B 3 -IHl 5°^ BOOKS FOR BOYS * t '"< a r or ^ y THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY January, 1906. UBBARY ICHOOl SPECIAL BULLETIN NO. 6. The Chicago Public Libraey SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS FOR BOYS. The following list comprises a selection of titles of books suitable for hoys^ from twelve to eighteen years of age. Books for older boys are indicated by the letter {a). For other books on the subjects included in this list and for other books by the authors named^ consult the various finding lists and the card cat- alogue. AMERICAN ADVENTURE AND HISTORY. Abbot, W. J. Battlefields of '61 B 2543- Abbott, J. S. C. Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky ,. . . .C 200 Adams, W. H. D. Land of the Incas; conquest of Peru (a) B 1903 Austin, O. P. Uncle Sam's soldiers, [Our war with Spain and our army at the present time.] H 884 Baldwin, J. The discovery of the old Northwest and its settle- ment by" the French B 4526- Four great Americans — Washington, Webster, Franklin, Lin- coln; a book for young Americans C 16877 Ballantyne, R. M. The dog crusoe; a tale of the western prairies. H 221 Barnes, J. The son of Lighthorse Harry. [A story of the Mexi- can and civil wars.] H 318? Blaisdell, A. F., and Ball, F. K. Hero stories from American his- tory for young and old '. , . .H 3209. Bolton, (Mrs.) S. K. Famous American statesmen,. ,....C 2341 Brady, C. T. Border fights and fighters (a) B 2236 . Indian fights and fighters; the soldier and the Sioux (a) ...... .B 2237' Brooks, E. S. Century book of the American revolution H 3273 In Leisler's times; a story of New York .F 2651 The master of the strong hearts; a story of Custer's last rally .' H 3269- The story of our war with Spain H 3287 Story of the American Indian B 719' Story of the American soldier in war and peace B 1976 True story of Abraham Lincoln, the American, told for boys and girls , , .H 3275 True story of Benjamin Franklin, the American statesman.. H 3271 Brooks, N. The boy emigrants. [Overland to California in the days of '49.] ,: . ..;.,. ;, .... . , H. 106^ The boy settlers. [Early times in Kansas..]. !.>..'. ;'. J ,,.,,., .H ,1$6& ^ THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. ^ First across the continent; the story of the exploring cxpc- ffX^^ dition of Lewis and Clark I 4541 Statesmen [from Henry Clay to Grover Cleveland] (a)....C 10420 Butterworth, H. In the boyhood of Lincoln; a tale of the Tunker schoolmaster and the times of Black Hawk H 977 Boys of Greenway Court; a tale of the early days of Washing- ton H 978 In the days of Jefferson; or, The six golden horseshoes H 3309 Log schoolhouse ou the Columbia H 975 The patriot schoolmaster; a tale of the minute men and the sons of liberty H 879 The pilot of the Mayflower; a tale of the building of the pilgrim republic H 3294 South America, a popular illustrated history of the struggle for liberty in the Andean republics and Cuba (a) B 4928 True to his home; a tale of the boyhood of Franklin H 3299 The wampum belt; or, The fairest page of history, a tale of William Penn's treaty with the Indians H 3297 Zigzag journeys on the Mississippi, from Chicago to the islands of the discovery I 4510 Zigzag journeys to the sunny south; or. Wonder tales of early American history I 5308 'Sable, G. W. Strange true stories of Louisiana (a) .F 2718 ' "Catherwood, (Mrs.) M. H Heroes of the middle west: The French H 3415 The story of Tonty [the explorer of the Illinois country and the Mississippi (a) F 2702 'Chambers, R. W. Cardigan, a novel. [Colonial Indian wars] (a).F 8173 Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain.) Life on the Mississippi (a) I 64 Roughing it. [Western adventure] (a) 11571 Cody, W. F. (Buffalo Bill.) The adventures of Buffalo Bill H 3417 • Coffin, C. C. The boys of '76 B 211 The boya of '61 B 585 Building the nation, Events in the history of the United States. [From the revolution to the civil war] .B 331 Following the flag. [Civil war] H ?97 My days and nights on the battlefield. [Civil war] H 296 Old times in the colonies B 761 Winni)i;r his way. [Civil war] H 298 Howard, O. O. Nez Perce Joseph B 701 Inman, H. The old Santa Fe trail, the story of a great high- way (a) I 4527 Inman, H., and Cody, W. F. The great Salt Lake trail (a) I 4528 Irving, W. Washington and his country; cd. by J. Mske (a) H 4430' Janvier, T. A. The Aztec treasure-house; a romance of contem- poraneous antiquity F 4390^ Jenks, T. Captain John Smith C ISSSO- Johnson, H. (Muirhead Robertson.) Exploits of Myles Stan- dish (a) C 11737 Eieffer, H. M. Eeeollections of a drummer-boy. [Civil war]....H IGSS King, C. Campaigning with Crook and stories of army life(a)...B 2021 Kinzie (Mrs.), J. A. "VViau-Bun, the early day in the northwest. [True account of early Chicago days] (a) ! F lOOS Knox, T. W. Boy's life of General Grant C 18001 Captain John Crane, 1800-1815. [Privateering] H 163» Laut, A. C. Pathfinders of the west; being the thrilling story of the men who discovered the great northwest — Eadisson, La Verendrye, Lewis and Clark (a) I 455S Lighten, W. R. Lewis and Clark; Meriwether Lewis and William Clark (a) .C 16797 Lodge, H. C. and Roosevelt, T. Hero tales from American his- tory H 176e Lossing, B. J. The two spies: Nathan Hale and John Andre (a). .C 2068 Lununis, C. F. The enchanted burro, stories of New Mexico and South America H 177S A New Mexico David and other stories and sketches of the southwest H 1776^ The Spanish pioneers (a) B 1992 MacKie, C. P. With the admiral of the ocean sea; a narrative of the first voyage to the western world F 5370 Munroe, C. K. The flamingo feather. [French in Florida] H 1856 Golden days of '49, a tale of the California diggings F 5327 A Bon of Satsuma; or, With Perry in Japan H 5181 The white conquerors; a tale of Toltec and Aztec H 1963 With Crockett and Bowie; or, Fighting for the Lone-Star flag, a tale of Texas H 5174 Norton, C. L. A soldier of the legion; a story of the great north- west H 1929 Oxley, J. M. Fife and drum at Louisbourg. [French and Indian war] H 2043 Page, T. N. Two little confederates H 2030 Parkman, F. Oregon trail (a) I 196' Pittenger, W. Capturing a locomotive; history of secret service in the late [civil] war (a) B 59^ Pratt, M. L. The great west H 2112 BOOKS FOR BOYS. 5 Pyle, H. The story of Jack Ballister's fortunes. [Story of a boy captured by the pirate Blackbeard] F 6008 Bemlngton, F. Pony tracks. [Soldiers and cowboys of the west] (a) I 4523 Bichardson, A. D. Secret service, field, dungeon and escape. [Civil war] (a) B 520 Koberts, 0. G. D. The forge in the forest. [Adventure in old Acadie] (a) .• F 6456 Roche, J. J. Byways of the war, the story of the filibusters (a) . B 4882 Roosevelt, T. The Eough Eiders B 7038 Scudder, H. E. George Washington, an historical biography C 3545 Seelye, (IVIrs.) E. E. The story of Columbus C 10647 Sonnenscheln, A. Ten months a captive among the Filipinos B 7107 Stables, W. G. Westward with Columbus H 2399 Starr, F. American Indians .' B 2073 Stoddard, W. O. Battle of New York. [New York during the civil war.] H 2436 Morgan 's men H 2520 On guard! Against Tory and Tarleton H 2585> Wetmore, (Mrs.) H. C. Last of the great scouts, the life story of Colonel William F. Cody, "Buffalo Bill," as told by his sister C 17536 Williams, G. F. Bullet and shell; war as the soldiers saw it B 622 HISTOEY OF OTHER COUNTRIES AND LIVES OF FAMOUS MEN. Adams, W. H. D. Page, squire and knight H SB- Andrews, J. Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now H 944 Ballantyne, R. M. Erling the Bold; a tale of the Norse sea-kings. H 211 Bennett, J. Master Skylark. [Story of Shakespeare 'b time.] . .IF" 7929' Bernard, F. Wonderful escapes ;« ed. by E. Whiteing K 261U Bolton, (Mrs.) S. K. Famous leaders among men C 10155 Lives of poor boys who became famous G 1929' Bonner, J. Child 's history of France H 959^- Child's history of Greece H 250> Child 's history of Eome H 251 Child's history of Spain H 1059' Bourne, H. R. F. Sir Pliilip Sidney, type of English chivalry in the Elizabethan age (a) C 11657 Brereton, F. S. In the grip of the Mullah; a tale of adventure in Somaliland (a) H 3174 Brooks, E. S. A boy of the first empire H 3278- Chivalric days H 409 Great men's sons — from Socrates to Napoleon C 16889' Heroic happenings told in verso and story .". .BE 980- Historic boys and their times C 1931 The story of the nineteenth century of the Christian era.... A 2193 Butler, W. F, Charles George Gordon (a) C 3527" Butterworth, H. The knight of liberty; a tale of the fortunes of Lafayette H 329&- Charles, E. Three martyrs of the nineteenth century, [David Livingstone, "Chinese" Gordon and Patteson, the mission- ary.] (a) C 274r Church, A. J. The crusaders ' H 3473: Lords of the world, a story of the fall of Carthage F 3078 Pictures from Greek life and story A 259.5 Pictures from Roman life and story H 3469 Roman life in the days of Cicero ; L 2729* Story of the Persian war from Herodotus L 292.5- Stoi'ies from English history H 3480' BOOKS FOR BOYS. 7 V. 1. From Julius Cajsar to the Black Prince. 2. From Richard 11 to Charlea I. 3. From the Lord Protector to Victoria. Stories from Livy L 2926 Two thousand years ago; or, The adventures of a Eoman boy.H 1111 With the king at Oxford. [Seventeenth century.] F 2773 A young Macedonian in the army of Alexander the Great. . . .H 1131 Church, A. J., and Gilman, A. Carthage (a) . . .» A 4492 Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain.) Personal recollections of Joan of Arc, by the Sieur Louis de Conte, her page and secre- tary (a) C 18251 The prince and the pauper. [Edward VI.] F 2800 CofUn, C. C. The story of liberty A 299 Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world; frem Mara- thon to Waterloo (a) A 306 Dole, N. H. Young folks' history of Russia A 1902 Douglas, A. M. Heroes of the crusades C 10125. Eggleston, G. C. Strange stories from history H 1242 Fanner, (Mrs.) L. H. Boys' book of famous rulers C 206Z Fea, A. Secret chambers and hiding-places, the historic, romantic and legendary stories and traditions about hiding-holes, secret chambers, etc. (a) A 3421 Fitchett, W. H. Deeds that won the empire; historic battle scenes. [English history.] (a) A 3372 Fights for the flag. [English history.] (a) A 3504 Foa, (Mme.) E. R. G, Biographical sketches H 392 The boy life of Napoleon, afterward emperor of the French. .H 391 Freeman, E. A. Old English history for children A 374 Gilliat, E. Forest outlaws; or, St. Hugh and the king. [England, thirteenth century] F 366T In Lincoln green; a merrie tale of Robin Hood F 8937 Wolf's Head; a story of the prince of outlaws. [England, thirteenth century] F 8871 Gilman, A. (ed.) Magna Charta stories . .H 1432 Gould, S. B. Grettir, the outlaw, a story of Iceland H 1439^ Griffis, W. E. Y'oung peoples' history of Holland A 1831 Hale, E. E. Boys ' heroes H 4140 Hall, B. In the brave days of old; a story of adventure in the time of King James the' First H 4121 Henty, G. A. Bonnie Prince Charlie; a tale of Fontenoy and Cul- loden H 1467 By England's aid; or, The freeing of the Netherlands H 1565 By pike and dyke. [A tale of the rise of the Dutch repub- lic] H 1486 The dash for Khartoum; a tale of the Nile expedition H 1570 Held fast for England; siege of Gibraltar, 1779-83 H 1568 In freedom's cause; a story of Wallace and Bruce H 1514 The lion of the north; a lale of the times of Gustavus ' Adolphus H 1465 « THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. The lion of St. Mark's; a tale of Venice H 1478 One of the 28th; a tale of Waterloo H 1483 St. George for England; a tale of Creasy and Poitiers H 1475 Under Drake's flag H 1498 With Clive in India; or, The beginnings of an empire H 1476 History for young readers: Canada, by J. M. Mcllwraith H 4364 England, by F. E. Cooke H 4361 Germany, by K. F. Kroeker II 4362 Spain, by F. A. Ober H 4363 Jewett, S. O. The story of the Normans (a) A 3124 Johonnot, J. (comp.). Stories of other lands H 1594 Stories of the olden time. [Ancient and medieval history ]..H 4521 Ten great events in history H 4522 Joyce, P. W. Child 's history of Ireland H 4482 Xang, A. Red true story book H 1711 True story book H 1716 Xanier, S. (ed.). The boys' Froissart. [Tales from medieval chronicles] A 261 Xeigbtou, R, Olaf the Glorious, a historical story of the viking age H 1724 Xiljencrantz, O. A. The Vinland champions. [Norsemen in Amer- ica] H 4802 Markham, C. R. The paladins of Edwin the Great H 5001 Marryat, F. Children of the New Forest. [Cavaliers and Round- heads] G 424 Martineau, H. Peasant and prince. [French revolution] H 5007 Maxwell, H. E. Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence (a) C 625 Montgomery, D. H. (ed.). Two great retreats of history. [The famous Ten Thousand and Napoleon at Moscow] (a).... A 2173 Morris, W. O. Napoleon, warrior and ruler and the military su- premacy of revolutionary France (a) C11351 Motley, J. L. The rise of the Dutch republic, condensed by W. E. Griffis (a) A 1830 KTeukomm, E. The rulers of the sea, the Norsemen in America from the tenth to the fifteenth century (a) B 208!) Ober, F, A. Young folks ' history of Mexico B 4801 Peattie, (Mrs.) E. W. With scrip and staff; a talc of the chil- dren 's crusade F 6033 Pyle, H. Men of iron. [Middle ages] F 5989 Otto of the silver hand. [German robber barons] H 2103 Heddall, H. F. Who was he? Six short stories about the mysterious characters and well-kept secrets of modern times (a) C10185 Rolfe, W. J. Shakespeare the boy, the games and sports, the manners, customs and folk-lore of the time C18900 Schmidt, F. William Tell; tr. from the German by G. P. Upton. .H 5521 Scott, W. Tales of a grandfather. [Scottish history] (a) A 1156 Seawell, M. E. Lively adventures of Gavin Hamilton. [Time of Frederick the Great] H 2313 BOOKS FOR BOYer. 91 Rock of tlie lion. [.Siege of Gibraltar] H 231t> Stevenson, R. L. B. The black arrow, a tale of the Two Roses. . .F 6862 Stockton, F. R. Story of Viteau, [15th century] .H 240& Stoddard, W. O. The swordmaker's son; a story of the year 30 A. D H 2287' With the Black Prince H 2282' Stories from English history for young Americans H 2443'- Strang, H. Kobo, a story of the Russo-Japanese war K C-iSl Tappan, E. M. In the days of Alfred the Great H 2485 In the days of Queen Elizabeth H 2486 In the days of "William the Conqueror H 2484 True, J. P. The iron star, and what it saw' oa its journey through the ages, from myth to history H 2517 Vicary, J. F. Saga time. [The Norsemen] (a) A 4443 Villiers, F. Pictures of many wars (a) C19145 Welsh, C. (ed.). Famous battles of the nineteenth century (a). ..A 3051 White, J. S. (ed.). Boys' and girls' Herodotus L 2924 Boys ' and girls ' Plutarch Q 1526 Witt, C. The retreat of the ten thousand. [Persian war] (a) A 2582 Yonge, C. M. Book of golden deeds C 1661 TRAVEL AND EXPLORATION. Beesly, A. H. Sir John Franklin. [Arctic exploration] (a) C 2606 Bell (Mrs), N. R. E. M. Heroes of South African discovery (a) . .1 1874 Besant,. W. Captain Cook. [South Seas] (a) G10749'- Bishop (Mrs.), I. L. B. The Hawaiian archipelago; six months among the palm groves, coral reefs, and volcanoes on the Sandwich Islands (a) , : I 9303" Boegli, L. Forward! Letters written on a trip around the world (a). I 9798 Bolton (Mrs.), S. K. Famous voyagers and explorers .G10276' Brooks, E. S. Century book of famous Americans, the story of a young peoples' pilgrimage to historic homes H 3279' Brooks, E. S. and Alden, J. The long walls; an American bpy's adventures in Greece, a story of digging and discovery, tem- ples and treasure H 3277 Brooks, N. Story of Marco Polo H 3268: Bnlfinch, T. Oregon and Eldorado; or, Romance of the rivers. [Exploration of the Columbia and Amazon rivers] I 185^ Bull, J. B. Fridtjof Nansen; a book for the young H 3323^ Burton, R. Wanderings in three continents. [Selections from ^is famous "Pilgrimage to Mecca" and other travels] (a).... I 9779* Butterworth, H. Lost in Nicaragua; or. Among coffee farms and banana lands in the countries of the great canal. ....... . .'JI 3295' Over the Andes; or, Our boys in South America, a tale of travel and adventure JJ 3298 Traveller tales of China; or. The story-telUng Hongs IJ 3361 Carpenter, F. Q. Carpenter's geographical readers. 3v .'.I 9869 V. 1. Asia. 2. North America. 10 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. ' 3. South America. ■Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain). Following the equator; a journey round the world (a) I 9788 Innocents abroad. [Humorous journey in Europe] (a) I 1570 Cuniming, W. G. Wild men and wild beasts; or, Scenes in camp and jungle I 1470 Daunt, A. Crag, glacier and avalanche; narratives of daring and disaster. [The Alps] H 1197 Davis, R. H. Kulers of the Mediterranean (a) I 5983 Three gringos in Venezuela and Central America (a) I 5650 Drake, S. A. The pine tree coast. [Maine coast] I 5377 Du Chaillu, P. B. Country of the dwarfs H 352 In African forest and jungle II 345 The land of the long night II 351 . Lost in the jungle H 353 My Apingi kingdom . . . . ; H 354 Stories of the gorilla country. H 355 Wild life under the equator H 356 'vFielde, A. M. A corner of Cathay; studies from life among the Chinese (a) I 8191 -French, H. W. Our boys in China; the thrilling story of two young Americans wrecked in the China Sea H 1311 Our boys in India H 1310 •taaggln, J. Among the man-eaters (a) I 9216 ■Crlave, E. J. In savage Africa; or, Six years of adventure in Congo- land (a) 18710 Greely, A. W. Explorers and t:favellers C10423 Griffis, W. E. Honda, the Samurai; a story of modern Japan P 3785 The romance of discovery, a thousand years of exploration and the unveiling of continents B 2100 -Hale, E. E. Seven Spanish cities I 6946 Stories of adventure H 1487 Stories of discovery told by discoverers H 1488 ■Hale, E. E. and Hale, S. J^'amily flight through France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland , I 663 Hayes, W. H. Among horses in Eussia (a) K15610 Headlam, C. Ten thousand miles through India and Burma: an ac- count of the Oxford University Authentics' cricket tour in the year of the coronation durbar (a) I 8304 Higginson, T. W. Young folks' book of American explorers B 148 .'Holmes, E. B. Lectures with illustrations from photographs by the author. lOv. (a) I 9814 Contents: v. 1. Morocco, Fez. v. 2. Paris, v. 3. Greece. T. 4. North Africa and southern Spain, v. 5. Hawaii, Ma- nila, China, v. 6. Y''ellowstone Park. v. 7. Europe, v. 8. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Trans-Siberian Eailway. v. 9. China, Thibet, v. 10. Corea, Japan. IHomaday, W. T. Two years in the jungle: the experiences of a hunter and naturalist in India, Ceylon, the Malay peninsula and Borneo (a) I 8221 BOOKS FOR BOYS. 11 Jrving, W. The Alhambra (a) J 130 Jenks, T. The boy's book of explorations H 4453 Johnson, C. Along French byways (a) I 6835 Among English hedgerows (a) I G383 Highways and byways of the south (a) I 4401 The isle of the shamrock (a) I 6422 The land of the heather (a) I 6546 New England and its neighbors (a) I 4770 Keilogg, £. M. C. Australia and the islands of the sea I 9331 Ker, D. The lost city: or, The boy explorers in Central Asia. . . .H 1657 O'er Tartar deserts; or, English and Kussian in Central Asia..H 4660 King, C. F. Roundabout rambles in northern Europe (a) I 6041 Kingsley, H. Tales of old travel H 487 Kingston, W. H. G. and Frith, H. Notable voyagers from Columbus to Nordenskiold I 2248 Kingston, W. H. G. and Low, C. B. Great African travellers I 1829 Kipling, B. From sea to sea, letters of travel (a).. I 9803 Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in Australasia I 2022 Boy travellers in Great Britain and Ireland I 6291 Boy travellers in Mexico I 5619 Boy travellers in northern Europe I 6001 Boy travellers in South America I 501 Boy travellers in southern Europe I 6003 Boy travellers in the Levant I 5985 Boy travellers in the Russian empire I 7853 Boy travellers on the Congo I 8767 Travels of Marco Polo for boys and girls I 6083 Voyage of the Vivian to the c-rth pole I 2045 Lachambre, H. and Machuron, A. Andree's balloon expedition in search of the north pole (a) I 9580 Livingstone, D. Life and explorations in the interior of Africa, comprising his diary, reports and letters (a) I 1723 Luigi (duke of the Abruzzi). Farther north than Nansen, being the voyage of the Polar Star (a) I 9543 Lummis, C. F. The awakening of a nation; Mexico of to-day (a). I 5665 Land of Poeo Tiempo. [»New Mexico] (a) I 4514 Some strange corners of our country, the wonderland of the southwest I 4507 A tramp across the continent [from Ohio to California] (a).. I 5193 Lnmsden, J. Through Canada in harvest time; a study of life and labour in the golden west (a) I 4996 McGregor, J. Thousand miles in the Eob Boy canoe, on rivers and lakes of Europe I 630 Voyage alone in the yawl Rob Roy, from London to Paris and back I 1145 McMahon, W. A journey with the sun around the world I 9800 MoncrlefT, A. B. H. Young travellers' tales. [Adventures of some boys in different parts of the world] H 1899 Motley, M. W. Down north and up along. [Nova Scotia] (a) I 4963 12 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Munroe, C. K. The fur-seal's tooth: a story of Alaskan adventure. H 1871 Snow-shoes and sledges. [Sequel to The fur-seal's tooth]... 11 1962 Nansen, F. Farthest north; being a record of a voyage of explora- tion on the ship "Frani," 1893-9G. 2v I p.567 Ober, F. A. Knockabout Club in .North America H 1975 Knockabout Club in the Everglades H 1971 Knockabout Club in the Antilles H 1973 Knockabout Club on the Spanish main H 1976 Our West Indian neighbors; the islands of the Caribbean Sea, ' ' America 's Mediterranean ' ' (a) '. I 5775 Packard, W. The j'oung ice whalers H 2130 Peary (Mrs.), J. D. My Arctic journal (a) I 2186 Beid, M. Afloat iil the forest. [Amazon rivei] H 612 Cliflf climbers. [Sequel to The plant huHtors] H 619 The plant hunters: among the Himalayn mountains H 630 The young voyageurs. [Northern Canada] H 643 Schwatka, F. The children of the cold. [Eskimo children] I 2083 In the land of cave and cliff dwellers. [American southwest] .1 5656 Nimrod in the north: or, Huntiug and fishing adventures in the arctic regions I 2099 Shoemaker, M. M. Islands of the southern seas; Hawaii, Samoa, New Zealand, Tasmariia, Australia and Java (a) I 9364 Quaint corners of ancient empires; southern India, Burma and Manila (a) '. I 8288 Singleton, E. (ed. and tr.). Japan as seen and described by famous writers (a) I 9511 Romantic castles and palaces, as seen and described by famous writers (a) A 2165 Russia as seen and described by famous MTiters (a) I 7614 Wonders of nature as seen and described by famous writers (a)..I 9830 Sladen, D. B. W. On the cars and ofC: along the Queen's highway from Halifax to Victoria (a) I 4980 Stanley, H. M. How I found Livingstone I 1715 My Kalulu, prince, king and slave; a story of Central Africa.F 1642 Starr, F. Strange peoples .K17801 Stockton, F. R. Personally conducted. [Europe] I 5961 Stoddard, J. L. Lectures illustrated with views of the world's fa- mous places and people. lOv. (a) I 9S13 Contents: v. 1. Norway, Switzerland, Athens, Venice. V. 2. Constantinople, Jerusalem, Egypt, v. 3. Japan, China, v. 4. India, The passion play. v. 5. Paris, France, Spain. V, 6. Berlin, Vienna, St. Petersburg, Moscow. v. 7. The Rhine, Belgium, Holland, Mexico, v. 8. Florence, Naples, Rome. V. 9. Scotland, England, London, v. 10. Southern California, Grand Cauon of the Colorado, Yellowstone Park. Taylor, C. M., jr. Touring Alaska and the Yellowstone (a).. I 4737 Vacation days in Hawaii and Japan (a) I 9299 Thompson, A. R. Gold seeking on the Dal ton trail; being the ad- ventures of two New England boys in Alaska and the north- west territory H 2554 BOOKS FOR BOYS. 13 Tomlinson, E. T. Camping on the St. Lawrence; or, On the trail of the early discoverers H 2538 Cruising on the St. Lrfwrcnce: a summer vacation in historic waters H 2582 The house-boat on the St. Lawrence H 2577 TovFle, O. M. Young folks' heroes of history: C 1610 V. 1. Vasco da Gama, his voyages and adventures. 2. Pizarro, his adventures and conquests. 3. Magellan; or, The first voyage round the world. 4. Marco Polo, his travels and adventures. 5. Ealeigh, his exploits and voyages. 6. Drake, the sea-king of Devon, ■Vincent, F. Around and about South America (a) I 5808 'Whitney, 0. W. Hawaiian America; something of its resources and something of its prospects (a) I 9281 Williams, A. The romance of modern exploration (a) I 9950 Young, E. R. My dogs in the northland. [Alaska] K 8329 GAMES, SPORTS, SCIENCE AND INVENTIONS. Adams, W. I. L. Am.ateur photography K 5990 Anderson, E. L. The saddle horse, a complete guide for riding and training K 7108 Anson, A. C. A ball player's career; personal reminiscences C17070 Ball, R. S. Star-land; being talks Avith young people about the wonders of the heavens K 8639 Eaker, R. S. Boy's book of inventions, stories of the wonders of modern science K12524 Boy's second book of inventions K12523 "Barbour, R. H. The book of school and college sports K14716 Beard, D. C. Kcw ideas for American boys, the Jack of all trades. K14849 Outdoor games for all seasons; the American boy's book of sport K 1764 What to do and how to do it; the American boy's handy book.K 1766 Bingham, N. W., jr. (ed.). Book of athletics and out-of-door sports.K14734 Blsck, A. Captain Kodak; a camera story H 3210 Photography indoors and out K 5993 ^laikie, W. How to got strong and how to stay so K 1805 Bostock, F. C. The training of wild animals K 8286 BoKer, J. A. How to make common things, for boys K 6228 Burroughs, J. Squirrels and other fur-bearers K 8235 Burt, E. W. Camp fires in the wilderness, valuable information for onm'pers and sportsmen K14855, 'Camp, W. Book of college sports K 6595 Camp, W. and Deland, D. F. Football K14731 Ohamplin, J. D. and Bostwlck, A. E. Young folks' cyclopaexlia of games and sports K 6582 CThapuian, F. M. Bird life, a guide to the study of our common birds '. K 8452 Bird studies with a camera K 8819 14 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Chase, A. and Clow, E. Stories of industry, 2v H 3486 Checkley, E. Natural method of physical training K 1936 Church, J. E.*(ed). University foot-ball, the play of each position treated by a college expert K 6594 Cochrane, C. H. The wonders of modern mechanism; a resume of recent progress in mechanical, physical and engineering science (a) , : K 4993 Cochrane, R. (comp.). The romance of industry and invention. . . .K12533 Dalton, D. How to f?wira [and methods of life-saving] K14781 Dickerson, M. C. Moths and butterflies K18050 Doherty, R. F. and Doherty, H. L. On lawn tenuis K14913 Doubleday (Mrs.), N. B. De G. Bird neighbors; an introductory acquaintance with a hundred and fifty birds commonly found in the gardens, meadows and woods about our homes..K 8807 How to attract the birds and other talks about bird neighbors.K 8805 Doubleday, R. Stories of inventors; the adventures of inventors and engineers •. K12-j4T Varies, R. Practical training for athletics, health and pleasure. .K15125 Flint, G. E, Power and health through progiessive exercise (a).K15159 Fraser, W. A. Mooswa and others of the boundary. [Stories of wild animals] , H 3910 Frazar, D. Practical boat sailing K 6702 Frazer, P, D. Canoe cruising and camping K14793 Gibson, W. H. Camp life in the woods; and the tricks of trapping and trap'-making K 6644 Gifford, J. C. Practical forestry for beginners K 8855 Good, A. Magical experiments; or, Seieace in piay K 7292 Graham, J. and Clark, E. H. Practical track and field athletics. .K15067 Greene, H. Coal and the coal mines K 4695 Hale, E. E. Stories of invention told by inventors H 1485 Hancock, H. I. Japanese physical train: n^j K1513G Jiu-jitsu combat tricks K15156 Hasluck, P. N. Knotting and splicing ropes arfd cordage K 13612 Headley, J. T. (ed.). Mountain adveutuie in various countries. . .K 2622 Hill, C. T. Fighting a fire K 620S Holder, C, F. Big game fishes of the United States K15104 The boy anglers H 4249 Hopkins, G. M. Experimental science (a) K 7214 Huntington', D. W. Our big game; a book for sportsmen and nature lovers .K14S4S Hutchison, G. A. (ed.). Boy's own book of indoor games and recre- ations K 1951 Out-door games and recreations; a popular encyclopaedia for boys K 6603 IngersoU, E. Wild neighbors; outdoor studies in the United States.K 8199 Job, H. K. Wild wings; adventures of a camera-hunter among the larger wild birds of North America on. sea and land (a). ..K 8779 Kaler, J. O. The life-savers; a story of the United States life- saving service H 4614 BOOKS FOR r.OYS. l.'> Keene, J. H. The boy's own guide to fisliin Linn, W. A. Kob and his gun . K14813 Long, W. J. A little brother to the bear and other animal stories. K 8333. School of the woods; some life studies of animal instincts and animal training K 8317 Lukin, J. The young mechanic . . .K 4981 McCarthy, E. Familiar fish; their habits and capture; a practical work on fresh-water game fish . . . K 8596; McFarland, J. H. Getting acquainted with the. trees .K15o44< McGillicuddy, C. (Connie Mack). How to play basebail . . .K14757' Mathews, F. S. "Familiar trees and theiv leaves ■..• . .K 8868^ Field book of American wild flowers .■ .■ .K 9118 Field book of wild birds and their music K 8784 Me^owcroft, W. H. A B C of electricity .K 2873- Merriam, F. A. Birds of village and field; a book for begiuaers. .K 8817' Miller, (ftlrs.) H. M. (Oliver Thome Miller.) The first book.. of birds K 8S1'3-. Moffett, C. Careers of danger and daring: .K12.j90 Neil, C. L. Modern conjuror and drawing-room entertainer K14933 Outing. [Current numbers in reading-room.] Bounxil volun;es num- bered ..S G3: Paltridge, G. H. Photographic instrnction text. KloS53- Peryy, F. M. Four American inventors: Eobert Fulton, Sami\el F. B. Morse, Eli Whitney, Thomas A. Edison; a book for young Americans G17009' Peterson, M. G. How to know the wild fruits; guide to plants v/hen not in flower .K1.j355 Phillips, B. (comp.). The standard Hoyle K14991 Popular studies in science. (Home study circle library, v. 1.1). ..J 321-13' Roberts, C. G. D. The watchers of the trails; a book of animal life.K S330 Roosevelt, T. Hunting trips of a ranchman K 6675- Ranch life and the hunting trail K14809' The wilderness hunter, an account of the big game of -the United States, and its chase with horse, hound and rifle. ..K 6605 Roth, F. First book of forestry .'K 8853 St. John, T. M. How two boys made their own electrical apparatus.K 9806 Things a boy should know about electricity ...K 9749 Santos-Dumont, A. My air-ships K1CS15 Sargent, D. A. Health, strength and power (a) K 15137 U THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Schillings, C. G. With flash-light and rifle; photographing by flash-light at night the wild animal world of equatorial Africa (a) K14815 Sears, O. W. Woodcraft. [Camping and trapping] K 67.37 Scton, E. T. Biography of a grizzly K 8215 Lives of the hunted K 8217 Two little savages; being the adventures of two boys. [How to build wigwams, make Indian costumes and live like sav- ages] H 2555 Wild animals I have known H 8207 Shcpard, H. H. Life on the farm; or, Scientific agriculture simpli- fied .K15270 ^Shields, G. O, Camping and camp outfits K 6812 Sloane, T. O. Electric toy-making for amateurs K 7694 Smith, J. W. Scientific baseball pitching K14755 Stagg, A. A. and Williams, H. L. A scientific and practical treatise on American football for schools and colleges K14723 'Starr, F. On the hills; a series of geological talks K 9508 'Taylor, C. M. Why my photographs are bad K13861 Thompson, J. M. (ed.). Boy's book of sports and out-door life. .K 1872 Thompson, W. C. On the road with a circus H 2588 Thoreau, H. D. Waldcn. [The naturalist's life at Waldon Pond, Concord] (a) E 156G Torrey, B. Every-day birds K 8866 Track athletics in detail K14745 Travis, W. J. Practical goif ! K14750 Trowbridge, J. The electrical boy; or, The career of Greatheart and Greatthings , H 2533 The resolute Mr. Pansy; an electrical story for boys H 2535 Three boys in an electrical boat H 2534 T^aux, C. B. Canoe handling K. 6669 'Wadsworth, CJ, F. Cyclist's road guide to Chicago and vicinity. ..K14884 Wallace, A. R. The wonderful century (a) K 7311 Wheeler, C. G. Wood-working for beginners K 5338 USTiite, S. E. The forest. [Camping, canoeing and shooting in the forests of Canada] (a) K 8335 The mountains. [Mountaineering in the Sierras] (a) K14772 "Whitney, C. W. Sporting pilgrimage; studies in English sport, past and present (a) K14721 Wicks, W. S. Log cabins arid cottages; how to build them K11276 "Williams, A. The romance of modern cnginecving (a) K13230 The romance of modern invention (a) K12534 Winn, R. G. A. (and others). Boxing — Fencing — Wrestling. (Handbook of athletic sports, v. .3) I 3380-3 lyood, J. O. (ed.). The boy's modern playmate; a book of sports, gfVmes and pastimes K 6604 Woodbury, W. E. Photographic amusements, including a descrip- tion of a number of novel effects obtainable with the .camera KI3867 BOOKS FOR BOYS. 17 Wright, H. O. Children 's stories of the great scientists H 2695 Wright, (Mrs.) M. Q. Bird craft, a field book of two hundred song, game and water birds K 8513 PRACTICAL LIFE, BUSINESS AND POLITICS. Abbott, B. V. Judge and jury, a popular explanation of the law. .N 4886 Travelling law school and famous trials N 4811 Austin, O. P. Uncle Sam's secrets; a story of national affairs for the youth of the nation ' H 883 Bailey, E. (Edmund Alton). Among the law-makers L 3265 Bartlett, W. H. The parliamentary pathfinder; a quick reference manual of rules of order L 6289 Beale, C. C. (corap.). A book of business letters L 8368 Bolton, (Mrs.) S. K. How success is won H 3235 Brooks, E. S. The century book for young Americans; showing how a party of boys and girls found out all about the gov- ernment of the United States H 966 Brooks, N. How the republic is governed L 6200 Burkett, C. W., Stevens, F. L. and Hill, D. H. Agriculture for be- ginners K15285 . Burnham, W. P. Three roads to a commission in the U. S. army.K 5475 Canfield, J. H. The college student and his problems. [Practical advice to a boy on entering and leaving college] (a) L10369 Careers for the coming men; practical and authoritative discus- sions of the professions and callings open to young Amer- icans L 4756 Coffin, O. M. The A B C of banks and banking (a) .L 7796-4 tiollingwood, H. W. (cd.). The business hen (a new brood). [Poul- try raising] K15477 Comstock, A. B. How to kcc]) bees; a handbook for the use of beginners K15437 Dole, C. F. The young citizen L 6238 Drysdale, W. Helps for ambitious boys. .• E 2521 Eaton, S. Business forms, customs and accounts for schools and colleges (a) K 4258 Emerson, R. W, Self-reliance and Character (a) '. L 6099 Emery, M. S. Every-day business; notes on its practical details. L 3856 Fiske, G. B. Prize gardening; how to derive profit, pleasure and health from the garden K15223 Fiskc, J. Civil government in the United States, considered with some reference to its origins (a) L 3390 Ford, P. L. (ed.). Great words from great Americans E 3150 Forman, S. E. First lessons in civics -.L 6383 Gavit, J. P, The reporter's manual; a handbook for newspaper men J 1737 GiJEn, W. M. Civics for young Americans; or. First lessons in gov- ernment L 3358 Goodrich, C. L. The first book of farming K15287 Grieve, £. B. How to become a commercial traveller L 8191 18 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hancock, H. I, Life at West Point Li0530- Harrison, B. This country of ours (a) L 6212 Hemstreet, C. Reporting for the newspapers I 1736 Holden, E. S. Our country's flag and flags of foreign nations. . . .B 2247 How to gain admission to Annapoli;!, "West Point, the navy or the Bchoolship St. Mary 's L 1G26 Hubbard, E. A message to Garcia E 3481 Hungerford, H. The success club debater J 2596 Judson, H. P. The young American; a civic reader L 6948 Lee, J. M. How to be self-supporting at college L10463 Leupp, F. E. How to prepare for a civil service examination, with recent questions and answers L 6271 Lincoln, A. Speeches , L 6234 Luce, E. Writing for the press ". J 1762 Macjr, J. Our government , L 3264 MansOa, G. J. Ready for l)usinei;s; or, Choosing an occupation. .L 3S57 Marden, O. S. Architects of fate; or, Stops to success and power. .L 1777 Pushing to the front; or, Success under difliculties L 1776 Winning out; a book for young people on character building by habit forming ; L 6067 Monroe, (Mrs.) H. E. Wbshingtou. its sights and insights (a).. I 4882 Morgan, T. J. Patriotic citizenship. . . . ". L 6263 Morris, E. Farming for boys K 1226 Nelson, S. A. The A B C of Wall Street (a) L 7796-1 Norclhcff, C. Politics for young Americans L 99 Oxley, J. M. The romance of commerce (a) L 4741 Parton, J. Captains of industry; or, Men of business who did some- thing besides make money. 2v C 1652 Persons, E. A, Our country in poem and prose E 8244 Provost, C. H. A treatise on how to illustrate for newspapers, books, magazines, etc K1112£y- Ralph, J. The making of a journalist (a) J 1738 Eiis, J. A. The making of an American. [His ovvn life] (a) C18810 Theodore Roosevelt, the citizen (a)..., C18836 Bobert, H. M. Pocket manual of rules of order for deliberative ass.emblies L 362 The ship of state by those at the helm. [Papers by President Roosevelt, members of the cabinet, etc.] H 6474 Seelye, J. H. Citizenship; a book for classes on government and law (a) L 8261 Shuman, E. L. Practical journalism; a complete manual of the best newspaper n;ethods J 5841 Smiles, S. Self-help E 1512 Smith, J. W. Training for citizenship (a) L 6879- Smith, N. Our nation's flag in history and incident .' B 2271 Stories of great national songs E 5822 Sheppard. A. How to become a private secretary, qualifications, training, work L 8390 Spofford, A. R. A practical manual of parliamentary rules L 356 Stoddard, W. O. ]\ron of business C10421 BOOKS FOR BOYS., ' 1& fltreeter, J. W. The fat of the land; the story of an American farm. [Farming methods and profits] K15257 Thayer, W. M. Turning points in successful careers ClGSSi Men who win; or, Making things happen C10397 Thwing, C. F. College training and the business man (a) ...... .LlO-iei Tilley, W. J. Masters of the situation; or, Some secrets of success and power E 6052 Up-to-date business. (Homo study circle library, v. 2) J 325-2 Webster, D. Daniel Webster for young Americans H 2647 Weed, A. E. Business law (a) N 5262 Wingate, C. F. What shall our boys do for a living? L 6112 STORIES OF BOY-LIFE. Alden, W. L. Adventures of Jimmy Brown H 93 Cruise of the canoe club H 92 Cruise of the Ghost. H 122; Loss of the Swansea; a story of the Florida coast H 901 Moral pirates ; H 123 A new Kobinson Crusoe H 98 Aldrich, T. B. Story of a bad boy. H 140 Amicls, E. de. Cuore; an Italian schoolboy's journal H 945 Ballantyne, R. M. Ungava; a tale of Esquimaux llud H 198 Barbour, R. H. The arrival of Jiinpson and other stoiies for boys about boys H 3132. Behind the line; a story of college life and football H 3125 Captain of the crew ,. . .H 312S For the honor .of the school; a story of school life and inter- scholastic sport H 3127 Four in camp; a story of summer adventures in the New Hampshire woods H 3123 The half-back; a story of school foot-ball and golf H J 126 On your mark! A story of college life and athletics H 3131 Weatherby's inning; a story of college life and baseball H 3129 Baylor, F. C. Juan and Juanita H 1C23 Black, W. The four MacNicols H 1020 Boyesen, H. H. Against heavy odds; a tale of Norse heroism. .. .F 2275 Boyhood in Norway; stories of boy-life in the land of the midnight sun H 964 Modern vikings; stories of life and sport in the Norseland..H 1040 Norseland tales > F S017' Brooks, W. The Fairport nine .' . . . H 259- Lem, a New England boy; his adventures and mishaps II 3297 Our base-ball club IT 1065 Bynner, E. L. The chase of the Meteor and other stories tl 97ff Carrath, H. Voyage of the Rattletrap H 3350 Champney, (Mrs.) E. W. Howling Wolf and his trick pony H 1119 Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain). Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.F 2797 Adventures of Tom Sawyer F 323: Clover, S. T. On special assignment H 3511 20 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Paul Travera ' adventures. [Newspaper story] H 3510 Davis, E. H. Stories for boys H 1190 Davis (Mrs.), R. H. Kent Hampden H 1189 Diaz, (Mrs.) A. M. William Henry and his friends. [Sequel to the William Henry letters] H 342 The William Henry letters H 343 Dodge, (Mrs.) M. E. M. Hans Brinkcr; or, The silver skates F 420 Doubleday, B. From cattle ranch to college; the true tale of a boy's adventures in the far west .H 3667 Drysdale, W. Brain and brawn series: H 3655 V. 1. The young reporter. 2. The fast mail; the story of a train-boy. 3. The beach patrol; a story of the life-saving -lervice. 4. The young supercargo. EastmaJi, C. A. Indian boyhood B 2076 Eggleston, E. The Hoosier school-boy H 1255 Eggleston, G. C. Camp "Venture; a story of the Virginia moun- tains H 3691 Last of the flat-boats. [Boys' trip down the Ohio and Mis- sissippi to New Orleans] H 3690 rcnn, O. M. Mars' George; or, A boy's adventures in 'he old Savannahs H lo08 Tord, J. L. Dr. Dodd's school H 1349 Prench, A. The junior cup H 3876 Trench, A. (Octave Thanet). We-all .V 3402 Trench, H. W. The lance of Kanana; a story of Arabia P 3412 Grant, E. Jack in the bush; or, A summer on a salmon livor. . . .11 1462 Greene, H. Blind brother H 1453 Riverpark rebellion II 1442 Grinnell, O. B. Jack among the Indians; or, A boy's summer on the buflfalo plains H 1409 Jack, the young ranchman; or, A boy's adventures in the Rockies H 1408 Grousset, P. (Andre Laurie). Schoolboy days in France F 9025 Schoolboy days in Italy F 9026 Schoolboy days in Japan F 9024 Schoolboy days in Russia F 9027 Habberton, J. Who was Paul Grayson? H 1482 The worst boy in town H 1481 Hamblen, H. E. Story of a Yankee boy, his adventures ashore and afloat H 4150 Tom Benton's luck H 4151 We win; the story of a young railroader H 4152 Hamerton, P. G. Harry Blount; a boy's life on land and sea H 447 -Howells, W. D. The flight of Pony Baker; a Boys' Tov/n story. .H 4324 Hughes, B. The dozen from Lakerim H 4268 The Lakerim athletic club H 4269 Hughes, T. Tom Brown 's school-days H 468 Inman, H. The Dclahoydcs; boy life on the Old Santa Fe trail. . .H 4411 BOOKS FOR BOYS. 21 The ranche on the Oxhide; a story of boys' and girls' life on the frontier H 4410 Johnson, C. The end of a rainbow; an American story H 1611 Phaeton Rogers; a novel of boy-life H 1610 Kaler, J. O. (James Otis). An amateur fireman H 460i> How Tommy saved the barn H 2008 Little Joe H 2017 The lobster catchers; a story of the coast of Maine H 4616 Mr. Stubbs' brother. [Sequel to Toby Tyler] H 2011 Eaising the Pearl H 201.^ Silent Pete; or, The stowaways H 2015^- Teddy and Carrots; two merchants of Newspaper Row H 4601 Toby Tylor; or, Ten weeks with a circus H 2010' Kipling, R. Stalkey and Co F 4719 La Flesche, F. The middle five. [Indian boys at school] B 2075 Lee, Y. P. When I was a boy in China I 8129 Loughead, F. H. The abandoned claim F 4870 Major, C. The bears of Blue river H 4970 Martineau, H. Crof ton boys H 5008 Feats on the fiord. [Norway] F 5298 Matthews, J. B. Tom Paulding; the story of a search for buried treasure in the streets of New York H 1905 Morrison, S. E. Chilhowee boys .H 1960 Chilhowee boys in war time H 1958 Munroe, C. K. Campmates; a story of the plains H 1854 Canoemates; a story of the Florida reef and everglades H 1951 Derrick Sterling; a story of the mines H 1857 Dorymates; a tale of the fishing banks H 1859 The painted desert; a story of northern Arizona H 5173 Eaftmates; a story of the great river H 1953 Wakulla; a story of adventure in Florida H 1855 Murfree, M. N. (Charles Egbert Craddock). The champion F 9526 Down the ravine t F 2862 Story of Keedon Bluffs F 2865 The young mountaineers; short stories F 9522 Pendleton, L. King Tom and the runaways; the story of what befell two boys in a Georgia ewamp H 2073 Pier, A. T. Boys of St. Timothy's. H 2114 Beid, M. The boy hunters; in search of white buffalo H 613' Bruin; or, The grand bear hunt H 616" Bich, C. E. The new boy at Dale H 2174 Boberts,- C. O. D. Around the cam.p-fire H 2241' The raid from Beausejour and How the Carter boys lifted the mortgage H 2173 Sabin, E. L. When you were a boy H 6409 Seawell, M. E. The great scoop. [Newspaper story] H 2251 Bhigeml, S. A Japanese boy, by himself I 8140 Shute, H. A. The real diary of a real boy H 696-1 "Sequil"; or, Things which ain't finished in the first H 696-2 Smith, (Mrs.) M. P. W. Their canoe trip H 234T 22 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stevenson, E. E. Tommy Remington's battle H 6G8 Stockton, F. R. Captain Chap; or, The rolling stone H 2365 What might have been expected H G82 Stoddard, W. O. Among the lakes H 2422 Chuniley 's Post; a story of the Pawnee trail H 2452 Crowded out o' Crofield; or, The boy who made his way....H 2434 Dab Kinzer; story of a growing boy H 699 The partners; the story of an every-day boy and girl and how they helped along H 2432 The quartet. [Sequel to Dab Kinzer] H 701 The red mustang; a story of the Mexican border H 2426 Saltillo boys H 2420 Success against odds; or, How a boy made his way H 2281 Two arrows; a story of the red and white H 2424 The village champion H 6460 Winter fun H 2423 The young financier H 2438 Stringer, A. J. A. Lonely O'Malley H 6490 Tomlinson, E. T. Ward Hill at college. [Sequel to Ward Hill, the senior] .' H 2548 Ward Hill at Weston«; a story of American school life H 2546 Ward Hill, the senior. [Sequel to Ward Hill at Weston] H 2547 Trowbridge, J. T. The fortunes of Toby Trafford H 2504 His one fault H 2509 Jack Hazard series: Jack Hazard and his fortunes H 738 Chance for himself H 708 Doing his best H_, 737 Fast friends H 735 Young surveyor H 731 The little master H 2508 Peter Budstone; the boy who was hSzed H 2510 The prize cup H 2523 The Tinkham brothers' tide-mill H 2506 True, J. P. Shoulder arms; or, The boys of Wild Lake School H 2516 Their club and ours H 2515 Ward, (Mrs.) E. S. P. Donald Marcy F 7436 Ward, H. D. New senior at Andover H 2659 Warman, C. The white mail. [Railroad story] F 9928 "Williams, J. L. Adventures of a freshman H 745 Zollinger, G. Widow O 'Callaghan 's boys H 2803 SEA STORIES AND ADVENTURE. J^bbot, W. J. American merchant ships and sailors (a) L 4781 Naval history of the United States B 2204 -Abbott, J. S. C. Captain William Kidd and other pirates C 376 -Allen, W. B. Cleared for action; a story of the Spanish- American war of 1898. [Sequel to Navy blue] H 297J BOOKS FOR BOYS. 23 Navy blue; a story of cadet life in the U. S. Naval Academy, at Annfipolis H 2970 Baker, S. W. Cast up by the sea F 89 Ballantyne, E. M. Coral island; a talc of the Pacific ocean H 232 Barnes, J. Drake and his yeoman F 2108 With the flag in the Channel; the adventures of Captain Cas- ta vus Conyngham H 3186 Yankee ships and Yankee sailors; tales of 1812 H 3184: Bligh, W. The mutiny on board II. M. S. Bounty. [A true account] .• I 9223 Brady, C. T. Boys of. the service series: V. 1. In the wasp 's nest II 3167 2. In the war with Mexico H 3169 3. A midshipman in the Pacific 11 3170 Eeuben James; a hero of the forecastle H 3168 Brooks, E. S. Story of the American sailor K 5952 BtlUen, F. T. The cruise of the Cachalot round the world after sperm whales , '....... I 9765 Denizens of the deep. [Animals of the sea] K 7403 Clark, H. H. Boy life in the United States navy H 1092 Joe Bentley, naval cadet. [Sequel to Boy life in the United States navy] H 1080 CJooper, J. F. The pilot; a tale of the sea. [Secret expedition of of Paul Jones in 1779] F 277 Crowinshield, (Mrs.) M. B. All among the lighthouses; or, The cruise of the Goldenrod H 1149 Dana, R. H. Two years before the mast. [Voyage around Cape Horn to California] I 2173 DeFoe, D. Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe H 320 Doubleday, R. A gunner aboard the Yankee; the yarn of the cruise and fights of the naval reserves of the Spanish-Ameri- can war B 7021 A year in a yawl; a true tale of the adventures of four boys in a thirty-foot yawl H 3668 Drysdale, W. Cadet Standish of the St. Louis; a story of our naval campaigns in Cuban waters H 3656 Eggleston, G. C. Wreck of the Bed Bird; a story of the Carolina coast H 371 Evans, R. D. A sailor's log; recollections of forty years of naval life (a) C17867 Frazar, D. Perseverance island; or, The Eobinson Crusoe of the 19th century H 1301 Frothingliaai, J. P. Sea-wolves of seven shores. [Famous pirates] (a) ; I 9848 Gibbs, G. F. Pike and cutlass; hero tales of our navy 11 1423 Hale, E. E. Stories of the sea H 1489 Hall, C. W. Adrift in the ice-fields. [Adventures of a sealer in the Gulf of St. Lawrence] H 1490 Hayes, I. I. Cast away in the cold II 451 Henderson, W. J. Afloat with the flag H 4203 24 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Sea yarns for boys, spun by an old salt .II 4202 Holder, C. F. The treasure diver; a boy's adventures in the depths of the sea K H 42.50 Ingersoll, E. The book of the ocean K 7382 Old ocean K 7384 Jacobs, W. W. Many cargoes (a) F 4315 Janvier, T. A. In the Sargasso sea. [Story of treasure-trove in an old Spanish galleon] (a) F 4389 Johnson, E. R. The hero of Manila; Dewey on the Mississippi and the Pacific H 4462: Ker, D. Into unknown seas H lGo5 King, S. H. Dog-watches at sea (a) ■ I 9812 Kipling, E. Captains courageous; a story of the Grand Banks. . . .F 4728 Laughton, J. K. Sea-fights and adventures (a) A 3028 Leighton, R. The pilots of Pomona; a story of the Orkney islands.H 1733 Wreck of the Golden Fleece; the story of a North Sea fisher- boy ■ H 173S London, J. Cruise of the Dazzler F 47G6 Lubbock, A. R. Eound the Horn before the mast (a.) I 981.5 Marryat, F. Masterman Ready I 3128 Mr, Midshipman Easy F 5395 Peter Simple F 5397 Matthews, F. Our navy in time of war, 1861-1898 (a) B 22o2 Melville, H. Oomo. [Sequel to Typee] I ISOQ- Typee; a peep at Polynesian life in a valley of the Mar- quesas I 2011 Morris, C. The nation's navy; our ships and their achieve- ments (a) K13641 Morris, M. Tales of the Spanish main (a) B 4950 Nordhoff, XJ. Man-of-war life; a boy's experience in the U. S. navy H 1921 The merchant vessel; a sailor boy's voyages H 1922 Payn; J. In peril and privation; stories of marine disaster I 2117 Pyle, H. Buccaneers and marooners of America. B 1963 The rose of paradise. [A story of piracy in the 18th cen- tury] F 59S6 Ehoades, H. E. Around the world with the blue jackets I 9691 Richardson, R. Adventurous boat voyages I 2136 Rideing, W. H." Boys coastwise! or, All along the shore H 2216 Robertson, M. Masters of men; a romance of the new navy. . . . .F 9751 Russell, W. 0. Marooned F 6363 Pictures from the life of Lord Nelson (a) C11366 Wreck of the Grosvenor F 6353 Samuels, S. .From the forecastle to the cabin. [Describes the author's experiences as a sailor] I 9651 Schley, W. S. Forty-five years under the flag B 2233 Seawell, M. E- Decatur and Somers H 2317 Little Jarvis, [A midshipman on the Constellation, 1800]... H 2314 Midshipman Paulding. [A true story of the war of 1812] H 2320 Paul Jones H 231^ BOOKS FOR BOYS. 25 Quarterdeck and f ok 'ale; stories of the sea H 2318 Through thick and thin and The midshipman's mess H 2315 Twelve naval captains; being a record of certain Americans who made themselves immortal (a) , . . . .C10396 Slocum, J. Sailing alone around the world in the sloop Spray I 9853 Voyage of the Liberdale I 9761 Southey, B. Life of Horatio Nelson (a) I 3156 Stevenson, P. E. By the way of Cape Horn; four months in a Yankee clipper (a) I 9816 Stevenson, E. L. B. Treasure island H 2418 Stockton, r. R. Buccaneers and pirates of our coast B 2090 Talbot, C. E. A midshipman at large; a story of Newport and yachting H 2481 Thombury, G. W. The buccaneers; or, Monarchs of the main B 752 Verne, J. The mysterious island. [Sequel to Twenty thousand leagues under the sea] F 1821 Twenty thousand leagues under the sea F 1829 Ward, H. D. The captain of the Kittiewink H 2621 Whsonper, F. Komance of the sea; its fictions, facts and folk- lore '. K 7400 Wyss, J. D. Swiss family Eobinson. [Family cast away on a desert island] H 780 FAIRY-TALES, LEGENDS, HERO-TALES. Aesop. Fables; ed. by J. Jacobs L 2919 Andersen, H. C. Wonder stories told for children F 54 Arabian nights' entertainments; ed. by A. Lang H 4737 Arrom de Ayala, C. F. (Fernan Caballcro). Spanish fairy tales.. H 148 Asbjomsen, P. C. Folk and fairy tales H 95 Tales from the fjeld; a series of popular talcs from the Norse.F 2921 Aulnoy, M. C. d'. Fairy tales H 862 Bain, E. N. (tr.). Cossack fairy talcs an'd folk-tales H 3130 Russian fairy talcs from the skazki of Polevoi H 2129 Baldwin, J. The horse fair H 3140 The story of Eoland H 1016 The story of Siegfried H 1015 The story of the golden age F 2543 Wonder-book of horses H 3142 Eidpai. Fables of Pilpay H 1018 Brooks, E. 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Tales of the gods and heroes F 2904 Craik, (Mrs.) D. M. Fairy-book H 310 Croker, T. C. Fairy legends of the south of Ireland F 290O Curtin, J. Hero-tales of Ireland F 8430 Dodgson, C. L. (Lewis Carroll). Alice's adventures in Wonder- land H 260 Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there.. ....H 261 Fielde, A. M. (tr.). Chinese nights' entertainments F 338^ Francillou, R. E. Gods and heroes H 3908 French, A. Story of Eolf and the viking 's bow H 3875 Frere, M. E. I. Eastern fairy legends H 380 Frost, W. H. The Knights of the Round Table; stories of King Arthur and the Holy Grail H 1313 Qriffis, W. E. Japanese fairy world H 1448 Grimm, J. L. K., and Grimm, W. K, Household tales F 718 Qriuuell, G. B. Blackfoot lodge tales; the story of a prairie peo- ple B 2034 Pawnee hero-stories and folk-tales B 201T Hanson, 0. H. Old Greek stories: The siege of Troy and the wan- derings of Ulysses H 1493 Stories of the days of King* Arthur H 1555 Harris, J. C. Aaron in the wildwoods H 4178- Daddy Jake, the runaway, and Short stories told after dark.H 1544 Little Mr. Thimblefing6r and his queer country; what the chil- dren saw and heard there H 4175' Nights with Uncle Remus F 3958 Uncle Remus; his songs and sayings F 3955 Higginsou, T. W. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. L 5415- Jacobs, J. The book of wonder voyages H 4450' Celtic fairy-tales H 1585- English faiiy-tales H 1587 Indian fairy-tales H 1586' More Celtic fairy-tales H 1584 More English fairy-tales H 1715 Johonnot, J. Stories of the olden time H 4521 Judd, M. O. (comp.). Wigwam stories told by North American Indians F 4509 Keary, A., and Keary, E. Heroes of Asgard; tales from Scandi- navian mythology F 965 BOOKS FOR BOYS. 27 Kindersley, E. C. Heroes of chivalry H 4663 Kingsley, C. The heroes; Greek fairy tales F 98S Kipling, R. The jungle book F 4726 Lamb, C. Adventures of Ulysses L 288S La Motte Fouque, F. H. K. de. Undine and other tales F 6CS- Lang, A. Blue fairy book H 1719 Book of romance H 4733 Brown fairy book H 4736 Crimson fairy book H 4735 Green fairy book H 1718- Grey fairy book H 1735 Pink fairy book ». .H 1702" Bed fairy book H 1720' Violet fairy book H 4732 Yellow fairy book H 1714 Lanier, S. (ed.). Boys' King Arthur F 5146 Boys ' Mabinogion F 4885 Lummis, C, F. The man who married the moon, and other Pueblo Indian folk-stories F 5047 Mabie, H. W. (comp.). Fairy tales every child should know H 4920 Norse stories retold from the Eddas F 5124 Macleod, M. (ed.). Book of King Arthur and his noble knights. .H 4947 Macmanus, S. Donegal fairy stories H 4950 In chimney corners; merry tales of Irish folk-lore H 4949 Malory,' T. Morte d 'Arthur; ed. by E. Straehey (a) F 1142 Markham, R. (ed.). Chronicle of the Cid H 1812 Marsh, J. B. Life and adventures of Eobin Hood H 542 Mathews, C. (ed.). Enchanted moccasins and other Indian legends H 552 Moncrieff, A. R. H. Stories of old renown; tales of knights and heroes H 1853 Niebuhr, B. G. Greek hero stories H 570 Owen, M. A. (comp.). Voodoo tales, as told among the negroes of the southwest F 5867 Perry, W. C. The boys ' Iliad H 208» The boys ' Odyssey H 2089 Pyle, H. Merry adventures of Eobin Hood F 5987 Story of King Arthur and his knights H 2139 Rabelais, F. Three good giants; comp. by J. Dimitry F 6269 Ragozin, Z. A. Tales of the heroic ages: Fridtjof, the viking of Norway; and Eoland, the paladin of France H 2165 Siegfrid, the hero of the north; and Beowulf, the hero of the Anglo-Saxons H 2164 Ramasvami, Raju, P. V. Tales of the sixty mandarins H 2228 Raspe, R. E. The travels and surprising adventures of Baron Mun- chausen H 608 Stanley, H. M. My dark companions and their strange stories. ..F 1641 Steel, (Mrs.) F. A. W. (ed.). Tales of the Punjab; told by the people J' 6904 28 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Stockton, F. R. The floating prince and other fairy tales H 2404 Swift, J. Gulliver's travels H 698 Valentine, (Mrs.) L. J. (ed.). The old, old fairy tales H 2611 Yeats, W. B. (comp.). Irish fairy and folk-tales F 456 Young, E. R. Algonquin Indian tales B 2079 Zitkala-Sa, Old Indian legends B 1053 BALLADS AND POETRY. Burns, R. Select poems; arranged by A. J. George E 6574 Burt, M. E. (ed.). Poems that every child should know E 6570 Field, E. Little book of western verse E 7262 Henley, W. E. (comp.). Lyra heroica; a book of verse for boys. .E 7431 Homerus. Iliad; tr. by Pope (a) I 3146 Johnson, R R. (ed.). Famous single and fugitive poems E 7569 Kipling, R. Ballads and barrack-room ballads (a) E 7681 Lang, A. Blue poetry book E 7764 Lanier, S. (ed.). The boy's Percy E 7767 Lodge, H. C. (ed.). Ballads and lyrics E 7826 Longfellow, H. W. Evangeline; Song of Hiawatha; The courtship of Miles Standish J 177-2 Macaulay, T. B. M. Lays of ancient Rome E 8003 Matthews, J. B. (ed.). Poems of American patriotism E 7891 Palgrave, F. T. (ed.). The golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English language. 2v. 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E 8646 Thompson, S. (ed.). The humbler poets. E 8628 "Tileston, (Mrs.) M. W. F. (comp.). Heroic ballads E 7411 BOOKS FOR BOYS. 29^ A HUNDRED GOOD NOVELS FOR OLDER BOYS. Barrie, J. M. The little minister .F 2295 Black, W. Maeleod of Dare F 2466- Princess of Thule F 2561 Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone F 159 Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. Don Quixote de la Mancha F 219 Churchill, W. The crisis F 8215 The crossing F 9336 Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain), The American claimant F 7151 The tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson F 7154 Cody, S. (ed.). Selections from the world's greatest short stories. F 1711 Collins, W. The moonstone G 101 Cooper, J. F. Leather-stocking tales: The deerslayer P 264 Last of the Mohicans F 270 The pathfinder F 276 Pioneers; or, Sources of the Susquehanna F 278^ The prairie F 279 Crawford, F. M. Mr. Isaacs; a tale of modern India F 2888 Crockett, S. R. The raiders; being some passages in the life of John Faa, lord and earl of Little Egypt F 8337 Davis, R. H. Captain Macklin; his memoirs F 8533 Gallegher, and other stories F 3054 Ransom's folly, [In the fog, The bar sinister, etc.] F 8535 Soldiers of fortune F 8534 De la Rame, L. (Ouida). Under two flags G 508 Dickens, C. Christmas books , G 151 David Copperfield F 400 Dombey and Son F 406" Nicholas Nickleby F 402 Oliver Twist F 399 Pickwick papers F 403^ Tale of two cities G 17? Doyle, A. C. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes F 3014 Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes F 3177 Return of Sherlock Holmes F 9211 The refugees; a tale of two continents F 3185 Sign of the four F 3181 Dumas, A. Count of Monte-Cristo F 484 The three musketeers F 494 Twenty years after. [Sequel to Three musketeers] F 495 Vieomte de Bragelonne. [Sequel to Twenty years after] F 482 Ford, P. L. The honorable Peter Stirling F 3405 French, A. (Octave Thanet). The missionary sheriff F 8766 Garland, H. The captain of the Gray-horse troop F 8879 Goldsmith,©. The vicar of Wakefield G 235 Haggard, R. Allan Quartermain F 3870 King Solomon's mines. [Sequel to Allan Quartermain] F 3882 Harte, F. B. (Bret Harte). Tales of the argonauts F 749 ^0 THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. Hawkins, A. H. (Anthony Hope). Prisoner of Zenda F 4231 Hawthorne, N. The house of seven gables F 771 Horuung, E. W. Dead men tell no tales F 4314 The shadow of a man F 9228 Hugo, V. M. Les miserables F 881 King, C. Cadet days; a story of West Point F 4626 Bangsley, 0. Hereward the "Wake F 987 Westward ho! • -F 991 Kipling, R. Indian tales; containing Plain tales from the hills, Soldiers three and Phantom rickshaw F 4684 Soldier stories F 4729 Le Sage, A. R. Adventures of Gil Bias. 3v F 1031 Lever, C. J. Charles O 'Malley, the Irish dragoon G 334 Tom Burke of "Ours" F 4986 Lewis, A. H. The sunset trail F 9292 London, J. Call of the wild F 4846 Lover, S. Handy Andy F 1077 Rory O'More F 1080 Lj'tton, E. B-L. Last days of Pompeii F 5011 Rienzi; the last of the Roman tribunes F 5020 Mitchell, J. A. Amos Judd F 9466 Murfree, M. N. (Charles Egbert Craddock). Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountain F 2863 Norris, B. F. The octopus; a story of California F 5760-1 The pit; a story of Chicago F 5760-2 Page, T. N. Red Rock; a chronicle of reconstruction F 6136 Parker, H. G. The seats of the mighty F 6092 Poe, E. A. Tales F 481 Post, W. K. Harvard stories; sketches of the undergraduate F 9660 Reade, C. It is never too late to mend. [Prison life] F 1392 Put yourself in his place , .F 1389 Scott, W. Guy Mannering F 2159 Ivanhoe F 2161 Kenilworth F 2162 Quentin Durward • F 2167 Rob Roy F 2169 The talisman F 2172 Sienkiewicz, H. Quo vadis. [Time of Nero] F 6743 Smith, F. H. Colonel Carter of Cartersville F 6770 Stevenson, R. L. B. David Balfour; being memoirs of his adven- tures at home and abroad. [Sequel to Kidnapped] F 6866 Kidnapped; being the memoirs of David Balfour in the year 1751 F 6861 The master of Ballantrae; a winter's tale F 6674 Stevenson, R. L. B., and Osbourne, L. The ebb-tide; a trio and a quartette F 6868 Stories of the colleges; being tales of life at the great American universities, told by noted graduates F 9892 Stowe, (Mrs.) H. E, B. Uncle Tom's Cabin F 1732 BOOKS FOR BOYS. 31 Taxkington, W. B. The gentleman from Indiana F 7176 Thackeray, W. M. The Newcomes G 589 Vanity fair; a novel without a hero G 593 Verne, J. Michael Strogoflf, the courier of the czar P 1880 Wallace, L. Ben-Hurj a tale of the Christ F 7490 The fair god '. F 1846 Waterloo, S. The story of Ab; a tale of the time of the cave- man F 7662 Weyman, S. J. A gentleman of France F 7621 . Williams, J. L. Princeton stories F 7423 The stolen story and other newspaper stories P 7411 Wister, O. The Virginian j a horseman of the plains F 7395 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 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