z 42 S75 UC-NRLF $B lEO 521 I /'''^■:.7''-' V'-'- '--'\~,',^ \" <\T.^.<\~yy.\~'.5^)1 !>?^ v^~~'a'; !;^' vv ^~'•'^ r'';^'^i;<^oi ^/''''^^'C/^ y\'^/'\:''\' ^/O-'^/ :/;■: xS": vT 'n'- w^'>7'v'>'>V v'~>''7r;- '.'^f^-^'^r ,^<,< ^- ^'Oi ~\' ,0- "';;:C-:0-;;:C-:v ^;C^o^>;- .— ;<-;'^' -^/N^-'^/ y^' ,-v'.\; ^^■^ ;;n- ;%)<;:;;- ::<;;^;- ^-.'\'_ /< Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofvaluaOOstodrich CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS Ptstorical Socuiuents &' |iIanuKri|ts THE PROPERTY OF J. STODDART, Esq. INCLUDING J. ADDISON, D. GARRICK, E. KEAN, Mrs. SIDDONS, T. GAINSBOROUGH, SIR W. SCOTT, C. DICKENS AND Others. IMPORTANT LETTERS OF LORD NELSON AND A VERY FINE COLLECTION OF NELSON LETTERS, PORTRAITS, ENGRAVINGS, RELICS, Etc. in a volume, SOME INTERESTING AUTOGRAPH MUSIC SCORES, COLLECTIONS OF LETTERS IN ALBUMS FROM THE TOOLE SALE, A SMALL LIBRARY OF BOOKS, ETC. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 3^nctioi«crs oi ItiUrarn ^rop^rtn ^ Morhs illitstratiJie oi tlj£ yhte ^^rts, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, the 22nd oi EEBRUAEY, 1909, and following Day, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be Viewed Two Days prior. Catalogues may be had. PRYDEN PRESS : J. DAVY & SONS, 8-9, FRITH-STREET, SOHO-SQUARE, W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above five pounds 2s. 6^., and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers fco give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. YI. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the ex- pense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, a?id if any loss is sustained in the reselling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good hy the defaulters at this sale. Gentleme ?, who cannot attend this Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Stra7id, London. CATALOGUE JS OF THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS historical Bomimitts ^ JUanustripts, AND A FEW BOOKS, THE PROPERTY OF J. STODDAET, ESQ. A, L, s. = autograph letter signed, one entirely in the handwriting of the signer. L. s. = letter signed, the signature only in the handwriting of the sender. ' ' > = as above, reading document for letter. Doc. s. J FIRST DAY'S SALE LOT 1 Actors, Dramatists, &c. A large Collection of Autograph Letters, including David Garrick, 22 pp. 4to, (the signature very slightly defective), July 10 (1775), to Bate, the projector of the Handel Commemoration, — "if you have 5 minutes to spare to give me your opinion of the Suicide (by Colman) directed to me at the White Hart, at Ligatestone, I will send my man for it;" J. P. Kemble, A. L. s. and Signature, C. Kemble, Tom King, John Palmer, Dora Jordan, Signature, J. Bannister, J. Emery, W. Dowton, E. W. Elliston, W. Far- ren, Maria Foote (Countess of Harrington), C. Mathews, Miss F. M. Kelly, Mrs. Glover, J. P. Harley, Madam Vestris, T. Moore, Lady Byron, illustrated with numerous fine por- traits, including a draiving of J. P. Kemble ; Play-bills, printed Extracts, etc., in an Album, roy. ito, green moroccOy from the Toole collection 2 Addison (J.) Poet and Essayist, L. sub. and s. 1 p. 4to, St. James' s^ August 1th, 1714, to the Duke of Ormonde, asking for the names of the officers appointed to command the Out-Pen- sioners of Chelsea Hospital, portrait 3 Addison (J.) A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, August 11th, 1708, an important LETTER : "By a mail just now arrived, we hear that the D. of Marlborough had made a mouvement to prevent the junction B M753208 First Day 4 Lot 3 — continued. of the two armys under the Dukes of Vendome and Berwick. They give out that they will resign all rather than lose Lille, and they are of opinion at the army that we are at the point of a General Action which our friends are very eager upon," written while Addison was Under-Secretary of State — Draft of a Letter from Addison to the King, 2 pp. 4to (2) 4 Admirals, including Letters and Signatures of Anson, Vernon Jervis, Pallisser, Pellew, Berry, Cornwallis, and others a parcel 5 AiNSWORTH (W. Harrison) Novelist, A. L. s. 2 J pp. 8vo, April 2\st^ 1846, to Capt. Marryat, interesting ; A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Nov. 28th, 1851, with portrait ( 2 ) 6 AiNSWORTH (W. Harrison) A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, Nov. 3rd, 1843, to Mackinlay; A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Sept. IStk, 1841 (2) 7 Albani (Madame) Vocalist, A. L. s. and Signature — A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, portraits (3) 8 Albert (Prince) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Windsor Castle, Dec. 23, 1842, to Lord Stanley, communicating the Queen's approval of a list of officers of the Army and Navy recommended for the honors of the Order of the Bath, portrait 9 Album of Autograph Letters, chiefly addressed to J. L. Toole, including Queen Victoria, A. L. 3rd person, 22 pp. 8vo, Feb. 13, 1850, to Lord John Russell, H.M. the King (when Prince of Wales), 3 pp., Marquis of Salisbury, Lord Wolseley, Lord Houghton, J. Chamberlain, Sir H. Thompson, Duke of Teck, SirW. H. Russell, W. S. Gilbert, Wilkie Collins, Miss Hogarth (sister-in-law of C. Dickens), Dion Boucicault, Edmund Yates, Colonel Burnaby, Miss Braddon, Wm. Black, F. C. Burnand, G. A. Sala, Sir Squire Bancroft, Edmund Yates, Archdeacon Farrar, J. Northcote, Arthur Sketchley, F. Locker-Lampson, Sir H. Herkomer, Mrs. Keely, C. Santley, J. B. Buckstone, Sims Reeves, J. Forbes Robertson, Corney Grain, Nellie Farren, E. Lloyd, Sir H. Irving, H. Furniss, Miss Ellen Terry, several of the letters have original sketches, illustrated with portraits, programmes, etc. thick roy. ito, green morocco ; from the Toole collection 10 Alice (Princess) second daughter of Q. Victoria, Pen and Ink Sketch by her, headed Buckingham Palace, \^thJune, 1861 1 1 Anderson (Miss Mary) Actress, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, portrait — Cavendish (Miss Ada) A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, portraits (2) 12 Anne (Queen) Royal Sign Manual to a Commission, on vellum, 2A:th March, 170|, with seal; Signature on portion of a Doc. and Signature of Lord Godolphin, portraits (3) 13 Architects and Sculptors, including several Letters from Sir G. Gilbert Scott {one with sketch), others of Sir Joseph Paxton, Owen Jones, J. Paine, R. Mylne, Sir J. Soane, G. E. Street, Marochetti, T. Woolner, R. Smirke, J. Wyatt, etc., portraits a parcel 5 First Day 14 Arlington (H. Bennett Earl of) Statesman, one of the "Cabal Ministry," A, L. s. 3f pp. 4to, Goring House, June \st, 1672, interesting letter, relating entirely to the famous sea fight of Sole Bay. "... His R. H. tells ye King heewill lye in Sole Bay againe to refit and take in provisions, but his Maty, thinking hee may doe it with much more dispatch and security at ye Nore, has sent my lorde Cliflfbrde to persuade him to it within twenty foure howers, etc." 15 Arlington (H. Bennett Earl of) A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, in French, 11 Sept., 1673 — A. L. s. from the E. of Alington, re Troops in Flanders (2) 16 Arnold (Sir Edwin) Poet, Two A. L. s. each 1 p. 8vo, with tivo portraits (2) 17 Artists, including F. Danby, W. Daniell, Frank Dicksee, A. Elmore, W. P. Frith, W. E. Frost, T. Faed, J. Gibson, F. Goodall, and others, with portraits and illustrations a parcel 18 Artists, including H. Bone, F. Madox Brown, P. H. Calderon, E. W. Cooke, W. Collins, H. Corbould, T. S. Cooper, T. Cres- wick, S. Cousins, etc., portraits and illustrations a parcel 19 Artists, Actors, Catalogue of the Strawberry Hill Sale, Portraits, Cuttings, etc., a Collection in 4 boxes and 2 vol. (6) 20 AuBER (I). F. E.) Composer, A. L. s. and signed Doc, others of Bochsa, Cloquet, D. Crevelli, Damoreau-Cinti, Dvorak, W. K\x\\e, etc., pt07'traits (16) 21 Authors, etc., including Letters of Sir R. Colt Hoare, Sir H. Ellis, J. Hawtrey, A. J. Valpy, R. Bentley, Dr. Arnold, and others, ivith numerous portraits, cuttings, etc. a parcel 22 Balfe (M. W.) Composer, Three A. L. s. one with Music, cuttings and poi'traits (3) 23 Barbauld (Mrs.) Authoress, A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, April lOth, interesting letter referring to Shakspeare, with scarce por- trait ; others of Mrs. Bray, Lady Fullerton, and Julia Goddard (11) (14) -24 Barrett (Wilson) Actor, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo ; others. of H. Comp- ton, H. B. Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Harvey, etc., por- tQ'aits, etc. (13) 25 Bayly (T. Haynes) Writer, Three A. L. s. ; others of Jeremy Bentham, Sir A. Alison, etc., portraits (lO) :26 Beaconsfield (B. Disraeli Earl of) A. L. s. (initial), 4 pp. 4to, August 14, 1835, to his sister, interesting letter on politics : " We had a very sharp engagement in the House of Lords last night, Melbourne is evidently so annoyed that I cannot help fancying he will come down to-night and with- draw the bill. The newspapers will give you the division. It is quite overwhelming, and proves that it is utterly useless to talk of swamping the House of Lords any more." B 2 First Day 6 27 Beaconsfield (Earl of) A. L. s. (initial), 3 pp. 4to, House of Lords, Augt. 5th, 1835, to the same, A very important LETTER, describes a debate in the Lords, and his hopes of a seat should Parliament be dissolved — A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, Juli/'26th, to the same, an amusing letter on Society's doings (2) 28 Beaconsfield (Earl of) A. L. s. (initial) 3^ pp. 8vo, Sept. 1840 : "The Princess Augusta still lives — but everybody else in London seems dead." — A. L. s. 7 pp. 8vo, August, 1840, respecting Spencer Walpole, both to the same (2) 29 Beaconsfield (Earl of) A. L. s. (initial) 6 pp. 8vo, Aug. 15, 1836 : "The ministry wish the King to introduce in his speech some reflections on the Lords, but his Majty. has refused. They ought to resign and threaten, but I suppose will not.'' — A. L. s. 4 pp. 8vo, on Lord Lyndhurst's speech, both to the same (2) 30 Beaconsfield (Earl of) A. L. s. (initial) 4 pp. 8vo, April 5, 1854 : "I am at this moment in bed with a House of Com- mons cold, which I have never had time to cure until to-day."— A. L. s. 2 J pp. Dec. 15, 1852; both to Lord Adolphus Vane, with envelope (2) 31 Beaconsfield (Earl of) A. L. s. (initial) 2 pp. 8vo, Sept. 1st, 1853— A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, Oct. 2Stk, 1853, both to the same, with envelope (2) 32 Beaconsfield (Earl of) A. L. s. (initial) 4 pp. 8vo, liughenden, August \?>th, 1852, to the Marquis of Londonderry — A. L. s. 4 pp. 8vo, Aug. 22, 1852, to the same, on his son's election (2) 33 Beaconsfield (Earl of) Three interesting A. L. s. covering 11 pp. 8vo, to Lady Blessington, in one letter he writes : " They tell me that Lockhart has been abusing me in Eraser. I should like to see it. Why anyone should take the trouble of abusing me, I cannot make out, as I am not aware that I have been particularly successful lately." (3) 34 Beaconsfield (Earl of) A. L. s. (initial), 3j pp. 4to, April 1, 1835, to his father Isaac Disraeli, interesting letter on polities', and three others, with portraits, etc. (4) 35 Beethoven (L. von) Composer, part of A. L. s., portraits ; and one other (2) 36 Betty (W. H.) Actor, "the young Roscius," A. Order s., poi^traits andplaybills ; others of Mrs. Bellamy, Mrs. Bernard Beere, Lionel Brough, Sir Squire and Lady Bancroft, J. Billington, etc. portraits a parcel 37 Bishop (Sir H.) Composer, a large number of A. L. s., chiefly re- lating to the Duke of Edinburgh, also A. Musical Scores ; others of Sir Julius Benedict and Sir Michael Costa, po7'traits a parcel 38 Blackmore (R. D.) Author of " Lorna Doone," etc., A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, Teddington^ August!, 1893, scarce i First Day 39 Bt.AND (Miss) Vocalist, sister-in-law of Mrs. Jordan, Autograph Letters, Playbills, MS. and printed matter relating to her and her connection with Drury Lane Theatre, including the cer- tificate of her birth, cuttings relating to her early appearance at Sadlers Wells, signed agreements with EUiston and others, Autograph Letters of contemporary artistes, sale of her fur- niture, etc., an interesting collection a parcel 40 Blesstngton (Countess of) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Two Album Pieces and an Acrostic addressed to her, po7'traits (4) 41 Blessington (Countess of) Count D'Orsay and Charles James Mathews, a Series of Thirteen A. L. s. of the above, and MS. Papers, November, 1824, etc., A MOST interesting collec- tion, relating to the famous controversy (13) 42 Bloomfield (Robert) Poet, Two A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Ju7ie 27, 1806, etc. — Baillie (Joanna) Nine A. L. s. 4to and 8vo ; aud Three A. L. s. from Dr. Baillie (U) 43 Bonheur (Rosa) Animal Painter, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, 9 Mars, 1873, sca7'ce 44 Braddon (Miss) Novelist, Two A. L. s. when Mrs. Maxwell ; others of Mrs. Hodgson Burnett, Rhoda Broughton and Mrs. Cowden Clarke (o) 45 Bradley (Rev. E.) " Cuthbert Bedc," Two A. L. s. ; others of Sir Walter Besant, P. J. Bailey, author of " Festus," and William Black, jportraits (6) 46 Bronte (Charlotte) A. L. s. " Currer Bell," 1 p. 8vo, Sept. \Qith, 1850, to Miss Hudson, sending her a piece for her album (2) 47 Bronte (Charlotte) A. L. s. 31 pp. 8vo, Jan. 22nd, 1846, to Mr. Rand, the master of the National School at Staley Bridge, interesting letter, giving an Account of Changes at Haworth, with envelope-. "The Haworth National School does ex- tremely well, and the master, Mr. Parnell, is I believe much liked. Few changes of any moment have taken place at Haworth since you left, the arrival of a new peal of six bells is, I believe, the principal. They ring them almost daily, and we, being so near the church, have the full benefit of their tones." 48 Bronte (Rev. P.) father of the preceding. Two A. L. s. 4 pp. 8vo, Haivortk, Feb. 28tk, 1849, etc., to the same, he speaks of the death of his only son Branwell and of his daughter Emily (2) 49 Brougham (Lord) Statesman, several A. L. s. 4to and 8vo ; others of Sir F. Burdett, John Bright, Earl of Aberdeen, Baron Auckland, Baron Colchester, etc. portraits a parcel 50 Browning (R.) Poet, A. Note s. with portraits — Coleridge (S. T.) Doc. s. when Secretary at A^aletta, portraits (2) 51 BucKSTONE (J. B.) Actor, Twenty-four A. L. s. and Auto. Orders s. ; others of C. Fechter, P. T. Barnum the show- man, and others, theatrical, porti'aits, etc. a parcel First Day 8 52 BuRNE-JoNES (Sir E.) Painter, Three A. L. s. 7 pp. 8vo, Nov. 5, 1879, etc.^ scarce, with portrait and illustrations (3) 53 BuRNEY (Dr. Charles) Musician, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Chelsea Col- lege, l\th Aug. 1796 ; others of Johji Braham, ivith portraits and playbills, Sir F. Bridge and Sir J. Barnby (5) 54 Byron (Lady Noel) Four A. L. s., with portraits of Lord Byron, etc. (4) 55 Caine (T. H. Hall) Author of the "Manxman," etc., A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, portraits, etc. ; others of Wilkie Collins (3), " Max O'Rell," etc. (7) 56 Canning (George) Two A. L. s. ; others of Stratford Canning, R. Cobden, Viscount Castlereagh, etc., portraits a parcel 57 Canova (A.) Sculptor, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Bologna, 29 Jiiglio, 1820— Chantrey (Sir F.) Three A. L. s.— Flaxman (J.) Two A. L. s. and two Inscriptions in his auto., several por- traits (8) 58 Cardigan (Earl of) led the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava, A. L. s. ; others of Viscount Gough, Viscount Combermere, Sir C. J. Napier, Lord Alfred Paget, Sir Harry Smith, and General Lafayette (3rd person), portraits (18) 59 Carlyle (T.) Author and Essayist, A. L. s. ij pp. 8vo, St. Leonards, 5 June, 1864, respecting Mr. T. Ballantyne^ 2)ortraits 60 Charles X of France, A. L. 3rd person, 1 p. 4to, to Marquis Wellesley — Louis Philippe, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 10^/^ July, 18^9, portrait (2) 61 Charlotte (Princess) daughter of George IV, d. 1817, A. L. s. li pp. 4to, n. d. : A. L. s. {incomplete), 3 pp. 4to, June 2ith, 1813, to Mrs. AVightman, portraits (2) 62 Christian (H.K.H. Helena Princess) A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, A. L. 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo (2) 63 Cibber (Colley), Barton Booth and Robert Wilks, Two Signatures of each on Bills, one a "Prompter's Bill" for the years 1715-16, VERY interesting (2) 64 Clarkson (Thomas) Slave Emancipator, Eight A. L. s. ; others of Baroness Burdett-Coutts, Joseph Sturge of Philadelphia, etc., port7^aits (14) 65 Clive (Catherine) Actress, A. L. s. ij pp. 4to, Nov. ye 11, 1767, to George Colman, the signatm^e of this letter has been re- moved and afterwards reinstated, some words are consequently missing 66 Collier (J. P.) Shakspearian Critic, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo ; others of Mortimer Collins, Allan Cunningham (3), Robert Buchanan (4), etc., ivith portraits (l9) 67 COLLINGWOOD (Cuthbert Lord) Admiral, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, off Minorca, June Zrd, 1808, interesting letter on a proposal to place the Balearic Islands under the protection of the British 9 First Day 68 COLLINGWOOD (Cuthbert Lord) A. L. s. l| pp. 4to, Nov. ^rd, 1806 ; Doc. s. by him and one other, portrait (3) 69 CoLMAN (Gr. the younger) Dramatist, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, 15 Dec. 1830, to Edmund Kean ; Auto. Verses s. 3 pp. 4to, written at the request of the Countess of Blessington, and various Auto. Memoranda, some signed (9) 70 Composers, etc., including Letters from Dr. Gauntlett,^ W. Horsley, J. Hullah, Herve, Heinrich Herz, Sir C. Halle, M. Jullien, etc. ioortraits a parcel 71 Composers, Singers, etc., a Collection of Autographs, Portraits, Playbills, Programmes, etc. a parcel 72 CoNGREVE (W.) Dramatist, Annuity Keceipt s. 1 p. folio, 21 April, 1725 ; also Order s. to pay his dividend on £2000 South Sea Stock to Thos. Snow, Feb. 1721, portrait (2) 73 CoNNAUGHT (Arthur, Duke of) Two A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, 1883 — Teck (Duchess of) A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, to Lady Clarendon, and an Auto. Poem s. with initials (4) 74 Constable (John) Painter, A. L. s. 1 p. l2mo, scarce — Fielding (Copley) Eleven A. L. s., and one other, illustrations (13) 75 Cooke (J. P.) Actor, Two A. L. s. ; others of T. Cooper, Madame Celeste, F. B. Chatterton, and others, theatrical, portraits and playbills a parcel 76 Cooper (J. Fenimore) Author of "The Spy," etc., A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, New York, April 23, 1836— Haliburton (J. C.) " Sam Slick," A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo ; and one other, with portraits (3) 77 Cornwallis (Charles Marquis) General, served in America^ A. L. s. 1 p. 4L0, March 20th, 1805, to Hon. J. Duncan 78 Cox (David) Landscape Painter, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, August 2,. 1842— Eastlake (Sir C. L.) Five A. L. s. (6> 79 Crowquill (Alfred) i. e. A. H. Forrester, Three A. L. s. 3 pp.. 8vo, one containing a pen-and-ink sketch ; others of Count D'Orsay (2), H. Furniss (4), Luke Fildes (3), Sir J. Gilbert (10); etc. (23) 80 Cruikshank (G.) Artist, A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, Dec. 11th, 1856, to J. H. Anderson, interesting letter respecting the publication of the Life of Falstaff 81 Cruikshank (G.) Two A. L. s. each 1 p. 4to, Oct. l^th, 1824, etc., to K. Elliston (2) 82 Cruikshank (G.) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, May \st, 1852, respecting the Artists' Benevolent Fund, A. L. s. 1 p. 12mo. to J. H. Anderson (2) 83 Cruikshank (G.) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Dec. 15, 1843, to Auldjo ; also a fine Signature, with portrait, etc. (2) 84 Dancers, including Letters of Fanny Cerito, Fanny Elssler, Madame Cavalazzi, with a number of large portraits, chiefly in colours a parcel Mnt Day 10 85 DiBDiN (C.) the Elder, Song-writer and Dramatist, A. L. s. 3 pp 8vo, to David Garrick — Dibdin (C.) the Younger, Two A. L. s. ; others of G. Dignum, T. Cooke, with Music, and 'B. Cooke, portraits (12) 86 Dibdin (Rev. T. F.) Bibliographer; others of the Rev. G. R. Gleig, J. Foster, T. H. Friswell, ivith sketches, etc. (8) 87 Dickens (C.) A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, ^th June, 1848, fine and INTERESTING LETTER: " I am quite sure that Mr. Simpson is right in preferring to have the performance before Mr. Macready's appearance. Nor do I doubt that it will be of service to the theatre in the long run. Webster of the Haymarket — M'ho is no bad authority — has always pro- ceeded on that assumption since we first began to play in London. ... I have a little difficulty in sending you the exact caste of the Merry Wives, because if Leech should still be unable to come, I shall play Slender, and somebody else wdll act my present part of Swallow." 88 Dickens (0.) A. L. s. 1 J pp. 8vo, 2 December, 1857, to Sir Joseph Paxton, respecting his readings, and adds that he never accepts invitations on such occasions when it is necessary to be composed and un-bothered, speaks of altera- tions at Gad's Hill 89 Dickens (G) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, 30 July, 1857, to the same, respecting the Duke of Devonshire's subscription of .£100 to the fund in memory of Douglas Jerrold, A. L. s. (initials) I4 pp. 8vo, to his brother Frederick, arranging for a journey to Broads tairs (2) 90 Dickens (C.) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, 5 Dec. 1857, to the same, re- specting Sir Joseph's intended visit to Gad's Hill, A. L. s. (initials) 1 p. 12mo, Office of All the Year Round, 29 August, 1868, ''respecting that Journal, to open next No. I shall make up proof to Gad's Hill." (2) ■91 Dickens (C.) A. L. s. ij pp. 8vo, Gad's Hill, ^th September, 1869, to Mrs. Church, thanking her for the dedication of a book 92 Dickens (C.) A. L. 3rd person, li pp. 8vo, to Mr. Gibbs, 24 Dec. 1847, and signed envelope addressed to C. MacKay (2) 93 Dickens (C.) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, 30 Nov. 1852, to Miss Georgiana Donnet, A. L. 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo, 22 Aj^ril, 1852, to Mr. Watts "the Amateur Company will not visit Wolver- hampton, and no place nearer to it than Birmingham." (2) 94 Dickens (C.) A. L. s. 1 p. ,8vo, toT. Wright, Esq., 31 3Iay, 1870, from Gad's Hill Place (nine days before his death) — "It is sometimes quite impossible for me to keep pace with my correspondence," and encloses three guineas to the Banks fund, etc., with envelope aiid portrait 95 Dickens (C.) Various Portraits, Cuttings, Catalogue of the Gad's Hill Sale, priced, etc. a parcel 11 First Day 96 Divines, including M. Boyle, Archbishop of Armagh, Cardinal Alberoney, Rev. H. W. Beecher, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, and others, tvith several fine mezzotint portraits (32) 97 DOBSON (Austin) Poet, A. L. s. ; others of F. Locker-Lampson (3) J. H. Merivale, George Macdonald, etc. (9) 98 DoDGSON (Rev. C. L.) "Lewis Carroll," A. L. s. (initials) 4 pp. 8vo, Cli. Ch. Oxford, June 2/84, explaining a geometric problem ; also a detached address and signature (2) 99 DoDGSON (Rev. C. L.) A. L. s. ij pp. 12mo (undated), a nice 100 DoNZELLi (D.) Tenor Singer, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, with Programme ; others of E. Dannreuther, G. Duprez and G. Donizetti, porti'aits (lO) 101 DoRE (Gustave) French Painter, A. L. s. 8vo ; others of Adam Bartsch, scarce, "Cham," pen-and-ink Sketch; and two others (5) 102 Doyle (Sir A. Conan) Novelist, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo ; others of Sydney Dobell, Kenelm H. Digby, etc. a parcel 103 Dramatists, etc., including Prince Hoare,H. J. Byron, Hamilton Aide, Sir F. C. Burnand, Shirley Brooks, T. Cooke, and others, portraits, etc. a parcel 104 Dumas {AXqx.) pere, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 10 Sept., to an admiral, offering the services of his pen for the vindication of the admiral's character, others of Chateaubriand and Casimir Delavigne, portraits (3) 105 Edinburgh (Duke of) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo ; others of Princess Louise, Marquis of Lome, Princess Victoria and the Duke of Cambridge, portraits (5) 106 Edward VII (H. M. King) A. L. s. when Prince of Wales, 2 pp. 8vo, June 1st, 1870, various portraits, photos and cuttings a parcel 107 Eliot (George) Novelist, A. L. 3rd person, ij pp. 8vo, Noi^tk Bank, April 19, '79, to Mr. Harris, with portraits, etc. 108 Elizabeth (Princess) Daughter of George III, A. L. s. (incom- plete) ; others of Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark, Princess Sophia and the Duke and Duchess of Kent, por- traits (5) 109 Elliston (R. W.) Theatrical Manager, Five A. L. s. 4to and 8vo, and Auto. Memorandum of engagements, signed ; others of D. Egerton, J. Emery, Mrs. Edwin, W. Farren, E. Fitzwilliam, etc., port?'aits and play-bills, an intei'esting lot a parcel 110 Etty (William) Painter, Forty-six A. L. s. 8vo, some with sketches 46 111 Eugenie (Empress) A. L. s. 4 pp. 8vo (undated), scarce with portrait B 3 First Day 12 112 Farren (Eliza) Actress, afterwards Countess of Derby, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4 to, 19 May, 1794, to Mrs. Piozzi, criticising a book, mentions Mrs. Siddons, etc. ; also draft of letter from Mrs. Piozzi in reply, 2 pp. 4to, in her autograph s. (with initials) ; others of Marie Foote (Countess of Harrington), Helena Faucet (Lady Martin), Miss Glyn, etc. portraits and play hills (15) 113 Foley (J. H.) R.A., Eleven A. L. s.; others of J. Durham, Sir F. Grant, etc. (25) 114 FoLi (Signor) Singer, A. L. s. ; others of Giulia Grisi, Manuel Garcia, George Grossmith, Corney Grain, etc., portraits (lo) 115 Foote (S.) Actor, A. L. 3rd person — Harley (J. P.) A. L. s. coloured and other portraits, and some items relating to Vauxhall Gardens a parcel 116 Fox (C. J.) Statesman, Signature to a Doc. ; others of Lord Denman, W. Cobbett, Duke of Devonshire, etc. (9) 117 Franklin (Sir John) Arctic Explorer, A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, Van Biemen's Land, 19 Feb. 1841, to C. J. La Trobe (Governor of N. S. Wales), respecting the Convict Settle- ment of Van Diemen's Land, etc., A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 26 November, 1831, portrait (2) 118 Gainsborough (Thomas R.A.) Painter, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Fall Mall, Sept. 29tk, 1983, to his sister Mrs. Dupont, RARE : "I promised John when he did me the honour of a visit in Town, to allow him half-a-crown a week, which with what his good cousin Gainsboro' allow him and sister Gibbon, I hope will (if applied properly to his own use) render the remainder of his old age tolerably comfortable, for villainously old he has indeed grown," etc. 119 Garrick (David) Actor, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to (oblong), Jany. 22, 1773, to the Hon. Mr. Fitzmaurice : "These letters are this moment answ'd. If my wife would not set all ye family in an uproar, I would ask you to call in with ye draft of ye Play and stay till go to sleep — but if you'll take things as they are you will come if you like it — were I to hint the matter ye house w^d be up in arms." 120 Garrick (David) A. L. s. ij pp. 8vo, Tuesday Night (no year), to the same : I have made use of yr. observations as you will see in every instance but one — as you will see by the book I send you — the first that came from the Press — it is yr. due I have procur'd you two good places, you must send yr. man before half an hour after five, and I would advise you to get early to yr. places." 121 Garrick (David) A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, Fryday Night {no year), to Tom King the Actor, portraits: "You shall have yr. terms or I won't be a manager — I shall, as I always was, be ever glad to see you. I go to Hampton to morrow morning to open my throat and hope to see you directly upon my return — we must scheme some business together, I have a whim." 13 First Bay 122 Garrick (David) A. L. s. 1 p. ito, Tuesday {no year), to E. B. Sheridan expressing a hope to see him at breakfast, portrait 123 Garrick (David) A. L. 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo, to White the Bookseller, respecting an edition of Virgil printed in 1529 ; and Two A. Notes from Mrs. Garrick, portrait (3) 124 Garrick (David) A. L. 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo, Jan. 9, 1773, to Hon. Mr. Fitzmaurice ; Card in his autograph, March 22, 1773, interesting : "Can you bring the Dr. (? Dr. Johnson), or will you dine another time with us?" and one other (3) 125 George I, King of England, L. sub. and s. when Elector, to the Duke of Saxony, 10 Jan. 1712 — George II, L. s. 2 J pp. folio, Ibtk March, 1735, to the Duke of Saxe Meiningen, announcing the marriage of his eldest daughter Anne with the Prince of Orange, 2 mezzotint portraits (2) 126 George III, King of England, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, March Uh, 1799, to the Duke of York, respecting an accident to Prince Ernest; L. s. 1 p. 4to, to the King of Denmark, 27 July, 1807, ivith seals, portrait (2) 127 George III, Four Royal Sign Manuals to Commissions, etc., countersigned by the Earl of Chatham and Duke of Portland — Charlotte (Queen) Signature to an Appointment, several portraits, including two large mezzotints, proofs before letters (5) 128 George IV, when Prince of Wales, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, July \^th, 1815, to Lady Lavington, mentions Mrs. Fitzherbert, etc.; Royal Sign Manual on a vellum Doc. and A. L. of Q. Caro- line, several poi'traits (3) 129 George III and George IV, coloured Caricatures relating to, and to other subjects (17) 130 Gibbon (Edward) Historian, Signature, with two lines holograph on a Bill, folio, 1787; and another similar specimen, with portrait (2) 131 Gladstone (Rt. Hon. W. E.) Two A. L. s., portraits, cuttings, etc. ; others of Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, LordFredk. Cavendish (3), etc. (8) 132 Godwin (William) Political Writer, several A. L. s. and portions of MS., ivith portrait ; and a number of A. L. s. from the Rev. W. Gilpin a parcel 133 Gordon (General C. G.) A. L. s. \\ pp. folio, Dongola, 8 Nov. 1877, to A. Jansen, Esq. respecting some important arrange- ments to be carried out with Messrs. Appleby, fine letter 134 Gordon (General C. G.) A. L. s. 5 pp. 8vo, J. U. S. Club, 26 Jan./59, to Mr. Stab, respecting some stores on their way to Constantinople 135 Gordon (General C. G.) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Suakim, 12 Jan. 1878, to Mr. Jansen, in reference to rock drills, etc. — A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, 23 Marehl^2, and four signatures, photo, and cuttings (6) B 4 First Day 14 136 Gounod (C.) Musical Composer, Four A. L. s. and A. Music s., po7'traits and cuttings (5) 137 Gounod (C.) Original Autograph Score (Baritone Solo and Orchestral Accompaniment) of his famous " Nazareth," 22 pp. folio, A MOST INTERESTING MUSICAL MS. 138 Gounod (C.) Original Autograph Score (Choir and Orchestra) of his " By Babylon's Wave," 32 pp. folio 139 Greenaway (Kate) Artist, A. Postcard s. June 27, 1895, scarce — Crane (Walter) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo — Foster (Birket) Five A. L. s. (7) 140 Grimaldi (Joe) Clown, A. L. s. 1 p. 4 to, July 8tk, 1828, to Mrs. Cooke, A. Verses s. ; also interesting A. L. s. 2 J pp. 12mo, Sadlers Wells, Dec. 20, 1829 : " No grinning now for poor old Joey, none I do not think I shall see many more Christmasses " ; and one other, with several portraits and playbills (4) 141 Haggard (H. Eider) Novelist, A. L. s. \\ pp. folio, when Kegis- trar of the Transvaal High Court in 1878 ; and Two signed Letters (3) 142 Hamilton (Sir William) Diplomatist, husband of Lady Hamilton, A. L. s. Caserta, Dec. 12, 1780 (an early letter) ; Testimonial in his autograph, folio, Palermo, Marchlbth, 1800 ; A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Naples, Feb. 28, 1792, mentions "my old and re- spected friend Lord Macartney"; Detailed Account of the Funeral Expenses of his first wife, 2 J pp. folio, 1783 ; also Orders for Payment and other Papers in his autograph — Stormont (Lord) a Series of Nineteen interesting A. L. s. addressed to Sir W. Hamilton — Shelburne (W. Petty Lord) A. L. s. 5 pp. folio, July 3, 1767, to Sir W. Hamilton, and five others, a very interesting collection a parcel 143 Hardy (Sir T. M.) Captain of the "Victory" at Trafalgar, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, Feb. 8, 1828 ; A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Dec. 1, 1831; also Nine Signatures on Letters and Official Papers, porti'aits (II) 144 Harte (Bret) Author of "The Heathen Chinee," etc., a Series of Three A. L. s. addressed to Mr. Triibner and one to Mr. Toole, interesting, with portraits (4) 145 Hastings (Warren) Governor General of India, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 18^^ Nov. 1783, with 3 portraits — Grattan (H.) Two A. L. s. 4to and one from his wife ; others of the Duke of Grafton, Earl Grey (3), Lord Granville, Vassall Lord Hol- land, etc., por^r^zYs (12) 146 Hazlitt (W.) Essayist, A. L. s. (initials), 4 pp. 4to, Tuesday Night {no year), addressed to Miss Stoddart, who afterwards became his first wife, fine and interesting letter ; Auto. Verses " The Damned Author's Address to his Re- viewers," with Note s. to Black respecting them (2) 15 First Day 147 Hazlitt (W.) Manuscnj)t of 6 pp. 8vo in his autograph, with short MS. Biography, etc., arranged in small folio size book form 148 Herring (J. F.) Animal Painter, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo — Hodges (W. B.A.) Sixteen long and interesting A. L. s. addressed to W. Hayley ; others of J. Farington and E. Bird, portraits (22) 149 Herring (J. F.) Original Pencil Sketch of Horse's Head, signed with initials and dated, with portrait, framed 150 Hogg (James) the "Ettrick Shepherd," Three A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, 1^11-11 , porti^aits. In one letter he writes: " lam going to spend next week with Walter Scott and some other friends in that neighbourhood, by which time the Buccleuch family will be come to Yarrow, so I shall have plenty of variety for the time I stay." (3) 151 Holmes (Oliver Wendell) A. L. s. 4 pp. 8vo, Boston, Sept. 20, 1870, to Sir William James, interesting, portrait 152 Hood (Samuel Viscount) Admiral, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Oct. 22, 1778 ; A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, oblong ; others of Sir Samuel Hood, Edward Lord Hawke, Sir T. Duckworth, Viscount Exmouth, Lord Gambler and Sir W. Hoste, portraits (9) 153 Hood (Thomas) Poet, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, and conclusion of an A. L. s. — Campbell (T.) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to — Barton (Bernard) Autograph Poems, portraits (7) 154 Horn (C. E.) Vocalist, composer of " Cherry Eipe," etc. A. L. s. ij PP- 4to ; others of Dr. Crotch, Sir J. Goss, Sir G. A. Mac- farren. Miss Stephens, afterwards Countess of Essex, Signor De Begnis, etc., poi'traits a parcel 155 Howe (Richard Earl) Admiral, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, to Sir T. Pasley — L. s. folio, Sept. 1793 ; others of the Earl of Sand- wich, Lord Keppel, Sir R. G. Keats (several), and Sii- E. HughQii, 2)or traits (17) 156 Hughes (T.) Author of "Tom Brown's Schooldays," A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo ; others of Rev. J. Watson "Ian Maclaren," Lord Houghton, W. Howitt, etc. (12) 157 Hugo (Victor) French Poet, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo; others of Gui^ot, A. de Lamartine, C. J. F. Henault, etc. (8) 158 Hunt (W. Holman) painted "The Light of the World," etc., A. L. s. — Herkomer (H.) several A. L. s. po7'traits an^ cuttings (9) 159 Hunt (Leigh) Poet, A. L. s. 4 pp. 12mo : " I am in want of a copy of the True Sun during the time I wrote in it, some of my best papers being in that, particularly one called a ' Sunday in London ' " ; A. Note s., poj'traits (2) 160 Huskisson (Rt. Hon. W.) killed on the railway, Twelve A. L. s.; others of Joseph Hume, Lord Herschell, Sir Rowland Hill, etc., portraits a parcel First Day 16 161 Inchbald (Elizabeth) Dramatist, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, to W. Woodfall, thanking him for a Prologue for " To Marry or Not to Marry," with portrait and playbill 162 Ingelow (Jean) Poetess, Two A. L. s. 6 pp. 8vo ; others of Mrs. Hemans, Eliza Cook, with Poem, and Elizabeth Bentley, portraits (ll) 163 Irving (Sir Henry) Actor, Four A. L. s. and Three L. s., with portraits, catalogues of his sale, etc. a parcel 164 James III. "the Old Pretender," Copies of Four Original Let- ters, 4 pp. folio, 1718-9, M^ritten by him, addressed to "Messieurs le Confabonier et les Privii de Fano," etc. (4) 165 Jordan (Dora) Actress, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Sept. I9th, 1813, to Mr. Vickery 166 Jordan (Dora) A. L. s. ij pp. 4to: " Before I had the pleasure of seeing you last, I had determined to write to you to re- quest you would have the goodness to enable me to have the happiness of presenting the Public the Comedy of the East Indian — Don't let poor Angela plead in vain," etc., with po7'trait and playbill 167 Jordan (Dora) Two A. L. 3rd person, each 1 p. 4to, one ad- dressed to Mr. Shaw^ stating that she will perform at Mar- gate 6 nights at 30 gs. per night, the 7th clear of all expenses for her Benefit, with two playbills and several portraits (2) 168 Kauffman (Angelica, B.A.) Painter, A. L. s. ijpp. 4to, Rome, 5th April, 1794, to Prof. Beker, excusing herself for having delayed to answer his letter. She speaks of the studies of drawings she has made for her friends, and which being done on a very small scale have injured her sight. — A. L. 3rd person, i p. 4to, Nov. 4, 1780, portraits and specimens (2) 169 Kean (Charles) Actor, a Collection of Fifty-one A. L. s., about thirty being from him and from his wife Ellen Kean, the remainder being addressed to him on various matters con- nected with the stage, AN important and interesting lot, illustrated with portraits, playbills, etc. a parcel 170 Kean (Edmund) Actor, A. L. s. 2f pp. 4to, Liverpool, Sept. 17, 1819, to Mr. J. Hughes, an extremely interesting letter, referring to his dispute with Elliston, then manager of Drury Lane, very slightly damaged by breaking seal, with portrait : The circumstances of Elliston discharging my aunt should be made public, get it into Dr. Walsh's paper, 'we under- stand that Mr. Elliston on receiving Mr. Kean's rejection of proposals instantly discharged his aunt. Miss Tidswell, we should like to put this new Manager in mind of the old song ' Should auld acquaintance be forgot.' " 171 Kean (Edmund) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Liverpool, 27 August, circa 1824, probably written to Fawcett, portrait: " I play here till Monday next, and intended then to put my helm towards the Isle of Bute, if you and the winds permit." 17 First Day 172 Kean (Edmund) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, New York, Jan. 1th, 1826: "I will thank you to acknowledge the thousand pounds I have already sent, it will I fear be late in March before I can furnish you with further remittances, as my health is at present so bad that I am compelled to postpone all my pro- fessional labours." 173 Kean (Edmund) A. Note, 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo, wishing Mr. Isaacs an overflow on the night of his benefit — Autograph suggestions for modifying certain parts in a Play, 4 pp. 4to — A. Note s. by Mary Kean, stating that " Mr. Kean is totally incapable of seeing anyone this evening"; and an A. L. s. by Jas. Sharp to R. Southey, proposing that Edmund Kean should recite an ode in commemoration of Shakspeare's birth, AN INTERESTING LOT (4) 174 Kean (Edmund) A. L. 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo — A. Note (unsigned), " Sir/ who are you 1 and how dare you open a letter directed by me to another person "?" also two Signatures and two A. L. s. from his relative Betsy Fancutt addressed to him, with several po?'traits (one in colours), and six playbills a parcel 175 Kean (Mary) wife of Edmund Kean, A. L. s. ij pp. 4to {March 30, 1817), to Jane Porter: "On looking over Mr. Lamb's letter, I find I cannot send it, there is so much I should not like Mr. Rea to see, and I cannot tear it off" — Two A. L. s., covering 5 pp. 8vo, from the same, on theat- rical matters (3) 176 Kean (Mary) A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, 5 Oct. 1825, to G. H. Segell, a7i extremely interesting and pathetic letter, written shortly after her husband's desertion and departure for America : " On perusing your letter this morning I felt hurt at your repeated injunctions of not disposing of any the smallest article of my Husband's property — I am a Lady — no stroll- ing actress who might need all this caution .... I am ready and willing to do anything for his happiness — tho' he has destroyed mine." 177 Keeley (Mrs.) Actress, several A. L. s. ; others from R. Keeley, with portraits and numerous playbills a parcel 178 Keene (Charles S.) Punch Artist, Two A. L. s. 5 pp. 8vo ; others of Linley Sambourne (6), E. T. Reed to Tenniel, T. W. Reid, C. Pellegrini (" Ape" in Vanity Fair) and Kenny Meadows, cuttings, etc. (18) 179 Kemble (J. p.) Actor, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Dublin, July, 1804 — A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, to T. Webster— A. L. s. " Hamlet," i p. 4to, interesting ; a scarce Ticket of Admission to the Shak- speare Jubilee at Stratford, signed "Geo. Garrick," and several portraits and playbills, one on satin a parcel 1 80 Kemble Family. An interesting Collection of Autograph Letters, Portraits and Playbills, by or relating to the various members of this talented Family a parcel First Day 18 181 Kendal (W. H.) Four A. L. s., and A. L. s. from Mrs. Kendal ; others of Sir J. Hare, David James, etc. portraits and wood- cuts a parcel 182 KiNGSLEY (Rev. C.) Two A. L. s. Dec. 24/66, etc., with three po7'traits (2) 183 Kipling (Rudyard) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo; others of Jerome K. Jerome and T. Hardy, portraits (3) 184 Kruger (Paul) Ex-President of the Transvaal, L. s. l| pp. folio, ^Oth Dec. 1865, when Commandant-General, granting per- mission to families to return to their homes after the Kaffir War ; also two Signatures to Deeds, and two others (5) 185 Landor (W. S.) Author of "Imaginary Conversations," etc. A. L. s. ; others of Mark Lemon (2), Douglas Jerrold (2), etc., with po7'traits (8) 186 Landseer (Sir Edwin) Painter, Five A. L. s. 10 pp. 8vo, one addressed to Lady Blessington (5) 187 Lawrence (Sir Henry) General, the hero of Lucknow, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, Cashmere, Oct. 11, scarce — Outram (Sir James) A. Note s. portraits (2) 188 Lawrence (Sir Thomas, P.R.A.) Painter, Three A. L. s. 5 pp. 8vo, Feb. 17, 1829, etc., several pof^t7'aits and engravings from his works (3) 189 Leech (John) Artist, A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo ; an Original Pencil Drawing, "The Needlewoman at Home and Abroad" (Punch, vol. XVIII), and the Original Sketch for Punch Cartoon of the French Socialist leading the British Lion, with nine engravings after his works (12) 190 Leno (Dan) Comedian, A. L. s. with clever drawing of flowers by him, also Signature and Cuttings ; others of E. Righton, W. Lacy, F. Matthews, S. Phelps, H. Neville, etc., porti^aits (45) 191 Lever (Charles) Novelist, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo ; and two A. L. s. of Samuel Lover, portraits (3) 192 LiND - GoLDSCHMiDT (Jenny) Vocalist, A. L. s. 2j pp. 8vo, Nov. 237^d, with envelope ; Auto. Programme of Music s., from the Stuttgart collection ; and Four Bars of Auto. Music with Swedish words (3) 193 LiND-GoLDSCHMiDT (Jenny) Five A. L. s., and one A. L. 3rd person, covering 18 pp. 8vo; also several A. L. s. from her husband Otto Goldschmidt, with p)ort7'aits and cuttings a paixel 194 Linton (Mrs. Lynn) A. L. s. 3i pp. 8vo ; others of Mrs. Craik (2), Florence Marryat (several), etc., with portraits (19) 195 Liszt (Franz) Hungarian Abbe and Pianist, Three A. L. s. (one with initials), 9 pp. 8vo ; and a detached Signature, portraits (4) 196 Livingstone (Dr. D.) Traveller and Missionary, A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, 6 Dec. 1864, to A. W. Suflford, portrait — DuFF (Alex.) Indian Missionary, A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, interesting (2) 19 First Day 197 LoCKHART (J. G.) Two A. L. s. ; others of H. Mackenzie, W. Maginn, etc., portraits (14) 198 Longfellow (H. W.) American Poet, A. L. s. 2 J pp. 8vo, Cambridge, May 3, 1870, nice specimen, tvith portraits 199 Lytton (E. Bulwer, Lord) Several A. L. s. 4to and 8vo ; others from his wife Eosina Lady Lytton, portraits (13) 200 Macaulay (Lord) Historian, Two A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, Albany, March 20, 1854, etc., portrait (2) 201 Macklin (C.) Comedian, Two A. L. s. to G. Colman, o?^e ivith signature cut off—ThvaQ A. L. s. of Tyrone Power ; and others of Arthur Murphy, Mrs. Orger and D. W. Osbaldis- tone, portraits, etc. (15) 20 SECOND DAY'S SALE LOT 202 Macready (W. C.) Actor, upwards of Thirty A. L. s., with numerous portraits and playbills, two giving his first and last appearances a parcel 203 Mario (Guiseppe, Marechese di Candia) Italian Tenor, Five A. L. s. 8vo, and portion of another A. L. s., portraits (6) 204 Marryat (Captain) Novelist, Three A. L. s. 4to and 8vo, Fal- mouth^ May 6th, etc., proof portrait (3) 205 Mason (Rev. W.) Divine and Poet, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to ; others of J. Montgomery, with Verses, R. Montgomery, Aubrey de Yere, etc., portraits (20) 206 Mathews (C.) Actor, a large and interesting Collection of Auto- graph Letters, Portraits and Character Scenes, many in colours and some very scarce, Playbills, Manuscript Matter, Cuttings, etc., illustrating the career of this celebrated comedian, made by J. Winston, author of " The Theatrical Note Book," and an intimate friend of Mathews, uniformly mounted on sheets, roy. ito size a large parcel 207 Mathews (C. J.) Comedian, Nine A. L. s. ; others of Miss F. M. Kelly, etc., with numerous portraits, some coloured, character scenes and play-bills a parcel 208 Mazarin (Cardinal) Minister of State to Louis XIV, L. sub. and s. 1 p. folio, 2 Aout, 1643, with silks and seals, portrait 209 Medical, including Dr. J. A. Paris, Sir James Paget, Sir H. Thompson, Dr. Forbes Winslow and others a parcel 210 Meissonier (E.) French Artist, L. s. by him and by Ballu and E. Gruillaume as representatives of the Academic des Beaux Arts, 17 Sept. 1875, scarce — Isabey, French Artist, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, portrait, etc. (2) 211 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Felix) Composer, A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, Leipzig, 24 Januar, 1841, to Professor J. Fischof in Vienna, fine letter, speaks of the difficulties of his journey in Italy, and thanks him for sending a cadence by Beethoven : Sie hat mich ungemein interessiert. Wie doch der, in dieser Zeit nichts hat machen konnen, worin nicht die gliihendsten Funken seines tiefsten Geistes spriihen " 212 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Felix) A. L. s. 1 J pp. 4to in English, Leipzig, 27 September, 1846, fine specimen, relating to the Norwich Musical Festival, mentions "St. Paul" and " Elijah," portrait 21 Second Day 213 Mendelssohn- Bartholdy (Felix) A. L. s. {commencement missing) 1 J pp. 8vo, and Auto. Address to J. Novello, por- trait, etc. (2) 214 Meredith (George) Novelist, A. L. s. ij pp. 8vo, Sept. 20th 1877, to W. Davenport Adams, scarce 215 Meredith (George) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, August 2\st, 1894; and one other (2) 216 Meyerbeer (Jacob) Composer, Three A. L. s. each 1 p. 8vo, Paris, 20 April, 1849, etc., portraits (3) 217 Meyerbeer (Jacob) Eight A. L. s. covering 9 pp. 8vo, 16 May, 1855, etc., with portrait (8) 218 Mill (J. S.) A. L. s. ; others of Lawrence Oliphant, James Payn, etc. (7) 219 MiLLAis (Sir J. E.) A. L. s. and Auto. Postcard s. — Leighton (Lord) Twelve A. L. s. and Three Cards, etc., portraits and illustratiojis (17) 220 MiTFORD (M. R.) Author of "Our Village," Three A. L. s. folio and 8vo, interesting, to A. A. Watts, etc., poi'traits (3) 221 Moore (Sir John) General, killed at Corunna, A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, Athlone, 12th Febtj. 1799 222 Moore (Thomas) Irish Poet, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, June 3, 1836, to Sir P. Bellew, and an A. Note s. ; others of Capel LofFt, copy of an interesting Letter from Keats to Severn, etc., por- traits (7) 223 MoRLAND (George) Painter, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Wednesday, May 6, 1801, to Mr. Graham, interesting: "I am worse than ever — had an opium pill last night and as I thought two must do me more good than one, I took them both. I expected it was all up." 224 Moscheles (Ignace) German Pianist and Composer, Original Auto. MS. of Three Songs, with words in German s. 16 pp. 4to ; also some bars of Music s. and dated, an A. L. 3rd person, A. L. s. from his son, etc. (6) 225 Mulready (W.) Painter, Two A. L. s. ; others of D. Maclise, C. R. Leslie, J. Liiniell, etc., portraits (2l) 226 Musical, including Letters and Auto. Music of G. Perry, G. Pacini, H. Phillips (several), Randegger, Spagnoletti, Sir G. Smart, Tamburini and others a parcel 227 Musical, including S. Arnold, A. Catalani, Mrs. Dickons and others, portraits and, programmes a parcel 228 Musical, including Lablache, Mrs. Mountain and others, por- traits a parcel 229 Napoleon I, Signature "Bonaparte" when First Consul, to a Brevet on vellum, folio, 26 Prairial, an Xl, countersigned by the Minister of War and Secretary of State Second Day 22 230 Napoleon I Eelics. A Lock of the Emperor's hair cut by Isabey the painter ; a Leaf of the tree over the tomb at St. Helena cut as a profile likeness of the Emperor, and an Eagle from a table service of the Emperor (3) 231 Nelson (Lord) A Fine and Interesting Collection of NEARLY 200 Autograph Letters, Portraits, Drawings, Views, Medals, Newspaper Extracts, etc., illustrating his Life, Death and Funeral, inlaid arid mounted to folio size and whole bound by Zaehnsdorf in green morocco extra, the oaken boards of the vol. being taken from the "Victory," Nelson's arms inlaid on the side and border of oak leaves, enclosed in a richly carved oaken box specially made of wood from the "Foudroyant." The chief items in this valuable collection are : — A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, from Lord Nelson, Merton, Sept. Zrd, 1805, to Hon. G. Rose, A most interesting letter, written shortly before he sailed on his last cruise : " I hold myself ready to go forth wherever I am desired, although God knows I want rest, but self is entirely out of the question." — A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, from the same. Victory, Oct. 15, 1805, to Capt. Hammond, on Naval matters, one of the last letters he wrote — A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, from the same, Victory, March 28, 1805, to C. Ai'buthnot, "the French are unfortunately safe in Toulon", but I yet hope they may put to sea again and that we may have the good fortune to fall in with them." — Nelson's First Attempt at writing with the left hand after the loss of his right arm, 1 p. 4to : "An Officer desires to return thanks to Almighty God fod {sic) his perfect recovery from a severe wound, and also for the many mercies bestowed upon him. Dec. 8th, 1797, for next Sunday, Nelson." — Three important Papers s. by Nelson between the years 1786 and 1804; also Letters from Captain Hardy (stating that he was Nelson's Captain on board the "Victory" at the Battle of Trafalgar), Lord Collingwood, Captain Martin, Lord Hood, Tradesmen's Bills, etc. respecting Lord Nelson. The Portraits and Engravings include a fine proof Mezzo- tint of Nelson, by Syer, after Abbott, Coloured Plan of the Battle of Trafalgar, numerous scarce Coloured Engravings of Nelson's Funeral, Nelson's Allegorical Fan-mount, etc. ; the Relics include Trafalgar Medal, Fragment of Lord Nelson's Coat, Portions of the Sails of the "Victory," Portion of the Canopy of the Barge used at the Funeral Procession, Tickets of Admission to the Funeral, two Drawings of the "Victory," etc. 232 Nelson (Lord) An extremely interesting A. L. s. J p. 4to, ^S'^. George, March 2Zrd, 1801 (a few days before the Battle of Copenhagen), to Lady Hamilton, ivith address and seal, in gilt frame ; from the Toole collection : " My Dearest friend/ Now we are sure of fighting I am sent for, when it was a joke I was kept in the back grounds, tomorrow I hope will 23 Second Day Lot 232 — continued. be a grand day for England, to have it so no exertion shall be wanting from your most attached and affectionate friend till Death. Nelson and Bronte." 233 Nelson (Lord) A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, Victory, Nov. Uh, 1804, to Admiral Roddam, in satin-vjood easel frame, with brass sup- port : " I do assure you, my dear Admiral, that not one of your naval friends bears in mind your truly hospitable reception of us at Sheerness stronger than myself. I will explain to you exactly my power of promotion and you will then see the very distant prospect I can have of obliging any of my friends, all Admiralty vacancys are filled up by the iirst Lord of the Admiralty as by list given me, nothing is left to a Commander-in-Chief of the Present day but Deaths and dismissals by Court Martls. and not one of either thank God has happened since I took Command in May 1803 May health that greatest of blessings (but which I most unhappily Avant) ever attend you," etc. 234 Nelson (Lord) Signature (with right hand) on an Order for executing certain repairs on his ship, dated H.M.S. Captain^ 11 June, 1796 235 Nelson (Lord) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Bath, Jany. \'2th, 1798, to Francis Drake, Esq., interesting letter: " the Zealous ' in my opinion is superior to most frigates and equal to any, for Capt. Hood is always employd on the most active services. It is most true that I am soon to hoist my flag, but for what Services is yet a secret to me, be they what they may I shall endeavour to merit the continuance of your good opinion." 236 Nelson (Lord) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, St. George, May IZrd, 1801, to Admiral Dickson : "I hope soon to take you by the hand in England for if it is not soon I believe I never shall, for the cold air of the North has struck me to the heart, and I cannot get rid of my cough, in short I am in the first stage of consumption." 237 Nelson (Lord) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 23 Piccadilly, Dec. Sth, 1802, to William Axe, Esq., with reference to the purchase of Merton: " Relying on what you have so often said that your title is a good one, I am fixed to delay the purchase no longer, therefore if you will consider me as sole owner from Michaelmas day last the 8000<£ shall be paid you on Friday morning" 238 Nelson (Lord) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Merton, Dec. 21, 1802, to Mr. J. Miller, acknowledging an engraving of the Battle of the Nile, and sending <£25 239 Nelson (Lord) Order s. 2 pp. folio, ''Victory" off Toidon, 2lst September, 1803, with portrait and coloured engraving of his funeral car (3) Second Day 24 240 Nelson (Lord) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Oct. 7th, 1803, to Edmund Noble, Esq., interesting, mentions that " our dear Lady Hamilton " is well 241 Nelson (Lord) A. L. s. 1 J pp. 4to, Victory off Toulon, Sept. 23rd, 1803, to Mr. Clark at Tunis: "I have lately received from Malta extracts of some of your letters to Mr. Macaulay, giving an account of the capture of an English Ship called the Pomona and of the steps which you had begun to take in order to obtain from the I)ey of Tunis justice against those who made the capture, who by your accounts have conducted themselves very improperly," etc. 242 Nelson (Lord) A. L. s. ij pp. 4to, Victory, May Zlst, 1804, to William Axe, Esq., ivith addressed envelope: " When I have beat the French fleet I shall certainly come home and shall be happy in taking you by the hand. There seems an idea that I am blocking up the French fleet in Toulon, nothing can be more untrue. I have never blocked them a moment, all my wish and the anx'ious wish of this fleet is to have them out, then I flatter myself we may deserve thanks, and yet I have known a great Victory not receive them," etc. 243 Nelson (Lord) Draft in his autograph s. "N. and B." 4 pp. 4to of a Letter sent to the Admiralty applying for leave. Victory {probably in 1804), extremely interesting, commences: "Nothing but what I think an absolute necessity, your Lord- ship will I trust believe, could have induced me to write to the Board desiring permission to retui-n home in order to re-establish my health, and which I flatter myself a few months' quiet and asses' milk, will restore to me in a certain degree, and enable me to serve again next Spring, either here or wherever the Board may think fit to employ me." 244 Nelson (Lord) Mezzotint Portrait by Barnard, after Abbott, early impression but cut close ; set of five Engravings, by G. liiley, of the Battle of the Nile, mounted-, Lord Nelson's Arms, in colours ; Note of Thirty-nine Cases of Sundries for Lord Nelson, endorsed in his handwriting; various Portraits, etc., an interesting lot a parcel 545 Nelson (Lord) Three Coloured Aquatints, after Pugin, of the Funeral in St. Pauls, mounted on strainers ; series of Plates, proofs, from Clarke and McArthur's Life ; facsimile Letter, etc. a parcel 246 Nelson (Lord) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, from Lady Hamilton, Caserta, Friday morning, to Monsieur B. Hans, with portrait .-247 Nelson (Lord) A. L. s. 3 pp. 4 to, from Lady Hamilton {Paris), October 30th, 1813, to Mrs. Lambert; also Letter addressed to her, dated Trieste, bth Dec. /97, both letters are extremely interesting, that from Lady Hamilton com- mences : "Your dear kind letter gave me great pleasure and that this day week I shall have the pleasure of your company to stay with me for a few days is beyond my power of 25 Seco7id Day Lot 247 — continued. uterance — yesterday my dear Horatia's birthday, His Eoyal Highness dined with me, Mrs. B., Mr. Perry of the Morning Chronicle, Col. O'Kelly and in the evening Col. Smith — we were very merry, I wished for you." (2) 248 Nelson (Horatia) afterwards Mrs. Ward, an extremely in- teresting A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Burnham, Octr. 2^th, 1817, to the Hon. G. Rose, appealing for assistance and expressing her apprehension that she must give up the idea of obtaining anything from Government ; also A. L. s. from the Hon. G. Rose, dated Oct. 29t/f, who, in forwarding the above letter, writes : "I am most deeply concerned at the situation of the Writer of the enclosure, recommended to my best attention by the Hero in parting from him when he last sailed from Spithead (at which time I had never seen her) and strongly recommended to his Country in his very last moments" (2) 249 Nightingale (Florence) Crimean Nurse, A. L. s. 4 pp. 8vo, 1865, to liobt. Eaton ; A. L. s. 3 pp. 12mo, March 24, 1866, both interestiiig, in the first letter she refers to the printing of some of her letters, etc. : " I am afraid that there is but little chance of my being able to visit your New Hospital as you so kindly suggest. There is hardly anything in Life I should like better. But I am an incurable — completely a prisoner in one room," portraits (2) 250 NiLSSON (Christine) Singer, Seven A. L. s. covering 16 pp. 8vo — L. s. 3 pp. 8vo ; etc. ivith portraits (ll) 251 NORTHCOTE (J. B.A.) Painter, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, with mezzotint porti'ait ; others of David Roberts, R. R. Reinagle, and others (33) 252 O'CONNELL (Daniel) Irish Politician, A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, 8 July, 1 830, to Jeremy Bentham : " I feel that I want an excuse but I do not want that spirit of veneration and gratitude which is due to one of the most eminent benefactors of the human race that ever lived," interesting letter — A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, \st February, 1830, to the same, portraits (2) 253 O'CoNNELL (Daniel) Three A. L. s. covering 6 pp. 4to, 25^/* Sept. 1%Z^, eta. portrait (3) 254 O'CoNNELL (Daniel) A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, 22 Sept. 1835, to H. Craig, mentions " the cause of salutary reform in the House of Lords," etc. — A. L. 3rd person, and Draft Letter in his Auto. 4 pp. 4to, portrait (3) 255 " OuiDA," Louise de la Ramee, Novelist, Four A. L. s. to Mr. Chapman, etc. ; and two Signatures (6) 256 Paer (Ferdinand) Italian Composer, Auto. Music, 8 pp. oblong folio. Terzetto (unfinished) with presentation note on cover, 12 Deer. 1842 — A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, to Benelli ; others of Mme. Malibran, B. Molique, V. Novello, etc. portraits and pro- grammes a parcel Second Day 26 257 Paganini (N.) Violinist, L. sub. and s. 1 p. 4to, 16 Juin, 1831, to W. Watts, declining an engagement, porti^aits 258 Parr (Samuel) Classical Scholar, Three A. L. s. with 2po?'traits ; others of Jacob Tonson, scai'ce, T. N. Talfourd, W. Upcott, etc. (10) 259 Paton (Sir Noel) Painter, Fourteen A. L. s. etc. ; others of J. S. Sargent, Marcus Stone, J. Sant, etc. illustrations (35) 260 Patti (Adelina) Singer, Six A. L. s., Two A. L. s. from her husband E. Nicolini ; and five others, portraits, etc. (13) 261 Philip (H. T. "Phil May") Comic Artist, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, scarce, with two Silhouettes, and illustrations (3) 262 PiRANESi (p.) Italian Engraver, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, scarce ; others of Raphael Morghen and B. Pistrucci (12) 263 Pitt (William) First Earl of Chatham, A. L. s. {stained), 2 pp. 4to, to Lady Pitt — A. L. 3rd person, 2 pp. 4to, Hayes, Septr. 10th, 1764 ; and two Signatures of the younger Pitt, several portraits (4) 264 PoYNTER (Sir E. J., It. A.) Painter, Three A. L. s. ; others of Val Prinsep, H. W. Pickersgill, A. E. Penley, W. 0. Orchard- son, H. Stacy Marks, G. D. Leslie, etc. a parcel 265 Proctor (Adelaide Anne) Poetess, Original Autograph Poetry, " A Wedding Ring," complete in 48 verses on 9 pp. 4to — Landon (L. E.) a. L. s. 2 pp. 12mo ; others of Mrs. Opie and the Hon. Mrs. Norton, portraits (8) 266 Rachel (Madame) French Actress, A. L. s. 2 J pp. 8vo, 4 Juillet, 1844, scarce, ivith coloured portrait ; others of Regnier, Madame Ristori, and Mdlle. Rodier (7) 267 Reeves (Sims) Tenor Singer, Tweh^e A. L. s. ; and Four A. L. s. from Mrs. Sims Reeves, several portraits (16) 268 Reid (Captain Mayne) A. L. s. 2^ pp. 8vo — Reade (C.) Three A. L. s. ; others of Max Pemberton and Whyte Melville (6) 269 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Painter, A. L. 3rd person, 1 p. 4to, to Mr. (afterwards Sir Benjamin West), August 8th (1790), offering to accompany him to an Exhibition of Drawings ; on the outside of the letter is an original sketch by West 270 Robertson (J. Forbes) Actor, Six A. L. s. ; others of Adelaide Neilson, Howard Paul, Mrs. Scott Siddons, etc. portraits a parcel 271 Robinson (Mary) "Perdita," A. L. s. 3i pp. 4to, Salthill, Oct. 23, 1794 : " I am glad to find that we are to have the delightful Jordan again this winter ; I hope with Mrs. Siddons and Mrs. Jordan at one house and Miss Waller at the other that the English stage will return to that degree of respect- ability which it boasted in the days of our immortal Garrick," a scarce and interesting letter 272 Rodney (Lord) Admiral, Two Signatures, a large number of Letters from Admiral Lord Keith ; and others, Naval, with poi'traits a parcel 27 Second Day 273 EOGERS (Samuel) Poet, A. L. s. 3 pp. 4 to, to Messrs. Cadell respecting unsold copies of his book, and two other A. L. s. — Procter (B. W.) Auto. Verses, etc. ; others of J. Wolcot and A. A. Watts, poi'traits (7) 274 EOUSSEAU (J. J.) Autograph Music with Words, 2 pp. 4to ; and two others, portrait - (3) 275 EoYALTiES, Statesmen, Artists and other Celebrities. Letters, etc. of the Duke of Connaught, Duke of Fife, Presi- dent lioosevelt. Lord Leighton, Sir J. Tenniel, Sir J. E. Millais, Kate Greenaway, scarce, Sir Stacey Marks, Sir T. Lawrence, Lord Shaftesbury, Lord Wolseley, Lieut. Greeley, J. Chamberlain, Lord Selborne, Count Gleichen, Duke of Wellington, William IV, with lock of hair, Q. Adelaide, Pro- fessor Huxley, Sir John Lubbock, liev. J. Keble, Cardinal Wiseman, etc. in an album, roy. Uo, green calf, with loch and key 276 KOYALTIES, Portraits of Sovereigns, some in colours, a few with their signatures a parcel 277 liuBiNi (G.) Italian Tenor, Three A. L. s., Receipt, etc. ; others of G. Rossini (9) 278 Rubinstein (A.) Pianist, Two A. L. s. Dresden, 27 September, 1892, etc. with signed Photograph, etc. ; and two portions of Auto. Music by J. Schulhoff (5) 279 RusKiN (J.) Art Critic, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Coniston, 10 July; and part of an A. L. s., portrait (2) 280 RusKiN (J.) Three A. L. s. each 1 p. 8vo, 8 Nov. 1878, etc. (3) 281 RusKTN (J.) Two A. L. s. each 1 p. 8vo, Dulwich, \st February, etc. portraits (2) 282 Sala (G. a.) Author, Twelve A. L. s., several are addressed to Sig. Baccani and are of a very amusing nature ; others of A. Scribe, Clement Scott, and G. R. Sims (17) 283 Salisbury (Marquis of) Statesman, Signature ; also several Letters of Sir R. Peel, Lord Palmerston, and Lord John Russell, portraits (25) 284 Sand (Georges, Madame Dudevant) French Novelist, Two A. L. s. each 1 p. 8vo, with portraits (2) 285 ScOTT (Sir Walter) A. L. s. ij pp. 8vo, Edinburgh, \st July, 1811, to Lady Alvanley, in reference to the death of Lord Melville and a poem which he sends her ; " Your kindness, dear Lady Alvanley, induces me to intrude upon you the enclosed copy of a poem which, considering the peculiar cir- cumstances under which it was composed, claims more than ordinary degree of indulgence/' 286 Scott (Sir Walter) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Abbotsford, 20 April {no year), mounted: "...I found all my family well on my return here. The Lockharts particularly so, especially since the very pleasant conclusion of Christie's unhappy affair. I think Lord Waldegrave's Memoirs the most distinct and elegant work which I ever read." Second Day 28 287 Scott (Sir Walter) Portion of an A. L. to Mr. Lizars, with por- traits ; and two others (3) 288 Serres (Dominic) Marine Painter, A. L. s. 1 p. folio ; others of A. Raimbach, Sir M. A. Shee, J. Severn, Clarkson Stanfield, etc. (29) 289 Shelley (Mary Wollstonecraft) Author of "Frankenstein," A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo — Roberts (Emma) Seven A. L. s. ; others of Lady Sydney Morgan, etc. portraits (23) 290 Sheridan (R. B.) Dramatist and Orator, Two A. L. s. each 1 p. 4to, one referring to the portrait of Mrs. Sheridan as " St. Cecilia," portrait (2) 291 Sheridan (R. B.) A. L. s. (initials), 1 p. 4to, Lymington (1800) ; also Signature of his father T. Sheridan, and A. L. s. from his son (3) 292 Sheridan (R. B.) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, n. d., promising to write a prologue — A. L. s. (initials), 1 p. 8vo, 1809, to Mrs. Richard- son : also A. L. s. from Louisa H. Sheridan, etc. portraits (6) 293 Sheridan (Thomas) Tragedian, father of R. B. Sheridan, A. L. s. ij yjp. 4to, Dublin, Jany. 13, 1768 ; others of H. Siddons, T. D. Rice, etc. portraits (8) 294 Siddons (Mrs. S.) Actress, A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, Paddington, Jany. 29tk, 1809, to Mrs. Piozzi, an extremely fine LETTER, giving a graphic account of her losses by the fire at Drury Lane Theatre, etc. : " You have heard of the fire in which I lost every stage ornament so many years collecting and at so great an expense of time and money — all my jewels, all my lace, and in short nothing, nothing left. . . I lost in the fire a toilette of the poor Queen of France. . . It could not have cost at first less than a thousand pounds. I used to wear it only in the Trial Scene of Hermione in the Winter's Tale . . , but God be praised that the fire did not break out while the people were in the House ! ! ! " 295 Siddons (Mrs. S.) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Ja7iy. \1th {circa 1790), to Mr. Hardinge : "Mr. Siddons has been so hai)py as to procure a balcony for Wednesday, when I think it probable I shall play, as I perform Calista by command Monday." 296 Siddons (Mrs. S.) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, May 31s#, 1818, she regrets that the state of her health will prevent her from rendering any services to the Theatrical Fund, portrait hy Bartolozzi 297 Siddons (Mrs.) A Collection of various Portraits of this cele- brated Actress ; Playbills, etc., some scarce a parcel 298 Signatures and Autographs, in an album, 4^o, dark green morocco ; and a Collection of Letters from celebrated Clergy, and others, with porti'aits, in a 4to album (2) 299 Smith (Albert) Novelist and Lecturer, Four' A. L. s. ; others of James and Horatio Smith, F. Shoberl, etc., portraits a parcel 29 Second Day 300 Smith (Sir W. Sidney) Admiral, an important Series of Thirty- four A. L. s. ranging from 1793 to 1838, addressed to Sir George Rose, Sir Richard Bickerton, and others ; also some Signatures, Code of Signals, and other Papers, many of the letters relate to the Campaign of 1801, and are of extreme mtevQ^t, with several portraits, etc. (38) 301 SouTHEY (R.) Poet, A. L. s. 1 J pp. 4to, Keswick, 18 Apr. 1825, to Messrs. Longman, respecting drawings by Westall to illustrate the " Tale of Paraguay." — A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Kes- ivick, 19 Nov. 1833— A. L. s. ij pp. 4to, 14 3Iarck, 1815, with portrait and engraving of his monument (3) 302 Spohr (Louis) Composer, A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, Cassel, 25 October, 1844, FINE LETTER, relating to thc Norwich Musical Festival ; others of S. Thalberg and G. Verdi, portrait (5) 303 Stanley (Sir H. M.) Explorer, Four A. L. s. one addressed to Col. Grant : others of Surgeon T. H. Parke, who accompanied his exj)edition ; Captain Speke, " At present I am scribbling hard at my book, which please God will be out, if the English savages don't kill me with strong liquor," Captain Valentia, and other travellers, an interesting lot, irith portraits (28) 304 Statesmen, Artists, Scientists, etc., including Letters of the Duke of Wellington, D. Roberts, Sir Noel Paton, James Watt, Visct. Sherbrooke, Sir StaiTord Northcote, Lord Gran- ville, W. P. Frith, General Lafayette, Agnes Strickland, Lord Randolph Churchill, Lord Brougham, John Bright, Duke of Argyll and others, ivitk portraits, in an album, 4:to, half bound 305 Statesmen, including President Roosevelt (signature). Earl of Ripon, Lord Sidmouth, Earl of Derby, etc., portraits a parcel 306 Statesmen. Letters and Signatures of Lord Chancellor Somers, Bulstrode Whitelocke, Sir R. Walpole, Sir W. Wyndham, Duke of Portland, Duke of Newcastle, etc., portraits a parcel 307 Statesmen, including the Duke of Argyll, Lord Rosebery, chiefly with portraits, and neatly written biographies a parcel 308 Statesmen, including Lord Lyndhurst, Earl of Mornington, Lord Melbourne, etc., portraits (14) 309 Stephenson (G.) Engineer, L. s. 3 pp. 4to (the body of the letter in the autograph of his son Robert), August Ind, 1821, interesting lettei- on a survey for a new railway ; others of Josiah Wedgwood the Potter (two signatures), Sir H. Davy, J. Ferguson and M. Faraday, portraits (8) 310 Stirling (Mme. Antoinette) Three A. L. s. etc., others of Mme. Tietjens, C. Santley and Sir A. Sullivan, portraits, etc. (16) 311 Strickland (Agnes) Historian, A. L. s. — Porter (Jane) Three A. L. s.— Martineau (Harriet) Two A. L. s., and two others, portraits (8) 312 Swinburne (A. C.) Poet, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, Aug. 17th {no year), interesting letter in reference to his publishers having withdrawn his last volume without his consent. Seco7id Day 30 313 Tadema (Sir L. Almsi, E.A.) Painter, Six A. L. s. ; others of G. F. Watts, E. M. Ward, etc., illustrations (9) 314 Tenniel (Sir John) Artist, Four A. L. s. one Avith an Original Sketch in colours of ' Dog Toby ' (4) 315 Tennyson (Alfred Lord) Poet Laureate, L. s. 3 J pp. 8vo, Basle- mere, August \st, 1870, the body of the lettcf is written by his nephew. "There has been a great deal of noise in the skies here too. Uncle thinks that it means ' Give unto the Lord ye mighty, give unto the Lord glory and strength,' and a great deal more besides ; " also an Album Signature, dated March ^th, 1880, portrait, very interesting (2) 316 Terry (Miss Ellen) Actress, Two A. L. s. and Signature; also Letter from herhus1)and — Terry (E.) A. L. s. portraits, etc. (5) 317 Thackeray (W. M.) Nine Sketches, studies from Shakspeare, dated 1837, attributed to him, copy of A. L. s., 2)o?^traits, etc. (11) 318 Theatrical, including Sir C. Wyndham, C. AVarner, Hon. Lewis Wingfield, E. J. Willard, Lewis Waller, Miss Genevieve Ward, etc., portraits a parcel 319 Theatrical. Letters of Benjamin Webster, J. W. Wallack, B. Wrench, A. Wigan, and others, portraits and 2)lay-bills a ptarcel 320 Theatrical, including Joseph Mayr, the actor of Oberammergau, Miss Macaulay, J. S. Munden, Urinkwater Meadows, etc., portraits a parcel 321 Toole (J. L.) Actor, a number of A. L. s., illustrated with Por- traits, Original Drawings of his characters by J. Parry, Play- bills, Souvenirs, etc. a parcel 322 Travellers, including Letters from Sir Joseph Banks, S. W. Baker, J. S. Buckingham, Col. Denham, Sir A. H. Layard, Sir AV. E. Parry, and others, pm^traits a parcel 323 Tree (Mr. and Mrs. Beerbohm) Four A. L. s., portraits, p)ro- grammes, etc. \ others of Mrs. Sterling and Miss Lydia Thompson (15) 324 Turner (J. M. W., R.A.) A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, 26 Fehy. 1838, to Mrs. Wheeler, with addressed envelope ; A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, May, 27, 1839, Turner's letters are rare, with portrait and illustrations (2) 325 Victoria (Queen) A. L. s. 4 pp. 8vo, Balmoral Castle, May 25, 1880, to Prince Chiistian Victor, with addressed envelope and seal, A charming letter, returning thanks for presents sent on her birthday — " Many loving thanks for your dear little letter, and for the beautiful presents you and your schoolfellows, including of course Abby, have sent me, and wh. I value very much. It is such a kind thought, and I shall have it engraved on the presents from whom I got them. Pray tell me the names of all the boys who joined in this kind gift." 31 Second Day 326 Victoria (Queen) A. L. s. 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo, Nov. 8, 1866, to Lord A. Paget, mentions the Duke of Edinburgh, etc., with envelope 327 Victoria (Queen) Royal Sign Manual to a Doc. on paper, giving Sir John Kirk plenipotentiary powers to conchide a Treaty with the Sultan of Zanzibar, ^nd Nov. 1885 — Albert (Prince) Envelope in his Auto, portraits (2) 328 Victoria (Queen) Seven Signatures, Endorsements on Letters, etc. and one other (8) 329 Victoria (Queen) Collection of Portraits, Cuttings, special issues of Newspapers and Magazines, etc. a parcel 330 Wagner (Richard) Composer, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, to Herr Prell, scarce 331 Ward (Mrs. Humphry) Novelist, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo ; others of Mrs. Henry Wood (2), Miss C. M. Yonge, Miss Thackeray, etc., portraits (14) 332 Wellington (Duke of) Series of Three A. L. s. 4jpp. 8vo, Stratkfieldsaye, Feb. 11, 1836, etc., to N. Jenkinson, Esq., in one letter he speaks of the Queen's approaching confinement — L. s. 1 p. folio, portraits, etc. (4) 333 Wellington (Duke of) The Borrow'd Plume, Treasure Seekers, Morning and Night, and other coloured Caricatures relating to the Duke of Wellington (3l) 334 Whistler (J. McNeill) Etcher, A. L. s. 1 p. ^\o, scarce; and an Etching of Billingsgate by him, 1859 (2) 335 WiLKiE (Sir D.) Painter, Six Letters in his autograph ; others of H. Tresham, J. Ward, T. Uwins, etc., portraits (14) 336 William IV (King of England) Ten A. L. s. 4to, v. y., written to Lieutenant and Mrs. Sheppard, etc. ; also Two Signa- tures, Obituary Notices, etc. (14) 337 William IV. A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, when Duke of Clarence, Bushy House, May 11th, 1801, to Lord Nelson, a very in- teresting letter respecting Nelson's appointment to command the Fleet on the recall of Sir Hyde Parker after the attack on Copenhagen, with portrait after Lawrence 338 WOLLSTONECRAFT (Mary) married Wm. Godwin, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 1792, requesting the payment of a sum of money, scarce, with portrait 339 Wordsworth (W.) Poet Laureate, A. L. s. 3ipp. 8vo, to J. Gardner, March 12, concerning the health of a nephew, etc. ; a detached Signature, and a very interesting A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, from Mary Wordsworth, wife of the Poet (3) 340 Wren (Sir Christopher) Architect, Order s. by the Commissioners of Chelsea Hospital, dated 11 Nov., 1698, bearing the Signa- tures of Sir C. Wren, Earl Ranelagh and Sir Stephen Fox, tiro portraits 341 Yates (Mrs. E.) Actress, Two A. L. s. ; others of C. M.Young and F. H, Yates, poi^traits and play-bills a parcel Second Bay .32 342 Yates (Edmund) Journalist, Two A. L. s. ; others of J. Poole, Tom Taylor, Theodore Hook, J. S. Knowles, etc., portraits a parcel 343 Young (Arthur) Writer on Agriculture, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, 16 June, 1804, scarce 344 Zola (^mile) French Novelist, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, 21 Sept. 1882, offering the cession of his rights for the translation of his novels into English, and the terms for same 345 Zola (Emile) A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, Aug. 31, '87, to his publisher, with reference to his work " Un Manage d'Amour," also A. L. s. Ip. 8vo, 1890 (2) 346 Autograph Letters, Cuttings, etc., in a vol. folio, old cti'mson morocco, with arms on side — Guard Book, con- taining Views, Scraps, etc., also a few Autographs (2) 347 Miscellaneous, including General Boulanger, Dr. W. G. Grace, W. Palmer, the poisoner, and others ; also a number of Por- traits, Photos, Pamphlets, etc. a parcel 348 Theatrical. Six A. L. s. of Mrs. Nesbett, ivith play-bills and finely coloured portraits ; others of Adelaide Kemble ; several large coloured Porti-aits of Actors and Actresses a parcel 349 Theatrical Portraits and Playbills, Old Newspapers, etc.a parcel 350 Portraits for Illustrating Autograph Letters, etc. a parcel in a portfolio 351 RossETTi (D. G.) Painter and Poet, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, 23 Oct. '77, to W. D. Adams, interesting, "Programme now stands: Sea Limits, Sudden Light, Broken Music, Winged Hours, Love-Sweetness, Lilith, Hoarded Toys." — Rossetti (Chris- tina G.) A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, lith Sept. 1877 — Original Sketch of Arm and Sleeve, signed D. G. Rossetti ; and Two Coloured Illustrations (5) 352 Westall (R.) Painter, Two A. L. s. 5 pp. 4to, 1810 and 1816, to Benjamin West, with Two Engravings after him, one "The Haymakers," pi'inted in colours; and Four other Signa- tures, etc. (8) 353 Twelve well-made Portfolios, size 20 by li in., almost new, half bound, with straps (12) 354 A malacca cane AValking Stick, with chased and inlaid carved ivory handle, purchased at the sale of the late Sir Henry Irving' s theatrical relics, Dec. 14, 1905 *^'*' This stick was at one time the property of Thomas King, the comedian, and was used by him in the characters of "Sir Peter Teazle" and "Puff," when playing at Drury Lane Theatre. It was presented by the late John Hollings- head to Sir Henry Irving, who carried it when acting " Dr. Primrose " and " Robespierre " at the Lyceum. — [See medal- lions attached^ 355 An oak Cabinet, containing ten drawers in two tiers, fitted with brass handles, suitable for letters or prints 3 ft. high, 4 ft. 2 wide, and 1 ft. 9 deep OCTAVO 33 Second Day BOOKS, OCTAVO ET INFRA. 356 Dickens (C.) Pickwick Papers, first edition, plates hy Seymour and ''Phiz,'" with the Buss plates {loose) and some extra hy Onwhyn, calf 1837 357 Dickens (C.) Pickwick Papers, 1837 ; Martin Chuzzlewit, 1844; FIRST EDITIONS, plates hy Seymour and " Phiz,'' half calf 2 vol. 358 Dickens (C.) Nicholas Nickleby, 1839; Martin Chuzzlewit, 1844; FIRST EDITIONS, plates hy " Phiz" and portrait, half hound 2 ml. 359 Dickens (C.) David Copperfield, 1850; Bleak House, 1853; Little Dorrit, 1857 ; first editions, plates hy H. K. Br-owne, half calf, not uniform 3 vol. 360 Dickens (C.) Dombey and Son, 1848; Bleak House, 1853; Little Dorrit, 1857 ; FIRST editions, plates hy H. K. Browne, half calf and half morocco 3 vol. 361 Dickens (C.) Dombey and Son, half calf , spotted, 1848; Our Mutual Friend, half morocco, 1865; FIRST editions, plates hy H. K. Browne and M. Stone 2 vol. 362 Dickens (C.) Our Mutual Friend, FIRST edition, plates hy Marcus Stone, in the original nos. with the wrappers and advertisements, clean copy 1865 363 Dickens (C.) Master Humphrey's Clock, first edition, 3 vol. illustrations hy Catter mole and H. K. Broume, calf, 1840-41 ; The Old Curiosity Shop and Barnaby Rudge, 2 vol. illustra- tions hy Cattermole and Browne, n. d. imp. 8vo. 5 vol. 364 Dickens (C.) Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, edited by Boz, first EDITION, 2 vol. portrait, and plates hy G. Cruikshank, calf extra, g. e. hy Riviere 1838 365 Dickens (C.) Christmas Books (Christmas Carol, The Chimes, Cricket on the Hearth, and Battle of Life), first editions, 4 vol. plates hy Leech, etc. 1843-46; Letters of Charles Dickens, 1833-1870, uncut, 1893 5 vol. 366 Dickens (C.) Cricket on the Hearth, and The Battle of Life, first editions, illustrations hy Leech, etc. 1846; Plays and Poems, edited by R. H. Shepherd, 2 vol. 1885 4 vol. 367 Dickens (C.) Mystery of Edwin Drood, first edition, plates, the 6 original nos. as issued, 1870 — Lytton (Sir E. B.) Not so Bad as we seem, a Comedy, 1853; etc. (10) 368 Naumann (E.) History of Music, translated by F. Praeger, edited by Sir F. Gore Ouseley, special edition, 2 vol. in 1, portraits and illustrations, half morocco, n. d. — Ash ton (J.) History of English Lotteries, illustrations, uncut, 1893; etc. 3 vol. 369 Mathews (C.) Memoirs by Mrs. Mathews, 4 vol. portraits and plates, half calf, m.e. 1838-39 Second Day 34 OCTAVO 370 Mathews (C.) Memoirs, another copy, 4 vol. portraits and plates, half calf, m.e. 1838-39 371 Wilkins (W. H.) Mrs. Fitzherbert and George IV, 2 vol. illus- trations, 1905 — Browne (G. L.) Public and Private Life of Viscount Nelson, portrait, illustrations, etc. 1891 — West (Sir A.) Recollections, 1832-1886, 2 vol. portraits and illus- trations, 1899; etc. 8 vol. 372 McCarthy (Justin) Reminiscences, 2 vol. portrait, 1899 — Len- nox (Lady Sarah) Life and Letters, 1745-1826, edited by the Countess of Ilchester, etc. 2 vo\. portraits, 1901 — Hawkins (Sir H.) Reminiscences, edited by Richard Harris, 2 vol. portraits, 1 904 ; etc. 7 vol. 373 Stoker (Bram) Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving, 2 vol. portraits, etc. 1906 — The Mapleson Memoirs, 1848-1888, 2 yo\. portrait, 1888 — Scott (Clement) The Drama of Yester- day and To-day, 2 yo\. portraits {some defective), 1899 ; etc. \2vol. 374 Slatin (R. C.) Fire and Sword in the Sudan, 1879-1895, trans- lated by F. R. Wingate, ilhistrations, 1896 — Teatro Escogido de Lope de Vega, portrait, half calf, Paris, 1838 — Darling (C. J.) Scintillae Juris, presentation copy to Sir H. Hawkins, tvith autograph note of author, 1879 ; etc. 8 vol. 375 Kean (Charles) Money, a Comedy, in Five Acts, by Lord Lytton, Charles Kean's prompt copy, interleaved with numerous MS. notes and corrections throughout in Charles Kean's handwriting, half calf 1842 376 Street (C. E.) Memoir, 1824-1881, by his Son, portrait, 1888— Phillips (E. Watts), Watts Phillips, Artist and Playwright, portrait and facsimiles, 1891 ; etc. 12 vol. 377 Siddons (Mrs.) Memoirs, by James Boaden, LARGE paper, one o/'150 copies, india proof portraits, buckram, uncut roy. 8w. 1893 378 Astley (P.) System of Equestrian Education, portrait and plates, half calf, n. d. — Close (F.) Evil Consequences of attending the Race Course exposed, 1827, and Tracts in answer, in 1 vol. ; etc. 4 vol. 379 [Apperley (C. J.)] The Chace, the Turf, and the Road, illustra- tions by Aiken and Gilbert, 1843 — How^ I became a Sports- man, by Avon, illustrations by Hamilton, 1882 2 vol. QUARTO. 380 Reynolds (Sir J.) Discourses on Painting, &c. portrait, 1850 — La Tempesta, a Grand Opera, by Hal^vy, illustrations by A. Crovjquill, some leaves torn, 1850 — Auction Sale Prices, no. 49 to 59, 1905-8; etc. a parcel 381 Stothard (T.) Life, by Mrs. Bray, illustrations from his works, eu^tra illustrated with portraits, plates, and original pencil sketches, morocco, t. e. g. 1851 ; and another 2 vol. ■X- QUAKTO 35 Second Day 382 Bible. Old and New Testaments, Genevan or "Breeches" Version, with the whole Book of Psalms, &c. engraved title- pages, binding broken, ivith MS. Family Registers of Hale- Wort ham, 1744, etc. and John Brimingam, 1652, etc. C. Barker, 1599 383 Nelson (Admiral Lord). Orme (E.) Graphic History of the Life, Exploits, and Death of Horatio Nelson, the Memoirs by F. W. Blagdon, 16 engracings. 5 of which are coloured, half calf ' 1806 With Antograph Letter (2 pp. 4to, signed initials) from Lord Nelson to William Drnmmond : "Sir, I beg leave to inform your ExcelF of my arrival in Med" as Com"^*^ in Chief of H. M. fleet in these seas .... Your Excels will have the goodness to assure the Sublime Porte of my readiness to contribute all in my Power to the Prosperity of the Ottoman Empire," etc. 384 Rooses (M.) Dutch Painters of the Nineteenth Century, proof etchings by Zilcken, j^lates and illustrations 1898 385 AVinter (Wm.) Ada Rehan, a Study, large paper, one of 113 copies, plates on Japanese paper, fancy binding, with silk ties, presentation copy to Clement Scott from Augustin Daly tvith autograph inscription privately printed. New York, 1891 386 Burnet (J.) Essay on the Education of the Eye, plates, etc. 1837 — Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds, with Notes by J. Burnet, plates, 1842 — Hints on Portrait Painting, plates, 1850 3w/. 387 Holmes (R. R.) Queen Victoria, coloured frontispiece and plates, buckram, uncut, t. e. g. 1897 ; and another 2 vol. 388 Lawrence (B.) Celebrities of the Stage, coloured character por- traits, n. d. — Cabinet Portrait Gallery, fourth series, por- traits, 1893 — Sculpture of Rome, series II, about '[92 plates, in portfolio, n. d. 3 vol. 389 Cornhill Gallery (The), 100 engravings after F. Leighton, Millais, Thackeray, Paton, etc. in portfolio, 1864 — Our Native Land, 36 water-colour sketches, mounted as drawings, half calf , 1879 — Carrington (J. Y.) Teufel the Terrier, illus- trations, 1890 3 vol. 390 Thomson (D. C.) Life and Labours of Hablot Knight Browne, "Phiz," 130 illustrations and portrait, 1884— Pigot (R.) The Life of Man Symbolised, illustrations by J. Leighton, 1866 2 vol. 391 Portraits. Collection of about One Hundred and Fifty-seven from Fisher's National Portrait Gallery, and Twelve Por- traits by Earlom, Harding, etc. a Baxter type Portrait of Queen Victoria inserted, some mounted, calf gilt, g. e. (1847, etc.) 392 Gamlin (H.) Emma Lady Hamilton, portraits, facsimiles, and illustrations, half vellum, t. e. g. 1891 — Baily (J. T. H.)Life of Lady Hamilton, portraits, some coloured, parchment, un- cut, 1905 2 vol. Second Day 36 quarto 393 Budge (E. A. W.) Account of the Collection of Egyptian Anti- quities in the possession of Lady Mewx, one of bOO copies for private distributinn, 34p/<7M'?, half morocco, uncut, t.e.g. 1896 894 Cook (G.) Animals, after the first Masters, 30 plates, oblong, 1829 — Theatrical Portraits, etc. including some in character, chiefly loose in a volume, oblong 2 vol. 395 Queen Victoria. The Marriage of the Queen with Prince Albert, inlaid and extra illustrated with portraits, views, illustrating the History of the Family of Saxe-Gotlm, mo- rocco, silk fly-leaves, g. e. imp. ito. 1840 396 Illustrations. Title Pages and Fragments from ancient volumes, old newspapers, etc. mounted in a volume, half bound — Col- lection of Old Newspapers, including the London Gazette, 1676, 1682, etc. British Press, 1815, early copies of the Times, etc. in a volume, half bound 2 vol. 397 Parodies on Popular Poems of various Authors, including Swin- burne, Hood, Bret Harte, Southey, Wordsworth, Mrs. Hemans, etc. mounted in a volume, half bound, oblong — Col- lection of Views, Crests, Note Headings, Menus, etc. relating to Hotels, mounted in a volume, half bound (2) FOLIO. 398 Portraits. Collection of about One Hundred and Eleven Por- traits of AVomen, in portfolio (l) 399 Beerbohm (M.) A Book of Caricatures, /rowi/.9p?Vc^ and 48 illus- trations, n. d. — Victorian Art, with Notes, 22 plates, 1897 ; etc. 3 vol. 400 Leech (J.) Pictures of Life and Character, from Punch, illustra- tions, oblong, 1865 — Specimens of Wood Engraving, 56 illus- trations, mounted in a volume, half morocco ; etc. 4 vol. 401 Modern Artists. A Series of Biographies of Leighton, Millais, Herkomer, Meissonier, etc. plates and illustrations, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g. imp. folio. Virtue & Co. n. d. 402 Flow^ers from Palestine. A Collection of Specimens, dried and mounted, in 2 vol. morocco, carved, ivood panelled sides, g. e. 403 Egypt. A Collection of One Hundred and Eighty-six Photo- graphs, chiefly relating to Cairo, the Pyramids, etc. mounted in a volume, half bound oblong, (l) 404 Oriental Plants. A Collection of Two Hundred and Twenty well-executed Water-colour Drawings of Plants and Flowers of Japan, mounted in a volume, half bound oblong, (l) END OF SALE. Dryden Press : J. Davy & Sons, 8-9, Frith-street, Soho-square, W ^ BAKER, LEIGH & SOTHEBY. ^