.:*.: .lifts- '**. iiii DODD, MEAD & COMPANY'S Facsimile Reprints of Rare Books Historical Series, No. II BRERETON'S " RELATION," 1602 'This Edition is limited to Five Hundred and 'Twenty Copies, of which Twenty are on Japan paper A Briefe and True Relation of the Discouerie of the North Part of VIRGINIA BRERETON Reproduced in Facsimile from the First Edition of 1602 With an Introductory Note by LUTHER S. LIVINGSTON NEW YORK DODD, MEAD fef COMPANY 1903 fl .; 7 / 6 (J 2- a. Introductory Note THE little book reproduced on the succeeding pages is the account, by one of the men of the expedition, of the first voyage of Englishmen to the shores of New England. Captain Gosnold and thirty-two others set sail from Falmouth on Friday, March 26, 1602, and made their first landing on Cape Cod, which they so named on 2 account of the great abundance of fish found there. This e/> was the first English name given to any part of the New > England coast. They also discovered and named the < Island of Martha's Vineyard. The small number in the 2 party made the establishment of a colony impossible, and no extensive explorations were undertaken. They set out on their return on June 18, again on a Friday, and arrived ^ safely in the harbor of Exmouth on July 23. This hasty in voyage was the true beginning of New England. Captain Gosnold was afterwards second in command in z the little fleet which set sail for Virginia on December 20, 1606, under Captain Christopher Newport, and was a member of " His Majestie's Counsel of His First Colony O in Virginia." He died there on August 22, 1607. Brereton, the author of the narrative, may have held g some minor office, at least he was one of the five men in the ca first boat which landed on Cape Cod. " Captain Bartholo- ^ mew Gosnold, my selfe, and three others, went ashore," is 3 the way he describes (on page 4) the landing of the first < Englishmen on the shores of New England. Little or nothing is known of his after history, unless he be the same John Brereton who was convicted of manslaughter and [v] 446109 Introductory Note pardoned in 1611, or the John Brereton who sought a license to keep an inn in Chester in 1613. On page 14 is a little note of the fruitless voyage of Captain Samuel Mace, the same year, to Virginia by Raleigh's orders, to search for the lost colony at Roanoke. The "larger discourse" seems never to have "come to light," and but little is known of the voyage. Captain Edward Hayes, the author of the u Treatise," described on the title, and which fills pages 15 to 24, was not, apparently, of the party, though he had himself been one of the pioneers in American colonization, having commanded the Golden Hinde, the companion to Sir Humphrey Gilbert's ill-fated ship, in the expedition to Newfoundland in 1583. Two editions of the Relation were published in 1602. Of the first, which is the one reproduced, only three copies seem to be known. One was in the library of the late Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, being bound in with eleven other rare tracts, mostly relating to America. When his library was dispersed at Christie's in 1888, the volume brought 555. The Brereton from the collection is now in the John Carter-Brown Library in Providence. The second, from which our reproduction is made, belongs to Mr. E. D. Church, of New York. The third, which lacks title-page, is owned in England. This first edition contains 24 pages only. The second has 48 pages and has the additional lines on the title-page: u With diuers instructions of speciall moment/ newly added in this second im-/pression." Of this second issue four copies can be traced in this country : 1. The fine Isham copy, entirely uncut, bought by Quaritch in the Isham sale in 1886 for 265. This afterwards belonged to the late Mr. Charles H. Kalbfleisch and to Mr. M. C. LefFerts. It now belongs to Mr. E. D. Church. 2. The Brinley copy, bought in that sale by Mr. Kalb- fleisch, who, after the Isham sale, sold it to Messrs. Dodd, [vi] Introductory Note Mead & Co., from whose hands it passed into Mr. Church's collection. Since Mr. Church has secured the Isham-Kalbfleisch-Lefferts copy, the Brinley-Kalbfleisch copy has in turn gone to Mr. E. E. Ayer, of Chicago. 3. The Barlow copy, which at that sale in 1890 brought #1,125 anc ^ is now i n tne New York Public Library, Lenox Collection. 4. A copy in the John Carter-Brown Library in Provi- dence. There are three copies of the second edition in the British Museum, one, in the Grenville collection, very imperfect. L. S. L. [vii] m% w ji i^*tf Whereunto is annexed a Treatife, conteining important inducements for the planting in tliofe parts,, and . finding a paflagt that way to the South fca,' and China. |iia '- j(| Written ly M. EdwarJ Hayes , a gentleman jBriefcand true Relation of | the EUTcoucrieof the Norch (part of 'Virginia j being a mpftpIeaihntyfruttfuU andcommoclioua foiJc . Made this present yeere Captaine Banhnlvmew Gofnold , Cap'- taine Bartbolowmm Gilbert, anddiuers other gentleqien their aflpciats, by the permiflion of the honourable knight, Sir WALTER UALEGH,&C, Written by M.Iohn Brereton one of the voyage. loriffinceimplaietliti the lily tftkn L O N D I N f, Jmpcnfis Gcor. Bidiop 1 6 o z. To the honourable, Sir "W ALTER RALEGH, Knight, Captaineofher Maiefties Guards, Lord Warden of the Stanneries, Lieutenant vicoyn-wdl, and Goucrnour of the I(lc of lerfey* 0n0iirable fir, feeing earneftty rptjtte* fted%S a-oarcfrter.t), to put ootunc in tozftw&femetruerelaf tori of our late ofVirginia 5 at length 3 refolweo to fa* tititefys wqtieff ,tofco alfo imbolceneo me, to Direct tije fame to t-onrfjonoup able condoerattoti 5 to toljom ii of^etiettptrteinetf). fpa^ttpteafc ^oor llp^tp tljercfo;e toUnccrffand, tjpontl)e(i);eanDtUaenttet|jof^arcIi i 602, bemg^rrtda^, toe totttf from FalmoutK, betng in all, f too f tfjirf 10 pcrfpn0, a tourfefo? t|)ej]iojtfj,prt of Virginia : ano i^anoetfietotnoe fauoureu fcs not atfird as toe toteu , bnt irifp?i Ds folarre to ti>e^outl)Ujaro,as tue fell totty S. Ma- ne, one oft^e iflanos of t^je Azores (to^icl) toas not murtj out of our toa]g) ?ct Ijolomg our tourfe t>irectl^ from tljence, toe mane our iourne^t^ojter (tfjantHtJertaaccuftomeD) b^ t[je better part of artjoufantf leagues, t^t toere x toee longer in our padTage fljan toefjrpecteo , to!jul) fjappencD ,-foj tljat our barfee being toeabejtoetoerelotlj to p:cCTc tertoitf)muclj fatle 5 alfo,our failers being feto,ano t^e^ ncue of tlje beff ,toe bate (crcept in faiire toeatfcer) but loto fatle -, befiDes, our go^ ing fcponnntmlmotoen coaft, maoe v>s net oucr-boloe to A true relation of the cfifcouene, Uanb mtoit&t&efypjc, but in opcntoeaUjcr i toljtcljraufcD ts to be eerteine Dates in fotm&ing , before toe Dtfcouereo tjje coatt , tlj c toeatljcr being by cljanec, fometoljat foggie, X5ut ' onjFriDjyt&efotireteent&of^ay, early in ttje mowing, toe tnaoe Qelatut, being full of faire trees, t^elanD fometoljat loto , ccrtcinc bummocUg o: billcc lying into tijclanD , tljc fyoje fill of to&ite fcwO,bui Dery ttony 03 rocfeynD* ftanDing faire alongtt by tlje u)o;e, about ttoelue of tlje clocfee ttje fame oay, toe came to an anUer, tofjcrcfire Sjnotanjs, in a jBaffee- SSna 00 ' 111 WP toit ^ niaft ano fatlc > an i ron grapple , aho a Kettle of copper, c amebolDly abo>#) te, one ottljem ^pparelleo toitb a toalrcoat anD b;eecljes of blacbe ficrDge > maDcate otic fea-fa* I'jion, fjofeanoflyaesonbisf^t; all tiered (fautngOnetbat ijcoeftr.-ptj. Jjauapairc of bjcecljes-of blue clotlj) tocre allnabeo. SCtjefe - people are cf tall ftature, baoaD anD grim bifage , ofablarfee ftoart completion , tljcir cic-b;otoes paintco toljifcvtljeir anD fignes tbey maDe, tljat fome Gaffes oi of S. lohn de Luz> Ijauefiilica ojtrapeo in tfjis place, beingint!jelatituDeof43 Degrees. I3ut riDing ljeerc,m no bery gcoD l;arbour,anD toit^ all, Doubting tfjetoeatljer, about tl);ee of t^gclocketfjefame day in tfjc after none toe toeig^cD, $ ftanoing ^outljerly off into fcaflje reft of tljatoay ano tbenigbtfollotoing , toitfia frefl; gale of toitrce, in t'oe mojmng toe fount) our felues em* bayeDtoitf) amigfjiieljeaDlano , butcommingtoananhera- bout nine of ttjeclocbe Defame pay, to tt^tn a League of tlje i^o;e, toe boifen out t l;e one Ijalfe of our u).allop , aho captamc Bartholmew GolhQld 3 my felfe,anD tt%& otbers,toent au)o?e, iantfn& betngatoljifefartDie anDtiery bolDeu)o^e ; anD marching all f l;at afternon tottf) our muf bets on our necks, on tfje ijtgbeff Ijilles toljicb toe fato(tfje toeat^er toery ^ot)at lengt^ toe per^ ceiucDtfjisijeaDianoto be parcel! of tfjcmatne, anD funD^te 3&anDs lying almottrcunD about it : foretarnmg (totoarDS eucning) to our gallop (fo.i by tfjat time , tlje otljcr part toas b^ougbt afl)o?e anD fct togetlj er ) toe efpieD an 31 noian 3 a yong man,of proper Qature>anD of a pleafing countenance > anD af ter fome familiarttie toit Jj hi5ji,to c left him at tfje fen fiDc,anD ret urneo to our lljip, to^ere, in Sue ojfiye (jourcs abfence,toe \ fcaa peamo our i^lp fo toity Cop fiu) , t^at tos fy jeto nora^ of the Kortb part QWrgi jbera of f fjcm oncr-bo^o againe : ant) furety , 5 am pcrfua* t>eotyatint&emonet|)soWa&, #p;il, ano&a?, tfcerete fcpantfjtscoaG, better filing, anD in as gi'eaf plenf tc, asm 'Newfound-land : ft^t&efculles of 0pacfeereU4}errings,Coo, ano otl;er fify, ttjat lue Da^ly fate as lue iocnt ant> came from tfcclijojc, lucre ItJoinDerfuU ; anobefiocs, tfje places luljcrc tue tojfcc ttjclc CoosCans mf gljt in a fcto Dates fjauc laacn our fljip) lucre tut tn fecert fawome tuat-er ,ano luttijin leffc f ^ aa aieague of tlje (^oaeitDftere, in Newfound-land t^eBfil^m fo^fieo?fiftiefaDometDater,ariDfarreoff^ Sfromtljis place, lue faHleo ronno abouttbts fjeatlanD, almott all tljie points of a tlje compaffe^tlje l^o;e terg feoto* : but as no coaft is tra from * a Dangers, fo $ amperfuaDeo, tljtc tsasfree as an? 5 tljelano fomlul^at loU) ':,fKll of goool^ iv coDs,bnt in fonte place's plainer t lengtlj toe tuerc come amongfimant faire 3QanDS, &!)<$ toe ^ao partli? DtfcerneD at our Srfi lanDtng ; all tying frftjjin 31flanlwf a league o^ttoo one of another ,, ano ttjeoutermottnota^oae, .fire o; feucn leagues from tljemaine : bnt commingf o an atv fecrtntier one of fljr, Vo^ich toas^boatfltfee 02 fouie leagues from t^e matnc,capf atnc Gofiiold^ng telfe^anD fome others, iucnta$o.:c, f going rouno about it , luefounDittpbefoure CngliHj miles in ccmpafTe , totf Ijouf Jjoufc o? inhabitant, fa- utng a little olo ijoufe mane oftougljes , conereD toiti) barUe, an olo c piece of a lueare of tlje Jntiians, to catcft-fiu) , ano one oittuoplaces, iDijcrefljeg^aDmaDc fires. Qecl)tefe0 treed fifths ^flano , arolBacIjes ano Ceoars jt^eoattoaro pares Sffi alloucrgroluenluitlj lotoe fa ufl;ic trees, t^jce ojfourcfojtm f)cigl)t, lufjic!) beare fome ktnoe of fruits, as appeared b ibetr bio Homes ; ^traluberics, reD ano toljife, as flu at ano imici; bigger t&an ours itiEngland, Hafberies, t|jo^olu tlje IUOJDDIC grounDs to$c& areuer^ rocbie. l^ereare alfo inttjtsiflano, great fio^eof ^ccre, to[)ic^ toe fato, ano ot|ier beafts, as ap* 3 3 A tare relati on of the dflcouerie pearw fay? ft) eir t raefes ; ad alfo atuers foiiilcs* as Craws, ^nt^atD(,S5itter0v(Sfc,paUatcs,SCcl0, anfcartjer fotoles , in great plenty ; alfo , great fioje of peafc, to&ic& croto * n ccrti " ne PW* aN ft* Blflanb jjUer. jJ>nt(je$ojUj fioc of tf)is jHflano iuc founD tnanp i; ugc bones aim rib bcs of WNle0 i:i)i5 3;aano , as alfo all t[)e rettof tfjctt Jflanos, arc full of all foils of (tones nt fo; builotng -, t})c fca GocsaH coucreo luiff) ftones , man? oftljcm gUrtcrins ano fljir.ing tike miner all Hones, ant) tserprodue: alfo, tijercH cf t!;c^ 3;fianos are wplcntD^cb Uiitl) tljcfe commootttcs , anu t pen fomcof l|jcm,inljafcifaiTts ; as \3pon an BlflanDto t^e^o$% toafO ? ano U)ttl)in ttoo leagues of f ijis -, \>et luce founo no to tuncjT , no; manp of tfjetr Ijoufes , alt&oag&tue fati) manic 3;nDtans,li3i)tf i) arc tail big bonco mcn,aUnafeeo,fautngt(jcT> couer tl;ctr p;iup parts luttf) ablacfec tcU^cofbin, mucbUiic a placU-fmittjes apjon,ticD about ttjcirmtDDleanD becioane ttjeir JcgsbclKoe : tt^cp gaue Us of (Iictr fif^ ceaote bptlco (Uj^iclj tijc^ carrier m abaf feetmaoepf ttotgges, not unhfec our ofier) lnl>crcof tie DID cat , ano tuogeft t^cm to be frcfl^ inatcr fill) : t^gaue Us alfo oftljetr Suabacco, tobitl) tijc\> o;tnhe gr eciw, baf 'o?ieo into po tuoer > tcr v ^rong ana plea* fan t ,ano nturt) better t!;an ait? 31 !)auc tattcD in England :tte necks of Ujetr pipe aremaoe of cla^ fjaro D;ico (tuljcrcof in %at jflanu tsgccat ffojc botb- reD ano U)t)tte) t^e ottjer part , is apiece of fjolloto copper , tcr^ finely clofeoanDfetncnteo together : tue gauo tnfo tljcm ceiteuve trifles, as hntucs, yoii its , and Pud) hhc,\uijicTj tijep murlj caccmeo.jrrom fjcncc tue ient to anotljer Blflano , to t^e jpo;tt|tDeft of tyis , ano toitljwi a league o; tluopf tljcmatne , Urtjic!) foe founptobe greater tljan before U?c imagineo, being 1 6 C4igltfl) milcsat f tj c lead in compacted foj it contcinctb mahv pieces o? necks oflanD ,li)l) tcl) Differ noting fro feuerall 3 aatiDs/auing tlj at certetne banks of fmaH fceBtlj DO like bsiDgestoinc tljcni to tins SJflanti : on ttjc outfit cs of tfjis saanDaremanv plainc places ofgraCTe , abunaame of &t ratobertec f otter berries Bat before menftoneo : in mio ^a^tue otofotoe in VP mm jnc&e* peafejtof)l) in fonreteenetates toere fpaong tjp nine incb^s anomo?e;t[jefoiletsfatanolirtl J 'tliet3ppercrua,ofgraB colour. of the North part of Pirgi colour j but a tot o; leffe in Dcptl/ T ott&c colour of oar fcemp lands in England j ano being ttjus apt fcjtfjcCc anatfjeitfee gratnes > tljc foiling 03 fet ting (after tfoc grputiD t* deanfrt) SB no greater labour , ttj an if sou fljeulDfct 03 fotueinoneof cur ben pjepareD gar&cns in. England. Lfits ICanQ isfaU of fiars^Qrait ano tnll i bunimnce, tljc fruit4^Nf ge as curs , Ui e founo inaer lljc tries , u>Ij itlj Ijao lien ail tfjt ^arc tonga uc tie not Differ tncj from ours in England, ret?) ti)e bloffomes 05 frnir at t^e cn& tijcrcof , ItUe a claflter of ^apesjfo^tg oj fifty in abunf!) ; ^affafrastrees great ptot- tic all tlje jflano ouer, a tree of fjigl) p; ice anop^c fit ; alfo, tjii-- tiers ot^er fruit trees, fom e 0f tijcm U)it|j ttrange bavUs,of an t 0;augc colour, mfalingfoftana fmcjtfjclttisueiuct: inlljc ttjichcll part 5.cf tl;cfe lutpas ,,sou ma^ fee a fnrtoittj ojmoj'C rouno about. )ntfje/So3t^tDettfiocoft|its3:aanD, necrcto t^efeafioe, i Cngliu) miles Huompaflfe, in tl)e miDoelt lufjcrcof feati&s a, plot of tomo&ic grouno r an ax ye irt qliantit te o j not atone : tea U>i$ all fojts of fetoUs fefoje rc^ecjrfetj , feme loVue on flje b anfes, -ano others on loii>e f wesatflot t|tu ILafeeu>greataliiioaRe>, topUeanocatatonrplcafiirc : butaUttjefc foUjlc&aie mw^f sisget' bigger t|jan our u$ England. 0lfe , in euer^ 3flanD/an&al# [JJf to E mott in euer\? part of cner^ jflauo^are great tto?e of c toent in our ligljt-^o^fman frfi tfjis JOano tu tfje Jnaine 3 rigijt agawtt ttjts JflanB fometluo leagues o(f,a4}crd toe CCDU a totiife Jifee mmrauw)eo aittje a 4. Uautie 8 A true relation of the difcouerie bcaufteana oclicacic of tfjie ftosi foile-, fo; beffocs trfuers tere JUfees 6f frety toafer (to&weof toe fato no end) spc* ootues tjcr^ large ant) fail of srsne graJfe ; cuen tc mo& to BOOB places (3 fpcafee onelpof fut& as 3! fato) Doe groto fa Diffina ano apart, one tree from another, Spon grane graftc grounD , fometo&at fcigfjer tfoant&epaines , astfjSaturc ID oiilofg clDljcrfelfcabo uc {jcrpotucr, arfificidl. i)aro bj?, &cucn jn- toe efpteo feuen jnoians ; ano commtng bp to tljcui, at firlf wow. (|, e ^ erp^effeo fome feare j but being embotonea bp oar cour^ tcous.t't'age, ano fome trifles to^tclj toe gaue tljcm, tfjey fol* lotoeo tjs to a nec&c of lanu,to fjtch toe tmagineo f>a& brenc ftv uereo from tfje maine ; butfinoing it otf)jErtotfe,to0pettdueo 9 ^on liner. a ^ a t, tjarbourojrftiers moutfj , toljicl) ranne tip into tbc maine : bntfoccaufetfjeoap toas farrcfpcnt, toctocrcfo^fo torcturnctotpc^flnno fromtofjence toe came , Icauingtije Difconerieoft^fsljarbotir, fo^atime of better leafpre: ficoonelTeoftoljicarboar, asalfopf man^ others Louts, tfjsre is fmall Doubt , c onfiD ering t&at all U;e ^fianDa, as alfo tljc maine (tol;cre toe to'cre) is all roc hie grounds ano broken lanps. j^oto tlje netf Dft^j, toe Determtneo to fo;{ tfic our felucs in tlje little plot of fffounointljemssfiofttjcilaUc !jat one of tji0 companie fjaD Done: &$G fuoocnl^ eppjedeo fouie fear^, mio-fpcaHtng angerip to one about Ijtm (as UieperceiueDb^ljid countenance) caufeo it p;efent!p to be b^ougijt bacfee againe. iue fpenf infraoingtuitfj tfjemfo; jfurres, f U)ljic^re)i5ea large anooape 5?urre,bIac^e5Foye0,Conie ffeinncs, colour of onrl^are0, butfcmeiutjatleils^^re ffein rs large, ^eale f btnnes, ano of ijer beaGa f tunnes, to bs bn* f^no^Den. SL&e^ljaue alfo great fioae of Copper, fomeber^ reDOe, anofome ofajmlertolourj none of ftieni but fjaue cfjaines, earrings o; collars of tytewettall : t^er &e au feme of t[jeir arroios beretoit^mucj) Ufee our boaD arrolu !jeaD0> Dcr^ iDo^manl^ maoe. 2L|jeir cfcaines are ntau? ^oUoto pieces fementeo together , ec^ piece of f &e bigitelte of one of our rdeos, a gnger in length fen oa tfoelue of tf)emtoget!)er on a firing , to&ic& tlje? toeare about fljeir necfes : f tjeir col* !ars t[jep toeare about tljetr bocies Ube banoelieres a ^no* ftjllbjoatj, all bolloto pieces, lt^tl)eotljer,butfometot>a$ J^o^f er ,foure tsut:Djet) pieces in ato|lar,tjers 0n^ antJ euenlg fct together- i5er;Destljef0, fijes !;aus large ^^inlting cups ^ niaue mucli A rate matron orrneancoiTerie muc!) UUz our boarc-lpcarc biases , all tolnd) t!#B Co little e dome , aslttffi offtTeDtJjcirfmrcttroUarg^cijamcSjfoj a Knife 0; fur {) like trifle . but toe fecm CD tittle to regarD it j tet 31 toas DcSrous to tmDerffanp Ujtjere tljet t}ao fuct) fto je of t&is mettall, an* mate fcgnes to oneof tijcm (toitb U^omgj toa0 * erfe> famiWar ) to ^ tah W a Pto* ^ Copper in t>w &ano.,maDe a hole iiiitb t)ic finger in tte groun5,anfi ajittjall, pointcc to tl)cmainc from toljcncs ffie? caine. SL-^g ttribe fire in t[>is m aner 5 eaer^Btie car rietti about |^m m a-purfe of tetoeDteatfjec, a ^ineroU Oouc (tolnc^ I tafee fo bettjeir e iu> of a little ttichc , gently t)c JlrifeetJ; fepon >e SpineraU doo0> atiD tDttfnn a flrofec oj tlpo, a fparUe falietfj upon a piece q( aucfiUjcDD (mocf) iifecow^punse in England) anD t?jtt|j tljelcaS fparhe Ije ma&eti) afire p^e&ntl^* iile tjai alfoef tjjeir jf laye , totjeretort|> t^e^ mabe mamj ftring0 anD toaoJ j but it is not fo b jtgtjt of colour a0 ours in England : 3 am per? man^ ot^rnclj commodities, to anting b otb time anD meant s, could tiot po&blg cifcocer* StjUBtljc^ continues toitl) tet^ce Dales , ner^nigl}trct^ ring tfjemfelues to t|>e rart Jermoff part of our 3 Hano ttoo'o ^ ttijanjilesfrom our fo?t: bat tfje fpurt^a? tfjcv retnrneo to ttje matne,painrtng fiue oj fie tdweto t^e^un, anD once to t^e maine, to Jjicf? taebtderltoo, t^at &)itf)in fiue o? Cr Dated t^c^tDoulo come from ttiemame to bsagaine : butbeingift t[>eir canotues a little from t!jeu)o^t^ maocljugc cms ^ t^outs ofjo^tJntotJS ; nnD toe toitfj our trumpet anD cojiiet, anD cafimg tip our cappes into tlje aire , maDcttjcm ttje beft fewtodi toecoate : ^fijieBjie^tt oft^emremaineD toit^ t0 bebinDe , bearing fcs company enen? oa?into tljc toanD toeU conDi^oneD 5 crceumg all w, O tfj cr j tfjat Uirfjaucfen^tb foj^apetsf boDieanD load? fa^ eUalU^epeopleofAmericajofaature ; of complepionoj colour muc^lifeea D tijes Sneace of theNorth part otrtrgwd. 1 1 , tic&fop bebm&einlttiots, iufjetcouifjcppjicfcc feaftjers of fotolcfi>tn fAl^ionof a cvotonct f fomcof tbcm are anaoneoft&cmoffercDabearoof tfjcinnatang to one of our failcrfl, foj (jtst&at grefojiOn bis face, lu&irij becaufc it tuas'of a rco colour, tljetuBgea.tafae noncof i;isoU)ne* Cijcparc quicfec eieo , ano ficufalt in tfceir Ia>k0 , fcarclcffeof others rjarmcs, asinfenmnsnone ttwnfelucs ; fomc of tije meaner fo:f giacn to ffo^m&tufcul) tfje tor? name of ^aluagee (not , auufowuoft^emiueare ^furres rouno anodofe about tjjeir nechfif* Me^ pronounce our language toitf) great fadUtte; fc; one of ttjern one Da^ fitting bp me, tjpon oceaGon 3 fpa&e fmiUng to r)tm tfjcfe iuojos : How now (firha) are yon fo Ihucie \vith my Tabacco f iDljtcl)iuo;p5 (toitfjout an^ furtfjgr repetition) tfcfuaoenlp fpafeefo plaine anD DiQtnrtl)?, aa if^e ^a&banra long fc^ohir in t[)e language, ^anp otber fuel) trials ice fcaD , totnc & arc bare naolcffe to repeat. SLljeir lupmen ((ucb as toe fa\) tobicb toerebut tl^ainall, toercbutlolDeofttature, ttjeir. men * eie-b;otuc0,t)air^apparcli,anDiancr of bearing, UUeto f fje men, fat, ano ter^toell fauourcD, ant) iruct; aeligbtco in our coinpanej tb^wcnmetterr cutifulltotoarDstbcm. not onel? argue tljis people to be anftucrabietotfjisDeferip? tion, butalfoofaperfectconfhtutionofbo^, acttne, Crong, IjcaUtifull, ano terptotttie, as tljc funD;p totes of tljeiis ctm= ningl^ to^ougbr^mat eafilp toitnes. j?oj tfje agreeing of t&te beoimf IBB Climat tottb bs (3 fpeabe of m^ fdfe,t fo 3 mar iuati? Do fo * of t0c Umat> ffjercfiofour compame) tlrattoefouno our bealt^t firengtb all t()c little i6e remained tl^ere, fo to renetoanft tncrcafc, as nottottljaantrng oo.r met ant) looging tuas none of ffjc belt, ^etnot one of ourcowpan^ (<0oo betbanlc^D) fdttbc lead srirtjsin JTO j inclination to an? oifeafc o fulmcffe , but iBcic mucf) fatter ano m better bealtl) tl;an toljcn toetoent ont of England, lout after our barfce l)ao talien in fo muct; S> a(f afr a0,Ceu ar j5Furres,^fetnnefi 5 attt o tljcr commomttes, nng A true relation of the dilcoiierie ?HS towage In tfjcir mm&s , mate oar company of in&abiV feints (tobicfj to as fmallenousfj before) mucjj finaller ; fo as cap tatnc Gofnold feeing fjte tofjole Erengtfj to confift but of ttuelucmen , ana tljcy but meanly p;ouiocD, teterm^ncdto rcfunic fo: England, Icaiiing tfjid 3flanD (UiJjtcfjfjccalleD Eli- zabeths Iiland) toit^ asman^trusfo^rolufuiUics, as tuere , anB tuitf) inoitfcrcnt faire if aoc ano tueatt^r came to anfter tlje 2 ^ of 3ul& baing alfo jf r ioag (in all Your Lorautps co.comm^!d, A'briefe Note of fiieh-comrnpdities as we faw SAflafras trees, the roots wherofat 3.s.the pound are 336.1. the tunne. Cedars tall and ftraight , in great abundance. Cypres trees. Oakes. Walnut trees great ftorc. Elmes. Beech. Hollie. Haflenut trees. Cherry trees. Cotten trees. Other fruit trees to vs vn- knowcn. The finder of our Saflafas in theft parrs, was one Aiafler RobertMeritort.. E Agles. Cranes. Bitters. Mallards* Teales. a Pengwins. OfpFcis and Hawks. Crowes. Eauens. Mewes. Doues. Sea-pies. ISlacke-birdswith carnation wings. DEers in great ftore, very great and large ,of the North part otrirgini*. Bcares. Flaxe-. Luzernes. Sorreil, & manic other herbs Blacke Foxes, wherevv'ith they made &l Beavers. lees. Otters. Piftet. Wilde-Cats, verie large and \ 7C THales. great. V V Tortoifes, both on DogslikeToxesjblackeandi ^ land .and Tea. (harpenofed. Scales. Conies* Coas. Mackerel!. Fruits>PhMts,AndHcr[rt, Breames. Herrings. TAbacco, excellent fweet Thornbackc. and ftrong. Hakes. Vines in more plenty than in Rockefifii. France. Doggefifli. Ground-nuts, good meat, & Lobiters. alfb medicinable. Crabbes. Strawberries. Mufcles. Rafpeberries. Wilks. Goofeberries. Cockles. Hurtleberries. Scallops. Peafe growing naturally. Oifters. QNakes fourc foot in length, and fixe Inches about, which O the Indians eat for dainue meat, the skinnes whereof they vfefor girdles. Mends and Stones. in great abun- Stones- of a blue mettalline nce. colour, which we take to Emerie ftoncs for Glafters.& be Steele oare. Cutlers. .Stones of all forts for buil- Alabafler very whire. dings. Stones glittering and fhining Cley, red and white. B Abriefe A briefe Note of the lending another bark* thbprcfevtytere 1602, by t hi honour able knight, Sir WAITER RAL^CH, for the-fearching out of his Colonie in Wrrinia. AmuelMace otVVeimonth , afcert? fuffuient at Virginia tUnfe before , (ua0 imploicfc tyi* tfjer bv &tr Walter Ralegb, to mrtet&ofepeo* pietj)Uf)U)ere left tljerein f!)erarc 1587. iDljofe fuccour Ijc i)atb fcnt fine feueralt times at In's otonc charges* SC&c parties bp fjim fet fo;tf;, yerfojmeD notfjing; tome of tfjem following tfcetrofoncpjo* fit elfcui&crc > others returning U)itf) friuolous allegations* flttfjislatt time, toauoioaUejrcufe, [je bought a barftc, and fjucD all'the compani: foa tuagesb^ je moneft : lujjoDcpar= ting from Weimouth iti^arcijlaft i<5o2, fellfo^eleagues to tljc ^onfbtocnujarD of Hatarask, infttrfic fourc Degrees o; thereabout ;anti Ijautngtljcre fpcn amonctl; jtoljcn tljcp came along tljccoatt to fcehet[)C people, tfjcp DID it not, p^c^ fenliiiig tljAttljcertremitre of lueatijer nnu loffc offcmcp^tiv tipall grourtD-tacUlc , fo;eeo anD fearec t[jem from fcarc[jing tlje po;t of Hatarask , to foftfcb ftep toere fent. . jfrom ft at glace tuyere tljep abpDe , ftey baoug^t ^affafras , Radix Chlnae 0^ tjje China rcot, Beniaoun, Cafsia Iignea,| a rinoe of a free mo?0 ftrong t {jan an? fpice a0 U^t Unotoeri, .luit^ Dtuers ot^er corn- moDities, ID Ijtcf; hereafter in a larger Difcourfcma^ fometoligjf, ATreatife A Trcati^contcining Important inducements /0r the planting in theje farts , and finding apa/fige that \vay to the South lea and Chintt. te toiage lufjiclj foe intends to plant fy;t' Hunt people f religion Upon tljc j^o.uSj tueft co tint rctu of America,!!! places tempcrat ano tuell agreeing foifljoiir conffiftmon , to!) id; tfjougl) tljefame Do lie b0ttB&t!040f 4400* greed of latitude, DnDcr tbe paralcls of Italic I France, tef "are not t!jet? fotjot , bp reafon tljat tljc funs fjcat tsqualift'eotnfjis courfeouertije ^)cean, befo;e|jearriue^ tjpon tf)C co nfts of America 3 attratingmuct) t)apour from fljc Tea : toljtcf) mif igaf ion of I) is fjcat, Uie take fo? a benefit to to* ft) at tntcno to tnbabit t^ere > becaufe 'unDcr tljc dim at of 40 fccgrasjtljefamc tooulo be to* tjcljcmcnt eU$ foacur bot)ie5fo cnotirc. flian prince j)j people, set oftemntenoeo to be bg tfje |frenc5 ation 5 tuljic!) long fttijence fjao infjabtf CD tf)ere 3 if oometticall luarrc's.bao not Uriti)f)eU>if)cm : notujttljttanijinstlje fame arc tlj c rtsb t full tnljer itance of fjer 03 aiettie, being fir a o ifco= wcreo b v our nation in ff)* time of iking Henrie tftc fcucntf), tnoer tfje conourt of lohn Cabot anti ty& fonnes :. by tofjic!) fideoffirttoifcouerp, t^e feinjjs ofPortugallantjSpaineDoe Ijoloe anu enio^ t^etr ample aho r iclj hingbomcsj in tijeir la- dies Catt ano tvleff ; ano alfo lately planteo in part bp ffcc Colonies fent tfjttljer b^ t^e honourable Unigfj t , ^ir Walter Ealegh. 2Dtje conrfetnfo tljcfe conntre?0,<0 f])o?oto f (je s 2Dcean,ak a commom together free from all rcffraint b^ fo jren paincea to be mate , tu^reunfo otljcr 'our accaaomeo traces arefubiect j apt fo> mod tu inos t &at can bio to,to be p er fo^mco commonly in 3 o 1 6 ATreatife touching the planting e* ? ? baits. && coatt fatrc, foitfj fafe rcraDs ano fftrb c;s fo| Bitter*. tyips : anp riuer0. Sfjcfe lanos be fairc ano pleaftmf , icfembl ing France, in* t crniculcD toitlj mountaines, t alIei%nieootoc0,ts3a>DlanD0, mujcfjampians. Ojefmleic f?ceainsttron!j,l>\?rcafonit toas ncucr manured > anuixjill Lctfjcrefo^c mo(!3tfojbearc at firlt, Uape-fcet>0,^mpe,jflaj:>anD tuljatfoeuer dg rcquf* ret?; foe"; fircnfl fptli..Kape-ot!c3, ano uUfojfs of nilcs, tiull fcetjcrt? commooiou0 fo^ England , tofjic!) fpcnuetljoilcsa* bunoantly about dotting aho E-eat^cr-D^eiTing* 31n Ithc fo;t, ^cmjjcanD jflaparc p^ofieable, iuljetberf Defame be fent into England, cj U)jousf)t f here b j? our people j ja>ao alfo imli groto tt)erc afiuell oj better tiien in Tcr<;era. Ct)c&fl!ngej toeare^iirc colonrs infomc oft&eiraftipc, iM^ertbp lac Jjope to nnD vie!) Dice ajio colours fo; painting. SDfjetre^s arc fo^tfjewott part, CeDars, pines, ^p;ufe, 5Firre, ano^DaU5tot!;e^o?tf)ti3arD, S)ftljefe trees toill be excellent timberfi of Ceoar,.ano iwo^ fo? curious 2Df)e cliffcs tpon ffje raaSs ano mount aincs cuert? tuyere (l;cU? great iifcclitjoD of Minerals. ^l)ery rul) mine of Cop* peris founo, tul;ereof J fjiiuefone p^ofej anB Replace DC* (cribco. j]5otfarre from loljicl) tljere is a creatfjope alfo of a ^iluer mine. 2C(jere be faire quarries of flone> of teaatifnll rolours, fo^buloings, 2:^0 grotino b^ingef ^ fo^tlj tattfjout tnDuSrie, peafe, H0; fes> Crapes, ^empc,befiDes otljer plants, fruits, Ijerbs ano 6oU3cr3,\wi)ofepleafant tiieio ano Delectable fmcUeiMoe KCI monf!ratc fiiiTicicnilp tf?e fertilitie ano fU)eetne(Te of f [Kit foileannaire. i5catt5 of manp hinDcs ; fome of fye lignctTe of an fDrej , botfjreo ano of ctfjer carcs, setters, aSlolaes , jrocs. nn& quirrels, lofrcl; to rljc jjio;t Jj^arD arc btarhc, anD accountcD tteri? ric!) ^urre0. jf2U)lc3 botlj of ttje iuatcv ano lano, infinit ao;c ano vjari tfic j ^aluUs tctf) Ojo,?t anQ len&UNnj^o , partrioge0 in a^ on me North pare of Virginia. bun&ance., tu'nich sre t?en> great, ana catflj? tafeen. 3!5tros great ano finaU.fome lifce tjnto our 5i5lstoccndute!cvet)nto tfjc >outl), aremo;e large ano toenoiblc fc; England ano France, t&an t&e Newland fiu). Scales ano g>ealcsin great abun* Oance. ^Diles of tljem arc rtcf) rcmmcDittes fo^ England, loljcreof toe notrj malic ^oapc , faefioes man\? ottjer tfe^. Item, 2Tunnet?s, 0ncljoucs, iSomts, Salmons, itobttcrs, ^Differs Ijauingpcarle, ant) infimtotljer fo?ts offifl^, iDljtc^ are mo^e plentifull Upon tfjofe jjio^tljlMel! coafis of America, tfjan in ant? parts of the hnotucn tuo?!o ^aU is reported to be founo tljcre y toljiclj els mat be niao e tfjere, to feme fuffici-- >oas tfje commocittes thereto be raifto botlj of tf)e fea anclanp (after tfjat toe fjaue planteo our people ffeilfullano llic:c " inou(!notis) toill be, jf ity, dljale ano ^eale oiles&oape a<> Qes ano ^papc, SDarre ano pttc!), Hofenano^urpentin^, l^aQSr timber ano boo;t) of Ceoars, Jr trres, ano pines, ipempc, jflace, Cables ano Hopes, &atle-clotl;es, O:apes, ano Kaifens ano Mltnes, Cojne, i&apc-feeos $ oiles, ^IDCS, ^fjinnes, jFrres,2Dics ano Colours fo^patnftng, p carle, petials,ano.otf?er Minerals. SCfjefecommooities before re^earfeo , albeit foj ffjemoft part tfces be grotfe,t?et are t^e tame pjofitabtcfoj-tije g>tate of England fpeciall^ , aftoellinregarD ofttietjfcof ftrcij commo* titties, as fo? tfjc tmploimcnt alfo of our people ano Onps vf ^ toant tol^ereof, ootb Oecat? onr totones ano po?ts of England, ano caufet^ tl)erealme to ftoarme full toitf) poo;e anoiole people. 2D^ commooittefit'nUfeetojt, arc of great tjfe anoeSt? tnatum in all tlje &outl) ano CSlettcrne countrc^s of Europe } namel^,Italie,FranceanoSpaine : fpjt^e toltfrf) all nations utl w w t^at $aue faeene accutt onteo to rcpaire tintotlje Newfound- land fo; tfje commooitie of nu) ano otles alone^ toill fcenrefo^ iuarDfojfabct^e Newfound-land, anofraoctoitftts, toljen cncetoe i/aue pianteo people mtjiofe parts : all comrners, boti) fij^ 1 8 A Treatifc touching the planting anD mnng commoDities beBDes, of gcoD importance $ fcalue. mSw. com ' . W gn tom We &pantarD0 anD pojtugals tying fcnto tj0 in ercljangeof fucljcommoDiticsbefo;ementioneD, Alines, ^Ujixtoiles^ruitSjfepiceo.^ugars^ilbs^olDanD^iU ucr^ toijatfoeuertljat Europe \>loetl;,to fupptg our necettt' tie0,anD to increafe our Delights. ns!ttycom jfo; tofjiclj &paify conimoDtties anD otljcr fojfs toife, cur merchants of England ttrill tying tmto to vllot!) , Catteli, fo > our tto;e anD tycep > anD cuerr tljaduciljctUnccD , o;t!jnt England u)all^npl^ejcc!)(inge fo; fuc{; commoDities. gjentofouc ^tbisintercourfe, ourt}abitation0U)iUbemaDea&fa" cwotb- pleofaUtjenDiblecommoDitie0 of tljetoo^lD, anDameanco to tentaber^ great quantitie of our cngliu) clotb into all f (je colD regions of America ertenoeD ter^ farre. 7nttreourfe 2Cf)t0 inter co urfe aifo lull be fan c Djatu en together b v t [jt0 ?a? S^ rcafon : SC^J n ^ re aDioining topon ty e fame coafts of New- t^cr nations found-land, is tbegreatett filing of tijefcuo;lo> luljitberooe peerelp rcpaire about 400 tailes of fljip0,fo; no otlj er commo? Ditic tljan j?ift) anD irlf;alc~oilc0 SLfjcn fo;afmucb as mer chants arc Diligent in quifi to urs after gaincs, tl)ty ID ill fconc remcoue tljeir traDe from Newfound-land tmto t)s ncare at (jano , foj fo great increafe of gaine as tljcp u)all ma(vc bv 1 tra= 3ncoitnnoui= Dingtuitj) t)0. 5fo; tu^reas t(je toopagc tinto t^e Newfound- i^etolaua lancl ^ mto a mo ^ c cola anD intemperate place , not to be t ra* tease. DeD no; frequentcD at all times , not fo;tifieD fo; fecuritie of tbetyips anD goiDs,oft fpoileD br pirats o; men of toarre ; tlje charges great fo;falt; Double manning anD Double virtual* ling tijetr u)ips,tn regarD t^at tij e labo: is great anD t ijc time long, befo;e tbcir laDing can be maDe reaDie : tijct can? out* luarDs no commoDities no; fraigljt-, ano after fire monetljs towage, tljcir returne is maDe but of jj-'tfij anD Diles. Commotitttei Contrariluife , bg traDing toitii tis at our intenDeD place, traSSrSi ^ e courfe ^ albe m a mancr a *.fy*tf U1to a mo ^ e temperate w. anD Ijcaltljfull climat > at all times of tljc vntrctcbc traDco j Ijarbo :s fo;tificD to fecure u)ips anD goobs 5 charges atyiDgeD of falt,tjictualling anD manning u)ips Double tbecaufe laDing Qallbc piouioeD Unto tbeir Ijanos at a 11103 e eafie rate tfjan toaro on the North part of yirginu. foaro, fo mafee eyc&angc foiff) &0 j ano fo get profit boffc tnate0 : ano tfjcn cueri? foure monet*t$et> mat? mabc atio^ age ano ret urne, of botlj GO? and 01100, ant) mant> otfjrr com* &l)efereafon0 asuifeotytocigfjeB, $all mafee our enter* p;ifeappeareeafie, anotfce mod profitable oftljelDojlo, foj cur nation to tmoerfaUe. SCljc reafons fc)C f J;tcfls relic bp? on,arctl;efe: namely t n to our people , tlje fubicct ano matter cf man ^ no* table commoDitte0. England fljali affo?Dl30 people bowmen, N crjilojcn abouc 10000 fpareo from (jemc tc tpojh tfjofe commooities t&ere. Newfound-land fljaUmmiffer (Dipping to carrie atDajj all ourcommoDtticrj , ano to b;ing others bnto t)0 a game fo; our fuppite. ttop of tljefe rcaCons are alreat)^ effcrteoibnfoour : t|jat is to faj : SLIjc place iwf)crc tue l^all finoe titty commoatto, anD^ipsfoticnttljcm, 3Jt rematneffj onel^ foj our pnrt0 , to carrt&anD tranfpojt people Uittl) t^etrpao* uiftcws frorn Englandjtoljerettjemtferte ano ncccffitieofma* nie crie oui To; fucfj Ijelpc ano reltcfe. n\& confioei-cD,no nation of Cb?ulen&cm 10 fo fit fo; t[)t0 aaion a0 England , bp reafon of our fuperfluou0 people (a0 3 mnp tearme tfjem) ano of our long oometticaU peace. 0no after tfjat toe be once 200 men ftrong, tictualleO ano fojtifi* co, loc can not be rcmmueo b^ as man^ trjoufan00, j? o^ befiDe0 ttjat , toe Ijaue fecne bot^ in France anfc t!jc Low-countrcys,U)f)cre 200 men toeUfojtineD ano ttctuallcD, Ijaue feept out tf;e forces botlj of tfje $ rencl) t $>pamu) feing0, cuentutt[]iint[)ctroUjneUingoome0 : itu)albeal(bainatter of great oiniculti?,to tranfpoat an armp ouert&e Dcean toit^ ttrtuab ano niunitton,ano aficrU)ar&0 to abtoe long fiege a* b^oao, againfttjs fojtifico tottljin, toljerctfje ber^ elements ano famine fyallfis&f fo*t)0, tfjoug^toe ^oulolie Cillano C 2 ip A Treatife touching the planting ?^ c &^ wa B } neither in tfjis attempt tljall ijurt ts. Menu toing ftmple, naheo anD tmarmeo, oettitnte of eoge-tfcles o; toeapons j tofjerbp t&c? are Dnable either to fiefeno fyefelues o : to offeno 'os : neither is our intent to p;oupfce, but to cljcp rifyano U)in tljembnto Ctoiftiattitiebp faire meancs > ret noilo truft tljcm to> far, blit to pjouioe againft all ac cjoente. nen to conduce , as toe of all otljcr nations are mod fit foj aDifcouerp ant) planting in remote places ; euen fo, tnaer the tjcaucnc tljcrc is noplace to fcefouno fo conucnient fo> fucb a purpofe -, bp rcafon of tfje temperature, commoDities, aptfite fo; trace, srcpairctrjirljeralreaopof foman^i^ips, luhicl) in anr otljcr fcnfrcquenteo tountrcp, can not be p^ocu* rco in a mans age, no; tpitr; erpanfe of fnilfe a million. &o as tlje Qt\e\y DifficulUc noU), is in our nrff p;eparaf ion (coefoj or ' totr^nfpo^tfome fcto people at tljc beginning 5 ttjecljarccs tnato of it to|jcrcof (^,ill be oefraieD bj our firft returnc of fiu) ano fome commoDities of >affafras , ibices, ^hinnes ano jrurrrs, iut)ic()toe flicill alfo tjauebi? tracing tottlj tfjc &aluagesX{)e p;o>fe of to&icrj commooittes (^all tncourage cur merchants' to Center largely in tije ncrt. 3L\)t fupplte u)all eafilp ano con fir^iall^ be fent bp u^ips , to|jid; ^eerel? goe from t cnce fento tf)'e Newfound-land ano \3S , ano tlje tntcrcourfe $ change ioel^aHljaue toitlj all nations repairing tt)itijer. l^ali Co^e t)3 toif Ij abunoance of all things fo; our nereffities ano t e= Wfit>t. ^Rfjicljreafons, if tfje^ po bane fo;efenet!ft|)em t[jatplanteD mtfje ^outlj part of Virginia (tDtjiri) ts^ place Oeftituf c of goo ijarboars, anD farre from all trate) no Doubt but if tfjep bao fetleo neerer tinto t^is frequented traDc in tlyt Newfound-land , tijei? Ijao bn tfjis time bane a ter^-flouri^^ ing ^f ate, ano plmittfuU in all things > tubo alfo migtjt f fjcn |jan0 maoe toap into t^e botoels of tljat large continent, Mereaffnrepli? toe^all oifconer tcrie gaols ano ricl) hinjj* fiomcjj ano cities. amatterof BK ma? alfo feme a matter cf great confequenc e fo? ifce S?* anl) fccur ^ e of England ; tljat out of tfjcfe j^ojtljcrlp re^ gionstoe l^allbeabJeto furniu) t^is realmcof all mantr cf p^omfions favour names -, naoielp, pttcf?, i^ofcn, Cables, Hopes, gpa&s, ano fcc^ !ifeSj Dp^ict) l^all bemaoetuittjtn f liofe ijcr ^meilies otune oomimcn^ b|> ijer otone fubtetts, ano on the North parr 1^201*51)1 fcitfjer t&c2ototfjeDfcan , free from reffratnt of ang ctljcr p;tnce ; toljerebp tfyt cufiomes ana charges be* Ootoeo bp oar merchants (to flic inricfc tng of fb;ren CHarcs) ftjalbc lcftcnco,&nD tnrneD to Jfje benefit of ijer fgNgbnefffe anD fjer Deputies in ttjofe parts : tofml; alfo tyalloeliaer our mer* eljantsfrom many troubles f moleftattons lubicljtfjevnoto Vsntotlltngli? injure in our Cad traces ;ano u;al maUc ts tlje leffc to uoubt tljc malice of tljofe States to^ont nolu lue ma\ notofftnD, leC U)eu)oulObetnterccptcDoft|)efamep;otnfi> ons, to ttjefoeafewunsof our nauic, f &e inoft ratalluefence of t[j is noble realme. Ofaconuenictit paflagc and trade into the South Sea, vndsr temper At f regions, part by rjuers, and fome partouerland> jn the continent ofjlmerita. 7 CSltll aD5e IjareunTo an auut5b "Jjope (groima CD tpon in* I falliblfi reafons) of a isa^ to be ntaoe,part ouer land, t part b^riuerso^tahes, into t|ie&ont{)fea6t)nro Cathay, China, ano t^ofe pacing net) omntre?s, l^ing in t^e Cad parts cftfje&Q^Uj : tl)k|)U)ai?oj paiiage (fuppofcfi-to be^ono ^ettlermott fconr.ss of America, fencer t&c frcjcB ^one) Isncuerr^cleiTe, fjeJo ls% tfje opinion of man^ learns toji* f erg anc men of tuogement noto lining , to be in t&efe moae temperate regions j ano tljat t^je Tame ^all neuer be tnaoc fenolsen, fenie(Ts toe plant Orfi > Upfjereli^ toe u)all learns as tnuc^ b^ inqutfitton of tfje natarall inhabitants , as b^ our ottme nanigattons 31 U)tU not fjeerein relie\)pon reports 97iaD0 in tfje JFrenc?) metis etfcoucries > tpt t^e fea to!)ic^ gi* uetb Peerage fents Cathay, cytenueUjtVomt^e ^o}t^ 9 neere fenfotfje riner of Canada , into 44 oegr&0, lotj of tf}6 (balnages is ealleo Tadouac ^eitl)er fepon ttre 5ilcoqcrw0 of laques Noel, pa^eD tjeycno t^s t&?fe ^ attits , feijerc Jaques Carrier left to tiifcoaer,6n5ingtljcriMerof S. tzt tfje fame rta: Dfo leads into a mi^t is ia& 9 C 5 a a A Treatifc touching the planting $c entrance ioas freOj , but be^onD, U>a0 bitter o; fait ; fl&e cnD to&ereof U>a0 tmbnotoen. >nu(ting tfccrcfoje t&efe Ijopes, 3 foill grounD tnt opini > on Upon rcafon anD nature, tofc(rl) to ill not faile. 5fo; tfiis tochnoU) alreaDie, tf)at great riucrs Ijaue bane Difcouereo a f&oufanD CBngUu) miles into tijat continent of America j namel^,tfjat of S.Laurence OJ Canada. 3i5ut not re* savDingimlcsmoiscoj leffc, mottaffnrcolp, tfjatanootijcr Iniouicnrtucrst^cre, ooe DefcenD fromt[)ebtg[)cttpartib; an ecDii--ft motm * a " lcs >2 miODle of tljat continent, intoourj^ojtbfca. of a cuter ti)'q= ilno iiisc as t fj o fc mo untai5 DO end from t [jcin , Creamce in* J'ffiiSt 8 '0' to F ^^^ feas>> eucn fo *& e "^ tijeu oo into tt)e ^out|> fea, iiucct!) a-po/t- Vu^tcl) is on tijc bar he of fijat continent able mwr. JP O ^ a n m ountatne0 Ijaue tljeir otfcents toiuaro tljc fea0 a* 'bout tlj cm j luii ttb arc tjjc lotu ed placed anD proper nianfiono ofioater : anotoaters (Utljtcf) are conteineo in tlje motsn* taincs, acittoerein ciff ernes) pcfccnDing naturally, Doeal* to nice rcfo;t Vinfo fljc feas inuironing tjjofc lanDc : fo; rrani? pie j jffrom tlje Alps confining Germanic, France, anD Italic, t&e migljtie riuer Daunbie Dotlj taUe I)i5 courfe C^att, anD Dif* cl)argetl) into tjjc p ontiqu c fea : tfjc Rh me,^o;t!j, ano fallcty intotl;e germane fea : tljeRhofne, WSWR* anD goetl) into tlje CpcDiterran fra : f be Po,>outtj,is empticD into tljc Adri- atickoj gulfe of 'Venice. Dt[jer tnttances mag be pzoaucco to like effect in Africkj ^ea,at Ijome amongtt fye mountaine^ 111 England. feeing tljcn in nature fljis can notbeDenicD, anD bp eype rience dfcluljcrc is fount) to be fo , 3 Ml u;cU) f;olu a traDc roto tljcfe temperate anD tjabitable regions , tljanbp tbcfro* ?en ^ones in ttjc fuppofco paffages of^o?t^tueffoj ^io^t^ *aft : Vofjere, if tfjctocrpmdmentbeomitteD of tljctimeto paffc, tljen are toe liheto be frozen in tlje fens, o;fo;ceD to CoHinterineFtreamecolDeanDDarkcneirelibetntoljeU o^ in tljc mioG of ^ummer,lue fljalbe inperillto Ijaue our Qip0 oucrtDljclmcD o? cruf^t in pieced b? biDeous anD fearcfcill ntountaines of^cefioting ijpon tJjofe feae. SCfjcr efo;e fourc Staple-places mud be erecteD, tu^jen f lie fijo^t anD pa^blc tun? 10 fonno ; tytt\ to fay, ttoo ijpon on tlic North part of Firginu. tponttf* jpojf!) fi0e,at f fje fceao ano fal of tfje riuer 5 ano f too others on t&e>oaf& fiOe,attfce Ijeao ano fal alfooft&atot&ec litter. pjouioeo, tbat u)tps map paffe tip fijofe riuers fcnfo tfjg j&tapiesjfo farre as ttje fame^e nauigable tat g t&elanO; ano affertoaros, tfcat boats twt(j fiat bottomes map alfo paffe Go fjicfj ano necre f &e fjeaos of tlje rtuers tmf o t'gz Staples , aa powblpffjepcan, euenti)itble(letbantU?of(Dt loafer, toinc!) can nott^en be far from tlje beaoss as in ti)c riuer of Chagre. si bat necbc o^ fpace of lano bet toane tlje ttuo beaos of t(je faio rtuers, if it be 100 leagues (to!;ic& is not lifte) ttje conw moDitissfromtbe^o;tb ano from tlje ^outb fea b;ougC tbit[)er,map tucl be carrieo ouer tfje fame bpon bo;fes,mute3 o; beafts of tijat count rep apt fo labour (as tf;e elUe o^ buffei) o; bp tlje aioofmanp^aluages actuScmco toburoensj to^a Qall Qeao 'us great Ip in tljefe affaires. Sltis mo^eouer to beconfioereo,tf)af all f&efe countreps Jo peelo (fo farre as is fenotoen) Ceoars,ptnes, j?irre tms ano Dafts, fobutlO,ma(l, an0pearou)ipsj U)!)crefo^eUiema^ not ooubf,but f bat Sjips map be builoeo on t [j e g>ou t|j fea. 2D[)enasu)ipson t!;e ^ouf^fioc map goe ano returns fo ano from Cathay, China, ano of [jermofiricb regions of f!j0 Cad tDo;io in fiue moneys o; thereabouts > euen fo tfie gcoD^ being rarrieo ouertinfo Sije^cjtij doe , Igips map come f fji^ f fj cr fr o m England fofefc[jf Defame gooo, ano returns bpa topage of foure o? fine monet^a tjfoallp. . &o as in suerp foure moneys map be refurneo into Eng- land f be great riches of Cathay, China, Japan, anottjer^lf, tofn'cijtoiU be Apices, H);uggea,^ntfte 9 pearlc, Atones, p!o,^iiu'er,?ilfes, Clotljes of golo, $ allmaner of paecious things, to&icij Qallrewmpenfe Retime ano labour of t^eir tranQjojtaf ion anlr carriage, tf itfeere as farre ano oange^ rousasjtlje $po>ae0 traoe is from Fete anp Marocco (succ t^e burning ano moneable fanos, in fcjbir&'tljsp periu) manpf times, ano fuflftrcommonl? great oifrreffes) ftntotbertuo: cal|eo Niger mAfrica, ano from thence, tp t^efaio riher ma* "^milcsj aftertoarospucr-lano againe, ' 5 ano fo fcnto Cairo in Egypt ? C4 2 1 A Treatife touching the planting 5 &c. flD; if it tocre a borage fo farre a* cur merchants fcaue maoc into Perfia , euen to Ormus , b tfje toat? of tye $ojtl?, tfjjotig!) Ruisia into tijc Cafpian (ea, ano fo fo; t b , ir.iflj pat^ nicnt o f manp toller. 515ut ttjts patlage ouer ano tyoaoto 1 1) c confluent of America, astljc Tame Ojall be aluiatcs t>nOcr temperate ann tjabttablc climat0j ano a pleafant patTagr, af* tcr it 15 atl; bane a little frequenteD > cuen fo it mutt fall out mud; n;o^tcr iljan it fccmctf) , bp falfe Defcnphon of tl;at con= tincnt,U)!)ic^ Dotl) not ertenft fo farreinto fye 3HHe&, us bp later natngations is found ano Defcribeo in mo:e CP quifit c fmrt0. H5cfiDc0 ttjat ? t Jje fea cytcnDB it felfe intone Ianot3er\? farrein man? places on tye&outtjfioe r toljcrebp our acceflte tjnto ttje &ontt) ocean , bebpfomuc^lje FINIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below JUN 5 1961 UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY F7 G6B7 Brereton - >fe B:I trna relation. DBMCO 4N 5 11161 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY ii in 1 1 i ii in A 001 340 441 3 F7 G6B7 1602a