485- Indus Delta Country. .^ itiemoir Chiefly on its nncient Geography, History and Topography . firlalcolm Robert Haig THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES p??^:^v^ ■•>','• THE mDUS DELTA COUNTRY A MEMOIE CHIEFLY ON ITS ANCIEXT GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY MAJOR-GENERAL M. R. HAIG, M.R.A.S. Ulitb Zbvce maps. LONDON TRUBNER & CO., LUDGATE HILL 1887 ^D5 'C- THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. I. SKETCH OF THE GEOGEAPHY AND HYDROGRAPHY OF THE DELTA COUNTRY. A POPULAR geographical notion of its inhabitants distinguishes three main divisions of the Lower Indus Valley. These are named Siro, or " Upper Country ; " Vicholo, or Middle Country ; and Ldru, or " Sloping, descending (to the sea) Country," and correspond respectively to Upper Sindh, or the country north of about 27° N. lat., 40 miles above Sewan ; Central Sindh, or the tract between that limit and Haydarabad; and Lower Sindh, extending from Haydaiabad to the sea. This last division may be treated as the historical Delta country of the Indus, that is, the Delta country as seen when the light of history first falls upon it in the descriptions of the writers on Alexander's expedition. At that period the head of the Delta was at Patala, where the river divided into two large branches, running, one south-east, the other south-west, to the sea, and each retaining the name Indus. Any precise identification of the site of Patala is hardly within the limits of possibility. I am unable to agree with the authorities who would place it at Haydara- bad, or with others who think Thata a more likely situation ; but there are grounds, as we shall see, for the conjecture that it lay not very far below the latitude of the former town, though considerably to the east of its longitude. It seems, therefore, legitimate to assume that the Sindhi geographical division of " Laru " is nearly identical with Patalene, or the Delta country of the Indus as known to the Greeks. The Delta tract of this memoir, then, extends from the sea north- ward to the latitude of Haydarabad, or 25° 23' N., and is bounded on ' 544674 GEOGRAPirt 2 THE INDUS DKLTA CoTINTKY. tlie east by the saiuUiills of the dusert, ])y the farthest eastern channel of the Indus, known as the Puran, wliich has long ceased to carry water except in times of unusually high floods, and hy the Kori Mouth or Creek, wliich separates the Delta from Kachchha ; on the west by the outer border of the plains, formed of hill debris, sloping eastward and soutliward from the Kohistan or mountainous region of Sindh. Here the boundary runs south by west for 50 miles to within a short distance from Thata, where it turns almost due west, and continues for 60 miles more to the sea near Karachi. The Delta region thus defined contains an area of nearly 10,000 square miles, the length of its different sides being — on the north, from the Indus west of Haydarilbild to Umarkot, 90 miles ; on the east, from Umarkot to the mouth of the Khorl Creek, 150 miles; on the west, from Hay- darabad to near Thata, and thence to the south-eastern point of Clifton sands near Karachi, no miles; and the coast-line, 125 miles. This alluvial tract is everywhere furrowed by ancient river channels, some continuous throughout the Delta region, and for many miles above it, but very many others in a more or less obliterated condition, and traceable but for short distances. Among the former we find on the extreme eastern border a channel with a very old and interesting history. This is the Hdhy, which skirts the sand- hills and runs into the Puran about 20 miles north of the Pian of Kachchha. H;rkro is a name in modern times restricted to the lower part of what has become a flood-channel of the Indus, and is now known as the Nara (officially. Eastern Karil), but it once belonged to an entirely independent river, of which the Nara channel formed a jiart.^ The course of this river, may be traced throughout Sindh, in the far north of which it bears the name of Wandan ; through Bahawalpur where the name Hakra or Hakra reappears, but is eventually replaced by that of Sfidharah and others ; thence through the north of Bikanir, and onward beyond Eajpuiana to the foot of the Himalaya. The opinion that this " lost river," as it has been called, was no other than the Satlaj, which some centuries ago forsook its original bed not far from the point where it leaves the mountains, and turning north-westward into the valley of the Biyah, eventually mingled its waters with those of the latter river, has been ably maintained by a writer in the Calcutta Revieio} Whether this has » Nara is merely a Sindhi niodilication, by the common process of substituting r for /, of Nula (vnljx- Nullah), a " torrent -be.l," " flood-channel," &c. - No. cxvii., vol. lix., 1S74, " The Lost Iliver of the Indian Desert." THE INDUS DELTA COUXTRY. 3 been proved or not, it is certain that the Hakro of Lower Sindh was formerly a part of the course of an independent stream, the drying up of which has been calamitous, not only in reducing thousands of square miles of once fertile land and inhabited country to waste and solitude, but also in forcing a vast additional body of water into the already overcharged channel of the Indus, thus enormously increasing the risk of desolating floods along the lower course of that river. Four or five miles west of the Hakro, and for a long distance parallel with it, lies an old channel of the Indus called the Badahrl, which enters the Puran about 18 miles north of the confluence of the Hakro with the latter. This also is now a mere flood-channel, and is con- nected with the Hakro ; but the upper portion of its course, much silted up, and after some miles disappearing altogether, comes from the north-west in such a direction as to indicate that, when flowing, it must have left the main river at some bifurcation in Central Sindh. As other portions of old channels trending in the same direction, and probably remnants of the branch to which the Badahrl belonged, are found not far south-east of the conjectured site of the Arab capital Mansiira, it is not unlikely that this channel is the one described by El-BiriinI as leaving the Indus at Mansura and running east (south-east) to the border of Kachchha. Its name, he says, was Sind Sdgar? But the most important of all the forsaken channels of the Indus is the Purdn. This can still be clearly traced from two different starting-points in Central Sindh, one 24, the other 36 miles north- east of Haydarabad. The two head-channels run south-east for about 50 miles, and unite at a spot 45 miles east by south from Haydarabad, whence the single channel has a course first south and then south-west of over 140 miles to the head of the Korl Creek, the last 50 miles being through the Ean of Kfichchha. The lower part of the channel in Sindh is still half a mile broad in some places, and for a long distance the average breadth is perhaps a quarter of a mile. West of the Puran we find many ancient channels, some of which are of considerable length, while many are mere fragments of former courses of the river. Among the former is one which has now no general name, various portions of it being distinguished by appellations evidently of modern date, and known only within a limited area. Its head-waters, like those of the Puran, ' Sir H. Elliot's " History of India," i. 49. The question of the site of Mansura has been discussed by the author iu the Journal of the Boi/al Asiatic Society, vol. xvi., part 2. 4 THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. seem to liii\'G luii in two streams, the more northern of which left the Indus in tlic lower part of Central Sindh. This channel joins the Puian ahoiit lo miles north of the lian of Karhchha. For conveni- ence-sake it will be called in this memoir the "Western Puran." Still farther west, at an average distance of about 12 miles, we come upon the Ren, a branch which left the Indus at a point 25 miles south east of IJaydarabad, and had a course generally south of over 80 miles into the lian, a little M'ithin the Sindh border. Whether its waters here spread over the Han, or eventually made a channel for themselves into the sea, I am not aware, but the surveyors have not traced the channel beyond a depression in the Sindh Ean. The Pien may be called modern, as it dried up so late as the middle of last century, when the Indus suddenly abandoned its course some miles above Nasrpiir, and struck into its present line west of Haydarabad. It seems not to have been a very large branch ; the local historians, indeed, apply the Persian term Julbdr to it, indicating a small stream. Parts of its channel are now occupied by the Guni, a continuation of the Fhulell, which leaves the Indus 10 miles north of Haydarabad: other parts have been utilised as irrigational canals. The Pen, as we shall see, is of some historical interest in connection with the wanderings of the Emperor Humayiin in Sindh during the darkest period of his fortunes. Farther west again, at a distance varying from 15 to 35 miles, is the Gungro. The upper portion of this channel is not now distinctly traceable ; I mean, its original head-channel, for the Giingro is now an irrigational canal, and derives its supply from courses opened in comparatively recent times. It probably issued from the Indus some miles below the head of the Pen branch. Its course is generally south, and it reaches the sea by the long tidal channel known as the Sir Mouth; the total length of Gungro and Sir being about 120 miles. On its right bank the Giingro is joined by the Plnydrl, which leaves the Indus some miles south of the town of Jhirk (better known to Europeans under the corrupted name Jerruck) ; but this portion of the course of the Indus is, as will presently be explained, of modern date, and the Plnyfiri, as a branch of it, calls for no further notice. Near the latitude of Thata the Giingro runs for some miles through the bed of ^Yhat must have been a far older branch, the course of which is here nearly due east and west, but is not traceable for more than 8 or 10 miles. This small remnant of what, judging from its size, must once THE IXDUS DELTA COUNTRY. 5 have been tlie main bed of the Indus, possesses some interest from the fact that the city of Tiir, the capital of the Sfimra chiefs when they held sway in Lower Sindh, was situated on its southern bank. There is reason to suppose, as will be seen hereafter, that this channel dried up in the early part of the fourteenth century. West of the Giingro, lying between it and the present course of the Indus, is the lower portion of that channel, which has been mentioned as having dried up on a sudden shifting of the Indus westward about the middle of last century. If a map of Sindh be examined, it will be noticed that at about 25 miles north by east of Haydarabad the river, which has hitherto been flowing in a south-easterly direction, curves sharply to the west towards the village of Uiiarpur, and then runs south and south-west. It was at this point that the change of course took place. For many years previously the river, continuing its south-easterly direction, had run by Nasrpiir, which was on the left bank, and then south to the point where the Een left it, whence it turned south-west towards Thata. It is known that this channel finally dried up in 1758, but it is said that it began to fail a few years earlier, the river apparently taking a little time to force its whole volume into the new course. The entire length of the abandoned channel, now known as the Fliito^ is considerably over 100 miles, its greatest distance from the present course of the river being about 20 miles. For the last 60 miles its course is no longer continuous, but may be traced by its numerous remnants, while the northern half is clearly defined throughout nearly its entire extent.^ Twelve miles north of the head of the Ren another channel, called the Mdhdn, leaves the I'hito, and runs south-east. Its course has not been traced by the surveyors for more than about 25 miles, but it probably joined the Western Ruran. The head of the Maban is situated in the midst * The word means " abandoned" and is frequently applied to dried - up channels. ^ It was ou this channel, about 10 miles above Nasrpiir, and near the village of Bohiri (in the local histories generally, but erroneously, written Lohiri), that Jani Beg. Tarkhan, the ruler of Lower Sindh, intrenched his forces during the campaign of 1591-92, and for two months resisted all the assaults of Akbar's army, com- manded by Mirza 'Abdu'r-Knhim, his Khan-i-KIiauan. Such was the strength of the i)osition, and so clever the tactics of the Sindhian chief, who, possessing a numerous fleet and complete command of the river, was able to supply his own troops witli ease, wlule, by raising the peasantry against the invaders, he succeeded in cutting oif their convoys and menacing tliem Avith starvation, tiiat the iiniieiialist commander had at length to abandon the investment, and retire till liis ()p[i(inint could be lured out of the intrenchments. 6 THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. of a vast area of blown sand, a circumstance which always indicates the former existence of a large bifurcation. Another tract of blown sand, but a much smaller one, is found at the head of the lien. Passing still westward, we come to the present channel of the Indus. Tliis divides the Lower Delta region ^ into two unequal por- tions. Of these, the western and much the smaller portion is in the form of an equilateral triangle, having sides of about 64 miles in length, consisting of the river, the coast-line, and the southern edge of the Kohistan plains, and including an area of about 1500 square miles. This it will be convenient to call the " Western Delta," a name the more suitable that all the westward flowing branches of the river have, or have once had, their mouths within the limits of the tract to which it will apply. Here there are only two branches which call for notice — the BagliCir and the Glictro. The former has its head in the Indus 6 miles south of Thata, whence it runs through the middle of the Western Delta, and communicates with the sea by several mouths, as the Eishul, Shlshd, Pltl-ctni, Kkudl, and Plti. The name Bagliar properly belongs to the channel only as far as the head of the Shlslia mouth. Beyond this point the westward prolongation of the channel is known by various names in different portions of its course, such as Khdrd (Brackish), Edho, and others. The Pill mouth, the fartliest western embouclmre of the Baghar, is 12 miles south-east of Karachi. The Baghar is now merely a flood-channel, but it appears to have been for several centuries the chief western branch of the Indus, and it was a perennial stream so late as the early years of this century. The Glidro runs nearly east and west along the southern border of the Kohistan, and is thus on the extreme edge of the Delta, Its course, which is about 40 miles in length, is, in fact, the last portion of what was once a large branch of the Indus. Another portion of this branch is found farther east in the Kalrl, now a flood-channel of the Indus, which it leaves a few miles north-east of Thata, and, flowing westward for some distance, eventually turns south, and joins the Baghar. The gap between the Kalri and Gharo is not more than 10 or 12 miles, and remnants of the old channel are found within it. The present southern course of the Kalrl appears to have been formed by the original stream having burst from its left (southern) bank at a point about 7 miles west of Thata, and forced a way for itself into « Tliat is, the tract south of about 24° 49' N. lat., wliere the Indus leaves the Kohistan. THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. 7 the Bagbar. West of this point the old channel then silted up for a few miles, and the lowest portion, kept open by the action of the tide, became a mere creek. To complete this portion of our subject, there remains to consider the interesting question of the secular extension of the Delta seaward. The various surveys of the coast which have been made during the last half century, and especially those carried out since the British conquest of Sindh (1843), have shown that at the main embouchure of the river for the time being the advance of the banks seaward goes on at a surprisingly rapid rate. Thus, when the last survey took place (in the early part of 1877) it was found that during the ten years which had elapsed since the preceding survey the banks at the river mouth had advanced no less than 3|- G. miles, or at the rate of a third of a mile yearly. On the other hand, a marked diminution was discovered to have taken place in banks which, at the time of the previous survey, had lain immediately before a mouth of the river now no longer in action, the embouchure having moved farther westward ; while at points beyond the immediate vicinity of the main river mouth the alteration of soundings was found to be very slight.'^ There is thus an immense gain of land on the sea at one particular point ; but this point is ever shifting, and on the occurrence of each change the sea wins back a large proportion of its lost territory. What the rate of permanent gain to the land may be in this incessant conflict of opposing forces it is difficult to estimate. The advance of the Nile Delta has been estimated to be at the rate of 4 metres or 4^ yards annually ; ^ and the solid matter discharged by the river has been put at 240 millions of cubic yards per anuum,^ while that of the Indus has been estimated to be 2 17 J millions of cubic yards.^*^ According to the relative depositing capa- bilities of the two rivers, as deduced from these estimates, the mean annual growth of the Indus Delta might be taken to be nearly four yards ; but it is evident that the result thus obtained needs large modification when the counteracting effects of the sea, so much more powerful in the Indian Ocean than in the tideless Mediterranean, ^ Report on the Survey of the Mouth of the Indus in ^larch 1877, by Lieutenant Stiffe, kite Indian Navj'. ^ Credner, Die Deltas. Peterraann's Mittheilungen, Erganzungsheft, No. 56, s. 25. ^ Edinburgh Ecview, January 1877, "Mediterranean Deltas." ^" By Colonel Trenienheere, K.E., when chief engineer in Sindh. Jonntal li. G. S., xxxvii. p. 70. 8 THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. are allowed for, and no doubt the advance of the Delta of the Indus has been very much slower than that of the Nile Delta. It must be remembered, however, that the rate of progress of nearly all Deltas is not constant, but varies greatly at different periods ;^^ and if the annual growth of the Nile Delta in the present age is estimated at something more than four yards, there appears to be ground for believing that in earlier ages it was at times greatly in excess of that amount. The writer in the Edinhurgh Review, above referred to, adduces historical evidence to sliow that up to a certain point in its progress the Nile Delta advanced at the rate of 29 yards per annum. In the space of 2300 years its growth was 33 G. miles, or 38 statute miles. It is probable that the Indus Delta has grown under similar conditions, though always at a much slower rate. Unfortunately historical evidence in this case is of so precarious a character as to afford ground for little beyond conjectures more or less plausible. Such as it is, however, it may be worth while to examine it. It will accordingly come under review in the following section. 11. THE DELTA AT THE TIME OF ALEXANDER'S EXPEDITION (325-326 B.C.) Aerian's narrative of the voyage of Nearchus furnishes the fullest information we have of the geography of the Lower Delta at that time, though unfortunately it leaves very much to be desired. It will be well, in the first place, to remind the reader of his descrip- tion of the first few days' navigation. I translate from C. Miiller's edition of the " Indike," in his " Geographi Gra^ci Minores," vol. i.: — " ^Veighing from the naval station, they came to anchor the first day in a large channel ^- of the Indus, where they stayed two days. The place was named Stoura, and was about a hundred stadia from the naval station. On the third day they weighed, and sailed 30 stadia to another channel, where the water was now salt, for the sea ^^ See Credner, id sup., I. Theil. 7, " Maas des "Wachsthums der Deltas." ^- The Siwpvxfs which the Greeks met with in the Lower Delta were certainly not canals, as some have supposed, but natural channels -which intersect the land near the coast in all directions. A canal, and one large enough to hold a fleet, would have been a phenomenon indeed. THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. 9 ran up it, especially during the flood-tide, and the (salt) water remained mingled with that of the river, even at the ebb. The place was named Kaiimana. Continuing from this their course down river for 20 stadia, they came to anchor at Koreatis, still in the river. Starting hence, they sailed but a short space, for a bar appeared at the spot where the Indus discharged itself into the sea ; the waves too were breaking violently on the coast, and the coast itself was rugged. However, in a part of the bar which was soft they made a cutting for a space of 5 stadia, and through this, when the tide flowed again, they conducted the vessels. Then sailing a winding course (along the coast) for 1 50 stadia, they came to anchor at Krokala, a sandy island, where they remained the following day. Near this dwell the Indian tribe called Arables, whom I have mentioned in my larger work, stating also that they have their name from the river Arabis which runs through their country and falls into the sea, separating their territory from that of the Oritae. From Krokala they sailed, having on their right the hill called by them Eiros, and on the left a low flat island. This island, stretching along the face of the coast, rendered the (intervening) creek narrow. Clearing through this, they came to anchor in a commodious harbour, and as it struck Nearchus as spacious and fine, he named it 'Alexander's Haven.' At the harbour mouth, at a distance of about 2 stadia, there is an island named Bibakta, but the whole region is called Sangada. This island, placed as a barrier against the sea, caused tlie existence of the harbour." There is reason to believe that the western branch of the Indus explored by Alexander, and from which Nearchus started on his voyage, was that of which the present Gharo Creek formed the lowest poition. It is curious that though so much pains were bestowed on the exploration of the two main arms of this river, no mention should have been made of any minor branch. Yet it is impossible for any one acquainted with the hydrography of the Delta to doubt that there must have been many such in existence then, as at all times, or that, it being the period of high flood, some of them were navigable and of a size to render them deserving of notice. It seems most probable, however, from the large estimates of the distance between the mouths of the main arms of that day formed by some of those who took part in the expedition, that these arms were the extreme eastern and extreme western channels of the Delta. The A 2 10 THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. estimates were 115, 206, and 230 miles/^ tlic loioed being almost exactly the direct distance between the mouths of these channels (the Korl and the Ghfiro), as ascertained by recent survey. Further, sonic of the circumstances described in the passage above trans- latt'd supply irresistible evidence, as I tliink, that it was through the Ghuro that Nearchus sailed into the sea. In that passage it is stated that there was a bar (epfxa) at the mouth of the river. This may mean either a reef or a bar of sand and mud, such as is found at all the river mouth?, though the former is, I believe, the more usual meaning of the word. If we are to understand that the obstruction at the mouth of the river was caused in part by rock, it is certain that that mouth cannot have been situated to the east of the Gharo, for along the w^hole sea-border of the Delta, to a depth of several miles, no rock, not even a stone, is to be found. This fact so impressed Sir A. Burnes, when in the Delta in 1831, that, on observ- ing what he took to be a rock in the Piti channel (immediately east of the Gharo), he without hesitation identified it with the obstacle that had stopped Nearchus. He says : " Xear the mouth of the river we passed a rock stretching across the stream, which is parti- cularly mentioned by Nearchus, who calls it a ' dangerous rock,' and is the more remarkable, since there is not even a stone below Tatta in any other part of the Indus." '^^ Had he really seen a rock, there would have been much to say in favour of his identification; but when, a few years after the British conquest of Sindh, a survey of the Indus mouths was carried out, special inquiries were made for Sir Alexander's rock, with the result of ascertaining that nothing of the kind existed. He had evidently mistaken an oyster-bank, such as is found occasionally in the tidal creeks, for rock, which these banks resemble.^^ The narrative further tells us that the coast outside the river mouth was rugged or rocky (Tpa^^ea). Now, such an epithet would be utterly out of place if applied to the low mudbanks of the actual Delta coast, but would be quite appropriate as a description of that southern border of the Kohistan plain consisting of a compact gravelly soil, frequently broken by outcropping rock, and furrowed " Estimate of Aristobulus, 1000 stadia; of Nearchus, iSoo stadia; of Onesi- critus, 2000 stadia. " Travels into Bokhara, iii. 16. liock crops up iu the Delta some miles below Thata, but none exists, I think, within 35 miles of the coast. 1* Mr. Fenncr's Report on his survey of the tidal channels (in the Western Delta) of the Iudu.s iu 1848. THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. ii by the courses of hill-torrents, which, well elevated above sea-level, bounds the Delta between Karachi and Thata, and forms, it may be said, the northern bank of the Gharo. At the present day the Delta extends along this ridge westward as far as Gisri, near Karachi ; but it is probable, as will appear, that at tlie time of Nearchus's voyage the ridge for some miles east of Gisri Creek was washed by the sea. Again, we are told that after leaving the river the fleet ran a loinding course (eKTreptTrXcocravre'i), or, as Mr. M'Crindle well interprets it, "followed tlie winding of the coast." ^*^ But had the fleet issued from any of the mouths east of the Ghaio, there would have been no windings to follow. The only coast then would have been that of the Delta, which is singularly straight and regular, the result of wave-action on its j)h^stic mate- rial, and the course accordingly must have been shaped straight. On the other hand, leaving the Indus by the Gharo mouth and keeping inshore, as it almost always did during the voyage, the fleet would be compelled to run a winding course in conformity with the irregular contour of the coast which it was following. The little descriptive details here mentioned forcibly suggest that the narrative reproduces on these occasions the actual words of the eye-witness from whom they were derived, and that in these passages Arrian copies verbiitim Nearchus's account of incidents which must have been indelibly impressed on his memory. In the rugged shore lashed by the waves of the Indian Ocean, in the winding course run, we have no doubt a faithful picture, and it can hardly represent any other part of the Sindh coast than that which I have here described. But before leaving for the moment the subject of the Delta, there is one point which deserves notice. It seems unaccountable that at the mouth of one of the principal arms of the Indus, and at a time of the year, probably September, when the periodical flood could not have wholly subsided, there should not be water enough on the bar, even at high tide (which at this part of the coast rises 7 feet at neaps and 9 feet at springs), to allow of the fleet's passing out till the channel had been artificially deepened. I am inclined to think that the explanation of this difilculty may be that on approaching the sea Nearchus led his fleet out of the main stream (possibly to avoid the current which at ebb-tide runs with tremendous violence at the larger Indus moutlis) and through some one of the ^^ The Coiumerce and Navigutioii of the Erythr.Tau Sea, i>. 176. 12 tup: INDUS DELTA COUNTRY, side channels wliich tin; larger streams tlirow off in the vicinity of the sea. Such a side channel of the Gharo actually exists, and is known as the Kudro. It runs, moreover, close under the rocky ridge which lias heen described, and its mouth may therefore have been obstructed, as we can readily understand, by some reef pro- jecting into its bed. Near tlic present mouth of this creek there is a small port named Wfiglmdar (Crocodile-hole), used by river- boats of light draught. The question of the particular channel by which the fleet reached the sea being thus disposed of, the point next to be determined is the position of Krokala, as we have a measurement from the mouth of the river to that island which will help us to fix the line of the Delta coast at the time referred to. It will serve, however, to clear the way if we identify Alexander's Haven out of its order in the narrative. That Karachi harbour, or rather Karachi Bay, of which the modern harbour is an artificially limited portion, is Alexander's Haven, is generally admitted. Here, in fact, there is no choice of positions, for there is no other protected anchorage for seagoing vessels in all this region, far less any harbour which could be described as " kalos " and " euormos." Now it is quite clear from the narrative that Krokala was close to Alexander's Haven. Con- trary to the regular habit of the narrator, no distance is given from Krokala, and we may infer that it was too short to be worth mention- ing. Further, the fleet seems to have entered a creek immediately on quitting Krokala, and through this to have run into Alexander's Haven. It is thus evident that the two points were at no distance apart. But on leaving the island the fleet had a hill called Eiros on the right. Tlie word " oros " is applied by Arrian to the cliff, or hill, or high ground, or whatever it was, that was named Eiros, and the word has always been rendered by his translators mountain ; but as nothing that by any stretch of imagination can be called a mountain exists within 25 miles of even the present coast of the Delta, it is evident that whatever Eiros was, it was not a mountain. "We must, therefore, assume the modified meaning 'of " hill," or " headland," or " ^"gt' gi'ound." Any of these would be applicable to Manora, which is the most prominent feature on this part of the coast, though its highest point is but 100 feet above the sea. General Cunningham accordingly finds Eiros in Manora, and says that to have Eiros on the right and a low Hat island on the left would be a very accurate THE IXUUS DELTA COUNTRY. 13 description of the entrance to Karachi harbour ; but he forgot that it would only be accurate as a description of the bearings in the case of a vessel leaving the harbour, for a vessel entering has Manora on the ]port side. This disposes of Manora. There remain only two other hills or headlands in all this tract of coast. One of these, called " Clifton " by the English and " Hawa-Bandar " by the natives, is the eastern headland of Karachi Bay ; the other is GisrI, a mile east of Clifton. Clifton I believe to be Eiros. The " narrow creek " would then be Chini Creek,^'' which runs under Clifton ridge into Karachi Bay and harbour, and the " low island " Kiamarl Elat, which stretches along the mainland opposite Clifton ridge, and renders the intervening creek narrow. Manora exactly answers to Bibakta in this respect, that, heing placed as a harrier against the sea, it gives rise to Karachi harhour ; but I must admit my inability to make that other part of the description, " at the harbour mouth at a distance of 2 stadia," fit in with this identification. Manora is three-quarters of a mile or 6 stadia distant from Klamarl, at the nearest point. More- over, it is not now an island, but is connected with the mainland to the west by a narrow ridge of sand some 10 miles in length. It should be mentioned that there are indications of some elevation of the land having occurred along this part of the coast. Mr. Blanford, when conducting the Geological Survey of the neighbourhood, found evidence near Cape Monze (Pias Mu'arl) of " elevation of the land having taken place at no distant period." ^^ Indications of a rise of the land were also observed by him along the coast to the west of Cape Monze,^^ and this may explain the total disappearance of the harbour called by Arrian Morontobaros, which appears to have been but a few miles east of the modern Son Mi'anI, and is described as " large, well shut-in, deep, and still." Evidence to the same effect is found in the vicinity of Karachi, where the sea now never reaches the high-water mark of former times. To this fact M-as no doubt owing the abandonment of a port the site of which was at the island, or rather mound, rising out of the surrounding mud, on which Karachi Observatory stands. Here, according to native accounts, stood a substantially-built town, with a harbour, reached by a branch ^^ The mouth of Chiui Creek was closed some years ago in connection with the works carried out for the improvement of Karaclii harbour. ^* Memoirs of tlic Geokigicai Survey of India, vol. xvii. p. 184. ^^ Ibid., p. 191. 14 TIIK INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. of tlie Chin! Creek, and resorted to by ships from various neighbour- ing; countries. It is said to liave been flourishing 400 years ago.^*^ Tiie sea has now receded so much from the site that it could not be readied by a rowboat. But it is time to close this digression and return to Krokala. This, I believe, no longer exists, at least as an island. Whether tlirough the elevation of the land or the silting up of the intervening cliannel, Krokala has, according to my theory, become part of the mainland, and is to be found in that sandy spit of land, or a portion of it, which projects south-eastward, in line with the present Delta coast, for some three miles from the bluffs of Clifton and GisrI. Con- sistently with the evidence, it seems to me hardly possible to find Krokala in any other position than this. The narrative plainly con- veys that the fleet, on starting from the island, had Eiros on the right.'^^ Krokala and Eiros were, therefore, only a short distance apart, and I infer that there was but a narrow seaway north of the island to be traversed by the fleet before it ran under the headland of Clifton into ChinI Creek. Dr. Vincent and General Cunningham have identified Krokala with Kirimarl,-^ which indeed is a " sandy island," but will be found by anybody who follows the narrative closely, and with the aid of a correct map of the coast about Karachi, to have no other claim whatever to be regarded as the Krokala of Nearchus. On the other hand, it does correspond very exactly to the description of that other island which the fleet had on its left when passing through the " narrow creek " below Eiros into Alexander's Haven. The sugges- tion that, in the lapse of so many centuries, Krokala has become part of the mainland, seems to me to involve no improbability — nothing more out of the common than the shoaling and sauding-up of a perhaps narrow channel. Clifton sands have no doubt been formed to a great extent by deposit brought down by the Malir river, a hill- torrent which drains a very wide area of the Kohistfin, and, when in flood, pours a tremendous mass of water heavily laden with silt into the sea through the Gisri Creek. If I am right in my view as to the position of Krokala, that island must have been a creation of tlie ;Mallr; for, being 150 stadia from the mouth of the Indus, it could not have owed its existence to the latter river. Whatever sea-space -* MSS. notes by a native merchant of Karachi. 'Ek 5^ Kpw/cdXwj' iv 5e|ig jxiv ?x<"'Tfs 7-6 KaXe6/j.€vov avroiffi-j 'ETpovf . . . IttXwoi'. -- See Vincent's " Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients," i. 194 ct scq. ; and Ciinuingham's "Ancient Geography of India," pp. 306, 307. THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. 15 tliere was between tlie island and the mainland may have been filled up gradually by Malir silt and sea-sand, and the elevation of the coast would of course contribute to the same end.-^ The position of Krokala being thus determined, in the only way, as it seems to me, to accord with the evidence, the coast-line of the Delta, as it was in those days, must be fixed by the measurement given between the two points, namely, 150 stadia. But here we meet with another difficulty in the extremely erroneous estimates of his runs which Nearchus made throughout the voyage. From Alex- ander's Haven to the frontier of Carmania these estimates are greatly in excess of the truth, and beyond that point they are far below it, as has been proved by the checks supplied by modern charts. So great is the excess of error during the first part of the voyage, that writers like D'Anville and Vincent have come to the conclusion that the estimates were based on some standard which they have taken to be about half the dimension of the Olympic stadium. It is obvious, however, that this hypothesis would meet the case of only one set of distances, and that consistency would require the assumption of an enlarged stadium to explain the error of defect in the other set. But, as pointed out by Mr. Bunbury, in his "History of Ancient Geography," there is no evidence whatever that any other than the ordinary stadium was in use among the Greeks, or known to them; and were it otherwise, the employment by a writer of different standards in different parts of the same work would be highly improbable.^^ The same high authority shows that there is some ground for suspecting Nearchus to have based one of the most im- poitant of all these estimates on the rough method of calculatino- a full day's run at 500 stadia, or 50 G. miles.-^ Such was, indeed, the common method in ancient times, though the standard distance of a day's voyage varied, and it may safely be assumed that Nearchus knew no other way of calculating his runs. We may take it, then, -^ The name Krokala is, as might be expected, wholly unknown in tlie locality. The suggestion that it -was a Greek corrujition of Kakrala (the name of an ancient division of the Delta), started by Pottinger and repeated by Burnes, is not witliout plausibility ; but Kakrala was a tract near the middle of the Delta, in the present Pargana of Ghorabarl, and fully 50 miles to the south-east of Karachi. There is, I believe, no foundation for the statement that the country around Karachi was ever called Kakrala. At the time of Nearchus's voyage it bore the name of San- gada, as we are expressly informed. -^ History of Ancient Geography, i. 544-545. ■^^ Ibid., 531, note 8. See also p. 393, ,6 THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. that 150 stadia lejiresmit a run of soinewherc about 3^ liours ; and remembering that the fleet was contending against a rough sea and an adverse wind,2o and that this was the first day's experience of the ocean, it can hardly he supposed that vessels impelled by oars would make a better rate of progress than 2^ miles an liour. The entire run, then, would be 9 miles, and this distance measured east- ward from Clifton Spit round the "windings of the coast" will bring us to a point close to the hamlet of Waghudar, which point is 8 miles in direct line from the coast of the iJelta as laid down in 1869. Tlius it may be conjectured that in the space of 2195 years (326 B.C. to 1869 A.D.) the advance of the Delta seaward has been 8 miles, or at the rate of rather more than 6 yards in a year. This is less than a fourth of the growth of the Nile Delta in a not much greater period of time. From this conjectural determination of the coast-line of these days we may proceed to fix, alike conjecturally, the position of the "naval station " which was the point of departure of the expedition. This was a little more than 150 stadia from the mouth of the i-iver, or almost exactly the same distance as from the mouth to Krokala. Here, however, the different nature of the navigation, that is to say, comparatively smooth water and a current powerfully aiding the efforts of the rowers, will call for a much smaller reduction of the estimated progress than in the case of the navigation in the open sea. It is possible, indeed, that the rate of progress in the river may have 28 The south-west monsoon was still blowing, as is proved by the fact that tlie fleet was detained in Alexander's Haven for twenty-four days by continuous gales from the sea. Unless meteorological conditions have totally clianged in these re'nons, here is proof positive that the date of Nearchus's departure from the Indus was earlier than most commentators suppose. This is variously computed as 2d October 326 B.C. and 21st September 325 B.C., and we have then to account for the occurrence of twenty-four days of "high and contimious gales" beginning either in tlie last days of September or at the end of the first week of Octol'cr ; that is to say, lasting during the period which \s invariahhj i\\& calmest in tlie whole year, as all who know Sindh can testify. The violence of the south-west monsoon is past by the middle of August, and a month later the wind drops almost entirely, though what is called the " Elephauta " storm occurs in September, lasting, however, but a few hours. I have no hesitation in saying that the occur- rence of twenty-four days of continuous gales at the time of the year during which Nearchus is generally supposed to have been in Karachi harbour is opposed to all modern experience of the meteorology of the Indian Ocean and its coasts. Dr. Vincent took these gales to have been the north-east monsoon, but that does not set in till November, and is never, I believe, experienced on the Sindh coast in so violent a form as continued gales for more tlian three weeks. THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. 17 been under-estima.ted in consequence of these circumstances, thougli it may be well still to assume some exaggeration. I would then reduce the lyl miles — the true equivalent of 150 stadia — plus the small excess which has not been specified, to 1 5 miles, and thus fix the naval station at a point about a mile west of the mouth of the "Ghaghar" hill-torrent. Under the circumstances, suppressed by Arrian but revealed by Strabo, of the energetic hostility of the natives, wliich led to the hurried departure of Nearchus from Sindh, it is probable that the naval station, whither the Greeks must have withdrawn on finding their position at Patala no longer tenable, was not on the right bank of the river, that is, on the Kohistfin plain, where it would have been exposed to attack, but in some one of the islands of the Lower Delta, formed by branch channels, where it would be comparatively secure. The other anchorages, which were but very short distances apart, must have been a few miles to the east of Waghiidar. It is needless to say that no names at all resem- bling Stoura, Kaumana, or Ivoreatis — themselves most probably gross corruptions — are now to be found in the locality. From the vicinity of Krokala we have a measurement which will be of some service in fixing the position of Patala ; for we learn from Arrian that near Krokala lay the eastern limit of the territory of the Arabics, and from Quintus Curtius that Alexander's army took nine days to march from Patala to this point. It is probable that the Malir river — the most important natural feature in this region — would form a boundary between tribe and tribe, just as the I'urali (Arabis) bounded the Arables on the west, and separated them from the Oritge. The Malir runs iuto the sea through the Gisri Creek, and therefore close to the position which has been assigned to Krokala ; so that it would be quite consistent with Arrian's statements and with all the probabilities of the case to take this stream as the tribal boundary, and some spot near its mouth as the point reached by Alexander in his ninth march from Patala. Now, Quintus Curtius says that from this point to the Arabis (rfirall) there were five marches,^'^ and the actual distance is about 57 miles; so that here his day's march averaged about 1 1 }; miles. But as the ground traversed is not throughout so level and easy for the soldier as the plains of Sindh, we may reasonably suppose a somewhat higher rate for the earlier marches, say 13 miles. This 27 Quint. Curt., Lib. x., § 39. i8 THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. will give us a measurement of 117 milts from the point named to Patala, and we have next to consider in what direction the mea- surement should be made. It may be assumed that Alexander would select that route for his large army which afforded tlie best supply of water ; that he would, if possible, keep within easy reach of the river or one of its branches; and that, unless under some strong compulsion of circumstances, he would not march an un- wieldy host across the comparatively waterless plain of the Kohisiau. Patala was on the Indus, and close to a large bifurcation whence a large branch ran westward — the direction which the army was now to take. It seems obvious that the earlier part of the route would follow this branch. Now if, as we have some good ground to con- jecture, the Kalrl and Gharo formed the lower portion of this brand), it follows that the upper and now obliterated portion, lying between Patala and the present head of the Kalrl north-east of Thata, must have come from some point far out in the middle portion of the Upper Delta country. In other words, the bend of the river west- ward from Patala must have been gradual, as bends always are in streams whicli work their way through yielding alluvial soil. To suppose, with General Cunningham,-^ that Patala was at or near Haydarabad, and yet that the western arm of the Indus is to be identified with the Gharo, involves the position that the stream turned almost at right angles into the present Kalrl. But nothing short of meeting with rock, which does not exist here, could possibly cause such an abrupt deflection from the general direction of the river. A study of the hydrography of the Delta shows that as the Indus north of Thata has forced its bed westward, so below that town there has been from time to time a movement of the channel in the opposite direction. The stream, that is to say, has a tendency to straighten its course, and the constant pressure west- ward is compensated in the Lower Delta by sudden shiftings, at lonfrer or shorter intervals, into channels farther east. Thus the identification of the Gharo and Kalrl with the western branch of Alexander's time carries with it as a necessary consequence the conclusion that Patala was situated considerably east of the longitude of Haydarabad; and if we measure 117 miles from the eastern border of the Arables, that is, as I suggest, from the Malir near Karachi, along the Gharo and Kalrl, and the probable upper -8 Ancient Geograpliy of India, p. 279 ff. THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. 19 portion of tlie western branch, we shall find that the ancient capital of the Delta was most likely not far from a spot 35 miles south-east of Haydarabad. Those who have identified Patala with Haydarabad have overlooked the fact that the Indus reached the vicinity of that place so recently as the second half of last century, and that even a thousand years after Alexander's expedition, when the Arabs appeared on the scene, the river was still far to the east of the position they assign to the chief town of the Delta. Nothing, indeed, can be more misleading in connection with such a river as the Indus than to base arguments for particular identifications on the hydrographical circumstances of the present day ; for it may be regarded as almost absolutely certain that hardly any channel now carrying water was in existence in the distant times referred to ; and instead of seek- ing for very ancient sites along the present course of the river, we should rather assume that, wherever they may be, here, at all events, they are not to be found. As regards the Thata identification, it can easily be shown to satisfy no one of the conditions of the pro- blem. One consideration alone is fatal to it. The effect of the tide must have been distinctly perceptible higher up the Delta than Thata twenty-two centuries ago, since it is perceptible as high up as that place now, or was so not many years ago, the rapid extension of the land at the mouth of the river, and consequent lengthening of the channel, having perhaps rendered the tidal rise less noticeable at this spot within the last few years. But it is quite clear that the effect of the tide was not apparent at Patala or anywhere in its vicinity, for it was not until Alexander and his exploring party had left that place far behind them that they became aware that such a pheno- menon as the tidal flow existed. On this ground alone then it is certain that Patala cannot have been anywhere near Tliata. The spot upon which I have fixed as the probable position of Patala happens to be equidistant from both extremities of the Delta coast as supposed to have existed in Alexander's time, the direct measurement from point to point being about 106 miles in each case. This is also very nearly the length of the Delta base, and thus if we might combine the statement of Onesikritus that the Delta formed an equilateral triangle with the statement of Aristobulus that the base measured looo stadia (115 st. miles), we might be pretty certain of having determined the site of the capital with considerable accuracy. Unfortunately neither is Onesikritus regarded as a trustworthy aulhu- 20 THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. rity, nor had lie, or any one else in the expedition, the means or oj»por- tunity of forming anything but the rougliest possible guess as to the shape and extent of the Delta. All, therefore, that we may legitimately infer from their statements is that there was no considerable difference between the lengths of the two branch streams, and that the mouths of these were very far ai)art, each almost certainly at an extremity of the Delta base. Various suggestions have been made in regard to the];(true name of the town which the Greeks called Patala. It seems to me, however, that the question has been solved by the tradition discovered in Tibet by the gifted and laborious Csoma de Kotos, M'ho has thus recorded it : " Potala or Potalaka (Tib. Gru-hdsin, or vulgo Kru- dsin, Boat-receiver, a haven or port) is the name of an ancient city at the mouth of the Indus river, the residence of Ixwaku and his descendants of the Suryavamsa. Four young princes (who afterwards were surnamed Shakya), being banished from that city by their father, took refuge in Kosala on the banks^ of the Bhagi- rathl river (in the modern province of Eohilkhand), and built the city of Capilavastu. The residence of the Dalai Lama at Lassa (built about the middle of the twelfth century) is likewise called Potala, because Chenrezik, the patron of the Tibetans, the spiritual son of Amitabha, is said to have resided at Potala in ancient India, and to have visited Tibet from that place." "^ Whatever amount of credit may be allowed to this tradition, it cannot be doubted that it has at all events preserved for us the correct name of the ancient capital of the Delta — a name too simple in form for even Greeks to corrupt materially. Purther, it seems to show that Potala was a foundation of very distant times indeed, and we may perhaps infer that it M^as one of the earliest Aryan settlements in the neighbour- hood of the ocean.^'* The eastern arm of the Indus, explored by Alexander immediately after returning to Putala from his first voyage to the Indian Ocean, -9 Journal Bengal Asiatic Society, vol. vi. p. 349, Avliere the above extract is quoted from Csoma dc Koriis' MSS. See also Csoma de Koros' own article in the same Society's Journal for August 1S33, vol. ii. p. 385. 30 In Map II. Patala is represented as situated between the two arms of the Indus, in conformity with the statement of Ptolemy that the place was in one of the islands formed by the river (Geog. Lib. vii. C. I., § 59). The courses of the Iivdus and its branches, as shown in this map, except the portion west of Thata, and the fcM* miles of the Puran immediately north of the Kan of Kachchha, are, 1 need hardly say, purely conjectural. THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. 21 was probably some channel running into the Puran, not many miles, perhaps, above the point where it enters the Ean, as represented in Map ii., the Puran being, as previously stated, the extreme eastern channel of the Indus, and, as its name indicates, of great antiquity. That the Ean itself was the large lake into which the eastern arm flowed admits of no doubt, and it is a highly interesting question whether it had at this time ceased to be a permanent inland sea or not. The voyagers themselves supposed it to be a lake formed by the discharge of the eastern branch of the Indus, and perhaps of other streams running into it ; but they saw it during the very height of the south-west monsoon, at which season the Ean is under water even at the present day when the Indus has long ceased to send any portion of its waters into it, unless at times of exceptionally high flood. The Ean is in reality flooded during the period of the south- west monsoon only, and then by the sea being forced into it through the Gulf of Kachchha and the Koii Creek — mainly through the latter. But the water is everywhere shallow, and certainly /sA larger than tliosc of the Mediterranean could not now be found in it. It is possible, however, that the large fish seen by the Greeks may have been in the deeper Korl Creek, the upper part of which may have been regarded as a portion of the lake. According to Lassen, the drying-up of the inland sea which once covered the Ean is referred to in the Maha Bharata, and described as a miraculous occurrence, and an act of vengeance for a misdeed of the god Varuna.2^ If Lassen is right in asserting that the myth refers to the Ean, and if the myth itself belongs to the Maha Bharata in its original form, and is not an addition of later times — points on which I am incompetent to form any opinion — there can be do doubt that the origin of the Ean is far older than the time of Alexander.^^ The local traditions, however, seem to show that the inland sea had ex- isted to a much later period, and various places on the shores of the Ean are still spoken of by the natives as having formerly been portsP 31 "Indische Altertliumskunde," I. 546, n. r., Edn. 1847, where the myth is given. 32 The learned assign the date of the composition of the INIaha Bharata to a period considerably later than that of Alexander (Weber's " History of Indian Literature," p. 186, and note 20m p. 187), but of course the myths and legends embodied in it are of much greater antiquity than the epic itself. 33 See Sir A. Bunies' account of the Han in the third volume of his travels into Bukhara, and an article on the same subject by the late Sir Bartle Frere in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, vol. xl. pp. 194 ,I95- 22 THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. Ill tlie first century of our era the water in the Ifaii was shallow, accord- infT to the author of the " Periphis," who seems to have heen accurately informed, since he correctly describes the llau as divided into " Greater " and " Less." ^^ The eastern or smaller Ilan would a[)pear to have been under water, and subject to the regular influx of the tide, in 1026, when Mahmud of Ghaznl, after capturing Somnath, pursued a Hindu chief who had taken refuge in one of the islands of North-Eastern Kachchh. Mahmiid was warned that in attempting to reach this island he might be overwhelmed by the tide, but he rode into the water, followed by his troops, and crossed in safety .^^ By the latter part of the fourteenth century the Ean was dry, for the Emperor Eiriiz Shah and his army, retreating from Sindh to Guzarat, wandered for some days in it, and nearly perished from heat and thirst. In Kachchh an old legend attributes the drying-up of the inland sea to the curse of a holy man — a frequent and potent cause of physical changes in the East — and this and the older myth of the Maha Bharata (of which, however, it may be only a local modifica- tion) would seem to point to suddenness in the event, and no doubt as Sir A. Burnes thought, earthquakes had much to do with it. This region has suffered greatly from such catastrophes, and the earth- quake of 1 8 19 caused, as is well known, a very remarkable and extensive alteration in the surface of the Kan. One more point may be noticed in concluding this section. It is stated by Arrian (Anab. vi. 20), that on reaching the sea by the eastern branch of the Indus, Alexander landed, and taking some cavalry with him, proceeded three marches along the coast {irapa OaXaaaav), and ordered wells to be dug for the watering of his fleet, it being his intention to despatch the naval expedition by the eastern and more easily navigable arm of the river. Any one who knows the nature of the Delta coast will have no hesitation in pronouncing this state- ment to be a fabrication. Such a march would be an utter impos- sibility, and the notion of wells being dug in the locality must be scouted as an absurdity. The Delta coast is so low as to be liable to inundation by high tides in ordinary weather. It is also intersected '* "Periplusof the Erythrsean Sea," § 40. *5 SirH. Elliot's " History of India," vol. ii. p. 249, and appendix p. 473. The fort in -which the Hindu chief took refuge is called Kandabal, Kandania, and other names. It has since been identified — I think by Colonel Watson, an excellent authority — with a place in one of the islands in the Ran. THE INDUS DELTA COUNTRY. 23 by numberless creeks and channels, large and small, so that neither man nor horse could traverse it for any distance, and the only means of getting from point to point is by boat. But during the monsoon — the period of this alleged march — the whole sea-board is under water, and there is no part of it in which a person could travel \vithont risk of being overwhelmed by the sea at any moment. The south- eastern corner of the Delta, too, is the most inhospitable of the whole coast. It is, in fact, a vast salt-field where life could not be maintained, and where none but poisonous water could be procured from wells if it were possible to sink them in an inundated country .^*^ The episode, then, of the three days' march along the shore, and the account of the arrangement for watering the fleet must be rejected as pure fiction on the part either of Arrian or of his authority. '^ Some years ago an attempt was made to work the salt-field at a spot several miles from the sea. Every drop of water required by the workmen had to he brought by boat from a great distance. 3 JroU&cL ma- p. Edw