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Graduate of West Point,
TICAL ARITHMETIC" (unpublished), Etc.
W. M. HINTON & CO., Book and Job Printers
536 Clay Street.
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1880, by William Thomas VVelcker, in
the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington,
This small volume contains what remains of the course
in Algebra, after matriculation, to the students in the
Colleges of Civil Engineering, Mines, and Mechanic Arts
in the University of California.
It is intended as a continuation of the excellent work
on algebra by Mr. John B. Clarke, of the Mathematical
Department of the University; and it is thought it will,
in connection with Clarke's Algebra, or with any work
of similar scope, furnish a good and sufficient preparation
for those who intend to pursue the higher mathematics.
The constant aim and endeavor throughout has been so
to present the various topics discussed as to render them
easy of comprehension by the undergraduate student.
Berkeley, Caxifornia,
July, 1880.
Summatiou of series of fractious of certain forms 2-5 1-5
Method of De Moivre 6-7 5-10
If a is a root, first member divisible by a and conversely. 9 11
Elimination 10-14 12-17
Every equation has at least one root 17 18
Every equation of the inth degree has m roots 18 19
Composition of Equations 20 20
Every equation of an odd degree has at least one real root 28 24
Every equation of even degree and absolute term negative
has two real roots of different signs 29 25
Every equation has an even number of real positive roots
when absolute term positive; an odd number if term
is negative 30 25
Changing signs of alternate terms changes signs of roots 31 26
Des Cartes' Kule " 32 27
De Gua's Criterion 34 29
To transform to an equation whose roots shall be multi-
ples of former roots 36 30
To clear of fractions and yet keep coefficient of highest
power unity 37 30
To transform to an equation whose roots shall be recip-
rocals of the former roots 39 33
Eecurring Equations 42-43 34
To transform to an equation whose roots shall be squares
of the former roots 44 34
To transform to an equation where the roots shall be
greater or less by a certain quantitj' 45 35
Another mode of finding transformed coefficients 46 37
Synthetical Division 47 38
To transform to an equation wanting a second or any
other particular term 49 41
Derived Polynomials 50 43
Relations of Derived Polynomials to the roots of an
equation 51 45
To discover equal roots, if any 52-53 47-48
Kational Integral Function . 53 50
Any term of such function can be made to contain the
sum of all which precede or succeed 54 50-51
Law of Continuity 56 51
Limits of Roots, definitions of 57 52-53
MacLaurin's Limit 53
Ordinary Superior Limit of Positive Roots 59 54-55
Inferior Limit of Positive Roots 60 55-56
Superior Limit of Negative Roots 61 56
Inferior Limit of Negative Roots 62 56
Newton's Limit 63 56
Budan's Test of Imaginary Roots 64 58
If the substitution of p and q give different signs there is
one real root between them 65 61
When there may be an odd number of roots between
them and when an even number 66 61
Sturm's Theorem. Its Object 67 62
Enunciation of Sturm's Theorem 68 63
Three Lemmas 69-71 64
Demonstration of Sturm's Theorem 72-74 65-71
Cardan's Solution of Cubic Equations 86 73
Solution of Equations of the 4th Degree 88 77
Waring's Method 89 77
Waring's Method applicable only to equations having two,
and but two, imaginary roots 90 78
Occasional solution of higher equations 91 80
Cubic equations having special relations between the co-
efficients 92 81
Detection of whole number roots 93 83
Solution of recurring equations 97 86
Recurring equations of higher even degrees solved by one
of a degree half as high 98 87
Exponental Equations 99 90
Approximate solutions of higher numerical equations. . . 100 90
Horner's Method 101 90
Demonstration of Horner's Method 102 91
Manner of shortening the calculations 103 95
Newton's Method 105 100
Fourier's Conditions 106 101
Trigonometric solution of cubic equations 107 103
Summation of Series.
Art. 1. In addition to the treatment of this subject in
Chirk's Algebra, a little more will be here added. It was
there shown that when a series w^as so constituted that
each term might be derived from the expression J^
by giving a constant value to i^ and suitable values to q
and k, the sum of n terms of the series could be found by
forming two auxiliary series from the expressions^ and
~ — respectively, subtracting n terms of the second from
k-\7p r J
the corresponding n terms of the first, and then dividing
the difference by I?.
Art. 2. If d series of fractions have the form
its sum is equal to the difference between a se-
ries whose terms Jiare the form — , . and another whose
terms J tare the form 77— — ,/, , ^ , divided by 2p.
q _ q _ q{k±p){k-i-2p)-qk(k-j-p) _
kik-yp) (k-\-p){k-]-2p) k{k-fp)\k-\~2p) ~
- k(k-^py)ik-^2p) = kik.^pm-2pY -^^ *^^^ ^'^'^''^
by 2p gives the form proposed. If any term of the pro-
posed can be found in tliis way, the sum of n terms of that
series may be had by taking the difference between the
sums of the n corresponding terms of the two auxihary se-
ries and dividing it by 2p.
Ex. 1. What is the sum of the series
3 9 J^ 21 ^
5.8.11 + 8.11.14 + 11 AAAl + 14.17.20 ^ ^^^ '
Comparing with the formula above, we see that (/^= 3,
9, 15, etc.; p = d; and k=5, 8, 11, 14, etc. Therefore
the auxiliary series are:
^'^^ k{k-\-p)' 5T8 + 8.11^ii:i4 -^' • ' • '
3(2?t— 3) • . 3(2/1— 1)
+ (3n— 1) (3n+2) + (3?i+2)(3n-L5)
3 9
(yfc+p)(yt+2j9) • 8.11 ' 11.14 ' ' ' * '
3(2n— 3) 3(2?i— 1)
(3?i+2)(3H + 5) ^ (3?H-5)(3?7-f8)
and the sum :
3 3(2»— 1) -I ^ 1
A_r — _ 3(2»— 1) 1
5 . 3L 5 . 8 "~ (3n4-5)(3n+8) J
to infinity.
2.315.8 (3n-f5)(3n-f8)J ' 8.11^11.14
Now the sum of this last series to infinity r= -^. Hence
the sum of n terms of the proposed series is:
lr£_ 27 1—1 -] 1
2140 (3H-f5)(3?i+8)J +24'
and when n = oc,
r 2 11
1 1 n n'
40~ /„ , 5\/ , 8
(3 + .)(^+').
J. _ 1 1 13^
+"24"8U+24~ 240'
The sum of n terms of Example 1 =
Irl 2n—l ^^ 1,1,
- 77^ — ,^ , ^,,» — r-^v -\~ 4- -, 1 -.T 4- . . to n — 1 terms
2L40 (3n4-5)(3?x+8)J '^8.11^11.14^
Ex. 2. What is the sum of an infinite number of terms
Of the series 172^ + ^^ + 37475 + etc ?
Ans. IJ
1 4
Ex. 3. What is the sum of the series -|- ^-^-^ 4- '
1.0.0 0.0.7
5T7T9 + 779711 + ^''•' *° '"''"'y • '^'''- 24-
Art. 3. If a series of fractions have the terms of the
form Yjj- — r/i—rrr-^jT-n—s > its sum will be equal to the
difference between the sums of two series whose terms have
respectively the forms
g and ^
/ciki-p)(k^2p) {k+p)(k-i-2p){k-{-dp)
divided by 3p. In these formulas p is constant, and q and
k have suitable values assigned to them. The proof of the
above is easily seen by performing the subtraction:
k{k+p)(k^2p) {k-{-p){kJr2p)(k^3p) "
( k+p)(k-\r2p)(qk^ dpq) - (k^p)(kJr2p) qk
Ex. 4. What is the sum of n terms and of an infinite
g2 rj.2
number of terms of the series - ^ ^ . -[- ^ ^ . ^ -|- ' '
+ etc?
Here g --= 6^ T, 8^ 9^ etc.; p = l; k=l, 2, 8, 4, 5,
etc. Hence the auxiliary series are:
2.3.4"^ 3.4.5"^ ' ■ ' ' n(n+l)(/i+2) '^
(n+l)(7i4-2)(n + 3)
3L1.2.3 0i+l)(n+2)(7i+3)J"^3\2.3.4^
and /S' =^ „ . ^ ^ „
(0:5 + 4:576 ^^'^*"^^^|
The sum of this last series to infinity is, by preceding^
methods ^^T^;
6 —
1/13 15 17 , , i \
+ 3 (2X4 + 3.1:5 + 4.5.(5 "■ ^*<'-' **' " *^™^^-)
Whenn = oo,S=l(6 + ;-^) = |.
Ex. 5. AVhat is the sum of the series
i:ir5 .T + 375^ +5.7 .1,11' "^ ^"'^'^''y ■ ^"'- 7^2 ■
Art. 4. A consideration of the laws of the preceding
series and the mode of their summation will show that the
sum of any series of fractions of the form
k{k+p){/c+2pY . . . . ik-i-mp)
is equal to — of the difference between two series of
fractions of the forms, respectively,
k{k-^p) . . [^f(m— l)/jj ik-^p)(k-\-2p) . . . [k~\ mp
Art. 5. If a series of fractions has the terms as fellow:
k'^'kik^py' k{k^--p){kyip)'^ ' ' ~^k{k^p) . . . (k~{-mp)
(in which the last term is a general term), its sum will be
equal to the difierence of two series of fractions, having re*
spectiveh^ the forms:
e(c4-/>) . . . (c^-mp) r(c'4-p) . . . [c- [ -(m+l) y>]
k(kJrp) . .-. [k^(m-l)p] ^"^ k{k-\-p) . . . (k^mp)
divided by k — c — j), as will be seen by performing the in-
dicated subtraction.
2 2 4
Ex. 1. Find the sum of vi terms of the series ._ -[- ^^ -|-
ir5r7 + «'*'-
Here p = 2, c = 2 and k==S, and the auxiliary series are :
,. , 2.4 ^ 2.4.6 2.4.6 .... [2-i-2m— 2] ,
^^-^+-3X+ • • • 3Xr . . .l3+2,^-4]""^
^4_^ 2.4.6 2.4.6 .... 2m-f2
3 '' 3.5 + • • • 3.5.7 .... (3-[-2m— 2)'
^==-A/o 2.4.6 . . . .(2m+2) v_
— 1V'^~3.5.7 . . . .(2m+l)/
2.4.6 .... (2w-f-2)_
3.5.6 . . ! . (2m + l)
Ex. 2. Find sum of ??i terms of - -f -^ 4. 7i;^T^^ + etc.
2 ' 2.4 ' 2.4.6 ' . . . (2 m+l)
2.4.6 . . . 2m
Art. 6* Some special modes of summation:
Assume a series whose terms converge to and involve fJie
powers of an indeterminate x; place the series equal to S and
midtiply both members of this equation by a suitable binomial,
trinomial, etc., which involves the powers of oc with constant
coefficients; then assume x so that the binomial, trinomial,
etc., may be equal to zero and transpose some of the first ter)n.^;
their sum will be found equal to the tium of iJie remaining
Ex. 1. Let it be required to find tbe sum of ^—^y-; — ,■
i. . ^ It .it
-[- —j-}- etc., to infiiiity. Place ,S'.^1 j^-r „ - 74 etc.,
and multiply both members by ,r — 1. We get
, . / -. X x*' a? x^
.S (.r— l)--.r-^ ~-f-4-j-r etc.
-1-2-3-4-5- ^*^-
Whence by addition H {x~\)= — l-rY^2"^/3~^3~4"^r5
-}- etc.
Now suppose that x =^1 and we oet — 4. _[_ — \^ —
^^ ° 1-2^2.3^3.4^4.5
-p etc. = 1.
Here the first term, — 1, is transjDosed and is equal to
the sum of the proposed series to infinity.
Ex. 2. If we had multiplied by the binomial x"^ — 1
we would have found the sum of —-_}_--- ^——_j_- -[-etc.
i.o JL.'± 0.0 4.0
and of r—- — 2T— i+TT^ — etc., to infinity.
1.3 2.4 ' 3.5 ^
Ex. 3. Let the multiplier be the binomial 2^ — 1.
>S' = """"^ 2 ^ 4 "^ 4 ~^ ^*^' *^ i^^^i^y
2.r— 1
,S (2^-lH 2a;-f ^V^l'-f^' -f etc
ir J?^ r* ^'
1 — r — - — - — - -|- etc. ; adding we obtain
2 o 4 5
.S (2-^'—l)=— 1+^79-1-2:3 -r374-|-4;5-r etc. Now make
1 -^
'Ix — 1 = 0, whence x = , and we ofet
2 ° ' 1.2.2 '
.) o o2 ~f o !< 03 + F-FTTrf etc. =^ 0, and the sum of the se-
2.0.2 o .4: . Ji 4.5.2
Art. 7. It will be observed that when the multiplier
is a binomial the resulting series, before the value of .r is
assigned, will consist of fractions having two factors in the
denominators; if the multiplier is a trinomial there will
l)e three factors, etc.
5 6
Ex.4. The sum of the series^ 2 3 2'^+ 07472'+
7 1
To prove this let the multiplier be (2.r — 1) (.r — 1) = 2j?'
— 3.r+l: then
.S(ar'-3^+l) = 2^'+^|-+|:+_+ etc.
„ Zx^ Z3? Zx' Za?
IT Hi ^ "7 nr^
4-l+o4""Q"i~V~7 k^Vt."]" 6tc., which by addition is
i5 O 4 O D
Bx ^'^^
5x' 6x' Ix'
S (^'-3x+l) = 1-0+1-273+270+0. 5-f-4.X6+
etc. Now if we make the factor 2x — 1 = 0, we get x=
1 5 6 7 _^ 5
2^ 1.2. 3. 2^+2. 3.4. 2»+3. 4: 5. 2^+ "~1.2.2' 4
-'4 '
Had we made the second factor equal or ,c = 1 we
5' 1 6
should have found the sum of the series ^--^-[" o ^ 4"
L. n. o ^.0.4
l-etc. =f-l ^
3.4.5 "22
1 X x^ * W-
Ex. 5. Suppose --I — 4— — r^;r- + ,' »' + ^tc. = »S
and that we use the multiplier ax — h, we will get
(!!i+J!fL_L JIfLj. etc
\ b bx b.v^ bar^
V m 77J-L-/- m-\-2^ m-{-3r
And by addition we find S (ax—b) = - -^ i l''' + ''l^~''L^^ -
m 7n(m-[-r)
{m^2i-) a — (m-}-r)6 „
— {m^-r) (m+2r)" "^ + ^^^- "^"^^ ^^'^^^ ^''^ — 6 = 0, but
retaining for the present x in the second member we liave
alter transposing the series — ^—r- ,- — x 4-
m w(m-fr) '
( m+2r) ft — (??i+r) b ^ (m-f 3r) a — (7?i-[-2r)6 3 _
(7n-^r) (m-l-2r) ^ ^ (?7i+2ry(»i+3r) ^ ^" ^^^'^
— . Now if any particular numerical series be proposed
and it can be shown to coincide with the above when suit-
able values are substituted for the various letters we will
be able to find its sum from the formula.
Suppose it were required to sum the series
o • q"1" Q~f: • o2"l~r"> • 03 ~r ^^^' Sy inspection we find that
L . o o 0.00 ,0 . / o
.r = - and since ax — b = 0, a = 36; m =^ 1, r = 2 and
from the first numerator {ni-[-r) a — mb = 2. *. 3a — b = 2;
18 3 1
or 3a — o ^ = 2.-.- « = 2, and a = and /> ^=-. These
So 4 4
several values being substituted in the formula, term after
term, build up the j^roposed series, the sum of which
6 1 1
theiefore = — = — r.
m 1 4
The foregoing gives the sum of the series to infinity, but
if it be required to find the sum of a finite number, ?i, of
terms we may proceed as follows :
-Take the series to n-\-l terms, and multiply by ax — b as
1 X x^ x"-^ ^ x"
m. ' m-\-7' ' 77i-f-2r ' " * in-^{n — !)?■ '^ in-^-nr *
ax — b
ax ax^ ax""^ ax"
m m-{-r~^ ^ m-f{7i — l)r^ m-^rw
b bx bx^ bx" , ,,„,
{ax — b)S'
m m^r m-\-2r ' ' ' m-\-nr
whence by adding and transposing we get:
(m+r)a--mb i,n+^r)a--(rn+r)b ^, +etc.,tonthterm =
7n{m^r) ^ (m-fr)(m+2r)
b ax"'^'^
SUax — b) A ■ . Then, using the values of the
^ ' m m-^-nr
letters belonging to the numerical series last considered,
13 1
to wit: m = l, r=2,x==^, ^^^I» ^^^i' ^^^ we have
f 4. f2131 41'
S = sum of n terms of ^.^ + — .^, + 5^.- _|_ . . . =
1 1
4 4.3«(l+2?i)'
Ex. 6. Let it be required to find the sum of the infinite
^^"■'^^ 1.2.3-4 + 2.3.4*8 + 3X516 + 4.5.6*32 + ^^''•
Here J, the square and higher powers of which are pres-
ent, is represented by x in the series 1 -{---|--_j---j-etc.
2 ij 4
Moreover, there are thi^ee factors in the denominators of
the coefficients. Let us, then, multiply by the trinomial
ax^ — bx-{-c, and we get
, , l^tA.- l^U/ IjUj U.// ,
bx^ bx^ bx^
^ ajc^ ax\ ,
«'^ H-^^ + X+^^'^-
Whence adding: c -}- -j-o~^ H ^ n 3 ^' ^~
12a-86-6c 20^156+12c ^^^ ^^.^^
2.3.4 ^ 3.4.5 ^ ' y '
Now making cLic^—bx^G = 0, and in substituting that
value of x = iy previously quoted, we get ^ — 2 + c = 0;
also, from the first and second numerators of the proposed
series, compared with those over the same denominators
in the formulas, we get two more equations: 6a — 36+ 2c
= 19 and 12a— 86+6c' = 28. From these we find a = 6,
6 =: 7, c = 2, and these placed in the formula, build up
the proposed series. After transposing the first two terms,
19 1 28 1 29 1
2 and -3, we find: ^-^-3.^ + ^J^-^ + SXsTG + '^'^ ^^
infinity = 3— 2 = 1.
We may determine the sum of n terms of this series in
the manner of the last example. It is:
1 4+n
To determine the multiplier to be used for any particu-
lar case, assume the series up to the term — — : .
]Sx. 7. Find the sum of x-^2x'-{-3x^-^4:x'-\- etc., to 00 .
Multiply the proposed series by x^ — 2a?-}- 1.
S =
1— 2.r-[-^='
Ex. 8. Find the sum of .r+ 4^^=^-1-9^-1- 16^*+ etc., to 00 .
Use 1 — Sx-{-Sx^ — x^ as a multiplier of the series pro-
posed. Ans.
Art. 8. In order that an equation may be solved, it
must contain only one unknown quantity. If it is identical
it may have an infinite number of solutions, but if it is a
common equation it will have only a limited number of
roots. If then we have a single equation containing more
than one unknown quantity, and the equation is not iden-
tical, but is indeterminate, we must attribute values to all the
unknown quantities save one, before solution. If we have
two or more simultaneous equations we must eliminate so
as to obtain a single equation with one unknown quantity.
The methods which are used when the equations are of
the first degree will, upon application to those of the high-
er degrees, be found to fail to give results practically use-
ful. The method of the greatest common divisor is that
usually employed with higher equations, and to its discus-
sion we will proceed after establishing a principle in the
nature of equations which is
Art. 9. If (I is a root of an equation luhose second viem-
ber is zero, the first member ivill be exactly divisible by the bi-
nomial X — a.
Let the equation be oc'" -|- Px""'-^ Qx'""'-^ Rx'""^^
4- Tx -{- U= 0, and let a be a root of the equation; then
X = a or, X — a =^ 0.
Suppose the first member to be divided by ;r — a and
that we continue getting terms of the quotient until the
remainder is without an x, or is independent of x. Let this
remainder z= II, and the quotient (which may consist of
one or of several terms) = Q, then {x — a) ^ -f- i? = it"«-{-
Px"'--'^Qx"'-'-{- -\-Tx-\-V =^. But since the second
member = the first must = 0, and since a is by supposi-
tion a root; a; — a = 0, and this leaves i^ = 0. The re-
mainder being = 0, the division was exact, which proves
the theorem.
The converse is also true. If the first member of an equa-
tion whose second is zero, is divisible exactly by the binomial
x — a, then a is a root of the equation.
Since the division is exact there will be no remainder,
and (X — a) Q = x'"-{-Px'"-'-\-Qx'"-' j^ Tx ^ U. Now
Avhatever value of x makes the second member of this equa-
tion = is a root of the proposed equation; but x ^= a
effects this, by reducing the first member to zero, and
hence a is a root of the proposed equation.
These properties belong of right to the general Theory
of Equations, to the discussion of which we will soon pass,
but being necessary to the understanding of the principles
of elimination now to be examined have been introduced
Art. 10. When two or more equations are simultaneous
they have values for the unknown quantities entering them
which are the same in all the equations. These are of
course common to them all; and there may be values in
the different equations which are not common. The com-
mon roots make the equations compatible and are known as
compatible roots.
If thus b were a root common to two equations in x and
y, and if b were substituted for y in the first members of
the tw^o equations, they would become polynomials in x
only; moreover, since b is compatible with some value of a:
in both the first members, if we call that value of ^ = a
then those first members will have, from Art. 9, a com-
mon divisor, x — a. Having substituted in the two first
members the known value of y, let it be supposed that the
process for obtaining the H. C. D. were applied to them;
it would terminate of course in a remainder ^= 0.
If, then, without substituting the value of y, and even
without knowing it, we apply the process for finding the
highest common divisor, we obtain, after a sufficient num-
ber of operations, a remainder in y only. Now, if we Jmd
known and substituted the proper value of y, this remainder,
which we will call R, should be = 0. Hence R=y\i/) =:
is a true equation. This equation is called the Jinal equa-
tion in y.
Now, among the roots of this final equation in y will be
found all the compatible roots or values of y, and when
they are substituted in the last preceding divisor placed
equal to zero, they will give the corresponding values of x.
That is, such will ordinarily be the result. But if the pre-
ceding divisor, upon the substitution of the values of y,
becomes zero at once, so that we cannot obtain the corres-
ponding values of x, we proceed to the next preceding one,
which wall be ordinarily of the second degree with regard
to X, and give two values of x to each one substituted for
y. If this fails, we proceed to the divisor last before this,
and so on.
But usually the substitution of the values of y, found from
the final equation in ?/, in the preceding divisor, will not at
once reduce it to zero, but will give a polynomial in x
which will be a common divisor of the first members of the
original equation after the value of y has been substituted
in them.
Now, this polynomial in x should be -equal to zero,
because, being a common di\isor of the first mem-
bers of the original equations, it contains that factor of the
form X — a, or the product of such factors, belonging to the
compatible values of x, and probably other factors beside.
This divisor, a f{x), might, if Ave knew the factors compos-
ing it, be put under the form of {x — ci)f^{x), or (,r — a)
(x — c){x — d)f'(x), according to its nature, and of course the
substitution for x of the values, a, c, d, etc., would reduce
it to zero.
This divisor, then, /(.r)=^ 0, is a true equation, from
which we ought to obtain the compatible values of x.
Art. 11. Having obtained the final equation in y, if
by factoring its first member, or in any other way, we can
solve it, we do so; substitute the roots for y in the last
preceding divisor, or in the one before that, as the case
may require, obtain the values of x, and verify both by
substituting them in the original equation.
Art. 12. Foreign Roots. — We will thus obtain all the
compatible roots, but we may get also others. For if in
preparing the dividends at any time, we have found it
necessary to multiply any by y, or any f{y), we may thus
have introduced foreign values of y, which will appear
among the roots of the final equation in y. This might
have been done, for instance, to avoid having y appear in
any denominator of the quotient. For if we denote the
first member of the first equation by A and of the second
equation by B, and by Q the quotient of A-i-B and by E
the remainder, we shall have: ^1 =: 0, i? = 0, and A ==
BQ^R, and from the next division: B = RQ'^R', R =
-K' Q "+ ^", 6tc. Now, since the equations are simul-
taneous and their first members have a common divi-
sor, the remainders R''\ E'' , B' , etc., will on, substituting
the values of y and x be found successively= 0, and finally
R ^= 0. Now, if Q, or any quotient, should have y in its de-
nominator the substitution of its value in such denomina-
tor might reduce it to and make (^> = oo , and then al-
though B = 0, BQ would not be ^^ 0. The supposition
on which the process is founded is that A and B are al-
ready (or have been made) whole with respect to y.
In this way foreign roots may have been introduced into
the final equation. They may be detected by trial in the
proposed equations and rejected.
Furthermore, it may happen that all the proper values
may not be found by means of the final equation, since we
may have suppressed some factors in the process for find-
ing the H. C. D., which w^ould reduce to zero on the substitu-
tion of the proper value of y . Such factors should be
placed := and the values of y substituted, and the values
of X found from the resulting equations.
If the final remainder should be independent of y, it of
course is not zero, and the equations have no compatible
Art. 13. Mention has already been made of a solution
of the final equation in y when it was possible to detect its
factors. Similarly when w^e can detect the factors of the
first members of the proposed equations we may shorten
the process. Suppose all the factors of each to have been
discovered: they will be of tw^o kinds, commoyi and those
not common. Among the common some may be altogether
in X, some altogether in y and some functions of both x
and y.
Likewise the same three species may exist among the
factors not common.
Now any one of these factors being placed = will sat-
isfy the equation to which it belongs. Suppose we first
consider those which are common to the two first members.
Those in x only will give a limited number of values for x
and any values whatever for y provided they are finite;
those in y only will give a limited member of values for y
and leave .r indeterminate, and those which are functions
of X and y both will give an infinite number of sets of val-
ues for .r and y.
Second. Of those not common we cannot place two in
X only, or in y only, equal to zero at the same time, for it
would not be true unless one was equal to the other multi-
plied by some constant factor. And this is contrary to the
supposition that we have already considered all that were
common. There remain those not common and which con-
tain both X and y. To these we should apply the process
for the H. CD., and we will obtain a limited number of
values for x and also for //.
1 . Let the equations be x^ — ^yx'^-}-{3y^ — Sy-\-l)x — 2/*+
y'^ — 2y=^0, and x^ — 2«/.r~j-]/'* — ^=0.
First Division.
of^—Syx'-i-(Sy'-y-i-l)x—f-{-y'—2y \ x'—2yx+f—y
x^ — 2yx'^-{-{y^ — y)x \ x — y
—yx^-{-2y^x —y'+y''
This division was performed without preparation. So,
likewise, with the
Second Division .
x^ — 2yx-]~y'^ — y \ x — 2y
x"^ — 2yx • I ^
y'^ — y and y"^ — y=0 is the final equation in y .
Its roots are .v=0 and y=l . Hence we have the systems
2. Let the equations be oif-{-y^=0, and x^-{-xy-\-y^ — 1=0
No preparation will here be necessary.
First Division.
x^-\-x'^y-\-y'^x — X | x — y
~yx^—y\x^x-{-y^ ~~ "
Second Division.
x^J^yx-{-yl—l I x^2y'—y
x^—yx^2y^x \ x-\-2y — 2y^
(2y—2y')x-\-y'—l '' ^
{2ij-2f)x-l f ^6,/-2f
4:i/^ — 6y+3/ — 1 and this placed = gives the
final equation in y.
It is evident upon inspection that y = l and y = — 1 are
roots of this equation, and the other four are ±:J;/ldz|/ JZ3]
y = 1 and y = — 1 give, upon substitution in the origi-
nal equations, ,t = 1 and ^=—1, values to be expected, as
the equations are symmetrical.
3. Let the equations be: x^-\-2yx^-\-2y{y — 2)x-{-y* — 4
= 0sLndx^^2xy-{-2y'—5y-^2 = 0.
First Division.
x^-j-2x^y^2y^x—4:yx^y^—4: \ x''-^2xy^2y'—^y^2
a^-\-2x^y-]-2y'^x — 5yx-{-2x \ x
(2/— 2)^+17^— 4
and this remainder may be factored thus, {y — 2)[.r-j-2/-l-2],
and the factor y — 2 laid aside.
Second Division.
x'-^2yx^2^y^—^y^2 \ x-^y^2
xf^r !/-^+2^ I x^{y—2 )
{y—2)x-^ y^ —4
2/^— 52/+6
which, placed = 0, gives y = 2 and i/ = 3. y = 2 gives
x = Q and x = — 4. y = ^ gives xt= — 1 and x = — 5
from the second equation, but upon trial with the first
equation only the roots x = — 4, y = 2, or ^= — 5, y = d, are
found to be compatible roots.
' The suppressed factor y — 2 gives ?/ = 2; a value also
found from the final equation.
The foregoing treatment of this subject is mainly taken
from the excellent discussion of Elimination in Hackley's
Art. 14. Labatie and Sarrus have perfected a method
of elimination b}^ which foreign roota are not introduced into
the final equation. This mode is quoted by Hacldey and
by Todhunter in his Theory of Equations; but it is doubt-
ful whether any advantage is gained over the simplicity
and ease of trying the roots in the original equations and
rejecting such as do not verify them.
Nature or General Theory of Equations.
Art. 15. An equation, as we know, is an algebraic ex-
pression of the equality of two quantities. (And before it
can be solved must contain a single unknown quantity.)
This statement is true even of an identical equation which
is true for any value of the unknown quantity or quantities
entering it; for the mind, in the act of attributing a value
to any unknown quantity in the equation, may be sup-
posed to regard that, for the time being, as the only one .
Now the two equal quantities, i. e., the two members, of
every equation, may be placed in the first member leaving
the second member zero; and the polynomial, [after it has
been arranged with reference to the descending powers of
the unknown quantity, may be divided by the co-efficient
of the highest power, and so at the same time may be the
second member, placing the equation in the form
j.-_j_P;^— ^_I_g.r— _i^i^./;"'--|- . . . ,-^Tx^ U= 0. . . .(1)
This general form, which is often called the reduced form,
has the co-efficient of x'" unity and P, Q, B, T, etc., any
quantities not transcendental; they maybe algebraic or nu-
merical, whole or fractional, positive or negative, rational,
irrational, real, imaginary or zero. When any co-efficient
is zero the corresponding power of the unknown quantity
is usually absent. The equation is ihen incomplete; but
when all the powers are present from the highest to the
zero power the equation is complete.
The co-efficient of the zero power of the unknown quan-
tity is called the absolute tei^m of the equation.
Art. 16. The form/ (x) = x"'^Fx"'-'^ Qx'"-'^ +
Tx-\'U'= above described is the most convenient for ex-
amining the nature of equations, but many of the proper-
ties of equations which will be demonstrated are true when
the equation has not been reduced to this form.
And, on the other hand, many proijerties will be demon-
strated only of equations having real co-efficients and even
of those having their co-efficients numbers.
Art. 17. Every equation has at least one root. Much
ingenuity and mathematical skill have been used in de-
monstrating this proposition by algebraic analysis, but it
seems unnecessary for it is almost if not quite axiomatic.
Since an equatio;i is an algebraic expression of the equal-
ity of two quantities, or of the fact that their difference is
= 0, there mast be some qaantity, or value of the unknown,
such that when its different powers have been multiplied
by the appropriate co-efficients and the sum of all the pro-
ducts taken, the result shall be zero. OtJiei-wise there would
be no equation; the truth would not have been told by the
algebraic expression.
The requisite value of the unknown quantity may be a
real quantity or an imaginary expression ; and it is called a
root of the equation.
Art. 18. Every equation of the mth degree has m roots
and no more.
We have just seen that every equation has at least one
root, and we already know that an equation of the first de-
gree has one root; also, that an equation of the 2d degree
has two roots, and it is now to be proved that an equation
of the mth degree has m roots; that is, the number of roots
is equal to the number of units in the exponent which
shows the degree of the equation. It has been proved in
Art. 9 that if a is a root of an equation the second mem-
ber of which is zero the first member will be exactly divis-
ible by .r — a.
Now suppose that a is a root of the equation
af'-J^Px^-'^Bx^'-'-^-Bx^-^'-] . -fTar+r=0, then we
shall have x'"-{-Px'"-'-i- Qx""-'-]- Tx^ U^{x — a) [x'^-'-i-
PV-^4- ...._!_ T'x^ U'].... (1)
Now this can be satisfied by placing x — a = 0; and also
by placing a^^'-^-fP'^p"'-"-] -^T'x-\-U' = 0, which is
a new equation, and it also has at least one root.
Suppose that this root is 6, then, as before, we have x*^~^
_^p.^^-i_l_ _ _ _ ^j^T'x f U'= {x—b) \x^'-'-^P''x^'-^^Q''x^-'
-j- • . . -f T'^x-j- f/"] which can be satisfied by placing x — b
= 0; and also, by placing ^— -fP^'j:— ^-f- . . . . -f- T''x^ W
= 0; and this is a new equation having at least one root,
which may be called c, and when the corresponding factor
X — c is divided out we shall, as in the previous cases, have a
new equation. The degree of this equation will be m — 3.
Continuing this process until the original first member has
undergone m — 1 successive divisions we shall have a quo-
tient of the first degree, of the form x — Z, which, placed
equal to zero, gives an equation of the first degree, with one
and but one root. Thus the total number of roots is r»,
and the continued product of the corresponding factors
formed by subtracting each root from x will be equal to the
original first member, so that we shall have the equation
X — c) {X — d) (;r — /) ... (2)
And there can be no more roots than m; for if there
could be another and it were h, different from a, 6, c, d. .
ly there would be a factor x — k which, multiplied into the
product of all the others, would give for the first mem-
ber a different polynomial, and one of a degree higher
by unity; hence k vannol he a root.
This fact may also be seen thus: If k is a value of .r,
let it be substituted in the continued product, {x — a){x — h)
ix — 0) (X — I) = 0, and we derive ik — a){k — b)
{k — c) ik — /), which cannot be zero, because
none of the factors are zero; whereas, when a true root, as
a, b, c, etc., is substituted, there will always be one factor
which vanishes. Thus the theorem is seen to be true.
Art. 19. Equal Boots. — It may happen that one or
more of the factors x — a, x — h, etc., shall be repeated, in
which case the corresponding roots will appear as often in
the equation; these are called equal roots. Thus, (r — a)^
(dp — b)ix — c)'^ = is an equation of the 6th degree, which
has three equal roots, a, and two equal roots, c.
It will be shown further on that when an equation has
equal roots they may be discovered and the first member
divided by the product of the factors belonging to them,
thus depressing or reducing the degree of the equation.
This operation is spoken of as " dividing out" the roots.
Art. 20. When the roots of an equation are a, b, c, d,
6, .... Z, we have seen that
af"-\-Pii(^''~'^Qx/''-''-^Tx-\-U = {x—a)^x—b){x—G) . . (x—l)
..'.... (1)
Now, if the multiplications indicated in the second member
be performed, the result will be as follows:
ab -\- etc. , -f X''
ztabcd. . + • • + (ibcde. .
±:abce . .
±abcf . .o ri"
ft) ,__
bcdf..^ S-
and since the equation of which this is the second member
is identical, we have, from the principle of Indeterminates'
Coefficients :
P = —a—b—c—d . . —k—l; or,— P = a+Z>+c . . +A:-f-/.
g=a6+ac-f . . -i-bc^ . . -\-kL
E=: — abc — abd— . . — ikl; or, — R = abc-{-abd-\- . . -]-ikl.
S==abnd-\~abce-\- . . . gikl.
U= ±iabcde .... kl; or, =fi U= abode . . . . kl.
The quantities a, b, c, d, e . . . . k, I, all appearing with
the negative sign, the product of an even number of them
is plus and of an odd number minus, which accounts for
the double sign wherever it appears, because in those cases
the number of factors is not known.
From these results the following important relations of
the roots of an equation to its coefficients are manifest, to
First. The co-efficient of the second term (with its sign
changed) is the algebraic sum of the roots.
Second. The co-efficient of the third term is the sum
of the combinations of the roots in groups of two .
Third. The co-efficient of the fourth term (with its
sign changed), is the sum of the combinations of the roots
in groups of three; and so on.
Fourth. The co-efficient of the absolute term (with its
sign changed when it is even numbered, i.e., when the de-
gree of the equation is odd), is the continued product of
the roots .
Since the absolute term is the product of the roots it will
be exactly divisible by any root; and, also, when there is
•no absolute term one of the roots is zero . Further, when
there is no second term it is because the sum of the posi-
tive roots is exactly equal to the sum of the negative roots.
Art. 22. When the roots of an equation are all posi-
tive, the terms will be alternately positive and negative;
because the product of an even number of negative terms
is plus and of an odd number is minus .
Art. 23. Since the first member of an equation of
which the second = is composed by multiplying together
the factors {x — a), {.r — b), etc., it will have m factors or divis-
ors of the 1st degree; and since any two of them may be mul-
tiplied together, giving a factor of the 2d degree, any three
giving a factor of the third degree, and so on, there will be
m(m — 1)^. . . ,, ^T , m(m—l){ni — 2\ .
-5^-^— Mivisors of the 3d degree,— ^^ — ' \ ^ divisors
of the 4th degree, and so on.
Art. 24. When a, b, c, etc., are the roots of an
equation that equation is (x — a){x — b){x — c). . . .(x — 1)=0.
Suppose the roots of an equation are 1, 2, 3, 4: the equa-
tion is (x—l){x—2)(x—3)(x—^)=x'—10x''^S5x'— 50x^24:
1. Form the eciiuitiou whose roots are 3, 7 and — 6.
2. Form the equation in which the roots are 9, 5, — 1,
and — 3 .
3. What is the equation of which the roots are — 3,
2+ 1 —1 and 2—1—1 ? Ans. a^—x'—l.r~\- 15=^0.
Art. 25. Since in the reduced equation U=abcde . . ./,
T=abcde. .k-^-ahcde. .h-^-ahcde. .g, -f etc. , where the terms
of the value of 7" are composed of m — 1 letters each, if we
divide the latter by the former we get
T abcde ....h , abode.... g , ^ 1111
which is real but not necessarily positive. If either of
these be substituted in an equation for j", it is apj^arent
that the results w^ill be partly real and parti} imaginary,
unless some of the coefficients could furnish the necessary
factor to make the imaginary quantities disappear from the
product. But the coefficients in this article are supposed
to be real. Consequently there must be another imaginary
root of the proper form, to cause the product to be real.
If, now, a thiril imaginary root should enter into the com-
position of the equation, a fourth, and of the necessary
form, must enter to keep the product real. There cannot
he, therefore, an odd number of imaginary roots.
If the coefficients are further supposed to be all rational,
it is evident by the same course of reasoning that all irra-
tional roots must enter by pairs.
Art. 28. Hence evert/ equation of an odd degree has at
least one real root, with a sign different from that of the ab-
solute term. The imaginary roots are of the form a -f
|/ — t)^ and a — |/ — 6% or else^ '^+v^ — b and a — y ' — b, and
their products result in the sums of positive quantities.
And this positive sum is a factor of the absolute term and
exercises no influence on the sign of that term . And so of
the product of all of the imaginary pairs . This leaves the
one real root to give sign to the absolute term which, of
course, is the opposite of its own. (See Art. 20.)
It is also true that every equation of an odd degree hav-
ing rational co-efficients will have at least one rational root;
the sign may or may not be the same as that of the abso-
lute term.
Art. 29. Erery cquaiion of c/ven degree and having real
ro-effieien(f<, with ifs abi^olufe term negative, will have at leant
tivo real rootn, one poHitire and the other negative. The pro-
ducts of the pairs of imaginary roots will exert no inflneu.^e
on the si.L>n of the absolute term, and if all the 7'oots were
imaginary the absolute term would he pot^itive, but as it is
not positive there must be at least two real roots and such
that their product will be negative, they, therefore, must
have diiferent signs.
Art. 30. Every equation will have an even number of
real positive roots if the absolute term is positive; and an odd
number of sueh roots if the absolute term is negative.
First. When the degree is even and the absolute term
positive. The degree being even the number of the abso-
lute term is odd, and, therefore, it is the continued product
of the roots just as it stands. In this case that product is
positive. If there are any imaginary roots, the quadratic
factors belonging to the pairs will exert no influence on
the sign of the absolute term . The total number of roots
being even, the number of real roots must be or even .
Now the product of the real roots must be positive and if
there is any real root negative there must be another one
negative to neutralize the influence of the sign, otherwise
the sign of the absolute term would be changed. Hence
the number of the real positive roots is even, which proves
the theorem for this case.
It is apparent that the number of negative real roots
would also be even.
Second. When the degree is even and the absolute
term negative. Here, also, the absolute term, as it stands,
is the product of the roots; and if there are imaginary
roots they exert no influence on the sign. The number of
real roots is even, and since the product is negative there
must be at least one which is negative. This may be con-
sidered as set aside for the moment. There now remain for
consideration an odd number of real roots, whose product
must be positive, and if there is among these a negative
root, there must also be another of the negative sign to
neutralize its effect; in other words, if there aie any nega-
tive roots among those dov^^ being con.-idered, there must
be an even number of them; consequently, the number of
real positive roots is odd.
Third. AVhen the degree is odd and the absolute term
positive. In this case the sign of the absolute term must
be changed to give the continued product of the roots; that
is, the product is negative. We know (Art. 28), that for
such an equation there is one real and negative root. Let
that be set aside ns necessary to change the sign of the ab-
solute term. Th^^ total number of roots remaining is even,
and the number of real roots remaining is even . More-
over the product of these remaining roots must be positive
and consequently if there are among these any negative
roots there must be an even number and therefore the
number of real positive roots must be even .
Fourth. When the degree is odd and the absolute term
negative (By Art. 28) there is one real positive root. The
total number remaining is even, and the number of real
roots remaining is even; but their product must be posi-
tive as the real root set aside is positive; consequently
among these remaining real roots if there are any negative
roots there must be an even number of theui, likewise an
even number of positive real roots, which, with the one set
aside, makes the number of real j^ositive roots odd. Thus
the theorem is established.
Art. 31. // the signs of the alternate terms of an equa-
tion be changed, the roots of the new equation ivill be the same
as those of the former equation but with opposite signs.
Let the equation be .r"^Px"'-'-^Qx"'"^^ . . . .^Tx-\-U
=^0... (1) If we change the alternate signs, beginning
with the second, we have .r-— P.r'"-^-f ^.r— "'-^ . ^-Tr±U
=0....(2)., and beginning with the first, we have
— x»'^Px"'"'^ — Qx"*"'^^ dz Tx^ U~0 (3), which equa-
tions, (2) and (3), are merely one and the same. Now sup-
pose -\-a to be a root of (1) and to be substituted in it for x.
The result will be a'"^Pa"'-'-\-Qa'"-'-{- . :..^Ta^U=Q. (4).
Now if ^ rt is a root of (2) and (3) it must, on 'substitution
in the one or in tlie other (as may be suitable, for they are
merely two forms of the same thing), give eq. (4).
When m is even use (2) and when ??i is odd use (3) .
Therefv^re —a is a root of (2) or else of (3). Hence the
principle . Changing- the signs of all the terms would not
affect the roots, since it would simply be multiplying both
members of the equation by — 1.
Art. 321. No equation van have more positive roots than
there are variations in the signs of its terms, nor more nega-
tive roots than there are permanences of those signs .
To demonstrate this assume the equation x"'±lPx"'~'±:
Q.r'"-'±E.r"'~^± . .,±Tx±: U=0; in which the signs come in
any order that may be prescribed. Now suppose that we
introduce one more positive root, which will be- done by
multiplying by x — a, and note the effect on the signs.
The product will be
±F i x^±Q
— a :T^Pa
,w— /
,r'«-'zb ±U\ X
H=r 1 =pC7a=0,
Now so long as the co-etficient in the upper line is greater
than the one in the lower line it will determine the sign
of the total co-efficient of that term; if we suppose then in
the first case, that all the upper were greater than those be-
low we would have the same number of variations and per-
manences as in the original equation, but having to come
down at last to =p Ua, there is one more variation than in
the original equation. If the lower co-efficients are all
greater than those above they will give sign to the terms; but
the signs froin the second toward the right, being always
the opposite of the signs of the original first member, the
number of changes of sign and of permanence, or repeti-
tion of sign, will be the same. But one more variation
was introduced when we descended at the second term .
When a co-efficient in the lower line is affected with a
sign coi4rary to the corresponding one above and is also
greater than that above, there is a change from a perma-
nence of sign to a variation, for the lower co-efficient
gives sign to the term, and we know that it is different
from that of the preceding term above which is here sup-
posed to be the same as that of the co-efficient above in
this term . Hence each time we descend to the low^er line
in order to determine the sign there is a variation which is
not found in the original equation, and if, after descending,
we remain in the lower line throughout, the number of
permanences and variations of sign henceforth will be the
same as in the given equation because the signs are al-
ways the opposite of those above . If we ascend again to
the upper line, we might make either a permanence or a
variation; but suppose the worst, and that always there
would be a permanence, it would merely offset the variation
gained in coming down, and it will be necessaiy to come
dow^n at last, making a variation at that time. , Therefore,
the effect has been to produce one more variation than the
original equation had; and so it would be upon the intro-
duction of every positive root.
Similar reasoning would show that the multiplication by
the factor x-\-a, belonging to a negative root, would neces-
sarily introduce a permanence of sign . And since the in-
troduction of every positive root brings a variation, and the
introduction of every negative root brings a permanence,
the Rule of Descartes is shown to be true .
Art. 33. When the roots are all real the number of
positive roots Avill be the number of variations, and the
number of negative roots the number of permanences .
Suppose that the degree of the equation was m; then,
the complete number of terms being ?7i-]-l. and n represent-
ing the number of variations and p the number of perma-
nences, m=n-\-p.
Again, suppose that k = the number of positive roots
and r = the number of negative roots. We shall have :
m = k-^r; hence n-^-j^ = k-\-r, and n — k = r—^. Now,
by Descartes' Kule, k cannot be >/i; nor can it be less,
because that would make, in the second member, r^p.
which the Rule forbids? Therefore n = k and p :=::! r.
DE GUa's criterion.
Art. 34. If a term of an equation is absent between two
lerins Jiarlng like signs, there are two imaginary i^oots.
The absent term having for a co-efficient, we have a
right to supply it either as -^0 or — 0. Suppose the order
of signs to be:
-|- -P — 1 , and for writing -|- or — ,
we have : -| — | i j and
_!__!_ 4_ .
In the upper line are 5 variations, 2 permanences.
In the lower, 3 variations, 4 permanencies.
Now, if all the roots are supposed to be real, there will
by the first arrangement be 5 positive roots and 2 negative;
by the second, 3 j)ositive and 4 negative. There are, then,
two roots which have changed about, being in one case
positive and in the other negative. But both suppositions
being legitimate, we have two real roots, which are both
positive and negative, which absurdity shows them to be
imaginary. Where the terms between which the zero term
is found have contrary signs, we can predicate nothing
about the nature of the roots, because in that case the
number of variations and permanences will be the same,
whether we suppose the absent term to be positive or neg-
How many imaginary roots in —
Transformation of Equations.
Art. 35. The changing the form of an equation, au J
yet preserving the equation is an operation not only allow-
able but often of the greatest convenience.
We have seen already (Art. 31), that the signs of the
toots of an equation may all be changed by changing the
signs of the alternate terms; that is, the changing of the
signs of the terms in this manner gives another equation
whose roots are numerically the same, but have opposite
signs to those of the first equation.
Art. 36. To transform an equation into another equatiov
whose roofs shall be some multiple of the r^oots of the first .
Let the equation be x"" + Px"""^ Qx'"-'^ f Tx^
?7= 0, . . . .(1) and suppose its roots to be a, b, c, etc. It
is required to produce an equation of which the roots shall
be ka, kb'kc, etc,
Make?/=A'.r . ' -x^^-, and this, substituted for x, gives
'•'^. + Pp^.+ Q^JZ+ +4+ ^='^' ■■■■ <^'-
Multiplying by t", we get:
y'-J^Pky'--'-{- Qkfif"-^^ . . . . -L Tt"-'yJ^ Uk-" -= (8).
In this equation, since if=^kx, the roots are ka, kb, kc,
Art. 37. This transformation leads to one of the most
important, which is
To clear an equation of fractions and yet keep the co-effi-
cient of the highest power unity .
Let x'"^~x'""^Qx"'-'-^~x"'-^-^ etc., = be an equa-
fc (J
tion having fractional co-efficients, and j)lace y=gkx, that
is, equal to x multiplied by the least common multiple of
the denominators. Then
jr , P.V-- Qy"- By'"-' , ^^^ _o
Multiply by ^""Y/"', and we have
ir-\-gF]r-'-{^kYQir-'-{'FcfRy'''-' -f- etc., =0.
This is an equation of the reduced form, wherein (if the
roots of the original equation are a, b, c, etc.) the roots are
kga, kgb, hjc, etc.
If the denominators are numbers we may obtain a trans-
formed equation of greater convenience by assuming for
Ay/ a number less than the L.C.M. of the denominators,
but which shall be such a product of prime factors of the
denominators as shall secure, after the substitution, an en-
tire quotient in each co-eflficient. This will be a matter of
inspection and discretion to be used in each example.
For instance take the equation
-*--|^+lV~i-9M) - «■ ^''^^ 9000istheL.C.M.
of the denominators, but the 3d and 4th powers of 9000
are inconveniently larger .
But = 2x3; 12 = 2=x3; 150=2x3x5% and 9000 =-
Suppose that in the example we make y = 2x3x5'^ =
30.r; we shall obtain :
y' _ ^f . W _ _Jy^ _ _ 13 _
2%3\5^ 6. 2^3^ 5=^"^ 12.2^3^5^ 9000 '
Now', the denominator 9000 = 2^ 3'. 5=* is the most diffi-
cult one to provide for, and yet it will disappear when we
multiply by 2\ 3*. 5*. The result will be :
,;*_5. 5,y3^5. 3. 5y_7. 213^5//— 13.2.3^5 = 0; or,
■,/^_25?/^+375i/'^— 1260^— 1170 = 0.
If the roots of this equation can be found, those of the
first will result from the relation y= 30.r.
7 11 25
,r^— ^.r"'-[-— .r— ^r,=0 . If we make ?/ = 2 X 3r, we get if—
6 Ob 72
14?/'^-fll?/— 75=0.
, 13 , 21 3 32 ., 43^ 1 ^
12 ^40 225 600 800
12 = 2^3
40 = 2^5
225 = 3^5^
600 = 2^3.5^
800 -= 2^5^ The prime factors being 2, 3 aud 5 ifc
might appear that 2.3.5 would be a proper multiplier for
X, but on trial we would find at the third term
21.2^3^5^/ 21.3^5^^ • ;, n ^ .• x> . -^
o3 f^ o3 Q3 K3 ^^ o — ' ^^ irreducible traction. But ii we
Jt.O.ji .0.0 2i
use the product 2^3.5 we shall obtain
,/_ 65?/*+ 1,8902/^—30,7201/2— 928,800?/— 972,000 = in
which X = ^^ V .
60 ^
If the equation has the co-efficient of the highest isomer dif-
ferent froyn unity; divide through by that co-efficient and
then proceed as before .
Suppose 3?/^~5?/-|-r=0, or i/^-i- -^/^—^^/^-^ = .
Put..r=3?/. • .^ -^+ l = ^'^'- ^ -35-^+ryr=:0.
Art. 33. From equation 3, Art. 36, we see that if the
second term of an equation is exactly divisible by k, the
third term by F, the fourth by P, etc., its roots will have a
common divisor k.
And any equation may be transformed into another of
which the roots are - of those of the former by dividing the
second term by /:;, the third by P, the fourth by k^, etc.
This would give at once the result of making the multiplier
7 instead of k in the transformation of Art. 36.
For an example take the equation
.x^ — 8^^ — 5^-4-84=0. . .(1) and let the second co-efficient be
divided by 2, and the succeeding co-efficients respectively
5 84
1)V 4 and 8. We i^et y'^lr'—-x -[- ^ '= . . . .(2) . The
4 o
7 3
roots of equation (1) are 7, — 3 and 4, and ■^, — - and 2 will
verify eq. (2).
Art. 39. To trniixform an equation into anotlier, tlie_
roots of which shall be the reciprocals of those of the first.
Substitute for .r in the equation '
x"'-^Px"'-'-{'Q.r"'-'^ + 2:r+C7=0, and the result is
^^. + ^_, + ^.+ +^+ t7=0; whence, by
clearing and reversing the order of the terms and dividing
by ^. y + ~y"- + §r-'+. ..+^y' + ^y+\j=o.
in which, if the original roots were a, 6, c, these roots are
\' \' l '^-
Art. 40. If any term is wanting in the given equation,
there will be one wanting in the transformed equation at the
same distance from the last as the other was from the first
term. If the original equation is wanting in the second
term, the one next to the last will be wanting in the trans-
formed one, because the latter coeJB&cients are equal to the
former divided b}^ C7, and-=r=r 0.
Art. 41. If an equation be transformed by making
a: = --, and the transformed equation should have the coeffi-
cients identical with those of the given equation, but in re-
versed order, the two equations are one and the same.
This is evident upon sight, and therefore their root^ must be
the same. If the roots of the original equation were a, b,
c, d, etc., the roots of the transformed one must also be a,
h, c, etc. But we know that the roots are also , r, -,
a b' ('
1 1 T
etc.: hence the roots of both are: a, - b
«' ' b>
etc. ai^—px^-\-qx^—px-\-l = 0, ./-^-f (/j^'+l = 0, .r*-f 1 =0
in which the coefficients are: 1 — j^ +? — P +!» 1 -i-q -fl*
1 -]-lj ^^^ of the kind whose roots are of the form a and -.
Art. 42. If we have an equation of an odd degree, or
one of an even degree without its middle term, and the
signs of the corresponding terms, counting from first to
last, and from last to first, are opposite, the roots will also
be of the form a, -. Because, if we obtain the transformed
equation, and then change the signs throughout, we do not
affect the roots at all (Art. 31), and yet it becomes identi-
cal with the original equation, and must therefore have the
same roots. For example, let
j^-^px'^-{-px — 1 = 0.
Substituting - for x, we have, after clearing,
^—Pl/+py^—/ =■ 0; or, y^—py'^py—1 = 0.
Equations whose roots are of the form a, , b, , etc.,
are called recurring equations.
Art. 43. A 7'ecurring equation of an odd degree must
have 1 for a root when the absolute term is — 1, and — 1
for a root whe'u the absolute term is -f 1; because these
numbers being substituted for x will satisfy it.
j^et o(f — px^-\-qo(^^xi^'^px — 1 = 0, and substitute -fl for
.r, we get 1 — p-^q — q^p — 1 =^ 0. The other roots (Art.
42) will be of the form a, -, 6, - , etc.
Art. 44. To transform an equation into another of
which the roots shall be the squares of the roots of the first.
Let us assume, for convenience, that in the first member
of the equation the even numbered terms are negative, and
transpose all the negative terms to the second member.
We shall have:
x"'-[-q.r"'-^'~\'ii.r"'~^^ etc., =i px"'~' -\-r.r'"'^ -\- etc.
Square both members, and we have:
.r^'"+ 2c/,/-""-^ -f (^'H- 2«).r^'"-^-|- etc. ,= jo V^^-^-j- 'Ipraf'"- ^+ etc.
And therefore ,](f"'^{1q—p'yr""-''^(q'-\-2s—'lpr)x""-*^ etc.,
= 0. Now this is a true equation, as we have a right to
square both members. Let y = x^, and substitute in the
last equation; the result is: y"'^{^q — p^)y'"~^-\-{(f-^'l>i
—2pr)y'"~--\- etc., = 0, an equation whose roots are the
squares of those of the first.
Let x^-^-Sx'^ — 6x — ^8 ^ 0. In this by transposition we
have x^ — Qx = 8 — 3,^"^, and by squaring, x^ — 12x*^36x^ rz=
dx* — 48a7'^-|-64; whence x^ — 21j7*-|-84-r^— 64 = 0, and placing
y = x\ 2/^— 21//'^-]- 84?/ — 64 ==0. By trial we find — 1 is a
root of the given equation, and "dividing it out," we find
the others to be —4 and 2. Squaring these, we get 1, 16
and 4, which are roots of the new equation and will verify
Art. 45. To transfoi^m an equation into anotfier whom
roots shall be greater or less than those of the first equation by
any given quantity.
First place, if necessary, the equation in the reduced
^'« _j_ Px"''-'-{- g.^'«-^-]- + Tx^ U=0, (1)
Let x^ be any given quantity, and makey±x'=x. The new
equation in y will have its roots greater or less than the
roots of the original one by x\ Let us use the -f sign
only; the results of substituting y — x^ would only differ in
sign at the appropriate places. Substituting y-f-x' for x,
we obtain:
{y+x'r^P(y-\-xT-'-{-Q{y+^r'-'^-- + T{y^x')+U=0.
KoW) develop by the Binomial Theorem, and arrange ac-
cording to the a. trending powers of the unknown qiianfifi/ ij,
(which is done merely for subsequent convenience), there
will result:
+ + -f -h + +
- H^
+ + +
And this is the required transformed equation, but with
the usual order of the terms reversed. If P\ C/ , etc., rep-
resent the values of the co-efficients from y'""' down, and
the usual descending order be resumed, the equation will
y"'-\-P']r-'+Q'y"'-'^ . . • •+2"'2/+ 6^ =0, ... .(3)
Art. 46. A method of arriving at the values of the
transformed co-efficients, P' , Q', E\ etc., which is preferred
by some as being shorter, is as follows:
Divide the first member of the equation to be transformed by
X minus the differ enee betiveen the old and new roots, the re-
mainder ivilt be tJie new absolute term; divide, by the same,
this quotient, and the remainder icill be the co-efficient of the
first power of the new unknown; divide, by the same, the last
quotient obtained and the remainder will be the next co-effi-
cient in order, and so on to the last co-effia;=-f (/.r — r=0.
Ans . //^— (3^+p)//'-f (3f?'''— 2/x^+f7)//— ((^ fjx^-^— ^^+r)=0 .
3. Find the equation whose roots are greater by 2 than
those of ;r*--2.r^+5.r^+4a:— 8=0. Ans. if—lOy'-^^lif—
4. Find the equation whose roots are greater by 1 than
those of x^— 5.r'~0.r— 2=0. Ans. //*— 4//'+//"'=0.
As // is twice a factor of every term of this transformed
equation, let us "divide out" //^, and we have .//^ — 4y-j-l
= 0, whose two roots are 2-\-\/3 and 2 — yS, and as the
four roots are 0, 0, 2-l-i/3, 2 — 1/3, if we subtract 1 from
each we get the roots of the given equation, — 1, — 1, l-j-
l 3, 1-, 3.
Art. 49. 2h transform an equation into another ivantbig
the second or any i^ctrticular term .
From equation (2) of Art. 45 we see that the coefficient
of y"'-' (which is the second term in the usual arrangement)
is mx'-\-P. Now, since x' is entirely arbitrary, we can
give it such a value that mx'-\-P =^0, .'. x' = ; that
is, minus the coefficient of the second term divided by the
exponent which denotes the degree of the equation to be
transformecl. All we have to do is to substitute for x the
quantity y . The equation resulting will have roots
greater by — than the original roots.
To cause the third term to be absent from the new equa-
tion, we must place the coefficient of ;v'"~', which is
~^-^- ,2''^-j-(m — l)P.r'-l Q, = 0, and solve this quadratic
to get the requisite value of .t\
To cause the fourth term to be absent it will be neces-
sary to solve an equation of the third degree; the next
coefficient would give an equation of the fourth degree,
and so on upward. These equations would be difficult or
impossible to solve .
1. Transform cr^ — 6x'^-f7 = into an equation where
the second term is absent. Ans. y^. — 12y — 9 = 0.
2. Transform x* — 8.r'— 5j--[-12 = into an equation
whose second term is wanting.
Ans. y'—24:y''—Gdy—4:G = 0.
It sometimes happens that the same value of x' will sat-
isfy both the equations arising from jDutting the coefficients
of the second and third terms = 0. In this case those two
terms will vanish simultaneously.
As an example : ,x^-|- 4./'^-J- (jx^-\-3x^ 4 = 0.
p 4
Here ^= -r- = — 1 = x\ and substituting y-\-x' =
m 4
y — 1 for ,x: .
y^-^fJr 6/- 42/+1
2/* — 2^-j-4 =^0 is the transformed equation .
Or by successive divisions:
n.if-\-'Sx 2;r'^-|-2.r x-^1 .r+1 1
3j;''-|-3ic X jfl ,0
Giving the remainders 4, — 1, 0, 0, and consequently the
equation ^' — ^-{-4 = 0.
The same example by Synthetic Division is as follows:
1 +4 +6 +3 +4 I -1
—1 —3 —3 —0
1 -1-3 -j-3 -}-0,-j-4
—1 —2 - 1
1 -h2 -Tl,^!
1 -f 1,-f-O
Here the remainders are as before, and the e({uation is
Art. 50. By examining equation (2) Art. 45, we see
that the coefficient of y" is simply the first member of the
equation which was transformed with a dash placed on x.
Omit the dash, and let this be denoted by f(x).
The coefficient of i/ is formed ffom f{x) by multiplying
each coefficient by the exponent of ./■ in the term and di-
minishing that exponent by unit3^ Let this coefficient be
denoted by/'(.x).
The numerator of the coefficient of if is formed from
f\-r) by the same law as that by which f\-r) derived
fromy(;r). The denominator is 2 or 1.2. Let it be denoted
by /_::«.
•^ 1.2
And the law by which any of these coefficients is ilerived
from its immediate predecessor is:
.Multiply each term of the preceding coejficient by the expo-
nent of X in that term, diminuih this exponent by unity and
divide the alyebraic sum of the results by the number of pre-
ceding coefficients.
These coefficients, after the tirst, are derived from their
immediate predecessors by the same law as that by which
the coefficients of the Binomial Formula are built \\]}.
The student of Calculus will recognize the numerators
as differential coefficients of the iirst, second, third order,
etc. They are called derived functions, or derived polyno-
Thus f^{x) is the Jirst derived polynomial off{x).
/"(.r) is the second deriiied polynomial .
f^^'{x) is the third derived poly )iomial .
etc., etc., etc.
Mark the distinction between the derived polynomials
and the coefficients of tlie cleveJopment in equation (2) Kvi.
45. The tirst coefficient is the original first member with
x^ in place of x; the second coefficient is the first derived
polynomial; the third coefficient is \ of the second derived
polynomial; the fourtli coefficient, ov .^ o of the third de-
rived })olynoniial, etc.
Let 'dx'-\-QiX^—Zx'-^'2x-\-l = 0.
f\x) = 12^+18:c'^— 6a'+2.
/"(jc) = 36£c^4-36.r— 6.
/•'"(ic) = 72.T-f 36.
/--(«.) = 72.
^- ^ ^ — JL — 0; whence clearing" of
The last terms having .if, the terms into wliich is mul-
tiplied do not appear in the sacceediny; derived polynomi-
als. In this way 1, 2, —6, 3() and 72 are successi 'ely
dropped, which terminates the series.
Let it be required to transform the equation
3./-^' I 15.r^-l 25./'— 3 =
into one wanting- the second term. First placing it in rhe
fractions (Art. 37),
v/M-15//-h75v/-27 = 0.
— P
J{-'') ^=^ //!4-i%''-i-'^^// — '^'* ^^"^^ -^^ = — — = — ^5
. • . /(.r) = —125 [-375—375—27 = —152
/'(.r) ^ 3v'4 3()v+75; /'(.r) .^ 75— 150 -j 75 =
^T) = %+15; q^^ -15+15^0
r '(')__. /'"W-i_i
2.3 " 2:3 ~
Hence the equation is k^ — 152 ■■= 0, an equation wanting
both the second and third terms.
2. Transform .r' — 10y-[-7,r^-[-4.r — 1) =: into an ecpia-
tion wanting the second term.
Ans. = 0,
each of its single roots will be twice a root of the equation
proposed, and all of its repeated roots will appear once
more frequently in the proposed equation.
Having found all the equal roots, make a continued
product of the binomial factors coirresponding to these,
and divide f{x) by it; this will lower or depress the degree
of the equation as many units as there are equal roots and
render it far easier to be solved, and may even bring the
depressed equation within the limits of those which we
know how to solve directly and exactly.
1. Find the equal roots in the equation
^7_3^6_|_9_^3_i9^4_|_27.^_33^2_|_27.^_9 ^ q .
The first derived polynomial is :
And the H.C.D. between this and the first member is:
Placing this equal to zero, and finding the H.C.D. be-
tween this first member and its first derived polynomial j we
get X — 1. Then (x — 1)^ is a factor of the first member of
the secondary equation and {x — 1)^ is a factor similarly in
the first member of the original equation. There are now
known to be three roots = 1. Dividing {x — 1)^ out of
a;*— 2ar»-|-4^'^— 6,r+3 = 0, we have 07^+3 = 0, and x =
~V — 3. {j(f-\-2>y will be a factor of the original first mem-
ber and the product of the factors corresponding to the
equal roots of the jjroposed equation is {x — lf{x^-\-^f --=
original first member.
2. What are the equal roots in
2a;*~12a;»+19x=*— 6^+9 = 0?
The first derived polynomial is 8x^—S6x^-\-SSx — 6, and the
H.C.D. =07— 3.
There are two roots = 3, and the others, after dividing
out and dei^ressing to an equation of the second degree,
are found to be — ^r — and ^ — .
3. Find the equal and other roots of the equation x^-\-
-f 2^— 12j*— 14a^-i-47j-^-f 12.r— 36 =- 0.
Ans. two = 2, two ^= — 3 and also 1 and — 1.
4. What are the roots of .x^-f 4.r*— 14a?''— IT.i-— 6 = ?
Ans. three = — 1, and besides 2 and — 3.
Limits and Places of Roots.
Art. 53. A rational integral function of x is one in
ivhich the exponents of x are lohole numbers and the coefficients
are independent of x .
Thus fix) = x"" -f Px'"-'-{- Qx'"-'-\- . . . .-\-Tx'-\- Vx -f U,
in which m is a positive whole number (integer) and P, Q,
T, etc., are independent of x, is a rational integral func-
tion of X of the With degree.
Art. 54. In any rational integral function ofx arranged
according to the descending powers of x, any term which is
present may be made to contain the sum of all ivhich follow it,
as many times as we please, by taking x large enough.
And any such term may be made to contain the sum of all
ivhich precede it. by taking x small enough.
In fix) = xr-\-Px'''-'-\-Qx"'-'-\- . . -\-Sx'"-"-^-'-\-Tx'"-*'-{- . .
. . . .-\-U, Sx'"-"-^' will be the /«th term, and may contain
the sum of all which follow it, if x be large enough. If it
can be made to contain something larger than that sum, it
will, of course, contain that sum. Now, suppose all the
terms after Sx'"-**-^' to have the largest coefficient among
them. Let it be L; then X(,r"'-"-{-.r"'-''-'-j-,r"'-"-'-f -f
j^;-{-l) > ^^^ sum of the terms following the nth, and =
jr,/__ \ Divide the /ith term by this: L{x"'-''-^' — 1)
X — i
_S ^ x'"-i'{x~l) S x-1
By increasing x we may increase the numerator indefi-
nitely, and at the same time make the denominator as near
unity as we please . Consequently the ?ith term will con-
tain those that follow as mnjij times as desired. This
proves the first j)art of the proposition.
Suppose we make x = --, then increasing t/ diminishes .r.
We have: ~['^-{-Py-{-Qif^- .... +^2/"-^+2'r+ • • • -^-WV
The series within the brackets is such that any term, as
Sy'*~', may be made to contain the sum of all which pre-
cede it, 'i^-\-Py-\-Qf/-{~ etc., as often as we j)lease, by taking
y large enough, which means .r small enough. This is
evidently shown by the same reasoning as in the first case,
and establishes the second branch of the proposition.
Art. 55. The first term of the function may be made
to contain the sum of all of its successors any number of
Art. 56. A variable quantity is said to increase or de-
crease under the law of continuity, when, in passing from
one designated state to another, it passes through every
intermediate state without interruption . A taper burning
away, a cask of fluid being discharged by a cock, a plant
growing, present instances.
Let it be shown that if x increases or decreases under
the law of continuity, that f{x) will increase or decrease
under the same law.
When .T = a, let /(a) designate the corresponding state
of the function; when x = h, f{b) the state of the function
then corresponding, etc. Suppose that x' were a certain
value of X, and give it a small increment, u. "We see from
the development (2) of Art. 45, that we shall have:
f{x^^u) =/(^')+"A.rO+ J^ ...... . J^ ........
1.2-^ ^ ''^i.2.3'^ (•^;+---
In (2) of Art. 45, ^--— f'"\x')
\ . Z . o . . .Ill
Now, if we transpose the term f{x') to the first member,
we have:
f(x'+u)-f{.x') = uf'{:^')+^"{.r')-
The first term in the second member (which is present)
may be made indefinitely greater than the sum of all which
here follow it (they Avould precede it in the arrangement
of Art. 55), by taking the increment, n, small enough.
But when u is taken extremely minute, although the first
term in the second member will contain the sum of the
following terms an indefinite number of times, the first
term itself becomes indefinitely small. Hence the differ-
ence between the states of the function, f{x'-\-u)—f{x'), be-
comes inappreciable. Hence, when the successive increments
of X are indefinitely small, and x varies under the law of
continuity, the function of x will vary under the same law.
Art. 57. The limits of the roots of an equation are
values between which all the roots exist.
A superior limit of the positive roots is any number or
quantity of their kind greater than the greatest of them.
An inferior limit of the poi^itive rootfi is any number or
quantity of their kind less than the least of them .
A superior limit of the negative roots is a number or quan-
tity of their kind tvhich is negative but numerically gr-eater
than all of the negative roots.
An inferior limit of the negative roots is a number or quan-
tity of their kind which is negative but numerically less than
any of the negative roots.
Since a root of an equation whose second member is
zero, when substituted for the unknown quantity, will re-
duce the first member to zero, if we put for the unknown
quantit3' any quantity greater than ^he greatest of the j^os-
itive roots, the first member, when reduced, will be found
greater than zero, that is, positive. This number and all
greater than it, that is, all b^etween it and -J- go , would be
superior limits of the positive roots of the equation. The
smallest of such limits which is attainable is, of course,
the one required for practical use, as a general thing.
It may be j)roved that the greatest coefficient plus 1 is a
superior limit of the positive roots; and even the greatest
negative coefficient plus 1 is such a limit, and often a better
one, because it may be smaller. This last is called
In the equation f{x) =. x"'-{-Px"'-'-{-Qaf" "-f ■^-Tx-\-
C/' = 0, . . . .(1), let the first term be positive and the others
either positive or negative as may happen. Let N be the
greatest negative coefficient, and suppose what would be
the most unfavorable case which could happen, that all the
other coefficients excej^t the first were equal to it and all
negative. These negative terms would then form a geo-
metrical progression with the ratio x, and it would be
necessary only to put for x a value which would make
i\V— 1)
f ^+1) =
Now, if in the inequation «;"'<— ^-^ — r—^ we place a:* — 1 equal
to N, or X = ^Y-f 1, we shall satisf}' it, having .r'" >.>:"'— 1.
Hence the greatest negative coefficient plus 1 i.s a superior
limit of the positive roots of an equation.
Art. 58. Since changing the signs of the alternate
terms would make the positive roots all negative (and the
negative all positive) it is evident that ttie greatest negative
coefficient of the transformed equation plus unity would be a
superior limit of the negative roofs of the equation; that is,
intrinsically less than all of the roots. It would be numer-
icallj'^ greater than any negative root.
Art. 59. When the first term is followed immediately
by one or more other positive terms, a closer limit may
be obtained.
Let us suppose .r"'~" to be the power of .r in the first neg-
ative term, and take the most unfavorable case which could
happen, that is, that all the succeeding terms are negative
and all have the greatest coefficient among them. Let S
be that coefficient. Then if we can make a;'">;SV"'""-|-
Sx"'~*'~'-\- . . . .-\-Sx-\-S, it will be more than sufficient to
make the first member jiositive, because, in fact, x"' would
be increased by the addition of the other positive terms.
Divide both members of the inequation by x^'\ and we
get: ♦
1<^+ A_ , A , -|--'^'_ . -^
There are n terms before the first negative, term and let us
suppose X = \/'8-\-\\ representing the value of \fS by >S",
whence ^ == S"", and .r = !+*§', the second member of
the inequality will become:
1-11 ~r /o/ \-i\m—i I /.C' 1 1 Xw *^
(5' _|_1)« -r (6^'-j-l)«-'-^ '••••• ' (5f' +1)"'-^ ' (*S^'+1)'
We have here a geometrical progression, in which the
j&rst term is — ^ ^^ with a ratio . ^, . ... . Its sum, there-
(/^ -j- 1) \^ ^r J-)
fore, is:
S'" S'" S"* S'"
1 -i"'^ -'-
which is the difference between two proper fractions, and
therefore less than 1, as was required. The quantity
l,^ S-\-l will consequently make the first member of the
given equation positive, and be a superior limit of the pos-
itive roots. This result may be stated in common language
thus :
Extract that root of the greatest negative coefficient of which
the index is the number of terms before the first negative term;
increase this by 1, and the res\dt will be a good superior limit
of the positive roots -of the equation. If any term is absent,
it must be counted to determine the index of the root.
If n = 1, the second term is negative, and ^V'S-^-l =
S-\-l, the same as in Art. 57.
Find a superior limit of the positive roots of x*-\-llx^ —
2Bx—ei= 0.
Here n = 3, and the limit is ^^67-|-l. The* cube root
of 67 is between 4 and 5, and hence 5-f 1 will be the limit.
2. ^*+llx=^— 25r— 61 = 0. Limit = 1^61+1, or 5.
Art. 60. If in any equation we make x = ~, the roota
of the transformed equation being reciprocals of tliose in
the first, the greatest positive root of the transf onned will be
the reciprocal of the least positive root of the given equation .
Hence to obtain the inferior limit of the positive roots:
Substitute - for x; find the superior limit of the positive
roots of the transformed equation ; its reciprocal will be
the limit required.
Art. 61. This, as already indicated (Art. 58), will be
the superior limit of the positive roots of an equation
whose roots have signs opposite to those of the given equa-
tion. This transformed equation can be had by making
X = — y, or by changing the signs of the alternate terras.
This limit is numerically superior, but not algebraically or
in fact.
Art. 62. Take the reciprocal of the last transformed
equation, that is, put x = — -, and find a superior limit of
the positive roots of this equation, it will be the required
limit, because, since x = , we have y = , and
y X
the greatest positive value of y will correspond to the least
{numericaUy considered) negative value of x .
Newton's limit.
Art. 63 . Any number, which on being substituted for
the unknown quantity in the first member of an equation
and in its derived polynomials, makes them all positive, is
a superior limit of the positive roots.
If the roots a, b, c, I of f{x) = be diminished by
x', that is, if we make x = x'-{-y, we shall have, eq. (2),
Art. 45:
= 0.
If such a value be i^laced in this equation for x' as to
make all the terms positive, we know that all its roots,
that is, values of ?/, must be negative, and from the rela-
tion X = x'^ii, we have y = x—.r\ so that y being nega-
tive, x'^x, and consequently, whatever value will make
the first derived polynomial, /'(.r'), positive will make posi-
tive the original first member, where the coefficients are the
same, but x takes the place of a quantity greater by.'z;'.
Find a sui)erior limit to the positive roots of x^ — 5.r'^-[-
lx—1 = 0.
We need not retain the dashes upon^the x, but write :
f{oc) = dx^—Wx-\-l.
Beginning at the last derived function in which x ap-
pears, and substituting the smallest whole number which
will make it positive, Ave see that 3 makes it positive. Like-
wise the next before it, and so on to the last. 3, then, is
the limit.
What is the superior limit of the roots of x^ — 5.^* — 13a;'
+ 17a;''— 69 = 0?
We have derived polynomicda as follow (after dividing out
their appropriate denominators):
5a;^— 20./— 39a;'^4- 34r .
IOj-^— 30./^— 39j'fl7.
10a;'— 20a;— 13.
5a'— 4.
1 placed for x gives 5 — 4=1, positive; but fails in the
next above. 2 fails, but 3 gives a positive result. 3,
when tried in/"(.r), fails, and so does 4, by a single unit,
5, being tried, gives -[-, and being tried in f\-r), fails, and
so does 6. And 7 is found to be the required limit.
It will be perceived that this has given us the smallest
limit in whole numbers, and it will always give us a closer
limit than any of the j)revious methods. The amount of
comjDutation confines its use to cases where closeness of
limit is im^^ortant. It was invented by the immortal New-
ton, who has shed brilliant and enduring light upon all
of the man}^ branches of learning to which he addressed
Sudan's test of imaginary roots.
Art. 64. If the roots of an equation be reduced by a
quantity r, and the transformed equation shows a loss of
m variations of signs, and if the reciprocal equation be re-
duced by -, and this transformed equation shows n varia-
tions, which were not lost but w^hich remain; then there are
m — n imaginary roots between r and 0.
Because , in reducing the roots of the equation by /', all
positive roots less than r will have become negative*, and
there will be as many positive roots between and r as
there have been j)ositive roots changed into negative, which
is to say, as many as there have been variations lost,
whereas, in reducing the roots of the reciprocal equation
by -, no positive root greater than - will be changed. But
should a different result appear, it would indicate the ex-
istence of imaginary roots, the number of which within
these limits will be the number of variations lost by the
* The factors of the first degree belonging to negative roots are of the form x-^c,
x+d, etc., and in the multiplication which builds up the first member of the reduced
equation, they exercise no influence on the signs or number of variations.
first transformation minus the number not lost in the one
last described.
Now suppose /• was a superior limit of the positive roots;
when we reduced by r, the number of lost variations
would be equal to the number of positive roots, provided
they were all real. And in the recii)rocal equation would
be an inferior limit of the positive roots, and when it was
transformed by reducing the roots by the quantity , the
transformed equation would show no loss of variations,
provided the j^ositive roots were all real. A different result
would show that there was an absurdity or contradiction
about some of the roots, which we would therefore per-
ceive to be imaginary. And these would appear to be pos-
And the number of imaginary roots thus discovered
would be the number of variations lost in the transforma-
tion of the original equation minus tke number not lost or
which remain in the transf or oration from the reciprocal
Again take the original equation and change the alter-
nate signs; the positive roots will be turned into negative,
and the negative into positive roots. Proceed with this as
with the original equation, and we shall discover the num-
ber of imaginary roots, apparentl}^ negative.
Find the number of imaginary roots in
Since this equation is of an odd degree, with the abso-
lute term negative, there is at least one real root i)ositive,
and since there is but one variation, there is but one such
root. We need not look among the positive roots for im-
aginary roots, but according to Sudan's Test, we change
the alternate signs and have
which 1 is a superior limit.
1 —3 4-2 4-3—2 -h2 I 4-1
.3j.^_|_2.r^ 1 3,,^_2.r 4-2, of
2 --2 -}-3 -1-2—3 -hi I -f-1
+1 —2 ±0 +3 +1
+ 2 ±0 +3 -1-5 +2
—2 ±0 +3 +l,+3
+ 1 -1 -1 +2
±0 -1-3 -rS +2,-1-3
+ 2-^2+5 +10
-1 -1 +2,+3
_|_1 ±0 —1
-1-2 +5-i-10, + 12
+ 4+9,+19
+ 2+G
1 +2 ±0 -1-1 -}-3 -f3
2 -f 8-hl5+19-l-12-f 3
Since in the coefficients of the transformation from the
direct, the third, ±0, is between two terms of like signs,
we know from De Giia's Test, that there are two imagin-
ary^ roots in the trAnsformed equation; we may therefore
use the plus sign, which shows 4 variations lost. In the
transformation of the recij)rocal equation there are none
left; hence 4—0 = 4, the number of imaginary roots.
2. In QC" — 10jr*-[-6j:-[-l=:0, how many imaginary roots?
Ans. All real.
3. How many imaginary roots in .r* — 4..>;^-|-8.r^ — 16,r-[-
20 = 0? Ans. None.
4. In .r* -f-.r'-f j""^4-3.r — 100 = 0, how many imaginary
roots ?
Ans. 2 imaginary roots and 2 real with opposite signs.
Art. 65. It has been shown that if x varies under the
law of continuity that /(.:tT)=a;'"-[-P.r"'-'-f . .-J-T^-j- f/will do
SO likewise. Let us sii])pose that we had substituted for x
in /(.*•) a number, p, and the result was greater than 0, or
-{-. Then, if x decreases under continuity, it will after a
time, come upon the value of one of the roots, when the
result will be 0. Continuing to decrease, its value (say 7)
will give a result less than or — and consequently we
say that if two number's, p and q, when miihd'diited for the
unknown quanUty in the first member of an equation of which
the second member is 0, give results with opposite signs, there
is at least one real root tjetween p and q.
A quantity may change its sign by passing through in-
finity as well as through 0. Let :r = -; here as y decreas-
es, .r increases; when // is very small, r becomes very
great; when // =^ 0, .v =z :c ; when ?/<0, or negative, x be-
comes negative; but in the rational integral function,
which is the first member of the equation, no finite value
of X, as between p and 7, could make f{x) = cc .
There might be more than one root between p and q.
Moreover, if there are roots between p and q, the substitu-
tion of p and q will not necessarily produce results with
contrary signs, for,
Art. 66. When an odd number of routs lie between p
and q, their substitution loilt give results having opposite
signs; when an even number of roots lie between them the
results will have tJie same signs.
Suppose that there were several roots, a, b, c, etc., be-
tween 2^ aiicl q, and some others besides. Let the product
of the factors of the first degree with respect to these latter
roots be Y; then we shall have :
/(,r) = {x-a)(x-b){x-c) X r= 0.
Substitute for x first p and then q; let Y' be what Y be-
comes on the substitution of p, F" the result of substitut-
ing q in Y. Now Y' and F" will have the same sign;
otherwise, by Art. 65, there would be another root, or
roots, lying between p and 7, which is contrary to the sup-
If we now make the sul)stitiitions, and for convenience
write the tirst result over the other, we shall have:
{p~a){p—mp—^^) X>"
{ri—a)l>7, then a, b, c, etc., willjbe and >7, so
that all the quotients will be negative except ,7,,.
Now, if the number of roots a, b, c, etc., between p and
q is even, the product of these fractions will be positive,
and the first result divided by the second will have a posi-
tive quotient, that is, the results of the substitutions of p
and q will have the same sign, and the contrary will be
true when ct, b, c, etc., are odd in number.
Art. 67. But the best of all the modes 3'et discovered
of determining the character and places of the roots of an
equation is the celebrated theorem of Sturm, contributed
in 1829 to the scientific world by that eminent French
mathematician. The object of *S/wrm\s ilieorein is to dis-
cover the number of real and imaginary roots in any eqwx-
tion, and the places of the real roots.
Sturm's Theorem does all that is accomplished b}^ the
methods which have thus far been examined, and more be-
side. Still those methods should be preserved, because
they are sometimes sufficient for the purpose in hand and
of easier application than the theorem of Sturm .
This theorem deals with the signs of certain functions of
the unknown quantity, which are : the first member of the
equation, its first derived polynomial and certain others
which are formed in the following manner: First free the
equation of equal roots, if it has any; then apply to /(.r),
the first member, and to/'(^), its first derived j^olynomial,
the process for finding the H.C.D., but with this differ-
ence — after each remainder has been found, change its sigri,
and during the intermediate operations neither introduce
nor suppress any factor but a pcMtive one.
Let /(.r) = Nx"^ -L.rx'"-'^Q.r"'-'-\- -[■Tx'\-. U =^ be
the equation, and designate f{x) by V, and/'(.r) by Vi, and
by — V^, — T3, — r^, — Tv, the remainders of the various
divisions wherein the quotients were: (>,, Q.,, Q^, .... Q^-j-
We shall have the following equations:
F_= F_a._-T; (1)
Tv cannot be 0, otherwise there would be a CD. between
f{x) and /"(./•), which is contrary to the supposition . It
must, then, be a number, because the oj^eration is to be
carried on until the last remainder is independent of r.
Art. 68. Letyl and B be two numbers, and A<^B. Let
A be substituted for x in the expressions, V, F,, K^, T^,
etc., and the signs of the results recorded; then substitute
J9 and record the signs. The sign of K,. will always* re-
main the same, being independent of x. Then the theorem
declares that
The number 0/ varlal Ions in the first series of signs, dimin-
ished by the number of variations in the second, will be equal
to the number of real roots between A and B.
Art. 69. To show this, it will be convenient first to
establish three lemmas, as follow :
No two coxHi'vutire functions, V, Fj, F, etc., ran hccoinr
for the same value attributed to x.
Let us take any equation out of the group (1), as
and suppose that V„_i and F„ should both vanish for a
value of x, then from the equation, F;,.y.i, would also be
zero. And the next equation of the series, having F,, and
Kt-i-u both 0, would give F„.|._, = 0, and so on. Thus they
would all vanish and the last equation would give F,. =0,
which cannot be .
Art. 70. When amj one of these functions becomes 0,
the one before it ivill have a different sign from the one fol-
lowing it for the same value of x. as is shown by taking any
one of the equations, as F.^-^ Fs Q^ — K* and letting F^ =0
. F = V
Art. 71. If a number almost equal to one of the real
roots of the equation be substituted for the unknown quantity
in the first member, and likewise in its first derived polynom-
ial, the results will have contrary signs; but if the substituted
quantity be greater than this root by an extremely small
amount the signs of the results will be the same.
Let us suppose that a were a root and the added
small quantity ii. Let a-\-u and a — u be substituted for .'■:
then b}^ (2) Art. 45 we shall have:
/■(«+") ==/(«)+/'(")«+/"(«) j^-f
f(a-u) = /•(«) -r{a)u.+f"(a)^'^-. . . .
In these f{a) -= 0, and as a is a very minute quantity,
the first terms of those portions of the series which remain
will far exceed in value the sum of the remaining terms
(Art. 54) and will give sign to the series. These series will
then become:
«[/'('')+l"2 /"'(«)+.■ ■ • • + «"-'] ■ • • -(3)
and -u\f'(ay-^^f"(a)+ . . . , + «'-'] ... .(4)
The upper one will be positive and the lower will be
negative, and /'(«) positive all the time, as they are here
shown. In all cases, it is apparent that the sign of the
lower series will be different from f\a), and that of the
upper the same. But (4) and (2), which are the same, are
the result of substituting a — u in F, while (3) and (1) are
the result of substituting a-\-u. f\a) is the result of sub-
stituting a for X in Fi. The truth of the lemma is, then,
Art. 72. Then to demonstrate the theorem of Sturm,
let us suppose a varying quantity, A^ which at the outset
is less than the least of the real roots of F = 0, Fi = 0,
F^ =- 0, . . . . F„ = 0, . . . . and F,_i = 0, that is, of all the
equations formed by putting Sturm's functions equal to 0.
Let it be substituted for x in all of them, and record the
signs of the results. Afterwards suppose A to grow: after
a time it will be equal to the least of the roots mentioned
above, and some one of the functions Fi, Tg, etc., will van-
ish. But, as its sign agrees with the one before it and dis-
agrees with the one after it (Art. 70), or else agrees with
the one behind it and disagrees with the one before it, the
number of variations will not be affected.
And this will be true even if two, or several, of the func-
tions vanisli at the same time; because the same conditions
as those just described would hold when the vanishing func-
tions were separated from each other by intervals in the
series of them. And this must be the case because no two
consecutive ones can vanish simultaneously (Art. 69). This
will continue until the varying value of A arrives in the
close neighborhood of a root of V =. 0, that is, the origi-
nal equation, when the signs of V and Fj will be different,
giving a variation, and after it passes the value of the
root, and — u becomes -{-u, they will agree in sign, giving a
permanence, or losing one variation (Art. 71).
If it be supposed that A continues to grow until it ar-
rives in close proximity to another real root of T= 0, the
same thing will take place, and when V becomes zero and
emerges with a change of sign, it will have passed another
rooty ayid another variation will have been lost .
And so every time a real root is passed, a variation of
the signs of the functions F, Fj, Fg, etc., will have been
lost, until A has grown greater than the greatest real root
of the original equation. The number of variations lost
will be equal to the number of real roots between^ and B,
and as they were taken as the numerically superior limit of
the negative roots and the superior limit of the positive
roots, the total number of real roots will be known. This
number subtracted from the exponent which shows the de-
gree of the equation will give the number of imaginary roots.
This last must of course be or an even number, and thus
the theorem is found to be true .
Art. 73. If in finding Fj, F^, etc., any one of the
functions placed = should give an equation all of the
roots of which were imaginary (and this fact would be
known by the function remaining of one sign for all real
values of x,'^ the work need proceed no farther.
The polynomial function remaining always remaining of
* Note.— When the first member is constantly of the same sign for all" real values
of X, we infer that all the roots are imaginary, because if one value resulted in plug
and another in minus, there would be a real root between the numbers substituted.
the same sign and the last one, F^, being constant, none of
those between them can change sign. And therefore, if
any loss of variations takes place, it must- do so among
those which precede. This conclusion will be reached by
considering the chain of equations which connect the poly-
nomial spoken of with V^.
Both ends of the chain remaining of a constant sign, the
nature of the connection is such as to prevent all interme-
diate functions from changing. Or otherwise thus: Take
the equations
'r—4: == 'r—3 Vr-5 ' r—2 • • • • (1)
'r-3 ^^ ''^r-2 Vr-2 ' /--/ .... (2)
Vr..-^ = Yr.-. Qr... - V, (3)
Suppose that it was found that F^..2 would not change
sign. Since the quotients ^i, Q.^ .... Q^..j would have no
influence on the sign, as the values of x are not substituted
in them, if we transpose V^ to the first member then thai
member being fixed in sign, F^..i , would be so likewise.
If F^..3 were found constant in sign we might eliminate
V^i out of (2) by substituting its value (3) and a single
equation would result with F^_2 and quantities fixed in
sign; hence F^_2 could not change sign and in the same
way it could be shown that F^_i could not change sign.
If V^_i were found to be constant in sign, F^_3 and V^_^
could be eliminated by substituting the values from (2) and
(3) whence it would be seen that F^_i must not change
sign; then in succession the other two. And so for any
Art. 74. After the varying value of x has passed above
and below the greatest and least roots, the further increase
or decrease can make no difference in the signs; and this is
true up to any extent even to -f oo and — oo . The sub-
stitution of -j- X and — x v^ill cause the functions to take
their signs from their first terms, and will be found conve-
nient because we need substitute in the first term only .
This will give the number of the real roots . But in ad-
dition to this we may wish to know their places, that is, be-
tween what whole numbers they may lie . To do this we
substitute for J and B, and 1, 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4,
etc. Thus having found one or more roots between 2 and
3 we know that the roots are 2 -\- sl fraction less than unity.
For the negative roots we substitute — 1 and 0, — 2 and
— 1, — 3 and — 2, and so on. Having found a root be-
tween — 3 and — 2 it will be ^ — ^3 plus a fraction, etc. Its
initial figure will be — 2, as — 2.57.
1. 8^-3 _6j;— 1=0. f'{x)=8a^—6x—l
f^(x):=24:x'^ — 6. Suppress the positive
factor 6 in/''(^) and we have Fi=4^"^ — 1.
8a^—6x—l I 4:x'—i
8a?~-2x I 2x
— 4,x — 1. Here changing sign we have
4:X-\-l=V2. Multiplying V^ by the positive factor 4 and
we get 16x^ — 4 to be divided by 4.:r-f 1.
16^^—4 I 4a:+l
16ar^+4ar | 4a:— 1
4:X — 4
— 3 and -\- 3 and -f 3 = F"^. Hence the poly-
nomials are
minus oo . plus go .
V==Sx'—6x—l —
F,= 4a^— 1 -f
V,= 4.x -f 1 —
Vr= ■ +3 +
Hence 3 variations have been lost and all the roots are
real. To determine their places: substitute and 1,
and — 1 .
3 variations.
and 1
One variation lost and hence there lies
between 1 and one real root, which is
zero plus a fraction. There are no more
positive real roots becjiuse -f- 1 gives the
same signs as -f-
tween 1 and -{- oo
and — 1
00 , and, therefore, no real root can lie be-
Two variations lost, and there are two
negative roots, between — and 0. We
have, then, 3 roots, 1 positive and 2 neg-
_j_ -|- ative. The signs being the same for — 1
and — CO we know that plus 1 and min-
us 1 are the smallest limits in whole numbers.
Example 2. x' — 4.x^ — 6^ -f 8 = 0.
Here V = x^ — Aaf — Gx -f 8
F,= dx' — 8^ — 6
Multiplying F by the positive factor 3, and proceeding
as above indicated.
dar^—Ux'— 18x^24: I 3j?»— Sot— 6
Sx'—Qx. x,—l
4:X^ — 12er-}-24; suppress -|-4 and multiply by 3:
3^^ 8^+ 6
—17^+12 .-. V,= llx—12
S,jc'—Sx—6 1 17.7r— 12
17 3^,-100
Slar'^— 136^—102
Blx'— S6x
— lOO^r— 102
— 534
Then we have:
V = af—lx'—Gxi-S
Fi = 3a;'^— 8^— 6
V, = llx—12
V, = +534.
For X = -{-oo ,+ + + +, no variations.
For X = — 00 , 1 1- , 3 variations.
3 — = 3 variations lost, and 3 real roots.
V V, K Fa
For x = 0, -\ \-
x = l, + -f
x=2, + +
x = 3, + +
^ = 4, - + + +
^=5, + + + H-
^ = 0, + +
x=—l,-\- + h
x=—2, \ h
Between — 2, which gave the same signs as — x , and
— 1, there was 1 variation lost; hence the root is — 2 -[- a
fraction, or a root whose initial figure is — 1. Between
and -f 1 a variation was lost, and there is a root whose
initial figure is 0. At 4 there was 1 variation and at 5
none; hence a root 4 -f- a fraction.
Ex, 3. 2x' — 11./;= -f 8x — 16 = 0. Here
V= 2^* — ll^^-f 8^ — 16
V,= 4:x:' — 11^ +4
V,^^nx'—12x +32. If this were placed
equal to zero the two roots would be found to be imagin-
ary. If the trinomial were a true square we should have
4(11^^ _|- 32) = ( — 12xy which it is not. V, will not
change sign for any real value of x and we will proceed no
further in getting Sturm's functions .
-f- ^ gives -j- -\- -]-; no variation
— 00 gives -j- [- ; 2 variations . • . 2 — = 2 and
there are 2 real roots, and of course 2 imaginary roots.
X ^= gives ^ -j- X = gives \- -{-
X == 1 gives \- X = — 1 gives — + +
X = 2 gives — + -h ^' = — ^ gives [-
^ = 3 gives + + + oc =^ — 3 gives -|- 1-
and the initial figures of the real roots are 2 and — 2.
Ex. 4. x^ -j- 11^^ — 102^ + 181 = 0; in which Uvo of
the roots are nearly equal.
The functions are V = x^ + llaf — 102x -f 181
V, = Saf -\-122x — 102
V, = 12207 — 393
F^= -\- number.
— 00 gives 3 variations and -f- oo none; so there are 3 real
roots. X = gives -j -f- and so do a? = 1, 2 and 3,
but X = 4: gives no variation, therefore there are two posi-
tive roots lying between 3 and 4. Their initial figures are 3.
Let the equation be transformed into one whose roots are
less by 3 (Art. 45). The functions of this equation will be:
V, = 3if^4:0y—9
V, = 122?/— 27
Fa = -|- number.
Now in these substitute y = 0, y = 0.1, y = 0.2, y = 0.3,
etc., and we find:
y= gives + — — -f-, 2 variations;
y = .1 gives -f — — -f , 2 variations;
• y = .2 gives -|- -f, 2 variations;
2/ = .3 gives -}- -j- -j- -|-, no variation;
two positive roots between .2 and .3, and of the proposed
equation between 3.2 and 3.3.
Transform the equation into another whose roots shall
be less than the roots of the last by 0.2, and we have:
F = 8^-|-(20.6).s'^— (•88)8+.008
F, = 'ds'-\-(4:1.2)s—.88
F, = 122s— 2.6, or 61s— 1.3
Fz = -\- number.
Substitute s = 0, the signs will be :
s = .01, the signs will be:
s = .02, the signs will be :
s =. .03, the signs will be
One positive root between .01 and .02, also one bet\wen
.02 and .03, and for x we have a; = 3.21 and x = 3.22.
Their sum = 6 . 43. . • . _ H _ 6.43 = —17 . 43, = the
third root, which is negative .
+ — +,
2 var.
+ — +,
2 var.
1 var.
+ + + +,
no var.
Art. 84. We know that equations of tlie first and sec-
and degrees admit of direct and exact solutions; the first
presenting a single root and the latter two roots .
It will be now shown that such equations of the third de-
gree as have two imaginary roots can be solved direc Jy and
exactly; and that equations of the dth degree of ivhich two,
and only two, of the roots are imaginary can be directly and
exactly solved. Above these equations there are no means
of exact and direct solution, at least none as yet have been
discovered, and it is believed that none can be discovered .
Propositions for the exact solution of equations of degrees
higher than the 4th have occasionally been presented, with
plausibility, but the practical results have been such as not
to invalidate the accuracy of the statement above.
Art. 85. Let x^ -{- Px'' ^ Qx -\- M = 0; this is a gen-
eral representative of equations of the 3d degree, and any
equation of the 3d degree will be a particular case of this
general form.
But as the difficulties of solving equations of a degree
higher than the second are sufficiently great at best it will
be well to diminish them by removing as many terms as
Now as we can exchange any complete equation for an-
other wanting the second term, let us write
• x^ -\-px -}- q = (1)
and form for it the functions of Sturm, we shall have
x^-^-jJX-^q I 3x^-{-p
3 ~ U
V^= —2px—Sq
2px^dq . • . F,^—2px—Sq
cardan's soldtion. ' 73
Asrain :
3./^+p 1 -2
2p 1-
-3-r, 9^
The roots of this equation, it being of the 3d degree, must
all be real, or else one must be real and two imaginary.
Since 2^ and q are not numbers, but the general representa-
tives of any real coefficients of the first and zero powers, let
us see what relations they must have in order that all the
rooU: shall be real. There must result from the substitution
of — 00 3 variations, and from the substitution of -|- 00 no
variations, in order that all the roots may be real. When
-f 00 is substituucd in V the result is -f ; in V^ it is -f , but
in V2 it will not be -[- unless p is negative. Then p must
be negative; but ^ will not be -\- unless p is negative and
moreover has such a value that 4j/ is greater than 27r/.
With this condition F3 will be plus and remain so. The
first term of K will also have a positive coefficient; so that
the substitution of — will give the signs 1 \-; 3
variations, and the substitution of -|- ^ gives no variations.
We see, then, when ^- > | or v-j > ft) that all the roots
will be real.
cardan's solution of equations of the third degree.
Art. 86. If the equation is complete, let it be trans-
formed to another wanting the second term . It will take
the form
a^^px-i^q = 0, (1)
Let the unknown quantity be placed equal to the sum of
two other unknown quantities, ij and z; then x = y-\-z;
x' = ]f^2yz{y^z)^z' .-. ;f^-dy{,j^z)2-{y'^z') ^ {), iin&*
replacing y-\-z by^^ in the second term, we have:
^_3^,^-(y;3j„,3)_0, (2)
This has the same form as eq. (1), and by comparison:
p = -Syz, ... (3), and q = -(y'+^), or y'-^^ ^-q,.. (4)
— P — P^
Since 2 = ., , 2^ =^ ^rr\, and this in the value of — q
Sy 21i/' ^
gives y— ^3 = —q; • • • y'-{^qy' = ^■
Since this is a trinomial equation, we have:
and, since the equation y-^z = ^ is symmetrical with re-
spect to y and z, z will have the same values. But not to
repeat the same value for both, we will take the first for y
and the second for z, and adding them together, we get for
the value of x:
which is the celebrated Formula of Cardan.
(f ^ If
4 "^27,
Under each grand radical sign there is the same indi-
cated square root, which will be real when p is positive,
and also when p is negative, provided that ^ is less than
J-. 2" is of course always positive. But the inequation
~ <^ J- > ^y -^I't- '^^j shows that all the roots cannot be
real, therefore one loill be r^eal and two imaginary . Cardan's
formula will then solve the cubic equation in such a case.
If the last inequation should prove to be an equation in
cardan's solution. 75
any case, then the indicated square root would vanish and
X = 2UJ — I ; which is real, and Cardan's formula would
apply in this case also. But if we seek the greatest com-
mon divisor between the first member of the equation and
its first derived polynomial, the remainder is 4:p-{-21(f, and
if this = 0, there is a CD. of the first degree with respect
to .r, and therefore two of the roois are equal.
If all three of tlie roots were equal, the equation would re-
duce to a binomial equation of the form (.r — of = 0, and
X = a, and all the roots would be = a.
But when p is negative and jy^^j^, Cardan's Formula
fails, and this is the condition, that all the roots are real, but
not equal. All are unequal.
Art. 87. Since every quantity has 3 cube roots, and
since x = sum of two cube roots, it might at first sight ap-
pear that the cubic equation had nine roots, because each
one of the first set might be taken in conjunction with each
of the 3 in the second set, making 9 in all. Now we know
that every equation of the third degree has three roots and
no more, and this appearance of niae roots must be de-
To explain this, let us remember that the three cube roots
of any quantity, as a^ are of the form a, — ^ and
~ '- ', and so of the values of y and z. But it will
be remembered (eq. 3, Art. 79), that ^2 = — ^, a real
quantity, since p and q, the coefficients of the proposed
equation, are supposed to be real. If, then, we take one
of the cube roots which are equal to y and one of the cube
roots which are equal to z to make a value of x, that is, to
make up a root of the equation, we must so take them that
their product will be real. We could take the two rational
and real cube roots, but when we take an}' one of the imag-
inary expressions we must take another, but differing in
sign before the radical part of it, so that the product would
be the difference of two squares and real. This restriction
would allow us to form two values only of x out of the im-
aginary parts, which with the one made up of the real
parts would give the number of values of x, three, and
only three.
In the solution of numerical examples, it will in general
suffice to substitute in Cardan's Formula for q and i^ their
appropriate values; but sometimes greater simplicity may
be obtained by treating the example in the same manner
that Qi?^'px^q =r was treated in the deduction of Car-
dan's Formula.
1. Solve the equation a^- 9j^-f 28./— 30 -:: 0.
Ans. 3, 3 f 1— 1, 3— V ^.
The transformed equation is i/^-f ^ =" O? ^i^ which p --= 1
and 5 =^ . • . Cardan's Formula becomes:
— •^•\/l/(a7) •'• ^^ = 0.. one root, and as x = w-f 3, x
= 3. This " divided out" of the equation leaves an equa-
tion of the second degree with roots as above.
2. Solve the equation ,r^— 7.r'-f 14r— 20 =- 0.
Ans. 5, 1+1 — 3, 1 — I — 3.
, 7 344 ^
The transformed equation is //' — ~u — -^^ == 0.
And this cleared of fractions gives: ?/ — 21?/ — 344 = 0.
One root of this is 8 and w= v 8 ^ , ,7 8-|-7
= 5.
waking's method. 77
Ex. 3. Solve x^ — 6.^^^ + lO.r — 8 = 0.
Here ic^ — ^u — 4 == 0, and the two radicals in Cardan's
formula give 1.5774- . . . and 0.422-f ; their sum is 2 =w.
Ex. 4. ^ + 1.r +12 = 0.
Ex. 5. x^ —AHx^-'. 128.
Ex. 6. a'' — 3./^ — 2.V' — 8 = 0. Let a.-^ = ^.
Remark — When ^_<;^^ and the latter is negative, the values of x
are apjyareyitly imaginary though known in fact to be all real. This is
called the irreducible case because Cardan's formula fails, and no
means have yet been discovered to surmount the difficulty by Algebra
Art. 88. The equations of this degree admit of direct
and exact solution by the methods now known only when
they have hvo, and only two, imaginary roots. If their roots
are all real or are all imaginary we do not know how to
solve them exactly, but in the case of numerical equations
can resort to some method of approximation.
Descartes and Waring have each demonstrated an excel-
lent method of solving equations of the fourth degree hav-
ing only tw^o imaginary roots. We will here reproduce
Art. 89. Let the proposed equation be
^* -f 2pr^ = qx^ -f rx -f- s (1)
Now {x' + pr -t- ny = x* -{- 2p.7^ + (p' -f 2?i) x" +
2pnx -f n^ (2)
If therefore we should add to both members of eq (1) the
quantity (p' -{- 2n) x' -j- 2pnx -j- ''^^ the first member would
be a perfect square.
The second member becomes
(p^ -}- 2n -{- q) of -j- {2xn -j- r) a? -[- {n'' + «); which, being
in reality a trinomial arranged according to the descending
powers of x, will be a perfect square if 4 times the product
of the extreme terms = the square of the middle term;
that is if 4 {p^ + %i + q) {ii^ -f s) = {2pn + rf ; leaving off
for the moment the powers of x. Performing the opera-
tions indicated, transferring all the terms to the first mem-
ber and arranging according to the undetermined quantit}^
n we get
8/i^ 4- Iqri' + (8.S' — Apr) n + Aqs + ipK^ — r^ = 0. . . .(3);
an equation of the 3d degree with respect to n. If we can
solve this conditional cubic equation and get a value for ??,
this value of n will be what is required to make the trino-
mial (7/ -f- 2/1 -f q) a;^ -f (2p?2^ -j- r) .r -{- (n^ -[- s) a perfect
square. The quantity involving n which w^as added to both
members made the first member a perfect square, and with
the value of n (which we still call n) suppose! to have been
found from the cubic (3) both members will be exact
squares :
(^' -f 2^x + ny= {p" J- %i -f- q) .r' -[- (2/)/i -f r)x^{n'^s);
taking their square roots we have
x^ -{- px -[- n= ± \_\/x>^ -f- 2?i -j- 7. ^ -f -\/n^ -f ^J when the
middle term of the trinomial which makes the second mem-
ber is positive; and when that middle term is negative we
have x\-\- px -{^ 7i = ± \j\/if -{- %i -\- q.x — \/ ii" -f s\ .
In either case we have two equations of the 2d degree
and will get 4 values of x, wdiich are the 4 roots of the
original equation.
Art. 90. This method can be applied only to those
equations of the 4th degree wliich have two imaginary and
two real roots. For let us suppose the roots to be repre-
sented by a, h, c and d: the product of two of them, say
ah, Yvill equal the absolute term of one of the quadratics,
giving ah = 11 — y n' -[- s; . • . n — ah = \/n' + .s squaring
which we get
n' — 2'ihn -f- a'b' = n' -^ r . • . — 2ahn -f a'h' = s,
but as s, the absolute term of the proposed equation, is equal
waring's method. 79
to — abed, we have — 2ab)i -{- a^b^ = — abed .-. ab — 2/i =
— cd .'. n = o • Similarly the other two values of n
ac 4- bd ^ ad 4- be
are n = ^ and n = j^—
If now all the roots of tlie bi-quadratic, or equation of the
4tth degree, a, b, e and d should be real, the values of n, or
the roots of the equaJon of the 3d degree would all three
be real and we could not solve it.
Again if a, b, e, d should all be imaginary, their pro-
ducts, two and two, being real, the 3 values of n would all
be real and we could noi: solve. But if two of the roots a^
b, c and d are real and two imaginary there will be one
root of the cubic real and two imaginary and then Cardan's
Formula would apply. Thus suppose that a and c were
n , . • ,, , ^<^' + ^^ , -. ,
real, b and d imaginary; the value n = — ~o~~~ wotild be
real because we should have the product of two real -|-
the 23roduct two imaginary quantities, and the sum would
be real. The other roots would evidently be imaginary.
X* — 6x^ + 5x^ -f- 2a; — 10 == 0; by comparing this with
the formula equation we find
2p = — 6orp= — 3
q = -5
r = — 2
s = 10 and equation (3) then becomes
8m' — 20n' + 56n + 156 ^- 0, which divided by 4 gives
2ii^ — 5/i^ -\- lin -f- 39 = 0. On solving this we find one
root n — — _ Hence
(.^^ -Sx-^^^' + lx +^| .-. .X' - 3^ -| = ± (^+^j
.• . x^ — Ax 5 and also, the other quadratic, x'^ — 2x =
— 2: From these we get x = — 1, 5, 1 -[- y/ — 1 and 1 —
The solution of the intermediate cubic results thus:
n^ — - 71^ -f 7?i + y = 0; make n = | .♦. ^/^ —5y'' -f 28y
+ 156 = 0; make 2/ = ^-l-| .-.^3 + |^ ^ + ^-^? = 0.
Make t==~.-. s' -\- Ills + 5222 = 0. In this last equation
for the purpose of applying Cardan's formula we note p =
177 and q = 5222, hence ^ = 205379 and ^. --= 6817321
and the algebraic sum of the two cube roots in the formula
= -14^.. ... ^ = 3=-^-and^=/ + 3^---
n 0/
- — 3
.'. n —
~ 2*
Find the i
•oots of
—^r^— 17^'^— 3a;— 60
^^^ ~
Ans. —4, 5, ,/
-3, -
d the roots of
+7.r^— 33^-^+107iP-
= 0.
= -
Ans. 2, —11, l+i/-
-6, 1-
Occasional Solution of Higher Equations.
Art. 91. Beyond equations of the fourth degree there
are no direct methods for exact solution; and as has been
seen, the existing methods do not apply to all equations of
the third and fourth degrees . But when equations of any
those equal roots maybe discovered by Art. 53, and divided
out, thus reducing the degree of the equation. If the re-
duced degree is the first or second, the remaining root or
roots may be directly found; if the reduced degree is the
third and the equation has two imaginary roots, Cardan's
Formula will apply and tlie equation may be directly
solved; also when the resulting equation is of the fourth
degree and has two, and only two, imaginary roots, the
equation may be exactly solved.
Art. 92. Also when an equation
the roots may be found exactly.
Suj)pose the equation to be of the form
a? J^ dx"" -{- kx = q ....(1)
Jf we had a cubic equation of the following form
x^ + ^px^ + ^p^x ==q .,..{2)
it is evident upon inspection that if we add j/ to the first
member it would become a perfect cube. Adding p^ then
to both members we have
or" + dpx^ + dp'x + / = (/ + p^ . . .(3) or
{x -\- pY = q -\- p^ whence x = — p -j- ^^q-\-p^ • • • • (4)
Comparing equations (1) and (2) we see that d = 3p and
d k
k = 3//, whence p ^ ^ and p^ = -. Squaring both meni-
o o
d d^ d^
bers of p = -we havep'^ = — .•. by addition, 2p^ = — +
o a y
3 = -3- .-.p^+^Z-yg- (5)
From this last formula the value of p may be found,
which is necessary to transform equation (1) into equation
(2) and which in (4) will give a root of the proposed equa-
tion .
But this is on condition that p have the same value in
d = ^p and ^' = 3^^ that is, that d? = ^k . When the coeffi-
cients of x^ and x are such that the square of the coefficient
of x"^ is equal to three times that of x, this method will ap-
a^^l^x'^^lbx = —125.
Here d = 15 and d' = 225, and 3^- = 3X75 = 225; and
p =^ -^ =5, and x = —5+i3/— 125+125 = — 5,
and this root divided out gives the quadratic ^--f 10a;-j-25=
0, of which the roots are — 5 and — 5. All three of the
roots are real and equal in this equation .
x'-{-lBx'-i-15x = 218.
Here p =^- = 5, and x = — ■p-fif^'^H-p^ =■ — 5-[-
#'218 4-125 = —5+1^/243 = — 5-[-7 =-- 2.
The other roots are :
—17+ V —147 ^ —17—1 —147
X = —^ — and X =
^+-H3 3
Aus. X = ly X ^= — '^~^\l — Q' *^ ^^ — ^ — \/'
It will be observed that when this relation holds betvv'een
the coefficients, if the second term be made to disappear
the third wall disappear also . Further, that when applica-
ble it is so without respect to the nature of the roots, as
imaginary or not. If, then, the intermediate cubic in the
solution of an equation of the fourth degree should be of
the class just described, it would enable us to solve that
equation without respect to the nature of its roots, widen-
ing by so much the field of apj)lication of Waring's and
Descartes' methods.
Art. 93. If an equation has been placed in the reduced
form, X'" + Fx'"-' + Qx'"-' _|- . . . . _j_ 7-^ _|_ C^= 0, (1) ft
cannot have any roots which are fractions.
By fractions is here meant irreducible fractions, or frac-
tions whereof the two terms are prime with respect to each
other. Such fractions containing "one or more of the
equal parts of unity" are commensurable with unity.
Whole nnmbers are, of course, commensurable with unity.
See Art. 2G.
Art. 94. Consequently, when we find no whole num-
ber among the roots of an equation of the reduced form,
since we already know that there are no fractions among
them, we know that none of the rools are commensurable
with unity. 3-|-|/2, f/1 ^ are specimens of quantities not
commensurable with unity. Imaginary quantities are
never commensurable with unity.
Art. 95. The absolute term of the equation will con-
tain as divisors all the roots, whether wh^le numbers or
not; but it will usually contain many other divisors besides
the roots. We could scarcely hope to find what the in-
commensurable divisors of any absolute term are, bnt we
can more easily discover those which are whole numbers;
and of these, taking those lying between a superior limit
of the positive roots, L, and a numerically superior limit of
the negative roots, — U\ we can discover by trial which
among them are roots.
But thp labor of these substitutions may be much short-
ened by the results of the following investigation.
Art. 96. Let a, a whole number, be a root. Then
and transposing to the second member all the terms except
U, and dividing by a, we have:
- = —a^-^—Pa^-^— .... —Ea'—Sa—T (1)
Since the second member contains none but whole num-
bers, it is entire, and therefore — is entire, which is merelv
confirmatory of what we already knew. Now transposing
T to the first member, and dividing by a, we obtain :
— h 2'= — a— ^— Pa— •?— . . . ,—Ea—S,
and as the second member is entire, we see that the quotient
of the absolute term divided by the whole number root, plus the
coefficient ofx is also exactly divisible by that root.
For — j- T substitute T\ transpose S and divide by a as
before, and the result is:
— ^^ = —a-^-3—Pa^-4— .... —Qa—R,
and as this second member is entire, we see that the former
quotient plus the coefficient of x^ is exactly divisible by the root.
Now making — ^^^^— = S\ transposing — B and dividing
by a as before, ijiere results:
0/_[_ 73
^--L^ = —a^n-4_p^.n-s_ _Q
a whole number. Therefore the last preceding coefficient
plus the coefficient of a^ is exactly divisible by the root.
Proceeding in the same manner, when we shall have
transposed all the terms save two, we shall have an equa-
tion like — = — a — P = a whole number. Transposing
~4-P P'
—P and dividing as before: a = — = — 1. This shows
that the last of the quotients (which is forn^d when the
coefficient of the second term is transposed) is — 1 . Every
divisor of the absolute term which will stand all of these
successive tests is a root, and as it is supposed that we will
try only those divisors which are whole numbers, we will
discover all the whole-number roots .
Having found them we divide them out, as in the case of
equal roots, and solve, if possible, the resulting equation.
We may form a table at the heads of the vertical columns
of which are placed all the entire divisors which lie between
the upper and lower limits, and then make a simultaneous
trial of them all; rejecting all which in any of the succes-
sive divisicHis give quotients not entire; that is, any which
fail to stand all the tests.
Having formed the table by writing the whole-number
divisors between the limits in a horizontal row proceed by
Divide the absolute term by each divisor setting the quotient
immediately beneath the divisor. Form new dividends by ctdd^
ing the coefficient of x to the quotients. Divide these by the
numbers on trial, setting the quotients immediately beneath the
dividends. Form new dividends by increasing the last quoti-
ents by adding to them the coefficient of x^. So proceed, al-
ways forming new dividends by the addition to the last quotients
of the next succeeding coefficient towards the first, and re-
jecting any divisor which at any stage gives a fractional quoti-
ent. All those which finally give a quotient which is minus
unify are roots .
Find the entire roots of the equation :
9.r'-|-30^^-f22^*+10.x'+17;r'— 20^+4=0.
, , lO-r^ 22 . 10 _ 17 , 20 4' , . y
^'+^-+9-^ + :^^+ 9-^ — 9 '^+9=0; make ^=3.-.
2/6_|_io?/5_|.22?/*+302/'r|-153?/'— 540i/+324=0.
Here L = 4: and — U' = — 31
And the divisors (which are whole numbers) of the absolute
term 324, are 4, 3, 2, 1,
—18 and —27.
-2, —3, —4, —6, —9,
— 1
+ 155 J
— 1-Z
+ 2
+ 14
+ 12
— 1
— 1
The onl^r two divisors giving a final result of — 1 are
y 1
-}- 1 and — 6 and placing these in ^ = ;^ we have x = -
o o
and X = — 2 which will satisfy the equation j^roposed.
2x' — 15^=^ + 8x' + GSx + 48 = 0.
2. X
Ans. — 2, — 2, — 1, 3 and 4.
.^4_5^3_j_ 25^ — 21 = 0.
• ^ , 1 + 1/29 ,1
Ans. 3,1, — —^ and—
Art. 97. These equations have their coefficients re-
cur when counted from the first and last. Their
roots are of the form «, -, b, -. etc.
a b
The student should now carefully review Articles 41 to
43, inclusive.
Binomial equations of the form oi?-\-l = 0, x'^-\-l = 0,
X* — 1 = 0, etc., are recurring equations.
1. Take x^ — 1 ^0; we know that -|-1 is a root of this
equation; dividing it out, we get
x^-\-x-]-l, and
the roots of x^-^x-{-l == are ^ and — — ^ .
2. Take ,i^~{rl =^0; we know that — 1 is a root of this
equation, and dividing it out we get ~|~ ■ = on^ — '^' fl; the
roots ot r^ — i>t* -1 = are ^— and 7=
3. Take a:^ — 1 = 0; we know that this is composed of
two factors of the second degree, to wit, x'^ — 1 and x^-\-l;
hence placing these equal to zero and solving, we get the
four roots, -f 1, — 1, -{-V—l and — l/^.
4. Take x'—l = 0; this is (.r^ fl)(.r'— 1) = 0, giving
cases 1 and 2.
5. j:,-5_|_;i^ ^ is(x-{~l){x'—x^-\-.jc^—x^~l) = 0, giving^
-|-1 -^^ and X'* — a^-\-x- — ^+1 = 0. This last is a recur-
ring equation of the fourth degree.
But before examining ^*-fl =^i .x'*'-l-l = 0, etc., we will
demonstrate the following principle:
Art. 98. Every recurring equation of the fourth and
higher even degrees may he solved by using one of a degree half
as high .
Suppose we had a recurring equation of the fourth de-
x'-{-Px'^Qx'+Fx+l =: 0,
and that the roots were a, -, b and j ; then the factors of
the first degrfee would be x — a, x , x — b and x — - , and
the quadratic factors would be x"^ — K^+^/i- + 1 and
x^ — \b-\--jx-[-l . Put a-\ — = k and b-{-~ =zl; then we have
x^^kx-{-l and x"^ — lx-\-l. These multiplied together give
the equation of the fourth degree in w^hich x enters as a
factor four times, while k enters only twice; therefore what-
ever equation we may obtain for the value of k, from or by
means of the original equation, will be only of the second
degree . If we multiply the quadratic factors involving k
and /, and place the product equal to the original equation,
we will form an identical equation, and equating the cor-
responding coefficients, we could determine the values of k
and /; and it would be found that none of the subordinate
equations. would be above the second degree.
Again, suppose the recurring equation to be of the sixth
decree and put k = «+-, I = &+, and h ^= c-\-~ . The
° ^ a b c
quadratic factors x^ — ^j?+1j ^~ — ?J^+1 and x^ — }iX'\-l mul-
tiplied together give x^—{k^l^h)r'-^{kl^kh^lh-{-Z)x'—
{klh^2k^ 2/+ 2h)x^^ {kl-\- kh-\- lh^^y—{k^ Z-f- h)x^ 1 .
Put this equal to the first member of original equation,
supposed to be a^^Px^-{-Qx^-^Rx^^Qx^-\-Fx-\-\^ and equat-
ing the coefficients, we get:
Q = kl-^kh-f-lh-^-S;
B = —{klh^2k^2l-i~2h);
in which, since P, Q, and E are known numbers, we have
to determine the three unknown quantities, k, I and h from
the three equations, one being of the first, one of the sec-
ond and one of the third degree. The resulting equation
would therefore be of the third degree, one-half the degree
of the original equation.
A similar investigation would evidently show a similar
result for any equation of a higher and even degree .
Returning to Example 5 — we there saw that one of the
roots was — 1, and when this was divided out there resulted
the recurring equation x^ — ^-f ^'^ — x-{-l =^ =x* — (k-\-l)x'^
-i-{kl^2)x'—{k^l)x-^l. From this 1 = k-{-l and also 1 =
kl4-2 . • . k'—k = 1 and ^ = ^J^. But as a+- = k.
l±|/5±i/— lQ-f2|/5
and either of these four roots when substituted in x^-\;-l =
0, will satisfy it.
For instance take the first:
1 + v/54-l/-10+2i/5 ^^^
raise it to the fifth power. 4'^ = 1024. In the numerator
place 1 + /5 ^ a and i/— 10+2v/5 = d. Then (c-^df =
c^+5cV«+10c^^*^+10c=(f+5ccZ*-l-cf and
h- 1
— 1024, and this divided by the fifth power of the denom-
inator gives — 1. which satisfies the equation. In a similar
manner other recurring equations, like a^-\-l = and
x"'-\-l = 0, may be solved whenever we caij solve an equa-
tion of half the degree, and this is true of all equations
which are recurring, whether binomial or not.
Art. 99. Exponential equations, or such as have the
unknown quantity as an exponent, sometimes, but rarely,
admit of exact solution. It is assumed that the student is
familiar with the solution of exponential equations by con-
tinued fractions and logarithms.
These equations do not fall within the class of algebraic
equations, but of transcendental equations.
Approximate Solutions of Higher Numerical Equations.
Art. 100. "When it is not practicable to solve an equa-
tion by any of the modes which have been discussed, we
must rest content with an approximation to the roots. For-
tunately this can be had closely enough, for practical pur-
poses, by the methods which we now propose to examine.
We have seen that when an equation has some equal
roots, or some that are whole numbers, we may discover
them and divide them out, and reduce the degree of the
equation; if it is a recurring equation, we shall have to
solve one only half as high in degree; and in short, if by
trial, chance or in any other way, we can discover one or
more roots, we would immediately depress the degree. If
after all it is of the fifth or higher degree, we can only
approximate, and so likewise with those of the third and
fourth degrees when they do not happen to have two imagi-
nary roots and no more; unless there is a peculiar relation
among the coefficients such as was examined in Art. 92.
Horner's method.
Art. 101. This method was first published in 1819. It
is the invention of W. G. Horner, and is regarded by most
mathematicians as the most satisfactory mode of approxi-
mating to the real and incommensurable roots of an equa-
tion having numerical coefficients. The method is as
follows :
1st. Having found by Sturm's Theorem, or otherwise,
the whole-number part of a root, and still better, having
found in addition one or more of the figures in the decimal
part, to transform the original equation into another whose
roots shall be less by the part already found .
2d. To obtain the next figure of the root by dividing the
absolute term by the next preceding coefficient and taking
the first figure of the quotient for the required figure .
3d. Then to transform this equation into another whose
roots shall be less by the decimal figure last obtained; to
divide the absolute term of this equation by the coefficient
which immediately precedes it, and take the first figure of
the quotient for the next figure of the root.
4th. Again transform the equation into another of
which the roots shall be less by the decimal figure last ob-
tained, divide the last coefficient by the one immediately
preceding for the next figure of the root, and so continue
till the desired number of places in the approximate root
shall be found.
In this way we find the real positive roots, and if there
are any which are negative, obtain them approximately by
changing the alternate signs of the proposed equation,
which will make the roots now being sought all positive,
and proceed as before.
If preferred, when one or more roots have been found,
they may be divided out and the degree of the equation
Demonstration .
Art. 102. When an equation has been transformed
into another of which the roots are less by the whole-
number part of the original root, and still more if they are
less by the whole-number part and one or more figures of
the decimal part, the remainder of the root, that is, the
value of the unkno\Yn quantit}' in the transformed equa-
tion, is a very small quantity indeed. Therefore its second
and higher jDowers may be neglected in comparison with
itself, and the first member of the^ transformed equation,
which will be of the form
may be, without appreciable error, taken to be
T-\- U
and the first figure of the quotient (and j)erhaps more) will
be the initial figure or figures of the true value of u, and
will therefore be the next required figure in the value of
the original unknown quantity.
Let it be required to find the approximate roots of the
roots of the equation :
^4_8^-}-14a;2_]_4^_g ^ 0.
Sturm's functions of this, when reduced to their simplest
form, are:
V,= hx'—Vlx^Q
V, = 76^—103
Vi=^-\- number
Since the number of variations lost between — 1 and -}-6
is the same as between — oo and -}-oo , all the roots are real
and comprised between — 1 and 6.
Between — 1 and there is 4 — 3 = 1 variation lost;
there is one negative root, then, between and — 1, and
since it is numerically less than — 1, we substitute in V,
Fi, F2, etc., in succession, — .1, — .2, — .3, etc., until there
is a gain of variation, and the last preceding number will
be the first figure of the root . This root in the exam j)le is
found between — .7 ond — .8; therefore .7 is the first fig-
ure of th6 negative root.
gives 3 variations, and -\-l gives 2; hence there is a
positive root which is a decimal fraction. By the succes-
sive substitution of .1, .2, .3, etc., its first figure is found
to be .7.
2 gives 2 variations and 3 gives 1; hence there is a root
whose first figure is 2; and as 5 gives 1 variation and 6
gives none, there is a root whose first figure is 5. This last
fact may be known at once, because 5 in F gives a negative
result and 6 in F gives a positive result. There is there-
fore one real root between them, or else some other odd
number of roots .
Let us now proceed after Horner's manner to find this
root, whose whole-number part is 5. The coefficients of
the original equation are:
—8 1 5
1 ,+12;
and 13^-44 :^= .2 ; .2 is the next figure in the root, and
the coefficients of the transformed equation, that is, one
whose roots are less than those of the original equation by
5, are: 1, +12, -[-44, -f 44, —13. It will be observed that
they run in a diagonal line from left to right ux)wards in
the calculation of the transformation.
Now let us get an equation whose roots are less by . 2
than those of the equation whose coefficients are:
1 + 12 +44 +44
0.2 + 2.44 + 9.288
+ 10.6576
+ 12.2 +46.44 +53.283,
.2 + 2.48 + 9.781
,- 2.3424
+ 12.4 +48.92, + 63.072
.2 + 2.52
+ 12.6, + 51. 44
1 + 12.8
2.3424-^63.272 gives .03; hence 3 is is the next figure of
the root, and transforming:
1 + 12.8 +51.44 +63.072 -2.3424 | .03
.03 + .3849 + 1.554747 +1.93880241
12.83 +51.8249 +64.626747 ,-.40359759
.03 + .3858 + 1.566321
12.86 +52.2107, + 66.193068
.03 + .3867
12.89, +52.5974
1 + 12.92
.40359759-f-66.193068 gives .006, and 6 is the next figure
of the root. Again transforming:
1+12.92 +52.5974 +66.193068 - .40359759 | .006
.006 + .077556 + .316049736 +.399054706416
12.926 +52.674956 +66.509117736,— .004542883584
.006 + .077592 + .316515288
12.926 +52.752548 +66.825633024
.006 + .077628
1 + 12.938
and .004542883584--66.825633 gives .00006; hence 06 are
the next two figures of the root. Again transforming:
1 + 12.944 +52.830176 +66.825633 -^.004542883656 L'^^l-
.00006+ .0007766436 + .003169857158616 +.00390972817142951696
12.94406+52.8309526436 +66.828802857158616 ,—.00063315548457048304
.00006+ .0007766472 + .0031699037584992
12. 94412+52.83172930832,+66. 83197 2760917152
As we will not carry the approximation nearer than to G
figures, it will not be necessary to go further than has been
done, since we have now the means of getting the sixth
figure, which is done by dividing .000533115M845704304
by 66. 8319727G09171152, and we get a number between 7
and 8, but being nearer to the latter, we put 8 as the sixth
figure of the root, and we have 5.236068. In the same
manner we can find the other roots.
Art. 103. But as the number of decimal places be-
comes inconveniently large, especially when a considerable
number of decimal places are desired in the root itself, we
must attempt some measure of relief. This may be had by
simply using no more places of decimals than are neces-
sary in each stage of the operations.
Having decided on the number of decimal places that
shall be in the root, we will remember that that number,
or one or two more, will be sufficient to have in the divi-
dends. Also that the number in the dividend minus the
number of the place of the required figure of the root at
any stage, will give the number of places that ought to
be used in the divisor. Thus, if there are to be 6 places of
decimals in the approximate root and we are multiplying
by the third figure, if the otheiv factor, which is the divi-
sor, has 3 places, the product will contain 6 places and
give the dividend to the necessary extent. One or two
places more may well be preserved, and all the others to
the right dropped; but in multiplications of such reduced
numbers we must at the first product on the right hand in
every case, add on the figure which would have been '* car-
ried " there had no figures been dropped.
If the number of places of decimals can be thus curtailed
in the divisor, and since that divisor is itself a product in
which the last figure of the root is a factor, the coefficient
preceding may be cut down to a still smaller number of
places. Each coefficient, as we proceed from right to left,
may have one figure more dropped than was done in the
case of its immediate predecessor. In this way the coeffi-
cients in the left hand columns will soon and successively
become constant, because all decimals would have to be
rejected, until finally there may be left only the absolute
term and also the penultimate coefficient, wbich latter sim-
ply loses one figure from the right every time a new figure
in the root is found.
Art. 104. This matter may be illustrated by finding
again the root 5.236068:
1 —8
+ 5
—8 i 5.236068
— 1
+ 2
+ 9
— .4035975*
• .31608
1 4-12.92*
The places in which decimal figures have been dropped
off, and partial amends made by increasing the last figure,
will be perceived upon inspection .
Next let the root of which the first figure is the whole
numder 2 be found.
1—8 -{-U -1-4 — 8 I 2.7320508
4-2 —12 4 16 V
+ 8
— 7.4599
—6 .
— 4
— 6.657
. 2
— 5.971
— .209253
— .206679
1.4 _7.06 —17.04393 .0000015
.7 — .0849 — .01359
2.1 —6.9751 —17.0575
.7 .0858 — .0135
2.8 —6.8893 —17.0711
.03 .0867
2.83 —6.802
.03 .008
2.86 —6.794
The quotient of 8 divided by — 4 gives — 2, which is
much too small, as may be found by trial; it must be in-
creased, and it is found that 2.7 and 2.8, when substituted
for X in the first member, give different signs, hence there
is a root between them, and we take .7 for the second fig-
ure of the root. We afterwards proceed as usual. .7 is a
quantity too great to have its second and higher powers
dropped as inappreciable.
The root of which .7 is the first figure may be found
-1-14 -{-4 —8 I .763932
—5.11 6.223 7.1561
— .«439*
— .010104
— .028392
— .002368
—5.14 —.4732 13.171136
.06 —.3012 — 2412
.7744* 13.15872
.0149 — 72
—5.02 —.789 13.158
.06 — 15 — 07
1_4.96* —.804 . 13.15,7,3
To obtain the fourth root, which is negative, we must
transform the equation into another whose negative roots
correspond to the positive roots of tliis, and conversely, by
changing the alternate signs, and we have as follows:
1_|_8 -^14 —4 —8 I .7320508
— .9559,
-- .89261841
— .06328159,
— .00157130
— .00002498
34 7174,
10.92 34.75,1 30.9,2,8
The algebraic sum of these roots is equal to
8, the coefficient of the second term with its
sign changed, as should be the case:
2.732050 8
8.732050 8
—.732050 8
1. Find one root of ar' — 2x— 5 = .
2. Of x'+lOx'— 24^— 24:0 = 0.
3. Of ar'-{-2x*-\-d.j(^-]-3x'-\-5x— 6^321
Ans. 2.0945515.
Ans. 4.898979.
Ans. 8.414455.
100 principles of algebra.
Newton's method.
Art. 105. In this mode of ai^proximating to the roots
of numerical equations, it will be assumed that all the
roots which are equal or which are whole numbers, have
been found and divided out. Then having in some way,
by Sturm's Theorem, by chance or otherwise, found a
a number, or numbers, which differ but slightly from the
roots sought, let this approximation, plus or minus a new
unknown quantity be substituted for the original unknown
quantity in the first member of the equation, and let all
the indicated operations be performed. The new unknown
quantity represents the difference between the approximate
root which is being tried and the true root, and of course
should be so small a fraction that all terms involving its
powers higher than the first may be dro2:)ped as inapi3recia-
ble, or at all events, producing no serious error.
Then from this equation of the first degree, find the value
of this difference, and add it to the trial root when that is
too small, or subtract it when the trial root requires to be
diminished . We have now an approximate root once cor-
rected. But if this be not close enough to the truth, let it
he used as a trial root, precisely as before, and the value of
a second correction obtained.
And this corrected root may be used for a third correc-
tion, and so on to any desired extent.
Let us take as an example
o(^-\-Qx'^x — 10 = 0;
in which it has been found by trial that 1.1 is an apj^roxi-
mate root, being somewhat too small . Let u = the differ-
ence between 1.1 and the true root; we will then have x=^
tt-f-1.1. For a moment let 1.1 be represented by r . • .
x = r^u) x'=r'-ir2rit-^u'; x'^7''-i-dr'u-\-^rit'^u';
and we have :
a^ = u^-^Su^r-\-3ur^-\- r^
-f 6it?' =- 6it' +12ur-[-6?-'
-\-x = u-\-r
—10 = —10
and dropping the terms involving u^ and u^, we have:
{Sr' + 12r -f- 1) ii -[- 7^ -]- Gr' -[- r — 10 r^ 0, whence u =
10 _ r — Gi'' — r^
— Q 2 _i ~fo "ITi — ^^^ restoring 1.1 in place of r we have
10 — 1.1 — 7.26 — 1.331 ^^rr^^r.^
u =- 17^3 ^ .0173303. .ajid.x = r-{-
u = 1.1173303. Now if we substitute this value of the
root for r in the formula above we would get a second val-
ue of 1^ or a second correction. But taking 1.1173 as being
one root and dividing it out we get
x' + 7.1173j; + 8.95215929 = 0; and solving this
x = — 3.55865 ±: j/ir"8;952r592~9 -f (— 3.558657T\
the other two roots are — 5 . 48526
— 1 . 63204 to which
adding the first + 1 . 11730
— 6 . 00000 which
is the coefficient of the 2d term with its sign changed as it
ought to be. The product of these roots which ought to be
10 is 10.002252 -]-.... showing a good approximation.
Find a root of x^ -\- x'' -{- .x — 100 = 0. An approximate
root is 4.2, The first correction by Newton's Method gives
4 .265 . . which is a little too large and a second correction
gives 4 . 264430 . The same root found by Horner's Method
is 4.2644299..
Fourier's conditions.
Art. 106. It may happen that after several corrections
have been made by "Newton's Method it will be found that
we had approached the true value of the root for a while
and then receded from it; this arises from over correction.
The value of u, the correction, was obtained approximately,
as will be remembered, by dropping its higher powers, and
it may have thus happened that the value of u in some
case was too large and when added to the approximate root
has carried the value beyond the truth; and if this be again
corrected in the same sense the new result will be still fur-
ther off; and would be an approach to some other root.
It is necessary then to know, not only that there is a root
between certain limits, but also that there is no other root
within those same limits. In fact it has been demonstrated
by Fourier that
1 . The limits between which the required root exists
must be so narrow as to contain no other root of the given
equation ; nor yet of the other two equations obtained by
putting the first and second derived polynomials equal to
2. That the approximation must start /rom that value
which makes the fir st member and its second derived polynomial
have the same sign.
But it is not deemed necessary to give the demonstration
of these principles because their application takes away from
that simplicity and expeditiousness which are characteristic
of the method of Newton. By that method, as it is given
above and as it was left by its immortal author, good, prac-
tical results can always be obtained. If at any time it is
suspected that the approximate root is departing from the
true value instead of approaching it, the matter may be
determined at once by substituting in the proposed equa-
If the student is desirous of taking more trouble than is
involved in the simple application of Newton's Method it
would probably be better, at once to apply Horner's
The demonstration of Fourier's Conditions may be found
in Hackley's Algebra, Todhunter's Theory of Equations
and elsewhere.
Trigonometrical Solution of Equations of the
Third Degree.
Art. 107. The Irreducible Case of these equations may
be solved by calling in the aid of Trigonometry. From
that branch of mathematics we know that, calling w any
cos2i^ = 2cos'^ti — 1, (1)
Now, cos3ft = cos(i6-l-2 J-, and p is negative.
Let X = rcosii, wherein r is a constant yet to be de-
termined. Then cosu = , and substituting in (3) we
^ dx 1
have -^ — -r- -7Cos3w, = 0, whence
a^ ~x — - cosdu = 0, (5)
By comparing (4) and (5), we see that — = ~p
and r = 2^ -7.- . Also that
- ^/^^•
^ - iiuu /■ = ^^1 -—^ . Also inat — J — =r — q-
-r X rcos3i^ =: —q, or —^Xrco?,'^iL = —q: . ■ . cos3i6= — =
4: o pr
/ p / j>3. Now, since q and ;? are known and p
is negative, we know the numerical value of the cosine of
du and having found Sit from the Tables of Natural Sines
and Cosines, we know it and can find its cosine . This be-
ing multiplied by r gives the value of x, which is a root of
the proposed equation. The numerical value of ?• comes of
course from r =^ 2^ / P.
\ 3"
Thus we have one of the real roots; but the value
2 / — p^ = not only cos3it, but also cos(360° — - 3w) and
cos(360^ -f 3u), consequently the cosines of the thirds of
these latter two arcs will be the remaining roots, after hav-
ing been multiplied by r.'
Art. 108. Should it happen that 3?^ = 180' or any mul-
tiple thereof, cos(360°— 3i0 and cos(360°-f 3^^) would be
equal, and the roots corresponding would be equal; but
they might have been discovered and divided out in the
first instance, when no resort to Cardan's Formula would
have been necessary.
SEP 17 1940
^'^i IB 1H42
LD 21-100to-7,'39(402s)
YC M336