WILEY AND PUTNAM'S LIBRARY OF CHOICE READING, STORIES FROM THE ITALIAN POETS, Lately Published. In Two Parts, IGmo., and bound in extra cloth by Bradley. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BENVENUTO CELLINI. THE COMPLETE AND ANNOTATED EDITION OF ROSCOE. Notices of the Work. " Cellini was one of the most extraordinary men in an extraordinary age ; his life, written by himself, is more amusing than any novel I know." Horace Walpolc. [F^rom the Retrospective Review.] "This is, perhaps, the most perfect piece of autobiography that ever was written, whether considered with reference to the candour and veracity of the author, the spirit of the incidents, or the breathing vitality of the narrative. It has also the recommendation of having been written at a very interesting pe- riod of literary history, and of recording some curious particulars relative to the private character of the great men of the time. * * We never, in the whole course of our life, read a book of a more engaging description. * * * , " Benvenuto Cellini, a man of great genius, and uncommon versatility of tal- ents ; caressed alike by kings, popes, and dignitaries of the Church of Rome ; esteemed by men of learning ; lauded by the most eminent artists of his time ; and beloved by all his acquaintance. Admitted into the privacy of the most elevated in rank and station, he never forgot what was due to himself as a man : he was neither servile to kings nor their mistresses; he neither flattered popes nor their favourites ; he neither worshipped a cardinal's hat nor the tiara ; he was bold for the right^ and thought not that St. Peter's chair could sanctify wrong, or hallow injustice he dared to speak the truth ; an audacity fatal to the hopes of the followers of courts, and the aspirers to place. " Quick, bold, ardent and enterprising, he was eminently gifted by nature with those talents which are essential to achieve excellence ; and although con- fined for a great portion of his life to the humble walk of the goldsmith's busi- ness, it is evident, from his extraordinary success in bronze-casting and in sculpture, that he was equally calculated to excel in the higher departments of art. Of this, his statue of Perseus and the piece of sculpture which he executed, after his vision, of a Christ upon the cross, described by Vasari as an exquisite and wonderful performance, afford sufficient proofs. His merits as an artist, indeed, are allowed by those who were best able to appreciate them by his friends Michael Angelo and Julio Romano. Uniting the different branches of the fine arts, at the same time a musician, a poet, and a soldier, he seems to have been exceeded by few in the capability of his intellect, and in its various and successful application." STORIES FROM THE ITALIAN POETS: BEING A SUMMARY IN PROSE POEMS OF DANTE, PULCI, BOLARDO, ARIOSTO AND TASSO; WITH COMMENTS THROUGHOUT, OCCASIONAL PASSAGES VERSIFIED, CRITICAL NOTICES OF THE LIVES AND GENIUS OF THE AUTHORS. BY LEIGH HUNT. IN THREE PARTS. PART I. NEW YORK : WILEY AND PUTNAM, 161 BROADWAY. 1846. R CRitoHZiD's Power Prest T. B. SMITH, Stereotype 113 Fulton Street 810 William Street. TQ v.i-3 COP,^ 'TO SIR PERCY SHELLEY, BART 3 MY DEAR SIR PERCY. W As I know no man who surpasses yourself in combining a love of the most romantic fiction with the coolest good sense, and, in passing from the driest metaphysical questions to the heartiest enjoyment of JJhumour, I trust that even a modesty so true as yours will not grudge o me the satisfaction of inscribing these volumes with your name. i ^ That you should possess such varieties of taste is no wonder, consid- "* ering what an abundance of intellectual honours you inherit ; nor might the world have been the better for it, had they been tastes, and nothing more. But that you should inherit also that zeal for justice to mankind, ^^ which has become so Christian a feature in the character of the age, and that you should include hi that zeal a special regard for the welfare of your Father's Friend, is a subject of constant pleasurable reflection to Your obliged and affectionate LEIGH HUNT. 298930 PREFACE. THE purpose of these volumes is, to add to the stock of tales from the Italian writers ; to retain at the same time as much of the poetry of the originals as it is in the power of the writer's prose to compass ; and to furnish careful bi- ographical notices of the authors. There have been several collections of stories from the novelists of Italy, but none from the poets ; and it struck me that prose versions from these, of the kind here offered to the public, might not be unwillingly received. The stories are selected from the five principal narrative poets, Dante, Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto, and Tasso ; they comprise the most popular of such as are fit for translation ; are reduced into one continuous narrative, when diffused and interrupted, as in the instances of those of An- gelica, and Armida ; are accompanied with critical and ex- planatory notes ; and, in the case of Dante, consist of an abstract of the poet's whole work. The volumes are fur- thermore interspersed with the most favourite niorceaux of the originals, followed sometimes with attempts to versify them ; and in the Appendix, for the better satisfaction of the student, are given entire stories, also in the original, and occasionally rendered in like manner. The book is partic- ularly intended for such students or other lovers of the lan- guage as are pleased with any fresh endeavours to recom- viii PREFACE. mend it ; and, at the same time, for such purely English readers as wish to know something about Italian poetry, without having leisure to cultivate its acquaintance. I did not intend in the first instance to depart from the plan of selection in the case of Dante \ but when I consid- ered what an extraordinary person he was, how intense is every thing which he says, how widely he has re-attracted of late the attention of the world, how willingly perhaps his poem might be regarded by the reader as being itself one continued story (which, in fact, it is), related personally of the writer, and lastly, what a combination of difficulties have prevented his best translators in verse from giving the public a just idea of his almost Scriptural simplicity I be- gan to think that an abstract of his entire work might pos- sibly be looked upon as supplying something of a desidera- tum. I am aware that nothing but verse can do perfect jus- tice to verse ; but besides the imperfections which are par- donable, because inevitable, in all such metrical endeavours, the desire to impress a grand and worshipful idea of Dante has been too apt to lead his translators into a tone and man- ner the reverse of his passionate, practical, and creative style a style which may be said to -write things instead of words ; and thus to render every word that is put out of its place, or brought in for help and filling up, a misrepresenta- tion. I do not mean to say, that he himself never does any thing of the sort, or does not occasionally assume too much of the oracle and the schoolmaster, in manner as w r ell as matter ; but passion, and the absence of the superfluous, are the chief characteristics of his poetry. Fortunately, this sin- cerity of purpose and utterance in Dante, render him the least pervertible of poets in a sincere prose translation ; and, since I ventured on attempting one, I have had the pleasure PREFACE. of meeting with an express recommendation of such a ver- sion 1 in an early number of the Edinburgh Review. The abstract of Dante, therefore, in these volumes (with every deprecation that becomes me of being supposed to pre- tend to give a thorough idea of any poetry whatsoever, es- pecially without its metrical form) aspires to be regarded as, at all events, not exhibiting a false idea of the Dantesque spirit in point of feeling and expression. It is true, I have omitted long tedious lectures of scholastic divinity, and other learned absurdities of the time, which are among the bars to the poem's being read through, even in Italy (which Foscolo tells us is never the case) ; and I have compressed the work in other passages not essentially necessary to the formation of a just idea of the author. But quite enough remains to do so in every respect ; and in no part of it have I made ad- ditions or alterations. There is warrant I hope I may say letter for every thing put down. Dante is the greatest poet for intensity that ever lived ; and he excites a correspond- ing emotion in his reader I wish I could say, always on the poet's side ; but his ferocious hates and bigotries too often tempt us to hate the bigot, and always compel us to take part with the fellow-creatures whom he outrages. At least, such is their effect on myself. Such a man, however, is the last whom a reporter is inclined to misrepresent. We re- spect his sincerity too much, ferocious though it be ; and we like to give him the full benefit of the recoil of his curses and maledictions. I hope I have not omitted one. On the other hand, as little have I closed my feelings against the lovely and enchanting sweetness which this great semi-bar- barian sometimes so aflfectingly utters. On those occasions 1 " It is probable that a prose translation would give a better idea of the ge- nius and manner of this poet than any metrical one." Vol. i. p. 310. 2 i PREFACE. he is like an angel enclosed for penance in some furious gi- ant, and permitted to weep through the creature's eyes. The stories from goodnatured Pulci I have been obliged to compress for other reasons chiefly their excessive diffuse- ness. A paragraph of the version will sometimes comprise many pages. Those of Boiardo and Ariosto are more exact ; and the reader will be good enough to bear in mind, that no- thing is added to any of the poets, different as the case might seem here and there, on comparison with the originals. An equivalent for whatever is said is to be found in some part of the context generally in letter, always in spirit. The least characteristically exact passages are, some in the love-scenes of Tasso ; for I have omitted the plays upon words and oth- er corruptions in style, in which that poet permitted himself to indulge. But I have noticed the circumstance in the com- ment. In other respects, I have endeavoured to make my version convey some idea of the different styles and genius of the writers, of the severe passion of Dante, the overflow- ing gaiety and affecting sympathies of Pulci, several of whose passages in the Battle of Roncesvalles are masterpieces of pathos ; the romantic and inventive elegance of Boiardo ; the great cheerful universality of Ariosto, like a healthy anima mundi ; and the ambitious irritability, the fairy imagination, and tender but somewhat effeminate voluptuousness of the poet of Armida and Rinaldo. I do not pretend that prose versions of passages from these writers can supersede the ne- cessity of metrical ones, supposing proper metrical ones at- tainable. They demand them more than Dante, the tone and manner in their case being of more importance to the effect. But with all due respect to such translators as Har- rington, Rose, and Wiffen, their books are not Ariosto and Tasso, even in manner. Harrington, the gay "godson" of PREFACE. Queen Elizabeth, is not always unlike Ariosto ; but when not in good spirits he becomes as dull as if her majesty had frowned on him. Rose was a man of wit, and a scholar ; yet he has undoubtedly turned the ease and animation of his original into inversion and insipidity. And Wiffen, though elegant and even poetical, did an unfortunate thing for Tasso, when he gave an additional line and a number of paraphrastic thoughts to a stanza already tending to the superfluous. Fairfax himself, who upon the whole, and with regard to a work of any length, is the best metrical translator our language has seen, and, like Chapman, a genuine poet, strangely aggravated the sins of prettiness and conceit in his original, and added to them a love of tautology amount- ing to that of a lawyer. As to Hoole, he is below criticism ; and other versions I have not happened to see. Now if I had no acquaintance with the Italian language, I confess I would rather get any friend who had to read to me a passage out of Dante, Tasso, or Ariosto, into the first simple prose that offered itself, than go to any of the above translators for a taste of it, Fairfax excepted ; and we have seen with how much allowance his sample would have to be taken. I have therefore, with some restrictions, only ventured to do for the public what I would have had a friend do for myself. The Critical and Biographical Notices I did not intend to make so long at first ; but the interest grew upon me ; and I hope the reader will regard some of them Dante's and Tasso's in particular as being "stories" themselves, after their kind, " stories, alas, too true ;" " romances of real life." The extraordinary character of Dante, which is personally mixed up with his writings beyond that of any other poet, has led me into references to his church and creed, unavoidable at any time in the endeavour to give a thorough xii PREFACE. estimate of his genius, and singularly demanded by certain phenomena of the present day. I hold those phenomena to be alike absurd and fugitive ; but only so by reason of their being openly so proclaimed ; for mankind have a tendency to the absurd, if their imaginations are not properly directed ; and one of the uses of poetry is, to keep the faculty in a healthy state, and cause it to know its boundaries. Dante, in the fierce egotism of his passions, and the strange identi- fication of his knowledge with all that was knowable, would fain have made his poetry both a sword against individuals, and a prop for the support of the superstition that corrupted them. This was reversing the duty of a Christian and a great man ; and there happen to be existing reasons why it is salutary to shew that he had no right to do so, and must not have his barbarism confounded with his strength. Mach- iavelli was of opinion, that if Christianity had not reverted to its first principles, by means of the poverty and pious lives of St. Francis and St. Dominic,* the faith would have been lost. It may have been ; but such .are not the secrets of its preservation in times of science and progression, when the spirit of inquiry has established itself among all classes, and nothing is taken for granted, as it used to be. A few per- sons here and there, who confound a religious reaction in a corner with the reverse of the fact all over the rest of Eu- rope, may persuade themselves, if they please, that the world * Discern sopra la Prima Deca di Tito Livio, lib. iii. cap. i. At p. 136 of the present volume I have too hastily called St. Dominic " the founder of the Inquisition." It is generally conceded, I believe, by candid Protestant in- quirers, that he was not, whatever zeal in the foundation and support of the tribunal may have been manifested by his order. But this does not acquit him of the cruelty for which he has been praised by Dante : he joined in the san- guinary persecution of the Albigenses. PREFACE. xiii has not advanced in knowledge for the last three centuries, and so get up and cry aloud to us out of obsolete horn-books ; but the community laugh at them. Every body else is in- quiring into first principles, while they are dogmatising on a forty-ninth proposition. The Irish themselves, as they ought to do, care more for their pastors than for the pope ; and if any body wishes to know what is thought of his holi- ness at head-quarters, let him consult the remarkable and admirable pamphlet which has lately issued from the pen of Mr. Mazzini.* I have the pleasure of knowing excellent Roman Catholics ; I have suffered in behalf of their eman- cipation, and would do so again to-morrow ; but I believe that if even their external form of Christianity has any chance of survival three hundred years hence, it will have been owing to the appearance meanwhile of some extraordi- nary man in power, who, in the teeth of worldly interests, or rather in charitable and sage inclusion of them, shall have proclaimed that the time had arrived for living in the flower of Christian charity, instead of the husks and thorns which may have been necessary to guard it. If it were possible for some new and wonderful pope to make this change, and draw a line between these two Christian epochs, like that between the Old and New Testaments, the world would feel inclined to prostrate itself again and for ever at the feet of Rome. In a catholic state of things like that, delighted should I be, for one, to be among the humblest of its com- municants. How beautiful would their organs be then ! how ascending to an unperplexing Heaven their incense ! * It is entitled, " Italy, Austria, and the Pope ;" and is full, not only of the eloquence of zeal, and of evidences of intellectual power, but of the most curious and instructive information. xiv PREFACE. how unselfish their salvation ! how intelligible their talk about justice and love ! But if charity (and by charity I do not mean mere tolera- tion, or any other pretended right to permit others to have eyes like ourselves, but whatever the beautiful Greek word implies of good and lovely), if this truly and only divine con- summation of all Christian doctrine be not thought capable of taking a form of belief " strong" enough, Superstition must look out for some new mode of dictation altogether ; for the world is outgrowing the old. I cannot, in gratitude for the facilities afforded to myself, as well as for a more obvious and public reason, dismiss this Preface without congratulating men of letters on the estab- lishment and increasing prosperity of the London Library, an institution founded for the purpose of accommodating subscribers with such books, at their own homes, as could only be consulted hitherto at the British Museum. The sole objection to the Museum is thus done away, and the literary world has a fair prospect of possessing two book-institutions instead of one, each with its distinct claims to regard, and pre- senting in combination all that the student can wish ; for while it is highly desirable that authors should be able to have standard works at their command, when sickness or other circumstances render it impossible for them to go to the Mu- seum, it is undoubtedly requisite that one great collection should exist in which they are sure to find the same works unremoved, in case of necessity, not to mention curious vol- umes of all sorts, manuscripts, and a world of books of reference, CONTENTS. DANTE. PAOB CRITICAL NOTICE OF HIS LIFE AND GENIUS, 1 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, 45 The Journey through Hell, 47 The Journey through Purgatory, ....... 89 The Journey through Heaven, ....... 131 PULCI. CRITICAL NOTICE OF HIS LIFE AND GENIUS, ; . . . 167 HUMOURS OF GIANTS, ... 189 THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES, . *. 207 BOIARDO. CRITICAL NOTICE OF HIS LIFE AND GENIUS, 233 THE ADVENTURES OF ANGELICA, 249 THE DEATH OF AGRICAN, ........ 267 THE SARACEN FRIENDS, 275 SEEING AND BELIEVING, 291 ARIOSTO. CRITICAL NOTICE OF HIS LIFE AND GENIUS, 299 THE ADVENTURES OF ANGELICA, (CONTINUED,) . . 339 Part I. Angelica and her Suitors, ...... 339 II. Angelica and Medoroi . . . 350 III. The Jealousy of Orlando 360 ASTOLFO'S JOURNEY TO THE MOON, 369 ARIODANTE AND GINEVRA, 381 SUSPICION, 393 ISABELLA, 401 CONTENTS. TASSO. **< CRITICAL NOTICE OF HIS LIFE AND GENIUS, ..... 409 OLINDO AND SOPHRONIA, 461 TANCRED AND CLORINDA, 471 RlNALDO AND ARM1DA, ETC., ....... 483 Part I. Armida in the Christian Camp, 483 n. Armida's Wrath and Love with Rinaldo, .... 490 HI. Tancred in the Enchanted Forest, ....'. 494 IV. The Loves of Rinaldo and Armida, 498 V. The Disenchantment of the Forest, and the taking of Jerusalem, 501 APPENDIX. No. I. STORY OF PAULO AND FRANCESCA, 519 II. ACCOUNTS GIVEN BY DIFFERENT WRITERS OF THE CIRCUMSTAN- CES RELATING TO PAULO AND FRANCESCA J CONCLUDING WITH THE ONLY FACTS ASCERTAINED, .... 523 III. STORY OF UGOLINO, .... ... 526 IV. PICTURE OF FLORENCE IN THE TIME OF DANTE'S ANCESTORS, 533 V. THE DEATH OF AGRICAN, 535 VI. ANGELICA AND MEDORO, ....... 543 VII. THE JEALOUSY OF ORLANDO, ... . 552 VIII. THE DEATH OF CLORINDA, ....:. 559 IX. TANCRED IN THE ENCHANTED FOREST, . . . .561 DANTE: Critical Noti of tjis #i CRITICAL NOTICE DANTE'S LIFE AND GENIUS.* DANTE was a very great poet, a man of the strongest passions, a claimant of unbounded powers to lead and enlighten the world ; and he lived in a semi-barbarous age, as favourable to the inten- sity of his imagination, as it was otherwise to the rest of his pre- tensions. Party zeal, and the fluctuations of moral and critical opinion, have at different periods over-rated and depreciated his memory ; and if, in the following attempt to form its just estimate, I have found myself compelled, in some important respects, to differ with preceding writers, and to protest in particular against his being regarded as a proper teacher on any one point, poetry excepted, and as far as all such genius and energy cannot in some degree help being, I have not been the less sensible of the wonderful nature of that genius, while acting within the circle to which it belongs. Dante was indeed so great a poet, and at the same time exhibited in his personal character such a mortifying exception to what we conceive to be the natural wisdom and tem- per of great poets ; in other words, he was such a bigoted and exasperated man, and sullied his imagination with so much that * As notices of Dante's life have often been little but repetitions of former ones, I think it due to the painstaking character of this volume to state, that besides consulting various commentators and critics, from Boccaccio to Frati- celli and others, I have diligently perused the Vita di Dante, by Cesare Balbo, with Rocco's annotations ; the Histoire Litteraire ngue, Rafel, maee a mech zabee almee.* " Dull wretch !" e xclaimed Virgil, " keep to thine horn, and so vent better whatsoever frenzy or other passion stuff thee. Feel the chain round thy throat, thou confusion ! See, what a clenching hoop is about thy gorge !" Then he said to Dante, " His howl is its owi mockery. This is Nimrod, he through whose evil am- bition it was that mankind ceased to speak one language. Pass him, and say nothing ; for every other tongue is to him as his is to thee." The companions went on for about the length of a sling's throw, when they passed the second giant, who was much fiercer and huger than Nimrod. He was fettered round and round with chains, that fixed one arm before him and the other behind him Ephialtes his name, the same that would needs make trial of his strength against Jove himself. The hands which he then wielded were now motionless, but he shook with passion ; and Dante thought he should have died for terror, the effect on the ground about him was so fearful. It surpassed that of a tower shaken by an earthquake. The poet expressed a wish to look at Briareus, but he was too far off. He saw, however, Antaeus, who, not having fought against heaven, was neither tongue-con- founded nor shackled ; and Virgil requested the " taker of a * The gaping monotony of this jargon, full of the vowel a, is admirably suited to the mouth of the vast, half-stupid speaker. It is like a babble of the gigantic infancy of the world. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HELL. 79 thousand lions," by the fame which the living poet had it in his power to give him, to bear the travellers in his arms down the steep descent into this deeper portion of hell, which was the re- gion of tormenting cold. Antfeus, stooping, like the leaning tower of Bologna, to take them up, gathered them in his arms, and, de- positing them in the gulf below, raised himself to depart like the mast of a ship.* Had I hoarse and rugged words equal to my subject, says the poet, I would now make them fuller of expression, to suit the rocky horror of this hole of anguish ; but I have not, and there- fore approach it with fear, since it is no jesting enterprise to de- scribe the depths of the universe, nor fit for a tongue that babbles of father and mother.f Let such of the Muses assist me as turned the words of Amphion into Theban walls ; so shall the speech be not too far different from the matter. Oh, ill-starred creatures ! wretched beyond all others, to in- habit a place so hard to speak of better had ye been sheep or goats. The poet was beginning to walk with his guide along the place in which the giant had set them down, and was still looking up at the height from which he had descended, when a voice close to him said, " Have a care where thou treadest. Hurt not with thy feet the heads of thy unhappy brethren." Dante looked down and before him, and saw that he was walk- ing on a lake of ice, in -which were Murderous Traitors up to their chins, their teeth chattering, their faces held down, their eyes locked up frozen with tears. Dante saw two at his feet so closely stuck together, that the very hairs of their heads were mingled. He asked them who they were, and as they lifted up * " Ne si chinato li fece dimora, E come albero in nave si levo." A magnificent image ! I have retained the idiomatic expression of the original raised himself, instead of saying rose, because it seemed to me to give the more grand and deliberate image. t Of " mamma" and " bdbbo," says the primitive poet. We have corres- ponding words in English, but the feeling they produce is not identical. The lesser fervour of the northern nations renders them, in some respects, more so- phisticate than they suspect, compared with the " artful" Italians. dO THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. their heads for astonishment, and felt the cold doubly congeal them, they dashed their heads against one another for hate and fury. They were two brothers who had murdered each other.* Near them were other Tuscans, one of whom the cold had de- prived of his ears ; and thousands more were seen grinning like dogs, for the pain. Dante, as he went along, kicked the face of one of them, whether by chance, or fate, or will,] he could not say. The sufferer burst into tears, and cried out, " Wherefore dost thou torment me ? Art thou come to revenge the defeat at Monta- perto ?" The pilgrim at this question felt eager to know who he was ; but the unhappy wretch would not tell. His countryman seized him by the hair to force him ; but still he said he would not tell, were he to be scalped a thousand times. Dante, upon this, began plucking up his hairs by the roots, the man barking^ with his eyes squeezed up, at every pull ; when another soul ex- claimed, " Why, Bocca, what the devil ails thee ? Must thou needs bark for cold as well as chatter ?" " Now, accursed traitor, betrayer of thy country's standard," said Dante, " be dumb if thou wilt ; for I shall tell thy name to the world." " Tell and begone !" said Bocca ; " but carry the name of this babbler with thee ; 'tis Buoso, who left the pass open to the en- emy between Piedmont and Parma ; and near him is the traitor for the pope, Beccaria ; and Ganellone, who betrayed Charle- * Alessandro and Napoleon degli Alberti, sons of Alberto, lord of the valley of Falterona in Tuscany. After their father's death they tyrannised over the neighbouring districts, and finally had a mortal quarrel. The name of Napo- leon used to be so rare till of late years, even in Italian books, that it gives one a kind of interesting surprise to meet with it. t " Se voter fu, o destino o fortuna, Non so." What does the Christian reader think of that ? t Latrando. Bocca degli Abbati, whose soul barks like a dog, occasioned the defeat of the Guelfs at Montaperto, in the year 1260, by treacherously cutting off the hand of the standard-bearer. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HELL. 81 magne ; and Tribaldello, who opened Faenza to the enemy at night-time." The pilgrims went on, and beheld two other spirits so closely locked up together in one hole of the ice, that the head of one was right over the other's like a cowl ; and Dante, to his horror, saw that the upper head was devouring the lower with all the eagerness of a man who is famished. The poet asked what could possibly make him shew a hate so brutal ; adding, that if there were any ground for it, he would tell the story to the world.* The sinner raised his head from the dire repast, and after wi- ping his jaws with the hair of it, said, " You ask a thing which it shakes me to the heart to think of. It is a story to renew all my misery. But since it will produce this wretch his due in- famy, hear it, and you shall see me speak and weep at the same time. How thou earnest hither I know not ; but I perceive by thy speech that thou art Florentine. " Learn, then, that I was the Count Ugolino, and this man was Ruggieri the Archbishop. How I trusted him, and was betrayed into prison, there is no need to relate ; but of his treatment of me there, and how cruel a death I underwent, hear ; and then judge if he has offended me. " I had been imprisoned with my children a long time in the tower which has since been called from me the Tower of Fam- ine ; and many a new moon had I seen through the hole that served us for a window, when I dreamt a dream that foreshadow- ed to me what was coming. Methought that this man headed a great chase against the wolf, in the mountains between Pisa and Lucca. Among the foremost hi his party were Gualandi, Sis- mondi, and Lanfranchi, and the hounds were thin and eager, and high-bred ; and in a little while I saw the hounds fasten on the flanks of the wolf and the wolfs children, and tear them. At that moment I awoke with the voices of my own children in my ears, asking for bread. Truly cruel must thou be, if thy heart does not ache to think of what I thought then. If thou feel not for a pang like that, what is it for which thou art accustomed to * This is the famous story of Ugolino, who betrayed the castles of Pisa to the Florentines, and was starved with his children in the Tower of Famine. 7 82 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. feel ? We were now all awake ; and the time was at hand when they brought us bread, and we had all dreamt dreams which made us anxious. At that moment I heard the key of the horri- ble tower turn in the lock of the door below, and fasten it. I looked at my children, and said not a word. I did not weep. I made a strong effort upon the soul within me. But my little Anselm said, 'Father, why do you look so? Is any thing the matter ?' Nevertheless I did not weep, nor say a word all the day, nor the night that followed. In the morning a ray of light fell upon us through the window of our sad prison, and I beheld in those four little faces the likeness of my own face, and then I began to gnaw my hands for misery. My children, thinking I did it for hunger, raised themselves on the floor, and said, ' Fa- ther, we should be less miserable if you would eat our own flesh. [t was you that gave it us. Take it again.' Then I sat still, in order not to make them unhappier : and that day and the next we all remained without speaking. On the fourth day, Gaddo stretched himself at my feet, and said, ' Father, why won't you help me ?' and there he died. And as surely as thou lookest on me,. so surely I beheld the whole three die in the same manner. So I began in my misery to grope about in the dark for them, for I had become blind ; and three days I kept calling on them by name, though they were dead ; till fam- ine did for me what grief had been unable to do." With these words, the miserable man, his eyes starting from his head, seized that other wretch again with his teeth, and ground them against the skull as a dog does with a bone. O Pisa ! scandal of the nations ! since thy neighbours are so slow to punish thee, may the very islands tear themselves up from their roots in the sea, and come and block up the mouth of thy river, and drown every soul within thee. What if this Count Ugolino did, as report says he did, betray thy castles to the enemy ? his children had not betrayed them ; nor ought they to have been put to an agony like this. Their age was their inno- cence ; and their deaths have given thee the infamy of a second Thebes.* * I should be loath to disturb the inimitable pathos of this story, if there did not seem grounds for believing that the poet was too hasty in giving credit to THE JOURNEY THROUGH HELL. 83 The pilgrims passed on, and beheld other traitors frozen up in swathes of ice, with their heads upside down. Their very tears had hindered them from shedding more ; for their eyes were en- crusted with the first they shed, so as to be enclosed with them as in a crystal visor, which forced back the others into an accumula- tion of anguish. One of the sufferers begged Dante to relieve him of this ice, in order that he might vent a little of the burden which it repressed. The poet said he would do so, provided he would disclose who he was. The man said he was the friar Al- berigo, who invited some of his brotherhood to a banquet in order to slay them. " What !" exclaimed Dante, " art thou no longer, then, among the living ?" " Perhaps I appear to be," answered the friar ; " for the mo- ment any one commits a treachery like mine, his soul gives up his body to a demon, who thenceforward inhabits it in the man's likeness. Thou knowest Branca Doria, who murdered his father- in-law, Zanche ? He seems to be walking the earth still, and yet he has been in this place many years."* " Impossible !" cried Dante ; " Branca Doria is still alive ; he eats, drinks, and sleeps, like any other man." " I tell thee," returned the friar, " that the soul of the man he slew had not reached that lake of boiling pitch in which thou sawest him, ere the soul of his slayer was in this place, and his body occupied by a demon in its stead. But now stretch forth thy hand, and relieve mine eyes." Dante relieved them not. Ill manners, he said, were the only courtesy fit for such a wretch.f parts of it, particularly the ages of some of his fellow-prisoners, and the guilt of the archbishop. See the Appendix to this volume. * This is the most tremendous lampoon, as far as I am aware, in the whole circle of literature. t " Cortesia fu lui esser villano." This is the foulest blot which Dante has cast on his own character in all his poem (short of the cruelties he thinks fit to attribute to God). It is argued that he is cruel and false, out of hatred to cru- elty and falsehood. But why then add to the sum of both? and towards a man, too, supposed to be suffering eternally ? It is idle to discern in such bar- barous inconsistencies any thing but the writer's own contributions to the stock 84 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. O ye Genoese ! he exclaims, men that are perversity all over, and full of every corruption to the core, why are ye not swept from the face of the earth ? There is one of you whom you fancy to be walking about like other men, and he is all the while in the lowest pit of hell ! " Look before thee," said Virgil, as they advanced : " behold the banners of the King of Hell." Dante looked, and beheld something which appeared like a windmill in motion, as seen from a distance on a dark night. A wind of inconceivable sharpness came from it. The souls of those who had been traitors to their benefactors were here frozen up in depths of pellucid ice, where they were seen in a variety of attitudes, motionless ; some upright, some downward, some bent double, head to foot. At length they came to where the being stood who was once eminent for all fair seeming.* This was the figure that seemed tossing its arms at a distance like a windmill. " Satan," whispered Virgil ; and put himself in front of Dante to re-assure him, halting him at the same time, and bidding him summon all his fortitude. Dante stood benumbed, though con- scious ; as if he himself had been turned to ice. He felt neither alive nor dead. The lord of the dolorous empire, each of his arms as big as a giant, stood in the ice half-way up his breast. He had one head, of them. The utmost credit for right feeling is not to be given on every occa- sion to a man who refuses it to every one else. * " La creatura ch' ebbe il bel sembiante." This is touching ; but the reader may as well be prepared for a total failure in Dante's conception of Satan, especially the English reader, accustomed to the sublimity of Milton's. Granting that the Roman Catholic poet intended to honour the fallen angel with no sublimity, but to render him an object of mere hate and dread, he has overdone and degraded the picture into caricature. A great stupid being, stuck up in ice, with three faces, one of which is yellow, and three mouths, each eating a sinner, one of those sinners being Brutus, is an object for derision ; and the way in which he eats these, his everlasting bonnes-bouches, divides derision with disgust. The passage must be given, otherwise the abstract of the poem would be incomplete ; but I cannot help thinking it the worst anti-climax ever fallen into by a great poet. ITHE JOURNEY THROUGH HELL. 85 but three faces ; the middle, vermilion ; the one over the right shoulder a pale yellow ; the other black. His sails of wings, huger than ever were beheld at sea, were in shape and texture those of a bat ; and with these he constantly flapped, so as to send forth the wind that froze the depths of Tartarus. From his six eyes the tears ran down, mingling at his three chins with bloody foam ; for at every mouth he crushed a sinner with his teeth, as substances are broken up by an engine. The middle sinner was the worst punished, for he was at once broken and flayed, and his head and trunk were inside the mouth. It was Judas Iscariot. Of the other two, whose heads were hanging out, one was Brutus, and the other Cassius. Cassius was very large-limbed. Brutus writhed with agony, but uttered not a word.* " Night has returned," said Virgil, " and all has been seen. It is time to depart onward." Dante then, at his bidding, clasped, as Virgil did, the huge in- attentive being round the neck ; and watching their opportunity, as the wings opened and shut, they slipped round it, and so down his shaggy and frozen sides, from pile to pile, clutching it as they went ; till suddenly, with the greatest labour and pain, they were compelled to turn themselves upside down, as it seemed, but in reality to regain their proper footing ; for they had passed the centre of gravity, and become Antipodes. Then looking down at what lately was upward, they saw Lucifer with his feet towards them ; and so taking their departure, ascended a gloomy vault, * This silence is, at all events, a compliment to Brutus, especially from a man like Dante, and the more because it is extorted. Dante, no doubt, hated , all treachery, particularly treachery to the leader of his beloved Roman em- perors ; forgetting three things ; first, that Caesar was guilty of treachery him- self to the Roman people ; second, that he, Dante, has put Curio in hell for ad- vising Caesar to cross the Rubicon, though he has put the crosser among the good Pagans ; and third, that Brutus was educated in the belief that the pun- ishment of such treachery as Caesar's by assassination was one of the first of duties. How differently has Shakspeare, himself an aristocratic rather than democratic poet, and full of just doubt of the motives of assassins in general, treated the error of the thoughtful, conscientious, Platonic philosopher ! 86 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. till at a distance, through an opening above their heads, they be- held the loveliness of the stars.* * At the close of this medley of genius, pathos, absurdity, sublimity, horror, and revoltingness, it is impossible for any reflecting heart to avoid asking, Cui bono ? What is the good of it to the poor wretches, if we are to suppose it true ? and what to the world except, indeed, as a poetic study and a warning against degrading notions of God if we are to take it simply as a fiction ? Theology, disdaining both questions, has an answer confessedly incomprehensible. Hu- manity replies: Assume not premises for which you have worse than no proofs. II. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY, Argument. PURGATORY, in the system of Dante, is a mountain at the Antipodes, on the top of which is the Terrestrial Paradise, once the seat of Adam and Eve. It forms the principal part of an island in a sea, and possesses a pure air. Its lowest region, with one or two exceptions of redeemed Pagans, is occupied by Excommunicated Penitents and by Delayers of Penitence, all of whom are compelled to lose time before their atonement commences. The other and greater portion of the ascent is divided into circles or plains, in which are expi- ated the Seven Deadly Sins. The Poet ascends from circle to circle with Virgil and Statins, and is met in a forest oa the top by the spirit of Beatrice, who transports him to Heaven. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. WHEN the pilgrims emerged from the opening through which they beheld the stars, they found themselves in a scene which en- chanted them with hope and joy. It was dawn : a sweet pure air came on their faces ; and they beheld a sky of the loveliest oriental sapphire, whose colour seemed to pervade the whole serene hollow from earth to heaven. The beautiful planet which encourages loving thoughts made all the orient laugh, obscuring by its very radiance the stars in its train ; and among those which were still lingering and sparkling in the southern horizon, Dante saw four in the shape of a cross, never beheld by man since they gladdened the eyes of our first parents. Heaven seem- ed to rejoice in their possession. O widowed northern pole ! be- reaved art thou, indeed, since thou canst not gaze upon them !* * " Dolce color d' oriental zaffiro Che s' accoglieva nel sereno aspetto De 1' aer puro infino al primo giro, A gli occhi miei ricomincio diletto, Tosto ch' io usci' I'uor de 1' aura morta Che m' avea contristati gli occhi e '1 petto. Lo bel pianeta, ch' ad amar conforta, Faceva tutto rider 1' oriente, Velando i Pesci, ch' erano in sua scorta. Io mi volsi a man destra, e posi mente All' altro polo, e vidi quattro stelle Non viste mai, fuor ch' a la prima gente ; Goder pareva '1 ciel di lor fiammelle. O settentrional vedovo sito, Poi che private sei di mirar quelle !" 90 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. The poet turned to look at the north where he had been accus- tomed to see stars that no longer appeared, and beheld, at his side, an old man, who struck his beholder with a veneration like that of a son for his father. He had grey hairs, and a long beard which parted in two down his bosom ; and the four southern stars The sweetest oriental sapphire blue, Which the whole air in its pure bosom had, Greeted mine eyes, far as the heavens withdrew ; So that again they felt assured and glad, Soon as they issued forth from the dead air, Where every sight and thought had made them sad. The beauteous star, which lets no love despair, Made all the orient laugh with loveliness, Veiling the Fish that glimmered in its hair. I turned me to the right to gaze and bless, And saw four more, never of living wight Beheld, since Adam brought us our distress ; Heaven seemed rejoicing in their happy light O widowed northern pole, bereaved indeed, Since thou hast had no power to see that sight ! Readers who may have gone thus far with the " Italian Pilgrim's Progress," will allow me to congratulate them on arriving at this lovely scene, one of the most admired in the poem. This is one of the passages which make the religious admirers of Dante in- clined to pronounce him divinely inspired ; for how could he otherwise have seen stars, they ask us, which were not discovered till after his time, and which compose the constellation of the Cross? But other commentators are of opinion, that the Cross, though not so named till subsequently (and Dante, we see, gives no prophetic hint about the name), had been seen probably by stray navigators. An Arabian globe is even mentioned by M. Artaud (see Gary), in which the Southern Cross is set down. Mr. Gary, in his note on the passage, refers to Seneca's prediction of the discovery of America ; most likely suggested by similar information. " But whatever," he adds, " may be thought of this, it is certain that the four stars are here symbolical of the four cardinal virtues ;" and he refers to cauto xxxi., where those virtues are retrospectively associated with these stars. The symbol, however, is not necessary. Dante was a very curious inquirer on all subjects, and evidently acquainted with ships and seamen as well as geography ; and his imagination would eagerly have seized a magnificent novelty like this, and used it the first opportunity. Co- lumbus's discovery, as the reader will see, was anticipated by Pulci. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 91 beamed on his face with such lustre, that his aspect was as radi- ant as if he had stood in the sun. " Who are ye ?" said the old man, " that have escaped from the dreadful prison-house ? Can the laws of the abyss be viola- ted ? Or has heaven changed its mind, that thus ye are allowed to come from the regions of condemnation into mine ?" It was the spirit of Cato of Utica, the warder of the ascent of purgatory. The Roman poet explained to his countryman who they were, and how Dante was under heavenly protection ; and then he prayed leave of passage of him by the love he bore to the chaste eyes of his Marcia, who sent him a message from the Pagan cir- cle, hoping that he would still own her. Cato replied, that although he was so fond of Marcia while on earth that he could deny her nothing, he had ceased, in obedience to new laws, to have any affection for her, now that she dwelt be- yond the evil river ; but as the pilgrim, his companion, was un- der heavenly protection, he would of course do what he desired.* He then desired him to gird his companion with one of the sim- plest and completest rushes he would see by the water's side, and to wash the stain of the lower world out of his face, and so take their journey up the mountain before them, by a path which the rising sun would disclose. And with these words he disap- peared.! The pilgrims passed on, with the eagerness of one who thinks every step in vain till he finds the path he has lost. The full dawn by this time had arisen, and they saw the trembling of the * Generous and disinterested ! Cato, the republican enemy of Caesar, and committer of suicide, is not luckily chosen for his present office by the poet, who has put Brutus into the devil's mouth in spite of his agreeing with Cato, and the suicide Piero delle Vigne into hell in spite of his virtues. But Dante thought Cato's austere manners like his own. } The girding with the rush (givmco schietto) is supposed by the commen- tators to be an injunction of simplicity and patience. Perhaps it is to enjoin sincerity ; especially as the region of expiation has now been entered, and sin- cerity is the first step to repentance. It will be recollected that Dante's for- mer girdle, the cord of the Franciscan friars, has been left in the hands of Fraud. 92 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. sea in the distance.* Virgil then dipped his hands into a spot of dewy grass, where the sun had least affected it, and with the moisture bathed the face of Dante, who held it out to him, suffused with tears ;f and then they went on till they came to a solitary shore, whence no voyager had ever returned, and there the loins of the Florentine were girt with the rush. On this shore they were standing in doubt how to proceed, moving onward, as it were, in mind, while yet their feet were staying, when they beheld a light over the water at a distance, rayless at first as the planet Mars when he looks redly out of the horizon through a fog, but speedily growing brighter and brighter with amazing swiftness. Dante had but turned for an instant to ask his guide what it was, when, on looking again, it had grown far brighter. Two splendid phenomena, he knew not what, then developed themselves from it on either side ; and, by degrees, another below it. The two splendours quickly turned out to be wings ; and Virgil, who had hitherto watched its coming in si- lence, cried out, " Down, down, on thy knees ! It is God's angel. Clasp thine hands. Now thou shall behold operancy indeed. Lo, how he needs neither sail nor oar, coming all this way with nothing but his wings ! Lo, how he holds them aloft, using the air with them at his will, and knowing they can never be weary." The " divine bird " grew brighter and brighter as he came, so that the eye at last could not sustain the lustre ; and Dante turned his to the ground. A boat then rushed to shore which the * " L' alba vinceva 1' ora mattutina Che fuggia 'nnanzi, si che di lontano Conobbi il tremolar de la marina." The lingering shadows now began to flee Before the whitening dawn, so that mine eyes Discerned far off the trembling of the sea. " Conobbi il tremolar de la marina" Is a beautiful verse, both for the picture and the sound. t This evidence of humility and gratitude on the part of Dante would be very affecting, if we could forget all the pride and passion he has been shew- ing elsewhere, and the torments in which he has left his fellow-creatures. With these recollections upon us, it looks like an overweening piece of self-congratu- lation at other people's expense. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 93 angel had brought with him, so light that it drew not a drop of water. The celestial pilot stood at the helm, with bliss written in his face ; and a hundred spirits were seen within the boat, who, lifting up their voices, sang the psalm beginning " When Israel came out of Egypt." At the close of the psalm, the angel bless- ed them with the sign of the cross, and they all leaped to shore ; upon which he turned round, and departed as swiftly as he came. The new-comers, after gazing about them for a while, in the manner of those who are astonished to see new sights, inquired of Virgil and his companion the best way to the mountain. Virgil explained who they were ; and the spirits, pale with astonishment at beholding in Dante a living and breathing man, crowded about him, in spite of their anxiety to shorten the period of their trials. One of them came darting out of the press to embrace him, in a manner so affectionate as to move the poet to return his warmth ; but his arms again and again found themselves crossed on his own bosom, having encircled nothing. The shadow, smiling at the astonishment in the other's face, drew back ; and Dante hastened as much forward to shew his zeal in the greeting, when the spirit in a sweet voice recommended him to desist. The Flor- entine then knew who it was, Casella, a musician, to whom he had been much attached. After mutual explanations as to their meeting, Dante requested his friend, if no ordinance opposed it, to refresh his spirit awhile with one of the tender airs that used to charm away all his troubles on earth. Casella immediately began one of his friend's own productions, commencing with the words, " Love, that delights to talk unto my soul Of all the wonders of my lady's nature." And he sang it so beautifully, that the sweetness rang within the poet's heart while recording the circumstance. The other spirits listened with such attention, that they seemed to have for- gotten the very purpose of their coming ; when suddenly the voice of Cato was heard, sternly rebuking their delay ; and the whole party speeded in trepidation towards the mountain.* * " Amor che ne la mente mi ragiona De la mia donna disiosamente," is the beginning of the ode sung by Dante's friend. The incident is beautifully 94 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. The two pilgrims, who had at first hastened with the others, in a little while slackened their steps ; and Dante found that his body projected a shadow, while the form of Virgil had none. When arrived at the foot of the mountain, they were joined by a second party of spirits, of whom Virgil inquired the way up it. One of the spirits, of a noble aspect, but with a gaping wound in his forehead, stepped forth, and asked Dante if he remembered him. The poet humbly answering in the negative, the stranger disclosed a second wound, that was in his bosom ; and then, with a smile, announced himself as Manfredi, king of Naples, who was slain in battle against Charles of Anjou, and died excommuni- cated. Manfredi gave Dante a message to his daughter Co- stanza, queen of Arragon, begging her to shorten the consequen- ces of the excommunication by her prayers ; since he, like the rest of the party with him, though repenting of his contumacy against the church, would have to wander on the outskirts of Purgatory three times as long as the presumption had lasted, un- less relieved by such petitions from the living.* Dante went on, with his thoughts so full of this request, that he did not perceive he had arrived at the path which Virgil asked for, till the wandering spirits called out to them to say so. The introduced ; and Casella's being made to select a production from the pen of the man who asks him to sing, very delicately implies a graceful cordiality in the musician's character. Milton alludes to the passage in his sonnet to Henry Lawes " Thou honour's! verse, and verse must lend her wing To honour thee, the priest of Phrebus' quire, That tun'st their happiest lines in hymn or story. Dante shall give Fame leave to set thee higher Than his Casella, whom he wooed to sing, Met in the milder shades of Purgatory." * Manfredi was the natural son of the Emperor Frederick the Second. " He was lively and agreeable in his manners," observes Mr. Gary," and delighted in poetry, music, and dancing. But he was luxurious and ambitious, void of re- ligion, and in his philosophy an epicurean." Translation of Dante, Smith's edition, p. 77. Thus King Manfredi ought to have been in a red-hot tomb, roasting for ever with Epicurus himself, and with the father of the poet's be- loved friend, Guido Cavalcante : but he was the son of an emperor, and a foe to the house of Anjou ; so Dante gives him a passport to heaven. There is no ground whatever for the repentance assumed in the text THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 95 pilgrims then, with great difficulty, began to ascend through an extremely narrow passage ; and Virgil, after explaining to Dante how it was that in this antipodal region his eastward face beheld the sun in the north instead of the south, was encouraging him to proceed manfully in the hope of finding the path easier by de- grees, and of reposing at the end of it, when they heard a voice observing, that they would most likely find it expedient to repose a little sooner. The pilgrims looked about them, and observed close at hand a crag of a rock, in the shade of which some spir- its were standing, as men stand idly at noon. Another was sit- ting down, as if tired out, with his arms about his knees, and his face bent down between them.* " Dearest master !" exclaimed Dante to his guide, " what thinkest thou of a croucher like this, for manful journeying ? Verily he seems to have been twin-born with Idleness herself." The croucher, lifting up his eyes at these words, looked hard at Dante, and said, "Since thou art so stout, push on." Dante then saw it was Belacqua, a pleasant acquaintance of his, famous for his indolence. " That was a good lesson," said Belacqua, " that was given thee just now in astronomy." The poet could not help smiling at the manner in which his acquaintance uttered these words, it was so like his ways of old. Belacqua pretended, even in another world, that it was of no use to make haste, since the angel had prohibited his going higher up the mountain. He and his companions had to walk round the foot of it as many years as they had delayed repenting ; unless, as in the case of Manfredi, their time was shortened by the pray- ers of good people. A little further on, the pilgrims encountered the spirits of such Delayers of Penitence as, having died violent deaths, repented at the last moment. One of them, Buonconte da Montefeltro, who died in battle, and whose body could not be found, described how the devil, having been hindered from seizing him by the shedding of a single tear, had raised in his fury a tremendous * The unexpected bit of comedy here ensuing la very remarkable and pleas- ant. Belacqua, according to an old commentator, was a musician. 96 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. tempest, which sent the body down the river Arno, and buried it in the mud.* Another spirit, a female, said to Dante, " Ah ! when thou re- turnest to earth, and shalt have rested from thy long journey, re- member me, Pia. Sienna gave me life ; the Marshes took it from me. This he knows, who put on my finger the wedding- ring.''! * Buonconte was the son of that Guido da Montefeltro, whose soul we have seen carried off from St. Francis by a devil, for having violated the conditions of penitence. It is curious that both father and son should have been contested for in this manner. t This is the most affecting and comprehensive of all brief stories. " Deh quando tu sarai tomato al mondo, E riposato de la lunga via, Seguito '1 terzo spirito al secondo, Ricordjti di me che son la Pia : Siena mi fe ; disfecemi Maremma ; Salsi colui che 'nnauellata pria Disposando m' avea con la sua gemma." Ah, when thou findest thee again on earth (Said then a female soul), remember me Pia. Sienna was my place of birth, The Marshes of my death. This knoweth he, Who placed upon my hand the spousal ring. " Nello della Pietra," says M. Beyle, in his work entitled De V Amour, " ob tained in marriage the hand of Madonna Pia, sole heiress of the Ptolomei, tbr richest and most noble family of Sienna. Her beauty, which was the admira tion of all Tuscany, gave rise to a jealousy in the breast of her husband, that envenomed by wrong reports and suspicious continually reviving, led to a fright- ful catastrophe. It is not easy to determine at this day if his wife was altogethei innocent ; but Dante has represented her as such. Her husband carried her with him into the marshes of Volterra, celebrated then, as now, for the pestifer- ous effects of the air. Never would he tell his wife the reason of her banish- ment into so dangerous a place. His pride did not deign to pronounce either complaint or accusation. He lived with her alone, in a deserted tower, of which I have been to see the ruins on the sea-shore ; he never broke his disdainful si- lence, never replied to the questions of his youthful bride, never listened to her entreaties. He waited, unmoved by her, for the air to produce its fatal effects. The vapours of this unwholesome swamp were not long in tarnishing features the most beautiful, they say, that in that age had appeared upon earth. In a THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 97 The majority of this party were so importunate with the Flor- entine to procure them the prayers of their friends, that he had as much difficulty to get away, as a winner at dice has to free himself from the mercenary congratulations of the by-standers. On resuming their way, Dante quoted to Virgil a passage in the jEneid, decrying the utility of prayer, and begged him to explain how it was to be reconciled with what they had just heard. Vir- gil advised him to wait for the explanation till he saw Beatrice, whom, he now said, he should meet at the top of the mountain. Dante, at this information, expressed a desire to hasten their prog- ress ; and Virgil, seeing a spirit looking towards them as they advanced, requested him to acquaint them with the shortest road. The spirit, maintaining a lofty and reserved aspect, was as si- lent as if he had not heard the request ; intimating by his man- ner that they might as well proceed without repeating it, and eyeing them like a lion on the watch. Virgil, however, went up to him, and gently urged it ; but the only reply was a question as to who they were and of what country. The Latin poet be- ginning to answer him, had scarcely mentioned the word " Man- tua," when the stranger went as eagerly up to his interrogator as the latter had done to him, and said, " Mantua ! My own country ! My name is Sordello." And the compatriots em- braced. O degenerate Italy ! exclaims Dante ; land without affections, without principle, without faith in any one good thing ! here was a man who could not hear the sweet sound of a fellow-citizen's voice without feeling his heart gush towards him, and there are no people now in any one of thy towns that do not hate and tor- ment one another. Sordello, in another tone, now exclaimed, " But who are ye ?" Virgil disclosed himself, and Sordello fell at his feet.* few months she died. Some chroniclers of these remote times report that Nello employed the dagger to hasten her end: she died in the rnarshea in some horrible manner ; but the mode of her death remained a mystery, even to her contemporaries. Nello della Pietra survived, to pass the rest of his days in a silence which was never broken." Hazlitt's Journey through France and Italy, p. 315. Sordello was a famous Proven9al poet ; with whose writings the world 8 98 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. Sordello now undertook to accompany the great Roman poet and his friend to a certain distance on their ascent towards the penal quarters of the mountain ; but as evening was drawing nigh, and the ascent could not be made properly in the dark, he proposed that they should await the dawning of the next day in a recess that overlooked a flowery hollow. The hollow was a lovely spot of ground, enamelled with flowers that surpassed the exquisitest dyes, and green with a grass brighter than emeralds newly broken.* There rose from it also a fragrance of a thou- sand different kinds of sweetness, all mingled into one that was new and indescribable ; and with the fragrance there ascended the chant of the prayer beginning, " Hail, Queen of Heaven,"f which was sung by a multitude of souls that appeared sitting on the flowery sward. Virgil pointed them out. They were penitent delayers of pen- itence, of sovereign rank. Among them, however, were spirits who sat mute ; one of whom was the Emperor Rodolph, who ought to have attended better to Italy, the garden of the empire ; and another, Ottocar, king of Bohemia, his enemy, who now com- forted him ; and another, with a small nose,:}: Philip the Third of France, who died a fugitive, shedding the leaves of the lily ; he sat beating his breast ; and with him was Henry the Third of Navarre, sighing with his cheek on his hand. One was the father, and one the father-in-law of Philip the Handsome, the bane of France ; and it was on account of his unworthiness they grieved. But among the singers Virgil pointed out the strong-limbed King of Arragon, Pedro ; and Charles, king of Naples, with his masculine nose (these two were singing together) ; and Henry has but lately been made acquainted through the researches of M. Raynouard, in his Choix des Poesies des Troubadours, &c. * " Fresco smeraldo in 1' ora che si fiacca." An exquisite image of newness and brilliancy. t " Salve, Regina :" the beginning of a Roman-Catholic chant to the Virgin. t " With nose deprest," says Mr. Cary. But Dante says, literally, "small nose," nasetto. So, further on, he says, " masculine nose," maschio naso. He meant to imply the greater or less determination of character, which the size of that feature is supposed to indicate. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 99 the Third of England, the king of the simple life, sitting by him- self;* and below these, but with his eyes in heaven, Guglielmo marquis of Montferrat. It was now the hour when men at sea think longingly of home, and feel their hearts melt within them to remember the day on which they bade adieu to beloved friends ; and now, too, was the hour when the pilgrim, new to his journey, is thrilled with the like tenderness, when he hears the vesper-bell in the distance, which seems to mourn for the expiring day.j- At this hour of the coming darkness, Dante beheld one of the spirits in the flow- ery hollow arise, and after giving a signal to the others to do as * An English reader is surprised to find here a sovereign for whom he has been taught to entertain little respect. But Henry was a devout servant of the Church. f " Era gia 1' ora che volge '1 desio A' naviganti, e intenerisce '1 cuore Lo di ch' an detto a' dolci amici a Dio ; E che lo nuovo peregrin d' amore Punge, se ode squilla di lontano Che paia '1 giorno pianger che si muore." A famous passage, untiring in the repetition. It is, indeed, worthy to be the voice of Evening herself. 'Twas now the hour, when love of home melts through Men's hearts at sea, and longing thoughts portray The moment when they bade sweet friends adieu ; And the new pilgrim now, on his lone way, Thrills, if he hears the distant vesper-bell, That seems to mourn for the expiring day. Every body knows the line in Gray's Elegy, not unworthily echoed from Dante's " The curfew tolls the knell of parting day." Nothing can equal, however, the tone in the Italian original, the " Paia '1 giorno pianger che si mu6re." Alas ! why could not the great Tuscan have been superior enough to his per- sonal griefs to write a whole book full of such beauties, and so have left us a work truly to be called Divine ? 100 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. he did, stretch forth both hands, palm to palm, towards the East, and with softest emotion commence the hymn beginning, " Thee before the closing light."* Upon which all the rest devoutly and softly followed him, keep- ing their eyes fixed on the heavens. At the end of it they re- mained, with pale countenances, in an attitude of humble expec- tation ; and Dante saw the angels issue from the quarter to which they looked, and descend towards them with flaming swords in their hands, broken short of the point. Their wings were as green as the leaves in spring ; and they wore garments equally green, .which the fanning of the wings kept in a state of stream- ing fluctuation behind them as they came. One of them took his stand on a part of the hill just over where the pilgrims stood, and the other on a hill opposite, so that the party in the valley were between them. Dante could discern their heads of hair, notwith- standing its brightness ; but their faces were so dazzling as to be und istinguishable . " They come from Mary's bosom," whispered Sordello, " to protect the valley from the designs of our enemy yonder, the Serpent." Dante looked in trepidation towards the only undefended side of the valley, and beheld the Serpent of Eve coming softly among the grass and flowers, occasionally turning its head, and licking its polished back. Before he could take off his eyes from the evil thing, the two angels had come down like falcons, and at the whirring of their pinions the serpent fled. The angels returned as swiftly to their stations. Aurora was now looking palely over the eastern cliff on the other side of the globe, and the stars of midnight shining over the heads of Dante and his friends, when they seated themselves for rest on the mountain's side. The Florentine, being still in the flesh, lay down for weariness, and was overcome with sleep. In his sleep he dreamt that a golden eagle flashed down like light- ning upon him, and bore him up to the region of fire, where the heat was so intense that it woke him, staring and looking round about with a pale face. His dream was a shadowing of the * " Te lucis ante terminum ;" a hymn sung at evening service. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 101 truth. He had actually come to another place, to the entrance of Purgatory itself. Sordello had been left behind, Virgil alone remained, looking him cheerfully in the face. Saint Lucy had come from heaven, and shortened the fatigue of his journey by carrying him upwards as he slept, the heathen poet following them. On arriving where they stood, the fair saint intimated the entrance of Purgatory to Virgil by a glance thither of her beau- tiful eyes, and then vanished as Dante woke.* The portal by which Purgatory was entered was embedded in a cliff. It had three steps, each of a different colour ; and on the highest of these there sat, mute and watching, an angel in ash-coloured garments, holding a naked sword, which glanced with such intolerable brightness on Dante, whenever he attempt- ed to look, that he gave up the endeavour. The angel demanded who they were, and receiving the right answer, gently bade them advance. Dante now saw, that the lowest step was of marble, so white and clear that he beheld his face in it. The colour of the next was a deadly black, and it was all rough, scorched, and full of cracks. The third was of flaming porphyry, red as a man's blood when it leaps forth under the lancet.f The angel, whose feet were on the porphyry, sat on a threshold which appeared to be rock-diamond. Dante, ascending the steps, with the encour- agement of Virgil, fell at the angel's feet, and, after thrice beat- ing himself on the breast, humbly a*sked admittance. The angel, with the point of his sword, inscribed the first letter of the word peccatum (sin) seven times on the petitioner's forehead ; then, bidding him pray with tears for their erasement, and be cautious how he looked back, opened the portal with a silver and a golden * Lucy, Lucia (supposed to be derived from lux, lucis), is the goddess (I was almost going to say) who in Roman Catholic countries may be said to pre- side over light, and who is really invoked in maladies of the eyes. She was Dante's favourite saint, possibly for that reason among others, for he had once hurt his eyes with study, and they had been cured. In her spiritual charac- ter she represents the light of grace. t The first step typifies consciousness of sin ; the second, horror of i, ; the third, zeal to amend. 102 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. key.* The hinges roared, as they turned, like thunder ; and the pilgrims, on entering, thought they heard, mingling with the sound, a chorus of voices singing, " We praise thee, O God !"( It was like the chant that mingles with a cathedral organ, when the words that the choristers utter are at one moment to be distin- guished, and at another fade away. The companions continued, ascending till they reached a plain. It stretched as far as the eye could see, and was as lonely as roads across deserts. This was the first flat, or table-land, of the ascending grada- tions of Purgatory, and the place of trial for the souls of the Proud. It was bordered with a mound, or natural wall, of white marble, sculptured all over with stories of humility. Dante be- held among them the Annunciation, represented with so much life, that the sweet action of the angel seemed to be uttering the very word, " Hail !" and the submissive spirit of the Virgin to be no less impressed, like very wax, in her demeanour. The next story was that of David dancing and harping before the ark, an action in which he seemed both less and greater than a king. Michal was looking out upon him from a window, like a lady full of scorn and sorrow. Next to the story of David was that of the Emperor Trajan, when he did a thing so glorious, as moved St. Gregory to gain the greatest of all his conquests the delivering of the emperor's soul from hell. A widow, in tears and mourning, was laying hold of his bridle as he rode amidst his court with a noise of horses and horsemen, while the Roman eagles floated in gold over his head. The mis- erable creature spoke out loudly among them all, crying for ven- geance on the murderers of her sons. The emperor seemed to say, " Wait till I return." But she, in the hastiness of her misery, said, " Suppose thou returnest not?" " Then my successor will attend to thee," replied the em- peror. * The keys of St. Peter. The gold is said by the commentators to mean power to absolve ; the silver, the learning and judgment requisite to use it t " Te Deum laudimus," the well-known hymn of St. Ambrose and St Augustine. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 103 " And what hast thou to do with the duties of another man," cried she, " if thou attendest not to thine own ?" " Now, be of good comfort," concluded Trajan, " for verily my duty shall be done before I go ; justice wills it, and pity arrests me." Dante was proceeding to delight himself further with these sculptures, when Virgil whispered him to look round and see what was coming. He did so, and beheld strange figures ad- vancing, the nature of which he could not make out at first, for they seemed neither human, nor aught else which he could call to mind. They were souls of the proud, bent double under enor- mous burdens. " O proud, miserable, woe-begone Christians !" exclaims the poet ; " ye who, in the shortness of your sight, see no reason for advancing in the right path ! Know ye not that we are worms, born to compose the angelic butterfly, provided we throw off the husks that impede our flight ?"* The souls came slowly on, each bending down in proportion to his burden. They looked like the crouching figures in architec- ture that are used to support roofs or balconies, and that excite piteous fancies in the beholders. The one that appeared to have the most patience, yet seemed as if he said, " I can endure no further." The sufferers, notwithstanding their anguish, raised their voices in a paraphrase on the Lord's Prayer, which they concluded with humbly stating, that they repeated the clause against temptation, not for themselves, but for those who were yet living. Virgil, wishing them a speedy deliverance, requested them to shew the best way of going up to the next circle. Who it was that answered him could not be discerned, on account of their all being so bent down ; but a voice gave them the required direction ; the speaker adding, that he wished he could raise his eyes, so as * " Nou v' accorgete voi, che uoi siam vermi, Nati a formar 1' angelica farfalla, Che vola a giustizia senza schermi ?" Know you not, we are worms Born to compose the angelic butterfly, That flies to heaven when freed from what deform* ? 104 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. to see the living creature that stood near him. He said that his name was Omberto that he came of the great Tuscan race of Aldobrandesco and that his countrymen, the Siennese, murdered him on account of his arrogance. Dante had bent down his own head to listen, and in so doing he was recognised by one of the sufferers, who, eyeing him as well as he could, addressed him by name. The poet replied by ex- claiming, " Art thou not Oderisi, the glory of Agubbio, the mas- ter of the art of illumination ?" " Ah !" said Oderisi, " Franco of Bologna has all the glory now. His colours make the pages of books laugh with beauty, compared with what mine do.* I could not have owned it while on earth, for the sin which has brought me hither ; but so it is ; and so will it ever be, let a man's fame be never so green and flourishing, unless he can secure a dull age to come after him. Cimabue, in painting, lately kept the field against all comers, and now the cry is ' Giotto.' Thus, in song, a new Guido has de- prived the first of his glory, and he perhaps is born who shall drive both out of the nest.f Fame is but a wind that changes about from all quarters. What does glory amount to at best, that a man should prefer living and growing old for it, to dying in the days of his nurse and his pap-boat, even if it should last him a thousand years ? A thousand years ! the twinkling of an eye. Behold this man, who weeps before me ; his name resounded once over all our Tuscany, and now it is scarcely whispered in his native place. He was lord there at the time that your once * " Piii ridon le carte Che penelleggia Franco Bolognese : L' onore e tutto or suo, e raio in parte." t The " new Guido" is his friend Guido Cavalcante (now dead) ; the " first" is Guido Guinicelli, for whose writings Dante had an esteem ; and the poet, who is to " chase them from the nest," caccerd di nido (as the not very friend- ly metaphor states it), is with good reason supposed to be himself! He was right ; but was the statement becoming ? It was certainly not necessary. Dante, notwithstanding his friendship with Guido, appears to have had a grudge against both the Cavalcanti, probably for some scorn they had shewn to his superstition ; for they could be proud themselves ; and the son has the repu- tation of scepticism, as well as the father. See the Decameron, Giorn. vi Nov. 9. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 105 proud but now loathsome Florence had such a lesson given to its frenzy at the battle of Arbia." " And what is his name ?" inquired Dante. " Salvani," returned the limner. " He is here, because he had the presumption to think that he could hold Sienna in the hollow of his hand. Fifty years has he paced in this manner. Such is the punishment for audacity." " But why is he here at all," said Dante, " and not in the outer region, among the delayers of repentance ?" " Because," exclaimed the other, " in the height of his ascend- ancy he did not disdain to stand in the public place in Sienna, and, trembling in every vein, beg money from the people to ran- som a friend from captivity. Do I appear to thee to speak with mysterious significance ? Thy countrymen shall too soon help thee to understand me."* Virgil now called Dante away from Oderisi, and-bade him notice the ground on which they were treading. It was pave- ment, wrought all over with figures, like sculptured tombstones. There was Lucifer among them, struck flaming down from heaven ; and Briareus, pinned to the earth with the thunderbolt, and, with the other giants, amazing the gods with his hugeness ; and Nimrod, standing confounded at the foot of Babel ; and Niobe, with her despairing eyes, turned into stone amidst her children ; and Saul, dead on his own sword in Gilboa ; and Arachne, now half spider, at fault on her own broken web ; and Rehoboanl, for all his insolence, flying in terror in his chariot ; and Alcmseon, who made his mother pay with her life for the or- nament she received to betray his father ; and Sennacherib, left dead by his son in the temple ; and the head of Cyrus, thrown by the motherless woman into the goblet of blood, that it might swill what it had thirsted for ; and Holofernes, beheaded ; and his Assyrians flying at his death ; and Troy, all become cinders * This is the passage from which it is conjectured that Dante knew what it was to " tremble in every vein," from the awful necessity of begging. Mr. Gary, with some other commentators, thinks that the " trembling" implies fear of being refused. But does it not rather mean the agony of the humiliation ? In Salvani's case it certainly does ; for it was in consideration of the pang to his pride, that the good deed rescued him from worse punishment 106 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. and hollow places. Oh ! what a fall from pride was there ! Now, maintain the loftiness of your looks, ye sons of Eve, and walk with proud steps, bending not your eyes on the dust ye were, lest ye perceive the evil of your ways.* " Behold," said Virgil, " there is an angel coming." The angel came on, clad in white, with a face that sent trem- bling beams before it, like the morning star. He shewed the pilgrims the way up to the second circle ; and then, beating his wings against the forehead of Dante, on which the seven initials of sin were written, told him he should go safely, and disap- peared. On reaching the new circle, Dante, instead of the fierce wail- ings that used to meet him at every turn in hell, heard voices singing, " Blessed are the poor in spirit. "f As he went, he per- ceived that he walked lighter, and was told by Virgil that the angel had freed him from one of the letters on his forehead. He put his hand up to make sure, as a man does in the street when people take notice of something on his head of which he is not aware ; and Virgil smiled. In this new circle the sin of Envy was expiated. After the pilgrims had proceeded a mile, they heard the voices of invisible spirits passing them, uttering sentiments of love and charity ; for it was charity itself that had to punish envy. The souls of the envious, clad in sackcloth, sat leaning for * The reader will have noticed the extraordinary mixture of Paganism and the Bible in this passage, especially the introduction of such fables as Niobe and Arachne. It would be difficult not to suppose it intended to work out some half sceptical purpose, if we did not call to mind the grave authority given to fables in the poet's treatise on Monarchy, and the whole strange spirit, at once logical and gratuitous, of the learning of his age, when the acuter the mind, the subtler became the reconcilement with absurdity. t Beati pauperes spiritu. " Blessed are the poor in spirit ; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" one of the beautiful passages of the beautiful sermon on the Mount. How could the great poet read and admire such passages, and yet fill his books so full of all which they renounced ? " Oh," say his idola- ters, " he did it out of his very love for them, and his impatience to see them triumph." So said the Inquisition. The evil was continued for the sake of the good which it prevented ! The result in the long-run may be so, but not for the reasons they supposed, or from blindness to the indulgence of their bad passions. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 107 support and humiliation, partly against the rocky wall of the cir- cle, and partly on one another's shoulders, after the manner of beggars that ask alms near places of worship. Their eyes were sewn up, like those of hawks in training, but not so as to hinder them from shedding tears, which they did in abundance ; and they cried, " Mary, pray for us ! Michael, Peter, and all the saints, pray for us !" Dante spoke to them ; and one, a female, lifted up her chin as a blind person does when expressing consciousness of notice, and said she was Sapia of Sienna, who used to be pleased at people's misfortunes, and had rejoiced when her countrymen lost the battle of Colle. " Sapia was my name," she said, " but sapient I was not,* for I prayed God to defeat my countrymen ; and when he had done so (as he had willed to do), I raised my bold face to heaven, and cried out to him, ' Now do thy worst, for I fear thee not !' I was like the bird in the fable, who thought the fine day was to last for ever. What I should have done in my latter days to make up for the imperfect amends of my repentance, I know not, if the holy Piero Pettignano had not assisted me with his prayers. But who art thou that goest with open eyes, and breathest in thy talk ?" " Mine eyes," answered Dante, " may yet have to. endure the blindness in this place, though for no long period. Far more do I fear the sufferings in the one that I have just left. I seem to feel the weight already upon me."f * " S it rid non fui, awegna che Sapia Fosse chiamata." The pun is poorer even than it sounds in English ; for, though the Italian name may possibly remind its readers of sapienza (sapience), there is the differ- ence of a in the adjective savid, which is also accented on the first syllable. It is almost as bad as if she had said in English, " Sophist I found myself, though Sophia is my name." It is pleasant, however, to see the great satur- nine poet among the punsters. It appears, from the commentators, that Sapia was in exile at the time of the battle, but they do not say for what ; probably from some zeal of faction. t We are here let into Dante's confessions. He owns to a little envy, but far more pride : " Gli occhi, diss' io, mi fieno ancor qui tolti, Ma picciol tempo ; che poch' e 1' offesa Fatta per esser con invidia volti. 108 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. The Florentine then informed Sapia how he came thither, which, she said, was a great sign that God loved him ; and she begged his prayers. The conversation excited the curiosity of two spirits who overheard it ; and one of them, Guido del Duca, a noble Romagnese, asked the poet of what country he was. Dante, without mentioning the name of the river, intimated that he came from the banks of the Arno ; upon which the other spirit, Rinier da Calboli, asked his friend why the stranger sup- pressed the* name, as though it was something horrible. Guido said he well might ; for the river, throughout its course, beheld none but bad men and persecutors of virtue. First, he said, it made its petty way by the sties of those brutal hogs, the people of Casentino, and then arrived at the dignity of watering the kennels of the curs of Arezzo, who excelled more in barking than in biting ; then, growing unluckier as it grew larger, like the cursed and miserable ditch that it was, it found in Florence the dogs become wolves ; and finally, ere it went into the sea, it passed the den of those foxes, the Pisans, who were full of such cunning that they held traps in contempt. " It will be well," continued Guido, " for this man to remem- ber what he hears ;" and then, after prophesying evil to Florence, and confessing to Dante his sin of envy, which used to make him pale when any one looked happy, he added, " This is Rinieri, the glory of that house of Calboli which now inherits not a spark of it. Not a spark of it, did I say, in the house of Calboli ? Where is there a spark in all Romagna ? Where is the good Lizio ? where Manardi, Traversaro, Carpigna ? The Romagnese have all become bastards. A mechanic founds a house in Bologna ! a Bernardin di Fosco finds his dog-grass become a tree in Faenza ! Wonder not, Tuscan, to see me weep, when I think of the noble spirits that we have lived with of the Guides of Prata, and the Ugolins of Azzo of Federigo Tignoso and his band of the Troppa e piu la paura ond' e sospcsa L' anima mia del tormento di sotto : Che gia. lo 'ncarco di Id. giu mi pesa." The first confession is singularly ingenuous and modest ; the second, affecting. It is curious to guess what sort of persons Dante could have allowed himself to envy probably those who were more acceptable to women. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 109 Traversaros and Anastagios, families now ruined and all the ladies and the cavaliers, the alternate employments and delights which wrapped us in a round of love and courtesy, where now there is nothing but ill-will ! O castle of Brettinoro ! why dost thou not fall ? Well has the lord of Bagnacavallo done, who will have no more children. Who would propagate a race of Counties from such blood as the Castrocaros and the Conios ? Is not the son of Pagani called the demon ? and would it not be better that such a son were swept out of the family ? Nay, let him live to show to what a pitch of villany it has arrived. UbaJ- dini alone is blessed, for his name is good, and he is too old to leave a child after him. Go, Tuscan go ; for I would be left to my tears." Dante and Virgil turned to move onward, and had scarcely done so when a tremendous voice met them, splitting the air like peals of thunder, and crying out, " Whoever finds me will slay me !" then dashed apart, like the thunder-bolt when it falls. It was Cain. The air had scarcely recovered its silence, when a second crash ensued from a different quarter near them, like thunder when the claps break swiftly into one another. " I am Aglauros," it said, " that was turned into stone." Dante drew closer to his guide, and there ensued a dead silence.* The sun was now in the west, and the pilgrims were journey- ing towards it, when Dante suddenly felt such a weight of splen- dour on his eyes, as forced him to screen them with- both his * Aglauros, daughter of Cecrops, king of Athens, was turned to stone by Mercury, for disturbing with her envy his passion for her sister Herse. The passage about Cain is one of the sublimest in Dante. Truly wonderful and characteristic is the way in which he has made physical noise and violence express the anguish of the wanderer's mind. We are not to suppose, I conceive, that we see Cain. We know he has passed us, by his thunderous and headlong words. Dante may well make him invisible, for his words are things veritable thunderbolts. Cain comes in rapid successions of thunder-claps. The voice of Aglauros is thunder-claps crashing into one another broken thunder. This is exceed- ingly fine also, and wonderful as a variation upon that awful music ; but Cain is the astonishment and the overwhelmingness. If it were not, however, for the second thunder, we should not have had the two silences ; for I doubt whether they are not better even than one. At all events, the final silence is tremen- dous. 110 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. hands. It was an angel coming to shew them the ascent to the next circle, a way that was less steep than the last. While mounting, they heard the angel's voice singing behind them, " Blessed are the merciful ; for they shall obtain mercy !" and on his leaving them to proceed by themselves, the second letter on Dante's forehead was found to have been effaced by the splen- dour. The poet looked round in wonder on the new circle, where the sin of Anger was expiated, and beheld, as in a dream, three suc- cessive spectacles illustrative of the virtue of patience. The first was that of a crowded temple, on the threshold of which a female said to her son, in the sweet manner of a mother, " Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us ? Behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing :"* and here she became silent, and the vision ended. The next was the lord of Athens, Pisistratus, calmly reproving his wife for wishing him to put to death her daughter's lover, who, in a transport, had embraced her in public. " If we are to be thus severe," said Pisistratus, " with those that xove us, what is to be done with such as hate ?" The last spec- tacle was that of a furious multitude shouting and stoning to death a youth, who, as he fell to the ground, still kept his face towards heaven, making his eyes the gates through which his soul reached it, and imploring forgiveness for his murderers. f The visions passed away, leaving the poet staggering as if but half awake. They were succeeded by a thick and noisome fog, through which he followed his leader with the caution of a blind man, Virgil repeatedly telling him not to quit him a moment. Here they heard voices praying in unison for pardon to the " Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world." They were the spirits of the angry. Dante conversed with one of them on free-will and necessity ; and after quitting him. and issuing by degrees from the cloud, beheld illustrative visions of anger ; such as the impious mother, who was changed into the bird that most delights in singing ; Haman, retaining his look of spite and rage on the cross ; and Lavinia, mourning for her mother, who slew herself for rage at the death of Turnus.ij: * St. Luke ii. 48. t The stouing of Stephen. t These illustrative spectacles are not among the best inventions of Dante. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. Ill These visions were broken off by a great light, as sleep is broken : and Dante heard a voice out of it saying, " The ascent is here." He then, as Virgil and he ascended into the fourth circle, felt an air on his face, as if caused by the fanning of wings, accompanied by the utterance of the words, " Blessed are the peace-makers ;" and his forehead was lightened of the third letter.* In this fourth circle was expiated Lukewarmness, or defect of zeal for good. The sufferers came speeding and weeping round the mountain, making amends for the old indifference by the haste and fire of the new love that was in them. " Blessed Mary made haste," cried one, " to salute Elizabeth." " And Caesar," cried another, " to smite Pompey at Lerida."f " And the disobedient among the Israelites," cried others, " died before they reached the promised land." " And the tired among the Trojans preferred ease in Sicily to glory in Latium." It was now midnight, and Dante slept and had a dream. His dream was of a woman who came to him, having a tongue that tried ineffectually to speak, squinting eyes, feet whose distor- tion drew her towards the earth, stumps of hands, and a pallid face. Dante looked earnestly at her, and his look acted upon her like sunshine upon cold. Her tongue was loosened ; her feet made straight ; she stood upright ; her paleness became a lovely rose-colour ; and she warbled so beautifully, that the poet could not have refused to listen had he wished it. " I am the sweet Syren," she said, " who made the mariners Their introduction is forced, and the instances not always pointed. A murder- ess, too, of her son, changed into such a bird as the nightingale, was not a happy association of ideas in Homer, where Dante found it ; and I am sur- prised he made use of it, intimate as he must have been with the less inconsis- tent story of her namesake, Philomela, in the Metamorphoses. * So, at least, I conceive, by what appears afterwards ; and I may here add, once for all, that I have supplied the similar requisite intimations at each suc- cessive step in Purgatory, the poet seemingly having forgotten to do so. It is necessary to what he implied in the outset. The whole poem, it is to be re- membered, is thought to have wanted his final revision. 1 What an instance to put among those of haste to do good ! But the fame and accomplishments of Ctesar, and his being at the head of our Ghibelline's beloved emperors, fairly overwhelmed Dante's boasted impartiality. 112 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. turn pale for pleasure in the sea. I drew Ulysses out of his course with my song ; and he that harbours with me once, rarely departs ever, so well I pay him for what he abandons." Her lips were not yet closed, when a lady of holy and earnest countenance came up to shame her. " O Virgil !" she cried an- grily, "who is this?" Virgil approached, with his eyes fixed on the lady ; and the lady tore away the garments of the woman, and shewed her to be a creature so loathly, that the sleeper awoke with the horror.* Virgil said, " I have called thee three times to no purpose. Let us move, and find the place at which we are to go higher." It was broad day, with a sun that came warm on the shoulders ; and Dante was proceeding with his companion, when the softest voice they ever heard directed them where to ascend, and they found an angel with them, who pointed his swan-like wings up- ward, and then flapped them against the pilgrims, taking away the fourth letter from the forehead of Dante. " Blessed are they that mourn," said the angel, " for they shall be comforted." The pilgrims ascended into the fifth circle, and beheld the ex- piators of Avarice grovelling on the ground, and exclaiming, as loud as they could for the tears that choked them, " My soul hath cleaved to the dust." Dante spoke to one, who turned out to be Pope Adrian the Fifth. The poet fell on his knees ; but Adrian bade him arise and err not. " I am no longer." said he, " spouse of the Church, here ; but fellow-servant with thee and with all others. Go thy ways, and delay not the time of my deliver- ance." The pilgrims moving onward, Dante heard a spirit exclaim, in the struggling tones of a woman in child-bed, " O blessed Virgin ! That was a poor roof thou hadst when thou wast delivered of thy sacred burden. O good Fabricius ! Virtue with poverty was thy choice, and not vice with riches." And then it told the story of Nicholas, who, hearing that a father was about to sacrifice the honour of his three daughters for want of money, threw bags of it in at his window, containing portions for them all. * A masterly allegory of Worldly Pleasure. But the close of it in the origi- nal has an intensity of the revolting, which outrages the last recesses of feeling, and disgusts us with the denouncer. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 113 Dante earnestly addressed this spirit to know who he was ; and the spirit said it would tell him, not for the sake of help, for which it looked elsewhere, but because of the shining grace that was in his questioner, though yet alive. "I was root," said the spirit, "of that evil plant which over- shadows all Christendom to such 'little profit. Hugh Capet was I, ancestor of the Philips and Louises of France, offspring of a butcher of Paris, when the old race of kings was worn out.* We began by seizing the government in Paris ; then plundered in Provence ; then, to make amends, laid hold of Poitou, Normandy, and Gascony ; then, still to make amends, put Conradin to death and seized Naples ; then, always to make amends, gave Saint Aquinas his dismissal to Heaven by poison. I see the time at hand when a descendant of mine will be called into Italy, and the spear that Judas jousted ioitk\ shall transfix the bowels of Flor- ence. Another of my posterity sells his daughter for a sum of money to a Marquis of Ferrara. Another seizes the pope in Alagna, and mocks Christ over again in the person of his Vicar. A fourth rends the veil of the temple, solely to seize its money. * The fierce Hugh Capet, soliloquising about- the Virgin in the tones of a lady in child-bed, is rather too ludicrous an association of ideas. It was for calling this prince the son of a butcher, that Francis the First prohibited the admission of Dante's poem into his dominions. Mr. Gary thinks the king might have been mistaken in his interpretation of the passage, and that " butcher" may be simply a metaphorical term for the bloodthirstiness of Capet's father. But when we find the man called, not the butcher, or that butcher, or butcher in reference to his species, but in plain local parlance " a butcher of Paris" (MM beccaio di Parigi), and when this designation is followed up by the allusion to the extinction of the previous dynasty, the ordinary construction of the words appears indisputable. Dante seems to have had no ground for what his aristo- cratical pride doubtless considered a hard blow, and what King Francis, in- deed, condescended to feel as such. He met with the notion somewhere, and chose to believe it, in order to vex the French and their princes. The spirit of the taunt contradicts his own theories elsewhere ; for he has repeatedly said, that the only true nobility is in the mind. But his writings (poetical truth ex- cepted) are a heap of contradictions. t Mr. Gary thought he had seen an old romance in which there is a combat of this kind between Jesus and his betrayer. I have an impression to the same effect 9 114 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. O Lord, how shall I rejoice to see the vengeance which even now thou huggest in delight to thy bosom !* " Of loving and liberal things," continued Capet, " we speak while it is light ; such as thou heardest me record, when I ad- dressed myself to the blessed Virgin. But when night comes, we take another tone. Then we denounce Pygmalion,! the traitor, the robber, and the parricide, each the result of his gluttonous love of gold ; and Midas, who obtained his wish, to the laughter of all time ; and the thief Achan, who still seems frightened at the wrath of Joshua ; and Sapphira and her husband, whom we accuse over again before the Apostles ; and Heliodorus, whom we bless the hoofs of the angel's horse for trampling ;:{: and Cras- sus, on whom we call with shouts of derision to tell us the flavour of his molten gold. Thus we record our thoughts in the night- time, now high, now low, now at greater or less length, as each man is prompted by his impulses. And it was thus thou didst hear me recording also by day-time, though I had no respondent near me." The pilgririis quitte.d Hugh Capet, and were eagerly pursuing their journey, when, to the terror of Dante, they felt the whole mountain of Purgatory tremble, as though it were about to fall in. The island of Delos shook not so awfully when Latona, hiding there, brought forth the twin eyes of Heaven. A shout then arose on every side, so enormous, that Virgil stood nigher to * " O Signer mio, quando sarb io lieto A veder la vendetta che nascosa Fa dolce 1' ira tua nel tuo segreto !" The spirit of the blasphemous witticism attributed to another Italian, viz. that the reason why God prohibited revenge to mankind was its being " too delicate a morsel for any but himself," is here gravely anticipated as a positive compli- ment to God by the fierce poet of the thirteenth century, who has been held up as a great Christian divine ! God hugs revenge to his bosom with delight ! The Supreme Being confounded with a poor grinning Florentine ! t A ludicrous anti-climax this to modern ears ! The allusion is to the Pyg- malion who was Dido's brother, and who murdered her husband, the priest Sichaeus, for his riches. The term " parricide" is here applied in its secondary sense of the murderer of any one to whom we owe reverence. t Heliodorus was a plunderer of the Temple s thus supernaturally punished. The subject has been nobly treated by Raphael. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 115 his companion, and bade him be of good heart. " Glory be to God in the highest," cried the shout ; but Dante could gather the words only from those who were near him. It was Purgatory rejoicing for the deliverance of a soul out of its bounds.* The soul overtook the pilgrims as they were journeying in amazement onwards ; and it turned out to be that of Statius, who had been converted to Christianity in the reign of Domitian.j- Mutual astonishment led to inquiries that explained who the other Latin poet was ; and Statius fell at his master's feet. Statius had expiated his sins in the circle of Avarice, not for that vice, but for the opposite one of Prodigality. An angel now, as before, took the fifth letter from Dante's forehead ; and the three poets having ascended into the sixth round of the mountain, were journeying on lovingly together, Dante listening with reverence to the talk of the two ancients, when they came up to a sweet-smelling fruit-tree, upon which a clear stream came tumbling from a rock beside it, and diffusing itself through the branches. The Latin poets went up to. the tree, and were met by a voice which said, "Be chary of the fruit. Mary thought not of herself at Galilee, but of the visitors, when she said, ' They have no wine.' The women of oldest Rome drank water. The beautiful age of gold feasted on acorns. Its thirst made nectar out of the rivulet. The Baptist fed on locusts and wild honey, and became great as you see him in the gospel." The poets went on their way ; and Dante was still listening to the others, when they heard behind them a mingled sound of chanting and weeping, which produced an effect at once sad and delightful. It was the psalm, " O Lord, open thou our lips !" and the chanters were expiators of the sin of Intemperance in Meats and Drinks. They were condemned to circuit the moun- tain, famished, and to long for the fruit and waters of the tree in * A grand and beautiful fiction. t Readers need hardly be told that there is no foundation for this fancy, ex- cept in the invention of the churchmen. Dante, in another passage, not neces- sary to give, confounds the poet Statius who was from Naples, with a rhetori- cian of the same name from Thoulouse. 116 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. vain. They soon came up with the poets a pallid multitude, with hollow eyes, and bones staring through the skin. The sockets of their eyes looked like rings from which the gems had dropped.* One of them knew and accosted Dante, who could not recognise him till he heard him speak. It was Forese Do- nati, one of the poet's most intimate connexions. Dante, who had wept over his face when dead, could as little forbear weeping to see him thus hungering and thirsting, though he had expected to find him in the outskirts of the place, among the delayers of re- pentance. He asked his friend how he had so quickly got higher. Forese said it was owing to the prayers and tears of his good wife Nella ; and then he burst into a strain of indignation against the contrast exhibited to her virtue by the general depravity of the Florentine women, whom he described as less modest than the half-naked savages in the mountains of Sardinia. " What is to be said of such creatures ?" continued he. " O my dear cousin ! I see a day at hand, when these impudent women shall be forbidden from the pulpit to go exposing their naked bosoms. What savages or what infidels ever needed that ? Oh ! if they could see what Heaven has in store for them, their mouths would be this instant opened wide for howling."f * " Paren 1' occhiaje anella senza gemme." This beautiful and affecting image is followed in the original by one of the most fantastical conceits of the time. The poet Bays, that the physiognomist, who " reads the word OMO (homo, man), written in the face of the human be- ing, might easily have seen the letter m in theirs." " Chi nel viso de gli uomini legge o m o, Bene avria quivi conosciuto 1' cmmr." The meaning is, that the perpendicular lines of the nose and temples form the letter M, and the eyes the two o's. The enthusiast for Roman domination must have been delighted to find that Nature wrote in Latin ! t " Se le svergognate fosser certe Di quel che 1' ciel veloce loro ammanna, Gia per urlare avrian le bocche aperte." This will remind the reader of the style of that gentle Christian, John Knox, who, instead of offering his own " cheek to the smiters," delighted to smite the cheeks of women. Fury was his mode of preaching meekness, and threats of everlasting howling his reproof of a tune on Sundays. But, it will be said, he THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 117 Forese then asked Dante to explain to himself and his aston. ished fellow-sufferers how it was that he stood there, a living body of flesh and blood, casting a shadow with his substance. " If thou callest to mind," said Dante, " what sort of life thou and I led together, the recollection may still grieve thee sorely. He that walks here before us took me out of that life ; and through his guidance it is that I have visited in the body the world of the dead, and am now traversing the mountain which leads us to the right path."* After some further explanation, Forese pointed out to his friend, among the expiators of intemperance, Buonaggiunta of Lucca, the poet ; and Pope Martin the Fourth, with a face made sharper than the rest for the eels which he used to smother in wine ; and looked to consequences. Yes ; and produced the worst himself, both spiritual and temporal. Let the whisky-shops answer him. However, he helped to save Scotland from Purgatory : so we must take good and bad together, and hope the best in the end. Forese, like many of Dante's preachers, seems to have been one of those self-ignorant or self-exasperated denouncers, who " Compound for sins they are inclined to, By damning those they have no mind to." He was a glutton, who could not bear to see ladies too little clothed. The de- facing of " God's image" in his own person he considered nothing. * The passage respecting his past life is unequivocal testimony to the fact, confidently disputed by some, of Dante's having availed himself of the license of the time ; though, in justice to such candour, we are bound not to think worse of it than can be helped. The words in the original are : " Se ti riduci a mente Qual fosti meco, e quale io teco fui, Ancor fia grave il memorar presente." Literally : " If thou recallest to mind what (sort of person) thou wast with me, and what I was with thee, the recollection may oppress thee still." His having been taken out of that kind of life by Virgil (construed in the literal sense, in which, among other senses, he has directed us to construe him), may imply, either that the delight of reading Virgil first made him think of living in a manner more becoming a man of intellect, or (possibly) that the Latin poet's description of ^Eneas's descent into hell turned his thoughts to religious penitence. Be this as it may, his life, though surely it could at no time have been of any very licentious kind, never, if we are to believe Boc- caccio, became spotless. 118 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. Ubaldino of Pila, grinding his teeth on air ; and Archbishop Bon- iface of Ravenna, who fed jovially on his flock ; and Rigogliosi of Forli, who had had time enough to drink in the other world, and yet never was satisfied. Buonaggiunta and Dante eyed one another with curiosity ; and the farmer murmured something about a lady of the name of Gentucca. " Thou seemest to wish to speak with me," said Dante. " Thou art no admirer, I believe, of my native place," said Buonaggiunta ; " and yet, if thou art he whom I take thee to be, there is a damsel there shall make it please thee. Art thou not author of the poem beginning " Ladies, that understand the lore of love ?"* " I am one," replied Dante, " who writes as Love would have him, heeding no manner but his dictator's, and uttering simply what he suggests. "{ " Ay, that is the sweet new style," returned Buonaggiunta ; " and I now see what it was that hindered the notary, and Guit- tone, and myself, from hitting the right natural point." And here he ceased speaking, looking like one contented to have as- certained a truth4 * The mention of Gentucca might be thought a compliment to the lady, if Dante had not made Beatrice afterwards treat his regard for any one else but herself with so much contempt. (See page 126 of the present volume.) Under that circumstance, it is hardly acting like a gentleman to speak of her at all ; unless, indeed, he thought her a person who would be pleased with the notoriety arising even from the record of a fugitive regard ; and in that case the good taste of the record would still remain doubtful. The probability seems to be, that Dante was resolved, at all events, to take this opportunity of bearding some rumour. t A celebrated and charming passage : " lo mi son un, che quando Amore spira, noto ; e a quel modo Che detta dentro, vo significando." I am one that notes When Love inspires ; and what he speaks I tell In his own way, embodying but his thoughts. t Exquisite truth of painting ! and a very elegant compliment to the hand- some nature of Buonaggiunta. Jacopo da Lentino, called the Notary, and THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 119 The whole multitude then, except Forese, skimmed away like cranes, swift alike through eagerness and through leanness. Forese lingered a moment to have a parting word with his friend, and to prophesy the violent end of the chief of his family, Corso, run away with and dragged at the heels of his horse faster and faster, till the frenzied animal smites him dead. Having given the poet this information, the prophet speeded after the others. The companions now came to a second fruit-tree, to which a multitude were in vain lifting up their hands, just as children lift them to a man who tantalises them with shewing something which he withholds ; but a voice out of a thicket by the road-side warned the travellers not to stop, telling them that the tree was an offset from that of which Eve tasted. ""Call to mind," said the voice, " those creatures of the clouds, the Centaurs, whose feasting cost them their lives. Remember the Hebrews, how they dropped away from the ranks of Gideon to quench their effemi- nate thirst."* The poets proceeded, wrapt in thought, till they heard another voice of a nature that made Dante start and shake as if he had been some paltry hackney. " Of what value is thought," said the voice, " if it lose its way ? The path lies hither." Dante turned toward the voice, and beheld a shape glowing red as in a furnace, with a visage too dazzling to be looked upon. It met him, nevertheless, as he drew nigh, with an air from the fan- ning of its wings fresh as the first breathing of the wind on a May morning, and fragrant as all its flowers ; and Dante lost the sixth letter on his forehead, and ascended with the two other po- ets into the seventh and last circle of the mountain. This circle was all in flames, except a narrow path on the edge of its precipice, along which the pilgrims walked. A great wind Fra Guittone of Arezzo, were celebrated verse-writers of the day. The lat- ter, in a sonnet given by Mr. Cary in the notes to his translation, says he shall be delighted to hear the trumpet, at the last day, dividing mankind into the happy and the tormented (sufferers under crudel martire), because an inscrip- tion will then be seen on his forehead, shewing that he had been a slave to love ! An odd way for a poet to show his feelings, and a friar his religion ! * Judges vii. 6. 120 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. from outside of the precipice kept the flames from raging beyond the path ; and in the midst of the fire went spirits expiating the sin of Incontinence. They sang the hymn beginning " God of consummate mercy !"* Dante was compelled to divide his atten- tion between his own footsteps and theirs, in order to move with- out destruction. At the close of the hymn they cried aloud, " I know not a man !"f and then recommenced it ; after which they again cried aloud, saying, " Diana ran to the wood, and drove Calisto out of it, because she knew the poison of Venus !" And then again they sang the hymn, and then extolled the memories of chaste women and husbands ; and so they went on without ceasing, as long as their time of trial lasted. Occasionally the multitude that went in one direction met an- other which mingled with and passed through it, individuals of both greeting tenderly by the way, as emmets appear to do, when in passing they touch the antennae of one another. These two multitudes parted with loud and sorrowful cries, proclaiming the offences of which they had been guilty ; and then each renewed their spiritual songs and prayers. The souls here, as in former circles, knew Dante to be a living creature by the shadow which he cast ; and after the wonted ex- planations, he learned who some of them were. One was his predecessor in poetry, Guido Guinicelli, from whom he could not take his eyes for love and reverence, till the sufferer, who told him there was a greater than himself in the crowd, vanished away through the fire as a fish does in water. The greater one was Arnauld Daniel, the Provencal poet, who, after begging the prayers of the traveller, disappeared in like manner. The sun by this time was setting on the fires of Purgatory, * Summa Deus dementia. The ancient beginning of a hymn in the Roman Catholic Church ; now altered, say the commentators, to " Summse parens clementise." t Virum non cognosco. " Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?" Luke i. 34. The placing of Mary's interview with the angel, and Ovid's story of Ca- listo, upon apparently the same identical footing of authority, by spirits in all the sincerity of agonised penitence, is very remarkable. A dissertation, by some competent antiquary, on the curious question suggested by these anoma- lies, would be a welcome novelty in the world of lettem. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 121 when an angel came crossing the road through them, and then, standing on the edge of the precipice, with joy in his looks, and singing, " Blessed are the pure in heart !" invited the three poets to plunge into the flames themselves, and so cross the road to the ascent by which the summit of the mountain was gained. Dante, clasping his hands, and raising them aloft, recoiled in hor- ror. The thought of all that he had just witnessed made him feel as if his own hour of death was come. His companion encour- aged him to obey the angel ; but he could not stir. Virgil said, " Now mark me, son ; this is the only remaining obstacle between thee and Beatrice ;" and then himself and Statius entering the fire, Dante followed them. " I could have cast myself," said he, " into molten glass to cool myself, so raging was the furnace." Virgil talked of Beatrice to animate him. He said, " Me- thinks I see her eyes beholding us." There was, indeed, a great light upon the quarter to which they were crossing ; and out of the light issued a voice, which drew them onwards, singing, " Come, blessed of my Father ! Behold, the sun is going down, and the night cometh, and the ascent is to be gained." The travellers gained the ascent, issuing out of the fire ; and the voice and the light ceased, and night was come. Unable to ascend farther in the darkness, they made themselves a bed, each of a stair in the rock ; and Dante, in his happy humility, felt as if he had been a goat lying down for the night near two shep- herds. Towards dawn, at the hour of the rising of the star of love, he had a dream, in which he saw a young and beautiful lady coming over a lea, and bending every now and then to gather flowers ; and as she bound the flowers into a garland, she sang, " I am Leah, gathering flowers to adorn myself, that my looks may seem pleasant to me in the mirror. But my sister Rachel abides be- fore the mirror, flowerless ; contented with her beautiful eyes. To behold is my sister's pleasure, and to work is mine."* * An allegory of the Active and Contemplative Life ; not, I think, a hap- py one, though beautifully painted. It presents, apart from its terminating comment, no necessary intellectual suggestion ; is rendered, by the comment itself, hardly consistent with Leah's express love of ornament ; and, if it were 122 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. When Dante awoke, the beams of the dawn were visible ; and they now produced a happiness like that of the traveller, who every time he awakes knows himself to be nearer home. Virgil and Statius were already up ; and all three, resuming their way to the mountain's top, stood upon it at last, and gazed round about them on the skirts of the terrestrial Paradise. The sun was sparkling bright over a green land, full of trees and flowers. Virgil then announced to Dante, that here his guidance terminated, and that the creature of flesh and blood was at length to be mas- ter of his own movements, to rest or to wander as he pleased, the tried and purified lord over himself. The Florentine, eager to taste his new liberty, left his compan- ions awhile, and strolled away through the celestial forest, whose thick and lively verdure gave coolness to the senses in the midst of the brightest sun. A fragrance came from every part of the soil ; a sweet unintermitting air streamed against the walker's face ; and as the full-hearted birds, warbling on all sides, wel- comed the morning's radiance into the trees, the trees themselves joined in the concert with a swelling breath, like that which rises among the pines of Chiassi, when Eolus lets loose the south- wind, and the gathering melody comes rolling through the forest from bough to bough.* Dante had proceeded far enough to lose sight of the point at which he entered, when he found himself on the bank of a rivu- not for the last sentence, might be taken for a picture of two different forms of Vanity. * " Tal, qual di ramo in ramo si raccoglie Per la pineta in sul lito di Chiassi, Quand' Eolo scirocco fuor discioglie." " Even as from branch to branch Along the piny forests on the shore Of Chiassi, rolls the gathering melody, When Eolus hath from his cavern loosed The dripping south." Gary. " This is the wood," says Mr. Gary, " where the scene of Boccaccio's sub- limest story (taken entirely from Elinaud, as I learn in the notes to the De- cameron, ediz. Giunti, 1573, p. 62) is laid. See Dec., G. 5, N. 8, and Dry- den's Theodore and Honoria. Our poet perhaps wandered in it during his abode with Guido Novello da Polenta." Translation of Dante, ut sup. p. 121. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 123 let, compared with whose crystal purity the limpidest waters on earth were clouded. And yet it flowed under a perpetual depth of shade, which no beam either of sun or moon penetrated. Nevertheless the darkness was coloured with endless diversities of May-blossoms ; and the poet was standing in admiration, looking up at it along its course, when he beheld something that took away every other thought ; to wit, a lady, all alone, on the other side of the water, singing and culling flowers. " Ah, lady !" said the poet, " who, to judge by the cordial beauty in thy looks, hast a heart overflowing with love, be pleased to draw thee nearer to the stream, that I may understand the words thou singest. Thou remindest me of Proserpine, of the place she was straying in, and of what sort of creature she looked, when her mother lost her, and she herself lost the spring- time on earth." As a lady turns in the dance when it goes smoothest, moving round with lovely self-possession, and scarcely seeming to put one foot before the other, so turned the lady towards the water over the yellow and vermilion flowers, dropping her eyes gently as she came, and singing so that Dante could hear her. Then when she arrived at the water, she stopped, and raised her eyes towards him, and smiled, showing him the flowers in her hands, and shifting them with her fingers into a display of all their beauties. Never were such eyes beheld, not even when Venus herself was in love. The stream was a little stream ; yet Dante felt it as great an intervention between them, as if it had been Leander's Hellespont. The lady explained to him the nature of the place, and how the rivulet was the Lethe of Paradise ; Lethe, where he stood, but called Eunoe higher up ; the drink of the one doing away all remembrance of evil deeds, and that of the other restoring all remembrance of good.* It was the region, she said, in which Adam and Eve had lived ; and the poets had beheld it perhaps in their dreams on Mount Parnassus, and hence imagined their golden age ; and at these words she looked at Virgil and Sta- tius, who by this time had come up, and who stood smiling at her kindly words. * Lethe, Forgetfulness ; Eunoe, Well-mindedneas. 124 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. Resuming her song, the lady turned and passed up along the rivulet the contrary way of the stream, Dante proceeding at the same rate of time on his side of it ; till on a sudden she cried, " Behold, and listen !" and a light of exceeding lustre came streaming through the woods, followed by a dulcet melody. The poets resumed their way in a rapture of expectation, and saw the air before them glowing under the green boughs like fire. A divine spectacle ensued of holy mystery, with evangelical and apoca- lyptic images, which gradually gave way and disclosed a car brighter than the chariot of the sun. accompanied by celestial nymphs, and showered upon by angels with a cloud of flowers, in the midst of which stood a maiden in a white veil, crowned with olive. The love that had never left Dante's heart from childhood told him who it was ; and trembling in every vein, he turned round to Virgil for encouragement. Virgil was gone. At that moment, Paradise and Beatrice herself could not requite the pilgrim for the loss of his friend ; and the tears ran down his cheeks. " Dante," said the veiled maiden across the stream, " weep not that Virgil leaves thee. Weep thou not yet. The stroke of a sharper sword is coming, at which it will behove thee to weep." Then assuming a sterner attitude, and speaking in the tone of one who reserves the bitterest speech for the last, she added, " Observe me well. I am, as thou suspectest, Beatrice indeed ; Beatrice, who has to congratulate thee on deigning to seek the mountain at last. And hadst thou so long indeed to learn, that here only can man be happy ?" Dante, casting down his eyes at these words, beheld his face in the water, and hastily turned aside, he saw it so full of shame. Beatrice had the dignified manner of an offended parent ; such a flavour of bitterness was mingled with her pity. She held her peace ; and the angels abruptly began singing, " In thee, O Lord, have I put my trust ;" but went no farther in the psalm than the words, " Thou hast set my feet in a large room." The tears of Dante had hitherto been suppressed ; but when the singing began, they again rolled down his cheeks. Beatrice, in a milder tone, said to the angels, " This man, when he proposed to himself in his youth to lead a new life, was of a THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 125 truth so gifted, that every good habit ought to have thrived with him ; but the richer the soil, the greater peril of weeds. For a while, the innocent light of my countenance drew him the right way ; but when I quitted mortal life, he took away his thoughts from remembrance of me, and gave himself to others. When I had risen from flesh to spirit, and increased in worth and beauty, then did I sink in his estimation, and he turned into other paths, and pursued false images of good that never keep their promise. In vain I obtained from Heaven the power of interfering in his behalf, and endeavoured to affect him with it night and day. So little was he concerned, and into such depths he fell, that nothing remained but to show him the state of the condemned ; and there- fore I went to their outer regions, and commended him with tears to the guide that brought him hither. The decrees of Heaven would be nought, if Lethe could be passed, and the fruit beyond it tasted, without any payment of remorse.* " O thou," she continued, addressing herself to Dante, " who standest on the other side of the holy stream, say, have I not spoken truth ?" Dante was so confused and penitent, that the words failed as they passed his lips. " What could induce thee," resumed his monitress, " when I had given thee aims indeed, to abandon them for objects that could end in nothing ?" Dante said, " Thy face was taken from me, and the presence of false pleasure led me astray." " Never didst thou behold," cried the maiden, " loveliness like mine ; and if bliss failed thee because of my death, how couldst thou be allured by mortal inferiority ? That first blow should have taught thee to disdain all perishable things, and aspire after the soul that had gone before thee. How could thy spirit endure * " Senza alcuno scotto Di pentimento." Literally, scot-free. " Scotto," scot ; " payment for dinner or supper in a tavern" (says Rubbi, the Petrarchal rather than Dantesque editor of the Par- naso Italiano, and a very summary gentleman) ; " here used figuratively, though it is not a word fit to be employed on serious and grand occasions" (in cose gravi ed illustri). See his " Dante" in that collection, vol. ii. p. 297. 126 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. to stoop to further chances, or to a childish girl, or any other fleeting vanity ? The bird that is newly out of the nest may be twice or thrice tempted by the snare ; but in vain, surely, is the net spread in sight of one that is older."* Dante stood as silent and abashed as a sorry child. " If but to hear me," said Beatrice, " thus afflicts thee, lift up thy beard, and see what sight can do." Dante, though feeling the sting intended by the word " beard," did as he was desired. The angels had ceased to scatter their clouds of flowers about the maiden ; and he beheld her, though still beneath her veil, as far surpassing her former self in love- liness, as that self had surpassed others. The sight pierced him with such pangs, that the more he had loved any thing else, the more he now loathed it ; and he fell senseless to the ground. When he recovered his senses, he found himself in the hands of the lady he had first seen in the place, who bidding him keep firm hold of her, drew him into the river Lethe, and so through and across it to the other side, speeding as she went like a weav- er's shuttle, and immersing him when she arrived, the angels all * The allusion to the childish girl (pargoletta) or any other fleeting vanity, "O altra vanita con si breve uso," is not handsome. It was not the fault of the childish girls that he liked them ; and he should not have taunted them, whatever else they might have been. What answer could they make to the great poet ? Nor does Beatrice make a good figure throughout this scene, whether as a woman or an allegory. If she is Theology, or Heavenly Grace, &-c. the sternness of the allegory should not have been put into female shape ; and when she is to be taken in her literal sense (as the poet also tells us she is), her treatment of the poor submissive lover, with leave of Signor Rubbi, is no belter than snubbing ; to say nothing of the vanity with which she pays com- pliments to her own beauty. I must, furthermore, beg leave to differ with the poet's thinking it an exalted symptom on his part to hate every thing he had loved before, out of supposed compliment to the transcendental object of his affections and his own awakened merits. All the heights of love and wisdom terminate in charity ; and charity, by very reason of its knowing the- poorness of so many things, hates nothing. Besides, it is any thing but handsome or high-minded to turn round upon ob- jects whom we have helped to lower with our own gratified passions, and pre- tend a right to scorn them. THE JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY. 127 the while singing, " Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."* She then delivered him into the hands of the nymphs that had danced about the car, nymphs on earth, but stars and cardinal virtues in heaven ; a song burst from the lips of the angels ; and Faith, Hope, and Charity, calling upon Beatrice to unveil her face, she did so ; and Dante quenched the ten-years thirst of his eyes in her ineffable beauty. f After a while he and Statius were made thoroughly regenerate with the waters of Eunoe ; and he felt pure with a new being, and fit to soar into the stars. * " Tu asperges me, et mundabor," &c. " Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean ; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Psalm li. 7. t Beatrice had been dead ten years. III. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN Qtrcjttmcnt. THE Paradise or Heaven of Daute, in whose time the received system of astronomy was the Ptolemaic, consists of the Seven successive Planets accord- ing to that system, or the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mare, Jupiter, and Saturn ; of the Eighth Sphere beyond these, or that of the Fixed Stare ; of the Primum Mobile, or First Mover of them all round the moveless Earth ; and of the Empyrean, or Region of Pure Light, in which is the Beatific Vision. Each of these ascending spheres is occupied by its proportionate degree of Faith and Virtue ; and Dante visits each under the guidance of Beatrice, receiving many lessons, as he goes, on theological and other subjects (here left out), and being finally admitted, after the sight of Christ and the Virgin, to a glimpse of the Great First Cause. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. IT was evening now on earth, and morning on the top of the hill in Purgatory, when Beatrice having fixed her eyes upon the sun, Dante fixed his eyes upon hers, and suddenly found him- self in Heaven. He had been transported by the attraction of love, and Beatrice was by his side. The poet beheld from where he stood the blaze of the empy- rean, and heard the music of the spheres ; yet he was only in the first or lowest Heaven, the circle of the orb of the moon. This orb, with his new guide, he proceeded to enter. It had seemed, outside, as solid, though as lucid, as Diamond ; yet they entered it, as sunbeams are admitted into water, without dividing the substance. It now appeared, as it enclosed them, like a pearl, through the essence of which they saw but dimly ; and they be- held many faces eagerly looking at them, as if about to speak, but not more distinct from the surrounding whiteness than pearls themselves are from the forehead they adorn.* Dante thought them only reflected faces, and turned round to see to whom they belonged, when his smiling companion set him right ; and he en- tered into discourse with the spirit that seemed the most anxious to accost him. It was Piccarda, the sister of his friend Forese Donati, whom he had met in the sixth region of Purgatory. He did not know her, by reason of her wonderful increase in beauty. A curious and happy image. " Tornan de' nostri visi le postille Debili si, che perla in bianca fronte Non vien men tosto a le nostre pupillc : Tali vid' io piii facce a parlar pronte." 132 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. She and her associates were such as had been Vowed to a Life of Chastity and Religion, but had been Compelled by Others to Break their Vows. This had been done, in Piccarda's instance, by her brother Corso.* On Dante's asking if they did not long for a higher state of Bliss, she and her sister-spirits gently smiled ; and then answered, with faces as happy as first love^ that they willed only what it pleased God to give them, and therefore were truly blest. The poet found by this answer, that every place in Heaven was paradise, though the bliss might be of different de- grees. Piccarda then shewed him the spirit at her side, lustrous with all the glory of the region, Costanza, daughter of the king of Sicily, who hadteen forced out of the cloister to become the wife of the Emperor Henry. Having given him this information, she began singing Ave Maria; and, while singing, disappeared with the rest, as substances disappear in water.:}: A loving will transported the two companions, as before, to the next circle of Heaven, where they found themselves in the planet * " Rodolfo da Tossignano, Hist. Seraph. Relig. P. i. p. 138, as cited by Lombard!, relates the following legend of Piccarda : ' Her brother Corso, in- flamed with rage against his virgin sister, having joined with him Farinata, an infamous assassin, and twelve other abandoned ruffians, entered the monastery by a ladder, and carried away his sister forcibly to his own house ; and then, tearing off her religious habit, compelled her to go in a secular garment to her nuptials. Before the spouse of Christ came together with her new husband, she knelt down before a crucifix, and recommended her virginity to Christ. Soon after, her whole body was smitten with leprosy, so as to strike grief and horror into the beholders ; and thus, in a few days, through the divine disposal, she passed with a palm of virginity to the Lord. Perhaps (adds the worthy Franciscan), our poet not being able to certify himself entirely of this occur- rence, has chosen to pass it over discreetly, by making Piccarda say, ' God knows how, after that, my life was framed.' " Cory, ut sup. p. 137. t A lovely simile indeed. " Tanto lieta Ch' arder parea d' amor nel primo foco. t Costanza, daughter of Ruggieri, king of Sicily, thus taken out of the monastery, was mother to the Emperor Frederick the Second. " She was fifty years old or more at the time" (says Mr. Gary, quoting from Muratori and others) ; " and because it was not credited that she could have a child at that age, she was delivered in a pavilion ; and it was given out, that any lady who pleased was at liberty to see her. Many came and saw her, and the suspicion ceased." Translation of Dante, ut sup. p. 137. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 133 Mercury, the residence of those who had acted rather out of De- sire of Fame than Love of God. The spirits here, as in the for- mer Heaven, crowded towards them, as fish in a clear pond crowd to the hand that offers them food. Their eyes sparkled with ce- lestial joy ; and the more they thought of their joy, the brighter they grew ; till one of them who addressed the poet became in- distinguishable for excess of splendour. It was the soul of the Emperor Justinian. Justinian told him the whole story of the Roman empire up to his time ; and then gave an account of one of his associates in bliss, Romeo, who had been minister to Ray- mond Beranger, Count of Provence. Four daughters had been born to Raymond Beranger, and every one became a queen ; and all this had been brought about by Romeo, a poor stranger from another country. The courtiers, envying Romeo, incited Ray- mond to demand of him an account of his stewardship, though he had brought his master's treasury twelve fold for every ten it dis- bursed. Romeo quitted the court, poor and old ; " and if the world," said Justinian, " could know the heart such a man must have had, begging his bread as he went, crust by crust praise him as it does, it would praise him a great deal more."* " Hosanna, Holy God of Sabaoth, Superillumining with light of light The happy fires of these thy Malahoth !"t Thus began singing the soul of the Emperor Justinian ; and then, turning as he sang, vanished with those about him, like sparks of fire. Dante now found himself, before he was aware, in the third Heaven, or planet Venus, the abode of the Amorous.:}: He only knew it by the increased loveliness in the face of his com- panion. The spirits in this orb, who came and went in the light of it * Probably an allusion to Dante's own wanderings, t " Hosanna Sanctus Deus Sabaoth Superillustrans claritate tua Felices ignes horum Malahoth." Malahoth ; Hebrew, kingdoms. I The epithet is not too strong, as will be seen by the nature of the inhabi- tants. 134 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. like sparks in fire, or like voices chanting in harmony with voice, were spun round in circles of delight, each with more or less swiftness, according to its share of the beatific vision. Several of them came sweeping out of their dance towards the poet who had sung of Love, among whom was his patron, Charles Martel, king of Hungary, who shewed him the reason why diversities of natures must occur in families ; and Cunizza, sister of the tyrant Ezzelino, who was overcome by this her star when on earth ; and Folco the Troubadour, whose place was next Cunizza in Heaven ; and Rahab the harlot, who favoured the entrance of the Jews into the Holy Land, and whose place was next Folco.* Cunizza said that she did not at all regret a lot which carried her no higher, whatever the vulgar might think of such an opinion. She spoke of the glories of the jewel who was close to her, Folco contrasted his zeal with the inertness of her contemptible coun- trymen and foretold the bloodshed that awaited the latter from wars and treacheries. The Troubadour, meanwhile, glowed in his aspect like a ruby stricken with the sun ; for in heaven joy is expressed by effulgence, as on earth by laughter. He confessed * Charles Martel, son of the king of Naples and Sicily, and crowned king of Hungary, seems to have become acquainted with Dante during the poet's youth, when the prince met his royal father in the city of Florence. He was brother of Robert, who succeeded the father, and who was the friend of Petrarch. " The adventures of Cunizza, overcome by the influence of her star," says Gary, " are related by the chronicler Rolandino of Padua, lib. i. cap. 3, in Mu- ratori, Rer. Ital. Script, torn. viii. p. 173. She eloped from her first husband, Richard of St. Boniface, in the company of Sordello (see Purg. canto vi. and vii.), with whom she is supposed to have cohabited before her marriage : then lived with a soldier of Trevigi, whose wife was living at the same time in the same city ; and, on his being murdered by her brother the tyrant, was by her brother married to a nobleman of Braganzo : lastly, when he also had fallen by the same hand, she, after her brother's death, was again wedded in Verona." Translation of Dante, ut sup. p. 147. See what Foscolo says of her in the Discorso sul Testa, p. 329. Folco, the gallant Troubadour, here placed between Cunizza and Rahab, is no other than Folques, bishop of Thoulouse, the persecutor of the Albigenses. It is of him the brutal anecdote is related, that, being asked, during an indis- criminate attack on that people, how the orthodox and heterodox were to be distinguished, he said, " Kill all : God will know his own." For Rahab, see Joshua, chap. ii. and vi. ; and Hebrews xi. 31. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 135 the lawless fires of his youth, as great (he said) as those of Dido or Hercules ; but added, that he had no recollection of them, ex- cept a joyous one, not for the fault (which does not come to mind in heaven), but for the good which heaven brings out of it. Folco concluded with explaining how Rahab had come into the third Heaven, and with denouncing the indifference of popes and car- dinals (those adulterers of the Church) to every thing but ac- cursed money-getting.* In an instant, before he could think about it, Dante was in the fourth Heaven, the sun, the abode of Blessed Doctors of the Church. A band of them came encircling him and his guide, as a halo encircles the moon, singing a song, the beauty of which, like jewels too rich to be exported, was not conveyable by ex- pression to mortal fancy. The spirits composing the band were those of St. Thomas Aquinas, Albertus Magnus, Gratian the Ben- edictine, Pietro Lombardo, Solomon, Saint Dionysius the Areopa- gite, Paulus Orosius, Boetius, Isidore, the Venerable Bede, Rich- ard of St. Victor, and Sigebert of Gemblours. St. Thomas was the namer of them to Dante. Their song had paused that he might speak ; but when he had done speaking, they began re- suming it, one by one, and circling as they moved, like the wheels of church clocks that sound one after another with a sweet tink- ling, when they summon the hearts of the devout to morning prayer ."I" * The reader need not be required to attend to the extraordinary theological disclosures in the whole of the preceding passage, nor yet to consider how much more they disclose, than theology or the poet might have desired. t These fifteen personages are chiefly theologians and schoohnen^whose names and obsolete writings are, for the most part, no longer worth mention. The same may be said of the band that comes after them. Dante should not have set them dancing. It is impossible (every respect- fulness of endeavour notwithstanding) to maintain the gravity of one's imagi- nation at the thought of a set of doctors of the Church, Venerable Bede inclu- ded, wheeling about in giddy rapture like so many dancing dervises, and keep- ing time to their ecstatic anilities with voices tinkling like church-clocks. You may invest them with as much light or other blessed indistinctness as you pleasej the beards and the old ages will break through. In vain theologians may tell us that our imaginations are not exalted enough. The answer (if such a charge must be gravely met) is, that Dante's whole Heaven itself is not 136 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. Again they stopped, and again St. Thomas addressed the poet. He was of the order of St. Dominic ; but with generous grace he held up the founder of the Franciscans, with his vow of pov- erty, as the example of what a pope should be, and reproved the errors of no order but his own. On the other hand, a new circle of doctors of the Church making their appearance, and enclosing the first as rainbow encloses rainbow, rolling round with it in the unison of a two-fold joy, a voice from the new circle attracted the poet's ear, as the pole attracts the needle, and Saint Buona- ventura, a Franciscan, opened upon the praises of St. Dominic, the loving minion of Christianity, the holy wrestler, benign to his friends and cruel to his enemies ;* and so confined his re- proofs to his own Franciscan order. He then, as St. Thomas had done with the doctors in the inner circle, named those who con- stituted the outer : to wit, Illuminate, and Agostino, and Hugues of St. Victor, and Petrus Comestor, and Pope John the Twenty- first, Nathan the Prophet, Chrysostom, Anselmo of Canterbury, Donatus who deigned to teach grammar, Raban of Mentz, and Joachim of Calabria. The two circles then varied their move- ment by wheeling round one another in counter directions ; and after they had chanted, not of Bacchus or Apollo, but of three Persons in One, St. Thomas, who knew Dante's thoughts by in- tuition, again addressed him, discoursing of mysteries human and divine, exhorting him to be slow in giving assent or denial to '< exalted enough, however wonderful and beautiful in parts. The schools, and the forms of Catholic worship, held even his imagination down. There is more heaven in one placid idea of love than in all these dances and tinklings. * " Benigno a' suoi, ed a' nimici crudo." Crud indeed ; the founder of the Inquisition ! The " loving minion" is Mr. Cary's excellent translation of " amoroso drudo." But what a minion, and how loving ! With fire and sword and devilry, and no wish (of course) to thrust his own will and pleasure, and bad arguments, down other people's throats ! St. Dominic was a Spaniard. So was Borgia. So was Philip the Second. There seems to have been an inherent semi-barbarism in the char- acter of Spain, which it has never got rid of to this day. If it were not for Cervantes, and some modern patriots, it would hardly appear to belong to the right European community. Even Lope de Vega was an inquisitor ; and Men- doza, the entertaining author of Lazarillo de Tormes, a cruel statesman. Cer- vantes, however, is enough to sweeten a whole peninsula. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 137 propositions without examination, and bidding him warn people in general how they presumed to anticipate the divine judgment as to who should be saved and who not.* The spirit of Solomon then related how souls could resume their bodies glorified ; and the two circles uttering a rapturous amen, glowed with such intole- rable brightness, that the eyes of Beatrice only were able to sus- tain it. Dante gazed on her with a delight ineffable, and suddenly found himself in the fifth Heaven. It was the planet Mars, the receptacle of those who had Died Fighting for the Cross. In the middle of its ruddy light stood a cross itself, of enormous dimensions, made of light still greater, and exhibiting, first, in the body of it, the Crucified Presence, glittering all over with indescribable flashes like lightning ; and secondly^, in addition to and across the Presence, innumerable sparkles of the intensest mixture of white and red, darting to and fro through the whole extent of the crucifix. The movement was like that of motes in a sunbeam. And as a sweet dinning arises from the multitudinous touching of harps and viols, before the ear distinguishes the notes, there issued in like manner from the whole glittering ferment a harmony indistinct but exquisite, which entranced the poet beyond all he had ever felt. He heard even the words, " Arise and conquer," as one who hears and yet hears not. On a sudden, with a glide like a falling star, there ran down from the right horn of the Cross to the foot of it, one of the lights of this cluster of splendours, distinguishing itself, as it went, like flame in alabaster. " O flesh of my flesh !" it exclaimed to Dante ; " O super- abounding Divine Grace ! when was the door of Paradise ever twice opened, as it shall have been to thee ?"f Dante, in astonishment, turned to Beatrice, and saw such a * What a pity the reporter of this advice had not humility enough to apply it to himself! t " O sanguis meus, o superinfusa Gratia Dei, sicut tibi, cui Bis unquam coeli janua reclusa?" The spirit says this in Latin, as if to veil the compliment to the poet in " the obscurity of a learned language." And in truth it is a little strong. 138 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. rapture of delight in her eyes, that he seemed, at that instant, as if his own had touched the depth of his acceptance and of his heaven.* The light resumed its speech, but in words too profound in their meaning for Dante to comprehend. They seemed to be re- turning thanks to God. This rapturous absorption being ended, the speaker expressed in more human terms his gratitude to Bea- trice ; and then, after inciting Dante to ask his name, declared himself thus : " O branch of mine, whom I have long desired to behold, I am the root of thy stock ; of him thy great-grandsire, who first brought from his mother the family-name into thy house, and whom thou sawest expiating his sin of pride on the first circle of the mountain. Well it befitteth thee to shorten his long suffering with thy good works. Florence,f while yet she was confined within the ancient boundary which still contains the bell that summons her to prayer, abided in peace, for she was chaste and sober. She had no trinkets of chains then, no head-tires, no gaudy sandals, no girdles more worth looking at than the wear- ers. Fathers were not then afraid of having daughters, for fear they should want dowries too great, and husbands before their time. Families were in no haste to separate ; nor had chamberers arisen to shew what enormities they dared to practise. The heights of Rome had not been surpassed by your tower of Uccellatoio, whose fall shall be in proportion to its aspiring. I saw Bellincion Berti walking the streets in a leathern girdle fas- tened with bone ; and his wife come from her looking-glass with- out a painted face. I saw the Nerlis and the Vecchios contented * " Che dentro a gli occhi suoi ardeva un riso Tal, ch' io pensai co' miei toccar lo fondo De la mia grazia e del mio Paradise." That is, says Lombard!, " I thought my eyes could not possibly be more fa- voured and imparadised" (Pensai che non potessero gli occhi miei essere gra- ziati ed imparadisati maggiormente') Variorum edition of Dante, Padua, 1822, vol. Hi. p. 373. 1 Here ensues the famous description of those earlier times in ' Florence, which Dante eulogises at the expense of his own. See the original passage, with another version, in the Appendix. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 139 with the simplest doublets, and their good dames hard at work at their spindles. O happy they ! They were sure of burial in their native earth, and none were left desolate by husbands that loved France better than Italy. One kept awake to tend her child in its cradle, lulling it with the household words that had fondled her own infancy. Another, as she sat in the midst of her family, drawing the flax from the distaff, told them stories of Troy, and Fiesole, and Rome. It would have been as great a wonder, then, to see such a woman as Cianghella, or such a man as Lapo Salterello, as it would now be to meet with a Cincinnatus or a Cornelia.* " It was at that peaceful, at that beautiful time," continued the poet's ancestor, " when we all lived in such good faith and fellow- ship, and in so sweet a place, that the blessed Virgin vouchsafed the first sight of me to the cries of my mother ; and there, in your old Baptistery, I became, at once, Christian and Cacciaguida. My brothers were called Moronto and Eliseo. It was my wife that brought thee, from Valdipado, thy family name of Alighieri. I then followed the Emperor Conrad, and he made me a knight for my good service, and I went with him to fight against the wicked Saracen law, whose people usurp the fold that remains lost through the fault of the shepherd. There, by that foul crew, was I delivered from the snares and pollutions of the world j and so, from the martyrdom, came to this peace." Cacciaguida was silent. But his descendant praying to be told more of his family and of the old state of Florence, the beatified soldier resumed. He would not, however, speak of his own pre- decessors. He said it would be more becoming to say nothing as to who they were, or the place they came from. All he disclosed * Bellincion Berti was a noble Florentine, of the house of the Ravignani. Cianghella is said to bave been an abandoned woman, of manners as shame- less as her morals. Lapo Salterelli, one of the co-exiles of Dante, and special- ly hated by him, was a personage who appears to have exhibited the rare com- bination of judge and fop. An old commentator, in recording his attention to his hair, seems to intimate that Dante alludes to it in contrasting him with Ciu- cinnatus. If so, Lapo might have reminded the poet of what Cicero says of his beloved Caesar ; that he once saw him scratching the top of his head with the tip of liia finger, that he might not discompose the locks. 140 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. was, that his father and mother lived near the gate San Piero.* With regard to Florence, he continued, the number of the inhabi- tants fit to carry arms was at that time not a fifth of its present amount ; but then the blood of the whole city was pure. It had not been mixed up with that of Campi, and Certaldo, and Figghine. It ran clear in the veins of the humblest mechanic. " Oh, how much better would it have been," cried the soul of Q the old Florentine, " had my countrymen still kept it as it was, and not brought upon themselves the stench of the peasant knave out of Aguglione, and that other from Signa, with his eye to a bribe ! Had Rome done its duty to the emperor, and so prevented the factions that have ruined us, Simifonte would have kept its beggarly upstart to itself; the Conti would have stuck to their parish of Acone, and perhaps the Buondelmonti to Valdigrieve. Crude mixtures do as much harm to the body politic as to the natural body ; and size is not strength. The blind bull falls with a speedier plunge than the blind lamb. One sword often slashes round about it better than five. Cities themselves perish. See what Ras become of Luni and of Urbisaglia ; and what will soon become of Sinigaglia too, and of Chiusi ! And if cities perish, what is to be expected of families ? In my time the Ughi, the Catellini, the Filippi, were great names. So were the Albe- richi, the Ormanni, and twenty others. The golden sword of * " Chi ei si furo, e onde venner quivi, Piii e tacer che ragionare onesto." Some think Dante was ashamed to speak of these ancestors, from the lowness of their origin ; others that he did not choose to make them a boast, for the height of it. I suspect, with Lombard!, from his general character, and from the willingness he has avowed to make such boasts (see the opening of canto xvi., Paradiso, in the original), that while he claimed for them a descent from the Romans (see Inferno, canto xv. 73. &c.), he knew them to be poor iu fortune, perhaps of humble condition. What follows, in the text of our ab- stract, about the purity of the old Florentine blood, even in the veins of the humblest mechanic, may seem to intimate some corroboration of this ; and is a curious specimen of republican pride and scorn. This horror of one's neigh- bours is neither good Christianity, nor surely any very good omen of that Ital- ian union, of which " Young Italy" wishes to think Dante such a harbinger. All this too, observe, is said in the presence of a vision of Christ on the Cross ! THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 141 knighthood was then to be seen in the house of Galigaio. The Column, Verrey, was then a great thing in the herald's eye. The Galli, the Sacchetti, were great ; so was the old trunk of the Calfucci ; so was that of the peculators who now blush to hear of a measure of wheat ; and the Sizii and the Arrigucci were drawn in pomp to their civic chairs. Oh, how mighty I saw them then, and how low has their pride brought them ! Florence in those days deserved her name. She flourished indeed ; and the balls of gold were ever at the top of the flower.* And now the descendants of these men sit in priestly stalls and grow fat. The over-weening Adimari, who are such dragons when their foes run, and such lambs when they turn, were then of note so little, that Albertino Donato was angry with Bellincion, his father- in-law, for making him brother to one of their females. On the other hand, thy foes, the Amidei, the origin of all thy tears through the just anger which has slain the happiness of thy life, were honoured in those days ; and the honour was partaken by their friends. O Buondelmonte ! why didst thou break thy troth to thy first love, and become wedded to another ? Many who are now miserable would have been happy, had God given thee to the river Ema, when it rose against thy first coming to Florence. But the Arno had swept our Palladium from its bridge, and Florence was to be the victim on its altar. "{ Cacciaguida was again silent ; but his descendant begged him to speak yet a little more. He had heard, as he came through the nether regions, alarming intimations of the ill fortune that * The Column, Verrey (vair, variegated, checkered with argent and azure), and the Balls or (Palle d' oro), were arms of old families. I do not trouble the reader with notes upon mere family-names, of which nothing else is recorded. t An allusion, apparently acquiescent, to the superstitious popular opinion that the peace of Florence was bound up with the statue of Mars on the old bridge, at tho base of which Buondehnoute was slain. With this Buondelmonte the dissensions in Florence were supposed to have first begun. Macchiavelli's account of him is, that he was about to marry a young lady of the Amidei family, when a widow of one of the Donati, who had designed her own daughter for him, contrived that he should see her ; the consequence of which was, that he broke his engagement, and was assassina- ted Historic Florentine, lib. ii. 142 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. awaited him, and he was anxious to know, from so high and cer- tain an authority, what it would really be. Cacciaguida said, " As Hippolytus was forced to depart from Athens by the wiles of his cruel step-dame, so must even thou depart out of Florence. Such is the wish, such this very mo- ment the plot, and soon will it be the deed, of those, the business of whose lives is to make a traffic of Christ with Rome. Thou shalt quit every thing that is dearest to thee in the world. That is the first arrow shot from the bow of exile. Thou shalt experi- ence how salt is the taste of bread eaten at the expense of others ; how hard is the going up and down others' stairs. But what shall most bow .thee down, is the worthless and disgusting com- pany with whom thy lot must be partaken ; for they shall all turn against thee, the whole mad, heartless, and ungrateful set. Nev- ertheless, it shall not be long first, before themselves, and not thou, shall have cause to hang down their heads for shame. The brutishness of all they do, will shew how well it became thee to be of no party, but the party of thyself.* " Thy first refuge thou shalt owe to the courtesy of the great Lombard, who bears the Ladder charged with the Holy Bird.f So benignly shall he regard thee, that in the matter of asking and receiving, the customary order of things shall be reversed be- * " Tu lascerai ogni cosa diletta Piu caramente ; e questo e quello strale Che 1' arco de 1' esilio pria saetta. Tu proverai si come sa di sale Lo pane altrui, e com' e duro calle Lo scendere e '1 salir per 1' altrui scale. E quel che piu ti gravera le spalle, Sara la compagnia malvagia e scempia Con la qual tu cadrai in questa valle : Che tutta ingrata, tutta matta ed cmpia Si fara contra te : ma poco appresso Ella, non tu, n' avra rossa la tempia. Di sua bestialitate il suo processo Fara la pruova, si ch' a te fia bello Averti fatta parte per te stesso." t The Roman eagle. These are the arms of the Scaligers of Verona. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 143 tween you two, and the gift anticipate the request. With him thou shalt behold the mortal, born under so strong an influence of this our star, that the nations shall take note of him. They are not aware of him yet, by reason of his tender age ; but ere the Gascon practise on the great Henry, sparkles of his worth shall break forth in his contempt of money and of ease ; and when his munificence appears in all its lustre, his very enemies shall not be able to hold their tongues for admiration.* Look thou to this second benefactor also ; for many a change of the lots of people shall he make, both rich and poor ; and do thou bear in mind, but repeat not, what further I shall now tell thee of thy life." Here the spirit, says the poet, foretold many things which afterwards appeared incredible to their very beholders ; and then added : " Such, my son, is the heart and mystery of the things thou hast desired to learn. The snares will shortly gather about thee ; but wish not to change places with the contrivers ; for thy days will outlast those of their retribution." Again was the spirit silent ; and yet again once more did his descendant question him, anxious to have the advice of one that saw so far, and that spoke the truth so purely, and loved him so well. " Too plainly, my father," said Dante, " do I see the time com- ing, when a blow is to be struck me, heaviest ever to the man that is not true to himself. For which reason it is fit that I so far arm myself beforehand, that in losing the spot dearest to me on earth, I do not let my verses deprive me of every other refuge. Now I have been down below through the region whose grief is without end ; and I have scaled the mountain from the top of which I was lifted by my lady's eyes ; and I have come thus far through heaven, from luminary to luminary ; and in the course of this my pilgrimage I have heard things which, if I tell again, may bitterly disrelish with many. Yet, on the other hand, if I prove but a timid friend to truth, I fear I shall not survive with the generations by whom the present times will be called times of old." The light that enclosed the treasure which its descendant had * A prophecy of the renown of Can Grande della Scala, who had received Dante at his court. 144 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. found in heaven, first flashed at this speech like a golden mirror against the sun, and then it replied thus : " Let the consciences blush at thy words that have reason to blush. Do thou, far from shadow of misrepresentation, make manifest all which thou hast seen, and let the sore places be galled that deserve it. Thy bitter truths shall carry with them vital nourishment thy voice, as the wind does, shall smite loud- est the loftiest summits ; and no little shall that redound to thy praise. It is for this reason that, in all thy journey, thou hast been shewn none but spirits of note, since little heed would have been taken of such as excite doubt by their obscurity." The spirit of Cacciaguida now relapsed into the silent joy of its reflections, and the poet was standing absorbed in the mingled feelings of his own, when Beatrice said to him, " Change the cur- rent of thy thoughts. Consider how near I am in heaven to one that repayeth every wrong." Dante turned at the sound of this comfort, and felt no longer any other wish than to look upon her eyes ; but she said, with a smile, " Turn thee round again, and attend. I am not thy only Paradise." And Dante again turned, and saw his ancestor pre- pared to say more. Cacciaguida bade him look again on the Cross, and he should see various spirits, as he named them, flash over it like lightning ; and they did so. That of Joshua, which was first mentioned, darted along the Cross in a stream. The light of Judas Macca- beus went spinning, as if joy had scourged it.* Charlemagne and Orlando swept away together, pursued by the poet's eyes. Guglielmof followed, and Rinaldo, and Godfrey of Bouillon, and Robert Guiscard of Naples ; and the light of Cacciaguida him- self darted back to its place, and, uttering another sort of voice, * " Letizia era ferza del paUio." t Supposed to be one of the early Williams, Princes of Orange ; but it is doubted whether the First, in the time of Charlemagne, or the Second, who followed Godfrey of Bouillon. Mr. Gary thinks the former ; and the mention of his kinsman Rinaldo ( Ariosto's Paladin ?) seems to confirm his opinion ; yet the situation of the name in the text brings it nearer to Godfrey ; and Rinoardo (the name of Rinaldo in Dante) might possibly mean " Raimbaud," the kins- man and associate of the second William. Robert Guiscard is the Norman who conquered Naples. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 145 began showing how sweet a singer he too was amidst the glitter, ing choir. Dante turned to share the joy with Beatrice, and, by the lovely paling of her cheek, like a maiden's when it delivers itself of the burden of a blush,* knew that he was in another and whiter star. It was the planet Jupiter, the abode of blessed Administrators of Justice. Here he beheld troops of dazzling essences, warbling as they flew, and shaping their flights hither and thither, like birds when they rise from the banks of rivers, and rejoice with one another in new-found pasture. But the figures into which the flights were shaped were of a more special sort, being mystical compo- sitions of letters of the alphabet, now a D, now an i, now an L, and so on, till the poet observed that they completed the whole text of Scripture, which says, Diligite justitiam, qui judicatis ter- ram (Love righteousness, ye that be judges of the earth). The last letter, M, they did not decompose like the rest, but kept it entire for a while, and glowed so deeply within it, that the silvery orb thereabout seemed burning with gold. Other lights, with a song of rapture, then descended like a crown of lilies, on the top of the letter ; and then, from the body of it, rose thousands of sparks, as from a shaken firebrand, and, gradually expanding into the form of an eagle, the lights which had descended like lilies distributed themselves over the whole bird, encrusting it with rubies flashing in the sun. But what, says the poet, was never yet heard of, written, or imagined, the beak of the eagle spoke ! It uttered many minds in one voice, just as one heat is given out by many embers ; and proclaimed itself to have been thus exalted, because it united justice and mercy while on earth. Dante addressed this splendid phenomenon, and prayed it to ease his mind of the perplexities of its worldly reason respecting * Exquisitely beautiful feeling ! " Quale 6 il trasmutare in picciol varco Di tempo in bianca donna, quando ! 1 volto Suo si discarchi di vergogna il carco." What follows, respecting letters of the alphabet and the Roman eagle, is in a very different taste, though mixed with many beauties. 11 146 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. the Divine nature and government, and the exclusion from hea- ven of goodness itself, unless within the Christian pale. The celestial bird, rousing itself into motion with delight, like a falcon in the conscious energy of its will and beauty, when, upon being set free from its hood, it glances above it into the air, and claps its self-congratulating wings, answered neverthe- less somewhat disdainfully, that it was impossible for man, in his mortal state, to comprehend such things ; and that the astonish- ment he feels at them, though doubtless it would be excusable under other circumstances, must rest satisfied with the affirma- tions of Scripture. The bird then bent over its questioner, as a stork does over the nestling newly fed when it looks up at her, and then wheel- ing round, and renewing its warble, concluded it with saying, " As my notes are to thee that understandest them not, so are the judgments of the Eternal to thine earthly brethren. None ever yet ascended into these heavenly regions that did not believe in Christ, either after he was crucified or before it. Yet many, who call Christ ! Christ ! shall at the last day be found less near to him than such as knew him not. What shall the kings of Islam say to your Christian kings, when they see the book of judgment opened, and hear all that is set down in it to their dis- honour ? In that book shall be read the desolation which Albert will inflict on Bohemia :* in that book, the woes inflicted on * The emperor Albert the First, when he obtained Bohemia for his son Rodolph. Of the sovereigns that follow, he who adulterated his people's money, and died by the " hog's teeth" (a wild boar in hunting), is the French king, Philip the Fourth ; the quarrelling fools of England and Scotland are Edward the First and Baliol ; the luxurious Spaniard is Ferdinand the Fourth, said to have killed himself in his youth by intemperance ; the effeminate Bo- hemian, Winceslaus the Second ; the " lame wretch of Jerusalem," Charles the Second of Naples, titular king of Jerusalem ; the cowardly warder of the Isle of Fire (Sicily), Frederick of the house of Arragon ; his filthy brother and uncle, James of Arragon and James of Minorca ; the Portuguese (according to the probable guess of Gary), the rebellious son of King Dionysius ; the Nor- wegian, Haco ; and the Dalmatian, Wladislaus, but why thus accused, not known. As to Hungary, its crown was then disputed by rival princes ; Na- varre was thinking of shaking off the yoke of France ; and Nicosia and Famagosta, in Cyprus, were complaining of then- feeble sovereign, Henry the Second. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 147 Paris by that adulterator of his kingdom's money, who shall die by the hog's teeth : in that book, the ambition which makes such mad fools of the Scotch and English kings, that they cannot keep within their bounds : in that book, the luxury of the Span- iard, and the effeminate life of the Bohemian, who neither knows nor cares for any thing worthy : in that book, the lame wretch of Jerusalem, whose value will be expressed by a unit, and his worthlessness by a million : in that book, the avarice and cow- ardice of the warder of the Isle of Fire, in which old Anchises died ; and that the record may answer the better to his abundant littleness, the writing shall be in short-hand ; and his uncle's and his brother's filthy doings shall be read in that book they who have made such rottenness of a good old house and two diadems ; and there also shall the Portuguese and the Norwegian be known for what they are, and the coiner of Dalmatia, who beheld with such covetous eyes the Venetian ducat. O blessed Hungary, if thou wouldst resolve to endure no longer ! O blessed Na- varre, if thou wouldst but keep out the Frenchman with thy moun- tain walls ! May the cries and groans of Nicosia and Famagosta be an earnest of those happier days, proclaiming as they do the vile habits of the beast, who keeps so close in the path of the herd his brethren." The blessed bird for a moment was silent ; but as, at the going down of the sun, the heavens are darkened, and then break forth into innumerable stars which the sun lights up,* so the splen- dours within the figure of the bird suddenly became more splen- did, and broke forth into songs too beautiful for mortal to re- member. O dulcet love, that dost shew thee forth in smiles, how ardent was thy manifestation in the lustrous sparkles which arose out of the mere thoughts of those pious hearts ! After the gems in that glittering figure had ceased chiming their angelic songs, the poet seemed to hear the murmur of a river which comes falling from rock to rock, and shews, by the fulness of its tone, the abundance of its mountain spring ; and as the sound of the guitar is modulated on the neck of it, and the * The opinion in the time of Dante. 148 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. breath of the pipe is accordant to the spiracle from which it is- sues, so the murmuring within the eagle suddenly took voice, and, rising through the neck, again issued forth in words. The bird now bade the poet fix his attention on its eye ; because, of all the fires that composed its figure, those that sparkled in the eye were the noblest. The spirit (it said) which Dante beheld in the pupil was that of the royal singer who danced before the ark, now enjoying the reward of his superiority to vulgar dis- cernment. Of the five spirits that composed the eyebrow, the one nearest the beak was Trajan, now experienced above all others in the knowledge of what it costs not to follow Christ, by reason of his having been in hell before he was translated to heaven. Next to Trajan was Hezekiah, whose penitence delayed for him the hour of his death : next Hezekiah, Constantine, though, in letting the pope become a prince instead of a pastor, he had unwittingly brought de- struction on the world : next Constantine, William the Good of Si- cily, whose death is not more lamented than the lives of those who contest his crown : and lastly, next William, Riphoeus the Tro- jan. " What erring mortal," cried the bird, " would believe it possible to find Riphoeus the Trojan among the blest ? but so it is ; and he now knows more respecting the divine grace than mortals do, though even he discerns it not to the depth."* The bird again relapsing into silence, appeared to repose on the happiness of its thoughts, like the lark which, after quiver- ing and expatiating through all its airy warble, becomes mute and content, having satisfied its soul to the last drop of its sweetness. } * All this part about the eagle, who, it seems, is beheld only in profile, and who bids the poet " mind his eye," in the pupil of which is King David, while the eyebrow consists of orthodox sovereigns, including Riphaeus the Trojan, is irresistibly ludicrous. No consideration can or ought to hinder us from laugh- ing at it. It was mere party-will in Dante to lug it in ; and his perverseness injured his fancy, as it deserved. In the next passage the real poet resumes himself, and with what relief to one's feelings ! t Most beautiful is this simile of the lark : " Qual lodoletta che 'n aere si spazia Prima cantando, e poi tace contenta De 1' ultima dolcezza che la sazia." In the Pentameron and Pentalogia, Petrarch is made to say, " All the THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 149 But again Dante could not help speaking, being astonished to find Pagans in Heaven ; and once more the celestial figure in- dulged his curiosity. It told him that Trajan had been delivered from hell, for his love of justice, by the prayers of St. Gregory ; and that Riphseus, for the same reason, had been gifted with a prophetic knowledge of the Redemption ; and then it ended with a rapture on the hidden mysteries of Predestination, and on the joy of ignorance itself when submitting to the divine will. The two blessed spirits, meanwhile, whom the bird mentioned, like the fingers of sweet luteriist to sweet singer, when they quiver to his warble as it goes, manifested the delight they experienced by movements of accord simultaneous as the twinkling of two eyes.* Dante turned to receive his own final delight from the eyes of Beatrice, and he found it, though the customary smile on her face was no longer there. She told him that her beauty increased with such intensity at every fresh ascent among the stars, that he would no longer have been able to bear the smile ; and they were now in the seventh Heaven, or the planet Saturn, the re- treat of those who had passed their lives in Holy Contemplation. verses that ever were written on the nightingale are scarcely worth the beauti- ful triad of this divine poet on the lark [and then he repeats them]. In the first of them, do you not see the trembling of her wings against the sky? As often as I repeat them, my ear is satisfied, my heart (like hers) contented. " Boccaccio. I agree with you in the perfect and unrivalled beauty of the first ; but in the third there is a redundance. Is not contenta quite enough without che la sazia ? The picture is before us, the sentiment within us ; and, behold, we kick when we are full of manna. " Petrarch. I acknowledge the correctness and propriety of your remark ; and yet beauties in poetry must be examined as carefully as blemishes, and even more." p. 92. Perhaps Dante would have argued that sazia expresses the sa ety itself, so that the very superfluousness becomes a propriety. * " E come a buon cantor buon citarista Fa seguitar lo guizzo de la corda In che piu di piacer lo canto acquista ; SI, mentre che parl6, mi si ricorda, Ch' io vidi le duo luci benedette, Pur come batter d' occhi si concorda, Con le parole muover le fiammette." 150 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. In this crystal sphere, called after the name of the monarch who reigned over the Age of Innocence, Dante looked up, and beheld a ladder, the hue of which was like gold when the sun glisters it, and the height so great that its top was out of sight ; and down the steps of this ladder he saw coming such multitudes of shining spirits, that it seemed as if all the lights of heaven must have been there poured forth ; but not a sound was in the whole splendour. It was spared to the poet for the same reason that he missed the smile of Beatrice. When they came to a cer- tain step in the ladder, some of the spirits flew off it in circles or other careers, like rooks when they issue from their trees in the morning to dry their feathers in the sun, part of them going away without returning, others returning to the point they left, and others contenting themselves with flying round about it. One of them came so near Dante and Beatrice, and brightened with such ardour, that the poet saw it was done in affection towards them, and begged the loving spirit to tell them who it was. " Between the two coasts of Italy," said the spirit, " and not far from thine own country, the stony mountains ascend into a ridge so lofty that the thunder rolls beneath it. Catria is its name. Beneath it is a consecrated cell ; and in that cell I was called Pietro Damiano.* I so devoted myself to the service of God, that with no other sustenance than the juice of the olive, I forgot both heat and cold, happy in heavenly meditation. That cloister made abundant returns in its season to these granaries of the Lord ; but so idle has it become now, that it is fit the world should know its barrenness. The days of my mortal life were drawing to a close, when I was besought and drawn into wearing the hat which descends every day from bad head to worse. f St. Peter and St. Paul came lean and barefoot, getting their bread where they could ; but pastors now-a-days must be lifted from * A corrector of clerical abuses, who, though a cardinal, and much employed in public affairs, preferred the simplicity of a private life. He has left writings, the eloquence of which, according to Tiraboschi, is " worthy of a better age." Petrarch also makes honourable mention of him. See Gary, ut sup. p. 169. Dante lived a good while in the monastery of Catria, aiid is said to have fin- ished his poem there. Lombardi in loc. vol. iii. p. 547. t The cardinal's hat. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 151 the ground, and have ushers going before them, and train-bearers behind them, and ride upon palfreys covered with their spreading mantles, so that two beasts go under one skin.* O Lord, how long !" At these words Dante saw more splendours come pouring down the ladder, and wheel round and round, and become at every wheel more beautiful. The whole dazzling body then gathered round "the indignant speaker, and shouted something in a voice so tremendous, that the poet could liken it to nothing on earth. The thunder was so overwhelming, that he did not even hear what they said.f Pallid and stunned, he turned in affright to Beatrice, who com- forted him as a mother comforts a child that wants breath to speak. The shout was prophetic of the vengeance about to over- take the Church. Beatrice then directed his attention to a multi- tude of small orbs, which increased one another's beauty by inter- changing their splendours. They enclosed the spirits of those who most combined meditation with love. One of them was Saint Benedict ; and others Macarius and Romoaldo.:}: The light of St. Benedict issued forth from among its companions to ad- dress the poet ; and after explaining how its occupant was unable farther to disclose himself, inveighed against the degeneracy of the religious orders. It then rejoined its fellows, and the whole company clustering into one meteor, swept aloft like a whirlwind. Beatrice beckoned the poet to ascend after them. He did so, * " SI che duo bestie van sott' una pelle." t " Dintoruo a questa (voce) vennero e fermarsi, E fero un grido di si alto suono, Che non potrebbe qui assomigliarsi : Ne io lo 'ntesi, si mi vinse il tuono." Around this voice they flocked, a mighty crowd, And raised a shout so huge, that earthly wonder Knoweth no likeness for a peal so loud ; Nor could I hear the words, it spoke such thunder. If a Longinus had written after Dante, he would have put this passage into his treatise on the Sublime. t Benedict, the founder of the order called after his name. Macarius, an Egyptian monk and moralist. Romoaldo, founder of the Camaldoli. 152 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. gifted with the usual virtue by her eyes; and found himself in the twin light of the Gemini, the constellation that presided over his birth. He was now in the region of the fixed stars. " Thou art now," said his guide, "so near the summit of thy prayers, that it behoves thee to take a last look at things below thee, and see how little they should account in thine eyes." Dante turned his eyes downwards through all the seven spheres, and saw the earth so diminutive, that he smiled at its miserable appearance. Wisest, thought he, is the man that esteems it least ; and truly worthy he that sets his thoughts on the world to come. He now saw the moon without those spots in it which made him formerly attribute the variation to dense and rare. He sustained the brightness of the face of the sun, and discerned all the signs and motions and relative distances of the planets. Finally, he saw, as he rolled round with the sphere in which he stood, and by virtue of his gifted sight, the petty arena, from hill to harbour, which filled his countrymen with such ferocious ambition ; and then he turned his eyes to the sweet eyes beside him.* Beatrice stood wrapt in attention, looking earnestly towards the south, as if she expected some appearance. She resembled the bird that sits among the dewy leaves in the darkness of night, * The reader of English poetry will be reminded of a passage in Cowley : " Lo, I mount ; and lo, How small the biggest parts of earth's proud title shew ! Where shall I find the noble British land ? Lo, I at last a northern speck espy, Which in the sea does lie, And seems a grain o' the sand. For this will any sin, or bleed ? Of civil wars is this the meed ? And is it this, alas, which we, Oh, irony of words ! do call Great Brittanie ?" And he afterwards, on reaching higher depths of silence, says very finely, and with a beautiful intimation of the all-inclusiveness of the Deity by the use of a singular instead of a plural verb, " Where am I now ? angels and God is here." All which follows in Dante, up to the appearance of Saint Peter, is full of grandeur and loveliness. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 153 yearning for the coming of the morning, that she may again be- hold her young, and have light by which to seek the food, that renders her fatigue for them a joy. So stood Beatrice, looking ; which caused Dante to watch in the same direction, with the feel- ings of one that is already possessed of some new delight by the assuredness of his expectation.* The quarter on which they were gazing soon became brighter and brighter, and Beatrice exclaimed, " Behold the armies of the triumph of Christ !" Her face appeared all fire, and her eyes so full of love, that the poet could find no words to express them. As the moon, when the depths of heaven are serene with her fulness, looks abroad smiling among her eternal handmaids the stars, that paint every gulf of the great hollow with beauty ;j- so brightest, above myriads of splendours around it, appeared a sun \\ Inch gave radiance to them all, even as our earthly sun gives light to the constellations. " O Beatrice !" exclaimed Dante, overpowered, " sweet and beloved guide !" " Overwhelming," said Beatrice, " is the virtue with which nothing can compare. *What thou hast seen is iheWislom and * " Come 1' augello intra 1' amate fronde, Posato al nido de' suoi dolci nati La notte che le cose ci nasconde, Che per veder gli aspetti desiati, E per trovar lo cibo onde gli pasca, In che i gravi labor gli sono aggrati, Previene '1 tempo in su 1' aperta frasca, E con ardente affetto il sole aspetta, Fiso guardando pur che 1' alba nasca Cos! la donna mia si stava eretta ,. E atteiita, involta in ver la plaga Sotto la quale il sol mostra men fretta : SI che veggendola io sospesa e vaga, Fecimi quale e quei che disiando Altro vorria, e sperando s' appaga." t " Quale ne' plenilunii sereni Trivia ride tra le Ninfe eterne, Che dipingono '1 ciel per tutti i seni." 154 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. the Power, by whom the path between heaven and earth has been laid open."* Dante's soul like the fire which falls to earth out of the swollen thunder-cloud, instead of rising according to the wont of fire had grown too great for his still mortal nature ; and he could afterwards find within him no memory of what it did. " Open thine eyes," said Beatrice, " and see me now indeed. Thou hast beheld things that empower thee to sustain my smiling." Dante, while doing as he was desired, felt like one who has suddenly waked up from a dream, and endeavours in vain to rec- ollect it. " Never," said he, " can that moment be erased from the book of the past. If all the tongues were granted me that were fed with the richest milk of Polyhymnia and her sisters, they could not express one thousandth part of the beauty of that di- vine smile, or of the thorough perfection which it made of the whole of her divine countenance." But Beatrice said, " Why dost thou so enamour thee of this face, and lose the sight of the beautiful gujde, blossoming beneath the beams of Christ ? Behold the rose, in which the Word was made flesh. f Behold the lilies, by whose odour the way of life is tracked." Dante looked, and gave battle to the sight with his weak eyes.J As flowers on a cloudy day in a meadow are suddenly lit up by a gleam of sunshine, he beheld multitudes of splendours ef- fulgent with beaming rays that smote on them from above, though he could not discern the source of the effulgence. He had in- voked the name of the Virgin when he looked ; and the gracious fountain of the light had drawn itself higher up within the heaven, to accommodate the radiance to his faculties. He then beheld the Virgin herself bodily present, her who is feirest now in heaven, as she was on earth ; and while his eyes were being painted with her beauty, there fell on a sudden a seraphic light * He has seen Christ in his own unreflected person. 1 The Virgin Mary. t " Mi rendei A la battaglia de' debili cigli." " Ambo le luci mi dipinse." THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 155 from heaven, which, spinning into a circle as it came, formed a diadem round her head, still spinning, and warbling as it spun. The sweetest melody that ever drew the soul to it on earth would have seemed like the splitting of a thunder-cloud, compared with the music that sung around the head of that jewel of Paradise.* " I am Angelic Love," said the light, " and I spin for joy of the womb in which our Hope abided ; and ever, O Lady of Heaven, must I thus attend thee, as long as thou art pleased to attend thy Son, journeying in his loving-kindness from sphere to sphere." All the other splendours now resounded the name of Mary. The Virgin began ascending to pursue the path of her Son ; and Dante, unable to endure her beauty as it rose, turned his eyes to the angelical callers on the name of Mary, who remained yearning after her with their hands outstretched, as a babe yearns after the bosom withdrawn from his lips. Then rising after her themselves, they halted ere they went out of sight, and sung " O Queen of Heaven" so sweetly, that the delight never- quitted the air. A flame now approached and thrice encircled Beatrice, singing all the while so divinely, that the poet could retain no idea ex- pressive of its sweetness. Mortal imagination cannot unfold such wonder. It was Saint Peter, whom she had besought to come down from his higher sphere, in order to catechise and dis- course with her companion on the subject of faith. The catechising and the discourse ensued, and were concluded by the Apostle's giving the poet the benediction, and encircling his forehead thrice with his holy light. " So well," says Dante, " was he pleased with my answers."f * " Qualunque melodia pib dolce suona Qua gift, e piii a se 1' anirna tira, Parebbe nube che squarciata tuona, Comparata al sonar di quella lira Onde si coronava il bel zaffiro Del quale il ciel piu chiaro a' inzaffira." t " Benedicendomi cantando Tre volte cinse me, si com' io tacqui, L* Apostolico lumc, al cui comando Io avea detto ; si ncl dir gli piacqui." 156 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. " If ever," continued the Florentine, " the sacred poem to which " heaven and earth have set their hands, and which for years past has wasted my flesh in the writing, shall prevail against the cruelty that shut me out of the sweet fold in which I slept like a lamb, wishing harm to none but the wolves that beset it, with another voice, and in another guise than now, will I re- turn, a poet, and standing by the fount of my baptism, assume the crown that belongs to me ; for I there first entered on the faith which gives souls to God ; and for that faith did Peter thus encircle my forehead.''* A flame enclosing Saint James now succeeded to that of Saint Peter, and after greeting his predecessor as doves greet one an- other, murmuring and moving round, proceeded to examine the mortal visitant on the subject of Hope. The examination was It was this passage, and the one that follows it, wliich led Foscolo to suspect that Dante wished to lay claim to a divine mission ; an opinion which has ex- cited great indignation amoug the orthodox. See his Discorso sul Testo, ut sup. pp. 64, 77-fiO and 335-338 ; and the preface of the Milanese Editors to the " Convito" of Dante, Opere Minori, I2mo, vol ii. p. xvii. Foscolo's con- jecture seems hardly borne out by the context ; but I think Dante had bold- ness and self-estimation enough to have advanced any claim whatsoever, had events turned out as lie expected. What man but himself (supposing him the believer he professed to be) would have thought of thus making him- self free of the courts of Heaven, and constituting St. Peter his applauding catechist ! * The verses quoted in the preceding note conclude the twenty-fourth canto of Paradise ; and those, of which the passage just given is a translation, com- mence the twenty-fifth : " Se mai continga, che '1 poema sacro Al quale ha posto mano e cielo e terra S\ che m' ha fatto per piii anni macro, Vinca la crudelta che fuor mi serra Del bello ovile ov' io dormi' agnello Nimico a' lupi che gli danno guerra ; Con altra voce omai, con altro vello Ritornero poeta, ed in sul fonte Del mio battesmo prender6 '1 capello : Perocche lie la fede che fa conte L' anime a Dio, quiv' entra' io, e poi Pietro per lei si mi gir6 la fronte." THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 157 closed amidst resounding anthems of " Let their hope be in thee ;"* and a third apostolic flame ensued, enclosing Saint John, who completed the catechism with the topic of Charity. Dante acquitted himself with skill throughout ; the spheres resounded with songs of " Holy, holy," Beatrice joining in the warble ; and the poet suddenly found Adam beside him. The parent of the human race knew by intuition what ffis descendant wished to learn of him ; and manifesting his assent before he spoke, as an animal sometimes does by movements and quiverings of the flesh within its coat, corresponding with its good-will,^ told him, that his fall was not owing to the fruit which he tasted, but to the vio- lation of the injunction not to taste it ; that he remained in the Limbo on hell-borders upwards of five thousand years ; and that the language he spoke had become obsolete before the days of Nimrod. The gentle fire of Saint Peter now began to assume an awful brightness, such as the planet Jupiter might assume, if Mars and it were birds, and exchanged the colour of their plumage. J Si- lence fell upon the celestial choristers j and the Apostle spoke thus : " Wonder not if thou seest me change colour. Thou wilt see, while I speak, all which is round about us colour in like manner. He who usurps my place on earth, my place, I say, ay, mine, * " Sperent in te." Psalm ix. 10. The English version says, " And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee." t " Tal volta un animal coverto broglia SI che 1' affetto convien che si paia Per lo seguir che face a lui la 'nvoglia." A natural, but strange, and surely not sufficiently dignified image for the occa- sion. It is difficult to be quite content with a former one, in which the greet- ings of St. Peter and St. James are compared to those of doves murmuring and sidling round about one another ; though Christian sentiment may warrant it, if we do not too strongly present the Apostles to one's imagination. t " Tal ne la sembianza sua divenne, Qual diverebbe Giove, s' egli e Marte Fossero augelli e camblassersi penne." Nobody who opened the Commedia for the first time at this fantastical image would suppose the author was a great poet, or expect the tremendous passage that ensues ! 158 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. which before God is now vacant, has converted the city in which my dust lies buried into a common-sewer of filth and blood ; so that the fiend who fell from hence rejoices himself down there." At these words of the Apostle the whole face of Heaven was covered with a blush, red as dawn or sunset ; and Beatrice changed colour, like a maiden that shrinks in alarm from the re- port of blame in another. The eclipse was like that which took place when the Supreme died upon the Cross. Saint Peter resumed with a voice not less awfully changed than his appearance : " Not for the purpose of being sold for money was the spouse of Christ fed and nourished with my blood, and with the blood of Linus, the blood of Cletus. Sextus did not bleed for it, nor Pius, nor Callixtus, nor Urban ; men, for whose deaths all Chris- tendom wept. They died that souls might be innocent and go to Heaven. Never was it intention of ours, that the sitters in the holy chair should divide one half of Christendom against the other ; should turn my keys into ensigns of war against the faith- ful j and stamp my very image upon mercenary and lying docu- ments, which make me, here in Heaven, blush and turn cold to think of. Arm of God, why sleepest thou ? Men out of Gas- cony and Cahors are even now making ready to drink our blood. lofty beginning, to what vile conclusion must thou come ! But the high Providence, which made Scipio the sustainer of the Ro- man sovereignty of the world, will fail not its timely succour. And thou, my son, that for weight of thy mortal clothing must again descend to earth, see thou that thou openest thy mouth, and hidest not from others what has not been hidden from thyself." As white and thick as the snows go streaming athwart the air when the sun is in Capricorn, so the angelical spirits that had been gathered in the air of Saturn streamed away after the Apos- tle, as he turned with the other saints to depart ; and the eyes of Dante followed them till they became viewless.* * In spite of the unheavenly nature of invective, of something of a lurking conceit in the making an eclipse out of a blush, and in the positive bathos, and 1 fear almost indecent irrelevancy of the introduction of Beatrice at all on such an occasion, much more under the feeble aspect of one young lady blush- THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 159 The divine eyes of Beatrice recalled him to herself; and at the same instant the two companions found themselves in the ninth Heaven or Primum Mobile, the last of the material Heavens, and the mover of those beneath it. Here he had a glimpse of the divine essence, in likeness of a point of inconceivably sharp brightness enringed with the angelic hierarchies. All earth, and heaven, and nature, hung from it. Beatrice explained many mysteries to him connected with that sight ; and then vehemently denounced the false and foolish teach- ers that quit the authority of the Bible for speculations of their own, and degrade the preaching of the gospel with ribald jests, and legends of Saint Anthony and his pig.* Returning, however, to more celestial thoughts, her face be- came so full of beauty, that Dante declares he must cease to en- deavour to speak of it, and that he doubts whether the sight can ever be thoroughly enjoyed by any save its Maker.f Her look carried him upward as before, and he was now in the Empyrean, or region of Pure Light ; of light made of intellect full of love ; love of truth, full of joy ; joy, transcendant above all sweetness. Streams of living radiance came rushing and flashing round about him, swathing him with light, as the lightning sometimes enwraps and dashes against the blinded eyes ; but the light was love here, and instead of injuring, gave new power to the object it embraced. ing for another, this scene altogether is a very grand one ; and the violence itself of the holy invective awful. A curious subject for reflection is here presented. What sort of pope would Dante himself have made ? Would he have taken to the loving or the hating side of his genius ? To the St. John or the St. Peter of his own poem ? St. Francis or St. Dominic? I am afraid, all things considered, we should have had in him rather a Gregory the Seventh or Julius the Second, than a Bene- dict the Eleventh or a Ganganelli. What fine Church-hymns he would have written ! * She does not see (so blind is even holy vehemence !) that for the same reason the denouncement itself is out of its place. The preachers brought St. Anthony and his pig into their pulpits ; she brings them into Heaven ! t " Certo io credo Che solo il BUO fattor tutta la goda." 160 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. With this new infusion of strength into his organs of vision, Dante looked, and saw a vast flood of it, effulgent with flashing splendours, and pouring down like a river between banks painted with the loveliest flowers. Fiery living sparkles arose from it on all sides, and pitched themselves into the cups of the flowers, where they remained awhile, like rubies set in gold ; till inebri- ated with the odours, they recast themselves into the bosom of the flood ; and ever as one returned, another leaped forth. Beatrice bade him dip his eyes into the light, that he might obtain power to see deeper into its nature ; for the river, and the jewels that sprang out of it to and fro, and the laughing flowers on the banks, were themselves but shadows of the truth which they included ; not, indeed, in their essential selves, but inasmuch as without fur- ther assistance the beholder's eyes could not see them as they were. Dante rushed to the stream as eagerly as the lips of an infant to the breast, when it has slept beyond its time ; and his eyelashes had no sooner touched it, than the length of the river became a breadth and a circle, and its real nature lay unveiled before him, like a face when a mask is taken off. It was the whole two combined courts of Heaven, the angelical and the human, in circumference larger than would hold the sun, and all blazing beneath a light, which was reflected downwards in its turn upon the sphere of the Primum Mobile below it, the mover of the universe. And as a green clifFby the water's side seems to delight in seeing itself reflected from head to foot with all its verdure and its flowers ; so, round about on all sides, upon thousands of thrones, the blessed spirits that once lived on earth sat beholding themselves in the light. And yet even all these together formed but the lowest part of the spectacle, which as- cended above them, tier upon tier, in the manner of an immeasur- able rose, all dilating itself, doubling still and doubling, and all odorous with the praises of an ever-vernal sun. Into the base of it, as into the yellow of the flower, with a dumb glance that yet promised to speak, Beatrice drew forward her companion, and said, " Behold the innumerable assemblage of the white gar- ments ! Behold our city, how large its circuit ! Behold our seats, which are, nevertheless, so full, that few comers are want- ed to fill them ! On that lofty one at which thou art looking, sur- THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 161 mounted with the crown, and which shall be occupied before thou joinest this bridal feast, shall be seated the soul of the great Henry, who would fain set Italy right before she is prepared for it.* The 'blind waywardness of which ye are sick renders ye like the bantling who, while he is dying of hunger, kicks away his purse. And Rome is governed by one that cannot walk in the same path with such a man, whatever be the road.'j' But God will not long endure him. He will be thrust down into the pit with Simon Magus ; and his feet, when he arrives there, will thrust down the man of Alagna still lower. " In the form, then, of a white rose the blessed multitude of hu- man souls lay manifest before the eyes of the poet ; and now he observed, that the winged portion of the blest, the angels, who fly up with their wings nearer to Him that fills them with love, came to and fro upon the rose like bees ; now descending into its bosom, now streaming back to the source of their affection. Their faces were all fire, their wings golden, their garments whiter than snow. Whenever they descended on the flower, they went from fold to fold, fanning their loins, and communicating the peace and ardour which they gathered as they gave. Dante be- held all, every flight and action of the whole winged multitude, without let or shadow ; for he stood in the region of light it- self, and light has no obstacle where it is deservedly vouchsafed. " Oh," cries the poet, " if the barbarians that came from the north stood dumb with amazement to behold the magnificence of Rome, thinking they saw unearthly greatness in the Lateran, what must I have thought, who had thus come from human to divine, from time to eternity, from the people of Florence to beings just and sane ?" Dante stood, without a wish either to speak or to hear. He felt like a pilgrim who has arrived within the place of his devotion, * The Emperor Henry of Luxembourg, Dante's idol ; at the close of whose brief and inefficient appearance in Italy, his hopes of restoration to his country were at an end. t Pope Clement the Fifth. Dante's enemy, Boniface, was now dead, and of course in Tartarus, in the red-hot tomb which the poet had prepared for him. t Boniface himself. Pope Clement's red-hot feet are to thrust down Pope Boniface into a gulf still hotter. So says the gentle Beatrice in Heaven, and in the face of all that is angelical ! 12 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. and who looks round about him, hoping some day to relate what he sees. He gazed upwards and downwards, and on every side round about, and saw movements graceful with every truth of in- nocence, and faces full of loving persuasion, rich in their own smiles and in the light of the smiles of others. He turned to Beatrice, but she was gone ; gone, as a messen- ger from herself told him, to resume her seat in the blessed rose, which the messenger accordingly pointed out. She sat in the third circle from the top, as far from Dante as the bottom of the sea is from the region of thunder ; and yet he saw her as plainly as if she had been close at hand. He addressed words to her of thanks for all she had done for him, and a hope for her assistance after death ; and she looked down at him and smiled. The messenger was St. Bernard. He bade the poet lift his eyes higher ; and Dante beheld the Virgin Mary sitting above the rose, in the centre of an intense redness of light, like another dawn. Thousands of angels were hanging buoyant around her, each having its own distinct splendour and adornment, and all were singing, and expressing heavenly mirth ; and she smiled on them with such loveliness, that joy was in the eyes of all the blessed. At Mary's feet was sitting Eve, beautiful she that opened the wound which Mary closed ; and at the feet of Eve was Rachel, with Beatrice ; and at the feet of Rachel was Sarah, and then Judith, then Rebecca, then Ruth, ancestress of him out of whose penitence came the song of the Miserere ;* and so other Hebrew women, down all the gradations of the flower, dividing, by the line which they made, the Christians who lived before Christ from those who lived after ; a line which, on the opposite side of the rose, was answered by a similar one of Founders of the Church, at the top of whom was John the Baptist. The rose also was di- vided horizontally by a step which projected beyond the others, and underneath which, known by the childishness of their looks and voices, were the souls of such as were too young to have at- tained Heaven by assistance of good works. St. Bernard then directed his companion to look again at the David. THE JOURNEY THROUGH HEAVEN. 163 Virgin, and gather from her countenance the power of beholding the face of Christ as God. Her aspect was flooded with gladness from the spirits around her ; while the angel who had descended to her on earth now hailed her above with " Ave, Maria !" sing- ing till the whole host of Heaven joined in the song. St. Bernard then prayed to her for help to his companion's eyesight. Bea- trice, with others of the blest, was seen joining in the prayer, their hands stretched upwards ; and the Virgin, after benignly looking on the petitioners, gazed upwards herself, shewing the way with her own eyes to the still greater vision. Dante then looked also, and beheld what he had no words to speak, or memory to endure. He awoke as from a dream, retaining only a sense of sweetness that ever trickled to his heart. Earnestly praying afterwards, however, that grace might be so far vouchsafed to a portion of his recollection, as to enable him to convey to his fellow-creatures ono smallest glimpse of the glory of what he saw, his ardour was so emboldened by help of the very mystery at whose sight he must have perished had he faltered, that his eyes, unblasted, attained to a perception of the Sum of Infinitude. He beheld, concentrated in one spot written in one volume of Love all which is diffused, and can become the sub- ject of thought and study throughout the universe all substance and accident and mode all so compounded that they become one light. He thought he beheld at one and the same time the one- ness of this knot, and the universality of all which it implies ; because, when it came to his recollection, his heart dilated, and in the course of one moment he felt ages of impatience to speak of it. But thoughts as well as words failed him ; and though ever af- terwards he could no more cease to yearn towards it, than he could take defect for completion, or separate the idea of happiness from the wish to attain it, still the utmost he could say of what he remembered would fall as short of right speech as the sounds of an infant's tongue while it is murmuring ovef the nipple ; for the more he had looked at that light, the more he found in it to amaze him, so that his brain toiled with the succession of the as- tonishments. He saw, in the deep but clear self-subsistence, 164 THE ITALIAN PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. three circles of three different colours of the same breadth, one of them reflecting one of the others as rainbow does rainbow, and the third consisting of a fire equally breathing from both.* O eternal Light ! thou that dwellest in thyself alone, thou alone understandest thyself, and art by thyself understood, and, so un- derstanding, thou laughest at thyself, and lovest. The second, or reflected circle, as it went round, seemed to be painted by its own colours with the likeness of a human face.f But how this was done, or how the beholder was to express it, threw his mind into the same state of bewilderment as the mathe- matician experiences when he vainly pores over the circle to dis- cover the principle by which he is to square it. He did, however, in a manner discern it. A flash of light was vouchsafed him for the purpose ; but the light left him no power to impart the discernment ; nor did he feel any longer impatient for the gift. Desire became absorbed in submission, moving in as smooth unison as the particles of a wheel, with the Love that is the' mover of the sun and the stars. J * The Trinity. t The Incarnation. t In the Variorum edition of Dante, ut sup. vol. iii. p. 845, we are informed thai a gentleman of Naples, the Cavaliere Giuseppe de Cesare, was the first to notice (not long since, I presume) the curious circumstance of Dante's having terminated the three portions of his poem with the word " stars." He thinks that it was done as a happy augury of life and renown to the subject. The literal intention, however, seems to have been to shew us, how all his aspira- tions terminated. PULCI: Critical Notice of l)is ife an& <2knin0. CRITICAL NOTICE PULCI'S LIFE AND GENIUS. PULCI, who is the first genuine romantic poet, in point of time, after Dante, seems, at first sight, in the juxtaposition, like farce after tragedy ; and indeed, in many parts of his poem, he is not only what he seems, but follows his saturnine countryman with a peculiar propriety of contrast, much of his liveliest banter being directed against the absurdities of Dante's theology. But hasty and most erroneous would be the conclusion that he was nothing but a banterer. He was a true poet of the mixed order, grave as well as gay ; had a reflecting mind, a susceptible and most affectionate heart ; and perhaps was never more in earnest than when he gave vent to his dislike of bigotry in his most laughable sallies. Luigi Pulci, son of Jacopo Pulci and Brigida de' Bardi, was of a noble family, so ancient as to be supposed to have come from France into Tuscany with his hero Charlemagne. He was born in Florence on the 3d of December, 1431, and was the youngest of three brothers, all possessed of a poetical vein, though it did not flow with equal felicity. Bernardo, the eldest, was the ear- liest translator of the Eclogues of Virgil ; and Lucca wrote a romance called the Cirijfo Cahaneo, and is commended for his Heroic Epistles, Little else is known of these brothers ; and not much more of Luigi himself, except that he married a lady of the name of Lucrezia degli Albizzi ; journeyed in Lombardy and elsewhere ; was one of the most intimate friends of Lorenzo de Medici and his literary circle ; and apparently led a life the 168 PULCI. most delightful to a poet, always meditating some composition, and buried in his woods and gardens. Nothing is known of his latter days. An unpublished work of little credit (Zilioli On the Italian Poets'), and an earlier printed book, which, according to Tiraboschi, is of not much greater (Scardeone De Anliquitalilus Urbis Patavina), say that he died miserably in Padua, and was refused Christian burial on account of his impieties. It is not improbable that, during the eclipse of the fortunes of the Medici family, after the death of Lorenzo, Pulci may have partaken of its troubles ; and there is certainly no knowing how badly his or their enemies may have treated him ; but miserable ends are a favourite allegation with theological opponents. The Calvinists affirm of their master, the burner of Servetus, that he died like a saint ; but I have seen a biography in Italian, which attributed the most horrible death-bed, not only to the atrocious Genevese, but to the genial Luther, calling them both the greatest villains (sceleratissimi) ; and adding, that one of them (I forget which) was found dashed on the floor of his bedroom, and torn limb from limb. Pulci appears to have been slender in person, with small eyes and a ruddy face. I gather this from the caricature of him in the poetical paper-war carried on between him and his friend Matteo Franco, a Florentine canon, which is understood to have been all in good humour sport to amuse their friends a peril- ous speculation. Besides his share in these verses, he is sup- posed to have had a hand in his brother's romance, and was certainly the author of some devout poems, and of a burlesque panegyric on a country damsel, La Beca, in emulation of the charming poem La Nencia, the first of its kind, written by that extraordinary person, his illustrious friend Lorenzo, who, in the midst of his cares and glories as the balancer of the power of Italy, was one of the liveliest of the native wits, and wrote songs for the people to dance to in Carnival time. The intercourse between Lorenzo and Pulci was of the most familiar kind. Pulci was sixteen years older, but of a nature which makes no such differences felt between associates. He had known Lorenzo from the latter's youth, probably from his birth is spoken of in a tone of domestic intimacy by his wife HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 169 and is enumerated by him among his companions in a very spe- cial and characteristic manner in his poem on Hawking (La Cac- cia col Falcone), when, calling his fellow-sportsmen about him, and missing Luigi, one of them says that he has strolled into a neighbouring wood, to put something which has struck his fancy into a sonnet : " ' Luigi Pulci ov' e, che non si sente T 1 Egli se n' ando dianzi in quel boschetto, Che qualche fantasia ha per la mente ; Vorr a fantastical forse un sonetto.' " " And where's Luigi Pulci ? I saw him" " Oh, in the wood there. Gone, depend upon it, To vent some fancy in his brain some whim, That will not let him rest till it's a sonnet" In a letter written to Lorenzo, when the future statesman, then in his seventeenth year, was making himself personally acquaint- ed with the courts of Italy, Pulci speaks of himself as struggling hard to keep down the poetic propensity in his friend's absence. " If you were with me," he says, " I should produce heaps of sonnets as big as the clubs they make of the cherry-blossoms for May-day. I am always muttering some verse or other betwixt my teeth ; but I say to myself, ' My Lorenzo is not here he who is my only hope and refuge ;' and so I suppress it." Such is the first, and of a like nature are the latest accounts we pos- sess of the sequestered though companionable poet. He prefer- red one congenial listener who understood him, to twenty critics that were puzzled with the vivacity of his impulses. Most of the learned men patronised by Lorenzo probably quarrelled with him on account of it, plaguing him in somewhat the same spirit, though in more friendly guise, as the Delia Cruscans and others after- wards plagued Tasso ; so he banters them in turn, and takes refuge from their critical rules and common-places in the larger indulgence of his friend Politian and the laughing wisdom of Lorenzo. " So che andar dirtito mi bisogna, Ch' io non ci mescolassi una bugia, Che questa non e storia da menzogna ; } Che come io esco un passo de la via, 170 PULCI. Chi gracchia, chi riprende, e chi rampogna : Ognun poi mi riesce la pazzia ; Tanto ch' eletto ho solitaria vita, Che la turba di questi e infinita. La mia Accademia uu tempo, o mia Ginnasia, E stata volentier ne' miei boschetti ; ^ E puossi ben veder 1' Aflrica e 1' Asia : Vengon le Ninfe con lor canestretti, E portanmi o narciso o colocasia ; E cosi fuggo mille urban dispetti : Si ch' io non torno a' vostri Areopaghi, Gente pur sempre di mal dicer vaghi." " I know I ought to make no dereliction From the straight path to this side or to that ; I know the story I relate's no fiction, And that the moment that I quit some flat, Folks are all puff, and blame, and contradiction, And swear I never know what I'd be at ; In short, such crowds, I find, can mend one's poem, I live retired, on purpose not to know 'em. Yes, gentlemen, my only ' Academe,' My sole ' Gymnasium,' are my woods and bowers ; Of Afric and of Asia there I dream ; And the Nymphs bring me baskets full of flowers, Arums, and sweet narcissus from the stream ; And thus my Muse escapeth your town-hours And town-disdains ; and I eschew your bites, Judges of books, grim Areopagites." He is here jesting, as Foscolo has observed, on the academy in- stituted jay Lorenzo for encouraging the Greek language, doubt- less with the laughing approbation of the founder, who was some- times not a little troubled himself with the squabbles of his literati. Our author probably had good reason to call his illustrious friend his " refuge." The Morgante Maggiore, the work which has rendered the name~of~Pulci renowned, was an attempt to elevate the popular and homely narrative poetry chanted in the streets into the dignity of a production that should last. The age was in a state of transition on all points. The dogmatic authority of the schoolmen in matters of religion, which pre- HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 171 vailed in the time of Dante, had come to nought before the ad- vance of knowledge in general, and the indifference of the court of Rome. The Council of Trent, as Crescimbeni advised the critics, had not then settled what Christendom was to believe ; and men, provided they complied with forms, and admitted cer- tain main articles, were allowed to think, and even in great measure talk, as they pleased. The lovers of the Platonic phi- losophy took the opportunity of exalting some of its dreams to an influence, which at one time was supposed to threaten Christian- ity itself, and which in fact had already succeeded in affecting Christian theology to an extent which the scorners of Paganism little suspect. Most of these Helenists pushed their admiration of Greek literature to an excess. They were opposed by the Virgilian predilections of Pulci's friend, Politian, who had never- theless universality enough to sympathise with the delight the other took in their native Tuscan, and its liveliest and most idio- matic effusions. From all these circumstances in combination arose, first, Pulci's determination to write a poem of a mixed or- der, which should retain for him the ear of the many, and at the same time give rise to a poetry of romance worthy of higher auditors ; second, his banter of what he considered unessential and injurious dogmas of belief, in favour of those principles of the religion of charity which inflict no contradiction on the heart and understanding ; third, the trouble which seems to have been given him by critics, " sacred and profane," in consequence of these originalities ; and lastly, a doubt which has strangely ex- isted with some, as to whether he intended to write a serious or a comic poem, or on any one point was in earnest at all. One writer thinks he cannot have been in earnest, because he opens every canto with some pious invocation ; another asserts that the piety itself is a banter ; a similar critic is of opinion, that to mix levities with gravities proves the gravities to have been nought, and the levities all in all ; a fourth allows him to have been seri- ous in his description of the battle of Roncesvalles, but says he was laughing in all the rest of his poem ; while a fifth candidly gives up the question, as one of those puzzles occasioned by the caprices of the human mind, which it is impossible for reasonable people to solve. Even Sismondi, who was well acquainted with 172 PULCI. the age in which Pulci wrote, and who, if not a profound, is gen- erally an acute and liberal critic, confesses himself to be thus confounded. " Pulci," he says, " commences all his cantos by a sacred invocation ; and the interests of religion are constantly intermingled with the adventures of his story, in a manner capri- cious and little instructive. We know not how to reconcile this monkish spirit with the semi-pagan character of society under Lorenzo di Medici, nor whether we ought to accuse Pulci of gross bigotry or of profane derision."* Sismondi did not con- sider that the lively and impassioned people of the south take what may be called household-liberties with the objects of their worship greater than northerns can easily conceive ; that levity of manner, therefore, does not always imply the absence of the gravest belief; that, be this as it may, the belief may be as grave on some points as light on others, perhaps the more so for that reason ; and that, although some poems, like some people, are altogether grave, or the reverse, there really is such a thing as tragi-comedy both in the world itself and in the representations of it. A jesting writer may be quite as much in earnest when he professes to be so, as a pleasant companion who feels for his own or for other people's misfortunes, and who is perhaps obliged to affedt or resort to his very pleasantry sometimes, because he feels more acutely than the gravest. The sources of tears and smiles lie close to, ay and help to refine one another. If Dante had been capable of more levity, he would have been guilty of less melancholy absurdities. If Rabelais had been able to weep * Literature of the South of Europe, Thomas Roscoe's Translation, vol. ii. p. 54. For the opinions of other writers, here and elsewhere alluded to, see Tiraboschi (who is quite frightened at him), Storia della Poesia Ilaliana, cap. V. sect 25 ; Gravina, who is more so, Delia Ragion Poetica (quoted in Gin- gu^ne", as below) ; Crescimbeni, Commentari Intorno all' Istoria della Poesia, &c. lib. vi. cap. 3 (Mathias's edition), and the biographical additions to the same work, 4to, Rome, 1710, vol. ii. part ii. p. 151, where he says that Pulci was perhaps the " modestest and most temperate writer" of his age (" il pid modesto e moderate") ; Ginguene", Histoire. Litteraire d'ltalie, torn iv. p. 214 ; Foscolo, in the Quarterly Review, as further on ; Panizzi on the Romantic Poetry of the Italians, ditto ; Stebbing, Lives of the Italian Poets, second edition, vol. i. ; and the first volume of Lives of Literary and Scientific Men, in Lardner's Cyclopadia. HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 173 as well as to laugh, and to love as well as to be licentious, he would have had faith and therefore support in something earnest, and not have been obliged to place the consummation of all things in a wine-bottle. People's every-day experiences might explain to them the greatest apparent inconsistencies of Pulci's muse, if habit itself did not blind them to the illustration. Was nobody ever present in a well-ordered family, when a lively conversation having been interrupted by the announcement of dinner, the com- pany, after listening with the greatest seriousness to a grace de- livered with equal seriousness, -perhaps by a clergyman, resumed it the instant afterwards in all its gaiety, with the first spoonful of soup ? Well, the sacred invocations at the beginning of Pul- ci's cantos were compliances of the like sort with a custom. They were recited and listened to just as gravely at Lorenzo di Medici's table ; and yet neither compromised the reciters, nor were at all associated with the enjoyment of the fare that ensued. So with regard to the intermixture of grave and gay throughout the poem. How many campaigning adventures have been writ- ten by gallant officers, whose animal spirits saw food for gaiety in half the circumstances that occurred, and who could crack a jest and a helmet perhaps with almost equal vivacity, and yet be as serious as the gravest at a moment's notice, mourn heartily over the deaths of their friends, and shudder with indignation and horror at the outrages committed in a captured city ? It is thus that Pulci writes, full no less of feeling than of whim and mirth. And the whole honest round of humanity not only war- rants his plan, but in the twofold sense of the word embraces it. If any thing more were necessary to shew the gravity with which our author addressed himself to his subject, it is the fact, related by himself, of its having been recommended to him by Lorenzo's mother, Lucrezia Tornabuoni, a good and earnest wo- man, herself a poetess, who wrote a number of sacred narratives, and whose virtues he more than once records with the greatest respect and tenderness. ^b_Jtfo'gtt^.-..CO n ^' lflAa with a ad- dress respecting this lady to the Virgjn, and with a hope that her " devout and sincere" spirit may obtain peace for him in Para- dise. These are the last words in the book. Is it credible that expressions of this kind, and employed on such an occasion, 174 PULCI. could have had no serious meaning ? or that Lorenzo listened to such praises of his mother as to a jest ? I have no doubt that, making allowance for the age in which he lived, Pulci was an excellent Christian. His orthodoxy, it is true, was not the orthodoxy of the times of Dante or St. Dominic, nor yet of that of the Council of Trent. His opinions respect- ing the mystery of the Trinity appear to have been more like those of Sir Isaac Newton than of Archdeacon Travis. And as- suredly he agreed with Origen respecting eternal punishment, rather than with Calvin and Mr. Toplady. But a man may ac- cord with Newton, and yet be thought not unworthy of the " starry spheres." He may think, with Origen, that God in- tends all his creatures to be ultimately happy,* and yet be con- sidered as loving a follower of Christ as a " dealer of damnation round the land," or the burner of a fellow-creature. Pulci was in advance of his time on more subjects than one. He pronounced the existence of a new and inhabited world, be- fore the appearance of Columbus. f He made the conclusion, doubtless, as Columbus did, from the speculations of more scien- tific men, and the rumours of seamen ; but how rare are the minds that are foremost to throw aside even the most innocent prejudices, and anticipate the enlargements of the public mind ! How many also are calumniated and persecuted for so doing, whose memories, for the same identical reason, are loved, perhaps adored, by the descendants of the calumniators ! In a public li- brary, in Pulci's native place, is preserved a little withered relic, to which the attention of the visitor is drawn with reverential complacency. It stands, pointing upwards, under a glass-case, looking like a mysterious bit of parchment ; and is the finger of Galileo ; of that Galileo, whose hand, possessing that finger, is supposed to have been tortured by the Inquisition for writing what every one now believes. He was certainly persecuted and imprisoned by the Inquisition. Milton saw and visited him un- der the restraint of that scientific body in his own house. Yet Galileo did more by his disclosures of the stars towards elevating * Canto xxv. The passage will be found in the present volume, t Id. And this also. HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 175 our ideas of the Creator, than all the so-called saints and polemics that screamed at one another in the pulpits of East and West. Like the Commedia of Dante, Pulci's " Commedia" (for such also in regard to its general cheerfulness,* and probably to its mediocrity of style, he calls it) is a representative in great mea- sure of the feeling and knowledge of his time ; and though not entirely such in a learned arid eclectic sense, and not to be com- pared to that sublime monstrosity in point of genius and power, is as superior to it in liberal opinion and in a certain pervading lovingness, as the author's affectionate disposition, and his coun- try's advance in civilisation, combined to render it. The editor of the Parnaso Italiano had reason to notice this engaging per- sonal character in our author's work. He says, speaking of the principal romantic poets of Italy, that the reader will " admire Tasso, will adore Ariosto, but will love Pulci."f And all minds, in which lovingness produces love, will agree with him. The Morgante Maggiore is a history of the fabulous exploits and death of Orlando, the great hero of Italian romance, and of the wars and calamities brought on his fellow Paladins and their sovereign Charlemagne by the envy, ambition, and treachery of the misguided monarch's favourite, Gan of Maganza (Mayence), Count of Poictiers. It is founded on the pseudo-history of Arch- bishop Turpin, which, though it received the formal sanction of the Church, is a manifest forgery, and became such a jest with the wits, that they took a delight in palming upon it their most incredible fictions. The title (Morgante the Great) seems to have been either a whim to draw attention to an old subject, or the re- sult of an intention to do more with the giant so called than took place ; for though he is a conspicuous actor in the earlier part of the poem, he dies when it is not much more than half completed. * Canto xxvii. stanza 2. " S' altro ajuto qui non si dimostra, Sara pur tragedia la istoria nostra. Ed io pur commedia pensato avea Iscriver del mio Carlo finalmente, Ed Alcuin cosi mi promettea," &c. t ' In fine tu adorerai 1' Ariosto, tu ammirerei il Tasso, ma tu amerai il Pulci." Parn. Ital. vol. ix. p. 344. 176 PULCI. Orlando, the champion of the faith, is the real hero of it, and Gan the anti-hero or vice. Charlemagne, the reader hardly need be told, is represented, for the most part, as a very different person from what he appears in history. In truth, as Ellis and Panizzi have shewn, he is either an exaggeration (still misrepre- sented) of Charles Martel, the Armorican chieftan, who conquer- ed the Saracens at Poictiers, or a concretion of all the Charleses of the Carlovingian race, wise and simple, potent and weak.* The story may be thus briefly told. Orlando quits the court of Charlemagne in disgust, but is always ready to return to it when the emperor needs his help. The best Paladins follow, to seek him. He meets with and converts the giant Morgante, whose aid he receives in many adventures, among which is the taking of Babylon. The other Paladins, his cousin Rinaldo es- pecially, have their separate adventures, all more or less mixed up with the treacheries and thanklessness of Gan (for they assist even him), and the provoking trust reposed in him by Charle- magne ; and at length the villain crowns his infamy by luring Orlando with most of the Paladins into the pass of Roncesvalles, where the hero himself and almost all his companions are slain by the armies of Gan's fellow-traitor, Marsilius, king of Spain. They die, however, victorious ; and the two royal and noble scoun- drels, by a piece of prosaical justice better than poetical, are des- patched like common malefactors with a halter. There is, perhaps, no pure invention in the whole of this en- largement of old ballads and chronicles, except the characters of another giant, and of a rebel angel ; for even Morgante 's history, though told in a very different manner, has its prototype in the fictions of the pretended archbishop.f The Paladins are well dis- * Ellis's Specimens of Early English Poetical Romances, vol. ii. p. 287 ; and Panizzi's Essay on the Romantic Narrative Poetry of the Italians, in his edition of Boiardo and Ariosto, vol. i. p. 1 13. t De Vita Caroli Magni et Rolandi Historia, &c. cap. xviii. p. 39 (Ciam- pi's edition). The giant in Turpin is named Ferracutus, or Fergus. He was of the race of Goliath, had the strength of forty men, and was twenty cubits high. During the suspension of a mortal combat with Orlando, they discuss the mysteries of the Christian faith, which its champion explains by a variety of similes and the most beautiful beggings of the question ; after which the giant stakes the credit of their respective beliefs on the event of their encounter. HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 177 tinguished from one another ; Orlando as foremost alike in prow- ess and magnanimity, Rinaldo by his vehemence, Ricciardetto by his amours, Astolfo by an ostentatious rashness and self-commit- tal ; but in all these respects they appear to have been made to the author's hand. Neither does the poem exhibit any prevailing force of imagery, or of expression, apart from popular idiomatic phraseology; still less, though it has plenty of infernal magic, does it present us with any magical enchantments of the alluring order, as in Ariosto ; or with love stories as good as Boiardo's, or even with any of the luxuries of landscape and description that are to be found in both of those poets ; albeit, in the fourteenth canto, there is a long catalogue raisonne of the whole animal crea- tion, which a lady has worked for Rinaldo on a pavilion of silk and gold. To these negative faults must be added the positive ones of too many trifling, unconnected, and uninteresting incidents (at least to readers who cannot taste the flavour of the racy Tuscan idiom) ; great occasional prolixity, even in the best as well as worst passages, not excepting Orlando's dying speeches ; harsh- ness in spite of his fluency (according to Foscolo), and even bad grammar ; too many low or over- familiar forms of speech (so the graver critics allege, though, perhaps, from want of animal spirits or a more comprehensive discernment) ; and lastly (to say nothing of the question as to the gravity or levity of the theol- ogy), the strange exhibition of whole* successive stanzas, contain- ing as many questions or affirmations as lines, and commencing each line with the same words. They meet the eye like palisa- does, or a file of soldiers, and turn truth and pathos itself into a jest. They were most likely imitated from the popular ballads. The following is the order of words in which a young lady thinks fit tu complain of a desert, into which she has been carried away by a giant. After seven initiatory O's addressed to her friends and to life in general, she changes the key into E : ; E' questa la raia patria dov 5 io nacqui? E % questo il mio palagio e '1 mio castello ? E % questo il nido ov' alcun tempo giacqui ? E' questo il padre e '1 mio dolce fratello? 13 178 PULCI. . f E % questo il popol dov' io tanto piacqui ? E' questo il regno giusto antico e bello ? E' questo il porto do la mia salute ? E' questo il premio d' ogui mia virtute ? Ove son or le mie purpuree veste ? Ove son or le gemme e le ricchezze ? Ove son or gia le nottume feste ? Ove son or le mie delicatezze ? Ove son or le mie compagne onesle ? Ove son or le fuggite dolcezze ? Ove son or le damigelle mie ? Ove son, dico? ome, non son gia quie."* Is this the country, then, where I was born ? Is this my palace, and my castle this ? Is this the nest I woke in, every morn ? Is this my father's and my brother's kiss? Is this the land they bred me to adorn ? Is this the good old bovver of all my bliss? lathis the haven of my youth and beauty ? Is this the sure reward of all my duty ? Where now are all my wardrobes and their treasures ? Where now arc all my riches and my rights ? Where now are all the midnight feasts and measures? Where now are all the delicate delights ? Where now are all the partners of my pleasures ? Where now are all the sweets of sounds and sights ? Where now are all my maidens ever near ? Where, do I say ? Alas, alas, not here ! There are seven more " where nows," including lovers, and " proffered husbands," and " romances," and ending with the startling question and answer. the counterpoint of the former close, " Ove son 1' aspre selve e i lupi adesso E gli orsi, e i draghi, e i tigri ? Son qui presso." Where now are all the woods and forests drear, Wolves, tigers, bears, and dragons ? Alas, here ! These are all very natural thoughts, and such, no doubt, as would actually pass through the mind of the young lady, in the * Canto xix. st. 21. HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 179 candour of desolation ; but the mechanical iteration of her mode of putting them renders them irresistibly ludicrous. It reminds us of the wager laid by the poor queen in the play of Richard the Second, when she overhears the discourse of the gardener : " My wretchedness unto a row of pins, They'll talk of state." Did Pulci expect his friend Lorenzo to keep a grave face during the recital of these passages ? Or did he flatter himself that the comprehensive mind of his hearer could at one and the same time be amused with the banter of some old song and the pathos of the new one ?* * When a proper name happens to be a part of the tautology, the look is still more extraordinary. Orlando is remonstrating with Rinaldo on his being unseasonably in love : " Ov* e, Rinaldo, la tua gagliardia ? Ov' e, Rinaldo, il tuo sommo potere ? Ov' e, Rinaldo, il tuo senno di pria ? Ov' e, Rinaldo, il tuo antivedere? Ov' e, Rinaldo, la tua fantasia ? Ov' e, Rinaldo, 1' arme e '1 tuo destriere ? Ov* e, Rinaldo, la tua gloria e fama? Ov* e, Rinaldo, il tuo core ? a la dama." Canto xvi. st. 50. Oh where, Rinaldo, is thy gagliardize ? Oh where, Rinaldo, is thy might indeed ? Oh where, Rinaldo, thy repute for wise ? Oh where, Rinaldo, thy sagacious heed ? Oh where, Rinaldo, thy free-thoughted eyes ? Oh where, Rinaldo, thy good arms and steed? Oh where, Rinaldo, thy renown and glory ? Oh where, Rinaldo, thou ? In a love-story. The incessant repetition of the names in the burdens of modern songs is hardly so bad as this. The single line questions and answers in the Greek drama were nothing to it. Yet there is a still more extraordinary play upon words in canto xxiii. st. 49, consisting of the description of a hermitage. It is the only one of the kind which I remember in the poem, and would have driven some of our old hunters after alliteration mad with envy : La casa cosa parea bretta e bruit a, Vinta dal vcnio ; e la natta e la nolle 180 PULCI. The want both of good love-episodes and of descriptions of external nature, in the Morgante, is remarkable ; for Pulci's ten- derness of heart is constantly manifest, and he describes himself as being almost absorbed in his woods. That he understood love well in all its force and delicacy is apparent from a passage con- nected with this pavilion. The fair embroiderer, in presenting it to her idol Rinaldo, undervalues it as a gift which his great heart, nevertheless, will not disdain to accept ; adding, with the true lavishment of the passion, that " she wishes she could give him the sun ;" and that if she were to say, after all, that it was her own hands which had worked the pavilion, she should be wrong, for Love himself did it. Rinaldo wishes to thank her, but is so struck with her magnificence and affection, that the words die on his lips. The way also in which another of these loving ad- mirers of Paladins conceives her affection for one of them, and persuades a vehemently hostile suitor quietly to withdraw his claims by presenting him with a ring and a graceful speech, is in Stilla le stelle, ch' a tetto era tutto . Del pane appena ne dette ta' dotte : Pere avea pure, e qualche fratta frutta ; E sfina e si-ena di botto una botte : Poscia per pesci lasche prese a Z' esca : Ma il letto allotta a la frasca fu fresco." This holy hole was a vile thin-built thing, Blown by the blast ; the night nought else o'erhead But staring stars the rude roof entering ; Their sup of supper was no splendid spread ; Poor pears their fare, and such-Zt&e libelling Of quantum suff. ; their butt all but ; bad bread ; A flash of fish instead of flush of flesh ; Their bed a. frisk al-fresco, freezing fresh. Really, if Sir Philip Sidney and other serious and exquisite gentlemen had not sometimes taken a positively grave interest in the like pastimes of paronomasia, one should hardly conceive it possible to meet with them even in tragi-comedy. Did Pulci find these also in his ballad-authorities ? If his Greek-loving critics made objections here, they had the advantage of him : unless indeed they too, hi their Alexandrian predilections, had a sneaking regard for certain shapings of verse into altars and hatchets, such as have been charged upon Theocritus himself, and which might be supposed to warrant any other conceit on occa- sion. HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 181 a taste as high as any thing in Boiardo, and superior to the more animal passion of the love in their great successor.* Yet the tenderness of Pulci rather shews itself in the friendship of the Paladins for one another, and in perpetual little escapes of gene- rous and affectionate impulse. This is one of the great charms of the Morgante. The first adventure in the book is Orlando's encounter with three giants in behalf of a good abbot, in whom he discovers a kinsman ; and this goodness and relationship com- bined move the Achilles of Christendom to tears. Morgante, one of these giants, who is converted, becomes a sort of squire to his conqueror, and takes such a liking to him, that, seeing him one day deliver himself not without peril out of the clutches of a devil, he longs to go and set free the whole of the other world from devils. Indeed there is no end to his affection for him. Ri- naldo and other Paladins, meantime, cannot rest till they have set out in search of Orlando. They never meet or part with him without manifesting a tenderness proportionate to their valour, the old Homeric candour of emotion. The devil Ashtaroth himself, who is a great and proud devil, assures Rinaldo, for whom he has conceived a regard, that there is good feeling (gen- tilezza) even in hell ; and Rinaldo, not to hurt the feeling, an- swers that he has no doubt of it, or of the capability of " friend- ship" in that quarter ; and he says he is as " sorry to part with him as with a brother." The passage will be found in our ab- stract. There are no such devils as these in Dante ; though Milton has something like them : " Devil with devil damn'd Firm concord holds : men only disagree." It is supposed that the character of Ashtaroth, which is a very * See, in the original, the story of Meridiana, canto vii. King Manfredonio has come in loving hostility against her to endeavour to win her affection by his prowess. He finds her assisted by the Paladins, and engaged by her own heart to Uliviero ; and in the despair of his discomfiture, expresses a wish to die by her hand. Meridiana, with graceful pity, begs his acceptance of a jewel, and recommends him to go home with his army ; to which he griev- ingly consents. Thus indeed is beautiful ; and perhaps I ought to have given an abstract of it, as a specimen of what Pulci could have done in this way, had he chosen. 182 PULCI. new and extraordinary one, and does great honour to the daring goodness of Pulci's imagination, was not lost upon Milton, who was not only acquainted with the poem, but expressly intimates the pleasure he took in it.* Rinaldo advises this devil, as Burns did Lucifer, to " take a thought and mend." Ashtaroth, who had been a seraph, takes no notice of the advice, except with a waving of the recollection of happier times. He bids the hero farewell, and says he has only to summon him in order to receive his aid. This retention of a sense of his former angelical dig- nity has been noticed by Foscolo and Panizzi, the two best writers on these Italian poems. f A Calvinist would call the ex- pression of the sympathy " hardened." A humanist knows it to be the result of a spirit exquisitely softened. An unbounded ten- derness is the secret of all that is beautiful in the serious portion of our author's genius. Orlando's good-natured giant weeps even for the death of the scoundrel Margutte ; and the awful hero himself, at whose death nature is convulsed and the heav- ens open, begs his dying horse to forgive him if ever he has wronged it. A charm of another sort in Pulci, and yet in most instances, perhaps, owing the best part of its charmingness to its being connected with the same feeling, is his wit. Foscolo, it is true, says it is, in general, more severe than refined ; and it is perilous * " Perhaps it was from that same politic drift that the devil whipt St Je- rome in a lenten dream for reading Cicero ; or else it was a fantasm bred by the fever which had then seized him. For had an angel been his discipliner, unless it were for dwelling too much upon Ciceronianisms, and had chastised the reading and not the vanity, it had been plainly partial ; first to correct him for grave Cicero, and not for scurrile Plautus, whom he confesses to have been reading not long before ; next, to correct him only, and let so many more an- cient fathers wax old in those pleasant and florid studies without the lash of such a tutoring apparition ; insomuch that Basil teaches how some good use may be made of Margites, a sportful poem, not now extant, writ by Homer ; and why not then of Morgante, an Italian romance much to the same pur- pose?" Areopagitica, a Speech for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing, Prose Works, folio, 1697, p. 378. I quote the passage as extracted by Mr. Meri- vale in the preface to his " Orlando in Roncesvalles," Poems, vol. ii. p. 41. t Ut sup. p. 222. Foscolo's remark is to be found in his admirable article on the Narrative and Romantic Poems of the Italians, in the Quarterly Re- view, voL xxi. p. 525. HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 183 to differ with such a critic on such a point ; for much of it, un- fortunately, is lost to a foreign reader, in consequence of its de- pendance on the piquant old Tuscan idiom, and on popular say- ings and allusions. Yet I should think it impossible for Pulci in general to be severe at the expense of some more agreeable qual- ity; and I am sure that the portion of his wit most obvious to a foreigner may claim, if not to have originated, at least to have been very like the style of one who was among its declared ad- mirers, and who was a very polished writer, Voltaire. It con- sists in treating an absurdity with an air as if it were none ; or as if it had been a pure matter of course, erroneously mistaken for an absurdity. Thus the good abbot, whose monastery is blockaded by the giants (for the virtue and simplicity of his char- acter must be borne in mind), after observing that the ancient fathers in the desert had not only locusts to eat, but manna, which he has no doubt was rained down on purpose from heaven, la- ments that the " relishes" provided for himself and his brethren should have consisted of " showers of stones." The stones, while the abbot is speaking, come thundering down, and he ex- claims, " For God's sake, knight, come in, for the manna is fall- ing !" This is exactly in the style of the Dictionnaire Philoso- phique. So when Margutte is asked what he believes in, and says he believes in " neither black nor blue," but in a good capon, " whether roast or boiled," the reader is forcibly reminded of Voltaire's Traveller, Scarmentado, who, when he is desired by the Tartars to declare which of their two parties he is for, the party of the black-mutton or the white-mutton, answers, that the dish is " equally indifferent to him, provided it is tender." Vol- taire, however, does injustice to Pulci, when he pretends that in matters of belief he is like himself, a mere scoffer. The friend of Lucrezia Tornabuoni has evidently the tenderest veneration for all that is good and lovely in the Catholic faith ; and what- ever liberties he might have allowed himself in professed extrav- aganzas, when an age without Church-authority encouraged them, and a reverend canon could take part in those (it must be ac- knowledged) unseemly " high jinks," he never, in the Morgante, when speaking in his own person, and not in that of the worst characters, intimates disrespect towards any opinion which he did 184 PULCI. not hold to be irrelevant to a right faith. It is observable that his freest expressions are put in the mouth of the giant Margutte, the lowest of these characters, who is an invention of the author's, and a most extraordinary personage. He is the first unmitigated blackguard in fiction, and is the greatest as well as first. Pulci is conjectured, with great probability, to have designed him as a caricature of some real person ; for Margutte is a Greek who, in point of morals, has been horribly brought up, and some of the Greek refugees in Italy were greatly disliked for the cynicism of their manners and the grossness of their lives. Margutte is a glutton, a drunkard, a liar, a thief, and a blasphemer. He boasts of having every vice, and no virtue except fidelity ; which is meant to reconcile Morgante to his company ; but though the lat- ter endures and even likes it for his amusement, he gives him to understand that he looks on his fidelity as only securable by the bastinado, and makes him the subject of his practical jokes. The respectable giant Morgante dies of the bite of a crab, as if to shew on what trivial chances depends the life of the strongest. Margutte laughs himself to death at sight of a monkey putting his boots on and ofF; as though the good-natured poet meant at once to express his contempt of a merely and grossly anti-serious mode of existence, and his consideration, nevertheless, towards the poor selfish wretch who had had no better training. To this wit and this pathos let the reader add a style of singu- lar ease and fluency, rhymes often the most unexpected, but never at a loss, a purity of Tuscan acknowledged by every body, and ranking him among the authorities of the language, and a modesty in speaking of his own pretensions equalled only by his enthusiastic extolments of genius in others ; and the read- er has before him the lively and affecting, hopeful, charitable, large-hearted Luigi Pulci, the precursor, and in some respects exemplar, of Ariosto, and, in Milton's opinion, a poet worth read- ing for the " good use" that may be made of him. It has been strangely supposed that his friend Politian, and Ficino the Platon- ist, not merely helped him with their books (as he takes a pride in telling us), but wrote a good deal of the latter part of the Mor- gante, particularly the speculations in matters of opinion. As if (to say nothing of the difference of style) a man of genius, how- HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 185 ever lively, did not go through the gravest reflections in the course of his life, or could not enter into any theological or met- aphysical question, to which he chose to direct his attention. Animal spirits themselves are too often but a counterbalance to the most thoughtful melancholy ; and one fit of jaundice or hyp- ochondria might have enabled the poet to see more visions of the unknown and the inscrutable in a single day, than perhaps ever entered the imagination of the elegant Latin scholar, or even the disciple of Plato. HUMOURS OF GIANTS, HUMOURS OF GIANTS. TWELVE Paladins had the Emperor Charlemagne in his court ; and the most wise and famous of them was Orlando. It is of him I am about to speak, and of his friend Morgante, and of Gan the traitor, who beguiled him to his death in Roncesvalles, where he sounded his horn so mightily after the dolorous rout. It was Easter, and Charles had all his court with him in Paris, making high feast and triumph. There was Orlando, the first among them, and Ogier the Dane, and Astolfo the Englishman, and Ansuigi ; and there came Angiolin of Bayonne, and Ulivie- ro, and the gentle Berlinghieri ; and there was also Avolio and Avino, and Otho of Normandy, and Richard, and the wise Namo, and the aged Salamon, and Walter of Monlione, and Baldwin who was the son of the wretched Gan. The good emperor was too happy, and oftentimes fairly groaned for joy at seeing all his Paladins together. But Fortune stands watching in secret to baffle our designs. While Charles was thus hugging himself with delight, Orlando governed every thing at court, and this made Gan burst with envy ; so that he began one day talking with Charles after the following manner : " Are we always to have Orlando for our master ? I have thought of speaking to you about it a thousand times. Orlando has a great deal too much presumption. Here are we, counts, dukes, and kings, at your service, but not at his ; and we have resolved not to be governed any longer by one so much younger than ourselves. You began in Aspramont to give him to understand how valiant he was, and that he did great things at that fountain ; whereas, if it had not been for the good Gerard, I know very well where the victory would have been. The truth is, he has an eye upon the crown. This, Charles, is 190 HUMOURS OF GIANTS. the worthy who has deserved so much ! All your generals are afflicted at it. As for me, I shall repass those mountains over which I came to you with seventy -two counts. Do you take him for a Mars ?" Orlando happened to hear these words as he sat apart, and it displeased him with the lord of Pontiers that he should speak so, but much more that Charles should believe him. He would have killed Gan, if Uliviero had not prevented him and taken his sword out of his hand ; nay, he would have killed Charlemagne ; but at last he went from Paris by himself, raging with scorn and grief. He borrowed, as he went, of Ermillina the wife of Ogier, the Dane's sword Cortana and his horse Rondel, and proceeded on his way to Brava. His wife, Alda the Fair, hastened to em- brace him ; but while she was saying, " Welcome, my Orlando," he was going to strike her with his sword, for his head was be- wildered, and he took her for the traitor. The fair Alda marvel- led greatly, but Orlando recollected himself, and she took hold of the bridle, and he leaped from his horse, and told her all that had passed, and rested himself with her for some days. He then took his leave, being still carried away by his disdain, and resolved to pass over into Heathendom ; and as he rode, he thought, every step of the way, of the traitor Gan ; and so, riding on wherever the road took him, he reached the confines between the Christian countries and the Pagan, and came upon an abbey, situate in a dark place in a desert. Now above the abbey was a great mountain, inhabited by three fierce giants, one of whom was named Passamonte, another Ala- bastro, and the third Morgante ; and these giants used to disturb the abbey by throwing things down upon it from the mountain with slings, so that the poor little monks could not go out to fetch wood or water. Orlando knocked, but nobody would open till the abbot was spoken to. At last the abbot came himself, and opening the door bade him welcome. The good man told him the reason of the delay, and said that since the arrival of the giants they had been so perplexed that they did not know what to do. " Our ancient fathers in the desert," quoth he, " were rewarded according to their holiness. It is not to be supposed that they lived only upon locusts j doubtless, it also rained man- HUMOURS OF GIANTS. 191 na upon them from heaven ; but here one is regaled with stones, which the giants pour on us from the mountain. These are our nice bits and relishes. The fiercest of the three, Morgante, plucks up pines and other great trees by the roots, and casts them on us." While they were talking thus in the cemetery, there came a stone which seemed as if it would break Rondel's back. " For God's sake, cavalier," said the abbot, " come in, for the manna is falling." " My dear Abbot," answered Orlando, " this fellow, methinks, does not wish to let my horse feed ; he wants to cure him of be- ing restive ; the stone seems as if it came from a good arm." " Yes," replied the holy father, " I did not deceive you. I think, some day or other, they will cast the mountain itself on us." Orlando quieted his horse, and then sat down to a meal ; after which he said, " Abbot, I must go and return the present that has been made to my horse." The abbot with great tenderness endeavoured to dissuade him, but in vain ; upon which he crossed him on the forehead, and said, " Go, then ; and the blessing of God be with you." Orlando scaled the mountain, and came where Passamonte was, who, seeing him alone, measured him with his eyes, and asked him if he would stay with him for a page, promising to make him comfortable. "Stupid Saracen," said Orlando,"! come to you, according to the will of God, to be your death, and not your foot-boy. You have displeased his servants here, and are no longer to be endure"d, dog that you are !" The giant, finding himself thus insulted, ran in a fury to his weapons ; and returning to Orlando, slung at him a large stone, which struck him on the head with such force, as not only made his helmet ring again, but felled him to the earth. Passamonte thought he was dead. " What could have brought that paltry fellow here ?" said he, as he turned away. But Christ never forsakes his followers. While Passamonte was going away, Orlando recovered, and cried aloud, " How now, giant ? do you fancy you have killed me ? Turn back, for unless you have wings, your escape is out of the question, 192 HUMOURS OF GIANTS. dog of a renegade !" The giant, greatly marvelling, turned back ; and stooping to pick up a stone, Orlando, who had Cor- tana naked in his hand, cleft his skull ; upon which, cursing Mahomet, the monster tumbled, dying and blaspheming, to the ground. Blaspheming fell the sour-hearted and cruel wretch ; but Orlando, in the mean while, thanked the Father and the Word. The Paladin went on, seeking for Alabastro, the second giant ; who, when he saw him, endeavoured to pluck up a greal piece of stony earth by the roots. " Ho, ho !" cried Orlando, " you too are for throwing stones, are you ?" Then Alabastro took his sling, and flung at him so large a fragment as forced Orlando to defend himself, for if it had struck him, he would no more have needed a surgeon ;* but collecting his strength, he thrust his sword into the giant's breast, and the loggerhead fell dead. Now Morgante, the only surviving brother, had a palace made, after giant's fashion, of earth, and boughs, and shingles, in which he shut himself up at night. Orlando knocked, and disturbed him from his sleep, so that he came staring to the door like a madman, for he had had a bewildering dream. " Who knocks there ?" quoth he. " You will know too soon," answered Orlando; " I am come to make you do penance for your sins, like your brothers. Divine Providence has sent me to avenge the wrongs of the monks upon the whole set of you. Doubt it not ; for Passamonte and Ala- bastro are already as cold as a couple of pilasters." " Noble knight," said Morgante, " do me no ill ; but if you are a Christian, tell me in courtesy who you are." " I will satisfy you of my faith," replied Orlando ; " I adore Christ ; and if you please, you may adore him also." " I have had a strange vision," replied Morgante, with a low voice : " I was assailed by a dreadful serpent, and called upon Mahomet in vain j then I called upon your God who was cruci- * A common pleasantry in the old romances. " Galaor went in, and then the halberders attacked him on one side, and the knight on the other. He snatched an axe from one, and turned to the knight and smote him, so that he had no need of a surgeon." Southey'e Amadis of Gaul, vol. i. p. 146. HUMOURS OF GIANTS. 193 fied, and he succoured me, and I was delivered from the serpent j BO I am disposed to become a Christian." " If you keep in this mind," returned Orlando, " you shall worship the true God, and come with me and be my companion, and I will love you with perfect love. Your idols are false and vain ; the true God is the God of the Christians. Deny the un- just and villanous worship of your Mahomet, and be baptised in the name of my God, who alone is worthy." " I am content," said Morgante. Then Orlando embraced him, and said, " I will lead you to the abbey." " Let us go quickly," replied Morgante, for he was impatient to make his peace with the monks. Orlando rejoiced, saying, " My good brother, and devout with- al, you must ask pardon of the abbot ; for God has enlightened you, and accepted you, and he would have you practise hu- mility." " Yes," said Morgante, " thanks to you, your God shall hence- forth be my God. Tell me your name, and afterwards dispose of me as you will." And he told him that he was Orlando. " Blessed Jesus be thanked," said the giant, " for I have al- ways heard you called a perfect knight ; and as I said, I will follow you all my life long." And so conversing, they went together towards the abbey ; and by the way Orlando talked with Morgante of the dead giants, and sought to comfort him, saying they had done the monks a thousand injuries, and "our Scripture says the good shall be rewarded and the evil punished, and we must submit to the will of God. The doctors of our Church," continued he, " are all agreed, that if those who are glorified in heaven were to feel pity for their mise- rable kindred who lie in such horrible confusion in hell, their beatitude would come to nothing ; and this, you see, would plainly be unjust on the part of God. But such is the firmness of their faith, that what appears good to him appears good to them. Do what he may, they hold it to be done well, and that it is impossi- ble for him to err; so that if their very fathers and mothers are suffering everlasting punishment, it does not disturb them 14 194 HUMOURS OF GIANTS. an atom. This is the custom, I assure you, in the choirs bore.*** " A word to the wise," said Morgante ; " you shall see if I grieve for my brethren, and whether or no I submit to the will of God, and behave myself like an angel. So dust to dust ; and now let us enjoy ourselves. I will cut off their hands, all four of them, and take them to these holy monks, that they may be sure they are dead, and not fear to go out alone into the desert. They will then be certain also that the Lord has purified me, and taken me out of darkness, and assured to me the kingdom of * " Sons! i nostri dottori accordati, Pigliando tutti una conclusions, Che que' che son nel ciel glorificati, S' avessin nel pensier compassione De' miseri parent! che danuati Son ne lo inferno in gran confusione, La lor feliciti nulla sarebbe : E vedi che qui ingiusto Iddio parebbe. Ma egli anno posto in Gesii ferma spene ; E tanto pare a lor, quanto a lui pare : AfFerman cio ch' e' fa, che facci bene, E che non possi in iiessun modo errare : Se padre o madre e ne 1' eterne pene, Di questo non si po?son conturbare : Che quel che piace a Dio, sol piace a loro : Questo s' osserva ne 1' eterno coro. Al savio suol bastar poche parole, Disse Morgante : tu il potrai vedere, De' miei fratelli, Orlando, se mi duole, E s' io m' accorder6 di Dio al volere, Come tu di che in ciel servar si suole : Morti co" morti ; or pensiam di godere : Io vo' tagliar le mani a tutti quanti, E porterolle a que' monaci santi." This doctrine, which is horrible blasphemy in the eyes of natural feeling, is good reasoning in Catholic and Calvinistic theology. They first make the Deity's actions a necessity from more barbarous assumption, then square them according to a dictum of the Councils, then compliment him by laying all that he has made good and kindly within us mangled and mad at his feet. Mean- tune they think themselves qualified to denounce Moloch and Jugghanaut ! HUMOURS OF GIANTS. 19$ heaven." So saying, the giant cut off the hands of his brethren, and left their bodies to the beasts and birds. They went to the abbey, where the abbot was expecting Orlan- do in great anxiety ; but the monks not knowing what had hap- pened, ran to the abbot in great haste and alarm, saying, " Will you suffer this giant to come in ?" And when the abbot saw the giant, he changed countenance. Orlando, perceiving him thus disturbed, made haste and said, " Abbot, peace be with you ! The giant is a Christian ; he believes in Christ, and has renoun- ced his false prophet, Mahomet." And Morgante shewing the hands in proof of his faith, the abbot thanked Heaven with great contentment of mind. The abbot did much honour to Morgante, comparing him with St. Paul ; and they rested there many days. One day, wander- ing over the house, they entered a room where the abbot kept a quantity of armour ; and Morgante saw a bow which pleased him, and he fastened it on. Now there was in the place a great scarcity of water ; and Orlando said, like his good brother, " Morgante, I wish you would fetch us some water." " Com- mand me as you please," said he ; and placing a great tub on his shoulders, he went towards a spring at which he had been ac- customed to drink, at the foot of the mountain. Having reached the spring, he suddenly heard a great noise in the forest. He took an arrow from the quiver, placed it in the bow, and raising his head, saw a great herd of swine rushing towards the spring where he stood. Morgante shot one of them clean through the head, and laid him sprawling. Another, as if in revenge, ran to- wards the giant, without giving him time to use a second arrow ; so he lent him a cuff on the head which broke the bone, and killed him also ; which stroke the rest seeing fled in haste through the valley. Morgante then placed the tub full of water upon one of his shoulders, and the two porkers on the other, and returned to the abbey which was at some distance, without spilling a drop. The monks were delighted to see the fresh water, but still more the pork ; for there is no animal to whom food comes amiss. They let their breviaries therefore go to sleep a while, and fell 196 HUMOURS OF GIANTS. heartily to work, so that the cats and dogs had reason to lament the polish of the bones. " But why do we stay here doing nothing ?" said Orlando one day to Morgante ; and he shook hands with the abbot, and told him he must take his leave. " I must go," said he, " and make up for lost time. I ought to have gone long ago, my good father ; but I cannot tell you what I feel within me, at the content I have enjoyed here in your company. I shall bear in mind and in heart with me for ever the abbot, the abbey, and this desert, so great is the love they have raised in me in so short a time. The great God, who reigns above, must thank you for me, in his own abode. Bestow on us your benediction, and do not forget us in your prayers." When the abbot heard the County Orlando talk thus, his heart melted within him for tenderness, and he said, " Knight, if we have failed in any courtesy due to your prowess and great gen- tleness (and indeed what we have done has been but little), pray put it to the account of our ignorance, and of the place which we inhabit. We are but poor men of the cloister, better able to re- gale you with masses and orisons and paternosters, than with din- ners and suppers. You have so taken this heart of mine by the many noble qualities I have seen in you, that I shall be with you still wherever you go ; and, on the other hand, you will always be present here with me. This seems a contradiction, but you are wise, and will take my meaning discreetly. You have saved the very life and spirit within us ; for so much perplexity had those giants cast about our place, that the way to the Lord among us was blocked up. May He who sent you into these woods re- ward the justice and piety by which we are delivered from our trouble. Thanks be to him and to you. We shall all be discon- solate at your departure. We shall grieve that we cannot detain you among us for months and years ; but you do not wear these weeds ; you bear arms and armour ; and you may possibly merit as well in carrying those, as in wearing this cap. You read your Bible, and your virtue has been the means of shewing the giant the way to heaven. Go in peace then, and prosper, whoever you may be. I do not seek your name ; but if ever I am asked who it was that came among us, I shall say that it was HUMOURS OF GIANTS. 197 an angel from God. If there is any armour or other thing that you would have, go into the room where it is, and take it." " If you have any armour that would suit my companion," replied Orlando, " that I will accept with pleasure." " Come and see," said the abbot ; and they went to a room that was full of armour. Morgante looked all about, but could find nothing large enough, except a rusty breast-plate, which fitted him marvellously. It had belonged to an enormous giant, who was killed there of old by Orlando's father, Milo of Angrante. There was a painting on the wall which told the whole story : how the giant had laid cruel and long siege to the abbey ; and how he had been overthrown at last by the great Milo. Orlando seeing this, said within himself: "O God, unto whom all things are known, how came Milo here, who destroyed this giant?" And reading certain inscriptions which were there, he could no longer keep a firm countenance, but the tears ran down his cheeks. When the abbot saw Orlando weep, and his brow redden, and the light of his eyes become child-like for sweetness, he asked him the reason ; but, finding him still dumb with emotion, he said, " I do not know whether you are overpowered by admira- tion of what is painted in this chamber. You must know that I am of high descent, though not through lawful wedlock. I be- lieve I may say I am nephew or sister's son to no less a man than that Rinaldo, who was so great a Paladin in the world, though my own father was not of a lawful mother. Ansuigi was his name ; my own, out in the world, was Chiaramonte ; and this Milo was my father's brother. Ah, gentle baron, for blessed Jesus' sake, tell me what name is yours !" Orlando, all glowing with affection, and bathed in tears, re- plied, " My dear abbot and cousin, he before you is your Orlan- do." Upon this, they ran for tenderness into each other's arms, weeping on both sides with a sovereign affection, too high to be expressed. The abbot was so overjoyed, that he seemed as if he would never have done embracing Orlando. " By what for- tune," said the knight, " do I find you in this obscure place ? Tell me, my dear abbot, how was it you became a monk, and did not follow arms, like myself and the rest of us ?" 198 HUMOURS OF GIANTS. " It is the will of God," replied the abbot, hastening to give his feelings utterance. <; Many and divers are the paths he points out for us by which to arrive at his city ; some walk it with the sword some with pastoral staff. Nature makes the inclination different, and therefore there are different ways for us to take : enough if we all arrive safely at one and the same place, the last as well as the first. We are all pilgrims through many kingdoms. We all wish to go to Rome, Orlando ; but we go picking out our journey through different roads. Such is the trouble in body and soul brought upon us by that sin of the old apple. Day and night am I here with my book in hand day and night do you ride about, holding your sword, and sweating oft both in sun and shadow ; and all to get round at last to the home from which we departed I say, all out of anxiety and hope to get back to our home of old." And the giant hearing them talk of these things, shed tears also. The Paladin and the giant quitted the abbey, the one on horse- back and the other on foot, and journeyed through the desert till they came to a magnificent castle, the door of which stood open. They entered, and found rooms furnished in the most splendid manner beds covered with cloth of gold, and floors rejoicing in variegated marbles. There was even a feast prepared in the saloon, but nobody to eat it, or to speak to them. Orlando suspected some trap, and did not quite like it ; but Morgante thought nothing worth considering but the feast. " Who cares for the host," said he, " when there's such a din- ner ? Let us eat as much as we can, and bear off the rest. I always do that when I have the picking of castles." They accordingly sat down, and being very hungry with their day's journey, devoured heaps of the good things before them, eating with all the vigour of health, and drinking to a pitch of weakness.* They sat late in this manner enjoying themselves, and then retired for the night into rich beds. * " E furno al here infermi, al mangiar sani." I am not sure that I am right in my construction of this passage. Perhaps Pulci means to say, that they had the appetites of men in health, and the thirst of a fever. HUMOURS OF GIANTS. 199 But what was their astonishment in the morning at finding that they could not get out of the place ! There was no door. All the entrances had vanished, even to any feasible window. " We must be dreaming," said Orlando. " My dinner was no dream, I'll swear," said the giant. " As for the rest, let it be a dream if it pleases." Continuing to search up and down, they at length found a vault with a tomb in it ; and out of the tomb came a voice, say- ing, "You must encounter with me, or stay here for ever. Lift, therefore, the stone that covers me." " Do you hear that ?" said Morgante ; " I'll have him out, if it's the devil himself. Perhaps it's two devils, Filthy-dog and Foul-mouth, or Itching and Evil-tail."* " Have him out," said Orlando, " whoever he is, even were it as many devils as were rained out of heaven into the centre." Morgante lifted up the stone, and out leaped, surely enough, a devil in the likeness of a dried-up dead body, black as a coal. Orlando seized him, and the devil grappled with Orlando. Mor- gante was for joining him, but the Paladin bade him keep back. It was a hard struggle, and the devil grinned and laughed, till the giant, who was a master of wrestling, could bear it no longer : so he doubled him up, and, in spite of all his efforts, thrust him back, into the tomb. " You'll never get out," said the devil, " if you leave me shut up." " Why not ?" inquired the Paladin. " Because your giant's baptism and my deliverance must go together," answered the devil. " If he is not baptised, you can have no deliverance ; and if I am not delivered, I can prevent it still, take my word for it." Orlando baptised the giant. The two companions then issued forth, and hearing a mighty noise in the house, looked back, and saw it all vanished. _.- . "I could find it in my heart," said Morgante, "to go down to those same regions below, and make all the devils disappear in like manner. Why shouldn't we do it ? We'd set free all the * Cagnazzo, Farfarello, Libicocco, and Malacoda ; names of devils in Dante. 200 HUMOURS OF GIANTS. poor souls there. Egad, I'd cut off Minos's tail I'd pull out Charon's beard by the roots make a sop of Phlegyas, and a sup of Phlegethon unseat Pluto, kill Cerberus and the Furies with a punch of the face a-piece and set Beelzebub scampering like a dromedary." " You might find more trouble than you wot of," quoth Orlando, ' and get worsted besides. Better keep the straight path, than thrust your head into out-of-the-way places." Morgante took his lord's advice, and went straightforward with him through many great adventures, helping him with loving good-will as often as he was permitted, sometimes as his pioneer, and sometimes as his finisher of troublesome work, such as a slaughter of some thousands of infidels. Now he chucked a spy into a river now felled a rude ambassador to the earth (for he didn't stand upon ceremony) now cleared a space round him in battle with the clapper of an old bell which he had found at the monastery now doubled up a king in his tent, and bore him away, tent and all, and a Paladin with him, because he would not let the Paladin go. In the course of these services, the giant was left to take care of a lady, and lost his master for a time ; but the office being at an end, he set out to rejoin him, and, arriving at a cross-road, met with a very extraordinary personage. This was a giant huger than himself, swarthy-faced, horrible, brutish. He came out of a wood, and appeared to be journeying somewhere. Morgante, who had the great bell-clapper in his hand above-mentioned, struck it on the ground with astonishment, as much as to say, " Who the devil is this ?" and then set him- self on a stone by the way-side to observe the creature. " What's your name, traveller ?" said Morgante, as it came up. " My name's Margutte," said the phenomenon. " I intended to be a giant myself, but altered my mind, you see, and stopped half-way ; so that I am only twenty feet or so." " I'm glad to see you," quoth his brother-giant. " But tell me, are you Christian or Saracen ? Do you believe in Christ or in Apollo .?" " To tell you the truth," said the other, " I believe neither in HUMOURS OF GIANTS. 201 black nor blue, but in a good capon, whether it be roast or boiled. I believe sometimes also in butter, and, when I can get it, in new wine, particularly the rough sort ; but, above all, I believe in wine that's good and old. Mahomet's prohibition of it is all moonshine. I am the son, you must know, of a Greek nun and a Turkish bishop ; and the first thing I learned was to play the fiddle. I used to sing Homer to it. I was then concerned in a brawl in a mosque, in which the old bishop somehow happened to be killed ; so I tied a sword to my side, and went to seek my fortune, accompanied by all the possible sins of Turk and Greek. People talk of the seven deadly sins ; but I have seventy-seven that never quit me, summer or winter; by which you may judge of the amount of my venial ones. I am a gambler, a cheat, a ruffian, a highwayman, a pickpocket, a glutton (at beef or blows) ; have no shame whatever ; love to let every body know what I can do ; lie, besides, about what I can't do ; have a particular attachment to sacrilege ; swallow perjuries like figs ; never give a farthing to any body, but beg of every body, and abuse them into the bargain ; look upon not spilling a drop of liquor as the chief of all the cardinal virtues ; but must own I am not much given to assassination, murder being inconvenient ; and one thing I am bound to acknowledge, which is, that I never betrayed a messmate." " That's as well," observed Morgante ; " because you see, as you don't believe in any thing else, I'd have you believe in this bell-clapper of mine. So now, as you have been candid with me, and I am well instructed in your ways, we'll pursue our journey together." The best of giants, in those days, were not scrupulous in their modes of living ; so that one of the best and one of the worst got on pretty well together, emptying the larders on the road, and paying nothing but douses on the chops. When they could find no inn, they hunted elephants and crocodiles. Morgante, who was the braver of the two, delighted to banter, and sometimes to cheat, Margutte ; and he ate up all the fare ; which made the other, notwithstanding the credit he gave himself for readiness of wit and tongue, cut a very sorry figure, and seriously remonstrate : " I reverence you, said Margutte, " in other matters ; but in eat- 202 HUMOURS OF GIANTS. ing, you really don't behave well. He who deprives me of my share at meals is no friend ; at every mouthful of which he robs me, I seem to lose an eye. I'm for sharing every thing to a nicety, even if it be no better than a fig." " You are a fine fellow," said Morgante ; " you gain upon me very much. You are ' the master of those who know.' "* So saying, he made him put some wood on the fire, and per- form a hundred other offices to render every thing snug ; and then he slept : and next day he cheated his great scoundrelly com- panion at drink, as he had done the day before at meat ; and the poor shabby devil complained ; and Morgante laughed till he was ready to burst, and again and again always cheated him. There was a levity, nevertheless, in Margutte, which restored his spirits on the slightest glimpse of good fortune ; and if he real- ised a hearty meal, he became the happiest, beastliest, and most confident of giants. The companions, in the course of their jour- ney, delivered a damsel from the clutches of three other giants. She was the daughter of a great lord ; and when she got home, she did honour to Morgante as to an equal, and put Margutte into the kitchen, where he was in a state of bliss. He did nothing but swill, stufF, surfeit, be sick, play at dice, cheat, filch, go to sleep, guzzle again, laugh, chatter, and tell a thousand lies. Morgante took leave of the young lady, who made him rich presents. Margutte, seeing this, and being always drunk and im- pudent, daubed his face like a Christmas clown, and making up to her with a frying-pan in his hand, demanded " something for the cook." The fair hostess gave him a jewel : and the vaga- bond shewed such a brutal eagerness in seizing it with his filthy hands, and making not the least acknowledgment, that when they got out of the house, Morgante was ready to fell him to the earth. He called him scoundrel and poltroon, and said he had disgraced him for ever. " Softly !" said the brute-beast. " Didn't you take me with you, knowing what sort of fellow I was 1 Didn't I tell you I had every sin and shame under heaven ; and have I deceived you by the exhibition of a single virtue ?" * " H maestro di color che sanno." A jocose application of Dante's praise of Aristotle. HUMOURS OF GIANTS. 203 Morgante could not help laughing at a candour of this excess- ive nature. So they went on their way till they came to a wood, where they rested themselves by a fountain, and Margutte fell fast asleep. He had a pair of boots on, which Morgante felt tempted to draw off, that he might see what he would do on wa- king. He accordingly did so, and threw them to a little distance among the bushes. The sleeper awoke in good time, and, look- ing and searching round about, suddenly burst into roars of laugh- ter. A monkey had got the boots, and sat pulling them on and off, making the most ridiculous gestures. The monkey busied himself, and the light-minded drunkard laughed ; and at every fresh gesticulation of the new boot- wearer, the laugh grew louder and more tremendous, till at length it was found impossible to be restrained. The glutton had a laughing fit. In vain he tried to stop himself; in vain his fingers would have loosened the buttons of his doublet, to give his lungs room to play. They couldn't do it ; so he laughed and roared till he burst. The snap was like the splitting of a cannon. Morgante ran up to him, but it was of no use. He was dead. Alas ! it was not the only death ; it was not even the most trivial cause of a death. Giants are big fellows, but Death's a bigger, though he may come in a little shape. Morgante had succeeded in joining his master. He helped him to take Babylon ; he kill- ed a whale for him at sea that obstructed his passage j he played the part of a main-sail during a storm, holding out his arms and a great hide ; but on coming to shore, a crab bit him in the heel ; and behold the lot of the great giant he died ! He laughed, and thought it a very little thing, but it proved a mighty one. " He made the East tremble," said Orlando j " and the bite of a crab has slain him !" O life of ours, weak, and a fallacy !* Orlando embalmed his huge friend, and had him taken to Bab- ylon, and honourably interred ; and after many an adventure, in which he regretted him, his own days were closed by a far baser, though not so petty a cause. How shall I speak of it ? exclaims the poet. How think of * " O vita nostra, debole e fallace !" 204 HUMOURS OF GIANTS. the horrible slaughter about to fall on the Christians and their greatest men, so that not a dry eye shall be left in France ? How express my disgust at the traitor Gan, whose heart a thousand pardons from his sovereign, and the most undeserved rescues of him by the warrior he betrayed, could not shame or soften? How mourn the weakness of Charles, always deceived by him, and always trusting ? How dare to present to my mind the good, the great, the ever-generous Orlando, brought by "the traitor into the doleful pass of Roncesvalles and the hands of myriads of his enemies, so that even his superhuman strength availed not to deliver him out of the slaughter-house, and he blew the blast with his dying breath, which was the mightiest, the farthest heard, and the most melancholy sound that ever came to the ears of the un- deceived ? Gan was known well to every body but his confiding sove- reign. The Paladins knew him well ; and in their moments of indignant disgust often told him so, though they spared him the consequences of his misdeeds, and even incurred the most frightful perils to deliver him out of the hands of his enemies. But he was brave ; he was in favour with the sovereign, who was also their kinsman ; and they were loyal and loving men, and knew that the wretch envied them for the greatness of their achieve- ments, and might do the state a mischief; so they allowed them- selves to take a kind of scornful pleasure in putting up with him. Their cousin Malagigi, the enchanter, had himself assisted Gan, though he knew him best of all, and had prophesied that the in- numerable endeavours of his envy to destroy his king and coun- try would bring some terrible evil at last to all Christendom. The evil, alas ! is at hand. The doleful time has come. It will be followed, it is true, by a worse fate of the wretch himself; but not till the valleys of the Pyrenees have run rivers of blood, and all France is in mourning. WILEY AND PUTNAM'S LIBRARY OF CHOICE READING, . STORIES FROM THE ITALIAN POETS, PART II. STORIES FROM THE ITALIAN POETS: BEING A SUMMARY IN PROSE OP THE POEMS OF DANTE, PULCI, BOIARDO, ARIOSTO AND TASSO; WITH COMMENTS THROUGHOUT, OCCASIONAL PASSAGES VERSIFIED, AND CRITICAL NOTICES OF THE LIVES AND GENIUS OF THE AUTHORS. BY LEIGH HUNT. IN THREE PARTS. PART II. NEW YORK : WILEY AND PUTNAM, 161 BROADWAY. 1846. THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. Notice. THIS is the " sad and fearful story Of the Roncesvalles fight ;" an event which national and religious exaggeration impressed deeply on the popular mind of Europe. Hence Italian romances and Spanish ballads : hence the famous passage in Milton, " When Charlemain with all his peerage fell By Fontarabbia :" hence Dante's record of the dolorosa rotta (dolorous rout) in the Inferno, where he compares the voice of Nimrod with the horn sounded by the dying Orlando : hence the peasant in Cervantes, who is met by Don Quixote singing the bat- tle as he comes along the road in the morning : and hence the song of Roland actually thundered forth by the army of William the Conqueror as they ad- vanced against the English. But Charlemagne did not "fall," as Milton has stated. Nor does Pulci make him do so. In this respect, if in little else, the Italian poet adhered to the fact. The whole story is a remarkable instance of what can be done by poetry and popularity towards misrepresenting and aggrandising a petty though striking adventure. The simple fact was the cutting off the rear of Charle- magne's army by the revolted Gascons, as he returned from a successful expe- dition into Spain. Two or three only of his nobles perished, among whom was his nephew Roland, the obscure warden of his marches of Brittany. But Charle- magne was the temporal head of Christendom ; the poets constituted his nephew its champion ; and hence all the glories and superhuman exploits of the Orlando of Pulci and Ariosto. The whole assumption of the wickedness of the Saracens, particularly of the then Saracen king of Spain, whom Pulci's authority, the pseudo- Archbishop, Turpin, strangely called Marsilius, was noth- ing but a pious fraud ; the pretended Marsilius having been no less a person than the great and good Abdoulrahmaun the First, who wrested the dominion of that country out of the hands of the usurpers of his family-rights. Yet so potent and long-lived are the most extravagant fictions, when genius has put its heart into them, that to this day we read of the devoted Orlando and his friends not only with gravity, but with the liveliest emotion. THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. A MISERABLE man am 1, cries the poet ; for Orlando, beyond a doubt, died in Roncesvalles ; and die therefore he must in my verses. Altogether impossible is it to save him. I thought to make a pleasant ending of this my poem, so that it should be hap- pier somehow, throughout, than melancholy ; but though Gan will die at last, Orlando must die before him, and that makes a tragedy of all. I had a doubt, whether, consistently with the truth, I could give the reader even that sorry satisfaction ; for at the beginning of the dreadful battle, Orlando's cousin, Rinaldo, who is said to have joined it before it was over, and there, as well as afterwards, to have avenged his death, was far away from the seat of slaughter, in Egypt j and how was I to suppose that he could arrive soon enough in the valleys of the Pyrenees ? But an angel upon earth shewed me the secret, even Angelo Poli- ziano, the glory of his age and country. He informed me how Arnauld, the Provencal poet, had written of this very matter, and brought the Paladin from Egypt to France by means of the won- derful skill in occult science possessed by his cousin Malagigi a wonder to the ignorant, but not so marvellous to those who know that all the creation is full of wonders, and who have differ- ent modes of relating the same events. By and by, a great many things will be done in the world, of which we have no conception now, and people will be inclined to believe them works of the devil, when, in fact, they will be very good works, and contribute to angelical effects, whether the devil be forced to have a hand in them or not ; for evil itself can work only in subordination to good. So listen when the astonishment comes, and reflect and think the best. Meantime, we must speak of another and more 208 THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. truly devilish astonishment, and of the pangs of mortal flesh and blood. The traitor Gan, for the fiftieth time, had secretly brought the infidels from all quarters against his friend and master, the Em- peror Charles ; and Charles, by the help of Orlando, had con- quered them all. The worst of them, Marsilius, king of Spain, had agreed to pay the court of France tribute ; and Gan, in spite of all the suspicions he excited in this particular instance, and his known villahy at all times, had succeeded in persuading his cre- dulous sovereign to let him go ambassador into Spain, where he put a final seal to his enormities, by plotting the destruction of his employer, and the special overthrow of Orlando. Charles was now old and white-haired, and Gan was so too ; but the one was only confirmed in his credulity, and the other in his crimes. The traitor embraced Orlando over and over again at taking leave, praying him to write if he had anything to say before the ar- rangements with Marsilius, and taking such pains to seem loving and sincere, that his villany was manifest to every one but the old monarch. He fastened with equal tenderness on Uliviero, who smiled contemptuously in his face, and thought to himself, " You may make as many fair speeches as you choose, but you lie." All the other Paladins who were present thought the same, and they said as much to the emperor ; adding, that on no account should Gan be sent ambassador to Marsilius. But Charles was infatuated. His beard and his credulity had grown old together. Gan was received with great honour in Spain by Marsilius. The king, attended by his lords, came fifteen miles out of Sara- gossa to meet him, and then conducted him into the city amid tumults of delight. There was nothing for several days but balls, and games, and exhibitions of chivalry, the ladies throwing flowers on the heads of the French knights, and the people shout- ing " France ! France ! Mountjoy and St. Denis !" Gan made a speech, " like a Demosthenes," to King Marsilius in public ; but he made him another in private, like nobody but himself. The king and he were sitting in a garden ; they were traitors both, and began to understand, from one another's looks, that the real object of the ambassador was yet to be discussed. Marsilius accordingly assumed a more than usually cheerful and THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. 209 confidential aspect ; and, taking his visitor by the hand, said, " You know the proverb, Mr. Ambassador ' At dawn, the moun. tain ; afternoon, the fountain.' Different things at different hours. So here is a fountain to accommodate us." ' It was a very beautiful fountain, so clear that you saw your face in it as in a mirror ; and the spot was encircled with fruit- trees that quivered with the fresh air. Gan praised it very much, contriving to insinuate, on one subject, his satisfaction with the glimpses he got into another. Marsilius understood him ; and as he resumed the conversation, and gradually en- couraged a mutual disclosure of their thoughts, Gan, without appearing to look him in the face, was enabled to do so by con- templating the royal visage in the water, where he saw its ex- pression become more and more what he desired. Marsilius, meantime, saw the like symptoms in the face of Gan. By de- grees, he began to touch on that dissatisfaction with Charlemagne and his court, which he knew was in both their minds : he lamented, not as to the ambassador, but as to the friend, the inju- ries which he said he had received from Charles in the repeated attacks on his dominions, and the emperor's wish to crown Orlando king of them ; till at length he plainly uttered his belief, that if that tremendous Paladin were but dead, good men would get their rights, and his visitor and himself have all things at their disposal. Gan heaved a sigh, as if he was unwillingly compelled to allow the force of what the king said ; but, unable to contain himself long, he lifted up his face, radiant with triumphant wick- edness, and exclaimed, " Every word you utter is truth. Die he must ; and die also must Uliviero, who struck me that foul blow at court. Is it treachery to punish affronts like those ? I have planned every thing I have settled every thing already with their besotted master. Orlando could not be expected to be brought hither, where he has been accustomed to look for a crown ; but he will come to the Spanish borders to Ronces- valles for the purpose of receiving the tribute. Charles will await him, at no great distance, in St. John Pied de Port. Or- lando will bring but a small band with him ; you, when you 15 210 THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. meet him, will have secretly your whole army at your back. You surround him ; and who receives tribute then ?" The new Judas had scarcely uttered these words, when the delight of him and his associate was interrupted by a change in the face of nature. The sky was suddenly overcast ; it thun- dered and lightened ; a laurel was split in two from head to foot ; the fountain ran into burning blood ; there was an earthquake, and the carob-tree under which Gan was sitting, and which was of the species on which Judas Iscariot hung himself, dropped some of its fruit on his head. The hair of the head rose in horror. Marsilius, as well as Gan, was appalled at this omen ; but on assembling his soothsayers, they came to the conclusion that the laurel-tree turned the omen against the emperor, the successor of the Caesars ; though one of them renewed the consternation of Gan, by saying that he did not understand the meaning of the tree of Judas, and intimating that perhaps the ambassador could explain it. Gan relieved his consternation with anger ; the habit of wickedness prevailed over all considerations ; and the king prepared to march for Roncesvalles at the head of all his forces. Gan wrote to Charlemagne, to say how humbly and properly Marsilius was coming to pay the tribute into the hands of Orlando, and how handsome it would be of the emperor to meet him half way, as agreed upon, at St. John Pied de Port, and so be ready to receive him, after the payment, at his footstool. He added a brilliant account of the tribute and its accompanying presents. They included a crown in the shape of a garland which had a carbuncle in it that gave light in darkness ; two lions of an " im- measurable length, and aspects that frightened every body ;" some " lively buffalos," leopards, crocodiles, and giraffes ; arms and armour of all sorts ; and apes and monkeys seated among the rich merchandise that loaded the backs of the camels. This im- aginary treasure contained, furthermore, two enchanted spirits, called " Floro and Faresse," who were confined in a mirror, and were to tell the emperor wonderful things, particularly Floro (for there is nothing so nice in its details as lying) ; and Or- lando was to have heaps of caravans full of Eastern wealth, and a hundred white horses, all with saddles and bridles of gold. THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. 211 There was a beautiful vest, too, for Uliviero, all over jewels, worth ten thousand " seraffi," or more. The good emperor wrote in turn to say how pleased he was with the ambassador's diligence, and that matters were arranged precisely as he wished. His court, however, had its suspicions still. Nobody could believe that Gan had not some new mischief in contemplation. Little, nevertheless, did they imagine, after the base endeavours he had but lately made against them, that he had immediately plotted a new and greater one, and that his object in bringing Charles into the neighbourhood of Roncesvalles was to deliver him more speedily into the hands of TVIarsilius, in the event of the latter's destruction of Orlando. Orlando, however, did as his lord and sovereign desired. He went to Roncesvalles, accompanied by a moderate train of war- riors, not dreaming of the atrocity that awaited him. Gan him- self, meantime, had hastened on to France before Marsilius, in order to shew himself free and easy in the presence of Charles, and secure the success of his plot ; while Marsilius, to make as- surance doubly sure, brought into the passes of Roncesvalles no less than three armies, who were successively to fall on the Pa- ladin, in case of the worst, and so extinguish him with numbers. He had also, by Gan's advice, brought heaps of wine and good cheer to be set before his victims in the first instance ; " for that," said the traitor, " will render the onset the more effective, the feast- ers being unarmed ; and, supposing prodigies of valour to await even the attack of your second army, you will have no trouble with your third. One thing, however, I must not forget," added he ; " my son Baldwin is sure to be with Orlando ; you must take care of his life for my sake." " I give him this vest off my own body," said the king ; " let him wear it in the battle, and have no fear. My soldiers shall be directed not to touch him." Gan went away rejoicing to France. He embraced the court and his sovereign all round, with the air of a man who had brought them nothing but blessings ; and the old king wept for very tenderness and delight. " Something is going on wrong, and looks very black," thought Malagigi, the good wizard ; " and Rinaldo is not here, and it is in- 212 THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. dispensably necessary that he should be. I must find out where he is, and Ricciardetto too, and send for them with all speed, and at any price." Malagigi called up, by his art, a wise, terrible, and cruel spirit, named Ashtaroth ; no light personage to deal with no little spirit, such as plays tricks with you like a fairy. A much blacker vis- itant was this. " Tell me, and tell me truly of Rinaldo," said Malagigi to the spirit. Hard looked the demon at the Paladin, and said nothing. His aspect was clouded and violent. He wished to see whether his summoner retained all the force of his art. The enchanter, with an aspect still cloudier, bade Ashtaroth lay down that look. While giving this order, he also made signs indicative of a disposition to resort to angrier compulsion ; and the devil, apprehending that he would confine him in some hateful place, loosened his tongue, and said, " You have not told me what you desire to know of Rinaldo." " I desire to know what he has been doing, and where he is," returned the enchanter. " He has been conquering and baptising the world, east and west," said the demon, " and is now in Egypt with Ricciardetto." " And what has Gan been plotting with Marsilius," inquired Malagigi, " and what is to come of it ?" " On neither of those points can I enlighten you," said the devil. " I was not attending to Gan at the time, and we fallen spirits know not the future. Had we done so, we had not been so willing to incur the danger of falling. All I discern is, that, by the signs and comets in the heavens, something dreadful is about to happen something very strange, treacherous, and bloody ; and that Gan has a seat ready prepared for him in hell." " Within three days," cried the enchanter, loudly, " fetch Ri- naldo and Ricciardetto into the pass of Roncesvalles. Do it, and I hereby undertake never to summon thee more." " Suppose they will not trust themselves with me," said the spirit. " Enter Rinaldo's horse, and bring him, whether he trust thee or not." THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. 213 " It shall be done," returned the demon ; " and my serving, devil Foul-Mouth, or Fire-Red, shall enter the horse of Ricciar- detto. Doubt it not. Am I not wise, and thyself powerful ?" There was an earthquake, and Ashtaroth disappeared. Marsilius has now made his first movement towards the de- struction of Orlando, by sending before him his vassal-king Blan- chardin with his presents of wines and other luxuries. The temperate but courteous hero took them in good part, and distrib- uted them as the traitor wished ; and then Blanchardin, on pre- tence of going forward to salute Charlemagne at St. John Pied de Port, returned and put himself at the head of the second army, which was the post assigned him by his liege lord. The device on his flag was an " Apollo" on a field azure. King Falseron, whose son Orlando had slain in battle, headed the first army, the device of which was a black figure of the devil Belphegor on a dapple-grey field. The third army was under King Balugante, and had for ensign a Mahomet with golden wings in a field of red. Marsilius made a speech to them at night, in which he con- fessed his ill faith, but defended it on the ground of Charles's hatred of their religion, and of the example of "Judith and Holo- fernes." He said that he had not come there to pay tribute, and sell his countrymen for slaves, but to make all Christendom pay tribute to them as conquerors ; and he concluded by recommend- ing to their good-will the son of his friend Gan, whom they would know by the vest he had sent him, and who was the only soul among the Christians they were to spare. This son of Gan, meantime, and several of the Paladins who were disgusted with Charles's credulity, and anxious at all events to be with Orlando, had joined the hero in the fated valley ; so that the little Christian host, considering the tremendous valour of their lord and his friends, and the comparative inefficiency of that of the infidels, were at any rate not to be sold for nothing. Rinaldo, alas ! the second thunderbolt of Christendom, was des- tined not to be there in time to save their lives. He could only avenge the dreadful tragedy, and prevent still worse consequences to the whole Christian court and empire. The Paladins had in vain begged Orlando to be on his guard against treachery, and send for a more numerous body of men. The great heart of the 214 THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. Champion of the Faith was unwilling to think the worst as long as he could help it. He refused to summon aid that might be superfluous ; neither would he do any thing but what his liege lord had desired. And yet he could not wholly repress a misgiv- ing. A shadow had fallen on his heart, great and cheerful as it was. The anticipations of his friends disturbed him, in spite of the face with which he met them. I am not sure that he did not, by a certain instinctive foresight, expect death itself; but he felt bound not to encourage the impression. Besides, time pressed ; the moment of the looked-for tribute was at hand ; and little combinations of circumstances determine often the greatest events. King Blanchardin had brought Orlando's people a luxurious supper ; King Marsilius was to arrive early next day with the tribute ; and Uliviero accordingly, with the morning sun, rode forth to reconnoitre, and see if he could discover the peaceful pomp of the Spanish court in the distance. Guottibuoffi was with him, a warrior who had expected the very worst, and repeatedly implored Orlando to believe it possible. Uliviero and he rode up the mountain nearest them, and from the top of it beheld the first army of Marsilius already forming in the passes. " O Guottibuoffi !" exclaimed he, " behold thy prophecies come true ! behold the last day of the glory of Charles ! Every where I see the arms of the traitors around us. I feel Paris tremble all the way through France, to the ground beneath my feet. O Malagigi, too much in the right wert thou ! O devil Gan, this then is the consummation of thy good offices !" Uliviero put spurs to his horse, and galloped back down the mountain to Orlando. " Well," cried the hero, " what news ?" " Bad news," said his cousin ; " such as you would not hear of yesterday. Marsilius is here in arms, and all the world has come with him." The Paladins pressed round Orlando, and entreated him to sound his horn, in token that he needed help. His only answer was, to mount his horse, and ride up the mountain with San- sonetto. As soon, however, as he cast forth his eyes and beheld what was round about him, he turned in sorrow, and looked down into THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. 215 Roncesvalles, and said, " valley, miserable indeed ! the blood that is shed in thee this day will colour thy name for ever." Many of the Paladins had ridden after him, and they again pressed him to sound his horn, if only in pity to his own people. He said, " If Caesar and Alexander were here, Scipio and Han- nibal, and Nebuchadnezzar with all his flags, and Death stared me in the face with his knife in his hand, never would I sound my horn for the baseness of fear." Orlando's little camp we're furious against the Saracens. They armed themselves with the greatest impatience. There was nothing but lacing of helmets and mounting of horses ; and good Archbishop Turpin went from rank to rank, exhorting and en- couraging the warriors of Christ. Accoutrements and habili- ments were put oji the wrong way ; words and deeds mixed in confusion ; men running against one another out of very absorp- tion in themselves ; all the place full of cries of " Arm ! arm ! the enemy !" and the trumpets clanged over all against the mountain-echoes. Orlando and his captains withdrew for a moment to consulta- tion. He fairly groaned for sorrow, and at first had not a word to say ; so wretched he felt at having brought his people to die in Roncesvalles. Uliviero spoke first. He could not resist the opportunity of comforting himself a little in his despair, with referring to his unheeded advice. " You see, cousin," said he, " what has come at last. Would to God you had attended to what I said ; to what Malagigi said ; to what we all said ! I told you Marsilius was nothing but an anointed scoundrel. Yet forsooth, he was to bring us tribute ! and Charles is this moment expecting his mummeries at St. John Pied de Port ! Did ever any body believe a word that Gan said, but Charles ? And now you see this rotten fruit has come to a head ; this medlar has got its crown." Orlando said nothing in answer to Uliviero ; for in truth he had nothing to say. He broke away to give orders to the camp ; bade them take refreshment ; and then addressing both officers and men, he said, " I confess, that if it had entered my heart to conceive the king of Spain to be such a villain, never would you 216 THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. have seen this day. He has exchanged with me a thousand courtesies and good words ; and 1 thought that the worse ene- mies we had been before, the better friends we had become now. I fancied every human being capable of this kind of virtue on a good opportunity, saving, indeed, such base-hearted wretches as can never forgive their very forgivers ; and of these I certainly did not suppose him to be one. Let us die, if we must die, like honest and gallant men ; so that it shall be said of us, it was only our bodies that died. It becomes our souls to be invincible, and our glory immortal. Our motto must be, ' A good heart and no hope.' The reason why I did not sound the horn was, partly be- cause I thought it did not become us, and partly because our liege lord could be of little use, even if he heard it. Let Gan have his glut of us like a carrion crow ; but let him find us under heaps of his Saracens, an example for all time. Heaven, my friends, is with us, if earth is against us. Methinks I see it open this moment, ready to receive our souls amidst crowns of glory ; and therefore, as the champion of God's church, I give you my benediction ; and the good archbishop here will absolve you ; and so, please God, we shall all go to Heaven and be happy." And with these words Orlando sprang to his horse, crying, " Away against the Saracens !" but he had no sooner turned his face than he wept bitterly, and said, " O holy Virgin, think not of me, the sinner Orlando, but have pity on these thy servants." Archbishop Turpin did as Orlando said, giving the whole band his benediction at once, and absolving them from their sins, so that every body took comfort in the thought of dying for Christ, and thus they embraced one another, weeping ; and then lance was put to thigh, and the banner was raised that was won>in the jousting at Aspramont. And now with a mighty dust, and an infinite sound of horns, and tambours, and trumpets, which came filling the valley, the first army of the infidels made its appearance, horses neighing, and a thousand pennons flying in the air. King Falseron led them on, saying to his officers, " Now, gentlemen, recollect what I said. The first battle is for the leaders only ; and, above all, let nobody dare to lay a finger on Orlando. He belongs to my- THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. 217 self. The revenge of my son's death is mine. I will cut the man down that comes between us." " Now, friends," said Orlando, " every man for himself, and St. Michael for us all. There is no one here that is not a perfect knight." And he might well say it.; for the flower of all France was there, except Rinaldo and Ricciardetto ; every man a picked man all friends and constant companions of Orlando. There was Richard of Normandy, and Guottibuoffi, and Uliviero, and Count Anselm, and Avolio, and Avino, and the gentle Berlinghieri, and his brother, and Sansonetto, and the good Duke Egibard, and As- tolfo the Englishman, and Angiolin of Bayona, and all the other Paladins of France, excepting those two whom I have mentioned. And so the captains of the little troop and of the great array sat looking at one another, and singling one another out, as the latter came on ; and then either side began raising their war-cries, and the mob of the infidels halted, and the knights put spear in rest, and ran for a while, two and two in succession, each one against the other. Astolfo was the first to move. He ran against Arlotto of Soria ; and Angiolin then ran against Malducco ; and Mazzarigi the Renegade came against Avino ; and Uliviero was borne forth by his horse Rondel, who couldn't stand still, against Malprimo, the first of the captains of Falseron. And now lances began to be painted red, without any brush but themselves ; and the new colour extended itself to the buck- lers, and the cuishes, and the cuirasses, and the trappings of the steeds. Astolfo thrust his antagonist's body out of the saddle, and his soul into the other world ; and Angiolin gave and took a terrible blow with Malducco ; but his horse bore him onward ; and Avino had something of the like encounter with Mazzarigi ; but Uliviero, though he received a thrust which hurt him, sent his lance right through the heart of Malprimo. Falseron was daunted at this blow. " Verily," thought he, ' this is a miracle." Uliviero did not press on among the Sara- cens, his wound was too painful ; but Orlando now put himself and his whole band into motion, and you may guess what an up- 218 THE BATTLE OF RONCES^ALLLES. roar ensued. The sound of the rattling of the blows and helmets was as if the forge of Vulcan had been thrown open. Falseron beheld Orlando coming so furiously, that he thought him a Luci- fer who had burst his chain, and was quite of another mind than when he proposed to have him all to himself. On the contrary, he recommended himself to his gods ; and turning away, begged for a more auspicious season of revenge. But Orlando hailed and arrested him with a terrible voice, saying, " O thou traitor ! Was this the end to which old quarrels were made up ? Dost thou not blush, thou and thy fellow-traitor Marsilius, to have kissed me on the cheek like a Judas, when last thou wert in France?" Orlando had never shewn such anger in his countenance as he did that day. He dashed at Falseron with a fury so swift, and at the same time a mastery of his lance so marvellous, that though he plunged it in the man's body so as instantly to kill him, the body did not move in the saddle. The hero himself, as he rush- ed onwards, was fain to see the end of a stroke so perfect, and, turning his horse back, he touched the carcass with his sword, and it fell on the instant. They say, that it had no sooner fallen than it disappeared. People got off their horses to lift up the body, for it seemed to be there still, the armour being left ; but when they came to handle the armour, it was found as empty as the shell that is cast by a lobster. O new, and strange, and porten- tous event ! proof manifest of the anger with which God regards treachery. When the first infidel army beheld their leader dead, such fear fell upon them, that they were for leaving the field to the Pala- dins ; but they were unable. Marsilius had drawn the rest of his forces round the valley like a net, so that their shoulders were turned in vain. Orlando rode into the thick of them, with Count Anselm by his side. He rushed like a tempest ; and wherever he went, thunderbolts fell upon helmets. The Paladins drove here and there after them, each making a whirlwind round about him and a bloody circle. Uliviero was again in the melee ; and Walter of Amulion threw himself into it ; and Baldwin roared like a lion ; and Avino and Avolio reaped the wretches' heads like a turnip-field ; and blows blinded men's eyes ; and Arch- THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. 219 bishop Turpin himself had changed his crozier for a lance, and chased a new flock before him to the mountains. Yet what could be done against foes without number ? Multi- tudes fill up the spaces left by the dead without stopping. Mar. silius, from his anxious and raging post, constantly pours them in, The Paladins are as units to thousands. Why tarry the horses of Rinaldo and Ricciardetto ? The horses did not tarry ; but fate had been quicker than en- chantment. Ashtaroth, nevertheless, had presented himself to Ri- naldo in Egypt, as though he had issued out of a flash of light- ning. After telling his mission, and giving orders to hundreds of invisible spirits round about him (for the air was full of them), he and Foul-Mouth, his servant, entered the horses of Rinaldo and Ricciardetto, which began to neigh and snort and leap with the fiends within them, till off" they flew through the air over the pyr- amids, crowds of spirits going like a tempest before them. Ric- ciardetto shut his eyes at first, on perceiving himself so high in the air ; but he speedily became used to it, though he looked down on the sun at last. In this manner they passed the desert, and the sea-coast, and the ocean, and swept the tops of the Pyrenees, Ashtaroth talking to them of wonders by the way ; for he was one of the wisest of the devils, and knew a great many things which were then unknown to man. He laughed, for instance, as they went over sea, at the notion, among other vain fancies, that nothing was to be found, beyond the pillars of Hercules ; " for," said he, " the earth is round, and the sea has an even sur- face all over it ; and there are nations on the other side of the globe, who walk with their feet opposed to yours, and worship other gods than the Christians." " Hah !" said Rinaldo ; " and may I ask whether they can be saved ?" " It is a bold thing to ask," said the devil ; " but do you take the Redeemer for a partisan, and fancy he died for you only ? Be assured he died for the whole world, Antipodes and all. Per- haps not one soul will be left out the pale of salvation at last, but the whole human race adore the truth, and find mercy. The Christian is the only true religion ; but Heaven loves all good- ness that believes honestly, whatsoever the belief may be." 220 THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. Rinaldo was mightily taken with the humanity of the devil's opinions ; but they were now approaching the end of their jour- ney, and began to hear the noise of the battle ; and he could no longer think of any thing but the delight of being near Orlando, and plunging into the middle of it. " You shall be in the very heart of it instantly," said his bear- er. " I love you, and would fain do all you desire. Do not fancy that all nobleness of spirit is lost among us people below. You know what the proverb says, ' There's never a fruit, however de- generate, but will taste of its stock.' I was of a different order of beings once, and But it is as well not to talk of happy times. Yonder is Marsilius ; and there goes Orlando. Farewell, and give me a place in your memory." Rinaldo could not find words to express his sense of the devil's good- will, nor that of Foul-Mouth himself. He said : " Ashta- roth, I am as sorry to part with you as if you were a brother ; and I certainly do believe that nobleness of spirit exists, as you say, among your people below. I shall be glad to see you both some- times, if you can come ; and I pray God (if my poor prayer be worth any thing) that you may all repent and obtain his pardon ; for without repentance, you know, nothing can be done for you." " If I might suggest a favour," returned Ashtaroth, " since you are so good as to wish to do me one, persuade Malagigi to free me from his service, and I am yours for ever. To serve you will be a pleasure to me. You will only .have to say, ' Ashtaroth,' and my good friend here will be with you in an instant." " I am obliged to you," cried Rinaldo, " and so is my brother. I will write Malagigi, not merely a letter, but a whole packet-full of your praises ; and so I will to Orlando ; and you shall be set free, depend on it, your company has been so perfectly agree- able." " Your humble servant," said Ashtaroth, and vanished with his companion like lightning. But they did not go far. There was a little chapel by the road-side in Roncesvalles, which had a couple of bells ; and on the top of that chapel did the devils place themselves, in order that they might catch the souls of the infidels as they died, and so carry them off to the in- THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. 221 fernal regions. Guess if their wings had plenty to do that day ! Guess if Minos and Rhadamanthus were busy, and Charon sung in his boat, and Lucifer hugged himself for joy. Guess, also, if the tables in heaven groaned with nectar and ambrosia, and good old St. Peter had a dry hair in his beard. The two Paladins, on their horses, dropped right into the mid- dle of the Saracens, and began making such havoc about them, that Marsilius, who overlooked the fight from a mountain, thought his soldiers had turned one against the other. He therefore de- scended in fury with his third army ; and Rinaldo, seeing him coming, said to Ricciardetto, " We had better be off here, and join Orlando ;" and with these words, he gaye his horse one turn round before he retreated, so as to enable his sword to make a bloody circle about him ; arid stories say, that he sheared off twenty heads in the twirl of it. He then dashed through the as- tonished beholders towards the battle of Orlando, who guessed it could be no other than his cousin, and almost dropped from his horse, out of desire to meet him. Ricciardetto followed Rinaldo ; and Uliviero coming up at the same moment, the rapture of the whole party is not to be expressed. They almost died for joy. After a thousand embraces, and questions, and explanations, and expressions of astonishment (for the infidels held aloof awhile, to take breath from the horror and mischief they had undergone), Orlando refreshed his little band of heroes, and then drew Rinal- do apart, and said, " O my brother, I feel such delight at seeing you, I can hardly persuade myself I am not dreaming. Heaven be praised for it. I have no other wish on earth, now that I see you before I die. Why didn't you write ? But never mind. Here you are, and I shall not die for nothing." * " I did write," said Rinaldo, " and so did Ricciardetto ; but villany intercepted our letters. Tell me what to do, my dear cousin ; for time presses, and all the world is upon us." " Gan has brought us here," said Orlando, " under pretence of receiving tribute from Marsilius you see of what sort ; and Charles, poor old man, is waiting to receive his homage at the town of St. John ! I have never seen a lucky day since you left us. I believe I have done for Charles more than in duty bound, 222 THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. and that my sins pursue me, and I and mine must all perish in Roncesvalles." " Look to Marsilius," exclaimed Rinaldo ; " he is right upon us." Marsilius was upon them, surely enough, at once furious and frightened at the coming of the new Paladins ; for his camp, nu- merous as it was, had not only held aloof, but turned about to fly like herds before the lion j so he was forced to drive them back, and bring up his other troops, reasonably thinking that such numbers must overwhelm at last, if they could but be kept to- gether. Not the less, however, for this, did the Paladins continue to fight as if with joy. They killed and trampled wheresoevr they went ; Rinaldo fatiguing himself with sending infinite numbers of souls to Ashtaroth, and Orlando making a bloody passage towards Marsilius, whom he hoped to settle as he had done Falseron. In the course of this his tremendous progress, the hero struck a youth on the head, whose helmet was so good as to resist the blow, but at the same time flew off; and Orlando seized him by the hair to kill him. " Hold !" cried the youth, as loud as want of breath could let him ; " you loved my father I'm Bujaforte." The Paladin had never seen Bujaforte ; but he saw the like- ness to the good old Man of the Mountain, his father ; and he let go the youth's hair, and embraced and kissed him. " O Buja- forte !" said he ; "I loved him indeed my good old man ; but what does his son do here, fighting against his friend ?" Bujaforte was a long time before he could speak for weeping. At length he said, " Orlando, let not your noble heart be pained with ill thoughts of my father's son. I am forced to be here by my lord and master Marsilius. I had no friend left me in the world, and he took me into his court, and has brought me here before I knew what it was for ; and I have made a shew of fight- ing, but have not hurt a single Christian. Treachery is on every side of you. Baldwin himself has a vest given him by Mar- silius, that every body may know the son of his friend Gan, and do him no injury. See there look how the lances avoid him." THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. 223 " Put your helmet on again," said Orlando, " and behave just as you have done. Never will your father's friend be an enemy to the son. Only take care not to come across Rinaldo." The hero then turned in fury to look for Baldwin, who was hastening towards him at that moment with friendliness in his looks. " 'Tis strange," said Baldwin ; " I have done my duty as well as I could, yet no body will come against me. I have slain right and left, and cannot comprehend what it is that makes the stoutest infidels avoid me." " Take off your vest," cried Orlando, contemptuously, " and you will soon discover the secret, if you wish to know it. Your father has sold us to Marsilius, all but his honourable son." " If my father," cried Baldwin, impetuously tearing off the vest, " has been such a villain, and I escape dying any longer, by God ! I will plunge this sword through his heart. But I am no traitor, Orlando ; and you do me wrong to say it. You do me foul dishonour, and I'll not survive it. Never more shall you behold me alive." Baldwin spurred off into the fight, not waiting to hear another word from Orlando, but constantly crying out, " You have done me dishonour ;" and Orlando was very sorry for what he had said, for he perceived that the youth was in despair. And now the fight raged beyond all it had done before ; and the Paladins themselves began to fall, the enemy were driven forward in such multitudes by Marsilius. There was unhorsing of foes, and re-seating of friends, and great cries, and anguish, and unceasing labour ; and twenty Pagans went down for one Christian ; but still the Christians fell. One Paladin disappeared after another, having too much to do for mortal men. Some could not make way through the press for very fatigue of killing, and others were hampered with the falling horses and men. Sansonetto was thus beaten to earth by the club of Grandonio ; and Walter d'Amulion had his shoulders broken ; and Angiolin of Bayona, having lost his lance, was thrust down by Marsilius, and Angiolin of Bellonda by Sirionne ; and Berlinghieri and Ot- tone are gone ; and then Astolfo went, in revenge of whose death Orlando turned the spot on which he died into a gulf of Saracen 224 THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. blood. Rinaldo met the luckless Bujaforte, who had just begun to explain how he seemed to be fighting on the side which his father hated, when the impatient hero exclaimed, " He who is not with me is against me ;" and gave him a volley of such hor- rible cuffs about the head and ears, that Bujaforte died without being able to speak another word. Orlando, cutting his way to a spot in which there was a great struggle and uproar, found the poor youth Baldwin, the son of Gan, with two spears in his breast. " I am no traitor now," said Baldwin ; and so saying, fell dead to the earth ; and Orlando lifted up his voice and wept, for he was bitterly sorry to have been the cause of his death. He then joined Rinaldo in the hottest of the tumult ; and all the surviving Paladins gathered about them, including Turpin the archbishop, who fought as hardily as the rest ; and the slaughter was lavish and horrible, so that the eddies of the wind chucked the blood into the air, and earth appeared a very seething-caul- dron of hell. At length down went Uliviero himself. He had become blind with his own blood, and smitten Orlando without knowing him, who had never received such a blow in his life. " How now, cousin !" cried Orlando ; " have you too gone over to the enemy ?" " O, my lord and master, Orlando," cried the other, " I ask your pardon, if I have struck you. I can see nothing I am dying. The traitor Arcaliffe has stabbed me in the back ; but I killed him for it. If you love me, lead my horse into the thick of them, so that I may not die unavenged." " I shall die myself before long," said Orlando, " out of very toil and grief; so we will go together. I have lost all hope, all pride, all wish to live any longer : but not my love for Uliviero. Come let us give them a few blows yet ; let them see what you can do with your dying hands. One faith, one death, one only wish be ours." Orlando led his cousin's horse where the press was thickest, and dreadful was the strength of the dying man and of his half- dying companion. They made a street, through which they pass- ed out of the battle ; and Orlando led his cousin away to his tent, and said, " Wait a little till I return, for I will go and sound the horn on the hill yonder." THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLEF. 225 " 'Tis of no use," said Uliviero ; " and my spirit is fast going, and desires to be with its Lord and Saviour." He would have said more, but his words came from him imperfectly, like those of a man in a dream ; only his cousin gathered that he meant to commend to him his sister, Orlando's wife, Alda the Fair, of whom indeed the great Paladin had not thought so much in this world as he might have done. And with these imperfect words he ex- pired. But Orlando no sooner saw him dead, than he felt as if he was left alone on the earth ; and he was quite willing to leave it ; only he wished that Charles at St. John Pied de Port should hear how the case stood before he went ; and so he took up the horn, and blew it three times with such force that the blood burst out of his nose and mouth. Turpin says, that at the third blast the horn broke in two. In spite of all the noise of the battle, the sound of the horn broke over it like a voice out of the other world. They say that birds fell dead at it, and that the whole Saracen army drew back in terror. But fearfuller still was its effect at St. John Pied de Port. Charlemagne was sitting in the midst of his court when the sound reached him ; and Gan was there. The emperor was the first to hear it. " Do you hear that ?" said he to his nobles. " Did you hear the horn, as I heard it ?" Upon this they all listened ; and Gan felt his heart misgive him. The horn sounded the second time. " What is the meaning of this ?" said Charles. " Orlando is hunting," observed Gan, " and the stag is kill- ed. He is at the old pastime that he was so fond of in Aspra- monte." But when the horn sounded yet a third time, and the blast was one of so dreadful a vehemence, every body looked at the other, and then they all looked at Gan in fury. Charles rose from his seat. " This is no hunting of the stag," said he. " The sound goes to my very heart, and, I confess, makes me tremble. 'I am awakened out of a great dream. O Gan ! O Gan ! Not for thee do I blush, but for myself, and for nobody else. O my God, what is to be done ! But whatever is to be done, must be done 226 THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. quickly. Take this villain, gentlemen, and keep him in hard prison. O foul and monstrous villain ! Would to God I had not lived to see this day ! O obstinate and enormous folly ! O Mal- agigi, had I but believed thy foresight ! "Pis thou wert the wise man, and I the grey-headed fool." Ogier the Dane, and Namo and others, in the bitterness of their grief and anger, could not help reminding the emperor of all which they had foretold. But it was no time for words. They put the traitor into prison ; and then Charles, with all his court, took his way to Roncesvalles, grieving and praying. It was afternoon when the horn sounded, and half an hour af- ter it when the emperor set out ; and meantime Orlando had re- turned to the fight that he might do his duty, however hopeless, as long as he could sit his horse, and the Paladins were now re- duced to four ; and though the Saracens suffered themselves to be mowed down like grass by them and their little band, he found his end approaching for toil and fever, and so at length he with- drew out of the fight, and rode all alone to a fountain which he knew of, where he had before quenched his thirst. His horse was wearier still than he, and no sooner had its mas- ter alighted, than the beast, kneeling down as if to take leave, and to say, " I have brought you to your place of rest," fell dead at his feet. Orlando cast water on him from the fountain, not wish- ing to believe him dead ; but when he found it to no purpose, he grieved for him as if he had been a human being, and addressed him by name in tears, and asked forgiveness if ever he had done him wrong. They say, that the horse at these words once more opened his eyes a little, and looked kindly at his master, and so stirred never more. They say also that Orlando then, summoning all his strength, smote a rock near him with his beautiful sword Durlindana, think- ing to shiver the steel in pieces, and so prevent its falling into the hands of the enemy ; but though the rock split like a slate, and a deep .fissure remained ever after to astonish the eyes of pilgrims, the sword remained unhurt. " O strong Durlindana," cried he, " O noble and worthy sword, had I known thee from the first as I know thee now, never would I have been brought to this pass." , THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. 227 And now Rinaldo and Ricciardetto and Turpin came up, hav- ing given chase to the Saracens till they were weary, and Orlando gave joyful welcome to his cousin, and they told him how the battle was won, and then Orlando knelt before Turpin, his face all in tears, and begged remission of his sins, and confessed them, and Turpin gave him absolution ; and suddenly a light came down upon him from heaven like a rainbow, accompanied with a sound of music, and an angel stood in the air blessing him, and then disappeared ; upon which Orlando fixed his eyes on the hilt of his sword as on a crucifix, and embraced it and said, " Lord, vouchsafe that I may look on this poor instrument as on the symbol of the tree upon which Thou sufferedst thy unspeakable martyrdom !" and so adjusting the sword to his bosom, and em- bracing it closer, he raised his eyes, and appeared like a creature seraphical and transfigured ; and in bowing his head he breathed out his pure soul. A thunder was then heard in the heavens, and the heavens opened and seemed to stoop to the earth, and a flock of angels was seen like a white cloud ascending with his spirit, who were known to be what they were by the trembling of their wings. The white cloud shot out golden fires, so that the whole air was full of them ; and the voices of the angels mingled in song with the instruments of their brethren above, which made an inexpressible harmony, at once deep and dulcet. The priestly warrior Turpin, and the two Paladins, and the hero's squire Te- rigi, who were all on their knees, forgot their own beings, in following the miracle with their eyes. It was now the office of that squire to take horse and ride off to the emperor at St. John Pied de Port, and tell him of all that had occurred ; but in spite of what he had just seen, he lay for a time overwhelmed with grief. He then rose, and mounted his steed, and left the Paladins and the archbishop with the dead body, who knelt about it, guarding it with weeping love. The good squire Terigi met the the emperor and his cavalcade coming towards Roncesvalles, and alighted and fell on his knees, telling him the miserable news, and how all his people were slain but two of his Paladins, and himself, and the good arch- bishop. Charles for anguish began tearing his white locks ; but Terigi comforted him against so doing, by giving an account of 228 THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. the manner of Orlando's death, and how he had surely gone to heaven. Nevertheless, the squire himself was broken-hearted with grief and toil ; and he had scarcely added a denouncement of the traitor Gan, and a hope that the emperor would appease Heaven finally by giving his body to the winds, than he said, " The cold of death is upon me ;" and so he fell dead at the em- peror's feet. Charles was ready to drop from his saddle for wretchedness. He cried out, " Let nobody comfort me more. I will have no comfort. Cursed be Gan, and cursed this horrible day, and this place, and every thing. Let us go on, like blind miserable men that we are, into Roncesvalles ; and have patience if we can, out of pure misery, like Job, till we do all that can be done." So Charles rode on with his nobles ; and they say, that for the sake of the champion of Christendom and the martyrs that died with him, the sun stood still in the sky till the emperor had seen Orlando, and till the dead were buried. Horrible to his eyes was the sight of the field of Roncesvalles. The Saracens, indeed, had forsaken it, conquered ; but all his Pala- dins but two were left on it dead ; and the slaughtered heaps among which they lay made the whole valley like a great dumb slaugh- ter-house, trampled up into blood and dirt, and reeking to the heat. The very trees were dropping with blood ; and every thing, so to speak, seemed tired out, and gone to a horrible sleep. Charles trembled to his heart's core for wonder and agony. After dumbly gazing on the place, he again cursed it with a sol- emn curse, and wished that never grass might grow within it again, nor seed of any kind, neither within it, nor on any of its mountains around with their proud shoulders ; but the anger of Heaven abide over it for ever, as on a pit made by hell upon earth. Then he rode on, and came up to where the body of Orlando' awaited him with the Paladins, and the old man, weeping, threw himself as if he had been a reckless youth from his horse, and embraced and kissed the dead body, and said, " I bless thee, Or- lando. I bless thy whole life, and all that thou wast, and all that thou ever didst, and thy mighty and holy valour, and the father that begot thee ; and I ask pardon of thee for believing those THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. 229 who brought thee to thine end. They shall have their reward, O thou beloved one ! But, indeed, it is thou that livest, and I that am worse than dead." And now, behold a wonder. For the emperor, in the fervour of his heart and of the memory of what had passed between them, called to mind that Orlando had promised to give him his sword, should he die before him ; and he lifted up his voice more brave- ly, and adjured him even now to return it to him gladly ; and it pleased God that the dead body of Orlando should rise on its feet, and kneel as he was wont to do at the feet of his liege lord, and gladly, and with a smile on its face, return the sword to the Em- peror Charles. As Orlando rose, the Paladins and Turpin knelt down out of fear and horror, especially seeing him look with a stern countenance ; but when they saw that he knelt also, and smiled, and returned the sword, their hearts became re-assured, and Charles took the sword like his liege lord, though trembling with wonder and affection : and in truth he could hardly clench his fingers around it. Orlando was buried in a great sepulchre in Aquisgrana, and the dead Paladins were all embalmed and sent with majestic cav- alcades to their respective counties and principalities, and every Christian was honourably and reverently put in the earth, and recorded among the martyrs of the Church. But meantime the flying Saracens, thinking to bury their own dead, and ignorant of what still awaited them, came back into the valley, and Rinaldo beheld them with a dreadful joy. and shewed them to Charles. Now the emperor's cavalcade had increased every moment ; and they fell upon the Saracens with a new and unexpected battle, and the old emperor, addressing the sword of Orlando, exclaimed, " My strength is little, but do thou do thy duty to thy master, thou famous sword, seeing that he returned it to me smiling, and that his revenge is in my hands." And so saying, he met Balugante, the leader of the infidels, as he came borne along by his frightened horse ; and the old man, raising the sword with both hands, cleaved him, with a delighted mind, to the chin. O sacred Emperor Charles ! O well-lived old man ! Defender of the Faith ! light and glory of the old time ! thou hast cut oft PART n. 3 230 THE BATTLE OF RONCESVALLES. the other ear of Malchus, and shewn how rightly thou wert born into the world, to save it a second time from the abyss. Again fled the Saracens, never to come to Christendom more : but Charles went after them into Spain, he and Rinaldo and Ric- ciardetto and the good Turpin ; and they took and fired Sara- gossa ; and Marsilius was hung to the carob-tree under which he had planned his villany with Gan ; and Gan was hung, and drawn and quartered, in Roncesvalles, amidst the execrations of the country. And if you ask, how it happened that Charles ever put faith in such a wretch, I shall tell you that it was because the good old emperor, with all his faults, was a divine man, and believed in others out of the excellence of his own heart and truth. And such was the case with Orlando himself. BOIARDO: Critical Notice of Iji0 ife an& CRITICAL NOTICE BOIARDO'S LIFE AND GENIUS.* WHILE Pulci in Florence was elevating romance out of the street-ballads, and laying the foundation of the chivalrous epic, a poet appeared in Lombardy (whether inspired by his example is uncertain) who was destined to carry it to a graver though still cheerful height, and prepare the way for the crowning glories of Ariosto. In some respects he even excelled Ariosto : in all, with the exception of style, shewed himself a genuine though imma- ture master. Little is known of his life, but that little is very pleasant. It exhibits him in the rare light of a poet who was at once rich, ro- mantic, an Arcadian and a man of the world, a feudal lord and an indulgent philosopher, a courtier equally beloved by prince and people. Matteo Maria Boiardo, Count of Scandiano, Lord of Arccto, Casalgrande, &c., Governor of Reggio, and Captain of the cita- del of Modena (it is pleasant to repeat such titles when so adorn- * The materials for the biography in this notice have been gathered from Tiraboschi and others, but more immediately from the copious critical memoir from the pen of Mr. Panizzi, in that gentleman's admirable edition of the com- bined poems of Boiardo and Ariosto, in nine volumes octavo, published by Mr. Pickering. I have been under obligations to this work in the notice of Pulci, and shall again be so in that of Boiardo's successor ; but I must not a third time run the risk of omitting to give it my thanks (such as they are), and of earnestly recommending every lover of Italian poetry, who can afford it, to possess him- self of this learned, entertaining, and only satisfactory edition of either of the Orlandos. The author writes an English almost as correct as it is elegant ; and he is as painstaking as he is lively. 234 EOIARDO. 1 ed), is understood to have been born about the year 1434, at Scandiano, a castle at the foot of the Apennines, not far from Reggio, and famous for its vines. He was of an ancient family, once lords of Rubiera, and son of Giovanni, second count of Scandiano, and Lucia, a lady of a branch of the Strozzi family in Florence, and sister and aunt of Tito and Erole Strozzi, celebrated Latin poets. His parents appear to have been wise people, for they gave him an education that fitted him equally for public and private life. He was even taught, or acquired, more Greek than was common to the men of letters of that age. His whole life seems, accordingly, to have been divided, with equal success, between his duties as a servant of the dukes of Modena, both military and civil, and the prosecution of his beloved art of poetry, a combination of pur- suits which have been idly supposed incompatible. Milton's poetry did not hinder him from being secretary to Cromwell, and an active partisan. Even the sequestered Spenser was a states- man ; and poets and writers of fiction abound in the political his- tories of all the great nations of Europe. When a man possess- es a thorough insight into any one intellectual department (ex- cept, perhaps, in certain corners of science), it only sharpens his powers of perception for the others, if he chooses to apply them. In the year 1469, Boiardo was one of the noblemen who went to meet the Emperor Frederick the Third on his way to Ferrara, when Duke Borso of Modena entertained him in that city. Two years afterwards, Borso, who had been only Marquis of Ferrara, received its ducal title from the Pope ; and on going to Rome to be invested with his new honours, the name of our poet is again found among the adorners of his state. A few days after his re- turn home this prince died ; and Boiardo, favoured as he had been by him, appears to have succeeded to a double portion of regard in the friendship of the new duke, Ercole, who was more of his own age. During all this period, from his youth to his prime, our author varied his occupations with Italian and Latin poetry ; some of it addressed to a lady of the name of Antonia Caprara, and some to another, whose name is thought to have been Rosa ; but whe- ther these ladies died, or his love was diverted elsewhere, he took HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 235 to wife, in the year 1472, Taddea Gonzaga, of the noble house of that name, daughter of the Count of Novellara. In the course of the same year he is supposed to have begun his great poem. A popular court favourite, in the prime of life, marrying and commencing a great poem nearly at one and the same time, presents an image of prosperity singularly delightful. By this lady Boiardo had two sons and four daughters. The younger son, Francesco Maria, died in his childhood ; but the elder, Camillo, succeeded to his father's title, and left an heir to it, the last, I believe, of the name. The reception given to the poet's bride, when he took her to Scandiano, is said to have been very splendid. In the ensuing year the duke his master took a wife himself. She was Eleonora, daughter of the King of Naples: and the newly-married poet was among the noblemen who were sent to escort her to Ferrara. For several years afterwards, his time was probably filled up with the composition of the Orlando In- namorato, and the entertainments given by a splendid court. He was appointed Governor of Reggio, probably in 1478. At the expiration of two or three years he was made Captain of the cit- adel of Modena ; and in 1482 a war broke out with the Vene- tians, in which he took part, for it interrupted the progress of his poem. In 1484 he returned to it ; but ten years afterwards was again and finally interrupted by the unprincipled descent of the French on Italy under Charles the Eighth ; and in the De- cember following he died. The Orlando Innamorato was thus left unfinished. Eight years before his decease the author pub- lished what he had written of it up to that time, but the first complete edition was posthumous. The poet was writing when the French came : he breaks off with an anxious and bitter no- tice of the interruption, though still unable to deny himself a last word on the episode which he was relating, and a hope that he should conclude it another time. "Mentre che io canto, o Dio redentore, Vedo 1" Italia tutta a fiamma e foco, Per questi Galli, che con gran valore Vengon, per disertar non so che loco : 236 BOIARDO. Per6 vi lascio in questo vano amore Di Fiordespina ardente poco a poco : Un' altra volta, so mi fia concesso, Racconterovvi il tutto per espresso." But while I sing, mine eyes, great God ! behold A flaming fire light all the Italian sky, Brought by these French, who, with their myriads bold, Come to lay waste, I know not where or why. Therefore, at present, I must leave untold How love misled poor Fiordespina's eye.* Another time, Fate willing, I shall tell, From first to last, how every thing befell. Besides the Orlando Innamorato, Boiardo wrote a variety of prose works, a comedy in verse on the subject of Timon, lyrics of great elegance, with a vein of natural feeling running through them, and Latin poetry of a like sort, not, indeed, as classical in its style as that of Politian and the other subsequent revivers of the ancient manner, but perhaps not the less interesting on that account ; for it is difficult to conceive a thorough copyist in style expressing his own thorough feelings. Mr. Panizzi, if I am not mistaken, promised the world a collection of the miscellaneous poems of Boiardo ; but we have not yet had the pleasure of see- ing them. In his life of the poet, however, he has given several specimens, both Latin and Italian, which are extremely agreeable. The Latin poems consist of ten eclogues and a few epigrams ; but the epigrams, this critic tells us, are neither good nor on a fit- ting subject, being satirical sallies against Nicolo of Este, who had attempted to seize on Ferrara, and been beheaded. Boiardo was not of a nature qualified to indulge in bitterness. A man of his chivalrous disposition probably misgave himself while he was writing these epigrams. Perhaps he suffered them to escape his pen out of friendship for the reigning branch of the family. But it must be confessed, that some of the best-natured men have too often lost sight of their higher feelings during the pleasure and pride of composition. With respect to the comedy of Timon, if the whole of it is writ- ten as well as the concluding address of the misanthrope (which * She had taken a damsel in male attire for a man. HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 237 Mr. Panizzi has extracted into his pages), it must be very pleas- ant. Timon conceals a treasure in a tomb, and thinks he has baffled some knaves who had a design upon it. He therefore takes leave of his audience with the following benedictions : "Pur ho scacciate queste due formiche, Che raspavano 1' oro alia mia buca, Or vadan pur, che Dio le malediche. Cotal fortuna a casa li conduca. Che lor fiacchi le gambe al primo passo, E nel secondo 1' osso della nuca. Voi altri, che ascoltate giuso al basso, Chiedete, se volete alcuna cosa, Prima ch' io parta, perche mo vi lasso. Bench6 abbia 1' alma irata e disdegnosa, Da ingiusti oltraggi combattuta e vinta, A voi gia non 1' avro tanto ritrosa. In me non e pietade al tutto estinta : Faccia di voi la prova chi gli pare, Sino alia corda, che mi trovo cinta ; Gli presterfc, volendosi impiccare." So ! I've got rid of these two creeping things, That fain would have scratched up my buried gold. They're gone ; and may the curse of God go with them ! May they reach home just in good time enough To break their legs at the first step in doors, And necks i' the second ! And now then, as to you, Good audience, groundlings, folks who love low places, You too perhaps would fain get something of me, Ere I take leave. Well ; angered though I be, Scornful and torn with rage at being ground Into the dust with wrong, I'm not so lost To all concern and charity for others As not to be still kind enough to part With something near to me something that's wound About my very self. Here, sirs ; mark this ; [ Untying the cord round his uaist. Let any that would put me to the test, Take it with all my heart, and hang themselves. The comedy of Timon, which was chiefly taken from Lucian, and one, if not more, of Boiardo's prose translations from other 3* 238 BOIARDO. ancients, were written at the request of Duke Ercole, who was a great lover of dramatic versions of this kind, and built a theatre for their exhibition at an enormous expense. These prose trans, lations consist of Apuleius's Golden Ass, Herodotus (the Duke's order), the Golden Ass of Lucian, Xenophon's Cyropadia (not printed), Emilius Probus (also not printed, and supposed to be Cornelius Nepos), and Riccobaldo's credulous Historia Univer- salis, with additions. It seems not improbable, that he also trans- lated Homer and Diodorus ; and Doni the bookmaker asserts, that he wrote a work called the Teslamento delV Anima (the Soul's Testament) : but Mr. Panizzi calls Doni " a barefaced impostor ;" and says, that as the work is mentioned by nobody else, we may be " certain that it never existed," and that the title was " a for- gery of the impudent priest." Nothing else of Boiardo's writing is known to exist, but a col- lection of official letters in the archives of Modena, which, accord- ing to Tiraboschi, are of no great importance. It is difficult to suppose, however, that they would not be worth looking at. The author of the Orlando Innamoraio could hardly write, even upon the driest matters of government, with the aridity of a common clerk. Some little lurking well-head of character or circum- stance, interesting to readers of a later age, would probably break through the barren ground. Perhaps the letters went counter to some of the good Jesuit's theology. Boiardo's prose translations from the authors of antiquity are so scarce, that Mr. Panizzi himself, a learned and miscellaneous reader, says he never saw them.* I am willing to get the only advantage in my power over an Italian critic, by saying that I have had some of them in my hands, brought there by the pleas- ant chances of the bookstalls ; but I can give no account of them. A modern critic, quoted by this gentleman (Gamba, Testi di Lin- gua), calls the version of Apuleius "rude and curious;" but adds, that it contains " expressions full of liveliness and propri- ety." By " rude " is probably meant obsolete, and compara- tively unlearned. Correctness of interpretation and classical * Crcscimbcni himself had not seen the translation from Apuleius, nor, ap- parently, several others. Commentari, fyc. vol. ii. part ii. lib. vii. sect. zi. HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. nicety of style (as Mr. Panizzi observes) were the growths of a later age. Nothing is told us by his biographers of the person of Boiardo : and it is not safe to determine a man's physique from his writings, unless perhaps with respect to the greater or less amount of his animal spirits ; for the able-bodied may Write effeminately, and the feeblest supply the defect of corporal stamina with spiritual. Portraits, however, seem to be extant. Mazzuchelli discovered that a medal had been struck in the poet's honour ; and in the castle of Scandiano (though " the halls where knights and ladies listened to the adventures of the Paladin are now turned into granaries," and Orlando himself has nearly disappeared from the outside, where he was painted in huge dimensions as if " en- trusted with the wardenship") there was a likeness of Boiardo executed by Niccolo dell' Abate, together with the principal events of the Orlando Innamorato and the JEneid. But part of these paintings (Mr. Panizzi tells us) were destroyed, and part removed from the castle to Modena " to save them from certain loss;" and he does not add whether the portrait was among the latter. From anecdotes, however, and from the poet's writings, we gather the nature of the man ; and this appears to have been very amiable. There is an aristocratic tone in his poem, when speaking of the sort of people of whom the mass of soldiers is wont to consist ; and Foscolo says, that the Count of Scandiano writes like a feudal lord. But common soldiers are not apt to be the elite of mankind ; neither do we know with how good-natured a smile the mention of them may have been accompanied. Peo- ple often give a tone to what they read, more belonging to their own minds than the author's. All the accounts left us of Boiar- do, hostile as well as friendly, prove him to have been an indul- gent and popular man. According to one, he was fond of making personal inquiries among its inhabitants into the history of his na- tive place ; and he requited them so generously for their infor- mation, that it was customary with them to say, when they wished good fortune to one another, " Heaven send Boiardo to your house !" There is said to have been a tradition at Scandiano, that having tried in vain one day, as he was riding out, to dis- 240 BOIARDO. cover a name for one of his heroes, expressive of his lofty char- acter, and the word Rodamonle coming into his head, he galloped back with a pleasant ostentation to his castle, crying it out aloud, and ordering the bells of the place to be rung in its honour ; to the astonishment of the good people, who took " Rodamonte" for some newly-discovered saint. His friend Paganelli of Modena, who wrote a Latin poem on the Empire of Cupid, extolled the Governor of Reggio for ranking among the deity's most generous vassals, one who, in spite of his office of magistrate, looked with an indulgent eye on errors to which himself was liable, and who was accustomed to prefer the study of love-verses to that of the law. The learned lawyer, his countryman Panciroli, probably in resentment, as Panizzi says, of this preference, accused him of an excess of benignity, and of being fitter for writing poems than punishing ill deeds ; and in truth, as the same critic observes, " he must have been considered crazy by the whole tribe of law- yers of that age," if it be true that he anticipated the opinion of Beccaria, in thinking that no crime ought to be punished with death. The great work of this interesting and accomplished person, the Orlando Innamorato, is an epic romance, founded on the love of the great Paladin for the peerless beauty Angelica, whose name has enamoured the ears of posterity. The poem introduces us to the pleasantest paths in that track of reading in which Milton has told us that his " young feet delighted to wander." Nor did he forsake it in his age. " Such forces met not, nor so wide a camp, When Agrican with all his northern powers Besieged Albracca, as romances tell, The city of Gallaphrone, from whence to win The fairest of her sex, Angelica." Paradise Regained. The Orlando Innamorato may be divided into three principal portions : the search for Angelica by Orlando and her other lovers ; the siege of her father's city Albracca by the Tartars ; and that of Paris and Charlemagne by the Moors. These, how- ever, are all more or less intermingled, and with the greatest art ; and there are numerous episodes of a like intertexture. The fairies and fairy-gardens of British romance, and the fabu- lous glories of the house of Este, now proclaimed for the first HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 241 time, were added by the author to the enchantments of Pulci, to- gether with a pervading elegance ; and had the poem been com- pleted, we were to have heard again of the traitor Gan of Ma- ganza, for the purpose of exalting the imaginary founder of that house, Ruggero. This resuscitation of the Helen of antiquity, under a more sedu- cing form, was an invention of Boiardo's ; so was the subjection of Charles's hero Orlando to the passion of love ; so, besides the heroine and her name, was that of other interesting characters with beautiful names, which afterwards figured in Ariosto. This inventive faculty is indeed so conspicuous in every part of the work, on small *as well as great occasions, in fairy-adventures and those of flesh and blood, that although the author appears to have had both his loves and his fairies suggested to him by our romances of Arthur and the Round Table, it constitutes, next to the pervading elegance above mentioned, his chief claim to our admiration. Another of his merits is a certain tender gallantry, or rather an honest admixture of animal passion with spiritual, also the precursor of the like ingenuous emotions in Ariosto ; and he furthermore set his follower the example, not only of good breeding, but of a constant heroical cheerfulness, looking with faith on nature. Pulci has a constant cheerfulness, but not with SD much grace and dignity. Foscolo has remarked, that Boiar. do's characters even surpass those of Ariosto in truth and variety, and that his Angelica more engages our feelings ;* to which I will venture to add, that if his style is less strong and complete, it never gives us a sense of elaboration. I should take Boiardo to have been the healthier man, though of a less determined will than Ariosto, and perhaps, on the whole, less robust. You find in Bo- iardo almost all which Ariosto perfected, chivalry, battles, com- bats, loves and graces, passions, enchantments, classical and ro- mantic fable, eulogy, satire, mirth, pathos, philosophy. It is like the first sketch of a great picture, not the worse in some respects for being a sketch ; free and light, though not so grandly colour- ed. It is the morning before the sun is up, and when the dew is on the grass. Take the stories which are translated in the pres- * Article on the Narrative and Romantic Poems of the Italians, in the Quar- terly Renew, No. 62, p. 527. 242 BOIARDO. ent volume, and you might fancy them all written by Ariosto, with a difference ; the Death of Agrican perhaps with minuter touches of nature, but certainly not with greater simplicity and earnestness. In the Saracen Friends there is just Ariosto's bal- ance of passion and levity ; and in the story which I have enti- tled Seeing and Believing, his exhibition of triumphant cunning. During the lives of Pulci and Boiardo, the fierce passions and severe ethics of Dante had been gradually giving way to a gent- ler and laxer state of opinion before the progress of luxury ; and though Boiardo's enamoured Paladin retains a kind of virtue not common in any age to the heroes of warfare, the lord of Scan- diano, who appears to have recited his poem, sometimes to his vas- sals and sometimes to the ducal circle at court, intimates a smi- ling suspicion that such a virtue would be considered a little rude and obsolete by his hearers. Pulci's wandering gallant, Uliviero, who in Dante's time would have been a scandalous profligate, had become the prototype of the court-lover in Boiardo's. The poet, however, in his most favourite characters, retained and rec- ommended a truer sentiment, as in the instance of the loves of Brandimart and Fiordelisa ; and there is a graceful cheerfulness in some of his least sentimental ones, which redeems them from grossness. I know not a more charming fancy in the whole lov- ing circle of fairy-land, than the female's shaking her long tress- es round Mandricardo, in order to furnish him with a mantle, when he issues out of the enchanted fountain.* * "E' suoi capelli a sfe sciolse di testa, Che n' avea molti la dama gioconda; Ed, abbracciato il cavalier con festa, Tutto il coperse de la treccia bionda : Cosi, nascosi entrambi di tal vesta, Uscir' di quella fonte e la bell' onda." Her locks she loosened from her lovely head, For many and long had that same lady fair ; And clasping him in mirth as round they spread, Covered the knight with the sweet shaken hair : And so, thus both together garmented. They issued from the fount to the fresh air. Readers of the Faerie Qiteene will here see where Spenser has been, among his other visits to the Bowers of Bliss. HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. 243 But Boiardo's poem was unfinished : there are many prosaical passages in it, many lame and harsh lines, incorrect and even ungrammatical expressions, trivial images, and, above all, many Lombard provincialisms, which are not in their nature of a " sig- nificant or graceful" sort,* and which shocked the fastidious Flor- entines, the arbiters of Italian taste. It was" to avoid these in his own poetry, that Boiardo's countryman Ariosto carefully studied the Tuscan dialect, if not visited Florence itself ; and the conse- quence yvas, that his greater genius so obscured the popularity of his predecessor, that a remarkable process, unique in the history of letters, appears to have been thought necessary to restore its perusal. The facetious Berni, a Tuscan wit full of genius, without omitting any particulars of consequence, or adding a single story except of himself, re-cast the whole poem of Boiardo, altering the diction of almost every stanza, and supplying introductions to the cantos after the manner of Ariosto ; and the Florentine idiom and unfail- ing spirit of this re-fashioner's verse (though, what is very curi- ous, not till after a long chance of its being overlooked itself, and a posthumous editorship which has left doubts on the authority of the text) gradually effaced almost the very mention of the man's name who had supplied him with the whole staple commodity of his book, with all the heart of its interest, and with far the great- er part of the actual words. The first edition of Berni was pro- hibited in consequence of its containing a severe attack on the clergy ; but even the prohibition did not help to make it popular. The reader may imagine a similar occurrence in England, by supposing that Dryden had re-written the whole of Chaucer, and that his reconstruction had in the course of time as much surpass- ed the original in popularity, as his version of the Flower and the Leaf did, up to the beginning of the present century. I do not mean to compare Chaucer with Boiardo, or Dryden with Berni. Fine poet as I think Boiardo, I hold Chaucer to be a far finer ; and spirited, and in some respects admirable, as are Dryden's versions of Chaucer, they do not equal that of Boiardo by the Tuscan. Dryden did not apprehend the sentiment of Chaucer in any such degree as Berni did that of his original. * Foscolo, vt sup. p. 528. 244 BOIARDO. Indeed, Mr. Panizzi himself, to whom the world is indebted both for the only good edition of Boiardo and for the knowledge of the most curious facts respecting Berni's rifacimento, declares himself unable to pronounce which of the two poems is the better one, the original Boiardo, or the re-modelled. It would therefore not very well become a foreigner to give a verdict, even if he were able ; and I confess, after no little consideration (and apart, of course, from questions of dialect, which I cannot pretend to look into), I feel myself almost entirely at a loss to conjecture on which side the superiority lies, except in point of invention and a certain early simplicity. The advantage in those two respects unques- tionably belongs to Boiardo ; and a great one it is, and may not unreasonably be* supposed to settle the rest of the question in his favour ; and yet Berni's fancy, during a more sophisticate period of Italian manners, exhibited itself so abundantly in his own witty poems, his pen at all times has such a charming facility, and he proved himself, in his version of Boiardo, to have so strong a sym- pathy with the earnestness and sentiment of his original in his gravest moments, that I cannot help thinking the two men would have been each what the other was in their respective times ; the Lombard the comparative idler, given more to witty than se- rious invention, under a corrupt Roman court ; and the Tuscan the originator of romantic fictions, in a court more suited to him than the one he avowedly despised. I look upon them as two men singularly well matched. The nature of the present work does not require, and the limits to which it is confined do not per- mit, me to indulge myself in a comparison between them corrob- orated by proofs ; but it is impossible not to notice the connexion : and therefore, begging the reader's pardon for the sorry substitute of affirmative for demonstrative criticism, I may be allowed to say, that if Boiardo has the praise of invention to himself, Berni thoroughly appreciated and even enriched it ; that if Boiardo has sometimes a more thoroughly charming simplicity, Berni still ap- preciates it so well, that the difference of their times is sufficient to restore the claim of equality of feeling ; and finally, that if Berni strengthens and adorns the interest of the composition with more felicitous expressions, and with a variety of lively and beau- tiful trains of thought, you feel that Boiardo was quite capable HIS LIFE AND GENIUS. of them all, and might have done precisely the same had he lived in Berni's age. In the greater part of the poem the original is altered in nothing except diction, and often (so at least it seems to me) for no other reason than the requirements of the Tuscan man- ner. And this is the case with most of the noblest, and even the liveliest passages. My first acquaintance, for example, with the Orlando Innamorato was through the medium of Berni ; and on turning to those stories in his version, which I have translated from his original for the present volume, I found. that every pas- sage but one, to which I had given a mark of admiration, was the property of the old poet. That single one, however, was in the exquisitest taste, full of as deep a feeling as any thing in its com- pany (I have noticed it in the translated passage). And then, in the celebrated introductions to his cantos, and the additions to Bo- iardo's passages of description and character (those about Roda- monte, for example, so admired by Foscolo), if Berni occasionally shews a comparative want of faith which you regret, he does it with a regret on his own part, visible through all his jesting. Lastly, the singular and indignant strength of his execution often makes up for the trustingness that he was sorry to miss. If I were asked, in short, which of the two poems I should prefer keeping, were I compelled to choose, I should first complain of being forced upon so hard an alternative, and then, with many a look after Berni, retain Boiardo. The invention is his ; the first earnest impulse ; the unmisgiving joy ; the primitive morning breath, when the town-smoke has not polluted the fields, and the birds are singing their " wood-notes wild." Besides, after all, one cannot be sure that Berni could have invented as Boiardo did. If he could, he would probably have written some fine serious poem of his own. And Panizzi has observed, with striking and conclusive truth, that " without Berni the Orlando Innamorato will be read and enjoyed ; without Boiardo not even the name of the poem remains." Nevertheless this conclusion need not deprive us of either work. Berni raised a fine polished edifice, copied and enlarged after that of Boiardo ; on the other hand, the old house, thank Heaven, re- mains ; and our best way of settling the question between the two is, to be glad that we have got both. Let the reader who is rich 246 BOIARDO. in such possessions look upon Berni's as one of his town mansions, erected in the park-like neighbourhood of some metropolis ; and Boiardo's as the ancient country original of it, embosomed in the woods afar off, and beautiful as the Enchanted Castle of Claude " Lone sitting by the shores of old romance." A late amiable man of wit, Mr. Stewart Rose, has given a prose abstract of Berni's Orlando Innamorato, with occasional versification ; but it is hardly more than a dry outline, and was, indeed, intended only as an introduction to his version of the Furioso. A good idea, however, of one of the phases of Berni's humour may be obtained from the same gentleman's abridgment of the AnimaU Parlanti of Casti, in which he has introduced a translation of the Tuscan's description of himself and of his way of life, out of his additions to Boiardo's poem. The verses in the prohibited edition of Berni's Orlando, in which he denounced the corruptions of the clergy, have been published, for the first time in this country, in the notes to the twentieth canto of Mr. Panizzi's Boiardo. They have all his peculiar wit, together with a Lutheran earnestness ; and shew him, as that critic observes, to have been " Protestant at his heart." Since writing this note I have called to mind that a translation of Berni's account of himself is to be found in Mr. Rose's prose abstract of the Innamo- rato. THE ADVENTURES OF ANGELICA, Angelica, daughter of Galafron, king of Cathay, the most beautiful of woman- kind, and a possessor of the art of magic, comes, with her brother Argalia, to the court of Charlemagne under false pretences, in order to carry away his knights to the country of her father. Her immediate purpose is defeated, and her brother slain ; but all the knights, Orlando in particular, fall in love with her ; and she herself, in consequence of drinking at an enchanted fountain, becomes in love with Rinaldo. On the other hand, Rinaldo, from drinking a neighbour- ing fountain of a reverse quality, finds his own love converted to loathing. Various adventures arise out of these circumstances ; and the fountains are again drunk, with a mutual reversal of their effects. THE ADVENTURES OF ANGELICA. IT was the month of May and the feast of Pentecost, and Char- lemagne had ordained a great jousting, which brought into Paris an infinite number of people, baptised and infidel ; for there was truce proclaimed, in order that every knight might come. There was King Grandonio from Spain, with his serpent's face ; and Ferragus, with his eyes like an eagle ; and Balugante, the em- peror's kinsman ; and Orlando, and Rinaldo, and Duke Namo ; and Astolfo of England, the handsomest of mankind ; and the en- chanter Malagigi ; and Isoliero and Salamone ; and the traitor Gan, with his scoundrel followers ; and, in short, the whole flow- er of the chivalry of the age, the greatest in the world. The ta- bles at which they feasted were on three sides of the hall, with the emperor's canopy midway at the top ; and at that first table sat crowned heads ; and down the table on the right sat dukes and marquises ; and down the table on the left, counts and cava- liers. But the Saracen nobles, after their doggish fashion, looked neither for chair nor bench, but preferred a carpet on the floor, which was accordingly spread for them in the midst. High sat Charlemagne at the head of his vassals and his Pala- dins, rejoicing in the thought of all the great men of which they consisted, and holding the infidels cheap as the sands which are scattered by the tempest. To each of his lords, as they drank, he sent round, by his pages, gifts of enamelled cups of exquisite workmanship ; and to every body some mark of his princely dis- tinction ; and so they were all sitting and hearing music, and feasting oft" dishes of gold, and talking of lovely things with low voices,* when suddenly there came into the hall four enormous * " Con parlar basso c bei ragionamenti." 250 THE ADVENTURES OF ANGELICA. giants, in the midst of whom was a lady, and behind the lady there followed a cavalier. She was a very lily of the field, and a rose of the garden, and a morning-star ; in short, so beautiful that the like had never been seen. There was Galerana in the hall ; there was Alda, the wife of Orlando ; and Clarice, and Armellina the kind-hearted, and abundance of other ladies, all beautiful till she made her appearance ; but after that they seem- ed nothing. Every Christian knight turned his face that way ; and not a Pagan remained on the floor, but arose and got as near to her as he could ; while she, with a cheerful sweetness, and a smile fit to enamour a heart of stone, began speaking the following words : " High-minded lord, the renown of your worthiness, and the valour of these your knights, which echoes from sea to sea, en- courages me to hope, that two pilgrims who have come from the ends of the world to behold you, will not have encountered their fatigue in vain. And to the end that I may not hold your atten- tion too long with speaking, let me briefly say, that this knight here, Uberto of the Lion, a prince renowned also for his achieve- ments, has been wrongfully driven from out his dominions ; and that I, who was driven out with him, am his sister, whose name is Angelica. Fame has told us of the jousting this day appoint- ed, and of the noble press of knights here assembled, and how your generous natures care not to win prizes of gold or jewels, or gifts of cities, but only a wreath of roses ; and so the prince my brother has come to prove his own valour, and to say, that if any or all of your guests, whether baptised or infidel, choose to meet him in the joust, he will encounter them one by one, in the green meadow without the walls, near the place called the Horse- block of Merlin, by the Fountain of the Pine. And his condi- tions are these, that no knight who chances to be thrown shall have license to renew the combat in any way whatsoever, but remain a submissive prisoner in his hands ; he, on the other hand, if himself be thrown, agreeing to take his departure out of the country with his giants, and to leave his sister, for prize, in the hands of the conqueror." Kneeling at the close of these words, the lady awaited the an- swer of Charlemagne, and every body gazed on her with aston- THE ADVENTURES OF ANGELICA. 251 ishment. Orlando especially, more than all the rest, felt irre- sistibly drawn towards her, so that his heart trembled, and he changed countenance. But he felt ashamed at the same time ; and casting his eyes down, he said to himself, " Ah, mad and un- worthy Orlando ! whither is thy soul being hurried ? I am drawn, and cannot say nay to what draws me. I reckoned the whole world as nothing, and now I am conquered by a girl. I cannot get her sweet look out of my heart. My soul seems to die within me, at the thought of being without her. It is love that has seized me, and I feel that nothing will set me free ; not strength, nor courage, nor my own wisdom, nor that of any adviser. I see the better part, and cleave to the worse."* Thus secretly in his heart did the frank and noble Orlando la- ment over his new feelings ; and no wonder ; for every knight in the hall was enamoured of the beautiful stranger, not excepting even old white-headed Duke Namo. Charlemagne himself did not escape. All stood for awhile in silence, lost in the delight of looking at her. The fiery youth Ferragus was the first to exhibit symp- toms in his countenance of uncontrollable passion. He refrained * Video mdiora, proboque, fyc. Writers were now beginning to pride them- selves on their classical reading. The present occasion, it must be owned, was a very good one for introducing the passage from Horace. The previous words have an affecting ingenuousness ; and, indeed, the whole stanza is beautiful : " lo non mi posso dal cor dipartire La dolce vista del viso sereno, Perch' io mi sento senza lei morire, E '1 spirto a poco a poco venir meno. Or non mi vale forza, ne 1' ardire Contra d' amor, che m' ha gia posto il freno ; Ne mi giova saper, ne altrui consiglio : II meglio veggio, ed al pcggior m' appiglio." Alas ! I cannot, though I shut mine eyes, Lose the sweet look of that delightful face ; The very soul within me droops and dies, To think that I may fail to gain her grace. No strong limbs now, no valour, will suffice To burst the spell that roots me to the place: No, nor reflection, nor advice, nor force ; I see the better part, and clasp the worse. 252 THE ADVENTURES OF ANGELICA. with difficulty from going up to the giants, and tearing her out of their keeping. Rinaldo also turned as red as fire ; while his cousin Malagigi the enchanter, who had discovered that the stranger was not speaking truth, muttered softly, as he looked at her, " Exquisite false creature ! I will play thee such a trick for this, as will leave thee no cause to boast of thy visit." Charlemagne, to detain her as long as possible before him, made a speech in answer, in which he talked and looked, and looked and talked, till there seemed no end of it. At length, however, the challenge was accepted in all its forms ; and the lady quitted the hall with her brother and the giants. She had not yet passed the gates, when Malagigi the enchanter consulted his books ; and that no means might be wanting to complete the counteraction of what he suspected, he summoned to his aid three spirits out of the lower regions. But how serious his look turned, how his very soul within him was shaken, when he discovered that the most dreadful disasters hung over Charles and his court, and that the sister of the pretended Uberto was daughter of King Galafron of Cathay, a beauty accomplished in every species of enchantment, and sent there by her father on purpose to betray them all ! Her brother's name was not Uberto, but Argalia. Galafron had given him a horse swifter than the wind, an enchanted sword, a golden lance, also enchanted, which overthrew all whom it touched,* and a ring of a virtue so extra- ordinary, that if put into the mouth, it rendered the person in- visible, and if worn on the finger, nullified every enchantment. But beyond even all this, he gave him his sister for a companion ; rightly judging, that every body that saw her would fall into the proposal of the joust ; and trusting that, at the close of it, she would bring him the whole court of France into Cathay, prison- ers in her hands. * AoyupEajj Xdy-^aiffi fia^av, xal jrai/ra ir l oarij