m PI lir'A', _^>-S5^;^-j|ii NORWIG'^. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SETDl^ &MACKEN; V . G ^ Hjl./^ ^^rl^^^i . LICHENS FROM THE OLD ROCK ^7'' TO SHETLAND AND THE SHETLANDERS THIS LITTLE VOLUME IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. r ^1^11 • - PREFACE. -♦- It is certain that many of my fellow-countrymen, who are now toiling in distant lands, occasionally derive no small amount of pleasure from the mere contemplation of a tiny flower, a withered sprig of heath, or even a rude unshapely fragment of lichen, which, in days gone by, has been gathered by a friendly hand from their native rocks. To those individuals themselves, and also to those of my readers who can appreciate the mind which does not estimate such humble me- mentoes according to their intrinsic worth, I chiefly look for indulgence, trusting that m)- object in offer- ing this little collection of poems, may be deemed at least a small compensation for the numerous errors and shortcomings, which so inevitably accompany want of experience. Baltasound, SiiETi.ANn Isles, February i