PZ 8.2 L569f THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 7s-* Jfafcles THE FIRE-SIDE. DEDICATED TO THE MARCHIONESS OF DOUGLAS AND CLYDESDALE. BY JOHN LETTICE, D.D. A NEW APPLICATION OP THESE FABLES TO THREE IMPORTANT OBJEC1 EDUCATION IS EXPLAINED IN THE INTRODUCTION. LONDON : PRINTED FOR AND SOLD BY JAMES BLACK, YORK-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN. SOLD ALSO BY BLACK, PARRY, AND CO. LEADENHALL-STREET ; GALE AXD CURTIS, PATERNOSTER-ROW ; AND CLARKE, NEW BOND-STRFET. 18J2. Co Vent . Ga rden. /- THE author of these Fables, with each of which is con- nected a Praxis for the investigation of its moral, in- tended equally to exercise* young persons of a proper age in thinking and reasoning, and deeply to impress their moral duties on the heart, requests the very re- spectable fK^ 4Vl"*/'* K-. as he has done the heads of other superior seminaries, to accept his book, and, candidly examining its contents, to honour it with his sanction, as far as merited. He assures himself the Introduction will be duly attended to. Not only his literary friends, but persons of the highest rank and fashion, in whose families his book has been received, give him reason to flatter himself, that it is adapted to answer more important purposes of education than have been contemplated in any other collection of Fables in our language. The British Critic for April, 1813, speaking of the In- troduction, says, " that many sensible and judicious ob- " servations will be found on the use and moral applica- " tion of apologues, as well as on the art of reading ;" which the author has meant to improve by the variety of his measures, and the colloquial ease of his style. The Critic, next adverting to the new plan, intended in the moral questions or praxis for juvenile investigation and reflection, after producing specimens from the book, concludes with observing, " that many of the Fables are " excellent, and the whole constitute a very pleasing " volume, from which much entertainment and much " instruction may be obtained." ZG DEDICATION. TO THE MARCHIONESS OF DOUGLAS AND CLYDESDALE. MADAM, Ax a moment, when the universal education of the people of England makes the general topic of our country, may not a little work, though chiefly cal- culated to improve that of the middle and higher classes in its moral department, claim some share of public attention ? That, which is here presented to your Ladyship, has been judged by the Author's literary friends, as it is intended by himself, an improvement on the usual methods of conveying moral impressions to the minds of youth. What the supposed improvement is will be found suffi- ciently explained in the Introduction to the work. To give works of any kind, at their first publica- tion, the best chance of attracting the attention of the world, is to place them within the notice, and, as far as they may deserve it, under the patronage of the Great. And whose notice, Madam, or patron- age, for a work concerning the most important, DEDICATION. the moral branch of education, can with more pro- priety be sought than that of a lady of illustrious rank, who having, in the years of her pupilage, proved herself equally formed by superior under- standing, and disposed by native goodness of heart, to do justice to every object of instruction proposed for her attainment, shines pre-eminently accom- plished in the best and brightest endowments, which education can confer ? That a character so distin- guished, on whose merits the Author speaks but the known sentiments and language of the world, may long continue to give its truest splendour to exalted rank ; to adorn and delight the most polished circles of her own sphere ; and, in a licentious age, to shed on society at large the benign influence of moral example, from a heighth of situation which incalculably augments its weight and impression, is among the sincerest wishes of, Madam, Your Ladyship's Most obedient humble servant, JOHN LETTICE. INTRODUCTION. SECTION I. Nature of this Work. THE author of this little work once met with a formal personage, established in a creditable vocation, so puritanically solemn in his notions of the external deportment it required of him, as to have confessed with shame, that he, one day, caught himself in the unseemly act of running. His rigid steadiness of muscles an- nouncing an invincible power of face, it had been needless to ask him, whether he ever caught himself unfortunately smiling. Should any one, of this cast of character, compare the title of the present publication with the profession and academical rank of its author, he might take alarm, and discern something as unbecoming in this title, as the above personage had discovered in the indecorous briskness of his own movements. But should persons of unaffected seriousness, and unquestioned soundness of mind, express dissatisfaction, that the book should not have INTRODUCTION. borne a graver, or more clerical front, the writer can hardly doubt they will be satisfied on being assured its main object is to instill a series of Ethical Lessons on a plan truly practical. Though some of these lessons will perhaps be thought to fall more properly under a defi- nition of " Social Manners;" and rather to answer Aristotle's idea of the " Lesser Morals ;" yet such at least emanate from principles strictly moral, as these principles do from the second table of the decalogue, and the earlier inspira- tions of the deity ; all morality deriving its origin and authority from no other source than the will of God ; which alone constitutes what philosophers have been pleased to call the eternal rules of right and wrong. Can a performance of this nature, respecting any of its views and intentions, be otherwise than perversely conceived incongruous with the clerical character? Nay, the apologues, the primary vehicle of instruction in these pages, however remote from severity in point of stile, and wanting all, they must, of the sacred spirit, partake at least the parabolic form, in which our divine Law-giver delivered many of his precepts. INTRODUCTION, 111 Though no further demand for explanation on this topic can well be expected, it may not be amiss, lest the livelier tone of some of these fables should not precisely harmonize with the ideas of the more respected class of Critics above adverted to, on the gravity of clerical occupation, to intimate, that none of them were written at seasons, when professional writing or research could have been pursued to any pur- pose. Several of them employed the writer's pencil during retired walks in his garden ; and the rest were chiefly the amusement of early sleepless hours by lamp-light before a convenient time of rising. He does not recollect, that any part of the time spent in writing the fables was ever stolen from vocation or duty : the moral and intellectual exercises grounded upon them receive countenance from both, and might, not unworthily, have been dictated by either. When his views and intentions in the whole of this publication are made known, the employ- ment it has required, will, he trusts, be judged no way unbecoming a quiet Recluse in his old age, anxious to keep the lamp of life compe- tently trimmed, while yet suffered to burn, and to be found at the last irreproachably occupied by it. IV INTRODUCTION. SECTION II. Composition of the Fables. Before he explains the serious application of these apologues, and tli different purposes to which he wishes them to be made subservient, he begs leave to premise three words on their technical composition. They are professedly written on the ground-work of Pluedrus and La Fontaine, i. e. on the subjects of their fables ; subjects conveyed to them through the dry and simple apologues of old /Esop, and to him perhaps from Lokeman and Pilpay. They are, however, presented in the follow- ing pages, sometimes as translations, sometimes as imitations ; oftener perhaps as paraphrases, with many new thoughts freely added, and those in the present writer's own manner ; not from a fruitless ambition of improving upon such models; but from the desire of giving them some little air of novelty. The volumes of these delight- ful fabulists have, sometimes, been kept open, after reading the fable lie had chosen ; some- times entirely shut again, 'till lie had written the INTRODUCTION. whole. But they were always, one or other, at hand, for reperusal, or.recollection. SECTION III. Their Title^ Object, and Uses. But to proceed to the purposes for which this publication is intended to serve, and which it may probably do the more successfully, on ac- count of the familiar stile and manner in which the fables are written ; the author has entitled his little work, u Fables for the Fire-side," under an idea of recommending them more particularly to parents in middle and higher life, who edu- cate their children at home ; and to others who, at times of school vacation, have the younger members of their families, of either sex, closely gathered about them, which more generally happens in the colder season of the year. In this pleasing circle, why might not the reading of a fable or two each evening, be proposed as an exercise of amusement, that might advan- tageously and creditably take place of charades and enigmas, among young persons from sixteen to any later .period, for the investigation of their moral scope and intention ? INTRODUCTION. SECTION II. Composition of the Fables. Before he explains the serious application of these apologues, and thp different purposes to which he wishes them to be made subservient, he begs leave to premise three words on their technical composition. They are professedly written on tbe ground-work of Pluedrus and La Fontaine, i. e. on the subjects of their fables ; subjects conveyed to them through the dry and simple apologues of old /Esop, and to him perhaps from Lokeman and Pilpay. They are, however, presented in the follow- ing pages, sometimes as translations, sometimes as imitations; oftener perhaps as paraphrases, with many new thoughts freely added, and those in the present writer's own manner ; not from a fruitless ambition of improving upon such models; but from the desire of giving them some little air of novelty. The volumes of these delight- ful fabulists have, sometimes, been kept open, after reading the fable lie had chosen ; some- iimes entirely shut again, 'till he had written the INTRODUCTION. whole. But they were always, one or other, at hand, for reperusal, or. recollection. SECTION III. Their Title , Object, and Uses. But to proceed to the purposes for which this publication is intended to serve, and which it may probably do the more successfully, on ac- count of the familiar stile and manner in which the fables are written ; the author has entitled his little work, " Fables for the Fire-side," under an idea of recommending them more particularly to parents in middle and higher life, who edu- cate their children at home ; and to others who, at times of school vacation, have the younger members of their families, of either sex, closely gathered about them, which more generally happens in the colder season of the year. In this pleasing circle, why might not the reading of a fable or two each evening, be proposed as an exercise of amusement, that might advan- tageously and creditably take place of charades and enigmas, among young persons from sixteen to any later,period, for the investigation of their moral scope and intention ? VI INTRODUCTION. Although the writer, in his title page, has intimated this use of his fables in schools and academies, as well as in private families, he expects it will be first most successfully brought to experiment in the latter, and in those smaller seminaries scarcely less private ; where, in fact, the pupils, male or female, make part of the family, and are entertained on the same footing as its younger relatives. But it is hoped, that masters and governesses of the largest semi- naries may be among the first, to try the expe- riment in their private families at their hours of relaxation out of school. Success there may probably soon induce them to adopt this plan of moral arid intellectual exercise in the higher classes of the school or academy. To proceed now to the manner of putting the plan into execution, the writer has placed what he would call his moral cases or praxis at the end of each fable in a series of questions and answers upon each ; partly as suggestions to instructors or examiners ; whether parents, friends, or precep- tors. A fable having been distinctly and properly read by one of the pupils or young persons of a family, the first question is to be deliberately proposed, and, after a due interval allowed for INTRODUCTION. Vll consideration, let an answer be required from each in order, before the examiner proceeds to a second interrogatory. " it must be understood, that to make this exercise as extensively useful as may be, the cases or questions are far from being solely directed ty the main intention of the fable ; but are meant also to turn the pupil's investigations and reasonings on the circum- stances, incidents, and characters ; and on every point of view, in which an apologue can be placed, to make it subservient to instruction. A mere affirmation or negation will, whatever their object, suffice to answer some of the ques- tions. But the greater part, perhaps, will require, or at least admit, reasons to be given for the affirmation or negation ; and an improv- ing exercise is proposed, and will be practised, as far as our young thinkers are urged to dis- cover and produce them. But a little difficulty has been foreseen in the examiners taking the answers to any question proposed, and that is, by what means to prevent later answerers than the first, where several young persons are con- sidering the same question, from availing them- selves partly, or even wholly, of preceding solutions ; for it is almost needless to observe the various aspects under which different minds Viii INTRODUCTION. may regard the same question. Different, and sometimes even contrary answers, may possibly and even plausibly be returned to the same case where principles directly moral are not impli- cated. Now it is supposed, that it may not, on many occasions, be thought too formal a thing in these parties, were we to recommend, during the interval allowed for consideration, that each young person, keeping a pencil in his hand, should put down a few leading words expressing the substance of the answer he in- tended to give. This being read, or shewn to the querist, when required, would sufficiently distinguish and appropriate; each solution, how- ever it might resemble any other, previously given. As often as this amusement is resorted to, the examiner, when the case proposed has been duly considered, cannot do better, than to demand answers first from (he younger members of the party, or those thought less likely to give such as are proper, or most plausible. Their answers will lastly be compared with those of the author. SECTION IV. Fables improperly taught to young Children. As soon, however, as the attention of those, to whom they are addressed, begins to flag under INTRODUCTION. IX the praxis just explained, calling, as it does, for some vigour of thought, if not of ingenuity, it may be discontinued ; and our young moralists may, in the solution of riddles and charades, unbend their minds with their more juvenile brothers and sisters ; who, if below the age, at which these fables are recommended, are certainly too young to give any just moral Korpretation of these, or of any other apo- s; and, in attempting it, are only wasting time on what to them is barren of all use. ..t fable, in which birds and beasts are holding human discourse, to them literally becomes no better than a story about a Cock and a Bull. The author knows, that a very respectable Baronet, who has lately appeared in the character fabulist for young children, has naturally enough been induced, to treat with censure Rousseau's Analysis of Fontaine's Fable of the * Fox and the Crow." But, notwithstanding the impracticable paradoxes and eccentricity of Rousseau's system of education, he has surely discovered much discernment of the faculties of the infarii mind ; and, notwithstanding a mis- take or two in this Analysis, has given no insuffi- cient proof of the general incapacity of young children to understand the moral application of INTRODUCTION. fables. It will be said, that moral applications are attached to many of our books of fables by their editors ; where the fabulist's meaning has not been clear ; or, that in default of this assistance, teachers have explained the moral, vivci voce, to the pupil. Instances, it is true, of these helps are not unfrequently supplied ; but it is as true, that children are as often left without them. But, in the former case, the applications are scarcely ever voluntarily read by children ; in the latter, the living instruction is too rarely given them more than once, and is soon forgotten ; if, indeed, in either case, it be ever well understood. Though many young chil- dren will spontaneously peruse their fables again and again, it is only because they are amused with the story ; as they have often been heard to confess at a riper age. But whenever, in the perusal of fables, not to mention their repetitions of them as a task, they are left solely to their own reflection to interpret their meaning, or construe their tendency, immature judgments, like theirs, will be so often misled, unless where general principles of morals have been previ- ously and deeply inculcated by the most direct and simple precepts, that their early introduction to fables may be attended with ill consequence INTRODUCTION. XI or danger. Suppose a child, either naturally more inclined to evil than to good (as some have believed all children to be), or already corrupted, in many of' his ideas of right and wrong, by idle and vicious school-fellows, by ignorant servants, or ill examples of parents, or of other members of a family at home, will he not be likely to make some bad character in the fable rather the object of his imitation, than the good ones? It cannot be denied, that he has before him, in some characters of every fable, a lesson of evil. He is taught by them the way and manner, in which bad things may be done ; how the worst crimes may be com- mitted ; and thai too with success ; as we find by the defective management of some of our fabulists, that vice is almost as often rewarded, or at least encouraged, as virtue. To mention but one instance, where the author would under- take to produce many, the fable of the " Cat, the Eagle, and the Sow," shews the malicious and selfish conduct of the Cat completely gain- ing her point, and exhibits vice triumphant. That this happens continually in the world is true ; but it should be concealed from children, 'till clear moral ideas have been well imbibed and confirmed. It is time enough for youth to Xll INTRODUCTION. be made acquainted with the frequent success and prosperity of wicked men in the world, a little before their entrance into it, and after they have been seriously taught, Avhat the supreme governor of the universe expects, with his own assistance, from the free agency of man in this 'state of probation under the great doc- trine of a future retribution, through which all that confusion, occasioned in our present exist- ence by triumphant vice, Avill be rectified ; the moral attributes of God vindicated ; and wisdom justified of her children. When right princi- ples have been, by direct instruction, sufficiently fixed to have an habitual influence on the sentiments and conduct of children ; they may, between sixteen and twenty years of age, and sometimes earlier, according to their different parts and progress, be capable of reading fables with discrimination and judgment ; their perusal of them may be attended with as much instruc- tion as entertainment ; and prove a mode of preparation for their entrance on the stage of the world, equally safe, useful, and agreeable. Fables, both in ancient and modern times, have, probably with more tenderness and deli- cacy than good moral effect, been employed as INTRODUCTION. X1I1 a vehicle of instruction to young- princes, and to the children of great men, by preceptors too obsequious, or too gentle. But kings, and per- sons of high rank, who wish their heirs and successors to maintain the dignity of exalted station, rather by virtuous and useful, than by brilliant and imposing actions, will not entrust the education of their offspring to instructors, who want courage and address to imprint on the minds of their illustrious pupils, from the earliest period of their education, at once a reverence for truth, and the most direct and simple maxims of morality. Where these momentous objects are to be first insinuated through the circuitous and limid medium of fable, it seems impossible, that a pupil of ordinary penetration should not soon discover, that his teacher is afraid of surprizing, or alarming him, by a more direct and natural method ; nor is it unlikely, he should be led, after some time, to doubt his instructor's earnest- ness or sincerity; and thence to question the necessity of learning that, which there has been any fear or hesitation of directly inculcating. This would be no unnatural process of the XIV INTRODUCTION. mind. If this way of instilling the first moral lessons appear exceptionable in the very case, to which it seemed originally best adapted ; why should it be so indiscriminately used in other situations, where so little appearance of necessity or propriety can be pleaded for it ? It should seem then a fair conclusion, that the use of fables would, in every institution of childhood _and youth, be best deferred 'till a certain ma- turity of judgment permits it without danger. Every one knows the wise and excellent pur- poses to which fables have been, and may be applied, in addressing the passions and prejudices of sovereigns, and other men in the actual possession of power ; or large assemblies of the people in times of commotion or tumult ; in order to correct flagrant abuses of autho- rity, or prevent public violence ; as in the case of Nathan's apologue to the king of Israel; that of Menenius Agrippa to the people of Rome, and of our Saviour's parables to the Rulers, Rabbis, and the people of the Jews. Circumstances like these, probably enough, gave rise to the invention of fables : but as they could have wrought no effect unless under- stood by those to whom they were addressed, it INTRODUCTION. seems preposterous to have used them indiscri- minately as means of moral instruction to young children ; by whom their main purpose is rarely comprehended . SECTION v. Themes first to be composed on Fables. There is another purpose of too much ad- vantage to be overlooked, which these fables, through the questions raised upon them, are cal- culated to answer. Although, even among well- educated parents, it is not every one who may be found able to make all the use of this book, which it is designed to answer, none will find it difficult to instruct the family pupil of proper age, how much these questions will facilitate, at its commencement, that useful exercise, the composition of themes. Can this be begun upon a better plan than that of writing moral applications to fables, with such hints and suggestions of topics, as these questions will be found to exhibit ? Will not this be a much easier method than setting out at once on some single moral sentiment or adage, usually given for the subject of a theme ? This intimation of topics in the form of questions, sets the mind to XVI INTRODUCTION. work, as has been observed above, for answers ; and thence for the investigation of matter to expand them. SECTION VI. Another use of the Questions. Questions in this way, may also be considered, as so many cases, or different points of view, however nearly connected, in which the same fable, or indeed moral subjects in general, may be regarded. They may sow the seeds of ca- suistry in the juvenile thinker's mind, and make him aware, what errors may arise from prema- ture decision. Much as some persons may ad- mire a decisive turn of mind, and fancy it a mark of energy and perhaps of ability, it ought, during a course of education, to be very jealously watched by preceptors, as much more likely, in future life, to lead to error than to truth. It may dispatch business, ; but it will often fly in the face of justice. A hesitating mind in youtli is much more likely to become a logical and philosophical one, than a mind naturally preci- pitate and decisive : it waits for, and weighs the sober results of investigation and experiment. It has been related as an anecdote of a great INTRODUCTION. XV11 lawyer, who formerly presided in one of the Courts of Westminster Hall, that it had become a maxim with him, in the decision of causes on the bench, that, " the first object was dispatch, " and then justice." Such a maxim as this, whether in law, or in the economy of common life, may impose upon the superficial under the appearance of quick discernment, or of the intuition of genius ; but it is dangerous in pro- portion to its plausibility. Respecting the ad- ministration of justice, it luckily, however, presents no prepossessing description of pro- fessional principle, or of solid ability. But, as far as it were adopted, it should appear a much worse extreme than the famous delay of the law ; so much, on the opposite side, a more common subject of complaint. In countries, where the ministers of justice are proverbially corrupt, this maxim might be a short way for a lawyer to make his fortune, and it would often be found the very shortest for his client to lose one. SECTION VII. Manner and stile of the Fables, conducive to natural reading. But the writer proceeds now to the last useful purpose, which he has particularly intended his XVlll INTRODUCTION. own fables to answer and that is, the art of reading naturally. Nothing is more true, than that, where ill methods of education, bad ex- amples, or other causes have misguided nature in any respect, to do a tiling naturally afterwards, strange as it may seem, then becomes On art; and sometimes a very difficult one to learn. The strange tones, into which children are so idly, and in schools of a lower order, so gene- rally suffered to fall, may justly be reckoned among the most unnatural of all human noises, the London cries hardly excepted. To remedy corruption in so important an article, as far as a stile and manner of writing can be made sub- servient to this end, with the assistance and direction of parents and preceptors in their sons and daughters reading of these fables, has been a wish anxiously felt throughout the composition of them . With this view, they are written in the familiar and idiomatic language of conversation ; and the better to consult the easy stile of narra- tion, the periods are generally constructed with as few inversions as possible in poetic writing ; and, for the same reason, the utmost freedom has been used in the variety of the measures, and the placing of the rhymes. The writer never recollects, without a feeling of disgust, the INTRODUCTION. XIX monotonous and tiresome effects he has often experienced in hearing ill-taught children re- peat the fables of Gay. The same kind of chaunt, unvaried modulation, and cadence of voice, returning every two lines through the same rhymed couplet of four feet, without change, or hope of change, from the beginning to the end of the fable, is a wearisome exercise of patience to a tolerably educated ear, taught to listen to the voice of nature ; and is, at the same time, as bad a manner of reading, or of reciting, as can well be imagined. It has there- fore been the writer's object, in these fables, to consult all practicable variety in the several respects mentioned ; so that young people, in reading them frequently aloud, cannot easily desert those tones, modulations, accents, and cadences, which nature always gives the voice in conversation ; or they will scarcely fail to recover them, if lost under injudicious or vulgar tuition. At worst; any sensible well-educated parent may avail himself of these pleasant op- portunities of fire-side reading, to become their tutor, under the guidance of Nature. She will never be interrogated on the subject of her own true tones, &c. in the speaking, and conse- quently the reading of any passage whatever, XX INTRODUCTION. without returning a right answer. In this exer- cise will always be one of the best schools for the true art of reading. Nature is not easily banished from the family fire-side, however in this matter she may appear exiled from some of our seminaries of education. SECTION VIII. This topic pursued, from the reading of Fables to that of other forms of versification. In order to carry this article of juvenile im- provement to its due extent, that is, to reading, with propriety, every species of poetic numbers, might it not be an advisable exercise, after due practice in the reading, or recitation of fables, in varied measure, if young persons were to pro- ceed next to the reading of blank verse; which would be found much easier to be read, or recited naturally ) than the rhymed couplet of Dryden, Pope, Young, or Hayley, &c. Although this introduction to the following fables does not lead the writer necessarily beyond the uses, to which he has wished them to be applied, he will perhaps be excused for yielding to the temptation, he feels, of naming a few of our poets, in the order which he conceives some of their w r orks well calculated for forming or INTRODUCTION. XXI improving, that very pleasant and useful member of domestic society, the fire-side reader. Were he then next to proceed to the exercise of reading blank verse, it may be questioned, whether any thing could be selected for his commencement in preference to the " Splendid Shilling," of Philips. This might be succeeded by his poem on " Cyder," and that by Cowper's Task, Mason's Garden, Akenside's Pleasures of the Imagination ; whence Cumberland's Calvary, much of it in the true spirit of Milton, would lead him to the " Paradise Lost." Now to read poems of this varied structure, in- cluding those of the tragic drama, naturally and unaffectedly, it must be understood, that, witJi a much slower and more deliberate manner than would be proper for fables and familiar tales in verse, and with a suitable elevation in the pitch, and due solemnity in the tone of the voice, the very same modulations as in our ordinary discourse, only more sustained on ac- count of the length of the periods, must accom- pany the whole process; and precisely the same emphasis and cadence, pauses and stops, as in conversation. XXI L INTRODUCTION. The reading of our tragic dramas, with a due attention to nature in the foregoing particu- lars, without the school-boy's puling whine, or that pompous mouthing of young actors, which answers their theatric strut outraged in treading the stage, will be found to require much reso- lute practice, and patient recollection under the guidance of good sense, and the delicate taste acquired by liberal educaiion. The elegant translations we possess of the Greek tragedians by Franklin, Potter, and Woodrmll ; Mason's Elfrida and Caractacus, as chaste models of classic taste, and of varied and flowing versifica- tion, may be safely proposed in this department of reading or recitation . These may be followed by selections from the family JShakespear ; for selected the pieces must bo, that nothing may excite the blush of ingenuous youth. What parent, in his senses, will not join with the writer in the reprobation of reading, of whatever kind, that can only be admitted at the expence of religion and good manners ? As some practice will already have taken place through the chorusses of the Greek drama, &c. in the difficult task of reading lyric poetry, which may properly succeed blank verse, it INTRODUCTION. XX111 will suffice to mention Pomfret's Sacred Pin- darics, equally pious and sublime ; Akenside's Ode to Lord Huntingdon ; Collins's Ode on the Passions ; the two great Odes of Gray ; and Mason's Fall of Babylon, &c. The Alexander's Feast of Dry den could not, without oifence to the critics, want recommendation here, were there not a line or two in it, presenting images by no means unexceptionable. As it does not seem necessary to distinguish the stanza of Spenser from lyric numbers, this praxis for the proper reading of poetry may now conclude with authors, not uncommonly first taken up for this purpose : those we mean, who have chiefly written in the heroic or rhymed couplet of ten syllables, as Dryden, Pope, Young, Goldsmith, Hayley, &c. To spare the trouble of selection from Dryden, first mentioned, in order to avoid the licentious and immoral, what could we better put into the young reader's hands, at the family fire-side, than his translation of the ^Eneid ? Pope's Homer should obviously come next. The name of Young suggests his " Fame, the Universal Pas- sion ;" and that of Goldsmith his " Traveller'* and " Deserted Village." Selections from the XXIV INTRODUCTION. rest may be left to that moral taste and sentiment, which, in well-educated families, ought to be supposed the Christian Lar, or tutelary genius of the chimney-corner. It will have been understood, that poems in the rhymed couplet have been placed last in these sug- gestions, as being less likely to be read without deviation from the true tones of nature, than any species of a more varied metre ; the latter admit- ting a less regular disposition of rhymes, a more flowing rhythm, and, in general, longer periods. The rock on which ordinary or ill-taught readers split, in the recital of our equipoised couplet, is that of repeating the same cadence at the end of every second line, which produces a wearisome and soporiferous effect. This can be prevented by nothing but a resolute attention to the sense of each period, whenever suspended (as it ought to be, as often as possible), beyond the close of the second line, by a strict observance of the single or the double pause, as one or both occur in every verse ; and by a due knowledge and nice practice of the laws of punctuation. For what regards accent and emphasis, in the latter of which nature is our sole instructress, we cannot better lengthen INTRODUCTION. XXV this introduction than with a judicious and luminous passage from Sheridan's Art of Reading. * " ( Emphasis, discharges in sentences, the ' same kind of office, that accent does in words. ' As accent is the link which ties syllables 1 together, and forms them into words ; so 1 emphasis unites words together, and forms ' them into sentences, or members of sentences. t As accent dignifies the syllable on which it * is laid, and makes it more distinguished by 4 the ear than the rest ; so emphasis ennobles 1 the word to which it belongs, and presents * it in a stronger light to the understanding. * Accent is the mark which distinguishes words ( from each other, as simple types of our ideas, ' without reference to the mutual relation in 1 which they stand to each other. Emphasis 4 is the mark, which points out their several * degrees of relationship, in their various < combinations, and the rank which they hold < in the mind. Were there no accents, words 1 would be resolved into their original syllables : 1 were there no emphasis, sentences would be ( resolved into their original words ; and, in * Lecture 4th on Elocution. INTRODUCTION. ' this case, the hearer must be at the pains ' himself, first, of making out the words, and 1 afterwards their meaning. Whereas, by the ' use of accent and emphasis, words, and their 4 meaning, being pointed out by certain marks, ' at the same time they are uttered, the hearer ' has all trouble saved, but that of listening ; * and can accompany the speaker at the same < pace that he goes, with as clear a compre- hension of the matter offered to his consi- ( deration, as the speaker himself has, if he ' delivers himself well.' " From this account it might appear, that emphasis is only a more forcible accent than ordinary laid upon the word to which it belongs, and that it is exactly of the same nature, differing only in degree of force ; an opinion, which, to the great prejudice of elocution, has too gene- rally prevailed. But there is an absolute and constitutional difference, between accent and emphasis, as certainly there ought to be, which consists in this ; that every emphatic syllable, besides a greater stress, is marked also by a change of note in the voice. To shew the necessity of this, we need only observe, that the mind, in communicating its ideas, is in a con- INTflODUCTION. XXVll iinual state of activity, emotion, or agitation, from the different effects which those' ideas produce on th*e mind of the speaker. Now y as the end of such communication is not merely to lay open the ideas, but also all the different feelings which they excite in him who utters them, there must be some other marks beside words, to manifest these ; as words uttered in * monotonous state, can only represent a similar state of mind, perfectly free from all activity or emotion. As the communication of these inter- nal feelings was a matter of much more conse- quence in our social intercourse, than the mere conveying of ideas ; so the author of our being did not leave the invention of this language, as in the other case, to man, but stamped it himself upon our nature, in the same manner as he has done with regard to the rest of the animal world, who all express their various feelings, by various tones. Only our's, from the superior rank that we hold, is infinitely more compre- hensive ; as there is not an act of the mind, an exertion of the fancy, or an emotion of the heart, which have not their peculiar tone, or note of the voice, by which they are to be ex- pressed, all suited in the exactest proportion, to the several degrees of internal feeling." XXV111 INTRODUCTION. SECTION IX. * Hints on the natural reading of Prose. This admirable passage might have closed our introduction ; yet as it may be thought strange, that not a word should have been said n the natural reading of prose, except that the passage just cited applies equally to prose and verse, we would briefly notice, that, wherever the correction of unnatural habits in the reading o of poetry may have been intended, it has been taken for granted, that persons once made sen- sible of them, could not fail to have examined, whether ill habits might not have affected their prose reading, and that they would doubtless begin a reform in this quarter, where it would most easily be made. After the directions above recommended, nothing, in adverting to the topic of prose reading, can be necessary but to repeat, in three words, the great, the first, and the last rule, of attentively comparing the tones, Sfc. in reading, with those of nature, which we use in con- versing, and of constantly recurring to these tones for the correction of any improper habits. To INTRODUCTION, XXIX facilitate, and ultimately effect the success of this object, the praxis of prose reading should begin with familiar dialogues; and what, in this department, could be more advantageously recommended than Fontenelle's Dialogues of the Dead, whether the original, or the translation, and those of Lord Lyttleton under the same title ? Though Bishop Hurd's dialogues are written with truly classic taste, and in the purest stile ; and are equally entertaining and instruc- tive ; yet being, on account of their subjects, less familiar than the foregoing, they might better follow than precede the reading of a few comedies. For natural stile of dialogue few comedies in our language can be compared with Addison's " Drummer." Of the more modern ones, those, I believe, of Goldsmith and Cumberland may be read to family parties, without much, or perhaps any selection. The elegant dialogues of Hurd may close the praxis of prose reading. Although the preceding suggestions are con- fessedly much too far from being sufficiently comprehensive to be offered as formal precepts for those, whose professions and situations in life may oblige them to address large assemblies XXX INTRODUCTION. in public, it is nevertheless conceived, that to gentlemen educating for the pulpit, the bar, or the senate, they may prove at least useful intimations ; and particularly to such of them as want opportunity, leisure, or convenience, to attend the public lecturers in elocution. It is scarcely doubted, however, that they will suffice for the instruction of those, for whose use they are more directly intended ; young persons of either sex, desirous to acquit themselves, agree- ably and with propriety, as readers to small family circles. These valuable contributors to domestic knowledge and amusement, since the education of females at our higher seminaries, and of the daughters of clergymen at home, has taken a larger and more liberal compass than formerly, are become a numerous class in cultivated society : nor do we hesitate to augur, that its moral improvement and happiness will keep pace with their multiplication. The more thinking part of the world may be disposed to give credit to this plan of domestic improvement, from consideration of the exces- sive pressure of these times, (this martial age) in numberless families confined to live on fixed, moderate, and often strait incomes, in the middle INTRODUCTION. XXXI rank of British society ; into which may be reckoned the great body of the clergy. Does not an indispensable economy reduce a majority of such families to the necessity of living within themselves at home; at least greatly to narrow the circle of their acquaintance ? The writer of these pages is free to confess, the former case has, for several years, been the ne- cessary effect of a limited income on himself and his own family. They, having been pre- vented from stepping, far, or often, beyond their own threshold for the enjoyment of society, have found reason to congratulate themselves on the delightful resource of family reading; not sel- dom, pleasantly varied by the conversation it is naturally calculated to promote. By persons, not already hackneyed in dissi- pation, inclined to try the experiment, it might, pretty generally perhaps, be found no unin- teresting substitute ; a healthy one we are sure it would be For midnight suppers, revel, dance, and song, Play, stare, and press in fashion's giddy throng. That parents and the elders of families, in some known instances, where the experiment XXXli INTRODUCTION, has been made, should without regret have re- nounced even the more tranquil pleasures of society for intellectual pleasures at home, ought to be no subject of M onder, though perchance it may ; but that the younger members should after sufficient trial, have declared they felt no diminution of their happiness in the change, has been matter of no unjust triumph. Whether, however, such had been the result of the experiment or not, there seemed, on account of inauspicious times, no alternative between quiet retirement, books, and reflection, and the senseless resource of those, whose custom it is to borrow of the next year, in order to live extravagantly in this. .But to conclude, if these fables, from their application to the three particular purposes for which they are professedly intended, viz : the exercise of investigation and reasoning, the facilitating the composition of themes, and the practice of natural reading, should become to some perceptible extent, instrumental to the in- tellectual improvement, and innocent satisfac- tions of domestic society, though his hopes stretch considerably further, the writer will not lose his reward. And should his bookseller, INTRODUCTION. XXXlll from any encouraging demand for this little volume, judge them to have contributed some- thing to the amusement of readers in the world at large, a few more of the writer's early sleepless morning hours may not perhaps be ill employed tor the production of another volume. TABLE OF CONTENTS. FABLE PAGE I. The Grasshopper and the Ant 37 II. The Wallet 42 III. The Swallow and small Birds . 46 IV. The Philosopher's Cottage 52 V. JEsop at Marbles 57 VI. The Kite and the Pigeons 61 VII. A King for the Frogs 65 VIII. The Fox and the Stork 69 IX. The Oak and the Reed '.. 73 X. The Old Bachelor and his two Mistresses 77 XL The Women and the Secret 81 XII. The Hornets and the Bees 87 XIII. The Wolf and the Masti&t 93 XIV. The Cat and the Rats 103 XV. Simonides preserved by the Gods 107 XVI. The Husbandman and Stag 116 XVII. TbeTwoMules 122 XVIII. The Wolf and the Lamb 126 XIX. The Heifer, the Goat, and the Sheep, in partnership with the Lion 130 XX. The Beau Jackdaw 133 XXI. An Ass too free and easy 137 XXII. The Frog and the Ox 141 XXIII. The Crow, the Fox, and the Rook 146 XXIV. Caesar's Reward of Officiousness. . . 151 TABLE OF CONTENTS. FABLE PAGE XXV. The Eagle and the Raven 157 XXVI. The Cock and the Jewel 162 XXVII. The Lion and Ass a hunting 168 XXVIII. The Owl and the Grasshopper 171 XXIX. The WoJf and the Crane 176 XXX. The Sensible Ass 180 XXXI. The Child and the Schoolmaster 183 XXXII. The Ape and the Dolphin 186 XXXIII. The two Dogs 190 XXXIV. The Town and Country Rat 195 XXXV. The Woodman and Death 200 XXXVI. The Lion going to War 205 XXXVII. The Rat and the Elephant 209 XXXVIII. The Power of Fable . ..213 FABLE.S, &c. FABLE I. THE GRASSHOPPER AND THE ANT. A GRASSHOPPER, who sung all summer long, Found, when November's frosts set in, No winter stores were gather'd by a song ; No fly ; no worm ; what wonder she look'd thin ? Furnish'd at least with beggar's cant, Away she hops to neighbour Ant. " Famine! she cries, behold me starving! " While all, one needs, is yours for carving. " Lend me, good soul, a few loose grains, or so, 11 Just till next season ; ('tis at no great distance) " I ask but for a mere subsistence : " How good my credit is, you know. Ere harvest comes, she takes upon her, At the first moment it is due, Full payment, on an insect's honour, Of principal and int'rest too. The Ant, so cautious of her spending, Be sure, was never prone to lending : " Tell me, in winter, you that beg, or borrow, 38 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. " How is't, the summer season you employ ?" " In nought but mirth and joy :" " Both day and night (a fig for sorrow !) " I sing, regardless what may hap to-morrow ; " Nought welcome b^t time present." " Oh ! this, replies the Ant, is mighty pleasant : " Tims, leaving all your livelihood to chance, " You've sung most merrily and now, may dance." FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 39 QUESTIONS FOR INVESTIGATING THE MORAL INSTRUCTION DEDUCIBLE FROM THE FABLE. 1. EXAMINER. What characters among men are the Grasshopper and the Ant intended by the fabulist to represent ? RESPONDENT. The former insect, that of an idle, giddy, and thoughtless spendthrift ; the latter, a person parsimoniously prudent. 2. Ex. Is the character of the Ant in all re- spects to be imitated ? RES. Not altogether. 3. Ex. Where is it defective, or worthy of blame ? RES. In her parsimony. 4. Ex. Was there any fault in her not lending to the Grasshopper ? RES. None, I think. 5. Ex. But might not a person in good cir- cumstances, or well provided with store, like the Ant, lend to a neighbour consistently with prudence ? RES. Yes, surely. 6. Ex. Why then should she not have lent to the Grasshopper ? 40 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. RES. Because, as lending presupposes the right, and generally, the expectation of being repaid, it would have been incompatible with her prudence to lend, where there was no better security for repayment than the promise of such a prodigal as the Grasshopper. 7. Ex. But should not famine, and the ex- treme distress of a neighbour, which the Ant did not pretend to doubt, have induced her at least to give something to the relief of her present ne- cessities ? RES. They ought to have been an irresistible plea. 8. Ex. Why did she not yield to it ? RES. Because a parsimonious spirit consists ill with charity. 9. Ex. Perhaps the Ant waited to be asked for alms ? RES. She would have granted nothing to begging. 10. Ex. Does the general and proper defini- tion of charity exclude the idea of parsimony ? RES, Surely, it does. 11. Ex. But might not that parsimony, by which wealth is saved at least, if not gained, en- able a parsimonious character to become a charita- ble one ? FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 41 RES. Undoubtedly: but this is no apology for parsimony. The ability to be charitable, and the disposition to be so, are widely different things. 12. Ex. What is the comparative value of the two characters in the fable, morally considered ? RES. The Grasshopper is described without any good quality : the Ant, as possessing the virtue of prudence, but accompanied with a vice, as we too often see it in the world, which is apt to confine the benefit of that virtue solely to its possessor. 13. Ex. What then makes the moral of the present fable? RES. The disappointment and increased dis- tress, suffered by the Grasshopper from the Ant's refusal to lend, shews the unhappy consequences which generally await an idle, giddy, and thought- less life ; and this was doubtless the intention of the fabulist. 42 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. FABLE II. THE WALLET. SAYS Jove, one day, " let every creature " That breathes, approach .the footstool of my throne: " Whatever limb, or feature i! As ugly, or deform'd, his humour strikes, " Complexion, fair or brown ; " Let him but mention his dislikes, i( My remedy shall soon be shewn. " Hark, Monkey, speak you first ; nor ask me why: " Behold these animals all round you ; " Nor let their various forms, or size confound you : " Their beauties closely all descry, " While none at home escape your eye ; st Then balance yours 'gainst theirs ; all fairly tried, " And partiality aside, " Say, with thyself art fully satisfied ?" " Why not ? " Four legs, like all the rest, I've got : " And my whole person, tho' I'm far from blind, " Quite faultless do I find. a But let friend Bruin there, like something hurl'd. his head, In plight most piteous and humble, Stretch'd on the earth, and number'd with the dead. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 75 QUESTIONS, &c. 1. EXAMINER. Is it wise for persons but slenderly provided, and of small pretensions, to listen eagerly to offers of patronage from those, who boast confidently of their power and pros- perity ? RESPONDENT. The fable appears intended to shew, that it is riot. 2. Ex. But may not protection be worth accepting, while at least these boasters continue in prosperity ? RES. Not without caution, and well weighing, whether a reverse of fortune in the patron may not draw down with him, in his fall, the person pro- tected. 3. Ex Has the fabulist judged well in making the Reed express itself with such grateful acknow- ledgment of the feeling and kind love of the Oak ; since all the Oak had said might have been set down much more to the account of vanity than of compassion ? RES. This was surely the proceeding of a candid and delicate mind, white doubting only, whether the protection kindly though ostentatiously offered, could have been given. 76 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 4. Ex. But ; to turn our attention more directly to the confident boaster here pointed at, whence arises it, that any human creature can cal- culate on his power and prosperity so unwisely, as to believe, that nothing can diminish, or aftcct them ? RES. From his pride and vanity, which confine his whole thoughts to himself and his own present circumstances, and will not suffer him to contem- plate that mutability, to which all human tilings are subject. 5. Ex. To what end may we humbly conjec- ture that the Supreme Being has allowed this muta- bility to take place throughout the sublunary state of man ? RES. What other end can we assign than that this life is a state of probation, and that these changes are intended, to minister occasion for the practice of some of our most important moral duties ? FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 77 FABLE X. THE OLD BACHELOR AND HIS TWO MISTRESSES. A SOBER Bachelor, of certain age, But somewhat tow'rd the greybeard drawing, At length grown weary of see-sawing, Thought, he might prudently engage Th' affections of his heart, look out a wife ; And enter on the married life. In youth he hoarded up the pence ; Time made them pounds ; and pounds made com- petence. Too well determin'd now to falter, He takes the road to Hymen's altar : Yet far too wary he, to snap At every face, that set a cap. 'Mong those, who understood his meaning, And were tow'rd matrimony leaning, ^yo widows, flinging each a dart At they same moment, thought, they reach'd his heart. One still was green, alert, and shrill of pipe ; The other more than almost ripe ; But skilful, to retain by art Charms, that were ready to depart. These widows, full of fun and laughter, 78 TABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. (You'd never guess, what they were after) As if to spruce their Bachelor for dinner, Their curling tongs, or tweezers each applies ; Both much intent upon the prize : Each hoping, she might be the winner. While this odd business was doing, And our old spark, seem'd both, or neither wooing; The elder dame pluck'd out each blacker hair : But t'other, thought he best might spare Those mark'd by age, and turning grey : So pluck'd ; so twitch'd ; so manag'd they, To make her beau what each thought best, Till the good man, of Nature's boon bereft, [lad not one solitary ringlet left. Soon as he understood the jest, " My belles, he cried, accept my thanks ; ' Tho', somewhat to my noddle's cost, " My hair, both black and grey, I've lost, a I hold myself a gainer by your pranks. l( Married to either should I thus be teaz'd, " Till metamorphosed into what she pleas'd ; " Nor e'er allow 'd to think, or act, or speak, " But in the character of Jerry Sneak : " So, ladies, on this hard condition, a The wedding ring suits not my disposition : " I'm still myself: I scorn to sham ; " And so, I'll e'en continue, as I am." FABLES FOR THE FIRE-.SIDfi. 79 QUESTIONS, &c. 1. EXAMINER. Whether of these two widows would you determine to have been the more un- reasonable for attempting so total a change in our mature Bachelor, as their different proceedings shews each, to have been desirous of effecting ? RESPONDENT. One, being represented as more nearly approaching his age than the other, not unnaturally expected, she should the more easily change him to her own humour : yet the other, probably founding her expectation of success on the superior influence of youthful charms, was as little inclined to despair as the former ; so that we know not how to pronounce one more reasonable than the other. 2. Ex. But the most important question is, whether both were not very unreasonable in expect- ing so entire a change in the character, habits, manners, arid person, as the Bachelor reasonablj- concludes, would be attempted by either of these ladies, he might have chosen for a wife ? RES. It were manifestly absurd to attempt, or expect so absolute a transformation in any human being ; and still more so, in one whose habits had been confirmed by length of time. 80 FABLES FOU THE FIRE-SIDE. 3. Ex. Our Bachelor being aware, that the future experiments projected would be equally unpleasant with that already undergone, can you hesitate in pronouncing upon his resolution of avoiding a connection with either ? RES. It will at once be decided, he acted wisely. 4. Ex. So far, then, you close with the instruc- tion of the fable ; but does it inculcate a right lesson in the Bachelor's determination, never to enter the state of matrimony oft account of this dis- appointment ? RES. Surely it does not ; unless, the sex in general, maids, wives, and widows, be supposed as unreasonable as the two women in the fable, which the experience of most men happily contradicts. 5. Ex. But is there not a certain point, to -which a lady may laudably attempt after marriage, if- it be not previously practicable, some alteration in the character of a husband, and to assimilate his manners and humour somewhat to her own? RES. Yes, so far, as she is sure, the wiser and better part of the world will think him improved by the change she may wish to effect ; and pro- vided, it be undertaken with due respect and delicacy. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 81 FABLE XL THE WOMEN AND THE SECRET. I KNOW a saucy Bard, who says, " Nothing more heavy than a secret weighs" And adds, u unless, with some to share it, ' No woman ever far could bear it." But bid him tell you, ladies, when This burthen was more liadit for men ? o A countryman, in humbler life, (A hum'rous wight he was, and married) Must needs make trial of his wife ; How far, by her, this burthen could be carried. One night, when lying at her side, " Ye pow'rs of midwif 'ry, he cried, " Help ! Help ! Then turning to his dame, he said, u Thy husband is deliver'd of an egg." " An egg ?" " Yes, yes, and just new-laid, " I feel it with my leg. " But bless tliee, keep it secret, dear ; t( Once I conjure thee, and again ; " For should'st thou let it go, I fear, " Each gossip would nick-name me, hen ; " In short, thou must be mum." Altho' so wond'rous an affair Could not but make the woman stare, FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. She promis'd to be dumb ; Nor, as her husband press'd it, was she loath, To bind her promise by an oatli . But ah ! the binding prov'd not tight, And only lasted during night. Up rose the dame by break of day, And to a neighb'ring gossip's house she ran " So strange a thing has happen'd ! but I pray, a Lest I get drubb'd by my good man, " Whose temper ha*s a little of the crab, " A single syllable you'll never blab. u Hear now this most mysterious matter, " (The like ne'er happen'd in the world before!) " My spouse has laid an egg, as big as lour. " Be sure now, Gran'am, don't you chatter." " Why, my good neighbour, cries the other, u Truly, 1 thought, you'd known me better ; " Believe me, as you would your mother, " I'll blab not half a word, nor e'en a letter. " So pry'thee, let no scruples teaze yc, *' Go home, and make thyself quite easy." She went ; but scarce had rcach'd the door, When Goody felt the secret boiling o'er. Her bonnet on. away she paces, And tells it only in ten places. But, as few tales, twice-told agree, The husband's egg was multiplied to three ; FABLES FOll THE FIRE-SIDE. 83 Indeed, what story ever lost in telling- ? With the next gossip our's was swelling. She in a whisper roundly swore, The number was no less than four. But whispers now became quite needless ; For half the world had caught the rumour, Alike the thoughtful, and the heedless ; And as no dame was in the humour, To let the story pass without improvement, At ev'ry call, and nimble movement Of tongues, that babbled without ceasing, The number went on so increasing, From three alone at early day, (So each belicv'd, or feign'd, or blunder'd) That, by the evening's closing ray, The good man's egg amounted to a hundred. Note. The story of this fable has been called low 5 and not unjustly. But the weakness it chastises is general in all ranks of life ; common to both sexes, and of a very serious nature. The poignant vivacity with which La Fontaine has told the story, and his conduct of it, so true to Nature, would not allow the present fabulist to reject it, under the prime consideration of the moral importance of the subject. But he has taken care, in his paraphrastic imitation, to confine the scene and circum- stances to lower life, conformably to the uature of the story. The fable, however, as he found it (Lib. viii. 6.) is with the volume dedicated by its Author, to the Dauphin of France ; was probably taught him, with the rest, by Bossuet, his preceptor, ar-d read by the most polished courtiers of Louis XIV., the ]>;urons and admirers of La Fontaine. 84r FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. QUESTIONS, &c. 1. EXAMINER. Is this difficulty of retention in the article of secrets more common in one sex than the other ? RESPONDENT. Although Fontaine's representa- tion might mislead us to think so, the present fabulist, from his question in the fourth and fifth lines, appears not to. adopt that opinion. 2. Ex. But, Avithout further enquiry, whether of the two sexes is most liable to this weakness (since none is more common to both,) to what causes are we to attribute it ? RES. Partly to the secret vanity of shewing what confidence has been placed in us, and partly to the natural pleasure of exciting surprize by the relation of something new or strange. 3. Ex. Why do you call the former of these two causes the secret vanity of shewing what con- fidence others have placed in us ? RES. Because we scarcely seem aware, how much we are prompted by it, to expose our own infirmity. 4. Ex. Will you have the goodness to explain this ? RES. Surely we cannot manifest a greater weakness, while seemingly insensible of it, than to shew ourselves proud of a confidence reposed in FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 85 lus at the very instant we are betraying it, and proving, how little we have deserved it. 5. Ex. Does the second cause you have [assigned, namely, the pleasure of communicating something new, or strange, make any excuse for the infirmity condemned in the fable ? RES. No more than the pleasure we may have In committing any other fault : this in every case is an immoral, and would, if admitted, be a most dangerous plea. 6. Ex. Why do you think so ? RES. Because the most heinous crimes are probably at the moment of commission not unac- companied by some transient pleasure, however horrid the remorse with which they may be followed. This plea is soon found too weak for Jhe serious approval of a man's own conscience. 7. Ex. Has not this fable been thought by some persons rather indelicate and low ? RES. I believe, it has. 8. Ex. Why then do you suppose it to have Deen admitted here ? RES. Probably, because the author could find 10 other, in which this dangerous infirmity has 3een so happily exposed. 9. Ex. Since the present fabulist, with a con- ideration wanting in the original author, has H 86 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. pointedly placed the scene and the actors in low life, are not the circumstances at least all perfectly in nature ? RES. That will hardly be denied. 10. Ex. Would it not then have been a proof rather of a squeamish fastidiousness than of good taste, to have rejected it ? RES. The present fabulist must doubtless have thought so ; and have trusted, that, when the importance of the apologue, for the reasons above, is weighed, no candid or moral critic would wish it left out of his book. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. FABLE XII. THE HORNETS AND THE BEES. A HONEYCOMB was found, on some occasion. The property of which the Hornets claim'd ; The Bees opposed this reclamation : Before Judge Wasp the process came. A day was fixed to have it tried ; But 'twas no easy matter to decide ; For all the witnesses agreed, They had observed, too narrowly, to doubt it., Some insects on the comb, and some about it. Possession fully bent to take ; A wing'd and buzzing breed, Of tann'd complexion, and of longish make. Now this description answers to the Bee ; Nor does it with the Hornet, less agree. This likeness strange of either race Posed my lord Judge, and puzzled much the case .: Still darker made by Counsel Spinner : He and his learned brother Rover, Quite ready both for dinner, Advise the Judge, to let the cause stand over. But first, my lord, deliberate and wary, Issues a writ of certiorari. Tho' information was obtain'd ; 88 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. The cause at next assize remain'd, But where it was before : So 'twas proposed to have one hearing more. Spinner now hinting a refreshing fee, < 'Tis full six months, exclaims a prudent Bee, " This action has been still depending : c One still may come, who has a hundred eyes ; " One, who alas ! too fearless stranger ! * O %< May yet thy confidence surprise, ir ' And prove thee yet, not fairly out of danger." When one prognosticates disaster, It often seems to come the faster. No sooner had our elder finished A speech, which somewhat had diminished The satisfaction of his guest. Than at the stall, behold ! the master ! A Husbandman with care oppress'd, Looking all round him with chagrin, He cries : " These Oxen look so thin ! 118 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. " That, sure, Fve reason to suspect " My servants guilty of neglect. " This has no hay ; that wants his corn ; " And dirty Cobwebs hide another's horn. " And what conclusion must I draw, " This heap close by, to see 'em wanting straw ? u Masters of due economy observant, " Must sometimes condescend to act the servant " At least I'm sure, 'twill break no law, " To throw my animals a little straw." A fork snatch'd up, some straw he takes : " Hey-day ! what's here beneath,, that quakes : " A pair of branching horns perk out ! " A Stag ! sure not ! my eyes I doubt. " 'Tis so : a noble brute by Jove ! " Ho ! Tom ! Ned ! Will ! bring here my gun ; " I'll lay him low : See there his business done 1 " Such easy sport as this I love : " It was indeed no pleasant matter, " To find my Oxen grown no fatter : " But I'll forget it, now at least ; " And tell the story at a ven'son feast." FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 119 QUESTIONS, &c. 1. EXAMINER. Although nothing is so com- mon as the neglect of duty in servants, and other persons commissioned in matters of trust, would it be wise in any man to dismiss all confidence, and to take his whole business upon his own shoulders ? RESPONDENT. Since, in a state of civil society, no man can do every thing for himself, and some sort of substitution is necessary in a thousand articles, even in the most private station, it would be very unwise, to repose no confidence in others. 2. Ex. But since you allow, it will be often abused, can he possibly be too cautious m whom he reposes it ? RES. Without doubt, every wise man, who has experienced this abuse, ought to accustom himself, more and more, to examine well the cha- racters, pretensions and principles of those he intends to employ. But since perfection belongs not to man, even caution itself must have its limits. 3. Ex. But would you justify a man, who, having a large and extensive property, gives the superintendence of it to some cunning, active, self- interested and suspicious character, of whom his 120 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. principal has nothing- better to say, than, that " although he cheats me, he will suffer no one else to do it ?" RES. No; this would be the confidence of neither a wise, nor a good man ; but the indolence of a careless one, and of lax principles, himself. A Christian moralist could not acquit him of the guilt of partaking of other mens' sins ; for such indolence encourages malversation. 4. Ex. You judge rightly of this case; but as a cautious, wise and good man will, after all his care, find himself frequently mistaken in the cha- racter of his servants and substitutes, what is he to do then ? RES. Plainly, to dismiss those whom he has found unworthy of his confidence, and look out for better. But, in the mean time, where the effects of idleness, or neglect in the former, have not been such as to be punishable by the laws, to bear them with patience among the necessary evils of life. 5. Ex. lias not the Husbandman in the fable a merit even beyond that of patience ? RES. Yes, that of good humour, and making the best of a bad matter. 6. Ex. But why, for our completer instruc- tion, are we not told, that he dismissed his careless servants ? FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 121 i RES. Partly, because his character of great circumspection leaves us fairly to suppose the dis- missal ; and partly perhaps because the main drift of the fable turns upon the conduct of the Stag. 7. Ex. What then is the lesson taught us by his conduct ? RES. That what appears the best measure, to which we may happen to resort under any sudden danger or calamity, may fail of security ; but that when we have recurred to what we thought the best, or perhaps our only resource in the exigency, we may submit to the consequences without self-reproach. 8. Ex. But when the Ox had acquainted the Stag, he had reason to believe him not safe, should he not instantly have sprung from his covert ? RES. He had resolved to do so, as soon as he supposed the hounds at a distance ; but to have started sooner would have l)een to quit an uncertain good for a certain evil, as, doubtless, flight yet appeared to him. 122 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. FABLE XVII. THE TWO MULES. Two Mules were footing the same road ; But carrying each a different sort of load. One jogg'd on, like your common hacks, With barley to the mill. A Mule of office, t'other bore Part of the nation's load, the income tax, With prouder step and free good- will, Upon that score. Jingling his bells, as on he went, He pass'd our humble carrier with a frown ; Hardly deigning to look down. When lo ! a gang of thieves on treasure bent, His bridle seize, and stop him short. They feel his kicks, and hear him snort : Resistance vain ! a pistol's shot Levels our Mule of office with the spot. " Is this the fruit of honour and high place !" He groans out, wailing his hard lot : " How different that poor drudge's case ! " Safe, unregarded, goes the lubber by ; " While thus, methinks, I hear him cry : u Ah ! friend, full oft a place at court a Proves naught but fortune's cruel sport : FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 123 " With me, thou might'st have 'scap'd these woes, say I, " Had'st thou been drudging for the mill good bye!" 124 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. QUESTIONS, &c. i 1. EXAMINER. What arc the most prominent j marks of that vanity and weakness, which men so j often discover upon advancement to posts of j honour, or high office ? RESPONDENT. Their vanity appears in thei supercilious airs, with which they are apt to insult 1 their less fortunate equals : their weakness, in the I confidence, which they place in the instability of j prosperous circumstances, and adventitious dis-l tinctions. 2. Ex. Why are they less able than persons , of moderation and sobriety of spirit, to bear up I against the assaults of adversity, or of sudden I calamity ? RES. Their confidence and vanity naturally! prevent foresight ; and the want of foresight pre-| vents due preparation of mind, to endure, with] firmness or patience, the changes of fortune. 3. Ex. Had not the late prosperity of thei Mule so filled him with pride and vanity, was! there not one subject of consolation, to which hel might have resorted in his last hour ? RES. Yes, a very fair one, in reflecting, that; his calamity had not been occasioned by any! FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 125 malversation or abuse of Lis office ; but solely by the lawless violence of others. 4. Ex. Though the vanity and confidence of the mule in office had ill prepared him for the fatal end he met with, what are we to think of the reflections it drew from his companion ? RES. That they bear strong marks of unge- nerous insult and an unforgiving spirit. 5. Ex. But did not the haughty disdain, which he had experienced from the other in his pro- sperity, seem to justify them ? RES. Certainly not. The misfortunes of an enemy have just claim to our compassion ; and still more those of one, whom we could regard in no worse light than a proud, unsocial neighbour. 126 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. FABLE XVIII. THE WOLF AND THE LAMB. IN this bad world, whatever fails, The law of strongest oft prevails. At the clear current of a spring, A Lamb had stopp'd to quench his thirst. It matters little, who came first ; But hunger and adventures chanced to bring A Wolf, before his breakfast, to the spot. " Somewhat too bold, there ! art thou not," In wrath the Wolf exclaims, " To mud the water which I drink? " Thy rashness, sirrah, smart correction claims." " Small cause to move your honour's wrath, I think" Replies the Lamb : tl Would ydu but please t' observe, Sir, where I am, " Full twenty yards below you ; " I could^not mud the spring for you, " As common sense must shew you." " I tell you, that you do ;" Returns the cruel beast : " But this, I hope, you'll not deny at least, " That, just about a year ago, ^ 'Twas you, that scandalized me so." FABLES FOR THE FITIK-SIBE. 127 " An't please your worship, as a lie 1 scorn, " Long since, believe me, I was born ; " And still am suckled by my mother." " Hoh ! then it was your brother ;" " I have none," " Well then, one of your odd folks at home, " You, or your shepherd, or the dogs around ye, " Always at war with me, confound ye ; " Deny it if you can. So come, " On you, the first, I lay my thumb ; " A culprit for high treason." With that, defying justice, law, and reason, The Lamb he seizes, struck quite dumb ; Then drags his victim from the water : *To the next wood, as soon as come, Proceeds the ruthless ruffian to the slaughter. 128 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. QUESTIONS, &c. 1. EXAMINER. By what wa$ the Wolf's deliberate cruelty greatly aggravated ? RESPONDENT. By false accusation and in- sult, 2. Ex. But was there no other aggrava- tion ? RES. Yes ; not only the falsehood and impu- dence of his first accusation ; but the impossibility of its being true. 3. Ex. Are we to suppose, that among the, sons of men, any are to be found capable of such enormity ? RES. We are unwilling to believe it ; but the fabulist undoubtedly supposed it, or his apologue would be without meaning. 4. Ex. But were we actually sitting in judge- ment on such a case, ought we not to enquire, whether, though no circumstance appears which could absolve the culprit, there were any, which might at least be urged in extenuation of his crime ? RES. Yes : the Wolf, it is said, was impelled to the commission of it by the violence of hunger. FABLES FOll THE FIRE-SIDE. 129 5. Ex. But do you mean this plea should entitle him to pardon ? RES. By no means ; but, in some small degree, lessen his punishment. 6. Ex. But should the necessitous hunger of an unsocial vagabond, living like the Wolf, by vio- lence and robbery, form as strong a plea for the diminution of punishment, as that of an orderly citizen, who, reduced to famine at some fatal moment of inevitable penury, should commit a like crime with the Wolf's in the fable ? RES. Necessity is said to have no law; and suppose the maxim true, yet the necessity of a creature, who will live out of all order of civil society, nor in any circumstance pay obedience to law, has, under commission of the same crime, by many degrees a weaker plea for the diminution of punishment. 130 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. FABLE XIX. THE HEIFER, THE GOAT AND THE SHEEP, IX PARTNERSHIP WITH THE LION. A HEIFER, Goat, and sister Sheep thought good, To enter into league With a proud Lion in their neighbourhood. 'Twas no political intrigue : They meant fair partnership in loss or gains. Lo ! first the Goat a prize obtains : Caught in his toils a bouncing Deer, He bade the partners of the firm draw near. The Lion reck'ning on his paw, " We're four ; yes, four, I see ; he cries, " Met here to share the prize." He makes four parcels, as requir'd the law,* Of equal size. In quality of prince with royal air, He seizes the first share. " All, of your sov'reign's right aware, " No doubt, this first concede. u The second, here, is mine by law ; " The law, you know, of stronger. " My valour wins the third : and now take heed, * The law of their compact. FABLES FOR THE FIBE-SIDE. 131 That for the fourth my claim's without a flaw ; " Nor will I urge it longer : " Touch it who dares ; but let him note, My paw's, that instant, down the caitiff's throat.'* 132 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. QUESTIONS, &c. 1. EXAMINER. Why have the fabulists, should you suppose, chosen such weak and in- ferior animals as a Heifer, Goat and Sheep, to enter into partnership with the Lion ? RESPONDENT. To shew us, in applying this representation to human life, that weak and igno- rant persons only would expect no advantage to be taken of them in such a compact with one very superior in power. 2. Ex. How would you characterize a man of great power acting the part of the Lion in the fable ? RES. As an oppressive tyrant, without sense of honour, or justice. 5. Ex. But is not the case of the fable, as it concerns the conduct of the Lion, an uncommon one ? RES. History, antient and modern, to the latter of which we may apply the great political trans- actions of a certain despof in the present time, prove the contrary. Note. The present fabulist believes, this apologue might often be much too hastily applied beyond the sphere of politics, to which perhaps it was originally confined : for in common life, and particularly in commerce, such associations are neces- sary and wise. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 135 FABLE XX. THE BEAU JACKDAW. THE Jackdaw was resolv'd to shine ; And thinking proper to assume The Peacock's plume, He pick'd up, here and there, a feather, And thought, they made him wonderfully fine, When stuck upon his jet-black coat together. Become a Peacock in his dress, He soon conceived himself no less, Than Peacock's company. And joining the next set By chance he met, Perceived himself less welcome far, than free. At first, it set the younger ones all giggling, To see him strutting, frolicking and niggling ; A very Jackdaw, 'spite of all grimaces. Soon wearied with his chattering and pertness, Both old and young, with great alertness, Pluck'd every borrow'd plume so gay, And drove him mortified away ; No more inclined to court the Graces. Now flying to his antient steeple, A colony of Jackdaw people, 134 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. His hopes again no less deceive him. Shock'd at his airs, and mean desertion, They shew him nothing but aversion, And will no more receive him. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 135 QUESTIONS, &c. 1. EXAMINER. It is needless to ask, whether foppery in dress is ridiculous : but in what cir- cumstances does it become contemptible ? RESPONDENT. In its frequent attempts to attract notice by finery out of the wearer's character. 2. Ex. In what view may this be regarded, as a lighter species of dishonesty ? RES. In /the assumption of something not one's own ; something generally belonging to our superiors. 3. Ex. Of what does a man betray a con- sciousness, who hangs out false colours like our Jackdaw ? RES. Surely of the want of real merit. 4. Ex. Into what particular inconvenience and absurdity of conduct does the fable shew us, that the fop's vanity is likely to tempt him ? RES. That of quitting his own sphere and thrusting himself into the society of his betters, who will certainly despise him. 5. Ex. What must he expect, when being laughed or turned out of their company, he would return to his own fraternity ? 136 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. RES. Well-merited contempt and rejection, like that which met the Jackdaw. 6. Ex. Foppery in dress may lead to foppery in manners. The letters of a celebrated Nobleman to his Son, abounding with advice to court and sacrifice to the Graces^ having, on points, where the advice has no tendency to relax the rigour of moral principle, been advantageously attended to in polite education, I would ask, whether the national character of the Britisli gentry would be really improved by much greater refinement of manners than it exhibits at present. RES. Manners very elegant and refined being those which are, at the same time, the most natural and easy, are found so universally captivating, and are thence so easily made conducive to the success, of insincere purposes, that the Christian moralist can hardly wish the manners of the educated ranks of British society, to pass their present point of refinement. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 137 -. FABLE XXI. AN ASS TOO FREE AND EASY. A THING, which really excites one's spleen ; A case as common, as provoking, Is, that an Ass is often seen, Upon his betters to be joking. A youngster, of the long-ear'd race, fleets the wild Boar ; stern, ranging thro* the wood, With nimble pace : Forgetful of his own disparity, Or thinking his own claims as good, He asks with pert familiarity, As if one Ass had met another, " How fares it, gentle brother? Say, does your lamily, or mine inherit, * Yours, in sharp tusks ; or mine, in length of ears, " The more distinguished merit ?" The Boar indignant hears, And foaming bristles up with rage, As threat'ning to engage ; When turning round, with sudden recollection, " Begone ; it ill becomes the brave, " To pour his vengeance on a slave : " Thy meanness proves thy sole protection." FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. QUESTIONS, &c. 1. EXAMINER. Is there any better way of correcting this asinine impertinence, often met with, than by the contempt with which it was returned by the Boar ? RESPONDENT. There is in general no better way. 2. Ex. Some questions on the subject of wag- gish impertinence having been proposed, and solved, on the fable of the Fox and the Stork, I would ask, whether the impertinence of stupid and ignorant coxcombs should not be corrected by an expression of contempt different from that, which was proper toward the wag, or the droll ? RES. Certainly : contempt conveyed either by silence, or some happy turn of wit, recommended in that case, would be misunderstood, or thrown away in this before us. 3. Ex. To what then, specifically, ought we to resort on occasions of being troubled witli the coxcombical impertinence like this in the fable ? RES. To the short scornful reproof of the Boar ; or, on a repetition of the offence, to menaces of corporal chastisement, accompanied FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 139 by expressive signs, gestures, and sharper tones of voice. 4. Ex. Though corporal punishment may be threatened, can it ever be applied to stupid imper- tinence, unless under the relation of parent and child, teacher and pupil, (nor here unless per- sisted in) or master and servant, consistently with the respect the person offended owes to himself ? RES. I think very rarely ; for, in many cases, blows may provoke blows, and then the offended party becomes ridiculous. 5. Ex. But may it not be questioned, whether personal castigation can be threatened in any case where not seriously meant ? RES. It cannot, unless the threat has escaped under a momentary impulse of indignation, which frequently accompanies our contempt ; for then it is seriously meant, though the design may not remain on a little cool recollection. Otherwise a man stands convicted of insincerity toward him- self; a painful feeling to an ingenuous mind. 6. Ex. On the result then, do you apprehend, that an impertinent humour in persons of mean understanding, must sometimes be left uncorrected in any way, and that mcorrigibility must be borne with ? 140 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. RES. Instances of this nature may certainly occur ; and the wise will treat them rather as natural than moral evils, and cease to contend with them, when they cannot be overcome. 7. Ex. Would not society gain on the score of good temper and candour of mind, if unpleasant sentiments and disagreeable speeches were oftener set down to want of natural discernment ? RES. Indeed there seems reason to believe so; since a disposition must first be cultivated to estimate duty and make constant allowance for characters of duller intellect and inferior merit : for where is it, they do not abound ? FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 141 i FABLE XXII. THE FROG AND THE OX. A FROG, no bigger than an egg, Stood eyeing a fine Ox, of noblest size : Behold ! the minikin, I beg, Moved more with envy than surprize, Begins to stretch, to stare, to swell ; You'll doubtless, wonder while I tell, To hear, the creature, not o'erwise, Is aiming at the Ox's size. u Observe me, mother, while I puff, (A call she's frequently repeating) " Pray tell me, is not this enough ?" " O ! no, replies the mother, quite astonish'd, " And could thy folly be admonish'd, " His size thou'dst never think of meeting!" She tried again, and swelling bluff, Believ'd, she then had reach'd it to an inch ; " Not yet, indeed !" >" Well, well, I'll never flinch ; " 'Twill do next time," she strove, and (who will wonder ?) xShe strove her last, and fairly burst asunder. The world abounds with creatures not more wise, Still apeing those above their size. 142 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. The cit, whate'er his purse affords, Must have, as fine a villa as my lord's. The sheriff's lady thinks it right, Her spouse addressing, should be dubb'd a knight. In elder times, when folks were just as sage, No titled dame could stir without her page. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 143 QUESTIONS, &c. 1. EXAMINER. What is the vice condemned in this apologue ? RESPONDENT. An envious ambition. 2. Ex. Is there not a valuable quality of mind which is liable to be confounded with this vice ? RES. You mean emulation : It is so. 3. Ex. Do young persons, stimulated by ex- cellence in trying to equal or surpass those, who at present surpass them, fall under the condemna- tion of this fable ? RES. Not necessarily ; because emulation may and ought to exist without envious ambition. 4. Ex. How arc we to distinguish one from the other ? RES. An enviously ambitious person feels uneasiness and pain at the success, or superiority of others, with whom he compares himself, and would rather hurt them, or even himself, as we see in the fable, than not equal or surpass his rivals.' An emulous youth feels only a generous desire of attaining, or surpassing some supposed point or degree of excellence in another, apart from all consideration of the person or circumstances of his rival. 144 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 5. Ex. Would he then go so far, as to render services in his power to a rival, while endeavouring to emulate his virtues, or his talents ? RES. Yes, such I apprehend to be the generous spirit of emulation ; whereas an envious ambition discovers something of meanness, and often of malice. 6. Ex. But are not emulations and envyings both condemned in scripture ? RES. They are both placed in an odious cata- logue of sins and vices in the epistle to the Gala- tians (ch. 5, v. 19, 20, 21,) and, among the gen- tiles, generosity in contest, might perhaps so rarely have been seen, that emulation appeared but a lighter shade of envy. 7. Ex. Yet does not St. Paul, in a passage addressed to the Corinthians, suppose, that emula- tion may sometimes be laudable ? RES. This may surely be inferred from his comparison of the Christian life to a race : " know ye not that they, which run in a race, run all, but one receiveth the prize ? So run, that ye may. " obtain" Emulation is here advised, and regarded as a virtue ; nothing but the prize is kept in view, and no desire felt but that of being foremost in the race ; that is, foremost in the practice of Christian duties, without attending to any thing in the FABLES FOR THE FIJRE-SIDE. 145 persons or circumstances of competitors, according to the distinction made above between true emula- tion and envy. 8. Ex. Do you suppose that, in our schools, emulation operates toward the attainment of ex- cellence as strongly as reward or punishment ? RES. More forcibly I believe, than either with disinterested and ingenuous spirits. Punishment indeed, or the fear of it, cannot be conceived to have any stronger influence than merely to incite to the avoidance of imputed faults : but though a mind ambitious of reward will proceed actively toward high attainments, an emulous spirit, while it conceives abstractedly higher ideas perhaps of excellence than the former, is powerfully and con- stantly stimulated, to surpass some very laudable measure of it, discovered in a competitor. 146 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. FABLE XXIII. THE CROW, THE FOX, AND THE ROOK. DAME Crow sat perch'd upon a tree, While in her beak, she held a slice of cheese : This morsel Reynard chanc'd to see ; Nor faiFd it Reynard's liquorish taste to please. Wishing the dainty nearer reach, Much in this stile, he makes the dame a speech " Good morrow, madam Crow " My eye-sight's blest, as here I sit below ; " To see so sweet a figure, and so dress'd ; " Alas ! it robs my heart of rest ! " Now hear me (mind, I hate a lie :) " If, as your beauty strikes the eye, " Your voice's melody should charm my ear " No matter ever was so clear " As that o'er birds of song, you reign the Phcenix here." At the wag's praise elated above measure, Our Phoenix, riggling with excess of pleasure, Opens her beak, and strains her throat, To ravish Reynard with her note. Down drops the cheese ; Which Reynard laughing lost no time to seize. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 147 A grave old Rook,* just passing by, Turn'd on our dupe a pitying eye. Seeing, she much had wanted an adviser, Believ'd it neighbourly to try A lesson, which she thought would suit her : A word of truth might make her wiser, And save, perchance, her breakfast slice in future. " Henceforth, good cousin,, shew more sense, 44 And learn, 'tis ev'ry flatterer's rule, " Whene'er his cant has made a fool, " To live ; at least, to laugh at his expence. " If sober truth for once thy taste can please, " This may be worth a slice of cheese." Our bird, with native croak and face of rue, Own'd, but too late, the observation true. * The present fabulist flatters himself he has improved the plan of this apologue by introducing a third interlocutor, in order to remove the absurdity, apparently current from baud to kand, from jEsop's time till now, of making the Fox give a lesson to the Crow inconsistent with the roguish cunning of his character, and directly calculated to defeat his success in any future trial on the same silly gull. A successful flatterer must not be supposed, hastily to renounce practice in a profitable quarter. 148 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. QUESTIONS, &c. 1. EXAMINER. What ill consequence, be- yond ridicule justly incurred, arises, according to this fable, from being deluded by flattery ? RESPONDENT. Sometimes, the loss of pro- perty. 2. Ex. But does a piece of cheese represent any serious article of property ? RES. It may represent every sort of property : we see those who listen to flatterers, every day inveigled into great embarrassments, and not unfre- queritly choused out of their estates. 3. Ex. Then, are not flattery, and dishonesty, .synonymous terms ? RES. Not altogether, such ; but flattery is one species of dishonesty. 4. Ex. How do you define flattery ? RES. False compliments, or undeserved praise, given with a view to deceive. 5. Ex. Do those conventional phrases and com- pliments, which pass from one man to another in the common intercourse of life ; for instance, in the subscription of letters ; in the acknowledgment o; very trivial favours ; in the meeting of friends and acquaintances, &c. ; do such conventional phrases FABLES FOR THE FIRE-STDE. 149 and compliments, it may be asked, fall under the definition of flattery ? RES. Certainly not ; they are a current coin, of which every body knowing the small value, no body is deceived by it. 6. Ex. But why are they used, if they mean almost nothing ? RES. To prevent a blunt, abrupt and ungra- cious manner of doing and saying things : a man- ner always disagreeably felt among well-educated persons. 7. Ex. But do not titles and epithets of honour and dignity, namely, " my lord" " your grace" " the riorht honourable" " the reverend" " the O worshipful," when addressed to persons, whom we know to possess little dignity, honour, or personal worth, and sometimes none, fall within the defini- tion of flattery ? RES. No : they are only conventional like the phrases above alluded to ; and being universally understood, as not addressed to the moral character of persons, but to their rank, station or office, the use of them involves no intention, or hazard of deceit. 8. Ex. But does not our divine Law-giver say : " Let your communication be yea, yea ; nay, nay ? 150 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. RES. He does ; but we must take the spirit of all his precepts rather than the letter : we shall, otherwise, confine their intended application, and make them useless in a thousand cases where they are meant to direct our conduct. This precept means, that affirmation or negation, on whatever subject, to which different words or phrases must be adapted according to their different nature, must be simply true and sincere, without equivo- cation or mental reservation. 9. Ex. But what then meant our Saviour by adding " that whatsoever is more than these," that is, than these words, " yea, yea, and nay, nay," cometh of evil ? RES. Undoubtedly, that there would be no need, to confirm affirmation or negation by volun- tary oaths, which would soon have the evil effect of destroying all confidence in the common forms of speech. The subject of swearing introduced the precept. See Matt. ch. 5. v. 34-5-6-7. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDL. 151 FABLE XXIV. CAESAR'S REWARD OF OFFICIOUSNESS. THERE was at Rome a kind of creature. For ever restless, ever out of breath ; I know not, how I shall define his nature ; One, who fatigued himself to death, With doing nothing ; no one e'er obliging, Yet every one he met besieging With his Officiousness ; a whiffling elf Of that unmeaning race, That's every where, yet always out of place ; A plague alike to. others, and himself. Pha?drus ennui'd with often seeing This idly -busy sort of being, Aim'd to correct his folly by a story, Which I will beg to lay before ye. But first I make it a condition, With each kind reader, howsoe'er discerning, That he allow a small display of learning, Upon the ancient mode of manumission. This custom, should I fail to mention, Since the most courteous reader may forget, Or, possibly, not know it yet, Oar story might escape his apprehension. - ( When to a Roman slave was given FABLES FOR TUB FIRE-SIDE. " His freedom ; to confirm that boon of Heaven, " From his lord's hand with joy elate, " He craved a solemn blow upon his pate." Pray, gentle reader, note this intimation, And I'll proceed with my relation. Ca?sar, my author says, Tiberius, One of shrewd wit, tho' stern and serious, Travelling to Naples, on his way Desirous of repose, Stops at Misenum for a day ; Where on its top, as every scholar knows, Lucullus built a country seat, For air and sea views, his belov'd retreat. Whilst Caesar in the garden took his pleasure ; Walk'd thro' each alley, trod each verdant lawn, Breathing the zephyrs of the dawn, In silence musing at his leisure, Darts sudden on his footsteps, a curl'd slave, Whose proper duty 'twas, to wait For errands at an outer gate. His dress tucked up, the busy knave Seizes a watering pot : at every turn, For fear th' imperial shoe should burn, Or the least particle of dust Excite his majesty's disgust ; Where'er he finds the royal eye, But no where else, within a twinkling, FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 153 He falls a spouting and a sprinkling, With, here, a drop, and, there, an inundation : Intruding on the Prince's privacy, And fav'rite hour of meditation. Tiberius guess'd from his condition, These needless pains all aim'd at manumission. When our officious spark again drew near, Presenting with a grin, his forward pate, The Prince exclaims : " my box o'th' ear, ' Cannot be purchased at so cheap a rate." 154 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. QUESTIONS, &c. 1. EXAMINER. How do you distinguish offici- ousness from dutiful respect ? RESPONDENT. As having only the appearance of either duty or respect, and that accompanied by an impertinent and interested assiduity, annoying the person to whom it is shewn. 2. Ex. Does officiousness specifically belong to the character of a slave. RES. Certainly not; though it oftener makes part of his character than that of a freeman. 3. Ex. Ought we at once to suppose it, to have made part of the characters of ^Esop and Phcedrus, who both were slaves ? RES. Probably we ought not ; but this is said without absolute decision : since moralists, though ever so clear sighted to the faults of others, do not always avoid them in their owu practice. 4. Ex. Have superiors in title, rank, or con- dition, a right to the respect, or duty of their inferiors ? RES. Undoubtedly a right by the spirit of so- ciety, which considers these distinctions, as among its main pillars : a right confirmed by divine sanction . 5. Ex. But have rank, title, and condition. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 155 a just claim to respect or duty, apart from worth of character ? RES. The distinctions themselves have ; though in this case, not the persons who bear them. 6. Ex. But is not the respect or duty, always addressed immediately to the person ? RES. Yes, it is so externally ; for the person is considered as the representative of those qualities, which the spirit of civil society courteously sup- poses, to have earned those distinctions. But while they are addressed to a person not deserving them, they are in fact paid only to his situation. 7. Ex. But is there not something feigned in this kind of respect ? RES. Not at all : it is a sincere respect to the situation ; but always conventionally addressed to the person. If he knows himself not to deserve it, he seems contented that the world apply it to his situation ; to which alone it belongs. If he is conscious of deserving it, he partakes it with his situation. External subjection, and the duties con- nected with it, can, no other way, be more sincerely shewn to the higher powers. 8. Ex. But to return to the intention of the fable, from which several of the preceding ques- tions, though important, have but indirectly arisen ; would Tiberius, as a king, more properly have 156 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. punished the impertinent and interested officious- ness of the slave, than by disappointing its aim ? RES. Though officiousness so impertinent and troublesome, with a view to nothing but the slave's own interest, might have deserved corporal chas- tisement from any but a royal hand, it had been beneath the dignity of the Prince to inflict it. A king, unless personally assailed, cannot consistently with decorum, or the respect he owes himself, lift his hand in the punishment of a subject, or indeed of a fellow creature. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 157 FABLE XXV. THE EAGLE AND THE RAVEN. ALTHOUGH my animals are gentle teachers, And far from talking loud, I'd wager I could point out preachers, Who lecture worse the mighty and the proud. These, would they listen to my fable, Would find they're frequently unable, To use the blessings they possess, Whether of greater worth or less, "Without the counsel and assistance Of those, to whom they teach their distance. A potent Eagle, all despotic, Refiri'd in taste, perhaps exotic, Trussing a Turtle in his claw, Gave him an airing to his nest ; There destin'd to regale his maw ; But found upon arrival, though possess'd, Of a delicious treat, And a good appetite to eat, The creature fearful of exposure, Lock'd in a castle-like inclosure. A KavAi flying by that way, Observed the case, and eyeing, with much pleasure, The royal bird's convivial treasure, 158 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. He laugh'd to see him, 'midst his plenty, starving. Merely for want of skill in carving : And told the Eagle, he could break the spell. And get the dainty from the shell ; But his condition were at least, An invitation to the turtle feast. The Eagle thought there was enough ; The terms met therefore no rebuff. ' Now, says the Haven, take your flight ; <: The creature in your talons lock, " And soaring till your out of sight, " Let fall your precious burthen on a rock ; " You'll quickly hear his armour crash ; ; < Descend and feast upon the calepash ; " The fins, green fat, and calapee, " Will serve extremely well for me." The Eagle listen'd to the sly old sinner ; And posting to a proper elevation, The scheme succeeds to admiration : And lo ! our feather'd aldermen at dinner ! FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIE. 159 QUESTIONS, &c. 1. EXAMINER. The last fable suggested some questions concerning respect and duty from in- feriors to the great. What is the design of this ? RESPONDENT. To teach, that gratitude is due from the great to their inferiors in return for the benefits they derive from the knowledge, talents, labours, and services of the latter. 2. Ex. Does not this apologue intimate, that the great may be so circumstanced as to be unable, either to enjoy, or to use their own possessions, without the assistance of thr inferiors ? RES. It does so, manifestly. 3. Ex. What is to be justly inferred from this, since the dependent state of the inferior classes of society, equally on the great, and on one another, is not to be denied ? RES. That the dependence of the great on the inferior classes, and on one another, seems no less evident ; and that, in all civil communities, men from the highest to the lowest condition, are, in some way or other, reciprocally dependent. 4. Ex. What virtue then, from this view of things, is tor the happiness of mankind most im- periously called into practice ? 160 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. RES. That universal love of every son of Adam to his brother man Christian charity. 5. Ex. Which of the human passions may we pronounce the most generally hostile to the happi- ness of mankind ? RES. Pride; the passion, which universally predominates in every human breast, and confines a great deal too much of our love to ourselves. 6. Ex. Whence comes this universal dominion of pride, since it is a proverb in every mouth, that pride was not made for man ? RES. To what but that ease, with which a slender line of boundary is ever over-stepped ; that line, which sometimes just divides virtue from vice, and hi the present case, pride from, self-esteem ? If self-esteem be not properly a virtue, it is at l4 FABLES FOll THE FIRE-SIDE. the subject of fables, by what, or by whose authority, are we to determine, as some persons are inclined, that fables written for instance in the concise manner of Phasdrus, or of JKsop his model, are, merely in the light of works of genius, to be preferred to those written more dif- fusely composed in the manner of La Fontaine ? RES. It is admitted, there are two parties on this question ; but who will pretend an authority to determine it. It seems more candid and rea- sonable to suppose, that each manner may have equal merit, as addressed to different classes of readers. 5. Ex. To M'hat class do you think may be addressed most properly fables, in the concise manner of JEsop and Phaedrus ? RES.* Writers, who think young children capable of understanding the moral intention under the allegory of fables, will probably adopt the concise manner with more success. For since a short apologue will more easily be learnt by heart than a long one, it will h:*ve the better chance at least of being entirely understood by being fre- quently brought before the learner's mind. To young gentlemen, in our grammar schools, * See the Introduction on this topic. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 105 and Phasdrus are, on different accounts, advan- itageously recommended. 4. Ext By what classes of readers are fables, in the diffuser manner of La Fontaine, perused with more advantage and pleasure ? RES. By young persons approaching adole- scence, as not being liable to mistake their meaning, at the same time that they are likely to be more entertained ; and probably by readers in general, farther advanced, whether to manhood or old age ; who, having had a wider scope of observation and experience, will be pleased with those natural and characteristic circumstances with which, he, and his best imitators, describe the actors and enliven the action of their fables ; thus frequently giving them an interest in proportion to their length. 5. Ex. But is not Phaedrus admired, by all classical readers at least, for his sententious brevity, and the simplicity and neatness of his Latin stile ? RES. Yes, and very justly ; and the more so, as being a native of Greece, that he should, at the same time, have acquired the idiomatic stile of conversation, such as probably was used in the Court of Augustus; where he lived, after being brought from Macedonia by that Emperor's father. Octavius. G. Ex . Butexceptiuo; the article of sententious 166 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. brevity, inconsistent with La Fontaine's manner of ^ narrating, does not the Frenchman in his ownj language possess all the other characteristics of] Phaedrus's stile in their full perfection ? RES. That at least will surely be admitted in his favour by all, who are much, or equally] conversant with both languages. Besides that the graceful " Naivete" so much admired in La Fontaine, and that much more the character of his] genius and disposition, than of the language he] wrote in, lias always given a peculiar charm to his] fables. 7. Ex. Is not his stile in verse, what Madame de Sevigne's is in prose ; and are not both, with] the happiest effect, adapted to the familiar nar-1 ration of fables, tales, and lively stories and inci-j dents in letters and conversation ? RES. Critical readers in general are, I believe,] of this opinion, who find the stile of our British ! fabulists, Gay and Moore, and some others, in one stiff unvaried measure, often swelling into the! language and transpositions of serious poetry ; so] as to lose the natural and sprightly grace of easy] and familiar narration. 8. Ex. Who among our English authors of! tales and fables, in verse, are reckoned to have] succeeded best in their stile and manner ? FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 167 KES. Mathew Prior; Bob Lloyd, as be was commonly called ; Hall, the friend of Sterne ; and those of the present day, Mrs. Barbauld, Lewis, G. Ellis, and some others, whose names are in- vidiously omitted, but not recollected, or perhaps unknown to me. FAa Duenna too, her guardian sage, thus naturally explained. 3. Ex. But how will you account for the same effect being wrought on the Romans by the famous apologue of the belly and members in the FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 217 Lands of Menenius Agrippa, although the Roman character was marked neither by volatility, nor impatience ? RES. This instance does not contradict the explanation above given. There are moments at least, in which all nations resemble each other ; particularly in those of their public political assem- blies. Subjects of peculiar interest on those occa- sions excite a spirit of enquiry, and kindle warm expectation, and sometimes cause tumultuous movements. Decision is then waited for impa- tiently, through a long series of reasoning on both sides a question ; and happy is the speaker, who, by an apposite story or apologue, can relieve the dry ness of argument, and inspire patience and good humour enough, to obtain a fair hearing at last. 4. Ex. Has not this expedient, so successfully and often judiciously resorted to by men of wit and imagination in our houses of parliament, and also at the bar, been somewhat rashly tried in the pulpit ? RES. Yes, by a certain tribe of extempore self- ordained preachers, and with success too in address- ing themselves to a class of hearers of their own low order in society. 5. Ex. Why has it then been so little adopted by preachers of the established church ? 218 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. RES. Few of correct judgment or elegant taste have ever ventured upon it in the solemn addresses of the pulpit, any farther than in narrating the dig- nified histories, apologues and parables of holy scripture ; always finding the lightness and do- mestic familiarity, of what are properly called stories, have excited the ridicule or disgust of the educated part of their audiences. 6. Ex. What other reasons are there, which seem to make this light stile of narration so unsuit- able to clerical use ? RES. The sacred and sublime nature of re- ligious subjects ; the solemnity of the places dedi- cated to the worship of the high and holy one of eternity ; the sanctity of an ordained priesthood ; and the indispensable obligations of its ministers to consult alike the serious edification and due respect of all classes of their hearers ; however the lowest may be wanting to themselves. 7. Ex. Is then the practice of extemporary preaching to be recommended in the established church ? RES. As it generally leads to this light humour of story-telling, and its burlesque effects, to mention no other absurdities so abundantly springing from it, there seems the wisest reasons for abstaining from it. FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. 8. Ex. May not vanity and affectation of popular applause, never soberly to be courted by the true minister of the gospel, be often supposed to have their share in the motives to this practice ? RES. This is too probable. 9. Ex. But can it be aflirmed, that the para- bles of their divine master, and his unwritten dis- courses, were meant for examples of both these practices, viz.: extemporary preaching, and of storytelling ? RES. Affirmed it may be, and has been, but with little shew of reason. The wonderful powers of his divine mind, and the certain inspiration of his apostles by the holy spirit, made the mechanical helps of writing then perfectly unnecessary ; and gifts of the same nature, and nothing less perhaps, would alone justly make them so now. And how little countenance our modern tales, in the pulpits of the tabernacle, &c. gain from the parables of our Lord, will appear to any discerning and sober mind on the slightest comparison. His parables are beautiful allegories, and such as could never have come without premeditation from any thing less than a divine mind. They are full of striking imagery ; always intelligible, but never familiar ; lively, but never vulgar; aed have ever been ibund to affect equally the hearts and imaginations 220 FABLES FOR THE FIRE-SIDE. of the best educated persons, and of the most illiterate ; whereas, the stories introduced into the extemporary harangues alluded to, though suitable enough to the taste of the vulgar, and fit only for their merry-makings at a country wake, never fail to disgust the better classes of every church audi- ence, and the serious and sensible part of all orders in our congregations. JJughet, I'niUti, Mumiii- .. , Ctvi.t-d',M *' This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. IY 10M-11-50(2555)470 REMINGTON RAND - 2O THE LIBRARY ;:-O UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A A 000080162 PZ 8.2 L569f