y STAl'E OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FRED G. STEVENOT. Director DIVISION OF MINES AND MINING FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO rALTER W. BRADLEY State Mineralogist Francisco] BULLETIN No. 101 [September, 1928 CALIFORNIA (MINERAL PRODUCTION FOR 1927 LIBRARY rcmw bnoia ^>."i^ 1279 CAJLIFORNIA 8TATB PHINTING OFFICE SACKAMiDNTO, 193 8 H. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES FRED G. STEVENOT, Director DIVISION OF MINES AND MINING FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO WALTER W. BRADLEY State Mineralogist San Francisco] BULLETIN No. 101 [September, 1928 CALIFORNIA MINERAL PRODUCTION FOR 1927 By HENRY H. SYMONS 3279 CONTENTS ► Page LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 7 INTRODUCTION 9 Chapter I. SUMMARY OF THE MINERAL INDUSTRY IN CALIFORNIA DURING THE YEAR OF 1927 11 Tabulation of the ^Mineral Production, Showing Comparative Amounts AND Values — 1926 and 1927 14 Table Showing Comparative Mineral Production of the Various Coun- ties IN California for 192G and 1927 IG Total Production, 1S87-1927 17 Ohapter II FUELS (HYDROCARBONS) — Introductory 18 Coal 19 Heptane 20 Natural Gas 20 Petroleum 22 Chapter III. metals- Introductory , 38 Aluminum 40 Antimony 40 Arsenic 41 Beryllium 42 Bismuth 42 Cadmium 43 Cobalt 43 Copper 44 Gold 46 Iridium. (See Platinum.) Iron 49 Lead 50 ;m.\nganese 51 Molybdenum 52 Nickel 53 Osmium 54 Pal.\dium 54 Platinum 54 Quicksilver 56 Silver 58 Tin 60 TlT.\NIUM 61 Tungsten 61 V.\NADIUM 63 Zinc 63 Chapter IV. STRUCTURAL MATERIALS — Introductory 65 Asphalt 66 Bituminus Rock 66 Brick and Hollow Tile 67 Cement 70 Chromite 72 Granite 73 Lime 76 Magnesite 77 Marble 80 Onyx and Travertine 80 Sandstone 81 Slate 82 Stone — Miscellaneous 83 Paving Blocks 84 Grinding Mill Pebbles 84 Sand and Gravel 85 Crushed Rock 88 Chapter V. [INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS — ! Introductory 89 Asbestos 90 Barytes 90 Clay — Pottery 91 Diatomaceous Earth 95 J 4 CONTENTS INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS — Continued. Page Dolomite 96 Feldspar 97 Fluorspar 98 Fuller's Earth 99 (Jems 100 Graphite 101 (lYPSUM 103 Limestone 104 LiTHIA lOu Mica 105 Mineral Paint 106 Mineral Water 107 Phosphates 108 Pumice and Volcanic Ash 108 Pyrites 109 Shale Oil 110 Silica — Sand and Quartz HI Sillimanite — Andalusite — Cyanite Group 112 Soapstone and Talc 113 Strontium 115 Sulphltr 116 Chapter VI. SALINES — Introductory 117 Borates 117 Bromine 120 Calcium Chloride 120 Magnesium Salts 121 Nitrates 121 Potash 122 Salt 123 Soda 123 Chapter VII. MINERAL PRODUCTION OF CALIFORNIA BY COUNTIES— Introductory 125 Alameda 126 Alpine 126 Amador 126 Butte 127 Calaveras 127 Colusa 128 Contra Costa 128 Del Norte 128 El Dorado 129 Fresno 129 Glenn 130 Humboldt 130 Imperial 131 Inyo 131 Kern 131 Kings 132 Lake 132 Lassen 133 Los Angeles 133 Madera 134 Marin 134 Mariposa 135 Mendocino 135 Merced 135 Modoc 136 Mono 136 Monterey 137 Napa 137 Nevada , 137 Orange 138 Placer 138 Plumas 139 Riverside 139 Sacramento 140 San Benito 140 San Bernardino 141 San Diego 141 San Francisco 142 San Joaquin 142 San Luis Obispo 142 San Mateo 143 Santa Barbara 143 Santa Clara 144 Santa Cruz 144 | Shasta 144 Sierra 145 1 CONTENTS 5 MINERAL. PRODUCTION OF CALIFORNIA BY COUNTIES — Continutd. Pago Siskiyou 145 Solano 14G Sonoma 14»; Stanislaus 147 Sutter 147 Tehama 147 Trinity 148 Tulare 148 Tuolumne 148 Ventura 149 Yolo 149 Yuba 14 9 Chapter VIII. TOTAL RECORDED MINERAL PRODUCTIONS BY COUNTIES — Introductory 151 Alameda 152 Alpine 154 Amador 15 tJ Butte 160 Calaveras 162 Colusa 166 Contra Costa 168 Del Norte 170 El Dorado 172 Fresno 174 Glenn 176 Humboldt 178 Imperial 180 Into 182 Kern 186 Kings 186 Lake 187 Lassen 189 Los Angeles 190 Madera 190 Marin 192 Mariposa 194 Mendocino 196 IMbrced 198 Modoc 199 Mono 200 Monterey 202 Napa 204 Nevada 20 1; Orange 208 Placer 210 Plumas 214 Sacramento 216 San Benito 218 San Diego 222 San Francisco 220 Riverside 226 San Bernardino 227 San Joaquin 22S San Luis Obispo 230 ■ San Mateo 232 Santa Cruz 234 Sierra 236 Santa Barbara 236 Santa Clara 236 Shasta 237 SiSKSYOU 238 Solano 2 40 Sonoma 242 Stanislaus : 244 Sutter 245 Tehama 246 Trinity 248 Tulare 250 Tuolumne :. 252 Ventura 254 Yolo 256 Yuba 257 b CONTENTS APPENDIX A Paffe DIRECTORY OF PRODUCERS OF METALLIC AND NON-METALLIC MIN- ERALS IN CALIFORNIA, 1927 259 Introductory 259 Antimony 260 Barites 260 Bituminous Rock 260 Borates 260 Bromine 260 Calcium Chloride 261 Cement 261 Clay 262 Coal 266 Diatomaceous Earth 266 Dolomite 266 Feldspar 266 Fuller's Earth 267 Gems 267 Granite 26S Graphite 268 (Jypsum 269 Iron and Titanium 269 Lime and Limestone 270 LiTHIA 270 Magnesite : 271 Magnesium Salts 271 IMiNERAL Paint 271 Mineral Water 272 Marble (including Onyx and Travertine) 273 Potash 273 I'UMiCE AND Volcanic Ash 274 Pyritb 274 Quicksilver 275 Salt 276 Sandstone 276 Shale Oil 276 Silica (Sand and Quartz) 277 Sillimanite — Andalusite — Cyanite Group 277 Slate 277 Soapstone and Talc 278 Soda 27S Tungsten 278 Stone, Miscellaneous 278 Grindins Mill Pebbles 278 Crushed Rock 279 Sand and Gravel 284 APPENDIX B. MINING BUREAU ACT 289 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ACT 292 PUBLICATIONS OP THE STATE DIVISION OF MINES AND MINING 294 INDEX 304 ILLI'STRATIONS AND PHOTOS. Long Beach Oil Field, looking northwest from Signal Hill 32 New Idria Mine at Idria, San Benito County 56 Sand Pit of lone Fire Brick Co.. Amador County 68 Airplane view Gladding, McBean & Co. plant at Lincoln, Placer County 92 Sewer-pipe press Los Nietos plant of Pacific Clay Products Co., Los Angeles County 93 CHARTS AND MAPS. Outline map of California, showing location of oil fields and districts 33 Chart showing current trend of world production of major nonferrous metals 39 Chart showing prices of electrolytic copper 45 Chart showing prices of common lead 51 Chart showing prices of bar silver 59 Chart showing prices of slab zinc 64 LETTER OP TRANSMITTAL. September, 1928. To His Excellency, The Honorable C. C. Young, Governor of the State of California. Sir : I have the honor to herewith transmit Bulletin No. 101 of the State Division of Mines and Mining, being the annual report of the statistics of the mineral production of California. The remarkable variety, total valuation, and wide distribution of many of our minerals revealed herein show California's importance as a producer of commercial minerals among the states of the Union. Respectfully submitted. Walter W. Bradley, State Mineralogist. I I INTRODUCTION It is tlie endeavor of the staff of tlie State Mining Bureau (now Division of ]\Iines and Mining' of the State Department of Natural Resources), in these annual reports of the mineral industries of Cali- fornia, to so compile the statistics of production that they will be of actual use to producers and to those interested in the utilization of the mineral i)roducts of our state, while at the same time keeping the individual's data confidential. In additicm to the mei-e figures of out- put, we have included descriptions of the uses and characteristics of many of the materials, as well as a brief mention of their occurrences. The compilation of accurate and dependable figures is an extremely j difficult undertaking, and the State Mineralogist takes the opportunity of here expressing his appreciation of the cooperation of the producers i in making this work i:)ossible. A fuller appreciation of the value of j early responses to the requests sent out in January will result in earlier ll completion of the manuscript. Statistics lose much of their value if ; their i)ublication is unnecessarilv delaved. Some of the data relative to properties and uses of many of the minerals herein described are repeated from preceding reports, as it is intended that this annual statistical bulletin shall be somewhat of a compendium of information on California's commercial minerals and llieir utilization. Walter W. Bradley, State Mineralogist. MINERAL INDUSTRY, CALIFORNIA, 1927 DATA COMPILED FROM DIRECT RETURNS FROM PRO- DUCERS IN ANSWER TO INQUIRIES SENT OUT BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE DIVISION OF MINES AND MINING, FERRY BUILDING, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA CHAPTER ONE The total value of tlie mineral output of California for the year 1927 was $366,781,394, being a decrease of $83,549,462 under the 1926 total of $450,330,856. There were fifty-eight different mineral substances, exclusive of a segregation of the various stones grouped under gems; and all of the fifty-eight counties of the state contributed to the list. As revealed by the data following, the salient features of 1927 com- pared with the preceding year were : A large drop in the value of petroleum in an amount greater than the net decrease in the grand total for all substances, being only partly offset by increases in other items. Material advances were made by borates, cement, potash, natural gas, granite, limestone, quicksilver, sandstone, and soda. Decreases were reg- istered by copper, zinc, miscellaneous stone, brick, lead, salt, and silver. Petroleum showed a decrease in value of $84,811,179, although there was an increase from 224,637,281 barrels to 231,195,774 barrels. This was due to a sharp cut in the price of crude oil, mainly for grades over 20° Baume, effective April 16, 1927. There were a number of other minor variations, the result being a decrease in the totals of the fuels and metals groups, while all other groups showed increases. Of the metals, titanium was added to the list, being the first year of any record of its production in commercial quantity in California; quicksilver increased from 5892 flasks worth $516,382 to 6488 flasks worth $714,418, this being accounted for by the advanced price received by the producers. In 1926 they received $87.64 and in 1927, $116.94 per 75-pound flask. Copper decreased from 33,521,544 pounds worth $4,693,014 to 27,350,316 pounds worth $3,582,885 ; gold from $11,923,- 481 to $11,671,018; lead from 8,067,873 pounds worth $645,429 to 2,748,440 pounds worth $173,151; silver from 2,022,460 fine ounces worth $1,262,015 to 1,620,242 fine ounces worth $918,677; and zinc from 20,447,559 pounds worth $1,533,568 to 8,625,004 pounds worth $552,000. The decrease in copper, lead and zinc was due to a drop in the market prices, while the gold and silver, by-products of these ores, account for the decreases in the total gold and silver figures. Though 12 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA tlie gold yield decreased in value, California continues in the lead, and in 1927 accounted for approximately 26 per cent of the gold output of the United States. Of the structural group : Cement advanced from 13,797,173 barrels valued at $25,269,678 to 14,661,783 barrels at $26,474,935, though the avej-age price per barrel dropped from $1.84 to $1.80; granite increased in value from $655,332 to $3,398,443, and sandstone from $17,500 to $205,400; brick and hollow building tile dropped from a valuation of $7,026,124 to $6,516,077, and miscellaneous stone from $19,859,873 to $18,912,994; of the remaining minerals in this group there were no material changes. Of the industrial minerals there were a number of fluctuations with a general trend of increasing production and value. The important changes were : i)otterv clav with an increase from 797,461 tons valued at $806,509 to 867,419^ tons and $872,661; lime- stone from 108,795 tons valued at $367,501 to 899,790 tons and $663,- 957. Of the saline group, borates showed an increase from 47,605 tons valued at $1,625,298 to 72,462 tons at $3,043,260; potash, 32,884 tons valued at $812,285 to 67,340 tons and $1,952,852; and salt showed a decrease from 311,761 tons valued at $1,124,978 to 263,028 tons and $639,127. The figures of the State Divi.sion of Mines and Mining are made up from reports received direct from the producers of the various minerals. Care is exercised in avoiding du])lication, and any error is likely to be on the side of undei-- rather than over-estimation. California yields, commercially, a greater number and variety ofj mineral products than anj'' state in the United States, and probably] more than any other equal area elsewhere on the earth. The total! annual value of her output has been surpassed by not more than four' or five others, and those usually the great coal states of east of the IMississippi. More recently California has been placed second to Penn- sylvania, the leader. California was for many years the sole domestic source of borax, chromite and magnesite, and in which we still lead. "We lead all other states in the production of gold, quicksilver, and platinum ; and have alternated in the lead with Colorado in tungsten, and with Oklahoma in petroleum. The mineral industries, not only in California, but throughout the country, have reached quite a different phase from that of the old gold-rush days more than fifty years ago. A broader and more inti- mate status has been attained, touching practically every avenue of domestic and commercial endeavor. As quoted in a former report^ of the freight handled by the railroads of the country, the products of the mines represent 51.33 per cent. While gold, in which California still leads the United States, is still important, other metals and even nonmetals have superseded it in annual value. The greatest commer- cial developments proportionately in California in recent years have taken place among the industrial and structural minerals, not to men- tion petroleum, which leads all others in value. This introduces a new factor which requires study and attention — that of marketing. The gold miner could, and still does, take his metal to the mint and receives ' Cal. State Min. Bur., Bulletin !)6, p. 12, 1925. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 13 its equivalent in the 'coin of tlie realm'; and he knows from day to day and year to year, Avithout variation, just how much each ounce of gold will bring in that coin, though its equivalent in other commodities varies according to economic conditions. Marketing and competition, however, are vital factors in the industrial and structural groups. 14 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA m o 03 + ta la IV) 00 « 2 53 e,s St) t-t r-( 00 M* CO T-t CO 00 O C^ lO OO COt^ C5 cc t^ «o lO «D tH o i^ oo O^ rn t^ Ij:^ t>- C^ -^ ^ O LO Cq OS O W iH CO ^H lO t-- -^ LO U5 O rH CO "^ I> lO CO "^ CO CO Irt O ^ CO 00 O CO •^ 00C5 O'^OtH * tH CO t- Tj* o "^ tH t- CI CO -^ t- * t~ CO * CO OS -^ T-H C<1 in IJ^ !>• O 00 Ci l^ CO li^ OS -^ (N C^ t>* Ol-fSMC tHO c >o:)aiLocgc^coocH T-lOO rHW^IMOSOjOOOO "^T-ICTSt- C0O5 00 iH iH iH'*T-l CO tH 00 C^ O CO o cs !^ ^ 1— ( r> CO qn ■7; • rH CO CX) =+-! ,— ' o • S WH rr: r-H O.' a ■ (—• CO 1— » CO c/; ,0 :/? C3 a> t--*0 c^VOCOiH (^ rHOCDt-^=£CD i.OdT-i-^moocoO'-it^t-t- oociocDcOT-t-fcr-ir^a-iooo CO t- M O <" "^ CO * OO Tt< rH I> O O ^ O tH Tf" sTi 00 • ^^ o r- CO CO '^ '^ CJ C 03 i-i -r ,_c t- r- H- *o- o in ■*_ 00 co'cc** WOlCO-^t^THOOCJCOrHCOC^ 00 1^ 00 in i> cTi a; t— CO CO i~* UO 1—1 cococ»< t- Oj rH in t^ CO CI a> i-i •* i-HO CD i-T rH M CO sec T^CC ojSCC ^ OOO "SOO J2000 IS CO in CI I CO in ^ co co o oo OCSrHCO lOOCJrH i-ir-MiH j^ciin'^ ir-ci'i!j<*cojiaiO 4< c-co"ci' IrH* t- Oinoeo ^i-l I- CD CO in-JTHrH N N . 3 O 0) -M O (0 (0 «3 m 1 1 1 OOOOOCO 1 00 c:o ■iJ"CTjO^'OOOOOOCOM 1 OCiH 1 1 1 CO Ti 05 C-. O) 1 o C)-»< l-CO'^'-rHOOCqoCO-* 1 rH t^ 1 1 1 CO -r 'J- t- o « ico» •v rpi • r— i ■^ « CO Oi o s* o X5 CO ftx mt'00'*»*ooco^O"^coocJ03iHcqt-C3t-~»-'dooo^coot>int-inmooocqooot^iniH^cq ^ COt^OSCqt^COOOr-d-lOCi'^OOCOCOCJCOO'^C^OCTJ-^in'^D-t^OOOinOOOOC-Or-lf-tt-'^O ,^ iHincgrHcooinooco^rrHO'^coco'^ooincO'^c^CiOoincOLncoocqcoocoo^in^ooco ^oo ^ oo^i-f in CO crt-^crTin CO cT CO o cT co" in r-Tunot^ t^-^-^o^ in r-T in t- coci" cq oo cd cd Tfri>r-»3rc o u «+H c IS (A A JQ H 3 CO >» m ^ 'I— I i-tos in rH T}< CO ■M to VI »] CCS ti O O O ;^ 4-» -M -^ o 00 CO in S t-coo '^ O3 00CO ^ •"co"t-^ !/i VI m VI v, VI VI -GCCkECC •500CJ2000 looinrHO'^oocq 1 1- cr, CO o -3< •* o in 1 1—1 M -^ I—* in CO CO m dco in ■M rj-l-< O to ■•-> O ioocoooinini-(incoc3t-t-OrHco-^ococ3i-(ooo irfc^ IcDt^coosi-ioocoOcct^t^a^ooooot-Cicricooi-ico loco iocf>oint^c;oocqoci,-oc^ocqcoooi-icoooi>r-ro-'f loco C C o o \-V C~COOOO'* ' 1-1 CD CD o in T^ O 1-1 ^t-ci in CO t'^*^ I— 1 1^ O O CO 1-1 iH cq cq cq cit-oiniHijioci t>co CO .O 1-ICOCOCl 'iHCD 1-1 CO o *. m c 03 * co.ti o WMfQ 3 o A ■d C MO 0) -^ I -^ o .ti a c OOO .^b O M m Wr, _ i- J-. ^ ^ Q ^-- tZJ .^ _j_. ' -"SI 3 " ^i' CO TO biS i fe S OfifcfcOOOOi-:ih-liJS^^§S^^OMiH^^PHG'wmwmwOTtB CS 0) d C to VI rft U „ . -a g oj « p,cii s c~ >t5 03 -a STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 15 + t-IO 00 -^I 1" OM O^ ON oo" ^ » o » o CO o 00 <^ t~- CO cp ^^ CO lO li5 o "-^ !£> CC ^^ 10 1 '^ O 1 "^irt 1 iC o" m 3 O r* ^ I Li 1 O „- uj I ft j: bi I ft ":1 o - s 4) (4 c >> V S « +J CQ CQ 4-> _2 73 en a s 1 3 ® •«-' '5 to CO ^-ft cS 3 O O K ; 3.5 G 30^CC5 "O 73 01 02 M ■IJ !» 3 0^ 4> "O -C •- -c -3 3 S-S 3 3 S^o P~o •-I l-H (J l-H ri S2 K C CS O5 00 ►^ci «>^- O O) fl in J3 O C ^ N .. CC "^ _Q a '-^ 03 t: y. S JZ,' tt-i O — ' 03 a> n ^ cc O l^^- 03 CO -(J •1— < Vi.- -a ^ o o ^g o o 0^ a 1 o 02 o: -kJ -M t- cc ;> o !2 O^ Oh =M a S ^ OJ o g^^ •J— 1 i-H 2|" 43 '^ 03 nd c O &c 2^ a; 03 03 fl ^A 9 ^ o a O o t-i- I-H-* K o^ ■^ S?J I— 1 o O l-r-t ~ O t-00 o •^ rH'J'tM C '^ rHoTM" 03 so c Includes natural CO2 from a mine in Santa Clara County. 22 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Gasoline from Natural Gas. More or less gas usually accompanies the petroleum in the oil fields, and such gas carries varying amounts of gasoline. A total of 142 plants Avere in operation in 1927 recovering gasoline by compression or absorp- tion from this 'casing-head' gas. After the gasoline is extracted the remaining 'dry gas' .so far as practicable is taken into pipe lines, by Avhich it is distributed to consumers, both domestic and commercial. In certain of the oil fields, some of the casing-head gasoline is obtained as an incidental product to the compressing of the natural gas prelim- inary to its transmission to consuming centers through the gas pipe lines. Some concerns market the casing-head gasoline separately, others blend it with distiller}^ gasoline, while others turn it into the oil pipe lines thus mixing this high-gravity gasoline with the crude oil for trans- portation to the i-efinery where it is later regained. A total of 489,- 798,683 gallons of casing-head gasoline valued at $45,700,264 from all fields was rei)orted as made bv 142 i)lants during 1927, compared Avith ;}89,()26,757 gallon.s valued at $r)1.788,;}46 fi-nin 148 plants in 1926. It was distributed by counties as t'olloAvs : Natural-Gas Gasoline Recovered, 1927 Count 2/ No. lilants Gallons Value Fresno .. 1 1,460,000 $133,800 Kt-rn 34 82,411,52.') 8, 488,. 387 Lo.s Angeles 53 l value of the crude oil yield at the well is a diffi- cult one to settle with exactitude principally because a large part of the output is not sold until after refining. The large refiners are also large ])roducers of crude oil which they send direct from well to plant, hence much of the crude oil is not sold as such. The values used in the statistical reports of the State ]\Iining Bureau since 1914 have been derivfd from averages of actual sales of crude oil of all grades in each field of the state, and these averages applied to the total yield of the respective fields. This we feel is a safer measure of commercial values than market quotations, because quotations do not always mean sales. This is particularly true on a rising or a falling market. Features of 1927. The noteworthy features of the year 1927 in the oil industry were increa.sed output in Orange, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties and decreases in all other counties. There were sharp cuts in the price of crude oil in all grades over 20° Baume, making the value in all counties less than in 1926. Summarizing the data for the year, the State Oil and Gas Supervisor ^ presented the following figures : "The total production of oil in the .state for the last six months of 1927 was 114,891,618 barrels of oil and 58,897,272 barrels of water. The production of oil for the year 1927 was, therefore, 231,045,773 barrels, an increase of 6,522,349 barrels over that of 1926. The increased production came from the Seal Beach and Hunt- ington Beach fields and while the Ventura field increased over 3,000,000 barrels, there was a nearly equal decrease in the fields of Kern County. "The production of oil for the second half of 1927 was 1,262,537 barrels less than for the first half. Water production increased 3,290,754 barrels during the .same period. * * * "The estimated closed-in production was increased during 1927 from 61,314 barrels daily in January to a maximum of 89,442 barrels daily in May and decreasing to 77,107 barrels daily in December. * * * "Storage and Price Changes. "The total crude oil and refined petroleum in storage in Pacific coast territory at the end of 1927 was 137,395,067 barrels, according to the American Petroleum Institute. The decrease in storage during the year amounted to 8,217,109 barrels compared with a decrease of 11,704,133 barrels during 1926. The total amount of crude and refined oil shipped to eastern ports during 1927 was 33,080,000 barrels, or 42,000 barrels more than the 1926 shipments. "On April 1, 1927, prices of crude oil of 15 degrees gravity and above in some fields, and of 19 degrees gravity and above in other fields, were lowered. "Drilling and Development. "During 1927, 1263 wells were reported to the State Oil and Gas Supervisor as ready to drill as compared with 1268 new wells in 1926. Five new fields were dis- covered in 1927, most of which are relatively unimportant. These fields were the Alamitos dome of the Seal Beach field, the Potrero field in Los Angeles County, the Rincon field in Ventura County, the Goleta field in Santa Barbara County, and the Round Mountain field in Kern County. Of these, the most important was the exten- sion of the Seal Beach field, which contributed much to the 1927 production. The productive possibilities of the Rincon, Potrero and Round Mountain fields had not been determined at the end of the year. The Goleta field produced a small amount of high gravity oil and apparently reached lis limit." During 1927 there was a small production of high-grade petroleum from Colusa County. This was marketed for medicinal purposes. ' Bush. R. D.. Resume of Oil Field Operations of California in 1927 ; Cal. State Min. Bur., 13th Ann. Rep. of State O. & G. Super., No. 8, Feb. 1928, pp. 5 and 6. 24 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Production Figures. The following table gives the production and vahic by counties for 1927 compared with the 1926 figures: TABLE A Production and Value of Crude Oil, by Counties J'J.16 J9~'7 County Barrels Value Barrels Value Fresno 7,340,102 $5,982,183 7,202,285 $5,977,176 Kern 54,519,646 78,987,887 51,570,412 58,738,699 Los Angeles 105,826.337 174,084,324 103,625,615 114,583,011 Orange 37,989,349 59,225,395 46,593,842 56,238,767 San Luis Obispo 27,982 22,162 16,709 12,531 Santa Barbara 1,925,204 1,526,587 2,173,887 1.630,415 Santa Clara « 11,994 14.212 Ventura 16,994,275 25,095,344 19,996,841 23,536,282 King s, San Bernai-dino, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma « 20,386 22,795 Colusa, Kings, San Bernardino, San Mateo, Sonoma « 4,189 4,405 Totals 224,073,281 $345,546,677 231,195,774 $260,735,498 « Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. The foregoing totals show the average price of $1,127 per barrel for the vear 1927 as compared with $l.o;l8 in 1926, $1,422 in 1925 and $1,200 in 1924. TABLE B Average Price of Oil per Barrel, by Counties, 1918-1927 County 1918 1919 1920 1P21 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 Fresno SO 825 893 1.176 1.003 .926 .808 1 387 1 318 ?1.191 1 252 1 340 1 412 .905 1 235 1 700 1.480 $1 293 1.350 1.380 1.860 1.040 1.125 1.600 1 635 $1,483 1 714 1 532 2 138 1 400 1 575 1 485 2 507 $1 068 1 211 1 403 1 175 .942 1 Oil 1 616 1 785 $1,710 .819 .971 .880 .600 .782 1 404 1 138 $1,162 1 137 1 239 1 183 .992 1.036 1 921 1 334 $1,094 1 432 1.429 1 417 1 087 .914 1 634 1 710 $0,815 1.448 1.645 1.559 $830 Kern - 1.139 1.115 Orange San Luis OViispo Santa Barbara _. ^- 1.207 .793 .750 Sant.a Clara Ventura 1.512 1 177 State average $0 908 SI 278 $1,409 $1 726 $1 249 $0 923 $1 200 11 422 $1 538 $1,127 For several years previous to 1919, the state average value per barrel at the well for crude oil as determined by the statistical returns wa.s noted to practically coincide with the quotations during the same years for 23° gravity oil in the San Joaquin Valley fields. In 1919 and since, the average values have worked out at figures corresponding to quota- tions up to, in one year as high as 28° oil, due to the large yield of high-gravity oils from the new fields in the Los Angeles-Orange counties area. TOTAL PETROLEUM PRODUCTION OF CALIFORNIA The presence of oil seepages and springs in Los Angeles and Ventura counties was known and utilized in a small way early in the history of California. Some also was shipped to refineries at San Francisco from Santa Barbara and Humboldt counties. In the light of present-day 4 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 25 developments, the following reference to the previous year's production of oil and its future prospects as expressed by the San Francisco Bulle- tin of January 8, 1866, is strikingly prophetic even though skeptical : "It is possible that the small quantity received (40,000 or 50,000 gallons in 1865) may be the forerunner of many millions which will, at some future time, lubricate the wheels of commerce and set a trade at work excelling in variety any that has thus far been known on this coast. At present, however, we admit to being a little skeptical about the assumption of the astute Professor Silliman that California will be found to have more oil in its soil than all the whales in the Pacific Ocean." According to Hanks,^ in 1874 production amounted to 36 bbl. per day from natural flows in Pico Canon (Newhall), and at Sulphur Mountain (Ventura County), the oil being of 32° gravity average. " "Work was commenced in Pico Canyon in 1875 by drilling three shallow wells with spring pole, all of which yielded oil at depths of from 90 to 250 feet. Actual work of development commenced with steam machinery in 1877.'' In 1877 Pico averaged 40-50 bbl. daily, and Ventura 80 bbl. daily. In 1878, there was some production (@ 60 bbl. per day, for a time) from wells in Moody Gulch, near Los Gatos, Santa Clara County, the oil being of 46° Baume. The first wells in the Coalinga, Fresno County, and Summerland, Santa Barbara County, fields were drilled in 1890, but Coalinga did not make its influence felt conspicuously on the state's annual output until 1903. The Summerland yield never has been large. The Salt Lake field near Los Angeles began production in 1894 and in 1897 reached over a million barrels annually. In the Kern Countv fields, the first well was drilled in Sunset in 1891, Midway in 1900"^ McKittrick in 1892, Kern River in 1899. The Sunset-Midway district attained a yield of over 4,000,000 bbl. in 1909, and over 20,000,000 bbl. in 1910. Kern River field produced over 3,000,000 bbl. in 1901. The first well in the Santa Maria-Lompoc group, Santa Barbara Countv, was drilled in 1901, and the district advanced to a yield of over 3,000,000 bbl. annually in 1905. The Whittier-Fullerton field in Los Angeles and Orange counties became an important factor in 1902. The Montebello field, Los Angeles County, was the conspicuous addition in 1918-1919 ; and Elk Hills, Kern County, with Huntington Beach and Richfield, Orange County, in 1920. In 1921, the new fields added were Long Beach and Santa Fe Springs, Los Angeles County; in 1922, Torrance field in Los Angeles County, and Wheeler Ridge field in Kern County ; but the production from the large number of new wells started in these new Los Angeles County fields did not reach its peak until August and September, 1923. Dominguez (Compton) came in during 1923; followed by Rosecrans and Inglewood in 1924. Ventura recorded important additions to its producing area in 1925 and 1926. Seal Beach, Orange County, and Mt. Poso, Kern County, were the new fields added in 1926 ; Round Mountain, Kern County, and Rincon, Ventura County, were the new fields added in 1927. ; 'Hanks, Henry G., Report IV of State Mineralogist, p. 298, 1884. ' ' Idem, p. 301. 26 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA The effect of the advent of these various fields to the producing column will be noted in the tabulation herewith, by years : TABLE C Total Petroleum Production in Caiifornia. Year Barrels Value Year Barrels Value To and inc. 1875 (a) 175,000 12,000 13.000 15,227 19,858 40,552 99,862 128.636 142,857 262,000 325,000 (a) 377.145 678,572 690,333 303,220 307,360 323,600 385,049 470,179 783,078 1,245,339 1,257.780 1,911,569 2,249,088 2,677.875 4.329,950 7,710,315 14.356,910 (b) $472,500 30,000 29.250 30,454 39.716 60.828 124.828 257.272 285.714 655.000 750,750 (b) 870,205 1,357,144 1,380,666 368,048 384.200 401.264 561.333 608,092 1,064,521 1,000,235 1,180,793 1,918.269 2,376,420 2,660,793 4,152,928 2,961,102 4,692,189 1903 24,340.839 29.736,003 34.275.701 32,624,000 40 311.171 48,306,910 58.191.723 77,697,568 84,648.157 89,689.250 98,494.532 102,881,907 91,146,620 90,262.557 95,396,309 99,731.177 101,182,962 103,377,361 112,599,860 138.468,222 262,875.690 228.933.471 232,492,147 224,673.281 231,195,774 $7,313 271 1876 1904 8,317,809 1877 1905 9,007,820 1878 1906 9,238,020 1879 1907. 1908 16,783,943 1880. 26,566,181 1881 1909 1910 ... 32,398,187 1882... 37,689,542 1883 . . 1911 1912.. 1913 1914 1915. 1916. 1917 40,552,088 1884 41,868,344 1885 48,578 014 1886 47,487,109 1887 43,503,837 1888 57,421,334 1889 86,976,209 1890 1918 , 127,459,221 1891 1919 1920... 142,610,563 1892 178,394,937 1893 1921 203.138.225 1894. 1922 173.381.265 1895 1923 ... 242,731.309 1896 1924 274.652.874 1897. 1925 330,609,829 1898 1926 . . 345.546.677 1899 1927 Totals 260,735,498 1900 1901 2,775,824,546 $2,823,636,620 1902 • U. S. G. S.. Min. Res. of U. S., 1886, p. 440. for quantities to and including 1886. "Values have been estimated for the years to and including 1886. after consulting a number of contemporaneous publications, including the Mining & Scientific Press, Reports of the State Mineralogist, and U. S. Reports. The figures for 1887 to date are from records of the State Mining Bureau. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 27 Well Data. The following- table is compiled from the monthly statements issued bv the American Petroleum Institute : TABLE D Wells Operated by Fields, 1927 Field Wells producing Dec. 1026 Wells producing Dec. 1927 Wells completed during year Daily initial output Wells abandoned during year Bbls. per well produced per day Dec. 1926 Bbls. per well produced per day Dec. 1927 Kern River 1,339 1,365 4 121 6 1 13 91 1 3 9 3 21, .559 2,975 500 428 12,354 25 332 563 269 9 7 1 9.2 17 Mount Poso 27 7 Round Mountain McKittrick 310 2,985 245 312 954 28 6 215 135 302 2,863 227 309 973 30 6 215 91 7 1 10b 507 331 183 386 210 317 177 256 574 636 655 74 117 226 131 17.3 ,30.2 141,3 15.7 20.3 35.2 9.7 22.3 1.0 16 3 Midway-Sunset 35 28 2 Elk Hills 105 5 Lost Hills-Belridge 13.4 Coalings 15 2 87 2 WheelerRidge 32 9 Watsonvillc. 9.7 Santa Maria-Lompoc 6 1 8 2 40 15 1,675 25 2,615 1,875 62.987 1,854 7 27 1 Summerland _. 1.4 Goleta__. 3 1 33.0 Rincon (Seacliff) 157.0 Ventura Ave 76 521 371 185 444 211 351 186 198 449 711 661 75 137 212 5 695.8 117.5 5.0 10.4 60.3 74.4 123.7 93.6 94.7 21.0 1.32.7 .39.8 262.1 91.4 186.6 14.0 482.2 Ventura-Newhall 23 16 5 3 3 21 2 18 24 146 11 5 26 2 30 11.7 Los Angeles-Salt Lake 4.8 Whittier 1 15 6 4 6 72 209 48 12 9 9 17 169 1 3 60 6,732 830 944 1,155 19,601 73,586 50,2,57 1,194 2,854 3,972 3,760 204,399 500 25 9 4 FuUerton 38.8 Coyote _ - _ 66.0 Santa Fe Springs __ Montebelio_ Richfield 122.4 73.1 84.5 Huntington Beach 104.2 Long Beach 170.4 Torrance (Redondo)... Dominguez (Compton) 31.1 183.9 Rosecrans . . _ 72.8 Inglewood 135.2 Seal Beach 324.5 Potrero Newjjort - - . 11 5 2 120 84.4 3.0 Miscellaneous drilling Totals 11, .333 11,284 901 479,905 537 t57.7 t54.1 t State average. [Specific Gravity of Oils Produced. The proportion of heavy and light oil produced in the various fields lis shown in Table E, following, for M^hich we are indebted to the [Standard Oil Company. Under present practice, oil below 18° Baume lay be considered as largely refinable for fuel and lubricants, while Jthe lighter oils yield varying amounts of the higher refined products nth. corresponding proportions of residuum and fuel oil. Specific gravities in California range from 8° Baume in the Casmalia field. [Santa Barbara County, to 56° Baume in Ventura County. California crude oils are all essentially of asphalt base, with a few lotable exceptions. In the following localities are wells yielding crudes containing both asphalt and paraffine constituents : Oil City field, Coal- inga ; a few deep wells in East Side field, Coalinga ; a considerable part of the Ventura County fields ; Western Minerals area, south of Mari- copa ; Wheeler Ridge, Kern County. 28 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA TABLE E Production of Light and Heavy Oil, by Fields, 1927 Under 18° 18° and above Total Field {barrels) (barrels) (barrels) Kern River 6,185,160 6,185,160 Lost Hills-Belridge 414,692 1,108,564 1,523,256 McKittrick 1,845,117 1,845,117 Midway-Sunset 8,166,365 23,412,782 31,579,147 Klk Hills 1,622,129 8,474,919 10,097,048 Coalinga 3,713,483 3,429,962 7,143,445 Wheeler Ridge 375,425 375,425 Watsonville 23,725 23,725 Santa Maria — - 909,988 1,079,771 1,989,759 Summerland 52,525 52,525 Ventura-Newhall 57,675 2,159,465 2,217,140 Ventura Avenue 17,796,011 17,796,011 Los An&eles-Salt Lake 610,537 10,304 620,841 *Montebello 104,790 5,364,630 5,469,420 nVhittier 54,198 605,612 659,810 *Coyote 11,168 5,128,848 5,140,016 *FuIlerton 133,573 6,874,989 7,008,562 *Richfield 479,185 7,399,605 7,878,790 Santa Fe Springs 15,155,701 15,155,701 Huntington Beach 560,202 25,802,332 26,362,534 Torrance 3,310,942 5,050,855 8,361,797 Long Beach 252,549 34,310,762 34,563,311 Dominguez 3,860 5,890,028 5,893,888 Rosecrans 3,494,404 3,494,404 Inglewood 2,374,174 10,385,933 12.760,107 vSeal Beach 16,443,492 16,443,492 Ooleta 88,840 88,840 Rincon 6,000 6,000 Miscellaneous 11,898 572 12,470 Totals 30,897,935 199,849,800 230,747,741 * Formerly reported as Whittier-Fullerton. As ]n-evioiisly noted by Bradley,^ a decided change has taken place in the relative proportions of light and heavy crudes produced in Cali- fornia since 1910, taking 18° Baume as the dividing line. This subject has also been covered in detail and with charts, by Collom and Barnes." A marked drop took place in the low-gravity yield from 1910 to and including 1914. From 1914, it remained almost stationary, with a slight drop in 1921, while the high-gravity yield has increased at a rapid rate since 1915. The proportions have been reversed from approximatelv 75% low— 25% high in 1914 to 25% low— 75% high in 1921 ; 10% low— 90% high in 1923; 14% low— 86% high in 1924-1927. This has been an important factor in its effect upon the average price i)er barrel of the state's output in these years, as well as its effect upon tlie relative situation between production and consumption. It luus been a fortunate development, in view of the increased demand for refinery products (gasoline in particular). Oil in 'Storage.' Field, refinery, pipe-line, and tank-farm .stocks of crude and refined products in the Pacific Coast territory totaled 137,395,067 barrels^ December 31, 1927, compared with 145,612,176 barrels on December 31, 1926. The total decrease in stock for the year was 8,217,109 barrels. 1 Bradlev. "VV W., Mineral Production of California in 1921 ; Cal. State Min. Bur., Report XVIII, p. 442, Sept., 1922. = Collnm. R E., and Barnes, R. M., California Oil Production and Reserves ; Cal. State Min. Bur., Ninth Ann. Rep. of State Oil and Gas Supervisor, Aug., 1923, pp. 5-23. " Standard Oil Bulletin, February, 1928, p. 11. I STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 29 Dec. Si,192() Drc.SJ,]927 (barrels) Stocks (barrels) (revised) Heavy crude, heavier than 20° A. I'. I., including all grades of fuel 93,013,0r.l 88,707,499 Reflnable crude, 20° A. P. I. and lighter 20,268,569 30,835,057 Gasoline 12,725,841 11.673,563 Naphtha distillates 1,901,279 3,832,042 .All other stocks 9,486,317 10,564,015 Totals of all stocks 137,395,067 145,612,170 Operating Data. The followiug tabulation (Table P) is compiled from data published by the Department of Petroleum and Gas,^ semiannually, and here com- bined to show the entire year's operations for all fields. The districts are the geographical subdivisions as administered by the Department, and Avhich are outlined on the accompanying map. It Avill be noted that the state average yield of oil per well per day was 62.0 barrels for the first six months of 1927 and 59.6 barrels for the second. This is somewhat higher than the figure of 54.1 barrels average for December derived from American Petroleum Institute data as shown in Table D, on a preceding page, due in part at least, to the fact that the latter is on a full-time basis, whereas the Bureau figures alloAV for shut-down time. • Summary of Operations, California Oil Fields ; Cal. State Min. Bur., Thirteenth Ann. Rep. of State Oil and Gas Supervisor, Aug., 1927, pp. 6-7 ; Feb., 1928, pp. 8-9. 30 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA ^ --a J2 E C^0iO:DC0i-Ht^CMC0;0— «O-J-00t^-.0Q0 ■»^ic-^r^^-ccoooooc^o^coa:o»-' — cr. o;-»j'0'^t^'^t^ec»oc^c- O »-« »C i'^ t^ — I Oi t^ '— C^ O^ CO •— t (M « ^ .-^ ^H ■* CD00'^f^'*l^(NCO*-'00 •— o ec »o C^ OO -^ ^- O CC '-^ ^ ^ ^ PO CO ^ ^ osc^cc-^coor^oojo 1^ CM 4) il re 'c o re o H- o re A o o c a o c re 10 o c o o 3 o a. b. ill -J m < ^ o i c-i ■-r ^' co" o* ai" r--' ic co oco — occ — ec — CO o ■^'" od" o" trT cs •tf- cs •-'»-'; c^ — cc C ^5 1:0 00* o CO ci" ic ■^* ^ TT ^ oor-'^r^cO'-- iTi d ic 00 ic ^ c-J c; CO »o r- 00 co_oo CO CO tc CO m_ cT c^' ci' r-' co' »o co" 00' «:>' ^ c^o ^foc*-^-* to ■»*■ 00 :oc^ (N00OC0^-00*0»CO'^«0CJt^O»--'«*(t^ tDd (}*' -^ •— ■ r-'co'»— 'o'o CO i^'o) f^'ci* t>-cocoQor'-"^c;cocC'— 'C'jt-r^cicocO"^ ~to— "■^oo^3; ooci-— 'ooc^-^co Co'oIcO '^'•O'CO (M* ro'-—' t-.'y:;'"'*' o CO c^ :o C. O ^ Oi CO r- CO »o CO CO -^ CO CV| cc*— '^'co' -< 2 & « ~-2 K « a PQPO I 09 ojja ., bCOfo,5;j2— ' *-— c3'^tL S ^ '-< CO »C CO t-^ »o Oi cs o 03 o cr- CO 0^00 Oi -^^^ COTf't-'" iC -<*■ '(J- ic *o ^000 »C OOCO '— 0000 CO :£= CO CD CTl 'rf " to y^ «3CO tc cor^ o'o'co'r-'-^ .-i CO CSl C^l STATISTICS OF ANNUAIj PRODUCTION 31 t^CT><^105005eOC^C-1i— ' —." lO •<»* ' O - OS ^- M C^ Oi Tt« W CR »0_00 (M_^ —"Tt'CO'— «'-•'-'•— 'OO ^- CO ■^ OS »c ■— < 00 c^ cc CCC005'— •■^C^'— O CO C-l CO O ^ CO C-J d CO_CO 00 i-T ci •— iCl^OOOO'^Ot^ •— -'-'C-JCOCCOOcDOt^ 00 CO ^ t-* O c-» c*» CD'-'TfiiC'-'OOOOCOCO CS COi-t »CC" Oi CO CO kO o »o CO 05 M CO •*»• O Oi Oi CO Tj- »C C^l W C^\ »-H CO ^ a> o _"0" ■■S-S S' a^ O " , t. M a; t. a g 3 5^ o § MS . p^ p .eg CO Ol 32 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA 5 'A^'-:-N.--^-' ^^^• o 3 4 5 6 7 1 MOODY GULCH 2 SARGENT COALINGA DEVIL'S DEN LOST HILLS BELRIDGE M^KITTRICK- TEMBLOR 8 MIDWAY-» SUNSET S ELK HILLS 10 KERN RIVER 11 MT. POSO 12 ARROYO GRANDE 13 CASMALIA 14 SANTA MARIA 15 CAT CANYON 16 LOMPdC 17 SUMMERUAND 18 VENTURA 13 SANTA PAULA 20 SOUTH MOUNTAIN 21 OJAI 22 SESPE 23 PIRU 34 BARDS DALE 25 SIMI 26 CONE JO 27 NEWHALL 28 BEVERLY HILLS 29 SALT LAKE 30 LOS ANGELES 31 MONTEBELLO 32 WHITTIER • 33 SANTA FE SPRINGS 34 COYOTE HILLS 35 RICHFIELD 36 BREA-OLINDA 37 HUNTINGTON BEACH 38 LONG 8EACH 39 TORRANCE 40 WHEELER RIDGE 41 DOMINGUEZ 42 ROSECRANS 43 INGLEWOOD 44 NEWPORT 45 SEAL BEACH 46 ROUND MOUNTAIN 47 RINCON m OUTLINE MAP of CALIFORNIA SHOWING LOCATION OF OIL FIELDS AND DISTRICTS DIVISION OF MINES & MINING R. O. SUSH STATE OIL & GAS SUPERVISOR 1 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 33 Financial and Operating Conditions of California Oil Fields, 1927. Financial results of the oil business during 1927 are shown by the following tables. The features worthy of mention are : (1) There were 487 operating companies in 1927 Avith a total capitalization value of $1,272,555,286 (see Table G), which was a decrease in the number of companies from 491 in 1926 with an increased capitalization from $1,241,242,935. (2) A total increase in dividends was paid, with all counties showing an increase over their 1926 dividends, with the excep- tion of Fresno and Santa Barbara (see Table H). (3) An increase in the barrels per well per day (see Table I) in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties, with a decrease in all other counties and a marked drop in Los Angeles County. (4) A slightly less operating cost in all counties with the exception of Los Angeles and Orange. With reference to Table I, it should be noted that although it lacks data from the larger operators who have refineries and with interests in more than one field, yet the data given are of economic value and interest in that tliey indicate the conditions prevailing among the smaller companies and operators. Operating cost per well is not always lower for the dividend com- panies than others. Profitable operations seem to depend generally upon large wells, high-grade oil, and proximity to market. Price and profits have iLsually been greater in the Los Angeles-Orange-Ventura fields than in others, doubtless largely due to the proximity to market and higher grades of oil. Crude oil testing as high as 56° Baume is obtained from some of the Ventura wells. TABLE G. Capitalization Field Fresno County — Coalinga Kern County — Kern River . Midway Sunset and Maricopa McKittrick. Lost Hills, Belridge, Devil's Den, Elk Hills Los Angeles County _'.. Drangc County -^nnta Barbara County Ventura County Subtotals Miscellaneous and marketing companies » Totals. Number of companies considered* 40 33 .561 27/ 34 103 49 14 40 396 91 487 Percent of total product of field 12 26 35 19 13 21 47 12 80 Capital Cash $2,590,098 7,649,187 3,476,801 4,105,140 2,687,316 15,121,629 8,629,992 2,651,646 2,289,883 $49,261,692 89,670,607 $138,932,299 Property $8,057,221 5,465.164 14,366,980 8,654,977 4,173,074 23,047,533 28,911,623 2,290,584 9,421,859 $104,-389,015 1,029,233,972 $1,133,622,987 * See Table I following. " Includes companies ha^'ing refineries, and those operating in several fields whose data could not be segregated as to counties or fields. 3 — 62279 34 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA CM I CM (0 'E m o. E o O n Q. w T> C ■D UJ J m < I- CO CO :0 Oi 00 CO i-H -^ Oj Oi^CA ^^,'*. ^^ ' "^^ CO O m _3 OO !>• »— t CO O QC^ 1 O (M CO CO o »OC^ CSCO^ Ci '^ CO '^ t^ 13 *— ( i-• 6^ •^' c^-^' eo' ; »rj" O r-H CO g en 1 1 «^ (^ r-l . "» 00 »C Ol CO CO 1-H i-< 1 ■<♦< O Oi CT> is T-( (M eo «« lO ■^^ r-T W' CO CO M -H lO CO C7S «» «» T-t ■ tn CO U5N CO^ -H.-<(MCD t^ oo *o i-i 1-HM ^ '^-^ M '~' '^ OS -^^ ■*_ »o > -«^i>. 1—ocoo ^ 0 CO OS _3 CT t-Too" oi'V oor^*'-rco o' o" o" "3 CO COCJ COOi »0»-i «» «« 1 00 CO O'-H CO »o TT »-H eo -<*< -<*< CD o a.2 (MCO — » COt-i CO CO t- o g, »o 0»C CT> (McOOiO-^ o »o »o r^ r- OS CD C) -^ r- 1 o oo CO lO a> o .— O iO CO^CO t-H^O^t--^ »0_ iO f— 1 _3 co" r-' oo ei" ^ r-" r-* co* co" lO oo* ■^ > oo oo CO »0 C^ (M OS CO (M O OS o CO .-> '^_ C-l OCD^OO^^^ »-*_ co^ »Ci M «* ci" i-Tio i-T -^jT »o (M ^ -^J4 »o O «»» «» 1 oi t-- COOS — ' ^MC^CO'*** (N O c^ i| «-• ^ »-■ iF-t COi-l O lO '* ^ »0 'Tt* OS ooo r^ cOI^-rJ^'^CO OS Oi oo as 0:0 CO CO -* CO f-" o lO CO o> 00 »c r^ Ci t^ -fj-^co CO c^^ r- 0_ ^ cf i-T f-T cT i-T o' «A -^ 1 c> o oo oi ocooo^or^ »c o lO a-- o s (M (MCO ^ r-l ^ CO ^ •^ *-* O g. I I In !-^ ' ! 1 I I 1 u) ! 2 '.S ' a> i-J*'"' ; ^S I'^.K ; ; ; : 1 (U 1 1 t- ' 1 =^ ' 1 ! . : ! S :-id_se 3 'O >. 1 DO * Fresno County- Coalinga Kern County- Kern River . Midway Sunset, Marii Ridge Mc Kit trie Hills. Devi Los Angeles Co Orange County Santa Barbara Ventura Count Subtotals . Miscelianeou companies*., OQ 3 o o STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 35 5) "a e ft. I— < a 5) to X o o '73 V a m 5 36 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA 1^ CM at Q 131 C o a. O ■a c n > re V X ■a c K X a re V > < UJ _J < I- oo r* f— < 05 lO CI «—< 1 oo EfM to (N i-H ra o -^ CD r^ I-- .— t iin a ■ s O OOOO CO CS ^ O ' o Barrels per well per day yield C-1 — « CI »0 00 '^ r- '■«:*< C<) ■^ O ^ M* CO '^ 1 lO eS 00 crJ CO CD 00 00 "*' -2 03 '^ CO Cl Cl ^ t-- ■ CJ •o be C 1 *-3 1 rt ating per ■rel >c r- c^ o ic CO CO ^H CI c. O r- O-'fOiCL^ClOOCI^O o ddddd odd -2 Oper; cost bai «• i-i 1 -T3 1 r^ COiOOOCOCiOi-^CD I-- CD CO O OO CI O: »0 CTS O o 09 -f ooG:cicooo»r!co % '^^■^ ec ci-^iouit-^^'^co .Si Oper; cost well v» w-t C) iC i-H i-< a s o o o CD r- CO CI O i^ CO O to CI CI o 00 o r- r- ^ 5 JS— >• (M oooc;t^»oocioo t. St3 — OS t^^iri^w^aiiti^ IEE'^ CO ^H CI lO CO -^ Cl OX! S cr> c^ oc 00 c; >o >o 1 o to o 1^ ^- _. if:> ifj 1 c^ OS r^ "^ 00 oo o CO 1 CO 0) " ca "3 o. o G'^C^ci^^ ''■^ .^11 O o .- -* 1-H CD »o r^ o i- 1.1 CC ^f-^^i~iO»Ct^ 00 r-cooooo-— 'cih-»-« c ^^c^ci^^^^ O M e© > a < CO-<*< CI »o CO -* t- -o r* 1 lO 00 OC CO CO »•- »-' C u C3 o o !*-^dd^^d ^ „ > s» oo o •^ ■^ifSOCOClOO-^Cs 2 i' ^1 -1^ ■--• f- O Ci '— I- «ra C5 oo t^ CD OO t^ ^ O t^ l~- g dddo^'-^dd -C rt cm t> ■ 1 ■ Ifl 1 r ■ ■ : ; ;k : i j 1 '> < 1-^ 1 1 > < : ; ltd ; : : I 1 'i ! e 1 ! ! 1 1 1 1 U 1 1 . 1 ; : ;Q : : ; : 1 1 1 00 > 1 > I J— 1 1 1 1 , , l'> 1 . t . 1 1 > O) 1 > I I ; ; ;Q ; ; ; ; 1 1 1 oT ', 1 ! 1 1 1 1 bc , , , 1 . 1 i*^ till 2 1 1 l't_ 1 1 1 1 "fl 1 1 I'oj 1 ! ! ! s i c O c §1 County — n River Iway set and Maricopa [vittrick. Lost Hills, B ngeles County e County Barbara County ra County _ 1 fS M ►jOm> J3 03 a B •a -2 ^ ^ S' *. ° o. o S ^2 13 U-, t3 > •5^ a M o c o O lu a ■.B o G^ Q.2 ^S c - c c^x: fc- -*^ fci -i^.t3 a bc a o p, - C3 .Co 03 aj o o' c» cj - OJ to t4 -^ oS .^ -^ ^ I S STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 37 Proved Oil Land. The total proved oil land of the state is 125,131 acres, an increase during 1927 of 3696 acres. Of this amount 23,927 acres, being owned by federal, state and city governments, or for other reasons, is not assessable for the support of the Department of Petroleum and Gas of the Division of Mines and Mining. The acreage in 1927 was dis- tributed by counties as follows: TABLE J Proved Oil Lands and Number of Wells, 1927 Number Land wells County (acres) Dec. 31,1927 Fresno 14,665 985 Kern ■ 80,075 5,574 Los Angeles* 10,794 3,311 Orange 6,797 1,422 San Luis Obispo 308 18 Santa Barbara 7,474 329 Santa Clara 80 4 Ventura 4,938 699 Kings, San Bernardino and Sonoma 3 Totals 125,131 12,345 * Not including the old Los Angeles city field. 38 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA CHAPTER THREE METALS Bibliography : Reports of State Mineralogist I-XXII (inc.)- Bul- letins 5, 6, 18, 23, 27, 36, 50, 57, 76, 78, 85, 92, 95. Spurr and Wormser, "Marketing of Metals and Minerals." See also under each metal. The total value of metals produced in California during 1927 was $17,990,841. The chief of these is, and always has been, gold, followed by copper, silver, quicksilver, zinc, tungsten, lead, titanium, iron ore and platinum. There was a small output of antimony. There was no production of arsenic, cadmium, molybdenum, nor tin, which have in the past been on the active list. Deposits of ores of nickel and vanadium have also been found in the state ; although there has yet been no com- mercial output of them. The above-noted total of this group is a net decrease of $2,937,903 from the 1926 total of $20,928,744, due mainly to decreases registered by copper, gold and silver, in spite of an increase by quicksilver. California leads all states in the Union in her gold production and is credited with approximately 26% of the nation's yield in 1927. The precious metal is widely distributed through the state. Thirty-four of the fifty-eight counties reported an output in 1927 from either mines or dredges. Copper, which is second in importance among the metals of the state, occurs in the following general districts : the Shasta County belt, which has been by far the most important ; the Coast Range deposits, extending more or less continuously from Del Norte in the north to San Luis Obispo County in the south ; the Sierra Nevada belt, starting in Plumas and running in a general southerly and southeasterly direction through the Mother Lode counties and ending in Kern; the eastern belt in Mono and Inyo counties, and the southern belt in San Bernar- dino, Riverside and San Diego counties. Silver is not generally found alone in the state, except notably in the Rand district, San Bernardino County ; but is associated to a greater or less extent with gold, copper, lead and zinc. Quicksilver has for many years been one of the state's staple prod- ucts and California has supplied approximately 75% of the nation's output of this metal. Tungsten is found in but few other localities of importance in the United States. Large deposits of iron ore have long been known in several sections of the state, but for various economic reasons this branch of the mineral industry thus far has made only slight progress on the Pacific Coast. Titanium is associated with some of California's iron deposits. This mineral is widely distributed through the United States, but the deposits of this state are among the few that are considered of com- mercial importance. Although the United States is a large consumer of certain metals, in fact the largest particularly of chromium and tin, our production from domestic sources is deficient. We have large reserves of low-grade STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION 39 euoj, 4J0i|g JO spuesnoLij. ut suiz Pi-iio po5T jeddo^ r^ lo m T '^_ C 1" N <^ t. D '-I D C ^ I -t-> ^ y_, — '"^ -^ ? ^IJ 0) -^ ^ en o 0, ■!> (U oi ^, " ^H (J) ft M bop ^■- O o3 cS o a^ o i! ^ ='2 a ~ ., (^ ,— ij ^ C <— ' ~- ■'• ~ i X ■ (DO* (I)_^ C p^ J-, > O y ft*J

&> O^ c 1 1928 and Mining Journal, July 14, 1928. "Stocks "Stocks of Copper January 1, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, and 1928, in Pounds Reined Year copper 1Q9Q 216,000,000 1024 ~ 204,000,000 tol^ "~ 243,000,000 loop, 124,000,000 1097 140,000,000 1928 171,000,000 Blister and material in process of refining " 361,000,000 432,000,000 393,000,000 432,000,000 455,000,000 401,000,000 a "The amounts stated in the last column in the table above do not include copper in stock at foreign smelters or in transit from foreign smelters to refineries in the United States." Copper Production of California by Years. Although some mining of copper ores in a small way had been done earlier, shipments in appreciable quantities began in 1861 and con- 46 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA tinued of importance up to the end of 1867, when a total of 68,631 tons (of 2376 pounds) of high-grade ores, and 847 tons of matte or 'regulus'^ had been shipped to smelters at New York, Boston, and Swansea, Wales. The most important district at that time was Copperopolis and vicinity in Calaveras County, with some shipments also made from Mariposa, El Dorado, Fresno, and San Luis Obispo counties. From 1868 to 1882, the output was insignificant. There are wide discrepancies in the figures currently recorded for copper production previous to 1882 in which year the data of the U. S. Geological Survey began. The detailed statis- tics of the California State Mining Bureau began in the year 1894. Amount and value of copper production in California annually since 1882 is given in the following tabulation : Year Pounds Value Year Pounds Value 1882. 826,695 1,600,862 876,166 469,028 430,210 1,600.000 1,570,021 151,505 23,347 3,397,405 2.980,944 239,682 738,594 225,650 1,992,844 13,638,626 21,543,229 23,915,486 29,515,512 34,931,788 27.860,162 19,113,861 29,974,154 16,997,489 $144,672 265,743 120,911 49,248 43,021 192,000 235,303 18,180 3,502 424,675 342,808 21,571 72,486 21,901 199,519 1,540,666 2,475,168 3.990,534 4,748,242 5,501,782 3,239,975 2,520,997 3,969,995 2,650,605 1906 28,726,448 32,602,945 40,868,772 65,727,736 53,721,032 36,838,024 34,169,997 34,471,118 30.491.535 40.968.966 55,809,019 48,534,611 47,793,046 22,162,605 12,947,299 12,088,053 22,883,987 28,346,860 52,089,349 46,968,499 33,521,544 27,350,316 S5,522,712 1883 1907 6,341.387 1884 1908 5 350,777 1885 1909 8,478,142 1886... 1910 6,680,641 1887 1911 4,604,753 1888 1912. 5,638,049 1889 1913 5,343,023 1890 . 1914 4,055,375 1891. 1915 7,169,567 1892 1916 13,729,017 1893 1917 13.249,948 1894... 1918 11,805,883 1895 1919 4,122,246 1896 1920 2,382,303 1897 1921 1,559,358 1898 1922 3,090,582 1899.. 1923 4,166,989 1900 1924 . ... 6,823,704 1901 1925 0.669,527 1902.. 1926 4,693,014 1903 1927 3,582,888 1904 Totals 1905 1,043,690,021 S167,853,389 GOLD Bibliographij: State Mineralogist Eeports I to XXIII (inc.), (except III and VIII). Bulletins 36, 45, 57, 91, 92, 95. U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 73. Gold was the first, and, for many years, the most important single mineral product of California. Although now surpassed for a number of years in annual value hy petroleum, and by cement beginning with 1920, it still heads our metal list, and California continues to outrank all the other gold-producing states of the United States, including Alaska. In fact, at present, California is producing approximately 26% of the gold mined in the entire United States. While there is some renewal of activity in the development of gold placer properties, it has not yet become reflected in an increased yield of the metal. In fact, the 1927 figures show a decrease from the 1926 values. The gold yield has decreased in recent years, not only in California but in the country as a whole. Meanwhile, the actual gold reserves (monetary stock on hand) of the United States has increased to such an extent that we now hold practically one-half of the world's stock. 1 Brown, J. Ross, Mineral Resources West of the Rocky Mountains, p. 168, 1867. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 47 The production of gold in California in 1927 totaled 564,585.50 fine ounces, worth $11,671,018, being a decrease of 12,212.90 fine ounces from the 1926 yield. The ' deep ' or lode mines output accounted for $5,833,705, and the placers (mainly the dredges) produced $5,837,- 313. As the Division of Mines and Mining has never independently gathered the statistics of the gold and silver production, these figures, as in former years, are published b}" cooperation with and through the courtesy of Mr. J. M. Hill of the Division of Minerals and Statistics, U. S. Bureau of Mines. Distribution of the 1927 gold production, by counties, was as follows : County Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras Del Norte El Dorado _. Fresno Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Lassen Los Angeles Madera Mariposa Mono Monterey Gold Production, by Counties, 1927 Value $146 1,922,714 143,494 219,217 384 82,254 17,406 1,729 257 10,109 171,100 531 2,345 4,181 183,805 3,626 500 County iVapa Nevada Placer Plumas Riverside Sacramento San Bernardino San Diego Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Stanislaus Trinity Tuolumne Yuba Value $7,235 2,127,195 97,494 321,016 1,492 1,211,278 82,225 11,490 191,900 678,873 138,822 120,238 409,492 40,209 3,468,201 Total value $11,671,018 I The largest gold production for 1927 is reported from Yuba County with an output of 167,774.20 fine ounces ($3,468,201) ; Nevada County with 102,903.07 fine ounces ($2,127,195) second; Amador County with 93,011.27 fine ounces ($1,922,714) third; Sacramento County with 58,595.57 fine ounces, fourth; followed by Sierra and Trinity counties in fifth and sixth places, respectively. It will be noted as in 1926 Yuba County was the largest gold producer, with Nevada, Amador, and Sacramento following respectively in the same order. The Yuba and Sacramento production came almost entirely from dredges, while that from Nevada and Amador came mainly as lode gold. The following is quoted from the advance chapter on Gold in 1927, by courtesy of Mr. J. ]\I. Hill of the U. S. Bureau of Mines : "The value of the mine production of gold in California in 1927 decrea.sed $252,463, or 2 per cent, as compared with 1926. Lode mines yielded 50 per cent and placer mines 50 per cent of the total gold in 1927, as compared with 56 per cent and 44 per cent in 1926, 61 per cent and 39 per cent in 1925, and 65 per cent and 35 per cent, respectively, in 1924. "Four counties produced more than $1,000,000 each in gold in 1927 as compared with four counties in 1926 ; Sierra County mines did not reach the million mark in gold value in either 1927 or 1926. Yuba, with $3,468,201, produced largely by dredges, was first in rank; Nevada, with $2,127,195, largely from gold lode mines, was second; Amador, with $1,922,714. almost entirely from gold lode mines, was third; and Sacramento, with $1,211,278, entirely from placers, mostly worked by dredges, was fourth. The fifth largest output of gold, $678,873, came from Sierra County, largely from gold lode mines, and was followed by Trinity County with $409,492, largely from dredge and hydraulic placer mines. Calaveras County, which was fifth in rank in 1926, dropped to eighth place in 1927, being preceded by Plumas County in its value of gold. "The yield of gold from 465 placer mines in 1927 was valued at $5,837,313, an increase of 12 per cent as compared with the placer output from 483 mines in 1926. There was an increased gold yield of 10 per cent by dredges, 28 per cent by drift mines, 75 per cent by hydraulic, and 16 per cent by surface mines, respectively, as compared with 1926. In 1927 dredges yielded 9 4 per cent, drift mines 2 per cent, hydraulic mines 2 per cent, and surface workings 2 per cent of the gold from California placer deposits. Production of gold by 25 dredges operating in 1927 was $5,461,929, as compared with $4,950,545, by 23 dredges in 1926 and $4,750,842 by 24 dredges in 1925. "The output of gold from 318 lode mines in California in 1927 was valued at $5,833,705, a decrease of 13 per cent as compared with 1926, following declines of 16 per cent in 1926 from 1925 and 7 per cent in 1925 from 1924. 48 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA "Gold ore and tailings treated in 1927 yielded 93 per cent, copper ore and tailings yielded 6 per cent, and silver ore and tailings yielded 1 per cent of the total gold from lode mines. Amalgamation mills in 1927 recovered approximately 75 per cent, cyanidation plants 15 per cent, and smelters 10 per cent of the gold lode output of California, as compared with 75 per cent, 17 per cent, and 8 per cent, respectively, in 1926. "It is estimated that approximately 4 per cent of the gold output from lode jnines was stolen and sold by 'high graders' in 1927, a reduction of 2 per cent over each of the two preceding years. "In 1927 there were 33 companies in the state that produced more than 1000 ounces of gold each, and they contributed 91 per cent of the total gold output of the state. This is a decrease of 1 per cent from the 34 companies that produced more than 1000 ounces each in 1926. Of the 33 larger companies 7 produced more than 20,000 ounces each and 2 more than 50,000 ounces; 1 1 of them operated 22 gold dredges, 2 drift placer mines, 1 a silver mine, 3 operated copper mines, and 10 operated gold lode mines. The 10 largest gold-producing companies in California in 1927, in order of output, were the Yuba Consolidated Gold Fields (6 dredges), Natomas Company of California (6 dredges). Empire Mines Company (gold lode), Kennedy Mining and Milling Company (gold lode), North Star Mines Company (gold lode), Original Sixteen to One Mine (Inc.) (gold lode), Argonaut Mining Company (gold lode), Central Eureka Mining Company (gold lode), Walker Mining Company (copper mine), and the Original Mining and Milling Company (gold lode)." Total Gold Production of California. The presence of gold in stream gravels near Los Angeles was known and worked in a small way by the Indians, at least as early as 1841/ and possibly 1820.- On March 2, 1844, Don Manuel Castanares, deputy for California to the Congress of Mexico, reported^ to his government that placers near Los Angeles had produced up to December, 1843, a total of 2000 ounces of gold dust, most of which had been sent to the United States mint at Philadelphia. As the padres and the rancheros discouraged the quest of gold this early, small production caused no particular excitement. It was not until James W. Marshall's finding of gold nuggets in the tail-race of Sutter's saw mill on the American River, January 24, 1848, was heralded abroad that the great ru.sli began, and California became a common- wealth of first rank almost over night. There are, however, no authentic 'data on gold production prior to 1848, other than occasional, scattered references such as above quoted. The following table was originallj' compiled by Chas. G. Yale, of the Division of Mineral Resources, U. S. Geological Survey, but for a num- ber of years statistician of the California State Mining Bureau and the U. S. Mint at San Francisco. The authorities chosen for certain periods were : J. D. Whitney, state geologist of California ; John Arthur Phillips, author of "Mining and Metallurgy of Gold and Silver" (1867); U. S. Mining Commissioner R. W. Raymond; U. S. Mining Commissioner J. Ross Browne ; Wm. P. Blake, Commissioner from Cali- fornia to the Paris Exposition, where he made a report on "Precious Metals" (1867) ; John J. Valentine, author for many years of the annual report on precious metals published by Wells, Fargo & Com- pany's Express; and Louis A. Garnett, in the early days manager of the San Francisco refinery, where records of gold receipts and ship- ments were kept. Mr. Yale obtained other data from the reports of the director of the Q. S. Mint and the director of the U. S. Geological Survey. The authorities referred to, who were alive at the time of the original compilation of this table in 1894, were all consulted in person or by letter by Mr, Yale with reference to the correctness of their published data, and the final table quoted was then made up. ^Hittell, T. H.. History of California: Vol. II, p. 312, 1885. 2 Bancroft, H. H., History of California: Vol. II, p. 417, 1886. •Mercantile Trust Review of the Pacific, VoL XIV, No. 2, p. 43, Feb. 15, 1925. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 49 The figures for 1903-1923 (inclusive), are those prepared by the U. S. Geological Survey ; and since by the U. S. Bureau of Mines : Year Value Year Value 1848 S245,301 10,151,360 41,273,106 75,938,232 81,294,700 67,613,487 69,433,931 55,485,395 57,509,411 43,628,172 46,591,140 45,846,599 44,095,163 41,884,995 38,854,668 23,501,730 24,071,423 17,930,858 17,123.867 18,265,452 17,555,867 18,229,044 17,458,133 17,477,885 15,482,194 15.019,210 17,264,836 16,876,009 15,610,723 16,501,268 18,839,141 19,626,654 20,030,761 19,223,155 17,146,416 24,316,873 13,600,000 12,661,044 14,716,506 13.588,614 12,750,000 1889 $11,212,913 1849 1890 12,309,793 1850... 1891 12,728,869 1851 1892 12,571,900 1852..., 1893 12,538,780 1853 - 1894. 13,863,282 1854.... 1895... 15,334,317 1S55 1896 17,181,562 1856 1897 15,871,401 1857 1898 15,906,478 1858 .... 1899 1900 _ 1901 15,336,031 1859 15.863,355 ]8'0 16,989,044 1861. . . 1902 16,910,320 1862 1903 16,300,653 1863. . . . 1904.. 18,633,676 • 1864 1905 18,898,545 1865 1906 18,732,452 1866 1867. 1868 1907 16,727,928 1908 18,761,559 1909 20,237,870 1869 1910 19,715,440 1870. . . 1911 19,738,908 • 1871 1912 19,713,478 1872. 1913.. 20,406,958 1873 1914 20,653,496 1874 1915 22,442,296 1875 1916 21,410,741 1876 1917 . . 20,087,504 1877 1918 16,528,953 1878 1919 16,695,955 1879. 1920.. 14,311,043 1880 1921 15.704,822 1881 1922 14,670,346 1882.. 1923 13,379,013 1883 ._ 1924 _ 1925 13,150,175 1884 . . 13,065,330 ! 1885 1926 11,923,481 1886 1927 Total value. _ -. 11,671,018 ' 1887 1888. $1,812,893,014 IRIDIUM (see under Platinum) IRON ORE BihUography: State Mineralogist Reports II, IV, V, X, XII-XV (inc.), XVII, XVIII, XXI, XXII, XXIII. Bulletins 38, 67, 91. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Trans. LIII. Min. & Sci. Press, Vol. 115, pp. 112, 117-122; Vol. 123, pp. 94-96, 113-114. A small tonnage of iron ore (magnetite) was produced in California tluring tlie year 1927, from beach sand, and utilized for foundry flux and in steel refining at open-hearth plants. As there was only a single operator, the figures are concealed under the 'unapportioned' total. There is also some tonnage utilized in the manufacture of paint pig- ment, and which is credited to 'mineral paint' in these statistical ^reports. There are considerable deposits of iron ore known in California, laotably in Shasta, Madera, Placer, Riverside, San Bernardino and Los A.ngeles counties, but production has so far been limited for lack of jin economic supply of coking coal. Some pig-iron has been made, itilizing charcoal for fuel, both in blast furnaces and by electrical 'eduction ; also, f errochrome, ferromanganese, and f errosilicon have ')een made in California. 4 — 62279 50 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Total Iron Ore Production of California. Total iron ore production in California, with annual amounts and values, is a^ follows : Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 1881* 9,273 2,073 11,191 4,532 $79,452 17,766 106,540 40.983 1914 1,436 724 3,000 2,874 3,108 2,300 5,975 1,970 3,588 3,102 785 5,272 $5,128 1882 1915 . .- 2,584 1883- 1916 6,000 1884 1917 11,496 1885 1918 15,947 1886.... 3,676 19,250 1919 13,796 18P- 1920 40,889 1893 250 200 2,000 1,500 1921 12,030 1894 1922 18,868 1895. 1923 18,665 1907. 400 400 19241 „ 4,710 1925/ "" " 19261. 1909 108 579 558 2,508 2,343 174 900 558 2,508 4,485 1910 .. 26,000 1927; - " "" Totals 1911 1912. 71,805 $552,629 1913. _ *Productions for the year 1881-1886 (inc.) were reported as "tons of pig iron" (U. S. G. S., Min. Res. 1885), and for the table herewith are calculated to "tons of ore" on the basis of 47.6% Fe as shown by an average of analyses of the ores (State Mineralogist Report IV, p. 242). This early production of pig iron was from the blast furnaces then in opera- tion at Hotaling in Placer County. Charcoal was used in lieu of coke. Though producing a superior grade of metal, they were obliged finally to close down, as they could not compete with the cheaper English and eastern United States iron brought in by sea to San Francisco. " Annual details concealed under 'Unapportioned.' LEAD Bibliography: State Mineralogist Keports IV, VIII-XV (inc.)> XVII-XXII (inc.). The production of lead in California in 1927 was 2,748,440 pounds of recoverable metal valued at $173,235, as against the production of 1926 of 8,067,873 pounds valued at $645,429. The average price of: lead in 1927 was 6.3^- a pound against 8.0^- in 1926 and 8.7^ in 1925. As in the past the principal output of lead was from the lead-silver ores of Inj^o County. Lead Production by Counties for 1927 County Pounds Amador 2,491 Calaveras 4,606 Inyo 2,173,032 Los Angeles 312,645 Mono 4,830 Riverside 121,667 San Bernardino 125,692 Shasta 1,780 Butte, Nevada, Plumas* 1,691 Totals 2,748,440 * Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. Value $157 290 136,901 19,697 304 7,665 7,919 112 106 $173,151 In 1927 the production of primary lead in the United States was] 668,320 short tons valued at $84,210,000, as shown by report of the] United States Bureau of Mines.^ this being a decline from the national! production of 1926 of 680,685 short tons valued at $108,910,000, due to] a decline in the average selling price of lead from 8.0^ to 6.7^. ^ U. S. Bureau of Mines, Mineral Resources of the United States (PrelimlnaryL Summary). " STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 51 1926 1927 1928 From Engineering and Mining Journal, July 14, 19 28. Lead Production of California, by Years. Statistics on lead production in California were first compiled by this Bureau in 1887. Amount and value of the output, annually, with R total figures, to date, are given in the following table : Year 'ounds Value 1,160,000 S52,200 900,000 38,250 940,000 35,720 800,000 36,000 1,140,000 49,020 1,360,000 54,400 666,000 24,975 950,000 28,500 1,592,400 49,364 1,293,500 38,805 596,000 20,264 655,000 23,907 721,000 30,642 1,040,000 41,600 720,500 28,820 349,440 12,230 110,000 3,960 124,000 5,270 533,680 25,083 > 338,718 19,307 328,681 16,690 1,124.483 46,663 Year Pounds Value 1887 1888. 1889. 1890. *\ 1891. : 1892. ' 1893. 1894. 1895. , 1896. <' 1897. , 1898. I 1899. ' 1900. 1901. 1902. ' 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923. 1924 1925 1926 1927 Totals 2,685,477 $144,897 3,016,902 134,082 1,403,839 63,173 1,370,067 61,653 3,640,951 160,202 4,697,400 183,198 4,796,299 225,426 12,392,031 855,049 21,651,352 1,862,016 13,464,869 956,006 4,139,562 219,397 4,903,738 392,300 1,149,051 51,707 6,511,280 358,120 9,934,522 695,416 4,984.387 398,751 7,352,422 639,661 8,067,873 645,429 2,748,440 173,151 136,353,864 $8,901,304 MANGANESE Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports XII-XV (inc.), XVIII, XXII. Bulletins 38, 67, 76, 91. U. S. G. S., Bull. 427. Eng. & Min. Jour.-Press, Vol. 117, p. 545. Small amounts of manganase ore from California have been shipped in past years to steel plants along the Pacific Coast. These ores showed analyses of from 45% to 55% Mn and were utilized by plants for ferromanganese. Importations of foreign manganese ores to the United States in 1927, mainly from Brazil, amounted to a total of 622,067 long tons valued at 8,487,016, compared with 368,341 tons and $11,075,771 in 1926. The Tariff Act of 1922 provides for an import duty of 1^ per pound on the metallic manganese contained, for "manganese ore or concen- 52 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA trates containing in excess of 30 per centum of metallic manganese." The bulk of such ore is consumed in the large steel-producing centers of the eastern United States. Much valuable research work has been done in recent years, particu- larly by companies operating in Montana and Virginia, in the benefi- ciation of manganese ores. The success of their processes appears assured. In reply to the recent suggestion of certain steel interests to have the manganese import duty removed, the manganese operators have organized the American Manganese Producers' Association, which will work for retention of the tariff. Such retention will enable the domestic industry to grow and to further develop ore-dressing methods that will make available large tonnages of low-grade material not now marketable. Manganese Ore Production in California, by Years. Production of manganese ore in California began at the Ladd Mine, San Joaquin County, in the Tesla District in 1867. When shipments of this ore to England ceased late in 1874, upwards of 5000 tons had been produced by that property. For some j^ears following that, the output was small. The tabulation herewith shows California's output of manganese ore, annually, since 1887, when the compilation of such figures was begun by the State Mining Bureau : Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 1887 1,000 1,500 53 386 705 300 270 523 880 518 504 440 295 131 425 870 1 60 $9,000 13,500 901 3,176 3,830 3,000 4,050 5,512 8.200 3,415 4,080 2,102 3,165 1,310 4,405 7,140 25 900 1909 3 265 2 22 $75 1888 1910 -.. 4,235 1889 . 1911 40 1890 1912 400 1891 1913 1892 1914 150 4,013 13,404 15,515 26,075 11,569 2,892 1,005 540 690 1,115 832 235 1,500 1893 :. 1915 49,098 1894 1916 274,601 1895 - 1917 396,659 1896 1918. 979,235 1897 1919 451,422 1898 1920 62,323 1899 1921 12,210 1900 1922 . 7,650 1901 1923... 10,620 1902 1924 25,785 1903 1925 19,450 1904. 1926 4,700 1905 . .. 1927 ^Q(^e• 1 1 321 30 25 5,785 Totals 1907 87.511 $2,383,554 1098 - MOLYBDENUM Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XIV, XVII. Bulletins 67, 91. U. S. Bur. of Min., Bulletin 111. Proc. Colo. Sci. Sec, Vol. XI. Molybdenum is used as an alloy constituent in the steel industry, and in certain forms of electrical apparatus. Included in the latter is its successful substitution for platinum and platinum-iridium in electric contact-making and -breaking devices. In alloys it is used similarly to and in conjunction with chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, nickel, tungsten, and vanadium. The oxides and the ammonium salt have important chemical uses. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 53 The two principal molybdenum minerals are : the sulphide, molyb- denite ; and wnlf enite, lead molybdate ; the former furnishing prac- tically the entire commercial output. Molybdenite is found in or asso- ciated with acidic igneous rocks, such as granite and pegmatite. The chief commercial sources have been New South Wales, Queensland and Norway, with some also from Canada ; but the United States is now able to supply its own requirements. The growing consumption of molybdenum by alloy-steel makers in the United States has been stimulated by the fact that molybdenum alone of the steel-alloying metals can be produced commercially in the United States to an extent which avoids all necessity for importation. Another fact has been the marked adaptability of molybdenum steels to large-scale production of automobile and other parts. The most important development of 1924—1925 was the elimination of ferromolybdenum from the market due to the substitution of calcium molybdate as the furnace addition by the entire alloy-steel industry. Calcium molj^bdate is stated to be not only easier and less costly to prepare, but it introduces the molybdenum into the steel bath in a much purer form, the resulting steel being superior to that made with ferromolybdenum. Deposits of disseminated molybdenite are known in several localities in California, and in at least two places it occurs in small masses associated with copper sulphides. The only recorded commercial ship- ments of molybdenum ore in California were during the war, 1916- 1918. Some development work has been recently done on a high-grade deposit at the head of the Kaweah River, Tulare County. The present quotations on ferromolybdenum are $1.20 per pound Mo f. 0. b. shipping point 50%— 607o Mo. . Molybdenum Production of California, by Years. California's production of molybdenum ore by years is summarized in the following tabulation : Year Tons Value 1916 8 $9,945 1917 243 9,014 1918 * 300 Totals 251 $19,259 * 300 pounds of 90% M0S2, concentrate. NICKEL BihUography: State Mineralogist Reports XIV, XVII, U. S. G. S., Bulletin 640-D. U. S. Bureau of Standards, Circular 100. i Nickel occurs in the Friday Copper Mine in the Julian District, San Diego County. The ore is a nickel-bearing pyrrhotite, with some asso- ciated chalcopyrite. Some ore has been mined in the course of develop- ment work, but not treated nor disposed of, as thej^ were unable to get I any smelter to handle it for them. Nickel ore has also been reported 'from other localities in California, but not yet confirmed. Present quotations for nickel are around ^of-Slf per pound for the I'efined metal. 54 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA OSMIUM (see under Platinum) PALLADIUM (see under Platinum) PLATINUM BiUior/raphy: State IMiiieralogist Reports IV, VIII, IX, XII- XVIII. Bulletins 38, 45, 67, 85, 91, 92. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bulle- tins 193, 285. Trans. Am. Ins. Min. Eng-., Vol. 47, pp. 217-218. In California the platinum group metals are obtained as a by-product from placer operations for gold. The major portion of it comes from the dredges working in Butte, Sacramento, Stanislaus and Shasta countiCvS, with a small amount coming from the hydraulic and surface- sluicing mines of Del Norte, Humboldt, Siskiyou, and Trinity counties. Tlie production of platinum metals in California for 1927 totaled 183 ounces crude, containing 139 fine ounces valued at $10,757, com- pared with tlio 1926 figures of 322 fine ounces and $32,005. Of this amount 102 fine ounces or 73% came from the gold dredges. In addition to the above metal there was some platinum mined but not sold in 1927 in Butte, Trinity and Yuba counties. Of the al)ove 183 fine ounces at least 37 fine ounces were iridium, osmium, palladium and ruthenium. Most of the platinum refiners pay for the osmiridium on the basis of its iridium content. Crude 'platinum' is really a mixture of the metals of that group, and car- ries varying percentages of platinum, iridium, osmiridium or iridos- mine, with occasionally some ruthenium and palladium. In addition to the above-noted production, there is usually some platinum recov- ered as a by-product in the gold refinery of the mint, but which can not be assigned to the territory of its origin for lack of knowing to which lots of gold it belongs. Some platinum and palladium are also recovered in the electrolytic refining of blister copper. For 1926, the distribution by counties of California's platinum yield was as follows : County ■ Fine ounces Value Butte" 7 $499! Shasta" 26 2,552 i Siskiyou 9 690 Del Norte, Humboldt, Sacramento," Stanislaus," and Trinity* 97 7,018 Totals 139 $10,749 '• I * Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. " Includes iridium and osmium. ^ Includes iridium, osmium, palladium and ruthenium. Uses, Markets, and Consumption. Besides its well-known uses in jewelry, dentistry and for chemical- Avare, an important industrial development of recent years employs platinum as a catalyzer in the 'contact process' of manufacturing con- centrated sulphuric acid. It is also necessary for certain delicate parts of the ignition systems in automobiles, motor boats and aeroplanes. Experiments have been made to find alloys which can replace platinum for dishes and crucibles in analytical work, but so far with only slight || success. According to Hill,' the total consumption of platinum metals in the United States in 1927 was 149,686 troy ounces, a decrease from that consumed in 1926, distributed as follows: iHill, J. M., riatinum and Allied Metals in 1927; U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull., June 2, 1928. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 55 "Platinum metals consumed in the United States as reported by refiners, 1926 and 1927, by industries, in troy ounces : Per- centage 1926 Platinimi Iridium Palladium Others Total of total Chemical 10,253 145 213 228 10,839 6 Electrical lG,7(i5 1,60S 3,508 185 22,066 13 Dental 8,542 131 11,063 19,736 11 Jewelry 85,908 2,949 7,770 454 97,081 57 Miscellaneous __ 17,381 581 2,181 1,751 21,894 13 Totals 138,849 5,414 24,735 2,618 171,616 100 1927 Chemical 11,010 101 180 175 11,466 8 Electrical 14,905 1,618 2,491 121 19,135 13 Dental 7,504 153 12,194 ^__ 19,851 13 Jewelry 86.036 4,059 3,706 329 94,130 63 Miscellaneous __ 3,176 305 312 1,311 5,104 3 Totals 122,631 6,236 18,883 1,936 149,686 100 "Stocks "At the end of 1927 stocks of platinum metals in the hands of refiners were 102,056 ounces, a decrease of 3 per cent as compared with stocks at the end of 1926. "Stocks of platinum metals in the hands of refiners in the United States, December 31, 1918-1927, in troy ounces: Year Platinu»i Iridiuni Palladium Others Total 1918 51,504 3,224 10,086 _— 64,814 1919 29,228 3,359 10,235 610 43,432 1920 46,747 4,196 16,565 216 67,724 1921 38,514 4,991 21,042 3,113 67,660 1922 41,900 7,559 24,975 1,583 76,017 1923 36,554 5,208 26,266 2,697 70,725 1924 40,464 3,622 27,400 3,053 74,539 1925 44,024 3,720 26,740 4,609 79,093 1926 64,203 3,933 31,950 5,485 105,571 1927 68,757 4,617 24,313 4,369 102,056 Prices. The prices of all the metals of the platinum group fluctuated con- siderably during 1927, dropping in June, when they reached their low point. The price of pure platinum per fine ounce was $105 in Janu- ary, 1927, dropping to $62 in June and ending the year at $72, Palladium ended the year at $49 to $50, iridium at $175 to $185. In April there was a rumor that Russian platinum would be sold through Amtorg Company, which sent the market price down. There were also large shipments from Colombia. Platinum Production of California, by Years. The annual production and values since 1887, have been as follows : Year Ounces Value Year Ounces Value 1887- „ 100 500 500 600 100 80 75 100 150 162 150 300 300 400 250 39 70 123 200 91 300 706 8400 2,000 2,000 2,500 500 440 517 600 900 944 900 1,800 1,800 2,500 3,200 468 1,052 1,849 3,320 1,647 fi,255 13,414 1909 . ■ 416 337 511 603 368 463 667 886 610 571 •418 477 613 795 602 273 292 322 139 $10,400 1888 1910_. 1911 8,386 1889... 14 873 1890--_ 1912 1913 1914 19,731 1891... _ 17,738 1892 14,816 1893- 1915 21,149 1894 1916 1917 42,642 1895.. _._ 43,719 1896 1918 42 786 1897 1919 60 611 1898 1920 68,977 1899.. 1921 58,754 1900 1922 90,288 1901 1923 78,546 1902-.. 1924 36,452 1903 1925 -- 39,937 1904._ 1926 32.005 1905-... 1927 . 10,749 1906 Totals 1907 14,653 $761,567 1908. ... * Fine ounces, beginning with 1919. 56 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA QUICKSILVER Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports IV, V, XII-XV, XVII- XXII (inc.). Bulletins 27, 78, 91. U. S. Geol. Surv., Mono- graph XIII. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Tech. Papers 96, 227 ; Bulle- tin 222. The production of quicksilver for 1927 in California was 6488 flasks ('of 75 pounds, avoirdupois) valued at $714,418. This was an increase in both quantity and value over the 1926 figure of 5892 flasks valued at $516,382. This production came from Lake, Monterey, Napa, Orange, San Benito, San Luis Obispo and Sonoma counties, the largest production coming from San Benito, with Napa in second place. The average price received during 1927, according to the producers' New Idria Mine at Idria, San Benito County. This mine is the largest quicksilver producer in the United States. Photo by Walter W^ Bradley. reports to the Division of Mines and Mining, was $111.67 per flask, as against $89.64 in 1926, and the record average of $114.03 for the year 1918. During 1927 there were sharp fluctuations of quotations on quick- silver. The year started at $100.33, going to $123.33 in April, and ending the year at $129.50. In June the price quoted changed from a 75-pound flask to a 76-pound flask. The average quotations for quicksilver in 1927 were $117.25 for a 76-pound flask at San Francisco, or $115.71 (for 75 pounds), against $87.64 (75 pounds) in 1926. The average quotations for 1927 in New York were $118.16 for a 76-pound flask, or $116.60 for a 75-pound flask. li STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 57 The U. S. Bureau of Mines reported the total production of the United States for 1927 at 11,276 flasks valued at $1,314,782 (using $116.60 as the average of New York quotations). Outside of Cali- fornia, the principal yield came from Texas and Washington, with a few flasks from Nevada, Alaska, Arizona, and Idaho. California pro- duction was approximately 53% of the total. The imported quicksilver ^ in 1927 amounted to 24,650 flasks. Of these, 13,663 flasks came from Spain, 9089 flasks from Italy, and 1843 flasks from Mexico. The rise in price in the last quarter of 1926 and 1927 was due to an increased demand in the United States, as shown by the increased production and imports and the continued demand of continental Europe. Uses. The most important uses of quicksilver are the recovery of gold and silver by amalgamation, and in the manufacture of fulminate for explo- sive caps, of drugs, of electric appliances, and of scientific apparatus. By far the greatest consumption is in the manufacture of fulminate and drugs. Radio tubes and electrical appliances are taking increasing amounts. Total Quicks! . ver Pro duction of California. Year Flasks Value Average price per flask Year Flasks Value .Average price per flask 1 I 1850 1851 . 7,723 27,779 20,000 22,284 30,004 33,000 30,000 28,204 31,000 13,000 10,000 35,000 42,000 40,531 47,489 53,000 46,550 47,000 47,728 33,811 30,077 31,686 31,621 27,642 27,756 50,250 75,074 79,396 63,880 73,684 59,926 60,851 52.732 46,725 31.913 32,073 29,981 33.760 33,250 26,464 S768.052 1,859.248 1,166,600 1,235.648 1,663,722 1,767,150 1,549,500 1,374,381 1,482,730 820,690 535,500 1,471.750 1,526,700 1,705,544 2,179,745 2,432,700 2,473.203 2.157,300 2,190,715 1,551,925 1.725,818 1,999,387 2.084,773 2.220,482 2,919,376 4,228,538 3,303,256 2,961,471 2,101,652 2.194.674 1.857,706 1.815.185 1,488,624 1,343,.344 973,347 986,245 1,064,326 1,430,749 1.413,125 1,190,889 S99 45 66 93 58 33 55 45 55 45 53 55 51 65 48 73 47 83 63 13 53 55 42 05 36 35 42 08 45 90 45 90 53 13 45 90 45 90 45 90 57 38 63 10 65 93 80 33 105 18 84 15 44 00 37 30 32 90 29 85 31 00 29 83 28 23 28 75 30 50 30 75 35 50 42 38 42 50 45 00 1890 1891 1892 1893 2'?,926 22,904 27,993 30,164 30,416 36,104 30,765 26,691 31,092 29,454 26,317 26.720 29,552 32,094 *28,876 24,655 19,516 17,379 1P,039 16,217 17,665 19,109 20,600 15,661 11,373 14,199 21,427 24.382 22,621 15,200 10,278 3,157 3,466 5,458 7,948 7.683 5.892 6,488 $1,203,615 1,036,406 1,139,595 1,108,527 934,000 1,337,131 1,075,449 993,445 1,188,626 1,405,045 1,182,786 1,285.014 1.276.524 1.335,954 1,086,323 886,081 712,334 663,178 763,520 773,788 799,002 879.205 866,024 630,042 557,846 1,157,449 2,003,425 2,396,466 2,579,472 1.353,381 775,527 140,666 191.851 332.851 543.080 621,831 516,382 714,118 S52 50 45 25 1852 40 71 ' 1853 36 75 ,1854 1894 -- .- 30 70 vl855 1895 37 04 ; 1856 1896 34 96 j 1857 1897 . 37 28 1858 1898 38 23 1859 1899 47 70 :i860 1900 . 44 94 |1861_ 1901 48 46 1862 1902 43 20 1863 _.. 1903 . . 42 25 1864_ 1904 37 62 1865 1905 35 94 1866 1906 36 50 1867 1907 38 16 1868 1908 . 42 33 1869 1909 47 71 1870 1910 45 23 H871..._ 1911... 46 01 '872 1912 42 04 873 1913 40 23 874 1914 49 05 875........ 1915 81 52 '876 1916 93 50 877 1917 98 29 S78 1918 - 114 03 S79 1919... 89 04 380 1920 75 45 S81 1921 44 56 ^82 1922 55 35 ^83 1923 60 98 i84 1924 68 33 (85 1925 80 81 186 1926 1927 Totals 87 64 ;87 111 67 i88 '89 2.225,919 S109,761,919 •Flasks of 75 lbs. since June, 1904: of 76H lbs. previously. ' U. S. Dept. of Comm. Press Bull., May 29, 1928. 58 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Total amount and value of the quicksilver production of California, as given in available records, are shown in the preceding tabulation. Though the New Almaden Mine in Santa Clara County was first worked in 1824, and has been in practically continuous operation since 1846 (the yield being small the first two years), there are no available data on the output earlier than 1850. Previous to June, 1904, a 'flask' of quicksilver contained 76i pounds, but since that date 75 pounds. In compiling this table the following sources of information were used: for 1850-1883, table by J. B. Randol, in Report of State Mineralogist, IV, p. 336 ; 1883-1893, U. S. Geological Survey reports ; 1894 to date, statistical bulletins of the State Mining Bureau; also State Mining Bureau, Bulletin 27, "Quicksilver Resources of California," 1908, p. 10 . SILVER Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports IV, VIII, XII-XXIII (inc.). Bulletins 67, 91. Min. & Sci. Press, March 1, 1919. Except for the early-day production from the silver mines of the Calico district and the more recent production from those of the Randsburg area, both of which are in San Bernardino County, the recovery of silver in California has been largely as a by-product from its association with copper, lead, zinc, and gold ores. In 1927 silver production of California totaled 1,620,242 fine ounces valued at $918,677, compared witli 2,022,460 ounces values at $1,262,- 015 in 1926. Of the 1927 yield 20,903 ounces valued at $11,852 came from placers. The average price of domestic silver during 1927 was 56.7^^ per ounce in New York against 62. 4f in 1926. The figures below are those of the U. S. Bureau of Mines, Depart- ment of Commerce (as explained under Gold). The distribution of the 1927 silver yield, by counties, was as follows : Silver Production by Counties County Fine ounces Value Alpine 105 $60 Amador 19,963 11,319 Butte 655 371 Calaveras 7,023 3,982 Del Norte 2 1 El Dorado 675 383 Fresno 136 77 Humboldt 25 14 Imperial 5 3 Inyo 83,570 47,384 Kern 15,753 8,932 Lassen 16 9 Los Angeles 26,135 14,819 Madera 67 38 Mariposa 2,427 1,376 Mono 38,487 21,822 Monterey 4 2 Napa 99,532 56,435 Nevada 48,644 27,581 Placer 776 440 Plumas 315,887 179,108 Riverside 3,385 1,919 Sacramento 2,596 1,472 San Bernardino 788,580 447,125 San Diego 162 92 Shasta 123,917 70,261 Sierra 5,909 3,350 Siskiyou 1,033 586 Stanislaus 608 345 Trinity 21,739 12,326 Tuolumne 533 302 Yuba 11,893 6,743 Totals,,..—, 1,620,242 $918,677 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 59 The following paragraphs are quoted from the U. S. Bureau of Mines, Department of Commerce, Advance Chapter on Gold and Silver for 1927, by courtesy of Mr. J. M. Hill, statistician in charge of the San Francisco branch office : "The mine production of silver in California in 1927 was 1,620,242 ounces, valued at $918,677, a decrease of 20 per cent in quantity and 27 per cent in value as com- pared with 192G. Three counties yielded more than 100,000 ounces of silver each in 1927, namely, San Bernardino County, with 788,580 ounces largely from silver ore produced by the California Rand Silver (Inc.) ; Plumas County, with 315,887 ounces, largely from copper ores of the Engels and Walker mines ; Shasta County, with 123,917 ounces, largely from zinc and copper ores. Inyo and Mono counties were in the 100,000 ounce cla.ss in 192G, but each produced less than 100,000 ounces in 1927. The fourth largest producer of silver was Napa County, with 99,532 ounces from silver ores, and this was followed by Inyo County, with 83,570 ounces, mostly from lead ores. "The yield of silver from placer mines in 1927 was 20,903 ounces, 8 per cent more than in 1926 and over 1 per cent of the total silver output of the state. Of the 1,599,339 ounces of silver produced at lode mines in 1927 silver ore and tailings yielded 58 per cent (same as in 1926), copper ore and tailings 25 per cent (20 per »30- no 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 Range vi'.raqi ■ g MMNCjCXIRNAL Prices of SAR SILVER. Bullion 999 Fine, o\ New York City Cents per Troy Oonce rou^r--> "fe -^ _ _ „ 1926 1927 192d From Engineering and Mining Journal, July 14, 1928. cent in 1926), gold ore and tailings 6 per cent (5 per cent in 1926), lead ore and tailings 5 per cent (6 per cent in 1926), zinc ore 4 per cent (7 per cent in 1926), lead-zinc ore 2 per cent, and lead-copper ore less than one-fourth of 1 per cent. "Each of 43 properties in 1927 produced more than 1000 ounces of silver as compared with 46 properties in 1926, and these mines yielded 98 per cent of the total silver produced in the state in both 1927 and 1926. At 27 properties the yield was between 1000 and 10,000 ounces (31 in 1926), at 13 between 10,000 and 100,000 (10 in 1926), at 2 between 100,000 and 300,000 (4 in 1936), and at 1 mine in excess of 700,000 ounces in 1927. No mine in California produced as much as 1,000,000 ounces of silver in 1927. The 10 largest producers of silver in California in 1927 in order of output were the California Rand Silver (Inc.), Walker Mining Company, Engels Copper Mining Company, Palisades Mines Company, California Zinc Company, Mason Mining Company (Balaklala), Mono Mining Company of Nevada, American Metals (Inc.) (Darwin), North Star Mines Company, and the Santa Catalina Island Company." Silver Production of California, by Years. The amount and value of the silver production of California, and the average price, annually, since 1880 are given in the table following. In the table shown in the statistical bulletins previous to Bulletin 97 60 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA (for 1925), the values sho^VIl for 1880-1904 (inc.) were taken from the reports of the Director of the Mint, of which the figures for 1880-1896 (inc.) were based on 'coinage value' ($1.2929 per fine ounce). We have recalculated these to commercial value, using the price table of the U. S. Geological Survey (McCaskey, H. D., Gold and Silver, 1913: Mineral Resources of the U. S., Part I, p. 847). From 1905 to date, the figures are those of the U. S. Geological Survey and its successor, the U, S. Bureau of Mines : Year 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Average Fine oz. Value price per oz. 882,160 51,014,494 $1 15 580,001 655,503 1 13 653,569 745,069 1 14 1,129,244 1,2.53,461 1 11 3,236,987 3,593,056 1 11 1,986,260 2,125,208 1 07 1,245,747 1,233,290 99 1,262,282 1,237,036 98 1,314,874 1,2.35,982 94 823,947 774,510 94 820,336 861,353 1 0.5 737,224 729,852 99 358,575 311,960 87 415,468 324,065 78 220,896 144,8.34 63 463 911 301,542 65 326,757 222,195 68 754,648 452,789 GO 701,788 414,055 59 855,869 513,521 60 1,168,157 724,257 f.2 950,831 570,409 60 1,163,041 616,412 53 958.230 517.444 54 1,«1,259 835,929 58 Year 1005 1006 1907- 1908 1000_ 1910 1011 1012 1913 1914 1915- 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925. 1926 1927. Totals Fine oz. ,076, ,220 138, ,647, ,098, 840, ,270, 300, ,378, ,471 ,678, ,564, ,775, ,427, ,107 ,706, ,629, ,100 ,559 ,.555 0.54 ,022 ,620, ,174 641 856 278 253 085 445 136 399 859 756 354 431 ,711 189 327 223 ,065 ,443 ,133 416 ,460 242 69,704,036 Value $650,009 817,830 751,646 873,057 1,001,092 903,646 673,336 790,584 832.553 813,938 851,129 1,687,345 1,462,955 1,427,711 1,240,051 1.850.896 3,629,223 3,100,065 2,918,743 2,381,9.52 2,119,765 1.262,015 918,677 $54,564,624 AveraRe price per oz. ?0 61 68 66 53 52 54 53 615 604 553 507 658 824 1 00 1 12 1 09 1 00 1 00 82 67 694 624 567 TIN Bihliogmphy: Reports XV, XVII, XVIII. Bulletins 67, 91. In 1927 tliere was no production of tin, although there is consider- able work being done to reopen the Temescal mine in Riverside County near Corona. There Avas an output from the district during 1891-1892 as tabulated below. Small quantities of stream tin have been found in some of the placer workings in northern California, but never in paying amounts. Two occurrences have also been noted, in northern San Diego County. Crystals of cassiterite were found there, associated with blue tourma- line crystals, amblygonite and beryl. No commercial quantity has been developed, only small pockets liave been taken out. The principal sources of the world's supply of tin are the islands of Banka, Billiton and Singkep, Netherlands India (Dutch East Indies), followed by the Federated Malay States (Perak, Pahang, Negri Sem- bilan and Selangor). Bolivia, Siam, Cornwall, Transvaal, New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania are also important sources. A measureable amount of the metal is also recovered by detinning scrap and old cans. Total Output of Tin in California Year Pounds Value 1891 125,289 $27,564 1892 126,000 32,400 Totals 251,289 $59,964 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 61 TITANIUM BihliograpJuj : State Mineralogist's Report XXIII. In 1927 for the first time titanium minerals were mined in Cali- fornia. These operations were in Los Angeles County, where one of the largest deposits of titanium ore in the United States is located. There were two separate operations, one worked the black beach sands, which probably contained approximately 20% titaniferous iron and magnetite, the gangue being silica and several silicates. The other is a lode deposit in the San Gabriel Mountains. Titanium is widely distributed in a variety of minerals, but its commercial sources are limited to three forms, rutile (oxide), ilmenite (titanite), and titaniferous magnetite (iron ore rich in titanium). There are several known areas where large deposits of these minerals are found in America, mostly titaniferous iron. Of the titaniferous iron deposits only a portion of the Adirondack deposit, some small deposits in North and South Carolina, and those in Los Angeles County are capable of being separated into a high-grade ilmenite and a low titanium magnetite. The metal is used in several different alloys with iron, copper and aluminum and for green and white paint pigments, the only colors of titanium pigments now in common use. It is also used in dyes, rubber, as a porcelain glaze, in glass, and cement made from high-titanium iron slags. This cement is resistant to the action of acids. The market price of titanium minerals varies as to the titanium oxide it contains. Rutile 96% TiO (a) lU to 13^ a pound, ilmenite 52 to 60%; TiO @ $10 to $15 a ton, and ilmenite 32 to 35 7o TiO @ $7 to $8 a ton, all prices Atlantic seaboard. TUNGSTEN BiUiography: Reports XV, XVII, XVIII, XXII. Bulletins 38, 67, 91, 95. . U. S. G. S. Bull. 652. Proc. Colo. Sci. Soc. Vol. XL South Dakota School of IMines, Bulletin No. 12. Eng. and Min. Jour.-Press, Vol. 113, pp. 666-669, Apr. 22, 1922. The commercial production of tungsten ores and concentrates in California began in 1905 ; and has been continuous since, with the exception of 1920-1922 (inclusive), when the mines were shut down owing to low prices due to excess stocks following the war and to lack of tariff protection against foreign importations. Production was resumed on a small scale late in 1923, and is now at practically its pre-war average annual tonnage, though the 1927 figures are less than those for 1926. The material shipped in 1927 included both high-grade sorted ore and concentrates, coming from a property in San Bernardino County. Prices during 1927 ranged from $10.25 to $11.75 per unit, duty paid, for Chinese wolframite, with domestic scheelite $10 to $11. Pres- ent prices are approximately the same. Tungsten ore has been produced in California principally in the Atolia-Randsburg district in San Bernardino and Kern counties, fol- lowed by the Bishop district in Inyo County, with small amounts coming from Nevada County and from the district near Goffs, in eastern San Bernardino. Most of the California tungsten ore is scheelite (cal- 62 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA cium tungstate), though wolframite (iron-manganese tungstate) and hiibernite (manganese tungstate) also occur. The deposits at Atolia are the largest and most productive scheelite deposits known/ and the output has in some years equaled or exceeded that of ferberite (iron tungstate) from Boulder County, Colorado. It is interesting in this connection to note that, in practically all other tungsten producing districts of the world, wolframite is the important constituent. Imports of foreign tungsten ore and alloys into the United States during 1927 amounted to 1,613,616 pounds valued at $308,106, com- pared with 3,441,975 pounds valued at $871,294 in 1926, and 10,362 long tons of ore valued at $11,409,237 in 1918, which ores were duty free up to September 22, 1922. Owing to lack of protection against the cheap coolie labor of Asiatic tungsten mines, and low market prices, practically all of the tungsten mines in the United States were closed down from the middle of 1919 to the latter part of 1923. Quotations during 1922 ranged around $2.50 per unit, up to September. The Tariff Act of 1922 placed a duty on tungsten ore or concentrates of 45^ per pound on tlie metallic tungsten contained therein. Duties are also X)rovided for imported tungsten-bearing alloys. Most of the imported ore is coming from Cliina, with smaller amounts from Malaya and Bolivia. Uses. The metal, tungsten, is used mainly in the steel industry and in the manufacture of electrical appliances, including the well-known tung- sten filament lamps. Because of its resistance to corrosion by acids, it is valuable in making certain forms of chemical apparatus. Its employ- ment in tool-steel alloys permits the operation of cutting tools, such as in lathe work, at a speed and temperature at which carbon steel would lose its temper — hence the name 'high speed' steels for these tungsten alloys. As made in the United States, tungsten forms 13% to 20% of such steels. Some chromium, nickel, cobalt, or vanadium are sometimes also included. Tungsten compounds are used in the manufacture of colors. The indicated consumption is approximately 5000 tons of 60% concentrates per year, in the United States. Tungsten is introduced into the molten steel charge, either as the powdered metal or as ferro-tungsten (containing 50%-85% tungsten). The specific gravity of the pure metal, 19.3-21.4, is exceeded only by platinum, 21.5; iridium, 22.4; and osmium, 22.5. Its melting point is 3267° C. (5913° F.), being higher than any other known metal. Though millions of tungsten filament lamps are now made, the wires are so fine that the metal they contain represents but a few tons of tungsten concentrates annually. , j Total Tungsten Ore Production of California. The annual amount and value of tungsten ores and concentrates produced in California since the inception of the industry is given here- with, with tonnages recalculated to 60% WO3 : "U. S. G. S. Bull. 652, p. 32. f STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 63 Year Tons at 60% WO, Value Year Tons at 60% WO, Valup 1905 57 485 287 105 577 457 387 572 559 420 962 2,270 S18,800 189,100 120,587 37,750 190,500 208,245 127,706 206,000 234,673 180,575 1.005,467 4,571,521 1917 2,466 1,982 214 S3,079,013 1906 1918 2,832.222 1907 1919 219,316 1908 1920-.- 1909 1923 1924 1925 34 781 573 441 * 19.126 1910 . 446,009 1911 348,475 1912 1926 _. 316,560 1913 1927 . . IQId Totals 1915 13,629 $14,351,641 1916 * Under " unapportioned." VANADIUM Bibliography : Eeport XV. Bulletins 67, 91. Proc. Colo. Sci. Soc, Vol. XI. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bulletin 104. No commercial production of vanadium has yet been made in Cali- fornia. Occurrences of this metal have been found at Camp Signal, near Goffs, in San Bernardino County, and two companies at one time did considerable development work in the endeavor to open up paying quantities. Each had a mill under construction in 1916, but apparently no commercial output was made. Ore carrying the mineral cuprodes- cloizite and reported as assaying 4% VaOg was opened up. Some ore carrying lead vanadate has been developed in the 29 Palms, or Washing- ton district, on the line between Riverside and San Bernardino counties, but no shipments reported. The principal use of vanadium is as an alloy in steels, especially in tool steel, and in those varieties where resistance to repeated strains is required. Present New York quotations for ferrovanadium are, per pound of vanadium, f. o. b. works, $3.15-$3.65, depending on the grade. ZINC Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XIV, XV, XVII, XVIII, XX, XXII, XXIII. Bulletins 38, 67, 91. The recoverable zinc mined in California in 1927 amounted to 8,625,004 pounds valued at $552,000 compared with 20,447,559 pounds and $1,533,568 in 1926. This production came from Shasta, Los Angeles (Santa Catalina Island) and Riverside counties and was shipped in the form of concentrates and sinter to Belgium, though a small amount is used in the manufacture of oxide. The average price per pound quoted for the metal in 1927 was 6.4^ as against 7.5^- in 1926. The zinc ores of Shasta and Calaveras counties are associated with copper, while those of Inyo, Los Angeles and San Bernardino are asso- ciated principally with lead-silver and zinc-silver ores. The principal uses of zinc are for 'galvanizing' (plating on iron to prevent rust), for zinc oxide (used in rubber goods and paint), and for brass (an alloy of copper and zinc). These outlets for the metal take approximately 80% of the quantity produced. Of the remaining 20% 64 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA a large portion is rolled into plates and sheets, and utilized in the building industrj^ for sheathing, roofing, leaders, and eaves-troughs. Zinc is particularly desirable and efficient for roofing and siding where corrosive gases are present, as at smelters, refineries and chemical plants. Zinc Production of the United States. The production of slab zinc ^ at reduction plants in the United States in 1927 amounted to 576,960 short tons valued at $73,966,000, not including 15,556 tons of primary metal made from foreign ores, mostly from Mexico, and reduced in refineries in this country. The 1927 production was a decline from that of 1926 of 82,261 tons. 21 20 19 18 17 -Range ^^^CJORKU) 16 15 14 13 12 11 ^ ■ Average Prices or" SLAB ZINC PrimeWsstem Brt>no(3 at St. Louis, Mo Cents per Pound 1927 From Engineering and Mining Journal, July 14, 1928. Total Zinc Production of California. Total figures for zinc output of the state are as follows, commercial production dating back only to 1906 : Year Pounds Value Year Pounds Value 1906 206,000 177,759 54,000 812,566 10,598 3,544 1918 . . 5,565.561 1,384,192 1.188,009 846,184 3,034,430 $506 466 1907. _ 1919 101,046 1908 1920 96 229 1909 1921 42 309 1910 . 1922 172,963 1911 2,679,842 4,331,391 1,157,947 399,641 13,043,411 15,950.565 11,854,804 152,751 298,866 64.845 20,381 1,617,383 2,137,375 1,209.190 1923 1912 1924 - 3,060,000 11,546,602 20.447.559 8.625,004 198,900 1913 . 1925 1926 877,542 1 533.568 1914 1915 1927 .._ Totals 552 000 1916 1917 105,552,901 19 608,622 ' Mineral Resources of U. S. in 1927 (Preliminary Summary). STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 65 CHAPTER FOUR STRUCTURAL MATERIALS BiMiograpky : State Mineralogist Reports XII-XXIII (inc.). Bulletin 38. Spurr and Wormser, "Marketing of Metals and Minerals. " " Non-Metallic Minerals, " by R. B. Ladoo. See also under each substance. As indicated by this subdivision heading, the mineral substances herein considered are those more or less directly used in building and structural work. California is independent, so far as these are con- cerned, and almost any reasonable construction can be made with mate- rials produced in the state. This branch of the mineral industry for 1927 was valued at $54,861,649 as compared with a total value of $54,250,571 for the year 1926, the increase being due to cement, granite and sandstone in spite of a considerable decrease in miscellaneous stone, brick, and magnesite. Deposits of granite, marble and. other building stones are distributed widely throughout this state, and transportation and other facilities are gradually being extended so that the growing demand may be met. The largest single item, cement, has had an interesting record of growth since the inception of the industry in California about 1891. Not until 1904 did the annual value of cement produced reach the million-dollar mark, following which it increased 500% in nine years; though from 1914 to 1918 there was a falling off common to all building materials. The 1927 output established a new record both in quantity and total value, exceeding the previous total value record made in 1923 by over a million dollars. Crushed rock production is yearly becoming more worthy of con- sideration, due to the strides taken in the use of concrete, as well as to activity in the building of good roads. Brick, with an average annual output for a number of years worth approximately $2,000,000, had difficulty in holding its own, due to the popularity of cement and con- crete. In 1920, however, the sales increased to nearly double the previous record figure of the year 1907, and in 1923 showed advances to new figures, with a slight recession in 1924-1927. This item will, no doubt, continue to be an important one, and a market for fire and fancy brick of all kinds will unquestionably never be lacking. All fifty-eight counties contributed to this structural total for 1926. There is not a county in the state which is not capable of some output of at least one of the materials under this classification. During 1927 building construction on the Pacific coast ^ has declined in the large cities and increased in the smaller towns. The twenty principal cities show a falling off' of 20 per cent in the total of building permits. The following summary shows the value of the structural materials produced in California during the years 1926-1927, with increases or decreases in each instance. 'Pacific Coast Letter, Amer. Trust Co., Sept., 1927. 5—62279 66 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Substance 1926 1927 Increasc+ Decrease — Value Amount Value Amount Value 3,863 tone "'l3",7974'37"'bbfsV" 395 tons ?21,577 7,026,124 25,269,678 7,063 655,332 670,837 587,642 119,999 7,575 17,500 7,371 19.859,873 3,515 tons 117,704 6,516,077 26,474,935 5,063 1,398,443 631,497 .577,887 103,089 ?3,873— 510,047— Cement 14,661,783 bbls. 225 tons 60'498 ton's" 46,093 tons M2,308 cu. ft. b 22,900 cu. ft. 1,205,2.57+ 2,000— Granite 743,111+ Lime 63,568 tons 50,915 tons 34,806 cu. ft. 15,090 cu. ft. 34,100 cu. ft. 39,340— Magnesite 9,765— Marble 16,310— Onyx and Traver tine Sandstone + 205,400 17,960 18,912,994 187,900+ Slate . -. 10,.589+ Miscellaneous stone 946,879— Total value $54,250,571 $54,861,649 Net increase $611,078+ a Includes onyx and travertine, b Combined with marble. ASPHALT Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports VII, X, XII-XV (inc.), XVII, XVIII. Bulletins 16, 32, 63, 67, 69, 91. Asphalt was for a number of years accounted for in the statistical reports by the State Mining Bureau, because in the early days of the oil industry, considerable asphalt was produced from outcroppings of oil sand, and was a separate industrj'^ from the production of oil itself. However, at the present time most of the asphalt comes from the oil refineries, which produce a better and more uniform grade ; hence, its value is not now included in the mineral total, as to do so would be in part a duplication of the crude petroleum figures. Such natural asphalt as is at present mined is in the form of bituminous sandstones, and is recorded under that designation. BITUMINOUS ROCK Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIII, XV, XVII, XVIII, XXI, XXII. This material is essentially an uncemented sandstone which is satur- ated with and held together by a natural asphaltic constituent, probably the residue from the evaporation of a crude petroleum deposit. Bitu- minous rock is still used to a limited extent for road dressing in those districts adjacent to available deposits, though the manufacture of asphalt at the oil refineries has almost entirely superseded the direct use of the native material. The present operators of the quarry near the old City Street Improvement Company's property in Santa Cruz County advise that they are now putting on the market a material which can be laid cold. It will be especially applicable and valuable for patching jobs. Shipments from quarries in Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz counties in 1927 totaled 3515 tons of bituminous rock, valued at $17,704 f . o b. rail-shipping point. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 67 Bituminous Rock Production of California, by Years. The following tabulation shows the total amount and value of bitumi- nous rock quarried and sold in California, from the records compiled by the State Mining Bureau, annually since 1887 : Year Tons Value Yenr Tods Value 1887 36,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 39,962 24,000 32,000 31,214 38,921 49,456 45,470 46,836 40,321 25,306 24,052 33,490 21,944 45,280 24,753 16,077 24.122 30.718 S160.000 257.000 170,000 170,000 154.164 72,000 192,036 115,193 121,586 122,500 128.173 137,575 116,097 71,495 66,354 43,411 53.106 175.680 60.436 45,204 72.835 109.818 1909 34,123 87,.547 75,125 44,073 37,541 66,119 17,789 19,449 5,590 2,561 4,614 5,450 8.298 4.624 2,945 6,040 2.681 3,863 3,515 S116 436 1888 1910 165 711 1889 1911 1912 1913 117,279 1890 87 467 1891-. 78 479 1892 _ 1914 166,618 1893 . . 1915 61468 1894 . 1916 . . 66,561 1895 1917 18,580 1896 1918 9.067 1897. 1919 18,537 1898 1920 27,825 1899 1921 43,192 1900 1922 13.570 1901 1923 11780 1902- . 1924 14,922 1903.... 1925 10,724 1904 1926 21.577 1905 . .. 1927 17,704 1906 Totals 1907 1,191,869 13,682,160 1908 . - BRICK AND HOLLOW TILE Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports VIII, X, XII-XV (inc.), XVII-XXIII (inc.). Bulletins 38, 99. Preliminary Report, No. 7. Cal. Jour, of Development, June, 1925, pp. 5-6. Bricks of many varieties and in important quantities are annually produced in California, as might be expected in a state with such diver- sified and widespread mineral resources. The varieties include com- mon, fire, pressed, glazed, enamel, fancy, vitrified, sand-lime, and others. Not only do the plants here supply practically all of our own require- ments in these products, but considerable quantities are shipped to contiguous territory and certain products are shipped over a much wider radius. So far as possible, the different kinds have been segre- gated in the tabulation herewith accompanying. "We also include under this heading the various forms of hollow building 'tile' or blocks. The application of these tile to residence construction as well as to other structures is growing; though their total for 1927 shows a drop from the figures of 1926. The aggregate value of all kinds of brick in 1927 shows a decrease of approximately 7 per cent from that of 1926, to which each of the groups contributed. Bulletin No. 99, "The Clay Resources and the Ceramic Industry of California," published this year (1928) covers all the brick plants throughout the state, giving a detailed description of each. The detailed figures of brick and tile production for 1927, by coun- ties, are shown in the following tabulation : 68 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA ■^^. A-': m^ Ki mHi STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 69 (0 ^ > o T3 ca " ^ c ^T^ 3 o as <) T3 +^ >. U'> Si O t^ eg O) c _o o T3 O 5 I ■a £ (8 o 05C005CO»0>'^OCD(N »0^ '^^ 00 i-H o o^ C^l^ c» •* 05 o" eM*" c^"" o" o c^"^ --r crT €^ O O c^ T— C^l ^^ M» IM W" O a o CO «0 oooo (^ CO oo OiOOOiCO CO CO "^ -^ lO -^ t-H 1— < (M OOC5 t^ O'co'co oi" oo t-- OCi »0 »0 (N CO O CO lO 00 00^00 C^C<1 CO lO OTh i>- en CO lO C -Sod rt C^ QQ C^ i-< t-> a §-^^ 3 2 SS ffl "-£ pa 1.9 "^ O 3 !3 CS .1-1 o 5-1 oO a* co-§ o.s o Sag loo lo I I I-^ I lO O .(O 1 « ' Cs I '0^0_ lO ' < '■* 1 I^w loo* ! I Ics I CO o> t. o 4- C '►5 .oo . O 1 1 1 Ut) 1 ;^§ ;s ; ; ;§ ; I c^' I '<*' 1 I I I CO CO co c 3 O O >. SI c o 'J o 3 ■o o c o S c o IS o .3 "3 > . 1 1 ^1 lOi^ It-- iio . 1 i>^ I ico loo 1 ii^r I I CO 00*" CO u. 4) "E 1. o □ o CQ !:£ is '3 3 $2,250 25,600 281 820,674 oo oo" oo o 3 o 1 ■ cOOifflCn . 1 1 1 1 It^ 0(N -H F P 1 t 1 1 CO -^^^^ ir5_ 1 1 1 1 I I '-'"o" m" J I I ill c^ 1 1 1 o" > c 1 Fresno Laasen Placer San Diego Madera, Nevada, Plumas, Riverside* Madera, Monterey^, Tulare* an "O-a 76 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Granite Production of California, by Years. The value of granite produced, annually, since 1887, has been as follows : , Year Value Year Value 1887 $150,000 57,000 1,329,018 1,200,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 531,322 228,816 224,329 201,004 188,024 147,732 141,070 295,772 519,285 255,239 678,670 467,472 353,837 344,083 373.376 512,923 1909 $376,834 1888 - 1910 417,898 1889 1911 355,742 1890 --. - 1912 362,975 1891 - 1913 981,277 1892 1914 628,786 1893 1915 _ 227,928 1894 1916 535,339 1895 1917 221,997 1896 . 1918 139,861 1897 1919 220,743 1898 1920 495,732 1899 . - - 1921 725,901 1900 - 1922 676,643 1901 1923 760,081 1902 1924 1,211,046 1903 1925 1,853,859 1904 1926 655,332 1905 1927 1,398,143 1906 Total value 1907 $22,745,389 1908 - LIME BihUography : Reports XIV, XV, XVII, XVIII. Bulletin 38. Lime to the amount of 60,498 tons, valued at $631,497, was produced by nine plants in seven counties during 1927, as compared with 63,568 tons, valued at $670,837, in 1926. There were two plants each in San Bernardino and Santa Cruz counties, and one each in Inyo, Kern, Plumas, Tulare, and Tuolumne. So far as we have been able to segregate the data, these figures include mainly only such lime as is used in building operations ; though they do include a small proportion of calcined lime employed in agriculture and the chemical industries, the figures for which were not separable. A portion is hydrated lime. Limestone utilized in sugar making, for smelter flux, as a fertilizer, and other special industrial uses, are classi- fied under 'Industrial Materials.' That consumed in cement manufac- ture is included in the value of cement. Lime Production of California, by Years. The following tabulation gives the amounts and value of lime pro- duced in California by years since 1894 when compilation of such records was begun by the State Mining Bureau. The figures for quantitv have been recalculated from 'barrels' to 'tons' for the years 1894-1922 (inc.) : STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 77 Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 1894 37,350 39,776 30,275 28,780 29,786 29,985 31,252 31,738 44,866 49,659 57,945 61,700 68,927 68,422 39,639 52,075 47,951 42,959 $318,700 386,094 261,505 252.900 254,010 314,575 283,699 334,688 369,616 418,280 571,749 555,322 763,060 756,376 379,243 577,824 477,683 390,988 1912 52,212 61,344 43,996 35,653 49,364 50,073 43,684 42,070 46,314 46.353 57,875 70,894 62,029 61,922 63,568 60,498 $464,440 1895 1913 528,547 1896 1914 _ 1915 .. . - 378,663 1897 286,304 1898 1916 390,475 1899 1917 ... 311,380 1900 1918 1919.. 461,315 1901 - 552.043 1902 1920.. 1921 1922 _ 1923 1924 1925 557.232 1903 610,619 1904 671,747 1905 788,834 1906 . . 703,355 1907 . 685,528 1908 1926 670,837 1909 .- 1927... Totals 631,497 1910 1911 1,640,934 $16,359,128 MAGNESITE Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XII-XV (inc.), XVII- XXIII. Bulletins 38, 79, 91. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bulletins 355, 540; Min. Res. 1913, Pt. II, pp. 450-453. Min. & Sci. Press, Vol. 114, p. 237. "Magnesite" — Hearings before the Comm. on Ways and Means, House of Repr., on H. R. 5218, June 16, 17, and July 17, 1919. Eng. Soc. W. Peun., Proc. 1913, Vol. 29, pp. 305- 388, 418^44. Eng. & Min. Jour.-Press, Vol. 114, July 29, and Dec. 2, 1922. U. S. Tariff Comm., "Crude and Caustic Calcined Magnesite. A Preliminary Statement of Information," May 19, 1926. The production of magnesite in California during 1927 amounted to a total of 46,093 tons of crude ore, valued at $577,887. Only a small part of it was sold 'crude,' however, as it is practically all shipped in the calcined form. The reports at hand shoAv a total of 19,277 tons shipped calcined, including a small tonnage dead-burned for refractory purposes, the balance going to the plastic trade. From 2 to 2^ tons of crude material are mined to make one ton of calcined. The 1927 output is a decrease both in quantity and value from the 1926 figures of 50,915 tons crude valued at $587,642. The average of the values reported for 1927 is $12.50 per ton compared with $11.60 in 1926. There were two operators who produced 1300 tons of crude but who had not shipped any during 1927 though they expect to do so in 1928. Occurrence. Magnesite is a natural carbonate of magnesium, and when pure con- tains 52.4% COo (carbon dioxide), and 47.6% MgO (magnesia). It has a hardness of 3.5 to 4.5, and specific gravity of 3 to 3.12. It is both harder and heavier than calcite (calcium carbonate), and also contains a higher percentage of CO2 as calcite has but 44%. Most of the Californian magnesite is comparatively pure, and is ordi- narily a beautiful, white, fine-grained rock with a conchoidal fracture resembling a break in porcelain. The Grecian magnesite is largely of this character ; but the Austrian varieties usually contain iron, so that they become brown after calcining. The Washington magnesite resem- 78 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA bles dolomite and some crystalline limestones in physical appearance. Its color varies through light to dark gray, and pink. In California the known deposits are mostly in the metamorphic rocks of the Coast Ranges and the Sierra Nevada, being associated with serpentine areas. The notable exceptions are the sedimentary deposits, at Bissell in Kern County and at Afton in San Bernardino County. Several thousand tons have been shipped from the Bissell deposit ; and small shipments have been made from the Afton property. The Washington deposits are associated with extensive strata of dolomite limestone. The magnesite there appears to contain more iron than most of the California mineral, which makes it desirable for the steel operators. However, recent experience has proved that several California localities have sufficient iron in their magnesite to be service- able in the steel furnaces. Uses. The principal uses include : Refractory linings for basic open-hearth steel furnaces, copper reverberatories and converters, bullion and other metallurgical furnaces ; in the manufacture of paper from wood plup ; and in structural work, for exterior stucco, for flooring, wainscoting, tiling, sanitary kitchen and hospital finishing, etc. In connection with building work it has proved particularly efficient as a flooring for steel railroad coaches, on account of having greater elasticity and resilience than 'Portland' cement. For refractory purposes the magnesite is 'dead-burned' — i. e., all or practically all of the COj is expelled from it. For cement purposes it is left 'caustic' — i. e., from 2% to 10% of COo is retained. When dry caustic magn&site is mixed with a solution of magnesium chloride (MgCl,) in proper proportions, a very strong | cement is produced, known as oxychloride or Sorel cement. It isj applied in a plastic form, which sets in a few hours, as a tough, seamless surface. It has also a very strong bonding power, and will hold firmb to wood, metal, or concrete as a base. It may be finished with a verj smooth, even surface, which will take a good wax or oil polish. As ordinarily mixed there is added a certain proportion of wood flourJ cork, asbestos, or other filler, thereby adding to the elastic properties of the finished product. Its surface is described as 'warm' and 'quiet] as a result of the elastic and nonconducting character of the composite material. The cement is frequently colored by the addition of some mineral pigment to the materials before mixing as cement. For refractory purposes the calcined magnesite is largely made uj into bricks similar to fire-brick for furnace linings. It is also usee unconsolidated, as 'grain' magnesite. For such, an iron content \i desirable, as it allows a slight sintering in forming the brick. Dead-j burned, pure magnesia can not be sintered except at very high temperaj tures ; and it has little or no plasticity, so that it is hard to handle. It^ plasticity is said to be improved by using with it some partly calcinee or caustic magnesite. Heavy pressure will bind the material sufficiently to allow it to be sintered. A coating of crushed magnesite is laid on hearths used for heating steel stock for rolling, to prevent the scale formed from attacking th^ fire-brick of the hearth. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 79 Before the World War, practically all of the domestic output of caustic magnesite was used in the manufacture of pulp and paper. For this purpose calcined dolomite is now used. The use of dolomite instead of magnesite by paper manufacturers began during the war when the price of magnesite was very high. Dolomite was found to be a good substitute for magnesite in the bisulphite process of paper making and so its use has continued. Fmports. The Tariff Act of 1922, which became effective September 22d, of that year, placed the following import duties on magnesite : Crude magnesite %6^ per lb., caustic-calcined magnesite %^ per lb. ; dead- burned and grain magnesite, not suitable for manufacture into oxy- chloride cements, -%of^ V^^ lb. ; magnesite brick, %fS per lb. and 10% ad valorem. The figures of imports for 1927, as published by the U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, show a total of 60,224 short tons of calcined ore, valued at $959,483, as compared with 92,546 tons and $1,415,509 in 1926. Total Magnesite Production of California. The first commercial production of magnesite in California was made in the latter part of 1886 from the Cedar Mountain district,^ southeast of Livermore, Alameda County. Shipments amounting to 'several tons' or 'several carloads' were sent by rail to New York; but there is apparently no exact record of the amount for that first year. The statistical records of the State Mining Bureau began with the year 1887, and the table herewith shows the figures for amount and value, annually, from that time. Shipments of magnesite from Napa County began in 1891 from the Snowflake Mine; from the Red Mountain deposits in Santa Clara County, in 1899; and from Tulare County in 1900. Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 1887 600 600 600 600 1,500 1,500 1,093 1,440 2,200 1,500 1,143 1,263 1,280 2,252 4,726 2,830 1,361 2,850 3,933 4,032 6,405 10,582 $9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 15,000 15,000 10,930 10,240 17,000 11,000 13,671 19,075 18,480 19,3.33 43,057 20,655 20,515 9,298 16,221 40,320 57,720 80,822 1909 7,942 16,570 8,858 10,512 9,632 11,438 30,271 154,052 209,648 83.974 44,696 83,695 47,837 55,637 73,963 67,236 64,623 50,915 46,093 S62 588 1888 1910 113887 1889. 1911 67 430 1890 1912 105 120 1891... 1913 77 056 1892 1914.. 114,380 1893 1915 283 461 1894 1916 1311 893 1895 1917 1,976,227 1896 1918 803 492 1897.... 1919 452,094 1898... 1920 1 033 491 1899 1921 511,102 1900 1922 594 665 1901 1923 946,643 1902 1924. 900,183 1903 1925 872,944 1904... 1926 587,642 1905 1927 577,887 1906 Totals 1907 1,132,332 $11 866.522 1908 ' See U. S. Geol. Surv. ; Mineral Resources of U. S., 1886, pp. 6 and 696. 80 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA MARBLE Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XII-XV (inc.), XVII- XXII (inc.). Bulletin 38. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 106. Marble is widely distributed in California, and in a considerable variety of colors and grain. The 1927 figures show a slight decline in both quantity and value from those of 1926, and are combined with onyx and travertine to conceal the output of a single operator. California has many beautiful and serviceable varieties of marble, suitable for almost any conceivable purpose of construction or decora- tion. In the decorative class are deposits of onyx marble of beautiful coloring and effects. There is also serpentine marble suitable for elec- trical switchboard use. Marble Production of California, by Years. Data on annual production since 1887, as compiled by the State Mining Bureau, follows. Previous to 1894 no records of amounts were preserved. Year Cubic feet Value Year Cubic feet Value 1887 $5,000 5,000 87,030 80,000 100,000 115,000 40,000 98.326 50,506 32,415 7,280 23,594 10,550 5,891 4,630 37,616 97,354 94,208 129,450 75,800 118,066 47,665 1909 79,600 18,960 20,201 27,820 41,054 25,436 22,186 25,954 24,755 »17,428 25,020 b20,531 30,232 38,321 28,015 b61,579 35,664 34,806 b42,308 S238,400 1888 1910 50,200 1889.... 1911 54,103 1890 1912 74,120 1891 1913 113,282 1892 1914 1915 48,832 1893 41,518 1894 - 38,441 14,864 7,889 4,102 8,050 9,682 4,103 2,945 19,305 84,624 55,401 73,303 31,400 37,512 18,653 1916... 50,280 1895 1917 62,950 1896 1918 1919 49,898 1897 74,482 1898 1920 92 899 1899 1921... 98,395 1900 1922 127,792 1901 .... 1923 124,919 1902... 1924 140,253 1903 1925 116,105 1904 . 1926 119,999 1905 1927 103,689 lonfs Total value 1907 53,053,557 1908 ^Includes onyx and serpentine. ''Includes onyx. ONYX and TRAVERTINE Bibliography: State Mineralogist Eeports XII-XV (inc.), XVII, XVIII. Bulletin 38. Onyx and travertine are known to exist in a number of places in California, but there has been only a small and irregular production since the year 1896. In 1927 there were shipments from Kern, River side, San Bernardino, and Solano counties with an increase in both quantity and value, the figures of which are combined with marble. This material is used in terrazzo, auto gear-shift handles, bases for fountain-pen desk sets, and other ornamental purposes. *i STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 81 Onyx Production of California, by Years. Production by years has been as follows : Year Value Year Value 1887 S900 900 900 1,500 2,400 1,800 27,000 20,000 12,000 24,000 * 1919 - 1888 . 1920 « 1889 1921 $1,294 1890 1922 3,320 1891 -. 1923.. 2,510 1892 1924 * 1893... 1925 16,120 1894 1926 7,575 1895 . 1927 * 1896 Total value 1918 $122,219 *See under Marble. SANDSTONE. BiUiography : State Mineralogist Reports XII-XV, XVII, XVIII, XXI. Bulletin 38. U. S. Bur. of M., Bull. 124. An unlimited amount of high-grade sandstone is available in Cali- fornia, but the wide use of concrete in buildings of every character, as well as the popularity of a lighter-colored building stone, has curtailed production in this branch of the mineral industry during recent years almost to the vanishing point. In 1927 a total of 22,900 cu. ft., valued at $205,400, was quarried in five counties, Monterey, Napa, Santa Barbara, Siskiyou and Sonoma; compared with 34,100 cu. ft. and $17,500 in 1926. The material reported from Monterey County is in reality an indurated shale of the Monterey series, of a cream color and utilized as a building stone ; and that from Sonoma is a stratified, altered andesite having the appearance of sandstone. A large portion of the sandstone was sold for landscape work and used as stepping stones for walks and for fountains, walls, etc. Sandstone Production of California, by Years. Amount and value, so far as contained in the records of this Bureau, are presented herewith, with total value from 1887 to date : Year Cubic feet Value Year Cubic feet Value 1887 $175,000 150,000 175,598 100,000 100,000 50,000 26,314 113,592 35,373 28,379 24,086 46,384 103,384 254,140 192,132 142,506 585,309 567,181 483,268 164,068 148,148 55,151 1909 1910 79,240 165,971 255,313 66,487 62,227 111,691 63,350 17,270 31,090 900 5,400 10,500 10,150 900 7,000 6,700 14,704 34,100 22,900 $37,032 1888.. 80,443 1889 1911 127,314 1890 1912 22,574 1891 1913 27,870 1892 1914. 45,322 1893 1915 8,438 1894 1916 10,271 1895 1917 1918 1919 7,074 1896 400 1897 3,720 1898 1920 2,300 1899... 56,264 378,468 266,741 212,123 353,002 363,487 .302,813 182,076 159,573 93,301 1921 2,112 1900 1922 1,100 1901 1923 1924 13,000 1902 3,600 1903 .. 1925 14,362 1904.... 1926 17.500 1905 1927. 205.400 1906 Total value 1907..:::;:; $4,349,845 1908.... 6 — 62279 82 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SLATE Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XV, XVIII. Bulletin 38. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 586. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 218. Slate was first produced in California in 1889. Up to and including 1910 such production was continuous, but since then it has been irregu- lar. Large deposits of excellent quality are known in the state, espe- cially in El Dorado, Calaveras and Mariposa counties, but the demand has been light owing principally to competition of cheaper roofing materials. 'Slate' is a term applied to a fine-grained rock that has a more or less perfect cleavage, permitting it to be readily split into thin, smooth sheets. Varieties differ widely in color and have a considerable range in chemical and mineralogical composition. Excepting certain rare slates of igneous origin (of which the green slate of the Eureka quarry. El Dorado County, California, is an example) formed from volcanic ash or igneous dikes, slates have originated from sedimentary deposits consisting largely of clay. By consolidation, and the pressure of super- imposed materials, clays become bedded deposits of shale. By further consolidation under intense pressure and high temperature incident to mountain-building forces, shales are metamorphosed to slates. The principal mineral constituents are mica, quartz, and chlorite, with smaller varying amounts of hematite, rutile, kaolin, graphite, feldspar, tourmaline, calcite, and others. The color of slate is of economic importance. The common colors are gray, bluish gray, and black, though reds and various shades of green are occasionally found. The permanency of slate for roofing is well known. It is stated that there are slate roofs in Pennsylvania and Maryland over 100 years old. ^ "In Engrland and Wales, and in France, many buildings constructed in the 15th and 16th centuries were roofed with slate, and the roofs are still in excellent condi- tion. There is a record of a chapel in Bedford-on-Avon in Wiltshire, England, roofed with slate in the 8th century, and after 1200 years of climatic exopsure is moss- covered but in good condition." Contrary to the general impression, however, the major portion of the slate produced in the United States is used on the inside rather than the outside of buildings. Its interior uses include stationary washtubs, electrical switchboards, and blackboards. A square of roofing slate is a sufficient number of pieces of any size to cover 100 square feet of roof, with allowance generally for a three- inch lap. The sizes of the pieces of slate making up a square range from 7x9 inches to 16 x 24 inches, and the number of pieces in a square ranges from 85 to 686. The Ferry Building, San Francisco, is roofed with Eureka slate from El Dorado County. In California there were shipments in 1927 amounting to 2686 tons valued at $17,960 from El Dorado, Mariposa and Tuolumne counties. This was an increase over the 1926 output valued at $7,371. Most of this slate was crushed and used for roofing granules. 1 Bowles, O., Slate as a Permanent Roofing Material : U. S. Bur. of M., Reports of Investigations, Serial No. 2267, July, 1921, p. 4. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 83 Total Production of Slate in California. A complete record of amount and value of slate produced in Cali- fornia follows : Year Squares Value Year Squares Value 1889 4,500 4.000 4,000 3,500 3,000 1,800 1,350 500 400 400 810 3,500 5,100 4,000 10,000 6.000 4,000 $18,089 24,000 24,000 21,000 21,000 11,700 9,450 ■ 2,500 2,800 2,800 5,900 26.250 38,250 30.000 70.000 50.000 40,000 1906 1907 1908 1909 10,000 7,000 6,000 6,961 1,000 $100,000 1890 60,000 1891 60,000 1892.... 45,660 1893 1910 8,000 1894... 1911 1895 1915 1916 1,000 5,000 1896.. 1897 1920 1921 8 80 1898.. 1899 1922 1923 * * 1900 1901... 1926 7,371 1902 . . 1927 17,960 1903 Total value 1904. S701,810 1905 ♦Concealed under 'Unapportiored.' MISCELLANEOUS STONE Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XII-XXIII (inc.)- Bul- letin 38 ; also annual statistical bulletins from 1915 to date. 'Miscellaneous stone' is the name used throughout this report as the title for that branch of the mineral industry covering crushed rock of all kinds, paving blocks, sand and gravel, and pebbles for grinding mills. The foregoing are very closely related from the standpoint of the producer; therefore it has been found to be most satisfactory to group these items as has been done in recent reports of this Bureau. So far as it has been possible to do so, crushed rock production has been subdivided into the various uses to which the product was put. It will be noted, however, a very large percentage of the output has been tabulated under the heading 'Unclassified.' This is necessary because of the fact that many of the producers have no way of telling to what specific use their rock was put (or at least the proportions to each use) after they have quarried and sold the same to distributors and con- tractors. In addition to amounts produced by commercial firms, both corpo- rations and individuals, there is hardly a county in the state but uses more or less gravel and broken rock on its roads. Of much of this, particularly in the country districts, there is no definite record kept. For the year 1927 the production of crushed rock registered a gain both in tonnage and value over the preceding year. Sand and gravel tonnage remained practically the same, although there was a drop in their value. This resulted in a total value of $18,911,194, being a- decrease from $19,859,873 in 1926. . As for some years past, Los Angeles County led all others by a wide margin with an output valued at $6,292,078 (compared with $7,472,- 884 in 1926); followed by Alameda, second, with $1,538,017; River- 84 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA side, third, with $1,244,043; Fresno, fourth, with $1,118,761; San Diego, fifth, with $889,642 ; Contra Costa, sixth, with $816,140 ; Sacra- mento, seventh, with $754,206; Humboldt, eighth, with $554,963; fol- lowed in turn by Santa Clara, Ventura, Marin, San Benito, Orange, San Bernardino, Stanislaus, Monterey. Paving Blocks. The paving block industry has decreased materially of recent years,! practically to the vanishing point, because of the increased construction" of smoother pavements demanded by motor vehicle traffic. The blocks made in Solano County were of basalt ; those from Sonoma are of basalt, andesite, and some trachyte, while those from Madera, Placer, River- side, San Bernardino, and San Diego are of granite. The amount and value of paving block production, annually, since 1887 has been as follows : Year Amount M Value Year Amount M Value 1887... •10,000 10,500 7,303 7,000 5,000 •3,000 2,770 2.517 2,332 4,161 1,711 1,144 305 1,192 1,920 3,502 4,854 3,977 3,408 4,203 4,604 7,660 $350,000 367.500 297,236 245,000 150,000 96,000 96,950 66,981 73,338 77,584 35,235 21,725 7,861 23,775 41,075 112,437 134,6t2 161,752 134,347 173,432 199,347 334,780 1909... 4,503 4,434 4.141 11,018 6,364 6,053 3,285 1,322 938 372 27 63 4 72 IS 11 27 $199,803 1888 1910 198 916 1889 1911 210,819 1890. 1912... 578,355 1891 1913 363,505 1892... 1914 270,598 1893 1915 171,092 1894... 1916 54,362 1895 1917 . 38,567 1896 1918 17,000 1897 1919 1,350 1898 1920 3,155 1899 1921 280 1900 1922 3,924 1901. 1923 . 880 1902.. 1924 935 1903 1925 1,350 1904 1926 1905 1927 - 41 2,057 1906 Totals 1907 135,743 $5,317,945 1908.-. •Figures for 1887-1892 (inc.) are for Sonoma County only, as none are available for other counties during that period though Solano County quarries were then also quite active. Grinding Mill Pebbles. Production of pebbles for tube and grinding mills began commer- cially in California in 1915. Owing to the decreased imports and higher prices of Belgium and other European flint pebbles, due to the war, there was a serious inquiry for domestic sources of supply. In 1916 and 1917 shipments totaled in excess of 20,000 tons per year; but they have since dropped to an insignificant figure. San Diego County has been the principal contributor, with some also from Fresno and Sacramento. Shipments have been made to metallurgical plants in California, Nevada, Montana and Utah. Imports in 1927 amounted to 13,563 long tons, valued at $93,658 compared with 13,474 long tons and $120,078 in 1926. California output for 1927 was 288 tons, valued at $1,800, an increase from the 1926 figures. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 85 The amount and value of grinding mill pebbles, annually, follows : Year Tons Value 1915 340 $2,810 1916 20,232 107,567 1917 21,450 90,538 1918 8,628 61,268 1919 2,607 19,272 1920 2,104 17,988 1921 247 1,418 1922 1,571 7,628 1923 2,650 14,936 1924 434 2,969 1925 215 1,385 192G 102 612 1927 288 1,800 T'.tals 60,868 $260,191 Sand and Gravel. A considerable part of the gravel excavated is passed through grading and washing plants, and the material over 2 inches in size is crushed. Much of it is utilized in concrete mixtures. Most of the gravel used for road surfacing and repairs as well as that for railroad ballast is creek- run or pit-run material which is spread upon the roads without under- going any grading or washing. The distribution of the 1927 output of sand and gravel, .by counties, is given in the following table : Count u Tons Value Alameda ••> 1,696,707 $1,306,182 Butte 46,590 39,292 Contra Costa a 138,883 78,703 Del Xorte 5,000 6,750 Fresno 262,786 197,512 Glenn 44,598 39,689 Humboldt 283,504 46,810 Imperial 132,366 109,864 Kern 47,886 20,974 Lake 13,335 4,445 Lassen 103,500 36,950 Los Angeles 7,462,662 3,521,637 Mariposa 18,000 9,500 Merced 208,950 187,090 Monterey 221,363 220,584 Napa 48,580 45,690 Orange 172,989 105,948 Riverside =■ 9,921 37,222 Sacramento » 460,843 455,594 San Benito 49,938 14.329 San Bernardino 209,616 183,332 San Diego => 946,212 674,280 San Joaquin 258,564 81,747 San Luis Obispo " 17,541 8,369 San Mateo 17,027 9,036 Santa Barbara 70,497 40,473 Santa Clara 434,791 318,024 Santa Cruz 51,200 38,850 Shasta 16,913 14,402 Siskiyou 16,591 14,066 Sonoma 159,003 91,731 Stanislaus 344,016 211,255 Tehama 6,550 3,850 Trinitv 1,500 2,250 Tuolumne 6,000 1,800 Ventura « 287,051 375,972 Yolo 28,244 17,895 Tuba I 152,500 198,688 El Dorado, Madera, Mendocino, Mono, Placer, San Fran- cisco," Sierra * 26,500 33.750 Totals 14,478,717 $8,804,535 * Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. " Includes molding sand. 86 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA o 05(^l<^^ool0'^l0(^oi0»o»0lf:l'— •Tt''^cooo»o**"c^T--''j o CO o ro w» v.rfJ '_^ -iv "^ »ij 1 — 1 -rj- ^_; «v -«j- i.^ T— ' -ry- i.-j t-j »-- i_jb > — ■ i^j uj t— ' C^ C^ CC '-* CI «-i M CC CO '-''-' CO .— 1 I— I (TJ '-' ♦-< O lO O no CO ^ ocoo lA »C O cocq 00 00 ■^ W O '-' C^ b- (X) o ooo ooos Ol CO 00 Ol b^*rs COOi lO O CO Tf CD CD Tf ■^ -. 1-H .— I l>. (M O iC CO t^ b^»000?COOcD oT CO <— < >— I r^- CO CD O»0 0iOOOt^»-*OO00OOOOOC0»0Oi0C0O(M OC0C0Ob-C0'^»i^»'^OrMi0OOi0O^0i0Oi00i»0cD ooicoo — cO'^cDooC;i^3000C)COOOO C0OOOOC5OOO CDWOb-Ob-.OiCb'. oO'-^cTcoot^ b-T Oi »-< »-t CO •-< C^J l>- CSWS^OiCOb^C^b^OCOOOOOOcOOiOOiOOOl OMCOOCO»0'^000'-- Tl S o c3 a s'E fe ^ ^ Q^ S *^ C^ Q^ cj e« dj 4) p ^2 f^ c^ r^ 8^-r :5^. i; ^j -fcj en «--r: ctj ci ps c3 ?3 ca ceja.2i.22 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PKODU#riON 87 Cq^OOOlCOO'-i^ CO c^ c^iooooo^HOooeo OUTieciOOcO0500i-« CO CO b^OO o to Oi CO or^ o ■^ 1— 1 -^ CO •-« W CO CO CO CO O3coooi--c^r^t^co lO CO i->. Jt^ °s OD 1 t ^C^ to CO to I I-rjT^" oo" 00 lO , Im CO 00 O 1 I 11-1 iC 1 1 t CO Tt< 1 CO l 1 T-l CO s CO O t 1 lo:* (M lO t 1 iCO (M •T}1 1 1 ICO 1 1 '* 1 )0U 0" CO CO O 1 to <:0 1 00 1— 1 1 CO g co^ O I CO 1 to *-4 1 CO_ Oi'-H C 50 lO O ^ 1 c^ CO IOC >o ir*<30o I 00 C3 UD CC 50 I0OO5CX) 1 CO__ t-Too o" l^'coo : CO to •<** CO 1 ^coco , 00 -_CD^G 5^o 1 ai^t^ t^ » t^_ iO'M'"'- ■Tcr leoor^ ; t--. (o o [i-H CO t^ ; CO ; CO CO 1* 1 e3 1 1 t- t ■*^ 1 1 fl N 1^ : ' S s d ' :«2 '^ § : -^ m 1 >> - '•is c" 1 M 1 > o ;S.S § i 1 c'S V 1 tem 5 j o" 1 1:3 ■ CQ 1 - 5 o S > a ^^SS V C^ u, p< l-i £ -o M C5 ^ c =«S ca Jg rroo ggra les. 3-;3 ti 3 »; cja 3 03 .£ CD u ^ t»D -3 (U Q, a-3 «-_ M s« M « S a fe °= oofing reeng reenst rname annist meltet V cc t- bb bO c bD CQ QJ QJ •ST3-a-a-o"OT3X) •i-2 3 3 3 3 3 3 6*7; t) o'o o t^ 1^ CJ W Ivf C^ ^a" ■ c a c c C (3 R 4) d e tJ o 88 MINflfeAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Included in the above is a total of 46,930 tons of molding sand, valued at $128,752 f . o. b. pit from two operators each in Riverside and San Diego counties, and one each in Alameda, Contra Costa, Sacra- mento, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo and Ventura. This item is each year assuming a more important position in the commercial mineral list of California. The 1926 figures totaled 46,601 tons and $105,336. Crushed Rock. To list the kinds and varieties of rock utilized commercially under this heading would be to run almost the entire gamut of the classifica- tion scale. Much depends on the kind available in a given district. Those which give the most satisfactory service are the basalts and other hard, dense, igneous rocks which break with sharp, clean edges. In many localities, river-wash boulders form an important source of such material. In such cases, combined crushing and washing plants obtain varying amounts of sand and gravel along with the crushed sizes. In Sacramento and Butte counties the tailings piles from the gold dredgers are the basis of like operations. The values given are based on the selling prices, f . o. b. cars, barges, or trucks, at the quarry. Miscellaneous Stone Production of California, by Years. The amount and value, annually, of crushed rock (including macadam, ballast, rubble, riprap, and that for concrete), and sand and gravel, since 1893, follow : Crushed Rock, Sand and Gravel, by Years Year Tons Value Year Tons Vakc 1893 371,100 661,900 1,254,688 960,619 821,123 1,177,365 964,898 789,287 530,396 2,056,015 2,215,625 2,296,898 2.624,257 1,555,372 2,288,888 3,998,945 5,531,561 5,827,828 6,487,223 $456,075 664,838 1.095,939 839,884 600,112 814,477 786,892 561,642 641,037 1,249,529 1,673,591 1,641,877 1,716,770 1,418,406 1,915,015 3,241,774 2,708,326 2,777,690 3,610,357 1912 8,044,937 9,817.616 9,288,397 10,879,497 9,951,089 8,069,271 6,641,144 6,919,188 9,792,122 10,914,145 13,049,644 19,840,301 21,451,129 23,819,137 24,987,606 2.5,126,691 $4,532,598 1894 1913 4,823 056 1895 1914 3,960,973 1896 1915 4,609,278 1897 -.- 1916 4,009,590 1898 1917 3,505,662 1899 1918 3,325,889 1900 1919.... 3,678,322 1901 1920 6,782,414 1902 1921 7,834,340 1903 1922. 10,366,231 1904 - - — 1923 15,379,838 1905 1924.... 15,962,476 1906 1925.. 17,407,113 1907 1926 19,859,261 1908 1927... 18,912,994 IQflQ Totals 1910 241,005,902 $173,364,566 1911 A comparison of the above table of annual production of these mate- rials with the similar table for cement (see ante), reveals the fact that the important growth of the crushed rock and gravel business has been coincident with the rapid development of the cement industry from the year 1902. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 89 CHAPTER FIVE INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XII-XXIII (inc.)- Bul- letin 38. Min. & Sci. Press, Vol. 114, March 10, 1917. Spurr and Wormser, "Marketing of Metals and Minerals." "Non- Metallic Minerals," by R. B. Ladoo. See also under each substance. The following mineral substances have been arbitrarily arranged under the general heading of 'Industrial Materials,' as distinguished from those which have a clearly defined classification, such as metals, salines, structural materials, etc. These materials, many of which are mineral earths, are, with four or five exceptions, as yet produced on a comparatively small scale. The possibilities of development along several of these lines are large, and Avitli increasing transportation and other facilities, together with stead- ily growing demands, the future for this branch of the mineral industry in California is promising. There is scarcely a county in the state but might contribute to the output. Up to within the last few years, at least, production has been in the majority of instances dependent upon more or less of a strictly local market, and the annual tables show the results of such a condition, not only in the widely-varying amounts of a certain material produced from year to year, but in widely-varying prices of the same material. The more important of these minerals thus far exploited, so far as shown by value of the output, are limestone, mineral water, pyrites, pottery clays, diatomaceous earth, gj^psum, talc, dolomite, fuller's earth. This gToup as a whole showed an increase in the total value to $5,258,068 in 1927 from $4,675,924 for 1926. The following table gives the comparative figures for the amounts and value of industrial minerals produced in California during the years 1926 and 1927 : Substance 1926 1927 Increase+ Amount Value Amount Value Value Barytes- 4,978 tons 797,461 tons 68,640 tons 7,300 tons 23,552 tons ?38,165 806,509 119,313 56,400 250,192 9,049 211,337 367,501 5,846 1,171,550 48,350 466,088 104,317 255,645 ^765,662 17,993 tons 867,419 tons 45,976 tons 10,932 tons 13,018 tons $90,617 872,661 79,422 86,101 154,764 7,035 292,090 663,957 * 1,487,183 168,896 564,823 94,762 164,744 •=651,013 S52,452+ Clay fpotterv) 66,152+ Dolomite Feldspar.. 39,891— 29,701 + Fuller's earth 95,428— Gems 2,014— Gypsum.. . 114,868 tons 108,795 tons 569 tons 14,074,877 gals. 7,170 tons 100,896 tons 30,010 tons 17,004 tons - 94,630 tons 699,790 tons * 16,644,423 gals. ■ 13,779 tons 130,910 tons 24,636 tons 16,218 tons 80,753+ Limestone 296,456+ Mineral paint . * Mineral water 315,633 + Pumice and volcanic ash. . . Pyrites.. 120,546+ 98,735+ Silica (sand and quartz) Soapstone and tale Unapportioned 9,555— 90,901— 114,649— Total value 14,675,924 $5,378,068 Net increase $702,144+ * Under 'Unapportioned'. » Includes asbestos, diatomaceous earth, lithia, shale oil, sillimanite-andalusite-cyanite group. •> Includes asbestos, diatomaceous earth, graphite.lithia, mineral paint, shale oil.sillimanite-andaliisite-cyanite group. 90 MINEEAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA ASBESTOS Bibliography : State Mineralogist Keports XII-XIX (inc.), XXII. Bulletins 38, 91. Canadian Dept. of M., Mines Branch Bulletin 69. Min. & Sci. Press, April 10, 1920, pp. 531-533. Eng. & Min. Jour.-Press, Vol. 113, pp. 617-625, 670-677. Asbestology, Vol. 5, No. 7, July, 1927. In 1927 there was a small tonnage of crude asbestos ore and fibre produced in California, but as there was only a single operator, the figures are concealed under the 'Unapportioned' item. The future of asbestos mining in California is dependent largely upon the development of uses in quantity for the short-fibre mill grades, and for the amphibole variety. There are apparently large resources of such material that can be made available. Some spinning- grade fibre has also been found in this state, notably in Nevada, Cala- veras, and Monterey counties, but the commercial yield to date has been small. There are extensive serpentine areas in the Coast Ranges, in the Klamath Mountains, and in several sections of the Sierra Nevada which are within the range of possible asbestos producers, as chrysotile is a fibrous form of serpentine. These localities all yielded chromite in greater or less amounts during the World War period. Three-quarters of the world's supply of asbestos was for many years produced by Canada. At present, Rhodesia furnishes 60 per cent of the long fibre, though Canada in addition to its long fibre still accounts for practically the entire output of lower grades. Asbestos Production of California, by Years. Total amount and value of asbestos production in California since 1887, as given in the records of this Bureau, are as follows : Year Tons Valae Year Tons Value 1887 30 30 30 71 66 30 50 50 25 Sl,800 1,800 1,800 4,260 3,960 1,830 2,500 2,250 1,000 1909 65 200 125 90 47 51 143 145 136 229 131 410 50 20 70 25 $6,500 20,000 500 1888 1910 1889 1911 1890 1912 2,700 1,176 1891 1913 1892. 1914- 1,530 1893 1915 2,860 2,380 10,225 1894 1916 1895 1917 1896 1918 9,903 1897 19191, 1898 10 30 50 110 200 750 1,250 4,400 6,240 1899 1921 19,275 1900 1922 1,800 1901 1923 200 1902... 1924 4,750 1903 19251, 1,650 10 112 70 70 70 162 2,625 3,500 3,500 6,100 1904 1926/ 1927 1905 « 1906 Totals 1907 2,851 $135,375 1908 •Annual details concealed under 'Unapportioned.' BARYTES Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIV, XV, XVII, XXI. Bulletin 38. Eng. & Min. Jour.-Press, Vol. 114, p. 109, July 15, 1922 ; Vol. 115, pp. 319-324, Feb. 17, 1923. Commercial shipments of crude barytes in California in 1927 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 91 amounted to a total of 17,993 tons, valued at $90,617 f . o, b, rail- shipping point, being a marked increase in both quantity and value over the 1926 figures of 4978 tons and $38,165. The 1927 yield came from properties in Mariposa, Nevada and Orange counties. The bar^'tes from Mariposa and Nevada counties was consumed principally in the manufacture of lithopone. That from Orange County was a furnace sinter, being a barytes gangue in a quiclcsilver ore, and was sold for use in oil-well drilling mud. More than half of the total tonnage of barytes utilized in the United States is taken in the manufacture of lithophone, which is a chemically- prepared white pigment containing approximately 70% barium sulphate and 30% zinc sulphide. This is one of the principal constituents of 'flat' wall paints. Other important uses for barytes, after washing and grinding, are as an inert pigment and filler in paint, paper, lino- leums, oilcloth and rubber manufacture, and in the preparation of a number of chemicals including barium binoxide, carbonate, chloride, nitrate, and the sulphate precipitated, or 'blanc fixe.' Present quotations for barytes vary from $7 to $9 per ton, crude, f. 0. b. rail-shipping point, depending on quality. Most baryte has to be washed and acid treated to remove iron stains or other impurities before being suitable for paint use. Known occurrences of this mineral in California are located in Inyo, Los Angeles, Mariposa, Monterey, Nevada, San Bernardino, Shasta and Santa Barbara counties. The deposit at El Portal, in Mariposa County, has given the largest commercial production to date, in part witherite (barium carbonate, BaCOg). Witherite has also been found in Shasta County, but no shipments have yet been made from the deposit. Total Barytes Production of California. The first recorded production of barytes in California, according to the statistical reports of the State Mining Bureau, was in 1910. The annual figures are as follows : Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 1910 860 309 564 1,600 2,000 410 1,606 4,420 100 1,501 $5,640 2,207 2,812 3,680 3,000 620 5,516 25,633 1,500 18,065 1920 3,029 901 3,370 2,925 320,795 1911 1921 4 809 1912 1922 18 925 1913... 1923 16,058 1914 1924 1915 1925 1916 1926 4,978 17,993 38,165 1917 1927 90 617 1918 Totals 1919 46,566 $258,042 CLAY (Pottery) Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports I, IV, IX, XII-XV, XVIII-XXIII (inc.). Bulletins 38, 99. Preliminary Report No. 7. IT. S. Bureau of Standards, Tech. Paper No. 262. • At one time or another in the history of the state, pottery clay has been mined in thirty-three of its counties. Of these, 21 contributed in 1926. In this report, 'pottery clay' refers to all clays used in the manufacture of red and brown earthenware, china and sanitary ware, flower pots, floor, faience and ornamental tiling, architectural terra cotta, sewer pipe, drain and roof tile, etc., and the figures for amount l>2 MlXKRAli INDVSTRY OF OAi.:\:;NlA S K t <« c 6* C I. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL. PRODUCTION 9JJ and value are relative to the erude material at the pit, without refer- ence to whether the clay was sold in the crude form or was immediately used in the manufacture of any of the above finished products by the producer. It does not include clay used in making brick and hollow buildinf? blocks. There are many other important uses for clays besidf^ pottery manu- facture. Amonj? these may be enumerated paper, cotton f,'oods, and chemicals. Beinj,' neutral, clay does not have an injiirious effect upon other constituents used in the manufacture of such articles. In paper makinf?, clay is used as a filler in news and similar f^^rades, and as a coater'or glazer in the more hif?hly-fmished art, papers. A larc'c part Sewer-pipfe press, Los Xletos plant of Pacific Clay Products Co., I»« Angelea County. Photo by courtesy of the compa,ny, of the china clay u.sed in the United States is imported from England. Clays of the montmorillonite and halloysite group ('rock soap') are being utilized succes-sfully in the manufacture of soaps. During 1927 a total of 63 producers in 21 counties reportcA an output of 867,419 .short tons of potterj' clay, having a total value of $872,661, f. 0. b. rail-shix^x^ing point, for the crude material, as com- pared with the 1926 pr^xluction of 801,461 tons worth $806,509. Becau.se of the fact that a given prrxluct often requires a mixture of several different clay.s, and that these are not all found in the same pit, it is necessarj' for most clay-working plants to buy some part of their raw materials from other localities. For these reason.s, in compil- ing the clay indu.strj- figures, much care is required to avoid duplica- 94 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA tions. So far as we have been able to segregate the figures, from the data sent in by the operatives, we liave credited the clay output to the counties from which the raw material originated; and have deducted tonnages used in brick manufacture, as bricks are classified separately, herein. A tabulation of the direct returns from the producers, by counties, for the year 1927 is shown herewith : Pottery Clay in 1927 County Tons Value Used in the manufacture of Alameda 6,593 118,636 7,550 • b 147,621 1,100 14,637 01,388 118,514 q0,190 4,373 ■'354,418 16,399 120,516 165,210 7,125 206,175 550 49,354 100,710 198,330 31,765 4,261 63,120 19,545 Architectural terra eotta, chimney, drain and sewer Amador pipe, faience floor and roofing tile. Architectural terra cotta, fire clay products and re- Contra Costa fractories, chimney and sewer pipe, drain, floor and roofing tile, and various. Conduit, red earthenware, drain, faience, floor and Lob Angeles.. . . .. roofing tile. Architectural terra cotta, conduit, red earthenware, Monterey refractories, drain, faience, floor and roofing tile, chimney and sewer pipe, art pottery and oil well mudding. Floor and roofing tile. Orange Stoneware, refractories, drain, floor and roofing tile, Placer and various. Architectural *erra cotta, drain, chimney and sewe Riverside San Diogo Santa Clara pipe, roofing and floor tile, sanitary and red earth- enware, refractories, and various. Conduit, sewer pipe, red earthenware, refractories, floor and roofing tile, and various. Sewer pipe, faience, floor and roofing tile, and var- ious. Sewer pioe, art pottery, drain, faience, floor and Ventura .... roofing tile, and various. Faience, floor and roofing tile, and oil well mudding. Butte, Calaveras, Humboldt, Kern", Merced, Mono, Sac- ramento, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo and Stanislaus* Architectural terra cotta, chimney, drain, floor and roofing tile, and flue lining, loam, sewer pipe, and oil well mudding. Totals 867,419 $872,661 * Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. ■> Inchides clay and shale for oil well n.udding. •> Includes silt. « Includes "Cornwall stone." Pottery Clay Products. The values of the various pottery clay products made in California during 1927 totaled $14,739,689, compared with $14,625,203 in 1926, their distribution being shown in the following tabulation : Number of Product profUicers Tons Value Architectural terra cotta, chimney pipe and flue lining 10 Drain pipe 12 Roofing tile 25 Sewer pipe ., 8 Chinaware, semi-vitreous tableware 3 Sanitary ware 6 Red earthenware 6 Stoneware and chemical stoneware 6 Floor, faience, mantel, glazed, and hand-made tile 30 Miscellaneous art pottery, art tile, bath tile, decora- tive stands and tile, conduit pipe, electrical porce- lain, segment blocks, garden furniture and pottery, glass-tank blocks, radiator and stove backs, ground clay, fireclay and cement, grog, and various 27 1,276,108 Total value $14,739,689 Important increases were shown in flat tile (floor, faience, mantel, etc.), sewer pipe, sanitary ware, and the miscellaneous group, with decreases by architectural terra cotta, chimney pipe and roofing. 28,517 $2,439,371 6,987 128,258 75,014 1,865,970 104,833 2,934,304 528,750 1,903,743 181,631 443,053 3,038,501 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 95 Pottery Clay Production of California, by Years. Amount and value of crude pottery clay output in California since 1887 are given in the following table: Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 1887 75,000 75,000 75,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 24,856 28,475 37,660 41,907 24,592 28,947 40,600 59,636 55,679 67,933 90,972 84,149 133,805 167,267 160,385 $37,500 37,500 37,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 67,284 35,073 39,685 62,900 30,290 33,747 42,700 60,956 39,144 74,163 99,907 81,952 130,146 162,283 254,454 1908 208,042 299,424 249,028 224,576 199,605 231,179 179,948 157,866 134,636 166,298 112,423 135,708 203,997 225,120 277,232 376,863 417,928 537,587 801,461 867,419 $325 147 1888 1909 465,647 1889 1910 324,099 1890.. 1911 252,759 1891 1912 215,683 1892 1913 261,273 1893 1914 167,552 1894 1915... 133,724 1895 1916 146,538 1896 1917 154,602 1897 1918 166,788 1898... 1919 245,019 1899 1920 440,689 1900.... 1921 362,172 1901. 1922 473,184 1902... 1923. 697,841 1903 1924 651,857 1904 1925 674,376 1905.. 1926 806,509 1906 1927 872,661 1907 Totals 7,578,203 $9,315,304 DIATOMACEOUS EARTH Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports II, XII-XV (inc), XVII-XXII (inc.). Bulletins 38, 67, 91. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Bull. 104, August, 1915, pp. 1539-1550. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Rep. of Investigations : Serial No. 2431, Jan., 1923. Eng. & Min. Jour.-Press, Vol. 115, pp. 1152-1154, June 30, 1923. Infusorial and diatomaceous earths — sometimes called tripolite — are very light and extremely porous, chalk-like materials composed of pure silica (chalk, being calcareous) which have been laid down under water and consist of the remains of microscopical infusoria and diatoms. The former are animal remains, and the latter are from plants. The principal commercial use of diatomaceous earth (also called 'diatomite') is as an absorbent. It is also employed in the manufacture of scouring soap and polishing powders; for filtration purposes; in making some classes of refractory brick ; and as an insulating medium both in heat- ing and refrigeration. It is a first-class nonconductor of heat, where high temperatures are employed, such as around steel and gas plants and power houses. In such cases, it is built in as an insulating layer in furnace walls. In Germany, under the name ' kieselguhr, ' it was used as an absorbent for nitroglycerine in the early manufacture of dynamite. As a nonconductor of heat it has been used alone or with other mate- rials as a covering for boilers, steam pipes and safes, and in fireproof cement. It is used largely by paint manufacturers as a wood filler. Boiled with shellac it is made into records for talking machines. It has been used for absorbing liquid manures so that they could be utilized as fertilizers, and as a source of silica in making water-glass as well as in the manufacture of cement, tile glazing, artificial stone, ultramarine and other pigments of aniline and alizarine colors, paper filling, sealing wax, fireworks, hard-rubber objects, matches, and paper mache, and 96 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA for solidifying bromine. For making insulating brick the material is sawed into blocks, and for all other purposes it is ground and screened. The most important deposits in California thus far known are located in Monterey, Orange, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara counties. The Santa Barbara material is diatomaceous and is of a superior quality, particularly for filtration uses which bring the higher prices. Infusorial or diatomaceous earths are also found in Fresno, Kern, Los Angeles, Plumas, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sonoma, and Tehama counties. As almost 90% of the output in California is from a single operator, we have concealed the exact figures under the 'Unapportioned' item in the state and county totals. There were six operators in 1927 in Los Angeles, Monterey, Santa Barbara and Shasta counties, the ship- ments showing a decrease in tonnage and value compared with 1926, The material shipped was utilized for insulation, filtration, paint pigment, cement admixture, and for clarification of gasoline and kerosene. Total Production of Diatomaceous Earth in California. The first recorded production of these materials in California occurred in 1889; total amount and value of output, to date, are as follows : Year Tons J . Value Year Tons Value 1889.... 39 $1,335 1910 1911. 1912. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1,843 2,194 4,129 8,645 12,840 12,400 15,322 24,301 35,963 40,200 60,764 •90,739 * 193,004 $17,617 19 670 1890 1891 17,074 35 968 1892... 1893... 50 51 2,000 2,040 80,'350 62 000 1894 1895.... 80 610 1896 127510 1897 5 200 189,459 217 800 1898... 1899... 1,056,260 1900 19211 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1901 1,016,675 1902.. . . 422 2,703 6,950 3,000 2,430 2,531 2,950 500 2,532 16,015 112,282 15,000 14,400 28,948 32,012 3,500 Includes bromine, calcium chloride, and magnesium salts. BORATES Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports III, X, XII-XV (inc.), XVil-XXIII (inc.). Bulletins 24, 67, 91. During 1927 there was produced in California a total of 89,093 tons of borate materials compared with 84,101 tons for the year 1926. The material shipped during the year included crude and select colemanite ore from Inyo County, the new sodium borates, kernite (Rasorite) and kramerite from Kern County ; also crystallized borax prepared by evaporation of brines at Searles Lake in San Bernardino County. As the crude ore is not sold as such, but is almost entirely calcined before shipping to the refinery for conversion into the borax of com- merce, and because of the fact that the material varied widely in boric acid content, we have recalculated the tonnage to a basis of 40% A.B.A. This is approximately the average A.B.A. content of the colemanite material after calcining, and also of the crystallized borax obtained from evaporation of the lake brines. Recalculated as above, the 1927 production totals 72,462 tons, valued at $3,043,260, an increase over the similar figures for 1926, which were 47,605 tons and $1,625,298. 118 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Colemanite is a calcium borate, and the material mined is shipped to seaboard chemical plants for refining. The latest development in the borax industry is the finding in quantity and opening up of a new borate mineral which bids fair to supplant colemanite in much the same way that the colemanite deposits displaced the borax industry in the desert playas or dry lakes, some forty years ago. This new mineral is 'kernite' (or 'rasorite'), a sodium borate with a smaller water-of- crystallization content than the 'borax' of commerce, so that when re-crystallized to borax, the resulting product has an increased weight over the original material. These deposits are being opened up by the Pacific Coast Borax Company in southeastern Kern County. Refined 'borax' (sodium tetraborate) is used in making the enameled coating for cast-iron and steelware employed in plumbing fixtures, chemical equipment, and kitchen utensils. It is also a constituent of borosilicate glasses which are utilized in making lamp chimneys, baking dishes, and laboratory glassware. Other important uses of borax are in the manufacture of laundry and kitchen soaps, in starch, paper siz- ing, tanning, welding, and in the preparation of boric acid, which is employed as an antiseptic and in preserving meats. Among the newer uses for borax is its employment in the preserving of citrus fruits by washing them in a solution of borax, which closes the pores of the skin. The application of this process is increasing in California and Florida. Another is as a preservative of wood, in addition to which borax, being non-inflammable, renders it fireproof. An increased foreign demand stimulated an increased production of this material. The total amount exi^orted from the United States was 36,954 short tons valued at $2,422,144 compared with 14,305 short tons valued at $1,256,798 in 1926. From one California port in 1927 approximately 22,000 short tons of borax was shipped to the United Kingdom and continental Europe. California deposits are the most important source of borax in the world, and that this material can be mined and refined at a low cost, sup])lying an increasing market, is shown in the following article taken from the Engineering and Mining Journal :^ "New aspects in the present situation of the borax industry have been disclosed by an authority as the result of the recent development of important new deposits of borate minerals in the Kramer district in southeast Kern County, California. "The new mine that has been opened by the Pacific Coast Borax Company in the northwest corner of Sec. 24, T. 11 N., R. S W., and the extreme northwest corner of Sec. 19 of the township next adjoining on the east, is apparently now on regnlar. production, with railroad connections established and shipping the new kernite ore in large quantities. The present output of borate ores or products in the United States is approximately as follows : Pacific Coast Borax Co. mine near Kramer, Average dail}/ shipment Cal. 200 tons crude kernite ore of high purity American Trona Corp., Searles Lake, Cal. 140 tons refined borax West End Chemical Co. mine near Las Vegas. Nev. 2.5 tons calcined colemanite West End Chemical Co. plant at Searles Lake, Cal. 1.5 tons refined borax Total daily production 3 SO tons "The total production represented by these averages, if they are maintained throughout this year, will be approximately 140,000 tons of borax for 1928, which is probably approximately the amount of present market requirements. "The new source of borate mineral at Kramer is probably the most available source of borax that the world has ever known, in quality of material, massiveness, purity, minability of the deposit, and accessibility. The new mineral kernite appar- ently exists under extremely favorable mining conditions, so that the ore can appar- ently be brought to the surface at a cost of less than $10 a ton. It may be recalled that the kernite ore recovered in such pure form as indicated by the present opera- tions should yield more than its equivalent in weight of commercial borax, and that 1 Engineering and Mining Journal, Mar. 31, 1928, p. 551. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION 119 only the simplest refining processes are required to transform the crude material as mined into the commercial product. Therefore it is entirely likely that the cost of borax may be cut from recent quotations, which have ranged around four cents a pound, to one-half that amount or even less. "Another interestin.e; factor may also have an important Influence in the produc- tion situation and marketing of this product. It appears that an important exten- sion of the ricliest part of these deposits lies south of the property now being oper- ated and this new deposit is evidently under independent contn)l. The discovery was made by borings and is situated about tliree-fiuarters of a mile southwest of the • original" sliaft in the northeast corner of Sec. 24. According to authentic informa- tion these borax deposits revealed a thick section of particularly pure kernite in the new' area referred to, and a mining shaft is being rapidly sunk to develop this new deposit. The material which may ))e developed from this independent operation promises to exert an important intluence with tlie Kramer district." Total Production of Borate Materials in California. Borax was first discovered in California in the waters of Tuscan Springs in Tehama County, January 8, 1856. Borax Lake in Lake County was discovered in September of the same year by Dr. John A. Veach. This deposit was worked in 1864-1868, inclusive, and during that time produced 1,181,365 pounds of refined borax. The bulk of it was exported by sea, to New York. This was the first commercial output of this salt in the United States, and California is still today the leading American producer of borax, having been for many years the sole producer. Production from the dry lake 'playa' deposits of Inyo and San Bernardino counties began in 1873 ; but it was not until 1887 that the borax industry was revolutionized by the discovery of the colemanite beds at Calico, in San Bernardino County, and later similar beds in Inyo and Los Angeles counties. The colemanite deposits of Ventura County are at present unworked, owing to lack of transportation facili- ties. Some production of colemanite has been made from deposits opened up in Clarke County, Nevada. The total production of borate materials in California is shown in the following table : Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 1864 12 126 201 220 32 S9,478 94,099 132,538 156,137 22,384 1897 8,000 8,300 20,357 25,837 22,221 "17,202 34,430 45,647 46,334 58,173 53,413 22,200 16,628 16.828 50,945 42,135 58,051 62,500 67,004 103,523 109,944 88,772 66,791 127,065 50,136 b39,087 62,667 52,070 40,124 47,605 72,402 $1,080,000 1,153,000 1,139,882 1,013,251 982,380 2,234,994 661,400 698,810 1,019,158 1,182,410 1,200,913 1,117,000 1,163,960 1,177,960 1,456,672 1,122,713 1,491,530 1,483,500 1,663,521 2,409,375 2,561,958 1,867,908 1,717,192 2,794,206 1,096,326 1,068,025 1,893,798 1,-599,149 1,526,938 1,625,298 3,013,260 1865 1898 1866 1899 1867 1900 1868 1901 1869 1902 1870 1903 1871 1904 1872 140 515 916 1,168 1,437 993 373 364 609 690 732 900 1,019 942 1,285 1,015 1,405 965 3,201 4,267 5,525 3,955 5,770 5,959 6,754 89,600 255,440 259,427 289,080 312,537 193,705 66,257 65,443 149,245 189,750 201,300 265,500 198,705 155,430 173,475 116,689 196,636 145,473 480,152 640,000 838,787 593,292 807,807 595,900 675,400 1905 1873 -. 1906 1874 1907 1875 1908 .. 1876...- 1909 1877 1910 1878 1911 1879 1912 1880 1913 1881.... 1914 1882 1915 . 1883 1916.. 1884 1917 1885 1918 . . 1886 1919 1887 1920 1888 1921 1889 1922 1890 1923 1891 1924 1892 1925 1893 1926 1894 1927 1895 Totals 1896 1,593,940 $54,616,153 ' Refined borax. •> Recalculated to 40% 'anhydrous boric acid' equivalent beginning with 1922. 120 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA BROMINE The first commercial production of bromine and bromine compounds was begun during 1926 by the California Chemical Corporation in its plant at Chula Vista, San Diego County, from salt-works bittern waters. This same plant has been recovering magnesium chloride for a number of years. A small amount of bromine was also reported made at the similar bittern-water plant of the Industrial Chemical Company at Newark, Alameda County. The amounts and values of this first and second years' yields of bromine in California are concealed under the 'Unapportioned' item. A large part of the bromine output of the United States is not sold as bromine, but in the form of potassium and sodium bromides and other salts. The principal production in the United States has come from bitterns from salt wells in Michigan, Ohio and West Virginia. The best known uses of bromine are its application in the form of silver bromide in photography and the manufacture of ethyl gasoline. Bromine, as such, was used extensively in the European War in making asphyxiating gases. It also has some uses in medicine, particularly in the treatment of nervous diseases. CALCIUM CHLORIDE BihliograpJuf: U. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. 1919, Pt. II. Engineer- ing and Contracting, Roads & Streets monthly issue, Feb. 6, 1924. 'How to Maintain Roads,' manual of instruction of Dow Chemical Company. Calcium chloride is hygroscopic, that is, it has an affinity for water. This property is taken advantage of by utilizing this salt as a drying agent. It is also sprinkled on dirt roads and playgrounds to keep down dust by absorbing moisture. In refrigerating machinery for ice fac- tories, meat-packing houses and cold-storage warehouses, a calcium- chloride solution is stated to have some advantages over salt brine. In fire buckets this solution has an advantage over pure water, in that it has a lower freezing point, does not corrode metal, and tends to keep the buckets full due to its absorbing moisture from the atmosphere. Powdered calcium chloride is used in drying gases, fruits and vege- tables. Total Calcium Chloride Production of California. Commercial production of calcium chloride in California was first reported to the State Mining Bureau in 1921, from two plants in San Bernardino County, being obtained as a by-product in the refining of salt from deposits in certain of the desert dry lakes. In 1922-1924, there was only a single operator, so that the annual details are concealed under the 'unapportioned' item. Year Tons Value 1921 683 $22,980 J||H * 1,204 26,580 J^y I * . 10,988 328,876 1926 1 * 34,195 508,748 Totals 47,070 $887,184 • Annual details concealed under 'Unapportioned.' STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 121 MAGNESIUM SALTS Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports XX, XXI. Bulletin 91. 'Dictionary of Applied Chemistry,' by Thorpe. TJ. S. Geol. Surv., Min. Res. of U. S. The 1927 production of magnesium salts in California is concealed under 'unapportioned.' This was nearly all chloride, sold for use in magnesite stucco and cement mixtures (Sorel cement), also some for 'road liquor.' It was in part marketed in the liquid form testing 34°-36° Baume, and in part as dry crystals, and was prepared from residual bitterns at salt plants in Alameda and San Diego counties. The sulphate marketed was utilized for medicinal and bath purposes. "With the use of magnesite cement and stucco coming -more into prom- inence in building construction on the Pacific Coast, the demand for magnesium chloride is increasing here ; but the domestic article has to meet the competition of the cheaper, imported German chloride. The average value reported for the chloride produced in California in 1927 was approximately $19 per ton, f. o. b. plant. Total Production of Magnesium Salts in California. Commercial production of magnesium chloride in California was begun in 1916 by some of the salt companies, from the residual bitterns obtained during the evaporation of sea water for its sodium chloride. In addition, some magnesium sulphate, or 'epsom salts' is also made, annually, but in smaller amount. The total production of magnesium salts in California, since the beginning of the industry here, is shown in the following tabulation : Year Tons Value 1916 851 $6,407 1917 1,064 34,973 1918 1,008 29,955 1919 1,616 82,457 1920 3,150 107,787 1921 4,153 106,140 1922 3,036 89,788 1923 3,662 116,031 1924 4,823 145,883 1925 4,221 132,553 1926 4,881 124,470 1927 * Totals 32,465 $976,444 * Concealed under 'Unapportioned.' NITRATES Bibliography : State Mineralogist Report XV. Bulletins 24, 67, 91. U. S. G. S., Press Bulletin No. 373, July, 1918. Smithsonian Inst., Publ. No. 2421, 1916. Nitrates of sodium, potassium and calcium have been found in various places in the desert regions of the state, but no deposit of commercial value has been developed as yet. It is hoped that a closer search may some day be rewarded by workable discoveries. At present the princi- pal commercial source of nitrates is the Chilean saltpeter (sodium nitrate) deposits in South America. The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen electrically has been accom- plished successfully in Germany and Scandinavia. The possibilities of cheap hydro-electric power in California make the subject one of 122 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA interest to ns, as we have also the natural raw materials and chemicals to go with the power. Sodium and potassium cyanides can be made by fixation of atmospheric nitrogen electrically. POTASH Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports XV, XVIII, XX, XXII. Bulletins 24, 67, 91. U. S. G. S., Min. Res. 1913, 1914, 1915. Senate Doc. No. 190, 62d Congress, 2d Session. Mining & Sci. Press, Vol. 112, p. 155; Vol. 114, p. 789. Eng. & Min. Jour.- Press, Vol. 117, p. 557, Apr. 5, 1924. During 1927, a total of 67,340 tons of potash salts of all grades was produced in California, valued at $1,952,852, compared with 32,884 tons and $812,285 in 1926. This was in part chloride and part from distil- lery slops char. The quality of the product averaged 60% equivalent KoO content; and the material was sold principally for fertilizer manufacture. Imports of crude potash minerals and salts into the United States in 1927, according to the U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com- merce, amounted to 623,109 long tons, valued at $13,423,925, compared with 815,715 tons and $14,122,699 in 1926. These materials consisted mainly of 'manure salts,' crude chloride (muriate) and sulphate, and kainite, all of which are admitted duty-free. Quotations have recently ranged from $46 per ton c.i.f. Atlantic and Gulf ports, for high-grade sulphate (90%-95%), to $35 per ton for muriate (80%-85%), and $19 for manure salts (30%). Other uses for potash salts, besides those noted above, are in the manufacture of the best liquid soap and some higher-grade cake soaps, of some finer grades of glass, and in matches. The chemical require- ments include tanning, dyeing, metallurgy, electroplating, photography and medicine. Total Production of Potash in California. Potash production began commercially in California in 1914, with a small yield from kelp. The bulk of the output comes from deposits of potash-bearing residues and brines in the old lake beds of the desert regions, particularly Searles Lake, San Bernardino County. A small amount is made annually from salt-works bitterns, and for a time there was some from Portland cement dust. Some also is obtained from molasses distillery-slops char. The annual amounts and value of these potash materials, since their beginning in California in 1914, are shown by the following table : Year Tons Value 1914 10 $460 1915 1,076 19,391 1916 17,908 663,605 1917 129,022 4,202,889 1918 49,381 6,808,976 1919 28,118 2.415,963 1920 26,298 1,465,463 1921 14,806 390,210 1922 17,776 584,388 1923 29,597 709,836 1924 33.107 747,407 1925 36,355 829,770 1926 32,884 812,285 J927 67,340 l,952,85r Totals 483,078 $21,609,498 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 123 SALT Bibliography: State Mineralogist Reports II, XII-XV (inc.), XVII-XXIII (inc.) ; Bulletins 24, 67, 91. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 669. U. S. Bur. of Mines, Bull. 146. Most of the salt production in California is obtained by evaporating the water of the Pacific Ocean, plants being located on the shores of San Francisco, Monterey, and San Diego bays, and at Long Beach. Additional amounts are derived from lakes and lake beds in the desert regions, mainly in Kern and San Bernardino counties. A small amount of valuable medicinal salts is obtained by evaporation of the water of Lake Mono, Mono County. Distribution of the 1927 salt production of California, by counties, was as follows : County Tons Value Alameda 180,623 $366,346 Kern 14,960 69,839 Los Angeles, Modoc, Mono," Monterey, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Mateo* 67,445 202,942 Totals 263,028 $639,127 * Combined to conceal output of a single operator in each. " Medicinal salts. The above returns show a decrease both in tonnage and value from the figures of 1926, which were 311,761 tons and $1,124,978. There were eight plants operating in Alameda County in 1927, and a total of nine in the other counties tabulated: Production of Salt in California, by Years. Amount and value of annual production of salt in California from 1887 is shown in the following tabulation : Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 1887_ 28,000 30.800 21,000 8,729 20,094 23,570 50,500 49,131 53,031 64,743 67,851 93,421 82,654 89,338 126,218 115,208 102,895 95,968 77,118 101,650 88,063 121,764 $112,000 92,400 63.000 57,085 90,303 104,788 213,000 140,087 150,576 153,244 157,520 170,855 149,588 204,754 366,376 205,876 211,365 187,300 141,925 213,228 310,967 281,469 1909 155,680 174,920 173,332 185,721 204,407 223,806 169,028 186,148 227,825 212,076 233,994 230,638 197,989 223,238 275.979 318,800 284,068 311,761 263,028 S414,708 395,417 324 255 1888 1910... 1889 1911 .. 1890 1912 383 370 1891_ 1913 462 681 1892 1914 583 553 1893 1915 368 737 1894 1916 ... 455,695 584,373 806 328 1895 1917... 1896-. 1918 1897_... 1919 896 963 1898 1920 972 648 1899 1921. 832 702 1900 1922 819,187 1901 1923 1 130 670 1902.. 1924 1 159 137 1903 .. 1925 .. 949 826 1904.. 1926 1 124 978 1905... 1927-... 639,127 1906 Totals 1907 5,764,184 J17 082 061 1908 SODA Bibliography : State Mineralogist Reports XII, XIII, XV, XVII, XVIII, XX; Bulletins 24, 67, 91. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 717. The production of sodium salts in California in 1926 included : soda ash, caustic soda and bicarbonate from plants at Owens Lake, Inyo 124 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA county and trona ('sesqui-carbonate,' a double salt of NaoCOg and NaHCOg) from Searles Lake, San Bernardino County. There were no shipments of salt cake (sulphate) from the Carrizo Plains, San Luis Obispo County in 1927. The total amounted to 62,571 tons, valued at $1,478,239, beins; a slight decrease in quantity but an increase in value compared with the 1926 figures of 63,333 tons and $1,305,802. The dense ash and bicarbonate were used mainly in the manufacture of soap, glass, sugar refining, and chemicals ; and the trona for metal- lurgical purposes. Sodium compounds to some extent replace potassium compounds, in glass and soap making, in photography, in match making, in tanning, sugar refining, and in the manufacture of cyanide for extracting gold and silver from their ores. Soda Production of California, by Years. The total output, showing amount and value of these materials in California since the inception of the statistical records of the State Mining Bureau, is given in the table which follows : Year Tons Value Year Tons Value 1894 1,530 1,900 3.000 5,000 7,000 10,000 1,000 8,000 7,000 18,000 12.000 15.000 12,000 $20,000 47.500 65,000 110,000 154.000 250.000 50.000 400.000 50.000 27.000 18.000 22.500 18,000 1912 7.200 1.861 6,522 5,799 10,593 24,505 20,447 21,294 32,407 14,828 20,084 34,885 32.536 48.625 63,333 62,571 137,094 1895 1913 ..- 24,936 1896 19H.. 115,,396 1897 1915 83,485 1898 1916 264,825 1899 1917 928,578 1900 1918 855,423 1901 1919 721,958 1902 1920 1,164,898 1903 1921 438,996 1904 1922 573,601 1905 1923... 764,284 1906 1924_ 711.790 1907 1925 947.649 1908 9,600 7,712 8,125 9,023 14,400 11,593 11,862 52,887 1926 1,305,802 1909 1927 1,478,239 Totals 1910 543,380 1911 $11,739,762 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 125 CHAPTER SEVEN BY COUNTIES Introductory. The State of California includes a total area of 158,297 square miles, of which 155,652 square miles are of land. The maximum width is 235 miles, the minimum 148 miles, and the length from the northwest corner to the southeast corner is 775 miles. The state is divided into fifty-eight counties. The 1920 census figures show a total population for California of 3,437,709. A 1927 estimate by the State Controller places the figure that year at 5,398,457. Minerals of commercial value exist in every county, and during 1927 some active production was reported to the State Division of Mines and Mining from all of the fifty-eight. Rank of Counties in Mineral Yield, 1927. Of the first ten counties, in point of total output for 1927, the first four, Los Angeles, Kern, Orange, Ventura, owe their position mainly to petroleum, as does also Fresno (sixth). Los Angeles, due to its oil, leads all the others, being credited with 36% of the entire state's total value for 1927, having passed Kern in 1923, which led for many years. San Bernardino (fifth) owes its place chiefly to cement, silver, potash, borax, mineral water, and tungsten; Riverside (seventh) to cement, stone, brick and tile; Yuba (eighth) to gold; Santa Cruz (ninth) to cement; Plumas (tenth) to copper. Twenty-four counties have each a total in excess of a million dollars in 1927. Cement is an important item in nine of these counties, gold in four, and miscellaneous stone, granite, and soda in one each. In the point of variety and diversity, San Bernardino County led all others in 1927, with a total of 23 differ- ent mineral products on its commercial list, followed by Los Angeles with 20 ; San Diego with 19 ; Kern and Riverside with 17 each ; Inyo with 13 ; Butte, 12 ; Calaveras, Monterey, Santa Barbara and Shasta with 11 each. The counties with their mineral resources, production for 1927, etc., are considered in detail in the following paragraphs. 1. 2 s! 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. County Value Los Angeles $131,832,441 Kern Orange Ventura San Bernardino Fresno Riverside Yuba Santa Cruz Plumas Santa Barbara Alameda Inyo Sacramento Nevada Amador Contra Costa _. Shasta San Benito San Mateo San Diego Calaveras Solano Madera Santa Clara Sierra San Joaquin Humboldt Trinity Marin 64,729,488 60,547,041 30,995,379 16,140,703 7,547,216 6,543,369 3,679,632 3,473,209 3,260,723 2,699,296 2,577,787 2,519,834 2,348,916 2,213,709 2,207,798 2,172,756 1,950,088 1,901,854 1,863,838 1,619,431 1,608,714 1,557,840 1,059,666 990,876 752,533 711,965 562,802 555.854 527,004 County 31. Mariposa 32. Tulare 33. Tuolumne 34. Napa 35. Stanislaus 36. Merced 37. Placer 38. Monterey 39. Imperial 10. Butte 11. Siskiyou 12. San Luis Obispo 13. Sonoma i4. El Dorado 45. Mono 16. Lake 17. Glenn 4 8. San Francisco _. i9. Modoc 50. Del Norte 51. Lassen 52. Mendocino 53. Yolo 54. Colusa 55. Tehama 50. Alpine 57. King's 58. Sutter Value $499,878 474,173 432,416 417,229 393,089 366,873 360,224 351,049 350,977 308,139 298,946 295,030 265,392 245,435 102,187 85,048 63,869 62,700 62,251 53,975 49,425 47,670 17,895 13,207 5,350 5,306 1,599 300 Total $366,781,394 126 MINERAL INDUSTRY OB^ CALIFORNIA ALAMEDA Land area: 732 square miles. Population: 344,177 (1920 census). Location: East side of San Francisco Bay. Alameda County, while in no sense one of the 'mining counties,' comes twelfth on the list with a value of mineral products for 1927 of $2,577,787, a decrease from the 1926 total, which was $3,158,474. The mineral resources of this county include asbestos, brick, chro- mite, clay, coal, copper, g'old, limestone, quartz crystals, glass-sand, sandstone, silver, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Suhstmice Amount Value Brick and hollow building tile $587,402 Clay (pottery) 0,593 tons 20,516 Salt 180,623 tons 306,346 Stone, miscellaneous 1,538,017 Other minerals * 65,506 Total value $2,577,787 * Includes magnesium salts, potash, pyrites. ALPINE Land area: 776 square miles. Population: 243 (1920 census). Location: On eastern border of state, south of Lake Tahoe. This county lies just south of Lake Tahoe, in the high Sierra Nevada. Transportation is by auto, wagon, or mule back, and facilities in general are lacking to promote development work. The mineral resources of this section are varied and the country has not yet been thoroughly jn-ospected. Occurrences of barium, copper, gold, gypsum, lead, limestone, pyrite, rose quartz, silver, tourmaline, and zine have been noted liere. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows, being an increase from $450 in 1926 : Substance Amount Yalue Gold $146 Silver 105 fine oz. 60 Stone, miscellaneous 5,100 Total value $5,306 AMADOR Land area: 601 square miles. Population: 7793 (1920 census). Location: East-central part of state — Mother Lode District. The value of Amador Countj'^'s mineral production decreased from $2,451,500 in 1926 to $2,207,798, placing it number sixteen on the list of counties in the state as regards total value of mineral substances marketed. The decrease was due mainly to gold. Although having an output consisting of nine different minerals, the leading product, gold, makes up approximately 87% of the total value for the year. Amador at one time led the state in gold production, though exceeded in 1920-1923 and in 1926-1927 by Yuba and Nevada counties, but in 1925 by Yuba County only. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 127 Commercial output for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Clay (pottery) 118,636 tons $165,210 Gold 1,922,714 Lead 2,491 lbs. 157 Silver 19,963 fine oz. 11,319 Stone, miscellaneous 10,400 Other minerals * 97,998 Total value $2,207,798 * Includes brick, coal, copper, silica. BUTTE Land area: 1722 square miles. Popiilation: 30,030 (1920 census). Location: North-central portion of state. Butte, fortieth county in California in regard to the value of its mineral output, reported a commercial production of twelve mineral substances, having- a total value of $308,139, as compared with $461,945 in 1926. As will be noted in the following tabulation, gold is the most important item. Butte stands tenth among the gold-producing counties of the state. Among the mineral resources of this section are asbestos, barytes, chromite, gems, gold, limestone, marble, mineral water, plati- num group, silver and miscellaneous stone. Commercial value for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Brick and clay $17,800 Gems 275 Gold 143,494 Platinum 7 fine oz. 499 Silver 655 fine oz. 371 Stone, miscellaneous 130,603 Other minerals * 15,097 Total value $308,139 * Includes copper, lead, mineral water, natural gas, soapstone. CALAVERAS Land area: 1027 square miles. Popidation: 6183 (1920 census). Location: East-central portion of state — Mother Lode district. Calaveras County reported production of eleven different minerals, valued at $1,608,714, during the year 1927, as compared with the 1926 output of $1,809,772. Cement, gold, copper and stone are the chief mineral substances. In regard to total value of mineral output, Cala- veras stands twenty-second among the counties of the state for 1927, and eighth in gold. The principal mineral resources developed and undeveloped are : Asbestos, chromite, clay, copper, fuller's earth, gold, limestone, marble, mineral paint, mineral water, platinum group, pyrite, quartz crystals, silver, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial output for 1927 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Chromite 225 tons $5,06S Copper 750,909 lbs. 98,367 Gold 219,217 Lead 4,606 lbs. 290 Silver 7,023 fine oz. 3,982 other minerals • 1,281,795 Total value $1,608,714 * Includes cement, pottery clay, gems (quartz crystals), mineral water, soapstone, miscellaneous stone. 128 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA COLUSA Land area: 1140 square miles. Population: 9920 (1920 census). Location: Sacramento Valley. Colusa County lies largely in the basin of the Sacramento Valley. Its western border, however, rises into the foothills of the Coast Range of mountains, and its mineral resources — largely undeveloped — include coal, chromite, copper, gypsum, manganese, mineral water, pyrite, quicksilver, sandstone, miscellaneous stone, sulphur, and in some places traces of gold and silver. The value of the 1927 production was $13,207, a decrease from the 1926 figures of $91,194, giving it fifty-fourth place, and was as follows: Substance Value Stone, miscellaneous $13,200 Unappoitioned : 7 Total value $13,207 CONTRA COSTA Land area: 714 square miles. Population: 53,889 (1920 census). Location: East side of San Francisco Bay. Contra Costa, like Alameda County, lies on the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay, and is not commonly considered among the mineral producing counties of the state. It stands seventeenth on the list in this respect, however, with an output valued at $2,172,756 for the calendar year 1927. Various structural materials make up the chief items, including brick, cement, limestone, and miscellaneous stone. Among the others are asbestos, clay, coal, gypsum, manganese, mineral water, and soapstone. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Value Brick and hollow building tile $303,302 Stone, miscellaneous 816,140 Other minerals * 1,053,314 Total value $2,172,756 * Includes cement, clay (pottery), limestone, mineral water. DEL NORTE Land area: 1024 square miles. Population: 2759 (1920 census). Location: Extreme northwest corner of state. Transportation: Motor, wagon and mule back; steamer from Crescent City. Del Norte almost rivals Alpine County in regard to inaccessibility. Like the latter county also, given transportation and kindred facilities, this portion of the state presents a field for development along mining lines especially. Its chief mineral resources, largely untouched, are chromite, copper, gems, gold, iron, platinum group, silver, and miscel- laneous stone. The 1927 output was a decrease from the figure of $70,464 in 1926, STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 129 the principal item of which is crushed roelc used on highway construc- tion, and rock used on the Crescent City harbor jetty. Commercial production for 1927, giving it fiftieth place, w^as as follows : Substance Amount Value [ Gold $384 i Silver 2 fine oz. 1 ; Stone, miscellaneous 53,350 Other minerals 240 Total value $53,975 EL DORADO Land area: 1753 square miles. Population: 6426 (1920 census). Location: East-central portion of the state, northernmost of the Mother Lode counties. El Dorado County, which contains the locality where gold in Cali- fornia was first heralded to the world, comes forty-fourth on the list of counties ranked according to the value of their total mineral produc- tion during the year 1927. In addition to the segregated figures here given, a large tonnage of limestone is annually shipped from El Dorado for use in cement manufacture, and whose value is included in the state total for cement. The decrease from the 1926 figure of $302,086 was due to limestone. The mineral resources of this section, many of them undeveloped, include asbestos, barytes, chromite, clay, copper, gems, gold, iron, molybdenum, limestone, quartz crystals, quicksilver, slate, soapstone, silver, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows: S^ibstance Amount Value Gold $82,254 Limestone 96,733 tons 146,506 Silver 767 fine oz. 388 Stone, miscellaneous 500 Other minerals * 15,792 Total value $245,435 * Includes copper, gems, silica, slate, soapstone. FRESNO Land area: 5950 square miles. Population: 128,779 (1920 census). Location: South-central portion of state. Fresno County, sixth in importance as a mineral producer among the counties of California, reported an output for 1927 of nine mineral substances with a total value of $7,547,216, an increase from the reported 1926 production, which was worth $6,699,928. The bulk of the above is derived from the petroleum production of the Coalinga field, with miscellaneous stone also important. The mineral resources of this county are many, and, aside from crude oil, are in the main not fully developed. They include asbestos, barytes, brick, chromite, copper, gems, gold, graphite, gypsum, magnesite, natural gas, petroleum, quicksilver, and miscellaneous stone. 9—62279 130 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Brick and hollow building tile $89,145 Gold 17,406 Granite 17,186 cu. ft. 74,424 Natural gas 1,682,652 M cu.ft. 148,227 retroleum 7,202,284 bbls. 5,977.176 Silver 136 fine oz. 77 Stone, miscellaneous 1,118,761 Other minerals 122,000 Total value $7,547,216 * Includes mineral water, pumice. GLENN Land area: 1259 square miles. Population: 11,853 (1920 census). Location: West side of Sacramento Valley. Glenn County, standing- forty-seventh, owes its position among the mineral-producing counties of the state mainly to the presence of large deposits of sand and gravel which are annually worked, the product being used for railroad ballast, etc. In 1917 and 1918, chromite was also an important item. In the foothills in the western portion of the county, deposits of chromite, copper, manganese, sandstone, and soap- stone have been found. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows, being an increase from the $58,391 of the previous year: Substance Value Stone, miscellaneous $63,869 HUMBOLDT Land area: 3634 square miles. Population: 37,857 (1920 census). Location: Northwestern portion of state, bordering on Pacific Ocean. Humboldt County is almost entirely mountainous, transportation within its limits being vary largely by auto and wagon road, and trail, and until recent years Avas reached from the outside world by steamer only. The county is rich in mineral resources, among which are brick, chromite, coal, clay, copper, gold, iron, mineral water, natural gas, petroleum, platinum, silver, and miscellaneous stone. Eight mineral substances, as shown by the table giv'tn below, having a total value of $562,802, were produced in 1927, as compared with the 1926 output of $706,670. The main item is the large amount of rock being used in jetty construction at Humboldt Bay (Eureka Harbor). Humboldt ranks twenty-eighth among the counties of the state for the year. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Aviount Value Gold - $1,729 Silver 25 fine oz. 14 Stone, miscellaneous — 554,963 Other minerals * — 6,096 Total value 1 $562,802 ♦Includes brick, clay (pottery), natural gas, platinum. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 131 IMPERIAL Land area : 4089 square miles. Population: 43,383 (1920 census). Location: Extreme southeast corner of the state. During 1927 Imperial County produced nine mineral substances having a total value of $350,977, a decrease from the 1926 output of $467,314. Its rank is thirtj'-ninth. This county contains deposits of cyanite, gold, gypsum, lead, manganese, marble, pumice, salt, silver, sodium, and strontium, largely undeveloped. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Gold $257 Silver 5 fine oz. 3 Stone, miscellaneous _ 129,658 Other minerals * 221,059 Total value $350,977 * Includes brick, copper, cyanite, gypsum, pumice. INYO Land area: 10,019 square miles. Population: 7031 (1920 census). Location: Lies on eastern border of state, north of San Bernardino County. Inyo, the second largest county in the state, and containing less than one inhabitant per square mile, is extremely interesting from a mineral- ogical point of view. It is noted because of the fact that within its borders are located both the highest point, Mount Whitney (elevation 14,502 feet), and the lowest point. Death Valley (elevation 290 feet below sea level), in the United States. In the higher mountainous sections are found many vein-forming minerals, and in the lake beds of Death Valley saline deposits exist. Inyo's mineral production during the year 1927 reached a value of $2,519,834, standing thirteenth among the counties of the state in this respect. Thirteen different mineral substances were produced. The 1926 production value was $2,835,834. Its mineral resources include antimony, asbestos, barytes, borates, copper, dolomite, gems, gold, gypsum, lead, marble, soda, sulphur, talc, tungsten, and zinc. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Copper 30,010 lbs. $3,931 Gold 10,109 Lead 2,173,032 lbs. 136,901 Pumice 344 tons 2,496 Silver 83,570 fine oz. 47,384 Soda 53,328 tons 1,293,379 Stone, miscellaneous 6 000 Talc 7,009 tons 99,'416 Other minerals * 920,218 Total value $2,519,834 ♦Includes borates, building stone (tuff), dolomite, gems, lime. KERN Land area: 8003 square miles. Popidation: 54,843 (1920 census). Location: South-central portion of state. Kern County, because of its immensely productive oil fields, for many years stood preeminent among all counties of California in the value of 132 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA its mineral output, the exact figures for 1927 being $64,729,488. Kern was surpassed by both Los Angeles and Orange counties in 1923, but by Los Angeles, only, in 1924-1927, for which petroleum also is respon- sible. The 1926 mineral output for this county was worth $83,556,074. The decrease was due to a smaller quantity and lower prices of crude oil. During 1927 seventeen different mineral substances were produced. Among the mineral resources, developed and undeveloped, of this section are antimony, asphalt, borax, brick, clay, cement, copper, feld- spar, fuller's earth, gems, gold, gypsum, iron, lead, limestone, magne- site, marble, mineral paint, natural gas, petroleum, potash, pumice, salt, silica, silver, soapstone, soda, sulphur, and tungsten. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Suhsta7ice Amount Value Brick 4,835 M $50,438 Gold , 171,100 Natural gas 39,401,478 M cu. ft. 2,057,807 Petroleum 51,570,412 bbls. 58,738,699 Salt 14,960 tons 69,839 Silver 15,753 fine oz. 8,932 Stone, miscellaneous 79,510 Other minerals * 3,553,163 Total value $64,729,488 * Includes borax, cement, clay (pottery), copper, feldspar, gypsum, lime, onyx, pumice. KINGS Land area: 1559 square miles. Population: 22,031 (1920 census). Location: South-central portion of the state. Little development has taken place in Kings County along mineral lines to date. Deposits of fuller's earth, gypsum, mineral paint, natural gas, and quicksilver, of undetermined extent, have been found in the county. Drilling for oil has been under way, and commercial output recorded for the first time in 1926. Tulare Lake is in Kings County, though now largely drained, and the land under cultivation. In fifty-seventh place, commercial mineral production in this county for 1927 was as follows : Substance Value Unapportioned * $1,599 * Includes natural gas and petroleum. LAKE Land area: 1278 square miles. Population: 5542 (1920 census). Location: About fifty miles north of San Francisco Bay and the same distance inland from the Pacific Ocean. On account of its topography and natural beauties, Lake County is sometimes referred to as the Switzerland of America. The mineral resources which exist here are many and varied, actual production being comparatively small, as shown by the table below, and in the past t STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 133 composed mainly of quicksilver and mineral water. Some of the lead- ing minerals found in this section, in part as yet undeveloped, are asbestos, borax, chromite, clay, copper, gems, gold, gypsum, mineral water, quicksilver, silver, and sulphur. In forty-sixth place, commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amoicnt Value Mineral water 45,643 gals. $51,149 Natural gas 440 M cu. ft. 220 Quicksilver 245 flasks 29,234 Stone, miscellaneous 4,445 Total value $85,048 LASSEN Land area: 4531 square miles. Population: 8507 (1920 census). Location: Northeast portion of state. ■ Lassen County is one of the only partly-developed sections of Cali- fornia. Since about 1912 a railroad traversing the county north and south has been in operation, thus affording opportunity for develop- ment along mineral and other lines. Among the mineral resources of tliis county are copper, gems, gyp- sum, gold, silver, and sulphur. In the past, some gold had been pro- duced, but not for some years, until 1921, when the yield again became important. In fifty-first place, commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Gold $531 Granite 1,000 Silver 16 fine oz. 9 Stone, miscellaneous - 47,885 Total value $49,425 LOS ANGELES Land area: 4067 square miles. PopnJaUon: 936,438 (1920 census). Location: One of the southwestern coast counties. Mineral production in Los Angeles County for the year 1927 amounted in value to $131,832,441, as compared with the 1926 output worth $194,358,926. This accounts for 36% of the entire state's total for 1927, and ranks Los Angeles County first in the state as a mineral producer, having in 1923 passed Kern County, which had been leading for several years. The decrease in 1927 was due to lower petroleum prices, and a slight decrease in quantity. Its output of brick and tile was over three million dollars, and that of petroleum amounted to over one hundred fourteen million dollars. Among the mineral resources may be noted asphalt, barytes, borax, brick, clay, fuller's earth, gems, gold, gypsum, infusorial earth, lime- stone, marble, mineral paint, mineral water, natural gas, petroleum, salt, glass-sand, sandstone, serpentine, silver, soapstone, and miscella- neous stone. Some potash has been obtained from kelp. 134 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Commercial production for 1927, consisting of 20 substances, was as follows : Sivbstance Amount Value Brick 214,332 M $2,714,398 Building tile (hollow) 28,950 tons 288,471 Clay (pottery) 147,621 tons 206,175 Gold 2,345 Lead 312,645 lbs. 19,697 Mineral water 3,934,525 gals. 260,198 Natural gas 59,749,559 M cu. ft. 7,117,081 Petroleum 103,625,615 bbl. 114,583,011 Silver 26,135 fine oz. 14,819 Stone, miscellaneous 6,292,078 Other minerals * 334,168 Total value $131,832,441 * Includes copper, building stone (tuff), diatomaceous earth, iron ore, limestone, magnesite, salt, titanium, zinc. MADERA Land area: 2112 square miles. Population: 12,203 (1920 census). Location: East-central portion of state. Madera County produced six different mineral substances during the year 1927, liaving a total value of $1,059,666, as compared with the 1926 output worth $425,738, the increase being due to granite. This county contains deposits of copper, gold, granite, iron, lead, molybdenum, pumice, silver, and miscellaneous stone. In twenty-fourth place, commercial production for 1927 was as follows : S^ihstance Amount Value Gold __ $4,181 Silver 67 fine oz. 38 Other minerals * __ 1,055,447 I Total value $1,059,666 * Includes granite, paving blocks miscellaneous stone. MARIN Land area: 529 square miles. Population: 27,342 (1920 census). Location: Adjoins San Francisco on the north. Mineral production in Marin County during 1927 amounted to $527,004 compared withh $527,553 in 1926. This county is not especially prolific in minerals, although among its resources along these lines are brick, gems, manganese, mineral water, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. In thirtieth place, commercial production for 1927 was: Substance Value Stone, miscellaneous $381,256 Other minerals * 145,748 Total value $527,004 * Includes brick and mineral water. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 135 MARIPOSA Land area: 1453 square miles. Population: 2775 (1920 census). Location: Most southerly of the Mother Lode counties. East- central portion of state. Mariposa County is one of the distinctly 'mining' counties of the state, although it stands but thirty-first on the list of counties in regard to the value of its mineral output for 1927, with a total of $499,878, as compared with the 1926 figure of $319,724, the increase being due mainly to stone and barytes. Its mineral resources are varied ; among the more important items being barytes, copper, gems, gold, lead, marble, silver, slate, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. The Yosemite Valley is in Mariposa County. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Gold $183,805 Granite 2,000 Silver 2,427 fine oz. 1,376 Stone, miscellaneous 259,677 Other minerals * 53,020 Total value $499,878 * Includes barytes, pyrites, slate. MENDOCINO Land area: 3453 square miles. Pop'idation: 24,116 (1920 census). Location: Joins Humboldt County on the south and bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the west. Mendocino's annual mineral production has usually been small, the 1927 output being valued at $47,670, ranking it fifty-second among the counties. That of 1926 was worth $15,800, the increase being due mainly to miscellaneous stone. Deposits of in part undetermined value of asbestos, chromite, coal, copper, graphite, magnesite, and mineral water have been found, as well as traces of gold, platinum, and silver. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows: Substance Value Stone, miscellaneous $44,630 Other minerals * 3,040 Total value $47,670 * Includes brick and natural gas. MERCED Land area: 1995 square miles. Population: 24,579 (1920 census). Location: About the geographical center of the state. Merced County as a whole lies in the San Joaquin Valley and it figures as one of the lesser mineral producing counties of the state. 136 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA The 1927 mineral output was valued at $366,873, compared with $192,- 665 in 1926, the increase being due to cement. Gold, platinum, and silver were formerly obtained in important amounts by dredging, which ceased in this county in 1918, though a small yield from other sources is still occasionally had. Undeveloped deposits of antimon.y, magnesite, quicksilver, and limestone have been noted in this county in addition to the foregoing. In thirty-sixth place, the commercial production during 1927 was as follows : Substance Value iStone, miscellaneous $189,537 Other minerals * 177,336 Total value $366,873 * Includes brick and hollow building tile, cement, clay (pottery). MODOC Land area: 3823 square miles. FoindaUon: 5425 (1920 census). Location: The extreme northeast corner of the state. Modoc County, like Lassen, has only in recent years had the benefit of communication with the outside world by rail. Among its known min- eral resources are clay, coal, gold, iron, quicksilver, salt, and silver. In forty-ninth place, commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Value Stone, miscellaneous $61,651 Other minerals 600 Total value $62,251 MONO Land area: 3030 square miles. Population: 960 (1920 census). Location: Is bordered by the state of Nevada on the east and is about in the central portion of the state measured on a north and south line. Gold mining has been carried on in portions of Mono County for many years, although, taken as a whole, it lies in a somewhat inaccessible country so far as rail transportation is concerned. It is in the continu- ation of the highly mineralized belt which was noted in Inyo County and contains among other mineral resources barytes, clay, copper, gold, limestone, molybdenum, pumice, salt, silver, and travertine. In forty-fifth place, commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Gold $3,686 Lead 4,830 lbs. 304 Silver 38,487 fine oz. 21,822 Other minerals * 76,375 Total value $102,187 ♦Includes clay (pottery), copper, pumice, salt, sillimanite-andalusite, miscellaneous stone. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 137 MONTEREY Land area: 3330 square miles. Population: 27,980 (1920 census). Location: West-central portion of state, bordering on Pacific Ocean. Monterey County produced twelve mineral substances during the year 1927, having a total value of $351,049, as compared with the 1926 output, worth $359,049. Its mineral resources include brick, clay, copper, coal, diatomaceous earth, dolomite, feldspar, fuller's earth, gold, gypsum, limestone, mineral water, petroleum, quicksilver, glass- sand, sandstone, silver, and miscellaneous stpne. In thirty-eighth place, commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Clay (pottery) 1,100 tons $550 Gold 500 Silver 4 fine oz. 2 Stone, miscellaneous 244,584 Other minerals * 105,413 Total value $351,049 * Includes diatomaceous earth, dolomite, salt, 'sandstone' (shale building stone). NAPA Land area: 783 square miles. Population: 20,678 (1920 census). Location: Directly north of San Francisco Bay — one of the 'bay counties. ' Napa, because of its production of structural and industrial materials and mineral water, stands thirty-fourth on the list of mineral-producing counties in California. Its mineral resources include chromite, copper, magnesite, mineral water, quicksilver, sandstone, and miscellaneous stone. In the past this county has been one of the important producers I of quicksilver. ; In 1927 the value of the output increased to $417,229 from the 1926 I figure of $341,571, the increase being due to quicksilver. j Commercial production for 1927 was as follows: Substance Amount Value J Gold $7,235 i Mineral water 81,864 gals. 50,116 1 Quicksilver 776 flasks 88,425 ■ Silver 99,532 fine oz. 56,435 ; stone, miscellaneous 209,996 I Other minerals * 5,022 Total value $417,229 * Includes copper and sandstone. NEVADA Land area: 974 square miles. Popidatian: 10,860 (1920 census). Location: North of Lake Tahoe, on the eastern border of the state. . Nevada, one of the mountain counties of California, for some years I I alternated with Amador in the gold lead, but both were passed by Yuba 138 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA in 1918-1921, also 1923. In 1922 and 1924, Nevada led, but dropped to third place in 1925, regaining second in 1926. Nevada County stands fifteenth on the list in regard to value of its total mineral output for 1927 with a figure of $2,213,709 as compared with the 1926 production worth $3,240,211. The decrease is due mainly to miscellaneous stone, but in part to gold. While this county actually produces mainly gold and silver, its resources cover a wide scope, including antimony, asbestos, barytes, chromite, clay, copper, gems, iron, lead, mineral paint, pyrites, soap- stone, and tungsten. Commercif^l production for 1927 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Gold $2,127,195 Silver 48,644 fine oz. 27,581 Stone, miscellaneous 15,000 Other minerals * 43,933 Total value $2,213,709 * Includes barytes, copper, granite, lead. ORANGE Land area: 795 square miles. Population: 61,375 (1920 census). Location: Southwestern portion of state, bordering Pacific Ocean. Orange County is one of the many in California which on casual inspection appears to be anytliing but a mineral producing section. It stood for several years, however, as the second county in the state in regard to the total value of mineral output, on account of its highly productive oil fields. It was passed in 1922 by Los Angeles, the credit for which is also due to oil, and in turn Orange passed Kern County in 1923, but dropped back to third in 1924-1926. This county shows a mineral production for 1927 of $60,547,041, compared to the 1926 output, worth $63,223,082, the decrease due to lower petroleum prices. Orange passed Shasta County in 1917, which previously for a number of years had exceeded all other counties in California, except Kern. Aside from the substances actually produced and noted in the table below, coal, gypsum, iron, infusorial earth, sandstone, and tourmaline have been found in Orange County. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Brick 1,283 M $13,143 Clay (pottery) 14,637 tons 49,354 Natural gas 50,981,982 M cu. ft. 3,910,501 Petroleum 46,593,842 bbl. 56,238,767 Stone, miscellaneous 325,676 Other minerals * 9,600 Total value $60,547,041 * Includes barytes and quicksilver. PLACER Land area: 1395 square miles. Population: 18,584 (1920 census). Location: Eastern border of state directly west of Lake Tahoe. While standing only thirty-seventh on the list of mineral producing counties, Placer contains a wide variety of mineral substances, some of STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 139 which have not been commercially exploited. Its leading products include gold, chromite, granite, copper, and clay. Other mineral resources are asbestos, brick, coal, gems, iron, lead, limestone, magnesite, manganese, marble, quartz crystals, glass-sand, silver, and miscella- neous stone. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows, compared to a total value of $480,882 for the preceding year: Substance Amou7it Value Clay (pottery) 61,388 tons $106,710 Gold 97,494 Granite 8,590 cu. ft. 18,109 Silica 2,700 tons 8,100 Silver 776 oz. 440 Stone, miscellaneous 40,357 Other minerals 89,014 Total value $360,224 PLUMAS Land area: 2594 square miles. Population: 5681 (1920 census). Location: Northeastern border of state, south of Lassen County. A considerable portion of the area of Plumas County lies in the high mountains, and deposits of the metals, especially gold and copper, are found there. Mineral production for 1927 was valued at $3,260,723, the decrease being due to copper and silver. This placed the county tenth in rank. In 1919 Plumas passed Shasta in the copper lead, owing to the Shasta smelters being closed down, which position Plumas still retains. Among its mineral resources are chromite, copper, gold, granite, iron, lead, limestone, manganese, molybdenum, platinum, silver, and zinc. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amoimt Value Copper 21,055,425 lbs. $2,758,261 Gold 321,016 Silver 315,887 fine oz. 179,108 Other minerals* 2,338 Total value $3,260,723 * Includes granite, lead, lime. RIVERSIDE Land area: 7240 square miles. Population: 60.297 (1920 census). Location: Southern portion of state. Riverside is the fourth county in the state in size and the seventh in regard to the total value of mineral output for 1927. Within its borders are included mountain, desert, and agricultural land. Its mineral resources include metals, structural and indu.strial materials, and salines, some of the more important being brick, clay, coal, copper, feldspar, gold, gj^psum, iron, lead, limestone, manganese, magnesite, marble, mineral paint, mineral water, salt, soapstone, silver, miscel- laneous stone, and tin. In point of variety. Riverside County showed seventeen different minerals commercially produced in 1927. The increase in 1927 from the 1926 value of $6,194,253 was due to cement, brick, and miscellaneous stone. 140 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Commercial production for 1927 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Brick and hollow building tile $696,795 Clay (pottery) 118,510 tons 198,330 Copper 19,201 lbs. 2,515 Gold 1,492 Lead 121,667 lbs. 7,665 Silica (quartz) 14,262 tons 60,991 Silver 3,385 fine oz. 1,919 Stone, miscellaneous 1,244,034 Other minerals * 4,329,619 Total value $6,543,369 * Includes cement, feldspar, granite, gypsum, limestone, mineral water, onyx, zinc. SACRAMENTO Land area: 983 square miles. Population: 90,978 (1920 census). Location: North-central portion of state. Sacramento stands fourteenth among the counties of the state as a mineral producer, the output, principally gold, for 1927 being valued at $2,348,916, as compared with the 1926 production worth $2,243,952. In regard to gold output alone, this county ranks fourth, being exceeded only by Yuba, Nevada and Amador counties, the Sacramento product coming from the dredges. Its mineral resources include brick, clay, gold, granite, natural gas, platinum, silver, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Brick and hollow building tile $295,677 Sold 1,211,278 Granite 33,600 Silver 2,596 fine oz. 1,472 Stone, miscellaneous 754,206 Other minerals * 52,683 Total value $2,348,916 ■ • Includes clay, natural gas, platinum. SAN BENITO Land area: 1392 square miles. Population: 8995 (1920 census). Ijocation: West-central portion of state. While nineteenth among the counties of the state in regard to value of total mineral production for 1927, San Benito has led for some years in one important branch of the mineral industry, namely, quicksilver. Cement is also an important item. Its other mineral resources, many of them undeveloped, include antimony, asbestos, bituminous rock, chromite, coal, dolomite, gems, gypsum, limestone, magnesite, mineral water, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Quicksilver 4,380 flasks $485,409 Stone, miscellaneous 371,050 Other minerals * 1,045,395 Total value — $1,901,854 * Includes antimony, asbestos, cement, mineral water, pyrite. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 141 SAN BERNARDINO Land area: 20,157 square miles. Population: 73,401 (1920 census). Location: Southeastern portion of state. San Bernardino, by far the largest county in the state in area, ranks fifth as regards the value of its mineral output for 1927 with a total of $16,140,703, as compared with the 1926 total of $14,218,475. The increase is due mainly to cement, in spite of decreases in gold and silver. San Bernardino for several years (except 1918) has led all other counties in the state in point of variety of minerals, producing com- mercially during 1927 a total of 23 different substances. This county also ranks first as a silver producer in the state, from the mines of the Randsburg district. This county, consisting largely of mountain and desert country, is highly mineralized, the following being included among its resources: Asbestos, barytes, borax, brick, cement, clay, copper, gems, gold, granite, gypsum, iron, lead, limestone, manganese, marble, mineral paint, mineral water, nitre, potash, salt, soapstone, soda, miscellaneous stone, strontium, talc, tungsten, vanadium, and zinc. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance A7noiint Value Cement 5,557,339 bbls. $9,823,839 Copper 197,135 lbs. 25,824 Fullers earth (filtering clay) 1,798 tons 26,603 Gold 82,225 Lead 125,692 lbs. 7,919 Lime 12,170 tons 92,363 Lime.stone 550,011 tons 348,384 Silver 788,580 fine oz. 447,125 Soapstone 6,544 tons 49,400 Stone, miscellaneous 311,470 Other minerals * 4,925,551 Total value $16,140,703 * Includes borates, calcium chloride, clay (pottery), gems, mineral water, onyx, petroleum, potash, salt, silica, tungsten concentrates, soda. SAN DIEGO Land area: 4221 square miles. Population: 112,248 (1920 census). Location: Extreme southwest corner of state. San Diego ranks twenty-first in the total value of its mineral output for the year, with 19 different commercial minerals. The value for 1927 equalecl $1,619,431, as compared with the 1926 output worth $1,241,324. In the production of gems, San Diego County has led the state. Aside from minerals commercially produced, as shown below, San Diego County contains occurrences of bismuth, lithia, marble, nickel, soapstone, and tin. Potash has been produced from kelp. 142 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Commercial production for 1927 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Brick and hollow building tile $165,170 Clay 16,190 tons 31,765 Fullers earth (filtering clay) 7,396 tons 69,661 Gems 3,500 Gold 11,490 Granite 18,858 cu. ft. 63,142 Mineral water 109,685 gals. 51,559 Silver 162 fine oz. 92 Stone, miscellaneous 889,642 Other minerals * 333.410 Total value $1,619,431 * Includes bromine, feldspar, heptane, lithia, magnesium cliloride, paving blocks, salt. SAN FRANCISCO Laiid area: 46^ square miles. Population: 506,676 (1920 census). Surprising as it may appear at first glance, San Francisco County is listed among the mineral producing sections of the state, actual produc- tion consisting mainly of crushed rock, sand and gravel. Small quan- tities of various valuable mineral substances are found here, including cinnabar, gypsum, lignite, and magnesite, none, however, in paying quantities. Some pumice has been produced. In forty-eighth place, commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Value Stone, miscellaneous $62,700 SAN JOAQUIN Land area: 1448 square miles. Population: 79,905 (1920 census). Location: Central portion of state. San Joaquin County reported a mineral production for the year 1927 having a total value of $711,965, as compared with the 1926 output worth $842,000. Comparatively few mineral substances are found here, the chief ones being brick, clay, manganese, natural gas, glass-sand, and miscel- laneous stone. Gold, platinum and silver have been obtained by dredg- ing in the Mokelumne River, which forms the boundary between this county and Amador on the northeast. In twenty-seventh place, commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Value Brick and hollow building tile $630,218 Stone, miscellaneous 81,747 Total value $711,965 SAN LUIS OBISPO Land area: 3334 square miles. Population: 21,893 (1920 census). Location: Bordered by Kern County on the east and the Pacific Ocean on the west. The total value of the mineral production of San Luis Obispo County in 1927 was $295,030, as compared with the 1926 output worth $253,294, the increase being due to quicksilver. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 143 Among its mineral resources, both developed and undeveloped, are asphalt, bituminous rock, brick, chromite, coal, copper, diatomaceous earth, gypsum, iron, limestone, marble, mineral water, onyx, petroleum, quicksilver, soda and miscellaneous stone. In forty-second place, commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Stibstance Amount Value Petroleum 16,709 bbls. $12,531 Quicksilver 470 flasks 53,600 Stone, miscellaneous 195,631 Other minerals * 33,268 Total value $295,030 * Includes brick and hollow building tile, copper, mineral water, volcanic ash. SAN MATEO Land area: 447 square miles. Population: 36,781 (1920 census). Location: Peninsula, adjoined by San Francisco on the north. San Mateo's most important mineral products are cement, stone and salt, the last-named being derived by evaporation from the waters of San Francisco Bay. The total value of all mineral production dur- ing 1927 equaled $1,863,838, as compared with the 1926 figures of $1,893,853. Small amounts of barytes, chromite, infusorial earth, and quicksilver have been noted in addition to the items of economic value given below. Bricks have also been produced commercially. In twentieth place, commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Value Stone, miscellaneous $129,802 Other minerals * 1,734,036 Total value $1,863,838 * Includes cement, limestone, natural gas, petroleum, salt. SANTA BARBARA L^and area: 2740 square miles. Population: 41,097 (1920 census). Location: Southwestern portion of state, adjoining San Luis Obispo on the south. Santa Barbara County owes its position of eleventh in the state in regard to its mineral output to the presence of productive oil fields within its boundaries. Tlie total value of its mineral production during the year 1927 was $2,699,296, as compared with the 1926 output of $2,583,548, and included eleven different mineral substances. The increase was due to petroleum and diatomaceous earth. Aside from the mineral substances listed below, Santa Barbara County contains asphalt, gilsonite, gypsum, magnesite, and quicksilver in more or less abundance. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Natural gas 1,701,715 M cu. ft. $204,775 Petroleum 2,173,887 bbls. 1,630,415 Stone, miscellaneous 139,093 Other minerals * 725,013 Total value $2,699,296 * Includes bituminous rock, brick and hollow building tile, clay, diatomaceous earth, mineral water, sandstone, shale oil. 144 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA Land area: 1328 square miles. Population: 100,588 (1920 census). Location: West-central portion of state. Santa Clara County reported a mineral output for 1927 of $990,876 as compared with the 1926 figures of $1,028,506. This county, lying largely in the Coast Range Mountains, contains a wide variety of mineral substances, including brick, chromite, clay, limestone, magnesite, manganese, mineral water, petroleum, quicksilver, soapstone, and miscellaneous stone. In twenty-fifth place, commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Brick 20,254 M $199,472 Clay (pottery) 4,373 tons 4,261 Petroleum 11,994 bbls. 14,212 Stone, miscellaneous 457,703 Other minerals • 315,228 Total value $990,876 * Includes magnesite and mineral water. SANTA CRUZ Land area: 435 square miles. Population: 26,269 (1920 census). Location: Bordering Pacific Ocean, just south of San Mateo] County. The mineral output of Santa Cruz County, a portion of which is] itemized below, amounted to a total value of $3,473,209, giving the] county a standing of ninth among all others in the state in this regard. This is a slight decrease from the 1926 figure of $3,504,194. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Lime 13,431 tons $173,2071 Limestone 16,717 tons 38,045 Stone, miscellaneous 45,570 1 Other minerals * 3,216,3871 Total value $3,473,209| * Includes bituminous rock and cement. SHASTA Land area: 3858 square miles. Population: 13,311 (1920 census). Location: North-central portion of state. Shasta County stood eighteenth in California among the mineral pro-l ducing counties for 1927, with an output valued at $1,950,088, as com-] pared with the 1926 production worth $2,886,144, the decrease beingj due to zinc, and in part to gold. The marked decrease since 1918 is due to the falling off in the output^ of copper, the large plants of the Mammoth and Mountain copper com- panies being shut down. Not taking petroleum into account, Shasta for a number of years led all of the counties by a wide margin, but in 1919-1923 was passed by San Bernardino, Plumas, Yuba, Inyo, Sacra- mento, Nevada, and Amador, among the 'metal' counties, though by only San Bernardino and Plumas of that group in 1925. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION 145 Shasta's mineral resources include asbestos, barytes, brick, eliromite, coal, copper, gold, iron, lead, lime, limestone, mineral water, molyb- denum, pyrites, silver, soapstone, miscellaneous stone, and zinc. Lassen Peak is located in southeastern Shasta County. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Copper 4,524,906 lbs. $592,763 Gold 191,900 Lead 1,780 lbs. 112 Platinum 25 fine oz. 2,552 Silver 123,967 fine oz. 70,261 Stone, miscellaneous 134,678 Other minerals * 957,822 Total value $1,950,088 * Includes diatomaceous earth, limestone, pyrite, talc, zinc. SIERRA Land area: 923 square miles. Population: 1783 (1920 census). Location: Eastern border of state jnst north of Nevada County. Sierra County reported a mineral production of $752,533, mainly of gold and silver, during the year 1927, as compared with the 1926 output worth $569,515, the increase being due to gold. Considering gold output this county stands sixth ; and as to total mineral yield twenty-sixth. Aside from the metals itemized below. Sierra County coutains deposits of asbestos, chromite, copper, iron, lead, platinum, serpentine, and talc. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Siihstance Amount Value Gold $678,873 Silver 5,909 fine oz. 3,350 Stone, miscellaneous 70,300 Other minerals 10 Total value $752,533 SISKIYOU Land area: 6256 square miles. Population: 18,545 (1920 census). Location: Extreme north-central portion of state, next to Oregon boundary. Siskij^ou, fifth county in California in regard to size, located in a highly mineralized and mountainous country, ranks forty-first in regard to the value of its mineral output for 1927. Although this county is traversed by a transcontinental railroad in a north and south line, the mineral-bearing sections are almost without exception far from transportation and other facilities. A large part of the countr}^ is accessible by trail onl}'. Future development and exploitation will increase the productiveness of this part of the state to a considerable degree. Mount Shasta is located in Siskiyou County. I Among Siskiyou's mineral resources are chromite, clay, coal, copper, I gems, gold, lead, limestone, manganese, marble, mineral water, pumice, • quicksilver, sandstone, silver, and miscellaneous stone. 10 — 62279 146 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA Commercial production for 1927 was as follows: Substance Amount Value Gold $138,822 Platinum 9 fine oz. 690 Silver 1,033 fine oz. 586 Stone, miscellaneous 102,428 Other minerals * 56,420 Total value $298,946 * Includes mineral water and sandstone. SOLANO Land area: 822 square miles. Population: 40.602 (1920 census). Location: Toucliino- San Francisco Bay on the northeast. Solano, while mostly valley land, ])roduced mineral substances during the year 1927 to the total value of $1,557,840, ranking twenty-third among the counties of the state, the decrease from the 1926 figures of $1,770,820 being due to cement. Among her mineral resources are brick, cement, clay, fuller's earth, limestone, mineral water, natural gas, onyx, quicksilver, salt and mis- cellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows: Substance Value Unapportioned * $1,557,840 •Includes cement, clay (pottery), mineral water, onyx, travertine, miscellaneous stone. SONOMA Land area: 1577 square miles. Population: 51,990 (1920 census). Location: South of iMendocino County, bordering on the Pacific Ocean. Sonoma ranked forty-third among the counties of California during the year 1927, with a mineral production of $265,392, as compared with its 1926 output of $222,586. More paving blocks have been turned out here than in any other section of the state, but this industry has now ceased, owing to the construction of smooth-surface pavements both in the cities and on the highways. Among Sonoma's mineral resources are brick, chromite, clay, copper, graphite, infusorial earth, magnesite, manganese, marble, mineral paint, mineral water, quicksilver, and miscellaneous stone. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Mineral water 25,428 gals. $5,889 Quicksilver 373 flasks 43,068 Stone, miscellaneous 208,753 Other minerals * 7,682 Total value _— _ $265,392 * Includes petroleum and sandstone. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 147 STANISLAUS Land area: 1450 square miles. Population: 43,557 (1920 census). Location: Center of state, bounded on south by Merced County. Gold has usually been the chief mineral product of Stanislaus County, but it was exceeded in 1918-1919 by manganese, and in 1921- 1923 and 1925-1927 by miscellaneous stone. Brick, clay, gypsum, mineral paint, quicksilver, and silver are found here to some extent as well. This county for 1927 ranks thirty-fifth in the state in regard to value of minerals, with an output of $393,089, as compared with $401,- 997 in 1926, the decrease being due mainly to gold. Gold, platinum, and silver are obtained mainly by dredging. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Gold $120,238 Silver 608 fine oz. 345 Stone, miscellaneous 259,806 Other minerals * 12.700 Total value $393,089 * Includes magnesite, mineral paint, platinum. SUTTER Land area: 608 square miles. Population: 10,115 (1920 census). Location: Bounded by Butte County on the north and Sacramento on the south. Sutter is one of only two counties in the state which for a number of years reported no commercial output of some kind of mineral substance. In 1917 some crushed rock was taken out, from the Marysville Buttes, also in 1925-1926. There has been some utilization of natural gas. The 1927 mineral yield was valued at $300, being concealed under ' unappor- tioned. ' Both clay and coal exist here, but deposits of neither mineral have been placed on a productive basis. TEHAMA Land area: 2893 square miles. Population: 12,882 (1920 census). Locatioii: North-central portion of the state, bounded on the north by Shasta. Tehama stands fifty-fifth among the mineral producing counties of the state for 1927, when its output was valued at $5,350, as compared with the 1926 yield worth $10,340, the decrease being due to brick and chromite. Among its mineral resources are listed brick, chromite, copper, gold, manganese, marble, mineral water, salt, and miscellaneous stone. The 1927 yield was distributed as follows : Substance Value Stone, miscellaneous $4,450 Other minerals 900 Total value $5,350 148 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA TRINITY Land area: 3166 square miles. Population: 2551 (1920 census). Location: Northwestern portion of state. Trinity, like its neighbor, Siskiyou County, requires transportation facilities to further the development of its many and varied mineral resources. Deposits of asbestos, barytes, chromite, copper, gold, mineral water, platinum, quicksilver, silver, and building stone are known here, but with the exception of gold, chromite, copper, quicksilver and plati- num, very little active production of these mineral substances has been made as j^et. The 1927 output of $555,854 shows a decrease from the 1926 figure of $611,797 due to gold, giving the county rank of twenty- ninth for the year. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Amount Value Copper 770,882 lbs. $100,986 Gold 409,492 Silver 21,739 fine oz. 12,326 Stone, miscellaneous 32,250 Other minerals 800 I Total value $555,854 TULARE Land area: 4856 square miles. Popidation: 59,031 (1920 census). Location: Bounded by Inyo on the east, Kern on the south, Fresno on the north. Tulare stands thirty-second on the list of mineral producing counties, the decrease from the 1926 value being due mainly to magnesite. This county 's mineral resources, among others, are brick, clay, copper, feldspar, graphite, gems, limestone, magnesite, marble, quartz, glass- sand, soapstone, miscellaneous stone, and zinc. Tulare for a number of years led the state in magnesite output, except in 1918 when it was passed by Napa County, and since 1921 by Santa Clara. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Substance Value Stone, miscellaneous $15,082 Other minerals * 459,091 Total value $474,173 ♦ Includes brick, building tile, granite, lime, limestone, magnesite. TUOLUMNE Land area: 2190 square miles. Population: 7768 (1920 census). Locatio7i: East-central portion of state — Mother Lode District. Tuolumne ranks thirty-third among counties of the state relative to its total value of mineral output for 1927. This county ranks first as a producer of marble in the state. The decrease in the year's valuation to $432,416 for 1927 from the 1926 figure of $615,998 was due mainly to gold. Chromite, clay, copper, gold, lead, limestone, marble, mineral paint, platinum, soapstone, silver, and miscellaneous stone are among its mineral resources. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 149 Commercial production for 1927 was as follows : Suhstance Amount Value Gold $40,209 Silver 533 fine oz. 302 kStone, miscellaneous 31,416 fOther minerals * 360]489 Total value $432,416 * Includes limestone, marble, slate. VENTURA Land area: 1878 square miles. Population: 28,724 (1920 census). Location: Southwestern portion of state, bordering on Pacific Ocean. Ventura is the fourth county in the state in respect to the value of its mineral production for 1927, the exact figure being $30,995,379, as ^compared with the output for 1926 worth $30,208,369, the increase )eing due to natural gas and miscellaneous stone notwithstanding a ^cut in petroleum prices. Commercial production for 1927 was as follows: Substance Ainoimt Value Brick and hollow building tile $31,832 Clay (pottery and oil-well mudding) 354,418 tons 63,120 Natural gas 71,036,201 M cu. ft. 6,951,273 Petroleum 19,996,841 bbls. 23,536.282 Stone, miscellaneous 412,872 Total value __■ $30,995,379 YOLO Land area: 1017 square miles. Popidation: 17,105 (1920 census). Location: Sacramento Valley, bounded by Sutter on the east and Colusa on the north. The mineral production from Yolo County during the year 1927 consisted entirely of miscellaneous stone, valued at $17,895, ranking it in fifty-third place. Deposits of undetermined value of iron and sand- stone have been discovered within the confines of this county. Quick- silver has also been produced. YUBA Land area: 639 square miles. Popidation: 10,375 (1920 census). Location: Lies west of Sierra and Nevada counties; south of Plumas. Yuba is eighth of the mineral producing counties of the state, and first in regard to gold output for 1925-1927, having passed Nevada and Amador counties in that metal. Iron and clay deposits have been reported in this county aside from the following commercial production shown for the year 1927. The increase over the 1926 figure of $2,921,083 was due mainly to gold obtained by the dredgers, which also yield silver and platinum. The 1921 dredge yield of gold was a record for the county. 150 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA The 1927 production of Yuba County was distributed as follows : Substance Amount Value Gold $3,468,201 Silver 11,893 fine oz. 6,743 Stone, miscellaneous 198,688 Other minerals 6,000 Total value $3,679,632 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 151 CHAPTER EIGHT TOTAL RECORDED MINERAL PRODUCTION BY COUNTIES Herein in the tabulations following we present the total mineral yield of each county of the state from the earliest available records to and including 1927. These tables were previously printed in ]\riNiNG In California, November, 1922, Chapter of Report XVIII of the State Mineralogist, which included the data to the end of 1921. In a number of cases it is known that there were productions of specific minerals in the years previous to the earliest years shown in these tabulations ; but unfortunately, there are few detailed or accurate records showing county segregations prior to 1894 when compilation of the statistical records of the California State Mining Bureau began. For gold and silver, the published reports of the U. S. Geological Survey and the Director of the Mint give county segregations back to 1880 ; but, prior to that year, we have only the state total annually. In the case of quicksilver, there are authentic records for all of the important ^ mines, from which we have compiled county tables for the early years. The "unapportioned" column is necessitated by the fact that in lany cases there is but a single operator or mine producing a given [mineral in the county. As it is the policy of the Division of Mines and Mining not to reveal the individual's private business without his con- [sent, we combine the values of such products. 152 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA IVLAMEDA Year Brick Chromite Pottery clay Coal 1 Manganese M Value Tons Value Tons Value Tons Value Tons Value 1890 1397 257 $534 344 1 1891 IRQ? 1893 IMd. 7,500 12,000 7.000 6.500 7,000 10,000 5,000 9,590 10,000 10.300 10.500 12,000 21345 28,770 1.800 14,800 20.919 19,660 12.800 13,977 22,668 14,841 23,551 and tile.. $37,500 60.000 35,000 35,750 35,000 60,000 40,000 67,130 60,000 82.400 90,000 95,500 413,750 474,350 10,800 140,000 195,889 153,330 133,100 122,937 159.205 132.765 315,941 290,033 258,812 369,778 664,918 365.853 > 828,048 763,476 938,375 808,779 587,402 468 600 318 504 440 290 130 423 870 $4,962 5,400 3.415 4,080 2,102 3,090 1,300 4,365 7,140 1$iQ5 IKQR 18P7 21,900 70,500 80,703 91,731 87,424 67,850 « 1 $50,370 176,250 242,109 332,066 262,272 203,550 1898 1899 iQon 1901 1909 1903 .- IQOd 60 900 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1019 10.000 12,610 16,370 45,348 9,541 10,500 $10,000 14,299 44,822 205,194 63,925 8,300 70 1 69 60 595 260 4,680' 1 552 500 i ; 20 36a 1 1913 itild 3.000 5,000 2,700 1,000 1 1915 1916 -- 1917 1918 319 562 1,211 2,746 1 > > 130 3,6^ 9,0( 30,2 109,8' 1,0 612 52 220 80 7,344 960 14,600 1.264 4,060 6,502 2,675 5,011 3,001 6.079 3 2,850 2,482 9,300 5,870 6,593 2,750 4,524 3,850 12,127 3,762 7,405 1919 1920 1Q91 1922 109^? 10 422 1,124 11,376 7,183 20,516 1Q94 1Q25 1Q9fi 1Q97 Totals ... $8,825,821 •1,817 $26,693 166,792 $435,279 '420,108 $1,266,617 9,351 $195,59!" 'There w but the separ 'Include 'See unc as some pro ate county f 3 crushed ro< er 'Unappor duction of c igures are n ;k, macadan tioned.' uomite. n Dt availab >. ballast. langanese ai e. rubble, rip-r id salt in j ap, sand. Mameda Co gravel. imty in the ; I'ears previoi IS to those here showr 1 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 153 COUNTY, 1890-1927. Pyrites Tons Value 4,500 14,323 21,811 15,043 15,503 14,000 16,482 13,404 8,105 10,938 6.340 7,267 6,029 9,829 11,287 16,394 9,113 8,978 10,602 13,449 < '233,697 $18,000 53,301 88,500 62,992 63,9,58 56,000 54,410 70,782 40,516 53,170 31,352 29,068 24,128 34,696 45,148 65,110 45,565 42,902 55,251 70,669 $1,005,527 Salt Tons 44,450 43,810 55,826 61.353 87,800 78,434 64,718 114,450 80,000 76,877 52,990 49,100 68,450 54,922 78,462 104,978 131,868 121,540 126,211 129,318 126,983 103,768 111,206 148,846 130,132 157,751 145,368 108,925 139,556 177,389 189,217 180,712 202,777 180,623 3,728,810 Value $125,125 114,575 122,810 139,830 155,812 137,088 158,674 324,136 160,000 143,605 76,340 54,200 126,838 163,127 108,694 214,808 285,217 201.542 212,150 233,388 292,641 220,977 263,773 315,970 410,345 552,178 574,837 370,296 434,076 585,585 635,653 497,692 628,470 366,346 $9,406,798 Miscel- laneous stoned value $73,463 94,372 69 405 73,300 7.3,845 66,512 107,551 107,201 182,295 200,702 284,181 449,029 496,482 512,607 465,653 340,208 408,591 404,615 420,283 456,064 381,135 457,381 403,587 413,845 311,320 309,572 620,758 513,641 760,422 965,465 1,158,886 1,414,398 1,642,618 1,538,017 $16,177,404 Miscellaneous and unapportioned Amount 1,265 cu. ft. 500 cu. ft. 2,000 cu. ft. 30 tons 13,728 lbs. 190 tons ■ 1,500 lbs. 100 tons 10,000 tons 500 tons 1,416 tons 11,943 tons I 3 tons 250 tons '18,290 tons 18,290 tons 40 tons 5,000 bbls. 50 tons 150 tons 10 tons Value $1,000 300 750 180 2,162 1,100 52 500 15,000 1,750 14,400 143,376 48 625 241,475 233,032 197,783 260 5,000 250 1,500 20 1,740 26,657 83,141 19,169 16,864 28,354 25,826 845,936 97,515 75,506 54,665 71,414 65,506 $2,272,856 Substance Building stone. Sandstone. Sandstone. Magnesite. Copper. Magnesite. Lead. Magnesite. Lime. Glass sand. Asphalt. Asphalt. Soapstone. Glass sand. Asphalt. Unapportioned, Asphalt. Soapstone. 1900-09, inclusive. Lime. Limestone. Magnesite. Limestone Asbestos, chromite, pottery clay. Limestone, magnesium chloride, magnesite. Lime, limestone, magnesite, magne- sium salts, potash, pyrites. Asbestos, magnesium salts, potash, limestone. Magnesium salts, manganese, potash. Magnesium salts, manganese, min- eral paint, potash. Magnesium salts, manganese, min- eral paint, potash. Brick, hollow building tile, magne- sium, salt, pyrite. Magnesium salts, pyrite. Magnesium salts, potash, pyrite. Magnesium salts, potash, pyrite. Bromine, magnesium salts, pyrite. Magnesium salts, potash, pyrite. 154 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA ALPINE COUNTY, 1880-1927. Year Gold Silver Copper Miscellaneous and unapportioned Pounds Value Value Substance 1880 $17,133 2,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 $24,146 2,100 10,000 5.000 4,000 Unapportioned, 1900-1909 Crushed rock. Miscellaneous stone. 1 Gold and silver. ! Miscellaneous stone. Miscellaneous stone. i No commercial production. 1 Lead and stone, miscella- ■ neouB. Miscellaneous stone. Miscellaneous stone. { Miscellaneous stone. 1881. 1882 70,895 $13,115 1883 - 1884.. 1885 1896. 400 1897 1901 23,568 10,359 2,701 4,827 575 2,860 3,770 146 145 8,377 1,319 1902 1903 . - 1904 1905 1909 $5,465 1913... 537 4 1914 1919 100 J 680 \ 160 925 2,800 1920 i 1 1921.. 1922 1923 1924 2 3 2 2,552 520 450 5,100 1925 9 1926... 1927... 146 60 Totals $97,246 $52,231 79,272 $14,434 $18,752 > "Small production of cement coj » Under 'Unapportioned.' per" report ed in 1883, but record ( loes not sho w exact figu ires. ; i 156 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA AMADOR Year 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893 1894 1895 1896. 1897 1898. 1899 1900 1901. 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917. 1918. 1919 1920. 1921. Gold, value $1,495,053 1,450,000 1,600,000 1,590,000 2,000,000 2,145,591 1,874,062 1.979,956 1.750,000 1,560.975 1,459,952 1,395,962 1,210,.383 1,505.973 1,331,916 1,391,929 1,523.351 1.324.472 1,806,363 1,544.868 1,373,788 1,823,827 1,629,151 1,609.744 2,060.574 2,445,815 2,260,373 2,116,182 1,876,175 2,298,785 2,646,246 2,832,395 2,796,194 2,901,898 3,082,002 3,894,125 3,660,550 3.664,164 3,249,385 2,920,492 1,788,793 2,167,443 Silver, value 81,953 1,500 2,000 3,700 6,136 2,069 3,500 6.398 9.357 13,895 8,008 5,230 280 1,089 3,767 3,477 1.742 6,902 14,915 7.444 2.686 4.336 4.055 17,930 14.579 13,515 13,239 16,701 20,916 28,899 32,037 18,097 17,032 20,409 18,705 21,358 29,590 33,254 19,780 35,460 Coal • See under 'Unapportioned.' Tons 24,404 30,000 21,323 15,280 21,323 19,775 20,000 18,500 18,500 27,477 25,000 5,450 5,700 Value ?36,606 45,000 31,984 23.020 31.985 29.662 25.000 29,550 23.125 41.215 30.000 10.912 10,062 Copper Pounds Value 16,500 30,000 3,000 220,000 52,000 130.000 10,000 14,000 10,000 8.648 5,300 53,940 288,472 151.484 227,848 175,608 19,023 5,251 4,185 12,349 19,352 $1,650 3,000 300 34.100 8.190 14.620 900 1,400 1,560 1,600 1,020 3,440 36,641 14,386 28,481 28,975 2,949 694 732 3,038 5,283 Pottery clay Tons 2.500 9.960 8.413 3.492 7,197 10,700 11,500 10.050 12,723 22.000 20.608 21.775 26.789 12,465 23,322 33,563 39,446 43,352 35,100 39,678 32,223 40,156 29,246 28,970 13,562 1 25,719 22,124 Value $3,000 10.285 27.825 9,540 8,297 10,900 9,100 7,100 13.728 19,460 10,770 20,000 28,119 13,992 25,369 32,724 49,339 37,359 36,856 38,653 33,114 38,879 31,106 28,625 34,346 61,808 46,664 Lime Barrels 1,700 1,000 1,000 800 1,200 1,400 1,200 800 1.000 1,540 1,000 Value $1,700 1,500 1,200 960 1,440 1,680 1,500 1,040 1,200 2.008 1,200 M STATISTICS OF ANNUAL, PRODUCTION 157 COUNTY. 1880-1927. Marble Cu. ft. Value 25,941 4,864 4,389 3,864 2,850 4,582 4,103 2,945 6,300 3,074 4,785 2,703 J35.826 6,566 5,415 6,280 3,594 7,925 5,891 4,630 8,016 5,379 6,558 3,950 Brick M 600 2,109 1,429 2,000 2,000 2.500 2,000 2,500 4,000 I and tile Value $7,000 61,369 28,572 30,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 50,000 80,000 95,345 Miscellaneous and unapportioned Amount 1,000 10 1,072 1,000 2 41 1,000 10,100 11,200 600 90,000 6,000 700 2,500 350 1,960 877 tons tons lbs. tons tons tons tons tons cu. ft. tons cu. ft. cu. ft. tons cu. ft. tons tons tons 16,888 tons 44 lbs. 6,250 tons 3,960 cu. ft. 610 tons 523 lbs. 13,339 tons 300 tons 4,341 tons 495 tons 65 tons 4,771 tons 88 tons 13,747 tons 8,440 tons 6,116 tons 1,802 tons Value $318,422 750 1,200 1,000 40 1,375 200 332 1,500 10,100 5,600 6,000 45,000 3,000 2,100 2,500 2,420 3,556 670 670 11,237 9,855 2 2,400 1,500 2,440 25 16,142 1,300 10,950 3,700 12,802 2,475 1,300 77,752 1,420 20,766 1,200 13,033 4,400 61,724 6,500 66,695 142,523 67,366 9,953 36,432 680 102,707 20,646 1,125 97.126 Substance Unapportioned, 1900-1909. Glass sand. Limestone. Asbestos. Lead. Limestone. Asbestos. Chromite. Limestone. Quartz sand. Sandstone. Soaps tone. Sandstone. Sandstone. Soaps tone. Sandstone. Soaps tone. Quartz. Glass sand. Miscellaneous stone. Other minerals. Glass sand. Lead. Quartz. Sandstone. Soapstone. Lead. Silica. Miscellaneous stone. Other minerals. Chromite Silica. Soapstone. Miscellaneous stone. Brick, coal, lime, manganese, midstone. Chromite. Silica. Miscellaneous stone. Coal, lead, manganese, platinum, soapstone, zinc. Chromite. Silica. Miscellaneous stone. Brick, coal, copper, manganese, mineral paint. platinum, soapstone. Clay and clay products. Silica. Coal, manganese, platinum, sandstone, soapstone. Silica. Miscellaneous stone. Brick, coal, mineral paint, platinum, soapstone. Silica. Miscellaneous stone. Brick and platinum. 158 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA AMADOR Year Gold, value Silver, value Coal Copper Pottery clay Lime Tons Value Pounds Value Tons Value Barrels Value 1922 $2,241,100 1,734,133 2,706.508 2,338,101 2,167,275 1,922,714 $32,287 15,153 18,251 16,123 13,422 11,319 39,572 45,887 64,317 63,889 $68,126 58,196 87,444 95,946 1923 1924 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1925 1926.. 1927 118,636 165,210 1 Totals.... $100,048,738 $592,395 '252,732 $368,121 '1,458,060 $193,028 1,019,259 $487,562 '12,640 $15,428 ' See under 'Unapportioned.' ' Includes brick and platinum. ' Includes brick and soapstone. ' Includes brick, coal, copper and lead. ' Includes coal, copper, lead and marble. •Includes brick, coal, copper and silica. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 159 COUNTY, 1880-1927— Continued. Marble Brick Miscellaneous and unapportioned Cu. ft. Value M Value Amount Value Substance 865 tons $5,030 7,300 125,220 28,515 119,877 3,050 123,612 31,100 11,003 237,792 101 24,900 8,010 157 10,400 97,998 Silica. ¥ Miscellaneous stone. Other minerals. 2 Other minerals. 3 J 1 . Other minerals * Miscellaneous b tone. 1 1 Other minerals.' Brick and clay (pottery). Lead. 1,267 lbs. Miscellaneous stone. '2,491" IbsV" Other minerals " Lead. Miscellaneous atone 'Other minerals ^ 70,400 $100,030 =$427,286 11,991,956 160 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA BUTTE Year Diamonds, value Gold, value Mineral water Platinum Gallons Value Ounces Value 1880 $430,501 650,000 650,000 630,000 680,000 672,569 728,160 632,902 550.000 696,628 268,977 304,765 316,999 307,351 473,673 697,261 749,316 667,025 514,508 486,846 485,589 864,978 916.782 1,571,507 1,932,552 2,607,500 3,016,747 2,786,840 3,139,398 2,987,079 2,487,791 2,323,396 2,346.229 2,269,849 1,700,000 1,545,976 1,257,231 922,271 645,975 378,297 467.900 456,760 491,201 487,393 484,530 355,289 287.853 143,494 1881 1882 . . ... 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1,900 2,160 2,685 2,480 15,000 10,400 14,000 13,000 12,600 15,000 19,500 21,400 22,450 25,400 $775 900 900 1,240 1,515 1,455 1,500 1,550 1,512 1,500 1,950 2,140 2,450 1,400 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902... . 1903 14 66 110 26 $210 1904 1,000 1905 1,770 1906 475 1907... 1908 1909 1910 . 1911 . $150 1912 1913 175 100 300 357 125 125 400 331 225 225 175 275 1.000 1,200 5.000 3.150 3,500 3,900 6,532 6,400 2,900 2,835 3,700 6,000 4,484 1 1 250 300 850 1,125 1,450 1,680 2,388 5,200 4,100 2,485 3,300 4,500 2,742 1914... 119 126 76 119 114 33 fine oz. 42 31 30 19 20 56 10 7 381 1915 3,997 1916 3,472 1917 9,106 1918 .. 7,723 1919 5,071 1920. 4,714 1921 2,432 1922 3,826 1923. 2,601 1924 2.829 1925 9,177 1926... 954 1927 499 Totals $2,963 $30,467,888 339,676 $51,157 1,018 $63,667 > Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel. ' See under 'Unapportioned.' > Includes brick, gems (diamonds), copper, lead, natural gas, soapstone. * Includes clay (pottery), mineral water, natural gas, soapstone. ' Includes copper, lead, mineral water, natural gas, soapstone. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 161 COUNTY. 1880-1927. Silver, Miscellaneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned value Amount Value Substance $1 247 1,000 3 700 13 6 500 518 5,815 229 610 5,504 8,936 5,390 7,885 700 M f 250 M \ 150 tons / 300 M \ 900 tons 600 bbls. / 900 M \ 1,500 bbls. / 800 M 400 bbls. 1,200 M 250 bbls. 190 tons. 670 M 400 M 130 M $4,200 1,500 3,000 1,800 9,900 600 7,200 1,500 5,000 750 7,200 250 250 4,020 3,200 1,300 Brick. 9,317 Brick. Mineral paint. Brick. Mineral paint. Lime. 5,009 13,082 4,634 Brick. Lime. Brick. Lime. Brick. Lime. 2,219 358 2,302 Limestone. Brick. L 7,134 Brick. ■ 10,853 Brick. K 8,967 B 12,708 H 6,429 ■ 5,102 B 5,567 ^ 5,163 4,000 3,433 3,332 2,991 2,410 $7,916 32,140 34,932 78,208 51,879 258,503 50,895 67,143 67,892 89,870 77,822 92,765 3 203,900 220,450 340,250 138,000 156,738 147,604 130,603 f 200 M 1.200 107,170 27 Brick. Unapportioned, 1900-1909 645 lbs. Lead. 513 lbs. 90 lbs. 20 4 540 2 13,940 9,576 104,085 32 329 134,535 2,765 1,105 161,095 548 548 6,648 9,548 17,878 4,316 18,046 17,800 15,097 Lead. Lead. Chromite. 1 ii lbs. 1,451 tons Copper. Chromite. Other minerals. ( 5,746 tona 378 lbs. Chromite. Lead. Copper, manganese, natural gas. 1 3.325 tons Chromite. Manganese and natural gas. 1,911 Gems and natural gas. 2,253 1,759 1,890 1,756 2,118 4,354 2,997 371 Natural gas and miscellaneous stone. Other minerals. Other minerals. Diamonds, natural gas and soapstone. Natural gas and soapstone. Other minerals.' 1 273 M Brick. Other minerals.' ' Brick and clay. Other minerals.' §182,977 1 $2,247,510 $678,524 11—62279 162 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA CALAVERAS Year Gold, value Silver, value Copper Pounds Value Mineral paint (ochre) Tons Value Clay Tons Value 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895, 1896 1897 1898, 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905, 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913. 1914 1915, 1916. 1917- 1918 1919 1920 1921 $320,865 800,000 670,000 500,000 485,000 527,538 639,457 640,417 580,000 592,243 618.821 738,883 794.531 1,669,192 2,119,365 1,717,916 1,546,398 1,4.39,861 1,019,023 1,265,564 1,649,126 2,024.685 2,072,939 1,904,125 1,789,184 1,836,816 1,644,234 1.097,974 1,378,511 1,440,511 1,147,705 1,112,315 962,145 1,175,208 1,336,875 1,391,134 1.356,120 1,471,442 871,263 1,550,574 1,439,745 1.495,758 $643 1,200 2,558 4,926 1,477 1,500 1,071 2,499 4,860 24,441 122 5,183 77 500 1,745 3,462 9,813 80,762 44,687 46,234 68,280 65,611 78,859 74,099 54,420 62,727 71,418 82 866 67,032 70,748 61,076 60,442 53,298 83,643 87,984 84,150 35,876 16,701 10,232 654,866 175,895 87,557 18,400 165.484 980,934 1,701.389 2,087,501 2.246,675 2,592,124 3,666,810 5,082,320 3,941,883 4,804,446 5,438.908 7,.345.321 6,190,153 6,125,415 5,063,187 4,468,998 4,031,149 6,099,509 7.720,861 6,762,882 2,049,330 2,112,186 $64,951 16,925 8,990 115 $2,530 2,052 27,586 150,585 268,000 251,062 297,263 414,399 572.022 956,315 609,203 555,704 690 632 778,369 773,769 1,010,693 784,794 594,377 705.451 1,500,479 2.107,795 1,670,432 381,175 388,642 150 100 2,400 225 400 125 259 200 70 379 3,800 500 778 1,000 385 1,900 100 40 50 $100 300 250 50 250 28 190 25 100 30 50 4,281 2,000 280 250 500 250 200 4,431 4,500 280 ' The Union Mine at Copperopolis was a producer as early as 1861, but there are no detailed, annual figures available for Calevaras County earlier than here shown. ' Under 'Unapportioned.' STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 163 COUNTY. 1880-1927 Mineral water Limestone Quartz crystals, value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Gallons Value Tons Value Amount Value Substance - $18,000 17,500 717 tons $3,583 Pyrites. f 3,500 bbls. 25 tons 20 tons 40 tons \ 13.9 ozs. 5,500 375 300 280 250 Lime. 3,087 3,994 6,872 14,165 4,590 6,283 3,943 $15,430 7,635 16,955 31,446 11,987 16,976 11,733 10,000 Chromite. Chromite. Chromite. 10,000 10,000 Platinum. $50,075 Unapportioned, 1900-1909. 10,000 $5,000 3,764 5,500 6,517 5,752 7,025 7,009 6,069 1,034 512 791 220 lbs. 10 Lead. 7,528 11,500 2,000 1,400 2,500 lbs. 7,006 lbs. 25 308 9,900 4,550 2,618 1 294 8 1,900 4,350 12,570 499 2,453 2,503 300 34,245 550 1,433 2,700 3,992 159,453 598 420 2,067 107 1,076 600 8,116 2,002 2,400 30,048 876 17.527 17 Graphite. Lead. Other minerals. 15,508 650 tons 290 tons 30 lbs. 9 ozs. 163 lbs. Chromite. Fuller's earth. 15,343 Lead. Platinum. Lead. Miscellaneous stone. Asbestos, fuller's earth, mineral pain > 18,255 16,985 10,938 1,636 tons 7,238 lbs. 54 ozs. platinum, silica. Chromite. Lead. Platinum. Miscellaneous stone. Other minerals. 1,613 tons 6,395 lbs. 20 ozs. Chromite. Lead. Platinum. Miscellaneous stone. Clay, fuller's earth, mineral paint, silica 3,830 tons 10 ozs. zinc. Chromite. Platinum. Miscellaneous stone. Asbestos and lead. 4,384 2,019 lbs. J 8 ozs. Lead. Platinum. > Miscellaneous stone. Other minerals. 5,120 2.809 20 fine ozs. Platinum. Miscellaneous stone. Quartz crystals and lead. [ 12 fine ozs. Platinum. Miscellaneous stone. Copper and lead. 164 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA CALAVERAS I Year Gold, value Silver, value Copper Mineral paint (ochre) Clay Pounds Value Tons Value Tons Value 1Q99 $1,413,465 1,205,784 853,961 652,433 576,889 219,217 $11,648 7,316 7,463 8,324 6,229 3,982 2 1,598,776 4,724,441 4,906,650 5,240,927 750,909 t 2 2 a a 2 192'? $235,020 618,902 696,744 733,730 98,367 1924 1925 1926 1927 Totals --- $55,755,212 $1,472,184 108,835,886 $17,964,428 n,876 $13,958 6,956 $11,061 • Under 'Unapportioned.' STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 165 COUNTY, 1880-1927— Continued. Mineral water Limestone Quartz crystals, value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Gallons Value Tons Value Amount Value Substance 1,914 $639 569 139 1 3 [ 22 fine ozs. 2,150 35,590 39,391 39,825 9,605 83,250 8,704 78,506 14,611 59,000 433,924 5,063 290 1,281,795 Platinum. 1 Clav (ootterv) coDcer cems 1 1,626 1 Clay, (pottery), quartz crystals, lead, platinum. Miscellaneous stone /--- 1,400 i :: 1 J > Clay (pottery) gems (quartz crj'stals) lead / platinum, silica (quartz), soapstone. Miscellaneous stone ( Clay (pottery), gems (quartz crystals), lead, naineral water, platinum. Miscellaneous stone. / ( Cement, clay (pottery), gems (quartz crystals), lead, mineral water, soapstone. Chromite. Lead > f 225 tons j 4,606 lbs. Cement clav (ootterv) eems (ouartz crystals), soapstone, miscellaneous stone. 123,310 ?50,320 44,934 $119,062 '565,500 $2,457,078 166 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA COLUSA Year Gold and silver, value Quicksilver Sandstone Flasks Value Cubic feet Value 1875 700 407 466 $58,905 17,908 17.382 1876 1877 1878 1879 - - - 1880 - »$4,908 3,500 2,575 1.000 1,530 45,000 11.617 7,461 6,000 13.626 2,810 . 1881-.. 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888. 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893. 300 1894... 20,000 $7,500 1895 1 58 43 40 2,054 1,510 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 275 235 605 510 >400 326 12,359 10,575 26,500 21,708 16,526 12,321 1901. 1,800 850 88,981 99,395 146,828 100,000 118,954 88,821 86,954 73,284 47,070 112,947 101,029 51,137 34,927 16,000 80,082 87,456 312,500 290,000 1902 1903 1904 1905 276.908 1906 101,802 1907 742 584 4 4 '3,118 17 21 11 648 900 545 78.259 1908 43,971 1909 . . . 24 634 1910 56,505 1911 5 230 50,027 1912 15,804 1913 15,550 1914 $7,300 1915 - 1916 . 285 26,648 « 1917 1918.. 1919 1920 1921 1922 t 1924 1925 1926 . 1927 Totals •$107,421 4,365 $226,359 •$1,186,327 $1,448,298 'Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel. 21880 to 1890, U. S. Mint reports. 'Flasks of 75 pounds since 1904; previously 76}-^ pounds. 'Included with Lassen Cotinty production. 'Includes Lassen County production. •See under 'Unapportioned.' STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 167 COUNTY, 1875-1927. Mineral water Miscellaneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned ■ Gallons Value Amount Value Substance • 40 tons $400 Salt. 50.090 .$12,530 1,620 1,050 1,120 12,350 20,220 79,698 85,900 38,051 80,000 49,344 51.233 88,000 75,000 75,000 68,150 39,061 32,931 24,951 15,003 31,500 8 tons 21 tons 20 tons 20 tons / 18 tons 1 270 M 18 tons 18 tons / 18 tons 1 300 M 18 tons 150 tons 16 tons 10 tons 160 439 300 80 270 2,160 396 360 180 1,800 225 1,700 240 125 104,508 Salt. 21,000 Salt. 5,000 Salt. 53,500 Salt. 92,200 Salt. Brick. Salt. 142,305 174,000 Salt. 156,170 160,000 $1,250 Salt. Brick. Salt. 197,375 Salt. 254,075 200,000 150.000 150.000 136,.300 165.330 132,720 92.000 91.480 5 6 3,500 850 620 16,500 16,702 15,.300 Salt. Salt. Unapportioned, 1900-1909. 1,596 Unapportioned. .- $1,000 550 600 700 4,900 57,488 80,000 6 75,000 75,167 • 75,167 13,200 15,605 15,721 15,700 2,400 Mineral paint, mineral water, sandstone. Mineral paint and mineral water. Chromite, mineral paint, mineral watw. Other minerals. 438 79,534 Other minerals. < Gold, mineral water, silver, miscellaneous stone. 2,100 103,230 16,027 7 Other minerals. 6 Mineral water, sandstone, miscellaneous stone. Unapportioned. Unapportioned, '$2,445,045 S851,212 $438,494 $365,701 168 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA CONTRA COSTA Year Brick Coal* Lime M Value Tons Value Barrels Value 1894 35,000 48,635 44,892 39,267 47,000 53,013 51,248 35,000 13,960 $94,000 139,655 118,709 105,180 113,340 131,613 145,000 100,000 31,160 1895 1896 150 $4,500 1897 1898 5,000 25,000 1899 1900 --- 1901 1902 800 2,600 9,385 10,979 23,267 48,573 55,844 41,033 30,284 36,463 32,621 30,411 16,064 14,915 16,672 and tile and tile 11,600 16,000 67,495 73,948 169.022 403,564 335,737 268,122 199,079 271,575 283,718 212,953 129,543 139,862 148,730 172,653 148,831 s 312,398 t 307,749 > 327,225 > 303,302 1903 5,300 12,187 20,244 $4,500 1904 -- 10,359 1905 .- - 13,925 1906 -- 1907 1,413 1,413 1908 1909 14,062 17,338 11,872 14,870 150,551 5,666 15,468 1910 14,750 1911 8,645 12,640 1913 127,968 67 1 s 1 268 4,724 1915 1916 1917 1918 .... 1919 1920 13,608 1921 1922 and tile and tile Totals $4,332,606 2368,082 $978,925 253,503 $214,392 'Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel. •See under 'Unapportioned.' •Estimated. *Coal mining began in the Mount Diablo section of Contra Costa County at least as early as 1861, but there are no segregated county figures available earlier than those here shown. For 1867-1882 (inc.), there are records which indicate for the Mount Diablo field a total of approximately 2,500,000 tons, valued at $14,300,000. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 169 COUNTY, 1894-1927. Limestone Mineral water Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Tons Value Gallons Value Amount Value Substance 7,600 5.000 9,300 10,000 12,000 12,000 31,200 78,000 78,000 s $3,700 1,200 3,100 3,500 1,900 1,900 8,736 19,500 19,000 $9,000 1,400 tons $2,200 Pottery clay. 31,700 lbs. 3,645 Copper. 18,000 $22,500 23,060 76,120 75,025 210,250 236,047 233,782 235,655 257,503 478,162 660,405 308,727 397,330 363,753 322,507 324,884 275,309 432,654 415,127 559,915 629,216 646,369 708,159 766,921 816,140 34,800 43,500 22,038 43,038 18,282 42,837 37,064 46,208 45,291 34,976 43,661 14,565 2,057 tons / 9,500 tons 1 6,000 tons 1 17,085 tons 21,870 123,500 7,500 222,105 683,392 Asphalt. 9,140 22,556 109,400 199,800 2,500 206,500 200,000 192,292 364,288 '350,000 351,724 436,265 30,376 1 5,470 10,590 375 10,325 10.000 4,989 3,643 4,000 6,154 8,563 3,038 Asphalt. Pottery clay. Asphalt. Unapportioned, 1900-1909. 22,912 68,708 25,879 921,349 658,755 757,748 760,423 772,934 300 847,198 193,340 926,909 3,319 1,333,682 198,248 1,003,258 12,910 1,516,738 281,743 1,761,985 1,374,496 1,836,020 448,584 1,395,048 1,053,314 Other minerals. 32,657 Other minerals. 11,989 Asbestos, cement, coal. 1 Cement, clay, coal, limestone. Cement and coal. f 100 tons Pottery clay. Cement and copper. J Clay and clay products. 1 Cement and mmeral water. 1,743 tons Pottery clay. 600,300 6,099 Cement and mineral water. Clay and clay products. Other minerals. 7,086 tons Pottery clay. Cement, limestone, mineral f water. Clay and clay products. 1 Cement, limestone, mineral water. Clay (pottery), cement, lime- stone, mineral water. Clay (pottery) and clay > 2 / products, cement, lime- stone, mineral water. Clay and clay products. 1 Cement, limestone and 1 mineral water. Cement, clay (pottery), lime- stone and mineral water. =294,938 $391,922 =3,286,545 $135,782 9,462,020 $19,122,513 170 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA DEL NORTE COUNTY. 1880-1927. Year Gold, value Silver, value Platinum Miscel- laneous stone>, value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Ounces Value Amount Value Substance 1880 $215,403 60,000 80,000 135,000 100,000 39,390 76,189 $300 1 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 9 1886 1887 1888 1889 21,800 900 5,586 4,102 10,352 8,000 8,250 24,150 16,710 9,057 4,450 3,483 10,612 5,450 7.183 7,399 10,590 5,945 878 3,488 1,610 2,388 1,743 3,940 2,498 2,035 1,018 405 1,373 565 867 1890 1891 1892 1893. 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 '904 1.5 1.5 $18 22 1905 1906 33 3 19 52 62 7 10 16 9 6 2 8 4 6 1907 1908 74,787 lbs. ; 24.449 lbs. $9,984 13,085 20,000 3,395 Copper. 1909 Copper. Unapportioned, 1900-01 1910 26,670 lbs. Copper. 1911 1912 1913 1914 14 643 $3,250 3,500 1,685 2.700 8,000 6,300 9,000 5.580 5,5(10 31,368 721,720 269,650 68,250 53,350 1915 1916 2 10 1 73 853 97 267 97,255 2,151 360,485 2,584 67 2,781 449 761 872 220 250 Chromite and copper. 1917 3,275 tons Chromite. Other minerals. 1918 7,143 tons Chronute. Other minerals. 1919 1920 1921 < i 1,778 325 681 1,078 384 1 i 9 t « Gold, platinum, silver. Gold, platinum, silver. 1922 1923 Copper and platinum. 1924 Unapportioned. Other minerals. 1925 1 4 1 1926. 10 1,132 1927 240 Other minerals. Totals $897,145 S56I 40 S2,838 $1,189,853 $511,846 •Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel. 'Gold, copper and chromite were produced in Del Norte County earlier than the years shown, but the amounts are n| separable by counties. •See under 'Unapportioned.' I i % 172 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA EL DORADO Year Gold, value Silver, value Copper Lime Pounds Value Barrels Value 1880 $389,383 550,000 600,000 530,000 575,000 35,000 619,992 706,871 650,000 427,638 204,583 173,279 198,321 294,610 366,707 700,101 812,289 674,626 501,966 404,497 368,541 292,036 335,031 277,304 474,994 384,735 431,746 319,177 342,033 238,284 171,304 133,967 105,565 62,688 133,886 401,288 361,821 24,758 28,352 30,121 13,379 34,109 47,340 30,264 28,207 40,212 91,789 82,254 $208 900 1881 1882 1883 1884 16,000 1885 IKKR 1,822 365 500 408 275 359 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1,220 356 448 534 886 4,174 8,414 25,129 5,977 52 1894 10,000 28,500 4,413 13,500 3,360 7,935 7,500 11,000 24,599 5,600 12,864 9,260 19,217 $8,000 1895 28,500 1896 4,158 1897 6,750 1898 3,360 1899 7,935 1900 3,125 $500 6,000 1901 11,000 1902 2,128 319 16,176 7,000 1904 7,075 1905 2,525 2,690 2,301 5,504 1,299 967 1,010 843 250 654 1,353 1,496 85 722 279 155 301 376 185 153 238 472 383 160,000 24,960 6,946 1906 21,138 122 83 16,198 1908 603 15,921 13,828 11,300 15,086 14,023 20,192 14,591 1910 9,944 1911 12,309 1912 11,218 1913 693 107 1914 14,000 15,911 • f 12,082 1915. ... 417 < 18.982 22,259 73 12,872 1916 1Q17 5.182 5.498 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 - iq97 z s Totals $14,700,058 $92,476 '208,207 $36,844 3257,817 $243,444 « In addition to the segregated figures herein given, a large tonnage of limestone is annually shipped from El Dorado County for use in cement manufacture, and whose value is included in the state total for cement. ' Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap. sand, graveL • See under 'Unapportioned.' STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 173 COUNTY. 1880-1927. Limestone Slate Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned. Tons Value Squares Value Amount Value Substance , 1,800 1,350 500 400 400 600 3,500 5,100 4,000 $11,700 9,450 2,500 2,800 2.800 4,500 26,250 38,250 30,000 500 $250 $251,820 Unapportioned, 1900-09. 6,000 4,000 10,000 7,000 6,000 6,961 1,000 50,000 40,000 100,000 60,000 50,000 45,660 8,000 10 tons 112 tons 20 tons 162 2,625 1,000 Asbestos. 1,050 5,775 Asbestos. Asbestos. 15,318 $1,600 530 2,616 5,465 4,375 4,678 2,600 7,500 12,000 6.200 20,500 1,700 5,500 2,750 4,250 5,900 2,538 10,305 17,510 500 200 M 3,763 tons 1,200 tons 3,701 lbs. 8,000 5,645 1,800 167 Paving blocks Sand (glass). Sand (Q:la8s). 1,000 1,000 Lead. 90 lbs. 4 5,250 72,560 19,613 1,717 1,480 167,950 104,851 4,506 70 674,856 11,236 6,510 13,950 1,169 18,200 9,325 9,453 18,850 15,729 8,988 32,691 4,946 5,613 15,792 Lead. > Slate and soapstone. 1 1 96,673 41,025 41,109 15,296 42,200 95,274 112,156 228,293 59,386 96,733 5,260 tons Chromite. Lime and limestone. 886 tons Silica. Copper and soapstone. 8,319 tons Chromite. Lime and limestone. 218.120 112,423 139,873 66,143 113,700 163,987 322,995 297,127 186,702 146,506 2,684 tons Silica. Other minerals. 11,936 tons Chromite. Pyrites, silica, soapstone 378 tons 1,600 tons Chromite. Soapstone and talc. Other minerals. 1 2,640" tons Soapstone. Other minerals. 1,652 tons Talc. Slate and soapstone. 2,670 tons f 1,498 tons SoaDStone. Talc. Copper and lime. Lime and silica. 3 3 Lime, sibca, plate. Copper, gems, silica. soapstone, slate. $1,819,919 358,611 $481,910 $109,017 $1,486,528 174 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA FRESNO Year 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884. 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903. 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920. 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 Total? Gold, value $143,433 90,000 80,000 100,000 80,000 74,500 151,186 205,242 200,000 185.988 49,951 82,607 ni2,981 7,118 8,202 47,249 28,235 43,144 27,557 18.142 22,346 21,462 54,427 21,538 7,809 40,037 8,493 2,401 1,054 17,539 3,373 17,441 6,094 2,846 10,231 4,151 693 5,745 4,795 5,540 7,793 13,085 10,442 18,519 32,978 25,056 8,595 17,406 $2,127,424 Silver, value $2,456 2,701 274 2,800 4,629 1.816 10,396 100 479 111 4 9,187 83 26 11 8,503 2,980 81 23 15 31 246 69 289 37 67 227 75 87 128 190 151 52 77 $48,470 Copper Pounds 1 159,672 3,000,000 2,500 1,440,000 440.000 250,000 876,837 486,725 65,903 29,173 40,662 7,791,472 Value $182,648 345,000 319 224,640 88,000 50,000 111,341 61,999 11,533 7,177 11,101 $1,093,758 Petroleum Barrels 14,119 70,140 154,000 439.372 547,960 525.433 571,233 2,214,160 5,114,958 8.890.000 8,402.000 9.050,300 10,725,389 15,406.619 18,651 470 19,499,611 19,510,932 18,956,965 15,952,190 14,021,025 14,594,246 16,259,797 16,068,919 16,091,037 15,375,454 12,161,565 9,265,529 5,061,542 10,156,405 7,773,665 7,340,102 7,202,284 306,068,421 Value $56,750 70,840 154,000 439,372 547,960 236,444 199,931 730,673 1,520.847 2.400.300 1,974,470 3,620,120 5,898,964 9,243,971 9,277,241 9,344,085 8,487,255 7,927,736 7,210,389 7,641,459 7,530,631 13,414,333 19,138,083 20,805,711 22,801,798 18,643,679 9,895,582 3,593,695 11,801,743 8,503,390 5,982,183 5,977,176 $225,070,811 Brick M 2,500 5.500 4.250 5,000 6.000 8.000 4,800 9.000 8.000 9,230 13,220 7,950 9,533 4,500 5,000 5,500 4,500 4,750 and tile 12,517 Value $18,000 38,500 35,062 35,000 45,000 68,000 32,400 60.000 64.000 57.350 100,960 49,375 76,267 28,500 40,000 44,000 36,000 33,250 89,156 196,756 220,737 95.104 87,493 89,145 $1,645,965 ' Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel. •To end of 1892, includes Madera County, which was created March 11, 1893. • See under 'Unapportioned.' STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 175 COUNTY, 1880-1927. Mineral water Magnesite Natural gas Miscellaneous and unapportioned Gallons Value Tons Value M cu. ft. Value Amount Value Substance / 216 tons \ 500 tons 600 tons 50 tons S700 4,000 4,800 400 Coal. Gypsum. G>T3sum. 1,200 S400 350 900 900 4,000 5,142 4,500 7,200 2,400 Gypsum. 1,886 2,000 100 tons 16 tons 600 320 268,534 Gypsum. 2,000 Asphalt. 5,000 Unapportioned . 1900-1909. 5,142 5,000 7,200 839 tons 579 tons 10,068 6,948 Asphalt. 4,800 38 $120 Asphalt. / 500 tons \ 9,000 tons 400 tons / 200 tons 5,500 26,000 4,400 2,600 750 250 950 700 14,125 15,086 7,259 13,600 450 151,824 25,000 46 36,900 109,292 31,500 44,150 86,181 26,800 3,652 34,500 140,128 49,600 17,000 125,276 28,610 2,000 28,600 8,360 217,880 64,920 2,400 60,447 3 600 63,580 98,801 78,624 800 74,424 2,000 Asphalt. Clay Asphalt. 850 1,400 220 2,000 1,135 8,500 22,400 2,195 20,000 9,080 Asphalt. Gems. Gems. 200,000 236,100 250,000 2,894,834 2,346,917 4,097,626 5,009,327 5,191,287 3,721.313 1,886,081 1,694,090 1,599,354 1,430,708 1,515,889 1,920,489 1.682,652 $21,380 23,610 15,000 253,906 163,941 347,501 267.123 411,356 201,865 190,181 89,277 122,702 102,286 116,711 153,726 148,227 SO tons Chromite. fjpins 336 flasks 375 flasks 148 flasks / 1,300 tons Quicksilver. Quicksilver. Quicksilver. Chromite. Other minerals. > 1 5.829 6,077 1,795 600 906 945 49,082 57,422 16,151 5.950 8,725 9,540 9,060 tons 11,000 cu. ft. ■i 668 lbs. Chromite. Granite. Lead. Brick, fuller's earth, minera I ' 6,289 tons water. Chromite. Granite. Asbestos, brick, mineral 2,314 tons water, quicksilver. Chromite. Granite. 35 flasks Quicksilver. Granite. 1 1, Chromite and brick. Granite Other minerals. Clay and clay products. Granite. 1 Other minerals. Granite. Other minerals. Clay and clay products. Granite. 1 ■"- 1 Other n-inerals. Granite. - \ Other minerals. Granite. Clay and clay products r 17,880 cu. ft. mineral water. Granite. Other minerals. 17,186 cu. ft. Gramte. 1 Other minerals. 1 '34,288 1 $25,792 21,795 $209,165 35,676,667 2,626,732 $2,004,935 176 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA GLENN COUNTY, 1893-1927. Year Amount Value Substance 1893 and previous 3,319 long tons 140,000 tons 378,000 tons 421,775 tons 543,675 tons 416,640 tons 549,700 49,000 34,020 51,430 32,950 27,776 30,553 131 46,526 10 41,180 39,982 21,474 9,721 33,260 817 57,263 32,436 58,137 1,500 1.34,707 103,197 91,250 113,282 41, .5.50 92,288 58,391 63,869 Chromite. 1909 Macadam. 1910. Rubble. 1911 Sand and gravel. 1912 - Sand and gravel. 1913 Sand and gravel. 1914 Miscellaneous stone. 1915 746 lbs. Copper. Miscellaneous stone. Other minerals. 1916 Miscellaneous stone. \ Other minerals. 1917 879 tons 369 tons Chromite. Manganese. Miscellaneous stone. Other minerials. 1918 1,129 tons Chromite. Miscellaneous stone. 1919 Miscellaneous stone. Other minerals. 1920 . .. Miscellaneous stone. 1921 Miscellaneous stone. 1922 Miscellaneous stone. Miscellaneous stone. 1924 ... Miscellaneous ptone. 1925 Miscellaneous stone. 1926 Miscellaneous stonej 1927 Miscellaneous stone. Total $1,316,400 I 12—62279 178 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA HUMBOLDT Year Gold, value Silver, value Mineral water Brick Gallons Value M Value 1880 8153,940 75,000 100,000 80,000 115,000 29,730 83,591 111,532 100,000 143,701 93,612 99,329 87,515 06,354 41,326 92,635 65,093 94,992 57,512 65,059 109,444 98,487 60,015 38,509 62,061 45,824 48,295 40,109 33,066 25,690 35,289 34,966 31,271 25,611 18,686 15,947 21,279 23,086 8,028 16,260 2,538 2,054 1,330 2,260 1,269 13,142 1,243 1,729 $80 300 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 274 82 19 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 14 20,000 24,000 15,000 10,000 $7,200 12,000 10,000 2,000 1895 1896 1897 57 300 410 795 1,005 2,170 1,060 2,565 800 915 140 760 1,310 476 357 772 500 607 463 $2,500 1899 6,000 6,000 7,825 10.000 1,500 2,000 2,000 2,500 3,870 '136 ■59 7,100 1901 7.810 17.040 1903 10,445 21,350 1905 7,600 240 214 325 94 150 169 150 132 57 62 55 95 72 134 19 37 10 12 7 62 6 14 8,690 1907 1,400 8,585 9,750 1910 - 4,048 2,880 1912 6,415 4,150 1914 6,120 2,000 3,000 1 1 1 500 750 5,565 1917 1920 1921 1922 1 2 1 1923 1924 1926 $2,573,409 $3,137 n03,825 $40,450 215,405 $135,318 'Recalculated to 'commercial' from 'coining value' as originally published. 'See under 'Unapportioned'. •Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 179 COUNTY, 1880-1927 Miscel- laneous Natural gas Miscellaneous and uuappoi tioned ?tonc^ value M cj. ft. Value Amount Value SuK'tance S199,240 251,586 233,454 193,502 297,276 160,845 S362 140 204 555 Platinum. Platinum. 12.5 ozs. 30.8 ozs. Platinum. Platinum. 13,074 i,280"cu.ft. f 2,450 tons ]. 1,280 7,640 20,985 750 937 400 1,201 115 1,320 296 192,255 351 9,312 21,744 420 116 57,751 140 2,516 9,271 1,148 18,513 5,436 190 4,628 6,399 153 413 9,915 7,753 6,207 4,052 633 6,096 Granite. 29,170 600 1,000 300 300 300 300 2 3 2 640 S300 500 150 150 150 150 Clay. Unapportioned, 1900-1909. 36,700 37,756 229,730 439,808 208,204 335,292 60,260 27,014 ■ 51,082 ■ 25,198 ~ 133,290 131,688 117,308 422,519 1 476,449 1 699,740 700,736 554,963 250 tons 937 tons 396 tons 7,750 lbs. 3 ozs. Clay. Clay. Clay. Copper. Platinum. Copper and natural gas. / 7 ozs. Platinum. Brick, clay, granite, natural gas. 1 6 ozs. \ Platinum. Brick, clay, mineral water, natural gas, volcanic ash. 85 370 tons 210 tons Chromite. Clay. Granite. 1 1,520 tonp 2 ozs. Manganese. Platinum. Brick, mineral water, pumice. 1:::::'"":':.. Brick and clay. 1 Mineral water and natural gas. / 859 tons Manganese. Brick, clay, granite, mineral water, natural gas. 1 75 tons I volcanic ash. Pottery clay Brick, mineral water, natural gas, platinum, pumice. \ Brick and clav. •1 Mineral water and natural gas. 1. 4 fine ozs. Platinum. Clay and clay products, mineral water, natural gaa. platinum. Brick, clay, mineral water, natural gas, platinum. Brick, pottery clay, mineral water, natural gas, f platinum. Brick and clav. 1... Natural gas and platinum. Includes brick, c av, natural gas and platinum. $6,065,884 « 3,440 Sl,485 $401,482 180 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA IMPERIAL COUNTY, 1907'-1927. Year Brick Gold, value Silver, value Miscel- laneous stone, value Miscellaneous an d unapportioned M Value Amount Value Substance 1907 1,000 2,225 2,000 1,680 1,200 3,250 5,500 4,900 2,958 1 and tile and tile 3 s 654 $10,000 22,250 20,000 10,078 7,000 20,000 44,000 29,400 17,916 1908 $5,848 59,705 '87,341 =97,855 $123 524 =237 =189 375 lbs. $51 Copper. 1909 .. 1910 1911 1912 $10,000 12,000 1913. 1914 31,700 210,428 14,369 23,338 919 247 94 8,961 42 155 5 1,248 8,607 2,183 920 18,024 750 cu. ft. 13,081 lbs. f 65 lbs. 7,260 1,730 11 5,000 47,006 38,140 5,416 46,900 14,840 67,936 16,500 23,787 3,825 15,805 162,900 61,617 182,023 154,927 221,059 Marble. Copper. 1915. 40,095 34.834 65,660 34,787 63,900 127,412 171,173 154,560 101,833 78,032 148,942 312,130 129,658 Copper. Other minerals 1916 . Brick, copper, lead, pum- ice, strontium. Manganese. Copper, potash, pumice. Manganese. Cop )er, lead, pumice. Brick, lead, pumice, salt. Pumice. Other minerals. Other minerals. Brick, gypsum, lead, marble, pumice. Brick, goldj gypsum, pumice, silver, soda (salt cake). Brick, gems (dumor- tierite), gypsum, pumice. Brick, cyanite, gypsum and pumice. Brick, cyanite, gypsum, lead and pumice. Brick, copper, cyanite, gypsum and pumice. 1917 19,260 11,670 f 1,907 tons 1918 1,241 tons 1919 1920 f 624 tons 6,363 537 350 1921 1922 1923 - . 1924 258 3 238 257 1 3 19 3 1925 9 3 ) 1926 1927 Totals »$217,937 $533,390 $41,335 $1,485,016 $1,076,743 'Imperial County was created August, 1907, from a part of San Diego County. •Includes production of San Diego County. 'See under 'Unapportioned'. 182 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA INYO Year 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921. 1922. 1923. Gold, value S48,648 170,000 220,000 90,000 80,000 24,998 20,156 10,649 25,000 193,957 62,432 35,466 13,930 25,945 52,639 92,142 238,.507 159,840 137,107 114,187 213,655 162,406 74,397 66,045 150,474 135,959 19,449 57,241 308,873 457,486 408,509 574,945 369,758 237,310 275,000 317,905 131,722 125,394 100,240 69,560 55,634 80,373 85,265 36,702 Silver, value 8173,916 140,000 130,000 38,000 82,000 73,461 101,670 103,370 75,000 30.706 88,320 112,730 35,995 52,475 83,640 188,329 108,619 50,063 73,.503 57,529 113,483 56,573 14,484 18,200 7,122 29,741 13,358 44,440 30,900 47,117 129,.590 45,678 45,316 136,8.54 255,000 127,894 232,441 534,599 441,548 194,151 258,929 86,020 256,009 265,023 Lead Pounds 900,000 1,498,000 1,220,000 564,000 580,000 662,000 971,000 601,000 257,500 95,000 124,000 345,680 208,018 261,140 683,401 2,364,137 2,866,227 1,182,122 1,207,593 3.322,308 4,626,934 4,323,639 Value $27,000 46,438 36.600 19,176 21,170 28,135 38,840 24,040 9,013 3,420 5,270 16,247 11,8.57 13,096 28,244 131,199 127,385 53,195 54,342 146,182 180,450 203,211 11,185,321 771.787 19,318,642 12,223,471 3,643,485 4,612,338 1,052,253 6,264,138 9,541,868 1,661,403 867,866 193,105 368,987 47,351 344,528 667,931 Copper Pounds 49,829 8,.566 1,100 23,450 25,508 151,606 4,145 6,779 6,820 39,888 58,801 27.889 48,584 113,800 336,423 154,722 274,032 175,273 338,518 169,713 144,286 45,725 69,537 77,349 Value $3,986 1,349 126 3,098 3,252 23,649 800 1,356 938 5,073 7,489 3,486 8,016 17,648 44,744 27,076 67,412 47,850 83,614 31,567 26,549 5,898 9,388 11,370 Zinc Pounds 144,213 *7,14!),.523 399,641 4,625,162 5,758,703 3,535,000 2,517,045 1,192,353 1 Valae $8,598 449,701 20,381 573,520 771,666 359,550 229,051 87,042 Borax, value l>81.298 40,000 24,900 33, 24, 13, 24, 36. 26 000 000 901 250 ,394 ,400 I ,162,727 * Combined to conceal individual annual output. • See under 'Unapportioned.' ' Includes ant'mony, borax, gypsum, marble, molybdenum, salt, tungsten. » Includes asbestos, barytes, boiax, gypsum, marble, molybdenum. < Includes borax, dolomite, marble, pumice, salt, soda, tale, tungsten. ' Includes borax, dolomite, fuller's eaith, marUe, volcanic aeh, salt, talc, zinc. ' Includes borax, building stone, marble, pumice, soda. ' Includes borax, building stone, clay (pottery), fuller's earth, limestone, marble, pumice, soda, talc, zinc. 8 Includes building stone, borates, fuller's earth, gems, marble, pumice, tungsten concentrates. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 183 COUNTY, 1880-1927. Soda Soapstoneand talc Marble Miscellaneous and unapportioned Tons Value Tons Value Cu. ft. Value Amount Value Substance 1,530 §20,000 47,500 65,000 110.000 154,000 250.000 50,000 400,000 50,000 * * * * * « * * * *496,250 264,825 861,160 12,500 10,000 3,000 862,500 50,000 24,000 1,900 3.000 5.000 7,000 4,000 12,000 10,000 1,000 20 tons $700 Antimony. 8,000 7.000 * 20,000 3,000 17,000 1,200 1,000 20,000 3,000 17,000 4,800 4,000 300 tons 400 tons 2,400 800 Salt. * Salt. * * * 1,417,217 31,500 32,555 174 648 835 54,000 54,000 80,430 14,700 23,040 2,317,897 22,630 3,000 2,639.600 32,056 5.000 854,025 2,491,727 12,000 7,850 2,097,271 31,080 1,190 2,214,008 49,073 8,295 16,250 1,089,708 72,284 12,000 1,358,207 79,793 19,500 997,539 Unapportioned, 1900-1909. 45,000 tons [46,450 tons \ Rubble. I ' Rubble. I 1,050 1,000 390 1,513 685 4,736 9,635 1 I 4,350 1 5.981 $5,250 4,400 2,060 14,000 4,606 41,044 72,549 Gems. t • Rubble. t , 3,200 3,500 11,500 10,500 1 Rubble. 112,937 \ 13,500 tons 13,500 tons Salt. Salt. Antimony, dolomite, marble, pumice, salt. Dolomite. Miscellaneous stone. 10,593 I 3,596 tons Other minerals'. 19,604 11,315 tons Dolomite. Miscellaneous stone. Other minerals'. 1 14,390 tons Dolomite. Miscellaneous stone. • 589 tons Tungsten cnocentrates. Borax, limestone, salt, soda. t 2,360 tons Limestone. Miscellaneous stone. 933,023 1 Other minerals.^ 23,132 15,240 tons Limestone. Miscellaneous stone. 77,250 Other minerals*. 1 22,112 tons 1,185 tons Dolomite. Fuller's earth. 1 1 Miscellaneous stone. K Other minerals.' 1. 43,778 tons Dolomite. Miscellaneous stone. 1 662,747 104,976 Other minerals.' w 24,116 47,542 tons Dolomite. ■ Other minerals.* 184 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA INYO Year Gold, value Silver, value Lead Copper Zinc Borax, Pounds Value Pounds Value Pounds Value value 1924 $19,977 43,774 26,871 10,109 $115,799 117,763 77,693 47,384 4,813,718 6,307,105 6,541,741 2,173,032 $385,098 548,196 523,339 136,901 79,995 73,003 42,462 30,010 $10,479 10,367 5,945 3,931 1 1925 1926 .-.. 1927 145,000 76,889 $11,020 5,767 1 1 1 Totals $6,430,996 $5,542,445 116,540,811 $7,741,912 2,477,873 $466,456 25,533,529 $2,516,296 $•8,466,870 ' See under 'Unapportioned.' ' Includes alum, borates, building stone (tuff), fuller's earth, glauber salt, lime, limestone, magnesium sulphate, pumice, radio galena crystals, soda Cash and bicarbonate), tungsten concentrates. '"Include." borates, building stone (tuff), fuller's earth, graphite, limestone, pumice, soda (ash and bicarbonate), tungsten concentrates. '> Includes borates, building stone (tuff), dolomite, gems, limestone, salt, tungsten concentrates. " Includes borates, building stone (tuff), dolomite, fuller's earth, lime. I COUNTY . 1880-1927 STATISTICS — Continued. OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 185 Soda Soapstone and talc Marble 41 Miscellaneous and unapportioned Tons Value Tons Value Cu. ft. Value Amount Value Substance 1 1 i 60,473 53,328 5,942 5,335 6,487 7,009 $98,806 89,134 98,563 99,416 17,197 tons $37,491 12,500 1,429,925 1,764,891 20,130 1,750 12,000 831,695 2,496 6,000 920,218 Dolomite. Miscellaneous stone. Other minerals.' Other minerals.'" $1,232,081 1,293,379 r 2,275 tons 300 tons Fuller's earth. Pumice. Miscellaneous stone. Other minerals." 1 344 tons Pumice. Miscellaneous stone. Other minerals.'^ 348,633 $6,889,965 54,113 $712,054 ■78,400 $219,300 $22,204,078 186 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA KINGS COUNTY. 18941-1927. Year Brick Gypsum Natural gas Quicksilver Miscellaneous and unapportioned M Value Tons Value M cu. ft. Value Flasks Value Amount Value Sutetance 1894 Unapportioned 1900-1909. Fuller's earth. Fuller's earth. Fuller's earth. Mineral paint. Fuller's earth. Mineral paint. Mineral paint. Other minerals. Fuller's earth. Fuller's earth, quicksilver. Other minerals. Other minerals. Other minerals. Other minerals Other minerals. Other minerals. Other minerals. Other minerals. Natural gas and petroleum. 1895_ 1896 1897 1898 1,250 1,650 750 1,000 3,500 3,400 3,100 3,400 2,800 1,000 3,000 1,000 400 $8,450 11,550 5 000 5,000 19,000 24,200 23,300 24,000 20,000 8,000 24,000 8,500 3,200 1899,.- 1900 1901 $10,500 1902 1903.. 1904 1905 *250 $9,000 1906 1907. - 100 tons 50 tons f 100 tons 1 20 tons (100 tons \ 10 tons 1,000 1,000 2.000 100 1.000 270 1908 100 100 100 20 50 100 20 $400 300 490 100 200 300 80 1909 -. 360 1.200 1,800 6.000 1,916 150 258 258 3,509 2,460 2,550 2,765 2.090 1,790 1,990 1,480 740 $360 600 800 1,650 575 500 008 008 2,777 500 1,630 1.250 980 870 970 725 44(1 1910___. 100 4,525 1911... - 1912 1913 f 20 tons 20 tons 60 400 160 18,000 26,180 1914 1915 i s 1916 1917 1918 3 436 2 8,639 49,653 1919 1920.. 28,620 1921 4.742 5,936 585 1922... 1923 1924 1925,... 80 475 1,599 1926 470 24.^ 1927 t Totals .. 26,250 $184,200 490 $1,870 31,846 $16,178 '786 $42,145 $132,379 *Flasks of 'Kings Con Fresno County 'See under 75 pounc nty was 'Unappc s. created Mi rtioned.' irch 22, 1893, fr 3m a par t of Tular e Count y, and in 1909 extend ed by anne xing a portion of KERN COUNTY-MINERAL PRODUCTION 1880-1927. 1883.. 1884.. 188S.. 1886.. 1887.. Asphaltum Copper 1892.. 1893... 1894... 1895... 1896... 1897. .. 6,900 1.400 2.484 4.650 1.850 2,537 701 3.112 10,150 8,006 12,451 10,586 23,136 20,443 50,000 54,599 76,605 $133,000 28.000 44.680 86,350 50.000 57,670 14,020 43,126 101,500 100,787 124,110 105,860 260,158 475,000 655.391 811,846 Totals.. 286.610 J3.327.858 1.100 2.000 1,600 2.526 4.600 3.500 9.000 700 750 2,168 2.080 3,365 8,332 5,603 1,890 1,625 Pounds Value 1.678 1.709 3,850 5,840 5,082 5,217 04,026 16.600 14,000 11.400 17.300 23,400 24,500 30,000 4,900 6,000 34,200 18.428 19.552 29,634 63.711 41,426 23,120 22,000 29,214 Fuiier'a earth Value 4.000 429.248 235,840 4,300 16,330 175,112 56.550 85.820 66.652 50.438 1760 67,606 27.122 559 620 500 1.000 987 250 500 1.047 1,086,633 il2,400 3,750 19,500 19,246 4.750 9.500 Gold, value *See under 'Unapportioncd.' i94.214 190,000 260.000 150,000 100.000 72,003 94.640 72.368 60.000 242.676 117.341 107.735 107,738 83.665 310.707 231.433 590,867 754,313 1,017,930 863.414 805,252 1.007,059 1.165.982 1,022,353 1,426,623 1,160,971 878.798 827,087 654,799 619,974 557,471 830,421 649,712 747.042 537,852 246,127 150,589 81,187 84,698 124,337 107.051 154.132 135,545 135,508 171,100 33,000 25,400 37,100 63,400 42,000 64,700 57,721 62.000 90,360 101.661 178,038 279,650 295,613 173,000 116.717 99,187 96,500 162,831 135,000 55,176 23,615 86,952 76,395 72,629 2,653,042 Tons Silver, value $26,500 24,980 32,329 70,370 29,900 57,690 51,700 82,700 80,856 76,246 172,000 255,500 267,096 169.822 87,788 86,198 82,025 124,894 91,200 65,100 23.615 112,724 106,733 141,491 tlO.OOO 5,000 4.331 (390 14,000 20.000 5.000 5,000 Natural gas M cu. ft. Value 1,721 150 2,500 7,517 586 61 73 1.754 39,700 46,064 34.650 10.471 6.543 6,810 147,736 40,497 99,135 114,614 151,189 134,944 86.033 96,550 101,633 35,041 5,833 11,480 11.851 7,817 8,402 8,385 1,897 6,524 33,151 35,902 7.455 4.667 »1 ,530,037 38,000 975,724 1,654,380 4,400,000 7,111,237 Petroleum 16,679,658 25,819,376 23,545,128 25,363,739 34,912,865 40,136,930 47,644.633 42,421.592 47.881.308 45,649,845 44,182,140 39,401,478 «2.714 47,364 165,438 325,484 568,899 390,532 11,216 116 235 15,000 919,275 3,902,125 9,777,948 18.001,148 19.608,045 17,069,715 13,826,000 16,700,308 18,777,871 24,549.758 40,641,159 46,562,825 51,448,067 58,698,432 65,332,633 54,810,669 Value 1,379,033 1,445,880 53,065,066 1,507,912 1.618.913 1,810,147 1,926.797 2,282,100 2,1)51,656 2,522,551 2,290,608 2,158,867 2.057.807 466.490.362 (25,290,340 49.049,917 47,734,035 50,660,438 57,434,945 53.512.157 45.952.794 61.175.405 58,852,742 54,549,646 51„'i70,412 S69,334 116 235 13,500 827,348 1,131,616 1,955.585 3,600.230 3.431.408 3.174.966 4.673,867 9.388,935 12,565.246 17,825.212 20,207.906 21,762,532 27,038,474 26,721,046 23,184,913 92 tons 33 tons 15 tons 25 tons 220 tons 40 tons 27 tons 47,387,104 61,410,496 64,440,947 86,831.991 97,639,407 64,803,222 37.629,300 69,572,934 84,255,094 78.987,887 58,738.699 1,600 lbs. 50 tons 1,000 tons 28 tons 1,000 tons 53 tons 1,350 tons 52 tons 215 tons 1,000 tons 500 tons 1,700 tons 4,781 Ibe. 1,675 tons 160,000 tons 242 tons 230,950 tons 853 tons 2,417 lbs. 8,479 tons 19,664 lbs. 208 tons 10,000 tons 1,376 lbs. 346 tons I 82 tons ( 379 lbs. 20.000 tons 267 tons 84,371 lbs 146 tons 24,274 lbs. J 4.100 tons 193 tons 113 tons 9.684 lbs. 300 flasks 17,000 tons 22.000 tons 3,060 tons 18,000 tons 10,506 tons ,097,340,610 $967,735,996 $18,146,192 Miscellaneous and unapportioned $3,720 1,485 2.250 3.50O 1,100 1,200 3.382 859.927 64 8.350 8.000 63 8.000 54 11.000 18,800 752 183,600 5,500 2.000 500 8.300 174 8.305 112.000 121 107,880 4,245 109 18.188 885 104 22,750 61 690 172 320 15 50.000 180.575 11.301 3.965 59.319 299.997 5,880 1.675 30.047 23,700 63.723 482.387 363.516 16.041 833 27,260 31.787 .58.148 139,345 311 174,419 81,000 28,320 9,345 87,000 20,100 31,180 108,270 93.500 38,208 829,115 66,000 35,585 1,166.582 97.336 9,225 1.602,1,')8 44,115 23,058 5,244 1,709,635 28.858 3,000 2,680,166 41,116 28,000 2,144.889 69,839 79,510 3,553,163 Substance Antimony. Antimony. .\ntimony. .\ntimony. Coal. .\ntimony. Borax. Unapportioned, 1900-1909. Lead. Antimony. Gypsum Bituminous rock. Gypsum. Clay. Gypsum. Tungsten. Clay. Tungsten. Gypsum. Gypsum. Gems. tiypsum. Lead. Gypsum. Rubble. Clay. Crushed rock. Gypsum. Lead. Gyiwum. Lead. Clay. Gypsum. Lead. Other minerals. Clay. Gypsum. Lead. Salt. Other minerals. Antimony ore. Lead. Miscellaneous stone. Cement, pottery clay, fuller's earth, gypsum, magnesite. salt, tungsten. Antimony ore. Lead. Lime and limestone. Silica. Miscellaneous stone. Tungsten concentrates. Cement, clay, feldspar, fuller's earth, magnesite, quicksilver, salt. Antimony ore. Lead. Quicksilver. Miscellaneous stone. Tungsten concentrates. Clay, feldspar, lime, limestone, magnesite. salt. Miscellaneous stone. Lead, limestone, magnesite, manganese, quick- silver, salt, tungsten. Salt. Miscellaneous stone. Fuller's earth, limestone, quicksilver. Salt. Silica. Miscellaneous stone. Cement, gems. lead, quicksilver. Salt. Miscellaneous stone. Cement, gypsum, limestone, silica. Salt. Miscellaneous stone. Cement, copper, lime, silica, lead. Salt. Miscellaneous stone. Cement, clay (pottery), gypsum, limestone. pumice, sulphur. Salt. Brick and clay (pottery). Miscellaneous stone. .^senic, cement, copper, lead, pumice, sulphur. Salt. Miscellaneous stone. ,\ntimony, borates, cement, brick, clav (pottery). Salt. Miscellaneous stone. Cement, feldspar, fuller's earth, gypsum, lime. pumice, silica. Salt. Miscellaneous stone. Borates, cement, clay (oil well mud), copper. feldsjMir, gyiisum. lime, onys, pumice. I122T.I— pases 180-187 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION LAKE COUNTY, 1873-1927. 187 Year Quicksilver Mineral water Chromite Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Flasks Value Gallons Value Tons Value Amount Value Substance 1873 880 1,695 8,821 14.199 18.100 14,428 15,582 17,148 17,393 10,193 6.481 4.182 4.765 3.498 4,307 6,636 4.713 4.232 4.975 11.140 9.731 12.471 12,856 6,307 3,585 1,729 2,954 3,165 4,395 3,611 2.595 '2,854 1.462 1,066 802 1,300 1,075 1,048 899 209 395 331 492 1 139 1,067 1,540 229 385 22 38 17 3 $70,790 178,280 743,287 624,756 675,1.30 474,681 309,303 531,588 518,833 287,748 186,329 127,551 146,524 124,179 182,509 282,030 212,085 222,180 225,119 453.509 357.614 382.954 465,074 232,484 134,546 64,746 128,179 127,345 211,324 161,568 106.397 109.719 51.937 38.909 30.604 54,951 56,277 47,422 41.363 8.786 15,891 16,236 41,660 106,496 107,071 172,173 20,604 24.314 880 2.000 1,050 1874 . 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 * * * * * 87.500 65.920 511,950 523.000 166,020 758,600 201.706 241.100 381,040 659,000 489,000 365.000 304,340 246,545 265,000 212,546 227.440 202,000 209,750 254,150 165,130 195,650 129,157 87,067 62,839 43,693 54,715 60,420 63,730 66,420 62,970 57,000 45.643 * « * * * * * $42,000 32,460 76,585 37,350 75,924 45,400 120,360 126,663 187,621 221,000 219,500 160,000 130,936 118.300 108,270 95,005 58,933 114,500 109,938 47,267 24,371 54,160 22,685 15,006 17,471 16,413 26 751 29,370 44,738 59.423 57,793 58.235 51,149 188f) 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 19(15 1906 1907 1908 1909 $10,000 $28,423 Unapportioned. 1910 1900-1909. 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 5.000 4.500 2.500 1,000 1,200 13,200 146,508 16,669 55,000 22,833 15,300 s 4,445 1.503 770 1.900 70 2,907 100 7,816 250 250 250 250 14,140 255 9,680 220 Copper, gold. 1916 871 1,466 476 3 84 $15,070 36.326 24.790 1,560 silver. Other minerals. 1917 f 85 tons Manganese. Other minerals. 1918 1919 1920 Manganese and natural gas. Other minf rals. f247 tons Manganese. Other mineral^. 1921 Other minerals. 1922 Other minerals. 923 Other minerals. ■ 924 Natural gas and 925 quicksilver Copper and nat- 1 926 86 245 7,778 29,234 ural gas. Natural gas and 927 440 M cu. ft. miscellaneous stone. Natural gas. ' Totals... 253,468 $9,933,997 7.466,041 $2,605,577 32,897 77.746 $298,155 $68,784 * Bartlett since 1888 and Witter since 1889 reported to U. S. Geological Survey, but no segregated figures available for Lak e !ounty previous to 1895. ' Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap. sand, gravel. * Flasks of 75 pounds, beginning June 1, 1904. Previously 76J^ potmds. * See under 'Unapportioned.' STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION LAKE COUNTY, 1873-1927. 187 Year Quicksilver Mineral water Chromite Miscel- laneous stone", value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Flasks Value Gallons Value Tons Value Amount Value Substance 1873 880 1,695 8,821 14,199 18,100 14,428 15,582 17,148 17,393 10,193 6,481 4.182 4,765 3,498 4,307 6,636 4,713 4,232 4,975 11,140 9,731 12,471 12.856 6,307 3,585 1,729 2,954 3,165 4,395 3,611 2,595 !2,854 1,462 1,060 802 1.300 1,075 1,048 899 209 395 331 492 1 139 1,067 1,540 229 385 22 38 17 s $70,790 178,280 743.287 624,756 675,130 474,681 309,303 531,588 518,833 287,748 186,329 127,551 146,524 124,179 182,509 282,030 212,085 222,180 225,119 453,509 357,614 382,954 465,074 232,484 134,546 64,746 128,179 127,.345 211,324 161,568 106,397 109,719 51,937 38,909 30,604 54,951 56,277 47,422 41,363 8,786 15,891 16,236 41,660 106,496 107,071 172,173 20,604 24,314 880 2,000 1,050 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 * * • * * « * 87,500 65,920 511,9.50 523,000 166,020 758,600 201,706 241,100 381,040 659.000 489,000 365.000 304,340 246,545 265,000 212,546 227.440 202,000 209,750 254,150 165,130 195,650 129,157 87,067 62,839 43,693 54,715 60.420 63,730 66,420 62,970 57,000 45,643 * * « * * * * .$42,000 32,460 76,585 37,350 75,924 45,400 120,360 126,663 187,621 221,000 219,500 160,000 130,936 118.300 108,270 95,005 58,933 114,500 109,938 47,267 24,371 54,160 22,685 15,006 17,471 16,413 26 751 29,370 44,738 59,423 57,793 58,235 51,149 1889 1890 1891 189*? 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904.. _ 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1 1922. 1923 ; 1924 1925 $10,000 $28,423 UnapDortioned, 1900-1909. 5,000 4,500 2,500 1,000 1,200 13,200 146.508 16,669 55,000 22,833 15,300 1 4,445 1,503 770 1,900 70 2,907 100 7,816 250 250 250 250 14,140 255 9,680 220 Copper, gold. 871 1,466 476 3 84 $15,070 36.326 24,790 1,560 silver. Other minerals. f 85 tons Manganese. Other minerals. Manganese and natural gas. Other mimrals. (247 tons Manganese. Other mineral"'. Other minerals. Other minerals. Other minerals. Natura 1 gas and quicksilver Copper and nat- i 1926 \ 1927 ! Totals... 86 245 7,778 29,234 ural gas. Natiu-al gas and 440 M cu. ft. miscellaneous stone. Natural gas. 253,468 89,933,997 7,466,041 82,605,577 »2,897 77,746 8298,155 $68,784 *Bartle ' County pre\ ! 'Includ ' Flasks ! »Seeuii 1 tt since 1 rious to IS es crushet of 75 poi der 'Unai 588 and Wit 95. I rock, rubb mds, beginn )portioned.' ter since 18 e, rip-rap, ing June 1, 89 reported sand, grave! 1904. Pre^ to U. S. iouflly 7( Geologic )Hpoun al Survey, ds. 3ut no segrej sated figures available for Lak e 188 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA LAKE COUNTY, 1873-1927— Continued. In addition to the above, Lake County has produced the following: Borax Sulphur Pounds Value 1864 to 1868 Borax Lake yielded 590 tons refined 1865 214,650 675,963 487,603 503,481 S8 030 borax, worth $414,636; 1872 from Lake Haeh- 1866 21,970 inhama, 140 tons, worth $89,600; total 730 tons, worth $504,236 1867 1808 Totals 13,420 10,080 1,881,697 $53,500 LOS ANGELES COUNTY— MINERAL PRODUCTION 1880-1927. Year Gold, value Silver, value Petroleum Aspbalt (tons) Natural gas (M cu. ft.) Gypsum Salt Gems, value Mineral water Brick Pottery clay Sandstone and serpentine Miscel- laneous stone', value MiacellaneouB and unapportioned Barrels Value Amount Value Tona Value Tons Value Gallons Value M Value Tons Value Cubic feet Value Amount Value Substance 1880 1881 1882... -.-. 1883... — - 1884 1885 1886 1887 »7,700 13.000 17,000 20,000 40,000 22,500 21,500 25,000 20,000 38,203 74,320 40,750 219,204 14.200 34,500 23,330 35,468 40,698 21.300 13,132 5,508 10,312 7,209 8,674 12,402 15,035 S66,300 39,000 24,000 25,000 11,000 1,945 6,750 25,000 • --------- 1888... 1888 1880 1891 ..- 1892 1893 1894 .- 1895 1896 1897.... .- ' 97 7,266 475,656" 979,695 953,734 1,327,011 1,462,871 1,409,356 1,722,887 2.304,432 2,198,496 1,960,604 2,190,000 2,854,564 2,814,000 4,318,739 6,244 347 5,409,392 5,127,266 4,924,288 4,484,690 4,143,690 3,658,690 2.931,098 2.875,468 4,669,583 10.125,190 15,076,633 14,026,536 12,395,606 37,726,367 158,665,019 119,027,428 121,214,551 105,828,337 103,625,615 ""sm,m 732,817 812,800 1,327,011 1,462,871 1,409,356 1,722.887 1,062,038 1,075,868 1,294,866 1,289,910 1,056,188 908,800 2,633,541 4,082,052 3,513,192 3,185,433 3,313,972 2,798,384 2,672,680 1,957,279 1,843,661 1,871,930 5,491,430 13,567,755 20,805,754 21,488,653 25,795,254 52,930,093 154,063,733 147,474,953 173,215,593 174,084,324 U4,.i83.01l "ri34' 3,790 960 1,900 2,500 3,563 2,500 3,500 ""'{{{.Ho 37,820 9,180 17,260 18,500 14,260 10,000 35,500 7,560' 46,800 27,478 36,868 25,908 23,385 65,726 44,436 62,776 79,196 128,719 109,663 127,965 101,079 108,414 136,202 148,723 160,259 174,862 204,912 133,557 88,669 82,005 and tile 43,381 and tile 127,854 and tile 240,424 310,897 301,967 196,966 238,326 21J,332 ""$"3'7',666" 235,000 179,290 228,290 188,386 147,400 275,925 264,825 335,670 706.334 767,827 853,810 826,831 895,272 800,163 1,195,892 1,361,663 1,442,913 1.692,258 1,752,106 1,244,971 820,312 760,912 939,081 668,676 1,185,164 2,333,941 3,208,448 4,190,485 6,307.968 5,030,269 3,300,748 2,954,067 2,714.398 50 $500 ■'r,566' '2,500 f 10,600 1 750 •6,000 ; '7,500 I '350 '89 '$'6'666' 2,500 6.2601 3.000/ 3,000 3,7501 2,000/ 90 '$'5'566' 47,500 30,000 30,626 32,500 112,001 24,352 94,229 105.047 118,185 83,826 69,021 176,568 36,904 598,618 182,377 324,091 553,076 955,668 1,008,810 953,434 1,022,134 971,153 608,026 547,190 716,624 1,704,951 1,763,180 3,390,477 5,408,808 5,923,329 6.978,605 7,472,884 6,292.078 9,'5'o'o'bbis',' 5 tons 2 tons 1,600 on. ft. """$'ro",866' 266" 50 2,000 Lime. Infusorial eartli. Sulphur. 1899 ■1,151 ■5,000 123,020 100,000 ■1,5001 162,838/ 171,904 332,600 307,068 119,430 269,200 363,423 250,000 616,500 691,1931 16,208] ■15,208 •78,672 77,678 75,000 120,783 139,522 194,793 224,279 458,812 656,466 638,936 1,653,571 8,760,961 9,191,395 8,704,894 8,966 307 7,117,081 193,500 $5,805 Marble. 1900 6,650 90 8,000 7,560 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 10.000 6,000 7,592 10,360 10,000 20,000 119,950 180 20,000 24,480 20,000 36,000 36,000 48,000 30,000 12,000 16,113 46,370 40,000 60,000 4,576 130 890 115 5,000 30,533 41,350 17.500 25,934 14,027 450 15.650 11,929 7,425 8,263 6,507 6,233 6,276 12,634 11,329 18,684 29,055 54,924 128,825 84,065 217,707 86,767 147,621 10,776 390 890 115 5,000 16,066 34,350 20,600 55,274 26,688 800 41,025 12,028 20,135 14,566 1,511 10,549 10,321 11,820 33,343 91.763 62,866 66,519 59,272 132,855 106,817 99,076 206,175 10 tons 100 tons 14,400 lbs. 60 tons 1,736 tons 219 tons 10,000 bbls. 709 tons 228 tons ii'o'o'o'bbis.' 50 tons 849 lbs. l.OOOcu.ft. 25,000 bbls. 200 tons 1,800 tons 2,000 cu, ft. 19 300 504 360 2,558 10,124 10,000 4,254 2,315 'l'8',666' 200 169 3.000 26.000 8,000 14,400 6.000 842,530 320 720 200 4.800 3.300 1.800 2,000 240,000 349,669 460 330,020 324,769 1,684 373,374 400,902 542,768 121,903 462,600 386,865 399,007 308,476 473,966 222,943 397,136 36,168 72,772 40,000 622,890 8,779 169,641 454,728 117,982 426,178 95,274 192,408 »s,m 192,.114 66.974 288.471 19.697 334,168 (""■Vo'ooo ■16,767 ■28,308 ■30,425 •23,718 ■25,920 ■26,610 ■26,000 ■40,740 f ^5,872 [ '30,920 Mineral paint. Lead, 22 73 100 6,914 38,441 95,000 125,760 175,000 85,465 385,000 573,976 266,315 319,491 229,019 76,495 255,095 331,151 360,171 320,700 188,368 110,481 125,400 161,466 264.468 300,400 440,563 1,839,285 3,811,270 4,026,465 3,934,525 5,500 7,084 31,250 5,128 35,100 42,857 19,988 23,999 17,256 6,333 15,140 8,025 29,491 8,552 16,902 15,640 8.787 10,371 13,314 16,450 24,787 88,942 336,038 200,459 260,198 •2,163 ( '29,211 I '200 •8,784 f '19,080 I '847 / '21,196 [ '1,000 '6,292 9,734 13,1451 2,310/ 9,950 9,5401 1,694/ 19,0761 3,000f 2,000 InfuBorkI earth. Glass sand. Soapatonp. Lime. Glass 3and. Soaps tone. 1904 11,500 21,000 7,600 12,000 10,000 43,500 69,000 50,000 75,000 50,000 1406 Lime. Infusorial eartQ. MM. Lime. Glass sand. Glass sand. Marble:. UDapportioned. 1900-1909. Infusorial earth. Feldspar. Glass eand IC)07 $8,600 9.500 4,900 5,000 3,000 2,500 2,100 700 600 300 1 864 2 40 tons 60 tons 80 tons 1,600 cu. ft. 1,100 cu. ft. 1,800 tons f 1,800 tons 1 2,322 Marble. Marble. Trii.l 27 ■1,287,794 '1,250,000 ■1,729,035 ■2,083,664 •1,670,476 4,088,969 H,148,476 •6,226,835 •6,944,277 ■23,254,549 •134,799,482 •122,838,521 •98,226,700 •91,054,793 59,749.559 13,203 tons 10 tons Borax. Potash. Barite, borax, potash. 1 • • 1 6,502 1 ■ • s s 612 tons Potash. Silica. Borax, coppor, graphite, salt. Potash. t ■ 1,710 tons I 18,630 tons 1 2,380 tons silica, s 355 289 87 3 3 1 1 Miscellaneous stone. 1922 3 3 3 3 3 3 j Miscellaneous stone. ( Building tile, gold and 1923 /-.. \ silver. Miscellaneous stone. Brick, building tile, gold and silver. Miscellaneous stone. 3 1924 Clay and clay products. Copper and lead. 1925 Miscellaneous stone ■ Clay and clay products. 1926 ' Miscellaneous stone. 1 Clay and clay products. 1927 / Miscellaneous stone. \ Brick, hollow building tile, ceiT-ent, clay (■pottery). Totals $666,607 $2,634 128,305 $19,076 4,600 $40,900 $1,779,185 'Included with Stanislaus County production. 'Includes Stanislaus County production. •See under 'Unapportioned.' ♦Dredge output mcluded under Stanislaus County. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION MODOC COUNTY, 1880-1927. 199 Year Gold, value Silver, value Salt Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Tons Value Amount Value Substance 1880 1881... 1882 $10,000 20,000 $1,500 1883 1884... 1885 1886 50,000 60,000 60,000 1909 1910 1911 --- 1912 1913... 1914 1915... 1916 1917 2 5,438 19.875 27,893 6,001 1,000 7.557 2,729 75 363 494 94 10 104 90 50 40 40 §800 720 720 8300 200 200 200 550 700 34,930 3 8,109 3 $720 540 Other minerals. Other minerals. 1918 ..- ;919 !920_ 921 1 6,478 > 390 a 8,020 1,802 3,968 1,720 16,018 288 1,300 2,400 1,380 600 Gold, salt, silver. Other minerals. Gem material (Iceland Spar) gold, salt, silver. Gem material (Iceland .922 Spar) and salt. Salt, miscellaneous stone. 923 924 » 3 Gold, silver. Salt, miscellaneous stone. S25 Salt, miscellaneous stone. 926 927 158 3 36,450 61,651 Other minerals. Othei minerals. Totals.. $277,189 S3,123 3130 52,240 $143,290 $38,756 'Includes 'TnoludRd •Pec L-rd- crushed roc iinHpr Lassi r 'Unnpport /i, rubble, sa 'n County p lon'-d." nd, gravel, roduction. 200 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA MONO COUNTY, 1880-1927. Year Gold, value Silver, value Lead Lime Miscellaneous and unapportioned 1 Pounds Value Barrels Value . Amount Value Substance 1880 -. $2,407,236 3,385.000 2,200,000 1,750,000 1,000,000 482,860 439,558 382,498 297,000 193,264 144,180 302,415 396,296 293,637 358,824 552,690 451,553 520,101 446,017 697,069 670,200 493,355 510,596 .3.34,713 268.930 308,884 338,698 383,971 413,946 354,909 435,724 261,232 377,518 147,271 7,000 107,302 237,084 209,040 31,252 29,428 144,746 37,754 65,747 34,661 49,651 5,503 20,204 3,686 $582,905 300,000 380,000 290,000 285,000 91,849 163,502 118,945 75,000 86,827 52,293 18,983 271,058 11,401 11,549 84,910 82.283 72,491 06,667 47,547 75.921 25,091 36,548 20,067 2,£55 11,240 13.151 29,797 20,134 37,792 9,391 35,508 70,602 23,263 10,000 1,923 3,606 5,662 22,727 55,558 34,369 15,160 11,686 3,120 6,472 1,590 121,404 21,822 1881 1882 1883... 1884 1885 1886 1887 ■ 1888 ■ 1889 .. .. 1 1890 1 1891 1 1892 1893 1894 . 50,000 94,400 73,500 32,000 75,000 28,000 50,000 29,000 4,400 1,000 $1,500 2,926 2,205 1,088 2,737 1,190 2,000 1,160 154 36 1895 800 eu. ft. 3,000 cu. ft. $8,000 24,000 Onyx. 1896 1897 500 1,200 3,000 1.200 1,100 2.000 2,000 1,818 215 $2,000 4,800 4,000 3,750 4,000 •3,000 2,000 5,000 850 Onyx. 1898 .. -. 1899 1900 . 1901 1902 1,938 lbs. 305 Copper. 1903 1904 ... 1.600 lbs. 208 Copper. 1905 1906 1907 . 1908 7,100 gals. 5,575 106,772 Mineral water. 1909 Unapportioned, 1910 1900-1909. 1911 37,000 23,936 1,665 1,077 1912 1913 4,961 2,135 3.721 1,600 8,179 lbs. 79.319 lbs. 1,000 lbs. 1.350 12,294 1.50 200 300 3,906 40 750 100 592 1,000 750 379 1,650 586 8,304 10,000 45,010 19,044 48,927 29,250 146.300 368 66,200 76,375 Copper. Copper. 1914 . Salt. 1915 .. Other minerals. 1916 Other minerals. 1917 1,912 1,318 1,556 85,014 42,962 9,820 164 94 82 6,801 1,933 540 Copper, molybdenum. 1918 f 160 lbs. 'isg'ibs'.""" 3,215 lbs. salt. Copper. 1919 Other minerals. Copper. 1920 Copper. Miscellaneous stone. Other minerals. 1921 . 2,940 lbs. Copper. Onyx and salt. 1922 /4,338 lbs. \ Copper Other minerals. 1923 Stone, miscellaneous. 1924 32.458 22,488 20,906 4,830 2.597 1,957 1,672 304 Other minerals. Stone, miscellanoufl. 1925 Other minerals. Stone, miscellaneous. 1926 f 2,628 Other minerals. Copper Other minerals. 1927 Othei minerals, clay, copper, pumice, salt, andalusite, miscellaneouBstone. Totals.. $22,983,203 $3,825,769 721,500 $33,882 20,129 $34,721 $644,497 202 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA MONTEREY Year Gold, value Silver, value Brick Diatomaceous earth Lime Limestone M Value Tons Value Barrels Value Tons Value 1889 $3,500 11,815 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 8,000 1895 1896 1897 2,000 2,049 7,744 8,000 5,463 $2,000 1898 400 200 200 $2,400 1,400 1,600 1,040 1899 6,970 1900 10,800 1901 13,800 6,860 8,920 6,941 4,000 625 1,076 1,318 333 n,013 7,500 1902 $18 22,000 26,000 3,240 10.000 40,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 30,894 $13,200 23,400 3,240 10,000 50,000 125.000 50,000 62,507 29,349 1903 6,516 4,550 9,000 1904 200 1,600 2 1, ,500 1905 1906 3 9 9 5 10 80 S400 1907 1908 426 300 993 3,838 2,900 9,957 1909 500 500 850 3,500 3,500 5,950 10,658 2,500 2,000 6,000 6,500 45,678 1910 7,500 1911 6.000 1912 >7,647 6,491 4,000 67 27 20 8,000 1913 1,700 6,800 13,000 1914 1915 1916 1917 4 1918 i 1919 1920 1921 1922 V r .- « 1923 j 1924 / ! 1925 998 706 500 3 3 2 1 1926 0i 1927 . Totals $91,543 $176 2,719 $23,695 *3,630 $20,150 332,140 $366,696 <63,980 $139,588 ' Includes crushed rock, rubble, sand, gravel. ' Incldues Monterey, San Luis Obispo and Santa Cruz counties. ' Includes Los Angeles and San Luis Obispo counties. ' See under 'Unapportioned.' s Includes molding , building, blast, filter, roofing sand STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 203 COUNTY. 1889-1927. Mineral water Value $1,000 200 1,050 750 4.000 3,250 1,750 1,250 1,000 1,000 12,000 12,000 2,000 7,000 7,000 7,900 2,050 590 20 Glass sand Tons Value Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioncd ?65.810 4,500 4,500 5,089 8.295 9,257 750 11,065 6,805 6,496 7,594 9,016 9,141 9,210 <92,618 $15,750 12.225 4,937 7.272 8.127 1.125 8.178 5.120 4,872 5,890 7,910 9,192 7,633 $1,500 $98,261 14,025 S.258 8,869 5,200 3,167 31,727 43,351 47,487 27,011 60,119 12,556 39,202 32.799 58,623 57,810 52,697 73,031 584,056 563,316 586,180 5140,724 239,847 4C9,423 263,244 244,584 Amount 200 tonp fil tons 124 tots 4,800 tors 7fl'sks f 1 flESk 7 flts'.is 700 tons 200 tons 11,000 tons 4,000 tons 323 tons 1 35,000 tons ! 300 tons f 5,992 tons 700 tons 450 tons f 6,392 tons \ I 4,900 tons 700 tons t 8,280 tons I / 5,755 tons 1 / 2.50O tons 1 238 ton- 1,240 tons 414 tons 491 tons 1,100 tons $2,ni,.581 ?1,.')59.2.56 Value $1,000 732 1,488 24,000 296 49 344,789 317 5,000 2,.500 4,950 6.000 3.200 78,332 12.000 2,700 17,976 9,450 3.500 3,150 50,137 50,659 23,468 57,508 25,950 3,800 37,240 29,120 43,3.53 26,238 16,135 8,750 98.089 169,139 81,298 436 4.960 41,247 I,lf.l 66,136 1,164 94.876 550 105.413 Substance Coal. Asphaltum. Asphaltum. Coal. Quicksilver. Quicksilver. Unapportioned. 1900-1909. Quicksilver. Feldspar. Fuller's earth. Clay. Clay. Coal. Other minerals. Clay. _ Fuller'? eaith. Coal. Other minerals. Feldspar. Faller'.' earth. Coal, feldspar, diatomaceoua earth, quicksilver, silica. B.arytes, feldspar. diatomaceousearth , quicksilver, salt, silica. Dolomite. Baryte?, diatomaceous earth, lime- stone, mineral water, quicksilver, salt, silica. Dolomite. Feldspar. Barytes, coal, d'atomaceous earth, quicksilvei, salt, silica. Dolomite. Barytee. coal, feldspai, diatomaceous earth, salt, silica. Dolomite. Barytes. coal, feldspar, diatomaceous earth, salt, silica, (glass sand). Dolomite. Asbestos, coal, d'atomnceous eailli, mineral water, s: It, gla?s sand. Asbestos, coal, dolomite, quick- silver, salt, glass sand. Asbestos, diatomaceoi's earth, dolo- mite, mineral water, quicksilver, salt, glass sand. Clay rpottery). Dolomite. Diatomaceous earth, niineml water, quicksilver, salt, sh?le, fiuilding stone, silica (glass sand). Clay (potteiy). Diatomaceous ea. th, quicksihTr, .sail, shale, building stone, silica (glass sand). Clay (pottery). Diatomaceous earth, dolomile, sail, sandstone, (shale building slotie), silica (glass sand). Clay (pottery). Diatomaceous earth, dolomile. build- ing sfone (andesitr. sandstone), quicksilver.salt. 204 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA NAPA COUNTY, Year Quicksilver Flasks Value Mineral water Gallons Manhattan Mine output, 1863 to 1876. 1862 -.. 1863 1864 1865. 1866 1867 1868.. 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896. 1897 .- 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 -.-- 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925.. - 1926. 1927. Totals. 3,594 444 852 2,714 3,545 2.254 7,862 9,808 6,598 5,766 4,098 4.876 5,206 11,705 9,453 11,303 13,127 10,810 9,446 6,830 7,746 9,013 7,784 5,188 3,891 5.656 6,247 5,150 5,402 3,934 4.896 8,612 11,505 9,705 '.),318 11,411 12,281 12,31)8 11.096 8,724 7,798 7,142 7,859 '5.328 4.853 2,380 2,500 2.340 1,625 646 140 287 287 240 507 1,150 834 1,297 644 266 35 189 157 776 $235, 16 35, 124, 162, 119, 360, 450 302 330, 258 321, 423 1,231, 795, 497 489, 355 281, 211, 231, 254, 223, m. 119, 200, 264 218, 243 206 221 350 422 298 372 403 459 472 598 403 .388 304 .333 199, 171 86 95, 98 80 29, 6, 12 11 11 45 876 ,139 852 573 716 755 866 ,187 848 853 ,584 475 018 ,132 470 332 637 649 961 730 063 467 790 ,234 048 ,788 ,717 875 ,090 535 ,544 ,595 ,809 016 ,500 ,031 ,753 ,972 322 !500 ,170 ,474 ,006 586 ,910 ,870 ,400 ,912 ,535 ,231 ,441 065 ,546 ,772 ,224 107,525 78,320 143,850 58,140 18.588 1,659 5,143 9,759 88,425 97,275 199.397 218,680 159.890 109,261 171,507 171,000 158,830 236,229 244,400 386,000 279,400 84,000 240,000 145,500 123,072 152,772 141,540 136,750 151,520 142,940 133,387 152,764 126,124 92,512 76.860 80.431 72,364 80,481 69,639 73,608 63,836 80,376 81,864 340,158 S15,515,457 4,994,275 ilncludes crushed rock, macadam, rubble, paving blocks, sand, gravel. _ 'Napa Soda Springs have "been bottling water for sale since 1860; but no segregated figures available for Napa Coun^ previous to 1894. 'Flasks of 76J^ pounds to June, 1904; of 75 pounds since. 'See under 'Unapportioned.' STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 205 I 1862-1927. I - Magnesite Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unai)portioned Tons Value Amount Value Substance $93,000 Gold and silver. 5,000 16.000 22.500 50,000 95,000 57,046 30,517 23,689 Gold and silver. Gold and silver. Gold and silver. Gold and silver. Gold and silver. Gold and silver. 1,500 $6,000 Gold and silver. Gold and silver. 1,440 2,200 1,500 1,143 1,263 1,180 1,983 700 150 61 12 10,240 17,000 11,000 13,671 19,075 17,130 17,400 11,622 450 915 78 51 tons 2,040 Infusorial earth. 8,919 tons 7,08C tons 290,368 bbls. 6.690 8,496 435,552 Limestone. $500 3,375 4.019 500 2,777 3,000 78,728 138,636 122,219 127,428 172,646 243,759 130,316 108,387 88,441 110,039 82,944 70,010 74,550 111.100 200,151 215,356 261,523 177,186 207,882 209,996 Limestone. Cement. 3,151,182 2,893,786 Unapportioned 1900 to 1909. Unapportioned. 1910 to 1913. 55 650 8,000 756.380 647.625 11,559 5,500 663.586 22,020 752.706 38,432 1,088,154 Sandstone Other minerals. 1,050 9,450 108,556 387,930 263,367 86,752 Cement, sandstone. 13,960 715 tons 119,500 cu. ft. Chromite. BuildinK stone (tuff). Other minerals. 40,329 29,163 10,112 844 tons Chromite. Cement clav copper. 667 tons Chromite. Cement, gold, silver. 98,382 26,720 52,635 70,720 44,351 195 1,420 6,120 7,817 50,616 25,788 7,235 56,435 5,022 Magnesite, volcanic ash. Other ininprals Building stone (red tuff), mangesite. Magnesite, quicksilver. Gold. f Silver. Other minerals. Gold. Silver ] Gold. Silver ■ Copper, sandstone. ifl '107,801 $981,186 $2,945,474 $11,337,916 H 206 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA NEVADA Copper Gold, value Granite Year Pounds Value Cubic feet Value 1880.-- $2,702,362 3.700,000 3.500,000 3,000.000 2,950,000 2,577,873 3,221,038 2,719,574 2,600,000 2,249,335 1,969,613 2,207,886 1,945,406 2,067,203 1,830,155 1,789,816 2,380,756 1,885,251 2,017,628 2,171,510 1,812,036 2,121,054 2,142,740 2,458,047 3,130,304 3,179,715 2,658,420 2,162,083 2,297,963 2,660,235 2,533,483 2,199,147 2,081,958 2,918,733 3,301,948 3,466,722 3,669,878 3,682,947 3,070,453 2,981,312 2,872,471 2.570.162 2,903,573 2,282,155 2,820,032 2,305,607 2,318,846 2,127,195 1881 --. 1882 1883... ... 1884.. 1885 1886 .. 1887-- 1888 1889 1890 . 1891 - 1892 1893 1894 83.728 33,255 28,200 $7,535 3,325 2,820 1895 1896 1897 1,100 2,000 2,000 $2,200 1,500 1.500 1898 . 30,000 43,438 150,980 39,588 26,500 4,500 3,000 7,084 20,472 6,235 3,975 585 1899 .- 1900 1901 1902 1,000 2,170 2,335 2,155 9,525 12,840 700 1,250 2,225 1,250 3,000 4,100 5,396 2,570 9,300 9,300 2,100 2,800 3,215 : 3,500 Jt,| 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 22,082 30,166 4,418 4.104 1908 1909 1910... 1911 1,665 209 1912 1913 1' 1914 39 1,817 3,487 40,165 42,203 t I 5 318 858 10,965 10,424 1915 1916 100 100 1917 1918 1919 2 2 2 s : 1 9 J > 1 1920 . ... J 1921 s 1922 s > s s 3 ? t ■■■ 1923 1 1924 1925 1926 1927-._ Totals '581,813 $86,332 $124,214,625 240,650 $50,640 - •Includes crushed rock, rubble, sand, gravel. 2See under 'Unapportioned.' STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 207 COUNTY, 1880-1927. Lead Silver, value Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Pounds Value Amount, (tons) Value Substance S70,144 9,500 10,000 8,000 5,000 4,835 8,333 2,477 5.000 5,633 14,713 14,184 8,326 1,229 476 400 8,584 8,116 19,476 17,784 66,841 18.122 6,124 3,252 9,555 32,523 24,219 17,505 21,914 24,926 16,506 15,691 22,830 26,542 27,000 23,762 35,741 52,335 72,557 68,731 58,476 33,906 19,583 30,534 39,252 32,155 30.015 27.581 , 290 150 $5,800 2,250 Mineral paint. Mineral paint. I 50 1 6,000 f 300 \ 5,400 2,925 78 1,000 30,000 5,400 28,620 17,550 429 Mineral paint. P.VTite. Mineral paint. Pyrite. PjTite. Pyrite. 20 Platinum. 663 $25 Sl,678 1,874 400,000 Unapportioned, 1900-1909. 14,831 667 80 92 6 74 71 1.785 2,090 5,000 2,108 3,675 1,225 1,600 1,400 1,976 6,528 19,151 27,982 42,309 82,200 10,333 850,000 15,000 145 60 1,950 12,795 23,475 43,449 47,101 116,993 29,884 12,034 17,531 17,862 14,867 15,682 3,783 4,782 41,006 43,933 Gems. 1,567 Other minerals. 1,036 / 981 \_ Chromite. Manganese, platinum, tungsten. / 1,962 \ Chromite. .'Asbestos, lead, platinum, tungsten con- f 3,328 centrates. Chromite. Asbestos, lead, manganese, platinum. tungsten concentrates. Asbestos barvtcs chromite copper. granite, lead, platinum. Asbestos, barytes, copper, granite, lead. Asbestos, barytes, granite. Barytes, copper, granite, lead, mineral paint. Asbestos, barytes, copper, granite, min- eral paint, platinum. Copper, granite, lead. Chromite, copper, granite, lead. Barytes. copper, granite. 1,290 90 4,301 344 27,768 $1,449 51,080,388 $1,074,039 $938,296 208 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA ORANGE Year Petroleum Natural gas, value Brick Barrels Value M Value 1889 1890 1892 1894 1895 1897 12,000 60,000 108,077 254,397 302,652 1,103,793 1,355,104 1,470,000 1,510,900 2,388,000 2,426,750 3,376,689 4,270,967 5,044,001 6,345,275 6,704,421 9,485,362 12,758,678 12,715,457 13,198,591 14,680,801 15,730,462 14,458,722 15,462.741 22,929,466 31,049,491 46,474,921 31,661,283 32,734,420 37,989,349 46,593,842 S12,000 60,000 108,077 254,397 181,591 824 492 1,016,285 1,144,542 711,633 1,194,000 1,456,050 2,532.517 2,690,709 3,177,721 4,097,980 4,478,553 6,867,402 8,612,108 6,510,314 8,750,666 14,724,843 22,211,412 26,893,223 33,059,340 45,996,509 36,483,162 40,897,930 37,455,298 46,384,673 59,225,395 56,238,767 1898 300 200 $2,400 1899 --- 1,600 1900 1901 1902 1903 1,634 1,500 118 1,365 3,176 4,050 4,090 2,950 1,650 1,300 2,100 1,333 1,280 1,186 and tile 477 > s 2,994 4,706 8,499 1 3,253 6,272 1,283 13,000 1904 9,000 1905 11,800 13,500 1907 - 26.000 1908 20,450 1909 20,650 31,000 1911 11,550 1912 - $5,250 9,612 112,040 81,753 139,281 490,511 693,169 837,439 862,446 1,312,704 2,096,629 3,914,661 2,397,813 2,324,014 3,556,194 3,910,501 9,100 14,000 1914 19,300 1915 16,000 1916 8,300 1917 --. 11,000 1918 . 3,869 1919 1920 . - 1921 . 47,720 1922. . 73,106 1923 103,428 1924 1925 39,445 1926 . 72,489 1927 13,143 Totals. 394,656,612 $474,251,589 $22,735,017 55,716 $591,850 ' Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel. ' See under 'Unapportioned.' I STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 209 COUNTY, 1889-1927. Clay Stone industry,' value Miscellaneous minerals Tons Value Amount Value Kind $6,262 10,943 9,470 6,000 4,000 144 Gold. Gold. Gold. 1,500 tons / 900 tons Coal. Coal. Gold. 800 tons 600 tons f 25 tons 240 cu. ft. 3,200 2,400 250 120 2,407 2,250 1,500 4,000 250 150 200 250 Coal. Coal. Gypsum. Sandstone. Gold. 500 tons 300 tons Coal. Coal. Gold. Gold. 408 cu. ft. 500 cu. ft. Sandstone. 10,500 7,740 $14,581 12,900 Sandstone. ( 964 lbs. \ 24,472 lbs. ( 33,546 lbs. 14,405 lbs. 193 1,303 2,000 534 72,586 Copper. Lead. 9,000 2,617 500 2,000 2,100 15,500 18,600 26,170 5,000 3,200 3,400 20,666 $3,005 23,665 6,443 855 21,248 36,815 88,315 9,027 3,773 2,699 1,560 1,944 80,988 131,301 270,022 536.767 505,932 307,112 317,767 325,676 Zinc. Lead. Unapportioned 1900-1909. 459 tons 688 Glass sand. J 364 lbs. I 4 lbs. 17 1 3,066 2,573 Lead. Copper. Other minerals. 2 3,649 1 s Pottery clay, copper, lead. 4,650 / 18,499 97,632 84 145 1,275 7,263 96,595 10,796 3,168 16,203 121,260 907 52 995 5,637 60 414 967 10,807 9,600 Clay and clay products. i Lead and potash. 455 lbs. Copper. God. 15,932 lbs. Lead. Silver. Brick, clay, potash. Pottery clav copper gold lead and silver. Clay (pottery), gold, lead and silver Clay (pottery), copper, gold, lead and 1 13,431 13,150 14,637 Brick and clay. Copper, lead, silver. 42,562 38,989 49,354 Gold. Silver. Go d. Lead. Silver. Copper potash zinc. ::::::::::::: Barite quicksilver. 94,824 $258,561 $2,674,914 $520,617 14—62279 210 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA PLACER COUNT! Year Gold, value Silver, value Copper Brick Pottery clayt J Pounds Value M Value Tons Value 1880 S838,133 850,000 800,000 810,000 887,320 906,301 1,071,663 855.510 850,000 1,245,491 1,003,602 998,495 1,159,080 1,351,250 1,851,215 1,599,635 1,674,844 1,524.941 1,488,022 1,100,081 986,155 900,745 843,366 570.571 778,355 597,793 4 482,772 358,096 281,372 257,191 251,298 367,383 220,785 600,000 414,319 428,400 538,686 230,190 170,609 151,088 $640 6,500 1881 1882 1883 1884 5 1885 1886 1,397 556 1,000 1,975 1,045 5,921 2,120 616 664 5,273 6,690 6,784 5,670 1,206 12,058 4,828 3,341 1,116 9,320 8,041 4 3,338 2,194 1,492 1,157 2,585 4,791 2,972 4,500 24,543 24,928 13,885 22,432 3,141 2,178 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 22,000 15,000 10,000 7,500 12,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 16,100 20,000 20,000 20,000 13,000 45,300 44,000 43,120 50,000 63,600 63,700 49,126 29,018 44,097 29,348 4 65,560 $27,500 • 1895 15.000 1896 10,000 1897 7,500 1898 12,000 1899 15,000 1900 15,000 1901 11,200 3,200 4,000 600,000 367,250 200,000 $1,764 368 520 76,500 57.291 38,600 15,000 1902 15,000 1903 15,000 1904 16,100 1905 10,000 1906 15,000 1907 20,000 1908 13,000 2,083 600 700 900 1,900 2,000 2,000 2,540 4 and tile 4 and tile $46,300 52,300 23,438 18,000 21,250 40,000 40,000 40,000 79,000 11,500 1909 35,250 1910 - 27,000 1911 118,624 78,170 429 453 4 1,437,441 710,601 837,527 14,828 12,898 67 60 29,200 1912 1913 41,300 47,200 1914-- 49,000 1915 37,536 1916 353,610 193,994 206,869 36,230 1917 44,097 1918 81,408 29,348 1919 1920 149,924 76,500 tFigures for value of clay are for crude clay only. The annual value of clay produets is several times greater, omitted because there is only one factory. Production began in 1875. ' Includes granite (prior to 1916), crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, paving blocks, sand, gravel. » Barrels of lime. » Tons of limestone. * See under 'Unapportioned.' but ii STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 211 1880-1927. Lime and limestone Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneoiis and unapportioned Amount Value Amount Value Substance 867,200 56,620 44,216 39,412 29,833 61,525 115,669 102,847 156,402 1 198,530 123,448 116,746 71,130 } 118,722 178,460 203,783 242,773 218,951 231,415 205,749 203,593 98,187 17,026 10,727 4,266 4,330 6,688 25 tons $1,000 Asbestos. ( =1,500 \ ^4,000 $9,000 4,000 f 280 1,968 375 36 12 2.500 3,500 5,000 862,362 6,000 20,000 500 3,300 584 500 2,000 35 4,000 15 33 346,810 11,956 80,931 10,548 105,384 30,392 92.624 276,765 30.882 21,360 24,000 98,513 36,233 1,055 7,985 212,625 5,825 Platinum. 1 Quartz. Platinum =15,533 =11,699 / =11,430 \ «38,869 =1,727 8,737 11,950 11,430 79,768 1,710 25,864 12,100 2 ozs. f 0.66 ozs. \ 50 tons 70 tons 50 tons / Platinum. Platinum. Asbestos. Asbestos. Asbestos. Unapportioned 1901-1902. =24,322 =10,000 \ 60 tons 200 tons 125 tons \ 300 tons 90 tons / 50 tons \ 1,000 tons / 805 lbs. \ 2,000 tons 385 lbs. f 711 lbs. 744 tons Asbestos. Asbestos. Asbestos. Maenesite. •222,595 200,000 Mineral paint. Magnesite. Glass sand. Lead. •202,575 •1,236 202.575 2,432 Quartz. Lead. Lead. Asbestos and copper. Chromite. Granite. 4,287 tons Chromite. Granite 4,963 tons Chroinite. Granite Maneanese and silica. 1,018 tons Chromite. Clay and clay products. Granite. 300 tons Chromite. Other minerals. 212 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA PLACER COUNTY. Gold, value Silver, value Copper Brick Pottery clayt Vear Pounds Valae M Value Tons Value 1921.. $132,468 119,673 75,732 108,757 121,785 82,921 97,494 $1,068 952 297 634 620 346 440 and tile and tile $144,508 118,797 76,665 79,531 82,919 97,670 102,598 104.250 61,388 $95,930 111 166 1922 1923 143 097 1924 and tile and tile and tile 186,053 147,981 150,591 146,508 1925 138,813 1926 147,241 1927 106,710 Totals .- $33,033,587 $205,129 4,368,895 $957,369 $1,339,550 1,368,490 $1,561,726 ' Includes chromite, mineral paint, mineral water. ' Includes brick, building tile, chromite. ' Includes mineral paint, mineral water, silica (quartz). ' Includes chromite, copper, silica (quartz). I STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 213 1880-1927— Continued. Lime and Limestone Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Amount Value Amount Value Substance $21,490 24,430 139,829 15,573 117,990 81.814 40,357 r $48,328 5,278 12,980 5,500 12,477 5,146 10,040 120,372 19,155 15,600 14,929 8,295 11,969 6,000 18,109 8,100 89,014 Granite. Chromite, mineral paint, silica. Granite. 2,000 tons Silica. Other minerals'. Granite. 3,656 tons Silica (quartz). Other minerals.' Granite. \ Other minerals.^ }- \ Granite. Other minerals.* ; 6092 cu. ft. Granite. Other minerals. i' 8,590 cu ft. 2,700 tons Granite. Silica. Other minerals. $569,566 $3,369,740 $2,719,180 214 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA PLUMAS COUNTY, Year Copper Gold, value Silver, Pounds Value value 1880 $857,124 1,350,000 1,250,000 950,000 900,000 840,308 834,452 698,069 650,000 796,754 490,664 482,462 432,295 362,488 499,359 602,951 462,527 339,252 369,609 381,151 365,210 401,287 380,686 424,112 270,439 283,810 229,350 219,355 254,737 167,491 187,207 228,785 193,237 138,368 140,000 167,440 133,385 131,955 125,207 83,600 102,097 127,148 223,025 174,871 277,571 249,540 247,667 321,016 $181 1881 - 2,000 1882 1883 - - -- 1884 1885 -.- - 1886 62 1887 16 1888 250 1889 235 1890 -. 811 1891. - 1892 11,731 1893 14 1894 . . 1895 . - -.- 271 1896 83 1897.. 701 1898 - 15 1900.- 4,159 1901 . 2,508 1902 517 1903.- 1,900 $247 510 1904 . .... 464 1905 1,006 157 530 1906 1,055 1907.- 948 1908 3,560 1909 587 1910 1,038 1911.. 1,125 1912 6,963 •19,533 •169,089 3,164,496 4,932,928 7,462,870 11,098,016 10,193,951 9,583,834 11,584,216 20,677,771 22,883,609 25,557,362 26,950,029 22,163,035 21,055,425 1,149 3.028 22,489 553,787 1,213,500 2,037,364 2,741,210 1,896,075 1,763,425 1,494,364 2,791,499 3,363,891 3,348,015 3,826,904 3,102,825 3,758,261 957 1913 705 1914 2,900 1915. 19,025 1916 46,542 1917 - 74,461 1918 156,750 1919-. 175,846 1920.. 153,373 1921 171,090 1922 297,254 1923 243,970 1924 247,569 1925 294,254 1926 _ 216,620 1927 . 179,108 , Totals. - 197,506,033 S31,918,190 $19,788,061 $2,313,795 •Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel. 'See under 'Unapportioned.' •Includes copper erroneously credited to Lassen County in those years, on account of shipping point being Doyle, though the mines were located in Plumas County. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 215 1880-1927. Manganese Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Tons Value Amount Value Substance 1 $10 40 1 25 1 30 25 25 75 75 40 40 $25 Platinum. 1 $5,000 y 1 1 3 2,000 12,500 75,575 50 60 264 247 80 32 3,920 9,800 304 23 1,825 2,658 133 1,615 4,111 2,720 750 2.950 30,810 5,516 2,338 Unapportioned, 1900-1909. 1 ^ 1,115 lbs. 1,329 lbs. 5,856 lbs. 5,621 lbs. 2,058 lbs. Lead. Lead. 2 1,350 1,700 1,879 5,431 1,988 1,322 7,750 850 62,109 2 Lead. Lead. Lead. Other minerals. Chromite, granite, molybdenum. 1,540 39,680 61,754 / 473 tons 1 . Chromite. Gems, granite, silica. 1,544 Other minerals. 2 Limestone, manganese. Granite, lead, lime, platinum. 2,961 lbs. 18 fine oz. Lead. Platinum. Granite and miscellaneous stone. Granite, platinum, miscellaneous stone. 780 Other minerals. Chromite, granite. Chromite, granite, manganese ore, miscel- laneous stone. Granite, lead, manganese ore, platinum. Granite, lead, hme. 2?,103 $101,819 $104,659 $145,806 RIVERSIDE COUNTY (see p. 226) 216 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTO Year Gold, value Silver, value Platinum Brick Ounces Value M Value 1880 - $342,514 425.000 400,000 480.000 270,000 353,522 280,000 158,526 150,000 210,075 193,585 142,830 121,900 90,091 70,326 145.873 133.050 93,050 57,301 115,906 176,007 229,034 425.894 335,646 419,287 668,382 986,624 790,973 1,166.055 1.669.814 1.396,874 1.812.826 1,712.587 2.503,633 2.164,491 2,131,813 1,833,855 1,919.581 1,694,724 11,714,193 1,575.033^ 1,690,662 1,350,749 r 1,331,227 1,150,687 1,302,320 1,304,046 1,211,278 1881 $1,000 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 - 1887 - 176 1888.- - 1889 1890 --- 1891 .- 4 1892 1893 1894 11,250 13,125 8,700 3,100 11,000 15,600 8,900 12.236 10.492 15.000 4,500 18,000 12,000 16,078 7,936 $56,250 1895 65,625 1896 44,200 1897 16,700 1898 44,000 93,600 1900 =473 =253 330 234 75 206 3,640 2.034 1.621 2.856 4,606 3.047 3.544 3.406 3.481 3,151 3,578 4,487 4,637 "" 5,276 4,534 5,254 3,392 2,566 1,753 1,920 1.627 1,472 53,400 62,180 1902 78,198 1903 120,000 1904 20,000 1905 40 11 S700 200 130,000 1906 108,000 128,624 1908 63,491 1909 1910 1911 13.017 26,073 22.535 22,862 9,920 8,924 and tile 76,571 1912 161,535 1913 144,191 1914 223 196 195 157 1 • < « 7,108 6,217 8,892 12,453 160,923 82,973 1916 91,615 1917 122,886 1918 79,312 1919 • _ 1920 248,433 1921 216,402 1922 259,263 1923 s 327,636 1924. 290,213 1925 354,078 1926 ♦» 388,697 1927 295,677 Totals $40,901,844 $74,633 »822 $35,570 $4,389,673 ' Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel, paving blocks. ' Recalculated to 'conunercial' from 'coining value' as originally published. » See under 'Unapportioned.' * State Prison use, value estimated, as none reported. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 217 COUNTY, 1880-1927. Granite Natural gas Miscel- laneous stone,' value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Cubic feet Value M cubic feet Value Amount Value Substance 75,000 2,000 6,316 5,138 4 425 3,209 2,775 1,953 1,606 1,025 1,144 1,406 1,890 1,320 980 977 792 848 869 1 005 1,100 1,335 3,605 5,000 4,780 3,990 4,800 7,291 8,180 '8,^80 7,764 7,203 7,675 9,600 8,900 10,800 9.775 9,743 9,719 6,633 6.291 11,110 11,150 10,715 7,409 3,887 t J943.617 346,673 527,529 559,082 473,459 567,373 516,158 538,714 621,353 726,899 709,553 319,968 139,000 235,587 169,040 132,048 99,479 82,778 55,123 46,173 31,263 35,178 49,913 80.088 56,100 44,100 51,293 35,838 34,523 31,936 30.861 36,000 46,725 135,185 190,000 245,000 180,000 242,300 306,081 344,251 314,000 279,651 262,909 292,878 405,792 440,241 488,700 449,748 409,596 390,995 325,349 475,370 1,032,156 1,057,770 1,234,027 668,989 296,942 1866. 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 -.- 1872.. 1873 1874 1875 1876 1 1877 / 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 . --. 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 40,000 41,000 40,000 25,000 J44,000 41,000 35,000 18,500 762 750 300 300 500 100 $9,144 1895 8,250 1896 3,000 1897 .- 2,000 1898 4,500 1899 10,600 7,300 18,675 8,800 700 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 15,000 15,000 1906 .. 1907 8,453 8,453 1908 2,000 6,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 11,000 7,000 8.000 1909 34.576 1910 50,000 1911 J 30,625 1912 32,000 1913 35,000 1914 21,000 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 iqoQ 1991 1 Includes, crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel. ! Production of New Idria Mine from 1858-1860; yearly details not obtainable, though New Idria began operation in 1850. 'Estimated output of Cerro Bonito. Monterey and Stayton mines, 1870-1877; yearly details concealed under heading of 'various mines' in early reports. ' Includes bituminous rock. >■ Flasks of 75 pounds since June, 1904; 76H pounds previously. « See under 'Unapportioned.' STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 219 COUNTY, 1865-1927. Mineral water Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned. Gallons Value Amount Value Substance 58 tons $2,280 Antimony. $19,000 6,000 2,638 < 17,500 <25.240 13,000 •12,794 22,000 23.200 16,500 e4,994 23,000 48,661 63,220 83,709 94,243 107,558 83,232 119,500 110,630 155,000 155,250 101,148 103,295 164,300 207,250 269,334 5,000 500 900 1,000 10,000 500 600 10,000 $300 100 450 500 3,750 125 150 400 2 tons 70 Antimony. 45 tons 19 tons 100 tons 135 380 100 Coal. Asphalt. Limestone. 206 tons 2,472 Asphalt. 500 2,600 26,000 26,000 3,120 3,500 3,600 26,000 7,000 700 1,200 e > 500 3,120 2,600 2,600 1,560 1,400 1,540 1,240 4,500 280 300 16,500 130,000 Gems. Unapportioned, 1900-1809. f 260 M \ 2,500 tons 1.560 9,500 335 25,515 526 59,245 15.000 7,000 20,625 48.060 124,456 24.500 418.687 57.750 921,082 1,116,759 Brick. Dolomite. Other minerals. 1 8.100 tons Dolomite. Antimony and mineral water. 1 Antimony, chromite, magnesite mineral water 1 7,000 tons 130 tons 5,000 tons 5,340 tons Dolomite. Chromite. Dolomite. Magnesite. Cement, manganese, mineral water. 7,000 tons Dolomite. Cpment mngiipsi t,p minernl water J 18,665 tons Dolomite. Cement, magnesite, mineral water. Asbestos, cement, dolomite, magnesite, mineral water, quicksilver. 220 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SAN BENIt" Year Quicksilver Lime Gypsum Flasks Value Barrels Value Tons Value 1922 > 6 4,670 6,085 6 4,380 1923 1924 1320,758 486,797 1925 A 1926 - -' 1 1927 - - 485,409 1 " w Totals '356,305 120,134,298 193,353 $189,428 58,712 $238,795 •Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip -rap, sand, gravel. ^ See under 'Unapportioned.' STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 221 COUNTY, 183£-1927-Continued. Mineral water Miscel- laneous stone,* value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Gallons Value Amount Value Substance e 1 6 259,805 424,854 269,369 351,363 328,460 371,050 / 6,650 tons \ 30,100 1,504,343 1,853,049 1,554,476 1,779,236 2,072,390 1,045,395 Dolomite. Asbestos, cement, magnesite, mineral water, quick- silver. Asbestos, cement, dolomite, magnesite, mineral water, quicksilver. Asb;stos, cement, coal, dolomite, magnesite, mineral water. Asbestos, cement, dolomite, magnesite, mineral water. Antimony, asoestos, cement, dolomite, magnesite, mineral water, quiclcsilver. Antimony, asbestos, cement, mineral water, pyrite. "128,720 $25,415 $4,117,097 112,841,526 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY (see p. 227) I 222 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO Year Gold, value Silver, value Brick Gems, value Granite, value Mineral water M Value Gallons Value 1880 S81,558 60,000 100,000 50,000 65,000 95,125 140,450 66,900 160,000 275,440 453,800 467,000 396,518 105,860 266,409 344,308 560,578 592,328 673,196 333,650 335,937 413,320 338,877 461,516 334,697 109,712 1 7,455 6,920 12,812 4 4 1881 1882 1883 S5,000 5,000 2.000 78,758 198,537 192,000 25,740 100 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 2,051 1893 1894 190 600 40 1895 48,000 45,000 25,000 4,320 12,000 6,500 6,000 5,158 6,000 Sll,500 1896 35.000 1897 5.000 1898 300 672 860 734 1,158 688 2,150 3.824 3,190 3,950 4,474 2,112 5,844 8,813 9,500 10.500 9.384 5,457 1,260 4,001 and $2,688 4,300 3,261 5,791 3,440 11,150 23,700 28,350 34,900 36,430 16,719 38,946 62,647 68,000 80,000 68,400 56.392 21,025 36,842 tile 21,423 29,080 > 87,612 14,875 8,150 9,900 22,400 13,175 16,308 7,851 10,250 10,250 23,650 10,000 3,000 1899 6,000 1900. 29,500 «2,800 1.994 1.444 100 100 $500 20,000 150,000 100,000 136,000 66,000 284,500 206,336 121,500 125,000 110,300 25,000 12,500 7,465 1,150 2,465 2,710 1 3,250 1901... 3,000 1902 1,289 1903 3,000 1904 1905 1906 1907 .. 35 86 1,721 2,000 9,810 10,210 40,550 60,090 52,060 41,500 8,865 10,350 1 • 1 > 2,000 1908 .- 11,772 1909 12,022 1910 30,110 1911 87,020 1912 17,218 1913 15,225 1914 911 1915 1,364 9 1,035 1916 i a 1 15,215 7,838 22,444 35,673 1917 < 1918 1919 1.470 12 • 2,100 1,405 400 1920 1921 1 1 1 t 70,924 71,781 9,161 1922 9,262 •Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel, paving blocks, grinding-mill pebbles. 'Recalculated to 'commercial' from 'coining value' as originally published. •See under 'Unapportioned.' ♦Included under Imperial County production. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 223 COUNTY, 1880-1927. Salt Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioncd Tons Value Amount Value Substance 700 700 $5,000 5,000 4,800 5,850 5,000 5,000 4,000 9,620 7,900 $49,374 25,000 3,573 23,390 5,359 18,198 14,403 6,887 14,175 42,597 200,192 16,507 49,738 28,500 37,122 33,510 147,817 201,488 164,115 170,014 210,250 163,723 163,925 125,855 184,158 141,996 333,847 187,922 355,810 50 tons $2,250 Asbestos. 600 650 600 600 600 1,060 7,900 / 31,000 lbs. \ 124 tons 440 tons 1,100 tons 822 tons 700 tons 641 tons / 4,808 lbs. 1 25 tons 1,317 4,600 11,000 27,500 31,880 27,300 25,000 750 276 Lead. Lithia mica. Litbia mica. Lithia mica. Lithia mica. Lithia mica. Lithia mica. Copper. _ Lithia mica. 6,000 7,000 7,000 15,000 8,000 13,000 12,450 20,500 15,300 17,616 1 4,500 10,631 12,400 15,300 1 5,000 55,000 60,000 60,000 24,000 37,500 31,350 51,750 46,200 19,616 13,246 lbs. \ 971 lbs. 4,000 cu. ft. 2,659 52 12,000 Copper. Lead. Marble. 214,634 Unapportioncd, 1900-1909. 403 tons 838 tons 30 lbs. 1... 500 2,840 4 1,365 526 1 175,804 4,134 13,140 613 43.502 1,492,123 21,055 1,023 3,600 1,578 874 83,698 62,929 68,790 57,522 17,715 18,893 191,602 92,600 725 11,100 176,036 29,500 93,045 133,117 Pottery clay. Pottery clay. Copper. Other minerals. \ 3,008 lbs. [ 23 lbs. 2,150 tons 16,806 lbs. Copper. Lead. Potash. Copper. 9,750 61,717 52,800 77,100 Granite, lithia, mineral water, satl. 283 tons 153,349 lbs. 5,252 tons Pottery clay. Copper. Potash. Pottery clay, gems, granite, lithia, mineral wa e 4,143 lbs. 700 tons 10,392 tons molybdenum, silica, silver. Corper. Feldspar. Potash. Granite, lithia, mineral water. Clay and clay products. {::::::::::::: Copper, gems, lithia, mineral water, potash, silica. 5,852 tons 2,953 tons 7,557 tons Pottery clay. Feldspar. Silica (glass sand). Lithia, magnesium salts, mineral water, tantalum ore (columbite). Clay and clay products. 370 tons 1,850 tons Glass sand. Feldspar. Gold, lithia, magnesium salts, marble, salt, silver. 3,500 tons Feldspar. Clay and clay products. Fuller's earth, gold, lithia, magnesium salts, marble. salt, silica, silver. 224 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGC Year Gold, value Silver, value Brick Gems, value Granite value Mineral water 1 M Value Gallons Value 1923 $822 4,830 5,134 10,543 11,490 $144 97 58 340 92 1 > $232,113 119,165 230,484 165,170 $8,530 1,925 9,413 4,000 3,500 $40,600 94,006 108,703 45,327 63,142 59,795 107,097 81,374 156,380 109,685 $6,570 1924 -. -- 8,642 1925 21,137 1926 23,25( 1927 51,559 Totals $7,345,019 $528,848 $1,488,028 $1,402,699 $569,757 1,049,449 $377,892 • See under 'Unapportioned.' HTATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 225 COUNTY, 1830-1927— Continued. Salt Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Tons Value Amount Value Substance S343,959 379,094 508,538 529,640 889,642 5,603 tons ■ 6,100 tons 1-- 12,783 tons 6,850 tons 109 tons 26,976 tons 100,977 42.800 277,394 36,941 47,950 2.269 205.252 66,427 291,182 58.269 54,000 258,402 31,765 69,661 333,410 Pottery clay. Feldspar. 1 Brick and tile, fuller's earth, lead, magnesium, chloride, marble, salt, silica (quartz). Pottery clay. Feldspar. Lithia. Arsenic, fuller's earth, magnesium chloride, salt. Clay (pottery). Feldspar, fuller's earth, lime, magnesium chloride, t 1 30,187 tons 7,000 tons salt, silica. Clay (pottery). Feldspar. Bromine, copper, fuller's earth (filtering clav) lead 16,190 tons 7,396 tons lithia, magnesium chloride, salt, zinc. Clay (pottery). Fuller's earth. Bromine, feldspar, lithia, magnesium chloride, pav- ing blocks, salt, heptane. •178,107 S643,953 $5,770,318 S6,614,353 15—62279 226 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY, 1894-1927. Year Brick Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned M Value Amount Value Substance 1894 $296,864 379,696 285,167 86,217 129,595 275,604 ■58,400 156,947 150,300 508,460 332,220 114,357 106.250 97,273 95,259 150,382 108,126 119,036 151,147 110,551 119,889 128,270 76,437 107,957 16,463 65,541 77,553 41,502 117,341 150,2,58 131,1.58 112,193 62.70U 20 tons $25 Limestone. 1895 1896 5,000 4,500 $37,500 28,500 ^ 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 25,800 33,403 39,509 32,585 7,208 44,578 41,837 31,430 238,800 294,326 367,911 310,685 ^8,289 434,140 345,155 221,332 1903 1904 1905 1906 ... 8,500 tons 4,000 tons 1,500 tons / 850 tons 10,500 60,000 15,000 9,800 30,000 12,000 Glass sand. 1907 . . Asphalt. 1908 Asphalt. 1909 Asphalt. Unapportioned, 1900-1909. Asphaltum. 1910 1,000 tons 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 2,800 Other minerals. 1921 1922 05,409 Pumice, miscellaneous stone. 1923 1924 1925 1926 1Q27 Totals 265,850 $2,336,638 $4,925,863 $205,509 - 'Includes crushed rock, rubble, sand, gravel 1922. 1923. 1924. 1925- 1926. 1927 Totals... •Includes cr •Combined ; •Bee under ' 62279 — pages 1 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTV- VIINERAL PRODUCTION 1880-1927. Gold, viliie Silver, Copper L(»d Borax, value GypBum Salt Cement Lime Limestone Briek Marble Miscel laneouB stone', vahie Gems, value Ye«p Pounda Valuo Pounds Vnluo Tons Value Tons Valuo Barrels Value Barrels Value Tons Value M Value Cubiereet Value Amount Value Subatance S9.0OO 20,000 30.000 32.000 23,000 56.464 27.850 25,000 10.737 17.335 62,970 47.037 158.000 130420 131.360 96.723 100.373 261.512 164.599 247.949 399.693 394.936 381.197 595.828 473.893 354.830 158.676 180.511 40.071 55.093 SIOO.OOO 150,000 1,050,000 2,650.000 2.363.436 1.2M.750 1.133.268 1.200.000 621,820 795.465 711.157 67.072 447.020 148.243 219.410 130.714 54,407 32,000 125,603 172.750 57.164 58.972 59.199 13.025 19,595 33.765 81,339 35,704 12,570 10.164 1883 40,000 87.864 37.427 12,000 50,000 16.000 26.261 38.783 76.582 39,923 25.000 17.024 20.910 8.600 (32.000 87.674 34.977 12.000 35.000 16.100 33.261 43.028 65.832 28.692 21.500 14.740 17.146 8.600 5.000 3O000 17,500 16.250 30.000 17.500 (31.622 37.672 28.476 I726.509 555.900 650500 1.O80.0O0 1.120000 1.1O6.0OO 999.340 898.130 2.198.600 495,000 1.000 3.841 3.000 83.000 20.101 15.000 8.000 16.283 9.000 18.000 50.000 60.000 52.000 71.800 96.000 100,000 821,600 32,556 27.000 66.000 150.000 180.000 121,000 159,842 273.600 157.000 1S96 500 •3.000 6.600 16.440 7.067 H210 48.986 52.813 28.421 27.387 19.837 74.709 104.236 22.197 224.610 245.102 80.180 25.896 23.006 68.500 65.174 10.852 6.600 14.810 7.067 76.710 51,578 64,613 42,575 51,395 35.990 139.188 97.469 41.395 157.715 177,080 97.867 35,464 20.880 68.500 63.486 2.000 1.000 816.800 8.000 1.200 4.500 8.000 625 15.040 11.275 65.757 166.777 192.400 266,961 158.686 147.197 38,476 147.942 231.242 173.777 95.126 167,213 580,824 364.312 131.978 178.628 172.454 111.158 48.451 183.388 169.991 145.572 351.151 355,946 395,048 404,681 311,470 1.369.878 1.920.000 50.000 338.480 60.400 169.477 52.603 514.031 514.282 516.940 316.300 5.412 666.489 1.937.185 497.852 19.069 209.440 1.577.901 1.220.356 1.580.998 256.933 5.389 17,054 13.452 13.328 17.667 6.249 171.232 197,132 8232.339 297.600 7.87S 41,008 7.852 17.270 8.206 99.207 102.856 71.079 40.418 680 83.311 319.636 77.167 2.536 36.652 388,164 333.157 390.507 47.790 991 2.200 1.816 1.939 2,314 888 23,972 25.821 10.000 500 59.340 14.000 8400 20 2.076 504 "(2d.666 20.000 11.600 10.000 60 100 2.500 1.800 8.000 17.500 6.005 38.000 31.116 40.100 7.200 6.482 150 50.000 15,600 41.600 53.400 40.000 25.000 29.946 500 125.000 l.OOOeu.tt. (2.000 65.000 1.800 1.665 1.050 1,709 1.910 13.500 15.555 7.350 11.966 11.460 10 tons 3500 Tunest,*ri 34.211 409.570 310.200 134.312 161.338 94.852 279.241 45.110 169,183 673,801 2.293.541 667.978 105.796 115 876 22.812 11.188 34.477 31,668 61,480 195.,536 125,092 1.822 17.218 13.254 5.972 7.260 4.268 12,287 1.759 7.952 46.492 197.245 47.426 5,607 9,270 1,027 615 2,413 2,533 5.349 15,643 7,919 200 200 1.120 20.000 12,500 31.519 20.384 21.000 23.000 17.332 19.613 iyd^oM 43,000 70.357 66.505 67.000 74.000 49.150 90 3.500 3.000 3.600 3.600 3.049 482 542 2.355 650 14.000 9.000 13.800 12.600 10.573 2.892 3,324 13.830 1909 / 300 tons 3.000 4.035.836 4,300 25.000 840 1.000 4.060 350 I.20O 550 25.000 1.391.301 5.1W 561 40O 1.240.575 7.3.10 840.947 4.941 62.316 2.300 6.300 3.915.434 430 tons 108.000 wis. 60 tons 100 tons 920 tons 350 tons 200 tona 30 tons 4.300 gala. Pottery clay. 405 Barytes. 127.367 293,900 356.524 205.000 416.967 279.813 154.976 29.225 39.769 79.105 217,568 125,728 210,923 187,573 157.374 106.875 82,225 35,542 49,962 44.413 40.000 64.165 67.146 88.930 88,712 427.717 1.212.987 3.210,706 2.374.918 2.225.959 1.531,598 1.378.392 551,644 447,125 133 Soapstone. 1912 •2.361.000 1 915.000 1.036.000 1.323.931 1.027.635 1.078.943 1.681.283 1.964,926 2.770.953 3.554.764 4.354.119 5.070,281 5.135,840 6,357,330 2.996.200 1.340 350 25 400 1 8.040 2.100 1,250 2,400 450 550 Pottery clay. Mineral point- Baryto. 121.544 84.637 151.670 17.495 13,680 12,170 113.856 93.100 1914 44.100 gaU. 80 tona 140 tona Mineral water. 980.000 1,246,000 1,672.054 1.433.962 1.717.998 3.051.079 4.633,437 4.156.430 8,478.612 7,571.370 8.828.044 9.273.627 9,823.839 ■ Glaaa sand. 1915 37,480 gala. 864 tona 39,848 lbs. Mineial water. 54.317 1.000 ■ Zinc. Dolomite, gypsum, lime, manganese, marble, min- 1916 1 7.500 cu.rt. 1 40,500 gals. 1.921 tona 707,062 lbs. eral paint, soapetonc and talc. Granite. Mineral water. 94.74ii Zine. 2,350 187.371 6.050 1.620 2.O49.120 37.000 2.447.726 3.981 IU.831 810 60.150 3.428.443 4.210 33.000 1.911.966 257 122.348 32.00* 1.670.919 19.815 443.492 890 156.726 1.082,037 336,331 22.980 211.067 43.375 374.726 1.826.304 12.630 123.216 2.276.516 125.926 2.720.243 11.000 3.150.468 10.605 73.721 142.280 3.384.150 26.603 49.400 4.925.551 eral paint, pumice, potash, talc, strontium. Granite. 1917 235 tons 11,300 gals. 14.570 tons 3.030 tons 1.943 tons 38.733 Ibe. Manganese. Mineral wnter. Potash. 13.323 ■ Strontium. TimgsteD concentrates. Zinc. Brick, pottery clay, dolomite, feldspar, gems, gyp- 270 tons 601 .300 gals. 27,545 tons 430 tona 2.90O tons 1.347 tons 2.824 lbs. Bum. iron ore. mineral paint, salt. soda. talc. Dolomite. Mineral water. Potash. Talc. 440.411 338,905 50.154 Strontium Tungsten concentrates. Zine. 1919 800.060 gala. 21.171 tona 1 3.601 tona manganese, marble, mineral paint, salt Mineral water Potash. 202 13.279 12J22 17.350 29,699 28.319 22,522 1.220 67.782 54,259 65,,550 99,791 101,085 83.463 21.862 2.200 5.869 14.375 13.239 11.226 550.011 Borax, pottery clay, dolomite, gems. lime, tungsten. 1920 93 tons 1.110.190 gala. 15.433 toils Pottery clay. Mineral water. 106.195 7.800 28.324 45.137 27,569 49.504 348.384 Potash. Dolomite, gems, granite. gJteum. iron ore. hme. 1921 1 683 tons 7 2021008 2 750 tons limestone, soda. talc. Calcium chloride. Potash Pottery clay, dolomite, feldspar, gems, granite, gyp- sum, iron ore. hme. mineral water, pumice, soda. Borax, calcium chloride, fuller's earth, gems, gyp- , sum. lime, mineral water, potash, soda, talc miscellaneous stone. Clay tpottery). ™' ,., .J 1- 1922 1923 830 tons 7.248 tons Borates, calcium chloride, gems, gypeum, lune. 1924 ■ 7.234 tons ' 1.540 tons r 2.268 loiu 2.806 tons 8,134 tons mineral water, potash, soda (trona). tungsten concentrates. Talc Borates, calcium chloride, ehiy (pottery), fuller's earth, gypsum, lime, mineral water, petroleum. potash. Boda ttroiiu). tunesten concentrates. 1925- 124.446 96.310 92,363 1926 water, petroleum, potash, soda ttrona). talc. tungsten concentrate. Clay (pottery). Soda (trona). Borates, calcium chloride. fuUer's earth, magnesite. 1927 1,798 tona 6,344 tona mineral wnler. petroleum, potash, silica, tungsten concentrates, smc. Fuller's earth. ' Talc Borates, calcium oblotide. clay (pottery), gems. mineral wnter. onyx, petroleum, potash, salt. J7.758.059 827,498.537 14.235,526 82.365,283 6.061.702 1416.331 ■JIO.609.295 •167.548 8490.106 151.652 8503.920 38,322,097 867.071.250 897.570 81,024,942 1.877,801 (l'930.3e6 •15.909 8125,721 ■185.388 8343.076 (3.880.591 (130.120 (45.541.228 *IncludQfl crushed roct, rubble, rip rap, sand, gravel. ICombined annual production 1910. 1911, 1912. ■flee under 'Unapportioned.' 02279— pages 226-227 RIVERSIDE COUNTY— MINERAL PRODUCTION, I893*-1927. Yeat Gold valug Silvei. value Cool Salt Magncxito Brick Pottery clay Lime and limestone Miscel- laneous stone', value Mineral nater Miscellaneous and unapportioned Tooa ViUue Tods Valoe Tons Vsluo M. Valuo Tons Value Barrels Value Galkina Value Amount Value Subetance 1891 1892 1893 "Uiiii' 93.322 28S.106 262,800 U7.227 189.188 163.010 149,292 109.747 47.947 13,453 7.488 35.690 4.433 3.838 5.884 186 6.585 ■20.623 20.202 12.501 10.000 10.769 7,855 '■"7.89i' 7,950 4,982 6,282 6,200 7.905 6.000 2.800 1.200 ""Wi42" 15.000 9.964 16,705 15.000 19.762 15,000 7.000 3,000 ""'Ciei' 4.000 4.317 4.840 5.000 3,600 4.000 4.000 20.000 10.000 15.000 "'■j3,962' 8.000 8.634 9.660 10,000 7,200 8,000 12.000 20.000 20.000 15.000 ■■■3.706" 7,700 22,019 11.700 9.500 14.900 24.560 30,489 34.320 53,857 41.966 49,720 60,123 87.260 71.231 80.028 101,411 67,295 72.046 88.936 70.136 59.514 50.228 70.798 48,195 42,207 76,317 84.224 81,577 85.185 121.193 74.787 68,528 118.510 1986.160 "■■»1,2M 9,400 22.760 11.250 10.450 16,800 18,089 16.624 38.920 65.332 49,232 67,970 57,712 174,713 89,752 97,971 156,844 79.961 93.418 89.963 69.420 54.840 56.090 55.491 80.454 61.006 126.313 111,219 181.897 246.033 166.692 155.315 178,383 198,330 12.912.864 ■""2"4'.o66^ ■10.000 1 20.000 ■6.000 15.000 ■■■$i'9'.266' 10.000 20,000 6.000 15.000 "824.666' 27.955 17.000 125.289 lbs. 126,000 lbs. ■""""5'0"tone"" 18 tons 827.564 32.400 166 144 Tin. Tin. 189* 12.550 13,450 4,000 1,384 2.000 6.848 2.150 94 136 80 346 251 26 112 24 28 2,121 254 104 100 1.522 338 1.541 415 Gyiauni. 6 tons 10 tons 30 tons 1,000 tons 50 tons 200 tons 110 tons 500 tons 300 tons 100 tons 12.000 cu. It. 5.000 cu. ft. 20 tons I 2.500 cu. ft. 160 200 750 1.600 1.250 200 4.400 500 3,000 500 1,500 2,500 2,400 2.500 2,500 2.500 9,000 50 170 100 100 2,816 300 2,000 1.016 877.192 1,500 250 250 844 3.000 800 42 990 3.532.857 3.000 1.000 1.391 1.372,314 4.802 7.825 1,241.924 13.650 1.022.814 1.507 4.169 14.420 4.890 8,340 24 1,624 952.505 7.873 422.900 3.461 3.001 100 2,400 1,227,073 4,813 11.733 3.326 152,693 4.800 1,004,787 1.970 17.975 425 49.324 15.112 2,103,760 6,168 26.408 12.581 4,171,030 14.808 12.852 6.357 3.927.493 7.609 30,210 11.391 2,050,806 39.000 29.778 15,000 5.367.282 1.116 20.162 17.680 2,145 24,579 3.285 16.090 32,234 11.821 84,706 3.793.730 3,096 71.007 13.857 72.510 4,058.056 2.515 7.665 60.991 1.244.043 J13.324.408 Mineral [taint Asbestos. Afibcstos, Glass sand. Asbestos. Glass sand. Asbestos. film sand. 1898 4.750 1.967 3.201 4.153 3.817 4,712 2.838 4.607 3.S0O 4,803 22,037 10.267 3,675 2.500 3.630 1.610 1.055 1.831 anil 39,500 28,M2 89.787 114.165 164.020 71.380 69.195 92,140 102.000 74,086 265,550 91.543 28,572 20.000 30.300 36.713 16.880 28.593 lis 165.892 296.540 224.379 489.209 376.553 535.772 676.584 493.746 533.650 610.100 696.795 Se.468.286 13.476 13.476 S.850 57.600 53.400 92.996 1 152,258 415,306 360.168 171.638 571.052 \ 448.478 121,827 116.357 474,018 567.300 536.844 206.802 213.440 159.555 72,364 127.962 102.399 296,499 431,671 400,560 714,899 501.861 542.020 1,180.278 1.244,043 810,479.40 18.000 20.000 ■9.000 , 25.000 20.000 20.000 14,000 6,000 / '8,000 I 8,300 3,000 ■141.722 18.000 17.000 8.500 21.250 20.000 20.000 20.000 6.500 8,000 8,300 3.000 120,889 Gypeum. Gyiwum. Marble. Marble. Biamutb. Marble. Gems. lonft Gema. 75 2.000 324 500 575 878 569 81.750 4,000 3.88S 4.000 4.600 8.780 4.552 3.000 cu. ft. Marble. 3,266'ite". 502 lbs. 10 tons 22,665 lbs. 3 tons 400 tons 8.000 lbs. Lead. Copper. Asbestos. 30.000 90,000 90.580 44,256 200,000 100.000 200.000 56.400 58.115 63.855 78.560 1.011.766 83.000 9.000 11,500 4.250 20,000 2.000 10.000 AshesUa. Gypeum, Copjwr, 150 tons Mineral paint. 6.7"53 ibs". SOOtons Copper. Glass sand. Gems ■90.831 63.582 9"2"9"ibB". 6.000 IbB. Lead. Other minerals 1910-1912 1,000 tons Gypsum. 8,971 lbs. Copper. 1 36,l"o"2"ite. 5.350 tons Copper. G>T)8uni. 3.450 tons Gypsum. 32.0"7"2 ibs". 23,826 Ibe. 58,617 Ibe. 8.660 cu. ft. 4.220 tons 350 Ito. 901 tons Lead. Copper. Copper. Granite. Gypsum. 1916 ■ Uad. Silica. 28.838 lb.. 11.097 tons mineral vrnter. potash. Copper. Feldspar. Granite. 1917 1.923 tons 1.157 Ibs. 770 tons Gypsum. 392 213 liad. Silifa. 19.485 lb«. 2.288 tons ganese. mineral water, potash, silver. Copper. Feft&par- 3.791 tons 1.400 tons 10,590 lbs. ManRancse. Silica. Cement, fluorspar. Rfms. gypsum. lead, magnesite, mineral water, potash. Copper. • 1919_ 200 tons 1.808 tons 3.034 tons Gypsum. Manganese ore. Silica. 2.945 16.672 5.277 23,021 1920 [ 1,094 tons ""3.19S""t™"" magnesite, mineral water, potash. Feldspar. Gramte. Silica. Cement, coal, Kcma, gypsum, mmeral water, potash. Feldspar. Gniiute. Silica. Cement, coal, gems, potash. 1921 2.094 tons 1922 1.087 tons Feldsittir. Granite. Silica (quarb). Cement, coal, fluorite (optical). 1.070 3.687 2.931 1.492 11.658.340 581 2,570 3.135 1.919 148.079 5.000 tons Feldspar. Granite, '2.366 tons ■ "8.899'l'bi'' 2,205 tons Cement, coal, gems, gold, gj-psum. silver. Copiwr. Feldspar. Granite. 26.817 Ito. 3,160 tons Lend. Silica. Cement, coal, gypsum, mica aohisl. 1925 23.134 Ibs. 1.990 tons FeC'r. 1425.69 135.872 Ibs. 8.121 tons Lead. Silica ((|iiurli). Cement, coal, gypsum, mineral water. 192S 22.125 lbs. 26.140 tons 173.207 Ibs. 20.587 tons Copper. Gyjfflum. Silica (qiiarlsl. Cement, feldspar, mmeral water, onyx 1927 ( 19,201 Ito. 1 121,667lto. 1 14.262 tons slate. Totals •51.210 »116.5r3 76.738 $122,476 ■4,921 131.670 8107.665 Cement, feldspar, granite, gj-psiim, lime mineral water, onyx, line. 'ww« t^7*^ ""w "'J^^^ """"'I "■ ^83'' ''«■" I»ftioM ft San Bernardino and San Diego c 'Inc udee gramt*. crushed rock, gravel, sand, pav-ing blocks 'Includes part of Loe Angelca County. ■Tons of limestone. •See under 'Unapportioned'. 62279 — iiagfH 220-227 ft > 228 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF OALIPORNIA SAN JOAQUIN Year Brick Natural gas M Value M cubic feet Value 1885... 1886 1894 $75 000 1895 100 000 1896. 7,000 5,500 6.500 5.500 2.000 2,000 »3,000 ^,000 7,500 11.400 7.500 12,250 28,412 8,088 8,744 5.275 6.128 6.314 5.793 3.000 10.189 also tile $35,000 22,000 34,000 27,000 20,000 20,000 '18,000 '24,000 45,000 68,000 49,500 81,000 189,560 242.634 212,538 49,650 64,874 73,768 82,890 75,000 158,722 185,060 305,475 231.478 > 294,712 :( 3 462,688 472.983 511.448 630.218 85 157 1897 .. 57 411 1898 57 289 1899... 102,960 27,612 84, ,880 1900 ... 19 S62 1901-. 60 456 1902.. 81,481 88,134 106,437 100,950 103,450 101,000 60,903 71,883 313,392 67.SG8 1903 . . - 44 399 1904.. 47 635 1905 53,915 1906 55.115. 1907. 52,723l 1908.. 49,194, 1909 149,06 1910. 1,59,45 1911 114,43 1912 ... 145,16 1913 .. 142,730 154,872 161,923 182,441 348.146 202.453 200.943 200,433 204,057 !99,.389 67,96 1914... 25,90 1915-. 143,97 1916 141,60 1917 :.... 72.58 1918 00.40 76.20 1920... 74.95 1921 79.57 1922 ti2 4,54 1923 3 1924 14.936 also tile also tile 3 1925 1926 1927 Totals -«.5,087.198 'Production of manganese ore in California began at th When shipments of this ore to England ceased late in 1874. ii amounts earlier than 1894 not separable. 'Estimated. •See under 'Unapportioned'. 'Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel. e Ladd Mine. Sj pwards of 5.000 t m Joaquin Coun ons had been pre ty, in the Te&la duced by that pr District in 186; operty. Annul ST.VTTRTICS OF ASKVXIj PRODUCTION 229 COUNTY, 1885-1927. Manganese Miscel- laneous stone<, value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Tons Value .\mount Value Substance ' $2,500 Gold. Pottery clay. Asphalt. Infusorial eartli. Clay. Unapportioned, 1900-1909. Clay. Clay. Glass sand. Other minerals. Other minerals. Other minerals. Gold, platinum, silver. Gold, platinum, silver Brick, gold, manganese, platinum, si Other minerals. Brick and clay. Manganese ore, nii-scrllanciins stoii". Brick and cl.ay. Manganese ore. natural gas. Manganes:" ore. natural gas. Other minersts. Other mmcrr.ls. 55 280 $550 2,800 275 tons 343 • 273 tons 3 tons 2,730 90 25,000 60 1,080 2,000 tons 13,000 214,835 260 4.160 25,510 tons 25,510 900 19,440 21,620 53,075 55,003 47,085 59.510 63,077 72,815 260,597 83.871 103.237 12"'.037 81.747 / 1,494" tons \ 3,000 tons 18,522 4,000 200 400 150 460 6.493 6.320 4,281 343 3 425 1,500 7,400 115,460 157,5(10 117,709 10,274 72 71,299 71,538 333,068 23,5.30 3 14. 269 96.672 472,858 77.774 55.938 161.,5"8 20 .515 iver 3,750 ( \ I \ , = 19.127 $422,183 Jl.076.017 - - -- -52.162,361 230 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SAN LUIS OBISPO Year Bituminous rock Brick Chromite Gold, value Mineral water Tons Value M Value Tons' Value Gallons Value 1876' 1877 1878 1879 1880 n7,030 1,790 $184,704 24,000 1881 1882 $5,000 1883 5,558 99,200 1884 1885 670 980 600 300 4,300 687 74 8,880 13,140 7,980 2,550 66,865 5,496 592 1886 9,164 1.740 3,000 6.260 8,800 1.785 1,097 600 1,200 3,000 3,000 2,500 1,000 1887 36,000 43,000 $180,000 215,000 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 9.432 6,354 5,113 2,291 4,788 10,818 3,346 9,472 1,790 3,365 32,263 17,600 11,464 5,117 18,927 40,288 12,905 33,070 2.327 7,572 «800 «700 «200 10,500 6,650 2,000 1895 750 $3,750 1896 1897 7,800 800 $1,960 1898 830 650 500 650 900 750 5,280 3,500 4,000 5,200 7,650 6,000 400 1899 1900 1901 300 2,399 1,840 630 300 24,000 4,500 6,000 1902 800 1903 1904 4,000 1,000 1905 2,533 2.533 2,167 5.077 2,731 1,982 2,710 807 609 579 6 6 e e 6 6,348 6,644 8.128 21,875 6,369 4,016 5,230 1,472 1,149 1,118 400 300 2,000 1,440 2,245 900 2,000 3,200 2,400 16,000 12,900 19,605 8,000 18,000 1906 1907 316 4,800 4,800 4,000 6,000 2,000 2,500 1,.500 1,000 4,500 2,500 1,500 e 1,000 1908 1,056 1909 1,000 1910 1,600 1911 1,000 1912 625 1913 1.750 17,500 124 600 1914 250 1915 6 1,855 4,109 10,443 1,158 399 a 6 6 675 1916 4,150 6 45,500 27,733 92,846 539,423 26,431 10,440 475 1917 300 1918 6 1919 1920 1921 6 g 6 e e 6 1922 1923 1924 2,033 < 35,987 1925 6 6 840 1926 1927 Totals M5/,497 «638,882 «22,248 $214,472 1 «51,653 |$1. 129,430 '$54,895 '76.200 $18,741 ♦Copper was weighed in tons of 2,360 pounds and chronaite in tons of 2,240 pounds, but here converted to 2,000 pounds. 'The total production of asphaltum up to 1894 was reported as 800 barrels. This production reduced to tons is shown under 1894. , , , •Although a great deal of chromic iron ore was mined and marketed during the '70 s, there are no records of yearly pro- duction. The above figure for 1880 represents the total shipments from San Luis Obispo up to August, 1880. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 231 COUNTY, 1876-1927. Petroleum Quicksilver Miscel- laneous stone*, value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Barrels Value Flasks Value Amount Value Substance 6,428 S282.832 *236,000 lbs. $7,287 Copper. 3.310 123.463 2,151 70768 779 2,358 S8,772 45,520 17,407 13,500 47,000 6,740 44,835 / '220 "tons 1 500 cu. ft. 400 cu. ft. 4,400 20,000 4,000 Asphaltum (rock) Cal. onyx. Cal. onyx. 20 101 101 384 394 515 840 3,312 4.577 4.746 3.733 3,511 2,509 867 317 563 569 666 1,160 1,266 1,473 1,227 1.565 6 6 1,224« 800 3,400 3,939 11,660 17,700 23,886 41,513 147,215 183..530 176.616 1.33,748 128,152 95,743 36,648 15,510 25,476 26,180 27,998 46,667 62,097 125,542 114,724 151,034 238cu.ft. 1,000 Cal. onyx. 16 tons 320 Asphaltum (rock). 2.000 tons 4.000 tons 100 bbls. 30,000 40,000 100 Asphaltum (rock). Asphaltum (rock). 58,374 81,000 46,000 35,500 3,000 900 400 75 Lime. 48,127 10 000 $16,845 5,000 15,000 11,155 25,146 1,469 / 6,000 tons \ 300 bbls. 90,000 600 Asphaltum (rook). Lime. 30,000 f 4,500 tons 55,000 218,205 165,000 Asphaltum (rock). Unapportioned, 1900-1909 22,310 38,092 13,000 tons Asphaltum (rock). 2 129 134 99,475 49,318 8,422 6,100 20,300 e 80,000 107,000 46,479 113,384 50,113 193,138 195,631 1,940 88 2.717 16,886 81,926 174,447 132,777 246,463 6,100 2,578 78,977 137,436 7 . 53.353 22,914 15,080 33,2:8 Bituminous rock, chromite. 11,670 74 143 5,252 68,656 56,783 32,922 59,515 43,691 31,892 19,793 30,972 32,164 22,162 ' 12,531 / 356 lbs. Copper. Bituminous rock, pottery clay, sand- stone. Bituminous rock, brick, manganese. 62,744 [ 1,907 tons soda. Manganese ore. Bituminous rock, copper, gold, min- 31 656 eral water, quicksilver, silver, soda. Bituminous rock, manganese, quick- 42 511 89,186 silver, sandstone, soda. Copper, granite, manganese, soda, 30 725 miscellaneous stone. Chromite, diatomaceous earth, min- 33,856 eral water. Chromite, diatomaceous earth, min- 32,988 eral water. Chromite, diatomaceous earth, min- 31,222 6 6 470 eral water, quicksilver, soda (salt cake). Mineral water, natural gas, quick- 29 5550 / I / I silver, sodium sulphate. Silver. 27,P82 10,709 53,600 Brick, chromite, mineral water, natural gas, quicksilver, sodium sulphate. Clay and clay products. Chromite. mineral water, natural gas, quicksilver. Brick, building tile (hollow), copper, mineral water, puniice. ,540,454 $!!t0.!l48 '48,778 S2.221.985 SI. 378,5 17 SI, 642,929 •There are no records of annual mineral production for the period of 1865-1876, but there was a small annual gold produc- tion from shallow placers before this, and these placers have no doubt yielded considerable gold never reported. The same observation applies to a number of small quicksilver properties worked in the '70's. •Concentrates. 'Includes crushed rock, rubble, sand, gravel; also granite and sandstone prior to 1915 'See under 'Unapportioned'. 232 INIINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SAN MATEO Salt Brick Tons Value M Value 1895 1896 1897 1898 - . - 1,140 2,870 225 500 200 3,100 3,902 5,902 6,613 8,078 4,494 1,346 1,350 1,350 1,400 1,418 950 715 986 $7,000 1899 24,225 1900 . 9,000 1901 . 40 6,500 7,700 12,000 16,000 14,900 14,000 23,800 22,100 26,000 27,500 33,000 28,000 27,500 25,500 28,540 36,483 26,434 30,238 37,409 32,587 32,428 35,757 51.258 31,325 $400 16,000 25,000 62,500 67,500 44,920 56,000 60,900 95,400 64,750 55,000 80,000 72,250 76,750 63,750 70,807 114,689 144,604 136,190 206,897 167,022 119,302 199,192 205,170 155,925 3 3 9,070 1902 - 8,000 1903 77,500 1904 - 56,436 1905 - 61,436 1906 67.000 1907 86,285 1908 - - 63,231 1909 38,405 1910 . - - 37,250 1911 43,000 1912 40,500 1913 .-- 44,680 1914 . . 24,074 1915 19,550 1916 --- - - 38,121 1917 1918 1919 1920 - -- 1991 > 1Q90 1923 - - 1Q94. 1925. 1926 1927 Totals . -- $630,089 82,360,924 »46,539 $754,763 •The limestone produced i n San Mateo County is used as crushed rock and is included under Stone Industry, to 1915 it was erroneously classified as industrial limestone and tabulated under that heading. ''Includes crushed rock, rubble, sand, gravel. * 'See under 'Unapportioned.' Previoi.'F STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION 233 ;OUNTY, 1895-1927. Limestone Miscel- laneous stone=, value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Tons Value Amount Value Substance 5,000 tons / 1,000 bbls. I 500 bbls. $5,000 1,250 1,250 Clay. Petroleum. 540,000 70,000 34,000 7,500 6,000 301,120 150,000 113,866 75,000 111,823 2,111 89,142 90,221 88,766 61,185 29,587 18,635 34,648 93,391 25,663 71,668 34,164 42,235 46,040 61,697 60,009 96,815 75,078 90.757 77,470 129,802 Cement. 17 tons 5,000 tons 255 5,625 Asphalt. Clay. 3,000 bbls. 6,000 Petroleum. 37,687 120,306 111,382 93,500 102,300 138,544 153,329 1 S17,451 96,245 89.106 74,800 66,495 78,506 75,941 500 Gems. 300 34,120 845 200 100 1,100 732 85 150 20,656 15.044 63,246 966 39,200 966 27,407 34,1,84 33,809 21,917 1,330,831 1,816,383 1,734,036 Gems. 81,000 tons 6,581 bbls. Sandstone. Lime. Gems. /._ Gems. \ Other minerals. f 593 tons Pottery clay. Gems. / . ... Gems. ( Brick and tile, magnesium chloride, potash. Magnesium chloride, potash. Other minerals. ? 322"bbis. Petroleum. Magnesium salts, potash. 1 322 bbls. Petroleum. Brick, magnesium chloride, potash. ftlagiiesium sails, petroleum, potash. Magnesium chloride, petroleum, potash. Gems, magnesium chloride, petroleum, potash. Cement, gems, magnesium chloride, nat- ural gas, petroleum, potash. Cement, magnesium chloride, natural gas, 3 petroleum, salt. Cement, limestone, natural gas, retroleum, salt. 757,048 S498,544 $2,227,673 ?5,196.857 SANTA Bfl SANTA CL RBARA COUN ARA COUNTY TY (see p. 236) (see p. 236) • 234 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRU2 Year 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924. 1925 1926 1927 Totals Lime Barrels 167,000 145,000 116,000 149,600 151,000 161,893 163,985 161,500 185,223 220,835 293,207 218,084 255,469 213,599 119,996 228,875 214,137 210,508 169,646 75,000 173,282 191,643 176,263 213.104 182,083 150,271 141,633 122,907 174,490 157,660 127,830 16,534 15,457 13,431 5,483,145 Value $138,200 133,750 95,500 111,800 151,000 176,893 131,288 161,500 161.302 185,442 306,775 199,974 347,490 241,179 119.996 296,785 230,513 206,225 159,505 60,000 157,011 177,873 225,485 173.778 285,316 234,039 202,908 242,869 235,802 203,632 212,540 224,724 227.904 173,207 S6,358,246 Limestone Tons 4.000 12,055 27,827 10,688 7.912 4,135 1.669 3,845 1,850 3,000 7,325 11.431 6,370 1,178 3,457 4,361 22.622 7,307 39,494 14,666 2,047 4,318 6,527 7.132 5.527 5,062 4,581 ^ 6,733 16,551 16,717 270,387 Value S5,000 12,055 28.663 8.005 5,738 3,730 1,213 3,595 1,850 2,725 52,125 55,242 6,000 2,167 5,273 6,770 44,591 7,553 30,994 25,082 4,873 9.820 11.378 15,313 12,690 20,101 20,534 14,242 33,102 .38,045 ?<385.708 'Includes crushed rock, rubble, sand, gravel. 'Soe under 'Unapportioned.' I STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 235 1 COUNTY, 1894-1927. Bituminous rock Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Tons Value Amount Value Substance 20,782 32,067 43,843 43,179 40 598 $79,980 102,486 109,536 123,056 113,898 70,569 58,590 30,654 41,084 45,190 S4,000 4,000 75 M 497 M 300 M $375 2,485 1,500 Brick. Brick. Brick. 27,503 21,960 13 580 200 . 10 tons 106 tons 700 cu. ft. 30 1,060 140 Clay. 31 700 Asphalt. 18,426 2 20,750 2,925 1,750 3,500 14,800 19,736 20,717 23,425 7,627 22,710 10,511 4,276 6,794 2,815 2,368 9,107 17,074 23,379 22,895 7,398 15,363 29,217 21,125 26,361 45,570 Granite. 17,583 13 544 42,500 38,860 64,707 85,123 110,067 124,195 80,371 80,439 67,330 115,500 60,728 . 21,955 25,041 31,392 35,565 24,815 32,146 26,932 40,540 17,399 > 1 i s 1 ! 2 2 2 2 2 f 450CU. ft. \ 28,400 tons 63,541 tons 336 28,400 13,800 1,794,294 15,981 2,096,031 2,448,339 879,437 1,647,970 1,341,089 1,331,263 1,440,991 1,480,800 2,599,717 1,981,253 2,834,750 3,815,121 3,345,071 3,992,668 4,097,476 2,948,085 143 1 3,249,785 3,216,387 Granite Clay. Clay. Unapportioned, 1900-1909. f 52,970 tons Clay. Unapportioned. Unapportioned. Other Minerals. Unapportioned. Unapportioned. Unapportioned. Cement, marble, bituminous rock. Cement, potash, bituminous rook. Cement, potash, bituminous rock. Other minerals. Bituminous rock, cement, iron ore, mineral paint, potash. Bituminous rock, cement, limestone, min- eral paint, potash. Cement, bituminous rock, potash. Cement, bituminous rock, potash. Cement bituminousrock, potash, limestone. Gold. Silver. Bituminous reck, cement, limestone. Bituminous reck cement. 2580,550 =$2,225,303 $370,393 $46,604,688 SHASTA COUNTY (see p. 237) 236 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA SIERRA COUNTY, 1880-1927. Year 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892- 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908- 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912- 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917.. 1918.. 1919.. 1920.. 1921.. 1922. 1023 1921. 1925 1926 1'.127 (;oId, value Totals. $974,332 950.000 1,100,000 1.075.000 1,177,349 1,433,881 1,907,152 1,502.409 1,250,000 1,446,480 733,528 701,702 688,464 839,343 604,722 094,470 786,175 370,208 399,063 450,115 659,696 575,427 326,155 310,770 374,763 517,303 409.366 483,904 412 626 189,672 312,035 461,513 732,988 1,006,573 730,000 726,362 724,256 384,428 289,368 301.172 442,894 612,267 1.753.242 878,164 799,276 l.:i73,705 .5\4,452 67^873 $36,175,709 Silver, value $576 6.000 145 11 2,414 202 1„500 1,222 2,039 811 26 46 107 424 46 519 359 3,403 755 311 476 1.222 3,687 2,518 2.621 1.917 957 1.330 5,604 2,777 4.305 3,000 3,156 3,291 1,629 2,121 2,957 3.967 5,236 14,484 6,1.34 5,198 8,919 2,913 3,350 $114,745 Miscellaneous and unapportioned .\mount 24,000 gals. 120,000 gals / 1.285 lbs. I 9.919 lbs. 2,?28 lbs. 13.031 lbs. 807 tons Value S6,000 12,000 212 446 98 1,950 3,558 40,012 750 2,858 2,000 2.312 8,000 2 3.677 2.1.50 70.300 10 Substance Mineral water. Mineral watCT, ?157,235 ('opper. Lead. Lead. Otlicr miiiiruls. CcippiT. Chrouiite. Miscellaneous stoucj Miscellaneous stone fi Miscellaneous ston(/ Miscellaneous stoml Miscellaneous stOttf Other minerals. Mi.scellancou.s stott I M8scelIaneous stoni Miscellaneous sfon'[ Other minerals. SANTA BARBARA COUNTY-MINERAL PRODUCTION 1B81-I927. Year Petroleum Natural gas Asphalt- bituminous rock Mineral water DiatomaceouB earth Brick Limestone one Miscel- laneous 3tone>. value Miscellaneous and unapportiooed Barrels Value M cubic feet Value Tons Value Gallons Value Tons Value M Value Tons Value Cubic feet Value Amount Value Substance 1881 (2.000 Gold. 1882 1889 41.423 10.293 2.478 896 Gold. 1890 Gold. Gold. 1892 Gold. 1893 1894 1.80O 16,904 39,792 130.136 132,217 208.370 183.486 203.616 230.440 262.226 790,000 3,534,000 4,876,000 8,392,623 8,847.589 8.116.788 7.682.555 6.766.156 6,862,719 6,291.076 4,325,787 6,634,534 4,502,206 5,631.663 7,334,104 6,089,082 6,803,583 5,465 942 3,931,155 3,061,947 2,905,181 2,647,380 1,925.204 2.173.887 (1,800 12.678 35,813 130.136 112,549 191,228 165,138 113,385 181,313 149,640 445,660 1,413,600 1,237,250 4.166.661 4.423.794 4.069.661 3.856,222 3.204.717 3.747.045 3,161.725 1.989.862 3.442.700 3.674.752 4.650,303 9,057,618 6,850,217 9.140,643 9,122,667 3,974,398 2,394,443 3,009,768 2,419.705 1,526.587 1.030.1IS 4.550 23.960 18.430 18.047 19.736 6,068 6,270 4,149 1,259 2,974 9,000 3,000 25.000 19,192 7,000 200 (91.000 139,000 317,910 318,000 351,400 121,160 105,500 56.800 12.590 41.688 190,000 30.000 250,000 268,649 70,000 2,488 1895 22.600 31.600 65,000 15,000 15,000 19,000 113,780 105,280 88,800 118,000 116,260 13,750 39,480 5,500 155,400 155,000 73,640 105,000 112.600 160.400 189,026 176,608 104,991 73,117 82,147 96,843 97,847 110,662 81,200 I (3,000 20,300 30,000 7,000 5,000 10,350 60,200 60,200 22,280 18,249 21,450 10,460 24,250 4,932 22,200 21,500 15,900 11,560 108,130 152,432 156,175 110,200 86,026 97,162 81,041 110,931 133,990 62,269 80,300 4.000 44 8.592 3.000 1.000 Gold. 1896 5,000 (600 1 12 ozs. Platinum. 1897 ■600 •169 160 1,203 •876 937 320 3.000 t246 135 120 2.966 438 375 320 1.500 I Gold. 1898 100 120 4,620 1,250 1,400 4,900 1,120 4,025 200 1,616 760 990 1,900 1,600 2,616 3.000 2.100 1.800 1 (700 960 40.960 9.825 12.200 46.200 8.420 34,750 1,600 14,650 7,600 9,180 16,825 13,800 17,150 24,000 16,800 14,400 Gold. 1899 1900... 7.206 (3,602 224,820 72,000 74,200 82,654 5,000 29,600 36,195 39,740 10,525 31,120 39,720 58,976 4,600 4,600 9,286 29,900 3,620 28,700 t 117,260 27,100 21.500 34,240 3.600 18,330 2.'j.230 37.666 6.646 10.648 15.888 29.507 1,670 1,670 1,850 6,488 1.017 6.150 (82.662 33.400 1901 362 2,700 6,950 3,000 2,300 2,531 2.960 (2.172 15.925 112.282 15,000 13,800 28,948 32,012 10.001^ 20.000 6.000 5.000 8.000 15.000 16.580 4,849 4,028 4,239 5,327 6,884 6,157 9,966 ) t 3,790 t 26,000 40,000 12,000 7,500 16 000 30,000 33,160 6,619 7,898 8,174 11,666 19.623 11,263 10,006 200 30,000 Gold. 1903... 4.395 30,000 bbls. Lime. 1904 1905 57,792 9.732 4.960 10.930 6.316 6.035 6,602 17,480 11,490 19,300 13,900 12,399 9,990 11.613 29.900 27,436 66,600 72,300 14,324 76,309 106,666 88,575 139,093 62 basks 2,070 725 2 290 2,289 Quicksilver. 1.000 600 715.612 768.000 9.198.000 '1.003.860 •3.425.000 5.096.300 6.313.380 3.193.368 3.660,140 3,104,170 4,150,316 4,084,709 1,359,665 1,544,892 1.876,900 1,612,287 1,643,356 2,545,208 2.230.501 1.701.715 600 300 367,806 394,621 1,393,260 100.386 253.633 254.815 378.802 279.697 724,746 227,607 338.036 336,092 128,126 145,179 167,290 172,725 158,836 248,708 246,091 204,776 1906 Silver. 1907 eoaksks 1908 1909 89,294 3,229 2,301 16,000 16,434 16.000 29.910 70.000 61.600 111.919 126.830 190.319 296.780 271.792 30.128 267.539 40.000 1,091,475 9.720 718.183 347,101 2,344,090 1,919,831 5,800 1.482.066 1.700 703.519 726.013 Unapportioned, 1900-1909. 1910 1,343 1,344 1,129 6,896 f 14,117 13,720 13,074 28,960 70 flasks 50 flasks / 12,000 tons 1 17,600 bbls. / 12.000 tons 1 26.512 bbls. 1911 1912 11,120 10,000 26.000 6 656 10,000 50.000 CUy. 1913 Lime. Clay. 1914 Lime. Other minerals. 1915 1916-.-- ■ 1 1 1 1 I t 1 1 > Bituminous rock, brick, 'granite.* diatoma- 1917 f 97 torn ceous earth, limestone, quicksilver. Potash. Brick, diatomaceous earth, imiestone, ) 1 1 2 3 t 18,830 1918 ! 1,863 tons quicksilver. Potash. .■,.,. Bituminous rock, chromite. brick, diatoma- ceous earth, quicksilver, sandstone. Potash. ..,.,■ Bituminous rock, ohromite, brick, diatoma- 1919 - I f 298 tons 1 3 1 3 1920 r 410 tons ceous earth, limestone. Potash. . , ^. Bituminous rock. bnck. diatomaceous 1921 - r 143 tons earth, quicksilver, sandstone. Potash. ,. ., Bituminous rock, diatomaceous earth. J 1922 „ sandstone. Bituminous rock, brick, diatomaceous 1923 earth, potash, sandstone, shale oil. Bituminous rock, diatomaceous earth. 1924 3 3 sandstone, shale oil. Clay and clay products, bituminous rock. 1925 . 75,487 17,076 1 2,390 tons \_, _ 1 1.100 tons diatomsceous earth, mmeral water, shale oU. Clay (pottery). , . , Diatomacwius earth, niliiersi water, shale nil. Clay (pottery). Bituminous rock, diatomaceous eartb. mineral water, shale oil. Bituminous rock, brick and hollow build- 1926- - . . ■ 1927 ' ing tile, clav (pottery), dialomaceom earth mineral water, saiulslone. shale oil. 125.000.048 J93.493.973 59.236,129 (6.518.021 =213.930 (2.420,641 2,541,111 (1,537,067 =31,.504 (290.010 (382 483 '128,015 (261,341 =789,9,56 (366.759 929,100 (11.005.787 'Includes cruehed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel. *See under 'Unapportioned.' •Quantity estimated, as only value originally reported. K2279 — pages 236-237 » 236 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 _ 1920 1921 1922 1923 1921 1925. ..._ 1926 1927 Totals- SHASTA COUNTY-MINERAL PRODUCTION 1880-1927 Year Brick Chromit* Copper Gold, ralue Lime Litueetoae Mineral water Pyritea Sil\Tr. %-aluc Miiicellancous and unapportioned M Value Tods Value Pounda Value Bamb Value Tons Value Gallona Value Tona Value Amount Value Substance 1880 1140.455 350.000 300.000 210.000 320.000 417.004 699.508 627.681 600.000 41.5.631 420.530 554.063 574.833 500.407 617.436 718.696 599.209 569.071 860.180 873.719 733.467 927.975 878.706 771.242 1.031.429 684.952 819.144 791.997 1.131.832 1 600.489 1 533.728 <1 059.881 086.803 1.208.870 1.101.202 1.120.848 936.885 775.125 543.509 378.283 312.901 267.681 393.034 359.487 346,622 23,5.013 132.906 191.900 J117.907 85.000 80.000 30.000 30.000 9,223 10.647 40.204 50.000 5.396 7.279 7.432 7.977 8.577 5.032 28.417 24.233 96.869 171.768 196.213 635.640 891.994 306.887 203.991 399.060 167.518 431.483 370.211 517,596 735.460 648.905 386.991 425.382 448.031 346.706 459.566 1.115.471 520,703 420,410 165.802 36.563 5.581 26.901 47.706 343,402 208.818 110.719 70.261 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1880 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1.200 90 116.800 1,120 150.000 S75.666 200 tons »1,500 Iron ore 1895 1896.. 300 1.200 1.200 2.000 2.000 3.000 2.450 3.500 3.000 3.500 4.400 4.500 2000 3,600 2.425 2,825 1,697 360 1.604 1,839 11.500 7.200 7.200 14.000 12.000 12.000 12.250 17.500 15.000 14.000 22.000 33.000 12.000 23.500 17.548 20.094 10.195 4.330 10.223 11.550 1.847.087 13.592.610 21.442.000 21.835.863 25.736.473 30.990.781 21.515,887 16.453.409 26.438.145 10.830.865 22.477.301 27.814.354 34.878.677 58.665.447 44.947,950 29.539.913 25.249.892 27.686.436 25.122.766 30.828.917 39.437.196 28.009.990 25.294.590 8,673.342 810.843 437.593 1.827.875 3.437,963 21,109,958 14.565,967 5.113.114 4,524.906 $184,708 1.535.966 2.465.830 3.565.023 4.166.735 4.881.M8 2.496.731 2.171.497 3.439.974 1.688.614 4.338.121 5..568.873 4.642.976 7.581.115 5.725.469 3.692.489 4.169.232 4.291.708 3.341.328 5.395.060 9.701.550 7.646.727 6.247 764 1.613.242 149.105 56.449 246.763 605.381 2,765.405 2,0«8 367 715,836 592,763 2.310 2.100 2.500 8.000 17.850 21.600 18.500 27.000 18.000 10.700 12.860 29.222 11.818 8.650 16.616 13.271 6.529 8,595 8,057 12.541 2,100 3,750 10.000 17.850 12.960 12.500 10.800 10.500 8.000 8.W0 31.900 9.100 8.000 14.114 10.164 3.548 7.030 5,163 1.400 Stone industry. 1897 9,000 113.500 1898 3,000 5,000 9,640 26.295 26.295 40.000 ■"80.666 " m.im 100.000 40.000 25.000 23.225 30,000 30,000 12.000 2.000 1.S50 5.7S4 7.644 7.645 12.000 ■"V2I666 "20.666 20.000 10.000 6.250 6.646 6.850 6.850 1..500 1899 250 1,150 375 1.150 1 100 sq'ra 80O 375 Slale. . 140 130 315 150 98 20 80 200 280 205 680 875 1.000 280 867 1.757 12.425 3.II6 1.423 1,400 1,950 4,275 2,250 1,470 300 1.200 6.200 5.600 3.517 9.155 13.697 8.000 2.800 4.884 17,570 181.225 68.479 70.214 1900 1901 2.000 1902 3.500 5.400 "im 27.000 30.761 80.000 129.560 U7.109 67.924 58.022 41.346 36.997 44.953 45.671 3.600 5,400 "'3.666 32.960 30.761 80.000 131.595 117.083 65.253 45.575 35.616 30.026 40.945 3.202 2.500 J7.0O5 5,500 1003 1.500 47.723 1904 Unnpporlionnl. lUOO-1909. 1905 1906 32.689 6.5.788 93.677 449.762 31.683 47.885 62.605 72.071 09.438 138.046 1.35.399 I 89.895 197.364 539,553 1.349.286 126.692 151.602 174.402 194.409 195.362 1007 400 tons 400 25.000 174 4.688 900 83 40 im 839 10.686 5.128 841 125 8.504 1.418 1.038.922 253.950 33.021 57.303 1.270.963 800 342.290 750 78.101 1.100 800 844.715 308.369 34.972 2.709 7.000 277.158 422.525 29.100 21.075 31.7.50 40.153 6.152 27.004 32.650 69.743 26.817 31.945 452.589 57.458 65..525 723.910 22.968 43.326 86,600 498.019 529 3.361 687.637 671.228 56.366 725 310.617 842.873 6I0.IM 1247 3.034 162.355 1.331.775 428.272 112 2.552 124.678 967.822 1908 1900 1 108 torn Iron ore. 1910 t 579tt>na \ 1.859 ll». 881 llja. "" 47ionB" 19.070 lb«. "1.436 tine' 21.505 lbs. ron ore. Lead. 1911 1912 1013 MbeaUw. Lead. 1914 Oilier minpnila. Iron ore. Lead. 180.936 lla. Lmd. 1915 ;8.378.401 lbs. Zmc. 478..560 Ibt. Lo>d. ■ 191 9.484.800 Ibe. Zino MiHcolIanrmui atunc. ABbcattw. briclt. iron ore. raftimanrne. nnni-ral 8,725 Ibe. water, platinum, pyritefl. Bilica. Lend. Lime and limcBtone. IJ17.. 14 0IS. riatiniim. 72.410 MiBccllancoug Btone. 8.281.516 Ibe. Zinc. t'ndmium. brick, iron ore. mincnil water, molyb- 492.565 Ibe. 35 01s. denum, pyritea. silica. Imi. Platinum. Miscellaneous Btone. • 497.398 475.330 3.045.692 Ibe. Cadmium, brick, iron ore. lime, mineral wnler molybdenum, pyritea. Lime and limestone. 1910 121 Blie ou Platiinim. llarytofl. brick, iron ere. lead. miniTid water. BUio 1920 04.400 Ibe. lS8Gneoia. I/Tiil. Platinum. Miscellaneous stone. „ ,. . Ab1ii«U«, brick, iron ore. lime, hnratono. line. ■ • 1921 210ancoiB. ■496finc"o«e". Platinum. MiBi-ellnneoiiB st^nie. . , AslK«toe. baryta*, iron ore. lead, pyrites. line Platinum. Asbi'St.si. liarytM. iron ore. lead pyntcs. sine Ixiad. Platinum. 1922 28.097 24.395 ■m.Vlsfbe'. 299 fine oa. 36,480 28,480 ABbesIca. barytea. iron ore. lime, liuieslone. py- 1924 6.6IS lie. 27 fine 018. riles. Lead. Platinum. Stone, miaccllancoiis. . . Ajbealoa. coal, diatomaceous earlli. iron ore. py- 192J 1926... . ( 647.886 ll». 8 fine OK. ili.OPO.JSOIto ( I5..584 ll». 1 28 6nc otc i7.757.OOO Ihi. rites, line. Lea.!. Platinum Mi>eelkiiieouB .lone. Ch'romile. (liiiloniiiee.ni. ii.flb. iron ore. pyrile, tele. Pinliniim. MiBerllaneons Btone, rm\ diatomaceous earlti. iron or', limesloiie. 1.780 He. 25 line ou. pyrite, talc, Leail. Platinum. :.:iBcellancouB alone, DiatomaeeouB eartb. bmestone. ii\Tite. i..ie. sine. ToloU 47.287 1277.090 25.391 (421.106 671.168.123 5107,758,939 831.624.334 244.778 J18S,060 711.064 1715,399 700.455 1201.319 1.205.645 14 003.798 111,453.562 JI3.400.8C4 ■Dredge production included under Stanislaus County. •See under 'Unapportioned.' 62279 — pages 236-237 I!) SANTA CLARA COUNTY-MINERAL PRODUCTION 1850-1927. Mineral wBter Gallons Value Cubic feet Value Miscel- laneous atone , value Miscellaneous and unapportioned IS50-. 1851 -. 1852.. 1853.. 1854 -. 1855.. 1856.. 1857.. 1858. 1859.. I860.. 1861-. 1862- 1863. lS6i. 1865.. 1866. 1867.. 1868.. 1869.. 1870.. 1871-. 1872- . 1873.. 1874.. 1875.' 1876.. 1877-. 1878.. 1879.. 1880.. 1881.. 1882.. 1883.. 1884.. 1885.. 1886-. 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890.. 1891.. 1892.. 1893.. 1894.. 1895.. 1896.. 1897.. 1898.. 1899.. 1900.. 1901.. 1902.. 19M.. 1805.. 1910.. 1911.. 1912.. 1914.. 1915.. 1916.. 1917.. 1918.. 1920.. 1921.. 1922 1923. . 1924.. 1925.. $768,052 1,859,248 927,505 1.235,648 1.663,722 1.560,554 1.401,678 1,374.381 1,232.149 81,690 378,117 1.447,739 1,442,041 1.380,350 1.950.245 2,166,205 1.867,519 1,122,760 1,176,325 775.618 827.592 1,171,641 1,224,584 887,004 995,455 1,098.000 1,428,867 1,228,920 1.127,840 820,000 1.076.212 934,185 933.321 824.542 836,165 610.000 658,050 639,000 847.600 765,000 589,500 630,000 371,105 226.470 243.064 222.169 253.800 211,570 169,200 235,000 186,270 241.073 236.608 254.260 233.130 148,103 95,968 94,608 182.719 346,593 365,538 149,213 118.063 378,319 375.496 639.594 478.524 271.762 233.199 5.000 20.000 44.000 39.500 25.863 79.000 30.000 55,000 21,900 50,000 50.000 5,000 5,000 11,374 371,635 373,367 182,500 165,720 152.500 101,000 29.000 38,400 50000 10,230 13,025 3,360 2,500 3,500 Sl,250 5,000 18,800 17,600 11,358 19,150 8,060 8.500 5.500 12,500 12,500 1,200 1,250 2,187 39,955 40,754 11,200 10,000 10.250 10,750 16.770 11.300 3.50O 4,000 900 4,000 3,000 1,500 480 275 325 4.695 42,000 41,000 7,000 22,100 35,400 63,780 20,000 10,000 16,617 16,368 18,855 20,499 16,724 16,005 13.964 14.417 13,828 1.938,374 1291.315 !8,50O 10,000 1,145 10,000 6,000 3,000 8,505 8.205 11,067 10,901 26,152 34,848 23.901 26,943 20.481 22,594 22,725 24,750 15,000 19,000 13,098 30,741 20,000 21.800 23.982 28.069 24,909 28,486 23,397 30,053 15.000 6,000 12,000 6,000 18,000 18,000 15,900 10,096 13,100 14,000 6,702 7,250 11,890 7,601 11 409 22,511 24,271 24,250 SII9.2 131,2 800,000 cu. ft. 15.000 )5.490 500 84,072 "l2,666 "Y,306' 200 "2,606 S2,500 ■'6^666' 120000 6O000 35,000 100,000 soooo 31,500 1,800 8,000 7,666' 3,000 6.000 12,000 8,000 32 tons 5 tons 75 17 tons 2,000 ou. ft. 21 tons 11 tons 255 1.200 1,050 1,500 100,000 "'"3^566 150000 ■Jot' 4,284 2.417 3.374 1,417 4,150 3,451 3,918 4,120 0,000 2,000 5,000 2,293 4,929 1.900 1.126 3,836 2,202 5,.341 1.510 8,252 also marble 68,765 62,595 48.228 29,377 39,093 98,342 111,974 111.304 111,860 73,237 138,584 235,125 314 935 259,023 453,273 178,231 457,703 24.000 3.000 51.937 10017 bbts. 1,000 bbls. 1O017 1.000 82,254 70 1,425 7,623 23,207 9,963 9,746 10,912 26,612 25.800 28,650 6,000 560 14,250 74,607 232.166 99.287 121.872 128,924 392,580 280,000 13,508 bbls. 13,107 bbls, 2.000 eu.lt. 10,154 9,783 600 454,850 1598,292 183.837 $2,109,967 340 25,028 28,341 948,786 480,721 89,670 191,645 199,282 196,375 648,059 197.998 352.277 Natural gas. Natural gas. Natural gas. Asphalt. Manganese. Asphalt. Granite. Bituminous roci:. Aspiialt. Lime. Lime. Unapportioned. 1900 1909. Lime. Lime. Natural gas. Other minerals. Chromite. limestone, manganese. Chromite, manganese, tile, limestone. Chromite, manganese, clay, tile, potash. Manganese, limestone, mineral nater, potash. Limestone and potash. Limestone marl, potash .quicksilver. Limestone imarl). petroleum, quicksilver. Mineral water, natural gas, petroleum quicksilver. Limestone, magnesite. mineral water, natural gas. quicksilver. Limestone, magnesite. mineral water. natural gas. quicksilver. Clay and clay products Magnesite. mineral water, iiiilural gas quicksilver, petroleum. Magnesite and mineral water. ■ 'Includes crushed rock, rubble, sand, graveL •See under 'Unapportioned.' Intimated productidn of Guudalupe Mine previous to 1875. •Erroneouflly credited to Alameda County in reports of those years. G2279 — pages 230-237 238 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SISKIYOU Year Gold, value Silver, value Chromite Mineral water Tons Value Gallons Value 1880 S440,735 850,000 720,000 400,000 475,000 338,659 342,677 606,859 625,000 915,294 860,303 957,220 1,013,332 799,108 760,782 950,006 1,091,265 842,123 768,804 991,771 951,397 886,043 906,989 613,576 892,685 803,035 398,017 504,156 416,160 437,376 422,297 472.314 '180,125 312,842 426,716 441,307 325,550 294,227 226,525 80,707 42,635 75,105 45,633 03,570 180,120 ' 141,240 138,822 S95,340 1,500 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 64 177 1887 1888 1889 370 23 120 56 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 177 653 34 321 100 «6,700 '2,980 233 22 1,230 2,499 a 3,037 6,125 2,145 2,322 2,561 2,980 «1,228 1,026 2.081 2,312 16,883 14,501 17,049 5,218 294 612 298 296 831 709 586 200,000 a a a a 700,000 700,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 a a 725,000 700,000 500,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 050,000 626,680 502,650 503,000 501,750 451,500 300,150 250,150 880,800 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 45,000 ' 1901 175,000 1902 187,500 1903 50,000 1904 50,000 1905 1906 36,250 80,000 lO.OOC 60,00( 120,00t 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 220. $2,310 120,000 1913 120,000 65,000 62,990 1914 1915 a 2,251 2,046 6,612 510 215 a 1916 .- 28,731 49,797 336,588 13,379 5,732 50,530 1917 50,600 50,175 90,375 60,0151 5,01^ 1919.-. 1920 1921 200,150 4,042 6,100 1()!>4 lQ9fi 3 3 3 1926 1927 Totals 15,428,107 S195.693 »1 1,854 $436,537 =12,361,030 $1,579,392 •Includes crushed rock, rubble, rip-rap, sand, gravel. • . . 'Recalculated to 'commercial,' from 'coining value' as originally published. •See under 'Unapportioned.' 'Production from dredging operations included in Stanislaus County production. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION 239 DOUNTY, 1880-1927. Platinum group metals Miscel- aneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Ounces Value Amount Value Substance 1 100 8600 $1,202,742 Unapportioned, 1900-1909 200 lbs. 23 Copper. 1.6 5.3 21 93 2,500 cu. ft. 2,500 cu. ft. f 193 lbs. 2,643 lbs. 11,433 cu. ft. 1,000 bbls. 220 tons 4,949 lbs. 1,800 cu. ft. 1,090 lbs. 3,360 lbs. 50 tons 1,050 cu. ft. 100 bbls. 2,225 tons 1,250 1,500 39 140 12,897 1,000 300 1,183 1,485 1,680 144 500 1,750 300 2,200 14,745 2,000 735 525 1,000 120 24 455 250 250 250 2,030 1,500 500 2 629 150 9 745 16,923 12,609 500 242,436 17 8,535 141,677 15,473 111,294 47,121 1,060 4,020 1,408 3,034 3,535 11,340 22,853 56,420 Sandstone. Sandstone. $39,000 Copper. Lead. Sandstone. Lime Limestone. Lead. Sandstone. 5,028 9,475 6,580 • 609 4,883 5,371 4,630 45,407 134,382 24,588 26,405 30,322 44,343 21,726 129,291 67,787 23,800 327,569 102,428 Lime. Lead. Pumice Sandstone. Lime. Limestone. Gems. i,2"64"cu.ft. 335 bbls. 35 tons Sandstone. Lime. Limestone. Gems. 150 bbls. 24 tons 650 cu. ft. 250 cu. ft. Lime. Limestone. Sandstone. Sandstone. Gems. Gems. 90 tons Pumice. 9 304 Other minerals. 100 tons 58 lbs. 677 bbls. 250 cu. ft. 188 lbs. 745 bbls. Coal. Lead. Lime. Sandstone. Lead. 15 1 7 Chromite, copper, marble, sandstone. Copper, building stone, lime, platinum, sandstone Granite. 709 58 1,015 888,643" lbs. 192 lbs. Copper. Lead. Lime, sandstone, soda. 573,5'9'3"ibs. Copper. Lead and pumice. Copper, limestone, pumice, quicksilver. Copper, lime, limestone, potash, pumice.quicksilver Asbestos, brick, chromite, lime, platinum. > 3 339 Other minerals.^ a 16 10 / I - Lime and limestone. 1,780 6S0 Mineral water, platinum, sandstone. Coal lead, mineral water, sandstone. Mineral water, sandstone. 167.9 $5,609 $1,013,624 $1,955,277 "Includes limestone and mineral water. •Includes lead and lime. includes coal, limestone, lime and platinum. 240 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SOLANO Year Quicksilver Mineral water Lime and limestone Flasks Value Gallons Value Tons Value 1873 1,800 1,900 2,100 1,683 1,463 802 1,290 492 $144,594 199,842 176,715 74,052 54,570 26,386 38,507 15,252 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 .. . --- 1883 1884 1885 - 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 - - • 1 1891 'r 1893 1894 - 6,400 4,300 5,477 9,608 6,125 $8,000 4,635 5,989 9.801 5,570 356 I,SOO' 5,950 1895 3,094 $1,547 1897 1899 20,000 20,000 17,800 10.000 10.000 10,000 10,000 4,000 40,000 140,000 32,650 32,400 30,000 285,050 23,600 43,020 64,200 11,200 10,960 11,440 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 '4,606 4.000 4,450 4.000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 11,600 5,490 3,960 4,000 44,000 3,440 5,208 8,'000 3,750 2,580 2,722 1900 - 1,800 1901 42 100 '377 542 528 640 764 1,890 4,100 15,080 18,518 19,272 24,422 33.294 1903 1904 1905 100,000 100,000 1907 1908 1909 1911 1912 1913 320 3 660 554 593 3 3 15,696 86,128 86,128 1915 1916 61,710 52,765 59,122 1917 1919 3 1921 1922 1 1924 1925 1926 1927 Total.s M6,e50 ?1, 035,787 =829,324 1132,747 '219,838 $228,229 'Includes crushed rock, rubble, pavit ^Flasks of 75 pounds since .Tune, 190 ig blocks, sane 4; 76?^ pounds , gravel. ! previously. 1 STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 241 COUNTY, 1873-1927. Miscel- laneous stone', value Natural gas, value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Amount Value Substance .._ __ $225 19,650 15,752 20,975 15.065 12.181 18 900 2,200 14,250 21,514 11,113 78,573 143,487 202,146 527,319 176,813 241,949 181,952 130.445 28.915 71,288 37,576 49,711 39,826 30,124 44,156 3 60,604 103,394 113,545 117.475 145,484 3 75 tons 400 tons $125 500 Pottery clav 75,000 bbls. 250,000 bbls. 150 000 375,000 Cement. Cement $6,584 8.053 7,538 9,100 8,596 8,528 7,366 5,546 3 3 3 3 3 3 / 125 tons 1 3,000 M J 400 tons i 1,000 M 100 tons •! 1,600 M i 5,600 tons 50 tons / 100 tons 1 500 M J 50 tons I 2,200 M 600 25,000 2,800 7 000 200 20,000 11,200 150 300 4,000 100 20,000 13.570,019 1,500,000 1.290,347 1,090.164 1,804.060 1,378.758 1.627.928 2,930,614 2,969,594 3,004,720 3,263.340 2,972,000 2,678,547 1.770,820 1.557.840 Salt. Brick. Salt. Brick. Salt. Brick. Clay. Salt. Salt. Brick. Salt. Brick. Unapportioned, 1900-1913 inclusive Other minerals. Cement, fuller's earth, natural gas, quicksilver, salt. Cement, fuller's earth, natural gas salt Cement, fuller's earth natural gas onyx salt Cement, fuller's earth, mineral water, natural gas, quicksilver. Cement, limestone, onyx, mineral water, natural gas, quicksilver miscellaneous stone. Cement, mineral water, onyx. Cement, mineral water, onyx. Cement, mineral water, onyx, quicksilver. Cement, mineral water, onyx. Cement, mineral water, onyx. Cement, clay (pnttery), mineral water, miscellaneous stone, travertine. »i2.677,007 3361,311 $3,328,660 16 — 62279 242 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA SONOMA Year Quicksilver Mineral paint Brick Flasks Value Tons Value M Value 1873 50 1,700 1,218 3,897 3,609 3.255 2.977 1,445 1,273 2,124 1,669 332 446 735 689 1,151 1,345 1,046 1,660 1,630 1,445 1,368 1,813 1,126 1.538 1.704 2.119 2.209 2.130 1,440 2,404 '2,700 2,504 2,070 560 590 344 260 94 646 12 13 159 1,039 2,592 2,417 1,418 I & 528 867 351 S4,017 178,806 102,495 171,468 134,616 106,890 88,923 44,795 37,974 59,960 47,984 10,126 13,715 26,093 29,196 48,918 60,525 54,915 7.5,115 66,357 53,104 41,998 70,707 37,150 59,982 63,048 105,950 99.500 95.850 64,685 98,676 102,829 97,041 75,555 21,369 24,939 14,226 11,765 4.325 27.158 4.^ 21 7!'3 9" 14. 2 '4 81 iir, 142 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878. 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1,000 1,000 $5,000 5.000 1888 1889 1890.. 1891 1892 1893 1894. 100 225 220 270 $3,500 3.375 3,740 3,780 375 350 250 »300 350 200 280 150 150 160 175 500 6,800 11,600 11,000 6,500 1,875 1,750 1,250 1,500 2,800 1,800 2,360 1,200 1,200 1,440 1.750 4,000 115,000 133,479 83,000 29,000 1895. 1896 1897.. 1898 1899. 1900 1901. 1902. 30 800 105 320 1903 1904 . 1905... 1906 1907 1908 ^909 1910 1911 1912 1913... 1914 1916 1917 1918 1919 1921 1923 31.147 60.840 29134 1925 1926 1927 373 43,068 Totals . 571,164 $3,461,279 1,645 $14,820 41,140 $31I3,4(M 'Eleventh Census Report, Vol. X^ Pa 'Flasks of 75 pounds since June, 190- 'There was a considerable productio p, paving bloc irt 3, p. 605. L Previously n of paving b ks, sand, grav( 7634 pounds, ocks in Sonon ;1. la County in 1 he 70's and 'i !0s, but no av lilable records STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 243 COUNTY. 1873-1927. Mineral water Miscel- laneous stone', value Magnesite Miscellaneous and unapportioned Gallons Value Tons Value Amount Value Substance i $350,000 367,500 =297,236 '245,000 '150,000 96,000 92,800 57,381 69,508 73,719 33,035 43,371 16,830 20,275 52,701 121,578 90,933 75,947 213,830 158,218 132,946 307,695 319,716 220,998 184,035 295,198 191,436 276,516 177,917 232,113 146,621 148,347 144,014 217,667 151,300 162,679 189,059 101,009 119,546 208,479 208,753 8,000 14,400 236,000 246,680 21,000 i 575,000 60,900 30,000 10,000 11,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 104,000 235,000 202,500 62,500 96,240 80,015 258,600 121,366 121,290 83,220 96,800 29,928 37,641 35,843 30,661 U 31,003 ■ 17,713 I 36,272 25,428 $32,500 19,287 24,000 23,490 18,500 35,000 17,691 9,100 4,000 4.400 4,000 4,000 4,200 1,000 21,350 50,350 50,250 20,950 46,910 46,160 41,231 28,031 35,031 36,050 22,820 6,578 9,891 9,108 7,106 8,002 6,679 7,752 5,889 175 130 $1,225 455 64 tons 42 tons $4,460 1,680 Graphite. Graphite. 1,500 bbls. 2,250 Lime. 300 2,600 50 10,700 3,000 5,500 15,000 Gems. 250 15 1,250 180 1,500 bbls. Lime. Gems. 10,500 tons 2,600 tons / 500 tons Clay. Clay. Clay. Unapportioned, 1900-1909. 1,000 Unapportioned. 300 3,000 213 3,624 11,653 5,636 4,110 2,130 34,788 98,280 61,335 40,010 700 375 2,478 14,000 6,200 12,689 64 73,906 7,645 100 62 63,000 14,360 60,154 Other minerals. Other minerals. 1 243 tons Chromite. Building stone, manganese. 226 tons ■ 362 tons Chromite. Manganese. Other minerals. 1 1,540 "tons j 173 tons Chromite. Manganese. Other minerals. 6 Magnesite, quicksilver. Gems, magnesite quicksilver Pottery clay, gems, quicksilver. 2,200 4,872 6,355 7,682 Pottery clay, building stone. manganese. ore, petroleum, quicksilver. 2,961,000 $661,306 $6,761,906 '25,236 $242,053 $313,382 i 244 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA STANISLAUS Year Gold, value Silver, value Brick Magnesite Manganese M Value Tons Value Tons Value 1 1880 873,271 63,000 80,000 40,000 40,000 18,660 47,175 53,297 75,000 20,410 5,335 3,000 14,191 150 26,369 26,482 16.635 37,392 19,400 10,000 '21,212 '15,700 \ 1881 $31,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 100 $600 1902 1903 '52,869 '50,000 '50,000 3 3,364 3 '214,187 •307,538 '226,163 6253.166 2 a 3 3 14,196 1 142,467 18.439 3 174.814 171. 7i2 127.:<>8 120.238 256 265 240 3 28 2 2 '604 <1,131 '1,974 •-'671 a > 3 592 775 136 3 833 7i.i 614 411 345 1901 1905 1906 1907 1908 750 5.000 1,500 S50 250 300 250 $7,000 50,000 8.000 5.950 2.000 2.400 2,500 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 a 160 775 5,753 8 921 893 3 3 $2,40 1917 3.196 2.024 2,031 4.064 3 378 2,400 44,350 18,038 20.831 39.435 33.1.58 35,475 26,921 1918 222,43 1919 374,58 1920 12.97 1921 1922 s 1923 1924 _ U'25- iu2(i l')''7 .'I a Totals $2,929,279 H-5.728 '3.1^09 S77.850 17.093 $191,287 »1C.5)2 ?()3\i,30 'Includes Merced County. «See Merced County. 'See under 'Unapportioned.' ♦Includes Merced County production; also dredge yield of Shasta and Trinity Cii.inli-' 'Includes dredge production of Merced and Siskij'ou Counties. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 245 COUNTY. 1880-1927. Mineral paint Miscel- laneous stone, value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Tons N'alue Amount Value Substance 105 $2,310 2,800 1,800 1,825 2,898 1,769 193 375 350 2,400 1,600 2,125 1,720 1,720 2,000 2,225 270 600 600 1,530 286 375 20 flasks $800 Quicksilver 17 152 283 204 129 200 200 1,370 200 375 250 250 285 285 40 96 100 255 52 1 507 498 669 1 3 1,023 1 ■ ' 79,330 lbs. 162,400 lbs. 116,000 lbs. 1 7,300 lbs. 12,494 18,676 15,080 931 20 Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Platinum. 74,000 225 82,317 Unapportioned, 1900-1909. 63,572 14,482 3,096 2,250 17,784 6,240 38,764 28,922 181,262 180,697 299,962 231,965 118,050 221,256 259,806 189,521 230,638 29,240 183,167 56,505 308 ■165,989 1,043 3,777 116,730 27,158 30,296 21,774 12.957 12.700 Gold, mineral paint, silver, platinum, quicksilver. 2,200 Chromite, brick, gold, platinum, quicksilver, silver. f 1,438 tons Chromite. Gold, mineral paint, platinum, silver. 3,088 j 1,352' tons Chromite. Other minerals. Gold, mineral paint, platinum, silver. 7,062 Platinum and quicksilver. Manganese, mineral paint, platinum, quicksilver. 3 10,745 Gold, manganese ore, mineral paint, platinum, silver. Magnesite, manganese ore, platinum. Magnesite, manganese ore, mineral paint, platinum. Magnesite, manganese ore, mineral paint, platinum. Magnesite. mineral paint, platinum. Magnesite, mineral paint, platinum. '7,920 '54,491 $2,003,564 $1,212,121 SUTTER COUNTY, 1908-1927. Year Amount Value Substance 1908 . 5,000 tons $5,000 Macadam. 1909 ... 1916 5,733 tons 4,500 tons 6,450 5,000 Crushed rock. 1917... Crushed rock. 1918 1919 1920 54 54 97 97 97 .397 397 300 Other minerals. 1921. Other minerals. 1922 Umpportioned. 1923 Unapportioned. 1924 Unapportioned. 1925 .' Unapportioned. 192H Unapportioned. 1927 _ Unapportioned. Total...- . $17,943 246 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA TEHAMA Year Gold, value Chromite Brick Tons Value M Value 1880-1884 - _ $22,000 1894 . . -- 1,680 950 56 $12,680 9,025 475 1895 : 500 $2,500 1896 1897 . .. 1898... 200 300 325 300 500 600 500 650 700 400 400 1,400 1899 1,800 1900 ... 2,200 1901 2,000 1902 . . 3,500 1903 - 4,500 1904 - 3,500 1905 ... . 5,000 1906.. 5,600 1907.. 3,200 1908 3,000 1909 1910 600 3,600 1911 1912. ..: 225 300 1,300 1913 i,8oa 1914 . . . . 1915 1,896 2,053 3,261 3 400 2,70( 39,702 41,646 152,291 1917 ... . 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 2 :: ::: ::.:i 1923 1 1924 3 2 3 1925 1926 t :i 19''7 .....1 1 Totals ?22.000 «),896 $255,819 26,800 $47,600] 'Includes crushed rock, rubble, sand, gravel. «See under 'Unapportioned.' I STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 247 COUNTY, 1880-1927. Mineral water Salt, value Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Gallons Value 1 Amount Value Substance 10,000 54,000 10,000 $2,400 8,000 18,000 20.000 4,000 5,000 2,500 8,000 8,000 550,000 20,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 55,000 2,000 500 500 500 300 300 300 75 100 1,000 2 42 100 500 S600 200 2 750 11,076 2.373 2.500 7,500 30.520 4,900 26,054 2,100 4,450 $752 3,575 Chromite and salt. Brick, granite, mineral water, natural gas. 2,800 1,500 26,400 300 P,388 1,316 8,400 77.183 8,240 900 Other minerals Unapportioned. Othpr minerals Brick miscfilanpoiis stonp Brick miRcellanpoiis stone Brick cbromitp Other min'^rals =701,175 $102,042 =$1,100 ^rf) 89.3 $140,754 248 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA TRINITY Year Altoona Mine, before 1875 (est.)*- 1875 -- 1876 1877 1878 -- 1879 -.- 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 - 1886 --- 1887. 1888 --- 1889-.- 1890 1891 1892-.. 1893 1894...: - 1895--- 1896 - 1897- 1898 1899.- 1900- -.. 1901. 1902.. 1903 1904 1905.. - 1906 1907. 1908 1909 1910 1911.. 1912 1913... 1914... 1915 1916 .--- 1917 1918. 1919 1920 ---. 1921. 1922 ..-- 1923.. 1924 1925 1926 1927 Gold, value Totals. $326,693 550,000 600,000 400,000 529,150 338,148 464,726 553,051 589,000 811,632 ,192,790 ,327,787 ,446,603 ,122,995 ,012,666 ,166,745 ,296,330 ,078,372 859,255 590,510 571,605 684,683 719,992 607.728 574,814 690,844 560,843 535,316 602,944 520,046 500,851 612,149 723,503 431,862 743,512 441,846 435,493 602,048 444,729 538,494 541,387 437,993 182.918 617.841 422.281 424.037 483,471 409.492 S31,319,175 Silver, value $142 1,500 2334 10 219 924 500 640 259 2,249 168 325 1,257 259 314 1,086 >7,935 »1,240 550 2,085 135 3,044 2,981 2,399 4,269 2,302 1,960 6,777 7,494 2.119 3,374 3,470 7,591 10,021 6,912 3,872 3,469 1,390 2.432 5.816 10.934 7.724 13,276 12,326 Quicksilver S148,083 Flasks 1,000 1,500 1,979 1,317 1,534 1,919 245 240 3,926 4,205 838 4,032 3,076 2,294 1,302 240 266 102 389 166 98 90 197 133 44 18 4 "31,154 •Bradley, W. W.. Quicksilver resources of California; Cal. State Min. Bur., Bull. 78, p. 200, 1918. 'Includes cruslied rock, rubble, sand, gravel. 'Lawver, A. M., in 'Production of Precious Metals in U; S.'; Report of Director of Mint, 1884, p. 175, 1885. •Recalculated to 'commercial' from 'coining value' as originally published. •See under 'Unapportioned.' 'The metal contained in the 1919 product was 38% iridium and 62% platinum. •No county segregated figures for gold and silver available for years earlier than 1880. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 249 COUNTY, 1875-1927. Platinum Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Ounces Value Amount Value Substance " 3,620 cu. ft. $5,000 Granite. 500 cu. ft. 5,750 cu. ft. / 4,838 lbs. \ 6,870 cu. ft. 375 4,535 761 5,500 Granite. Granite. Copper. Granite. 39 $468 200 275 450 130 13 100 cu. ft. 75 Granite 11 26 7 111,307 Unapportioned, 1900-1909 $2,000 1,000 6 151 435 5,161 3,283 3,136 245 360 52,500 397,316 - 6,325 358,447 75,660 175,574 17,444 1,838 14,239 5,687 48.467 72,050 62,447 106,420 4,000 100,986 800 Mineral water. 13 900 1,000 7,718 1,513 11,839 8,799 4 5,677 3,000 2.240 5,000 f 120 gals. Mineral water. Other minerals. 113 Chromite, copper, manganese, mineral water quick- 50 f 242 tons silver. Chromite. Copper, manganese, mineral water, quicksilver. 41 1,814 tons Chromite. Copper, mineral water, quicksilver. 4 5 Copper, mineral water, platinum, quicksilver. fine ounces 37 6,612 3,260 1,223 2,050 1,839 3,081 2,832 Other minerals. 27 Quicksilver, miscellaneous stone. 12 18 11 26 28 329,706 lbs. 550,000 lbs. 439,766 lbs. / 760,140 lbs. Copper. Copper. Copper. Copper. Other minerals. 32,250 f 770,882 lbs. Copper. Other minerals. 477 $34,586 $82,936 $1,633,358 250 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA TULARE Year 1880- 1881- 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886- 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890- 1891- 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895- 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899- 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908- 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917- 1918. 1919. 1920. 1921. I'i22. 1923- 1924. 1925- 1926- 1927. Totals - Gold, value $1,125 8,181 5,000 4,000 70,000 7,500 6,900 15,640 25,000 39,340 43,019 15,095 24,355 12,818 16,320 20,092 12,830 12,400 13,610 10,445 14,616 11,648 9,215 1,100 2,300 20 Silver, value Brick $526 36 2,000 1,000 50 167 250 11 $402,569 214 433 100 13 $4,800 M 300 600 650 1,600 4,500 1,500 1,2.50 2,000 1,500 2,500 2,250 6,620 8,195 10,225 10,900 6,000 6,838 5,520 6,330 6,771 and tile Value $2,000 4,200 6,100 8,600 27,000 9,500 10.000 16,000 12,000 20,000 18,000 42,400 64,000 81,000 70.50Q 45,000 47,507 33,364 48,500 U2,938 34,978 =$713,,587 Gems, value $500 500 5,000 209,790 26,206 62,250 58,000 104,000 20,000 5,350 1,500 4403,0ft6 Granite Cubic feet 4,668 3,000 2,800 3,600 700 1,200 1,500 9,000 1,790 3,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 700 Value $10,000 2,500 4,700 8,000 1,500 3000 3,000 18,000 4,000 2,260 16,000 9,000 9,000 t ir 1,500 62,260 $151,720 •Includes crushed rock, rubble, sand, gravel. *See under 'Unapportioned.' STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 251 COUNTY. 1880-1927. Magnesite Tons 200 3,511 2,450 1,300 2,800 2,380 6,567 6,468 7,110 7,763 0,684 7,858 9.650 11,574 87,606 136,562 28,826 18,765 35,305 11,454 17,223 2 ifloS 21.203 18,150 13,378 Value Miscel- laneous stone', value $1,500 28.210 19,250 19,600 9,100 21,420 52,642 47,200 35,550 57,335 66,840 62,864 $100 I 488,845 96,500 104,166 737,130 1,238,853 269,748 186,601 394,169 125,594 181,842 298,272 271.830 245,557 138,347 $4,710,120 4,350 1,750 36,851 82,255 75,594 125,407 10,811 8,465 284,122 151,000 1,990 80,411 47,176 73,881 15,082 Amount 80 tons 1,000 bbls. 22 tons 400 tons 2,803 lbs. 2,000 M cu.ft 100 cu. ft. 80 tons 392 cu. ft. 1,429 tons 1,250 tons 2,830 tons 6 cu. ft. 1,349 tons 1,800 tons 3,435 tons 1,422 lbs. 450 tons 240 tons 600 tons 444 tons 8,400 tons 204 tons 10.347 tons 700 M cu. ft. 400 M cu. ft. 10,030 tons 380 M cu. ft. 380 M $848,245 383 M 15.500 tons "Y,080"m"" '""28)"m"' 13,300 593 tons 18,000 tons Miscellaneous and unapportioned Value 1,500 50,108 2,200 360 185 1,000 200 200 796 5,050 2,400 13,065 30 1,888 6,500 1,830 42,555 350 30,410 11,000 1.580 60.023 24.000 2,928 32,400 1,143 71,782 46,388 295 51,928 195 190,467 40,090 190 102,238 190 18i',662 190 57,500 108,607 540 145,893 175 43,900 27,911 7,709 70,000 107.983 45(1.091 Substance Limestone. Lime. Gypsum. $2,023,673 Unapportioned, 1900-1909 Gypsum. Copper Natural gas. Natural gas Marble. Quartz. Marljle. Feldspar Quartz. Feldspar. Marble. Limestone. Feldspar. Chromite and silica. Chromite. Copper. Feldspar, granite, limestone, marble, silica. Chromite. Feldspar. Building, tile, copper, graphite, limestone, talc Chromite. Feldspar. Limestone. Silica. Brick, gems, granite, soapstone, talc, tile. Limestone. Natural gas. Chromite, feldspar, granite. Natural gas. Briclc, feldspar, granite, limestone Limestone. Natural gas. Brick and granite. Natural gas. Brick, tile, granite, limestone. Natural gas. Lime stone. Brick, granite. Natural gas. Brick, hollow tile, granite, limestone. Natural gas. Limestone. Brick, lime. Lime. Limestone. Brick, hollnw tile, granite, natural gas. Brick, hollow tile, granite, lime, limestone, magnesite. 252 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA TUOLUMNE Year Gold, va'ue Silver, value Lime Limestone Barrels Value Tons Value 1880 §461,861 500,000 400,000 320,000 310,000 320,903 432,438 504,662 475,000 446.300 1.500.629 1,384,950 1,092,549 354,734 547.448 666 754 1,070,141 1,809,572 1.734.953 1.635,769 1,596.891 1,670,368 1.791.829 1.732.572 1,563,907 1.291,726 1.039.675 806.875 798.752 925.703 615.626 1.093 484 1.113.291 974.409 940.793 1.058,103 808,237 321,085 274.328 471,021 254,569 96.026 222,366 261,936 255,994 155,592 119,873 40,209 Sl,071 1,000 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1,473 1,.551 3.166 3,500 543 13,062 139 911 1,329 1.072 313 328 1,696 15.582 1.5.111 62.367 39,787 6,580 13,989 12.963 21,348 8,476 6,453 11,732 4,384 5,754 13,243 25,146 24.381 12.017 13,480 17,039 7.808 21.425 11.076 6,007 2,505 2,976 2,801 1,106 614 1,119 302 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 - - 1899 1900 1901 -^ 1902 1903 1.600 $1,600 1904 1905 500 500 110.000 60.000 60.000 78.300 75,000 117.450 75.000 63.331 1 1 7 7 7 7 7 1,000 1,000 125,000 69,500 60.000 78,300 70.000 121.250 85.000 38,000 1906 1907 1908 - 1,233 15,057 3,600 4,319 11,554 12 446 16,707 8,859 3,137 3,287 3,004 2 7,494 3,650 $6,5q| 1909 28,9fl 1910 10,4M 1911 13.601 1912 20,09P 1913.. 20.67(1 1914 21,907 1915 - 1 1 349 1916 .i,132 1917 .. 6,481 1918 5,600 1919 1920 1.5,288 1921 9,475 1922 1923 3,140 8,515 . 7,680 1924 19,983 1925... <268,000 1926 • l!27 7 ■- Totals - $38,323,903 S4 18.725 641,681 8650,650 106,062 S481,121 ' Includes mineral paint and sandstone. ' Includes granite, lime, magnesite, marble. > Includes clay, dolomite, granite, lime, marble. ' Includes lime. 5 Includes dolomite, granite, marble. ' Includes granite, lead, lime, limestone, magnesite, marble, silica. ' See under 'Unapportioned.' 1 1 COUNTY, 1880-1927. STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION 253 Marble Copper Miscol- laneous atone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned' i Cubic feet Value Pounds Value Amount Value Substance 800 M. $2,288 Brick. 1,301 16 Unapportioned 1900-1909 400 lbs. Lead. 7.000 11,550 11,500 11,000 23,000 22,030 18.503 27.600 17,360 18,966 27,720 37,312 21,830 7 7 7 7 7 7 $14,000 28,875 28,750 66.000 46 000 60,120 47,165 107.400 45,400 50,398 73,920 93,726 38,202 155,826 $17,920 10,367 cu. ft. 9,700 cu. ft. 9,700 cu. ft. f 9,700 cu. ft. 1 197 tons 14,020 9,700 9,700 9,700 1,379 Granite. Granite. Granite. Granite. Chromite 140,000 9,086 1,154 30 tons 2,502 lbs. 180 111 ChroMiite. Lead 893 45 27,667 1,797 32,840 35,127 7 138 6 4.842 442 8,960 8,676 893 lbs. 89 lbs. 352 tons 1,779 lbs. 53 3 2,352 84 79,328 4,556 60 107,296 54,290 86 108,758 168 693 121,806 110.746 78,950 209,354 217,292 293,136 388,145 339,573 113,305 438,583 360.489 Lead. Lead. $1,900 1,500 3,800 1,700 2,700 28.696 229.185 246,460 9,800 12,500 29,751 56,097 31,416 Chromite. Lead. Dolomite, lime marbl *. 285 tons i 873 lbs. 2,680 tons 997 lbs. Chromite. Lead. Dolomite, lime, magncsite, marble. Chromite. 1 4.269 tons 1 Lime, manganese, marble. Lime and limestone 1- — Chromite, copper, granite, marble. Dolomite, lime, niarb'e. platinum. Other minerals- Other minerals^ 2,332 326 7 -'55,371 $699,756 2f5,613 f42.469 $655.5,50 _._ _ .S3.2!5.?83 1 - ■ 254 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA VENTURA Year Gold, value Petroleum Natural gas Asphalt and bituminous brick Brick Barrels Value M cu. ft. Value Tons Value M Value 1880 $354 600 2 1881 1882 1883 -- 1884 1885 1886_.. 1887 1888 1889 1890 - . 2,468 1,715 1891- 1892 1893 1894 290,913 244,624 248,000 368 282 427,000 496,200 443,000 472,057 475,000 542,902 518,000 375,522 311,000 352,224 289,625 344,419 492,147 499,082 662,300 899,007 943,929 1,017,220 943,499 996.501 1,339,342 1,685,073 1,989,681 2,167,326 2,933,685 3,610,794 3,i,58,010 9,221.8-16 16.99'. 275 19,990.841 S367,822 244,624 272 800 368.282 571.000 496.200 398,700 236,028 455,000 517,611 465,682 236,578 155,500 211,334 217,219 223 872 319,898 349.777 584.811 907,997 991,125 869,723 985,956 1,313.388 1,982,226 2,755,094 4,988,130 5,869,119 5,236,628 4.109,084 5,279.SS5 15.769,.357 25,695.344 23.536,282 248 175 $4,800 3,500 1895 1896 - . -- 1897 1898 4,105 5,188 1,466 2,073 37 1.114 3.169 3.000 3,700 80,775 103,760 31,670 30,945 370 13,368 38,028 30,000 37,000 286 375 230 $2,228 3,000 1,700 1899 3.990 2,562 4,183 2,012 1,087 2.700 1.200 9 1900 1901 1902 1903 1,380 12,900 1904 1.800 3.831 3.500 1,825 3,625 1,721 545 <29,580 '55.068 62,200 100,000 491,879 806,540 1,033.564 858,457 1,038,574 1,521,448 2,127,476 3,583,818 4,162,318 5.9f.5,760 20,144,646 41. .559,144 71,036.201 $2,700 5,000 1,000 2.278 4.531 2.151 681 2.958 4.163 6.220 6.000 29,670 133,867 152,550 150,885 252,240 214,280 360,443 536,502 470.261 633..3.52 l.!',i3.163 4,080,040 6,951,273 1905 _- 1906... 1907 1,300 1,675 1,600 200 1.275 1,190 900 550 1,023 449 200 < 3 10,400 11,650 12,800 1908 1,500 1909 7,625 1910 36,945 1911 5,100 1912 3,575 1913 0,085 1914 3,102 1915 2,500 1916 1917 1918 1919 > 1920 1921 3 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 31,832 Totals $22,871 70,549,326 $106,942,876 1.54,623,520 115,956,208 24 275 SS74 9Ifi $153,942 'Includes ^Commerc but detailed c 'See unde ^Quantity crushed roc ,ial producti ounty segre; r 'Unapport estimated. V, rubble, sane on of petroleui nations are not oned.' as only values . gravel. n in Ventura ( available for given in repor !^ounty bega the early ye ts of those y ci at least as ars. ears. early as 187 4, in the Su phur Moun tain district. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 255 COUNTY, 1880-1927. i| Pottery clay Sandstone Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Tons Value Cubic feet Value Amount Value Substance ■ 16,200 33,200 $16,500 20,000 250 tons S6,500 Bora.x, 12,500 4,200 3,200 1,750 6,000 2,300 1,320 6,250 2,650 1,600 900 3,500 1,380 792 $35,279 16,764 22,500 25,100 31,227 60.490 / 3,000 tons I 50 tons / 3,500 tons \ 50 tons 50 tons 60,000 4 2,500 140.000 3,800 3,000 Silver. Mica. Borax Mica. 30 S45 Mica. 20,880 15,406 144,226 35,000 750 560 1,680 830,853 Unappropriated 1900-1909 900 4.058 4,600 300 1,195 450 2.325 1,850 150 502 1,900 1,900 1,000 2,990 1.000 3,000 1,530 Unapportioned. 2,674 14,200 30 000 200 1,407 2,072 300 4,500 190 500 3,985 472 1.060 12,128 2,720 2 3 3 > 3 3 3 Brick clav sandstonp Brick and sandstonp 52,900 5 000 1 / — - — Clay and clay products. 26,265 11,250 62,888 88,211 173,337 131,200 339,435 412,872 1 Other minerals. Mineral paint and sands'one Clay and clay products. 1 K - 1 Mineral paint and sandstone. Mineral paint and sandstone. Mineral paint and sandstone. Limestonp ■ v 3 ■ 3Y3,666 P 354,418 733,908 93,250 63,120 300 .?248,693 '92,323 $58,849 $1,757,674 $1,078,021 256 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA YOLO COUNTY, 1873-1927. Year Quicksilver Sandstone Miscel- laneous stone', value Miscellaneous and unapportioned Flasks Value Cubic feet Value Amount Value Substance 1873 '995 3,000 $79,928 315,540 1874 1875 _ 1876 965 1,516 1,640 1,110 422 42,460 56,547 53,956 33,134 13,082 1877.... 1878.... 1879.... 1880.... 1881... 1894 2,500 542 252 $1,000 1,873 378 Other minerals. Other minerals. 1895 1896... 1897. 1898 264 264 908 1,540 328 280 180 175 160 250 140 384 384 1,760 2,300 450 144 720 200 204 350 1,150 1899- 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910... 1911 1912 1913 1914... 15 • 736 1915 $1,200 300 4,300 17,915 5,600 9,472 14.829 3 3 3 23.0G0 20,5()0 17,8! 5 $840 1916 1917 1 I s 1,261 3,300 19,866 1918... Other minerals. 1919.. Other minerals. 1920 1921 1922 13,431 16,! 57 15,800 Umpportioned. 1923.... 1924 1925 1926 1927 _ Totals >.1,663 f5r5,383 7,783 $11,297 $115,131 $71,455 'Includes crushed rock, sand, gravel. ''Flasks of 76J^ pounds, previous to June, 1904; of 75 pounds since 'Sec under 'Unapportioned.' 1 'Includes crushed rock, sand, gravel. •Recalculated to 'commercial' from 'coining value' as originally publiahed. *See under Unapportioned.' ^Includes some palladium. 17—62279 ff STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 259 APPENDIX A. DIRECTORY OF PRODUCERS OF METALLIC AND NON- METALLIC MINERALS IN CALIFORNIA, 1927 Note. — The producers of natural gas and petroleum will be found in Summary of Operations, California Oil Fields, for August, 1927 (Vol. 13, No. 2). This list also excludes producers of copper, gold, lead, platinum, silver and zinc. Gold and silver figures are received by the State Division of Mines and Mining direct from the U. S. Bureau of Mines, and copper, lead, platinum and zinc statistics are gathered in part from reports received from smelters. 260 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA APPENDIX A. DIRECTORY OF PRODUCERS OF METALLIC AND NON- METALLIC MINERALS IN CALIFORNIA, 1927 ANTIMONY Mine or Plant San Benito County Stayton Quicksilver Mines, R. D. Knox. Holli.ster DARITE Address Mine Mari]>os(i County Voseniite Barium Co., R. A. Fredericks, Pres. and Mgr. Nevada County Democrat Barite Mine, Chemical and Pigment Co. Oranfjc County Red Hill Quicksilver Mine, P. B. Browning El Portal (60 50th Ave., Oakland Tu.stin El Portal Bear River Tustin BITUMINOUS ROCK Address Quarry Santa Barbara County . Higgins Quarry, A. Satler, lessee. Santa Cruz County Bitumen Mines Ojieration, John De Bruynkops, Carpinteria. roi Post St., San Francisco Carpinteria Santa Cruz BORATES Address Plant Inyo County Rasor Borate Lease, C. M. Rasor_ Pacific Coast Borax Co Kern Cotmty Pacific Coast Borax Co. Sou Bernardino County Amer. Potash and Chemical Corp. Care of Pac. Coast Borax Co., 1014 Cent. Bldg., Los Angeles_ 1014 Central Bldg., Los Angeles- 1014 Central Bldg., Los Angeles- Frona Death Valley Kramer Trona BROMINE Address Plant San Diecio County California Chemical Corp.- 23S Sansome St., San Francisco- STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION CALCIUM CHLORIDE 261 Address Plant San Bernardino County California Rock Salt Co.. Saline Products, Inc 2465 Hunter St., Los Angeles 2000 Santa Fe Ave., Los Angeles- Amboy CEMENT Address Plant Oalaveras County Calaveras Cement Co. 315 Montgomery St.. San Francisco San Andreas Contra Costa Cou)ity Henry Cowell Lime and Cement Co 2 Market St., San Francisco. _ Cowell Kern County Monolith Portland Cement Co Bartlett Bldg., Los Angeles- Monolith Merced County Yosemite Portland Cement Co Merced Merced Riverside County Riverside Portland Cement Co 800 Corporation Bldg.. Los Angeles Riverside .Son Uenito County Pacific Portland Cement Co Hunter Dulin Bldg., San Francisco San Juan S'aif Bernardino County Ciolden State Portland Cement Co.__ 800 Corporation Eldg., Los Oro Grande Angeles Victorville Southwestern Portland Cement Co._ Victorville California Portland Cement Co 1228 Pac. Mutual Bldg., Los Angeles Colton San Mateo County Pacific Portland Cement Co m Sutter St., San Francisco- Redwood City Santa Cruz County Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co ::;rocker Bldg., San Francisco- Davenport Solano County Pacific Portland Cement Co 111 Sutter St., San Francisco. Cement 262 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA CLAY (Including producers of crude clay and manufacturers of brick, tile, porcelain, etc.) Address Plant Alameda County California Faience Co. California Pottery Co. N. Clark & Sons California Erick Plant. W. S. Dickey Clay Mfg. Co. Electrical Porcelain Works Kraftile Co. Livermore Clay and Sand Co. — M. and S. Tile Co. Miller's Oakland Art Pottery Mure.sque Tiles, Inc. Remillard Brick Co. Technical Porcelain and China Ware Co. Walrich Pottery Westinghouse High Voltage In- sulator Co. Amador County M. J. Bacon Carlisle Clay Co. N. Clark and Sons lone Clay and Sand Co., Califor- nia Mineral Products Co. lone Clay Pit, W. S. Dickey Clay Mfg. Co. lone Fire Brick Co. Newman Clay Co., Newman Es- tate Preston School of Industry Yosemite Portland Cement Co Butte County Coast Rock and Gravel Co., Oro- ville Clay Deposit Table Mountain Clay Prod. Co. — Calaveras County California Pottery Co. Contra Costa County California Art Tile Co N. Clark & Sons, Clark Shale Deposit Elsenius Pottery, C. A. Elsenius, Mgr. Mastercraft Tile and Roofing Co. Port Costa Brick Works Richmond Pressed Brick Co. Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co., Pa- cific Mines Fresno County Craycroft-Brick Co. Pioneer Brick and Tile Co Humboldt County J. D. Thompson Brick Co., J. D. Thompson, Mgr. Imperial Coxmty Simons Brick Co., Simons Walter R. 1335 Hearst Ave., Berkeley 2265 E. 12th St., Oakland 116 Natoma St., San Francisco- 604 Mission St., San Francisco. 2416 6th St., Berkeley 55 New Montgomery, San Fran- cisco P. O. Box 521, Livermore Decoto 2237 E. 12th St., Oakland 1001 22d Ave., Oakland 332 Phelan Bldg., San Francisco. 420 Kains Ave., Albany, via Berkeley 1285 Hearst Ave., Berkeley 62d and Green Sts., Oakland-- lone lone 116 Natoma St., San Francisco. Kohl Bldg., San Francisco 604 Mission St., San Francisco. 541 Rialto Bldg., San Francisco Berkeley Oakland Pabrico and Livermore Berkeley Niles Tesla Decoto lone lone Merced - 1000 Hunter-Dulin Bldg., San Francisco Oroville 2265 E. 12th St., Oakland. Box 1116, Richmond 116 Natoma St., San Francisco... 1633 Woolsey St., Berkeley 1 20th St., Richmond 808 Sharon Bldg., San Francisco. Sharon Bldg., San Francisco Box W., Richmond Pleasanton Albany Berkeley Carbondale lone lone lone lone lone lone lone lone Oroville Oroville Valley Springs Richmond Walnut Creek Richmond San Pablo Port Costa Richmond Contra Costa Griffith-McKnight Bldg., Fresno. P. O. Box 614, Fresno Box 16, Myrtle Ave., Eureka 125 W. 3d St., Los Angeles Eureka El Centre STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 263 CLAY (Continued) (Including producers of crude clay and manufacturers of brick, tile, porcelain, etc.) Address Plant Kern County Alluvial Silt Co., V. E. Britton__ Bakersfield Sandstone Brick Co., Jas. Curran, Mgr. King Lumber Co. Los Angeles County Acme Brick Co. Alhambra Kilns, Inc. American Refractories Co. Angulo Tile Plant, R. F. Angulo & Sons Atlas Firebrick Co. Aztec Tile, Inc. Bay Cities Roofing Co., Inc. Batchelder-Wilson Tile Co. J. A. Bauer Pottery Co., Inc California Clay Products Co Claycraft Potteries H. F. Coors Co., Inc Davidson Brick Co. Empire China Co. The Feather-Stone Co. Italian Terra Cotta Co K & K Brick Co., C. J. Kuback, Pres. K & M Pottery Co Los Angeles ETick Co Long Beach Brick Co., Inc., H. A. Havner, Mgr. Malibu Potteries Co Mission Brick Co. National Brick Co. Pacific Clay Products Pomona Brick Co. Poxon China Co. Pomona Tile Co. Santa Catalina Island Co., Wm. Wrigley, Jr. Santa Monica Brick Co Simons Brick Co., Walter R. Simons Standard Erick Co. St. Louis Fire Brick and Clay, Joseph Mesmer Tropico, Los Angeles and Santa Monica Plants, Gladding, Mc- Bean and Co. C. M. Van Orden Co. "Vernon Potteries Vitrefrax Co. Western Brick Co. Whiting-Mead Pottery Co. Muroc Bakersfield 1402 King St., Bakersfield. Hillstreet Bldg., Los Angeles Alhambra 3232 Alosta St., Los Angeles- Reseda, Los Angeles Box 938, R.F.D. 2, Los Angeles. Stanford St., Santa Monica 1724 Stanford St., Santa Monica- 2633 Artesian St.. Los Angeles 415 W. Avenue 33, Los Angeles South Gate 3101 San Fernando Blvd., Los Angeles Inglewood Monterey Pass Road, 5301 Chi- cago St., Los Angeles Burbank 911 Mateo St., Los Angeles 1149 Mission Road, Los Angeles 701 Merch. National Bank Eldg., Los Angeles 2318 B. 52d St., Los Angeles— 1078 Mission Road, Los Angeles 243 E. 7th St., Long Beach 119 N. Larchmont St., Los An- geles 15209 Saugus St., Van Nuys— 5547 Alhambra Road, Los An- geles 650 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Los Angeles Pomona 5600 Miles Ave., Huntington Park Pomona Avalon 453 S. Spring St., Los Angeles. Bakersfleld Santa Monica Alhambra and Santa Monica Reseda Santa Monica Santa Monica Inglewood Covina Van Nuys Alhambra L. A. and Los Nietos Pomona Pomona Santa Catalina Island Santa Monica 125 W. 3d St.. Los Angeles 580 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Los Angeles 2464 E. 9th St., Los Angeles. 660 Market St., San Francisco, 128 S. Avenue 64, Los Angeles 2300 E. 52d St., Los Angeles--. 5100 Pacific Ave., Los Angels 586 Chamber of Clommerce Bldg., Los Angeles 415 E. 9th St., Los Angeles Fropico, Los Angeles and Santa Monies Vernon 2(U MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA CLAY (Continufd) (Ini'liuling producers of crude clay and manufacturers of brick, tile, ijorcelain, etc.) Address Plant Marin County (Ireenebrae Tile Plant McNear Brick Co. Merced County The California Pottery Co. Mendocino County W. N. Briggs Mono County California Quarries Corp. Monterey County Joe Area Monterey Mission Tile Co. Orange County American Fire Clay Co. El Toro Clay Co., Amer. Refrac- tories Co. Emsco Clay Co. Gladding, McBean & Co La BoLsa Tile Co. Orange County Erick and Tile Co. Pacific Clay Products Padre Tile Co. Placer County Clay Corporation of California Cladding, McBean & Co. Lincoln Clay Products Co., M. J. Dillman, Mgr. Riverside County Alberhill Coal and Clay Co., Geo. C. Hill Emsco Clay Co. G. R. Freeman Gladding, McBean & Co. Hancock's Brick Yard, C. P. Hancock & Son Los Angeles Brick Co. Pacific Clay Products Tarwater & Southard Temescal Water Co. Sacramento County Cannon & Co. H. C. Muddox Natoma Clay Co. Panama Pottery Co. Sacramento Brick Co. Vallpy Brick Co. ^an Bernardino County Kennedy Clay Pit, John Kennedy San Diego County American Encaustic Tile Co Atlas Brick and Clay Co California Clay Products Co. National Erick Co. 1129 Vallejo St., San Francisco. 946 Monadnock Bldg., San Fran- Merced LTkiah l.'ino Quill)y Bldg., Los Angeles Castroville Monterey - 3an .luan Capistrano. 3232 Alosta St., Los Angeles 8661 Dorothy Ave., South Gate__. fiOO Market St., San Francisco Huntington Beach 120 W. Commonwealth. FuUerton 650 Chamber of Commi-rce Bldg., Los- Angeles Ehlen & Grote Bldg., Orange Lincoln RGO Market St., San Francisco- Lincoln Glreenbrae McNears Merced Laws Castroville San Juan Cap- istrano El Toro Smeltzer Anaheim Allierhill 5701 S. Boyle Ave., Vernon Corona 660 Market St., San Francisco. 1330 Lemon St., Riverside 1078 Mission Road, Los Angeles 650 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Los Angeles Murietta Temescal, via Corona Box 281, Sacramento 30th and L Sts., Sacramento 401 Hobart Bldg., San Francisco Box 1478, R.F.D. 4, 24th St. Road, Sacramento 1400 Front St., Sacramento lit 17 Stockton Blvd., Sacramento Daggett 5 2d and Alameda Sts., Los An- geles 3533 Herbert St., San Diego South Gate 24th St. and National Blvd., National City Lincoln Lincoln Alberhill Corona Alberhill Murietta Temescal Ben All Natomas Daggett El Cajon Rose Canyon Encinitas National City STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 265 CLAY (Continued) (Including producers of crude clay and manufacturers of brick, tile, porcelain, etc.) Old Mission Tile Co. Pacific Clay Products Co. Union Brick Co. Vitrified Products Corp. _ San Francisco County Jalanivich & Olsen San Joaquin County San Joaquin Brick Co. Stockton Brick and Tile Co. Stockton Fire Brick Co., John T. Roberts, Mgr. Sun Luis Obispo County San Luis Brick "Works San Mateo County West Coast Porcelain Co. Santa Barbara County Angulo Tile Works _ L. L. Brentner 'Santa Clara County Garden City Pottery Handcraft Tile Co. Kart.schoke Clay Products Co Platis Premier Porcelain Co., Inc. Remillard Brick Co. S & S Tile Co. San Jose Brick Co. Coyote Creek Clay Beds, City Manager City of San Jose Sonoma County Beltane Clay Deposit, Harry Weiss Tehama County O'Connor Bros. Tulare County S. P. Brick & Tile Co. /entura County Dent Clay Pit, John Dent Anderson & Hardison Pressed Brick Co., J. C. Hardison and G. A. Anderson Peoples Lumber Co. Selby Shale Pit, Benj. Selby Ventura Excavating Co., H. Love. Yuba County Marysville Erick Co. -^ Address Plant North San Diego 650 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Los Angeles 3565 Third St., San Diego 2841 Jefferson St., N. San Diego 2930 Baker St., San Francisco. Channel and Webber Point, Stockton McKinley Ave., Stockton N. San Diego Stockton San Lui.s Obispo P. O. Box 46, Millbrae Reseda Carpinteria 560 N. 6th St., San Jo.se 333 S. 18th St., San Jose 1098 S. 3d St., San Jose Box 547, Santa Clara 332 Phelan Bldg.. San Francisco S. 4th St., San Jose Box 274, San Jose San Jose Glen Pollen Red Bluff 1501 Pacific S. W. Bldg., Fresno Ventura Santa Paula 1102 Meta St., Ventura Ventura Ventura 3 12- A D St., Marysville. San Francisco Stockton Stockton Santa Barbara Carpinteria San Jose San Jose San Jose Beltane Exeter Ventura Santa Paula v'"entura 266 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA COAL Address Mine A^tiador County Buena Vista Coal Mining Co., J. J. Morris, Supt E'uena Vista DIATOMACEOUS EARTH Address Plant Los Angeles County The Feather-Stone Co Monterey County Buttle Properties, Inc. California Kieselguhr Co., Geo. C. Langley and W. I. Davis— Monterey Products Co. Santa Barbara County The Celite Co. "Shasta County Mt. Sha.sta Silica Co., M. H. Nemeyer 611 Mateo St., Los Angeles Bradley San Miguel Monterey 1320 S. Hope St., Los Angeles. Weed Covina Bradley Bradley Del Monte Lompoc Bartle DOLOMITE Address Mine Inyo County Inyo Marble Co. Monterey County Pacific Coast Steel Co., Stirling Ranch 546 San Fernando E'ldg., Los Angeles Rialto Bldg., San Francisco Keeler Natividad FELDSPAR Kern County N. W. Sweetser Riverside County American Encaustic Tiling Co San Diego County Pacific ]Mlnes, Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co. Globe Tile and Porcelain Works, Inc., White Rose Mine Address 1024 Loew State Bldg., Los Angeles 52 S. Alameda St., Los Angeles- P. O. Box W, Richmond Hynes _ Mine Rosamond Campo Campo STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION FULLER'S EARTH 267 Address Mine Jnyo County Commercial Minerals Co San Bernardhio County Death Valley Clay Co Martin Minerals Co., Gus G. Martin San Diego County General Petroleum Corp., Mosto Otaylite Deposit Standard Oil of California 58 Sutter St., San Francisco. 1212 Pac. Mutual Bldg., Los Angeles Slauson and Alameda Sts., Los Angeles 1003 Higgins Bldg., Los Angeles Standard Oil Bldg., San Fran- cisco Bradford Sta- tion Daggett Otay Otay GEMS Address Mine Butte County "William Fliedner C. E. Grant Calaveras County Green Mountaine Mine, J. J. Mc- Sorley, Mgr El Dorado County D. R. Douglas San Bernardino County Franklin Heald San Diepo County Pala Chief Gem Mining Co., Frank A. Salmons Hercules Group, A. "W. Pray and E. G. Logan J. W. Ware Route A., Oroville Cherokee, via Oroville. Vlokelumne Hill 580 Market St., San Francisco- Fontana U. S. Grant Bldg., San Diego 24.3 Kansas St., Escondido. 1060 6th St., San Diego Cherokee Cherokee Mokelumne Hill Victorville Pala Smith Moun- tain 268 ]\IINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA GRANITE Address Plant Fresno County Acartemy Granite Grant Rock and Gravel Co. Superior Granite Co., Inc._. Tnyo County Ely Stone Co. (tuff). Lassen County Lassen County Los Anui'lff: County R. O. Stein Co Madera County McGilvray-Rayniond (iranile Co. Raymond Granite Co., Ine Mariposa County Kelm Jasper Quarry, H. J. Kelni__ Nevada County Netz Granite' ^Juarry, Ludwig Netz Placer County Alexson Granite Co Adolph Pernu & Sons Union Granite Co., Mat Ruhkal.s. Plumas County Paul Sonoprnini Sacranu nto County Folsoni State Prison San Dicf/o County Cry.stal Black Quarry, .lohn Stridsburg McGilvray-Raymond Granite Co. Magee Quarry, Robert .1. MoGee- Meyer Granite Quarry, W. A. Meyer Simpson-Pirnie Granite Co., Santee Quarry Tulare County California (Granite Co._ Academy Box 958, Presno- Clovis 1985 E. 16th St., L.OS Angeles.. Susanville San Ga))riel 634 Town.send St., San Francisco. 3 Potrero Ave., San Francisco. _ Bagoy Nevada City Rocklin Rocklin Rocklin Chilcoot Represii Kscondido 634 To\vn.send St., San Francisco Pala Lakeside L'lst and N Sts., San Diego. Porterville Academy Friant Academy Round Valley Susanville San (iabriel Raymond Knowles Bagby Nevada City Rocklin Rocklin Rocklin Chilcoot Represa Spooks Canyon Lakeside Pala Lakeside Porterville GRAPHITE 7>f<.s Anr/rlrs County Verduga Mountain f Iraphiti' Standard Graphite Co.__ STATfSTlOB OF ANNUAL I'KODUUTION GYPSUM 269 Address Quarry Imperial County Pac. Portland Cement Kern County Koehn Gypsum Plant, Chas. Koehn Riverside County B. R. Nonhoff U. S. Gypsum Co 111 Sutter St., San Francisco. Saltdale lilt) Raniona St., Corona- 1105 Edwards & Wildey Bklj Los Angeles Westmoreland Saltdale Corona Blythe IRON AND TITANIUM Address Mine Los Angeles County Iron Blossom CJroup Burdick Minerals Corporation Lios Angeles __ Hermosa Beach- Lang Hermosa Beach 270 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA LIMB AND LIMESTONE Address Quarry Contra Costa County Mt. Diablo Lime Marl Co El Dorado County Eldorado Lime and Mining Co. — Pacific Portland Cement Co Inyo County Inyo Chemical Co Kern County Summit Lime Plant, Union Lime Co., Lessee Los Angeles County Toi-rance Lime and Fertilizer Co._ Plumas County Pyramid Lime Co Rivei'side County San Jacinto Rock Products Co., G. W. Green San Bernardino County California Portland Cement Co.. Chas. I. Chubbuck Pacific Coast Talc Co Victorville Lime Rock Co San Mateo County Pacific Portland Cement Co Saiita Cruz County Henry Cowell Lime and Cement Co Holmes Lime & Cement Co Pacific Limestone Products Co Santa Cruz Portland Cement Co Shasta County Briggsville Limestone Quarry Tulare County Kaweah Quarries Abramson & Bode Corp Tuolumne County Pacific Lime and Plaster Co Ray Bldg., Oakland Shingle Springs 111 Sutter St., San Francisco- 1005 Pershing Square Bldg., Los Angeles 2135 Bay St., Los Angeles. Torrance Quincy San Jacinto 1228 Pac. Mutual Bldg., Los An- geles 123 25th Ave., San Francisco 2149 Bay St., Los Angeles 2149 Bay St., Los Angeles 111 Sutter St., San Francisco 2 Market St., San Francisco. 2 Pine St., San Francisco Spring St., Santa Cruz Crocker Bldg., San Francisco. Box 604, Redding. Lemon Cove Lindsay Sonora "Walnut Creek Shingle Springs Cartago Tehachapi Torrance Quincy San Jacinto Colton Silver Lake Victorville San Mateo Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Davenport Girvan Lemon Cove Lindsay Sonora LITHIA Address Mine San Diego County Stewart Lithia Mine, National Industry Chemical Corp Pala, Cal. Pala STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION MAGNESITE 271 Address Plant Los Anc/eles County C. M. Van Orden Co. C. S. ine, 128 S. Avenue 64, Los Angeles 803 Balfour Bldg., San Francisco San Francisco _ San Benito County Sampson Magnesite Co. — Santa Clara County Western Magnesite Mine, Malty, Lessee Sampson Pk. Red Mountain Stanis.aus County Red Mtn. Magnesite Co.. Bald Eagle Magnesite M A. D. Davenport 906 First Natl. Bank Bldg., San Francisco Gustine _ _ _ _ _ Red Mountain Tulare County E. F. Schrei Sierra Magnesite Co Lindsay 233 Sansome St., San Francisco- Lindsay Porterville MAGNESIUM SALTS Address Plant Alameda County California Chemical Corp 233 Sansome St., San Francisco- Newark Inyo County American Magnesium Co 242 Wilcox Bldg., Los Angeles- Death Valley San Diego County California Chemical Corp. _ 233 Sansome St., San Francisco_ MINERAL PAINT Address Plant Stanislaus County V. J. Winkler--. Knights Ferry 272 MINERAL INDUSTRY OP CALIFORNIA MINERAL WATER Address Spring Butte County Polk Springs, Wm. Poll^, Mgr.-. Ricliardson Springs, Lee Richard- son, Mgr Calaveras County Mok-Hill Mineral Spring. Zum- wall, Dalil, Zumwalt ('(.Hliii Cofita County Alhanil)ra Springs_. Fresno County Mercey Mineral Springs Co., F. J. iv.iurn, I'res Lake County Adams Minerals Springs, Clarence I 'rather IVirt'ett Spring Co Norman Medical Springs, H. C. Norman. Mgr Spitrs Springs. Joshua Spiers AVittfi- Mt^dical Springs Lcs Angeles County Holly Springs Water Co Magnetic Si)ring Water Co .Mountain Spring Water Co Hose Springs-California Spring Watt'r Co Marin County Tama'pais Natural Mineral Water Springs, Borello Bros.- Xapa County G. Musante Napa Soda Sjirings Co Napa Vichy Springs, .John Lepori- Samuels Soda Springs. R. .T. little. Ifiverside County Beulah Springs, O-scar C. Mc- Nicholl San Benito County San Benito Min. Spring Co., B. J. Anderson San Bernardino County Arrowhead Hot Spring.s Co San Diego County Buckman Springs El Granito Spring Bottling Co Rock Springs Co., E. S. Walck- San Luis OhiS2)o County Mary Hill Mineral Well Co., Fred Merckel « Santa Barbara County Pinkham Mineral Spring Co. R. F. Pinkham . Veronica Springs Co Santa, C'.ara County San .lose Water Co.. Chico Chico Mokelumne Hill Mokelumne Hill Chico Chico Martinez Los Banos Adams, via Middletown 71 Bluxome St., San Francisco. Middletown Middletown 995 Market St., San Francisco-. 22s4 Holly Drive, Los Angelas- 936 r'alni Ave., Sherman 226 S. Avenue 54, Los Angeles. 48:?,'') Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles San Rafael Calistoga 1142 Alission St., San Francisco- Napa Monticello Arlington Los Banos Adams Middletown Middletown Witter Springs Calistoga Box 632, Hollister. Washington St. and Compton Ave., Los Angeles 3984 Idaho St., San Diego. 472 10th St., San Diego__. Escondido Paso Robles 1S15 Bath St., Santa Barbara.. Salsipuedes St., Santa Barbara. 397 N. 2d St., San Jose. Arlington Arrowhead El Cajon Escondido Paso Robles Statistics of an^tual pRODtJCTtoN MINERAL WATER— Continued 2?S Address Spring S^iskiyoii, County Shasta Water Co Yreku T'.uttlins Works S(il ('iiitnti/ Blue I^^Dck .Mill. Wal.r Co Si)iio)na ('(tiiut)/ Agiui CalieiUe Spriogs Co.. T. H. Corcoran, Prop Barcal Springs, John Rolling Fetters Mineral Springs, Geo. Fetters 6th and Brannan Sts., San Francisco Yreka Vallejo Agua Caliente Preston Fetters Springs Dunsmuir Little Shasta Agua Caliente Preston Fetters Springs MARBLE (INCLUDING ONYX AND TRAVERTINE) Address Quarry Kern County Kernville Ony.x Quarry R. F. D. 3, Box 93, Merced Kernville Riverside County Onyx Mine, A. F. Burke & Son _ Whitewater Santa Barbara County Pacific Gem Co 3293 Lynwood Rd., Lynwood Banning Tuolumne County The Columbia Marl)!.- Co 413 Rial to Bldg, San Francisco- Ciilum))ia Solano County P. Grassi & Co 1945 San Bruno Ave., San Francisco _ Cement POTASH Address Plant San Bernardino County American Potash and Chemical Co Trona _ Trona Mt. Eden Alameda County A. A. Oliver, now Leslie Califor- nia Salt Co Mt. Eden 18 — 62279 274 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA PUMICE AND VOLCANIC ASH Address Quarry Fresno County Fort Miller Pumiclte, A. H. McKenzie Imperial County Brand & Stevens, Ltd., A. W. Brand Inyo County R. J. Fairbanks R. W. Glendinning Red Mountain Cinder Quarry, H. P. Thelan and G. B. Rogers- Kern County Cudahy Packing Co Mono County California Quarries Corp San Luis Obispo County Francis Cleaner Mine, M. L. Fran cis Guffect-McKenzle Bldg., F'resno. 820 N. Michigan Blvd., Chicago, 111. Shoshone S37 Jackson St., Los Angeles Coso Junction 803 Macy St., Los Angeles 1300 Quinby Bldg., Los Angeles R.F.D. 233, Paso Robles Freant Calipatria Shoshone Little Lake Ceneda Laws Paso Robles PYRITE Address Mine Alameda County Leona Chemical Co., D. A. Mc Donnell Mariposa County The Floraferro Co San Benito Coxinty Antelope Copper Mining Co., H. V. Underwood Shasta County Mountain Copper Co Syndicate Bldg., Oakland 625 New Call Bldg., San Fran- cisco Hollister 332 Pine St., San Francisco— Leona Heights Green Moun- tain Antelope Dis- trict Matheson STATISTICS OP ANNUAL PRODUCTION QUICKSILVER 275 Operator Address Mine Lake County Abbott Mine Sulphur Bank Mine_ Monterey County Patriquin Jline Napa County Aetna Mine Theo. Smith P. W. Bradley Henry J. Bartlett_ Henry J. Bartlett. 521 15th St., Sacramento Crocker Bldg., San Francisco Crocker Bldg., San Francisco Crocker Bldg., San Francisco Webber Springs Lower Lake Aetna Springs Ah Lee Aetna Springs Mills Bldg., San Fran- cisco Hollister 85 2d St., San Francisco. 601 S. Orange St., Santa Ana Hernandez 408 Merch. Exchange, San Francisco Hollister San Luis Obispo Mills Bldg., San Fran- cisco Aetna Springs Knoxville Mine :_ Manhattan Q. Mine Oat Hill Mine Orange County Red Hill H. W. Gould R. B. Knox, Secy.- Norman E'. Liver- more C. L. McWaters--. C. P. Smith Knoxville Knoxville Oat Hill San Benito County Florence Mac Group New Idria Quicksilver Mines, Inc. Red Hill Hernandez Stayton Quicksilver Mine San Luis Obispo County Klau Mine Oceanic Mine R. B. Knox Ellard W. Carson. H. W. Gould C. Baumeister Cavagnaro & Schor, Lessees-. Idria Hollister Adelaide Cambria Sonoma County Buckeye Mine Cloverdale Mine Cloverdale Cloverdale Cloverdale Cloverdale 276 IMtNEBAL INDUSTRY Of CALIFORNIA SALT Address Plant Ala7tieda County Arden Salt Co American Salt Co California et al. Plants, Leslie- California Salt Co Dumbarton Land and Imp. Co. I'ioneer Salt ('<» Kern County Consolidated Salt Co Long Beach Salt Co Los Angeles County Long Beach Salt Co Modoc Cojinty Surprise Valley Salt Works, Joshua H. Hutchinson Mono County Wallis D. McPherson Monterey County Monterey Bay Salt Co San Bernardino County California Rock Salt Co .San Mateo County Leslie Salt Plant, Leslie-Call fornia Salt Co San Diego County Western Salt Co Newark 781 Green St., San Francisco Alexander Dldg., San Francisco 624 California St., San Fran- cisco 200 Sacramento St., San Fran- cisco 2456 Enterprise St., Los Angeles P. O. Box 28, Long Beach P. O. Box 28. Long Beach Box 43, Lake City Mono Lake Mo.ss Landing 24fi5 Hunter St., Los Angeles Alexander Bldg., San Francisco. I'. O. Box 153, San Diego. Newark Mt. Eden Dumbarton Alvarado Saltdale Toby Long Beach Lake City Mono Lake Moss Landing Aniboy Leslie SANDSTONE Operator Address Quarry Monterey County Carmel Stone Quarries Ryon Rock Quarry Napa County Sa7ita Ba7'bara County Ely Stone Co Siskiyou County Oberlyn Hill Quarry. C. A. Ryon H. F. Galbeath. J. B. Russell. 2752 Filbert St., San Francisco Monterey 2134 Center St., Berkelej 1985 E. 16th St., Los Angeles Yreka- Carmel Monterey SHALE OIL Address Plant Santa Barbara County N-T-U Company 643 Call Bldg., San Francisco Santa Maria STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION SILICA (SAND and QUARTZ) 277 Address Amador County Carlisle Clay Co El Dorado Covnty Snow Silica Deposit, Spiokey Polish Corp Placer County Harry McCormick F. K. Payne Riverside County American Encaustic T. Co O. W. Blom Co San Jacinto Rock Producers Co, G. W. Green, Mgr P. .1. Weisel San Bernardino County Atlas Fire Brick Co lone 1401 3d St., San Francisco- Alta Dutch Flat 52d and S. Alameda Sts., Los Angreles Ethanac Box 49(1, San Jacinto. La Habra R.F.D. 2, Box 938, Los Angeles, Quarry lone Placerville Alia Dutch Flat Lakeview Romeland San Jacinto Hicks SILLIMAXITB-ANDALUSITE-CYANITE GROUP A ddress Imperial County Vitrefrax Co._ Mono C'onnty Champion Porcelain Co., Dr. J. A. Jeffery, Pres 5000 Pacific St., Vernon, Los Angeles Butler Ave. & Grand Trunk R.R.. Detroit, Mich. Mine Ogilby Moral no SLATE Address Quarry El Dorado County Commercial Mineral Co 114 Sansome St. San Francisco-- Placerville Mariposa County Pacific Slate Co Merced __. Hornitos Tuolumne County Witney Slate Quarry. Witnev _ ._ John L. Jamestown- Yosemite Junc- tion 278 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SOAPSTONE and TALC Address Mine Butte County McLean Talc Deposit, W. S. Mc- Lean Calaveras County Commercial Minerals Co El Dorado County Russi Soapstone Co., A. W. Prouty Inyo County Sierra Talc Co., Franklin Booth, Mgr Western Talc and Magnesite Co. San Bernardino County Martin Minerals Co Pacific Coast Talc Co Shasta County Ganim Mine, Joe Ganim 1919 San Bruno Ave., San Fran- cisco 114 Sansome St., San Francisco- Shingle Springs- 401 Equitable Bank Bldg., Los Angeles Box 461 Arcade Station, Los An- geles Slauson and Alameda Sts., Los Angeles 2149 Bay St., Los Angeles Redding- McLean Spur Keeler Death Valley Silver Lake SODA Address Plant Inyo County Clark Chemical Co., Inc. — Natural Soda Products Co. Inyo Chemical Co San Bernardino County West End Chemical Co Eartlett Bishop 1005 Pershing Square Bldg., Los Angeles West End Bartlett Keeler Cartage Searles Lake San Ben-nardino County Atolia Mining Co Capatolia Mining Co. TUNGSTEN Address Mine 1022 Crocker Bldg., San Fran- cisco Randsburg Atolia Atolia STONE, MISCELLANEOUS Under the heading of Miscellaneous Stone, there are three divisions : Grinding Mill Pebbles, Crushed Rock, and Sand and Gravel. GRINDING MILL PEBBLES Address Pit San Diepo County John T. Momand Box 281, Carlsbad Oceanside STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION CRUSHED ROCK 279 Address Quarry Alameda County Alameda County Central Construction Co., Leona & Heyland Quarry Lake Chabot Quarry, O. F. Chi- chester G. & M. Gravel Co Kaiser Construction Co Kemper Bros R. P. King W. S. McLean, Red Shale Quarry_ Mtn. View Cemetery Assn Oakland Paving Co., P. W. Bilger_ Ramos Quarry, Ramos Bros Red Rock Quarry, Manuel Kelly, Supt Russell Bros., Quarry, B. and L. Russell Alpine County Alpine County Amador Coxinty Amador County Stockton Mineral Prod. Co., E. W. True, Mgr Butte County Butte County Coast Rock and Gravel Co Chico Sand, Rock and Gravel Co._. McLean's Quarrj', W. S. McLean Calaveras County Calaveras County Angels Greenstone Co Contra Costa County E'lake Bros. Co., Anson S. Blake Central Constr. Co., C. D. Bates, Mgr Healy, Tibbitts Constr. Co., Chas. C. Horton, Pres Hutchinson Co. Richmond Quarry. Mt. Diablo Lime Marl Co., R. L. Frye Del Norte County Del Norte County Webber Construction Co., H. Webber El Dorado County El Dorado County Fresno County Coast Rock and Gravel Co., Piedra Rock Quarry Southern Calif. Edison Co Glenn County Glenn County Southern Pacific R. R. Co Oakland- O. Bank Savings Bldg., Oakland- San Leandro Oakland Livermore Road, Pleasanton Amer. Bank Eldg., Oakland Hayward Pleasanton Eliot Hayward San TjOrenrn San Lorenzo 1919 San Bruno Ave., San Fran- cisco Oakland 5000 Broadway. Oakland C and 7th Sts., Hayward Hayward - Hayward _ Jose Arroyo Mocho Piedmont Hayward Hayward Hayward Markleeville Jackson - 307 E. Market St., Stockton Oroville lone 1000 Hunter-Dulin Bldg., San Francisco Oroville Chico 1910 San Bruno Ave., San Fran- cisco McLean Spur San Andreas 201 Nevin Ave., Richmond 705 Balboa Bldg., San Francisco Angels O. E'ank Savings Bldg., Oakland- 64 Pine St., San Francisco 1706 Broadway, Oakland Ray Bldg., Oakland Crescent City- Siege Brooks Island Quarry Walnut Creek Crescent City- Placerville- 500 Call Bldg., San Francisco Edison Bldg., Los Angeles Piedra Willows S. P. Bldg., San Francisco 280 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA CRUSHED ROCK — Continued Address Plant Humboldt County Humboldt County W. C. Elsmore Kern Constr. Co., A. D. Kern — Iviperial County Imperial Irrigation District, Gen. Supt. River Division Potholes Granite Quarry, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation Kern County Bakersfield Rock and Gravel Co._ Lassen County Lassen County Los Angeles County Bengal & Sons Blue Diamond Co Breslin Greenstone Quarry v. E. Britton Builders Crushed Rock Co Catalina Island Quarry, Graham Eros Consumers Rock and Gravel Co._ Concrete Material Corp., H. W. Jones Cooperative Bldg. Material Co Eaton Canyon Rock and Sand Co. Gorden-Harrison-Russell, Inc Haynes Canyon Rock Co Rock and Gravel Plants, Los An- geles City Los Angeles Harbor Dept. Co., Bureau of Maintenance Livingston Rock and Gravel Co._. Nickel Gi-eenstone Quarry, J. F. Stanford Pierson & Son Preston Rock Quarry, G. W. Pres ton Rancho Rock Plant R. O. Stein Co A., T. & S. F. R. R. Co., I. L. Hib- bard. Gen. Mgr Union Rock Co Wrigley Co Mai-in County Marin County Daniels Con. Co Brae Quarry, Hutchinson Co Mariposa County Kelm Jasper Quarry, H. J. Kelni- Stockton Mineral Prod. Co Yosemite National Park Co., W. B. Lewis, Supt Mendocino County Northwestern Pacific R. R. Co Merced County Merced County Eureka 332 W. Washington St., Eureka. Trinidad Andrade Winterhaven, Yuma, Arizona- Trinidad Andrade 1406 19th St., Bakersfield- Susanville. North Santa Anita St., Pasadena. 1650 S. Alameda St., Los Angeles, Little Rock Muroco Azusa Long Beach 2000 S. Alameda St., Los Angeles 11251 Sherman Way, Los An- geles 7855 Santa Monica St., Los An- geles 423 Pac. Southwest Bank Bldg., Pasadena 155 E. Jefferson St., Los Angeles- Box 48, Tujunga Harold Azuza Catalina Island Los Angeles. City Hall, San Pedro Valley Blvd. and Garfield Ave. Alhambra Little Rock R. F.D. 1, Box 426, Monrovia. Pasadena Tujunga Santa Catalina San Gabriel Harold Box 165, La Manda Park 11970 W. San Fernando St., Bur- bank San Gabriel Pasadena Roscoe 609 Kerckhoff Bldg., Los Angeles. 1403 E. 16th St., Los Angeles Avalon Catalina Island San Rafael 503 Market St., San Francisco. 1706 Broadway, Oakland Bagby — Stockton. San Rafael San Quentin Bagby Jasper Station Yosemite. 64 Pine St., San Francisco . Merced. STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION CRUSHED ROCK — Continued 281 Address Plant Modoc County Nevada-Cal. -Oregon R.R U. S. Forest Service Monterey County Monterey County Napa County Napa County Basalt Rock Co Nevada County Nevada County Orange County Orange County Union Rock Co Placer County Placer County Alexson Granite Co Riverside County Blue Diamond Co. Temescal Quarry Bly Bros. & McGillard Co Ormand Quarry, Hauser Constr. Co Sacramento County Albee Gravel Co Coast Rock and Gravel Co., Fair Oaks Crusher Folsoni State Prison Pratt Rock and Gravel Co San Benito County Granite Rock Co San BernardAno County A., T. & S. F. R. R. Co., I. L. Hib- bard, Gen. Mgr Hanawalt Bros Kennedy Clay Co Los Angeles & Salt Lake R. R San Bernardino Rock and Gravel Co Vezu Bros San Diego County Geo. Daley H. G. Fenton MateriM Co J. W. Grove & Son Simpson-Pirnie Granite Co San Francisco County Mission Quarry Co San Luis Obispo County Southern Pacific R. R. Co San Mateo County San Mateo County H. E. Casey Daly's Quarry, Market St. R. R. Co Holy Cross Cemetery Ratterree Bros. Co Alturas Ferry Bldg., San Francisco- Salinas- Napa 8th St., Napa. Nevada City- Santa Ana 1403 B. 16th St., Los Angeles- Fullerton Auburn. Rocklin. Los Angeles 311 Grosse Bldg,, Los Angeles- Security Bldg., Long Beach__. Perkins. 1000 Hunter-Dulin Bldg., San Francisco Represa 518 Hearst Bldg., San Francisco. Drawer M, Watsonville. 609 Kerckhoff Bldg., Los Angeles La Verne Daggett Pacific Elec. Bldg., Los Angeles West 5th St., San E'ernardino. Wineville Corona Pedley Bly Junction Perkins Fair Oaks Pratt Rock Logan 4430 Boundary St., San Diego_- 13th St. and Imperial Ave., San Diego 3216 I St., San Diego 21st and N Sts., San Diego 210 Balboa Bldg., San Francisco. S. P. Bldg., San Francisco... Redwood City 3d and B Sts., San Mateo. 58 Sutter St., San Francisco Colma 1208 Market St., San Francisco-. Declez Daly City South San Francisco 282 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA CRUSHED ROCK — Continued Address Plant Santa Barbara County Santa Barbara County Gates Gravel Plant, Frank H. Gates Midcoast Rock Co., Giovanola & West Veronica Stone Co Sarita Clara County Santa Clara County G. H. Anderson Huntchinson Co., Stanford Quarry J. W. Lovejoy City of San Jose, Sandpits Taaffe Construction Co Santa Cruz County Pacific Limestone Prod. Co Shasta County Shasta County Diestelhorst Gravel Plant, Chas. Diestelhorst Pacific Gas & Electric Co., Eng. Dept Southern Pacific R. R. Co U. S. Forest Service SXerra County Sierra County Nevada Construction Co U. S. Forest Service Siskiyou County Kaiser Paving Co Oberlyn Hill Quarry, J. B. Ru.sselL Southern Pacific R. R. Co U. S. Forest Service Solano County Solano County Cordelia Rock Quarry, E. B. and A. L. Stone Co Sonoma County Sonoma County Hein Bros. Basalt Rock Co., Mark Hein, Pres Mecham Quarry, James Addelman Stony Point Quarry, W. A. Wilson. Stanislaus County Atlas Rock Co A., T. & S. F. R. R. Co., I. L. Hib- bard, Gen. Mgr Southern Pacific R. R. Co Tehama County Tehama County Trinity County U. S. Forest Service = Tulare County Tulare County California Granite Co., C. R. Meil, Pres Santa Barbara. Santa Maria 19 E. Corrillo St., Santa Barbara- Veronica Springs, via Santa Barbara San Jose Mt. View, Santa Clara County. 1706 Broadway, Oakland- Rt. 1, Box 88, Mt. View- San Jose Los Altos Santa Cruz. Redding Redding Market St., San Francisco S. P. Bldg., San Francisco- Ferry Bldg., San Francisco. Downieville Redding Ferry Bldg., San Francisco. Sisquoc Pt. Honda Veronica Sp. Palo Alto Redding American Bank Bldg., Oakland- Yreka S. P. Bldg., San Francisco Ferry Bldg., San Francisco Fairfield. Claus Spreckles Bldg., San Fran- cisco Santa Rosa. Petaluma Petaluma, Star Rt. 1. Petaluma 903 Commercial Bank Bldg., Stockton 609 Kerckhoff Bldg., Los Angeles. S. P. Bldg., San Francisco Red Bluff. Ferry Bldg., San Francisco. Visalia Porterville Petaluma Stony Point Orange E'los- som Porterville STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION CRUSHED ROCK— Continued 283 Address Plant Ttiolunine County Tuolumne County Tuolumne Nat. Marble Co., G. Bordoli McLean Quarry, W. S. McLean Stockton Mineral Products, E. W. True, Mgr Sonora- Sonora 1919 San Bruno Ave., San Fran- cisco 307 E. Market St., Stockton Sonora 284 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SAND AND GRAVEL Including Molding Sand Address Plant Alameda County California Rock Co Canyon Gravel Co Coast Rock and Gravel Co G & M Gravel Co Kaiser Construction Co R. P. King Langdon Molding Sand, Langdon Bros Rhodes, Jamison & Co., C. G. Jamison, Gen. Mgr E. Stevenson Otto Zorns Butte County Butte County __ Coast Rock and Gravel Co De Witt Bros Chico Sand, Rock and Gravel Co._. Contra Costa County Antioch Sand Co Jacob Bonslett, Oak Point Sand Co Coburn Sand Plant, C. "W. Co- burn, Jr Columbia Steel Co. (molding) E. B. & A. L. Stone Co Western Rock Products, Morris Sand Pit Del Norte County Del Norte County El Dorado County El Dorado County Fresno County Grant Rock and Gravel Co Service Rock Co Glenn County Glenn County Stony Creek Gravel Co., H. S. Twede Humboldt County Humboldt County Areata Street Supt Mr. Ferguson Fortuna Street Supt Mercer Fraser Co Stout Gravel Pit, W. B. Stout.. _ Imperial County Imperial County, County Clerk__ Dixieland Gravel Co., B. B. White- law and E. S. Cook S. E. Layman Orange County Rock Co Kern County Bakersfield Rock and Gravel Co._- Mills Bldg., San Francisco Niles 1000 Hunter-Dulin Bldg., San Francisco Livermore Road, Pleasanton American Bank Bldg., Oakland__ San Lorenzo R. F. D., Box 89, Niles Park and Blanding Sts., Oakland. Centerville Newark Oroville 1000 Hunter-Dulin Bldg., San Francisco Sutter City Chico 312 Loew Bldg., San Francisco.. Antioch 900 O'Farrell St., San Francisco.. Pittsburg 804 Claus Spreckels Bldg., San Francisco Balboa Bldg., San Francisco Crescent City. Placerville- Box 958, Fresno T. W. Patterson Bldg., Fresno. Willows- Willows- Eureka Areata Areata, R.F.D Fortuna 2d and Commercial Sts., Eureka. Dolbeer and Wood Sts., Eureka. El Centro. El Centro. Holtville- Niland 1406 19th St., Bakersfield. Pleasanton Niles Niles and Eliot Pleasanton Eliot San Lorenzo Dec'oto Eliot Centerville Newark Oroville Antioch Antioch Antioch Pittsburg Antioch Antioch Friant El Prado Wyo Essex and Fernbridge Dixieland Holtville Niland STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 285 SAND AND GRAVEL — Continued Including Molding Sand Address Plant Lake County Frank H. Merritt, Clerk Bd. of Supervisors Lassm Cuunty Lassen County Nevada-California-Oreg-oM R. R._. Los Anodes County Bengal & Sons IMue Diamond Co Builders Crushed Rock Co Concrete Materials Corp., H. W. Jones Consumers Rock and Gravel Co — Cooperative Building Material Co. Eaton Canyon Rock and Sand Co.- Graham Bros Gordon-Harrison-Russell, Inc C. B. Hallingworth Lankershim Sand and Gravel Co._ Livingston Rock and Gravel Co Los Angeles Rock and Gravel Co._ Material Dealers Distr. Co Pierson & Son , Preston Rock Quarry, G. W. Pres- ton Rancho Rock Plant Reliance Rock Co Edwin Sidebotham & Son R. O. Stein Co Stine & Ellis Rock Prod. Co W. L. Stine, Pres ' Sunset Rock Products Co Union Rock Co Geo. Wiegand Madera County Coast Rock and Gravel Co Mariposa County Yosemite National Park, Col. V/. B. Lewis, Supt Merced County Merced County Bents Pit Quarry, Bent Bros., Inc. Hammatt Gravel Plant, "V. M. Hammatt Mono County California Quarries Corp Monterey County Bay Development Co., Lapis Sand Plant Del Monte Properties, A. J. Gunnell Lakeport. Susanville AUuras North Santa Anita St., Pasadena. 1650 S. Alameda St., Los Angeles. Azusa 11251 Sherman "Way, Los An- geles 2600 S. Alameda St., Los Angeles. 7855 Santa Monica St., Los An- geles 423 Pac. Southwest Bank Bldg., Pasadena Long Eeach 155 E. Jefferson St., Los Angeles- Box 1003, San Pedro P. O. Box 1, Lankershim Valley Blvd. and Garfield Ave., Alhambra Box 34 39, Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles 1000 N. La Brea St., Los Angeles. R'F.D. 1, Box 426, Monrovia Box 165, La Manda Park 11970 W. San Fernando St., Bur- bank 1000 Hunter-Dulin Bldg., San Francisco Pennsylvania St., Lomita San Gabriel Burbank 6372 Hollywood Blvd., Los An- geles 1403 E. 16th St., Los Angeles___ 1601 S. Wilson Ave., Alhambra. 1000 Hunter-Dulin Bldg., San Francisco Yosemite- Merced 418 S. Pecan St., Los Angeles__. Livingston. Azusa Pasadena Lankershim San (Jabriel Canyon Roscoe Azusa-Kincaid Lomita Lankershim Solo Bents Pit 1300 Quinby Bldg., Los Angeles_. 153 Berry St., San Francisco 401 Crocker Bldg., San Francisco Laws Lapis Pacific Grove 286 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA SAND AND GRAATEL — Continued Including Molding Sand Address Plant Monterey County — Continued Wm. Machado Monterey Sand Co Pratt Bldg. Materials Co., Chas. P. Pratt, Gen. Mgr Carmel Monterey Hearst Bldg., San Francisco Carmel Monterey Napa County John Cassaretto Napa County 345 Perry St., San Francisco Napa Thornsen Gravel Pit, Harry Thornsen St Helena St Helena Joseph Eotali St. Helena Weinberger Gravel Pit, Mrs. H. E. Weinberger St. Helena R.F.D. 2. Oranee St Helena Orange County W. Bradv_ A. J. Jorgensen (larden Grove Lindauer & Sons 200 W. Central Ave., La Habra__. 120 W. Commonwealth St., Ful- lerton 813 E. Center St., Anaheim 1403 E. 16th St., Los Angeles Applegate TjA TTpIii'p Orange County Brick and Tile Co._ Sparkes & McCIellan Anaheim Olive Union Rock Co Placer County J. A. Pobles Fullerton Riiverside County Nevada-Pacific Minerals Co Sacramento County Albee Gravel Co. 535 Rives-Strong Bldg., Los An- geles Perkins Jurupa Station Perkins Bay Development Co., E. H. Rix, Secretary Cannon & Co. (molding) Capital Sand and Gravel Co Construction Materials Co Coast Rock and Gravel Co., Pair Oaks Crusher 153 Berry St., San Francisco Box 281, Sacramento R.F.D. 3, Box 100, 12th St. Road, Sacramento 24th St., Sacramento 1000 Hunter-Dulin Bldg., San Francisco Ben Ali Amer. River Amer. River Fair Oaks Cutter Rock and Sand Co. _ 1401 39th St., Sacramento Pratt Building Material Co., Clar- ence F. Pratt, Gen. Mgr Rhodes, Jamieson & Co., G. G. Jamieson, Gen. Mgr. Hearst Bldg., San Francisco Park and E'landing Sts., Oakland. Hollister San Benito County San Benito County _ Granite Rock Co San Bernardino County Hanawalt Bros. Drawer M, Watsonville La Verne Logan San Bernardino Rock and Gravel Co. West 5th St San 'Rpmarrtinn Triangle Rock and Gravel Co. San Bernardino Wm. Truscott San Bernardino San Diego County Bulner & Murphy Rock Plant San Diego Geo. Daley H. G. Fenton Material Co 4430 Boundary St., San Diego 13th and Imperial Ave., San Diego J. W. Grove & Son F. L. Hieatt 3216 I St., San Diego P. O. Box 865, San Diego R. M. Hubbard Jones & Klinger, E. J. Klinger_ 406 W. Nutmeg St., San Diego Mission Valley, San Diego Nelson & Sloan Chula Vista STATISTICS OF ANNUAL PRODUCTION 287 SAND AND GRAVEL,— Continued Including Molding Sand Address Plant San Francisco County Industrial Mineral Products, W. B. Vestal, Pres San Joaquin County Santa Fe Sand and Gravel Co., W. A. Arington Western Pacific R. R. Co., E. W. Mason, Gen. Supt San Luis Ohispo County Guiton Molding Sand. Harold E. Guiton Granite Rock Co., Templeton Sand Plant San Mateo County San Mateo Countj' H. B. Casey Co Daly's Quarry, Market St. R. R. Co Santa Barbara County Gates Gravel Plant, Frank H. Gates Lompoc, P. C. Schuck, Street Supt Santa Clara County Bay Development Co., Coyote Gravel Plant Beasworrick Gravel Pit, Eeas- worrick Bros Bright Gravel Co., Wm. H. Bright --- Carroll Gravel Pit, R. D. Carroll_. Chas. W. Hamilton A. G. Jahn Jas. A. Lemieux Los Gatos Sand Montoya Gravel Pit, M. Montoya_ Prentiss Paving Co Raisch Imp. Co City of San Jose Sand Pits Santa Clara Gravel Co Santa Cruz County Santa Cruz County Felton Sand and Gravel Co., J. O. Gaumer, Gen. Mgr Geyer Gravel Plant, J. C. Geyer__ Shasta County Shasta County Diestelhorst Gravel Plant, Chas. Diestelhorst Crews Gravel Pit, Phillip Cre\vs_. Siskiyou County Hydraulic Stone and Brick Co., A. F. Graham Sonoma County Sonoma County Helberg Gravel Plant Hotchkiss Gravel Plant 970 7th St., San Francisco. P. O. Box 271, Escalon Mills Bldg., San Francisco. Oceano Drawer M, Watsonville Redwood City 3d and B Sts., San Mateo. 58 Sutter St., San Francisco. Santa Maria. Lompoc 153 E'erry St., San Francisco. 75 W. Howe St., San Jose Escalon Oceano Templeton Sisquoc 57 W. Santa Clara St., San Jose. 950 S. 6th St., San Jose South 14th St., San Jose Rt. C, Box 362, San Jose Box 110 Senter Rd., San Jose Los Gatos 351 Keyes St., San Jose 4th and Keys St., San Jose 32 E. San Antonio St., San Jose- San Jose Campbell Santa Cruz. 300 Burrel Bldg., San Jose- Santa Cruz Redding- Redding 17 N. Pine St., Redding. Klamath Falls, Oregon. Santa Rosa Shellville Sotoyome District, via Healds- burg San Jose Senter Road San Jose San Jose San Jose San Jose Los Gatos Coyote Creek San Jose Coyote Creek Campbell Felton Redding Sacramento River Hoey Shellville ^88 MINERAL liSTDUSTHY OF CALIFORlSflA SAND AND GRAVEL — Continued Including Molding Sand Address Plant Sonoma County — Continued Independent Gravel Co Mirabel Gravel Co Russian River Gravel Co., J. D Grant, Mgr Stanislaus County Atlas Rock Co._. Crows Landing, Frank B. Marks_- Modesto Sand Pit Oakdale Irrigation District, M. E. Robinson Rinehart Eros., Rinehart Sand Pit Scanlon Gravel Plant, J. P. Scan- Ion Stewart Gravel Pit, John Stewart- Tuolumne River Gravel Pit, Service Bros Tehama County Tehama County. Tnnity County Trinity County.. Tuolumne County Tuolumne Countv Ventura County County Surveyor Saticoy Rock Products Co "Ventura Velvet Molding Sand, Chas. A. Cole Yolo County County Engineer, Yolo County. Yolo Gravel Co Yuba County Hemstreet & Bell Marysville Sand Co., Inc., G. J. Hoffman Pratt Building Material Co., Clar- ence F. Pratt, Gen. Mgr Yuba River Sand Plant, Coast Rock and Gravel Co Forestville. Forestville. Heald.sburg . The division of mines and mining shall be administered through a chief of division who shall also be known as the state mineralogist. lie shall be appinted by the director of natural resources and shall receive a salary of six thousand dollars per annum. 373c. The division of forestry shall be administered through a chief of division who shall be known as the state forester, who shall be a technically trained forester, appointed by the director of natural resources upon nomination by the state board of forestry hereinafter provided. General policies for the guidance of the division of forestry shall be determined by a state board of forestry which shall consist of seven membei"s appointed by and holding office at the pleasure of the governor. Of the seven members one shall be familiar with the pine timber industry, one with the redwood industry, one with the live stock industry, one with general agriculture and one with the problems of water conservation. 373d. The division of parks shall be administered through a chief of division who shall be appointed by the director of natural resources upon nomination by the state park commission hereinafter provided. General policies for the administra- tion of the state park system shall be determined by the state park commission which is hereby created to consist of five members appointed by the governor and holding office at his pleasure. 373t'. The division of fish and game shall be administered through a fish and game commission consisting of three members appointed by and holding office at the pleasure of the governor. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAI> RESOURCES ACT 293 373/. The chiefs of the divisions of forestry and parks respectively shall receive such salaries as may be determined by the director with the approval of the governor. The director of natural resources and tlie chief of each division before entering upon his duties shall execute to the State of California an official bond in the penal sum of twenty -five thousand dollars conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. The members of the board of forestry, the state parks commission and fish and game commission shall serve without compensation, but shall be entitled to their actual expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. .■»73.f/. The department of natural resources shall succeed to and is hereby invested with all the duties, powers, purposes, responsibilities and jurisdiction of the state mining bureau, state mineralogist, department of petroleum and gas, state oil and gas supervisor, state forester, state board of forestry, California redwood park commission, San Pasqual battlefield commission. Mount Diablo park commission, state fish and game cortimission, state fish and game commissioners, and, except as herein otherwise provided, of the several officers, deputies and employees of such bodies and offices, and whenever by the provisions of any statute or law now in force or that may hereafter be enacted a duty or jurisdiction is imposed or author- ity conferred upon any of said officers, offices, bodies, deputies or employees by .•iny statute the enforcement of which is transferred to the department, such duty, jurisdiction and authority are hereby imposed upon and transferred to the depart- ment of natural resources and the appropriate officers thereof with the same force and effect as though the title of said department of natural resources had been specifically set foi'th and named therein in lieu of the name of any such body, office, officer, deputy or employee. Said bodies and offices, the duties, powers, pur- poses, responsibilities and jurisdiction of which are so transferred and vested in the department of natural resources, and the positions of all officers, deputies and employees thereunder, are and each of them is hereby abolished and shall have no further legal existence, but the statutes and laws under which they existed and all laws prescribing their duties, powers, purposes, responsibilities and juiosdiction, together with all lawful rules and regulations established thereunder are hereby expressly continued in force. The department of natural resources shall be in possession and control of all records, books, papers, offices, equipment, supplies, moneys, funds, appropriations, land and other property real or personal now or hereafter held for the benefit or use of said bodies, offices and officers. The boards of district oil and gas commissioners, the offices of district oil and gas commissioners and the board of review, correction and equalization created by the act aproved June 10, 1915. establishing the department of petroleum and gas, are hereby respectively continued in force with the powers, duties, responsibilities and jurisdiction in them vested by the provisions of said act approved June 10, 1915. as amended ; provided, that said board of review shall consist of the director of natural resources, the director of finance and the chairman of the state board of equalization. 373/(. The management and control of the property acquired by the State of California under or pursuant to the provisions of the act entitled "An act to accept the gift to the state of San Pasqual battlefield in San Diego county, to provide for collecting and systematizing the history of said battle, for determining the exact location thei-eof. and to reiwrt a suitable method of marking said battlefield and commemorating the heroism of those Americans who fought and died there," approved May 11, 1919, is hereby transferred to and vested in the department of natural resources. 37oi. From and after the date upon which this act takes effect, the department of natural resources shall be and is hereby authorized and empowered to expend the moneys in any appropriation or in any special fund in the state treasury now remaining or made available by law for the administration of the provisions of all the statutes the administration of which is committed to the department, or for the u.se, support, or mainteuiince of any board. b\u-eau, commission, department, office or officer whose duties, powers, and functions are, by the provisions of this article, transferred to and conferred upon the department of natural resources. Such expenditures by the department shall be made in accordance with law in carrying out the purposes for which such appropriations were made or such special funds created. 294 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF MINES AND MINING During the past forty-eight years, in carrying out the provisions of the organic act creating the former California State Mining Bureau, there have been published many reports, bulletins and maps which go to make up a library of detailed information on the mineral industry of the state, a large part of which could not be duplicated from any other source. One feature that has added to the popularity of the publications is that many of them have been distributed without cost to the public, and even the more elaborate ones have been sold at a price which barely covers the cost of printing. Owing to the fact that funds for the advancing of the work of this department have often been limited, many of the reports and bulletins mentioned were printed in limited editions which are now entirely exhausted. Copies of such publications are available, however, in the office of the Division of Mines and Mining, in the Ferry Building, San Fran- cisco; New Orpheum Building, Los Angeles; State Office Building, Sacramento; Redding; Santa Maria; Santa Paula; Coalinga; Taft; Bakersfield. They may also be found in many public, private and technical libraries in California and other states, and foreign countries. A catalog of all publications from 1880 to 1917, giving a synopsis of their contents, is issued as Bulletin No. 77. Publications in stock may be obtained by addressing any of the above offices and enclosing the requisite amount in the case of publications that have a list price. Only coin, stamps or money orders should be sent, and it will be appreciated if remittance is made in this manner rather than by personal check. The prices noted include delivery charges to all parts of the United States. Money orders should be made payable to the Division of Mines and Mining. Note. — The Division of Mines and Mining frequently receives requests for some of the early Reports and Bulletins now out of print, and it will be appreciated if parties having such publications and wishing to dispose of them will advise this office. REPORTS Asterisks (•♦) Indicate the publication is out of print. Price ••First Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1880, 43 pp. Henry G. Hanks : ••Second Annual Report of the State Mineralogist. 1882, 514 pp., 4 illustra- tions, 1 map. Henry G. Hanks ••Third Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1883, 111 pp.. 21 illustra- tions. Henry G. Hanks ••Fourth Annua! Report of the State Mineralogist, 18S4, 410 pp., 7 illustra- tions. Henry G. Hanks ••Fifth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1885, 234 pp., 15 illustra- tions. 1 geological map. Henry G. Hanks ••Sixth Annual Report of the State Mineralogi-st, Tart I, 188(5, 145 pp., 3 illustrations, 1 map. Henry G. Hanks ♦•Part 11, 1SS7, 222 pp., 36 illustrations. Willian^ Irelan, Jr ♦•Seventh Annual Report of the State -Mineralogist, 1887, 315 pp. William Irelan, Jr. ^ , ^, , , PUBIiK ATIONS 295 REPORTS— Continued Asterisks (**) Indicate the publication is out of print. Price ♦*Eighth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, ISSS, 948 pp.. 122 illustra- tions. William Irelnn. .Tr •♦Ninth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1889, 352 pp., 57 illustra- tions, 2 maps. William Irelan, Jr ♦♦Tent!) Annual I{ei)ort of the State Mineralogist, IS'JO, 'JSiJ pp., 179 illustra- tions. 10 maps. William Irelan, Jr I'-leventli Report (I'Urst Riennial) of the State .Mineralogist, for the two years ending September lo, 1S92, 012 pp.. 73 illustrations, 4 maps. William Irelan, Jr $1.00 **'i'\velfth Report (Second Biennial) of the State Mineralogist, for tiie two years ending September 15, 1894, 541 pp., 101 illustrations, 5 maps. J. J. Crawford **Tliirteenth Report (Third Biennial) of the State Mineralogist, for the two years ending September 15, 1890, 726 pp., 93 illustrations, 1 map. J. J. Crawford Chapters of the State Mineralogist's Report, Biennial Period, 1913-1914, Fletcher Hamilton : **Miiies and Mineral Resources. Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties, 172 pp.. paper Mines and Mineral Resources. Colusa. Glenn, Lake, INIarin, Napa, Solano, Sonoma and Yolo Counties, 208 pp., paper .50 .Mines and Mineral Resources, Del Norte, Humboldt, and !\Iendocino Counties, 59 pp.. paper .25 ♦♦Mines and Mineral Resources, Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, San .Toaquin and Stanislaus Counties, 220 pages, paper Mines and Mineral Resources of Imperial and San Diego Counties, 113 pp., i)aper , .35 ♦♦.Mines juul .Mineral Resources, Shasta, Siskiyou and Trinity Counties, ISO pp.. i^apor ♦♦Fourteenth Report of the State Mineralogist, for the Biennial Period 1913- 1914. Fletcher riamilton. 1915: A General Report on the Mines and Mineral Resources of Amador, Cala- veras, Tuolumne. Colusa. Clenn. Lake, Marin, Napa, Solano, Sonoma, Yolo, Del Norte, Humboldt. ^Icndocino. Fresno, Kern. Kings, ^ladera, .Mariiwsa. ^Sferced. San .Toaquin. Stanislaus, San r>iego. Imi)erial, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Trinity Counties, 974 pp., 275 illustrations, cloth Chapters of the State Mineralogist's Report, Biennial Period, 191.5-1910. Fletciier Hamilton : ♦♦Mines and INIineral Resources, Alpine, Inyo and Mono Counties, 170 pp., paper ♦♦Mines and Mineral Resources, Butte, Lassen, Modoc, Sutter, and Tehama Counties, 91 pp., paper Mine.s and ^lineral Resources. El Dorado. Placer, Sacrnn^nto, and Yuba Counties. 198 pp.. jjaper .05 Mines and Mineral Resources, Monterey, San Benito. San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties, 183 pp., paper .05 ^Iines and Mineral Resources, Los Angeles, Oranpe. and Riverside Counties. 130 pp.. paper .50 ♦♦Mines and Mineral Resources, San Bernardino and Tulare Counties, ISO pp., paper ♦♦Fifteenth Report of the State Mineralogist, for the Biennial Period 1915- 1910, Fletcher Hamilton. 1917: A General Report on the Mines and ^Mineral Resources of Alpine, Inyo. Mono, Butte, Lassen. Modoc, Sutter. Tehama. Placer. Sacramento, Yuba, Los Angeles. Orange. Riverside. San Benito. San Luis Obispo. Santa Barbara. A'enrura, San Bernardino and Tulare Counties, 990 pp., 413 illustrations, cloth 1 Chapters of the State Mincralogisfs Re])ort, Bii'unial Period 1917-1918, Fletcher Hamilton : Mines and Mineral Resources of Nevada County. 270 pp.. paper .75 Mines and Mineral Resources of Plumas County. 1S8 pp.. paper .r>0 Mines and Mineral Resources of Sierra Countv. 144 pp., paper ..50 296 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA REPORTS— Continued Asterisks (**) indicate the publication is out of print. Price Seventeenth Report of the State Mineralogist, 1920, ^Mining in California during 1920. Fletcher Hamilton: r>(!2 pp.. 71 illiislntions. cloth 1.75 Eighteenth Report of the State Mineralogist, 1022. Mining in California, Fletcher Hamilton. Chapters pnljlisiied monthly beginning with .Jan- uary, 1922: **Janiiarj-, **Fel)riiary, ^larch. .\in-il, ^la.v. .Iiine. .luly. August, September, (October, November, December, 1022 Free Chapters of Nineteenth Report of the State Mineralogist. 'Mining in California, * Fletcher Hamilton and Lloyd L. Root. January, February, March. September, 1923 Free Chapters of Twentieth Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in California,' Lloyd L. Root. Published quarterly. January, April, **July, October, 1024, per copy ^0.25 Chapters of Twenty-first Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in California,' Ijloyd L. Root. Published (luartorly. January, 1925, Mines and Mineral Resources of Sacramento, Monterey and Orange counties .2r> April, 1925, Mines and Mineral Resources of Calaveras, Merced, San .Toaqnin, Stanislaus and Ventura counties .25 July, 1025, Mines and Mineral Resources of Del Norte, Humboldt and San Diego counties .25 October, 1925, Mines and Mineral Resources of Siskiyou, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties .25 Subscription, $1.00 in advance (by calendar year, only). Chapters of Twenty-second Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining iu California.' Lloyd L. Root. Published quarterly. January, 1020, INIiues and Mineral Resources of Trinity and Santa Cruz conn lies .25 April, 1926, Mines and Mineral Resources of Shasta, San Benito and Impe- rial counties .25 July, 1920, Mines and Mineral Resources of Marin and Sonoma Counties-- .25 October, 1020, Mines and Mineral Resources of El Dorado and Inyo counties, also report on Minaret District. IMadera County .'25 Chapters of Twenty-third Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in Cali- fornia,' Lloyd L. Root. Published quarterly. January, 1927, Mines and Mineral Resources of Contra Costa County ; Santa Catalina Island .25 April, 1927, Mines and Mineral Resources of Amador and Solano counties .25 Jul.v, 1927. Mines and Mineral Resources of Placer and Los Angeles counties .25 October, 1927, Mines and Mineral Resources of Mono County .25 Chapters of Twenty-fourth Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in Cali- fornia,' Lloyd L. Root. Published quarterly. January, 1928. Klines and Mineral Resources of Tuolumne County .25 April, 1928, Mines and Mineral Resources of Mariposa County .25 July, 1928, Mines and Mineral Resources of Butte and Tehama Counties.- .25 October, 1928, Mines and Mineral Resources of Plumas and Madera Counties .25 Chapters of State Oil and Gas Supervisor's Report : Summary of Operations — California Oil Fields, July, 1018, to March, 1919 (one volume) Free Summary of Operations — California Oil Fields. Published monthly, begin- ning April, 1919 : **April, **May, June, "'♦July, **August, **September, **October, November, ♦♦December, 1010 Free January, February, March, April, ♦♦May, June, July, ♦♦August, September, October, Noveuibei-, December, 1020 Free January, ♦♦February, ♦♦March, ♦♦April, May, June, ♦♦July, August, ♦♦September, ♦♦October, ♦♦November, ♦♦December, 1921 Free January, February, March, April, May. June, July, August, September, October, November, December, 1022 Free January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, 1023 Free PUBLICATIONS 297 REPORTS— Continued Asterisks (*•) indicate tlie publication is out of print. Price Januarj', Febrtiary, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. December, 1!)24 Free January, February, IMarcb. April, ]May, June, July, August, September, October. November, December, 1925 Free January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, 1926 Free January, February, March, April. May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, 1927 Free January, February, March, April, 1928 Free BULLETINS **Bulietiu No. 1. A Descrii>tiuii of Some Desiccated II u man Heiuaius, i)y Wiuslow Anderson. ISSS, 41 pp., illustrations ♦♦Bulletin No. 2. Methods of Mine Timbering, by W. II. Storms. 1894, 58 pp., 75 illustrations ♦♦Bulletin No. 3. Gas and Petroleum Yielding Formations' of Central Valley of California, by W. L. Watts. 1894, 100 pp., 13 illustralious, 4 maps_ ♦♦Bulletin No. 4. Catalogue of Californian Fossils, by J. (J. Cooper, 1894, 73 pp., (!7 illustrations. (I'art 1 was published in the Seventh Annual Uenort of the State Mineralogist. 1SS7.) ♦♦Bulletin No. 5. The Cyanide Process, 1894. by Dr. A. Scheidel. 140 pp., 4() illustrations : Bulletin No. G. California Cold .Mill Practices, 1895. by K. B. Preston. 85 pp., 46 illustrations $0.50 ♦*Bulletin No. 7. Mineral Production of California, by Counties for ilie year 1894, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 8. .Mineral Production of California, by Counties for the year 1895, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 9. Mine Drainage, Pumps, etc., by Hans C. Behr. 189(5, 210 pp., 200 illustrations I ♦♦Bulletin No. 10. A bibliography Relating to the Geology, Paheontology and Mineral Resources of California, by Anthony W. Vogdes. 1896, 121 pp. ♦♦Bulletin No. 11. Oil and Gas Y'ielding Formations of Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, by W. L. Watts. 1897, 94 pp., 6 maps, 31 illustrations •♦Bulletin No. 12. Mineral Production of California, by Counties for 1890, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 13. Mineral Production of California, by Counties for 1897, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 14. Mineral Production of California, by Counties for 1898, by Charles G. Yale ♦♦Bulletin No. 15. Map of Oil Citv Fields, Fresno County, by John IT Means. 1899 ♦♦Bulletin No. 16. The Genesis of Petroleum and Asphaltum in California, by A. S. Cooper. 1899, 39 pp.. 29 illustrations ♦♦Bulletin No. 17. IMineral Production of California, by Counties for 1899, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet __.._ ♦♦Bulletin No. 18. Mother Lode Region of California, by W. H. Storms. 1900. 154 pp.. 49 illustrations ♦♦Bulletin No. 19. Oil and Gas Yielding Formations of California, by W. L. Watts. 1900, 236 pp., 60 illustrations, 8 maps ♦♦Bulletin No. 20. Synopsis of General Report of State Mining Bureau, by W. L. Watts. 1901, 21 pp. This bulletin contains a brief statement of the progress of the mineral industry in California for the four years ending December. 1899 •♦Bulletin No. 21. Mineral Production of California bv Counties, by Charles G. Yale. 1900. Tabulated sheet *_ _" ♦♦Bulletin No. 22. Mineral Production of California for Fourteen Years, by Charles G. Yale. 1900. Tabulated sheet *_ Bulletin No. 23. The Copper Resources of California, by P. C. DuBoi-s, F. M. Anderson. J. H. Tibbits and G. A. Tweedy. 1902, 282 pp., 69 illustrations, and 9 maps .50 i 298 .MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA BULLETINS— Continued Asterisks (**) indicate the publication is out of print. Price ♦*Bulletiu No. 24. The Saline Deposits of California, by G. E. Bailey. 1902, 210 PI)., 99 illustrations, 5 maps ♦♦Bulletin No. 25. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for 1901, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 2(5. Miuei-al Production of California for the past Fifteen Years, by Charles G. Yale. 1902. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 27. The Quicksilver Resources of California, by William Forstuer. 1903. 273 pp., 144 illusti-atious, S maps ♦♦Bulletin No. 28. Mineral Production of California, for 1902, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 29. Mineral Production of California for Sixteen Years, by Charles G. Yale. 1903. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 30. Bibliography Relating to the Geology, Palreontology, and Mineral Resources of California, by A. \V. Vogdes. 1903, 290 pp •♦P.ulloliii No. 31. Chemical Analyses of California Petroleum, by H. X. Cooper. 1904. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bullet in No. 32. Production and l^se of Petroleum in California, by Paul \V. Prufzmnn. 1904, 230 pp., 110 illustrations, 14 maps •♦Bulletin No. 33. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for 1903, bv Charles G. Ynle. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. '.'A. Mineral I'roduction of California for Seventeen Years, l.y Charles G. Yale. 1904. Tabulated sheet ♦♦I'.iilletiu No. 3.">. Mines and Minerals of California, by Charles G. Yale. 1904, 5.") pp., 20 county maps. Relief map of California ♦^Bullelin No. 30. (Jold Dredirins; in California, by J. E. Doolittle. 190."), 120 i)p.. 00 illustrations. 3 maps ♦♦Bulletin No. 37. Gems, Jewelers' Materials, and Ornamental Stones of California, by George F. Kunz. 1905. 108 pp., 54 illustrations ♦♦Bulletin No. 3'^. Structural and Industrial Materials of California, by \Vm. Forstnor. T. C. Hopkins. C. Naramore and L, H. Eddy. 190(5, 412 pp., l."0 illustrations, 1 map ♦♦Bulletin No. 39. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for 1904. by Cliarles G. Y'ale. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 40. ^Mineral Production of California for Eighteen Years. by Charles G. Yale. 1905. Tabulated sheet "♦Bulletin No. 41. Mines and Minerals of California, for 1904, by Charles G. Yale. 1905. 54 pp.. 20 county maps ♦♦Bulletin No. 42. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1905. by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 43. Mineral Production of California for Nineteen Years, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 44. California :\Iiues and Minerals for 1905, by Charles G. Yale. 1907. 31 pp., 20 county maps ♦♦Bulletin No. 45. Auriferous Black Sands of California, by J. A. Edman. 1907. 10 pp Bulletin No. 40. General Index of Publications of the California State Mining Bureau, by Charles G. Yale. 1907. 54 pp $0.30 ••Bulletin No. 47. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 190G, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 48. Mineral Production of California for Twenty Years. 1900, by Charles G. Yale ♦♦Bulletin No. 49. Mines and Minerals of California for 1900, by Charles G. Yale. 34 pp Bulletin No. 50. The Copper Resources of California, 1908. by A. Haus- mann, J. Kruttschnitt. Jr., W. E. Thorne and J. A. Edman, 300 pp., 74 illustrations. (Revised edition.) 1.00 ♦♦Bulletin No. 51. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1907, by D. II. Walker. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 52. Mineral Production of California for Twenty-one Years, 1907. by D. H. Walker. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 53. Mineral Production of California for 1907, with County Mnp.s, 1iy D. H. Walker, 02 pp PUBLICATIONS 299 BULLETINS— Continued Asterisks (••) Indicate the publication is out of print. Price ♦♦Bulletin Xo. 54. INIinera! Production of California, by Counties, by D. IT. Walker, 1908. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin Xo. Ho. Mineral Production of California for Twenty-two Years, by D. II. Walker, 190S. Tabulated sliect ♦♦Bulletin Xo. 50. Mineral Production for 1908. with County Maps and Mining Laws of California, by I). II. Walker. 78 pp ♦♦Bulletin Xo. 57. Gold Dredging in California, by W. B. Winston and Chas. .lauin. 1910. 312 pp.. 239 illustrations and 10 maps ♦♦Bulletin Xo. 58. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, by D. H. Walker, 1909. Tabulated sheet 1 ♦♦Bulletin Xo. 59. Mineral Production of California for Twenty-three Years, by D. II. Walker. 1909. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin Xo. GO. Mineral Production for 1909, County Maps and Mining Laws of California, by D. H. Walker. 94 pp ♦♦Bulletin Xo. 01. Mineral Production of California, by Counties for 1910, by D. II. Walker. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 02. Mineral Production of California for Twenty-four Years, by D. H. Walker. 1910. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin Xo. 03. Petroleum in Southern California, by P. W. Prutzman. 1912. 430 pp., 41 illustrations. maps ♦♦Bulletin Xo. 04. Mineral Production for 1911. by E. S. Boauch. 49 pp.__ ♦♦Bulletin Xo. 05. Mineral Production for 1912. by E. S. Boalich. 04 pp.-- ♦♦Bulletin No. GO. Mining Laws of the United States and California. 1914, 89 pp. ___. ♦♦Bulletin No. 07. Minerals of California, by Arthur S. Eakle. 1914, 220 pp. ♦♦Bulletin X'o. G8. Mineral Production for 1913. with County Maps and Mining Laws, by E. S. Boalich. 100 pp ♦♦Bulletin Xo. 09. Petroleum Industry of California, with Folio of ?ilaps (18 by 22). by R. P. McLaughlin and C. A. Waring. 1914, 519 pp., 13 illustrations. 83 figs. [IS plates in accompanying folio.l ♦♦Bulletin Xo. 70. Mineral Production for 1914, with County Maps and Mining Laws. 184 pp ♦♦Bulletin No. 71. Mineral Prodtiction for 1915, with County Maps and Alining Laws, by Walter W. Bradley. 193 yiy).. 4 illustrations Bulb^tin Xo. 72. The Geologic Formations of California, bv .Tames Perrin Smith. 191G. 47 pp 1 .$0.25 ♦*Reconnaissance Geologic Map (of which Bulletin 72 is explanatory), in 23 colors. Scale: 1 inch = 12 miles. Mounted ♦♦Bulletin Xo. 73. First .\nnual Report of the State Oil and Gas Super- visor of California, for the fiscal year 1915-10, by R. P. McLaughlin. 278 pp., 20 illustrations . Bulletin No. 74. Mineral Production of California in 1916. with County Maps, by Walter W. Bradley. 179 pp.. 12 illustrations Free ♦♦Bulletin No. 75. United States and California Mining Laws, 1917. 115 pp.. paper Bulletin No. 70. Manganese and Chromium in California, by Walter W. Bradley. Emile TTuguenin. C. A. Logan. W. B. Tucker and C. A. Waring. 1918. 248 pp.. 51 illustrations. 5 maps, paper ..50 Bulletin Xo. 77. Catalogue of Publications of California State Mining Bureau, 1880-1917. by E. S. Boalich. 44 pp.. paper Fr^e Bulletin Xo. 78. Quicksilver Resources of California, with a Section on Metallurgy and Ore-Dressing, by Walter W. Bradley. 1918. 389 pp.. 77 photographs and 42 plates (colored and line cuts), cloth 1..50 Bulletin No. 79. Masnesite in California, by Walter W. Bradley, 1925, 147 pp.. 02 photographs, 11 line cuts and maps, cloth 1.00 tBulletin No. 80. Tungsten. Molybdenum and Vanadium in California. (In preparation.) tBulletin No. 81. Foothill Copper Belt of California. (In preparation) I Not yet published. 300 MINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA BULLETINS— Continued Asterisks (•*) indicate the publication Is out of print. Vvicv ♦♦Hiillelin No. 82. Second Annual Report of the State Oil and Gas Super- visor, for tlie fiscal year 191&-I9n, by R. P. McLaughliu, 1918. 412 pp., .')! illustrations, cloth I'.ull('liii No. 88. California Mineral Production for 1917, with County Maps, i)y Walter W. Bradley. 179 pp., paper Free **P.iillptin No. 84. Third Annual Report of the State Oil and Gas S.iper- visor, for the fiscal year 1917-1918, by R. P. McLaughlin, 1918. (;I7 pp., 28 illustrations, cloth ♦♦Kulletin No. 8."). Platinum and Allied Metals in California, by C. A. Logan. 1919. 10 photographs, 4 plates, 120 pp., paper r.ulli'lin No. S(). California .Mineral Production for 1918, with County Maps, by Walter W. Bradley, 1919. 212 pp., paper Free **Biilli'iiu No. 87. Commercial Minerals of California, with notes on their uses, distribution, properties, ores, field tests, and preparation for uuuket, by W. O. Castello. 1920. 12-1 pp., paper Bulletin No. 88. California Mineral Production for 1919, with County .Maps, by Walter W. P.radley, 1920. 204 pp.. paper Free •♦♦Bulletin No. 89. Petroleum Resources of California, with Special Reference to rinproved Areas, by Lawrence Vander Leek, 1921. 12 figures, (5 photograi)hs. 6 maps in pocket, 18G pp.. cloth Bulleiiu No. 90. California Mineral Production for 1920, with County Mai)S. by Wnlter W. Bradley. 1021. 218 pp., paper Free Bulletin No. 91. .Minerals of California, bv Arthur S. Eakle, 1923, 328 pp., cloth $1.00 Bulletin No. 92. Gold Placers of California, by Clias. S. Haley. 1923. 107 pp.. 30 photographs and 7 plates (colored and line cuts, also geologic map), cloth I.HO Kxtrn copies of the Geologic Map (in 4 colors) .50 I^illetin No. O:^ California Mineral Production for 1922, bv Walter W. Bradley, 1923, 188 pp.. paper _— Free Bulletin No. 94. California Mineral Production for 1923, by Walter W. Bradley. 1924. 102 pp.. paper Free I^illetin No. 95. Geology and Ore Deposits of the Randsburg Quadrangle, by ("arlton D. Ilulin, 192ii. 1.^2 pp.. 49 photographs, 13 line outs, 1 colored geomgic map, cloth 2.(H) **Bulletin No. 96. California Mineral Production for 1924, by Walter W. Bradley, 1925. 173 pp.. paper **Bulletin No. 97. California Mineral Production for 1925, by Walter W. Bradley, 1920. 172 pp., paper Bulletin No. 99. Clay Resources and Ceramic Industry of California by Waldemar Fenn Dietrich, 1928. 383 pp., 70 photos, 12 line cuts includ- ing maps, cloth 1.50 **Bulletin No. 100. California Mineral Production for 1926, by Walter W. Bradley, 1927. 174 pp., paper _ _ PRELIMINARY REPORTS Asterisks (**) indicate the publication is out of print. ♦♦Preliniiuary Report No. 1. Notes on Damage by Water in California Oil I'ields, December, 1913. By R. P. McLaughlin. 4 pp ♦♦Preliminary Report No. 2. Notes on Damage by Water in California Oil Fields," March, 1914. By R. P. McLaughlin. 4 pp Preliminary Report No. 3. Manganese and Chromium, 1917. By E. S. Boalich. 32 pp Free Pr'^limiiiary Report No. 4. Tungsten, Molybdenum and Vanadium. By E. S. Boalich and W. O. Castello, 1918. 34 pp. Paper l''ree Preliminary Report No. 5. Antimony, Graphite, Nickel, Potash, Strontium and Tin. By E. S. Boalich and W. O. Castello, 1918. 44 pp. Pape. ._ Free ♦♦I'reliminary Report No. 6. A Review of Mining in California During 191.). Fletcher Hamilton, 1920. 43 pp. Paper '.--- ♦♦Pri'limiuary Report No. 7. The Clay Industry in California. By E. S. Boalich, W. O. Castello, E. Iluguenin, C. A. Logan, and W. B. Tucker, 1920. 102 pp. 24 illustrations. Paper — - ♦•Preliminary Report No. 8. A Revievy of Mining in California During 1921, with Notes on the Outlook for 1922. Fletcher Hamilton, 1922. 68 pp. Paper — PUBLICATIONS 301 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS Asterisks (•*) indicate the publication is out of print. Price •♦Fii-fit Annual Catalogue of the State Museum of California, being the collec- tion made by the State Mining Bureau during the year ending April 1(>, 1S;S1. 3u0 pp ♦♦CiitalogiiP of books, maps, lithographs, photographs, etc., in the library of the Slate Mining Bureau at San Francisco, May IH, 18S-4. 19 pp ♦♦Catalogue of the State Museum of California, Volume II. being the collec- tion made by the State Mining Bureau from April 16, 1881, to May 5, 1SS4. 220 pp ♦♦Catalogue of the State Museum of California. A'olume III, being the collec- tion made by the State Mining Bureau from Mav 15, 1884, to March 31, 1887. 19.") pp _" ♦♦Catalogue of the State Museum of California. Volume IV, being the collec- tion made bv the State Mining Bureau from March 30, 1887, to August 20. 1890. 2(>1 pp ♦♦Catalogue of the Library of the California State Mining Bureau, September 1. 1892. 149 pp ♦♦Catalogue of West North American and Many Foreign Shells with Their Ceographical Ranges, by J. G. Cooper. Printed for the State Mining Bureau, April, 1894. __— ♦♦Keiiort of the P.oard of Trustees for the four years ending September, 1900. in pp. Paper P>iilletin. Reconnaissance of the Colorado Desert Mining District. By Stephen Bowers, 1901. 19 pp. 2 illustrations. Paper Free Commercial Mineral Notes. A monthly mimeographed sheet, beginning April. 192.3 Free MAPS Register of Mines With Maps. Asterisks (**) indicate the publication is out of print. ♦♦Register of Mines, with i\Iap, .\mador County ♦♦Register of Minos, with Map, Butte County ♦♦Register of iMines. with Map, Calaveras County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, El Dorado County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Inyo County **R<'gister of IMines. with Map. Kern County ♦♦Register of ^liiioo, with Map, Lake County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Mariposa County ♦♦Register of Mines, with ^lap, Nevada County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Placer County ♦♦Register of ISIines, with Map, Plumas County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, San Bernardino County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, San Diego County Register of Mines, with Map, Santa Barbara County (190G) .$0.2.t ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Shasta County . — ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map. Sierra County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Siskiyou County ♦♦Register of IMines. with Map, Trinity County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Tuolumne County Register of Mines, with Map. Yuba County (1905) -25 Register of Oil Wells, with Map, Los Angeles City (1906) .35 OTHER MAPS Asterisks (**) indicate the publication is out of print. ♦♦Map of California, Showing Mineral Deposits (50x60 in.) •♦Map of Forest Reserves in California ♦♦Mineral and Relief Map of California ♦♦Map of Kl Dorado County, Showing Boundaries, National Forests ♦*Map of .Madera County, Showing Boundaries, National Forests ♦♦IMap of Placer County, Showing Boundaries. National Forests ♦♦Map of Shasta County, Showing Boundaries, National Forests ♦♦Map of Sierra County, Showing Boundaries, National Forests ♦•Map of Siskiyou County, Showing Boundaries, National Forests ♦♦Map of Tuolumne County, Showing Boundaries, National Forests 302 JMINERAL INDUSTRY OF CALIFORNIA OTHER MAPS— Continued Asterisks (••) indicate the publication is ouf. of print. Price ♦*Mn[) of Motlier r.ode Kesion **.MiiIi of DcsPi-f Uojrion of Soiitlicrn California Mnp of iNIiiiarpt District. Mnrlera County .20 .Miip of Coppi-r Deposits in California .Oa **.'\[iip of Calaveras County •♦Map of Plumas County •*Miip of 'I'rinity ('ounly **iMap of Tuohinine County (ieoldiiical Map of Inyo County. Scalo 1 inch equals 4 miles ^0.(>(t Map of California accompanying Bulletin No. 89, showing generalized olassi- licatiou of land with regard to oil possibilitie.s. Map only, without I'.ullctJn .2."> **(J('ological ]\Iap of California, 191G. Scale 1 inch equals 12 miles. As accurate and up-to-date as available data will permit as regards topog- raphy and geography. Shows railroads, highways, post offices and other towns. First geological map tliat lias been availab!<; since 1S02, and sliows geology of entire state as no other map does. Ceologicai details lilliographcfl in 23 colors. Mounted 'ro|K)grai)hic Map of Sierra Nevada Cold Belt, showing distribution of auriferous gravels, accompanying Bulletin No. 02 (also sold singly) In 4 colors .HO OIL FIELD MAPS These maps are revised from time to time as development work advances and ownerships change. Map No. 1 — Sargent. Santa Clara County .50 .Map Xo. 2 — Santa Maria, including Cat Canyon and Los Alamos .75 .Map .\o. H — Santa Maria, including Casnialia and Lompoc .7f) Map Xo. 4 — Whittier-Fullerton. inchiding Olinda. Brea Canyon, Puente Hills. East Coyote and Richfield .To Map No. f) — Whittier-Fullerton, including Whittier, West Coyote, and Moutebello .75 .Ma|) No. () — Salt Lake, Los .\ngeles County .75 J[ap Xo. 7 — Sunset and San Emido and Kern County .75 Map No. 8 — South Midway and Buena Vista Hills, Kern County .75 .Map Xo. !) — Xorth Midway and McKittrick. Kern County .75 Mai) No. 10 — Bfli'idsre and McKittrick. Kern County .75 Map Xo. 11 — r..ost Hills and North Belridge, Kern County .75 Maj) Xo. 12 — Devils Den. Kern County .75 Map No. 13 — Kern River. Kern County .75 Map Xo. 14 — Coalinga, Fresno County 1.0<) Map Xo. 15— Elk Hills, Kern County .75 Mai) No. 10 — Veutura-0.iai, Ventura County .75 Map Xo. 17 — Santa Paula-Sespe Oil Fields. Ventura Countv .75 Map No. 18— Piru-Simi-Newhall Oil Fields .75 Map No. 19 — Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County .75 Map No. 20— Long Beach Oil Field 1.25 IMap No. 21 — Portion of District 4, Showing Boundaries of Oil Fields, Kern and Kings counties .75 .Map Xo. 22— Portion of District 3, Showing Oil Fields, Santa Barbara County .75 .Ma)) Xo. 23 — Portion of District 2, Showing Boundaries of Oil Fields, Ventura County .75 Map Xo. 24 — Portion of District 1, Showing Boundaries of Oil Fields, Los Angeles and Orange counties .75 .Maj) Xo. 2(> — Huntington Beach Oil Field .75 Map No. 27— Santa Fe Springs Oil Field .75 Map No. 2S — Torrance. Los Angeles County . .75 Map No. 29 — Domingueji, Los Angeles County .75 Map No. 30 — Rosecrans, Los Angeles County .75 Map No. 31 — Inglewood, Los Angeles County .75 Map No. 32 — Seal Beach. Los Angeles and Orange Counties .75 Map No. 33 — Rincon, Ventura County .75 PIHLK ATIOXS 303 DETERMINATION OF MINERAL SAMPLES Samplfs (limited to three at one time) of any mineral found iu the state may l)e sent to the Division of Mines and Mining for identification, and the same will be classified free of charge. No samples will be determined if received from points out- side the state. It must be understood that no assays, or quantitative determinations will be made. Samples should be in lump form if possible, and marked plainly with name of sender on outside of package, etc. No samples will be received unless delivery charges are prepaid. A letter should accompany sample, giving locality where mineral was found and the nature of the information desired. c G Ci Ci C« Ce Os INDEX Page Alameda County 126 tal)le showing total mineral produ(.'tion 152-15:; Alpine County 126 table showing mineral production 154 Aluminum 40 Amador County 126 table showing total mineral production 156-159 Amblygonite 105, 108 American Petroleum Institute, cited 27 American Trust Co., cited 65 Andalusite 112 Antimony 40—41 producer, 1927 260 total production 41 Appendix A 259-288 Appendix B 289-304 Aquamarine 100 Architectural terra cotta 94 Argonaut Mine 48 Arrowhead Hot Springs, radioacitvity at 107 Arsenic 41 Art Pottery 94 Asbestos 90 production by years 90 Ash, volcanic 108 Asphalt 66 Bancroft, H. H., cited 48 Barytes 90-91 producers, 1927 260 total production 91 Ballast, railroad 86 Bauxite 40 Benitoite 101 Bentonite _ 99 Beryl 100 Beryllium 42 Bismuth 42 Bisque ware : ~_ 94 Bituminous rock 66-67 producers, 1927 260 total production 67 Borates 117-119 Ijroducers, 1927 260 production, 1864-1927 ji;) Bowies, O., cited g2 Bradley, AV. TS'., cited 28, 35, 65 Brick '_ 67-70 producers (See Clay I^roducers) production of various kinds 69 total production, 1893-1927 70 Bromine 120 producer, 1927 260 Brown, J. R., cited 46 Building stone. (.Sec Granite, Marble, Standstone, etc.) Bulletins, list of 294-303 Bush, R. D., cited 23 Butte County 127 table showing the total mineral production of 160-161 fadmium 43 ("alaveras County 127 table showing the total mineral production of 162—165 Calcium chloride 120 producers. 1927 261 ■ use on roads 120 California, area of 125 map of, showing approximate location of oil fields 32 Calif ornite 100 Carbon dioxide gas (natural) produced 21 Casing-head gas 21-22 Castanares, Don Manuel, cited 47 Celestite 116 Cement 70—71 natural 7I producers, 1927 ~~ 261 total production "~ ^i Chalcedony ~ 200 20 — 622 7 9 306 INDEX Page Chart, California, showing location of oil fields and districts 32 non-ferrous metals, current trend of world production 39 prices, copper, electrolytic 45 lead, common 51 silver, bar, bullion 50 zinc, slab 64 Chemical stoneware ^4 Chimney pipe ^l Ohromite ' „!, concentration of '- imports of ■ ^2 occui'rence of Jy total production '^-^ Chrysoprase 1^1 Clay, for oil well drilling mud 94 Clav, pottery 91-9.. "producers, 1927 262-26:. production, 1887-1927 95 products -J 4 uses of, other than for pottery 94 Cliche alloys 43 Coal 19 producer, 1927 266 total production of 19 Cobalt 43 Colemanite H!^ Colloidal clay 99 Colloni, R. E., cited ^» Colusa County 128 tabic showing total mineral production of 16'' Concentration of chromite ^j; Concrete, rock for °^ Conduit 5 4 Contra Costa County \i^ table showing total mineral production of l",~^''„ Copper 39, 44-46 chart, trend of world production •••.' electrolytic copiJer prices 4;i production, 1882-1927 46 stocks of, in United States 45 United States production of 44 'Cornish' or 'Cornwall' stone 94 Cost data on oil operations , 36 Counties, mineral production of 16, 12u-_49 Crushed rock |Jj producers, 1927 279—283 Cryolite 40 Cyanite 11 •■ Curbing 75 Del Norte County 128 table showing total mineral production of 170 Diamonds 100 Diatomaceous earth 95-96 producers, 1927 266 total production of 96 Directory of producers 259-288 Dividends bv oil companies 35 Dolomite 96-97 producers, 1927 266 total production 97 Drain tile 94 Dredge production of platinum 54 Dredging, gold 47-48 Dumortierite 113 Economic conditions changed 12 El Dorado County 129 table showing total mineral production of 172-173 Electric smelting of ferro alloys _ 49 Eng. and Min. Jour., cited 39, 45, 51, 59, 64, 118 Faience tile 94 Feldspar 97-98 producers, 1927 266 total production 98 Ferberite 62 Ferro-chrome by electric furnace 49 -manganese by electric furnace 49 -silicon by electric furnace 49 Fertilizers (See Gypsum, Limestone, Phosphates, Potash.) Fire brick 69 clay 94 Flue linings 94 INDEX 307 Page Fluorspar 98 Freight, proportion of, from mines 12 Fresno County 129 table showing total mineral production of 174— IT'i Fuels 18-37 Fuller's earth 99 producers, 1927 2G7 total production 99 Garnets 101 Gas. (.S'ee Natural Gas.) Gasoline from natui'al gas 22 Gavin, M. J., cited 110 Gems 100-101 producers, 1927 207 total production 100 varieties 101 Geysers, California, radioactivity at 107 (xladding, McBean Lincoln plant 92 Glas.s sand 111 Glenn County 130 table showing total mineral production of 176 <'ineiss, for gems 100 Gold 4G-49 production by counties, 1927 47 total production 48-49 Goodyear, W. A., cited 19 Granite 73-76 producers, 1927 268 production, 1887-1926 76 varieties of, in California 74 Granules for roofing and stucco 86 Graphite 101-102 producer, 1927 268 total production 102 Gravel 1 85 Greenstone granules 86 Grinding mill pebbles 84 producers, 1927 " 278 Gypsum 2 103 producers. 1927 269 total production 103 uses 103 Hanks, Henry, cited 25 Heptane 20 High-speed steels I Z 62 Hill, J. M., cited 47, 55, 59 Hittell, T. H., cited 48 Hollow building tile or blocks Z 69 Hiibernite 62 Humboldt County 130 table showing total mineral production of 178-179 Hyacinth lOi Hydrargillite 40 Hydrated lime II_I 76 Hydrocarbons ~_ 18 ImiJerial County ~ 131 table showing total mineral production of 180-181 Industrial materials 89 Infusorial earth ~_ 95 Inyo County 1_~ 131 table showing total mineral production of 182-185 lone Brick Co. sand pit 68 Iridium ~_~ 49 Iron ore 1 " 49-50 producer, 1927 _ 269 total production _I_Z "50 Jade Z _ _ 100 Jewelers' materials. (Sec Gems.) Keene's cement ^^_J_'J_'_.r__J ._ 10;; Kern County ^' . ~ ~_ ~~_ 13] table showing total mineral production of I ZZ Z Z 186 Kernite ;_ H^j Kieselguhr Z Z Z_Z 9.5 Kings County . Z_~ Z 132 table showing total mineral production of Z Z__Z 186 Knudsen, cited 22 Kramer district _. Z Z Z _ Z 118 Kunzite ZZ Z ZZ_ZZZ_ 100 Lake County ZZ__ZZZZZZZZZZ_ZZ ZZ 132 table showing mineral total production of Z ZZZZ ZZZZ ~_ 187-188 Lassen County Z ~I_ 133 table showing total mineral production of ZZZZ_ZZ~ZZ~" Z _ Z Z 189 Lassen Peak , . ZZ Z_Z_ZZ_ 145 308 • INDEX Page Lead 39, 50-51 chart, prices, common 51 production, 1887-1927 51 trend of world production 39 Leipidolite 105 Lime 76-77 producers, 1927 270 production, 1894-1927 76 I^imestone 104 dust 104 producers, 1927 270 production, 1894-1927 104 Lithia 105 producers, 1927 270 Long Beach Oil Field ST. Lo.s Angeles County 133 table showing total mineral production of 190 Macadam 8C Madera County 134 table showing total mineral production of 190-191 Magnesite 77-79 duty on 79 imports of 79 occurrence of 77 producers, 1927 271 production districts 77 production, 1887-1927 79 uses of 78 Magnesium salts 121 producers, 1927 271 Manganese 51—52 imports of, from Brazil 51 total production 52 Map, outline of California, showing oil fields 33 Marble 80 producers, 1927 273 I)roduction, 1887-1927 . 80 Marin County 134 table showing total mineral production of 192—193 Mariposa County 135 table showing total mineral production of 194-195 Mariposite 100 Mar-John Mine, cobalt in 43 Marketing, importance of, to industrial groups 13 IMedicinal salts 123 Mendocino County 135 table showing total mineral production of 190-197 Mercantile Trust Review, cited 48, 71 Merced County 135 table showing total mineral production of 198 Metals 39-6 4 Mica 105 Minerals, county, total production of 151—257 industry, review of 11-17 output by counties 16, 125—149 I)y substances 14—15 output, comparative value, 1926-1927 14-15 paint 106 producer, 1927 271 production of, California, totals bv years, since 1887 17 water 107-lOS effect of prohil)ition on 107 producers, 1927 27l'-27:! production, 1887-1927 108 production, 1S87-1927 108 Minerals, total production of, by years 17 variety of, produced in California 14 Mining and Scientific Press, cited 26 Mining Bureau Act -— 289 Miscellaneous stone 83-88 producers, 1927 278-288 production, 1893-1927 88 Modoc County 136 table showing total inlneral production of 199 Molding sand 85, 88 Molybdenum 52 Mono County 136 table showing total mineral production of 200-201 Monterey County 137 table showing total mineral production of 202-203 Montmorillonite ^^ Monumental stone 75 Morganite 100 Names of producers in 1927 259-288 Napa County 137 table showing total mineral production of 204—205 INDEX 309 Page Natural gas 20-22 gasoline from ' 22 production, 1888-1927 21 Nevada County 137 table showing total mineral production of 206-207 New Idria Quicksilver mine 56 Nickel 53 Nitrates 121 Nitrogen, atmospheric, fixation of 121 Non-ferrous metals, world production of 39 Oil. (ffee Petroleum.) fie'ds, map of approximate location of 32 lands, proved 37 shale 110 well drilling mud 94 Onyx 80 Orange County ^ 138 table showing total mineral production of 208—209 Osmiiin 54 Otaylite 99 Oxychloride cement 78 Pacific Clay Products Co. 93 Palladium 54 Paraffine oils 27 Paving blocks 84 Peat 18 Pebbles for grinding mills 84 Petroleum 22-37 average price by counties, 1916-1927 24 capitalization 33 dividends from 34 drilling and development 23 features of, 1927 23 financial tables 33-36 map of California, approximate location of oil fields 32 operating costs by fields 30 prices by fields 36 production, 1875-1927 24 production and value by counties 24 production by fields 28, 30 production of light and heavy gravities 28 production statistics, 1927 24 proved oil land 37 statistics of well operations 27 storage of 28 and price changes 23 yield per day of wells 27, 30, 36 Phosphates 108 Placer County 138 table showing total mineral production of 210-213 Plaster and brick sand 85 Platinum 54-55 consumption of, by industries 54 from blister copper 54 prices 55 production of, 1887-1927 , 5', stocks 55 uses, markets and consumption 55 Plumas County 139 table showing total mineral production of 214—215 Porcelain 94 Potash J 122 producers, 1927 273 . total production of 122 Pottery clays 94 Proved oil land 37 Publications of State Division of Mines 294-303 Pumice 108 producers, 1927 274 Pyrites 109-110 producers, 1927 274 total production 110 Quartz 111 crystals 100 Quicksilver 38, 56-58 imports of 57 producers, 1927 275 production, 1850-1927 57-58 production of, in United States 57 prices 56 uses of 57 Radioactivity of hot springs 107 Red earthenware 94 roofing granules 86 Rhodonite 101 310 INDEX Page Riprap 86 Riverside County , j:^^ table showing total mineral production of •- ^^o Roofing granules °^< °^ sand |5 slate °^ tile 94 Rubble 86 Rubies 101 Ruthenium ^* Sacramento County J^^ table showing total mineral production of ^, ~^iT Salines ^^^~H! •Salt cake' 124 Salt 123 producers, 1927 ^'^ production, 1887-1927 123 San Benito County 140 tab'e showing total mineral production of iis-z^i San Bernardino County 141 table showing total mineral production of 227 San Diego County — 141 table showing total mnieral production or i.^i-i^ San Francisco Bulletin, cited -4 county 142 table showing total mineral production of i-i^^ San Joaquin County. _ 142 table showing total mineral production of wj-i»-zz» San Luis Obispo County 142 table showing total mineral production of lio San Mateo County 143 table showing total mineral production of