o o RVBAIYAT LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Gl FT OF Rubaiyat of Cheerfulness il 1Lt*4m RUBAIYAT OF CHEER FULNESS BY LUKE NORTH, ON THE GOLDEN PRESS LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA : NINETEEN HUNDRED SEVEN COPYRIGHT 1907 by G. D. GRIFFES J *- / (UNIVERSITY THESE quatrains are offered less as poetry than as truth my vision of truth. It may not be important for the world to have my vision, yet being by trade a pensmith, I set forth my wares with scant modesty, assured that while the world may neglect some things it would be the wiser for heeding, it is well able to protect itself from that which it does not need, or like. The quatrain habit is easier to acquire than to abandon, & I am not without the consciousness that possi- bly the world's debt of gratitude to me shall begin only when I am strong to relinquish. Verily could I wish for more grace of form in these verses, & yet were I capable of so enriching them, I should be unwilling to sacrifice the directness & clarity with which I have labored to endow them. As to the truth of them (my truth) I am the best judge, & because I know them to contain (my) truth do I offer them with confidence. They do not present all (my) truth barely the basis of it. Truth, I think, is two things: The Law that regulates the multiplication table, & the deepest, biggest, widest view of that Law as we contact it at every instant of life, that each human being can secure for him- self. In the latter, personal, sense truth is whatever best explains life & enables one to relate himself to the Whole. Gloom restricts the view, Cheerful- ness widens it, therefore these RUBAIYAT OF CHEERFULNESS 173692 RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS Why should the Way of Things be dark and sad: Why choose the Stygian paths and Gloom for God- While Nature's ev'ry mood reveals that man Alone hath lost the art of being glad? 2 I cannot think that man is but the sport Of elements that wantonly distort His fitful efforts to be great and wise Or God in human misery finds sport! 3 It is not true that throes of human pain Make mirthful holidays for gods that reign O'er elements that now disport with man, As man plays fast and loose with Law, for gain. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 4 Filosofies are wove of human skill, And in the weaving each his own sweet will May please. No static right hath any ism The Joy of Life by subtleties to kill. 5 It is the fruitage of an addled brain, That view of life which brings the tears and pain, Which seeing but the shape of things, mistakes The Wine Cup for the Cheer it doth contain. 6 Come, weave your web of life when cup is full, While hope runs high and heart is merciful Toward all that live: nor wait satiety's Brown taste and night's dark shadows fanciful. [7] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 7 Let Heart Light delve into the mystery deep, And Reason wait on Love, her faith to keep: Her place to segregate delusion from The truth: not hers behind the veil to peep. 8 The God I worship needs no priest profound His laws for mortal welfare to expound, But writes them large on all his handiwork 'T is human subtleties that men confound. Come read your Book of Life in Nature's laws, And seek her meaning of whatever clause Seems made for grief and leads to unbelief That God is Love and Love the primal Cause. [83 RVBAJYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 10 Eternal mystery! that question "Why?" The human heart in Joy may yet descry: The lover's ecstacy, the artist's mood, At very portals of the ALL may lie! 1 1 If God is true and Nature's ways are right, No bar there is on range of human sight, No bar save that which human indolence Hath forg'd. 'T is creed and fear shut out the Light. 12 And tho the ultimate I cannot know, If I can see the Law by which men grow, By which the tares to wheat and tears to peace Are turn'd; if I can see the steps and know RVBAIYAT OF That harmony is ever Nature's way, That sorrow's veil but hides a brighter day; If I can reason out the heart's desire And correlate the thorns that line the way; H If I can glimpse the Gen'ral Plan, and see How Love and Justice can omniscient be; How Mercy lurks in ev'ry sin and pain And wisdom comes thru grief and agony; 15 If I can see the Law's fruition HERE! (My trust is scant on doubtful, distant sphere) Why then for me the way of life is not So drear; the path of Cheerfulness is clear. [10] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 16 'T is Western sun that blinds the Inner Sight And shades the poetry of life with night Of Science and sensation's narrow view. Look to the East, O men of hope, for Light ! i? Take from the East its light on Nature's Way. Throw out its weeds of creed and sad array Of Oriental myth and fantasy. But light comes from the East, I say. 18 Thus East and West agree: The Whole unfolds; Brahma breathes out; the universe unrolls Its scroll of evolutionary law, And Mind begets whatever Life beholds. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS '9 But Western law is cruel, blind, and cold, Its man a wanton toy, a plastic mold Of clay shap'd by some ruthless Potter's hand That shook forbidding Soul Its life unfold. 20 In Eastern Law the God of Love I find, Compassionate to sin of humankind; And pointing how and where adjustment comes And never fails! ALL-SEEING Law not blind! In cyclic law of growth and change of form, To which mankind, the stars, and tides conform, The reason of the Way of Things you'll find How Nature doth her miracles perform. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 22 Give time and depth and scope to human life, Nor dwarf its Days to three-score years of strife On this grim battle-field with anger, hate And passion's blinding mists, alas, so rife! 23 Why all its agonies, its pains, and tears, Its seeds of effort and its with'ring years On lessons but half learn'd and work but hah Perform'd if death translates to other spheres? 24 All nature writes the answer bold and clear The theatre of human life is HERE! Death's but a Sleep between the Days of Life: Man reaps where he hath sown the harvest's here! [13] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 25 Where ripens wheat that 's sown on fallow soil ? Do demon gods conspire to cheat men's toil To move the harvest field o'er Night bring wrack And ruin to all the human sweat and moil? 26 Where bursts the acorn thru its horny pod, On distant Mars, or in the forest sod Of planet where it fell ? How reason ye, That man allegiance bears to foreign God ? 27 The Rose thou mournest when its petals fall Ensouls the bud that bursts at Nature's call : And in the glory of the new the Sap And Essence of the old our eyes enthrall ! [H] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 28 'T is but the form that dies and not the Soul : The Essence of the Rose pervades the Whole. The Jar is broken, but the Wine flows on ! Let not the heart's best love rest on the Bowl. 29 And all this loveliness shall reappear: The selfsame Roses of the yesteryear, With vesture new and perfume fresh from Sleep And Rest not on some other sphere, but here! 3 For man on earth is not a Transient Guest ! Nor brief, nor easy to attain, his quest Of that lost Grail of Human Brotherhood, Which once regained brings man the Alkahest. ( N^u RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 3* Nor all your longings for another sphere Shall set aside the Law that chains you here, Till men shall make of earth a paradise, And win the right to win another sphere. On Golden Strands of Human Brotherhood Shall man mount upward to a higher good To other worlds and shapes unknown. Till then Man's place is here; his task the Common Good. 33 'T is but the outer sheath of man that dies As lovers' vows expire and summer flies. What hell-born instinct prompts the selfish wish The permanence of form to realize? [16] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 34 Or finds in Nature's gentle law of change Inherent gloom? How then the world arrange Or build the flower of gold, or glass, or stone? For basalt blocks the human flesh exchange? 35 Stones perish not, nor call for shallow tear Dropt in the wine cup or the foaming beer. Save tears for real woes, and bless the Law That brings the Permanent new garb each year. 36 Unchanging form would make of earth a hell And beauty's fairest shapes would yearn to sell Their hopes of Paradise for change of garb If buttercups were cast of hardened shell. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 37 O, ye of little faith yet faith too much! Who lean on man-made creed as on a crutch, And fail to see in Nature's ev'ry way, Of Love and Justice the Supernal touch! 38 O, ye of little faith yet faith too great! Who would the law of life and death translate; Yet fail to read "between the lines," nor let The Inner Glow the scroll illuminate ! 39 O, ye who would set bar on human sight! And circumscribe man's range of Cosmic Light Within the narrow arc of sev'nty years, And with the grave his strife and hope requite ! [i 8] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 40 O, ye who fix your hearts on form and flesh, Or with false lights of wealth the soul enmesh ; And lacking view of things beyond the range Of sense, lack Fount that floweth ever fresh ! And ye who say that Sense alone can know, And wisdom only from the Outer grow ! What turgid Wine flows in your Cup of Life To hide the sparkle of the Flood below ? 42 To you, in thoughtful hour, the world must seem A hideous nightmare, a hellish dream, Pierc'd here and there by rays of flitting light That but confuse the whole infernal scheme. ['9] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 43 If wrongs triumph, if love and hope go down; If God's hand shook in shaping this poor clown; If he 's created prince, and I a plod Then God's a cheat: let wine the trouble drown! 44 The world, 't is true, seems cruel and unjust, For often Virtue dies and prospers Lust! And Faith alone, for me, will not suffice: I cannot take so big a scheme on trust. 45 I must, I shall demand the reason why, When woes fall heaviest on you and I, And all the world seems framed for our torment! Prate not to me of Faith and Trust on High. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 46 What then, is there but creedal faith for man, Or gloom of cruel Chance in Nature's plan ? But reason's cold and pessimistic doubt, Or Christian version of the heathen Pan? 47 Is there no bright and sane and cheering Way ? No universal Key by which men may Find Harmony in human destiny? No sign of Plan Divine in Nature's Way? 48 Behold a glory at the door of life Awaits to banish doubt, and gloom, and strife! Dame Reason's found in Cheerfulness a spouse, And Commonsense has taken Joy to wife. [21] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 49 The head and heart of man again shall wed ; The Intellect by human Love be led, To banish in the joy of Nature's way, The creedal night and gloom by science fed. 50 And from this marriage of the head and heart, A fairer Hope is born and lo! the art Of being Glad and True hath firmer base Than faith alone or science doth impart. The Heart Light glows upon the Soul of Things, And hidden laws to mortal ken it brings, Revealing 'neath the garb of flesh and form, Of Nature's Causal Force the secret springs. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 52 There 's not a law on earth of God for man, But mortal eye and human heart may scan, If but the outer shell of life be pierc'd And Love with Reason bare the Inner Plan. 53 Thus ev'ry hidden fa& and circumstance That woe of man or happiness enhance, Expression finds in outward mold of form The Seen and Unseen cast in consonance ! 54 And as the small but replicas the great, So gross and psychic planes associate And blend : from one the other can be known Thus many a Riddle shall man translate. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 55 When heart and mind shall soar beyond the sense, And Reason wait on Soul's omnipotence To reach the bottom of the well of Truth, And pour on life its flood's beneficence. 56 Now darkness broods and all is Unity, And Form is lost in Night's identity. A Breath, a Word, a ripple on the Wave Of Time and Light brings forth Duality! 57 From cosmic Night and Light comes Trinity Religion's everlasting mystery: That two from One & all from None come forth: Primordial law of Solidarity! RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 58 A trailing star into the seeming void Is dropt the ovum of an asteroid. A "wanderer" conceived, a world begot! In cosmic wilderness of Form devoid. 59 Thus groups of worlds from out the starry light, And souls of men in glory all bedight, Come trooping down from out the Milky Way Come to their Days of Life, from Cosmic Night. 60 From Time's dark cavern of tranquility, All down the path of Life's activity, Come worlds and men to conquer space and fate And reach the heart of true Fraternity ! RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 61 Caught on the Wheel of life's necessity A Ray of God (of All Humanity) I '11 murmur not that I, a spark of It, Shall fail to read divine Totality. 62 Yet this I know, but for myself alone (Let each of Truth's array proclaim his own), That man of earth is Lord and God supreme ! Here He creates, and reaps as He hath sown. I scan the earth, the sea, and starry space, And nowhere find Volition's faintest trace. All palpitate by fixt and certain Law : Uncertainty 's in but the Human race. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 64 The will to Do and Be in man I find : Unfailing sign of the Creative Mind ! Here consciousness has reacht the Godlike stage, And Nature bows but to the human kind. 65 And in the Scheme of Things this mystery Profound I see: that man's high destiny It is to consciously produce on earth The tie of Human Solidarity. 66 For that which Is must come to vision's plane ; The Heart of Truth be sponsored by the brain. By choice shall man again enacl: on earth The Cosmic Harmonies that ever reign. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 67 I cannot see the Cause its trail defied, Nor trace each thought and acl: to its effecl:. But Nature's stanch and true, I know, and Law Unfailingly each detail doth perfect. 68 There is no "iron hand of fate" on me, No bond but human solidarity ! And tho I pay my share for man's false steps, I pay no more than I alone decree. Fruition is the name of human Fate : No super-being doth Predestinate. Each sows the seed that time for him shall reap; Each instant doth each soul its life create! RVBA1YAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 70 Who look behind the veil of life shall see That man himself carves out his destiny; That fate is but the reaping of the sown, And man alone e'er writes his own decree. LAW limits but to rule of Harmony That ev'ry Cause its full Effect shall see. And in the reaping each his pleasure takes The Cup he drains in gloom, or Cheerfully. 72 If then the fleeting hour of Now and Here Eternal record of each hope and fear And thought and act mark on the warp of Time, Futurity is mine! I'll drop no tear. 09] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 73 LAW binds all things to Rationality: No other limit on man's will I see That 2 plus 2 are 4 and never more. Why wail at this Inflexibility? 74 "The Moving Finger writes; and having writ, Moves on:" but why should man of Godlike wit And all Futurity at his command, Seek to evade or lose a word of it? 75 And this I seem to see, that man and men Achieve by using Law! All power then, Is theirs who wisely use, nor waste in vain The Cosmic force that lies in human ken. [30] RVBA1YAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 76 Each thought and a&, tho "good" or "ill" they be, Sure guiding stars for all eternity ! O, ye who sail life's sea sans chart or map, Turn to the scroll : thy compass it will be. 77 If Fate is but the fruitage of the sown, And ev'ry hope and deed bring forth their own, Why then it rests with me, not to undo The Past, but carve the New with me alone! 78 Who mourns the past or would the scroll unwrit, Hath yet to learn that human growth is knit On woof and warp of all experience. All colors, too, must enter into it. [3'] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 79 If woven in the fabric of a life, No move is false, nor failure loss; nor strife, Nor grief, nor sin, can mar the perfect plan And pattern of a striving human life. 80 Like beads upon a Thread men's lives are cast, Each Day of Life a bead. The first and last Are strung the same, and all the beads on all The Threads will look alike at last when mass'd. 81 Some wear a golden bead this Day of Life, And some the ruddy hues of war and strife, Whilst many dull and somber beads give tone Of doubt and grief in modern life so rife. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 82 Thus he the Beggar now and I the Sheik: TOMORROW he the Sultan, whilst I seek The mystery of life in devious paths And learn upon the Thread my heart to keep. IS The bead I wear I '11 furbish for myself, Nor seek to garnish it with stolen pelf. The bead I wear transparent I will make, And let the Thread shine thru reveal my Self. 84 O, beads and beads of lives and lives untold! What wisdom for us all your orbits hold, When human hearts and minds are fixt upon The Thread, and read the secrets that ye hold! [33] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 85 Ah, many chipt and broken beads I see! Distorted lives, by man's uncharity; Cheap tawdry beads and beads of muddy glass, Strung on the Thread of Life by man's decree. 86 Blind laws and customs of the rule of greed, Still wrecking human life and planting seed That only thankless toil and weariness Can grow for millions doomed by man to need ! 87 Blind laws that heap on some what none create, And give the few what Nature doth donate The earth and treasures of the mines, nor man His industry nor genius can create. [34] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 88 Blind laws by man himself alone decreed: Stale customs that on slavery still feed, Defying Cosmic Law and spoiling life To foster selfishness and private greed! Blind laws that parcel to the "lucky" few Those values that from common toil accrue! Dire laws of greed and graft that take from All And lavish where no work or worth make due! 90 Laws reeking with the lust of wolfish pack, That ev'ry attribute of Justice lack, That nourish vice and craft and weigh upon The weak like senescence on Sinbad's back. [35] RVBAIYAT OF CHEER FVLNESS 9 1 Blind and withering laws that soon must go, As man his cruel childhood doth outgrow : Cain's code of greed to Get and Have and Hold That which the strongest must 'erlong let go! 92 And hearts of men bow'd low with years of gain, With only gold for all their moil and pain, Go to their Longer Sleep with halting step / will not say their Day of Life was vain. 93 And hearts of men are sore of strife for gain. It matters not tho all their toil be vain ; The years grow wearisome for all who fix Their hearts upon the shining golden grain. [36] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 94 But life expands with Giving, and years crown Usefulness with peace; e'en funeral gown Hath pockets that will carry golden deeds From life to life: for Worth age wears no frown. 95 When on the altar of the Common Good Men lay their hope of Gain from laws withstood For private ends and mercenary greeds, Then dawns the reign of Social Brotherhood. When All have equal Opportunity To work and reap: there is no charity So great! When men shall hold their mother Earth Intact, in trust for all humanity! RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 97 Full long Dame Reason's scorned the Human Heart And man has lived on maxim's of the mart. The Key that will unlock all Doors for him Lies in the marriage of the Head and Heart. Not all the Grape that flows from gold to red A light on human destiny e'er shed. 'T is Wine of Life mixt with the Heart's best blood, By which the wandering feet of men are led. 99 And tho the "Grape with logic absolute" Confute the creed and ism, man's attribute Of sympathy and hunger for the Heights, Unfed remain for all the wine of fruit. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 100 For Man is not the Jar that drinks red wine, Nor flesh that presses lips incarnadine. Give Youth its mede of effervescing flood, But Men crave stronger Drink than fruit of vine. 101 'T is true that never "blows the Rose so red" As where Truth's pioneers have lived and bled. On Calvary is human progress fixt, And crown of thorns press on the toiler's head. IO2 MEN do not mourn that Thorns with Roses grow, Nor for the chance of prick or scratch forgo The fragrance and the beauty of its bloom. No blossom as the Rose doth lure men so. [39] RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 103 MEN bless the Rose for growing on the Thorn, And hope to see its lovely flow'r adorn Each Thorn that grows on human life's highway, Each troubled hour by Roses overborne. 104 " But Roses come and go ! " Ah, that 's the lie Which robs life of its Joy that Roses die And leave the heart forlorne. J T is only Form That comes and goes the Rose to vivify! 105 Crush not the Rose in heedlessness or lust : Bruis'd Roses wither soon, and turn to dust. It is the Rose within the Rose that brings Perfume to life O, pluck it, if you must! RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 1 06 But having pluckt your Rose or cast the Tang Into your Cup of Life, curse not the Fang, Nor whimper as you drain the Karmic Brew : Its Bitterness is lost in Paean sang. 107 Half the gloom of life lies in the Quaffing; CUP was never brew'd with all Pang lacking. Groans ease no pain and frowns resolve no doubt: Stand, and drink your Cup with eyes a-laughing. 1 08 So many Roses on the Way of Life! And yet so few! and yet the world so rife With war and gain and greed that Roses die Unseen and crusht beneath the human strife. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS 109 The Rose that buds and blows in open air So willingly it grows, so free and fair! Its fragrance and its beauty blessing all Who take and leave it! growing everywhere! I 10 Roses pluckt and crusht with lust of owning Lust of hoarding, hiding, and providing Charnel houses for the dust of empty Shells! mad lust that immolates the living. 1 1 1 They say that This or That man cannot know, That only vintage of the fruits that grow In soil can wisdom bring because on Form Alone man 's lookt, two thousand years or so. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS I 12 With telescope in vain man has peer'd out, Nor microscope has helpt resolve his doubt. He turns at last to look within Himself, And there finds wisdom not extant without. Thus looking In this FACT he shall perceive, That creeds and systems all confuse, deceive; That Truth is like a Diamond in the sky, And from its rays each Soul its hope MUST weave. 114 Man can delay, but not avoid this Must: In vain, in vain, he lean and trust: Each Soul finds joy and peace within himself, For Time is long and Law All things adjust. RVBAIYAT OF CHEERFVLNESS US One ray I catch from flashing Stone of Fate That Hand-in-Hand shall men storm Heaven's Gate; That none shall in the nether world be cast, And none shall early be, and none Too Late. 116 That each and all shall share whatever pass, As toward the Pearly Gates they move en masse-, That every Soul a Conscious God shall be, And that, at last, you'll find no "Empty Glass"! SO HKRK KNDKTH \ht.RUBAITAr OF CHEERFULNESS, being a book of verses that body forth Some Reasons why men, & eke women, who, tho lacking faith in creed & ism, yet shall find Love in Nature, and finding shall not turn faces to the wall & curse God, nor weep "this sorry Scheme of Things entire," but keep their sweetness & their reason and be Cheerful most all the time. ^Set in Caslon types and five hundred copies printed & bound at the shop of the GOLDEN PRESS which is in the fair southland city of Los Angeles and the Golden State of California in the year of the Christian Era nineteen hundred and seven in the month of November. UNIVERSITY J .... YC 14459