Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN Ql H ,M THE GAS MANAGER'S HANDBOOK. FIFTH EDITION. HANDBOOK FOR GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. THOMAS NEWBIGGING, Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers. FIFTH EDITION, ENLARGED. Bonbon : WALTER KING, OFFICE OF THE "JOURNAL OF GAS LIGHTING," &c. ii, BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET, E.C. 1889. 6 PRINTED B? KING, SELL, AND BAILTON, LTD., 12, GOUGH RQUAKE, AND 4. BOLT COURT, FLEET STREET, LONDON"/ E.C. Stadk 151 PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION. I AM gratified with the reception which has been accorded to each successive Edition of the HANDBOOK. It has been my earnest desire to make the work of the utmost possible use to those for whom it is specially intended. The Book is the fruit of long experience, and of much reading and thought. My ambition is that it may be referred to by the members of the profession, especially the younger members, and that it may afford them valuable assistance on occasions of difficulty and doubt. I have reason to believe that the present Edition marks an im- portant advance on those that have gone before. Considerable additions have been made to the text, and much of it has been re-written and otherwise improved. T. N. MANCHESTER, December, 1889. PRINCIPAL CONTENTS. [For Alphabetical Index, see_end.} PAGE Coal and Cannel ..:,.: 1 ' 58 The Storage of Coal . . . . ' . . ' ." . . . . .... - 53 Spontaneous Ignition of Coal . . 54 The Gases Occluded in Coal 55 Testing Coal for its Producing Qualities 56 Retort House, Retort Benches, Retorts and] Mountings . . 59-96 The Slaking of Hot Coke . . . .'.'.'. . . . 73 Fuel for Carbonizing 73 Generator Furnaces and Regeneration 75 Scarfing Retorts 78 The Dinsmore System of Gas Making 81 Charging and Drawing Retorts by Machinery .... 84 Temperature of Gas in the Retorts 93 Condensation and Condensers 96-111 Naphthaline . . ', ' \" 109 Exhausters .... ' . T'' i'' . . . .^ . . . 111-115 Steam Boiler and Engine . 115-117 Washers 117-119 Scrubbers . 119-126 Bye-Pass Mains and Valves .'.'/.,.. 126 The Tar Well . . . . .' . . . . .' . .^ . . 126-128 Purification and Purifiers 129-146 Tests for the Detection of Impurities 1^6-100 >ii CONTENTS. PAGE Station Meter House and Meter 160-162 Pressure Gauges 162-163 Pressure and Exhaust Registers . . 163-164 Gasholder Tanks . . . . '. 0- v * . 165-190 Gasholders -. . 190-213 Station Governor and District Governors. ...',. 214-217 Main Pipes and Distribution ......... 218-259 Discharge of Gas, in cubic feet per hour, through Pipes of various Diameters and Lengths, at different Pressures . 247-259 Service Pipes and Fittings . ...-....'. . 260-268 Public Lighting 269-274 Consumers' Gas Meters 275-292 Testing Meters. . . . . . . 277-292 Internal Fittings . . 293-306 Bronze for Fittings 303-304 Lacquer and Varnish . ". 304-307 Public Illuminations 307-329 Coloured Fires 311-313 Devices for Illuminations 314-329 Illuminating Power 330-355 Various Standards of Light ......... 345-349 Jet Photometer 351-352 Specific Gravity of Gas. . . . .;'"'."..''. . 355-361 The Use of Gas for Cooking, Heating, Ventilating, and Motive Power 362-366 The Residual Products . . . . . .... . . 367-394 Applications of Sulphate of Ammonia, &c., in Agriculture . 376-880 Coal Products 881-394 Chemical and other Memoranda 395-409 Relative Value of different Illuminating Agents .... 401-40 2 Calorific Power of Gases and other Substances . 408-405 CONTENTS. PACK Specific Heat of Substances 406-407 The Gas Industry of the United Kingdom 407-412 The Capital Employed in Gas-Works 412-416 Sundry Useful Notes 417-421 Co-efficients of the Cost, &c., of the Buildings, Apparatus, Machinery, and Plant of a Gas-Works 422-428 Miscellaneous 428-448 Office Memoranda 448-455 Epitome of Mensuration 456-458 Arithmetical and Algebraical Signs 459 Approximate Multipliers for Facilitating Calculations . . 460-461 Table of Diameters, Circumferences, and Areas of Circles, and Sides of Equal Squares 462-465 Weights and Measures 466-471 French Weights and Measures, Decimal System. . . . 472-476 Money Tables 477-478 Alphabetical Index 479 ILLUSTKATIONS. FIG. PAGE 1 Specific Gravity Balance 50 2 Coal Testing Apparatus 57 8 Stage Floor Eetort House 60 4 Ground Floor ditto 61 5 Bench of Retorts 62 6-9 Sections and elevations of Buckstaves ..... 63 9 Coke-slaking Apparatus 63 10 Retorts Bound, D- shaped, and Oval 65 11 Furnace Ash-pan 68 12 Brick Retort and Tiles, section 71 18 Fraser's Ribbed Iron Retort, section 72 14 Tar Furnace 74 15-18 Retort Mouthpiece Lid and Fittings 81 18 Lug for Retort Mouthpiece 81 19 Price's Coke and Coal Barrow 84 20 Cockey's Charging Barrow 84 21 Charging Scoop 85 22 Discharging Rake 85 28 Ash-pan Rake .,.,.. ,..'.,. . . 85 24 Ditto Shovel 85 25 Pricker 85 26 Auger 85 27 Fire Tongs -t; ^ ,". 85 28 Bridge and Dip Pipes 87 29-32 Hydraulic Main various sections 88 82 The " Livesey " Hydraulic, section 88 xii ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 33 Atmospherical Vertical Condenser 100 34 Kirkham and Wright's Annular Condenser .... 100 35 Horizontal Condenser 101 36 Horizontal Condenser for Small Works 102 37 Tubular or Battery Condenser 103 38 Beale's Exhauster 112 39 Jones's ditto t 112 40 Laidlaw's ditto . . . . . ." . '^"\ ! ' ; "1 ' . 112 41 Anderson's ditto 113 42 Cleland and Korting's Steam- Jet ditto '.''.'"'. . . 114 43-44 Gwynne's Exhauster 114 45 Exhauster Governor 115 46 The Tower Scrubber 120 47 "Standard" Washer- Scrubber . . . . ' V J I' . 124 48 "Eclipse" ditto . . . ."". ~. ! . 125 49-50 Separator for Tar and Ammoniacal Liquor, section and plan . . . .' . ; '. 127 51 Purifiers and Centre and Four- way Valves . . . . 141 52 Tray or Grid for Purifiers 144 53-55 Drory's Main Thermometer 146 56-57 Sheard's Apparatus for Estimating Carbonic Acid . . 148 58 Eeferees' Sulphur Test 150 59 Harcourt's Colour Test 151 60 Sulphuretted Hydrogen Test 155 61 Station Meter Cylindrical 161 62 Ditto Rectangular 161 68-66 Pressure Gauges 163 65 King's Pressure Gauge 163 66 Differential Pressure Gauge 163 67 Crosley's Pressure and Exhaust Register 164 68 Weight's Pressure Register 164 ILLUSTRATIONS. xiij FIG. PAGE 69 Gasholder Tank Brick and Paddle 165 70 Ditto Cast-iron .' ; . u* . . 165 71 Ditto Annular 165 72 Natural Slope of Earths .... . :-. ... 166 73 Trammel for Gasholder Tanks 167 74-75 Inlet and Outlet Pipes . . . .... . . 168 76 Gasholder Single Lift . ;*'r: . -,*\& -,y -.-.: -^ . . 191 77 Ditto Three Lift (telescopic) 191 78 Livesey's Hydraulic Seal 193 79 Braddock's Station Governor 215 80 Cowan's Station Governor 216 81 Peebles's District or Differential Governor .... 217 82 Turned and Bored Joint, with recess 221 83 Ditto Ditto without recess 221 84 Ditto 223 85-86 Open Joints 224 87 India-rubber Joint 226 88 Ball and Socket Joint 226 89 Expansion Joint 226 90 The "Kimberley" Collar. . 228 91-92 Syphons or Drip Wells 230 93 Bag for Plugging Mains 231 94 Lyon's Main Testing Arrangement 234 95 Hulett's Service Cleanser 261 96 Service Pipes and Fittings 268 97-98 Street Lamp Posts . . . ... .<'. . : . . 270 99 Sugg's Street Lamp and Burners 271 100 Bray's ditto ditto 271 101 Bray's ditto ditto 271 102 Siemens' ditto ditto 271 103 Parkinson's Motive Power Meter . . 277 ILLU3TBATIONS. FIG. 104 Apparatus for Testing Meters 278 105 Cowan's Ventilating Globe Light 296 106 Strode's Ventilating Sun-light . 296 107-175 Devices for Illuminations 314-329 107-120 Brunswick Stars Bee Hive and Scroll Prince of Wales' Feathers, Elephant and Castle Compass and Square Rosette, Shield, and Cross Shield and Bars Crown, Coronet Eight and twelve pointed Stars . 314 121-122 The All-seeing Eye Three Legs of Man .... 315 123-134 Rosette and Circle Star Bird and Shield, Star- Maltese Cross Bible, Sceptre and Sword of State Globe and Cross Crown Aureole Maltese Cross with Queen's Head Cross Keys, Anchor. . . . 816 185-136 Head of Britannia and Legend Britannia Rules the Waves 817 187-143 Maltese Cross Crescent with Rays Windmill, and Legend Hour Glass Mitre, Lion Rampant Masonic Emblem 818 144-145 Medal with Legend Rising Sun . . i . ., . , . 819 146-152 Harp Hose, Shamrock, and Thistle Lighthouse and Legend Crescent Star and Circle Anchor and Cable Anchor, Heart, and Cross 320 158-154 Honey Bee Basket of Fruit with Legend .... 321 155-160 Star Star of India Hand and Heart Finger Post and Globe Star and Circle Crown, Circle, and V.R. 822 161-162 Spider's Web Horse Shoe with Legend .... 823 163-165 Union Jack Coronet with Legend The All-Seeing Eye . . . :. ; C 324 166-167 Star of the Bath Star of the Garter 325 168-170 Lion and Unicorn John Bull True Lovers' Knot . 326 171-172 Star of St. Patrick Star of the Thistle . 327 ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAOE 173-174 Justice Angel and Trumpet with Legend .... 328 175 Illuminated Arch and Columns 329 176 Letheby-Bunsen Photometer 330 177 Sugg's " London " Argand, No. 1 335 178 The Eeferees' Cubic Foot Measure 339 179 Ditto Pressure Gauge 342 180 Harcourt's Aerorthometer 344 181 The Carcel Lamp 346 182 Methven's Standard 347 183 Methven's Carburetter 347 184 Harconrt's Pentane Standard Lamp 348 185 Lowe's Jet Photometer 351 186 Scale for ditto .' 352 187 Sugg's Illuminating Power Meter 353 188 Thorp and Tasker's Jet Photometer 354 189 Letheby's Specific Gravity Apparatus 356 190 Wright's Specific Gravity Balloon 359 191 Lux's Specific Gravity Balance 360 192 Coke-breaking Hammer 368 193 Stephenson's Apparatus for Testing Spent Oxide . . 378 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. THE CHIEF KINDS OF COAL. ( .'unnt-l or Pairot Coal. The richest Gas-producing Coal, well-known by its hard smooth texture. The best varieties are found in different parts of Scotland, and at Wigaii and Newcastle. The two latter yield Coke of fair quality ; that from the former is less valuable, and much of it useless as fuel. Jiitttniinous Coal. For Gas-producing purposes the Coal most suitable is the bituminous class, which includes caking, splint, cherry, and other Coals containing bitumen. It is found widely distributed throughout the Kingdom ; the better kinds being those found in Northumberland, Durham, Lancashire, Yorkshire, portions of Scotland, and to some extent in Wales. It yields Coke generally of excellent quality. Anthracite ur Glance Coal. Chiefly Welsh, containing a large propor- tion of fixed carbon, but little volatile matter, and almost smoke- less in burning. Excellent for steam purposes ; but quite useless for the production of Illuminating Gas. Lignite or JJrou-n Coal. Found at Bovey Tracey, in Devonshire, in a small field near Lancaster, and near Lough Neagh, in Ireland. Of no great interest to the gas maker. Yields but little Gas and that of a low illuminating power, and a very unpleasant odour. Gives off a large quantity of water charged with acetic acid. Coke valueless as fuel. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB TABULAE VIEW OF THE TRIAS, PERMIAN, AND CARBONIFEROUS SERIES IN ENGLAND AND WALES. (PROFESSOR HULL.) (Red marl. New red sandstone or trias Permian rocks Upper carboniferous IKeuper , (Lower Reuper sandstone. .1 Upper mottled sandstone. Bunter J Conglomerate beds. [Lower mottled sandstone. Upper red sandstone of St. Bees, &o. Upper and lower magnesiau limestones and marls of the Northern counties. Lower red sandstone of Lancashire, Cumberland, and Yorkshire, &c. (on the same horizon with) Red sandstones, marls, conglomerates, and breccia, of the central counties and Salop. Upper coal-measures with lime- stone, and thin coal seams. Middle coal-measures with thick coal seams. /Lower coal-measures, or Gannister series, with thin coal seams and lower carboniferous fossils. Millstone grit, with thin coal seams. Upper limestone shale, or Yoredale rocks. Carboniferous limestone with shales, sandstones, and coal in the Northern counties and Scot- land. Lower limestone shale. Old red sandstone and Devonian rocks. Carboniferous _, rocks Si Lower carboniferous GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGERS. TABLES SHOWING THE CHIEF SUBSTANCES OF WHICH COAL is COMPOSED. Pen-en tage Composition. NEWCASTLE COALS. Name of Coal. P, e - cific Gra- vity. Car- bon. Hy- dro- gen. Nitro- i Snl- gen. phur. Oxy- gen. Ash. Coke. Willington 1 : 26 1 ! 28 1-29 1-31 1-25 1-26 1-25 1-25 86-81 85-58 84-92 83-47 81-81 80-26 80-61 81-85 81-18 82-12 4-96 5-31 4-53 6-68 5-50 5-28 5-26 5-29 5-56 5-31 1-05 1-26 0-96 42 28 16 52 69 0-72 1-35 0-88 1-32 0-65 0-06 1-69 1-78 1-85 1-13 1-44 1-24 5-22 4-39 6-66 8-17 2-58 2-40 6-51 7-53 8-03 5-69 1-08 2-14 2-28 0-20 7-14 9-12 4-25 2-51 3-07 3-77 72-19 65-13 69-69 62-70 64-61 72-31 59 : 20 58-22 60-67 Tanfield Bowden Close Haswell Wallsend . . . Newcastle Hartley. Hedley's Hartley . . . Bates's West Hartley . . West Hartley Main . . Original Hartley .... Average of eighteen samples from different mines LANCASHIEE COALS. Ince Hall Company's Arley . Haydock, Bushey Park . . Blackbrook, Little Delf . . Wigan four feet .... ,, Cannel 1-27 1-32 1-26 1-20 1-23 1-27 1-27 82-61 77-65 82-70 78-86 79-23 75-40 77-90 !5-86 5-53 5-55 5-29 6-08 4-83 5-32 1-76 0-50 1-48 0-86 1-18 1-41 1-30 0-80 1-73 1-07 1-19 1-43 2-43 1-44 7-44 10-91 4-89 9-57 7-24 19-98 9-53 1-53 3-68 4-31 4-23 4-84 5-95 4-88 64-00 59-40 58-48 60-00 60-33 54-20 60-22 Caldwell and Thompson's Higher Delf Average of twenty-eight sam- ples from different mines . DEEBYSHIEE COALS. Earl Fitzwilliam's Elnecar . Holyland and Go's Elsecar . ButterleyCompany's Langley Staveley Average of seven samples from different mines l-296i 81-93J 4-85 1-31?: 80-05 4-93 1-264' 77-97 5'58 1-270J 79-851 4-84 1-292J 79-68J 4'94 1-27 1-24 0-80 1-23 1-41 0-91 1-06 1-14 0-72 1-01 8-58 8-99 9-86 10-96 10-28 2-46 3-73 4-65 2-40 2-65 61-60 62-50 54-90 57-86 59-32 GLOUCESTERSHIRE COALS. Coleford High Delf (Forest of Dean) . Trenchard New Bowson, Cinderford Parkfield. Hanharn . \Varmley . I I 1-21978-810, 5 313I76-502 1 5 33174-410: 4 35474-464 5 35480-7091 5 33276-860 5 30779-310 5 1-37482-069 5 1-277 75-340 1 4 1-30482-410! 4 303' 1-750 380: 1-090 470i 0-700 292 0-511 4251 0-735 430 1-680 250! 1-260 613J 0-940 _ 630 0-630 2 870 0-770 9-055 3-659 370 8-840 667! 6-831 10 an 7-oeo 9401 1 1 0-8501 9-100 1 457| 6- 440i 5-48011 870| 5-230 5 020! 63-97 700! 62-60 210 : 59-76 235 ! 60-36 800 63-38 760: 58-24 230 59-22 530' 60-97 480! 58-86 850) 71-15 B 2 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR SOMERSETSHIRE AND OTHER COALS. Name of Coal. *?c- Gra- vity. Car- bon. Hy- dro- gen. Nitro- gen. Sul- phur. Oxy- gen. Ash. Coke. 302 303 290 320 286 120 302 271 291 1-269 84-066 84-912 82-470 82-270 77-249 74-720 78-905 74-346 77-184 78-680 6-463 4-976 5-008 5-640 5-513 4-970 5-436 6-2S5 5-517 1 5-872 1-020 0-840 1-190 0-910 1-120 0-910 0-840 ,0-350 0-770 0-700 1-053 3-230 l-586j 4-166 1-039! 6-842 2-370 5-130 1-66711-195 0-720J 7-310 1-47110-928 1-31814-201 1-251 12-518 0-690] 9-378 1 4-168 3-520 3-451 3-080 3-256 11-370 2-420 3-500 2-760 4-680 79-60 79-29 79-87 66-29 56-01 64-95 55-40 54-75 60-04 56-64 Xailsea '. Derbyshire Gas Coal . . . ',', Can'nel . . . Bulwell Nottingham Gas Coal Cannel . SCOTCH COALS. 1 Boghead 1-218(63 -930 8-858i 0'962 0-320 4-702 21 222 31-70 Wallsend Elgin 1-200:76-090 5-220 1-410 1-530 5-050 10 700 58-45 Grangemouth 1-29079-850 5-280 1*860 i 1-420 8-580 ;VO 56 ' 60 Egliuton 1-250J80-080 6-500 1-550 1-380 8-050 1 8 54-94 WELSH COALS (FIDDES). Aberanian, Merthyr . . . 30090-940 4-280 1-210 1-180 0-940! 1 450 85-00 Aberdare Co., Merthyr . . 31088-280 4-240 1-660 0-910 1-650 a 260 85-83 Anthracite (Jones and Co.) . 37591-440 3-460 0'210 0-790 2-580 i 520 92-90 Coleshill .... 290;73-840, 5'140! 1-470 2-340 8-290 8 \ !'*() 56-00 Llantwit .... 273;77'410 5-5531 0'560 2-365 1-2 -Of 52 2 050 64-70 252:77-310 5 '642 0-420 2-037 10-366 4 O.)-, 58-8'2 Xantgarw Llantwit 32679-130 5-610 0-700 3-450 7-330 3 780 61-67 llhos Llantwit . . 282:76-995 5-455 0-700 1-643 12-875 2 ")',*,-> 63 ' 30 30275-452 5-497 0-840! 2-312 13-023 2 876 63-03 302,73-410 5-507 0-350 2-414 14-276 4 0-13 65-32 Holly Bush . '. '. '. 26980-134 5-045 0-518 2-279 8-522 3 74-42 Tyr Filkons ... 36882-117 5'054 0-595 2-537 5-794 3 '.!(,: 5 64-86 Llanhilleth ... 27487-640 6-085 1-120 1-636 2 "209 1 310 70-39 Aber Khondda . . 32080-675 5-082 0-910 3-675 2-763 6 8! If, 70-81 Poutypridd ... 311 ! 79-820 5-470 0-700 3-950 3-750 6 810 65-80 Wallsend. ... 317,78-270 5-380 0-770 1-860 8* 900 4 820 66-00 Knerplyn '312'83'120 5 "840 0'980 1*870 5 ' 890 a 300 71 "30 Hock Vawr 1-29077-980 4-390 G'570 0'960 8 '550 7 550 62 '50 ANALYSIS OF THE ASH OF A GOOD NEWCASTLE COAL (TAYLOR). Per C< HI. Silica . . 59 ' 5 I Alumina .' . 12-19 Peroxide of Irou . . 15-9 3 Lime 9*9 a Magnesia .' .' 1-13 Potash . . 1-17 100-00 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. TABLE SHOWING THE TOTAL AREA OF COAL MEASURES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. Area of Coal Measures. Entire Area of Country. Coal to the aSS* Acres. Acres. Square Miles. whole. In England .... In Scotland & Islands, ) exclusive of Lakes . i 6,039 1,720 3,864,960 1,100,000 31,770,615 18,944,000 49,643 29,600 l-8th l-18th In North Wales. . . In South Wales. . . 210 950 134,400 ) 608,000 } 4,752,000 7,425 l-6th In Ireland .... In British Isles . . ' 2,940 1,881,600 20,399,608 1,119,159 31,874 ; 1-llth 1,748 i Total . . . 11,859 7,588,960 76,985,382 120,290 Exclusive of wood-coal and lignite formations, and some small undefined areas. ANALYSES OF COALS. The following tabulated results of the analyses of the different kinds of Cannel and Bituminous Coals, by Mr. Lewis Thompson, though published as early as the year 1851, still constitute the most compre- hensive and useful series of experiments (if we except those of Mr. James Paterson) that have appeared in this department of the science of Gas Lighting ; and their general correctness and consequent value have frequently been proved. It is to be noted that dry samples of coal were employed in each experiment. The importance of using dry material will be apparent when it is remembered that when coal in a wet or moist condition is placed in the retorts, the results are unsatisfactory in several respects. . In the first place, the temperature of the retorts is reduced, and, as a consequence, extra fuel is consumed in restoring the temperature, and in drying the coal by evaporating the moisture and driving it off as steam before the coal is in a fit condition to undergo destructive dis- tillation. Again, a portion of the moisture or steam is decomposed in contact with the sulphide of iron produced by decomposition from NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE the bisulphide of iron or iron pyrites contained in the coal.* The oxygen combines with the iron, forming the oxide of that metal, and the hydrogen with the sulphur, producing sulphuretted hydrogen. Bisulphide of carbon and other sulphur compounds are also formed in considerable volume. In this way the whole of the sulphur present in the coal is caused to pass off into the gas, and has to be subse- quently removed in the process of purification, thus increasing the cost of manufacture. On the other hand, when the coal is distilled in the dry state, rather more than one-half of the sulphur present is left behind in the residuary coke. * Sulphur exists in Cannel in a free state, and in Bituminous Coals chiefly in combination with iron, as pyrites or bisulphide of iron, FeS2, and this in the retort is converted into sulphide or protosulphuret of iron, FeS. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. ANALYSES OF COALS.* (THOMPSON.) CANNEL COALS. Ash per Cent. Sulphur in General Character of Cannel. Vola- tile Matter Coke. In Coal. In Coke. Nature of Ash. Coal. Coke. Vola- tile Matter ABNISTON. Resem bling lig- 45-5 54-5 4-18 7-66 Silicate 1-70 95 75 nite, and containing crys- tals of carbonate of lime, of lime, alumi- with impressions of leaves na, and and deposits of iron py- oxide rites. Compact. Principal of iron. fracture, slaty; cross frac- ture, irregular. Streak, dull brownish black. Thrown on the fire, it decrepitates, but does not fly. Colour of ash, a dirty grey ; with nitrate of co- balt, greenish black. Spe- cific gravity of coal, T1967 BOGHEAD. Brown, com- 68-4 31-6 22-8 72-15 Silicate 53 08 45 pact, and massive, con- of alu- taining a few impressions mina. of sigillaria. Principal fract., slaty, conchoidal; cross fracture, irregular. Streak, yellow. Thrown on the fire, decrepitates slightly, does not fuse, but splits. Colour of ash, j white; with nitrate of cobalt, blue. Specific gravity, 1-221. CAPELDKAE. Massive, dull 54-5 ; 45-5 10-5 23-07 Silicate -65 20 45 black, impressions of si- of alu- 1 gillaria, with deposits of mina. carbonate of lime and pyrites. Principal fract., conchoidal and slaty ; cross fracture, distinctly conchoidal. Streak, yel- lowish brown. Thrown on the fire, decrepitates, splits, and flies, but does not fuse. Ash, white; with nitrate of cobalt, blue. Specific gravity, 1-2275. From the Journal of Gas Lighting, Vol. II., pp. 203, 223, 243, 262. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOK Ash per Cent. Nature Sulphur in Name and General Character of tile Coke. of Vola- Cannel. Matter In Coal. In Coke. Ash. Coal. Coke. tile Matter KIBKNESS. Massive and fo- 60- 40' 13-5 83-75 Silicate 1'40 58 | -82 liated, free from foreign of aln- ! matters. Dull brown. luina. Principal fracture, slaty ; cross fracture,conchoidal. lime and oxide of Streak brown. Scarcely iron. decrepitates on the fire. Colour of ash, whitish grey ; with nitrate of "* cobalt, dull dark blue. Specific gravity, 1'208. KNIGHTSWOOD. Compact, dull, black, massive, with 48-5 51-5 2-4 4-66 Oxide of j 1-10 iron and 1 61 49 deposits of carbonate of silicate lime and iron pyrites. of lime, Principal fracture, slaty, with a- conchoidal ; cross fracture, lumina. conchoidal. Streak, shin- ing black. Thrown on the fire, decrepitates and flies, j but does not fuse. Colour of ash, pale umber, with nitrate of cobalt, dull black. LESMAHAOO. Massive, dull 49-6 50-4 9-1 18-05 Silicate 2-23 1-14 1-09 black. Principal fracture, of alu- slaty, conchoidal ; cross mina fracture, conchoidal and and ox- angular. Streak, black ide of and somewhat shining. iron. Thrown on the fire, de- crepitates slightly, does not split or fuse. Colour of ash, white; with ni- trate of cobalt, dirty blue. Specific gravity, T222. LOCHOELLY. Colour, dull 33-5 66-5 13-1 19-7 Silicate 75 25 50 black and slaty. Frac- of alu- ture, inclining to slaty; cross fracture, irregular mina. conchoidal. Streak, shin- ing black. On the fire, decrepitates and flies. Ash, white; with nitrate of cobalt, blue. Specific gravity, 1 - 320. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Ash per Cent. Sulphur in Name and General Character of Cannel. Vola- tile Matter Coke. In Coal. In Coke. Nature of Ash. Coal. Coke. Vola- tile Matter OLD WEMTSS. Compact, 52-5 47-5 15-1 31-78 Dxide of 1-30 60 70 dull brownish black ; free iron and from foreign matters. silicate Principal fracture, slaty ; of alu- cross fracture, angular, mina. inclining to conchoidal. Streak, dull brownish black. Thrown on the fire, decrepitates and splits, but does not fly. Colour of ash, dull white ; with nitrate of cobalt, olive green. Specific gra- vity, 1-3256. WIG AN. Compact, black 37' 63- 3- 4-76 Oxide of 1-25 60 65 and shining. Principal iron and fract. conchoidal ; cross silicate fracture, conchoidal and of alu- cubical. Streak, shining mina. black and waxy. Thrown on the fire, decrepitates, flies, and slightly fuses. Colour of ash, yellowish brown, inclining to red ; with nitrate of cobalt, olive black. Specific gra- vity, 1-271. RAMSAY'S NEWCASTLE. 36-8 63-2 6-6 10-44 Oxide of 1-75 - -94 81 Compact and massive, iron and slightly tinged with oxide of iron. Black and shin- silicate of lime, ing. Principal fracture, with highly conchoidal and alumina resinoid ; cross fracture, conchoidal and cubical. Thrown on the fire, de- crepitates and flies to pieces, inclined to fuse. Colour of ash, reddish brown; with nitrate of cobalt, dull black. Spe- cific gravity, 1' 290. BAND OF CANNEL IN 30-8 69-2 9-35 13-51 Oxide of 1-00 50 50 Leverson's Wallsend iron and Coal. This is a dull silicate black band, which runs of lime, through the mass of the with coal. Fracture, slaty, con- alumina choidal ; cross fracture, 10 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Ash per Cent. Sulphur in Name and General Character of Vola- ' tile Coke. of Vola- Cannel. Matter Coal. In Coke. Ash. Coal. Coke. tile Matter cubical and conchoi- dal. Streak, black and shining. On the fire, I splits, but does not fly or fuse. Ash, dull white, with shade of pink; with nitrate of cobalt, dull [ black. Specific gravity, i '* BAND OF CANNEL IN Pelton 31-5 68-5 9'4 13-72 Oxide of 95 49 46 Main Coal. Colour dull iron and black, with a shade of silicate brown. Structure, com- of lime, pact and uniform. Frac- with ture.conchoidal and slaty; cross fracture, irregular, alumina conchoidal, with deposits of iron pyrites. Streak, black and shining. On the fire splits, but does not fly ; agglutinates and intumesces slightly. Ash, dirty white, with shade of pink ; by nitrate of cobalt, black. Specific gravity, 1-320. BAND OF CANNEL IN Wash- 27-4 72-6 9'37 12-9 1-10 56 54 ington Coal. This re- sembles Pelton and Lever- son's bands. Colour, dull brownish black. Frac- ture, irregular, con- choidal ; cross fracture, cubical and conchoidal. Streak, shining black. On the fire, splits and fuses slightly. Ash, dirty white, with shade of pink. Spe- cific gravity, T326. STAFFORDSHIRE. Compact and uniform. Fracture, 50- 50- 2-9 5'8 1-30 52 78 in all directions con- choidal, with deposits of carbonate of lime. Streak, Bhining black. On the fire,decrepitates and flies, but does not fuse. Ash, dirty white. Specific gravity, 1'220. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Ash per Cent. Sulphur in General Character of Coal. tile Matter Coke. In Coal. In Coke. Coal. Coke. Vola- tile Matter NEW BRUNSWICK. Jet black, and 66-3 33-7 6 1-78 07 None. 07 pitchy looking. Fracture, highly conchoidal and resinoid in all directions. Streak, dull and pitchy. On the fire cracks and splits, then fuses and boils up with strong intumescence. Largely soluble in naphtha, oil of turpen- tine, and bisulphuret of carbon. Specific gravity, 1 098. The coke is light and friable, like that from pitch. BITUMINOUS COALS. CHESHIRE : Harecastle. Structure, 31-5 68-5 5- 7'3 2-10 1-10 1-00 laminated, with numerous black bands. Principal fracture, slaty, inclining to angular; cross frac- ture, cubical, with deposits of car- bonate of lime and iron pyrites. Streak, dull black. On the fire, agglutinates a little. Ash, dirty red. Specific gravity, 1 230. CUMBERLAND, No. I. Dull black, 25-5 74-5 2-1 2-81 1-30 70 60 and coarse grained. Fracture, rough and hackley, inclining to cubical; cross fracture, slaty, and angular. Streak, dull black. On the fire, agglutinates and swells a little Ash, dirty white. Spe- cific gravity, 1 294. Cumberland, No. 2. Coal black, 25-6 74-4 1-4 1-88 1-10 60 50 with dull laminae. Fracture, irre- gular, inclining to cubical; cross fracture, rough and angular, with charcoal deposits. Streak, black. On the fire, swells and fuses slightly. Ash, grey. Specific gravity, 1'275. Cumberland, No. 3. Coal black, 30-9 69-1 4- 5-8 1-70 80 90 and coarse grained, semi-crystal- line. Fracture, hackley and angu- lar, with layers of charcoal ; cross fracture, irregular and angular. Streak, brownish black. On the fire, swells and agglutinates. Ash, yellow white. Specific gravity, 1-290. Ifl KEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Ash per Cent. Sulphur in Name and General Character of Vola- tile Coke. Vola- Coal. matter In Coal. In Coke. Coal- Coke. tile Matter DERBYSHIRE : Staveley. Colour, jet 40-9 59-1 2-7 4'57 1-20 80 I '40 black. Structure, splintry and prismatic. Fracture, slaty and columnar ; cross fracture, irregu- lar and cubical, with deposits of carbonate of lime and iron pyrites. Contains several black bands with charcoal. Streak, black. On the fire, crackles and splits ; fuses o slightly. Ash, dirty pale red. Specific gravity, 1-275. GLOUCESTERSHIRE : Coal-Pit Heath. 30-1 69-9 5-8 8-3 4-10 2-20 1-90 Colour, coal black. Structure, granular and crystalline. Frac- ture, coarse grained and irregular in all directions, with numerous layers of charcoal and iron pyrites, and traces of carbonate of lime. On the fire, swells and fuses slightly. Ash, brick red. Specific gravity, 1-370. Whitecroft, near Lydney. Coarse 34-3 65-7 ll-l 16-89 3-10 1-90 1-20 grained and fibrous. Principal fracture, hackley and slaty, with deposits of charcoal; cross frac- ture, uneven, inclining to rhom- boidal, with deposits of carbonate of lime and iron pyrites. Streak, dull black. On the fire, fuses slightly. Ash, deep red. Specific gravity, 1-401. LANCASHIRE : Arley. Colour, coal 33-7 66-3 8-6 5-43 1-20 60 60 black, with shining layers. Struc- ture, massive. Fracture, inclining to slaty, with charcoal deposits ; cross fracture, cubical, with traces of carbonate of lime. On the fire.splits slightly,and intumesces. Ash, dull fawn colour. Specific gravity, 1 - 270. St. Helens. Coal black and lami- 37-2 62-8 1-2 1-91 1-10 54 56 nated. Principal fracture, slaty ; cross fracture, cubical, with nu- merous deposits of charcoal in the principal fracture, and car- bonate of lime in the cross frac- ture. Streak, dull black. On the fire, swells and agglutinates. Ash, fawn colour. Specific gravity, 1-285. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Name and General Character of Coal. Vola- tile Matter Coke. Ash per Cent. Sulphur in In Coal. In Coke. Coal. Coke. Vola- tile Matter NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM : 38' 62- 5-1 8-22 1-60 80 80 Blenkinsop. Coal black ; lami- nated. Fracture, coarse and gra- nular; cross fracture, splintry, inclining to cubical. Streak, dull black. On the fire, fuses slightly, and intumesces. Ash, grey. Spe- cific gravity, 1-298. Dean's Primrose. Colour, brownish 29-25 70-75 2-4 3-4 1-40 "71 69 black, with shining layers. Frac- ture in all directions, cubical and somewhat irregular, with occa- sional deposits of iron pyrites. On the fire, splits and crackles slightly, swells, and intumesces. Ash, brick red. Specific gravity, 1-261. Garesfield (Bute's). Coal black and 28-3 71-7 3-2 4-46 90 40 50 rather friable, with thin bands of dark laminae throughout. Frac- ture, uneven and cubical ; cross fracture, angular and hackley, containing traces of charcoal. Streak, dull black. On the fire, swells and fuses together. Ash, light red. Specific gravity, T290. Garesfield (Cowan's). Coal black and shining, with thin dark 29-4 70-6 95 1-34 85 40 45 laminae. Fracture, irregular and cubical ; cross fracture, angular, and affording deposits of charcoal. Streak, dull black. On the fire, agglutinates, swells, and partially fuses. Ash, pale cream colour. Specific gravity, 1-259. Gosforth. Coal black, with shining 35- 65- 1- 1-54 1-10 50 60 layers. Fracture, irregular, in- clining to cubical ; cross fracture, cubical, with indications of char- coal. Streak, dull black. On the fire, swells and agglutinates. Ash, dull yellow. Specific gravity, 1-260. Hastings Hartley. Jet black ; lami- 36-6 63-4 2- 3-15 95 50 45. nated and splintry. Fracture, cubical and slightly conchoidal; cross fracture, cubical and irre- gular. Streak, black, with a shade of brown. On the fire, cracks and splits, with a trifling tendency to agglutinate. Ash, white, with red streaks. Specific gravity, 1-278. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE Name and General Character of Coal. Vola- tile Matter Coke. Ash per Cent Sulphur in Coal. In Coke. Coal. Coke. Vola- tile Matter NOBTHCMBEBLAND AND DUBHAM : 35-8 64-2 4-7 7-3 1-10 60 50 West Hartlty.Jet black, with thin dull laminae in the direction of the principal fracture, and slight deposits of charcoal. Frac- ture, slaty, cubical, inclining to conchoidal; cross fracture, cubi- cal, with layers of carbonate of lime. Streak, brown black. On the fire, splits and opens, but does not fuse. Ash, dull cream colour. '* Specific gravity, T269. Levwson's Wallsend. Colour, coal black, with shining layers. Frac- ture, cubical, and slightly slaty ; cross fracture, cubical, with thin 34 '9 4'9 1-30 65 65 layers of iron pyrites. Streak, black and shining. On the fire, opens out, and agglutinates. Ash, brick red. Specific gravity, T278. j South Peareth.Dutt black, with 27-8 72-2 1-8 2-5 1-20 GO '60 bright laminae, coarse grained. Fracture, irregular, hackley, and inclining to cubical, with charcoal deposits; cross fracture, cubical. Streak, dull black. On the fire, intumesces and fuses partially. Ash, light yellow. Specific gravity, 1-266. Pelaw Main. Colour, coal black, inclining to jet in variable layers. Fracture, cubical in all directions, 30-3 69-7 2-6 3-73 1-20 70 50 with deposits of pyritic charcoal and carbonate of lime. On the fire, opens out, agglutinates, and intumesces. Ash, pale fawn colour. Specific gravity, 1-271. Pelton Main. Colour, coal black, with shining layers. Fracture, in both directions cubical, with thin deposits of carbonate of lime, 28-4 71-6 | 1-41 1-96 1-10 62 48 and iron pyrites in the cross frac- j ture. Streak, black and shining. On the fire, opens out and fuses slightly. Ash, pale ochry yellow. Specific gravity, 1-270. New Pelton. Colour, coal black, in- clining to jet in layers. Fracture, slaty and cubical ; cross fracture, irregular and cubical. Streak black and shining. On the fire, 30-2 69-8 1-75 2 5 1-10 56 54 opens out, fuses slightly, and in- tumesces. Ash, light brick red Specific gravity, 1-265. GAS ENGINEEBS AND MANAGEKS. A.sh per Cent. Sulphur in Name and General Character of Coal. Vola- tile Matter Coke. In In Coal. ' Vola- Coke. tile Coal. JOK6. i Matter NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM : 36-3 63-7 3-9 6-1 2-10 1-10 1-00 South Tyne. Shining black, with dull laminae. Fracture, somewhat rhomboidal and irregular, with layers of charcoal and pyrites; cross fracture, angular. Streak, dull brownish black. On the fire, agglutinates and swells slightly. Ash, deep pink. Specific gravity, 1-339. Urpeth. Colour, coal black, with 28-7 71-3 1'35 1-89 1-00 60 40 shining layers. Fracture, in all directions, cubical, with layers of carbonate of lime and iron pyrites on the cross fracture. Streak, black and shining. On the fire, opens out, swells and fuses slight- ly. Ash, dull ochry yellow. Spe- cific gravity, 1- 271. Washington. Colour, coal black, with shining layers. Fracture, 31-25 68-75 2-2 3'2 1-30 67 63 in all directions, cubical and irre- gular. On the fire, opens out and fuses slightly. Streak, shining black. Ash, reddish yellow. Spe- cific gravity, 1-260. SOHERSETSHIRE : Nailsea, Dull 34-9 65-1 3- 4-6 2-85 1-50 1-35 black, coarse grained and fibrous. Fracture, hackley, inclining to rhomboidal, with numerous de- posits of charcoal and iron pyrites; cross fracture, very irregular. Streak, brown black. On the fire. swells and fuses together. Ash, flesh-coloured, with red streaks. Specific gravity, 1-312. Jiadstock. Colour, dull black. 38-25 61-75 3-5 5'66 3-10 1-80 1-30 Structure, coarse grained and irregular. Fracture, slightly slaty ; cross fracture, hackley, inclining to cubical, with layers of charcoal and iron pyrites, in cubical crys- | tals ; deposits of carbonate of lime. Streak, dull black. On the fire, alters but little, and intn- 1 | mesces slightly. Ash, dull yellow and flocculent. Specific gravity, 1-275. i 1(3 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Name and General Character of Coal. Vola- tile Matter Coke. Ash per Cent. Sulphur in In Coal. In Coke. Coal. Coke. Vola- tile Matter STAFFORDSHIRE : Apedale, 4 ft. 40' GO' '75 1-25 80 38 42 Jet black, and in square, splintry fragments. Principal fracture, slaty, and slightly conchoidal ; cross fracture, irregular, and nu- merous black bands. On the fire, decrepitates and opens ; does not fuse. Ash, deep fawn colour. Specific gravity, 1-267. Apedale Jet black and laminated; splintry and hard. Principal frac- ture, slaty ; cross fracture, irre- 38-5 61-5 1-9 8-1 1-50 82 08 gular and angular, inclining to cubical. Streak, shining black. On the fire, crackles and burns freely, but remains open, without any symptoms of fusion. Ash,deep red. Specific gravity, 1 307. Heathern. Colour, dull black, with 42-9 57-1 1-75 3'OG 1-50 70 80 shining layers. Fracture, slaty, containing deposits of charcoal ; cross fracture, cubical, with thin layers of carbonate of lime and iron pyrites. On the fire, splits and fuses slightly. Ash, pale dull yellow. Specific gravity, 1-280. Silverdale, 10 ft. Splintry and laminated. Principal fracture, 34- 66- 1-95 2-95 1-30 70 GO slaty ; cross fracture, angular, and slightly conchoidal. Streak, dull black. On the fire, splits and crackles slightly; does not fuse. Ash.dullred. Spec. gravity, 1-301. Woodshutts, 1 ft., Banbury. Fibrous and coarse grained. 40-2 59-8 1-22 2-C4 90 54 3(> Principal fracture, hackley ; cross fracture, irregular, inclining to rhomboidal, with layers of char- coal. On the fire, swells, but does not fuse. Ash, deep fawn colour. Specific gravity, 1-291. WALES (NORTH) : Buabon, Top Yard Seam. Coal black, with shining layers ; laminated. Fracture, slaty 37-5 62-5 2'5 4- 1-40 80 00 and cubical, with charcoal de- posits; cross fracture, cubical. Streak, black. On the fire, swells, and agglutinates. Ash, pale fawn colour. Specific gravity, 1 269. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Ash per Cent. Sulphur in Name and General Character of Coal. Vola- tile Matter Coke. In Coal. In Coke. Coal. Coke. Vola- tile Matter WALES (NORTH) : Ruabon, Main 41-5 58-5 1- 1-71 85 45 40 Coal. Coal black and laminated. Fracture, irregular, inclining to cubical ; cross fracture, foliated and splintry, with numerous layers of charcoal, and some indi- cations of iron pyrites. Streak, dull black. On the fire, swells and fuses together. Ash, pale yellow. Specific gravity, 1'284. Ruabon, Yard Seam. Coal black, 34- 66' 1-4 2-12 1-10 60 50 with dull lamina;. Fracture, irre- gular, inclining to cubical; cross fracture, angular, with consider- able deposits of charcoal, and thin layers of carbonate of lime. Streak, dull black. On the fire, agglutinates and intumesces. Ash, fawn colour. Specific gra- vity, 1-271. Buabon Nant Seam. -Shining black, 37-9 62-1 1-4 2-25 1-10 70 40 and in columnar concretions. Fracture, coarse and hackley,with charcoal deposits ; cross fracture, rhomboidal and crystalline, with thin layers of carbonate of lime. Streak, black. On the fire, agglu- tinates slightly and intumesces. Ash, cream colour. Specific gra- vity, 1- 269.. WALES (SOUTH) : Rhonda. Colour, 22-8 77-2 2-7 3-5 2-30 1-20 1-10 coal black. Structure, coarse grained. Fracture, slaty and irre- gular ; cross fracture, hackley and angular. On the fire, swells slightly. Ash, light fawn colour. Specific gravity, T278. Rhonda Low Main. Colour, coal black ; coarse grained and hackley. Fracture, irregular and slightly 23-1 76-9 2-1 2-73 2-20 1-10 1-10 cubical; cross fracture, rough and angular. Streak, dull black. On the fire, intumesces and agglu- tinates feebly. Ash, pale red. Specific gravity, 1-280. 18 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOlt Name ana General Character of Coal. Vola- tile Ash per Cent. Coal. Coke. Sulphur in Vola- tile Matter YORKSHIRE : Elsecar Low Pit. Colour, jet black, with dull layers. Structure, laminated. Fracture, slaty, inclining to cubical; cross fracture, cubical, with numerous deposits of charcoal, and traces of carbonate of lime. Streak, black. On the fire, swells and fuses with some intumescence. Ash, ochry yellow. Specific gravity, 1-258. Grigleston Cliff, Soft. Colour, coal black. Structure, splintry, and in layers. Fracture, slaty, with bands of charcoal ; cross fracture, hack- ley and cubical, containing traces of carbonate of lime. Streak, black. On the fire, alters but little, and does not fuse or decrepitate. Ash, brick red. Specific gravity, T255. Mortomly. Coal black, with shin- ing layers, in splintry fragments. Fracture, laminated and cubical ; cross fracture, cubical and irre- gular. Streak, dull black. On the fire, splits and opens, but after- wards agglutinates and intu- mesces. Ash, light fawn colour. Specific gravity, 1'220. Silkstone, No. 1. Colour, jet black. Structure, laminated and pris- matic. Fracture, slaty; cross fracture, cubical and irregular, with deposits of carbonate of lime and charcoal. Streak, black and shining. On the fire, splits and fuses slightly. Ash, fawn colour. Specific gravity, 1-260. Silkstone, No. 2. Colour, jet black. Structure, uniform. Fracture, in all directions, cubical; traces of carbonate of lime and charcoal. Streak, brownish black. On the fire, fuses slightly, and intu- mesces. Ash, yellowish fawn colour. Specific gravity, 1-259. Silkstone, No. 3.-Colour, coal black. Structure, laminated and pris- matic. Fracture, slaty and co- lumnar; cross fracture, irregular and cubical, with deposits of char- coal and traces of carbonate of lime. Streak, black. On the fire, alters little. Ash, pale fawn colour. Specific gravity, 1-262. 37" 63- | 1-1 I 1-74 ' 1-20 -63 35-6 64-1 1-6 2-48 ; 1-40 i '75 Go 63- 1-6 2-64 1-10 -60 I ! us- 35-2 62- J-7H 4-21 1-30 2-55 4-1 1-10 ! -60 2-8 I 4-3 1-45 ! -75 I 50 70 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 1!) Ash per Cent. Sulphur in Name and General Character of Vola- tile Coke. Vola- Coal. Matter In Coal. In Coke. Coal. Coke. tile Matter YORKSHIRE : Soap House Pit Dull 35' 65' 8 1-23 75 40 35 black and slaty, with impressions of leaves. Fracture, rough and hackley, inclining to conchoidal; cross fracture, irregular and an- gular. On the fire, splits, and then agglutinates and swells. Streak, dull brownish black. Ash, light brown. Specific gravity, 1-258. Woodthorpe. Compact, black and 33-1 66-9 10-5 15-7 1-20 70 50 uniform in appearance ; resembles cannel coal. Fracture, conchoidal ; cross fracture, splintry and cou- choidal, with layers of carbonate of. lime. Streak, black. On the fire, decrepitates slightly and splits, but does not fuse. Ash, dirty pink. Specific gravity, 1 347. 1 FRANCE: Denain (Valenciennes). 29'9 70-1 6- 8-56 2-40 1-30 1-10 Colour, coal black. Structure, coarse grained and slightly fib- rous. Fracture, irregular, in- clining to cubical, with layers of charcoal ; cross fracture, hackley and angular, with traces of iron pyrites. On the fire, but little affected, intumesces and aggluti- . nates. Ash, fawn colour. Spe- cific gravity, 1-265. COAL AND CANNEL. Every-day experience shows that variations occur in the quality of the eoal obtained from the same seam and in the same locality. The identi- cal seam of coal also varies in quality in different districts. Coal got from those parts where the seam is thickest is more likely to possess uniformity of structure than that got near to the circumference of the basin. Mr. E. W. Binney's observations led him to the conclusion that seams of coal are materially affected by the nature of the super- imposed strata. If this is of an open character, such as sandstone, the 20 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB gaseous matter can readily escape ; while, on the other hand, if the roof is of almost air-tight black shale or blue blind, the gas is retained. Further, it is not unreasonable to infer that the vegetable matter of which coal is composed would be deposited irregularly. For example, during the ages of primeval vegetable growth, a larger proportion of leaves would be deposited in some places than in others where the deposits of bark and cellular tissue would be in excess. These conditions would naturally tend to produce variations in quality. In seams of cannel there is more uniformity of quality than in those of ordinary coal, due to the circumstance, as is supposed, of their having been formed from vegetable matter long macerated in water, thus insuring a more intimate admixture of the vegetable substances. It is well known that variations in the gas-producing qualities of coal are caused by the material having been stacked for a length of time at the pit's mouth. The particulars contained in the following Tables, showing the Producing Power of various kinds of Coal and Cannel, have been derived from the standard works on Gas Lighting, from Parliamentary Keturns, and from the recorded results of the different experimentalists, in whatever authentic form they may have appeared. There are evident discrepancies between some of the results, especially between the earliest and the most recent. The range of time, however, over which the several experiments have been made, embraces a period of more than fifty years ; and it is doubtless to the imperfect apparatus used in the earlier trials that the difference between these and the later results may chiefly be attributed. In some instances the difference is only apparent, the distillatory process having been pro- longed at the expense of the illuminating power. It is exceedingly desirable, in recording the results of experiments with mixtures of various coals with each other, and along with other substances, that the exact proportions used should be stated. When these are not specified, the other particulars given are comparatively valueless. The worth of some of the information contained in the subjoined Tables would have been much enhanced had this necessary rule been followed. The weight of the coke produced in the different trials should also be given in every instance. The absence of such information, so easily obtained, and of such obvious value, is always to be regretted. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. COAL AND CANNEL. Quantity of Gas obtained from Coal and Cannel per Ton ; Illuminating Power of the Gas ; Specific Gravity of the Gas; Weiyht of Coke in Pounds per Ton ; and Percentage of Ash in Coke. The results described in the third column of the following tables were obtained with the old burners, now discarded for the " Standard " burner ; it is necessary, therefore, when desiring to ascertain the illuminating power which the latter burner would develop, to add about 15 per cent, to the figures here given. Name of Coal. Cubic Feet of Gas Obtained per Ton. Ilium. Power of Gas in Stand. Sperm Cndls. Speci- fic Grav. of the Gas. Air 1-000. Wght. of Coke in Ibs. T P o 6 n. Ash in Coke per Cent. Authority. C.VNNEL, COAL. Arniston Boghead Ditto 12.600 13,334 15000 22-5 45- 37-75 626 752 1221* 717 708* 7-66* 72-15* Chartered Gas Co. Mr. T. G. Barlow. Chartered Gas Co. Ditto 15 486 52- 726 760 63-95 Dr Fyfe. Bridgewater. . . . Brymbo Capeldrae .... Ditto, No 1 . . 11,200 6,650 14,400 11 500 20 : 19-75 41-56 504 577 644 1019* 999 23 -07* 17-26 Mr. J. Leigh. Chartered Gas Co. Dr Fyfe Ditto, No. 2 . . . . Chapelside, Airdrie Coed Talon, shale . . Donibristle .... Dunkirk, Dukinfield . Haywood, Scotch . . Kirkness .... Ditto . . 9,600 11,272 10,780 9,923 10,875 11,400 12.800 9620 50- 35-61 14-07 37-55 22-75 30-22 21-2 650 593 562 711 1256 916 Nil. 1220 1568 1157 896* 43-7 19-08 7 : 85 3- 17-8 33-7* Ditto. Dr. Wallace, 1869. Mr. J. Paterson.' Dr. Fyfe. Mr. Longworth. Mr. F. J. Evans. Chartered Gas Co. Dr Fyfe Knightswood Ditto . . . 9,720 13200 19 590 550 iis4* 4* 66* Mr. Wright. Ditto 8960 557 Dr Fyfe Lesmahago, No. 1 Canl. Ditto No. 2 do. . Ditto . . 13,500 13,200 10 176 27-1 24-8 44 "12 642 618 669 1129* 1360 18-05 6*58 Chartered Gas Co. Ditto. Dr Fyfe Ditto . . . 12 750 35-55 1052 10-85 Mr F J Evans 1868 Ditto .... 11 500 34-5 1081 11-17 Prof Penny 1869 Ditto, 1st experiment . to 12,000 11,681 to 35-25 540 Mr. Wright. * Mr. L. Thompson. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB Name of Coal. Cubic Feet of Gas Obtained per Ton. Ilium. Power ofOas in Stand. Sperm Cndls. Speci- fic Grav. of the Gas. Air 1-000. Wpht. of Coke in Ibs. per Ton. Ash in Coke per Cent. Authority. CANNEL continued. Lesmahago, 2nd expmt. Ditto . . 9,878 11,312 . . 650 737 .. Mr. Wright. Mr. J. Hedley. Leverson . . . Lochgelly . . . 11,600 9,123 10,000 18- 523 567 656 1550* 1490* 13-51* 19-7* Chartered Gas Co. Dr. Fyfe. Ditto. Monkland . . . New Brunswick . . Peasley Cross St. Helens. . . . Pelton .... 10,190 10,000 11,500 19-46 18-5 667 520 756 1534* 1 ! 78 4-25 13-72* Ditto. Mr. L. Thompson. Mr. King. Mr. J. Hedley. Ramsey Ramsey's Newcastle . Ditto 10,300 9,746 9,692 21-4 16-65 548 554 to 580 625 1520 Chartered Gas Co. Dr. Fyfe. Ditto. Ditto 9,016 604 Mr. Wright. Ditto 9,333 598 Mr. Kay, Dundee Gas Ditto . ... 9,667 731 Co. Drs.Leeson , Miller,&c . Ditto 9,151 27-2 1416 10-44 Mr. L. Thompson. Scotch Parrot . . . Scotch 9,500 14,000 640 580 Dr. Fyfe. Mr. Clegg. Ditto Staffordshire . . . Torryburn .... Washington .... Welsh 13,813 11,200 10,500 11 424 18 : 500 624 500 737 1120 1626* 5 : 8 12 : 9* Ditto. Mr. L. Thompson Dr. Fyfe. Mr. J. Hedley. Ditto Wemyss . 10976 670 Mr Wright. Ditto .... 10,192 691 Ditto. Ditto 14,300 24-5 580 1064* 31-78 Mr. Evans, Chrtrd.Co Ditto 10,080 642 Dr. Fyfe. Wigan 9500 460to Ditto Ditto 11 200 520 606 Mr. J. Hedley. Ditto 9500 580 Liverpool Gas Co. Ditto, Ince Hall . . Ditto, do. ... Ditto, Balcarres's . . Ditto, Blundell's . . Ditto 11,673 11,400 11,500 11,500 9408 20 : 620 528 478 1474 1411* 4*-76 Mr. J. Leigh. Mr. Evans, Chrtrd.Co Mr. J. Leigh. Ditto. Mr Wright. Ditto, Hulton's . . . Ditto .... 10,500 14 453 640 Mr. J. Leigh. Mr Clegg Ditto 14 267 * '610 Ditto Ditto, Kay & Dews- bnry's Wyan .... 11,300 14453 .. 640 .. .. Mr. J. Leigh. Mr Clegg Yorkshire .... Ditto, West Iron & Coal Co. West Ardsley, near Leeds . . . 11,500 10,296 21- 451 1344 '.' Dr. Fyfe. Mr. W. Hugon. Mr. L. Thompson. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Name of Coal. Cubic Feet of Gas Obtained per ton. Ilium. Power of Gas in Stand Sperm Cndls. Speci flc Grav. of the Gas. Air 1000. Wght of Coke inlbs Ton. Ash in Coke per Cent Authority. NEWCASTLE COALS. Benton Main . . . Berwick & Craister's Wallsend .... Blenkinsopp. Ditto ..... Dean's Primrose . . Ditto 10,987 12,507 11,200 9,700 10,500 11,120 14 : 400 470 521 450 430 410 1389 1585 8 : 22 3'4 Mr. Clegg. Ditto. Mr. J. Hedley. Mr. L. Thompson. Ditto. Mr. Clegg. Ditto 10500 12' 430 Mr. Evans, Chrtrd. Co Eden Main . Ellison's Main . . English caking coal . Felling Main . . Garesfield . . . Ditto, Bute's . . Ditto, Cowan's Ditto Gosforth . . . . Ditto Hasting's Hartley . . Heaton Main . . . Hutton Seam . . . Leverson's Wallseud . Ditto 10,400 11,200 8,000 11,200 10,500 10,500 10,000 10,000 10,300 10,400 8,700 10,800 10800 li's 12 : 12-5 125 400 416 420 410 398 398 402 402 421 410 425 425 1606 1581 1456 1420 1458 4 : 46 1-34 1*54 3 : is 7 : 52 Mr. Clegg. Mr. Clegg. Dr. Fyfef Mr. Clegg. Mr. L. Thompson. Ditto. Ditto. Mr. Evans, Chrtrd. Co Mr. L. Thompson. Mr. Evans, Chrtrd. Co Mr. L. Thompson. Mr. Clegg. Hartlepool Gas Co. Mr. L. Thompson. Mr Evans Chrtrd Co- Newcastle Ditto . . 11,648 9 450 13-5 475 Mr. J. Hedley. Ditto . . . 9 420 13'5 Ditto .... 9 395 14-2 Gas Co. Sth. Metropolitan Co. Ditto New Pelton .... Peareth's Wallsend . Ditto . . . 9,200 10,500 11,147 9700 12- 12' 415 410 1564 2*-5 Exeter Gas Co. Mr. L. Thompson. Mr. Clegg. Pelton . . . 11 000 14- 430 * ' Mr Evans, Chrtrd Co Ditto .... 11 000 14' 430 1604 1-96 Mr. L. Thompson. Ditto 11 424 437 Mr. J. Hedley. Ditto .... 9,746 15-93 '555 1563 Dr. Fyfe. Pelaw . . . 11 424 444 Mr J Hedley Ditto . . . 11 000 * * 420 * * Mr L Thompson Ditto .... 11000 12-75 420 * * Mr Evans Chrtrd Co Pelaw Main . . . Eussell's Wallsend. . South Pelaw . . . South Peareth . . . South Tyne .... Urpeth 12,400 12,000 9,000 12 ! 5 420 418 1561* 1617 1427 1597 3-73* 2 : 5 6-1 1'89 Mr. Clegg. Ditto. Rochester Gas Co. Mr. L. Thompson. Ditto. Ditto Wallsend, Newcastle . Washington .... West Hartley . . . 12,000 10,000 10,500 14 : 12-5 490 430 420 1540 1438 3 : 2 7-3 RevolvingWeb Retort Mr. L. Thompson. Ditto. * Mr. L. Thompson. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOli Name of Coal. Cubic Feet of Gas Obtained per Ton. Ilium. Power of Gas in Stand. Sperm Cndls. Speci- fic Grav. of the Gas. Air 1-000. Wght. of Coke in Ibs. per Ton. Ash in Coke per Cent. Authority. CUMBERLAND, YORK- ! SHIRE. LANCASHIRE, DERBYSHIRE, STAF- FORDSHIRE, WELSH, AND OTHER KINDS OF COAL. ^ Arley . . . . "v . 10,200 13- 462 1540 6- Mr. J. E.Clift. Ditto 1485 5-43 Mr. L. Thompson. Ditto n',200 13 : 8 406 1460 Dr. Thompson. Ash ton - under - Lyme coal slack .... 9,000 10- . . Stafford Gas Co. Barley Brook, Arle}*, Wigan 9,500 16'7 460 1459 4-59 Mr Alfred King. Bickerstaff, Liverpool. 11,424 475 Mr. J. Hedley. Bilston 7,100 9 : 5 Bilston Gas Company. Brancepeth .... 8,500 13- [ Harrogate Gas Co. Brymbo, 2-yard coal . 8,800 463 Mr. Wright. Ditto, main .... 10,500 15 : 540 . Mr. L. Thompson. Cheshire . . 1534 7-3 Ditto. Cumberland, No. 1 . 1669 2-81 Ditto. Ditto, No. 2. . ' f ' t \\ 1667 1-88 Ditto. Ditto, No. 3. . 1548 5-8 Ditto. Derbyshire .... Ditto 8,000 8,500 is' 13- Leamington Gas Co. Leicester Gas Co. Ditto 8,500 15- Oxford Gas. Co. Ditto, Staveley . . . Ditto, deep main . 9,400 424 1324 4 : 57 Mr. L. Thompson. Mr. Wright. Ditto, soft coal . . . 7,500 528 Leicester Gas Co. Ditto, do. ... Ditto, do. ... Durham Fields, best 7,000 7,000 ' 448 424 Derby Gas Co. Nottingham Gas Co. seam 8,600 12- Sunderland Gas Co. Forest of Dean, 1st var. 10,133 350 Mr. Clegg. Ditto, 2nd variety . . 10,133 360 Ditto. Ditto 9,000 8 to 9 Gloucester Gas Co. France, Denain (Va- lenciennes) . . . Garswood Hall topcoal 1570 8-56 Mr. L. Thompson. Wigan ..... 10,820 16- 566 1346 5-79 Mr. J. Paterson. Gloucestershire, Coal- Pit Heath . . . 1566 8-3 Mr. L. Thompson. Gloucestershire, White- croft, near Lyduey . Hindley Field best coal 10,760 450 1472 1314 16-89 5-45 Ditto. Mr. J. Paterson. Leeds coal .... 6,500 530 Leeds Gas Co. Llanelly, Wales. . . 5,000 . . Llanelly Gas Co. to 8,000 Lumpcoal,West Brom- wich Ditto, do.. . . 6,500 15,500 453 455 Birmingham Gas Co. Birmingham and Staf- fordshire Gas Co. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 2,3 Name of Coal. Cubic Feet of Gas Obtained per Ton. Ilium. Power of Gas in Stand. Sperm Cndls. Speci- fic Grav. of the Gas. Air 1-000. Wght. of Coke in Ibs. Ton. Ash in Coke per Cent. Authority. VARIOUS COALS contd. Macclestield .... Mynydd Bach- y-Glo- Colliery coal . . . Neath, South Wales . Ormskirk or Wigan slack 6,720 7,000 11,200 8,200 9- 468 462 Swansea Gas Co. Mr. J. Hedley. Liverpool Old Gas Co. Park Gate coal . . . Platt Lane coal . . Powell coal, 2 cwt. charges every 5 hours Powell coal, 1J cwt. charges every 5 hours Somersetshire coal. . Ditto, Nailsea . . . Ditto, Radstock. . . 7,500 9,750 10,165 8,250 8,000 13-75 483 459 470 1412 1458 1383 1378 2 : 94 4 : 6 5-66 3-1 Rotherham Gas Co. Mr. J. Paterson. Mr. Wright. Ditto. Wells Gas Co. Mr. L. Thompson. Ditto. Ditto Ditto 4-feet ' do 1344 1-25 Ditto Staffordshire, Heath- ern Ditto, Silverdale, 10-ft. Ditto, Woodshuts, Ban- bury, 7-feet . . . Ditto 7*,730 Iltol2 . . 1279 1478 1340 3-06 2-95 2-04 Mr. L. Thompson. Ditto. Ditto. Bath Gas Co. Ditto, South, 1st var. . Ditto, 2nd do. . Ditto, 3rd do. . Ditto, 4th do. . St. Helens .... Stockport .... Wales (North), Ruabon, top yard seam . . Ditto, main coal Ditto, yard seam Ditto, Naut seam . 10,933 10,667 10,667 9,600 7,800 398 395 390 320 539 1407 1400 1310 1478 1391 4- 1-71 2-12 2'25 Mr. Clegg. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Mr. L. Thompson. Stockport Gas Co. Mr. L. Thompson. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Wales (South), Rhonda Ditto, low main. Ditto, Neath. . . . Welsh coal, 1st variety Ditto, 2nd do. . Wigan and St. Helens caking coal Yorkshire, best South . Ditto, Elsecar Low Pit Ditto, Grigleston Cliff, soft Ditto, Mortomly . . Ditto, Silkstone. . . Ditto, Silkstone, No. 1. Ditto, Silkstone No 2 11,200 10,000 10,133 9,168 9,000 8,600 16-25 14- 13 ! 3 468 385 380 1729 1723 1411 1443 1411 1476 1389 3-5 2-73 1 : 74 2-48 2-54 4 : 21 4-1 Ditto. Ditto. Mr. J. Hedley. Mr. Clegg. Ditto. Mr. J. Paterson. Sheffield Gas Co. Mr. L. Thompson. Ditto. Ditto. Great GrimsbyGasCo. Mr. L Thompson. Ditto Ditto, Silkstone, No. 3. 1452 4-3 Ditto. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Name of Coal. Cubic Feet of Gas Obtained per Ton. Ilium. Power of Gas in Stand. Sperm Cndls. Speci- fic Grav. of the Gas. Air 1-000. Wght. of Coke in ll..s. Ton. Ash in Coke per Cent. Authority. VABIOUS COALS contd. Ditto, Silkstone, nuts, Thorncliffe . . . 10,800 15-85 1418 6' Mr. F. J. Evans, 1870 Ditto, Soap House Pit. Ditto, Woodthorpe. . ;: '' 1456 1499 15-7 Mr. L. Thompson. Ditto. MIXTURES OF CANNEL AND COAL. Proportions specified. Boghead cannel l-8th, Arley Mine coal 7-8ths . . 10,400 16-5 Blackburn Gas Co. Boghead cannel 5 per cent., Newcastle coal 95 per cent. . . . Boghead cannel l-4th, 10,000 14- ' Devonport Gas Co. Pelton coal 3-4ths . 12,800 . . Mr. T. G. Barlow. Boghead cannel l-10th, Lochgelly cannel 9-lOths 9,055 24-93 Ditto. Drighlington cannel l-4th, Halifax soft bed coal 3-4ths . . Ince Hall cannel 68 per 9,000 18-9 Shipley Gas Co. cent., Arley coal slack 32 per cent. . Lesmahago cannel 6 10,206 19-01 527 1396 6-4 Eossendale "Union Gas Co. per cent., Cumber- land coal 94 per cent. -7,000 16- Carlisle Gas Co. Wigan coal and iron Co.'s cannel 72 per cent., Arley coal slack 28 per cent. Wigan cannel 2-3rds, 9,967 19-65 530 1462 5-2 Eossendale Union Gas Co. coal l-3rd .... Cannel and Newcastle 9,600 17- Heywood Gas Co. coal 1 to 5 . . . . 9,000 14- Alliance Gas Co., Half cannel coal, half Dublin. black bed .... Half cannel, half coal . 9,000 9,450 16' 13-5 Pudsey Gas Co. St. Helens Gas Co. Proportions not specified. Wigan cannel and other coals 10 091 21' I>irkcnli6ad (jas Co. Cannel and bett or bed " * * coals 9,250 18- Bradford Gas Co. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 27 Name of Coal. Cubic Feet of Gas Obtained per Ton. Ilium. Power of Gas in Stand. Sperm Cndls. Speci- fic Grav. of the Gas. Air 1-000. Wght. of Coke in Ibs. *. Ash in Coke per Cent Authority. MIXTURES OF CANNEL AND COAL contd. Ramsey's cannel with 9,500 to 12- ,. Hastings Gas Co. Newcastle caking coal 10,000 Cannel and best house coal . . . 9,000 I2tol4 Holninrth Gas Co. Cannel and Newcastle coal 9,300 12-5 Phoanix Gas Co. Ditto do. . 9,400 12- *] " 1* Plymouth and Stone- house Gas Co. Ditto do. . 8,000 to 12- .. mt Portsea Island Gas Co. 9,000 West Riding cannel and common coal Oldham, Watergate, 8,000 10tol4 " Scarborough Gas Co. and Wigan cannel . 9,500 534 Manchester Gas Wks. MIXTURES OF DIFFERENT COALS. Coal-Pit Heath, Forest of Dean and South Wales 7,000 13- Bristol Gas Co. Derbyshire and Staf fordshire coal. . 8,500 10tol2 tt Warwick Gas Co. Ditto do. . . 9,000 9tolO Worcester Gas Co. Derbyshire, Netting hamshire, and York shire best coal . . 7,800 to 8,200 12tol5 - Nottingham Gas Co. Derbyshire and Forest of Dean coal . . . 9,0:0 10- Cheltenham Gas Co. Low Moor mixed with two kinds of slack . 8.COO tt 420 tm e> Bradford Gas Co. New Pelton and other Newcastle coals . . 8,500 13- Kings ton-on-Thames Newport (Monmouth- shire) and Somerset- shire coals . Newp'rt 8,000 Somers. 9- Gas Co. Weston-super-Mare Gas Co. 5,500 Ravensworth Pelaw & Newcastle coals . . Silkstone and Renshaw 9,000 13- Beccles Gas Co. coal. ..'... South Wales and Bris- 7,500 11-5 Lincoln Gas Co. tol coal. . . 7,500 Bridgewater Gas Co. Staffordshire and Der- byshire coal . . . 8,800 12-5 " " BirminghamGas Co. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Ilium. Cubic Power Speci- no Wght. Feet of Gas Grav. Coke Ash in Name of Coal. of Gas Obtained in Stand. of the Gas. in IDS. Coke per Cent. Authority. per Ton. Sperm Cndls. Air 1-000. Ton. MIXTURES OF COAL AND OTHER SUBSTANCES. Llantwit small coal, with 6 per cent, of Broxbourne shale oil 9,750 21-5 ! Mr. T. G. Barlow. Newcastle coal 80 per cent., Trinidad bitu- men 20 per cent. . . Newcastle coal 90 per 10,600 17-6 .. : Dr. Letheby and Mr. Keates. cent., Trinidad bitu- men 10 per cent. New Brunswick Al- 10,200 9,166 to 15-6 28-66 Ditto do. Mr. Evans. bertite 10,200 to 35-42 RECENT ANALYSES OF COALS AND CANNELS. GAS 5. CO KE. Name of Coal. Gas per Ton of Coals. Cubic Feet. Illumi- nating Power. Can- dles. Ab- sorption by Bro- mine Cent. Car- bonic Oxide Cent. Per Ton of Coals. Ibs. Ash in Coke C^t. Authority. CANNELS. Boghead. . . . Lesmahago 13,000 12,000 40-0 32-0 25'0 14-0 1-5 3-0 670 980 60-0 7-0 Mr. F.J.Evans. Lothian Cannel 12,700 34-0 17-0 7-0 963 6-0 Cleugh Cannel. . . 12,000 30-0 7-75 10-5 1182 12-8 Lochgelly .... 10,500 17-0 40-0 6-0 1232 15-0 Ince Hall (Wigan) . 10,200 20-0 12-0 3-5 1120 8-0 Wigan ... . 10,000 20-0 13-0 4-2 1120 6-5 Kirkless Hall . . . 10,500 23-0 14-0 4-0 1232 9-5 Leeswood Curley . . Ditto do. average 10,000 9,800 28-0 20-0 24-0 12-5 8-0 8-0 728 1120 10-0 8-0 Wemyss 11,000 26-0 17-0 1-0 1344 50-0 VARIOUS COALS. Pelton (Old) . . 11,500 13-5 5-0 5-0 1560 2-75 (New) . . . 10,500 12-0 4-75 4-5 1568 2-5 "> Pelaw 10,000 13-25 4-5 4'5 1568 2-5 Waldridge .... 9,000 13-0 4-3 3-5 1568 3.0 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. GAS. COKE. Name of Coal. Gas per Illumi- Ab- sorption Car- Per Ash in Authority. Ton of Coals. nating Power. by Bro- bonic Oxide Ton of Coals. Coke per Cubic Feet. Can- dles. mine per C^, Ibs. Cent. Cent. VABIOCS COALS contd. Wearmouth . . . 10,500 13-5 4-7 3-8 1500 2-5 Mr.F. J.Evans. Bute's Tanfleld . . 10,100 13-5 4-0 3-7 1450 3-8 ?) Dean's Primrose . 10,500 13-5 5-0 4-7 1400 3-5 South Helton . . . 9,600 12-7 3-0 3-2 1470 3-7 ' Shincliffe .... 9,500 12-0 5-0 2-0 1500 3-8 i Lambtou .... 10,500 14-0 4-3 3-3 1560 2-8 Haswell 10,300 13-0 3-4 3-1 1300 2-5 Silkstone, three f samples . . . 1 10,400 10,866 10,800 15-64 15-84 15-65 6-25 6-5 4-75 6-25 6-25 7-0 1366 1377 1480 3-0 2-0 6-J : Thorncliffe. . . . 10,500 16-5 5-5 6-5 1433 4-8 Rhos Lantwit, Caer- " philly 9 730 15-07 7-3 8-2 Mr. Fiddes. Ditto do. ... 9,675 13-69 4-55 7-3 Powell's Lantwit Ditto do. small 11,079 10,285 15-16 14-56 6-05 5-0 10-1 8-6 Lyduey Norchard Coal Coleford, High Del! Seam .... 9,215 15-46 4-75 10-3 Ditto do. ... 8,702 14-13 4-25 9-4 u Canuel Varteg Hill Colliery, Pontypool. 9,262 17-21 6-2 3-6 Gas Coal from do. 9,021 15-47 5-8 4-9 Tyr Filkens, Newport, Mon 11,835 13'6 4-3 5'9 Lydney Trancbard " Seam 9,870 14-77 5-45 8-6 f \ Pellowell, near Lyd- ney 9,785 13-84 4-25 10-15 B- %m Llantwit Red Ash, Pontypridd small coal 9,390 15-06 5-8 8-9 , a , m Ditto do. large 9,708 16-33 6-46 8-33 Dean's Primrose . 9,800 16-0 Mr. G. Livesey. Holmside .... 9,800 16-0 West Leversons . . 9,464 15-5 Townley. 9,200 15-3 " Washington 9,200 16-9 \[ V \\ " Nettlesworth Prim- " rose 9,500 >s West Pelaw . . . 9,537 Norfolk Silkgtone . . 10,000 17 : 5 Teesdale 9,468 - - * * - " NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB J - J | htfpj pjjrffrf h g iij'l Q OOCOCOtil^ODr: X> ?! i o as -^ QO as oa us r-i c-. c- y: 3-. 10 --c r-t O OOO OO rt OO O OO rt -.253 SS . - 055O 5Q . .CO-HC-t- ,OO3^IM ; r t ^' ra 5:3 .g O!N 2 ' 'Or- 1 ' PS* . .-- ^t*OsOL^'-HO^Hr^Xr^' cOOt-050U505oSt> nil 1111 .-_-_! o O O O CD 5 * O-H usao O O (M * r- O ^H * OIO1CO CCO^OCQO^'tCO'-^'^lr^OOO-^HOCO QOOGO ' " GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 1 sl 3 I Sl II Saa3 SS .8 .8SS8S8 us in '*# ' '-* ' i C3 ii 6s CO O l> O O 4j< us us us us Or-(t>'MfH^1CS t^Tt^d t^-iococot^-us^ aot~c~ OOrtiHOOO "oOt^-l ! OS 10 O5 i-H (M gH O5COt> ao ao -co ago' oo *> SOOx So "" II 1 :%:I: B I: ii- . '1 * NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR RECENT ANALYSES OF COALS AND CANNELS continued. COALS. (F. J. EVANS.) Name of Coal. Gas per Ton in Cubic Feet. Illumi- nating Power of Gas. Value of One Cubic Foot in Grains of Sperm. Coke per Ton of Coal. Ibs. Sul- phur in Coal C^. Hydro- carbons con- densed fay Bromine. Value of One Ton in Ibs. of Sperm. Old Pelton .... 11,500 14-50 348* 1545 75 5-0 571 Pelaw 11,500 14-75 354 1568 85 4-5 681 Washington . . . 10,000 15-00 360 1523 73 5-0 514 New Pelton . . . 10,100 14-00 336 1456 '62 4-75 484 Leverson .... 11,000 14-00 336 1411 69 4-00 528 Dean's Primrose . 10,500 15-00 360 1456 90 4-80 540 Londonderry . . . 9,800 16-50 396 1545 1-64 6-50 554 Do. average of eight *- samples .... 11,000 16-80 403 1500 1-30 6-00 633 Gosforth . . . . 10,000 13-50 324 1456 1-10 4-00 462 West Hartley . . . 10,800 14-00 336 1411 1-20 4-20 518 Hastings Hartley . . 10,300 14-00 333 1344 1-50 4-30 494 CANNELS. (F. J. EVANS.) Con- Specific Photogenic Power. Name of Cannel. Gas per Ton. densed per Cent, by Specific Gravity of Gas. Gravity of Con- densed By Bromine. Matter. Analysis. Boghead . . . . Lesmahago, No. 1. . 15,000 13,500 30-0 16-0 752 642 1-21 1-64 35-75 27-10 36-30 26-24 Ditto, No. 2. . 13,200 17-0 618 1-43 24-80 24-31 Capeldrae . . . . 14,400 16-5 577 1-29 19-75 21-28 Armiston . . . . 12,600 17-0 626 1-40 22-50 23-80 Ramsey . 10 300 12 "5 "548 1*82 Wemyss 14,300 14-5 580 1-87 24-50 27-11 Kirkness . . . . Knightswood . . . Wigan (Ince Hall) . 12,800 13,200 11,400 10-2 9-6 11-5 562 550 528 1-95 2-28 1-77 21-20 19-CO 20-00 19-88 21-66 20-35 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. O 3 S s e| o io 1 10 co O o oo :o*o o OO -C-lO^CO (N 'S| -CO ?- .S ibcb ' 'orticoo * * * >b ' * 'coo " " 4t< *i " *co ;gg . . .s . .3 .2 .g: CO CO COOS COrH 10 10 . Ti Tj( Hi si fl NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB .8 -PS .88 " 01 0-1 01 r-l r- r-. O O) iil . . .! 1 :1 : :lll :li _J r- ( CO C3 O CO O CO CD O CO I I>QOt> -0005 O3*OCOOt lOCNrHi IrH - G* t iO*O^J< -lQ-^1 '^COCO'^'^COCOCO'^lTll IOC " " " " " " rfo^OtSoJaofoDpa* oororewoo"croToooo?i i 'QdrriCfld'( " *^ " *^ma5 "r5* r-*tocOi fiocoor* GAS ENGINEEBS AND MANAGERS. D 2 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB itt m il I II pi I ll! ii - >3oSS^iOOOc3pS3. C5l>;-^tlf-^CiC^^ OCOO! ^lO^ti COO-^OiOiO*C-*0 t>CO^) = g w g > CM CO 1C -^ I ) t*- Oi O I> < i co co *^ co : CO 00 SO GO I (NtM a* I'f--HrHaOOC3OCOeO* 1 ^ 1 ^( S-2- S i g g^g?3 S t-t-j iO OO O 5 OO C i cq c 00 O !> Tj< OCi ooiocq-^:o"-Or-^-oc~o 55 3< C; ' > 85 SSeieo 9 8 ee Sc* 9 -* T< >OOOOOOOOOO OOO 1 ST-iloOOKJOOQQO QOQ' 8JJ '3 I |l|l||l|iiiiii|8||l||l|l|ll ill WtdKWflQW fifiWQWftMft^^fiqwSSftSSS SftP GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. < CM ' S3 O t- ) U5 5$ StD S SS CD t- COCDt - o gg I ! S3g83 OJ- CO O 1O I CN C3 CM f ) 05 CO i I < ) t- O CO CM CO CO ^t< 00 ( SSS^Sss 1*^1 iooi fooocooi i^O^O^COOCOOQCDCO 'l- D CO O OOOOO Ot>OiO f jH i-* C> """ s i -n ; Ii|t|l 1 lff|_4&- -|1^ ^iHl^fSilllir*^-^ 1 "* Wlisf*i_ H USli|JWUwj !2ss|fliSs.s. ..il w ; M W W O ^"'^^ 15 -i I 1S "s* S5s^i :-^.m | roxa 1-16 - MM NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE t- us t> t- 1~ us ^ i US t~ O 5 O US CO O rH t- CO -ti ss 30. co gp us t- us CO O t> OO O "t* in o us us ) O O CO lO O O ) t> ua ;o 10 o t> -^ S .. .88.88 t>ir50OCOiCOOl 05010iCt-CN t> CQ i I QO t>COGO ^ CO 00 fe O S^ r-t CO S ^ r5 t- C lOCDt^- Ot>OCDtDO^O S23SSS5 ^5!SSg^g: 8 ocob^c '^S5 If SSSSS2 iu : -n r-< CO 10 st^-o^ocQ I CO O5 C 5S; CO O) CO o *oo 5 CO t>- lO Ilil t> ir- cji -? x -^ c^ 2 o r: ~ i ~j r. z :.: _: -7 :? i t"i ' :r -^ ^ o c^ co o CM r isg |0) EH o^ ii i-ToTcf s^aTcTo ^cTcTcTcrGr^G^o'of r-Tr- To'iTaTG'! oT ( ^ s co*''~r'~^f-i < ||l : :|l|l|| l||l|l|||||||||||||l.| I'-' KEWBIGGIKG'S HANDBOOK FOB 81 > p..S I Jill I II Sfi m n uscq . .3 SIM fel Mil 3 5 3 O -S ! IE is i i * "3< CO t> t> OO CD O CS " C* ^ CpOJlOr-tODp _ t-fe CO-HCOOO-CiOt^t^-COC^OO x * tc >] 10 01 ">] t^ r: cr: 2 Ci :C C^ O L- C^l :r- c: i O O I> g|||; I ~ ~ ois (N 'HfHoa oo o ; -^ oo ao xi : OOOOOOQOOOOOOO c5 ?o O' o 5 x o L-- o c o o o c rjT 3^ CT Of M* -T Ci r^~ of o" CO 1 ^ r-T of s 1 ' I** . c . . a . .-I Is 5 S 0-3= < ) OS t- i-H i-H CO 05 10 t- U5CO S rH O 'co3i g^cli coS S I-HCOCO e?-- S'S 5-* CO t- CO CM I to co oo to oo i t> CO CO t* t> C- OO O t- t>CO SSS g S-S g ICiHGOCiGOr- t CO CM CO CO i-H Ictl ilillllili i o o o oc :s Ss sj 'a r '^ 21 r ! K -f i^ . ,ra "La iiiiiiiii pqpqmqcq PpqofiUQfiflfto ftQ fiWW " ll 06, 46 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB "^ CO S S S3 2 US _ T. PP. ??? T*_ MS > os i> oc-iic5t--*aogso4t -"li i< os r> 22 - rH t> eg co ao O o r. r\ -: :: 3 ?T 7 1 ;r. X t> 'N t~ :> t~ co cot>ociOC5O^cocot*C5Oaooicoojr-(t>-aoc5O5c^ O 0.0 _- O^j go O "^ t*co * *coo *o cooscoo^oi aoco * "fl "o 'CQOOOI o <- ^ ^gggS^ ! sSlls S S slss3; ^ ssg gfe^s^: O e-B S" 05 " 05 " 05 "^^ I |l|l|.lill|lll|l1 JJij 00 M ..*j-- j:W:::::i:::i ::::::: ' {fllrf- ^ - -1^1 "3 _-l ' 'I ' -oo -gj* - ill a-sil-i illf 34 II !! ,/i !} !Hf liWifl! 5 A - liiKrfZS olfOg gl|^8 g ^J i^i ?- 1 SH.H.S.^5 83 5 Si S 53 s-S S Ss S S oofiow ftw wWWWJSSjSJSi.SaSSJ'i^^soopiJi GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 47 Pill! ) t> f-i os c ) 1O 1C O * S s^ ssaass iiJ aoo os a s III " "~ ''''" IBB h s .s -^ --s s-"i.j :^ g 33 .jh : I F W02 020202020203 O CC ft H H t> 48 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE CANNEL AND COAL NUTS AND SLACK OK DROSS. Eequire high heats for carbonization. When the heat is not high they cake together in a mass, and at the end of the charge are drawn from the retort in a comparatively unspent condition. They cannot be used to advantage in iron retorts. TABLE Showing, by the Chlorine and Durability Test, the Comparative Value of Various Coals. (Dr. Fyfe.} Coals. Cubic Feet of Gas per Ton. Condensa- tion by Chlorine 100 parts; Durability with Jet Flame, 5 inches, 1 ft. burns. Value of Gas Accord- ing to Con- densation by Chlorine and to Durability. Value of Coals ac- cording to Value and Quantity of Gas. English caking . . . English parrot, average. Marquis of Lothian's Lesmahago 9,746 10,500 10,000 10,176 10000 6'5 7'6 13-0 17-5 19'5 min. sec. 50 40 44 30 60 70 75 1-00 1-02 2-35 3-72 4-44 1-00 1-08 2-41 3-87 4'55 Kirkness Boghead 9,620 15,486 20-75 23-37 80 18 84 22 5-06 6-09 4-99 9-67 TABLE Giving the Result of the Distillation for Gas and for Oil of One Ton of Newcastle Cannel Coal. (Gesner.) Distilled for Gas, at 1000 to 1200 Falir. PRODUCTS. Coal gas 7450 cub. ft. Coal tar 18$ gals. Coke 1200 Ibs. PRODUCTS OF THE COAL TAR. Benzole 3 pints. Coal tar naphtha ... 3 gals. Heavy oil, naphthaline, &c. 9 gals. Total 12g gals. Distilled for Oil, at 750 to 800 Falir. PRODUCTS. Gas 1400 cub. ft. Crude, oil 68 gals. Coke 1280 Ibs. PRODUCTS OF THE CRUDE OIL. Eupion 2 gals. Lamp oil .... 22J gals. Heavy oil and paraffin . 24 gals. Total 48i gals. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. WIGAN CANNEL AND COAL Yield, on an average, per ton : Cannel. Coal. Gas 10,900 cubic feet . . 9980 cubic feet. Illuminating power . . 24 sperm candles . . 15 sperm candles Coke 1436 Ibs 1517 Ibs. Tar 17 gallons . . . .11 gallons. Ammoniacal liquor. . 18 gallons .... 20 gallons. NEWCASTLE COAL Yields, on an average, per ton : Gas 9700 cubic feet. Illuminating power . . .15 sperm candles. Coke 1540 Ibs. Tar 9 gallons. Ammoniacal liquor ... 10 gallons. AVERAGE YIELD OF BITUMINOUS COAL. The average percentage yield, by weight, of good bituminous coal is as follows : Per Cent. Gas 18 Coke and breeze 68 Tar .>,-,. :.., 5 Ammoniacal liquor . . 9 100 TO DETERMINE THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF COAL. Take a small piece of the coal, suspend it by means of a horsehair from the under side of the pan of a carefully adjusted balance (Fig. 1), and weigh it both in and out of water (fresh distilled) ; divide its weight in the air by the loss of weight in the water, and the quotient is the specific gravity. EXAMPLE. A piece of coal weighs, say .... 480 grains. Loss of weight when weighed in water . 398 ,, 480 Then = 1-206 specific gravity of the coal compared 398 W ith water as 1-000. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR FIG. 1. Note. Specific gravity is the relative weight of equal bulks of different substances ; distilled water at 62 Fahr. being taken as the standard of comparison. At this temperature a cubic foot of water weighs 1000 ounces avoirdupois. Hence, the specific gravity <\f a body is also its weifjht in ounces avoirdupois per cubic foot ; so that, know- ing the specific gravity, the weight of any quantity of matter may be calculated by simple measurement. For example : In the instance just given, the specific gravity is shown to be 1-206 ; the weight of the coal per cubic foot is, therefore, 1206 ounces, or 75-4 Ibs. avoirdupois. TO FIND THE VALUE OF GAS IN GEAINS OF SPEEM PER CUBIC FOOT FROM THE GIVEN ILLUMINATING POWER. RULE. Multiply 120 (the grains allowed per hour for the con- sumption of the standard sperm candle) by the illuminating power, and divide by 5 (consumption of gas in cubic feet per hour by the standard burner). The answer will be the value of the gas in grains of sperm per cubic foot. EXAMPLE. What is the value of gas in grains of sperm per cubic foot, the illuminating power of which is 19-46 candles ? 19-46 x 120 ... = 467 grains of sperm. Answer. 5 TO FIND THE VALUE OF ANY COAL PER TON IN POUNDS OF SPERM, THE YIELD OF GAS AND ILLUMINATING POWER BEING KNOWN. RULE 1. Multiply the cubic feet produced per ton by the value of the gas in grains of sperm per cubic foot (ascertained by the previous GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. rule), and divide by 7000 (the number of grains in 1 Ib. avoirdupois). The answer will be the value of the coal in Ibs. of sperm per ton. EXAMPLE. What is the value of a certain coal in Ibs. of sperm per ton, whose yield of gas is 10,540 cubic feet, and illuminating power 19-63 standard sperm candles ? - = - = 471-12, value of the gas in grains of sperm per cubic ft. o Then - ! -- = 709-37 Ibs. of sperm per ton, value. Or by RULE 2. Divide the yield per ton by 5 (cubic feet of gas consumed per hour by standard burner), multiply by the ascertained illuminating power and by 120 (consumption of standard sperm candle per hour in grains) ; lastly, divide by 7000 (number of grains in 1 Ib. avoirdupois). The answer will be the value of the coal in Ibs. of sperm per ton. EXAMPLE. What is the value of a certain coal in Ibs. of sperm per ton, whose yield of gas is 10,540 cubic feet, and illuminating power 19-63 standard sperm candles ? Then x 19-63 x 120 = 709-37 Ibs. of sperm per ton, value. TO ASCERTAIN THE RELATIVE VALUE OF DIFFERENT COALS AND CANNELS. To ascertain the relative value per ton of different coals and cannels, attach approximate or actual market prices to the sperm pounds as ascertained above, and to the several residual products, cast up the various items, and compare them by the ordinary rule of proportion. EXAMPLE. The two coals to be compared are No. 1, yielding s. d. 10,600 c. ft. of gas per ton, 17J candles value = 636 Ibs. sperm at Is. 31 16 13i cwt. Coke at 5d. 5 7J 10 gals. Tar _. . at IJd. 1 OJ 22 gals. Ammoniacal Liquor at Id. 1 10 .32 4 6 No. 2, yielding s. a. 9700 c. ft. of gas per ton, 16f candles value = 557 Ibs. sperm at Is. 27 17 14 cwt. Coke at5d. 5 10 9 gals. Tar . . at IJd. 11J 20 gals. Ammoniacal Liquor . . at Id. 018 28 5 5J NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE Assuming that No. 1 is 12s. 6d. per ton, the relative value of No. 2 will be found as follows : As 32 4s. 6d. : 28 5s. 5d. : : 12s. 6d. : 10s. lld. value per ton of No. 2. TO FIND THE EELATION BETWEEN QUANTITY OF GAS PEE TON AND ILLUMINATING POWEE. (FARMER.) If a coal yields a known volume of gas of a known illuminating value, to ascertain how much it will yield of another value : BULE. Multiply yield of gas by illuminating power, divide by the required power, and the quotient is the quantity. EXAMPLE. A coal yields 9600 cubic feet per ton of 16-candle gas ; how much will it yield of 14 and 17 candle gas respectively ? 9600 x 16 = 153,600. Then c. ft. and 9035 c. ft. The above presupposes that the period of distillation is extended or abridged, as the case may be. The rule, however, must not be assumed as absolutely correct, but only approximately so, and that only within a limited range. WEIGHT OF COAL. Anthracite, per cubic yard, solid . . . 2160 Ibs. Bituminous ... 2025 Cannel ... 2160 Coal, stored in the usual way, per cubic yard 1400 ,, ANNUAL CONSUMPTION OF COAL FOE GAS PUEPOSES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. It is estimated that the present (1889) annual consumption of coal for the manufacture of illuminating gas in the United Kingdom is about 10,000,000 tons ; about 2,000,000 tons (or 20 per cent.) of this quantity being cannel coal. FOE EOUGHLY ESTIMATING THE QUANTITY OF COAL OK CANNEL EEQUIEED TO PEODUCE A GIVEN QUANTITY OF GAS. EULE. Strike off the last four figures from the quantity of gas pro- duced, and the figures remaining will represent the coal and cannel in tons. Thus : 20;0,000 cubic feet = 20 tons. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS 53 This will be evident when it is remembered that a ton of coal or cannel produces about 10,000 cubic feet of gas. If the production rise to 11,000, or fall to 9000 per ton, one-tenth must be deducted from, or added to, the coal, as the case may be. THE STORAGE OF COAL. COAL AND CANNEL SHEDS. In gas making it is economical to use the coal as fresh as possible from the pit, but to be prepared for emergencies, the covered storage room for coal and cannel should be of capacity sufficient to contain from six to eight weeks' stock of the material, reckoned on the basis of the heaviest day's consumption in winter. An exception to this rule may be made in the case of gas-works situated in the imme- diate vicinity of the coal-fields from whence the supply is derived. Under such circumstances, provision for two or three weeks' stock is ample. In storing coal, 43 cubic feet of space per ton is required. When coal is exposed to the weather, being stored in the open air without any protecting covering, it is not only liable to be wetted by rain on its outer surface, but it also absorbs and retains moisture within its structural interstices. The effect of this excess of moisture is to produce disintegration, reducing the size of the lumps, and converting them to a considerable extent into dust and culm. The exposure of the coal in the winter season in this climate is, of course, the most objectionable as regards disintegration. In hot climates the intense heat of the sun produces disintegration. The ill-effects of this absorption of moisture do not end there. Oxidation of the particles of the coal also ensues ; and as this is only another name for eremacausis or slow-burning, the ma- terial is not only reduced in weight, but its gas-producing power, both as regards quantity and quality, and its coking] qualities, are greatly impaired. All kinds of coal suffer deterioration by exposure to the weather, both as regards their heating, coking, and gas-yielding qualities. The extent of this deterioration is from 20 to 50 per cent, within a brief period of time. An absolute loss of weight due to the evaporation or slow combustion of the more volatile constituents, is also experienced. This is particularly the case with bituminous or caking coal ; cannel suffers next in degree ; and anthracite the least. Varrentrapp found in one instance that coal which had been exposed for some years to the weather had diminished in weight to the extent of 38-03 per cent. Wet or damp coal not only yields less gas, but gas of an inferior quality. The sulphur impurities given off from it are more, thus 64 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE augmenting the cost of purification ; whilst some of the sulphur com- pounds notably, bisulphide of carbon are not removable, except by a greatly increased area of purification beyond what is to be found at most gas-works. SPONTANEOUS IGNITION OF COAL. Coal containing alarge proportion of iron pyrites (bisulphide of iron), commonly called " brasses," when stored in a compact mass in a wet or humid state, is liable to spontaneous ignition. This is not an unusual occurrence in the experience of gas managers. The indications that combustion has commenced are a sensible rise in the temperature of the coal-store, a sickly odour, and a choking or smothering sensation on drawing breath. There is this liability to spontaneous ignition in almost all bituminous coals of a friable nature. It is due to more than a single cause. It may arise from the condensation of oxygen within the pores of the carbonaceous particles, just as oily cotton waste will fire spontaneously in the same way by the rapid absorption of oxygen. According to Professor Abel and Dr. Percy, water or moisture does not accelerate, but rather retards spontaneous ignition under these circumstances. The danger of firing is greatest with those coals which contain a large proportion of iron pyrites in the shape of nodules, or "brasses," as they are called, and which are stored in a mass in the wet condition. These " brasses " become oxidized by the atmospheric oxygen dissolved in the water with which the coal is saturated ; and the heat thus generated raises the coal to ignition point. Notwithstanding a conflict of opinion on the subject, we believe that the best remedy for this is ventilation. Various expedients are resorted to for effecting this object, amongst which may be mentioned the insertion of perforated iron pipes amongst the coal, leaving the ends exposed; coarse wicker-work baskets, without bottoms, are used with good results ; and ventilating-shafts of brick, or venetiaiied shafts of wood, both horizontal and vertical, have proved efficient. Unless the ventilation is thorough however, the admission of air will do more harm than good, as a sluggish current will not reduce the temperature, but rather tend to develop and increase it. A thermometer let down through the pipes or shafts will indicate any rise of temperature, and iron rods thrust into the mass of coal, when withdrawn and touched by the hand, will answer the like purpose. When the pyrites are present to a serious extent, the coal should be hand-picked, either at the colliery or when discharging at the gas- works. It is only sheer necessity, however, that will justify the employment of coal of this character for gas-producing purposes. GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. 55 THE GASES OCCLUDED IN COAL. Besides the liability to spontaneous combustion or ignition, there is another strong reason why coal should not be stored in the open air, nor, indeed, under cover, for a longer time than is absolutely necessary. In all bituminous coals a constant chemical change is in progress by which gas is being liberated. This gas, though frequently several times the volume of the coal, is condensed within the solid substance, being occluded or enclosed therein, until by diffusion it escapes into the air, and to such extent the coal is depreciated for gas making. In warm weather and in hot climates, this deterioration proceeds more rapidly than in low temperatures. Dr. Lyon Playfair and others in this country, and Dr. E. von Meyer in Germany, have investigated the subject ; and the subjoined table by the latter shows the quantity and composition of the gas so occluded, obtained from freshly raised samples of coal submitted to him for analysis. The plan adopted was to place 100 grammes of the coal in hot de- aerated water, which was then boiled as long as any gas continued to be given off, and the gas collected was analyzed by Bunsen's methods. Fathoms Samples of Coal Submitted. No. 1. Low Main Seam, Bewick Colliery, Newcastle. . 2. Maudlin Seam, ditto ditto .... 3. Main Coal Seam, Urpeth Colliery, ditto .... 4. Five-fourth Seam, ditto ditto .... 5. Ditto Wingate Grange Colliery, Durham . 6. Low Main Seam, ditto ditto .... 7. Harvey Seam, ditto ditto .... 8. Ditto Emily Vil, Woodhouse Close Colliery from Surface. 30 74 108 148 25 ANALYSIS. PEKCENTAGE COMPOSITION OF THE GAS. Coal as above. C02 Marsh Gas. N Cubic Centimetres of Gas from 100 Grammes of Coal. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 8 . 5-55 8'54 20-86 16-51 0-34 1-15 0-23 5-31 6-52 26-54 Trace. 85-80 84-04 89-61 50-01 2-28 2-95 4-83 5-65 Trace. 0-19 0-55 0-63 85-65 61-97 74-31 77-84 13-86 14-62 9-61 44-05 25-2 30-7 27-4 24-4 91-2 238-0 211-2 84-0 1 cubic centimetre = 610'28 cubic inches. 1 gramme = 0'0022 Ib. avoirdupois, 100 = 0'22 Ib. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR TESTING COAL FOE ITS PRODUCING QUALITIES. It is almost impossible to judge from the appearance of a coal whether its gas and coke yielding qualities are good, bad, or indifferent. So far as outward indications go, nothing is so deceptive to the inexperienced in such matters ; and even to those who have had large practice in coal-testing, it is very difficult to forecast with any certainty the result of a trial of any particular sample. Some of the poorest coals and cannels have a fatty unctuous appearance, suggestive of richness in gaseous properties. Again, the most valuable cannels and shales, fielding gas in extraordinary abundance, have a dull earthy cast, which might readily be taken as indicating poverty of composition and yield. The rich Boghead (Scot- land), Sydney (New South Wales), and Cloverport (Kentucky) cannels or shales are striking examples of this latter kind. On the other hand, this does not hold good of the Brazilian shales or " Turba." These have a dull clayey appearance, and are very indifferent both in the yield and in the illuminating power of their gas. The importance of being able to test samples of coal and cannel, or of having them tested by a specialist in whom reliance can be placed, before entering into a contract for the material in bulk, is therefore obvious. A test may be made either on a working scale, or in the experi- mental apparatus in the gas manager's laboratory. In the former case several tons of the material have to be used ; and the trial of a single sample is a formidable and tedious process, extending over many days, until the old gas in the apparatus and holder has been replaced by the new. It is obviously impossible to test a variety of samples in this manner within a reasonable period. Besides, such a method of testing is not always satisfactory. The manager has to take a good deal for granted ; he is largely dependent on subordinates for the attention and care that ought to be exercised, because his constant personal supervision throughout the time occupied by the test is out of the question. The experimental test is to be preferred for many reasons. The small apparatus is more under the command of the operator. Full justice is done to the material. The best results it is possible to obtain are secured. Time is economized in making the tests, because a number of samples can be tried in the course of, say, ten or fourteen days. It may be urged against the experimental, or laboratory test, that, in practical working, equal results are unattainable. If this be the fact, it only proves that either the practical working is at fault to the extent of the difference in result, or that the bulk of the material is not equal to the sample tested. Assuming, however, that the sample GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. is a fair average of the whole, whatever the deficiencies of practical working may be, the coal at least should not be depreciated below its intrinsic value through defective heats and other faulty methods of carbonization, and although the actual every-day working of the material may afterwards fall short of the results obtained in the trial apparatus, these latter are a standard at which to aim. As a general rule, the difference between the results of actual use and the experi- mental results, with efficient plant and careful supervision, will not exceed 5 to 7 per cent, in favour of the experimental test. To argue that the quality of a coal should be judged and determined solely by the results yielded in actual working, is just about as reason- able as to say that the illuminating power of gas should be decided by the methods of consumption through possibly defective fittings, and some of the burners largely in use by consumers. Whether coal or gas, the means best calculated to develop its intrinsic qualities should be adopted. In the apparatus described and shown (Fig. 2), the charge to be used is the 1000th part of a ton viz., 2-24, say, FIG. 2. Description. RETORT. C ast iron ; D-shaped ; 5 in. wide, 4J in. high inside ; 2 ft. 3 in. long outside ; J inch metal. ASCENSION-PIPE. 2 in. wrought tube. CONNECTIONS. 1J in. wrought tube. CONDENSER. 12 vertical 1J in. wrought tubes, each 3 ft. 6 in. long. WASHER. 1 ft. long, 6 in. wide, 6 in. deep. PURIFIER. 1 ft. 2 in. square, 12 in. deep, with 2 trays of lime. GASHOLDER. Capacity 12 cubic feet, with graduated scale attached. Care should be taken to obtain a fair average sample of the coal to be operated upon. For that purpose at least half a cwt. of the material NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR should be broken up into small pieces and thoroughly intermixed ; and from this three several charges are to be taken without selection. The retort should be got up to, and maintained throughout the charge, at a bright red heat. If from any cause the temperature is much reduced, the test will not be satisfactory. This is especially the case in testing cannel and the rich shales. The time required to work off the charge of 2 Ibs. will range from 40 to 60 minutes, according to the character of the coal. The illuminating power of the gas given out from each charge should be ascertained by the Bunsen photometer ; no other being sufficiently trustworthy for that purpose. The average of the three tests is then taken, both for yield of gas and coke, and for the illumi- nating power of the gas, and this fairly represents the capabilities of the coal. The further conditions to be observed are that the holder be entirely emptied of air or of the previous charge of gas ; and that the con- denser be drained of its contents. The test charge may be continued until the whole of the gas is expelled, or otherwise, depending on circumstances. In comparing two coals, an equal production from both may be obtained, and the comparative illuminating power then ascertained. The coke and breeze should be carefully drawn from the retort into a water-tight receptacle made of sheet iron closed by a lid. This is then placed in a bucket or other vessel of cold water, and, when suffi- ciently cooled, the coke is weighed. For ascertaining the quantity of tar and ammoniacal liquor produced, drain the yield of the three charges from the condenser and washer, aud measure this in a graduated liquid measure. The number of fluid minims in a gallon is 76,800. Thus 60 fluid minims = 1 dram. 8 drams . . = 1 ounce. 20 ounces . = 1 pint. 8 pints . . = 1 gallon. Then Ibs. Ibs. per ton. As 6-75 (The weight : 2240 : : The number of : The total number of the three minims of tar of minims of tar charges of and liquor and liquor from coal.) obtained. a ton of the coal. And this 4- 76,800 gives the gallons of tar and liquor produced per ton. GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGEKS. EETOET HOUSE. The house may be adapted for either a single or double stack of retorts, and may be of the ground-floor or stage-floor type of erection, according to circumstances. In ground-floor houses provision should, if possible, be made for the application of generator furnaces by taking the foundation of the retort -stack to a depth of 9 ft. 6 in. below the floor-line, and making an underground passage, at least 7 feet wide, in front of the stack. Dimensions. For a single stack of retorts Width inside, 30 feet. Height to wall plate, 20 feet. For a double stack of retorts Width inside, 60 feet. Height to wall plate, 26 feet. Wrought-iron trussed roof, slated, tiled, or covered with corrugated galvanized-iron sheets, with ventilator. The ventilator should extend from one end of the building to the other, and be of ample capacity. Suitable openings should be left in the walls, above the height of the retort-bench, for the admission of air and light. Ventilating tubes or towers may be used alone or in connection with the louvre ventilator. They are efficient, and present a good appearance. Corrugated-iron sheeting, being lighter than slates or tiles, admits of the principals and purlins being placed wider apart, so reducing their number. The first cost of a roof of this description is less ; it is less affected by wind ; but its durability is inferior to a slated roof. The sheets should not be thinner than No. 20 gauge. The clear space in front of a retort stack should not be less than 18 feet. When it is intended to employ machinery for charging and drawing the retorts, 22 feet may be allowed. About 8 feet of the width of the floor, immediately in front of the stack, may be paved with fire-bricks set on edge ; the remainder of the floor flagged with 4-inch flags. Blue Staffordshire bricks or tiles, 4 inches thick, make an excellent paving for a retort -housefloor ; and, when these are used, the fire-bricks in front may be dispensed with. A slight inclination say, 6 inches in the whole width towards the stack should be given to the floor. This allows the waste water from the slaked coke to run into the ash-pans, and is also handier for the stokers in charging. KEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB A stage-floor retort-house, Fig. 8, costs iu erection from 50 to 75 per cent, more than a ground-floor house, Fig. 4, (dependent on the character of the site and subsoil) ; but it can be worked with more economy, and the advantages it offers for the removal of the GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. coke, the application of generator furnaces, and in other ways, are very great. In all cases where the site naturally favours this form of construction, it should be adopted. The stage-floor is usually formed of brick or concrete arches, or cast-iron plates, laid on girders having NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE their ends built into the wall of the house and the division piers of the retort-stack foundation, and supported also near to this latter by cast-iron columns. THE EETORT STACK. This necessarily varies in size and mode of construction according to the number of retorts, their dimensions, and arrangement in the settings. The following details will be found adequate for the erection of a stack with benches of seven large retorts of any shape, and either single or throughs, set as shown in Fig. 5. The ovens are 8 ft. 6 in. wide, 8 feet high from floor-line, and 20 feet through, inside measure. Height to top of bench, 10 ft. 3 in. Excavation for bench, 8 feet deep. For generator furnaces, 9 ft. 6 in. deep. Place therein bed of hydraulic lime or Portland cement concrete, 14 inches thick. Upon this build the brick footings of the division walls of ovens, of good hard common bricks, set in lime mortar. When these are built,J fill up between with a further layer of concrete, 18 inches thick. GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGEES. Division walls of ovens above footings, 18 inches thick, built of best fire-clay bricks, set in fine, well-tempered fire-clay. Floor of ovens paved two courses on edge with fire-bricks set in fire-clay. Arched roof of ovens, 14 inches thick, formed of three rings of fire-bricks moulded to the proper radius set in fire-clay. _' J-iJ FIG. 7. FIG. FIG. FIG. 9. Two flue-holes in crown of arch, 12 inches square, communicating with main flue on stack. Damper tiles to be provided for these, 27 inches long, 16 inches wide, 3 inches thick. 64 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE End or buttress walls of stack, 3 ft. 4^ in. thick, of common bricks, built in with the fire-brick work of stack, and faced with fire-bricks laid in good lime mortal 1 . The whole of top of stack haunched up five courses above the top of the arches, so as to make the total height of 10 ft. Sin. from floor- line, of good common bricks faced with fire-bricks, laid solid, with close joints, in good lime mortar. Finish with cornice or coping as desired. Double main flue on the stack, built of fire-bricks, set in fire-clay, and continued to the opening provided in the chimney. Dimensions of each flue, not less than 80 inches'* deep, 15 inches wide, inside measure. Outside walls and division wall, 9 inches thick, covered with fire-clay tiles 2 ft. 4^ in. wide, 4 inches thick. Buckstaves of wrought iron, either rolled girder (Fig. 7) or rail- iron (Fig. 8), or, what is still better, formed of two flat-iron bars 6 inches wide, and 1 inch thick, with five cast-iron distance pieces between (the upper one being square in form), through which the plates are riveted together with f-inch rivets (Fig. 6). The boss, A, with hole therein, is intended to receive the wrought- iron pipe, 1 inch diameter, leading from the 8-inch water main on the top of the retort stack. To the end of this pipe a brass swivel is attached ; and from this again a piece of 1-inch steam-tubing, 11 inches long, projects, having a brass swivel cock at its end. A tube f of an inch diameter is screwed thereto, and terminates in a 4-inch brass rose jet, through which water is discharged for slaking the coke as it is drawn from the retorts (Fig. 9). Tie rods of 1^-inch square bar, or 2-inch round iron ; screwed inches at each end, and furnished with strong hexagon nuts and washers. EETORTS. Materials of which Retorts are made. The materials of which retorts for the distillation or carbonization of coal are made are fire-clay and iron exclusively. In the early days of gas lighting, and for many years after, cast- iron retorts only were used. The fact of the iron retorts not being capable of standing a heat sufficiently high for the distillation of coal in the most economical manner, and their liability to rapid oxidation, and even fusion, in the furnace, operated to cause the adoption of clay in the manufacture of retorts. The clay retorts, in the face of much prejudice and opposition, gradually advanced in popularity as their merits became known, until at the present time, their use is all but general. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. . 65 Single clay retorts are burnt better and more uniformly when the ends are left open in the kiln. The backs are easily jointed in setting ; care being taken to butt them close up against the mid wall. Clay retorts when once heated do not bear "letting down" and " standing off" like those made of cast-iron, owing to their liability to crack when cooling ; and for this reason a setting of one or two iron retorts is useful in very small works during the minimum gas produc- tion in the summer season. Different Forms of Retorts. Eetorts are made of three different shapes in cross section viz., round, oval, and D-shaped. Formerly, rectangular or square, ear- shaped, and kidney-shaped retorts were made ; but these are now entirely discarded. The round, by reason of its shape, is the strongest and most durable ; but it is not equal to the oval and D as a carbonizer. The oval ranks next to the round in strength and durability, and exceeds it in carbonizing capabilities. The D is the shape most commonly in use, and is considered by many gas managers to be equal to the oval as regards its power of carbonizing. FIG. 10. After a lengthened experience in the use of both round, oval, and D-shaped retorts, the writer prefers the oval, as being the most efficient and economical, producing during its lifetime the greatest quantity of gas. Dimensions of Clay Eetorts. Clay retorts are usually made 2f to 3 inches thick ; the flange to which the mouthpiece is bolted being 4 inches thick and 8 inches broad, the neck tapering down to the thickness of the body. The following are useful and convenient sizes of clay retorts : Bound . . 15 in. diam. j Oval . 21 x 15 in. ,, I Inside measure, and 9 ft. 4 in. long outside. D-shaped, 18 x 15 in. ,, ) The weight of a clay retort of the above sizes is from 14 to 16 cwt. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE For very small works the following sizes are more suitable : Round . . 14 in. diam.] Oval. . 18 X 12 in. L Inside measure, and 8 feet long outside. D-shaped, 16 x 14 in. J "Through" Retorts. " Through " or double clay retorts, with a mouthpiece at each end, are made 18 to 20 feet long, being jointed together in three or four pieces. The advantages gained in using this kind of retort are important. The accumulation of carbon is less, owing to the absence of backs. The current of air which is drawn through their interior every time they are charged tends to loosen any carbon deposit that takes place. More heating surface for carbonization is obtained without additional expense, and that in the hottest part of the oven. They are also drawn with greater facility. As they require to be drawn and charged at both mouthpieces simul- taneously, they cannot conveniently be worked in establishments where the stokers are fewer than six in number. The scoop is gene- rally used in charging these retorts. (See Fig. 21.) Hints on the Setting of Retorts. The joints of the brickwork in a setting of retorts should be as close and fine as it is possible to make them. Each brick should be dipped in water, placed in its position, and then gently, but firmly bedded home with the hammer. A cutting heat from the furnace can be prevented, or greatly modi- fied, by having ample nostrils in the furnace arch. A setting should never, when it can be avoided, be brought into use immediately on completion, as the application of strong heat to the damp clay is liable to crack the joints of the brickwork, and so hasten its destruction. The setting ought to be allowed to stand at least fourteen days, in order that it may be gradually and thoroughly dried and hardened. Dimensions for a setting of three large sized clay retorts, 8 ft. 6 in. long : Width of oven, 5 ft. 2 in. ; height, 6 ft. 8 in. ; depth, 8 ft. 7 in. "Width of furnace at grate bars, 9 in. Width of furnace at springing of arch, 16 in. Length of furnace, 80 in. Height from floor-level to underneath the flanges of the two bottom retorts, 2 ft. 8 in. Number of grate bars, two ; 30 in. long each, made of 2 in. square bar-iron. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 67 Dimensions for a setting of five large sized clay retorts, 9 ft. 4 in. long : Width of oven, 8 ft. ; height, 7 ft. 6 in ; depth, 9 ft. 5 in. Width of furnace at grate bars, 10 in. Width of furnace at springing of arch underneath the middle retort, 18 in. Length of furnace, 30 in. Height from floor-line to underneath the flanges of the bottom retorts, 2 ft. 8 in. Number of grate bars, two ; 30 in. long each, made of 2 in. square bar-iron. Dimensions for a setting of seven large sized clay retorts, 9 ft. 4 in. long : Width of oven, 8 ft. 6 in. ; height, 8 ft. ; depth, 9 ft. 5 in. Width of furnace at grate bars, 12 in. Width of furnace at springing of arch, 20 in. Length of furnace, 36 in. Height from floor-line to underneath flanges of two bottom retorts 16 in. Number of grate bars, three; 86 in. long each, made of 2 in. square bar-iron. To prevent radiation, the front wall of the oven should be a brick and a half, or 14 inches thick. The division walls between the ovens, two bricks, or 18 inches thick. The back wall when the retorts are not " throughs," a brick and a half, or 14 inches thick. Quantity of Brickwork in Retort Settings. The retorts in a setting should be firmly supported by transverse walls, so that they may satisfactorily bear the wear and tear of work- ing during the time they are expected to last. It is an error to suppose that the brickwork causes a diminution in the heat. Take the case of two benches of retorts set : the one with as much brickwork as is required for proper support without obstructing the draught, or un- necessarily covering the retort surfaces ; and the other having the least possible quantity of brickwork, supporting (say, for example) the retorts only at their extremities. In getting these benches in action for the first time, there can be no doubt the latter would be the first to attain the desired temperature ; but although the former would require a little longer time, and the expenditure of more fuel at first, the superior regularity of its action over the other in distilling the gas fiom coal will scarcely be questioned. No doubt the thinner the retorts themselves, compatible with strength, the better, so that the heat may the more readily pass to their interior. But the circumstances attending the retort as the F2 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR vessel containing the material for distillation are not to be confounded with those appertaining to the adjacent brickwork. This, of course, need not be more than is reasonable ; but it is better to err on the side of excess than too little. Clay retorts are best 2f to 3 inches in thickness, according as they are made by machine or by hand ; and the chief point to be observed in setting them, is to let the heat have free scope for circulating throughout the oven. With this object in mind, there should be no mistaken contraction of the nostrils leading out of the furnace. It is here where the evil in some settings exists, obstructing the passage of the heat as it is generated, producing cutting draughts, and hastening the destruction of the furnace bag. Clay retorts, 9 ft. 4 in. long, are adequately supported by four trans- verse supports, in addition to the back ledge and the front wall, and only one of these four need be 9 inches thick. With a setting of this description, having ample space left for the exit of the heat from the furnace into the oven, and through the flues, the best results, both as regards heating and economy of fuel, are obtained. " Gaiting" Retorts. On putting a bench or oven into action, the heat should be applied gently at first, the damper being gradually opened a little more each day, until the proper temperature is attained. When the retorts have reached a dull red heat, a light charge of coal thrown into them will assist the development of the required temperature, as well as tend to preserve them in good condition. By carefully attending to these points, the cracking of clay retorts on first " gaiting" may be entirely avoided. Furnace Ash Pan. Ash pan of wrought plate-iron, 5-16ths inch, or cast-iron, 7-16ths inch thick. For a setting of seven large retorts, the length over all is 5 feet, or 4 feet not including the mouth part ; 12 inches wide, and 10 inches deep, outside. (Fig. 11.) Fi The pan should always be kept charged with water raised to boiling point by the glowing coke. The water gives off steam in con- siderable volume ; and this, rising underneath and between the furnace bars, contributes to the durability of these by keeping them in a state of comparative coolness. In its passage through the hot coke, the GAS ENGINEEBS AND MANAGEBS. 69 steam is decomposed into its constituent gases, the hydrogen adding to the furnace fuel, and the oxygen promoting combustion. A tidy fire about, with the ash-pans charged with water, and reflecting the bright fire between the bars, is one of the indications of good stoking. Duration of Clay Retorts. The duration of clay retorts, of course, greatly depends on the setting. When the lower retorts in an oven are properly and con- tinuously protected by seating tiles or brick arches from the direct action of the furnace, the setting will last from three to four years ; otherwise and this is nearer their average life they wiU be burnt out in 15 to 18 months. In moderate sized and in large works, each single retort should be of sufficient capacity to hold a charge of from 2J to 3 cwt. of coal. And if Newcastle, or other caking coal of fair quality, is used, with five or six hours' charges, the yield of gas per mouthpiece should be at the rate of 5500 to 6500 cubic feet per diem of 24 hours. Now, 18 months' continuous production, at the average rate of, say, 5500 cubic feet per mouthpiece per day of 24 hours, is equal to a total production of about 3,000,000 cubic feet of gas. For clay retorts the heat generally ranges from 2010 Fahr. (orange) a little upwards. Usiuil Number of Retorts in a Bed. In average sized works, settings of five, six, seven, and eight retorts are usually adopted. In some of the large metropolitan and provincial works, as many as ten are placed together in one bed, with an elevated travelling stage in front, from which the higher retorts are charged and drawn. Flues and Draught. For a double stack, containing ten or twelve ovens or benches on each side, the main flue should also be double, and the internal dimensions of each division not less than 30 inches in depth by 15 inches in width. For even a lesser number of ovens, the size of the flue should not vary greatly from the above. An insufficient draught, whilst it invariably results in diminished heats, causes a waste of fuel, from the consequent incomplete combus- tion in the furnace, and the usual hard firing that accompanies it. The flame which is occasionally seen at the top of a retort-house chimney is significant of this defect. The flame is produced by the unconsumed carbonic oxide uniting with its due proportion of oxygen on coming in contact with the atmosphere, and by combustion being converted into carbonic acid. When the proper quantity of air is supplied to the furnace, ihe carbonic oxide produced is there converted 70 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE into carbonic acid, and the heat thus generated is utilized for the distillation of the coal contained in the retorts. An excessive draught through the ovens is to be avoided, as well as an obstructed one. If too much air is drawn in between the grate bars, its effect is to reduce the heat, as well as to cause the con- sumption of an excess of fuel. Hence the importance of being able to control the draught by means of a damper placed at the entrance of the cross flue into the main flue on the bench. According to the experiments of Dulong, 1 Ib. of hydrogen, burning to water* yields 62,535 units of heat. 1 Ib. of carbon, burning to carbonic acid, yields 12,906 ditto. 1 Ib. of carbon, burning to carbonic oxide, yields 2495 ditto. 1 Ib. of carbonic oxide, burning to carbonic acid, yields 4478 ditto. NOTE The English standard unit of heat is the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of a pound avoirdupois of water 1 Fahr. The French calorie is the quantity of heat required to raise 1 kilo. (2-2 Ibs. avoirdupois) of water 1 centigrade. As a rule, when firing with coke, cleaning off the fire bars once in 12 hours is sufficient. Too frequent cleaning entails a waste of coke, besides reducing the heat of the oven. Instead of the tall chimney-stalk at the end of the retort-house, it has become the custom to erect chimneys or shafts of less altitude immediately over the bench, or between the benches, rising a few feet above the roof, and serving for four or more double ovens on each side. These are found to produce a sufficient draught, they are more uniform and regular in their action, and their cost is necessarily less. But as they deliver the products of combustion into the atmosphere at a low level, their use should be restricted to neighbourhoods where the nuisance is unobjectionable. When the room can be spared, it is best to erect the chimney between, and apart from, the retort-benches ; so that, when the latter need to be taken down and rebuilt, the chimney, being a more permanent structure, remains undisturbed. In some works each bench is supplied with a small shaft for its own use. This is scarcely necessary, though Mr. Valon has found the arrangement useful in the facility it affords for controlling the draught where generator furnaces are used. In many American gas-works the main flue and chimney are dis- pensed with altogether ; the opening in the crown of the bench being found sufficient, it is said, to afford the requisite draught. Even assuming the draught to be ample for ensuring perfect heating and carbonization (which may be doubted), the objections to allowing the hot fumes to escape into the retort-house underneath the roof, are sufficiently obvious to cause the practice to be condemned. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. RULE for size of retort-bouse chimneys under 70 feet in height : 1^ square inches of area for each lineal foot of retort, or, say, 15 inches per mouthpiece. EXAMPLE. Eequired the internal sectional area of a chimney shaft serving twelve double benches of seven retorts, or fourteen mouth- pieces, each (six benches on each side of chimney) ; retorts 20 feet through, total, 168 mouthpieces. Then 168 X15 = 2 = 17-5 suare feet area. Cost of Ovens and Settings. The cost of a double retort-stack, with benches or ovens to contain settings of five, six, or seven clay retorts (whether single or double), including hydraulic main, stand-pipes, and all other ironwork, retorts, brickwork, and labour, amounts (at present prices) to from 20 to 26 per mouthpiece. The cost of renewing a bench of five, six, or seven clay retorts is 7 10s. to 9 per mouthpiece ; a bench of three clay retorts, about 6 10s. per mouthpiece. Fire-brick Retorts. Retorts made of fire-bricks and tiles, rebated or grooved together and jointed with fire-clay, are in use ; but their general economy as regards the percentage of fuel required for heating, is not considered equal to that of the ordinary clay retorts. In the matter of durability, however, brick retorts possess a clear advantage, their life being three to four times that of the other ; and though their first cost is more, this is compensated for by the saving in wear and tear. Fig. 12 is a IT A B FIG. 12. section of a brick retort. A is the bottom tile, 18 inches long by 8^ inches thick, and B, one of the bricks, 9 inches by 3^ inches. Large retorts, 40 to 50 inches wide, are objectionable for many reasons : A large area is exposed to the cold air every time the charge is drawn, and the tune occupied is necessarily considerable. Again, there is a tendency to allow carbon to accumulate in such retorts, because in the ample space the inconvenience of the presence of a NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB thick body of carbon is not felt by the men in drawing and charging. If the required temperature, however, is kept up under these circum- stances, it must be at an excessive expenditure of fuel and labour. The greater depth of the coal, and the constant inequality of carboni- zation between the inner and outer portions of the charge, is also a serious drawback to their use. Cast-Iron Retorts. Cast-iron retorts are now only employed in very small works, where the gas making is intermittent ; here, they are useful, as they bear letting down frequently without suffering damage. As carbonizers they are not economical, because the heat which they will stand is not high enough to produce the best results in the yield of gas from the coal. They are usually made If inch thick, with an ordinary flange to which the mouthpiece is attached. The round, 15 inches diameter, and D-shaped, 15 x 18 inches, are the handiest, and 7 ft. 6 in. is a convenient length. Their weight is 16 to 18 cwt. Eraser's ribbed retort (Fig. 18) is an improvement on the ordinary form. In setting iron retorts a space of about 8 inches should be left in the rear, to allow for the expansion of the metal, and prevent their being forced out beyond the front wall, with the possible breakage of the ascension Fl0 - 13 - pipes. Fire-clay tiles are invariably used to protect iron retorts from the direct action of the furnace heat. Oxidation proceeds rapidly on the outer surface of iron retorts, and the scale should be frequently removed, otherwise the proper tempera- ture will not be maintained. For facility in doing this, sight holes should be left in convenient positions in the front wall of the bench. Iron retorts should always be scurfed before being let down, other- wise the unequal contraction of the incrusted carbon and the metal of the retort in cooling might cause fracture in the latter. The duration of an iron retort is equal to the production of about 700,000 to 800,000 cubic feet of gas. The best heat for iron retorts is that ranging from 1650 Fahr. (cherry red) to 1830 Fahr. (bright cherry red). Any temperature beyond this is apt to burn or soften, and so cause distortion of the retort. Combined Settings of Clay and Iron. In some works, combined settings of clay and iron retorts have been used, the latter being heated by the surplus heat from the former. The benefits arising from their adoption are questionable. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 73 THE SLAKING OR QUENCHING OF HOT COKE. In the slaking or quenching of hot coke, water is a necessity. It is true that if the coke is drawn from the retorts into iron barrows, and a close cover placed over it, the confined gases, in the absence of atmospheric oxygen, will gradually arrest combustion in the mass ; and this method of dealing with the coke is sometimes adopted with a view to abating the nuisance of the escape of steam charged with sulphurous vapours from the retort-house, and to preserve the coke for sale in a dry and bright condition. Where the production of coke is great, however, as in the case of large works, this is an incon- venient, if not impossible, method of dealing with the material. The quantity of water absorbed by the coke when it is slaked in the ordinary way is comparatively small, not exceeding, on the average, 15 per cent, of the weight of coke in the first instance ; and the bulk of this evaporates when the coke is deposited outside the retort-house in the open air about 3 per cent, of moisture being permanently retained. FUEL FOR CARBONIZING. Coke. In moderate sized works, skilfully conducted, about 3-44 cwt. of coke, or 25 per cent, of the production (say, 18f cwt.) of coke per ton from Newcastle and other high-class bituminous coals, is used as fuel to carbonize one ton of coal. In large works, under the most favourable conditions, and with the ablest management, the consumption of coke for heating the ovens may be reduced as low as 18 to 20 per cent, of the production. In small works, one-third the production of coke is nearer the aver- age consumption. For the heating of brick retorts, owing to their greater thickness, 10 to 15 per cent, more fuel is used than is required for clay retorts. Radiation from the bench is reduced, and fuel economized to an extent greater than might be supposed, by temporarily bricking up the furnace doors and the mouths of all retorts in beds not in u^e in proximity to others in action. Tar as Fuel. Where tar is unmarketable, or but of low value, and there is a ready sale for coke, the former should be employed in heating the retort ovens. Its application is exceedingly simple. When applied to an ordinary furnace, the ash pan is first filled up with breeze ; the door is then NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE removed and the door space bricked up, leaving two holes, one above the other, about 4 by 3 inches. The tar is supplied through the top hole, the bottom hole being for the admission ol air, and to allow of the fire being stirred when required. A piece of 2-inch angle-iron, or a grooved fire-clay slab, or other convenient channel, is inserted into the furnace through the top hole, and down this the tar is made to flow in a stream about 3-16ths of an inch thick. The tar can be taken direct from the hydraulic main, in the bottom of which a 1 -inch wrought -iron ferrule, having a stop-cock attached, is screwed. A -inch reducing coupling is then put on, and this size of pipe brought down to the side of the'' oven, where the tar is supplied to the trough through a nozzle of the proper dimensions. (See Fig. 14.) As the hydraulic main will not supply all the tar necessary, a pipe should also be brought from a tank or cistern erected in some con- venient place outside the retort -house. If this tank is placed inside FIG. 14. the retort-house, the dust arising from the coal mixes with the tar and hinders its flow. Into this tank a supply of tar should be pumped frgrn the tar well as required. The great objection to the use of tar as fuel, as above applied, is that the intense heat which is generated at the point of combustion, soon destroys the arch or tiles underneath the middle retort, breaking the latter down. As this retort, in the ordinary setting of fives and sevens, is the one usually first burnt out, it is advisable to restrict the use of tar to those benches that have been at work for a length of time, and in which the middle retort is either much burnt or already destroyed. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 75 To obviate the above-mentioned drawbacks, Mr. George Anderson has invented a furnace specially adapted for the consumption of tar as fuel, which admirably answers the purpose intended. About 50 gallons of tar used as fuel will carbonize 2 tons of bitu- minous coal, or a mixture of bituminous coal and cannel, in 24 hours. At this rate about 6 gallons of tar are equal to a sack (3 bushels) of coke. Numerous other expedients for firing by means of tar have been put forward, but the above has the merit of efficiency with cheapness and extreme simplicity. In the event of a deficiency in the supply of tar, this furnace is readily reconverted for coke firing. GENEEATOE FUENACES AND EEGENEEATION. The use of gaseous fuel for heating retorts may be said to have emerged from the experimental stage. On the Continent more has been done in this direction than in this country, stimulated, perhaps, by the comparatively higher value of fuel there. Mr. Webber, Mr. G. E. Stevenson, Mr. Valon, Mr. Foulis, and others have done much to spread a knowledge of the value of these furnaces amongst the gas engineers of this country. From a scientific point of view, generator furnaces have everything to recommend them. The saving in fuel by their adoption is variously estimated at from 10 to 30 per cent, on the best results obtained by direct coke firing. But they offer other marked advantages. " Clinker- ing " is avoided, and consequently wear and tear of settings is reduced ; the heats are higher and steadier, and, being more easily regulated, they save manual labour ; the charges in the retorts are carbonized more rapidly, and thus the production of gas per mouthpiece is increased, and retort-house space economized. In the generator furnace, the solid fuel is converted into carbonic oxide gas, and if the regenerative system is not super-added, the gas produced is mixed with the entering air whilst the latter is at the ordinary, or at but a slightly higher temperature, unassisted by the waste heat from the flue. In some instances where the air is heated, the heat is derived from the active heat within the furnace, and so to this extent (as compared with the regenerative method) detracts from the temperature therein. In the regenerative system invented by Siemens, the heat, after it has done its work in the oven, and which, under ordinary circum- stances, is allowed to escape up the chimney, is utilized in heating the air required for combustion. There is quite a variety of generators in actual use, and though they vary in the details of their construction, and in their position either 76 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB within the arch of the retort bench, or outside of it, the principle of action in each is identical. The following are the chief generators : Siemens' ; Liegel's, the latter well known from the description given of them by Mr. G. E. Stevenson, who introduced them into this country ; Basse's ; Oechelhauser's ; Schilling's ; Dietreich's, in use in some American gas-works ; Klonne's, the " Didier," the " Munich," Valon's, and Livesey's, the last-named being in successful operation at the South Metropolitan and other gas-works. Mr. Webber gives the following concise description of generator fur- naces (" King's Treatise," Vol. III., p. 379 et aeq.} : " There is much difference in the details of generator furnaces as at present constructed by various engineers ; but their main features are always alike, and are remarkably simple. The usual form of the gene- rator itself is that of a kiln, generally sunk underground or beneath the level of the charging floor of the retort-house ; the capacity of the kiln, of course, varying with the amount of work it is intended to perform ; but it is usually about one-and-a-half diameters in height. The form of cross-section of the generator may be either rectangular or round, the former being easier of construction, although, according to Grahn, the latter gives better results. The generator is fed through a hole in the top, covered with an air-tight cap. The gas is usually taken off by an opening near the top. The lower part of the generator, in which the initial combustion commences, is subject to the greatest wear, especially from the formation of clinker. The air is admitted either by a grate at the bottom of the generator, as in an ordinary furnace, or by openings in the brickwork, which may be either at the sides, or in the bottom which in that case is tapered down to the size of the opening or by a combination of the two, as designed by Liegel, who puts a fire grate underneath the opening in the bottom of the generator The generator should be lined with at least 9 inches of the best fire-bricks, between which and the surrounding walls of common brickwork, about 18 inches thick, a space of about 6 inches is left to be filled with a comparatively non-conducting material, such as asbestos, or even powdered fire-bricks, in order to diminish the loss of heat by radiation. " The gas channel, by which the products of combustion leave the generator, varies according to circumstances, from the short connecting chamber of Liegel or Livesey, whose generators are virtually one with the retort settings, to a pipe of considerable length ; but the former, or some similar plan, is obviously preferable when it is convenient to adopt it. In all cases the passage, when of any length, must be pro- vided with a damper. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. " In most cases a generator is about 3 feet to 3 feet 6 inches square, which is sufficient for heating two large settings of retorts. For one setting half this area will suffice. The body of incandescent coke is usually about 3 feet deep, although it might be reduced to half that depth without vitiating the gas produced. Still it is best to keep a con- siderable margin, in order to avoid risk of interruption in working, which might otherwise be caused by irregularity in charging the gene- rator, which operation would, with the sizes of apparatus above speci- fied, be necessary at four or five hours' intervals. " The generator may be situated anywhere in the neighbourhood of the retort bench. The furnace gases are admitted to the interior of the retort stack, guarded as much as possible from loss of their acquired heat while in transit, and there mingle with the proper quantity of previously heated air ; the mixture being attended with instant com- bustion." It may be mentioned, incidentally, as a matter of experience, that where this class of furnace is used, retorts constructed of fire bricks and tiles do not answer as well as the ordinary moulded retort, as they are more liable to become deformed by the intense heat acting upon them. Dry air, though diathermanous to radiant heat, takes up heat with extreme rapidity when brought in contact with a hot surface. It is not necessary, therefore, that the hot flue passage through which the secondary air is caused to travel in order to be heated before coming in contact with the combustible gases from the generator should be long-extended and tortuous in its course. The advantages of the so-called regenerative arrangements as applied to retort furnaces are due not only, or chiefly, to the heating of the secondary air, which is readily accomplished, but largely to the circumstance that the heat of the waste gases, as the latter traverse the passages constructed alongside the furnace, is at a potential higher than that to which the brickwork in the base of the setting, and in the sides of the generator in the absence of the waste-gas flues, could possibly attain. The effect of this is to insulate, as it were, the heat of the furnace, minimizing outward radiation and conduction. Heat, like water and electricity, tends to establish an equilibrium ; and the lower the temperature of a body in contact with another at a higher temperature, the greater the abstraction of heat from the latter by the former. From this it will be evident that the function fulfilled by the heat of the waste gases cannot properly be considered as "regenerative." Their temperature is necessarily lower than that of the furnace and the inside of the oven. Heat cannot travel from a lower to a higher potential any more than water under normal conditions can travel up- hill ; and therefore it is not possible for the lower temperature to 78 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR " regenerate " the higher. The chief function of the heat of the waste gases is by insulation, as already explained, to conserve, in the ratio of their own temperature, the heat generated by combustion in the furnace. If it were possible to enclose the heated ovens of a retort- stack on all sides with an envelope of heat, it is obvious that the heat of the ovens would be conserved, a higher and steadier tempera- ture maintained, and that economy of fuel would result. SCURFING R.ETORTS. In the distillation of coal a deposit of carbon takes place within the retorts, which, if allowed to go on accumulating, eventually seriously contracts their internal area, and causes a diminution in the heats. This deposit is due principally to the pressure produced by the resistance offered to the passage of the gas through the different appa- ratus. Its removal by scurfing with chisel bars in the ordinary way is always more or less attended with damage to the retorts ; the more so as they require to stand off for 6 or 12 hours, to loosen the carbon by the admission of air, before applying the bar. Different methods of scurfing have been tried with varying success ; the best probably being that by which a current of air and steam is made to impinge upon the carbonaceous deposit. The latter plan is the invention of Mr. G. W. Edge, of the Jersey City (U.S.A.) Gas- Works. The process is thus described by Mr. E. Goddard : " The apparatus consists of a steam-pipe connected with the steam- boiler, and passing along the top of the retort benches, to which is connected a 1-inch pipe, extending out to the face of the retort mouth- piece ; to this is connected a ^-inch pipe, having on it a stop-cock and union joint to connect and disconnect the pipe readily. This steam -pipe terminates at the end of a pipe 3 inches in diameter, and about 5 feet long, resting on the bottom of the retort, into which the steam rushes through a nozzle having a 8-lGths of an inch outlet, at the same time drawing with it a current of atmospheric air. A retort-lid is cut out to fit closely round the 3-inch pipe. The lid is luted on tight, and the plug removed from the top of the ascension-pipe, the retort being at a good working heat, and the apparatus is ready to perform. " The steam should be used at a pressure of from 25 to 40 Ibs. to the square inch. The rush of steam carries with it a current of atmospheric air, the cast-iron pipe becomes heated, and the steam and air rushing through it become superheated, and thus we have a compound blow- pipe of immense power, the current of which strikes with great energy GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 79 on the thick portion of the carbon at the rear of the retort, but with diminished force as the returning current partially charged with the products of combustion approaches the front end of the retort, where the carbon is thin, in order to pass out through the ascension-pipe. If the retorts are thickly coated with carbon (say, several inches thick), on the first application of the apparatus, it will require several hours to clean them out ; but when the retort is once decarbonized, one hour's application every thirty days will be found amply sufficient to keep the retort clear of extraneous carbon." After all, the best plan of obviating the nuisance is to prevent the deposit as much as possible, by minimizing the dip, by employing an exhauster to reduce the back pressure ; and in very small works where this is not available, by cleaning the surface of the retorts with a rounded steel scraper every time they are drawn. TABLE OF COLOURS Corresponding to Various High Temperatures. (Pouillet.) Fahr. Fahr. Faint red 977 White heat 2370 Dull red 1290 Bright white heat. Brilliant red 1470 Cherry red 1650 Bright cherry red 1830 Orange 2010 Dazzling white 2730 Melting point of cast iron White 1920 to 2010 Grey 2010 to 2190 Bright orange 2190 The effect of an excessively low heat in the retorts is to diminish the gaseous products, the chief results of the distillation being the production of tar. TABLE, By Miller, exhibiting the amount and specific gravity of the gas obtained from two bushels of coal during each of five hours' heating in an ordinary retort ; showing the importance of restricting the time during which the coal is subjected to the action of heat in the manu- facture of gas. The rich hydrocarbons diminished, and carbonic oxide and hydrogen increased in quantity as the experiment progressed. Cubic Peet. Specific Gravity. In the first hour 345 .... '677 In the second hour .... 203 .... '419 In the third hour .... 118 .... '400 In the fourth hour .... 64 .... -322 In the fifth hour 20 . , . . With cannel the carbonization takes place in considerably less time than with ordinary coal. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR TABLE Exhibiting the Qualities of Gas at different Periods of Distillation. (Dr. Henry.) From Half a Ton of Wigan Cannel. 100 Measures 100 Measures of 100 Measures of Impure Gas Purified Gas of contain consist of Purified Gas Time from Commencement of Distillation. Sulphu- retted Hydro- gen. Other Com- pounds of Nitrogen and Hy- Olefiant Gas. Other Inferior Gases. Nitrogen. Consume Oxygen. Give Carbonic Acid. drogen. 4 an hour. i 54 16 64 20 180 94 1 hour. 3 34 18 77| 4| 210 112 3 hours. 24 24 15 80 5 200 108 6 24 24 13 72 15 176 94 7 2 24 9 76 15 170 83 9 4 24 8 77 15 150 73 10 2 6 74 20 120 54 12 .. 4 4 76 20 82 36 From Half a Ton of Common Wigan Gas Coal. 1 hour. 3 3 10 90 164 91 3 hours. 2 2 9 91 168 5 3 2 6 94 132 70 7 1 3 5 80 15 120 64 9 1 24 2 89 9 112 60 11 ,, 1 1 85 15 90 43 BATE OF PRODUCTION OF GAS FROM 2 CWT. OF WIGAN COAL IN AN EXPERIMENTAL EETORT. 4 hour 1 14 hours 2 24 Cubic Feet. . 275 . 245 . 200 . 140 . 80 Total . 15 . 1015 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. THE DINSMORE SYSTEM OF GAS MAKING. The Dinsmore system (so called after its inventor) of enriching gas by the conversion of a portion of the hydrocarbons present in the tar into permanent gas of a high illuminating power, has been adopted at Widnes under the supervision of Mr. Isaac Carr, who has intro- duced various improvements in the method of its application, by which results of an important character have been obtained. The chief obstacle to the success of all previous attempts in a similar direction was the blocking of the ascension-pipes and hydraulic and foul mains with pitch. This difficulty has now apparently been overcome. With one-third of the carbonizing plant at work on the new system, about 10,000 cubic feet of gas per ton, of an illuminating power equal to 19 standard candles are obtained from an inferior class of coal. RETOKT MOUTHPIECES. The following are the details of a mouthpiece for an oval retort 21 in. by 15 in., and will serve as a model for any other size and shape, allowance being made for varying dimensions. (See Figs. 15 to 18.) Depth from front to back, over all, 15 in. Thickness of metal in front portion, f in. Ditto in lip, 1 in., and planed level. Ditto in flange, 1 in. Width of flange in front, 3f in. Ditto at back, 4 in. Number of bolt holes, eight ; diameter, 1 in. Ear-box on each side, with slot 2 in. by -| in. FIG. 15. FIG. 16. FIG. 17. FIG. 18. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Socket, to receive end of ascension-pipe, 5 in. in height, and 6 in. diameter inside ; centre 5 in. from front. Bolts, for securing mouthpiece to retort, eight ; diameter, in. ; screwed and nutted at both ends. Lugs of wrought-iron, 14 in. long, 2 in. broad, and f in. thick ; one with jaws and pin for hinging cross-bar, the other cranked and notched as in Fig. 18. Slit at opposite end, 2 in. long, J in. wide ; wedged to ear-box. Cross-bar of wrought-iron, 25 in. long, 2 in. broad at each end, and in. thick. Middle part 2 in. broad, swelled out to 2 in. thick, with 1 in. screwed hole tkrough centre. Screw, 10 in. long, with square thread 7 in. of its length. Cross handle, 14 in. long, f in. round-iron. Lid, in. thick, plate-iron, dished, with lug on each side. Various devices for dispensing with the screw and its slow action have been introduced. Amongst these Box's retort-lid fastener, made by Geo. Waller and Co., Storer and Pugh's lever handle, and King's patent fastener, made by West's Gas Improvement Company, may be specially named. CEMENTS FOB JOINTING RETOET MOUTHPIECES. For clay retorts Three-fourths by weight of fire-clay. One-fourth by weight of iron borings. When ready to connect, mix with ammoniacal water. Use no sulphur. 20 Ibs. gypsum (sulphate of lime ) made into a pulp with water. 10 Ibs. iron borings saturated with a strong solution of sal ammoniac. Mix well together till of a consistency fit for use. In fixing the mouthpieces to clay retorts, the flange or face of the retort should be notched all over with a sharp-pointed hammer, or a slight channel cut all round (this is best done by the retort maker in course of manufacture), for the cement to bed into when the bolts are screwed up. CEMENTS FOR JOINING THE ENDS OF CLAY RETORTS. 10 Ibs. gypsum made into a pulp with water. 20 Ibs. iron borings saturated with a strong solution of sal ammoniac. Mix well together till of a consistency fit for use. Some engineers use fire-clay alone, mixed with water to the con- sistency of mortar. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. For iron retort mouthpieces 2 Ibs. fine clean iron borings. 1 oz. sal ammoniac. 1 oz. flowers of sulphur. Mix together and keep dry. When required for use, add water to bring the mixture to a proper consistency. CEMENTS OE LUTING FOR RETORT-LIDS. Ordinary lime, or spent lime from the purifiers mixed with fire-clay or common clay, and worked up into mortar. The following makes a tough persistent luting : 1 part lime. 2 parts moulding sand. Ground up together, with water, in a mortar mill. SELF-SEALING RETORT-LIDS. The self-sealing retort-lid invented by Mr. Morton, with Holnian's eccentric fastener, is extensively used. The lid is not removed from the mouthpiece in charging the retort, but swivels round with the hinged cross-bar, to which it is secured. It is made in any form to suit the shape of the retort, with upturned semicircular edge, faced true. This, pressing against the flat edge of the mouthpiece, which is also faced, makes a gas-tight joint without the intervention of any kind of luting. Other self-sealing retort-lids are Tassie's, made with a steel ring let into a groove in the face of the mouthpiece ; Paiiby's and Grice's, having a projection on the edge of the lid fitting into a recess on the face of the mouthpiece ; Somerville's, which consists in the contact of the outside of the rim of the lid with the inner conical lip of the mouthpiece ; and Ruscoe's, with steel cross-bar and fastener. RETORT-HOUSE TOOLS. Shovels with riveted handles are not good in or about a retort- house. The heat soon causes the wood to dry in, and the rivets give way and become jagged, lacerating the hands of the men who use them. Socketed handles are much the best. A good handy-sized shovel for charging retorts of the ordinary size is one 16 inches long by 11 inches wide. Firing shovels (for coke) are best made an inch wider. Both should be well turned up at the sides. G 2 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR For charging through retorts, the scoop (Fig. 21) is frequently employed. This in section is a semicircular trough of sheet-iron, the length of half the through retort, and large enough to contain about H or If cwt. of coal. It is inserted twice into the retort at each end. Six men are required to charge a through retort with the scoop i.e., three at each mouthpiece. The method of using it is as follows : On its being filled with coal, one man takes hold of the handle at the end, raises it] slightly, the saddle is placed underneath by a second man, and a third grasps the opposite side. The three then raise the scoop and insert its end into the retort mouth, whereupon the saddle is released, and the man having hold of the handle pushes the scoop with its charge right into the retort, turns its round, and withdraws it, leaving the charge inside. This operation is repeated a second time ; the scoop on the first insertion being turned to the left, and on the second to the right. Other retort-house tools consist of the discharging rake, Fig. 22 ; auger, Fig. 26 ; ash-pan rake and shovel, Figs. 23 and 24 ; fire tongs, Fig. 27 ; and pricker, Fig. 25. [See next page.] Price's coke and coal barrow, Fig. 1*J, and Cockey's charging barrow, Fig. 20, are useful and serviceable adjuncts to the retort-house. CHARGING AND DISCHARGING RETORTS BY MACHINERY. The difficult problem of applying machinery to the charging and drawing of retorts is one which has occupied the minds of gas engineers from the very introduction of gas-lighting, and its solution has been attempted with varying success. Out of about twenty dif- ferent contrivances that have been invented for the purpose, not more than lour or five remain in use at the present time, and these only to a limited extent, The hydraulic stoker invented by Mr. W. Foulis and the combined hand and machine stoker of Mr. J. West are both in use at the Man- chester Corporation Gas-Works. The latter has also been adopted GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. at Maidstone, Portsea, Ipswich, Burnley, Bury, and other works. Mr. West has also patented the application of compressed air to the propelling of his machinery ; and this is successfully at work at the Manchester and the South Metropolitan Gas- Works. More recently FIG. 21. o FIG. 22. FIG. 23. FIG 24. FIG. 25. SC NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE he has adopted the plan of driving by means of a wire rope running the whole length of the retort-house, and actuated by a stationary engine placed at one end. This latter is in use at Blackburn. Mr. West's machines, both for charging and drawing, and the plan which lie has latterly adopted of obtaining motive power, are so admirable, that their general application in the larger gas-works is only a question of time. Mr. Warner's machinery is employed at South Shields ; and the ingenious steam stoker, the invention of Mr. A. Q. Eoss, of Cin- cinnati, U.S. America, is in use at various works in the States and in this country. Clegg attempted to perfect an arrangement by which a continuous supply and discharge was effected ; and though lie did not succeed in producing an economical and satisfactory apparatus, it is greatly to be desired that other efforts in the same direction may be crowned with The latest improvements of carbonizing plant and methods are revivals of the idea of inclining the retorts at an angle, with a view to facilitate the operations of charging and drawing by calling in the aid of gravity. M. Coze, of Bheims, claims to have succeeded in over- coming difficulties which had previously proved insuperable, by adopting the inclination of 80 from the horizontal for a flattened form of Q retort, combined with a peculiar design of tipping wagon for charging the coal from above. Mr. J. Elliott, of Ludlow, has also revived Brunton's idea of carbonizing coals in small charges pushed into a sloping retort by a traversing arrangement. ASCENSION OR STAND-PIPES. These may be either of cast or wrought-iron, and should be not less than 5 inches internal diameter, with flange at upper end. Diameter of flange, 10 inches. Bolt-holes, 4 in number, centre to centre across, 8 inches. Diameter of bolts, f of an inch. The best caulking material for Ascension-pipes at their junction with the mouthpiece socket, is ordinary ground fire-clay, or slaked lime, made of the consistency of putty. These, when pressed down into the space between the spigot and socket, make a perfectly tight and durable joint, and are easily removed when the retorts need renewing. On the other hand, when the joints are caulked with iron cement, the labour in cutting it out and the risk of splitting the socket are considerable. Choking of Axcension- Pipes. Ascension-pipes occasionally become choked, to a greater or less degree, with thick tar, pitch, and other carbonaceous matter. When GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 87 this occurs, let as many as can be spared at once stand off for a shift (provided the retorts are in condition to admit of this), drawing the charge, and removing the bonnet or plug from the top of the bridge- pipe. The heated air making its way through the smallest aperture will thoroughly clear them of the obstruction. Preventive of < 'hoking, Keeping the pipes cool is the best preventive of choking. This may be accomplished to a great extent by making the front walls of the ovens 1 bricks thick, so preventing undue radiation from the bench, and having the mouthpieces of the retorts so constructed as to allow of the pipes standing G or 8 inches away from the front wall of the BBIDGE AND DIP PIPES. Internal diameter of bridge and dip pipes, 5 inches. Height of bridge-pipe, 16 inches. Width, centre to centre, 21 inches. Connecting flanges, diameter 10^- inches. Bolt-holes, four in number, centre to centre across, 8 inches. Diameter of bolts, f of an inch. (See Fig. 28.) FIG. 28. HYDKAULIC MAIN. Dimensions and Form. The hydraulic main, as a general rule, even in small works, should not be less than 18 inches in width at the water-level. In section it may be either D-shaped (with the flat side upwards), square, oblong, or round. The three former shapes are usually adopted in preference to the round, allowing more gas space than the latter. (Figs. 29, 30, and 81.) The Livesey Hydraulic. This, in section, resembles the frustum of a cone, but is slightly convex at the sides, and dished at the bottom to the extent of 2 inches NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR below the end of the dip-pipe. It is smaller, and consequently lighter, than the mains generally in use ; but at the water-level the area is equal to the old forms. The chief object of the modification in form is to prevent the accumulation of thick tar. This is accom- plished by allowing only a shallow depth of liquid ; and this being kept in motion or circulation by the issuing gas, deposit to any great extent is prevented. (Fig. 82.) With the same object in view, Mr. Livesey has reduced the bottom space in his existing old-fashioned D-shaped mains, by placing therein a plate of No. 10 gauge sheet-iron, also dished to the extent of 2 inches below the end of the dip ;' the space underneath being first filled up with sand. Wroiif/ht-Iron and Steel Hydraulic Mains. Hydraulic mains of wrought-iron 5-16ths of an inch thick, or mild steel plates inch thick sides and bottom, and 7-16ths of an inch top, are being generally adopted, owing to their lightness and strength, and are an improvement on those made of cast-iron, which are usually 3-4ths of an inch thick. Position of the Hydraulic Main. The hydraulic main may be either erected on standards placed on the retort-bench ; on girders attached to the buckstaves, which are . 29. FIG. 30. FIG. 31. FIG. 32. . lengthened so as to reach above the bench for that purpose ; or on cast- iron pillars in front, and quite detached from the brickwork. When placed upon the bench, it is liable to be disturbed by the contraction and expansion of the materials composing the latter ; and when the bench needs rebuilding, it is an obstacle to the progress of the work. On the other hand, when erected on pillars in front, these are slightly in the way, though placed opposite the walls dividing the several ovens ; and the main itself is more exposed to the heat of the flame from the retorts in charging. In some instances the hydraulic main is placed against the retort- house wall, being supported on brackets or cantilevers attached thereto. This plan necessitates a strong wall to bear the weight of the mam and its contents, and also a long length of pipe overhead, GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. fixed in an inclined position, attached at one end by a bend to the ascension-pipe, and at the other to the dip-pipe on the main. In addition to the hydraulic main, a second main is sometimes laid along the bench, and connected to the former at the water-level, at each bench or oven, by a branch with a valve upon it for closing when necessary. This secondary main conveys the gas and fluid products from the retort-house, and admits of the isolation of the hydraulic main over each setting of retorts. By this arrangement it is easy, in case of any disturbance of the bench through settlement or otherwise, to restore the several short lengths of hydraulic main to the true level. The Liquid Products in the Hydraulic Main. The Effect of Keeping the Gas in Contact with the Tar. The Hydraulic Dip. A simple gas is usually described to be a permanently elastic fluid under the ordinary conditions of temperature and pressure. Coal gas, as it is compound in character, does not answer to that description. When it has been distilled from the coal by the agency of heat, and issues from the retort up the ascension-pipe into the hydraulic main, there is carried in suspension, along with the permanently gaseous fluids, a number of hydrocarbon and other vapours, which condense at temperatures varying from about 200 Fahr. downwards. The water which is found in the hydraulic main is due to the con- densation of the vapour or steam which, coming from the retorts, is carried up the ascension-pipes along with the permanent gases and the heavy hydrocarbons ; the latter being deposited as tar. The presence of the water is accounted for by its previous existence in the interstices of the apparently dry coal. It is also produced synthetically by the combination, brought about by the heat of the retorts, of a portion of the oxygen and hydrogen two constituents of the solid coal. The quantity of water thus yielded varies with different coals ; but the average yield may be set down at 16 gallons per ton. It has previously been explained (see page 5) that a portion of the steam from wet coal is decomposed in the hot retorts, being resolved into its constituent gases. It will be seen, therefore, assuming the correctness of this hypothesis, that two opposite processes are being carried on simultaneously in the retorts the analytical and the synthetical and this apparent inconsistent action may be explained by the original character of the substance acted upon the steam in the one instance, and the gases, oxygen and hydrogen, in the other and their proximity to, and period of contact with, the hot surface traversed by them. The strong affinity which exists between this water and the ammonia impurity in the crude gas, causes the absorption of much of 90 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE the latter by the former, producing what is, roughly speaking, a solu- tion of ammonia. This again, by reason of its affinity for suphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid, absorbs a proportion of the gases named, reducing the amount of these impurities in the gas, and thus is pro- duced the complex liquid designated " ammoniacal liquor." The hydrocarbons contribute largely to the illuminating power of the gas ; and it is therefore desirable to retain them in the permanently gaseous form. Some of them, especially such as are of the greatest density, are reduced to the liquid state by the mere mechanical reduc- tion of their temperature ; whilst others of equal specific gravity, and many of those of lower density, undergo a change from the gaseous to the liquid condition, by reason of the solvent or absorbent action of the liquid contents of the hydraulic main, through which, by reason of the dip, they have to pass, or with which, in the absence of the dip, they come intimately in contact. The former may be classed as hydrocarbon vapours ; the latter, as gaseous hydrocarbons. It is thus evident that the process of condensation begins at the hydraulic main ; the results there produced materially affecting the quality of the gas. Those hydrocarbons that are changed to the liquid form by this slight diminution of temperature, it is probably impossible to retain in the gas under any circumstances whatsoever. With the more volatile, though still heavy, hydrocarbons, the case is different ; the power of retaining them in the permanently gaseous form is within the bounds of possibility, and these are, therefore, of the greatest interest to the gas manufacturer. A further class of hydrocarbons are not liquefied at all under ordi- nary conditions ; and there should never be any difficulty experienced in keeping them in the gaseous state. Of the second class of hydrocarbons viz., those which, though of high specific gravity, it is practicable to retain in the gaseous form we shall now speak. Their retention in the gas, and how this is most likely to be accomplished or at least how best to remove all impedi- ments to that end greatly concerns the gas-maker. It has been assumed that the mere reduction of temperature between the retort- mouth and the hydraulic main will not affect their gaseous condition. Under what other circumstances, then, are they condensed in the hydraulic main, and in the subsequent mains leading to the condenser ? The answer is clear, and is what has been already indicated viz., by the affinity which exists between them and the already liquefied hydrocarbons present in the mains. Some remarkable notes corroborating these views in several im- portant particulars are recorded by Mr. W. Young, being the result of a number of experiments made by the late Mr. Cusiter in 1868, on the absorption of the light-giving constituents of coal gas by the heavy GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 91 hydrocarbon oils, his attention being drawn thereto when experiment- ing with glycerine as a substitute for water in gas-meters. After having satisfied himself that the disadvantages attending its use were not compensated by its advantages, he turned his attention to other liquids which might, he thought, be suitably applied for the like purpose. One of them was mineral oil of 840 specific gravity. The effect of this with 28 -can die gas was to reduce the illuminating power to 14 candles ; and with gas of 35 candles, to 16-1. During the winter of 1873-4 he repeated the experiments, and made some additions to the number. Mr. Young deduced from these experiments various facts of general interest, having reference to the means afforded of ascertaining the percentage of hydrocarbons in a given quality of gas. En a further communication on the same subject, Mr. Young showed that so great is the solvent action of heavy hydrocarbon oil (boiling point 180 Fahr.) that hydrocarbons, such as olefiant gas, which are permanent gases at ordinary temperatures, may be reduced to the liquid form in passing through it. He further showed that if, instead of allowing the gas and mixed hydrocarbons to cool together, the gas, saturated Avith the vapour of the lighter hydrocarbon liberated by heat from the mixed fluids, were transferred into a separate vessel, thereby preventing the heavy hydrocarbons from coming into contact with, and reabsorbing the lighter, the gas would remain saturated with the vapour from the more volatile fluid. These important facts lead to but one conclusion viz., that the practice of allowing the whole of the tar to flow along with the gas through an extensive range of pipes to the condenser, both being gradually cooled together in the passage, is founded on an erroneous estimate of the results that follow thereon, is highly objectionable, and must be condemned. The late Mr. R. H. Paterson, with that wise insight which characterized his investigations, gave expression to his views on this subject in an able article " On Keeping Gas in Contact with Tar," in which the objectionableness of the practice is very clearly shown. The cooling of the gas gradually is a provision the wisdom of which is unquestionable, and the plan of causing it to make the circuit of the retort-house in pipes is probably the best method of accomplishing that object ; but the deposited tar in the hydraulic main and in the foul main at the point, as near as can be ascertained, when its tem- perature has fallen to about 110 or 100 Fahr. the temperature at which its absorbent powers come into most active operation should be drained away direct to the tar-well by its own separate con- ductor. The chief advantages believed to accrue from lengthened contact of the gas with the tar are, first, the absorption by the latter of naphthaline 92 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR that would otherwise be carried forward to be deposited, by reason of the decrease in temperature and other causes, in the mains on the works, and even in the street mains, service-pipes, and the internal fittings on the premises of consumers ; and, secondly, the absorption also of a considerable portion of the obnoxious sulphur and other com- pounds. These advantages will not be forfeited by the direct removal of the bulk of the tar, because sufficient light tar will be left in the circuitous gas-main to absorb any excess of naphthaline vapour present, and even to assimilate a portion of the sulphur and other impurities. Besides this, as the general effect will'be to leave a larger proportion of the gaseous hydrocarbons in the gas, these, by virtue of the power which they possess in common with the liquid hydrocarbons, of assimilating and, in this special case, of suspending other hydro- carbons, will necessarily assist in retaining in the permanent form a portion of the naphthaline that would, in presence of the greater bulk of tar, have been liquefied and deposited. By a similar train of reason- ing, the fact of the inferior quality of the tar produced from the richer cannels, as compared with that from coal, may be explained. In dealing with this subject, it has been assumed by some that no absorbent action is likely to result so long as the tar with which the gas is in contact is at a temperature of about 100 Fahr., and above ; and that, therefore, the dip in the hydraulic main causes no diminution in the amount of hydrocarbon gases present. It has even been assumed that the tar in the main gives off a proportion of hydrocarbon vapour ; and in this way increases the illuminating power of the gas. On reflec- tion, however, it will be plain that this argument is altogether unten- able, for it is scarcely possible to conceive that hydrocarbons which have already been liquefied at a high temperature, can again, at a lower temperature, assume the gaseous or vaporous form. There can be no doubt that the heavy tars have an absorbent action, less or more, at all temperatures, being greatest at the lowest ; and this being so, the passage of the gas through such tars by reason of the dip in the hydraulic main, must have a prejudicial effect upon the illuminating constituents of the gas. On the other hand, where means are employed for removing the heavy tars from the main as rapidly as possible after they are deposited, the disadvantages of the dip into the lighter liquors contained therein are reduced almost to nil. This is especially true where the arrangements are such that, by careful adjustment, and an adequate area at the water-level, the dip is limited to about three-fourths of an inch. It is desirable that the ends of the dip-pipes in the hydraulic main should be sealed with the ammoniacal liquor in preference to the tar ; the latter not only robbing the gas to some extent of its richest illu- minating substances, but offering greater resistance to its passage. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Various expedients to accomplish this end have been devised and are in use in well-regulated gas-works. Such being the case, considering the easy application of the dip, its economy, its self-acting regularity, its comparative immunity from failure, and the safety attending its use, it is questionable whether any of the many appliances for dispensing with it, offer sufficient inducements to compensate for the advantages enumerated. TEMPERATURE OF GAS IN THE RETORTS. The reason of the comparatively low temperature of coal gas as it ascends to the hydraulic main, after being in contact with the intensely heated surfaces of the retorts in which it is generated, is not apparent at a cursory glance. At first sight it would appear as though the action upon the gas in a retort would be similar to the effect upon air by the ovens of blast furnaces, where a million cubic feet are heated in the space of an hour to 633 Fahr. the melting point of lead. So far from this being the case, the permanent gas at its highest temperature does not probably exceed 135 Fahr., though generated in a heat usually reaching 2200. The reason of the difference in the effect produced in the two in- stances given is explained by the fact of the rapid absorption of heat by the volatile constituents of the coal in assuming the gaseous form ; this heat becoming latent in the gas as in the case of the formation of steam in an open boiler. The following is a record of experiments made by the writer to determine the temperature of the gas as it issues from the retort : Kjt'pfi'iiwiit Ao. 1. This experiment was conducted entirely under the usual conditions of working. Clay retort, 20 feet through, one in a setting of seven. Heat, bright cherry red. Hole drilled in both ascension-pipes 3 feet above the mouthpiece. Retort charged with 4 cwt. of cannel. Temperature indicated on insertion of thermometer through the hole on one side of bench, 193 Fahr. Temperature indicated on insertion of thermometer through the hole on the other side, 510 Fahr. The temperatures indicated were clearly not those of the gas. In attaining the higher temperature, especially, the mercury rose by starts at the rate of 3 to 5 at once, evidently caused by hot particles NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR of solid carbon, or other solid or semi-fluid substances coming sud- denly in contact with the bulb of the thermometer. The remarkable difference in the temperature of the two sides is accounted for in this way : On the side in which 193 was indicated the dip-pipe was probably sealed to a greater depth in the hydraulic main, and consequently the flow of gas was neither so abundant nor so rapid on that side as on the other. This was evidenced by the thermometer on withdrawal being found less thickly coated with tar than in the other case. The gas was in a more quiescent state, and therefore there was not the same rush of hot solid particles against the bulb to raise the temperature abnormally. It may be noted incidentally here, that indications of temperature thus obtained would prove whether the ascension-pipes at the two ends of a through retort were each taking their due share of the gas being produced. Experiment No. 2. The conditions were the same as in the previous instance ; but in- stead of inserting the thermometer directly through the hole in the ascension-pipe, the end of a piece of india-rubber tube, 12 inches long, % inch bore, was pressed against the orifice, and the gas allowed to flow in a stream through the tube. The object of employing the tube was to obviate, if possible, the contact of the semi-solid or semi-fluid substances previously referred to. The result was : Temperature indicated on one side 250, ditto on the other side 324. The rise of the mercury was still somewhat irregular, and the instru- ment, so much as was inserted, was again thickly coated with tar. Experiment No. 3. One end of the through retort was now bricked up, being made per- fectly gas-tight, the gas passing away by one only of the ascension-pipes ; in point of fact, the retort was made single instead of through. In a short, double-flanged piece of the ascension-pipes, within 8 inches of the top of the mouthpiece, were inserted six layers of iron wire netting, cut into discs, accurately fitting the bore of the pipe. Three of these discs had meshes one-eighth, and the other three three- sixteenths of an inch gauge, and the discs were kept three-fourths of an inch apart by sheet-iron rings, inserted edgeways into the pipe. The charge, 2 cwt. of cannel, thrown into the retort, happened to be taken from a heap that had been exposed to the rain, and there was considerable moisture present. The hole through which the thermometer was inserted, as in the previous experiments, was 8 feet above the mouthpiece. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. The following were the temperatures indicated : Time. Temp. Fahr. Time. Minutes. Degrees. Minutes. 10 200 55 15 198 60 20 195 65 25 ..192 90 30 190 105 35 188 120 ( j . , 40 184 130 45 ... 182 140 50 179 150 Temp. Fahr. Degrees. 177 174 172 160 158 150 150 .... 148 142 Through all the higher temperatures, down to 172, steam was condensed into drops upon a piece of paper held in the stream of gas issuing from the hole. Tar, though not entirely absent, was nearly so, the instrument on each withdrawal being but slightly coated. The temperature, with but few exceptions, rose with great regularity from that of the atmosphere of the retort-house (74) to the rates observed, showing that the semi-solid particles, which were evidently the cause of the high temperatures previously indicated, had been nearly all arrested by the wire netting. The higher temperatures, I am of opinion, were due to the pre- sence of steam in the gas in varying proportions, and this latter would be caused by the moisture in the coal. Experiment No. 4. The retort was again charged, this time with 2 cwt, of cannel in a drier state. All the other conditions were as in the previous trial. The following were the results obtained : Time. Minutes. 2 7 12 "!*; ' 17 22 27 75 90 Temp. Fahr. Degrees. Time. Hours. 158 If 174 2 ' 177 2* 172 2* 171 2f 169 3 168 BI 141 3| 134 Temp. Fahr. Degrees. 129 123 122 119 118 116 113 110 During the first half-hour of the charge, the presence of steam, mixed with the issuing gas, was indicated as before, but less abun- dantly, though still, doubtless, affecting the results obtained. When NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR the temperature of the gas within 3 feet of the mouthpiece was at 174, it stood at 132 in the bridge-pipe, 14 feet higher up. Temperature of the Gas in the Bridge-Pipe^ 14^ feet from the llctort Experiment. 2-Cwt. Charges. Temp, of the Gas. No. 1 . . . . retort charged 1 hoar . . . . 135 Fahr. ,,2 .. .. ,,3 hours .. .. 116 ,. ,,3 .... 4J hours . . . . 119 It may be suggested that the effect of passing the gas through the wire netting would be to lower the temperature of the gas, just as the wire gauze on a Davy lamp reduces th'e temperature of the flame im- pinging against it. The conditions of the two cases, however, are entirely different. The meshes were sufficiently large to admit of an easy passage for the gas, and the metal would be immediately covered with a thick coating of tar, virtually producing insulation. In addition to that, the temperature within 6 inches of the front of the bench was 208 ; and the metal of the ascension-pipe, as well as the inserted wire netting, would, as a rule, be above the temperature of the gas. The results of these researches will be found to confirm, in a remark- able manner, the deductions of earlier investigators. CONDENSATION. Extent of Condensation. The degree of condensation to which coal gas should be subjected after leaving the retorts, and before entering the purifiers, has never been determined with that scientific accuracy which the importance of the subject demands. The axiom that " thorough condensation is half the purifica- tion," is too sweeping in character to be serviceable or safe as a guide. The term " thorough," as applied to the condensation of coal gas, still remains an indefinite quantity, though the well-directed and carefully conducted inquiries of the first Referees in the metropolis (the results of which are embodied in their 'admirable and valuable reports) have led to a more exact knowledge on this and the other branches of gas purification. With respect to one point there cannot be two opinions viz., the necessity of guarding against a lower temperature in the gas than 50 Fahr. If condensation is carried beyond this, the lighter hydrocarbons are in danger of being deposited, and the gas im- poverished. In the following table the bad effects of excessive refrigeration are shown. GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. 97 TABLE Exhibiting the Loss of Illuminating Property in Coal Gas on Exposure to the Temperature of Freezing Point, 82 Fahr. Hydrocarbons condensed from Name of Gas. 1000 Cubic Feet of Gas on Exposure to a Cold of 32 Fahr. Boghead cannel 4 42 cubic feet. InceHall ditto -87 Methyl ditto -88 From the above it appears that the richest gas suffers the greatest deterioration on being subjected to cold. Rapid or Sudden Condensation. Experience has sufficiently proved that rapid or sudden, as well as excessive, condensation, is an evil to be avoided ; and that to prevent the deposition of naphthaline in the pipes, and preserve some of th& richer illuminants, the gas should be allowed to travel in contact with the lighter tars until the latter are reduced in temperature to about 100 Fahr. before separation takes place. With this object in view, the pipe leading from the hydraulic main may be carried with a gradual inclination round the interior of the retort-house or other convenient building, and from thence to the condenser ; provision, of course, being made to allow the thicker tar to run off at a point near to the hydraulic main. By this arrangement the gas is slowly reduced in temperature, and some of its most valu- able light-giving hydrocarbons, which would otherwise be condensed, are retained within it in the permanent state. Livesey and Tanner's Differential Tar and Liquor Overflow and Tar Screen is a useful provision for separating the tar and liquor by means of a perforated screen, preventing the oscillation of the liquor in the main and allowing of a minimum of seal. The arrange- ment for adjusting the difference of seal required for drawing off the tar and liquor separately according to their specific gravities, is also very ingenious and useful. Temperature as affecting Registration. The make of gas, as indicated by the station-meter, is materially affected by the temperature at which it is registered. At the temperature of 60 Fahr., with the barometer at 80 inches, gas is at its standard volume ; and as all aeriform bodies expand -^^ of their bulk at 32 Fahr. for every additional degree of temperature, or about 1 per cent for 5, it follows that a quantity of gas, say 10,000 cubic feet, registered at 60, would at 70 become 10,196, and at 80 10,393. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR The quantity of heat which will raise a cubic foot of water one degree, will raise 2850 cubic feet of gas or atmospheric air to the same extent. In instituting a comparison between the production per ton of mate- rial at different works, and in testing the productive value of different coals, it is, therefore, necessary to take into account the temperature of the gas at the time of measurement. In ascertaining the specific gravity of gas, and in conducting photometrical observations, the same care should be taken to note the temperature of the gas at the time and place of making the experiment. TABLE. EXPANSION OF AIK AND PERMANENT GASES BY HEAT. Temp. Fahr. Expansion. Temp. Fahr. Expansion. Temp. Fahr. Expansion. Temp. Fahr. Expansion. 32 1000-0 52 1041-6 72 1083-3 92 1125-0 33 1002-1 53 1043-7 73 1085-4 93 1127-1 34 1004-2 54 1045-8 74 1087-5 94 1129-1 35 1006-2 55 1047-9 75 1089-6 95 1131-2 36 1008-3 56 1050-0 76 1091-6 96 1133-3 37 1010-4 57 1052-1 77 1093-7 97 1135-4 38 1012-5 58 1054-1 78 1095-8 98 1137-5 39 1014-6 59 1056-2 79 1097-9 99 1139-5 40 1016-6 60 1058-3 80 1100-0 100 1141-6 41 1018-7 61- 1060-4 81 1102-1 110 1162-5 42 1020-8 62 1062-5 82 1104-1 120 1183-3 43 1022-9 63 1064-5 83 1106-2 130 1204-1 44 1025-0 64 1066-6 84 1108-3 140 1225-0 45 1027-1 65 1068-7 85 1110-4 150 1245-8 46 1029-1 66 1070-8 86 1112-5 160 1266-6 47 1031-2 67 1072-9 87 1114-6 170 1287-5 48 1033-3 68 1075-0 88 1116-6 180 1308-3 49 1035-4 69 1077-1 89 1118-7 190 1329-1 50 1037-5 70 1079-1 90 1120-8 200 1350-0 51 1039-6 71 1081-2 91 1122-9 212 1375-0 TABLE Showing the Relative Effects of Watet and Air as Cooling Agents for the Condensation of Gas. (Peclet.) Excess of Temperature in the Gas over the Atmosphere. For an excess of 10 . 20 . 30 . 40 . Quantity of Heat lost by a Square Unit of Exterior Pipe Surface. When Radiating When plunged in Air. in Water. 18 5,353 8,944 13,437 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 99 Water is thus shown to be the superior cooling agent, requiring the exposure of much less radiating surface than air ; but, for the reasons already adduced, the latter is found to be the more suitable medium for the condensation of gas, except under the special conditions noticed hereafter. TABLE Giving the Mean Temperature (Fahr.) of every Tenth Day in the Year in the Central District of England. (Box.) Month. 1st. llth. 21st. Month. 1st. llth. 21st. January February . . March ... April Deg. 36-5 37'2 40-1 43 '6 Deg. 35-6 37-5 41-0 45 '0 Deg. 37-1 38-5 41-9 47-0 July ... August. . . September . October Deg. 61-2 62-5 58-8 53 -5 Deg. 61-5 61-7 57-4 51 '4 Deg. 02-0 60-6 55-5 49'0 May ... June ... 50-0 56-4 51-3 57-5 63-8 59-8 November . December . 46-4 41-7 44-0 40-2 42-0 38-4 CONDENSEKS. Atmospherical Vertical Condenser. The ordinary Atmospherical Condenser (Fig. 38) consists of a series of pipes, usually 18 feet long, put together in two lengths, and placed upright, through which the gas passes up and down alternately. These enter a rectangular cistern at bottom, in which the condensed vapours are deposited, and from whence they flow to the tar well. At the top is another cistern, containing water to seal the movable hoods cover- ing each pair of pipes, and for further refrigeration, should such be required, in warm or sunny weather ; small streams being made to trickle down the exterior surface of the pipes. Atmospherical Annular Condenser. The Annular Condenser is one of the most efficient Atmospherical condensing apparatus for gas that has yet been devised. In Kirkham's Condenser, as improved by Wright (Fig. 34), the pipes are placed in the vertical position, and are of large diameter, each one enclosing a smaller pipe ; the two forming an annular space through which the gas is made to flow. Other pipes, placed diagonally, connect the top and bottom of the condensing columns alternately. By this arrangement the gas passes through the annular space always in the downward H 2 100 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB direction, whilst the current of air moves upwards through the interior ventilating pipe. In cold weather movable covers are placed over the latter, or butterfly valves are fixed at the foot, for closing, to regulate the air draught, which might otherwise reduce the temperature of the FIG. 34. gas below the desired standard. A small pipe is connected to the bottom of each column to carry away the deposited tar and water into a main laid alongside the Condenser, and leading into the tar well. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 101 Instead of the diagonal pipe, extending from the top to the bottom of each column alternately, Mr. Warner has inserted a mid-feather or partition, within the annular chamber. This reaches to within a short distance of the top and bottom ; the space at the lower end being sealed by the deposited fluids, and a short connecting piece joins the several columns at the base. By this modification a free passage is obtained from end to end for the condensed fluids, and the separate tar main is dispensed with. Cleland's Slow-speed Condenser. This consists of a series of vertical pipes, connected together at the top by a tubular cornice or cap, which serves as the common inlet to the whole series. The stream of gas being thus divided equally amongst the several columns, travels through them in a downward direction and at a comparatively slow speed. In the lower part of each column, to about a fifth part of its length, is inserted a "bottle brush " of wood or other material, with a drip ledge above it to divert the descending liquor on to the centre of the brush, which has the effect of converting the apparatus, to that extent, into a scrubber. The general result is superior efficiency in condensing, and the yield of a high strength of liquor. Atmospherical Horizontal Condenser, The Atmospherical Horizontal Condenser (Pig. 35) is one of the earliest forms of the apparatus. Its efficiency has not been generally FIG. 35. recognized, owing to the want of a correct estimate of the condi- tions on which the condensation of coal gas ought to be conducted ; and this has led to its being generally discarded in favour of the vertical form. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB The earlier method of construction was to fix it against the outside of the wall of the retort-house or other convenient building ; the several pipes rising nearly parallel, one above the other, their ends being con- nected by ^-shaped bends. An improvement, on strictly scientific principles, has been effected in the apparatus by Mr. D. A. Graham. A Condenser designed by him consists of two series of 16-inch cast-iron pipes, 65 feet long, in ten of such 65-feet lengths, arranged in pairs side by side, and supported on framework, the end of each length being joined to that of the next. From the inlet at the top, through the entire run of the Condenser to the outlet at the bottom, there is a gradual inclination, so that it is simply a flat screw or spiral, such as might be represented by winding Fio. 36. a length of soft wire five times round a piece of board, in which case the two ends of the wire would answer to the inlet and outlet of the Condenser. Blank flanges are bolted on the end of each length for convenience in cleansing. In this arrangement there is a recognition of the fact that length rather than height is the desideratum in a Condenser. In the ordinary vertical form of the apparatus, the cooling effect of the air on the sur- face of the upper parts of the pipes is almost nil. This will be obvious when it is considered that the air contiguous to the lower part of the GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 103 Condenser, being assimilated to the temperature of the latter, expands, and so, becoming lighter than the surrounding air, ascends in contact with the pipes, extracting less heat in proportion as it rises. In addition to the other advantages, the ammoniacal liquor on leaving the Horizontal Condenser is of a strength equal to 5 Twaddel a result which it is impossible to obtain from the ordinary vertical form. A somewhat similar form of Condenser was previously designed and used by Mr. George Livesey. Fig. 86 shows a useful form of the Horizontal Condenser suitable for small works. Combined Atmospherical and Water Condenser. Cutler's Horizontal Condenser has one or more small tubes passing through the interior of the larger pipes. Through these tubes a stream of water flows in the opposite direction to the gas ; so that by the time the water reaches the inlet of the Condenser, by absorbing the heat of the gas, it has attained a moderately high temperature, and thus any sudden cooling of the gas at the entrance is prevented. The Tubular or Battery Condenser. An excellent apparatus (atmospherical) is that known as the Battery Condenser (Fig. 37). This is an oblong vessel, 12 to 24 inches wide, FIG. 37. 12 to 18 feet in height, and of length suitable to the requirements of the works. It is divided by internal plates or mid-feathers, placed at distances, equal to the width, apart, extending to within a few inches of 104 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR the top and bottom of the chest alternately ; and the gas passes from the inlet, up and down each division, till it arrives at the outlet. To augment its condensing power, small tubes, 2 inches in diameter, through which the air has free circulation, are passed through from side to side of the vessel, and there securely jointed. These trans- verse tubes serve the double purpose of cooling the gas ; and, by break- ing it up and retarding its progress, inducing a natural settlement of the heavy condensable vapours. Rules for Calculating the Area required, for Atmospheiical Condensation, It is stated in ' ' Clegg " (4th edition, p. 173), that " the different states in which crude gas enters the Condensers make it impossible to give any fixed rule for the determination of the area of the exposed surface. It may be dangerous even to venture on a general one ; but it may be stated from experience that a surface of 150 square feet for every 1000 cubic feet per hour is about sufficient when the stratum of gas has not exceeded 3 inches in thickness, and this without the application of a water shower." This is at the rate of 6J square feet of condensing surface for every 1000 cubic feet maximum production of gas per diem of 24 hours. The superficial area of the original Condensers designed by Mr. Croll for the Great Central Gas Company was 4 feet per 1000 cubic feet maximum production per diem, or at the rate of 96 square feet for every 1000 cubic feet of gas produced per hour. Another rule adopted by some gas managers is to allow 10 square feet of condensing surface for the cooling of 1 cubic foot of gas per minute. This gives at the rate of nearly 7 square feet of surface per 1000 feet per diem. Others again insist that only 5 square feet of surface are needed for every 1000 feet made in 24 hours. An average of the whole of the above gives rather over 5 square feet. Our opinion, founded on a lengthened experience, is that all these estimates are too low, and that about 10 superficial feet of condensing surface (atmospherical) for each 1000 cubic feet maximum production per day of 24 hours should be provided. This includes the length of main extending from the hydraulic main ; moreover, the Condenser should be protected from the direct action of the sun's rays, or other- wise water should be made to trickle down the outer surface of the pipes during sunshine. GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. 105 Dry Scrubbers as Condensers. In some works condensation is effected by means of dry scrubbers cast-iron vessels of large diameter charged with coke, drain tiles, or other material, breaking up the gas into minute streams, which, being thus cooled, deposits its tar and water. A natural settlement of the condensable matter also takes place, irrespective of the action of the contained material, owing to the velocity of the flow of the gas being reduced on entering the larger area. The rapid fouling of these vessels, however, necessitating frequent changing of the filling material to prevent undue back pressure, and maintain their efficiency, renders their use objectionable. Precipitating chambers of large size are also employed, without any filling material, in which the gas, as it were, sleeps, and deposits its condensable particles. A vessel of this kind is useful in other respects, because the large volume of gas serves as a cushion to counteract pulsatory action between the exhauster and the retorts. Underground Condenser. In this arrangement the pipes are placed in the ground, out of the reach of the fluctuations of temperature in the atmosphere, with a view to obtaining uniformity of action in the process of condensation. By this system, however, a much longer length of piping is required than by any other, owing to the small amount of radiation from the surface of the buried pipes. There is an advantage in this process of gradual condensation ; but it is advisable, wherever in use, to supplement it by finally passing the gas through one of the other forms of Condensers made of less than the usual area. Water -Channel Condenser. Mr. Livesey, at the South Metropolitan Works, has adopted the plan of placing the condensing pipes in a tank divided into channels, through which a stream of water is made to flow, and which can be regulated according to the make of gas. The water enters the tank at the point where the condensed gas makes its exit, and, flowing in the opposite direction to the gas in the pipes, is gradually raised in temperature by the latter till it reaches its outlet, where the crude gas enters. By this means a more uniform condensation is obtained than is possible in the atmosphere. 106 NBWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB Pelouze and Audouin's Condenser. The principle of this is different to any of the other apparatus described. In construction it consists of an outer cylindrical cast- iron chamber, with the usual inlet for gas, and outlets for gas and liquids, and contains a cylinder of perforated sheet-iron constituting the Condenser. The sides of the condensing chamber are two thin sheets of iron with a concentric space between. The inner sheet is perforated with holes l-20th of an inch in diameter, and the outer with slots of larger size ; the outer sheet being so arranged as to offer a blank surface opposite the small holes in the inner sheet. The gas and condensable vapours pass through the small perforations, the vapours being as it were wire-drawn, and striking against the opposite solid surface are deposited thereon, and flow down into the receptacle below, and thence to the tar well. The gas passes on through the slots in the outer cylinder to the outlet pipe. The condensing cylinder is so balanced as to rise and fall in an annular space containing tar or liquor which acts as a seal. As the make of gas increases or decreases, the cylinder rises or falls ; and consequently a larger or less number of openings are uncovered for the passage of the gas. The result is a more complete separa- tion of the tar from the gas than is attainable by any other form of Condenser. Carburetting Condensers. The Aitken and Young Analyzer, and the St. John and Rockwell apparatus, may both be included under this head, as they are each designed by their inventors to enrich the gas by carburetion. The tar and gas are both conveyed direct from the hydraulic main to the apparatus, their temperature at the inlet being maintained as high as possible, and means are even adopted of raising the temperature, if required, in order that the heavier hydrocarbons present in the crude gas and tar may be permanently suspended, and so become fixed illuminants in the gas, notwithstanding the subsequent reduction of temperature in the ordinary course of purification. At the works where the respective processes have been adopted a good account is given of their efficiency. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 107 I' I n ^ ft 1 . a s != si I! Is I! I-' $>. A. S 1 " So tn fee PR 03 DQ rH i ^>S g-S 3 l. 43^ ^ g * B 3^ 108 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR In connection with the subject of Condensation, the following Table, comparing the English and French Thermometers, will be found useful : Fahr Reau. Cent. Fahr Beau. Cent. Fahr. Beau. Cent. Fahr. Reau. Cent. 212 80-0 100-0 160 56-8 71-1 108 33-7 42-2 56 10-6 13-3 211 79-5 99-4 159 56-4 70-5 107 33-3 41-6 55 10-2 12-7 210 79-1 98-8 158 56-0 70-0 106 32-8 41-1 54 9-7 12-2 209 78-6 98-3 157 55-5 69-4 105 32-4 40-5 53 9'3 11-& 208 78-2 97-7 166 55-1 68-8 104 32-0 40-0 52 8-8 in 207 77-7 97-2 155 54-6 68-3 103 31-5 39-4 51 8-4 10-5 206 77-3 96-6 154 54-2 67-7 102 31-1 38-8 50 8-0 10-0 205 76-8 96-1 153 53-7 67-2 101 '30-6 38-3 49 7'5 9-4 204 76-4 95-5 152 53-3 66-6 100 30-2 37-7 48 7-1 8-8- 203 76-0 95-0 151 52-8 66-1 99 29-7 37-2 47 6-6 8-3 202 75-5 94-4 150 52-4 65-5 98 29-3 36-6 46 6-2 7-7 201 75-1 93-8 149 52-0 65-0 97 28-8 36-1 45 5-7 7-2 200 74-6 93-3 148 51-5 64-4 96 28-4 35-5 44 5-3 6'6 199 74-2 92-7 147 51-1 63-8 95 28-0 35-0 43 4'8 6-1 198 73-7 92-2 146 50-6 63-3 94 27-5 34-4 42 4-4 5-5 197 73-3 91-6 145 50-2 62-7 93 27-1 33-8 41 4-0 5-0 196 72-8 91-1 144 49-7 62-2 92 26-6 33-3 40 3'5 4'4 195 72-4 90-5 143 49-3 61-6 91 26-2 32-7 39 3-1 8-8 194 72-0 90-0 142 48-8 61-1 90 25-7 32-2 38 2-6 3-3 193 71-5 89-4 141 48-4 60-5 89 25-3 31-6 87 2'2 2-7 192 71-1 88-8 140 48-0 60-0 88 24-8 31-1 36 1-7 2-2 191 70-6 88-3 139 47-5 59-4 87 24-4 30-5 35 1-3 1-6 190 70-2 87-7 138 47-1 58-8 86 24-0 30-0 34 0-8 1-1 189 69-7 87-2 137 46-6 58-3 85 23-6 29-4 33 0-4 0-5 188 69-3 86-6 186 46-2 57-7 84 23-1 28-8 82 o-o o-o 187 68-8 86-1 135 45-7 57-2 83 22-6 28-3 31 - 0-4 - 0-5 186 68-4 85-5 134 45-3 56-6 82 22-2 27-7 30 - 0-8 - 1-1 185 68-0 85-0 133 44-8 56-1 81 21-7 27-2 29 - 1-3 - 1-6 184 67-5 84-4 132 44-4 65-5 80 21-3 26-6 28 - 1'7 - 2-2 183 67-1 83-8 131 44-0 55-0 79 20'8 26-4 27 - 2-2 - 2-7 182 66-6 83-3 130 43-5 54-4 78 20-4 25-5 26 - 2-6 - 3-3 181 66-2 82-7 129 43-1 53-8 77 20-0 25-0 25 - 3-1 - 3-8 180 65-7 82-2 128 42-6 53-3 76 19-5 24-4 24 - 3-5 - 4-4 179 65-3 81-6 127 42-2 52-7 75 19-1 23-8 23 - 4-0 - 5-0 178 64-8 81-1 126 41-7 52-2 74 18-6 23-3 22 - 4-4 - 5-5 177 64-4 80-5 125 41-3 51-6 73 18-2 22-7 21 - 4-8 - 6-1 176 64-0 80-0 124 40-8 51-1 72 17-7 22-2 20 - 5-3 - 6-6 175 63-5 79-4 123 40-4 50-5 71 17-3 21-6 19 - 5-7 - 7-2 174 63-1 78-8 122 40-0 50-0 70 16-8 21-1 18 - 6-2 - 7-7 173 62-6 78-3 121 39-5 49-4 69 16-4 20-5 17 - 6-6 - 8-3 172 62-2 77-7 120 39-1 48-8 68 16'0 20-0 16 - 7-1 - 8-8 171 61 -V 77-2 119 38-6 48-3 67 15-5 19-4 15 - 7-5 - 9-4 170 61-3 76-6 118 38-2 47-7 66 15-1 18-8 14 - 8-0 -10-0 169 60-8 76-1 117 37-7 47-2 65 14-6 18-3 13 - 8-4 -10-5 168 60-4 75-5 116 37-3 46-6 64 14-2 17-7 12 - 8-8 -11-1 167 60-0 75-0 115 36-8 46-1 63 13-7 17-2 11 - 9-3 -11-6 166 59-5 74-4 114 36-4 45-5 62 13-3 16-6 10 - 9'7 -12-2 165 59-1 78-8 113 36-0 45-0 61 12-8 16-1 9 -10-2 -12-7 164 58-6 73-3 112 35-5 44-4 60 12-4 15-5 8 -10-6 -13-3 163 58-2 72-7 111 35-1 43-8 59 12-0 15-0 7- -11-1 -13-8 162 67-7 72-2 110 84-6 43-3 58 11-5 14-4 6 -11-5 -14-4 161 57-3 71-6 109 84-2 42-7 57 11-1 13'8 5 -12-0 -15-0 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. To convert Degrees of Fahrenheit into those of Centigrade and' Reaumur, and conversely. To convert Fahr. into Cent. RULE 1st. Substract 32, and divide the remainder by 1 '8, thus : Fahr.l67_-82 =75Ceat . or by RULE 2nd. Subtract 82, multiply the remainder by 5, and divide the product by 9, thus : Fahr.(167-32)x5 =75Centt H To convert Cent, into Fahr. Rule 1st. Multiply by 1-8, and add 82, thus : Cent. 75 x 1-8 + 82 = 167 Fahr. or by RULE 2nd. Multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32, thus : 5 To convert Fahr. into Reau. RULE 1st. Subtract 32, and divide by 2-25, thus: Fahr. 113-32 T = 36 Reau. or by RULE 2nd. Subtract 32, multiply by 4, and divide by 9, thus : Fahr. (118-82) X* = 86Beau . To convert Reau. into Fahr. RULE 1st. Multiply by 2-25, and add 82, thus : Reau. 36 x 2-25 + 32 = 113 Fahr. or by RULE 2nd. Multiply by 9, divide by 4, and add 32, thus : Reau. 36 x 9 - + 82 = 113 Fahr. NAPHTHALINE. In dealing with the subject of Condensation, that of the formation or deposition of Naphthaline may be appropriately discussed. This hydrocarbon when deposited in the solid state in the apparatus and mains of a gas-works and in the distributing pipes in the streets, is 110 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB exceedingly troublesome ; sometimes entirely blocking the passage of the gas, and entailing much labour and expense in its removal. It is generally believed that the presence of Naphthaline in gas is due, principally, to the high heats necessarily used in the carboniza- tion of the coal, owing to the partial distillation of a portion of the tar. In the early days of gas lighting, when iron retorts were used exclusively, and the heats were comparatively low, Naphthaline as now found in the mains in the solid state was almost unknown. It was not until clay retorts came to be employed, and the heat of carbonization was increased, that Naphthaline made its appearance. It is well known by its flaky crystalline structure, and its peculiar ethereal odour. It is not soluble in water, but easily so in naphtha ; hence its removal is effected by steaming with naphtha vapour, or by pouring that liquid into the obstructed mains and apparatus. Naphthaline is deposited most freely from gas produced from bitumi- nous coal. Some kinds of coal yield it in greater abundance than others. By using a proportion of cannel along with the coal, the gas being enriched is enabled to retain some or the whole of the Naphtha- line in suspension within it in the gaseous condition. The richer the gas, the more capable it is (under ordinary conditions) of retaining the constituents which contribute to its enrichment and vice versa. In the year 1877 M. Bre'mond published an account of a series of valuable researches made by him on the question of the formation of Naphthaline and its deposition, in which he showed that (to use his own words) " Naphthaline is produced wherever there is condensation of the aqueous vapours contained in the gas ; that its deposition is preceded by the phenomenon of the condensation of the water ; and that gas absolutely deprived, as far as possible, of aqueous vapour does not deposit Naphthaline under the ordinary conditions of temperature and pressure." It is clear, therefore, that the subject of condensation is one of the utmost importance if Naphthaline, or an excess of it, is to be got rid of. But however perfect the ordinary condensing apparatus may be, it is almost impossible to deprive gas of its aqueous vapour by this means. M. Bremond therefore adopted other means of drying the gas ; and for this purpose he employed an ordinary lime purifier, but instead of filling it with slaked or hyd rated lime, he charged it with unslaked lime in lumps. By passing the gas through this unslaked lime he completely desiccated the gas, with the interesting result that the aqueous vapour, and consequently the excess of Naphthaline also, was arrested. The gas thus deprived of its moisture was found to have increased in illuminating power to a considerable extent. This remarkable result of drying the gas had previously been observed by the first London Gas Referees. They found that the gas GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Ill made at Beckton actually gained in illuminating power in traversing the long length of mains from Beckton to London ; and they remark as follows : "In considering the satisfactory result of the novel and somewhat perilous enterprise, the Referees are inclined to account for it [the increase in the illuminating power] mainly by the slow and gradual withdrawal of aqueous vapour from the gas in its long journey. This condensation is very different in character from the sudden with- drawal of aqueous vapour produced by the application of great cold, for it takes place very gradually, so that the water is deposited without any appreciable portion of the hydrocarbons being condensed along with it. In order to ascertain the effect of withdrawing the aqueous vapour from gas, we made several experiments by passing the gas through porous chloride of calcium ; the result showing that dry gas has a superiority in illuminating power over ordinary gas, to the extent of from 6 to 8 per cent." The remedy for the objectionable deposit of Naphthaline is thus in the gasmaker's own hands to a great extent. If the gas be dried either by means of chloride of calcium or oxide of calcium (unslaked lime), or by careful and gradual condensation through a considerable length of mains, not only will the after-deposition of Naphthaline be prevented, but there will be a sensible increase in the illuminating power of the gas so treated. THE EXHAUSTEE. Wherever the make of gas exceeds 8 millions of cubic feet per annum, an Exhauster becomes a useful adjunct to the other apparatus of a gas-works ; the invariable result of its use being to increase the production per ton, to improve the quality of the gas (provided air is not drawn in), and to lengthen the duration of the retorts, by prevent- ing, in a great measure, the deposition of carbon, the removal of which with the ordinary chisel bars is so destructive and unsatisfactory. Mechanical Exhausters are of two kinds, the rotatory and the recip- rocating. Both descriptions have their advocates, and much may be said in favour of each. The rotatory is certainly steadier in its action, producing less oscillation, the gas flowing more equably through the mains and apparatus. Beale's '(the early form of which is shown in Fig. 88), Jones's (Fig. 39), andLaidlaw's (Fig. 40) are on the rotatory principle ; Methven's, Musgrave's, Anderson's (Fig. 41), and Dempster's are reciprocating. The steam-jet Exhauster (Fig. 42), invented by Mr. Cleland, and improved by Korting Brothers, is another form of exhausting appara- tus. This operates by projecting a jet of steam, at about 45 Ibs. 112 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR pressure, through an arrangement of pipes or nozzles, without the intervention of any other mechanical appliances the steam being afterwards extracted by condensation. The capacity of the Exhauster is regulated by the adjustable screw and spindle at the end ; and by a movable inner sleeve, opening or closing the port holes by means of the screw and nut at the side. FIG. 88, Mr. E. 0. Paterson found a gain in illuminating power equal to f ths of a candle from using this Exhauster, which he attributed to the steam having volatilized some of the liquid hydrocarbons. FIG. 39. FIG. 40. Beale's form of Exhauster is the one now usually adopted and whilst the original type is retained, great improvements have been effected in its construction and working by various makers of recent years notably by Gwynne and Co., B. Donkin and Co., \V. H. Allen and Co., and G. Waller and Co. The essential features of a good Exhauster are that it should work with a minimum of friction and power, that it should give the steadiest possible flow of gas, and that the parts should be GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGEES 113 perfectly gas-tight. Beale's Exhauster, when well constructed, satisfies these conditions. The commonest fault is the want of tightness, and when it is remembered that, under a pressure equal to a 14-inch column of water, about 9000 cubic feet of gas will pass per hour through an opening of only one square inch in area, the absolute necessity of the best workmanship only, being used in Exhausters, will be evident. FIG. 41. The apparatus (Beale's) consists of a cylinder, inside which a drum revolves, and is provided with pistons on slides which have a radial motion. The drum is smaller in diameter than the inside of the cylinder, and the centre lines or axes of both are parallel and horizontal ; but the drum is placed eccentrically in the cylinder so as to be in contact with it at the bottom without resting on it. The inlet and outlet passages are on the two opposite sides of the cylinder, and as the slides are guided by segments in the end plates, so that their outer ends are always in contact with the inside of the cylinder, the gas enters one side, is carried round over the drum to the other side, and is forced out at the outlet. 114 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB FIG. 43. FIG. 44. FIG. 42. The illustrations Figs. 43 and 44 show sections of a Beale's Exhauster as made by Gwynne and Co. under their patents, and containing several improvements on the machine as first invented, by which the areas of wearing surfaces have been augmented so as to greatly increase the durability of the machine. These include the double slides, large segments, steel pins fastened in the segments and extending through the whole length of the slides, and the outside bearings for the axle. The apparatus may be driven either by a strap from a line shaft actuated by a steam or gas engine, or, what is preferable, by a steam- engine coupled direct. By employing two Exhausters, and working GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 115 them from one engine, the slides of the Exhausters being placed at right angles to each other, a perfectly steady vacuum and pressure are maintained. Exhauster Governor. When an Exhauster is employed, it is necessary to supplement its use by a gas Governor, acting either on a throttle valve within the. steam feed-pipe, in this case increasing or diminishing the speed of the engine, or on a valve within a bye-pass connected to the inlet and outlet mains leading to and from the Exhauster, the opening of which, when the exhaust is too active, allows a portion of the gas to return through the Exhauster, and thus prevents the formation of a partial vacuum in the retorts. (See Fig. 45.) FIG. 45. STEAM BOILER AND ENGINE. These should be provided of ample size, allowing a margin over and above the actual power needed. An Engine and Boiler barely fit to do the work required of them are a nuisance. The Engine, besides turning the exhauster, may be used in pump- ing water and tar ; and the Boiler, in addition to supplying steam i 2 116 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE, for the Engine, is useful for steaming the mains and apparatus on the works. Duplicate Boilers of the required size should be provided, to allow for periodical cleaning and examination. For firing the Boiler, breeze may be used, mixed with a portion of coke or coal. One pound weight of coal of average quality requires 150 cubic feet of air for its perfect combustion. In actual practice, however, about double this quantity of air passes through the furnace of steam Boilers. Wherever practicable and convenient, the Boiler should be set in such a position as to allow of its being heated with the waste heat from the retort- stack. In small works, if a steam Boiler cannot be employed for want of space, or should a Boiler be considered objectionable on other grounds, the Exhauster can be driven by a Gas-Engine. The kind of Boiler most suitable for a gas-works of moderate size is the cylindrical, with flat ends, and single internal tube containing the furnace. The nominal horse power of such a Boiler is found by multiplying the sum of the diameters of the outer shell and internal flue by the length, and dividing the product by 6. Example. Required the power of a Boiler whose diameter is 4 ft. 6 in., diameter of tube 2 ft. 6 in., and length 12 ft. (4' 6" + 2' 6") X 12- = 6 Again Required the power of a Boiler whose diameter is 6 ft., diameter of tube 3 ft., and length 20 ft. (Bl^'lA^: = 80-horse power. Cement for Stopping Leaks in Boilers. By Weight. Powdered fire-clay ...... 6 parts. Fine iron filings ....... 1 part. Made into a paste with boiled linseed oil. In high-pressure or non-condensing Engines, with Steam at 25 Ibs. per square inch, 13 '6 circular inches on piston = 1 horse-power Do. 30 Ibs. do. 11-8 do. = do. The diameter of the piston in inches, squared = circular inches. The following table gives the diameter of cylinders for high-pres- sure (non-condensing) Steam-Engines, from 3 to 16 horse power, with GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGEES. 117 steam at 25 Ibs. and 30 Ibs. per square inch respectively, and the length of stroke for the different Nominal Horse Power. Diameter of Cylinder in Inches. Length of Stroke. Nominal Horse Power. Diameter of Cylinder in Inches. Length Stroke. Steam per Square Inch. Steam per Square Inch. 25 Ibs. 30 Ibs. Inches. 25 Ibs. 30 Ibs. Inches. 3 64 6 12 8 104 94 2.0 n 61 6i 12 8J 101 9J 20 4 7i 6| 14 9 Hi m 22 45 71 7i 14 10 in 10| 22 5 Si- 7* 16 11 12J m 24 H Si 7J 16 12 121 ni 24 6 9 Si 18 13 m 12J 26 61 9J 8| 18 14 13| 12| 26 7 9| 9 18 15 Mi 13 28 n 104 91 20 16 15 13J 30 Cement for Metallic Joints. Equal weights of red and white lead, mixed with boiled linseed oil to the consistency of putty. THE WASHEE. The Washer was one of the very earliest appliances used in the purification of coal gas, and naturally so, owing to the cooling and condensing property of water, and its power of absorbing ammonia and of arresting the tar. Its construction, however, was often faulty at first, and the limits of its functions misunderstood ; so that the misuse, or overuse, of the apparatus, resulting in reduced illuminating power to the gas exposed to its action, caused it to fall for a time into disrepute. The principle of its action is that of causing the gas to pass in finely-divided streams through a body of water contained in a vessel, so that a portion of the ammonia and other gaseous impurities, and the whole of the floating particles of tar which have escaped condensation, may be removed before the gas enters the scrubbers. The Washer should always be used in conjunction with the scrubber, and the gas passed through it in the first instance. When the Washer is exposed to outside atmospheric influence, it is necessary in winter to employ means to prevent the water from falling 118 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE below a temperature of 50 Fahr. ; otherwise the gas, especially a rich gas, passing through it will suffer deterioration. The Washer is generally employed as a separate and distinct appa- ratus ; but sometimes it is placed at the bottom of the tower scrubber, of which it constitutes a part. All Washers give an amount of back pressure, varying from 1 to 4 inches, according to the depth of water traversed. There are numerous designs of Washers, but the principal ones are here described. Anderson's Washer. The persistent advocacy of Mr. George Anderson has done much to restore the Washer to favour, and his form of the apparatus is still one of the best. It consists of a cast-iron outer vessel, containing a number of trays, having on their under side a series of serrated bars extending from side to side ; these dip into the water or liquor, and the gas, in pass- ing through the serrations is divided into minute globules. The pressure given can be regulated by raising or lowering the overflow with which the apparatus is provided. A four-way valve is used for shut-off and bye- pass. Weak liquor from the condenser is run in at the top, and drips from tray to tray till it reaches the bottom. The Washer is made either single or double as required. CatheU' Washer. The usual oblong or square vessel in this case is divided into sec- tions as many as may be desired, each elevated higher than the others in the form of steps. The gas enters at the bottom, passes in divided streams through a number of curtain serrations extending the full length of the vessel, and so on through the rest, and out at the top of the higher compartment. When the liquor in the lowest section is of the strength required, it is run off, and the contents of the several sections transferred one step lower, the last or uppermost being charged with fresh water. This Washer is also arranged in the vertical form to occupy less ground space. Livesey's Washer. This is a compact and efficient apparatus, occupying less room for the work done than any other. In a rectangular cast-iron box of any size (depending on the make of gas) is a series of rectangular tubes of wrought-iron, to which wrought-iron perforated plates are fastened, turned down at the GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. 119 sides till they dip into the liquor. The perforations are l-20th of an inch diameter, and l-5th of an inch apart. The gas passes down between the tubes and through the side per- forations into spaces filled with liquor, and, bubbling upwards, is again broken up by finding its way through the horizontal perforations into the open space above, and so along to the outlet of the apparatus. Means are provided for securing an active circulation of the liquor, which is constantly flowing through it from the adjacent scrubber, and away by an overflow to the well. THE SCRUBBER. The Tower Scrubber (Fig. 46) is a cast-iron vessel, either rectangular or cylindrical (the latter shape being preferred), erected on end, through which the gas is made to pass in an upward direction after issuing from the washer. Its primary use is to entirely purify the gas from ammonia by the aid of water ; advantage being taken of the well-known great affinity of ammonia for that liquid. Water, at mean temperature and pressure (60 Fahr., barometer 30"), dissolves 783 times its volume of ammoniacal gas that is, undiluted ammoniacal gas. When the latter is mixed with other gases, as in the case of coal gas, the power of water to arrest it is not nearly so great. It also arrests a considerable proportion of the sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid. This is accomplished by filling the vessel wholly or in part with either coke, boulder-stones, brick-bats, roof or draining tiles, furze, or layers of thin boards set on edge, about 5 to 7 inches in width, f ths of an inch thick, and from to f of an inch apart ; the material being kept constantly moistened by a stream of wa-ter trickling from a suit- able distributing apparatus fixed in the crown. When the coke or other material is placed in layers, it is supported on grids fixed at convenient distances apart ; and opposite each space a manhole, secured by a movable lid or cover, is provided, so as to afford access to the interior, either for examination or renewal of the contained material. The original Livesey Scrubber is fitted with boards of an inch thick, 11 inches wide, placed on edge, and kept apart by strips or blocks of wood f of an inch square ; thus making one board to 1 inch. The tiers are separated by 2-inch square cross sleepers. The first cost of filling with boards is greater than when coke or 120 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE other material is employed ; but it possesses the marked advantage of not fouling up, and will rarely or never need renewing. The gas cannot form narrow channels in its passage through the vessel, but is constantly being broken up, and brought in contact with the water that drips from all sides. Open Scrubbers are also used without any of the materials above mentioned. In such cases the column of gas in its upward progress is met by a descending shower of spray from a Gurney jet. The most efficient kind of Scrubber is the cylindrical, standing in height about six or seven times its diameter. FIG. The superiority of the Tower Scrubber is due, principally, to the fact that in this apparatus, more than in any other, there is lengthened contact of the gas with the water or liquor in a minute state of sub- division. Height is therefore an important factor in a Scrubber. Tower Scrubbers are most economical and effective when they are used in duplicate (Fig. 46) ; the gas being made to pass through first one, and then the other. Where more than one pair of Sciubbers is employed, as is the GAS ENG1NEEES AND MANAGEES. 121 case in many considerable works, the gas should be distributed in equal quantities through the several pairs simultaneously not through each in succession. Experience has proved that the best filling material is thin rough- sawn boards, as before described, placed in alternate layers, on edge, one over the other. When coke is used as the scrubbing material, it may be placed in six or eight layers, with a space of about 6 inches between each. Whatever material is used in filling the Scrubber, it is important that all parts of its surface should be wetted as equally as possible. The proper action of the Scrubber depends on this. The necessity of a good water-distributing apparatus is therefore apparent. Not only should this be of good construction in the first instance, but it should always be maintained in efficient working order. The gas enters at the bottom of the vessel, and the water or liquor at the top. The gas in travelling upwards is completely broken up, fresh surfaces being constantly presented to the descending drip, and to the wetted sides of the filling material, against which it is rubbed or " scrubbed " all the way up, until it emerges by the outlet at the top. A trapped overflow at the bottom conveys the liquor either to the washer or to the tar well. The gas, before entering the Scrubbers, should have the whole of the tar eliminated from it ; and to insure this, a washer may be employed. The washer can be conveniently placed at the bottom of the first Scrubber. The weak ammoniacal liquor from the hydraulic main and con- denser, and from the second Scrubber, should be employed in the first Scrubber. The object of this is to arrest a proportion of the carbonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen, as well as the other sulphur compounds, for which ammonia has a strong affinity, thus relieving the lime and oxide purifiers, and saving labour and purifying materials. The weak liquor is also by this means brought up to the requisite commercial strength. Fresh water, in the proportion of two to three gallons per 1000 cubic feet of gas passing, is used in the second Scrubber, to remove the last vestige of ammonia. It also takes up a considerable pro- portion of the deleterious gases above named. One method frequently adopted of applying the water or liquor is by a pipe passing through the crown or side of the vessel, from which pipe smaller tubes, pierced with holes, radiate towards the circumference. This may be either fixed or revolving ; the latter being the most efficient. Mr. Mann, who has bestowed much attention to this subject, with 122 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE most satisfactory results, makes the uppermost part of his Scrubbers about 2 or 3 inches wider than the rest, in order that the sides of the vessel may be wetted as well as the contained material. In this wider portion of the Scrubber, and underneath the distributing tubes, he has a revolving layer of birchwood twigs lessening in depth towards the circumference, and the water falling upon this is equally distributed throughout. This arrangement requires the use of a small engine and gearing to produce the slow rotary motion. To obviate the necessity for an engine, a Barker's mill or other similar appliance is sometimes used for producing the required motion ; but as the stream of water necessary to keep this in constant action would be too great for scrubbing purposes, the mill is usually fed intermittently from a tilting box, or a vessel holding several gallons of water, and fitted with a valve and float. Where the quantity of liquor passing is large, as may be the case in the first Scrubber, a small turbine may be adopted for turning the distributor. Note. The action of the Barker's mill is due to the pressure of water being equal and acting in contrary directions. The rotary portion of the machine revolves about its vertical axis. This con- sists of a shaft or spindle working in suitable bearings, and passing through a cylinder open at the upper end, which is fed by a stream of water. Near to the bottom of this cylinder, horizontal radiating tubes are fixed, and on one side of these, holes are drilled for the outlet of the water. The pressure at these points being removed, acts only on the opposite side, so causing the mill to revolve, the velocity increasing with the height of the liquid and the size of the apertures. Tower Scrubbers should have an aggregate cubical volume of at least 9 feet for each 1000 cubic feet of gas made per day of 24 hours, taking the maximum production as the basis of the calculation. For example, take a works producing in the depth of winter 600,000 cubic feet of gas per day of 24 hours : Then, 600 x 9 = 5400 feet, cubical volume required. This would be supplied by 2 Scrubbers, each 8 ft. diameter, and 56 ft. high. Or again, take a works producing 1,000,000 cubic feet per day : Then, 1000x9 = 9000 feet, cubical volume required. This would be supplied by 2 Scrubbers, each 10 ft. diameter, and 58 ft. high. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 123 ANDEESON'S COMBINED WASHER AND SCRUBBER. A combined Washer and Scrubber, the invention of Mr. George Anderson, consists of a rectangular cast-iron vessel, standing on end, and in height about five times its width. The vessel is divided into compartments, each of which contains a drum caused to revolve by suitable gearing. The circumference of each drum is fitted with a brush of whalebone or other fibre. These fit exactly into the space allotted for them, and, in revolving, dip into the liquid which partially fills the several divisions. The Scrubber stands on one of Mr. Ander- son's Washers, previously described (p. 117 ). A small stream of pure water, at the rate of 10 to 12 gallons per ton of coal carbonized, is kept flowing into the top compartment through a funnel and sealing tube, and gradually descends by way of the gas-pipes connecting the chamber till it enters the Washer, from which there is an overflow pipe to the well. The gas enters the Washer at the bottom, and is first relieved of the tar remaining after condensation ; thence it passes through the revolving brushes, meeting different strengths of liquor in each divi- sion, till it reaches the upper one containing pure water, and away by the outlet. By this means the whole of the ammonia, and a large proportion of the other impurities, is removed. THE WASHER SCRUBBER. Another useful form of Scrubber, or Washer- Scrubber as it has been designated, of which Mr. Paddon's apparatus is the original type, has come largely into use in recent years. This is of the horizontal form, rectangular in sectional plan, and consists of a cast-iron tank or vessel, usually in sections, containing water or liquor, in which a series of perforated discs, or volutes of sheet-iron, or chambers containing wood balls, or other filling medium exposing a large surface, are made to revolve on a central shaft, at a slow speed. These, as they rise from the liquid, are completely wetted on both sides, and the crude gas passing through or amongst them, coming in contact with the wet surfaces, is deprived of its ammonia and a portion of the other objectionable compounds. The clean or fresh water entering at one end, and flowing through the different divisions, is met by the gas which enters at the opposite end, and gradually increases in strength till it issues from the final compartment as 10 or 12 ounce (5 or 6 Twaddel) ammoniacal liquor. Kirkham, Hulett, and Chandler's " Standard " Washer- Scrubber, Fig. 47, and Laycock and Clapham's " Eclipse " Washer- Scrubber, Fig. 48, are of this type. 124 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR FIG. 47. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS 126 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR In addition to the apparatus described above, the " Purifying Machine " recently introduced by C. and W. Walker, is a powerful Washer and Scrubber combined. Ford's Scrubber- Washer and Cockey's Washer are compact appa- ratus, producing excellent results, and these do not require motive power to work them. TABLE Shoinng the Number of Volumes of Various Gases which 100 Volumes of Water, at 60 Fahr. and 30 inches Barometric Pressure, can absorb. (Dr. Frankland.} Ammonia ..... 78,000 volumes. Sulphurous acid. . . . 3,300 ,, Sulphuretted hydrogen . . 253 ,, Carbonic acid .... 100 Olefiant gas ..... 12-5 Oxygen ...... 3-7 volumes. Carbonic oxide . . . . 1'56 ,, Nitrogen ...... 1-56 Hydrogen ..... 1-56 ,, Light carburetted hydrogen 1*60 ,, When water has been saturated with one gas, and is exposed to the influence of a second, it usually allows a portion of the first to escape, whilst it absorbs an equivalent quantity of the second. In this way a small portion of a not easily soluble gas can expel a large volume of an easily soluble one. BYE-PASS MAINS AND VALVES. It is necessary that the condenser, exhauster, washer, scrubber, station-meter, and governor, should be provided with Bye-pass mains, closed with Valves or water-traps, to allow of any of the apparatus being put out of action for cleaning or repairs. The exhauster Bye- pass is closed with a flap-valve, so that, in case of sudden stoppage of the machinery, the Valve opens by the pressure of the gas being thrown against it, and allows the gas to flow unchecked. THE TAB WELL. The Tar Well may be built either of bricks laid in cement, and care- fully puddled at the bottom and sides, or formed of cast or wrought- iron plates, toltel together, and having either planed or caulked joints. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 127 The iron vessel is preferable where the construction of a good foun- dation is likely to be a question of great expense. It should be of capacity sufficient to contain six weeks' make of material, reckoning from the maximum daily production. Another Well of smaller dimensions, the size depending on the mag- nitude of the works, ought to be provided, to serve as a lute or seal, into which the tar-pipes from the different apparatus should dip. From this, at a depth of about 15 or 18 inches below the surface of the ground, an overflow-pipe or channel conveys the condensed products into the larger reservoir. In some works the tar-pipe is taken direct from the hydraulic main into the large Well, and there sealed by being made to dip into a vertical pipe secured to the bottom of the tank. This is objectionable, as, in case of stoppage, it is.difficult of access. Again, there is always the liability of an escape of gas from that portion of the pipe within the Well ; further, where flushing of the hydraulic main is practised, the rushing liquor carries with it a quantity of gas which is liberated within the Well. It is also important that the tar should be cooled somewhat before entering the larger receptacle, because hydro- carbon vapour is given off from it at a temperature of about 90 Fahr. FIG. 49. VERTICAL SECTION. FIG. 50. PLAN. and above. In each of these cases the gas or vapour, mixing with the contained air within the Well, would explode with disastrous conse- quences on contact with a light. Accidents which have occurred have been due to one or other of these causes. In all cases the Wells should be covered over to exclude surface and rain water, and prevent the possible loss of ammonia by evaporation. In addition to the underground Tar Well, an elevated cast-iron Cistern is indispensable in a well-appointed gas-works. Into this the tar and liquor are pumped from the underground Well, and suitable draw-off pipes, furnished with stopcocks or valves, serve to discharge KEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB the material into the barrels, trucks, or barges of the purchasing contractor. The Cistern may be divided in two by means of a partition plate reaching to within about 6 inches of the top, over which the ammo- niacal liquor will flow, separating itself from the tar by reason of its lower specific gravity. A tar and liquor Separator, for placing in the ground in any con- venient position near to the underground Well, is shown in sectional elevation and plan hi Figs. 49 and 50. It consists of a cast-iron vessel, about 4 feet square and 4 feet deep, for a considerable sized gas-works. The division plate extends from the top of the vessel to within 4 inches of the bottom ; the diaphragm, over which the tar escapes into its separate Well, being placed 1 inches lower than the other diaphragm for the ammoniacal liquor. TABLE. Contents of Circular Tanks or Wells in Gallons for each Foot in Depth. Diameter. Ft. In. Gallons for each Foot in Depth. Diameter. Ft. In. Gallons for each Foot in Depth. Diameter. Ft. In. Gallons for each Foot in Depth. 9 397-6 16 6 1336-4 24 2827-4 9 3 420-0 16 9 1377-2 24 3 2886-7 9 6 443-0 17 1418-6 24 6 2946-5 9 9 466-6 17 3 1460-7 24 9 3006-9 10 490-9 17 6 1503-3 25 3068-0 10 3 515-7 17 9 1546-6 25 3 3129-6 10 6 541-2 18 1590-4 25 6 8191-9 10 9 567-3 18 3 1634-9 25 9 3254-8 11 594-0 18 6 1680-0 26 3318-3 11 3 621-3 18 9 1725-7 26 3 3382-4 11 6 649-2 19 1772-1 26 6 3447-2 11 9 677-7 19 3 1819-0 26 9 3512-5 12 706-9 19 6 1866-6 27 3578-5 12 3 736-6 19 9 1914-7 27 3 3645-1 12 6 767-0 20 1963-5 27 6 3712-2 12 9 798-0 20 3 2012-9 27 9 3780-0 13 829-6 20 6 2062-9 28 3848-5 13 3 861-8 20 9 2113-5 28 3 3917-5 13 6 894-6 21 2164-8 28 6 3987-1 13 9 928-1 21 3 2216-6 28 9 4057-4 14 962-1 21 6 2269-1 29 4128-3 14 3 996-8 21 9 2322*1 29 3 4199-7 14 6 1032-1 22 2375-8 29 6 4271-8 14 9 1068-0 22 3 2430-1 29 9 4344-6 15 1104-5 22 6 2485-0 30 4417-9 15 3 1141-6 22 9 2540-6 30 3 4491-8 15 6 1179-3 23 2596-7 30 6 4566-4 15 9 1217-7 23 3 2653-5 30 9 4641-5 16 1256-6 23 6 2710-8 31 4717-3 16 3 1296-2 23 9 2768-8 31 3 4793-7 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. PURIFICATION. The Impurities in Coal Gas. The chief impurities present in coal gas, in its crude or raw and unpurified state, at the time it leaves the retorts, are tar vapour, ammonia, carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, and other sulphur compounds, notably bisulphide of carbon. The first-named impurity, tar vapour, begins to condense and is partially removed in the hydraulic main and pipes leading to the condensing apparatus, where, if this is of sufficient capacity, and otherwise adapted to the performance of the work required of it, it is nearly all removed. What remains is taken out by the washer. The ammoniacal gas, of which there is about 1 per cent, by volume, also begins to separate from the crude coal gas in the hydraulic and foul mains, combining with the moisture distilled from the coal. In the condenser and washer a further portion is removed ; and in the scrubbers, if these are as efficient as they ought to be, or can easily be rendered, the whole of the remaining ammonia (amounting to about -15 per cent.) is extracted. The hydraulic and foul mains, condensers, washers, and scrubbers are also efficacious in removing a portion of the carbonic acid (existing in the gas to the extent of about 2-5 to 3 per cent.), sulphide of hydrogen or sulphuretted hydrogen (from 1 to 2 per cent, of which is contained in the gas), and bisulphide of carbon ; but the bulk of these three latter impurities still exists in the gas after leaving the scrubbers, and is carried forward to the Purifiers. These are charged either with hydrate of lime or hydrated peroxide of iron, or a combination of both substances, arranged in separate layers or tiers within the several vessels. Purification by means of Lime (Oxide of Calcium). The lime has a perfect and strong affinity for 'carbonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen, and accordingly it entirely removes these compounds from the gas, without leaving the slightest trace of their presence. The lime, however, in its state of oxide of calcium, has no affinity for the bisulphide of carbon, so that the greater proportion of this impurity (all, except such part as is removed by the foul lime when in the state of sulphide of calcium), is carried forward into the holders. Preparation oj the Lime. Cream or milk of lime was used in Purifying in the early days of gas manufacture, and though this was thoroughly efficient, and is 130 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB probably the most economical method of employing the lime, it has been generally discarded on account of the obnoxious character of the refuse material, " blue billy," as it was called, and the difficulty of getting rid of it. Lime in the hydrated state is now generally adopted. The lime should be prepared by being slaked with clean water a day or two before it is required for use. If placed in the Purifiers before this necessary interval has elapsed, it is liable to cake or become more compact than it otherwise would. On the other hand, hydrate of lime absorbs carbonic acid from the atmosphere, and its Purifying power is nullified in proportion to tihe extent of such absorption. It should not, therefore, be prepared for any great length of time before it is needed. It is a common mistake to place the prepared lime in the Purifiers in a comparatively dry and almost powdery state. Lime used in this condition is less effective than when thoroughly moistened. It is also a wasteful method of using the lime, as a large proportion of the material will be found unspent and almost untouched by the impuri- ties, when the vessel requires to be changed. The finely-divided lime is also more liable to cake than the other, and thus increase the back pressure. When the production of gas is great, as in the depth of winter, these disadvantages are strongly felt. Mr. Forstall's instructions for preparing the lime are excellent. After it has been thoroughly well watered, " a simple and effective means of gauging the proper degree of moisture, and securing its uniformity throughout the whole charge of lime operated upon, is to pass the slaked lime through a wire screen, with an open mesh of one square inch area, placed at an angle of 70 with the floor. This screening reduces the lumps to granular pellets of irregular form and size, the largest not exceeding the bulk of a small hickory nut. The proper degree of moisture is that beyond which any excess will cause the ' dough ' to adhere to the screen instead of breaking through. Slight variations of moisture in different portions of the charge are corrected by the thorough mingling of the whole in the screening. The pellets do not adhere to one another spontaneously, but can be shovelled into barrows, and reshovelled into the Purifiers without losing their independence ; but the slightest compression and working in the hand resolves them immediately into adhesive putty. The lime in this state is so penetrable to gas,, that lumps as large as walnuts are thoroughly saturated, even when lying loosely upon the surface of the layers." The weight of the lime prepared in the manner described, and ready for the Purifiers, is 92 Ibs. to the bushel. Quick lime nearly doubles in bulk on being slaked. From 90 to 140 Ibs. of quick lime, reduced to a hydrate, are required GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGEES. 131 in the Purification of the gas produced from 1 ton of cannel, and from 60 to 80 Ibs. of that produced from 1 ton of coal. Mr. Hislop has patented a process of calcination in suitable kilns, by which the spent lime is converted into quick lime to an almost un- limited extent, and at considerably less cost than new lime. A nuisance is thus got rid of, and further economy in Purification effected. Purification by means of Hydrated Peroxide of Iron. Oxide of iron possesses the property of combining with the sulphu- retted hydrogen, but it has no affinity for carbonic acid and bisulphide of carbon ; hence when this oxide is used exclusively, the two latter named impurities are still present in the gas as supplied from the holders. This remark, however, needs some qualification. As oxide of iron, pure and simple, it has no affinity for bisulphide of carbon and other sulpho-carbon compounds, but, from the observations made at the several metropolitan gas-works, Mr. E. H. Patterson (one of the Eeferees) deduced the interesting fact that the sulphur which is present in a state of minute division in the oxide of iron, after the latter has been in use for some time and frequently revivified, possesses the power of arresting a portion of the bisulphide of carbon. The hydrated peroxide of iron may be either the natural oxide, bog iron ore, as it is called, found largely deposited in some of the bogs in Ireland and elsewhere ; or the artificial oxide, obtained as a waste product from various processes of the manufacturing chemist. Oxide of iron possesses this advantage over lime : After it has been in the Purifier, and has taken up its quantum of sulphuretted hydrogen, it can be revivified on exposure to the air. Accordingly, when this material is used, a floor has to be provided on which it can be spread out, and turned over for revivification. At the Manchester Gas- Works, a horse and plough are employed for turning over the foul oxide. When taken out of the Purifier it is sulphide of iron, of a dense black ; and after exposure it changes to its original reddish brown colour, oxygen having been taken up, and sulphur deposited in the free state in the mass. When the sulphur is found in it to the extent of about 40 to 60 per cent, by weight (the proportion depending on the quality of the oxide), the material is sold to the manufacturing chemist, and replaced by fresh oxide. In using fresh oxide of iron, it is necessary to exercise certain pre- cautions. The foul material, on its exposure to the air for the first two or three times, absorbs oxygen so rapidly as often to generate very intense heat, the whole mass frequently becoming red hot. Should this occur in the Purifiers, the danger is considerable, and K2 132 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR the wood grids may be completely destroyed. Whenever, therefore, a Purifier containing such new oxide has been put out of action, it should be emptied without delay. The danger of ignition may be overcome by mixing the new oxide with a proportion of the spent. Foul oxide should not be spread out immediately on being removed from the Purifiers. If it is allowed to remain in the heap for a space of 12 to 24 hours, and then distributed over the floor, the revivification is more complete, whilst the liability to ignition is reduced. Average Composition of the Richer Descriptions of Native Bo 20 to 200 Feet in Diameter. Diameter of Gas- holder in Feet. Weight in Ibs. for each One-tenth of an Inch Pressure. Diameter of Gas- holder in Feet. Weight in Ibs. for each One- tenth of an Inch Pressure. Diameter of Gas- holder in Feet. Weight in Ibs. for each One-tenth of an Inch Pressure. Diameter of Gas- holder in Feet. Weight in Ibs. for each One-tenth of an Inch Pressure. 20 164 53 1149 86 3026 119 5793 21 181 54 1193 '\ 87 3097 120 5891 22 198 55 1238 88 3168 121 5990 23 217 56 1283 89 3241 122 6089 24 236 57 1329 90 3314 123 6189 25 256 58 1376 91 3388 124 6290 26 277 59 1424 92 3463 125 6392 27 298 60 1473 93 3538 126 6495 28 321 61 1522 94 3695 127 6598 29 344 62 1573 95 3692 128 6703 30 368 63 1624 96 3770 129 6808 31 393 64 1676 97 3849 130 6914 32 419 65 1729 98 3929 131 7021 33 446 66 1782 99 4010 132 7128 34 473 67 1837 100 4091 133 7237 35 501 68 1892 101 4173 134 7346 36 530 69 1948 102 4256 135 7456 37 560 70 2005 103 4340 136 7567 38 591 71 2062 104 4425 137 7678 39 622 72 2121 105 4510 138 7791 40 655 73 2180 106 4597 139 7904 41 688 74 2240 107 4684 140 8018 42 722 75 2301 108 4772 141 8133 43 757 76 2363 109 4861 142 8249 44 792 77 2426 110 4950 143 8366 45 828 78 ' 2489 111 5041 144 8483 46 866 79 2553 112 5132 145 8601 47 904 80 2618 113 5224 146 8720 48 943 81 2684 114 5317 147 8840 982 82 2751 115 5410 148 8961 50 1023 83 2818 116 5505 149 9083 51 1064 84 2887 117 5630 150 9205 52 1106 85 2956 118 5696 200 16,364 To Ascertain the Weight of a Gasholder by the above Table, the Diameter and Maximum Pressure being known. KULE. Multiply the number of Ibs. standing opposite to the dia- meter by the pressure in tenths of an inch. EXAMPLE. What is the weight of a Gasholder 78 feet in diameter, giving a maximum pressure of 32/10ths ? 2489 x 32 = 79,648 Ibs., weight of Gasholder. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 197 To Ascertain, by the preceding Table, the Pressure which a Gaslwlder mil give, the Diameter ami Weight being known. KULE. Divide the weight in Ibs. of the Gasholder by the weight given opposite to the diameter. EXAMPLE. What pressure will a Gasholder give whose weight is 32,075 Ibs., and diameter 56 feet ? 82,075 -f- 1288 = 25/10ths, maximum pressure of Gasholder. The figures given in the foregoing table are based on the weight of a cubic foot of water viz., 62-5 Ibs. ; a column cf water l/10th of an inch high, with an area of 1 square foot, being -52083 Ibs., or the 120th part. Thus, if the area of the Holder in feet (obtained by squaring the diameter and multiplying by -7854) be multiplied by 62 '5, the weight of a cubic foot of water in Ibs., and divided by 120, the number of lOths of an inch in a foot, the product will be the weight of the Holder in Ibs. for each l/10th of an inch maximum pressure. Or thus : The area of a circle is to the square of its diameter as 7854 is to 1 ; hence the weight of a Gasholder in Ibs., to give l/10th of an inch pressure, is to the square of its diameter in feet as 52083 x -7854 is to unity; or, which is the same thing, as -4091 is to unity. So to ascertain the weight of a Holder, say, 100 feet diameter, giving a maxirrmm pressure of 85/10ths 100 2 x 35 x -4091 = 143,185 Ibs., weight of Gasholder. DIMENSIONS OF THE PKINCIPAL MATERIALS IN GASHOLDEES IN ACTUAL WORKING. Single Gasholder. Diameter, 30 ft. Depth, 15 ft. Roof sheets, No. 17 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, No. 18 B, wire gauge. Inlet and outlet pipes, 6 in. diam. Single Gasholder. Diameter, 35 ft. Depth, 12 ft. Roof sheets, No. 15 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, No. 16 B. wire gauge. Crown plate, 3 ft. 6 in. diam., f thick. 198 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB 4 main and 4 secondary bars, of 3 in. T-iron. Top and bottom curbs, of 3 in. angle-iron. 4 columns, 13 ft. 6 in. long ; diam. at base, 6 in. ; at top, 5 in. 4 holding-down bolts to each column, 4 ft. long, 1 in. round Single Gasholder. Diameter, 36 ft. Depth, 12 ft. Eoof sheets, No. 17 B. wire gaugje. Side sheets, No. 18 B. wire gauge. Single Gasholder. Diameter, 40 ft. Depth, 15 ft. Crown plate, 3 ft. 5 in. diam., f in. thick. Eoof sheets, No. 14 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, top and bottom tiers, No. 14 B. wire gauge ; all the rest, No. 15 B. wire gauge. Eivets for sheets, % in. diam., 1 in. apart, centre to centre. Eivets for top curb, in. diam., 1 in. apart, centre to centre. Eivets for bottom curb, in. diam., 6 in. apart, centre to centre. Centre-pipe of cast-iron, 6 ft. long, 4 in. diam. Truss cup, cast-iron, 2 ft. 6 in. diam. 12 main bars, T-iron, 2 x 2 x 2 x f in. 4 vertical stays, T-iron, 3 x 2 x f in. Top curb, angle-iron, 3 x 3 x f in. Bottom curb, angle-iron, 3 x 3 x f in. 4 columns, 17 ft. long ; diam. at base, 9 in. ; diam. at top, 7 in. 3 holding-down bolts to each column, 7 ft. long each, 1 in. diam. Girders of T-iron, 3 x 4 x ^ in., trussed. Balance-weights, 40 cwt. ; \ in. chains. Single Gasholder. Diameter, 44 ft. 6 in. Depth, 20 ft. Eise of crown, 1 ft. 9 in. Crown plate, 3 ft. 6 in. diam., f in. thick. Eoof sheets, inner and outer circles, No. 12 B. wire gauge ; all the rest, No. 14. Side sheets, top and bottom tiers, No. 12 B. wire gauge ; the rest, No. 17. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 199 Rivets for Nos. 12 and 14 sheets, 5-16tlis in diam. ; for No. 16 sheets, J in. diam. 5 main and 5 secondary bearing bars, of T-iron, 3 x 8 x f in. 5 columns, 22 ft. long, 7 in. diam. at base, 5f in. diam. at top ; metal ll-16ths thick. 4 holding-down bolts, 16 ft. long, 1J in. square-iron Single Gasholder. Diameter, 50 ft. Depth, 20 ft. Rise of crown, 12 in. Roof sheets, No. 14 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, No. 15 B. wire gauge. Rivets, 1 in. apart, centres. Top and bottom curbs, 3 in. angle-iron. 8 vertical bars. 8 columns, 26 ft. long, cast in two lengths each ; 12 in. diam. at base, 6 in. diam. at top. Inlet-pipe, 9 in. diam. Outlet-pipe, 10 in. diam. Simjle Gasholder. Diameter, 50 ft. Depth, 16 ft. Rise of crown, 2 ft. 6 in. Crown plate, 3 ft. diam., J in. thick. Roof sheets, inner and outer circles, No. 12 B. wire gauge ; all the others, No. 14. Side sheets, top and bottom tiers, No. 14 B. wire gauge ; the others, No. 16. Rivets, in. diam., 1 in. apart, centres. Rivets for joining sheets to angle-iron, f in. diam., 1 in. apart, centres. Rivets for bottom curb, |- in. diam., 9 in. apart, centres. 10 main and 10 secondary rafters, of T-iron, 3 x 3 x f in. Top curb, of angle-iron, 3 x 3 x f in. Bottom curb, two rings of angle-iron, 3 x 3 x f in., 6 in. apart, with flat bar of iron, 6 in. wide and \ in. thick, between them. Centre strut, cast-iron pipe, 9 ft. long, 6 in. external diam., fin. thick ; bearing flanges, 13 in. diam., 1J in. thick ; outer rim of cup strengthened by a ring of S C and crown-iron, 2 x lin., shrunk on hot. 200 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR 10 vertical ribs, T-iron, 3 x 3 x f in., secured to top and bottom curbs and to side sheets. 5 columns, 18 ft. long ; diam. at base, 7 in. ; diarn. at top, 5 in. ; metal, f in. thick. Suspension chains, \ in. short link, tested to 5 tons. Single Gasholder. Diameter, 50 ft. Depth, 18 ft. Koof sheets, No. 14 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, No. 15 B. wire gauge. Inlet and outlet pipes, 9 in. diam. Single Gasholder. Diameter, 60 ft. Depth, 17 ft. Kise of crown, 3 ft. Crown plate, 4 ft. diam., in. thick. Roof sheets, inner and outer circles, No. 13 B. wire gauge ; the rest, No. 14. Side sheets, top and bottom tiers, No. 14 B. wire gauge ; the rest No. 15. Top curb, 4 x 4 x 7-16ths in. angle-iron. Bottom curb, two bars of 3 x 3 x f in. angle-iron, placed back to back, and bar of flat-iron riveted to the bottom with f in. rivets. 16 vertical bars, 2 x 2 x f in. T-iron, riveted to top and bottom curbs and to side sheets. 8 columns, 18ft. long; diam. at base, 6f in.; at top, 5 in. ; metal, f in. thick. Sini/le Gasholder. Diameter, 60 ft. Depth, 18 ft. Roof sheets, inner and outer circles, No. 13 B. wire gauge ; the others, No. 14. Side sheets, top and bottom tiers, No. 14 B. wire gauge ; the others, No. 15. Top curb, 4 x 4 x % in. angle-iron. Bottom curb, formed of two bars of angle-iron, 4 x 4 x in., riveted back to back with \ in. rivets 12 in. apart, centres. 14 vertical bars, 4x3 x \ in. T-iron. 7 columns, 19 ft. 6 in. long each. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 201 Single Gasholder. Diameter, 81 ft. 8 in. Depth, 20 ft. 6 in. Rise of crown, 3 ft. Crown plate, 4 ft. diam., in. thick. Eoof sheets, inner and outer circles, No. 10 ; all the rest, No. 14 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, top and bottom tiers, No. 14 ; all the rest, No. 16 B. wire gauge. Rivets, in. diam., 1 in. apart, centres. 16 main rafters, 5 x 3 x ^in. T-iron. 16 secondary rafters, 4 x in. flat-iron, placed on edge. Centre strut, cast-iron pipe, 9 ft. long, 7 in. external diam., lin. thick ; flanges, 13 in. diam., 1 in. thick; cup strengthened by a hoop 2 x 1 in. S C iron, shrunk on hot. Tension rods, long Queen bolts, short Queen bolts, long sus- penders, short suspenders, 16 in number each, of 1 in., lin., 1 in., 1 in., and in. round-iron respectively. Top curb, of angle-iron, 4 x 4 x -J- in. Bottom curb, of angle-iron, 4 x 4 x ^ in., with bar of flat-iron, 6 x in. between, and riveted with f in. rivets, 12 in. apart. 12 vertical bars, 4 x 3 x % in. T-iron. Single Gasholder. Diameter, 87 ft. Depth, 20 ft. Rise of crown, 4 ft. 2 crown plates, 4 ft. diam., ^ in. thick. Roof sheets, inner and outer circles, No. 12 ; the rest, No. 14 B. wire gauge, except 9 sheets upon which the sliding carriages are fixed, No. 7 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, top and bottom tiers, No. 12 ; all the remainder, No. 14 B. wire gauge. Rivets, 5-16ths in. diam., 1 in. apart, centres. Centre-pipe of wrought-iroii, 12 ft. long, 12 in. diam. Truss cup, wrought-iron, 3 ft. diam., f in. thick. 18 main bars, T-iron, 4 x 8 x in. 18 secondary bars, T-iron, 3 x 3 x in. 9 rings or purlins of bracket bars, the middle purlin of angle-iron 3 x 3 x in., the remainder of flat-iron 2 x in., secured to main and secondary bars with -f in. bolts. 18 principal tension rods, 1 in. diam. 86 diagonal tension rods, in. diam. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR 86 truss bars ; 18 of If iu. diam., 18 of 1 in. diam. Top curb, 2 rings of angle-iron, 3f X 3f x f in. Bottom curb, 2 rings of angle-iron, 3f x 8f x f in. 18 vertical truss bars, T-iron, 8f x 3f x fin. 9 columns, 22 ft. long each, 14 in. diam. at base, 11 in. at top. 4 holding-down bolts, 8 ft. long, If in. diam. Single Gasholder. Diameter, 100 ft. Depth, 20 ft. Eise of crown, 5 ft. 2 crown plates, 5 ft. diam., in. thick. Eoof sheets, inner and outer circles, No. 10 ; the remainder, No. 12 B. wire gauge, except carriage sheets, in. thick. Side sheets, top and bottom tiers, No. 9 ; the remainder, No. 12 B. wire gauge. Rivets, 5-16ths in. diam., 1 in. apart, centres. Centre-pipe of wrought- iron, 14 ft. long, 24 in. diam., 5-16ths in. thick. 18 main and 18 secondary bars. Top curb, 2 rings of angle-iron, 4 x 4 x 7-16ths in. Bottom curb, 2 rings of angle-iron, 4 x 4 x 7-16ths in., and a flat bar of wrought-iron, 6 x f in. 18 vertical bars, T-iron, 4 x 4 x f in. 9 columns, 24 ft. long, 24 in. diam. at base, 18 in. diam. at top, 1 to 1 in. metals. 4 holding-down bolts, 8 feet long, If in. diam. Single Gasholder. Diameter, 110 ft. Depth, 26 ft. Eise of crown, 5 ft. 6 in. Crown plates, 4 ft. diam. ; f in. thick. Eoof sheets, row next centre and outer row next curb, J in. thick ; second row from centre, in. thick ; and second row next curb, 8-16ths in. thick ; the remainder, No. 12 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, top and bottom rows, f i n - thick ; next row to each, 8-16ths in. thick ; the remainder, No. 12 B. wire gauge. Eivets, $ in. and 8-16ths in. plates, fin. rivets, 2 in. centres ; the f in. and No. 12 B. wire gauge sheets 5-lGths in. rivets, If in. centres ; J in. plates and curb in. rivets, 2 in. centres. Top curb of 2 angle-irons 5 x 4 x f in. Bottom curb of 2 angle-irons 4 x 4 x f in. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Vertical stays, 14, of 2 angle-irons 3 x 8 X in., and a piece of timber 12 in. x 4 in. bolted between. Centre pipe of in. plate, 2 ft. diam. Main rafters, 28, of T-iron 5 x 8 x & in. Purlins, of T-iron 3 x 4 x in., and remainder of angle-iron 3 x 8 x f in. Struts, 8, on main rafters 1 and 1 in. diam. Tie rod, principal If in. diam., second 1 in. diam., and third 1 in. diam. Columns, 14, of cast-iron 1 ft. 6 in. in diam. at bottom, 1 ft. 2 in. at top ; metal | in. at bottom, diminishing to f in. thick at top. Holding-down bolts, 4, 1 in. diam., 20 ft. long. Lattice girders, 14, 1 ft. 6 in. deep, of two frames of angle-iron, 3 x 8 x in., and braces 2 x inch riveted between, top and bottom of girder covered with a plate 10 in. wide by f in. thick. Siwjle Gasholder. Diameter, 142 ft. Depth, 55 ft. Roof, without trussing or framework. Roof sheets, first, or outside circle, 3 ft. long, f- in. thick ; rivets in. diam., 2 in. apart, centres. Second circle, 3 ft. long, % in. thick; rivets, 9-16ths in. diam. ,2^ in. apart, centres ; centre sheets, forming a circle, 30 ft. diam., inch thick, butted and riveted to each other by lapping pieces, 3^ in. wide ; rivets, 9-16ths in. diam. ; remainder of roof sheets, 5 ft. long, 3-16ths in. (No. 7 B. wire gauge) thick; rivets, f in. diam., 1 in. apart, centres. Side sheets, top and bottom tiers, in. thick ; rivets, in. diam., 1 in. apart, centres. Intervening side sheets, No. 10 B. wire gauge ; rivets, f in. diam., 1 in. apart, centres. Top curb, a circular chamber or girder, in section nearly rectan- gular, outer depth, 18 in. ; inner depth, 19in. ; width, 2ft., Gin. ; constructed of 4 x 4 x ^ in. angle-iron. Bottom curb, formed of two circles of f in. boiler-plates, 12 in. wide, each riveted to a circle of angle- iron, 4 x 4 x in. 32 vertical stays, three sides of a rectangular figure, 12 in. wide, 10 in. deep ; formed of 4 angle-irons 3 x 3 x f in. and in. boiler-plate. 16 columns, diam. at base, 3 ft. ; at top, 2 ft. 3 in. ; metal, in. to f in. thick. 4 holding-down bolts, 10 ft. long, 2 in. round-iron. 204 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Two-lift Telescopic Gasholder. Diameter of outer lift, 44 ft. Depth, 16 ft. Diameter of inner lift, 43 ft. Depth, 16 ft. Rise of crown, 1 ft. 9 in. Crown plate, 3 ft. 6 in. diam., f in. thick. Eoof sheets, inner and outer circles, No. 12 ; all the rest, No. 14 B. wire gauge. Side sheets in both lifts, top and, bottom tiers, No. 12 ; all the rest, No. 16 B. wire gauge. Rivets for Nos. 12 and 14 sheets, 5-16ths in. diam. ; for No. 16 sheets, J in. diam. Cup, inner lift, formed by 2 rings of 2 x 2 x 5-16ths in. angle- iron, connected together with No. 8 plates, with side of No. 10 plate, and a ring 1 x in. half-round iron, riveted round. Dip, outer lift, the counterpart of the cup inverted. Main-bearing bars, T-iron, 3 x 8 x \ in. Secondary bearing bars, T-iron, 3 x 3 x fin. 6 vertical bars, inner lift, T-iron, 2 x 2 x f in. 6 vertical bars, outer lift, T-iron, 2 x lj X f in. Bottom curb, angle-iron, double, 3 x 3 x f in. 6 columns, 12 in. diam. at base, 10 in. at top ; metal, 1 in. to f in. thick. Two-lift Telescopic Gasholder. Diameter, outer lift, 87 ft. Depth, 20 ft. Diameter, inner lift, 85 ft. Depth, 20 ft. Rise of crown, 4 ft. 2 crown plates, 4 ft. diam., in. thick. Roof sheets, inner and outer circles, No. 12 ; the rest, No. 14 B. wire gauge, except 9 sheets upon which the carriages are fixed, No. 7 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, top and bottom tiers, both lifts, No. 12 ; all therest^ No. 14 B. wire gauge. Rivets, 5-16ths in. diam., 1 in. apart, centres. Hydraulic cup and dip, 7 in. wide, 16 in. deep. Centre-pipe of wrought-iron, 12 ft. long, 12 in. diam. Truss cup, wrought-iron, 3 ft. diam., | in. thick. 18 main bars, T-iron, 4 x 3 x in. 18 secondary bars, T-iron, 3 x 3 X in. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 9 rings or purlins of bracket bars, the middle purlin of angle-iron, 3 x 3 x in., the remainder of flat-iron, 2 x \ in., secured to main and secondary bars with in. bolts. 18 principal tension rods, \\ in. diam. 36 diagonal tension rods, in. diam. 36 truss bars ; 18 of \\ in. diam., 18 of \\ in. diam. Bottom curb, 2 rings of angle-iron, 8 x 3 x f in. 18 vertical truss bars, T-iron, 3 x 3 x in. 9 columns, 41 ft. long, 30 in. diam. at base, 20 in. at top, 1 to f- in. metal, cast in 4 lengths. 4 holding-down bolts, 8 ft. long, \\ in. diam. Two-lift Telescopic Gasholder. Diameter, outer lift, 100 ft. Depth, 22 ft. Diameter, inner lift, 98 ft. Depth, 22 ft. Eoof sheets, No. 11 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, top tier, No. 11 ; all the others, No. 12 B. wire gauge. Rivets, in. diam., 1 in. apart, centres. Hydraulic joint, 8 in. wide, 15 in. deep, No. 10 B. wire gauge ; top edge of cup and bottom each of dip bound by half-round iron 2 x 1 in. thick. Bottom curb, angle-iron, 4x1 in. at the root, and ring of bar-iron 4 x 1 in. 12 columns, 24 in. diam. at base, 16 in. at top ; metal 1^ to 1 in. thick. 4 holding-down bolts, 10 ft. long, 2 in. square-iron. Two-lift Telescopic Gasholder. Diameter, outer lift, 102 ft. Depth, 22 ft. Diameter, inner lift, 100 ft. Depth, 22 ft. Rise of crown, 4 ft. Crown plate, 5 ft. diam., -f in. thick. Roof sheets, first ring next centre, No. 9 ; next and outer rings, No. 11 ; all the rest, No. 12 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, outer lift, top and bottom tiers, No. 11 ; all the rest, No. 13 B. wire gauge. Inner lift, top and bottom tiers, No. 13 ; all the rest, No. 17 B. wire gauge. 206 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Cup and dip, 8 in. wide, 15 in. deep, of angle -iron 3 x 8 x f in. ; plate, No. 7 B. wire gauge ; edges stiffened with 1 x f in. half-round-iron ; } in. rivets, 6 in. apart. 10 columns, 18 in. diam. at base, 14 in. at top ; metal, 1 to f in. thick, cast in 4 lengths. 4 holding-down bolts, 8ft. long, 2 in. square wrought-iron. Two-lift Telescopic Gasholder. Diameter, outer lift, 103 ft. Depth, 2$ ft. Diameter, inner lift, 101 ft. Depth, 24 ft. 2 crown plates, 4 ft. diam., in. thick. Eoof sheets, inner and outer rings, in. thick ; all the rest, l-10th in. thick. Side sheets, top and bottom tiers, in. thick ; the remainder, l-10th in. thick. Two-lift Telescopic Gasholder. Diameter, outer lift, 112 ft. Depth, 26 ft. Diameter, inner lift, 110 ft. Depth, 26 ft. Eise of crown, 6 ft. Roof, trussed. Roof sheets, centre plate ^ in. thick, next row ^ in. ; next, 3-16ths in. ; outer row, in. ; next, 3-16ths in. ; and the in- termediate 7 rows, in. thick. Side sheets, 3-16ths in. thick top and bottom rows ; remainder, No. 12 B. wire gauge ; the cup, 8 in. x 18 in., is formed of 2 rings of 3 x 3 x f in. angle-iron, the bottom and sides being of in. plate, having 2 x 1 in. half-round bead at edge of plate. Top curb, of two rings of angle-iron 5 x 3 x \ in. Bottom curb, of 2 rings of angle-iron 5 x 3 X \ in. placed 9 in. apart, between which the bottom roller carriages are secured. Vertical stays, inner lift, 28, 14 of which are of 2 angle-irons 8 x 3 x in. riveted on each side to f i web plate 9 in. wide and in. thick ; the remaining 14 being of T-iron 5 x 3^ in. trussed with three struts and a tie rod. Outer lift has 28 vertical stays of in. guard-iron 5 in. wide, against which the guide pieces on the cup slide. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 207 Centre column, 17 ft. 6 in. long and 2 ft. diaua. of wrought-iron plates f in. thick, f in. rivets, 2 in. pitch ; this is secured to the under crown plate, which is 4 ft. in diarn., by a ring of angle -iron 5 x 4 x in. and f in. rivets ; at the lower end of the column are 2 rings of angle-iron, 5 x 4 x f in., placed 3 in. apart to form a jaw to receive ends of tension rods. Main rafters, 14, of T-iron, 4 x 5 x i in., trussed with six wrought-iron struts 1J, 1, and If in. diam., and a ! in. diam. tension rod. Fourteen main tie rods of If in. round-iron, extending from curb to bottom of centre column, and suspended in two places from the main rafters with in. round rods ; the main tie rods and the tension rods have each a wrought- iron coupling box with right and left hand threads. Secondary rafters, 14, T-iron, 3 x 5 x in., trussed as above with four struts 1J and 1^ in. diam., tension rod 1J in diam., with coupling box ; these rafters extend from curb to within 21 ft. of the centre of holder, the inner ends being secured to a main brace bar or purlin. Purlins, 7 rows between side and centre. The main purlin men- tioned above is 4| x 4 x 9-16ths in.; the one next curb, 4 x 3 x iin.; and the remainder, 3 x 3 x fin., all of T-iron. Columns, 14, of cast-iron, 2 ft. 6 in. diameter at bottom, 2 ft. at top, and 55 ft. 8 in. high, surmounted with a large ball 30 in. diam., with spiked finial. Girders, 2 rows, each 2 ft. deep, and 10 in wide, of 4 angle-irons 8 x 3 x f in., with plate 10 x f in., top and bottom diagonal braces 3 x fin., at the intersection of which is a cast-iron spiked ball in two halves, 17 in. diam. across spikes. Holding-down bolts, 4, 2 in. diam., 11 ft. 6 in. long. Tn-o-lift Telescopic Gasholder. Diameter, outer lift, 120 ft. Depth, 24 ft. Diameter, inner lift, 118 ft. Depth, 24 ft. Kise of crown, 6 ft. Hoof, untrussed, resting when down on timber framing in tank. Koof sheets, first or outside row, f in. thick ; second row, ^ in. ; third row, 3-16ths in. ; fourth row, No. 8 B. wire gauge ; crown plates, in. thick and 6 ft. in diam. ; inside row, next crown plate, 3-16ths in.; next, No. 8B. wire gauge; and the remaining 10 rows of intermediate sheets, No. 11 B. wire gauge. 208 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Side sheets, inner lift, 12 courses high ; top and bottom course, in. thick ; second course at top, 8-16ths in. ; and the re- mainder, No. 12 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, outer lift, 12 courses high ; top and bottom course, in. thick ; second course at bottom, 3-16ths in. ; and the re- mainder, No. 12 B. wire gauge. The thicker sheets in both inner and outer lift, riveted together with f in. rivets, 1 in. apart, centres, and the others with 5-16ths in. rivets, 1 in. apart, centres. Top curb, of 2 angle-irons, one at junction of roof with side sheets, 5 x 5 x f in., and the other at the inner edge of outer row of sheets, 4 x 4 x \ in. ; the two stiffened by gusset- pieces springing from the vertical stays. Bottom curb, of two 5 x 4 x f in. angle-irons, riveted to the outside of the lower row of sheets, with f in. rivets, 6 in. apart. Between these two curbs, which are placed 2 in. apart, are fixed the 28 guide carriages and rollers. Cups, formed of rolled channel-iron 8 x 8 x in., riveted to the side sheets and rising plates, with \ in. rivets 4 in. apart. A half-round bead 2 x f in. being riveted to edge of rising plates, which are f in. thick and 18 in. deep. Vertical stays, 28, formed of two 4 x 4 x \ in. angle-irons and a web-plate between, f in. thick and 9 in. wide, secured with f in. rivets, 6 in. apart ; at the upper end of these is attached a gusset-plate with angle-iron edges 3 x 3 x f in., extending to the inner angle-iron curb of roof, to which and the outer curb it is riveted. Standards 14, in the form of the letter T, 4 ft. 2 in. x 3 ft. at bottom, tapering to 1 ft. 9 in. each way at the top ; each standard 51 ft. high. Between the angle-iron framework of the standards is cast-iron trellis work, 1 in. thick, on one of its sides, and wrought-iron lattice work on the other ; the standards are secured to cast-iron hollow base plates 6 in. deep ; 4 holding- down bolts to each standard, 11 ft. G in. long, 2 in. diam. Lattice girders, 2 rows in the height ; first or lower row, 27 in. deep ; top row, 80 in. deep ; formed of 4 angle-irons, 3 x 3 X in. wrought-iron tension bars, 3 x \ in., and cast-iron struts. Two-lift Telescopic GashoUlcr. Diameter, outer lift, 151 ft. 6 in. Depth, 40 ft. Diameter, inner lift, 149 ft. Depth, 40 ft. 3 in. Crown trussed, rise 8 ft. Roof sheets, outer row, 5-16ths in. ; next row, 3-16thsin. ; and the GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. remainder No. 10 B. wire gauge, two centre plates f in. thick and 4 ft. 6 in. diarn. Side sheets, top and bottom rows in both lifts in. thick, the remainder No. 11 B. wire gauge, in. rivets, 1 in. centre ; cup and griplO in. wide and 20 in. deep,Piggot's form ; plates f in. thick, strengthened at edges with bead-iron. Top curb, of 2 rings of angle-iron 5 x 5 x i in., placed one above the other ; the lower one is secured to a flat bar 10 in. wide and ^ in. thick, which is again connected by straps 4 in. wide and in. thick to the top row of sheets. Bottom curb, of 2 rings of angle-iron 5 x 4 x f in. riveted to the outside of the bottom of row of sheets with f in. rivets. Between these two rings are fixed the bottom guide roller carriages. Vertical stays, 32 in top lift of H-iron 12 in. deep, and 32 in bottom lift, of channel-iron 8 x 2 x in., attached to sheets, cups, and curbs with f in. bolts in upper lift, and f- in. screwed pins in lower lift. Centre column, 3 ft. 6 in. diam., 22 ft. long, of plates 7-16ths in, thick. Roof framing, 24 main radial T-iron bars 6 x 4 x in. curved to roof, each with a main tension rod 2 in. in diameter at curb, and reduced to 1^ in. at the foot of centre column, and having a coupling box with right and left hand thread, 4 struts and 4 tension rods form the bracing to each main bar, the former of cross-iron 4 x 4^ x f in. placed vertically, and the latter of 1, 1^, 1, and If in. round-iron placed diagonally, the strongest section being nearest the centre column ; 48 secondary radial bars of 4 x ^ in. flat-iron, that is, 2 equidistant between the main radial bars, and extending from top curb towards centre a distance of 26 ft., and then for a further distance of 16 ft., in direction of the centre, another bar of the same dimensions is fixed. 17 rings or rows of purlins, divided equally from curb to centre, are fixed between main and secondary bars ; the first row from centre being of 6 x ^ in. flat-iron ; next 4 rows of angle-iron, 1 x 1 X ^ in. ; next row of angle- iron 2 x 2 x |- in. ; next row of T-iron 3 x 6 x in. ; next 2 rows, which are subdivided in length by the secondary radial bars above mentioned, are of angle-iron 1 x 1 X J in. ; next row extending from main bar to main bar is of I-iron 3x6 X i in. ; next two rows are divided in 3 lengths between, main bars by the two secondary bars, and are of 1^ x 1 X J in. angle-iron ; next row extending from main to main is of T-iron 4 x 6 x i in. ; next row divided in 3 lengths as before of 210 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR 1 X 1 X J in. angle-iron, and the remaining 2 rows divided in 3 as before of 2 x 2 x in. angle-iron ; 3 bars of flat-iron 2 x f in. cross diagonally in each bay formed by the two main bars. Columns, 16, of cast-iron, 83 ft. high, 3 ft. in diam. at base, and 2 ft. 8 in. at top, metal 1 in. thick ; cast-iron channel guide up the column, 5 x 3 in. inside measure, weighing 56 Ibs. per foot. Girders, 16, at top 4 ft. deep, 7 in. wide, of 4 angle-irons 3x3 X f in. and a top and bottom plate 7 in. wide by f in. thick ; diagonal brace bars 4 x f in. ; 16 intermediate girders 3 ft. 6 in. deep, 6 in. wide, of 4 angle-irons 2^ x 2 x f in., and top and bottom plates 6 in. wide by f in. thick, diagonal brace bars 3 X f in. ; at the intersection of the brace bars a cast-iron star 12 in. in diam. is riveted. Holding-down bolts, 4, 2 in. square and 14 ft. long. Capacity, 1,400,000 cubic feet. Tiro-lift Teltteopic Goahotder. Diameter, outer lift, 197 ft. 6 in. Depth, 36 ft. Diameter, inner lift, 195 ft. Depth, 36 ft. Crown, un trussed, rise 10 ft. Roof sheets, centre plate in. thick, 6 ft. diameter ; row next centre of No. 7 B. wire gauge ; row next curb, ^ in. thick ; next row, 5-16ths in. thick ; third row, No. 7 B. wire gauge, and the remaining rows of No. 11 B. wire gauge. Side sheets, of inner lift in 18 rows ; top row, i in. ; bottom row forming cup, f in. ; second row from top and bottom, in. ; third row from top and bottom of No. 7 B. wire gauge ; and the 12 intermediate rows of sheets of No. 11 B. wire gauge in thickness. Those of outer lift in 18 rows ; top row forming cup, J in. ; bottom row, 5-10ths in. ; second from top, No. 9 B. wire gauge ; second from bottom, 3-16ths in. ; third from bottom, No. 9 B. wire gauge, and the 13 intermediate rows of No. 11 B. wire gauge in thickness. Cups, 10 in. wide, 18 in. deep, of channel-iron, 10 x 8i x in., rising side plates, f in. thick, with 2 x f in. bead riveted to Top curb, of 2 angle-iron rings, outer one 6 x 6 x f in. ; inner one, 5 x 5 x f in., both double riveted to top and side sheets, with f in. rivets, 2 in. apart centre to centre. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 211 Bottom curb, of 2 angle-iron rings, 6 x 5 x f in., riveted to side sheets, with f in. rivets, G in. apart. Vertical stays, 44, in upper lift of H-iron, 8 x 5 x 5 x 7-l6thsin. secured to top and bottom rows of sheets and the outer angle- iron curb, but not to the intermediate sheets, except just at the centre, where there are two clips, 6 in. wide x 5-16ths in. thick, to which the sheet is riveted. Gusset pieces, 44, of 2 angle-iron frames, 2^ x 2^ x f in., riveted to a 7-16ths in. web-plate placed between them and riveted together, and to m the vertical stays, outer row of top sheets, and inner angle-iron curb with -f in. rivets, 4 in. pitch. Vertical stays in lower or outer lift, 44, of channel-iron, 8 x 2 x in., riveted to bottom curb, and to the sheets half way up, with four f in. rivets, countersunk heads in the channel, and bolted to the channel-iron of grip with two f in. bolts. Guide wheels, 22, at top lift of malleable cast-iron, 24 in. diameter, with steel axles or pins, mounted on wrought-iron carriages, 44 fixed under cup of upper lift, 22 on grip, and 44 on bottom curb of outer lift, all of malleable cast-iron, having steel pins and wrought-iron carriages. Columns, 22, of cast-iron, 3 ft. diameter at bottom, and 2 ft. 6 in.. at top, mounted on ornamental base 4 ft. square and 9 ft. 9 in. high, two entablatures and ornamental cap ; 4 holding-down bolts to each column, 2 in. diameter. Girders, upper tier, 3 ft. 6 in. deep ; lower tier, 3 ft. deep, of two frames of angle-iron, 4 x 4 x 7-16ths in., with lattice bars, 4 x f in. riveted between them ; the top, bottom, and ends of girders covered with a f in. plate 9 in. wide ; rivets, f in., 4 in. apart centres ; at the intersection of the diagonal braces with each other are fixed plates, 12 in. diameter and f in. thick. Quality of iron, plate, angle, and T-iron of best South Staffordshire brands, the channel and H-iron of the best Belgian ; the sheets of the very best South Staffordshire, equal to B. B. H. best. Kivets, all sizes, of the best soft charcoal-iron. Those for the No. 11 B. wire gauge sheets, of No. 3 B. wire gauge in diameter and 1 in. pitch ; and those for No. 7 B. wire gauge sheets, with f in. rivets 1 in. apart centres. Capacity, 2 million cubic feet. Two-lift Telescopic Gasholder. Diameter, outer lift, 200 ft. Depth, 25 ft. 3 in. Diameter, inner lift, 198 ft. Depth, 25 ft. 9 in. Roof untrussed, and flat. p 2 212 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Roof sheets, centre plate f in., row next centre plate in. ; next row i in. ; outer row next curb i in. ; second row ^ in. ; and the whole of the remaining rows | in. thick. Side sheets, outer lift, bottom row in. ; next 3-16ths in. ; top row 3-16ths in. ; intermediate rows all in. thick ; inner lift, bottom and top rows 3-16ths in. thick ; remainder ^ in. thick. Top curb is a box girder 3 ft. x 2 ft. of f in. plates and ' 4 x 4 x in. angle-irons in the inside corners, riveted together. Bottom curb, of 2 angle-irons, 4 x 4 x $ in. riveted to a f in. plate 8 in. wide ; the whole riveted to the lower sheet of holder. Cup formed of channel-iron 8 x 3 x 3 x f in. thick ; rising plate f in. thick and 15 in. deep ; a 1^ in. half-round iron bead is riveted to edge of rising plate. Columns, 28, 50 ft. long, 8 ft. diameter at bottom, and 2 ft. 4 in. diameter at top ; metal 1^ in. thick at bottom and 1 in. at top. Capacity, 1 million cubic feet. Three-lift Telescopic Gasholder. Diameter, outer lift, 214 ft. Depth, 53 ft. Diameter, middle lift, 211 ft. Depth, 53 ft. 3 in. Diameter, inner lift, 208 ft. Depth, 53 ft. 6 in. Rise of crown, 14 ft. Roof, untrussed. Roof sheets, outer row forming part of curb, f in. thick, of steel plates 3 ft. wide ; next row No. 7 B. wire gauge ; then another row of No. 9 B. wire gauge ; the remainder being all of No. 10 B. wire gauge ; these latter riveted with 5-16ths in. rivets 1 in. pitch ; the No. 7 B. wire gauge sheets riveted to the f in. steel curb plate by f in. rivets, 2 in. pitch. Side sheets of No. 11 B. wire gauge, secured to each other with 5-16ths in. rivets, 1 in. pitch, lap of sheets 1 in. ; the bottom and top rows of sheets in outer lift are and 3-16ths in. thick respectively ; in the middle lift 8-16ths in., and in the top lift 3-16ths and J in. respectively, being riveted to the other sheeting with f in. rivets, 1J in. pitch, If in. lap. Piggot's cup and dip, the former of 7-16ths in. plate, and the latter of f in. plate, secured to adjoining sheets with in. rivets, If in. pitch, 2 in. lap ; cup and dip 12 in. wide and 21 in. deep ; edge of cup and dip stiffened by a 2 X in. flat-iron. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 213 Top curb, formed by two f in. steel plates, one forming the outer row of sheets on the crown being 36 in. wide, the other forming top row of sheets on the side 12 in. wide ; these are joined together at the angle with a 5 x 5 x f in. angle-steel curb, and further stiffened at the inner edge of the crown plate with a 6 x 3 x in. angle-steel, all riveted together with | in. and 1 in. steel rivets, 4 in. pitch. Bottom curb, formed by a plate f in. thick, and 15 in. wide, secured at right angles to the lower rows of sheets to a 6 X 3 X -| in. angle-iron with f in. rivets, 5 in. pitch ; another angle- iron of the same dimensions being placed 1 ft. 5 in. higher, forming a space in which are fixed the bottom roller carriages. Vertical stays, 48, on lower and middle lifts are made of No. 10 B. wire gauge sheets bent in the form thus_fl_8 x 4 in., riveted to the outside of the sheets, and on the inside opposite these are 8 x 3J x in. channel-irons, placed between two 4 X 3 x J in. angle-irons, which are riveted through the sheets to the outside stays. The top or inner lift is stiffened by No. 8 B. wire gauge sheets of the same form as above, but are 12 x 9 in., placed inside only. Standards, 24, in the form of the letter H, 20 x 16 in. and 158 ft. 6 in. high above coping of tank, of wrought-iron formed of four 3 x 3 x f in. angle-irons f in. web plate, and % in. inside and outside plates, having 5 tiers of struts from standard to standard, and 10 sets of diagonal braces. Two channel-irons 8 x 3 x \ in. riveted to each other back to back and to the standards, form the guides upon which the radial and tangen- tial rollers work ; the bottoms of standards are fastened to tri- angular shaped cast-iron base-plates, each secured to the tank with three 2 in. bolts. Capacity, 5^ million cubic feet. 214 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR THE STATION GOVEKNOR. An unnecessarily high pressure of gas in the mains and service-pipes is synonymous with a heavy leakage account. Ordinary valves are powerless to effect the desired pressure regula- tion, however well they may be attended to. No gas-works, therefore, whatever its size, should be without a Station Governor to control the initial pressure. When properly constructed it accomplishes this important object perfectly, however much the consumption on the one side and the density of the gas on the other may vary. The construction of the Governor is of the most simple character, consisting of a small cast-iron water-tank, through the bottom of which the gas from the regular holder enters, and makes its exit by means of a stand-pipe rising above the water level. This pipe may be either annular or rectangular in form. In the former case the gas enters by way of the central opening, and makes its exit by the annular space. In the latter arrangement the pipe is divided in two by a mid- feather, one division being the inlet and the other the outlet for the gas ; the inlet division of the pipe occupying the central position in the tank. Within the tank is a floating bell or gasholder made of tinned sheet-iron, from the crown of which a conical or parabolic shaped valve is suspended by an eye-bolt. It is the raising and lowering of this valve within the inlet gas aperture, by reason of the gas exerting a pressure of greater or less force, (according as the consumption varies), on the inner surface of the floating bell, that accomplishes the necessary regulation. The holder may be balanced or buoyed up either by means of an air chamber within itself, placed round its lower curb (Fig. 80), and consequently immersed in the water of the tank, or by a chain secured to its crown outside (Fig. 79), passing over one or two pulleys and terminating in a rod carrying the required balance weights, the needed pressure being obtained by placing cast-iron or lead weights on the crown of the holder ; or it may be weighted with water allowed to flow from a feed pipe into a tank formed by continuing the sides of the holder a few inches above the crown. The method of weighting by water is preferable to the other, as the pressure can be applied or removed in a more gradual manner, the opening in the supply and discharge taps being regulated as desired. The conical valve for increasing or diminishing the area of the gas aperture has generally given place to that in the form of a parabola ; the latter requiring a shorter range to produce the necessary effect, and being more delicate and certain in its action. The parabola should be made twice its diameter in length, and of weight sufficient to resist, GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 215 without oscillation or blinking, whatever pressure may be exerted against it by the inflowing gas. With the like object it was formerly necessary to make the floating bell with an area 20 times greater than the area of the base of the valve ; but with the improvements effected in Governors this is not now required, and much less space is now occupied by the apparatus. Serious accidents have arisen from the escape of gas by the tilting of the floating bell ; and, to obviate this danger, improvements have been introduced in the construction of Governors. The Governor of Messrs. J. and J. Braddock (Fig. 79 in section) will show what has been done in this direction. The gas enters from above the valve chamber. Over the valve, and of the same area as its base, is a compensating chamber within the bell, which is supplied with gas through a small pipe enclosing the valve rod, so placing the bell and valve in equilibrium. The bell is actuated by the outlet pressure, through a small pipe attached to the outlet branch. It will thus be seen that if by accident the bell were tilted or rent, the quantity of gas escaping would be limited ta that which would be discharged through the two small pipes referred to. FIG. 79. Mr. F. W. Hartley introduced a safety and regulating plate over the valve to effect the same object, and obtained compensation by means of a small tank and holder placed alongside the Governor, the holder being suspended from the chain carrying the counterpoise weights. Mr. D. Bruce Peebles employs the pressure of the inlet gas, supplied through a small pipe having a dry regulator fixed upon it, to load the bell of the Governor, which is enclosed in a gas-tight case ; and the only adjustment required is by means of small weights to the regulator. 216 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Mr. W. Cowan has introduced various improvements in Governors, by which the adjusted pressure is maintained under all variations of draught or changes at the inlet. (See Fig. 80.) He has also in- vented an " Automatic Pressure Changer," a most ingenious instru- ment for raising and reducing the pressure automatically at any given time, thus dispensing with the attendant, except on extraordinary occasions. O FIG. 80. Mr. C. Hunt has adapted the ordinary throttle-valve to the purpose of a Governor. By this plan a holder scarcely larger in diameter than the main only is required. Within the supply-main leading from the works to the street, the disc or throttle is accurately balanced on two small steel centres ; the lever or radius arm by which it is actuated, being also inside the main, is attached to the centre of the disc. A small vertical pipe, communicating the holder with the main, serves to enclose the connecting-pipe attached to the radius arm and to the crown of the holder, and also conveys the gas into the latter. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 217 By means of this arrangement, a holder only 12^- inches in diameter, will actuate an 8-inch valve ; and one only 17 inches diameter, an 18-inch valve. In winter time the water in a Governor tank is liable to freeze, particularly if the house containing it is in an exposed situation. A very efficient and simple remedy for this is provided by the steam stove. This is merely a cast-iron cylinder or pipe in the form of a pedestal, 2 ft. 6 in. to 3 ft. in height, and 10 or 12 in. in diameter, having a base, and an ornamental top or covering brightened by being ground and polished. The stove is placed on end 011 the floor of the Governor room, in any convenient part, and a steam-pipe about f in. in diameter, with stop-cock, is inserted through the bottom, in which is another stop-cock for letting off the water of condensation. In time of frost, by means of this stove, the atmosphere of the room can be maintained at an equable temperature, at a minimum expense. A piece of ordinary cast-iron pipe can be adapted to the purpose ; on the other hand the stove is susceptible of any amount of orna- mentation. DISTRICT OR DIFFERENTIAL GOVERNORS. Gas pressure varies according to the elevation, increasing and decreasing at the rate of about one-tenth of an inch for each 10 feet of rise and fall respectively. It is thus obvious that if the pressure in the lower mains is sufficient, that in the higher mains (assuming them to be connected throughout) must be in excess. For the supply of gas to varying levels, therefore, separate leading mains, with a Sta- tion Governor upon each, are highly advan- tageous, and should be employed wherever practicable. District or Differential Governors, for the automatic regulation of the pressure in the mains at high altitudes considerably removed from the gas-works, are also of the utmost utility. These are produced both in the wet and dry form by most makers of gas appa- ratus. Fig. 81 shows the District Governor made by Messrs. D. Bruce Peebles and Co. By doubling the amount of pressure, the FIG. 81. consumption of gas is increased by about one- half. Leakage from a pipe is, of course, increased in the same ratio i.e., in the proportion of the square root of the pressure. 218 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE MAIN PIPES. The leakage which arises in the distribution of gas is largely due to defective and badly jointed Main pipes. Hence it is of the first importance to ensure that the pipes employed for that purpose are made of a good quality of metal, close in texture, free from defects of every kind, and as equal as possible in their sectional thickness. To secure these three latter conditions, all cast-iron pipes 5 inches internal diameter and upwards should be cast vertically in dry sand moulds. Smaller sizes are usually oast in green sand and in inclined moulds. The pipes should be tested by hydrostatic pressure equal to at least 75 Ibs. on the square inch (150 feet head of water), either at the place of manufacture or on the gas-works ; and whilst under pressure they should be smartly rapped with a 3 Ib. hammer from end to end. This will often reveal faults, such as sandy, porous, and blown places, not otherwise discernible. Kapping the pipes whilst on the ground will also indicate their character. If the sound emitted is clear and bell-like, the pipe may be considered free from defects. On the other hand, if dull and leaden, it is cracked or otherwise imperfect. All pipes that do not stand the tests should be rejected. The metal of pipes, whilst compact and close, should not be exces- sively brittle and splintery, but such as may be readily chipped and drilled. Cast-iron pipes below 3 in. diameter are 6 ft. long ; 3 in. to 11 in. diameter, 9 ft. long ; when 12 in. diameter and upwards they may be either 9 ft. or 12 ft. long. The socket is not included in these lengths. It is usual to pay for any overweight in the pipes beyond the Tveight specified, not exceeding 4 per cent. Formula for calculating the weight of cast-iron pipes : W = 2-45(D a - d 2 ). Where D = outside diameter of pipe in inches. d = inside diameter of pipe in inches. W = weight of a lineal foot of pipe in Ibs. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 219 TABLE. CAST-IRON GAS PIPES, WITH OPEN JOINTS. The weight of the socket, and bead on spigot, is equal to 9-Wths of a lineal foot of the pipe, and this is included in the iceiyhts given. Internal Diameter of Pipe. Thickness of Metal in Body of Pipe. Lengh of Socket, inside measure. Length of Pipe not including Socket. Weight per Pipe inclusive of Socket and Bead. Inches. 1 Inches. 5-16ths Inches. aa Feet. 6 Cwts. qrs. Ibs. 010 11 6-16ths 24 6 1 10 2 5-16ths 3 6 1 22 24 3-8ths 3 6 2 17 3 3-8ths 3 9 1 11 4 3-8ths 4 9 1 1 19 5 7-16ths 4 9 207 6 7.16ths 4 9 2 1 21 7 S.lOths 4 9 3 27 8 5 lOths 4 9 3 2 19 9 6-10ths 44 9 4 11 10 9-16ths 44 9 5 16 11 9-16ths 44 9 5 2 14 12 5-8ths 44 12 8 3 16 13 5-8ths 44 12 9 2 12 14 5-8ths 4 12 10 1 8 16 5-8ths 4* 12 11 4 16 ll-16ths 44 12 12 3 24 17 ll-16ths 44 12 13 2 24 18 ll-16ths 44 12 14 2 19 3-4ths 44 12 16 2 24 20 3-4ths 44 12 17 2 8 21 3-4ths 5 12 18 1 20 22 13-16ths 5 12 20 3 20 23 13-16ths 5 12 21 3 8 24 7-8th8 5 12 24 2 8 30 1 5 12 85 36 14th 6 12 47 16 42 l^ths 6 12 57 3 16 48 IJth 6 12 69 2 For the smaller sizes of pipes up to 8 in. diameter, the open jointing space is fin., and for larger diameters -Jin. wide all round. The following are the usual depths of the socket, inside measure, for the various sizes of open-jointed gas-pipes, plugged with yarn and lead: Diameter. Depth of Socket. Up to 3 inches 3 inches. 4 to 8 4 9 to 20 4 21 to 30 5 3'2 and upwards 6 220 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR TABLE. OAST-IKON GAS PIPES, WITH TURNED AND BORED JOINTS, HAVING A EECESS IN FRONT FOR LEAD. The weif/ht of the socket and thickened spigot is equal to 1^ lineal foot of the jnjje, and this is included in the weif/hts given. Internal Diameter of Pipe. Thickness of Metal in Body of Pipe. Length of Socket, inside measure. Length of Pipe, not including Socket. Weight per Pipe, inclusive of Socket and thickened Spigot. Inches. Inches. Inches. Feet. Cwt. qrs. Ibs. 1 5-16ths 24 6 1 1 14 5-16ths 24 6 1 12 2 5-16ths 3 6 1 24 n 8-8ths 3 6 2 19 3 3-8ths 3| 9 1 14 4 3-8ths 4 9 1 1 22 6 7-16ths 4 9 2 13 6 7-16ths 44 9 2 1 27 7 5-10ths 44 9 318 8 5-10ths 44 9 330 9 5-10ths 44 9 4 23 10 9-16ths 4* 9 510 11 9-16ths 44 9 531 12 5-8ths 44 12 904 13 5-8ths 44 12 930 14 5-8ths 44 12 10 1 24 15 5-8ths 5 12 11 24 16 ll-16ths 5 12 13 16 17 ll-16ths 51 12 13 3 20 18 ll-16ths 51 12 14 2 24 19 3-4ths 51 12 16 3 24 20 3-4ths 51 12 17 3 12 21 3-4ths 51 12 18 2 24 22 13-16ths 51 12 21 1 23 13-16ths 51 12 22 20 24 7-8ths 51 12 24 3 24 80 1 51 12 85 2 4 36 IJth 6 12 47 3 16 42 48 1-ftths llth 6 6 12 12 58 3 4 70 2 8 When the turned and bored joint, on being tested, is found gas- tight, it is not necessary to fill the recess with lead. The usual filling material adopted under such circumstances is Portland or Roman cement. These cements, if kneaded with warm water, set quickly ; with cold water not so soon. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. FIG. 82. TABLE. Dimensions of the Sockets of Turned and Bored Cast-Iron Gas Pipes, with a Recess in Front (Fig. 82.) TABLE. Dimensions of the Sockets of Turned and Bored Cast-Iron Gas Pipes, without a Kecessin Front. (Fig.88.) Diameter of Pipe. A B c D E Diam. of Pipe. A B C D Inches. Inches. In. In. In. In. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. 2 5-16ths H 4 8 1 2 5-16ths 5 4 3 2i 3-8ths t A BJ If 2J 3-8ths n 9 g 3i 3 3-8ths |A i 33 s 3 3-8ths i | 31 34 3-8ths 1 i 8i I 34 3-8ths ii | 3} 4 3-8ths 1A H 4 rt 4 3-8tha i| IS 4 5 7-16ths 11 ft 4* i* 5 7-16ths 11 H 4 6 7-16ths n 1 4^ 1 6 7-16ths 14 i 4 7 5-10ths IA i 4 1 7 5-lOths IA 1 4 8 9 10 6-10ths 5-lOths 9-16ths ii it if. -B I I 4 4* 4 IA IA IA 8 9 10 5-10ths 5-lOths 9-16ths it ii* V I 11 9-16ths 14 Ii 4 4 11 9-16ths Ii? & 4i 12 5-8ths 14 I 4^ u 12 5-8ths IH H 4} 13 5-8ths IA 53 y ii 13 5-8ths ii H 4 14 5-8ths IA 5$ 4^ H 14 6-8ths it H 44 15 5-8ths n i 5 IA 15 5-8ths 2; i 5 16 17 ll-16ths ll-16ths ir- i IA 6 H if 16 17 ll-16ths ll-16ths 2 2* IA 5 61 18 11-lGths lit IA 6i i| 18 ll-16ths 2J XA 61 20 3-4ths i ip 6| IA 20 ! 3-4ths 2i ii 61 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR TABLE. CAST-IKON GAS PIPES, WITH FLANGE JOINTS. The weight of the flanges is equal to 1 lineal f out of the pipe, and this is included in the weiyhts yicen. Flanges. Internal Diameter of Pipe. Thickness of Metal in Body of Pipe. Dia- meter across Flanges. Thick- ness of Metal. Number of Bolt Holes. Dia- meter, centre to centre, of Bolt Dia- meter of Bolts. Length of Pipe outside the Flanges. Weight per Pipe inclusive of the Flanges. Holes. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Feet. Cwts. qrs. Ibs. 5-16ths ! 4 A 3 a| A i 6 010 11 5-16ths 44 T 7 e 3 3g 1 6 1 11 2 5-16ths 64 1 4 44 i 7 * 1 6 1 22 a 3-8ths 7i T" 4 5i 4 6 2 18 3 3-8ths 74 4 54 4 1 11 4 3-8ths 9 TS 4 7 4 9 1 1 22 5 7-16ths 10i | 4 8i 9 2 10 6 7-16ths lli i 4 94 9 2 1 24 7 5-lOths 13 1 4 11 9 315 8 5-10ths 14J 1 6 12 9 3 2 25 9 5-10ths 16 1 6 134 9 4 17 10 9-16ths 174 6 14* 9 5 22 11 9-16ths 18* I 6 15 8 9 5 2 20 12 5-8ths 194 H 6 16J 12 8 3 24 13 5-8ths 204 ti 6 17* 12 9 2 20 14 5-8ths 214 i 8 18J 12 10 1 16 15 5-8ths 224 i 8 194 12 11 12 16 ll-16ths 24 ' 1 T V 8 21 12 13 8 17 ll-16tbB 25 IA 8 22 12 13 3 8 18 ll-16ths 26 it 10 23 12 14 2 12 19 3-4ths 27 H 10 24 12 16 3 12 20 3-4ths 28 li 10 24* 12 17 2 24 21 3-4ths 29 IJr 10 254 12 18 2 8 22 13-16ths 30 1ft 10 264 12 21 8 23 13-16ths 31 if 10 274 J 12 22 24 7-8ths 32 4 12 284 I 12 24 3 80 1 38 if 14 344 1 12 35 1 36 IJths 45 li 18 414 1 12 47 2 42 1-ftths 51 If 20 474 1 12 58 1 8 48 lith 57 if 24 534 1 12 70 4 Cast-iron in cooling from the molten condition shrinks one-eighth of an inch per foot. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Main Pipe Joints. A host of joints for Main pipes have been invented from time to time, which, though theoretically good, have not all proved very satis- factory in practice. The classes of joint generally in use are the turned and bored, and the open joint. The ball and socket joint is employed under excep- tional circumstances, as when the Main has to be laid in the bed of a river or harbour, or across a narrow arm of the sea. A difference of opinion exists among engineers as to which form of joint is best the turned and bored, or the open joint filled with lead, rust cement, or other substance, metallic or otherwise. We, who have had large experience in both, and under most cir- cumstances, prefer the turned and bored, both for ease in adjustment, economy, and efficiency. In districts where the ground is extensively undermined and liable to subsidence, the vulcanized india-rubber joint (which is virtually an open joint) is the most suitable. Special pipes, such as bends, tees, and junctions are, for convenience sake, made with open joints. The turned and bored joint is shown in Fig. 84. There is no difficulty in swinging round ordinary curves with a line of Mains jointed in this manner ; but when the radius of the curve is short, an occasional yarn and lead joint is required. In specifying for pipes with these joints, care should be taken that the bored and turned surfaces are not made with too much taper ; indeed, the nearer the surfaces approach to parallel lines, the better they will fit. When laying the pipes, the spigot and socket ends, after being cleaned with cotton waste, are coated with thick paint composed of one part each white and red lead mixed with boiled linseed oil ; the end is then inserted and driven home with a mallet, or, should the pipe be large, with a swing block. In driving the pipes they will sometimes be found to spring back at every stroke. This may be due either to the surfaces being made too 224 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE conical, in which case it is difficult to ensure a good joint ; or there is a slight ridge or roughness on the inner edge of the bored part of the socket. Chip this off with a sharp chisel. Red lead sets sooner and harder than white ; and the following reason is given for preferring the white to the red for joints : When an ex- pansion or contraction takes place in the pipes, the red lead is liable to crack, and so cause a leakage ; whereas the white lead is more tractable, and better adapts itself to the varying circumstances. An equal mixture of the two is preferable. The socket may either be bored flush up to the face, as in Fig. 83, or it may have a recess in front, as in, Figs. 82 and 84. The latter is to be preferred, as it can be supplemented with lead or other filling should the turned joint prove defective. Two examples of the open joint are given in Figs. 85 and 86. FIG. 85. FIG. 86. In placing the pipes, twined gasket is caulked in all round so as to fill nearly half the length of the open space. A roll of tough plastic clay is then passed round and pressed against the socket face, and through a lip on the upper side molten lead is poured till the remain- ing space is filled. On the lead being set up with a blunt caulking tool and hammer the joint is complete. The ladle should contain sufficient molten lead to fill the joint at one pouring, otherwise the adhesion of the metal throughout will not be perfect. Molten lead, when heated to redness, will fly when poured upon a wet or damp surface. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. TABLE 'jiving the Weight of Lead in Pounds required for Jointing Cast-iron Mains. Diameter of Pipe in Inches. Depth of Lead in Inches. Weight of Lead in Pounds. Diameter of Pipe in Inches. Depth of Lead in Inches. Weight of Lead in Pounds. li II 11 11 21 161 2 11 11 12 2| 181 21 H 21 13 2| 21 3 li 2J 14 21 231 4 H 4 15 21 26 5 li 51 16 21 281 6 2 7 17 21 31 7 2 83 18 21 321 8 2J 101 19 2 34 9 2* 121 20 2| 351 10 21 141 24 3 48 For pipes 1^ to 8 inches in diameter the lead is assumed to be about f -inch thick ; and in pipes 9 inches in diameter and upwards, ^-inch thick. In place of lead, rust cement and a mixture of beeswax and tallow are used for jointing mains. " Spence's metal " also is an efficient substitute, and its cost is considerably less. Iron or Emt Cements for Flange and Open Socket Joints. (1) 1 Ib. of clean iron borings, pounded fine in a mortar. 2 oz. sal ammoniac (muriate of ammonia) ha powder. 1 oz flowers of sulphur. Mix the whole together by pounding and keep dry. For use, mix one part with twenty of iron borings pounded, adding water to the consistency of mortar. ( 2) 98 parts fine iron borings. 1 part flowers of sulphur. 1 part sal ammoniac. Mix, and when required for use, dissolve in boiling water. This cement sets quickly. If required to set slowly, which makes the better joint (8) 197 parts iron borings. 1 part flowers of sulphur. 2 parts sal ammoniac. When required for use, mix with boiling water. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR The iron borings used for making joints should be perfectly free from grease and oil. The cubical content of the joint in inches, divided by 5, gives the weight in pounds of iron cement required. The india-rubber joint (Fig. 87) is formed by passing a vulcanized ring of that material round the spigot end of the pipe, which is specially cast with a groove and bead to suit this description of joint. When the pipe end is pushed forward into the socket, the ring is FIG. compressed or flattened, and butts against the raised bead. No : other packing is necessary, so that it is an expeditious method of jointing, whilst the vulcanized india-rubber, unaffected by the presence of gas or moisture, is practically indestructible. The other advantages of this joint are referred to above. The ball and socket joint is shown in Fig. 88. This particular form is the invention of Mr. J. Z. Kay, and has been successfully employed for Main pipes crossing through rivers and harbours where the FIG. 89. ordinary rigid joint is inapplicable. The lead is first run in and caulked ; and the connected pipes, being like a chain, can be paid out of a lighter, or other vessel, when they will find their own bed in the river bottom. The expansion joint (Fig. 89) is useful in all cases where a line of Main is exposed to varying temperatures, as in pipes placed against a wall or alongside a bridge, or in an open trench or channel. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Mill-board or engine-board coated with red or white lead, makes a good and durable joint for flanges. A combination of asbestos and india-rubber woven sheeting, makes a superior flange joint, especially for steam purposes, as these sub- stances resist the action of both heat and moisture. To prevent adhe- sion to the iron (in the case of blank flange and manhole joints that require to be frequently broken), the flange should be rubbed over with powdered black lead before placing the cover. Metallic rings are commonly used for flange joints. These are best made with ^-inch or f-inch lead pipe, with the ends soldered evenly together ; the ring is then covered with flax, and well smeared with red lead or paint. The pipe must not be beaten flat, but left round, so that when the joint is screwed up it may bed into any irregularities in the surfaces. The remaining space between the flanges is filled with rust or other cement. Flange pipes can be jointed without the interposition of any packing material, by having the flanges faced in a lathe. In such case the surfaces are merely coated with white lead paint, and the joint tightened up. Bolts used for jointing flanges, &c., should have a gummet of flax or tow, smeared with red or white lead, placed round their neck to bed under the head when screwed up. Red and white lead should always be mixed with boiled linseed oil. Other oil can be made to answer, but not nearly so well. Wrought-iron Main Pipes. Of recent years a considerable trade has sprung up in the manufac- ture of wrought-iron and steel Main pipes of large diameter for foreign countries. Although the first cost of these is much greater than that of the same sizes in cast-iron, yet owing to their being lighter and less liable to fracture, the reduced expense of freight and haulage to their destination makes their ultimate cost, length for length, materially less. The wrought-iron pipes are lap-welded, and those of the steel are riveted in the seam. They are generally in 15-feet lengths. The first table on p. 228 gives the usual thickness and weight of wrought- iron pipes. Q 2 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE TABLE. ThickneKK (tnd Weif/ht of Wrouyht-iron Main Pipe*. Diameter Inside. Inches. Thickness. Inches. Weight per Foot. Pounds. 3 5-32 full. 6 3J 5-32 full. 7 4 3-16 9 5 3-16 10J 6 3-16 13 7 1-4 bare. 18 8 1-4 bare. 20 9 1-4 bare. 24* 10 1-4 28 12 1-4 33 14 5-16 43 16 5-16 50 The smaller sizes, 3 in., 3 in., and 4 in. diameter have screwed ends and sockets. The larger diameters may be either screwed or FIG. 90. plain. In the latter case the " Kimberley " Collar (Fig. 90) is employed for connecting them ; this is also made of wrought-iron. TABLE. Weif/ht of Lead required for Jointing Wrou0 tOO '-^ "OCO rH T(0 T4 t-pl o5C- 00 00 -^ C- C-C5 ] ^0 CO 000 OCO o5C~ C- t- CM CO C-00 CO i $ ^O CO O5CO O OCO o5O O OC-^ O5 O-H !* S * E^ d ^00 O1 * O CO 0035 oJ * "5 S O * * !O O) !! I s ! ^^ O rH 00 CS ^O a;t- t> ooco c~ t-oo CO 1 ^Ui O rH CO CO IO rH OJCO CO C-OQ CO CO t> 1 ^O5 CO COO CO 05CO oJOS O OC^J O5 O5rH 111 ^f Oa OCO (N * O a 111 ^jrH l> OCO rHt> g*m t> t-OD 1 ,Q C- O CO "*l US t- T-H M 10 CO CO iH O 10 C- i ^J * rH CO CM * oJCJS O5 OCO O3 O5O M ^JO5 CM U5O D- O5CO o5CO * -*Oi CO COO OO CD OOOJ ajCO t- c-CO CO COOO <*' 3 ^j(M t> 000 CQ05 oilO 10 10O 10 U5CO 1 fej ^0 TJ1 t>0 t- 0-* w -00 O5 O5CO 00 OOO K ^O O rHiO CO lOO M 'CO CO * 00 CO COlO H S ^CO 05 050 C005 ^5 CO C-(M CD CDt- CO i ^JCTl OQ U5CO t- O3CO ;<}( o oo ^ <* 1 ,^(M X> 0!M (MC35 oJOO 00 0010 00 OOC5 14 f^CO 00 rHCO O COOi aiW M COOO CO CO-^P W jQ-QO tM * O CD OOCM ^IO CO COrH 10 >Ot> 'f ' "1 ; v! 'iT ' 'iT ' ' Diameter in Inchei. Description of Joint. In ordinary ballast . . In roads macadamized w Welsh or limestone . In ordinary paved streets [n bituminized streets . In footpaths made with ss or ashes [n footpaths flagged [n footpaths asphalted . | _g s Description of Joint. [n ordinary ballast . In roads macadamized w Welsh or limestone . In ordinary paved streets In bituminized streets . In footpaths made with sa or ashes In footpaths flagged In footpaths asphalted . GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. 237 TABLE Giving Weight and Cost per Yard of Cast-Iron Main Gas Pipe*, 2, 8, and 4 inches diameter, at Rates from 4 to- 10 per Ton. (Calculated to the nearest Penny.} Diameter in Inches. 2. 8. 4. Class of Joint. Open. T.&B Flnge Open. T.&B Plnge Open. T.&B Flnge. Weight per yard in Ibs. 25 26 25 41 42 41 53 54 64 Cost per yard at s. a. s. d. s. d. 8. d. s. d. .d. s. d. S. d. s. d. 4 per tou. 11 11 11 6 1 6 6 1 11 1 11 1 11 2 6 11 11 11 6 1 7 6 1 11 2 2 5 11 11 7 1 7 7 2 2 1 2 1 7 6 1 1 7 1 8 7 2 1 2 1 2 1 10 1 1 1 8 1 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 3 12 6 1 1 1 8 1 9 8 2 2 2 3 2 3 15 i i 1 1 1 9 1 9 9 2 3 2 3 2 3 17 6 i i 2 1 1 9 1 10 9 2 4 2 4 2 4 500 i i 2 1 1 10 1 11 10 2 4 2 5 2 5 626 1 2 2 1 2 11 1 11 11 2 5 2 6 2 6 650 1 2 3 1 2 1 11 2 11 2 6 2 6 2 6 576 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 7 2 7 2 7 5 10 1 3 3 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 7 2 8 2 8 6 12 6 1 3 4 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 8 2 9 2 9 5 15 517 ft 1 3 4 1 3 2 1 2O 2 2 2rt 2 1 2 2 2 9 2n 2 9 2 9 2-trt I/O ,, 600 1 4 5 1 4 | 2 2 z 2 3 2 2 y 2 10 2 10 2 11 JLU 2 11 626 1 4 6 1 4 2 3 2 4 2 3 2 11 2 11 2 11 650 1 6 5 1 6 2 3 2 4 2 3 2 11 3 3 676 1 6 6 1 5 2 4 2 5 2 4 3 3 1 3 1 6 10 1 6 6 1 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 3 1 3 2 3 2 6 12 6 1 6 6 1 6 2 5 2 6 2 5 3 2 3 2 3 2 6 15 1 6 7 1 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 2 3 3 3 3 ,6 17 6 1 6 7 1 6 2 6 2 7 2 6 3 3 3 4 3 4 700 1 7 8 1 7 2 7 2 8 2 7 3 4 3 5 3 5 726 1 7 8 1 7 2 7 2 8 2 7 3 4 3 6 3 5 750 1 7 8 1 7 2 8 2 9 2 8 3 5 3 6 3 6 776 1 8 9 1 8 2 8 2 9 2 8 3 6 3 7 3 7 7 10 1 8 9 1 8 2 9 2 10 2 9 3 7 3 7 3 7 7 12 6 1 8 9 1 8 2 9 2 10 2 9 3 7 3 8 3 7 7 15 1 9 10 1 9 2 10 2 11 2 10 3 8 3 9 3 9 7 17 6 1 9 10 1 9 2 11 2 11 2 11 3 9 3 10 3 10 800 1 9 10 1 9 211 3 2 11 3 9 3 10 3 10 826 1 10 11 1 10 3 3 1 3 3 10 3 11 3 11 850 1 10 11 1 10 3 3 1 3 3 11 4 4 876 8 10 1 10 1 11 11 2 A 1 10 1-1 1 8 1 31 3 2 3O 3 1 4 4 4 b 12 6 1 11 U 2 l-l 1 11 1 3 2 M 3 3 8 2 4 1 4 2 4 2 8 15 1 11 2 1 11 3 2 3 3 3 2 4 2 4 3 3 8 17 6 2 2 1 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 2 4 3 3 900 2 2 1 2 3 4 3 5 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 926 2 2 1 2 3 4 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 950 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 5 3 6 3 5 4 5 4 6 6 976 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 5 3 6 3 5 5 4 6 6 9 10 2 1 2 2 2 1 3 6 3 7 3 6 '. 6 4 7 7 9 12 6 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 6 3 7 3 6 ' 7 4 3 8 9 15 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 7 3 8 3 7 7 4 8 8 9 17 6 10 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 3 7 3 8 3 8 3 9 3 7 3 8 8 9 4 9 4 10 4 9 4 10 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR TABLE Giving Weight and Cost per Yard of Cast-Iron Main Gas Pipes 5, 6 r and 7 inches diameter, at Rates from 4 to 10 per Ton. (Calculated )to the nearest Penny,) Diameter in Inches. 5. 6. 7. Class of Joint. Open. T. & B. Flnge. Open. T.&B. Plnge Open. T. & B.! Flnge, Weight per yard in Ibs. 77 79 79 91 93 92 121 124 123 Cost per yard at 4 per ton. s.d. 2 9 s.d. 2 10 s. d. 2 9 s. d. 3 3 s.d. 8 4 s.d. 3 3 s.d. 4 4 s.d. 4 5 s.d. 4 6 426 2 10 2 11 2 10 3 4 8 5 3 5 4 5 4 7 4 6 450 2 11 3 3 3 5 8 6 3 6 4 7 4 8 4 8 476 3 3 1 3 1 3 6 8 7 3 7 4 9 4 10 4 10 4 10 3 1 8 2 3 2 3 8 3 9 3 8 4 10 5 4 11 4 12 6 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 10 3 10 5 5 1 5 1 4 15 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 10 3 11 3 11 5 2 5 3 5 3 4 17 6 3 4 3 5 3 5 4 4 1 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 600 626 3 5 3(* 3 6 3 6 4 1 4 2 4 1 5 5 5 6 50 5 6 5Q 650 ,| 3 7 3 8 3 8 4 3 4 4 4 5 8 O 5 10 O 5 9 676 3 8 3 9 3 9 4 4 5 4 5 5 10 5 11 5 11 6 10 3 9 3 10 3 10 4 6 7 4 6 5 11 6 1 6 6 12 6 3 10 4 3 11 4 7 8 4 7 6 1 6 3 6 2 6 15 3 11 4 1 4 4 8 9 4 9 6 2 6 4 6 4 6 17 6 4 2 4 1 4 9 11 4 10 6 4 6 6 6 5 600 1 4 3 4 2 4 10 5 4 11 6 6 6 8 6 7 626 2 4 4 4 3 5 6 1 5 6 7 6 9 6 9 650 3 4 5 4 4 5 1 5 2 5 2 6 9 6 11 6 10 676 4 4 6 4 5 5 2 6 3 5 3 e 11 7 1 7 6 10 6 4 7 4 6 5 3 6 5 5 4 7 7 2 7 2 6 12 6 6 15 7 4 8 4Q 4 7 40 5 4 5f 5 6 57 5 5 7 2 7 4 7 3 6 17 6 9 y 4 10 O 4 9 u 5 7 1 5 9 5 8 7 5 7 7 7 7 700 10 4 11 4 10 5 8 5 10 5 9 7 7 7 9 7 A 726 11 5 5 5 9 5 11 5 10 7 8 7 11 7 10 750 5 5 1 5 1 5 11 6 5 11 7 10 8 8 776 5 1 5 2 5 2 6 6 1 6 1 8 8 2 8 1 7 10 5 2 5 3 5 3 6 1 6 3 6 2 8 1 8 4 8 3 7 12 6 5 3 5 5 5 4 6 2 6 4 6 3 8 3 8 5 8 4 7 15 5 4 5 6 5 5 6 3 6 5 6 4 8 4 8 7 8 6 7 17 6 5 5 5 7 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 8 6 8 9 8 8 800 5 6 5 8 5 7 6 6 6 8 6 7 8 8 8 10 8 9 826 5 7 5 9 5 8 6 7 6 9 6 8 8 9 9 8 11 850 5 8 5 10 5 9 6 8 6 10 6 9 8 11 9 2 9 1 876 5 9 5 11 5 10 6 10 6 11 6 10 9 1 9 3 9 2 8 10 5 10 6 5 11 6 11 7 7 9 2 9 5 9 4 8 12 6 5 11 6 1 6 7 7 2 7 1 9 4 9 7 9 6 8 15 6 6 2 6 1 7 1 7 3 7 2 9 5 9 8 7 8 17 6 6 1 6 3 6 2 7 3 7 4 7 3 9 7 9 10 9 9 900 6 2 6 4 6 3 7 4 7 6 7 5 9 9 10 9 10 926 6 3 6 5 6 4 7 5 7 7 7 6 9 10 10 1 10 950 6 4 6 6 6 5 7 6 7 8 7 7 10 10 3 10 2 976 6 5 6 7 6 6 7 7 7 9 7 8 10 2 10 5 10 4 9 10 6 6 6 8 6 7 7 9 7 10 7 10 10 3 10 6 10 5 9 12 (3 6 7 6 9 6 8 7 10 8 7 U 10 5 10 8 10 7 9 15 9 17 6 6 8 (i 9 6 10 6 11 6 9 6 11 7 11 8 8 1 8 2 1? 10 6 10 8 10 10 10 11 10 8 10 10 10 6 11 I 7 1 7 8 2 ! 8 4 8 s 1C 10 11 ] 11 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. TABLE Giving Weight and Cost per Yard of Cast-Iron Main Gas Pipes 8, 9, and 10 inches diameter, at Rates from 4 to 10 per Ton. (Calculated to the nearest Penny.) Diameter in Inches. 8. 9. 10. Class of Joint. Open. IT. & B. Flnge. Open T.&B. Flnge. Open. T.&B Flnge. Weight per yard in Ibs. 137 140 139 153 157 155 192 196 194 Cost psr yard at s. d. s d s d s d s d 8 d. s. d. s d s d i per ton. 4 11 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 6 6 10 7 6 6 11 426 5 1 5 2 5 1 5 8 5 9 5 9 7 1 7 3 7 2 5 " 5 2 5 4 5 3 5 10 6 5 11 7 3 7 5 7 4 7 6 5 4 5 6 5 5 6 6 2 6 1 7 6 7 8 7 7 10 5 6 5 8 5 7 6 2 6 4 6 3 7 9 7 11 7 10 12 6 5 8 5 9 5 9 6 4 6 6 6 5 7 11 8 1 8 15 , 5 10 5 11 5 11 6 6 6 8 6 7 8 2 8 4 8 8 17 6 6 6 1 6 1 6 8 6 10 6 9 8 4 8 6 8 5 500 6 1 6 3 6 2 6 10 7 6 11 8 7 8 9 8 8 626 6 3 6 5 6 4 7 7 2 7 1 8 9 9 8 11 550 6 5 6 7 6 6 7 2 7 4 7 3 9 9 2 9 1 576 6 7 6 9 6 8 7 4 7 6 7 5 9 3 9 5 9 4 5 10 6 9 6 11 6 10 7 6 7 9 7 7 9 5 9 8 9 6 5 12 6 6 11 7 7 7 8 7 11 7 9 9 8 9 10 9 9 5 15 7 7 2 7 2 7 10 8 1 7 11 9 10 10 1 10 5 17 6 7 2 7 4 7 3 8 8 3 8 2 10 1 !10 3 10 2 600 7 4 7 6 7 5 8 2 8 5 8 4 10 3 10 6 10 5 626 ., 650 7 8 7 10 7 9 8 6 8 9 8 6 8 8 [0 6 10 9 _iu y 10 11 10 7 10 10 676 7 10 8 7 11 8 8 8 11 8 10 10 11 11 2 11 1 6 10 7 11 8 2 8 1 8 10 9 1 9 11 2 11 5 11 3 6 12 6 8 1 8 3 8 3 9 1 9 3 9 2 11 4 11 7 11 6 6 15 8 3 8 5 8 5 9 3 9 6 9 4 11 7 11 10 11 8 6 17 6 8 5 8 7 8 6 9 5 9 8 9 6 11 9 12 11 11 700 8 7 8 9 8 8 9 7 9 10 9 8 12 12 3 12 1 726 8 9 8 11 8 10 9 9 10 9 10 12 3 12 6 12 4 750 8 10 9 1 9 9 11 10 2 10 12 5 12 8 12 6 776 9 9 3 9 2 10 1 10 4 |10 2 12 8 12 11 12 9 7 10 9 2 9 5 9 4 10 3 10 6 10 5 12 10 13 2 13 7 12 6 9 4 9 6 9 6 10 5 10 8 10 7 13 1 13 4 13 2 7 15 9 6 9 8 9 7 10 7 10 10 10 9 13 4 13 7 13 5 7 17 6 9 8 9 10 9 9 10 9 11 10 H 13 6 13 9 13 7 800 9 9 10 9 11 10 11 11 3 11 1 13 9 14 13 10 826 9 11 10 2 10 1 11 1 11 5 11 3 13 11 14 3 14 850 10 1 10 4 |10 3 11 3 11 7 11 5 14 2 14 5 14 3 876 10 3 10 6 10 5 11 5 11 9 11 7 14 4 14 8 14 6 8 10 10 5 10 8 10 7 11 7 11 11 11 9 14 7 14 11 14 8 8 12 6 10 7 10 9 10 8 11 9 12 1 11 11 14 9 15 1 14 11 8 15 10 8 10 11 10 10 11 11 12 3 12 1 15 15 4 15 2 817 6 10 10 11 1 11 12 1 12 5 12 3 15 2 15 6 15 4 900 11 11 3 11 2 12 3 12 7 12 5 15 5 15 9 15 7 926 11 2 11 5 11 4 12 5 12 9 12 8 15 7 16 15 9 950 11 4 11 7 11 6 12 8 13 12 10 15 10 16 2 16 976 11 6 11 9 11 8 12 10 13 2 13 16 16 5 16 2 9 10 11 7 11 11 11 9 13 !13 4 13 2 16 3 16 8 16 5 9 12 6 11 9 12 11 11 13 2 13 6 13 4 16 5 16 10 16 8 9 15 11 11 12 2 12 1 13 4 13 8 13 6 16 8 17 1 16 10 9 17 6 12 1 12 4 12 3 13 6 13 10 13 8 16 10 17 3 17 1 10 12 3 12 6 12 5 13 8 114 13 10 17 2 17 6 17 3 240 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR TABLE Giving Weiyht and Cost per yard of Cant-Iron Main (las Pipes, 11, 12, and 18 inches diameter, at Rates from 4 to 10 per Ton. (Calculat<'ioioc2ao^ooooaot^'tDeDtotorfmeaa* t(M I M |; !5!SS GAS ENGINEEBS AND MANAGERS. 247 TABLES Of the Discharge of Gas, in Cubic Feet per Hour, through Pipes of various Diameters and Lengths, at different Pressures. By THOMAS G. BARLOW. Extended by THOMAS NEWBIGGING. (The specific gravity of the gas is taken at 0-4, air being 1.) The tables are calculated according to the formula given by Professor Pole in his valuable article * " On the Motion of Fluids in Pipes," viz. : Q = quantity of gas in cubic feet per hour. I = length of pipe in yards. d diameter of pipe in inches. h = pressure in inches of water. s = specific gravity of gas, air being 1 . Q = 1350 d 2 V ^ i.e., multiply the pressure in inches of water by the diameter of the pipe, also in inches. Divide the product by the specific gravity of the gas multiplied by the length of the pipe in yards. Extract the square root of the quotient, which root, multiplied by the constant quantity 1350, and the square of the diameter of the pipe in inches, gives the number of cubic feet discharged in one hour. EXAMPLE. It is required to find the number of cubic feet of gas of the specific gravity of -400, which will be discharged in one hour from a pipe 8 inches in diameter, and 1250 yards in length, under a pressure of 15-10ths, or 1 inches head of water. Thus (A d) = 8 X 1-5 = 12. ( Y = - 12 \ = -024, the square root being = -1549. % s / '4 X 12oO/ ( 1350 o. Quantity delivered with O'l in. pressure. 3,770 2,660 2,170 1,680 1,680 1,530 1,420 0-2 5,320 3,770 3,130 2,660 2,370 2,170 2,010 0'3 6,530 4,620 3,770 3,270 2,920 2,660 2,460 0-4 7,540 5,320 4,340 3,770 3,360 3,060 2,840 0'5 8,408 5,970 4,860 4,210 3,770 3,430 3,180 0-6 9,185 6,512 5,320 4,620 4,130 3,770 3,460 0-8 10,643 7,528 6,124 5,320 4,740 4,340 4,020 1-0 11,858 8,408 6,853 5,929 5,320 4,860 4,500 1-2 13,025 9,185 7,528 6,512 5,832 5,297 4,929 1-5 14,580 10,303 8,408 7,290 6,512 5,970 5,500 1-8 15,941 11,275 9,185 7,970 7,139 6,512 6,026 2-0 16,816 11,858 9,720 8,408 7,528 6,853 6,360 2-5 18,808 13,268 10,838 9,380 8,408 7,679 7,096 Diameter of Pipe, 7 Inches. Length in yards. 250. 500. j 750. 1000. 1250. 1500. | 1750. Quantity delivered with O'l in. pressure. 5,560 3,920 3,200 2,780 2,470 2,270 2,100 0-2 7,840 5,560 4,510 3,920 3,500 3,200 2,960 0-3 9,600 6,800 5,560 4,800 4,300 3,920 3,640 0'4 11,120 7,840 6,400 5,560 4,940 4,540 4,200 . 0-5 12,370 8,750 ! 7,180 6,200 5,560 5,060 4,680 0-6 13,554 9,585 i 7,840 6,800 6,080 5,560 5,130 0-8 15,611 11,047 i 8,996 7;840 7,020 6,400 5,930 1-0 17,463 12,370 i 10,054 8,732 7,840 7,180 6,610 1-2 19,170 13,554 ; 11,047 9,585 8,533 7,805 7,210 1-5 21,433 15,148 12,370 10,716 9,585 8,750 8,120 1-8 23,477 16,597 13,554 11,709 10,452 9,855 8,864 2-0 24,740 17,463 j 14,288 12,370 11,047 10,054 9,360 2'5 27,651 19,567 15,942 13,825 12,370 11,292 10,452 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB Diameter of Pipe, 8 Inches. Length in yards. 250. 500. 750. 1000. 1250. 1500. 1750. Quantity delivered with 0-1 in. pressure. 0-2 7,760 10,940 5,470 7,760 4,470 6,310 3,880 5,470 3,460 4,880 3,160 4,470 2,920 4,130 0-3 " 13,400 9,450 7,760 6,700 5,980 5,470 5,050 0-4 15,520 10,940 8,940 7,760 6,920 6,320 5,840 0-5 17,280 12,200 9,900 8,640 7,760 7,020 6,520 0-6 18,922 13,383 10,940 9,450 8,480 7,760 7,150 0-8 21,851 15,379 12,614 10,940 9,780 8,940 8,260 1-0 24,365 17,280 14,083 12,182 10,940 9,900 9,237 1-2 26,767 18,922 15,379 13,383 11,923 10,886 10,109 1-6 29,894 21,082 1Y.280 14,947 13,383 12,200 11,300 1-8 32,746 23,155 18,922 16,330 14,602 13,383 12.355 2-0 34,560 24,365 19,872 17,280 15,379 14,083 13,040 2-5 38,621 27,302 22,291 19,267 17,280 15,725 14,602 Diameter of Pipe, 9 Inches. Length in yards. 250. 500. 750. 1000. 1250. 1500. 1750. Quantity delivered with O'l in. pressure. 10,400 7,380 6,350 5,200 4,650 4,250 3,950 0-2 14,760 10,400 8,500 7,380 6,480 6,000 5,620 0-3 18,000 12,780 10,400 9,000 8,300 7,380 6,800 0-4 20,800 14,760 12,700 10,400 9,300 8,500 7,900 0-5 23,182 16,500 13,420 11,900 10,400 9,680 8,800 0-6 25,369 17,933 14,760 12,780 11,400 10,400 9,650 0-8 29,306 20,667 16,938 14,760 13,100 12,000 11,050 1-0 32,805 23,182 18,918 16,403 14,760 13,420 12,380 1-2 35,867 25,369 20,667 17,933 16,064 14,653 13,559 1-5 40,131 28,409 23,182 20,011 17,933 16,500 15,200 1-8 43,959 31,055 25,369 21,979 19,683 17,933 16,621 2-0 46,364 32,805 26,681 23,182 20,667 18,918 17,600 2-5 51,332 36,632 29,853 25,916 23,182 21,105 19,574 Diameter of Pipe, 10 Incites. Length in yards. 500. 750. 1000. 1250. 1500. 1750. 2000. Quantity delivered with O'l in. pressure. 9,560 7,800 6,750 6,050 5,520 5,100 4,780 0-2 13,500 11,040 9,560 8,520 7,800 7,300 6,750 0'3 16,500 13,500 11,700 10,520 9,560 8,850 8,259 0'4 19,120 15,600 13,500 12,100 11,040 10,200 9,560 0-5 21,300 17,400 15,050 13,500 12,380 11,400 10,650 0-6 23,355 19,120 16,500 14,800 13,500 12,500 11,650 0-8 27,000 22,005 19,120 17,050 15,600 14,400 13,500 1-0 30,105 24,570 21,330 19,120 17,400 16,150 15,060 1-2 32,940 27,000 23,355 20,911 19,035 17,550 16,578 1-5 36,855 30,105 26,055 23,355 21,300 19,600 18,500 1-8 40,500 32,940 28,620 25,515 23,355 21,600 20,250 2-0 42,660 34,830 30,105 27,000 24,570 22,800 21,300 2-5 47,655 38,880 83,750 30,105 27,540 25,501 23,760 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 253 Diameter of Pipe, 12 Inches. Length in yards. 500. 750. 1000. 1250. 1500. 1750. 2000. Quantity delivered with O'l in. pressure. 0-2 15,100 21,400 12,300 17,400 10,700 15,100 9,550 13,450 8,700 12,300 8,050 11,350 7,550 10,700 0-3 26,100 21,400 19,500 16,500 15,100 13,880 13,050 0-4 30,200 24,600 21,400 19,100 17,400 16,100 15,100 0-6 33,600 27,500 23,800 21,400 19,440 18,050 16,800 0-6 36,741 30,200 26,100 23,300 21,400 19,800 19,500 0-8 42,573 34,603 30,200 26,900 ' 24,600 22,700 21,400 1-0 47,433 38,880 33,631 30,200 27,500 25,450 23,800 1-2 52,099 42,573 36,741 32,853 30,112 27,799 26,049 1-6 58,320 47,433 41,212 36,741 33,600 31,250 29,250 1-8 63,763 52,099 45,100 40,396 36,741 34,020 31,881 2-0 67,262 54.820 47,433 42,573 38,880 36,100 33,600 2-5 75,232 61,430 53,071 47,433 43,351 40,240 37,519 Diameter of Pipe, 14 Inches. Length in yards. 500. 750. 1000. 1250. 1500. 1750. 2000. Quantity delivered. with O'l in. pressure. 22.100 18,100 15,600 13,950 12,750 11,800 11,050 0-2 31,200 25,500 22,100 19,800 18,100 16,700 15,600 0-3 38,400 31,200 27,100 24.250 22,100 20,500 19,200 0-4 44,200 36,200 31,200 27,900 25,500 23,600 22,100 0-5 49,400 40,400 35,000 31,200 28,500 26,460 24,700 0-6 54,216 44,200 38,400 34,300 31,200 28,900 27,100 0-8 62,445 51,067 44,200 39,600 36,200 33,400 31,200 1-0 69,854 57,153 49,480 44,200 40,400 37,300 35,000 1-2 76,681 62,445 54,216 48,421 44,188 40,986 38,340 MS 85,730 69,854 60,593 54.216 49,400 45,700 42,600 1-8 93,906 76,681 66,414 59,270 54,216 50,009 46,834 2-0 98,960 80,703 69,854 62,445 57,153 52,920 49,400 2-5 110,602 90,228 78,268 69,854 63,768 59,005 55,301 Diameter of Pipe, 15 Indies. Length in yards. 500. 750. 1000. 1250. 1500. 1750. 2000. Quantity delivered. with O'l in. pressure. 26,300 21,400 18,600 16,600 15,200 14,000 13,150 0'2 37,200 30,400 26,300 23,500 21,400 19,900 18,60d 0'3 45,500 37,200 32,250 28,750 26,300 24,300 22,750 0'4 52,600 42,800 37,200 33,200 30,400 28,000 26,300 0-5 58,700 48,000 41,600 37,200 34,000 31,400 29,350 0-6 64,395 52,600 45,500 40,700 37,200 34,450 32,250 0'8 74,115 60,750 52,600 47,000 42,800 39,800 37;200 1-0 82,923 67,736 58,623 52,600 48,000 44,400 41,600 1-2 91,125 74,115 64,395 57,408 52,548 48,600 45,562 11 101,756 82,923 71,983 64,395 58,700 54,300 50,800 1-8 111,476 91,125 78,914 70,470 64,395 59,535 55,586 2'0 117,551 95,985 82,923 74,115 67,736 62,800 58,700 2-5 131,523 107,223 92,947 82,923 75,937 70,166 65,610 254 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Diameter of Pipe, 16 Inches. Length in yards. 500. 750. 1000. 1250. 1500. 1750. 2000. Quantity delivered. with O'l in. pressure. 0-2 31,000 43,700 25,250 35,700 21,850 31,000 19,550 27,700 17,850 25,250 16,550 23,400 15,500 21,850 0-3 53,600 43,700 38,100 34,000 31,000 28,700 26,800 0'4 62,000 50,500 43,700 39,100 35,700 33,100 31,000 0-5 69,120 56,600 49,000 43,700 39,900 37,150 34,560 0-6 75,686 62,000 53,600 47,900 43,700 38,100 40,700 0-8 87,402 71,193 62,000 55,400 50,500 46,800 43,700 ro ,, 97,459 79,488 69,120 62,000 56,600 52,400 49,000 1-2 107,066 87,402 75,686 67,703 61,516 57,024 53,533 1-5 119,577 97,459 84,326 75,686 69,120 63,900 60,100 1-8 130,982 107,066 92,620 82,944 75,686 70,087 65,318 20 138,240 112,665 97,459 87,402 79,488 74,300 69,120 2'5 154,483 126,144 109,209 97,459 89,164 82,598 77,068 Diameter of Pipe, 18 Inches. Length in yards. 500. 750. 1000. 1500. 2000. 2500. 8000. Quantity delivered with O'l in. pressure. 41,400 33,800 29,400 23,900 20,700 18,400 16,900 0-2 58,800 47,800 41,400 33,800 29,400 26,200 23,900 0-3 71,800 58,800 50,800 41,400 35,900 32,100 29,400 0'4 , 82,800 67,600 58,800 47,800 41,400 36,800 33,800 0-5 92,600 75,700 65,600 53,500 46,300 41,400 37,850 0-6 101,476 82,800 71,800 58,800 50,800 45,400 41,400 0-8 117,223 95,790 82,800 67,600 58,800 52,300 47,800 1-0 131,220 106,725 92,728 75,700 65,600 58,800 53,500 1-2 143,467 117,223 101,476 82,668 71,733 64,254 58,611 1-5 161,400 131,220 113,636 92,728 80,000 71,800 65,600 1-8 175,834 143,467 124,221 101,476 87,917 78,732 71,733 2-0 185.457 151,340 131,220 106,725 92,728 82,800 75,700 2-5 207,327 169,273 146,529 119,410 103,663 92,728 84,500 Diameter of Pipe, 20 Inches. Length in yards. 500. 750. 1000. 1500. 2000. 2500. 3000. Quantity delivered with O'l in. pressure. 54,000 44,000 38,250 i 31,200 27,000 24,200 22,000 0'2 76,500 62,400 54,000 i 44,000 38,250 34,200 31,200 0-3 93,500 76,500 66,100 54,000 46,750 41,800 38,250 0-4 108,000 88,000 76,500 62,400 54,000 48,400 44,000 0-5 120,500 98,800 85,300 69,800 62,250 54,000 49,400 0-6 131,760 108,000 93,500 76,500 66,100 59,100 54,000 0-8 152,280 124,200 108,000 ! 88,000 76,500 68,400 62,400 1-0 170,640 139,320 120,420 98,800 85,300 76,500 69,800 1-2 1-5 186,840 208,980 152,280 131,760 | 108,000 170,640 ! 147,420 120,420 93,420 102,300 83,646 93,500 76,140 85,300 1'8 228,960 186,840 1 162,000 131,760 114,480 102,060 93,420 2-0 241,380 197,100 i 170,640 139,320 120,420 108,000 98,800 2-5 270,000 220,320 | 190,620 155,520 135,000 120,420 110,200 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 255 Diameter of Pipe, 22 Inches. Length in yards. 500. | 750. 1000. 1500. 2000. 2500. 3000. Quantity delivered | with O'l in. pressure. 68,600 i 56,000 48,400 39,600 34,300 30,700 28,000 0-2 96,800 79,200 68,600 56,000 48,000 43,400 39,600 0-3 118,800 96,800 84,000 68,600 59,400 53,300 48,400 0'4 137,200 i 112,000 96,800 79,200 68,600 61,400 56,000 0-5 153,500 ! 122,500 108,200 88,600 76,800 68,400 61,200 0-6 168,577 137,200 118,800 96,800 84,000 75,000 68,600 0-8 193,406 158,122 137,200 112,000 96,800 86,500 79,200 i-o 216,275 176,418 152,895 122,500 108,200 96,800 88,600 1-2 237,184 i 193,406 168,577 136,560 118,265 105,850 96,703 1-5 265,280 ' 216,275 187,525 ! 152,895 132,000 118,800 108,200 1-8 290,697 i 237,184 203,860 168,577 145,054 130,026 118,265 2-0 306,444 1 249,598 216,275 | 176,418 152,895 137,200 122,500 2'5 342,381 279,655 242,280 197,326 171,190 152,895 140,000 Diameter of Pipe, 24 Inches. Length in yards. .500. 750. 1000. 1500. 2000. 2500. 8000. Quantity delivered with O'l in. pressure. 84,000 68,600 59,500 48,500 42,000 37,500 34,300 0-2 119,000 97,000 84,000 68,600 59,500 53,400 48,500 0-3 145,500 119,000 103,000 84 000 72,700 65,200 59,500 0-4 168,000 137,200 119,000 97,000 : 84,000 75,000 68,600 0-5 187,500 155,000 135,600 108,600 ! 93,800 84,000 77,500 0-6 208,396 168,000 145,000 119,000 ' 103,000 92,000 84,000 0'8 240,900 196,655 168,000 137,200 119,000 106,000 97,000 1-0 269,049 219,283 189,734 155,000 135,600 119,000 108,600 1-2 294,710 240,900 208,396 170,294 : 146,966 131,414 120,450 1-5 i 329,702 269,049 233,280 189,734 : 163,000 145,500 135,600 1-8 360,806 294,710 255,052 208,396 ! 180,403 161,585 146,966 2-0 ! 380,946 311,040 269,049 219,283 ' 189,734 168,000 155,000 2'5 425,347 347,587 300,931 245,721 ! 212,284 189,734 172,000 Diameter of Pipe, &6 Inches. Length in yards. 750. 1000. 1500. 2000. 2500. 8000. 4000. Quantity delivered with O'l in. pressure. 85,000 73,500 60,000 52,000 46,500 42,500 36,750 0-2 120,000 104,000 85,000 73,500 65,800 60,000 52,000 03 147,000 127,000 104,000 90,000 80,600 73,500 63,500 0-4 170,000 147,000 120,000 104,000 93,000 85,000 73,500 0-5 189,000 165,000 134,000 116,000 104,000 94.-500 82,500 0-6 208,000 180,000 147,000 127,000 114,000 104,000 90,000 0-8 240,013 208,000 170,000 147,000 132,000 120,000 104,000 1-0 268,304 232.621 189,000 165,000 147,000 134,000 116,000 1-2 293,857 254,615 208,072 179,782 160,617 146,928 126,851 1-5 328,536 284,731 232,621 201,000 180,000 165,000 142,000 1-8 , 360,385 312,109 254,615 220,666 197,121 179,782 156,054 2-0 379,641 328,536 268,304 232,621 208,000 189,000 165,000 2-5 424,359 367,777 300,245 260,091 232,621 213,000 184,000 3-0 465,334 402,456 328,536 284,731 254,615 232,621 201,000 266 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Diameter of Pipe, 28 Inches. Length in yards. 1000. 1500. 2000. 2500. 3000. 4000. 5000. Quantity delivered with 0'5 in. pressure. 198,000 161,000 140,000 125,000 114,500 99,000 88,600 06 216,866 176,752 153,362 136,533 124,891 107,956 96,314 08 249,782 204,271 176,752 157,701 143,942 124,891 111,978 i-o. 280,000 229,000 198,000 177,000 161,000 140,000 125,000 1-2 306,724 249,782 216,866 193,687 176,752 153,362 136,533 1-5 342,921 280,000 241,000 216,000 198,000 171,000 153,500 1-8 375,626 306,724 265,658 237,081 216,866 187,336 167,227 20 395,841 322,812 280,000 250,000 229,000 198,000 177,200 2-5 442,411 360,914 313,074 280,000 255,000 222,000 198,000 3-0 484,747 395,841 342J921 306,724 280,000 241,000 216,000 Diameter of Pipe, 80 Inches. Length in yards. 1000. 2000. 8000. 4000. 5000. 7500. 10000. Quantity delivered with 0'5 in. pressure. 234,000 166,000 135,000 117,000 105,000 86,000 74,500 0-6 257,580 182,250 148,230 128,790 115,182 94,041 81,405 0-8 296,460 210,195 171,315 148,230 132,435 108,135 94,041 i-o 332,000 234,000 192,000 166,000 149,000 121,500 105,000 1-2 364,500 257,580 210,195 182,250 162,810 132,435 115,182 1'5 407,025 287,000 234,000 203,000 182,000 149,000 128,500 1-8 445,905 315,657 257,580 222,345 199,260 162,810 140,940 2-0 470,205 331,695 270,000 234,000 210,000 172,000 149,000 2-5* 526,095 371,790 303,750 263,000 234,000 192,000 166,000 3-0 575,910 407,025 331,695 287,955 257,000 210,000 182,000 4-0 664,605 470,205 383,940 331,695 298,000 243,000 210,000 Diameter of Pipe, 86 Inches. Length in yards. 1000. 2000. 3000. 4000. 5000. 7500. 10000. Quantity delivered with 0'5 in. pressure. 370,915 262,440 213,451 185,457 165,862 135,419 117,223 0-6 405,907 286,934 234,446 202,953 181,783 148,366 127,720 0-8 468,892 330,674 271,013 234,446 209,952 171,285 148,366 i-o 530,000 370,000 303,000 265,000 234,000 192,000 166,000 12 573,868 405,907 330,674 286,934 257,016 209,952 181,783 1-5 642,103 456,000 372,000 322,000 288,000 234,900 204,000 1-8 703,339 496,886 405,907 351,669 314,928 257,016 222,199 2-0 741,830 524,880 428,000 372,000 332,000 271,000 1 234^000 2-5 829,310 586,116 477,640 416,000 372,000 303,000 ! 265,000 3-0 908,042 642,103 524,880 454,546 407,000 332,000 288,000 4-0 1,049,760 742,180 605,361 524,880 468,892 384,000 332,000 The foregoing tables are calculated upon the basis of the specific gravity of the gas being 400. The quantity of gas of any other specific gravity discharged may be ascertained by multiplying the quantity indicated in the table by -6325 (the square root of -400), and dividing by the square root of the specific gravity of the other gas. GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGERS. 267 EXAMPLE. If a 12-inch pipe, 1000 yards long, discharges 28, 800 cubic feet of gasper hour, specific gravity -400 at -5 in. pressure, how much gas will the same pipe discharge, at the same pressure, when the specific gravity is -560? 23,800 x -6325 7483 = 20,116 cubic feet. Answer. The quantity of gas discharged at any other pressure ma"y be ascer- tained by multiplying the quantity indicated in the table by the square root of the new pressure, and dividing by the square root of the original pressure. EXAMPLE. If a quantity of gas equal to 23,355 cubic feet is dis- charged in one hour at a pressure of 1-2 inches, what quantity will be discharged through the same pipe at 2- 2 inches pressure ? 28.85SX1-4882 _ 1-0954 To facilitate these calculations, tables are annexed of the square roots of specific gravities from -350 to -700, rising -005 at a time ; and of the square roots of pressures from l-10th of an inch to 4 inches, rising l-10th at a time. TABLE. Square Root of the Specific Gravity of Gas from '350 to -700. Specific Gravity. Square Root. Specific Gravity. Square Root. Specific Gravity. Square Root. Specific Gravity. Bgtuuce I Specific Root. Gravity. Square Root. 350 5916 425 6519 495 7035 565 7517 635 7969 355 '5958 430 6557 500 7071 570 7549 -640 8000 -360 6000 435 6595 505 7106 575 7583 j -645 8031 365 6041 440 6633 510 7141 580 7616 650 8062 370 6083 445 6671 515 7176 585 7648 655 8093 375 6124 450 6708 520 7212 590 7681 660 8124 380 6164 455 6745 525 7246 595 7713 665 8155 385 -6205 460 6782 530 7280 600 7746 670 8185 390 '6245 j -465 6819 535 7314 605 7778 675 8216 395 6285 1 -470 6856 540 7348 610 7810 680 8246 400 -6325 475 6892 545 7382 615 7842 685 8276 405 ' -6364 480 6928 550 7416 ' 620 7874 690 8306 410 6403 485 6964 555 7449 625 7905 695 8337 415 6442 490 7000 560 7488 630 7937 700 8387 420 6481 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR TABLE. Square Hoot of Pressures, rising by Tenths of an Inch, from One-Tenth Four Inches. Inches and Tenths. Square Root. Inches and Tenths. Square Root. Inches and Tenths. Square Root. l-10th. 3162 l-5-10ths. 2251 2-8-10ths. 1-6733 2-10ths. 4472 1-6 ., '2649 2-9 1-7029 3 6477 1-7 3038 3 inches. 1-7320 4 6324 i-s ; 3416 8-l-10th. 7606 5 7071 1-9 3784 3-2-lOths. 7888 6 7745 2 inches. 4142 3-3 8165 7 8366 2-l-10th. 4491 3-4 8439 8 8944 2-2-lOths. 4832 3-5 8708 ?inch. 9487 1-0000 2-3 2-4 ; 5165 5491 3-6 3-7 8973 9235 l-l-10th. 1-0488 2'5 5811 3-8 9493 l-2-10ths. 1-0954 2-6 1-6123 3-9 9748 1-3 1-1401 2'7 1-6431 4 inches. 2-0000 1-4 1-1832 Should it be required to find the pressure in inches of water to discharge a certain quantity of gas of given specific gravity in an hour, through a pipe the dimensions of which are known, the formula is (1350) 2 d 5 i.e., multiply the square of the number of cubic feet of gas to be dis- charged hi one hour by the specific gravity of the gas, and by the length of the pipe in yards ; divide the product by the square of the constant number 1350, multiplied by the diameter in inches raised to the fifth power, and the quotient is the pressure. EXAMPLE. It is required to find the pressure in inches of water to discharge in an hour 12,000 cubic feet of gas, specific gravity '5, through a pipe 8 inches in diameter and 1900 yards long. Then Q 2 x s x l_ 144,000,000 x -5 x 1900 136,800,000,000 _ j 2-3 ins. 1350 2 xd 5 ~ 1,822,500x32,768 X 59,719,68~0700CT~ { nearly. If the diameter of a pipe is required which will discharge a given quantity of gas under a given pressure, we have the formula y Q*77 = V GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. This can easily be calculated by a table of logarithms thus log. d = i (2 log. Q. + log. s. + log. 1. - 2 log. 1850 + log.h.) EXAMPLE. It is required to find the diameter of a pipe 1240 yards long, to discharge 48,000 cubic feet of gas, of the specific gravity -4, in one hour, with a pressure of 2 inches. Then 2 log. Q = 2 log. 48,000 . . . = 9-8624824 log. s = log. -4 ..... = 1-6020600 log. 1. = log. 1240 . . . . = 3-0934217 12-0579641 2 log. 1350 = 6-2606676 } _ 6 . 5616976 log. h = log. 2 = 0- 3010300 [ ' 5 ) 5-4962665 log. d ...... . . = 1-0992533 Therefore d = 13 inches, nearly. The following axioms are worth remembering : 1. The discharge of gas will be doubled when the length of the pipe is only one-fourth of any of the lengths given in the tables. 2. The discharge of gas will be only one-half when the length of the pipe is four times greater than the lengths given in the tables. 8. The discharge of gas will be doubled by the application of four times the pressure. Handy Piule for finding (approximately) the Content of a Pipe in Gallons and Cttbic Feet. RULE. Multiply the square of the diameter of the pipe in inches by the length in yards, and divide by 10 for gallons, and by 60 for cubic feet. EXAMPLE. A pipe is 6 in. diameter and 400 yards long, what is the content? then 240 cubic feet. 260 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR SERVICE -PIPES AND FITTINGS. In the term Service-pipes are included all pipes branching out of the mains to the consumers' meters, and for the supply of public and private lamps, &c. Leakage or unaccounted-for gas is due more to defects in Service- pipes than to all the other causes combined. The leaks are chiefly caused in the pipe by corrosion, or at its junction with the main. Such being the case, it is clear that the utmost care should be de- voted to the habilitation and maintenance of this portion of the dis- tributory plant. Service-pipes are of cast-iron, wrought-iron, and lead. The use of cast-iron pipes for this purpose is, as a general rule, confined to the supply of gas to large establishments, where the diameter of the pipe exceeds 2 inches. The smaller sizes are too fragile to bear the over- head traffic, and the number of joints is objectionable. Such Ser- vices as are of less bore than 3 inches are usually of wrought-iron, or lead. Wrought-iron pipes or tubes are chiefly employed for Services. They can be obtained of any convenient length, and are easily and expeditiously fixed. Wrought-iron tubes and fittings, such as tees, bends, elbows, ferrules, sockets, &c., should be perfectly cylindrical, with no ribs or flat places, and internally as smooth as possible. The welding should be scarcely discernible from the other parts, and the screw should be equally deep throughout the thread. In laying wrought-iron pipes, the coupling or socket at the end, and which is supplied along with the pipe, should always be removed, the thread painted with red or white lead paint, and then replaced. Lead pipes have their advantages, though they require more care in laying ; and to prevent their sagging in the ground, wood lags have to be placed underneath them throughout their length. On the other hand, they can be laid with fewer joints ; the only jointing places being the connections with the main and the meter, unless the premises to be supplied are beyond the ordinary distance from the main. When taken up, also, to be renewed, the old metal is of more value than old iron. All Service -pipes, whether of wrought-iron or lead, when laid in the ground, should be protected from the oxidizing influences of the soil, moisture, and air, by being encased in a u -shaped or V-shaped channel of wood or other material, filled, after the pipe has been laid therein, with a mixture of hot pitch and tar. This prolongs their life in- definitely, and prevents leakage, and consequently is well worth the trifling extra cost and trouble entailed. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. The tinning or galvanizing . of the surface of wrought-iron pipes adds greatly to their durability when laid in sandy soil impregnated with saline matter. The Barff-Bower process of covering iron with a thin layer of oxide to protect it from corrosion, either in the soil or when exposed to the atmosphere, is peculiarly valuable as applied to wrought-iron tubes and fittings, and deserves to be universally adopted. Mains should be drilled, not cut with a chisel, for the insertion of Service pipes. The full sectional thickness of the metal is thus pre- served, and the hole is a true circle in form. Mr. Upward's drilling apparatus secures immunity from leakage in attaching the Service -pipe to the main ; and it is easily applied and used. All Service-pipes should, if possible, be laid with a slight fall to the main to admit of the condensed moisture draining away thereto. When the pipe is of great length, and a continuous inclination to the main is impracticable, a small drip-well, commonly called a bottle- syphon (Fig. 96 on page 268) should be attached at the lowest point. FIG. 95. The Service-cleanser of Messrs. D. Hulett and Co. (Fig. 95) is . ex- ceedingly useful for removing water and other obstructions from Service-pipes. It is not possible always to see whether a wrought-iron Service- pipe is worn out or not, unless it is taken up out of the ground. The under part of the pipe will often be found completely oxidized, when the upper surface is sound and good. The rust forms a shell, which crumbles on being disturbed, but when untouched is sufficient to prevent the immediate escape of gas. ' All abrupt angles, such as square elbows, whether in mains, Services, or internal fittings, owing to the resistance they offer to the regular and even flow of the gas, act as condensers, and diminish the available pressure. Their use should, therefore, be discarded wherever practi- cable ; bends or round elbows being much more preferable. For the same reason the internal surface of pipes should be a? smooth as 262 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE possible. No pipe should be put in use without careful examination, and the removal of all existing roughnesses. 2-inch cast-iron pipes as mains, i-inch wrought-iron pipes as Services, and -inch lead or composition pipes for internal supply, should be utterly abandoned. The first are a grievous source of direct leakage, owing to breakages at their junction with the Service-pipes; the whole three, if used to any great extent, entail high initial pressure, which is synonymous with a heavy leakage account. If the distance from the main to the meter does not exceed 30 yards, the following sizes of Service-pipes will supply the number of lights named : 1 to 10 lights (consuming say 4 c. ft. per hour each) 11 80 31 60 61 120 121 200 , The above s zes allow for partial contraction of the area of the pipe by corrosion or deposition. Wrought-iron Tube. . | inch. TABLE. Weight per Foot of Wrought-iron Tubing For Gas, Water, and Steam. \ GAS. WATER. STEAM. Internal Diameter. Weight per Foot. Internal Diameter. Weight per Foot. Internal Diameter. Weight per Foot. Inches. ! Lbs. Ozs. 14} 1 5} 1 15 Inches. i Lbs. Ozs. 15 1 7} 2 1 Inches. 1 1 1 Lbs. Ozs. 15} 1 8 2 3} 11 2 2} 2 10 3 2} 4 6} 5 10} f 2} 2 14 3 9 4 14 6 4 li ? 2} 4 5 8 7 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. TABLE. Weight of Wrought-Iron Gas Tubes and Fittings. Size. Tubes. Fittings. Weight per 100 feet. Weight per 1000 feet. Weight of 10 Elbows. Weight of 10 Tees. Weight of 10 Crosses. Cwts. Qrs. Lbs. Tons. Cwts. Qrs. Lbs. Lbs. Ozs. Lbs. Ozs. Lbs. Ozs. 1 010 0220 1 1 1 1 8 i 1 14 0330 1 7 1 8 1 14 i 026 0524 1 13 2 4 2 3 i 3 6J 8 9J 2 15 3 3 4 | 1 22J 12 1 4 6 5 4 5 11 1 1 2 26 17 1 8 6 4 7 10 9 2 1J 2 1 11 1 3 1 26 10 10 12 15 14 11 if 237 1 8 14 15 8 16 7 18 10 11 3 12 1 11 8 15 12 20 21 4 2 3 3 21 1 19 1 14 22 6 27 31 4 2J 4 26 2218 30 2 32 8 41 4 91 505 2 10 1 22 46 2 50 15 51 4 it 5 1 19 2 14 22 55 10 68 8 80 10 3 6 20 3134 73 8 85 5 88 12 3J 7 1 14 3 13 3 101 121 129 4 820 4500 126 144 158 TABLE. Pitch of the Whitworth Taps and Dies for Gas Tubing. Internal Diameter of Pipe. External Diameter of Pipe. Number of Threads per Inch. Internal Diameter of Pipe. External Diameter of Pipe. Number of Threads per Inch. i 385 28 2 2-347 11 1 520 19 2fr 2-467 11 665 19 2i 2-587 11 J 882 14 21 2-794 11 1 1-034 14 2i 3-001 11 1 1-302 11 2 3-124 11 H 1-492 11 2f 3-247 11 it 1-650 11 21 3-367 11 il 1-745 11 3-485 11 ij 1-882 11 3i 3-698 11 H 2-021 11 Si 3-912 11 il 2-047 11 8f 4-125 11 U 2-245 11 4 4-339 11 Uniformity in the screws or threads of Service-pipes and fittings is greatly to be desired, a large proportion of the leakage being due to the want of this. The screwed joint may be too slack, in which 264 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR case leakage often follows ; on the other hand, when a socket is too small to receive the screwed end of a pipe, instead of running the tap into the one, or the dies over the other, careless workmen are often content to let the joint pass, provided they succeed in getting a single thread to bite. The natural settlement of the ground, the traffic over the surface, or the first keen frost, disjoints the connection and an escape follows. To Calculate the Required Size of Service -Pipes. The following table gives the theoretical diameter required for pipes which have to supply a certain number of burners at distances from the street main. The table is calculated by the formula <( = >y /I a being the same as that used in the determination of the quantities of gas delivered by large pipes. As, however, the actual discharge from small pipes is less than the calculated quantity, the tabular number must be increased by one- third if the Service-pipe is of lead, and by one-half if of wrought-iron. When of the latter material, it is not advisable to put in the ground a pipe of less than f -inch in diameter. EXAMPLE of the Manner of Using the Table. Supposing there are 40 lights to be supplied, at the distance of 70 feet from the main, the tabular number opposite 70 and under 40 is 73540. To this add one-third if a lead service, making -98053, and one-half if a wrought- iron service, making 1-10310. The sizes of pipes next above the numbers are 1 inch and 1J inch respectively, and these are the sizes required. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 265 TABLE Showing the Diameter of Pipes, in Decimals of an Inch, to Supply Lights at Certain Distances from the Main. Number of Lights, each Burning Five Feet per Hour, with Distance of Lights from Main in Feet. a Pressure of One Inch. 3. 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 5 15457 17682 19176 20311 22027 23331 24396 25302 26094 26802 27439 28023 30391 32191 33660 34901 18882 21691 23524 24916 27020 28620 29927 31024 32010 32876 33660 34377 37281 39489 41291 42825 24912 28617 31034 32872 35649 37760 39483 40950 42231 43375 44408 45354 49185 52098 54476 56507 29424 33660 36504 38666 41932 44415 46441 48167 49675 51255 52235 53348 57054 61281 64077 66457 32876 37765 40956 43381 47045 49830 52105 54041 55733 57241 58606 59854 64909 68753 71891 74561 35946 41291 44779 47429 51438 54483 56970 59086 60936 62585 64077 65442 70970 75173 78604 81523 38824 44415 48167 51019 55329, 58605 61280 63556 65546 67011 68925 70393 76339 80860 84550 87691 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 200 250 800 Distance of Lights from Main in Feet. Number of Lights, each Burning Five Feet per Hour, with a Pressure of One Inch. 40. 50. 100. 150. 200. 300. 5 .... 10 15 . 43381 49832 54041 57241 62076 65753 68753 71307 73540 75530 77331 78978 85649 90720 94862 98389 "47430 54484 59086 62585 67872 71891 75172 77928 80405 82582 84550 86351 93688 99191 1-0371 1-0757 62577 71881 77954 82571 89546 94848 99177 0286 0608 0895 1155 1394 2356 3088 3685 1-4197 73911 83775 91693 97123 0533 1156 1665 2099 2478 2874 3121 3400 4532 5393 6095 6693 82581 94862 0288 0897 1817 2517 3089 3574 3999 4378 4721 5035 6305 7270 8058 8729 97525 1157 2099 2815 3898 4721 5393 5965 6464 6910 7313 1-7681 1-9175 2-0311 2-1238 2-2540 20 . 30 40 . 50 . . . . . . 60 70 80 90 100 ... 150 200 250 .... 300 . 266 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB PRICE LIST OF WROUGHT- No. 1 2 3 4 5 g INTERNAL DIAMETEB. INCHES. Tubes, 2 to 14 feet long, per foot . Pieces, 12 to 23J inches long, each . Do. 3 to 115 . Longscrews, 12 to 23 J ,, . 3 to 115 . Bends i s. d. 2 4 2 5 4 55 i s. d. 25 5 3 7 5 (.i* I s. d. 3 7 4 9 6 7 i s. d. 4J 9 6 11 8 8 * s. d. 6 1 8 1 2 10 11 1 s. d. 8J 1 4 11 1 6 1 1 3 789 Springs, not Socketed. . . . % 4 5 6 7 9 11 10 11 12 13 14 16 Socket Union (10), Pipe Do. (11) . Elbows, Wrought-Iron . . . . Tees . . . . Crosses . . . . Plain Sockets > o"e 6 10 15 2 6* 6J 1 15 2 (5 7 7 1 2 3 8 9 1 5 3 4 10 1 1 9 35 5 6 1 2 1 3 2 3 4 16 Diminished Sockets 3 n 4 n 5 6 7 17 8 9 10 1 1 2 1 4 18 19 Caps (18) Plugs (19) 2 3 3 4 5 6 20 21 22 Backnuts (20, Nipples (21) . . . 1 2 2 6 2 3 3 3 9 35 5 4 6 3 23 Bound Elbows, Wrought-Iron . . 7 7 8 9 1 1 4 24 S 27 28 29 Iron Main Cocks Do. with Brass Plugs . Bound Way Iron Cocks .... Do. with Brass Plugs . Cock Spanners, Wrought-Iron . . Do. Malleable Cast-Iron . 2 8 2 3 2 9 4 6 3 6 5 1 7 3 6 5 6 4 6 6 1 4 8 4 6 7 6 5 6 9 1 8 10 6 6 10 6 7 6 13 2 1 2 30 Syphon Boxes 1 Quart . 11 12 13 31 32 i Do. 2 . . . . Do. 3 ! . . . . 16 20 17 22 33 34 Do. 4 . . . . Malleable Cast Bound Elbows . . o"e o"65 0"7 o"s 21 10 23 1 2 (35) Tongs or Nippers, (86) Stocks, Dies, and Taps, at prices as quoted by the manufacturer. If Tubes are required to be of longer length than 14 feet, they are charged at the next higher rate. Tubes of intermediate diameters charged at the price of the next larger size. Springs ; if socketed, sockets added at list prices. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 267 IRON TUBING AND FITTINGS, &o. If If If 2 2 | 2f 3 I 4 s. d. s. d. s. d. B. d. s. d. s. d. B. d. s. d. B. d. s. d. 11 1 2 1 6 1 9 2 7 3 3 4 4 6 5 6 7 1 8 2 2 6 3 4 6 6 3 7 6 9 11 6 14 6 1 1 1 4 2 2 3 4 4 9 6 7 8 9 2 2 6 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 10 12 6 15 6 1 3 2 2 6 3 4 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 8 6 10 1 9 2 3 3 3 4 3 6 6 10 12 16 25 32 6 1 4 1 8 2 6 3 3 5 6 7 6 10 12 19 26 6 9 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 22 28 1 9 2 3 3 3 6 5 6 8 6 11 14 22 28 1 9 2 6 3 3 9 6 9 6 12 6 16 6 24 30 3 3 6 4 6 5 3 10 6 16 21 30 42 50 6 7 9 1 1 6 2 6 3 3 6 5 6 9 11 1113 2 3 4 5 7 9 1 6 1 9 2026 3 9 5 6 9 8 6 10 11 6 8 10 10 13 2 2 6 3 6 4 9 70 10 6 8 10 1 1 9 2 3 3 3 6 4666 8 6 10 11 6 13 6 16 19 22 25 80 i 36 1 11 2 6 3 4 3 10 6 6 10 13 16 25 32 8 6 11 14 18 27 36 44 50 75 90 15 19 6 25 32 47 60 90 110 140 190 10 13 17 6 22 38 54 62 70 100 160 19 28 36 42 60 85 105 120 180 280 2 4 3 3 6 4 4 9 6 7 6 9 12 14 1 8 2 2 2 9 3 3 4 9 6 7 6 9 12 14 14 15 15 6 16 18 .. .. 18 19 21 23 25 30 "0 35"0 40"0 24 25 26 6 28 32 35 40 45 50"0 56"0 25 27 29 31 34 38 42 47 54 60 1 9 2 3 3 3 6 5 6 9 12 15 30 40 Discount Gas tubes and fittings, per cent. Galvanized do. do. Steam and water do. do . Galvanized do. do. Iron Cocks over 2 inches at special discounts. 368 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. PUBLIC LIGHTING. The height of a lamp pillar or column (Fig. 98), measured from the surface of the ground to the centre of the flame, should not exceed 10 feet. A f -inch or even a -inch lead pipe is not suitable for placing in the interior of a lamp column. In cold districts, in winter, the con- densed moisture in a pipe of this small bore becomes frozen, filling up the entire length with solid ice in a very short space of time. This is probably due to the wavy irregularities in the pipe preventing the water from draining rapidly away. Galvanized wrought-iron pipe is best for lamp columns, and for placing against a wall for the supply of a bracket lamp ; and -inch is the smallest size that should be used. In situations exposed to cutting winds, and where the frost is keen, f-inch wrought-iron pipes are best. If the service-pipe at the entrance to the base of a lamp column has not very ample fall to the main, the water of condensation, unable to drain quickly away, will inevitably be frozen at that point during frost, and, by accretion, will eventually interrupt the passage of the gas. It is not unusual to find one-half the public lights in some districts extinguished at night when a severe frost prevails. This is simply due to mismanagement, as it would not occur if attention were paid to the matters indicated above. Seventy yards is the maximum distance apart at which public lamps should be placed. A new and entirely novel form of Lamp Post (Fig. 97), has been intro- duced by J. and J. Braddock. It consists of four 1 -inch wrought-iron tubes, held together at three points, in addition to the base, by cast-iron binders, one of the tubes being used as the service-pipe for conveying the gas to the burner. Panels may be fixed at the foot, or it can be left open, as desired. No ladder-arm is required, as the tubes, on any side, form a square support for a ladder to rest against. The tubes are continued down through the visible base, and are screwed into a cast-iron plate underground. Altogether, the post has a neat appear- ance, and, owing to its lightness under 2 cwt. and the ease with which it can be taken to pieces and set up again, it is specially adapted for export. The ordinary four-sided lamp is the most serviceable for general use. It is 14 inches square at the widest part, and made of tinned copper. The street lamps designed by Mr. Sugg (Fig. 99) and Mr. Bray (Figs. 100 and 101), with clusters of flat-flame burners, and the lamp 270 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR and regenerative burner of Herr F. Siemens (Fig. 102) have much improved the lighting of streets and squares wherever they have been introduced ; and have proved, at the same time, that efficient FIG. 97. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 271 street illumination by means of gas is perfectly attainable where there is a willingness on the part of towns' authorities to incur the expense. The earlier street lamps were constructed with opaque reflecting tops, and the glazed tops were afterwards introduced as an improve- FIG. 99. FIG. 100. ment. When the whole of the light is reflected downwards, the fronts of the houses, except for a short space above the height of the lamp column, are placed in a state of utter darkness, and to passengers FIG. 101. FIG. 102. walking along the streets the gloomy canopy overhead, rendered all the more sombre and distressing from the concentrated light under- neath, has an unearthly and depressing effect. 272 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE On the other hand, where the main thoroughfares of a large town are lighted with the capacious lamps recently introduced, with semi- transparent crowns, admitting of the radiation of a portion of the light on the house fronts, the perfection of street lighting is attained as near as possible. The square at the bottom of a lamp is generally in two or three parts, one of them being hinged on the outer edge, for raising when the lamp is being lighted by the pole. It is a common occurrence to find a portion of the bottom missing altogether, and the flame, thus exposed to the action of the wind, is in a state of constant oscillation, whereby much of the illuminating power of the gas is sacrificed. The supply of gas to public lamps is usually fixed at 5 cubic feet per hour for common gas up to 17 candles value ; for cannel gas up to 30 candles value, the supply per hour varies from 3 to 4 cubic feet. Satisfactory public lighting, as between gas companies and local authorities, is best secured by the adoption of a good average meter system, and the application of a regulator to every lamp. Weight and Thickness of Glass for Public Lamps, No. of the Glass 059 063 071 077 083 091 or uie w, Thickness ^u^oT Seeing an in 21 . 100 24 . 111 26 . 125 32 . 154 36 . 167 42 . 200 Rule to find the Length of Day and Night. Day. The hour of sunset, doubled, is the length of the day. Night. The hour of sunrise, doubled, is the length of the night. The Moon's Eising and Setting. At 4 days old, the Moon sets about 10 o'clock at night At 5 At 6 At 7 At 15 At 16 At 17 At 18 At 19 At 20 the Moon rises 11 12 ;; ;; 1 o'clock in the morning. 6 in the evening. 8J 10 at night. 11 12 GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. 273 * 1 s- o 1 a .5 Sg iSg * S-S" si oS fl m ll ll jo sjnojj jo t-iO^OOrH - C*l "<# AQ C S3 ***> g2 I .^C^rHQOD^-lOCOCrsOC^^iO 81 3a;ning jo STOOJJ jo noi^B 5i-(Cl5lOI> i! 274 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Mic Q mmer ter. Lady-Day Quarter. uaqrae^deg "jsnSny qcuispi *; o % H U5 CO rH i-l OOOCM-* CO SO 00 rH C- O OS t- * r-l OCDI>OO -:-?- as GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 275 CONSUMERS' GAS METERS. Gas Meters are either " Wet " or " Dry." The wet Meter has a measuring wheel or drum enclosed in an iron case charged with water up to a certain level, called the " water- line." The drum is divided into compartments similar to the station Meter; and the measurement and indication, or registration, of the gas passing through it are performed in the same manner. The dry Meter has usually a case of tinned iron. This is divided into compartments by a central partition and two or more movable diaphragms with prepared flexible leather sides. The gas enters and leaves these compartments alternately through valves whose passages are made to open and close at the proper moment. The alternate expansion and contraction of the inner and outer spaces (after the manner of the ordinary bellows), by the pressure of the gas. exerted on the surfaces of the diaphragms, are communicated by levers and cranks to the wheelwork of the indicators, which are alike in both classes of Meter. Meters, as tested under the provisions of the " Sales of Gas Act, 1859," are stamped as correct by the Inspector when their registration does not vary from the true standard measure of gas more than 2 per- cent, in favour of the seller, and 3 per cent, in favour of the consumer. Added together, the range is 5 per cent. " Compensating " Meters were introduced to overcome the difficulty caused by the limitation in the range of the water level of wet Meters. Most of these have a reservoir of water within the case distinct from the water in which the measuring wheel revolves ; and various auto- matic expedients are adopted for transferring this water, as long as it lasts, to the body of the Meter, to compensate for the diminution of water therein by evaporation or otherwise. The action of the Warner and Cowan measuring wheel is independent of the water-line ; the compensation in this instance being effected by a second and smaller wheel contained within, and revolving with, the larger one, but having its partitions arranged in the opposite direction. When a depression occurs in the water-line of a Meter from any cause, a volume of gas in excess of the true quantity is passed ; but in this instance the excess in volume of the gas is returned by the smaU wheel to the Meter inlet to be remeasured. The Sanders and Donovan Meter is provided with a compensating hollow float of metal plate, accurately balanced on pivots within the front portion of the case, and independent of the Meter's action. As the water is added to or withdrawn, the float rises or sinks in propor- tion, and thus the correct level is maintained. T 2 276 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOK When the drum or measuring wheel of a Meter is driven at a speed exceeding 120 revolutions per hour (except 2 and 3 lights, when it may have a speed of 144), it absorbs an undue amount of the avail- able gas pressure, and its registration is falsified. It is important, therefore, to see that all Meters fixed are adequate to the supply of the greatest number of lights in use at one time on the premises of the consumer. Mr. Urquhart's " Reliance " Meter and Mr. Hunt's Meter, both of which are on the compensating principle, though different in character, are exceptions to the rule above stated, as they measure correctly even when the measuring wheel is caused-.to revolve at speeds in excess of the normal rate. This result is obtained by a reverse action, by which the gas enters through passages in the valve chamber in the body of the Meter, and thence into the drum, from which it makes its escape through the bent tube to the outlet. The inlet pressure thus bears upon nearly the whole surface of the contained water, and the measuring chambers are practically unaltered in capacity. It need scarcely be pointed out, however, that anything like a general resort to the practice of allowing the use of Meters too small for the consumption except at extraordinary pressures, is a serious evil in various ways loss by leakage is increased ; the illuminating power of the gas is practically reduced ; and consumers, whose Meters and fittings are adequate, suffer by the prevailing high pressure. One-light Meters, which formerly were extensively employed, are now altogether inadmissible ; and even two-light Meters should only be sparingly used. The low price at which gas is sold encourages its extended consumption ; and the houses are becoming fewer in number every day where this small size is sufficient to afford an adequate sup- ply at reasonable pressures, to the quantity of lights in regular use. The regular periodical inspection of Meters is a point of the utmost importance, and ought never to be neglected. The indices of Meters in dwelling-houses, &c., should be noted, and water supplied to the proper level wherever deficient, at least once every six weeks. The Meters in mills, manufactories, and large establishments of every kind where the consumption of gas is heavy, should be inspected for the like purpose once every 14 days. The Inspector should always be provided with a supply of leather washers for the different screws and plugs, to replace any that are worn out. Meters in cold and exposed positions should be protected by a suitable covering during frost, to prevent interruption to the supply of gas by the water becoming frozen. Woollen rags or wrappings of any kind will answer the purpose. The Motive Power Meter is but rarely required ; but it is exceedingly GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 277 useful in certain positions, where the pres- sure, from some unavoidable cause, is in- sufficient to afford an adequate supply of gas. In construction it is like an ordinary Meter, but instead of the gas pressure being the motive power, the gas is exhausted from the main by the measuring wheel. This is set in motion by a descending weight, at- tached to which is a cord wound on a drum revolving in bearings on the top of the Meter case, the drum being geared to the shaft of the measuring wheel, which projects through the back of the case. The speed of the Meter, and consequently the pres- . 103. sure of gas obtained, are regulated by the weight aforementioned. Parkinson's Motive Power Meter is shown in Fig. 103. The " Prepayment Gas-Meter " recently introduced, and of which there are already several different forms, is an ingenious device for extending the sale of gas amongst small consumers. By the addition of a simple mechanism contained in a small box attached to the ordinary wet or dry meter, and on dropping a penny through a slot therein, a quantity of gas of the value of the penny is allowed to pass to the burner. When the gas thus paid for is consumed, the supply ceases until another prepayment is made. By another arrangement, on prepayment of a given sum say 4d. for 100 cubic feet an extra dial on the meter is set to pass the quantity of gas ; and when this is consumed, a valve shuts off the supply, unless, in the meantime, a further payment has been made, and the dial is reset. Testing Meters. For the verification of gas Meters by a public Inspector under the " Sales of Gas Act," a somewhat elaborate set of apparatus is required. For ordinary use in testing Meters in a gas works, the following may be provided (see Fig. 104) : A standard gasholder of 10 cubic feet capa- city. A proving bench. An overhead water cistern. A float of lights, and thermometers for taking the temperature of the air and water. In testing, it is important to secure uniformity in the temperature of the air or gas in the test holder, the water in the tank, and the air in the room viz., 60 Fahr. ; otherwise corrections for varying tem- perature have to be made. Place the Meter to be tested on the proving bench, charge it with water to the proper water-line (if a wet Meter), and connect it with the holder and to the float of lights (if gas is being used). 278 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR See that the pointer of the small metal drum above the index in the wet Meter, or of the small circle on the index plate of the dry Meter, coincides with one of the figures marked thereon. If it does not, pass a small quantity of gas through till the necessary adjustment is effected. Next, fill up the test holder till the line of the scale upon it is exactly opposite its pointer. This being done, turn the gas or air on to the Meter, and allow the Meter to work till the small metal drum has made one or more revolu- Fio. 104. tions, taking care to close the stop-cock when the pointer of the drum is exactly over the figure from which the start was made. The Meter registration is then compared with that of the holder scale. If they correspond, the Meter is exactly correct ; but if the scale on the holder indicates less or more than the small drum on the Meter, the percentage of error is calculated ; or it can be ascertained on reference to the Table. The percentage Tables on the following pages are taken from those issued by the Metropolitan Board of Works for the use of their Meter Inspectors. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. TABLES Showing the Percentage of Error in Meters according as their Registration differs from the Indications of the Test Gasholders. The sign + is used to indicate fast, and to indicate slow. Meters not exceeding 2 per cent, fast, or 3 per cent, slow, are correct within the meaning of the " Sales of Gas Act." Meter Registering 1 Foot. Meter Registering 2 Feet. Meter Registering 3 Feet. Meter Registering 3 Feet. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error, Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Foot. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 0'90 + ll'll 1-80 + ll'll 2-70 + 11-11 3-10 - 3-22 91 + 9-89 81 + 10-50 71 + 10-70 11 - 3-54 92 + 8-70 82 + 9-89 72 + 10-30 12 - 3-85 93 + 7-25 83 + 9-29 73 + 9-89 13 - 4-16 94 + 6-36 84 + .8-70 74 + 9-49 14 - 4-46 95 + 5-26 85 + 8-11 75 + 9:09 15 - 4-76 96 + 4-17 86 + 7-53 76 + 8-70 16 - 6'Otf 97 + 3-09 87 + 6-95 77 + 8-31 17 - 6-36 98 + 2-04 88 + 6-38 78 + 7-92 18 - 6-66 99 + 1-01 89 + 5-82 79 + 7-53 19 - 5-85 1-00 Nil. 1'90 + 5-26 2-80 + 7'14 3-20 - 6'25 01 - i-oo 91 + 4-71 81 + 6-76 21 - 6-54 02 - 1-97 92 + 4-17 82 + 6-38 22 - 6-82 03 - 2-92 93 + 3-63 83 + 6-01 23 - 7-12 04 - 3-85 94 + 3-09 84 + 5-63 24 - 7'4l 05 - 4-74 95 + 2-56 85 + 5-26 25 - 7-70 06 - 5-66 96 + 2-04 86 + 4-89 26 - 7-98 07 - 6-54 97 + 1-52 87 + 4-53 27 - 8'26 08 - 7-40 98 + 1-01 88 + 4-17 28 - 8-54 09 - 8-26 99 + 0-50 89 + 3-81 29 - 8-82 1-10 - 9-10 2-00 Nil. 2-90 + 3-45 3-30 - 9-09 11 - 9-91 01 - 0-50 91 + 3-09 31 - 9'3li 12 - 10-07 02 - 0-99 92 + 2-74 32 - 9-64 03 - 1-48 93 + 2-39 33 - 9-91 04 - 1-96 94 + 2-04 34 - 10-18 05 - 2-44 95 + 1-69 06 - 2-91 96 + 1-35 07 - 3-38 97 + 1-01 08 - 3-85 98 + 0-67 09 - 4-31 99 + 0-33 2-10 - 4-76 3-00 Nil. 11 - 5-21 01 - 0-33 12 - 5-66 02 - 0-66 13 - 6-10 03 - 0-99 14 - 6-54 04 - 1-32 15 - 6-98 05 - 1-64 16 - 7-41 06 - 1-96 17 - 7-83 07 - 2-28 18 - 8-26 08 - 2-60 19 - b-68 09 - 2-91 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE Meter Registering 5 Feet. Meter Registering 5 Feet. Meter Registering 5 Feet. Meter Registering 10 Feet. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 4-50 + ll'll 5-02 - 0-40 5-54 - 9-75 9-00 + 11-11 51 + 10-86 03 - 0-60 55 - 9-91 01 + 10-99 62 + 10-62 04 - 0-79 56 - 10-07 02 + 10-86 53 + 30-38 05 - 0-99 57 - 10-23 03 + 10-74 54 + 10-13 06 - 1-19 -. '58 - 10-39 04 + 10-62 55 + 9-89 07 - 1-33 59 - 10-55 05 + 10-50 56 + 9-65 08 - 1-57 5-60 - 10-71 06 + 10-38 57 + 9-41 09 - 1-77 61 - 10-87 07 + 10-25 58 + 9-17 5-10 - 1-96 62 - 11-03 08 + 10-13 59 + 8-93 11 - 2-15 63 - 11-19 09 + 10-01 4-60 + 8-70 12 - 2-34 9-10 + 9-89 61 + 8-46 13 - 2-53 11 + 9-77 62 + 8-23 14 - 2-72 12 + 9-65 68 + 7-99 15 - 2-91 13 + 9-53 64 + 7-76 16 - 3-10 14 + 9-41 65 + 7-53 17 - 3-29 15 + 9-29 66 + 7-30 18 - 3-47 16 + 9-17 67 + 7-07 19 - 3-66 17 + 9-05 68 + 6-84 5-20 - 3-85 18 + 8-93 69 + 6-61 21 - 4-03 19 + 8'81 4-70 + 6-38 22 - 4-21 9-20 + 8-70 71 + 6-16 23 - 4-40 21 + 8-58 72 + 5-93 24 - 4-58 22 + 8-45 73 -f 5-71 25 - 4-76 23 + 8'34 74 + 5-49 26 - 4-94 24 + 8-23 76 + 5-26 27 - 5-12 25 + 8-11 76 + 5-04 28 - 5-30 26 + 7-93 77 + 4-82 29 - 5-48 27 + 7-87 78 + 4-60 5-30 - 5-66 28 + 7'76 79 + 4-38 31 - 5-84 29 + 7-64 4-80 + 4-17 32 - 6-02 9-30 + 7-53. 81 + 3-95 33 - 6-19 31 + 7-41 82 + 3-73 34 - 6-37 32 + 7-30 83 + 3-52 35 - 6-54 33 + 7-18- 84 + 3-31 36 - 6-72 34 + 7-07 85 + 3-09 37 - 6-89 35 + 6-95 86 + 2-88 38 - 7-06 36 + 6-84 87 + 2-67 39 - 7-24 37 + 6-72 88 + 2-46 5-40 - 7-41 38 + 6-61 89 + 2-25 41 - 7-58 39 + 6-50 4-90 + 2-04 42 - 7-75 9-40 + 6-38 91 + 1-83 43 - 7'92 41 + 6-27 92 + 1-63 44 - 8-09 42 + 6-16 93 + 1-42 45 - 8-26 43 + 6-04 94 + 1-21 46 - 8-42 44 + 5-93 95 + 1-01 47 - 8-59 45 + 5-82 96 + 0-81 48 - 8-76 46 + 5-71 97 + 0-60 49 - 8-93 47 + 5-60 98 + 0-40 5-50 - 9-09 48 + 5-49 99 + 0-20 51 - 9-26 49 + 5-37 6-00 Nil. 52 - 9-42 9-50 + 5-26 01 - 0-20 53 - 9-59 51 + 5-15 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 281 Meter Registering 10 Feet. Meter Registering 10 Feet. Meter Registering 10 Feet. Meter Registering 10 Feet. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 9-52 + 5-04 10-04 - 0-40 10-56 - 5-30 11-08 - 9-75 53 + 4-93 05 - 0-50 57 - 5-39 09 - 9-83 54 + 4-82 06 - 0-60 58 - 5'48 11-10 - 9-91 55 + 4-71 07 - 0-70 59 - 5-57 11 - 9-99 56 + 4'60 08 - 0-79 10-60 - 5-66 12 - 10-07 57 + '49 09 - 0-89 61 - 5-75 13 - 10-15 58 + '38 10-10 - 0-99 62 - 5-84 14 - 10-23 59 + -28 11 - -09 63 - 5-93 15 - 10-31 9-60 + -17 12 - '19 64 - 6-02 16 - 10-39 61 + '06 13 - -28 65 - 6-10 ; 17 - 10-47 62 + 3-95 14 - -38 66 - 6-19 18 - 10-55 63 + 3-84 15 - -48 67 - 6-28 19 - 10-63 64 + 3-73 16 - '57 68 - 6-37 11-20 - 10-71 65 + 3-63 17 - '67 69 - 6-45 21 - 10-79 66 + 3-52 18 - -77 10-70 - 6-54 22 - 10-87 67 + 3-41 19 - 1-86 71 - 6-63 23 - 10'95 68 + 3-31 10-20 - 1-96 72 - 6-72 24 - 11-03 69 + 3-20 21 - 2-06 73 - 6-80 25 - 11-11 9-70 + 3-09 22 - 2-15 74 - 6-89 71 + 2-99 23 - 2-25 75 - 6-98 72 + 2-88 24 - 2-34 76 - 7-06 73 + 2-77 25 - 2-44 77 - 7-15 74 + 2-67 26 - 2-53 78 - 7-24 75 + 2-56 27 - 2-63 79 - 7-32 76 + 2-46 "28 - 2-72 10-80 - 7-41 77 + 2-35 29 - 2-82 81 - 7-49 78 + 2-25 10-30 - 2-91 82 - 7-58 79 + 2-15 31 - 3-01 83 - 7-66 9-80 + 2-04 32 - 3-10 84 - 7-75 81 + -94 33 - 3-19 85 - 7-83 1 82 + -83 34 - 3-29 86 - 7-92 83 + -73 35 - 3-38 87 - 8-00 84 + -63 36 - 3-47 88 - 8-09 85 + -52 37 - 3-57 89 - 8-17 86 + '42 38 - 3-66 10-90 - 8-26 87 + -32 39 - 3-75 91 - 8-34 88 + -21 10-40 - 3-85 92 - 8-42 89 + -11 41 - 3-94 93 - 8-51 9-90 + -01 42 - 4-03 94 - 8-59 91 -f 0'9l 43 - 4-12 95 - 8-68 92 + 0-81 44 - 4-21 96 - 8-76 93 + 0-70 45 - 4-31 97 - 8-84 94 -f 0'60 46 - 4-40 98 - 8-93 95 + 0-50 47 - 4-49 99 - 9-01 96 + 0-40 48 - 4-58 11-00 - 9-09 97 + 0-30 49 - 4-67 01 - 9-18 98 + 0-20 10-50 - 4-76 02 - 9-26 99 + o-io 51 - 4'85 03 - 9-34 10-00 Nil. 52 - 4-94 04 - 9-42 01 - 0-10 53 - 5-03 05 - 9-51 02 - 0-20 54 - 5-12 06 - 9-59 03 - 0-30 55 - 5-21 07 - 9-67 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Meter Registering 20 Feet. Meter Registering 20 Feet. Meter Registering 1 Meter Registering 20 Feet. 20 Feet. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading 1 f Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. >er Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 18-00 + 11-11 18-52 + 7-99 19-04 + 5-04 19-56 + 2-25 01 + 11-05 63 + 7-93 05 + 4-98 67 + 2-20 02- h 10-99 54 + 7-87 06 + 4-93 68 + 2-15 03 + 10-92 55 + 7-82 07 + 4-87 69 + 2-09 04 + 10-86 56 + 7-76 08 + 4-82 19-60 + 2-04 05 + 10-80 57 + 7-70 % '09 + 4-76 61 + 1-99 06 + 10-74 68 + 7-64 19-10 + 4-71 62 + 1-94 07 + 10-68 69 + 7-59 11 + 4-65 63 + 1-88 08 + 10-62 18-60 + 7-53 12 + 4-60 64 + 1-83 09 + 10-56 61 + 7-47 13 + 4-54 65 + 1-78 18-10 + 10-50 62 + 7-41 14 + 4-49 66 + 1-73 11 + 10-44 63 + 7-36 15 + 4-43 67 + 1-68 12 + 10-38 64 + 7-30 16 + 4-38 68 + 1-63 13 + 10-31 65 + 7-24 17 + 4-33 69 + 1-67 14 + 10-25 66 + 7-18 18 + 4-28 19-70 + 1-52 15 + 10-19 67 4- 7-13 19 + 4-22 71 + 1-47 16 + 10-13 68 + 7-07 19-20 + 4-17 72 + 1-42 17 + 10-07 69 + 7-01 21 + 4-11 73 + 1-37 18 + 10-01 18-70 + 6-95 22 + 4-06 74 + 1-32 19 + 9-95 71 + 6-90 23 + 4-00 75 + 1-26 18-20 + 9-89 72 + 6-84 24 + 3-95 76 + 1-21 21 + 9-83 73 + 6-78 25 + 3-89 77 + 1-16 22 + 9-77 74 + 6-72 26 + 3-84 78 + I'll 23 + 9-71 75 + 6-66 27 + 3-78 79 + 1-06 24 + 9-65 76 + 6-61 28 + 3-73 19-80 + 1-01 25 + 9-59 77 + 6-55 29 + 3-68 81 + 0-96 26 + 9-53 78 4- 6-50 19-30 + 3-63 82 + 0-91 27 + 9-47 79 + 6-44 81 + 3-57 83 + 0-86 28 + 9-41 18-80 + 6-38 32 + 3-52 84 + 0-81 29 + 9-35 81 + 6-32 33 + 3-46 85 + 0-75 18-30 + 9-29 82 + 6-27 34 + 3-41 86 + 0-70 31 + 9-23 83 + 6-21 35 + 3-36 87 + 0'65 32 + 9-17 84 + 6-16 36 + b-31 88 + 0-60 33 + 9-11 85 + 6-10 37 + 3-25 89 + 0-55 34 + 9-05 86 + 6-04 38 + 3-20 19-90 + 0-50 35 + 8-99 87 + 6-98 39 + 3-14 91 + 0-45 36 + 8-93 88 + 6-93 19-40 + 3-09 92 + 0-40 37 + 8-87 *89 + 5-87 41 + 3-04 93 + 0-35 S8 + 8-81 18-90 + 5-82 42 + 2-99 94 f- 0-30 39 + 8-76 91 + 5'76 43 + 2-93 95 -f 0-25 18-40 + 8-70 92 + 6'71 44 + 2-88 96 + 0-20 41 + 8-64 93 + 6-65 45 + 2-82 97 -f 0-15 42 + 8-58 94 + 6-60 46 + 2-77 98 + o-io 43 + 8-62 95 + 5-54 47 + 2-72 99 + 0-05 44 + 8-46 96 + C'49 48 + 2-67 20-00 Nil. 45 + 8-40 97 + 6-4 49 + 2-61 02 - o-io 46 + 8-34 98 + 6-3 19-50 + 2-56 04 - 0-20 47 + 8-29 99 + 5-3 51 + 2-5 06 - 0-30 48 + 8-23 19-00 + 6-2 62 + 2-46 08 - 0-40 49 + 8-17 01 + 6-2 63 + 2-40 20-10 - 0-50 18-50 + 8-11 02 + 5-1 54 + 2-35 12 - 0-60 51 + 8-05 03 + 5-09 55 + 2-3 14 - 0-70 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGEES. Meter Registering 20 Feet. Meter Registering 20 Feet. Meter Registering 20 Feet. Meter Registering 80 Feet. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 20-16 - 0-79 21-20 - 6-66 22-24 - 10-07 27-00 + ll'll 18 - 0-89 22 - 6-75 26 - 10-15 02 + 11-03 20-20 - 0-99 24 - 5-84 28 - 10-23 04 + 10-95 22 - -09 26 - 5-93 22-30 - 10-31 06 + 10-86 .24 - -19 28 - 6-02 82 - 10-39 08 + 10-78 26 - -28 21-30 - 6-10 84 - 10-47 27'10 + 10-70 28 - -38 32 - 6-19 86 - 10-55 12 + 10-62 20-30 - -48 84 - 6-28 88 - 10-63 14 + 10-54 82 - 1-57 86 - 6-37 22-40 - 10-71 16 + 10-46 34 - 1-67 38 - 6-46 42 - 10-79 18 + 10-38 36 - 1-77 21-40 - 6-54 44 - 10-87 07-20 + 10-30 38 - 1-86 42 - 6-63 46 - 10-95 22 + 10 21 20-40 - 1-96 44 - 6-72 48 - 11-03 24 + 10-13 42 - 2-06 46 - 6-80 22-50 - 11-11 26 + 10-05 44 - 2-15 48 - 6-89 2b + 9-97 46 - 2-25 21-50 - 6-98 27 'BO + 9-89 48 - 2-34 52 - 7-06 32 + 9-81 20-50 - 2-44 54 - 7-15 34 + 9-73 52 - 2-53 66 - 7-24 ao + 9-65 54 - 2-63 68 - 7-32 38 + 9-57 56 - 2-73 21-60 - 7-41 27-40 + 9-49 58 - 2-82 62 - 7-49 42 + 9-41 0-60 - 2-91 64 - 7-58 44 + 9-33 62 - 3-01 66 - 7-66 46 + 9-25 64 - 3-10 68 - 7-75 48 + 9-17 66 - 3-19 21-70 - 7-83 27-50 + 9-09 68 - 3-29 72 - 7-92 52 + 9-01 20-70 - 3-38 74 - 8-00 64 + 8-93 72 - 3-47 76 - 8-09 56 -f 8-85 74 - 3'67 78 - 8-17 58 + 8-78 76 - 3-66 21-80 - 8-26 27-60 + 8-70 78 - 3-75 82 - 8-34 62 + 8-62 20-80 - 3-85 84 - 8-42 64 + 8-54 82 - 3-94 86 - 8-51 66 + 8-46 84 - 4-03 88 - 8-59 68 + 8-38 86 - 4-12 21-90 - 8-68 27-70 + 8-31 88 - 4-21 92 - 8-76 72 + 8-23 20-90 - 4-31 94 - 8-84 74 + 8-15 92 - 4-40 96 - 8-93 76 + 8-07 94 - 4-49 98 - 9-01 78 + 7-99 96 - 4-58 22-00 - 9-09 27-80 + 7'92 98 - 4-67 02 - 9-18 82 + 7-84 21-00 - 4-76 04 - 9-26 84 + 7-76 02 - 4-85 06 - 9-34 86 + 7-68 04 - 4-94 08 - 9-42 88 + 7-61 06 - 5-03 22-10 - 9-61 27-90 + 7-53 08 - 5-12 12 - 9-59 92 + 7-45 21-10 - 5-21 14 - 9-67 94 + 7'38 12 - 6-30 16 - 9-75 96 + 7-80 14 - 5-39 18 - 9-83 98 + 7-22 16 - 5-48 22-20 - 9-91 28-00 + 7-14 18 - 5-57 22 - 9-99 02 + 7-07 281 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Meter Eegistering 30 Feet. Meter Eegiatering 30 Feet. Meter Eegistering 30 Feet. Meter Kegistering 30 Feet. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 28-04 + 6-99 29-08 + 3-16 30-12 - 0-40 31-16 - 3-72 06 + 6-92 29-10 + 3-09 14 - 0-47 18 - 3-79 08 + 6-84 12 + 3-02 16 - 0-53 31-20 - 3-85 28-10 + 6-76 14 + 2'95 18 - 0-60 22 - 3-91 12 + 6'69 16 + 2-88 30-20 - 0-66 24 - 3-97 14 + 6-61 18 + 2-81 . -22 - 0-73 26 - 4-03 16 + 6-53 29-20 + 2-74 24 - 0-79 28 - 4-09 18 + 6-46 22 + 2-67 26 - 0-86 31-30 - 4-16 28-20 + 6-38 24 + 2-60 28 - 0-92 32 - 4-22 22 + 6-31 56 + 2-53 30-30 - 0-99 34 - 4-28 24 + 6-23 28 + 2-46 32 - 1-06 36 - 4'34 26 + 6-16 29-30 + 2-39 34 - 1'12 38 - 4-40 28 + 6-08 32 + 2-32 36 - 1-19 31-40 - 4-46 28-30 + 6-01 34 + 2-25 38 - -26 42 - 4-52 32 + 5-93 36 + 2-18 30-40 - -32 44 - -68 34 + 5-86 38 + 2-11 42 - -38 46 - -64 36 + 5-78 29-40 + 2-04 44 - -44 48 - -70 38 + 5-71 42 + 1-97 46 - -61 31-50 - -76 28-40 + 5-63 44 + 1-90 48 - -57 62 - -82 42 + 5-56 46 + 1-83 30-50 - -64 54 - -88 44 + 5-49 48 + 1-76 62 - -71 56 - -94 46 + 5-41 29-50 + 1-69 54 - -77 58 - 5-00 48 + 5-34 62 + 1-63 56 - -83 31-60 - 5-06 28-50 + 5-26 64 + 1-56 58 - -89 62 - 6-12 52 + 5-19 66 + 1-49 30-60 - -96 64 - 6-18 64 + 5-11 58 + 1-42 62 - 2-02 66 - 5-24 56 + 5-04 29-60 + 1-35 64 - 2-09 68 - 6-30 58 + 4-96 62 + 1-28 66 - 2-15 31-70 - 6-36 28-60 + 4-89 64 + 1-21 68 - 2-22 72 - 6-42 62 + 4-82 66 + 1-14 30-70 - 2-28 74 - 6-48 64 + 4-75 68 + 1-08 72 - 2-34 76 - 6-54 66 + 4-67 29-70 + 1-01 74 - 2-40 78 - 5-60 68 + 4-60 72 + 0-94 76 - 2-47 31-80 - 6-66 28-70 + 4-53 74 + 0-88 78 - 2-53 82 - 6-72 72 + 4-45 76 + 0-81 30-80 - 2-60 84 - 6-78 74 + 4-38 78 + 0-74 82 - 2-66 86 - 5-84 76 + 4-31 29-80 + 0-67 84 - 2-72 88 - 6-90 78 + 4-24 82 + 0-60 86 - 2-78 31-90 - 6-96 28-80 + 4-17 84 + 0-53 88 - 2-85 92 - 6-02. 82 + 4-10 86 + 0-47 30-90 - 2-91 94 - 6-08 84 + 4-02 88 + 0-40 92 - 2-97 96 - 6-13 86 + 3-95 29-90 + 0-33 94 - 3-04 98 - 6-19 88 + 3-88 92 + 0-26 96 - 3-10 32-00 - 6-25 28-90 + 3-81 94 + 0-20 98 - 8-16 02 - 6'31 92 + 3-73 96 + 0-13 31-00 - 3-22 04 - '6-37 94 + 3-66 98 + 0-07 02 - 3-29 06 - 6-42 96 + 3-59 30-00 Nil. 04 - 3-35 08 - 6-48 98 + 3-62 02 - 0-07 06 - 3-42 32-10 - 6-64 29-00 + 3-45 04 - 0-13 08 - 3-48 12 - 6-60 02 + 3-38 06 - 0-20 31-10 - 3-64 14 - 8-66 04 + 3-31 08 - 0-27 12 - 3-60 16 - 6-72 06 + 8-24 30-10 - 0-33 14 - 3-66 18 - 6-77 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Meter Registering 80 Feet. Meter Registering 30 Feet. Meter Registering 40 Feet. i Meter Registering 40 Feet. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 32-20 - 6-83 33-24 - 9-75 36-00 + 11-11 37-04 + 7-99 22 - 6-89 26 - 9-81 02 + 11-05 06 + 7-93 24 - 6-95 28 - 9-86 04 + 10-99 08 + 7-87 26 - 7-01 33-30 - 9-91 06 + 10-92 37-10 + 7-82 28 - 7-07 32 - 9-96 08 + 10-86 12 + 7-76 32-30 - 7-12 34 - 10-01 36-10 + 10-80 14 + 7-70 32 - 7-18 36 - 10-07 12 + 10-74 16 + 7-64 34 - 7-24 38 - 10-12 14 + 10-68 18 + 7-59 36 - 7-30 33-40 - 10-18 16 + 10-62 37-20 + 7-53 38 - 7'36 42 - 10-23 18 + 10-56 22 + 7-47 32-40 - 7-41 44 - 10-28 36-20 + 10-50 24 + 7-41 42 - 7-47 46 - 10-34 22 + 10-44 26 + 7-86 44 - 7-53 48 - 10-39 24 + 10-38 28 + 7-30 46 - 7-59 33-50 - 10-45 26 + 10-31 37-30 + 7-24 48 - 7-64 52 - 10-50 28 + 10-25 32 + 7-18 32-60 - 7-70 54 - 10-55 36-30 + 10-19 34 + 7-13 52 - 7-76 56 - 10-61 32 + 10-13 36 + 7-07 54 - 7-82 58 - 10-66 34 + 10-07 38 + 7-01 56 - 7-87 33-60 - 10-71 36 + 10-01 37-40 + 6-95 58 - 7-93 62 - 10-76 38 + 9-95 42 + 6-90 32-60 - 7-98 64 - 10-82 36-40 -f 9-89 44 + 6-84 62 - 8-04 66 - 10-87 42 + 9-83 46 + 6-78 64 - 8-10 68 - 10-93 44 + 9-77 48 + 6-72 66 - 8-15 33-70 - 10-98 46 + 9-71 37-50 + 6-66 68 - 8-21 72 - 11-03 48 + 9-65 52 + 6-61 32*70 - 8-26 74 - 11-09 36-50 + 9-59 54 + 6-55 72 - 8-32 76 - 11-14 52. + 9-53 56 + 6-50 74 - 8-37 78 - 11-19 54 + 9-47 58 + 6-44 76 - 8-43 56 + 9-41 37-60 + 6-38 78 - 8-49 58 + 9-35 62 + 6-32 32-80 - 8-54 36-60 + 9-29 64 + 6-27 82 - 8-60 62 + 9-23 66 + 6-21 84 - 8-66 64 + 9-17 68 + 6-16 86 - 8-71 66 + 9-11 37-70 + 6-10 88 - 8'77 68 + 9-05 72 + 6-04 32-90 - 8-82 36-70 + 8-99 74 + 5-98 92 - 8-87 72 + 8-93 76 + 5-93 94 - 8-93 74 + 8-87 78 + 5-87 96 - 8-99 76 + 8-81 37-80 + 5-82 98 - 9-04 78 + 8-76 82 + 5-76 33-00 - 9-09 36-80 + 8-70 84 + 5-71 02 - 9-15 82 + 8-64 86 + 5-65 04 - 9-20 84 + 8-58 88 + 5-60 06 - 9-26 86 + 8-52 37-90 + 5-54 08 - 9-31 88 + 8-46 92 + 5-49 33-10 - 9-36 36-90 + 8-40 94 + 5-43 12 - 9-42 92 + 8-34 96 + 5-37 14 - 9-47 94 + 8-29 98 + 5-31 16 - 9-53 96 + 8-23 38-00 + 5-26 18 - 9-59 98 + 8-17 02 + 5-20 33-20 - 9-64 37-00 + 8-11 04 + 6-15 22 - 9-70 02 + 8-05 06 + 5-09 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Meter Registering 40 Feet. Meter Registering 40 Feet. Meter Registering 40 Feet. Meter Registering 40 Feet. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Percent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 88-08 + 5-04 39-12 + 2-25 40-16 - 0-40 41-20 - 2-91 88-10 + 4-98 14 + 2-20 18 - 0-45 22 - 2-96 12 + 4-93 16 + 2-15 40-20 - 0-50 24 - 3-01 14 + 4-87 18 + 2-^y 22 - 0-55 26 - 3-06 16 + 4-82 39-20 + 2-04 24 - 0'60 28 - 3-10 18 + 4-76 22 + 1-99 ' -26 - 0-65 41-30 - 3-15 38-20 + 4-71 24 + 1-94 28 - 0-70 82 - 3-19 22 + 4-65 26 + 1-88 40-30 - 0-75 34 - 3-24 24 + 4-60 28 + 1-83 32 - 0-79 36 - 3-29 26 + 4-54 39-30 + 1-78 34 - 0-84 38 - 3-34 28 + 4-49 32 + 1-73 36 - 0-89 41-40 - 3-38 88-30 + 4-44 34 + 1-68 38 - 0-94 - 3-43 32 + 4-38 36 + 1-63 40-40 - 0-99 44 - 3-47 84 + 4-33 38 + 1-57 42 - 1-04 46 - 3-52 36 + 4-28 39-40 + 1-52 44 - -09 48 - 3-57 38 + 4-1:2 42 + 1-47 46 - -14 41-50 - 3-61 33-40 + 4-17 44 + 1-42 48 - -19 52 - 3-66 42 + 4-11 46 + 1-37 40-50 - '24 54 - 3-71 44 + 4-06 48 + 1-32 52 - '28 56 - 3-75 46 + 4'00 39-50 + 1-26 54 - '33 58 - 3-80 48 + 3-95 52 + 1-21 66 - '38 41-60 - 3-85 38-50 + 3-90 54 + 1'16 58 - -43 62 - 3-90 62 + 3-84 56 + I'll 40-60 - '48 64 - 3-94 54 + 3-78 58 + 1-06 62 - '53 66 - 3-99 66 + 3-73 39-60 + 1-01 64 - '57 68 - 4-03 68 + 3-68 62 + 0-96 66 - -62 41-70 - 4-08 88-eo + 3-63 64 + 0-91 68 - '67 72 - 4-12 62 + 3-57 66 + 0-86 40-70 - -72 74 - 4-17 64 + 3-52 68 + 0-81 72 - '77 76 - 4-21 66 + 3-46 39-70 + 0-75 74 - -82 78 - 4-26 t8 + 3-41 72 + 0-70 7t> - -86 41 -bo - 4-31 38-70 + 8-36 74 + 0-65 78 - -91 62 - 4-36 72 + 3-31 76 + 0-60 40-80 - -96 84 - 4-40- 74 + 3-25 78 + 0-55 82 - 2-01 80 - 4-45 76 + 3-20 39-80 + 0-50 84 - 2-06 88 - 4-49 78 + 3-14 82 + 0-45 b6 - 2-10 41-90 - 4-54 38-80 + 3-09 84 + 0-40 88 - 2-15 92 - 4-58 82 + 3-04 86 + 0-35 40-90 - 2-20 94 - 4-63 84 + 2-99 88 + 0-30 92 - 2-25 9ti - 4-67 86 + 2-93 39-90 + 0-25 94 - 2-30 98 - 4-72 88 + 2-88 92 + 0-20 96 - 2-34 42-00 - 4-76 88-90 + 2-82 94 + 0-15 98 - 2-39 02 - 4-81 92 + 2-77 96 + 0-10 41-OC - 2-44 04 - 4-85 94 + 2-72 98 + 0-05 02 - 2-4') 06 - 4-90 96 + 2-67 40-00 Nil. 04 - 2-53 08 - 4-94 98 + 2-61 02 - 0-05 06 - 2-58 42-10 - 4-99 89-00 + 2-56 04 - o-io 08 - 2-63 12 - 5 03 02 + 2-5L 06 - 0'15 41-10 - 2-68 14 - 5-08 04 + 2-46 08 - 0-20 12 - 2-72 16 - 5-12 06 + 2-40 40-10 - 0-25 14 - S -78 18 - 5-17 08 + 2-35 12 - 0-30 16 - 2-82 42-20 - 5-21 89-10 + 2-30 14 - 0-35 18 - 2-87 22 - 5-26 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 287 Meter Registering 40 Feet. Meter Registering 40 Feet. Meter Registering 40 Feet. Meter Registering 50 Feet. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 42-24 - 6-30 43-28 - 7-58 44-32 - 9-75 45-00 + 11-11 96 - 5-35 43-30 _ 7*62 34 - 9-79 02 + 11-06 28 - 5-39 32 - 7-66 36 - 9-83 04 + 11-01 42-80 - 6-44 34 - 7-71 38 - 9-87 06 + 10-96 32 - 5-48 36 - 7-75 44-40 - 9-91 08 + 10-91 34 - 5-53 38 - 7-79 42 - 9-95 45-10 + 10-86 36 - 5-57 43-40 - 7-83 44 - 9-99 12 + 10-81 38 - 6-62 42 - 7-88 46 - 10-03 14 + 10-76 42-40 - 5-66 44 - 7-92 48 - 10-07 16 + 10-72 42 - 5-71 46 - 7-96 44-50 - 10-11 18 + 10-67 44 - 5-75 48 - 8-00 52 - 10-15 45-20 + 10-62 46 - 6-80 43-60 - 8-05 64 - 10-19 22 + 10-57 48 - 5-84 52 - 8-09 56 - 10-23 24 + 10-52 42-50 - 5-88 54 - 8-13 . -68 - 10-27 26 + 10-48 62 - 6-93 56 - 8-17 44-60 - 10-31 28 + 10-43 64 - 5-98 58 - 8-22 62 - 10-35 45-30 + 10-38 66 - 6-02 43-60 - 8-26 64 - 10-39 32 + 10-33 68 - 6-06 62 - 8-30 66 - 10-43 34 + 10-28 42-60 - 6-10 64 - 8-34 68 - 10-47 36 + 10-23 62 - 6-15 66 - 8-38 44-70 - 10-51 38 + 10-18 64 - 6-19 68 - 8-42 72 - 10-55 45-40 + 10-13 66 - 6-24 43-70 - 8-47 74 - 10-59 42 + 10-08 68 - 6-28 72 - 8-51 76 - 10-63 44 + 10-03 42-70 - 6-33 74 - 8-55 78 - 10-67 46 + 9-99 72 - 6-37 76 - 8-59 44-80 - 10-71 48 + 9-94 74 - 6-41 78 - 8-64 82 - 10-75 45-50 + 9-89 76 - 6-45 43-80 - 8-68 84 - 10-79 52 + 9-84 78 - 6-50 8-2 - 8-72 86 - 10-84 54 + 9-79 42-80 - 6-54 84 - 8-76 88 - 10-87 56 + 9-75 82 - 6-59 86 - 8-80 44-90 - 10-91 58 + 9-70 84 - 6-63 8d 8'84 92 - 10-95 45-60 + 9-65 86 - 6-68 43-90 - 8-89 94 - 10-99 62 + 9-60 88 - 6-72 92 - 8-93 96 - 11-03 64 + 9-55 42-90 - 6-76 94 - 8-97 98 - 11-07 66 + 9-50 92 - 6-80 96 - 9-01 45-00 - 11-11 68 + 9-46 94 - 6-85 98 - 9-05 45-70 + 9-41 96 - 6-89 44-00 - 9-09 72 + 9-36 98 - 6-94 02 - 9-14 74 + 9-31 43- CO - 6-98 04 - 9-18 76 + 9-27 02 - 7-02 06 - 9-22 78 + 9-22 04 - 7-06 08 - 9-26 45-80 + 9-17 06 - 7-11 44'10 - 9-30 82 + 9-12 08 - 7-15 12 - 9-34 84 + 9-07 43-10 - 7-20 14 - 9-38 86 + 9-03 12 - 7-24 16 - 9-42 88 + 8-98 14 - 7-28 18 - 9-47 45-90 + 8-93 16 - 7-32 44-20 - 9-51 92 + 8-88 18 - 7-37 22 - 9-55 94 + 8-84 43-20 - 7-41 24 - 9-59 96 + 8-79 22 - 7-45 26 - 9-63 98 + 8-75 24 - 7-49 28 - 9-67 46-00 + 8-70 26 - 7-54 44-30 - 9-71 02 + 8-65 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE Meter Kegistering 60 Feet. Meter [Registering 50 Feet. Meter Registering 50 Feet. Meter Registering 50 Feet. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 46-04 + 8-60 47-08 + 6-20 48-12 + 3-91 49-16 + 1-71 06 + 8-56 47-10 + 6-16 14 + 3-86 18 + 1'67 08 + 8-51 12 + 6-11 16 + 3-82 49-20 + 1-63 46-10 + 8-46 14 + 6-07 18 + 3-77 22 + 1-59 12 + 8-41 16 + 6-02 48-20 + 3-73 24 + 1-55 14 + 8-37 18 + 5-98 22 + 3-69 26 + 1-60 16 + 8-32 47-20 + 5-93 * -24 + 3-65 28 + 1-46 18 + 8-28 22 + 5-89 26 + 3-60 49-30 + 1-42 46-20 + 8-23 24 + 5-84 28 + 3-56 32 + 1-38 22 + 8-18 26 + 5-80 48-30 + 3-52 34 + 1-34 24 + 8-13 28 + 5-75 32 + 3-48 36 4- 1-29 26 + 8-09 47-30 + 5-71 34 + 3-44 38 + 1-25 28 + 8-04 32 + 5-67 86 + 3-39 49-40 + 1-21 46-30 + 7-99 34 + 5-62 38 + 3-35 42 + 1-17 32 + 7-94 36 + 5-58 48-40 + 3-31 44 + 1-13 34 + 7-90 38 + 5-53 42 + 3-27 46 + 1-09 36 + 7-85 47-40 + 5-49 44 + 3-22 48 + 1-05 38 + 7-81 42 + 5-44 46 + 3-18 49-50 + 1-01 46-40 + 7-76 44 + 5-40 48 + 3-13 52 + 0-97 42 + 7-71 46 + 5-35 48-50 + 3-09 54 + 0-93 44 + 7-67 48 + 5-31 52 + 3-05 56 + 0-89 46 + 7-62 47-50 + 5-26 54 + 3-01 58 + 0-85 48 + 7-58 52 + 5-22 56 + 2-96 49-60 + 0-81 46'50 + 7-53 54 + 5-17 58 + 2-92 62 + 0-77 52 + 7-48 56 + 5-13 48-60 + 2-88 64 + 0-73 54 + 7-44 58 + 5-08 62 + 2-84 66 + 0-68 56 + 7-39 47-60 + 5-04 64 + 2-80 68 + 0-64 58 + 7'35 62 + 5-00 66 + 2-75 49-70 + 0-60 45-60 + 7-30 64 + 4-95 68 + 2-71 72 + 0-56 62 + 7-25 66 + 4-91 48-70 + 2-67 74 + 0-52 64 + 7-21 68 + 4-86 72 + 2-63 76 + 0-48 66 + 7-16 47-70 + 4-82 74 + 2-59 78 + 0-44 68 + 7-12 72 + 4-78 76 + 2-54 49-80 + 0-40 46-70 + 7-07 74 + 4-73 78 + 2-50 82 + 0-36 72 + 7-02 76 + 4-69 48-80 + 2-46 84 + 0-32 74 + 6-98 78 + 4-64 + 2-42 86 + 0-28 76 + 6-93 47-80 + 4-60 84 + 2-38 88 + 0-24 78 + 6-89 82 + 4-56 86 + 2-33 49-90 + 0-20 46-80 + 6-84 84 + 4-51 88 + 2-29 92 + 0'16 82 + 6-79 86 + 4-47 48-90 + 2-25 94 + 0-12 84 + 6-75 88 + 4-42 92 + 2-21 96 + 0-08 86 + 6-70 47-90 + 4-88 94 + 2-17 98 + 0-04 88 + 6-66 92 + 4-34 96 + 2-12 50-00 Nil. 46-90 + 6-61 94 + 4-30 98 + 2-08 02 - 0-04 92 + 6-56 96 + 4-25 49-00 + 2-04 04 - 0'03 94 + 6-52 98 + 4-21 02 + 2-00 06 - 0-12 96 + 6-47 48-00 + 4-17 04 + 1-96 08 - 0-16 98 + 6-43 02 + 4-13 06 + 1-91 50-10 - 0-20 47-00 + 6-38 04 + 4-08 08 + 1-87 12 - 0-24 02 + 6-34 06 + 4-04 49-10 + 1-83 14 - 0-28 04 + 6-29 08 + 3-99 12 + 1-79 16 - 0-32 06 + 6-25 48-10 + 3-95 14 + 1-75 18 - 0-36 GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. Meter Registering 50 Feet. Meter Registering 50 Feet. Meter Registering 50 Feet. Meter Registering 50 Feet. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 50-20 - 0-40 51-24 - 2-42 52-70 - 5-12 55-30 - 9-59 22 - 0-44 26 - 2-45 76 - 5-21 85 - 9-67 24 - 0-48 28 - 2-49 80 - 5-30 40 - 9-75 26 - 0-52 51-30 - 2'53 85 - 5-39 45 - 9-83 28 - 0-56 32 - 2'57 90 - 6-48 55-50 - 9-91 50-30 - 0-60 34 - 2-61 95 - 5-57 65 - 9-99 82 - 0-64 36 - 2-65 53-00 - 5-66 60 - 10-07 34 - 0-68 38 - 2-69 05 - 5-75 65 - 10-15 36 - 0-71 51-40 - 2-72 10 - 6-84 70 - 10-23 38 - 0-75 42 - 2-76 15 - 5-93 75 - 10-31 .50-40 - 0-79 44 - 2-80 20 - 6-02 80 - 10-39 42 - 0-83 46 - 2-83 25 - 6-10 85 - 10-47 44 - 0-87 48 - 2-87 30 - 6-19 90 - 10-55 46 - 0-91 51-50 - 2-91 35 - 6-28 95 - 10-63 48 - 0-95 52 - 2-95 40 - 6-37 56-00 - 10-71 50-50 - 0-99 54 - 2-99 45 - 6-45 05 - 10-79 52 - -03 56 - 3-02 53-60 - 6-54 10 - 10-87 54 - -07 68 - 3-06 55 - 6-63 15 - 10-95 56 - -11 51-60 - 3-10 60 - 6-72 20 - 11-03 58 - -15 62 - 3-14 66 - 6-80 25 - 11-11 50-60 - -19 64 - 3-18 70 - 6-89 62 - '23 66 - 3-21 75 - 6-98 64 - -27 68 - 3-25 80 - 7-06 66 - -30 51-70 - 3-29 85 - 7-15 68 - -34 72 3*33 90 - 7-24 60-70 - -38 74 - 3-36 95 - 7-32 72 - -42 76 - 3-40 54-00 - 7'41 74 - -46 78 - 3-43 05 - 7-49 76 - -49 51-80 - 3-47 10 - 7-58 78 - -53 82 - 3-51 15 - 7-66 60-80 - '57 84 - 3-55 20 - 7-75 82 - -61 86 - 3-58 26 - 7-83 84 - -65 88 - 3-62 30 - 7-92 86 - '69 51-90 - 3-66 36 - 8-00 88 - -73 92 - 3-70 40 - 8-09 50'90 - -77 94 - 3-74 45 - 8-17 92 - -81 96 - 3-77 54-50 - 8-26 94 - -85 98 - 3-81 55 - 8-34 96 - -88 52-00 - 3-85 60 - 8-42 98 - 1-92 05 - 3-94 65 - 8-51 51-00 - 1-96 10 - 4-03 70 - 8-59 02 - 2-00 15 - 4-12 75 - 8-68 04 - 2-04 20 - 4-21 80 - 8-76 06 - 2-07 25 - 4-31 85 - 8-84 08 - 2-11 30 - 4-40 90 - 8-93 51-10 - 2-15 35 - 4-49 95 - 9-01 12 - 2-19 40 - 4-68 55-00 - 9-09 14 - 2-23 45 - 4-67 05 - 9-18 16 - 2-26 52-50 - 4 -76 10 - 9-26 18 - 2-30 55 - 4-85 15 - 9-34 51-20 - 2-34 60 - 4-94 20 - 9-42 22 - 2-38 65 - 5-03 25 - 9-51 290 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Meter Registering 100 Feet. Meter Registering 100 Feet. Meter Registering 100 Feet. Meter Registering 100 Feet. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Reading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Feet. Percent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 90-00 + ll'll 92-65 + 7-1)3 95-30 + 4-93 97-95 + 2-09 05 + 11-05 70 -f 7-87 35 + 4-87 98-00 + 2-04 10 + 10-99 75 + 7-82 40 + 4-82 05 + -99 15 + 10-92 80 + 7-76 45 + 4-76 10 + -94 20 + 10-86 85 + 7-70 95-50 + 4-71 15 + '88 25 + 10-80 90 + 7-64 . '65 + 4-65 20 + -83 30 + 10-74 95 + 7'69 *-60 + 4-60 25 + "78 35 + 10-68 93-00 -f- 7'53 65 + 4-54 30 + '73 40 + 10-62 05 + 7'47 70 + 4-49 35 + -68 45 + 10-56 10 + 7-41 75 + 4-43 40 + -63 90-50 + 10-50 15 + 7-36 80 + 4-38 45 + "57 55 + 10-44 20 + 7-30 85 + 4-33 98-50 + -52 60 + 10-88 25 + 7-24 90 + 4-28 65 + -47 65 + 10-31 30 + 7-18 95 + 4-22 60 + -42 70 + 10-25 35 + 7-13 96-00 + 4-17 65 + -37 75 + 10-19 40 + 7-07 05 + 4-11 70 + -32 80 + 10-13 45 + 7-01 10 + 4-06 75 + -26- 85 + 10-07 93-50 -f 6-95 15 + 4-00 80 + -21 90 + 10-01 55 + 6-90 20 + 3-95 85 + -16 95 + 9-95 60 + 6-84 25 + 3-89 90 + -11 91-00 + 9-89 65 + 6-78 30 + 3-84 95 + -06 05 + 9-83 70 + 6-72 35 + 3-78 99-00 + -01 10 + 9-77 75 + 6-66 40 + 3-73 05 + 0-96 15 + 9-71 80 + 6-61 45 + 3-68 10 + 0-91 20 + 9-65 85 + 6-55 96-50 + 3-63 15 + 0-86 25 + 9-59 90 + 6-50 55 + 3-57 20 + 0-81 30 + 9-53 95 + 6-44 60 + 3-52 25 + 0-75 35 + 9-47 94-00 + 6-38 65 + 3-46 30 + 0-70 40 + 9-41 05 + 6-32 70 + 3-41 35 + 0-65 45 + 9-35 10 + 6-27 75 + 3-36 40 + 0-60 91-50 + 9-29 15 + 6-21 80 + 3-31 45 + 0-55 55 + 9-23 20 + 6-16 85 + 3-25 99-50 + 0-50 60 + 9-17 25 + 6-10 90 + 3-20 55 + 0-45 65 + 9-11 30 + 6-04 95 + 3-14 60 + 0-40 70 + 9-05 36 + 6-98 97-00 + 3-09 65 + 0-35 75 + 8-99 40 + 6-93 05 + 3-04 70 + 0-30 80 + 8-93 45 + 5-87 10 + 2-99 75 + 0-25 85 + 8-87 94-50 + 6-82 15 -f 2-93 80 + 0-20 90 + 8-81 65 + 5-76 20 + 2-88 85 + 0-15 95 + 8-76 60 + 5-71 25 + 2-82 90 + 0-10 92-00 + 8-70 65 + 5-65 30 + 2-77 95 + 0-05 05 -f 8-64 70 + 5-60 35 + 2-72 100-00 Nil. 10 + 8-58 75 + 5-64 40 + 2-67 05 - 0-05 15 + 8-52 80 + 5-49 45 + 2-61 10 - o-io 20 + 8-46 85 + 5-43 97-50 + 2-56 15 - 0-15 25 + 8-40 90 + 6-37 55 + 2-51 20 - 0'20 30 + 8-34 95 + 6-31 60 + 2-46 25 - 0-25 35 + 8-29 95-00 + 6-26 65 + 2-40 30 - 0'30 40 + 8-23 05 + 5-20 70 + 2-35 35 - 0-35 45 *- 8-17 10 + 6-15 75 + 2-30 40 - 0-40 92-60 + 8-11 15 + 6-09 80 + 2-25 45 - 0-45 55 + 8-05 20 + 5-04 85 + 2-20 100-50 - 0-50 60 + 7-99 25 + 4-98 90 + 2-16 55 - 0-55 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 291 Meter Registering 100 Feet. Meter Registering 100 Feet. Meter Registering 100 Feet. Meter Registering 100 Feet. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Beading of Scale of Gas- holder. Amount of Error. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. Feet. Per Cent. 100-60 - 0-60 103-25 - 3-15 105-90 - 5-57 108-55 - 7-88 65 - 0-65 30 - 3-19 95 - 5-62 60 - 7-92 70 - 0-70 35 - 3-24 106-00 - 5-66 65 - 7-96 75 - 0-75 40 - 3-29 05 - 6-71 70 - 8-00 80 - 0-79 45 - 3-34 10 - 5-75 75 - 8-05 85 - 0-84 103-50 - 3-38 15 - 6-80 80 - 8-09 90 - 0-89 55 - 3-43 20 - 5-84 85 - 8-13 95 - 0-94 60 - 3-47 25 - 5-88 90 - 8-17 101-00 - 0-99 65 - 3-52 30 - 5-93 95 - 8-22 05 - 1-04 70 - 3-57 35 - 5-98 109-00 - 8-26 10 - 1-09 75 - 3-61 40 - 6-02 05 - 8-30 15 - 1-14 80 - 3-66 45 - 6-06 10 - 8-34 20 - 1-19 85 - 3-71 106-50 - 6-10 15 - 8-38 25 - 1-24 90 - 3-75 55 - 6-15 20 - 8-42 30 - 1-28 95 - 3-80 60 - 6-19 25 - 8-47 35 - 1-33 104-00 - 3-85 65 - 6-24 30 - 8-51 40 - 1-38 05 - 3-90 70 - 6-28 35 - 8-55 45 - 1-43 10 - 3-94 75 - 6-33 40 - 8-59 101-50 - 1-48 15 - 3-99 80 - 6-37 45 - 8-64 55 - 1-53 20 _ 4-03 85 - 6-41 109-50 - 8-68 60 - 1-57 25 _ 4-08 90 - 6-45 55 - 8-72 65 - 1-62 30 _ 4-12 95 - 6-50 60 - 8-76 70 - 1-67 35 _ 4-17 107-00 - 6-54 65 - 8-80 75 - 1-72 40 _ 4-21 05 - 6-59 70 - 8-84 80 - 1-77 45 - 4-26 10 - 6-63 75 - 8-89 85 - 1-82 104-50 - 4-31 15 - 6-68 80 - 8-93 90 - 1-87 65 - 4-36 20 - 6-72 85 - 8-97 95 - 1-91 60 - 4-40 25 - 6-76 90 - 9-01 102-00 - 1-96 65 - 4-45 30 - 6-80 95 - 9-05 05 - 2-01 70 - 4-49 35 - 6-85 110-00 - 9-09 10 - 2-06 75 - 4-54 40 - 6-89 10 - 9-18 15 - 2-10 80 - 4-58 45 - 6-94 20 - 9-26 20 - 2-15 85 - 4-63 107-50 - 6-98 30 - 9-34 25 - 2-20 90 - 4-67 55 - 7-02 40 - 9-42 30 - 2-25 95 - 4-72 60 - 7-06 50 - 9-51 35 - 2-30 105-00 - 4-76 65 - 7-11 60 - 9-69 40 - 2-34 05 - 4-81 70 - 7-15 70 - 9-67 45 - 2-39 10 - 4-85 75 - 7-20 80 - 9-75 102-50 - 2-44 15 - 4-90 80 - 7-24 90 - 9-83 65 - 2-49 20 - 4-94 85 - 7-28 111-00 - 9-91 60 - 2-53 25 - 4-99 90 - 7-32 10 - 9-99 65 - 2-58 30 - 5-03 95 - 7-37 20 - 10-07 70 - 2-63 35 - 5-08 108-00 - 7-41 30 - 10-15 75 - 2-68 40 - 5-12 05 - 7-45 40 - 10-23 80 - 2-72 45 - 5-17 10 - 7-49 50 - 10-31 85 - 2-78 105-50 - 5-21 -.15 - 7-54 60 - 10-39 90 - 2-82 55 - 5-26 20 - 7-58 70 - 10-47 95 - 2-87 60 - 5-30 25 - 7-62 80 - 10-55 103-00 - 2-91 65 - 5-35 30 - 7-66 90 - 10-63 05 - 2-96 70 - 5-39 35 - 7-71 112-00 - 10-71 10 - 3-01 75 - 6'44 40 - 7-75 10 - 10-79 15 - 3-06 80 - 6-48 45 - 7-79 20 - 10-87 20 - 3-10 85 - 5-53 108-50 - 7-83 30 - 10-95 u 2 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR NOTE. Any other quantity may be calculated by the rule of propor- tion, thus : Meter registering 100-00 feet Beading of scale of test gasholder. . 89-95 Difference 10-05 89-95: 100:: 10-05: 11-17 fast. And Meter registering 100-00 feet Beading of scale of test gasholder . . 112-55 ,, Difference . . . '* . . . 12-55 112-55 : 100 : : 12-55 : 11-15 slow. TABLE Showing the Dilatation of Gas in Contact icith Water and Saturated with Aqueous Vapour, for given Temperature. (Professor Airey.) (Used in making Corrections for Temperature in the Testing of Gas Meters.) Temperature in Fahrenheit's Percentage of Temperature in Fahrenheit's Percentage of Temperature in Fahrenheit's Percentage of Scale. Dilatation. Scale. Dilatation. Scale. Dilatation. 31-40 54-33 55 74-30 11 33-54 | 56-24 6 75-94 115 35-70 1 58-12 65 77-23 12 37-84 1* 60-02 7 78-81 125 39-91 2 62-00 75 80-40 13 42-05 25 63-77 8 81-94 135 44-17 3 65-63 85 83-44 14 46-22 35 67-43 9 84-88 145 48-25 4 69-18 95 86-39 15 50-32 45 70-90 10 87-83 155 52-36 5 j 72-60 105 89-20 16 NOTE. The table shows the percentage of increase of the volume of gas above its volume at the temperature of 31'4 Fahr. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGEES. 293 INTERNAL FITTINGS. The advantages of an ample supply of good and pure gas are fre- quently neutralized by the defective manner in which premises are fitted internally. Bad gas-fittings are generally the result of cupidity or ignorance. They are a common cause of complaint from consumers who are often ready to attribute the inefficient light which they afford to a want of pressure or purity, or a low illuminating power in the gas. The following regulations (with such additions and modifications as may be found necessary) may be adopted with advantage by gas authorities. Regulations as to Internal Fittings. 1. The company's (or local authority's) servants will in all cases lay on the service-pipe, conveying the same through the outer wall of the premises to be supplied with gas. 2. The main-cock must be attached to the end of the service-pipe within the building, and close to the outer wall. 3. The gas meter must be placed perfectly level, either on the floor or on a substantial support, and within 2 ft. 6 in. of the main-cock. 4. The piping attached to the meter, whether inlet or outlet, must not be smaller in internal diameter than that of the meter unions. 5. The following are the sizes of the meters, and their measuring capacity, from which the number of lights which they supply can be readily calculated : Size of Meters. 2-light 5 " 10 15 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 Size of Inlet and Outlet. Inches. J Measuring Capacity per Eevolution. Cubic Feet. fa . . . Measuring Capacity per Hour. Cubic Feet. . . 12 $ . . . . . i . . . . . 18 a 30 ' 1* | 60 1 | 90 1J 1 . . . . . 120 1| . . 14 . . . 180 14 24 300 u ' ' . . . J* ; 360 ' ' i| ' 4 . . 480 . . 2 5 . . . . . 600 3 . . 3 . . 4 : : : i? : : : 12$ . . 900 . . 1200 1500 4 15 1800 . . 4 20 2400 5 . 25 . . . 3000 . 5 . 30 . 3600 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB To ascertain the number of lights which any size of meter will supply, divide the measuring capacity per hour by the quantity of gas per hour which each jet is estimated to consume. Example : What number of lights, consuming 4 cubic feet of gas per hour, will a 20-light meter supply ? Then, ? = 80 lights, answer. 6. The following are the sizes and lengths of iron, lead, or compo- sition tubes to be used according to the number of ordinary lights : Internal Diameter of Tubing. Inches. 1 .... Greatest Leng allowed. Feet. 20 i 5 8 068 >) 5 2 062 5 1 061 > > 5 060 > 4 11 059 4 10 058 M > 4 9 057 >, 4 8 056 M 4 7 055 4 6 054 x M 4 5 053 4 4 052 4 8 051 4 2 050 ' > 4 1 049 > 4 048 > 8 11 047 8 10 046 8 9 045 8 8 044 8 7 043 M 8 6 042 M 8 5 041 >> )) 8 4 040 8 8 039 M 3 2 038 3 1 037 )> 8 036 !> 2 11 085 ) 1> 2 10 084 ) ) )> 2 9 083 2 8 032 2 7 031 )> 2 6 030 ) 2 5 029 .) 2 4 028 M 2 8 027 )1 2 2 026 2 1 025 1 2 024 ,, ,, ,, When the ordinary No. 1, 2, and 3 fish-tail burners are employed, GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. the consumption may be reckoned at the rate of 3, 4, and 5 cubic feet per hour each respectively, and charged accordingly. It is proper to stipulate that no Illumination should amount to less than 50s. SEBVICE OR SUPPLY PIPES. It is the usual rule for the Gas Authorities to convey at their own cost a service-pipe from the main, and from 8 to 12 feet up the front of the building to be illuminated, provided the whole length of pipe required does not exceed 36 feet. A charge is made for any addi- tional length. The expense of fixing the Devices in their position is also charged. To the end of the pipe in front of the building a stop-cock is attached for shutting off or regulating the supply of gas. Care should be taken to have the pipes of ample capacity, other- wise the Illumination will be poor and ; ineffective. When the building to be illuminated is large, it is advisable to run up a service-pipe at each end, and one in the centre, connecting them together in the front ; each pipe, of course, having a distinct con- iiection with the main in the street. The service-pipes should be laid with a slight fall to the main ; and the use of all abrupt angles such as square elbows should be avoided, bends being employed instead. The service-pipes are temporary only, being lent by the Gas Authorities, and are removed by them when the Illuminations are over. DEVICES. The Devices are paid for by the private inhabitants, or the Local Authorities, or by both, as the case may be. They may consist of Initial and other letters, single lined thus, ZX and double- lined thus, Mottoes straight, curved, or circular. Lanterns with coloured devices. Laurel Scrolls. Garlands. Festoons. True Lovers' Knots. Stars of various kinds. Mitres. 310 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB Crescents. Crosses. Plumes, as Prince of Wales' Feathers. Aureoles. Crowns. Shields. Anchors. Masonic Emblems. Heraldic Crests. Corporation Arms. Other Devices suitable to the particular occasion. The Devices are made by the manufacturers of gas-fittings, wrought- iron tubing, and others, and are supplied to Gas Authorities and the Trade at about the following prices : Single-lined Letters, in Iron or Copper, fitted with Strong Union Length of Letter 18 inches Size of Inlet. |ths inch bore 1 | Price. ' Us; Od. each. 12 6 13 6 8 4 J 3 3 15 18 21 25 30 Double-lined Lettei-s, in Iron or Copper, fitted with Strong Union Couplings, Length of Letter 18 inches 24 42 48 , 54 Size of Inlet. |ths inch bore 1 1 i ! i . i 1 Price. 12s. 6d. each. 15 17 6 20 24 33 40 Brumu-ick Stars and Stars with Eight Points, Made of Wrought-Iron Welded Pipe, and fitted irith Strong Union Couplings. 3 feet 4 5 6 ,, 7 8 1 inch bore ll ;: iJ ' ,, i* :: Price with Price with Price with Star Centre. Shield Centre. Plu me Centre. 8. d. M B. d. i' 8. d. 200. .220. . -1 17 2 12 . . 2 15 . . 3 10 366. . 3 10 . .450 4 15 . .500. . 5 15 636. . 6 10 . .750 770. . 7 15 . . 8 10 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS 311 Crowns and Plumes cost about one-third more than Stars. Scrolls, Garlands, Heraldic Crests, and other Devices, at prices varying according to the elaboration of the design. Wrought-iron pipes, drilled, and with Star jets inserted, are sup- plied at about the ordinary list price. The Devices maybe " home-made," and if so will be less expensive ; but unless constructed by skilled and tasteful workmen, they will present a scraggy, irregular appearance when lighted up. ILLUMINATED BOKDERS. A very pretty effect, easily managed, and one that gives a rich fulness to the central Illumination of a building, is obtained by run- ning wrought-iron tubing along the principal angles, with holes drilled in the tube at distances about 6 inches apart, and having small jets or star burners inserted. The burners may be placed wider apart, and globes made use of. These prevent the lights from being extin- guished by the wind, and also heighten the general effect. In this case a short piece of brass tube, with elbow-socket and gallery, must be inserted. Globes ground all over, or white opal globes, or white and coloured globes arranged alternately, show to the best advantage. COLOURED FIRES. A display of Coloured Fires, at intervals, from prominent points of elevation, adds greatly to the effect of an Illumination. The following are some excellent recipes for their production : Lilac Fire. Oz. Drms. Chlorate of Potash , . 49 parts, or 7 13 Sulphur 25 40 Chalk 20 ., 33 Black oxide of copper 6 10 This composition weighs 1 lb., and costs 2s. 3d. Purple Fire. Oz. Drms. Chlorate of potash 43 parts, or 6 14 Nitrate of potash (saltpetre) 22 J 3 10 Sulphur 22 3 10 Black oxide of copper 10 19 Black sulphide of mercury (Ethiop's mineral) 2 , 05 Weight, 1 lb. ; cost, 2s. 3d. 312 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Yellow Fire. Oz. Drms. Nitrate of soda 75 parts, or 12 Sulphur 19 31 Charcoal or lamp black 6 15 Weight, 1 Ib. ; cost, Is. 6d. Blue or Bengal Fire. Oz. Drms. Dry nitrate of potash 6 parts, or 10 10J Sulphur 2 3 9i Tersulphide of antimony .... 1 112 Weight, lib. ; cost, Is. Or Oz. Drms. Ammonic sulphate of copper 8 parts, or 8 8 Chlorate of potash 6 67 Shellac 1 11 Weight, 1 Ib. ; cost, 2s. 3d. Green Fire. Oz. Drms. Nitrate of baryta 77 parts, or 12 5 Sulphur 13 21 Chlorate of potash 5 13 Charcoal or lamp black 3 ,, 08 Metallic arsenic 2 05 Weight, 1 Ib. ; cost, Is. 6d. Or Oz. Drms. Nitrate of baryta 9 parts, or 10 10 Shellac 3 39 Chlorate of potash 1J 1 13 Weight, 1 Ib. ; cost, Is. 6d. Crimson Fire. Oz. Drms. Nitrate of strontia 80 parts, or 10 Sulphur 22J 2 14 Chlorate of potash 20 28 Charcoal or lamp black 5 10 Weight, 1 Ib. ; cost, Is. 6d. Red Fire. Oz. Drms. Nirate of strontia 40 parts, or 10 Sulphur 13 32 Chlorate of potash 5 13 Charcoal or lamp black 3 11 Sulphide of antimony 4 10 Weight, 1 Ib. ; cost, Is. 6d. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 313 Or Oz. Drms. Nitrate of strontia 9 parts, or 10 10 Shellac 3 39 Chlorate of potash 1 1 13 Weight, 1 Ib. ; cost, Is. 6d. White Indian Fire. Nitrate of potash 24 parts, or 11 10 Sulphur 7 3 6 Sulphide of arsenic (Realgar) 2 1 Weight, 1 Ib. ; cost, Is. In no case should the chlorate of potash be (/round along with the sulphur, as ignition, caused by the friction, might ensue. The ingredients should be reduced to the finest powder (excepting the shellac, which should only be beaten into small fragments) by bruising them in a mortar made of hard wood, the chlorate of potash being ground separately. They should then be intimately mixed together, by passing them three or four times through a hair sieve. When mixed, keep the material in a close- stoppered bottle, to pre- vent spontaneous combustion. All the ingredients must be perfectly dry to insure success. The mixtures are best fired in hemispherical dishes, or ladles made of beaten iron, about 5 inches diameter and 2 inches deep in the centre. The fumes arising from the different fires should be avoided. A pound in weight of any of the mixtures is sufficient for a fire (though any quantity may be used) ; and the cost varies from Is. to 2s. 3d. each. The ingredients can be obtained from almost any chemist and druggist. -314 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE ILLUMINATION DEVICES. A oo- c * ^SHB5]*Ms.".7 ,_.... jm v,. A ,-f ClSff ^ML \ ">--V / ,' '__'" ."-'- ^V*^ /^'-~~~-^- /"'-'--'' ~"K W ^**S%c- '"M"^ " : '^W , r \ \ "j ',-; 7^'/ {sgPzSSs&Sti FIGS. 107 TO 120. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGEBS. 315 , /1&S\\ /// y:A \ * /.J/-H ' ' Fios. 121 AND 122. 316 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR f r^ V -r^k}-7 < ; x< \/v% 3&P ^_S-; ""^^^ .'^---";:^ r"-:-----'** 1 "" /^ ^^^^rr^5p^%^ ; ^.^ "^^fe^^''' "$^4'&&'^ ^rn /r?iT ^^> : JA.Li * (: ...\^,... \ "' '-V FIGS. 123 TO 134. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGEES. 317 BRITANNIA RULES THE WAVES FIGS. 135 AND 136 318 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR M n l\*> i-l \ v / fl \ h 1. FIGS. 137 TO 148. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 1 FIGS. K4 AND 145. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE FIGS. 146 TO 152. GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGEES. FIGS. 158 AND 164. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE W x // Ji Vlp V Vx.^:::::::^ ^ FIGS. 165 TO 160. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 823 ' i i - ' \ 7 ' i ! H'l'VR ;ij i ; ! '. \ V -H '- ;\ '. ^^^^y-ii CIVIU2ATION ? / \\ in i (&(ft\(ftM \ HI \ I ll \\ iMUlfCil //I ^ FIGS. 161 AND T 2 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR FIGS. 168 TO 165. GAS ENQINEEBS AND MANAGERS. FIGS. 166 AND 167. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB &*ujw ', , - ~" "v 5-L;x . U . \M 9^ <.(.y ^\ && P* e?W FIGS. 168 TO 170. GAS ENGINBEES AND MANAGERS. FIGS. 171 AND 172. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR iidVi^ !!'*::f?im /Mr .-v X>-?~! ,- r r X'M-/^ ^;- 1 I X, ? / Fios. 173 AND 174. GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. 329 VICTOR! A FIG. 175 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE ILLUMINATING POWER. For testing the Illuminating Power of gas in accordance with the statutory provisions, the Bunsen photometer is used ; and the Letheby- Bunsen form of the apparatus (Fig. 176) is that generally adopted. The standard candle is a sperm candle, six of which weigh 1 lb., and each burns 120 grains of sperm per hour. The gas is supplied through an experimental meter, and burns at one end of a graduated bar, and the candle at the other ; a movable disc of prepared paper being placed 'between the two. This disc, which is contained within a sliding box or carriage, fitted with two reflectors, is moved between the two lights until its opposite sides are equally illuminated, whereupon the Illuminating Power of the gas is read off by the operator on inspection of the figures on the ^graduated bar. FIG. 176. The bar is graduated in accordance with the law that lights which equally illuminate an object are to each other as the square of their distance, from such object. Thus, assuming that the distance from the disc to the gas flame is 80 inches, and to the candle flame 20 inches, then 80 2 = 6400, and 20 2 =400, or as 16 to 1, the Illuminating value of the gas as compared with the candle. The following apparatus are also required, viz. : A governor to regulate the gas pressure ; a clock striking every minute ; a King's pressure-gauge ; a candle balance and weights ; a thermometer and a barometer. The apparatus is arranged and fixed on a substantially made table, placed in the photometer room. This room may be conveniently made about 10 or 12 feet square, and should be ventilated ; but currents of air which would affect the steadiness of the gas and candle flame must be guarded against. Provision is made to exclude the daylight ; and the walls are coloured a dull black. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Statutory Regulations for Testing the Illuminating Power of Gas. The provisions in Schedule A of the Gas-Works Clauses Act, 1871, in regard to the apparatus for, and the mode of testing the Illumi- nating Power of gas, are as follows : Regulations in respect of Testing Apparatus. The apparatus for testing the Illuminating Power of tlie gas shall consist of the improved form of Bunsen's photometer, known as Letheby's open 60- inch photometer, or Evans's enclosed 100-inch photometer, together with a proper meter, minute clock, governor, pressure gauge, and balance. The burner to be used for testing the gas shall be such as shall be prescribed. The candles used for testing the gas shall be sperm candles of six to the pound, and two candles shall be used together. Mode of Testing for Illuminating Power. The gas in the photometer is to be lighted at least fifteen minutes before the testings begin ; and it is to be kept continuously burning from the beginning to the end of the tests. Each testing shall include ten observations of the photometer, made at intervals of a minute. The consumption of the gas is to be carefully adjusted to 5 cubic feet per hour. The candles are to be lighted at least ten minutes before beginning each testing, so as to arrive at their normal rate of burning, which is shown when the wick is slightly bent, and the tip glowing. The standard rate of consumption for the candles shall be 120 grains each per hour. Before and after making each set of ten observations of the photometer, the Gas Examiner shall weigh the candles ; and if the combustion shall have been more or less per candle than 120 grains per hour, he shall make and record the calculations requisite to neutralize the effects of this difference. The average of each set of ten observations is to be taken as repre- senting the Illuminating Power of that testing. Instructions of the London Gas Referees as to the Times and Mode of Testing for Illuminating Power. The testings for Illuminating Power shall be three in number daily. The Photometers to be used in the testing places shall be the im- proved forms of the Bunsen Photometer, prescribed and certified by the Eeferees. The burner attached to the Photometer shall be a standard burner corresponding to that which has been deposited with the Warden of 332 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR the Standards in accordance with Section 37 of The Gaslight and Coke Company's Act, 1876. A description of the standard burners to be used for testing common gas and cannel gas respectively is given. (See page 835.) The gas in the Photometer is to be kept burning for at least fifteen minutes before any testing is made. The disc used in the Photometer shall be either the Leeson or the Bunsen disc. The chimneys are to be cleaned daily. The candles shall be such as are described in Section 25 of the Metropolis Gas Act of 1860 namely, sperm candles of six to the pound, each burning 120 grains an hour. Two of these candles shall be used together. Each testing shall consist of ten observations of the Photometer, made at intervals of one minute. The average of each set of ten observations is to be taken as representing the Illuminating Power for that testing. The rate of burning of the gas in each burner shall be 5 cubic feet per hour a rate of consumption which is shown by the long hand of the meter making exactly one revolution per minute for several minutes consecutively. The candles are to be lighted at least ten minutes before the begin- ning of each testing, so as to have attained their normal rate of burn- ing. Before and after making each testing, the Gas Examiner shall weigh the candles ; and if the rate of consumption per candle shall not have exceeded 126 grains per hour, or fallen short of 114 grains per hour, he shall make, and record in a book to be kept for the pur- pose, the calculations requisite to neutralize the effects of this differ- ence. If the rate of consumption shall have varied from the prescribed rate beyond the above-named limits, the testing is to be rejected, and a fresh testing made. Instead of weighing the candles, the Gas Examiner may observe the time in which 40 grains are burnt. This must not exceed 10-5, or fall short of 9-5 minutes. The Gas Examiner shall, at least once a week, compare the meter- clock with the standard-clock in each testing-place. At the time of each testing the Gas Examiner shall observe and record the temperature of the gas, as shown by the thermometers attached to the meters, and also the height of the barometer. The volumes of the gas operated upon during the testings may be corrected from these data (the standard of comparison being, for the barometer, 30 inches ; and for the thermometer, 60 degrees) by means of the Table. (See pages 336 and 337). Suppose, for example, the ther- mometer stands at 54 degrees, and the barometer at 30'3 inches : multiply the quantity of gas consumed by the corresponding tabular GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. number the product will be the corrected volume of the gas i.e., the volume the gas would have occupied when measured over water at the standard temperature and pressure. Thus Volume of gas consumed 5 cubic feet. Tabular number for barometer and thermometer 1-025. Then 1-025 x 5 = 5-125, the corrected volume. Instead of thus correcting the volume of gas consumed, the same object may be attained by dividing the observed Illuminating Power by the tabular number, or in the manner described on page 159. The Gas Examiner shall record his observations and calculations for determining Illuminating Power in the form prescribed on page 338. The calculations for working out the corrections, &c., for the Illumi- nating Power of the gas proceed in the following manner : Add the observations together, and divide the sum by 10, to get the average ; then, as two candles are used, multiply by two, to get the Illuminating Power of the gas if tried against one candle. Then, as the standard rate of the consumption of the candles (viz., 120 grains) is to the average number of grains consumed by each per hour, so is the above-obtained number to the actual Illuminating Power. Finally, make the correction for temperature and pressure, by dividing the Illuminating Power by the tabular number. For example (taking the tabular number as 1-025) : Observations 1st minute 7-8 Consumption of the 2 candles in 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 7-8 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-5 8-6 8-4 8-3 8-6 10 minutes, = 41 grains. 3 123 = consumption of 1 candle per hour. 10)82-6 Average, by 2 candles = 8-26 2 Average, by 1 candle = 16-52 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE Average, by 1 candle = 16-52 per 4956 3304 1652 Standard con- sumption . 120)203196 Correction for temp. &pres. 1025)16933 (-16-5 = corrected Ilium. Power 1025 in candles. 6683 6150 5830 The foregoing calculation can be shortened as follows, which is the form prescribed on page 338 : Average, by 2 candles (arrived at as shown on page 333) = 8-26 Consumption by 2 candles in 10 minutes 41 grains. 826 3304 2 ) 33866 Tabular number . . 1025 ) 16933 (16-5 = corrected Ilium. 1025 Power in candles. 6683 6150 5330 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. TJie Standard Burner. The burner which has been adopted as the Standard burner for testing common gas was designed by Mr. Sugg, and was called by him " Sugg's London Argand, No. 1." A is appended, (Fig. 177), in which A re- presents section, half size, a supply-pipe, B the gallery, C the cone, D the steatite chamber, E the chimney. The following are the dimensions of those parts of the burner upon which its action depends:- Inch. Diameter of supply-pipes . . . . 08 External diameter of annular steatite chamber 0-84 Internal diameter of annular steatite chamber 0'48 Number of holes 24 Diameter of each hole 0-045 Internal diameter of cone At the bottom 1-5 At the top 1-08 Height of upper surface of cone and of steatite chamber above floor of gallery 0-75 Height of glass chimney .... 6 Internal diameter of chimney . . If The Standard burner for testing cannel gas is a steatite batswing burner, consisting of a cylindrical stem, the top of which is divided by a slit of uniform width. j , External diameter of top of stem . 0-31 Internal diameter of stem . . . 0-17 Width of slit 0-02 Depth of slit 0-15 FIG. 177. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE TABLE to facilitate the Correction of tlie Volume of Gas at IHER. BAB. 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 28-0 979 974 970 965 960 956 951 946 942 937 932 28-1 983 978 973 969 964 959 955 951 945 941 936 28-2 986 981 977 972 967 963 958 953 949 944 939 28'3 990 985 980 976 971 966 961 957 952 947 942 28-4 993 988 984 979 974 970 965 960 955 951 946 28-5 997 992 987 983 978 973 968 964 959 954 949 28-6 1-001 995 991 986 981 977 972 967 962 958 953 28-7 1-004 999 994 990 985 980 975 970 966 961 956 28'8 1-007 1-003 998 993 988 984 979 974 969 964 959 28-9 1-011 1-006 1-001 997 992 987 982 977 973 968 963 29-0 1-014 1-010 1-005 1-000 995 990 986 981 976 971 966 29'1 1-018 1-013 1-008 1-004 999 994 989 984 979 975 969 29-2 1-021 1-017 1-012 1-007 1-002 997 992 988 982 978 973 29-3 1-025 1-020 1-015 1-011 1-006 1-001 996 991 986 981 976 29-4 1-028 1-024 1-019 1-014 1-009 1-004 999 995 990 985 980 29-5 1-032 1-027 1-022 1-018 1-013 1-008 1-003 998 993 988 983 29-6 1-036 1-031 1-026 1-021 1-016 1-011 1-006 001 996 992 986 39-7 1-039 1-034 1-029 1-025 1'019 1-015 1-010 005 1-000 995 990 29-8 1-043 1-038 1-033 1-028 1-023 1-018 1-013 008 1-003 998 993 29-9 1-046 1-041 1-036 1-031 1-026 1-022 1-017 012 1-007 1-002 997 30'0 1-050 1-045 1-040 1-035 1-030 1-025 1-020 015 1-010 005 000 30-1 1-053 1-048 1-043 1-038 1-033 1-029 1-024 019 1-014 009 003 30-2 1-057 1-052 1-047 1-042 1-037 1-032 1-027 022 1-017 012 007 30-3 1-060 1-055 1-050 1-045 1-040 1-036 1-030 025 1-020 015 010 30'4 1-064 1-059 1-054 1-049 1-044 1-039 1-034 029 1-C24 019 014 30-5 1-067 1-062 1-057 1-052 1-047 1-042 1-037 032 1-027 022 017 30-6 1-071 1-066 1-061 1-056 1-051 1-046 1-041 036 1-031 026 020 30-7 1-074 1-069 1-064 1-059 1-054 1-049 1-044 039 1-034 1-029 024 30-8 1-078 1-073 1-068 1-063 1-058 1-053 1-048 043 1-037 1-032 027 30-9 1-081 1-076 1-071 1-066 11-061 1-056 1-051 046 1-041 1-036 031 31-0 1-085 1-080 1-075 1-070 1-065 1-060 1-055 049 l-OM 1-039 1-034 %* The numbers in the above table have been re-calculated from the formula perature on the Fahrenheit scale, and a the tension of aqueous vapour at t. at 60 and 30 inches pressure, V = v n. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. different Temperatures and under different AtmospJieric Pressures. BAB THEK 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 28-0 927 922 917 912 907 902 897 892 887 881 875 870 28-1 930 926 921 916 911 905 900 895 890 884 879 873 28-2 934 929 924 919 914 909 904 898 893 887 882 876 28-3 937 932 928 922 917 912 907 902 896 891 885 880 28-4 941 936 931 926 921 915 910 905 900 894 888 883 28-5 944 939 934 929 924 919 914 908 903 897 892 886 28-6 947 943 938 932 927 922 917 912 906 901 895 889 28-7 951 946 941 936 931 925 920 915 909 904 898 893 28-8 954 949 944 939 934 929 924 918 913 907 901 ,QQ/ 28-9 958 953 948 942 937 932 927 921 916 910 905 899 29-0 961 956 951 946 941 935 930 925 919 914 908 903 29-1 964 959 954 949 944 939 933 928 923 917 911 906 29-2 968 963 958 952 947 942 93V 931 926 923 914 909 29-3 971 966 961 956 950 945 940 935 929 923 918 912 29-4 975 969 964 959 954 949 943 938 932 927 921 915 29-5 978 973 968 962 957 952 947 941 936 930 924 919 29-6 981 976 971 966 960 955 950 944 939 933 927 922 29-7 985 980 974 969 964 959 953 948 942 937 931 925 29-8 988 983 978 972 967 962 957 951 946 940 934 928 29'9 991 986 981 976 970 965 960 954 949 943 937 932 30'0 995 990 985 979 974 968 963 958 952 946 941 935 30-1 998 993 988 983 977 972 966 961 955 950 944 938 30-2 002 996 991 986 980 975 970 '964 959 953 947 941 30-3 .005 000 995 989 984 978 973 968 962 956 950 Q4A 30-4 008 003 998 993 987 982 976 971 965 959 954 948 30-5 012 006 001 996 990 985 980 974 969 963 957 951 30-6 015 010 005 999 994 988 983 977 972 966 960 954 30-7 018 013 008 1-003 997 992 986 981 975 969 963 957 30-8 022 017 on 1-006 ooo 995 990 984 978 972 967 961 30-9 025 1-020 015 1-009 004 998 993 987 982 976 970 964 31-0 029 1-023 018 L-013 007 002 996 991 985 979 973 967 . 17 ' 64 ( h - a \ where h is the height of the barometer in inches, t the tern- 460 + t If v is any volume at . and h inches pressure, and Y the corresponding volume NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE Statement of Testings for Illuminating Power. Date 18 Barometer Thermometer Tabular Number Hour. Observations taken at intervals of one minute. Here multiply the number obtained by the number of grains con- sumed by the two candles in ten minutes, and divide by 2. Or divide by the number of minutes in which 40 grs. were consumed. Consnmp of spern two can in ten rr Obgei 1st min. 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th tion\ a by Consumption \ of sperm by f Consumption \ of sperm by 1 dies f in. ) vations. two candles f in ten min. ) Observations. Ist-cain. two candles- f in ten min. ) Observations. q.J i 5th ' 7th 9th 10th 2 ) 2 ) 2 ) Tabular \ / Ilium. Power at . . number ) ( Corrected Average Ilium. i) , f~, j fr fh* day. Divide the average Illuminating Power by the tabular number corresponding to Mean Temperature and ) Pressure: the quotient will be the corrected Illuminating Power for the day. Average Ilium. Power uncorrected . . . } = Candles. Ga9 Examiner. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 339 The Meters used for Measuring the Gas Consumed in Making tlie Various The meters used for measuring the gas consumed in making the various testings, having been certified by the Eeferees, shall, at periods of not less than seven days, be proved by the Gas Examiners by means of the Referees' cubic-foot measure a description of which apparatus, with directions how to use it, is given below. Should a meter show any variation, water must be added or withdrawn until the meter is correct. Every testing place shall have the above-mentioned appa- ratus, so that the Gas Examiner may employ it whenever he thinks necessary. No meter other than a wet one shall be used in testing the gas under these instructions. The Gas Eeferees" Cubic-Foot Measure. Description of the Cubic-Foot Measure ; the method of fixing it ; and directions for verifying the accuracy of the Meters connected with the, Photometers, and also (see page 159) with the Sulphur and Ammonia Tests. I. This instrument (Fig. 178) is a vessel inform like an elongated egg, made of hardened tin about one quarter of an inch thick, fitted at each end with a narrow glass tube, the joints being made sound with india-rubber packing. The instrument stands in a vertical position, firmly fixed to a strong plank. At the top of the instrument is a three-way cock, marked on the head of the key with a T, each arm of which shows the direction of a way through the plug ; and in the side of this cock there is a small hole or vent, which serves to admit the air when the measure is to be emptied of water. When the T is in its ordinary position communication is closed between the measure and the tube leading from it to the meters, but is open to the external air ; with the H in this position (i.e., with the stem pointing to the opposite side of the cock to that in which the vent is drilled), the measure is open to the meters and shut to the air. At the bottom of the instrument there are two cocks the small one, when opened, admits water into the measure; the large one, when opened, allows the water to be run off. The former of these cocks is provided with a lever-key, in order to regu- late, with greater nicety, the entrance of the water into the measure. FIG- i?8. z 2 340 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB The cock at the top of the measure is continued by a tin pipe in the form of an arch (bending down to meet the pipe leading to the meters) ; and at the farther end of the arch, there is a piece of glass tube, in which a thermometer is hung to show the temperature of the air passing from the measure into the meter. Affixed round each of the glass tubes fitted to the upper and lower part of the measure, there is a narrow strip of paper, which indicates the exact measure of one cubic foot, as tested by the Exchequer standard cubic-foot bottle the upper edge of both strips of paper being the true water-line of the measure. II. The instrument should be in communication with a tank of water fed by a self-acting supply. The lower water-level of the tank should be even with the top of the strip of paper marking the " full " line of the vessel ; and it is advan- tageous that the upper water level should be below the plug of the three-way cock on the measure. III. To verify the meters employed in ascertaining the consumption of gas in the photometers, or those used in the sulphur or ammonia tests, the mode of procedure is as follows : Turn the three-way cock at the top of the instrument so as to leave the vent open to the air ; and shut the large cock at the bottom of the apparatus. Then open the small lever cock, and allow suffi- cient water to flow in to fill the lower glass tube up to the water- line. Then turn the upper cock so as to close the vent, while opening the way to the meters. Next open the cock of the meter which is to be tested taking care that all the other meters are closed to the cubic-foot measure. Note the exact position of the index hands i.e., both the long hand and the 1-foot hand, if it be a photometer meter, or simply the long hand if it be a sulphur meter. When all is ready, open a communication between the outlet of the meter and the air at the same time taking care that all the pressure-gauge cocks are closed. Then proceed gently to open the small lever-cock, and allow the water to flow into the measure, just fast enough to raise the pressure in the syphon pressure-gauge fixed alongside, and in communication with the measure, from half an inch to three quarters. This precaution is necessary to prevent the water being blown out of the meter by excessive pressure. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. A meter attached to the photometer should make twelve revolu- tions of the long hand, and consequently one of the cubic-foot hand, by the time the measure is full up to the strip of paper on the upper glass tube. A meter connected with the sulphur test should, in the same time, make one revolution of the long hand. Should the meter complete the prescribed number of revolutions before the measure is full, then some water must be removed from the meter; if the contrary is the case, then water must be added to the meter. The testing is then to be repeated until the meter is found to register correctly. The dial of the photometer meter is divided into 50 divisions ; and as each revolution indicates one-twelfth of a foot, each division con- sequently represents the ^^ part of a cubic foot ; and therefore 6 of those divisions represent 1 per cent. The dial of the sulphur meters is divided into 100 parts ; and as each complete revolution indicates one foot, each division conse- quently represents 1 per cent. The difference of an ounce in the quantity of water in the meters will make them register about 1 per cent, either fast or slow. When the temperature of the cubic-foot measure is higher than the temperature at the outlet of the meter, the meter (if correct) will register a smaller quantity than has actually passed to it from the measure ; when the temperature of the measure is lower than that of the meter, the quantity registered ought to be greater. To find the volume which the meter ought to register, when such a difference of temperature exists, divide the tabular number corres- ponding to the barometric pressure, and the temperature of the cubic-foot measure, by the tabular number corresponding to the barometric pressure and the temperature of the meter. (See Tables, pp. 836 and 337.) As to the Mode of Testing the Pressure at which Gas is Supplied. Testings of pressure shall be made by unscrewing the governor and burner of one of the ordinary public lamps, in such street or part of a street as the controlling authority may from time to time appoint, and attaching in their stead the portable pressure gauge. The Gas Examiners having fixed the gauge gas-tight, and as nearly as possible vertical, on the pipe of the lamp, and having opened the cocks of the lamp and gauge, shall read and at once record the pressure shown. From the observed pressure one-tenth of an inch is to be deducted to correct for the difference between the pressure of gas at the top of the lamp-column and that at which it is supplied to the basement of the neighbouring houses. 342 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR The Gas Referees' Street Lamp Pressure Gauge. This instrument (Fig. 179) has been designed by the Gas Referees, in accordance with Sect : on 6 of The Gaslight and Coke and other Gas Companies' Acts Amendment Act, 1880, for the purpose of testing in any street at any hour the pressure at which gas is supplied. Its construction is as follows : Within a lantern provided with a handle for carry- ing and feet for resting on the ground, is placed a candle-lamp, to gi^e light for reading the gauge. In front of the candle-lamp is a sheet of opal glass, and in front of this a glass U-tube, partly filled with coloured water, and communicating at one end with the air, at the other with a metal pipe, which passes through the bottom of the lantern. In order to read easily and accurately the difference of level of the liquid in the two limbs, a scale divided into tenths of an inch is made to slide between them with sufficient friction to retain it in any position. The zero of the scale having been brought level with the surface of the liquid which is pressed upon by the gas, the height above this of the surface which is pressed upon by the FIG. 179 au * can be read directly. The lantern is closed in front by a glass door, at each side of which is a re- flector for throwing light upon the scale of the gauge. Above each limb of the U-tube is a tap, which can be closed when the instrument is not in use, to prevent the liquid being accidentally spilt. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. PHOTOMETEK TABLE. Calculated for One Candle. (Sugg.)* Con- Grains per Hour Consumed by the Sperm Candle. sumption of Gas Feet per Hour. 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 4-5 1-01851 1-02777 1-03703 11-04629 1-05555 1-06481 1-07407 1-08333 1-09259 4-6 99637 1-00543 1-01449 1-02355 1-03260 1-04166 1-05072 1-05978 1-06884 4-7 97517 98404 99290 1-00177 1-01063 1-01950 1-02836 1-03723 1-04609 4-8 95486 96354 97222 98090 98958 99826 1-00694 1-01562 1-02430 4-9 93537 94387 95238 96088 96938 97789 98639 99489 1-00340 5-0 91066 92500 93333 94166 95000 95833 96666 97499 98333 5-1 89869 90686 91503 92320 '93137 93954 94771 95588 96405 5-2 88141 88942 89743 90544 91346 92147 92948 93750 94551 5-3 86477 87264 88050 88836 89622 90408 91194 91981 92767 5'4 84876 85648 86419 87191 87962 88734 89506 90277 91049 5-5 83333 84090 84848 85606 86363 87121 87878 88636 89393 Con- Grains per Hour Consumed by the Sperm Candle. sumption of Gas Feet per Hour. 119 ' 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 i 4'5 1-10185 1-11111 1-12037 1-12962 1-13888 1-14814 1-15740 16666 -17592 4-6 1-07789 1-08695 1-09601 1-10507 1-11413 1-12318 1-13224 | -14130 I -15036 4-7 1-05496 1-06383 1-07269 1-08156 1-09042 1-09929 1-10815 -li;02 -12588 4-8 1-03298 1-04166 1-05034 1-05902 1-06770 1-07638 1-08506 | -09375 -10243 4-9 1-01190 1-02040 1-02891 1-03741 1-04591 1-05442 1-06292 '07142 ; '07993 5-0 99166 1-00000 1-00833 1-01666 1-02499 1-03333 ! 1-04166 1 '04999 ; '05832 5-1 97222 -98039 98856 99673 1-00490 1-01307 11-02124 11-08941 -03758 5-2 95352 '96153 96955 97756 98557 99358 1-00160 1-00961 i -01762 5-3 93553 : -94339 95125 95911 96698 97484 98270 99056 -99842 5'4 91820 '92592 93364 94135 94907 95679 96450 97222 ! -97993 5'5 90151 ! '90909 91666 92424 93181 93939 94696 95454 -96212 Con- sumption i Grains per Hour Consumed by the Sperm Candle. otuas Feet per Hour. 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 4-5 1-18518 1-19444 1-20370 1-21296 22222 1-23148 24074 1-25000 4-6 1-15942 1-16847 17753 1-18659 19565 1-20471 21376 1-22282 4'7 1-13475 1-14361 15248 1-16134 17021 17907 18794 1-19680 4-8 1-11111 1-11979 12847 1-13715 14583 15451 16319 1-17187 4-9 1-08843 1-09693 10544 11394 12244 13095 13945 1-14795 r' 1-06666 1-07500 08333 09166 10000 10833 11666 1-12500 1-04575 1-05392 06209 07026 07843 08660 09477 1-10294 5'2 1-02564 1-03365 04166 04967 05769 06570 07371 1-08173 5-3 1-00628 1-01415 02201 02987 03773 04559 05345 1-06132 5-4 98765 99537 00308 01080 01851 1-02623 03395 1-04168 5-5 96969 97727 98484 99242 1-00000 1-00757 01515 1-02272 Mr. Sugg has also published, in a book form, series of useful photometrical tablet from 9-5 to 20 candles. 844 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR RULE. Multiply the number standing beneatli the number of grains consumed by the candle, and opposite the number of feet consumed by the gas-burner, by the illuminating power as read off from the scale of the photometer ; the product is the correct value of the gas reduced to the standard of 120 grains per hour and 5 cubic feet per hour. THE AERORTHOMETER. The Aerorthometer (Fig. 180) in- vented by Mr. A. Vernon Harcourt, 'is an ingenious instrument for cor- recting the observed volume of any portion of gas to its normal volume i.e., the volume it would have under standard conditions of tempe- rature and pressure. A reading of this instrument furnishes a number expressing the ratio between the observed and the normal, or cor- rected, volumes of any gas, and serves instead of reading a baro- meter and thermometer and calcu- lating or referring to a table. It consists of a bulb and stem, like a thermometer, containing air enclosed over mercury. The mer- cury stands at a certain height in the stem, and rises and falls as the inclosed air contracts or expands with changes of temperature and atmospheric pressure. The volume of the air is read off by means of a scale engraved on the stem and on the wood behind it. Each degree of the scale marks a portion of the stem whose capacity is one-thou- sandth part of the volume of the inclosed air when under a pressure of 30 inches of mercury and at a temperature of 60 Fahr. The line at which the mercury stands under these conditions is figured accord- ingly 1000 ; and any other reading GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 346 of the instrument, at a different pressure or temperature, gives the volume to which the thousand volumes have been expanded or contracted. A small drop of water having been passed into the bulb, the expansion caused by a rise of temperature includes that due to the increased tension of aqueous vapour. In order that the volume of air inclosed in the bulb of the Aeror- thometer may be measured under the atmospheric pressure, a second tube is placed by the side of the graduated stem, which is of the same calibre and connected with the same reservoir of mercury, but open above. By the pressure of a screw upon the leathern top of the reservoir, the mercury is raised in both tubes ; and when the mercury stands at the same level in both, the inclosed air is under the atmo- spheric pressure. By being painted white, the bulb is protected from the action of radiant heat. Since the volume of any portion of gas contained in a holder or passing through a meter near which an Aerorthometer is placed, bears the same relation to the volume the gas would occupy under standard conditions as the volume read on the stem of the Aeror- thometer bears to 1000, the figures expressing the corrected volume of the gas may be obtained by multiplying the observed volume by 1000, and dividing it by the Aerorthometer reading. Thus, if n represents the number read upon the instrument, v the observed volume or rate of passage of the gas, and V the corrected or normal value, then The instrument must stand or be suspended in a vertical position near the meter or holder whose registration it is to be used to correct. To make a reading, the screw is to be turned (if necessary) until the mercury stands at a lower level in the open tube than in that which is graduated. Then the screw must be turned slowly in the oppo- site direction until the mercury is exactly level in both tubes. The level of the mercury read upon the graduated tube gives the required number. Various Proposed Standards oj Light. The sperm candle has long been considered an unsatisfactory Standard, owing chiefly to the shade of colour emitted by it differ- ing somewhat from that of the gas, and the inequality of its rate of consumption. Various Standards of light have been advocated from time to time to supersede the candle ; but none of these have hitherto been adopted in this country. 346 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR The Carcel lamp is the Standard in France ; the light, equal to 9-6 sperm candles, being produced by purified colza (rape) oil, burning at the rate of 648 grains per hour. The upper portion of this lamp is shown in sec- tion in Fig. 181 ; and the dimensions of its various parts are as follows : External diameter of burner . -9055 inches. Internal diameter of air-tube . -6692 ,, External diameter of air-tube . 1-7912 Total length of chimney . . 11-4170 Length from base. t to neck of chimney . \ 2-4015 ,, External diameter of chimney at level of neck .... 1-8503 External diameter of chimney at top . ... . . 1-3385 Mean thickness of the glass . -0787 ,, The wick used is that known as " light-house wick," and the plait is composed of 75 strands ; a piece 4 inches long weighing 55 5 grains. When the consumption of oil is less than 586 grains, or exceeds 710 grains per hour, the trial is cancelled. Mr. Keates invented a moderator lamp consuming sperm oil, and yielding a light equal to 10 sperm candles, which he advocated as a suitable Standard. The most ingenious Standard proposed is that of a FIG 181 portion of the gas-flame itself. The credit of the conception is shared by both Mr. Fiddes and Mr. John Methven, who, unaware of each other's investigations, conducted a series of experiments on the same lines. In the course of his photometrical observations, Mr. Fiddes found that if a circular hole about -inch diameter were made at a given height in an opaque chimney, and this placed over an argand flame in lieu of the usual glass chimney, the amount of light passing through the hole was a constant quantity, notwithstanding variations in the illuminating power of the gas. Mr. Methven's researches led him to a similar conclusion ; his later experiments showing that the amount of light (equal to two Standard candles), passing through a slot 1 inch long and inch wide, in an opaque screen, is constant with gases ranging from 15 to 20 candles power ; and that, when either common or cannel gas is carburetted with gasoline (light petroleum spirit, boiling point below 120 Fahr.), the amount of light yielded by a flame 2 inches long, is con- stant whatever the illuminating power of the gas employed. As the result of this latter discovery, Mr. Methven uses a shorter and wider GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGEES. 347 slot for the carburetted gas. Fig. 182 shows the Methven Standard with the long and short slots combined on the same slide for the ordinary and carburetted gas respectively. Fig. 183, shows the car- burettor fitted with bye-pass arrangement, so that when connected to the gas-pipe supplying the Methven Standard, either ordinary gas, or carburetted gas, may be used. FIG. 182. It is daily becoming more evident that the acceptance of Mr. Methven 's light as a Standard would be a fairly satisfactory solution of the difficulty. Photometrical observations, also, are greatly simpli- fied by the ease with which it can be used, the saving of time which it effects, and the avoidance of that distraction of mind on the part of the operator, which is inseparable from the employment of candles. FIG. 183. In the Pentane Standard of Mr. A. Vernon Har court, the gas em- ployed for producing the light is " a mixture of air with that portion of American petroleum which, after repeated rectification, distils at a temperature not exceeding 122 Fahr. The liquid thus obtained con- sists almost entirely of pentane, the fifth member of the series of paraffines." Burning at the rate of J a cubic foot per hour', this gas gives a flame which yields a light equal to that of the Standard candle. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Mr. Harcourt has devised a new Pentane Standard Lamp on a different principle to that above referred to, in which, instead of a mix- ture of pentane and air, pentane only is burned. This lamp, shown in Fig. 184, resembles an ordinary spirit lamp, with the chimney added to GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 349 keep the flame steady, and raise the temperature of combustion. A wick is employed, not, as in the ordinary lamp, at the point of ignition, but several inches from it ; its use being to convey the liquid pentane by capillary action to the part of the tube where volatilization of the pentane takes place by the warmth conducted downwards from the flame. The wick is enclosed in a tube jacketed by another tube to produce a steady temperature ; and this again is covered by the larger tube with the contracted upper end, as shown. The chimney is moveable for adjustment at any required height. To put the lamp in action, first remove the lower tube, and having warmed the inner tubes, light the pentane vapour, as it rises in the smaller one. Put on the large tube with the chimney at- tached ; and the top of the flame, on raising the wick slightly, will pass into the chimney. Two narrow slots are cut in the chimney on opposite sides, so that the tip of the flame is visible through either of them. When the chimney is set at a definite height above the lower tube, and the flame is adjusted so that its tip is between the upper and lower limits of the slots, the centre portion of the flame appearing between the lower tube and the chimney, gives a definite quantity of light. TABLE Comparing (approximately) the Specific Gravity of Gas (Air being I'OOO) with th Illuminating Power in Standard Sperm Candles. No. of Cndls. Spec. Grav. No. of Spec. Cndls. Grav. No. of Spec Cndls. Grav 10 equal to about -380 20 equal to about '508 30 equal to about '678 11 392 21 '522 31 694 12 405 22 -537 32 708 13 416 23 -550 33 722 14 430 24 565 34 738 15 n '443 25 585 35 755 16 '455 26 605 36 775 17 468 27 625 37 790 18 482 28 645 19 ,, '495 29 662 350 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOK VARIATIONS IN THE ILLUMINATING POWER OF GAS. Most gas managers, in the course of their experience, must have observed variations, sometimes considerable, in the illuminating power of their gas, for which they have been unable satisfactorily to account. These variations are unquestionably due, to a great extent, to changes of atmospheric pressure. Whenjshe pressure is augmented, the luminosity is increased, and vice versa. To determine this point, Dr. Frankland instituted a series of important experiments, of which the following are the results : Pressure of Air in Inches of Mercury. 30'2 Observed Illuminating Power. . . . lOO'O Pressure of Air in Inches of Mercury. 18'2 Observed Illuminating Power. 37-4 28'2 . . . 26'2 . . . . . . 91'4 . . 80'6 16-2 . . . 14-2 . . . . . 29-4 . . . 19-8 24-2 . . . . 73-0 12-2 . . . . . 12-5 22-2 . . . . 61-4 10-2 . . . ... 3'6 20-2 . . . . . . 47-8 The diminution of luminosity follows a fixed and definite law, which may be thus expressed : The decrease in illuminating power is directly proportional to the decrease of atmospheric pressure. Of 100 units of light emitted by a gas-flame burning in air, 5-1 units are extinguished by each reduction of 1 mercurial inch of atmospheric pressure. On the other hand, if a lightless flame be made to burn under augmented pressure, it becomes luminous. The chief cause of the difference is the increase in the volume, and therefore decrease of the density of those heavy hydrocarbons to which the luminosity of a gas-flame is attributed when the atmospheric pressure is reduced, and vice versa. TABLE Showing the Percentage of Loss of Light by Mixing Air with Coal fcfx. Per Cent. Air. 1 . 2 . Loss of Light Per Cent. Per Cent. Air. 8 . Loss of Light Per Cent. 100 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 351 JET PHOTOMETER. The three following instruments, which are each employed to de- termine the illuminating value of gas, though only approximately correct in their indications, are yet sufficiently trustworthy to render them useful and valuable auxiliaries to the more absolute method of testing already described. Their great recommendations are their portability, and the ease and celerity with which the illuminating power can be ascertained by their aid. Their action depends on the relation which the specific gravity of the gas bears to its illuminating power. The flame being kept at a given height, the pressure required, and therefore the rate of con- sumption, will vary according to the density of the gas and its con- sequent illuminating value. The Jet Photometer. Lowe's jet photometer, as improved by Sugg and Kirkham (Fig. 185), affords a ready means of ascertaining, by a momentary inspection, I FIG. 185. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB whether the gas being produced is uniform in quality. The apparatus consists of a King's gauge of delicate construction, with its semi- circular scale indicating the pressure. A steatite jet having a fine orifice is fixed at the top of this, and the gas issuing there- from, and being lighted, gives a flame which should be constantly maintained at 7 inches. The scale shown in Fig. 186 is for gas of 14 to 19 candles illumi- nating power. The same scale is used for 20, 25, or 30 candle gas, but with a different jet, and a lesser consumption per hour, the gauge pointing to the place where the figure 16 stands, but with the number changed to 20, 25, or 30 conforming* to the standard quality of the gas to be supplied according to the Special Act of Parliament. FIG. 18G. The range of the jet is necessarily short. It is correct at the gauge point, but with a slightly increasing error on the numbers above and below the error being against the gas in going up, and in favour of it in going down. This is due to variations in the pressure increasing or diminishing at the point of ignition. Within the degrees marked on the scale, however, this error is not important. The gas-tap is shown on the right side of the instrument. The small cylinder on the left side is in communication with the water-cistern in the body of the gauge, and contains a compensator, which, on being screwed up or down as required, adjusts the water-line, so that the pointer of the gauge stands at zero when the gas-tap is closed. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 353 Sugg's Illuminating Power Meter. This instrument is shown in Fig. 187, and, as the name indicates, is used for ascertaining the illuminating power of gas. The mode of putting it in operation is as follows : Having filled it up to the water line scratched on the glass in the small box on the right side, connect it to the gas supply with a piece of metal tube. The inlet is a ground union joint, fixed in the centre of the back of the instru- ment. Turn the lever so as to make the gas pass through the measuring-drum, and let it get rid of all the air, or other kind of gas in it. Light the burner and adjust the flame to 3 inches in height. FIG. 187. Then, when the large hand arrives at 16, change the position of the lever, so as to make the gas pass to the burner without going through the measuring- drum. The large hand will then stop at 16. Wind up the clock by means of the remontoir on the top of the meter just in the rear of the dial ring. Start the clock by moving the slide which is on the left of the meter, close to the governor. Then, when the hand of the clock is passing any one of the divisions of the minute, change the position of the lever of the bye-pass, so as to make the gas pass through the meter. When the hand has made one complete revolution, stop the meter by means of the lever, in the manner before A A 354 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR described, and read off the illuminating power. The minute clock should not be stopped either before or after the observation, unless it is desired to put the clock entirely at rest. Thorp and Tosher's Jet Photometer. This is an ingenious and handy instrument (Fig. 188), for enabling the illuminating value of the gas to be ascertained from inspection FIG. 188. at any time and place. It is well understood that the quantity of gas passed in a given time will bear a proportion to the size of GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. ihe orifice (this is the principle on which the aerorheometer is made a useful instrument by the same inventors for indicating the rintity of gas consumed by different burners, &c.) ; and further t the gas-flame being maintained at a given height, the quantity of gas consumed, and the pressure, will vary as the illuminating power. A movable or floating disc inside the glass tube regulates the size of the orifice, and its position in the tube, corresponding io the graduations of the scale at the side, indicates the illuminating value. THE SPECIFIC GEAVITY OF GAS. Specific Gravity a Test of Quality. If coal gas is free from carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, and -air, specific gravity is a proper test of quality ; the denser it is, the greater will be its illuminating power increase in weight and light - giving property being due to the presence of a larger proportion of olefiant gas and the other richer and heavier hydrocarbons. Ordinary Method of Determining the Specific Gravity. The apparatus required in determining the specific gravity of gas are a thin glass globe of about 100 cubic inches capacity, with two stop-cocks on opposite sides, a good air-pump, and a very delicate balance. The experimental room should also be furnished with a barometer, showing the atmospheric pressure, and thermometers indi- cating the temperature both of the air and gas. The method of mani- pulation is as follows : First. Open the two stop-cocks ; the globe will then be full of air at the atmospheric pressure and temperature. Carefully weigh the globe while in this state, and make a note of the weight. Second. Attach the globe by one of the stop-cocks to the air- pump, close the other stop-cock, and exhaust it as perfectly as possi- lole. Having closed the stop-cock, remove the globe and weigh it in its exhausted state. Suppose that it now weighs 31-5 grains less than before, then these 81-5 grains represent the weight of the air abstracted. Third. Now attach the globe either to an experimental gasholder or to a gas-pillar connected by a pipe to the main, and fill the globe with the gas. When full, remove it and weigh it a third time. Sup- pose that the weight is now 14-2 grains more than when in its A A 2 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR exhausted state, then these 14-2 grains represent the weight of the contained gas. Then, as 81 '5 (the weight of the air) is to 14-2 (the weight of the gas), so is 1-000 (the specific gravity of the air) to the specific gravity of the gas. Or divide the weight of the gas by the weight of the air, and the quotient is the specific gravity of the gas ; thus - = -450, specific gravity of the gas, compared with air as unity, or 1-000. Dr. Letheby's Method of Determining the Specific Gravity. With Dr. Lethehy's apparatus (Fig. 189), the use of the air-pump is dispensed with. It consists of a similar glass globe, about 6 inches in diameter, furnished with two stop- cocks, to one of which is attached a glass tube half an inch in diameter and 7 inches long, fitted with a jet for burning the gas, and having a thermometer in- side of the tube to indicate the temperature. The other stop-cock can be attached by a suitable nozzle to a gas-pillar, and in practice the gas is kept flowing through the apparatus, being consumed from the jet at the upper end. The exact weight of the globe when full of air at mean temperature and pressure is engraved upon it ; and a counterpoise weight is provided, exactly equal to the weight of the globe when exhausted. When it is required to determine the specific gravity of the gas, the lower or supply-cock is first closed, and the upper one immediately afterwards. This order is necessary to be observed in the shutting of the cocks, because if the upper one were first closed, the gas within the globe would be at the pressure of the gas within the main, instead of that of the atmosphere. The globe is then placed in the balance and a sufficient number of grains and fractional parts added to the pan containing the counterpoise weight to equalize the beam. Suppose that it takes 15 grains, then these represent the weight of the gas, and say that the globeful of air weighs 35 grains, then gg = -429, the specific gravity of the gas. But it is necessary in making such observations to correct the volume of gas to mean temperature and pressure, and to allow for the moisture present in all aeriform bodies in contact with water. To these points the observations which follow apply. FIG. 189. GAS ENGINEERS' AND MANAGERS. Corrections for Temperature, Barometric Pressure, and Moisture. Owing to the contraction and expansion which take place in the bulk of all aeriform bodies, due to the variations in atmospheric tem- perature and pressure, it is necessary, when estimating and comparing their volume, to adopt one common temperature and barometric pres- sure as the standard. The mean temperature of 60 Fahr. and 30 inches of mercury have been adopted as the most convenient, and to this standard their volume is accordingly reduced. For example : Corrections for Temperature. All aeriform bodies expand l-480th part of their volume at 32 Fahr. for every degree of increase of tem- perature (1 -273rd of the volume of the gas at Centigrade for each degree of the same scale). Now suppose it is required to ascertain what volume 1000 cubic feet of gas at 68 will occupy at 60 the mean temperature. We know by the above-mentioned law that a quantity of gas which at 32 is 480 parts, will at 60 become 508 (60-32 = 28 + 480 = 508), and at 68, 516 (68-32 = 36+480 = 516), then 1000 x 508 ^g = 984 cubic feet. Or, again, if it is required to know the volume which 1000 cubic feet of gas at 56 will occupy at 60, then 1000 x 508 = 1008 cubic feet. oU'x Correction for Pressure. The amount of decrease or increase in volume is inversely as the pressure. To ascertain what volume 1000 cubic feet of gas at 28-5 inches will occupy when the mercury stands at 30 inches, the mean barometric pressure, then 1000 x 28-5 , . , , = 950 cubic feet. O\J Or, again, if it is desired to ascertain the volume which 1000 cubic feet of gas at 30-6 inches will occupy at 30 inches, then 1000 3 ^ 8 - 6 = 1 020 cubic feet. Or, Correcting at once for Temperature and Pressure. Suppose it is required to ascertain what volume 1000 cubic feet of gas at 72 tem- perature and 29-8 inches pressure will occupy at standard temperature and pressure, then 1000 x ^ x ~QQ- = 970-5 cubic feet. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Correction for Moisture. It has been proved by experiment that one cubic inch of permanent aqueous vapour at the mean temperature of 60, and the mean pressure of 30 inches, weighs -1929 grains ; and the following table, founded on the researches of Dalton and Ure, and given by Faraday in his "Chemical Manipulations," shows the pro- portion by volume of aqueous vapour existing in any gas standing over or in contact with water, at the different temperatures indicated, and at a mean barometric pressure of 30 inches. Proportion Proportion Proportion Temp. of Vapour in Temp. of Vapour in Temp. of Vapour in Deg. Fahr. One Volume Deg. Fahr. One Volume Deg. Fahr. One Volume of Gas. of Gas. of Gas. 40 00933 54 . . -01533 68 02406 41 00973 55 . . -01586 69 02483 42 01013 56 01640 70 02566 43 01053 57 01693 71 02653 44 01093 58 01753 72 02740 45 01133 59 01810 73 02830 46 01173 60 01866 74 02923 47 01213 61 01923 75 03020 48 01253 62 01980 76 03120 49 01293 63 02060 77 03220 50 01333 64 02120 78 03323 61 01380 65 02190 79 . 03423 52 01426 66 02260 80 . 03533 53 01480 67 . 02330 To determine by means of this table the quantity of aqueous vapour present, it is necessary to multiply the volume of the gas by the tabular number corresponding to the temperature, thus Suppose 100 cubic inches of gas weigh 16 grains at the temperature of 72, and at mean barometric pressure, then, according to the table, the volume of aqueous vapour present is 100 x -02740 = 2-740 cubic inches. This corrected to mean temperature will be 480 + 28 2-74 x 2-677 cubic inches. 480 + 40 Now, with respect to the volume of the gas, 100 cubic inches at 72 are equal to X 100 x = 97-7 cubic inches at a temperature of 60. 480 x 40 Hence, 97-7 2-677 = 95-023 cubic inches, the volume of dry gas at mean temperature and pressure. To arrive at the weight of the volume of dry gas, the volume of aqueous vapour must be multiplied by -1929 grains, the weight of a- GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. 359 cubic inch of permanent aqueous vapour, as before stated, and the product deducted from the total weight of 16 grains ; thus 16 - (2-677 x -1929) = 15-483 grains. Then for the weight of 100 cubic inches of dry gas, we have 15-483 x 100 -n^o23 = 16-294 grains. And as 100 cubic inches of air at mean temperature and pressure weigh 81 grains, we have ^- = -525, the specific gravity of the air. If, instead of making the correction for moisture, it is preferred to dry the gas as it passes into the globe, this may be done by causing it to flow through a glass tube half an inch in diameter and about 18 to 20 inches long, containing pieces of chloride of calcium ; that sub- stance having a strong affinity for moisture. Before using, the chloride of calcium should be fused in an earthenware crucible at a low temperature, then poured on a clean stone surface, and as soon as cold, broken in pieces and put in the tube. The gas in pass- ing through the tube to fill the globe should be made to travel slowly ; about 15 minutes being the usual time allowed. Wright's Method of Determining the Specific Gravity. For ascertaining the specific gravity of gas, Mr. Wright used a light balloon (Fig. 190), capable of containing one cubic foot, or 1728 cubic inches. His directions for performing the experiment are as follows : Expel the air from the balloon by folding it in the form in which it is first received, ascertain the weight of the balloon and car, fill the balloon with gas, insert the stopper, and put as many grains * in the car as will balance it in the air; add the number of grains which it carries to the weight of the balloon, and deduct the amount from the tabular number corresponding to the degree of temperature indicated by the thermometer, and FIG. 190. the pressure indicated by the barometer (pp. 836-7) ; divide the result by the tabular number due to the temperature and * The weights used are not troy grains, 100 of them being equal to 53'56 troy grains ; they are each equal to 1-728 cubic inches of air, when the barometer is at 30 inches, and the thermometer at 60. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE pressure of the gas (to ascertain which, allow the gas to blow upon the bulb of the thermometer until the mercury is stationary), and the three first figures are the specific gravity. EXAMPLE I. Weight of balloon and grains in car, 560. Then 924 - 560 = -379, the specific gravity. EXAMPLE II. SS a r of . the . air . Then Weight of balloon and grains in car, 560. 1067 - 560 1Q12 - KM A , = -501, the specific gravity. Lux's Specific Gravity Apparatus. The gas-balance, shown in Fig. 191, for determining the specific gravity of illuminating gas, is the invention of Mr. Frederick Lux. FIG. 191. It is constructed on the principle of the common lever-balance, with a curved scale attached by means of a coupling-rod to the standard. GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGERS. 361 The scale is graduated from to 1 ; and the tongue or pointer, moving in close proximity thereto, enables the operator to take a direct read- ing of the specific gravity of the gas under examination. Instead of consuming the gas through the vertical tube, a pipe can be arranged to convey the gas to the photometer for the purpose of testing its illuminating power. To Find the Weight in Pounds of any Quantity of Gas at 60 Fahr. and 80 in. Bar., the Specific Gravity being known. EULE. Multiply the quantity in feet by the specific gravity, and the product by -0767 (weight of a cubic foot of air), and the answer . will be the weight of gas in Ibs. avoirdupois. EXAMPLE. What is the weight of 9400 cubic feet of gas, its specific gravity being -480? 9400 x '480 x -0767 = 846-07 Ibs. of gas. TABLE. Weight of 1000 Cubic Feet of Gas of Different Specific Gravities, at 60 Fahr., and 30 in. Bar. Specific Gravity. Air 1-000. Weight per 1000 cub. ft. Ibs. Specific Gravity. Air 1-000. Weight per 1000 cub. ft. Ibs. Specific Gravity. Air 1-000. Weight per 1000 cub. ft. Ibs. 380 29-146 470 36-049 560 42-952 385 29-529 475 36-432 565 43-335 390 29-913 480 36-816 570 43-719 395 30-296 485 37-200 575 44-102 400 30-680 490 37-583 580 44-486 405 31-063 495 37-966 585 44-870 410 31-447 500 38-350 590 45-253 415 31-830 505 38-733 595 45-636 420 32-214 510 39-117 600 46-020 425 32-597 515 39-500 605 46-403 430 32-981 520 39-884 610 46-787 435 33-364 525 40-267 615 47-170 440 33-748 530 40-651 620 47-554 445 34-131 535 41-034 625 47-937 450 34-515 540 41-418 630 48-321 455 34-898 545 41-801 635 48-704 460 35"282 550 42-185 640 49-088 465 35-665 555 42-568 645 49-471 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Handy Rule for Ascertaining (approximately} the Weight of Coal Gas in a Holdei'. KULE. Multiply the number of thousands of cubic feet contained in the holder by 37, and the product will be the weight of the gas in Ibs. EXAMPLE. A holder contains 54,000 cubic feet of gas, what is the weight of the gas ? 54 x 37 = 1998 Ibs., approximate weight of the gas. THE USE OF GAS FOR COOKING, HEATING, VENTILATING, AND MOTIVE POWER. . The use of gas for cooking, heating, and motive power has made rapid strides of recent years ; and the steady increase that is taking place in the consumption of gas for purposes other than illumination is a matter of interest. Fifteen to twenty years ago this consumption was only beginning to make itself felt, yet within the brief period which has elapsed, considerable industries, giving employment to much capital and many workpeople, have been called into existence to produce the machinery and appliances required. These, which are of the most numerous and varied kind, are of great excellence, whilst improvements are constantly being effected therein. For domestic and greenhouse use there are numberless heating stoves of superior design and workmanship, and in cooking stoves and ovens there is equal variety. The uses to which gas may be advantageously put in every branch of trade where heat is required, are only limited by the number of such trades. For example, in coffee roasting, in the manufacture of confectionery, the baking of bread, the finishing of shoes, in dentistry, in the production of jewellery, in wire welding, tempering steel, enamelling, and many others. The gas-engine already successfully competes with the steam motor for all purposes where the power required to be exerted is intermittent and within moderate limits. For handiness in application, and cleanliness and safety in use, gas, as a fuel, is unsurpassed. The use of gas in these ways means a saving of time and labour, and is an important step towards the solu- tion of the smoke difficulty in towns. GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGEBS. 363 Taking its advantages in these respects into account, there is economy in its employment even when, as in scattered districts, its price per 1000 cubic feet may be considered high. In towns where the price of gas is comparatively low, there is a positive economy in its adoption, beyond the special recommendations named. The manufacture of gas-engines was at first confined to the smaller sizes, from one man power to 10-horse power, but now larger sizes equal to as high as 100-horse power are being made. In adopting this motor, neither boiler nor chimney are required, and hence it can be employed in buildings, and in out-of-the-way corners in establishments where a steam engine is altogether inad- missible. It is always available for work on the opening of a tap, and it goes on working continuously day and night with the least pos- sible attention. Moreover, the percentage efficiency of the gas-engine is greatly in excess of that evolved by the steam motor. As a ventilating agent the gas-flame is of the greatest use, and in rooms where the means of ventilation are provided it promotes their efficiency, though it has not been employed in this direction as exten- sively as its merits deserve. In spacious assembly rooms the gas " Sunlight," or the " Eegenerative " light, with their ventilating tubes, may be recommended as superior to any other method of arti- ficial lighting. One of the best methods perhaps the very best method of reduc- ing the proportion which capital expenditure in gas-works bears to revenue, is to cultivate a day consumption of gas, by affording faci- lities for and encouraging in every legitimate way the use of gas for cooking, heating, ventilating, and motive power. This policy, if pursued to a successful issue, is virtually to reduce the percentage of capital in the proportion of such consumption, because the plant is brought to bear in earning profit during the day- light as well as in the lighting hours. The experiments on pp. 364-6, showing the advantages of cooking by means of gas, are quoted by Mr. William Carr, in his article on this subject in "King's Treatise," Vol. III., pp. 232-4 : 364 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB COOKING BY MEANS OF GAS. (Mr. MAGNUS OHKEN, in his work " On the Advantages of Gas for Cooking and Heating.") Gas at 4s. 5d. per 1000 cubic feet. Joint. Weight. Ibs. ozs. Time. b. m. Weight when . Cooked. Ibs. ozs. Weight of Ibs. ozs. Loss i Gas of Used. Weight. ; Ibs. ozs. o. ft. Cost of Gas. d. Leg of Mutton 8 11 2 20 7 5 5 7J 41 2-17 Bibs of Beef . 10 14 2 37 9 101 6i 14 46 2'43 Leg of Mutton 9 7 2 30 8 6 71 94 42 2-22 Bibs of Beef . 11 2 45 9 13 44 144 48 2'54 39 6) 35 2J 1 6i 2 134 177 9-36 Coal at 22s. per ton. (OHREN.) Joint. Weight. Ibs. ozs. Time. b. m. Weight when Cooked. Ibs. ozs. Weight of Dripping. Ibs. ozs. Loss of Weight. Ibs. ozs. Coal used. Ibs. Cost of ^al. Cost of Wood, d. Total Cost. d. Leg of Mutton 8 14 2 60 7 Of 8 7f 284 3'36 0-50 3-86 Bibs of Beef . 10 14 2 45 9 102 5 14J 29 3-42 0-50 3-92 Leg of Mutton 9 12 2 80 8 10 1 2 28 3-30 0-50 3-80 Bibs of Beef . 13 2 2 50 11 13 6 15 30 1 3-53 0-50 4-03 41 134 36 84 1 13 3 7 1154 13-61 2-00 15-61 These experiments were made twenty years ago, with the imperfect apparatus of that time. The following were made in 1879-80 : GAS ENGINEEBS AND MANAGERS. 365 .!! ||l^||j-||8|^:=j 3 E l^ggB^ gS^gHg^^^^ H . a s ^d^-TJ 3 111 ~- .8 8 S 88 S 2 g COOO 3i t- O 1O Joo 'o o oo OOCMCOCOOOlOrH Q rH grj O rH rH O CO rH rH g O CO rH 00 00 ^ C-O5 _gcooo 00 oo 000 000 00 O CM OOO m IB *# OCD-* XX X XX X ** us 10 10 co S" XX X XX X rHCM CO -tflO CO 1O OO O T 00 3f *>*<* CM i-H CO rH rH rH oo o t- 00 O5 O rH CM CO-^IOCO NBWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB I .a I a s s 5 it o a H H p-a B I S s s s s * CM 3? CO O I ~ l Jg rH O O t> It will be seen by the above that the weight of the liquor in pounds, avoirdupois per gallon is obtained by simply placing the decimal point after the first two figures of the number representing the specific gravity. Thus, liquor of 1025 specific gravity is 10 '25 Ibs. ; and of 1037 '5 specific gravity is 10-375 Ibs. weight per gallon. Each degree of Twaddel represents 350 grains above the weight of distilled water. Consequently, 5 degrees represent 1750 grains, or Ib. ; 20 degrees, 7000 grains, or 1 Ib. GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. 375 In Beaume's Hydrometer, which was the first instrument of the kind, the divisions are equidistant ; and it has two modes of graduation according as it is intended for liquids heavier or lighter than water. This instrument is the one principally in use on the Continent. Beaumes' Hydrometer Compared with Specific Gravity. For Liquids Heavier than Water. Degrees. Beaum6. Specific Gravity. Degrees Beaume. Specific Gravity. Degrees Beaume. Specific Gravity. 1-000 26 206 52 1-520 1 1-007 27 216 53 1-535 2 013 28 225 54 1-551 3 020 29 235 55 1-567 4 027 30 245 56 1-583 5 034 31 256 57 1-600 6 041 32 267 58 1-617 7 048 33 277 59 1-634 8 056 34 288 60 1-652 9 063 35 299 61 1-670 10 070 36 310 62 1-689 11 078 37 321 63 1-708 ,12 085 38 333 64 1-727 13 094 39 345 65 1-747 14 101 40 357 66 1-767 15 109 41 1-369 67 1-788 16 118 42 1-381 68 1-809 17 126 43 1-395 69 1-831 18 134 44 1-407 70 1-854 19 143 45 1-420 71 1-877 20 152 46 1-434 72 1-900 21 160 47 1-448 73 1-944 22 169 48 1-462 74 1-949 23 178 49 1-476 75 1-974 24 1-188 50 1-490 76 2-000 25 1-197 51 1-495 Beaume s Hydrometer Compared with Specific Gravity. For Liquids Lighter than Water. Degrees Beaume. Specific Gravity. Degrees Beaame. Specific GFavity. Degrees Benume. Specific Gravity. 10 1-000 27 0-896 44 0-811 11 0-993 28 0-890 45 0-807 12 0-986 29 0-885 46 0-802 13 0-980 30 0-880 47 0-798 14 0-973 31 0-874 48 0-794 15 0-967 32 0-869 49 0-789 16 0-960 33 0-864 50 0-785 17 0-954 34 0-859 51 0-781 18 0-948 35 0-854 52 0-777 19 0-942 36 0-849 53 0-773 20 0-936 37 0-844 54 0-768 21 0-930 38 0-839 55 0-764 22 0-924 39 0-834 ' 56 0-760 23 0-918 40 0-830 57 0-757 24 0-913 41 0-825 58 0-753 25 0-907 42 0-820 59 0-749 26 0-901 43 0-816 60 0-745 876 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE Applications of Sulphate of Ammonia in Agriculture. Mr. W. Arnold gives the following general directions for the applica- tion of sulphate of ammonia in agriculture, and a list of the crops for which it is most suitable : Sulphate of ammonia is one of the most powerful fertilizers known to modern science. . It is especially rich in nitrogen ; and when used either by itself or in conjunction with farmyard manure, its good effects are written so plainly, in better quality and largely increased yield of corn, that no farmer who has once used it will ever give it up, but will, on the contrary, annually increase its use upon his farm. When bought at first hand from a gas-works, sulphate of ammonia is guaranteed to contain more than twenty per cent, of nitrogen. Hence its excellent effect upon all corn crops, which is chiefly expended in increasing the yield of grain, but not the straw ; and there is, there- fore, much less risk of ' lodging " from heavy rains. This is a very important advantage. Then, manure rich in nitrogen increases the proportion of gluten in cereals ; and this increase is stated by Boussin- gault to be as much as 10 per cent. With an increase, therefore, of 10 per cent, in quality and of 20 per cent, in yield, the use of sulphate of ammonia ought to be increased tenfold, to the great advantage of the English farmer, for both may be done. The most suitable dressing is one of from 2 to 3 cwt. per acre, mixed with an equal weight of fine dry earth or sand, and applied early in the spring (say March or April), in moist or showery weather. It should be thoroughly mixed in a barn or dry shed ; and, if at all lumpy, beaten with a shovel, and passed through a 45-mesh riddle. It should be carefully sown by hand; or, if in large quantities, with a manure drill. If wheat is to be grown entirely with sulphate of ammonia, it is better to put it on in two dressings one half in autumn, and the other half in spring. Upland or meadow grass, wheat, barley, oats, rye, colza, hemp, mangel-wurzel, cabbages, hops, garden produce generally, and beet- root (when grown for sugar), are the crops most largely benefited by this manure ; simply because nitrogen, which is its dominant element, enters largely into their composition. For instance, colza, hemp, and beetroot require each of them 70 Ibs. per acre of nitrogen to produce a full and healthy crop; wheat, 53 Ibs.; and barley, oats, and rye, 85 Ibs. per acre each. Beans, peas, sainfoin, or clover, in which potash is the dominant ele- ment, are not benefited by an application of sulphate of ammonia ; but almost all other crops that can be grown will richly repay its use. In the case of a crop thinned out by wireworm, the ravages of birds or insects, or by a severe winter, the application of 2 cwt. of sulphate of ammonia early in the spring, and lightly harrowed in, will, in many GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 377 cases, cause a crop that looked only fit to plough up, to tiller freely, and grow away into a full yield of corn for the district. Mr: Magnus Ohren states the exact quantity of sulphate of ammonia which he considers is required for different crops, as follows : For Grass Land. 1 cwt. per acre ; to be put on the land in the month of April, before or after a shower of rain. For Wheat, Oats, and Barley. 1 cwt. per acre for wheat, in April ; 1 cwt. per acre for oats, in April ; 1 cwt. per acre for barley, in April. For Vines. 1 bushel on the vine border, lightly forked in, in the months of March, April, May, and September. This quantity (1 bushel) to be for the nourishment of four vines. For Onion Beds. A good sprinkling over the beds two or three times during the growth of the onions. For Potatoes. 1 cwt. per acre as a top dressing, before the haulms appear above ground. For Greenhouse Plants. A large teacupful in a bucket of water, to water the greenhouse plants with twice a week. Not to be used, how- ever, for heaths, rhododendrons, or orchids. For Peach, Apricot, Plum, Currant, and Gooseberry Trees. A similar solution to that given for greenhouse plants, in the months of March, April, and May. Eose trees and garden plants generally are benefited by the use of the solution. Celery, cabbages, and cauliflowers also grow well when watered with the solution. For the Raising of Healthy Plants from Seeds. Sprinkle a good quantity of the sulphate on the seed beds, and then water them a week before sowing the seeds. Melons and cucumber plants also are much benefited by the sulphate of ammonia. Note. All vegetation, excepting heaths, rhododendrons, and orchids, is rendered more luxuriant, healthier, and consequently freer from the destructive attacks of insects, by the use of sulphate of ammonia. In the spring of the year vegetation requires a condensed antiseptic and nourishing food to enable it to withstand the blighting effects of the north-easterly winds, which, being the least electrical of all the winds, lower its vitality, and thus conduce to disease. Spent Oxide of Iron. The oxide of iron used in gas purification may be considered as "spent " when the quantity of free sulphur contained in it ranges between 45 and 55 per cent, by weight of the whole bulk of the material. Although by continuing to use it the proportion of sulphur can be increased, it is not economical to do this beyond a certain point, as the purifiers would have to be changed more frequently, and the labour required for that purpose would be out of proportion to the benefit derived. If, however (see ante p. 136), a small proportion of air or 878 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB oxygen is sent through the purifiers along with the gas, revivification in situ is effected, and the oxide can be charged with 75 per cent, of free sulphur. In addition to the sulphur, the spent oxide usually 'contains a small percentage of salts of ammonia, and some insoluble cyanides of iron, which are of value. The spent oxide is generally sold at per unit of contained sulphur. Mr. Andrew Stephenson has devised a handy apparatus (Fig. 198) , for estimating the amount of sulphur in the oxide, and gives the fol- lowing instructions for using the same : Weigh 100 grains of spent oxide^dry at 212 Fahr., and weigh to ascertain moisture ; put the dried material in the test-tube, A, which is provided at the bottom with a filter of cotton wool. FIG. 193. Bisulphide of carbon is then blown from the holder, B, into the test- tube, A, on top of the spent oxide. It percolates the mass gradually, and dissolves out the sulphur ; the solution finding its way by gravita- tion into the flask, C, which is placed in a water-bath. The Bunsen burner is then lighted, and the application of heat soon vaporizes the bisulphide of carbon from the flask, C. The vapour finds its way through the connecting-tube into the condenser, and is recovered in the receiver, D, under water, ready for further use. The sulphur is left in the flask (the weight of which has been pre- viously noted) ; and when all the bisulphide of carbon is driven off, the quantity of sulphur may be ascertained. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 379 Fit the filter in the test-tube with care. If too tight, it will pre- vent filtration ; if too loose, it will permit some of the oxide to pass through. Three or four times the bulk of the oxide is about the proportion of bisulphide of carbon necessary to dissolve out all the sulphur. It must always be borne in mind that bisulphide of carbon is very inflammable, and in the gaseous state when mixed with air in certain proportions it is explosive. The bisulphide in the holder, B, should be covered with water. It is best to melt the sulphur in the flask before weighing, to drive off all bisulphide of carbon. Gas Lime : Its Composition, and Use in Agi~iculture. In a valuable paper on gas lime, published in the Journal of Gas Lighting,* Professor Voelcker states that a copious supply of air is necessary to transform the injurious sulphur compounds contained in the material into fertilizing agents. When exposed to the air (and the longer it is kept exposed the better), gas lime is in some respects superior to quick lime as a. manure. The oxygen of the atmosphere destroys the offensive smell, and changes the sulphuret of calcium in it first into sulphite, and finally into sulphate of lime or gypsum, well known as a valuable fertilizing substance. In addition to its chemical virtues, gas lime exercises a beneficial mechanical effect upon land, by rendering stiff, heavy, clayey land more porous and friable, and by consolidating light sandy soils. The crops which are particularly benefited by gas lime are clover, sainfoin, lucerne, peas, beans, vetches, and turnips. It is a useful fertilizer for permanent pasture, destroying the coarser grasses, and favouring the growth of a sweeter and more nutritious herbage. It kills moss, heath, feather grass, and other plants characteristic of peaty land, its application to which cannot be too strongly recom- mended. As a general rule, two tons per acre is the quantity of gas lime which ought to be put on land. The proper time for its application is in the autumn or winter. . During the period of storage, the heap should be turned over once or twice to ensure its complete exposure to the air. * See Vol. XIV., p. 210. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR The following is an analysis by Professor Voelcker of a sample of gas lime, kept long enough to be used icith safety as a manure : Composition of Gas Lime (Dried at 212 Fahr.) Per Cent. Water of combination and a little organic matter 7 '24 Oxides of iron and alumina, with traces of phosphoric acid . . . 2'49 Sulphate of lime (gypsum) 4'64 Sulphite of lime 15'19 Carbonate of lime ..." 49'40 Caustic lime 18'23 Magmsia and alkalies 2'53 Insoluble siliceous matter . . . . - v 0-28 100-00 In fresh gas lime the proportion of water varies usually from 30 to 40 per cent. TABLE Showing the results Obtained by the application of certain Manures to Land. (Mr. Wilson, of Largs.) Produce Pounds of Increase per Manure. of the Lot Hay Acre over that in Ibs. per Acre. Untouched. Left untouched 430 3360 2J barrels of quicklime ... 1 ton of lime from gas-works . 602 651 4816 5208 1456 1848 4J cwt. of w od charcoal powder 665 5320 1960 2 bushels of bone dust ... 693 5544 2184 18 Ibs. of nitrate of potash 742 5936 2576 20 Ibs of nitrate of soda .... 784 6272 2912 10 bushels of soot 819 6552 8192 28 Ibs. of sulphate of ammonia . . . 874 6776 3416 100 gals, of ammoniacal liquor fromi gas-works j 945 7562 4202 The land was a piece of three years' old pasture, of uniform quality, divided into 10 lots of 20 perches each. All the lots were manured at the same time with the articles given in the table, and the grass cut and made into hay in July. Each application cost the same. Ammoniacal liquor is best applied at the following strength : Ammoniacal liquor (5 Twaddel) 1 part. Water 7 parts. The proper time for its application is in the spring, after the grass has commenced growing, and during cloudy weather. It may be sprinkled on the land as water is applied to the streets of towns to lay the dust. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGEES. 381 I 8_. I" I! : -3 s.y r i I o :W 3 3 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR !! 1~ I |1 pi !! I S li ! i III it H ^Jfc i4lffif li W itlMiW Ml fi f 2 Z I ! 5 111 o si GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGERS. gas ; and inate. Not e in water. lcium (foul es in fficult to ; not s phide o rs. p ~ s 111* "8 <= .5-S.2 1 ." 3* IS SS^l I 1 HlllL It II ,Q ^oo^co^bc-s 5B"S "5-3 ^v^^oS^a ils-Sj Ji -S 5 - S ^ O S ^,_;^ .__; S^-I-^mio^ M ^ a * i| o.i;^' c "i s >-. 5-3*<5-2ll s .8^i2 &s?6l i f i Soggo &go* g . -- MI SE: H L :-3 t Ss ^" 3 ^ ^1 CM o< OJ 05 00 "5 s s 3 3 s . i! g w s o J o o 11 S3 o, ll- S-PoJ 3-? 5 P? 12 ( V^ .-H 'Co oS ("-.Ii J3 S nr 384 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB as 6 1 8i.lv] #2 9 fs A j !l gi GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 1 3 1 1 : 1 1 1 H Formula or Symbol. : d" : *i*i $ 3 ^> K 2 - I 3 o 73 s 1 5 1 , g o "cL 03 1 fc .2 I iii'i 1 S I 1 ! 1 E ET S S S S j? o s a >, 1 s . !~ i 1 * both of coal gas es of hydrocarb A oonstit benzole NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR a - ill I I !i II a ! i II If j i: -j I ! "SftX&f 3.2-'> > >.!>.>>i> yyo Soa 5 * j= j ^q jg 3 5 W W GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 387 IIJH a * a g t I 111 I ii il &1 i i i g S S S , s . si B B B c? o" ^ i i ; f i. ] O3 -g_l,^,(D^,5a' O ^^ 3 -2 |S'>>'2 ^-.'S g-S^S "S5^^5 Sg 12 < B B c c 2 NEWBIGGIXG'S HANDBOOK FOR | s j|ll 8 o =* % n 'S-cJ^S* ^ i Sfej ^ tsii trr.p.w ' -"Ji alifpli* s 323 a ir8S-s < 3 "i - S ."S ?. -^^^g""- ^"3 ? tfll|lllliillllll! 1 l*i!iiy!fSJi!!:i rt A a S I s =5 * ^J I a l S" o c5 1 : &Ml : S T3-0 ^ ^| |IE1 - SSJ g^ - gaSS ft! li i nil s If 1! ! f ^ ! <2'2 o ceo a^^ S; si O g II - Ma C GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. i If s !!i:i HtJ F.IS3 I* alls Kjfci IfofJiHin I g l Ii Mln IS* ! 1! ^Ifir J -ivs rl .a-slra.s is* = ii ^lljll ;- g^ i' sii|i M a i 5 l ini 1 ! J li 131 ij i a iiiiji li|;ii a!} a inn |^>l||p ll^-cl- 2 ^"sll ^^ . is a ^^^-icoo^r-.S-^ ^Hajflawo mm^fl 2^ ^a-^oc^ 1 ^ScoS^-Sgfeo Illil If fell S-S iillil -S'*u5e3 i 2 "0' Z ' - 2e8S-.?>rOSo g _2^poa d -H Oj H loio <3 2 L 3 ii II " Ss 3. : : : : .7: tf eq 1 | 1 i J HI 1 1 a 2 (2 ^i^^; ; s . 3| sss s * o 000 u 1 .... 1 : v 3 Name of V "1 i I tit 1 H i : II i ;w g GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. I |8f i| Jill 1 - S J -S S g I 5 1 1 8 o i in a in a 2SS J m s* 3-3 SlS'S'^ S. S^1 "S Mg^^-s -30 'S S-x: S 8 S a l^.jjijj j* ja ia^ 1 ||"] I P? " i| Js t-il'J 00 !H a a m O |3 Jill's Oxide of ate of Am s! 5-s sl it !2"2 | g^S-^^g 2i3 g f B.S, "H.-- (& (&(& g|||" S |< 0< d 1 1 M s- OB GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. | A constituent of raw gas. Sulphur impurities existing in coal gas. In the best gas-producing coals the amount of sulphur present rarely exceeds 1J per cent., generally it is much less. In the process of distillation about one-half the contained sulphur remains in the residual coke, whilst the other half is volatilized, and, combining with H and C, constitutes impurities reauiring removal. !i if 11FI *fittt;i 3.1 r^' ^" a e llliioll ~^ -gig's! :ffl**i s t!li & fflltiHi m MI i ? a a iiiii il?l|ij|:io||:l!ri!lll iff Jii^ifi?iiirri:i SI-H o bo o H w 3 o o P be O..13 a H H H ing Point, egrees irenheit. :i : . 1 ' : r^ l j 7 II il 3. ia P h S | 1 1 1 . Formula Symbol 1 ' * 00 a i M g 1 -a ^. " 03 . 1 a 1 g. , s 3 1- S'S i o 2 If ~ll 1*1 1 I o 6 ft 3 01 "3 lit pW'3 03 03 3 I ".- 03 NBWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE g" o' s a g ifiHiffi * *n*SiHr a | ^ s7 3 * f I* 1! i: i s f i I s " . lil .ill 5i|i ll^'l "o ^ S fe: 111 B esW i 1 3 Hi dj c a S a 3 .2 'O c3 &t E> T3 P ,, Ill-iiJa S 33 o oo '^3 &t'3 g o s o IIP p IJj ^2 13 is is .11 f . II 2 2 O" d It II -Sc- 2*0 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGEES. 395 CHEMICAL AND OTHEE MEMOBANDA. The compounds of the non-metallic elements with the metals and with each other have names ending in " ide " or "uret ;" as Fe S, sulphide or sulphuret of iron. When two or more atoms or equivalents of the non-metallic ele- ments enter into combination, the number of atoms or equivalents is expressed by prefixes. Mon . . . means 1 atom, as N 2 0, nitrogen mon-oxide. Di, bin, or bi means 2 atoms, as N 2 2 , nitrogen di-oxide, or bin-oxide of nitrogen : CS 2 , bi-sulphide or di-sulphide of carbon. Tri or ter . means 3 atoms, as N 2 8 , nitrogen tri-oxide ; Sb 2 S 3 , ter- sulphide of antimony. Tetr . . . means 4 atoms, as N 2 4 , nitrogen tetr-oxide. Pent or penta means 5 atoms, as N 2 5 , nitrogen pent-oxide ; PC1 5 , penta- chloride of phosphorus. Sesqui . means 1 atoms ( =2 to 3), as Fe 2 3 , sesqui-oxide of iron. Proto or prot means first, as Fe 0, prot-oxide of iron. Sub . . . means under, as Cu 2 0, sub-oxide of copper. Per . . . means the highest, as H Cl 4 , per-chloric acid. The terminations " ic " and " ous " are used for acids ; the former representing a higher state of oxidation than the latter. When a substance forms more than two acid compounds, the pre- fixes " hypo," under, and " hypher " above, are used. The smaller number, as H 2 , placed to the right of, and slightly below a symbol is called the exponent, and indicates the number of times that the combining weight of the substance has to be taken. When the symbol is without a number thus, H the number one is understood. The small numbers modify only the symbol immediately preceding, but larger numbers prefixed to the symbol modify all that follow as far as the next comma or + sign : thus 2H 2 S0 4 signifies that four of hydrogen, two of sulphur, and eight of oxygen, or, more correctly, that two of sulphuric acid (H 2 S0 4 being the formula for sulphuric acid) are to be taken. A base is a compound which will chemically combine with an acid. A salt is a compound of an acid and a base. When water is in combination with acids or bases, they are said to be hydrated. Alkalies neutralize acids, forming salts. Alkalies turn vegetable reds to blue, and yellows to brown. Acids turn vegetable blues to red, and browns to yellow. A simple or elementary substance is a body that cannot be resolved or separated into any simpler substances as oxygen, carbon, iron. A compound substance is one consisting of two or more constituents water, carbonic acid gas, olefiant gas. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB The equivalent number or atomic or combining weight expresses the relation that subsists between the different proportions by weight in which substances unite chemically with each other. The equivalent or combining weight of a compound is the sum of the combining weight of its constituents. Specific gravity expresses the difference that subsists between the weights of equal volumes of bodies. Gases are usually compared with air as TOGO, liquids and solids with water as 1-000. So far as chemists have been able to discover, there are about 65 elementary or simple substances. No compound body contains all the elementary substances. Most compounds are composed of two, three, or four elements. TABLE OF ELEMENTARY SUBSTANCES. Names of Elements. Symbols Atomic Weights. Names of Elements. Symbols. Atomic Weights. Aluminium . . , Antimony (stibium) Al Sb 27-5 122 Mercury (Hydrarg.) . Molybdenum . Hg Mo 200 96 Arsenic .... As 75 Nickel Ni 59 Barium Ba 1 137 Niobium .... Nb 94 Bismuth .... Bi 208 Nitrogen .... N 14 Boron B 11 Osmium .... Os 199 Bromine .... Br 80 Oxygen .... 16 Cadmium .... Cd 112 Palladium . . . Pd 106 Caesium .... Cs 133 Phosphorus . P 31 Calcium .... Ca 40 Platinum .... Pt 197 'IK Carbon .... C 12 Potassium (Kalium) . K 39 Cerium .... Ce 140-42 Rhodium .... Rh 104 Chlorine .... Cl 35-5 Rubidium .... Rb 85 Chromium. Cr 52 Ruthenium Rn 104 Cobalt Co 59 Selenium .... Se 79 Copper (Cuprum). . Didymium . . . Cu D 63-5 174-57 Silicium or Silicon . Silver (Argentnm) . Si Ag 28 108 Erbium E 165-89 Sodium (Natrium) . Na 23 Fluorine .... P 19 Strontium. . . . Sr 87 T, Glucinum or Beryl- ) Hum ....'" Gl 9-4 Sulphur Tantalum or Colum- > S 32 Gold (Aurum) . . Au 197 bium ...;. Ta 182 Hydrogen .... H 1 Tellurium . Te 128 Indium . . . In 113-4 Thallium .... Tl 204 Iodine .... I 127 Thorium .... Th 233 --11 Indium. . . . Ir 192 Tin (Stannum) . . Sn 118 Iron (Ferrum) Fe 56 Titanium .... Ti CO Lanthanum La 138-52 Tungsten (Wolfram) W 184 Lead (Plumbum) Pb 207 Uranium .... U 238-48 Lithium .... Li 7 Vanadium. . . . V 51-8 Magnesium . . . Mg 24 Yttrium .... Y 172-70 Manganese (Manga- 1 Zinc Zn 65 nium) .'...) Mn 55 Zirconium . . . Zr 90 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 397 LIST OF SUBSTANCES, Simple and Compound, frequently mentioned in Connection u-it/i the Manufacture and Purification of Coal Gas and the Ilexidunl Products resulting therefrom. Name of Substance. Symbol. Ammonia NH S Aniline C 12 H 7 N Aqueous vapour .... H 2 Benzole C 6 H 6 Bisulphide of carbon . . . CS 2 Bisulphide of iron . Fe S 2 Bntylene C 4 H 8 Carbon C Carbolic acid C 12 H 6 2 Carbonate of ammonia . . 2 NH 3 3 C0 2 + 2 HO Carbonate of lime . . . Ca C0 8 Carbonic acid C0 2 Carbonic oxide . . . .CO Cyanogen . . . . . . C 2 N 2 Hydrogen H Hydrochloric or muriatic acid HC1 Light carburetted hydrogen . CH 4 Muriate of ammonia . . . NH 3 HC1, or NH 4 C1 Naphthaline . .' . . . C 10 H 8 Nitrogen N Nitric acid . / . . . HN0 8 Olenantgas C 2 H 4 Oxygen Oxide of calcium (caustic lime) Ca Oxide of potassium (caustic) ^ n potash) ) ^ U Oxide of sodium (caustic soda) Naj Peroxide of iron .... Fe 2 0, Protoxide of iron . . . . Fe Protosulphide of iron . . . Fe S Protochloride of manganese. Mn C1 2 Propylene C 8 He Sesquisulphide of iron . . Fe 2 S 3 Sulphur S Sulphate of ammonia . . 2(NH 4 )S0 4 Sulphide of calcium . . . Ca S Sulphuretted hydrogen . . H 2 S Sulphuric acid .... H 2 S0 4 Sulphur dioxide .... SO., Water H 2 XEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB To ascertain the proportion, by ii-eiyht, of the different substances in a compound, multiply the atomic weight of each substance by the exponent. For example : Take olefiant gas, C 2 H 4 , which, as its formula in- dicates, consists, by weight, of two atoms of carbon combined with four atoms of hydrogen Atomic Weight. Exponent. bjw2fght.' C 12 x 2 = 24 or 85-715 per cent. H 1 x 4 = 4 or 14-285 So that, 24 grains, or 24 ounces, or 25 pounds of carbon, combine with 4 grains, or 4 ounces, or 4 pounds of nydrogen to form 28 grains, or 28 ounces, or 28 pounds, and so on, of olefiant gas. COMMON NAMES OF CEETAIN CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. Aqua fortis , Nitric acid Aqua regia A mixture of nitric and hydrochloric- acids, so called from its property of dissolving gold. Bluestone, or blue vitriol . Sulphate of copper. Calomel Chloride of mercury. Chloroform Chloride of forniyle. Choke-damp. . . j/i* Carbon dioxide. Common salt Chloride of sodium. Copperas, or green vitriol . Sulphate of iron. Corrosive sublimate . . . Bichloride of mercury. Dry alum Sulphate of alumina and potash. Epsom salts Sulphate of magnesia. Ethiops mineral. . . . Black sulphate of mercury. Fire-damp Light carburetted hydrogen. Galena Sulphide of lead. Glauber's salts .... Sulphate of soda. Goulard water . . ">.,,],' Basic acetate of lead. Iron pyrites Bisulphide of iron. Jeweller's putty .... Oxide of tin. King's yellow .... Sulphide of arsenic. Laughing gas . ($$.% Pro toxite of nitrogen. Lime Oxide of calcium. Lunar caustic .... Nitrate of silver. Mosaic gold Bisulphide of tin. Muriate of lime .... Chloride of calcium. Nitre, or saltpetre . . . Nitrate of potash. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES Continued. Oil of vitriol .-'. . . Sulphuric acid. Potash Oxide of potassium. Eealgar Sulphide of arsenic Bed lead' Oxide of lead. Bust of iron Oxide of iron. Sal ammoniac .... Muriate of ammonia. Soda . '';. Oxide of sodium. Spirits of hartshorn . Spirit of salt .... Stucco, or plaster of Paris Sugar of lead Tincal . . Ammonia. Hydrochloric or muriatic acid. Sulphate of lime. Acetate of lead. Crude borax. Verdigris Basic acetate of copper. Vermilion Sulphide of mercury. Vinegar Acetic acid. Volatile alkali .... Ammonia. Wad Black oxide of manganese. Water Oxide of hydrogen. White vitriol Sulphate of zinc. TABLE OF VARIOUS GASES. TJieir Specific Gravity, Weiyht, and Solubility in Water. 60 Fahr. 30 in. Barometer. Name. Specific Gravity. Air equal 1-000 Weight of a Cubic Foot in Pounds Avoirdupois. Weight ofaCubic Foot in Grains. Number of Cubic Ft. equal to 1 Ib. Solubility, 100 Vols. of Water absorb. Hydrogen Light carburetted hydrogen Ammonia Carbonic oxide Olefiant gas Nitrogen Air 0691 559 590 967 968 9713 1-000 1-039 1-1056 1-1747 1-527 1-529 2-247 2-470 2-640 00529997 0428753 045253 0741689 0742456 07449871 0767 0796913 08479952 09009949 1171209 1172743 1723449 189449 , 202488 37-09 300-12 316-77 519-18 519-71 521-49 536-90 557-83 593-59 630-69 819-84 820-92 1206-41 1326-14 1417-41 188-68 23-32 22-09 13-48 13-46 13-42 13-03 12-54 11-79 11-09 8-53 8-52 5-80 5-27 4-93 1-93 Vols 3-91 ' 72,720- 2-43 16'15 1-48 1-70 f Not soluble < in water. 2-99 Vols 323-26 77-78 100-20 4276-60 236-80 (Not soluble ' in water. Nitric oxide Oxygen Sulphuretted hydrogen . . Nitrous oxide Carbonic acid Sulphurous acid .... Chlorine Bisulphide of carbon .... 400 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOK To reduce a volume of gas of any specific gravity to pounds avoir- dupois, multiply the volume by the sp. gr. and by -0767. EXAMPLE. Eequired the weight of 1500 cubic feet of gas whose specific gravity is 520. 1500 x -520 x -0767 = 59-8261bs. To find the weight in pounds avoirdupois of a cubic foot of air at different temperatures, and under different pressures. 1-3253 x B 459 + T EXAMPLE. Kequired the weight of v a cubic foot of air, the barometer being at 29-5 inches, and the temperature 84 Fahr. 1-8253 x 29-5 459 + 84 = -072lb. Luting for E.rpcriments in Chemistry. For temporarily, securing the joints of chemical vessels, glass stoppers, &c., use equal parts by weight of linseed meal and whiting made into a stiff paste with water. The two substances should be well triturated in a mortar, and the water added till of the proper consistency. Pieces of vulcanized india-rubber tubing are very suitable for join- ing the ends of glass and earthenware tubes. The india-rubber is slipped over the ends, and secured with pack-thread. India-rubber capsules for bottle necks, having a hole through them ior the insertion of glass tubes are handier, and more likely to be gas- tight than the ordinary corks. AVEEAGE COMPOSITION OF LONDON GAS BY VOLUME. (Dr. LctJwbtj, 1866.) Common Gas. Cannel Gas. Hydrogen 46'0 27'7 Light carburetted hydrogen .... 39'5 50-0 Olefiantgas . 3'8 13'0 Carbonic oxide 7-5 ...... 6'8 Carbonic acid 0'7 O'l Aqueous vapour 2*0 2'0 Nitrogen 0'5 0'4 100-0 100-0 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 401 'Relative Value of Different Illuminating Agents in Regard to their Illuminating Properties. (Dr. Letheby, 1866). Name. Bate of Consumption per Hour. Ilium. Power. (Sperm, 120 grg.) Quantity 14 Candles. Cannel gas 4 feet. 18'67 3 feet. Goal gas . 5 14-00 5 Benzole . 301 grs. 4-91 857 grs. Paraffin oil 265 7-11 522 Sperm oil 686 10-00 960 Colza oil . 648 9-01 1008 Paraffin candles . 122 1-46 1171 Sperm 132 1-35 1440 Wax . 168 1-43 1652 Steario . . 140 1-13 1732 Composite . . 144 1-08 1858 Tallow . . 145 0-83 2542 TABLE, Comparing Gas icith the other Ordinary Light-giving Materialt. (Dr. Letheby.) 5 cubic feet of common gas (at 4s. per 1000 cubic feet) give a light equal to 2-5 Argand lamps, burning the best sperm oil at the rate of 183 grains per hour (price of sperm, 8s. per gallon) ; or, 23 mould tallow candles of six to the pound, each burning at the rate of 145 grains per hour (price 6d. per lb.) ; or, 18 common oil lamps, burning the best sperm oil at the rate of 133 grains per hour (price of sperm, 8s. per gallon) ; or, 13 sperm candles, six to the pound, each burning at the rate of 133 grains per hour (price 2s. per lb.) ; or, 15 composition candles, six to the pound, each burning at the rate of 136 grains per hour (price 2s. per lb.) ; or, 16-25 wax candles, six to the pound (2s. per lb.) Estimating the cost of the gas and other light-giving materials a the price affixed, we have the next TABLE, Showing the Relative Cost of the Various Illuminating Gas equal Sperm oil burnt in Argands Mould tallow candles, six to the pound ; . . . . Sperm oil burnt in an open lamp .;.:.. )( Sperm candles, six to the pound ....'... Composition candles, six to the pound ..... Wax candles, six to the pound ....;.. Agents. to 1 8 12 17 24 29 30 402 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR In other words, Is. worth of gas will go as far in the produc- tion of light as 8s. worth of sperm oil burnt in an Argand lamp, or 12s. worth of ordinary mould candles, or 17s. worth of sperm oil burnt in an open lamp, or 24s. worth of sperm candles, or 29s. worth of composition candles, or 80s. worth of wax candles. TABLE, Showing the Relative Proportions which the Ordinary Light- giving Materials bear to 1000 Cubic Feet of IS-Candte Gas, as estimated, by Mr. Lewis Thompson. 1COO cubic feet of common gas were found equal to the light of 44? Ibs. of sperm candles. 48? Ibs. of carefully snuffed wax candles. 52i ff Ibs. of best mould candles. 54? Ibs. of best dip candles. 6J gallons of purified colza oil. Spe- cific gravity, -915. 5-Ar gallons of sperm oil. Specific gra- vity, -888. The comparative values of the different light-giving materials may be readily estimated from the foregoing tabular statement of relative proportions. Thus, for instance, if the cost of gas be 4s. 6d. per 1000 cubic feet, the cost of wax candles that yield an equal quantity of light, at 2s. 4d. per lb., would be 5 14s. RELATIVE VALUES OF ILLUMINATING AGENTS. In respect of their Heating and Vitiating Effects on the Atmosphere, when Burning so as to Give the Light of 12 Standard Sperm Candles. (Dr. Letheby.) V Cannel gas . Common gas . Sperm oil Benzole Pounds of Oxygen rater Heated Consumed 1 Fahr. (Cubic Feet). 1950 .... 3-30 . . 2786 .... 5-45 . . 2335 .... 4-75 . . Carbonic Acid Product (Cubic Feet . . 2-01 . . 3-21 3-33 id b ( Air Vitiated Cubic Feet). 50-2 80-2 83-3 88-5 112-5 119-2 131-7 149-5 156-2 218-3 2326 .... 4-4fi . . . . 8-64 Paraffin . . Camphine . . Sperm candles Wax candles . Stearic candles Tallow candles 3619 . . . 3251 . . . 3517 . . . 3831 . . . 6-81 . . 6-65 . . . . 4-50 7-57 . . 8'41 . . . . 5-27 5 '90 3747 . . '. 5054 . . . 8-82 . . 12-06 . . . . 6-25 . . 8-73 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 408 TABLE, Indicating the Comparative Salubrity of the Several Illuminating Materials. The flame of coal gas, and the flames of several combustible bodies that gave an amount of light equal to it, were burned separately in given quantities of atmospheric air, and the times were noted at which the flames were extinguished by the contamination of the air. The following were the results : Colza oil was extinguished in 71 minutes Olive oil , 72 Russian tallow Sperm oil . . Sperm Stearic acid .... Wax candles .... Spermaceti candles . . Coal gas (13 candles) . . Cannel gas (28 candles) . 76 76 77 79 83 98 152 .From which it appears that the atmosphere of a confined room lighted by cannel gas will support life twice as long as the atmosphere of the same room lighted equally by tallow candles. Relative Cost of the Magnesium Light, Stearine Candles, and Common Coal Gas. (Dr. Frankland, 1865). 2i oz, of magnesium wire, at 21s. per oz 2 12 6 20 Ibs. of stearine candles, at Is 100 404 cubic feet of 12-candle gas, at 4s. 6d. per 1000 . . . 1 9| TABLE. Calorific Power of Various Photogenic Compounds. (F. J. Evans). Pounds of Water Pounds of Water Cubic Feet raised 1 raised ! Name of Gas, &c. to by the by th? One Pound. Consumption of Consumption of 1 Foot of Gas. 1 Ib. of Gas. Hydrogen ISO'O .... 300 .... 54,000 Newcastle coal gas, sp. gr. -410 . 32-4 .... 650 .... 21,060 Cannel gas, sp. gr. -500 ... 26'5 .... 760 .... 20,140 Oil gas, sp. gr. -825 16'69 .... 1200 . . . 1 Ib. of candles. Sperm candles, 6 to the Ib. 17,567 1 Ib of oil. Sperm oil, burnt in a lamp 16,490 D D 2 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR I K l! ttj Cf^r^^C^OT_C^O^^_I^^OT_ ^O^^o F-H-KNCiKSWWlrtOQr-lr-lrtiHrHr-lr-K f ICOOO^-O^^-OOO C^Ol O^G^ '' r-1 O5 t^ 1C 10 O Op O OS O5 p t- SO Ttl W U5 I> t> O ^gg*SSS^sssSfefeSS^ .3 . .a j ,a GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 405 TABLE. Heats of Combustion with Oxygen. British Thermal Units of Heat. Pounds of Water at 212 Pahr. Evaporated per Pound of Substance. Hydrogen 61,500 Alcohol 12,963 Benzene 18,600 Carbon bisulphide 6,152 Carbon burning to carbonic acid .... 12,906 Carbon burning to carbonic oxide .... 2,495 Carbonic oxide burning to carbonic acid . . 4,478 Charcoal, wood 12,455 Coal, anthracite 15,600 Coal, best bituminous ', 15,504 Coke, produced from ditto 14,375 Coal, average quality 13,600 Coke, produced from ditto 12,800 Ethylene 21,500 Graphite 14,067 Light carburetted hydrogen, or marsh gas . 24,020 Lignite 11,710 Olefiant gas 21,375 Olive oil 17,784 Peat, dry 9,983 Petroleum 20,272 Propylene 21,200 Sulphur 4,102 Sulphuric ether 16,282 Turpentine 19,566 Wood, dry 7,824 Cubic Feet per Ib. Coal gas, 17 candles ... 32 '227 21,696 Water gas 22-862 6,649 Producer gas 14 '369 1,897 Producer water gas ... 13 478 983 13-42 19-25 6-37 13-36 2-58 4-63 12-90 16-14 16-05 14-88 14-08 13-25 22-25 14-56 24-86 12-12 22-12 18-41 10-33 20-98 21-94 4-25 16-85 20-25 8-10 22-46 6-88 1-96 1-02 The British standard unit of heat (thermal unit) is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 Ib. avoirdupois of water 1 Fahrenheit. The French standard unit of heat (calorie) is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogramme of water 1 Centigrade. The number of British units of heat required to evaporate 1 Ib. of water at boiling point, 212 Fahr., is 966 ; and at 62 Fahr., 1116. The number of French units of heat required to evaporate 1 kilo, of water at boiling point, 100 Cent., is 536*7 ; and at 16-6 Cent., 620-1. One British unit of heat = -0251996 French units. One French unit of heat = 3 96832 British units. 406 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE The total heating power of any fuel, expressed in British units, -J- 966 = Ibs. of water at 212 Fahr. evaporated per Ib. of fuel. EXAMPLE : 1 Ib. of hydrogen yields in combustion 61,500 units of heat. Then : ^^ = 63-66 Ibs. of water at 212 Fahr. evaporated per Ib. of hydrogen. DISTILLED WATER. (At 62>ahr.) 1 pint = 34 -65 cubic inches, or 1-25 Ibs. 1 gal. = 277-274 cubic inches, or 10 Ibs. 11-2 gals., or 1-792 c. ft. = 1 cwt. 224 gals., or 35-84 c. ft. = 1 ton. 1 cubic inch = 252-45 grs. or -036075 Ibs. 12 inches = -434 Ibs. 1 foot = 6-25 gals., or 1000 ozs., or 62-5 Ibs. 1-8,, = 1 cwt. 35-84 cubic feet = 1 ton. 1 cylindrical inch = -02842 Ibs. 12 inches = -341 Ibs. 1 foot = 5 gals., or 49-1 Ibs. 2-282 feet = 1 cwt. 45-64 = 1 ton. Centre of pressure f depth from surface. Water is at its maximum density at 39 2 Fahr. (4 C.), and expands l-10th part of its bulk on freezing. SPECIFIC HEAT OF SUBSTANCES. The meaning implied in the term " specific heat," or more correctly " calorific capacity," is the quantity of heat required to raise the tem- perature of a substance 1 (independently of the unit of mass and scale of temperature) ; water being taken as the standard of comparison. For example: the specific heat of mercury is -03332, by which is to be understood that thirty times as much heat is required to raise water to a given temperature as an equal weight of mercury. In other words, the quantity of heat which would raise the temperature of any given weight of mercury through 1, would only raise the temperature of a like weight of water through -03332. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 407 SPECIFIC HEAT OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. (Water as 1.) Acetic acid . . . Alcohol (sp. gr. -793) . . Aluminium Antimony, cast Arsenic . . Bees-wax .... Benzine . Birch ...'.!'.! Bismuth .... Brass Brick, common . Brick, fire Cadmium .... Chalk, white Charcoal, animal, calcined Charcoal, wood .... Clay, white, burned Coal . . Cobalt | i Copper Diamond .... Ether Glass . . Gold . . Graphite . . Ice . . Iodine ..'.'.'.'.'. Iron, cast '. Iron, wrought .... 6589 622 2143 05077 0814 45 21485 24111 185 2777 10696 09215 14687 6207 19768 03244 05412 12983 11379 Lead .... Lime, burned. . Lithium . . . Magnesium . Manganese Marble, white . Mercury . . . Nickel . Oil, olive . . . Oil, sweet . . . Oil of turpentine Palladium. . . Phosphorous . Pine .... Platinum . . . Potassium . . Selenium . Silicon, crystalized Silicon, fused. . Silver .... Sodium . . . Spermaceti . . 0314 217 9408 2499 1217 21585 10863 31 472 65 Sulphur . . Sulphuric acid Tellurium Thallium . . Tin ... Zinc . . . 07616 1774 175 05701 1175 04737 0336 05695 SPECIFIC HEAT OF GASES AND VAPOUES. Equal Weights. y Air .... .... 0-2374 . ( Oxygen 0'2175 . Simple I Nitrogen 0'2438 . gases. 1 Hydrogen 3'4090 . Chlorine 0'1210 . Vapour. v Bromine 0'0555 . / Binoxide of nitrogen 0'2315 . Carbonic oxide 0'2450 . Carbonic acid 0'2163 . Sulphuretted hydrogen .... 0'2432 . Compound I Sulphurous anhydride 0'1553 . gases. ( Hydrochloric acid Q-J845 . Nitrous oxide 0'2262 . Nitric oxide 0'2317 . Ammonia 0'5083 . Marsh gas 0'5929 . Olefiant gas (ethylene) 0'4040 . {Water (steam) 0'4805 . Ether 0-4810 . Chloroform 0'1567 . Alcohol 0-4534 . Turpentine 0'5061 . Bisulphide of carbon 0'1570 . Benzole 0'3754 . Acetone 0-4125 . Equal Volumes. 0-2374 0-2405 0-2370 0-2359 0-3040 0-2406 0-2370 0-3307 0-2857 0-3414 0-2333 0-3447 0-2406 0-3277 0-4106 1-2296 0-6461 0-7171 2-3776 0-4140 1-0114 0-8244 408 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR TABLE, Showing the Expansion of Liquids in Volume from 82 to 212 Fahr. . become 1046 1000 parts of water oil mercury . . . spirits of wine . air 1080 1018 1110 1373 to 1375 TABLE, Showing tJie Lineal Expansion of Metals produced by Raising their Temperature from 82 to 212 Fahr. Zinc Platinum . Tin (pure) Tin (impure) Silver . . Copper. . Brass . . 1 part in 322 Gold 1 part in 682 351 Bismuth 719 403 Iron - 812 600 624 Antimony 923 1000 Palladium 681 Platinum 1100 684 Flint glass .... 1248 TABLE, Showing the Relative Power of Metals for Conducting Heat. GoW 1000 Silver 973 Copper 898-2 Platinum 381 Iron 374-3 Zinc 363 Tin 303-9 Lead 179'6 TABLE, Showing the Relative Power of Metals for Reflecting Heat. Intensity of Direct Eadiation, 100. Silver plate -97 Gold -95 Brass -93 Speculum metal ... -86 Tin -85 Polished platinum Steel .... Zinc Iron GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 409 TABLE Melting Points. Degrees Fabr. Degrees Fabr. 810 Platinum 3632 Bismuth . 1044 . . . 1652 Silver . . 1832 Butter . . . ... 91 Sodium 203 p v 2102 Spermaceti . . . . . 120 181 Copper . . . . 2282 Ditto, coined . . 2156 Steel .... 2372 to 2552 Ice .... ... 32 . 230 Iodine . . . . 225 Tin .... ... 446 Iron, cast. . . . 1922 to 2382 Wax, white . . ... 154 Ditto, wrought . 2732 to 2912 Ditto, yellow ... 144 Lead . . . 633 7inn AM Phosphorous . . . Ill THE GAS INDUSTRY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. The manufacture and distribution of coal gas may be justly described as one of the important industries of the world. Like railways and the electric telegraph, it is a product of the 19th century ; for, though coal gas was actually used for illuminating purposes by William Murdoch, the inventor of gas lighting, as early as 1792, at Bedruth, in Cornwall, and in 1797 at his house at Old Cumnock, Ayrshire, it was not until well into the first decade of the present century that gas began to be generally applied in the lighting of streets, factories, and dwelling-houses. The illumination of Soho Works, Birmingham, to celebrate the Peace of Amiens, took place in 1802. These works belonged to Boulton and Watt, and Murdoch was employed as manager to the firm. The first application of gas to the interior lighting of large premises was made by Murdoch in Salford, in 1805, at the cotton manufactory of Phillips and Lee ; and the first street lighted with gas was Pall Mall, London, in 1807. The first gas Company incorporated by Act of Parliament was the " Chartered " (now the Gaslight and Ccke), London, in 1812. Although in its earliest use coal gas was restricted to the purpoie of affording artificial light, no long time elapsed before its value as a heating medium began to be realised. Winsor, one of the pioneers of gas lighting, claimed as an important advantage of the new invention or discovery that gas, besides its light-giving qualities, ceuld be used both for cooking food and warming dwellings, and as early as 1825 attempts were made to apply it for these purposes. It was not, how- ever, till later on in the century that anything like a practical appli- cation of gas was made to the cooking of food. Mr. J. Sharp, of 410 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE Southampton, about the year 1840, began to construct ovens heated by gas for cooking and baking, and these he used for many years, giving public lectures, in the course of which he practically demon- strated their usefulness and value. Gas, however, in those days was higher in price than now ; and, although it was evident that it served most efficiently for culinary operations, its cost militated against its extensive adoption in this direction. The prejudice against it was strong, also, on account of the supposed liability of any food cooked by its means to be tainted with the flavour of the gas itself. This operated against its use ; and though the prejudice was founded on ignorance of the facts, it is not a matter of wonder that such an idea was entertained, seeing that, even at the present day, in spite of the strongest evidence to the contrary, the same belief is still widely accepted, and still operates with many as a bar to its adoption. Gas has won for itself an important place as an agent for obtaining motive power. It was from the very first a matter of observation, and not unfrequently of dire and unsought experience, that when gas and atmospheric air were mixed in certain proportions, and the mix- ture fired, an explosion was the result. Attempts were soon made to utilise the force thus exerted by confining the explosive compound in a suitable cylinder, and exploding it to obtain prime movement as in the steam engine. After many more or less successful attempts by different inventors, and the expenditure of much ingenuity, the "Lenoir" gas engine, so named after its inventor, was produced (1860), and thus was solved the economical problem of how to utilise an explosive mixture of gas and air as a prime motor. From that time down to the present tlae patent records contain the description of many inventions of this character, and gas engines of great power and efficiency are now produced. In England, Wales, and Ireland the gas actually supplied to con- sumers varies in illuminating power from 14 to 22 standard candles, according to the quality of the coal used ; the higher figure above 17 candles being obtained by an admixture of cannel, or shale, with the ordinary bituminous coal. In Scotland the range of illuminating value is from 22 to 30 candles. The selling price of gas per 1000 cubic feet ranges throughout England, Wales, and Ireland from Is. 9d. to 6s. 3d., and in Scotland from 8s. to 8s. 4d., with a few of the smallest concerns charging as much as 10s. per 1000 cubic feet. Taking into consideration, how- ever, that in Scotland gas of a higher illuminating power is supplied than in the other portions of the kingdom, that a smaller con- sumption per consumer is the consequence, and calculating the price at per unit of light, the actual difference in price is not so great as appears at first sight. GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGEES. 411 The average cost of producing and distributing illuminating gas in England is about two-thirds of the selling price. Taking a selling price of, say, 2s. 6d. per 1000 cubic feet, the cost of producing: and distributing the gas, including the net expenditure on coal [after deducting the income from residuals) and working expenses, will be Is. 8d. per 1000 cubic feet. Analysing this figure, the expenditure on coal will be Is. 3d., and deducting the value of the residuals, at present prices, which is equal to 8d., there is left 7d. as the net cost of the coal. The balance of Is. Id. is made up by the working expenses, which include wages, salaries, purifying materials, repairs and renewals, rates and taxes, and incidental expenses. The difference of lOd. between the prime cost of the gas, Is. 8d., and its selling price of 2s. 6d. is absorbed in the payment of the interest and dividend on the invested capital in the case of a Company, and in the instance of the undertaking belonging to a Local Authority, in the discharge of the interest on the annuities and borrowed capital (if any), and the pro- vision of a sinking fund. According , to the Parliamentary Eeturns last issued (1888) the number of gas-works in Great Britain and Ireland belonging to Companies under statutory powers and restrictions is 384 ; and of those in the hands of Local Authorities, the number is 168. No account is taken in the Returns of those gas-works belonging to companies which are supplying gas without statutory powers. Of these there are about 950 in the United Kingdom. Neither do the Eeturns include the large number of small gas-works owned by private individuals and firms throughout the country, and which have been erected for the supply of isolated houses, workshops, and factories. By determining, as near as may be, the number of tons of coal carbonized, the quantity of gas produced in one year, and the capital employed in gas-works, we shall be able to form a good idea of the extent of this important branch of industry as it affects the United Kingdom. Taking, therefore, the figures as they appear in the Parliamentary Eeturns, and supplementing these, where they are deficient, by an estimate based largely on personal knowledge, we have the results given in the following table : Coal Carbonized in 1888. Tons. Gas- Works in the United Kingdom belong- ing to Local Authorities ..... Ditto belonging to Statutory Companies . Ditto belonging to non-Statutory Com- panies, Private Individuals, and Firms (estimated) ......... 2,985,577 5,977,254 Gas Produced Capital em- in 1888. ployed in 1888. Cubic Feet. 30,105,457,962 .. 20,081,435 61,266,055,857 .. 37,396,580 1,000,000 .. 8,000,000,000 .. 5,300,000 Total 9,962,831 .. 99,371,513,819 .. 62,778,015 412 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE This capital of 62,778,015, however, represents only the expendi- ture upon the undertakings ; and if the premium amount, which ranges from 50 to 60 percent., be added, the actual commercial value is found to be* about 100 million pounds sterling. Of the quantity of gas annually produced there is an average loss by leakage and from other causes of nearly 8000 million cubic feet, or 8 per cent, of the whole make. The total annual rental may be set down at 14,900,000, and the profits at 4,700,000 equal to 7^ per cent, on the expended capital, and 4-85 per cent, on the capital as enhanced by the premium value. The number of hands employed in gas-works in the United King- dom is about 60,000, and the wages paid annually amount to 4,000,000. But, if account is taken of the different trades which have been called into existence for the production of the appliances of gas manufacture, distribution, and consumption, and of the miners who are employed in raising the coal, the figures in the two latter items may be safely quadrupled. For the distribution of the gas to the public, there is a length of about 20,000 miles of mains laid, not reckoning the service pipes. The number of consumers is 2,400,000, and the public lamps 430,000. It is occasionally a subject of remark by uninformed or hostile critics, that no important improvements have been effected in gas manufacture since the earlier days of its introduction. If this were so, it would either speak well for the inventors of this art, or badly for their successors in the industry. The statement, however, is altogether wide of the truth. True, the method of producing the gas, as in the earlier days, is by distillation of the coal in closed retorts, and the purification, storage, and distribution of gas are effected in apparatus and plant which, in their main features, do not greatly differ from the earlier forms. But it is obvious that a similar invi- dious comparison might be made in regard to all the most notable inventions. The chief characteristics of an industry are retained, whilst the processes undergo improvement and modification. As a matter of fact, great improvements have been effected in the plant and apparatus for the manufacture of illuminating gas, whilst the mechanical and chemical principles involved in its production are now carefully investigated by gas engineers, and are yearly becoming better understood. THE CAPITAL EMPLOYED IN GAS-WOKKS. The Capital of a Gas Undertaking represents or includes (1) the amount of money that has been expended on obtaining an Act of Incorporation, if it be a Statutory Company ; (2) the cost of the land GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. 418 for the site of the works, and the engineering expenses incurred; (3) the cost of the general manufacturing, purifying, and storing plant ; and (4) the cost of the distributing pipes and accessories ; with (5) an added sum as a floating or working capital to meet current outlay before the revenue begins to accrue. The amount of the various items making up the aggregate, neces- sarily varies under different conditions. For example, take the first the money expended on obtaining an Act of Incorporation. When a Company have had to contend with and overcome persistent and strong opposition, the cost of their Act will exceed the cost of one obtained under more favourable conditions, to the extent of 100, 200, or even 300 per cent. Again, the cost of land is a varying factor, and the expense of the erection of 'works is often increased by the character of the site and its subsoil. It is true that in the case of a large Company, these several items, even when greatly in excess of a normal amount, do not increase the total capital outlay by any material percentage ; but on small and moderate- sized undertakings they are often peculiarly burdensome. But there are other circumstances more distinctly marked than these, which contribute to the variations in the relative amount of capital expended by different Companies. The character of the district of supply is one of them. The district of some Companies is thickly populated with a high class of consumers throughout. Others, again, have a scanty population, and of a poorer class; and although the plant and mains of this latter may be less extensive, yet the pro- portion of its capital to the production and rental will usually be in excess of the other, whilst there is this paradoxical result in the instances referred to, that those who are least able to afford it have often necessarily to pay a higher price for the gas. In many instances, Companies have wide expanses of country to canalise with miles of mains, on some of which, except at the terminus, there is scarcely a consumer. Again, the district may be a manufac- turing one, with mills and workshops consuming gas only during four or five months in the year. The proportion of capital in such case has frequently to be large to provide plant to meet the principal gas demands within a limited period of time. It is no unusual thing, under such circumstances, to find that during nearly one half of the year, seven-tenths of the whole plant is standing unproductive. In contrast to these, there are towns whose gas consumption is comparatively steady all the year round. Take, as an example, the inland watering-places and fashionable sea-side towns. To these, there is during the summer and autumn season, a flow of visitors who consume a large quantity of gas. Such is proved by the fact that the heaviest daily make in these places is generally in the months of September or October. This tends to equalise the consumption 414 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR in the different seasons, because the resident inhabitants consume their proportion of gas during the winter and early spring months, when the visitors are absent. It is fair to conclude that, owing to this regular and steady consumption, the plant is almost continuously employed, and therefore a smaller capital in proportion to the yearly production is required than in those places where the heavy consump- tion is spasmodic and brief. But although this spasmodic consumption appears, at first sight, a serious drawback, in practice it does not always necessitate a higher price for the gas, and a much larger capital outlay than is required by those concerns whose consumption qr sale of gas is steadier ; for in some of the large manufacturing towns the mill consumption is so enormous that, by straining the plant for limited periods, ^the dis- advantage is counterbalanced. There can be no question that expensive engineering tends to an undue inflation of the capital account. A want of engineering skill in the construction of works has precisely the same effect ; for here, as in other matters, extremes meet. Considerable thought will always be given by a capable and con- scientious engineer to the proper arrangement of works. He will so perfect his designs that the works shall not be squandered or sprawl- ing over the site, occupying unnecessary space, but compact and harmonious, so that the different processes in gas making may be conveniently carried on, and economical in the working. Whilst it is not necessary or desirable that the buildings of a gas- works should be as strong as a castle, it is equally objectionable to set up unstable and flimsy structures that entail an annual heavy expendi- ture for repairs, constituting a perpetual tax, enhancing the cost of working. Excessive and unnecessary ornamentation is to be eschewed in all works of this kind. All ornamentation, however, is not useless. Blank thick walls, for example, are not necessarily stronger than others well proportioned thinner and lighter in parts, but strengthened by suitable projections that add to the beauty of a building by breaking the dull uniformity. The same argument holds good as respects design in apparatus. Taste should not be neglected ; and there is ample scope for the exercise of good taste in most depart- ments of a gas-works. On a closer examination of the question, it will be apparent that there occur times in the history of most gas undertakings when the capital expenditure is either below or in excess of the average, viz. when the margin of its producing, storing, and distributing resources is closely worked up, and enlargement is required, then the capital compared with the production is low. But extensions have to be carried out. These must necessarily be of such extent as to provide a GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 415 margin for future increased consumption, and, being larger than the immediate requirements of the district, the capital is swelled out of proportion. This is especially true of times when trade is brisk, and labour and materials are dear. Then extensions are costly, and, singular to say, it is at such times that they are most frequently made. Under such circumstances, unless resort can be had to a reserve fund to maintain the dividends, a sacrifice of a portion of the statutory interest has to be submitted to or the price of the gas increased. But this condition of things is by no means inevitable. One of the evidences of good administrative skill in the conduct of a gas- works is the ensuring that extensions are carried out systematically and with foresight, and in as gradual a manner as may be, not post- poning them to the very last extremity ; in other words, starving the concern wearing it threadbare which is the worst policy possible for the undertaking and all associated with it, including both share- holders and consumers. The capital of gas-works in the hands of Corporations and other Local Authorities is, as a rule, in excess of that of Companies ; but this arises from causes well understood. Many Towns' Authorities have within comparatively recent years become possessed of gas- Avorks by purchase from the Companies who previously owned them ; and, as in most cases they have had to pay the full market price for the concern, amounting to from twenty to twenty-eight years' pur- chase of the annual profits, and even more in some instances, the result is that the capital outlay is large with this compensatory advantage, however, that the percentage of interest to be paid on such capital is not more, but usually less, than that paid by the Company on the smaller capital. As time goes on, and extensions of the Corporation works are made, these are carried out with an expenditure, though not necessarily less than that of a Company, yet bearing a lower rate of interest, and consequently pressing less heavily on the resources of the undertaking. The immediate effect of an excessively large capital outlay by a Gas Company is, as has been already remarked, either a sacrifice by the shareholders of a proportion of the statutory dividends, or an augmen- tation in the selling price of the gas ; and not unfrequently, when the capital is greatly in excess, both these undesirable results are ex- perienced. One of the best, perhaps the very best method of reducing the pro- portion which capital expenditure bears to revenue, is to cultivate a day consumption of gas, by affording facilities for, and encouraging in every legitimate way the use of gas for cooking, heating, and motive power. This policy, if pursued to a successful issue, is virtually to re- duce the percentage of capital in the proportion of such consumption, NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR because the plant is brought to bear in earning profit during the daylight as well as in the lighting hours. The " Auction Clauses," now introduced into the Bill of every Gas Company making application to Parliament for money powers, are, without doubt, an ingenious and fairly satisfactory device for securing the limitation of capital ; whilst, at the same time, they tend to give stability to the undertaking, and provide a guarantee for the gradual reduction of the price of the gas. The " Sliding Scale " (which is not inserted compulsorily as are the " Auction Clauses ") operates in the same direction, though it is open to grave objection on other grounds. .^ The subject is one of such vital importance that it should be looked at from every point of view. No doubt the Companies who were enabled to adopt the sliding scale in the early days of its inception, are to be congratulated on the results they have achieved in the way of enhanced dividends by its application and working ; but there will probably be less room for congratulation to any who may adopt it in future, with the closer limitations which will prevail in fixing the initial or standard price. It is clear, also, that Companies seeking powers at a time when coal and materials generally are low in price, are placed at a dis- advantage as compared with other Companies applying to Parliament in a time of inflated prices. Notwithstanding all experience, one of the ruling characteristics of average human nature is to conclude that that which actually exists will scarcely ever again be modified to any large extent. Injustice may, therefore, unintentionally, be meted Out to one Company, and more than justice to another ; and so, when the reaction comes, the circumstances of the first suffer impairment, whilst the other is glutted with a run of good fortune. This want of equal justice in the incidence of the sliding scale, whilst inevitable, is sufficient to convince any disinterested observer that its indiscriminate advocacy is a mistake. It is, moreover, a curious and interesting commentary on the action of the sliding scale that, in spite of the inducement which it offers for a low selling price, there are both Gas Companies and Local Authorities who, without it, can produce and sell gas at a price as low as, or even lower than, those who boast its possession. It is unreasonable to expect that the capital of Gas Companies, and the selling price of gas, can ever be uniform throughout the country. It would be just as reasonable to expect that the general rates of different districts can be equalised. All the causes above pointed out, and others not touched upon, militate against such a result. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. SUNDEY USEFUL NOTES. In choosing the site for a gas-works, consideration should be had to its position, which should be at the lowest, or nearly the lowest part of the district, to obtain the advantage of the natural increase in the pressure of the gas in travelling to the higher levels. It should, if possible, be alongside a railway, navigable river, or can,il, for convenience in the delivery of coal and other materials, and the disposal of such of the residuals as are despatched to a distance. The buildings and plant should be so set out on the land as to admit of future extensions being made with ease and economy. The design of a structure should be in keeping with the purpose for Avhich the structure is intended. Capital is best spent on substantial tanks and apparatus. Mere ornament should be a secondary consideration. The average cost of gas-works in provincial towns is about 1 per head of the population. In very large towns it will amount to more, and in very small towns it will scarcely reach that sum. The average cost of gas-works per million cubic feet of gas pro- duced per annum is from 600 to 700 ; or at the rate of about 14s. per 1000 cubic feet. The capital of a well-managed gas company of average size, does not usually amount to more than four times the annual gas rental. rice versa, the gas rental should be at least one-fourth of the capital. Reckoned on the maximum production of gas in 24 hours, the capital will amount to about 2s. 3d. per cubic foot, or, say, 112 per 1000 cubic feet. The population per mile of main is usually about 2000 people. In densely populated towns it will rise to 3000 ; but in fashionable resi- dential places, where the houses stand more apart, the population per mile of main will fall below 1000. The usual consumption of gas per mile of main in large towns is from 2i to 4 millions of cubic feet per annum ; and in small towns from 2 to 3 millions. The gas rental per mile of main usually ranges from 400 to 600 per annum. The average consumption per head of the population in large towns is about 2000 cubic feet per annum ; in small manufacturing towns about 1600 cubic feet, and in agricultural towns about 1000 to 1200 cubic feet per annum. The usual annual increase in the consumption of gas is from 5 to 10 per cent. In rapidly growing districts it will range higher. The term " Structural Value " has reference to the amount of capital expended upon works in their construction. " Commercial Value" is the value of the net annual profits which a firm or company can make by the use of their works. 418 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR TABLE, Showing the Time in ivhich the Yearly Consumption of Gas will be Doubled, at Different Annual Rates of Increase. Rate per cent, of Increase per ann. Time in which the Consumption will be Doubled. Rate per cent, of Increase per ann. Time in which the Consumption will be Doubled. Rate per cent, of Increase per ann. Time in which the Consumption will be Doubled. 2 35 years, 1 day. 51 12 years, 345 days. 9 8 years, 16 days. 2} 3 28 years, 26 days. 23 years, 164 days. 6 61 11 years, 327 days. 11 years, 2 days. 91 10 7 years, 233 days. 7 years, 100 day e. 31 20 years, 54 days. 7 10 years, 89 days. :' 101 6 years, 344 days. 4 4 5 17 years, 246 days. 15 years, 273 days. 14 years, 75 days. 71 8 81 9 years, 213 days. 9 years, 2 days. 8 years, 181 days. 11 | i? 6 years, 234 days. 6 years, 134 day B. 6 years, 42 days. Handy Rule for Converting Capital per Million Cubic Feet into Capital per Thousand Cubic Feet. Point off all the figures after the hundreds as decimals, and multiply by 2. EXAMPLE. The capital of a gas undertaking is 725 per million cubic feet of gas sold (or produced) per annum, what is the capital per 1000 cubic feet ? THEN. 7-26 x 2 = 14-50 ; say, 14s. 6d. per 1000 cubic feet, GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 419 TABLE, Showing the Approximate Sum (or the Equivalent of the Annuities) paid for each 100 of Share Capital of Gas Companies on the Purchase of the Gas-Works by Municipal Corporations, Commissioners, or Local Boards, in the several under-mentioned Towns. Approximate Sum (or the Year Equivalent of Name. when Pur- he Annuities) paid for each Remarks. chased. 100 of Share Capital. Aberdeen . . , . 1871 250 Alloa . . . ; . ' 1877 232 Arbroath . . . . Ashton-in-Makerfield 1871 1875 175 160 Non-statutory Company. Atherton . . 1873 160 Bangor ... 1878 250 Belfast ... 1874 193 Birkenhead. . . . 1858 220 Birmingham . . . Birstal 1875 1872 196 187 Blackburn .... 1877 235 Bolton 1872 204 / A sum of 162,856 had been ex- Bradford . . . . . 1871 1 382 J pended out of profits in extending the works. Capitalizing this sum, the amount paid per 100 is only 96. Briton Ferry .... 1873 210 Broughty Ferry . . . 1870 150 Non-statutory Company. 1854 300 Burslem 1877 222 Bury (Lancashire) . . Cliorley 1859 1871 250 250 Cleckheaton . . . . 1870 205 Clitheroe 1878 210 Colne 1877 237 Non-statutory Company. Darlington 1854 216 Darwen 1873 188 Dewsbury and Batley . 1873 205 Droitwich Dukinfield 1878 1877 149 250 Non-statutory Company. Dumbarton Ib73 225 Dumfries 1878 151 Dundee .... 1868 160 EastRetford . . . . 1878 200 Evesham 1878 129 Forfar 1871 187 Glasgow Halifax 1869 1856 209 250 1 A sum of 24,000 had been ex- Hereford . 1872 861 J pended out of profits in extending the works. Capitalizing this sum, ] the amount paid per 100 is I 172. E E 2 420 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE Name. Year when Pur- chased. Approximate Sum (or the Equivalent of he Annuities) paid for each jElOOof Share Capital. Remarks. Heywood 1867 208 Hindley 1872 208 1 Non-statutory Company. A sum of Horncastle . . '." '. . 1876 117 \ 8000 had been expended out of profits on extending the works, Huddersfield .... 1872 1 204 . which sum was capitalized. Ilkeston Inverness 1878 1875 177 153 Non-statntory Company. Kilmarnock .... 1872 150 A sum of 1300 had been expended Kirkintilloch . . ( . . 1878 200 - out of profits on extending the works. Capitalizing this sum, the \ amount paid per 100 is 169. Leeda 1870 140 Leicester 1878 217 Leigh 1874 200 Llaududuo 1876 175 Longton 1877 200 Macclesfield . . . . 1861 250 Mansfield 1878 250 Maryport . . ., ., .,. 1876 118 Neath 1874 125 Nelson 1866 150 Newbury . . 1 :<1 :'' B .' 1878 130 - Site belonged to Corporation and works and plant taken at a valua- Newcastle-under-Lyme 1881 250 tion. Newry Nottingham . . . 1878 1874 190 162 Non-statutory Company. Oldham 1853 250 Padiham and Hapton 1876 200 Paisley 1845 160 Penrith . 1877 191 Perth 1871 156 Bochdale . . . P* 1844 167 Rotherham. . . . 1870 205 Saffron Walden . . 1878 111 Non-statutory Company. St. Helens . .... . 1876 272 Sowerby Bridge . 1861 159 Stafford .... 1878 262 btoke-on-Trent . . 1878 250 Stratford-upon-Avou 1879 188 Sutton-in-Ashfield . 1878 261 Tyldesley .... Ulverston .... 1865 1874 167 212 "Warrington . . . 1877 240 The Company were allowed to Wigan . - . . JO.i . 1874 208 - capitalize 12,500. Adding this to the share capital, the sum paid per 100 is 174. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 421 TABLE, showing the Cost of Gas per Hour in Fractions of a Penny, when Burnt at the following Hates per 1000 Cubic Feet : Consumption per Hour s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s. d. s. d. ! s. d. s. a. fi. d. . d. in Cubic Feet. 26 2 7 2 8 2 9 2 10 2 11 30 31 82 3 3 3 4 8 5 2 060 062 064 066 008 070 !'072 074 -076 078 080 082 21 075 0775 080 0825 085 0875-090 0952 -095 0975 100 1025 3 090 093 096 099 102 105 j'lu8 '111 1-114 117 120 123 3} 105 1085 112 1155 119 1225-126 ! 1295! -133 1365 140 1435 4 120 124 128 132 136 140 i'144 148 -152 156 160 164 41 135 1395 144 1486 153 1575-162 1665-171 1755 180 1845 5 150 155 160 165 170 175 -180 185 -190 195 200 205 51 165 1705 176 1815 187 1925' -198 2035-209 2145 220 2255 6 180 186 192 198 204 210 '216 222 228 234 240 246 61 195 2015 208 2145 221 2275 -234 2405 247 2535 260 2665 7 210 217 224 231 238 245 -252 259 '266 273 280 287 Consumption 1 per Hour s.d. s.d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s.d. s.d. s. d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. in Cubic Feet. 3 6 3 7 3 8 3 9 3 10 3 11 4 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 ~~T~ 084 086 088 090 092 094 096 '098 100 102 104 106 2J 105 1075 110 1125 115 1175 120 '1225 125 1275 130 1325 3 126 129 132 135 138 141 '144 '147 150 153 156 159 31 147 1505 154 1575 161 16451-168 ! '1715 175 1785 182 1855 4 168 17-2 176 180 184 188 192 '196 200 i'204 208 212 41 189 1935 198 2025 207 2115 216 % is205 225 2295 234 2385 5 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 -245 250 255 260 265 5) 231 2365 242 2475 253 2585 264 '2695 275 2805 286 2915 6 252 258 264 270 276 282 288 294 300 306 312 <318 6i 273 2795 286 2925 299 3055 312 3185 325 3315 338 3445 7 294 301 308 315 322 329 336 343 350 357 364 371 Consumption I per Hour s.d. s. d. | s. d. s. d. s. d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. in Cubic Feet. 4 6 47 48 49 410 411 5 5 1 5268 5 4 55 2 108 110 I-112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 21 135 1375-140 1425 145 1475 150 1525 155 1575 160 1625 3 162 165 '168 171 174 177 180 183 186 189 192 195 3J 189 1925-196 1995 203 2065 210 2135 217 2205 224 2276 4 216 220 r224 228 232 236 240 244 248 252 256 260 41 243 2475 252 2565 261 2665 270 2745 279 2835/288 2925 5 270 275 230 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 51 297 3025 3)8 3135 319 3245 330 3355 341 3465 352 3576 t; 324 330 336 342 348 354 360 366 372 378 384 390 61 351 3575 364 3705 377 3835 390 3965 -4;>3 4095 416 4225 7 378 385 392 399 406 413 420 427 '434 441 448 455 Consp. i per Hour ! s . d. s.d. s.d. s d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s.d. s. d. s.d. in Cb. Ft-j 5 8 5 7 5 8 5 9 5 10 5 11 6061 62 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 6 2 j-132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 '150 152 154 156 2J 1-165 1676 170 1725 175 1775 180 1825 185 '1875 190 1925 195 3 i-198 201 204 207 210 213 216 219 222 |-225 228 231 234 31 i-231 2345 238 2415 245 2485 252 2555 259 2625 266 2695 273 4 j-264 268 272 276 280 284 288 292 296 300 304 308 312 41 -297 3015 306 3105 315 3195 -324 3285 333 -3375 342 3466 351 5 -33 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 '375 380 385 390 51 (-363 3685! '374 3795 385 3905 396 4015 407 -4125 418 4335 429 6 1-396 402 408 414 420 426 432 438 '444 450 456 462 468 61 -429 4355 442 4485 455 4615 468 4745/481 4875 494 5005 507 7 1-462 469 '476 483 490 497 504 511 -518 525 532 539 546 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE GOLDEN RULES FOR GAS MANAGERS. Keep up the heats of the retorts. Keep up the efficiency of the meters. Keep down the pressure in the mains. Keep down the arrears in the gas ledger. These rules are as applicable to-day as they were on the first day they were penned, as they embody all the philosophy of gas manage- ment. A strict adherence to the advice which they give will ensure the success of any gas undertaking,-.just as a disregard of them will result in loss and disaster. It has been attempted (with little success, and less reason) to impugn the utility of the third rule. To keep down the pressure in the daytime, say certain writers and speakers, is to discourage the use of gas for cooking and heating. But, surely, to make such a remark is to betray an amount of dulness not easy to understand. It should be obvious to the meanest comprehension that it is not advised that the pressure should be kept down to an abnormal rate. Whatever pres- sure is required either by day or night must, of course, be maintained ; the rule indeed implies as much, but it implies something more its object is to discountenance the maintenance of a wasteful pressure, and all pressure in excess of actual requirements is wasteful. Verbum sat sapient/i. COEFFICIENTS Number, Dimensions, and Cost of the carious Buildings, Apparatus, Machinery, and Plant of a Gas-Works. It is an almost impossible task to give a series of coefficients of the number, dimensions, and cost of Buildings, Apparatus, Machinery, and Plant, applicable to the individual case of every Gas- Works in the United Kingdom. That such is the fact will be clear when the varia- tions in size, character of subsoil, design (whether substantial or other- wise), and situation of such Works, are taken into consideration. Again, although the cost based on the prices of labour and mate- rials ruling at the present time may be applicable, it is evident that the figures will necessarily vary with the fluctuations in the market prices, and the effect of competition. But neither is it possible to fix with perfect accuracy a standard of prices as a basis that will apply even under existing circumstances, as such prices vary, less or more, in different parts of the country. GAS ENGINEEBS AND MANAGEES. 423 At the best, it is only an approximation that can be given, and an attempt in this direction is made as follows : Prices on which the Coefficients of Cost are based. Labour. Average. Skilled labour lOd. per hour. Unskilled ditto 4d. to 6d. per hour. Bricksetting, labour only Is. 3d. per sq. yd. 9" thick. Retort setting, labour only 22s. per mouthpiece. Materials. Average. Selected beat pressed bricks 2 to 2 5s. per 1000. Common bricks, best 20s. per 1000. Portland cement 50s. per ton. Lias or hydraulic lime 22s. ditto. Ordinary lime 12s. ditto. Building sand la. per load. Sheet lead for flashing 13s. 6d. der cwt. Fire-bricks 60s. per 1000. Superior refractory bricks, as silica, &c 85s. ditto. Fire.clay, ground 20s. per ton. Clay retorts 21" X 15" 4s. per lineal foot. Cast-iron pipes 2" to 4" diameter 5 5s. per ton. Ditto 5" to 8" 5 ditto. Ditto 9" to 16" 4 15s. ditto. Ditto 17" and upwards 4 12s. ditto. Specials, cast-iron 8 to 11 ditto. The cost of laying and jointing pipes is given on pp. 235 and 236. Wrought-iron tubes according to list prices, with 60 per cent, discount. Ditto fittings ditto. Labour and Materials combined. Average. Stock brickwork, 9" thick 5s. 6d. per square yard. Common ditto, best, 9" thick 8s. 9d. ditto. Superior dressed stonework 3s. per cubic foot. Rubble ditto 10s. per cubic yard. Slating '.'.v". 3s. to 3s. 6d. per square yard. Flagging, 3" flags 3s. 6d. to 5s. ditto. Paving with 5" and 6" setta 3s. 6d. to 5s. ditto. Portland cement concrete 1 in 9 10s. per cubic yard. Ditto ditto 1 in 7 12s. ditto. Ditto ditto 1 in 5 14s. ditto. Cast-iron in large castings 7 10s. per ton. Ditto ditto fixing only 15s. ditto. Ditto small castings 10 to 12 ditto. Plain cast-iron columns and beams 7 5s. to 7 15s. ditto. Ditto ditto fixing only 10s. to 15s. ditto. Wrought-iron in bars with forged ends, for roof work 15 ditto. Ditto ditto fixing only 2 ditto. Ditto ditto in angle, tee, and channel . 15 ditto. Ditto ditto fixing only 2 ditto. Wrought-iron roofs, per square yard of floor area covered, but not including slating 14s. to 17s. Wrought-iron in bars, with forged ends, for holder work and apparatus generally 17 per ton. Ditto fixing only 2 ditto. XEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Labour and Materials combined. Average. Wrought-iron in forgiugs, small JE18 per ton. Ditto fixing cnly 1 ditto. Ditto in sheets and plates cold-straightened and punched 418 ditto. Ditto rivets and fixing 2 10s. lOd. ditto. Ditto in rolled iron girders 6 to 6 10s. ditto. Ditto fixing only 15s. ditto. Ditto riveted girders 11 to 12 ditto. Ditto fixing only 10s to 15s. ditto. Sheet lead flashing and linings, and labour placing 18s. 6d. per cwt. It is on these average prices current, that the coefficients of cost to be now given are based. Capacity of the Works. A Gas- Works capable of producing a maximum of 630,000 cubic- feet of gas per day of 24 hours is taken as a basis, and this size of Works is adopted as being, though comparatively small, about a fair average, and to give a wider applicability to the figures than they would have had a very large Works been assumed. Using 190 as the multiplier, this is equivalent to an annual pro- duction of 120 million cubic feet. Reasonable allowance is also made for future growth in the consumption. The site of such a Works will comprise 2 to 8 statute acres of land. It is assumed that the site is fairly level and such as to admit of its being fully utilized. This extent of land is capable of containing, without inconvenient crowding, provided the Works are laid out with judgment, the whole of the Manufacturing, Purifying, and Storage Buildings and Apparatus required for the above make of gas per day, and also the Buildings and Plant for the manufacture of Sulphate of Ammonia, the recovery of Sulphur, and the distillation of Tar. The cost of the Apparatus in each case includes erection. The Buildings are assumed to be neat and substantial. Estimating the production from each mouthpiece or retort (oval or D shaped 21" x 15" x 10 feet long) at 6000 feet of gas per day of 24 hours on the average The number of mouthpieces required is ... 105 Add by way of surplus to meet contingencies . 21 Total mouthpieces required . . 126 The retorts are assumed to be in settings of sixes or sevens, and are throughs. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Cost reckoned on Cost. Description. t^S&Sgo. duction per 1000 plece> Cubic Feet. s. d. s. d. 10,080 Stage Floor Retort House with retort stack 20 feet wide, 20 feet space on each side. Retort settings, two dwarf chim- neys, generator furnaces, all ironwork (including foul main round the inside of the honse), tools, and implements ; also covered coal stores to contain four weeks' stock of coal calculated on the maximum days' consumption, with railway communication 16 . . 80 (>,255 Stage Floor Retort House and coal stores only, as above 9 18 . . 49 13 3,825 Retort Stack and two Dwarf Chimneys built up from basement, with generator furnaces, retort settings, and ironwork complete (513 . . 30 7 2,620 Brickwork of Retort Stack and two dwarf chimneys, generator furnaces, retorts, and settings, but no ironwork . 400 . . 20 1,800 Ironwork only of stack complete, includ- ing hydraulic and foul mains ... 213 . . 10 7 630 Retorts, including labour in setting and a'l fire-clay materials (no ironwork) 100 , . 600 630 Generator Furnaces and ironwork of same 100 .. 500 7,000 Ground Floor Retort House with retort stack 20 feet wide, 20 feet space on each side, retort settings, two dwarf chimneys, all ironwork (including foul main round the inside of the honse), tools, and implements; also covered coal store to contain four weeks' stock of coal calculated on the maximum days' consumption, with railway com- munication '.'... 11 2 3 .. 55 10 4,190 Ground Floor Retort Hous, and coal stores only, as above 6 13 3 . . 33 5 2,810 Retort Stack, two dwarf chimneys, and retort settings, with iron mountings complete 490 .. 22 50 1,606 Brickwork of retort stack two dwarf chimneys, retorts, and settings, but no ironwork 2 11 . . 12 15 1,194 Ironwork only of stack including hy- draulic and foul mains .... 1 18 . . 9 10 630 Retorts, including labour in setting and fire-clay materials (no ironwork) . . 100 . . 500 "2,000 Railway Communication with an ad- joining line of railway. This is an uncertain item, but say as an average. 326 . . 18 460 Condenser. This may be of any form, vertical or horizontal (the respective coat will not vary to any great extent), with connections and bye-pass mains and valves complete 14 ('. 426 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Cost. 535 300 Description. 570 500 80 Boiler and Exhauster House. Chimney and setting for two boilers Steam Boilers of the Cornish type, two in number, of steel and of ample size to supply steam for exhausters, scrubbers, washer-scrubber, pumps, sulphate apparatus, and any other purpose on the works 18' 0" x5' 6" and all mountings and connections Exhauster. Capacity 40,000 cubic feet per hour driven direct, with its own steam engine, with governor, con- nections, bye-pass mains and -flap-valve complete. Duplicate exhausters are desirable in case of a break- down Tower Scrubbers, two in number, 9 feet in diameter and 44 feet high each, with pent-house in addition. Wood filling, liquor and water distributors, washer, at base of first Washer Scrubber with steam engine, connections, bye- pass mains and valves. Capacity, 700,000 cubic feet per day Tar and Ammoniacal Liquor Wells, two in number, or one divided in two. These are assumed to be under- ground, built of bricks in Portland cement mortar; capacity equal to four weeks' production of tar and liquor ; with separator Set of Three Pumps with steam engine Cost per Square Foot o Purifying Area. Cost per 1000 Cubic Feet of Gns (maximum) produced per Day. s. d. 17 3,780 Purifying House. Ground floor house with cellar and six purifiers 20 ft. square X 5 ft. deep, and lifting apparatus for purifier lids, wood grids, one centre valve, two 4-way change valves, and all connections 18 in. diameter, complete . 1 ,260 House only, as above 400 Revivifying Floor adjoining, for oxide of iron, covered by a roof supported on pillars 4,800 Two-Storied Purifying House, including six purifiers 20 feet square and 5 feet deep, placed on upper floor, supported on iron beams and columns ; wood grids, one centre valve, and two 4-way change valves, all connections 18 in. diameter ; lifting apparatus for purifier lids; revivifying space on ground floor, steam-engine and elevating apparatus for oxide of iron and lime .... 1,780 House only, as above 300 Oxide Elevating Apparatus with gearing, belting, and steam engine 3,620 Punfitrs. Six vessels, 20 ft. square x 5 ft. deep in two sets. The first four with centre valve, and the two last with 4-way valves ; with wood grids, lifting tackle for covers, and all connections . e. d. 1 11 10 034 2 16 026 110 10 18 7 12 3 3 12 ft GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 427 Cost per 1000 COB Description. B ffi,S*f produced per Day. k 8. d. 500 Station Meter House, with accommodation for two station meters, and two station governors 16 425 Station Meter. Square connections, with bye-pass valves, and mountings, complete; capacity, 40,000 cubic feet per hour 13 6 Cost per 1000 Cubic feet Capacity. a. d. 5,040 Gasholder Tanks, two in number, 122 feet diameter, 22J feet deep = 240,000 cubic feet each, built with bricks laid in Port- land cement mortar and puddled ... 10 10 800 7,040 Gasholders, two in number, two-lift, telescopic, 120 feet diameter, 40 feet deep, capacity 430,000 cubic feet each, to- gether 860,000 cubic feet, equal to 32 hours' (1) days' production ; with stand pipes and valves 800 .. 11 86 236 StationGovernors, 16-inch, two in number, with bye-pass, connections, and valves. .. 076 400 Foundations of Apparatus throughout the works . . 12 6 315 Connections, valves, and mains, through- out the works 16 in. diameter. Tar pipes, water-pipes, &o . . 10 65 Weighbridge at entrance .'. 020 1,700 Offices, Workshops, Stores, testing room and laboratory, and furnishing 2 14 700 Boundary Wall, Drains, yard paving, and conveniences . 120 81,000 Distributing Plant. Assuming that the outlay on mains, valves, syphons, and service pipes, amounts to 30 per cent, of the total capital expenditure, which is a fair average, then the cost will be 33 6 8 500 Sulphate of Ammonia Apparatus, capacity 5 to 7 tons liquor per 24 hours and appurtenances; including two cast-iron purifiers, 10' 0" X 5' 0" X 5' 0", hydraulic change valve and wood roof on pillars, overhead liquor tank to hold 10 tons, lead-lined acid store tank, and acid supply tank with elevator, pipes, taps, &c 16 1.30 Buildings and lead-lined store for ditto 12 (i 140 Sulphur Recovery Apparatus 046 310 Tar Distilling Apparatus 10 280 Buildings for ditto 090 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB Description. The Capital of 70,000 would be distri- buted as under. Land, law, parliamentary, and engineering expenses Floating capital Buildings (including a stage floor bouse, the brickwork of the retort stack, the gasholder tanks, tar wells, and founda- tions of apparatus) Apparatus and machinery (including the ironwork of retort stack, gasholders, and the apparatus generally) Distributing plant, mains, service-pipes, Total Dividing the 70,000 Capital under the Heads of the different Departments. Land, law, parliamentary, and engineering expenses Floating capital Manufacturing Purifying (including condenser, scrubbers, washer scrubber, purifiers, &c.) Storing Distributing Total. Capital Amount. 6,300 4,900 22,400 15,400 21,000 70,000 4,900 16,100 12,600 21.000 70,000 Per- centage. 32 22 30 100 Cost per 1000 Cubic Feet of Gas (maximum) produced per Daj. s. d. 10 7 15 f, 35 11 10 7 15 25 11 14 9 20 33 6 8 111 MISCELLANEOUS. BKICKS AND BBICKWOKK. Usual Dimensions of Bricks. 9 inches long ; 4 inches broad ; 2f inches thick. Weight of 1000 common clay bricks, about 3 tons. Weight of 1000 fire-clay bricks, about 3 tons. 805 common clay bricks weigh about 1 ton. 800 fire-clay bricks weigh about 1 ton. 82 bricks laid fiat will pave one square yard. 52 bricks laid on edge will pave one square yard. Number of bricks in a cubic yard, without mortar, 416. Number of bricks in a cubic yard, with mortar, 884. In England, brickwork is generally calculated by the square rod. A rod of brickwork measures 16| feet x 16| feet x 1^ foot = 800 cubic feet, or 11 cubic yards. GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. A rod of brickwork = 272 superficial feet, 1 brick, or 18 inches thick, which is called the standard thickness. Number of bricks in a rod of brickwork, allowing for waste, 4500. To reduce brickwork from superficial feet of 9 inches thick to the standard thickness of 18^ inches, deduct one-third. To reduce brickwork from cubic feet to superficial feet of the standard thickness of 13 inches, deduct one ninth. To reduce brickwork from cubic feet to rods, divide by 306. To reduce brickwork of more than 1-J bricks thick to superficial feet of the standard thickness of 13|- inches, multiply the area in feet by the number of half bricks in thickness, and divide the product by 3. To reduce brickwork footings to superficial feet of the standard thickness of 13^ inches, multiply the length by the height of the courses, in feet, and the product by the number of half bricks in the mean breadth, and divide by 3. When the number of courses is odd, the number of half bricks in the middle course is the mean. When the number of courses is even, the mean breadth is found by taking half the sum of half bricks in the upper and lower courses. Bond in Brickwork. English bond is the strongest, and is a course of stretchers and a course of headers alternately, or one course of headers and one course of stretchers. Flemish bond is a header and stretcher laid alternately in the same course. Hoop-iron, when used as bond, should be well tarred and sanded, and bedded in Portland cement. A rod of brickwork in ordinary buildings requires about 1 cubic yard of lime. 2f cubic yards of sand. A rod of brickwork in a gasholder tank requires about If cubic yards of blue lias lime. 2| cubic yards of sharp river sand. A rod of brickwork requires about If cubic yards of Roman or Portland cement. If cubic yards of sharp river sand. A cubic yard of quicklime . . . weighs about 1460 Ibs. ,, ,, blue lias quicklime ,, ,, 1470 ,, Portland cement . ,, ,, 2416 ,, ,, ,, Eoman cement . ,, ,, 1700 ,, dry sand ... 2430 The above materials, when made into mortar, lose about one- third of their bulk. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE, TABLES, Showing tlie Number of Bricks in Walls of different Areas, from % a Briek up to 4 Bricks thick. ' Reckoned at 4500 Bricks to the Bod (272 ft ft super.), allowing for Waste. TABLE I. From 1 to 50 Superficial Feet. Area of Wall Sup. Feet. Brick on Bed. 1 Brick Thick. 1J Bricks Thick. 2 Bricks Thick. 2* Bricks "Thick. 3 Bricks Thick. 3J Brick Thick. 4 Bricks Thick. 1 6 11 17 22 28 33 39 44 2 11 22 33 44 65 66 77 88 3 17 33 50 66'* 83 99 116 132 4 44 66 88 110 132 154 176 5 28 55 83 110 138 165 193 221 6 33 66 99 132 165 199 232 265 7 39 77 116 154 193 232 270 309 8 44 88 132 176 221 265 309 353 9 50 99 149 199 248 298 347 397 10 55 110 165 221 276 331 386 441 11 61 121 182 243 303 364 425 485 12 66 132 199 265 331 397 463 529 13 72 143 215 287 358 430 602 574 14 77 154 232 309 386 463 540 618 15 83 165 248 331 414 496 579 662 16 88 176 265 353 441 529 618 706 17 94 187 281 875 469 563 656 750 18 99 199 298 397 496 596 695 794 19 105 210 314 419 524 629 733 838 20 110 221 331 441 551 662 772 882 21 116 232 347 463 579 695 811 926 22 121 243 364 485 607 728 849 971 23 127 254 381 507 634 761 888 1015 24 132 265 397 629 662 794 926 1059 25 138 276 414 651 689 827 965 1103 26 143 287 430 674 717 860 1004 1147 27 149 298 447 696 744 893 1042 1191 28 154 309 463 618 772 926 1081 1235 29 160 320 480 640 800 960 1119 1279 80 165 331 496 662 827 993 1158 1324 31 171 342 613 684 855 1026 1197 1368 32 176 353 529 706 882 1059 1235 1412 33 182 364 546 728 910 1092 1274 1456 34 188 375 563 750 938 1125 1313 1500 35 193 386 679 772 965 1158 1351 1544 36 199 397 596 794 993 1191 1390 1583 37 204 408 612 816 1020 1224 1428 1632 38 210 419 629 838 1048 1257 1467 1676 39 215 430 645 860 1075 1290 1506 1721 40 221 441 662 882 1103 1324 1544 1765 41 226 452 678 904 1131 1357 1583 1809 42 232 463 695 926 1158 1390 1621 1853 43 237 474 711 949 1186 1423 1660 1897 44 243 485 728 971 1213 1456 1699 1941 45 248 496 744 993 1241 1489 1737 1985 46 254 607 761 1015 1268 1522 1776 2029 47 259 518 778 1037 1296 1555 1814 2074 48 265 529 794 1069 1324 1588 1853 2118 49 270 640 811 1081 1351 1621 1892 2162 50 276 551 827 1103 1379 1654 1930 22(X; GAS ENGINEEBS AND MANAGERS. 431 TABLES, Showing tJie Number of Bricks in Walls of different Areas, from % a Brick up to 4 Bricks thick. Reckoned at 4500 Bricks to the Rod (272 feet super.), allowing for Waste. TABLE II. 51 to 100 Superficial Feet. Area of Wall. Sup. Feet. J Brick on Bed. 1 Brick thick. 1* Bricks thick. 2 Bricks thick. 2i Bricks thick. 3 Bricks thick. 3J Bricks thick. 4 Bricks thick. 51 281 563 844 1125 1406 1688 1969 2250 52 287 574 860 1147 1434 1721 2007 2294 53 292 584 877 1169 1461 1754 2046 2338 54 298 596 893 1191 1489 1787 2085 2382 55 303 607 910 1213 1517 1820 2123 2426 36 309 618 926 1235 1544 1853 2162 2471 57 314 629 943 12.57 1572 1886 2200 2515 58 320 640 960 1279 1599 1919 2239 2559 68 325 651 976 1301 1627 1952 2278 2603 PO 331 662 993 1323 1654 1985 2316 2647 61 336 673 1009 1346 1682 2018 2355 2691 62 342 684 1026 1368 1710 2051 2393 2785 63 347 695 1042 1390 1737 2085 2432 2779 64 353 706 1059 1412 1765 2118 2471 2824 65 358 717 1075 1434 1792 2151 2509 2868 66 364 728 1092 1456 1820 2184 2548 2912 67 369 739 1108 1478 1847 2217 2586 2956 68 375 750 1125 1500 1875 2250 2625 3000 69 381 761 1142 1522 1903 2283 2664 3044 70 386 772 1158 1544 1939 2316 2702 3088 71 392 783 1175 1566 1958 2349 2741 3132 72 397 794 1191 1588 1985 2382 2779 3177 73 403 805 1208 1610 2013 2415 2818 3221 74 408 816 1224 1632 2040 2449 2857 3265 75 414 827 1241 1654 2068 2482 2895 3309 76 419 i 838 1257 1676 2096 2515 2934 3353 77 425 i 849 1274 1699 2123 2548 2972 3397 78 .430 860 1290 1721 2151 2581 3011 3441 79 436 871 1307 1743 2178 2614 3050 3485 80 441 882 1324 1765 2206 2647 3088 3529 81 447 893 1340 1787 2233 2680 3127 3574 82 452 904 1357 1809 2261 2713 3165 3618 83 458 915 1373 1831 2289 2746 3204 3662 84 463 926 1390 1853 2316 2779 3243 3706 85 469 988 1406 1875 2344 2813 3281 3750 86 474 949 1423 1897 2371 2846 3320 3794 87 480 960 1439 1919 2399 2879 3358 3838 88 485 970 1456 1941 2426 2912 3397 3882 89 491 982 1472 1963 2454 2945 3436 3926 90 496 993 1489 1985 2482 2978 3474 3971 91 502 1004 1506 : 2007 2509 3011 3513 4015 9l 507 1015 1522 2029 2537 3044 3551 4059 93 513 1026 1539 2051 2564 3077 3590 4103 94 518 1037 1555 j 2074 2592 3110 3629 4147 95 524 1048 1572 ! 2096 2619 3143 3667 4191 96 529 1059 1588 I 2118 2647 3176 3706 4235 97 535 1070 1605 2140 2675 3210 3744 4279 98 540 1081 1621 2162 2702 3243 3783 4324 99 546 1092 1638 2184 2730 3276 3822 4368 100 651 1103 ! 1654 2206 2757 3309 3860 4412 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE TABLES, Showing the Number of Bricks in Walls of di/e rod Areas, from % a Brick- up to 4: Bricks thick. Reckoned at 4500' Bricks to the Hod (272 feet super.}, allowing for Waste. TABLE III. .Front 110 to 600 Superficial Feet. Area of Wall. Sup. Feet. J Brick on Bed. 1 Brick thick. J Bricks thick. 2 Bricks thick. 2J Bricks thick. 8 Bricks thick. 3A Bricks "thick. 4 Brick, thick. 110 607 1213 1820 2426 3033 3640 4246 485o 120 662 1324 1985 2647 3309 3971 4632 5294 130 717 1434 2151 2868 3585 4301 5018 5735 140 772 1544 2316 3Q88 3860 4632 5404 6176 150 827 1654 2482 3309 4136 4963 57JO 6618 160 882 1765 2647 3529 4412 5z94 6176 7059 170 938 1875 2813 3750 4688 5625 6563 7500 180 998 1985 2978 3971 4963 5956 6949 7941 190 1048 2096 3143 4191 5*39 6287 7335 8382 200 1103 2206 3309 4412 5515 6618 7721 8824 210 1158 2316 3474 4632 5790 6949 8107 9265 220 1213 2426 3640 4ci53 6066 7279 6493 9706 230 1268 2537 3805 5074 6342 7610 8S79 10,147 240 1324 2647 3971 5294 6618 7941 9265 10,588 260 1379 2757 413u 5515 6893 8272 9651 11,029 260 1434 2868 4301 5735 7169 8603 10,037 11,471 270 1489 2978 44b7 5956 7445 8934 10.423 11,912 280 1544 3088 4632 6176 7721 9265 108.>9 12353 290 1599 3199 4798 6397 79% 9596 11,195 12.794 300 1654 3309 4963 6618 8272 9926 11.581 13,235 310 1710 3419 5129 6838 8548 10,257 11,967 13,676 820 1765 3529 5294 7059 8824 10,588 12.353 14,118 330 1820 3640 5460 7279 9099 10,919 12,73!) 14.559 840 1875 3750 5625 7500 9375 11,250 13,125 15,(00 850 1930 3860 6790 7721 9651 11,081 13,511 15,441 360 1985 3971 5956 7941 9926 11,912 13,897 15,882 870 2040 4081 6121 8162 10,202 12,243 14,283 16,324 380 2096 4191 6287 8382 10,478 12,574 14.669 16,765 390 2151 4301 6452 86u8 10,754 12,904 15,055 17,206 400 2200 4412 6618 8824 11,029 13,235 15.441 17,647 410 2261 4522 6783 9044 11.3U5 13,566 15,827 18,088 420 2310 4632 6949 9265 11,581 13,897 16,213 18,529 430 2371 4743 7114 9485 11, 8*7 14,2-8 16,599 18.971 440 2426 4853 7279 9706 12,132 14,559 16,9-i5 19,412 450 2482 4963 7445 9926 12,408 14,890 1<-,371 19,853 460 2537 5074 7610 10,147 12,684 15,221 17,757 20,294 470 2592 5184 7776 10,368 12,960 15,551 18,143 20,735 480 2647 5294 7941 10,588 13,235 15,882 18,529 21,176 490 2702 5404 8107 10,809 13,511 16,213 18,915 21,618 500 2757 5515 b272 11,029 13,787 16,544 19,301 22,059 610 2813 5625 8438 11,250 14,063 16,875 19,088 22,500 520 2868 6735 8603 11,471 14,338 17,'206 20,074 22,941 530 2923 5846 8768 11,691 14,064 17,537 20,460 23,382 640 2978 6956 8934 11,912 14,890 17,868 20.846 23824 650 3033 6066 9099 12,132 15,165 18,199 21,232 24,265 660 3088 6176 9265 12,353 15,441 18,529 21,618 24,706 670 8143 6287 9430 12,574 15,717 18,860 22.004 25.147 680 3199 6397 9596 12,794 15,998 19,191 22 390 25,588 590 3254 6607 9761 13,015 16,268 19,522 22,776 26,029 600 8309 6618 9926 13,235 16,544 19,853 23,162 26,471 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 433 TABLES. Slwiring the Number of Bricks in Walls of different Areas, from^a Brick up to 4 Bricks thick. Reckoned at 4500 Bricks to the Rod (272 feet Mtp0r.), allowing for Waste. TABLE IV. From 610 to 2000 Superficial Feet. Area of Wall Sup. Feet. i Brick on Bed. 1 Brick thick. A Bricks thick. Bricks thick. 1 Bricks thick. Bricks thick. i Bricks thick. 4 Bricks thick. 610 3364 6728 10,092 13,456 16,820 20,184 23,548 26,912 620 3419 6838 10,257 13,676 17,096 20,515 23,934 27,353 630 3474 1 6949 10,423 13,897 17,371 20,846 24,320 27,794 640 3529 7059 10,588 14,118 17,647 21,176 24,706 28,235 650 3585 7169 10,754 14,338 17,923 21,507 25,092 28,676 660 3640 7279 10,919 14,559 18,199 21,838 25,478 29,118 670 3695 7390 11,085 14,779 18,474 22,169 25,864 29,559 680 3750 7500 11,250 15,000 18,750 22,500 26,250 30,000 690 3805 7610 11,415 15,221 19,026 22,831 26,636 30,441 700 3860 7721 11,581 15,441 19,301 23,162 27,022 30,882 710 3915 7831 11,746 15,662 19,577 23,493 27,408 31,324 720 3971 7941 11,912 15,882 19,853 23,824 27,794 31,765 730 4026 8051 12,077 16,103 20,129 24,154 28,180 32,206 740 4081 8162 12,243 16,324 20,404 24,485 28,566 32,647 750 4136 8272 ] 2,408 16,544 20,680 24,816 28,952 33,088 760 4191 ! 8382 12,574 16,765 20,956 25,147 29,338 33,529 770 4246 \ 8493 12,739 16,985 21,232 25,478 29,724 33,971 780 4301 i 8603 12,904 17,206 21,507 25,809 30,110 34,412 790 4357 ! 8713 13,070 17,426 21,783 26,140 30,496 34,85* 800 4412 I 8824 13,235 17,647 22,059 26,471 30,882 35,294 810 4467 ! 8934 13,401 17.868 22,335 26,801 31,268 35,735 820 4522 1 9044 13,566 18,088 22,610 27,132 31,654 36,176 830 4577 1 9154 13,732 18,309 22,886 27,463 32,040 36,618 840 4632 9265 13,897 18,529 23,162 27,794 32,426 37,059 850 4688 9375 14,063 18,750 23,438 28,125 32,813 37,500 860 4743 9485 14,228 18,971 23,713 28,456 33,199 37,941 870 4798 9596 14,393 19,191 23,989 28,787 33,585 38,382 880 4853 9706 14,559 19,412 24,265 29,118 33,971 38,824 890 4908 9816 14,724 19,632 24,540 29,449 34,357 39,265 900 4963 9926 14.890 19,853 24,816 29,779 34,743 39,706 910 5018 10,037 15,055 20,074 25,092 30,110 35,129 40,147 920 5074 10,147 15,221 20,294 25,368 30,441 35,515 40,588 930 5129 10,257 15,386 20,515 25,643 30,772 35,901 41,029 940 5184 10,368 15,551 20,735 25,919 31,103 36,287 41,471 950 5239 10,478 15,717 20,956 26,195 31,434 37,673 41,912 960 5294 10,588 15,882 21,176 26,471 31,765 37,059 42,353 970 5349 10,699 16,048 21,397 26,746 32,096 37,445 42,794 980 5404 ! 10^809 16,213 21,618 27,022 32,426 37,831 43,235 990 5460 10,919 16,379 21,838 27,298 32,757 38,217 43,676 1000 5515 11,029 16,544 22,059 27,574 33,088 38,603 44,118 1100 6066 12,132 18,199 24,265 30,331 36,397 42,463 48,529 1200 6618 13,235 19,853 26,471 33,088 39,706 46,324 52,941 1300 7169 14,338 21,507 28,676 35,846 43,015 50,184 57,353 1400 7.721 15,441 23,162 30,882 38,603 46,324 54,044 61,765 1500 8272 16,544 24,816 33,088 41,360 49,632 57,904 66,176 1600 8824 17,647 26,471 35,294 44,118 52,941 61,765 70,588 1700 9375 18,750 28,125 37,500 46,825 56,250 65,625 75,000 1800 9926 19,853 29,779 39,706 49,632 59,559 69,485 79,412 1900 10,478 20,956 31,434 41,912 52,390 62,868 73,346 83,824 2000 11,029 22,059 33,088 44,118 55,147 66,176 77,206 88,235 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR TABLES Showing the Number of Bricks in Walls of different Areas from % a Brick up to 4 Bricks thick. Reckoned at 4500 Bricks to the Eod (272 feet super.}, allowing for Waste. TABLE V. From 2100 to 250,000 Superjicial Feet. Area of Wall. Sup. Feet. 4 Brick on Bed. 1 Brick thick. J Bricks thick. Bricks thick. Bricks thick. Bricks :8 thick. i Bricks thick. Bricks thick. 2100 11,581 23,162 34,743 46,324 57,904 69,485 81,066 92,647 2200 12,132 24,265 36,397 48,529 60,662 72,794 84,926 97,059 2300 12,684 25,368 38,051 50,735 63,419 76,103 88,787 101,471 2400 13,235 26,471 39,706 52,941 66,176 79,412 92,647 105,882 2500 13,787 27,574 41,360 55-.147 68,934 82,72l| 96,507 110,294 2600 14,338 28,676 43,015 57,353 71,691 86,029 100,368 114,706 2700 14,890 29,779 44,669 59,559 74,449 89,338 104,228 119,118 2800 15,441 30,882 46,324 61,765 77,206 92,647 108,088 123,529 2900 15,993 31,985 47,378 63,971 79,963 95,956i 111,949 127,941 3000 16,544 33,088 49,632 66,176 82,721 99,265 115,809 132,353 3100 17,096 34,191 5], 287 68,382 85,478 102,574 119,669 136,71 : 5 3200 17,647 35,294 52,141 70,588 88,235 105,882 123,529 141,176 3300 18,199 36,397 54,596 72,794 90,993 109,191 127,390 145,588 3400 18,750 37,500 56,250 75,000 93,750 112,500 131,250 150.0CO 3500 19,301 38,603 57,904 77,206 96,507 115,809 135,110 154,412 3600 19,853 39,706 59,559 79,412 99,265 119,118 138,971 158,824 3700 20,404 40,809 61,213 81,618 102,022 122,426 142,831 163,235 3800 20,956 41,912 62,868 83,824 104,779 125,735 146,691 167,647 3900 21,507 43,015 64,522 86,029 107,537 129,044 150,551 172,059 4000 22,059 44,118 66,176 88,235 110,294 132,353 154,412 176,471 4100 22,610 45,221 67,831 90,441 113,051 135,662 158,272 180,882 4200 23,162 46,324 69,485 92,647 115,809 138,971 162,132 165,294 4300 23,713 47,426 71,140 94,853 118,566 142,279 165,993 189,706 4400 24,265 48,529 72,794 97,059 121,324 145,588 169,853 194,118 4500 24,816 49,632 74,449 99,265 124,081 148,897 173,713 198,529 4600 24,368 50,735 76,103 101,471 126,838 152,206 177,574 202,941 4700 25,919 51,838 77,757 103,676 129,596 155,515 181,434 207,352 4800 26,471 52,941 79,412 105,882 132,353 158,824 185,294 211,765 4900 27,022 54,044 81,066 108,088 135,110 162,132 189,15 216,176 5000 27,574 55,3 r 82,72 110,294 137.868 165,441 193,015 220,586 10,000 55,147 110,294 165,44 220,588 275,735 330,882 386,02 441,176 15,000 82,72 165,44 248,16 330,882 413,603 496,324 579,04 661,76* 20,000 110.294 220,588 330,88 441,176 551,47 661,765 772,05 882,351 25,000 137,868 275,73 413,60 551,47 689,338 827,206 965,07 1,102.94 30,000 165,44 330,88 496,324 661,765 827,20fc 992,647 1,158,088 1,323.52' 35,000 193,01 386,02 579,044 772,059 965,07 1,158,088 1,351,10 1,544,11 40,000 220,588 441,17 661,765 882,353 1,102,94 1,323,529 1,544,11 1,764,701 45,000 248,16 496,32 744,48 992,64 1,240,809 1,488,971 1,737,13 1,985,29 50,000 275,73 551,47 827,206 1,102,94 1,378,676! 1,654,412 1,930,14 2,205,88 65,000 303,309 606,61 909,926 1,213,23 1,516,544 1,819,753 2,123,16 2,426,47 60,000 65,000 330,88 358,45 661,76 716,91 992,64 1,075,36 1,323,52 1,433,82 1,654,415 1,792,275 - 1,985,294 ) 2,150,735 2,316,17 2,509,19 2,647,05 2.867,64 70,000 386,029 772,05 1,158,08 1,544,11 l,930,14 r 2,316,176 2,702,20 3,088,23 75,000 413,60 827,20 1,240,808 1,654,41 2,068,01, > 2,481,616 2,895,22 3,308,82 80,000 441,17 882,35 1,323,52 1,764,70 2,205,88 > 2,647,05S 3,088,23 3,529,41 85,000 468,75 937.50C 1,406,250 1,875,000 2,343,75012,812,500 3,281,25 3,750,00 90,000 95,000 496,324 523,89 992,64 1,047,79 1,488,97 1,571,79 1,985,29 2,095,586 2,481,6182,977,941 2,619,4853,143,38$ 3,474,26 3,667,27 3,970,58 4,191,17 100,000 551,47 1,102,94 1,654,41 2,205,88 2,767,8533,308,824 3,860,29 4,411,76 150,100 200,000 250,000 827,206 1,102,94 5,878,67 1,654,41 2,205,88 2,757,35 2,481,61 3,303,82 4,136,02 3,308,82 4,411,76 5,514,70 4,136,029|4,963,23 5,514,706 6,617,64 r 6,893,882!8,272,05< 5,790,44 7,720,58! '9,650,73 6,617,64 8,823,52 11,029,41 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. MOETAE AND CONCRETE. Mortar, By Measure. Lime .... ....... 1 part. Sharp river sand ........ 3 parts. or, Linie . . ; ......... 1 part. Sand ........... 2 parts. Blacksmith's ashes or clinker, ground . . 1 part. Coarse Mortar. Lime ........... 1 part. Coarse sand ......... 4 parts. Hydraulic Lime Mortar. Best blue lias lime ........ 1 part. Clean sharp river sand ....... 2| parts. or, Best blue lias lime ........ 1 part. Burnt clay ..'-..-:.. . . . . 2 parts. or, Best blue lias lime ........ 1 part. Puzzolana .......... 1 part. Clean sharp sand ........ 6 parts. Cement Mortar. Cement, Portland ........ 1 part. Clean sharp sand ........ 3 parts. The lime should be fresh burnt, and not more than sufficient of the mortar for a day's work prepared at once. The cement mortar should only be made as it is being used. Blue lias lime concrete (for foundations) By Measure. Gravel, shingle, broken stone, bricks, or old retorts, 1^ to 2 inches cube ......... 6 parts. Clean sharp sand ....... ;- y ^-1 2 parts. Blue lias or other hydraulic lime . . . . V :r '. 1 part. Portland cement concrete (for tank walls) Gravel, shingle, broken stone, bricks, or old retorts, 1 inches cube ... ....... 7 parts. Clean sharp sand .......... 2 parts. Portland cement . . . >';.* IwV i-i'^ j;';i . 1 part. F F 2 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Mastic ( 'cincnt for Build in; /a. 1 part red lead. 5 parts ground lime. 5 parts sharp sand. Mix with boiled linseed oil. 1 part red lead. 5 parts whiting. 10 parts sharp sand. Mix with boiled linseed oil Clean sharp sand (not having its particles rounded by attrition) should always be used in the composition of mortar when it can be procured ; but, otherwise, clean well-burnt ashes may be substituted. In preparing ordinary mortar it is desirable to mix a small propor- tion of smithy ashes with the lime a*nd sand. On this subject Mr. Graham Smith remarks ("Engineering Papers," p. 20) : "The im- portance of the admixture of ashes with mortar to be atmospherically dried will be shown by the following results : The bricklayers' mortar, with common bricks, after a lapse of 84 days, broke with 570 Ibs. ; when sand was substituted in place of ashes that is, when the proportions were 1 slaked lime, 2 sand, and no ashes it only re- quired 257 Ibs. to tear asunder the bricks. These are the averages of three experiments. This is no doubt attributable to the ashes being porous ; they thus allow greater facilities for the absorption of carbonic acid from the atmosphere." The more sand that can be incorporated with the lime, the better the mortar, provided the necessary degree of plasticity is preserved, A load of mortar is equal to one cubic yard. A hod of mortar measures 9 in. x 9 in. x 14 in. Two hods of mortar are nearly equal to a bushel. The mortar in a rod of brickwork (4500 bricks) is taken at 1^ cwt. of chalk lime and 2 loads of sand, or 1 cwt. of stone lime and 2i loads of sand. Fire-Clay. The value of Fire-clay consists chiefly in the proportion of the alumina to the fusible matter (viz., oxide of iron, and the alkalies of magnesia, potassa and soda, &c.) and to the silica ; these being the principal ingredients of which it is composed. The larger the pro- portion of alumina to the fusible matter, the more refractory the clay. Of two clays containing alumina and fusible matter in the same pro- portions, that which contains the least silica is the more refractory. The celebrated clays of Stourbridge, Newcastle -on- Tyne, different parts of Yorkshire, Scotland, and a few other places, are valuable in the manufacture of bricks, tiles, and retorts used in furnaces for the distillation of coal. The table on next page will be found useful in this connection. GAS ENGINEEES AND MANAGERS. 437 I 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 1 g . . 8 S 6 ' ' o * 1 8 . S . 5 CO CD i T* _ i 0(M USO O co co T* , to .coca -COOT -o ."S . OCOOI^OSCSOQ 25 85 -t 5 o tN^tMrH II 438 NEWBIQGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Handy Multiplier fur Wromjht-lron. If the area in square inches of the cross section of any specimen of wrought-iron be multiplied by 3-34, the product will be the weight in pounds of a lineal foot of such specimen. FLAT BAR IRON. Weight in Ibs. of a Lineal Foot. Breadth Thickness in Parts of an Inch. in [ Inches. l-4th. 5-16ths. S-8ths. 7-16tbs. 1-half. 5-8ths. 8-4ths. 7-8ths. 1 1 835 1-044 253 1-461 1-670 2-088 2-506 2-923 3-340 1| 939 1-174 409 1-644 1-878 2-348 2-818 3-287 3-756 11 1-044 1-305 566 1-826 2-088 2-609 , 3-132 3'653 4-176 II 1-148 1-435 722 2-009 2-296 2-870 j 3-444 4-018 4-592 u 1-252 1-566 879 2-192 2-504 3-131 3-758 4-384 5-008 11 1-358 1-696 2-035 2-374 2-716 3-392 4-070 4-749 5-432 13 1-462 1-827 2-192 2-557 2-924 3-653 4-384 5-114 5-848 H 1-566 1-957 2-348 2-740 3-132 3-914 4-696 5-479 6-264 2 1-671 2-088 2-505 2-922 3-342 4-175 5'010 5-845 6-684 21 1-775 2-218 2-662 3-105 3-550 4-435 j 5-324 6-210 7-100 21 1-880 2-348 2-818 3-288 3-760 4-696 5-636 6-575 7-520 21 1-984 2-479 2-975 3-470 3-968 4-957 5-950 6-941 7-936 2J 2-088 2-609 3-131 3-653 4-176 5-218 6-262 7-306 8-352 3 2-193 2-740 3-288 3-836 4-386 5-479 6-576 7-671 8'772 23 2-297 2-870 3-444 4-018 4-594 5-740 ! 6-888 8-036 9-188 i 2-402 3-001 3-601 4-201 4-804 6-001 ! 7-202 8-402 9-608 3 2-506 3-131 3-758 4-384 5'012 6-262 7-516 8-767 10-024 31 2-715 3-392 4-071 4-749 5-430 6-784 8-142 9-498 10-860 i 2-923 3-653 4-384 5-114 5'846 7-306 8-768 10-228 11-692 33 3-132 3-914 4-697 5-479 6-264 7-828 9-394 10-959 12-528 4 3-341 4-175 5-010 5-845 6-682 8-350 10'020 11-690 13-364 41 3-549 4-436 5-323 6-210 7-098 8'871 10-646 12-421 14-196 4J 3-758 4-697 5-636 6-575 7-516 9-393 11-272 13-151 15-032 H 3-966 4-958 5-949 6-941 7-932 9-915 11-898 13-881 15-864 5 4-175 5-219 6-263 7-306 8-350 10-437 12-526 14-612 16-700 51 4-384 5-479 6-576 7-671 S'768 10-958 13-152 15-343 17-536 5* 4-593 5-741 6-889 8-037 9-186 11-480 ' 13'778 16-073 18-372 51 4-801 6-001 7-202 8-402 9-602 12-002 14-404 16-804 19-204 6 5-010 6-262 7-515 8-767 10-020 12-524 15-030 17-535 20-042 BOUND BAB IBON. Weight in Ibs. of a Lineal Foot. Diameter in Inches. Weight in Ibs. Diameter in Inches. Weight in Ibs. Diameter in Inches. Weight in Ibs. Diameter in Inches. Weight in Ibs. J 040 li 6-870 3J 25-400 4i 55-640 1 163 12 7-970 31 27-475 4| 58-688 i 363 li 9-150 3g 29-62o *1 61-820 i 650 2 10-406 3J 31-870 5 65-040 i 1-006 a* 11-750 38 34-175 5i 68-330 I 1-456 21 13-106 33 36-575 51 71-700 I 1-990 2i 14-670 31 39-056 6| 75-150 1 2-590 24 16-256 4 41-620 54 78-700 li 3-300 21 17-925 4* 44-260 5g 82-300 11 4-070 2| 19-600 41 46-990 53 86-006 li 4-920 21 21-500 4i 49-790 H 89-800 H 5-860 3 23-400 4J ;i2-f;75 6 93-650 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. SQUAEE BAK IRON. Weit/ht in Ibs. of a Lineal Foot. Side in , Weight Inches. in Ibs. Side in Inches. Weight i in Ibs. Side in Inches. Weight in Ibs. Side in Inches. Weight in Ibs. 4 -052 H 8-82 3J 32-72 4| 71-60 J -208 U 10-23 i 31 35-28 41 75-36 1 469 11 11-74 i 31 38-16 4| 79-54 i 832 2 13-36 35 40-92 5 83-44 1-304 2i 15-08 3| 44-01 61 87-90 I 1-876 21 16-91 31 46-96 51 S2-40 2-557 2| 18-84 Si 50-38 61 96-67 i 3-340 2J 20-86 4 53-44 6| 101-04 H 4-227 2| 23-10 4J 56-97 61 105-87 li 5-216 21 25-25 41 60-32 51 110-80 if 6-314 2J 27-70 4| 64-08 5| 115-48 1* 7-504 3 30-02 4* 67-64 6 120-08 SHEET IRON AND STEEL. Weight of a Superficial Foot in Pounds and Fractions, with Corresponding Number and Thickness of Birminqliam Wire Gaw/e. No. of Birmingham Wire Gauge. Thickness in Parts of an Inch. Board of Trade Standard. Weight per Square Foot in Ibs. Iron. Steel. No. of Birmingham Wire Gauge. Thickness in Parts of an Inch. Board of Trade Standard. Weight per Square Foot in Ibs. Iron. Steel. 1 300 12-00 12-240 19 041 I 64 1 1-673 2 284 11-36 11-587 20 035 40 1-42& 3 260 10-40 10-608 21 032 28 1-306 4 238 9-52 i 9-710 22 028 12 1-142 5 220 8-80 j 8-976 23 025 00 1-020 6 203 8-12 8-282 24 022 0-88 0-898 7 180 7-20 7-344 25 020 0-80 0-816 8 165 6-60 6-732 26 018 0-72 0-734 9 148 5-92 6-038 27 016 0-64 0-653 10 135 5-40 5-508 28 014 0-56 0-571 11 120 4-80 4-896 29 013 0-52 0-530 12 109 4-36 4-447 30 012 0-48 0-490 13 095 3-80 3-876 31 .010 0-40 0-408 14 083 3-32 3-386 32 009 0-36 0-367 15 072 2'88 2-938 33 008 0-32 0-326 16 065 2-60 2-652 34 007 0-28 0-286 17 058 2-32 2-366 35 005 0'20 0-240 18 050 2-00 2-040 36 004 0'16 ' 0-163 940 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR STEEL. Wcijht of One Foot of Round Steel. FbT. j' 167 '373 669l-(W-052-05 | 2-673-384-185-066-027-07 8'2 I WEIGHT IN POUNDS OF A SUPERFICIAL FOOT OF IRON, COPPER, AND BRASS. Thickness by the Birming- ham Wire Gauge. Iron. Ibs. Copper. Ibs. Brass. Ibs. 'Thickness by the Birming- ham Wire Gauge. Iron. Ibs. Copper. Brass. Ibs. Ibs. 1 12-50 14-50 13-75 16 2-50 2-90 2-75 2 12-00 13-90 13-20 17 2-18 2-52 2-40 3 11-00 12-75 12-10 18 1-86 2-15 2-04 4 10-00 11-60 11-00 19 1-70 1-97 1-87 5 8-74 10-10 9-61 20 1-54 1-78 1-69 6 8-12 9-40 8-93 21 1-40 1-62 1-54 7 7-50 8-70 8-25 22 1-25 I 1-45 1-37 8 6-86 7-90 7-54 23 1-12 ! 1-30 1-23 9 6-24 7-20 6-86 24 1-00 1-16 I'lO 10 5-62 6-50 6-18 25 90 1-04 i -99 11 5-00 5-80 5-50 26 80 92 -88 12 4-38 5-08 4-81 27 72 83 '79 13 3-75 4-34 4-12 28 64 74 -70 14 3-12 3-60 3-43 29 56 64 -61 15 2-82 3-27 3-10 30 50 58 -55 WEIGHT OF A SUPERFICIAL FOOT OF VARIOUS METALS. Thickness in Inches. Wrought Iron. Cast Iron. Steel. Copper. Brass. Lead. Zinc. Thickness in Inches. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. Ibs. l-16th. 2-526 2-344 2-552 2-891 2-374 3-708 2-344 l-16th. l-8th. 5-052 4-687 5-104 5-781 5-469 7-417 4-687 l-8th. 3-16ths. 7-578 7-031 7-656 8-672 8-203 11-125 7-031 3-16ths. l-4tb. 10-104 9-375 10-208 11-563 10-938 14-883 9-375 l-4th. 5-16ths. 12-630 11-719 12-760 14-453 31-672 18-542 11-719 5-16ths. 3-8ths. 15-156 14-062 15-312 17-344 16-406 22-250 14-062 3-8ths. 7-16ths. 17-682 16-406 17-865 20-234 19-141 25-958 16-406 7-16ths. 1-half. 20-208 18-750 20-417 23-125 21-875 29-667 18-750 1-half. 9-16ths. 22-734 21-094 22-969 26-016 24-609 33-375 21-094 9-16ths. 5-8ths. 25-260 23-437 25-521 28-906 27-344 37-C83 23-437 5-8ths. ll-16tl)8. 27-786 25-718 28-073 31-797 30-078 40-792 25-781 ll-16ths. 3-4ths. 30-312 28-125 30-625 34-688 32-813 44-500 28-125 3-4ths. 13-16ths. 32-839 30-469 33-177 37-578 35-547 48-208 30-469 13-16ths. 7-8ths. 35-365 32-812 35-729 40-469 38-281 51-917 32-812 7-8ths. 15-16ths. 87-891 35-156 38-281 43-359 41-016 55-625 35-156 15-16ths. linch 40-417 87 -500 40-883 46-250 43-750 59-333 37-500 1 inch. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 441 WEIGHT IN PARTS OF A POUND OF A SPHEEE 1 IN. DIAM. OF VAEIOUS METALS. Brass. Cast. B HamSd. Iron. Cast. Iron. Wrought. Steel. Lead. Tin. Zinc. 156 159 -167 135 145 147 : '214 139 133 HOOP IRON. Weight of 10 Limal Feet. Width in Inches i and Parts. S * i 1 li li 11 14 11 2 i 2i 24 23 j 3 No. of Gauge . 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 15 14 IB 13 12 11 11 Weight in Ibs. and 685 8851-24 1-60 2-05 2-73 3-40 3-72 4-72 6-066-83 8-9fi 10-8511-84 Decimal Parts. TAPER ANGLE IKON, OF EQUAL SIDES. Length of Sides in Inches. Thickness of Edges. Thickness of Root. Weight of One Lineal Foot in Ibs. and Decimal Parts. 4 4 in. fin. 14-0 3 4 1 10-375 2} 24 f h 8-25 6-5 2J A full A 6-0 2 1 full A fH 3-875 If I A 3-25 14 i bare A bare 2-625 TAPER Width of Top Table in Inches. Total Depth in Inches. Thickness of Top Table at Root. Thickness of Top Table at Edges. Uniform Thickness of Rib. Weight of One Lineal Foot in Ibs. 3 ai 4 in. I in. AM: 8-0 3 2| 1 4 8-0 2 3 TV A 5-25 24 1 | 4 full 6-5 2 2 14 i A t 1 3-5 2-875 442 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR WEIGHT OF CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING. B. W. Gauge Size of SheetSt Per Square. Duper. r ee 16 6 feet x 2 feet to 8 feet X 3 feet x 3icwt. . Pe 800 n ' 18 6 X 2 8 X 3 x 2i . 1000 20 6 x 2 8 X 3 X 1} ,, . 1250 22 6 X 2 7 x 2i V 14 ,, 1550 24 6 x 2 7 x 2* X 11 . 1880 26 6 X 2 7 X 24,, X 1 . 2170 WEIGHT IN POUNDS OF NUTS AND BOLT-HEADS. Diameter of Bolt in J | I Inches. i i 267 } S3 I 1 H 1* If 2 24 3 Weight of Hexagon Nut and Head. 017 057 128 730 1-10 2-14 3-77 5'62 8-75 17-2 28-8 Weight of Square Nut and Head. 021 070 164 321 553 882 1-31 2-56 4-12 7-00 IO'5021-O 36-4 WHITWORTH'S SCREWS WITH ANGULAR THREADS. Diameter in Inches. Number of Threads per Inch. Diameter in Inches. Number of Threads per Inch. Diameter in Inches. Number of Threads per Inch. i 40 H 6 3 34 T a a 24 14 6 3| 3J i 20 H 5 34 3i A 18 1} 5 3i 3 16 U 44 4 3 r 7 . 14 2 4J N 21 4 12 2i 44 44 2J 11 2 1 4 4J 2| 2 10 2g 4 5 28 I 9 8 li 4 4 It 2i 2 H U 7 7 1 IS 51 i ' 24 24 Angle of threads 55 in every instance. The threads do not intersect at their sides, but are rounded off one-sixth both at top and bottom, making their depth equal to two- thirds of the pitch. The number of threads to the inch in square -threaded screws is generally half the number of those in angular-threaded screws, and the depth equal to the space between the threads. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. WEIGHT OF CHAINS. Diameter of Link in inches. Weight per Lineal Foot in Ibs. Diameter of Link in Inches. Weight per Lineal Foot, in Ibs. Diameter of Link in Inches. Weight per Lineal Foot in Ibs. A 33 3 5-33 1A 16-00 63 i a 6-16 11 17-66 A 91 5 7-16 19-25 1-33 it 8-16 14 20-83 TV 1-50 1 9-33 U 24-17 4 2-33 JJL 10-50 H 28-33 ft 3-00 li 11-83 15 32-50 i 3-67 13-16 2 38-33 H 4-50 11 14-50 To Find the Safe Load on Chain*. (Diam. of link in eighths of an inch) 2 / -= safe load in tons. (8 x weight to be raised) = diam. of link in eighths of inch. WEIGHT AND STRENGTH OF BOUND BOPES OF HEMP AND WIBE. Hemp. Iron Wire. Steel Wire. Girth or Circum- ference Weight per Fathom of Six Feet Breaking Weight in Girth or Circum- ference Weight per Fathom of Six Feet, Breaking Weight in Girth or Circum- ference Weight per Fathom of Six Feet, Breaking Weight in in Inches. in Ibs. Tons. in Inches in Ibs. Tons. in Inches in Ibs. Tons. i 15 i i 56 I 1 1 24 1 26 i 1 1 14 11 U 31 li 59 4 14 14 31 11 14 41 2 1-04 I li 2 4 14 11 54 24 1-70 ii H 24 44 H 2 64 21 2-00 14 IS 3 51 11 21 74 3 2-34 M 2 34 6 H 21 81 ft 3-19 2* SB 4 61 2 31 10 3i 3-66 2S 21 44 74 34 31 111 4 4-16 H 2i 5 81 21 41 124 44 5-27 4 24 54 91 2| 41 14 5 6-50 5 2| 6 101 24 51 154 54 7-86 6 21 64 Hi 2| 51 171 6 9-36 71 25 7 121 21 61 19 64 11-00 84 3 74 135 25 61 204 7 12-74 91 8i 8 144 3 71 224 74 14-63 HI H 84 16 Bl 74 244 8 16-64 12| 3g 9 17 31 8 26* 84 18-78 144 34 10 184 31 8 284 9 21-06 181 i 11 191 34 10 304 94 23-46 18 31 12 21 31 12 35 10 26-00 20 35 13 225 4 15 40 105 28-66 22 4 14 24 11 31-46 24J 41 15 27 114 34-38 26J 4| 16 281 12 37-44 29 44 18 301 41 20 32 5 25 38 54 32 454 6 38 54 444 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB To find the Breaking Weight of Round Ropes of Hemp, Iron Wire, and Steel Wire. Hempi^ '- = breaking weight in tons. Iron wire (circum. ins.) 2 x 1*5 = breaking weight in tons. Steel wire (circum. ins.) 2 x 2-5 = breaking weight in tons. Factor of safety for hemp, iron, and steel ropes = -J. To find the Weight of Hemp Ropes. (Circum. ins.) 2 x 26 = weight, m Ibs. per fathom. ALLOYS OF METALS. Yellow brass, 2 parts copper, 1 zinc. Rolled brass, 32 parts copper, 10 zinc, 1-5 tin. Brass casting, common, 25 parts copper, 2 zinc, 4-5 tin. Gun metal, 8 parts copper, 1 tin. Copper flanges for pipes, 9 parts copper, 1 zinc, 0'26 tin. Bell metal, 3 parts copper, 1 tin. IEON TO EESIST THE ACTION OF FIEE. The following mixture of iron is recommended for fire bars, furnace plates, gas retorts (iron) and any other ironwork required to resist the action of fire : 80 per cent. Ridsdale. 20 per cent. Siemens Steel Scrap. This is said to make a kind of pyrostatic iron, the high fusion point being due to the small percentage of carbon present in the mixture. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. TABLE Of the Velocity and Force of the Wind. Miles per Hour. Feet per Second. Pressure in Ibs. per Square Foot. Description. 1 1-47 005 Hardly perceptible. 2 3 2'93 4-4 020) 044J Just perceptible. 4 5 5-87 7-33 079) 123) Gentle breeze. 10 15 14-67 22- 492) 1-1074 Pleasant breeze. 20 25 29-34 36-67 1-968) 3-076f Brisk gale. 30 35 44-01 51-34 4-429) 6-027) High wind. 40 45 58-68 66-01 7-873) 9-996 f Very high wind. 50 73-35 12-300 Storm or tempest. 60 70 88-02 102-71 17-718) 24 -153 f Great storm. 80 100 117-36 146-7 31-490, 49-200 \ Hurricane. The pressure or force of the wind is as the square of its velocity. The square of the velocity of the wind in feet per second x 002288 = pressure in Ibs. per square foot. The wind pressure upon a cylindrical surface is one-half, and on a spherical surface one-fourth that which is exerted on a flat surface. SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND WEIGHT OF VAEIOUS SUBSTANCES. Specific 1 Gravity Weight i Specific Gravity Weight per Name of Substance. W^ght J C "in'uDS * Name of Substance - and Weight Cub.Foot in Ibs. Cb P Ft in \ A voirdu- Cb. P Ft. hi Avoirdu- Ounces. 1 pois. Ounces. pois. Alcohol, pure .... 790 ' 49-38 Brass, cast . . . .1 8,240 515 Ash (timber) .... 752 i 47 ! wire . . . .j 8,480 530 Asphalt, prepared . . Basalt 2,496 j 2,992 ' 156 187 Brick 1 2,080 Brickwork . .j 1,792 130 112 Bath stone .... 1,792 ! 112 Cement, Portland . 1,424 89 Beech 688 i 43 , Roman. .j 960 60 Birch 704 ! 44 'Chalk 1 9 Sfifi 148 Bitumen 992 62 Charcoal, Oak . .1 836 21 Boxwood 960 60 Clay 1,920 120 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB SPECIFIC GBAVITY AND WEIGHT OF VARIOUS SUBSTANCES Continued. Name of Substance. Sp. Gr. I Weight and | per Weight Cub.Foot Name of Substan ce. per ; in Ibs. Cb. Ft. in 1 Avoirdu- Ounces. j pois. Sp. Gr. Weight and per Weight Cnb.Foot per ! in Ibs. Cb. Ft. in Avoirdu- Ounces. pois. Clay puddle . . . Coal, anthracite, solid bituminous . oannel, Scotch ,, "Wigan N'castle stored in usual) way . . . . i Coke from coking ) ovens > from gas-works) slaked . . J from gas-works ) unslaked . . * Concrete Copper, cast .... sheet and wire Cork . . . ... .. Earth, loam .... 2,560 1,280 1,200 1,248 1,280 1,312 832 800 515 448 1,920 8,640 8,800 240 1,600 1,200 560 560 464 544 2,400 2,080 2,288 2,624 2,240 2,496 2,880 2,992 19,360 17,728 2,688 1,840 2,096 8,784 2,304 908 7,168 7,680 11,392 3,168 2,4% 2,848 864 640 720 Mean of 160 80 ?! 80 82 52 50 32-2 28 120 540 550 15 100 75 35 35 29 34 150 130 143 164 140 156 180 187 1,210 1,108 168 115 131 549 144 56-75 448 480 712 198 156 178 54 40 45 the whol Maple . . . , ' . . Marble 784 2,720 1,728 2,240 13,584 1,760 1,600 848 800 864 944 912 928 880 896 912 2,560 1,280 2,704 880 1,152 19,520 20,480 20,800 2,096 2,640 1,888 1,440 2,528 2,592 1,520 10,480 10,528 2,880 128 7,840 2,000 592 1,040 1,792 7,360 2,720 1.000 1,024-8 2,752 448 800 2,288 7,040 5,664 49 170 108 140 849 110 100 53 50 54 59 57 58 55 66 57 160 80 169 55 72 1,220 1,280 1,300 131 165 118 90 158 162 95 655 658 180 8 490 125 37 65 112 460 170 62-5 64-05 172 28 50 143 440 354 Marl Maso'hry Mercury Mortar . . . . Mud Naphtha . . .... . Oak, English. . . . American, red. . Oil, linseed . . . . olive whale (train) . . tallow . . . . colza Paviug Peat ,." Pebble stone .... Petroleum. . . . ' . Pitch Platinum, pure . hammered . wire . . ... Portland stone . . . Quartz Elm Fir, red pine and spruce American . . . larch Fire-Clay, natural . . ,, burned in blocks Flag, Yorkshire . . . Flint Freestone Glass, crown .... , plate .... flint .... Gold, pure .... ,, standard . . . Granite . Sand, damp .... dry Sandstone. . . " . . Shale Shingle Silver, pure .... ,, standard . Slate Snow Steel Sulphur Sycamore Tar Gravel Grindstone .... Gun metal .... Gypsum Ice Tile Tiu Trap Water, pure .... sea . . . . Whinstone . . . . Willow Yew Yorkshire flag . . . Zinc J earth Iron, cast Iron, wrought . . . Lead white .... Limestone, lias . . . magnesian . Lime, quick .... Mahogany, Honduras . Spanish. . GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGERS. 447 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Bale of flax (Russia) .... 5 to 6 cwt. Barrel bulk 5 cubic feet. Barrel of tar 26 gallons. Battens Boards 7 inches wide. Bushel of coal 80 Ibs. Bushel of coke 45 ,, Cable's length 240 yards. Cask of black lead 11 cwt. Chaldron of coal 25 ,, ,, coke 12 to 15 cwt. Cord of wood 128 cubic feet. Deals ......... Boards 9 inches wide. Dozen 12 articles. Faggot of steel 120 Ibs. Fodder of lead 19 cwt. Gross 12 doz. Hundred of deals 120 in number. nails 120 Keel of coals 21 tons 4 cwt. Load of bricks 500 bricks. inch boards 600 square feet. 2-inch planks .... 300 square feet. lime 32 bushels. new hay 19 cwt. 32 Ibs. old hay 18 straw . , . r . 11 ,, 64 sand . . /'...;. . 36 bushels. squared timber .... 50 cubic feet. unhewn 40 ,, tttes. . . . . . .1000 tiles. Mat of flax (Dutch) . . ' . . , . 126 Ibs. Pig of ballast . ; .". : ; : ;.'..- . 56 Planks .... . ; ,ui;- . . Boards 12 inches wide. Quire of paper 24 sheets. Ream of paper 20 quires, or 480 sheets. Roll of parchment 60 skins. Sack of coals. . /;/-;.' . . 224 Ibs. Score. . '.' : 'V l?0 . -' . ''. ' '. . 20 articles. 448 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Sheet of paper folded into 2 leaves is termed . . . . folio size. 4 , 4to, or quarto. 8 12 16 18 24 48 8vo, or octavo. 12mo, or duodecimo. 16mo. 18mo. 24mo. 48mo. Square of planking 100 superficial feet. Thousand of nails .... -s 1200 nails. Ton shipping 40 cubic feet. Truss of old hay 56 Ibs. ,, new hay 60 straw 36 , OFFICE MEMOBANDA. Books required in the Keeping of a Gas Company's Accounts. 1. Ledger (general). 2. Cash Book (general). 8. Gas Eegister, or Ledger, sometimes called " The Consumers' Ledger." 4. Mill Register, or Ledger. This book is devoted to the accounts of all the largest con- sumers, such as millowners, and the proprietors of other large establishments of any kind where the consumption 01 gas is heavy. They are handier classed together by them- selves, than mixed up with smaller consumers. 5. Removals Book. In this book is kept an account of all changes of residence that have taken place amongst consumers during each quarter, the substitution of meters, and the consumption of gas by temporary consumers, &c. It is a most useful record, and prevents confusion by interlineations in the regular register. 6. Quarterly Summary. The several pages in the three foregoing books are added up, and then brought together here, quarterly, in order to ascertain the total consumption, amount due, &c. By means of this book it is easy to compare the totals of the different quarters during a number of years. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 119 7. Journal, Containing entries of all goods sold from the works, with the exception of gas. Separate columns should be arranged for "Fittings, &c.," " Eesidual Products," "Miscellaneous," and " Total." At the end of each quarter the separate amounts of all accounts remaining unpaid are transferred to the 8. Arrears Fittings, &c., Book, Which is entered up at the end of every quarter, and shows the amount remaining due (arrears included) for Fittings, Residual Products, and Miscellaneous. 9. Daily Receipt (Cash) Book, In which is entered the amount of each separate payment made to the company on account of " Gas," " Meter-Rents," "Fittings, &c.," "Residual Products," and other miscel- laneous items. 10. Stock-Taking Books, For taking the quarterly stock of gas consumed through each meter. Two or more are always required, according to the number of consumers. The one used (we will suppose) on Monday is left at the office that night to be entered up into the Register, by the clerk on the day following ; and so on alternately. 11. Black Book, In which a record of all bad debts is kept. 12. Collector's Book. In some cases, checks only are used, with counterfoil. 13. Receiving Book, In which all delivery notes for goods received by the company are copied daily. The regular invoice, when received, is checked by this book. 14. Wages and Time Book, Containing, in separate columns, a daily account of the number of hours worked by each man, the kind of work, and the place where employed, with the amount due as wages at the end of each week. 15. Stores Book, A. 16. Stores Book, B. In the one is kept a record of goods sold out of stock, and in the other of goods used out of stock for repairs and extension of plant. The one may be said to relate to mcnue ; the other chiefly to capital. 460 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR 17. Stores Ledger, Into which the entries in the previous two books are posted to the credit of the several accounts (such as " Meters," " Lead Pipe," " Wrought-iron Fittings," &c.), and the items from the several invoices are posted to the debit of the several accounts. At the end of each half year the balance of each account represents the stock on hand. This latter is proved to be correct or otherwise by the result of the actual stock- taking. 18. Carbonizing Book Daily and Weekly Statements, Containing a record of the' 4 state of the station-meter taken twice in the 24 hours (in large works the state of the meter is recorded every hour) ; the quantity of coal and cannel used daily, the production of gas per ton, and the total daily production ; the number of benches at work, stokers, &c. Each page serves for a week, and is then added up ; an addi- tional line is left at the foot of the page, on which is entered for comparison, the particulars of the total of the correspond- ing week of the previous year. 19. Public Lamp Eegister, Gives particulars of the number of lamps lighted each night ; the hours of lighting and extinguishing ; the hours burning per lamp, the total hours burning ; a column into which the number of hours, weekly, can be added, and another for remarks. 20. Test Eegister, For noting the results of the different tests of the illuminating power and purity of the gas. 21. Shareholders' Register and Address Book. 22. Seal Eegister and Dividend List. 23. Eegister of Calls. 24. Eegister of Transfers. 25. Transfer Certificate Book, Containing certificates of the registration of shares, to be torn out, leaving counterfoil behind. 26. Invoice Book, With blank leaves, into which are gummed all invoices for goods received. 27. Minute Book. A lettered index at the beginning of this book is handy. GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGERS. 461 A few other account-books of a less important character may be useful ; but the above are indispensable in a well-regulated gas company. Discount for Early Payment of Gas Bills. The custom of allowing discount to consumers on gas bills paid either during the first month after the expiration of a quarter, or within a period of 21 or 30 days from the date of the delivery of the account, is becoming very general amongst gas companies. The most common allowance is at the rate of 10 per cent, on the amount due for gas consumed (excluding the meter-rent), but the premium varies throughout the country from 5 to 20 per cent. ; some companies adopting a graduated scale of discounts according to the quarterly consumption. The practice, wherever adopted, has been found highly beneficial, saving labour in collecting, and reducing the percentage of bad debts. FOEMS. Renouncement of Proposed Xeir Issue on the Transfer of Old Shares, I, John Thompson, of Tipping Street, Newcastle, hereby renounce my right to any of the new Shares about to be issued by the Gas Company, in favour of William Jones, of Broad Street, Man- chester. (Signed) JOHN THOMPSON, To the Secretary Jan. 1, 18 of the Gas Company. Renunciation of Shares newly Allotted. I, John Wilson, of Birmingham, being the holder [or proprietor] of Shares in the - Gas Company, do hereby renounce the same to and in favour of William Jackson, of Bristol. And I, the said William Jackson, hereby agree to accept and take the said Shares, subject to the conditions on which they are allotted. Dated this day of , One thousand eight hundred and Signed by the said^ John Wilson in the - JOHN WILSON. presence of ) (Here Witness signs.) Signed by the said} William Jackson in L WILLIAM JACKSON. the presence of ) (Here Witness signs.) G o 2 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB Declaration for Loss of Sealed Share (Jertijicates. I, , of , do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that I am possessed of and entitled to in the Com- pany, , and that the said are bond Ji.de my property, and that they are not pledged or assigned to any person or persons whomsoever for money advanced thereon, or for any consideration whatever. And I further declare that I have made diligent search for the , and can nowhere find the same. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act made and passed in the 5th and 6th years of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled ' An Act for the more effectual abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various departments of the State, and to substitute declarations in lieu thereof,' and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and extra judicial Oaths and Affidavits, and to make other provisions for the abolition of un- necessary Oaths." Declared at , this day of , One thousand eight hundred and , before me. [The above Declaration is to be made before a Commissioner to administer Oaths in Chancery in England. Any person making a false Declaration is declared guilty of a misdemeanour.] Indemnity for Loss of Share Certificates or Dividend Warrant. Company. Whereas , in the Company called the , numbered , being the property of , the undersigned, h by accident been lost or destroyed, and the said Company have consented to give , on being indemnified for so doing. Now, in consideration of the said Company so granting to me, the said , a , we the undersigned and do hereby severally and respec- tively undertake and agree to save harmless and keep indemnified the Directors for the time being of the said Company of and from all losses, damages, and expenses which they, any or either of them, may sustain, incur, or be put unto, for or in consequence of their so granting such new ; and also from and against all claim or claims to be at any time hereafter made upon the said Company for or in respect of the original by any person or persons whomsoever. Dated this day of , One thousand eight hundred And . GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 45* Declaration of Transmission of Shares (from wife to husband) in consequence of Marriage. I, John Smith, of in the county of , do hereby solemnly declare that on the day of , One thousand eight hundred and , I was married at church, , in the parish of , in the county of , to Mary Baker, of aforesaid,* , and that the accompanying docu- ment is a true copy of or extract from the marriage register of church , and that the said Mary Baker referred to in the above-named register is the same person whose name now appears in the books as a shareholder in the Gas Company, and that prior to the celebration of the aforesaid marriage neither any deed of settlement or any other deed or document was prepared or executed upon any trusts affecting the pecuniary interest or otherwise of either myself or the said Mary Baker. And I do make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act made and passed in the 5th and 6th years in the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parlia- ment, intituled ' An Act for the more effectual abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various departments of the State, and to substitute declarations in lieu thereof,' and for the more entire sup- pression of voluntary and extra judicial Oaths and Affidavits, and to make other provisions for the abolition of unnecessary Oaths." Declared at , this day of , One thousand eight hun- dred and , before me. [The above Declaration is to be made before a Commissioner to administer Oaths in Chancery in England.] Authority to Pay Dividends. Company, 18 Payment of Dividends. I, the undersigned, , of , being a shareholder of and in the undertaking called the Company, do hereby request that all Dividends and Interest due to me on the Stock or Shares now registered, or that may hereafter be registered in my name may be paid to , of , until further notice, whose receipt shall be a sufficient discharge to the Company for the payment of the same. Signature Date Spinster or Widow, as the case may ho. 454 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Certificate Shuiciny that Income-Tax has been Deducted. This is to certify that on paying to John Brown the sum of 45, being the amount of one year's Dividend (or, one half year's Dividend, as the case may be) on Shares (or Stock) to December 31st, 18 , I deducted for Income-Tax the sum of 18s. 9d. Pro the A B Gas Company, WILLIAM JONES, Secretary. Form of Proxy. A. B., one of the proprietors of '" The Company," doth hereby appoint C. D., of , to be the proxy of the said A. B., in his absence to vote in his name upon any matter relating to the undertaking proposed at the meeting of the proprietors of the said Company, to be held on the day of next, in such manner as he the said C. D. doth think proper. In witness whereof the said A. B. hath hereunto set his hand [or, if a corporation, say, the common seal of the corporation] , the day of , One thousand eight hundred and . TERMS FOE LEASES, ETC. England and Ireland. Scot! find. Lady Day . . . March 25th Midsummer June 24th. Candlemas . . . Feb. 2nd. Whitsunday . . . May 15th. Michaelmas . . Sept. 29th. I Lammas. . , . August 1st. -Christmas . . . Dec. 25th. | Martinmas . . . Nov. llth. When a Scottish term falls on Sunday, the Monday following is considered term day. LAW TERMS. England and Ireland. Hilary or Lent . . Begins, Jan. llth. . Ends, Jan. 31st. Easter .... ,, April 15th. . ,, May 8th. Trinity .... May 22nd. . ' June 12th. Michaelmas ... ,, Nov. 2nd. . ,, Nov. 25th. Scotland. Candlemas . . . Begins, Jan. 15th . . Ends, Feb. 3rd. Whitsunday. . V" ,, May 12th . . ,, June 2nd. Lammas. ... ,, June 17th. . ,, July 5th. Martinmas . . . Nov. 24th. Dec. 20th. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGEES. 455 SIZES OF DKAWING PAPEE. Ft. In. Ft. In. Antiquarian . ,, extra Double Elephant Atlas. . . . Columbia Elephant 4 4 3 2 2 2 4 8 4 10 10 Si X X X x X f x 2 3 2 2 1 1 7 4 3 2 11 m Double Crown Imperial . Super Royal Eoyal . . Medium . Demy ...<* Ft. In. Ft. In. 6 X 6 X 3 X 2 X 10 1 8 1 10 1 7 TABLE OF COLOUKS Used in ^Lechanical and Architectural Drawing. Work. Brickwork in plan or section Brickwork in elevation . Colour. Carmine or crimson lake. Venetian red or crimson lake mixed with burnt sienna. Brickwork to be removed by al- terations Burnt umber. Concrete works Sepia with darker markings. Clay *!,:,.. Burnt umber. Earth Burnt umber. Flintwork Prussian blue. Granite Purple madder or pale Indian ink. Stone generally Yellow ochre or pale sepia. Slate Indigo and lake or Prussian blue. English timber (oak excepted) . Ptaw sienna. Oak Burnt sienna or Vandyke brown. Fir and other light timber . . Indian yellow or raw sienna. Mahogany Indian red. Cast-iron ....... Payne's grey or neutral tint. Wrought-iron . . . . ; ~ ? Prussian blue. Steel, bright Indigo with a little lake. Brass Gamboge or Eoman ochre. Gun metal Dark cadmium. Lead Pale Indian ink, tinged with Indigo. Meadow land Hooker's green. Sky effects Cobalt blue. The presence of any slight greasiness, preventing the laying on of the colours evenly, may be counteracted in its effects by dissolving a little prepared ox-gall in the water with which the colours are mixed. The brush should always be used in mixing colours ; the latter being rubbed in separate divisions of the slab. 456 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR EPITOME OF MENSURATION. Of the Circle, Cylinder, and Sphere. The areas of circles are to each other as the squares of their diameters. The diameter of a circle being 1, its circumference equals 3-1416. The diameter of a circle multiplied by 3-1416 equals its circum- ference. The diameter of a circle is equal to % -31831 of its circumference. The square of the diameter of a circle being 1, its area equals 7854. The diameter of a circle squared and multiplied by -7854 equals its area. The internal circumference of a cylinder multiplied by its length or height equals its concave surface. The area of the end of a cylinder multiplied by its length equals its solid contents. The area of the internal diameter of a cylinder multiplied by its depth equals its cubical capacity. The square of the diameter of a sphere multiplied by 3-1416 equals its convex surface. The cube of the diameter of a sphere multiplied by '5236 equals its solid contents. The capacity of a cylinder 1 foot in diameter and 1 foot in length equals 4-895 imperial gallons. The capacity of a cylinder 1 inch in diameter and 1 foot in length equals -034 of an imperial gallon. The capacity of a cylinder 1 inch in diameter and 1 inch in length equals -002832 of an imperial gallon. Hence The capacity of any other cylinder in imperial gallons is ob- tained by multiplying the square of its diameter by its length, and by the number of imperial gallons contained in the unity of its measurement. The capacity of a sphere 1 foot in diameter equals 3-263 imperial gallons. The capacity of a sphere 1 inch in diameter equals -001888 of an imperial gallon. Hence The capacity of any other sphere in imperial gallons is obtained by multiplying the cube of its diameter by the number of imperial gallons contained in the unity of its measurement. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 457 Of the Square, Rectangle, and Cube. The side of a square equals the square root of its area. The area of a square equals the square of one of its sides. The diagonal of a square equals the square root of twice the square of its side. The side of a square is equal to the square root of half the square of its diagonal. The side of a square equal to the diagonal of a given square contains double the area of the given square. The area of a rectangle equals its length multiplied by its breadth. The length of a rectangle equals the area divided by the breadth ; or the breadth equals the area divided by the length. The side or end of a rectangle equals the square root of the sum of the diagonal and opposite side to that required, multiplied by their difference. The diagonal in a rectangle equals the square root of the sum of the squares of the base and perpendicular. The solidity of a cube equals the area of one of its sides multiplied by the length or breadth of one of its sides. The length or breadth of a side of a cube equals the cube root of its solidity. The capacity of a 12-inch cube equals 6-232 imperial gallons. Of Triangles and Polygons. The sum of the squares of the two given sides of a right-angled triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. The difference between the squares of the hypotenuse and given side of a right-angled triangle is equal to the square of the required side. The area of a triangle equals half the product of the base multiplied by the perpendicular height. The side of any regular polygon multiplied by its apothegm, or perpendicular, and by the number of its sides, equals twice the area. Of Ellipses, Cones, and Frustums, The square root of half the sum of the squares of the two diameters of an ellipse, multiplied by 3-1416, equals its circumference. The product of the two axes of an ellipse, multiplied by -7854, equals its area. The solidity of a cone equals one-third of the product of its base multiplied by its altitude, or height. The squares of the diameters of the two ends of the frustum of a cone added to the product of the two diameters, and that sum multi- plied by its height, and by -2618, equal its solidity. 458 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Table of Common Fractional Parts and Equivalent Decimals. Common Fractional Decimals. Parts. Common Fractional Parts. Decimals. Common Fractional Parts. Decimals. 1-lOOth 01 9-14018 and 12 multiplied by 3, added together, multiplied by 4 and divided by 12, the quotient =60. {] Brackets; e.g. 12 - [ 3 + (4 x 2)] = 1, signify that the product of 4, multiplied by 2, added to 3, and the total sub- tracted from 12, leaves 1. .. . is used to signify the word there/ore. . is used to signify the word because, or since. 2 is used in the Chain Rule to signify hon- many. 480 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB APPROXIMATE MULTIPLIERS FOR FACILITATING CALCULATIONS. Square inches x "007 = square feet. Square feet x "111 = square yards. Square yards x 0002067 = statute acres. Square yards x -000000323 = square miles. Statute acres x 4840 = square yards. Statute acres x -0015625 = square miles. Square links x - 4356 = square feet. Square feet x 2-3 = square links. Square feet x 183-346 = circular inches. Circular inches x -00456 = square feet. Links x -22 = yards. Links x -66 = feet. Feet x 1-5 = links. Cubic inches x '00058 = cubic feet. Cubic inches x -01638 = litres. Cubic feet x -037 = cubic yards. Cubic feet x 2200 = cylindrical inches. Cylindrical inches x -0004546 = cubic yards. Cylindrical feet x -02909 = cubic yards. Cubic feet x 6-232 = imperial gallons. Imperial gallons x -1604 = cubic feet. Cubic inches x -003607 = imperial gallons. Imperial gallons x 277'3 = cubic inches. Imperial gallons x 4-541 = litres. Cubic feet x '779 = bushels. Cubic inches x -00045 = bushels. Bushels x -0476 = cubic yards. Bushels x 1-284 = cubic feet. Bushels x 2218-2 = cubic inches. Lineal feet x -00019 = statute miles. Lineal yards x -0006 statute miles. Statute miles x -869 = mean geographical miles. Mean geographical miles x 1-151 = statute miles. Pounds avoirdupois x 7000 = grains. Pounds avoirdupois x -82286 = pounds troy. Pounds troy x 1-2153 = pounds avoirdupois. Grains x -0001429 = pounds avoirdupois. Pounds avoirdupois x -009 = cwts. Pounds avoirdupois x -00045 = tons. Tons x 2240 = pounds avoirdupois. Tons x 1-016 = tonnes, French. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. French tonnes x '984 = English tons. Pounds on square inch x 144 = pounds on square foot. Pounds on square foot x "007 = pounds on square inch. Miles per hour x 1-467 = feet per second. Feet per second x '682 = miles per hour. Metres x 3-281 = English feet. Litres x '2202 = imperial gallons. Hectolitres x 2-7512 = English bushels. Grammes x '002205 = pounds avoirdupois. Kilogrammes x 2-205 = pounds avoirdupois. Diameter of circle x 8-1416 = circumference. Circumference of circle x -31831 = diameter. Diameter of circle x -8862 = side of equal square. Circumference of circle x -2821 = side of equal square. Diameter of circle x -7071 = side of inscribed square. Circumference of circle x -2251 = side of inscribed square. Area of circle x -6366 = side of inscribed square. Side of square x 1-128 = diameter of equal circle. Side of square x 3-545 = circumference of equal circle. Side of square x 1-414 = diameter of circumscribing circle. Side of square x 4-448 = circumference of circumscribing circle. Square of diameter x -7854 = area of circle. Square root of area x 1-12837 = diameter of equal circle. Square of diameter of sphere x 3-1416 = convex surface. Cube of diameter of sphere x -5236 = solidity. Diameter of sphere x -806 = dimensions of equal cube. Diameter of sphere x -6667 = length of equal cylinder. One atmosphere = 14-7 pounds on square inch. =2116 pounds on squai-e foot. ,, 29-922 inches of mercury. = 33-9 feet of water. Each 1000 cubic feet of coal gas in a -holder x 37 = (approximate) weight of gas in pounds. The atomic weight of an elementary gas x -0691 = its specific gravity.* Half the atomic weight of a compound gas or vapour x -0691 = its specific gravity. In round numbers, d. per square yard is 10 per statute acre (actually 10 Is. 8d.) * Exceptions to this rule occur in the case of the vapours of phosphorus and arsenic, whose atomic weights must be doubled, and in those of mercury, zinc, and cadmium, the atomic weights of which must be halved. NEWBIGGENQ'S HANDBOOK FOR TABLE OF DIAMETERS, CIRCUMFERENCES, AND AREAS OF CIRCLES, AND SIDES OF EQUAL SQUARES. Diam. Circum- ference. Area. Side of Equal ; Diam. Square. Circum- ference. Area. Side of Equal Square. | 7854 0490 2215 13| 43-197 148-489 12-185 i 1-5708 1963 4431 14 43-982 153-938 12-406 2-3562 4417 6646 m 44-767 159-485 12-628 1 3-1416 7854 8862 144 45-553 165-130 12-850 11 5-9270 1-2271 1-1077 14J 46-338 170-873 13-071 14 4-7124 1-7671 1-3293 15 47-124 176-715 13-293 11 5-4978 2-4052 1-5508 151 47-909 182-654 13-514 2 6-2832 3-1416 1-7724 154 -. 48-694 188-692 13-736 21 7-0686 3-9760 1-9939 15| 49-480 194-828 13-957 24 7-8540 4-9087 2-2155 16 50-265 201-062 14-174 2} 8-6394 5-9395 2-4370 161 51-051 207-394 14-400 3 9-4248 7-0686 2-6586 ] 164 51-836 213-825 14-622 31 10-210 8-2957 2-8801 161 52-621 220-353 14-843 Si 10-995 9-6211 3-1017 17 53-407 226-980 15-065 Bi 11-781 11-044 3-3232 ; 171 54-192 233-705 15-286 4 12-566 12-566 3-5448 j 17J 54-978 240-528 15-508 41 13-351 14-186 3-7663 | 171 55-763 247-450 15-730 3 14-137 15-904 3-9880 18 56-548 254-469 15-951 43 14 -.922 17-720 4-2095 181 57-334 261-587 16-173 5 15-708 19-635 4-4310 184 58-119 268-803 16-394 5i 16-493 21-647 4-6525 181 58-905 276-117 16-616 54 17-278 23-758 4-8741 19 59-690 283-529 16-837 51 18-064 25-967 5-0956 191 60-475 291-039 17-060 6 18-849 28-274 5-3172 194 61-261 298-648 17-280 61 19-635 30-679 5-5388 191 62-046 306-355 17-502 6J 20-420 33-183 5-7603 20 62-832 314-160 17-724 61 21-205 35-784 5-9819 201 63-617 322-063 17-945 7 21-991 38-484 6-2034 204 64-402 330-064 18-167 71 22-776 41-282 6-4350 201 65-188 338-163 18-388 74 23-562 44-178 6-6465 21 65-973 346-361 18-610 7J 24-347 47-173 6-8681 211 66-759 354-657 18-831 8 25-132 50-265 7-0897 214 67-544 363-051 19-053 81 25-918 53-456 7-3112 211 68-329 371-543 19-274 84 26-703 56-745 7-5328 22 69-115 380-133 19-496 8| 27-489 60-132 7-7544 221 69-900 388-822 19-718 9 28-274 63-617 7-9760 22J 70-686 397-608 19-939 91 29-059 67-200 8-1974 221 71-471 406-493 20-161 9* 29-845 70-882 8-4190 ! 23 72-256 415-476 20-382 9$ 30-630 74-662 8-6405 231 73-042 424-557 20-604 10 31-416 78-540 8-8620 234 73-827 433-731 20-825 101 32-201 82-516 9-0836 23| 74-613 443-014 21-047 104 32-986 86-590 9-3051 24 75-398 452-390 21-268 101 33-772 90-762 9-5267 241 76-183 461-864 21-490 11 34-557 95-033 9-7482 244 76-969 471-436 21-712 11J 35-343 99-402 9-9698 241 77-754 481-106 21-933 114 36-128 103-869 10-191 25 78-540 490-875 22-155 111 36-913 108-434 10-413 251 79-325 500-741 22 '376 12 37-699 113-097 10-634 254 80-110 510-706 22-598 121 38-484 117-859 10-856 251 80-896 520-769 22-819 12J 39-270 122-718 11-077 26 81-681 530-930 23-041 12| 40-055 127-676 11-299 261 82-467 541-189 23-262 13 40-840 132-732 11-520 264 83-252 551-547 23-484 13* 41-626 137-886 11-742 261 84-037 562-002 23-708 134 42-411 143-139 11-963 27 84-823 572-556 23-927 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Diam. Circum- ference. Area. Side of Equal Diam. Square. Circum- ference. Area. Side of Equal Square. 27} 85-608 583-208 24-149 41J 131-161 1369-00 36-999 27A 86-394 593-958 24-370 42 131-947 1385-44 37-220 27i 87-179 604-807 24-592 421 132-732 1401-98 37-442 28 87-964 615-753 24-813 424 133-518 1418-62 37-663 28J 88-750 626-798 25-035 423 134-303 1435-36 37-885 284 89-535 637-941 25-256 43 135-088 1452-20 38-106 283 90-321 649-182 25-478 431 135-874 1469-13 38-328 29 91-106 660-521 25-699 43* 136-659 1486-17 38-549 291 91-891 671-958 25-921 433 137-445 1503-30 38-771 294 92-677 683-494 26-143 44 138-230 1520-63 38-993 29J 93-462 695-128 26-364 441 139-015 1537-86 39-214 30 94-248 706-860 26-586 444 139-801 1555-28 39-436 301 95-033 718-690 26-807 443 140-586 1572-81 39-657 304 95-818 730-618 27-029 45 141-372 1590-43 39-879 30I 96-604 742-644 27-250 451 142-157 1608-15 40-110 31 97-389 754-769 27-472 454 142-942 1625-97 40-322 311 98-175 766-992 27-693 45| 143-728 1643-89 40-543 314 98-968 779-313 27-915 46 144-513 1661 -90 40-765 31| 99-745 791-732 28-136 461 145-299 1680-01 40-986 32 100-531 804-249 28-358 464 146-084 1698-23 41-208 821 101-316 816-865 28-580 46| 146-869 1716-54 41-429 324 102-102 829-578 28-801 47 147-655 1734-94 41-651 321 102-887 842-390 29-023 471 148-440 1753-45 41-873 33 103-672 855-300 29-244 474 149-226 1772-05 42-094 331 104-458 868-308 29-466 47| 150-011 1790-76 42-316 33} 105-243 881-415 29-687 48 150-796 1809-56 42-537 332 106-029 894-619 29-909 481 151-582 1828-46 42-759 34 106-814 907-922 30-131 484 152-367 1847-45 42-980 341 107-599 921-323 30-352 482 153-153 1866-55 43-202 344 108-385 934-822 30-574 49 153-938 1885-74 43-423 34| 109-170 948-419 30-795 491 154-723 1905-03 43-645 35 104-956 962-115 31-017 49} 155-509 1924-42 43-867 351 110-741 975-908 31-238 493 156-294 1943-91 44-088 354 111-526 989-800 31-460 50 157-080 1963-50 44-310 35| 112-312 1003-79 31-681 501 157-865 1983-18 44-531 36 113-097 1017-87 31-903 50* 158-650 2002-96 44-753 361 113-883 1032-06 32-124 503 159-436 2022-84 44-974 364 114-668 1046-39 32-349 51 160-221 2042-82 45-196 361 115-453 1060-73 32-567 511 161-007 2062-90 45-417 37 116-239 1075-21 32-789 514 161-792 2083-07 45-639 371 117-024 1089-79 33-011 51! 162-577 2103-35 45-861 374 117-810 1104-46 33-232 52 163-363 2123-72 46-082 37| 118-595 1119-24 33-454 521 164-148 2144-19 46-304 38 119-380 1134-11 33-675 524 164-934 2164-75 46-525 381 120-166 1149-08 33-897 521 165-719 2185-42 46-747 38* 120-951 1164-15 34-118 53 166-504 2206-18 46-968 383 121-737 1179-32 34-340 531 167-290 2227-05 47-190 39 122-522 1194-59 34-561 534 168-075 2248-01 47-411 391 123-307 1209-95 34-783 531 168-861 2269-06 47-633 394 124-093 1225-42 35-005 54 169-646 2290-22 47-854 393 124-878 1240-98 35-226 541 170-431 2311-48 48-076 40 125-664 1256-04 35-448 544 171-217 2332-83 48-298 401 126-449 1272-39 35-669 543 172-002 2354-28 48-519 m 127-234 1288-25 35-891 55 172-788 2375-83 48-741 40| 128-020 1304-20 36-112 551 173-573 2397-48 48-962 41 128-805 1320-25 36-334 554 174-358 2419-22 49-184 411 129-591 1336-40 36-555 551 175-144 2441-07 49-405 51 130-376 1352-65 36-777 56 175-929 2463-01 49-627 464 NEWBIGGINQ'S HANDBOOK FOE Diam. Circum- ference. Area. Side of Equal Square. Diam Circum- ference. Area. Side of Equal Square. 561 176-715 2485-05 49-848 71 223-053 3959-20 62-920 56* 177-500 2507-19 50-070 711 223-839 3987-13 63-141 563 178-285 2529-42 50-291 71* 224-624 4015-16 63-363 57 179-071 2551-76 50-513 713 225-409 4043-28 63-545 671 179-856 2574-19 50-735 72 226-195 4071-51 63-806 57* 180-642 2596-72 50-956 721 226-980 4099-83 64-028 181-427 2619-35 51-178 72* 227-766 4128-25 64-249 58 182-212 2642-08 51-399 723 228-551 4156-77 64-471 581 182-998 2664-91 51-621 73 229-336 4185-39 64-692 68* 183-783 2687-83 51-842 731 230-122 4214-11 64-914 583 184-569 2710-85 52-064 73* 230-907 4242-92 65-135 59 185-354 2733-97 52-285 733 231-693 4271-83 65-357 591 186-139 2757-19 52-507 74., 232-478 4300-85 65-578 69* 186-925 2780-51 52-729 741 233-263 4329-95 65-800 593 187-710 2803-92 52-950 74* 234-049 4359-16 66-022 60 188-496 2827-44 53-172 743 234-834 4388-47 66-243 601 189-281 2851-05 53-393 75 235-620 4417-87 66-465 60* 190-066 2874-76 53-615 751 236-405 4447-37 66-686 03 190-852 2898-56 53-836 75* 237-190 4476-97 66-908 61 191-637 2922-47 54-048 753 237-976 4506-67 67-129 6H 192-423 2946-47 54-279 76 238-761 4536-47 67-351 61* 193-208 2970-57 54-501 761 239-547 4566-36 67-572 613 193-993 2994-77 54-723 76* 240-332 4596-35 67-794 62 194-779 3019-07 54-944 763 241-117 4626-44 68-016 621 195-564 3043-47 55-166 77 241-903 4656-63 68-237 62* 196-350 3067-96 55-387 771 242-688 4686-92 68-459 621 197-135 3092-56 55-609 77* 243-474 4717-30 68-680 63 197-920 3117-25 55-830 773 244-259 4747-79 68-902 631 198-706 3142-04 56-052 78 245-044 4778-37 69-123 63* 199-491 3166-92 56-273 781 245-830 4809-05 69-345 633 200-277 3191-91 56-495 78* 246-615 4839-83 69-566 64 201-062 3216-99 56-716 783 247-401 4870-70 69-788 641 201-847 3242-17 56-938 79 248-186 4901-68 70-009 64* 202-633 3267-46 57-159 791 248-971 4932-75 70-231 643 203-418 3292-83 57-381 79* 249-757 4963-92 70-453 65 204-204 3318-31 57-603 791 250-542 4995-19 70-674 651 204-989 3343-88 57-824 80 251-328 5026-56 70-896 65* 205-774 3369-56 58-046 801 252-113 5058-01 71-119 651 206-560 3395-33 58-267 80* 252-898 5089-58 71-339 66 207-345 3421-20 58-489 803 253-684 5121-24 71-562 661 208-131 3447-16 58-710 81 254-469 5153-00 71-782 66* 208-916 3473-23 58-932 811 255-255 5184-86 72-005 663 209-701 3499-39 59-154 81* 256-040 5216-82 72-225 67 210-487 3525-66 59-375 811 256-825 5248-87 72-449 671 211-272 3552-01 59-597 82 257-611 5281-02 72-668 67* 212-068 3578-47 59-818 821 258-396 5313-27 72-892 673 212-843 3605-03 60-040 82* 259-182 5345-62 73-111 68 213-628 3631-68 60-261 823 259-967 5370-07 73-335 681 214-414 3658-44 60-483 83 260-752 5410-62 73-554 68* 215-199 3685-29 60-704 831 261-538 5443-26 73-778 683 215-985 3712-24 60-926 83* 262-323 5476-00 73-997 69 216-770 3739-28 61-147 833 263-109 5508-84 74-221 691 217-555 3766-43 61-369 84 263-894 5541-78 74-440 69* 218-341 3793-67 61-591 264-679 5574-81 74-664 693 219-126 3821-02 61-812 84* 265-465 5607-95 74-884 70 219-912 3848-46 62-934 843 266-260 5641-18 75-107 701 220-697 3875-99 62-255 85 267-036 5674-51 75-327 70* 221-482 3903-63 62-477 861 267-821 5707-94 75-550 70} 222-268 3931-36 62-698 85* 268-606 6741-47 75-770 GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGEES. Diam. Circum- ference. Area. Side of Equal Square. Diam. Circum- ference. Area. Side of Equal Square. 853 269-392 5775-09 75-994 991 311-803 7736-62 87-958 86 270-177 5808-61 76-213 994 312-589 7775-65 88-179 86J 270-963 5842-63 76-437 993 313-374 7814-79 88-401 S6J 271-748 5876-55 76-656 100 314-160 7854-00 88-622 863 272-533 5910-57 76-880 1001 314-945 7893-31 88-844 87 273-319 5944-69 77.099 1004 315-730 7932-73 89-065 87* 274-104 5978-90 77.323 1003 316-516 7972-21 89-287 874 274-890 6013-21 77-542 101 317-301 8011-86 89-508 873 276-675 6047-62 77-766 1011 318-087 8051-57 89-730 88 276-460 6082-13 77-985 1014 318-872 8091-38 89-952 881 277-246 6H6-74 78-209 1013 319-657 8131-29 90-173 88* 278-031 6151-44 78-428 102 320-443 8171-30 90-395 S8J 278-817 6186-25 78-652 1021 321-228 8211-40 90-616 89 279-602 6221-15 78-871 1024 322-014 8251-60 90-838 891 280-387 6256-15 79-095 1023 322-799 8291-86 91-059 894 281-173 6291-25 79-315 103 323-584 8332-30 91-281 89| 281-958 6326-44 79-538 1031 324-370 8372-80 91-502 'JO 282-744 6361-74 79-758 1034 325-155 8413-40 91-724 901 283-529 63'.)7'13 79-982 103J 325-941 8454-09 91-946 904 284-314 6132-62 80-201 104 326-726 8494-88 92-167 yoi 285-100 6468-21 80-425 1041 327-511 8535-77 92-389 91 285-885 6;' 03 -89 80-644 1044 328-297 8576-76 92-610 911 286-671 6539-68 80-868 1043 329-082 8617-85 92-832 91| 287-456 6573-56 81-087 105 329-868 8659-03 93-053 91 1 288-241 6611-54 81-311 1051 330-653 8700-31 93-275 92 289-027 6647-62 81-530 1054 331-438 8741-69 93-496 921 289-812 6683-80 81-754 1053 332-224 8783-17 93-718 924 290-598 6720-07 81-973 106 333 '(09 8824-75 93-940 923 291-383 6756-45 82-197 1061 333-794 8866-42 94-161 93 292-168 6792-92 82-416 1064 334-580 89<'8'20 94-383 931 292-954 6829-49 82-640 1063 335-365 8950-07 94-604 934 293-739 6866-16 82-859 107 336-151 8992-04 94-826 933 294-535 6902-92 83-083 1071 336-936 9034-11 95-047 94 295-310 6939-79 83-302 1074 337-722 9076-27 95-269 941 296-095 6976-75 83-526 1073 338-506 9118-54 95-491 944 296-881 7013-81 83-746 108 339-292 9160-90 95-712 943 297-666 7050-97 83-970 1081 340-077 9203-36 95-934 95 298-452 7088-23 84-189 1084 340-863 9245-92 96-155 951 299-237 7125-58 84-413 1083 341-648 9288-58 96-377 984 300-022 7163-04 84-632 109 342-434 9331-33 96-598 95J 300-808 7200-59 84-856 1091 343-219 9374-18 96-820 9(5 301-593 7238-24 85-077 1094 344-005 9417-14 97-041 961 302-379 7275-99 85-299 1093 344-789 9460-19 97-263 964 303-164 7313-84 85-520 110 345-576 9503-34 97-485 963 303-949 7351-78 85-742 120 376-992 11309-76 106-348 97 304-735 7389-82 85-964 130 408-408 13273-26 115-234 971 305-520 7427-96 86-185 140 439-248 15393-84 124-079 974 306-306 7466-20 86-407 150 471-240 17671-50 132-935 971 307-091 7504-54 86-628 160 502-656 20106-24 141-798 98 307-876 7542-98 86-850 170 534-072 22698-06 150-659 981 308-662 7581-51 87-071 180 565-488 25446-96 159-521 984 309-447 7620-14 87-293 190 596-904 28352-94 168-383 98| 310-233 7658-87 87-514 200 628-320 31416-00 177-247 99 311-018 7697-70 87-736 300 942-480 70686-00 265-869 466 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Troy Wcif/ht. Pennyweights. Grains, gr. Ounces. 1 = 24 dwt. Pound. 1 = 20 = 480 07. . 1 12 = 240 = 5760 Ib. A carat = 4 grains. 487*5 grs. troy 1 oz. avoirdupois. 7000 = ! Ib. 100 ozs. troy = 109f ozs. avoirdupois. 8-2 grs, troy = 4 diamond grs. 1 oz. = 150 The pound troy is the weight of 22-81 5 cubic inches of distilled water, at the temperature of 62 Fahr., the height of the barometer being 30 inches. Troy Aveight is used in philosophical experiments, and in weighing gold, silver, and jewels. The fineness of gold and silver coins means the proportion of the precious metal which they contain. This is ex- pressed in lOOOths of their total weight, or in carats 24ths of their total weight. British gold coins are 22 carats fine, or 0-916| ; silver coins, 0-925. Gold, if pure, is said to be 24 carats fine; if there be one of alloy, with 23 carats of pure gold, it is 23 carats fine, and so on downwards. The alloy in gold and silver coins consists of copper. The true weight of a sovereign is 123-274 grains consisting of pure gold, 11 parts, or 118-001 grains ; copper, 1 part, or 10-273 grains. Silver coin consists of pure silver, 222 parts ; copper, 18 parts. The weight of a shilling is 87J grains. 24 pence are made from an avoirdupois pound of copper. Septem and Decigallon. The word septem (seven) is descriptive of the weight of the 1000th part of a decigallon of distilled water at 62 Fahr., and under a baro- metric pressure of 30 inches. A decigallon of water is the tenth part of a gallon, and as a gallon of water at the above temperature and pressure weighs 70,000 grains ( 10 Ib. avoirdupois), it follows that the tenth part, or a decigallon, must weigh 7000 grains (1 Ib.) Each decigallon is divided into 1000 soptems ; and therefore the septem of pure water weighs 7 grains. GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGERS. ApotJwca rit's We ight . Drams, Scruples. Grains, gr. or Drachms. 1 = 20 scr. Ounces. 1 = 3 = 60 dr. Pound. 1 =8 = 24 = 480 oz. 1 = 12 =96 = 288 = 5760 Ib. The sign of the scruple is 3 ; the dram, 5 ; the ounce, 5 This weight, which is now abolished, was formerly used for com- pounding medicines. The grain, ounce, and pound are equal to those of troy weight. Drugs are bought and sold by avoirdupois weight. A voirdupoix Weight. Ounces. Drams, dr. Pounds. 1 = 16 oz. Stones. 1 = 16 = 256 Ib. Quarters. 1 = 14 = 224 = 3584 at. Cwts. 1=2= 28 = 448 = 7168 qr. Ton. 1 = 1= 8 = 112 = 1792 - 28672 cwt. 1 =20 =80 =160 = 2240 = 35840 = 573440 ton. 1 Ib. avoirdupois = 7000 grains troy. 1 oz. avoirdupois = 437*5 grains troy. 100 ozs. avoirdupois = Ol^ths ozs. troy. The imperial pound avoirdupois is the standard unit by means of which all commodities, except gold, silver, and precious stones, are weighed, and is equal to the weight of one-tenth of an imperial gallon, or of 27'7274 cubic inches of distilled water at the temperature of 62 Fahr., and when the barometer stands at 30 inches. A. certain piece of platinum of this standard weight is kept in the Exchequer Office at Westminster. Lineal or Long Measure. Rods, Perches or Poles. Chains. 1 = 1 = 4 = 10 = 40 = 80 = 320 = Yards. 1 = 5* = 22" = 220 = 1760 = Feet. 1 3 = 16* = 66 = 660 5280 = Inches. 12 36 198 792 7920 03360 Furlongs. Mile. 1 = 1 = 8 = 1 link = 7-92 inches. 100 links = 1 chain, or 66 feet, or 22 yards. 1 league = 3 geographical or nautical miles. 1 hand = 4 inches. 1 fathom = 6 feet. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE 1 military pace = 2^ feet. 1 geometrical pace = 5 feet. 1 geographical or nautical mile = 1-15 statute miles. 1 geographical degree = 60 geographical or nautical miles. 1 Admiralty knot = 6080 feet. The yard is the imperial standard measure of length, and is the distance, at the temperature of 62 Fahr., between two marks on a certain bar kept in the Exchequer Office, Westminster. Ell. 1 Yards. 1 Cloth Measure. Quarters. 1 = 4 = 5 = Nails. 1 4 16 20 Inches. 2* 9 36 45 The yard is the same as in lonj and subdivisions. measure, but differs in its divisions Spindle. 1 Yarn Measure Cotton. Skeins. Yards. Hanks. 1 120 1=7 840 18 = 126 = 15120 Spindle. 1 = Yarn Measure Linen. Cuts. Hears. 1 = 12 = 48 = Yards. 300 600 3600 14400 Square Measure. Sq. Poles or Sq. Yards. Perches. 1 = Statute Sq. Roods. 1 = 80J = Acre. 1 = 40 = 1210 = 1 4 = 160 = 4840 = 1 square mile = 640 statute acres. In round numbers, d. per square yard is W per statute acre (actually, 10 Is. 8d.). Sq. Feet. 1 9 = 272i - 10890 = 43560 = Sq. Inches. 144 1296 39204 1568160 6272640 GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 469 4,840 square yards make 1 statute acre. 6150-4 Scotch acre. Customary Pleasure. 7,840 4,000 4,000 ~\ 5,760 7,840 10,240 V 10,240 Irish acre. Devonshire acre. Somersetshire acre. Cornwall acre. Lancashire acre. Cheshire acre. Staffordshire acre. To Reduce Statute Measure to Customary, Multiply the number of perches statute measure, by the square feet in a square perch statute measure ; divide the product by the square feet in a square perch customary measure, and the quotient will be the answer in square perches customary. To Reduce Customary Measure to Statute. Multiply the number of perches customary measure, by the square feet in a square perch customary measure ; divide the product by the square feet in a square perch statute measure, and the quotient will be the answer in square perches statute. Sq. Links. 625 10000 25000 100000 The chain with which land is measured is 22 yards long. Square Measure Land. Sq. Perch. Sq. Chains. 1 = Sq. Eoods. 1 = = Acre. 1 2-5 = 1 - 4 = 10 Cubic Yard. 1 Gallon. 1 Solid or Cubic Measure. Cubic Feet. 1 27 Liquid Measure. Pints. Quarts. 1 1=2 4-8 Cubic Inches. 1728 4665G Gills. 4 8 32 The standard measure of capacity, both for liquids and dry goods, is the imperial gallon, being equal to a volume of distilled water of 277-274 cubic inches, weighing 10 Ibs. avoirdupois, at the temperature of 62 Fahr., and 80 inches atmospheric pressure. 470 NEWHIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE Liquid Measures used by Apothecaries. 1 fluid minim = 0-0045 cubic inches. (IN.) 60 minims = 1 dram. (5) 8 drains = 1 oz. (5) 16ozs. = Ipint. (0) Wine Measures. Quarts. Gallons. 1 = Tierces. 1 = 4 = Hhds. 1 = 42 = 168 = 63 - 257 = 84 = 336 = 126 = 504 = Punch. 1 = 1| = Pipes. 1 = li = 2" = Tun. 1 = H = 2* = 8 = 1 = 2 = 8" = 4 = 6 = 252 = 1008 Ale and Beer Measure. Quarts. Gallons. 1 Firkins. 1 = 4 Kildkns. 1 = 9 = 86 Barrels. 1 = 2 = 18 = 72 Hhds. 1 = 2 = 4 - 86 = 144 Punch. 1 = l = 8=6=64 = 216 Butt. 1 =1JL = 2~=4=8= 72 = 288 1 '= H - 2' = 3 = 6 = 12 = 108 - 482 Pints. 8 336 504 672 1008 2016 Pints. : 2 8 = 72 = 144 = 288 = 482 = 576 = 864 Dry Measure. Pecks. 1 4 32 160 320 Gallons. 1 2 8 64 320 640 Pints. 8 16 64 512 60 120 Bushels. Quarters. 1 = Loads or \Veys. 1 = 8 = Last. 1 = 5 = 40 = 1 = 2 = 10 = 80 = 8 bushels 1 sack = 8'85 cubic feet. 12 sacks = 1 chaldron = 46-2 cubic feet. The imperial bushel contains 80 Ibs. avoirdupois of distilled water and its content is 2218-192 cubic inches, or 1-283 cubic feet. Table of Time. Minutes. Seconds. Hours. 1 = 60 Days. 1 - 60 = 3600 Week. 1 = 24 = 1440 - 86400 1 = 7 = 168 = 10080 = 604800 GAS ENGINEEK AND MANAGEKS. 471 28 days = 1 lunar month. 28, 29, 30, or 31 days = 1 calendar month. 1 common year = 365 days, or 52 weeks 1 day. 1 leap year 366 days, or 52 weeks 2 days. 1 Julian year = 365 days 6 hours. 1 solar year = 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 49 seconds. 30 degrees = 1 sign. 12 signs = 1 circle of the zodiac. CIRCULAR AND ANGULAR SPACE. 60" (seconds) = 1' (minute). 60' = 1 (degree). 30 = Isign. 45 =1 octant. 60 90 = 1 sextant. _ f 1 quadrant. *1 right angle. = A circle. The earth moves through 360 in 24 hours, therefore 15 = 1 hour, and 1 = 4 minutes TIME IN WHICH ANY SUM DOUBLES ITSELF, AT RATES OF INTEREST BOTH SIMPLE AND COMPOUND. Rate of Interest per cent. Years in which the sura is doubled, at Rate of Interest per cent. Years in which the sum is doubled, at Simple Interest. Compound Interest. Simple Interest. Compound Interest. 1 2 P 3J 4 i 100 50 40 33J 28f 25 H| (S9-6603 35-0028 28-0701 23-4498 20-1488 17-67303 15-7473 5 6 I 9 10 11 12 20 16 14? Iflj 10 8J 14-2067 11-8957 10-2448 9-00646 8-04328 7-27254 6-64189 6-11626 472 NEWBIGQING'S HANDBOOK FOR FRENCH WEIGHTS AND MEASURES DECIMAL SYSTEM. Weights. French. English. Milligramme = T tfeo or '001 gramme = 0-01543 grains. Centigramme = T ^ or -01 ,, 0-1543 n Decigramme = T ^ or -1 ,, 1-5432 ,, 15-432349 M 0-643 dwt. GRAMME 1 , , 0-03215 0-03527 oz. troy. 02. avoir. ., 0-0022 Ib. 0-0000197 cwt. 154-32 grains. Decagramme = 10 grammes = 0-3527 oz. avoir. 1 0-022 Ib. 1,543-23 grains. Hectogramme = 100 ,, 3-527 ozs. avr. 0-22046 Ib. 15,432-349 grains. 32-15 ozs. troy. 35-2739 ,, avoir. Kilogramme = 1,000 ,, 2-2040 Ibs. 2679 ,, troy. 0-01968 cwt. 0-00098 ton. 22-046 Ibs. aw. Myriagramme = 10,000 0-1 96H cwt. I 0-00984 ton. Quintal = 100,000 grammes = 220-46 Ibs. or 1 cwt. 3 qrs. 24 Ibs, Millierorbar = 1,000,000 = 2,204-62 Ibs. or 19 cwt. 2 qrs. 20f Ibs. The Gramme is the unit of measures of weight, and is the weight of a cubic centimetre of distilled water at its maximum density (39 Fahr.) in vacua, at sea level in the latitude of Paris, barometer 29-922 inches. English. Grain ... Dwt Dram ... Ounce, troy . Ounce, avoirdupois Pound 0-064799 1-555 1-771846 31-1035 28-3496 453-59 0-454 French. grammes. kilogramme. GAS ENGINEEKS AND MANAGERS. 478 Pound, troy . Cwt. . Ton . j 873-226 grammes. = { 0-373226 kilogrammes. 50-8 ,, ( 1,016-05 }j 1-01605 tonnes. ( 1 tonne x 984. Lineal or Long Measure. French. English. 0-03937 inch. Millimetre = TSTJJO or -001 metre . = 0-00328 foot. 0-00109 yard. 0-3937 inch. Centimetre- ^ or -01 . =\ 0-0328 foot. ( 0-0109 yard. ( 3-9371 inches. Decimetre = A, or -1 . =4 0-3281 foot. { 0-1093 yard. ( 39-37079 inches. ,, 1 3-2808992 feet. " ' = 1-093633056 yards. ( 0-00062 mile. 393-7079 inches. Decametre = 10 metres. = 82-809 10-936 feet, yards. 0-0062 mile. 3,937-079 inches. Hectometre - 100 . = 328-09 109-36 feet, yards. 0-06214 mile. 39,370-79 inches. Kilometre 1,000 . = 3,280-9 1,093-63 feet, yards. 0-62188 mile. ( 893,707-9 inches. Myriametre = 10,000 ,, . = 32,809-0 10,936-3 feet, yards. 6-21382 miles. Ligne or line = 0-088819 1-06583 inch, inches . Pouce or inch = 12 lines . Pied or foot = 12 pouces . . . = 12-78996 ,, Toise = 6 French feet . . . . = 76-74 ,, The Metre is the unit of lineal measure, and is the 10 millionth part of 90 of the meridian. 474 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Inch English. French. t 25-89954 millimetres. 2-54 centimetres. Foot . 0-254 decimetre. 1 0-0254 metre. . < ... 0-3048 Yard . . Fathom Pole = 0-9144 . . . , . . = 1-8287 metres. 5-0291 Chain . . 20-116 Furlong Mile . . Milliare (Jentiare \ or sq. metre. ) Deciare ARE or sq. i decametre. ) Decare Hectare ^ f 201-16 ~ 1 0-20116 kilometre. f 1,609-315 metres. 1 1-609315 kilometres. Square Measure. French. English. nni C 155-00 sq. ins. ( TTHTO or ' 001 are ' i f\na t t * RBHI^|C}-| ;;^ 1 1,550-0 ins. 10-764 feet. _ (^_ or -01 sq. | _ 1-196033292 ,. yard. 1 decametre . . ) 0-03954 perch. 0-00099 rood. 0-00025 ,. acre. / 15,501-0 ins. 107-64 feet. JJL or -1 sq. deca- I 11-96033 ., yards. ~ ( metre . . . i ~ 0-8954 perch. 0-0099 ., rood. 0-0025 acre 1,076-4 feet. 119-6033 ,, yards. = 1 sq. decametre. =- 3-954 ., prchs. 0-099 ,. rood. 0-0247 acre. ( 1,196-038 yards. _ (10 ares or sq. l_ 39-54 ., prchs. i decametres .-.'} 0-99 ,, rood. 1 0-2471 acre. f 11,960-3 yards. _ 1 100 ares or sq. I 395-4 ,, prchs. ~ 1 decametres . . J~ 9-89 ,, roods, 2-4712 acres. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 475 The are, which is a square de'cametre, is the unit of square measure. English. Square inch Square foot Square yard Square perch Square rood Square acre Square mile French. 645-187 sq. millimetres. 0-000645 0-0929 0-8361 25-292 1,011-7 4,046-7 2-59 metre. metres. kilometres. Solid Measure. French. English. Millistere _ ( ToW or -001 stere ) { or cubic metre . j j 61-028 cubic inches, t 0-035317 , foot. Centistere !- fjtytf or '01 stere ) _ ~ 1 or cubic metre . ) < 610-28 1 0-35317 , inches. , foot. | 6,102-8 , inches. Decistere j ' fife or '1 stere ) _ ~~ ( or cubic metre . i 3-5317 1 0-1308 , feet. , yard. STEBE or \ cubic j- fl stere or cubic ) = -. \, r = | 61,028-0 35-317 , inches. , feet. metre j I. metre . j ( 1-308 , yards. Ddcastere = 10 steres or cubic metres = j 853-17 1 13-0802 , feet. , yards. Hectostere = 100 I 3,531-7 1 180-802 , feet. , yards. Kilostere = 1,000 I 35,317-0 , feet. 1 1,808-02 ,, yards. Myriastere = 10,000 13,080-224 The Stere, which is a cubic metre, is the unit of solid measure. English French. Cubic inch . | 0-000016386 stere or cubic metre. "i 16,396-0 cubic millimetres. Cubic foot . . = 0-028315 stere or cubic metre. 1,000 cubic feet. = 28-315 steres or cubic metres. Cubic yard . . = 0-7645181 stere or cubic metre. 476 NKWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE Dry and Fluid Measure. (Capacity.} Millilitre = Centilitre = Decilitre = French. JT7nra9 r '9 . 1 !i tre I = j (or cubic decimetre j ( (TSTT or "01 litre or ) _ j (cubic decimetre . j = ( Ji^ or -1 litre or ) _ j (cubic decimetre . j ( English. LITRE or cubic de- cimetre _ f 1 litre or ~ ( decimetre cubic Decalitre = Hectolitre = j 10 litres or cubic (decimetres ( 100 litres or cubic } (decimetres . 0-0610 0-00022 0-61028 0-0022 6-1028 0-022 61-028 0-0358 1-76172 0-220215 00275 610-28 0-353 2-2 0-276 6,102-8 3-53171 22-0 2-751 35-3171 220-02 27-512 353-171 2,202-15 275-121 The Litre, which is a cubic decimetre, is the unit of measures of capacity. English. French. Cubic inch . = 0-016386 litre. Cubic foot . . yf ' ' . . . . = 28-315 litres. 1,000 cubic feet . ^,, . . . . = 28,315-0 Imperial pint 0-5676 4-541 36-328 Kilolitre = j 1,000 litres or) (cubic decimetres. / Myrialitre = _ ( 10,000 litres or ) (cubic decimetres. } cubic inch, imperial bushel, cubic inch, imperial bushel, cubic inches, imperial bushel, cubic inches. ,, foot, imperial pints, gallon. ,, bushel, cubic inches. foot, imperial gallons. bushel, cubic inches. ,, feet, imperial gallons. ,, bushels, cubic feet, imperial gallons. ,, bushels. ,, cubic feet. imperial gallons. bushels. Imperial gallon Imperial bushel litre. litres. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 477 MONEY TABLES. France. Name. English Value. Centime = Jfc or -095d. Franc = 100 centimes . . . = 9|d. Sou = 5 . . . = $ or -475d. Napoleon = 20 francs . . . . = 15s. lOd. Accounts are kept in francs and centimes. For convenience in reckoning, a sou may be taken as equal to d., a franc as 10d., and 25 francs as 20s. Belgium. The Belgian currency is in centimes and francs, having the same English money value as those of France. To convert centimes per cubic metre into pence per 1,000 cubic feet, and vice versa. Centimes per cubic metre x 2-7 = pence per 1,000 cubic feet. Pence per 1,000 cubic feet x '37 = centimes per cubic metre. To convert centimes per litre into pence per 1,000 cubic feet, and vice versa. Centimes per litre x 2700 = pence per 1,000 cubic feet. Pence per 1,000 cubic feet x "00037 = centimes per litre. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Name. English Value. Cent = Jd. Dollar = 100 cents = 4s. 2d. 4$, or 4-8 dollars, or 4 dollars 80 cents. . = 1 Dollars x -2084 . = 1 To convert dollars and cents per 1,000 cubic feet into pence per 1,000 cubic feet, and vice versa. Dollars and cents per 1,000 cubic feet x 50 = pence per 1,000 cubic feet. Pence per 1,000 cubic feet x -02 = dollars and cents per 1,000 cubic feet. 478 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR TABLE. Foreign and Colonial Equivalents of English Money. (Actual or Approximate). COUNTUY. POUND STEELING. SHILLING. PENNY. Argentine Bepublic . 10 Patacon or Dollars 50 Centimes . . 4 Centimes. Austria .... 101 Florins . ->. ' f 5 Florin, or 50) 1 Kreutzers . I 4 Kreutzers. Belgium .... 25 Francs . . . 11 Francs . . . 10 Centimes. Bolivia .... 7 Dollars. . . 36 Centenas . . 3 Centenas. Brazil .... 10 Milreis . . . j J Milreis or 500 ) 40 Beis. 1 Beis . . , J Canada .... 4* Dollars . . . 25 Cents . . . 2 Cents. Chili 5i Pesos . . . 25 Centavos . . 2 Centavos. China . . . . j 5 Dollars, or 3J\ Taels, or 35 Mace . . . [ 25 Cents, or 1-J Mace . . . 2 Cents or 1J Candareen. Columbia. . . . 5 Pesos . . . 25 Centavos . . 2 Centavos. Denmark .... 20 Krona . . . 1 Krona . . . 8J Ore. Ecuador .... 5 Pesos . . . 25 Centavos . . 2 Centavos. Egypt 100 Piastres . . 5 Piastres . . f J Piastre, or iO \ ' Paras. Finland .... 25 Marks . . . 11 Marks . . . 10 Penni. France .... 25 Francs . 11 Francs . . . 10 Centimes. German Empire 20 Marks . j 1 Mark or 100) 1 Pfennig . . j 8* Pfennig. Greece .... 25 Drachma; . . 11 Drachmae . . 10 Lepta. Holland .... 12 Florins. . . 60 Cents. . . . 5 Cents. Hungary .... 101 Florins . . . ( J Florin, or 50) t Kreutzers . ) 4 Kreutzers. India .... { 10 Bupees and 4\ Annas . . ' 9 Annas . . . 8 Pies. Italy 25 Lira. . . . 11 Lira . . .',' 10 Centesimi. Japan 5 Yen . . . . 25 Sen . . . . 2 Sen. Java 12 Florins . . . 60 Cents . . . 5 Cents. Malta 12 Scudi . . . 7 Tari, 4 Grani 12 Grani. Mexico .... 5 Pesos or o Dols. 25 Centavos . 2 Centavos. Norway .... 20 Krona . . . 1 Krona . . 8* Ore. Paraguay. . . . 6| Dollars . . . 36 Centena 3 Centena. Persia .... 2* Toman . . . 12 Shahis . 1 Shahi. Peru 5~ Sol .... 2 J Dineros . 2 Centos. Portugal .... 5 Milreis . . . 2* Testoes . 20 Beis. Russia .... tii- Silver Boubles 48 Copecks 4 Copecks Spain 26 Pesetas . . . 11 Pesetas . . 10 Centimes. Sweden .... 20 Krona . . . 1 Krona . . 8J Ore. Switzerland . . . 25 Francs . . . 1 1 Francs . . 10 Centimes. Tunis 40 Piastres . . 2 Piastres . Turkey .... 120 Piastres . . 6 Piastres . . f i Piastre, or 20 ( Paras. United States . . 4 Dollars. . . 25 Cents . . . 2 Cents. Uruguay .... 5 Pesos . . . 25 Centavos . . ' 2 Centavos. Venezuela . . . 5 Pesos . . . 25 Centavos . . 2 Centavos. GAS ENGINEEBS AND MANAGERS. 479 INDEX. Abrupt angles in pipes and fittings to be avoided, 261. Absorption of the hydrocarbons by india-rubber tubing, 297. of the light-giving constituents by glycerine, oil, &c., 90. "Acme" regulating burner, 297. Act, 1871, Gas Works Clauses, 149, 831. on testing for purity, 149. on testing for illuminating power, 381. Act, 1859, Sales of Gas, 275, 279. provisions as to stamping meters, 275. Advantages of using an exhauster, 111. a station governor, 214. Aerorthometer, Vernon Harcourt's, 344. Air and gas, loss of light by mixing, 850. permanent gases expanded by heat, 98. water, as cooling agents, compared, 98. Airey's table showing the dilatation of gas in contact with water, 292. Aitken and Young's analyzer, 106. Algebraical and arithmetical signs, 459. Allen's Beale's exhauster, 112. Alloys of metals, 444. Ammonia, affinity for water, 117, 119, 381. carbonate of, 384. caustic, purification by, 188. impurity in coal gas, 129. liquid, 373, 888. muriate of, or sal ammoniac, 871. sulphate of, 371. yield of, per ton of coal, 372. test for, 155, 160. 480 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOE Ainmoniacal liquor, 871. Beaume's hydrometer, 875. compared with specific gravity, 375. quantity of, obtained to outlet of scrubbers, 871. result of application of, to land, 380. specific gravity and weight of, 874. strength of, 872. testing by saturation, 373. to convert Twaddel into specific gravity, 372. Twaddel's hydrometer, 372. Will's method of testing, 373 Analysis of coals and cannels, 3 to 58. the ash of a good Newcastle coal, 4. Analyzer, Aitken and Young's, 106. Anderson's combined washer and scrubber, 128. exhauster, 111, 118. tar furnace, 75. washer, 118. Angle of repose of earths with horizontal line, 166. Angles in mains, services, and internal fittings, 261 . Angular and circular space, 471. Annual consumption of coal for gas purposes in the United Kingdom. 52. Annual increase in gas consumption, usual, 417. Annular atmospherical condenser, 99. Kirkham and Wright's, 99, 100. Warner's, 101. Annular or ring tanks, 165, 188. Anthracite or glance coal, 1. weight per cubic yard, 52. Apparatus for coal testing, 57. required for testing meters, 277, 278. illuminating power, 830, 845. Approximate multipliers for facilitating calculations, 460. Architectural and mechanical drawing, colours used in. 455. Area of coal measures in the United Kingdom, 5. Area required for atmospherical condensation, 104. Areas, Ac., table of, 462 to 465. Argand, Sugg's London, 885. Arithmetical and algebraical signs, 459. Arnold on the application of Sulphate of Ammonia in agriculture, 87(5. Arson (M.) on masonry tank walls, 172. Ascension or stand pip'ea, 86. choking of, 86. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 481 Ash in coal and coke, 3 to 47. Ash pan, furnace, 68. Ashes in mortar, 435, 436. Asphalte or tar mortar and concrete, 170, 171. Atmospherical condensation, 99 to 104. annular condensers, 100. area required for, 104. atmospherical and water condensers combined, 103. Graham's condenser, 102. horizontal condensers, 101. Aurum mosaicum, or gold bronze powder, 303. Automatic pressure changer, Cowan's, 216. Average meter system for public lighting, 272. Average yield of bituminous coal, 49. Axioms worth remembering, 259. Balance and weights, experimental, 830. Ball and socket joint for main pipes, 226. Bar, graduated photometer, 330. Bars, grate or fire, 66, 67. Barff-Bower process for protecting iron pipes and fittings, 261. Barker's mill for distributing water in scrubbers, 122. Barometer and thermometer used in testing illuminating power, 380. Battery or tubular condenser, 103. Beale's exhauster, 111, 112, 114. Beaume"'s hydrometer, 375. Bench, single and double retort, 59. clear space in front of, 59. flues and draught, 69. Birmingham wire gauge, thickness of the, 439. Bisulphide of carbon, 132, 133, 150, 388. Bituminous coal, 1. average yield of, 49. weight per cubic yard, 52. Blue or Bengal fire, 312. Boiler and engine, steam, 115. Bolts and nuts, 227, 442. Bond in brickwork, 429. Books required in the keeping of a Gas Company's accounts, 448. Borders, illuminated, 811. Bored and turned joints for main pipes, 220, 221, 228. Box's retort-lid fastener, 82. Box's table of the mean temperature of every tenth day, 99. Brackets and chandeliers, height of, 295. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Braddock's public lamp, 270. station governor, 215. Brass or iron, mixture for tinning, 302. Brass tube, plain, weight per foot, 301. spiral and fluted, weight per foot, 301. Brass work for lacquering, to clean, 306. " Brasses" in coal, 54. Bray's street lamps and burners, 269, 271. ventilating globe lights, 296. Brazing, 802. Breeze and coke, 367. Br6mond on Naphthaline, 110. Bricks and brickwork, 428. bond in brickwork, 429. number of bricks in walls of different areas, 430 to 434. usual dimensions of bricks, 428. Brick and puddle tanks, 136, 165, 176. Brick retorts, 71. Brickwork in retort settings, 67. Bridge and dip pipes, 87, 88. Brin's oxygen process in purification, 136. Bronze, 303. copper bronze powder, 303. gold bronze powders, or Aurum mosaicum, 308. green, 303. powders, 803. size for bronze powders, 304. Brown or lignite coal, 1. Buckstaves for retort bench, 63, 64. Bunsen photometer, the, 830. Burner, " Needle " governor, 297. Burners, number required for lighting large buildings, 298. objections to horizontal, 295. standard, 835. Bye-pass mains and valves, 126. Caking coal, 1. Calcining spent lime, Hislop's process for, 181. Calcium sulphide, purification by, 182. Candle, standard sperm, 331, 332. balance and weights, 831, 382. corrections in consumption of, 832, 333. Cannel, 1, 7. and coal nuts, and slack or dross, 48. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Cannel continued. and coals, analysis of, 3 to 58. weight of, per cubic yard, 52. apacity, gasholder, 192, 195. of coal stores, 53. of tar and liquor well, 127, 128. Capital of gas works, 412 to 417. Carbon in coal, 3. in coal gas, 383. in retorts, deposition of, 78. Carbonic acid, test for, 147, 153. Sheard's apparatus, 147, 148. Carboniferous series, 2. Carbonizing, fuel for, 73. Carburetting condensers, 106. Carcel lamp, the, 346. Carr (W.) on cooking by gas, 363. Cast and wrought-iron gasholder tanks, 165, 171, 175, 187, 188. Casting of main pipes, 218. Cast-iron pipes, 218 to 245. cost of laying, 235, 236. weight and cost of, per yard, 237 to 245. weight of lead for jointing, 225. ast-iron retorts, 64, 72, 444. duration of, 72. Fraser's ribbed, 72. dathel's washer, 118. Caustic ammonia, purification by, 138. Caustic soda and sulphide of sodium, purification by, 138. Cement, for joining ends of clay retorts, 82. for jointing retort mouthpieces, 82. for steam joints, 117. for stopping leaks in boilers, 116. glue, to resist moisture, 307. iron or rust, 82, 225. mastic, for buildings, 436. mortar, Portland, 170. or luting for retort lids, 88. Portland, 170, 220. Roman, 220. Centigrade thermometer compared with Fahrenheit and Reaumur, 108, 109. Centre and other change valves, 145. Chains, safe load on, 443. i i 2 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Chains continued '. weight of, 443. Chandeliers and brackets, height of, 295. Change valves, 145. Changer, Cowan's automatic pressure, 216. Charging shovels, 83. Chemical and other memoranda, 395. common names of certain chemical substances, 898. elementary substances, 396. expansion of liquids from 82 to 212 Fahr., 408. luting, for experiments in chemistry, 400 specific gravity, weight and solubility in water, of various gases, 399. specific heat of solids and liquids, 407. substances, simple and compound, 897. water, memoranda relating to, 406. Cherry coal, 1. Chief kinds of coal, 1. Chimney stalks for retort houses, 70. rule for size of, 71. Chlorine and durability test, 48. Choking of ascension pipes, 86. Circular and angular space, 471. Circumferences, c., table of, 462 to 465. Cistern for tar and liquor, elevated, 127. Classification of limestones, 134. Claus's process of purification by ammonia gas, 138. Clay and iron retort settings, combined, 72. Clay, fire, 436, 487. constituents of, 437. Clay puddle, 171. Clay retorts, 64 to 71. temperature of carbonization with, 69, 79. thickness of, 65. Clegg's continuous stoking machinery, 86. Cleland's slow-speed condenser, 101. and Korting's steam jet exhauster, 111, 114. Coal, 3 to 58. analysis of, 3 to 58. analysis of the ash of a good Newcastle, 4. annual consumption of, for gas purposes in United Kingdom, 52. anthracite or glance, 1, 52. ash in, 8 to 47. bituminous, 1 to 58. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Coal continued. "brasses" in, 54 brown or lignite, 1. carbon in, 3. chief ingredients of which it is composed, 3. chief kinds of, 1. coke, production of, from, 3 to 49. Cumberland, 11, 24. Derbyshire, 3, 12, 24. deterioration of, by exposure, 53. gases occluded in, 55. glance, or anthracite, 1, 52. Gloucestershire, 3, 12. hydrogen in, 8. in hot climates, deterioration of, 58. iron pyrites in, 5, 54. Lancashire, 3, 12, 24, 49. lignite or brown, 1. measures, area of, in the United Kingdom, 5. mixture of, with other substances, 26, 27, 28. nitrogen in, 3. Newcastle, 3, 4, 18, 23, 49. nuts, slack and dross, 48. oxygen in, 3. parrot or cannel, 1, 52. production of coke from, 3 to 49. products, 381 to 894. Scotch, 4. sheds, 53. Somersetshire and other, 4, 15. Staffordshire, 10, 16, 24. storage, 58. sulphur in, 3 to 47. testing, 56 to 58. value of, in pounds of sperm, 50. volatile matter in, 7 to 19. Welsh, 5, 17, 24, 38. Wigan, 49. yield of sulphate of ammonia, per ton, 372. Yorkshire, 18, 24. Coating and painting of gasholders, 194. of main pipes, 229. Coefficients : cost of Gas Works, 422 to 428. Cockey's charging barrow, 84. 486 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Coke and breeze, 367. ash in, 7 to 47. breaking hammer, 868. breaking machinery, 367, 368. production of, from coal, 3 to 47. slaking or quenching of, 73. sulphur in, 5 to 47. Coloured fires for illumination, 311. blue or Bengal, 312. crimson, 812. green, 312. lilac, 811. mixing the ingredients for, 818. purple, 311. red, 312. white Indian, 818. yellow, 312. Coloured glass, loss of light through, 299. Colours of high temperatures, 79. used in mechanical and architectural drawing, 455. Columns, height of lamp, 269 Combined settings of clay and iron retorts, 72. atmospherical and water condenser, 108. Commercial and structural value, 417. Common names of certain chemical substances, 898. Comparison of Fahrenheit's, Reaumur's, and the Centigrade ther- mometers, 108, 109. Compensating meters, 275. Hunt's, 276. Sanders and Donovan's, 275. Urquhart's " Reliance," 276. Warner and Cowan's, 275. Composite tanks, 185. Composition of gas lime, and its use in agriculture, 379. Composition pipes, 301. Concrete and mortar, 169, 170, 171, 435. Concrete tanks, 169, 185. Condensation, 96. expansion of air and permanent gases by heat, 98. extent of, 96. loss of illuminating property in coal gas on exposure to the temperature of freezing point, 97. mean temperature of every tenth day in the year, 99. rapid or sudden as well as excessive, 97. GAS ENGINEEBS AND MANAGERS. 487 Condensation continued. relative effects of water and air as cooling agents, 98. rules for calculating the area required for atmospherical con- densation, 104. temperature as affecting registration, 97. Condensers, 99. Aitken and Young's analyzer, 106. annular atmospherical, 99, 100. area required for, rules for calculating, 104. battery or tubular, 103. bye-pass mains and valves for, 126. carburetting, 106. Cleland's slow-speed, 101. combined atmospherical and water, 103. condensing surface at several London gas-works (1871), 107. dry scrubbers as condensers, 105. Graham's horizontal, 102. horizontal atmospherical, 101, 102. Kirkham and Wright's annular, 99, 100. St. John and Rockwell apparatus, 106. tubular or battery, 103. underground, 105. vertical atmospherical, 99, 100. Warner's annular, 101. Water channel, 105. Condensable hydrocarbons, 89. Conducting heat, relative power of metals for, 408. Connecting pipes for purifiers, 145. Consumers' gas meters, 275. apparatus required for testing, 277, 278. compensating, 275. dilatation of gas in contact with water, 292. dry meter, description of the, 275. . effect of over-driving the meter wheel, 276. Hunt's meter, 276. inspection of, 276. percentage tables for testing, 279. protection of meters from frost, 276. provisions of Sales of Gas Act, 1859, as to stamping, 275. sizes of meters desirable to be used, 276, 293. testing, 277, 279. Urquhart's " Reliance " meter, 276. Warner and Cowan's meter, 275. wet meter, description of the. 275. NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Consumption and pressure, 217. Consumption of coal for gas purposes in the United Kingdom, 52. of gas by one burner per month and for 12 months, 278. of gas per head of population, 417. of gas per mile of main, 417. Contraction of cast-iron pipes in cooling, 222. Cooking, use of gas for, 862, 864. Copper bronze powder, 803 Corrections for temperature, pressure and moisture, 159, 882, 883, 336, 857. in consumption of gas and standard candle, 383. Cost of gas per hour when burnt at certain rates, 421. Cost of gas works, 412 to 428. Counterbalancing of gasholders, 191. Cowan's automatic pressure changer, 216. governor, 216. ventilating globe lights, 296. Coze's system of inclinedr etorts, 86. Crimson coloured fire, 312. Crosley's pressure and exhaust registers, 163, 164. Cubic foot measure, Referees', 839. Cusiter on the absorption of the light-giving constituents of coal gas, 90. D- shaped retorts, 65. Damp or wet coals, result of using, 5, 53. Damper to control draught, 70. Day and night, rule to find the length of, 272. Decigallon and septem, 466. Decimal and fractional parts, 458. Decimal system of weights and measures, 472 to 476. Dempster's exhauster, 111. Deposition of carbon in retorts, 78. Derbyshire coals, 3, 12, 24. Deterioration of coal by exposure to weather, 53. in hot climates, 53. Devices for public illuminations, 809 to 329. coloured fires, 811. illuminated borders, 811. prices of, 310. Devonian rocks, 2, Diameters, &c., table of, 462 to 465. Differential or district governors, 217. Dilatation of gas in contact with water, 292. Dimensions of the principal materials in gasholders in actual working, 197 to 213. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. Dinsmore system of gas making, 81 Dip in the hydraulic main, 88 to 93. Dip pipes, 87, 88. Dip-well for sealing pipes, 127. Disc for testing illuminating power, 380. Discount for early payment of gas bills, 451. Distance apart of public lamps, 269. District or differential governors, 217. Donkin's exhauster, 112. Double retort benches, 59. Douglas's instructions for preparing concrete, 169. Draught and flues, 69. Drawing papers, sizes of, 455. Drip or syphon wells, 229, 230, 268. Drory's main thermometer, 146. Dross or slack, 48. Dry meter, description of the, 275. Dry or stand pipe wells for gasholder tanks, 171. Dry scrubbers as condensers, 105. Drying gas, effect of, 110. Dulong on the burning of hydrogen, carbon, and carbonic oxide, 70. Durability test, 48. Duration of retorts, 67, 69. Earths, natural slope of, 166. and rocks, weight of various, 166. 41 Eclipse " washer-scrubber, 125. Economy of gas compared with other light-giving materials, 401, 402. Edge's method of scurfing retorts, 78. Effect of over-driving a meter wheel, 276. of small and bad pipes and fittings, 293. Elementary substances, table of, 396. Elevated tar and liquor cistern, 127. ^ Elevating apparatus for purifying material, 140. Elliott's mechanical stoking arrangement, 86. Engine and boiler, steam, 115. gas, 116, 362. Epitome of mensuration, 456. Equivalents of English money, foreign and colonial, 478. Evans's analysis of coals and cannels, 28, 32. Evaporation from water-slide pendants, to prevent, 295. Evils attending the use of small pipes, &c., 262. Examples of construction of gasholders, 197 to 213. of gasholder tanks, 176 to 190. 490 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Excavations for gasholder tanks, 165, 16G. Exhausters, 111. advantages of using, 111. Allen's Beale's, 112. Anderson's, 113. Beale's, 112. bye-pass mains and valves for, 126. Cleland and Korting's steam jet, 114. Dempster's, 111. Donkin's Beale's, 112. governor for, 115. Gwyrme's Beale's, 114. Jones's, 112. Laidlaw's, 112. Methven's, 111. Musgrave's, 111. Paterson's (R. 0.) experiments with steam jet, 112. rotary and reciprocating, 111. Waller's, 112. Expansion joints for main pipes, 226. of air and permanent gases by heat, 98. of liquids in volume from 32 to 212 Fahr., 408. of metals, 408. Experimental governor, 330. meter, 330, 339. Explosions in main pipes, 232. Fahrenheit's thermometer compared with Reaumur's and the Centi- grade, 108, 109. Faija on Portland cement, 170. Fiddes' analysis of coals and cannels, 29, 33, 34, 35. proposed standard light, 346. Fire-clay, 436. constituents of the chief English and foreign, 437. retorts, 64. Fire or grate bars, 66. Fires, coloured, for illuminations, 311. Fittings, internal, 293. service, 260 to 268. Flange joints for main pipes, 222, 227. Floor, retort house, 59. stage, 59. Flues and draught, 63, 64, 69. Fluxes for soldering, 302. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS 491 Force and velocity of the wind, 445. Foreign equivalents of English money, 478. Forms, 451. authority to pay dividends, 453. certificate showing that income tax has been deducted, 454. declaration for loss of sealed share certificates, 452. declaration of transmission of shares, from wife to husband, in consequence of marriage, 453. indemnity for loss of share certificates or dividend warrant, 452. of proxy, 454. renouncement of proposed new issue on the transfer of old shares, 451. renunciation of shares newly allotted, 451. Foulis's hydraulic stoker, 84. Fractional parts and equivalent decimals, 458. Frankland (Professor) on the volumes of various gases absorbed by 100 volumes of water, 126. on variations in illuminating power, 350. Fraser's ribbed iron retorts, 72. Freezing of water in gasholder tanks, 193. of water in governor tanks, 217. Freezing point, loss of illuminating property in coal gas on exposure to the temperature of, 97. French weights and measures, 472 to 477. Frost, protection of meters during, 276. public lights during, 269. Fuel for carbonizing, 73. tar as, 73. Furnaces, generator and regenerative, 75. retort, 66. Fyfe's (Dr.) chlorine and durability test, 48. Gadd's principle of guiding holders, 192. Galvanized pipes, 261, 267, 269. Gas, absorption of the light-giving constituents of coal, 90. and air, expansion of, by heat, 98. dilatation of, in contact with water, 292. increase in illuminating power by drying, 110. loss of illuminating property in, on exposure to the temperature of freezing point, 97. value of, per cubic foot in grains of sperm, 50. Gas engine, 116, 362. Gas industrv of the United Kingdom, the, 409 to 412. 492 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOR Gaseous hydrocarbons, 90. Gases occluded in coal, 55. various, their specific gravity, weight and solubility in water, 399. Gasholders, 190 to 213. capacity, 191, 192, 195. counterbalanced, 191. dimensions of the principal materials in, 197. painting of, 194. precautions to be observed in the working of, 192. pressure of, to ascertain, 197. recipe for coating, 194. rise in the crown of, 192. single lift, 191, 197 to 203. telescopic, 191, 204 to 213. trussed and untrussed roofs, 192. weight of, to ascertain, 196. without guide framing, 192. Gasholder tanks, 165 to 190. annular, 165, 188. Arson (M.), on masonry walls of, 172. asphalte or tar concrete and mortar for, 170, 171. brick and puddle, 167, 176. cast and wrought-iron, 144, 145, 165, 168, 175, 187 to 190. cement mortar for, 170. composite, 185. * concrete, 169, 185. Douglas's instructions for preparing concrete, 169. dry wells, 171. examples of construction of, 176 to 190. excavations for, 166. Faija on Portland cement, 170. hydraulic lime mortar for, 170. leakage of water from iron, 171. materials of which tanks are constructed, 166. natural slope of earths, 166. Pole (Dr.) on masonry walls of, 172. puddle clay for, 171. stone, 166, 186. thickness of walls of, 172 to 176. weight of various earths and rocks, 166. wrought-iron, 166, 190. Gas lime, 379. its composition, and use in agriculture, 379. GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS. 493 Gas lime continued. results obtained by applying certain manures to land, 380 Gas managers, golden rules for, 422. Gas meters, consumers', 275. apparatus required for testing, 277, 278. compensating, 275. dilatation of gas in contact with water, 292. dry, description of the, 275. effect of overdriving the measuring wheel of, 276. Hunt's compensating, 276. inspection of, 276. percentage tables for use in testing, 279 to 292. protection of, from frost, 276. provisions of Sales of Gas Act, 1859, as to stamping, 275. Sanders and Donovan's, 275. sizes of, desirable to be used, 276, 29H. testing, 277. to ascertain the number of lights a meter will supply, 294. Urquhart's " Eeliance," 276. Warner and Cowan's, 275. wet, description of the, 275, Gas works, buildings and apparatus of a, 414. capital of, 412 to 428. conduct of a, 415. cost of, 417, 422 to 428. design of, 414. ornamentation in, 414. site for a, 413. Gas-Works Clauses Act, 1871, on testing for illuminating power, 381, on testing for purity, 149. Gauges, pressure, 162. coloured water for, 163. differential, 163. King's, 163, 330. Referees', 342. to clean the glass tubes of, 163. Generator and regenerative furnaces, 70, 75. Siemens', 76. Webber on, 76. Gesner on the distillation of Newcastle cannel for gas and oil, 48. Glance or anthracite coal, 1, 52. Glass, loss of light through, 298, 299. for public lamps, weight and thickness of, 272. Globe and sun lights, ventilating, 296. 494 NEWBIGGING'S HANDBOOK FOB Globes and shades, loss of light through, 298, 299. Gloucestershire coals, 3, 12, 84. Glue cement to resist moisture, 307. Goddard on scurfing retorts, 78. Gold bronze powders, or aurum mosaicum, 303. Golden rules for gas managers, 422. Governor, district or differential, 217. pressure and consumption, 217. Governor, exhauster, 115. Governor, experimental, 330. Governor or regulator for internal fittings, 297. Governor, station, 214. advantages of the, 214. Braddock's, 215. bye-pass mains and valves for, 126. construction of the, 214. Cowan's 216. Cowan's automatic pressure changer for, 210. freezing of water in tanks of, 217. Hartley's improvements in, 215. Hunt's, 216. Peebles's, 215. steam stove for governor house, 217. valves as governors of pressure, 214. variations of pressure according to level, 217. Graduated bar of photometer, 330. Graham's horizontal condenser, 102. Gravity, specific, and weight of various substances, 446. to convert into Twaddel, 109. Green bronze, 808. Green coloured fire, 312. Grice's self-sealing retort lids, 83. Gwynne's Beale's Exhauster, 114. H or bridge pipes, 87. Hammer for breaking coke, 368. Handy multiplier for wrought-iron, 488. rule for ascertaining the weight of gas in a holder, 196. rule for finding the content of a pipe in gallons and cubic feet, 259. Harcourt's aerorthometer, 844. proposed pentane gas standard light, 847, 848. sulphur test, 150. Hartley's experiments on the loss of light through sheet glass, globes,