1', par Seeley, tract 1316E Annee scientifique et industrielle. L', 1889, par Figuier 483L Annuaire de Tenseignement primaire, par Jost io 55L Apologistes involontaires, les, par Merault, 2 vol. 1820-21 1448-9G Appert (B.), Dix ans a la cour du roi Louis-Philippe, et souvenirs du temps de l'Empire et de la Restauration, 3 vol. 1846 ...1307-9E Architecture. Histoire architectural de la ville d'Orleans, par Buzonniere, 2 vol. 1 849 1 394-5E Astronomie, Les etoiles fiiantes, et les pierres qui tombent du ciel, par Guillemin . . 482L et les cometes, illustre. 1878 475L Voyage d'une fillette au pays des etoiles, par Gouzy 460L Atomes, Le monde des, par Fonvielle 21 681 Audin-Riviere, La Medecine sans medecin 472L Augustin (Saint) Confessions, traduit par Paul Janet. 1861 1888G La CitedeDieu, traduit par Moreau, 4 vol. 1843 1889-92G Avis aux jeunes gens et aux jeunes femmes, trad, de l'anglais de W. Cobbett IM4 1 Babylone. JWrWalthus: Les decouvertes de Ninive et Babylone. Backhouse (E.) et Tylor (C), L'Eglise primitive jusqu'a la mort de Constantin, trad, par Felice, illustre. 1886 J 437G Bancroft (George), Histoire de Taction commune de la France et de l'Amerique pour l'independance des Etats-Unis, traduit par Circourt, 3 vol. 1876 1301-3E [263] BAR BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES CHA Barthelemy (A. de), Nouveau manuel de numismatique ancienne, avec atlas, 2 vol. 1890 469-70L. Barthelemy-Saint-Hilaire (J.) La philosophic dans ses rapports avec les sciences et la religion. 1889 579C Bashkirtseff (Marie), Journal de, 2 vol. 1890 1401-2E Benoit (Daniel), Les freres Gibert : deux pasteurs du Desert et du Refuge, et de St. Andre, Guernesey [1722-1817]. 1889 1287E Bernus ( Madame A. ), Cinq nouvelles 11 42I Bersier (E.), Coligny avant les guerres de religion. 1884 1445G Quelques pages de l'histoire des Huguenots. 1891 1363E Bertin (E.), La Societedu Consulat et de l'Empire I354E BertogliO (L.), Les cimetieres au point de vne de l'hygiene et de l'administration 464L Bertrand (J.), D'Alembert [Grands ecrivains francais]. 1889 1338E Bible, La poesie devant la Bible, par Bonnet. 1858 M33G Bienfaiteurs del'humanite, Les, sciences, arts, inventions, &c, par Fallet. 1868 453C Biographies individuelles : Voir Bashkirtseff, Marie, — C£sar, Jules, — Colomb, Christophe, — Darwin, Charles, — Haussonville, Le comte d', — Irving : Mahomet, — La Rochejaquelein, La marquise de, — Louis XVI., — Malthus, — Marie- Antoinette, — Mazarin et ses nieces, — Mill, J. S., — Pestalozzi, — Spinosa, 13. de. Biolley (Paul), Costa-Rica et son avenir. 1889 1306E Bonaparte (le prince Lucien), et sa famille, avec 12 portraits. 1889 456C Bonnet (M. J.), La poesie devant la Bible, etude critique des poesies inspirees par l'Ecriture-Sainte. 1858 , I 433^- Botanique. Voir Saffray : Remedes des champs. Bouillier (F.), Nouvelles etudes familieres de psychologie et de morale 1139I Bouillon (A.), Principes de dessin lineaire. 1866... 578C Bovet (M. A. de), Trois mois en Irlande, illustre. 1891 449G Broglie (Le due de), Souvenirs [1785-1870], 4 vol. 1886 1277-80E Bronze, Le, par Helene 2173I Buch.011 (J. A. C), Ed., Les chroniques de sire Jean Froissart, qui traitent des merveilleuses emprises, nobles aventures, &c, ad venues en son temps, en France, Angleterre. Bretagne, &c, avec notes, tables et glossaire, &c, 3 vol. 1837 461-3C Buzonniere (M. de), Histoire architecturale de la ville d'Orleans...i394-5E Capns (G.), L'oeuf dans les plantes et les animaux 2169I Carette (Mine., nee Bovet), .Souvenirs intimesde la courdesTuileries 1326-7E. Caro (E.), George Sand [Grands ecrivains francais], 1887 X 335E Nouvelles etudes morales sur le temps present. 1869 1893G Problemes de morale sociale 1140I Cartaillac (E.), La France pre-historique 467L Cesar (Jules), Histoire de, avec atlas, 4 vol. 1865 457-60C Chaleur animale, par Richet 468L Chansons de nos grand-meres, recueillies par Godet, illus. 1890 1143I Charnay (D. ), A travers les forets vierges 448G Chatelain (Le Chevalier de), Trad. Contes de Cantorbery, par Chaucer, illustre, 3 vol. 1857-60 1160-62I Chatelain (Le docteur), L'alcoolisme , 47iL Chancer (G.), Contes de Cantorbery, traduits en vers francais, par Chatelain, illustre, 3 vol. 1857-60 1160-62I [264] CHA SUPPLEMENT DE LA SECTION FRANCAISE DEM Chauvin (L.), L'education de l'instituteur : pedagogic pratique et ad ministration scolaire 1057L Chez Paddy, par Mandat-Grancey, illus. 1887 442G Christianisme, Des premieres transformations historiques du, par Coquerel. 1880 1894G Chroniques de sire Jean Froissart, qui traitent des merveilleuses emprises, nobles aventures, &c., advenues en son temps en France, Angleterre, Bretagne, Sec, avec notes, tables et glossaire, &c, par Buchon, 3 vol. 1837 ... 461-3C Cinietieres, Les, au point de vue de l'hygiene et de l'administration, par Bertoglio. 1889 464L Cinq nouvelles, par Bernus 1142I Cite de Dieu, La, par St. Augustin, tradnit par L. Moreau, 4 vol. 1889-92G Civilisation frangaise, Histoire de la, clepuis les origines, par Rambaud, 2 vol. 1889 ..., , 1319-20E Clery (R. de), Les avant-postes pendant le siege de Paris. 1887 ... 1352E Cobbett, (W. ), Avis aux jeunes gens et aux jeunes femmes, trad 1144I Coligny avant les guerres de religion, par Bersier. 1884 J 445G Colomb (C.), Vie et voyages, par Irving, trad, de l'anglais par Renson, 3 vol. 1864 1283-5E Cometes, les, et les etoiles, illustre. 1S78 475L Compayre (G.), Organisation pedagogique et legislation des ecoles primaires 1056L Confessions de Saint Augustin, traduit par Paul Janet. 1861 18S8G Congo, Au pays des tenebres, histoire de la premiere mission au Congo, par Sailens.. 1440G Consulat et de l'Empire, La Societe du, par Bertin 1354E Contes de Cantorbery, par Chaucer, traduits en vers francais, par Chatelain, 3 vol. 1857-60 1160 62I Coquerel (Athanase, fils), Des premieres transformations historiques du christianisme. 1880 1894G Cosnac (Le comte G.-J. de), Souvenirs du regne de Louis XIV., 8 vol. 1866-1882 ". 1290-97E Coubertin (P. de), Universites transatlantiques 1063L Creation, Le Createur et la methode de la Creation, par Dallinger .. 463L Cretineau-Joly. — Histoire de la guerre civile, 4 vol 1311-4E Cuba. Voir Ampere : Am^rique. Dallinger (W. IL), Le Createur et la methode de la Creation 463L Dangeail (Marquis de), Journal, publie en entier pour la premiere fois par Soulie, Dussieux et autres, avec les additions inedites du due de Saint-Simon [16S4-1720], 19 vol. avec table. .. 1374-92E Dans les tenebres de l'Afrique, par Stanley, 2 vol. 1890 464-5C Dargaud (J. M.), Histoire de la liberte religieuse en France, et de ses fondateurs, vol 3 et 4. 1859 i667Ga-b Darwin (C), et ses precurseurs francais, etude sur le transformisme, par Quatrefages. 1870 1372E Dandet (A.), Trente ans de Paris. 1889 1329E Decembre -Alonnier, Les merveilles du nouveau Paris, renfer- mant histoire, description, population, &c, illus. 1867 601G Demmin (Auguste), Souvenirs de voyage et causeries d'un collec- tionneur, ou guide artistique pour l'Allemagne. 1864 443G Demonologie, La, ou histoire des demons et des sorciers, par Scott, traduction de A. Montemont. 1838 169I [265] DEM BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES FRA Demoor. — Prairies: formation, entretien, renouvellement. 1857 ... 474L Dessin lineaire, Principes de, par Bouillon. 1866 578C Dictionnaire classique, illustre, par Gazier. 1889 1141I Didon (Le Pere), Jesus-Christ, 2 vol. 1891 1446-7G Dieu, Conference sur l'idee de, par Passy 1442G Divorce de Napoleon, Le, par Welschinger 1310E Droit francais, origines du, par Michelet. 1837 1065 L Drummond (H. M.), Lois de la nature dans le monde spirituel 1145I Du Camp (M.), La vertu en France 1895G Du Moyssan (Victor C), Code resume des devoirs sociaux. 1884... 1320L Dubreuil (Albert), Guide-manuel du citoyen francais. 1886 1054L Duel, Le, par Mendez. 1854 1399E Eau, La goutte d'eau dans la nature, par Monthiers 465E Ecole primaire, Enseignement du travail manuel a l'ecole primaire, par Faivre io52L Ecoles primaires, Organisation pedagogique et legislation des, par Compayre 1 056L Ecosse, Histoire d', par Scott, 2 vol. 1837 2000-1E Education de l'instituteur, pedagogie pratique et administration scolaire, par Chauvin io 57L — nos fils, L', par Rochard 1064L des le berceau, L', par la princesse Ouroussow 1059L Philosophic et pratique de l'education, par de Guimps. 1880 ... 1053L Eglise primitive, L', jusqu'a la mort de Constantin, par Backhouse et Tylor H37G Emaillerie, Les merveilles de 1', par Molinier 2175I Enfance de l'humanite, L', l'age de pierre, par Verneau. 2177I Enfants, Les enfants maleleves, par Nicolay 1058L Enseignement primaire, Annuaire de 1', par Jost 1055L Questions d'enseignement national, par Lavisse. 1885 462L Esthetique anglaise, L', etude sur M. John Ruskin, par Milsard... 458L EtatS-Unis. Voir Ampere : Amerique. Etoiles et les cometcs, L', illustre. 1878 475E Etoiles filantes, et les pierres qui tombent du ciel, Les, par Guillemin 482L Voyage d'une fillette au pays des etoiles, par Gouzy 460L Etudes et ^tudiants, par Lavisse. 1890 1317E sociales, par Secretan 1 1 38I Evangiles, Les Saints, traduction nouvelle, par Lasserre. 1887 ... 1887G Faivre (Emile), Enseignement du travail manuel a. l'ecole primaire 1062L Fallet (C.), Les bienfaiteurs de l'humanite, sciences, arts, inventions, ceuvres de charite. 1868 453^ Falsan (A.), La periode glaciaire 406L Figuier (L.), L'annee scientifique et industrielle. 1889 483L Fonssagrives (J. B.), La maison [Hygiene, &c] 473L Fonvielle (W. de), Le monde des atomes 2168I Foyeau de Courmelles (le docteur), L'hypnotisme 2174I France coloniale, la, par Rambaud 1822E contemporaine, Les origines de la, par Taine, 2 vol. 1887-91 ...1357-8E La Revolution, tome 3, 1357E. Le regime moderne, tome 1, 1358E. Guide-manuel du citoyen francais. 1886 1054L Histoire de la liberte religieuse en, par Dargaud, vol 3 et 4 ... i667Ga-b Revolution francaise [1789], par Villiaume. 1864...1298-1300E [266] FRA SUPPLEMENT DE LA SECTION FRANCHISE HIN France, Institutions politiques dc l'ancienne, par Fustel de Coulanges, 3 vol. 1868-90 1330-32E La vertu en, par Du Camp 1895G Les nieces de Mazarin, etudes de moeurs et de caracteres au XVlIme siecle, par Renee. 1857 1281E L'instruction publique des femmes en France, par Ychgram, trad, de l'espagnol 1060L Origines du droit francais cherchees dans les symboles et for- mules du droit universel, par Michelet. 1837 1065L pre-historique, La, par Cartaillac 467L Statistique raisonnee de la France, par Goldsmith, trad, par Henrion. 1833 • *393 E Franck (A.), La Kabbale et la philosophie religieuse des Hebreux. 1443G Froissart (sire Jean), Chroniques qui traitent des merveilleuses emprises, nobles aventures et Jaits d'armes advenus en son temps en France, Angleterre, Bretagne, &c, avec notes, &c, par Buchon, 3 vol. 1837 461-3C Fastel de Coulanges, Ilistoire des institutions politiques de l'an- cienne France, 3 vol. 1888-90 : La monarchic franque 1330E L'alleu et le domaine rural pendant I'dpoque mdrovingienne 1331K Les origines du sj'steme fdodal, le b^nelice et le patronat pendant l'£poque m^rovingienne 1332E Gamier (Adolphe), Morale sociale, ou devoirs de FEtat et des citoyens. 1850 1319L Gazier (A.), Nouveau dictionnaire classique illustre, 19 cartes, 700 gravures. 1889 1141I Gibert (Les freres), Deux pasteurs du Desert et du Refuge, et de St. Andre, Guernesey [1722-1817], par Benoit. 1889 1287E Ginguene (P. L.), Ilistoire litteraire d'ltalie, 9 vol. 1811-19 1 151-9 1 Godet (A.), Ed., Les chansons de nos grand'meres, illustre. 1890... 1143I Goldsmith (L.), Statistique raisonnee de la France, trad, par Henrion. 1833 1393E Goncourt (E. et J. de), Journal de, 4 vol. 1890 1365-8E Gouzy (P. ), Voyage d'une fillette au pays des etoiles 460L Graffigny (II. de) et Portal (Camille), Les merveilles de Thor- logerie. 1888 , 2172I Guernesey, Recueil d'ordonnances de la cour royale de l'isle de (1533-1860), par Macculloch 1050-2L Voir aussi Hugo : IS T ormandie inconnue, — Benoit : Les freres Gibert. Guerre civile, Histoire de la, par Cretineau-Joly, 4 vol 1311-4E Guide-manuel du citoyen fran9ais, par Dubreuil. 1886 1054L Guillaunie (J.), Pestalozzi 1353E Guillemin (A.), Les etoiles filantes et les pierres qui tombent du ciel. 482L Guimps (le baron- Roger de), La philosophie et la pratique de l'education. 1880 I0 53L Haussonville (le comte d'), Majeunesse 1403E Hebreux. Voir Juifs. Helene (M.), Le bronze 2137I Himalaya occidental, Voyage d'une Parisienne dans 1', par Ujfalvy- Bourdon 446G Hins (Eugene), LaRussie devoilee au moyen de sa litterature popu- laire. 1883 ,; 1136I [267] HIS BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES LIT Histoire de la civilisation francaise depuis les origines, par Ram- baud, 2 vol. 1889 1319-20E ■ ■ contemporaine en France, par Rambaud 1321E guerre civile, par Cretineau-Joly, 4 vol 1311-4E ■ — l'ltalie, depuis 181 5 jusqu'a la mort de Victor-Emmanuel, par Sorin 1328E Voir aussi Schnitzler : La Russie, — Villiaum£ : Revolution francaise. Horlogene, Les merveilles de 1', par Portal et Gramgny 2172I Hue (F.), Dernieres annees du regne et de la vie de Louis XVI. 1806 1373E Hugo (F. V.), La Normandieinconnue. 1405E (Victor), Devant I'opinion. 1885 1289E Huguenots, Quelques pages de l'histoire des, par Bersier. 1891 ... 1363E Hygiene, La maison, par Fonssagrives 473L Les cimetieres au point de vue de l'hygiene et de radministration, par Bertoglio 464L Hypnotisme, L', par Foyeau de Courmelles 2174I Imbert de Saint-Amand. Voir Saint-Amand. Ind.es, Six mois aux, par le prince Henri d'Orleans 444G Institutions politiques de l'ancienne France, Histoire des, par Fustel de Coulanges, 3 vol. 1888-90 1330-32E Instruction publique desfemmes en France, L', par Ychgram 1060L Irlande, Trois mois en, par Bovet, illus. 1891 449G Irving (Washington), Vie de Mahomet, traduit par Georges. 1865 1282E et voyages de Christophe Colomb, traduit par Renson 1285-7E Italie, A travers 1', par Meylan 445^ Histoire de 1', depuis 1815 jusqu'a la mort de Victor-Emmanuel, par Sorin 1 328E ■ — Litteraire d', par Ginguene, 9 vol. 1811-19 1151-9I Jersey. Voir Hugo : Normandie inconnue. Jesus Christ, par le pere Didon, 2 vol. 1891 1446-7G Jost (G.), Annuaire de 1'enseignement primaire io 55L Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris, par Monin 1318E Journal du marquis de Dangeau [1684-1720], 19 vol avec table ... 1374-92E Juifs, La Kabbale et la philosophic religieuse des Hebreux, par Franck I443G- Justice, huit discours, par Wagner 1439G Kabbale, La, et la philosophic religieuse des Hebreux, par Franck.. 1443G La^tte (Paul), La parole 2171I Laloi (P.), Petites histoires pour apprendre la vie. 1887 461L La Roche jaquelein. Voir Rochejaquelein. Lasserre (H.), Les Saints Evangiles, traduction nouvelle. 1887 ... 18S7G Lavisse (E.), Questions d'enseignement national. 1885 462L Etudes et etudiants. 1890 I 3 I 7E Leclercq (J.) La terre des merveilles, promenades au pare national de l'Amerique du Nord, illus. 1S86 450G Leger (L.), Russes et Slaves 1333E Liber alite chretienne, La, par Rivere 1438G Liberte religieuse en France, Histoire de la, et de ses fondateurs, par Dargaud, vol 3 et 4. 1S59 i667Ga-b Libre arbitre, Le, etude philosophique, par Naville. 1890 I150I Litterature dramatique, Cours de, par Schlegel, trad. 1814 1133-5I ■ francaise au moyen age [Xle — XlVe siecle], par Paris. 1890... 1148I [268] LIT SUPPLEMENT DE LA SECTION FRANC AISE MIL Litterature. — Histoire litteraire d'ltalie, par Ginguene, 9 vol. 181 1- 19 . ii5 r -9l Le mouvement litteraire au XIXe siecle, par Pellissier 1 137I Lomenie (Louis de), Les Mirabeau, nouvelles etudes sur la societc francaise au XVIIIme. siecle, vol. 3 37§E a Louis XtV, Souvenirs du regne de, par le comte de Cosnac, 8 V0I...1290-7E Louis XVI, Dernieres annees du regne et de la vie de, par Hue 1373^ Louis-Philippe, Dix ans a la cour de, et souvenirs du temps de l'Empire et de la Restauration, par Appert, 3 vol. 1846 1307-9E Lutteroth (Henri), Correspondance inedite tr Alexandre Vinet avec, par Pressense. 1891 1364E Maccullooh (R.), Recueild'ordonnances de la Cour Royale de ITsle de Guernesey [1533-1860], 3 vol 1050-2L Mahomet, Vie de, par Irving, trad, de l'anglais par Georges. 1865. 1282E Maison, La [Hygiene, &c. ], par Fonssagrives 473^ Malthus, par Molinari 1324E Mandat-Grancey (Baron E. de), Chez Paddy, illustre. 1887 442G Mangin (Arthur), Voyage scientifique autour de ma chambre, illustre 457L Marie-AntoinetteauxTuileries [1789-91], par Saint- Amand. 1882 1396E et l'agonie de la royaute, par Saint-Amand. 1882 I397E La derniere annee de, par Saint-Amand. 1882 1398E Marmier (X.), A travers les tropiques 447G Massai, Au pays des, voyage d'exploration a. travers l'Afrique equa- toriale, par Thomson, illustre. 1886 45 r ^' Maugny (Le comte), Souvenirs du Second Empire 1404E Mazade (Ch. de), Un chancelier d'ancien regime : le regne diploma- tique de M. de Metternich. 1882 *35*E Mazarin, Les nieces de, etudes de moeurs et de caracteres au XVlIe siecle, par Renee. 1857 ... 1281E Medecine sans medecin, La, par Audin-Riviere. 1826 472L ■ — Voir aussi Saffray : Remedes des champs. Memoires de la marquise de La Rochejaquelein, ecrits par elle-meme. 1276E Mendez (T. A.), Le duel depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. 1854 1399^ Merault (M.), Les apologistes involontaires, ou la religion chre- tienne prouvee et defendue par les objections memes des incredules, 2 vol. 1820-21 1448-9G Merlin l'enchanteur, par Quinet, 2 vol 1146-7I Merveilles, Bibliotheque des : Voir Andr£, — Aug6de Lassus, — Bouchot, — Capus, — Foyeau de Courmelles, — Demoulin, — Du Moncel, — Fonvielle, — Guignet, — Hansiaux, — Hdene, — Hennebert, — Laffitte, — Lefebvre, — Maindron, — Mellion, — Menant,— Molinier,— Petit,— Portal et Graffigny,— Pottier,— Renard, — Roy,— Tissandier, — Verneau. Merveilles du nouveau Paris, Les, par Decembre-Alonnier, illustre. 1867 601G Metternich (M. de), Un chancelier d'ancien regime : le regne di- plomatique de M. de Metternich, par Mazade. 1881 1351K Mexique. Voir Ampere : Am^rique. Meylan (A.), A travers l'ltalie 44SC Michelet (J.), Guerres de religion. 1836 1444G Michelet (M.), Origines du droit francais cherchees dans les symboles et formules du droit universel. 1837 1065L Mill (J. S.), par Roquet 1323E [269] MIL BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES PET Milsard (J.), L'esthetique anglaise, etude sur M. John Ruskin 458L Mirabeau, Les, nouvelles etudes sur la societe fran9aise au XVIIIme siecle, par Louis de Lomenie, v. 3 378Ea Molinari (G. de), Malthus 1324E Molinier, Les merveilles de l'emaillerie 2175I Monfalcon (J. B.), Ed., (Luvres de Virgile traduites en vers francais, espagnols, italiens, anglais et allemands, et prece- dees de la vie de Virgile, &c. 1 838 300C Monin (IL), Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris pendant la revolution de 1789. 1889 „ 1318E Monthiers (P.), La goutte d'eau dans la nature 465^ Morale, Nouvelles etudes familieres de, par Bouillier 1 139I Nouvelles etudes sur le temps present, par Caro. 1 869 1893(1 sociale, ou devoirs de l'Etat et des citoyens, par Gamier. 1850. 1319L Problemes de, par Caro 1140I Napoleon, Divorce de, par Welschinger 1310E Nature, La, et ses trois regnes, causeries et contes d'un bon papa, par Saintine. 1871 45^E Les lois de la nature dans le monde spirituel, trad, de l'anglais de M. A. Drummond 1 145^ Navigation aerienne, La, par Tissandier 2170I Naville (E.), Le libre arbitre, etude philosophique. 1S90 U5 o1 Nicolas, Empereur de Russie. Voir Schnitzler : La Russie. Nicolay (F.), Les enfants mal eleves 1058L Ninive et Babylone, Les decouvertes de, au point de vue biblique, par Walthus 1441G Normandie inconnue, La, par Hugo i4°5 E Numismatique, Nouveau manuel de numismatique ancienne, par Barthelemy, avec atlas, 2 vol. 1890 469-70L CEuf, L', dans les plantes et les animaux, par Capus 2169I Ordonnances, Recueil d', de la Cour Royale de l'lsle de Guerne- sey [1533-1860], redige par Macculloch, 3 vol 1050-2L Orleans, Histoire architecturale de la ville d'Orleans, par Buzon- niere, 2 vol. 1849 I394-5 1 ' Orleans (Le due d'), Recits de campagne. [1833-41]. 1890 ^3 l S^ Orleans (Prince Henri d'), Six mois aux Indes 444G 'Ouroussow (La princesse), L'education des le berceau 1059L Paleologue (M.), Vauvenargues [Grands ecrivains francais]. 1890 1336E Pallain (G.), Ed., Le ministere de Talleyrand sous le Directoire, avec introduction et notes. 1891... !356E Paris, Les avant-postes pendant le siege de Paris, par de Clery. 1887 13.52E Les merveilles du nouveau Paris, illustre. 1867 601G Trente ans de Paris, par Uaudet I3 2 9^ Paris (G.), La litterature francaise au moyen age [Xle. — XlVe. siecle]. 1890 1148I Parole, La, par Laffitte 2171I Passy (F.), Conference sur l'idee de Dieu et la liberte 1442G Pellissier (G.), Le mouvement litteraire au XlXme siecle 1 I37l Periode glaciaire, La, par Falsan 466L Pestalozzi, par Guillaume 1353E Petites erreurs et pctites ignorances, par Sardou. 1890 1149^ [270] PEY SUPPLEMENT DE LA SECTION FRANCAISE SAI Peyrat (Napoleon), Histoire des AJbigeois : les Albigeois et l'lnquisi- tion, 3 vol. 1870 1434-6G Philosophie, La, dans ses rapports avec les sciences et la religion, par J. Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire. 1889 579C et 1355E Le libre arbitre, etude philosophique, par Naville. 1890 1150I religieuse des Hebreux, par Franck I443^» Pierre, l'age de, l'enfance de l'humanite, par Verneau ... 2177I Poesie devant la Bible, La, par Bonnet. 1858 I 433^ Portal (Camille) et Graffigny (H. de), Les merveilles de l'hor- logerie 2172I Pottier (E.), Les statuettes de terre cuite dans l'antiquite. 1890 ... 2176I Prairies, Formation, entretien, renouvellement, par Demoor. 1857 474L Pressense (E. de), Alexandre Vinet d'apres sa correspondance inedite avec Henri Lutteroth. 1891 1364E Psychologie, Nouvelles etudes familieres de, par Bouillier. 1887 1139I Quatrefages (A. de), Charles Darwin et ses precurseurs fran9ais, etude sur le transformisme. 1870 1372E Quinet (E.), Merlin l'enchanteur, 2 vol 1146-7I Rambaud (A.), Histoire de la civilisation contemporaine en France. 1321E ■ francaise depuis les origines, 2 vol 1319-20E — — La France coloniale 1822E Recits de campagne, par le due d'Orleans [1833-41]. 1890 ^^E Religion chretienne, Les apologistes involontaires, par Merault ,<.I448-49G Guerres de, par Michelet. 1836 I 444G La philosophie dans ses rapports avec les sciences et la religion, par Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire 579C et 1355E Remed.es des champs, herborisations pratiques a Tusage des insti- tuteurs, &c. , par Saffray. 1876 459L Remusat (Paul de), A. Thiers [Grands ecrivains francais]. 1889 ... 1337E Renee (Amedee), Les nieces de Mazarin, etudes de moeurs et de caracteres au XVIIe. siecle. 1857 1281E Revolution frangaise [1789], Histoire de la, par N. Villiaume. 1298-1300E par Taine, tome 3. 1887 .., J 357E Richet, La chaleur animale , 468L Rivere (T.), La liberalite chretienne 1438G Robinet de Cl^ry. Voir Cl^ry (R. de). Rochard (Dr. J.), L' education de nos fils 1064L Rochejaquelein (Madame de La), Memoires de, illustrations de Andrieux. 1884 1288E Memoires, ecrits par elle-meme. 1822 1276E Roquet (L.), John Stuart Mill 1323E Ruskin (John), L'esthetique anglaise, etude sur M. John Ruskin, par Milsard. 1864 458L Russes et Slaves, par Leger. 1847 1333E Russie, Histoire intime de la, sous les empereurs Alexandre et Nicolas, par Schnitzler, 2 vol. 1847 1304-5E La Russie devoilce au moyen de sa litterature populaire, par Hins. 1883 1136I Saffray (le docteur), Les remedes des champs, illus. 1876 4591' Sailens (Madme), Au pays des tenebres, histoire de la premiere mission au Congo 1 440G [271] SAI BIBLIOTHEQUE GUILLE-ALLES TRO Saint-Amand (Imbert de), Marie-Antoinette aux Tuileries [1789-91] 1396E Marie-Antoinette et l'agonie de la royaute. 1882 1397E La derniere annee de Marie-Antoinette. 1882 1398E Saint-Hilaire. Voir Barthdemy Saint-Hilaire (J.). Saint-Pierre (Jacques Henri Bernardin de). Voir Bernardin de Saint Pierre. Saint-Simon (due de). Voir Journal du Marquis de Dangeau. Saintes (Amand), Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de B. de Spinosa. 1842 1286E Saintine (X. B.), La nature et ses trois regnes. 1871 456L Salverte (E. ), Des sciences occultes, ou essai sur la magie, les prodiges et les miracles. 1856 .. 170I Sand (G.), par Caro [Grands ecrivains francais]. 1887 *335E Sardou (A. L.), Petites erreurs et petites ignorances. 1890 1 149I Schlegel (A. W.), Cours de litterature dramatique, trad. 1814 1133-5I Schnitzler (J. H. ), Histoire intime de la Russie sous les empereurs Alexandre et Nicolas, 2 vol. 1847 1304-5E Sciences, La philosophic dans ses rapports avec les, par Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire 579C et 1355E occultes, Des, par Salverte. 1856 170I Scott (W.), Histoire d'Ecosse, trad. Montemont, 2 vol. 1837 2000-1E La demonologie, trad. Montemont. 1838 169I Second Empire, Souvenirs du, par Maugny 1404E Secretan (C. ), Etudes sociales .7 1 138I Seeley (J. R.), L'expansion de l'Angleterre, trad. 1316E Slaveset Russes, par Leger 1333E Societe du Consulat et de l'Empire, La, par Bertin. 1S90 '.. 1354E Sorei (A.), Mme. de Stael [Grands ecrivains francais]. 1890 1334E Sorin (E.), Histoire de l'ltalie, depuis 1815 jusqu'a la mort de Victor-Emmanuel 1328E Souvenirs intimes de la cour des Tuileries, par Mme. Carette 1326E du feu due de Broglie [1785-1870], 4 vol. 1886 1277-80E Spinosa (B. de), Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de, par Saintes. 1286E Stael (Mme. de), par Sorel [Grands ecrivains francais]. 1890 1334E Stanley (II. M.), Dans les tenebres de l'Afrique, recherche, de- livrance et" retraite d'Emin Pacha, trad, de l'anglais. 1890. 464-5C Statistique raisonnee de la France, par Goldsmith, trad, par Henrion. 1833 1393E Statuettes deterre cuite dans l'antiquite, Les, par Pottier 2176I Suisse pittoresque, .Annuaire de la, stations climateriques, bains, belles excursions, &c. , illustre. 1 890 45 2 G Taine (H.), Lesorigines de la France contemporaine, 2 vol. 1887-91 1357-8E La Revolution, tome 3, 1357E. Le regime moderne, tome 1, 1358E. Talleyrand, Le ministere de, sous le Directoire, avec introduction et notes par Pallain. 1891 I356E Tch.eng'-Ki-Tong, Les Chinois peints p.ir eux-memes 44 l( ^ Terre des merveilles, La, par Leclercq, illustre. 1886 45°^ Thiers (A.), par Remusat [Grands ecrivains francais]. 1889 I337E Thomson (J.), Au pays des Massai : voyage d'exploration a travers l'Afiique equatoriale, illustre. 1886 45 J G Tissandier (G.), La navigation aerienne 2170I Travail manuel, Enseignement du travail manuel a l'ecole primaire, par Faivre 1062L Trois mois en Irlande, par Bovet, illustre. 1891 449G Tropiques, A travers les, par Marmier 447^ [272] TUI SUPPLEMENT DE LA SECTION FRANCAISE YCH Tuileries, Souvenirs intimes tie la cour des Tuileries, par Carette ...1326-7E Tylor (Ch.) et Backhouse (E.), L'Eglise primitive jusqu'a la mort de Constantin. 1886 1 437 ( ^ Ujfalvy-Bourdon (Mme. de), Voyage d'une Parisienne dans l'Himalaya occidental 446G Universites transatlantiques, par Coubertin 1 C63L Vauven argues, par Paleologue [Grands ecrivains francais]. 1890 1336E Verneau (Le Dr.), L'enfance de rhumanite — l'age de pierre 2177I Vertu en France, La, par Du Camp 1S95G Victoria, Les quinze premieres annees de la reine Victoria !3 2 5E Villiaume (N.), Histoire de la revolution francaise [1789] 1298-1300E Vinet (A.), d'apres sa correspondance inedite avec Henri Lutteroth, par Pressense. 1891 1364E Virgile, CEuvres de (traduites en vers francais, espagnols, italiens, anglais et allemands), par Tissot, Dellille et autres, et pre- cedees de la vie de Virgile, &c. 1838 300C Voyage scientifique autour de ma chambre, par Mangin. 1862 457L Souvenirs de, et causeries d'un collectionneur, ou guide artis- tique pour l'Allemagne, par Demmin. 1864 443G Voyages, A travers l'ltalie, par Meylan 445C Voir aussi Ampere : Promenade en Amdrique [Etats-Unis, Cuba, Mexique], — Bovet : Trois mois en Irlande, — Charnay : Les forets vierges, — Irving: Christophe Colomb, — Marmier : Les tropiques, — Stanley: Dans les t^nebres de l'Afrique, — Thomson : Au pays des Massai, — Ujfalvy-Bourdon : L'Himalaya. "Wagner (C), Justice, huit discours I439G "Walthus (J.), Les decouvertes de Ninive et de Babylone au point de vue biblique 1441G VVelschinger (H.), Le divorce de Napoleon 1310E Ychgram (Dr.), L'instruction publique des femmes en France, trad. de l'espagnol 1060L hJBIVBrvSITT) [273] UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time" are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. NOV 23 1928 *7J UMVHSTV Of CALIFORNIA UBRAK1 aWK $lu^/4 ^w k v, ;• • 1SSK ■■J" ■ vt'iUW:'' ">' ^ "A; i 7 i 1/1 1^ y \J[i J '- } '' 7K WJWWllki.Mi&i:.t:ffi