mmmm^tmm UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT UOS ANGELES THF. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY iWlY (^ XiJ^'» TO' 'ast date stampe'"' ■" i 1932 \92^ ■v^^RN BRA :H uM!VrRS\TY or CAt; ^' U3HAR LOS ANGEUES. ^AUF. / '7f^?,2 ^ rr OSa^cUtjU J' A^U^ MEN, MINES AND ANIMALS IN SOUTH AFRICA BY LORD RANDOLPH S. CHURCHILL, M.P. NEW YORK D. APPLETOX AND COMPANY 1892 A-^'?A' Loynox : PRI?iTED BY GILBERT VXD RIVISCTOX, LIMITED, SE. lOHX's HOUSE, CLEEKEJTWELL, EC. 15 5 C 4-1 PEE FACE. At the request of the publishers, I have, against my own judgment, consented to revise the letters from South Africa which I wrote to Tlte Baily GrapJiic, in 1891, with a view to their j)ublication in the form of a book. The critics of literary and epistolary efforts, who daily inform the public through the columns of the Press, pronounced with tolerable unanimity, that these letters of mine were devoid of merit and unworthy of perusal. To this judg- ment I ought to have bowed, l3ut then, on the other hand, the ^proprietors of The Daily Gvapldc, who, for the purposes of these letters, were my employers and Avho occupied the most favourable position for the formation of a ^^I'actical opinion as to whether these letters did or did not displease tiie public, expressed to me very definitely and without qualification their satisfaction with the productions of which I was the author, but for ^vhich they were mainly responsible. A question of difficulty arises. Either the |)ublic read the letters, or it did not read them. If the ^Dublic did not read tlie letters, then the proj^rietors of The Dailij (Jraplilc would have been dissatisfied at the iv Preface. results of" ail niireniunerativc outlay. But these ii'entlemeu were not dissatisfied ; therefore the public did I'ead the letters, But the public only reads what it approves of, or what pleases it. Tlien I am led to a stranii'e and terril:>le conclusion. Either the critics Avho condemned the letters were wrong, or, Avorse still, the puljlic does not care twopence what tlie judgment of the critics may be. It is on the off-cliance that this state of thino-s, deduced by argument, may be the actual state of thino-s that I a^'ain submit these letters to the l)iil)lic in another form. In the course of succeed- ing years many men and women will leave our shores to take uj) their abode in South Africa. Possibly some of these emigrants may glean from the following i3ages some information not alto- gether valueless as to the country, its people, its attractions, its modes of life and of travel. More- over, of tliat lariie number of home-dwellinir ])ersons who follo^v witli atfection the fortunes of a great and groAving colony in South Africa there may jx'rchance be some whose interest therein may be (piickened and sustained by the perusal of the experiences, the thoughts of an independent, unprejudiced wayfarer. In "either case no linnn is done ; even a few grains of good mav be ])roduced. BcA^ond mere verbal corrections and such other corrections as Avere necessary for the transposition of letters to a neAvspajier into chapters of a book. Preface. v I have changed nothmg of what I originally wi'ote, Avith the two following exceptions. Attempts at liuiuuiir. ur whar is called " chatt'." when taken serioiish" are fa i hires so disastr^jii- tliat they cannot be too (piickly suppressed. Under this category come niv allusions to the cook on board the Grau- tuUij Cadle and my hazardous specidation on the oriirin of the female sex. This latter speculation, o J. lightly turned off in a sentence, more for the \mv- pose of an elegant termination to a letter than for the purpose of arousing controversy, was received so solemnly by grave and serious joiu'uals such as The Si^edator and Tin' Speaher, that they actually compared my ideas (unfavourably for me, I admit) ^^■ith those of the illustrious Darwin. By the erasure of the guilty sentence alhulod to from the text of these pages, I have done my utmost to withdraw from a competition so dangerous to m\'- seh". 1 Would add that the opinions M'hich I expressed on the Dutch })opidation of tlie Transvaal were intended by me to be exclusively conhned to that population. Some imagined that those opinions were intended to apply generally to the Dutch in Sotith Africa. But such Avide and indiscriminate censure was far from m\' mind. The Dutch settlers in Cape Toliau' ww as worth\- nC praise as the'ir rrlatiws, the Transxaal Boors, are ol' blame. The f »rmer. loval. thrifty, industrious, hos[)ital»le. lilieral. ai"e and will, T trust, ever remain the back- vi Preface. bone of our great colony ut the Cape of Good Hope. That their numbers may increase, their influence develop, their possessions and their wealth expand, is my earnest hope, nor is it im- probable that as time goes on the Dutch subjects of the CJueen may communicate, by exam])le and by intercourse, some of their excellent qualities to their backward brethren in the Trans^'aal. With these brief remarks, I submit to an indulgent public a narrative of a travel every hour of Avhich "Was to me most enjoyable, a travel which I can confidently recommend to all who are desirous, and who are so fortunately situated as to be able, to make excursions for their pleasure into ncAv parts of the world. Haxdulpii S. CiiUKcniLL. 2, Connaught Place, W., March dth, 1892. \ CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. OUTWARD BOUXD. PAGE r)c])arturc from PadJington Station — Reasons for the journey — The composition of the party — Arrival at Dartmouth — The GrantitUy Castle — Lisbon : tlic Zoological Gaixlens — Madeira — Invitation from Mr. Benet-Stanford — A suL-tropieal Ljarden — Farewell to Madeira — Shoals of flying ti«h — From breakfast to bedtime on board ship — Atldctic sports at sea — Fire ! — Cape Town . .... . . 1 CHAPTER II. CAPE COLONY. Scenery and climate of Cai)e Town — Public Buildings — The Government House, Natural History Museum, and Public Library — Adderley Street — The sea pros- pect from Cape Town — Rivalry of Port Elizabeth — The inhabitants and environs of Cape Town — Dutch and English in the coluny — Mr. Cecil Rhodes — The Transvaal War of 1881— Majuba Hill— Cape Politics — Tlie South African States — Cape Town as a Coal- ing Station — Defences of the Cape — Forts at Simon's Bay — Fort Wynyard — General Cameron and the Cape Town Garrison . . . . . .17 CHAPTER III. ♦ DIAMONDS. "We leave Cape Town — The Paarl — Worcester Town — The Hex River Pass — A Paddington man — Arrival at jNIatjesfontein — Mr. J. D. Logan — The Karroo — Diamond Industry at Kimberley — Visit to the offices of the De- Beers Company — Mr. Cecil Rhodes a viii Contents. ^ jmblic man of the first oidcr — Mr. Gardner AVillianis^ miniii,^- engineer — The blue si'O^uid — Separatinpf the diamonds — Precautions against Theft — The De Beers Company a model Village Community — Electric light used in the diamond mines . . . . .33 ClTAl'TEK 11^ GOLD. The diamonds of Kimberley — The journey to Johannes- hurg — Railway extensions — Grass veldt between Kimberley and A^ryburg — The cattle farm of the future — " Native Reserve " of the Southern Eechuana — Wc reach A^iyburg — Sir Sydney Shippard enter- tains us — Coaching with a team of mules — The way- faring man in the Transvaal — An attractive little town — Gold mines in the neighbourhood — The out- look at Johannesburg — The gold mines — Selfish jealousy of the Boer Government — Astounding in- ec^uality of taxation -(-Bad condition of the roads to Johannesburg-VThe vicious system of concessions . 49 CHAPTER V. MINING AND SPOUTING. Account of the Robinson Gold Mine at Johannesburg — The Langlaate Estate — Chlurination at the Ferriera jSfine — I)r. Simon — The McArthur-Forrest process — (Observations on the gold-fields of Johannesburg — Silver Mines in the Transvaal — Deer preserves — (With Dog and Gun in search of Game , . . .Go CHAPTER VI. THE TRANSVAAL BOEES. A chance for British enterprise — The capacity of the Transvaal and the incapacity of its rulers — The journey from Johannesburg to Pretoria — Description of Pretoria — The Dutch Parliament — From the Strangers' Gallery — An interview with President Kruger — Parliamentary manners — General Joubert — , Report of a case showing the Boer idea of justice — J Ill-treatment of Natives by the Boers — Shall we surrender Swaziland — The Withering Grasp of the Boer ' . . .79 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER VII. ON THE ROAD TO MASHONALAND. PAGE The Chartered Company's Station at Fort Tuli — Mining in the Zoutspanburg District — The Progress of tlie " Spider " — Our first cooking efforts — Hints for sportsmen-/-8ixty miles without water4-A glimpse of Fairyland — We meet Major Sapte and Mr. Victor Morier — Meeting with Captain Laurie at Khodes's Drift — The Bechuanaland Border Police— A "Boer trek " — President Kruger's position — Sir Frederick Carrington and the B.S.A.C. Co.'s police — Experi- ment with the new magazine Rifle . . . .90 CHAPTER VIII, THE EXPEDITION : ITS COMPOSITION AND EQUIPMENT, Major Giles — A fine collection of giants — Our rifles and guns — Warning and advice to future travellers — Composition of the Expedition — Major Giles's trek from Vryburg to Tuli — The horse sickness in Africa — A camp fire concert at Fort Tuli , . . ,110 CHAPTER IX, THROUGH BUCHUANALAND, Cold nights in camp — The horse sickness — Visit from / Kaffir women to our Mariko River camp — Outspan on the banks of the Crocodile River — We cross the Mahalopsie River — Dr. Saur and Mr. Williams — Camp at Silika — Arrival at the Lotsani River— The luxury of a shave — The Suchi River — Headquarters of the Becliuanaland Police at Matlaputta — The Macloutsie River — I lose myself near the Semalili River while in quest of game — Catching up the waggons ......... CHAPTER X. TREKKING AND HUNTING. We entertain Sir Frederick Carrington — Farewell to Furt Tuli — The business of inspanning — Our camp at night — Sport with Dr. Rayner and Lee — Laying the telegraph wire — The L^mzingwani River Camp — 12G X Contents. Koodoos, quaggas, and lioney birds — Lee's boy nick- named "The Baboon"— The elephant fruit-tree- Lee a charming companion on the Veldt — The Umsajbetsi liiver — Habits of oiir oxen and mules — Shooting game in South Africa — -A native market — An unsuccessful antelope hunt — The mahogany tree — Further hunting experiences — Camp on the Bubjanc River — Our conductor Myberg . . . .142 CHAPTER XL LIOXS. Lion Camp — The tales of a Huntsman — The snake-tree — In the track of the koodoos — We come across a posse of Lions — Antelopes and quaggas — Return to camp for the dogs — Result of one day's sport — We spend another day hunting — Provisions running short . Lj6 CHAPTER XII. PiFFICULTIES OF TRAVEL OX THE VELDT. Tlie wealth of Mashonaland — We make a speedy trek and overtake our waggons — Further losses by horse sick- ness — Stuck fast in Wanetse River — The Sugar Loaf and other miniature mountains — -A pestilential spot on the Lundi River banks — A word of Avarning — Viandt, the Boer ostrich hunter — We reach Fern Spruit — ])eath of my shooting pony '^ Charlie " — A veldt fire — A day of discomfort and disaster — Provi- dence Gorge — Description of Fort Victoria — Gieat loss of horses — Advice to intending emigrants . '.175 CHAPTER XIII. CHARACTER OF THE COUNTRY BETWEEN FORTS VICTORIA AXIJ SALISBURY. Departure for -Fort Salisbury — Our native workmen — Water in the desert — A dreary journe}' — The country between Fort Victoria and Fort Charter — Where is the ' Promised Land ' ? — We meet ]Mr. Colquhoun — The garrison of Fort Charter — From Fort Charter to Fort Salisbury — Lions in the way — The Settlement at Fort Salisbury — Signs of civilization — The gold districts of Manica, Mazoe River, and Hartley Hill — Reconnoitring after "ame . . . . .193 Contents. xi CHAPTEK XIV. SPORT IN MASHONALAND. PAGE Sport in South Africa — Hints to inexperienced sportsmen — Approximate cost of equipment for a six months' hunting expedition — Sir John Willoughby arrives at our camp on the Hunyani River — Huntino; the Hartehecst — How to cook venison — A Slough of Despond — Farther hunting adventures after antelopes — A native hunting party — A cohra in the camp- — ]\rethod of scaring vultures off dead game — Accident to Major Giles — Scarcity of grain and food in Ma- shonaland — Return to Fort Salisbury . . .212 CHAPTER XV. THE GOLD DISTRICT OF TIIK ilAZOE RIVER. In quest of gold — Exploration syndicates — Mashonaland as a held for emigration— The Mazoe gold-fields — Captain Williams's report — Old workings — The " Golden Quarry " mine — Other mines visited in the district — More disappointments .... -34' CHAPTER XVI. HUNTING THE ANTELOPE ON THE HIGH VELDT. ■\Ve start for Hartley Hill — The Mashonas as servants — Marriage in Mashonaland — All alone on the Veldt — Hints to hunters when lost on the Veldt — A Kaffir kraal — Barter with the natives— Dangerously bad shooting — The troubles of trekking — The country between Fort SalisVjury and Hartley Hill — Wild flowers and fruit — Unsuccessful chase after ostriches —A fine herd of eland— The bull of the herd falls to my gun ......... 246 CHAPTER XVII. WEALTH OF MASHONALAND — DOUBT AND DISAPPOINTMENT. Hartley Hill — Our party again united — The Tsetse-fly pest — Mr. Perkins joins me in a day's shooting — Surgeon Rayner's adventure with a lion — Contemplating the return journey — Making a clean breast of it — Dccep- xii Contents. PAGE live appearances — Reefs in the Eiffel district — What is to become of the country ? — Mr. Perkins and the leopard ......... 2Go CHAPTER XVIII. LIFE AT FORT SALISBURY, Mineral Avealth of Mashonaland — Reefs in the ]\Iazoe River Valley — The " Matchless " Mine — Good news from Fort Victoria — A personal statement — Enter- prise at Fort Salisbury — A model Ranche — Farms leased by the Chartered Company — An interesting- auction — Indignation meeting against the Chartered Company — Horse-racing at Fort Salisbury — Organiz- ing the administration of Mashonaland — Mr. Cecil Rhodcs's views of the country ..... 1270 CHAPTER XIX. 0\ THE ROAU HOME. Second visit t(i the iiiines in theMazoe Valley — Good-l)ye to Fort Salisbury — Bad roads — The officials of the Chartered Company — Fort Victoria once more- Climate and weather in Mashoiudand — Gold dis- . coveries round Fort Victoria — My faithful savage y "Tiriki " — We telegraph home from Fort Victoria—' Long's Mine — The Lundi River^ — Bad roads again — Death of a " salted horse " — The journey to Fort Tuli a record " trek " -Jdo CHAPTER XX. LOOKING BACK. Our method of travelling — Welcome and entertainment l)y the Bechuanaland Border Police at Macloutsie — ■ Palapye^ the capital town of Chief Khama — Lobengual, King of the Matabele — Meditated flight of all his tribe and belongings — The Bechuanaland Exploration Com])any — Conversation with Khama, Paramount Chief in the Protectorate — Palla Camp — The Journey to Mafeking — With Mr. Rhodes at Kimberley — The Agricultural and Mineral Resources of the Transvaal — ]\ry advice to young Englishmen .... 313 Index . . . . . . . . . .331 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FULL PAGE. Portrait of the Autlior ..... Fronti The K.M.S. Granhdii/ Castle, 3489 tons, in Dnvtmonth Harbour ..... Luxurious Travelling in Madeira A JNIadeira Caro, or covered Sledgo Parliament House, Cape Town Government House and Gardens, Cape Town Adderley Street, Cape Town On the Road from Johannesburg to Pretoria. — Crossing a flooded river .... The Market Place, Johannesburg . A Street in Johannesburg "The Spider" Executive Officers of the Expedition A Camp Fire Concert at Fort Tuli Showing a flare up for the lost one The Members of the Expedition First night out from Fort Tuli Marketing with the Makalaka Crossing the Lundi River Two Members of thi^ Expedition crossing the Lund River ........ A Dreary Road. —The View fifty miles from Fort Charter Building a '^ Scherm " to keep off" Lions from the Cattle on the Hunyani River . A Sketch of the Country from Matipi's Kraal Drawing dead Game home on a sleigh made from the fork of a tree .... spiece. 5 9 9 18 18 19 54 57 58 100 117 124 140 142 144 153 181 181 197 204 204 229 XIV List of Illustrations. On the Outskirts of Fort Salisbury ISTcaring the end. — The Sale of the Surplus Stock ;vik Stores of the Expedition at Fort Salisbury Fort Salisbury. — At the Dentists .... The Arrival of the Telegraph Line at Fort Victoria.— Sending a telegram to London From Tuli to Macloutsie ..... Crossing the Notwani after the heavy rains . TAGK 2. SI 2SG 295 305 313 325 TEXT ILLUSTRATIONS. A Cape Cart ........ The Defences of the Capo. — A 9'2-inch breech-loading g'^i^ £52.000 Avorth of diamonds classified for shipment at Kimberley ........ In the Rock Shaft of the De Beers Diamond Mine at a depth of 900 feet In the 800 feet level of the De Beers Diamond Mine Sorting Gravel for Diamonds at Kimberley . General View of the Robinson Gold Mines at Johannes- burg ......... Sir Frederick Carrington and Officers of the Bechuana- land Border Police, and British South African Company's Police ...... Lord Randolph discussing his route with Sir F. Carring ton at Fort Tuli ...... The long and the short of it . Camp Life at Tuli — Branding Cattle Fording a River The Main Column encamped on the bank of the Lotsan The Camp of the Main Column at Suchi River The Waggon Conductor sports a new pair of " store ' trousers ....... Our Camp on the Umzingwani River Typical Natives from the Umshlane River Districts 20 29 37 40 43 44 CG lOG 111 iir 121 130 133 135 138 14G 151 List of Illustrations. xv The " Sugar Loaf " Mountain between the liivcrs Wanetse and Liindi ....... Passages in the Life of one of our Boys — In the Pantry A " Yeldt " Fire One of our Boys (as lie appeared with all his honsehold goods) One of our Boys (in sackcloth, drawing water) The Camp before Fort Charter .... Summer Sleighing in Mashonaland on the high road during the rainy season ..... Native Paintings on Eocks at Matefi's Kraal . Mr. Perkins, the Mining Expert, on the War-path . Visit to the Mazoe Gold-fields — Experts at work . The Mining Settlement at Hartley Hill . At Hartley Hill — Panning for (toM at Mr. Borrow's hut 272 Messrs. Johnson, Heaney, and Bdrrow's Pianche at Fort Salisbury ....... A Restaurant at Fort Salisbury .... The First Horse-race at Fort Salisl)ury . A Party at the mess table, after dinner — Fort Salisbury Tiriki As he arrived ....... As he departed . ...... The Outspan on the Tokwe River .... p\Gi: 180 185 187 194 195 200 201 20;-) 210 235 2G4 283 285 288 293 303 304 305 307 Route Map At eiid of hool- . 1 MEN, MINES, AND ANIMALS IN SOUTH AFRICA. CHAPTER I. OUTWAED BOUND. Departure from Paddiiigtou Station — Reasons for the journey — The composition of the party — Arrival at Dartiuouth — The Grautully Gadle — Lisbon : the Zoological Gardens — Madeira — Invitation front Mr. Benet-Stanford — A sub- tropical garden — Farewell to Madeira — Shoals of flying fish — From breakfast to bedtime on board ship — Athletic sports at sea — Fire ! — Cape Town. A BRIGHT morning towards the end of April. The eternal east Avind blowing sharp and strong serves to moderate the reo-ret which mii>-ht be felt Ijy one leaving England for a considerable period. In Paddington Station, alongside the platform, is drawn up the special express for Dartmouth. Every carriage appears to be full, round each compartment door large groups of persons, who intend to stay at home, wish farewell to those who are resolved to depart, and by their exuberant emotions obstruct the passage of the officials, of the tardy traveller, and of heavy trucks of baggage. Among the passengers the male sex largely predominates, and youth is stamped upon the countenances of the majority. In such a, B 2 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. scene and in such a crowd I find myself an in- terested and active participator, for I, with a few friends, am starting on a long journey ; and, in common with the others in the special train, my destination is South Africa. It happened to me shortly after my return from Egypt, in February, to meet Sir Henry Loch and Mr. Cecil Rhodes, the Governor and Prime ]\[inister of Cape Colony, who had just arrived in England on a sj^ecial mission of importance to the Home Government, Con- versation naturally Avas mainly about South Africa, about the territories of the Chartered Company, tlie goldfields of Zambesia, the dispute with the Portuguese. Sir Henry Loch and ]\Ii", Rhodes were kind enouoh to o-iye me a cordial invitation to ^'isit the Ca])C', and it suddenly occurred to me that I had I'eally for the moment nothing better to do. Politics for the time attracted me little. The principal measure ^ before the House of Commons which ^vas being pressed forward by the Government, and by the party to which I belong,' I disliked intensely, and while I was not prepared to take part in any opposition to the measure, for motives which friends will appreciate, I was resolved to give no vote and say no word in its favoui*. A shareholder in the Chartered Comj^au}^, and on intimate terms with some of the directors, my attention had already been turned to Mashona- land; I had imagined that the exploration and development of that vast country, so wealthy by ' '• Irish Laud Question Bill." Reasons for the Journey. 3 rumour iiucl repute, was not unlikely to distin- guish the close of the century. English and foreign interests had ]jeen and were clashing ; spheres of influence for respective European Powers had been marked oif in a hap-hazard and lighthearted manner ; knowledge of the soil, of the climate, of the inhabitants, of the resources of Africa to the south of the Equator, was slight and by no means diffused among our people at home ; I thought that the day might not be distant when it might be useful and beneficial that a member of Parliament might be able to offer to the House of Commons observations, oj)inions, and arguments based ujDon personal ius^Dection, actual experience of those localities, and to place before the public the views and desires of Ca^De Colonists of authority and of Afrikanders generally which might have been personally confided to him. The attractions of travel, of the chase, and specially of seeking for gold oneself, of acquiring gold mines or shares in gold mines, contributed also to decide me on the enterprise, and the few weeks before departure had been well occupied "wdth the somewhat elaborate preparations necessary for the journey and with business arrangements with fiiends who were similarly interested and attracted. In the comj^osition of my party I was fortunate. Major George Giles, late of the Royal Artillery, of considerable South African exj^erience, who had seen much military service in that country, had undertaken to act as managei' of the travelling and director of the route, and had preceded me by B 2 4 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. nearly a month to the Cape, intending to purchase at Kimbei'ley the waggons, mules, oxen, and horses, to engage the men necessary for such an expedition. To travel in ox or mule waggons without greater discomfort and hardship than is incidental to camp life, a thousand miles to Mashonaland, several hundred miles exploring that country, a thousand miles return journey, occupying in the operation a jDeriod of not less than six months, requires a careful and costly collection of resources and plant, of which I will give a full descrijDtion in a subsequent letter ; to avoid undue delay while the season was favour- able. Major Giles had gone on ahead of me to the Cape. ]My actual travelling companions at the moment of departure wei'e Captain G. Williams, late of the Royal Horse Guards, who had amiably consented to assist me in my business and my writing, Mr. Henry Cleveland Perkins, an American mining engineer of great eminence, and Surgeon Hugh Rayner, of the Grenadier Guards, on leave, Avho intended to co-operate with the finest climate in the world in keeping us in good health, and to mitigate, so far as science might, the consequences of any accident or disaster which an untoward fate might inflict upon us. He was also instructed by the militai-y authorities to furnish them Avith a report on the climatic and hygienic conditions of Mashonaland, to discover and specify healthy sites for camps, and to collect such other information as would be useful to j^ossess beforehand, should military operations ever become necessary in that country. THE R.XI.S. "GRAXTULLY CASTLE," 3489 TONS, IN DARTMOUTH HARBOUR. Page 5. The "Grantully Castle." To return to our departure : the last good-byes have been uttered, the doors of the carriages are slammed, the whistle sounds, and off we go, soon developing that alarming broad-gauge rapidity for which the Great "Western was remarkable, dashing through Berkshire, Wiltshire, and Somer- setshn-e with a haste, a hurry which seemed quite unnecessary considering the immense distance of travel which lay before us, and the considerable period of time which Ave had to do it in. Dart- mouth, so familiar to the }'achtsman, is reached all too soon. There lies the Gninfulhj (JastJe, well known to fame as the ship in which ]\Ir. Gladstone sailed when he made his celebrated "perij)lus" round Great Britain. A good-looking ship, sitting gracefully on the Avater, Ijut small to my eye, more accustomed to the giants of the P. and 0., of the Cunard, and of the White Star Lines, in AA'hich, Avhen I liaA'e on former occasions crossed the ocean, it has l^een my fortune to travel. But the Aveather appears to be set fair, the sun is bright and Avarm, the sea smooth, and in tine Aveather and calm AA^ater a little ship does as Avell as a big one. Soon recede, from many a longing and lingering eye on board, the beautiful harbour, the green DcA-onshire cliffs, and a calm and moonlit midnio-ht sees us well off Usliant. The CrrcnttiiJly Castle found the Bay of Biscay in a humour of comparative moderation ; not that it was by any means amiable or attractive, on the contrary, it quite sustained its morose and un- genial character. The captain, indeed, expressed the opinion that it Avas as smooth as a mill-pond, 6 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. but most of tlie passengers thouglit this descrip- tion extravagant, many of them ver}^ practically disagreed with it. Fifty-eight hours after leaving London we anchored in the Tagns, opposite Lisbon, at the early hour of four a.m. Having to wait until five in the afternoon for the London mail, we took advantage of the ojDportunity to visit an ancient and historic city. The jDrincipal attraction to the eye was its cleanliness ; broad, well-paved, clean-swept streets, spacious squares, adorned with interesting monuments, an environ- ment of forest and green hills, offer an aspect calculated at first to please the stranger. But a something or other, difiicult to describe, warns one instinctively that Lisbon is a city the fame and traditions of which lie exclusively in the past, in all probability never to be revived. The inhal3i- tants wear a sleepy, almost a dead-alive kind of look. I did not observe a single Portuguese in the streets who appeared to be in the smallest hurry. Xo cheerfulness animates their counten- ances, as is the case with the population of the southern Italian towns. With the exception of a few public buildings, the edifices and dwelling- houses are of a poor and unpretentious character. There is a total alDsence of attractive and well-filled shops. Coming away, one feels that one is glad to have seen Lisbon, for the reason tliat it ^^'ill be unnecessary ever to go there again. ^V drive throuo-li the streets terminated with a visit to the Zoological Gardens, interesting for the quantity of wild and of garden flowers, presenting tlie most Lisbon and Madeira. brilliant hues, and for a singularly unique collec- tion of monkeys, among wliicli three intelligent and engaging chimpanzees for a time arrested our attenti(^n. I would strongly recommend any traveller to Lisbon not to omit to inspect these gardens. It must, however, be added that the peo23le of the city scarcely appreciate their merits, for the place, during our visit of more than an hour, was totally deserted. The Botanical Gardens, a visit to which want of time compelled us to forego, are also said to be of considerable excel- lence. The afternoon drawing on, it became necessary to return to the sliij^, and on the arrival of the London mail, we again put to sea, shaping our course for Madeira. A strono- head wind and sea encountering us at the mouth of the Tagus, sadly thinned the attendance at dinner. The night was rough, and the following day supremely disagree- able. A dri\'ing mist, a warm, clammy wind, and a heavy rolling sea depressed the spirits, and made all long for more southern latitudes. At da-wn on the second day after leaving Lisl3on the island of Terra Santa stood out finely on the starboard bow. A few hours' steamino- brouuiit into clear view the bold outlines and grassv slopes of Madeira, and the sunny bay of Funchal. I was fortunate in find- ing, on arrival here, a note from an old friend, Mr. Benett-Stanford, who owns perhaps the most beautiful villa in the island, inviting my friends and myself to pass the morning with him. On landino- a sliodit ascent lirou^iit us to the doors 8 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. of the Quinta Yigia (Angiice : The house and garden of the "watch-tower) and to one of the most lo^'ely gardens I ha\'e ever set eyes on. Imagine the contents of tlie conservatories and greenhouses of Tring Park, of Waddesdon, of Blenheim, Chatsworth, or Floors castle, all con- centrated into a small space of some two aci-es, and groAving with apparent wildness in the open air. For accumulated varietv and jn'ofusion of bloom, fragrance, and luxuriant foliage, dra"\vn from every quarter of the Avorld, this garden can have no yWh], and I have seen many, at home and in foreign countries. The gateway is sheltered by two remarkable camphor-trees, the leaves of "which, when crushed in the hand, give off an aromatic and spicy perfume. On the terrace, overlooking the sea, one perceives, on the right hand, an immense mass of l)lue blossom, borne by the " Jacaranda.*' On the left a similar mass of deep crimscfti blossom draAvs attention to a splendid " Schotia." Tavo large trees, bv name " Grevillia," coAcred with yelloAv flowers, offer a stsu'tlino; but aiiTeeal)le contrast, ^[anv tine specimens of the " dragon-tree " and of the " umbrella -palm ' are studded about the ground. The " Strelitzia regin^e," apparently a sort of banana, is imposing from its size and its feathering leaves. The " peacock-tree '" (Poinciana pulcherrima), with its lovely blossom, attracts the hand of the wanton flower-gatherer, and the eye is in reality dazzled by the extraordinary, but not inharmonious profusion of the " rose-apple "" tree, I A SuB-TRoncAL Garden in Madeira. 9 cinnamon, silver banana, and mango tree, of the " Olea fragrans " and Francisia buslies, of the quaint " bottle-brush " plant, ^vith its crimson flower. The verandah ol' the villa is covered with " Bougainvillia," and with another creeper, novel to me, the '' Com1)retimi coccinium," oflering a mass of scarlet bloom. For the purpose of strolling through the town, our kind host provided a couple of hammocks, with their attendant bearers in white canvas clothing, and a '' caro," or covered sledge, comfortably titted, drawn by Ijullocks. This ^'ehicle, which I imagine is peculiar to Madeira, can he drawn l^y the sleek oxen with considerable speed and perfect smoothness oxer the well-paved streets, or rather paths, which intersect the town and ascend the mountains. The public gardens, the opera house, a visit to the British Consul, to Messrs. Bland\''s ^\'ell-known office, and to the comfortable English club, exhaust the small time at our disposal, and soon after noon we are once more on board the Grantnlly Gasfle, heading- south to Cape de A'^erde, leaving hist, but some- Avhat reluctantly, Madeira behind us. The hour of 5"30 a.m. finds two or three pas- sengers on deck enjoying the pleasures of a cup of coffee and the first morning cigarette. From six to eight the ship's toilette proceeds, from the rough- and-ready washing and scrubbing of decks to the conscientious and minute polishing of every bit of wood and brass-work. This is, perhaps, the pleasantest time of the day ; cool, fresh air, peace- ful decks unobstructed bv chairs ; walking exercise lo Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. is possible and pleasant, no noise disturbs the cur- rent of your morning reflections. Cloudless is the sky, strong the following " N.E. trade," covering the surface of the sea with white horses, but not strong enough to overtake and refresh the fast- flying ship, whose j^assengers are warned by the already glowing sun that the day is going to be a " pipci'.' Looking over the stern you see the same troop of swifts or swallows which for three days now have followed us. Swoo]Ding, hovering, skimming, darting, never left behind, seemingly never progressing, never resting ; where they come from, where they are going to, where they sleep, and what they feed on offers a proljlem which natural history has not yet attempted to solve. From time to time shoals of flying fish shoot from the waves, nor can one imagine a more pleasant sight than these animated particles of silver present, jumping from and skimming along the surface of the water by scores and hundreds, gleaming and glistening in the sunlight. Last evening, one, probably a " loose fish," when all his fellows had gone to bed, jumped with a mighty leap right on to our deck. Promptly secured by a quarter- master, it attracted the observation of a French gentleman, who desired to photograph it, have it stuffed, and carry it home to his family museum. But my friend and I disappointed him, taking it and o-ivino; it to the cook, and eatins" for breakfast the finny fowl. ]\Iorning wears away, groups of gentlemen have appeared and disappeared, clothed in that loose and liglit attire, ^viih sponge, towel, From Breakfast to Bedtime. n and soap, which denotes resort to or accomplishment of the matutinal batli. Breakfast is over, and by noon most of the partv are deej) in literary occupa- tion, writing and reading apparently being suitable only to this time of day. A temperature of 75 deg. under the awning is adverse to muscular exercise. Now come round the manao;ers of the dailv lotterN' on the ship's run, drawing variously from tlic passengers shillings and cro^vns ; some contenting themselves with a sinoie lot, others basino- tlieii' hopes on securing many chances. At 12*30 the captain announces that in the preceding twenty- four hours we have compassed the respectable distance of 328 miles. The winner of the lucky number looks happy in his clever superiority, but can scarcely be much richer, for etiquette pre- scribes that he should generously proffer cham- pagne to the losers. Luncheon at an end, the passenger mind turns to amusement. The young find relief in the violent exercise of deck- cricket, and in the wild mirth occasioned when some placid, reposing, and digesting person receives the ball full in his face, an incident which he is expected to bear with perfect equanimity, neither asking for, nor expecting the smallest apology. Deck-quoits, and the sonorous game of " Bull," claim their adherents ; for others, the frivolous " Halma," the rattling backgammon, or the severely serious chess have their charms, and here and there vice betrays itself in the shape of cards, with its usual accompaniments of brandy and soda, beer, pipes, and cigars, while ever and anon a half- 12 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. suppressed " damu," or a less suppressed exclama- tion of triumpli, discloses the vicissitudes of the game. So the afternoon blends itself into the evenino-. At half-past six the bell for dinner sounds, after whicli, music in the saloon detains many. " Gentlemen oblige " the company with sono;s and recitations, the French o;entleman dis- plays a startling ingenuity in card conjuring. On deck, soothed by tobacco, many groups converse. The talk is prol^ably of Africa and Mashonaland, of diamond mines and of the " Randt," of the depth and thickness of reefs, of tlie yield of so many pennyweights to the ton, of" pay chutes," of stamj)s, crushers, and chlorination, till the disappearance one b}' one of the electric lights warns us that the nio'ht is well on, and we turn into our cabins to dream of re-discovering El Dorado, of revelling in the " jDlacers " of another California, of handling deliriously the nuii'o'ets of a second Ballarat. On waking Ave trust that we have not dreamed of a Golden Fleece. So the voyage proceeds. One of our days at sea was agreeably passed bv holding athletic sports and contests, in which all classes of tlie passengers took part. Racing, leap- ing, and cock-hghting were the principal features. Four times round the ship from stern to bow was found to aftord a good half-mile course, and the struggle was decided after several heats, some of them of an exciting character. The prize for leap- ing was long and closely contested, four feet seven being at length triumphanth' cleared l3y the victor. Taking into account the perceptible rolling of the I Athletic Sports at Sea. sliip, the achievement appears to have been one of merit. Cock-hghtiug, also, was the source of con- siderable amusement, and, to the astonishment and delight of all, the prize was carried oif liy the smallest and youngest of the com23etitors. A potato race, an eg<^ and spoon race, in Avhicli ladies only took part, an obstacle race, in which last sus- I^ended lifebuoys to l)e darted through and long Avind sails to be crept through tested severely the agility and endurance of the runners, occupied fully the morning and the afternoon. A respectable fund for prizes had been previouslv collected, the ju'oceedings were managed with the utmost order and method, the decisions of the oflBcials received without a murmur. In the tug-of-"\var tlic hi'st class OA'erpuUed the second, who also suffered de- feat at the hands of the third-class passengers. It appears that these athletic sports are a regulai* institution on board the Grantidhj Castle, and this original and agreeable method of breaking the monotony of a long voyage offers an example to commanders of ocean-o'oinix vessels which cannot be too widelv imitated. The day antecedent to our arrival at Cape ToAvn was the most dis- agreeable of the voyage. A high and heavy rolling sea rendered sleep by night or occu- pation Ijy da)^ alike almost impossible. Shortly after luncheon an incident occurred which for some moments must have fluttered the strongest nerves. A strong smell of burning, smoke coming up thickly from the after skylight, passengers run- ning up from below, driven out of their cabins by 14 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. the stifling smoke, told us all too plainly that a fire had broken out on board shij). The fire-bell was rung, the officers and crew were beat to quarters, the hose was fitted, and in a few minutes gallons of water were being poured through the skylight down into the after-hold, where it was discovered the fire had occurred. At the same time rapid preparations were made for getting the boats ready for lowerinii', thouoii whether these would have been of much service to us, had we had to have recourse to them in such a heavy sea, was a matter of serious doubt. In a quarter of an hoiu', how- ever, or twent}' minutes, all danger was over. The officers and creAV worked with the utmost steadi- ness and resolution, the first officer particularly showing extreme courage and endurance, being the first to descend into the burning hold, and re- maining in an almost impossible atmosphere for a considerable time directing the ajDplication of the water. The j^assengers preserved their composure remaikably, contenting themselves with getting out of the way, and ottering as little impediment as possible to the operations of the ship's company. The cause of the fire was not discovered to a cer- tainty. In the after-hold were scattered a variety of ship's stores, a quantity of empty bottles, heaps of straw and shavings, the contents of opened packing- cases. It was ventilated by a grating into the cabin passage, and tlie captain supposed, probably with justice, that some reckless and wanton passenger, lighting a cigar below in violation of rigid rules, had ignorantly and carelessly thrown a^vay the match Arrival at Cape Town. 15 still lighted, allowing it to fall on this mass of inHam- mable material. The mail-room adjoins the after- hold, and the mails must have had a narrow escape ; ^vliile the hold immediately forward contained large stores of spirits. Had these been ignited the consequences would probably have been most serious. Some inches of water on the cabin floors, and a strong smell of smoke, of charred straw and wood, served for some hours to remind the pas- sengers how near they had been to a very un- pleasant termination of their voyage. The morn- ing of the 14tli of May broke gloomily, with heavy rain and driving mist. About nine o'clock a bright clearance to the southAvarcl disclosed the heights of Table Mountain. As we drew nearer the weather became brighter, the clouds broke: when ofl:' the breakwater the Cape of Good Hope was welcoming us with its sunniest smile. The approach from the sea to Cape Town is imposing and attractive. The lofty granite mass of Table Mountain, the distant ranges of hills stretching over half the horizon, and the calm waters of Table Bay brought into the mind succes- sively Gibraltar, the Riviera, and the Bay of Palermo, while the attractions of the spot were strengthened by the feeling that a long, tedious, and monotonous voyage had at length been accom- plished. It may be a matter of question whether, under present conditions, a voyage to South Africa is as beneficial to invalids or to persons of delicate health, and liable to sea-sickness, as is generally supposed. The excessive heat in the regions of i6 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa, the equator debilitates and exhausts ; scarcely a day of the voyage was not marked by considerable rolling or pitching, and the imperfect ventilation, the inferior food, and the want of power and speed in the older Cape vessels lead one to hope that before loni>' an increasino- volume of passeno'er traffic may com2:)el the construction of larger, better found, and swifter ships, ri\'alling in their excellence the racers of the Xorth Atlantic lines. I imagine that a vessel like the Teutonic could cover the dis- tance between Plymouth and the Cape of Good Hope in less than fourteen days. The Graiittdh/ Cadle occupied a period of nineteen days and nine- teen hours. On landing, I repaired to Govern- ment House, to which I liad received a gracious invitation. Cape Town, 17 CHAPTER 11. CAPE COLONY. Scenery and climate of Cape Town — Public Buildings — The Government House, Xatural History Museum, and Public Library — Adderley Street — The sea prospect from C;ipe Town — Eivalry of Port Elizabeth — The inhabitants and environs of Cape Town — Dutch and English in the colony— Mr. Cecil Ehodes— The Transvaal War of 1881— Majuba Hill — Capo Politics — The South African States — Cape Town as a Coaling Station — Defences of the Cape — Forts at Simon's Bay — Fort Wynyard — General Cameron and the Cape Town Garrison. Hie terrarum mihi praeter omnes Angulua ridet, ubi non Hymetto Mella decedunt viridique certat Bacca Venafro ; Yer ubi longum tepidasque prsebet Jupiter brumas, et amicus Anion Fertili Eaccho nimium Falernis Invidet uvis. Foe beauty of scenery and general excellence of climate Cape Town approaches perfection. In- habited by some 50,000 souls, it reposes at the foot of the great Table Mountain, sheltered though not oppressed by towering and precipitous granite masses. Possessing and proud of a history going- back over a period of upwards of 250 years, the town itself shows few if any signs of antiquity. The traveller might often imagine from its strag- gling and unfinished appearance that he had c i8 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. arrived at one of those sudden settlements, the creation of a few months or weeks, which are characteristic of an American territory or of the Australian Inish. Public buildings of high archi- tectural merit are scarce ; indeed, the Houses of Parliament and the Standard Bank may ])e said to be the only edifices entirely Avorthy of the traditions and position of the town. The ohl Town House, the old Castle, vi^ddly and agreeably recall the Dutchman of the seven- teenth century, relics of an interesting past, testimonies of a famous history, which should be tenderly preserved. His Excellency the Govern' nor is resjiectablv, but not splendidly, accommo- dated. A long, low building, hidden away in a corner of ugly elevation but of roomy and commo- dious interior, containing spacious apartments, uneasily supports the dignified title of " Govern- ment House." A garden of considerable extent, well filled Avith shady oak-trees and many fine specimens of tropical plants, makes up largely for the architectural shortcomings of the edifice. Adjoining are to be found the Botanical Gardens, the Natural History ]\[useum, and the Public Library. All of these institutions apparently suifer from a want of liberal maintenance, Avhich is the more to l)e regretted as their contents are for the most part excellent and rare. The Natural History ^luseum possesses a very perfect collection of African fauna, mainly contributed by the famous liunter, Mr. Selous, of birds, and of mineralogical and conchological specimens of great interest ; but I I PuBLTC Buildings. 19 all these objects of study are so crowded and so crammed up together, and stowed away in cases so insufficiently lighted, that detailed and careful ins^Dection of them is a matter of extreme difficulty. Both this museum and the Public Library, which latter is a fine hall, containing a large and varied collection of l^ooks and many ancient manuscripts, are freely and fren^uently resorted to by the in- habitants. Adderley Street in the morning is crowded and animated ; many of its buildings liave striven to attain to a respectable standard of civic architecture, and well-filled shops elegantly display a variety of articles of luxury, whicli suggest the difi'usion of an easy affluence. The sea prospect from Cape Town is most agree- able. A lengthy l)reakwater, constructed with great solidity, protects an anchorage where many vessels of size might congregate. The docks, whicli were large enough for the shipping require- ments of a generation ago, are too small to allow of the entrance of large modern steamers, and it is much to be reo-retted tliat the construction of a l^ig, wide dock in the rear of the existing docks has been suspended owing to ^vant of fimds. Port Elizabeth, with superior railway advantages, and, perhaps, a more go-ahead public spirit, is pressing Cape Town hard ; and it is probable that, if the latter does not bestir itself, it may forfeit its commercial eminence in South Africa. But pos- sibly the charm of Cape Town lies in its respectable repose. The inhabitants, who welcome the stranger with a cordial hospitality rarely to be found else- C.2 20 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. where, have inherited, jorobably from the Dutcli, a joleasant conservatism of thought and of habitude. They are not inclined to believe that the bustle of Melbourne or the crowds of Sydney represent the highest standard of social happiness ; they have a tendency to regard with some dou])t and anxiety the development and progress which Cape Town has undoul3tedly made in the last few years ; many A Cape Cart. of them view with apprehension and some with alarm the influx of a large population which may shortly be attracted by the mineral wealth of South Africa already said to be discovered. The late Lord Iddesleigh, in one of his political discourses, averred that he had been accused of being " wanting in go," but it was felt by all that the accusation, if true, only exhibited more pleasantly the general amiability of his character. Similarly it is possi- Environs of Cape Town. 21 Lie that the peojjle of Cape ToAvn have a tendency to a liability to such an accusation, but those who are fortunate enough to know and understand them will readily confess that the defect, if it exists, may be counted among their attractions rather than among their faults. The environs of Cape Town in the direction of Wynberg are of surj^assing beauty. Forests, groves, plantations of oak, pine, eucalyptus, owing their origin to the provident forethought of the early Dutch settlers, thickly cover the ground from the slopes of the mountain almost to the shores of the sea. Miles of shady lanes, extending in all directions, make ridin"* and drivino' an un- failing pleasure, while on every side old-fashioned villas and country-houses, with perfect and well- kept gardens, disclose alike the cultivated taste and the love of country life which characterize the wealthier portion of the resident community. English people afilicted at home by a winter climate which year after year grows more intolerable and more interminable, fruitlessly, and at great cost, seek sunshine and "^varmth in the south of Europe amid unsympathetic foreigners. A three weeks' voyage, unaccompanied either by hardships or risk, Avould bring them to this lo\'ely spot, where, among people of their own race, speaking their own language, and thinking their own thoughts, they would tind and enjoy the most temperate and equable summer weather, with all the attractions of sea-side existence which the earth can offer. ^ Socially a very happy change has, in recent years, been effected in the Cape To^vn community. The '22 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. old hostility between the English and the Dutch, which at the time of the Transvaal War had at- tained a dangerous height, seems to have entirely passed away. The two sections regard each other with feelings of resj^ect, friendship, mutual trust. The o-enius of the Prime ]\Iimster, Mr. Cecil Rhodes, has mainly contriljuted to this auspicious state of things. He has known how to acquire and retain the conhdence of the English and of the Dutch colonist, he has shown them in the daily practice of his Government that their interests are entirely and absolutely common, and so homogeneous is now this Cape coinmimity that the President of the South xlfrican Republic and the Transxaal Boers have been plainly and eff'ecti\el\' Avarned by many Dutchmen of authorit}^ and position in Cape Colony that unfriendl}' action on their part against the British position in Zambesia, and hostile action by Boer " trekkers," against the British Chartered South African Company, will neither receive the support nor enjoy the sympathy of any appre- ciable section of the Dutch subjects of the C^ueen. The Cape Colony Dutch sympathized profoundly with their countrymen, who, in 1881, Avere light- ing for their freedom ; but that freedom having been restored and guaranteed, they are equally ready to disapprove of, and e\en to resist, their Transvaal kinsmen impelled by land hunger or by sheer animosity to attack British possessions and British subjects Avithout reason or proAOcation. Moreover, the Cape Colony Dutch argue Avith much force : '^ AYe supported you Boers in your struggle for liberty, our sui)port saved you from Majuba Hill. 23 British resentnieiit ; in return you have placed prohibitive duties oii our goods and })roductions, you have oljstiuately hindered the extension of our I'ailways, and you have exckided our chikh^en from civil employment in your State. Whereas we lind that this Imperial Government which you so unreasonably hate, whether in Bechuanaland or in the Chartered territory, admits our goods duty free, actively supports the development of the rail- way system, and invites our children not only to enter its service, but to come into and occupy the lands under its control." In justice it should be added that the sagacious policy of Mr. Rhodes has only been made possiljle by the termination of the Transvaal War in 1881, and by the manner of its termination. The surrender of the Transvaal and the peace concluded by Mr. Gladstone with the victors of Majidja Hill were at the time, and still are, the object of sharp criticism and bitter de- nunciation from many politicians at home, qttoruvb jKirs parva fui. Better and more precise informa- tion, combined with cool reflection, leads me to the conclusion that, had the British Government of that day taken advantage of its strong military position, and annihilated, as it could easily kave done, tlie Boer forces, it would indeed kave re- gained tke Transvaal, but it miglit kave lost Cape Colony. Tke Dutck sentiment in tke Colony kad been so exasperated by wkat it considered to be tke unjust, faitkless, and arbitrar}' policy pursued towards tke free Dutckmen of tke Transvaal, by Sir Bartle Frere, Sir Tkeopkilus Skepstone, and Sir Owen Lanyon, tliat tke flnal triumpk of tke 24 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. Britisli arms mainly by brute force would have IDermanently and hopelessly alienated it from Great Britain ; Parliamentary government in a country where the Dutch control the Parliament would have become impossible, and without Par- liamentary government, Cape Colony would be ungovernable. The actual magnanimity of the peace with the Boers concluded by Mr. Gladstone's Ministry after two humiliating military reverses suffered by the arms under their control became plainly apparent to the just and sensible mind of the Dutch Cape Colonist, atoned for much of past grievance, and demonstrated the total absence in the English mind of any hostility or unfriendli- ness to the Dutch race. Concord between Dutch and English in the colony from that moment became possible, and that concord the government of Mr. Rhodes inaugurated, and has since to all appearance hrmly riveted. On the other hand, the peace thus concluded with the Transvaal carried with it some grave disadvantages. The re- erection of the South African Republic contributed another powerful factor to the forces of disunion iu South Africa ; the Boers of the Transvaal, Avanting altogether the common-sense of their kinsmen in the colony, have since the war been inflated with an overAveening pride, foolishly eager to seek quarrels and sustain disputes with the English poAver, and will continue, possibly for generations, to be a formidable obstacle to either political or commercial federation in South Africa. Moreover, the generosity of the surrender of the Cape Politics. 25 Transvaal by the English Government was naturally misunderstood by, or was not apparent to, the mind of powerful native races. On the whole, I find myself free to confess, and without reluctance to admit, that the English escaped from a wretched and discreditable muddle, not without harm and damage, but probably in the best pos- sible manner, and that lessons have been taught to many parties by the Transvaal war which, if learned, may be of the utmost value in framing- future policy. South African politics are highly interesting at the present moment. The position of the Cape Government is one of apparent solidity and power. Against it, suj^ported as it is by a preponderating majority in Parliament, two ex-Prime Ministers, in imperfect harmony with each other, and followed by groups numerically insignificant, with difficulty sustain the forms of an Opposition. Complete concord and co-operation exist between the Par- liament and the Ministers on the one hand, and the High Commissioner on the other. It is, indeed, well that this should be so now, for the develop- ment of the ao-ricultural and mineral resources of Matabeleland under the protection of the British Government, through the instrumentality of the Chartered Company, will require for years the most skilful, prudent, and courageous handling. That those resources will before long prove to be of value to the English people does not admit of doubt ; but their very value excites the cupidity, not only of the weak and easily-controlled Boer, 26 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. and of the weaker and still more easily-controlled [Portuguese, but also of such j^owerful rivals as France and Germany ; any failure on our part ettectively to develop Matabeleland, to preserve l)eace, order, and security in those ^'ast regions, and to combine in the work the entire British African community, would result in a loss Avhicli, from a national and from a commercial point of view, can onlv be described as immeasurable. But the com]jination of the British African community for effective executive purposes is a task which ma}' almost exhaust the resources of statesmanship). From the Zambesi to the Cape of Good Hope, a region occupying some two thousand miles of land in length, inhabited by about half a million whites and by over four millions of natives, every form of go\'ernment known to liistory is to be found in existence and at work : in the Cape Colonv a re- presentative JAirliament elected on the Avidest native and European suffrage, with responsible Ministers and almost complete independence of the Home Government ; in Xatal a more restricted re- presentative body, with Ministers not directly responsible to that Ijody, a sort of Prussian ad- ministration ; in Zululand the personal and direct government of the Governor of Natal ; in the Transvaal an independent republic, but mmble to conclude treaties with foreio-n States without the o approval of the British Government ; with a pi-e- sident, executive, and two chambers elected by Dutch burghers, but with many thousands of E uropean population possessing no political rights ; The South African States. 27 ill the Orange Free State another independent re- public, governed by a j^resident and one chamber, elected by all the citizens ; in Bechuanaland the direct and personal government of the Governor of Cape Colony, exercised through an administrator under laws enacted by the Governor's proclama- tion ; in Basutoland direct and personal govern- ment of the High Commissioner, exercised through an administrator under laws enacted by the High Commissioner's proclamation, and Avith native customs and native laws administered by native chiefs so far as they may not be inconsistent with English justice ; in the Bechuanaland Protectorate the jjersonal authority of the High Commissioner, the native chiefs and territory j^rotected by the Bechuanaland Border Police from external ag- gression, Avdtli native hiAvs administered by the chiefs ; in Swaziland a joint Government carried oil by the Biitish and the Transvaal authorities, with an executive consisting of a representative of the Swazi nation, of the British Government, and of the South African Republic, whose laws require the joint approval of the guaranteeing Powers ; in Pondoland an independent native State, the sea-coast only of which is under the protection of England with a seaport on the coast Avliich is actual British territoi'y ; in Damaraland a German territory under direct control of the German Gov- ernment, the only seaport of which Ijelongs to the Cape Colony ; in Amatongaland an indeiDendent native State go\ eiiied by Queen Zambili and her councillors, but possessing no power to conclude 28 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. treaties with foreign States, excej)t with the approval of the British Government ; while in Matabeleland, a territory as large as France, in- habited by a numerous and warlike tribe of Zulu origin, the burden of government has been assumed by an English Commercial Corporation under charter from the Crown, under the jurisdic- diction of the High Commissioner, and deri^'ing administrative authority from the High Com- missioner acting on behalf of the British Govern- ment. The mere enumeration of these various forms of government, the mere setting out of this com^Dlicated and variegated congeries of powers and authorities all mixed up almost inextricably together, will suffice to give some idea of the difficulties and embarrassments which attend the course whether of a Secretary of State, of a High Commissioner, or of a Cape Colony Government and Parliament. For a British coaling station of great import- ance Cape Town is fairly well fortihed. By the courtesy of General Cameron, commanding the forces, and of Colonel KnoUys, commanding the Artillery, I was enabled to make a detailed ex- amination of the defences. I was naturally much interested in noting what had been done, because Cape Town is one of the coaling stations which Lord Salisbury accused me of being desirous, when Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1886, of leaving in a defenceless condition. Five 9 •2-inch breech- loading guns, with hydro-pneumatic moimtings, placed in positions selected Avith admirable art, Defences of the Cape. 29 make the approacli of a hostile fleet a. work of great difficulty and danger. With these formid- able cannon are placed, more for purposes of ornament than of effective use, fourteen or fifteen seven-ton muzzle-loading guns. These latter have been discarded by the navy, and are considered by expert artillerists, on account of their muzzle- loading aiTangements, their inferior accuracy, and The Defences of the Cape — A 9'2 inch breech-loading'gun. small penetrative power, to be obsolete. The Home Government, however, considered them to be good enough for the Cape, and at great expense have sent out and mounted a number of them for the defence of Table Bay and of Simon's Bay. I am informed that for the same money an equal number of the new six-inch breech-loading gun might have been furnished, in which case the defences of the Cape of Good Hope in respect of 30 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. ordnance would have been complete/ But it is ever so. Our War Office and Admiralty can never be persuaded to make a finished and perfect work. The various detached forts in which these guns liave been placed have been constructed with great solidity. The Cape Government supjDlied the sites and the labour at a cost of about G0,000/. ; the guns and mountings were furnished by the Home Government. A 9*2-iixcli breech-loading gun, w^ith hydro-pneumatic mounting, costs 17,000/. Two of these guns, two 9 -inch muzzle-loaders, together with several seven-ton muzzle-loaders, command and protect the naval station at Simon's Bay. The forts at Simon's Bay have been so ingeniously concealed by the engineers that it would be difficult and perhaps impossible for the officers of an approaching hostile fleet to discover their situa- tion until it had come well within range. The General kindly allowed the 9 •2-inch breech-load- ing gun in Fort Wynyard to have three rounds fired from it for my inspection. The projectile Aveighs 3801bs., and the charge of powder is 1661bs. The target, a flagstafl" on a barrel, was moored at a distance out at sea of 2900 yards. All three shots, so excellent is the accuracy of the gun and the training of the gunners, passed Avithin a few I'eet of the target, which, if it had been an enemy's ship, would have suftered fatal damage. ^ The facts set out above were controverted in the House of Commons, were controverted hy ]Mr. Stanhope, Secretary of State for War. They are nevertheless authentic and accu- ratelj'- stated. The Garrison at CaPe Town. ^i The destructive rano-e of this cannon attains the jDrodigious distance of 10,000 yards. The garrison at Cape Town is ridiculoiisl}' weak. It consists of one and a half battahons of infantry and two batteries of artillery. The 9*2-incli lireech-loading gun requires for its handling seven- teen trained artillerists. The garrison in its present feeble state can only furnish three men pei' gun. A scheme is at present being considered for combining effectively with the Imperial troops the best volunteer forces, but nothino- has been decided on in this direction, and the jealousy of home interference entertained by the Colonial Government may yet cause much friction and delay. I am informed that if Cape ToA^n is to l)e rendered at all secure from hostile attack, one additional battalion of infantry and one battery of artillery is imperatively required. General Cameron, speaking at the Mayor's lunclieon, as- serted that he had only 1300 effective men under his command, whereas a garrison of at least 6000 was necessary for the adequate protection of the Cape of Good Hope. To do full justice to the War Ofhce I should add that it maintains with mao-ni- ticent liberality for the duties of this feeble garrison a staff" equal in numbers and importance to the requirements of an army of 20,000 men.^ AVith the due celebration of the Queen's Birthday on the 25th Alay, and with the opening of the Cape Par- - This statement was also contradicted in the House of Commons by Mr. Stanhope, Secretary of State for War. It is^ nevertheless, perfectly accurate. 32 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. liament on the following clay, at l^oth of which interesting and imposing ceremonies I was privi- leged to be iDresent, I brought to a close a most agreeable fortnight passed at Cape To^\ai. Jl En Route for Kimberley. 33 CHAPTER III. DIA^rONDS. We leave Cape Town — The Paarl — Worcester Town — Tlic Hex Kiver Pass — A Paddington man — Arrival at Matjes- fontein — Mr. J. D. Logan — The Karroo — Diamond In- dustry at Kimberley — Visit to the offices of the De Beers Company — ^Nlr. Cecil Rhodes a pulilic man of the first order — Mr. Gardner Williams, mining engineer— The blue ground — Separating the diamonds — Precautions against Theft — The De Beers Company a model Village Community — Electric light used in the diamond mines. The mail train for Kimberley leaves Cape To's\qi in the evenino-, but the traveller will be well advised in doing the portion of the journey as far Matjes- fontein by day. The railroad passes through mountain scenery of exceptional beauty and variety. We left Cape Town in pouring rain, but soon after our departure the clouds broke, and the Sim shining out brightly upon the mist which hung over the tops of the Hottentot Holland Range produced a series of rare and astonishing- rainbow effects. About tliirty miles from Cape Town is situated the Paarl, an old town of French origin, which takes its name from a chain of large granite boulders, supi)osed to resemble the pearls of a necklace, Avhich adorn the summit of the hill overhanging the place. The valley of the Paarl is covered with vineyards intersjoersed here and there D 34 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. Avith fertile pastures on which graze herds of long- horned cattle. The sweet wines of the Paarl rival in excellence those of Constancia. The slopes of the hills are well wooded, the general aspect of the valley is of extraordinary attraction . R onnd about Wellington, a toA\ai in the vicinity of the Paarl, wo find a great corn-growing country, while in the division of Worcester, a hundred miles distant from Cape Town, we come to a district producing an abundance of sheep, cattle, horses, ostriches, corn, dried fruits, and Avines. The town of Worcester has been admirably constructed. '' The. streets are Avell laid out in parallelogi'ams, bordered Avith AA^ater-courses and eucalyptus trees. A plentiful supply of Avater, coiiA'-eyed from the Hex Kiver l)y an artificial canal six miles in length, imparts to the toAvn an unusually verdant aspect, the charm of Avhich is enhanced by contrast AA'ith the sterile appearance of the lofty and rugged mountains Avhicli surround it. About nine miles from A\ oi- cester there are hot springs Avith a temperature of 145 deg., the Avater of Avhich is famed for its cure of Avounds and skin diseases." ^ Speaking generally of the road between Cape Toavu and the summit of the Hex River Pass, the moun- tain and Aalley scenery is hardly to be sur- passed in loveliness, and the traveller, assisted by memory or imagination, may fancy himself noAv in Yorkshire or Worcestershire, noAv in the Hio-hlands of Scotland, noAv in the A^alleys of Provence. After leaving Worcester, the railway ascends the Hex ' South African Argus Annual. A Paddixgton Man. River Pass, the summit of wliicli is some 3000 feet above the level of the sea. The road, which is a triumph of engineering skill, has an average gradient of 1 in 40, and no fewer than seventy-two curves, some of them very sharp. To view the magnificent mountain prospect with more advantage our party was accommodated with scats on the little platform in front of the engine, and the sensations of travelling in this manner along the verge of preci- pices of giddy depth and over iron bridges of frail appearance were at once novel and thrilling. The engine-dri\':er, who was very affectionate, confided to me Avhile we Avere passing at respectable speed an apparently dangerous portion of the track, that he was a Paddington man. This is the second gentleman occupying an ofiicial position connected with the administration of the railroads of South Africa who claimed Paddington as his birthplace and his home, and who saluted with joy the appearance of his representative in Parliament. ]\Iatjesfontein, which we reached in the evening and where ws passed the night, aftbrds a remark- able example of what can be eftected by the energy of the Englishman. Mr. J. D. Logan, who is the proprietor of an estate here of 100,000 acres in extent, has settled himself down on what appears at first sight to be the most unpromising spot for a farmer which the mind can imagine. Here, in the arid plain of the Karroo, producing nothing but low scrub and scanty herbage, he has built himself a large and comfortable house, a spacious homestead with oood cottas-es for his men, and D 2 36 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. elevates with mucli success flocks of many thousands of sheep and ]ierds of many lumdreds of cattle. The Karroo is far more liospitable and noiu'ishino- for live stock than the nninstructed tourist M^oiild inmoiiie. Tlie climate is })erfect, the aii- iiui^uorat- iiio- hke thiit of Scothind, and the only som'ce ol' anxiety to the farmer is foiiiid in the somcAvhat insuthcient rainfall. Sport is to ])c ol)tained in plenty bv the sportsipnii Avho docs not fear hard v\^ork. The (piail, the iiamntp.ia pMrtrid'hted by laro-e windows, underneath which runs a broad counter covered with white sheets of j^aper, on ^vdiicli are In the 800 feet level of the De Beers Diamond Mine. laid out innumerable glistening heaps of precious stones of indescribable variety. In this room ai'e concentrated some 60,000 carats, the daily produc- tion of the Consolidated Mine being about 5500 carats. " When the diamonds have been valued they are sold in parcels to local buyers, who represent the leading diamond merchants of Europe. The size of a parcel varies from a lew thousand to tens of thousands of carats ; in one ^ Iloporfc, 1890, General Manager, De Beers. .// 44 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. instance, two years ago, nearly a quarter of a million of carats were sold in one lot to one buyer." ^ The company sustain a considerable loss annually, estimated now at from 10 to 15 per cent., by diamonds beino- stolen IVom the mines. To check this loss, extraordinary precautions have been Sorting grayel for diamonds at Kimberley. resorted to. The natives are engaged for a j^eriod of three months, during Avliich time they are confined in a compound suiTounded by a high wall. On returning from their day's work, they have to strip off all their clothes, which they hang on pegs in a shed. Stark naked, they then proceed to the ^ Report, 1890, General Manager, De Leers. Precautions again;=t Theft. 45 searching room, wliere their mouths, their haii% their toes, their armpits, and every portion of theii* l)ocly are sul)jected to an ehal)orate examination. White men would ne\er submit to such a ])rocess, ])ut the native sustains the indignitv Avitli clicci'riil equanimitN', considei'ing only the high wages which he earns. After passing' through the senrchina; room, thev pass, still in a state of nnditv, to their apartments in tlie compound, A\'here tliey find blankets in ^vliicli to A^'rap tliemsehes for the night. During the e\'ening, the clothes which they have left behind them are carefnlly and minutely searched, and are restored tu thcii- owners in the morning. The precautions A\'liich are taken a few days before the nati^'es lea\e tlie compound, their engagement being terminated, to recover diamonds Avhich they may have swallowed, are more easily imagined than descrd^ed. In addi- tion to these arrangements, a. law of excep- tional rigour punishes illicit diamond buying, ' ^ ^ known in the slang of Sontli Africa as I.D.B.ism. 7 — Under this statute, the ordinary presumption of law in favour of tlie accused disap^Dears, and an » accused person has t() pro\'e his innocence in the clearest manner, instead of the accuser having to prove his guilt. Sentences are constantly passed on persons con^dcted of this otlence ranging from five to fifteen vears. It must be admitted that this tremendous law is in thorough conformity with South African sentiment, which elevates I.D.B.ism almost to the level, if not above the level, of actual homicide. If a man walking in the streets or in 46 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. the precincts of Kimberley were to find a diamond and were not immediately to take it to the registrar, restore it to him, and to liave the fact of its restoration registered, he woukl he Hal)le to a punishment of fifteen years' penal servitude. In order to prevent illicit traffic, the quantities of diamonds produced by the mines are reported to the detective department both by the producers and the exporters. All diamonds, except those which pass through illicit channels, are sent to England l)v registered post, the Aveekly shipments averaoino- " from 40,000 to 50,000 carats. The o;reatest outlet for stolen diamonds is throuo-h the Transvaal to Xatal, where they are shipped by respectable merchants, who turn a deaf ear to any information from the diamond fields to the effect that they are aiding the safe-©^ stolen proj^erty.^ The most ingenious ruses are resorted to by the illicit dealers for conveying the stolen diamonds out of Kimberley. They are considerably assisted by the fact that the boundaries of the Transvaal and of the Free State approacli witliin a few miles of Kimlx-rley, and once across the border^ they are comparatively safe. Recently, so I was informed, a notorious diamond thief was seen leaving Kimberley on horseback for the Transvaal Convinced of his iniquitous designs, he was seized by the police on the border and tlioroughly searched. Nothing was found on liim, and he was perforce allowed to proceed. Xo sooner was 1 Report, 1890, General Manager, De ]5ecrs. A Model Village Community. 47 lie well across the border, than he, under the eyes of the detective, delibei'ately shot and cut open his horse, extracting fi'oiii its intestines a large parcel of diamonds, which, previous to the journey, had been administered to the unfortunate animal in the form of a ball. ^' The De Beers Directors manage their immense concern with o-reat liberalitv. A model villa o-e, called Kenilworth, within the precincts of the mines, affords most comfortable and healthy accom- iliodation for several of the European employes. Gardens are attached to cottages, and the planting of eucalyptus, cypress, pine, and oak, as well as a variety of fruit trees, has been carried to a con- siderable extent. A very excellent club-house has also been built, which includes, besides the mess-room and kitchen, a. reading-room, where many of the monthly papers and magazines are kept, together with six hundred volumes from the Kimberley Public Li1)rary. There is also a billiard room, Avith two oood tables o-iven by two of the directors. A la r o-e recreation oTound is in the course of construction. AVithin the compound Avhere the native labourers are confined is a store where they can procure cheaply all the necessaries of life. Wood and water are supjolied free of charge, and a large swimming bath is also provided, but I did not learn if the n[itives made much use of it. All sick natives are taken care of in a hospital connected with the compound, where medical attendance, nurses, and food are sujiplied gratuitouslv by the company. I should not omit 48 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. to mention that the entire mine nhove and under- liToinid is li_2;hted by (dectricit)'. 'J'herc are tivn cii-cuits of ek'ctj'ic lamps for De Beers and Kinil)erlc\' mines. They consist of lifry-tA\'o arc ]amj)S of 1000 candle power each, and (191 gloA\' lamps of sixteen and sixty-four candle i)ower each, or a total illuminatinp: power of 63,696 candles. There are, moreoA'er, thirty telephones connectinu' the ditterent centres of A\'ork too-ether, and over eio-htv electric hells are used for simallinu' in shafts and on haulages. Such is this marvellous mine, the like of whicli I doulit whether the world can show. W'lien one considers the enormous capital iinested, the ela1)orate and costly plant, the numher ection of Giants. 117 I may mention that Major Giles stands 6ft. 4in., Mr. Edgell 6ft. Aim., Mr. McKay 6ft., Messrs. Mockell and Mybiirgli, the conductors, 6ft. 5in. each : a fine collection of oiants. The orfranizinii' and equipping of an African expedition is an elaborate and costly business, and a detailed ac- count of the work may be of value to those at The lonp; and the short of it. home who may be contemplating, or who may undertake a similar journey. In London a large outlay had been made. Tents, all camp equip- ment, cooking appliances and utensils had been supplied by a well-known London outfitter. The following rifles and guns had been bought of a London firm: — 1. A double-barrel 'oil B. L. ii8 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. Henry rifle. 2. A single-barrel ditto. 3. A single -450 B. L. Henry rifle. 4. A pair of No. 12 breech-loading shot guns with rebounding locks. 5. Six Winchester repeating rifles, new pattern, •450 bore, canying four cartridges in the magazine. I also had from Messrs. Fraser, an Edinburgh firm, a "500 bore B. L. double-barrel rifle. With this rifle I did all my shooting, and found it to he a most perfect, accurate and beautifully sighted arm. In addition to this armament there were purchased at Kimbeiiey two pairs of No. 12 shot guns, made by Greener, four ordinary Martini- Henry rifles, and two sporting rifles. We had with us about 10,000 rounds of ammunition. A London house had furnished a great variety of provisions, tinned meats, pressed vegetables, fruit, bacon, ham, tea, coffee. Saddlery, horse clothing, and halters were purchased in London, as also medicines, etc. I would venture to give a word of A\^arnino; and advice to those who start on a South African journey, and who have to ^^urchase material at home. I foolishly imagined that if I resorted to West-end tradesmen in London, though I would have to pay considerably higher prices, at least I would obtain the best articles turned out and packed in the best possible manner. But in this I was disappointed from not having personally seen after everything, down to the smallest details. For instance, three bell tents wore supjDlied, all of old and each of different patterns, with poles too long, causing very great inconvenience when un- packed and brought into use. All the packing Hints from mv own Experience. 119 cases were of such weak and flimsy material that after being opened they became useless. More than that, the packing of the articles was so de- fective that many things were broken, especially an elaborate stove, and lamps of more than one kind. An expensive canteen, on being opened, was found to be defective in many articles. I could cite other instances of carelessness and neg- lect, Avhich ought to be most carefully guarded against, for in a country such as this defects in the original equipment cannot be made good, will always produce vexation and inconvenience, may sometimes be attended with consequences still more serious. At Kimberley servants and grooms were engaged, waggons, oxen, mules, horses pur- chased. Here a2:ain I Avould advise the traveller who has to make purchases at Kimberley to personally inspect and examine every article ordered and to see to the packing of it. One large wholesale house to whom I had special letters of recommendation, supplied us with many shocking hi\([ articles of the most shoddy description. Also some essential parts of the mining equipment which had been ordered were found on arrival here not to have been sent. The state of the expedition as I found it on arrival here was as follows : — In addition to those gentlemen I have already mentioned, it had been joined by Captain the Honourable Charles Coventry, of the B.B.P., who had obtained three months' leave. Also I had been fortunate in securing the ser\' ices of Mr. Hans Lee, a well-known and most successful hunter. 120 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. through Avhom I hoped to obtain some good big- game shooting. The remainder of the joer- sonnel was as follows :— 3 white servants, 2 " Cave boys," 4 grooms, two cooks, with 2 native boys to assist, 2 donkey herds, 1 4 nati\-e drivers and leaders. The live stock consisted of 103 oxen, one slaughter cow, 13 riding horses, 18 mules, 1 mare to run with the mules, 14 donkeys, 11 dogs, mostly curs. The vehicles Avere 1 " spider " carriage, 1 large mule waggon on springs draAvn by 12 mules, 4 half-tent waggons, drawn by 18 oxen each, 1 buck or uncovered waggon, also drawn by 18 oxen, the Scotch cart, a covered waggon on two wheels, drawn by 8 oxen. This quantity of wheeled vehicles and cattle and mules had to draw about 21,000 lbs. of meal, mealies, potatoes, onions, and various other provisions, 2000 lbs. of ammunition, 1500 lbs. of trading- goods, 2500 lbs. of mining tools and plant, 8000 lbs. of baggage, 5000 lbs. of camp equipment, furniture, and miscellaneous articles, 3000 lbs. of corn and forage for horses, and about 1500 lbs. of saddlery and stable equipment, making a total, with allow- ances for other necessary weights, of upwards of 40,000 lbs., or, according to local measurement, some twenty tons weight of freight. The enumer- ation of the above will be sufficient to indicate the amount of thought, care, and trouble requisite for the conveyance of such a troop and such a quantity of stores across such a country as South Africa, with its hopeless roads, its swamps, its rockv places, fevers, and sicknesses, without incurring Carrying Stores across South Africa. 121 accident, djiinage, or loss. The trek from Vry- burg to Tiili, a distance of 550 miles, was ac- complished in a period of fifty-four days, only thirty-five days of which were occupied in actual treking, thus covering the distance at the rate of about 16^ miles joer travelling day. This trek was, moreover, accomplished without the loss of a Camp life at Tuli. Branding cattle. single ox, with the loss only of tAvo mules, one from sickness, one from accident, and with the temporary loss of seven donkeys, five of which have been recovered. No case of sickness has occurred among the men of the expedition, either white or coloured. Major Giles was fortunate with the horses, all of which were brought as far as Tuli 122 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. in even better condition than they were in Tvhen they were originally Id ought. The horse sickness in South Africa causes such heavy loss that I am tempted to dwell on this subject. Most authorities are of opinion that it is useless to purchase horses for African journeys, unless they are what is termed " salted," that is, have had and have recovered from the sickness. Such horses, however, are, for the most part, sorry, -^vTetched steeds, without spirit, with very inferior strength. They by no means enjoy per- fect immunity from further attacks of sickness. Large prices, moreover, ranging from 50/. up- wards, are asked for them. Major Giles resolved to ascertain whether by great and constant care he could not, at least at this season of the year, preserve his horses from the sickness. He had to encounter a great deal of derision from persons of all sorts of experience, who freely 23rophesied he would not bring a horse alive to Tuli. Mr. McKay, who undertook the charge of the horses, gave the following details of his management. First, the horses are never watered before 11 a.m. or after 3 p.m. This precaution is adopted against the evils occasioned by the morning and evening dews, at times and in certain jDlaces very heavy. Secondly, when outspanned, the horses are covered with a horse-rug, buckling over the chest, and Avith a blanket rug, doubled, coming well back over the loins. At sundown the horses are fed in nosebags, the bottoms of which have been care- fully tarred. Three times a week each horse has Major Giles and his Horses. 123 its nostrils slightly tarred inside, once a week a tonic dose is administered to each, composed of about two wine-glasses of gin, ^vith enough quinine to co^'er a shilling, well piled u]), mixed with the gin. Further, in places with an CA'il re23utation for horse sickness, the horses Avere never allowed to go to the river or other water ; buckets of water Avere brought to the camp and allowed to stand for an hour or more in the sun. and then slightly chilled by mixing warm water. The great and principal precaution is that some trustworthy person should daily see that the grooms carry out these regulations conscientiously. A few minutes' neglect destroys the effect of all the care of days and weeks. I admit that many persons assert that all precautions against horse sickness are unavailing, and that we were favoured by singular luck whicli could not l^e expected to follow us lono'.i Y^.|- ^]^g treatment described above is strictly in accordance with common-sense and with elementary sanitary science, and is surely worth a careful trial in view of the immense value of horses to the traveller in South Africa. On one day while at Tuli all the oxen were brought in for inspection and appeared to be of fine quality and in first-class condition. Certainly it would not have been thought that the respective spans had been engaged during six weeks in drawing waggon-loads of about 7000 lbs. apiece over a distance of 550 miles alono- Bechuanaland roads. The camp Avas, by special permission of the com- ' This opinion turned out to be correct. 124 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. manclino- officer, pitched on the north bank of the river, on a space which had been cleared for a cricket ground. All around is the Inish veldt, where at some distance from the camp the animals find orood o-razinsr. Here, at an altitude of onlv 1850 feet, the weather is found to be much warmer in the daytime than in the high uplands of the Transvaal, nor is there any frost at night. At this time of the year the situation is fairly healthy, and there is no fever among the troops. During the rainy season the troops suffered considerabh' from fever and dysentery, the horse sickness ravaged the mounts, some 80 per cent, of horses having been lost. It is said that the Chartered Company will give up this station, "which is to be taken over by the Bechuanaland Border Police. Before our departure the military force enter- tained the expedition at a camjD fire concert. A colossal and Plutonic bonfire threw a wild and glaring light upon the surrounding scenery and upon the groups of men and natives in many- coloured and motley attire. The attendance must have numbered over a hundred. Many ex- cellent songs were sung, one recitation bearing on Sir Charles Warren's Bechuanaland exploits achieved a great success. A single verse will in- dicate the spirit of the poem and the reputation of the officer : — So you see there was no iigliting, on tliat glorious campaign, For not a man was wounded, not a warrior was slain ; And the doctors had an easy time, as doctors always will, Campaigning with a General who goes fighting with a quill. A Camp Fire Concert. 125 It was after eleven before the programme Avas completed, of&cers and men taking equal parts in the performance. The men were in the highest spirits, the officer being obviously extremely popular. At the close Sir Frederick Carrington addressed them in a stirring speech, and was enthusiastically cheered. Truly an impressive scene. Here, some thousands of miles awav from England, in a country inhabited by a numerous tribe of savages of noted ferocity, not a hundred miles from the kraal of the sTeat Lol^engula, was a tiny group of men holding their own, maintaining their authority ]3artly by their own reputation for efficiency, partly because they represented the might and prestige of the Empire ; never dreaming for a moment that a shadow even of danger could approach them, never doubting their ability to dissipate any danger should it arise. This is the group of military force which holds for England a portion of South Africa, from Kimberley to Fort Salisburv, comprising a territory as large as Germany and France, replete with elements of a hostile and dangerous nature. May good fortune ever attend and reward them. 126 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. CHAPTER IX. THROUGH BECHUANALAND. Cold nights in cam}) — The horse sickness — Visit from Kaffir women to our Mariko Kiver camp — Outspan on the banks of the Crocodile River — We cross the Mahalopsie River — Dr. Saur and Mr. Williams — Camp at Silika — Arrival at the Lotsani River — The luxury of a shave — The Suchi River — Headquarters of the Bechuanaland Police at Mat- laputta — The Macloutsie River — I lose myself near the Semalali River while in quest of game — Catching up the waggons. From the Journal kejjt by Surgeon Hugh Rayner. Ramatlabana, Stutdfty, May ^Ist. — We are seventeen miles north of Mafekiug, out of British territory, but in the British Protectorate. Nights are very cokl. As soon as the sun goes down the temperature changes, and after midnight the cold is intense and continues till sunrise, when it gradually becomes warmei'. There is, however, always a cool breeze during the day, so that the heat of the sun is considerably tempered. If by chance the sun becomes obscured by clouds a feeling of cold is at once experienced. As a specimen of the night cold, I slept last night in a camp bed with a cork mattress and three l^lankets. I was in a rough flannel sleeping bag and covered with two camel's hair blankets and a sheepskin kaross. Yet my feet never became Av^arm, and were quite cold on waking this morn- The Horse Sickness. 127 ing. Mr. Sinclair came across to our camp this morning, and kindly offered to take us out for some duck-shooting, so we all made a start on horseback to some " vleys " some few miles away. We came across a flight of seven duck, all of which Ave killed, after foUoAving them backAvards and forAvards from " Adey " to '' A'ley." Wednesday,. June ?>rd. — At 1 a.m. AA^e inspanned, and had not 2)roceeded more than a couple of miles before one of the Avaojo^ons stuck in the mud in a drift. The night Avas A^ery dark, the moon being in its last quarter. Then tAvo others stuck. EA'CntuallA^ one of them — the meal wao-oon— had to be unloaded and the others double-spanned before they could be extricated. We did not start again till just belbre daylight — a hard night for eA'ery one except myself. I had a comfortal^le night's rest, and being A^ery tired trom my exer- tions of the preAious day, slept on quietly in my " Kartel," ^ all unconscious of what Avas going on outside. We had intended to reach Sandpits by daylight, Avhich is the nearest water (supposed), but luckily Ave came upon a " Adey " where there is seldom water, al)out nine o'clock, so aa^c out- spanned there. . . . xVt 3.30 p.m. Ave inspanned, and at 5.30 arrived at Sandpits. On the Avay one of the mules AA^as attacked by the dreaded " horse " sickness, and was dead in three hours. This sickness is Avell knoAvn in South Africa. It attacks horses and mules suddenly, but donkeys are exemj)t. An animal is c|uite well up to a ' Large waggon slung mattress. 128 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. certain time, in fact, it may be in rather better fettle than usual, when suddenly it appears un- well. It ceases to work and becomes very tottery. In a few minutes it is noticed to be breathins; hard, and its nostrils working are evidences of great distress. Almost at the same time a dis- charge of mucus appears at the nostrils, which presently becomes very profuse. The distress increases, and in a few hours the animal, becoming weaker and weaker, and more and more distressed in its breathing, falls do^vn and dies. Post-mortem shows general congestion of the internal organs, especially of the lungs. All kinds of remedies have been tried, and have failed. In the case of our mule, half a bottle of gin and a large table- spoonful of tjuinine were at once administered, and this seemed to revive it for a time ; l3ut soon the weakness came on again, and the animal died. June 11th. — Sequana is about fifteen miles from Maripi, our last halting place. It is on the banks of the River Mariko, which provides good water. We are outspanned about 200 yards from the river by the road side. This afternoon a lot of Kaffir women came round with milk, pumpkins, etc., for barter. They were a very good-natured looking lot. I happened, at the time, to be reading the special number of SoutJb Africa, which contains many excellent pictures of this part of the world and of the various tribes. I showed them to the women, and they recognized several specimen portraits. The first was a picture of Matabele women, correct in detail, because it was Kaffir Women. 129 coi^ied from a i3hotogra|)h by Snrgeon-Major MellacleAv. One woman immediately recognized it, and clapped her hands, calling out, " Ha, ha I Matahele, >\Iatahele 1 ' Then came some pictures of soldiers, which they also recognized, and with ^vdiich they were equally pleased. A pleasant half-hour was thus sj^ent. A Kaffir man sold me his hat for 6^., which I took a fancy to, and which was simply the skin of a very pretty little red and black bird, tied jauntily on the left side of his head with a piece of string. Then he went away, but soon returned Avith another " hat " on. This, hoAvever, was not nearly so pretty, and I made no offers. I have no doubt that had I bouoiit it, CD ' he could have a^Dpeared in any number of " hats " in succession. I also bought from him a jackal's tail (used for brushing flies a^vay) for Qd., and my Kaffir friend went away delighted with his bargains. Tuesday, June IQtJi. — Inspanned 2 a.m. Arrived at Palla Camp — seventeen miles from Xo. 4 Post Station. Our outsj^an is on the banks of the Crocodile River, about hfty yards distant. The actual camp of the Bechuanaland Police is about four miles further on, where there is also a tele- graph station. A small detachment of the police are stationed there. There are tAvo stores, one of Avhich is Avithin half a mile of our outspan. I Avas told that there AA^as a good deal of fever about here, contracted at the close of the late rainy season, but there is ahvays more or less fever along the banks of the Crocodile. The country K 130 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. lip to now has l^een getting gradually more wooded since A'ryburg, and the trees getting gradually larger. The thorns all the way ha^'e been very troublesome, especially the well-known " wait-a-bit " thorn. . . . AVe found several waggons outspanned here, Mr. Winslow and ]3arty amono- them. AVent out four hours Avith a rifle o in the morning, but saw nothing. In the after- noon ]Mr. Winslow came and showed us the wa)' to a large '' vley " about two or three miles away, where there were numbers of duck and teal. Here we shot about a dozen birds, but Giles \\as the only one who iiianaoed to brine* his bird to bag, a very large duck ; in fact, almost as big as with a verv a goose, l)road span of wings. All the other birds fell into the "•vley," and it ^vas too deep to wade foi- them. Also croco- diles were said to li^e there sometimes. Dark- ness brought an end to our afternoon sport, so we returned to camp, feeUng M-e had rather wasted our cartridges, and killed birds for no reason. Mv. Winslow and three of his party came to supper, and we had a " smoking concert " over a roaring camp fire. . . . Fording a river. Crossing the Mahalopsie River. 131 I was called out to see a Kaffir *' boy " who had been shot in the leg by a man, " X "" for mutiny. The man had pulled out a knife, and meant mis- chief. He was well pep})ered in the calf of one leof, and I don't thiuk he will be able to sit doAvn Avith ease for a few days. However, he was not seriously hurt, as, of course, '' X/' took good care not to shoot till he was, so to speak, at a safe distance. Friday, June 19///. — Our outspan is about fifteen miles from our hist halting-place, and we are siill on the banks of the river. There is a post- chanoino- station close bv, and from here bullocks are used for the post-cart instead of mules. This is on account of the dreaded horse sickness. . . . AVc crossed the ]\la]ialopsie River this afternoon. There "sras no water in it, sinijDly a dry, sandy bottom. jMackay and I were walking across to- "■ether when he drew mv attention to two depressions in the sand in the middle of the river- bed. These were about a couple of yards in diameter and a couple of feet deep. " See," said Mackay, '' some one has been digging for water here. I'll bet there is water about a foot deeper. I'll show vou." He then commenced dio-gino; vigorously Avith his hands and shovelling the sand out. Sure enough, about a foot deeper, water flowed into the hole. "That's worth knowinir," said he, and we proceeded on our waA\ Tuesdaij, June 2ord. — Inspanned at 1 a.m., and trekked out twelve miles, making with last night's trek about tAventy miles from our last outspan. K 2 .t32 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. Arrived at sunrise at tlie AYegdraai (pronounced Vechdri). This means in Dutch the parting of the river from the road. Giles tells me last night's trek was a very good performance, but of course our oxen are real good 'uns, and are very fit, and still look in splendid condition. There are several waggons outspanned near us. Feathered game was scarce to-da}'. Inspanned at 4 p.m. Soon after starting Giles received a note from Dr. Saur and Mr. Williams, miniuo- enoineer, Avho are ooino- up to Mashonalaud for the Zambesi Exploring Company. They asked for the " loan " of some bread and a few necessaries of life. It appears that they have been coming up the road quickly in a Cape cart, and expected to catch up their waggons about here. Unfortunately their waggons had by accident taken a wrong road, and they were stranded without any " skoff." Of course Giles soon found them the necessaries required. Wednesdaif. June 2-itJi. — Inspanned at 1 a.m., and at daybreak arri\'ed at Silika, twenty miles from our last camp. The road was very rough. There used to l)e a store here, but it has been moved. There is a small detachment of the Bechuanaland police. AVe have left the Crocodile River well to the right. This is a very pi-ettily- situatecl place. There is a large kopje at our back and several others around. There is a small stream of running water about half a mile distant. The outspan place is very dirty. There are lions about here, and a Kaffir shot one the other day and sold the skin to a white man for 1 5$. There Dr. Saur and Mr. Williams. 133 are nlso koodoo and giraffes. Dr. Saur and Mr. AVilliams ariived in their Cape cart, and were made honorary members of our mess. Thev had seen a herd of wiklebeest just a few miles away, and Mi\ W'iUiams, while looking for feathered o-aine, came across a hyaena, which he immediately The main cohimn encamped on the bank of the Lotsaui let driye at and killed. We rest here to-day, as there is a twenty-four mile trek to the next water. All along the road for the last fe^v days ^ve have come across dead bullocks, the result of lung- sickness. Tliursday, June '25th. — Inspanned at 2 p.m., and at 4 we outspanned for an hour, Outspanned 134 Men, Mines, AND Animals in Sourri Africa. again about 8, having trekked about 12 miles, Dr. Saur and ]\Ir. AVilliams following in their Cape fart. John (our cook) has been seedy with a bilious attack, and Mackay had a headache — the result of a bathe, which he, Edgell, and myself took in a nice clear pool which we found this morning. The water was rather cold. The dust on the road seems to get worse every day. It gets into one's mouth, eyes, nose, and ears ; fills one's kartel, and makes everything filthy. It is always red sandstone, I suppose. Friday, June 2(jf]i. — Arrived at Lotsani River at 9 a.m., which we crossed and camped on the further side. The road throuo'h the river was down and up steep l:)anks, but we came through it well. AYe have done twenty-five miles from Silika in three '• skoffs," ^ which is excellent trekking. The river is very low, but the water is clear. It is, ho^vever, brackish and unpalatable, and is apt to produce diarrhoea. The outspan place is dirty, but none other is possible. The nights have been much warmer the last few days, and it is no longer a question of sheepskin kaross and numberles^^ blankets. To-da\' we discovered a Hindoo barljcr, who is making his way up country on some Kaffir waggons, so "we all indulged in the luxury of a cut and shave. Inspanned at -I p.m., and trekked six miles, that is, about two miles bevond Elebi, ci'oss- iug a small drift on the way. Elebi is a small police-station, there being now Uvo men there. ^ Skoff ; journey from outspan to outspan, or from meal to meal. The Camp at Suchi Rivkr. 135 Tlie fort that was hero lias been abandoned. The jDlace is of some importance as one where police can be concentrated for patrolling the Crocodile River, Avhich is al30ut twelve miles distant, in case of trouble with the Boers. Saturday^ June 21t]i. — Arrived at Suchi lii\er The camp of the main column at Sachi River. at daybreak, and encamped on the other side. k.^,/^'^' Summer sleighiug in Mashonalaud on the high road during the rainy season. pi'oceeding noi'thAvards, Fort Charter is the coun- terpart of Fort Victoria. It Hes in the centre of a great pLnin ; as far as the eye can range no hill or eminence can be seen. Within half-a-mile flows a rivulet containino; a fair amount of tolerable Avater at all seasons of the year. Both Fort Charter and 202 AlEN, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. Fort Victoria appeared to be miserably weak con- structioiis, wbicli a few thousand Matabele would probably rush with ease, attacking, as is their habit, in the dark just before daybreak. There is nothing to stop the rush of the savage foe, save a ditch from 3 to 4 feet deep, a mound from 10 to 12 feet hio-h from the bottom of the ditch, and two or three strands of barbed wire stretched on weak posts. I thought that something in the nature of clievaux de frise — something in the nature of wire entanglements, would be advan- tageous and easy of construction, but I was assured that such ideas were quite wrong and foolish. The oflSlcers of the police evidently disdain the Matabele, and have perfect confidence in their Martini- Henry rifles and their jMaxim gun. I hope they are right, but the African savage has often proved himself to be no contemptible foe, even against arms of precision. The precaution of sinking a well either within or close by the fort has been taken neither here nor at Victoria, nor at Fort Salisbury. Surely this neglect is imprudent. The garrisibn of Fort Charter consisted of a lieutenant and twelve troopers, of whom ten were sick with various ailments. The medical arrangements for the health of the Company's force appeared to be altogether inadequate. There was no doctor either at Fort Tuli, where there are upwards of a hundred men all told, or at Fort Victoria, where there are nearly seventy, or at Fort Charter. Hospital orderlies have to do duty as doctors. For three months during last rainy season a force of The Garrison at F'ort Charter. 203 over sixty men at Fort Charter, Avitli many sick, never saw a doctor. Also, for a long time, throughout the country there was a total absence of medicines or medical comforts. Surgeon Rayner, whose brother died of fever at Fort Charter last January while serving in the police, made an exhaustive investigation into this matter. He came to the conclusion that the medical arrangements made by the Company for the occupying force were most unsatisfactory, indeed, scandalously defective, and that even at the time of his inquiry they were open to grave criticism. It is said that the Company will abandon Fort Charter. The usefulness of the position is not obvious. Situated some miles from the main road in a sandy plain, where no one is ever likely to settle, it commands nothing and offers no protec- tion. The altitude of the fort is 4700 feet above the level of the sea ; nevertheless, fever in the rainy season is common and serious. From Fort Charter to Fort Salisbury is a dis- tance of upwards of sixty miles. Leaving the former j)lace on the evening of the 13th August, we reached the Upper Umfuli on the morning of the 15th. The same heavy sandy road, the same wide tracts of l^urnt grass Avhich impeded our pro- gress to Fort Charter marked the road to the Umfuli. Here two of the mules gave out, and had to be led alongside of the span for the remainder of the journey. Stories of lions and of their audacity in attacking cattle outspanned at night were common along the road. Every waggon 204 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. met witli had had its adventure with these beasts. One trekker, while journeying, had had his span attacked by a hon. An ox was kilk'd, and the remainder broke loose from the yokes, strayed into the bush, into the darkness of the night, and six were never recovered, AVe took extra precautions in the way of lighting and keeping up several tires all night round our camp, but we never saw, or even heard, a lion. From the Umfuli to the Hunyani River bush veldt is traversed, in parts thick. The road slightly improves in character. Soon after leaving the Umfuli I went on in the " spider," the mule waggon proceeding "\\dth its diminished team at a verv slow ])iice. I reached Fort Salisbury on the evening of the 1 5tli August, having accomplished a distance of thirty-tivc miles between the hours of 6 a.m. and 4 p.m. This was good travelling for this part of the world. i\.bout six miles from Fort Salisbury, after emerging from the bush on to the open plain, the traveller passes on his right hand a large and remarkable native kraal. The small conical-roofed hut and store -places of the Mashonas dwelling here are perched on the various jutting and projecting peaks and points of n large rocky ko])jc. Access to many of these can only be obtained by means of long poles and rough ladders. Fear of the savage Matabele compels the natives thus to dwell. Lobengula has raided, ravaged, and depopulated the country. The traveller can procure neither mealies, cattle, meat, eggs, poultry, nor milk. All has been taken or destroyed. In a year or two it Fort Salisbury. 20: is to be hoped tliat, under the protection of, the Chartered Company things will be changed, that the Matabele raids will be occurrences of the past, and that the poor, starving, hunted, timid Mashona will grow his mealies and possess his flocks and herds in peace. For the present, however, the country gives the traveller no assistance whatever Native paintings on rocks at Matefi's kraal. in the way of sustenance either for himself or his animals. Situated in a wide and stretching plain, uncovered by bush. Fort Salisbury is not perceived by one approaching from the south until actually reached. The settlement lies at the foot of and around a long kopje about three hundred feet high, thickly clothed with small trees. About half a 2o6 Mex, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. mile to tlie eastward are the fort and surrounding liuts, and again, half a mile further on, we find the civil lines, where reside Dr. Jamieson, the civil administrator, and the other officials of the Com- pany. Here I outspanned, and was very kindly accommodated with a hut by Sir John Willoughby. In this climate these huts give excellent shelter. Round, about sixteen feet in diameter, with sharply-pitched conical roofs, built of poles and mud, and thatched with grass, they are Avarm at nio'ht and wondrously cool in the heat of the day. They can be erected by the natives in a week at a cost of from lOL to 12/. Quite an imposing number of these huts, among Avhich are inter- spersed waggons, carts, tents, shanties of every conceivable description, compose the settlement of Fort Salisbury, where resided from 500 to 800 persons. The place had a thriving, rising, healthy appearance. The settlers, hard at work, occupied with one business or another from dawn to dusk, wore an expression of contentment and of confi- dence. A small river flowing through the plain, not a mile distant from any part of the settlement, yields an abundant supply of water. The soil is dry and stony, all moisture either quickly drying up or running quickly off ; the altitude is 40 ft. short of 5000 ft. above the level of the sea, the air fresh and bracing, and these conditions will probably guarantee the good sanitary state of the township and its people, even during the summer and rainy seasons. In the distance surrounding the plain, from which here and there project rocky Signs of Civilization. 207 eminences and hus-e o-ranite boulders, are rano-es of low hills, among which, to the north, rises Mount Hampden, conspicuous and solitary. In a walk round the settlement the next day, I noticed a hotel where was laid out a table cVhufc with clean napkins ensconced in glasses on the table, three auctioneers' offices, several stores, the hut of a surgeon-dentist, another of a chemist, a third of a solicitor, and last, but not least among the many signs of civilization, a tolerably smart perambulator. But the necessaries of life, whether of food or raiment, ^vere luxuries at Fort Salisbury, and costly in the extreme. Bread, meat, butter, jam had risen to impossible prices. My first inquiries were naturally directed towards ascertaining the extent and nature of the gold discoveries. Little could be learnt. I knew almost as much before leaving London on this important matter as I did after a day j)assed at Fort Salisbur)^ Three gold districts attracted the prospector: — 1. Manica. — Of this district nothing was then precisely known. Colonel Pennefather and Mr. Selous, Avho had been there for some weeks, were expected to be back at Fort Salisbury in a few days, and we hoped then to learn some- thing definite about this territory, which had been the subject of so much wild rumour and of so much bitter dispute. 2. The gold reefs on the Mazoe River. — These lie about twenty-five to thirty miles distant from Fort Salisbury in a north- easterly direction. A great many prospectors had been at work here, but all accounts of their dis- 2o8 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. co^■e^ies and of their value were vague and un- certain ; on the whole, however, not encouraging, a yield of from 1 oz. to 30 qwts. per ton being as much as was claimed for the best reefs. Some- thing very much better than this will be required liere for a payable mine under present conditions. No deep shafts have yet been sunk, and the depth of the ore is unknown. The regulation 30 ft. hole had been dug on many claims, which of itself gives little or no information. Water had arrested deeper sinkings, and sti^ange to say, among all the minino- plant brought into this country, including three or four stamp batteries, there was not to be found one single pump. 3. The Hartley Hill dis- trict. — This a gold district, wide and scattered, about thirty or forty miles to the north-westward of Fort Salisbury. On my arri^-al at Fort Salis- bury I found quite a '■ boom "' of claims pegged out on the Umfuli River, flowing near Hartley Hill. Reports of very rich reefs having been dis- covered, yielding many ounces to the ton, were common, and some excitement prevailed. At the time of writing these pages nothing definite or precise is known, or can be known, about the gold deposits of Mashonaland. There had been no one in the country possessing expert know- ledge, on which reliance could be placed, and, even if there had been such persons, no sufficient de- velopment work had been effected to enable an opinion of any value to be formed. ]\lany months, probably a year or two, must elapse before any certaintv can be arrived at as to whether Mashona- Thf Gold-fields. 209 land is a gold-producing country or not. Even if it turns out to be a country possessing gold deposits, the payable character of these depends entirely u])on ^vhether cheap and easy access to them can be gained. Xothing can be more un- certain than the character of the Pungwe lli\'e]' route. Accounts are most conflicting, some persons asserting that this I'oute is quite imprac- ticable, others that it is extraordinarily easy. But eyen if the latter assertion be true, nenrly 500 miles of land transit will embarrass the Avorking of the mines near Hartley Hill. So well aware of this serious fact were the officials of the Company that Sir John Willoughby was commissioned to form a sjoecial expedition to discoyer, first, whether a road can be made from the Hartley Hill district to Zumbo on the Zambesi, a distance of about one hundred and sixty miles, and secondly, to ascertain whether the Zambesi is nayigable between Zumbo and Tette. In my opinion, at the present time all that can be said of ]\Iashonaland from a minino' point of yiew is that the odds are oyerwhelmingiy against the making of any i-apid or large fortune by any indiyidual. The mule Ayaggon arriyed safely at Fort Salisbury late on the eyening of the 16th, the mules being harassed and exhausted. Mr. Henry C. Perkins, the mining expert, Avho accompanied me, was desirous of proceeding at once to the Mazoe Eiyer district, Avhither had repaired a few days preyiously Mr. Alfred Beit and ■Mr. Rolker, the mining expert sent out b\' the p 2IO Men, Mines, AND Animals in South Africa. Chartered Company. I aocordinoly borrowed a Scotch cart (a light two-wheeled covered Avaggon) and a span of eight oxen, with which went also two " salted " horses. Thus equipped and pro- visioned for more than a fortnight, Mr. Perkins, Mr. Perkins, the niiuiuf^ expert, on the war-path. accompanied l^y Captain Williams, started for the Mazoe on the morning of the 18th August, ex- pecting to be absent at least a week. ' I had now nothing to do pending the arrival of my waggons from Fort Victoria, Avhich would not occur, at the best, I'or a fortnight ; and hearing Reconnoitring after Game, 211 good reports of the shoot in a" between tlie Umfuli and Hiinyani Rivers, and having fortunately secured Sir John Willoughby as a companion, I determined on proceeding on another expedition after buck, and after any other wihl animal that chance might put in mv wav. On the mornino' of tlie 18th I had a feM' hours' ride in the comjDany of Hans Lee in the neighbourhood of Fort Salis- bury, towards IMount Hampden. We saAvnothing 1)ut a reitbuck, a steinbuck, and a jackal, but observed spoor of sable antelope. We got no shot, however. The land round Fort Salisbury in this direction appears to be of fairly good quality, well sheltered, well watered, and well wooded. If Fort Salisbury should ever become an important town- ship, farms here might be very prohtal^le. I came across two enterprising pei'sons who had each in attractive spots marked out the regulation area of three thousand acres, and were busily eno-ao-ed in erecting huts. They seemed confident of success, and were in excellent spirits. One hour before daybreak on the 19tli I left Fort Salisbury in the mule waggon for the Hunyani River, expecting Sir John Willoughby to join me later in the day. 2 12 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. CHAPTER XIV. SPORT IN MASHONALAND. Sport in South Africa — Hints to inexperienced sportsmen — Approximate cost of equipment for a six months' hunting expedition — Sir Jolin Willoughby arrives at our camp on the Hunyani lliver — ?Iunting tlie Hartebeest — How to cook venison — A Slough of Despond — Further hunting adventures after antelope — A native hunting party — A cobra in the camp — Metliod of scaring vultures off dead game — Accident to ]\Iajor Giles — Scarcity of grain and food in Mashonaland — Keturn to Fort Salisbury. To the young Englishman fond of shooting, of riding, of a wild hunter's life, active, vigorous, healthy, and endowed with adequate fortune, those reo'ions of South Africa Avhich extend from the Limpopo to the Hunyani River offer a field for sport not to be equalled in any other part of the world. During the winter time, from May to September, the climate of this region is almost per- fect, the risk of fever slight. The air of the veldt is invigorating, the scenery and surroundings at- tractive and various, the life of the hunter tem- perate and wholesome. This man coming to these parts of Africa, eager for sport, will experience little, if any, disappointment. Accompanied and guided by some good Dutch hunter, such as Hans Lee, he will see, pursue, probably kill almost every African wild animal, witli the exception of I Sport and Luxury. 213 the elephant, buffalo, and rhinoceros. These also may he obtained Avithout difficulty, if one is not daunted by the remoteness of the districts near the Zambesi, by the real rough life incident on the absence of wao-oons and of all beasts of burden, owing to the existence of the Tsetse fly, or by hard walking exercise under the heat of a troj^ical sun. But in the vast territory I have defined above, the hunter may without difficulty surround and cheer himself with every species of comfort. Waggons drawn by oxen or by mules, the former are pre- ferable, can penetrate to any j)art of the bush veldt ; tents, bedsteads, provisions of all kinds can be carried with ease, and even a young Pall j\lall sybarite would acknowledge that there can be pro- vided out here an inconceivable combination of sport and luxury. The soundest sleep at night, the best of appetites for every meal, the clear head, the cool nerve, the muscle and wind as perfect as after an autumn in the Highlands, are pleasures and delights which can be here experienced, and to which many of our London jeunesse doree are almost strangers. All kinds of strange forest sights, all the beauties and many, cjuaint freaks of nature will charm the eye and exercise the mind. Xor is the exciting element of danger by any means altogether absent. The lion and the leopard are beasts to en- counter which successfully requires skill, experience, and courage. Snakes of great venom, some of great size, may not infrequently be met with ; falls from the horse Avhen galloping wildly through the bush or over the plain, such as even Leicestershire cannot rival, may occur constantly ; and should 214 Men, Mines, AND Animals in South Africa. any one imagine that antelope-hunting in Africa is a tame, safe kind of amusement, three or four weeks' exi^erience of it will easily undeceive him. Then the game. Such numbers, such variety, such size, such beauty. Xothing moi'e wildly lovely can be imagined than the sight of a herd of roan antelope, of hartebeest or quagga galloping through the forest ; nothing more wildly exciting than the pursuit of such a herd ; sighting the game through the trees, sometimes obtainino; a fair standino; shot Tvdthin moderate range, then mounting your horse, loading as you gallop along, leaving him to pick his way as best he can among trees, branches, roots, stones, and holes : comino-aira in within one hundred or one hundred and fifty yards, not dismounting, but almost flinging yourself off your horse and firing both barrels as rapidly and as accurately as you may; then on again, over hill, river, and dale, until you and your steed are alike exhausted. These good chases will not occur every day any more that a good fox chase or a good day's salmon fishing comes often in the season. The hunter may ride for miles and for hours throuofh the most sporting, " gamey "' kind of country without set- ting eyes on a living creature ; but ^v^hen they do occur they are periods of excitement every inci- dent of Avdiich the memory cannot fail during a life- time to retaiu. Then the accompaniments, the framework as it were, of the chase after buck; the early start, the break of day, the brilliant sun- rise, the cool morning air, the return to camp, Avearied, but pleased and excited, the bath, the A Hint to leisured young Englishmen. 215 evening meal, eaten with an appetite and a zest such as only an African hunter knows, the camp fire, the i^ipe, the discussion of the day's sport, the hunter's stories and expeiiences, the plans for the morrow, no thoughts of rain or bad weather op- pressing the mind, all this makes a combination and a concentration of human joy which Paradise might with difficulty vixiii. Nor is this limiting life, when pursued for a few mouths or from time to time, a useless, a frivolous, or a stupid existence, especially when it is compared with the sort of idle? unprofitable passing ol* the time experienced from year to year by numbers of young Englishmen of fortune. Xature and all her ways can be observed and studied with advanta2:e, much knowledo-e of wild animals and of wild men can be acquired by the observant, the intelligent sportsman, languages may be learnt, haljitudes and customs noticed and written about, interesting persons are met with, excellent friendships are f(3rmed, the mind and the body are seasoned, liardened, developed by travel in a wild country, all its many incidents, its rough and its smooth, its surprises, its difficul- ties, its adversities and its perils ; and I hold tlrs for certain, that in nine cases out of ten a young Englishman who has had six months of iifrican hunting life, will be a 10 lb. l)etter fellow all round than he was l^efore he started. These reflections occur to me as I sit in the shade of my mule waggon, encamped Avithin a few miles of the Upper Umfuli, on the banks of a small river, passing the evening moments of a bright and warm 2i6 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa African afternoon in writing these pages. I would not be presumptuous enough to write for the trained tra^'e^er or the ex])erieiiced hunter ; rather I ])ut down these following ideas for the possilile benefit of those who, like myself, without previous experience or knowledge of this kind of life, are fond of travel, of sport of all kinds, who desire to journey and to stay for a while in strange, almost uninhabited, almost unexplored parts of the earth. A six months' hunting ex23edition out here need not be a very costly business, at least when comj^ared with the cost of London life to many a young man, and measui-ed bv the amount of real pleasure and advantage to be derived from eithei'. For the purchase of a couple of good waggons, and of a couple of spans of eighteen or tAventy oxen each, of four or five o-ood shootin"' horses, £100(1 would probably suffice, and if these requisites ^ye\v pur- chased with care and skill, much of tliis outlay Avould l)e recoA'ered at the termination of the ti'ip. Some £500 for tents and for the j^araphernalia of a camp, foi' personal wants, for luxuries in the way of food and drink; and an expenditure of £*100 a month in wages and food for the boys, grooms, and native followers would keep the expedition going. As for personal outfit, little is required, but that little must be of the best c[uality. Good tanned buckskin breeches, good strong pigskin gaiters, good In-OAAm leather-laced A^alking boots, a dozen flannel shirts, " a couple of Norfolk jackets," an Inverness cape of warm material, three or four large thick rugs, and a Terai hat, are all that can Equipment for a Hunting Expedition. 217 be required in the way of clothes in this part of the AYorld. But the very greatest care should he taken in ordering and fitting on all these things Ijefore leaving London if inconvenience, vexation, and worry is to be avoided. As for armament, 1 would suggest a couple of douljle-l)arrelled express breech-loading rifles, with reboiniding locks, '500 bore, and about a thousand rounds of ammunition. Solid bullets are greatly to be preferred to expanding bullets. The latter, indeed, in my opinion, are not safe to use in a country where at any moment a lion oi- a leopard may be met Avith, as they are so extremely uncer- tain in their eifect upon the animal struck by them. I have seen them kill a buck on the spot, breaking up almost the whole of his inside. I have seen them j)ierce the fore or hind legs of a — "Hbuck, inflicting a trifling wound, and I have seen them smash up on the surface of the skin, causing a frightful wound in appearance, but no immediate or necessarily fatal injury. Hans Lee, a high authority and flne marksman, Avill hear of nothing but the solid bullet. In addition to these rifles, a couple of smooth bores for feathered game, with unchoked barrels, so that ball cartridges may be flred from them, half-a-dozen Martini-Henry rifles for the boys of the camp will complete the out- flt in respect of Aveapons of oftence. Hatchets, knives, saAvs, and any tools should he bought in Einiiand of the best makers. Li the matter of provisions much can be obtained and of good quality at Cape ToAvn, or at Kimberley, or at 2i8 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. Johannesburg. Ten, coffee, bacon, hams, any wine or Hqueurs should be brought out from home, I would strongly recommend that the hunter should provide himself with some champagne. After a Ion"- da^''s huntino- in a hot sun this Avine is the most refreshino- and restorino- of all alcoholic leverages. So equipped, the fortunate and perse- vering sportsman will pass many delightful hours land memorable thiys. Hunting during a period of some "^veeks or montlis, he ^vdll probably come across giraffe, hippopotami, ostrich, eland, sable antelope, roan antelope, koodoo, wildebeest, harte- beest, waterbuck, quaggM, ^vhicli latter it is almost a sin to shoot, many kinds of small buck, wild pig, hyena, and jackal. I was hunting too short a time to meet with all these animals, and was not for- tunate enough to see either giraffe, hippopotami, ostrich, eland, or wildebeest. But the sjjoor of all these animals, with the exception of the sea cow, I saw in quantities, often quite fresh, I left Fort Salisbury at 9 a.m, on the lUth August, and trekked in the mule Avaggon as far as the Hunyani River, which was reached at 9 a.m. There we outspanned. A bath and l^rcakfast oc- cupied the morning. Sir John Willoughby arrived about two o'clock in the afternoon, mounted on a sturdy and well-bred grey pony, which had been lent him by Dr. Jamieson. Mr. Borrow, of the firm of Johnson, Heaney, and Borrow, had most kindly lent me two excellent shooting horses, both "salted,"' for myself and Lee. I found that it Avould not be possible to ride better animals. Hunting the Hartebeest. 219 At three o'clock we went out hunting down the course of the Hunyani River within about three or four miles of it. The country here is fiat, the bush open ; wide grassy plains separated by groves and belts of trees succeed each other. After some time Lee descried a solitary hartebeest grazing. Sir John Willoughby stalked this l^uck, but could get no nearer than two hundred and hfty yards. He fired two barrels, and, as I thought, hit the hartebeest, who circled wildly round and scampered off, I galloped after him as he made for the bush, and pursued him for neai'ly two miles, always hoping to get within range in some open space. But he always kept a distance between us of three or four hundred yards and stuck carefully to the trees, bush, and high grass, so that it was difficult to keep him in view, and useless to dismount and fire. These hartebeest are despairing animals to chase. They appear to be cantering along slowly, never exerting themselves, but it requires a horse of great galloping power to overtake them. Their endurance is equal to their speed ; it is hopeless work to try and ride them down. They have a wild, weird look, and ai-e the least attractive of all the antelope. In size they are similar to the smaller red deer of the East Coast of Scotland. A whole herd of them when chased sometimes sret confused, gallop wildly about, stop to look round, and scatter, oivino; se^'eral o'ood shots to the pursuer ; but a solitary one rarely stops or stays, he goes right away, straight on end. Finding my horse was oettino- blown, and that the bush g'ot 220 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. thicker, I desisted from the chase, firing a parting but useless shot. My companions soon rejoined me, guided by the report of my rifle. We con- tinued our ride without seeing any more game. Close by the camp, returning home, Lee got a shot at and killed a " duiker," a small antelope. This little beast came in useful, as we had no fresh meat, with the exception of a sheep which had been purchased at Fort Salisbury, and which turned out to be such a wretched, poor animal that it was handed over to the natives who accompanied us. These buck, big and little, are all excellent eating. They are never fat like the park deer of England, or the forest stag in Scotland, but their meat when kept for a day or two is tender and good. The tongue, liver, and kidneys are, in truth, delicacies. I^othing can be more plain and simple than the necessary cooking. A good heap of hot ashes, a couple of baking pans, a little fat, either bacon or butter, lots of pepper and salt, a quarter of an hour s jDatience, and the best dinner Avhich can be eaten awaits the slayer of the African buck. Roan antelope venison I have found to l^e most meritorious, but Lee informed me that eland is superior, and that giraffe venison far exceeds either. Xor must I omit to mention the marrow bones of the antelope. Again, the cooking is of the simplest character. The thigh bones, stripped of meat, are thrown upon hot ashes and covered with them. In ten minutes they are ready ; a hatcliet or a stone serves to break the end of the bone, and such marrow is poured out on the j^late A Slough of Despond. 221 as no one in London ever dreamed of. A lucky hunter in Africa need never wait for his dinner, and cannot compkin of it. Early on the follow- ing morning we trekked toAvards " Beale's Camp," a locality to which we had been directed, and where we were informed there was much game. This spot lies on the Umfuli River, about eighteen miles south of the Hunyani, between that point of the Umfuli which is traxoi-sed by the main road to Fort Victoria and that point which is traversed by the road to Hartley Hill. Shortly after starting we got badly stuck in swampy ground. Spades were used fi-eely to extricate the wheels buried over their axles, two horses were inspanned, but to no purpose. There Avas nothing for it but to " off load," a most tedious and tiring business. Four thousand pounds weight of load was taken off the waggon. We were only eight in number all told, and a lot of time was consumed. Even then, with the waggon thus lightened, it was all the mules and horses could do to drag it out of and across the swamp to firmer ground. Now all the mass of things " off loaded " have to be carried by us some three or four hundred yards and replaced on the wao'p;on. A real bad business this. It was my first experience of a genuine African stickfast. At one moment it seemed as if we might have to remain in this swamp for days, until a team of oxen could be procured, and as if our hunting trip would be l^rought to a premature and undignified end. After this we proceeded without mishap along a waggon spoor for about ten miles to a 222 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. shady o-rove, overhana'ing a, small rocky river, which a]:»|)eared to offer an attractive position for a camp. Here ^ve outspanned at midday. A kraal was soon constructed of luish and branches for ourselves, and another for the mules and horses. In the afternoon we started out liuntino*. Again we came upon a solitary hartebeest bull. I got a o'ood shot at this felloA^-. as he A^as facins: me about one hundred vards off, but did not hit him. Sir John Willoughliv and Lee galloped after him, but failed to secure him. Soon after a sable antelope bull was seen a long way off. Getting oft' my horse, I crawled to an ant-hill, on looking over the summit of which I perceived mv friend at least three hundred vards awav. There was no o-ettino- nearer to him, so, resting my rifle on the ground, I fired. He also was lacing me, and offered but a small mark. Alas ! my bullet Avent but a very few inches to the right of him, and he scamiDcred off, hotly pursued by my companions, who got four shots at him. Lee brought him doA\ii. He was a fine old bull, with good horns. It was now dusk, and having " gralloched "" the antelope and covered him with long grass and branches to preserve him for a time from the A'ultures and jackals, ^XQ re- turned to our camp. .Vt davlu-eak we started off again in the same direction as on the previous evening. Soon we came upon a herd of about a dozen hartebeest, and had a right good chase over two miles or more of varied country. Each of us got four or five shots. Lee, as usual, killed one, a cow ; Sir John Willoughby and I wounded one An Antelope leads me a Dance. 223 apiece. I saw my antelope separate himself from the herd and make off, and galloped after him. He led me a fine dance, and never gave me but one opportunity of getting near him, Avhich I was too slow to take ad\'antage of. xVfter a two miles' gallop I pulled up, wondering what had Ijecome of my companions, and where I ^vas. In about half an hour I heard a shot, and going in that direction found Lee anxiously looking for me. In a chase of this kind it is ^'ery easy for the inexperienced to lose himself on the veldt. All landmarks get lost ; the direction of the wind, the position of the sun, give little assistance when one has been galloping hard for some distance. I found that all our galloping and shooting had only resulted in the death of one hartebeest. It is "w^onderful and vex- atious in the chase to see how close rifle bullets can go without hitting the animal fired at, and also how often the animal may be hit without fatal effect. After this we rode on for two hours Avith- out seeing any game, and were getting near oiu' camp about midday Avhen we observed standing in a grove a fine herd of fifteen or twenty roan antelope. These magnificent creatures cantered ofl"', but soon stopped to look round, giving me a capital shot, as I happened to be in front of the others. I fired hot\i barrels, at a distance of some eighty yards, and knocked down two. One im- mediately rose again and made ofi'. The uncertain expanding bullet had smashed up on the surface, without penetrating. Lee got a shot at this felloAV and knocked him over, but he again got up and fol- 224 Men, Ml NTEs, AND Animals in South Africa. lowed the herd. We now thought that we would o-et a good chase, for we had followed them hard for a mile, and the buck were getting blown. Unfortu- nately, they made for a spruit, with high banks and a muddv bottom, and, while we were search- ino- for a place to cross the stream, escaped awav out of our sight. Sir John Willoughby wounded one badly as the herd galloped down to the spruit, and on the other side we found a very bloody spoor, which was followed up for some distance fruitlessly. Then, returning to look for the animal which both Lee and I had hit so hard, we found the place where ho had fallen, but of the antelojDe not a sio-n. Two natives, who had been following us at a distance all day, came up and promised to spoor the wounded beast, and to bring the horns, which were very fine, into camp. This, however, they lulled to do. I think if Lee had himself spoored the animal we should certainly soon have got him ; but the day was hot, the horses tired, the camp near, and all seemed to make an imme- diate dinner necessary. On our way to camp, after covering up the first antelope shot, ^Ye saw more hartebeest, l^ut had had enough of chasing for that day. On the following morning we moved our camp ten miles further on towards the locality we were aiming at. We outspanned under a large and loftv mao;undi tree. This tree has at this season of the year leaves of the most vivid green, con- trasting sharply with the prevailing Avinter hues, and gives a welcome shade. Daring our morning A Native Hunting Party. 225 trek a herd of liartebsast wa^ seen, from the wao-o-on, which Sh' John Willoughby pursued. After a long chase he succeeded in killing one close to the spot where we outspanned. lsTow there were in camp four dead antelope, and much " bill-tong " was made. Four Mashona had made a little hut close by our camp, and gladly assisted in cutting up the meat, of which they received an ample supply. Little native hunting parties are fre- quently met with in this veldt. Two or three in number, with one wretched old musket and two or three charges of ammunition in common, they rarely kill anything themselves, but trust to find- ing the dead or wounded game of others, or to being fed by some hunting party such cas ours. In default of these resources they subsist on cater- pillars, which are found in large quantities on the topmost branches of certain trees. Towards evening I went out for a short ride with Lee in the vicinity of the camp. We got no shot, making three unsuccessful attempts to stalk successively a fine old pauw (bustard), an oribi (sort of gazelle), and two hartebeest cows. Fresh eland spoor were seen, which kindled my hopes of getting a chase after this fine antelope on the morrow. ISText day, accompanied by " the Baboon," we hunted in the direction of the Umfuli River. It was a morning of misfortune. Both Sir John Willoughby and I got good standing shots at two solitary roan antelope bulls, and both missed without excuse. Lee also chased and fired at, without result, two koodoo cows. In the course of our ride we Q A_ 226 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Aerica. arrived at " Beale's Camp." This is a cluster of huts, now for the time deserted, situated on the slopes descending to the Umfuli, which here flows through a spacious plain. Here has resided for some months an enterprising sergeant of the police force, who imagines that he has discovered a rich reef, and has pegged out several claims. The soil differs from the surrounding plain, being of a red sandstone, and the output of quartz was distinct. Xone of us, however, Avere able to form any opinion as to its auriferous qualities. Agriculture and cattle-grazing in this neighbourhood might be successful. Lee and I again tried our fortune in the afternoon over the open plain extending to the north. We had a good gallop after and several shots at a herd of hartebeest, of which I succeeded in killing one, Lee this afternoon shot very badly. He carried a rifle of mine, a '577 single- barrel Henry, and missed shot after shot at com- paratively easy distances, lie was much put out, and declared that the rifle was a bad one and no use. As he had been shooting with it Avell on previous davs, I could not understand how the weapon could suddenly have become worthless. ()n our wav back to camp as evening was setting in, we got good shots at two roan antelope, which hardly troubled to get out of the "svay. They were perfectly right, as we both missed easy shots, and Lee was more than ever convinced of the bad- ness of the rifle. During our ride I found a nice little stream and grove aljout four miles from our camp, all round which place was much fresh spoor I A Dangerous Visitor. 227 of game. To this spot I determined to move the camp on the following day. While we were eno-a-o-ed in movino; the next mornins", Sir John Willonghby hnnted. His grey pony played liim a nasty trick, galloping ofl' after he liad dismounted to shoot at a reit-]:)nck, and Sir John had to come into camp on foot. One of the grooms was sent out in vain to look for the pony, and '" the Baboon's" spooring skill had to be called upon to find the lost animal. He found and brought him into the camp late in the afternoon. With the best-trained and most certain horse it is most un- wise to neglect the precaution of attaching the bridle to your waist by a string. If all alone on the veldt, the loss of your horse might be attended by the most disagreeable and even serious conse- rpiences. While we were outspanning this morn- ing my servant observed a large snake close to the waggon. I quickly got my gun and shot it A\diile it was wrio'o-lino; off into some bush, AVhen examined Lee pronounced it to be a col^ra of con- siderable size. The l)ite of this snake is very rapidly fatal to man or beast. The snake measured 4 ft. 6 in, in length, and was in thickness equal to about three fingers. Broad stripes of dull yellow and grey marked the body, Lee said it was a very rare occurrence to meet with this snake. In the afternoon I took the '511 rifle and had a long I'ide, but no shot. Sir John Willoughby hunted towards the Umfuli by himself, and shot a roan antelope bidl, not returning to camp till after dark. Next day he went oft' with '' the Baboon " Q 2 228 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. to find and hving in the roan antelope, and I rode with Lee in an opposite direction. AYe proceeded for hours, passing at times through a most lovely land. Groves and bush of every variety, adorned with every hue of summer, autumn, spring, and winter ; glades covered with tlie greenest grass, o-rowino- thick and short from the roots of the herbao-e which liad been Ijumed some weeks pre- viously, presented an ideal of forest scenery such as I would have hardly imagined even Nature herself could have composed on this planet. Nothing was wanted save numerous herds of buck. Not a living creature did we see till noon. Then Lee fired at a rcit-buck a long way off, which galloped away. The report of the shot brought out of a plantation three roan antelope, Avhich stood looking at us about two hundred yards away. I dismounted, fired, and away they went. Galloping as hard as I could over an open space, I got within a hundred 3^ards, jumped off, and fired again. This was a lucky bullet. It struck one of the antelope in the thigh. This antelope separated himself from the two others and I made after him. He could not get away from me, and I soon got another shot which finished him. Lee galloped after the two others and shot them both. They Avere all three fine fat cows, with nice heads. We had now hard work for about two hours, cleaning and covering up the three antelopes Avhich lay on the plain more than a mile apart. Long grass and branches had to be cut and fetched from a distance, and before we Scaring the Vultures. 229 liad finished our attentions to the first the vultures had settled Ijy scores on the other two buck. We saved these, however, before much hann had l^ceu done. Vultures and jnckals will not ^'enture, foi" hours, to approach dead game well covered up with grass and branches, tearing a trap. It is a good plan to tie a pocket-handkerchief to a stick over the heap and leave it fluttering in the wind. We reached camp al)out two o'clock in the after- noon, after a tiring but satisfactory morning's work. "TheBaboon" was immediately despatched with the mule driver, the two savages, and ten mules to find andbrino'in the three dead buck. He is unerrino- in finding dead game on the veldt. Guided only liy the vaguest directions, he follows the spoor of the hunter's horse, it may be, for miles, till he arrives at the locality. When only one buck has to be brought in he takes Avith him two horses or donkeys. The animal is half skinned ; half the l^ody, divided lengthways, with the head, is placed on one horse ; the other half, with the skin, on the other. On this occasion, when it was a question of tliree large buck, it was necessarv to send a team of mules, and to construct, where the game lay, a timber sledge on which to place the bodies. '' The Baboon " and his cortege started oft' about three in the afternoon, and I hoped that he would have returned to camp before night. He had some five miles to travel to the buck. For once " the Baboon's" skill somewhat failed him. Thinkino-to make a short cut, he neglected to follow our spoor, and, misled b)- a white fing, which some prospec- 230 Men, Mines, and Animals in Sol'th Africa. tor probably bad set up on a mound, and wbicb be tbouofbt was our mark, did not fiud tbe bodies of tbe antelope tbat evening. He and bis party bad to pass a disagreeable niglit on tbe ^'eldt Avitbout food or water. I was somewbat anxious about tbem, and also feared for tbe mules. Towards evening a messenger arrived from Fort Salisbury witb letters for me and for Sir Jobn AYillougbby. He bad cleverly followed tlie windings of our waggon spoor, separating it from old tracks. My letter brougbt me bad news of my waggons. Tbey bad come to a standstill between Fort Victoria and Fort Cbarter in tbat bopeless sandy jDlain wbicli I wrote about in a former cbap- ter, and tbe oxen, exbausted by tbe beavy roads and derivino; no nourisbment on tbe wide tracts of burnt grass or from tbe " sour veldt," were, I was informed by Mr. Edgell, totally unable to proceed witb tlieir loads. Furtber, IMajor Giles bad broken bis collar-bone wbile ridino- a burdle race at Fort Victoria, and bad bad to be sent back to tbe Fort. Tbis was a bad lousiness, but not altogetber un- expected by me. Wlien I saw wbat sort of countrv it was wbicb bad to 1)e traversed, I entertained misgivings as to wbetber any waggons would ever get across it witbout mucb delay and mucb loss. I bad passed, moreover, many troops of waggons utterly unable to proceed. Mr. Edgell begged me to send down to bim from Fort Salisbury some fresb spans of oxen. Little did be know wbat sort of place Fort Salisbury was. Fresb oxen in good! condition could not be obtained for love or money. A Land of Famine. 231 Every one was ^ya.nti^o• them, no one had gc^t them. Even mealies, good supplies of which are essential for horses and mules, if these are to do work, could not he ohtained except in scanty quan- tities, with nuich difficulty and at great prices. I was asked for a sack of mealies, 200 lb. in weight, ol. lOy. There had been no oro-anization in this country during the past season for collecting sup- plies of grain or food. A little care, forethought, and enero'v exercised since the close of the rainy season, would have collected, stored, and economized great quantities of forage and of food at the forts and at the various post stations ; l^ut nothing had been done, and the Company itself, for the feeding of many animals, depended upon the uncertain and precarious arrival of a waggon now and then bear- in o; a few sacks of i>:rain. Nothing can be more serious than this state of things in a country where locomotion depends upon the health and strength of your animals, and where the health and strength of your animals depend upon abmidant and regular supplies of food. The grass over miles and miles of country had been burnt ; nightly conflagrations of grass and IdusIi brilliantly illuminate the horizon in all directions, and day after day the oxen had to travel further and further afield in search even of the " sour veldt " which this country throughout its whole length and breadth alone produces. I did not expect to be able to send much assistance to my belated waggons, but determined to give up shooting and return to Fort Salisbury by easy 232 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. ; stages. Slow travelling was forced upon me, as I was without mealies for the mules. Sir John Willoughby left on the morning of the 26th to return to Fort Salisbury, in order to superintend the completion of his preparations for his expedi- tion to Zumbo, on the Zambesi. " The Baboon," with the three roan antelope, did not reach our camp till long after noon. These fine buck lying confusedly on the rough sledge, " the Baboon," the naked savages, and the mules, amid the camp and forest surroundings, suggested a good sub- ject for a sketch. Skinning, cpiartering, and cutting up the meat into strijDS for bill-tong noAv occupied all hands. Order and some degree of cleanliness at length restored, Lee and I rode out for a hunt. We soon started and chased a herd of hartebeest, one of wliicli Icll to Lee's rifle. Lee had been shooting to-day and the day before witli a rifle lent him by Sir John Willoughby, and re- gained his usual accuracy of aim. I was unfortu- nate again in wounding another, which escaped, though Ave followed for some distance his tracks. Xext morning the " boys " were directed to take the mule-waggon Ijack to the camp we had originally occupied, some nine miles from the Hunyani RiAcr. Lee and I mounted our horses to make a wide circuit to the same place. A long- ride we had, from 6 a.m. to middav, seeing nothino; in the way of game save three wild pigs, which we endeavoured, without success, to stalk. On reaching our camp we found that the waggons had arrived without misha]), and in the al'terncon Back to Fort Salisbury. 233 again rode out. Five koodoo cows were all we saw, and these we did not care to pursue. The game in this country nuist Iiave been recently much disturlx'd Ijy hunting parties. It was a great disappointment not seeing any elands, as 1 had been assured they were plentiful. The Avild, saMifre-lookino;, but harmless wildebeest I was most anxious to see and shoot, but could not come across any. The hunter soon tires of the perpetual hartebeest, and even roan antelope pall upon one after a time. At dawn next day we trekked to the Hunyani River, avoiding, by a long detour, the swamp where we had stuck so Ijadly some days before. On this river, at the outspan, I met Captain Co^'entry, who had been sent by ]\Iajor Giles on horseback to Fort Salisbury to purchase two spans of fresh oxen. These he had succeeded in obtaining of moderate quality and at a high price, ISl. 10s. per ox, and ^vas on his way back with them to Fort Charter, wliei-e he hoped to find the waggons. He had had and still had before him a long and solitary i-ide. Also here 1 found ]\Ir. Alfred Beit on his way from the ■Mazoe River to Hartley Hill. We had not met since Tuli, and he had much of interest to recount concerning the various troubles, losses, and misfortunes which had beset his travels in this ver}' odd and difficult part ol' tlie world. 234 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. CHAPTER XV. THE GOLD district OF THE MAZOE EIVEK. Ill (juest of gold — Ex})loration syndicates — Mashonaland as a field for emigration — The Mazoe gold-fields — Captain Williams's report — Old workings^ — ^The " Golden Quarry " mine — Other mines visited in the district — More disap- pointments. In the course of the morning I rode on into Fort Salisbury, a distance of fourteen miles, which I covered in an hour and a half. Here I found that ^Ir. Henry C. Perkins and Captain Williams had returned from their expedition to tlie Mazoe River, having had a very interesting time and some very rough experiences in respect of food and shelter. They brought no good report of the gold dis- coveries in the Mazoe district. l\Ianv mines had been visited and examined, Init nothing very promising seen. The reefs appear to be similar in character, long, thin, and fairly rich (some of them) on the surface, but in all cases, so far as hitherto Avorked, either " pinching out " to nothing at a depth of from t\veuty-fi\'e to fifty feet, or degenerating into (piartz containing little gold. Both the eminent experts, Messrs. i^erkins and Rolker, were of opinion that although here and there were reefs of comparati\ely limited extent and depth, which might yield a small profit to the small individual In Quest of Gold. 235 miner, nothing had }^et heen discovered, nor did the general formation encourage much hope that there Avoukl lie discovered in that j)articuhir dis- trict, any reef of such extent, depth, and quality as woukl justifv the formation of a svndicate or com- Mr. Perkins. Mr. Eolker. Visit to the Mazoe gold-fields. Experts at work. pany, and a large expenditure of capital to pur- chase and to work it. This opinion had become known when I arrived at Fort Salisbury, and some disappointment, and even despondency, prevailed. So many hopes had been raised, so many castles 236 Men, Mines, and Animals tn South Africa. built on the strength of claims pegged out on promising-looking reefs, of selected specimens care- lessly or ignorantly tested, of reports of inex- perienced and even of designing jorospectors, that there could not Ijut be a sharp reaction. I was of opinion that, at any rate, it was a great thing to know that there was no gold in the district (at least of any importance), and consoled myself with the reflection that in all probability Messrs. Perkins and Rolker liad saved +he British puldic some con- siderable sums of money. AVhat I have seen since I commenced my travels in South Africa has led me to the conclusion that no more unwise or unsafe speculation exists than the investment of money in exploration syndicates. There are many of these at Avoi'k here, or on their way out, and most of those Avliich have come under mv notice have liad tlieir moneyfinely wasted, and their business properly mis- manau'ed. Mainly oAvino; to o-ood foi'tune, g'ood advice, and to the excellent qualities of those who are conducting my expedition, I have some antici- })ation of escaping from this country without any appreciable loss of capital ; but there are several shareholders at home in exploration syndicates out here who will hardly see again a sixpence of their money. It is, however, far too soon to give any opinion as to the possible gold production of Mashonaland. All hopes are now centred in the Hartley Hill district, and on the Manica temtory, both of which I hope to be able to visit. Reports I'rom the former district are bright and alluring, and even those prospectors and speculators who Mashonaland as a Field for Emigration. 237 nf;knowle(l_uT'. tlic failin'o of tlio Mazoo o'old rpofs, (loclai'o confidently tliat tliey ncxci- for a moment placed those reefs on an equalit}' ^vitli the reefs of Hartley Hill. Soon we shall be more perfectly in- formed, for tlie mining experts proceed innne- diately to this latter locality. Even if disappoint- ment again awaits 11s, there is still Manica to fall hack ujDon, of which territory, for reasons which I cannot precisely define, I pei-sonall}- entertain great hopes. Still, the non-discovery of alluvial deposits, the historic certainty of the existence of those deposits in the past, the quantity of old workings, all reaching to a- particular depth and then aban- doned, do suggest disagreeable doubts as to whether the people of old days have not cleared the country of its gold wealth. Nor can I as yet escape from the opinion that, as a field for emigration, Mashonaland is a disappointment. The climate, fine in Avinter, but in very many parts quite unhealthy for Europeans in summer ; the torrential rains of January and February, during Avliich all work has to be suspended and roads become impassable ; the prevalent malarial fcA'er, the various animal pestilences, and apparent general absence of rich deep soil, such as distinguishes the Transvaal, seem to offer invincible ob- stacles to large settlements of Avhite peoj^le. Naturally, if great and rich gold discoveries are made, those settlements will come, and nature's obstacles will be mitigated and conquered. But in the absence of such discoveries I cannot yet 238 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. l^erceive that Maslioiialantl has much to offer to, much to attract the British emigrant. Here at Fort Sahsbury, and on some of the higli vehlt, a few might Hve and thrixe, but the want of any laro-e market woukl prevent the ^-aininu' of wenhli. I have been hunting over a ^vide tract of country from four to five thousand feet a1)ove the level of the sea, between the Upper Umfuli and Hunyani Rivers, very beautiful, and fairly dry at this time uf vear, with apparently rich soil. It Avas, however, impossible not to detect from many signs and in- dications that during the whole of the rainy season, lastinof for three or four months, this wide stretch of country is nothing but a vast swamp, in all like- lihood reeking Avith malaria. It is quite possible that as the work of exploration progresses general conditions, nuich better in every Avav, may be ob- served and noted. For the present, however, it cannot be un-\vise or wrono- to check the formation of hopes too high as to the value of this most recent acquisition to the British Fmpire, or of plans for its development too large and rapid. I append some extracts from the report of Captain Williams on his journey to the Mazoe River gold district : — Report by Captain G. Williams ox Certain Mines. " Early on the morning of August 18th, Mr. Perkins and myself started for the Mazoe Gold- fields with six indifferent oxen and a two-wheeled On the Way to the Mazoe Gold-fields. 239 cart containing our provisions, blankets, etc. About midday we reached tlie Gweebi River, Avhich proved, in spite of its insignificant appear- ance, a rather formidable obstacle to our dejected- looking team, A^diich seemed quite unable to make the slight effort necessary to pull us out. How- ever, by completely unloading the waggon and dio-o'ino- the o-round from under the wheels, we enabled them eventually to drag themselves to the other side, and "witliout further mishap we reached ]\lount Hampden at nightfall, and were soon afterwards joined bv ^Ir. Borrow (of the firm of Johnson, Heaney, and Borrow). He had followed us in a Cape cart drawn Ijy salted mules, having very kindly consented to take us to the best claims, and generally show us Avliat was most worth examination. Up to this jiioint the country was fiat, treeless, and occasionally marshy. Some spoor was to be seen, Ijut no game was caught sight of except a small buck and some wild turkeys, although we met a party of pro- spectors, some of whom iiad just shot an eland, while the others were still out in pursuit of some ostrich. We got under weigh next morning by moonlight, about 5 a.m., and outspanned three "^ hours afterwards on the Tatag-ora River, whore Mr. Perkins had an opportunity of looking at some claims on a neighbouring kopje which had recently been purchased by the firm mentioned above. The hill appeared to have been worked on one side to some considerable extent by the old miners. Several shafts have been cleared of 240 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. their debris nnd opened up, Init little or no vein was to be seen in any except one recently sunk by the present prospector, ^vho had struck a small 'stringer' of quartz, of wliicli Mr. Perkins took a sample and found it to l)e of a very low grade. These old workings are of a \'ery singular and per- sistent character throughout the district, con- sisting for the most part of circular shafts varying in depth from t^'enty to eighty feet, and not more than thirty to thirty-six inches in dia- meter, which liave been sunk at all sorts of distances apart, in many cases not more than one foot, and in others as much as fifty or a hundred. No outcrop is api^arent at the surface, and nothing at the bottom of the shafts would seem to suggest a likelier reason for the stoppage of work than the gradual deterioration in the grade and size of the veins. How these rich spots were originally found, and why the shafts were so irregularly dis- posed, are questions of which no one has as yet been able to suggest a satisfactory solution. That they were abandoned in haste is extremely improbable, for throughout the whole of this district only two implements have been found left in the bottom of the shafts, in one case a rude stone chisel, or jDick, in the other an earthen pot, similar in shape, size, and material to those in use by the natives at the present day. Any attempt to judge of their age must be the merest guess-work, as for the most part they might be anything from twenty to one hundi-ed years, and although in a few cases it is true that trees of some size are to be seen Old Workinc;s. 241 actually growing in the old shafts, they are of those soft-wooded and quick-growing varieties which require but little time for development. The country in the midst ol' which we now found ourselves ^vas of quite a different character to that previously traversed. From ]Mount Hamp- den we had descended some 500 feet into the valley of the Mazoe, and wooded hills and ridges, grassy vleys, and clear running streams surrounded us on every side. j^ ^^^^ '' Some of these hills afe of considerable height, rising to as much as 1000 feet above the level of the plain, but only in isolated instances was any outcro}) of sedimentary rock visible, the greater })ortion of them consisting of granite, with but few volcanic intrusions. Round our outsjoan several native kraals could be seen perched upon the neighbouring crests, and I believe it is not yet clearly understood whether they select these steep and inconvenient homes from the fear of MatalDele raids or upon the score of health. I am rather inclined to take the last supposition, as it is said that the Matabele have not as yet penetrated to this part of the countrv, and it would take a sharp experience to teach the indolent ]\Iasliona that the laziest is not also the best course. On our return to the wao-o-on we found it surrounded by these natives, who had brought mealies, milk, and Kaffir corn to barter with. We were sadly in want of mealies for our horses, as we had found great difficulty in obtain- ing them at Fort Salisbury, but all our attempts 242 Men, Mikes, and Animals in South Africa. at a deal ^vere fruitless. In vain ^Ye oftered calico or limbo in exchange for their wares, in vain we tried to seduce them with the glittering blue bead or the empty cartridge-case. They were not to be moved. It seems that these fastidious and pampered barbarians have become nice about the colour of their adornments, and will take nothing but red or white limbo and a peculiar sort of bead known as the red- white-eye. So, disappointed, we puslied on to the claims next worthy of attention, and spent an hour or t^vo examinino- a shallow shaft and nalT0^v vein which was submitted to our inspection. From there to the huts of the minino' commissioner occu- pied the rest of the day, and with tlie evening came Mr. A. Beit and his partv, among whom Avas included ^Ir. Rolker, the mining engineer of the Chartered Coin2:)any. On the following day a lovely ride of about seven miles took us all to visit the " YelloAv Jacket ' mine, the j^roperty of Messrs. Johnson, Heaney, and Borrow, of which Mr. Per- kins and Mr. Rolker made a careful examination. This reef extends some 1500 feet in length, and two shafts have been sunk on it. Here no native workings were seen, and the attention of the prospectors was arrested b\^ the outcrop Avhich extended for some distance and gave very rich pannings. A specimen of this ore which was pounded down on tlie spot for us gave roughly about 60oz. to the ton. Unfortunately the vein decreases lamentably in size and richness as it descends, and samples taken at the bottom The "Golden Quarry" Mine. 243 give very poor results. This was a, great disap- pointment, as at the tojD the future seemed very promising and represented a mining venture with Avhicli any one might have been deceived. While returning to camp we came upon about twenty baboons playing at the foot of the hill, some of them of great size, but they were too shy to allow us to approacli nearer than about 200 yards. Mr. Beit and his party left the next morning for Fort Salisbury, while ^Ir. Perkins and myself, under the guidance of Mr. Borrow, started on horseback to visit a series of properties extending to a distance of about forty miles from the jMining Commissioner's camp, determining to depend upon what hosj^itality Ave might hnd lor shelter and food. AVe saw the ' Jumbo ' and the ' Golden Quarry,' the last-named being again the property of the enterprising firm before alluded to. The former had but little to reconnnend it as far as present development permitted to judge. The latter seems to be a large burst of quartz very Avide on the top, but, like all the rest, rapidly losing li'rade and thickness as a loAver level is reached. A spot of very rich ore Avas found on the out- crop, and to Avork this a small three-stamp battery has been erected. We found it busily pounding nearly a ton a day, and getting very fair results, in proof of which a basin was proudly produced containing about fifty ounces of amalgam, and re- presenting, I suppose, the first ' clean up ' as yet made in Mashonaland. From there Ave rode on to the camp of Count de la Panouse, Avhere we K 2 244 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. were very hospitably ^ecei^'ecl, ;ind passed the night. The folloAving day a ride of thirty miles brought us to another eamp of this syndicate, where the same kind reception awaited us ; but, unfortunately, no realization of the somewhat irlowinii' accounts we liad I'eceived as to the valuable prospects of this property. A mass of old workings surround the camp, and two shafts have been sunk some considerable depth, but at present without cutting the \ein at all, so nothing; remained for us but to depart the next morning on our long but l^eautiful ride homewards. During the journey we crossed many bright, clear little rivers ; but in the opinion of Mr. Perkins there is not sufficient fall nor enough Avater in them to justify their employment for anything requiring the generation of much power. The general aspect of the countr}' is the same here as was described above, but the timber is small, and of a soft quality, unsuitable generally for large lumber. There is, however, plenty for hrewood, small mining props, and so Ibrth. From August 26th to the 28tli we examined the property of the Exploration Company Syndicate, which is large and scattered. The reefs throughout presented the same character, and so far as we have seen appear uniformly superficial, extending longitu- dinally for considerable distances, but ' pinching ' out and losing their gold as depth is attained. The shafts which the i)rospectors have sunk are principally Acrtical, and as little drifting work has been done a very small portion of the More Disappointments. 245 vein is exposed in each case, Avliicli of course makes it difficult to form a very conclusive opinion. Some of tlie reefs cany gold to a fair extent, and in ^Ir. Perkins' opinion it would be possible to make them pav a little profit I'tv small individual enterprise ; but neither the extent of the reefs, the quality of the ore, nor the general formation of the country, so far at least as judg- ment can be formed on what has been seen, could justifv the formation of large London companies for their further de^'elopment." 246 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. CHAPTER XVI. HUXTIXG THE ANTELOPE OX THE HIGH VELDT. We start for Hartle}^ Hill — The Mashonas as servants — Mar- riage in Maslionaland — All alone on the Veldt — Hints to hnnters when lost on the Veldt — A K'lffir kraal — Barter with the natives — Dangerously bad shooting — The troubles of trekking — The country l)et\veen Fort Salisbury and Hartley Hill — Wild flowers and fruit — Unsuccessful chase after ostriches — -A fine herd of eland — The bull of the herd falls to my gun. The record of iii)' travels continues to l)e niainl}' occupied witli details of the chase. Saturday, Auo'ust 21)th, and the followinij: Sundav and Mondav were busy days Avitli all of us. j\Iessrs. Perkins and Rolker were at work from dawn to dusk panning, assaying, and Aveighing the gold extracted from the numerous samples of rpiartz Avhich they had l^rought with them from the ^lazoe district gold-fields ; while Captain A\ illiams and I had our time taken up with preparations for our journey to Hartley Hill, such as procuring the indis]:»ensable mealies and other kinds of provi- sions, hiring a fresh span of oxen for the Scotch cart. Two roads lead from Fort Salisbury to Hartley Hill ; the lower road, said to be about twenty or twenty-fi\'e miles the sliorter of the two, follows the main route to the south as far as the Hunyani River, after crossing which it branches off We start for Hartley Hill. 247 to the west, traversing some swampy and difficult ground. The distance by this road to Hartley Hill is computed at about fifty-three miles. The upper road, which I calculate to be nearly seventy miles in length, proceeds first nearly north-west from Fort Salisbury, afterwards turning to the Avest and south, and this road also crosses in parts swam23s and marshy ground. A new road lying between these two and following higher levels is noAv in course of construction ; when completed, communication between these two important centres ouo'ht to l^e o-peatlv facilitated. It may be mentioned that in the rainy season the two existing roads are said to be altogether impassable either for the lightest vehicles or even for horses alone. Our arrano-ements were that Messrs. Perkins and Rolker, accompanied by Captain Williams, were to proceed as quickly as possible by the loAver road, whereas Hans Lee and myself preferred to follow the upper and longer route, along which we were assured we should find considerable quantities of o-ame. I left Fort Salisburv in the mule wao-o-on on the afternoon of August olst, having made arrangements during the course of the da}^ with a young and enterprising auctioneer for the sale at Fort Salisbury, in the early days of October, of the whole plant of my expedition. This will be an interestino; sale as the first of its kind which has taken place in the country. We trekked about seven miles, encamping for the night in a small grove. One of the three natives whom I mentioned in a former letter as joining us on our departure 248 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. from Fort Victoria left my service this evening without notice. I learnt afterwards that another of the trio who had remained with C'aptain Williams also bolted the same evening. These two were brothers, and had evidently made arrangements to depart simultaneously. They M^ere Aery foolish, for they had been kindly treated, well fed, and their work had been light, and by bolting thus they lost the l)lankets which they Avould shortly have received as their wages, which are so dearly prized by the Mashona. However, they carried off with them some clothes ^'hich Ave had bought for them, and a fair quantity of " bil- tong." All opinions concur as to the utter A\'ortli- lessness of the Mashona as labourers or as servants. They rarely stay more than a fortnight "with any one person, and almost always bolt slioidd any blankets or clothin"- l)e o-i\en them. One of the trio, " Tiriki " b}- name, alone remained faithful. I had a conversation with him the first evening- out fi-om Fort Salisbury, Hans Lee acting as inter- preter. He told me he was not related to the two defaulters, and that he Avas rather glad they had gone, as they tAvo, being brothers, had conspired to put all the Avork upon him. I did not person- ally perceive Iioav their departiu'c Avould lighten his labours. He also told me that he Avas A-ery anxious to get married, as, if he Avere lucky, his A\qfe might have daughters Avhoni he an'ouUI be able to sell in exchange for goats. It seems that in j\Iaslionaland boys are perfectl}' Avorthless articles. I asked him Iioav much it AVould cost to bu)' a A^'ife, Marriage in Mashonaland. 249 to which he replied that to buy a very pi'etty wife required seven things, two goats, two blankets, two spades, and some other article to be specified, according to the taste or fancy of the vendor. Tiriki has remained with me till now, and Avill. I hope, before I lea^'e ^lashonaland, be in a position to acquire the Avife he longs for, more especially as he told me he had a girl in his eye who might be bought up before long by some one richer than himself. i\_t dawn the next morning I rode out Avith Lee on to the veldt, having instructed our bovs to make a short trek, and outspan at the nearest water and shade. We rode for some three hours across some fine open veldt, much of Avhich was well watered, and appeared to be suital~)le either for grazing or for tillage. A good many farms have been marked out in this neighbourhood, and some actually occu])ied. deserving a solitarv kopje in the distance, we rode towards it, and from the summit searched the surrounding plain with a telescope. In a few minutes we descried a herd of about a dozen hartel^eest, and about half a mile further to the north a nice herd of roan antelope, among Avhich was to be ])erceived a fine old bull. These latter we preferred to chase. As a rule, these large antelope allow the hunter to approach, esiDgciall}^ if he is down wind, within a distance of three or four hundred yards, standing looking curi- ously at him, Thev then make aAvay at a slow pace ; you canter after them quietly, increasing your proxijnitv to them. After going a few hun- dred yards they generally stand and look round 250 Men, Mines, and Animaes in South Africa. ao-aiu. Now is the time for a good shot if you have got, as you ought to have done, within two hundred yards of them. After the first shot they make off at a gallop, and the hunter must ride his horse to keep up with them, but it is certainly better, if you desire to kill several of a herd, not to press them too closely, contenting yourself with shootino; from time to time at a somewhat lono-er range, and at the same time not exhausting the powers of your horse. In this way, under the guidance of Lee, I have several times chased good herds of buck for twenty minutes or half an hour, getting manv shots. With this particular herd the old ))ull first oftered me a fair chance, l)ut I missed him; he galloped ofl:'; with my second barrel I hit hard a bio- cow with fine horns. Seeino' she was badlv Avounded and could not gallop very far or fast, I made after her, and soon finished her with another bullet. Lee in the meantime had galloped after the herd, and had laid Ioav a nice young bull, which later turned out to be the most excellent eating. Having " done the civil " (i.e. grallocked and covered up with grass and branches) to our two dead buck, we turned our steps towards the road. On our way we came across the herd of hartebeest originally seen from the kopje whicli had been but slightly disturbed by our cliase after the roan antelope. I got a longish shot at one of these, and, noticing that he turned away from the rest of the herd, galloped after him, thinking that I had Avounded him. I was soon joined in the pursuit by Lee, who dismounted and fired three All alone on the Veldt. 251 pilots without effect. I continued to chase the l)uck, who did not seem to be able to get very far away from me. He held c^n, howeyer, for a long distance, sometimes being as iar away as fiye or six liunchTd yards, sometimes allowing me to come much closer, when I dismounted and fired. With my sixth shot I hit him in the haunch, and re- mounting soon had the pleasure of seeing his pace get slo^ver and slower from a canter into a. trot, from a trot into a walk, finall}" sinking on to the ground. I rode up to him and otf-saddlcd my panting and dripping horse, now completely blo^Ti by a gallop of upwards of three miles oyer the most varied country, through swamp^^ ground, groves of trees and bush, and o^'er rocky koj^jes. This was the first hartebeest I had managed to ride dovra and shoot by myself, and I was proportionately delighted. I found myself all alone on the veldt, I^ec having for some reason or other discontinued the chase. While I was engaged in opening the buck I was startled by a voice behind me. Look- ing round, I perceived three natives with the usual amount of clothing and assegai. Xot knowing quite what the intentions of these barbarians might be, I immediately, with very dignified and lofty signs, ordered them to complete'the disembowelling of the buck, and to cut l)ranches and grass with which to cover it up. This they most meekly did, upon which I graciously permitted them to carry away the entrails. I ^vas now somewhat in a quandary, not knowing where I was, being totally unable to discover the way I had come, and Lee 252 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. beino; nowhere in sight. However, I knew the road ran west, and tliat if I took a southerly course I must soon cut it. It may be well for the inex- l^erienced in the chase on the South African veldt to remember an elementary fact, that at middav in the Southern Hemisphere the sun is always in the north, and that to go due south you have only to keep the sun shining on the back of your neck. One or two other little useful facts may l)e here set down. If lost at night on the veldt on a bright starry evening, four times and a half the lengtli of the Southern Cross, measured from the summit to the base, in the direction of the base indicates the position of the South Pole. The direction of the wind is apt to be misleading, as it generally follows the sun in the course of the day. It is M'ell fur a hunter lea vino- his wago-ons on the O Co " trek " to make these latter drag a chain between the rear wheels. When in returning from the chase you reach the I'oad, you can easily discover from the presence or absence of the marks of the chain in the dust, among innuinei'able other spoor, whether your waggons are before or liehind you. Sir Frederick Carrington taught me this simple little dodge, which, fortunately for its efficacy, is hardly at all resorted to. It is very imprudent for anv one to go huntino- on the veldt without a small supply of biscuits and whisky. Chocolate is an excellent thing to carry, and a box of matches is essential. If the hunter towai'ds the evening finds himself really lost, and is a great distance from his camp, it is much better to reahze the Lost at Nightfall. 253 fact while some daylight remains, and to make timely preparations for passing the night on the A'eldt, such as choosin2: a o^ood tree to A\'hich to attach vour horse, and collecting an jimple stock of tire wood to last through the night. If these preparations are postponed too long, darkness super- venes, and the hunter is helpless. Also, if being- lost on the veldt you happen to kill a buck, choose your resting-jDlace for the night some distance away from the dead game, Avliich is likely to attract either wohes oi' lions, in whose Aicinity at night it is well not to l^e. I found my way to the road, and shortly afterwards to the waggons, without much difficulty, and despatched the ''Baboon" to search for and bring in the two dead buck, A\diicli task he successfully accomplished l)efore dark. At sundown I was surprised l^y the arri\'al of Messrs. Perkins and Rolker, A^'llo I thought had gone with Captain Williams along the loAver road. Thev brought the somewhat gloomy intelligence that the span of oxen which had been hired for the Scotch cart had strayed and been lost, oAving to the carelessness ol' our lioys, and that Captain Williams had remained behind to try and recover them. L^p to this moment nothing had been heard of these lost oxen, although parties Avere sent in all directions to search for them, and Captain AVilliams eA^entually arrived at Hartley Hill with another span, AAdiich had been kindly lent him by the officials of the Chartered Company. On the foUoAvino; mornino- 3Iessrs. Perkins and Piolker proceeded on their A\'ay, Avhile I contented mA'sell' 254 Men, Mines, AND Animals in South Africa with ;i four miles' trek to a Kaffir kraal of some size, picturesquely perched on the peaks of a rocky kopje, similar to the one near Fort Salisl3ury, which I described in a former chapter. Here, under the ample shade of a laro-e " makoona " tree, I made a comfortable camp. We AYere soon sur- rounded by a score of natives, old and young, male and female, who, in exchange for the fresh meat -svith which we were provided, gave us large sup- plies of mealies and of Kaffir corn. I tried in vain to purchase a goat, as also milk and eggs, but none of these commodities would they produce. About noon, the sun Ijeing very hot, Lee and I rode out on our daily hunt. Soon ^ve saw a solitary harte- beest standing under a tree looking at us, at Avhich I fired at a distance of two hundred and fifty yards. After the shot he moved a lew paces to the right, and still remained gazing at us intently. Seeing that he was not disposed to make off, and thinking I had missed him, I sat down on the ground, and, resting my ritle on my knees, took steady aim. This bullet hit him in the chest, and he staggered away a few yards and fell. On going up to him I found that my first ballet had broken the lower jaw. This wound must have stupefied him, and probal)ly accounted for his immobility after my first shot. Groing on, we again ascend a kopje to spy the plain. As usual, we j^ei'ceive liartebeest and roan antelope in difierent directions, and, as usual, prefer to pursue the latter. These were two cows, which, on being chased for a short way, led us on to a herd of seven other roan antelope. Dangerously bad Shooting. 25^ We had a iine gallop of nearly three miles after this herd, getting many shots. I knocked down the old bnll, to Avhicli in passing, Lee gave what he thought to be a finishing shot. I made after a cow which seemed to be wounded, and rode her to a standstill. I finished her off with a shot hred from the horse's back, and returned to look for the bull. The old fellow, as soon as he saAv me approaching, rose to his feet and staggered away for some distance, and then stood and looked at me. Dismountinii- within a rani2e of less than lOU yards, and sitting down, resting my rifle on my knees, I fired four bullets at him, thi-ee of which missed him clean, the fourth penetrating the head and putting an end to his sufferings. This was dano'erouslv bad shootino; if a lion had been the object instead of a roan antelope, but along gallop over the veldt under a hot sun makes the eye and the hand alike unsteady. On the morning of the 3rd of September, " tlie Baboon " having been sent awav to fetch the antelope killed the day before, Lee and I I'ode in a westerly direction to another Kaffir kraal. Here the natives ^vere making Avhat was evidenth' a new installation. I noticed that their huts, Avitli conical roofs, and their small circular store-houses constructed of clay and wattle, were erected with marvellous neatness, and even symmetry. I tried to purchase a cow, but the owner declared he would not part with her unless he received two Martini-Henry rifles Avith sufficient nmmunition. One of the natives offered to a'uide us back, so we foUoAved 256 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. him. After going for more than four miles, he led us right on to a splendid herd of about forty sable antelope, among which could be easily per- ceived a regular old patriarch of a bull Avitli long- upstanding black mane and wide arching horns. I had always been longing to come across such a herd, but till to-day had only been successful in meeting with single specimens. Nothing more beautiful can be imagined than the sight of this great lot of antelope careering over the plain from two to three hundred yards ahead of us. For some reason or other I shot terribly badly this morning. In a gallop of upwards of three miles I fired twenty-seven cartridges and only actually killed one, although I wounded another whicli Lee hnished. Lee killed three, among which Avas the old bull, whom I found, on examination, to possess a pair of horns of surpassing excellence. These hve antelope lay dead on the ground over a dis- tance of about two miles. I would have pursued the herd further than I did but tliat a nastA' spruit intervened, in crossing whicli the antelo])e gained an immense start, and my horse, becoming utterly blown, was unable to make up the lost ground. ]\Iy last shot, fired at a distance of moi-e than 400 yards right at the herd, brought down a nice young bull, which Lee managed to gallop after and secure. In the afternoon we trekked five miles towards the ground where the sable antelope lay dead, and on the following morning Lee set out at dawn with four horses to find the old bull and the two cows, while " the Baboon '" I The Troubles oe Trekking. 257 with ten mules started off to bring in tlie other cow and bull, which lay at some distance away. " The Baboon " brought in his two animals safe and untouched. Lee was only successful in finding the old bull, the natives having probably carried oft' entire the t\Y0 dead cows. In the afternoon numbers of natives came in from a kraal in the vicinity. In the short space of two hours the three big buck had been cut up and bartered away and distributed in return for mealies, Kaffir corn, some milk, and a few eggs. The natives are passionately fond of fresh meat, and will give more in exchange for it than for " limbo," wire, or beads. The two following days we occupied in trekking, as time was getting on and Hartley Hill >was still distant. During the trek, Lee saw, chased, and killed a good sable antelope bull. During these two days we had to cross a series of swampy places, and three times we stuck fast hopelessly. The tedious and fatiguing process of oft-loading, of carrying the goods for a considerable distance, and of aoain unloadino- had to be con- stantly gone through, to our inexj)ressible annoy- ance and disgust. I think on the whole it is better when the wao-o-on first buries its wheels in the mud and sticks to outsi3an your team and to attach it to the rear of the waggon and to draw this back, than to attempt to drag it forward, when spades, pickaxes, and even off-loading are apt to become unavailing, and you have to wait till some chance passing waggon gives you the assistance of it!:^ team, and extricates you from the morass. s 258 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. The whole of the country which lies between Fort Salisbury and Hartley Hill consists of wide undulating plains, dotted here and there with ko]3Jes and intersected by groves and by lono- belts of thick bush. In many parts the veldt is covered with a quantity of green plants of many varieties, and with a profusion of wild flowers in full bloom. The petunia grows wild all over this veldt. In the frequent hollo's vs of the plains water is always to be found, and swampy, marshy ground em- barrasses and delays your waggon. On the evening of the 6th we encamped on the banks of the Saroe ri^'er. Here Lee observed some comparatively recent traces of hippopotami, and early the next morning he and I set off up the ri\'er in search of these creatures. But we were unsuccessful, and saw no hippo. This morning I came across a wild fig tree, with much ripe fruit. This fruit is of a soft rose colour, much smaller tlian the ijarden fio- at home, quite as sweet, with the seeds inside small and dry. These are often much infested by ants, so that one has to be careful in eatino- these fios. This curious tree seems to have a habit of j^ro- ducing ripe fruit at any season of the year. The only other incident of the day's ride was the a]?- pearance of an immense quantity of baboons, the first that I had happened to see since I had landed in Africa. These were very wild, and fled long before we got at all near them. In the afternoon we trekked fourteen miles to the Zimboe river. Here I found outspanned a small party of three men with donkeys, who were in a great state of Wild Flowers and Fruit. 259 excitement at having seen close by the road a hii-ge herd of elands, as they said, some fifty in nnmber. Next morning Lee and " the Baboon " foniid the spoor of these elands, and tried for a couple of hours unsuccessfally to follow it. I then again trekked, but had not proceeded far before I over- took one of my friends of the previous evening, who had been out shooting, and had killed a roan anteloj^e, had seen the elands in the distance, as also some ostrich, neither of which, being on foot, had he been able to pursue. On receiving this intellio'ence, Lee and I immediately mounted our horses, and, leaving the waggon to trek on to Hartley Hill, rode on toA^'ards the spot where the elands were supposed to be. On this day I saw a greater quantity and variety of game than I had seen on any other since I began hunting in Africa. AVe first sighted some large buck, which we took to be elands ; getting near them, they turned out to be a herd of seven fine koodoo bulls. I took a shot at one of them at a distance of over 200 yards, but was not successful, the herd galloping off just as I pulled the trigger. We did not j^ursue them, as eland was the game we were after. We soon came upon the s^^oor of the eland, quite fresh, indicating their proximity. While we were following it up through a grove of trees ^ye dis- cerned about half a mile out on the plain five ostriches. It Av^as now a question which to go after, the ostrich or the eland, and after much hesitation and discussion we determined to chase the ostrich. We had a good gallop after these for s 2 26o Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. more than a quarter of an hour. They took a circular course, and as we occupied the inside of the circle, both Lee and I obtained half-a-dozen good shots each. Alas ! we both shot very badly, not one was brought down, but I expect an ostrich going full tilt is not an easy object to hit. Galloping after the ostrich, my horse, putting his foot in a hole, came heavily to the ground. I did not lose my seat, but lost my ]4fle, which was thrown some yards away. Tliis incident caused delay, and allowed the ostrich to get too far from us, so we abandoned the chase, chagrined at our bad shooting and at not having secured the cock bird, which was in fine plumage. The appear- ance, however, of these great l)irds skimming along over the plain Avith their somewhat grotesque action had been very pleasant and exciting. While we were dismounted, watching the disappearing ostrich tlirough a telescope, three sable antelope approached us and stood looking, aljout 400 }'ards away. They seemed to be aware that we had no intention of molesting them, for tliey kept near us for some time after Ave had mounted and Avei'c riding along, showing no signs of alarm even Avlien they had our Avind. The day Avas very hot, and I liaA^e noticed that at mid-day, AAdien the heat is great, and Avhen there is little wind, the antelope are often singularly tame. Xoav again, being on an eminence, we spied the plain, the sable antelope also spying us close by. To our joy the elands Avere made out grazing along the edge of some bush about a mile oil". The herd Avas sloAvly A Herd of Elands. 261 approachecl, and was seen to be a large one, nnniliering nearly tliirty, with several young calves. At last I liacl come across these big- creatures about which I had heard so much, whicli I had hoped for so many days and dreamed of so many nights. The herd looked splendid ; con- spicuous among them stood the old bull, in appearance almost twice as big as the cows, and very majestic. Oft' they trotted into the bush as we came within 500 yards ; after them we cantered, and were soon close on their heels. The eland is not speedy like the roan antelope, hartebeest, or sable antelope ; he hardly ever goes out of a trot, but when he is alarmed this trot keeps a horse at a good hand canter to remain Avithin shootino* distance. I went after the old bull, who soon left the herd, and, accompanied by a single cow, took over the plain. In a patch of bush this cow abandoned him, and he trotted along all alone, a great, fine beast. Three times I missed him. My fourth l^uUet hit him high in the haunch, near the tail, when he was al)out 150 yards away, as he was crossing a s^Druit. Then I saw he could go no longer, and rode up slowly within twenty yards of him. I shall never forget the sight of this noble and commanding luill eland looking at me most reproachfully, and from time to time moving away a i'ew paces very slowly. There was nothing un- gainly or convulsive about his attitude or action, as is often the case with other wounded buck when the hunter draws near. AVlien dismounting I gave him a bullet behind the shoulder, he 262 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. moved away a few more paces, and lay down quite o-racefully on the ground, sighing. Then turning on his side, stretching out wide apart his fore and liind legs, and again relaxing them, he expired in a position of complete repose. In weight he must have exceeded a thousand pounds ; his horns were long, straight, thick at the base, with a spiral twist in them. Lee came up, and we had hard work to cut branches and grass sufficient to cover and hide so large a beast. From twenty to thirty pounds of the meat, taken from the back and breast, we cut off at once, and attached to our saddles ; and when mounted must have looked like a peram1)ulatiiig l)utclierV shop. It Avas well that we carried off so much meat with us, as a grass fire Iilazing in the vicinity, impelled by the Avind, after our departure enveloped and consumed our fine eland bull, and on the morrow "the Baboon"' found l:)iit a cliarred carcase, the horns being the onlv portion of the remains which tlie flames had been unable to destroy or spoil. A long ride of ten or twelve miles lay before us to Hartley Hill, which we reached about four o'clock in the afternoon, seeing on our Avay many buck of various sorts, Avhich Ave disdained to chase. Hartley Hill. 263 CHxVPTER XVII. WEALTH OE MASHONALAND. DOUBT AND DISAP- POINTMENT. Hartley Hill — Our party again i;nited — The Tsetse-fly pest — jNlr. Perkins joins me in a clay's shooting — Surgeon Eayner's adventure with a lion — Contemplating the return journey — Making a clean V)reast of it — Deceptive appear- ances — Reefs in the Eiffel district — What is to become of the country 1 — Mr. Perkins and the leopard. Hartley Hill is a low two-peaked kopje, rising out of a plain covered with thick bush. At the foot of the koj^je runs the Zimboe, a fresh stream floAving in a rocky bed, which, within a distance of half a mile, joins the Umfuli. This latter river is here a line piece of water. It was quite re- freshing after so long a travel in q, comparatively waterless land to find one's self gazing at the long, broad, deep flats which distinguish the Umfuli as a real river from among such a number of capricious and scantily supplied water-courses. Tliere is little of attraction in Hartley Hill itself. The kopje has an unhealthy, stuffy appearance, and its sanitary character corresponds with its appearance. The soil has been much tainted with numerous " outspans." A veritable plague of common black flies persecutes one from morning till evenino". For some reason or other the fresh 264 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. breezes which daily sweep over the veldt scarceh^ seem to penetrate to, or in any way relieve the oppressive atmosphere of Hartley Hill. On the higher peat of the kopje Messrs. Johnson, Heaney, and Borrow have, with their usual enterprise, erected huts and store-houses. On the other and lower peak, Mr. G-raham, the Alining Commissioner, has his offices and abode. Manv stories of adven- The miaing settlein9nt at Hartley Hill. tares with lions were current when I arrived at Hartley Hill. On the first night I was there a lion broke into the kraal of the firm mentioned above, situated close to where I was outspanned, killed, and carried oiF a donkey. This lion on Uvo successive evenings returned to his prey, and shots were fired at him Avithout eftect. One of the prospectors in the ser^nce of Sir John Willoughby, I Our 1'artv again United. 265 hearing a noise, went out in the dusk of the morning, and seeing three large animals, hred at them witli his rifle and hiid them all low. Snnrise revealed to him that he had slain three of his master's donkeys. I foimd on getting to Hartley Hill that Mr. Alfred Beit, accompanied by Messrs. Perkins and Rolker, had gone into tsetse-flv country to inspect some reefs about the wealth of which rumour had been active, situated in the " Eiffel district," and were not expected back for two or three days. On the following morning, to my great relief. Major Giles turned up with a Avaggon laden ^vitli stores and other things of which I was much in want. He brouo-ht re- assuring news of my waggons and oxen, which he had left outsi:)anned on the Hunyani river, twelve miles from Fort Salisbury. The difficulties and distresses of the expedition had not in reality been so great as had been represented to me in the letter I received three weeks before, while hunting on the Upi^er Umfuh. The oxen had now found good veldt, where they were picking up strength and putting on flesh rapidly. Captain Williams arrived in the evening from Fort Salisbury, accomj^anied by Sir John AVillough1)y, the latter on his way to the Zambesi. On the following day Surgeon Rayner, Captain Coventry, and Mr. Mackay came into camp. Our party then was again united, with the exception of i\Ir. Edgell, left in charge of the waggons and oxen on the Hunyani river, A month and two days had elapsed since we separated at Fort Victoria, and it 266 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. was j^leasant and cheering being once more to- gether, all of us having experienced various troubles and adventures, none of us having suffered from any illness or real misfortune. Time passed rapidly in recounting to each other our different narratives, in making plans and arrangements for future operations. Soon Major Giles returned to Fort Salisbury to prepare for the sale of the outfit. Mr. Mackay, with a prosjDector of some experience, was despatched to the Umswezi river to examine certain reefs which were reported to be rich. This district is infested by the tsetse fly ; neither horses, mules, nor oxen can be taken there. The miner travels on foot, with donkeys carrying his baggage. Donkeys do not enjoy any real im- munity from the effects of the bite of the tsetse fly, but as they appear to resist the poison for a nuich longer period than any other animal, and as they are of small value, thev are found to be of great use for transport in tlie " fly " country. A certain time having to l^e passed while reefs were being examined and reports made, I resolved upon another shooting ex|)edition to the locality where I had seen the elands, the ostriches, and many other buck. Mr. Henry C. Perkins, who had had no good shooting, managed to steal a day from his mining business and came with me. We trekked on to the veldt, some ten miles from Hartley Hill, and went hunting on the following morning. A good many liuck were seen and shot at, hartebeest, waterbuck, duiker. Mr. Perkins Avas successful in securing a fine sable antelope bull, after a regular Highland stalk, and an old The King of the Forest. 267 ram reitbuck. We also chased a large herd of roan antelope, which led us along some terribly rocky and stony ground, where galloping was almost impossible. We managed, however, to kill the old bull of the herd. I remained in this camp for two days after Mr. Perkins had returned to his mines and his reefs, but got little sport. The buck lind been too much chased, and had mostly abandoned the locality. On one morning my hopes were excited by coming across a large out- crop of apparently good-looking quartz. This, liowever, when panned was found not to contain any gold, T^\'o davs after my return to Hartley Hill, Surgeon Rayner and Hans Lee ^vent out to try and get a buck or two, as the camp wns in want of fi-esh meat. Anol:)ler game awaited them. Two lions were seen stalking a herd of roan nntelope. The former Avere at once pursued, and one of the couple soon had three bullets in his hind quarters. Retreating into some high grass, he afterwards charged and chased his hunters, getting rather too close to the doctor to be quite pleasant. This was his last effort, for he was badly wounded, and a bullet in his head terminated his wicked career. As fine a specimen of a lion as could be seen, he measured twelve feet three inches from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail, his skin was in perfect condition, his mane Ijushy and dark coloured. The doctor returned to camp greatly pleased with his exciting and fortu- nate adventure. The indefatigable Lee rode out again in the evening and killed a sable antelope 268 Men, Mines, and Animals in South xAfrica. and a hartebeest, so that we were not deprived of fresh meat on account of the lion. An exjDedition in this country is ahnost entirely dependent for fresh meat on the buck which are killed. The natives will not part with their sheep and goats. While I was at Hartley Hill a trader came in from Buluroyo, with slaughter oxen, bouo-ht from Lobens-ula from the Chartered Company. I procured from him two good sheep and a goat. The fat mutton was found l^y all to be a real luxury. I also purchased from this man tT70 milch cows. These tiny creatures are with difhculty prevailed upon to yield about three bottles of milk a day between them, keeping tlie rest for their calves, from which the natives never separate them. However, even this scanty quantitv of fresh milk was another luxury which had not been enjoyed for weeks or months, and on which we set great store. AYhile at Hartley Hill the increasing heat of the sun indicated the close of the South African winter. Heavy masses of clouds gathering in the afternoon, a sultry and oppressive air, foretold the near commencement of the early rains and storms. Surgeon Rayner ascertained that at midday the thermometer in the shade marked eighty-five degrees. The nights remain cool and fresh, the mercurv ranoino- from fortv- ' .,00 I five to fifty degrees. Many signs and appearances, however, continue to tell us that our return journey must soon occupy our thoughts. A troublesome prospect this return journey. Eight thousand miles nearly have to be traversed before Making a Clean Breast of it. 269 we see England again. The choice of route also perplexes ; whether to retread the weary and monotonous 2:>ath to Victoria and Tuli, or whether to attempt to reach the coast vw the Pungwe, hraving the " fly," the fever, and the discomfort of being deprived of all wheeled vehicles, furnishes matter for frequent and anxious deliberation. The gold district of Manica has still to l^e visited, but exjDectation is lowered and hope no longer glows. For now I arrive at the most unsatis- factory portion of my narrative, and have to make a melancholy and mortifying confession. In the earlier pages of this book I more than once wrote about the wealth and fertility of Mashonaland as of a fact about which there could be neither doubt nor question. An ex- traordinary concurrence of opinion on the part of many travellers, confirmed largely by his- torical record and by the traditions of gene- rations, altogether misled me. But the truth has to be told. jMashonaland, so far as is at present known, and much is known, is neither an Arcadia nor an El Dorado. The discovery that the Mazoe river gold district Avas a disappointment, and that no expectations of fortune could be derived from it, was borne with comparative equanimity, for all were assured, those who had been resident in the country for some time and those who had recently arrived, that the mineral wealth in the district of Hartley Hill would more than compensate for the deficiencies of Mazoe. It seemed impossible that such a mass of apparently 2/0 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. substantiated report and of rumour could turn out to be altogether valueless and misleading. I speedily found out, however, that this was the case. Mr. A. Beit with his j^arty returned from their examination of the much talked about '• Eiffel " district much disappointed. These reefs are somewhat typical ; a considerable outcrop, much of which when broken up shows a wonder- ful appearance of visible gold ; this, however, when extracted by crushing and panning, is found to be of the hnest and thinnest character. It seems to have been deposited in small flakes by Avater filter- ing through the cracks and crevices of the quartz ; so much so that ore, which at first sight might lead even the experienced to hope that it would yield three or four, or even more, ounces to the ton, actually results in the 23roduction of from half-a- dozen to a dozen pennyweights. As Avitli " The Eiffel " reefs so with very many others. Again, where the gold is of a coarser and better quality firmly amalgamated Avith the quartz itself, then the reef is foiuid either to have no apprecialjle depth, or else at any appreciable depth to yield little appreciable gold. Hardly an exception to these general characteristics has as yet been dis- covered. A large amount of rumour had Ibmid its way to Hartley Hill as to the richness of the reefs on the Umswezi river. Mr. Mackay returned from an expedition there extending over some days, but reported that he had found nothing of promise, and the specimens he brought back v/ith him, Avhen crushed, gave but poor pros- Deceptive Appearances. 271 pects. Another district some fifty miles from here do^uTi the Umfuli river, Avhere is situated the Mammoth river about which much talk had been made (as also the Lo Magundi district), is, I expect, of no better character than those I have already written about. j\Iauy prospectors, some working for syndicates, some on their own account, many of Australian and American ex^^erience, have no"\v been occupied in these districts for some time. Not one, although they are all sufficiently com- mimicative, appears to be able to claim, or to be desirous even of claiming, that he has discovered anything of value or promise. Day by day I see them abandoning the country with the usual ex- pression that "it is not good enough for them." Mr. Henry C. Perkins tells me that he was never yet in any gold district where so few rich sj)ecimens of quartz were brought for inspection. The gold reefs of the country are of an exasperating char- acter. When first seen and cursorily examined the general appearance is promising, and hopes are high ; l)ut the more they are developed, and the more work is done upon them, the more un- promising and valueless do they become. Such are the facts as at j^resent kno^vn about the auriferous Avealth of Hartley Hill and the surrounding district. It is, of course, 2)ossible that in course of time some fortunate band of prospectors may light upon a really valuable reef, but no consideration or iirgument that I know of leads me to the expecta- tion that this will be the case any more than the absence of gold in Middlesex would lead me to the 272 -Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. expectation that a gold mine would be discovered in Grosvenor Square. I may, however, quaUfy the unfavourable opinion of the gold-producing capacity of this district expressed above, by the mention of the fact that I have, in conjunction with ]\Ir. Alfred Beit, pui'chased half the property in one of the At Hartley Hill. Panning for gold at Mr. Borrow's hut. mines belonging to Messrs. Johnson, Heaney, and BorroAv. The pm-chase-money is to be expended on the immediate development of the reef on which, up to now, little or no work liJis been done. If the reef is fomid on examination to go down, some hundred feet or so — to be three or four feet wide at thai depth, and to }-ield at that depth the What is to bfxome of this Country ? 273 same amount of gold which it yields at the surface, then the mine ^\dll be one of some value. But looking to the general character of the other reefs in this district I have little expectation that this will be the case. If these general conclusions of mine are correct, and I fear they may be, the question presents itself, and is found to be almost unanswerable, What is to be done with this country? Agriculture on a large scale, cattle-ranching or sheep-farming, except for the feeding of a large mining population, would be a wild and ruinous enterprise. The climate seems to be altogether adverse to colonization and settlement by small emigrants. Moreover, if this region of Africa so exceptionally favoured in some ways by nature is found to be of little value, how infinitely worthless for all European pur^Doses must be the great district of the Central Lakes, the wide possessions of the East African Company, and the much-vaunted Congo State ! Sometimes when thinking of Africa as a whole, of Egypt, Tunis, and ]\Iorocco, of the Soudan, and of Abyssinia, of the Congo and of the Zambesi, of the many fruitless attempts made by many nations to discover, conquer, and civilize, of the many hopes which have been raised and dashed, of the many expectations which have been formed and falsified, it occurs to me that there must be upon this great continent some awful curse, some witherino; bli2:ht, and that to delude and to mock at the explorer, the gold-hunter, the merchant, the speculator, and even at ministers and monarchs, is its dark fortune and its desperate T 274 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. fate. It is possible, even probable, that these are views too gloomy, formed and set down as they occur to me under the influence of the disappoint- ment occasioned by the discovery that, as in the Mazoe so in the Hartley Hill district, there are probably no gold reefs of value to be acquired. Manica has yet to be visited, and the chai^acter of that country may altogether change the colour of my expectations. On the 25th September I left Hartley Hill to return to Fort Salisbury, and thence to travel towards Manica. Soon I hoped we should be in a position to know, or at any rate to form a tolerably accurate judgment, as to whether Mashonaland is destined to become a prosperous British colony or to remain until the end of time a barren and desolate African expanse. A curious adventure befell Mr. Henry C. Perkins the other day, in which he had a narrow escape from serious personal injury. He and his fi'iends were examining a reef, along which a trench had been cut. At one part of this trench a narrow shaft had been sunk some six feet in depth, at the bottom of which a small tunnelling had been made. Mr. Perkins was on the point of jumping down the shaft to examine the reef, when it fortunately occurred to him that as the sides were steep he might have some difficulty in getting out again. It was decided to wait before descending until a rope could be procured. AVhile Mr. Perkins and his friends were conversino- on the edo;e of the shaft a roar and a rush was heard, and out bounded Mr. Perkins and the Leopard. 275 amid the startled party a big leopard, which dashed through their legs and disappeared into the bush. This animal had evidently taken up its abode in the little tunnelling at the bottom of the shaft, and if Mr. Perkins had jumped down, as he intended to do, perfectly unarmed, a terrible conflict would probably have taken place between him and the leo^^ard, in a small confined space, from which escape was impossible, and Mr. Perkins ^7ould have been very seriously, if not fatally clawed. Snakes and scorpions are constantly found in these old workings and shafts, and explorations and examina- tions of mines are not without their o^vn special dangers. T jJ 2/6 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. CHAPTER XYIIL LIFE AT FORT SALISBURY. Mineral wealth of Mashonaland — Reefs in tlie Mazoe Eiver Valley — The '^ Matchless " Mine— Good news from Fort Victoria — A personal statement — Enterprise at Fort Salis- Ij^^ry — A model Ranche — Farms leased by the Chartered Company — An interesting auction — Indignation meeting against the Chartered Company — Horse-racing at Fort Salisbury — Organizing the administration of Mashonaland — Mr. Cecil Rhodes's views of the country. The formation of any definite and precise opinion about this country, its resources, and its prospects I found to be a matter of difficulty. It cannot be denied that the high hopes which were enter- tained by so many and various competent authorities as to the great mineral and agricultural wealth of IMashonaland have not hitherto been justified or nearly justified. This much is j)rob- ably true : that agriculture, while it might be a profitable enterprise for the feeding of a large resident mining j^opulation, for purposes of ex- port could not succeed. The soil, which in no part, so far as I have seen or can learn, is of any considerable- depth or richness, which over vast tracks is of the most rocky and stony character, which, over other vast tracks is swampy, requiring difficult and costly drainage, does not j^romise the cheap and easy production of abundant crops of grain. The great length of Mineral Wealth of Mashonaland. 277 the communications with the coast and the many obstacles of one kind and another which em- barrass those communications, forbid the export of stock, alive or dead. If Mashonaland, there- fore, has to rely for its prosperity upon its agricultural capacity alone, it is a country with- out a future. There remains the question. Is Mashonaland a good gold country ? High pro- fessional opinion is certainly inclined to answer this in the negative, and to discourage the outlay of capital. Without douljt numerous reefs, which have been found in certain parts of the county, which have been to some extent developed, and from which fair samples have been taken and most carefully assayed, have turned out to be of little or no value. On the other hand, it may be urged that, as the presence of auriferous quartz all over the country, so far as yet exj^lored, is constant, it is not unreasonable to exjDect that in certain localities yet to be found the quartz will be sufficiently auriferous to ensure profitable working. Hitherto comparatively little j^^'^specting has been done, and much of what has been done has been pei'functorily and ignorantly conducted. Many parties of .soi-disant prospectors have been fitted out and maintained by syndicates, whose ideas of their duty appear to be that they are to stick to the main routes, lie under their waggons most of the day smoking or sleeping, shoot an occasional buck, and from time to time offer a blanket to some native who will guide them to an old working, where claims can be pegged out, and 2/8 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. possibly the regulation thirty-foot shaft sunk. I have seen that a great quantity of money has been frittered away by parties of this kind, and pros- jDecting such as this cannot be taken into account. Some few honest, intelligent, laborious prospectors there are out here, most of them working for themselves, but as yet these men have been able to examine but a small portion of the country. Mashonaland in area is probably larger than the United Kingdom ; it has only been occuj^ied for the space of one year, of which less than six months have been available for exploration and prospecting efforts. Obviously it would be hazardous and jDremature to assert that, because the first gold discoveries are unsatisfactory, no satisfactory discoveries will be made. Many persons who came out here last year and this year supposed that fortunes would be made with great facility, that gold would be found lying about only waiting to be picked up, and such arc retiring from the country discontented, and 23ro- nouncing the country to be a delusion and a snare. But nature is not prodigal of her gold. In most cases, long sustained efforts, much patience and perseverance are required to win it from her, and sometimes she conceals it so carefully that only the merest chance or accident leads to its dis- covery. History, tradition, the narratives of many travellers, strongly support the theory that Mashonaland is rich in gold, and the probabilities are that at some time or other these authorities will be borne out. Another year, at least, of care- Reefs in the Mazoe River Valley. 279 fully conducted and scientific exploration must elapse before any opinion altogether condenniing the mineral resources of j\Iashonaland could l)e given with any prudence or justification. In the Mazoe River Valley there are many reefs which, while not large enough or rich enough to justify the erection of extensive and elaborate machinery, would certainly, in the opinion of experts, yield a fair profit to a miner with a small capital, or to a group of such men, working cheaply by their o^Yll industry and labour. It is probable that by next year the route to Mashonaland l)y the Pungwe River may Ije open and easy, in which case the cost of carriage of small stamp batteries Avould be enormously diminished. As for the Hartley Hill district, at the present moment I can say nothing in its favour. Most of the reefs there were visited by the experts, and fair samjoles taken from many parts of them. The assays of these samples show that these reefs contain but little gold, and that they are of small depth and extent. To this there is hardly an ex- ception, and I regret to write that the assay of the samples taken from the " Matchless " mine, in which I am personally interested, are at present much below the mark. This district, however, is only a tiny corner of Mashonaland. Up to the time of my return to Fort Salisbury prospects looked gloomy enough, and disappointment and discourage- ment were prevalent. An improvement, however, occurred. From the Umswezi River district and from the district of Lo-Magundi, persons upon 28o Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. whose opinion a certain amount of reliance can be jDlaced liave sent in promising reports, Xot such reports as woukl justify the assumption that im- portant gokl discoveries have been made, but which seem to demand the thorough and elaborate prospecting of those districts. From Fort Victoria more important news arrived. Two or three large and promising reefs were discovered by ]3rospectors known to be experienced, whose good opinion of their discoveries had been confirmed by a liigh authority. Personally I attributed so much importance to this latest find that I altered m}' plans for the return journey to the coast. Instead of travelling to Manica, inspecting the gold-fields there, and thence to Beira, it became my intention to 23roceed at once to Fort Victoria, and to reach Cape Colony by the route through Bechuanaland. This plan prevented me from seeing the Manica district, in many -s^'ays so interesting, the raiin' season being within measurable distance and the journey long. I the less regretted this for the reason that at that time no very good reports of the Manica district had arrived, nor had any good specimens of quartz been brought in. In the face of unfavourable expert opinion of the uncertainty as to the existence of any important gold-field, I clung to the idea that the country would yet reward its possessors and its earlier settlers. On this opinion, or fancy, as some would call it, I acted. Unable to remain in Mashonaland through the rainy season until next year, I established Captain Williams and Mr. Mackay at Fort Salis- A Personal Statement. 281 bury for a further period to watch and take what part they could in the development of the country. j\Ior cover, I made arrangements for a prospecting expedition to the Lo-Magundi district. In these pages I am aware I have laid myself open to the reproach of writing much about myself ; I advance as an excuse — (1) that the personal proceedings of the traveller must form a considerable part of any narrative of travel ; (2) speculation in gold mines is attractive and risky. I imagine that very many persons at home are greatly interested in this country, and may possibly be influenced one way or another by reading accounts given by one actually in the land. I fear by the expression of unwarranted hope to excite speculation which may be attended with loss ; I fear by setting forth tin- hivourable opinions to deter speculation which may be attended with gain. I prefer rather to suggest than to pronounce opinion, to recount one's own personal action, and those, be they few or many, who trouble to peruse this record of travel will attribute as much or as little value as they please to my suggestions of oj^inion, perhaps slightly increasing the value attributed when action and the general tendencv of opinion are found to coincide. The community settled at Fort Salisbury is re- inarkable for activity and enterprise. Since my first arrival, now two months ao-o, I observed a noteworthv increase in the size and a marked im- provement in the character of the to^Amship. Tents and waggon dwellings had rapidly given 282 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. place to well-coustructed liuts, and these latter also were being to a considerable extent supplanted by buildings of brick, of ^vliicli material a fair quality is beino- manufactured here. Over three hundred building stands had been taken uj) from the Chartered Company. A building stand measures 100 ft. by 40 ft. ; it is Hable to a tax of 1/. a month. In the first days of the settlement the company granted away these stands without ask- ing for the payment of any premium. As the demand for them increased, the prudent policy was adopted of putting them up to auction, and about one-third of the total number at this time occupied were sold at prices per stand ranging from 11. to 100/. A well-situated building stand conunanded a good price. I heard of one such, on which had been erected two single-roomed huts and a shed, l^eino- sold for 500/. The enclosure belonoino- to Messrs. Johnson, Heaney, and Borrow is the most important and conspicuous in the settlement. Situated on the northern slope of " the kopje," some ten acres in extent, surrounded by a Ioav but massiA'e dry stone wall, it contains large store- houses, stables, and sheds for cattle, a Avorkshop, and a smithy, and is dotted at one end with roAvs of wheeled vehicles rano-ino- iu size and character from the " buck waggon " to the buggy. Higher up " the kopje," among shady trees, is the dwell- ing-house, mainly constructed of brick, to which leads a broad and well-kept gravel path. Here also is the commencement of a promising garden, the only one in the settlement. The whole place Farming at Fort Salisbury. 283 is maintained in a condition of extreme cleanliness and order, and may truthfully be described as a homestead which would be respectable in England and princely in Ireland. The settlement in this country of the three acute and enterprising partners Avho compose the firm alluded to above has been a fortunate circumstance for the Chartered Company. Whatever they have done has been well done. Their homesteads at Hartley Hill and at Unitala, in Manica, are similar in scale and character to the Messrs. Johnson, Heaaey, and Borrow"s rauche at Fort Salidbury, one here which I have described. Much mining work has been effected by them on many reefs in the various known gold districts, and all of it has been carried out in the best possible manner. I cannot refrain from the observation that in a new country such as this, Avhere one is compelled at times to notice overmuch apathy, sluggishness, un- reasonable discontent, and scandalous waste of money, this firm has set a bright example of active perseverance, of intelligent and economical outlay, which encourages the formation of hopeful views 284 Men, Mines, and Animals in Sou fh Africa. on the future of J\Iushonalaucl. Agriculture was not being neglected. One hundred and twenty- three farms, mostly in the neighbourhood, of 3000 acres each in extent, had been applied for and marked out. These are leased by the Chartered Company at a rent of 5/. a year on the condition that within three months the tenant shall have commenced a beneficial occupation, which means a certain amount of ploughing and sowing of stock and of building. This completed, the farm is in- spected by the Surveyor-General of the Company, surveyed, and the title registered in the Company's books. Of this number of farms about twenty had been taken up by Boers. Last week at Fort Salisbury I found sj)ecially interesting, as on four days of the week the surplus stock and stores of the expedition which I had brought into the country were being sold off. Messrs. Hopley and Papenfu, assisted by ]\Ir. Slater, the leading auc- tioneers here, conducted the sale, the result of which was to me very satisfactory. The total sum realized amounted to 2551/. The j^rices fetched by some of the articles are, perhaj^s, worthy of mention. Timber, deals, and rafters sold at tlie rate of 16s. Sd. a foot, showins: the scarcitv of and demand for o-ood buildino- material ; ten o-allons of paraffin oil fetched 201., two gallons of methylated spirits 5/., sporting Martini-Henry and Winchester rifles went from 10/. to 15/., two dozen pint bottles of English ale and stout were sold at Ss. 6c/. a bottle, and immediately afterwards retailed at 6.S. 6(/. a bottle, common unsifted Boer meal An interesting Auction. 28s fetched from 8/. to 9/. a bag weighing 200 lb., common brown sugar (very common) sokl at upwards of 35. a pound; butter at lis. a pound, jam at 4s. a pot, dried snook (a fish costing about 2fJ. a pound at the Cape) sold at 8.9. and 9s. a A restaurant at Fort Salisbury. pound, tinned hams fetched 21. a-piece, a bottle of eau-de-cologne 20s., cotton shirts (price in London 9.y. Qd.) were here secured at 33.s., a new pair of boots fetched 4/., an old shooting jacket 25.y. This enumeration of prices will show that life at Fort Salisbury was somewhat costly. Eighty oxen sold at 286 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa about 11. lO.s'. a-liead, donkeys at about 3/. lO.s., and five waggons at about 50/. a-piece, or half their orio'inal cost. Money seemed to be plentiful, and the biddings were sustained with great spirit over four days by a sm^dl crowd without coats or waist- coats, and with shirt-sleeves rolled up (the regular Mashonaland morning and evening dress), and en- livened by constant chaff", joking, and general good humour. There was great competition for red white-eyed beads, which the savage fashion of Mashonaland prescribed for native attire. Of these I fortunately possessed a good quantity, and there were none and had been none for some time in the settlement ; accordingly they went for 12s. a pound, their original cost price at Kimberley being about Qd. for the same quantity. " Limbo," the coarsest cotton material, manufactured at about l^d. a yard at home, here sold for upwards of a shilling. During this sale I realized with some reo;ret that a laro;e and well-conducted tradino- ex- pedition into this country would have been a far more profitable speculation than gold prospecting. The public life of the young and interesting com- munity of Fort Salisbury had early commenced. Some weeks before my arrival a meeting was sum- moned for the purpose of considering the past action and the policy of the Chartered Company. The meeting was largely attended, and the pro- ceedings were animated, at times stormy. Dis- content had arisen mainly owing to the high cost of living, and to some extent presumably to the non-discovery of rich reefs. This smouldering NEARING THE END. — THE SALE Oi^ THE SURPLUS STOCK AND STORES OF THE EXPEDITION AT FORT SALISBURY. Pasre 2S3. An Indignation Meeting. 287 discontent a few persons eonsiclei^ed wise and pro- fitable to attempt to fan into a flame. Very strong speeches were made in denunciation of the Com- pany, and of certain of its chief officials, for that they had not brought into the country sufficient supplies of food. These speeches were adorned with the most highly colloquial expressions and interjections. Their authors forgot that the Chartered Company was not responsible for the feeding of other than its own employes, and that if private individuals embarked on the long journey to Mashonaland Avith insufficient supplies, they had no one but themselves to blame. The mining- experts, Messrs. Perkins and Rolker, were also considered by some of the speakers to be responsi- ble for the poverty of the gold discoveries ; Sir John Willoughby, for some equally illogical reason, was sharply censured, and the author of these pages held up to odium on the supposition that he had enjoyed certain special privileges with respect to the importation of alcoholic liquor, unjustly withheld from the general body of settlers. The case for the company was courageously and effectu- ally set out by one of its representatives ; contra- dictions on questions of fact were briskly exchanged, and the lie was freely given by one or the qther party. The proceedings of this meeting termi- nated in an orderly manner with the apj^ointment of a vigilance committee with unlimited and unknown powers. This popular commotion was followed by great tranquility. The " vigilance committee " contented themselves with one inter- 288 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. view with Dr. Rutherford Harris, the secretary of the company, at which they experienced much difficulty in sustaining their allegations. Since the interview, this formidably - named body neo-lected their duties, or were afraid to exercise The first horse race at Fort Salisburv. their vast powers. One or more of the leaders left the settlement and went down country, curiously enough, just previous to the arrival of Mr. Rhodes, before whom one would have thought they ^N^ould have been eager to set forth their grievances, dis- Horse- RACING at Fort Salisbury. 289 play their authority, and who would certainly have been immediately intimidated into compliance ^vith all their demands. But this great oppor- tunity of gaining glory and power the " vigilance committee " pusillanimously allowed to pass ; and the population of the settlement I saw growing, progressing, and even prospering under the des- potic and grinding tyranny of less than a dozen policemen, whose military duties kept them all day employed at the Fort. Horse-racins: was inau"'urated here, but under circumstances which to mc, at least, did not appear to be very promising. I had matched a horse which I had sold a few days previously to beat at even weights, over a distance of five furlongs, a horse belonoino; to Dr. Rutherford Harris. Mr. Slater, the oAvner of the horse I had nominated, gave his consent to the match. This horse was three-parts bred, and I knew him to possess a good turn of speed, as more than once I had galloped after buck on him. Dr. R. Harris's horse was a good-looking, thick-set brown cob, pig fat. I had little doubt as to the result of the match. In the afternoon, at four o'clock, three-fourths of the population of Fort Salisbury turned out to see the race. The betting varied from six to four to tAvo to one on my opponent's horse. This somewhat alarmed me. Mr. Giftard, the manager of the Bechuanaland Exploration Company's exjiedition, was to ride Dr. Harris's horse. Sergeant-Major Montgomery rode for me. To my horror the horse which I had nominated appeared on the ground u 290 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. ■with drooping head and ears, glassy eyes and tucked-up flanks. The other horse looked iDloom- ing. Things were getting very " hot." The riders, having weighed out, were started off, and the unfortunate animal which I had matched to be a flyer, tried in vain to canter for fifty yards, and then relapsed into a slow trot, out of which no efforts of his rider could move him. Dr. Harris's horse cantered past the winning post alone. I believe a good lot of money changed hands over this odd business. If Lord Durham or Mr. James Lowther could pay a flying visit here, horse-racing prospects might improve. OtherAvise there are three or four jockeys out of employment in England, to whom I can confidently recommend Mashona- land as a congenial sphere for the exercise of their jDeculiar talents. The work of organizing the administration of the country proceeds apace. Magistrates have been appointed for the districts of Manica, Victoria, Fort Salisbury, and Hartley Hill. I believe these gentlemen are invested with all the power and authority in civil and criminal cases which is exercised by a judge of the High Court in Cape Colony. A municipal council will soon be elected for the government of the settlement at Fort Salisbury. Its duties will be to frame and enforce sanitary laws and regulations and to maintain the local highways and streets. Half the building- stand tax and a doo:-tax are amono- the sources of revenue to be assigned to this council. The police force has been reduced during the last two months Communications with the Outer World. 291 fifty per cent. It now numbers 330 all told. As each policeman costs the company about 200/. a year, a very notable economy has been efi'ected. The j)resent strength of the force is probably still much in excess of Avhat will ultimately be found necessary for the peace and order of the country. Postal communication is very slow, irregular, and badly managed. The mails are despatched from Fort Tuli in two-wheeled waggons, drawn by four oxen. These cover a distance of about four hundred miles to Fort Salisbury, at a rate of some twelve miles a day. The drivers, taken from the police force, are under no supervision, and loiter and dawdle along the road to their heart's content. No fine or censure is inflicted when they arrive behind their time. It Avas reported that the tele- graph wire had been laid into Fort Victoria. This work had been carried out with great energy and at considerable cost. The contracts for extending the telegraph to Fort Salisbury are now being- carried out, and probably, in about six months' time, Fort Salisbury will be in telegraphic com- munication with London.^ A very large and adequate supply of provisions had either been accumulated here by the com^jany or was well on its way up. No fears of scarcity of food or of high prices during the rainy season need be entertained. Already the prices of all neces- saries had considerably fallen from the high level of a month or six weeks ago. Stores had been erected by the company at the various ^ The work was completed in February, 1892. u 2 292 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. mining centres, where j^rovisions could be pur- cliased at comparatively moderate cost. The financial resources of the company are respectable. The monthly taxes on the building-stands in the townships of Fort Salisbury, Umtala, and Hartley Hill, and of the farming rents may exceed 3000/. in the coming year. A nice amount may also be expected from stamps. Licences, moreover, will be a fruitful source of revenue. A general trading licence costs 10/. ; a hotel licence for the sale of liquor in retail lOOZ., a bottle licence costs the same. Only three liquor licences have been granted in Fort SalislDury, and it is to be hoped that the company will curtail, as far as possible, this source of profit. I may mention that till within the last few days whisky and brandy were selling at from 50s. to 60s. a bottle. Regular hours of opening and closing the liquor shops are effectually enforced, and the sale of liquor to natives or coloured men is prohibited under heavy penalties. Speaking generally of the revenue, it is anticipated, and probably on substantial grounds, that, without taking into account any profit from gold mining, the cost of the administration of the country during the coming year will be more than covered. Thus, as I looked all round on the eve of my departure on my journey south, I thought that I could see much that was bright and smiling in the present condition of Mashonaland. The ad- ministration in competent hands. The bulk of the settlers who intend to remain on through the rainy season vigorous, confident, and full of enter- Mr. Cecil Rhodks's Views. 293 prise. The one thing needful for the sure pros- perity of the hand is the discovery of some rich gokl-iield, and probably the only requisites for the securing of this auspicious event, if it has not been already attained, are patience and hard work. Mr. Cecil Rhodes arrived from Manica before y>t. nnitXiS Stcjsac FORT SftLiSBUR^ my departure south. His arrival, long expected and long delayed, liis presence in the capital settlement, the knowledge that he was engaged in mastering all the facts and details of the adminis- tration, condition, and development of Mashona- land served to stimulate the action of authority, strengthen general confidence, reanimate men's 294 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. minds. Mr. Rhodes formed a high opinion of the farming capacity of a large district of high veklt lying between this place and Umtala. No physical difficulties of importance, he reported, need obstruct the construction of a railway from the coast to Manica, the ascent from the low to the high land lieing gradual and easy. Sportsmen at home may like to know that a prodigious quantity of game, big and little, swarms on either side of the Pungwe Eiver. Possibly after next June, July, and August these buffalo, hippo, rhino, and buck of every kind, now neither wild nor wary, will have been frightened away into remote and inaccessil^le swamps and thickets ; possil^ly before another year is over the silence of the bush between Manica and the coast will l)e disturbed 1)\' the wliistle of the steam-engine, by the axe or the pick of the navvy, rather than by the baying of the hound or the crack of the hunter's rifle. ^=-s. C«pr •T.n*T,5oK Of MfiJEHi-CJ CLUB FAn£, Wrrn HiSPftTENI- nC»mt]«c,£ \.(ir,P ftTEfiCH COR«eR OP J Second Visit to the Mazoe Valley. 295 CHAPTER XIX. ON THE ROAD HOME. Second visit to the mines in the Mazoe Valley — Good-bye to Fort Salisbury — Bad roads — The officials of the Chartered Company — Fort Victoria once more — Climate and weather in Mashonaland — Gold discoveries ronnd Fort Victoria — My faithful savage " Tiriki " — We telegraph home from Fort Victoria— Long's Mine — The Lundi Eiver — Bad roads again — Death of a " salted horse " — The journey to Fort Tali a record "trek." Before leaving Fort Salisbury I made, in the company of Mr. Cecil Rhodes, an excursion to the Mazoe Valley. We accomplished the distance of thirty miles to the abode of the mining com- missioner in the course of the day. The road going north passes at the foot of Mount Hampden about twelve miles from Fort Salisbury. Mount Hampden is an isolated kopje a thousand yards or so in leno-th, and some five hundred feet hio-h. This " celebrated eminence " left behind, the road quits the plain and descends into broken and pic- turesque country, where hills are covered with tree and bush, putting the traveller in mind of the low- lands of Bavaria. Following the valley of the Mazoe river for some distance, we arrived at the " Alice and Susanna " reefs, situated on the right of the road about one hundred feet up the hillside^ Here the quartz reef, which is being worked by a 296 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. syndicate of the Exploration Company, of London, is found to be of a width of two feet and a half at a depth of fifty feet. Samples taken at this depth were assayed to yield, from the Alice shaft, twenty- one pennyweights to the ton ; from the Susanna, thirty- three pennyweights. The reef is probabl}^ too narrow to supply any large stamp battery, but in view of the fact that nearly every reef in this part of Mashonaland has " pinched out " or become poor in quality on going down, it was satisfactory and encouraging to come across one reef which at a respectable depth held its ovm. On the follow- ins; mornino; at daybreak Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Borrow, and I, rode eight miles through some very beautiful hill country, to inspect the " Yellow Jacket " reef. This reef is very characteristic of the auriferous deposits in ]\Iashonaland vet discovered. The out- crop is seen to ascend, run along the top of, and descend a long kopje with the utmost regularity, and this, tested along a length of fifteen hundred feet, gave samples of the most promising quality. These were assayed to yield from two ounces up to as much as sixty ounces to the ton. It was as fine a gold mining prospect as could be found. Alas ! the sinking of two shafts disclosed the mortifying- fact that at a very small depth the quartz became poor, and seriously diminished in c[uantity. A comparatively large sum of money had been put down for the purchase of this reef, and the dis- appointment of the investor, who reasonably supposed that he had secured one of the finest gold mines in the world, was as great as can be imagined. Good-bye to Fort Salisbury. 297 A similar ill-fortune pursued the same party in respect of another quartz deposit in the Mazoe district, by name " The Golden Quarry." Here the actual crushing, by a small three-stamp battery, of t^venty tons of ore, gave the excellent result of ninety-five ounces of gold. The " Golden Quarry," however, was soon found to be no reef at all, but only a " blow out," or, in other words, a large bunch of quartz which would be rapidly worked out. I should doubt whether, in the history of gold -mining, two more attractive, more deceiving, more disappointing reefs have ever been found than these two which I have written about. We visited also two other mines, the " Warrigal " and the " Mary Pioneer," which at a depth of thirty feet are of a good width and reported to be of good quality, but of these reefs no assays have yet been made on which reliance can be placed. We returned to Fort Salisbury in the evening, thoroughly fatigued by riding for some hours and by jolting in a Cape cart for more hours on a very hot day, but having accomplished an enjoyable and instructive expedition. On Tuesday, the 20th of October, in the after- noon, I said good-bye to Fort Salisbury. Two months and a week had elapsed since I arrived there. My recollections of the place will be very pleasant and lasting. They will he recollections of good friends, of new and agreeable acquaintances, of a promising community, of a healthy, bright, and breezy locality, of quickly fleeting hours of amusement, of constant and varying interest. 2q8 Men, Mtnes, and Animals in South Africa. Though valueless, I cannot refrain fr^om an expres- sion of my earnest wishes for the prosperity of the place and of the country of which it is the centre, and while I cannot expect, I rashly allow myself to hope, that hj these Avi'itings I may rouse in the minds of people at home some amount of active and abiding sympathy for the fortunes of this infant British settlement. My party on leav- ing was a small one compared witli that ^vith which I arrived. Mr. Henry C. Perkins and Surgeon Raynor had preceded me by some days on the road south, travelling in the "spider" with a team of eight horses. In the company of Major Giles and of Mr. Borrow, I travelled in a large covered vnn or coacli on springs, which had been expressly constructed by tliat firm for passenger traffic along the Pungwe route to Massikessi. This coach, by extraordinar}' efforts and at a great sacrifice of mules and oxen, liad l:)een brought along the route from Beira to Fort Salisbury ; but the experiment had convinced Messrs. Johnson and Co. that passenger traffic along the Pungwe river can only be carried on with the aid of steam, and that the tsetse fly and the many poisonous grasses and herbs which infest the low country are rapidly fatal to oxen, mules, and horses. Consequently they were glad to sell this coach, Avhich just suited me for my long trek of nine hundred miles down through Mashonaland and Bechuanaland. We found that, in this vehicle drawn by twelve mules, we could cover a distance of thirty miles a day, without at all overtasking the strength of the team. The coach held eight The Officials of the Chartered Company. 299 persons, including drivers, servants, and about three thousand pounds weight of baggage and pro- visions. Between Fort Charter and Fort Victoria the road is in a shocking condition, much worse than was the case when I travelled up. The heavy sand, which extends for scores of weary miles, had been terribly cut into by the passage of numerous waggons, and progress over this was hopelessly slow. Where the soil was harder, the protruding stumps of felled trees, huge boulders of rock, and ant-heaps were a constant source of danger to a vehicle on springs. It is certainly a great disgrace to the administration of the country that no efforts liave been made by it to put this important high- way in decent order. Tlie sand, it is true, is incurable, but nothing would be easier than to remove the stumps and rocks and level the ant- heaps. The presence of these results in an immense and unnecessary wear and tear of ^vaggons, and of injury and of loss of draft animals. The officials of the Chartered Company had ready to their hands, in their police, a force well qualified to make and repair the roads. But this force has, since the occupation of the country last year, been main- tained in a condition of complete and utter idleness. The men are not even made to keep the forts and the military lines decently clean. The works which have been constructed by them, whether of fortification or of dwelling, are pitiable, showing neither design, skill, nor solidity. The force was offered tracts of crround round the huts for o-ardens, but these they have neglected even to mark out. 300 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. They have no military drill or training, no shoot- ing instruction. Riding post employs a small number of police, but, with this exception, while I was in the country, I was wondering what this most costly force had done, what it was doing, or what it was going to do. It is true that some thirty of the company's police rendered a great service in routing the Portuguese near Massikessi, but the spasmodic energy of a few does not excuse the normal sluggishness and uselessness of the many. Formed of much the same material as the Bechuanaland Border Police, this force in proper hands would have been actively and bene- ficially employed on public works all over Mashonaland, but I am constrained to remark that the contrast between the police force of the Chartered Company and the Bechuanaland Border Police is startling and deplorable, the latter being as smart, as efficient, and as thoroughly to be de- pended upon as the former is the reverse. The company have wisely reduced their police from a strength of upwards of six hundred to one of about three hundred men. If they persevere in this policy and abolish the whole force, their financial resources will be largely added to, and no one in Mashonaland one whit the worse. ^ We reached Fort Victoria after many naiTow escapes from smash and overset, at midday on the 26th October. The Aveather had become very un- settled. On one night the horizon all round was ^ The police force has recently been almost entirely aLolished. Climate and Weather in Mashonaland. 301 loaded with thunder clouds. The flashes of light- ning were scarcely even intermittent, so numerous, constant, and dazzling were they, and the thunder at times appalling. Fortunately for us, the place of our encampment was not within the radius of the storm. I found the climate and weather of Mashonaland from the middle of July to the middle of September to be almost perfect. Two or three rainy days were experienced in August, but as a rule the weather resembled fine, warm summer weather in England. The nights were^cool and refreshing, the morning and evening air delightful. After the middle of September the midday heat became oppressive and sultry. I'he thermometer would mark from eighty-five to ninety degrees in the shade. Every afternoon clouds would gradu- ally cover the sky, and somewhere or other in your neighbourhood, if not actually over you, a heavy thunderstorm would come down. These thunder- storms are disagreeable and even alarming. One of them came over the plain of Fort Victoria on the evening of our arrival. Accompanied by but slight rain, the lightning effects were awful. It lasted the best part of four hours, and was followed by two days of raw damp wind and mist. Camj) life under such circumstances is far from pleasant. The regular rainy season of Mashonaland does not usually commence till January, but a sort of fore- taste of the regular rains is generally experienced for two or three weeks at this time of year, after which the weather settles again for a time. Travellers going south now become anxious as to 302 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. the size of the rivers and the condition of the drifts. A heavy flood on the Lnndi, Tokwe, or Wanetze might cause a delay of many days in the journey. The vicinity of the road to Fort Victoria has been quite deserted by game and by lions ; we neither heard these latter brutes at night nor any stories of them. Our journey to Fort Victoria was without incident. Three score waggons or more, laden with meal and other supplies, were passed on their way up to Fort Salisbury, and there could be no doubt that this year ample provision of food of all kinds for those who remain in the country during the rainy season had been made by the company. The large agricultural expedition conducted by Mr. Van der Byl was met. All seemed in good heart and order, though the sorrow had been experienced of losing two of their number by death. Good reports of the gold discoveries round Fort Victoria abounded along the road, which turned out to be somewhat fallacious. Four reefs we found had been worked upon, two of which had developed some quartz of a rich character. Not enough work had been yet done on these to determine whether they will turn out mines of great value. The locality abounds in massive outcrops of quartz, most of which rather reseinl)le " blow outs " than regular reefs. Comparing this district with others in northern Mashonaland, the quartz here produced is considered to be of a superior quality, and this district has Avhat is now held to be an advantage, that of j)ossessing no old workings. In the earlier days of the occupation A Faithful Savage. 303 the one great object with everyone m the country Avas to find an old working, as it was supposed that the ancient miners Avere unable to work at any depth, or to deal with quartz of great hard- ness. This theory is probably erroneous. The ancient miners in all likelihood knew more about their business than tliev are credited with knowing, Tiriki. and the abandonment by them of reefs where old workinas are now found was due less to their Avant of skill or knowledge than to the fact that they had worked out the best of the ore. On the morning of the 30th October I con- tinued my journey south. " Tiriki," the ftiithful savage about whom I wrote in a former chapter, now departed, the kraal of his tribe being near. He was as good a specimen of the savage as could 304 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. be met with, quite intelligent, always cheerful, and willing to Avork. He entered my service stark naked, but at his departure had accumulated an extraordinary varied Avardrobe. Every cast-ofF pair of trousers, drawers, boots, and shoes, every coat and waistcoat thrown aside had been carefully col- 1 e c t e d by him, and all that he could not actually wear on his oAvn person was accumu- lated in an old sack ; in were also many e r treasure s, smashed pipebowls and stems, empty provision tins, ex- ploded cartridge cases, and every ima- ginable odd and end. In addition he took with him two blankets, two spades, and two golden sovereigns in lieu of the goats which I had pro- mised him, but could not procure. These two latter he concealed away in alternate and numerous coverings of bags, cases, and again bags and wrap- As he arrived. "TiRiKi" AND HIS Wardrobe. 505 pings. His figure and appearance when he de- parted were inconceivably grotesque. He is now probably a millionaire in his kraal, has married the girl whom he has long had in his eye, and as years go by he will add to his wealth by selling his daughters, should for- tune still attend him and give him female progeny, Mr. Cecil Rhodes arrived at Fort Victoria a week after our party, on the morning of our departure, and almost immediately rode out to the telegraph wire which had that morn- ing only been bi'ought with- in two miles of the fort. As it was all on my way I joined him. The scene was peculiar and very African. Amid waggons, oxen, mules, and horses, piles of telegraph poles, coils of wire, boxes of insulators, and odds and ends of baggage and provisions could be seen meandering a little X As lie departed. 3o6 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. green string communicating with the waggon, which it entered, the elevated wire being some yards off. The operator was seated in the waggon, where he had installed his apj^aratus ; the disselboom of the waggon served as a desk for the sender to write out his despatches. So we all sent off messages, some to Cape To^vn, some to London, happy at finding ourselves once more in actual contact with home and with friends. At midday I finally got off, and a distance of twenty miles was accomplished before outspanning for the night. Fern Spruit was passed — of evil memory to me, as the place where three of our horses had died on the way up, and where our camp was nearly destroyed by fire. Here we picked up Major Giles, with the ox- waggon, which was to accompany us as far as Tuli. Hard by Fern Spruit is situated " Long's " Mine, from which specimens of quartz of extra- ordinary richness in gold have been taken. There is, however, some doubt as to whether the quartz nowbeing worked is a legitimate reef or is notrather a " blow out." The discoverer and projDrietor had dug down to a depth of only eighteen inches, and seemed to be unwilling to risk the prospect of his property by prying deeper into the earth. I expect he wanted to part with his claims for a good round sum of money to some syndicate or speculator, and take his profit at once. The specimens of quartz were sufficiently remarkable to seduce even the cautious, but with the re- collection of the " Yellow Jacket " and " Golden A Pleasant Prospect. 307 Quarry " still fresh in my mind I passed on, not even going two miles out of my way to view the mine, which had been thoroughly examined by Mr. H. Perkins. The weather for the first two days of our journey was most agreeable. The air had been cooled, the summer heat moderated The outspan ou the Tokwe River. by recent heavy thunderstorms, the sky was over- cast y/ith clouds, and travelling even at midday was easy for the teams and pleasant to ourselves. In appearance the bush had greatly changed since I travelled up the road. Kow the vast tracts of charred and blackened ground, the result of X 2 ' 3o8 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa the bush fires, were all covered with the freshest and the greenest o-rass. Almost all the trees were iu leaf, some in flower, and the lights and shado^vs on the hills, on the rocky kopjes, and on the plain were of wonderful beauty and variety. We reached the Lundi on the evening of the 22nd. This stream we found greatly diminished in volume, and its passage oflJ'ered no difficulty. The dano-erous rocky drift of the AVanctse had been much improved by the relno^'al of many boulders from the bed of the livcr, and this obstacle to travellers was traversed ^Wthout mishap at sundown on the third day of the j ourney . From Fort Victoria to the Wanetse some effort has been made to im- prove the condition of the road. But a distance of eighty miles exhausted the energies of the Chartered Company's i^olice. iVfter the Wanetse the road relapses into a shocking condition, and stumps, rocks, deep ruts everyAvhere offer a pro- fusion of danger and discomfort to the traveller. Our progress was also impeded by a marked change in the temperature. The heat became excessive ; no rain had fallen south of the hills near theAVanetse river, dust enveloped the carriages in stifling clouds, and the myriads of flies almost amounted to a plague. The poor mules and horses soon showed the eflect of the change, but their sufter- ings were added to by a total absence of young grass on which to graze during the day, and by the long distances they had often to tra^'el in the great heat from water to water. Most of the spruits were altogether dry. One of my horses succumbed A Waggon come To Grief. 309^ to the horse sickness. This Avas a horse I had purchased three months before at Victoria for a comparatively large sum, as he Avas reputed to be a " salted horse," and a guarantee against horse sickness was given me in his case.^ I was noAV entitled to the return of the purchase-money. On the fifth day the heat became so great that we had to wait till dusk to accomplish our daily distance. No moon assisted us, and j^rogress with " voreloj)ers " carrying lanterns was Aery slow. To an ox waggon stones and stumps and steep spruits offer little danger ; it plunges along, defying all jolts and shocks. But Avith carriages on springs the greatest care has to be exercised, as the smashing of a wheel, or of a spring, or of a clissel- boom is as easy as it is irreparable. I should mention that between the Lundi and Wanetse the Avaggon on springs, Avliich Avas draAvn by oxen, and in Avhich Major Giles A\'as travelling, came to aAvful grief. OAving to careless driving in the dark across a nasty spruit the Avaggon Avas alloAved to run U23 a high bank on one side of the passage, Avdiich toppled it OA'er, the team draAving the fore- Avheels and underbody of the Avaggon I'ight away from the hind part. It took six or scA'en hours to repair the damage caused by this accident. Our night trek brought us to the Umzingwane, the ox Avaggon being noAV left far behind. A fcAv scanty pools of brackish water in a vast bed of dry sand alone serA^ed to indicate what is at certain seasons a large and rushing river. Half-way between this ^ This was most promptly repaid by the former owner. 3io Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. river and Fort Tuli a well-filled and well-served " wink el " told us that we had re-entered regions of comparative civilization. In spite of the heat, now very great, and of the fatigued condition of our animals, we pressed on, impatient again to reach Fort Tuli, and also to accomplish a " best on record " in the way of a trek. This latter feat we did easily, and it will he long before any traveller compasses the distance between Forts Tuli and Victoria (197 miles) in a shorter or in as short a period as five days and a half, the time occupied by us. Getting to Fort Tuli seemed like coming home ao-ain. The trek into and about Mashonaland, to Avhicli, on the 14th July, Avdien leaving Tuli, I had looked forward with much hope and some anxiety, had been done. The truth about the country from many points of view had been fairly ascei- tained. AVonderful good fortune had attended us. Hardly a moment of misfortune or real trouble. Not a sino-le moment of sickness or ill-health had been experienced by any of oui* large party. Day after day had glided by smoothly and 23leasantly, the gipsy kind of camp life had become very fascinating, and we had had, Avhat Avith sjDort and mining explorations, many hours full of pleasur- able excitement. Nevertheless, this fact stamped itself somewhat disappointingly and sourly on my mind, that the great gold mine had not been dis- covered either by ourselves or by any other of the numerous exploring parties, and that the existence of any great gold mine in Mashonaland Avas still A Record "Trek." 311 j^roblematical. The Tuli river Avas now a vast expanse of burning sand, over which the breeze came nj)on you as if from the mouth of a furnace. Little threads and tiny pools of water might here and there with difficulty be detected. Fort Tuli itself and the suiTOunding settlement appeared in exactly the same condition as when I left it two months before. No new huts had been erected, no alterations or improvements made. No one stays at Fort Tuli who can help it ; everybody passes on northwards. The strong force of Bechuanaland Border Police, under Sir F. Car- rington and his officers, who made the f)lace rather lively three months before, had retired to Macloutsie, in their own territory. Some 200 men of the Chartered Company's |)olice are now here, but it would be difficult to determine what useful occupation they are engaged in. ]\Iajor Giles brought his ox waggon into Tuli in the early morning of the 6th November. He had accom- plished a still more remarkable "best on record " in the way of a trek than mine had been with mules ; for with oxen he had covered the distance in exactly seven days, or, in other words, had travelled at the rate of twenty-nine miles a day. So well were the oxen looking, so little exhausted by their work, that I sold the whole span of eighteen on the day of their arrival at Tuli for 8/. a head. I write about these treks, for trekking is a subject of great interest in South Africa, much rivalry and emulation exists among trekkers, and rapid journeys are announced, described, disputed. 312 Men, Mines, AND Animals in South x-^frica canvassed, and criticized with infinite freedom and fnlness. From this place I was to proceed to Macloutsie, and from thence to Pahipye, where resides Khama, the redoubtable Bechuana chief. From Palapye a few days' drive Avould bring me through Mafeking to Yryburgh, where waggons, tents, " boys," naked savages, will be all forsaken for comfortable railway carriages, civilized hotels, daily newspapers, and other similar inestimable blessings which the traveller in wild parts of the earth gets on so well without, and yet is always for a time glad to return to. Our Method of Travelling. 5^6 1 CHAPTER XX. Oar mctlioel of travelliug — Welcome and entertainment by tlie Bechuanaland Border Police at Macloutsio — Palapyc, the capital town of Cliief Kliaraa — LoLengaela, King of the Matabele — Meditated flight of all his tribe and belongings — The Bcoliuanaland Exploration Company — Conversa- tion with Khania, Paramount Chief in the Protectorate — Palla Camp— The journey to Mafcking — With INIr. Rhodes at Kimberley — The Agricultural and Mineral Resources of the Transvaal — i\Iy advice to young Englishmen. The journey from Tuli to Kiml^erlcy was per- formed by our party rapidly from a South African point of view. Mules and horses, some- what refreshed by a rest of two days, were in- spanned an hour before daybreak on the Ttli November. Macloutsie ^vas reached at midday on the 9th after a pleasant drive in fine vveathcr through an attractive country along a compara- tively decent road. Our method of travelling was as follows. Aroused at about half-past three in the morning, the preparation of the coffee and the packing of the coach and " spider " occupied the best part of an hour. After trekking for two hours and a half, an outspan of an hour was necessary for the animals, and a light brcakftist for ourselves was generally a welcome. Then another ^ This chapter was written two months after the author's return to England. Hence its title. 314 Men, Mines, and Aniimals in South Africa tAvo or three hours' trek brought us to our midday halt. This lasted three, four, or five hours, according to the heat of the day. If the temperature Avas moderate, we generally contrived to manage three afternoon treks ; but often on the road south, the heat at midday was so great and the sand so heavy that only two treks, and sometimes only one, could be accomplished. The midday outspan was occupied with bathing, toilette and ^preparation of dinner. Our cook had been dismissed at Tuli, and the kitchen depart- ment had fallen into my hands. No very great variety in our repast was obtainable. Mutton boiled, baked, or curried, tinned soups, excellent when flavoured with Harvey or Worcester sauce, "bully beef," preserved vegetables, compose the daily meal. Fresh vegetables and fresh bread Avere sadly missed, but the former were not to be procured, and none of us had acquired the art of baking break. At times these midday halts were enjoyable when we were fortunate enough to hit upon a pleasant locality on the banks of a river and under shady trees. But when, as was often the case, water and shade were conspicuous l)y their absence, when one was melted by the heat and persecuted by the flies, passing the hours was weary work, and the cool of the evening was anxiously longed for. Between eight and nine p.m. the day's journey terminated, thirty to forty miles having been generally accomplished. A rough supper hastily bolted, a still more hurried retirement to bed, five brief hours of slumber Welcome at Macloutsie. 315 jDrepared lis for another day's journey. So for the best part of three weeks we travelled, and hard travelling I found it to be. Sleep during the day- time the flies never for an instant permitted. Our two servants were worked to death ; the constant unloading of the carriages for food or dressing for the nitrht, the constant hllinir and rcfillinii of the waterbuckets, sometimes from half a mile to a mile having to be traversed for this purpose, made the day's toil A'ery heavy for them. Moreover at every outspan the horses and mules were a subject of anxious care and observation. If, on being re- leased from the harness, they at once rubbed them- selves heartily in the dust or sand and commenced to graze, then all ^vas well, but if they stood about or lay down, and were disinclined to feed, then well-grounded fears of a breakdown without a chance of assistance prevented us from lieing at all happy or cheerful. Before our arrival at Palla camp we had several bad half hours on this account. At Macloutsie we experienced the most hospi- table welcome and entertainment from the officers of the Bechuanaland Border Police who have their headquarters here. The situation has been skil- fully selected both as regards strategic or sanitary conditions. The camjD occupies a small elevated plateau, and overlooks and commands the surround- ing bush. No traveller can fail to be struck by the exceeding cleanliness and order, as well as by the excellent construction of the quarters of the officers and men. It would be difficult to speak 3i6 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. too highly of this force. Xo drinking, no idleness, no slovenliness can be detected ; in this lonely spot, fiir away from civilization, day after day, throughout the long year, the members of this force manage to occupy all their time and to keep themselves in an irreproachable condition of efficiency and smartness. ]^o duty or errand is repugnant to the Bechuanaland Border Police. A j)rivatc will start off to ride two or three hundred miles through the bush with nothing' but a haver- sack containing biscuit tea and coffee, and a small patrol tin. So the whole force Avould march, if necessary, Avithout tents, baggage or impedimenta of any sort or kind. A wonderful esprit de corps animates them. Two of the officers had just re- turned when I arrived, from a ten days' prowl all by themselves right into Lobengula's country, entered upon 23artly for survey ^^urposes, partly for the obtaining of information : a service by no means devoid of peril performed in the most light-hearted but effectual manner. Here we tarried a night and a day, lodged in comfort- able huts and cheered by the comparative luxury of a well-kept mess. Major Gould Adams, the commanding officer, was in hospital, recovering, we were happy to learn, from a serious and pro- tracted attack of fever, contracted proljably when guarding the drifts of the Limpopo against the Boer trekkers. Captain Sitwell displayed the efficiency of his force in a field-day performance specially ordered for our benefit and instruction. Some two hundred and fifty men, mounted on small II A Field Day. 317 wiry horses in first-rate condition, scoured the bush at a gallop, to detect the j^resence of an enemy re- jDorted to be advancing from the north. Flying across the country in open order, they yet in obedience to bugle calls from time to time with marvellous rapidity contracted their line of advance. A small infantry detachment, drao-o-inn- with it a Gatling or a jMaxini gun, hurried along- after the mounted men at their best speed over very rough ground. At length from an eminence the foe was descried. The men dismounting, fire repeated volleys, the ]\Iaxim and Gatling pour out a destructive torrent of projectiles, and now comes up at a gallop a 7 lbs. field-piece drawn by six horses, which quickly unlimbered looses ofi" round after round of shell and shrapnell. The targets which represent the foe afterwards examined betray the skill and accuracy of riflemen and gunners alike. I doubted not, after witnessing this per- formance, that should Lobengula take it into his head to make a raid into the Protectorate, he will encounter from the Bechuanaland Border Police an uncomfortably "svarm rece^^tion. We were sorry to say good-bye to our hospitable hosts of the Bechuanaland Border Police at Macloutsie ; but having still OA'cr four hundred miles before us, we were compelled to hurry on. Major Gould Adams most kindly lent me six fresh mules, which replaced three horses and three mules which I was obliged to leave here. Two of these horses so left, died of horse sickness almost immediately after our departure. I never heard 3i8 Men, Mines, AND Animals in South Africa. what became of tlie other animals. The journey from Macloutsie to Palapye occupied four days. The country traversed was in parts most attractive, but the mid-day heat, the swarms of flies, and the heavy sand through which we had to labour were found exhausting to the teams as well as to the travellers. The last thirty miles of road into Palapye is mostly of a temble character. The wheels of the carriages sink into the sand up to the axles, while the road is obstructed by boulders and rocks of every description and size, many of which, concealed by the sand, cannot be avoided, and the consequent jolting and straining, and peril to springs and wheels, is great. Some hours of this journeying on a very hot day took it out of us all. When Palapye was reached about five o'clock in the afternoon of the 13th Novemlier, the mules in the teams of either carriage could scarcely stir a limb. A twenty-foui* hours' rest was imperative. Palapye, the capital of Kliama, chief of the Bangmangwato, and paramount chief in the Protectorate, stands on an elevated plateau. It is probably the most thickly populated native to^vn in South Africa. Groups of native huts, closely packed, built without order or alignment, sheltering upwards of thirty-five thousand souls, straggle away in every direction as far as the eye can reach. A large patch of gi'een sward, sur- rounded by lofty trees and covered with animals, poultry and children, reminds one strangely of an English village green. The inhabitants are all well-clothed, ^A-ear a prosperous appearance, and 1 A Powerful Chief. 319 pay but little attention to the white traveller or })assing ox-waggons. No alcoholic drink is per- mitted by Khama to iind its way into his territoi'ies or under any circumstances to be sold in his towns. The penalties for violating this law are most severe, and are severely enforced. Constant raids by Ivhama's police, sometimes led by Khama in person, swoop down upon all prostitutes and immoral persons, who are forthwith banished from the to^vn. Khama governs justly and severely, but without cruelty. Human life is, I believe, never taken. His authority is purely despotic, undis- puted, unrestrained, but exercised with wisdom has secured for him the affectionate respect of his people. He is the most powerful chief in South Africa with the exception of Lobengula, King of the Matabele, nor would it be possible to predict w4th any assurance the result of a conflict between these two potentates. The soldiers of the Matabele army are possibly more brave and ferocious tlian the Bangmangwato, but the latter possess a con- siderable advantage in their numbers of mounted warriors, of which the Matabele are entirely destitute. In the event of Lobengula attacking the British settlers in ]\Iashonaland, Khama could almost certainly be persuaded to go at him and to effect a powerful diversion. Khama and the British Government have reciprocally benefited each other. The Protectorate was submitted to and English authority acknowledged without resistance, mainly owing to the friendly attitude of Khama. On the other hand, his authority has 320 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. been strengthened by British assistance and good offices, and, confident in British support, he no longer fears his enemy Lobengula. As to the probable conduct of Lobengula in the future, I procured some interesting information from an English gentleman long resident at Pala- pye, whose father dwells at Baluwyo. In his opinion Lobengula has long meditated a flitting with all his tribe and belongings, into the country north of the Zambesi, uhere he calculates to carry on with ease an unrestrained and exterminating war of conquest. The great difficulty in the way of this policy is the transportation of the immense herds of cattle and sheep, the property of the monarch and his people, across the broad and rapid Zambesi. But my informant thought that, as white settlers and merchants multiplied, and as British influence and domination increased, Loben- gula would get more and more uneasy, more bent and resolute on his policy of migration towards the north. But my informant felt certain that before any such migration actually took place, Loben- gula would make himself, or would alloAv his young men to make, a last dying effort as it were against the white people, when much bloodshed and massacre might occur. It is not, however, likely that the British authorities will not obtain ample notice beforehand of the imminence of any such attack. Khama possesses in his rival's city many and various channels of sure information. Nor are the Administrator of Bechuanaland or the police force by any means poorly provided for in this The Bechuanaland Exploration Company. ^21 respect. But I expect that for a long time yet it will be necessary for the British settlers in Mashonalancl and north of the Crocodile river to exercise the utmost caution, not only as to their conduct towards the Matabele, but also as to the preparation of measures for concentrated resistance in the event of an outbreak of savage fury. The Bechuanaland Exploration Company, whicli does a large and profital)le trading business throughout these parts of Africa, has its northern headquarters at Palapye. From their agents we experienced the utmost kindness ; nor among the least of the luxuries they offered was a brandy and soda, Avliich, besides Ijeing the first I had been able to get for many weeks, Avas, to a traveller suffocated by heat and choked by dust, sweeter than any heavenly nectar. I must add that the brandy bottle was produced from a recess under the bed, in one of tlie huts occupied by the agent, where, in deference to Khama's teetotal proclivities, it was carefully concealed. Xor can I omit to mention another great luxury here enjoyed for the first time for more than fixe months, to ^vit, a night's repose between a pair of sheets. The Bechuana- land Exploi'ation Company have here a large and Avell supplied store, Avhere we procured many articles of which we stood in need. In the morninir I witnessed a curious spectacle. Many lumdreds of Khama's people who had been employed by the Soutli African Chartered Company during a period of four months in laying the telegraph wire through Mashonaland were now paid off. A large quantity y 322 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. of gold and silver coin had been brought up by an officer of the Bechuanaland Border Police Irom Mafeking, and was by him distributed to this immense crowd with the utmost order, accuracy, and (general content. Some of the sub-chiefs receiyed yery considerable sums of money irom their jDcople, ranging as high as 150/. The store did a roaring trade, and till eyening the natives kept passing our encampment on their way home, laden with blankets and beadh, and very many I noticed carrying brand-new Martini-Henry I'ifles. Palapye is a great emporium for horns, skins, karrosses, and native curios, and I added some fine specimens of these former articles to the collection I had already formed in Mashonaland. In the evening of the 14th November, aljout liall' an hour prior to our departure, my servant came to inform me that the chief Khama had come to visit our encampment. I hurried to welcome him, and found myself in the presence of a tall, slight man of apjDarently about forty years of age. Khama is, I believe, a good deal older. He was dressed in a suit of woollen stuff of English make, and looked like a coloured manager of a factory in India, or of a cotton i:>lantation. A very intellio-ent countenance, an a"'reeable and kind expression, an erect attitude and dignified manners mark the monarch, the minister and the father of the people. Oiu' conversation on com- monplace topics, lasting about a quarter of an hour, was carried on by the interpretation of Mr. Seeker, agent of the Bechuanaland Exploration Com- pany. At the close Khama o-raciously intimated 1 Conversation with Khama. 323 that lie Avoiild like to make me a present, ami inquired if I would accept one. I replied that any memorial of him would be most welcome and ^'aluable to me ; he then took his leave, galloping off on a fine bay horse which he rode with grace, fol- lowed by his equerry, and looking, I thought, in that position a king all over. Shortly after a messeno-er arrived, bi'inoinii" me from the chief a large karross, made oi' leopard skins of a quality and fineness such as a great chief would alone possess or be able to procure. I sent Khama in return a large silver flask, which I told him was my " water bottle," and which I hoped he might sometimes use in his hunting expeditions, as a souvenir of an English traveller and friend. Then we departed for Palla Camp. The road leaving Palapye for the South is even w^orse on account of deep sand and rocks than the approach before mentioned. To save our mules during a trek of twenty miles through this ground, we had inspanned into the "spider" and coach two teams of oxen. All through the night we travelled, our mules driven along slowly behind at their ease. At daybi-eak, after an outsijan, we resorted to our mules, now much rested and refreshed, and made good progress through some beautiful bush country, until at noon on the ITtli November Ave reached Palla Camp. Here is a telegraph station, a small police detachment and a good store. Leaving Palla early the next moiiiing, about 10 a.m. we met the up-country mail, in which was Mr. Hai-ber, the mail superintendent of the Bechuanaland Exploration Company, who had Y 2 324 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. been very kindly sent by the agents of the com- pany, to take charge of our party from here, and to supply us with fresh relays of mules. At first when reaching the post stations, Mr. Harber could only provide an occasional fresh mule, and we toiled along rather wearily and very slowly, oAving to the heavy sanrl, to Machudi's Kraal or Lcnchwe, as it is sometimes called. On the day l)efore reaching this place, Mv. Harber and I saw from the " spider " ahead of us a large snake lying in the I'oad. Out we jumped, I with my revolver he with a fui'mid- able '' sjamljok " to sla\' the I'cptile. This snake made oft' into the ])ush, with such celerity and such twistinu's that 1 discharued all tlie barrels of mv revolver at it in Aaiii. Mr. Hai'ber, however, arrested its progress with a bloAv from the thong oi" the sjaiiil)()k. It i-eared up. opening wide its mouth at us and hissing, a gi'aiid object. Fortu- nately, owing to the length of the sjambok, it could not reach Mr. Harbei'. Avho almost immedi- atel)' hiid it h)\v -with a Avell-directed blow, the thoijg catching it tight round the neck. A bite IVum this most Aenomous of African snakes M^ould lune been certainh' fatal in less than an hour. It Avas a putt-adder of innnense size, measuring seven feet, Avith a 1)ody thicker than my wrist. At ^Machudi's a native kraal, in- habited by a tribe only second to Khamas in in- fluence and numbers, and governed l)y a chief of evil I'cputation, our tra\-el ti-onl)les terminate(h Here our heavy coach Avas to l)c left. ]\rajo]" Giles and the doctor Avoidd travel in a smaller and II Arrival at Mafeking. lighter vehicle, which, together with the " spider," was to he taken along from here entirely l)y the company's teams. AVe reached Machudi's not a moment too soon ; our own animals could nothavc^ gone another yard without a rest of sevei-al days. But it seemed as if fote was against us. Tlie river Kotwani here to l)e traversed was found hio-h in flood and j^erfectly impassable, in which state it might remain for a week or more. I went to hed with a heavy heart, anxious about the future of our journey south. In the morning I was cheered by the news that the river had rapidly subsided, and that Mr. Rhodes and liis party, also l:)eing con- veyed ])y the Bechuanaland Exploration Compan}-, had passed us, crossed the river, and gone on in the night. From here we proceeded rapidly and gaily, finding fresh teams of mules every two or three hours, passing through Ga1)erones, a station of the Bechuanaland Border l?olice, where we received the; usual most l^ountiful hospitality, through Ramoutsa, an important post statiou, across beautiful green pastures, through succeeding forest wood and bush, everytliing looking bright and verdant aud glistening, owing to recent heavy rains, through Ramatlabama on to our goal, Mafeking, Avliich we reached in the afternoon of Monday, the 23rd Xo^'ember. At ]\Iafeking, Dixon s Hotel, an establishment of the greatest merit, soon enabled us to forget the troubles and fatigues of our long journey of a thousand miles from Fort Salisbury. The railway will soon be extended to this pleasant and atti'activc 326 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. settlement. • It lies in the centre ut a boundless grassy plain, at tins time of year (Xo\'eml)er) very green and fertile. Beclnianaland is destined, I imao'ine, in time to become the iz'reat ranchino- ground of South Africa. Skilful engineering in the placing and making of dams, A\'()uld hy storage overcome the only ohstacle, ^'iz. the scarcity of water. We had to remain at Mafeking two days. A dri^•e of one hundred mih's still separated us from yj-\'l)urg, the railway terminus. Thej)assage of Mr. Khodes and his part)' had absorbed the coaching resources of the Bechuanidand Explora- tion Company. The mail service u]) country as far as Tuli is excellently carried on l)y this company. Passengers are also conveyed by them, the distance from Vryburg to Tuli, upwards of five hundred miles, being comj)assed 1)}' the mail coach in less than eight days. The company have large numbers of mules, all kept in first-rate condition, and ha\'e constructed post stations at intervals of tAventy miles along the I'oad, where are wells and stores of foraa'e. If I were li'oinfi: airain to Foi't Salisbury, I should make arrangements with this comjjany for ni}' journey, instead of resorting to the large, very costly and cumbrous expedition which ignorance of the country let me in for. A traveller, by making use of tlie present mail service and by prociuing fi'om the company a special service north of Fort Tuli, could journey from London toFort Salisl)nry and back in a period of four months. Of course il" the Beira l^ungwe railway were constructed the journey could be With Mr. Riiodf,s at Kimrerlev. y^j accoinj^lislied in half that time. The distance betAveen Mafeking- and Vrylnirg Avarf covered in a day. Starting at 3.30 p.m., the rekys and mail teams taking ns along with nnusual rapidity, we reached Vryburg at 8.30 in the evening. Oh ! the comfort and luxury of the railway, after seven months of travellino; in coaches and waggons. \. week was pleasantly passed at Kimberley, where I was the guest of Mr. Rhodes. N^o change could be noted here. The concen- tration of the diamond industry into the hands of a single comj^any has cramped the develop- ment of this town. But there is there a hospi- table and amiable society, and the most comfortable and well-manao'ed club I have ever come across in my numerous travels. Captain Tyson, the secretary of this club, is a perfect jDrovidence to the English visitor; So once more in Capetown, where I whiled away three weeks waiting for Mr. Perkins, the mining expert, to rejoin me from Johannesburg where he had been eno-ao;ed in a second minute examination of the gold-field of Witwatersrand. The rest and the comparative idleness after so many weeks of hard and rough travel, and above all the gracious hospitality extended to me by his Excellency the High Commissioner and Governor, were enjoyable beyond description. Time was now ample for reflection and retrospect, nor were materials for such wanting. The following problem continually presented itself to me : How could the paucity of British population in the Cape Colony, and in South Africa generally, be accounted for ? 328 Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa. Soil and climate equal to that of Australia, vastly superior to that of Canada, should have attracted a constant stream of emigrants, either to the Cape, Bechuanaland, to the Transvaal or to Xatal. Such for some reason or other has not been the case. Possibly the Dutch element so predominant throua'hout South Africa is unfavourable to rai^id enterprise, possibly the large amount of cliea]) native labour conflicts witli the attainment of a very liigh standard of colonial prosperity and strength. Whether it be so or not, the question presents itself for study. In Australia and Canada many millions of populatiou, mainly drawn from British sources ; in South Africa from the Cape to the Zambesi, a territory of vast expanse, "witli miles of fertile pastures most suitable to cattle and sheep, with acres of land capable of pi'oducing abundant crops of grain, with forests giving most valuable and excellent timber, Avith mines of every metal, and with large deposits of coal, is inhabited at present l)y about half a million of white people, not more than two-thirds oi" which are of Britisli origin. The most sanguine di'camer can hardly over- estimate the agricultural and mineral resources of the Transvaal. Before the end of the year the railway will have sui^erseded the ox waggon, Johannesburg and Pretoria will be connected with the railway systems of Cape Colony and of Xatal. This should produce a rapid and large increase of population and of mining industry. Probably in the history of mining, no gold-field more Agricultural and Mineral Resources, 329 important than the Witwatersrand has ever been discovered. When I passed through Johannesburg in June, 1891, the monthly output of gold from its mines was 54,000 ounces. At the time of wi'itino- this has risen to 86,000 ounces. Three causes will contribute to sustain and swell this remarkable development. The general introduction into the mines of the compressed air rock-drilling machinery, and a consequent large increase in the amount of auriferous ore, extracted together with a saving in the charge for labour. 2. The marked success of the chemical 23rocesses, for treating tailings with a consequent large increase in the amount of gold actually won. 3. The construction of the railway to Johannesl^urg, with a consequent large decrease in Avorking expenses, and in the cost of li^ano-. There is now before manv if not all of the WitA\'atorsrand mines an amount of auriferous ore practically in sight which can exhaust the energies of at least another generation of men. Of the silver deposits near Johannesburg no absolutelv definite and precise allegation can be made. Their j^romise is good, and almost warrants the speculation that some day the silver mining- industry will rival if not surpass in importance the gold-mining industry of the Randt. It is to the Transvaal wealth that I look for the attraction which may ere long thickly populate South Africa. It is impossible not to regret that a policy as some say of prudence, as others say of cowardice, com- pelled Great Britain to give up her direct authoritv over this land, but the riches of the 330 Men, Mines, and Animals -in South Africa. world arc tlioro in {il)imclaiice, nor is it in t\\v. power of a feeble, corrupt and almost insolvent Boer Government to j^re^'ent or to delay for long these riches being largely distrilnited among man- kind. Pages I could write in praise of South Africa, but fortunately want of space arrests me. To the young, vigorous and versatile British emigrant, I can recommend tlie country as a place where the means of ease and affluence can be acquired rapidly, if only fortime smiles ; to the ti'aveller in search of health, distraction, amuse- ment, sport, beauty of scenery, excellence of climate, I can recommend it as being the region of the "world most favoured l)y nature, either for the residence or the industry, or the wanderings of man. THE EM). J INDEX. Adderley Street, Cape Town, 19. Africa, coaching in, 53-4 : equip- ment of an expedition for, 117- 121; hunting the lion in, lGl-2; cost of a six niontlis' hunting expedition in, 216-S ; a genuine stickfast in, 221-2, 2o7. Agriculture in Mashonaland, 27G-7 ; at Hartley Hill, 281 ; in Transvaal, 328-9. Alcohol in the Transvaal 92 ; at Palapye, 319. " Alice " reef, Mazoe Valley, 295-6. Amatongaland, 27. Amusements on the Grantalhj Castle, 11, 12. Antelope, 150-5, 158, 1G5-170, 185, 199, 211, 214, 218, 220-6, 228, 233, 249-262, 267 ; see also llesbok, buck, harte-beest, gazelle, koodoos, springbol:, &c.. Armament required for hunting ex- pedition in South Africa, 217. Athletic sports on the GrantuUy Castle, 12, 13. Auction at Fort Salisbury, 247, 284-6. "Baboon," the (Lee's bov), 147, 150, 153-9, 2:^5-9, 232, 253-9, 262. Baboons, 243, 258. Bads-loop, 98. Balwyo, 320. Bangmangwato tribe, 318, 319. Basutoland, government of, 27. Beale's Camp, 221, 226. Bechuanaland, government of, 27, 326 ; native reserve in, 50-52 ; Border Police of, 105-8, 12 + , 129, 132, 136, 142, 144, 190, 300, 311, 315-7, 322 ; Sir Charles Warren and, 124. Bechuanaland Exploration Com- pany, 321-6. Beit, Mr. Alfred, 142, 191, 209, 233, 242-3, 265, 270, 272. Benett-Stanford, Mr., 7-9. Benkes, Mr., 86-7. " Birthday" mine, the, 99. Blar.dy and Co., Madeira, 9. Blesbok, 75, 76. " Bless," horse named, 184, 186, 188. Blue ground extracted at Kimberlev, 41. Boers in the Transvaal, 22-25; at Johannesburg:, 60-64, 72 ; and game, 75 ; the Transvaal Parlia- ment, 81-f'8; idea of justice, 88- 92 ; trek by, into Mashonaland, 88-6, 93, lOS-110 ; and Swazifand, 92-4 ; as farmers, 94-5 ; and wells, 102. Borrow, Mr., 218, 239, 243, 296, 298 ; see also Johnson, Heaney and Borroiv. Botanical Gardens at Lisbon, 7; at Cape Town, 18. Botany, garden at Madeira, 8-9 : the petuna, 258. Bread a luxury in the bush, 180. Breakwater at Cape Town, 19. British Chartered South African Company, 22, 25, 104, 105, 108; police of, 111-112, li4; at Fort Victoria, 189-192; 196-7, 205, 231; huts of, 206; at Fort Salisbury, 282-9 ; police of, 299, 300. Bubjane lliver, 156, 175, 176. Babye River, 150. Bucks, 142, 144, 145, 173, 211, 214, 217, 218, 220, 228, 250, 266, 294. Bufflesdorn Mine, 57. Buildings at Fort Salisbury, 282. Ballock-vehicle, Madeira, 9. Bultfontein Mine, see Be Beers Co. Bulnroyo, 268. Bush fires, 187-8, 307-8. ByL Mr. Van der, 302. Cameron, General, 28-31. Camp by moonlight, our, 144. Index. Camp fire concert at Fort Tuli, 124-5. Cape de Verde, 9. Cape Town, arrival at, 15-17 ; build- ings in, 17-19 ; quietness of, 19, 20 ; environs of, 21 ; as a coaling station, 28; defences of, 29-30; garrison at, 31 ; departure from, 32-33. Cupper, Captain, and the new magazine rifle, 113-5. Carbolic oil, usefulness of, 102. Carrington, Sir Frederick, lOu-8, 110-112, 125, 142, 144, 252, 311. Cattle disease, 51. Cattle of Boers, 94; at Fort Vic- toria, 190. " Charlie," shooting pony, 158, 18G. Chimpanzees, 7. Chlorination process, the, 66-70. Churchill, Lord R., journey to Cape Town, 1-16 ; Cape Colony 17-33 ; at Kimberley, 34-49 ; at Johannesburg, 50-78 ; and the Transvaal, 79-95 ; the journey to Fort Tuli, 96-125 ; and the lions, 158-174; the journey to Fort Vic- toria, 175-192 ; from Fort Victoria to Fort Salisbury, 193-211 ; sport in Mashonaland, 212-233, 246- 262; the Mazoe Valley gold dis- trict, 234-245; and wealth of Mashonaland, 263-275 ; at Fort Salisbury, 276-294 ; the journey home, 295-327; advice to emi- grants, 328-330. Climate of Cape Town, 17, 21; of the Karroo plain, 35-6 ; of Trans- vaal, 68, 72, 81, 124 ; of Pretoria. 82; at Fort Tuli, 124 ; of Mashona- land, 198-9; at Fort Salisbury, 206; of Mashonaland, 293, 301. Coaches and coaching in South Africa, 52-5, 298-9. Coal mines near .Johannesburg, 74. Coaling station. Cape Town as a, 28, 29. Colquhoun, Mr., 200. Concerts at Fort Tuli, 124-5 ; at Palla Camp, 130. Concessions in the Transvaal, 64. Cooking of venison, the, 220-1. Corruption in the Transvaal, 64. Cost of a six months' hunting ex- pedition in South Africa, 216^8. Coventry, Honourable Charles, 119 153, 233, 265. Crocodile River, see Limpopo River. Crocodiles, 130. Cruelty of Boers, 88-92. Cyanide of potassium process, 66, 69, 70. Damaraland, 27, 52. Dartmouth, 1, 5. De Beer, Mr., 86-7. De Beers' Company, the, at Kim- berley, 38-48,»191. Deer, preservation of, 76, Defences of Cape Town, the, 28-31. Desolation, a time of, 138-9. Diamond industry at Kimberley, 36- 49. Docks at Cape Town, 19. Doctors, lack of, in Mashonaland, 202-3. Dogs, advice about, for South Africa, 102 ; our, 160, 168. Donkeys, 266. Dutch in Cape Town, the English and, 22-25, 328. Dutch Parliament, the, at Pretoria, 83-88. Du Toits Pan mine, see De Beers Co. Dynamite, a monopoly, 64. KoGELL, Mb.,116, 117, 13t, 136, 143, 230, 265. " Eiflel" district, the, 265, 270. Elands, 199, 218, 225, 233, 239, 259- 262. Elebi, 134. Electric light Mine, 48; in Jline, 65. Elephants, 147. Emigrant, Mashonaland for the ,237-8; South Africa for the, 330. English and Dutch in Cape Town, the, 22-25. Exploration Company Syndicate, 244-5. Expedition, the, composition and equipment, 116-121 ; sale of etiects of, 284-6. Eytings, 99. Fairyland, a veritable, 103. Farmer, the Boer as a, 94-.5, 192. Feathered game in the Transvaal, 76. Fern Spruit, 184, 186-8, 306. Ferreira, Col., 109, 191. Ferroira Mine, the, 69. Fever at Palla Camp, 129 ; at Lnndi River Camp, 181-3 : at Fort Vic- in the De Beers the Robinson Gold Index. 1 -» 5 000 toria, 190 ; in Mashonaland, 203, 237-8. Fire on board the Lirantulhj Castle, 13-15. Fires, Veldt, 187-8, 230, 307-8. " Fly " (grey gelding), loss of, 182. Flying fish, 10. Footpads in Johannesburg, 60. Fort Charter, 191, 195-8, 200-203. Fort Salisbury, 193, 200, 203-8, 211, 218, 230-6, 238, 246, 258, 274, 281- 298. Fort Tuli, 96, 109, 110-116, 142, 291, 310-311, 313. Fort Victoria, 189, 193, 201-3, 280, 291, 300-310. Fort Wynyard, 30. Fraser, Messrs., rifle made bv, 118. Frere, Sir Bai tie, 23. Funchal Bay, 7. Gaberones Station, 325. Game ia Transvaal, 102 ; on vSouth Africa veldt, 150-2. Garrison at Cape Town, the, 31 ; at Fort Charter, 202. Gascoigne, Major, 103. Gazelles, 225. Gideon (boy), 119. GiHard, Mr., 289. Giles, Major George, 3, 4, 116-7, 130-132, 136, 145, 153, 170,'174, 176, 181, 186, 193, 265, 266, 298, 306, 309, 311, 324 ; accident to, 230 ; and the horse sickness, 121-3. Giraffe, 133, 173,218. ■^ Gladstone, Mr., 5, and the Trausvaa War, 23-25. Gold near Hartley Hill, 200; in Mashonaland, 207-211, 236, 271, 277-281 ; see also Mazoe, Ac; round Fort Victoria, 302-3. Gold-field of Witwatersrand, 327-9. Gold mines in Johannesburg, 59, 63- 73, 79-81. "Golden Quarry" mine, 243, 297, 306-7. Goold-Adams, Major, 108-10, 316, 317. Government House, Cape Town, 18. Government buildings at Pretoria, 83. Governments in South Africa, various forms of, 25-28. Graham, Mr., 264. Grabanistown Mine, the, 71. Gruntulhj Castle, voyage in the, 5- 16. Guns, breech-loading at Cape Town' 28-31. Gvveebi River, 239. Hampden, Mount, 207, 211, 239 211 295. Harber, Mr., 323, 324. Harris, Dr. Rutherford, 288-290. Harrebeests, 139, 140, 155, 199 214 219, 222-6, 232, 233, 250-4, 266, 268. Hartley Hill, gold district of, 200, 208, 209, 236, 237, 246-7, 253, 258, 262, 263-274, 279. Hex River, 34 ; Pass, 34-5. Hippopotami, 258, 294. Honev bird, the, 147. Hopley, Mr., 284. Horse-racing at Fort Salisburv, 289. 290. ^ Horse sickness in Africa, 51 121, 127-8. 136, 176-7, 181, 183, 186, 190 2, 308-9, 315. Hotel accommodation, iu the Trans- vaal, 55-6; at the Warm Baths, Pretoria, 98, at Pietersburg, 101. Hot springs near Worcester, 34 ; near Pretoria, 98. House-breakers iu Johannesburg 60. Hunting in South Africa, 212-8. Hunyani River, 204, 211, 212,218-9, 233, 238, 265. Huts of the B.S.A.C.C, 20(i ; of Kaffirs, 255. Hyteuas, 133, 160, 218, Ipaci Hiver, 145. Iddesleigb, Lord, 20, Illicit diamond buying in South Africa, 45-7. 2».sed.s'. Ants, 258; Black flies, plague of, 263 ; tsetze fly, the, 160,213. 265, 266, 298 ; caterpillars, 225. Inspanning, the business of, 143. Invalids, South Africa and, 15, 16. Irish Land Question Bill, 2. Jackals, 160,211, 218, 229. Jahshaan, 102. Jamioson, Dr., 206, 218. Jiintje, a native, 89-91. Johiiunesburg, 49; the journey to, 53-7 ; description of, 58-60 ; taxation iu, 61-2 ; government at, ()3-4 ; mines at, 65-75, 79-83, 328-9. 334 Index. Johnson, Heanev and Barrow, Messrs., 218, 239, 242, 264, 272, 282-3, 298. Joubert, General, 81, 88, 109, 110. " Jumbo " mine, the, 243. " Jumpers " G-old .Mine, 70. Justice, the Boer's idea of, 88-92. Kaffie, maltreatment of a, 88-91. Kaffirs, 103; women, 128-9; waggons, 137 ; kraals, 2.55 ; Karroo, plain of the, 35-G. Kenilworth, model village, at Kim- berley, 47. Khama, Chief, 145, 312, 318-323. Kimberley, 119, 313,327-8; diamond industry at, 36-49. Kimberley mine, see De Beers Co. Klerksdorp, 56-S. Knollys, Colonel, 28. Koertze, Mr., 76. Koodoos, 133, 143-8, I.jO, 1-55, 160, 164, 172, 176, 218, 22-5, 232, 259 ; see also antelopes. " Koijjes," rocky, 179, 205, 249. Kraals of natives iu Mashonaland, 204,241,254. Kruger, President, 84-88, 93, 110. Lange, Mr. A. E. de,cruelty of, 88-91. Langlaate Estate, the, 68. Lanyon, Sir Owen, 23. Laurie, Captain, 96, 105, 107. Lee, Mr. Hans, the hunter, 119, 144- 8, 150-160, 176; 182-5, 211,212, 217, 233, 248-251, 254-262, 267; and the lions, 161-174. Leonard, Captain, 110. Leopards, 36, 213, 275. Library, Public, at Cape Town, IS, 19. Licenses in Fort Salisbury, 292. Limpopo Eiver, 103, 105-108, 129, 131, 132, 135, 142, 212, 316. Lion Camp, 158-174. Lions, 132, 155, 157, 160-172, 199, 203-4, 213, 217, 264, 267, 302. Lipokwe River, 137. Liquor traffic at Fort Salisbury, 292. Lisbon, 6-7. Livestock iu the Transvaal. 51. Lobengula, Chief, 125, 14-5,' 204, 268, 316-320, see also Matabe/e. Loch, Sir Henry, 2. Logan, Mr. J. D., 35-6. Lo-Maguudi district, 271, 279, 281. Long's Mine, 306. Lost in the veldt, 137-141, 252-3. Lotsani River, 134, 135. Lottery on board Granttdbj Castle, 11. Lundi River, 174, 176, 179, 181, 184, 302, 308-9. McArthor-Forrest process, the, 6G-70. Machudi's Kraal, 324-5. Mackay, Mr., 116, 117, 122, 131, 134, 1 6, 143, 153, 265, 266, 270, 280. Macloutsie, 136, 311-318. iladeira, 7-9. Mafeking, 49, 126, 312, 325-6. Magazine rifle, the new, 112115. Magistrates in Mashonaland, 290. Mahalopsie River, 131. MajubaHill, 23, 21. Makala tribe, 153. Malarial fever, see Fever. Mammoth River, 271. Manicaland, 104- ; gold district, 207, 236-7, 269, 274, 280, 294. Mariko River, 128. Marico district, the, 192. Maripi, 128. Marks & Co., estnte of, 76-8. Marriage in Mashonaland, 218-9. Martini-Henry riHe, the, compared to the new magazine rifle, 113-5. Mary Pioneer mine, the, 297. Mashonaland, 2, 4 ; and the Boers, 85-6, 93 ; wealth of, 175 ; the best part of, 182-3; climate and soil of, 198-9 ; from a mining point of view, 209, 293 ; emigration in, 237-8 ; wealth and fertility of, 2(i9, 271, 276-281; natives' dress, 286; postal communication iu, 290. Massi Kessi, skirmish near, 104-5, 300. Matabele, raids of the, 202, 204, 205, 241, 321 ; see also Lohenqxda. Matabeleland, 25, 26, 28. 52, 86, 110 ; womtn, 128-9; tree in, 160. ^latchless mine, the, 279. Matjesfoutein, 35. Matlaputta River, 136. Maunde, Mr., 179, 180. Maxim gun at Fort Tuli, 109, 112 ; at Macloutsie, 317. Mazoe River gold district, 200, 207- 9, 233, 23i, 237-246, 269, 274, 279, 295-7. Menu at hotel in Transvaal, 55-6. Mineral resources, of Matabeleland, 25; of Transvaal, 100, 328-9; of Mashonaland, 278-281. Index. 335 Mines, see De Beers Co., RoUnson Co., Kimherley, &c. Mines near Kimberlej, 57 ; in Johannesburg, 58-60, 65-75. Mining in the Zoutspaabnrg district, 99, 100. Mockell, Mr., 117. Monkeys, 7; see also hahoons, chint- panzeet^. Montgomery, Sergeant-Major, 289. Morier, Mr. Victor, 103-5. Morrison's store, 105. Mountains, some miniature, 179-80. Mount Marias mine, 99. Mules, driving a team of, 53. Mules, our, 143, 1.56, 176-7 ; habits of, 148-9, 182, 191-2, 199, 203, 30:f, 315, 317. Murchison district, 99. Myburgh. Mr., 117, 149, 157, 166-9, 179, 182, 184. Natal, Government of, 26. Native market, 153-4. Native reserve iu Bechuanaland, 51. Natives as servants, 194-5, 247-S. Natural History Museum, Cape Town, 18, 19. Nelmapius, Mr., 100. Notorious diamond thief, a, 46-7. Notwaui River, 325. Nyistrom, 98. Orange Free State, 27. Ornithology ~ Bittern, 77. Bustards, 36, 76, 225. Cranes, 76, 78. Doves, 101. Duck, 78, 127, 130. Eagle, 77. Guinea fowls, 101-2, 137, 139. Honey-bird, the, 147. Koran. 36, 55, 77, 78. Partridcres, 36, 55, 77, 78, 101. Pheasants, 101, 137, 138, 142, 144. Pigeons, 77. Plovers, 55, 77-8. Quails, 36, 77-8, Snipe, 77-8. Teal, 130. Vultures, 55, 75, 229. Wild fowl, 77. Wild turkey, 78, 239. Ostriches, 183-1, 199, 2 IT,, 239, 259, 260. Outfit necessary for hunting expe- dition, 216-7. Oxen, loss of, 63 ; our, at Tuli, 123 143, 146, 184, 230; habits of,' 148-9. Paarl, old town of French origin 33-4. ° ' Paddington Station, 1, 5. Paddiugton man, a, 35. Palapye, 312, 318-323. Palla Camp, 129, 315, 323. Palmitsfontein mine, the, 99. Panouse, Count de la, 243. Papenfu, Mr., 284. Paris Exhibition, diamond exhibited at, 42. Paritj, estate near, 76. Pelajjswe, 136. Pennefather, Colonel, 104, 207. Perkius, Mr. H. C. 4, 97, 209-10, 234 235, 238-247, 253, 265-7, 271, 274-5, 287, 298, 307, 327. Personnel of Expedition, 116-121. Pietersburg, 99-101. Plains in Africa, see T'eldf. Police, at Johanue.sburg, 60; at Fore Salisbury, 290; the Bechuanaland Border, 105-8, 124, 129, 136, 142, 144, 300 ; of the B.S. A.C. Co., 299, 303. Politics in England, 2; in South Africa, 25-28. Poll tax in the Transvaal, 62. Pondolaud, 27. Port Elizabeth, 19. Portuguese, skirmish with, near ]\rassi Kessi, 104-5, 110, 300. Postal Communication in Mashona- land, 290. Potchefstrom, 57. Power of President Kruger, 87-8. Preservation of deer, 76. Pretoria, 82, 97, 328; taxation in, 61-2 ; Dutch Parliament at, 83-88. Prospecting Mashonaland, 278. Providence Gorge, 189. Provisions required for a six months' hunting expedition, 217-8. PuUen's " Winkel " in the Transvaal, 55-6. "Pulsator" machine, De Beers Mine, 42. Puugwe River and route, 104-5, 201), 279, 294, 2^8. Qlaugas, 147, 150, 165-171, 214,218. 53^ Index. Railways in the Transvaal, 49, 50, 63, 73, 80, 328-9. Rains, heavy, 145, 177, 237-8, 300 ; scarcity of, 136. Ramatlabaiia, 126, 325. Ramoutsa, 325. Randt gold-field, the, 71, 72, 74. liayner, Surgeon Hugh, 4, 126, 144, ISH, 203, 265 8, 298, 324. Reptiles, see Snakes. Reserve for Natives in Bechiiaua- land, 51. Rhinoceros, 294. Rhodes, Mr. Cecil, 2, 22-4, 95-7 ; 200, 288, 293-7, 305, 325-7; and the De Beers Co., 38. Rhodes's Drift, 105, 107. Rifle, the nev? magazine, 112-5. Roads, in the Transvaal, 54, 63-4 ; between Fort Victoria and Fort Charter, 299, 300. Robinson Gold Mine, the, 65-9. Rolker, Mr. 209, 234-5, 242, 216, 247, 253, 265, 287. Romilly, Mr. Hugh, 191. "Ruby," horse named, 186. Rustemburg Goal, 88-91. Rylands and Fry, Messrs., 173, 176. Salary of members of Dutch Parlia- ment, 87. Salisbury, Lord, 28. Salisbury Gold Miue, the, 70. Sandpits, 127. Sanitary Board at Jolianuesbnrg, 61-2. Sapte, Major, 103-4. b'aroe River, 258. Saur, Dr., 132-134. Search room at Kimberley diamond mines, 45. Seeker, Mr., 322. Selous, Mr., the hunter, 18, 207. Semalali River, 137. Sequana, 128. Servants, our native, 194-5, 247-8. Shave by a Hindoo barber, 134. Sheep in the Transvaal, 51 ; sheep scab, 51. ShepBtone, Sir T., 23. Shippard, Sir Sydney, 52. Shooting in South Africa, 212-8. Silika, 132. " Simmer and Jack " gold mine, 70. Simon, Dr., 69, 70. Simon's Bay, defence of, 29, 30. Sinclair, Mr., 127. Sitwell, Captain, 316. " SkofiF," 132, 134. Slater, Mr., 284, 289. Smitsdorp, 99. Snakes, 213; a cobx-a, 227; scor- pions, 275 ; a puff adder, 324. Soil, in the Transvaal, 80-81; of Pretoria, 83 ; of Mashonaland, 198-9, 238, 276-7; at Fort Salis- bury, 206 ; at Hartley Hill, 263. South Africa for invalids, 15, 16; trekking in, 311-2 ; for emigrant, 330. " South Africa," a number of. 128-9. South African Republic, 22, 24. Speculation in gold mines, 281. "Spider," the, travelling by, 100, 105, 176-8, 182. Sport on the Karroo plain, 36 ; in the Transvaal, 75-8 ; v?ith Sir F. Carrington, 142-4 ; on the veldt, 147-152 ; see also Zooloiji/, &c. Sjjringbok, 36, 75. 76, 78. Stanhope, Mr. (Secretary of State for War), 30, 31; and the new magazine rifle, 112-115. Stickfast, a genuine African, 221-2, 257. Stock Exchange, London, and Johan- nesburg gold mines, 59. Suchi River, 135. Sugar Loaf Mountain, 179, 180. "Susanna" reef, Mazoe valley, 295-6. Swallows, 10. Swaziland, government of, 27 ; the Boers and, 92-4, 110. Table Bay, 15 ; defences of, 29. Table Mountain and Bay, 15, 17. Tagus Kiver, 6, 7. Tatagora River, 239. Taxation in the Transvaal, 61-2. Tati gold-fields, 49, 50. Taxes in Fort Salisbury, 292. Telegraph wire at Macloutsie, 136 ; to Fort Victoria, 145, 305-6 ; at Fort Salisbury, 291. Telephones fixed in the De Beers Mine, 48. Temperature at Fort Tuli, 124 ; at night, 126 ; at Hartley Hill, 264, 26S. Terra Santa, Island of, 7. Theft of diamonds at Kinib(>rley, 44-7. Thief, a notorious diamond, 46-7. Thorns, 130. Ticks, dogs and, 102. Index. 337 Tiriki(Fervaut), 248-9, 303-5. Tokwe River, 302. Towln Mount, 155, 157. Tiansvaa], the, 26, 50, 52, 81-2; hotel accommodation in, 55-6 ; Silver Wines Co., 74 ; deer and feathered game in, 76-8 ; government at Pretoria, 83-88 ; Boer justice, 88-91; nativfs in, 92; Boer farmers in, 1*4-5 ; mineral re- sources of. 100, 328-9. Transvaal War, the, 22-25. Trees, at Madeira, 8, 9, 130; in Transvaal, 73, 81, 97; a. in Mata- beleland, 160; in Mashonaland, 240-1; "Cream of Tartar" tree, 103; elephant fruit tree, 147; mahogany tree, 1£5 ; snake tree, 159; mogundi tree, 224 ; makoona tree, 254 ; wild fig-tree, 258. Trek by Boers into Mashonaland, 85-6, 93, 108-110; from Vrvburg to Tuli, 121-2; through the "bush. 156, a record, 310. 311. 314. Tuli River, 96, 143 ; see also Fort Tuli. Turner, Captain, 189. Tye, Major, 110. Tyson, Captain, 327. Ujifuli River, 290, 208, 221, 225 263, 271. Umfuli River, the upper, 203, 204 215, 238. Umjinge River, 153, 156. Umsajbetsi River, 148. Umsavre River, 177. Umshlane River, 150. Umswezi River, 266, 270, 279. Umtala, 283, 294. Umzingwani River, 145, 148, 309. L'shant, ofij 5. Vaal River, 76. Vehicle drawn by bullocks in, Madeira, 9. Vehicles for African Expedition, 120. Veldt, the, from Kimberley 'to Vry- burg, 50-51 ; round Fretox-ia, 93, 97 ; round Pietersburg, 101-2 ; lost in the, 137-141, 150-2, 157, 251-3 ; bush veldt, 179 ; fire, 187-8, 204, 212, 249; between Fort Salisbury and Hartley-Hill, 258. Viandt, a Boer named, 183-4. Victoria Falls of the Zambesi, 50. Vigilance Committee at Fort Salis- bury, 287-9. Vryburg, 49-52. 121, 312, 326-7. Wages at De Beers Mine, 39 ; at Robinson Mine, 68. Walden (servant), 166-7. Wanetse River, 177-9, 302, 308-9. Warm Baths near Pretoria, 98. War Office, the, 30, 31. Warren, Sir Charles, and Bechuana- land, 124. " Warrigal " mine, the, 297. Water on the plain, 196-8. Water rates in Transvaal, 62. Wegdraai, 132. Wellington, town of. Cape Colony 34. Wells, 202. the Boers and, 102. Wilderness, lofct in the, 137-141 252-3. Wildebeest, 75, 76, 135, 199, 218. Wild pig, 147, 218, 232. Williams, Mr. Gardner, 40, 132-4. Williams, Captain G., 4, 97, 148, 153-9, 166, 169-173, 176, 185, 210, 234, 238-248, 253, 265, 280. Willoughbv. Sir John, 206, 209, 211, 2I8-233,'2G4-5, 287. Wines of the Paarl, 34. Wiuslow, Mr.. 130. Winton, Sir Francis de, 93. Witwatersrand, gold-field of, 327-9. Worcester, town of. Cape Colony, 34. Workings, old mine, in IMashona- land,2-10, 303. Wyuberg, near Cape Town, 21. Yellow Jacket Mine, the, 242-3, 296, 306-7. Zambesia, 22. Zambesi River, 209, 213, 320. Zambili, Queen, 27, 28. Zimboe River, 258, 263. Zoological Gardens at Lisbon, 6-7. Zoology : see anttlopes, haboons, bleskok, lucks, chimijanzees, croco- diles, elands, elephants, gazelles, gio-affes, harteheest, hippopotatiii, hycenas, jackals, koodoos, leo- pards, Iwns, monkeys, ijiiaci'jas, rhinoceros, pringhok, v:ildbeest, v.-ild piio^- Zoutspanburg, mining district of, 99, 100, 159. Zulnlaud, the government of, 26. Zumbo, 209, 232. 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