AP UC-NRI HUT EXCi LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS PUBLISHED IN KANSAS, CORRECTED TO AUGUST 1, 1911. ISSUED BY THE KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, GEO. W. MARTIN, Secretary, TOPEKA. : : .'' ' : ' OF OF STATE PRINTING OFFICE, TOPEKA, 1911. 4-650 . Index to Counties. Allen 1 Anderson 10 Atchison 4 Barber 35 Barton 35 Bourton H Brown Butler ^ Chase 20 Chautauqua lo Cherokee 4P Cheyenne 29 Clark ? 6 Clay 24 Cloud 24 Coffey 20 Comanche Cowley l.o Crawford W Decatur 29 Dickinson 25 Doniphan & Douglas JJ Edwards f b Elk H Ellis 29 Ellsworth 30 Finney 36 Ford 37 Franklin . ..;..*... 1^ Geary ... -.-.-' .-.'..-... 25 Gove -.-.. 30 Grah&ir, ;./.... -S Grant ^ * 37 Gray 37 Greeley 6l Greenwood 20 Hamilton 37 Harper 37 Harvey * Haskell 38 Hodgeman 38 Jackson 5 Jefferson 5 Jewell , 30 Johnson 12 Kearny 38 Kingman 38 Kiowa 38 Labette 17 Lane 39 Leavenworth C Lincoln 31 PAGE Linn 13 Logan 31 Lyon 21 McPherson 44 Marion 21 Marshall 26 Meade 39 Miami 13 Mitchell "31 Montgomery 18 Morris 21 Morton 39 Nemaha 6 Neosho 18 Ness 39 Norton 51 Osage 9.2 Osborne 32 Ottawa 26 Pawnee 39 Phillips 32 Pottawatomie 22 Pratt 89 Rawlins 32 Reno 40 Republic 27 Rice 40 Riley 27 Rooks 32 Rush 41 Russell 33 Saline 27 Scott 41 Sedgwick . 44 Seward 41 Shawnee 7 Sheridan '. . . 33 Sherman 33 Smith 33 Stafford 41 Stanton 42 Stevens 42 Sumner 46 Thomas 34 Trego 34 Wabaunsee 23 Wallace 34 Washington 28 Wichita 42 Wilson 18 Woodson 23 Wyandotte 13 Foreign newspapers 47 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS. The following is a list of the newspapers and periodicals published in Kansas, corrected to August 1, 1911. The regular issues of these, with very few exceptions, are now being received by the Kansas State Historical Society. They are the free gift of the publishers of the state. They are bound in annual or semiannual volumes, and are preserved in the library of the Society in the state capitol for the free use of the people. They number 792 in all. Of these 70 are dailies, 605 weeklies, 1 triweekly, 14 semiweeklies, 79 month- lies, 7 semimonthlies, 5 bimonthlies, 8 quarterlies, 3 occasionals, making in all 25,074 bound volumes of Kansas newspapers and magazines. They come from all of the 105 counties of Kansas, and record the history of the people of all the communities and neighborhoods. Many newspaper publishers fail to realize the importance of this printed list. Aside from the regular issue of this bien- nial report of the Historical Society, about 300 separate copies of this list were called for in the past biennium by business men, officials, advertisers and politicians, several being fur- nished parties out of the state, extending to the Atlantic coast. Those^that are marked "Not received by the Society" have been written for, but they do not respond. The figures following the name of each county indicate the number of bound newspaper files for that county. A list of foreign newspapers and periodicals kept on file in our library will be found at end of Kansas list. (3) KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. First Congressional District. Counties. ATCHISON. JACKSON. NEMAHA. BROWN. JEFFERSON. SHAWNEE. DONIPHAN. LEAVENWORTH. ATCHISON COUNTY 397 bound volumes. The Atchison Globe (daily and weekly), independent; Globe Publishing Co., editors and publishers, Atchison. The Atchison Champion (daily), republican; Eugene C. Pulliam, editor, Champion Publishing Co., publishers, Atchison. The Midland (monthly), college; Geo. N. Mendenhall, editor in chief, literary societies of Midland College, publishers, Atchison. The Abbey Student (bimonthly), college; G. J. Skluzacek, editor in chief, students of St. Benedict's College, publishers, Atchison. Midland College Bulletin (quarterly), college; published by Midland Col- lege, Atchison. Muscotah Record, independent; P. J. Cortelyou, editor and publisher, Muscotah. The Effingham New Leaf, republican; C. E. and A. J. Sells, editors and publishers, Effingham. Atchison County High School News (monthly) ; published by the students of Atchison County high school, Effingham. The Potter Kansan, independent; J. E. Remsburg, editor and publisher, Potter. Kansas Staats-Auzeiger (German) ; John Hoenscheidt, editor and pub- lisher, Atchison. The Huron Herald, independent; J. E. Smith, editor and publisher, Huron. The Western Chief (monthly), official magazine of the I. 0. R. M.; C. A. Wolf, editor and publisher, Atchison. The Atchison Church Visitor (weekly) ; Paul Tonsing, editor and pub- lisher, Atchison. E. W. Howe's Monthly* (monthly) ; E. W. Howe, editor and publisher, Atchison. BROWN COUNTY 258 bound volumes. The Brown County World (daily and weekly), republican; Ewing Her- bert, editor and publisher, Hiawatha. The Kansas News-Democrat (weekly), democratic; F. M. Pearl, pro- prietor, Hiawatha. The Key, official organ of Life and Annuity Association (monthly) ; F. M. Pearl, editor and publisher, Hiawatha. Herbert's Weekly (weekly), literary; Ewing Herbert, editor and pub- lisher, Hiawatha. FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 5 The Horton Headlight-Commercial, republican; Charles Herbert Browne, editor and publisher, Horton. Fairview Enterprise, republican; J. R. Leonard, publisher, Fairview. The Everest Enterprise, republican; Rev. J. E. Holly, editor and pub- lisher, Everest. The Morrill News, independent; D. H. Steele, editor and publisher, Morrill. Robinson Index, republican; Harry M. Leslie, editor and publisher, Rob- inson. Powhattan Bee, independent; Eppie L. Barber, editor and publisher, Powhattan. DONIPHAN COUNTY 180 bound volumes. The Weekly Kansas Chief, republican; H. J. Calnan, editor and proprie- tor, Troy. Wathena Times, neutral; C. A. Ryan, editor and publisher, Wathena. The Wathena Republican, republican; W. T. Stewart, editor and pub- lisher, Wathena. The Severance News, neutral; Hattie E. Peeler, editor and publisher, Severance. White Cloud Globe, republican; Anna Mallows, editor and publisher, White Cloud. The Highland Vidette, republican; Tobias Larson, editor and publisher, Highland. Highland College Bulletin (bimonthly) ; published by the University, Highland. JACKSON COUNTY 207 bound volumes. The Holton Recorder, republican; M. M. Beck and W. T. Beck, editors and publishers, Holton. The Holton Signal, democratic; S. T. Osterhold, editor and publisher, Holton. The Campbell College Charta (monthly), college; T. D. Crites, editor in chief, published by Campbell College, Holton. Soldier Clipper, republican; Ben L. Mickle, editor and publisher, Soldier. Whiting Journal, independent; Butters & Butters, editors and publishers, Whiting. The Hoyt Sentinel, neutral; Moses W. Porter, editor and publisher, Hoyt. The Mayetta Herald, local; W. H. Holmes, editor and publisher, Mayetta. The Netawaka Talk, republican; W. J. Granger, editor and publisher, Netawaka. (Not received by the Society.) JEFFERSON COUNTY 281 bound volumes. The Oskaloosa Independent, republican; F. H. Roberts, editor and pub- lisher, Oskaloosa. The Oskaloosa Times, republican; J. E. Gardiner, editor, Harman Pub- lishing Company, publishers, Oskaloosa. The Jefferson County Tribune, populist; J. E. Gardiner, editor, Harman Publishing Company, publishers, Oskaloosa. 6 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. Valley Falls New Era, republican; Geo. Harman, editor, Harman Pub- lishing Company, publishers, Valley Falls. The Farmers' Vindicator, populist; Geo. Harman, editor, Harman Pub- lishing Company, publishers, Valley Falls. The Winchester Star, republican; Mrs. O. C. Kirkpatrick, editor and pub- lisher, Winchester. The Nortonville News, republican; Hill and Stillman, publishers, Norton- ville. The McLouth Times, republican; H. F. Broadbent, editor and publisher, McLouth. The Meriden Ledger, neutral; Lizzie Shafer, owner, Harman Publishing Company, publishers, Meriden. The Perry Mirror, republican; W. J. Cronin, editor and publisher, Perry. The Eastern Kansan, republican; Frank Whitwam, editor and publisher, Valley Falls. LEAVENWORTH COUNTY 510 bound volumes. The Leavenworth Times (daily and weekly), republican; D. R. Anthony, jr., editor and publisher, Leavenworth. The Home Record (monthly), charity; Mrs. Florence M. Hopkins, editor, Home for Friendless, publishers, Leavenworth. The Leavenworth Post (daily), independent; A. T. Reid, president, Fred W. Jameson, treasurer, Post Publishing Company, publishers, Leaven- worth. Journal of the U. S. Cavalry Association (quarterly) ; Capt. Herbert A. White, editor, U. S. Cavalry Association, publishers, Fort Leaven- worth. Leavenworth Tribune (German), independent; S. Kuraner, editor, Leav- enworth. The Labor Chronicle and Resubmissionist, labor; Jas. F. O'Connor, editor and publisher, Leavenworth. The Old Ladies' Journal (monthly), charity; Mrs. S. M. Hartough, editor, board of Wm. Small Memorial Home, publishers, Leavenworth. The Tonganoxie Mirror, republican; Wm. Heynen, editor and publisher, Tonganoxie. The Lansing News; J. W. Higgins, editor, Lansing. Fort Leavenworth News, local; J. L. Corbett, editor and publisher, Fort Leavenworth. The Easton Transcript; J. 0. Potter and R. W. Stafford, editors and pub- lishers, Easton. (Not received by the Society since October 29, 1908.) The Linwood Times, local; W. N. Kelsey, editor and publisher, Linwood. (Not received by the Society since April 7, 1910.) NEMAHA COUNTY 263 bound volumes. The Courier-Democrat, democratic; G. C. Adriance, editor and publisher, Seneca. The Seneca Tribune, republican; W. H. Jordan, editor and publisher, Seneca. FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 7 The Sabetha Herald, republican; Andrew McLaughlin, editor and pub- lisher, Sabetha. The Sabetha Star, independent republican; C. J. Durst, editor and pub- lisher, Sabetha. The Wetmore Spectator, republican; W. F. Turrentine, editor and pub- lisher, Wetmore. The Centralia Journal, progressive republican; H. L. Wait, editor and publisher, Centralia. The Goffs Advance, independent democratic; E. F. Jones, editor, Goffs. The Corning Gazette, republican; W. W. Randel, editor and publisher, Corning. The Bern Gazette, republican; W. W. Driggs, editor and publisher, Bern. SHAWNEE COUNTY 1134 bound volumes. The Topeka Capital (daily and weekly), republican; Arthur Capper, editor and publisher, Topeka. The Topeka State Journal (daily), independent; Frank P. MacLennan, editor and publisher, Topeka. Topeka Daily Legal News; Nanon L. Herron, editor, publisher and pro- prietor, Topeka. Kansas Farmer; Albert T. Reid, president, S. H. Pitcher, secretary, J. R. Mulvane, treasurer, T. A. Borman and I. D. Graham, editors, Kansas Farmer Company, publishers, Topeka. The Farmers' Mail and Breeze, republican; T. A. McNeal, editor, Arthur Capper, publisher, Topeka. Western School Journal (monthly), educational; John MacDonald, editor and proprietor, Topeka. The Merchants' Journal, trade; Paul A. Lovewell, vice president and editor, Chas P. Adams, president and manager, Guy D. Adams, sec- retary and treasurer, Merchants' Journal Company, publishers, Topeka. The Kansas Banker (monthly) , financial ; W. W. Bowman, editor, Kansas Bankers' Association, publishers, Topeka. The Washburn Review; Irene Mehl, editor in chief, published by students of Washburn College, Topeka. Washburn College Bulletin (quarterly) ; edited and published by faculty and students of Washburn College, Topeka. The High School World (semimonthly) ; Warren Crumbine, editor in chief, published by students of Topeka high school, Topeka. The Western Odd Fellow (semimonthly) ; H. C. Stevens, editor, and F. S. Stevens, publisher, Topeka. Missouri Valley Farmer (monthly) ; Arthur Capper, publisher, A. L. Nichols, editor, Topeka. Knights and Ladies of Security (monthly) ; Geo. M. Crawford, editor, of- ficial organ of the Knights and Ladies of Security, Topeka. Kansas Worker, religious; organ of the Kansas Seventh Day Adventist Conference Association, H. E. Meyer, editor and publisher, Topeka. Kansas Children's Home Finder (monthly) ; Rev. O. S. Morrow, editor and manager, Kansas Children's Home Society, publishers, Topeka. 8 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. The Kansas Issue (monthly), temperance; edited and published by the Kansas State Temperance Union, Topeka. The Topeka Plaindealer (Afro- American), republican; Nick Chiles, busi- ness manager, Topeka. The Household (monthly) ; Arthur Capper, publisher, Mrs. Alice E. Wells, editor, Topeka. The Boys' Chronicle (monthly) ; published in interest of Boys' Industrial School, R. R. Coffman, editor and instructor in printing, Topeka. Bulletin of the Kansas State Board of Health (monthly) ; published by the secretary of the State Board of Health, Topeka. The Torpedo (occasional), amateur; Frank Austin Kendall, editor and publisher, Topeka. (Not received by the Society since October, 1908.) Monthly Report of the Kansas Section of the Climate and Crop Service of the Weather Bureau; T. B. Jennings, section director, Topeka. Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin (daily) ; published by the Kansas Sec- tion of the Climate and Crop Service of the Weather Bureau, T. B. Jennings, section director, Topeka. Weather Map of the United States (daily) ; published by the Kansas Sec- tion of the Climate and Crop Service of the Weather Bureau, T. B. Jennings, section director, Topeka. Y. M. C. A. News (semimonthly) ; George E. Lerrigo, editor in chief, To- peka. (Not received by the Society.) The Ark Light (quarterly), fraternal; Topeka. (Not received by the Society since March, 1910.) Grand Army Reveille (monthly) ; Cyrus Corning, editor and publisher, Topeka. (Not received by the Society.) The Endeavor Spirit (monthly) ; J. K. Schriver, editor and publisher, To- peka. Nebraska Farm Journal (monthly) ; J. T. Dunlap, manager, Harley C. Hatch, editor, Arthur Capper, publisher, Topeka and Omaha. The Capper Bulletin (occasional) ; Arthur Capper, publisher, Topeka. The Westminster Visitor, religious; Ralph Ward, editor and publisher, Topeka. (Not received by the Society since June 25, 1908.) Poultry Culture (monthly) ; Reese V. Hicks, editor, Poultry Culture Com- pany, publishers, Topeka. Rossville Reporter, independent; U. G. Stewart, editor and publisher, Rossville. The Oakland Blade, Ray Putman, editor and publisher, Oakland. Woodcraft in Kansas (monthly) ; Chas. S. Locknane, editor and publisher, Topeka. The Western Index (Negro), religious; official organ of the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church; Rev. J. A. Hamlett, editor and pub- lisher, Topeka. The North Topeka Pointer; Armstrong & Pinkerton, publishers, North Topeka. (Not received by the Society.) Silver Lake Mirror, republican; Anderson Bros., publishers and proprie- tors, Silver Lake. Commercial Club Bulletin (monthly) ; published by the Topeka Com- mercial Club, Topeka. FIRST CONGRESSIONAL 9, The Paul Jones Monthly Magazine (Negro) ; Paul Jones, editor and manager, Paul Jones Publishing Company, publishers, Topeka. (Not received by the Society.) The Central Baptist, religious; A. D. Phelps, Kansas editor, St. Louis, Mo., and Topeka. The Progressive Autoist (monthly) ; J* E. Hazen, editor and publisher, Topeka. The Dover Weekly Herald, independent; A. D. Bauer, editor and pub- lisher, Dover. 10 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. Second Congressional District. Counties. ALLEN. DOUGLAS. LINN. ANDERSON. ' FRANKLIN. MIAMI. BOURBON. JOHNSON. WYANDOTTE. ALLEN COUNTY 256 bound volumes. The Humboldt Union, republican; W. T. McElroy, editor and publisher, Humboldt. Humboldt Daily Herald, republican; Arthur W. Cunningham, editor and publisher, Humboldt. The lola Register (daily), republican; Chas. F. Scott, editor and pub- lisher, lola. The Moran Herald, republican; C. C. Thomas, editor and publisher, Moran. The Elsmore Leader, republican; C. O. Pearson, editor and publisher, Elsmore. The Savonburg Record, republican; C. A. Reynolds, editor and publisher, Savonburg. Tri-City Herald, republican; A. C. Shaffer, editor and proprietor, Gas City. (We receive scattering issues of this.) Allen County Journal, republican; C. Borin, publisher, La Harpe. The Mildred Messenger; A. C. Shaffer, editor and publisher, Mildred. (Not received by the Society.) The Mildred Ledger; E. A. Mellen, editor and publisher, Mildred. ANDERSON COUNTY 240 bound volumes. Garnett Eagle-Plaindealer, independent; Clark T. Richardson, editor, C. T. Richardson and W. 0. Champe, publishers, Garnett. The Garnett Journal, republican ; Paul H. Kirk and M. J. Keeton, editors and publishers, Garnett. The Evening Review; W. O. Champe, editor, Richardson and Champe, publishers, Garnett. Garnett Evening News, republican; Paul H. Kirk and M. J. Keeton, editors and publishers, Garnett. The Westphalia Times, democratic ; Ancil F. Hatten, editor and publisher, Westphalia. The Kincaid Dispatch, republican; J. E. Scruggs, jr., editor and publisher, Kincaid. The Colony Free Press, independent; C. C. Wilder, editor and publisher, Colony. The Greeley Graphic, independent; O. L. Cullison, editor and publisher, Greeley. (Not received by the Society since October 27, 1910.) The Harris Sun, democratic; Bert C. Fay, editor and publisher, Harris. SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 11 BOURBON COUNTY 324 bound volumes. The Fort Scott Tribune, and The Fort Scott Monitor (daily and semi- weekly), independent democratic; Geo. W. Marble, editor, Tribune- Monitor Company, publishers, Fort Scott. The Republican (daily and semiweekly), republican; H. A. Strong, editor and publisher, Fort Scott. The Bronson Pilot, republican; Laurence Moore, editor and publisher, Bronson. The Cicerone, independent; H. M. Brainard, editor and publisher, Union- town. (Not received by the Society.) The Fulton Record; Claude M. Grigsby, editor and publisher, Fulton. The Church Advocate and Holiness Banner, regilious; J. W. Hibbs, editor and business manager, Fort Scott. DOUGLAS COUNTY 631 bound volumes. Lawrence Journal-World (daily), republican; J. L. Brady, editor, W. C. Simons, president, The Journal-World Company, publishers, Lawrence. Lawrence Gazette (daily and weekly), republican; C. S. Finch, editor, The Jeffersonian Gazette Company, publishers, Lawrence. Lawrence Democrat (weekly), democratic; Henry Albach, editor and publisher, Lawrence. Lawrence Germania (German), independent; Henry Albach, editor and publisher, Lawrence. The University Kansan (triweekly) ; J. W. Murray, editor, published by Kansas University Publishing Association, Lawrence. The Kansas Lawyer (monthly) ; published by the University Law School, Lawrence. (Not received by the Society since November, 1910.) The Fraternal Aid (monthly), fraternal; C. S. Finch, editor, published in interest of Fraternal Aid Association, Lawrence. Lawrence High School Budget (semimonthly) ; Jonathan Dow, editor, published by students Lawrence high school. The Kansas University Science Bulletin (occasional), scientific; C. E. McClung, managing editor, published by University, Lawrence. The Graduate Magazine of University of Kansas (monthly) ; published by the Alumni Association, Kansas University, Lawrence. Monthly Weather Report of Department of Meteorology of Kansas Uni- versity, Lawrence. The Indian Leader, college; Helen W. Ball, manager, Haskell Institute, publisher, Lawrence. The Lecompton Sun; Geo. W. Connell, editor and publisher, Lecompton. The Baldwin Ledger, republican; W. C. Markham, editor and publisher, Baldwin. Baldwin Republican, republican; C. W. Wheeler, editor, J. H. Boss, pub- lisher, Baldwin. (Not received by the Society since March 24, 1911.) Baker Orange, college; G. M. Boicourt, editor, published by Baker Orange Company, Baldwin. The Eudora Weekly News, republican; Will Stadler, editor and pub- lisher, Eudora. 12 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. Moffatana Bulletin (occasional) ; G. W. Maffett, editor and publisher, Lawrence. (Not received by the Society since July, 1909.) Baker University News-Bulletin (monthly) ; edited and published by Baker University, Baldwin. (Not received by the Society since Au- gust, 1910.) The University Press Bulletin (weekly) ; published by the University, Lawrence. The University of Kansas News-Bulletin (weekly) ; edited and published by the State University, Lawrence. FRANKLIN COUNTY 176 bound volumes. Ottawa Herald (daily and weekly), republican; R. A. Harris, editor and publisher, Ottawa. The Ottawa Daily Republic, democratic; Thos. W. Morgan, editor and publisher, Ottawa. The Ottawa Campus, college; W. E. Gilliland, editor, S. C. Finch, busi- ness manager, published by students of Ottawa University, Ottawa. Ottawa Chautauqua Assembly Herald (monthly) ; published by the Ot- tawa Chautauqua Assembly, Ottawa. The Ottawa Guardian, prohibition; Vincent C. Robb, editor and publisher, Ottawa. The Wellsville Globe, republican; Asa F. Converse, editor and publisher, Wellsville. Williamsburg Star, neutral; D. M. Guthrie, editor and publisher, Wil- liamsburg. (Not received by the Society since February 23, 1911.) The Pomona Republican, republican; G. R. O'Brien, editor and publisher, Pomona. JOHNSON COUNTY 223 bound volumes. The Olathe Mirror, republican; John W. Breyfogle, editor, Mirror Pub- lishing Company, publishers, Olathe. The Kansas Star (semimonthly), industrial; edited and published by the Kansas School for Deaf and Dumb, Olathe. Olathe Register, democratic; S. T. Seaton, editor and manager, Register Publishing Company, publishers, Olathe. Spring Hill New Era, republican; Will F. Wilkerson, editor, New Era Publishing Company, publishers, Spring Hill. De Soto Herald, neutral; Geo. A. Glens, editor and publisher, De Soto. The Gardner Gazette, independent; H. Adolph Halstrom, editor and pub- lisher, Gardner. The Edgerton Journal, republican; Chas. W. Mays, editor and proprie- tor, Edgerton. The Lenexa News, independent; Ed A. Legler, editor, Will H. Peter, pub- lisher, Lenexa. SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 13 LINN COUNTY 248 bound volumes. La Cygne Journal, republican; G. E. Battin, editor and manager, Linn County Publishing Company, publishers, La Cygne. The Observer-Enterprise; Craig and Kennedy, editors and publishers, Pleasanton. The Pleasanton Herald, republican; J. E. Latimer, editor and publisher, Pleasanton. Linn County Republic, republican; C. C. Holmes, editor, Linn County Publishing Company, owners and publishers, Mound City. Linn County Democrat, democratic; E. C. Lowe and C. E. and H. C. Dallas, editors and publishers^ Mound City. The Blue Mound Sun, republican; A. V. Napier, editor and publisher, Blue Mound. The Parker Message, republican; Benj. F. Winchel, editor and publisher, Parker. La Cygne Weekly Record, independent; Geo. D. Marsh, editor and pub- lisher, La Cygne. MIAMI COUNTY 168 bound volumes. The Miami Republican, republican; W. D. Greason, editor and publisher, Paola. The Western Spirit, democratic; Jno. W. Sheridan, editor, Western Spirit Publishing Company, publishers, Paola. The Louisburg Herald, neutral; Adna D. White, editor and publisher, Louisburg. Osawatomie Graphic, republican; C. C. Clevenger, editor and publisher, Osawatomie. The Osawatomie Globe, democratic; Harry Mills, editor and publisher, Osawatomie. WYANDOTTE COUNTY 372 bound volumes. The Kansas City Gazette-Globe (daily and weekly), republican; Gazette publishing and Printing Company, Kansas City. Kansas City Sun, populist; E. F. Heisler, editor and publisher, Kansas City. The Press, republican; J. B. Hippie, editor and publisher, Kansas City. The Labor Record, labor ; Orr & Emrick, editors, Record Publishing Com- pany, publishers, Kansas City. The Coopers' Industrial Journal (monthly), labor; James A. Cable, editor, official organ of Coopers' International Union of North America, Kansas City. The Journal of International Brotherhood of Boiler-makers, Iron Ship- builders and Helpers of America (monthly), labor; Kansas City. The University Log-book (monthly), college; B. W. Woestemeyer, editor in chief, Log Book Stock Company of Kansas City University, pub- lishers, Kansas City. The Journal of the Kansas Medical Society (monthly) ; James W. May, editor, Frank M. Tracy, business manager, Kansas City. 14 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. Kansas Staats-zeitung (German), republican; F. Gehring, editor and pub- lisher, Kansas City. The Jayhawker, published every three weeks by students of Kansas City high school; editor in chief, Phillip Miller, first associate, Margaret Winn, second, Fay Foulkes, local editor, Glendon Alldine, athletic edi- tor, Roy Parr, advisory editor, Ralph L. Ward, Kansas City. (Not re- ceived by the Society since April, 1910.) The Argentine Republic, independent; Jos. T. Landrey, editor and pub- lisher, Argentine. The Bonner Springs Chieftain, neutral; Imri Zumwalt, editor and pub- lisher, Bonner Springs. The Investor's Guide (monthly), insurance; E. W. Poindexter, editor and publisher, Kansas City. The Temple Builder (monthly) ; E. J. Lutz, editor and publisher, Kansas City. (Not received by the Society since September, 1908.) KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. 15 Third Congressional District. Counties. CHAUTAUQUA. CRAWFORD. MONTGOMERY. CHEROKEE. ELK. NEOSHO. COWLEY. LABETTE. WILSON. CHAUTAUQUA COUNTY 121 bound volumes. The Sedan Times-Star, republican; Clyde H. Knox, editor and publisher, Sedan. Cedar Vale Commercial, independent; J. L. Alexander, editor and pub- lisher, Cedar Vale. The Peru Weekly Derrick, neutral; H. -C. Chacey and I. M. Chacey, edi- tors and publishers, Peru. CHEROKEE COUNTY 335 bound volumes. The Columbus Advocate (daily and weekly), republican; W. R. Smith, editor and publisher, Columbus. The Modern Light, democratic; W. B. Lowry, editor and publisher, Colum- bus. The Galena Weekly Republican, republican ; A. S. McNay, editor and pub- lisher, Galena. The Galena Evening Times (daily), democratic; B. L. Strother, editor and publisher, Galena. Baxter Springs News, independent; Chas. L. Smith, editor and publisher, Baxter Springs. Cherokee County Republican, republican; W. M. Smith, publisher, Baxter Springs. Weir City Journal, republican; J. D. L. and L. H. Waddle, editors and publishers, Weir City. The Scammon Miner, democratic; Phil L. Keener, editor and publisher, Scammon. Mineral Cities Times (weekly), independent; Chas. W. Grant, editor and publisher, West Mineral. (Not received by the Society.) State Labor Journal; C. E. Bramlette, editor and publisher, Columbus. COWLEY COUNTY 465 bound volumes. The Winfield Courier (daily and weekly), republican; E. P. Greer, editor, Courier Printing Company, publishers, Winfield. Evening Free Press (daily), independent; Geo. A. Platis, editor, Free Press Printing Company, publishers, Winfield. Arkansas City Traveler (daily), republican; R. C.' Howard, editor and publisher, Arkansas City. 16 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. The X-Rays (weekly), democratic; Henry B. Funk, editor and publisher, Arkansas City. Dexter Dispatch, republican; W. L. Baldridge, editor and publisher, Dexter. The Udall Times, neutral; A. C. Fisher, editor and publisher, Udall. The Burden Times, neutral; W. L. Hutton, editor and publisher, Burden. The A. S. of C. C. Bulletin (quarterly) ; R. F. Greene, editor and pub- lisher, Arkansas City. (Not received by the Society.) The Atlanta Journal; Z. Mitchell, editor and publisher, Atlanta. The Daily News, independent; News Publishing Company, Arkansas City. CRAWFORD COUNTY 365 bound volumes. The Girard Press, republican; E. A. Wasser and A. M. Wasser, editors and publishers, Girard. Appeal to Reason, socialist; J. A. Wayland, Eugene V. Debs, Fred D. Warren, Geo. H. Shoaf, Charles Lincoln Phifer, H. G. Creel, editors and publishers, Girard. The Pittsburg Headlight (daily and weekly), republican; Moore Bros., editors and publishers, Pittsburg. (Daily edition not received by the Society.) The Pittsburg Kansan, democratic; Dr. J. F. Callen, editor and pub- lisher, Pittsburg. Pittsburg Volksfreund (German), independent; John Hoenscheidt, editor and publisher, Pittsburg. The Cyclone (quarterly), fraternal; R. M. Scott, editor and publisher, Pittsburg. The Cherokee Sentinel, republican; J. F. Price, editor and publisher, Cherokee. The McCune Herald, neutral; G. H. Dyer, editor and publisher, McCune. The Girard Times, democratic; Benjamin J. Gunn, editor and publisher, Girard. The Walnut Eagle, republican; Lewis Martin, editor and publisher, Wal- nut. The Walnut Advance, democratic ; Harry W. Tucker, editor and publisher, Walnut. The Mulberry News, independent; A. M. Cochran, editor and publisher, Mulberry. The Hepler Enterprise; Frank H. Heard, local editor, H. W. Tucker, publisher, Hepler. (Not received by the Society since January 19, 1906.) The Arcadia Sunlight; H. W. Tucker, publisher, Dr. L. A. Runnion, edi- tor, Arcadia. The Manual Normal Light (monthly) ; published by the students, Pitts- burg. The Progressive Woman (monthly), socialist; Josephine Conger- Kaneke, editor, published by The Progressive Woman Publishing Company, Girard. The Labor Herald; W. T. Sears and Lee A. Leftwich, editors and pub- lishers, Pittsburg. THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 17 The Coming Nation, socialist; J. A. Wayland and Fred D. Warren, pub- lishers, A. M. Simons and Charles E. Russell, editors, Girard. ELK COUNTY 173 bound volumes. The Howard Courant, republican; Thomas E. Thompson, editor and pub- lisher, Howard. Elk County Citizen, democratic ; F. C. Flory, editor and publisher, Howard. The Longton Gleaner, republican; Lauren Hale, editor and publisher, Longton. The Longton News, republican; R. B. McCutchan, editor and publisher, Longton. The Moline Review, republican; U. G. Sutton, editor and publisher, Moline. The Grenola Leader, independent; Floyd C. Flory, editor and publisher, Grenola. The Moline Gazette, independent; F. S. Evans, editor and publisher, Moline. Elk Falls Reflector; Frank E. Smith, editor and publisher, Elk Falls. LABETTE COUNTY 527 bound volumes. Parsons Sun (daily), republican; T. A. Cordry, editor, Sun Publishing Company, publishers, Parsons. The Parsons Eclipse (daily and weekly), democratic; Celsus A. Lamb, editor and publisher, Parsons. Parsons Palladium, democratic; Frank W. Frye; editor and publisher, Parsons. The Kansas Baptist (monthly), religious; J. T. Crawford, editor and pub- lisher, Parsons. The Chetopa Advance, republican; Geo. L. Emert, editor and publisher, Chetopa. Chetopa Clipper, independent; M. A. Chesley, editor and publisher, Che- topa. The Oswego Independent, republican; M. McGill, editor and publisher, Oswego. The Democrat, democratic; Alf. D. Carpenter, editor and publisher, Oswego. The Mound Valley Herald, republican; W. F. Thrall, editor and pub- lisher, Mound Valley. Mound Valley Journal, republican; D. H. Wallingford and R. H. Conder- man, editors and proprietors, Mound Valley. The Altamont Journal, republican; F. E. George, editor and publisher, Altamont. The Wilsonton Journal (occasional) ; Mrs. Augustus Wilson, publisher, Wilsonton. (Not received by the Society since May, 1908.) The Edna Sun, independent; W. E. Staige, editor and publisher, Edna. (Not received by the Society.) Oswego College Quarterly Bulletin (quarterly) ; Oswego. 18 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. MONTGOMERY COUNTY 487 bound volumes. South Kansas Tribune, republican; W. T. and C. Yoe and C. A. Connelly, editors and publishers, independence. Independence Daily Reporter, republican; Horace G. James, editor and publisher, Independence. The Times, democratic; Fred Wilkinson, editor and publisher, Inde- pendence. The Evening Star, independent; A. T. Cox, editor and publisher, In- dependence. The Republican (daily and weekly), republican; H. J. Powell, editor and publisher, Cherryvale. The Cherryvale Journal (daily), democratic; F. D. Moffet, editor and publisher, Cherryvale. t The Coffeyville Journal (daily and weekly), republican; W. G. Weaver- ling, president, M. E. Weaverling, editor, The Journal Company, pub- lishers, Coffeyville. The Weekly Independent, republican; C. W. Kent, editor, Coffeyville. The Earth (daily) ; H. M. Gregg, editor and publisher, Coffeyville. Caney Chronicle (daily and weekly), republican; J. R. Brady, editor and publisher, Caney. Caney News, independent; Harry E. Floyd, publisher, Caney. Elk City Sun, republican; L. W. Davis, editor and publisher, Elk City. The Dearing Sentinel; W. I. Todd, editor and publisher, Dearing. (Not received by the Society since December 24, 1910.) The Dearing Times; E. L. Runyan, editor and publisher, Dearing. NEOSHO COUNTY 291 bound volumes. The St. Paul Journal, democratic; W. W. Graves, editor and publisher, St. Paul. The A. H. T. A. Weekly News, official paper of Anti-horse-thief Asso- ciation, etc.; W. W. Graves, editor and publisher, St. Paul. The Chanute Times, republican; A. H. Turner, editor and publisher, Chanute. The Chanute Tribune (daily and weekly), republican; by The Tribune Publishing Company, Chanute. The Erie Record, republican; Seth G. Wells and Don E. Wells, editors and publishers, Erie. The Erie Sentinel (daily and weekly), democratic; A. Q. Wooster, editor, Wooster & Son, publishers, Erie. The Thayer News, independent; A. L. Palmer, editor and publisher, Thayer. WILSON COUNTY 229 bound volumes. Wilson County Citizen, republican; John S. Gilmore, editor and pub- lisher, Fredonia. The Fredonia Herald (daily and weekly), democratic; E. F. Hudson, edi- tor and publisher, Fredonia. The Neodesha Register, republican; Paul Wiley, editor and publisher, Neodesha. THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 19 Neodesha Daily Sun, independent; C. E. Cowdrey, editor and publisher, Neodesha. The Buffalo Advocate, neutral; J. Clyde Bell, editor and publisher, Buffalo. The Kansas X-Ray, independent; H. H. Peyton, editor and publisher, New Albany. The Country School Champion (monthly), official organ of Wilson County Teachers' Association; H. H. Peyton, editor and Publisher, New Albany. The Altoona Tribune, neutral; A. V. Butcher, editor and publisher, Al- toona. The Banner, neutral; Zon Strange, editor and publisher, Lafontaine. 20 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. Fourth Congressional District. Counties. CHASE. MARION. POTTAWATOMIE. COFFEY. MORRIS. WABAUNSEE. GREENWOOD. OSAGE. WOODSON. LYON. CHASE COUNTY 117 bound volumes. Chase County Leader, republican; W. C. Austin, editor. and publisher, F. L. Curtis, manager, Cottonwood Falls. The News-CJourant, independent; Bert Dunlap, editor and publisher, Strong City. COFFEY COUNTY 243 bound volumes. The Burlington Republican (daily and semiweekly), republican; John Redmond, editor and publisher, Burlington. The Burlington Independent (weekly), democratic; Harley E. Endsley, editor and publisher, Burlington. Le Roy Reporter, democratic; Frank Fockele, owner, Glick Fockele, editor and manager, Le Roy. Waverly Gazette, republican; O. J. Rose, editor and publisher, Waverly. The Lebo Enterprise, independent; W. P. Evans, editor and publisher, Lebo. (Not received by the Society.) The Gridley Light, independent; W. J. Dedrick, editor and publisher, Gridley. The Lebo Star, independent republican; A. A. Torrence, editor and pub- lisher, Lebo. GREENWOOD COUNTY 137 bound volumes. The Eureka Herald-Republican, republican; Peffer & Peffer, editors and publishers, Eureka. The Democratic Messenger, democratic; Robert Focht, editor and pub- lisher, Eureka. The Student (monthly), college; edited and published by students of Southern Kansas Academy, Eureka. The Severyite, republican; C. G. Pierce, editor and publisher, Severy. Hamilton Grit, neutral ; G. M. Niswanger, editor and publisher, Hamilton. The Madison Spirit, independent; Fred Kenner, editor and publisher, Madison. The Fall River Times, local; Ray W. Ferrell, editor and publisher, Fall River. riedmont Journal, neutral; J. S. Martin, editor and proprietor, Piedmont. FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 21 The Live Stock Belt; E. A. Melbourn, editor and publisher, Madison. (Not received by the Society.) The High School Banner (monthly) ; edited and published by students of the Eureka high school, Eureka. LYON COUNTY 402 bound volumes. Emporia Gazette (daily and weekly), republican; Wm. Allen White, editor and publisher, Emporia. The Emporia Times (semiweekly), democratic; Harrison Parkman, editor and publisher, Emporia. College Life (weekly) ; Guy Goodwin, editor, published by students of College of Emporia. State Normal Bulletin; Robert C. Marley, editor in chief; published by students of Kansas State Normal School, Emporia. (Not received by the Society since September 11, 1908.) High School Echo (monthly) ; Amos Brenaman, editor, published by the students of the Emporia high school, Emporia. The State Normal Record (semimonthly) ; published by the faculty of the Kansas State Normal School, Emporia. The Allen Enterprise, neutral; W. H. Hottle, editor and publisher, Allen. The Americus Greeting, neutral; D. C. Grinell, editor and publisher, Americus. Neosho Valley Times, republican; A. S. Bernheisel, editor and publisher, Hartford. The Olpe Optimist (semiweekly), democratic; L. M. Shearer, editor and publisher, Olpe. The Reading Herald, republican; A. M. Hawks, editor and publisher, Reading. MARION COUNTY 212 bound volumes. Marion Record, republican; Homer Hoch, editor, Record Publishing Com- pany, proprietors^ Marion. The Marion Review, democratic ; H. J. Buschlen, proprietor, Tom Matlock, manager, Marion. The Peabody Gazette, republican; Geo. E. Morgan, editor and publisher, Peabody. The Florence Bulletin, republican ; W. E. Payton, editor, Mrs. W. E. Pay- ton, assistant editor, Raymond Gear, publisher, Florence. Hillsboro Vorwarts (German) ; Entz & Enns, proprietors, Hillsboro. The Burns Citizen, republican; R. E. Eakin, editor and publisher, Burns. Church of the New Jerusalem (monthly), religious; G. E. Morgan, pub- lisher, Peabody. The Peabody Herald; C. T. Warren, editor and proprietor, Peabody. MORRIS COUNTY 148 bound volumes. The Council Grove Republican, republican; J. L. Greenlee, editor and publisher, Council Grove. The Council Grove Guard, republican; M. F. Amrine, editor and pub- lisher, A. R. Zimmerman, manager, Council Grove. 22 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. White City Register, republican; J. W. Watkins, editor and publisher, White City. The Wilsey Weekly Warbler, neutral; W. Chas. Hopper, editor and pub- lisher, Wilsey. Burdick Bulletin (monthly), local; C. H. Van Deventer, editor and pub- lisher, Burdick. OSAGE COUNTY 338 bound volumes. The Osage County Chronicle, republican; T. A. Ellis, editor and pub- lisher, Burlingame. The Burlingame Enterprise, republican; C. A. Stodard and Ed Riddle, editors and publishers, Burlingame. The Osage City Free Press, republican; Chas. W. Barnes, editor and publisher, Osage City. The Public Opinion, republican; M. C. Crowthers, editor, and Bertha Lewis, manager, Osage City. The People's Herald, republican; Dow Busenback, editor and publisher, Lyndon. Overbrook Citizen, neutral; G. H. Andrews, editor and publisher, Over- brook. The Scranton Gazette, neutral; C. B. Martin, editor and manager, Scran- ton. Quenemo News, neutral; E. L. Truesdail, editor and publisher, Quenemo. The Melvern Review, neutral; A. R. Ball, editor and proprietor, Melvern. The Osage County Democrat, democratic; J. R. McNabb, editor and pub- lisher, Lyndon. The Carbondale Post, neutral; F. L. Joclyn, editor and publisher, Carbon- dale. The Olivet Advertiser, neutral; E. A. Thomes, editor, Olivet. POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY 320 bound volumes. The Wamego Reporter, republican; K. C. Smick, editor and proprietor, Wamego. Wamego Weekly Times, republican; J. A. Lister, editor and publisher, Wamego. St. Marys Star, democratic; Willis E. Miller, editor and proprietor, St. Marys. The Dial (monthly), college; edited and published by students of St. Marys College, St. Marys. The St. Marys Eagle-Journal, republican; M. M. Lee, editor, Eagle- Journal Publishing Company, publishers, St. Marys. The Westmoreland Recorder, republican; W. F. Hill, editor and publisher, Westmoreland. The Westmoreland Signal, democratic; W. F. Challis & A. M. Gilmore, editors and proprietors, Westmoreland. The Onaga Herald, republican; Clarence Haughawout, editor and pub- lisher, Onaga. FOURTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 23 Havensville Review, republican; R. C. Coverdale, editor and publisher, Havensville. The Methodist Sunday School News (occasional), religious; Havensville. (Not received by the Society since April, 1908.) The Olsburg Gazette, republican; Fred C. Marble, editor, Marble & Mar- ble, publishers, Olsburg. Louisville Lyre, neutral ; W. L. Hauldren, editor and publisher, Louisville. The Emmett Citizen, republican; J. V. Boudrean, editor and publisher, Emmett. WABAUNSEE COUNTY 145 bound volumes. Alma Enterprise, republican; Frank I. Sage and 0. W. Little, editors and publishers, Alma. The Alma Signal, republican; E. D. Knox, editor and publisher, Alma. The C. M. A. Emblem (monthly), fraternal; C. R. Simon, editor and pub- lisher, Alma. The Eskridge Tribune-Star, republican; H. E. Rickel, editor, W. H. Mel- rose, manager, Tribune Publishing Company, publishers, Eskridge. The Alta Vista Journal, independent; L. W. Sherman, editor, W. C. Coates, publisher, Alta Vista. Harveyville Monitor, independent; F. B. Williams, editor and publisher, Harveyville. The Democrat, democratic; N. Rapalee, editor and publisher, Eskridge. (Not received by the Society.) The Maple Hill News, independent; C. V. Cole, editor and publisher, Maple Hill. WOODSON COUNTY 143 bound volumes. The Neosho Falls Post, republican; J. W. Dickson, editor and publisher, Neosho Falls. The Yates Center News, republican; R. H. Trueblood, editor, R. H. True- blood and F. L. Stephenson, publishers, Yates Center. Woodson County Advocate, democratic; F. M. Patterson, editor and pub- lisher, Yates Center. Toronto Republican, republican; E. E. Kelley, editor and publisher, Toronto. Select Knight (monthly) ; Ben D. Lillard, editor; devoted to the interests of the supreme lodge Select Knights and Ladies, Toronto. 24 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. Fifth Congressional District. Counties. CLAY. MARSHALL. RILEY. CLOUD. OTTAWA. SALINE. DICKINSON. REPUBLIC. WASHINGTON. GEARY. CLAY COUNTY 186 bound volumes. The Clay Center Dispatch (daily and weekly), populist; Dispatch Pub- lishing Company, publishers, Chas. A. Southwick, president and man- ager, B. F. Hemphill, secretary and treasurer, Clay Center. The Times, republican; D. A. Valentine, editor and publisher, Clay Center. The Daily Republican, republican; F. W. Parrott, managing editor, Re- publican Publishing Company, publishers, Clay Center. The Triple Tie Advocate (monthly), fraternal; G. M. Stratton, editor, Triple Tie Benefit Association, publishers, Clay Center. The Clay Center District News (quarterly), religious; M. E. Church, publisher, Rev. W. C. Hanson, editor, Clay Center. The Clifton News, republican; J. M. Best, editor and publisher, Clifton. The Tribune, Morganville, neutral; L. D. Huff, editor and publisher, Morganville. The News; G. C. Hall, editor and publisher, Green. Longford Leader, local; F. E. Pattee, editor and publisher, Longford. The Wakefield Pointer; J. N. Squires, editor and publisher. (Not re- ceived by the Society.) The Oak Hill Gazette; W. S. Price, editor and publisher, Oak Hill. CLOUD COUNTY 305 bound volumes. The Concordia Empire, republican; Ray Green and Lynn W. Bloom, editors and publishers, Concordia. The Kansan (daily and weekly), republican; Gomer T. Davies, editor and publisher, Concordia. The Daily Blade, republican; Ray Green and Lynn W. Bloom, editors and publishers, Concordia. The Concordia Press, democratic; W. H. Dannenbarger, editor and pub- lisher, Concordia. The Glasco Sun, independent; L. E. Frankforther, editor and publisher, Glasco. The Farmers' Voice, democratic; F. S. Crane, editor and publisher, Clyde. The Clyde Republican (semiweekly), republican; P. M. Harmon, editor and publisher, Clyde. The Zephyr (monthly) ; published by students of Clyde high school, Clyde. (Not received by the Society.) FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 25 The Kansas Optimist, independent; Robert Good, proprietor, Fred Cook, editor and manager, Jamestown. The Milton vale Record, neutral; G. C. R. Pier see, editor and publisher, Miltonvale. Crimson (monthly) ; published by the students of the Concordia high school, Concordia. (Not received by the Society.) DICKINSON COUNTY 414 bound volumes. Abilene Chronicle (daily and weekly), republican; P. W. Heath, editor and manager, Heath-McCormick Publishing Company, publishers, Abi- lene. Abilene Reflector (daily and weekly), republican; C. M. Harger, editor, The Reflector Publishing Company, publishers, Abilene. The Dickinson County News, democratic; J. W. Howe, editor, News Pub- lishing Company, publishers, Abilene. The Abilene Democrat, democratic; Mrs. L. E. Baldwin, editor and pub- lisher, Abilene. The Implement Dealers' Bulletin (monthly) ; H. J. Hodge, editor and publisher, official organ of Western Retail Implement and Vehicle Dealers' Association, Abilene. Kansas State Sunday School Journal (monthly), religious; J. H. Engle, editor and publisher, Abilene. The Herington Times, republican; H. L. Harris and Pearl Barton, editors and publishers, Herington. The Herington Sun, republican; A. J. Petrie and W. J. Benjamin, editors and managers, Sun Printing Company, publishers, Herington. The Hope Dispatch, republican; M. C. Hemenway, editor and publisher, Hope. Solomon Tribune, republican; W. L. Olson, editor and publisher, Solomon. Chapman Advertiser, independent; Mrs. T. H. Sheeran, editor and pub- lisher, Chapman. Enterprise Push and Journal, independent; C. W. Hamilton editor and publisher, Enterprise. Manchester Moter, independent; Frank E. Pattee, editor and publisher, Manchester. The Chapman Gazette, republican; E. F. Halbert, editor and publisher, Chapman. Bulletin Enterprise Normal Academy (quarterly).; published by the Nor- mal Academy, Enterprise. GEARY COUNTY 165 bound volumes. Junction City Union (daily and weekly), republican; H. E. Montgomery, editor, John Montgomery & Son, publishers, Junction City. The Junction City Republic, republican; Chas. H. Manley, editor and publisher, Junction City. The Junction City Sentinel, democratic; Fred R. Hemenway, editor, Sentinel Publishing Company, publishers, Junction City. The Fort Riley Guidon, post; H. W. Cramer, proprietor, Fort Riley. 26 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. MARSHALL COUNTY 398 bound volumes. Marshall County News (daily and weekly), republican; Geo. T. Smith, editor, News Publishing Company, publishers, Marysville. (Daily edition not received by the Society.) The Advocate-Democrat, democratic; H. M. Brodrick, editor and pub- lisher, Marysville. Marshall County Courier (German) ; John Hoenscheidt, editor and pub- - lisher, Marysville. The Marshall County School Journal (monthly), educational; C. E. Drumm, editor and publisher, Marysville. The Waterville Telegraph, republican; Henry C. Willson, editor and pub- lisher, Waterville. The Blue Rapids Times, republican; Livy B. Tibbets, editor, Chas. C. Tibbets, publisher, Blue Rapids. The Blue Rapids Journal, republican; J. P. Henson, editor and publisher, Blue Rapids. The Axtell Standard, neutral; F. A. Werner, editor, Ernest F. Werner, publisher, Axtell. The Beattie Eagle, republican; Edward M. Cannon, editor and publisher, Beattie. The Irving Leader, neutral; B. W. Forbes, editor and publisher, Irving. The Frankfort Daily Index, independent; F. M. Hartman, editor and publisher, Frankfort. The Summerneld Sun, independent; Geo. W. and G. Wm. Willis, editors and publishers, Summerneld. The Vermillion Times, republican; H. L. Huff, editor and publisher, Ver- million. Parish Pages (monthly), religious; I. B. Heisey, editor, Evangelical Lutheran Church, publishers, Waterville. The Home City Tribune, independent; F. E. Lundry, editor and publisher, Home City. OTTAWA COUNTY 197 bound volumes. Minneapolis Messenger, republican; Arthur F. Riddle, editor and pub- lisher, Minneapolis. The Minneapolis Better Way, populist; E. C. Johnson, editor and pub- lisher, Minneapolis. The Sons and Daughters of Justice (monthly), official organ Sons and Daughters of Justice; W. W. Walker, jr., editor, A. F. Riddle, pub- lisher, Minneapolis. Ottawa County Democrat, democratic; S. A. Lyne, editor and publisher, Bennington. Delphos Republican, neutral; E. L. Eaton, editor and publisher, Delphos. The Tescott Press, independent; B. A. Belt, editor and publisher, Tescott. FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL -DISTRICT. 27 REPUBLIC COUNTY 209 bound volumes. The Belleville Telescope, republican; A. Q. Miller and H. C. Sticher, edi- tors and publishers, Belleville. Republic County Democrat, democratic; H. N. Boyd, editor and pub- lisher, Belleville. Scandia Journal, republican; Wm. H. Hill, editor and publisher, Scandia. Republic City News, republican; Graf ton Nutter, editor and publisher, Republic City. The Cuba Daylight, democratic; P. J. George, editor and publisher, Cuba. The Courtland Register, republican; R. Cameron, editor and publisher, Courtland. The Comet, independent; H. A. Hoyt, editor and publisher, Courtland. The Narka News, republican; Will H. McCurdy, editor and publisher, Narka. The Munden Press, independent; W. E. Muth, editor and publisher, Mun- den. RILEY COUNTY 312 bound volumes. The Manhattan Nationalist (daily and weekly), republican; N. W. Huston, editor and proprietor, Manhattan. The Industrialist, college; H. J. Waters, editor in chief, Kansas State Agricultural College, publisher, Manhattan-. The Manhattan Republic (weekly), republican; Kimball-Vernon Pub- lishing Company, editors and publishers, Manhattan. Manhattan Mercury (daily), republican; Kimball-Vernon Publishing Company, publishers, Manhattan. The Students' Herald (semi weekly), college; A. Endacott, editor in chief, published by students of K. S'. A. C., Manhattan. The Randolph Enterprise, democratic; Eldon C. Newby, editor and pub- lisher, Randolph. Leonardville Monitor, democratic; Guy E. Harmon, editor, Leonardville. The Riley Regent, republican; J. M. Colburn, editor and publisher, Riley. The Riley Gospel Herald (monthly), religious; Geo. R. Jackman and Mrs. A. B. Coope, editors and publishers, Riley. (Not received by the Society since December, 1908.) Home Training Bulletin (occasional) ; published by the State Agricultural College, Manhattan. Riley County Democrat, democratic; A. H. Hammond, editor and pub- lisher, Manhattan. SALINE COUNTY 323 bound volumes. Salina Evening Journal (daily and semi weekly), republican; J. L. Bris- tow, editor and publisher, Salina. The Salina Union (daily and semiweekly), democratic; J. R. Burton, editor, J. H. Yetter, business manager, Salina. The Salina Sun (weekly), republican; W. H. Johnson, editor and pub- lisher, Salina. The Wesleyan Advance (weekly), college; W. A. Green, editor in chief, published by the students of Wesleyan University, Salina. 28 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. The New Era (quarterly), commercial; T. W. Roach, editor; Kansas Wesleyan Business College, publishers, Salina. The Occidental Home Monthly, fraternal; official organ of the Occidental Mutual Benefit Association, G. A. Middleton, editor, J. H. Padgett, publisher, Salina. The District of Salina Watchman (monthly), religious;- Rev. G. B. Kin- kead, editor, the Right Rev. S. M. Griswold, publisher, Salina. Official paper of the bishop of Salina. The Gypsum Advocate, independent; J. S. Goodwin, editor and publisher, Gypsum. Brookville Headlight, neutral; Henry C. Paulsen, editor and publisher, Brookville. The Farmers' Union (monthly) ; M. McAuliffe, editor and publisher, Salina. The Saint John's Gazette (monthly) ; H. R. Drummond, editor, D. C. Fernsler, business manager, published in interests of St. John's Mili- tary School, by the students and faculty, Salina. The Scout Bulletin (monthly) ; F. John Rormanes, editor and publisher, published in interests of "Boy Scouts" of Kansas and Colorado, Salina. (Not received by the Society.) The Register and Calendar (quarterly) ; published by faculty of Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina. (Not received by the Society since December, 1907.) WASHINGTON COUNTY 255 bound volumes. Republican-Register, republican; C. E. Ingalls, editor and publisher, Washington. Washington Palladium, democratic; Samuel Clarke, editor, O. L. Clarke, Manager, Washington. The Hanover Democrat-Enterprise, democratic; M. C. Peters, editor and publisher, Hanover. The Hanover Herald, democratic; D. O. Munger, editor and publisher, Hanover. Haddam City Clipper, republican; A. C. Whitney, editor and publisher, Haddam City. The Barnes Chief, republican; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Shannon, editors and publishers, Barnes. Greenleaf Sentinel, republican; Irvin Hogue, editor and publisher, Green- leaf. The Linn Digest, republican; Ornold E. Oren, editor and publisher, Linn. (Not received by the Society since February 16, 1911.) The Palmer Index, republican, neutral; Geo. Sangster, editor and pub- lisher, Palmer. The Mahaska Leader, independent; O. F. Wood, editor and publisher, Mahaska. The Haddam Leader; E. J. Wilson, business manager, Haddam. KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. 29 Sixth Congressional District. Counties. CHEYENNE. LOGAN. RUSSELL. DECATUR. MITCHELL. SHERIDAN. ELLIS. NORTON. SHERMAN. ELLSWORTH. OSBORNE. SMITH. GOVE. PHILLIPS. THOMAS. GRAHAM. RAWLINS. TREGO. JEWELL. ROOKS. WALLACE. LINCOLN. CHEYENNE COUNTY 53 bound volumes. The St. Francis Herald, independent; Geo. Lawless, editor, The Herald Publishing Company (incorporated), publishers, St. Francis. The Four Winds (monthly) ; published by the students of the Cheyenne County high school, St. Francis. DECATUR COUNTY 136 bound volumes. Oberlin Herald, democratic; E. M. Coldren, editor, E. W. Coldren, asso- ciate editor, Coldren & Sons, publishers, Oberlin. The Oberlin Times, republican; Leslie M. Parker, editor, Times Publish- ing Company, publishers, Oberlin. Jennings Echo, republican; Geo. W. Shook & Son, editors and publishers, Jennings. Dresden Sunflower, republican; W. C. Roughton, editor and publisher, Dresden. Norcatur Dispatch, independent; J. W. Deeter, editor and publisher, Norcatur. The Decatur County News, independent; Wm. E. Landau, editor and owner, Oberlin. Beaver Valley Booster, republican; H. S. Kennedy, editor and publisher, Cedar Bluffs. ELLIS COUNTY 119 bound volumes. The Republican, republican; Geo. P. Griffith, editor and publisher, Hays ' City. The Hays Free Press, independent; H. C. Freese, editor and publisher, Hays City. Ellis County News, democratic; News Publishing Company, publishers, Hays City. The Western Normal Leader (semimonthly) ; Grover C. Moore, editor-in- chief, J. M. Wiesner, business manager, Western Normal Publishing Association, publishers, Hays City. 30 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. Ellis Review-Headlight, republican; W. H. Snyder, editor and publisher, Ellis. ELLSWORTH COUNTY 129 bound volumes. Ellsworth Reporter, republican; Geo. Huycke, editor and publisher, Ells- worth. The Ellsworth Messenger, democratic; Frank S. Foster, editor and pub- lisher, Ellsworth. The Wilson Echo (semiweekly), republican; Chas. H. Seaver, editor and publisher, Wilson. Kansaske Rozhledy (Bohemian) ; K. L. Jadrnicek, local editor and mana- ger, Wilson. The Holyrood Banner, independent; 0. C. McCoy, editor and publisher, Holyrood. Kanopolis Journal, independent; S. S. Rozelle, editor and publisher, Kan- opolis. GOVE COUNTY 76 bound volumes. - Gove County Republican-Gazette, republican; A. K. Trimmer, editor and publisher, Gove City. Gove County Advocate, independent; Leslie McElhinney, editor and manager, Quinter. The Gove County Record, democratic; S. C. Carroll, manager, Record Publishing Company, publishers, Grinnell. Grainfield Cap Sheaf, independent; Geo. E. Troutwine, editor and mana- ger, Grainfield. GRAHAM COUNTY 89 bound volumes. The Reveille-New Era, democratic; Gilbert M. Clayton, editor, A. C. In- low and C. A. G. Inlow, owners and publishers, Hill City. Hill City Republican, republican; W. H. Hill and C. H. Emmons, editors and publishers, Hill City. JEWELL COUNTY 188 bound volumes. The Jewell County Monitor, republican; E. D. George, editor and pub- lisher, Mankato. The Western Advocate, democratic; Henry R. Honey, editor and pub- lisher, Mankato. High School Record (monthly) ; edited and published by the students of high school, Mankato. The Jewell County Republican, republican; W. C. Palmer, editor and pub- lisher, Jewell City. The Burr Oak Herald, republican; E. A. Ross & Son, editors and pub- lishers, Burr Oak. The Esbon Times, democratic; Earl Vaughn, editor and publisher, Esbon. The New Era, democratic; J. F. Hale, editor and publisher, Formoso. The Randall News, neutral; Carle Judge, editor and proprietor, Randall. The Ionia Monitor, neutral; E. D. George, publisher, Mankato. (Not re- ceived by the Society.) SIXTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 31 LINCOLN COUNTY 107 bound volumes. The Lincoln Republican, republican; W. E. Menoher, editor and pub- lisher, Lincoln. The Lincoln Sentinel, democratic; Wenslow Cipra, editor and publisher, Lincoln. The Sylvan Grove News, republican; Jas. A. Schilling, editor and pub- lisher, Sylvan Grove. The Barnard Bee, independent'; Will De Vinney, editor and publisher, Barnard. The Beverly Tribune, independent; C. L. McAfee, editor and publisher, Beverly. LOGAN COUNTY 67 bound volumes. The Oakley Graphic, republican; J. R. Young, editor and proprietor, Oakley. Logan County News, neutral ; F. D. Joslyn, editor and proprietor, Winona. Russell Springs Leader, republican; W. A. Keithley, editor and publisher, Russell Springs. MITCHELL COUNTY 241 bound volumes. The Beloit Gazette (daily and weekly), republican; Fred W. Knapp, edi- tor and publisher, Beloit. The Daily Call, democratic; A. B. Adamson, editor and publisher, Beloit. Cawker City Public Record, republican; Levi L. Alrich, editor and pub- lisher, Cawker City. The Cawker City Ledger, independent democratic; Robt. Good, editor and publisher, Cawker City. The People's Sentinel, republican ; 0. A. Brice, editor and publisher, Glen Elder. Scottsville Advance, neutral; J. Earl Evans, editor and publisher, Scotts- ville. NORTON COUNTY 143 bound volumes. The Norton Courier, republican; F. M. Duvall, editor and publisher, Norton. The Champion, republican; J. W. Conway, editor and publisher, Norton. Norton County News, republican; Perry Coler, editor and publisher, Norton. The Telegram (daily and weekly), democratic; Nick Garland, proprietor, Norton. The Almena Plaindealer, republican; Leon W. Mathews, editor and pub- lisher, Almena. Lenora News, neutral; E. E. Jeter, editor and publisher, Lenora. The Clayton Vidette, democratic; John Sheley, editor and publisher, Clayton. (Not received by the Society.) Norton County High School Quill (monthly) ; Mable Wray, editor in chief, published by the students of Norton county high school, Norton. Edmond New Leaf, republican; Melvin J. Hibbs, editor and publisher, Edmond. 32 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. OSBORNE COUNTY 154 bound volumes. Osborne County Farmer, republican; B. P. Walker, editor and proprietor, Osborne. Osborne County News, independent; E. C. Hadley, owner and publisher, Osborne. The Downs Times, republican; Parker & Rankin, editors and publishers, Downs. The Downs News, republican; Wm. Ransom and C. E. Mann, editors and publishers, Downs. The Alton Empire, republican; C. W. Wells, editor and publisher, Alton. Portis Independent, republican ? C. C. Clardy, editor and publisher, Portis. Natoma Independent, independent; H. B. Brown, editor and publisher, Natoma. Our Messenger (monthly), religious; Mrs. Alice G. Young, managing editor, official organ of the Kansas W. C. T. U., Downs. PHILLIPS COUNTY 210 bound volumes. Phillipsburg News-Dispatch, republican; Warren White, editor and pub- lisher, Phillipsburg. Phillips County Post, democratic; F. W. Boyd, owner and publisher, Phil- lipsburg. The Logan Republican, republican; C. D. and A. F. Walker, editors and publishers, Logan. The Kirwin Kansan, republican ; F. L. Platt & Co., editors and publishers, Kirwin. Long Island New Leaf, independent; DeWitt Yantiss, proprietor, Ira C. Young, managing editor, Long Island. The Agra Sentinel, neutral; A. R. Gross, editor and publisher, Agra. The Prairie View News, "republican ; A. F. Walker, editor and publisher, Prairie View. The Logan Herald, independent; Herbert Baker, editor and publisher, Logan. (Not received by the Society since February 23, 1911.) Woodruff Budget, independent; John A. Barker, editor and publisher, Woodruff. RAWLINS COUNTY 84 bound volumes. The Republican Citizen and Atwood Patriot; Chas. E. Scott, editor, the Atwood Publishing Company, publishers, Atwood. The Square Deal, independent; F. D. Greason, editor and publisher, Atwood. The Herndon Nonpareil; A. J. Roberts, editor and publisher, Herndon. ROOKS COUNTY 150 bound volumes. Rooks County Record, republican; W. L. Chambers, editor and publisher, Stockton. The Rooks County School Monthly (monthly) ; C. E. Rarick, proprietor and publisher, published in the interest of the teachers of Rooks county, Stockton. SIXTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 33 The Stockton Review, republican; W. R. Baker, editor and publisher, Stockton. The Plainville Gazette, republican; Jno. Ford, editor and publisher, Plainville. Plainville Times, republican ; Will H. Hill, editor and publisher, Plainville. The Palco Enterprise, neutral; E. G. Inlow, editor and publisher, Palco. Woodston Argus, independent; F. M. Learned, editor and publisher, Woodston. RUSSELL COUNTY 111 bound volumes. The Russell Record, republican; Ira S. Fleck, editor and manager, Rus- sell Record Publishing Company, publishers, Russell. Russell Reformer, democratic; J. W. Morphy, editor and publisher, Rus- sell. The Bugler (monthly) ; Josephine Himes, editor in chief, Arthur Tisdale, business manager, published by Russell high school, Russell. Lucas Independent, independent; C. F. Barr, editor and publisher, Lucas. The Luray Herald, republican ; F. W. Burlin, editor and publisher, Luray. The Waldo Advocate, independent; L. E. Blagrave, editor and manager, Waldo. The Bunker Hill Banner, local; G. B. Siders, editor and publisher, Bunker Hill. The Dorrance News, independent; G. B. Siders, editor and publisher, Dorrance. SHERIDAN COUNTY 61 bound volumes. The Hoxie Sentinel, republican; Frank A. Mclvor, editor and publisher, Hoxie. The Selden Independent, independent; W. T. and E. H. Logan, editors and publishers, Selden. SHERMAN COUNTY 61 bound volumes. The Goodland Republic and News, democratic; J. H. Stewart, editor and publisher, Goodland. The Sherman County Record, republican; R. A. Kent, proprietor, Good- land. SMITH COUNTY 206 bound volumes. Smith County Pioneer, republican; V. Hutchings, editor and publisher Smith Center. Smith County Journal, democratic; Ben T. Baker, editor and publisher, Smith Center. The Lebanon Times, neutral; W. H. Wright, editor and publisher, Leb- anon. The Kensington Mirror, democratic; Walter Boyd, editor and publisher, Kensington. The Gaylord Sentinel, republican; L. R. Meadows, editor and publisher, Gaylord. 34 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. The Athol Record, independent; W. A. Williamson, editor and publisher, Athol. The Cedar Enterprise; E. L. Grogan, editor and publisher, Cedar. THOMAS COUNTY 64 bound volumes. The Colby Tribune, republican ; N. A. Turner, editor and publisher, Colby. The Colby Free Press, democratic; John R. Connelley, editor and pub- lisher, Colby. The Rexford News, republican; A. A. Gillispie, editor and publisher, Rex- ford. The Brewster Hustler; V. J. Wyant, editor and publisher, Brewster. (Not received by the Society since July 30, 1909.) The Menlo Enterprise, republican; Lee R. Cummins, editor and publisher, Menlo. TREGO COUNTY 54 bound volumes. Western Kansas World, republican; H. S. Givler, editor and publisher, Wa Keeney. Trego County Reporter, democratic; J. W. Bingham, editor and publisher, Wa Keeney. WALLACE COUNTY 53 bound volumes. The Western Times, republican; W. E. Ward, editor and publisher, Sharon Springs. The Commonwealth, independent; F. C. Griffith, editor and publisher, Sharon Springs. KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. 35 Seventh Congressional District. Counties. BARBER. HARPER. PRATT. BARTON. HASKELL. RENO. CLARK. HODGEMAN. RICE. COMANCHE. KEARNY. RUSH. EDWARDS. KlNGMAN. -SCOTT. FINNEY. KlOWA. SEWARD. FORD. LANE. STAFFORD. GRANT. MEADE. STANTON. GRAY. MORTON. STEVENS. GREELEY. NESS. WICHITA. HAMILTON. PAWNEE. BARBER COUNTY 137 bound volumes. Medicine Lodge Cresset, republican; L. M. Axline, publisher, Medicine Lodge. The Barber County Index, democratic; U. C. Herr, editor, Painter & Herr, publishers, Medicine Lodge. The Kiowa Journal, republican; Floyd Fugate and H. E. Glenn, editors, Floyd Fugate, publisher, Kiowa. The Kiowa News-Review, republican; Oscar Haberlein, editor and pub- lisher, Kiowa. Hazelton Herald, independent; C. A. Hyatt, editor and publisher, Hazel- ton. The Isabel Star; F. C. Trillingham, editor and publisher, Isabel. (Not received by the Society.) The Kiowa Kansan, democratic; F. F. Perry and R. G. Watkins, editors and publishers, Kiowa. BARTON COUNTY 247 bound volumes. The Great Bend Tribune (daily and weekly), republican; Will Townsley and Warren Baker, editors, Tribune Publishing Company, publishers, Great Bend. Barton County Democrat, democratic; W. P. Feder, editor and proprietor, Great Bend. Barton County Press (German) ; John Hoenscheidt, editor and proprietor, Ellinwood. The Truth about God and Life (monthly), antireligious ; W. H. Kerr, editor, Great Bend. The Hoisington Dispatch, independent; Roy Cornelius, editor and pub- lisher, Hoisington. Ellinwood Leader, neutral; John K. McMullen, editor, Leader Publishing Company, publishers, Ellinwood. 36 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. Claflin Clarion, republican; Bert Fancher, editor and publisher, Claflin. Pawnee Rock Herald, independent; Grant Lippincott, editor and pub- lisher, Pawnee Rock. Kansas Workman (monthly), A. 0. U. W.; W. P. Feder, editor and pub- lisher, Great Bend. Albert Star; Albert Tullis, editor, Grant Lippincott, publisher, Albert. (Not received by the Society.) CLARK COUNTY 57 bound volumes. The Ashland Clipper, independent; H. C. Mayse, editor and publisher, Ashland. Minneola Record, independent; C. A. Hays, editor and publisher, Min- neola. The Leader-Tribune, republican; O. R. Kellogg, editor and manager, Englewood. COMANCHE COUNTY 68 bound volumes. The Western Star, independent; H. V. Butcher, editor and publisher, Cold- water. The Talisman, neutral; Mclntyre & Stanley, editors and publishers, Cold- water. The Protection Post; W. Clyde Pile, editor and publisher, Protection. .EDWARDS COUNTY 68 bound volumes. The Kinsley Graphic, democratic; J. M. Lewis, editor and publisher, Mrs. Cora G. Lewis, associate editor, Kinsley. The Kinsley Mercury, republican; C. R. Edwards, editor and publisher, Kinsley. The Belpre Bulletin, neutral; H. C. Busenbark, editor and publisher, Belpre. Lewis Press, neutral; J. R. Middleton, editor and publisher, Lewis. (Not received by the Society.) FINNEY COUNTY 128 bound volumes. Garden City Herald, republican; S. G. and Hamer Norris, editors and publishers, Garden City. Garden City Imprint, republican; R. H. Faxon, president and editor, J. R. Fahs, secretary and manager, published by Evening Telegram Com- pany, Garden City. The Evening Telegram (daily), republican; Evening Telegram Com- pany, R. H. Faxon, president and editor, J. R. Fahs, secretary and manager, Garden City. The Prolocutor, socialist; C. R. D. S. Oakford, editor and publisher, Garden City. SEVENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 37 FORD COUNTY 144 bound volumes. The Dodge City Globe, republican; W. E. Davis, president, J. C. Denious, editor and manager, Globe-Republican Printing Company, publishers, Dodge City. The Dodge City Kansas Journal, democratic; T. J. Schail, editor and pub- lisher, Dodge City. The College Advance (occasional), college; Rev. E. H. Vaughan, editor and publisher, Dodge City. Bucklin Banner, neutral; Ray B. Price, publisher, Bucklin. The Spearville News, republican; R. E. Wood, editor and publisher, Spearville. The World Brotherhood, socialist; J. A. Cline, editor and publisher, Bellefont. The Ford Promoter, independent; Ray B. Price, editor and publisher, Ford. The Pioneer (monthly) ; Rex Davis, business manager, Spearville. (Not received by the Society since April, 1910.) GRANT COUNTY 38 bound volumes. Grant County Republican, republican ; S. A. Da,vis, editor and publisher, New Ulysses. GRAY COUNTY 54 bound volumes. The Jacksonian, republican; Elmer T. Peterson, editor and publisher, Cimarron. The Beacon, independent; Al. D. Krebs, editor and publisher, Ingalls. (Not received by the Society.) GREELEY COUNTY 43 bound volumes. Greeley County Republican, republican; S. E. Kirkpatrick and W. M. Glenn, editors, G. S. and M. W. Kirkpatrick, publishers, Tribune. HAMILTON COUNTY 82 bound volumes. Syracuse Journal, democratic; Henry Block, editor and publisher, Syra- cuse. Hamilton County Republican and Syracuse News, republican; Geo. W. and Cecil P. Rich, editors and publishers, Syracuse. HARPER COUNTY 207 bound volumes. The Anthony Republican, republican; W. E. Blackburn, editor and pub- lisher, Anthony. The Anthony Bulletin, independent; R. P. McColloch, editor, Anthony. The Harper Sentinel, republican; Harry T. Leonard, editor and publisher, Harper. Harper Advocate, democratic; A. B. Hoffman, editor and publisher, Har- per. 33 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. The Independent, independent; L. D. Harding, editor and proprietor, Attica. The Bluff City News, independent; K. M. Glover, editor and publisher, Bluff City. The Waldron Argus, independent; M. C. Ellinger, editor and publisher, Waldron. HASKELL COUNTY 41 bound volumes. The Santa Fe Monitor, republican; John J. Miller, editor and publisher, Santa Fe. Haskell County Republican, republican; J. F. Pearce, editor and pub- lisher, Santa Fe. HODGEMAN COUNTY 71 bound volumes. The Jetmore Republican, republican; E. W. Harlan, editor and -publisher, Jetmore. KEARNY COUNTY 56 bound volumes. Ke^rny County Advocate, democratic; L. P. Kmball, editor and pub- lisher, Lakin. KINGMAN COUNTY 127 bound volumes. The Leader-Courier, republican; Morton Albaugh, Ed. A. Palmer and John McKenna, publishers and proprietors, Kingman. The Kingman Journal, democratic; Gus Hansmann, editor, R. S. White- law, manager, Kingman. Kingman County Telegraph (German), John Hoenscheidt, editor and pub- lisher, Kingman. The Norwich Herald, neutral; Mrs. 0. B. Doze, editor, Loren L. Mathis, publisher, Norwich. The Cunningham Clipper, neutral; B. H. Henthorn, editor and publisher, Cunningham. Zenda Citizen, local; J. B. Burk, editor and publisher, Zenda. (Not re- ceived by the Society since July 1, 1910.) The Penalosa News, local; C. C. Kelley and W. E. Waddle, editors and publishers, Penalosa. The Oracle (semimonthly) ; Adna Palmer, editor, John T. Craig, business manager, published by the students of the Kingman county high school, Kingman. KIOWA COUNTY 67 bound volumes. The Kiowa County Signal, republican; Chas. E. Cooke, editor and pub- lisher, Greensburg. Greensburg Republican, republican; James I. Parcel, editor and pub- lisher, Greensburg. Haviland Onlooker, republican; G. B. Warner, editor, Lawrence & War- ner, publishers, Haviland. The Mullinville Tribune, independent; J. G. Connor, editor, Connor & Lill, publishers, Mullinville. SEVENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 39 LANE COUNTY 51 bound volumes. The Journal-Herald, independent; J. E. Lucas, editor and publisher, Dighton. MEADE COUNTY 65 bound volumes. The Meade Globe, republican; F. Fuhr, editor, Globe Printing Company, publishers, Meade. The Meade County News, independent; J. B. Miller, editor, Meade Pub- lishing Company, publishers, Meade. The Fowler Gazette, independent; I. J. Stanton, editor and proprietor, Fowler. The Plains Journal, independent; J. B. and Agnes McConnell, editors and publishers, Plains. MORTON COUNTY 37 bound volumes. The Richfield Monitor, independent; F. B. Van Gundy & Sons, publishers, Richfield. NESS COUNTY 86 bound volumes. Ness County News, republican; J. K. Barnd, editor and publisher, Ness City. Ness County Echo, democratic; Geo. M. Knighton, editor, Rhodes & Knighton, publishers, Ness City. The Enterprise, independent; Earl Hoffer, editor and publisher, Utica. The Brownell Courier, independent; S. C. Hoffer, editor and publisher, Brownell. PAWNEE COUNTY 84 bound volumes. Lamed Chronoscope, republican; Harry H. Wolcott and Lynn M. Christy, editors and publishers, Larned. The Tiller and Toiler, democratic; Harvey Eckert, editor and publisher, Larned. The Garfield Booster, independent; L. K. Monger and G. W. Milford, editors and publishers, Garfield. PRATT COUNTY 104 bound volumes. The Pratt Republican, republican; J. K. Cochran, editor, A. A. Cochran, manager, Pratt. The Pratt Union, democratic; S. P. Gebhart, editor and publisher, Pratt. The Coats Courant, neutral; Rex A. demons, editor and publisher, Coats. The Preston Pilot, republican; Earl Larkin, editor and publisher, Preston. (Not received by the Society since April 15, 1909.) The Fulcrum (monthly) ; published by the students of Pratt county high school, Pratt. 40 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. RENO COUNTY 387 bound volumes. The Hutchinson News (daily and weekly), republican; W. Y. Morgan, editor and publisher, Hutchinson. The Hutchinson Gazette (daily), democratic; Harry A. Lill, editor and publisher, Hutchinson. The Hutchinson Tradesman, commercial; Independent Publishing Com- pany, publishers, Hutchinson. (Not received by the Society since December 21, 1907.) The Interstate Schoolman (monthly), educational; Geo. W. Winans and J. 0. Hall, editors and publishers, Hutchinson. The Nickerson Argosy, republican; C. B. Garten, editor and publisher, Nickerson. The Arlington Enterprise, republican; M. L. Barrett, editor and pub- lisher, Arlington. Turon Weekly Press, republican; W. R. Ream, editor and publisher, Turon. Haven Weekly Journal, independent; J. E. Junkin, jr., editor and pub- lisher, Haven. (Not received by the Society since November 11, 1909.) The Sylvia Sun, neutral; G. H. Yust, editor and publisher, Sylvia. The Hutchinson Wholesaler, trade; A. L. Sponsler, editor, F. L. Armour, manager, Hutchinson. The High School Buzz (semimonthly) ; published by the students of the Hutchinson high school, Hutchinson. The Pretty Prairie Times, neutral; Percy Torrey, editor and publisher, Pretty Prairie. RICE COUNTY 176 bound volumes. Sterling Kansas Bulletin, republican; Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Lyons, editors and publishers, Sterling. The Cooper Courier (monthly) ; edited and published by students of _ Cooper College, Sterling. The Cooper Quarterly; edited and published by faculty of Cooper College, Sterling. (Not received by the Society since August, 1906.) Sterling Farm Journal, independent; Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Lyons, editors and publishers, Sterling. The Lyons Republican, republican; Clark Conkling, editor, Frank E. Hoyt, manager, Lyons. Central Kansas News-Democrat; J. W. A. Cooke, editor and publisher, Lyons. Lyons Daily News; J. W. A. Cooke, editor and publisher, Lyons. The Little River Monitor, independent; W. G. Greenbank, editor and pub- lisher, Little River. The Bushton News, neutral; J. H. Clayton, editor and publisher, Bush- ton. The Chase Register, independent; J. W. Mahuran, editor and publisher, Chase. The Geneseo Journal, independent; J. M. Ross, editor and publisher, Geneseo. SEVENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 41 The Alden Journal, independent; W. E. Davis, editor and publisher, Alden. (Not received by the Society since September 17, 1908.) The Sterling News; A. P. Skeed and J. D. Tollenaar, editors and pub- lishers, Sterling. The Raymond News, independent; Dan R. Gott, editor and publisher, Raymond. (Not received by the Society.) The Saxman Bulletin (monthly), independent; L. C. Needham, editor and publisher, Saxman. RUSH COUNTY 106 bound volumes. La Crosse Chieftain, democratic; Rodney Torrey, editor and publisher, La Crosse. The La Crosse Republican, republican; A. W. Robinson, editor and pub- lisher, La Crosse. McCracken Enterprise, republican; Clarence P. Dutton, editor and pub- lisher, McCracken. The Rush Center Breeze, republican; B. H. Fleenor, editor and publisher, Rush Center. The Bison Bee, independent; W. W. and M. E. Wade, editors and pub- lishers, Bison. SCOTT COUNTY 45 bound volumes. The News-Chronicle, democratic; E. H. Epperson, editor and proprietor, Scott City. The Coyote (monthly) ; published by the students of the Scott county high school, Scott City. The Scott County Republican, republican; Vick H. Meneley, editor and publisher, Scott City. SEWARD COUNTY 47 bound volumes. The Liberal News (semiweekly), republican; Ray Millman, editor and publisher, Liberal. The Liberal Democrat, democratic; Carl G. Eddy, editor and publisher, Liberal. The Liberalist; C. W. Hubbard, editor and publisher, Liberal. STAFFORD COUNTY 141 bound volumes. The St. John Weekly News, republican; Herbert J. Cornwell, editor and publisher, St. John. The County Capital, democratic; John W. Lill, editor and publisher, St. John. The Stafford County Republican, republican; Earl Akers, editor, Fickertt & Fooks, publishers and managers, Stafford. Stafford Courier, independent; Nate E. Reese, editor and publisher, Stafford. Macksville Enterprise, independent; J. C. Hinshaw, publisher, Macksville. The Hudson Patriot, independent; H. B. Albertson, editor and publisher, Hudson. 42 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. STANTON COUNTY 28 bound volumes. Stanton County Journal, republican; Chas. Steinhoff, editor, Matilda E. Steinhoff, publisher, Johnson. STEVENS COUNTY 37 bound volumes. Hugoton Hermes, republican; E. M. Anderson, editor and publisher, Hugoton. WICHITA COUNTY 39 bound volumes. Leoti Standard, republican; C. K. Gerard, editor and publisher, Leoti. (Not received by the Society since October 14, 1909.) KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. 43 Eighth Congressional District. Counties. BUTLER. MCPHERSON. SUMNER. HARVEY. SEDGWICK. BUTLER COUNTY 365 bound volumes. Walnut Valley Times (daily and weekly), republican; C. C. Shelden, editor and proprietor, El Dorado. El Dorado Republican (daily and weekly), republican; Mrs. Marie Antoi- nette Murdock, editor and publisher, El Dorado. The Advocate, democratic; Geo. F. Fullinwider, editor and publisher, El Dorado. The Augusta Journal (semiweekly), republican; Will H. Cady, editor and publisher, Augusta. The Augusta Gazette (daily), democratic; T. Sexton, editor and pub- lisher, Augusta. The Latham Mirror, republican; T. E. Trigg, editor and proprietor, La- tham. Leon Indicator, republican; C. W. King, editor and publisher, Leon. Douglass Tribune, republican; J. M. Satterthwaite, editor and publisher, Douglass. The Independent, independent; E. Davis & Co., editors and publishers, White Water. The Towanda News, neutral; Geo. W. Moore, editor and publisher, To- wanda. The Cassoday Times; Al D. Krebs, editor and lessee, Cassoday. Benton Record; J. E. Dancy, editor and publisher, Benton. Woodmen of the World (monthly) ; Geo. F. Fullinwider, editor and pub- lisher, El Dorado. HARVEY COUNTY 305 bound volumes. The Kansan-Republican (daily and weekly), republican; J. C. Mack, editor, The Kansan Printing Company, publishers, Newton. The Newton Journal, democratic; J. L. Napier, editor and publisher, Newton. Bethel College Monthly, college; G. A. Haury, editor, published by Bethel College, Newton. Monatsblatter aus Bethel College (German monthly), college; David Goerz, editor, Bethel College, publisher, Newton. Der Herold (German) ; H. P. Krehbiel, editor, Western Book and Pub- lishing Company, publishers, Newton. The Halstead Independent, republican; E. J. Bookwalter editor and pub- lisher, Halstead. 44 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. The Burrton Graphic, independent; E. J. Bookwalter and Jacob Dick, editors and publishers, Burrton. The Burrton Free Lance, neutral; Ben W. Harlow, editor and publisher, Burrton. The Sedgwick Pantagraph, independent; Mack P. Cretcher, editor and publisher, Sedgwick. Congregational Kansas (monthly), religious; published by the board of directors of the Kansas Congregational Home Missionary Society, Newton. McPHERSON COUNTY 355 bound volumes. McPherson Republican (daily and weekly), republican; Wm. J. Kreh- biel, editor and publisher, McPherson. McPherson Freeman (daily and weekly), republican; J. A. Almgren, editor and publisher, McPherson. The Democrat, democratic; Warren Knaus, editor and publisher, Mc- Pherson. McPherson Opinion, democratic; L. C. Criner, editor and publisher, Mc- Pherson. Rays of Light (monthly), college; published by Rays of Light Publish- ing Company, McPherson. The Lindsborg News, republican; Anna M. Carlson, editor, M. T. Blom- gren, manager, Lindsborg. The Lindsborg Record, republican; J. O. Stromquist, editor, Bethany Printing Company, publishers, Lindsborg. Lindsborgs-Posten (Swede) ; G. G. Peterson, editor, Bethany Printing Company, publishers, Lindsborg. Kansas Missions-Tidning (monthly) ; Rev. D. V. Brunstrom, editor, Kan- sas Missions-Tidning Publishing Company, publishers, Lindsborg. Bethany Bulletin (seriiimonthly), college; published by the students of Bethany College,. Lindsborg. The Bethany Messenger (weekly) ; edited and published by the students of Bethany College, Lindsborg. The Kansas Young Lutheran (monthly) ; Rev. A. Bergin, editor, organ of the Kansas Conference Luther League, Bethany Book and Print- ing Company, publishers, Lindsborg. The Marquette Tribune, republican; H. E. Bruce, editor and publisher, Marquette. Moundridge Journal, neutral; John H. Simonson, editor and publisher, Moundridge. The Inman Review, neutral; Aron Dick, jr., editor and publisher, Inman. The Canton Pilot, neutral; A. E. Duvall, editor and publisher, Canton. Zoinsbote (weekly, German) ; McPherson. SEDGWICK COUNTY 574 bound volumes. The Wichita Eagle (daily and weekly), republican; Garland P. Ferrell, editor, Mrs. Victoria Murdock, publisher, Wichita. The Wichita Beacon (daily), republican; Henry J. Allen, editor and pub- lisher, Wichita. EIGHTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. 45 Der Wichita Herold (German), independent; John Hoenscheidt, editor and publisher, Wichita. The Democrat, democratic; John H. Shields, editor; Democratic Pub- lishing Company, publishers, Wichita. Western Newspaper Union, auxiliary; Western Newspaper Union, pub- lishers, Wichita. The Kansas Commoner, democratic; M. B. Murphy, editor and publisher, Wichita. The Price Current, commercial; Clarence I. Reed, editor, Price Current Publishing Company, publishers, Wichita. Christian Companion, religious; W. F. Parmiter and others, editors and publishers, Wichita. The Sunflower (weekly), college; D. H. Sloan, editor, published by stu- dents of Fairmount College, Wichita. University Life (weekly), college; Charles B. Driscoll, editor in chief, published by students of Friends University, Wichita. The Wichita Searchlight, negro; W. N. Miller, editor and publisher, Wichita. The Catholic Advance, religious; Advance Publishing Company, publish- ers, Wichita. The Southwestern Grain and Flour Journal (monthly), C. W. Wright, editor, Southwestern Grain and Flour Company, publishers, Wichita. The Agricultural Southwest, C. M. Irwin, general manager, C. I. Reed Publishing Company, publishers, Wichita. Kansas Union Journal (labor) ; C. F. Stephens, editor and publisher, Wichita. (Not received by the Society since January 2, 1909.) Kansas Magazine (monthly) ; F. Dumont Smith, editor, Kansas Publish- ing Company, publishers, Wichita. Mount Hope Weekly Clarion, neutral; Ben 0. Woolman, editor and pub- lisher, Mount Hope. The Cheney Sentinel; L. A. McCaffree, editor, W. P. McCaffree, manager, Cheney. Valley Center Index, neutral; O. L. Pratt, editor and publisher, Valley Center. (Not received by the Society since September 23, 1910.) Clearwater Courant, independent; Earl Leedy, editor and manager, Clear- water. The Bentley News, neutral; T. M. Peavey, editor and publisher, Bentley. (Not received by the Society since November 11, 1910.) The Chronicle (occasional), religious; E. C. Pollard, editor and publisher, Mount Hope. West Wichita News; E. V. Welch and C. H. Miller, editors and publishers, Wichita. The Farmers' Star and Live Stock Inspector; Herbert Shearer, editor, Star Publishing Company, publishers, Wichita. Goddard Gazette, independent; S. G. Burnham, editor and publisher, Goddard. The Wichita Daily Live Stock Journal; Journal Publishing Company, Wichita. 46 KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. The Wichita Daily Pointers (distributed free, daily) ; James D. Car- penter, editor and publisher, Wichita. (Not received by the Society.) Welch's Weekly, socialist; A. E. Welch, editor and publisher, Wichita. The Missionary Messenger (monthly), religious; Chas. E. Bradt, editor, Wichita. Friends University Bulletin (bimonthly) ; published by Friends Uni- versity, Wichita. SUMNER COUNTY 482 bound volumes. The Monitor-Press, republican; J. G. Campbell, editor and publisher, Wellington. Wellington News (daily), republican; H. L. Woods, editor and publisher, Wellington. Sumner County Republican, republican; H. L. Woods, editor and pub- lisher, Wellington. (Not received by the Society.) The People's Voice, democratic; Chas. R. Havens, editor and publisher, Wellington. Wellington Journal (daily), independent; Chas. R. Havens, editor and publisher, Wellington. Caldwell Advance, independent; C. F. Mclntyre, editor and publisher, Caldwell. The Caldwell News, republican; C. B. MacDonald, editor and publisher, Caldwell. The Belle Plaine News, independent; J. Byron Cain, editor and publisher, Belle Plaine. The Mulvane News, neutral; J. L. Papes, editor and publisher, Mulvane. The Argonia Clipper, independent; M. 0. Cissel, editor and publisher, Argonia. Conway Springs Star, independent; E. L. Cline, editor and publisher, Conway Springs. The Oxford Register, neutral; B. S. Edwards, editor and publisher, Ox- ford. (Not received by the Society since October 7, 1910.) South Haven New Era, local; A. V. Wilkinson, editor and publisher, South Haven. The Milan News, neutral; Samuel H. Barnd, editor and publisher, Milan. KANSAS NEWSPAPERS, AUGUST 1, 1911. 47 FOREIGN NEWSPAPERS. Of newspapers and periodicals published outside of Kansas, our library contains 11,713 volumes, divided among states and countries as follows : Alabama 21 New York 2fi08 Alaska 9 North Carolina 18 Arizona 22 North Dakota AQ Arkansas 39 Ohio AAQ California 264 Oklahoma 97C Colorado 2.. 6 Oregon qq Connecticut 150 Pennsylvania Qq Cuba 14 Rhode Island qo Dakota 1 South Carolina qn Delaware 8 South Dakota qo District of Columbia 577 Tennessee 4Q Florida 43 Texas Georgia 49 Utah 74. Hawaii 12 Vermont on Idaho 15 Virginia . . CA Illinois 1,208 Washington 00 Indian Terr, (see Oklahoma). West Virginia 30 Indiana 186 Wisconsin CO Iowa 197 Wyoming AA Kentucky 17 Australia Louisiana 53 Belgium .... a Maine 28 Brazil . Maryland 79 Canada 08 Massachusetts 1,363 England . 1 47 Michigan 91 France 989 Minnesota 125 Holland 7 Mississippi . . 16 Italy 1 Missouri 946 Mexico . an Montana 22 New Zealand Nebraska 211 Philippine Islands 1 q Nevada 13 Porto Rico 1 3 New Hampshire 2 Sweden . qq New Jersey 85 Venezuela New Mexico . 149 Gaylamount Binder Gaylord Bros-. 1e. Stockton, Calif. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY