Treasury Department : : Bureau of Internal Revenue Bulletin "D" INCOME TAX Average Percentages of Pre-War Income to Pre-War Invested Capital of General Classes of Corporations, Grouped as to Trades or Businesses, as Provided for in Section 311 (c) (2), Revenue Act of 1918 ^ U h WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICB 1919 * o M: A o A: c X m 33 z 3D O o z > 5 5 65 3! 7 3) 6 I 3> O 9 4 j -< Treasury Department : : Bureau of Internal Revenue Bulletin "D" INCOME TAX Average Percentages of Pre-War Income to Pre-War Invested Capital of General Classes of Corporations, Grouped as to Trades or Businesses, as Provided for in Section 311 (c) (2), Revenue Act of 1918 < i*i \ U WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICB 1919 ADDITIONAL 0OPIE8 OK THIS BULLETIN MAY M OBTAINED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON,!) C. UPON PAYMENT OF 5 ( BNTS PER COPY 3y?o3^m-o\ CONTENTS. Industrial Groups: Raw materials 1'age Agriculture and dependent pursuits 6 Mining 6 Manufacturing ( 'hemical manufacturing and allied industries 6 Poods and food preparations 7 Iron and steel industries 7 I ils, vegetable and animal, including seed cake 8. Petroleum refining, products and by-products '.'. t Chemicals, not elsewhere specified 14.14. 11.44. Not over 10.00. 10.66. Not over 10.00. 10.98. Not over 10.00. 11.27. Not over 10.00. Average Percentages of Prewar Income to Prewar Invested Capital of General Classes of Corporations, Grouped as to Trades or Businesses, as Provided for in Section 311 (c) (2), Revenue Act of 1918 Continued. MANUFACTURING: FOODS AND FOOD PREPARATIONS. Subdivisions. Average I>ereentage. 1. Bread and other bakery products, not including confectionery 2. Canning, preserving, and evaporating fruits, vegetable?, fish, oysters, and sbiimps 3. Chocolate and cocoa products, candy and confectionery 4. Coffee roasting, grinding spices, and coffee substitutes 5. Flavoring extracts, syrups, and cordials used in bottling indus- tries *!. Flour, feed , and grist mills 7. Meat-packing, packing-house products, and by-products 8. Oleomargarine and other butter and lard substitutes, including both animal and vegetable 9. Pickling establishments 10. Rice mills, cleaning and polishing, not including rice flour. . . 11. Special package foods, such as cornstarch, macaroni, tapioca, etc., breakfast foods and other cereal products 12. Sugar-beet, including refining, molasses recovery L3. Sugar-cane, including molasses and sirup in bulk 14. Sirups and molasses glucose and others, including maple 15. VinegU and cider 1 6. Food preparations, not elsewhere specified Per cent. 11.26. 10.G7. Not over 10.00. 10.87. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. 12.45. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. 10.70. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. 10.83. MANUFACTURING: IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRIES. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8- 9. Id. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Hi. 17. IS. 19. 2D. 21. 22. Agricultural implements Automobile- and auto parts, including bicycles and motor- cycles and parts, motor trucks and motor-truck parts 1 (last -furnace products Boilers, evaporating pans, oil-tanks, and silos Holts and nuts, including washers and rivets E Qgi nes Steam , gas, and oil Forging and foundry products, including castings, car wheels, and stoves Hardware, special and general Beating, cooling, and ventilating apparatus, including fur- naces (no stoves), refrigerating plants, dust-collecting systems Machinery- 1.1-" Irieal and other electrical apparatus. Machinery Excavating, cars, and tools Maori inery Hoisting, cranes, derricks, and conveyors Machinery Humidifying, air-moistening, and air-conditioning. Machinery Laundry Machinery Mill, neither textile nor woodworking Machinery Mining Machinery Printing and duplicating Machinery Sawmill Machinery - Textile, also parts Machinery Woodworking Machines Adding and calculating Machine- Check-writing. Blot, testing, vending, weighing, in- cluding addresBographs, balances, scale.--, registering devices, and watchman's clocks Machines Bowing Meters lias, water, etc Plumbing supplies, including .^.^ and water apparatus, porce- lain wares for kitchen and laundry Pumps Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. 10.42. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Nol over 10.00. 8 Aykiiw.i: ]'i kckxtages op Prewar Income to Prewar Invested Capital o* Of Corporations, Grouped as to Trades or Businesses, as Pkoyiim'.i) jo!; in Suction 311 (c) (2), Revenue Act op 1918 Continued. MANUFACTURING: IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRIES-Continued. Subdivisions. Average percentage. 27. Railway equipment, including locomotives, street railway, mining , and industrial cars Safes and vaults -upbuilding 30. Steel plants and rolling-mill products, including tin and terne- plate mill prod ucts, iron and steel chains, steel doors and shutters 31. Structural steel 32. Tin cans and tinware 33. Tools Farm, garden, machine, mechanics, mining, lumbering, railroad-track repairing, including bench lathes, shears, and saw- 34. Tractors Farm and highway 35. Typewriters and typesetting machinery 36. Wire cables, fences, springs, nails, and spikes 37. Iron and steel products not elsewhere specified Per cent. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. 10.24. Not over 10.00. MANUFACTURING: LEATHER AND LEATHER GOODS INDUSTRIES. 1. Boots and shoes 2. Leather manufacture 3. Leather substitutes 4. Leather articles other than boots and shoes 10.94. 10.69. 11.82. Not over 10.00. MANUFACTURING: LIQUORS AND BEVERAGES. 1 . Bottling of liquors and soft drinks as distinct from manufacturing 2. Distillers of whiskies and spirits, refining and rectifying of liquors and beverages 3. Malt liquors (brewers) 4. Wines 5. Nonintoxicating beverages Coco-Cola and other special drinks, mineral, soda, and aerated waters, including bottled tonic drinks, soft drinks, spring waters, malting grains, all others not elsewhere specified Not over 10.00 Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. No* over 10.00. MANUFACTURING: LUMBER AND WOODWORKING INDUSTRIES. 1 . Box boards, baskets, cases burial cases of wood, not including steel or concrete :;. Kurniture, all classes, including veneering, chair seating 4. .Mills Shingle, lath 8. Taper pulp and pulp board 6. Planing mills, flooring, sash, doors, partitions, and interiorwork generally v. Ready-made houses mosand silo materials, cooperage stock, tank-, not including I or concrete '.). Timbering, logging, ;in 'l sawmill operations 10. V\ 11. Wood fillers, leatneroid, wood composition in other commodities. 12. Woodworking Industries, nol elsewhere specified Not over 10.00 Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00 Not over 10.00 Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Average Percentages op Prewar Income to Prewar Invested Capital of General Classes of Corporations, Grouped as to Trades oh Bksivi as Provided for in Section 311 (c) (2), Revenue Act of 1918 Contained. MANUFACTURING: METAL AND METALLURGICAL EXTRACTIONS. Subdivisions. Average P rentage 1. Brass, bronze, copper, and aluminum products 2. Clocks, watches, chronometers 3. Cooking utensils (other than copper), granite goods, etc iitlcry. scissors, razors 5. Galvanized materials, spouting, gutters, metal roofing G. Gas and electric fixtures 7. Jewelry 8. Lamps and accessories 9. Lead products 10. Needles, pins, metal hairpins, and pen points. 11. Plate ware, electroplate, etc 12. Professional and scientific instruments, including dental sup- plies, and optical goods, surgical and hospital appliances. f photographic apparatus and materials verware and goldware, other than jewelry 13. Si I t. Smelting and refining copper, lead, zinc, etc. 15. Metal and metallurgical industries, not elsewhere specified. rcr cent. Not over 10.00. Not over Nut over 10. 00. over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not ovor 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not ovor 10.00. 15.64. Not over lo.oo. 10.50. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. MANUFACTURING: PAPER MANUFACTURING, PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, PUBLISHING, 1. Blank paper 2. Book and job printing, lithographing, including bank note and bond printing, labels, tags, and decorative paper look binding and blank book making 1. Cardboard, box materials, and box manufacturer 5. KnvelojH's B. Paper utensils , 7. Photo-engraving and printing processes 8. Print ins materials 9. Publishing newspapers and other periodicals 1 0. Type founding, stereotyping, and electrotyping 11. Wall paper 12. Wrapping paper 13 Paper and prim acified Not over 10.00. Nut over Not over 10.48 10.28. Not o vet- Not over Not over 13.17. Not over 10.00. 10 00. LO.OO. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. MANUFACTURE ! ID GLASS INDU 1. Abrasive products, including emery wheels, sandpaper, and corundum 2. Building brick, sewer and drainage pipe, fire brick, furnace linings, pottery, terra cofta, crucible-, tiling, laundry tubs. refra ia earthenware intent . ncrcte construction, including artificial stone 5. Glassware, includ bold, and barroom BUp N-ray tubes, thermos tx rrors, refractors, illuminat- ing glass, etc 6. GlaH window, wire, and skylight oae and plaster 8. Monuments, tombstones, burial vaults 0. Porcelain goods and ceramie products, not elsewhere specified. . 12.72. Not over 10.00. vor 10.00. Not over 10.00. b-er lO.oo. or 10.00. Not over 10.00. ver 10.00. vor lo.oo. 10 Ayerace Percentages Of Prewar Income to Prewar Invested Capital op General Classes ok Corporations, Grouped as to Trades or Hi-sin as Provided fob in- Section 311 (c) (2), Revenue Act op 1918 Continued. MANUFACTURING: TEXTILE INDUSTRIES. Subdivisions. Average percentage. 1. Awnings, tents, tarpaulins, etc 2. Bags and bagging Cotton and burlap S. Baiting mill's 4. Carpets and rugs, including cotton, wool, and grass 5. Clothing Men's, overcoats, suits, etc G. Clothing Ladies' coats, suits, and dresses j 7. Clothing Miscellaneous, uniforms, furriers, regalia, belts, gar- ters, etc 8. Corsets and brassiers 9. Cotton converters, dyers, finishers, mercerizers, bleachers, and prints 10. Cotton duck 11. Cotton goods manufacturing Colored, fancy, gray, brown, print cloth, and sheeting 12. Cotton laces, curtains, quilts, embroideries 13. Cotton spinning Fine yarns 14. Cotton spinning Medium and coarse yarns 15. Dyers of fur 16. Hats, caps, scarfs and other headwear and neckwear. 17. Hosiery and knitgoods, including knitted and fabric underwear 18. Millinery and millinery goods 19. Rope and cordage 20. Shirts, collars, and cuffs 21. Silk Dyeing and finishing 22. Silk manufacturing Broad 23. Silk manufacturing Ribbons, woven labels 24. Silk Spinning 25. Silk Throwing 26. Thread, tapes, and braids, cotton and silk 27. Towels, damask, handkerchiefs (cotton and linen) 28. Upholstery cloth and trimmings (cotton and wool) 29. Waste Cotton and wool, linters , and oakum 30. Wool and worsted Dyeing and finishing 31 . Wool and worsted Spinning and combing 32. Wool and worsted weaving 33. Textile manufacturing, not elsewhere specified Per cent. 11.88. 17.34. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. 19.90. Not over 10.00. 11.90. Not over Not over 10.17. Not over 11.97. Not over Not over Not over Not over Not OA"er 12.10. Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not OA*er Not over 11.89. Not over Not over Not over Not over 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. MANUFACTURING: SPECIAL MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. 1. Ammunition, explosives and fireworks 2. Artificial flowers ? 3. Artificial limbs 4. Asbestos wares, magnesia, material for insulation 5. Bedding, mattresses, and undertakers' supplies 6. Brooms and brushes 7. Buttons, beads, rosaries 8. Coke 9. Combs Bone, ivory, etc 10. Dairymen's, poultrymen's and apiarist's supplies 11. Fire extinguishers, including mechanical and chemical appa- ratus, automatic sprinklers, fire (rucks 12. Hair goods 13. Hand stamps Rubber, metal, etc 11.28. Not over Not over 10.88. Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. 11 Average Percentages op Prewar Income to Prewar Invested Capital op General Classes op Corporations, Grouped as to Trades or Businesses, as Provided for in Section 311 (c) (2), Revenue Act of 1918 Continued. MANUFACTURING: SPECIAL MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES-Continued. Subdivisions. Average percentage. 14. House furnishing goods, screen doors and windows, window shades 15. Ice 16. Jewelry and instrument cases 17. Models and patterns not including paper patterns), molds 18. Mucilage and paste 19. Phonographs and all other musical instruments and parts (not including pianos, organs and parts) 20. Pianos, organs, and parts 21. Roofing materials otner than metal 22. Rubber boots, shoes, and clothing 23. Rubber tires, belting, hose, tubing, including nonmetallic conduits -. 24. Rubber goods not elsewhere specified 25. Shipbuilding wooden craft of all kinds 26. Signs and advertising novelties 27. Small metal specialties 28. Soda-fountain apparatus, siphons _'?'. Sporting and athletic goods (including pleasure boats but not yachts;, amusement appliances - 1 ationery goods, school supplies, office system supplies 31. Stencil, d've sinking, seals [tobacco.. 33. Toys, children's tools, and vehicles, including baby carriages, carts, games, and Christmas novelties 34. Umbrellas and canes 35. Washing machines and clothes wringers 36. Windmills Ipeeia] products not elsewhere specified Per cent. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. 11.23. 11.53. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. 10.15. 14.15. Not overlO.CO. 15.20. Not over 10.00. 10.36. Not over 10.00. 12.87. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. 12.22. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. FINANCIAL: BANKS. INSURANCE COMPANIES, BROKERAGE INSTITU'l i 1 . Banking International 2. Banking Private, money lenders, and pawnbrokers 3 Banking Savings 1. Banking State and national 5. Banking Trust companies 6. Banking and financial operations not elsewhere specified. . . . Etd loan associations targlar-alarm systems lolding companies, incorporated estates, trusts, investment concerns 10. Insuranco brokers 1 1 . Insurance Fidelity and surety 12. Insurance Fire, mutual 13. Insurance Fire, stock L4. Insurance Life, mutual 15. Insuranco Life, stock 16. Insurance -Marine 17. Insurance Casualty, mutual 18. Insurance -Casualty . stock 19. Insurance Title and abstract 20. Insuranco not elsewhere specified 21. Safe deposit vaults 22. Stock brokers and dealers in securities on commission Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. lii.oo. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 12 AVBKAGE I'riii i.M'.M.l-.s 01 1'ki.wak Income TO pKEWAH INVESTED CAPITAL OP General Classes ov Corporations, Grouped as to Trades on Bcsnu as Provides foe in Section 311 (c) (2), Revenue Act op 1918 Continued. COMMON ( AKH1KHS AND l'UBLIC UTILITIES. Subdivision?. Avenge percentage. 1 . Cold storage and ice 2. *'otton compressors and cotton storage S. Gas companies, illuminating and fuel 4. Grain elevators 5. Irrigation waterworks (i. Light and power, including water and electric. Hydro-electric lighting 7. Market houses public 8. Railways electric, city, suburban and interurban 9. Railway express companies 10. Railways steam 11. Steamships local, river, lake, coastwise, and ocean lines 12. Stockyards 13. Tank-car companies, refrigerator, ventilator, and live-stock cars 14. Telephone and tolegraph companies 15. Warehouse and storage, other than cotton storage, wharves, for- warding, teaming, stevedoring, local express 16. Water filtration, distribution for domestic use 17. Common carriers and public utilities, not elsewhere specified. Toll bridge, bridge companies, ferry, turnpike, United Press Association, passenger bus line, canals, etc Per cent. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over Not over Not over 13.89. Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. TRADING AND MISCELLANEOUS. 10. II. 12. IS. 14. l.->. L6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Brokers freight, grain, merchandise, real estate and ship, pur- chasing and selling agents, manufacturer's agents, exporters and importers (commission only), automobiles, sale of metals Garages and livery stables Jobbers merchandise, general , and special Merchant tailoring, needlework, etc Merchants retail Merchants wholesale Real estate operators and promoters Trading concerns not elsewhere specified Amusements, theatres, moving picture shows, county fairs, race tracks, and clubs Barbers, bathhouses, etc ( 'onsulting engineers, appraisers, accountants, adjusters, archi- tects, chemists, assayers, and metallurgists Contractors, building construction, street paving, machine in- stallation, etc Decorators and interior designing Hospitals, sanitariums, etc Hotels Laundries, dry cleaning, dyeing, etc Photographs and art portraits : - Restaurants Schools, colleges, etc Undertakers Miscellaneous concerns, not elsewhere specified, including typewriter exchange, typesetting, advertising services, com- mercial agencies, and detective agencies Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. 17.14. Not over 10.00. 10.45. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over 10.00. Not over Not over Not over Not over Not over 19.66. Not over Not over Not over 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. 10.00. Not over 10.00. 13 CHART Showing the Average Percentages op Net Income to Invested Capital for the Prewar Period, and the Number of Industrial Grolts of the Same Class of Business Under Each Median. Total number of industrial sub- divisions. Medians or average percentages of net income to invested capital. Industry. c o a a a 1 a a a 3 d 1" a > O 65 pj o a a &5 CO fa T3 3 e e o 6? hi a 3 o a a 6? CO Li a a 3 -3 C c3 o a 9 -3 3 3 9 b o T3 a 3 a o r- hi a a 3 3 t h V a a . 1 Agriculture and dependent pur- 10 17 a 17 37 9 10 4 5 15 13 37 9 33 12 21 8 15 22 16 35 ! 10 1 5 13 10 27 B 25 12 18 2~ 2 4 2 1 2 2 i" 1 1 1 2 1 1 :::::. 1 1 Financial: Hanks, insurance com- panies, brokerage institutions. . . Common carriers and public utili- L 1 Chcmicai manufacturing and allied 1 Manufacturing foods and food Leather and leather goods indus- and beverages 1 1 Metal and metallurgical extrac- i'aper manufacturing, printing, bookbinding, publishing Special manufacl urtng industries. . 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lumbering and woodworking in- 1 Total 277 229 17 13 ' 5 3 2 2 1 3 2 o UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL UBRARY FACILITY A A 000 055 769 4