UC-NRLF ^B lfl3 113 o '^»''vSS f^^M ss^ , ^ ^^*^ ^ *^^^w***aI* l\ -illlA^*'*!^ ff'^s^'^^y*^ |§K^ a- ^>3 r illy-^^^^^^^^ ^^ .t-e A O F CATALOGUE AN EXHIBITION OF ANGLING BOOK PLATES HELD BY the|grolier club OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK JUNE 6 TO SEFTEM.BER 7 I918 OVTH- A CATALOGUE OF AN EXHIBITION OF ANGLING BOOK PLATES HELD BY THE GROLIER CLUB OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK JUNE 6 TO SEPTEMBER 7 I918 1/ <' n. SCHOOL Copyright, 1918, by The DeVinne Press • • • • I • • • • », • ••••• • • • FOREWORD FOR the purposes of this collection, book plates showing any of the following attributes have been gathered together : Primarily, plates showing an angling scene, such as an angler or fisherman engaged in his sport. Secondly, any of the various articles used in the sport of angling or fishing: a fishing rod, a fish pole, rod case, gaff hook, landing net, creel, reel, line, leaders, box for leaders, float, hooks, spoon and double and triple, bait, bait box or can, artificial flies on gut or on eyed hooks, fly book, eyed fly box, and various receptacles for "liquid bait," from the homely "little brown jug" to the aristocratic silver flask ; salmon, eel and fish spears, nets, seines, lobster pots, eel pots, and various basketwork fish-traps. Thirdly, copies of "The Compleat Angler," first or other editions, copies of other well-known angling and fishing books, portraits of Walton, quotations from him and other angling writers, angling mottoes. Fourthly, plates showing the so-called sporting fish,— salmon, tarpon, tuna, trout, grayling, etc.; plates showing coarse fish caught with rod and line or hand line, such as cod, eels, flounders, perch, pickerel, pike, etc. m Ml02'150 FOREWORD Book plates exist showing one or more of all the above-mentioned objects. Some owners have been so egotistical as to have their own portraits, en- graved by celebrated artists and engravers, upon their book plates. In some cases, and most success- fully, the aid of the camera has been evoked, and there are many plates with charming scenes of woodland wilds and tumbling brooks, which show the owner of the plate variously engaged in casting, striking, playing, or landing his fish, and others which represent him peacefully sitting or reclining under the shade of a friendly tree, sometimes intent upon his book, at others asleep, in both cases the world and fish forgot. Many of these more modern plates made for the de- votees of the gentle "Iz. Wa.*' show delightfully en- graved views of their favorite fishing places; these generally have in addition trophies of rod and reel, creel, landing net or gaff hooks to emphasize the owner's preference for the gentle sport. Many plates exhibit their owner's preference for one particular fish. Thus we find plates with trout, tarpon and tuna, others with pike, perch, etc., and several with mixed lots of fish. In several plates are shown a copy of "The Compleat Angler." Some- times the owner, proud of his possession, exhibits other volumes of even greater rarity than the "First Walton." One angler exhibits his preference for fly-fishing, another boldly stands with the tell-tale little box of worms hanging to his creel strap. IV FOREWORD Book plates of this description have been done by all the most celebrated book-plate designers and en- gravers. Bewick did a number of angling book plates, and his charming woodcuts have been adapted by later engravers, many times without due credit. "Canting or allusive (punning) arms are coats-of- arms whose figures allude to the names, professions, etc., of the bearers; as three trout for Troutbeck, salmon for Salmon, pike for Pyke, tunny for Tonna, sturgeon for Sturgeon, etc. "Such arms have been ignorantly described by some writers as of an inferior order, whereas there can scarcely be a greater proof of their antiquity and highly honorable character." A few of these punning, or canting arms, or armes parlantes, as they are variously called, are to be found among this collection of angling plates. Enough has been said to show what an attractive branch is open to collectors who specialize in certain kinds of book plates. D. B. F. On Aac 26, \9X8, as tbc last pages of tbfs volume were goina to press, Daniel Sutler f caving, of Viewport, 1Rbo^e f slan&, died 0u^^enl^. One of tbe earliest mem* bers and most generous benefactors of Ube (3rolier Club, ttr. jfearina's last da^s were occupied in editing tbis catalogue of bis collection of angling book plates, to tbe malting of wbicb be bad devoted man^ is^arsof bapp^ labor. EXPLANATORY NOTE In this catalogue the following uses have been adopted : Entries are arranged alphabetically under the surnames of the owners, but appear in the form found upon the book plates, together with "ex libris," or other designation of ownership. The word "signed" refers to the signature of the artist, and, unless otherwise qualified, to a printed signature. Brackets are used to signify the insertion of names or letters not appearing in printed signatures. Unless described as "signed," it will be understood that, al- though the name of the artist may be stated, it is not printed upon the plate. The word "autographed" refers to the signature of the owner of the plate. The "handing" is described heral- dically (book plates having been primarily heraldic), the word "dexter" referring to the side of the print nearest to the left hand of the spectator, etc. Measurements are given in inches, with the height placed first, and refer to the printed portion of the plate, regardless of plate marks, and not including remarques. "Trial proof" means an impression pulled to show the progress of the work upon the plate. "Proof" means an impression printed with more than usual care, or upon paper differing in some respect (other than color) from that of the ordinary edition. Unless otherwise stated, it will be understood that proofs are on Japan vellum paper. Entries not qualified as proofs or trial proofs refer to ordinary impressions. Entries consisting of letters only (b, c, etc.) refer to ordinary impressions. VII NOTE Abbreviations refer to the following works : A=[ANDREINI, J. M.] J. Winfred Spenceley. 1910. B = [BRAINERD, I. H.] Edwin Davis French. 1908. Ba = LV Book Plates . . . from Designs by W. P. Barrett. 1910. H = HUGO, Thomas. The Bewick Collector. 1866. M = MOULE, Thomas. Heraldry of Fish. 1842. S = SHERBORN, C. D. A Sketch of . . . Charles William Sherborn. 1912. Sm == A List of Book-plates etched or engraved by Sidney L. Smith. 1912. V = VINER, G, H. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Bookplates designed and etched by George W. Eve, R. E. 1916. VIII CATALOGUE 1. Ex Libris I Gordon Abbott. Engraving, signed and dated: J. W. Spenceley. Boston. 1905. 3% X 2%. A : 165. U. S. Pictorial. View on North Shore, West Manchester, Mass. Rod-case, rod, reel and creel. a Autographed proof. b Autographed. 2. Ex Libris | Gordon Abbott. Engraving, signed and dated: [Frederick] Spenceley 1910. 3-!^><2^- Facsimile of No. i, made by Frederick Spence- ley after the death of his brother, the original plate having been lost. It was afterwards found, and this plate was discontinued. a Proof, signed in pencil. b Autographed. 3. Arthur M Aiken | Ex Libris Process, signed: W. M. H[ardy]. 3%6Xl%- U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A trout leaping out of the water; a rod, reel and creel. Signed in ink. 4. Ex Libris | James Heugh | Aitken | A. D. 1892 Engraving, signed: Alice Gair del. C. W. Sher- born Sc. 4%6 x 3%. S : [143] P. 63. AN EXHIBITION OF ^,ng^iish! Pictorial, ichthyic. Two grotesque fish, • eOurvter placed i:> upper sinister corner, from , wibose mouths run lines forming the borders ;: Gf:the pbtt. t^. Printed on thin papei . Designed for use in the owner's sporting books. 5. Ex Libris | James Heugh | Aitken | A. D. 1892 Small reproduction of No. 4. i^^e x i%- a Blue, on thick paper. S : p. 63. h Brown, on thick paper, c Carmine, on thick paper. d Pink, on thin paper. This is found, also, printed in black, on thin paper. 6. Ex Libris | Hartley | Anderson Process, designed by owner, 3%X2^, U. S. Pictorial, portrait, water-craft. Owner in canoe, paddle in hands; background, a seine; at bottom of plate a fly rod, with reel, the line of which makes an inside border for the plate; in upper sinister corner, a vignette of a small pond in Maine, Unique trial proof, autographed. After this proof had been pulled, the plate was acci- dentally knocked into an acid bath and de- stroyed, 7. Jn*> Anderson Jun*". Wood, by Thomas Bewick. 2%6X3%- H : 1942. English. Pictorial. A wooded dell, a man fish- ing with a long pole in deep pool under a huge ANGLING BOOK PLATES rock, on which he stands half hidden in a thick covert at the foot of an old tree. On white paper. It is found, also, printed on yellow China paper. It is said to have been Bewick's custom to send out his book-plates in small packets printed on papers of different colors. 8. William | Shankland | Andrews [Justice of the Supreme Court of New York, 1900- 1908]. Process, signed: M F. 4X3i46- U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A man fishing from a punt; a landing net. 9. Ex Libris | James H. Annandale Process, signed and dated: R. Hope. 1896. 5^x3^6. English. Armorial, pictorial. A rod, reel, line, creel and flask in a trophy of sporting imple- ments at foot of plate. There is a small reproduction of this plate. 10. Buddie Atkinson Engraving, by B. F. Robinson. 2%X2%. English. Armorial, pictorial. An angler with an extremely long rod walking along the banks of a wooded stream. a Early impression, from old plate. b Proof, on cream-colored paper, from re- touched plate, c On white paper, from retouched plate. This is found, also, printed on yellow China paper. AN EXHIBITION OF 11. Ex-Libris | William C. Atwater. | 1904. Engraving, by W. F. Hopson. 3^x2%. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. Vignette in upper dexter corner shows a man in a boat rowed by another man, on a small lake, fast to a fish. At bottom of plate, a rod, reel, line, creel and landing net. a Trial proof, on thick paper, initialed in pencil by artist. b 12. Ex-Libris | Nathan Chase Ayer | 1911 Etching, signed: W. F. Hopson. 3X2%. U. S. Pictorial. A camp fire with kettle ; near-by a rod with reel and line leans against the trunk of a giant tree in whose shade sits a man with pipe and book. a Proof, signed in pencil. b 13. Ex Libris | Ballynahinch. Engraving, signed: P C B[aker]. Del & Sc. 3%X35/i6. Irish. Pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, reel and gaff- hook; a landing-net with four fish in it. a Proof, on plate paper. b 14. Ex-Libris | Lucius Barnes Barbour | 191 1 Engraving, signed : W. F. Hopson. 3%6 x 2%6. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. A pound net; a seine with five fish lying in it; a fish swimming and two fish casks. a Trial proof, signed in pencil, b Autographed. ANGLING BOOK PLATES 15. Harvard College Library. | Collection of Books on Angling, Etc. | Given by | John Bartlett, | (A. M. 1871) | Nov. 17, 1892. Printed label. 3%6X2^. U. S. Armorial. The Harvard seal, with letter- press, as above. Included here as representing a collection of books on angling, etc. John Bartlett was also the compiler of "Familiar Quotations." 16. Thomas Alcock Beck Engraving, signed: [Mark] Lambert. 2?i6X3%6. English. Armorial, pictorial, punning. An angler, rod in hand, fish bag on back, standing beside a rocky "beck" or brook, 17. Ex Libris Francisci E. Beddard. A. M. Oxon. [Author and naturalist, b. 1858.] Process, signed: G. R. H[alkett]. 3x2%. English. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. A monk fishing with a hand line from a medi- aeval boat; a skatefish, starfish, hermit crab, horsefoot-crab and shells. 18. Ex Libris | Mary. Duchess of Bedford Engraving, signed and dated: Inv. W. P. B[ar- rett]. 1899. 3%oX3. Ba:4. English. Pictorial. A disjointed rod, reel, and creel. a Original sketch for the plate, without the cat. h AN EXHIBITION OF 19. Agnes C. Bickerton | Ex Libris Etching, signed and dated: H N Poole 1917. 3% X 2l%6. U. S. (Hawaiian Islands). Pictorial, water-craft. An outrigger canoe on the beach at Waikiki. The Sandwich Islanders use these canoes for fishing only. Remarque proof, printed in brown (No. 7 of 25 copies), signed in pencil. 20. Ex Libris | Henry Blackwell Engraving, designed by Townend (sic) Glover and engraved by Hagopian Eng. Co., 1894. 11^6X2^6. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, reel, line, creel and landing-net; flying fish, trout and other fish. a Autographed proof, b Autographed. This plate is taken from an original pen-and-ink sketched plate of Townend Glover (see No. 105). 21. Mary E. Blair. Engraving, signed and dated: Inv W. P. B[ar- rett]. 1907. 3^X2%. English. Pictorial. A reel, a disjointed rod. 22. Enos S. Booth | Ex Libris. Process. 2% x 1%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. A rod, reel, and line with a fish fast at end; a duck- ing-punt. 23. Ex Libris | Christian B | and | Lou C Bors Process, signed: W. M. H[ardy]. 4X2%6. 6 ANGLING BOOK PLATES U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. Two men in a birch bark canoe, one fast to a trout, which leaps out of the water. Signed in ink, and autographed. 24. Lady Boston. Engraving. 2% x 2I4. M : p. 158. English. Armorial. An heraldic net in arms. This plate is included to show one of the heral- dic ways of illustrating a seine or net. 25. Ex I Libris | J°hn C Br^atch Process, signed : M. B. D. 3% x 21^6- U. S. Pictorial. A creel. 26. Ex Libris | Henry Brooke Process, signed: L. L. B(rooke). 3%X2M. English. Pictorial, portrait (?), ichthyic. A rod, reel and line; a shoal of small fish, and five larger ones. 27. Ex Libris | Alfred Jerome Brown Engraving, signed and dated: A [If red] J[er- ome] B[rown] 1906. 3^^2%6. U. S. Pictorial. A rod and reel. a On cream-colored paper. First state, with short rod and rifle barrel. h Second state, with rod and rifle barrel length- ened to reach vignette. Signed in ink. 28. Ex Libris | Waldo C Bryant Engraving, signed and dated: A. N. Macdonald Fecit 1912. 3^X2^. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A rod, reel, creel and landing net; a canoe. A scene on Lac AN EXHIBITION OF Roche-Fondu, Metabetchouan Fish and Game Club, Kiskisink, Canada. a Proof, signed in pencil. b Autographed. 29. John H. Buck. Engraving, signed and dated: M B[uck] del. — 1900 — E D F[rench] sc. 3X2H6. B:i66. U. S. Pictorial. Through an open window, a man is seen seated under a tree on the banks of a stream, fishing. Second state, with hawk in sky. In the first state the plate is not signed. 30. Library of | Frank Merton | Buckland Process, by the Eclipse Electrotype and En- graving Company, Cleveland. 3 x i^^e- U. S. Armorial, pictorial. An angler wading and fishing a rapid stream ; two rods, reels, lines and leaders, four artificial flies. Printed in brown, autographed. 31. Ex I Libris | William Allen Butler. Engraving, signed and dated: Jean Arnot Reid, del. [Frederick] Spenceley, Sc. *i6. 3^X2%6. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. A rod, reel, line and creel; two trout; a sloop yacht. Autographed. 32. Eben | Mac Bumey | Byers Engraving, signed and dated: J W S[penceley]. 1905. 2^6X215^6. A:i5S- U. S. Pictorial. A fishing line [ ?] a Proof, signed in pencil. b 8 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 33. Ex I Libris | Andrew Carnegie, 2»*» | Cum- berland Island, Ga. Engraving, signed and dated : Jean Arnot Reid, del. [Frederick] Spenceley, Sc. 1914. 3K6X2%6. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, reel, line and creel; two trout [?] 34. H. Cave Engraving. 1% x 3. English. Pictorial, water-craft. A man on bridge in background with rod on shoulder; two sail boats in distance. 35. S^ Tho». Cave Bar*, of Stanford | Hall in the County of Leicester Engraving. 3% x 2%. M : p. 157. English. Armorial, punning. Arms: Az., fretty arg., on a canton arg., the red hand of Ulster. Fretty Arg., = Heraldic net. Motto : Gardes. = Cave (beware the net). Like No. 24, this is included as an example of an heraldic seine or net. 36. Ex I Libris | Waldo K. Chase Process, signed: A [my] M. S [acker]. 3%X2%6. U. S. Pictorial. A creeL Signed in ink. 37. Ex Libris | Royden W. Cheney Process, signed: D[ana] W. S[tockbridge]. 2^%6X2%6. U. S. Pictorial. A rod, reel and line. a Signed in pencil. b Autographed. 9 AN EXHIBITION OF 38. W. H. Clagett | One of His Books Process, signed: C. V[alentine] K[irby]. 3% X 2. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. An oval picture of a running brook; border of water, in which swim many lusty trout. 39. Herbert and Marie Clapp Process. 3^ x 2. U. S. Pictorial, portrait, A very small boy fish- ing from a roughly made landing stage. (From a photograph.) Autographed by Mrs. Clapp. 40. Ex I Libris | George Oliver Clark Process, designed by owner; dated: 1906. aVs X 3^2. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, reel and line with dangling fish on hook. 41. R. Glynn Clobery | M D [1719-1800] Engraving. 3%6 x s^M-C- See M : p. 130. English. Armorial. Three salmon spears. A description of the learned, kindly, eccentric owner and his book-plates may be found in the "Ex Libris Journal," Vol. II, pp. 8, 9. 42. Louisa Lucy Clowes Engraving, signed and dated: C. W. S[herborn] R E 1902. 3^ X 2^i S : [350] p. 87. English. Armorial, pictorial. "A fly fisherman at work in Dovedale." Proof, on plate paper. 10 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 43. The Club of Odd Volumes | 56 Mount Vernon Street, Boston Pictorial admission card to an Exhibition of Angling Book-Plates, etc., from the collection of Daniel B. Fearing, March, 1917. Printed at The Merrymount Press. 44. Ex Libris | Alexander Cochrane Engraving, designed by Henry A. Ward. U. S. Pictorial. Two rods, reels, and a creel. a First state, with portrait of Scott in book. Autographed. b Second state, without portrait. Autographed. 45. Ex Libris | Geoffrey Russell Rees Colman. Engraving, signed: F. G. H[ouse]. sVs^^Ys. English. Armorial, pictorial, water-craft. A vig- nette of a wading angler, fishing a stream, and fast in a fish; a jib and mainsail boat. Printed in brown. 46. Ralph I Lester | Colton Process, designed by owner. 2^x2. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. A lobster pot at bottom of sea; two lobsters, a codfish, and a weakfish examining it; a fishing schooner. Signed in ink. 47. His Book | Charles M. Cooke III Etching, signed and dated: H N P[oole] [19] 16. 4y8X2%6. U. S. (Hawaiian Islands). Pictorial. A small barefoot lad, on bank of small stream; rough 11 AN EXHIBITION OF fish pole with line and float on his shoulder, tin can of bait in his hand. a Signed in pencil. b Autographed. 48. George Wingrove Cooke. | Middle Temple. Engraving, signed : Hans Busk, del*. 5 x 3%. English. Armorial, pictorial. A trophy of sporting implements, including four rods with lines, a creel, and a salmon spear. a Original unfinished sketch for the plate. b Completed sketch for the plate. c The sketches were found recently (1918) among the papers of Silvester, the engraver, who probably engraved the plate (see also Nos. 240, 274). 49. Theodore A. Cooke | Ex Libris Etching, by H. Nelson Poole. 3%X2%. U.S. (Hawaiian Islands). Pictorial, water-craft. A cook boy fishing with a hand line from stern of a flat bottomed dinghy; a three pole- acre masted schooner. a Signed in pencil. b Autographed. 50. Rev<». H. Cotes | Vicar | Bedlington. | 1802 Wood, signed in monogram: T[homas] B[ew- ick]. 2x3:^. H: 1989-90. English. Pictorial. "The parson fishing/' with another angler in an old mill pond. a Without Bewick's monogram. b Another state (rare) with the monogram, "T B," on the rock ; inlaid with the title-page of the book from which it was taken : "Traite de la Devotion. Par M. Jurieu. A La Haye, M.DC.XCVII." Autographed. 12 ANGLING BOOK PLATES Very few impressions exist. The owner edited the second volume of "British Birds," and the plate was cut by Bewick "in compliment to him." It was afterwards used, without the name, as a tail-piece to "British Birds." 51. Rev. H. S. Cotton. [At one time ordinary of Newgate, and a collector of angling books.] Engraving, signed: P. Audinet, Sculp. English. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic, punning. Arms (three cotton hanks) play on the name. Rod, line with fly hook, salmon spear, landing net, fish hamper; rake for bottom fishing; four coarse fish. a Proof, presentation copy from the son of the owner. b Autographed. D.r. Cotton's library was sold at Sotheby's on Dec. 20, 1838. It contained one of the three known copies of Samuel Gardiner's "Booke of Angling," which at the sale brought only £4:2:0. He thought it to be unique and so noted on the fly leaf of the book. This copy was in the Huth Library, recently dispersed, another is in the Bodleian, and a third is in the Fearing Collection now in the Harvard College Library. 52. One of the Books of | Henry Fisher Cox | 13 Albert Place | Kensington. Process, signed: L[eonard] L[eslie] B[rooke]. 3^6X2^6. English. Pictorial, punning. Picture plays on 13 AN EXHIBITION OF second name. A youth fishing, seated under a tree, book in hand, his fishing forgotten. a With address as described. b With address, "Hook Hill, Woking Surrey." 53. One of the Books of | Henry Fisher Cox | 13 Albert Place | Kensington. Etching, signed: L L B[rooke] S Hollyer A copy by Samuel Hollyer of No. 52a. Brown, signed in pencil by engraver. One of the Books of | Henry Fisher Cox | Hook Hill, Woking, Surrey, see No. 52b 54. Ex I Libris | Rensselaer W. Cox | Chicago Process, signed and dated: C. Rollinson, Fecit 1898. 3y8X2M. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, reel, line, fly hook on leader, flask and bunch of small fish. a Brown. First state, without artist's name or date. b Brown. Second state, with artist's name and date. Autographed. 55. [Cozon.] Engraving. 2%6 x 1%. French. Armorial. A salmon spear. 56. George W. Crile [M. D.] Process, designed by Amy Rowland. 3% x 2%. U. S. Pictorial. A stream winding through 14 ANGLING BOOK PLATES meadows, hills in the background; under a shady tree, a man seated, angling. a Signed in ink. b Autographed. 57. Robert | Hobart | Davis | His Book Process, signed: Franklin Booth. 3% ^2^2- U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. Two trout; the whirl of a risen trout. Dedication : To Robert Ho- bart Davis . . . Nineteen Hundred Seven from Franklin Booth. Autographed. 58. Ex Libris | Will J. Davis [ Willowdale | Crown Point, Indiana Process. 2^%6 x i%. U. S. Pictorial. A rod in rod-case. Printed in brown. 59. Ex Libris | Piscatoriis | Charles Stewart Davison Engraving, signed and dated: J. W. S [pence- ley]. 'o6 3x2^. A: 186. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. A salmon rod and gaflf, two salmon flies, a landing net; a salmon haurient (in arms) ; a mermaid. a Proof, signed in pencil. b 60. Ex Libris | Anson Macleod Day Engraving, signed and dated: A N Macdonald Sc. 1906. 3M X 25^6. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A rod, reel, line, creel and landing net; a ducking punt; a Mackinaw canoe, in remarque. Remarque proof, brown. 15 AN EXHIBITION OF 61. Ex Libris | David Sheldon Day Etching, designed by Katharine Merrill. 3%X3. U. S. Pictorial, ichthvic. A rod, reel and four fish. Proof, on plate paper, signed in pencil. 62. Ex Libris | James B. Dill | MDCCCCII. Engraving, signed and dated: E. D. F[rench]. S. H[ollyer]. 1902. 3%6X2M. 8:197. U. S. Pictorial, portrait. A man angling in a mountain stream. a Second state, with "Vol. No . . . Shelf No . . ." b Third state, with full face portrait engraved by J. A. J. Wilcox. Signed in pencil by Mr. Wilcox. The first state has not "Vol. No . . . Shelf No . . ." 63. Ex Libris | Eduard Dillman Process, signed: M V H 414X2%6- Austrian. Pictorial, portrait, water-craft. "Mr. Pickwick" fishing from a punt. Made for the owner's collection of Dickensiana. 64. Ex I Libris | Frank | Dunning Engraving, signed: Dempsey & Carroll, N. Y. 3l4X2%6. U. S. Pictorial. A man angling in mountain stream ; border with entwined line, mayflies and other trout food, and several fish. Autographed. 16 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 65. Ex Libris | Herbert | Edlmann Process, signed and dated: J. Williams '93 51^6X3. English. Pictorial, ichthyic. A river scene; a rod, line, hook and sinkers ; a creel with a fish in it. "His Line. His Hook. His Fish. His Book." 66. Robert Eeles Engraving, signed: Graham Johnston, Del. 3^^6X21/4. English. Armorial, ichthyic, punning. Arms play on the name. Arms : In chief a poppinjay sa., in base three eels naiant fesswise az. a Printed in black. b Printed in brown. 67. Whitman College Library . . . Eells North- west History Collection Lithograph. 4^2 x 2i%6. U. S. Armorial, ichthyic, punning. Arms play on the name. Arms : Three eels, naiant. Be- low : "The arms of Major Samuel Eells of Hingham, Mass. dated August i. 1705-" Printed in blue. 68. Albert Ellbogen's Book Process. 2i%6 x 2^. U. S. Pictorial. A young man seated under a tree fishing; near him, a tin bait can and an open book. 69. Ellis Engraving. 3%6 x 2%6- English. Armorial, ichthyic, punning. Arms 17 AN EXHIBITION OF play on the name. Arms: Arg., three eels naiant, fesswise sa. 70. Edward Augustus Ellsworth Process, signed and dated: A[da] W. E[lls- worth] '09. 3^2X2%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. Two rods, reels and lines ending in spoon hooks in the mouths of two nondescript fish; two bait frogs. a Signed in ink on back of plate. b Autographed. 71. Ex-Libris | John Franklin Enders Process. 21^2 X 2%6. U. S. Pictorial. A disjointed rod, reel, creel and landing net. 72. Ex I Libris | John Ostrom— Harriet Whitmore Enders Engraving, signed and dated: F. T. Gay. '98. 3l/2X2l%6. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. Three trout. a Printed in black. b Printed in mauve. 73. H. C. Eno. Etching, by owner, signed: H. C. Eno Ipse sculpsit. 2M.6 X 2%. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A man with fishing rod on shoulder, standing in front of light- house, on rocky shore; a yawl. 74. Daniel B. Fearing | Newport. R. I. Etching, signed and dated: S. L. S[mith]. Feb. 1899- 3y2 X 2y2. Sm : 25. 18 ANGLING BOOK PLATES U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A lusty trout rising to a fly in deep water. Above: "Wish us the Wind South." Below this, a number of floats. Dexter side: a disjointed rod, from which gut leaders and artificial flies twine over top and sinister side. Below : coils of leaders. a Proof, black, signed in pencil (not over lo copies pulled in 1899). b Very dark green (only a few copies pulled in 1899). c Light green (the regular green, as used at first; later the color became darker). d Proof, black, signed in pencil, initialed and dated by owner (No. i of 25 copies pulled in 1916). e Proof, brown, signed in pencil, initialed and dated by owner (No. i of 25 copies pulled in 1916). / Proof, green, signed in pencil, initialed and dated by owner (No. i of 25 copies pulled in 1916). g Black, initialed and dated by owner (only 25 copies pulled in 1916). h Brown, initialed and dated by owner (only 25 copies pulled in 1916). i Green (one of a number of copies pulled in 191 7 for use in the Fearing Collection in the Harvard College Library), y Green, on heavy paper (one of 200 copies pulled in 1918 for the owner's use). 75. Daniel B. Fearing | Newport. R. L A small reproduction of No. 74, made by Tif- fany & Co. in 1909. 2% X iy2. a Proof, green, signed in pencil. b Proof, green, on very heavy Japan vellum, initialed and dated by owner (not over 10 copies pulled in 1909). c Green, pulled in 1909, initialed and dated by 19 AN EXHIBITION OF d Proof, black, initialed and dated by owner (No. I of 25 copies pulled in 1916). e Proof, brown, initialed and dated by owner (No. I of 25 copies pulled in 1916). / Proof, green, initialed and dated by owner (No. I of 25 copies pulled in 1916). g Proof, green, initialed and dated by owner (No. I of 25 copies pulled from defaced plate in 1916). h Black, initialed and dated by owner (one of 25 copies pulled in 1916). i Brown, initialed and dated by owner (one of 25 copies pulled in 1916). j Green, initialed and dated by owner (one of 25 copies pulled in 1916). k Green, initialed and dated by owner (one of 25 copies pulled from the defaced plate in 1916). This plate was scored and destroyed in 1916. 76. Daniel B. Fearing | Newport. R. I. Etching, signed : Kirkpatrick '09. 2^ x i%6- U. S. Pictorial. Three trout flies (a coachman, a cowdung, and a grizzly king). a Original sketch for the plate. b Proof, signed in pencil (not over 10 copies pulled). c As used. d Proof, black, initialed and dated by owner (No. I of five copies pulled in 1916). e Black, initialed and dated by owner (No. i of five copies pulled in 1916). / Proof, green, initialed and dated by owner (No. I of five copies pulled from the defaced plate in 1916). g Green, initialed and dated by owner (No. i of five copies pulled from the defaced plate in 1916). This plate was scored and destroyed in 1916. 20 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 77. Dan'l B. Fearing. Etching, signed: A[rpad G.] G[erster]. 3 X 2yi6. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A black bass jumping at a fly. a Trial proof, on etching paper, black, initialed by artist and owner (No. i of two copies pulled in 1917). b Proof, black, initialed and dated by owner (No. I of six copies pulled in 1917). c Proof, brown, initialed and dated by owner (No. I of six copies pulled in 1917). d Proof, green, initialed and dated by owner (No. I of six copies pulled in 1917). e Black, initialed and dated by owner (No. i of 15 copies pulled in 1917). / Brown, initialed and dated by owner (No. i of 15 copies pulled in 1917). g Green, initialed and dated by owner (No. i of 15 copies pulled in 1917). Accompanied by an explanatory letter from Dr. Gerster, who drew and etched the plate as a gift to the owner in March, 1917. 78. Harvard College Library | Gift of | Daniel B. Fearing | Class of 1882- A. M. 1911 | . . . U. S. Printed label. i%X2y2. Made for use in the Fearing Collection of An- gling Books presented to Harvard in 1915. 79. J. Fenny Engraving by C. Naish, after Thomas Bewick, signed: C N. 2%6X3i^. English. Pictorial. A man angling. This plate is a copy of the Jno. Anderson Jr. plate by Thomas Bewick (see No, 7). 21 AN EXHIBITION OF Proof on thin paper, mounted, presentation copy, signed in pencil : C. Naish to C. W. Sherborn Esq. 80. Ex Libris | C. E. Ferry. Process. s^Me x 2%6. English. Pictorial, portrait, ichthyic, masonic. A disjointed rod, reel and creel; a perch. 81. Charles H. Ferry. Etching and aquatint, signed: W. F. Hopson. 3%6X2%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. An open creel with three trout; on it rest rod, reel and line; on table, a volume with "Walton" on front cover, and date 1905. The plate was made in 1901. 82. Ex Libris | Lila Vanderbilt Field. Etching, signed and dated: [C] Mielatz. '93. 3i%6X2i%6. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. Two large and lusty trout swim in upper sinister corner of the plate, denoting the owner's fondness for angling. a Remarque proof, signed in pencil. h 83. Marshall Field Jr. Process. 2% x 2%. U. S. Armorial, pictorial. A rod, reel, line and creel. 84. Georg Fischer | Wittlich. Process, signed: T. G. 3%X2%. German. Pictorial. A boy carrying over his shoulder a landing-net, in which is a large fish. 22 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 85. The Book of | Edward | Fisher Engraving, signed: LN.T. Co. 3^X2%. English. Pictorial, punning, ichthyic. Picture puns on the name and the kingfisher bird accentuates it. A man angling; a border of various kinds of swimming fishes. 86. Ex Libris | Grace Birch Fisher. Engraving, signed and dated: Fred Thompson, sc. 1916. 3%X2%6. U. S. Pictorial, punning, ichthyic. Picture plays on the name (an Indian fisher; birch trees; drawn on birch bark). An Indian kneeling at edge of a rocky shore fishing with a hand line ; beside him is a basket of small fish ; rod, reel, line, landing-net. a Trial proof, before letters. b Remarque proof, black, signed in pencil. c Remarque proof, brown, on French hand- made paper, signed in pencil. d It is a pity that this charming plate should be a fictitious one, made to delude collectors. As far as can be ascertained, there is no such person as Grace Birch Fisher. This plate and several others of the same fictitious character were made for the person who paid the artist, for purposes best known to himself. They were illustrated in The Book Plate Quarterly for December, 1917, and were the cause of much unfavorable comment. 87. Lizette Andrews Fisher | Owneth This Book Process, signed and dated: 1004 Bfertha] E. S[altmarsh]. 3%X2%6. U. S. Pictorial, punning, water-craft. Two men in a boat fishing; kingfisher in tree. "In the 23 AN EXHIBITION OF English arms of Fisher, the kingfisher is used to point the pun." Signed in ink. 88. Lizette Andrews Fisher | Owneth This Book Small reproduction of No. 87. 2% x 1%. Signed in ink. 89. Rowland Fisher Lithograph, signed : H. S[tacy] M[arks]. Photo- Litho. Whitman & Bass. 2%6 x i%6- English. Pictorial, punning, ichthyic, water- craft. Picture puns on the name. A Chinese lady with rod, line, baited hook, and sinker standing by a fountain filled with gold fish; in distance, a Chinese junk. 90. Fishwick. Engraving. 3 x ii'%6- See M : 131. English. Armorial. Crest: A salmon spear arg., over a salmon of the same. Arms: Az., a chevron arg,, between three salmon, haurient of the second, two, and one. 91. Percy Fitzgerald | M. A. F. S. A. | Of Fane Valley Co. South | Ashleigh Clapham . . . [Author, sculptor and angler, b. 1834]. Process, signed : [Robert] Seymour, Del. 4x2%. English. Pictorial, portrait, ichthyic, water- craft. At bottom of plate, "Mr. Pickwick" fishing in a punt. Dexter side: rod, reel, line; fish pole with fish on end of line ; gaff-hook ; casting net. Sinister side : two rods, lines, artificial flies, landing net. a Printed in blue. b Printed in mauve. 24 ANGLING BOOK PLATES An adaptation of Seymour's design for the wrapper of "Pickwick Papers," 1836. 92. Ex Libris | Max C. Fleischmann Engraving, signed and dated: A. N. M[acdon- ald] 1908. 21^6X1%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. A rod butt and reel ; a landing net ; two conventional dol- phins ; a schooner yacht. 93. Flyfishers' | Club | Library. [London, founded in 1884]. Etching. sVs x 2%. English. Pictorial. An open creel filled with books ; the motto : "Piscator non solum pisca- tur"; the whole surroimded by a gracefully formed shield of two leaders with the flies at top, the loops at bottom. 94. Theological Library | Diocese of Fond du Lac I In Care of | Sisters of the Holy Nativity. Printed label. ^^Ae x sVs- U. S. Pictorial. A small boat, sail furled, with two men, presumably two of the Apostles hauling a net. This plate was made for the late Bishop Charles C. Grafton of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 95. T. Henry Foster | Ex | Libris Process, signed and dated: C. E. Chambers '07. 3x2. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. Two rods, reels and lines ; two conventional dolphins; a canoe. 25 AN EXHIBITION OF 96. Ex Libris ] Frederick O. Foxcroft Process, signed: Hogeboom. 4^%«X3- U. S. Pictorial. An angler, pipe in mouth, read- ing a book under a tree, his fish pole propped beside him. A board nailed to tree, with in- scription, "Good fishin in This Library." Be- "^ low, motto: "Catch as many fish as you like but throw 'em back." This is the same as the Horton, Pitkin, Reagan, Ryno and Schnure plates. It is a stock plate. 97. F[rancis] F[rancis]. [Author and angler.] Process, presumably sketched by owner. 2^4X2. English, Pictorial, ichthyic. A salmon hanging by tail and gills from an ornamental knot formed by the cord which holds him. 98. Lucy I Frost. Etching. 4x4. English. Pictorial, A Neapolitan fisher boy with long pole, line and float. Inscribed, in contemporary handwriting, "To Anne Eliza- beth. Dec. 12. 1856." 99. Ex Libris | Walter D. | Frothingham Process, signed: Edwin R. Schwabacher. 3%xi7^. U. S. Armorial, pictorial. A rod, reel and line. Signed in pencil. 100. Aus der Bticherei | von [ Adolph Geering in Basel. Process. 2% x 2^. See M : p. 130. 26 ANGLING BOOK PLATES Swiss. Armorial, pictorial. A salmon spear im- paling a salmon. 101. Ex Libris | Arpad G. Gerster Etching, by Leroy M. Yale. 3% x 2%6- U. S. Pictorial. A book of flies; an angling stream ; a leader box. a Autographed proof, black. b Autographed proof, brown. c Autographed proof, green. d Autographed, black. e Autographed, brown. / Autographed, green. Only twelve copies of the proof in black and six of each of the others (a total of twenty-four proofs and eighteen prints) were pulled in December, 1916, from the unfinished plate which was never completed nor used. This and the following plate were drawn and etched by Dr. Leroy M. Yale as a present for his friend and angling companion. Dr. Gerster. There was a third plate which, unfortunately, has been lost. None were ever used. 102. Ex Libris | Casae | Gersteri Etching, by Leroy M. Yale. 3% x 2^. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A salmon fly in centre of a coiled trout leader, and three flies; two rising trout. Autographed proof. Not more than three of these proofs, and no ordinary plates were pulled. The plate was never used (see No. loi). 103. George L. Gilmore | His Book Process, signed and dated: 1900 B[ertha] E. S[altmarsh]. 2%X2%. 27 AN EXHIBITION OF U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. Lines, leaders, artificial flies, two creels, and hooks; conventional fish; a canoe. a Signed in ink. b Autographed. 104. This Book Belongs to j The Library of Glenburnie Inn | Presented by. Process, designed by Mrs, W. O. Robb. 4%X3. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. A vignette of underwater scene, showing several fish, one of which is about to swallow a baited hook; a net ; a row of twelve rowboats. Printed in brown. 105. Townend Glover | London. Pen and ink drawing, by owner, signed, and dated 1846. i%xiiyi6. English. Pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, reel, line, creel and landing net; a flying fish, a pile of mixed fish. Mr. Glover was in the habit of drawing his own book-plate in each of his books; these draw- ings are very scarce. The design was taken by Henry Blackwell of New York for his own use in 1894 (see No. 20). 106. Edmund John Glynn. Engraving. 3^6 x 2%. M : p. 130. English (Cornwall). Armorial. Arms: ist., & 4th, Arg., three salmon spears, sa., two, and one. "The store of salmon which this river [the Fowey] affordeth caused his ancestor to take the fishing-spears for arms." Survey of Corn- wall, 1602. 28 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 107. H. R. Glynn. Engraving. 2% x 2%. M : p. 130. English (Cornwall). Armorial. Arms: Same as in No. 106. 108. John Glynn. Engraving. 2% X i^Ke- M : p. 130. English (Cornwall). Armorial. Arms: A chev- ron sa., between three salmon spears sa., two, and one. 109. Ex Libris | Julius | Goldstone Process, designed by Hugh M. Eaton. 3%X2%. U. S. Pictorial. A rod, reel, line, leader, and fly ; a creel. Motto : "O the gallant fisher's life It is the best of any. 'Tis full of pleasure, void of strife And 'tis beloved of many." a Signed in ink. b Autographed. 110. T[homas] Gosden. [Sporting publisher, bookbinder and print-seller, 1780- 1840.] Engraving, signed : J. Scott, del et sculp. 2^6X3^6. English. Pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, line with hook and sinkers for bottom fishing, a creel, a flask ; two coarse fish. a Proof, on plate paper. b 111. T[homas] Gosden. Engraving, signed : J. Scott, del & so. 3% x 3. English. Pictorial. A trophy of sporting im- plements, amongst which is a landing net. 29 AN EXHIBITION OF 112. The I Sportsman's Repository. | Tho«. Gos- den, I Book Binder | Publisher & Print- seller I . . . Engraving, designed by J. Scott. 21^6X3%. English. Pictorial, ichthyic. A trade card. Gosden's book-plate was either taken from this card, or the book-plate was used as the centre piece of the trade card. 113. Robert | Couper | Green | Hys Boke. Engraving, signed: Marcus Ward & Co. Ltd. '97. 4y4X3%6. English. Pictorial, ichthyic. A parson angling; a rod, reel, line, gaff and landing net; three shells and a beetle; a trout, a grayling, and a pike intertwined. 114. Henry Jewett Greene | His Book Process, designed by the Howard-Wesson Co. 31/4X1%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. From a photograph of the owner's favorite trout stream, showing two anglers. "A quotation from Henry Van Dyke, with no credit, not even a quotation mark!" Two conventional dolphins. Printed on yellow paper. 115. David Stoddard | Greenough V | Ex Libris Process, signed and dated [F. G.] H[all]. 1916. 4%X3%6. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, water-craft. Bamboo fish pole; a rod butt; creel and strap, landing net; "little brown jug"; mast and rigging of a square rigger. a Signed in pencil. h Autographed. 30 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 116. John W. I Griggs | His | Book [Goveraor of New Jersey, 1896-8; Attorney General of the United States, 1898-1901]. Process, signed and dated: A[rthur] J[acob- son]. 1904. 5%X4. U. S. Pictorial. A man in eighteenth century costume, angling, sits asleep under a large tree, rod in hand, line in stream ; beside him a creel and an open book. Printed in colors. 117. John W. ! Griggs | His | Book. Small reproduction of No. 116. 2%X2. Printed in colors. 118. The Grolier Club (New York). Admission card to an Exhibition of Angling Books, Book-Plates, Manuscripts, Prints, Medals, etc.; December, 1911-January, 1912. Selected from the collection of Daniel B. Fearing. 119. Major Grylls. Etching. 3% X a^e- M : pp. 130, 131, 220. Welsh. Armorial. Salmon spears; escallop; pheon. Arms: 3d, arg., three salmon spears sa., two, and one. Proof, on cream colored paper, with mistake in the motto, "Pag," which was corrected in a later state. 120. Reginald Gumey | Ex Libris Etching, signed and dated: M. C. Monk Sculp. 1902. 5% X 414. See M : p. 104. 31 AN EXHIBITION OF English. Armorial, pictorial, punning, ichthyic. Crest plains on the name, Gurney = Gurnard. Through a window a man is seen angling in a distant stream. Crest : a gurnard erect upon a chapeau; two conventional dolphins. Printed in brown. It seems probable that this plate comes in a smaller size. 121. Alfred Harmsworth Engraving, signed and dated: Inv. W. P. B[ar- rett]. 1903. 4x3. English. Pictorial, portrait, ichthyic. At top of plate : a rod, reel, line, creel and landing net ; four trout. Dexter side: rod, reel, line, tin leader box, landing net, creel and two coarse fish. Sinister side : gaff-hook, two coarse fish. Bottom of plate: "The Pickering Edition" of Walton, London, 1836, with portrait of Izaak Walton facing title. a Proof, on white paper. h c With name-tablet widened and name changed to "Alfred Charles William 1 Baron North- cliffe"; without printed signature of artist. 122. George Henry Haydon, | over agaynst Bed- lam, I (atte ye Manciples House) | neare-bye ye Old Windmille in | St. George hys ffields. Southwarke. [d. 1891.] Process, signed and dated : S. H. H. 1876. S^%6X3%6. English. Armorial, pictorial. A suppositious facsimile autograph letter of the good Izaak Walton, with arms in corner. Printed in brown. 32 ANGLING BOOK PLATES "Mr. Haydon . . . was for many years the Steward of Bethlem Hospital, an enthusiastic angler, and beloved by all who knew him." Hamilton. Dated Book-plates. 123. Dit Book | Htirt | Walther Hecht. Lithograph, signed : H. Teichen. 2% x ii%6- Dutch. Pictorial, punning, ichthyic. Picture plays on the name. A pike's head emerging from a pond (Hecht is the German word for pike). 124. Ex Libris | John Gerard Heckscher Engraving, signed and dated: Tiffany & Co. 1899. 2I/8X1IH6. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A leaping tarpon in centre. Dexter side: a tarpon rod, reel and line. On edge in corner, Walton's "Compleat Angler," 1653, and an open copy of the *'Ich- thyologia Ohiensis" of Rafinesque, 1820. a Proof, on vellum, signed in pencil (No. 3 of 12 copies). b 125. Ex Libris | John Gerard Heckscher Engraving, signed in cypher and dated : E. D. F[rench]. 1902 3x2. B:2io. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. Centre panel : a leaping tarpon attached to a line running from a rod and reel in lower corner. Below: Walton's "Compleat Angler," 1653, Rafinesque's ''Ichthyologia Ohiensis," 1820, and other books. a Proof, on plate paper, signed in pencil. Sec- ond state, with two palm trees. b Second state. 33 AN EXHIBITION OF In the first state, there is said to be but one palm tree; in the third, the mouth of the tarpon is closed. 126. John Higginbotham, | Fishing-Rod-Maker. Printed trade card, with large fish engraved at top. 4% X 2%. This old trade card was used as a book label, and was removed from an early edition of Best's "Art of Angling" the first edition of which appeared in 1787. 127. Harry Mortimer Higinbotham Process, designed by William Schmedtgen. 3%X2y2. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A rod, reel, line, landing net and creel ; a schooner. 128. D. A. Holdsworth | South Gosforth. Wood, after Thomas Bewick. 2x3%. English. Pictorial. This is a copy of the Cotes plate by Bewick (see No. 50). 129. Ex Libris | William Post Holliday Process. 3i%6 x 3- U. S. Armorial, pictorial, portrait. A rod, reel, line, float, hook and creel. Printed in brown. 130. James C. Hook Etching, designed by owner, signed and dated: JCH90. 2^6X3^6. English. Pictorial, punning, ichthyic. Three small fish at base of plate ; monogram J. C. H. formed of three fish-hooks. 34 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 131. Ex Libris | W. F. Hopson | 1909. [Angler, artist and engraver, b. 1849.] Engraving, designed by owner, signed: W. F. Hopson. 1% X 2. U. S. Pictorial, portrait, ichthyic. Fish-pole, line, float; creel with one fish and a flask of bait in it; a fish alongside creel. (From a photograph, showing the house in which Mr. Hopson was born.) a Proof, signed in pencil. b 132. Ex Libris | Edward A. Horton Process, signed: Hogeboom. 3%^2%- U. S. Pictorial. This is a stock plate; for de- scription, see Foxcroft, No. 96. Autographed. 133. Ex Libris | Frank G. House Engraving, designed by owner, signed and dated: Inv. F[rank] G. H[ouse] 1907. 3%X2%6. English. Pictorial, water-craft. A rod, reel, line, gaff-hook, landing net and creel. a With "Ex Libris | Herbert W. Plews." b As described. This plate was originally made for Herbert W. Plews, but after a very few copies had been struck off, it was taken by the artist for him- self. 134. From the Books | of | John Ireland Howe Process, signed: E[mma] K. H[ess]. 3%X2^- U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. Two rods, reels and lines, the ends of which end in a cleverly de- 35 AN EXHIBITION OF signed tangle of ten separate lines with a fish at the end of each; two fine bait frogs gaze admiringly at an enormous fat frog. With signature of owner inlaid. 135. Ex Libris | L. B. Howe Process, signed: Ames & Rollinson. 3%6X2%. U. S. Pictorial, portrait. The owner casting a fly in a shady pool. Printed in brown, autographed. 136. Ex Libris | Howland | A. D. 1894. [Charles R. Rowland.] Engraving, designed by the owner, engraved by the Gorham Co. 3%6X3^%6. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, reel, line, leader and three flies ; landing net, creel, flask of liquid "bait"; fishing hat wound with spare leaders ; two salmon. Motto : "Piscator non solum piscatur." a Printed in black. b Printed in green. c Printed in sepia. 137. Colin I M | Ingersoll | Jr. Etching, by W. F. Hopson. 2 x ii%6. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. Two rods, reels and lines; a fish. a Proof, initialed in pencil by artist. b 138. Ex-Libris | Edward Ingraham. Engraving, signed and dated : W. F. Hopson, 1918. 3y2Xi%. 36 ANGLING BOOK PLATES U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, reel and fly-book ; two trout rising to two flies. a Proof, signed in pencil. h 139. Henry Stuart | Maclean Jack | His Book A°. D"'. I MDCCCCVIII. Engraving, signed: F. G. H[ouse]. Inv. G. W. E[ve] Sc. 2y4X2%6. V:i35. English. Armorial, pictorial, punning, ichthyic. Picture plays on the name. A school of five pike, or "jack"; a book of eyed flies. 140. Bibliotheca | Jacksoniana | Tullie House Carlisle. Process, signed: J. F[orbes]-N[ixon]. 27/i6 X 11^6. English. Armorial, punning. Crest, arms and motto, all play on Jackson. Crest : A luce fesswise across a sun in its glory. Arms : In chief, a sun in its glory, in base a luce naiant Motto : "Lux lucis, Apollo jactat lucem." This plate comes also in a larger size. 141. Harry | Arthur James | ei lyfr [his book]. Process, signed: J. T. W. 3^%6X3. Welsh. Pictorial. A disjointed rod, landing net and creel. Motto : "Pawb yn ei arfau" [Every one to his taste]. a Black, on cream-colored paper. h Rose, on white paper. 142. Johannes Janes, | Londinensis. Engraving. 3% x 2i%6. See M : p. 220. English. Armorial, pictorial. A vignette of an angler; escallop, a Proof, first state, without motto. 37 AN EXHIBITION OF b Second state, with motto, and lettering changed to "Johannes Janes, | (Interioris Templi Socius) | Londini." 143. James W. Johnson | Ex-Libris. Process, signed: Dan Beard. 4X2IM.6. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A trout fast on end of a line, two others playing about him. a Brown, signed and dated 1916 in ink. b Brown, autographed. 144. Ex-Libris | J. Herbert Johnston. Engraving, signed and dated: W. Hopson, 1903. 3%6X3%. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. A man wad- ing and angling; two rods, reels, creels, gaff- hook, landing-net and lines hanging from a hook in a hopeless tangle, under the motto, "Nunquam non paratus" ; the whole in a frame with four trout at each side. a Trial proof, showing only centre panel, ini- tialed with pencil by artist. b Proof, sepia, autographed. c Printed in black. d Printed in sepia, autographed. The centre panel was photographed on the cop- per plate and engraved by the artist in exact facsimile of the work of Thomas Bewick. 145. Ex-Libris | David | [a star-fish, signifying the middle name, Starr] | Jordan. Process, signed : A. L. Kocher. 4M: x 2%. U. S. Pictorial, punning, ichthyic. Star-fish for Starr; two imaginary, fierce dolphins. Motto: "All is fish that comes to my net." a Black, on white paper, autographed. b Brown, on mottled paper, signed in ink. 38 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 146. Ex Libris | C. D. Joslyn. Process, signed: E[lizabeth] C[olbome]. 4x2%. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, water-craft. A rod and reel; a sloop yacht under sail. 147. Ex Libris | Katharine Keep. Process, signed: Katharine Merrill, 2%X2. U. S. Pictorial. A woman standing by the sea- shore; border of plate formed by a seine, the cork line forming the inner edges. Printed in brown, signed in ink. 148. Olindus | F. | Kendall | His Book Process, signed: H[enriette] K[ahn]. 3%6X2y4. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. A rod and reel; the rod at top breaks into two tips, with lines and fly hooks around which curve two conventional trout. Two small fish flank the F in the owner's name; a creel hangs on rod. a Signed in ink. h Autographed. 149. E Libris | Jacobi Kendrick, M.D. | De War- rington. [Writer on Warrington antiquities ; 1809-1882.] Lithograph, signed and dated: J. Kendrick, direxit 1853. H. J. Bellars, des et fee. 4y8X3%. English. Pictorial, water-craft. A vignette of river scene, men drawing a seine; a vignette of an angler on a river bank; a wherry, a 39 AN EXHIBITION OF Trent "keel," and tender; two seine boats, a rowboat. a As described. b With inscription changed for use in books presented to the Warrington Free Museum and Library by Dr. Kendrick. The plate is also found dated 1880. 150. Ex Libris | Kossuth | Kent | Kennan Process. 3X2. U. S. Armorial, pictorial. A creel. 151. Ex Libris | G. Kinsey. Process. 4 x 2%6. U. S. Pictorial. A casting rod. On buff paper. 152. Charles Kirby Printed trade card, dated : Oct. 25, 1766. 3%X4y4. English. "To all Lovers of Angling . . ." This trade card was used as a book label. 153. Ex Musicis | G[abrielle] K[lein]. Process, signed Ffranz von] Bayros. 3^^6X2%. Hungarian. Pictorial, ichthyic. Remarque, in colors, shows a miniature angler, whose hook a large fish is approaching. Remarque proof. 40 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 154. Ex-Libris | Maurice | Kufferath. Process, signed: G. M. Stevens. 4%X2%. Belgian. Pictorial. A rod, butt stuck in ground, bending to the pull of a fish whose whirl is seen at bottom of plate. On India paper. 155. Ex Libris | Irma Kuhnemann Process, designed by Kindling, Budapest, 1909. 4iH6X3%6. Hungarian. Pictorial. A barefoot urchin fish- ing for a duck with a small sapling for a pole, his line baited with a live frog. 156. William | Palmer Ladd Process, signed: M[argaret] E[ly] W[ebb]. iy8Xl%6. U. S. Pictorial, punning, ichthyic. A wee, bare- foot lad with two fish on a stick and a basket of clams. Printed in black and pale blue; initialed in ink by artist. Katharina Langenstein, see No. 262. 157. Ex Libris | Th^ger Larsen Process, signed: Ebbe Kornerup fecit. 3y2X2K6. Danish. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. Two nude men astride the bulwarks of a vessel, fishing with hand lines ; below : owner's name, in water in which are sea shells and sea weeds, and in which swim five fish, and an eel; the midships of a fishing vessel, a two- funneled channel steamer. 41 AN EXHIBITION OF 158. [Thomas A. Lawton, Newport, R. I.] Etching, by Dr. H. C. Eno. 2% x 3%. U. S. Pictorial. A barefoot boy fishing with a rough pole; legend, "Little Isaac Walton." The plate was drawn and etched by Dr. Eno for Mr. Lawton, as a suggestion for a book-plate. It was used as a place-card at a dinner given by Dr. Eno. This copy is probably unique. 159. Ex Libris | de Layre. Engraving. 2% x 2%6. French. Armorial, pictorial. Arms: Arg., a fish gules, entering a fishweel or pot sable, be- tween three roses slipped, gules, two, and one. 160. Collection of Book Plate | Literature | Carl Heinrich Litzelmann. Etching, by Louis K. Harlow. 2%X3%6. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. An angler fishing from a moving canal boat; a second canal boat. Printed in green. 161. Ex I Libris | C. F. Lose Process, designed by L. Frolich. Dated: 1915. 21^6X115^6. Danish. Pictorial, ichthyic. A man seated on the parapet of a bridge, reading a book, for- getful of his rod which leans against the bridge behind him, while a hooked fish leaps unheeded in the stream below, and a man on the bank shouts in vain to draw his attention. This plate is a palpable copy of the plate of Charles Walton, by T. Spicer-Simpson, 1898 (see No. 288). 42 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 162. His Book | C. K. Lush Process, planned by owner, and designed by Mark Forrest. 2^^q x 2%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A small bass at the end of a line from a quill pen, used as a rod. Autographed. 163. Arthur N. Macdonald. [Designer and en- graver of book-plates, title-pages, etc.] Etching, by owner, signed: A. N. Macdonald East Orange, N. J. 2% x 2%- U. S. Pictorial. Remarque shows rod, reel, line, fly hook and creel. a Original trial sketch for the plate, unfinished. This sketch shows a man fishing from a boat, omitted in the final plate. b Remarque proof, signed in penciL 164. Frank Mann. Etching, signed: S. Hollyer. 3%X2%6- U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A man fishing with a rod and line from the end of a dock; three row-boats. Proof, signed in pencil. 165. Ex Libris | Ernest S. Marks. Process. 3% x 2%6. Australian. Pictorial. A rod, reel, line and creel. 166. R. B. Marston | Editor, "Fishing Gazette," Hon. Treasurer, "Fly Fishers' Club," | Editor of the 100*^* Edition of "The Compleat Angler." 43 AN EXHIBITION OF Reproduction of old woodcut. i%X2'%. English. Pictorial, ichthyic. A fine and lusty trout. 167. Ex Libris Caroli Elkin Mathews. Etching, signed and dated: A[rthur] R[obert- son]. 89. 3y4X2%. English. Pictorial, ichthyic. A cupid angling; a copy of "The Compleat Angler" ;, a fat trout. Motto: "He that likes not the book, should like the excellent picture of the trout." a Autographed proof. b Autographed. 168. Ex Libris Caroli Elkin Mathews. Small reproduction of No. 167. 2% x 1%. Autographed. 169. Ex Libris | F. R. Mattern. Etching, signed: L. K. H[arlow]. i^HeXS^. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. An angler fishing from an anchored punt. 170. Dermot Earl of | Mayo. | 1888. Etching, designed by Geraldine, Countess of Mayo. iM X ^He- Irish, Pictorial, water-craft. An angler in i8th century costume, seated under a shady tree, intent upon his sport. The smallest book-plate in the collection. 171. Louis S. and Netta K. | Michelson | Their Book Process, signed: Edwin R. Schwabacher. 4 X 2%6. 44 ANGLING BOOK PLATES U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. Two rods, reels and lines ; a mounted fish. Signed in pencil. 172. Ex Libris | William C. Mills Process, designed by Thomas E. French, and executed by his pupil, signed and dated : Jane Armstrong Shepard, 1913. 4%X2^2. U. S. Pictorial. Bone fish-hooks and sinkers showing the different stages in the making of a bone fish-hook by the prehistoric mound builders of Ohio. a Signed in pencil by Mr. French and accom- panied by explanatory letter from him. b Autographed. This may be termed the cornerstone of angling plates. 173. Ex Libris | William C. Mills Etching, signed: T. E. F[rench] Del. A. N. M[acdonald] Sc. 4%X2l4. U. S. Pictorial. The same general design as No. 172. a Remarque proof, on India paper (one of 12 copies) signed in pencil by designer and en- graver, b Autographed. 174. Ex Libris | Abel Mace Moore Etching, designed by Fred Thompson; dated: 1905. 3%6 X 2%. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A rod, reel and line ; a dahabieh. On cream paper, signed in ink. 45 AN EXHIBITION OF 175. Lawrence | Mott | Ex Libris. Process, signed: [F. G.] H[all]. 4x2%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A hooked trout leap- ing in a rocky stream. Signed in ink. 176. Alexander M. Munro. Process. 3% x 2%. English. Pictorial, armorial, ichthyic. A cupid angling; a fat trout. This seems to be a copy of the C. E. Mathews plate (see No. 167). 177. Ex-Libris | John Murphy Etching and aquatint, signed: W. F. H[opson]. 3%6X2iM6. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. Quotation: "Nor did he forget his inate pleasure of Angling, which he would usually call, his idle time not idly spent"; a sloop becalmed. Unfinished trial proof, signed in pencil. 178. Nathaniel | Gushing Nash Process, designed by Alice Stone. 4^2%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. The frame of the plate shows a procession of trout, signifying the angling proclivities of the owner. Signed in ink. 179. Ja^ Neild. Wood, in manner of Thomas Bewick. 3 x 2%. English. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. An an- gler, in i8th century costume, raises a fish from a stream. The arms bear a fish, naiant. 46 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 180. Newcastle | Waltonian Club | Instituted | April 6, 1822. Wood, by Thomas Bewick. 2%X3%. H : 2239. English. Armorial, pictorial, portrait. Two anglers with rods and lines; a seine, landing net and creel ; a bust of Izaak Walton. Motto : "Love us the honest art of angling. Iz. Wal- ton"; fish in the arms, three salmon counter placed naiant. Printed below : Thomas Bewick. It is questionable whether this were designed as a book-plate. It is described in "The Bewick Collector" among "Cuts for various Societies," and was used as an illustration for a paper "On the Pleasure and Utility of Angling," read before the club, and published in 1824. 181. Walter S. Newhall Etching, signed: S[heldon] C[heney]. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. An angler fishing from an anchored boat. Trial proof from unfinished plate, initialed in pencil by the artist. 182. State of New-Hampshire, | College of Agri- culture and the Mechanic Arts Process. 2IIA6 x 3^- U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. An Indian spearing a salmon, and an angler fishing in a mill pond ; a vessel on the stocks, a ship under sail. 47 AN EXHIBITION OF 183. Ex- I Libris | Maurice H. Newmark | Los Angeles, Cal. Engraving, signed and dated: W. Hopson, 1910. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. Two anglers with long rods fishing on an ocean beach; plate outlined by rods, reels and lines; creel in centre. 184. Ex Libris | Eugene | Allen | Noble. Process, signed and dated: C Valentine Kirby. 1908. 3y4X2%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. An angler, with creel and landing net, wading, and fish- ing, a trout stream ; a birch canoe ; eight con- ventional dolphins. Autographed. Alfred Charles William | Baron Northcliffe, see No. 121. 185. E Libris Desmondi O'Callaghan, Col., R.A. | 1896 Wood, by Thomas Bewick. 2^X3%e. English. Pictorial. An angler, creel at side, wading and playing a fish (see also No. 271). On the back is the following note in pencil, by Julian Marshall. 'This block by Thos. Bewick, appeared originally in the 'Fisher's Garland,* 1826; reproduced in 'Angler's Garland,' 1871. I had the lettering added, 1896, for my brother. J. M." The first appearance of the design was really in "British Birds," Vol. II, 1804. 48 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 186. Oquossoc | Angling Association | Camp Ken- nebago | Indian Rock, Me. Engraving, designed by J. H. Elwell ; signed: W. H. Brett Eng. Co. Boston. ii^ieXi^. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A hooked trout leaping from the water. Signed in ink. 187. Ex Libris | Richard Ormond | Tynemouth Engraving, after Thomas Bewick, signed: C. N[aish]. 2^X3y2. English. Pictorial. A copy of the Jno. Ander- son Jun*". plate (see No. 7). 188. Ex Libris | Sir William G. Pearce Process. 4% x 3%. English. Armorial, pictorial, water-craft. A rod, reel, line and artificial fly ; an ancient war galley; a lymphad. 189. Ex Libris | Sir William G. Pearce Small reproduction of No. 188. 3^x2%. 190. [Peck] Engraving, signed: Hillyard, Sculp. 3%6 X 2%6. English. Armorial, pictorial. A charming, small vignette of a man angling beneath a large tree. An early impression. 191. James Penrose Engraving. a^Me x 2%6. M : p. 135. English. Armorial. A Loo trout, as a crest. 49 AN EXHIBITION OF 192. Ex Libris | John H. Perry Engraving, signed and dated: A, N. M[acdon- ald] Sc. 1914. 3%X2%6. U. S. Pictorial. A rod, reel, landing net and creel. Views of Old Squaw Mountain, Moose- head Lake; Mr. Perry's preparatory school and library, and Yale College in 1870. a Unfinished trial proof, before all letters. h Proof, signed in pencil. c Autographed. 193. Ex Libris Stanley Pershouse Process. 3^ x 2^. English. Armorial, pictorial. An angler, creel at side, in early 19th century costume, fishing in a moorland stream. 194. Ex-Libris | Edouard Pilastre [Lawyer and sportsman]. Process. i^^e x i%6. Belgian or French (?). Pictorial. A rod, line, float, sinker and hook; a landing net. 195. Ex Libris | Walter J. Pilling Process, signed: H. M. E[aton]. 3%^i%- U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, reel, line, leader and fly ; three trout. Motto : "O the gallant fisher's life. It is the best of any! 'Tis full of pleasure, void of strife. And 'tis beloved by many." a Without name of owner. Signed in ink. h As described. This is a stock plate. 50 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 196. W. S. Pinney Process, signed : R. C. 2% x 2. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. An angler in early 19th century costume sits under a giant tree, read- ing; his fish pole rests unwatched over a crotched stick beside him; at his elbow, a creel; two conventional fish as ornaments. 197. Ex Libris | Stephen H. Pitkin, Akron, O. Process, signed: Hogeboom. 3%X2^. U. S. Pictorial. This is a stock plate; for de- scription, see Foxcroft, No. 96. Ex Libris I Herbert W. Plews, see No. 133a. 198. Bertram Popplewell. Etching, signed and dated: G. H. McCall, 1910. 5%6X3%. English. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, reel, line, landing-net, creel and tin tackle box ; two fish beside the creel ; a copy of the "Com- pleat Angler." a Proof, signed in pencil. b 199. John H. Porter | His Book Process, signed and dated: C. V[alentine] K[irby]. 03. 3%6X2y8. U. S. Pictorial, portrait. The owner, creel at side, wading and playing a trout, near Cas- sells, on the South Fork of the Platte, about sixty-five miles from Denver, Col. Printed in two shades of brown. 51 AN EXHIBITION OF 200. Ex I Libris | Hiram Stevens Powers. Process, signed: H. W. [Howard-Wesson Co.] C. [Harold J. Cue] . z^Aq x 2^. U. S. Pictorial. A rod, reel, line, creel and tin bait box. a Signed in ink. h Autographed, 201. Ed. Pratt | Cai. Coll. | Soc. Cant. Engraving, signed: Levi Sculp. 3%X2%6- English. Armorial, pictorial. A charming vig- nette of an angler engaged in his sport (simi- lar to the vignette in No. 190). a As described. h With name changed to Roger Pratt; an early impression. c A late impression from the reworked plate. Roger Pratt, see Nos. 201b, 201c. 202. Walter | Conway | Prescott Engraving, signed and dated: C. W. Sherborn, R. E. fecit. 1899. 3%X25/i6. S: [314] p. 82. U. S. Armorial, pictorial. A rod butt and reel. a Remarque proof, signed in pencil. h Autographed. 203. Ex Libris | Walter | Conway | Prescott Engraving, signed and dated: Fred Thompson, Sc. 1917. 3%6X2%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. A seine, rod, reel, line and sinkers ; three fish ; a canoe. a Remarque proof, black on yellow paper; signed in pencil. h Remarque proof, brown on yellow paper; signed in pencil. 52 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 204. Ex Libris | Harold | Trowbridge | Pulsifer | 1918 Process, designed by A. W. Clark. 2%X2%. U. S. Pictorial, portrait (?). An angler, rod in left hand, seated on a box, reading, his rod, line and fishing forgot ; at his side, a creel. 205. Joseph Pyke. Engraving. 3M x 21^6- M : p. 61. English. Armorial, punning. Pyke = Pike. Crest : A pike naiant. 206. Ex Libris | Frank Reagan, McDonough, Pa. Process, signed: Hogeboom. 3%><2V^- U. S. Pictorial. This is a stock plate; for de- scription, see Foxcroft, No. 96. 207. [Reuss.] Engraving, signed : I. C. Berndt. del. et Sculp ; Francof t. 3% x 2^16. See M : p. 198. German. Armorial, pictorial. Crest: A figure holding up a fish trap. Arms : A fish trap. 208. Ex I Libris | Louis | Rhead Process, by owner, signed: Louis Rhead. S^^Aq X 2%. U. S. Pictorial, portrait, ichthyic. The centre panel, from a photograph, shows the owner, wading and angling in the "Beaver Kill," about to net a trout; creel and bait box over shoulder; above: two mermaids. About sides of plate: leaders, artificial flies and natural trout flies. At bottom of plate : a salmon and trout. Legend, "Simon Peter said, I go a fish- 53 AN EXHIBITION OF ing: and they said, We also will go with thee." Signed in ink. 209. Ex I Libris | Louis | Rhead. Slightly smaller reproduction of No. 208. Printed on cream-colored paper and inscribed in ink: To Daniel B. Fearing from Louis Rhead. 1890. 210. Ex I Libris | Louis | Rhead. Etching, signed: Louis Rhead. 4M.6X2%. Same design as Nos. 208 and 209, printed on birch bark in 1912. Inscribed in ink: "To Daniel B. Fearing from Louis Rhead." 211. This is My Book | Charles E. Richards | Elizabeth— New Jersey Process, signed and dated: [Charles] Rollinson, 1897. 2%xi%. U. S. Pictorial. A rod, reel, line, float, hook and creel. Autographed. 212. Herbert J. Richardson | Newcastle upon Tyne Wood, after Thomas Bewick. 2^ x 3%6. English. Pictorial, ichthyic. An angler wading, placing a just-hooked trout in his creel. A copy of the cut for "The Angler and the Little Fish," in Bewick's "Fables of ^sop." 54 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 213. Will" Roach Engraving. 3 x 2%6- M : p. 96. English. Armorial, punning. Crest and arms play on name. Crest: A roach, on its back, an osprey about to devour it. Arms: Gu, three roach naiant, fesswise, arg. 214. Ex-Libris | Piscatoris | C. Robinson Pen and ink sketch, signed: C. E. S[tewart]. 378X27/8. English. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. A boy angling; two trout near a baited hook; an- other lies on the bank, while a third shews in creel between copies of "Iz. Walton" and "Dame Berners"; a book of eyed flies is in the owner's hands; on loch in background, an angler and his gillie in a boat. This sketch for a book-plate was never used. 215. John Roche Engraving. 2%6 x i%6. M : pp. 92-3. Irish. Armorial, punning. Crest, arms and motto play on the name. Roche is oldtime roach. Crest : On a rock, ppr., an osprey dis- played, arg., membered or, in dexter claw a roach. Arms: Gu., three roach naiant fess- wise, arg. Motto : "Mon Dieu est ma roche." 216. Stephen Roche Engraving. 3x2. Irish. Armorial, punning. Similar to No. 215, but with differently shaped shield. 217. Ex Libris | A. L. Roeder Engraving. 4^ x 31^. U. S. (?) Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, reel, line and hook; a fish. 55 AN EXHIBITION OF 218. Louis Tyson Romaine Process, signed and dated : M. F. Hackley. 1901. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A creel, rod, reel and line; an old Dutch merchant ship. 219. From the Books of | Frank | Kimball | Root Process, signed: M[ary] R[oot] Kern. 2%X2%6. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A creel, rod, reel, line, float and sinkers ; a fish fast to end of line. Autographed. 220. Ex I Libris | Robert | Canfield | Root Process, signed: I. S. 3%xi^%6. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A rod, reel and line with feathered spoon hook; a canoe. 221. Ex-Libris | Caroline Ruutz-Rees. Etching, signed and dated : W. F. Hopson, 1904. 3%X2%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A wooded trout brook; on bank, a rod, reel, line, and open creel with three fine trout. a Unfinished proof before all letters, initialed with pencil by artist. b Trial proof with error "Rautz" for "Ruutz," initialed in pencil by artist. c Proof, with error, signed in pencil. d Proof, with error corrected, signed in pencil. e With error corrected, autographed. 222. Ex Libris | Embley Ryno Process, signed: Hogeboom. 3%X2^. U. S. Pictorial. This is a stock plate; for de- scription, see Foxcroft, No. 96. 56 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 223. Dean Sage [Author, angler, and collector of angling books; d. 1902.] Engraving, by William W. Swayne. % x i%e. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A salmon on a crossed rod and line, and a landing net. a Proof on plate paper. b Mr. Sage was the author of "The Ristigouche and its Salmon Fishing," Edinburgh, i88i8, and collaborator on "Salmon and Trout," New York, 1902. The catalogue of his books on angling, fifty copies of which were printed in iSg6, is one of the best of its kind ever made. Mrs. Sage added a Supplement to it (fifty copies) in 1904. 224. Ex Libris | Henry W. Sage Engraving, signed and dated: [Frederick] Spenceley, '13. 3%^3' U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. An angler, fast in a salmon, in a canoe with two Indians, on the Ristigouche. One Indian, gaff in hand, stands waiting to gaff the fish. 225. Joseph | I. Saks | Ex Libris Process, signed: M. M. S[traus]. 4X3. U. S. Pictorial. Two rods, reels, hooks, lines and sinkers. Printed in black and yellow. 226. George Salmon. Engraving. 2% x 1%. M : p. 121. English. Armorial, punning. Arms play on the name. Arms: Gu., three salmon haurient, arg., two, and one. 57 AN EXHIBITION OF 227. T. P. D. Salmon, M. A. Engraving, signed: Timbrell & Harding fee*. No 28 Strand. 2% x 2^. M : p. 121. English. Armorial, punning. Arms play on the name. Arms: Sa., three salmon haurient, arg., two, and one, in chief a crescent arg. 228. Tho». S. Salmon M.D. Engraving. 2%6 x 1%. M : p. 121. English. Armorial, punning. Arms play on the name. Arms: ist., and 4th, sa., three salmon haurient, arg., two, and one. This is said to be a very rare plate. 229. T. S. [Thomas Satchel!, author, angler, and collector of angling books]. Process, signed: J. B. K. (?) i%X2%6. English. Pictorial, punning. Plate plays on the name. A fishing bag, or "satchel." Thomas Satchell made "The Bibliography of Izaak Walton's Complete Angler," London, 1881, and, together with Thomas Westwood, compiled the "Bibliotheca Piscatoria," Lon- don, 1883. 230. [Saturn Club, Buffalo, N. Y.] Ex dono. Process, designed by Mrs. Jno. Glenny. 2i%6 X ii%6. U. S. Pictorial. A quotation from the "Com- pleat Angler" : "Good Company and Good Dis- cours are the very Sinewes of Vertue." a Printed in black. b Printed in brown. 58 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 231. Schelling | Korael D' Konyve [his book]. Process, signed and dated: [Tibor de] Bottlik, 10. 3%6 X 2. Hungarian. Pictorial. A nude man lifting a dip net full of books from a stream. 232. Ex Libris | H. D. Schnure Process, signed: Hogeboom. 3%X2%- U. S. Pictorial. This is a stock plate; for de- scription, see Foxcroft, No. 96. 233. Patrick Scott of Rossie | Esq^ Engraving (circa 1760). 3%X2%. Scotch. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. A seine with several large and small fish in it; an anchor and cable. 234. Ex Libris | Isaac Sharpless. Process, signed and dated: [at top of plate] A. B., [at bottom] J. F. Y., [printed below design] Alfred Busselle, '94. 3^6 xa^/^. U. S. Pictorial. A rod, reel, line, leader, fly- hook and creel. a Without artist's full name or date, auto- graphed. b With artist's full name and date printed below design; signed in ink. 235. Ex Libris | Freeman Ballard Shedd Engraving, by Mary Sears. 3-^-K6X2%. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A disjointed four- piece fly rod, reel, line, leader, and three arti- ficial flies; a Chesapeake Bay "bugeye.'* 59 AN EXHIBITION OF 236. The High Sheriff [of Durham?] Engraving. 2 x 314. English. Pictorial. An angler seated on a river bank, fishing. a Proof, on cream-colored paper. b 237. George Sherriff | Ex Libris Engraving, signed : A. Wyon, Sc. London. 3^ X 2%. English. Armorial, pictorial. A rod, reel and creel. Printed in black on yellow paper. 238. Henry A. Sherwin. Engraving, signed and dated: E. D. French Sc 1895. 2%X3%6. B:52. U. S. Pictorial, portrait, ichthyic. A rod, reel, line and landing-net; a salmon, a trout, and the tail end of a grayling; a portrait of Walton. a On white paper. b On cream-colored paper. 239. Henry A. Sherwin. Engraving, signed and dated: E. D. French Sc 1895. i%X2K6. B:82. Same design as No. 238, but smaller. a Proof, green ; signed in pencil. b Printed in black. 240. [R. Silvester] Original pencil sketch for crest for an armorial book-plate. %6 x 2!^. 60 ANGLING BOOK PLATES This sketch was found among the effects of the engraver, together with the sketches for the G. W. Cooke and Tonna plates (see Nos. 48a, 48b, 274a, 274b). 241. Ex-Libris | Frederick W. Skiff, | of | West Haven | Wood, signed: W. H[opson] 4X2i%6. U. S. Pictorial. An open book showing as fron- tispiece an angling view from John William- son's "British Angler," 1740. Signed in pencil. 242. T. Small Engraving. 2^ x 3%. English. Pictorial. A rod, line, creel and seine. A copy, by an anonymous engraver, of the Sykes plate (see No. 264). 243. Ex Libris | H. M. | Smith | J^ | Richmond Va. Process, by Jay Chambers, signed: The Trip- tych. '02. 2% X 4146- U. S. Pictorial. An angler in i8th century cos- tume sits under a giant tree, rod in hand, reading, while his float bobs unheeded ; beside him, a creel and a bait box. a Signed in pencil. b Autographed. c On green paper, signed in ink. 244. H. M. Smith Jr | Richmond Va. A small copy of No. 243, with different lettering. I%X2%. a Printed in black. b Printed in brown, signed in ink; lettering in three lines instead of two. 61 AN EXHIBITION OF 245. H. M. Smith, Jr. | Richmond, Va. Process, signed: B[ruce] R[ogers]. 2x2%. U. S. Pictorial. Follows the same idea as Nos. 243 and 244, but differently expressed. Signed in ink and autographed. 246. John Miller Smith, M.D. Process, designed by Ada W. Ellsworth. 3^2X21^6. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. Two crossed rods, reels, and lines with conventional fish fast at end of each line. Signed in ink. 247. Rupert Oswald Smith. Process. 3%6 x 2%. English. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. An angler in 17th century costume engaged in his sport; a fish in a jar. 248. Sidney L. Smith. [Artist and engraver.] Original pen and ink sketch for an angling plate, as drawn by Mr. Smith in one of his own books. 2% X 1%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. Two fine big trout; a disjointed rod, leaders, artificial flies and books; a fly book and creel. On sheet with autograph letter from Mr. Smith, explaining the drawing. 249. Ex Libris | William | and Olive | Smith. Process, signed: C. V[alentine] K[irby]. 2%X2y4. 62 ANGLING BOOK PLATES U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. An angler fishing a trout brook ; a bark and two sloops ; sides bordered by conventional fishes. 250. Ex Libris | Harrison H. | Southworth Process, signed: R. F. S[eymour]. 3%'^2%- U. S. Pictorial. An angler lying on his back be- neath a giant tree, in whose branches his line and fly have become entangled; his rod lies on the ground beside him; creel at foot of tree. Signed in ink. 251. [J. Winfred Spenceley. Designer and en- graver of book-plates, 1865-1909.] Original water-color sketch for an angling book- plate, signed by the artist. 2%X2Vi6. U. S. Pictorial. Rod, reel, line, landing net and creel. This design was never used. 252. Kate Jewel Spencer | Ex Libris Engraving, signed and dated: G[eorge] H. G[ihon]. 08. 3^6 X 15/^6. U. S. Pictorial. A rod, reel and line. Printed in brown. 253. Ex Libris | Sportsman's | Club Process, signed and dated: M. H. Wright 1906. 3%X2i%6. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A wood-bordered lake ; rod, reel and line ; two conventional dol- phins on panel at foot. 63 AN EXHIBITION OF 254. Ex-Libris | Elizabeth | Howe Sproul Process, signed: Euwer. Crisp. 3%X2^. U. S. Pictorial. Two rods and lines; a reel. 255. From Among the Books of | Edwin Chapin Starks Process, signed: ELS [Mrs. E. C. Starks] 4%6X3%6. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic, water-craft. Two men in a dory setting a seine net; two conven- tional dolphins; picture of a fish in book which man is reading. 256. For the | Library | of | Simon Sterae Process, signed: E. W. C 5%X33^. U. S. Pictorial. Two rods, reels, lines, leaders and an artificial fly; a creel. Autographed by Mr. Sterne's widow. 257. Ex Libris | Arthur Stiles. Etching, signed and dated: F. T[olles] C[ham- berlin]. 1907. 3%X2%. U. S. Pictorial. An angler in 17th century cos- tume, fish bag at side, fishing in a quiet pool. Signed in ink. 258. Ex Libris | Frank B. Stone Engraving. sViq x 2^^. U. S. Armorial, pictorial. A rod butt, reel and creel. 259. R. Sturgeon, Bury. Engraving. 2% x 2%. 64 ANGLING BOOK PLATES English. Armorial, punning. Crest and atms play on the name. Crest: A sturgeon naiant or, f retty gules. Arms : Arg., three bars wavy, gu., in chief, a sturgeon naiant, or fretty gu. 260. Wentworth Sturgeon. Engraving. 2^%6 x i^%6- English. Armorial, punning. Crest and arms play on the name. Arms : Az., three sturgeon naiant in pale, or, over all fretty gules. Crest : A sturgeon naiant or, fretty gules. 261. Suffolk Club | South Haven, Long Island Engraving, drawn by H. V. Burgy, after a painting by F. Schushardt, signed: H. V. Burgy, Tiffany & Co.; engraved in 1909, but undated. 3%6 x iVs- U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A trophy of two crossed rods, reels, lines, leaders, and four flies; a landing net with three trout in it, a bunch of eight trout hanging from end of handle; monogram "S. C." made of old roots. a Rough trial proof, black, on white paper. Be- fore the printed signature of Tiffany & Co. b Trial proof, black, on white paper. With signature. c Trial proof, black, on Japan vellum. With signature. d Proof, brown, signed in pencil (10 copies on large paper pulled in 1909). e Printed in brown. /1-/17 Seventeen trial proofs, in various shades, pulled for color in 1916. ^1-^8 Eight proofs in various colors, — black, brown, gray, green, orange, purple, red, sepia (each proof is No. i of 25 copies pulled in 1916). h Proof, blue (one of six copies pulled from the defaced plate in 1916). 65 AN EXHIBITION OF »i-*8 Printed in various colors, — black, brown, gray, green, orange, purple, red, sepia (each print is No. i of 25 copies pulled in 1916). y Printed in blue (one of six copies pulled from the defaced plate in 1916). Each book-plate is initialed and dated by D. B. Fearing, for whom the plate was made in 1809. It was never used, and was scored and destroyed in 19 16. 262. Leodegar Otto | Svidter Katha- 1 rina Langen- stein I Syn Ehegemahel Engraving, signed: Comp. u. gestochen Jean Kauffmann. 4% x 3%6. Austrian. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. A cupid with a dip net in his hands, sits beside a foun- tain in which swim several fish. Conventional dolphins form the capitals of two columns. 263. Ex Libris | Lindsay Swift Process, signed: F. [Raymond Knapp Fletcher]. U. S. Pictorial, portrait. The owner seated un- der a shady tree, reading and smoking; fish pole under arm pit, line in water; beside him a creel and a "little brown jug of bait." Autographed. 264. T. C. Sykes Engraving, signed : Harvey Del*. Collard Scul*. 2^x3^. English. Pictorial. Rod and line, creel and seine (see also No. 242). 265. "Syl" 1 Ex Libris. [R. E. Sylvester] Process, by owner, signed and dated : R. E. Syl- vester. 1916. 4% X 3. 66 ANGLING BOOK PLATES U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. An ancient Egyptian seated, fishing in a reservoir in which are four fish and a turtle. Motto : Ask Not The Loan of Rod or Gun or Reel : Nor Book : Nor Wife — They Are My Friends: Like Mountain Streams That Romp & Sing They Add Zest To Life: On gray paper. 266. Ex Libris | E. Tautz. Engraving, signed: G. W. Eve. 1894. 2%X2%. V:i8. English. Pictorial. A rod butt and reel; a creel. a Proof, on white paper; first state without date, and with the hole in creel horizontal. h On cream-colored paper; second state, with date 1894, and the hole in creel vertical. 267. Joseph | Nathan | Teal | Ex | Libris Process, signed : B [ertha] S [tuart] . 2% x 2%. U. S. Pictorial. A leader and two artificial trout flies. Quotation : "I am, sir, a Brother to the Angle." Signed in pencil. 268. Fred^^. Ja». Thairlwall Engraving, signed and dated: C. W. Sherborn, R. E. 1905. 3%X2%. S: [288] p. 92. English. Armorial, pictorial, punning. An angler beside a river waiting for the rise. "The pierced wall ['thirl,' a hole, or opening] is a rebus of the surname." a Printed in black. h Printed in brown. This plate is found also in a larger size, printed in brown on gray paper. 67 AN EXHIBITION OF 269. Thery de Gricourt. Engraving, signed and dated: A Thery, pinx. et fecit, a Cisoing 1753. 4%6X3H6. French. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. Three fishing cupids ; one fishing with pole and line ; a second, pole on shoulder, places an eel in a tub of water; the third has a dip-net. 270. Ex Libris | 'Tours Truly" [Fred Thompson] Engraving, designed by owner; dated: 1915. 4%6X2y2. U. S. Pictorial, portrait, ichthyic, water-craft. A disjointed rod, a reel and creel; a picture of an angler fishing from a boat; a conven- tional dolphin. a Unfinished trial proof before letters, auto- graphed on back with note by artist. Before the plate was made a sporting one. b Signed in ink. 271. E Libris | H. S. Thome | 1896. Engraving, after Thomas Bewick, signed : T. B. [in ligature], C. W. S[herborn]. 2^4x3%. S: [243] p. 76. English. Pictorial. An angler, creel at side, wading a rocky stream, playing a fish. "After the Angling vignette by Thos. Bewick in Vol. 11. of the 'History of British Birds.'" (See also No. 185.) a Proof, on cream-colored paper, signed in pencil. b On cream-colored paper. c On white paper. 272. Ex Libris | Charles Franklin Thwing Process, designed by Florence Loomis Potter, 1915. 3%6 X 3- 68 ANGLING BOOK PLATES U. S. Pictorial. A rod, reel, line, fly hook and creel. a On white paper, signed in ink. b On yellow paper, autographed. 273. Samuel Tinsley | His Book Process, designed by J. W. Simpson. 41^6X3^6. English. Pictorial. A jolly angler, butt of rod resting on waist, intently looking off to end of rod, which does not show. 274. Tonna Engraving, by Silvester. 2%xi%. English. Armorial, punning. Crest: Head of a tunny fish, erect, all ppr. Arms: Or, be- tween four fesses az., three tunnies, counter- changed in pale, naiant sable. a Original sketch for the plate. b A similar pen and ink sketch inscribed "Lewis Tonna." c Accompanied by an autograph letter from Mr. Tonna to the engraver, with directions to "be careful in engraving the Tunny Fish's Head," as he had one engraved once in the country which looked like a bishop's mitre! The sketches were found among the effects of the engraver (see also Nos. 48, 240). 275. J. D. Treadwell | His Book Process, designed by owner. 2^5 ^ 1%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A trout jumping out of water at a cast fly; at back, another trout is seen rising. A copy of "The Compleat Angler," 1653. Printed in black and gray; autographed. AN EXHIBITION OF 276. Wilfred Troutbeck. Engraving. 3% >< 2. M : p. 135. English. Armorial, punning. Pun on the name. Crest: Sa., a dexter mailed arm, the hand grasping a trout, or. Arms: Az., three trout or, intertwined heads to tails. On blue paper. 277. True Waltonian Society, | Estab**. 1830. Engraving. 5^ x 3%. English. Pictorial, pseudo-armorial. Three trout and every imaginable article used in bot- tom, fly or rod fishing, except a fly-book and a gaff-hook. On blue paper. It is possible that this was not intended for a book-plate. 278. Tuna Club | Avalon California Process. 3% x 3%- U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A tuna, tuna rod, reel, line, and gaff-hook; the Tuna Club button. 279. To all Lovers of Angling. | Onesimus Uston- son, I Successor to the late Mr. John Herro, | at the [Crown and Trout] Printed trade card of a fishing tackle maker, with crown and trout engraved for name of shop. This card was used as a book label. 70 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 280. Ex Libris | Henry Van Dyke. [Author, angler, diplomat and divine; published "Little Rivers," 1895, "Fisherman's Luck," 1899, etc.] Engraving, signed: [H. Siddons] M[owbray] J. D. S[millie] Sculpt. 4y8X2%. U. S. Armorial, pictorial. A cupid reading and angling, his pole in left hand, line and float forgotten. Printed in brown, on cream-colored paper ; auto- graphed. This plate also comes on faint lilac paper, printed in black. 281. Ex Libris | Henry Van Dyke A small reproduction of No. 280. 3X2M.6. 282. Ex Libris | Frances C. Van Gasken Engraving, signed and dated: A. N. M[acdon- ald] 1914- 3^X2%. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A man angling from an anchored canoe. a Proof, green ; signed in pencil. b Green. 283. John Irving | Van Vliet Process, signed and dated: C. V[alentine] Kirby '06. 3% x 2%. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A disjointed rod, a reel and creel; a canoe. 284. Frank E. Vaughan Process, signed and dated: [Charles] RoUinson 1896. 3 X i^%6. 71 AN EXHIBITION OF U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, reel, line, creel and fly book; "little brown jug of bait." Pseudo-arms of three trout counterplaced, naiant in pale. Motto : Aut pisces aut nullus. Printed in sepia. 285. Ex-Libris Piscatoris | George Heath Viner Wood, signed and dated: W. F. H[opson] 1916. 1% diameter. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. A rod, a reel and creel; a fish in open creel, beside it on the grass, three other fish. a Proof on India paper, signed in pencil, and autographed. b Signed in pencil, and autographed. 286. Wah-Wah-Tay-See Process, signed and dated: G[ail] H[ough] P[ierce] 1905. 3%X2%6. U. S. Pictorial. A rod, reel, line and leader. 287. Ex Libris | J. L. Walker Original pen and ink sketch made in 191 1. 5^6X3%. English. Pictorial. A creel and landing net. 288. Ex I Libris | Charles Walton Process, signed and dated: T[heodore] S[picer- Simpson]. 1898. 5^/4 X3%6. English. Pictorial, ichthyic. An angler sits on the parapet of a bridge, back to the water, deep in a book. His rod leans against the coping beside him; a fish jumps from the water at the end of his line, unheeded, while a man on the bank below shouts at him in vain. 72 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 289. John Hubert Ward. Engraving, signed and dated: C. W. Sherborn R.E. 1897. 3^/l6 X 2%. S : [2682] p. 78. English. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. Butt of a rod with reel, two trout and a creel. Warrington | Free Museum & Library, see No. 149b. 290. Frederica Vanderbilt Webb Etching, signed and dated: [Charles] Mielatz 1904. 3^6 X 2%. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. Remarque shows a large trout at the end of a line. Remarque proof, signed in pencil. 291. Andrew Strong White Process, by Claude Bragdon. 2%X2l4. U. S. Pictorial. A rod case. 292. Stewart Edward White, [Author of "Camp and Trail," 1907, etc.] Process, designed by George Booth. 3^6X1%. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A reel under a crossed gaff -hook and landing-net; an angler playing a fish, in a canoe paddled by an Indian. Signed in ink, and autographed. 293. Ex Libris | Graeme Whitelaw. Engraving, signed: Inv. F. G. H[ouse] J. A. C. H[arrison] Sc. 3%6X2%6. 73 AN EXHIBITION OF English. Pictorial, water-craft. A shelf of angling and sporting books; in one corner a rod, line and reel, a gaff hook, box of eyed flies and a fly book; a copy of Juliana Ber- ners's "Fysshynge with an Angle" lies open on the shelf ; a loch scene — a boat with a gillie and two anglers with long rods. 294. Eli Whitney | His Book Engraving, signed and dated: W. F. Hopson 1903- 3 X 2%6. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic. Two crossed rods, reels and lines; a fish hangs at top. a Proof, signed in pencil. b 295. Ex- I Libris | T. F. M. Williamson. Process, signed and dated: J. W. S[impson] 99. 4%6X3%. English. Pictorial. An angler in early i8th cen- tury costume, seated, rod in hand, line wound around butt. Quotation: "... free from lawsuits and the noise Of princes' courts, I would rejoice; And angle on." Printed in red and black. 295*. Ex- I Libris | T. F. M. Williamson. Small reproduction of No. 295. 2^x2. Printed in black. 296. Ex-Libris | Leila Weekes Wilson Process. 3^ x 2%. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. Two rods, reels and lines ; a schooner yacht and a sloop yacht with dinghies towing astern. 74 ANGLING BOOK PLATES 297. Ex Libris | George | W | Wingate Process, by Mrs. Le Roy Springs-Lyon. 3x2%. U. S. Armorial, pictorial, ichthyic, punning. Arms play on the name. Two trout. Autographed. 298. Rev<*. Daniel Winham. Engraving. i%6 x 2%6- English. Pictorial, ichthyic. The name under a charmingly engraved trout. 299. Ex-Libris | John S. Wood Etching, signed and dated: W. F. Hopson DeL SC. 1909. 2y8X3y8. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. A creel and land- ing net ; a birch canoe. a Rough trial proof, sig;ned in pencil. b Proof, signed in pencil. Autographed presen- tation copy. c 300. Ex Libris | John | Page | Woodbury Engraving, signed: E. D. French Sc. 1894. 3%X2^. U. S. Pictorial, water-craft. Vol. VII of an extra illustrated "Compleat Angler" with 2000 illustrations; Seal of the City of Boston. Third state, with books engraved (the first state to have an angling interest). 301. Ex-Libris | Tobias A. Wright. Engraving, signed and dated: W. F. Hopson 1918. 3%X2%. 75 ANGLING BOOK PLATES U. S. Pictorial. A rod, reel and creel; a likely looking trout brook. Trial proof, signed in pencil. 302. Ex I Libris | William E. and | Edna Best Wroe Etching, signed: [James] Blomfield. [Frank] Raymond. sM x 2%. U. S. Pictorial, ichthyic. Two rods, reels, lines, leaders and artificial flies; two conventional dolphins. 303. Ex I Libris | William E. and | Edna Best Wroe. Etching, signed: [Frank] Raymond [James] Blomfield. 3%6 xi%. A copy of No. 302. Autographed. 76 INDEX DESIGNERS, ENGRAVERS AND PRINTERS Ames & Rollinson, 135 Anderson, Hartley, 6 Audinet, Philippe (1766-1837). Si Baker, P. C, 13 Barrett, William Phillips, 18, 21, 121 Bayros, Franz von, 153 Beard, Daniel Carter (b. 1850), 143 Bellars, H. J., 149 Berndt, I. C, 207 Bewick, Thomas (1753-1828), 7, 50, 79, 128, 144, I79, 180, 185, 187, 212, 271 Blomfield, James, 302, 303 Booth, Franklin, 57 Booth, George, 292 Bottlik, Tibor de, 231 Bragdon, Claude, 291 Brett Engraving Co., W. H., 186 Brooke, Leonard Leslie, 26, 52, 53 Brown, Alfred Jerome, M.D., 27 Buck, Marian, 29 Burgy, H. V., 261 Busk, Hans, 48 Busselle, Alfred, 234 79 INDEX C, E. W., 256 C, R., 196 Chamberlin, F. Tolles, 257 Chambers, C. E., 95 Chambers, Jay, 243, 244 Cheney, Sheldon, 181 Clark, A. W., 204 Clark, George Oliver, 40 Colborne, Elizabeth, 146 Collard, W., 264 Colton, Ralph Lester, 46 * Crisp, Arthur, 254 Cue, Harold J., 200 D, M. B., 25 Dempsey & Carroll, 64 Eaton, Hugh M. (b. 1865), 109, 195 Eclipse Electrotype and Engraving Co., 30 Ellsworth, Ada W., 70, 246 Elwell, J. H., 186 Eno, Henry C, M.D. (d. 1914). 73, 158 Euwer, Anthony Henderson, 254 Eve, George W. (d. 1914), 139, 266 R, M., 8 Fletcher, Raymond Knapp, 263 Forrest, Mark, 162 Francis, Francis, 97 French, Edwin Davis (1851-1906), 29, 62, 125, 238, 239, 300 French, Thomas E., 172, 173 Frolich, L., 161 80 INDEX G., T., 84 Gair, Alice, 4, 5 Gay, F. T., 72 Gerster, Arpad Geyza Charles, M.D. (b. 1848), jy Gihon, George H., 252 Glenny, Mrs. Jno., 230 Glover, Townend (sic), 20, 105 Gorham Co., 136 H., M. v., 63 H., S. H., 122 Hackley, M. R, 218 Hagopian Eng. Co., 20 Halkett, G. R., 17 Hall, Frederick Garrison, 115, 175 Hardy, W. M., 3, 23 Harlow, Louis K., 160, 169 Harrison, J. A. C, 293 Harvey, 264 Hess, Emma K., 134 Hillyard, T., 190 Hogeboom, 96, 132, 206, 222, 232 Hollyer, Samuel (b. 1826), 53, 62, 164 Hook, James C, 130 Hope, R,, 9 Hopson, William Fowler (b. 1849), 11, 12, 14, 81, 131, 137, 138, 144, 177, 183, 221, 241, 285, 294, 299, 301 House, Frank G., 45, 133, 139, 293 Howard- Wesson Co., 114, 200 Howland, Charles R., 136 I. N. T. Co., 85 81 INDEX Jacobson, Arthur, ii6, 117 Johnston, Graham, 66 K., J. B, 229 Kahn, Henriette, 148 Kauffmann, Jean, 262 Kendrick, James, M.D., 149 Kern, Mary Root, 219 Kindling, 155 Kirby, C. Valentine, 38, 184, I99» 249, 283 Kirkpatrick, W. A., 76 Kocher, A. L., 145 Kornerup, Ebbe, 157 Lambert, Mark (fl. 1807-1855), 16 Levi, Benjamin, 201 Lyon, Mrs. Le Roy Springs-, 297 McCall, G. H., 198 Macdonald, Arthur N., 28, 60, 92, 163, 173, 192, 282 Marks, Henry Stacy, 89 Mayo, Geraldine, Countess of, 170 Merrill, Katharine, 61, 147 Merrymount Press, 43 Mielatz, Charles Frederick William (b. 1864), 82, 290 Monk, M. C, 120 Mowbray, Henry Siddons (b. 1858), 280, 281 Naish, C, 79, 187 Nixon, John Forbes (b. 1845), 140 Pierce, Gail Hough, 286 Poole, H. Nelson, 19, 47, 49 Potter, Florence Loomis, 272 82 INDEX Raymond, Frank, 302, 303 Reid, Jean Amot, 31, 33 Rhead, Louis (b. 1857), 208, 209, 210 Robb, Mrs. W. O., 104 Robertson, Arthur, 167, 168 Robinson, B. F., 10 Rogers, Bruce, 245 Rollinson, Charles, 54, 211, 284 Rowland, Amy, 56 S., I., 220 Sacker, Amy M., 36 Saltmarsh, Bertha E., 87, 88, 103 Schmedtgen, William Herman (b. 1862), 127 Schuschardt, R, 261 Schwabacher, Edwin R., 99, 171 Scott, John (1774-1827), no, III, 112 Sears, Mary, 235 Seymour, R. F., 250 Seymour, Robert (i8oo?-i836), 91 Shepard, Jane Armstrong, 172 Sherborn, Charles William (1831-1912), 4, 5, 42, 202, 268, 271, 289 Silvester, R. (fl. 1806-1840), 48, 240, 274 Simpson, J. W., 273, 295 Simpson, Theodore Spicer-, 288 Smillie, J. D., 280, 281 Smith, Sidney L., 74, 75, 248 Spenceley, Frederick, 2, 31, 33, 224 Spenceley, Joseph Winfred (1856-1908), i, 2, 32, 59, 251 Spicer-Simpson, Theodore, 288 Springs-Lyon, Mrs. Le Roy, 297 Starks, E. L. (Mrs. E. C), 255 83 INDEX Stevens, G. M., 154 Stewart, C. E., 214 Stockbridge, Dana W., 37 Stone, Alice, 178 Straus, M. M., 225 Stuart, Bertha, 267 Swayne, William W., 223 Sylvester, R. E., 265 Teichen, H., 123 Thery, A., 269 Thompson, Fred, 86, 174, 203, 270 Tiffany & Co., 75, 124, 261 Timbrell & Harding, 227 Treadwell, J. D., 275 Triptych, The, 243, 244 von Bayros, Franz, 153 W., J. T., 141 Ward, Henry A., 44 W^ard & Co., Marcus, 113 Webb, Margaret Ely, 156 Whitman & Bass, 89 Wilcox, J. A. J., 62 Williams, John, 65 Wright, Margaret Hardon, 253 Wyon, Allan, 237 Y., J. F., 234 Yale, Leroy M., loi, 102 84 ;d d ro Z o' 2. a o =^ ^ ^ ^ q CO ■ o ife -^ o ^ m m eg o ::r o' X) 2. Z > O zr m ^ -^ ^^^ O 5 O CO feo R o ^ ? id FieIc rnia 04-469 > I— o a^ DD d s^p 00 — > 5 da Q o' X) < -n > ^^u 3 o o t— Q ^ —1 s^ o < ■< ^ Q D M102450 <^1 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY