r"^-^ ^w^. / ^^-* •Sv N i -r 'X' \ . ) - iJli >»-^ •■;^' / ^^>>^- A ^Y ,(l THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES / /$ -ME ANNO VICESIMO SEPTIMO & VICESIMO OCTAVO VICTORIA REGIN^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)|^^^^^^^^^:!^^^^^^ CAP. XCII. An Act for annexing Conditions to the Appoint- ment of Persons to Offices in the Governing Bodies of certain Public Schools and Colleges. [29th Juhj 1864.] WHEREAS a Commission was issued in the Year One tliou.sancl eight himdi-ed and sixty-one, vmder Letters Patent of Her Majesty, for the Piu^ose of inquiring into the Nature and Application of the EndoT\Taients and into the Administration and Management of the Colleges and Schools named in the Schedule annexed hereto : And whereas the said Commission reported, amongst other things, to Her Majesty, that Parliamentary Legislation woidd be required in order to make the Changes wliich the said Commission considered desii'able, in respect, amongst other things, of the Governing Bodies of the said Colleges and Schools : And whereas it is expedient that no Impediment shoidd be created to the free Action of the Legislature in making the said Changes, by the Acquisition of vested Interests in the Property of the said Colleges and Schools by Persons who may be appointed to Offices in the Governing Bodies thereof after the Date of the passing of this Act : Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords 9 H J J Spirit ua ^/ 564911 766 2?" & 28*^ VICTORI.E, Cap.92. Pvhlie Schools. Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows : Short Title. 1. This Act may be cited for aU Purposes as " The Public Schools Act, 1864." Persons ap- 2. Every Person appointed after the passing of this Act to ^ft°r a sintr ^^^ Ofl&cc in the Governing Body of any of the said Colleges or of Act to "^ Schools shall take and hold that Office subject to such Pro- ^^^. ^^^^ visions and Regulations as may hereafter be enacted respecting future Legis- the same. lation. Definition of 3. " Governing Body " shall mean any One of the several Bodies ^Governing pgfgj.j.g(| ^q jj^ ^jjg Report of the said Commissioners as being a Governing Body of any of the said Colleges or Schools, with the Addition of the Head Master or other Masters thereof; and any Person appointed a Member of the Governing Body of any such College or School as aforesaid, or a Master thereof, shall be deemed , to be appointed to an Office in the Governing Body of the said CoUegre or School. ■^o'- Duration of 4. This Act shaU continue in force until the Pirst Day of August ■^ct. One thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. SCHE- 27° & 28° VICTORIA, Cap. 92. 7Q7 Public Schools. SCHEDULE referred to in this Act. 1. Eton College. 2. Winchester College. 3. The Collegiate School of St. Peter, Westminster. 4. The Charterhouse School. 5. St. Paul's School in the City of London. 6. The Merchant Taylors School in the City of London. 7. The Pree Grammar School of John Lyon at Harrow-on-the- Hill in the County of Middlesex;. 8. The School founded by Lawrence Sheriff at Rugby in the County of Warwick. 9. The Pree Grammar School of Bang Edward the Sixth at Shrewsbury. LONDON : Printed by George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty. 1864. ANNO TRICESIMO PEIMO & TRICESIMO SECUNDO VICTORIJE REGINtE. **************************************************** CAP. CXVIII. An Act to make further Provision for the good Government and Extension of certain Public Schools m E?igland. [31st J?es, &c. ^^ " "' or Practice thereof. 19. On and after the First Day of January One thousand eight Powers of hundred and seventy, or such further Time as may be determined ^^P®^'*.\ by Her ^l.ijesty as herein-after mentioned, all such PoHers of making sionera. Statutes, of making Regulations, and of n)aking and proposing Schemes, as are by this Act vested in any Governing Body of any School to which this Act applies, shall pass to and vest in the Special Commissioners appointed under this Act (subject, nevc-r- theless, in the Case of a Statute affecting any Scholarsiiip, Exhi- ^3 L bition. 1 146 3r & 32° VICTORLE, Cap. 1 18. Public Schools. bition, or Emolument in any School other than that for which the Statute is made, to the Restrictions by this Act imposed on the Governing Body in making a like Statute) ; and the Special Commissioners may exercise such Powers in respect of all Matters in which any Governing Body ma}- have failed to exercise the same in a Manner approved hy the Special Commissioners. The Commissioners shall, in tlie Case of a Regulation, Two Months at the least before finally making the same, and, in the Case of a Statute or Scheme, Two Months at the least before laying the same before Her Majesty in Council, serve a Copy of such Regulation, Statute, or Scheme on the Governing Body of the School to which it relates, (and if it be a Statute affecting any Scholarship, Exhibition, or Emolument attached to any College in either of the Universities on the Head of such College,) and hear all Objections that such Governing Body or College may be desirous of urging against the same. Any Regulation made by the Special Commissioners, unless an express Power of altering the same is vested ine th Governing Body, shall be deemed to be in the Nature of a Statute, and be alterable only in manner in which Statutes are capable of being altered in pursuance of tliis Act ; but, except in so far as relates to Regulations made by the Commissioners, and except during such Time as the Powers of the Special Commissioners under this Section remain in force, the Power of the new Governing Body of the School to make, alter, or annul Regulations shall remain unaffected by the Power hereby given to the Commissioners of making the same. Any Statute or Scheme made by the Special Commissioners in pursuance of this Act shall be subject to the Provisions herein-before contained as to the same being laid before Her Majesty in Council and as to the Approval or Disapproval of Her Majesty, and as to its subsequent Repeal or Alteration, with the Consent of Her Majesty in Council, as if it were a Statute made by the Governing Body of the School which had been approved by the Special Com- missioners, with this Addition, that the Approval or Disapproval of Her Ma,jesty to any such Statute or Scheme as last aforesaid shall not be signified until such Statute or Scheme has been laid before both Houses of Parliament for a Period of not less than Forty Days. Miscellaneous, Provisions as 20. The following Provisions shall be made with respect to to Westmin- Westminster School ; that is to say, Bter SchooL in, • i i /-i • -n i n (1.) There shall be paid to the Governmg Body of Westimnster School for the Time being by the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners for the Support of the School an annual Siun of not 31" & 32° VICTORLE, Cap. 1 18. 1 147 Public Sc?iools. not less than Three thousand five hundred Pounds, and a Capital Sum of Fifteen thousand Pounds : (2.) The annual Sum of Three thousand five hundred Pounds shall be paid by equal half-yearly Payments on the Twenty-fifth Day of March and the Twenty-ninth Day of September in every Year, the first half-yearly Payment to be made on the Twenty-fifth Day of March next after the passing of this Act, and the said Capital Sum of Fifteen thousand Pounds on the Twenty-ninth Day of September next : (3.) The Ecclesiastical Commissioners shall take Steps as soon as they can conveniently for transferring to and vesting in the Governing Body for the Time being of Westminster School and their Successors, in Fee Simple, for the Support of the School, such a Portion of the Estates then vested in the Commissioners as may be adequate to produce an annual Income of not less than Three thousand five hundred Pounds, after deducting all Expenses of Management : (4.) Upon such Transfer as aforesaid being effected the Payment of the said annual Sum of Three thousand five hundred Pounds by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners shall cease : (5.) The said Capital Sum of Fifteen thousand Pounds shall be invested by the Governing Body of the School in Three Pound per Centum Bank Annuities, and shall be applied in manner herein-after mentioned : (6.) From and after the passing of this Act, there shall vest in the Governing Body for the Time being of Westminster School, for the Use of the School, the Playground in Vincent Square, with the Lodge on such Playground, the Dormitory with its Appurtenances, the School and Class Rooms, the Houses and Premises of the Head Master and Under Master, the Three Boarding Houses, and the G}Tnnasium, excepting the Crypts : (7.) All the said Buildings shall be held by the said Governing Body for the Use of the School, and it shall be incumbent on the said Governing Body to keep as an open Space for the Recreation of the Boj-s, and for no other Purpose, the said Playground in Vincent Square: (8.) The Hall and the Playground in Dean's Yard shall continue to be used in the same IManner as heretofore by the Scholars of Westminster School: (9.) The Dean and Chapter of Westminster shall transfer to and vest in the Governing Body of Westminster School in Fee Simple the Houses following, on the Request of such 1148 31° & 32° VICTORLE, Cap.118. Public Schools. such Governing Body, at such Times and upon Pay- ment of such Sums as are herein-after mentioned ; that is to say, First. The House in Great Deans Yard now occupied by the Rector Canon of ISuint John the Evangelist on the next Avoidance of the said Canonry, and on Payment of the Sura of Four thousand Pounds to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners : Second. The House now occupied by the Sub-Dean on the next Avoidance of the Canonry, held by the said Sub-Dean, and on Payment to the said Commissioners of the like Sum of Four thousand Pounds : Third. The House now occupied by Mr. Tktrle on the next Vacancy in the Office of Organist of the Col- legiate Church, Westminster, and on Payment to the said Commissioners of the Sum of Two thousand Pounds : (10.) The Governing Body of the School shall be at liberty to make tiie foregoing Payments of Four thousand Pounds, Four thousand Pounds, and Two thousand Pounds, or such of them as may be required, out of the said Sum of Fifteen thousand Pounds, and may apply the Residue of the said Sum in erecting new Buildings or improving old Buildings, or otherwise in making Improvements in or about the Property of the School, and they may apply the Income arising from any Securities on which the said Sum of Fifteen thousand Pounds may for the Time being be invested in the same Manner in which the Residue of their Income is applicable : (11.) The Monies paid to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in respect of the said Canonry Houses, or either of them, shall be held by the said Commissioners on trust for the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, to be expended in building on the College Gardens, according to Plans to be approved by the Dean of Westminster for the Time being. Houses or a House equivalent to the Houses or House in respect of which such Payments may be made ; and in the meantime the Ecclesiastical Commissioners shall allow and pay to the Canon or Canons who would have been entitled to the Occupation of such House or Houses if the same had not been so taken for the Purposes of Westminster School Interest after the Rate of Three Pounds per Centum per Annum on such Monies or the Balances thereof from Time to Time remaining in the Commissioners Hands : (12.) The 31" & 32° VICTORIiE, Cap. 1 18. 1 149 Fuhlic Schools. (12.) The Monies paid to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners in respect of the House noAv occupied by Mr. Turle, the Organist of the Collegiate Church of Westminster, shall be held by the Commissioners in trust for the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, who shall be entitled to Interest thereon after the like Rate of Three Pounds per Centum per Annum until such Capital Monies and all Balances thereof shall have been expended by the Dean and Chapter in providing another Residence for the Organist of their Church : (13.) If the Dean and Chapter of Westminster and the Governing Body for the Tune being of Westminster School agree that it would be for the Benefit of the School that any Premises not herein-before mentioned, and being at the Time of such Agreement Part of the Property of the Dean and Chapter, should become the Property of the School, the Dean and Chapter may convey the same to the School at a Price to be agreed upon or to be settled by an Arbitrator to be appointed by the President for the Time being of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council : (14.) Any Transfers of Lands which in pursuance of this Act may be made by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to the Governing Body of Westminster School may be effected under the Provisions of a Scheme prepared b}- the Eccle- siastical Commissioners, and approved and ratified bj- Order of Her Majesty in Council, and pubhshed in the London Gazette, and such Scheme shall be effectual for trans- ferring to and vesting in the Governing Body of the School all Estates and Interests which it purports to transfer without any Conveyance, Assurance, or Act in the Law : (15.) In consideration of the above-mentioned Payments of Three thousand five hundred Pounds per Annum and of Fifteen thousand Pounds, all annual or other Sums of Money which if this Act had not been passed would have been paid to Westminster School by the said Dean and Chapter after the Twenty-ninth Day of September next shall belong and be paid to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England : (16.) In the event of Westminster School being removed beyond the City of Westminster, all the Property and Income derived by the School from the Ecclesiastical Commis- sioners, or the Dean and Chapter of Westminster, or their Estates, shall revert to and become vested in the Eccle- siastical Commissioners. 13 M 21. The 1150 31° & 32° VICTORIA, Cap. 118. Public Schools. Scheme for 21. The new Governing Body of any of the Schools to which this '°'' Act applies may at any Time before the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and seventy, or such further Time as may be determined by Her Majesty in Council as herein-after mentioned, submit to the Special Commissioners, and, if approved of by them, may lay a Scheme before Her Majesty in Council, for making any Additions to or Alterations in the Buildings of the School, and for raising Monies for that Purpose by Mortgage of any Property belonging to or held in trust for the School, with Power to suspend any Scholarships or Exhibitions payable out of such Property ; they may also in any such Scheme make Provisions for exchanging any Lands belonging to such School for other Lands, and for purchasing any Land that may be required for making such Additions or Alterations as aforesaid ; and every such Scheme shall be subject to the same Provisions, and if approved shall take effect and be subject to Alteration, in the same Manner as Statutes made by a Governing Body. Livings 22. Whereas the Right of Appointment to Vacancies in the N ••"'t /i^ RETURN lo an Address of the Honourable The Hoiue of Commons, dated 9 August 1875 -j—for. " COPY of Statutes, Schemes, and Regulations made under the Public Schools Acts by the Public Schools Commissioners, September 18/4." {Mr. Spencer Walpole.) Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 10 March 1876. 90. [ •-' ] CONTENTS. PAGE I.— ETON - - - - 3 II.— WINCHESTER - - 22 III.— WESTMINSTER ---------- 39 IV.— SHREWSBURY - - - 53 v.— RUGBY ------------ 65 VI.— HARROW^ - .... 84 VII.— CHARTERHOUSE 98 [ 3 ] COPY of Statutes, Schemes, and Regulations made under the Public Schools Acts by the Public Schools Commissioners, September 1874. E T F. etox- A Statute made by the Provost and Fellows of Eton College. A STATUTE for Appointing " The New Governina: Body of Eton School," made by the existing Governing Body of that School in pm-suance of the Public Schools Act, 1868. Whereas, by the Pubhc Schools Act, 1868, " School " is defined in the caseg of Eton to include Eton College, and at Eton the Provost and Fellows are de- clared for the purposes of the Act to be " tiie existing Governiug Body " of the School ; and whereas by the fifth section of the said Act, it is provided that the . existing Governing Body of each of the Schools to which the said .\ct appUes, may at any time before the 1 st day of May 1 869, or within such further time as may be determint-d by Her Majesty in Council as thereinafter mentioned, make a Statute or Statutes for determining and estabhshing the constitution of the Governing Body of each of the said Schools in such manner as may be deemed expedient, and a Governing Body, the constitution of which has been altered in pursuance of the said Act, is therein referred to as the new Governing Body of a School : Now the said Provost and Fellows, in pursuance of the said Act, and of every other power enabUng them in that behalf, do by this Statute enact as follows, that is to say : 1 . The new Governing Body of Eton School, as defined by the said Act, and Members of the for the purposes thereof, shall consist of — Body.°^^™'°° The Provost of Eton. The Provost of King's College, Cambridge. One member to be elected by the Hebdomadal Council of Oxford Uni- versity. One member to be elected by the Council of the Senate of Cambridge University. One member to be elected by the Council of the Royal fSociety. One member to be nominated by the Lord Chief Justice of England for the time being. One member to be elected by the Head, Lower, and Assistant Masters ; but not to be chosen out of their own body ; such member to be elected for five years, and to be re-ehgible. Not less than two and not more than four members to be elected by the new Governing Body themselves. All members of the Governing Body shall be members of the Church of England, and duly qualified in the opinion of the electors to take part in the government of the School as a place of liberal education. 2. The first meeting of the new Governing Body shall be summoned by the Mode of summoning Provost, and shall be held in London. ^'' "'"*'°^- 3. Subsequent meetings shall be summoned at such times and places (the Mode of summoning places being Eton or London) as the new Governing Body may determine. meeTin"*!''^ 4. No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the new Governing Body Quommat unless five members, at the least, be present. meetings. . 5. The Provost of Eton being prese t shall be the Chairman, and in his Chairman at absence the meetmg shall elect a Chairman. ^^^ ^^' go. A 2 6. Every 4 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Eton. Question d^ded by 6. Every question at a meeting shall be determined by a majority of votes of a majority. the members present and voting on the question, and in case of an equality of votes the Chainnan shall have a second or casting vote. Authentication of 7- Any statute, regulation, scheme, act, or deed of the new Governing Body .acts of new Govern- g^^ll be made in the name of "The New Governing Body of Eton School," and ^^ ° ^' shall be authenticated by the signature of three members of that body. Vacancies in new g. Any vacancy in the body occasioned by death, resignation, or incapacity hoTmied^u^)!'^''^' to act, shall be suppUed by election or nomination, in the same way as the member causing such vacancy was elected or nominated. Power of new 9. Subject as aforesaid, the new Governing Body may make such rules as to GoTeming Body to. ^j-^^jj, proceedings and the conduct of their business as they think expedient. Power to revoke 10. Any of the provisions of this Statute, with the exception of the pi'ovisions provisions of relating to the appointment of members of the new Governing Body hereinbefore [statute. named, may be revoked by a Statute made by the new Governing Body in pur- suance of the said Act. Made and sealed by the Provost and Fellows of Eton, 1 1th May 1869. Approved and sealed by the Special (Jommissioners appointed for the puqwses of the "Public Schools Act, 1868," 11th May 1869. Approved by Her Majesty in Council, 7th October 1869. A Statute made by the Governing Body of Eton, A STATUTE for provicUng against any Election to a Fellowship of Eton College falling vacant before the 1st day of January 1871, without the consent of the new Governing Body of Eton School. Whereas by the PubUc Schools Act, 1868, Clause 7, it is provided that the new Governing Body of any School to which the said Act applies may (inter alia) amend any existing Statutes relating to such School : Now the said new Governing Body of Eton Sciiool, in pursuance of the said Act and of every other power enabling them in that behalf, do enact as follows, that is to say : — In the event of any Fellowship of Eton College becoming vacant before the 1st day of January 1871. the election to such Fellowship, directed by the existing Statute IX. of Eton College, " De modo et forniA ehgendi socias perpetuas in " Collegium et juramento praestando per eosdem," be not held without the pre- vious consent of the new Governing Body of Eton School, and that so much of the said Statute as directs such election to be held within one month from the time of the vacancy be, as to every such vacancy, repealed. Made and sealed by the Governing Body, 22nd January 1870. Approved and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the purposes of the " Pubhc Schools Act, 1868," 5th February 1870. Approved by Her Majesty in C'ouncil, 18th May 1870. A Statute made by the Governing Body of Eton. A STATUTE for providing against any Election to a Fellowship of Eton College which may become vacant before the 1st day of January 1872, without the consent of the new Governing Body of Eton School. Whereas by the "PubUc Schools Act, 1868," it is provided that the new Governing Body of any School to wliich the said Act applies may (inter aha) amend any existing Statutes relating to such School : And whereas by a Statute made by the new Governing Body of Eton School, in pursuance of the said Act, it is provided that the election to any Fellowship of Eton College which may become vacant before the 1st day of January 1871 be not held before that date without the previous consent of the new Governing Body of Eton School : And MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 5 And whereas it is expedient to continue the last-mentioned provision for such Etox. further time as is hereinafter mentioned : Now the said new Governing Body of Eton School, in pursuance of the said Act and of every other power enabhug them in that behalf, do enact as follows, that is to say : — In the event of any Fellowship of Eton College becoming vacant before the 1st day of January 1872, the election to such Fellowship directed by the existing Statute IX. of Eton College, " De modo et forma eligendi socias per- " petuas in Collegium et juramento praestando per eosdem," be not held before that date without the previous consent of the new Governing Body of Eton School, and that so much of the said existing Statute as directs such Election to take place within one month of the time of the vacancy be, as to every such vacancy, repealed. Made and sealed by the Governing Body, 8th November 1870. Approved and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the puri^oses of the " PubUc Schools Act, 1868," 11th November 1870. Approved by Her Majesty in Council, 8th February 18/1. Statutes made by the new Governing Body of Eton School. INDEX. Page Page A. — Constitution of the College - - - 5 ! N. — Poor Men and Almswomen - - - 11 B.— The Provost 5 , C— Seal of the College .... 11 C. — The Fellows ------- D. — Officers of the College - - - - 7 E. — Aiiministration of the College - - 8 F. — The Head and Lower Masters - - 9 G. — Foundation Scholars - - - - 10 H. — Scholarships other than on the Founda- tion and Exhibitions - - - - ! K.— The Conducts ----- 11 L. — Ecclesiastical Patronage - - - 11 M. — Retiring Pensions for Masters - - 11 P. — Miscellaneous : Appropriation of Revenues - - 12 Establishment of New Schools - - 13 Against alienating the College Property 1:2 Provision in case of change's iu the value of Money - - - - - 12 Q. — The Governing Body - - - - 12 R.— The Visitor - - . - - - IS S. — Interpretation Clause - - - - 13 T. — Repeal of previously existing Statutes - 13 A. -The Constitution of the College. The Foundation of the College shall consist of a Provost and 10 Fellows ; a ^^- ^• Head Master of the School, and a Lower Master ; at least 70 Scholars, and not more than two Chaplains or Conducts. B. — The Provost. Qualifications and Duties. (1.) The Provost of the College shall be a member of the Church of England . Sta. Ij. (not necessarily in Holy Orders), at least 30 years of age ; and a Master of -Vrts, or of some equal or superior degree in the University of Oxford or of Cambridge. (2.) He shall exercise a general superintendence over the affairs of the College ; shall take care that all persons concerned in the administration or service of the College shall conform to the Statutes and Regulations of the College and School, and perform the several duties assigned to them ; and shall have power, in all cases not provided for by the Statutes and Regulations of the College and School, or by any resolution of the Governing Body, to make such provision for the welfare of the College as he shall think fit. (3.) He shall preside ex officio at all meetings of the FeUows. He shall in all cases of equahty of votes have a casting vote. Appointment. (1.) The appointment to the Provostship shall be vested in the Crown. sta. III. (2.) Upon the occurrence of a vacancy in the Provostship, the Governing Body shall forthwith notify the same to the Crown. (3) So soon as the appointment made by the Crown shall have been com- municated to the Governing Body, they shall thereupon admit the person so 90. A 3 appointed 6 SIATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Eton. appointed to the office of Provost, haring previously required liim to make the following declaration : — " I, A.B., appointed Provost of the College of Eton, do solemnly profess " and declare that I Avill observe all the Statutes and Regulations of the " College and School, and act in accordance with the same ; and I will to " the utmost of my power cause all other pereons concerned in the govern- " ment and administration of the College to conform to the said Statutes " and Regulations ; and in case 1 should resign, or be removed by legiti- " mate authority from the office of Provost, I will render up all the goods, " propert} ', and possessions of the College which shall be in my charge, to " the officers of the College." Residence. sta, IV. The Provost shall reside in the College during the whole of every School time, unless absent on College business, or jirevented by sickness or other grave cause, to be signified by him in writing to the Governing Body. Provision in case of incapaciU/-. ^^^- ^- (1.) If the Provost sliall at any time become incapable of performing the duties of his office, the Governing Body, on being satisfied thereof shall, at a meeting convened, ;ifter due notice of the purpose of such meeting, and with the consent of at least two-thirds of the members there present, have power to appoint one of the Fellows to act in the Provost's place dui ing such his incapacit}% and to assign to the person so appointed such a residence, and such portion, not exceed- ing one-third, of the Provost's stipend, as they shall think fit. (2.) The Fellow who shall be a})pointed to act in the Provost's place shall be called " Pro-Pi'ovost." He shall retain his office and I'esidence, and shidl receive the portion of the Provost's stipend which shall have been assigned to him, until the Provost shall be reinstated in his office, or shall cease to be Provost ; and, so long as he shall continue in office, he shall exerci.se and perform all the functions and duties, and have all the powers and authorities of the Provost, and shall be bound to residence in the same manner, and be liable to deprivation for the same causes and in the same manner As, the Provost. Pro™led that the office of Pro-Provost shall not constitute a right of membership of the Governing Body. (3.) If the Pro-Provost die, or resign his office ,or become incapable of discharg- ing his duties, or vacate or be deprived of his Fellow^ship, the Governing Body shall have the like power of appointing another of the Fellows to be Pro-Provost in his room, and of assigning a salary to such Pro- Provost. (4.) If the Provost shall, at any time after the appointment of a Pro- Provost, again become capable of performing the duties of his office, the Governing Body, on being satisfied thereof, shall have |jower at a meeting convened, after due notice of the purpose of such meeting, and with the consent of at least two- thirds of the members there present, to reinstate him in his powers and func- tions, and in receipt of his whole emoluments. Pmver of Removal. sta. VI. (1.) If the Provost shall secede from the Church of England, the Visitor shall, with all convenient speedy, proceed to inquire into the fact, and, if after due inqmrj', of which the Provost shall have had notice, it be established, shall deprive the Provost of his office ; and the office of Provost shall thereupon become vacant. (2.) If the Provost shall have been convicted by a court of competent juris- diction of any crime, of whatsoever nature or description,- the Visitor, on re- cei\dng information thereof, may proceed to inquire into the fact of such conviction, and on the same being established, may, if he shall think fit, deprive the Provost of liis office. (3.) If the Governing Body shall pi'efer to the Visitor a charge against the Provost, either of disgraceful conduct, or of malversation in his office, or of grave neglect of his duty, the Visitor shall, with all convenient speed, proceed to ' inquire into the facts of the case, and, in the event of the charge being established, shall deprive the Provost of his office. MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. Stipend. Eton. (I.) The Provost shall be entitled to a stipend of 2,200/. per annum; and Sta. VII. this fixed payment shall cover all allowances. He shall reside at the lodge, which shall be kept in tenantable repair, and all rates and taxes on which shall be paid, at the expense of the College. (2.) The Provost shall not hold any other office, place, or preferment to which an emolument is attached, or exercise any profession, or carry on any business. C. — The Fellows. The Fellows shall be the 10 members of the Governing Body other than the Sta. VIII. Provost of Eton, constituted by Statute bearing date 11th May 1869, and made in pursuance of the Public Schools Act, 1868. Ekction. ( 1 .) Upon the occurrence of any vacancy in the Governing Body the Provost ^**- ^^• shall forthwith notify the same to the person or persons in whom the appoint- ment is vested. (2.) The Provost shall forthwith notify the appointment to the Governing Body, and before entering on the duties of his office the new^ly appointed member shall at a meeting of the Governing Body, make the following declara- tion :— " I, A.B., do solemnly pi'ofess and declare that I will be faithful to the " College of Eton, and do nothing detrimental to it, but will to the utmost " of my power maintain and support the interests of the same." Power of Removal, (1.) If any Fellow shall be convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of Sta. X. any crime, of whatsoever nature or descrii^tion, the Provost and Fellows, on receiving information thereof, may proceed to inquire into the fact of such con- viction, and on the same being established may, if they shall think fit, expel such Fellow from his office. (2.) If any two Fellows shall prefer before the Provost against any other Fellow a cliarge of disgraceful conduct, rendering him unfit for his office, the Provost and Fellows shall inquire into the case, and, in the event of the charge being proved, shall expel the Fellow so oifending from the College. (3.) Provided that at any meeting held in pursuance of this Statute at least two-thirds of the whole body shall concur in the vote of expulsion. Existing Fello'ws. (1.) The Fellows existing at the time of the approval of this Statute shaU ta. XI. retain their status, rights, privileges and emoluments as Fellows, and shall have equal powers with the other Fellows in all matters not assigned by Act of Par- liament or by these Statutes to the direction of the Governing Body. (2.) On the first avoidance of his Fellowship by one of the Fellows existing at the time of the approval of this Statute, it shall be lawful for the Provost and Fellows to elect the present Lower Master to a FelloAvship, with the same rights, privileges, and emoluments as are reserved to the Fellows existing at the time of the approval of this Statute. Residence Honses. All the houses and buildings of the College shall be used and occupied as the sta. XII. Governing Body shall dkect, except as herein otherwise provided. D. — Officers of the College. The Vice-Provost. '( 1 .) There shall be chosen annually by the Governing Body one of the Fellows, sta. XIII. or some person who has filled the office of Master in the School, to be called Vice-Provost. 90- A 4 (2.) His 8 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Etox. (2.) His duty shall be to attend, under the Provost, to the good government of the College ; to act as the Provost's dei)uty in his absence, to observe and to enforce on others the observance of the Statutes and Regulations of the College and School. (3.) He shall not be absent from the College during the School time at the same time as the Provost, except for some cause to be approved of by the Pro- vost or by a majority of the Fellows. The Bursars. Ste. XIV. There shall be appointed annually by the Governing Body one or more Bursars, either from among the Fellows or not, as the Governing Body may at any time deem most expedient. The duties of the Bursar or Bursars shal 1 be assigned to him or them by order of the Governing Bod}', and he or each of them separately shall be responsible to the Governing Body. The moneys of the College received by the Bursar or Bursars, and not required for immediate College purposes, shall be kept by him or them in some bank or banks, or invested in Government Securities, according to the orders of the Governing Body. No loan or tempo- rary or other investment thereof shall be made by him or them, unless in con- formity with such orders. New Offices. sta. XV. (1.) The Governing Body may appoint a secretary or clerk, and from time to time create any new offices which they shall think necessary for the more effi- cient management of the affairs of the College, and may assign to the secretary or clerk, and to other officers as aforesaid, such stipends as they shall think fit. Such offices may be annulled, and the duties of them varied from time to time by the same authority, and the holders of such offices shall not be entitled to claim any compensation in case of the suppression of such offices, and shall be remov- able from them at the pleasure of the Governing Body. (2.) The appointment of all officers of the College, not otherwise provided for, and the appointment and dismissal of all College servants, shall be subject to the directions of the Governing Body. Stipends of Officers. Sta. XVI. It shall be lawful for the Governing Body to assign any stipends which they may think fit to the Vice- Provost and any other officer of the College, and to vary the same from time to time. E. — Administration of the College. College Meetings. Sta, XVII. (1-) The Provost shall convene at least one General Meeting of the Fellows during each School time. (2.) Meetings of the Fellows shall also be held as often as the Provost shall deem it necessary, or a written request for the same shall have been preferred to the Provost, signed by any three of the Fellows. (3.) There shall be given at least seven clear days' notice of any General Meeting, and at least three clear days' notice of any other meeting of the Fellows, except in cases of emergency not admitting of delay ; and every such notice shall contain a printed or written statement of the business to be trans- acted thereat. (4.) One-third of the whole body shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. (5.) All questions brought forward at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of the votes of those present. (6.) A minute book and proper books of account shall be provided out of the funds of the College and kept in some convenient and secure place of deposit to be provided and appointed by the Provost and Fellows for that purpose, and Minutes of the Proceedings of the Provost and Fellows shall be entered in such minute book and signed by the chairman at the next meeting. '? MADE UXDEU THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. Etok. Sta. XVIII. Sta. XIX, A uditor. (\.) The Governing Body shall appoint an auditor. He shall receive sueh a salar}' as they think fit. and shall hold his office durina; their pleasure. The auditor shall annually examine and verity the accounts of the Bursar or Bursars of the College and the vouchers thereof, and ascertain the balances which may he due. He shall sign such accounts if found correct, and shall report whatever n)ay appear to require amendment or observation. (2.) After the accounts have been thus audited, and signed by the auditor, they shall be submitted to the Provost, and not less than three of the Fellows. 3. The Bursar or Bursars shall make or cause to be made, as soon after the conclusion of the General Audit in each year as he or they conveniently can, and send to each Fellow, a general statement of the receipts and payments of the past year, arranged in such manner as the Governing Body may deem requisite and sufficient, and the Bursar or Bursars shall further, on the applica- tion of any member of the Governing Body, or of any Fellow, submit for his inspection the full account of the receipts and expenses of the College. F. — The Head and Lower Masters. The Head Master. ( 1 .) The Head Master shall be appointed by, and hold his office at the pleasure of, the Governing Body. (2.) He shall be a member of the Church of England, a Master of Arts, or of some equal or superior degree, in the University of Oxford or nf Cambridge. (3.) He shall be continually resident diu'ing the whole of each School time, unless for some grave cause to be signified by him in writing to the Governing Body. (4.) He shall appoint all masters and other persons engaged in the teaching of the School, who shall hold their offices at his pleasure : but the number, position, rank in the School, salaries and emoluments of such masters shall be subject to the sanction of the Governing Bod)^ (5.) He shall be charged with the general discipline, and shall superintend the instruction of all boys admitted to the School, whether Scholars on the Fovmdation or not ; and shall, in these and all other respects, be bound to carry into execution the Statutes and Regvilations of the College and School. (6.) Before he enters on his office, he shall make the following declaration before the Governing Body : — " I, A.B., appointed Head Master of the College of Eton, do solemnly " profess and declare that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office ; " I will observe the Statutes and Regulations of the College and School." (7.) He shall have a house within the precincts of the College, kept for him in tenantable repair and free from rates and taxes at the expense of the College. (8.) He shall not hold any ecclesiastical or other office to whicli anj^ emolu- ment is attached, nor shall he, without the consent of the Governing Body, undertake any other duties than those of the Head Mastership. (9.) He shall receive a stipend derived trom the fees paid by the College for the scholars on the Foundation and by the Oppidans. The amount of such stipend shall be determined from time to time by the Governing Body, and he shall not receive from the bo3's any fee, payment, or gratuity over and above such stipend. (10.) The Head Master shall not resign his office without giving to the Governing Body at least three months' notice of his intended resignation, and such resignation shall take effect only at the end of a school time. The Loicer Master. The Lower Master shall be appointed by the Head Master, and shall rank in sta. XX. the School immediately after him. He shall, in the absence of the Head Master, act as his deputy. 90. ■ B Eton. 10 STATUTES. SCHEMES, AND REGI'LATIONS G — Foundation Scholars. Number and Election. Sta. XXI. (1,1 There shall be at least 7'> Scholars on the Foundation of the College. (2.') The election of Scholars to the Foundation shall be held every year on the last Monday in July. (3.) On the day of Election in every year the Electors shall arrange on a roll in order of merit the names of as many candidates as shall in their judgment be sufficient to supply vacancies. So soon as there shall be any vacancy or vacancies in the l''oundation Scholarships, the Head Master shall fortlnvith notify the same in writing to the Provost, and the Provost shall proi^eed at once to fill up the said vacancy or vacancies, from and according to the order of the names on the said roll. No such Scholarship shall remain vacant more than 21 days during any School time. Everv such roll shall be cancelled on the morning previous to the following Election, and no candidate shall, by season of his name having appeared upon such cancelled roll, have any claims to preference at such following Election. Electors. Sta. XXII. The Election of the Foundation Scholars shall be vested in the Governing Bod}', who shall elect after an examination conducted by Examiners a])pointed by them, and after receiving a report from the Examiners of the result of such examination. Qualifications. Sta. XXIII. (1 .) The Foundation Scholarships shall be open to all British subjects. Every candidate shall produce evidence satisfactory to the Electors of the date of his birth, and a certificate of good character from the person or persons who have had charge of his education for the previous twelve months. (2.) No boy shall be a candidate for such a Scholarship who, on the day of Election, has not reached his 1 2th, or has passed his 1 5th birthday. Tenure and Privileges. Sta. XXIV. (1.) A Scholarship on the Foundation shall be tenable until the Election next after the Scholar's 19th birtliday. (2.) The Foundation Scholai's shall be educated and maintained diu-ing each School time out of tlje fimds of the College. (3.) The power of expelling for misconduct any Scholar on the Foundation shall rest with the Head Master, subject to any regulations as to the exercise of such power which may from time to time he made by the Governing Body ; but any Scholar so expelled shall have the riejht of appeal to the Governing Body. ' (4.) The Head Master shall have the power, for any grave misconduct which may not in his judgment require expulsion, to deprive a Scholar for any time not exceeding one School time of the whole or part of the advantages of his Scholarship. An}- Scholar so deprived shall have the right of appeal to the Governing Body, H. — Scholarships other than on the Foundation and Exhibitions. {a.) Tenable at the School. Sta. XXV. There shall be established, so soon as the funds of the College will allow. Exhibitions of the value of 50 1, per annum, tenable at the School during good behavioiu-, and open by voluntary competition to all boys between their 14th and 16th birthdays. Any such Exhibition shall be vacated on the Exhibitioner either being elected to the Foundation, or reaching his 1 9th birthday, or quit- ting the School. MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 1 1 {!).) Tenable after (juitLhig the School. (1.) The Scholarships or suffered under such Scheme. 3. The Provost and Fellows, and their successors, shall from time to time, for the purposes of this Scheme, upon the requisition of the Governing Body of Eton College or School, and their successors, sell any part of the College estates or any estate or interest therein for the time being belonging to the College : 90. B 3 Provided 14 STATFIIES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Eton, Provided that every such sale be made with the consent of the Copyhold ( om- missioners, such consent to be obtained and evidenced in the manner provided by section 2 of "The Universities and College Estates Act, 1858,'' with regard to sales of College I'.states effected under that Act ; but such Commissioners shall not be required to join in any conveyance for effecting any such sale. 4. The Provost and Fellows, and their successors, shall also from time to time upon the like requisition raise money for the purposes of this Scheme by mortgage of the College Estates, or any part of them, or of any estate or interest therein for the time being belonging to the ( ollege. 5. The expenses of and incidental to any such sale or mortgage, including, in the case of a sale, the expenses of obtaining the consent of the Copyhold Com- missioners thereto, shall be paid out of the moneys arising from such sale or mortgage, and the residue of such moneys shall be paid into a fund, to be established for the pui'poses of this Scheme, and to be called " The Improve- ment Fimd." There shall also be paid into " The Imin'ovement Fund " the balances (if any) which, at the date of the approval of this Scheme by Her Majesty in Council, shall be standing to the credit of the Fines' Fund and the Rents' Fund mentioned in the Scheme hereby revoked. 6. The moneys from time to time remaining to the credit of the Improvement Fund shall be placed at the disposal of the Governing Body and their suc(!Cssors, and shall be aijplied l)y them for or towards all or iiny of the purposes or olyects following, in snch manner and in such order, sa^'e as hereinafter provided, as they may think fit, that is to say : — . (o.) In payment annually to the present Provost, and to such of the existing Fellows as have their rights, ])rivileges, and emoluments reserved to them by Statute XT. of the College or ^School (including the present Lower Master if he shall be elected a Fellow under that Statute), of the commuted equivalent of their respective interests in the renewal fines, calculated as directed by the 24th section of "The Public Schools Act, 18(58." This payment shall have priority over all the other payments out of the Improvement Fvmd. (/).) In or towards paying off any mortgage or debt for the time being charged on the College Estates, or any part thereof, whether such mortgage or debt shall have been made or incurred i)reviously or sub- sequently to the making of the Scheme hereby revoked, and whether such mortgage or debt shall have been made or incurred for the purposes of such last-mentioned Scheme, or of this Scheme, or for any other purpose what- soever, including in the debts payable under this clause the sum of 4,0!).') /. 1 1 .V. 9 d., being a debt incurred by the College for extinguishing beneficial leases, and due to the present Provost and such of the existing Fellows as have their rights and emoluments reserved to them by the Statute XL of the College or School. (c.) To effect in the College Estates, or any part thereof, any improve- ment of land within the meaning of " The Improvement of Land Act, 1804." (d.) To effect improvements for the benefit of the College or School, and for that purpose to repair, imi)rove, enlar,i;e, and add to the buildings belonging to the College or School, to build new buildings, and purchase land. (e.) To purchase the interest of any lessee under any lease for years, or for a hfe or lives in any part of the (Jollege Estates. 7. All moneys arising from any sale or mortgage in pursuance of this Scheme shall, until applied for "the purposes of this Scheme, upon the requisition of the Governing Body and their successors, be vested, by the Provost and Fellows and their successors, in Government Securities, in the name of the Provost and Fellows of Eton College, and the income arising from any such investment shall form p;irt of the annual revenue or income of the College or School ; the Provost and Fellows and their successors shall, from time to time, cause to be made such investments in the aforesaid securities, and such sales of the said invest- ments, or any of them, as the Governing Body and their successors shall think fit. 8. Proper accounts of the receipts and expenditure of " The Improvement Fund " MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 15 Fund" shall he kept by the Bursar or Bursars for the time being, and these Eton. accounts shall be subject to all the ])i-ovisions as to audit and examination of Statute XVUI. of the College or School. Made and sealed by the Governing Body, '23rd February 1874. Approved and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the purposes of "The Public Schools Act, 1868," 24th February 1874. Approved by Her Majesty in Council, 12th May 1874. REGULATIONS made by the Governing Body of Eton. Admission. 1. No boy shall be admitted as an Oppidan to the School who has not com- pleted his 10th, or has completed his 14th year. 2. Every boy, before admission to the School, shall pass a satisfactory exami- nation in each of the following subjects : — Translation into English of riii easy Latin author. Latin grammar and parsing. French grammar, parsing and translation of easy passages. Elementary arithmetic. The outlines of English historj^ and of geography. The Head Master shall have power to add papers on the following subjects : — Latin composition in prose and verse. Greek grammar and translation. Elementary algebra. The higher rales of arithmetic and the elements of geometry. And this part of the examination shall be regulated by the Head IMaster so as to suit the respective a^es of the candidates. Every boy who is admitted shall be placed in the School according to the result of the above examination. 3. No ( )ppidan shall remain in the School who has not been admitted to the fourth form befoi'e the completion of his 14th year, or to the fifth form within six months after the completion of his 16th year, except for special reasons to be sanctioned by the Head Master, and by him forthwith reported to the Governing Body. 4. No Oppidan shall remain in the School after the end of the School time in which he shall have completed his 1 9th year, except for special reasons to be sanctioned by the Head Master, and by him forthwith reported to the Governing Body. Board and Lodging. Foundation Scholars. 5. The Foundation Scholars shall be lodged in the Long Chamber and new buildings adjoining. The first 55 boys shall have separate rooms, the remaining 15 separate sleeping compartments in the Long Chamber, and the common use of that part of the Long Chamber not otherwise appropriated. 6. The Scholars shall be boarded entirely at the expense of the College, either in the College hall, or in such rooms as may be appointed for that purpose. 7. In all cases of illness the Scholars shall have, if necessary, the use of the sick rooms, and, in case of any infectious fever, the use of the Sanatorium, free of cost. Oppidans. The folloiving Reguhitions respecting Boarding Houses shall not affect present holders cf Boarding Houses, not being Masters of the School : — 8. Boarding houses shall be kept by Masters of the School only. 9. No new boarding hcmse shall be opened, and no accommodation shall be provided for additional boarders in tlie existing boarding houses without the consent of the Head Master and the sanction of the Governing Body. 90. B 4 10. All iG STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS liTON. 10 All the boys, other than those on the Foundation, shall he boarded and lodged ill the Masters' houses, unless they are actually residing with their parents or guardians, or have obtained special permission from the Governing Body ujjon the written application of the Head Master. 1 1. The number of boarders in each house shall not exceed 35, except with the special permission of the Governing Body, upon the written application of the Head INlaster. In no case shall the uumljer exceed 40. 12. Each boy shall have a separate room, Imt on application of a parent or guardian, two brothers may share the same room. 13. When any boarding house shall become vacant, the Head Master shall nominate one of the Masters of the School to succeed to the said house, due regard being had to the claims of seniority of appointment in accordance with the Schedule a})pended to these Regulations. This nomination shall in all cases be subject to an appeal to the Governing Body. H. The terms of succession to all boarding houses, whether belonging to the (.'ollege or not, shall, for the future, be subject to an appeal to the Govei'ning Body ; but there shall be no charge for " good will," directly or indirectly. 15. Every Classical and Mathematical Master shall reside in Eton during the School time. Payments for Maintenance and Educatiox. 16. The charge for maintenance shall be 105/. per annum in the boarding houses, which, on 1st August 1872, were in the occupation of — A. C. Ainger, Esq, O. Brownint!;, Esq. F. W. Coniish, Esq. Eev. C. WoDey Dod. Rev. G. Frewer. Rev. E. Hale. A. C .lames, Esq. Rev. C. C. Jaraes. Rev. G. R. Dupuis. Rev. J. L. Joynes. Rev. F. E. Duinford. ( W. Evans, Esq. LMiss Evans. E. C. Austen Leigh, Esq, G. E. Marindin, Esq. R. A. H. Mitchell, Esq. E. P Rouse, Esq. Rov. H. Snow. Eev. F. St. J. Thackeray. Rev. E. Warre. Rev. ^Y. Wavte. Rev. J. E. Yonge. 17- The charge shall be 91 /. per annum in the boarding houses which, on 1st August 1872, were in the occupation of — Rev. T. Dalton. , II. E. Luxmoore, Esq. i T. IT. Stevens, Esq. Miss Drury. ISIdme. de Rosen. i Rev. F. Vidal. Miss Gulliver. f F. Tarver, Esq. ) 18. On a Master's changing from one boarding house to another, he shall receive the same paj-ment as before from the boarders, wdiom he may take with him. 19. No entrance fee shall be paid by any boy for admission to a boarding house, but a charge of 2 /. per School time shall be made for the use of furniture. ' 20. The papnerit for private classical tuition shall be 21 /. per annum. No classical tutor shall have more than 40 pupils, except with the special permis- sion of the Governing Uod}', upon the written application of the Head Master. In no case shall the number exceed 43. 21. Every boy, other than a Scholar on the Foundation, shall pay an entrance fee of 10 /. 10 s. on his admission to the School, of which 5 /. 5 s. shall be paid to the present Head Master, so long as he holds his office, in respect of all boys who are placed in the foiu'th or a higher form, and 5 /. 5 s. to the School Fund. 22. Every boy, other than a Scholar on the Foundation, shall pay 24 1, per annum into the School fund. 23. So soon as the funds of the College will admit, a similar pa)Tnent of 24/. per annum to the School fund, and 21 /. per annum for classical tuition shall be made by the College for each Scholar. 24 . Each keeper of a boarding house shall be responsible for the sums due to the School fund from the boys boarding in his house, and all boys whose names are on the School books shall be liable to this charge. It shall be com- petent for the Head Master in special cases to allow these sums to be recovered from the School fund. 25. The MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. i; 25. The account for the past School time shall be paid by the parent or Etox. guardian at the begirning of the following School time. Receipts for each tradesman's bill included in the account so discharged shall be sent in return to the parent or guardian at the beginning of the following holidays. 26. it shall be the duty of the H ead Master to furnish a printed copy of all the regulations under the head of " Payments for Maintenance and Education," to the parent or guardian on a boy's admission to the School. School Fund. 2". A committee of Assistant Masters shall be appointed by the Head Master for the purpose of administering the School fund, who shall submit annually, on or before 1st June, a report of the same to the Head Master and to the Governing Body. 28. The committee shall have power to adopt such method as they may deem most expedient for collecting the sums due, and to employ an accountant whose remuneration shall be borne by the School fund. 29. There shall be paid to the Head Master 6 1. 6 s. per annum, for each boy contributing 24/. per annum to the School fimd. 30. The proportion of the School fvmd to be assigned for classical instruction shall not exceed J/- per annum for each boy in the ^school, and shall be appor- tioned as follows, viz. : — £. (1.) To the present Lower Master - - - 600 per annum. To every future Lower Master such sum as may be hereafter determined. (2.) To each of the present Classical Masters who keeps a boarding house - - - - 150 ,, (3.) To each other present Classical Master - - 300 „ (4.) To each other Classical ^Master who shall be appointed, not less than - _ _ _ 200 „ 31. The proportion of the School fund to be assigned for instruction in mathematics, foreign languages, and natural science, shall not be less than 8 /. per annum for each boy in the School. And out of the moneys so raised, there shall be ajjpropriated to foreign languages, 1 ,700 1. ; and to science, 1,300 Z. 32. The proportion of the School fund to be assigned to School expenses shall not exceed 21. 14 s. per annum for each boy in the School. 1 he sums received for such expenses shall be appropriated to the following purposes : — ( 1 .) Rates and taxes. (6.) Sanatorium. (2.) Postman. (7.) School cleaning and repairs. (3.) PoUce. (8.) Gas, coals, and coke. (4.) Cricket and fives' fund. (9.) Boys' library. (5.) Bathing fund. (10.) Sundries. So soon as the funds of the College will admit, all the aforesaid expenses, except Nos. 2, 4, 5, and 9, shall be borne by the College. 33. Accounts of suras received and expended under tliis head for the library, cricket, fives, and bathing, shall be duly audited and printed, and a copy of each posted in the boys' library. 34. There shall be a reserve fund, and this shall consist of the entrance fees of all l30}-s placed below the fourth form, and of the moiet\' of all other entrance fees, and of such sums as may not, from time to time, be required for other l)urposes. The disposal of this fund shall be subject to the direction of the Governing Body. Chapel Services. 35. The chapel ser-iices shall be under the control of the Provost. 3(3. There shall be Sunday services and a short morning service on all week days, with music. Ash AVednesday and Ascension Day shall be specially observed. 37. Ther shall be at least one celebration of the Holy Communion in each month. 90. C 38. Subject t8 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Eton. 38. .Subject to the oblijiations and rights of the existing Provost and Fellows, the Provost shall iijjpoint the ])rea(;hers in the chapel, provided that the Head Master shall be entitled to preach himself, if in Holy Orders, or to nominate preachers to be ajjproved bj' the Provost, for six Sundays in every school time. 39. All the boys in the School shall attend at the prescribed services in the chapel, except in the case of conscientious objection, \vhi('h shall have been stated in writing to the Head -Master by the boy's parent or guardian. Holidays. 40. There shall be holidays at Christmas, Easter, and after Election. They shall not in all ex(v.'ed 15 weeks and one day for lower boys, and 15 weeks and four days for the fifth and sixth forms. 41. J he Head Master shall, at Election in each year, submit to the Govern- ing Bod}' for their api)roval a scheme showing the length of the holidays for the ensuing year, and the times at which they will begin. 42. The Head Master may, upon the prevalence of general illness, dismiss the School, provided that he at once report the same to the Governing Body. School Instruction. 43. The following subjects shall be taught to all boys in their progress through the School, viz., Rehjjion, Classics, Writing, Arithmetic, Mathematics, History, Geography, and English. («.) French shall be taught to all bovs in the School, provided that, after they shall have attained to the middle division of the fifth form, German or Italian ma)^, at the option of their parents, be substituted for French as an obligatory part of the School teaching. (i.) Natural Science shall be an obligator}^ part of the School teaching for all boys, from the time of their entering the middle division of tlie fifth form until they come within the limit of the first hundred. It shall also be taught to every boy in the School whose parents desire it. (c.) After a boy shall have come within the first hundred, it shall be in the power of the Head Master, at the request or with the ci incurrence of his parents, to give facilities for his pursuing such particular branch or branches of study as may be deemed most to his advantage. 44. Gennan or Italian, if taught at the parents' desire, before a boy has reached the middle division of the fifth form, shall be deemed an extra subject, for which a payment of 3/. 10 s. pei- School time shall be made. 45. There shall be annually, in July, a compulsory examination for the first 100 boys in the School, in the work of the two preceding School times and in other books ; and the Scholarships or Exhibitions which may have been declared vacant in accordance with Statute XXVI., shall then be adjudged according to order of merit in such examination. This examination shall lie conducted in such manner as the Governing Body shall from time to time direct. 4(3. Prizes to the value of 30 I. shall be given by the College to the three boys who shall stand next in order of merit to the Scholars and Exhibitioners. 47. There shall be examinations annually in History and in Science during the summer School time, and prizes of 10/. and 5 /. shall be given by the Collee;e for the first and second in order of merit in each of such examinations. 48. No boy shall be allowed to receive extra mathematical instruction who shall not have reached the middle di^asion of the fifth form ; but in the case of boys preparing for examinations external to the School, the Head Master shall have [)Ower to relax this regulation at the desire of the parent or guardian ex- pressed to him in writing. The payment for such mathematical instruction shall he 3 I. 10 s. per School time. 49. It shall be competent for a Mathematical Master, at the request of the parent, and with the consent of the Head Master, to act as tutor to the boarders in his own house. 50. The Head Master shall have power, in case of misconduct, to dismiss or expel any boy in the School, whether on the Foundation or not, provided that he MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 19 he shall, without delar, state in writing to the Governing Body his reasons for Eton. exercising this power. 51. Subject to the pro^-isions contained in the Statutes and regulations for the government of liton College or School, the Head Master shall have authority over all the Masters, and shall have under his control the choice of books, the method of teaching, the arrangement of classes and School hours, and generally the whole internal organisation, management, and discipline of the School. 52. The Head Master shall submit annually to the Governing Body a state- ment of the Prizes and Exhil)itions in his gift, and this statement shall contain the names of the Prizemen and Exhibitioners, and the sums assigned to each. 53. There shall be not less than one Classical Master to every 35 boys, and not less than one Mathematical Master to every 100 boys in the School. 54. Upon the occurrence of a vacancy of a Mastership in the School, the Head Master shall inform the Governing Body of it, through the chairman, and state at the same time the name of the Master causing such vacancy. 55. Whenever and so soon as any appointment of a Master in the School has been finally made by the Head Master, he shall furnish the Governing Body, through the Chairman, with the name of the person aj)pointed, the date of his appointment, and the class of study for which he is appointed. Made and sealed Iw the Governing Body, 16th February 18/4. SCHEDULE. For the purpose of determinii)g the succession to boarding houses, the order of seniority of appointment of Masters shall be understood to be fixed by tlie time at which they were first intrusted with the discipline of the School by taking their place " in desk ;" "and in conformity with this rule, the order of the existing Masters would be as follows : — Rev. J. E. Yonge. Rev. James Leigh Jovues. Rev. Charles WoUev Dod. Rev. Russell Day. Henry E. Luxmoore, Esq. Henry W. Mozley, Esq. George E. Marindin, Esq. Richard A. H. Mitchell, Esq. Rev. William Lane Hardisty. Jolm P. Carter, Esq. Rev. William Wayte. ; Charles L. Lovett Cameron, Esq. Rev. Charles C. James. \ Rev. Henry Daman. Rev. Edward D. Stone. Arthur Cockshott, Esq. Rev. Herbert Snow. Hendrick A. Chignell, Esq. Rev. Francis St. John Thackerav. H. G. Madan, Esq. Rev. G. R. Dupuis. ■ Walter Durnford, Esq. Rev. Edmond Warre. Francis Tarver, Esq. Oscar Browning, Esq. C. Huorh Evcrard, Esq. Francis Warre Cornish, Esq. Rev. J. Basconib Lock. Edward C. Austin .Leigh, Esq. Rev. R. F. Ramsey. Arthur C. Ainger, Esq. '"■ John Cole, Esq. Rev. Edward Hale. Herbert Hailstone, Esq. Edward P. Rouse, Esq. Rev. Duncan C. Tovey. Rev. Thomas Dalton. Rev. J. Hepburn Merriott. Arthur C. James, Ksq. I Rev. C. J. Eliseo Smith. Provided that (for the purpose of succession to any of the houses named in Regulation 17) the name of Francis Tarver, Esq., shad stand next after that of Henry W. Mozley, Esq., in order to carry out the engagement made by the Head Master on his appointment. A Statute made by the Public School Commissioners. Ecclesiastical Patronage. Whereas the new Governing Body of Eton School have made a Statute, numbered XXVIIL, which has been approved bv the Special Commissioners appomtedfor the purposes of the " Pubhc Scliools Act, 1868," and by Her Majesty ni Council, with respect to the mode and conditions of appointment to any ecclesiastical benefice, the patronage of which was at the date of the passing of the said Act vested in the Governing Boily as such, or to which persons y^'- c 2 educated 20 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Etok. educated at or connected with the School then had an exclusive or a preferential claim ; And whereas the said Statute omits to provide for the satisfaction of pre- ferential claims to appointment to the said ecclesiastical benefices, which con- ducts of the College apj^ointed before the date of the approval of the said Statute by Her Majesty in Council may have under the terms and conditions of their appointments, and to the extent of such omission, the said Statute has not beeii made in a manner approved by the said Special Commi-sioners ; And whereas the said Governing Body have made a further Statute, pro- viding for the satisfaction of such preferential claims in the case of one of such conducts, and the said fiu"ther Statute has been disapproved by the said Special Commissioners : Now, therefore, we, the said Special Commissioners, do hereby make a Statute, as follows : — The Provost and Fellows of Eton College, and their successors, shall satisfy in Uke manner as if the Statute numbered XXVIII. had not been made the pre- ferential claims to appointment to ecclesiastical benefices of the Reverend John Shephard aud the Keverend Francis Furse Vidal, conducts of the College appointed before the date of the approval of the said Statute by Her Majesty in Council, which were created under the terms and conditions of their appointments. Made and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the pur- poses of the "Public Schools Act, 1868," 13th May 18/4. Approved by Her Majesty in Council, .'JOth October 18/4. Regulations made by the Public Schools Commissioners. 1. The Governing Bodj' shall provide for an annual examination of every part of the School in the subjects of School instruction, but it shall not be necessary that the whole School should he under examination at the same time in every year. The Governing Body shall appoint or approve Examiners from without, competent to examine in all departments of study ; and the Examiners shall superintend the conduct of the examination, with the view of ascertaining the condition of the School in all such departments. The Examiners shall have such assistance from the Masters as the Head Master shall provide. Examiners shall report the result of examinations to the Governing Body ,- and the Governing Body shall print and send School lists showing the results of examinations to the parents or guardians of the boys. 2. The fees and expenses of such Examineis from without shall he paid (as the Governing Body shall tltink fit) either from the income of the property of the School (and for this purpose such Examiners shall be deemed to be officers of the College), or from the portion of the tJehool fund assigned to School ex- penses. 3. In any examination determining the position of a boy (not being one of the senior boys) in the School, or in any report of a general examination, the proportion of the marks to be assigned to Mathematics shall be not less than one-eighth, nor more than one-fourth, as the Governing Body shall think fit. 4. In any examination determining the position of a boy (not being one of the senior boys) in the School, or in any report of a general examination, the proportion of the marks to be assigned to Natural Science shall be not less than one-tenth, nor more than one-fourth, as the Governing Body shall think fit. 5. In any examination of senior boys, the proportion of marks to be assigned to the several subjects of study shall be determined by the Head Master, with the approval of the Go^-erning Bod\'. 6. The Governing Body shall from time to time determine the point in the College list above which the boys shall be reckoned as senior boys for the purposes of these Regulations. /. There shall be one Mathematical Master, at the least, for every 100 boys in the School ; and there shall be one Science Master, at the least, for every 200 boys MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 21 200 boys learning Natural Science in the School. All such Masters shall rank ^n- as Assistant Masters of the School. 8. Every boy shall learn Natural Science continuously from his entrance into the Remove until he become one of the senior boys in the School, unless his parent or guardian express in writing a desire for his exemption from this Regulation. y. The Head Master shall give facilities so far as he shall think practicalile to any senior boy, at the request of his parent or guardian, to pursue any par- ticular subject or subjects of study as may be deemed most expedient for him, and to discontinue any other subject or suljjects of study for that purpose. 10. The Governing Body shall, as soon as possible, provide and maintain out of the income of the property of the School, or out of any other means at their disposal for the educational purposes of the School, laboratories, and collections of apparatus, and of specimens. 1 1 . Any bo}' at the School shall, at the desire of his parent or guardian ex- pressed in writing to the Head Master, be exempted from attending any lesson or series of lessons on a religious subject, and the Governing Body shall provide that such boy shall not b}' reason of such exemption be deprived of any advantage or emolument to which he would be otherwise entitled : except such as may b)^ the terms of the endowment under which such advantage or emolument is conferred, be made expressly dependent on the scholar learning such lesijons. 12. Any boy entering the School above the age of 12 shall have the oppor- tunity of showing acquaintance with Botany, Physical Geography, or some other branch of Natural Science, and with Arithmetic, or Mathematics, in the entrance examination for the School. 13. xVny boy in the School above the age of 12, who may evince an aptitude for Natural Science, shall have facilities for that study. Boarding Houses and Remission of Fees. 14. The Governing Body shall have power to close any boarding house. In the case of any boy being absent fi-om the School for more than one month during any school term, the Head Master shall decide as to what portion (if an}') of his payments for maintenance and education shall be remitted. The Head blaster, with the consent of the Governing Body, shall have power to refuse the admission of any boy to the School, if he judge it expedient. Made and sealed by the Pubhc Schools Commissioners, 4th August 18/4. 9ody, so always that such day be not more than one year before the day of the ehction. 4. The names of the candidates, hereinafter called Minor Candidates, together with theii" parentage, place of birth, and age, shall be recorded. 5. The Minor Candiilates recommendtd by the Examiners for admission on the Foundation shall be presented in order of merit by the Head Master to the Dean of Westminster for admission ; and prior to such admission the names of such Minor Candidates shall be placed in order as aforesaid upon indentures signed by the Dean of Westminster. 6. The names of the Minor Candidates, beyond the number required to fill up the vacancies on the Foundation, who shall satisfy the Examiners of their general fitness, shall be placed upon the indentures in order of merit as preelccti for admission to such casual vacancies as may occur in the course of the ensuing year. 7. In the event of any casual vacancy on the Foundation occurring before the 25th of March next following the execution of the indentures, the highest of the preelecti in the above order shall be presented by the Head Master to the Dean of Uestminster for admission ; unless the Head Master shall, in the exercise of his discretion, require a new examination of ;dl the preelecti ; in which case the highest in order in such examination shall be presented in like manner. 8. In the event of any casual vacancy occurring between the 24th of March and the next annual election, the Head xMaster may either present to the Dean the highest (in the above order) of the preelecti or the highest in order in such examination as aforesaid, or reserve the vacancy to be filled up at the next election. 9. If in any year the vacancies on the Foundation at election shall exceed the number of Minor Candidates recommended by the Examiners for admission as hereinbefore provided, or if the casual vacancies occurring in any year, other than vacancies which under the preceding powers the Head Master may resei-ve to the next election, shall exceed the number of preelecti on the indentures, then in any such case the Governing Body may make arrangements for reserving such vacancies or for opening them to competition on any con- ditions which they may think fit. 10. Except in the cases specially provided for in the last preceding section, no boy shall be admitted on the Foundation unless he shall have been under 1 5 years MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 41 15 years of age on the 25th of March preceding the entry of his name upon Westminster. the indentures. ~ 1 1. In every case of admission of a Minor Candidate the Head Master may object to such admission on the ground of character or conduct, and the Dean of Westminster shall then suspend such admission until he shall have consulted the Gjvernins; Body, whose decision thereupon shall be final. If the Govern- ing Body shall decide that such candidate be not admitted, then the next candi- date in order shall be presented by the Head Master to the Dean in hke manner. 12. If at any time the Dean of Westminster shall be absent when a candidate is to be presented for admi>sion on the Foundation, he may appoint a Deputy for the purpose of such admission. If the Dean fail for any cause to nominate a Deputy, the Governing B.ocly may nominate one for him. 13. IN'o boy shall remain u;'on the Foundation after the annual election, if he shall have been upwards of 18 years of age on the 25th of March then last • past. Chapter II.— Foundation. Privileges and Number. 1. The Foundation of Westminster School shall consist of such number of Queen's Scholarships, being- not less than 40, as the Governing Body, having regard to the funds of the School, shall from time to time determine. 2. Every Queen's Scholar shall be entitled to the privileges of the School Tuition free of charge. 3. The Head Master may at any time alter the position of any Queen's Scholar in his election, whether in accordance with the results of the examina- tion referred to in Chapter VIII., or for the purposes of discipline, as he may see fit ; provided that the Governing Body shall have power to forbid such alteration or to annul it when made. 4. In case of the grave misconduct of any Queen's Scholar upon the Foundation, the Head Master shall have power to expel such Queen's Scholar, subject to an appeal to the Governing Body. Chapter III.— School Exhibitions. 1. The Trusts annexed respectively to the several Exhibitions, and other emoluments referred to by the names of their respective Founders, and the dates of their Foundation respectively, and comprised in the schedule hereto annexed (so far as such trusts, or any of them, entitle any boys to rights of maintenance, or prescribe restrictions on the election or appointment to such Exhibitions or emoluments as aforesaid, or direct that they, the said Exhibi- tions or emoluments, shall be conferred otherwise than by competitive examina- tion), are repealed and abrogated from the date of these Statutes coming into operation. 2. From and after the abrojiation of the said trusts, the said Exhibitions and other emoluments shall be consohdated and formed into one fund, to be called the School Exhibition Fund. 3. The income of such Exhibition Fund shall be applied by the Governing Body for the creation of E.\hibitions, tenable at the School, such Exhibitions to be of such number and witii such stipends, either of one uniform amount or of different amounts, and to be held for such time or times, and subject to such rules and regulations as the Governing Body shall from time to time deter- mine- 4. The Election to all Exhibitions provided out of the income of the said Fund shall be made by the Governing Body after a competitive examination, to be conducted once in every year by such persons and in such subjects as the Governing Body shall from time to time direct. 5. One month's notice of such examination shall be given by advertisement in the public papers. 6. Subject to such regulations as to age as the Governing Body shall from time to time enact, the said examination shall he open to all boys, whether attending the School or not, who are of good moral character. 7. Every boy elected to a School Exhibition, if not already in the School, shall be forthwith entered therein, and shall receive no benefits from his Exhibition excepting for so long as he continues in the School. 90- F 8. Any 42 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Westminster. 8. Any or all of the said Exhibitions may be withheld in any year at the dis- cretion of the Examiners, in default of deserving candidates. 9. If the income of the School Exhibition Fund admits of it, the Governing Body may award in any year out of the income of thai, year a prize or prizes, to any by or boys in the School, under such conditions as the Governing Body may from time to time determine. 10. The fees of Examiners (not, being Masters of the School) appointed to conduct the said examination, and any other necessary charges attendant there- upon, may be defrayed in whole or in part out of the income of the School Exhibition Fund. 11. The residue of income, if any, in each year shall be stated at the passing of the yearly accounts as unapplied surplus ; and whenever the said surplus shall amount to the sum of 100/., such portion of the same as the Governing Body may determine shall be invested to the credit of the School Exhibition Fund, in such securities as the Court of Chancery may authorise for the invest- ment of trust funds in general. Schedule. — NAME. Date of Gift or Bequest. Form of Investment and present Amount. Gross Annual Income. Object of Tedst. £. ». d. 1 Lord Burleigh 1594 Fee Farm Rents 10 13 4 Scholars elected to Universities. 2 N. Broxholme 1748 500 /. Reduced 3 per Cents. 15 - - Ditto - ditto. 3 S. Smith - 1753 66 /. 13 >. 4 d. „ „ 2 - - King's Scholars. 4 W. Titley - 1766 550 /. Consols . - - 16 10 - SchooL 5 F. W. Sharpe 1771 600 /. Reduced 3 per Cents. 18 - - Scholars elected to Universities. 6 J. Thomas - 1791 4,100?. Consols - 123 - - School. 7 C. M. Cracherode- 1799 900 I. Reduced 3 per Cents. 27 - - Scholars elected to Universities. e E. Smallwell* 1799 1,000 /. .SO - - King's Scholars, * This Fund is in New 3 per Cents. Chapter IV. — University Exhibitions. 1. There shall be an annual election to Studentships at Christ Church, Oxford, and to Exhibitions at Trinity College, Cambridge. 2. The electors to Studentships at Christ Church, and to Exhibitions at Trinity College, shall be the Dean of Westminster, the Dean of Christ Church, the Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, such Examiners as shall be duly named in each year by the said Dean of Christ Church and Master of Trinity, and the Head Master of the School. 3. The Westminster Studentships at Christ Church, Oxford, and Westminster Exhibitions at Trinity College, Cambridge (with all advantages and emoluments thereto pertaining), shall be open to the competition of all boys attending the said School whether they be upon the Foundation or not ; and any boy from and after the election of 18/2 shall be eligible thereunto who shall have been for three years previously in the School and shall have been presented by the Head Master to the electors, provided that such boy shall have been under the age of 19 years upon the 25th of March next preceding the election. 4. The names of the candidates, hereinafter called Major Candidates, together with their parentage, place of birth, and age, shall be recorded. 5. The Major Candidates shall be presented by the Head Master to the electors, and shall be examined in such manner as the Governing B him, out of the said und, such reasonable salary as they shall think fit. 5. They may, if they think fit, allow to the Head Master from tiie said fund a yearly «uni towards providing assistance iti keeping the accounts of ordinary payiiients to tradesmen and servants in the domestic management of the School. 6- 'ihey may assign from the said fund a reasonahle sum each year for or towards the expenses of the election dinner ; and the College hall may be used, in the same manner as heretofore, for the purposes of the said dinner. Chapter X. — Common Seal. 1. The Governing Body shall from time to time make rules for the safe cus- tody of the Common Seal. 2. The Common Seal shall not be affixed to any writing or document except by order of the Governing Body, and in the presence of at least three members of the Governing Body. 3. No document or writing shall be sealed with the Common Seal until a true certified copy of the same has been entered in a register to be kept for that purpose. Chapter XI. — Accounts and Minute Book. 1. The Governing Body shall cause full accounts to be kept, in such manner as they shall from time to time direct, of all receipts and expenditure for and on account of the School. 2. The Governing Body shall cause a sufficient abstract of accounts to be drawn up each year, such abstract to include — (1.) A balance sheet of all receipts and expenditure of income for the year last past- (2.) A statement of the property belonging to, or held in trust for, the School, and of all dealings therewith or acquisitions thereto, during the year last past. 3. The above-mentioned balance sheet and statement shall be examined, and, if found correct, passed by the Governing Body at the beginning of each finan- cial j'ear; and every memlier of the Governing Body present at such meeting shall sign the said balance sheet and statement when passed, or make a state- ment in writing at the foot of the same, giving his reasons for withholding liis signature. A printed copy of such balance sheet and statement, when passed, shall be forwarded to each member of the Governing Body. 4. The residue of income, if any, in each year shall be stated at the passing of the yearly accounts as unapplied surplus ; and such portion of the said sur- plus as the Governing Body may determine shall be invested to the credit of the School Endowment Fund. 5. A minute-book and proper books of account shall be provided out of the School Endowment Fund, and kept in some convenient and secure ))lace of deposit to he provided or appointed by the Governing Body for that purpose. 6. Minutes ol'sdl proceedings of the Governing Hody shall be entered in the minute-book, and signed by the Chairman at ti^.e next meeting. In the same book there shall be recorded the entry into office of every new member of the Governing Body, and also the names of all the members present at each meeting. MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 45 Chapter XIL — Interpretation of Statutes. If any question shall arise as to the true construction of any provision con- tained in these Statutes, the Visitor shall have jurisdicLion to decide such ques- tion upon a special case submitted to him for the purpose ; and his decision upon any question so submitted shall be final and conclusive. Chapter XIII. — Repeal of Existing Statutes. Save as is hereinbefore provided, and sa\ e in so far as regards the attendance of the Masters and Scholars at the Abbey services, the Statutes of the Col- legiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster, in so far as they aifect the School, are repealed. Made and sealed by the Governing Body, 28th July 1871. Approved and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the purposes of the " Public Schools Act, 1868," 28th July ISJl. Approved by Her Majesty in Council, 6th November 1871. Westminster. Regulations made by the Governing Body of Westminster. Chapter I. — Admission and Dismissal of Scholars. 1 . No boy shall be admitted to the School before eight years of age, or after 15 years of age, unless for special reasons, to be approved by the Head Master, and reported to the Governing Body. 2. Any parent, guardian, or next friend, desiring the admission of a boy to the School shall fill up and sign a form of application, specifying the name, age, and parentage of the boy, and name and residence of the parent, guardian, or next friend. 3. All boys presented for admission shall be examined under the direction of the Head Master, and their place in the School shall be determined by such examination. 4. No boy shall be admitted unless he be sufficiently advanced, in proportion to his age, to profit by the teaching of the School ; nor unless he produce, if required, satisfactory proof of diligence and good moral character from his previous master or teacher. 5. The Head Master shall have power to refuse the admission of any appli- cant, if he judge it expedient ; and in case of such refusal, he shall report the circumstances to the Governing Body. 6. No boy shall remain in the School, if in the fourth form, after the end of the term in which he shall be 1 5 years of age ; or if in the fifth form, after the end of the term in which he shall be 1 7 years of age ; unless by the special permission of the Head Master. No boy shall remain at the School after the end of the term in which he shall be 19 vears of as;e. Chapter II. — Lodging and Boarding of Scholars. 1 . The Queen's Scholars shall be lodged in the dormitory and rooms below, and shall have the use of the Matron's House or Sanatorium in case of sickness as heretofore ; but the Sanatorium shall also be available, at the discretion of the Head Master, to receive, if necessary, cases of infection from the boarding houses. 2. The Queen's Scholars shall have their meals in the College hall as hereto- fore, but there shall be always two or more Masters present at the dinner, for whom a table shall be furnished at the cost of the School ; at which table, also, the Senior Queen's Scholars shall dine, and likewise any home boarders of the sixth or highest form who may be admitted to the hall. 3. There shall be also a lower table provided, at which home boarders may dine on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays during each week of School time, having also the option of dining on Wednesdays, if notice be 90. F 3 previously 46 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS W estmiks ter. previously given. Nevertheless, every such boy shall obtain the express per- mission of the Head Master previously to his admission to the hall, and shall be liable to exclusion from it at any time for any misconduct. Chapter IH. — Boarding Houses. 1. The Masters of the boarding houses shall be nominated by the Head Master. Tliey shall take the risks and profits of their own boarding houses, and no payment or consideration on account of " goodwill " shall be made directly or indirectly on the transfer of a boarding house to a new tenant, beyond the fair value of the premises, fixtures, and furniture which he may take. 2. The number of boarders in each house shall not exceed such Hmit as the Governing Boily may from time to time determine. Chapter IV. — College Service, and Repairs. 1. All payments to persons employed in the service of the College and the School shall be made under the direction of the Head Master, and their appointment, dismissal, and the arrangement of their duties shall rest with him. 2. A sum not exceeding 550/, shall be allowed annually for the payment of service for the College and the School, and shall be applied as the Governing Body may from time to time direct. 3. The Head Master shall have authority to order petty repairs to the amount of 50 /. in each quarter of the year. For any larger amount the sanction of the Governing Body shall be required. Chapter V. — Fees. 1. The annual tuition fee for every boy, whether boarder or day scholar, shall be 30 guineas, to be paid half yearly in advance, with an entrance fee of five guineas. The tuition fees of the Queen's Scholars shall be paid from the School Endowment Fund. If any boy should be admitted directly upon the Foundation {see Statutes, ch. I., clause 9) without having previously attended the School, his entrance fee also shall be paid from the same fund. 2. The tuition fee for town boys who were in the School before Christmas 1870 shall be 25 guineas annually. 3. Ihe boarding house charges shall continue at their present rate, viz., five guineas entrance and G5 guineas annually, to be paid in half-yearly instalments, including ordinary medical attendance (unless in case of serious illness), but exclusive of tuition fees and of the general entrance fee. 4. The charge for half-boarders dining at the boarding houses shall be at the rate of 24 guineas yearly. 5. The charge for home boarders dining in the College hall, as aforesaid, shall be at the rate of 16 /. yearly 6. The charge for the use of the house. No. 1, Great Dean's Yard, shall be at the rate of 36 shillings yearly. 7. An annual payment towards maintenance shall be made by the parent or guardian of each Queen's Schohir of 30 /. in half-yearly instalments of 15/. each, in advance. Chapter VI. — Accounts. 1 . The Governing Body shall keep two accounts. These accounts shall be headed " School and Trust Property Account," and " School Fees and Pay- ments Account," respectively. 2. The former of these shall take all money belonging to the School Endow- ments and Trust Funds. Cheques on this account shall be drawn by order of the Governing Body. 3. The latter account shall take all money paid by parents of boys, whether School fees, boarding or other charges, or tradesmen's bills. Cheques on this account MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOL ACTS. 47 account shall be drawn on the joint signatures of the Head Master and one Westminster. other person to be appointed from time to time by the Governing Body. No parent shall pay any money for his son except to this latter account. No Master shall receive any money from a parent or guardian. 4. The Head Master shall pay to the " School and Trust Property Account " ali fees received from parents or guardians of Queen's Scholars on the score of maintenance, and all payments made on account of town boys dining in the college hall, and shall receive from that account the tuiticm fees of the Queen's Scholars, and pay the same to the " School Fees and Payments Account. ' 5. Within a fortnight after the close of each half-year, the Head Master shall pay over to the Master of each boarding house, from the " School Fees and Payments Account," such a sum as shall have been agreed upon between them, in anticipation of the settlement of the half yearly account. 6. He shall, if requested, pay from the "Scliool Fees and Payments Account" to any of the Assistant Masters, on account, a sum not exceeding one-fourth part of their annual stipends, so soon as the same shall have become due. 7. The salaries of all the Masters shall be thus provided : — The Head Master shall have a fixed annual stipend. Each Assistant Master also shall have a fixed annual stipend, which shall be determined by tlie Governing Bodv from time to time, in such manner that the sum total of all the stipends shall not exceed three-fourths of the estimated amount available from fees. Each Assistant Master, if not in occupation of a boardin<^ house, shall either have apartments rent free, or an allowance in money instead thereof. The payments to additional Masters shall be arranged by the Governing Body. 8. At each half-yearly audit of the " School Fees and Payments Account," which shall be held as soon as possible after 25th January and 25th June in each year, there shall be taken (and duly paid) from the total sum of receipts for the past half-year the amounts received — (1.) For maintenance fees of Queen's Scholars and of town boys dining in hall ; (2.) For tradesmen's bills and for advances on account of the Queen's Scholars ; (3.) For boarding house charges and bills, deducting any sums advanced as provided in section 5. From the residue shall be paid the current expenses of School management? the Masters' stipends (or unpaid balances thereof), and the amounts due in payment of additional Masters, in allowances, or in remuneration for any special duties. After which, whatever surplus may remain, or any portion thereof, shall be divided in the manner of a per-centage upon the several stipends ; pro- vided always, that the Governing Body shall have power, upon the appoint- ment of a new Assistant Master, to make the condition that such Master shall not be entitled to any such augmentation of his stipend for a period not exceeding two years. The remainder, if any, after such per-centage has been paid, shall be carried to a School fund, dis|)osable at the pleasure of the Head Master, with the consent of a majority of the Assistant Masters, for the benefit of the School. 9. At the close of each half year the Head Master shall lay before the Governing Body a balance sheet, with proper vouchers, of the " School Fees and Payments Account," showing, on the credit side, the amount of bills for the Queen's Scholars, boarders, hal (-boarders, and home-boarders or day scholars ; and, on the other side, payment of all tuition and entrance fees, or extra fees, to the Head Master ; of boarding charges and private bills, in sepa- rate totals, to the Master of each boarding-house, with such other payments, balances, and arrears, if any, as may exist upon the account. The head Master shall append to each balance sheet a separate schedule, showing the manner of disposal of the fees entrusted to him, in the payment of Masters' salaries and School expenses, and the distribution of any extra fees. He shall also furnish a schedule of tradesmen's bills and advances to the Queen's Scholars, with receipts or certificates for the same. 90. F4 Westminster. 48 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Chapter VII.— School Instruction. 1 . The following subjects shall be taught to all boys in their progress through the School, viz. : religious knowledge, classics, arithmetic, mathematics, natural science, history, geography, English, either French or German, and either drawing or music. 2. The representation of a Latin play by the Queen's Scholars at Christmas shall continue as heretofore. Chapter VIII. — Number, Position, and Payment of Masters. 1 . The number of Masters shall be so arranged that there may be not less than one regular Master for every thirty boys. There shall be always one Master entirely employed in teaching natural science, with such assistance from other Masters as may be found necessary. All such Masters shall be on the regular staff of the School, and shall devote (if required) their whole time to its service. Additional Masters may be appointed for drawing, music, modern languages, natural science, and other subjects, so far as may be required for the efficient instruction of the School. 2. On the expiration of tlie present Under Master's tenure of office, one Master shall be spec ially nominated by the Head Master, with the approval of the Governing Body, to the charge of the Queen's Scholars, and shall occupy the house or part of the house now occuijied by the Under Master. He shall be called the Masier of the Queen's Scholars, and shall have a special salary in consideration of his duties, and shall be present with the Queen's Scholars at such times as they attend divine service in the Abbey, and shall at such times wear a surplice and the hood of his degree. He shall also be the representative of the Head Master in his absence (unless the Head Ma.-ter shall see fit to appoint otherwise), and shall have the same powers for maintaining discipline as are now vested in the Under Master. 3. The assignment of rank, duties, and work to the other Assistant Masters shall rest with the Head Master. 4. The annual stipends shall be, — £. Head Master - ' 1,000 Under Master now in office - - - - - -550 (These Masters shall also retain their old allowances and stipends of 39/. 6*. 8d., and 15 /. respectively.) Two senior classical Masters .... each 2/5 Classical Master taking part of the sixth form composition 250 Other classical Masters - . - . _ each 225 First mathematical Master - - - - - - 250 Second mathematical Master _ - . - - 225 Natural science Master, say ------ 200 Chapter IX. — Examinations. 1. Four Examiners, of whom two at least shall be classical and one mathe- matical, shall be appointed annually to conduct the general examination of the School. 2. The examination of candidates for the Foundation shall be conducted by the Head Master, jointly with the said Examiners ; and the system called " the challenge " shall be retained, with such modifications as may seem to the Head Master to be desirable. 3. The subjects of examination shall be appointed in each year by the Governing Body. 4. The Governing Body shall, at some meeting to be held before Easter in each year, fix the times of all examinations for the current year, appoint the Examiners, and define the amount of their remuneration. 5. The results of all examinations shall be declared or published in such manner as the Governing Body shall direct. ,, , MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 49 Chapter X. — School Report. 1 . The Hearl Master shall yearly deliver to the Governing Body a report of the condition and progress of the School, and of any material changes intro- duced into the management or course of studies, and also of any changes he may deem it expedient to introduce for the belter management and develop- ment of the School, and generally of all matters affecting the condition and welfare of the whole estabhshment. 2. Such report shall include particulars of — (1.) The number of boys admitted during the year, and their ages. (2.) The number who have left during the year, tlieir ages and destina- tions. (3.) Tlie parentage of all boys present at Easter in each year. (4.) The number of Queen's Scholars, boarders, half-boai*ders, and home boarders in each term, distinguishing the separate boarding houses. (5.) The number of home boarders dining in hall each term. ;6.) In respect of School instruction : The number of boys learning each subject, the classes in which they are arranged, the ^Masters in charge of each class, the number of exemptions ; with observations at the Head Master's discretion on the working of the system. The subjects in which the classes have been examined dui'ing the year. The School prizes, with names of the successful c&ndidates, and any honours obtained at the Universities, or elsewhere. (7.) The names of the several College servants, their duties and salaries. (8.) Pensions (with names) of former servants. Chapter XI. — Divine Service. The Masters and Scholars, unless specially exempted, shall attend Divine service in the Abbey on Sundays, Saints' days, and Saturday afternoons, and at other times, as heretofore. The special services for the School shall be held on the mornings of Saints' days, and the sermon shall be preached by the Head Master, or some person appointed by him. Chapter XII. — Day Scholars. 1. The parent, guardian, or next friend of any day scholar attending the School may claim, by notice in writing of a conscientious objection on his part, addressed to the Head Master, the exemption of such Scholar from attending the School prayers or Church services, or any lesson or series of lessons on a religious subject, and such Scholar shall be exempted accordingly, and shall not, by reason of such exemption be deprived of any advantage or emolument to which he would otherwise be entitled. 2. The Head Master shall have discretion to exempt any day scholar from attending School earlier than 9 a.m. 0. A room or rooms shall be provided; as at present, to which home boarders may resort in the intervals of School ; and where their books, coats, &c., may be kept. Chapter XIII. — Holidays. 1 . The holidays of the School in ordinary course shall not be more than three weeks at Whitsuntide, seven weeks in August and September, and five weeks at Christmas : so that the whole amount of vacation shall not exceed fifteen weeks in the year. If the day following the usual day of return be a Saint's day, the Head Master may fix such Saint's day for the reassembling of the School. 2. Not more than one day in addition to any vacation shall be granted at the desire of any Royal or distinguished visitoi", or in celebration of any event ; qo. ^ G ' and Westsiixster. 5(, STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Westminstku. and such extension of the hoUdays shall be left to the discretion of the Head Master. 3. The Head Master shall have power at any time to grant an larly or late play in celebration of successes trained by tlie pupils of the St^hool. or for any fitting caus . 4. In case of infectious sickness, it shall be allowable for the Head Master either to dismiss the School before the usual time, or to defer the return of the Scholars, as may appear necessar}-. Such dismissal of the School or post- )>onement of its reassembling shall be reported as soon as possible to the (iovorning Body. Chapter XIV — Authority of Head Master. 1. Subject to the |)rovisions contained in the Statutes and Regulations for the }iovernnient of Westminster School, the Head Master shall have authority over all the Masters, and shall liax e under his control the choice of books, the method of teaching, the arrangement of classes and School hours, and generally the whole internal orgfinisation, management, and discipline of the School. 2. He shall also have power, at his sole discretion, to dismiss from the School any boy not being a Queen's Scholar, if the case should seem to him so to require. Made and sealed by the Governing Body, '28th July 1871- A St.a.tute made by the Governing Body of Westminster. \\'e, the Cioverning Body of Westminster School, otherwise called St. Peter's College, Westminster, do, under and by virtue of the powers conferred upon us by the 'Public Schools Act, 1868," and the "Public Schools Act, 1871," make the following Statute for the management of Bishop Williams' Founda- tion, hitherto managed under a Scheme approved by order of the Court of Exchequer, dated 13th April 1836, and by further order, dated 11th July 1837. 1. The Trusts annexed to the Scholarships on this Foundation, so far as such Trusts entitle boys to any rights to education or maintenance, or prescribe restrictions on the election or appointment to such Scholarships, or direct that such Scholarships shall be confeiTcd otherwise than by competitive examination, are repealed and abrogated from the date of this Statute coming into opei'dtion. 2. The endowment of this Foundation shall be consolidated with the School Exhibition Fund formed pursuant to Chap. III., Sect. 2, of the Statutes for the government of Westminster School, and the income thereof shall be applied })y the Governing Body in the same manner as the income of the said Exhibi- tion Fund. Made and sealed by the Governing Body, 7th May 1872. Approved and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the ])urposes of the " PubHc Schools Act, 1868," 6th June 1872. Approved by Her Majesty in Council, 15th October 1872. A Statute made by the Governing Body of Westminster. A Statute with respect to certain Emoluments created by Dr. Samwaie's Will, and tenable after quitting Westminster School by Boys educated thereat. 1. The trusts requiring the Master and Seniors of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, to divide part of the income arising from Dr. Samwaie's benefaction in each MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 51 each year equally amongst certain Students of the said College elected from Westminster. Westminster School, so far as they are inconsistent with the provisions of this Statute, shall, from the date ol this Statute coming into operation, be repealed and abrogated. 2. From and after the abrogation of the aforesaid trusts, the part of the said income directed to be so divided in each year shall be employed in establisiiiug at the said College, for the benefit of \\'estminster School, two Exhibitions, one tenable for two years, to be called the Seuior Sauiwaie's Exhibition, and the other tenable fur one year, to be called the Junior Samwaic's Exhibition. 3. Of the part of the said income so employed in each year, two equal third parts shall be assigned to the holder of the Senior Samwaie'h Exhibition, who shall, subject to the conditions hereinafter contained, l)e entitled to receive one of such two-third parts at the expiration of the first academical year, and the other at the expiration of the second academical year after nomination to his Exhi- bition. The remaining tliird part shall be assigned to the holder of the Junior Samwaie's Exhibition, who shall, subject to the same conditions, be entitled to receive the same at the expiration of the first academical year after nomination to his Exliibuion. 4. The first of the Major Candidates, in order of merit, entitled in each year, under the provisions of Chapter IV., Seeti(m /, of the Statutes for the govern- ment of Westminster School, to be elected to a Westminster Exhibition at Trinity College, shall be nominated to a Senior Samwaie's Exhibition for that year, which he shall hold in addition to his Westminster Exhibition, and the second of the Major Candidates, in like order and manner entitled, shall be nominated to the Junior Samwaie's Exhibition for that jf^ar, which he shall hold in addition to his Westminstei" Exhibition. 5. No Samwaie's Exhibitioner shall be entitled to any payment in respect of his Samwaie's Exhibition until the expiration of the academical vear for which such payment has accrued, at which time the Master and Seniors of Trinitv CoUege shall, at their sole discretion, give authority for the payment of the several sums then due in respect of the Samwaie's Exhibitions, if they shall have been satisfied with the conduct and diligence of the respective Exhibitioners, as evidenced by their places in the College examination, or by some similar test, for tiie past year, but not otherwise. 6. All payments in respect of the Samwaie's Exhibitions which ma\- have been withheld under the powers given to the Master and Seniors of Trinity College by the last preceding Section, shall be accumulated to a separate account. Whenever the accumulations so formed shall amount to 100/., they shall be invested to the credit of a separate fund, to be called the Samwaie's Exhibition Fund, the interest and dividends arising from which fund shall be applied in each year in augmentation of the part of the income from Dr. Sam- waie's benefaction employed in such year for the benefit of the Scholars elected from Westminster School, according to the provisions of this Statute. Made and sealed by the Governing Body of Westminster, 8th December 1873. Approved and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the purposes of the "Public Schools Act, I8G8," Kith February 1874. Approved by Her Majesty in Council, I2th May 1874. Regulations made by the Public Schools Commissioners. Examinations and Instruction. 1. At the annual examination of the School the (Governing Bodv shall appoint or approve examiners from without, competent to examine in all departments of study ; and the Examiners shall superintend the conduct of the examination, with the view of ascertaining the condition of the School in ail such departments. The Examiners shall have such assistance from the Masters as the Head Master shall provide. The Governing Body shall print and send 9O' G -J school :,2 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS WtsTMiNSTER. school lists showing the results of examinations to the ))arents or guardians of the boys. 2. in any examination determining the position of a hoy (not being one of the senior boys) in the School, or in any report of a general examination, the l)roportion of the marks to be assigned to Mathematics shall be not less than one-eighth, nor more than one-fourth, as the Governing Body shall think fit. ;i. In any examination determining the position of a boy (not being one of the senior boys) in the School, or in any report of a general examination, the proportion of the marks to be assigned to Natural Science shall be not less than one-tenth, nor more than one-fourth, as the Governir.g Body shall think fit. 4. In any examination of the senior boys, the proportion of marks to be assigned to the several subjects of study shall be determined by the Head Master, with the approval of the Governing Body. 5. The Governing Body shall from time to time determine the point in the School jlist above wliich the boys shall be reckoned as senior boys for the purposes of these Regulations. 6. There shall be one Mathematical Master, at the least, for every 100 boys in the School, and there shall be one Science Master, at the least, for every 200 boys learning Natural Science in the School. All such Masters shall rank as assistant Masters of the School. 7. Every boy shall learn Natural Science continuously from his entrance into the Remove, until he become one of the senior boys in tlie School, unless his parent or guardian express in writing a desire for his exemption from this Regulation. 8- The Head Master shall give facilities so far as he shall think practicable to any senior boy, at the request of his parent or guardian, to pursue any par- ticular subject or subjects of study as may be deemed most expedient for him, and to discontinue any other subject or subjects of study for that purpose. 9. The Governing Body shall, as soon as possible, provide and maintain out of the income of the property of the School, or out of any other means at their disposal for the educational purposes of the School, laboratories, and collections of apparatus, and of specimens. 10. Any boy entering the School above the age of 12 shall have the oppor- tunity of showing acquaintance with Botany, Physical Geography, or some other branch of Natural Science, and with Arithmetic, or Mutheraatios, in the entrance examination for the School. 11. Any boy in the School above the age of 12 who may evince an aptitude for Natural Science, shall have facilities for that study. Made and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the pur- poses of the " Public Schools Act, 1868," 4th August 1874. MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. JO SHREWSBURY. shhhwsburt. A Statute for determining and establishing the constitution of the new Governing Body of Shrewsburv Free Grammar School made by the Public Schools Commissioners. In. pursuance of " The Public Schools Act, 1868," we, the Special Commis- sioners appointed for the purposes of the said Act, do by this Statute enact as follows, that is to say : — 1. The Governina^ Body of Shrewsbury Free Grammar School shall consist of Members of govern the Master of St. John's College, Cambridge, for the time being, as an ex-officio '"' ^°'^-^ ' member, and of the following elected members, that is to say : — One member to be elected by the Hebdomadal Council of the Univer- sity of'Oxford. One member to be elected by the Council of the Senate of the University of Cambridge. One member to be elected by the President and Council of the Royal Society. One member to be elected by the Lord Chief Justice of England for the time being. One member to be elected by the' Lord Lieutenant of the county of Salop for the time being. Two members to be elected by the Corporation of Shrews])ury. One member to be elected by the Head Master, Second Master, and Assistant Masters of the School for the time being. Three members to be elected by the Governing Body for the time being. The said elected members other than the members to be elected by the Governing Body for the time being, may be elected as aforesaid at any time within three months after the approval of this Statute by Her Majesty in Council, and the said members to be elected by the Governing Body for the time being, may be elected at any time within five months after such approval. 2. The first election of members to be elected by the Governing Body for the First c-lectiou of time being shall take place at a meeting at which not less than five of the "i""'^"* *» '^« . persons hereinbefore respectively referred to as ex-officio and elected members wij*' ' "°^^™'"~ are present, and of which notice specifying the purpose of the meeting has been given by the Master of St. John's College ; subsequent elections shall be held by the Governing Body for the time being. 3. Any person not being the Head jNIaster, Second Master, or one of the Qualification of Assistant Masters of the School, may be elected a member of the Governing "'*"*'^"'- Body who is duly qualified in the judgment of the person or persons by whom he is elected to take part in the government of the School as a place of liberal education. 4. Subject to the provisions hereinbefore contained with respect to the Mode of filling u? election of members to l)e elected by the Governing Body for the time being, vacancies, every vacancy from time to time occurring in the offices of the elected members shall be filled up in perpetuity by the election of a member by the person or body of persons aforesaid for the time being who had the power under this Statute of electing the member in respect of whom tlie vacancy occurs ; provided that such election be made within three months of the date on which the vacancy occurred. 5. If any of the said elected members are not appointed within the time Powei ,it iiei- Umited by this Statute in that behalf, or if any such vacancy as aforesaid be i^o^liruVv '^■' not filled up within three months after the date of its occurrence. Her Majesty "' ^'''" 90- - G 3 may, mmcil 5^ STATUTES, SCHEMES, AI^D REGULATIONS .-^miEWSBUUY. Mude of summoning meetings. Non-attendance of members. Quorum. Chairman at meetings. Date of operation of statute. may, by Order in Council, make such appointment or fill up such vacancy by the nomination of any qualified person whom She may think fit, subject to the follovvinp: provision, — The making of an appointment or filling up of any vacancy by Her INIajestv in Council in ])ursuance of this enactment shall not confer upon Her Majesty any power of fiUing up any subsequent vacancy, unless the person or body of persons aforesaid empowered by this Statute to fill up such vacancy have failed to do so for the period of th.ee months after its occurrence. 6. The first meeting of the Governing Body shall Ite summoned by the -Master of St. John's College," and sludl be lield in London within si.x mouths of the date of the Order in Council signifying Her Majesty's ai)provid of this Statute, and on and after the date of such meeting the said Governing Body shall be deemt-d to Ije the new Governing Body of tlie Sciiool for all intents. and purposes. Subsequent meeting^; shall he summoned at such times and iilat;es (the places being in London or Shrewsbury) as the Governing Body may determine- 7. If anv elected member be absent from every meeting of the Governiug Body for the space of two years, he shall, iptio/aclo, cease to be a member ; and the office of any such member, if absent as aforesaid, shall be deemed to have been vacated on the expiration of two years from the date of tlie last meeting attended by him, or of his appointment if he have never attended a meeting. 8. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Governing Body unless five members at least be present. 9. At the first meeting of the Governing Bod\- held by them after the approval of this Statute by Her Majesty in Council, and at the first meeting held by them in every subsequent year, the'members of the Governing Body present at such meetino- shall choose" one of their body to act as Chairman of the Governing Body for the year then current, and shall also, if they think tit, choose another member to act as Deputy Chairman for the same period. If the Cliairuian or Deputy Chairman die or cease to be a lueiuber of the Governinu' Body during his period of office, the members present at the next meetino' held after the occurrence of such vacancy shall choose some other member to fill the vacancy, and the member so chosen shall hold office as long as the person in whose place he is chosen would have held the same. If at any meeting neither the Chairman nor Deputy Chairman of the Govern- ing Body be present, the members present shall choose someone of their number to be Chairman at such meeting. In case of an equality of votes at any meeting, the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. 10. This Statute, wh^n approved by Her Majesty in Council, shall have full operation and effect fron the date of the Order in Council signifying such approval. Made and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the pur- poses of the " PuWic 'Schools Act, 1868," 22nd April 1871 . (L.S.) Approved by Her Majesty in Council, 28th July 1871- Statutes made by the Governing Body of Shrewsbury. Whereas by " The Public Schools Act, 1868," and the Acts amending or affecting the same, the Governing Body of any School to which the Acts apply may make Statutes as therein mentioned, and may consolidate and amend any existing Stamies or Regulations relating to such School, and may repeal any Statutes or Regulations which have in the opinion ot that body become obsolete. or which have become incapable of observance by reason of changes authorised to be made under the said Acts : , u • i And whereas Shrewsbury Free Grammar School is a School to which the said Acts apply : ^^^^ MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 55 And wliereas in the exercise of their powers, the Governing Body have deter- Shrewsbury. mined ro amend the exit-ting Statutes and Fegulafions, and t>i consolidate Avith the amendments to be i^o made all such parts of the existing Statutes and Regulations as are not deemed by them to have become obsolete, or as are not repui.niint to the said iimendments, and to repeal all the other parts of tlie said Statntis and Regulations, which being so deemed to be obsolete, or being repugnant, it is not thought fit to retain in force : Be it enacted as follows : — * L — The Head Master. 1. The Head Master shall be appointed by and hold his office at the pleasure of the Governing Body. 2. He shall be a Master of Arts in the University of Oxford or of Cambridge, or if some equal or superior degree in the same. 3. He shall be resident during the whole of each School term, unless for some grave cause to be signified by him in writing to the Governing Body. 4. He shall be charged with the general discipline and management of the School, and shall superintend the instruction of all boys admitted to the School 5. He shall have authority to punish any boy on the Foundation who shall misconduct himself either at the School or elsewhere, by dismissal from the School or otherwise, provided that in any such cases of dismissal an appeal ■ shall be allowed from the sentence of the Head Master to the Governing Body, whose decision thereon shall be final. (). He shall have a residence within tlu' precincts of the school rent free. Such residence shall be kept in substantial repair, and all rates and taxes in respect thereof shall be paid out of the income of the property of the School. Each Head Master on assuming office shall also be entitled to have his residence put into a sufficient state of habitable and decorative repair out of the income of the property of the School, but he shall thenceforth do what are usually known as tenants' repairs to so much of the house as is occupied by himself and his family at his own expense. The expense of all repairs of every description to the part occupied by boarders shall be defrayed out of the income of the pro- perty of the School. 7. He shall not hold any ecclesiastical or other otiice to which any emolu- ment is attached without the consent of the Governing Body, nor shall he, witliout the like consent, undertake any other duties than those of the Head Mastershijj. 8. The Head Master shall not resign his office without giving to the Governing- Body at least three months' notice of his intended resignation, and such resig- nation shall take effect only at the end of a School term, except with the express consent of the Governing Body. II. — Assistant Masters. 1. The number, position, emoluments, and rank in the School of the Assistant Masters shall be subject to the directions of the Governing Body from tim.e to time. 2. All the Assistant Masters shall be appointed by and hold their offices at the pleasure of the Head Master ; but in case he dismis.s a Master, he shall forthwith notify the fact, and the reason for it, to the Governing Body. III. — The Foundation. 1. Subject to the rights of persons being burgesses of Shrewsbury at the time of the 1 assing of the PubHc Sci ools Act, 1868, to send their children to the School, the Foundation shall coiisist of such number of boys to be elected according to the results of a competitive examination as the Governing Body, having regard to the income of the property of the School at their disposal, ^■hall from time to time determine. Ihe sons of burgesses of Shrewsbury attending the School pursuant to the rights so reserved by the said Act are hereinafter called Free Boys. 2. Elections to vacancies on the Foundation under the preceding clause shall take place at such times as the Governing Body may determine, but no election CO. 04 shall 56 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS ?nR E\\sB URY. gi^aii be ijeid until the number of Free Boys on the Foundation shall be less than twenty-four, and only such vacancies sliall then he filled up by election as may not be tilled up by the admission of properly qualified Free Boys. 3. Thirty days before every election the Governing Body shall cause notice thereof to be given in such manner as they may deem best adapted to ensure publicity. 4. The Examiners shall be appointed by the Governing Body, and the ex- amination shaH be in such subjects as shall be determined bv regulation. ;■). Any boy mav be a candidate for election on tiie Foundation who has not passed his fifteenth birthday on the day of election, whether he may have already attended the School or not, am! any boy on the Foundation may attend the School either as a day-boy or as a boarder. 6. All boys on the Foundation shall have the instruction of the School free of charge. 7. If a boy on the Foundation attain the age of 19 between 1st January and the end of the summer term, he shall leave the School at the end of the summer term : if he attain that age between the end of the summer term and the 81st December, he shall leave the School at the end of the winter term, unless he obtain the express permission of the Head Master to remain at the School until the end of the following summer term. 8. Boys on the Foundation shall leave the School at an earlier age than 19, who have not in the judgment of the Governing Body attained a place in the School which shall be proportionate to their age. IV. — Boarders. No person, other than a Master of the School appi'oved by the Governing Body, shall be entitled to take boys to board and lodge in his house, in order that they may attend the School, without having previously obtained the express sanction of the Governing Body. V. — Yearly Examination. The boys in the School shall be examined yearly in such subjects, at such time, and by such persons or person as the Governing Body may from time to appoint, and the results of the examination, as regards all the boys in the School, shall be reported to the Governing Body. At the same time there shall be an examination of the boys who may be candidates for any I^xhibitions then vacant, or about to become vacant, and after the examination tlie Examiner or Examiners shall place the names of all candidates who may be duly qualified to hold the several Exhibitions in the order of merit, according to the proficiency shown by them in such examination, and shall report tlie same to the Governing Body. VI. — Exhibitions. 1. The Scholarships or Exhibitions founded by Dr. John Millington, for boys proceeding from Shrewsbury School to the University, shall no longer be hmited to such boys only as may be admitted ;md continue to be members of Magda- lene College, in the University of Cambridge, but shall be tenable by boys from Shrewsbury School proceeding to any College or Hall in the University of Oxford or of Cambridge, or otherwise becoming members of either of those Universities. '2. The Scholarship or Exhibition founded by Mr. James MiUington, for a boy proceeding from Shrewsbury School to the University, shall no longer be limited to a boy who may be admitted and continue to be a member of Magda- lene College, in the University of Cambridge, but shall be tenable by boys from Shrewsbury School proceeding to any College or Hall in the Univei-sity of Oxford or of Cambridge, or otherwise becoming a member of either of those Universities. 3. The two Scholaiships or Exhibitions founded by deed, dated '27th. Sep- tember 1G.56, and in respect of which the yearly sum of 70 /. has been hereto- fore paid from the funds of the School to the Master, Fellows, and Scholars of St. John's College, in the University of Cambridge, shall no longer be hmited to such boys only as may be admitted and continue to be members of the said College, MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 57 College, but shall be tenable by boys from Shrewsbury School proceeding to Shrewsbuky. any College or Hall in the University of Oxford or of Cambridge, or otherwise becoming members of either of those Universities. The Governing Bodv may, if they think fit, consolidate the said two Scholarships or Exhibitions, and make them into one Exhibition of the yearly value of 70 /. tenable for four years. 4. The two Exliibitions founded by the Reverend Oswald Smyth shall be open to the competition of all boys who have been or shall have been at the School for two years, any restrictions or limitations imposed by the Founder to the contrary notwithstanding. The Exhibitions shall be tenable for four years. 5. All Scholarslrips, Exhibitions, and Emolmnents, tenable after quitting the School by boys educated thereat, shall be conferred according- to the result of the examination provided by Statute ^'. (). The Exhibition founded by the Rev. John Taylor, D.D., and regulated by his will, shall be opened to the competition of all boys who shall have been at the School for two years. 7. In all future elections to Scholarships or Exhibitions tenable by boys proceeding from Shrewsbury School to the University of Oxford or of Cam- bridge, no regard shall be paid to the place of birth or to the parentage or lineage of any Candidate, but every such Scholarship or Exhibition shall be tenable by any boy proceeding to either of the said Universities, provided that he has been at the School for two years immediately preceding the end of the Scliool term in which the election takes place, and provided that he shall have obtained from the Head Master a certificate of good morals and behaviour ; and provided also that in all elections to the Exhibitions founded bv the afore- said Dr. John Millington, nothing herein contained shall in any way affect the preference which maybe claimed by the sons of Mrs. Laura Seraphina Beddoes, as descendants of the said Dr. Millington. 8. Every such Scholarship or Exhibition shall be open to all boys in the School, whether on the Foundation or not, and the subjects of examination in the case of any Scholarship or Exhibition shall not be defined or varied by regulation, provided that not less than six months' notice be given of any variation. 9. The Governing Body may from time to time vary the length of time during which any Exhibition may be tenable, and the time at which the election to any Scholarship or Exhibition shall take place. 10. The Governing Body shall require from time to time from every Exhibitioner prior to the payment of his stipend as Exhibitioner satisfactory certificates of the necessary residence at the University, of good behaviour, and of due application to his studies. 11. The foregoing rules shall apply as well to the Exhibitions or Scholarships mentioned above as to all Exhibitions or Scholarships which may be established by means of any accumulation of money arising from any fund or benefac- tion in which the School is interested. 12. The foregoing rules shall not apply to the Exhibitions and the Prize on the Foundation of Mr. Edward Careswell or any accumulation thereon, nor to the Scholarship or Exhibition founded under the will of the Reverend Henr\- Usher Matthews, nor to the Exhibition founded by the Reverend R. B. Podmore, nor to the Exhibition founded by Mrs. Noneley. 13. The Exhibitions and the Prize on the[Foundation of Mr. Edward Careswell shall remain and be administered as by the several instruments creating or regulating the trusts thereof respectively provided, and shall not be affected in any way by these Statutes. 14. The Scholarship or Exhibition founded under the will of the Reverend Henry Usher Matthews, for a boy proceeding from Shrewsbury School to the University, sliall no longer be limited to a boy who may be admitted and con- tinue a member of Lincoln College, in the University of Oxford, but shall be tenable by a boy from Shrewsbury School proceeding to any College or Hall in the Universty of Oxford or of Cambridge, or otherwise becoming a member of either of those Universities. 15. The Exhibition founded by the Reverend R. B. Podmore shall remain under the limitations prescribed by the P'ounder, and shall not be affected in any way bv these Statutes. 90. ' H 16. Tlie .58- STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Shrewsbury. \6. The Exhibition founded by Mrs. Noneley shall remain under the limita- tions prescribed by her, and shall not be affected in any way by these Statutes. 17. No boy shall be elected to more than one Scholarship or Exhibition from the School. VII. — Meetings of the Governing Body. 1. There shall be at least two meetings of the Governing Body in every year, at such times ;is the Governing Body may fi'om time to time determine. 2. The Chairman of the Governing Body, or any three members of the same, may summon a special meeting whenever an occasion may arise which shall appear to them to require such a meeting to be convened. 3. If the Head JVlasier shall at any time be or opinion that a special meeting of the Governing Body should be held for any urgent question of discipline, or for any business materially afftcting the welfare of the School, lie shcdl notify such opinion in writing to the Chairman for the time being of the Governing Body, or to any three members of the Governing Body, whereupon the Chairman or any such three members shall summon a special meeting of the Governing Body to 1)6 held not earlier than seven days, and not later than 14 days from the receipt of the notification. VIII. — Application of Income of the Property of the School. The income of the property of the School after the payment of all charges and liabilities shall be applied by the Governing Body in manner following, that is to say: — First, in keeping in repair the School, School-house, chapel and library, the houses, buildings, and appurtenances belonging to the same, including such repairs as aforesaid to the Head Master's residence, and the payment of all rates and taxes payable in respect of such houses and buildings. Secondly, in pa}Tnent of such sums of money as have been heretofore paid to anv Master of the School appointed to his office before the passing of the Public Schools Acts, 1864. And also of such sum of money as may be thought to be a suitable re- muneration for the Examiner or Examiners of the School. Thirdly, in payment of the salaries of a Secretary or Clerk of the Governing Body, and of any other officer who may be appointed fur duties connected with the School, and in payment of wages of servants, and of any exceptional expenses which may be incurred by the Governing Body for the Ijenefit of the School. Fourthly, in payment of such sums of money as the Governing Body may from time to time deem expedient, either towards a fund to be employed in the purchase of a new site for the School and Masters' houses, and for a suitable playground for the bovs. or in providing suitable School buildings and Masters' houses, together with a chapel and library and any other building that may be deemed necessary or expedient to be erected for the use of the School. Fifthly, in providing for any Exhibiiions which the Governing Body may think til; to maintain, either at the School or at either of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Sixthly, in providing books, instruments, and other things for the use of the School, and for suitable rewards and prizes for the boys. Seventhly, in providing and paying rent and incidental charges for a suitable piece of land to be used as a playground for all the Scholars in the School, until a proper piece of land shall have been purchased for that purpose. Eighthly, in providing and keeping up a suitable Reserved Fund to be applied fromtime to rime as occasion may require to the enlargement and repair of the buildings of the School, and to any special expenses incurred in maintaining and managing the estates and properly of the School. Ninthly, in providing, if the Governing Body think fit, for a Superannuation Fund for retired Masters. The Governing Body may at the close of any financial year invest any residue of the income of the property of the School, and any income resulting from any such investment, in any of the securities that may from time to time be authorised by the Court of Chancery for the investment of cash under the control of that Court, and may apply any such investment and any income resultinii: MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. .50 resulting therefrom, to the like purposes and in like manner as income of the Sh rewsb uby. property of the School. Provided that until a suitable provision has been made both for a convenient site and for adequate buildings for the use of the School, it shall be competent to the Governimr Body to suspend or vary at their discretion all paytnents authorised to be ma ic under the la'^t five heads. IX. — Common Seal. 1 . The GoverninjT Body shall from time to time make rules for the safe cus- tody of the Common Seal. 2. The Common Seal shall not be affixed to any writing or document except by oi'der of the Governing Body, and in the presence of at least two members of tlie Governing- Body. 3. No document or writing shall be sealed with the Common Seal until a true certified copy of the same has been entered in a register to be kept for that purpose. X. — Accounts and Minute Book. 1. The Governing Body shall cause full accounts to be kept, in such manner as they shall from time to rime direct, of all receipts and expenditure for and on account of the School. 2. The Governing Body shall cause a sufficient abstract of accounts to 1)e drawn up each year, such abstract to include — (1.) A balance sheet of all receipts and expenditure for the year last past. (2.) A statement of the property belonging to, or held in trust for, the School, and of all dealings therewith, or acquisitions thereto, during the year last past. 3. The abstract of accounts for each financial year shall be examined, and if found correct, passed by the Governing Body at the beginning of the next financial year ; and every member of the Governing Body present at such meet- ing shall sign the said abstract of accounts, when passed, or make a statement in writing at the foot of the same, giving his reasons for withholding las signa- ture, A j)rinted copy of such alistract of accounts, when passed, shall be forwarded to cash member of the Governing Body. 4. The residuary receipts in every year shall be stated at the passing of the yearly accounts as unapjdied surplus, and, save as to the income of the property of tlie School, any such surplus may be invested upon such securities as the Governing Body mav from time to time d 'termine. 5. A minute book and proper books of account shall be provided, and kt pt in some convenient and secure phice of deposit appointed by the Governing Jiodv for that purpose. 6 Minutes of all proceedings of the Governing Body, and also the names of all tiie members present at each meeting, shall be entered in the minute book, and signed by the Chaii'mau at the next meeting. In the same book there shall be recorded the entrv into office of every new member of the Govern ine Body. XL — Ecclesiastical Benefices. The claim or right of preference of the several persons and classes of persori.-; set forth in the 28th section of the Act of Parliament passed in the 38th yeai- of His Majesty King George the Third, chapter 68, to be presented or nomi- nated to the vicarage of Chirbury, and to the respective curacies of St. .Mary'.';, Ciive, and Astley, shall henceforth be abolished ; and it shall be competent to any person or persons who may be legally entitled to exercise the right of presenting or nominating to the said A^icarage and curacies to present or nomi- nate any clerk in holy orders of the Cliurch of England, duly qualified to hold, possess, and enjoy any or either of the said benefices, fi-eed and discharged from all preferential claims whatsoever. 90. H 2 SJIBEWSBCRY. 60 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS XII.— Repeal of Existing Statutes. AU Statutes, Rules, and Orders, relating to Shrewsbury School by whatso- ever authority enacted, which were in force at the time of the passing of the Public Schools Act, 1868, are hereby repealed as to any matters provided for by these Statutes. Made and sealed by the Governing Body, 4th February 18/4. Approved and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the purposes of the " Public Schools Act, 18(>8," 9th February 18/4. Approved by Her IVlajesty in Council, 1 2th Mny 18/4. A Scheme made by the Governing Body of Shrewsbury, pursuant to "The Public Schools (Shrewsbury and Harrow Schools Property) Act, 1873." 1. From and after the date of this Scheme, all and singular the powers and duties vested in, exerciseable by, and imposed upon " The Govei'nors and Trustees of the Free Grammar School of King Edward the Sixth at Shrews- bury," in " The Pubhc Schools (Shrewsbury and Harrow Schools Property) Act, 1873," and hereinafter intituled the Old Corporation, shall be transferred to and be exerciseable by and be imposed upon the new Governing Body of Shrewsbury School in the said Act mentioned. 2. From and after the date of this Scheme the old C!orporation shall be dissolved. 3. The date of this Scheme shall be the date of the Order in Council signify- ing the approval thereof by Her Majesty in Council. Made and sealed by the Governing Body, 1 1th February 1874. Approved and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the pur- poses of the " PubHc Schools Act, 1868," 16th February 1874. Approved by Her Majesty in Council, 12th May 1874. Regulations made by the Governing Body of Shrewsbury. I. — Admission and Superannuation of Scholars. No boy shall be admitted under the age of 1 }Tars. No boy shall l)e admitted unless he produce, if required, satisfactory proof of diligence and good moral character from his previous Master or Tutor. Every boy presented for admission shall be examined under the cUrection of the Head Master in Latin, Arithmetic, English, and other subjects tauglitjn the School according to his age and proficiency, and his place in the School shall be determined by the examination. The Head Master shall have power to refuse the admission of any applicant, if he judge it expedient, nor shall any boy be admitted unless he be sufficiently advanced in proportion to his age to profit by the teaching of the School. No boy shall remain in the School after he shall have attained the age of 20 years. No boy shall remain in the School after the end of the term in which he shall attain tlie age of 16\ears, unless he shall have been previously admitted to the fourth form ; no boy shall remain in the School after the end of the term in which he shall attain the age of 1 7 years, unless he shall have been previously admitted to the shell form ; and no boy shall remain in the School after the end of the term in which he shall attain the age of 18 years, unless he shall have been pre- viously admitted to the fifth form. Under exceptional circumstances the Head Master may relax this regulation, but in no case shall a boj" remain in the School beyond the end of the term in which he shall attain the age of 1 9 years, unless he shall have been previously admitted to the sixth form. MADE UNDER THE PL'BLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. Gi II. — Lodging and Boarding of Scholars. No boy shall attend the Scliool as a boarder unless he board with the Head Master or some otiier blaster of the School. Every appointment of a Master of the School to take boarders shall be made by the Governing Body after considtino; the Head Master : and the Governing Ijody may at any time revoke such appointment at their pleasure. Every House-Master shall be responsible to the Head Master for the regula- tion and good management of his house. No payment on account of "■ goodwill " shall be made directly or indirectly on the transfer of a boarding-house. No one except the Head Master shall be allowed to have more than .'35 boys as boarders in his house. No boy shall attend the School as a day-scholar unless he reside with his parents, or with his guardians, or with some one wiio has obtained from the Governing Body a license to take boys to board and lodge in hi.s house. Such license shall contain the rules which are to be observed both l)y the person who may receive the license, and by the day-scholars who may board and lodge in his house, and also a statement that the license may at any time be suspended by the Head Master, who shall be bound to report such suspen- sion to the Governing Body without delay. A room shall be provided for the general use of the day-scholars. HI.— Fees. The entrance fee to the School for ever}' boy, whether day-scholar or boarder, if he be not entitled to gratuitous education, shall be two guineas. The entrance fee to a boardinff-house for a boarder shall be four guineas in addition to the above. The tuition fee for every boy, whether day-scholar or boarder, if he be not entitled to gratuitous education, shall be " I- per terra, or 21 /. yearly, payable terminally in advance. The boarding-house charge shall be -1 1 /. per term, or 63 I. yearly, exclusive of entrance and tuition fees, payable terminally in advance. There shall be no extra charge for washing, for a private study, or for private tuition in the public subjects of instruction in the School. A term's notice shall be required before the removal of a boy ; in default of such notice the tuition fee in the case of a day -scholar, in the case of a boarder the tuition fee and boarding-house charge, and in the case of a free boy being also a boarder, the boarding-house charge for the term, will be required to be paid. If a boarder shall for some urgent cause to be approved, if necessary, by the Governing Body be absent from School for a period not less than the half of a School term, a remission shall be made of the boarding-house charge for that term in proportion to the length of absence. IV. — Accounts. The Governing Body shall keep two accounts, to be called Property Account, and School Fees and Payments Account respectively. The former of these shall take all money belonging to the School endow- ments and trust funds. Cheques on this account shall be di'awn by order of the Governing Body. The latter account shall take all money paid by the parents and guardians of boys whether for entrance fees to the School or for tuition. Cheques on this account shall be drawn on the joint signatures of the Head Master and one other person to be appointed from time to time by the Govern- ing Body. The salaries of all the Masters shall be thus provided : — The Head Master, every Assistant iMaster, and every Additional Master hereinafter mentioned shall have a fixed annual stipend which shall be deter- mined by the Governing body fi'om time to time in such manner that the sum total of the stipends of all such Masters shall not exceed three-fourths of the estimated amount available from School fees and payments. 90. H 3 The Shrewsbdry. 62 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Shrewsbury. The stipends of all the Masters shall be paid terminally from the School Fees and Payments Account. From the residue shall be ]-aid all such expenses of the School as shall be authorised 'oy the Governing Body, and as shall not be directed by the Governing Body to be borne by the Property Account, as veil as any sum which the Governing Bodv may determine to set apart for any purpose wiiich shall be beneficial to the School. The School Fees and Payments Account shall be annually audited by the Governing Body, and any ultimate I'esidue shall be divided once every year among the Head and Assistant .VI asters after the manner of a percentage upon their several stipends. The Head Master shall exhibit yearly to the Governing Body a balance sheet of the School Fees and Payments Account, with proper vouchers, and there shall be appended to the balance sheet a separate schedule showing the manner of disposal of the fees in the payment of Masters' salaries and School expenses, and the distribution of the residue. V. — School I.nsthuction. The following subjects shall be taught to the boys in their progress through the School, viz. : — h'eligious Knowledge, Classics, Arithmetic, .\iathematics, Natural Science, History, Geography, English, either French or German, and either Drawing or Music. VI. — Number, Position, and Payment of Masters. The number of Masters shall be so arranged tliat including the Head Master there be not less than one regular Master for every 30 boys. These Masters shall be on the staff of the School, shall devote (if required; their whole time to its service, and shad be styled the Head and Assistant Masters. They shall be emjloyed in teaching Religious Knowledge, Classics, Arithmetic, Mathe- matics, Natural Science, History, Geography, English. Additional Masters sliall be ajipointed for Drawing, Music, Modern Languages, and other subjects, so far as may be required for the efficient instruction of the School. The assignment of rank, duties, and work shall re.st with the Head Master. The annual stipend shall be : — £. Of the Head Master not less than - - - 800 Of each Assistant Master not less than - - 200 VII.— Examinations. Two Examiners shall be appointed annually to conduct the general examina- tion of the School, as well as that of the candidates for the vacant Exliibitions. The sulijects of examination shall be appointed by the Gove'-ning Body ; provided that all subjects of School instruction indicated in Regulation V. be comprised among the subjects for the general examination of the School. The Governing Body shall, at some meeting to be held before Easter in each year, fix the times of examination for the current year, appoint the Examiners, and define the amount of their remuneration. VIII. —School Report. The Head Master shall yearly deliver to the Governing Body a r^'port of the condition and progress of the School, and of any material changes introduced into the management or course of studies ; and also of any changes which .he may wish to recommend feu- the better management and development ot the School, and generally oi all matters affecting the condition and welfare of the whole establishment. The report shall include the following particulars : — The number of boys admitted during tne year, and their ages ; The number of boys who have left the School during the year, their ages, and destinations ; The number of boarders and day-scholars in each School term, distinguishing the boarding-houses ; The MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 63 The number of bovs learning each subject, the classes in which they are Shrewsbury arranged, the Masters in charge of each class, the number of exemptions ; The subjects in which the classes have been examined during the year; The School prizes, with the names of the successful candidates, and any honours obtained by former Scholars of the School at the Universities or elsewhere. IX. — Divine Service. Divine Service .shall be celebrated, as heretofore, in the School chapel, by the Head Master, or by fov.:e person appointed by him. All the boys shall attend such service, unless the parent or guardian of a boy shall have stated in writing to the Head Master that he has a conscientious objection or, rehgious grounds, in which case the boy shall not be required to attend. X. — Withdrawal from Religious Instruction, If the parent or guardian of any boy shall have stated in writing to the Head Master that he has an objection on religious grounds to any lesson or instruc- tion in a religious subject, such boy shall be exempted from that lesson or instruction, and shall not by reason of his exemption be deprived of any advantage or emolument to which he would otherwise be entitled ; provided that in the case of such a boy a lesson or instruction on a secular subject may be substituted, at the discretion of the Head Master. XI. — Holidays. The holidays of the School in ordinary course shall not be more than five weeks at Christmas, three weeks in April and May, and eight weeks commenc- ing with the last Wednesday in July. In case of infectious sickness, it shall be allov/able for the Head Master either to dismiss the School before the usual time, or to defer the return of the Scholars, as may appear necessary. Such dismissal of tlie School or jjostpone- ment of its re-assembhng shall be reported as soon as possible to the Governing Body. XII, — Sanitary Investigation. An investigation into the sanitary condition of the School buildings and of every boarding-house shall be made at least ouce a year under the direction of the Governing Body. XIII. — Authority of Head Master. Subject to the provisions contained in the Statutes and the I'legulationsforthe government of Shrewsbury .School, the Head Master shall have authority over all the Masters, and shall have under his control the choice of books, the methods of teaching, the arrangement of classes and School hours, and generally the whole internal organisation, management, and discipline of the School. He shall also ha\e power to dismiss from the School any boy who has been guilty of gross misconduct, either at the School or elsewhere, and to forbid to return to the School any boy who has been persistently idle. The number of cases in which the Head Master shall have exercised these powers of removal shall be reported every term to the Governing Body. All payments to servants employed in the School shall be made under the direction of the Head Master, and their appointment and dismissal and the arrangement of their duties shall rest with him. Made and sealed by the Governing Body, 20th February 18/4. Regulations made by the Public Schools Commissioners. Examinations and Instruction. 1. At the annual examination of the School the Governing Body shall appoint or approve Examiners from without, competent to examine in all departments of study; and the Examiners shall superintend the conduct of the examination, |lo. H 4 with 64 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Shueusbury. ■with the view of ascertaining the condition of" the Scltool in all such depart' — ments. The Examiners sliall have such assistance from the Masters as the Head Master shall provide. The Governing Body shall print and send School- lists, showing the results of examinations, to the parents or guardians of the boys. 2. In any examination determining the position of a boy (not being one of the senior boys) in tlie School, or in any report of a general examination, the proportion of the marks to be assigned to Mathematics shall be not less than one-eighth, nor more than one-fourth, as tlie Governing Body shall think fit. 3. In any e.xamination determining the position of a boy (not being one of the senior boys) in the School, or in any report of a general examination, the proportiou of the marks to be assigned to Natural Science shall be not less than one-tenth nor more than one-fourth, as the Governing Body shall think fit. 4. In anv examination of the senior boys, the proportion of marks to be assigned to the several subjects of study shal! be determined by the Head Master with the approval of the Governing Body. b. The Governing Body shall from time to time detex'mine the point in the School-list above which the boys shall be reckoned as senior boys for the pur- poses of these Regulations. 6. There shall be one Mathematical Master, at the least, for every 100 boys in the School : and there shall be one Science Master, at the least, for every 200 boys learning Natural Science in the School. All such Masters shall rank as Assistant Masters of the School. 7. Every boy shall learn Natural Science continuously from his entrance into the shell form, until he become one of the senior boys in the School, unless his parent or guardian express in writing a desire for his exemption from this Re- gulation. 8. The Head ]\Iaster shall give facilities so far as he shall think practicable to any senior boy, at the request of his parent or guardian, to pursue any par- ticular subject or subjects of study as may be deemed most expedient for him, and to discontinue any other subject or subjects of study for that purpose. 9. The Governing Body shall, as soon as possible, provide and maintain out of the income of the property of the School, or out of any other means at their disposal for the educational purposes of the. School, laboratories, and collections of apparatus, and of specimens. 10. Any boy entering the School above the age of 12 shall have the oppor- tunity of showing acquaintance with Botany, Physical Geography, or some other branch of Natural Science, and with Arithmetic, or Mathematics, in the entrance examination for the School. 11. Any boy in the School above the age of 12 who may evince an aptitude for Natural Science, shall have facilities for that study. Made and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the pur- poses of the '• Public Schools Act, 1868,"' 4th August 1874. MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 65 E IT G B T. R^oB.. A STATUTE for determining and establishing the Constitution of the new Governing Body of Rugby School made by the Public Schools Commis- sioners. In pursuance of "'The Public Schools Act, 1868," we, the Special Commis- sioners appointed for the purposes of the said Act, do by this Statute enact as follows, that is to say : — I. The Governing Body of Rugby School shall consist of the Lord Lieutenant Members of of the county of Warwick for the time being, as an ex-officio member, and of Cro'^^'ng Body, the following elected mij'mbers, namely, — One member to be elected by the Hebdomadal Council of the University of Oxford. One member to be elected by the Council of the Senate of the University of Cambridge. One member to be elected by the Senate of the University of London. One member to be elected by the President and Council of the Royal Society. One member to be elected by the Lord Chancellor for the time being. One member to be elected by the Head and Assistant Masters of the School for the time being Three members to be elected by the Trustees of the Rugby Charity, founded by Lawrence Sheriff, grocer, of London, for the time being. Two meml)ers to be elected in the first instance by the Trustees of the Rugby Ciiarity, founded by Lawrence Sheriff, grocer, of London, and in subsequent cases in manner hereinafter mentioned. The said elected members may be elected, as aforesaid, at any time within three months after the approval of this Statute by Her Majesty in Council. 2. Any person, not being the Head Master, or one of the Assistant Masters Qualification of in the School, may be elected a member of the Governing Body who is duly members, qualified in the judgment of the person or persons by whom he is elected to take part in the government of the School as a place of liberal education. 3. Every vacancy occurring in the offices of the elected members of the Provision for filling Governing Bodv shall be filled up within three months after the date of its up ▼acanciea in • ' r 11 • ^1 i • i Governing Body. occurrence in manner loUowing, that is to saj' ; — Every vacancy from time to time occurring in the offices of the two members to be elected in the first instance by the Trustees of the Rugby Charity, founded by Lawrence Sheriff, grocer, of London shall be filled up in perpetuitv bv a member to be elected by the Governing Body for the time being ; but subject to the foregoing provision, every vacancy from time to time occurring in the offices of the elected members of the Governing Body shall be filled up in perpetuity by a member tu be elected by the person or body of persons afore- said for the time being who under this Statute had the power of electing the member in respect of whom the vacancy occurs. 4. If any of the said elected members be not appointed within the time Power of Her limited by tliis Statute for their election, or if any such vacancy as aforesaid Majesty in Council be not filled up within three months after the date of its occurrence, Her lo fiU up vacancies. Majesty may, by order in Council, make such appointment or fill up such vacancy by the nomination of any qualified person whom She may think fit, subject to this proviso, that the making of such appointment, or the filling up of such vacancy by Her Majesty in Council, shall not confer upon Her Majesty any power of filhng up any subsequent vacancy unless the person or body of persons aforesaid empowered by this Statute to fill up such vacancy have failed to do so for the period of three months after its occurrence. 5. The first meeting of the Governing Body shall be summoned by the Lord >fode of snmmon- Lieutenant of the county of Warwick, and shaU be held in London within six '"S meetings. 90. I months 66 STATUTES. SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS RUGBT. Non-attendance of members. Quorum. Chairman at meetings. Date of operation of Statute. months of Ihe date of the Order in Council signifying Her Majority's approval of this Statute, and on and after the date of such meeting tlie said Governing Body shall be deemed to be the new Governing Body of the School for all intents and purposes. Subse.'|uent meetings shall be summoned at such times and places (the places being in London or Kugby) as the Governing Body may determine. 6. If an> elected member be absent from every meeting of the Governing Body during the space of two yrars, he shall, ipso Jitcto, cease to l)e a member ; and ihe ofFu e of any such member if absent as aforesaid shall be deemed to have been vacattd on the expiration of two yi ars from the date of tlie last meeting attended by him, or of his appohitmeut if he have never attended a meeting. 7. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Governing Body unless five members at least be present. 8. At the first meeting of the Governing Body held by them after the approval of this Statute by Her Majesty in Council, and at the first meeting held by them in every subsequent year, tlie members of the Governing Body present .it such meeting shall choose one of their body to act as Chairman of the Governing Body fur the year then current, and shall also, if they think fit, choose another member to act as Deputy Chairman for the same period. If the Chairman or Deputy Chairman die or cease to be a member of the Governing Body (hiring his period of office, the members present at the next meeting held after the occurrence of such vacancy shall choose some other member to fill the vacancy, and the member so chosen shall hold office as long as the person in whose place he is chosen would have held the same. If at any meeting neither the Chairman nor Deputy Chairman of tlie Go- verninu Body be present, the members present shall choose some one of their number to be Chairman at such meeting. In case of any equality of votes at any meeting the Ciiairraan shall have a second or casting vote. 9. This Statute, when approved by Her Majesty in Council, shall have full operation and effect from the date of the Order in Council signifying such approval. Made and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the Purposes of the " Public Schools Act, 1868," 16th May 1871. Approved by Her Majesty in Council, 19th August 1871. A Scheme made by the Governing Body of Rugby. "The Public Schools Act, 1868."—" The Public Schools Act, 1872." SCHEME for vesting a portion of the property of the Trustees of the Rugby Charity, founded by Lawrence Sheriff, Grocer, of London, in the new Goveuning Body of Rugby School, and for other Purposes. Whereas bv " Ihe Public Schools Act, 1872," it is enacted as follows:— The new Governing Bodv of Rugby School may, at. any time before the 25th day of August 1873, submit to the Special Commissioners, and, if approved of "by them, may lay a scheme before Her Majesty in Council for carrying into effect any arrangement which may be entered into between such Govern- ina; Body and the Trustees of the Kugby Charity, founded by Lawrence Sheriff, grocer, of London, in relation to the vesting of a portion of the propertv of such Trustees in such new Governing Body for the use of Rugby 'School, and in relation to the payments to be made by the said Trustees to the new Governing Body for the purposes of the said School, and in relation to any other matter or thing concerning the division of the property of the said Trustees, or the income thereof, between the said new Governing Body and the said Trustees, for the purposes of the^ said school, and in relation to the mutual duties and obligations of the said Trustees and the said Goveining Body in respect of any property in which they may be mutually interested." And MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. Qrf And wherens the new Cioverniiifi' Bod}' of Rua;by School and the Trustees of Rugby. the Rugbv Chariy founded by Lawrence Sheriff, grocer, of London, have b\' a certain instrtimeut in writing, bearing even date herewith, and sealed with their respective common seals, entered into tlie arrangement therein par- ticularly set forth, of which instrument or writing the following is a copy (that is to say) : — " An arrangement made and entered into this 25th day of July 18/3, between the Governing Body of Rugby School and the Trustees of the Hugby Charity, founded by Lawrence Sheriff, grocer, of London (hereinafter called 'the said Trustees '). Whereas the said Trustees were at and previous to the passing of ' Tiie PubHc Schools Act, 1868,' tlie Governing Body of Rugby Scho(d within the menning of the same Act. And whereas under the powers and provisions of the said Act, the Special Commissioners therein named did on the 16th day of May 18/1, make a statute which was subsequently duly approved by Her Majesty in Council, in the manner directed by the said Act for determining and esta- blishing the constitution of the new Goveining Body of the said school (bring one of the Schools to which tiiat Act applies), and a new Governing Body has accordingly been elected and constitutt-d thereumler, and the powers theretofore vested in the said Trustees in relation to the said School, or the government thereof, are now accordingly exercised by the said new Governing Body. And whereas by the Public Schools Act, 1872, the new Governing Body of Rugby School is empowered at any tiir.e before the 25th of August 1873, to submit to the Special Commissioners, and if approved of by them, to lay a scheme before Her Majesty in Council for carrying into effeci any arrangement which maybe entered into between such Governing Body and the said Trustees in relation to the vesting of a ponion of the property of such Trustees in suoh new Governing Body for the use of Ruuby School and in relation to the payments to be made by the said Trustees to the new Governing Body for the purpo-esof the said School, and in relation to any other matter or thing concerning the division of the property of the said Trustees, or the income thereof, between the said new Governing Body and the said Trustees for the purposes of ihe said Schtiol, and in relation to the mutual duties and obligations of the said Trustees and the said Governing Body in respect of any property in which they may be mutually interested. " Now it is hereby arranged between the said Governing Body and the said Trustees, as follows, that is to say : — " 1. There shall be vested in the said Governing Body of the said School, for the use of the said School, all the right, title, estate, and interest which tlie said Trustees now possess, of, in, and to the Schoolhouse and premises now occupied by the Head .Master, together with the schools, class rooms, libraries and museums, chapel, gymnasium, raccpiet court, cricket pavilions, and school field, including the house, buildings, and premises erected on part of such field, and occu])ied by the Rev. Charles Thomas Arnold, and of, in, and to the fixtures and fittings belonging thereto respectively, all which said premises are col- lectively bounded on the east by the Barby-road, on the west by the Dunchurch- road, on the north by Lawrence Sheriff-street, and on the south by ' Priest's- lane ; also the detached garden, with buildings tliereon, also occupied by the Head Master, and bounded on the east by land belonging to Mr. Barwell Ewens Bennett, on the west by Barby-road, on the sout'n by other land belo-iging to the said Barwell Ewens Bennett, and on the north by Lawrence Sheriff-street. " 2. There shall also be vested in the said Governing Body, for the use of the said School, all such of the furniture, books, apparatus, and effects of all kinds in the said Schoolhouse, house occupied by Rev. Charles Thomas Arnold, schools, class rooms, libraries and museums, chapel, gymnasium, racquet court, and cricket pavilions respectively, as now belong to the said Trustees, including the Communion plate in the chapel. " 3. There shall be paid to the said Governing Body by the said Trustees, for the purposes of the said School, the net yearly income of the said Charity, as the same shall become due or be receivetl, subject to the following provisions : — " 4. The s;iid Trustees shall deduct and retain — "(rt.) The stipends and other allowances to the almsmen, and the expenses of the maintenance and repair of the almshouses, and the rates and taxes in respect thereof. The total amount to be deducted and r-tained under this clause not to exceed in any one year 400 l. go. I 2 " (i.) The 68 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Rugby. " (i.) The expenses of the mainten;ince and repair of tlie fire engine kept under the provisions of the Act of the 17th year of the Reign of King George the 3rd, chapter 31, for the use of the said School and town of Kugby, and apparatus connected therewith. " (c.) The lawful and necessary charges and expenses of the management, maintenance, and repair of the property of the Charity (excluding the said houses, buildings, premises, and effects so as aforesaid to be vested in the Governing Body of the said Scliool). " (d.) A sum equal to 5 per cent, upon the gross estimated rental as defined by 'The Union Assessment Committee Act, 1862,' assessed upon the almshouses at Rugby and property at Brownsover in the respective valuation lis^s in force for the time being in such parishes, to be set aside by the saiil Trustees as a reserve fund, and to he applied by them under the authority of the several Statutes and Orders under which they act, in im- proving or rebuilding when m^cessary the almshouses at Rugby and cottages and buildings at Brownsover, or otherwise for the benefit of the almshouses branch of the said Rugby Charity. "5. The said Trustees shall also deduct and retain the dividends to arise from the capital fnnd of 21,01 1 /. 18s. 1 d. Bank 3/. per Cent. Reduced .Annuities now standing in the nan)c of the said Trustees in the books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and shall accumulate the said divit'ends by investing the same and the resulting income thereof in like Reduced Annuities until the said capital fund shcili amount to the sum of 25,000 /. like Reduced Annuities, and the said capital fund shall be a reserve or depreciation fund to meet any loss which may at any time happen to the property of the charity in Middlesex. When and so soon as the said capital fund shall have amounted by snch accnmnlation as aforesaid to 25,000/. Reduced Annuities, then and thence- forth the whole of the dividends arising therefrom, or from so much of the said crpitai fund as shall not from time to time have been applied as aforesaid, shall be applicable to make good and recoup any diminution in the said ca|)ital fund, and subject thereto shall be deemed to be part of the general income of the said Charily. " 6. The said Trustees shall, from time to time, on the requisition of the Governing Body, raise by sale of a sufficient part of the capital fund of 14,390 /. 9 s. 11 (I. Consols, now standing in their names, such sums of money as may from time to time be lequired by the said Governing Body, and sliall pay to them the sums so raised, for or towards the carrying into execution any scheme which may be made under the provisions of 'The Public Schools Act, 18G8,' and the several Acts amending the same, and approved by Her Majesty in Council, for a subordinate School to be established in connection with the existing School, and afier the establisliment of such subordinate School, for or towards making any additions to or alterations in the buildings of the said existing School. -And subject to the several purposes aforesaid the dividends of the same capital fund shall be deemed to be part of the general income of the said Charity and shall be paid and applied accordingly. " 7. Pro\ ided always, that the said Trustees may, if they so think fit, from time to time sell out any part of the said capital fund in Reduced Annuities, and apply the proceeds of such sale or sales for any of the purposes to which the proceeds of the sale or sales of the said capital fund in Consols are herein au- thorised to be applied. But in the event of the said Trustees selling any part of the said Reduced Annuities under the power contained in this clause, such amount shall be replaced out of the income of theCharityby instalmentsupon such terms as shall be agreed upon between the said Trustees and the said Governing Body. " In testimony whereof the said new Governing Body and the said Trustees have caused their respective seals to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written." (l. s ) (I. s.) The said Governing Body therefore submit the following scheme : 1. From the date of this scheme there shall be vested, pursuant to the said arrangement, in the said Governing Body of Rugby School for the use of the said School, all the right, title, estate, and interest which the said Trustees now possess MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 69 possess of, in, and to the Schoolhouse and premises, schools, class-rooms, Rugby. librarit s, and museums, chapel, gymnasium, racquet court, cricket pavilions, and School field, including the house and premises now occupied by the llev. Charles Thomas Arnold, and of, in, and to the fixtures and fittings belonging thereto respectively, and also the detached garden and buildings thereon, also occupied by the Head Master, all wliich said premises are described and bounded as in the said instrument is mentioned. 2. From the date of this scheme there shall be vested in the said Governing Body for the use of the said School the furniture, books, apparatus, and effects mentioned and described in the said instrument. 3. From the date of this scheme there shall be paid i'\ the said Trustees to the said Governing BoJy for the jiurposes of the said School the net yearly in- come of the said Charity, as the same shall hecome due or bo received, subject to the provisions in the said instrument contained. 4. The said Trustees shall hold and apply the several sums of stock men- tioned in the said instrument, and the dividends thereon, in tha manner and for the purposes mentioned and set lorth in the said instrument. Made and sealed by the Governing Body 25t!i July 18/3. Approved and sealed liy the Special Commissioners 30th July 18/3. (l.s.) Approved by Her Majesty in Council 20th November 1873. Statutes made by the Governing Body of Rugby. Whereas by "The Puhlic Schools Act, 1868," and the Acts amending or affecting the same, the Governing Body of any School to which the Acts apply may make Statutes, as therein mentioned, and may consolidate and amend any existing Statutes or Regulations relating to sucii School, and may repeal any Statutes or Regulations which have, in the opinion of that body, become obsolete, or which have hecome inca liable of observance by reason of changes autho- rised 10 be made under the said Acts ; And whereas, in the exercise of their powers, the Governing Body of Rugby School (being a School to which the said Acts apply) have determined to amend the existing Statutes and Regulations, and to cnnsoUdate with such amendments all such parts of the existing Statutes and Regulations as are not deemed by them to liave become obsolete, or as are not repugnant to tlie said amendments, and to repeal all the other parts of the said Statutes and Regulations which, being so deemed to be obsolete or being repugnant, it is not thought fit to retain in force ; Be it therefore enacted as follows: — Statute L — The Governing Body.^ — Meetings and Proceedings. 1. At least two meetings of the Governinyon, in the village of Harrow-on-the-Hill, for the time being. Three members to be elected in the first instance by the Keepers and Governors of the possessions, revenues, and goods of the Free Grammar School of John Lyon, in the village ot Harrow-on-the-Hill, and in sub- sequent cases in manner bereinafter mentioned. The said members may be elected as aforesaid at any time within three months after the approval of this Statute by Her Majesty in Council. 2. Any person not being the Head Master, Lower Master, or one of the Assistant Masters of the School, may be elected a member of the Governing Body who is a member ot the Church of England, and -duly qualified in the judgment of the person or persons by wliom he is elected to take part in the government of the School as a place of liberal education. 3 Every vacancy occurring in the offices of members of the Governing Body shall be filled up within three months after the date of its occurrence in manner following, that is to say : — Every vacancy from time to time occurring in the offices of the three mem- bers to be elected in the first instance by the Keepers and Governors of the possessions, revenues, and goods of the Free Grammar School of John Lyon, in the village of Harrow-on-the-Hill, shall be filled up in perpetuity by a member to be elected by the Governing Body for the time being ; but, subject to the foregoing provision, every vacancy from time to time occurring in the offices of the members of the Governing Body shall be filled up in perpetuity by a member to be elected by the person or body of persons aforesaid for the time being who under this Statute had the power of electing the member in respect of whom the vacancy occurs. Power of Her 4. If any of the saifl members be not appointed within the time limited by Majesty in Council this Statute for their election, or if any such vacancy as aforesaid be not filled 10 fill up vacancies, ^p ^jthin three months after the date of its occurrence, Her Alajesty may, by (Jrder in Council, make such appointment or fill up such vacancy by the nomination of any qualified person whom She may think fit, subject to this proviso, Qualifications of Members. Provisions for filling up vacancies in Governing Body. Harrow. MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 85 proviso, that the making of such appointment or filling up of such vacancy by Her Majesty in Council shall not confer upon Her Majesty any power of filling up any subsequent vacancy unless the person or body of [jersons aforesaid empowered by this Statute to fill up such vacancy have failed to do so for the period of three months after its occurrence. 5. If any member be absent from every meeting of the Governing Body Non-attendance of during the space of two years, he shnll, ipso facto, cease to be a member ; and members. the office of any such memlier if absent as aforesaid shall be deemed to have been vacated on the expiration of two years from the date of the last meeting attended by him, or of his appointment if he have never attended a meeting. 6. The first meeting of the Governing Body shall be summoned by the Mode of sumnion- member elected by tiie Council of the Senate of the University of Cambridge ""g Meetings. and shall be hell in London within six month> of the date of the Order in Council signifying Her Majesty's approval of this Statute, and on and after the date of such meeting the said Governing Body shall be deemed to be th:- new Governing Body of the School for all intents and pur])oses. Subseqaent meet- ings shall be summoned at such times and places (the places being in London or Harrow) as the (ioverning Body may determine. 7. No business sliall be transacted at a meeting of the Governing Body Quorum at unless five members at the least be present. Meetings. 8. At the first meeting of the Governing Body held by them after the Chairman at approval of this Statute by Her Majesty in C ouncil, and at the first meeting Meetings, held by them in every subsequent year, the members of the Governing Body present at suoli meeting shall choose one of their body to act as Chairman of the Governing Body for the year then current, and shall also, if they thinlc fit, choose another member to act as Deputy Chairman for ths same period. If the Chairman or Deputy Chairman die or cease tu be a member of the Govern- ing Body during his period of office, the members present at the meeting next after the occurrence of such vacancy shall choose some other member to fill the vacancy, and the member so chosen shall hold office as long as the person in whose jilace he is chosen would have held the same. If at any meeting neither the t'hairman nor Deputy Chairman of the Govern- ing Body be present, the members present shall choose some one of their number to be Chairman at such meeting. In case of an equality of votes at any meeting the Chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote. 9. This Statute, when approved by Her Majesty in Council, shall have full Date of operation operation and effect from the date of the Order in Council signifying such ^ '^tutes. ap[)roval. Made and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the purposes of the " Pubhc Schools Act, 1868," 16th May 1871. Approved by Her Majesty in Council^ 28th July 1871. A Scheme made by the Governing Body of Harrow. SCHEME empowering the Governing Body of Harrow School to add to, alter, or construct Buildings, &c. 7'he Governing Body of Harrow School and their successors shall have power from time to time, when and as it may seem to them expedient, to make additions to or alterations in the existine; buildings of Harrow School, and to construct new or separate buildings for the purposes either of Harrow School or of any subordinate or other schools established or to be hereafter estabhshed in cojinection with Hari-ow School. For the purposes of making any such additions or alterations, or constructing 90. L 3 any 86 STATUTKS, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Habrow, any such buildings as -.iforesaid, the Governing Body of Harrow School and " — their successors may from time to time raise such sum or sums of money as they shall think fit, together uith all reasonable costs and expenses incidental to such raisinLT, and the applicatinn thereof, by mortgage of any property belonging to or held in trust for Harrow School, and may from time to time suspend any Scholarships or Exhibitions pa\ able out of such property,' and may from time to time exchange any lands belonging to Harrow School for any other lands, and upon any such exchaiige give or receive money for equality of exchange, and may from time to time jmrchase any lands as they mav think fit, and may from time to time make such arrangenu nts as they may think fit, with respect to the payment of the interest on, and the discharge or reborrowing of the principal moneys secured by such mortgages, and for the payment of any moneys which may be required on any such exchange or purchase as aforesaid. Any moneys lo arise from any such exchange as aforesaid shall bo deemed to be and be moneys applicable for the purpose of any such exchange or purchase, or for the discharge of any moneys raised by mortgage as aforesaid, or they shall be invested in any of the securities which ma)^ from time to time be autho- rised by the Coi:rt of Chancery for the invt stment of cash under the control of tlie Court, and held in like manner as any other property belonging to or held in trust for the School. No person dealing with the Governing Body shall be bound to inquire whether any disposition purporting to be made under the powers hereby con- ferred is in fact prcper or authorised. In this Schenie the word " lamls" shall have the same meaning as in "The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845." ]\iade and sealed by the Governing Body, Ilth February 18/4. Approved and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the pur- poses of the "Public Schools Act, 1868," 16th February 1874. Approved by Her Majesty in Council, 12th May 1874. A Scheme made by the Governing Body of Harrow pursuant to the Public Schools (Shrewsbury and Harrow Schools Property) Act, 1873- 1. In this Scheme the term " old Corporation" shall have the same meaning as in the PubHc Schools (Shrewsbury and Harrow Schools Property) Act, 1873, with reference to Harrow School. " The date of this Scheme " means the date of the approbation thereof by Her Majesty in Council. 2. From and after the date of this Scheme, Firstly, all hereditaments of whatever tenure, and all personal estate, rights of action, and property of every descrijition, to which the old Cor- ]joration shall be entitled at the date of this Scheme, and Secondly, all powers, rights, authorities, duties, and privileges, by Charter, Act of Parliament, Statute, Instrument of Endowment, custom, or otherwise, at the date of this Scheme vested in or exercisable by or incumbent on the old Corporation (including the power of electing from time to time two men.bers of the new Governing Body of Harrow School), shall be absolutelv transferred to and vested in the new Governing- Body of Harrow School and their successors, in the same manner and to the same extent as the same were vested in the old Corporation at the date of this Scheme. 3. Nothing herein contained shall affect any trust or liabiUty whatsoever affecting; the premises aforesaid at the date of this Scheme, but ail such trusts ° ^ and MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 87 and liabilities shall continue and may be enforced hy or against the new Harrow. Governing Body of Harrow School and their successors, in the same manner and to the same extent as the same could have been enforced by or against the old Corporation if this Scheme had not been made. 4. From and after the date of this Scheme the old Corporation shall be dis- solved. Made and sealed by the Govemhig Body, 11th February 18/4. Approved and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the pur- poses of the " Public Schools Act, 1868,' 16th February 18/4. Approved by Her Majesty in Council, 12th May 18/4. Statutes made by the Governing Body of Harrow. Whereas by the Pubhc Schools Act, 1868, and the Acts amending or affecting the s^ame, the Governing Body of any School to which the Acts apply are empowered to make Statutes a*. therein mentioned, and to consolidate and amend any existing Statutes or Regulations relating to such School, and to repeal any Statutes or Regulations which have in the opinion of that body become obsolete or incapable of observance by reason of changes authorised to be made under the said Acts : And whereas the Governing Body of Harrow School (a School to which the said Acts apply) have deternTined to exercise the aforesaid powers in manner hereinalter appearing : Be it enacted as follows : Statute 1. — Interpretation. In these Statutes — " The Governing Body " means the new Governing Body of Harrow School constituted under the Public Schools Act, 1868, and any Act or Acts amending the same. " The School " means Harrow School. " The parish of Harrow" means the parish of Harrow, as including the parish or hamlet of Pinner. " The income of the property of the School" means the income avail- able lor the purposes ot the School derived from the Foundation of John Lyon. " The date of these Statutes" means the date at which they shall be approved by Her Majesty in Council. Statute II. — Reservation of Rights. All persons residing in the parish of Harrow on the 31st of July 1868, shall retain any rights to send their children to Harrow School which they would have had if these Statutes had not been made. All boj's on the Foundation at the date of these Statutes shall retain any privileges which they would have had if these Statutes had not been made. Boys admitted to or remaining on- the Foundation under the aforesaid reservations in this Statute contained, are hereinafter referred to as boys on the Old Foundation. Th( re shall be paid or accounted for annually out of the income of the pro- perty of the School to the Head Master on behalf of every boy on the Old Foundation a sum of money equal to the fees for the time being required to be paid on behalf of a home boarder for public tuition and general charges. Such moneys shall be applied towards the instruction of the boys on the Old Foundation as the Governing Body shall from time to time direct. Statute III.— The Income of the Property of the School. The income of the property of the School shall be apphed for the following purposes in the order in which they are specified in the following sub- sections :— 1. Payment of salaries and wages of a Receiver, a Secretary or Clerk, and other officers and servants required by the Governing Body, of all rates, go. L 4 repairs, 88 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Harkow. repair?, outgoings, and expenses of and incidL-ntal to or to the management, and maintenance of the School bnildinj^s, inchiding the Head Master's house, and of all other property of the School, and of all expenses of the Governing Body and the members thereof in discharge of their duties. 2. Payment of interest and sinking fund in respect of any sum or sums which may from time to time be lawfully raised by way of n^^ortgage on tlie |)ro|)erty of the School for the purposes of the School or the Lower School of John Lyon hereinafter referred to, or otherwise. 3. Provision of a house for the Hevid Master, rent and rate free. 4. Payment for all repairs, maintenance, and improvements of, or additions to, the School buildings and premises, including the Head Master's house, which may not be covered by sub-section 2 of this Statute. 5. Payment of the Lyon Scholarship, hereinafter referred to. G. Payment of such reasonable contributions and outgoings as the Governing Hody may think incumbent on them as landowners in respect of the property of the School. 7. Payment to the Head Master of the sums which may become payable under Statute H. One equal moiety of the residue of the income of the property of the SchooL after meeting the payments aforesaid, shall be appropriated to the purposes of the Lower School of John Lyon, hereinafter referred to, ami t"he other moiety to the purposes of the Foundation Exhibitions, hereinafter referred to. Statute IV. — The Lower School of John Lyon. The Governing Body shall establish and maintain in the parish of Harrow a subordinate school which Aall be c:dled the L'ov\er School of John Lyon, and such School, and the funds appropriated thereto, shall be managed and ad- ministeieil accordinji to the discretion anri under the superintendence of the Governing Body, subject to the following provisions: — 1. The Lower School shall be a Day School, and shall provide a sound, practical, and liberal education, suitable for boys, who, being soms of persons resident in Harrow and the neighbourhood, are intended for commercial and other similar occupations. 2- The fees payable by each boy at the Lower School shall not exceed 12/., be less than 5 I. per annum. 3. The subjects of instruction at the Lo^er School shall, snbject to any modifications <>r additions which may be prescribed by the Governing Hody, comprise Religious Instruction (subject to the provisions of clause 4 of this Statute), Latin, English, .Modern Languages, Writing, Arithmetic, the Elements of Mathematics and of Natural Science, History and Geography. 4. It shall not be required as a condition of any boy being admitted into, or continuing in the School that he shall attend or abstain from attending any Sunday School, or any place of rehgions worship, or that he shall attend any religious observance, or any instruction in religious subjects, from which observance or instruction he may be withdrawn by his parent or guardian, or that he shall attend the School on any day set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which his parunt or guardian belongs, if his parent or guardian desires to withdraw him on that day, and any boy may be withdrawn by his parent or guardian from such observance or instruction, or attendance, without forfeiting any of the other benefits of the School. Statute V. — The Foundation Exhibitions. 1. The number and value of Foundation Exhibitions shall be such as the Governing Body, haAdng regard to the available funds for the purpose, shall from time to tmie determine. 2. Kach Foundation Exhibition shall be tenable at the School for four years, and shall be open only to the sons of persons who shall have resided in the parish of Harrow for not less than two years next preceding the date of the election to the Exhibition ; provided always, that any boy, who, being or being entitled to be a boy on the Old Foundation, shall be elected to and shall accept a Foundation"Exhibition, shall, on being elected to such Exhibition, and during his tenure thereof, relinquish all right to any moneys and privileges to whicii he MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 89 he would or might have been or become otherwise entitled as a hoy upon the Harrow. Old Foundation. — - 3. Tlie election to every Foundation Exliibition shall l)c made by the Govern- ing Body according to the results of a competitive examination in such subjects, and to be conducted in such manner as shall be determined iiy regulation. 4. If, on the occasion of any election to a Foundation Exhibition, no such canfliiiate as aforesaid shall be found, who, in the judgment of the Governing Body, is duly qualified to lie elected to such Exhibition, the Exhibition shall for that term be suspended, and the money applicable thereto shall be adde'l to the bahmce available for Foundation Exhibitions in the next year. 5. Every boy elected to a Fouidation Exhibition shall at the date of such election lie not less than 12 and not more than 14 years of atje. 6. All candidates for the Foundation Exhibitions shall produce such evidence of age and of good character as the Governing Body may require. /. All Foundation Ixhibitioners shall he subject to the regulations for the lime being in force in the School with respect to the age at which boys mav be required to leave the School. 'J'hey shall also he subject to the ordinary discipline of the School, and in case of idleness or misconduct to forfeiture of the E.\hibition, but such forfeiture shall be subject to an appeal to thu Govern- ing Body. 8. Notwithstanding anythinghereinbefore contained, the provisions of Sections 5, 6, and 7 of this present Statute shall be applicable to boys having been or being entitled to be on the Old Foundation. Statute VI.— Lyon Scholarship. The four Lyon Scholarships or Exhibitions of 5 /. a year each shall (from and after the first vacancies which shall occur after the date of these Statutes) be * consolidated into one Scholarship of 20 /. a year tenable for four years. The elec- tion to the Scholarship shall be made under the provisions hereinafter contained, and the Scholarship shall be tenable by any undergraduate member of the University of Oxford en- the University of Cambridge (whether a member of any college or hall or not) during residence at such University. The said Lyon Scholarship shall be given to a boy (if any such there be) who, having been born within the parish ol Harrow, and having been educated (for not less than one year) at the Lower School of John Lyon, and having proceeded fro.-n the said Lower School to Flarrovv School, and continuedthere till the time of election to the said Lyon Scholarship, shall be about to proceed to either of the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge. If at the time of any election to the said Lyon Scholar- ship there shall be more than one candidate so qualified, the .Scholarship shall be awarded after a competitive examination in such subjects, and conducted in such manner as sIihII be determined by regulation. And if in any year at the time of election there shall be no candidate so qualified as aforesaid, then the Scholarship shall be thrown open to competition, and all members of the S-hool sh;ill be eligible thereto. Statute VII. — Proceedings of Governing Body. The Governing Body shall hold not less than two meetings in every year. Minutes of the proceedings at every ineeting of the Governing Body shall be entered in a minute book, and signed at the next meeting- b)- the then Chairman. The Governing Body shall cause to be prepared annually a statement for the past year of the income of the projierty of the School, and the application thereof, and such statement shall be published in such manner as the Governing Body shall direct. Statute VIIL — The Head Master. L The Head Master shall be appointed by and hold his uffice at the ])le..siu-e of the Governing Body. Any graduate of an University within Her Majesty's dominions shall be eligible for the office. For the purpose of obtaining tlie best candidates the Governing Body shall, on the occurrence of a vacancy, give siifheient notice thereof and invite applications. 2. The Head Master shall be continually resident except during the School 9»'- M . ° holidavs, no STATUTES, SCHRMES, AND REGULATIONS Harrow. holidays, or except for some grave cause to signified by him in writing lo and to be approved by the Gi)veriiii)g Body. 3. He shall be responsible for and superintend the general discipline and instruction ot all boys admitted to tiie School. 1, He shall not receive any stipend from the income of tiie property of the School, but shall have a house rent and rate free, which shall be i the esta'lislimenr, and maintenance of tlie Sub- ordinate School. Provided that such payment, together with the amount paid for the like purposes out of the income of the propex ty of the School, and the amount paid as interest and sinking fimd on account of any sums raised by mortgasi,e for the purposes of such School, shall not exceed 250/. in any one year. (3rd). In payment of the Entrance Scholarships sjjecified in Schedule E. The residue, if any, in each year, shall be carried to the credit of the Surplus Fund. XI. No l)oy shall be elected to an Entrance Scholarship, unless at the date of his election he be between the ages of 13 imd I4.j. Ail cand dates for Entrance Scholarships shall produce such evidence of birth or age, and of good character, as the Governing Body may require. XII. The election to all Scholarships mentioned in these regulations shall be made by the Governing Body, according to the results of a competitive exami- nation, to be conducted by an Examiner or Examiners approved !)y the Govern- ing Body. Candidates for Scholarships and Foundation Exhibitions shall be examined in the same sul'jects as are required for admis^sion to the School, but the Examiners may add jiapers in such of the following subjects as they may determine : Latin composition, in prose and verse ; Greek grammar and trans- lation ; the Elements of Geometry ; the higher rules of .Arithmetic ; and Elemen- tary Algebra. No Scholar shall be allowed to remain in the School beyond the age limited in Regulation II., and if he be required to leave the School in accord.ince with that llegulation his Scholarship sliall cease. Every Scholar sii.nll be liable to forfeiture of his Scholarship, if, in the judgment of the Head Master, he shall have been guilty of idleness or miscon- duct ; and any Scholar dismissed from the School shall ipso facto forfeit his Scholarship. XIII. The Governing Body shall have power to dispose of the Surplus Fund and the income thereof, after consultation with the Head Master, but not other- wise ; and tiie Head Master shall from time to time make to the Governing Bodv proposals for the application of the Surjilus Fund to such purposes as he may consider to be for the interests of the School. XIV. The attendance at Divine service shall be regulated by the Head Master, who shall have entire control over the services and arrangements of the chapel. XV. The times and length of the ordinary holidays shall he those spcL-ified in Schedule F.,and no addition shall be made thereto, except at the suggestion of the Head Master, and with the assent of the Governing Body ; but the Head Master shall be at liberty to allow a reasonable extension of time to boys residing at a great distance from the School. XVI. The Head Master shall be responsible for the maintenance of a proper sanitary condition of the School and premises, and shall report any defect therein to the Governing Body. XVII. Suliject to the regulations of the Governing Body, the Head Master shall have entire control over the studies of the School. He shall make a report to the Governing Body not less than once a year, on the course of study pursued in the different parts of the School. The subjects of instruction shall include tho-se MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 93 those specified in Schedule G. The course of the School work shall be, as far Haukow, as possible, so arranged that — (a.) Every boy shall receive continuous and progressive instruction in Mathematics during the whole time of his stay at the School. {b.) Every hoy shall receive instruction in Natural Science, and in French or German during not less than nine consecutive terms. (c.) Any boy who shows a special aptitude for tlie study of Natural Sciences or of Modern Languages, shall have the opportunity of leceiving continuous instruction therein during the whole time of his stay at the School. Subject to the above conditions, the Head Master may at his discretion allow any boy in the sixth form to discontinue some, ae.d tu devote himsel/' exclusively to others of the subjects taught at the School. The means of teaching Natural Science at Harrow being ;it present insufficient to supply such teaching to tlie full extent recpiirtd by this regulation, the opera- tion of this resulation, so far as regards the length of time during which Natural Science is to be studied, may be susjjcnded for a peri( d not exceeding one vear from the date of these regulations. But the Head Master shall, v.ith all con- venient speed, lay before the Governing Body a proposal for providing the means and amount of instruction in Science necessary under this regulation. XVIIL Subject as hereinafter provided, the number and salaries of the Assistant Masters shall be those specified in Schedule H. NIX. The Head Master may fill up any vacancy in the number of Assistant Masters, by appointing a ^Master at such salary (not exceeding the highest salary already paid to any Assistant Master out of the School Fund) as he may think proper, and shall report ail appointments so made to the Governing Body. XX. Whenever the Head Master thinks it expedient to make any change in the number of Assistant Masters, or in the scale of payment of the Assistant^Masters for the time being, he shall lay a proposal for such change before the Governing Bod)' before such change is made. XXL Subject to the regulations of the Governing Body, the Head j\Iastermay from time to time emjiloy such servants and other persons as he thinks neces- sary for the service of the School, aud may assign them such duties and engage them upon such conditions as to emoluments, terms of service, and dismissal as he thinks fit. XXn. The Head Master shall have entire control of, and responsibility for the management of the School in all respects, except in so far as the same is expressly reserved to the Governing Body by these Regulations or by the Statutes. XXHL No boy residing at Harrow with his parent or guardian shall be required to attend the rehgions instruction, nor the School prayers, nor the service in the chapel, if at the time of his admission his parent or guardian give notice in writing tu the Head Master of his objection on conscientious grounds. With respect to any boy not residing with his parent or guardian, and whose parent or guardian wi.~hes him to attend the Sciiool, but objects to his attendance at the religii us instruction or religious observances of the School, the Head Master may, if he shall think fit, with the sanction of the Governing Body, make provision for the admission of any sucli lioy : Provided always, that it shall be competent for the Governing Body themselves to make such provision. Promotion in the School, and competition for Scholarships, Exhibitions, and Prizes, not being Divinity Prizes, shall be so arranged, with the approval of the Governing Body, that boys withdrawn from ndigious instruction shall not be at any disadvantage in these respects by reason of such withdrawal. 90. M3 94 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Harrow. SCHEDULE A. Subjects for Entrance Examinations. /. In Classics, either — Xeno])lion, Cjesar, 0-\ad, Cornelius Nepos. Or Homer, Vircril. Or Euripides, Cicero. English sentences to be turned into Latin prose. Ail boys who have previously done verses for a considerable time to have the opportunity of showing what they can do. //. /?« Arithmetic — The first four Rules, Proportion, Vulgar and Decimal Fractions and Interest. ///. In Modern Languoyes — Easy questions with short passages for translation, both in French and German. SCHEDULE ] B. >AR Number of Boarders in Be DING Houses. Eev. Dr. Butler - - 64 Rev. R. Middlemist - . - - 39 Rev. F. Rendall - . . - - 41 Rev. T. H. Steel - . _ . - 44 C. F. Holmes, Esq.- W. J. Bull, Esq. - - - - - 42 - _ _ - 39 f Large Houses. A. G. Watson, Esq. _ - _ _ 39 H. E. Hutton, Esq. - _ _ - - 39 R. B. Hay ward, Esq. - 49 R. B. Smith, Esq. - . 39 . E. E. Bowen, Esq. - - _ . - 9 ^ Rev. E. M. Young - - _ . _ 9 Rev. J. A. Cruikshank - . _ _ 10 Rev. W. D. Bushell _ _ - _ 9 Small Houses. G. Griffith, Esq. - - - - - 9 Mons. G. Ruault - - - _ - 10 Mons. G. JVl asson - - - - - 10 SCHEDULE c. Ias Payments to be made by Boarders to IS ters of Boarding Houses. Consolidated Total Board and Ctiar^-e Washing. for Grocery, Carpet, Repairs, &c. Total. Entrance. Outfit. Entrance Fees. £. s. d. £, S. d. £. »•. d. £• f. £. Rev. Dr. Biitlpr 60 - ^ 8 - - 68 - - 6 6 Rev. R. Middlemist - 75 - - 9 - - 84 - - 6 4 10 Rev. F. Rendall 75 - - 9 - - 84 - - 6 4 10 Rev. T. H. Steel - 75 - - 10 10 - 85 10 - 6 4 10 C. F. Holmes, Esq. - 75 - -• 10 10 - 85 10 - 6 4 10 Large W. J. Bull, Esq. - 75 - - 10 10 - 85 10 - 6 4 10 Houses. A. G. Watson, Esq. 75 - - 10 12 6 85 12 6 6 4 10 H. E. Hutton, Esq. - 75 - - 10 10 - 85 10 - 6 4 10 R. B. Hiij'ward, Esq. 75 - - 10 10 - 85 10 - 6 4 10 R. B. Smith, Esq. - 75 - - 10 10 - 85 10 - 6 1 4 10 E.' E. Bowen, Esq. - 135 - - _ 135 - _ > Rev. E. M. Younir - 135 - - _ 135 - - _ ^_ Rev. J. A. Cruik- 135 _ - _ 135 - - _ _ shank. Small Rev. W. D. Bushell 135 - - - 135 - - _ _ _ ' Houses. G. Griffith, Esq. 135 - - - 135 - - .. _ _ Mons. G. Ruault 105 - - . 105 - - _ _ _ Mens. G. Mtisson - 105 - - ' 105 - - - — - / MADE UNDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 95 SCHEDULE D. School Expenses. A.— XECESSAiir Payments. I. Entrance Fee £. s. 6 - II. Public Tuition and General Charges (per annum) "29 10 Private Tuition (per annum) - - - - 15 - Harrow. £. 44 10 - B. — Optional Payments. Private Instruction in Mathematics (per annum) Modern Languages Natural Science Music - - - - Drawing _ - - Fencing .. - - £. s. 9 - 9 - 9 - 12 12 9 - 9 - SCHEDULE E. Entrance Scholarships. So many Entrance Scholarsliips in each year, and each Scholarship of such value as the Governing Body shall consider that the funds at their disposal will enable them to meet, subject to the following restrictions : That all such Scholarships be divided into two or more classe.', not being all of the same value. That no such Scholarship be of a higher value than 60 /., or of a lower value than 30/. That the Governing Body be at liberty to supplement any such Scholarship to a sum not exceeding 80 /. in any year. That the Governing Body be at liberty to apply the residue mentioned at the end of Begulation X. in any vear for the purpose of such supplement. That no holder of such Scliolarshijjs be at one and the same time either a boy on the Old Foundation or a holder of a Foundation Exhibition under the School Statutes • and That in the event of any such Scholarship being granted to a home boarder, the son of a resident in the parish, the annual value of the S^choiarship so o-ranted shall not exceed 80 /., a sum representing the school charges lor jiublic and private tuition. SCHEDULE F. Ordinary Holidays. Six Weeks and one Day in the Summer. Five Weeks and One Day at Christmas. Three Weeks and One Day at Easter. SCHEDULE G. Divinity. Greek. Latin. English. Subjects of School Instruction. French. German. Miitbematics. Natural Science. History. Geography. 90. M 4 H.tiuiow. 96 STATUTES, SCHE.VJES, AND REGULATIONS SCHEDULE H. Number and Salaries of Assistant Masters A.— Assistant Masters jn Classics. /. Masters of Lnrf/e Houses and Tutors. Three at 300 /. a year each. Four at 150 /. a year each. //. Masters of Small Houses, and Tutors. Three at 150 /. a year each. ///. Tutors without Houses. One at 200 /. Four at 150/. a year each. IV. Form Masters, not being Masters nf Houses nor Tutors. One at 500 /. One at 450 /. One at 300 /. B. — Assistant Masters in Mathematics. /. Masters of Large Houses. One at 150/. a year, with a fee of I /. 10 s. on each Non- Foundationer, with liberty to receive private pupils from his own house. One with a fee of 1 /. on each Non-Foundationer, with liberty to receive private pupils. //. Master of a Sinall House. One with a fee of IGs. 8 Iaster, the following sums, that is to say, for every Senior Scholar the sum of 1 .} /. per annum, and for every Junior Scholar the sum of 5 I. 34. Tlie Governing Body shall out of the School Fund and on account and in part pa}inent of Exhibitions tenable during continuance at the School, make the following payments, that is to say, to the Master of a boarding house, for every 20 /. Exhibitioner in such house, the sum of 20 /. per annum, and to the parents or guardians of every 20 /. Exhibitioner who is not a boarder, provided the place of residence of such Exhibitioner be approved of by the Head Master, the sum of 10 /. per annum. 35. The Governing Body shall out of the"School Fund pay to the "Tuition Fund " for every Scholar the annual tuition fee of 25 /, or such other tuition fee as shall from time to time be made payable by regulations in that behalf, and such payment shall also be on account of such Scholarship, and such Tuition Fund shall be dealt with as shall be provided b}' regulations in that behalf from time to time to be made. 36. The Governing Body shall have power to defray out of the School Fund any expenses of examinations. 37. The Governing Body may appoint any person to act during their pleasure as Secretary, determine his duties, and assign to him out of the School Fund such salary as they shall think fit. They may provide and pay such Assistant or Assistants for him as they may think necessary. 38. The Governing Body shall appoint an Auditor. He shall be paid such salary out of the School Fund as they shall think fit, and shall hold his office during their pleasure, and shall audit accounts and make a report in reference thereto at least once in each year. 39. The unapplied residue, if any, in each )'ear, of the School Fund shall be stated at the passing of the yearl}^ accounts as unapplied surplus. Such sui-plus, or such portion of it as the Governing Body may determine, shall be invested to the credit of the School Fund upon such securities as from time to time may be sanctioned for the investment of cash or funds under the control of the Court of Chancery. 40. The Governing Body may apply such surplus to the foundation of Scholar- sliips, or Exhibitions, or Prizes, to the improvement of School buildings, to provide pensions for masters on retirement, to the maintenance of the Chapel services, or to such other objects in connexion with the School, as they shall from time to time determine. Common Seal. 4 1 . The Governing Body shall from time to time make rules for the safe custody of the Common Seal. 42. The (Common Seal shall not be affixed to any writing or document except by the order of the Governing Body, and in the presence of at least one member of the Governing Body. 43. A copy of every document or writing, sealed with the Common Seal, shall be entered in a register, to be kept for that pur])ose. Appointments to Ecclesiastical Benefices. 44. All persons who have done good service to the Hospital, or to Charter- house School, and also all persons who have been educated at the School, whether on the Foundation or not, shall be capable of being appointed to any Ecclesiastical benefice, the patronage of which is vested in the Governors. 90. N4 Cl(ARTER}IOi;gB. 104 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS Repeal of Existing Statutes. 45. All Statutes and Regulations relating to Charterhouse School, and exist- ing at the time of the passing of the " Pubhc Schools Act, 18G8," shall, from and after the approval of these Statutes by Her Majesty in Council, be repealed. Made and sealed by the Governing Body, /th Nov. 18/2. Approved and sealed by the Special Commissioners appointed for the pur- poses of the " Public Schools Act, 1868," 22nd Nov. 1872. Approved by Her Majesty in Council, 5th Feb. 1 873. REGULATIONS made by the Governing Body of Charterhouse. Chapter I. — Admission and Dismissal of Boys not on the Foundation, 1. No boy shall be admitted to the School before II years of age or after 15 years of age, unless for a special reason, to be approved by the Head Master, and reported by him to the Governing Body. 2. Any parent, guardian, or next friend, desiring the admission of a boy to the School, shall fill up and sign a form of application, specifying the name and age of the boy, and the name and residence of the parent, guardian, or next friend. 3. All boys presented for admission shall be examined, under the direction of the Head Master, and their place in the School shall be determined by him after such examination. 4. No boy shall be admitted unless he be sufficiently advanced in projwrtion to liis age to profit by the teaching of the School, and unless he produce satis- factory proof of diligence and good moral character. 5. The Head Master shall have power to refuse the admission of any boy to the School, or to dismiss from the School any boy not on the Foundation, and in case of such refusal or dismissal, he shall report the circumstances to the Governing Body. 6. No boy shall remain in the School after the end of the term in which he shall be 16 years of age, if still in the fourth or any lower form, and no boy shall remain at the School after the end of the term in which he shall be 1 9 years of age, unless by the special permission of the Head Master. 7. No boy shall be admitted as a da)- scholar unless he reside with his parent or guardian, or in some place of residence approved of by the Head Master. 8. A room or rooms shall be provided for the use of day boys in the intervals of School, and where their books^ coats, &c. may be kept. Chaptpr II.— Boarding Houses. 1 . No person except a Master employed in the School shall be permitted to keep a boarding hous^e. 2. The Masters of the boarding houses shall be appointed and removed by the Head Master ; they shall take the risks and profits of their own boarding houses, and no payment or consideration on account of good-will shall be made, directly or indirectly, on the transfer of a boarding house. 3. The number of boys in any boarding house shall not exceed such limit as the Governing Body may from time to time determine, and there shall be no boarding house except such as is licensed by the Governing Body. 4. The boarding houses within the boundaries of the ."School land at Godalming shall be kept in tenantable repair, and the rates and taxes thereof shall be paid by the Governing Body, who shall be entitled to require from the occupier of any such boarding house (the Head Master only excepted) payment of such a sum by way of rent, as they shall consider sufficient in each case. 1. All MADE LNDER THE PIBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. lo^ Chapter HI. — -School Servici: and Repairs. 1. All payments to ])ersons employed in the senice of the Sehool shall be made mider the direction of the Head Master, and their appoijitment, dismissal, and the arrangements of their duties shall rest with hiiy. 2. A sum shall be allotted annually, for the payment of sernce for the Scliool, and shall be applied as the Governino- Body may from time to time direct. 3- The Head blaster shall have authority to order petty rejjairs to the amount of 50 /. in each quarter of the year ; for any larger amount the sanction of the Governing Body shall be required. Chapter IV. — Accounts -and Minlte Book. 1. Tlie Govcrniuii- Body shall cause full accounts to l)e ke])t, in such manner as they shall from time to time cUrect, of all receipts and expenditure for and on account of the School. 2. The Governing Body shall cause a sufficient abstract of accounts to l)e drawn up in each year, with a balance-sheet of all receipts and expenditure of income for the year last past. 3. The above-mentioned abstract and Ijalance-sheet shall be examined, and, if found correct, passed b}- the Governing Bod}- at the beginning of each financial year. A copy of such abstract and lialance-sheet shall be forwai-ded to each member of the Governing Body one week at least previously to the meeting appointed for such examination. 4. The Governing Body shall keep two banking accounts. These accounts shall be called '• The School Fund," and " The Tuition Fund," respectively. 5. The school Fund shall comprise all moneys ])aid by the (governor of Sutton's Hospital to the Governing Body of Charterhouse School, and shall be kept, until the Governing Body shall otherwise direct, at Messrs. Child's Bank to the account of the Governing Body. 6. The Tuition Fund shall comprise all moneys paid for boys on account of tuition, and shall be kejit, until the Governing Body shall otherwise direct, at Messrs. Coutts' Bank, to the account of the Governing Body. 7. Cheques on both the School Fund and the Tuition Fund shall ])e drawn on the signatures of two members of the Governing Body, and comatersigned by the Secretary. 8. All bills transmitted by the Head Master to the Secretary for payment shall be previously examined and approved by him, and so marked. 9. A sum of 50 /. shall be allowed to the Head Master every year for such assistance as he may need in regard to keeping the accounts of the School. 10. Minutes of all proceedings of the Governing Body shall be entered in a Minute Book and signed by the Chairman at the next meeting. In the same book there shall be recorded the entry into office of ever}' new member of the Governing Body, and also the names of all the memliers jiresent at each meeting. Chapter V. — Tuition Fund. 1. The money received every }'ear from tuition fees shall be di\ided into eight portions, which, until the Governing Body shall otherwise direct, shall be thus allotted ? To the Head Master ------ One portion. „ Classical Masters ----- Xotmore than three portions, „ Mathematical and Natural Science Masters Not more than two portions. „ Modern Language Masters - - - Not more than one portion. „ Writing, Music, Drawhig, and Drill Masters, Not more than one portion. and payments for any other expenses for instruction and examination. 2. The unallotted surplus, if an}-, of the Tuition Fund shall be dealt with as the Governing Bodv may from time to time determine. go, ^ ' O I. The CHAaTxaHocas. ClIARTKRBOUSE. 106 STATUTES, SLHliMES, AjVD REGULATIONS Chapter VI. — Fees and Charges. 1. The annual tuilion fee for every boy shall be 25 I. payable in equal instal- ments at the end of eaeh term. The tuition fee for every Scholar shall be paid by the Governing Body from the School Fund, as provided by the Statutes. The tuition fees of boys not paid by the Governing Body shall be paid, in the case of boarders, by the Masters of the boarding houses, and in the case of day l)oys by tli<^ parents or guardians, to the Head Master, who shall pay such sums as he receives to the Tuition Fund. 2. The boarding house charges, including ordinary medical attendance, but exclusive of tuition fees, shall be 7i) I. per annum for eaeh boy, to be paid in equal instalments at the end of eaeh term. 3. In the ease of any boy being absent from the School for more than one month, the Head Master shall decide as to what portions, if any, of his boarding and tuition fees shall be remitted. 4. No boy shall be entitled to return to the School until his account for the preceding term shall have been paid. ' 5. At the end of every term, the Governing Body shall pay from the School Fund the sums made payable by the Statutes in manner following, that is to say, to each Master of a boarding house — £. s. d. For ever}' boarder in his house who is a Senior Scholar - 18 (> 8 „ „ Junior ., - - 1 1 13 4 „ „ 20 /. Exhibitioner - 6 13 4 as a portion of the boarding house charges of such boys. 6. The fees and charges for boys who were in the .School before Whitsuntide 18/2 shall continue on the same scale as heretofore. 7. No extra charge shall in any case be made for private tuition on any of those subjects which form part of the compulsory School course. (Chapter VII. — School Instruction. 1 . The following subjettts shall be taught to all the boys in their progress through the School, viz. : — ReUgious Knowledge, Classics, Arithmetic, Mathe- matics, Natural Science, History, Geography, English, and either French or German. Chapter ATII. — Number, Position, and Payment of Masters. ■ 1 . The number of Masters shall be so arranged that there may be not less than — One Classical Master for every - - - - 40 boys „ Mathematical „ _ _ _ _ 80 „ „ IModern Lfinguage „ _ _ _ _ 80 „ There shall be always at least one Master entirely employed in teaching Natural Science, with such assistance from other Masters, as may be found necessary. Additional Masters may be appointexl for Drawing, Music, Modern Languages, Natural Science, and other subjects, as the Governing Body shall from time to time think fit. 2. All the Assistant Masters shall be ajjpointed by and hold their offices at the pleasure of the Head .Master, who shall also assign to each of them their respective rank, duties, and work. 3. At the beginning of each term the Head Master shall lay before the Governing Body a detailed statement referring to the following matters : — (a.) The number of Masters, and how each is employed in the School. (h.) The proposed distribution of the Tuition Fund, having regard to the advantages of house or lodgings enjoyed by some Masters and not by others. 4. At the end of every year the Head Master shall lay before the Governing Body an account of the manner in which the Tuition Fund has been distributed. •^ 1. There MADE UXDER THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACTS. 107 Chapter IX. — Examinations. 1 . There shall be an annual general examination of the School, conducted by four Examiners, of whom two at least shall be Classical and one Mathe- matical. 2. The examination of candidates for the Senior Scholarsliips and the 20/. Exhibitions shall be conducted b}- the Head Master jointl}^ with the said Examiners. 3. The Governing Body, at some meeting to be held before the 3ist of March in each year, shall fix the times of all examinations for the current year, appoint the Examiners, and define the amount of their remuneration. 4. The results of all examinations shall be declared and published in such manner as the Governing Body shall direct. Chapter X.— School Report. 1. The Head Master shall yearh" deUver to the Governing Bod}- a report of the condition and progress of the School, and also a statement of any material changes introduced into the management or course of studies, and also of any changes he may deem it expedient to introduce for the better management and development of the School, and generally of all matters aflFecting the condition and welfare of the whole establishment. 2. Such report shall include particulars of — 1 . The number of boys admitted during the year. 2. The number who have left during the year. 3. The number of boarders in each term, distinguishing the separate boarding houses. 4. In respect of School instruction — (rt.) The number of bo}'s learning each subject, the classes in which the}" are arranged, the number of exemptions, with obsert-a- tions, at the Head Master s discretion, on the working of the system. (b.) The subjects in which the classes have been examined during the year. (c.) The School prizes, with names of the successful candidates, and any honours obtained at the Universities or elsewhere. 5. The names of the several School servants, their duties and salaries. Chapter XI. — Divine Service. 1. The Head Master shall regulate the attendance of the School at Divine service, the arrangement of the Chapel services, ^nd the appointmeiit of preachers. 2. The services of the Chapel shall be in accordance with the rites and cere- monies of the Church of England. 3. The parent, guardian, or next fiiend of any [day] boy attending the School, may claim, by notice in Avriting of any conscientious objection on his part, addressed to the Head Master, the exemption of such boy from attending the School prayers or Church services, or any lesson or series of lessons on a reUgious subject, and such day boy shall be exempted accordingly, and shall not, by reason of such exemption, be deprived of any advantage or emolument to which he would otherwise be entitled. Chapter XII. — Holidays. 1 . The hoUdays of the School shall not be more than six weeks in August and September, and five weeks in December and January, and four weeks in April and May. 2. Not more than one da}- in addition to any vacation shall be granted at the desire of any Royal or distinguished visitor, or in celebration of any event, and such extension of the hohda}-s jhall be left to the discretion of the Head Master. 90- " P 3. The CaAftTeaHOosx. if,8 STATUTES, SCHEMES, AND REGULATIONS CiiABTKRiiouEE, y. Tilt Head Master shall have power at any time to grant a holiday in celebration of successes iraiiu'd by ])upils of the School, or for any fittinji; cause. 4. in case of infectious sickness it shall be alloAvable for the Head Master either to dismiss the School before the usual time or to defer the return of the boys, as may appear necessar}-. Such dismissal of the School or postponement of its reassembling shall be rejjorted to the Governing Body. Chapter XHI.— Aithority of Hkad Master. 1. Suliject to the provisions contained in the Statutes and Regulations for the government of Charterhouse School, the Head blaster shall have authorit}- over all the Masters, and shall have under his control the choice of books, the method of teaching, the arrangement of classes and School hours, and, generally, the whole internal organisation, ma)iagenient, and discipline of the School. Chapter XIV.— Meetings of the Governing Body. 1. Meetings of the (Toverning Body shall be held three times during the year, once in the course of the montlis of Feln'uary, July, and Noveml)er, and at such other times as the Chairman shall appoint ; and any meeting nui}- ])e adjourned by a vote of the members present. 2. An}- three members of the Governing Body may, b}- written a})plication to the Chairman, require a meeting of the Governing Body to ])e called, or in the event of his failing to call such meeting, may do so themselves, subject to such regulations, if any, as the (ioverning Body ma}' from time to time enact for tlic. purpose. Made and sealed by the Governing Body, 7th November I87-_>. A Regi'lation made by the Governing Body of Cn vutkriiodse. A capitation charge of .'> /. per he.ad shall be; made on each boy in the School vpho has been entered thereat since Whitsuntide 187- or shall hereafter be entered, with the exception of the Scholars, for tlie pur])ose of increasing and maintaining the School buildings. In the (;ase of boarding houses erect(Ml by Masters at their own expense, such Masters shall be allowed to charge a sum not exceeding 10 /. in addition to the boarding fees. Made and sealed by the Governing Body, 1 0th IMa}- 1 873. REGULATIONS made by the Public School Commissioners. Examination and Instri ction. L At the annual examination of the School the Governing Body shall ap])oint or approve Examiners from without, competent to examine in :dl departments of study ; and the Examiners shall superintend the conduct of the examination, with tlie view of ascertaining the condition of the School in all such de])art- ments. The Examiners shall have such assistance from the blasters as the Head Master shall provi*. 1 "■*■ ^ ..i* i^- "^ .2^-. » » V ;>i' .^ -neJ ■-^^•^ <.v •«i.»-.i<. k ■^ ■^ ■i*"i&N^. \- •^*'