unmU' 1 Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN GEOGRAPHICAL WORKS. Bishop BUTLER's SKETCH of MODERN and ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. New Edition, corrected to 1851 and enlarged by the Rev. THOMAS BUTTER. 8vo. 9s. cloth. Bishop BUTLER's GENERAL ATLAS of ANCIENT and MODERN GEOGRAPHY : consisting of 51 full-coloured Maps, with Indices. New Edition, corrected to 1851, and almost entirely re-engraved. Royal 4to. 24s. in. Bishop BUTLER's MODERN ATLAS: consisting of 28 full- coloured Maps, with Index. New Edition, corrected to 1851, and almost entirely re-engraved. Royal 8vo. 12s. Each Map, separately, price 3d. plain, or 4d. coloured. IV. Bishop BUTLER's ANCIENT ATLAS: consisting of 23 full-coloured Maps, with Index. New Edition, corrected to 1851, and almost entirely re-engraved, Royal 8vo. 12s. * # * Butler's Outline Geographical Copy-Books, Ancient and Modern, 4s. each; or together, price 7s. 6d. The Modern Outline Maps, separately, 2d. each. GOLDSMITH'S GRAMMAR of GENERAL GEOGRAPHY. An entirely New Edition (1851), enlarged and improved by E. HUGHES, F.R.G.S. Head Master of the Royal Naval Lower School, Greenwich Hospital. With New Maps and Plates. Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. VI. s. HALL'S FIRST or ELEMENTARY ATLAS, for the use of Schools: containing 10 Maps. New Edition. Oblong 4to. price Eighteen-pence, coloured. Each Map separately, price 2d. VII. S, HALL's INTRODUCTORY GEOGRAPHICAL COPY-BOOK ; or, Outline Maps : with the Coast Line for the Pupil to fill up. Oblong 4to. Is. Each Outline separately, price Id. VIII. S. HALL's GEOGRAPHICAL COPY-BOOK; or, Map Projections : with the Lines of Latitude and Longitude only for the Pupil to fill up. Oblong 4to. Is. Each Projection separately, price Id. Mr. WILLIAM HUGHES'^GENERAL GEOGRAPHY for BEGINNERS, in GLEIG'S SCHOOL SERIES. 18mo. Is. MANGNALL's COMPENDIUM of GEOGRAPHY, for the use of Schools. New Edition, improved. 12mo. 7s. 6d. XI. KEITH's TREATISE on the USE of the GLOBES. New Edition, improved by Dr. A. TAYLOR, Mr. A. LE MESURIER, and Prof. J. MIDDLETON ; with Plates, Maps, &c. 12mo. 6s. 6d. XII. Mr. W. M'LEOD's GEOGRAPHY of PALESTINE, or the Holy Land ; including Phoenicia and Philistia. New Edition, with . Map. 12mo. Is. &<\. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS. NEW GAZETTEER; THE BRITISH ISLANDS AND NARROW SEAS; COMPRISING CONCISE DESCRIPTIONS OF ABOUT SIXTY THOUSAND PLACES, SEATS, NATURAL FEATURES, AND OBJECTS OF NOTE, FOUNDED UPON THE BEST AUTHOBITIES : WITH A REFERENCE UNDER EVERY NAME TO THE SHEET OF THE ORDNANCE SURVEY, AS FAR AS COMPLETED ; AND AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING A GENERAL VIEW OF THE RESOURCES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, A SHORT CHRONOLOGY, AND AN ABSTRACT OF CERTAIN RESULTS OF THE CENSUS OF 1851. BY JAMES A. SHARP. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS. 1852. LONDON : SPOTTISWOODES and SHAW, New-Street-Square. P E E F A C E. THE Gazetteer which I lay before the reader as the result of five years' diligent labour, is constructed upon the plan of bringing together as many articles as possible, under distinct heads, for purposes of reference. It com- prehends both the topography and the hydrography of the United Kingdom, and contains, in one general alphabet, the names of Sixty Thousand places, seats, natural features, and objects of note in England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and the adjacent Seas. The average space allotted to each name is necessarily small, yet I believe that nothing essential has been omitted. On the contrary, from the use of a plain style, a simple method of abbreviation, and other arrangements, this Gazetteer will be found to comprise, in a clear and legible type, more substantial information, collected from original sources, and put into a convenient form, than the bulkiest of its class. It includes the names of all the cities, towns, villages, hamlets, etc. which appear in the Censuses of 1821, '31, and '41 ; all the names in CARLISLE, POTT, GORTON, LEWIS, FULLARTON, CHAMBERS, HALL, and other general writers ; all those in the Guide-books to Derbyshire, the Lakes, North and South Wales, Isle of Wight, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, the Highlands, Lakes of Killarney, c. ; and all the Seats noticed in MOGG, BLACK, FRAZER, CLIFFE ; exclusive of many additional names gathered out of the Maps and Charts which have been consulted. The natural objects, as rivers, lakes, mountains, hills, passes, waterfalls, points of view, &c., with the bays, ports, headlands, lights, islands, shoals, &c. round the coast, are given under their proper names ; besides every locality or object of historical or antiquarian character, as Roman stations and camps, Roman and British ways, Saxon towns, Druid stones, cromlechs, round towers, Danish raths, " Picts' houses," castles, abbeys, &c. Mines and seats of manufactures, canals, railways and railway stations, election and polling places, coast-guard and police stations, are also noticed; and hunting "fixtures" inserted from the most approved lists. The Counties are fully described ; while the civil, political, and ecclesiastical X divisions, as hundreds, baronies, wapentakes, poor law unions, registry and o A 2 iv PREFACE. new county court districts, dioceses, ai-chdeaconries, and deaneries, synods and presbyteries, are all carefully defined by a statement at length of the places contained in each, drawn from Parliamentary and other returns, so that their boundaries may be accurately traced. The late Census (in England and Wales) having been taken according to the Registries and Unions, this Avill prove, at least so far, to be a feature of more than common value. The length of the descriptions of places is, in general, measured by their relative importance, due regard being had to the name, ordnance number, position, history, Parliamentary representation, municipal government, size or acreage, population and industry, public buildings, poor-rate (and union), real property, endowed charities, livings (with the diocese, value, and patron), churches, brasses and monuments, antiquities, eminent natives, &c. ; with market-days, fairs, races. All the positions have been retaken from the maps, and as not only the county, but the quarter of the county, in which a name must be looked for, is given, the Gazetteer affords an easy and direct answer to the first question concerning a place, " Where is it?" To the population of 1841 is joined its annual increase (as compared with the previous Census), to enable the enquirer to bring it down with tolerable correctness to any year independently of the new Census, the results of which, however, are added in the Appendix. With a view to facilitate consultation, a mark is prefixed to the Parlia- mentary boroughs, post and market towns, the larger ecclesiastical divisions, and the remains of antiquity. The advantage of this will be perceived upon turning over a few pages of the work. Every name has a number referring to its own sheet of the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, as far as published, so that THIS GA- ZETTEER WILL BE ALMOST A COMPLETE INDEX TO THAT GREAT UNDERTAKING. Such a companion, enabling the reader to judge, in some degree, of the contents of the Survey, or to procure the exact sheet in which a place is situated, has been long in request ; and thus, in connexion with the improve- ments above mentioned, this work may claim the possession of a certain official value beyond others of the kind, while it will serve not only as a record of names, but as a guide to every locality of interest in the United Kingdom. It is difficult to keep pace with the rapid production of statistics, when every session gives birth to 60, 70, 80 giant Blue Books, so that even the most recent compilations are soon out of date ; but in the Gazetteer I have endeavoured to bring together such items as may suffice either for standards to go back to, or for comparison between place and place. With regard to these and other matters, a great deal that could not and need not be stated at length, is left to be inferred by the intelligent reader, who, with a multitude of facts before him, presenting unlimited scope for remarks on the condition and progress of any spot, may be safely allowed to form his own conclusions. I cannot omit to thank those correspondents who have been good enough to favour me with useful information, which I have acknowledged in the proper place ; but my gratitude is especially due to one contributor, whose active PREFACE. v and persevering assistance I have had the good fortune to enjoy throughout. I take the liberty to add, that this Gazetteer is not offered as an experiment merely, but rather as the first fruits of a well-considered attempt to provide a work of reference of permanent usefulness, superior, as I believe, to its predecessors, yet only to be perfected by frequent revisions, aided by the kindness of those who consult it, and who may be willing to communicate through the Publishers whatever they notice to be defective or erroneous. J. A. S. Note. The Appendix to the 2nd volume contains a brief sketch of the three kingdoms, being, for the most part, a summary of the counties, with particulars derived from the latest Returns, and tabular views ; also a Chronology of the chief events and persons mentioned in the Gazetteer, and an abstract of the results of the Census for 1851. %* ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND, WALES, which are referred from the body of the work to the Preface, have been placed in the Appendix to the Second vol. ABBBEVIATIONS, ETC. The counties are always in italic letters ; this distinguishes Bedford from Bedford- shire, Buckingham from Buckinghamshire, Ayr from Ayrshire, Carlow from Carlow county, etc. Such abbreviations as Beds, for Bedfordshire, Bucks, for Buckinghamshire, Herts, for Hertfordshire, Salop for Shropshire, etc. are already common ; as are par. for parish, vil. for village, etc. In general, the abbreviations of counties, dioceses, (fol- lowing the livings), poor law unions (following the poor rate), railways, etc. are made clear by the context. When a name is repeated in the same article, it is abbreviated ; thus, A. Lodge, in an account of Abberley, means Abberley Lodge. A t^aT is used where names which are alike, or nearly alike, are brought together under one head. par. means parish, tnshp. township, vil. village, limit. hamlet, chplry. chapelry. R. means river. L. lake, lough, isld. island. moun n. u ai . ..' ., ^iV' i > r? 1 W A n i q. s. par. (in Scotland) means a qoad sacra parish, i. e. one made for church purposes. lib. , liberty, div. division, hund. hundred. the topographical inventory of Eng- land, taken by William the Conqueror 1068, now at Westminster. Mkt. D. market day. o. s. old style (in Scotld.) P. post town (at the beginning of an article). M. market town, one* or two** a borough returning one or two members to parliament. &. some remains of an- tiquity. >Ji an ecclesiastical di- vision, as a diocese, synod, etc. The number of the Ordnance sheet a place is in, follows the name in a parenthesis: thus (18). Several of these are left open, for sheets not yet published, or when places could not be found on the maps. Places are measured from the nearest market town, the distance of the latter by road from the metropolis (London, Edinbro', Dublin) being joined to it; thus, "Wincanton-109," means that Wincanton is 109 miles from London ; "Burren-132," that Burren is 132 from Dub- lin ; " Arbroath-62," that Arbroath is 62 from Edinbro'. English Dioceses (following the living in a parenthesis). St. As. means St. Asaph. Ban. Bangor. Ba. and W. Bath and Wells. Cant. Canterbury. Carl. Carlisle. Ches. Chester. Chic. Chichester. bar. (in Ireland) barony, pop. population(for!841). with the average annual increase joined to it with the sign + , so that the reader can bring it down to any year, near enough for common purposes, poor r. poor rate (for 1846-7). U. Union (always fol- lowing the poor rate in a bracket). P. L. Incorp. Poor Law Incorpo- ration (under a local act). Sup. Registry Superintendent Re- gistry. " for poor " poor levy (for 1847- 8), in Scotland, real prop. real property (for 1842-3). ' Jiect. or r. rectory. Vic. or . * vicarage. Cur. or c. curacy. Don. or Don. Cur. donative. Sin. sinecure. Presb. presbytery, in Scot- land (following the living in a parenthesis). val. value, patr. patron, mon. monument, anct. ancient, found. founded, eng. english. b. built (before a date) reb. rebuilt. viii ABBREVIATIONS, ETC. St. Dav. Durh. Ely Exet. Gl. and Br. Heref. Lich. Line. Llan. Lend. Manch. Norw. Oxon. Pet. Rip. Roch. Sal. or Sarum Sod. and M. Win. Wore. Yk. St. David's, Durham. Ely. Exeter. Gloucester and Bristol. Hereford. Lichfield. Lincoln. Llandaff. London. Manchester. Norwich. Oxford. Peterboro'. Ripon. Rochester. Salisbury. Sodor and Man. Winchester. Worcester. York. Irish Dioceses. Arm. C. Ca. E. W. L. Ck. C. R. Dn. C. D. Du. G. K. Dy. R. K.A.E. K. K. C. K. Lk. A. A. Meath Os. F, L, Tu. K. A. Armagh and Clogher. Cashel, Emly, Water- ford, and Lismore. Cork, Cloyne, and Ross. Down, Connor, and Dromore. Dublin, Glendalagh, and Kildare. Derry and Raphoe. Kilmore, Ardagh, and Elphin. Killaloe,Kilfenora,Clon- fert,andKilmacduagh. Limerick, Ardfert, and Aghadoe. Meath. Ossory, Ferns, and Leighlin. Tnam, Killala, and Achonry. As an example of the most common abbreviations, take ABBAS and TEMPLE COMBE, page 1, which read at length, is : "Abbas and Temple Combe parish, in the 18th sheet of the Ordnance Survey, ' in Horethorne hundred, on the NE. side of Somersetshire, 4 miles S. of Wincanton, ' which is 109 miles by road from London, near . It contains 2020 acres, and had ' a population of 461 in 1841, increasing 2 a year (so that in 1851 it may be about '481); the poor rate (in 1846-7) was 3091., and it is in Wincanton Union ; the real 'property (in 1843) was 42681.; the endowed charities are worth 10/. a year. St. ' Mary's Rectory is in the diocese of Bath and Wells, the value 3981., and the patronage 'with the Rev. T. Fox." Note. St. Mary here, the name of the mother church, is also the legal name of the parish. Measures. The acres throughout (unless others are spoken of) are statute acres, of which 640 = 1 square mile (sq. m.) ; 1000 = 1 i sq. m. nearly (less by T '^). For all cornish parishes, Dr. Boase's more correct acreage, given in Gilbert's Parochial History of Cornwall, is placed side by side with the Population Return area, as a specimen of the uncertainty which still exists on this head in England. In Scotland, \s. scots = Id. sterling ; ll. = Is. Sd. ; 100Z. = 8/. 6s. 8d. 10 scots miles = 1 1 \ statute ; 23 scots acres = 29 statute, or 100 = 126, i. e. nearly ^ more ; in other words, ll. the scotch acre is 15s. lO^d. the imperial. 2 wheat bolls = 1 imperial quarter ; 11 barley bolls = 8 qrs. A davoch in the Highlands is an uncertain ploughland of 8 oxen (see KIHKMICHAEL, Banff".). In Ireland, Is. irish = lid. sterling; ll. = 18s 5d. ; 1001. = 921. 6s. Ifrf. 30 irish acres = 49 statute, or 100 = 162 nearly, i. e. about $ more ; in other words, ll. the irish acre is 12s. 4d. the imperial. In the Channel Islands, 21 sq. ft. = 1 perch; 40 perches = 1 vergee; 2 vergees = 1 english acre nearly; 4 vergees = 1 Guernsey acre = 1 irish acre nearly. N.B. The Excise Collections are in course of alteration ; therefore, at the beginning of each, for " contains " read " contained," as the description refers to the past. For a note relative to the height of Ben Nevis, see p. 988. in the Appendix. A NEW GAZETTEEK, OR TOPOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, ABA Abalaba of the Romans, is Watchcross on Ha- drian's Wall, 2V. Cumbrld, Abbandune of the Saxons, is ABINGDON, Berks. ABBAS and TEMPLE COMBE par. (18) Hore- thorne bund. SE. Somerset. 4 m. S. of Wincanton- 109, near R. Gale, had a K. Templars' precep- tory at T. Combe. Acres 2020 ; pop. 461 + 2 ; poor r. 309/. (Wincant. U.) ; real prop. 4268/. ; chari- ties 10Z. St. Mary Sect. (Ba. and W.) val. 398/., patr. Rev. T. Fox. AbbenhaU (162) 2 m. WNW. of Lichfield, SE. Stafford. ABBERLEY par. (55) Lower Doddingtree bund. NW. Worcest. 4m. SW. of Stourport-126, under A. Hills (800 ft. high), has a camp at Woodbury, and good specimens of the ' Caradoc formation ' in Murchison's Silurian system. Acres 2390, sheepwalks, with lime and coal ; pop. 559 ; poor r. 95/. (Martley U.) ; real prop. 4203/. ; charities 15/. to Walsh's free school. St. Michael Beet. (Heref.) vaL 249/., patr. Mrs. Moillett of A. Lodge, where "knowing Walsh," the friend of Pope, was born (1663-1710). Abbert (58) 8 m. S. of Tuam, N. Galway. J. Blakeney, Esq. ABBERTOFT hmlt. (84) Willoughby par. E. Lincoln. 2 m. SE. of Alford-138 ; pop. 23. ABBERTON par. (48) Winstree hund. E. Essex, 4 m. S. of Colchester-51, on R. Roman. Acres 1030; pop. 248 + 4 ; poor r. HO/. (Lexden U.) ; real prop. 1764A St. Andrew Beet. (Roch.) val. 289/., patr. Ld. Chancellor, gap" ABBERTON par. (54) Upper Pershore hund. E. Worcest. 5 m. NE. of Pershore-102, on R. Piddle, has brine springs like the Cheltenham waters. Acres 1050 ; pop. 81; poor r. 621 (Persh. U.); real prop. 1207/.; charities U. Living, a Beet. (Wore.) vaL 161/., patr. Sheldon family. ABBEWICK tnshp. ( ) Edlingham par. NE. Norihmbrld. 3 m. W. of Alnwick-308, on R. Alne. Pop. 170 + 4 ; poor r. 44A (Aln. U.). ABBEY, or CORCOMROE ABBEY, par. (2, 3, 5, 6) Burren bar. N. Clare, 2 m. S. of Burren-132, on Galway bay, has remains of the cistertian abbey found. 1194, by king O'Brien. Acres 4714, good, with hilly pasture and lime quar- ries ; pop. 1442 decreasing, in a small coast trade and the oyster fisheries. Living, an impro- priate Beet. Finvarra, seat of Skerret, Esq. ^gg- Abbey, near Llanrwst, 2V. Denbigh, Lord Kewborough. giy ABBEY tythg. (21) Axmins- ter par. E. Devon, near Axminster-147. Pop. 76. ^ Abbey (12G) 2 m. WN W. of Ilartland, N W. Devon. Mrs. Orchard, on the site of Githa's VQL. I. ABB old abbey. $^" ABBEY par. q. s. in Arbroath par. SE. Forfar. near Arbroath-62, has the E. win- dow, etc., of a tyronensian mitred abbey, founded 1178, to the memory of a Becket, by Will, the Lion (who was buried here), and belonging to the Panmures (through the Hamiltons and Murrays), the portcullis of which is the arms of Arbroath. Pop. 2289. Living (Presb. Arb.) val. 100/., patr. pewholders. igT Abbey (58) 6 m. SE. of Tuam, 2V. Galway, J. B. Forster, Esq. gif AB- BEY hmlt. (40) St. Dogmell's par. NE. Pembroke. near Cardigan- 239. ^P ABBEY viL (83) E. Iffa and Offa bar. S. Tippery. 2 m. WSW. of Clonmel -104, on R. Suir. Pop. 998. See LNISHLOUNAGHT. ABBEY-ST. BATHAN'S par. N. Berwick, 5 m. NN W. of Dunse-44, on Rs. Whiteadder and Eye, among the Lammermoor hills, contained the old pars, of St. Bothan and Strafontane, and had a cistercian abbey, found. 1190, by Ada, daughter of Will, the Lion. Acres 5000, hilly sheepwalks ; pop. 146 + 2 ; real prop. 1397t ; for poor 20/. Liv- ing (Presb. Dunse) val. 1531., patr. crown. Hume of God's Croft died here 1620. The Retreat, seat of Earl Wemyss. gaT" A. CWM HIR par. (56) Knighton and Cefhllys hunds. 2V. Radnor. 6 m. NE. of Rhayader-181, near R. Ithon, and Camlo Hill (1650 ft.), contains CefFenpawl and Gollon, -with remains of a cistertian abbey (in the cwn hir, or 'long hollow'), founded 1143 by Cadwallon ap Madoc, burnt 1401 by 0. Glyndwr, val. 28/., and given to the Williamses and Fowlers. Pop. 589 + 8; poor r. 241?. (Rhayad. U.); real prop. I. St. Mary's Cur. (St. Dav.) val. 61/., patr. F. Philips, Esq. ; church, has tombs of the Fowlers. Cwm Hir, Earl of Huntingdon, (ap A. DALE hmlt. (82) Ecclesall-Bierlow tush p. W. R. York, 3 m. SW. of Sheffield-162. 8S A. DEMENSES hmlt (44) Winchcomb par. 2V. Glou- cest. the site of K. Kenulph's benedictine abbey. IgT A. DISTRICT or CAMBUS KENNETH vil. Stir- ling or Logie par. W. Clackmannan, near A. Craig, where Wallace was posted 1297 before the battle of Sterling, was the site of Cambus Ken- neth abbey. Pop. 227, weavers and fishermen. fly A. DORE. See DOKE ABBEY, Hereford. ^5~ A. FARM ext. par. ( ) Thurnham tnshp. 2V. Lane. 4 m. SSW. of Lancaster-240, the site of Cockerham abbey. Pop. with Crook Farm, 32. A. FORD. See FORD ABBEY, Devon, ff FOREOATE tnshp. (61) Holy Cross and St. Giles par. Mid. Sult/p. near Shrewsbury-153, has A. House, R. Jenkins, Esq. near the abbey site. Pop. 1638. $3 A. -GATE. See LEICESTER. $& A. GBEEN vil. with Turfholm, Lesmahagow par. ABB ABB J\r>d. Lanark, near Lanark-32, has the church and ruins of St. Machute's priory, founded 1140, by Dav. I. Pop. 881, many weavers. igg"A.HoLMK. See HOLME ABBEY, Cumbrld. igil" A. House, near Abingdon, N. Berks. F. Justice, Esq. igg"" A. Hulton (72) near Burslem, N. Stafford, has, at a farm, remains of a white abbey, found. 1223, by Hen. de Audley, val. 767. igT A. JEKFOINT. See JERPOINT ABBEY, Kilkenny. giP A. LANDS tnshp. ( ) AInwick par. NE. Northmbrld. 2 m. NW. of Alnwick-308, contains Broomhouse, Heckley, Heckley Farm and Grange, and White- house, and had an abbey of Canons. Pop. 295. gif A. Lodge (28) near Magnire's Bridge, Mid. Fermanagh, iggf A.-IN-MALMESBUKY par. (34) Malmsbury hund. NW. Wilts, near Malmsbury- 94, has part of the church of Meydulph's bene- dictine abbey, founded 7th cent., the most important next to Glastonbury in the west of Eng- land. Acres 40 ; pop. 131-; poor r. 287. (Malmsb. U.) ; real prop. /. igg A. Manor (13) 3 m. S. of Wantage, W.Berks, belonged to Heading abbey. ((ST A. Manor House (44) close to Eves- ham," SE. Worcester. E. Rudge, Esq. igT AB- BEY NEW. See NEW ABBEY, Kircudbright. 31. ABBE Y PAISLEY, or ABBEY, par. Upper Ward, E. Renfrew, on Glasgow and Ayr rail, and canal, and Rs. White and Black Cart, and Levern, con- tains Paisley-52, South, Johnston, and Levern q. s. pars., Elderelie, Quarrelton, Millarston, and Thorne, with remains of the monastery found. 1163, as a cell to Wenlock, by the first Stuart Walter Fitzalan (who came from Oswestry), and given by Jas. I. to the Hamiltons. Acres 15,000, fertile, with trap at Gleniffer Braes, coal, lime, ironstone, and alum ; pop. 28,246 + 237, cotton- spinners, weavers, bleachers and printers, and colliers ; real prop. 67,7551., of which 50757. on mines, etc.; for poor 71797. ; rental 22,0007. Livings (Presb. Paisl.) val. 3767. and 3637., patr. Marquis of Abercorn, chief heritor ; church, part of the abbey, of which the cloister and transept windows remain. Close to it is the old house of the Dundonalds ; Johnston Cast., L. Houstoun, Esq. ; Elderslie was Wallace's birthplace. Stewart's Raiss, Cardonald, and Hawkhead, are old seats. Abbey Park (17) 2 m. S. of Beaconsfield, S. Sucks. ^3J A. Park (4) near Aveley, S. Essex. ABBEY, THE, ext par. (78) Isaf "hund. NE. Carnarvon. 4 m. S. of Conway-223. Pop. 28. ^- Abbey, The (81) 6 m. N. of Castleton, N. Derby, on R. Derwent. ^ Abbey, The (34) close to Cirencester, E. Gloucest. Miss Master, near Hen. I.'s abbey. ^T Abbey, The (72) close to Leek, N. Stafford, site of Dieulacres abbey. 6^ A. Wood (1) 2 m. E. b. S. of Woolwich, NW. Kent, on N. Kent rail, near Lesnes ab. ruins. ABBEYDARIG viL (18-9) Moydow par. S. Long- ford, near Keenagh-74, under Slieve Gauldry hills. P. ABBEYDORNEY vil. (21) Clanmaurice bar. N. Kerry. 5 m. N. of Tralee-187, a police station on R. Brick, had a cistertian ab., found. 1154, and given by Eliz. to Trinity Coll. Dub. ; pop. 418. P. 31. ABBEYFEALE par. (42-3 etc.) Glenquin bar. S W. Limerk. 37 m. SW. of Limerick-157 from Dublin, where R. Allaghaum joins the Feale, under the Stack mountains, is a police station, with remains of a cistertian abbey (found. 1188 by an O'Brien, and made a cell to Nenagh ab.) and of Purt cast., a stronghold of the Ge- raldines. Acres 18,150, bog and mountain ; pop. 5492 + 70, of vil. 699. Living, an impropriate Vic. It was the head-quarters of the Rockites in 1822. - Abbeyfield (80) 1 m. WSW. of Sandbach, SE. Cheshire, near Manch. rail, and Gd. Trunk canal. ABBEYGORMAGAJJ par. (98-9, 106-7) Litrim and Longford bars. E. Galway, 7 m. NW. of Eyreeourt-101, near Slieve Boughty hills, is the site of an austin monastery, found, by the O'Gormagans, and given by Hen. VIII. to the Clanricardes. Acres 1 1,758, part arable ; pop. 2930 + 70. Living, a Rect. with Kiltormer. ABBEYKKOCKJMOY par. (44, 58) Clare and Tia- quin bars. N. Galway, 7 m. SE. of Tuam-119, a petty sess. and police station, with remains of a cistertian abbey found. 1189, by O'Connor the Red- handed (after a victory over the English at knoc mugha or the Hill of Victory), given by James I. to the Blakes, and now belonging to T. B. Forster, Esq. of Abbey Ho. Acres 12,386, sheep- walks and bog, with limestone quarries ; pop. 3846. Living, a Rect. with Killereran. Moyne, seat of M. J. Browne, Esq. Fairs, 24 June, 21 Aug. 1 Nov. ABBEYLARA par. (6, 10) Granard bar. E. Long- ford. 3 m. SE. of Granard-65, near Lough Coonah, has remains of an abbey said to have been founded by St. Patrick and refound. 1205 by Lord Tuft. Acres 9150, good, with bog, and lime quarries ; pop. 3084, of vil. 194. Living, a Vic. (K. E. A.) val. 1107., patr. Bishop; church, was part of the old abbey. Fernsborough, A. Burrowes, Esq. P. M. ABBEYLEIX par. (23-4, 29, 30) Culli- nagh, Clarmallagh, and W. Maryboro' bars. 5 1 . Queen's Co. and Fassidinin bar. 'Kilkenny, 9 m. SSW. of Maryboro', 59 from Dublin, on the R. Nore, near Dysart hills, a sess. and chief police station, on the site of a cistertian monastery found. 1183 by Conogher O'More, and given by Eliz. to the Ormondes. Acres 13,547, poor, with potter's clay, lime and stone quarries ; pop. 6719 + 72, of town 1021, in the woollen and other mills : houses 131, with 2 churches, 2 chapels, market- house, sessions-house, bridewell, savings-bank, dispensary, infirmary, lady de Vesci's almshouses, and Union p. house. Living, a Vic. (Os F. L.) val. 1397., patr. Viscount de Vesci of A. House, to whom the town belongs. Bellview, W. Bell, Esq. Abbeyl. P. L. Union, contains 11 elect, divs. in Queen's Co. and Kilky. with 24 guardians ; acres 113,960, pop. 41,230, room for 500, cases relieved (year 1847-8) 2786 (besides 6250 out-door), ex- pend. 11,8557., prop, rated 66,7597. Mht. D. Sat Fears, 26 Jan. 17 Mar. 5 May, 20 June, 20 Sept. 4 Nov. ABBEYMAHON par. (136, 145) Ibane and Bar- ryroe bars. S. Cork, 10 m. S. of Bandon-180, on Courtmacsherry bay, contains Lislivane and re- mains of a bernardine abbey left unfinished at the Reformation. Acres 4482, good land, with bog ; pop. 3261 decreasing. Living, a Cur. (C. K. C.) val. 347., patr. Earl of Shannon, of Courtmac- sherry ; no church. ABBEYSHRULE par. (23, 47) Shrule bar. S. Longford, 4 m. NE. of Ballymahon-70, a police station, where Royal canal crosses R. Inny, with remains of Shrule abbey, found. 1150 by O'Ferrall, and given by Eliz. to Sir R. Dillon. Acres 2340, good, with a black stone quarry ; pop. 1283 + 5. Living, a Rect. with Tashinny. ABBEYSIDE vil. (51)Decies-without-Drumbar. 5. Waterfd. a suburb of Dungarvan-124, on R. Colligan, near the old abbey. See DUNGARVAN. ABBEYSTRAND vil. (149) W. Carbery-East bar. SW. Cork, 7 m. SW. of Skibbereen-207, on Balti- more bay. Pop. 164. ABBEYSTROWRY par. (132-3, 141-2) W. Carbery-East bar. S. Cork, containing part of j Skibbereen-207, on the R. Hen, is so called from an old abbey of which some remains, with tombs j of the Roches, are visible. Acres 9396, chiefly ABB 'waste, with slate quarries at Derrygoole; pop. 6225 + 65, in a small coast trade. Living, a Vic. (C. R.C.) val. 118/., patr. J. S. Townsend, Esq. Hollybrook, R. H. Beecher, Esq. Abbeytown (29) near Crossmolina, N. Mayo, W. Orme, Esq. Abbeyview (47) near Kilmallock, K. Limerick. Igir Abbeyview (6) close to Boyle, N. Roscommon, M. Crofton, Esq. Abbeyville (38) near Clare, Mid. Clare, T. Crowe, Esq. ijgg" Abbeyville (1) near Burrishoole abbey, Mayo, J. M'Donnel. igT Abbeyville (15) 2 m. SW. of Malahide, E. Dublin. igT Abbeyville (33) near Ballymote, ARE par. (36) Miskin hund. NE. Gla- morgan. 4m. SW. of Merthyr Tydvil-176, within that borough, where R. Dar joins the Cynon, contains Cefnpennar, Cwmdare, Forchaman, and Llwydcoed. Pop. 6471 + 251, in the iron- and coal- works (1200 hands) ; poor r. 11237. (Merthyr U.) ; real prop. 11,5817.; charities 57. to Matthews's almhouses. St. J. Baptist Cur. (Llan.) val. 2607., patr. Marquis of Bute ; church, plain and old. A canal and rail, run near the Cynon the former 7 m. long to the Cardiff canal, the latter S^m. to the Taff Vale rail, being a single line made for 50007. per mile, and opened 1846. At Diffryn -dar lived Owen, a great patron of the old bards ; and here Evan, the poet and divine, died 1798. Aberamman near it belonged to the Matthewses. At Sketty Shettes mill 52 persons were killed by fire-damp, Aug. 1849. Fairs, 1 Apr. 16 Aug. 13 Nov. 7 Dec. ABERDARGIE vil. Abemethy par. SE. Perth. near Abernethy-36 ; pop. 200. ABERDARON par. (76) Commitmaen par. SW. Carnarvon. 14 m. SW. of PwllheIi-234 (contain- ing Tynrefal), is at R. Daron's mouth, on A. Bay, opposite Bardsey isld., for which pilgr'ms here embarked. Pop. 1350 ; poor r. 5697. (Pwllh. U.); real prop. 41817. ; charities 127. St. Hyr- wyn Red. and Vic. (Bang.) val. with Llanfaelrhys 1207., patr. bishop ; church, early eng. was for- merly collegiate, and had the privilege of sanc- tuary. The ruins of Capel Vair and Anhaelog chapel are near. Fair, 26 June. B 3 c ABERDAUGLEDDAU is MILFORD HAVEN, S. Peinbrok. at the mouth of the E. and W. Cleddau. ABERDEENSHIRE, a seaside county in NE. Scotland, the old seat of the Taixali in the roman Vespasiana, is watered by Rs. Dee, Don, Ythan, etc. and bordered by Kincardine and Forfar. (S.), the Grampians, Perth, and Inverness.(S>W.'), Banff. (W.), the N. Sea (N. and E.). Length from Scar- soch, in the centre of Scotland, to Rattray Hd. 87 m. ; greatest breadth 36., av. ditto 21 A; rela- tive size, 651-10,000ths ; circuit, about 200 m. of which 60 is sandy and rocky coast, having along it, Aberdeen near Girdleness light, Belhelvie sand (where Gen. Colby measured his base line of 5 m.), Newburgh at the Ythan's mouth, Cruden Scars, Slains cast, Bass Rock, Buller's cave (up which ; the sea rushes in rough weather), Boddam cast., j Buchanness light (the most E. point of Scotld.), i Peterhead, St. Fergus par. (which belongs to i Banff. ) near Scotstown Pt. and the Ugie's mouth, [ Strathbeg loch (or lagoon), Fraserburgh near j Kinnaird s Hd. light, Dundargue cast., and Aber- ! dour. It contains 1970 sq. m. or 1,260,800 acres, j in the slate, lead, and copper mines, and a small coasting trade. Living, a Cur. (Ban.) val. L, patr. Vicar of Towvn. Good trout fishing up the river. Aberdulais (37), 2m. NE. of Neath, Mid. Gla- morgan, at the fall of R. Dulais, where it joins the Neath, has iron and tin works employing 120 hands. Ynisgenvn belongs to Llewelyn of Pen- llergare. ABEREDW par. (56) Colwyn hund. S. Radnor. 3 m. SE. of Builth-173, where R. Edwy (noted for its trout) joins the Wye, is a fine spot near Cwm Llewelyn, where the last Llewelyn was betrayed by the blacksmith. Pop. 345 ; poor r. 1587. (Builth U.) ; real prop. 20467. ; charities 41. St. Cewydd Rect. (St. Dav.) val. with Llan- vareth, 355?., patr. Bishop ; church, old, with a screen, and stands on a rock by the river, com- manding a wide prospect. A large yew remains, under which 60 couple have danced. A. Court seat of Mynors of Treago. T. Jones, the painter (died 1803) was born at Pencareg. ABERESCIR or -ESOAIR. See ABERYSCIR Brecon. P. ABERFEI.DY vil. Dull and Logierait pars. Mid Perth. 67 m. from Edinbro', on R. Tay, at the bridge built by Gen. Wade, near Moness ABE 9 Falls. Pop. 823, muslin weavers. Among the " Birks of Aberfeldy " are the seat of Marquis of Breadalbane and some druid remains. P. ABERFFRAW par. (78) Malltraeth hund. 8. Anglesey, 16 m. SW. of Beaumaris-246 m. from London, a sub-port to Beaum. at R. Ffraw's mouth on Carnarvon bay, containing Bod Feirig and Gederwydd, and 7 other tythgs. was a mar- ket-town, and had at Gardd-y-Llys or " palace garden." the seat of the Princes of Gwynedd (from Roderick Mawr, 870, to Llewelyn, 1281), where the Eisteddfod was held, and a copy of Howel Dha's code kept. Acres 6200 ; pop. 1336, chiefly fishermen ; poor r. 5967. (Angles. U.) ; real prop. 43387. ; charities 247., of which 41. to Sir A. Owen's school. St. Beuno Sect. (Ban.) val. 8887., patr. Crown ; church, ancient. Glass amulets and other remains have been found. An Eisteddfod was kept 1849, under the Meyricks. The principality included Mon (4 cantrefs or hunds.), Caer-yn-Avon (4), Merionydd (3), and Perveddwlad (5), subdivided into 38 comots. Fairs, 7 Mar. Tuesd. after Palm Sund. Wed. after Trin. 15 Aug. 23 Oct. 11 Dec. -P. ABERFOIL par. -S W. Perth. 15 m. WNW. of Stirling-35, where R. Foil joins the Forth, under Ben Lomond and B. Venu, is watered by Lochs Achray, Chon, Ard, Katrine, etc. in the midst of the 'scenery of 'Rob Roy,' the ' Lady of the Lake,' etc. Size 11 m. by 6, well wooded, with sheepwalks, marble, granite, limestone and slate quarries; pop. 543, gaelic-speaking, de- creasing ; real prop. 35467. ; for poor 1567. Living (Presb. Dumblane) val. 1587., patr. Duke of Mon- trose, chief heritor. Near the Clachan or A. Pass the two heads of the Forth unite ; further on are the Trossachs ; and some rare plants are found. P. ABERFORD. See LOTHERTON-CUM-ABER- FORD, W. R. York. ABERFORD par. ( ) Lower Skyrack wap. W. R. York. 5 m. SW. of Tadcaster-192, at the bridge on R. Cock, near Yk. and N. Midld. rail, and Wat- ling St., containing Parlington and Thorton, was a mkt, town, and had a pin factory in Camden's time. Acres 3820, of town 1480, with coal, lime and building-stone quarries ; pop. 1071 + 15, and 782 + 14 ; poor r. 971 ; real prop. 24127. ; chari- ties 187., of which 127. to lady Hastings' school. St. Richard Vic. (York) val. 3057., patr. Oriel Coll. Oxon. Castle Gary, a norman remain, is at one end. The battle of Towton was fought near this, 1461. Fairs, last Mond. Apr. and May, 1st Mond. Oct., Nov. 1. ; cattle and sheep. ABERGARW vil. (36) Llangeinor par. 8. Gla- mrgn. 8 m. N. of Bridgend-181. ABERGAVENNY HUNDRED (42-3), NW. Mon- mouth. Upper div. contains the pars, of *Aberyst- ruth c., Goytrey r., *Llanellan ., *Llanfoist r., *Llangattock-nigh-Usk r., Llanhileth r., *Llan- overc., "Llansaintfreed r., *Llanvair-Kilgidin r., *Llanvihangel-nigh-Usk r., Mamhilad c., Treve- than c. (including Pont-y-pool), and parts of *Abergavenny v. and "Llanwenarth c. ; acres 43,300, pop. 35,723, houses 6422. Lower div. the pars, of *Llangattock-Llingoed, *Llanthewy- Rhytherch ., "Llanthewy-Skirrid, *Llantillio- Pertholey v., "Llanvapley r., *Llanvetherine r., *Oldcastle, and parts of Abergavenny, "Cwmyoy, *Llanarth, *Llanvihangel - Crucorny ., and Llanwenarth ; acres, 32,990, pop. 8123, houses 1590. * ABERG., or BERGAVENIE, DEANERY, archdy. of Monmo. dioc. of Lland. contains the benefices in the above and Upper Skenfreth hunds., with *Bryngwyn r., Dingestowe v., Rockfield P., Overmonnow c., and Wonastow c. P. M. ABERGAVENNY par. in the above hund. ABB. ABE 14 m. W. of Monmouth, 141 from London, a petty sess., polling, and decayed corporate town, con- taining Hardwicke and Lloyndu, where R. Ga- venny joins the Usk, near Brecon canal and Hereford rail., under the Sugar Loaf hill (1852 ft..), Skirrid Vawr, etc., was the roman Gobannium, and has remains of a castle b. at the Con- quest by Hammeline de Balun (who founded the priory) which came through the Braoses, Cantelupes, Hastings, Herberts, etc. to the Ne- villes, who take hence title of earl (formerly by mere tenure of the castle). Acres 4290, hilly sheepwalks; pop. 4953 + 72, of town 2^20, in the Clydach and Blaenavon coal and iron works, flannel weaving etc. Houses 544, with 2 churches, 6 chapels, townhall, 2 banks, gasworks, old 13-arch bridge, Hen. VIII. 's free gram, school (2651., with a fellowship and exhibitions at Jesus Coll. Oxon.), Cymreigyddion society's hall (1833) for bardic meetings, etc., and Union p. house. Poor r. 1170Z. on 18.697Z. ; real prop. 19,825Z.; charities, 318Z. St. Mary Vic. (Lland.) val. 4511., patr. Sir J. Guest, Bt. ; church, has nor- man traces and effigies, etc. of the Herberts of Werndee (from Will, ap Thomas), Hastings, Beauchamps, etc. Holy Trin. Cur., patr. Mrs. R. Herbert. At the castle (taken 1172 by Sytsylt ap Dyfnwald, and Llewelyn 1215) are remains of the Tudor gate (with a fine view from it), and an avenue of firs 1 m. long ; De Balun's benedictine priory cell to Mans ab. France was valued at 59Z. Bp. Cantilupe (died 1267) and Baker, the bene- dictine historian, were natives ; and roman coins, bricks, etc. have been found. Aberg. P. L. Union includes the pars, etc., marked * in the hund. and deanery above, and Bedwelty, Clytha, Bettws, Newydd, in Monmo', with Bwlch Trewyn, Foot- hog, in Herefd. ; acres 80,580, pop. 50,834, cases relieved (yr. 1847-8) 1901 (out-door 1G88), ex- pend. 6818Z., prop, rated 119.121Z. Sup. Registry comprises the above, in Monmo. with Blaenavon and Llautony; pop. 50,845 + 1997 ; 475 deaths from cholera" 1848-9, mostlv at Tredegar, etc. New County Court district (except Aberystruth, Bedwelty, Bettws Newydd, Bryngwyn, Clytha) corresponds to the registry. Mkt. D. Tues. Sat. Fairs, 14 May, cattle ; Mond. after Trin. and 25 Sept., flannel, etc. ; 19 Nov. Races, Apr., on a 1 m. course. Abergeldie Castle, 2m. W. of Ballater, SW. Aberdeen, on R. Dee, M. F. Gordon, Esq. has an old tower, etc. among the birches or ' birks,' which Burns' song has transferred to Aberfeldy. P. M. ABERGELE par. (79) Isdulas hund. N. Denbigh, a stat. on Holyh. rail. 212 m. from Lon- don, and 10 m. NW. of Denbigh, containing Gwyrch (the Heskeths' seat), Tywyn, and 11 other tnshps. is a petty sess. town, bathing-place, and port, in a healthy spot, where the sea gains ground. Pop. 2661 + 16, of town 945, in the limeworks; houses 202, with church, andSchapels; poor r. 1207Z. (St. Asaph U.) ; real prop. 7510/. ; charities 13/., of which 67, to Bp. Fleetwood's school. St. Michael Vic. (St. As.) val. 400Z., patr. Bishop. A british and roman camp is seen ; Cefn Oge cave, where Rich. II. was betrayed to Boling- broke by Percy, commands a fine view of the bay ; and Lysfaen telegraph, communicating with Liverpool, etc. is 709ft. high. Some rare plants and specimens of ' Silurian rocks ' are found. Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, 2 Apr. Wed. before Holy Thurs. 20 Aug. 9 Oct. cattle. Abergldslyn (75) 7 m. S. of Snowdon, S. Car- narvon, a pass near PONT ABERGLASLYN. Aberglasney (41) near Llandilofawr, E. Car- marthen, on R. Glasney, seat of Philips, Esq , through the Dj-ers, of whom was the poet of " Grongar Hill," which is near. Aberglass Hirin (56) 6 m. NW. of Rhavader, NIV. Radnor. ABERGORLECH vil. (41) Llanybyther par. Mid. Carmarthen. 6 m. ]SW. of Llandilofawr-202, where the R. Gorlech joins the Coth, is a Cur. (St. Dav.) val. 60Z., patr. Vicar. Abergwhyd (36) 5 m. NW. of Pont-y-pool, W. Monmouth. Abergwidol (59) 4m. ENE. of Machynlleth, W. Montgomery. ABERGWILLY par. (41) Elvet hund. Mid. Car- mrthn. 2 m. NE. of Caermarthen-218, where R. Gwilly joins the Towy, containing Cricklas, Glantawy, Hengil, Veney, and Ystyngwilly Cur. was the place of a battle (1020) between Llewelyn ab Sytsylt and an adventurer called Run. Pop. 2366, in the slate quarries ; poor r. 932Z. (Carm. U.) ; real prop. 11,207Z. ; charities 14Z., of which 6/. to Lloyd's school and almsh. St. David Vic. (St. Dav.) val. 172/., patr. Bishop (of A. Palace, lately reb. in elizabethan style), who owns the manor ; church, former!}* collegiate, was given to Brecknock coll. Cwm-Guilly, C. Phillips, Esq. near Merlin's Grove, where that famous sorcerer lived. Fairs, 2 and 27 Oct. for cattle, etc, Abergwydden (36) 5 m. SW. of Pont-y-pool, S W. Monmouth, on Crumlin canal. ABERHAFESP par. (60) Newtown hund. SE. Montgmry. 2 m. WNW. of Newtown-175, where R. Hafesp joins the Severn, on Sarn Sws roman way. Pop. 535, in the flannel trade, fishery and quarries ; poor r. 207Z. (Newt. U.) ; real prop. 3405Z. ; charities 1Z. St. Cynog Rect. (St As.) val. 245Z., patr. Bishop ; church, early eng. A. Hall, and the rectory have fine views of the Severn. ABERHALE tnshp. (60) Tregynon par. SE. Montgmry. 5 m. N. of Newtown-175; pop. with Tregynon, 363 ; real prop. 1750Z. Aberhiriarth Hall (60) near Cemmaes, W. Montgmry. on the Dyfi, Sir G. H. Dashwood, Bt. ABERHONDDHU, the Welsh name of BRECK- NOCK, Brecon. ABERKEXFIGG vil. (36) Higher Newcastle limit. \ par. (52) Spelhoe hund. Mid. 'Northmptn. 1 m. NE. of Northampton-66, near Peterboro' rail, and tho R. Nen. Acres 1190; pop. 1437. ; poor r. 1587. (Northmpt. U.) ; real prop. 27827. ; charities, church lands, etc. 207. St. Peter and St. Paul Rect. (Pet.) val. 200/., patr. J. H. Thursby, Esq., of A. Lodge, through the Bernards, whose tombs are in the early eng. church. On the spot where Shakespere's favourite granddaughter was buried, is the mulberry- tree planted by Garrick. ABR 13 P. ABINGTON, GREAT, par. (51) Chilford hund. ! SE. Cambridge. 2 m. NW. of Linton-48, near E. j count, rail, on a branch of R. Cam, was once a mkt. town. Acres 1500 ; pop. 358 ; poor r. 2897. (Lint. U.) ; real prop. 21407. St. Mary Vic. (Ely) val. 1207., patr. T. Mortlock, Esq. of A. Park; church, early eng. fgT A., LITTLE, par. close to the above. Acres 1120; pop. 277+2; poor r. 1767. (Lint. U.); real prop. 18987. St. Mary Vic. (Ely) val. 877., same patr. ; church, which belonged to Pentney abbey, has a double niche in the chancel, etc. with tombs of the Daltons. giP A. IN THE CLAY, or A. PIGOTT'S, par. (46) Armingford hund. SW. Cambridge. 4 m. NW. of Rovston-38, on a branch of the Cam. Acres 12607."; pop. 232; poor r. 1637. (Royston U.); real prop. 20337. St. Michael Rect. (Ely) val. 3107., patr. M. G. F. Pigott, Esq., of A. Hall a fam. which has held the manor since the Conquest. AB-KETTLEBY par. (71) Framland hund. NE. Leicest. 3 m. NW. of Melton Mowbray-105, on Broughton Hill, and a branch of R. Wreak, con- tains Holwell. Acres 2920 ; pop. 380 + 5 ; poor r. 17227. (M. Mowbr. U.); real prop. 817.; charities 87. St. James Vic. (Pet.) val. 7., patr. Rev. T. Bingham, of A. Hall, vicar ; church, belonged to Laund priory. ABLINGTON tythg. (44) Bibury p&r.E. Gloucest. 5 m. NW. of Fairford-79, on R. Coin ; pop. 96 ; real prop. 20827. A. House, Rev. C. Coxwell. fiT ABLINGTON hmlt. (14) Figheldean par. E. Wilts. 4 m. N. of Amesbury-77, on R. Avon ; pop. 137. ABNEY and A. GRANGE hmlt. (81) Hope par. N. Derby. 3 m. NE. of Tideswell-160, on a branch of R. Derwent, was the seat of the Abneys, who were afterwards (thro' the Gunstons) of A . Park (1) 2 m. N. of London, SE. Middlesex, now laid out as a cemetery, with a chapel in the centre, and a mon. to Dr. Watts, who lived in the old house near the spot. Abona Fluv. of the Romans, is the Avon, Glou- cest. which flows by Abone or Ad Abonam, near Bitton or Clifton. ^ A. jEstuar. is Dornock Frith, Cromarty. ABOVE DERWENT. See PoRTrNG8CALE,CWiirW. ABOVE PARK hmlt. (72) Cheadle par. N. Staffd. near Cheadle-146. ffiT A.-SAWTHE hmlt (41) Llangattock par. E. Carmrthn. near Llan- gattock-195 ; pop. 736 ; real prop. 31907. Abovewood ( ) 3 m. NE. of Whitehaven, W. Cumbrld. P. ABOYNE par. with Glentanner, Kincardine O'Neil distr. S. Aberd. 26 m. WSW. of Aberdeen -110, where Tanar Water joins the Dee, at the bridge, near the Braes of Angus, in a healthy spot under the Grampians, contains Charlestown, and belonged to the K. Templars. Acres 29,000, hilly, chiefly fir and oak forest; pop. 1138, decreasing; real prop. 40447. ; for poor 1587. Living (Presb. Kincard.) val. 1617. patr. Marquis of Huntley, of A. Castle, chief heritor, who takes hence the title of earl. Goats' whey is drunk here ; and a Pic ts* house is seen. Abraham's Bosom (55) 2 m. NE. of Tenburv, NW. Worcest. ABRAM tnshp. (89) Wigan par. 5. Lancash. 3 m. SSE. of Wigan-200, on Newton rail, and Leigh canal. Acres 1790 ; pop. 901 + 39, in the collieries ; poor r. 987. (Wig. U.) ; real prop. 81017. Living, a Cur. (Ches.) val. 1207., patr. Rector. Abrasuanus Fluv. of the Romans, is the Luce, Wiffton, which runs to Luce bay or Abravannus Sinus. P. ABRIDGE vil. (1) 4m. S. of Epping, ACH Essex, on R. Roding, is a Our. with Lambourne. Fair, 2 June. Abshield ( ) 4m. NW. of Morpeth, E. Nor- thumberland. Abshot (11) 4m. W. of Farehani, S. Hants. Capt. Lyon. ABSON par. (35) with. Wick, Pucklechurch hund. SW. Gloucest. 5 m. SSW. of Chipping "Sodbury-108, on the Cotswolds and a branch of R. Avon, under A. Hill camp (200 ft. high), 'containing Holbrook and Bridge- Yate, belonged to Glastonbury ab., and includes Toghill, where Waller was beaten 1642, when Sir 13. Granville was killed. Acres 2170, with coal and lime ; pop. : 794; poor r. Z. ; (C. Sodb. U.) ; real prop. Z. 'St. James Cur. with Pucklechurch. Roman coins, urns, etc., have been found. ABTHORPE par. (53) Towcester hund. SW. Northmptn. 3 m. SW. of Towcester-60, on R. love, contains Foscote. Acres 1960 ; pop. 449 ; poorr. 409Z.' (Towc. U.) ; real prop. 2674Z. ; cha- rities 191?. to Leeson's school, and poor of this and 29 other places. St. J. Baptist Vic. (Pet.) val. 184Z., patr. Bp. of Lichfield. Abum, Ad, of the Romans, is WESTERTON, Lin- coln, on Ermine St. and the Humber, or Abus Fluv. ABURY. See AVEBURY, Wilts. ABY par. (84) Calceworth hund. E. Lincoln. -3 m. NW. of Alford-158, contains Greenfield. Acres 1560; pop. 312+11; poor r. 111/. (Louth U.); real prop. 1698Z. All Saints Vic. with Belleau. Acantium Prom, of Ptolemy, is the N. Foreland, Kent. ACASTER MALBIS or MALBYSSE par. ( ) York ainsty, W.R. York. 3 m. S. of York-199, on R. Ouse, near N. Midld. rail., was held by the Mal- bisses after the Conquest. Acres 1780 ; pop. 322, decreasing ; poor r. 831. (York U.) ; real prop. 2487Z. ; charities, Knowles's school, etc. 35Z. Holy Trinity Cur. (York) val. 56/., patr. F. Lawley, Esq. tgif A. SELBY tnshp. Stillingfleet par. as above, 3 m. SW. near where R. Ouse joins the Wharfe, belonged to Selby ab. and is the site of a college founded by R. Stillington, val. 34/. Acres 1360 ; pop. 188 ; poor r. 68Z. ; real prop. 2396Z. Living, a Cur. (Yk.) val. 40Z., patr. Sir W. Milner, Bt. P. ACCRINGTON chplry. (89) Whalley par. Mid. Lancash. a stat. on E. Lane, rail., 4m. NNW. of Haslingden-204, on R. Henburn, near Leeds and Liverp. canal, includes A. NEW and OLD tnshps. Acres 3220 ; pop. 8719 + 243, spinners, weavers, calico-printers, and colliers ; poor r. 895Z. (Has- Ingd. U.) ; real prop. 25,990Z., of which 3529Z. on mines and quarries. Living, a Cur. (Manch.) val. 185Z., patr. Hulme's Trustees ; church reb. 1826 ; Christ Church Cur. val. Z., patr. Trustees; church, early eng. A. House, John Peel, Esq. Achadfinglass Abbey, nearLeighlin, Carlow, was plundered by the Danes, 864. ' Ach ' a field. Achaffrick, on Loch Shin, S. Sutherland. Achdistal Castle, near Berrydale, S W. Caithness, a seat of the Earls of Sutherland, now in ruins. Achaleak, on L. Sunart, N. Argyll, near Stron- tian. Achalean, on L. Awe, E. Argyll. 10 m. N. of Inverury. Achalefen, S. end of Arran, Bute. Achalibster, 4 m. SSW. of Halkirk, Mid. Caithn. Achalibster, 7 m. WSW. of Wick, E.Caithness. Aclialick Bay, in L. Fine, S. Argyll. Achall Loch, 2 m. E. of Ullapool, N. Ross. near L. Broom. Achall, and Achanish, near L. Naver, Mid. Suthrld. Achancass Castle, Kirkpatrick Juxta par. 4\T. Dumfries, is a fort 150 ft. square, with parts of the walls left, Achantoft, 2 m. S. of Dunbeath Castle, E. Caithn. Achany, 2 m. S. of L. Shin, S. Suthrld. ACHARACLE. See AHARACLE, Inverness. Acharaskil and Achavaristil, near Reav, NW. Caithn. Achardale, 2m. SSW. of Halkirk, Mid. Caithn. AOHARN vil. Kenmore par. Mid. Perth. 3 m. SW. of Kenmore-92, on A. Burn, which runs over a fall of 80 ft. to L. Tay. Pop. 42. Acharynie, 3 m. NNE. of L. More, Mid. Caithn. Acliaun Castle (9) 4 m. NE. of Tullow, N. Car- low, near A. Cromlech, and A. Abbey, Monastery, and Church, all in ruins. Achavair, 2 m. N. of Lybster, SE. Caithness. Achavanich Inn, 7 m. N. of Dunbeath castle, S. Caithn. Achavanie, on L. Keeshom, S. W. JRoss. Achavreal and Achay, 2 m. SSE. of L. Watten, E. Caithn. Achendown Castle, 9 m. SSW. of Keith, Mid. Banff, on R. Fiddick, an old ruined seat of the Ogilvies and Gordons (since 1535). Achenharvie, 4 m. NE. of Irvine, N. Ayr. Achenreoch Loch, 7 m. NE. of Castle Douglas, E. Kirkcudbt. Acherachan, 6 m. NNW. of Tomantoul, S W. Banff, on R. Livet. Achern, 3 m. SW. of Wick, E. Caithn. Achieson's Haven. See Morrison's Haven, Had- dington. ACHILI, par. (53-6, etc.) Burrishoole bar. W. Mayo, 20 m. WNW. of Newport- 176, between Newport and Black Sod bays, belongs chiefly to the O'Donnells, and includes the islds. of Achill and A. Beg, and Coraan A. Point on the main, from which it is separated by A. Sound and Ford, at the bottom of which, near A. Beg, is A. Hole harb., which is safe in all weathers, with a fishing pier. Acres 51, 522, of A. Isld. 35,243, mountain and bog, rising 2220 ft. at Croyhan hill (close to A. Head), 2217 at Slievemore, 1530 at Minaum, 1190 at Knockmore, and from 1500 to 1800 at Knock- letteragh in the Coraan ; pop. 6392 + 112, of isld. 4000, fishermen, etc., in a very primitive state. Living, a Ilect. (Tu.K. A.) val. 89Z., patr. Bishop ; no church. Some improvements have been effected by the Protestant mission, estab. 1832 at Doogort under Slieve-more, where the ' A. Herald ' is published. Amethysts are found at Keem coast gd. station (with a fine view of Clare isld.), and at A. Beg, which is small and poor, and is also a coast gd. station. Achilochy, 2 m. S. of Farr Kirk, N. Suthrld. in Strath Naver. Achilty Loch, 7 m. WSW. of Dingwall, E. Pass. in a fine spot, is 1 m. long, very clear, with char, trout, etc., and remains of M'Lea More's house. Achin Loch, 2 m. SE. of L. Fannich, Mid. Ross. Achinblae. See AUCHINBLAE, Kincardine. Achinames Castle, See Auchinames, Ayr. Achindarach, 5 m. WSW. of Invercoe, If. Ar- gyll, near Lochs Leven and Linnhe. ACHINDAVY vil. Kirkintilloch par. E. Dumbrtn. 2 m. E. of Kirkintilloch-41, on R. Kelvin, was a roman station on Antonine's Wall, where the 4 altars were found 1771, described by Gen. Roy. Achingale, near L. Watten, E. Caithn. Achinhew, S. end of Arran, Bute. Achintee, at Carron's Head, S W. Ross. Achintoul. See Auchintoul. Achlean, 5 m. WNW. of Fort Augustus, Mid. Inverness, in Glen Morison. Achleeks, 8 m. W. of Blair Atholl. N. Perth., in Glen Erochkie. ACH Achley, near Dornoch, SE. Suthrld. Achlitie Castle, 6m. NW. of L. Earn Head. W. Perth., Marquis of Breadalbane, in Glen Do- chart. Achllng Ditch (15) between Woodgates and Critchill, NE. Dorset., is part of Icknield St. from Sarum, etc., which went on over Badbury Down to Sturminster, Dorchester, etc. Achmerrel, 2 m. SE. of L. Watten, E. Caithn. Achmore or Auchmore, at L. Tay's Head, W. Perth, near Killin. Achmores, 9 m. NE. of Tomantoul, Mid. Banff. ACHMUIHIE. See AUCHMITHIK, Forfar. Achnacary, near L. Archaig, S. Inverness, was the Camerons' seat, where they sheltered Pr. Charles after Culloden. Achnacrag, 4m. SW. of Berrydale cast SW. Caithness., on the coast. P. ACHNACRAIG, 8 m. W. of Oban, I. of Mull, N. Argyll, on A. Loch, has a great cattle ferry to the mainland, across Kerrera isld. igT Achna- crosh, 3 m. N. of it. Achnacy, 4 m. N. of Huntley, N. Aberdeen. Achnadaul, 6 m. NE. of Fort William, S. In- verness. Achnahannet, 3 m. W. of Grantown, S. Elgin. Achnahow Loch, 6 m. NW. of Kildorran, E. Sutherld. fig" Achnaihin, 2 m. E. of it in Strath Ellic. Achnastank, 6 m. ESE. of Inveraven, Mid. Banff. Achollies, 5. m. NW. of Stonehaven, NE. Kin- card, on a branch of R. Cowie. Acholter, 2 m. N W. of Rothsay, Bute. fc ACHOKRY par. (31-2, etc.)" Leyney bar. S. Sligo, 5 in. WSW. of BaIlymote-123, containing Tobercurry, Bellaghy, etc., was seat of a bishopric founded 6th cent, and now joined to Tuam. Acres 60,896, arable and mountain, with lime and granite quarries ; pop. 17,986 + 260. Living, a Rect. (Tu. K. A.) val. 6147., patr. Crown. A. House, T. Rice, Esq. A. DIOCESE, prov. of Ar- magh, includes 9 benefices, of which 6 are unions, and 6 are in patr. of bishop ; no. of pars. 25, of churches 11 ; size 35 m. by 27, or 231,121 acres ; pop. (1831) 108,144 ; the chapter consists of a dean, archdeacon, precentor, 3 prebendaries. Ditto, row. cath. Diocese, includes 23 pars. ; bishop's seat at Ballaghadereen. Achray Loch, 3 m. N. of Aberfoil, S W. Perth, between Lochs Katrine and Vennachar, near the 'brig o' Turk,' the Trossachs, and most of the localities of the " Ladv of the Lake." Acinus limit. (2l) Ballinahinch bar. NW. Galway, 8 m. NW. of Clifden, near A. Point and Cleggan bay. Achrisgill, near L. Inchard, NW. Suthrld. ACKENTHWAITE hmlt. ( ) Heversham tnshp. S. Westmrld. close to Milnthorpe-255, near N. of Engld. rail. ACKERGILL vil. Wick par. E. Caithness. 2 m. N. of Wick-282, near Sinclair bav, has A. Tower, Lord Duffus, once a seat of the Keiths. Ackhampstead (7) 4 m. NW. of Gt. Marlow, S. Bucks. ACKLAM, or E. ACKLAM, par. ( ) Buckrose wap. E. R. York. 6 m. S. of Malton-217, on the Wolds, has a fine view, and contains Leavening. Acres 2970, of town with Barthorpe 1860 ; pop. 845 + 2, and 411 + 4; poor r. 1167. (Malton U.); real prop. 14607. St J. Baptist Vic. (York) val. 1087., patr. Chanc. of cathedral. ^* A. WEST par. ( ) W. Langbaurgh lib. N. R. York. 3 m. ESE. of Stockton-241, near Darlingt. rail, and R. Tees. Acres 1100 ; pop. 97 ; poorr. 337. (Stockt. U.); real prop. 1101/. ; charities 5.7. Living, a ACO -ffi Cur. (York) val. 447., patr. Archbp. A. Hall, T. Hustler, Esq. Ackland (21) 2 m. SE. of Collumpton, NE. Devon, was the Accalen or seat of the Aclands of Columbjohn, etc. ACKLETOX tnshp. (61) Worfield par. E. Salop. 5 m. NE. of Bridgenorth-139. ACKLEY tnshp. (60) Forden par. E. Montgmry. 3 m. N. of Montgomery-168. Pop. 84. 3? ACKLEY DEANERY, archdy. of Leicester, dioc. of Peterboro', includes the benefices in W Goscote hund., with Worthington Cur. P. ACKLINGTON and A. PARK tnships. (') Warkworth par. E. Northmbrld., a stat. on Yk. and Benvk. rail., 7 m. SSE. of Alnwick-308, on R. Coquet, near the coast. Pop. 301 and 133, coal miners and blanket weavers; poor r. 787. (Alnw. U.) ACKTHORPE hmlt. (84) S. Elkington par. NE. Lincoln. 2 m. W. of Louth-143, on the Wolds. Pop. 36. P. ACKWCRTH par. (87) Upper Osgoldcross wap. W. R. York. 3 m. SW. of Pontefract-177, near Lane, and Yk. rail., in a healthy spot, contains A. HIGH and Low, Moortop, and the Friends' school, which before 1717 was a branch of the Foundling Hosp. Acres 2270 ; pop. 1828+ 12 ; poor r. 4027. ; real prop. 89617. ; char. 1447., of which 807. to Lowther's hosp. and school besides some poor's cottages. St. Cuthbert Rect. (York) val. 4037., patr. Dean and Chap, of Llandaff; church, old. A. Park, J. Gully, Esq. ; A. Grange, R. Wil- son, Esq. ; A. House, G. Goldsworthy, Esq. ; A. Moor Top, Mrs. Gee, etc. Aclare (6) near Drumcondra, N. Meath, H. Singleton, Esq. A. Lodge, Moore, Esq. P. ACLARE vil. (6) Leyney bar. SW. Sligo, 27 m. SW. of Sligo, 140 from Dublin, a police station near R. Moy. Pop. 159. Mkt. D. Sat P. ACLE par. (66) Walsham hund. E. Norfolk, 10 m. E. of Norwich-108, near Way bridge (of one arch) on R. Bure, was a mkt town under Roger Bigod, who found, an austin priory at A. Dam, val. 87. Acres 4360 ; pop. 864 + 4 ; poor r. 3037. (Blofield U.) ; real prop. 79567. ; charities 17. St. Edmund Rect. (Norw.) val. 6057., patr. Lord Calthorpe ; church, has an old font. Fair, 24 June. Acley. See Lyre Ockle, Hereford. ACOL. See WOOD, Kent. P. ACOMB par. ( ) York ainsty, W. R. York. 2 m. W. of York-199, on Gt N. of Engld. rail, near R. Ouse and Siver's Hill (where the body of the emperor Severus was burnt), contains Drinkhouses and Knapton, and 2 lunatic asylums. Acres 2320, of town 1440 ; pop. 880, and 774 + 1 ; poor r. 1227. ; real prop. 47737. ; charities 127., of which lady Hewley's free school 57. St Stephen Vic. (York) val. 1097., patr. T. Tireman, Esq. ; church, old. P. ACOMB, EAST, tnshp. ( ) St Peter's Bywell par. S. Northmbrld. 7 m. E. of Hexham-279, near Newcast. rail, and R. Tyne; pop. 37. <3*"A. WEST tnshp., St. John Lee par. as above, 2 in. N. of Hexham ; pop. 571 + 5, colliers. ACONBURY, or ACOKNBCRY, par. (43) Upper Wormelow hund. Mid. Herefd. 4 m. S. of Here- ford- 134, has a fine view from A. Hill roman camp, and remains of an austin priorv found. (K. John) by Margery wife of Will, de Lacy, now a farm. Acres 1470 ; pop. 158 ; poor r. 207. (Heref. U.^ ; real prop. 12037. St J. Baptist Rect. (Heref.) val. 2587., patr. Guy's hosp. which has the manor, with A. Wood, etc. Acorn Bank ( ) 7 m. NW. of Appleby, 'N. Westmrld. near R. Eden, and so called from ^he oaks which abounded, was a seat of the Dal- 16 ACO ACT stons, now of J. Boazman, Esq., and has some fine paintings. Acorn Close ( ) 4 m. NW. Durham, N. Durh. Acranminster of the Saxons, is AXMINSTER, Dorset. Acre, Goat (34) 4 m. SW. of Wootten Bassett, N. Wilts. 1^" A. Hill Farm (8) 2 m. WNW. of Epsom, N. Surrey. ^ A. Houses (86) 3 m. S. of Caistor, N. Lincoln. giT -4. Rivulet ( ) rises in Glenariff, NE. Antrim, and runs NE. 6 m. to Bed bay. ACRISE par. (3) Loningborough and Folkestone hunds. Shepway lathe, E. Kent, 5 m. NE. of Hythe-56, is a meet for the E. Kent hounds. Acres 1170; pop. 207 + 1; poor r. 70Z. (Elham U.) ; real prop. 1127Z. ; charities, 'tke parish acre.' St. Martin Sect. (Cant.) val. 171/., patr. Ld. Chancellor. A. Place, T. Papillon, Esq. ACTON vil. (18) Lower Orior bar. E. Armagh, near Poyntz Pass-72, on Newry canal, was for- feited by the O'Hanlons to Sir T. Pointz of Iron Acton, Glouc., who founded the town, and gave his name to the pass. Pop. 210, in the linen ma- nufact. Living, a Cur. (Arm.) val. 98/., patr. Incumbent of Ballymore ; church, at Poyntz Pass, near the old one which has a tomb to Pointz, whose descendant is P. Quinn, Esq., of A. Lodge. Fairs, 4 May, 11 Dec. igj ACTON par. (73) Nantwieh hund. 5. Chesh., 1 m. WNW. of Nant- wich-164, on Gd. Junct. and Ellesm. canals, con- taining Newhall, Burland, Burley Dam Cur., and 14 other tnshps. was the seat of the saxon ' eorl ' Morcar, and came through the Levels, Ardens, Wilbrahams, to Earl Dysart. Acres 19,800, of town 1230; pop. 4134 + 21 and 321 + 2; poor r. 681. (Nantw. U.) ; real prop. 2058Z. ; charities 135Z. of which 101. to Sir R. Wilbraham's almshouses. St. Mary Vic. (Ches.) val. 627Z., patr. J. Tolle- mache, Esq. M.P. of Tilstone ; church, early eng. has tombs of the Mainwarings, etc., and was oc- cupied by Fairfax when Byron surrendered Dorfold hall (the Tomlinsons' seat), 1643. igg" ACTON tnshp. (80) Weaverham par. N. Chesh., 4 m. WNW. of Northwich-174, on N. West. rail, and R. Weaver, at the bridge, which was built out of Vale Royal abbey. Acres 1300; pop. 382 + 5; poor r. "751. (Northw. U.); real prop. 2738Z. ^ ACTON tnshp. (73) Wrexham par. E. Den- bigh. 1 m. NE. of Wrexham-179, on Chester rail, and Offa's Dyke. Pop. 223; real prop. 1839Z. A. Park, seat of Sir R. H. Cunliffe, Bt. where the notorious Judge Jeffreys was born (died 1689). i^~ ACTON hmlt. (16) Langton Ma- travers par. SE. Dorset. 3 m. SE. of Corfe Castle -116. P. ACTON par. (7) Ossultone hund. Mid. Mid- dlesex, 2 m. NE. of Brentford-7, near Gt. West. rail, where Essex was quartered 1642, and the citizens welcomed Cromwell after the battle of Worcester 1651, is an old place, containing Steyne and E. ACTON hmlt. on Old Oak common foe, an oak), and belonged to Bartholomew priory. Acres 2260, with a mineral spring ; pop. 2665 + 2i ; poor r. 835Z. on 12,740Z. ; (Brentf. U.) ; real prop. 18,073?. ; charities 137Z., of which 31. to lady Con- way's school, Perryn's or the Goldsmiths' almsh. for 24, and the Clergy orphan school, are on the common. St. Mary Rect. (Lon.) val. 968Z., patr. Bishop, who has the manor ; church, early eng. has 2 brasses, and tombs of ladies Conway and Southwell, etc., P. Nye and B. Ryres, author of " Mercurius Rusticus, 1 ' were rectors. Burymead priory, once seat of the Savilles and Evelyns is a nunnery. Baxter, Sir M. Hale, Bp. Lloyd (one of the 'seven'), Provost Rous, Thicknesse the traveller, etc., were residents. Fair, 24 Aug. ACTON tnshp. ( ) with old Felton, Felton par. E. Northmbrld. 7 m. S. of Alnwick-308, near R. Coquet, has A. House, M. de C. Lawson, Esq. Pop. Ill + 1 ; poor r. 66Z. (Alnw. U.) igT AC- TON tnshp. (60) N. Lydbury par. SW. Salop. 2 m. SSW. of Bishop's Castle-159; pop. 108. tgg" ACTON tnshp. (73) Swinnerton par. NW. Staffd. 3 m. SW. of Newcastle under Lyme-150. ^- ACTON par. (48) Babergh hund. S W. Suf- folk, 3 m. NNE. of Sudbury-54. Acres 2090; pop. 555 ; poor r. 599Z. (Sudb. U.) ; real prop. 4020Z. ; charities 37. AH Saints Vic. (Ely) val. 255/., patr. Earl Howe ; church, contains 5 brasses (from 1302) of the Bures, Brians, and Daniells of A. Place, which has some old paintings, etc. igjT ACTON, ACKTON, or AJKTON tnshp. (87) Featherstone par. W. R. York. 3 m. W. of Pon- tefract-177, Acres 1090 ; pop. 76 + 2 ; poorr. 42/. ; real prop. 1440Z. A. Hall, A\ Heywood, Esq. ACTON BEAUCIIAMP par. (55) Upper Dodding- tree hund. W. Wore. 11 m. WSW. of Worcester- Ill, belonged to the Beauchamps. Acres 1600, part in hops, with mineral springs ; pop. 217 ; poor r. 137Z. (Bromyard U.) ; real prop. 1905Z. ; St. Giles Rect. (Wore.) val. 320/., patr. Mrs. Cowpland. P.3. ACTON BURNELL par. (61) Condover hund. Mid. Salop. 6 m. WNW. of Much Wenlock- 148, near Watling St. and Wenlock Edge, contains A. PIGOT chplry (pop. 49) and Ruckley, and has on A. Hill part of the Burnells' early eng. castle, where Edw. I.'s parl. passed (128*2) the "Statutum de mercatoribus," the Commons sitting in a barn which remains to this day. Acres 2650 ; pop. 394 + 1 ; poor r. 33Z. (Atcham U.) ; real prop. 3605Z. ; charities 2Z. St. Mary Rect. (Lich.) val. 350Z., patr. Sir E. J. Smythe, Bt. of A. Park ; church, has a canopied brass of a Burnell. The Wheatland hounds meet here, ijif" A. Castle (33) 3 m. SE. by E. of Mazarion, SW. Cornw., Capt. Praed. ggp A. GRANGE tnshp. (80) Run- corn par. N. Cliesh. 2 m. SW. of Warrington-184, on N. West. rail, and Bridgwater canal, near the Mersey. Acres 780; pop. 175 + 3; poor r. 119Z. (Rune. IL) ; real prop. 1951Z. ^ A. HaU (54) 5 m. NW. of Droitwich, N. Worcest. $& A. Hill (73) close to Eccleshall, W. Staffd. G. Had- derton, Esq. ijijf A. IRON. See IRON ACTON, Gloucester. S A. Mills ( ) 8 m. SSE. of Hexham, S. Northmbrld. near R. Derwent. A. PIGOT. See A. BURNELL above, tgg" A. REYNOLD tnshp. (73) Shawbury par. N. Salop. 7 m. NNE. of Shrewsbury- 153, near R. Roden. Pop. 159. A. R. Park, A. Corbet, Esq. ^ A. ROUND par. (61) Stottesden hund. Mid. Salop. 5 m. WNW. of Bridgnorth-139, near Wenlock Edge. Acres 3040; pop. 180; poor r. 82Z. (Bridgn. U.) ; real prop. Z. ; charities 2Z. Living, a Cur. (Heref.) val. 85Z., patr. Sir F. E. Acton, Bt. of Aldenham, who has the manor, and of whose family was Cardinal Acton, ifgj" A. SCOTT par. (61) Upper Munslow hund. S. Salop. 3 m. S. of Church Stretton-158, near Watling St. and R. Onny, under Wenlock Edge. Acres 930 ; pop. 204 ; poor r. 83Z. (C. Stret. U.) ; real prop. 1931Z. ; charities 3Z. St. Margaret Rect. (Heref.) val. 238?., patr. F. W. Pendarvis. A. C. House, T. Starkhouse, Esq. igsg" A. STOXK tnshp. (61) Rushbury par. Mid. Salop. 3 m. E. of Ch. Stret- ton-158. Pop. 24. i^" A. TRUSSEL chplry. (62) with Bednall, Baswick par. Mid. Staffd. 2 m. NNE. of Penkridge-131, on Stafford canal and R. Trent, near N. West. rail, and Cannock Chase. Acres 2370; pop. 574 + 2; poor r. 101Z. (Penkr. .); real prop. 4865Z. St. James Cur. (Lich.) >1. 234Z., patr. Hulme's Trustees. ^ A. TUR- U. ADA VILLE par. (35) Lower Grumbald's Ash hnnd. SW. Gloucest. 5m. E. of Chipping Sodbury-108, near Fosse Way and the Cotswolds, has traces of a sanctuary built by a saxon king. Acres 940 ; pop. 311 + 8; poor r. 971. (C. Sodb. U.) ; real prop. 1426/. ; charities /. St. Alary Vic. with Tormarton. Adam and Eve (7) 3 m. SE. of Uxbridge, W. Middlesex. Adam's Isle, at the entrance of Glendore barb. S W. Cork, flap A. Row vil. Newton par. NE. Edinb. 4 m. SE. of Edinbro'. Pop. 249. ^ A. Wood (55) 6 m. NNE. of Bromyard, NE. Here- ford. Adamthwaite ( ) 3 m. SSW. of Ravenstone- dale, E. Westmrld. ADAMSTOWX, or MURNEVAN, par. (30-1, 35), Bantry bar. Mid. Wexfd. 6 m^ NE. of New Ross -90, has remains of Devereux cast. (b. 1556), near Carrickburn hill (766 ft.) which commands a fine view. Acres 8134, light land, with granite and j stone quarries ; pop. 2037, decreasing. Living, a j Rect. (Fe. L. O.), vat. 625Z., patr. Bishop ; in the j ch.yard is an old cross. Merton, T. A. Whitney, Esq. At Scullabogue barn 195 protestants were burnt 1798 by the rebels. Adar Rivulet ( ) a branch of the R. Moy, N. Mayo. P. M. a. ADARE par. (11-2, 20-1) Coshma, Kenry, and Upper Connello bars. Mid. Limerh. 10 m. SW. of Limerick, 129 from Dublin, a petty sess. and police station, and formerly a borough, on R. Maigue (which is navigable), belonged to the Fitzgeralds, who b. the black abbey (now the R. C. chapel), the awstin friary in A. Park, and the franciscan abbey, near the bridge, used as the parish church. Acres 1 1,993, good land, with limestone ; pop. 4902, of vil. 1095 + 33 ; houses 142, with a dispensarv and hospital. Living, a Vic. (Lk. A. A.) val. 284Z., patr. Edw. Croker, Esq. A. Castle, seat of Earl of Dunraven (a descendant of " Cbn of the Hundred Battles"), who takes hence his title of visct. and baron. Near the river are remains of O'Donovan's cast., dismantled by Cromwell. The Palatines, a body of German protestants, have been settled here for more than a century. Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, every month except June, July, and Aug., for farming stock. ADBASTON par. (73) N. Pirehill hund. W. Stuffd. 4 m. W. of Eccle.sb.aU- 148, near G. Junct. canal, containing Bishop's Offley, Flushbrook, and Tunstall, gave title of visct. to Earl Whit- worth. Acres 5330; pop. 610-1-1; poor r. 141Z. (Newport U.) ; real prop. 4158Z. ; charities 8Z. of which 41. to Wright's school. St. Margaret Cur. (Lich.) val. 100Z., patr. Dean. ADBEER (18) 4 m. NE. of Yeovil, SE. Somer- set, had a church destroyed in the civil war. ADBOLTON hmlt. (71) Holme Pierrepont par. S. Notts. 1 m. SE. of Nottingham-124, on R. Trent, near Grantham canal, was formerly a par. Pop. 29. Living, a Cur. with Holme Pierrepont ; church, in ruins. Adbury House (12) 3 m. NNW. of Kingsclerc, JV. Hants, on R. Emborne. ADCOT tnshp. (73) Little Ness chplry. Mid. Salty). 6 m. NW. of Shrewsbury- 153, near R. Perry. Pop. 26. Add River, rising near L. Awe, W. Argyll, runs SW. about 12 m. to L. Crinan, and has a salmon fisher}'. P. ADDERBURY par. (45) Bloxham hund. N. Oxford. 3 m. S. of Banbury-71, on a branch of R. Cherwell, near Oxford canal, containing A. EAST and WEST tnshps. (acres 3060 ; pop. 1502), Barford St. John, Bodicott, and Milton, was VOL. I. ADD 17 called Edburghbezic at ' D.omesdy.,' Ebberbury and Abberbury 1219, when the bishops at Oxford condemned a religious imposter to be crucified here. Acres 6380 ; pop. 2525 + 5 ; poor r. 630Z. (Banb. U.) ; real prop. 83347. ; charities 257Z., of which Feoffee's land for poor, school, etc. 249Z. St. Mary Vic. (Oxon.) val. with Barford and Bo- dicott, 818Z., patr. New Coll. ; church, cruciform and perpendicular eng., built 1385, by Will, of Wykeham (with a grange attached), has a de- corated porch, two fonts, and tombs of the Oldys, Bastards, and Cobbs of A. Green, near which is the decayed seat of Rochester (who took the title of Baron A., and died here, repentant), which was occupied by the great Duke of Argyll when Pope visited him and pressed "the bed where Wilmot lay." A. Lodge, J. Field, Esq., has a portrait of Luke, the hero of " Hudibras." ADDERGOOLE par. (4, 5, 16) Dunmore bar. N. Galway, 5 m. NW. of Dunmore-132, on R. Clare, is a petty sess. and police station. Acres 8442, chiefly moor, with bog, which in 1745 after a heavy rain, burst and formed a lough of 300 acres ; pop. 3321 + 79. Living, a Vie. with Tuam. rgT ADDERGOOLE par. (58-60, etc.) Tirawley bar. Mid. Mayo, 6 m. NE. of Newport-176, on Lough Gonn, has remains of an old abbey. Acres 86,630 (3763 in the lough^, chiefly bog and mountain (2646 ft. high at Nephin hill), with limestone quarries ; pop. 7379 + 66. Living, a Vic. with Crossmolina. Castle Hill, Major Cormick, near an old fort, ADDERLEY or ATHERLEY par. (73) N. Brad- ford huni NE. Salop. 4 m. NNW. of Market Drayton-153, on Gd. Junct. canal and R. Weaver, contains The Morrey and Spoonley. Acres 2260,; pop. 404; poor r. 145Z. (Drayt. U.); real prop. 5928Z. ; charities 68Z., and a share with Mucelston. St. Peter Rect. (Lich.) val. I, patr. Rev. H, C. Cotton. A. Hall, R. Corbet, Esq. ^ A. GREEN hmlt. (72) Weston Coney tnshp. N. Staffd. 1 m. E. of Lane End- 146, gives name to the Adderleys of Warwick, and is a meet for N. Staftl. hounds. ADDERSTONE tnshp. ( ) Bambrough par. NE. Northmbrld. 3 m. SE. of Belford-322. Pop. 302 ; poor r. 95/. (Belf. U.). A. House, T. Forster, Esq. ADDINGHAM par. ( ) Leath ward, E. Cum- brld. 6 m. NE. of Penrith-283, near R. Eden and the Maiden Way, contains Gamblesby, Glassonby, Hunsonby, and Lit. Salkeld, which has a fine view at " Long Meg " druid circle of 70 stones. Acres 9520, with good stone ; pop. 735 + 2 : poor r. Z. (Penr. U.I ; real' prop-. I. ; charities 182Z., of which 70Z. to Maughanby, 431. to Hun- sonby, schools. St. Michael Vic. (CarL) val. 253Z., patr. Dean and Chap., sometime held by Paley, who died here 1805. P. ADDINGHAM par. ( ) E. Staiucliffe and Upper Claro waps. W. R. York. 6 m. ESE. of Skipton-216, en R. Wharfe, near Midkl. rail., con- tains Beamsley and traces of a roman camp. Acres 4310, of town 3500 ; pop. 1812, and 1753 (decreas- ing) in the cotton, worsted, and woollen factories ; poor r. 479Z. (Skipt U.) ; real prop. 7236Z. ; cha- rities 13Z. St. Peter Rect. (Rip.) val. 360Z., patr. Mrs. M. Cunliffe ; church, old, in a prettv spot. ADDINSTON par. (46) Buckingham hund. N. Ducks. 4 m. SE. of Buckingham-55, on a branch of R. Ouse, was held by the Molines, who had power to hang at Gallows Gap. Acres 1320 ; pop. 84 + 1 ; poor r. 43Z. (Buck. U.) ; real prop. 2758Z. St. Mary Rect. (Oxon.) val. 200Z., patr. J. Powlett, Esq. of A. House. N par. (62, 66) Upper Massarene bar. S. Antrim, 10 m. W. of Lisburn-92, where R. Lagan joins L. Neagh. Acres 7885 (2415 in the lough), good, with bog ; pop. 3862 + 29, weavers and spinners. Living, a, Vic. with Aghalee; church, in ruins. AGHAGOWER par. (97-9, etc.) Burrishoole and Murrisk bars. S W. Mayo, 4 m. SE. of Westport- 170, has a round tower, and remains of Donne castle. Acres 15,048, mostly bog and mountain ; pop. 12235 + 27, of vil. 176, some in the linen manufact. Living, a Vic. with Westport. AGHALEE par. (62-3, 66-7) Upper Massa- reene bar. S. Antrim, 8m. W. of Lisbum-92, near L. Neagh. Acres 2500, fertile and cultivated, with limestone and traces of lead ; pop. 1450 + 4, linen weavers, etc. Living, a Vic. (Dn. C. D.) val. with Aghagallon and Magheramesk, 285Z., patr. Mar- quis of Hertford, of Portmore House, whither Jeremy Taylor retired, in Cromwell's time. AGHALOO par. (60-1, 66-7) Dungannon bar. S. Tyrone, contains Caledon-86, on the Black- water. Acres 19,583, good, well wooded; pop. 9807 + 8. Living, a Cur. (Arm.) val. 96/., patr. Archdeacon. Caledon Hill, Earl of Caledon, commands a fine view. AGH AGHALURCIIER par. (23-4, 28-3) Magheraste- phana bar. E. Fermanagh, and Clogher bar. S. Tyrone, contains Lisnaskea-90, and Maguire's Bridge, on R. Colebrook, near Upper L. Earne. Acres 48,017, middling, with mountain and water, and building- lime- and mill-stone quarries ; pop. 16,740 + 154, spinners and weavers. Living, a Rect. (Clog.) val. 8221., patr. Trin. Coll. Dublin ; the old church founded in the 9th cent., in ruins. Cole Brooke, Sir A. Brooke, Bt. Several strong- holds, etc., of the Maguircs are about. AGHAMOKE par. (81-2, etc.) Costello bar. E. Mayo, 4 m. N. of Ballyhaunh-128, where St. Patrick, they say, founded a monastery. Acres 22,820, arable, with bog and a black marble quarry ; pop. 7675 + 61. Living, a Rect. with Kiltullagh ; no church. Fairs, 3 June, 8 Aug. 19 Oct. 18 Dec. Aghamore, or Abbey, Isle (108) near Lamb Head, S. Kerry, between R. Kenmare and Ballinskellig's bay, belongs to the Earl of Orrery, and has re- mains of an austin abbey, found. 7th century. AGHAMORE vil. (24) N. Ballintober bar. E. Roscommon, 5 m. NE. of Strokestown-94. AQHANAGH par. (34, 40, 45) Tirerrill bar. SE. Sligo, 5 m. NNW. of Boyle-108, under Kesh Corrin hills on L. Arrow, contains Ballinafad. Acres 8839 (1091 are water), with mountain and bog, and limestone quarries ; pop. 2714 + 31. Living, a Vic. with Boyle. Holybrook, J. Folliott, Esq., on the lough. AGHANCON par. (38-9, 42-3) Ballybritt and Clonlisk bars. S. King's Co. 3 m. N. of Roscrea -75, near the Slieve Bloom hills, has a mineral spring, and ruins of Ballybritt cast. Acres 5544, poor land ; pop. 1310 + 18. Living, a Rect. (K. K. C. K.) val. 1127., patr. Bishop. AGHANLOO par. (5, 6, 9, 10) Keenaght bar. 2V. Londondy. 3 m. N. of Newtonlimavady-142, is on R. Roe, as it runs into L. Foyle, under Ben Evenagh, a basalt hill rising 1260 ft. where the Ordnance base-line was measured. Acres 8531, fertile and well cultivated, with limestone ; pop. 1841, decreasing. Living, a Rect. (Dy. R.) val. 296/., patr. Bishop sometime held by Simpson, who published a ' Memoir ' of the county. Bally cast, in ruins, belonged to the Haberdashers' Comp., and was the scene of many contests. AGHANUMSHIN par. (45, 53) Kilmacrenan bar. Mid. Donegal, 2 m. NE. of Letterkenny-146, at the head of L. Swilly. Acres 4012, good land ; pop. 1649, decreasing. Living, a Rect. (Dy. R.) val. 362/., patr. Bishop ; church, ancient. AGHARRA par. (23-4) Shrule bar. S. Longford, 5 m. NE. of Ballymuhon-70, near the Royal canal. Acres 2595, partly bog ; pop. 1036. Living, a Vic. with Kilglass. AGHAVALLEN par. (4, 6, etc.) Iraghticonnor bar. N. Kerry, 6 m. WSW. of Tarbert-153, on R. Shannon, contains Ballylongford and Carriga- foyle isld. and was forfeited by the O'Connors with their castle, to Trinity Coll. Dub. Acres 16,743, good, with bog and mountain, and stone quarries ; pop. 6C06 + 90, in the oyster and other fisheries. Living, an impropriate Vic., held by A. Stoughton, Esq. AGHAVEA par. (23, 28-9) Magherastephana bar. Mid. Fermanagh, near Maguirc's Bridge- | 92, on R. Colebrook, contains Brookeborough. Acres 17,142, hilly pasture, with stone and bog; pop. 6730 + 48. Living, a Rect. (Clog.) val. 300/., patr. Bishop. Nutfield, Lady Brooke. AGIIAVIILER par. (31, 35) Knocktopher bar. S. Kilkenny, 3 m. SW. of Knocktopher-78, con- tains Hugginstown and Boolygas, with a round tower and other remains. Acres 5671, moorland, AGII 21. with stone and bog; pop. 1997+11. Living, a Rect. with Knocktopher. Castle Morris, H. de Montmorency, Esq. Aghenish peninsula (10) Shanid bar. N. Lime- rick, in R. Shannon, near A. Isld. AGHER par. (42-3, 48-9) Upper and Lower Deece bars. S. Meath. 2 m. SS\V. of Summer- hill-23, near the Royal canal, is cut into two parts, Ager and Ginnets, by Laracor par. Acres 2063, good land, with lime ; pop. 386 + 3. Living, a Rect. (Meath) val. 104/., patr. Crown ; church, has a stained window by Gervaise, given by the Wellesleys. A. House, J. Winter, Esq. a great benefactor to the place. Agheralane (24) near Ballybay, Mid. Mona- ghan. AGHERN par. (36, 45, 54) Kinnatalloon bar. E. Cork, 5 m. E. of Rathcormack-142, on R. Bride, is a petty sess. and police station. Acres 3489, good, with bog and mountain; pop. 1198, de- creasing. Living, a Vic. (Ck. R. C.) val. with Britway 365/., patr. Bishop. A. House, S. Bowles, Esq. near the Fitzgeralds' ruined castle. AGHERTON, or BALLYAGHRAN, par. (3) Cole- raine lib. NE. Londondy. 3 m. NNW. of Cole- raine-141, on the R. Bann near the coast, con- tains Portstewart and Mac Quillan's ruined cast. Acres 3897 fertile, on trap and basalt, with traces of iron and coal ; pop. 2318, decreasing, in the linen manufact.,.salmon and other fisheries. Living, a Rect. f Dn. C. D.) val. 399/., patr. Bishop. Cro- more, J. Cromie, Esq. who owns the manor. Dr. Adam Clarke was a native (1762-1832). Aghery Lough (21) 4m. E. of Dromore, Mid. Down. AGHIART, or BALLINAKILTY, par. (45-6) Kil- lian bar. NE. Galway, 5 m. N. of Castle-Blakeny -106. Acres 5221, fertile and boggy ; pop. 1762 + 13. Living, a Re.ct. with Moylough. Mount Bellew, M. D. Bellew, Esq. AGHINAGH par. (GO, 71) E. Muskerry bar. Mid. Cork, 1 m. SSE. of Macroom-171, on R. Lee, has Carrigadrohig, a stronghold of the Macar- tneys, and Mashanagkss, of the Mac Sweeneys, with other remains. Acres 9420, good land, with bog and stone ; pop. 2699 + 26. Living, a Rect. (Ck. R. C.) val. 630/., patr. Bishop. Aghinish Point (112) 7 m. S. of Galway. S. Galway, near Burrin barb, in Galway bay. Aghla Mountn. (66) 5 m. NE. of Gleuties, W. Donegal, 1953 ft. high. AGHJMACART par. (28-9, 34-5) Clarmallagh bar. S. Queen's Co. 3 m. SW. of Castle Durrow -65, has remains of an austin priory, founded 6th cent., and of an old castle. Acres 9601, fer- tile, with mountain; pop. 3667 + 29. Living, a Vic. (Fe. L. O.) val. with Cahir and Killeen 210/., patr. Ladies Fitzpatrick of A. Cottage. Aghnagar Bridge (88) over R. Derreen, W. Kerry, 4 m. S. of Cahirciveen, near A. Bog, of 2162 acres. AGHNAMEADLE par. (21-2, 28) Upper Or- mond bar. If. Tippery. 3 m. S. of Monygall-83, under Devil's Bit hills, contains Toomyvara, and remains of Blane castle. Acres 10,322; pop. 3893 + 3L Living, a Rect. (K. K. C. K.) val. 319/., patr. Bishop ; the old church and A. Court, once a seat of the O'Egans, in ruins. Aghnameen Bog (39, etc.) 9 m. N. of Killarney, Mid. Kerry, on Rs. Flesk and Maine, contains 87,240 acres. AGIINAMULLJN par. (18, 23-7) Cremorne bar. S. Monaghan, 3 m. S. of Ballybay-62, contains Bellatrain, and Loughs Eagish, Avean, and others. Acres 30,710, bog and mountain (886 ft. high at Crieve hill), with traces of lend and slate; c 3 22 AGH AHA pop. 18,219 + 18, in the bleach-grounds and flax- mills. Living, a Meet. (Clog.) val. 8392., patr. Bishop. Mountain Lodge, Col. Ken AGHNAMCLT. See ANNAMULT. AGHOVVLE par. (37, 42-3) Shillelagh bar. S W. Wicklow, 5 m. NW. of Carnew-61, a petty sess. and police station, with remains of a monastery and stone crosses. Acres 8140, mountain and bog ; pop. 2764, decreasing. Living, a Rect. (Os. F. L.) val. with Mullinacuff, Crycrim, and Liscolman GOO/., patr. Bishop. AGHOUUE. See FRESHFOED. Aghris, or Aughris, Promontory (12) 14 m. "W". of Sligo, NW. Sligo. AghryLoch (21-2) 4 m. SE. of Hillsboro', Mid. Down. AGIVEY par. (12, 19) Coleraine bar. NE. Lon- dondy. 7 m, SSE. of Coleraine-141, on R. Bann, where joined by A. Rivulet (which rises near Carntogher and runs SE. about 12 m.), was an ext. par. Grange, belonging to the Ironmongers' Comp. and has remains of a priory found, by St. Goarcus. Acres 1728, fertile, with potter's clay, ironstone, and traces of lead ; pop. 950 + 1, potters, brickmakers, etc. Fair, 12 Nov. cattle. AGLIONBY tnshp. ( ) Warwick par. NE. Cumbld. 3 m. E. of Carlisle-301, near R. Eden ; so alled after Walter de Aguilon, ancestor of the Aglionbys of Newbiggen. Pop. 137 + 3. AGLISII par. (72, 84) E. Musketry bar. Mid. Cork, 9 m. ESE. of Macroom-171, on R. Lee, is a police station, and was forfeited by the Mac- artys. Acres 6771, good land; pop. 2579, de- creasing. Living, a Vic. (Ck. R. C.) val. 2652., patr. Bishop ; church, in ruins. Curihaly, H. Penrose, Esq. ' Aglish ' or ' eglish,' Ir., corresponds to ' eccles,' ' eagles,' Gael., and ' eglwys,' Wei., all from ' ecclesia,' a church, i^* AGLISH par. (57-8, etc.) Magunihy bar. Mid. Kerry, 5 m. N W. of Killarney-184, on R. Lane. Acres 4875, good, with bog and stone ; pop. 1939 + 4. Living, a Vic. (Lk.A.A.) val. 952., patr. Earl of Cork ; church, near the old ruined one. tgl" AGLISH, or AGLISH- MARTIN, par. (42-3, 45-6), Iverk bar. S. Kilkenny, 3 m. of Waterford-96, on H. Suir, has Grandison castle, b. by the Butlers. Acres 1343, good soil ; pop. 440 + 4, of vil. 150. Living, a Rect. (Fe.L.O.) val. 982., patr. Crown ; no church. tgg AGLISH par. (69, 70, etc.) Carra bar. Mid. Mayo, contains Castlebar-159. Acres 14,794, with moun- tain and bog; pop. 10,464, decreasing. Living, a Rect. (Tu. K...A.) val. with Breafy and 3 others 6652., patr. Bishop. See CASTLEBAK. gif AGLISH par. (29, 30, 34-5), Decies-within-Drum bar. W. Waterfd. 5 m. S. of Cappoquin-124, on the Black- water, contains Villierstown, With the ruins of Bewley abbey and of Clough fort, by K. John. Acres 8656, good, well-wooded, with bog ; pop. 3783 + 10, of vil. 458. Living, a Vic. with Aft'ane. AGLISIICLOGIIANE par. (4, 7, 8) Lower Ormomd bar. N. Tippery. 4 m. NNE. of Borrisokane-91, at the head of L. Derg. Acres 5898, poor and boggy, with limestone quarries; pop. 1938 + 39. Living, a Rect. (K. K. C. K.) held by the arch- deacon of Killaloe, who is patr. of the Cur. val. 861. AGIJSHCORMICK par. (23-4) Coonagh and Clanwilliam bars. E. Limerick, 2 m. WSW. of Pallas Grean-128. Acres 1715, good ; pop. 738. Living, a Rect. with Ballybrood ; church, in ruins. AGLISHDRIUAGH par. (7, 8) Orrery bar. N. Cork, 3 m. SSW. of Charleville-146. Acres 3310 good, with hilly pasture ; pop. 1026 + 7. Living, a Rect. (Ck. R. C.) val. 2242., patr. Bishop ; no church, AGMONDESHAM. See AMERSIIAM, BucJis. and Herts. P. M. AGNES, ST., par. (31) Pyder hund. W. Cornwall, 8 m. NWW. of Truro-255, on Bristol chan., the seat of a rich mining district, includes M. Hawk and Mithian Curs., Wheal (or ' Huel,' a work or pit) To wan (for copper, 150 fath. deep), S. Wh. Towau, Wh. Charles, West Pink (tin), Polperro (tin, now exhausted), with Porth Towan and Trevaunance Porth (or harb.) along the rocky coast. Acres 8660 (or 6657), chiefly granite elvan, with copper, tin, roofing-slate, etc., and a view of 34 pars, from one point ; pop. 7757 + 111 miners ; poor r. 16562. on 87362. (Truro U.) ; real prop. 13,333/., of which 14872. on mines and iron works ; charities, 52. to school. Living, a Cur. (Ex.) val. 2., patr. ; church, of granite, with tombs of the Tonkins of Trevaunance, etc. and ruins of chapels at St. A. Well and Malow. Carn Breanach or Pirran Round british camp, now called St. A. Beacon, a mass of schist ore, fel- spar, quartz 621 ft. high, in lat. 50 18^ N., long. 5 12' W., was a chief station of the Trig. Survey; at St. A. Head (off which lie the Boden rocks) are beds of recent shells, 20 ft. above high water mark. Opie , the painter, a native (1761-1807). Mkt. D. Thursd. Fair, 30 Apr. Agnes (St.) Isld. ( ) the S.-most of the Scilly islds. W. Cornwall, near which Sir C. Shovel was lost on the Gilstone, is 1 m. by (exclusive of the Gough or Gugh by J), or 390 acres, fertile, with 4J m. of rocky coast ; it has a chapel, logan stone, and at the top of the isld., a revolving light with a 1-min. flash, in lat. 49 54' N., long. 6 21' W.,138 ft. high, seen 16m., and first set up 1680 by Adam Walker. Agnew's Mountn. (40) 5 m. W. of Larne, E. Antrim, 1558 ft. high, has a fine view of the coast and sea. Agnis Meadow (172) 3 m. ENE. of Ashborne, Mid. Derby. Agram Seat ( ) 2 m. S. of Maker, N. R. York. Ahach Port (5) at the mouth of R. Culdaff, NE. Donegal. Ahadda (66) near Killeagh, E, Cork, Sir A. de Capel Brooke, Bt. AHAMLISH par. (2-6, 8) Carbury bar. N. Sligo, 9 m. If. of Sligo-131, on the coast, containing Ballintemple, Grange, and Kilkilloge, with the islds. of Innismurray and Dhernish, belongs for the most part to Lord Palmerston, who has taken great pains to improve it. Acres 16,414, chiefly bog and mountain, with limestone quarries at Ben Albin ; pop. 8720 + 34, in the salmon and other fisheries. Living, a Vic. (K. E. A.) val. 922., patr. Bishop of Kilmore. Ahanna (3) near Tarbert, N. Kerry. AHAPHOND or AHAPHOJTA vil. (4) Iraghticon- nor bar. N. Kerry, 8 m. SW. of Ballylbngford- 165. Pop. 281. AHAEACLE, or ACIIARACLE, par. q. s. in Ardna- murchan par. Inverness and Argyll, 7 m. SW. of Arisaig-176, near the coast, contains Shonaveg, Portavata, and Shona islds. Pop. 2016. Living (Presb. Mull), val. I., patr. Crown. Aharmartha (99) 7 m. SE. of Cork, S. Cork, C. O'Grady, Esq., near the harb. and the ruins of A. Castle, a stronghold of the Desmonds. AHARNEY, or LISDOWNEY, par. (4-5, 9-10) Galmoy bar. Kilkenny, and Clarmallagh bar. Queen's Co. 2 m. NW. of Ballyragget-65, on R. Nore. Acres 6940 middling land, with limestone ; pop. 2587 + 43, in the cornmills, etc. Living, a Rect. (Fe. L. O.) val. with Athanagh, 2892., patr. Crown. Ballyconra, Hon. Col. Butler, a fine old seat. P.M. AHASCRAGH par. (60-1, etc.) Killian, Kil- connel, and Cloumacknowen bars. E. Galwav, 33 AHE m. WNW. of Galway, 99 from Dublin, a petty scss. and police station, on A. Rivulet (which runs SE. about 12 m. to R. Suck at Ballinasloe), had an abbey founded by St. Cuan. Acres 17,342 well cultivated, with bog, and lime quarries ; pop. 5380 +16, of viL 755 ; houses 111. Living, a Rect. (K. E. A.) val. 278/., patr. Crown and Bishop. Clonbrock, seat of Lord Clonbrock ; Cas- tlegar, of the Mahons. Fairs, East. Mond. Trim Mond. 25 Aug. 24 Nov. Aherlow Rivulet (73) rises near Tipperary, 5" W. Tippery. under Galtee hills, and runs E. about 17m. through A. Glen in the midst of fine scenery, past A. Castle, seat of J. A. Butler, Esq., to K. Suir, 2 m. N. of Cahir. P. AHOGHILL par. (31-2, etc.) Lower Antrim, Kilconwav, Upper and Lower Toome bars. W. Antrim, 3 m. WSW. of BaIlymena-118, near the R. Bann, containing Portglenone, Carnearny, Cullybrackey, Galgorm, and Gracehill (a Mora- vian settlement), was the scene of some disturb- ances 1771. Acres 35,419 hilly, with bog; pop. 23,622 + 690, of vil. 477, in the bleach-fields and linen manufact. Living, a Rect. (Dn. C. D.) val. 9687., patr. Crown. Galgorm Castle, Earl of Mountcashel. >Jf A. Presbytery includes Ahog- hill, Ballvmena, Boveedy, Churchtown, Duneane, Grange, Killymurris, Portglenone, and Rasharkin. Fairs, monthly for linen, and 4 June, 26 Aug. 12 Oct. 5 Dec. for cattle. Aidhne of the Old Irish, is KILTARTIN BARONY, S. Galway. Aigas Island or Eilan Aigas, 5 m. SW. of Beauly, NE. Inverness, in a fine part of R. IVuuly, and lately bought by Sir R. Peel, was a seat of the Lovats. P. AIGBURTH hmlt. (80) Garston chplry, 5 W. Lancash. 4 m. SE. of Liverpool-206, on R. Mer- sey. Pop. 1031. St. Anne Cur. (Ches.) vaL ., patr. trustees. A. Hall, J. Brancker, Esq. AIGHTON, or OVERHACKING, hmlt. ( ) Mitton par. Mid. Lancash. 4 m. WSW. of Clitheroe- 217, near R. Hodder, under Longridge fell, has Ovcrhacking workhouse and Stonyhurst rom. cath. coll. Pop. 1234, in the cotton factories j poor r. 662Z. (Clith. U.) ; real prop. 65847, A. Park, . AIK.BAR, or AKEBAR, tnshp. ( ) Finghall par. N. R. York. 5 m. E. of Leyburn-235. Acres 750 ; pop. 30. AIKE tnshp. ( ) Lockington and St. John Beverley pars. E. R. York, b m. NNE. of Bever- ley-183, near R. Hull. Acres 630 ; pop. 98 + 1 ; poor r. 217. (Beverl. U.) Aikerness Loch, N. end of Pomona or Mainland, Orkney Isles, opposite Rowsay and Wire islds. AIKTON. See ACTON, W.~R. York. AIKTON par. ( ) Cumberland ward, N. Cum.' brld. 3 m. NNE. of Wigton-303, near R. Wam- pool, contains Biglands, Wampool, and Wiggonby. Acres 5270 ; pop. 802 + 5, of town 318 + 5 ; poor r. 2-201. (Wigt. U.); real prop. 19117. ; charities 1767. to Wiggonby, 37. to Watson's schools. St. Andrew Rect. (Carl.) val. 5467., patr. Earl of Lonsdale. Ailttvood. See Oakwood Castle, Se'kirk. AII.IJV hmlt. (84) Rigsby par. E. Lincoln. 1 m. NW. of Alford-138, was the site of a monas- tery (?). Pop. 53. AUeach. See Grianan of Ailench, Donegal. AILESWORTH hmlt. (64) Castor par. NE. Northmptn. 5 m. W. of Feterboro'-81, near the R. \cn. Pop. 363 + 8. AII.KY vil. (56) 5 m. SW. by W. of Weoblcy-145 W. Herefd. Ailsa 'Craig or Perch of Clyde, Duilly par. AIR 23 -S W. Ayr. 1 m. W. of Girvan, a basalt rock in the Clyde, 1098 ft. high, and 2 m. in circuit, is inaccessible except on the W. side, abounds with sea-fowl, goats, and rabbits, has a ruined castle at the top, and belongs to the Kennedys of Culzean, who take hence title of marquis and baron. ' Meg was deaf as Ailsa Craig.' Ailsh Loch, 6 m. S. of Assynt, SW. Sutherld. where the R. Oikel takes its rise. AILSTOW vil. (54) Atherstone-on-Stour par. S. Warwick. 3 m. S. of Stratford-on-Avon-96. Pop. 47. AINDERBY-MYERS tnshp. ( ) with Holtby, Hornby par. N. R. York. 3 m. NNW. of Bedale -223, had a chantry. Pop. 82 ; poor r. 477. (Bedale U.) ; real prop. 1 1627. ij-g" A. QUERN HOW tnslip. ( ) Pickhill par. N. R. York. 6 m.WSW. of Thirsk -217, near Leeming Lane and R. Swale. Acres 330; pop. 92; poor r. 217,; real prop. 11447. (Thirsk U.). ^" A. STEEPLE par. ( ) E. Gil- ling wap. N. R. York. 2 m. SW. of Northallerton -225, on Yk. and Berwk. rail, and R. Swale, con- tains Morton, Thrintoft, and Warlabv. Acres 4300, of town 910 ; pop. 760 and 262 ; poor r. 687. (Northal. U.) ; real prop. 26657.; charities 87. St. Helen Vic. (Rip.) val. 2007., patr. Ld. Chan- cellor. Ainort Loch, I. of Sky, W. Inverness, opposite Scalpa isld. AINSDALE hmlt. (90) Formby chplry. SW. Lancash. llm. NNE. of Liverpool-206, by South- port rail. AINSTABLE par. ( ) Leath ward, E. Cumbrld. 10 m. NNE of Penrith-283, in a pretty spot near R. Eden, contains Ruckcroft. Acres 41 10; pop. 501 ; poor r. 1977. (Penr. U.) ; real prop. 3786. ; charities 157., of which 77. to free school. St. Mi- chael Vic. (Carl.) val. 2257., patr. F. Aglionb}-, Esq. M. P. of Nunnery, who has the manor, which belonged to W. Rufus's nunnery; church, built from Plumpton walls, has a tomb of Jno. de Dentoren. Roman remains have been found. AIXSTY WAPENTAKE ( ) W. R. York, be- tween Rs. Ouse and Wharfe, once a forest and a separate district up to 1837, contains the pars, of Acaster Malbis, Acomb, Askham Bryan and Richard, Bilborough, Bilton, Bishop-Thorpe, Bol- ton Percy, Healaugh, Long Marston, Moor Monk- ton, Nether Poppleton, Ruflbrth, Thorp-Arch, Walton, Wighill, and parts of Holy Trinity Mic- klegate, Kirk Hammerton, St. Mary-Bishophill Junior and Senior, Stilh'ngfleet, and Tadcaster; acres 49,720, pop. 2681, houses 1942. AIXSWORTH, or COCKEY, chplrv. (80) Middle- ton par. S. Lancash. 2 m. WSW. of Bury-195. Acres 1090 ; pop. 1598 + 1, in the cotton factories ; poor r. 6157. (Bury U.) ; real prop. 46677. ; cha- rities 127. to school. Living, a Cur. (Manch.) val. 1367., patr. Rector. AINTHORPE hmlt. ( ) Danby par. N. R. York. 9 m. SE. of Guisbrough-245, on the moors. AINTREE tnshp. (90) Sephton par. S W. Lane. 6. m. NNE. of Liverpool-206, on Leeds canal and R, Alt, has a race-course, and large stand. Acres 840; pop. 311 + 7; poor r. 327. (W. Derby U.) ; real prop. 31907. St. Peter Cur. (Ches.) val. I., patr. . Air, or Ayre, Point (79) W. side of R. Dee's mouth, N. Flint, has a fixed bright and red lit/tit, 4-2 ft. high, seen 9m., built on piles 1844, in lat. 53 22' N., long. 3 19' W. AIRD vil. (16) Inch par. W. Wigton. 2 m. E. of Stranraer-151, near Loch Ryan. Pop. 18. 'Aird' or 'ard,' a peninsula or head. Aird Cnxtle, near Machry bay, W. Arran isld. Bute. $af A. District, or The Aird, on K. Beauly. < 4 AIT NE. Inverness near Beauly, a pleasant and well cultivated spot, belonging to the Frasers. ijaf A. Linn, a fall on R. Shinnel, W- Dumfries, in a pretty spot near Tynroan. igp A. of Loch Broom, a peninsula between L. Broom and Little L. Broom, NW. Ross, i^" A. of Strath, S. part of Skye isld. W. Inverness, opposite L. Scavaig. l|ir A. Point, N. part of Skye isld. W. Inverness. opposite Trodda isld. igp A. Renish, SE. corner of Lewis, Western Islds. Airdle Water, rises under the Ben-y-Gloe mountns. NE. Perth, near Glen Tilt, and running S. 14 m. through Strath A. to R. Shee, 4 m. N. of Blairgowrie forms R. Erricht. % P. M. AIRDRIE town, New Monkland par. Middle ward, N. Lanark, 10 m. E. of Glasgow-32 from Edinbro', a burgh of barony containing 4 q. s. pars., on A. rail, and Monkland canal, near Caled. rail, and R. Calder, at the centre of the great Scottish coal-field and the " black band " ironstone, which is confined to this spot, and has contributed to its extraordinary prosperity', was the british Arderyth, where Rydderech, king of Strath Cluyd, defeated Aidan, 577 ; is a parl. burgh, along with Falkirk, since the Re- form Bill no. of electors 493 ; and is governed under the charter of 1833 by a provost, 3 bailies, 12 council, etc., with a revenue of 1468?. Pop. 12,418+641, in the coal mines, the Calder and other iron works, cotton factories, and distilleries ; houses 2214, well built, with 3 churches, 4 cha- pels, town-house, 3 banks, gas-works, mechanics' institute, gram, school; rental 6700?. Livings, (Presb. Hamilton), East church val. 120/., patr. Heads of families ; W. ch., 105/., Male commu- nicants ; High ch. , Male communicants. The rail, to Bathgate, 19f m. long, and partly made, will have a branch from Whitburn to Blackburn. A. House, Miss Mitchelson. A mineral spa at Monkland well. M ht. D. Thurs. Fairs, last Tues. May, 3rd Tues. Nov. Airdrie Place, 3 m. WNW. of Crail, E. Fife. Aird's Moss, 3 m. N. of Cumnock, Mid. Ayr. between Ayr and Lugan Waters, contains about 10 sq. m. and has a stone where the pious Rich. Cameron and his party .were butchered 1680. Aird's Snout, in the Giant's Causeway, N. An- trim. Airds, The, E. side ,of Lewis, Western Islds. Dear Stornoway, a peninsula 5 m. by 2, outside Broad bay. igg" Airds, The, a fine spot in Appin, N. Argyll, on A. Bay, between Lochs Linnhe and Creran. A. House, Sir J. Campbell, Bt. Aire River ( ) rises at Malham Tarn, W. R. York, near Settle, and runs 70 m. SE. by the side of the Liverpl. canal, past Skipton, Bingley, Leeds, Castleford (where R. Calder joins, and whence it is navigable), Birkin (a canal to Selby), and Snaith, to the Ouse near Howden. Aire's End (46) 3 m. NNE. of St. Alban's, Mid. Herts. Airey Force ( ) in Gowbarrow Park, Mid. Cumbrld. near Ullswater, a fine fall of 80 ft. Airhills (84) 2 m. SSE. of Spilsby, E. Lincoln. Airhouse, 4 m. NW. of Lauder, W. Berwick, near A. Law, 1054 ft. high. AIRLJE par. W. Forfar. 4m. SW. of Kirriemuir -61, watered by the Rs. Isla and Dean, has re- mains of Blaikie cast., once seat of Visct. Fenton. Acres 6000, well cultivated, formerly moss ; pop. 868, decreasing ; real prop. 7154 1.; for poor 130Z. Living, (Presb. Meigle) val. 219Z., patr. Earl of i Strathmore. Gives title of earl to the Ogilvies | of A. Castle, on R. Isla, rebuilt on the site of the "bonnie house of Airlie," which was older than 1434, and ruined by Argyll 1640. AIRNTULLY vil. Kinclaven par. E. Perth. 8 m. N. of Perth-40 ; pop. 159. AIRSHOLME limit. ( ) Linthorpe tnshp. N. R. York. 3 m. E. of Stockton-241, near R. Tees. AIRTH par. NE. Stirling. 5 m. N. of Falkirk- 24, where R. Pow joins the Frith of Forth, near Kersie and Higgin's "Neuck ferries, contains Dun- more, and had its shipping burnt by the rebels 1745. Size 6 m. by 3, well wooded and culti- vated (formerly moss), with coal and stone at A. Hill and Dunmore ; pop. 1498, of vil. 583, de- creasing, in a small coast trade and salmon fishery ; real prop. 12,421Z. ; for poor 230Z. Living (Presb. Stirling), val. 282Z., patr. Graham of A. Castle, which has portraits of Claverhouse and the Ad- mirable Grichton, and includes Wallace's tower, where he surprised the English garrison ; church, modern gothic. Dunmore Ho. Earl of Dunmore ; Powfouls cast, is a ruin. AIRTHSAY WELLS, or AIRTHRIE, hmh. Causey- head vil. Stirling, alid Clac'kmann. 2 m. NE. of Stirling-35, has a good mineral well. A. Castle, Lord Abercromby, near the loch. Veins of gray copper are found in spar here. AIRTON tnshp. ( ) Kirkby-in-Malhamdale par. W. R. York. 6 m. SE. of Settle- 235, on R. Aire. Acres 2790 ; pop. 217 + 4, some spinners ; poor r. 24Z. (Settle U.) ; real prop. 2390Z. AISBT hmlt. (83) Corringham par. NW. Lin- coln. 4 m. NE. of Gainsboro'-148 ; pop. 63. AISBY hmlt. (70) Haydor par. & Lincoln. 5 m. NW. of Folkingham-106 ; pop. 190. AISHOLT, or ASHOLT, par. '(20) Cannington hund. Mid. Somerset. 7 m. WSW. of Bridgwater -139. Acres, with Courtway and Spaxton, 2650 ; pop. 201 ; poor r. 144Z. (Bridgw. U.V; real prop. 361Z. ; charities 5Z. All Saints Rect. (Ba. and W.) val. 280Z., patr. Rev. J. West, rector. AISKEW, or ASKEW, tnshp. ( ) Bedale par. N. R. York. 1 m. ENE. of Bedale-223, on Lee- ming Lane, and a branch of the Swale, contains Lit. Leeming. Acres 1660; pop. 658+7; poor r. 308Z. (Bedale U.); real prop. 4126Z. AISIJVBY tnshp. Eaglesclifte par. SE. Durham, 5 m. SW. of Stockton-241, on the Tees, near Dar- lington rail. Acres 1920 ; pop. 128 ; poor r. 97Z. (Stockt. U.); real prop. 3071Z. A. House, T. Meynel, Esq., formerly of the Pembertons. igg" AISLABY tnshp. ( ) Middleton par. N. R. York. 2 m. NW. of Pickering-226, near Whitby rail. Acres 1110; pop. 128; poor r. 44Z. (Picker. U.) ; real prop. 1219Z. ^ AISLABY chplry. (95) Whitby par. N. R York. 3 m. SW. of Whitby- 236, on Pickering rail, and R. Esk. Acres 1080 ; pop. 346 + 7, in Bolton's limestone quarry, which gave the stone for Whitby ab. Sheerness, St. Ca- therine's docks, etc. ; poor r. 33Z. (Whitby U.) ; real prop. 3872Z. ; charities, Bower's for poor," 1 1 1. Liv. a CWr.(Yk.)val.87Z.,patr.Mrs.Boulby. A.House,. AISMUNDERBY tnshp. ( ) with Bondgate, Ri-pon par. W.R.York, near Ripon-212. Acres 1670; pop. 614; poor r. 169Z. AISTHORFE, or EAST THORPE, par. (83) Law- ress wap. W. Line. 6 m. NNW. of Lincoln-132, on the Wolds, near Ermine St. Acres 1150 ; pop. 82 ; poor r. 47Z. (Line. U.) ; real prop. 1450Z. St. Peter Rect. (Line.) val. with W. Thorpe 289Z., patr. J. Milnes, Esq., of A. Hall. Aiswater ( ) near Hartsop, NW. Westmrld. and Ulleswater, has some good fishing. Aith Ness, near AITHSTING as below, Shetld. Islds., has bog, iron, and some ancient remains, gip" A. Wards, S. part of Hoy, Orkney Islds., from which it isalmost divided by Long Hope bay. Aiths Voe, a shallow bay, inside Mousa isld. SE. Shetld. Islds. AIT AITHSTING par. with Sandsting, W. side of Mainland, Shetland Islds. 15 m. N W. of Lerwick, contains Little Papa and and Vementry islds., and has good anchorage in Aith Bay, near A.. Nest. Size 9 m. by 6, hilly sheepwalks ; pop. 2478 + 28, fishermen, and in a small coast trade. Living (Presb. Lerwick) val. 158/., patr. Earl of Zetland. Aits, The (8) are small islands in the Thames, near Richmond, Middlesex. AKEBAR. See AIKBAR, .2V. R. York. Akehead ( ) 2 m. WNW. of Wigton, N. Cumbrld. AKELD tnship. ( ) Kirk Newton par. N. Northmbrld. 2 m. WNW. of Wooler-320, near R. Glen ; pop 182 + 1. A. House, . AKELEY par. (45) Buckingham hund. N. Bucks. 3 m. NNE. of Buckingham-55. Acres 1080; pop. 362 + 7 ; poor r. 1217. (Buck. V.) ; real prop. 16647. ; charities, 7 acres of allotment. St. James Rect. (Oxon) val. 2557., patr. New ColL Akeman Street, a British way, went from Bath, Somerset, (which the Saxons called Aceman or Akemancester) to Cirencester Gloucest., thence thro' Wychwood forest and Blenheim (where it may be traced) to Alcester and Watling St. AKEXIIAM par. (50) Bosmere hund. S. Suffolk, 3 m. NNW. of Ipswich-69, on a branch of R. Gipping. Acres 1060; pop. 117; poor r. 78L (Bosmere U.) ; real prop. 17227. St. Mary Rect. with Claydon. A. Hall, . Akerm'oor Loch, 6 m. SW. of Selkirk, E. Selk. AJriblion Loch (44) m. W. of Kilmacrenan, N. Donegal. Akin Kyle, the top of Dornoch Frith, NE. Ross, above Bonor Bridge. Alan, or Camel, River (30) near which K. Arthur was killed, rises at Davidstow, NE. Cornwall, and runs S. and W. 27 m. past Camelford, Bodmin, Wadebridge, to the Bristol chan. near Padstow. AI.ASUDEX par. is joined to Lessuden, or St. BothwelFs, Roxburgh. Alata Castra, or Ptoroton of Ptolemy, is Burg- head, Elgin. Alaterva of the Romans is Cramond, Linlithgw. at the Almond's mouth (Caer- Almond). Alauna, of the Romans, is ALCESTER, Warwick, on Ryknield St. ; another Alauna is at Kier (i. e. Caer), near Stirling, where R.Allan joins the Forth. IJiP A. Fluvius, is the Coquet, Northmbrld., which flows by the site of Ad Alaunam Amnem. ALAXTOJJ tythg. (35) Lidney par. W. Gloucest. 4 m. NW. of Berkeley-114, near R. Severn. ALBALAND. See WHITLAND, Carmrthn. ## P. M. a. ALBAN'S, ST. (7) locally in Cashio hund. SW. Herts, 12 m. WSW. of Hertford, 20 from London, or 24 by N. West, rail., close to the roman Verulamium on the Ver or Colne, and Wat- ling St (whence the Saxons called it Watling- ceaster), containing Colney Hatch Cur., grew out of a benedictine abbey, found. 793 by K. Offa, to the memory of the first english martyr, St. Albanus (on Holmhurst hill, where he suffered 293) which was mitred., val. 2107., and given to the Lees at the dissolution ; had 46 burgesses at ' Domesdy.' was visited by Rich. II. 1381 to try some of Wat Tyler's mob, and in the wars of the ' Roses ' was the scene of Hen. VI. and the Lancastrians' defeat l>y Warwick 1455, and of Warwick's defeat by Marg. of Anjou 1461 ; returns tico members (since Edw. VI. and also from Edw. I. to III.) the new Reform bill bounds including St. Alban's par. with parts of 2 others (as below) and Titten- hanger no. of electors 536 (and of 107. houses 13 10) ; was first chartered by Edw. VI. and under the late act is governed by a mayor (who is re- ALB 25 turning officer), 4 aid., 12 council., with the style of " may., aid., and burgesses of boro' of St. A.," and revenue of 760/. Acres 425 (of old boro' 320 or 308), with pudding-stone ; pop. 6497, straw-plat- ters, silk weavers, etc. Houses 1401 (many being old), in three streets, with 3 churches, 5 chapels, townhall (reb. 1830), on site of the abbey charnel- ho., gaol (which was the ab. gatehouse), ho. of correction, 2 banks, silkmill (on site of the ab. mill ), free gram, school (157/.) in the Virgin chapel, founcL 1569, at which Shirley the poet, was mas- ter blue coat sch., Duchess of Marlboro's aim- houses for 36 (7577.), on site of the Robothams' seat, Pemberton's (307.), Raynshaw's, and Clarke's almsh., and Union p. house. Assd. taxes 19647. ; poor r. 20507. on 33,5977.; real prop. 17,1057.; charities 15407. Livings, are St. Alban's Rect. (Roch.) val. 111/., patr. Rev. Dr. Nicholson; church, which belonged to the abbey, and was sold to the town by Edw. VI. is a venerable cruci- form building 539 ft. by 174 (thro' the transept), with specimens of every style from the saxon or norman down to Edw. IV., was reb. at the Con- quest by Abbot Paul, with roman bricks, etc. from Verulam, improved by Rob. de Gorham, and lately restored by Cottingham and includes a tower of 144 ft., groined ceiling, St. Cuthbert's screen, a beautiful altar screen (Edw. IV.), Virgin chapel (now the school), old font and the pillar of St. Amphibalus (who converted St. Alban), the presbytery (which had the martyr's shrine), the passages called the Monks' Holes, 8 brasses (from 1360), besides 5 more at the rectory, tombs of good Duke Humphrey (who was found lying in pickle 1703), Abbot's Ramayge and Whethamsted, with the graves of Mat. Paris the historian, and of Lancastrians, etc, who fell in the battle of 1455. St. Michael Vic., 3007., Earl Verulam, ch. has saxon remains of one b. about 950 by Ab. Ulsinus, 3 brasses, tombs of the Grimstons, and a sitting figure of Bacon "sic sedebat '' placed there by his admirer Sir T. Meautys ; St. Peter Vic. 3081., Bp. of Ely ch. rebuilt on the site of a saxon one, has a brass, and tomb of Dr. Cotton. Near St. German's farm and Verulam hill are part of the walls, ditches, etc. of that great city, where so many coins and other relics have been found, "that were I to relate," says Camden, " what common report affirms, I should scarcely be believed ; " Fishpool St was close to a seat of the Saxon kings; Oyster hills is the site of Ostorius's camp ; remains of Sopwell nunnery are seen ; and near an old spring is Holywell Ho. Besides St. Alban the martyr, John de St, A. of the 12th cent., Giles, a phvsician, 13th cent., Mandeville, the traveller {born 1300), Abbot Nequam or Necham, of Cirencester (died 1227), Ch. Just. Pemberton (b. 1625), Sir J. King, a lawyer (b. 1639), Humphrey, the nonconformist (b. 1622), were natives ; it gives title of duke to the Beauclercs, and Verulam that of earl to the Grimstons, of Gorbambury, once the seat of Bacon, who had the titles of Baron V. and Visct. St. A. St. Alb. P. L. Union contains the pars, etc. marked * below, with Harpendon ; acres 40,441, pop. 17,051, cases relieved (vear 1846-7) 1747 (out-door 1366), expend. 4473?., prop, rated 75,2157. Sup. Registry includes the same, with London Colney; pop. 17,048 + 121. Along with those of Hatfield (except Welwyn sub-distr.) and H. Hempstead (except King's Langley sub-distr.) it constitutes the New County Court district. * ST. A. ARCHDEACONRY, dioc. of Rochester (formerly London), includes the deaneries of St. Alban's, Baldock, Barnet, Bennington, Berk- hampstead, Bp's. Stortford, Buntingford, Hertford, 26 ALB ALC Hitchin, Ware, Welwyn. The Deanery contains *St. Alban's r., *St Stephen's ., Hemel Hemp- stead v., *Redbourn v., *Sandridge v., *Wheat- hampstead v. Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, 25-6 Mar. 10-1 Oct. cattle, hiring, etc. Alban's, St. (36) 1 m. ENE. of Caerleon, S. Monmouth, near R. Usk. Alban's (St.) Court (3) 7 m. SE. of Canterbury, E. Kent, W. Hammond, Esq. came from Bp. Odo to Nigil de Albini, who gave it to St. Alban's ab., and has portraits of the poet Hammond, his father " silver-tongued Hammond," etc. Alban's (St.), or Adhelm's, Head (16) 4m. S. of Corfe Castle, SE. Dorset, a sea-mark on the Chan- nel, 441 ft. high, with a ruined church on the top, near which the 'Halsewell' was lost 1786. Albany, Albain, or Albinn, the old gaelic name of Scotland (from 'albin,' high), is confined to the highland districts of Appin, Athole, Bread-albane, Glenorchy, and Lochaber, in Argyll, and Perth, and gives the title of duke to the king's second son (since Robt. III.), and of Clan Alpin to the Macgre- gors. ' Glen more nan Albyn,' t. e. the great glen of Albyn, which the Caledonian canal runs through. Albany (71) 6 m. \V. of Nottingham, /S W. Notts. Albany House (10) near Newport, I. of Wight, S. Hants, and the A. Barracks. P. ALBERBURY par. (60) Ford hand. W. Salop. and Cawrse and Deythur hunds. Montgmry. 8 m. WNW. of Shrewsbury-153, on Watling St. near the Severn, containing Gt. Wollaston and Crig- gion Curs., Bansley, and 10 other tnshps. has re- mains of a black priory cell to Grandmonte, France, found. (Hen. II.) by Fitzwarren (near his castle) and given by Hen. VI. to All Souls', Oxon. Acres 6040 ; pop. 1861 + 7 ; poor r. 140/. (Atcham U.) ; real prop. 60127. ; charities 177. St Michael Vic. (Heref.) val. 1877., patr. All Souls' Coll. Oxon. Albion, of the ancients, is England, from its " white " (albus) cliffs, as first seen from the Continent. ALBLESTHORPE. See APPLESTHORPE, Notts. ALBOURNE par. (9) Tipnoak hund.. Bramber rape, Mid. Sussex, 6 m. SW. of Cuckfield-38, near Brighton rail. Acres 1280 ; pop. 395 + 3 ; poor r. 176t (Cuckf. U.) ; real prop. 42147. ; cha- rities 117. St. Bartholomew Beet. (Chic.) val. 2257., patr. J. Goring, Esq. of A. Place, once the seat of Bp. Juxon, and the eccentric Sir R. Fagge. AJ^BRIGHTLEE twnshp. (61) St. Alkmond par. Mid. Salop. 3 m. XE. of Shrewsbury-153, near Sundorne castle ; pop. 45. P. ALBRIGHTON chplry. St. Mary par. in the above hund. 3 m. N. of Shrewsbury-153, near Albright Hussey, which belongs to Corbet of Sundorne. Pop. 85 ; St. J. Baptist Cur. (Lich.) val. 527., patr. W. Spurrier, Esq. ALBRIGHTON DIVISION (61, 73) Mid. Salop. contains Shrewsbury, the pars, of Battlefield, Broughton, Fitz, Grinshill, Preston, Gubbals, Uffington, and parts of St. Alkmond, St. Chad, St. Mary, and Middle ; acres (without Shrews- bury) 14,620, pop. 3304, houses 679. P. ALBRIGHTOX par. (61) Brimstree hund. E. Salop. 5 m. SE. of Shiffnal-185, on Shrews, and Binn. rail., belonged to Dore ab., and was a mkt. town. Acres 2970; pop. 1058; poor r. 3177. (Shiffh. U.); real prop. 89617. ; charities, poor's land, etc., 657. St. Mary Vic. (Lich.) val. 6517., patr. Haberdashers' Comp. and Christ's Hosp. ; church, early eng. with perpendicular transoms. A. Hall, Corbet, Esq. The Alb. hounds are at Enville. Fairs, 5 Mar. 23 May, 18 July, 9 Nov. cattle, etc. ALBUKGH par. (66) Earsham hund. SJS. Nor- folk, 3 m. NE. of Harleston-99, near R. Wave- ney. Acres 1430 ; pop. 589 ; poor r. 1947. (Er- pingham U.) ; real prop. 3099 ; charities 2237., of which town estate, 1817. All Saints Beet. (Norw.) vaL 3957., patr. St. John's Coll. Camb. ; church, has good S. door and tower. ALBURY par. (47) Edwinstree hund. E. Herts. 4 m. NW. of Bishop Stortford-30, on the R. Ash, in a pretty spot. Acres 3200 ; pop. 641 + 1 ; poor r. 7507. (Stortf. U.) ; real prop. 76457. ; cha- rities 197. St. Mary Vic. (Roch.) val. 3007., patr. Treas. of St. Paul's ; church, has a brass of Sir R. Verney, and tomb of a De la Lee, who had A. Hall, now J. Calvert, Esq. Fair, 17 July. gaP ALBURY par. (13) Bullingdon hund. E. Oxford. 3 m. WSW. of Thame-44, near the R. Thame, contains Teddington. Acres 1250 ; pop. 244 + 1 ; poor r. 437, (Thame U.) ; real prop. 12447. ; charities 107. to school. St. Helen Beet. (Oxon.) val. 2767. patr. Earl of Abingdon, of Rycote, who has reb. the church. P. ALBURY par. (8) Second Blackheath hund. Mid. Surrey, 4 m. ESE. of Guildford-29, on a branch of the Wey, under Hog's Back Down, near S. West, rail., has a fine view from A. Hill, with a glimpse of the sea. Acres 4920, with Sussex marble quarries ; pop. 1079 + 15, some in Magnay's papermills; poor r. 7297. (Godstone U.) ; real prop. 46537. ; charities 317. St. Peter and St. Paul Beet. (Wine.) val. 4297., patr. H. Drummond, M. P. Esq. of A. Park, once seat of the Duncumbes and Finches, whose tombs are in the church, which has two pillars and font from a roman temple which stood here in Camden's time. Horsley was rector, and the Earl of Arundel col- lected some of his marbles here, fif A. Hatch (1) 4 m. WNW. of Roinford, SW. Essex, in Hainhanlt forest, seat of Middleton, Esq. is a Cur. (Lond.) val. , patr. Woods and Forests. ALBY par. (68) S. Erpingham hund. NE. Norfolk, 4 m. NNE. of Aylsham-118, near R. Bure. Acres 840 ; pop. 299, decreasing ; poor r. 1967. (A^lsh. U.) ; real prop. 15577. St. Etbelbert Beet. (Nonv.) val. 1407., patr. Earl of Orford. Albyns (1) 5m. N. of Romford, SJV. Essex, near R. Roding, seat of J. R. H. Abdy, Esq. Alcade (42) 13 m. SW. of Hereford, SJT. Heref. ALCANCOTES. See ALRINCOATES, Lancash. Alcester, near Bicester, E. Oxford, on Akeman St. is the roman jElia Castro, with remains of a trench, etc. on the roman way to Dorchester (Oxon.). ALCESTER DIVISION (54) Barlichway hund. W. Warwick, contains the pars, of Alcester*, Gt. Abie*, Coughton*, Ipsley*, Kinwarton*, Morton Baggott*, Spernall*, Studley*. Weethley*, and parts of Arrow, Tardebigg, and Weston-on-Avon ; acres 24,070, pop. 8039, houses 1588. ALCESTER LIBERTY (15) St. James's par. NE. Dorset, near Shaftesbury-101, is within that borough ; pop. 334 ; real prop. 41237. P. M. ALCESTER, or AULSTER, par. in the above hund. 13 m. WSW. of Warwick, 103 from London, a petty sessions town on the R. Alne, where joined by the Arrow, was the roman Alauna, on Ryknield St., became a seat of the saxon kings, was made a borough by Hen. I. and has traces of a Benedictine abbey cell to Evesham, found. 1140, by Ralph Boteler, val. 1027. and given to theGrevilles by Hen. VIII. Acres 1530, fertile; pop. 2399, some needle and fishhook makers ; houses 499, chiefly in one street, with 4 chapels, townhall and mkt. (in Priory Place) on arches, 2 banks, savings bk., Newport's free school (207.), Bridges' almsh. etc. (1397.) ; poor r. 5637. on 71897. ; ALC real prop. 974 II. ; charities 2707. St. Nicholas Rect. (Wore.) val. 2597., patr. Marquis of Hertford, of Ragley, who has the manor; church, reb. 1732 except the tower, has tombs of Fulke Greville and lady, and of the Beauchamps, whose ruined seat is near. Roman urns, coins, pavements, etc. have been found. Alces. P. L. Union in- cludes the pars. etc. marked * above, also Arrow (where the poor ho. is), Aston Cantlow, Bid- ford, Exhall, Haselor, Oversley, Salford, Wixford, with Sambourn, in Warwk. and Moreton Abbott's, Feckenham, Inkberrow, Oldberrow, in Worcest. ; acres 51,493, pop. 16,833, cases relieved (year 1846-7) 1796 (out-door 1652), expend. 58527.; prop, rated 82,1707. Sup. Registry includes the same to Wixford, in Warwk., and all in Wore. ; pop. 16,838 + 91. New County Court district corre- sponds with the Registry (except Ipsley). Mkt. D. Tues. Fairs, 27 Jan. 24 Mar. 18 May, 28 July, 17 Oct. 1 Dec. cattle and cheese. ALCISTON HUNDRED (5) Pevensey rape, SE. Sussex, contains the pars, of Alciston, Alfriston, and Lullington ; acres 4700, pop. 982, houses 188. gif ALCISTON par. in the above hund. 6 m. SE. of Lewes-50, near S. coast rail, and R. Cuckmere. Acres 1620, hilly ; pop. 275 + 1 ; poor r. 3697. ; (YV. Firle U.) ; real prop. 13897. Living, a Vic. with Selmeston ; church, norman and early en- glish. Aldulth of the Saxons, or Dumbarton, was the 'Castrum Arthuri,' which that british king made the capital of Strath Cluyd, and was taken by Eadbert of Northumbria 756. and the Danes 870. ALCOMBE hmlt. (20) Dunster par. NW. So- merset. 1 m. NW. of Dunster-161, near Bristol channel ; pop. 259. A. House, . P. ALCONBURY par. (52) Leightonstone hund. Mid. Hunts. 4 m. N.W. of Huntingdon-59, near Ermine St. and E. Count, rail., on A. Brook (which rises near Lullington, and runs about 13 m. SSE. to the Ouse at Huntngdn.), is under A. Hill, with a fine view from St. Anne's old chapel. Acres 3700 ; pop. 823 + 6 ; poor. r. 5881. (Hunts. U.) ; real prop. 49547. St. Peter and St. Paul Vic. (Ely) val. with Weston 162Z., patr. Dean and Chap, of Westminster. A Lodge, J. Newton, Esq. gaT A. WESTON par. as above, 1 m. NW. Acres 1540; pop. 491 + 5; poor r. 2547. (Hunts. U.); real prop. 26257. Living, a Vic. with Alconbury. AI.CUMLOW. See MORETON-CUM-ALCUMLOW, Cheshire. ALD CAMUS par. joined to Cockburnspath, N. Berwick, and has remains of St. Helen's chapel. ALD CATHIE par. isjoined to Dalmeny, Linlthqw. Aldar Hcdl (63) 6 m. WSW. of Leicester, Mid. Leicester. ALDBOUOUGII par. (68) N. Erpingham hund. NE. Norfolk, 4 m. N. of Aylsham-118, on R. Bure. Acres 590 ; pop. 293 + 2 ; poor r. 1947. (Erpingh. U.) ; real prop. 19907. ; charities 31. for church. St. Mary Rect. (Norw.) val. 173/., patr. Lord Suffield of Gunton ; church, has a brass. A. Hall, seat of J. J. Gay, Esq. P. ALDBOHOUGH par. ( ) Upper and Lower Claro waps. W. R. York, and Hallekeld wap. N. R. York. 15 m. NW. of York-199, a petty sess. town on Watling St. and R. Ure, near the AITOWS druid stones, and containing Borough- bridgc, Dimsfortli, and Kocliffe Curs., Humberton, Minskip, arid Kllcnthorpc, was the ronian /.vw- rium and capital of the Brigantcs, the saxon Eald- Ininili, and a boro' from Q. Mary, returning 2 members till disfranchised by the Reform act. Acres 8750, of town 1890 marshy; pop. 2-12-1, and 615 ; poor r. 90/. ; real prop. 60457. ; cha- rities 1167., of which M. Smithson's, for poor, etc. ALD 27 1007. St. Andrew Vic. (Peculiar of York) val. 368/., patr. Dean and Chap. ; church, ancient, with a saxon gravestone and a brass of Will, de Al- burgh ("1360), whose seat A. Hall was near A. iMdge, A. Lawson, Esq. Roman pavements, etc., and coins from Trajan to Constantine, were found at Borough hill, where the elections took place ; other pavements were found 1832, '46, and '48 (one at Blackhamfield 13 ft. by 14, and a perfect one near it) ; and part of the town wall is left. Fair, 4 Sept. P. ALDBOURN par. (34) Selkey hund. NE. Wilts. 7 m. NW. of Hungerford-64, near Gt. West, rail., containing Upham and Preston, was a mkt. town, and had A. Chase given by Hen. VIII. to the Duke of Somerset, now enclosed and a meet for the Craven hounds. Acres 8060, good land ; pop. 1556, decreasing, formerly fustian weavers ; poor r. 7637. (Hungerf. U.) ; real prop. 10,0097. ; charities 87., and fuel allotment 357. St. Michael Vic. (Sarum) val. 367/., patr. Bishop ; church, partly norman, with a brass of a priest (1508). British remains have been found at Pierce's Lodge, and the vicarage was John of Gaunt's hunting-seat. P. ALDBROUGH par. ( ) Middle and N. Hol- derness waps. E. R. York. 7 m. NE. of Hedon-182, on the coast near Lambwith Drain, contains New- ton, Little Cowden, and 4 limits. Acres 5240, of town 3880; pop. 1119+11; poor r. 359Z. (Skir- laugh U. ) ; real prop. 50277. ; charities, Towrie's almshouses and school, etc., 2007., and a share with Beverley. St. Bartholomew Vic. (York) val. 1857., patr. Ld. Chancellor ; church, old, with a curious danish stone, which states that one Ulf had a fort here. Fair, 4 Sept. cattle and pedlery. P. ALDBROUGH tnshp. ( ) Stanwick St. John par. AT. R. York. 7 m. NNE. of Richmond- 233. Acres 1150; pop. 544+2; poor r. 1337. (Richru. U.) ; real prop. 29047. A. House, J. H. Hutton, Esq. Aldbury (12) 3 m. N. by W. of Kingsclere, 2V. Hants. P. ALDBURY par. (16) Dacorum hund. W. Herts. 3 m. NNE. of Berkhampstead-26, near N. West. rail, and Gd. Junct. canal, under the Chilterns. Acres 2020 ; pop. 790 + 10 ; poor. r. 2737. (Berkhmps. U.) ; real prop. 25467.; cha- rities 267., and poor's cottages. St. J. Baptist Rect. (Roch.) val. 4487., patr. Bridgewater Trustees; church, early eng. with tombs of the Verneys (a fine brass, 1546), Andersons, and Hj'des, who had the manor, now belonging to the Duke of Leeds. Aldby Park ( J 6 m. NE. of York, N. R. York. J. Darley, Esq. near the roman Derventio at Stamford bridge, is Bede's ' Villa Regalis.' ALDCLIFFE tnshp. ( ), Lancaster par. 2V. Lane. 1 m. SSW, of Lancaster-240, on Preston canal and R. Lune. Acres 680; pop. 111 + 2; poor r. 407. (Lane. U.) ; real prop. 1384/. A. Hall, E. Dawson, Esq. Aide River (50, 48) rises near Haxted, E. Suf- folk, and runs SE. and SW. about 30 m. past Framlingham, Aldboro', and the Lantern marshes, to Orford haven. . P. M. ALDEBURGH, or ALBOKOUGH, par. (49) Plomesgate hund. E. Suffolk, 20 m. ENE. of Ips- wich, 94 from London, a port and bathing-place between A. Bay and A. Mere, in the valley of Slaughdon, on R. Aide or Thorpe Haven, was a borough from Eliz. returning 2 members under the Crcspigneys, till disfranchised by the Reform act. Acres 1130, craig, etc.; pop. 1557 + 21, in the herring and lobster fisheries and a small coast trade ; houses 360, with 3 chapels, timbered town- hall (with Elizabeth's stirrup), library, theatre, customho., school (57.) ; poor r. 5377" on 54387. ALD ALD (Plomesgate U.) ; real prop. 5566Z. ; charities 64Z St. Peter and St. Paul Vie. (Norw.) val. 383/. patr. F. J. V. Wentworth, Esq. of Slaughdon House (who has the manor), a descendant o Strafford, who was Visct. Aldboro'; church, o flint (and in 1559 more than ten times further from the shore), has 6 brasses of the Bences, etc. (from 1601), and is a well-known sea-mark. In 1846 32 sail of 1682 tons (17 being under 50 t each) belonged to the port, which has Orford for a sub- port ; total customs 61. (the trade being mostly at Woodbridge). Gt. Casino, Hon. A. Thelluson; Lit Casino, Sir R. S. Adair, Bt. About 4 m ESE.of it lies. A. Knape shoal, 2 m. long, with 2 fath. water, on which the sea breaks heavily with E. winds. Crabbe the poet, a native 1754-1832. The title of Baron A. is in abeyance. Mkt. D. Wed. Sat. Fairs, 1 Mar. 3 Mayi toys. ALDEBY par. (67) Clavering hund. SE. Nor- folk, 2 m. NE. of Beccles-109, on R. Waveney, was a benedictine cell to Norwich ab. Acres 2690 ; pop. 496 ; poor r. 372/. (Loddon U.) ; real prop. 5150Z. St. Mary Cur. (Norw.) val. 120/., patr. Dean and Chap. ; church, has a good door. Alden (55) 3 m. SW. of Leominster, N. Hereford. ALDENHAM par. (7) Cashio hund. S. Herts. 2 m. NE. of Watford-15, near N. West rail, and R. Colne, containing Theobald St. was the saxon Ealdenham, given by St. Alban's ab. to Westminster at the Conquest. Acres 5830 ; poor r. 557/. (Watf. U.) ; pop. 1662 + 17 ; real prop. 10,2557. ; charities 1165Z., of which 1141/. to R. Platt's almshouses and gram, school, found. 1599, reb. 1825 by the Brewers' Comp. as an Upper and Lower school. St. John Baptist Vic. (Roch.) val. 425Z., patr. Thelluson's Trustees; church, of flint, early eng., has 9 brasses (from 1520), a pillared font, coloured screen, and effigies in the chancel chapel. A. Abbey, W. Stuart, Esq. ; A. Lodge, J. Mason, Esq. Aldenham Hall (61) 3 m. WNW. of Bridg- north, E. Salop. Sir J. E. D. Acton, Bt Alderbourn Bottom (7) 2 m. NW. of TJxbridge, SE. Bucks, belonged to Ankerwyke nunnery. Alderbrook (57) near Troedyraur, S W. Cardi- gan. J. L. Williams, Esq. ALDERBURY HUNDRED (14-5) S W. Wilts, con- tains the pars, of *Alderbury ., Clarendon Park Liberty, W. Dean r., * W. Grimstead r., Idminston v., *Laverstockr., Melchet Park, Plaitford, Winter- bourne Dantsey c., Wint Earls c., Wint. Gunner and Winterstow r. ; acres 31,760, pop. 4979, houses 973. See Amesbury Deanery. P. ALDERBITRY par. in the above hund. 3 m. SE. of Salisbury-81, near S. West, branch rail, and R. Avon, in a sporting country, contains Farley and Pitton Curs. Acres 3950 ; pop. 1440 + 5, some fustian weavers ; poor r. 327Z. ; real prop. 1620Z. ; charities, Thistlethwaite's for poor, 157. Living, a Vic. (Sal.) val. with the above 162/., patr. Bishop. A. House, G. Fort, Esq. Ivy Church, A. Court, Esq. on site of a priory. Alderb. P. L. Union contains the pars. etc. marked * above, with Britford (where the poor ho. is), Coombe Bisset, Downton, Fisherton Anger, Homing- ton, Landford, Milford, Nunton and Bodenham, Odstock, Pitton and Farley, Stratford Toney, Stratford-sub-Castle, The Close (or cathedral), West Harnham, White parish, and Clarendon, E. Grimstead, Standlynch ; acres 52,337, pop. 14,171, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 2164 (out-door 1939), expend. 7750Z., prop, rated 64,045Z. Sup. Registry includes the same to Whiteparish, with Red- lynch ; pop. 14,174+110 (27 deaths from cholera, 1849). New County Court district corresponds with the Registry. Alder car Hall (71) 6 m. E. of Belper, E. Derby. on Erwash canal. Alderdale Lodge (88) 3 m. W. of Ashton-undcr- Lyne. SE. Lancash. A. Buckley, Esq. ALDERFORD par. (66) Eynsford hund. Mid. Norfolk, 10 m. NW. of Norwich-108, on R. Wensum, belonged to Norwich Cath. Acres 320 ; pop. 44 ; poor r. 157. (St. Faith's U.) ; real prop. 728Z. St. John Sect. (Norw.) val. with Attlebridge 2197., patr. Dean and Chap, rjg- Alder ford (1) 10 m. N. of Boyle, N.Roscommon, M.Dermott, Esq. ALDERHOLT tythg. (15) Cranborne par. NE. Dorset. 4 m. E. of Cranborne-93. Pop. 404; real prop. 13447. Living, a Cur. (Sarum) val. 807., patr. Vicar; church, b. by Marq. of Salisbury, 1849. A. Park, Capt. Prevost ALDERLEY par. (80-1) Macclesfield hund. E. Cheshire, 5 m. WNW. of Macclesfield-167, a stat. on Man. and Birm. rail., on a branch of the R. Bollin, under A. Edge (360 ft. high, with a fine view), contains A. OVEJR and NETHER tnshps. (acres 2020 and 2510 ; pop. 455 and 679), and Gt. Warford, and Birtles Cur. Acres 6240, new red sandstone, with traces of lead, cobalt, and copper at A. Edge; pop. 1538 + 20; poor r. 2197. (Mac- clesf. U.); real prop. 84057.; charities 217. of which 107. Shaw's free school. St Mary Rect. (Ches.) vaL 750/., patr. Lord Stanley of Alderley, who has the manor and A. Park, with its vene- rable beeches near the Mere, and reb. the hall since the fire of 1779. ALDERLEY par. (35) Upper Grumbald's Ash hund. S W. Gloucester. 6 m. NNE. of Chipping Sodbury-108, on the Cotswolds, between two branches of the Avon, near Kingswood forest. Acres 730, lias ; pop. 174, fine cloth weavers ; poor r. 1077. (Sodb. U.) ; real prop. 1963Z. St. Kenelme Rect. (Gl. and Br.) val. 200Z. patr. R. H. B. Hale, Esq. of A. House, whose great ancestor, Sir Mat- thew (a native 1609-76) is buried in the church, which commands a fine view. ALDERMAN HAW vil. (63) Woodhouse chplry. .ZV. Leicester. 2 m. W. of Mount Sorrel-105, had" a cell to Bermondsey ab. Pop. 25. ijg" A. Rock (147) at the entrance of Crookhaven, Sty. Cork, is above water. P. ALDERMASTON, or ADMISTON, par. (12) Sheale hund. S. Berks. 10 m. SW. of Reading-38, in a pretty spot where the R. Emborne joins the Kennet, a stat. on Gt. West, branch rail, and the roman Silchester, was a mkt. town, and occupied by Essex 1644. Acres 2240, heathy ; pop. 662 + 3 ; poor. r. 448Z. (Bradfield U.) ; real prop. 3668Z. ; charities 8Z., and Dixon's almshouses. St. Mary Rect. (Oxon.) vaL , patr. W. Congreve, Esq. who has the manor and A. Park (with its fine old lall and painted windows), and is of the drama- ;ist's family ; church, ancient, with tombs of the Orchards, Delameres, etc. A camp near A. Soak. Fairs, 6 May, 7 July, horses; 11 Oct. pedlerv. P. ALDERMINSTER par. (54) Upper Pershore lund. SE. Worcester, locally in Warwick. 4 m. SSE. of Stratford-on-Avon-96, on Moreton tram rail, and R. Stour. Acres 3480 ; pop. 508 + 5 ; poor r. 185Z. (Stratf. U.) ; real prop. 3655. St Mary Vic. (Wore.) val. 1707., patr. Ld. Chancellor; ;hurch, cruciform, and part norman. Aldermoor (10) 1 m. SSW. of Ryde, I. of Wight, S. Hants. ALDERNEY, one of the Channel Islds. 8 m. W. of Cape la Hogue in Normandy, to which it once belonged, 18 m. NE. of Guernsey, in that juris- diction, and 50 m. SSE. of Portland Bill, is the Riduna of the Romans, and Aurigny of the French, and a sub-port to Southampton ; is 8 m. in com- pass, mostly high land, surrounded by rocks and ALD shoals, as the Blancliard (E.)> the Coquelihou and Noire Putes clusters, with Cholebank be- yond (S.), the Susurouais bank (SW.), the Burhou reef, Ortach and Pierre au Vrach rocks (NW.), with the deep Passage du Singe or ' Swinge ' inside, and Passage d'Ortach outside, beyond which are Pommier and the Caskets. Size about 4 sq. m. good soil, partly in grass, well ma- nured with vraic or seaweed, and producing grain and potatoes ; pop. 1030, mostly at St. Anne's in the centre (which has a chapel, school, and hosp.), and the two small ports adjoining it Braye, the principal one to the W., where the gentry reside, and through which a little trade is carried on with Guernsey, and Longy to the E., which has an old fort named after Essex. It is governed by 6 jurats and 12 douzainiers, subject to the states of Guernsey, but is the property of the crown, by whom it was purchased from the Mesuriers. St. Anne Cur. (Winch.) val. 120Z. ; church, old. The small straight-back Alderney cattle, valued for their milk, now come chiefly from Jersey. Through the Race between this and France, where the flood tide runs 6 m. an hour, the French fleet escaped from Russell 1692, after the battle of La Hogue ; in its neighbourhood the son of Henry I. and his companions were drowned, and Adml. Balchen was lost in the Victory 1774. A son of George II. was created Baron Alderney. Alder sbrook (1) 6m. NE. of St. Paul's, SW. Essex, in Epping forest, on E. Count, rail, near R. Roding, was the seat of Lethieullier, the anti- quary. ALDERSEY tnshp. (80) Coddington par. W. Cheshire, 7 m. NNW. of Malpas-168, on a branch of R. Dee, had salt-works, and belongs to S. Aldersley, Esq. of A. Hatt. Acres 840 ; pop. 138 ; poor r. 50/. (Gt. Bough ton U.) ; real prop. 1122Z. Aldershaw or Addershaw (88) 1 m. S. of Old- ham, S. Lancash. ALDERSHOTT par. (8) Upper Crondall hund. NE. Hants. 8 m. E. of Odiham-40, on R. Black- water, near Basingstoke canal, belonged to Merton priory, and was the seat of the Tichbomes. Acres 4070 ; pop. 685 + 2 ; poor r. 454Z. ; (Farnham U.) ; real prop. 1967?.; charities 21. Living, a Cur. (Win.) val. 64Z., patr. J. Eggar, Esq., and others. Alderson, 1 m. WNW. of Haddington, Mid. Hadngtn. Alderstead (8)" 4 m. NE. of Reigate, E. Surrey, near Brighton rail. ALDERSTONE tythg. (15) Whiteparish par. SE. Wilts. 1 m. SE. of Salisbury. Real prop. 1317Z. ALDERTON par. (44) Upper Tewkesbury hund. N. Gloucester. 4 m. NW. of Winchcomb-95, near the Cotswolds, contains Dixton and remains of a saxon camp. Acres 1750; pop. 411 + 8; poor r. 158Z. (Winchc. U.); real prop. 1905Z. ; charities 201 St. Margaret Beet. (Gl. and Br.) val. 337Z., patr. Rev. C. Covey, rector. $T AL- DERTON par. (52) Cleley hund. /S. Northmptn. 3 m. SE. of Towcester-60, near Gd. June, canal, Watling St., and R. Tove. Acres 910 ; pop. 166 ; poor r. 77Z. (Potterspury U.) ; real prop. 1296Z. ; charities 41, and 5 poor's cottages. St. Margaret Rect. with Grafton Regis, igf ALDERTON tnshp. (61) Gt. Ness par. W. Salop. 7 m.WNW. of Shrews- bury- 153, near the Severn. Pop. 54. ^5"AL- DERTON tnshp. (73) Hadnall chplry. N. Salop. 7 m. N. of Shrewsbury-153. Pop. 25. P. ALDERTON par (48) Wilford hund. SE. Suffolk, 7 m. SE. of Woodbridge-77,near Hollesley bay and R. Deben. Acres 2680 ; pop. 620 + 5 ; poor r. 409/. (Woodbr. U.) ; real prop. 4135/. ; chari- ties 23Z. St. Andrew Rect. (Norw.) val. 720Z., patr. Bishop and Norton's Trustees, some- ALD 29 time held by Giles Fletcher the poet, who died here 1623 ; the ruined church is a sea-mark. lgg ALDERTON par. (34-5) Chippenham hund. NW. Wilts. 6 m. SW. of Malmesbury-94, near Akeman St. and Badminton Park. Acres 1700 ; pop. 183 ; poor r. 171Z. (Malmesb. U.) ; real prop. 231 U. St. Giles Cur. (Gl. and Br.) val. , patr. J. Neeld, Esq. M.P. of Red Lodge ; church, has the tomb of Gore the antiquary (a native 1631-81), of A. House, an old seat. ALDERWASLEY chplry. (71) Wirksworth par. Mid. Derby. 2 m. E. of Wirksworth-140, near Cromford canal and R. Derwent. Pop. 398, in the colliery, iron and lead works ; poor r. 88/. (Belper U.) ; real prop. 2947Z. Living, a Don. (Lien.) val. I., patr. F. Hurst, Esq. of A. Hall, who built Crich Stand, which has a view to Lincoln Cath. ALDFIELD tnshp. ( ) Ripon par. W. R. York. 3 m. WSW. of Ripon-212, on a branch of R. Ure, has mineral springs in a fine spot. Acres 850 ; pop. 132 ; poor r. 42Z. ; real prop. 1292Z. Living, a Cur. (Rip.) val. with Studley 72Z., patr. Earl de Grey, of Studley Park, which includes Fountain's abbey. ALDFORD par. (80) Higher and Lower Brox- ton hunds. W. Chesh. 5 m. S. of Chester-183, on R. Dee, near Shrewsb. rail., containing Churton, Buerton, and Edgerley, and remains of a castle, b. by Rob. de A. (Hen. II.) was a mkt. town and garrisoned by Brereton in the civil war. Acres 2820, of town 1150, with lead ore ; pop. 835 and 488 ; poor r. 149Z. (Gt. Boughton U.) ; real prop. 3646Z. ; charities 6Z., and the Grosvenors' gram, school. St. John Baptist Rect. (Ches.) val. 330/., patr. Marquis of Westminster, of Eaton Hall. A bridge crosses the ' old ford ' into Wales, on a branch of Watling St. ALDHAM par. (48) Lexden hund. N. Essex, 4 m. NE. of Coggeshall-48, near E. Count, rail, and the R. Roman, was a manor of the De Veres, and is a meet for E. Esx. hounds. Acres 2040 ; pop. 382 ; poor r. 137/. (Lexden U.) real prop. 2951Z. ; charities 52Z. Living, a Rect. (Roch.) val. 327Z., patr. Bishop of London, sometime held by Mo- rant, who wrote the Hist, of the county and of Colchester, and the lives in the ' Biograph. Brit.' marked C. ijjg" ALDHAM old par. now joined to Whitkirk, N. Haddngtn. has a ruined chapel near Tantallon cast. igT ALDHAM par. (48) Cosford hund. S. Suffolk, 2 m. NE. of Hadleigh-64, near A. Common, where the venerable Rowland Taylor was burnt 1555, had a priory cell at A. Street. Acres 2170 ; pop. 293 ; poor r. 163Z. (Cosford U.), real prop. 2232Z. ; charities 1Z. St. Mary Rect. (Ely) val. 290Z., patr. W. Leonard, Esq. ; church, has a good wooden porch. Aldie Castle, 3 m. SE. of Muckart, SE. Perth. near Devon Water, a ruined seat of the Tullibar- dines, belonging to Baroness Keith through the Mercers. ALDINGBOURN par. (91) Box hund. Chichester rape, S W. Sussex, 3 m. E. of Chichester-62, near S. Coast rail., contains Lidsey and Westergate. Acres 3080 ; pop. 772 ; poor r. 521Z. (W. Hamp- nett U.) ; real prop. 6301Z. St. Mary Vic. (Chic.) val. 212Z., patr. Dean ; church, has black marble font. A. House, Lady H. Howard. ALDINGHAM par. ( ) N. Lonsdale hund. N. Jxmcash. 4 m. SE. of Dalton-in-Furness-276, on Morccambe bay, contains Dendron Cur. Gleaston (with its old castle), and Leece. Acres 4680 ; pop. 907 + 2 ; poor r. 194Z, (Ulverstone U.) ; real prop. 6726Z.; charities 15Z. of which HZ. to Dickenson's school. St. Cuthbert Cur. (Ches.) val. 1093Z., patr. Crown ; church, once in the centre of the parish, is now washed by the sea which has swept ALD ALF away A. Ha]!, the Flemings' old seat. A square and a round camp are seen. P. ALDINGTON par. (3, 4) Bircholt Franchise, Shepway lathe, SE. Kent, 6 m. SE. of Ashford- 53, near S. East rail, and Military canal, is the court for Romney Marsh. Acres 3420 ; pop. 733 ; poor r. 5247. (E. Ashf. U.) ; real prop. 55027.; charities 97. St. Martin Cur. (Cant) val. with Smeeth 1014Z., patr. Archbp., once held by Eras- mus ; church, early eng. with painted windows. IgT ALDINGTON hmlt. (44) Badsey par. SE. Worcester. 2 m. E. of Evesham-95. Pop. 102. Aldmore (73) 6 m. W. of Stafford, W. Staffd. ALDON hmlt (6) Addington and Ryarsh pars. NW. Kent, 6 m. NW. of Maidstone-34. ALDON tnshp. (55) Stokesay par. S. Salop. 6 m. NW. of Ludlow-143, near R. Onny, belongs to Lyster of Rowton. Pop. 236. AMoth ( ) 8 m. W. of Wigton, NW. Cumbrld. Aldourie, 5 m. S. of Inverness, NE. Invent, at the head of Loch Ness, seat of W. F. Tyler, Esq. where Sir J. Macintosh was born (1765-1832). Aldreth (51) 9 m. N. of Cambridge, Mid. Cambr. near R. Ouse. P. ALDRIDGE par. (62) S. Offlow hund. S. Stafford. 3 m. NE. of Walsall-121, near Wyrley canal, and S. Staf. rail., contains Gt. Barr Cur. and Druidmuir pool. Acres 7930, of town 2970, with potter's clay and coalpits; pop. 2094 + 39 and 1007 + 16, some in the distillery ; poor r. 1757. (Wals. U.) ; real prop. 5340/. ; charities 182/., of which Jordan's for boys' and girls' free-schools 1187. and 117., clerk's land 267., and 6d. 'custom money,' to every housekeeper who asks it of rector. St. Mary Rect. (Lich.) val. with Barr 500/., patr. Sir E. D. Scott, Bt. of Ban- Hall Park; church, has effigies of a Stapleton. A. Lodge, . ALDRINGHAM par. (49, 50) Blything hund. E. Suffolk, 2 m. NNE. of Aldboro'-94, near the coast, contains Thorpe, and was a mkt. town. Acres 610 ; pop. 401 + 4 ; poor r. 907. (Blything U.) ; real prop. 141 It St. Andrew Cur. (Norw.) val. with Thorpe 597., patr. Rev. E. Hollond. ALDRINGTON, or ATHERINGTON, par. (9) Fish- ergate hund. Lewes rape, S. Sussex, 3 m. WNW. of. Brighton-51, now joined to Portslade, has been wasted by the sea, which carried away the church, etc. Living, a Sect. (Chic.) val. 2947., patr. Mag. Coll. Camb. Aldrow House ( ) 6 m. SSE. of New Malton, E. R. York. ALDSTONE. See ALSTON, Cumbrld. P. ALDSWORTH par. (44) Brightwell's Barrow hund. E. Gloucester. 4 m. SE. of Northleach- 82, near R. Leach, belonged to Gloucester ab. Acres 3460; pop. 365+1; poor r. 1357. (Northl. U.) ; real prop. 29877. St Peter Cur. (Gl. and Br.) val. 66/., patr. Vicar of Turkdean ; church, on a hill, commanding a fine view. Igf ALDS- WORTH tythg. (11) W. Bourn par. W. Sussex, 6 m. WNW. of Chichester-62, near Stanstead park, is a meet for CoL Wyndham's hounds. Pop. 118. ALD WAR K tnshp. (81) Bradborne par. Mid. Derby. 3m. SSW. of Winster-150, near Mould- ridge hill and High Peak rail. Pop. 82. igr ALD w ARK tnshp. ( ) Alne par. N. R. York. 1 1 m. NW. of York-199, on the Ouse, near A. Bridge. Acres 2220 ; pop. 224 + 3 ; poor r. 687. (Easingwold U.) ; real prop. 2069?. ^T ALDWARK vil. (87) Ecclesfleld tnshp. W. R. York. 2 m. NE. of Ro- therham-159, on N. Midld. rail, and the Don. A. Hall, G. Foljambe, Esq. ALDWICK HUNDRED (9) Chichester rape, S W. Sussex, contains Bognor and the pars, of S. Ber- sted, E. Lavant, Pagham, Slindon, and Tangmere ; acres 13,270, pop. 4689, houses 944. igf ALD- WICK tythg. Pagham par. in the above hund. 3 m. W. of Bognor-67, near the coast, seat of Capt. Sir R. G. Pechell, Bt igT A. Court (19) 8 m. S.W. of Bristol, N. Somerset. ALDWINKLE ALL SAINTS' par. (52) Huxloe hund. E. Northmptn. 2 m. XE. of Thrapston-72, on Peterboro' rail, and R. Nen, is the saxon Aldewingle. Acres, with St. Peter's, 2450 ; pop. 272 + 3; poor r. 1647. (Thrapst. U.) ; real prop. 38467. ; charities 51/., of which 167. to Thorpe's school. Living, a Rect. (Pet) val. 3117., patr. Rev. Dr. Roberts, rector, sometime held by the father of Dryden, who was born here, 1631-1700 ; church, later eng. with tower, chapel, and brass of an Aldwinkle (1463). ^ A. ST. PETER'S par. close to the above. Pop. 183 + 1 ; poor r. 1037. (Thrapst. U.) ; charities, a share with the above. Living, a Rect. (Pet.) val. 2307., patr. Lord Lilford of Lilford Hall, sometime held by the father of Fuller, the church historian, who was born here, 1608 -61. A. House, Hon. and Rev. F. Powys. ALD-VVORTH, or ALI.DER, par. (13) Compton hund. Mid. Berks. 4 m. ESE. of E. Ilsey-54, an old (oZd) place near Icknield St., had a castle at Beach farm, a seat of the De la Beches, who held the manor. Acres 1960 ; pop. 314 + 3 ; poor r. 1727. (Wantage U.) ; real prop. 23497. St. Mary Vic. (Oxon.) val. 4497., patr. St. John's Coll. Camb. ; church, early eng., with 9 canopied effi- gies of the Beches, and a yew 9 yds. round hi the ch. 3 r ard. Ale Water, rises in Coldingham par. NE. Berwick, and runs SE. 6 m. past Alefield to R. Eye, near Eyemouth. (Jg- A. Water, rises in Alemoor Loch, as below, and runs ENE. about 20 m. to R. Teviot near Ancrum, Mid. Roxburgh. Aled River (79) rises at Llyn Aled, W. Den- bigh, and runs N. about 10m. past Dyffrin Aled, to R. Elwy near Llanfairtalhaiarn. Alemoor Loch, 6 m. W. of Hawick, SE. Sel- kirk, near A. EAST and WEST vils., at the head of Ale Water, as above, has good perch and trout ALEMOUTH. See ALNMOUTH, Northmbrld. Alen River. See Alwen, Denbigh. AlenhilL, 2 m. S. of St. Andrew's, E. Fife. Alerond (22) 4 m. SE. of Topsham, E. Devon. near R. Ex. Alerwash or Allerwash ( ') 4 m. WNW. of Hexham, S. Northmbrld. ALETHORPE ext. par. (68) Gallow hund. N. Norfolk, 2 m. ENE. of Fakenham-109. Acres 280; pop. 8. P. ALEXANDRIA par. q. s. in Bonhill par. Mid. Dumbrtn. 1 m. N. of Dumbarton-58, on Leven Water. Pop. 3397, of vil. 3039, in the bleach- ing and print works. Living (Presb. Dumb.) val. 7., patr. Male communicants. Alex's, or Alexander's, Tor (30) 5 m. SE. of Camelford, E. Cornwall, a peak near Brown Willy. ALEXTON par. (62) E. Goscote hund. E. Lei- cester. 6 m. NW. of Rockingham-84, on R. Eye, close to the Rutland border. Acres 1010, grass land; pop. 81 + 2; poor r. 307. (Billesdon U.); real prop. 19377. St. Peter Rect. (Pet.) val. 1407., patr. Lord Berners, who has the manor and A. Hall, an elizabethan seat. Alfardistcorthy (26) 6 m. NW. of Holdworthv. NW. Devon, on R. Tamar. ALFORD DISTRICT, Mid. Aberdeen, hilly and watered by the Don, contains the pars, of Alford, Auchindoir* and Kearn, part of Cabrach, Clatt, Glenbueket, Keig*, Kildrummy, Kinnethmont* and Christ's Kirk, Leochel and Cushnie, Rhy- nie* and Essie, Strathdon, Tough, Towie, and ALF Tullynessle ; pop. 12,091, houses 2380. * A. PRISBTTKBY, synod of Aberdeen, includes the above, except Rhynie. Ditto Free Church, those marked *. P. AFFORD par. in that district, 28 m. WNW. of Aberdeen-110, on the Don, at the bridge on the North road where Montrose defeated the Covenanters under Baillie 1645, belongs to Far- quhar of Haughton. Acres 10,000, partly arable, the rest hill and moor, with good soil near the river ; pop. 1037 + 20 ; real prop. 4665?. Living (Presb. Alford) val. 207?., patr. Crown ; church, old. Bp. P. Forbes was born at the manse. Coreen cairn and Cairn-balloch are two of the largest in the country. Fairs, monthly for cattle. ALFOLD par. (8) First Blackheath hund. S. Surrey, 8 m. SE. of Godalming-33, near A. Cross find A. Bars, and the Arun and "VVey canal, is partly in Sussex. Acres 2610; pop. 519; poor r. 290?. (Hambledon U.) ; real prop. 2291?. St. Nicholas Sect. (Win.) val. 205?., patr. Rev. L. W. Elliott. P. M. AXFORD par. (84) Calceworth hund. Parts of Lindsey, E. Lincoln, a stat. on Gt. North, rail., ICO m. from London, or 138 by road, and 30 E. of Lincoln, a petty sess. and polling town, at the ' old ford ' over a brook which runs through it. Acres 1410, with a salt spring ; pop. 1945 + 1C ; houses 386, with chapel, 2 banks, savings' bk., Spanning's or Q. Elizabeth's free gram, school (269?.), with 2 fellowships at Magd. Coll. Oxon. SpenlufFe's nat. school (61?.), Sir R. Christopher's almsh. (221.) ; poor r. 887?. on 3600?. (Spilsby U.) ; real prop. 5979?. ; charities 358?. St. Wilfrid Vic. (Line.) val. with Rigsby 180?., patr. Bishop; church, has a thatched chancel and some old tombs. A mineral well and barrows are seen ; it gives title of visct. to Earl Brownlow of Belton, and is the head of a Wesleyan circuit. Mkt. D. Th. Fairs, Whit. Tu. 8 Nov. ALFOKD par. (19) Catsash hund. E. Somerset. 2 m. W. of Castle Cary-113, on R. Brae, was noted for its mineral spa. Acres 710 ; pop. 90, decreasing; poor r. 51Z. (Wincanton U.) ; real prop. 1503?. ; charities 1Z. All Saints Rect. (Ba. and W .) val. with Hornblotton, 188?., patr. Rev. J. G. Thring, rector. Alfoxton (20) 5 m. ESE. of Watchet, N. Somerset. L. St. Albyn, Esq. Alfred Mine (33) near Hayle, SW. Cornwall Alfred's Tower (19) 5 m. NE. of Wincanton, E. Somerset, in Stourhead Park, has a fine pro- spect. P. M. ALFRETON par. (71) Scarsdale hund. E. Derb. 13 m. NNE. of Derby-139, on a hill, near Midld. rail, and Erewash canal, a polling place, containing Riddings Cur., Greenhill Lane, Sum- mercotes, Swanwick, and Birchwood, Codnor Park, Butterley, etc., was founded, they say, by Alfred, and belonged to Beauchief ab. Acres 4550"; pop. 7577 + 188, of town 1774, in the colleries, ironworks, stone-quarries, potteries, and stocking- manufact. ; houses 354, irregular, with 2 churches, 3 chapels, 2 banks, savings' bk. Swanwick school (50?.).; poorr. 823?. on 11,922?. (BelperU.); real prop. 18,103?.; charities 108?. St. Martin Vic. (Lich.) val. 150?., patr. W. P. Morwood, Esq. of A. Halt, who has the manor through the De Alfretons, Chaworths, Babingtons, and Zouches; church, ancient. Roman remains have been found at Greenhill Lane. Mkt. D. Mond. and Frid. Fairs, 8 Oct. 29 Nov. * A. DEANKXY, archcly. of Derby, dice, of Lichfield, contains some of the benefices marked in Scarsdale hund. with Cod- nor c., Heanor ., Pentridge t\, Ripley c. AI.FRICK chplry. (55) Suckley par. W. Wore. ALK 31 7 m. WSW. of Worcester-Ill, near R. Teme. Acres 1790 ; pop. 434 ; poor r. 248?. (Martlcy U.) ; real prop. 4078?.; charities 14?., of which" 8?. to Lloyd's school. Living, a Cur. with Suckley. P. ALFRISTON par. (5) Alciston hund. Lewes rape, SE. Sussex, 5 m. SE. of Lewes-50, near S. Coast rail, on R. Cuckmere, belonged to Michel- ham priory. Acres 2120, chalky ; pop. 668 ; poorr 437?. (Eastbourne U.) ; real prop. 3154?. ; St. An- drew Vic. (Chic.) val. 135?., patr. Ld. Chancel- lor; church, decorated eng. with stone stalls, piscina, founder's tomb in the chancel (which has a norman arch), and an old cross. Roman coins have been found, curious sculptures are to be seen at the inn, and barrows have been opened on the Wendover hills, which command a fine view. The Alf. apple is a fine autumn fruit, and the Hor- ticult. Soc. has a white rennet grown here, 15 in. round, weighing 11 J Ib, Fairs, 12 May, 30 Nov. ALGARKIRK par. (70) Kirton wap. SE. Lin- coln. 6 m. SW. of Boston-113, on Gt. North, rail, near Fossdyke Wash, so called after Algar, the sax on ' eorl ' of Mercia, who was killed at Threk- ingham 870, and whose pillar, they say, is in the churchyd. Acres 6050, fenny ; pop. 754 + 10 ; poor r. 262?. (Bost. U.) ; real prop. 10,229?. ; chari- ties 24?. with a share in Fossdyke hosp. St. Peter and St. Paul Rect. (Line.) val. with Fossdyke 1310?., patr. Rev. B. Berridge, rector, of A. House, who has the manor; church, early eng. with norman traces, and a brass (1498), and tombs of the Berridges. AUiam (19) 4 m. NNW. of Bruton, E. Somerset. ALHAMPTON tythg. (19) Ditcheat par. E. Somerset. 2 m. NNW. of Castle Cary-113, near R. Brue. Pop. 386 ; real prop. 3205?. Alicana, of the Romans, is ILKLEY, W. R. York. ; Alione, or Alone, is near AMBLESIDE, Westmrld. Alice Holt Forest (8) near Binstead, NE. Hants. was called Aisholt, and is 2 m. by 2, strong loam, with large oaks, etc. Aline Loch, 12 m. NW. of Oban, N. Argyll, in the Sound of Mull, near A. Castle, a ruin. ALKBOROUGH, or ATJKBOROUGH, par. (86) N. Manley wap. NW. Lincoln. 10 m. NW. of Brigg -155, where R, Trent joins the Humber, con- tains Walcot, and remains of Countess Close ro- man camp 300 ft. square, near Julian's Bower. Acres 2540 ; pop. 528 + 6 ; poor r. 182?.(Brigg U.) ; real prop. 3405?. ; charities 2?., and a poor's alms- house. St. J. Baptist Vic. (Line.) val. with Whit- ton 209?., patr. Bishop and Rev. C. Constable. ALKERTON tythg. (35) Eastington par. W. Gloucester. 4 m.'W. of Stroud-101. Pop. 1108 + 5. A. House, W. Fryer, Esq. gap" ALKERTON par. (45) Bloxham hund. NW. Oxford. 6 m. WNW. of Banbury-71, near Broomhill. Acres 650 , pop. 190 ; poor r. 78?. (Banb. U.) ; real prop. 1268?. St. Michael Rect. (Oxon.) val. 153?., patr. Rev. R. Hughes, rector, sometime held by the unfortunate Lydiat, a native (1572-1646), whose family had the manor. ' If dreams yet flatter, once again attend, Hear Lydiat's life, and Galileo's end.' ALKHAM par. (3) Folkestone hund. Shepwav lathe, E. Kent, 4 m. WNW. of Dover-71, con- tains Reindein House. Acres 3190 ; pop. 595 + 5 ; poor r. 2907. (Dov. U.) ; real prop. 3491?. St. Anthony Vic. (Cant.) val. with Capel-le-Ferne 152?., patr. Archbp. ; church, norman. and early eng. A. House, R. Halford, Esq. Alkincoates or Alcancotes ( ) near Colne. E. Lancash., T. Parker, ESQ., an old seat. AI.KIXGTOJT tythg. (35) Berkeley par. W. Gloucester, close to Berkeley-114, near Glouc. and Brist. rail. Pop. 1175 + 1. ; real prop. 7990?. ALK ALL A. Hall. g^ ALKINGTON tnshp. (73) Whit- church par. N. Salop. 1 m. SSW. of Whitchurch -165, near Ellesmere canal. Pop. 135. ALKMERE tnshp. (61) St. Chad. par. Mid. Salop. 2 m. SSE. of Shrewsbury-153, is joined to BELTON. ALKMONTON tnshp. (72) Longford par. 5. Derby. 5 m. SE. of Ashborne-139, had St. Leo- nard's hosp. found, before 1474. Pop. 102 + 3. Living, a Cur. (Lioh.) val. 50Z., patr. W. Evans, Esq. ALKRINGTON tnshp. (88) Prestwich-cum-Old- ham par SE. Lancash. 1 m. S. of Middleton- 192, on R. Irk. Acres 680 ; pop. 338, in the cotton factories ; poor r. 43Z. (Oldham U.) ; real prop. 1745/. A. Hall, 3. Lever, Esq., was seat of Sir Aston L., who collected his museum here, which was sold in London. Allachy Burn, rises near Mt. Battock, S. Aber- deen, and runs to R. Tanar near Aboyne. ALLALEIGH hmlt. (23) Cornworthy par. SE. Devon. 4 m. SE. of Totness-196. Pop. 93. ALLAN, BRIDGE OF, vil. Lecropt and Logie pars. S. Perth. 2 m. NNW. of Stirling-35, where R. Allan joins the Forth, in a pretty spot, near the Airthsay Wells. Pop. 561. Allan Say (34) 2 m. E. of Whitehorn, SE. Wtgton. SW. side of Wigton bay. Allan Water, rises near Blackford, S. Perth, in the Ochil hills, and runs SW. about 14 m. through the fine vale of Strath-allan to the Forth, at Bridge of Allan, as below, and has good trout. IfiT A., or Elland, Water, rises in Melrose par. NW. Roxburgh, and runs S. about 6 m. to the Tweed near Abbotsford, through the Glendearg of Scott's " Monastery." igap" A. Water, rises in Caldcleugh hill, SW. Roxburgh, and runs N. about 5 in. to the Teviot, near Branxholme Ho., 3 m. SW. of Hawick. AUanbank, 1J m. SW. of Chirnside E. Berwick, was seat of the Stuarts, Bts. Allanby Hall ( ) 7 m. NW. of Penrith, Mid. Cumbrld. Alland's Bay (27) between Brownston and Swiney heads, E. Waterford. Allanshields ( ) 7 m. NNW. of Stanhope, NW. Durham. ALLANTON vil. Edrom par. E. Berwick. 4 m. E. of Dunse-44, where the Rs. White and Black Adder join. Pop. 267, in the Allanbank papermills. AUanton, 9 m. NNE. of Lanark, NE. Lanark. has collieries and ironworks. ALLAKD'S. See E. BURNHAM, Bucks. AUardyce House, 1 m. NW. of Bervie, SE. Kincardine, belonging to R. B. Allardice, Esq. is a ruin. ALLBRIGHTS (47) near Clare, N. Essex, is a Cur. with Ovington. Allbrook (11) 6 m. SSW. of Winchester. Mid. Hants, on R. Itching. ALLCANNINGS par. (14) Swanbor. hund. Mid. Wilts. 4 m. E. of Devizes-89, on Wilts, and Berks, canal, near the Avon and Wans-Dyke, contains Etchilhampton and Fallaway. Acres 7630 ; pop. 1148 + 33 ; poor r. 386i (Devizes TJ.) ; real prop. 6429J. ; charities 19Z. St. Anne Rect. (Sarum) val. with Etchilhampton 1100Z., patr. Lord Ashburton. Fair, 6 Aug. cattle and horses, at St. Anne's hill, on the Downs. Allcott Hall (62) 2. m. SW. of Coleshill, NW. Warwick, near R. Cole. ALLDER. See ALLDWORTII, Berks. ALLEN, ST., par. (31) W. Powder hund. Mid. Cornwall, 4 m. N. of Truro-235, on A. River, which runs to the Fal at Truro. Acres 3610 (or 3493) ; pop. 652 + 2 ; poor r. 125/. (Truro U.) ; real prop. 3084Z. Living, a Vic. (Exet.) val. 174/., patr. Bishop. Near Gwarnike 3-ditched camp, was the Bevills' old seat, now a farm. Par. feast, Rogation Sund. Allen, Bog of, a dreary swamp in the middle of Ireland, traversed bv the Roval and Grand canals, extends, at intervals, from Clane in Kildare west- ward through King's and Queen's Cos. and West- meath to the Shannon, or about 50 m. by 25, and can be seen from the Hill of Croghen near Phil- lipstown. Av. depth 25 ft., moss at the top and dark peat beneath, which becomes hard and black lower down, lower still is a thin bed of clay on a mass of clay and limestone gravel. Two tracts in Kildare and about the Barrow are estimated to cover 90,000 acres, and though patches have been reclaimed, it is still for the most part unproductive. One cultivated piece, 4 m. E. of Rathangan, Kild., surrounded with bog, is called the Isle of A. ; at one end of this, near the Grand canal, is the Hill of A., 676 ft. high, the site of Fingal's or " Almhin's hall" of Moore's song, commanding a wide prospect of the naked plain around ; and under it is the vil. of ALLEN, which gave title of visct. to that family. Allen Hall (82) "i m. NW. of Matlock, Mid. Derby, on R. Derwent. igg A. Park ( ) 3 m. E. of Wolsingham, Mid. Durham. Allen, or Allyn, Though (20 etc.) 8 m. N. of Car- rick-on-Shannon, Mid.Leilrim, in a wild country, and supplied by the Shannon (which has its head not far off in Cavari), is 8 m. by 3, 160 ft. above the sea, and surrounded by the Slieveanierin and other mountns., from 1400 to 1900 ft. in height. Allen, or E. Allen, River ( ) rises at Allen- heads, S. Northmbrld. and runs N. about 12 m. past Allendale to the S. Tyne, near Ridley Hall. ALLEN, WEST HIGH and Low, grieveshps. Al- lendale par. as below, on the West Allen R. which runs into the E. Allen near Whitfield ; pop. 968 and 439. Living, a Cur. (Dur.) val. 167/., patr. Vicar. P. M. ALLENDALE par. ( ) S. Tindale ward, S. Northmbrld. 7 m. SW. of Hexham-209, on East Allen R., under A. Hill, near Leeds and Thirsk rail., is a polling place, containing W. Allen, Allenhead, and Nine Banks Curs., Broad- side, Catton, Forest, Keenley, and Park. Acres 45,810 moorland, with Beaumont's lead mines, producing 2500 tons yearly, with some silver; pop. 5729 + 18, of town 1217 ; houses 221, with 3 churches, 4 chapels, savings bk., free gram, school (62/.), bridge (b. 1825) ; poor r. 1490/. on 11,208/. (Hexh. U.) ; real prop. 37096/. ; charities 66/. Liv- ing, a Vic. (Dur.) value 143/., patr. T. W. Beau- mont, Esq., who has the manor ; St. Peter Cur., 120/., patr. Vicar. A camp at Old Town. Mkt. D. Fricl. Fairs, 10 May, 14 Nov. ALLENFORD FARM ext. par. (15) Martin par. S. Wilts. 8 m. SW. of Salisbury-81 ; pop. 17. ALLENHEADS ( ) Allendale par. as above, 7 m. SSW. at the source of R. Allen, has rich lead mines (which have been worked from time im- memorial), coal, and rock crystal. Living, a Cur. (Dur.) value 507. patr. Vicar ; church, reb. 1826. Allensdale (33) near Innistioge, E. Kilkenny. ALLENSMOOR par. (43) Webtree hund. S. Heref. 4 m. SW. of Hereford-134, on Aber- gavenny tram rail. Acres 1930 ; pop. 668 + 7 ; poor r. 299/. (Heref. U.); real prop. 3309Z. ; charities 15Z. St. Andrew Vic. (Heref.) val. 1., patr. Dean. A. House, W. Pateshull, Esq. ALLENSTOWN vil. (24) Lower Navan bar Mid. Meath, 3 m. SE. of Kells, near A. Hill, J. X. Waller, Esq. ALLENTON, or ALWINTON, par. ( ) W. Co- ALL ALL quetdale ward, Mid. Northmbrld. 9 m. WX\V. ( Rothbury-304, where R. Allen or Altcin joins the Coquet, contains Biddleston, Borrowdon, and 9 other tnshps. Acres 31,940 moorland; pop. 812, of town 78 ; poor r. 537, (Rothb. U.) ; real prop. 16,7887. ; charities, 221. to Harbottle school, etc. St. Michael Vic. (Dur.) val. with Hallystone 1007., pa.tr. Duke of Northinbrld. of Alnwick. ALLER hmlt. (18) Hilton par. Mid. Dorset. 8 m. WSW. of Blandford-103, on a branch of R. Trent ; pop. 91. ALLER par. (18) Somerton hund. Mid. Somer- set. 2 m. NW. of Langport-128, near R. Parrot, contains Oath, where Guthrum and his people were baptized after their defeat by Alfred, and A. Moor, where a skirmish took place 16G4. Acres 4290; pop. 559 + 6; poor r. ISO/. (Langp. U.) ; real prop. 82367. ; charities 87. St. Andrew Rect. (Ba. and W.) val. 623/., patr. Eman. Coll. Camb., sometime held by the father of Cud- worth, author of the " Intellectual System of the Universe," who was a native 1617-88 ; church, ancient, with a saxon arch and effigies of a Botreaux. ALLERBY tnshp. ( ) Aspatria par. W. Cum- brld. 3. m. NE. of Maryport-311, near Carl. rail. and Solway Frith, is joined to OUGHTERSIDE, and belongs to" Dykes of Dovenby. Real prop. 10887. ALLERDALE-ABOVE-DEKWENT WARD ( ) SW. Cumbrld. contains Cockermouth, and Ra- venglass, the pars, of Arlecdon c., Bootle r., St. Bridget's Beckermet c., Brigham ., Cleator c., Corney r., Dean r., Distington r., Drigg c., Egre- mont r., Gosforth r., Haile c., Harrington r., Irton c., St. John Beckermet c., Lamplugh r., Lorton c., Loweswater c., Millom v.. Moresby r., Mnncaster c., Ponsonby c., Salter, "Waberthwaite r., Whi- cham r., Whitbeck c., Workington r., and parts of St. Bees c., and Crosthwaite; acres 275,970> pop. 41,261, houses 8399. See Coupland Deanery. ALLERDALE-BELOW-DERWENT WARD ( ) Mid. Cumbrld. contains Maryport, Allonby, Kes- wick, the pars, of All Hallows c., Aspatria v., Bas- senthwaite c., Bolton c., Bridekirk v., Caldbeck r., Cammerton, Canonby-Cross c., Dearham v., Flim- by c., Gilcrus v., Holme-Cultram c., Ireby c., Isell ., Plumblands r., Torpenhow v., Uldaje r., Westward c., and parts of Bromfield ., and Cros- thwaite . ; acres 170,400, pop. 29,896, houses 6055. >Jf A. DEANERY, archdy. and dioc. of Car- lisle, contains the benefices marked above, and those in Leath ward, with Kirkbride r., Nicol Forest c., Wigton ., Workington r. ALLERFORD tythg. (20) Sel worthy par. NW. Somerset. 4 m. W. of Minehead-163 ; pop. 181; real prop. 340 1/. Allersgill (), 1 m. WSW. of Stanhope, W. Durham, on R. Wear, in Weardale. ALLERSTON par. ( ) Pickering Lythe wap. N. R. York. 4 m. ESE. of Pickering-226, near It. Derwent. Acres 9110; pop. 414 + 3; poor r. 947. (Picker. U.); real prop. 3857. St. Mary Cur. with Ebberston. ALLERTHORPE par. ( ) Harthill wap. E. R. York. 2 m. SW. of Pocklington-212, near the canal, contains Waplington. Acres 2050, of town 1430, part common ; pop. 199 + 1, and 154 ; poor r. 297. (Pocklngt. U.) ; real prop. 18437. ; chari- ties 197., and 2 poor's houses. Living, a Cur. with Thornton. |gT AI.LERTHORPE tnshp. ( ) Pickhill par. N. R. York. 4 m. ESE. of Bedale -232, near Leeming Lane and R. Swale, is joined to SWAINBY. AUerton (25) 2 m. WNW. of Totness, S. Devon. ^ AUerton (24) 3 m. SE. of Modbury, S. Devon. VOL. I. giT ALLEKTOJJ tnshp. (80) Childwall par. SW. Lancash. 4 m. SE. of Liverpool-206, near the Mersey, has an ancient oak and Calder druid (?) stones. Acres 1410; pop. 443 + 7; poor r 847. (W. Derby U.) ; real prop. 69227. A. Hall, P. Ellames, Esq., was the seat of Roscoe and the Lathams ; A. Priory, T. Rathbone Esq. P. ALLERTON tnshp. ( ) Bradford par. W. R. York. 3 m. NW. of Bradford-196, contains A. LANES and 7 other hmlts. Acres 1970; pop. 1914+18 in the collieries and factories ; poor r. 5457. (Bradf. U.) ; real prop. 10,5897. Living, a Cur. with Wilsden. ALLERTON BYWATER tnshp. ( ) Kippax par. W. R. York, 5 m. NW. of Pontefract-177, on R. Hire, near N. Midld. rail. Acres 870 ; pop. 490 + 12; poor r. 937. (Preston Incorp.); real prop. 30857. U^ A. CHAPEL par. (19) Bemstone hund. Mid. Somerset. 3 m. SW. of Axbridge -130. Acres 1490; pop. 331 + 2; poor r. 1507. (Axbr U.) ; real prop. 7. ; charities II. Liv- ing, a Rect. (Ba. and W.) value 2237.. patr. Dean and Chap, of Wells. ^ A. CHAPEL chplry. ( ) Leeds par. W. R. York. 2. in. NNE. of Leeds-189, contains A. GLEDHOW, A. MOOR, andMEANwooD. Acres 3040 ; pop. 2580 + 65 ; poor r. 4567. (Carlton Incorp.) ; real prop. 13,0127. Living, a Cur. (Rip.) value 3G17., patr. Vicar, ig?" A. EAST and WEST vils. ( ) 4 m. SSW. of Berwick-on-Tweed, N. Northmbrld. gif A. MAULEVERER par. ( ) Upper Claro wap. A 7 : R. York. 4 m. ENE. of Knaresboro'-202, on a branch of the Nidd and E. and W. York rail, containing Clareton, belonged to Rich. Mauleverer, who (Hen. II.) found, a be- nedictine priory, celt to Marmoustier ab., France, given to King's Coll. Oxon. Acres 2300 ; pop. 277 + 2, of town, with Hopperton, 258 + 2 ; poor r. 657. ; real prop. 39677. ; charities 37. St. Martin Cur. (Rip.) value 657., patr. Lord Stourton, of A. M. House, near Claro Hill. ALLERTON, NORTH. See NORTHALLERTON, N. R. York. ALLERTONSHIRE WAPENTAKE ( ) N. R. York. contains the- pars, of Birkby, Hutton-Conyers, Northallerton, Osmotherley, W. Rouncton, Sessay, Sigston Kirby, Thornton-le-Street, and parts of Leake, N. Otterington, Gt. Smeaton, Sockbum, and Weath ; acres 51,500, pop. 10,025, houses 2063. P. ALLESLEY par. (53) Knightlow hund. Mid. Warwick. 2 m. NW. of Coventry-91, near North West. rail. Acres 3950; pop. 963 + 9; poor r. 4777. (Meriden U.) ; real prop. 10,6637. ; charities 1147., of which 457. to Flint's school. All Saints Rect. (Wore.) value 7497., patr. Rev. W. T. Bree, rector. A. Park, Rev. J. Neale, was the Hast- ings' seat, who had a castle here. ALLESTREE par. (72) Morleston hand. S.Derby. 2 m. N. of Derby-126, near Midld. rail, and R. Derwent. Acres 990; pop. 507; poor r. 547. (Belper U.) ; real prop. 31177. ; charities, church land, etc. 327. St. Andrew Cur. with Mack- worth ; church, ancient, with tombs of the Mundys of A. Hall and Markeaton. Alley Green (46) 2 m. SW. of Luton, NW. Herts. ALLHALLOWS par. ( ) Allerdale below Der- went ward, W. Cumbrld. 7 m. SW. of Wigton -303, near Maryport rail, on R. Ellen. Acres 1860, with coal, lime, and freestone quarries; pop. 235 + 3; poor r. 1-47. (Wigt. U.); real prop, 21127.; charities U Living, a Cur. (Carl.) val. 807., patr. Bishop. ^ Allhallows (21) 4 m. NE. of Collumpton, NE. Devon, igf ALLHALLOWS par. (1) Hoo hund. Aylesford lathe, N. Kit, 8 m. NE. of Rochester-29, has Yantlet Creek D 34 ALL coast gd. station on the Thames. Acres 24GO ; pop. 268 ; poor r. 1497. (Hoo U.) ; real prop. 39537. St. Mary Vic. (Roch.) val. 2477., patr. Dean and Chap. P. ALLIHIES, or BEARHAVEN, vil. (14) Bear bar. W. Cork, 6 m. W. of Castletown-Bearhaven-223, in Ballydonagan buy, has a copper mine which in 1836 yielded 6000 tons, and employed above 1200 men, being one of the most productive in the country. Pop. 196. ALLINGHAM (6) 3 m. NE. of Maidstone, Mid. Kent, is a Vic. with Thornham. ALLINGTON tnshp. (73)Gresfordpar. E.Denbigh. 3 m. N. of Wrexham-179 ; pop. 859. (S3T AL- LINGTON, or ALVINGTON, EAST hmlt. (24) Chivel- stone par. S. Devon. 5 m. SE. of Kingsbridge- 208. 835 ALLINGTON par. (17) Godderthorne hund. W. Dorset, close to Bridport-135, on E. Brit, had St. M. Magdalene's lepers' hosp., found. 1553, val. 71. Acres 960, part in hemp and flax ; pop. 1545 + 24, some in the flaxmill ; poor r. 6717. (Bridp. U.) ; real prop. 45567. St. Swithin Cur. (Sal.) val. 1087., patr. Rev. H. Fox, incum- bent. Fair, 22 July, cattle, etc. ifsT ALLING- TON tythg. (11) S/Stoneham par. S.Hants. 5 m. NE. of Southampton-74, near Gosport rail, and R. Itching. Pop. 536 ; real prop. 34987. i^T AL- LINGTON par. (6) LarkSeld hund. Aylesford lathe, Mid. Kent, 1 m. NW. of Maidstone-34, on the Medway, near A. Knoll (326 ft. high), was a mkt. town, and has, at a farm, remains of Steph. de Penchester's castle, where Sir T. Wyatt the elder was born, 1503-42. Acres 920 ; pop. 49 +1 ; poor r. 347. (Mailing U.); real prop. 11487. St. Lawrence Rect. (Cant.) val. 145/., patr. Earl of Romney, of The Mote, who has the manor. Fair, St. Law- rence's day. ijip ALLINGTON par. (14) Ames- bury hund. SE. Wilts. 3 m. ESE. of Amesbury -77, on a branch of R. Avon, near Icknield St., belonged to Farleigh priory. Acres 460 ; pop. 94 + 1 ; poor r. 287. (Amesb. U.) ; real prop. 92 U. ; Living, a Rect. (Sal.) val. 236Z., patr. Earl of Craven, of Ashdown. fg ALLINGTON tythg. (14) Allcannings par. Mid. Wilts. 4 m. ENE. of Devizes-81, near Wilts, and Berks, canal. Pop. 188. ijip ALLINGTON tythg. (34) Chippenham par. NW. Wilts. 2 m. NW. of Chippenham-93. Pop. 120. ALLINGTON, EAST, par. (24) Stanboro' hund. tones on it. ALLTGREIG hrnlt. (37) Llanguick par. W. Glamorgan. 5 m. NW. of Neath-198. Pop. 1078. ALLTGYMBYD tnshp. (79) Llanarmon par. Mid. Denbigh. 9 m. WNW. of Wrexham-179. Pop. 16. ALLT.MAWR par. (42) Builth hund. N. Brecon. 3 m. SE. of Builth-73, on R. Wye. Pop. 34 ; poor r. 107. (Builth U.) ; real prop. 2307. Living, a Cur. (St. Dav.) val. 487., patr. Vicar of Llanafan-fawr. ALLTON tnshp. (71) Worksworth par. Mid. Derby. 2 m. S. of Worksworth-140, is joined to IDERIDGEHAY. Alltrynes or Altyrinys (42) 13 m. NW. of Monmouth, SW. Hereford, where R. Honddy joins the Munnow, was an ancient seat of the Sitsylts or Cecils. AXLTYGAR hmlt. (41) Llangathen par. Mid. Carmarthen. 3 m. W. of Llandilofawr-202. Alltygoed (48) 3 m. N.W. of Cardigan, N. Pem- broke. Alltyr-odyn (41) 9 m. WSW. of Lampeter, S. Cardigan, on R. Cletwr, Lloyd, Esq. has some old welsh MSS. and Castell Hywel in the grounds, near an old moat. AUua, or Allo, River, the " strong Allo " of Spen- cer, rises in the Mullogharevik mountns, Limerick, and falls with R. Dallua into the Blackwater, near Kanturk, N. Cork. $S" AUua Lough (81) near the source of R. Lee, 1 m. W. of Inchagela, W. Cork, is 4 m. long. ALLWESTON hmlt. (18) Folke par. N. Dorset. 2 m. SE. of Sherborne-117. Real prop. 27017. ALMELEY par. (56) Stretford and Wolphy hunds. W. Hereford. 4m. W. of Weobly-145, on Kington tram rail, includes 2 tnshps. Acres 3630 ; pop. 642 ; poor r. 2857. (Weob. U.) ; real prop. 35967. ; charities 27. St. Mary Vic. (Heref.) val. 2547., patr. Bishop ; church, had a chantry. ALMER par. (15) Loosebarrow hund. E. Dorset. 5 m. SSE. of Blandford-103, on a branch of R. Stonr, contains Mapperton. Acres 1520 ; pop. 189+1; poor r. 1257. (Blandf. U.) ; real prop. 15027. St. Mary Rect. (Sal.) val. 2847., patr. T. S. Drax, Esq. of Charborough, who has the manor. flSP A. COOMBE tythg. Sturminster Marshall par. near the above. ALMHOLME hmlt. (87) Bentley par. W. R. York. 3 m. NNE. of Doncaster-162, near R. Don. ALMINGTON tnshp. (73) Drayton-in-Halcs ]., t r. W. Stafford. 1 m. E. of Mkt. Drayton-153, on R. Tern, was a lordshp. of the Butlers. Pop. 189. A. Hall, . ALMINGTON, or AMINGTON, tnshp. (62) with Stony Delph. Tamworth par. N. Warwick. 2 m. ALN 35 NE. of Tatnworth-115, on R. Anker, near Midld count, rail, and Coventry canal. Pop. 276 + 1 real prop. 87737. Living, a Cur. (Wore.) val. 207, patr. Capt. A'Court. A. Hall, C. Repington, Esq. formerly the Clintons' seat. P. ALMOND BANK vil. Methven par. E. Perth. 4 m. NW. of Perth-40, on A. River as below. Pop. 245. gr A. Park (73) 2 m. N. of Shrews- bury, Mid. Salop. Almond River rises near Shots, N. Lanark, and runs NE. about 22 m. over several falls through some fine scenery, past Whitburn, Blackburn, Livingston (where it receives Briech Water and forms the border line of Linlthgw. and Edinb. where witches were burnt), Mid. Calder, and Kirkliston, to the Frith of Forth at Cramond or Caer-almond. It is crossed by Glasgow rail, and Union canal, produces trout, and turns many mills. gip A., or Abnon, River rises near Tay, Mid. Perth, and runs E. about 22 m. to R. Tay at the roman Orrea near Perth, through the wild Glen A. which has several remains and the burial- place of Ossian. ALMODINGTON tythg. (9) Earnley and Siddle- ham pars. S W. Sussex, 4 MX. SSW. of Chichester -62, near Pagham harb., was once a par. Church, in ruins. P. ALMONDBURY par. (88) Upper Agbrigg wap. W. R. York. 2 m. SE. of Huddersfield-189, near the canal, the rail, to Manch. and R. Colne, con- taining S. Crossland, Farnley-Tyas, Holme, Hon- ley, Linthwaite,. Lockwood, Marsden, Meltham, and Meltham Mills, Upper and Nether Thong, Milnes Bridge, and Armitage Bridge Curs, and 8 tnshps. and hmlts. was the roman Campodunum and a saxon royal town,. and has remains of a castle. Acres-30,140, of town 2550 ; pop.37,315 + 671 and 8828 + 174, in the cotton and woollen factories and coalpits ; poor r. 8777. on 15,2627. (Huddersf. U.) ; real prop. 15,2597.; charities 4237. of which 757. to free gram, school, Wormall's for apprentices 1687. Nettleton's for bridges, marriage portions, etc., 1387. All Saints Vic. (Rip.) val. 2327., patr. Govs. of Clitheroe school. P. ALMONDSBURY par. (35) Lower Langley, Thornbury, and Berkeley bunds. S W. Gloucest. 4 m. SW. of Thornbury-124, near Brist. and Birm. rail, under the Cotswolds, containing Hempton, Tockington, and 4 other tythgs. is the place where, they say, Alcmond, K. Egbert's father, was buried. Acres 6950, of tythg. 1900, with lias ; pop. 1584 + 9 and 603 + 9 ; poor r. 4987. on 13,8637. (Thornb. U.) ; real prop. 33657. ; charities 2557., of which, church lands 2367., with a poor's house. St. Mary Vic. (Gl. and Br.) val. 5687., patr. Bishop ; church, cruciform and early eng. with a fine W. door, was a cell to St. Au- gustine's priory, Bristol. Knole House, W. Mas- ters, Esq. has a good view. ALMORITIA. See BALLYMORIN, Westmeath. ALMSFORD, or ANSFORD, par. (19) Catsash hund. E. Somerset, close to Castle Cary-113, near R. Brue. Acres 920; pop. 293; poor r. 1187. (Wincanton U.) ; real prop. 7. St. Andrew's Rect. (Ba. and W.) val. 2977,, patr. F. Woodforde, Esq. of A. Park. Almshoebury (146) 1 m. W. of Stevenage, N. Herts. Alnapest Hill (77) 7 m. W. of Stranorlar, Mid. Donegal, 1199 ft. high, near R. Finn. ALNE par. ( ) Bulmer wap. N. R. York. 4 m. SW. of Easingwold-212, a station on Yk. and lU-nvk. rail. 11 m - from York, contains Ald- wark, Flawith, Tholthorp. Acres 10,250, of town 2220; pop. 1703 + 55, and 494 + 8; poor r. 877. (Easingw. U.) ; real prop. 28357. ; cha- D 2 ALN ALP rities 471. St. Mary Vic. (York) val. 415Z., pair. C. Codrington, Esq. M. P. A. House, S. Strangewayes, Esq. ALNE, GREAT, par. (54) Barlichway hund. W. Warwick. 2 m. NE. of Alcester-103, on A. River, which rises near Umberslade Park, and runs SW. about 12 m. near Henley-in-Arden, to the Arrow at Alcester. Acres 162*0; pop. 404 + 61; poor r. 1947. (Alcest. U.) ; real prop. 1. ; charities 28/. St. M. Magdalen Cur. with Kinwarton. flip A., LITTLE, hmlt. Aston Cantilow par. 2 m. NE. of the above. Pop. 80. Alne River ( ) rises near Alnham, Mid. North- mbrld, and runs E. and SE. about 16 m. past Alnwick to the N. Sea at Alnmouth. AIJSESBOURNE PRIORY ext par. (48) Nacton par. SE. Suffolk. 4 m. SE. of Ipswich-69, near R. Orwell. P. ALNESS par. E. Ross. 9 m. W. of Cromarty -185, where A. Water joins Cromarty Frith, con- tains Lochs Glaas and Moir. Size" 12 m. by 4, part arable with hilly sheepwalks and traces of iron- and silver; pop. 1269, ofvil. 202, gaelic- speaking and decreasing ; real prop. 43257. ; for poor 3197. Living (Presb. Dingwall) val. 2317., patr. Hon. W. Mackenzie, heritor. Navar, Sir H. Munroe, Bt Alney Isld. (43) in R. Severn, close to Glou- cester, Mid. Glouc. where Edmd. Ironsides and Canute agreed to divide the kingdom, after single combat 1016. P. ALNHAM par. ( ) N. Coquetdale ward, Mid. Northmbrld. 7 m. NW. of Rothbury-304, near R. Alne, containing Prendick, Screnwood, and Un- thank, has remains of a double-ditched roman camp, etc. on the moors. Acres 10,360 ; pop. 256, of town 141 ; poor r. 461. (Rothb. U.) ; real prop. 4052/1 St. Michael Vic. (Dur.) val. 1807,, patr. Duke of Northumberland; church, near the camp. P. AJLNMOUTH, or ALEMOUTH, tnshp. ( ) Les- Lury par. E. Northmbrld. 4 m. SW. of Alnwick -308, near Yk. and Berwk. rail., a email sub- port to Berwick and bathing-place at R. Alne's mouth on A. Bay. Pop. 480 + 7, in a little coast- ing trade; poor r. 1167. (Alnw. U.). The church having been washed away, its site is now an island. Bones of horses were once found, which gave rise to a story that giants lived here. P. M. S. ALNWICK par. ( ) E. Coquetdale ward, NE. Northmbrld. 16 m. N. of Newcastle, 308 from London, or 342 by Yk. and Berwk. rail., containing A. SOUTH SIDE tnshp. (pop. 498), Abbey Lands, Canongate, Denwick, Hulme Park, and 7 limits., is an assize, sessions, election, and polling town, on R. Alne, founded by the Romans, and was the Ealnwic of the Saxons; was given at the Conquest to Ivo de Vesco, from whom it came to the De Vescis, who found, the abbey 1147, and to the Percys (1310) who walled it and reb. the castle 1411, prior to which it was besieged (1093) by Malcolm of Scotland, who with his son was slain before it ; captured 1135 by David of Scotld., attempted 1174 by William the Lion (who was taken prisoner), burnt by K. John 1215, and also by the Scots 1448 ; is a borough by prescription, governed by 4 cham- berlains and 24 council, elected by the'lO trades, the freemen of which are chosen on St. Mark's day, after passing through the " freemen's well," a muddy pool on the town moor, and riding the bounds. Acres 16,260,with lime and stone quarries ; pop. 6626, of town 4945, tanners, brewers, brick and tile makers. Houses 749, with 2 churches, 7 chapels, townhall (b. 1731) and market-place, ho. of correction, 4 banks, savings bank, gas and water works, tanneries, breweries, 3-arched stone bridge and another (b. by the Percys), clock- house at Pottingate like St. Nicholas' at New- castle, Bondgate (b. by Hotspur), library (1783), mechanics' institute "(1824) and lecture- room, gram, school (127.), mathemat. school (10/1), dis- pensary, the Percy column (83 ft. high), Camp hill pillar put up at the peace 1814. Poor r. 2386/. on 25,401/1 ; real prop. /. ; charities 597. St. Mary and St. Michael Cur. (Dur.) val. 175/. ; church, later eng. with richly groined chancel, carved stalls, and old effigies in S. aisle. St. Paul Cur., val. 200/., patr. of both, Duke of Northumberland, of A. Castle, which stands on the site of a roman camp by the river, and <* restored covers 5 acres within the walls, which are flanked by 16 towers ; some norman traces are still seen, and in the park are the gate and tower of Eustace Fitz-John's premonstratensian abbey (val. 1947.), which came to the Brandlings and Doubledays Brisley hill pillar (90ft. high) with a fine prospect the site of St. Leonard's hosp^ Hulme abbey ruins (of which Bale was a brother) founded by a crusader, in a spot like Mount Carmel the figure of a hermit Mal- colm's Cross, reb. 1774, where he fell, by the Duch. of N. a descendant. Martin of Aln. a friar, and Bp. William of Aln. (about 1430) were na- tives; the co. militia have their head quarters here, and it gives title of Baron Lovaine of Aln. to Earl Beverley, a Percy. A branch rail, of 3 m. is making to Lesbury on the main line. Aln. P. L. Union contains the pars, (with their tnshps.) of Alnwick, Edlingham, Eglingham, Embleton, Felton, Long Houghton, Howick, Lesbury, Ren- nington, Rock, Shilbottle, Warkworth ; acres 87,605, pop. 18,768, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 1951 (out-door 1795), expend. 6003Z., prop, rated 115,054/., poor ho. at Alnmouth. The Sup. Re- gistry comprises the same? pop. 18,799+157, deaths from cholera 1848-9, 112. New County Court district corresponds with the Registry. >i A. DEANERY, archdy. of Lindisfarne, dioc. of Durham, includes the benefices marked in S. Bamboro', and E. Coquetdale wards, with Edlinghain v. Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, Palm Sund. eve, pedlery; 12 May, last Mond. July, 1st Tues. Oct. 28 Oct. Sat. before Christm. cattle, woollens, etc. ALOESBRIDGE HUNDRED (4) Shepway lathe, SE. Kent, in Romney Marsh, contains the pars, of Brookland, Fairfield, Snargate, Snave, and part of Brenzett ; acres 7240, pop. 758, houses 132. ALPEBTON hmlt. (7) Harrow-on-the-Hill par. Mid. Middlesex, 8m. WNW. of St. Paul's, near N. West rail. Paddington canal, and R. Brent. Pop. 242. Alpes (ad) Peninas of the Romans, is Brough- ton, near Shipton, W. R. York, on the great al- pine ridge of limestone. Alpety, 4 m. NW. of Bervie, SE. Kincardine. ALPHAMSTONE par. (47) Hinckford hund. N. Essex, 4m. S. of Sudbury-54, near R. Stour. Acres 1440 ; pop. 314 + 4; poor r. 108/. (Sudb. U.) ; real prop. 26537, ; charities 13/. Living, a Rect. (Roch.) val. 257/., patr. Ld. Chancellor. ALPHETON par. (51) Babergh hund. SW. Suf- folk, 6 m. N. of Sudbury-54, on a branch of R. Stour, is a meet for the Suffk. hounds. Acres 2250 ; pop. 321 + 2 ; poor r. 1927. (Sudb. U.) ; real prop. I. ; charities 21. Living, a Rect. (Ely) val. 275/., patr. J. Hodgson, Esq. P. ALPHINGTON par. (22) Wonford hund. E. Devon. 2 m. S. of Exeter-164, near S. Devon, rail, and R. Exe, has an ancient cross. Acres 2720; pop. 1286 + 5; poor r. 4207. (St. Thomas U.) ; real prop. 9206/. ; charities 29/. and some ALP poor's cottages. St. Michael Itect. (Exct.) val. i 852/., patr. Rev. R. Ellicombe, rector; church j has a norman pillar font. A. House, . Fairs, 1st Thurs. June, 14 Oct. horses, cattle. ALPINGTON par. (66) Lodclon hund. SE. Nor- folk, 5 m. NW. of Loddon-112, is a Beet, with Yelverton. Acres 630 ; pop. 197; poor r. 49/. (Loddon U.) ; real prop. 17221. A.Hall, . ALFORT hmlt. (81) Rowsley and Youlgreave tnshps. NW. Derby. 5 m. NSW. of Castleton- 164, on A. Brook, which rises near Bleaklow Stones in the Peak, and runs to the Ashop, at Gillop Hey, near A. Rocks, 980 ft. high, with a fine prospect. Tufa, for rock-work, etc. is sent from here. ALPRAHAM tnshp. (80) Bunbury par. Mid, Cheshire, 6 m. NW. of Nantwich-164, near Chest, and Crewe rail, and Birm. canal. Acres 1800 ; pop. 520 + 10 ; poor r. 163/. (Nantw. U.) ; real prop. 2947Z. P. ALRESFORD par. (48) Tendring hund. NE. Essex, 5 m. SE. of Colchester-51, at the ' ford,' on a branch of R. Colne. Acres 1640 ; pop. 289 ; poor r. 1011. (Tendr. U.) ; real prop. 2188/. ; cha- rities 1Z. St. Peter Sect. (Roch.) val. 3071., patr. Hulme's Trustees. P. M. ALRESFORD, or ALSFORD, NEW, pat. (11-2') Alton divis. Mid. Hants. 7m. ENE. of Winchester, 57 from London, or 75 by S. West, rail, a petty sessions town, on R. Itching, given by Kenowalch of Wessex to the bps. of Win- chester, returned one member to the parls. 23 and 35 Edw. I., and was bunit in 1690, 1710, and 1736. Acres 1250 ; pop. 1578 + 14, some in the linsey manufacture ; houses 279, with 2 chapels, bank, savings bk., Perrin's gram, school (149/.) founded 1690, and Union p. house ; poor r. 710/. on 3250/. ; real prop. 5506J. ; charities 166/. Living, a Rect. with Old Alresford. A. Pond, of 200 acres, was formed by Bp. Lucy, in K. John's time, and the river made navigable to the town, but at present it is useful only to Winchester. Abp. Howley, a native, 1765-1848 ; Tichbourne Hall is an old seat. Aires. P. L. Union contains the pars, marked * in the Deanery below, with Kilmiston, Northing- ton, Ropley, Tichborne, Beauworth ; acres 36,084, pop. 7092, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 1116 (out- door 930), expend. 4707/., prop, rated 31,036/. Sup. Registry comprises the same (except Beau- worth), with a pop. of 7094 + 12, and belongs to the \V inchester New County Court district. * A. DEANERY, archdy. and dioc. of Winton, includes *Alresford r., Avington r., *Bighton r., Bradley r., *Bramdean r., *Brown Candover r., *Cheriton r., *Chilton Candover r., Easton r., Hinton Admiral c., *H. Ampner r.,*Itchenstoket>. ,1. Abbot's r.,*Oving- ton r., Preston Candover v., *Sutton Bishop v., Swarreton r., *W. Tisted c., Wield c. , Worthy King's r., Worthy Martyr, r. Mkt.D. Thurs. for grain, and every Th. from 10 Oct. to Christmas for sheep. Fairs, last Sat. April, Holy Th. 5 July, 1st Th. after Michaelm. for cattle, pedlery. ALRESFORD, OLD, par. Fawley hund, close to the above. Acres 3660 ; pop. 502 + 5 ; poor r. 480J. (Alresf. U.) ; real prop. 3951/. ; charities 21. St. Alary Rect. (Win.) val. with New A. and Medsted, 1594/., patr. Bishop ; church, reb. 1753, has a good tower. Old A. House, Earl of Guilford, belongs to Lord Rodney, whose ancestor, the Admiral, lived here. P. ALREWAS par. ("62) N. Offlow hund. E. Stafford. 5 m. NE. of Lichfield-119, a station on Midld. rail., on Gd. Trunk canal, and Ryknield St. near Rs. Trent and Tame, containing t radley, Orgreave, and Overley, was given to Lichf. cathedral 822. Acres 4350 ; pop. 1658 + 5, some ALS 37 ;n the worsted-mill ; poor r. 356/. (Lichf. U.) ; real prop. 6722Z. ; charities 26/. All Saints Vic. (Lich.) val. 328/., patr. the Prebendary, ^g- A. HAYES ext. par. near the above. Acres 1680, formerly common, now reclaimed ; pop. 92 + 2 ; real prop. 1849/. ALSAGER chplry. (73) Barthomley par. 8E. Cheshire, 4 m. SSE. of Sandbach-162, a stat. on N. Staftl. rail., near Trunk canal and R. Wenlock. Acres 2360; pop. 445; poor r. 1151. (Congleton U.) ; real prop. 3722Z. ; charities 411. to free school, etc. Living, a Cur. (Ches.) val. 100/., patr. Land- owners. Alscot Park (54) 2 m. SSE. of Stratford-on- Avon. NE. Gloucester. J. West, Esq. on the Moreton tram rail, and R. Stour. Alsh Loch, at the head of Sleet Sound between Ross, and Inverness, is 6 m. by 2, and near Ellan- donan cast., an old seat of the Mackenzies. ALSOP-LE-DALE chplry. (72) with Kat on, Ash- borne par. W. Derby. 6 m. NNW. of Ashborne -139, nearR. Dove. Pop. 67. Living, a Cur. (Lich.) val. 49/., patr. Inhabitants, etc. ALSTOE HUNDRED (65) N.Rutland, contains the pars, of Ashwell r., Burley v., Cottesmore r., Exton v. T Greetham v., Horn, Market Overton r., Stretton r., Teigh r., Thistleton, Whissendine v., and Whitwell r. ; acres 27,900, pop. 4736, houses 920. See RUTLAND DEANERY. P. M. ALSTON, or A. MOOR, par. ( ) Leath ward, E. Cumbrld. 21 m. ESE. of Carlisle, 272 from London, or 300 by rail, thro' Preston, a poll- ing and petty sessions town, containing Garrowgil and Nenthead Curs, on a (now) well wooded hill side, by R. South Tyne, near the Maiden Way, under Middle Fell, is famous for its lead mines, which also produce silver and copper, and was forfeited by the Radcliffes 1715, to Greenwich hosp. Acres 35,060, for the most part moorland, with thousands of black-faced sheep ; pop. 6062, of town 1650, decreasing, in about 40 mines, furnaces, and in the shot, thread, and woollen ma- nufactures ; houses 914, with 3 chapels, bank, sa- vings bk., library, stone bridge, gram, school (22/.), another school (3/.), and Union p. house ; poor r. 126U on 9795Z. ; real prop. 25.748Z. ; charities 87/. of which 6Z. to Garrowgil school. St. Austin Vic. (Dur.) val. with Garrowgil 139/., patr. Green- wich hosp. ; church, reb. 1770. An underground canal 5 m. long goes to Nenthead shaft ; and the caverns of mountain limestone abound with, spars, crystals, and minerals. Alst. P. L. Union con- tains the above par.; cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 424 (outdoor 356). Sup. Registry comprises the same, and constitutes the New County Court district. Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, last Th. May, Frid. before last day Sept. 1st Th. Nov. .Races," Easter Mond. Alston (82) 4 m. SSW. of Chesterfield, Mid. Derby. ^ Alston (23) 4 m. ENE. of Kings- bridge, SE. Devon. (3" ALSTON tnshp. ( ) Ribchester par. Mid. Lancash. 7 m. NE. of Pres- ton-217, near Long Ridge fell. Pop. 807 ; poor r. 2631. (Prest U.) ; real prop. 4300/. A. Lodge, W. Blanslwrd Esq. of Grimsargh. $3" A. Sutton (19) 2 m. SW. of Axbridge, N. Somerset. ALSTONE tythg. (44) Cheltenham par. Mid. Gloucester, close to Cheltenham-95, on Glouc, and Birm. rail., has a mineral spring, and A. Villa, . ^- ALSTONE hmlt. ( ) Gnosall par. Mid. Staffd. 5 m. SW. of Stafford-141. flgp ALSTONE ch-jlry. (44) Overbury par. Worcester. locally in Gxncester. 4 m. NW. of Winchcomb-95, near the Cotswolds. Pop. 89+1. St. Margaret Cur. with Overbury. AI.STONEFIELD. See ALLSTONEFIELD, Staffd. D 3 88 ALS Alsthorpe (82) 8 m. NE. of Chesterfield. NE. Derby. ALT hmk. (88) Knott Lanes distr. SE. Lan- cash. near Ashton-nnder-Lyne-186. Alt River (89-90) rises near Knowsley Park, 5 W. Lancash. and runs NW. about 12 m. to the Irish Sea, near Formby Point. Altadore (12) near Newtown Mount Kennedy, NE. Wicklow, Rev. L. W. Hepenstal, with a beau- tiful glen called the Hermitage, and a waterfall. ' Alt,' high, or a hill. Altamira (7) 6 m. SW. of Charleville, N. Cork, PurceU, Esq. Altamont (25) near Rathnew, E. Wicklow. ALTARNUN par. (25) Lesnewth hund. E. Corn- wall, 7 m. WSW. of Launceston-213, in a fine spot, on a branch of R. Inny, at R. Lynher head, near Brown Willey, is the largest par. in the county, including Bolwentor Cur., Trewint, Tredawl, etc. Acres 13,840 (or .12,770), granite and hornblende, with stream tin ; pop. 1334 + 27 ; poor r. 4417. (Launc. U.) ; real prop. 6820/. ; charities Gl. St. Nunn Vic. (Exet.) val. 320/., patr. Dean and Chap. ; church, has a high tower (higher than any except Probus), and the grave of St. Nunn, the mother of St. David of Wales. P. Jowle, the clerk here Ch. II.'s time, died 150 yrs. old. Trelawney, or ' oak place,' gave name to that ancient family. Fairs, 2nd Mond. after 24 June, 1st Tues. Nov. Altavawn Glen, 6 m. NETS, of Omagh-109. N. Tyrone, a fine spot between Slievemore and Munterlong, watered by the Ovenkillew, which runs to the Strule. Altavig Islds. NE. coast of Skye, W. Inverness. near Aird Point. Altavilla (20) 3 m. NNW. of Rathkeale, JV. Limerick, J. Bateman, Esq. giP Altavilla (75) near Cahir, S. Tipperary. ALTBACH tnshp. (43) Hentland par. S. Here- ford. 4 m. NW. of Ross-120. Alibeagh (26) near Stradone, Mid. Cavan. ALTCAR par. (90) W. Derby hund. S W. Lan- cash. 6 m. WSW. of Qnnskirk-19, near R. Alt, contains LITTLE A'., hmlt. Acres 3580, partly marsh ; pop. 49(t; poor r. 114/. (Ormsk. U.) ;" real prop. 67197. ; charities 71. ; St. Michael Cur. (Ches.) val. 957., patr. Earl of Sefton, of Croxteth. Alte Cadno (41) near Llandilofawr, E. Car- mrthn., Sir W. Clayton, Bt. Alterstone ( ) 7 m. N W. of Shap, ~N. Westmrld. near Ulleswater. Altfllo (42) near Llanvillo, N.E. Brecon, has a british oval camp, 208 yds. by 46. ALTHAM chplry. (89) Whalley par. Mid. Lan~ cash. 4 m. W. of Burnley-211, near Leeds and Liverp. canal, on R. Henburn. Acres 1160, with coal mines ; pop. 349 ; poor r. 1627. (Burnl. U.) ; real prop. 87997. St. James Cur. (Manch.) val. 117/., patr. R. T. R. Walton, Esq. of Marsden. P. Althorne par. (2) Denzie hund. E. Essex, 6 m. S.E. of Maldon-37, in the marshes, near R. Crouch, from which it is protected by dykes made by Dutchmen, whose descendants live here. Acres 2000 ; pop. 418 + 6 ; poor r. 1797. ; (Maid. U.) ; real prop. 2731/. ; charities 21. ; St. Andrew Vic. with Cricksea. ALTHORPE par. (86) W. Manley wap. N. W. Lincoln. 5 m. NE, of Epworth-156, where Keadby canal and the Rs. New Idle and New Thome join the Trent, contains Amcolts, Keadby, andDerrythorpe. Acres 5460 ; pop. 1184 + 20, of town 366 + 5 ; poor r. 557. (Thome U.) ; real prop. 24917. ; charities 51. and a poor's house. St. Oswald Beet. (Line.) value 400?., patr. Crown. ALT Althorpe Park (53) ext. par. Nobottle Grove hund. Mid. Northmptn. 5 m. NW. of Northampton- 66, seat of Earl Spencer, to whom it gives the title of viscount, contains one of the most valu- able libraries in the country, collected by George 2nd earl, and described by the enthusiastic Dibdiu, as consisting of the "choicest copies of the choicest editions of the choicest authors, in the choicest bindings." In the gallery, among other pictures, are a fragment of Raphael's cartoon The Murder of the Innocents,' his ' Holy Family,' del Vaga's ' Cardinal Pole,' and several Holbeins. Altimonte (13) near Ballon, E. Carlow, St. George, Esq. Altmore Burn rises at A. Hill, in N. Banff, and runs S. about 5 m. to R. Isla, near Keith. Altnaharrow, or Aultnaharrow, Inn, on Loch Naver, Mid. Sutherld. 13 m. S. of Tongue. ALTOFTS tnshp. (87) Normanton par. W. R. York. 3 m. NE. of Wakefield-182, where N. Midld. rail, crosses the Aire and Calder canal and R. Calder. Acres 1733; pop. 704+20; poor r. 1417. (Preston Incorp.) Altoir i. e. Altar, a cromlech in W. Cork. Ijaf A.-na-Greine (i. e. of the Sun), a lonely cromlech on Callan Mountain, coast of Clare, between Ennis and Milltown Malby. ALTON DIVISION (8, 9, 11-2) E. Hants, con- tains the towns of Alresford and Alton v., and the hunds. of Upper and Lower Alton, Upper and Lower Bishop's-Sutton and Selborne ; acres 68,730, pop. 15,308, houses 2820. ALTON HUNDRED, Upper half, in the above div. contains the pars, of *Chawton r., *Froyle v., "Hartley-Mauditt r., *Holybourne c., *Neatham, *Shalden r., and *E. Worldham v., *W. World- ham c. ; acres 14,250, pop. 2570, houses 446. Lower half, the pars, of *Binsted c., Docken- field Headley r., and Kingsley c. ; acres 16,400, pop. 2850, houses 526. ij< A. DEANERY, archdy. and dice, of Winton, contains the benefices in the above and Selborne hund. with 'Bent- worth r., Bramshot r., Colmere r., Greatham r., *Lasham r., Shedfield r. P. M. ALTON par. in the above div. 16 m. ENE. of Winchester, 47 from London, or 58 by S. West, rail., near R. Wey, a polling and petty sessions town, noted for its ale, belonged to king Alfred, was the saxon jEthelinga-dene (' aethel,' noble) where the Danes were met 1001, returned a member to the parls. of 23 Edw. I. (who, 1266, when prince captured in single combat the outlaw Adam Gordon, in the wood towards Farnham) and 4 Edw. II., and was taken by Waller 1643 from Col. Bowles. Acres 3900, with hopgrounds ; pop. 3139 + 39 in the paper and silk mills, in the serge and woollen (and formerly the bombazine) manufact. ; houses 565, with 4 chapels, townhall (or school), bank, savings bk., literary society, Egger's free gramm. school (817. found. 1640) Geale's almshouse, and Union p. house; poor r. 13117. on 11,7097.; real prop. 11,8147.; cha r rities 1037. St. Laurence Vic. (Win.) val. with Holybourne, Binsted, and Kingsley 7287., patr. Dean and Chap. ; church, later eng. Will, of A. a friar (Edw. II.), Pitts who wrote "De Illus- tribus Ang. Scriptoribus " (1560-1616), Curtis the botanist (1746-99), and J. Curtis the physi- cian, were natives. A. House, H. Chawner, Esq. Alton P. L. Union contains the pars, marked in the div. etc. above, with Beutworth, E. Tisted, Farringdon, Medsted, Newton Valence, Selborne, Wield; acres 43,123; pop. 11,299; cases relieved (yr. 1846-47) 2443 (out-door 2000), expend. 61157. prop, rated 50,0167. Sup. Registry comprises the same, except Neatham ; pop. 11,299 + 107. New ALT County Court district corresponds with the Re- fistry. Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, last Sat. Apr. sheep July, 29 Sept. cattle, etc. P. ALTON, or ALVETON, par. (72) S. Totmon- slow hund. NE. Stafford. 4 m. E. of Cheadle -146, on Uttoxeter canal and R. Churnet, con- tains Cotton Cur. Denston, Farley, Bonebury 2-ditched camp, and the ruins of the De Verdons' castle (Hen. II.) on a rock by the river com- manding a fine view. Acres 7470 ; pop. 2390, of town 1168; poor r. 2627. (Cheadle U.); real prop. 4710/. ; charities 257. of which 111. to Wall's school. St. James Vic. (Lich.) value 1517., patr. Earl of Shrewsbury, who has the manor and A. Towers a noble pile in various styles, begun 1814 by Charles 16th earl, including a hall, armoury (120 ft. long, with a figure of the great John Talbot, a screen, etc.), picture gallery (150 ft.), octagon (50 ft. diam., with busts, etc.), house conservatory (100 ft. long, with statues, etc.), long gallery (portraits, etc.), and other gal- leries (altogether 500 ft. long), chapel (stained windows by Willement, screen by Pugin, pictures, etc.), state drawing-room, libraries, Arragon room (with some of Q. Catherine's ornaments), Talbot gallery, corridors, etc., crowded with statues, an- tiques, armour, pictures, among which last (mostly from Mad. Bonaparte's collection) are, Ra- phael's ' Kneeling Madonna,' Da Vinci's and Bar- tolemeo's ' Madonnas, ' Bonifaccio's ' Prodigal Son,' Georgione's ' Aretino' and ' Holy Family,' Cano's ' Virgin and Child,' Veronese's ' Mag- dalen,' Guido's ' Magdalen,' etc., Spagnoletto's ' Portrait of himself,' Murillo's ' Teresa,' Velas- quez's ' Phil. IV.' David's ' Belisarius,' Snyder's and Wouvermans' hunting pieces, etc. In the beautiful gardens (a warren 30 years ago) which contain terraces, walks, buildings, grottoes, falls, etc. in profusion, are the Choragic temple (after that of Lysicrates), Chinese conservatory, screw and other fountains, an imitation Stonehenge, Jacob's ladder, greenhouses, golden gate walk, pagoda (95 ft. high), and the Harper's cottage and gothic temple which command views of the whole (from the latter, they see the Wrekin). Near the old cast, is St. John's hosp. lately found, bv the Talbots, for a warden and fellows, with church, school, etc. by Pugin. Alton (14) 4 m. NW. of Ludgershall, E. Wilts. flgf ALTON constablewick (55) Rock par. NW. Worcester. 4 m. W. of Bewdley-128, near Wyre forest. Alton (53) 6 m. S\V. of Leominster, Mid. Here- ford. ALTON-BARNES, or BERNERS, par. (14) Swan- boro' hund. Mid. Wilts. 6 m. E. of Devizes-89, on Kennet and Avon canal, belonged to Amesbury nunnery. Acres 250 ; pop. 167 + 3 ; poor r. 977. (Deviz. U.) ; real prop. 14857. St. Mary Rect. (Sal.) val. 294/., patr. New Coll. Oxon. '^ A. Dungeons (14) 4m. NW. of Wilton, S. Wilts, was the property of the Sturtons. (J-jy A. Grange (63) 2 m. ESE. of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, NW. Ixicester. igr- A. Hall (48) 5 m. S. of Ipswich, 8. Suffolk, on a branch of R. Stour.. ^T A. House (63) 3 m. NW. of Coventry, N. Warwick. 83T A. PANCRAS LIBERTY and par. (18) Cerne divis. Mid. Dorset. 2 m. ENE. of Cerne-127, near A. Downs, where the Blackmoor harriers meet. Acres 1370 ; pop. 248 + 3 ; poor r. 91/. (Cerne U.) ; real prop. 2658/. ; St. Andrew Vic. (Sal) val. 120/., patr. Dean and Chap. ig?r A. PIUOKS chplry. (14) Overton par. Mid. Wilts, close to A.Barnes as above, containing W. Stowell, belonged to Winchester monastery. Acres 2630 ; pop. 251 ; poor r. 107/. (Pewsey U.); real prop. 2117/. All ALV 39 Saints CW.with Overton ; church, has brass of a lady (1528) with the ' Resurrection.' Altrieve 1 m. E. of St. Mary's loch, W. Selkirk. where Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, died, is on A. Burn, which runs to R. Yarrow. P. M. ALTRINCHAM chplry. (80) Bowdon par. N. Cheshire, 28 m. NE. of Chester, 179 from London, or 197 by the branch rail, (of 8 m.) from Manch., on Bridgewater canal near R. Mersey, was a burgh at the Conquest under 1 1 union de Massy, whose descendant, Earl of Stamford, has Dunham Massy Hall. Acres 520, with orchards and mar- ket gardens ; pop. 3399 + 69, weavers and spin- ners; houses 664, with 2 chapels, school (27, ) and Union p. house ; poor r. 10927. on 80237. ; real prop. 12,0957. ; charities 577. St. George Cur. (Ches.) val. 1507., patr. Vicar; church, b. 1799. Alt. P. L. Union contains the pars, (with their tnshps.) of Altrincham, Ashton-on- Mersey, Bow- don, High Leigh, Lymm, Marthall-cum-\Varford, Mobberley, Nether and Over Knutsford, Northen, Peover Superior, Rosthern, Warburton; acres 64,914, pop. 31,019, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 2121 (out-door 1930), expend. 80387., prop, rated 134,7597. Sup. Registry comprises the same, with Ringway, Wilmslow; pop. 31,019 + 295. New County Court district corresponds with the Re- gistry, except Knutsford and Wilmslow sub- districts (which go to Knutsford), and Lymm (to Warrington). Mkt. D. Tues. Fairs, 22 Apr. 5 Aug. 22 Nov. cattle, sheep, etc. Altsay, 7 m. NE. of Fort Augustus, Mid. In- verness, a post on Loch Ness. Altwent (43) 6 m. NW. of Ross, 5. Hereford. ALTYRE par. now joined to Rafford, N. Elgin. 2 m. SE. of Torres, has the old church with tombs of the Cummings of A. House. Alum Bay (16) near the Needles, I. of Wight, S. Hants, has chalk cliffs 300 ft. high, with thin beds of wood coal, and is streaked like a ribbon with numberless particoloured clays, marls, and sands. Alum is found; pure shell-less sand is sent away to, make glass and porcelain; and at Headon Hill,. a, marine deposit lies between two of freshwater. ALUM GREEN ext. par. (151) Lyndhurst par., 5 W. Hants. 8 m. NNW. of Lymington-93, on that river, in the New Forest. Pop. 13. Alun, AUyn, or Alen, River (74, 79) celebrated by W. Irving in his " Angler's " Sketch, rises under Cyn-y-Bran, Mid. Denbigh, and runs N. and SE. about 30 m. past Mold, Caergwrle, through the vale of Gresford to R. Dee near Holt. P. ALVA par. Stirling, locally in Clackman- nan. 3 m. N. of Alloa-32, on R. Devon, among the Ochills, belonged to Cambuskenneth ab. Size 4J m. by 2, hilly pasture (2420 ft. at Ben- cleuch, the highest point of the Ochills), well wooded, with coal and traces of cobalt, arsenic, iron, copper, and lead with silver ; pop. 2216 + 91, of vil. 124, in the woollen manufactures ; real prop. 48537. ; for poor 2457. Living (Presb. Stirling) val. 1577., patr. Johnstone of A. House, on the side of Westhill (1620 ft.). Craig Leith on Bencleuch had a famous breed of falcons, and the snow which lies in the hollows sometimes far into summer, is called " Lady Alva's Web." Menstrie Ho. was a seat of the Earl of Stirling. Alvacot (26) 6 m.N. of Launccston, NE. Cornwall. ALVAH par. NE. Banff. 2 m. S. of Eanff-156, on R. Doveran, near the bridge at A. Craigs, and under A. Hill, which is a landmark for this coast. Size 6 in. by 3, part fertile; pop. 1407 + 13; real prop. 48647.; for poor 1857. Living (Presb. Turriff) val. 1797., patr. Earl of Fife, he- ritor, of Balveny Castle ; church, old. Remains of D 4 ALV ALV Buchan's castle, church, and holy well are near Mountblairie bog. ALVANLEY chplry. (80) Frodsham par. NW. Clieshire, 2 m. SSW. of Frodsham-191, near Delaniere forest, gives title of baron to the Ar- dens, who have held it for many generations. Acres 1460 ; pop. 314 ; poor r. 791. (Runcorn U.) ; real prop. 1986Z. St. Mary Cur. (Ches.) val. 471., pair. Lord Alvanley, of Tarporley. A. Hall Farm is the site of the old manor-house. A fine view in a defile towards Frodsham. P. ALVASTON chplry. (71) St Michael par. SE. Derby. 3 m. ESE. of Derby-126, near Midld. rail, on R. Derwent, contains Sinfin Moor house. Acres 860 ; pop. 493 + 6 ; poor r. 106Z. (Shardlow U.); real prop. 5610Z. Living, a Cur. (Lich.) val. 116Z., patr. Parishioners. A. Hall, . ALV ASTON tnshp. (73) Nantwich par. S. Che- shire, near Nantwich-64. Acres 610 ; pop. 40 ; real prop. 873Z. P. ALVECHURCH par. (54) Mid. Oswaldslow hund. NE. Worcester. 4 m. ENE. of Bromsgrove, on Wore, and Birm, canal, near Gl. and Birm. rail, and Ryknield St., is divided into 6 districts, and was a borough and seat of the bps. of Wor- cester who had a palace here from Hen. II. till the civil war. Acres 6820 ; pop. 1633 + 9 ; poor r. 498Z. (Bromsg. U.) ; real prop. 10,526Z. ; chari- ties 71Z. of which 36Z. free school, etc., 331. to Lewkner's hospital. St. Lawrence Sect. (Wore.) val. 1025/., patr. Bishop ; church, early eng. with norman traces. Moore, the nonconformist, and Hicks, who wrote the " Thesaurus," were rectors. Alvecote Priory (62) Shuttington par. N. War- wick. 3 m. E. of Tamworth, on Coventry canal and R. Anker, was found. 1159 by W. Burdet, as a cell to Gt. Malvern. P. ALVELEY par. (61) Stottesden hund. SE. Salop. 6 m. SE. of Bridgnorth-139, near R. Severn, contains Nordley Regis and Romsley. Acres 7640, with lead ; pop. 1062 + 12 ; poor r. 262Z. (Bridgn. U.); real prop. 8850Z. ; charities 123/. of which 26Z. to Grove's school. St. Mary Cur. (Lich.) val. 103Z., patr. Col. Gatacre of Gat- acre ; church, had a chantry. P. ALVERDISCOTT, or ALSCOTT, par. (261) Fre- mington hund. NW. Devon. 4 m. NNE. of Tor- rington-194. Acres 1390 ; pop. 332 ; poor r. 109Z. S'orringt. U.) ; real prop. 1899Z. ; charities 27. 1 Saints Rect. (Exet.) val. 168Z., patr. W. Lee, Esq. ; church, has a good porch and monuments. ALVERSTOKE and GOSPORT LIBERTIES (11) Fareham divis. S. Hants, contains Alverstoke par. as below. ALVERSTOKE par. in the above lib. 2 m. WSW. of Portsmouth-70, on Stoke bay, opposite Spit- head, near S. West. rail, contains Gosport., Forton, Anglesey, and Elson Curs. Blockhouse fort and Monckton, the house of Industry, Gosport bride- well, Haslar hosp. etc. Acres 4010 ; pop. 13,510 + 88, many soldiers ; poor r. 3038Z. on 25,371Z. ; real prop. 24,937Z. ; charities 177. St. Mary Rect. (Win.) val. with Anglesea 1287/., patr. Bishop; church, found. 1130 by Hen. de Blois, on escaping shipwreck at this spot, and since re- stored, has a tomb to Adml. Kempenfelt who, with his ' eight hundred,' was lost in the Royal George (27 Aug. 1782), St. Matthew Cur., 200Z., Bishop and Rector. A new school near the church, was b. by Archd. Wilberforce. The Sup. Registry, comprising this par., is part of Portsmouth New County Court district. Deaths from cholera (1849) 119. ALVERSTONE (10) Brading par. I. of Wight, 8. Hants, near Brading, was once a chplry. . P. ALVERTHORPE tnshp. (87) with Thornes, Wakefield par. W. R. York. 1 m. NW. of Wake- field-182, partly within that boro', near Lane, and Yorksh. rail., is an old seat of the Maudes of Moor House, containing Fanshaw and 3 other hmlts. Acres 2930; pop. 5930 + 108; poor r. 1730Z. on 20,394Z. (Wakef. U.) ; real prop. 26.298Z. Living, a Cur. (Rip.) val. 150Z., patr. Vicar; church, b. 1825. ALVERTOX hmlt. (70) Kilvington par. SE. Notts. 7 m. S. of Newark- 124, belonged to the Hewits. Pop. 26. P. ALVES par. 5 m. W. of Elgin-138, N. Elgin, near Buryhead bay in Moray Frith, con- taining Coltfield and Crook, has remains of Aslisk cast. Size 5 m, by 5, good, with building and millstone quarries in the Knock of A. ; pop. 913, decreasing ; real prop. 5724Z. ; for poor 176Z. Liv- ing (Presb. Elgin) vaL 215Z., patr. Earl of Moray. P. ALVESCOTT par. (34) Bampton hund. W. Oxford. 3 m. WNW. of Bampton-71, belonged to Tewkesbury ab. Acres 2690 ; pop. 357 ; poor r. 135Z. (Witney U.) ; real prop. 3039Z. ; charities 22Z. of which 5Z. to Carter's school. Living, a Rect. (Oxon.) val. 371Z., patr. T. Neate, Esq.; church, old and cruciform, with some tombs. ALVESDISTON par. (15) Chalk hund. S. Wilts. 9 m. SW. by W. of Wilton-84, on a branch of R. Avon, near Whitesheet hill and Cranborn Chase. Acres 2400; pop. 263 + 3; poor r. 81Z. (Tisbury U.) ; real prop. 2095Z. St. Mary Vic. with Broad Chalk. ALVESTON par. (35) Upper and Lower Langley hund. SW. Gloucester. 2 m. S. of Thornbury- 124, near the Cotswolds. Acres 2470 ; pop. 841 + 4 ; poor r. 309Z. (Thornb. U.) ; real prop. 5547Z. ; charities 7Z. St. Helen Vic. with Olveston Cur. (Gl. and B.) val. 250Z., patr. Dean and Chap. ; church, has brasses of the Denays. A. House, - . IgiT ALVESTON, or AULSTON, par. (54) Bar- lichway hund. Mid Warwick. 2 m. NE. of Strat- ford-96, on R. Avon, ia a healthy spot, under Welcombe hills, contains Tiddington Ville, and is a meet for the hounds. Acres 4300, well wooded ; pop. 793 + 14 ; poor r. 365Z. (Stratf. U.) ; real prop. 8236Z. ; charities 46Z. St. James. Vic. (Wore.) val. 220Z,, patr. Rector of Hampton Lucy ; church, has tombs of the Lucys. A. House, T. Townsend, Esq. AI.VETON. See ALTON, Stafford. ALVIE par. in Badenoch, E. Inverness. 11 m. NE. of Pitman-116, on R. Spey, under Mo- nadlia mountns. contains Insh par. q. s. and Lynchat. Size 10 m. by 6, chiefly barren moun- tain (towards the Grampians, 4000 ft. high) with wood ; pop. 972, decreasing, in the salmon-fish- eries, etc. ; real prop. 4290Z. ; for poor 241Z. Living (Presb. Abernethy) val. 158Z., patr. Duke of Richmond. Perch are found in A. Loch, which runs to R. Spey, near which is Belleville, seat of the Macphersons, and opposite Tor A. is Kin- rara, the late Duchess of Gordon's seat. ALVTNGHAM par. (84) Louth Eske hund. NE. Lincoln. 3 m. NE. of Louth-143, on the canal, belongs to Scrope of Cockerington, and had a gilbertine priory found. (Hen. II.) by Walter de Bee, val. 142Z. and given to the Clintons. Acres 1940 ; pop. 313 + 2 ; poor r. 146Z. (Louth U.) ; real prop. 2479Z. ; charities 8Z. and some poor's cot- tages. St. Adelwold Cur. (Line.) val. with Cocker- ington 130Z., patr. Bishop. ALVTNGTON par. (35) Bledisloe hund. W. Glou- cester. 6 m. NE. of Chepstow-135, on R. Se- vern, was a cell to Llantonv ab. Acres 1550 ; pop. 340 + 6; poor r. 109Z."(Chepst. U.); real prop. 2508Z. Living, a Cur. with Wollastone. Clauna Ho., Hon. W. Noel, who has the manor, ALV gi5 ALVINGTOV hmlt. (18) Brimpton par. SI?. Somerset. 2 m. W. of Yeovil-123. Pop. 65. ALVINGTON EAST. See ARLINGTON, Devon. P. ALVINGTON WEST par. (24) Stanboro' hund. S. Devon. 1 m. WSW. of Kingsbridge-208, and famous for its cider, is a decayed mkt. town, and meet for the Marlboro' harriers, containing Sal- combe Cur. on that creek, and 4 hmlts. Acres 3840 ; pop. 998 + 12 ; poor r. 532/. (Kingsb. U.) ; real prop. 74807.; charities 9/. All Saints Vic. (Exet.) val. with S. Huish, S. Milton, and Marlboro' 685/., patr. Dean and Chap, of Sarum ; church, has a screen, font, and tombs of the Bastards who had the manor and an old seat here. ALWALTON par. (64) Normancross hund. NW. Hunts. 4 m. SW. of Peterboro'-81, on R. Nen, was given to the monks of Peterboro' ' for the augmentation of their commons.' Acres 1040; pop. 329 + 3; poor r. 166/. (Peterb. U.); real prop. 18827. ; charities 61. St. Andrew Beet. (Ely) val. 2007., patr. Dean and Chap, of Peter- boro' ; church, norman and other styles, with a good porch. A. Castle, L. Thompson, Esq. Altuen River (74) rises 8 m. SE. of Llanrwst, W. Denbigh, in A. Lake, and runs SE. about 14 m. to R. Dee, near Corwen, NE. Merioneth. ALWINGTON par. (26) Shebbear hund. NW. Devon. 3 m. SW. of Bideford-201, near the bay, on R. Yeo, contains Fairy Cross, Ford, and Woodtown. Acres 5330 ; pop. 392 ; poor r. 1937. (Bidef. U.) ; real prop. 22087. ; charities, Coffin's almshouse, etc. 167. St. Andrew Beet. (Exet.) val. 243/., patr. Rev. J. T. P. Coffin, rector, whose family have held the manor since the Con- quest. ALWIXTON. See ALLENTON, Northmbrld. ALWOODLEY hmlt. ( ) Harewood par. W. B. York. 4 m. N. of Leeds-189, belonged to Sir Gervase Clifton, who had ' three honourables, three rt. worshipfuls, and one well-beloved,' for his wives. Acres 1120; pop. 281 + 14; poor r. 287. (Baswick Incorp.) Alwye. See Olwy River, Monmouth. P. M. ALYTH par. E. Perth, and Forfar. 18 m. NE. of Perth-40, on R. Isla, under A. Hitt near the Grampians, is a burgh of barony to the Earl of Airly (who takes hence his title) and has re- mains of Barry hill camp, where Guinevra, king Arthur's wife, they sav, was confined by the Picts. Size 10 m. by 3, fertile hills (1179 ft. high at King's seat) with limestone at Mount Blair, and heathy pasture in A. Forest, which abounds with game. Pop. 2910 + 121, of vil. 1846, many coarse linen-weavers ; houses 520, with church, 3 chapels, 2 schools; real prop. 7097. (?); for poor 7497. ; rental 8000/. Living (Presb. Meigle) val. 2307., patr. Crown ; church, ancient. Mkt.D. Tues. Fairs, Tues. after 2nd Thurs. Mar. 2nd Tues. and 25 June, last Tues. July, Tues. before 10 Oct. 1st Tues. and Wed. and Tues. after 11 Nov. 2nd Tues. Dec. all o. . Amangkmore, in Ireland, was part of Clare. AMASTON tnshp. (60) Alberbury par. W. Salop. 7 m. W. of Shrewsbury-153. Ambaston (71) 5 m. ESE. of Derby, SE. Derby. on R. Derwent. Amber Hill (70) 4 m. N. of Swineshead, & Lincoln. $gp A. House (21) near Taunton, S. Somerset. Amber River (71) about 4 m. long, falls into R. Derwent, N. Derby. 3J m. N. by E. of Belper, near the Ambergate stat. of the Midld. rail, which crosses the stream, near the Cromford canal aqueduct, and the Ambergate and Notts, rail, from Buxton, etc., of which 7J m. from Mat- lock and Rowsley are made. AMB 41 Amberd House (21) 2 m. S. of Taunton, S. So- merset. Col. Vivart. AMBERI.EY hmlt. (34) Minchinhampton par. Mid. Gloucester, near Minchinhampton-98, is a Beet, with it, including Littleworth, Theescombe, and St. Cloe, given to the par. by Dame Hamp- ton (Hen. VIII.), and has Woeful Dane Bottom camp or dyke, 3 m. long, 8 ft. high. 1fgr AM- BERLEY chplry. (55) Marden par. Mid. Herefd. 6 m. NNE. of Hereford-134. Pop. 22. P. AMBEKLEY, or AMERLEY, par. (9) W. Eas- wrilh hund. Arundel rape, W. Sussex, 3 m. NNE. of Arundel-55, under A. Dooms, on R. Arun, contains Rackbam, and is noted for trout. Acres 3030; pop. 722 + 9; poor r. 1711.; real prop. 44557.; charities 117/. of which 1057. to Older's school. Living, a Vic. (Chic.) val. with Houghton 166/., patr. Bishop ; church, early eng. with a fine norman arch in the chancel, and a brass (1424) of Wantele, in a tabard. A. Palace, now a farm, on the river, was a quadrangle, built by Bp. Rede about 1370, and has in the ' Queen's ' room several portraits and carvings. AMBERSHAM, NORTH and SOUTH, tythgs. (9) Steep par. E. Hants, locally in Sussex, 2 m. ESE. of Midhurst-50, on R. Rother. Acres 2590 ; pop. 133 and 189. Amberwood Cottage ext. par. (15) Bramshaw par. W. Hants. 6 m. SW. of Romsey-73, in the New Forest. Pop. 14. P. AMBLE tnshp. ( ) Warkworth par. E. Northmbrld. 7 m. SE. of Alnwick-308, at R. Coquet's mouth, was a cell to Tynemouth priory, and has a british camp, where roman coins have been found. Pop. 724 + 48, in the coal mines ; poor r. 1157. (Alnw. U.). A. House, belongs to Smith of Togston. AMBLECOAT hmlt. (62) Old Swinford par. 5. Stafford, close to Stourbridge-122. Acres 570, with blue clay for crucibles, etc. ; pop. 1623 + 39 in Webb's and other glasshouses, the coal and ironworks, and potteries ; poor r. 3367. (Stourbr. U.) ; real prop. 18,3227. Living, a Cur. (Wore.) val. 1001., patr. Earl of Stamford. P. M. AMBLESIDE, or A.-ABOVE-AND-BELOW- STOCK, chplry. ( ) Windennere and Grasmere pars. W. Westmrld., 276 m. from London, or 266 by Kendal rail., a polling and petty sess. town, at the head of Windennere, near Stockgill Force or Fall (of 150 ft.), in a hollow under Fair Field, Wans Fell, Skelgill Pike, Loughrigg and Rydal Mount, was the roman Galacum (or Am- boglauna of Camden), and is a central point for tourists, having the Langdales, Coniston, East- waite, Rydal, Ulleswater, Grasmere, Thirlemere, Elterwater, etc. within 7 m. Pop. 1281 + 19 in the coarse woollen and basket manufactures, the green marble and slate quarries ; houses 221, with 2 chapels, mkt. house (reb. 1796), inns, Kelsick'a free gram, school (1336) ; poor r. 277/. on 24637. (Kendal U.) ; real prop. 5264Z. ; charities 1447. Living, a Cur. (Ches.) val. 807., patr. Lady le Fleming of Rydal Hall; church, reb. 1812. There are remains of A. Hall (the Braithwaites' seat), and of the old walls and part of a bridge ; roman coins have been found. Mkt. D. Wed. Fain, Whit Wed. 13 and 29 Oct. cattle. P. AMBI.KSTOX par. (40) Dungleddy hund. Mid. Pembroke. 7m. NNE. of Haverford west- 251, on a branch of R. Cleddy, near Castle Flemish or the roman Ad Vigesimum, on the Via Julia. Pop. 605 + 3; poor r. 1717. (Haverf. U.); real prop. 27897. St. Mary Vic. (St. Dav.) val. 1837., patr. Crown. Ambow (26) 5 in. WSW. of S. Molton, N. Devon. AMBRESBURY. See AMESBURY, Wilts. AMB AML Ambreys, or Ambersbury (1) a british camp of 12 acres, in Copped Hall Pk. S W. Essex, near the Epping road. Ambrook House (22) near Newton Bushel, SE. Devon. AMBROSDEN par. (45) Bullingdon hund. NE. Oxford. 2 m. SE. of Bicester-54, near R. Ray and the roman road from Dorchester (Oxon.) contains Arncott and: .Blackthorn. Acres 52 10; pop. 892 ; poor r. 54Z. (Bicest. U.) ; real prop. 889/. ; charities, church lands, etc. 40Z. St. Mary Fie. (Oxon.) val. 228/., patr. Sir G. O. Turner, Bt. of A. Park, sometime held by Bp. Kennet, who wrote the " Parochial Antiquities " of this place, Bicester, etc. as a specimen of what may be done in such a case, and derives the name from Ambrosius (the British Merlin) ; church early eng. on site of a norman one. AMBROSETOWN par. (41, 46) Bargy bar. S. Wexford, 4 m. SSW. of Taghmon-94, contains Tullycanna. Acres 2197, good land ; pop. 690, de- creasing. Living, a Rect. with Duncormuck. AMCOTTS tnshp. (86) Althorpe par. NW. Lincoln. 5 m. E. of Crowle-162. on R. Trent, had St. Thorn. JiBecket's chapel, which fell down 1849. Pop. 417 + 6. Amen Hill (61) near Shrewsbury, Mid. Salop. lias a fine prospect. America (51) 7 m. W. of Ely, Mid. Cambridge. P. M. AMERSHAM par. (7) Burnham hund. SE. Bucks, and Dacorum hund. Herts. 29 m. SE. of Buckingham, 26 from London (or 30 by N. West, rail.), among the hills by R. Misbourne, containing Coleshill, was the saxon Agmundes- ham, and a boro' (from Jas. I. and Edw. I. to II.), returning two members (among others Waller and Alg. Sydney), till disfranchised by the Re- form act. Acres 8230; pop. 3645 + 83, in the manufact. of cotton, straw plat, black lace, silk crape, and wooden chairs ; houses 554, in a long street, with 3 chapels, townhall, and mkt. ho. on pillars (b. 1682, by Sir W. Drake), Dr. Challoner's free gram, school (86Z.), found. 1620, with 3 exhibitions at Oxford, lord Cheyne's writing-school (20Z.), Drake's almshouses (ISO/.) and Sunday school (111.), Mrs. Bent's almsh. (40Z.) for 6 widows, Bennett's and Hall's almsh., and Union p. house ; poor r. 1197Z. on 8844Z. ; real prop. 4859Z. ; charities 428Z. St. Mary Rect. (Oxon.) val. 1331/., patr. T. T. Drake, Esq. of Shardeloes, who has the manor (through the Tothills), which belonged to the Neviles and Warwick the king- maker ; church, has a painted window and tombs of the Drakes. Wm. Tillsworth and other suf- ferers were burnt here in Mary's reign. Amers. P. L. Union contains the pars. etc. of Amers- ham, Beaconsfield, Chalfont (St. Giles and St. Peter), Chenies, Chesham and Ch. Bois, Lee, Gt. Missenden, Penn, Sear Green, in Bucks, with Coleshill, Herts. \ acres , pop. 18,207, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 2663 (out-door 2327), ex- pend. 8836Z., prop, rated 60,078Z. Sup. Registry comprises the same up to Penn, with Latimer- Islehampstead ; pop. 18,212 + 87, deaths from cholera (1849) 42. It is divided between Chesham and Gt. Marlow New County Courts. Mkt. D. Tues. Fairs, Whit Mond. 5 Sept. for sheep. Amerston Hall ( ) 7 m. N. of Stockton-on- Tees, SE. Durham, near A. Hill. AMERTON tnshp. (72) Stowe par. Mid. Staffd. 5 m. NE. of Stafford-141. Pop. 120. t^ A. Bank (7) 2 m. SE. of Maidenhead, S. Berks, on the Thames. AMESBURY HUNDRED (14) SE. Wilts, contains the pars, of Allington rect., Amesbury cur., Bos- combe r., Bulford, W. Cholderton r., Durnford vie., Durrington c., Figheldean v., Ludgershall ton, *Newton-Toney r., N. Tidworth, W. Wei- low, and parts of Hurst, Shinfield, Swallow- field, and Wokingham ; acres 42,620, pop. 7142, houses 1416. >fc A. DEANERY, archdy. and dioc. of Sarum, contains the benefices marked in the above and Alderbury hunds., with Bramshaw c., Landford r., Whiteparish v., *Wilsford v., Winter- borne-Charboro' r. P. AMESBURY par. in the above hund. 7m. N. of Salisbury, 77 from London, or 104 by S. West, rail., a decayed mkt. town on Salisbury- Plain and R. Avon (where delicious loach are caught), near Stonehenge, containing LITTLE or WEST A. hmlt. (pop. 65), was the saxon Ambresbury, so called after Ambrosius, a de- scendant of Constantine, and successor to Vor- tigern, or from Ambrius, a monk who found, a monastery here, and had a rich mitred abbey or nunnery, found. 980, by Elfrida, wife of K. Edgar, made a cell to Fontevrault 1177, placed under Hen. III.'s wife Eleanor (who died here 1291), val. 496Z. and given to the Hertfords, along with the manor, which was held by Will. Long 1 - sword, the Lacys, Warrens, Montacutes, etc. Acres 6060, good, with pipe clay ; pop. 1171 + 23 ; houses 213, with a chapel, Rose's gram, school (65Z.), Spratt's free sch. (50Z.); poor r. 544Z. on 6599Z. ; real prop. 7057Z. ; charities 157Z. St. Mary and St. Melorin Cur. (Sal.) val. 141Z., patr. Dean and Chap, of Windsor ; church, nor- man, but much altered, with foliated windows, corbels, font, and a brass (1470). A. Park, Sir E. Antrobus, Bt. on the site of the nunnery, was b. by Inigo Jones, for the Duke of Queensbury (with whom Gay here spent part of his life), and given to some refugee nuns from France at the Re- volution of 1789. Addison was born at Milston, and Vespasian's camp, the Cursus, and several bar- rows are near. Amesb. P. L. Union contains the pars. etc. in the hund. above, up to Fighelden, with those marked *, and Idmiston, Maddington, Orcheston (St. George and St. Mary), Rollstone, Shrewton, Tilshead, Winterborne Earls, Wint. Dauntsay, Wint. Gunner, Wint. Stoke, Woodford ; acres 63,590, pop. 7698, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 903 (out-door 698), expend. 4240Z., prop, rated 53,923. Sup. Registry comprises the same (pop. 7706 + 62), and is part of Salisbury New County Court. Fairs, 17 May, 22 June, 6 Oct. 18 Dec. horses, cattle. Ameshaugh ( ) 2 m. S. of Alston, E. Cumbrld. on R. Tyne. AMESTON vil. Inverkeilor par. E. Forfar. 5 m. NE. of Arbroath-62, has A., or Anniston, House, J. Rait, Esq. Amfield House (11) 6 m. SW. of Winchester, Mid. Hants, near Salisb. rail., J. White, Esq. Amigan Castle (20) near Croagh, Mid. Limerick, a ruin. AMINGTON. See ALMINGTON, Warwick. P. AMISFIELD vil. Tinwald par. Mid. Dumf. 4 m. NNE. of Dumfries-73, on R. Locker, has re- mains of a roman camp, and of the Charteris' Tower, with a curiously carved door. Pop. 140. Amisfield Park, 1 m. E. of Haddington, Mid. Hadngtn. on R. Tyne, seat of Earl Wemyss, through the Charteris family, has Rubens' ' Ver- tumnus and Pomona,' and some other good paintings. * P. M. AMLWCH par. (78) Twrcelyn hund. N. Anglesey, 15m. NW. of Beaumaris, 261 from London, a sub-port to Beaum. on the Irish sea, has grown up since 1762, contains Llan-wenllwyfo Cur. and Llanerchymedd, and is a contributory boro' to Beaumaris, under the Reform bill, no. AMM AMW of electors . Pop. of par. 6217 (boro' 3373), of town 1243, employed in the rich copper mines (285 hands) of Parys mountain (belonging to Marq. of Anglesey and Ld. Dinorben), in the smelting, alum, and vitriol works, and shoe mak- ing (132) ; houses include 4 chapels, bank, brew- ery, Kynier's school (15); poor r. 1611/. on! 7423Z. (Angles. U.) ; real prop. 4717/. St. Elaeth ! Cur. (Ban.) val. 217/., patr. Bishop; church, b. j 1801. The harbour, cut out of the cliff, admits ! 200-ton ships, and has a breakwater, but is ex- posed to 'N. winds, with the E. Mouse and other rocks lying off it ; a fixed light on the N. pier in lat. 53"25' N., long. 40 20' W., is 26 ft. high, and seen 9 m. Soapstone is found. Fair, 12 Nov. cattle. Amman, or Ammond, River (41) rises in the Mynydd Du, or Black mountains, SE. Carmar- then, and falls into R. Loughor at Bettws. Ammerdown (19) 5 m. NW. of Frome, E. So- merset J. Jolliffe, Esq. Atnnish, Upper and Lower, (55) 2 m. E. of Leo- minter, N. Hereford. AMORIL vil. (19) Batheaston par. NE. Somerset. 2 m. NE. of Bath-104. AMOTHERLEY chplry. ( ) Appleton-le-Street par. N. R. York. 2 m. NW. of New Malton -217, near R. Eye. Acres 1580; pop. 239; poor r. 129/. (Malt. U.) ; real prop. 1837/. AMOUNDERXESS HUNDRED ( ) Mid. Lancash. contains Fleetwood, the pars, of Bispham cur., Garstang, Kirkham vie., Lytham c., St. Michael- on-Wyre e., Poulton-le-Fylde v-, Preston v., and parts of Lancaster ., and Ribchester v. ; acres 145,110 of moor and marsh, pop. 93,033, houses 16,332. ifc A. (or ST. ANDREW'S) DEANERY, archdy. and dioc. of Manch. includes the benefices marked above, with Chipping v., ChurchTown v., Cockerham v. AMPFIELD vil. (11) 4 m. ENE. of Romsey, W. Hants, is a Cur. (Win.) val. /., patr. Vicar of Hursley. A. House, J. White, Esq. P. A'MPLEFORTH par. ( ) Ryedale and Birdforth waps. N. R. York. 4 m. SW. of Helmsley-222, con- tains A. BIRDFOKTH, A. ST. PETER, and A. OS- WALD KIRK tnshps. (pop. 239, 207, and!59), with St. Andrew's rom. cath. college established at A. Lodge, 1802. Acres 2270 ; pop. 446, of town with part of Oswald Kirk par. 605 ; poor r. 172Z. (Helmsl. U.) ; real prop. 4749Z. ; charities 29/. St. Hilda Vic. (York) val. 261/., patr. Archbp. AMPNEY CRUCIS par. (34) Crowthorne hund. SE. Gloucester. 3 m. E. of Cirencester-88, con- tains Hillcott End. Acres 2660 ; pop. 591 ; poor r. 344L (Cirenc. U.) ; real prop. 4703/. ; charities, 80/. to Pleydell's school. Holyrood Vic. (Gl. and Br.) val. 84/., patr. Ld. Chancellor. A. Park, Earl Ducie. |^ A. DOWN par. as above, 3 m. SE. on A. Brook, near Ermine St. and Thames and Severn canal, was held by Ralph du Todini at ' Do- mesdy.' and came to the Duchy of Lancaster, the Villierses, Speaker Hungerford (Rich. II.), the Dunches, Sec. Craggs and the Eliots. Acres 2470 ; pop. 425 ; poor r. 159/. (Cirenc. U.) ; real prop. 3569/.; charities 21. All Saints Vic. (Gl. and Br.) val. 116/., patr. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. ; church, early eng. built about 1260 by the K. Templars, has effigies of Sir Nic. de Villiers, a crusader ( 1294). A. D. House, Hon. P. Bouverie, lately re- stored, was built (Hen. VIII.) by the Hunger- fords. Us?" A. ST. MARY, or ASHBROOK, par. as above, 4 m. E. of Cirencester. Acres 1170; pop. 121 + 1 ; poor r. 99Z. (Cirenc. U.) ; real prop. 1380/. Living, a Cur. (Gl. and Br.) val. 71/., patr. M. H. Beach, Esq. of Williamstrip. ^ A. ST. PETER, or EASINGTON, par. as above, 1 m. E. Acres 860 ; pop. 196 + 1 ; poor r. 86/. (Cirene. U.); real prop. 12787. Living, a Cur. (Gl. and Br.) val. 60/., patr. Bishop. P. AMPORT par. (12) Upper Andover hund. NW. Hants. 4 m. WSW. of Andover-63, con- tains E. Cholderton and Sarson. Acres 3460- pop. 771 + 6; poor r. 622/. (And. U.); real prop. 2153J. ; charities 150/. to Dr. Sheppard's school and almshouses, found. 1812. St. Mary Vic. (Wine.) val. with Appleshaw 858/., patr. Dean and Chap, of Chichester. A. Park, Marquis of Winchester. P. M. AMPTHILL, par. (46) Redbornestoke hund. Mid. Beds, a stat. on N. West. rail. 59 m. London, or 45 by road, and 8 SSW. of Bedford, a petty sess. and polling town, under the hills, was held by Lord Fanhope (Hen, VI.), who b. the castle which became the head of an Honour and the seat of Q. Catherine after her divorce 1530. Acres 1928, with rabbit warren ; pop. 2001 + 32, some lace makers ; houses 355, with 3 chapels, old moot-hall, new mkt. -house, bank, savings bk., town-pump, brewery, Mrs. Emery's free school (15Z.), Cross's almshouses for 12, and Union p. house ; poor r. 585Z. on 5154J. ; real prop. 6956/. ; charities 152/. of which poor's estate 1171. St. Andrew Rect. (Ely) val. 283/., patr. Ld. Chancellor ; church, cruciform and later eng. has 3 brasses (from 1506), and tomb of Gov. Nicholl (with the ball with which he was shot, in it). A. Park, or Honour, to which Hough ton is joined,, is seat of Lord Holland, on the site of the old castle, and has a cross with an inscription to Catherine by H. Walpole, and some valuable paintings and a museum, at the house. In Hougnton Pk. are re- mains of the house built by " Sidney's sister, Pem- broke's mother," with the pear-tree under which they say Sir Philip Sidney wrote part of his ' Arcadia.' and Pomfret his verses. Ampt. P. L. Union contains the pars. etc. of Ampthill, Clophill, Cranfield, Flitton, Flitwick, Gravenhurst (Upper and Lower), Hawnes, Higham Gobion, Hougnton Conquest, Lidlington, Marston Moretaine, Maul- den, Milbrook, Pulloxhill, Shitlington, Stepping- ley, Westoning, and Silsoe; acres 42,592, pop. 15,681, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 1815 (out- door 1624), expend. 6755Z., real prop. 57,898/. Sup. Registry comprises the same up to Westoning (pop. 15,681 + 133), and constitutes the New County Court district. Mkt. D. Thurs. Fairs, 4 May, 30 Nov. cattle. P. AMPTON par. (51) Thedwestry hund. NW. Suffolk, 4 m. N. of Bury St. Edmund's-71. Acres 870 ; pop. 147 + 3 ; poor r. 20*. (Thingoe U.) ; real prop. 764/. ; charities 4401. to the Cal- thorpes' school, almsh. etc. St. Peter Rect. (Ely) val. 172Z., patr. Lord Calthorpe of A. Hall, who holds the manor; church, has a brass. AMROTH par. (38-40) Narberth hund. SE. Pem- broke. 6 m. SE. of Narberth-240, on Carmarthen bay. Pop. 779 + 14, fishermen and colliers ; poor r. 252/. (Narb. U.) ; real prop. 2772/. ; charities, Rees' school, etc. 20i St. Elidyr Vie. (St. Dav.) val. 112/., patr. C. P. Callen, Esq.; church, early eng. A. Castle, Ackland, Esq. on the coast, formerly a seat of the Elliots and called Eare Wear. AMSDALE. See AINSDAI.E, Lancash. P. AMTJL.RIE vil. Dull par. Mid. Perth. 9 m. NNE. of Crieff-47, on R. Brand, near Loch Ereuchie. Fair, 1st Wed. May, cattle. AJTWELL, GREAT, par. (47) Hertford hund. E. Hert*. 2 m. SE. of Ware-20, on E. Count, rail, and a branch of R. Lea, is the Emmewelle, or Emma's Well, of ' Domesdy.' near the source of the New River, and contains Hoddesdon Cur. Acres 25 10; pop. 1545 f 22; poor r. 608 (Ware U.) ; real prop. 8455/. St. J. Baptist Vic 44 ANA (Roch.) val, 1127., patr. Rev. M. Barnard, vicar, and others ; church on a hill in a pleasant spot, has the graves of Reed, editor of Shakespere, and War- ner who wrote "Albion's England." Below it springs the chief head of the river, near a small isld., which has a monument by Mylne, to Sir Hugh Mydelton, who accomplished his great work 1607-13. A. Place was seat of Scott the Quaker poet, who wrote the lines, " I hate the drum's discordant sound." A. Bury, Col. Brown, near Barrow hill where remains have been found ; Hayleybury college, is for E. I. Company's civil cadets. 1. Walton was a frequent visitor, and Hoole, the translator of Tasso, a resident SiT A., LITTLE, lib. All Saints' par. as above, 2 m. NW. has at Chadwell the other head of the New River, and an artesian well. Acres 480; pop. 461 + 10 ; real prop. 20647. A. End, J. B. Dickin- son, Esq. in Ware par. near the above. Anabich Isld., Harris par. Western Islds. S. coast of Lewis. Pop. 41. ANADORN vil. (37) Kinalarly bar. S. Doum. 4 m. W. of Downpatrick-94, on A. Rivulet, which runs to Dundrum bay at the bridge, near Castle Hill, a seat of the Mac Artanes. Anafane Glen (23) near Glendalough, Mid. Wicklow, has lead mines. Fairs, 14 May, 8 Nov. Anaverna (4) 4 m. N. of Dundalk, N. Louth, seat of the late Baron M'Clelland. ANBALLY vil. (70) Clare bar. Mid. Galway, 12 m. NE. of Galway-133, near a ruined castle, and a periodical lake called Turloughmore. Pop. 229. Ancalites of the Romans, had part of Oxfords. with Henley for their capital. Ancarig of the Saxons, is THORNEY, Cambridge. ANCASTER par. (70) Loveden wap. SW. Lincoln. 6 m. NE. of Grantham-110, on R. Sleaford, containing Sudbrooke and W. Wil- loughby, is the roman Causennee, on Ermine St. where coins, bricks, etc. have been found, and the spot where Col. Cavendish beat the Roundheads, May 1643. Acres 2800, with oolite quarries, out of which Belvoir castle, Wollaton hall, etc. were built; pop. 530 + 4; poor r. 2417. (Granth. U.); real prop. 38767. ; charities 77. St. Martin Vic. (Line.) val. 1517., patr. Lamb, Esq. ; church, norman and early eng. has circular stone font. Gave the extinct title of duke to the Berties of Uffington. Ancholme River (83, 86) rises in the Wolds near Mkt. Rasen, N. Lincoln, and runs N. about 22 m. past S. Kelsey (where Caister canal joins) and Brigg, to the Humber near S. Ferriby. A straight cut made along its whole course, is called New A. River. " Ankham eel, and Witham pike, In all England is none like." Anchor, or Weston, Head (20) in the Bristol chan. N. Somerset. 1 m. NW. of Weston-super- Mare, near Brean down, has Worle mill sea-mark on it and Brean rock and Weston ledge in front Anchor Church (71) 6 m. SSW. of Derby, S. Derby, is a rock on R. Trent, like a gothic church, where an anchorite once lived. Anchor Hill and Little A. Hill (43) 1 m. NS. of Monmo. NE. Monmo. Anchorage, near Bothwell Bridge, Lanark. ANCOATS (88) suburbs of Manchester, SE. Lancash. has print and dye works, and A. Hall, an old timbered seat of the Moseleys, of Rolleston, late lords of the manor of Manchester. St. Andrew and All Souls Curs. (Manch.) val. 1507. each, patr. Dean.and Chap. P. ANCROFT chplry. ( ) Islandshire, Dur- ham, locally in Northmbrld. 5 m. S. of Berwick- upon-Tweed-337, near Yk. rail., in a rich vale AND near the coast opposite Holy isld. contains Scre- merston Cur., Cheswick, and Haggerston (an old seat), and has a fine view at Ladythorn. Acres 9570 ; pop. 1670 + 29, of town 491 ; poor r. 4657. (Berw. U.) ; real prop. 13,4737. Living, a Cur. (Dur.) val. 131/., patr. Dean and Chap. ; church, very old, belonged to Holy isld. P. ANCRUM par. Jedburgh distr. N. Roxburgh. 3 m. NW. of Jedburgh-46, on Watling St. where R. Ale runs to the Teviot, near A. Moor, where the English were defeated 1545, by the Regent Arran and Scott of Buccleuch, was held by the bishops of Glasgow who had a seat here, and was given 1633 by Ch. I. to the Kerrs with the title of earl, now held by Marquis of Lothian, of Mt. Teviot. Acres 8400, good well cultivated soil, with red and white stone quarries ; pop. 1407, of vil. 499 ; real prop. 91747. ; for poor 4497. Living (Presb. Jedb.) val. 224/., patr. Sir Walter Scott, Bt., of A. House, commanding a fine view. Chesters, W. Ogilvie, Esq. Maltan Walls, in ruins near the old cross, belonged to the Knights of Malta. A pillar to Wellington stands at Penielheugh on Lilliard's Edge, so called from a Scottish lass who followed her lover and fell in the above battle. Bnchan, author of the " Domestic Medicine," was a native ; and Thom- son visited at the manse. P. ANDENSHAW or OPENSHAW (88) 1 m. E. of Manchester, SE. Lancash. ANDERBY par. (84) Calceworth bund. E. Lin- coln. 9 m. NE. of Spilsby-129, near the coast, has a canal to Alford. Acres 1080 ; pop. 243 + 3 ; poor r. 85/. (Spilsby U.) ; real prop. 20967. St. Andrew Red. (Line.) val. with Cumberworth 548/., patr. Mag. Coll. Camb. Anderida Portus of the Romans, is PEVENSEY, Sussex, at the end of Ermine St. and the great Sylva A., or ' Andredswald ' of the Saxons. Anderrow, or Arderry, Lough ( ) 8 m. WNW. of Oughterard, NW. Donegal. Andersey (20) 3 m. SE. of Bridgewater, Mid. Somerset, on R. Parret. ANDERSFIELD HUNDRED (20-1) Mid. Somerset. contains the pars, of Broomfield, Creech St. Michael, Enmore, Goathurst, Lyng, and parts of Durleigh, Chilton Trinity, and N. Petherton ; acres 10,950, pop. 2992, houses 582. ANDERSON, or ANDERSTONE, par. (15) Coomb's Ditch hund. Mid. Dorset. 5 m. S. of Blandford- 103, on a branch of R. Stour. Acres 750 ; pop. 43 ; poor r. 147. (Blandf. U.) ; real prop. 10567. St. Michael Rect. (Sal.) val. 1467., patr. B. Tre- gonwell, Esq. of A. House. ^T ANDERSON par. q. s. in Barony par. Glasgow city, NW. Lanark. Pop. 3759. Living (Presb. Glasg.) vaL I., patr. Managers, etc. ANDERTON tnshp. (80) Gt. Budworth par. N. Cheshire, 2 m. NW. of Northwich-174, near Gd. Junct. rail, and Trunk canal. Acres 490 ; pop. 331 + 1, in the salt-works ; poor r. 104/. (Northw. U.) ; real prop. 12,4087. of which 10,8467. on mines, gap" ANDERTON tnshp. (87) Standish par. S. Lancash. 3 m. SE. of Chorley-208, near Bolton rail, and Manch. and Leeds canal, under Riving- ton Pike. Acres 1110; pop. 339; poor r. 1047. (Chorl. U.) ; real prop. 19727. ANDOVER DIVISION (12, 14) NW. Hants, con- tains Andover. and the hunds. of Upper and Lower Andover, Barton-Stacey, Upper Pastrow, Upper Thorngate, and Upper and Lower Wherwell ; acres (exclusive of Andover) 80,830, pop. 13,245, houses 2732. ifgp A. HUNDRED Upper half, in the above div. contains the pars, of Amport vie., with Appleshaw cur., Fyfield reel., Grately r., Kimpton r., Quarley r., Shipton-Bellinger t>., Thruxton r., AND AND 45 and S. Tidworthr. ; acres 18,430, pop. 2888, houses 563. Lower half contains Upper Clatford r., Knight's-Enham r., Foxcott, Monxton r., Penton- Mewsey r,, Weyhill r., and part of Abbot's Ann r.; acres 10,070, pop. 1173, houses 468. * A. DEANERY, archdy. and dioc. of Winch, contains the benefices in the above hund. and those in Upper and Lower Evingar, Up. and Low. Pastrow, Up. and Low. Wherwell, with Litchfield r., Over Wallop r., Nether Wallop . ** P. M. ANDOVER par. (12) locally in the above hund. 12 m. NW. of Winchester, 63 from London, or 65 by A. Road stat. as below, a polling and sessions town on A. Canal and R. Anton under the Downs, containing Fox- cote Cur., Charlton, Wildern, and 5 other hmlts. was the roman Andaoreon on the way to Ciren- cester, near Brehill (or Bury-hill) and Okebury camps the saxon Andefera, the seat of Ethel- red 994 (when Olaus of Norway was baptized, and a treaty made with the pirate Anlaf ) and the Andovere of ' Domesdy.', returns two mem- bers (since Eliz. and once in Edw. I.), the Reform bounds including Foxcote and Knight's Enham, no. of electors 243 (and of 10Z. houses 645); was first chartered by John, and under the late act is governed by a mayor (who is returning- ofBcer), 4 aid. 12 council, with the style of " bailiff, approved men and burgesses of boro' of A." and revenue of 12467. Acres of boro' 10,982, of par. 7670 ; pop. 4997, and 4941 + 10, some malt- sters and in the manufact. of shags for silk hats, etc. (formerly of shalloons) ; houses 953, with 4 chapels, new townhall (b. 1825) and market- place on arches, bank, savings bk., Hanson's free gram, school (20/.) found. 1569, Pollen's (10/.) and Sambourne's (307.) free schools, Pol- len's and Hanson's almshouses, and Union p. house ; assd. taxes 17047. ; poor r. 25567. on 88587. ; real prop. 16,5417. ; charities 1897. St. Mary Vic. (Wine.) val. 433/., patr. Win. coll. ; church, made (before Edw. I.) a cell to St. Florence ab. Anjou, was reb. 1849. A hosp. was founded Hen. III.'s time ; and it gives title of visct. to Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. A. Canal, 22 m. long, with a fall of 179ft. and 24 locks, begins at Barlow's mill and runs by the Anton, past Stockbridge and Eomsey to Southampton Water, at Redbridge. And. P. L. Union contains the pars. etc. in the hund. above (except Weyhill), with Andover, Barton- Stacey, Bullington, Chilbolton, Faccombe, Good- worth, Hurstborne Tarrant, Linkenholt, Long- parish, Tangley, Vernhams Deane, Wherwell, Penton Grafton, in Hants, and Chute, Ludgers- hall, N. Tidworth, Chute Forest, in Wilts. ; acres 83,525, pop. 16,998, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 2485 (out-door 2028), expend. 10,2067., prop, rated 86,9467. Sup. Registry comprises the same, except P. Grafton and Ch. Forest ; pop. 16,998 + 58. It belongs to Whitchurch New County Court. Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, Mid- Lent Sat. and Old May Day, cheese, horses, leather ; 1 Aug. sheep; 16, 17 Nov. sheep, horses, cheese, etc. Weyhill Fair, 10-16 Oct. P. ANDOVER ROAD, a station on S. West. rail. 9 m. ESE. of the above, 56 from London, is rising into a town. P. ANDOVERSFORD vil. (44) Dowdeswell par. E. Gloucester. 6 m. NW. of Northleach-82, on R. Isborne and the Cotswolds. ANDREAS. See KIRK ANDREAS, /. of Man. Andradswald, the Coel or Coed Andred of the Britons, was a forest in the Weald of Sussex, ex- tending into Hants, and Kent, 120 m. long by 30 broad, where Sigibert, King of Wessex, being driven from his throne, was slain by a swineherd. Was so called from the ancient city of Anderida, or Andredchester, near the modern Pevensey, or (according to Camden) Newenden on R. Rother, ruins of which existed in Stephen's time. Android ( ) 4 m. S. of Ballymena, W. Antrim, on Belfast rail. Andrew New Green (8) 1 m. SW. of Chertsey, N. Surrey. Andrew's (2) 6 m. SE. of Maldon, E. Essex. ANDREW'S (Si*.), or BALLYHALBERT, par. (18) Ards bar. NE. Down. 2 m. E. of Kircubbin-111, between Lough Strangford and the Irish Sea, containing Ballyhalbert, had a benedictine cell to Lonley abbey, Normandy, founded by John de Courcey before 1210, and given to the Archbp. of Armagh. Acres 4002, fertile and well culti- vated ; pop. 2656. Living, a Vic. (Pn. C. D.) val. with Ballywalter and Innishargy 404/., patr. Primate. ANDREW'S (ST.) DISTRICT, E. Fife, contains the pars, of St. Andrew, Anstruther Easter and Wester, Cameron, Carnbee, Crail, Denino, Elie, Ferry-Port-on-Craig, Forgan, Kemback, Kilcon- quhar, Kilrenny, Kingsbarns, Largo, St. Leo- nard's, Leuchar's, St. Monance, Newburn, a^:d Pittenween ; pop. 30,259, houses 6362. * P. M. &. ANDREW'S, ST., city in the above distr. 8 m. E. of Cupar, 41 from Edinbro,' a sub- port to Kirkaldy, on A. Bay and the North Sea, a decayed royal and parl. burgh, and seat of a university, containing Boarhills, Grange, Kincaple, and Strathkinness, was called Mucross before Ken- neth's time 870, had a mitred priory found. 1120 by Bp. Robert, where Bruce held his first par- liament 1309 ; was made the seat of the primacy 1471 by Pope Sixtus, and has remains of a castle b. 1200 by Bp. Roger, in which the infamous Card. Beaton saw Wishart burnt, and was murdered by Lesly 1546 ; returns one member with E. and W. Anstruther, Crail, Cupar, Kilrenny, and Pitten- ween, no. of electors 217 (total 751); was first chartered by Dav. I. 1140, and under the late act is governed by a provost, dean of guild, 4 bailies, and 29 council, with a revenue of 12567. the late provost being Major Andrews, who has greatly contributed to the renovation of his native town. Acres 11,000, well cultivated, with moory sheepwalks; pop. 6017 + 39, of city 3959 + 19, in a general trade and in the manufact. of balls for golf, which is played on the links by the sea-shore; houses 923, many ancient, in three principal streets, with 3 colleges as below, 8 churches and chapels, 3 banks, saving bk., water- works, and gram, school (close to Blackfriars, and) now joined to Madras college found. 1833 by Dr. Bell (a native, who left 60,0007. for it), where 800 pupils are taught classics, math., nat. philos., navigation, drawing, etc ; real prop. 29,0107. ; for poor 13797. Livings, St. Andrew's Charge, 1st. minister 4397., 2nd. 1627,, church, old, 162 ft, by 63, has mons. of Archbp. Sharpe the apostate (who was murdered by Balfour ofBurley on Ma- gus Muir), and others; St. Leonard's Charge (acres of par. 820, pop. 554) val. 1527., ch. is attached to the college, near the old ruined one. The University, founded 1411 by Bp. Wardlaw, is under a chancellor and rector, and comprises St. Salvador's coll. (found. 1458 by Bp. Kennedy, an unfinished quadrangle 230 ft. by 180, with the founder's effigies in the chapel), St. Leonard's coll. (1532, by Prior Hepburn), and St Mary's or New coll. (1552, by Abp. Hamilton, finished by Beaton, and lately restored) the first two being united, and having a principal, professors of latin, greek, math., logic, moral philos., nat. philos., civil hist., descriptive anat., chemistry, AND ANG with 150 students and 71 bursaries, the last one, which is devoted to theology, having a prin- cipal, professors of divinity, eccles. hist., oriental languages, with 30 students, 9 bursaries. A library of 51,300 books, and 63 MSS. supported by a parl. grant, is common to both. Parts of the S. walla and the gable ends are left of the cathedral, which, as begun 1 159 by Bp. Arnold and finished 1318 by Bp. Lambertin, was 350 ft. by 65 (or 180 through the transept), and was almost totally destroyed in one day 1559 by the people, after a sermon from Knox ; near it are the walls of the austin priory, and the very old tower (108 ft. high, 24 square) of St. Regulus, or St. Rule's, church. Remains are seen of an old gate, the fine chapel, etc. of Bp. Wishart's domi- nican or black friary (1274), and the old castle overlooking the sea, restored 1401 by Bp. Trail, and ruined 1547. There were also Bp. Kennedy's observantine friary (finished 1478), a collegiate church, etc. Many foreign merchants in pros- perous times came to the seuzie fair here, and as many as 200 sail filled the tide harb. which is ex- posed and rocky on the S. but safe for small craft ; the bay outside is clean, with 9 to 12 fath. Two fixed lights on the pier head, put up 1825, are NW. and SE., in lat 56, 20' N., long, 2 47' W., 30 ft. high, seen 6 m. ; another is on the cathe- dral. The ravages of a great boar, in Boar's Chase, about Boarhills vil. on Magus (Mucross?) Muir, which belonged to the see, are alluded to in the city arms. Patrick Hamilton and three others were burnt here by the dominant party. J> AND. (ST.) PRESBYTERY, synod of Fife, includes Aber- crombie, St. Andrew's*, Anstruther Easter* and Wester, Cameron, Carnbee, Crail*, Denino, Elie*, Ferryport-on-Craig*, Forgan*, Kemback, Kilcon- quhar, Kilrenny, Kingsbarns, Largo*, Leuchar's*, Newburn, Pittenween. Free Church Presb. in- cludes those marked *, and Strathkinnes. Epis- copal Ch. Diocese, ' St. And. Dunkeld and Dun- blane," includes Aberdour, Alyth, Meigle, Cupar- Angus, St. Andrew's, Blair- Athol, Blair-Gowrie, Cupar- Fife, Dunblane, Dunfermline, Dunkeld, and Strath-tay, Forfar, Kirkaldy, Kirriemuir, Muthill and Crieff, Perth. The see, found, about 700, and made chief by Kenneth, after a succession of 33 prelates, was constituted archiepiscopal, and in- cluded Aberdeen, Brechin, Caithness, Dunblane, Dunkeld, Moray, Orkney, Ross, Argyll, Gallo- way and the Isles, but upon the making of a separate archbishopric of Glasgow, it kept only the first eight, to which Edinburgh was added by Charles I. Douglas was the first protestant abp. and Ross, deprived 1688, the last; the bp. of Aberdeen is now primus, fairs, 2nd Th. Apr. linseed, etc. 1 Aug. 30 Nov. o. s. cattle and hiring. ANDREW, ST., par. (36) Dinas-Powis hund. SE. Glamorgan. 4 m. SW. of CardifF-160, has near it the remains of Dinas-Powis castle, b. by Gestyn ap Gwrgan, for his wife. Pop. 497 + 2 ; poor r. 255Z. (Card. U.) ; real prop. 2580Z. Living, a Beet. (Lan.) val. 398Z., patr. Ld. Chancellor; church, with monuments of the Howells of Bon- ville. d" ANDREW (ST.) MINOR par. (36) Ogmore hund. 5. Glamorgan. 4 m. SSE. of Bridgend-181, containing 1 house (Clementson, seat of the Franklins) and 18 persons, is a sine- cure Rect. val. 51. ; church, in ruins, igi" AN- DREW, ST., par. 2 m. WSW. of St. Peter's Port, Channel Islds. Pop. 1021 + 1. Living, a Rect. (Wine.) val. 150Z., patr. Governor. ^AN- DREW'S, ST., par. Mainland, Orkney Islds. 4 m. E of Kirkwall-328, between Deer Sound and In- ganess bay, is joined q. s. to Deerness. Size 5 m. by 2, heath and bog; pop. 926, many fisher- men ; real prop. 20147. ; for poor 40Z. Living (Presb. Kirkw.) val. 120Z., patr. Earl of Zetland, ifc ANDREW'S DEANERY. See AMOUNDERNESS, Lancash. Andrew's (St.) Hall (66) near Old Bucken- ham, S. Norfolk, Hon. Mrs. Herbert ANDREW'S (ST.)-LHANBRYDE par. 2 m. E. of Elgin-138, NE. Elgin, near Moray Frith, be- tween Rs. Lossie and Spey. Size "4 m. by 3, fertile hills ; pop. 1176 + 9, of vil. 174, in a woollen factory, distillery, and iron- foundery ; real prop. 4160Z. ; for poor 283Z. Living (Presb. Elgin) val. 207Z., patr. Crown and Earl of Moray, sometime held by Leslie, who wrote a " Survey of Moray." Druidical remains are found. ANDWELL ext. par. (12) Up. Nately par. NE. Hants. 3 m. E. of Basingtoke-45. Anerley (6) 1 m. SSW. of Sydenham, NE. Surrey, on Crovdon rail. Angela, St. "(16) 4 m. X. of Enniskillen, Mid. Fermanagh, on L. Erne. Angelrow, 2 m. SE. of Greenlaw, 5. Berwick. ANGELTOWN vil. (36) Newcastle Higher tnshp. S. Glamorgan, near Bridgend-181. Pop. 48. ANGERSLEIGH par. (21) Taunton hund. S. So- merset. 4m. SSW. of Taunton-141, under Black Down. Acres 340 ; pop. 42 ; poor r. 26Z. (Taunt. U.); real prop. 781Z. St. Michael Meet. (Ba. and W.) val. 111/., patr. Rev. H. T. Tucker, rector. ANGERTON, HIGH and Low, tnshps. ( ) Hart- burn par. Mid. Northmbrld. 7 m. W. of Morpeth- 289, on R. Wansbeck. Pop. 75 and 64. Angerton Moss ( ) 2 m. S. of Broughton, NIV. Lancash. on R. Duddon. ANGLE, or NANGLE, par. (38) Castlemartin hund. S W. Pembroke. 8 m. W. of Pembroke- 264, at an angle or corner of the S. side of Milford Haven, near the mouth, has lime quarries, and good anchorage in A. Bay, near the old Block House. Pop. 388; poor r. 270/. (Pembr. U.) ; real prop. 2203Z. St. Mary Vic. (St. Dav.) val. 80Z. and a sinecure Rect. val. 157Z., patr. Bishop. A. Hall, to Mirehouse of Brownslade, who has the manor. Angle Tarn ( ) 7 m. NNE. of Ambleside, W. Westmrld. at the head of Goldrill Beck in Pat- terdale, is one of the feeders of Ulleswater, about 5 acres large, with good trout Angtesboro' (57) 8 m. E. of Kilfinnane, SE. Limerick, Lord Massy. ANGLESEA or ANGLESEY, an isld. and county, NW. Wales, the Mon-a of Tacitus and the bri- tish Ar-von or ' furthermost,' was a great seat of the Druids, who, being attacked by Paulinus in 61, were driven out by Agricola soon after, was called Angles-ey or ' Englishmen's isld.' when overrun by Egbert of Wessex, became part of Gwynedd or N. Wales, and was subdued by Edw. I. ; is traversed by the Holyhead rail., and bor- dered by Menai Strait and Carnrvn. (SE.), Irish Sea (N.), St. George's Chan. (W. and S.). Length NW. and SE. 16 m. ; greatest breadth 19, av. ditto 13 ; relative size 47-10,OOOths ; circuit 80 m., of rocky coast, along which are Aber- menai ferry, Aberffraw, and Maltraeth bays, Red Stones rocks (dangerous), Holyhead isld. and bay with Stack light outside, Skerries rocks and light off Carnel Pt, Amlwch cove near Pt. Elian light, Puffin isld. and light, between Red Wharf and Beaumaris bays. It contains 271 sq. m. or 173,440 acres ; 50*,891 + 257 persons, of whom 11,217 are in Amlwch, Holyhead, Beaumaris. 26,517 are females, 23,690 under 20 yrs. of age, 48,031 county-born, 4100, or 8'1 per cent, live by commerce, trade, etc., 7720 or 15*2 pe,r ANG cent, by agricult. (2348 being farmers and gra- ziers), 234 by professions, 1094 are independent, 12,518 labourers and servants, etc. ; 11,487 houses, besides 879 empty and building ; 6 cwmwds or hun- dreds (in 3 cantrefs or districts), Llyfon (W.), Maltraeth fS.), Menai (SE.), Talybolion (W.), Twrcelyn (N.), Tyndaethwy (E.); 76 parishes; 6 market towns, Beaumaris the county town, Holyhead, Llangefni (new County Court), Llan- nerchymedd, Amlwch, Aberffraw (old seat of the princes of Gwynedd), Newboro', the first three being polling places ; returns two members to parl., viz. one for the county (elect. 2465), one for Beau- maris, Holyhead, Amlwch, Llangefni (el. 354) ; is governed by a lord lieut., high sheriff, de- puty lieuts., and about 25 magistrates ; is in N. Wales circuit, the Home military district, and comprises 1 poor law union (as below) and part of another (Bangor), and 6 deaneries, and 45 benefices, in the archdy. and dioc, of Bangor, province of Canterbury. Real prop. (1815) 92,5897., ('43) 165,3237. of which 58347. on mines; ditto rentals 68,495?. or 7s. per acre (wheat being 77s.), and 129,0637. or 14s. lOd. per acre (wheat 55s.) ; poor r. (see Union below) ; county income ('48) 21127. of which 15717. from co. rate (on a val. of 15,7007.) ; savings banks 1, with 64,0127. from 2142 depositors ; charities 19077. In '46-7, out of 76 pars. 35 had 44 church schools maintained at 12257. with 2585 child, attending, and 56 paid teachers (12 being monitors) whose salaries were 10247. and who had 19 teachers' houses ; out of these 13 were free schools, 6 sund. sch. only (with 46 teachers and 374 child.), and 21 in union with the National Soc. had 1561 child, and total grants of 6787. Committals for crime in '48, 22 (or 21 av. of 5 yrs,) of whom 15 were convicted, 2 were females, 9 could not read or write. Births, deaths, etc. (See N. WALES.) Climate mild, but foggy ; the surface, once wooded, is a bare moor, with a waste called " Talwrn mawr " running through it ; mica schist is the prevailing rock, with granite, lime- stone, gritstone, and a few beds of poor thin coal, coloured marbles, serpentine, soapstone, fuller's earth, potter's clay, magnesia, etc. are also found, and copper and lead abound at Parys mountn. which is worked in open day. Rivers are the Braint, Cevin, Devon, Allo, Dulas, and other small streams. Good oysters are caught at Penmon, puffins' eggs at Puffin isld., shell and other fish along the coast. Coarse woollens are made for home wear. Land mostly pasture and unenclosed, but im- proved by shell sand from Red Wharf bay and other parts of the shore ; oats, barley, potatoes, are the chief crops; about 6000 black cattle or runts are exported yearlv, besides sheep, which are the largest in N. Wales ; rotation of crops, etc. is little attended to; farms are held at will, farm-buildings and cottages are poor and mean. Among antiquities are part of a roman camp at Holyhead; druid stones (in- cluding traces of nearly 30 cromlechs) at Plas Newydd, Trer Dyrw near Llanidan, Llugwy, Pre- saddad, etc. ; old priory and cross at Penmon, a friary at Llanvaes, and one of Edw. I.'s castles at Beaumaris. Seats, are Marq. of Anglesea Plas Neurydd, Ld. Boston Llanidan, Bulkeley, Bt. Baron 7/i77, Meyrick of Bodorgan, Price of Cadnant, Lewis of Henllys, Lloyd of Llwydiarth, Panton of Plas Guyn, Jones of Tre-Iorworth, etc. From Menai bridge, the great Holyhead road leads for 22 m. past New Inn to that port. A rail, from Chester runs along the coast to Bangor, and being carried over the Strait by the Britannia Bridge (a cast-iron tunnel in two parts of 350 feet span), ANK 47 bends to the S. of the coach road, and terminates at Holyhead, whence to Dublin is 60 miles. Ang. P. L. Union contains the pars. etc. in the bunds, of Llyfon, Maltraeth, Talybalion, and Twr- celin (except Bodewryd), with Llangefni, Llan- gwyllog, Llanerchymedd, Llanbedrgoch, Llan- fairmathafarneithaf, Llanddyfnan, Pentraeth, Rho- dygeidio, Rhoscolyn, Tregayan ; acres , pop. 38,105, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 1785 (out-door 1481), expend. 13,8937., prop, rated 104,2587. Sup. Registry comprises the same ; pop. 38,106 + 81 ; births (1845), 1113 (544 being females, and 96 illegit.) deaths 732 marriages 219, of which 286 persons signed with marks ; many deaths from cholera in 1849. With Beaumaris sub-dis- trict (in fact all the isld.) it goes to Llangefni New County Court. ANGLESEY or ANGLESEA (11) Alverstoke par. S. Hants. 2 m. SW. of Gosport-77, a pretty watering-place, opposite Spithead and the I. of Wight, found. 1826 by the Marquis of Anglesey, with a terrace, crescent, baths, and reading-rooms, etc. Living, a Cur. with Alverstoke. Anglesey Abbey (51) 5 m. NE. of Cambridge, 5. Cambridge, now a farm, has some remains of a religious house found, by Hen. I. Angley or Hangley (6) 1 m. NNW. of Cran- brook, S. Kent. Hon. Capt. James. ANGLEZARKE tnshp. (89) Bolton-le-Moors par. Mid. Lancash. 3 m. E. of Chorley-208. Acres 2570, with stone quarries traces of lead, witherite, and carb. of barytes (a rare ore) ; pop. 164; poor r. 477. (Chorl. U.) ; real prop. 10067. ANGLIA. See EAST ANGLIA. ANGMERING par. (9) poling hund. Arundel rape, 5. Sussex, 3 m. SE. of Arundel-55, on S. Coast rail, was seat of the Palmers and Shelleys. Acres 3640; pop. 1002 + 8; poor r. 3407. (E. Preston U.) ; real prop. 64857. ; charities 37. St. Peter Vic. and Rect. (Chic.) val. 2587., patr. H. Reeks, Esq. Sir G. R. Pechell, Bt. R. N. ; church, has a brass (1598). ANGRAM hmlt. ( ) Muker chplry. 2V. R. York. 2 m. NW. of Muker-252, on R. Swale, near Shunner Fell. ^T ANGRAM tnshp. ( ) Long Marston par. York Ainsty, 4 m. NE. of Tadcaster -192. Acres 470 ; pop. 78 + 1. ^ A. GRANGE tnshp. ( ) Coxwold par. 2V. R. York. 4. m. N. of Esingwold-212. Acres 380 ; pop. 24. ANGUS, the ancient name of Forfar, gives title of earl to the Duke of Hamilton, formerly to the Douglases ; and has a native breed of ' doddies ' or polled cattle, in the woods, where they have been found for ages. ! ANGUS AND IUEARNS SYNOD contains the Presbyteries of Meigle, Forfar, Dundee, Brechin, Arbroath, and Fordoun. Free Church synod, the same. ANHID par. (30-1) Coshma bar. S. Limerick, 1 m. S. of Croom-127, on R. Maigue. Acres 981, good land; pop. 493 + 2. Living, a Prebend to St. Mary, Limerick, val. 337., patr. Crown; no church. ANICK and A. GRANGE tnshps. ( ) St. John Lee par. S. Narthmbrld. 1 m. NE. of Hexham -279 ; pop. 146 and 40. Anker River (62-3} rises at Bulkington, NE. Warwick, and runs NW. about 20 m. by Trent Valley rail, and Coventry canal, past Nuneaton Atherstone (near which it crosses Watling St.), to R. Tame at Tamworth, under A. Viaduct on the railway, 269 yds. long, on 19 arches. Ankerton (72) 2 m. NNE. of Eccleshall, W. Stafford, Anheruyke, Great and Little, (7) 2 m. WXW. of Staines, SE. Bucks, on the Thames near Runy- mede, had a benedictiue nunnery found. (Hen. II.) 48 ANK by Gilbert de Montfichet, and belongs to Harcourt, Esq. of A. House, of which family was the late abp. of York. A famous yew here 33 J ft. girth, is older than K. John's time. AnketeWs Grove or Mount Anketell (3) 9 m. N. of Monaghan, .ZV. Monagh. W. Anketell, Esq. ANKTON, or ANCTON, hmlt. (9) Felpham par. S W. Sussex, near Bognor-67. ANLABY tnshp. (86) Kirk Ella and Hessle pars E. R. York. 4 m. W. of Hull-174, near Selby rail. Acres 2020 ; pop. 423 + 3 ; poor r. 224Z. (Sculcoates U.) ; real prop. 3255Z. A. House, W. Vause, Esq., was seat of the Anlabys and Legards who had the manor. ANMEE par. (69) Freebridge Lynn hund. NW. Norfolk, 5 m. NE. of Castle Rising- 100, near Peddar way. Acres 1420; pop. 175 + 4; poor r. 41Z. (Docking U.) ; real prop. 1226Z. St. Mary Rect. (Norw.) val. 222Z., patr. H. Coldham, Esq. of A. Park. Ann (St.) Head (100) 6 m. NE. of Castletown, 1. of Man, in St. Anne, or Kirk-Santon, par. ANN, LITTLE, tythg. (121) Abbot's Ann par. NW. Hants. 2 m. SW. of Andover-63, near the canal. Acres 910 ; pop. 47. ANNE (ST.) SHANDON par. (74) Cork bar. and city, Mid. Cork, close to Cork-160. Acres 3143; pop. 24,639 + 89. Living, a Rect. (Ck. C. R.) val. 653Z., patr. Duke of Leinster and H. Longfield, Esq. Anna or Annagh (47) near Castlemaine, Mid. Kerry. Anna Hill (13) near Richhill, N. Armagh. Annabella (33) near Mallow, N. Cork. R. H. Purcell, Esq. Annabks (46) 3 m. S. of Luton, NW. Herts. Rev. W. Smyth. Annabuoy or Owenbuoy i. e. the yellow river, rises in Kinalea bar. S. Cork, and runs 16 m. E. to Cork harb. at Carrigaline, near Drake's Pool, where Drake took refuge from the Spanish fleet. ANNACAKRIGA vil. (37) Lower Tulla bar. E. Clare, 3 m. N. of Killaloe-110. Annachor or Annagor (27) 1 m. S. of Drogheda, E. Meath. ANNACLONE par. (34-5, 41) Upper Iveagh bar. W. Down. 4 m. SSE. of Banbridge-76, on R. Bann, has Tanvally and other forts. Acres 6544, well cultivated; pop. 3423. Living, a Rect. (Dn.C.D.) value 311Z., patr. Bishop. Annacloy River (21-2) rises near Hillsborough, N. Down, and runs SE. about 20 m. to L. Strang- ford below Killyleagh, where it is called Quoile R. ANNACOTTY vil. (6) County and City of Lime- rick, NE. Limerick, 4 m. E. of Limerick-119, on R. Mulcairn. Annadale (24) 3 m. E. of Drumshanbo, Mid. Leitrim. ANNADUFF par. (31-2, etc.) Leitrim and Mohill bars. iS. Leitrim, containing Drumsna-92, and Drumod, on R. Shannon, was the site of an abbey found. 766, near Derrycarne where a battle was fought during the Revolution. Acres 10,970 fertile, with bog and water, lime and stone quarries, and traces of iron ore; pop. 6162 + 29. Living, a Rect. (K. E. A.) value 599Z., patr. Bishop. Mount Campbell, late Adml. Sir J. Rowley, Bt. Annagarriff Lough (5) near L. Neagh, N. Armagh, and A. Wood. Annagarry Hill (41) 5 m. N. of Dunglow, NW. Donegal, 338 ft. high. ANNAGASSAN vil. (16) Ardee bar. E. Louth, 8 m. S. of Dundalk-50, where Rs. Glyde and Dee join Dundalk bay, in a pretty spot, has a small harb. the property of A. Thompson, Esq. ANN of A. House, who owns the manor. Pop. 193, some in the cornmills. Fairs, 17 March, 7 May, 22 July, 8 Nov. ANNAGELLIFF par. (20-1, 25-6) Upper Loughtee bar. Mid. Cavan, near Cavan-70. Acres 8260, middling ; pop. 3808, decreasing. Living, a Vic. with Urney. ANNAGH par. (11-2, 15-6) Lower Loughtee and Tulleygarvey bars. N. Cavan, 8 m. N. of Cavan -70, on the R. Erne, near A. Lough, contains Bel- turbet and Redhill. Acres 19,145, boggy; pop. 13,071 + 80. Living, a Rect. (K. E. A. ) val. 863/., patr. Lord Farnham ; E. ANNAGH Cur. val. 62Z., patr. Rector. A. House, . ggp ANNAGH vil. (7) Orrery and Kilmore bar. NW. Cork, 5 m. SW. of Charleville-146, on R. Awbeg, was formerly a bog with a fort in the centre, but now reclaimed and the linen manufact. established bv the Earl of Egmont. i^ Annagh (123) near Gort, S. Gal- way, R. Burke, Esq. gif Annagh (57) 7 m. S. of Tuam, N. Galway, R. Bodkin, Esq. M. P. (gT ANNAGH par. (29, 37-8) Corkaguiny and Trughanacmy bars. W. Kerry, 6 m. WSW. of Tralee-187, on the bay under Slievemish hills, contains Blennerville. Acres 13,735, chiefly bog and mountain ; pop. 3659 + 40. Living, a Rect. with Ballinahaglish. gg ANNAGH par. (102-3) Costello bar. SE. Mayo, containing Ballyhaunis -128, near R. Moy, was a cell to Cong ab. Acres 20,315, chiefly bog ; pop. 79,041 + 155. Living, a Rect. with Kiltullagh. Annagh Bog (7, etc.) Ballymoe bar. N. Galway, and Castlerea bar. Roscommon, near R. Suck, contains 4404 acres. gg A. Bog (39) 3 m. SW. of Castle island, Mid. Kerry, near R. Flesk, con- tains 1069. gg A. Castle (9) 6 m. W. of Bor- risokane, .ZV. Tippery. near Lough Derg, and A. Lodge. ^ A. Isld. (43, 55) Erris bar. W. Mayo, in Achill Sound, 3 m. E. of Achill isld. has a good salmon and herring fishery. giT A. Isld. (39) 4 m. SW. of Ballina, -ZV. Mayo, in Lough Conn. Ijaf A., or Annaghmore, Lough (2) near Clonas- lee, N. Queen Co. ggg" A. Peninsula (9) in the Mullet district, NW. Mayo, 5 m. W. of Belmullet. ANNAGHDOWN par. (56-7, etc.) Clare bar. N. Galway, 7 m. NNE. of Galway-133, on L. Corrib, was the seat of an ancient bishopric (with St. Brendan's nunnery and college), now united to Tuam, and has remains of a premonstratensian abbey. Acres 23,730, middling ; pop. 7108 + 100. Living, a Vic. (Tu. K. A.) val. with Lackagh and Killascobe 697/., patr. Bishop. A. House, . Annaghmore (24, 32) 2 m. N. of Clonaslee, border of -Kind's and Queen's Cos. Major B. Fox, near A. Lough, iggp Annaghmore (26) 2 ni. W. of Coolaney, N. Sligo, C. K. O'Hara, Esq. Annaghmore Lough (27) 2 m. N. of Crossma- glen, iS. Armagh. Annaghs (41) 1 m. SW. of New Ross, SE. Kil- kenny, on R. Barrow. Annagh-uan Isld. (78) Moycullen bar. W. Gal- way, E. side of the head of Kilkerran bay. P. ANNAHILT par. (15, 21-2) Kinelarty and Lower Iveagh bars. Mid. Down. 4 m. SE. of Hills- borough-89, has several old forts. Acres 6777, good, with bog and slate quarries ; pop. 3551, de- creasing, spinners and weavers ; charities, Shar- land's almshouses for 20 (105Z.). Living, a Rect. (Dn. C. O.) val. 413Z., patr. bishop. Larchfield, W. Mussenden, Esq. Annakissy (25) near Doneraile, N. Cork, G. Nagle, Esq. Annalee (17) near Cootehill, NE. Cavan. Annalee River (23) rises in E. Cavan, and runs W. 28 m. to L. Oughter, near Butler's Bridge. ANNALONG hmlt. (56) Mourne bar. S. Down. ANN 5 m. NNE. of Kilkeel-C9, on A. Creek, which is the only barb, on the coast. P. ANNALORE vil. (12) Dartree bar. Jr. Mo- nay/tan, 2 m. W. of Clones-76, on the Ulster canal. ANNALY or Conmacne, noAV LONGFORD, Ire- land, was a territory of the O'Ferralls, and gave the extinct title of baron to the Gores. P. ANNAMOE viL (18) N. Ballinacor bar. Mid. Wicklow, 9 m. NW. of Wicklow-31, on A. Rivulet (which runs from Lough Dan to R. Ovoca), in a pretty spot, near Glendalough, has remains of the O'Tooles' castle, and Derrylossary parsonage, where Sterne was saved from the mill- stream when a boy. Annamoy (8) near Blackwatertown, NW. Ar- magh. ANNAMULT ext. par. (28) Shillelogher bar. Md. Kilkenny, 3 m. XW. of Thomastown-75, on R. Nore. Pop. 458. Living, a Jtect. with Kells. A. House, Perry, Esq. * P. M. ANNAN par. 14 m. ESE. of Dumfries, S. Dumf. 79 from Edinbro', a stat. on Glasg. and Carl, rail., a sub-port to Dumfries, and a royal and parl. burgh, at the bridge on the Annan (as below), and the ferry to Bowness, containing Brydekirk q. s. par. was first chartered by Rob. Bruce, and burnt by the English 1298 ; contri- butes to return one member for Dumfries, no. of electors 172 ; and under the late act is governed by a provost, 3 bailies, 29 councillors, etc., with a revenue of 714/. Acres 16,000, fertile, with moss and moorland, stone, granite, and lime quarries ; pop. 5471 + 44, of town 4409, in the coasting trade, shipbuilders, gingham- weavers, and salmon- fishers ; houses 1004, with 2 churches, 3 chapels, town-house, market-place, 2 banks, cotton-mill, rope-houses, 3 schools ; real prop. 16,602/. ; for poor 997/. Living (A. Presb.) val. 279/., patr. Johnstone of Annandale ; church, has a good spire. New church, val. /., patr. Managers, etc. Dr. Blacklock, the blind poet, and the late Edw. Ir- ving were natives. A steamer goes to Whiteha- ven and Liverpool. * A. PRERYTERY, synod of Dumfries, contains Annan, Cumbertrees, Dornock, Graitney, Hoddam, Kirkpatrick Fleming, Mid- dlebie, and Ruthwell. A. AND CARLISLE Presb. United Assoc. Synod, Annan, Carlisle, Chapel- Knowe, Ecclefechan, Gt. Salkeld, Holywell, Lang- holm, Lockerby, Longtown, Maryport, Newcas- tleton, Penrith, Penruddock, Rigg of Gretna, Whitehaven, and Wigton. Mkt. D. Th. Fairs, 1st. Th. May, 3rd Th. Oct. for hiring. Annan River, i. e. " slow running," rises at A. Hill in Hartfell, N. Dumfries, and runs S. 30 m. through Annandale, past Moffat and Annan, to the Solway Frith at A. WATER FOOT vil. which had a tide light on Barnkirk point, after re- ceiving the Moffat, Evan, Wamphray, Ae or Kin- nel, Dryfe, Milk, Mein, waters. ANNANDALE STEWARTRY a district of Dumf. and the country of the Hallidays and Johnstones, on R. Annan, was a thick forest in the kingdom of Strath Cluyd, and province of Valentia, which came to the Braces by grant from Dav. I. from whom it fell to the Douglases, and since in great part to the Hopetouns. Some remains are found at Tassie's Holm, Lockerby, Birren's Hill, and Middleby, the roman Blatum Bulgium. Gave the extinct title of marq. earl, and baron to the chief of the Johnstones. P. ANNASCALLY vil. (44) Corkaguiny bar. W. Kerry, 9 m. E. of Dingle-220, a petty sess. and police station near Dingle bay. \Voodlawn, F. Bland, Esq. Annat, or Cumtnis, Water, runs over several falls to R. Teith, near Doune, S. Perth. VOL. I. 49 ANNATKIM vil. (1C) near Coolrane, W. Queen's Co. on R. Nore, was the site of an abbey. Annavilla (33) near Mallow, N. Cork. ANNE, ST. See ALDERNEY, Channel Islds. Annefield (18) near Donnybrook, Mid. Dublin. gS" Annefield (17) near Lucan, W. Dublin. ^Annefield (119) 6m. E. of Ballinrobe, 5. Mayo, C. H. Cromie, Esq. Annegrove (75) near Middleton, E. Cork. Annegrove Al>bey (23) 4 m. N W. of Abbeyleix, 5. Queen's Co. J. W. Scott, Esq. Annemount (75) 6 m. E. of Cork, SE. Cork. N. M. Coulmin, Esq. giP Annemount (25) 3 m. S. of Tallaght, S.Dublin. Anner, Avontar, or Honor, River (83) rises near Killenaule, SE. Tippery. and runs S. about 14 m. to the Suir, 3 m. E. of Clonmel, at A. Park, seat of Miss Osborne. Annery House (26) 3 m. NW. of Torrington, NW. Devon, on R. Torridge. Anne's, St. (19) near Ratheny, Mid. Dublin. B. Guinness, Esq. on Dublin bay. Annesborough (6) near Lurgan, N Armagh. ifaP*" Annesborough (34) 3m. NW. of Pilltown, 5 W. Kilkenny, flig" ANNESBOROUGH. See DRO- MARAGH, Down. Annesbrook (27) near Duleek, E. Meath. H. Smith, Esq. Annesgrove (26) near Castletownroche, 2V. Cork, \ Hon. Gen. Annesley. ANNF.SLEY par. "(71) N. Broxtow wap. W. Notts. 8 m. NW.byN. of Nottingham-124, near Newstead ab., in Sherwood forest, containing A. WOODHOUSE lnnlr. Wandesley, and Felley, was the seat, at the Conquest, of the Annesleys (now of Bletchingdon). Acres 3360 ; pop. 274 ; poor r. 137/. (Basford U.) ; real prop. 3223/. ; cha-. rities, Booth's 46/. to baptist or independent mi- nister, etc. All Saints Cur. (Line.) val. 52/., patr. the late J. Musters, Esq. (whose wife was Byron's Mary), of A. Hall, through the Cha- worths etc. ; church, old, with a font, brass of a forester and dog, and tombs of the Annesleys, who founded Felley priory and a castle in the park. ANNESLEY." See ANSLOW, Stafford. ANNESTOWN vil. (25) Middlethird bar. E. Wa- terfd. 5 m. WSW. of Tramore-104, a small port on St. George's Chan., near ruins of Castle Don- Isle. Pop. 149, decreasing, in the lead mines. Annet Island, one of the Scilly Islds. W. of St. Agnes, and once much larger, is uninhabited. AnnetiUe (26) 4 m. S. of Mullingar, S. West- meath, Robinson, Esq. Annfield, 1 m. ESE. of Tranent, W. Hadding- ton. ||iP Annfield, near Glasgow, W. Lanark. Annifer River (40) rises in Precelly mountns. NS. Pembroke. and runs to Newport bay. Anningsley or Annesley (8) 3 m. SSVV. of Wey- bridge, W. Surrey, was the seat of Thos. Day, who wrote ' Sandford and Merton.' ANNISTON. See AMESTON, Forfar. Annock Water, rises near Dunlop, N. Ayr. and runs SW. about 12m. through pleasant scenery to the Irvine, near Irvine, and A. Lodge, W. Montgomerie, Esq. Ann's Hill ( ) 1 m. NW. of Cockermouth, W. Cumbrld. A. Mackenzie, Esq., near R. Denvent. Ann's, or Anna's, Side ( ) 6 m. S. of Raven- glass, S W. Cumbrld. on the coast. Ann's, St. (71) 1 m. NE. of Nottingham, S.Notts. Ann's (St.) Cliapel (24) 3 m. S. of Modburv, S. Devon. 3 A. (St.) Hill (8) 1 m. W. of Chertsey, NW. Surrey, once the seat of C. J. Fox, and, till lately, of his widow, has a fine view to Shooter's andHampstead hills, Windsor, etc, Ann's (St.) Head (38) W. entrance of Milford E 50 ANN ANT Haven, Stir. Pembroke, lat. 51 41' N., long. 5 10' W. has two fixed lights (reb. 1800), 192 and 159 ft. high, seen 19 m. and 17, and which, in one, clear the Crow and Toes rocks. Annsborough (43) near Castlewellan, S. Down. Annsfield (34) 3m. NW. of Pilltown, SW. Kilkenny. Annsfort (23) 4 m. SE of Cootehill, E. Cavan, G. Powell, Esq. Annsyift (62) near Fethard, S. Tipperary, G. Gough, Esq. Ansam, Ad, of the Romans, a doubtful station, S. Suffolk, on the Stour, near Stratford (?). Ansel's End (46) 6 m. SW. of Stevenage, Mid. Herts. ANSFORD. See ALMSFOHD, Somerset. ANSLEY par (63) Hemingford hund. N. War- wick. 3 m. S. of Atherstone-107, on R. Bourne. Acres 3580 ; pop. 701 ; poor r. 438Z. (Atherst. U.) ; real prop. 4766Z. ; charities 47Z. St. Lawrence Vic. (Wore.) val. 116Z., patr. Ld. Chancellor; church, partly norman, with a fine tower. A. Park, seat of J. Chetwode, Esq. formerly of the Ludfords, has a Chinese temple, by Sir W. Chambers, and a hermitage, where T. Wharton wrote his " Beneath this stony roof reclined." ANSLOW, or ANNESLEY, tnshp. (72) Rolleston par. E. Staffd. 3 m. NW. of Burton-on-Trent -125, near G'd. Trunk canal. Acres 1920 ; pop. 278 ; poor r. WSl. (Burton U.) ; real prop. 3142Z. Anson House (80) 4 m. NE. of Knutsford. N. Cheshire. ANSTEY hmlt. (18) Hilton par. Mid. Dorset. 8m.WSW.ofBlandford-103. Pop. 200. l^r AN- STEY par. (47) Edwintree hund. NE. Herts. 4 m. NE. of Buntingford-31, near R. Quin, on Ermine St. Acres 2170; pop. 497+8; poor r. 312/. (Buntingf. U.) ; real prop. 3122Z. ; charities 81. Living, a Rect. (Roch.) val. 504Z., patr. Ch. Coll. Camb. ; church, cruciform, with font, stalls, and effigies of Nich. de Anstie, who built it out of a castle erected by Eustace Earl of Boulogne, at the Conquest, which belongs, with the manor, to the Lyttons. g-g" ANSTEY chplry. (63) Thurcas- ton par. Mid. Leic. 4 m. NW. of Leicester-96, near Swannington rail, on a branch of R. Soar, came from Ulverscroft ab. to the Greys of Groby. Acres 1400, formerly waste, now enclosed; pop. 838, stockingers (215 frames) ; poor r. 407Z. (Barrow U.) ; real prop. 3286/. ; charities 41Z. St. Mary Rect. with Thurcaston ; church, ancient. A. Hall, W. Martin, Esq., who has A. PASTURES ext. par. near the above, which came from Duchy of Lan- caster. Pop. 15. igp ANSTEY par. (63) Coventry county of the city, NE. Warwick. 5 m. NE. of Co- ventry-91, on Trent Valley rail, and Oxford canal. Acres 990 ; pop. 224, ribbon weavers (10 looms) ; poor r. 75/. (Foleshill U.) ; real prop. 2239/. ; charities, Million's school-house. Living, a Vic. (Wore.) val. 63/., patr. Ld. Chancellor. A. House, II. C. Adams, Esq. ijgp ANSTEY par. (15) Dun- worth hund. S. Wilts. 4 m. SE. of Hindon-94, under Whitesheet hill, has a barn which was part of Walter de Turbeville's preceptory of the Hos- pitallers, found. 1210, val. 811. Acres 840 ; pop. 329 ; poor r. 233Z. (Tisbury U.) ; real prop. 1601/. St. James Don. (Sal.) val. 22Z., patr. Lord Arun- del of Wardour ; church, the oldest in the diocese, has an old font. Dr. Zouch, the civil lawyer, a native, 1590-1660. ANSTEY, EAST, par. (21) S. Molton hund. N. Devon. 10 m. E. of S. Molton-178, under A. Hill, on R. Yeo. Acres 2170, hillv ; pop. 240 + 8 ; poor r. 671. (S. Molt. U.) ; real prop. 1630Z. ; charities 21. St. Michael Rect. (Exet.) val. ISO/., patr. T. Jessop, Esq. igp A., WEST, par. as above, 1 m NW. Acres 2820 ; pop. 279 + 5 ; poor r. 162?. (S. Molt. U.) ; real prop. 1886Z. ; charities 71. St. Peter Vic. (Ex.) val. 132Z., patr. Dean and Chap. giP A. House (51) 2 m. S. of Cambridge, S. Camb. near the rail, and R. Cam, was seat of Anstey, author of " The New Bath Guide." Roman urns, etc. have been found. Anstie- or Hanstey-bury (8) near Dorking, Mid. Surrey, on Stane St., is site of a roman camp, with a good view. Saxon coins found 1817. P. ANSTON par. (82) S. Strafforth wap. W. R. York. 12 m. ESE. of SheflSeld-162, near Chester- field canal, contains A. NORTH and SOUTH tnshp. (acres 3110; pop. 921), and Woodsetts. Acres 4490; pop. 1102 + 26, starch and nail makers; poor r. 368Z. (Worksop U.) ; real prop. 4490Z. St. James Cur. (York) value 79Z., patr. Preb. of Laughton. gif A. Grange (72) 5 m. NNW. of Ashborne, W. Derby, near R. Dove. * P.M. ANSTRUTHER EASTER, or ANSTER, par. St. Andrew's distr. E. Fife. 13 m. SE. of Cupar, 37 from Edinbro', a sub-port to Kirkcaldv, on the Frith of Forth, and a royal and parl. burgh under the Anstruthers, joined to A. WESTER, as below, by a bridge over R. Creel, contributes to return one member for St. Andrew's (elect. 55), was first chartered by James VI. and under the new act is governed by 2 bailies and 19 councillors with a revenue of 246Z. Pop. 997, decreasing, in a coasting trade (which emplovs 66 vessels of 3098 tons belonging to the port, which is a small tide harbour) in herring fishery, etc. ; houses 189, with church, 3 chapels, custom-house, 2 banks ; real prop. 1115Z. ; for poor 183/. Living (Presb. St. And. j val. 132Z., patr. Sir W. An- struther, Bt. of Elie. 'Maggie Lauder' of the song, Dr. Chalmers, and Profes. Tennant the linguist, author of ' Anster Fair,' were natives. Mkt. D. Sat. grain. Fairs, 1st Thurs. after 11 Apr. 5 July, 11 Nov. * A. WESTER par. close to the above, with which and Kilrenny it forms one town, containing May isld. (which is claimed by Craill), is a royal and parl. burgh contributing to St. Andrew's (efect. 10), first chartered by Jas. VI. and under the new act governed by 2 bailies and 15 councillors, with a revenue of 102Z. Acres 600 ; pop. 449, in a small trade, which with the salmon fishery has declined since the Union ; real prop. 2068Z. ; for poor 55/. Living (Presb. St. And.) val. 142Z., patr. Sir W. Anstruther, Bt. ; church, in pointed style. Ansty House (12) 1 m. NE. of Alton, NE. Hants. W. Deacon, Esq. Ant River (66, 68) rises at Antingham, NE. Norfolk, and runs SSE. about 13 in. past N. Walsham, to R. Bure, at Horning. ANTHONY (ST.) IN MENEAGE par. (31) Kerrier hund. SW. Cornwall, 7 m. E. of Helston-276, on the Channel at R. Helford's mouth, is near Gt. and Lit. Dinas british camps, commanding fine views. Acres 1410 (or 1265), slaty ; pop. 313 + 1 ; poor r. 708Z. (Heist. U.) ; real prop. 2295Z. Living, a Vic. (Exet.) val. 101Z., patr. Ld. Chancellor ; church, old, with a font and granite tower, was a cell to Tywardraeth priory, found, before Rich. I. Meneage by an old writer is said to " abound with metals." gif A. (ST.) IN ROSELAND par. (31) W. Powder hund. SW. Cornwall, 3 m. E. of Falmouth-269, on the Channel near St. Mawe's. Acres 710 (or 571), slaty, with a bed of shell at Forth 30 ft. above high-water mark ; pop. 144 ; poor r. 35Z. (Truro U.) ; real prop. 1264Z. Living, a Don. (Exet.) val. /., patr. Sir S. T. Spry ; church, part norman, with tombs of the Sprys of Place Ho., which is on the site of Bp. Warle- wast's austin priory cell to Plympton, found. AXT 1124. At the end of the RSs or Rhos (i. e. penin- sula) is A. Point light, lat. 50 9' X. long. 5 0' \V. Co ft. high, flashing white every minute, and seen 12 m. from SE. round (seaward) to Falmouth barb. Off this is the Old Wall rock with 26 ft. water. ANTHORN tnshp. ( ) Bowness par. NW. Cum- brld. 7 m. NW. of Wigton-303, near A. Lake, on R. Wampool. Pop. 207. ANTIXGHAM par. (68) N. Erpingham hund. NE. Norfolk, 3 m. NW. of N. Walsham-125, at the source of R. Ant. Acres 1530 ; pop. 271 + 3 ; poor r. 2067. (Erpingh. U.) ; real prop. 31297, ; charities, 2 coombs of wheat. St. Mary Rect. (Norw.) val. 2627., patr. Lord Suffield and Windham, Esq. ; church, of flint, with a brass of a Calthorpe. St. Margaret Rect. with N. Walsham ; church, in ruins. Antivestteum Prom, of Ptolemy, is the Land's End, Cornwall. Antonine's Wall from the Forth to the Clyde, now Grime's Dyke, was made by the 2nd legion under Urbicus, Antonine's lieutenant, to join the 21 forts built by Agricola, and consisted of a thick rampart 2*0 ft. high, and a ditch, with a road on the S. side. From Caeridden by Falkirk, Castle Cary, Kirkintilloch, Calder, to E. and W. Kilpatrick, its length was 36 m.; and remains of it, with a roman bridge, are to be seen at Duntocher, which was a principal station. AXTOXY (ST.) JACOB par. (24) East hund. S. divis. SE. Cornwall, 4 m. W. of Devonport-217, on Lynher creek, contains Torpoint Cur. Acres 2860 (or 2903), coarse slate ; pop. 2894 ; poor r. 9627. (St. German's U.); real prop. 11,4627,; charities Sir C. Carew's school, etc. 127., besides a yearly gift of beef and wheat. St. James Vic. (Exet.) val. 2627., patr. Rt. Hon. W. H. P. Ca- rew of East A., of which family was Richard, author of the ' Survey of Cornwall ' (born 1555), and John the one-handed ; church, has canopied brass of Margery Arundell (1420), and tombs of the Carews. Thancks, dowager lady Graves. Anton, or Test, River (11-2) rises near Whit- church, N. Hants, and runs bSW. about 27 m. along Andover canal, past Wherwell (near which R. Test from Amport joins), Stockbridge, Rom- sey, to Redbridge on Southampton Water, called Trisanton, i. e. Traeth Anton, by Ptolemy. Anton East (12) 2 m. N. of Andover, NW. Hants. Antona Fluv. of the Romans, is the Warwick Avon. Anton's Gout (69) 3 m. NW. of Boston, SE. Lincoln, a cut or canal into R. Witham. Anton's Hill, 4 m. SE. by E. of Greenlaw, S. Berwick. ANTRIM (68 sheets) a seaside county in Ulster, NE. Ireland, on the N. Channel, was the seat of the JJamnii, and later of the O'Shiells, O'Haras, O'Neills, and the M'Donnells from Argyll, who divided it into Dalnaruidhe and Dalaradia, is watered by Rs. Main and Bush, and bordered by R. Bann and Londondy. (W.), L. Neagh, Tyrone and Armagh (S\\.), R. Lagan and Down (S.), Belfast lough (SE.), the N. Chan, and Atlantic (E. and X.). Length, from Lis- burn XX" W. to Bengore Hd. 66 m., greatest breadth 25, av. ditto 20; relative size 366- 10,000ths ; circuit 170, of which 90 is a bold rocky coast, having along it Ballvcastle and Carrick- fergus fishery districts (with 121m. reckoning bays, etc. of boundary and 636 vessels and 2061 hands, in 1849), also 23 Coast gd. stations with 145 men, Belfast harb. and lough, Black Head, Larne lough (the best harbour, inside of Island Magee, AXT 51 which is really a peninsula) and light, Glenarm bay (off which are the Hunter and Maiden rocks and lights), Red bay (where the red sandstone shows itself), Fair head (the ancient Rabogdium Prom. 636 ft. high), Ballycastle bay opposite Rathlin (which has ruins of Brace's cast.), Bengore Head, the Giant's Causeway, and the Skerries off Portrush. It contains 1164 sq. m. (including Rathlin) or 745,177 acres, of which 503,288 are arable, 176,335 uncult. mountain and bog, 53,288 under water (chiefly Lough Neagh), 1908 in towns; 360,875 + 3526 persons, of whom 90,549 are in Belfast, Lisburn, Carrickfergus, Bally- mena, 17,966 are farmers, 188,484 females, 177,487 under 20 yrs. of age, 337,957 county born, 67,947 families, of whom 30,375, or 45 per cent., live by trade, manufact. etc., 33,956, or 46 per cent., by agricult., 37,164 by manual labour, 38,427 in 3rd and 4th or lowest class houses; 57,806 houses, besides 4540 empty and building; 14 baronies, Upper and Lower Antrim (centre), Up. and Low. Belfast and Up. and Low. Massereene (S.), Up. and Low. Glenarm (E.), Up. and Low. Toome and Kilconway (W.), Up. and Low. Dunluce and Cary (X.); 74 parishes (Killead, the largest, 42,048 acres), besides parts of 9 others; 12 inkt. towns, Carrickfergus (the capital, etc. 112 m. from Dublin), Belfast, Antrim (old boro'), Ballymena (police head quarters), Ballymoney, Lisburn (county hosp.), Ballycastle, Larne, Ran- dalstown (old boro'), Portrush, Broughshane, Glenarm the first five being sess. courts, and with Cushendall, police stations (with 229 men at 38 stations) the first seven (after Carrick- fergus), poor law unions and there are 3 fever hospitals and 20 dispensaries ; returns six members to parl. (instead of 10 before the Union), viz. 2 for county (elect. 1314), 2 for Belfast (el. 4701), 1 each for Carrickfergus (el. 1232) and Lisburn (el. 164); is governed by a lieut. and custos, high sheriff, 22 deputy lieuts., about 108 magis- trates, is in the Belfast military district, and NE. circuit, and comprises 8 deaneries in the diocese of Connor, and archdioc. of Armagh. Gross rental 650,5097. or 18*. 4^d. per acre; county valuation 474,3537. ; val. as rated to poor 675,2087. ; co. rate 61.586/. Savings banks (1848) 3, with 113,4297. from 5032 depositors ; loan funds 5, with a capital of 14,0907., and circulating 58,0717. Schools (national) 308, with 26,728 children at- tending, in '41, 18,722 went to schools of all kinds, and 70,213 persons could not read or write ; av. no. of committals 1845-8, 603, of whom 400 were convicted. Surface hilly, rising in parallel ridges, which strike from Lough Neagh XE. -wards to the coast, where they terminate in great basaltic headlands, at the Giant's Causeway, etc. Highest points inland are Divis (1567 ft.) and Cavehill (1185) near Belfast; Agnew's Hill (1558), Big Collin (1159), Slemish (1437), Carngormach (1431), and others, about Larne and Glenarm; Tristan (1810) the highest of all, and Slie- vanee near Cushendall ; Knocklayd (1685) near Ballycastle: all chiefly basalt or trap, with clay slate to X*E. and sometimes alternating with beds of red ochre, or overlying chalk (too hard to be worked), red sandstone, and other secondary rocks; bituminous coal found in small quantities near Fair Head, appears to ! have been worked at an early date. Rivers ! are, the Lagan, which unites Lough Neagh and i Belfast and waters the most cultivated part of the county ; the Crumlin, Six Mile water, and Maine, which supply the lough ; the Bann, whirh runs from the latter and with the Bush falls into the Atlantic. L. Neagh, 48 ft. above low E 2 ANT APE tide, and the largest freshwater lake in the kingdom, and L. Beg, are the only lakes of con- sequence. Large tracts of bog occur, the greater part reclaimable. Linen is the staple article of industry, and in the manufact. of this, of cotton and coarse woollens, great part of the people are engaged; in '47 (a bad year) 1018, and 9246 were employed in the cotton and flax mills re- spectively. Other manufactures in and near Belfast are damasks, tobacco, bonnets, ribbons, glass, iron, etc., with paper at Antrim. Cod, ling, pollocks, conger are caught in the sea, and salmon in the rivers, at Carrick-a-rede and else- where. Mineral waters at Ballycastle, Knock- laid, Kilroot, Tsld. Magee. Climate, dry and pleasant ; the fertile soil is along the rivers ; acres in crop ('48) 227,573, of which the chief are oats 100,849, potatoes 37699, wheat 11,296, turnips 10,991, peas and beans 4540, barley 3319, flax 2895, meadow and clover 54,054 ; estimated val. of stock (in '41) on 24072 farms above 1 acre, was 723,7571., including 23,901 horses, etc., 71,328 cattle (a poor breed), 18,297 sheep, 35,104 pigs, 158,586 poultry, etc. but by '48, the sheep and cattle had nearly doubled; goats are kept on the hills, much butter and cheese sent to mar- ket ; agriculture is improving ; estates are large, and about 14,000 acres are in plantation. Among the antiquities are, cromlechs at Colin, Slieve True, Cairn-graine (sun-cairn), Mt. Druid, etc. ; old forts at Killead, Muckamore, Donegore, Kil- conwav, Dunmacalter, Dunmaul, Drumfane, etc. ; round towers at Antrim, Armory, Truemery, Ram's isld. in L. Neagh ; abbey ruins at Bona- margy, Glenarm, Glynn, Muckamore, Killead, and cathedral remains at Connor; old castles at Carrickfergus (where Fergus, the leader of the Scots was drowned), Green cast., Older- fleet, Chichester, Red bay (belonged to the Bissets of the Glynns), Court Martin or Cushen- dall, Dunluce (the M'Donnells), Bruce's in Rath- lin, Shane's (the O'Xials), Dunseverick, Ken- bane, Cast. Robin, Portmore. Principal seats are, Marq. of Donegal Belfast, Earl of Antrim Glenarm. Cast., Vist.Massareene-4n A. Presbytery, includes Antrim, Ballyclare, Banbridge, Belfast, Clough, Downpatrick, Holy- word, Larna, Newtownards. Mkt. D. Tu. and Th. Fairs, 1 Jan. 12 May, 1 Aug. 12 Nov. ANTROBUS tnshp. (80) -Gt. Budworth par. N. Cheshire, 4 m. N. of Northwich-174, belongs to Sir E. W. Antrobus, Bt. of A. Hall. Acres 2560 ; pop. 489 + 1 ; poor r. 1857. (Runcorn U.) ; real prop. 32797. Living, a Cur. (Ches.) val. , patr. Vicar. Antron (33) 2 m. W. of Helstone, S W. Corn- wall. Anvil Point (16) 5 m. E. of -St. Alban's Head, SE. Dorset. ANAVICK par. (70) Flaxwell wap. Mid. Lincoln. 4 m. NE. of Sleaford-115, on the canal. Acres 1820; pop. 314+8; poor r. 847. (Sleaford U.) ; real prop. 24877. ; charities 47. St. Edith Vic. with Brauncewell. AXWORTH par. 7 m. NW. of Kirkcudbright, -104, S. Kirkcdbt. where R. Fleet runs into Fleet bay, on Wigton bay, contains part of Gate- house of Fleet. Acres 9000, arable and hilly (1100 ft. at Cairnhurrah) ; pop. 883 + 5; real prop. 39767. ; for poor 2007. Living (Presb. Kirk- cud.) val. 2487., patr. SirD. Maxwell, Bt. heritor, of Cardoness cast, on the bay, which has a fine prospect. The pious Saml. Rutherford, to whom a monument has been raised on Boreland hill, was minister. Rusco tower in ruins. Aoreidh, or Aray, Water, rises near Loch Awe, Mid. Argyll, and runs S. about 7 m. over several falls through A. Glen, to Loch Fine at Inverarv. Apedale ( ) 6 m. WNW. of Leyburn, N. R. York, on a branch of R. Ure. igS" A. Hall (73) 3 m. NW. of Newcastle-under-Lyne, NW. Staf- ford. Apesdale (54) 2m. NE. of Bromsgrove, NE. Worcester. APESTHORPE. See APPLESTIIORPE, Notts. P. APETIIORPE par. (64) Willybrook hund. NE. Northmptn. 5 m. N. of Oundle-78, on a branch of R. Nen, contains Moorhay lodge in Rocking- ham forest. Acres 2630 ; pop. 269 ; poor r. 1037. (Oundle U.) ; real prop. 32837. ; charities, lady Mildmay's for sermons, poor, etc. 667. St. Leonard APE APP Cur. (Pet.) val. 807., patr. Preb. of Xassington ; church, has painted windows, stalls, and tombs of the Mildmays. A. I^xlge, Earl of Westmoreland, has some pictures and a statue of Jas. I. who first saw his favorite Villiers here. APETON hmlt. (62) Gnosall par. W. Stafford. 5 m. SW. of Stafford-141. Apewood, or Abbott's, Castle, near Seisdon, S W. Stafford, a british camp, with a fine prospect. Apiatorium, of the Romans, is near Carlisle, njumbrld, Apley (10) near Ryde, I. of Wight, S. Hants. XL Bennett, Esq. was" built by Boyce, a smuggler. APLEY par. (83) W. Wraggoe wap. Mid. Lin- coln. 3 m. SW. of Wragby-143, near R. Lang- worth. Acres 1240 ; pop. 162 + 1 ; poor r. 24/. (Lincoln U.); real prop. 14707, St. Andrew Cur. (Line.) vaL 20/.,patr. T. T. Drake, Esq. of Stain- field, whose ancestors the Tyrwhitts' old seat is now a farm here ; no church, {gi" A. Park (61) 3 m. X. of Bridgnorth, E. Salop. T. Whitmore, Esq. has a noble terrace by R. Severn above a mile long, commanding a fine view. ijif" A. Head (82) 4 m. E. of Worksop N. Notts, close to Clumber park, igr A. Castle (61) 1 m. N. of Wellington, E. Salop, under the Wrekin, was " the hedde howse of the Charltons " in Leland's time. Appelbischire, before the Conquest, was the name of Westmrld. from APPLEBY. Apperfield near Cudham, Kent, the saxon Apul- dre, or Apletree of Lambard, an ancient manor of that family, now of J. Christy, Esq. Apperknowle (82) 2 m. E". of Dronfield, NE. Derby. APPEELEY hmlt. (44) with Whitefield, Deer- hurst par. N. Gloucester. 3 m. SW. of Tewkesbury -103, on R. Severn. Pop. 427. A. Court, Miss Strickland, igp APPERLEY tnshp. ( ) St. Peter's Bywell par. S. Northmbrld. 9 m. ESE. of Hexham-279. Pop. 34. P. APPERLEY BRIDGE vil. ( ) Eccleswill and Calverley tnshps. W. R. York. 8 m. WXW. of Leeds- 189, on Liverpool canal, the Midld. rail., and R. Aire, commands a fine view, and has a school for Wesleyan ministers' children. APPERSETT hmlt ( ) Hawes chplry. N. R. York. 4 m. SW. of Hawes-249, in Widdale, under Cam fell, at R. Ure's head. P. APPERTOX. See ALPERTON, Middlesex. P. APPIN par. with Lismore, Lorn distr. N. Argyll. 12 m. NXE. of Oban-124, containing Duror par. q. s. and Lismore, is also the general name of this fine mountain locality, which be- longed to the " Stuarts of Appin," of the Ettrick shepherd's song, extending from the Airds (seat of the Campbells) to the Vale of Glencoe and watered by Lochs Linnhe, Leven, and Creran. Size along the coast 63 m. by 12, with good slate quarries at Ballachulish, limestone, granite, and quartz; pop. 4193, decreasing; real prop. 15,6837. Living (Presb. Lorn) vaL 213/., patr. Duke of Argyll. A. House on Loch LLnnhe, seat of Downie of Appin. Castle Stalkir in ruins. Applebury Street (1) 3 m. XW. of Waltham Abbey, SE. Herts, near A. Cottage Mrs. Fairfield. P. APPLEBY par. (63) Sparkcnhoe hund. W. Leicester, and Repton hund. Derby. 6 m. S\V. of Ashby-de-la-Zou<'h-115, near the canal, at the point where these counties meet Stajf'd. and Warwick, is a meet for the Atherstone hounds. Acres 2020; pop. 1075; poor r. 154/. (Ashby U.); real prop. 6960/. ; charities 335/., of which 3267. to Sir J. Moore's free gram, school, found. 1669. St. Michael Rect. (Pet.) val. 7507., patr. G. Moore, Esq. of A. Hall; church, old, with a monument \ to an Appleby. igT APPLEBY par. (86) X. Manley wap. N. Lincoln. 6 in. XW. of Brigg-155, on Ermine St. near R. Ancholme, contains Ra- venthorpe. Acres 5180; pop. 505; poor r. 2407, (Brigg U.) ; real prop. 59167. St Bartholomew Vic. (Line.) val. 150/., patr. C. Winn, Esq. of A. House. P. APPLEBY ST. LAWREXCE and A. ST. MI- CHAEL, or BONDGATE, pars. ( ) East ward, NE. Westmrld. 270 m. NXW. of London, and 10 m. from Shap on Prest. and Carl. rail, the county (?) assize, sessions, election and polling town, on R. Eden, near a branch ofWatling St. containing 10 tnshps. was (or Ambleside?) theroman Galacum; gave name to the shire in the Confessor's time and later to a division called the " bottom " of Westmrld, ; was granted by the Conqueror to Ra- nulph de Meschines, and came thro' the Engains, Morvills, etc. to the Viponts (K. John), and Clif- fords; was burnt by the Scots 1175 and 1388; ravaged by pestilence 1598, and taken by the parl. 1648, after a defence by Anne the celebrated Countess of Pembroke ; is a boro' by prescription (first chartered by Hen. II.) returning two mem- bers from Edw. I. till disfranchised by the Reform act, and is governed by a mayor, 12" aid. 16 bur- gesses. Acres 19,900 ; pop. 2519, of town 751, de- creasing. Houses 176, with 2 churches, chapel, town and shire halls and shambies (b. 1770-1), market-house by Smirke(1811) on the site of the cloisters, county gaol in Bondgate (1771) near the old chapel (b" before 1480) at the old 2-arch bridge, bank, two crosses ; Q. Elizabeth's gram, school (2167., with 6 exhibitions at Queen's Coll. Oxon.) where Bp. Bedell, Langhorne, and many others were educated, and which had some ro- man inscriptions reciting the misfortunes of the town, found here and put up by Bainbrigg, then master, and the friend of Camden ; the Countess Ann's hosp. for 13 widows near the high cross (512/.), found. 1563. Poor r. 416/. on 62557. (East- ward U.) ; real prop. 19937. ; charities 9107. of which for bridge, school, etc. 1227. St. Lawrence Vic. (Carl.) val. 3067., patr. Dean and Chap. ; church, at one end of the town, ha&the tombs of "Ann Dorset, Pembroke, and Montgomery," of famous memory (who rebuilt it), and other Cliffords. St. Michael, or Bondgate, Vic. val. 1757., patr. Bishop ; ch., has tombs of the Hiltons of Murton. A. Castle with its portraits (of the Countess, etc.), armour, MSS. et. as rebuilt (Hen. VI.) by the Cliffords, represented by the late Earl of Thanet, is on a hill, and includes Caesar's town, etc. A white friary and priory (found. 1281 by the Clif- fords) and laaar-house stood in Bondgate ; Colby belonged to the Warcops ; Barwise, to the Met- calfs ; Crackenthorpe (near which roman re- mains have been found), to the Machels, a family as old as the Saxons, and now to Earl of Lonsdale. Bp. Thomas de A. (died 1395) ; Bp. Roger de A. (d. 1404), Bp. Thomas de Viteripont, or Vipont, (13th cent.) were natives. ; and it is the head quarters of the co. militia. The Sup. Registry of East Ward, constitutes Appleby New County Court district. Mkt. D. Sat. fairs, Whitsun eve, cattle ; Whit Monday, linens, hiring ; 10 June, cattle ; 21 Aug. woollens, cheese, cattle. APPLECROSS par. in the Highlands of W. Ross. 11 m. WXW. of Jeantown-225, on A. Bay, between Lochs Torridon and Carron, containing Shicldag q. s. and Crolin isld. is calkd 'Comrich' in gaelitv because it had a religious house \\iili the priTilege of 'sanctuary.' Size 15 m. by 15, barren mountain pasture on red sandstone, "with lime quarries, and traces of copper at Kishorn ; pop. 2861 (primitive and gaelic-speaking) in the E 3 APP APP herring, salmon, and other fisheries; real prop. 25247. ; for poor 242/. Living (Presb. Lochcar- ron) val. 158/., patr. crown. A. House, T. Macken- zie, Esq., chief heritor. APPLEDORE tythg. (21) Burlescombe par. NE. Devon. 7 m. ENE. of Tiverton-165, near Gt. West, rail., the "Western canal, and R. Culm. Pop. 195. APPLEDORE, or A. EAST and WEST, tnshp. (26) Northam par. NW. Devon. 3 m. NNE. of Bideford-201, a healthy and beautiful bathing- place and sub-port to Bideford, on the bay, at R. Torridge's month, where Earl Odun and the men of Devon (878) defeated Hubba the Dane, which is commemorated at Odun hall (the Hogges' seat) under Hubberstone hill. Pop. 2174, in the coasting-trade, dockyards, etc. Liv- ing a Cur. (Exet.) val. 1507., patr. Vicar. A bank of stones, 2 m. long, called Pebble-ridge, lines the shore. P. APPLEDORE par. (4) Blackbourne hund. Scray lathe, SE. Kent, 5 m. SE. of Tenterden-55, once a mkt town, on Military canal and R. Rother in Romney Marsh, was attacked by the Danes in the time of Alfred 893 (who built a castle here), and by the French 1380. Acres 2760, marshy with pasture ; pop. 561 ; poor r. 3367. (Tenterd. U.) ; real prop. 57277. St. Peter Vic. (Cant.) val. with Ebony 1857., patr. Arch- bishop ; church, later eng. with a recess in the chancel, belonged to Christchurch priory, fairs, 11 Jan. 22 June, cattle, pedlery. APPLEDRAM par. (9) Box hund. Chichester rape, SW. Sussex, 2 m. SW. of Chichester-62, on the harb., near S. Coast rail, and Arundel canal. Acres 1070 ; pop. 156 + 4 ; poor r. 99/. (W. Hamp- nettU.); real prop. 20117. St. Mary Cur. (Chic.) val. 347., patr. Dean and Chap. ; church, early eng. had a chantry, and stands near A. House, an old Tudor building. APPLEFORD chplry. (13) Sutton Courtney par. N. Berks. 3 m. SE. of Abingdon-56, on Oxford branch rail, and the Thames. Acres 760 ; pop. 187 + 1 ; poor r. 1287. (Abingd. U.) ; real prop. 16797. APPLEGARTH par. in Annandale, Mid. Dum- fries. 2 m. NW. of Lockerby-67, on Rs. Dryfe and Annan, contains Sibbaldie and Dinwoodie. Acres 1 1,500, good and well cultivated (736 ft. high at Dinwoodie hill) ; pop. 837, decreasing ; real prop. 71797.; for poor 817. Living (Presb. Lochmaben) val. 2507., patrs. Sir W. Jardine, Bt. of Jardine hall, and Johnstone of Annandale. ^T Applegarth ( ) 3 m. W. of Richmond, N. R. York, on R. Swale. giT A. FOREST hmlt. ( ) Bowes tnshp. N. R. York. 11 m. X. of Muker-252. AppUsham (9) 1 m. Is W. of Shoreham, S. Sus- sex, near S. Coast rail, and R. Adur, a meet for Mr. Napper's hounds. P. APPLESHAW par. (12) Upper Andover hund. NW. Hants. 4 m. WNW. of Andover-63, near the Downs, contains A. Bottom, Danse, and Tilley Down. Acres 850 ; pop. 372 + 2 ; poor r. 1527. (And. U.) ; real prop. 22787. ; charities 27. Liv- ing, a Vic. with Amport. A. House, Col. Duke. Fairs, 23 May, Frid. and Sat. before Weyhill Fair, for sheep, of which 70,000 have been "sold in a day. ^gf A. BOTTOM in the above and Weyhill pars. Pop. 43. APPLESTHORPE, APESTHORPE, ALBLESTHORPE, or HABLESTHORPE, par. (83) Bassetlaw wap. NE. Notts. 5 m. E. of E. Retford-141, contains Coates. Acres 1040; pop. 109; poor r. 167. (E. Retf. U.) ; real prop. 14517. ; charities 627. Liv- ing, a Cur. (Line.) val. 817., patr. Bishop ; church, a ruin. APPLETHWAITE tnshp. ( ) Windermere par. ! W. Westmrld. 4 m. SE. of Ambleside-276, in Troutbeck Vale, near A. Common. Pop. 436. St. Catherine's Chapel, now a farmhouse near Cal- garth Park, on Windermere. gaf" Applethwaite ( ) 2 m. N. of Keswick, Mid. Cumbrld. under Skiddaw, has a fine distant view of Derwent Water. P. APPLETOX par. (13) Ock hund. NW. Berks. 4 m. NW. of Abingdon-56, on R. Thames, contains Eaton. Acres 2300 ; pop. 496 + 5 ; poor r. 2227. (Abing. U.); real prop. 33527.; cha- rities 517. of which 167. to Fettiplace's school. St. Lawrence J?eJ< A. PRESBYTERY, synod of Angus and Mearns, contains Arbroath, Lady Loan, Arbirlot, Barry, Carmylie, Camoustie, Inverkeillor, Friockheim, Panbride, Inverbrothock, Guthrie, Kinnell, Kirkden, Lunan, and St. Vigean's. Ditto Free Church, the first 10 of the above. Ditto United Assoc. Synod, Arbroath, Brechin, Car- noustie, Forfar, Johnshaven, Letham, Montrose, Muirtown,and Newbigging. Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, 31 Jan. 3rd Wed. June, 18 July. Arbury or Harboro' (51) 2 m. N. of Cam- bridge, S. Cambridge, a camp near Gogmagog hills, where on a hill roman remains have been found. From ' ard ' high, and 'burg,' or bury, a fort. Igp Arbury (46) 5 m. NNE of Baldock, N. Herts, is part of a roman camp, on Icknield St. giP ARBURY tnshp. (80) Win- wick par. S. Lancash. 3 m. N. of Warrington -184, near Liverpool rail, is joined to HOUGH- TON, and stands on the roman way. $aP Arbury, (53) 3 m. SW. of Daventry, W. Nortkmptn. abritish remain, on the way to Alcester ; and A. Hill near Thenford, S W. Northmptn. is on the same road. (gp A. Banks (53) 1 m. W. of Chipping Warden, jS W. Northmptn. a roman camp on Watling St. ^iP A. Park (63) Chilvers Coton par. N. War- wick. 3 m. SW. of Nuneaton-100, seat of C. N. Newdigate, Esq. M.P. was reb. by Sir Roger (who found, the Newdigate prize poem, and died 1806), on site of an old priory, and has some of G. Gibbons' carvings, the rare Astley picture (time of Hen. VI.), etc. ARBUTHNOTT par. 3 m. NW. of Bervie-88, SE. Kincardine, on R. Bervie. Acres 9890 well cultivated, with mineral springs, freestone, trap, and traces of manganese; pop. 1015+7; real prop. 65927. ; for poor 1447. Living (Presb. For- doun) val. 2257., patr. Viscount Arbuthnott, of A. House on the River, who takes hence his title ; church, old, with monuments of Principal Ar- buthnott (who built the fine aisle), the witty Doctor (the contemporary of Pope and Swift), and others of the family. Allardice cast, belongs to R. B. Allardice, Esq. ; Kair, J. J. Kinlock, Esq. once the Sibbalds' seat. Arbutus Isld. (74) in the Upper Lake of Killar- ney, S. Kerry, so called from the trees here. Arcadia (48) 2 m. N. of Abergaveany, NW. Monmouth. F. Woodhouse, Esq. Arcany, or Erkina, River (34) rises near Eirke, SW. Queen's Co. and runs E. about 10 m. past Rathdowney to the Nore, near Durrow and A. Lodge. Arch Cavern (1) near Portacloy NW. Mayo, on the coast, is 30 ft. high, and wide enough for a boat to row through, under a trap cliff which rises 600 ft. sheer above it. ^Jp A. Hall (48) 5 m. SE. of Colchester, NE. Essex, on R. Colne. Archaia, or Arkaig, Loch, 10 m. N. of Fort William, S. Inverness. 10 m. long and 1 broad, near A. Glen and Loch Lochy, in the midst of fine scenery, is the spot where Pr. Charles was hid by the Camerons of Achnacarry, after the battle of Culloden. ARCHDEACON-NEWTON tnshp. ( ) Darlington par. S. Durham, 3 m. NW. of Darlington-241. Acres 910 ; pop. 63. ARCHENFIELD. See IRCHINGFIELD, Hereford. ArchenhiU (55) 9 m. WSW. of Worcester, W. Worcester. Archer Lodge (12) near Sherfield, N, Hants. Archer's Court (3) 2 m. of Dovor, E. Kent. Archerstown (41) near Thurles, Mid. Tipperary, seat of H. Langley, Esq. giP Archerstown (8) near Drumcree, NE. Westmeath, S. A. Eeynell, Esq. Archfield (19) 4 m. W. of Ready, W. Armagh. Archhall (18) 5 m. NW. of Navan, N. Medth, S. Garnet, Esq. ARCIIIESTOWN vil. Knockando par. E. Elgin. 2 m. N. of Inveraven-116, near R. Spey. Pop. 174. ARCLEDON hmlt. ( ) Plumbland par. W. Cumbrld. 7 m. NNE. of Cockermouth-306, has coal-mines. Arclet, or Arklet, Loch, between Lochs Katrine and Lomond, NW. Stirling, under Ben Lomond. ARCLID tnshp. (80)Sandbach par. SE. Chesh. 2 m. E. of Sandbach-162. Acres 610 ; pop. 121 + 5. Arcot ( ) 7 m. N. of Newcastle, SE. Northm- brld. G. Storey, Esq. Ard Loch, 3 m. W. of Aberfoil, SW. Perth. on R. Forth, near L. Katrine and the Trossachs, though small is one of the most beautiful of the scotch lakes. Under the oak from which ' Bailie Nicol Jarvie ' hung, is an echo ; and at the head is the fall described in 'Waverley.' 'Ard' or " Aird," a high head or point. }< A. DEANERY, archdy. of Coventry, dioc. of Worcester, contains the benefices marked in Hemlingford hund. with Anstey vie., Arleyreci., Astley cur., Balsal Temple c., Burton Hastings c., Egbaston v., Honiley r., Milverton c., Packwood c. ARDEN vil. New Monkland par. N. Lanark. near Airdrie-32. Pop. 646. Ardenconnel House, 1 m. NW. of Helensburgh, W. Dumbrtn. J. Colquhoun, Esq. on Gare loch, was the Buchanans' seat. ARDEN-WITH-ARDENSIDE tnshp. ( ) Hawnby par. N. R. York. 7 m. NW. of Helmsley-222, on Humbledon moor, was the site of a benedictine nunnery, found. 1150, val. 12/. Acres 9090, moor- land ; pop. 137 ; poor r. 43L (Helmsl. U.). A. Hall, D'A. Tancred, Esq. AHDEONAIG. See Loch Tayside, Perth. ARDERRA par. (42) Iverk bar. S. Kilkenny, 4 m. SW. of Mullinavat-87, belonged to JEEPOINT ABBEY (which see). Acres 777 ; pop. 300, de- creasing. P. ARDERSEIR par. 10m. NE. of Inverness-161, NE. Invern. on Moray Frith, containing Camp- belltown and Fort George, belonged to the Bp. of Ross and the K. Hospitallers, and has remains of Cabbac stone cairn. Size 2J m. by 2, fertile, but sandy near the sea; pop. 1475 + 21; real prop. 1561/. ; for poor 132/. Living (Presb. Nairn) val. 158/., patr. Earl of Cawdor, heritor. Arderyth of the Britons, is AIRDRIE Lanark. where Rhydderch of Strath Cluyd defeated Aldan of Kintyre 577. ARDESS hmlt (6) Lurg bar. N. Fermanagh, 2 m. E. of Kesh-118. ARDESTIE old par. united to Monifieth, Forfar. P. M. a. ARDFERT par. (20-1, 28) Trughan- acmy and Clanmaurice bars. NW. Kerry, 6 m. NNW. of Tralee, 198 from Dublin, on Ballyheigue bay, near the Stacks mountns, a sess. and police station, the decayed seat of a bishopric, and a bo- rough returning 2 members under the Crosbiesfrom 1639 till the Union ; was founded by St. Brendon in 6th cent; burnt 1089,1151 (by Cormac O'Culen), and 1179 ; was taken by Stack 1599, by Sir C. Wilmot 1600, and had its castle and cathedral destroyed 1641. Acres 10,134, moorland and sand, with traces of copper ; pop. 4334, of town 655 ; houses 123. Living, a Beet. (Lk. A. A.) val. 101/., patr. Bishop ; church, is part of the cathe- dral, and has effigies of a bishop. It had a leper house, a ' university,' and a round tower (till 1780) ; and belongs to Earl of Listowel. A. Abbey, Mrs. Crosbie, includes the fine ruins of a franciscan monastery found. 1253, by Lord Kerry of Lisnaw, with tombs of the Crosbies, Earls o"f Glandore ; Tulrid, J. O'Connell, Esq; Rahanane cast, in ruins, and once the seat of the bps., is at Barra, the only harbour on the coast. >i< A. DIOCESE, sometimes called Kerry, united immemorially with Aghadoe, and since 1663 with Limerick (Lk. A. A.), archdioc. of Dublin, comprised (1833) 87 pars, in Kerry and part of Cork, 48 benefices, 35 churches; extent 66 m. by 61, or about 1,160,000 acres; pop. 261,641; net val. of benefices 13,58 1/. At present the benefices are 53, of which 18 are in patronage of Bp., 11 of Crown. Mkt. D. Th. Fairs, Whit Mond. 9 July, 15 Aug. ARDFIELD par. (135, 144) Ibane bar. 5. Cork, 4 m. S. of Clonakilty-188, near Gully Head in Ross bay, has a ruined castle. Acres 2645, fertile, with traces of copper ; pop. 2460 + 44. Living, a Vic. (Ck. R. C.) val. 96t, patr. Bishop ; church, in ruins. P. ARDFINNAN par. (82, 88) Iffa and Offa bar, S. Tipperary, 5 m. SE. of Cahir-110, a petty sess. and police station, on R. Suir, between the Knock- mealdown and Galtee mountns. with remains of a monastery found, by St. Finian, and of a castle b. 1183 by K. John, and destroyed by Cromwell. Acres, 1813, fertile, with lime; pop. 1214 + 44, ARD of vil. 530. Living, a Rect. (Ca. E. W. L) val. with Rochestown and Neddins 289/., patr. Bishop. Fairs, 2 Feb. 17 May, 19 Nov. Ardfry Peninsula (94) 3 m. S. of Oranmore, 8. Galu-y. on Gahvay bay, near A. House, Lord Wallseourt. Ardgarten House 2 m. W. of Arroquar, E. Argyll. Campbell, Esq. near the vale of Glencoe. Ardgittan (5) near Balrothery, AT. Dublin, Hon. and Rev. E. Taylor. P. &. ARDGLASS par. (45) Lecale bar. SE. Down. 6 m. SE. of Downpatrick, 103 from Dublin, a coast-gd. and police station, sub-port to Newry, fishing and bathing place, on A. Say, in the Irish chan., under A. Ward Hill (which has a fine prospect) belongs to Major Beauclerc through the Fitzgeralds and Ogilvies, and has remains of Jor- den's, Cow'd, Margaret, and King's castles, also of the Tower and Ardtole church near Ardtole Ward hill and cavern. Acres 1137, arable, with good rubblestone quarries; pop. 1433, of town 1066, in the fisheries, which employ 300 to 400 boats. Living, an impropriate Rect. ; no church. A. Castle, seat of Ogilvie, Esq. whose family have been great benefactors, includes part of an old pile called the New Works, supposed to have been oc- cupied by the early traders, of Hen. IV.'s time. A. Light is building on the pier, in lat. 54 15' X. long 5 36' W., in place of one that had fallen. Gave title of earl to the Cromwells and now of visct. Barrington of A. to that family. Ardglass (23) 8 m. NE. of Athlone. W. West- tneath, A. P. Bond, Esq. Ardgonnell, or Ardgowell, Castle (15) near Mid- dleton, W. Armagh, a ruined stronghold of the O'Neills. Ardgour House, 8 m. SW. of Fort William, N. Argyll, seat of A. M'Lean, Esq. in A. District, between lochs Sheel and Eil. See KILMALIE. Ardgowan House, 1 m. NW. of Innerkip, NW. Renfrew. Sir M. R. S. Stewart, Bt. on the Frith of Clyde, near A. Point, comes through Sir Jno. Stewart son of Rob. III. who bestowed it 1390. ARDGROOM vil. (108) 14 m. SW. of Kenmare. S. Kerry, in Kenmare River, on A. Harbour. Ardiffery, near Ellon, E. Aberdeen. J. Gam- inell, F.sq. Ardigion (24) near Killyleagh, E. Down. R. Heron, Esq. Ardincapk, 8 m. SSW. of Oban, W. Argyll on the coast. (j^" A. Inn, near Helensburgh, W. Dumbrtn. on the Frith of Clyde, P. ARDINGLEY par. (9) Buttinghill hund. Lewes rape, Mid. Sussex, 3 m. NE. of Cuckfield-38, near Bright, rail, contains Hapsted. Acres 4780 ; pop. 742 + 16 ; poor r. 671/. (Cuckfi. U.) ; real prop. 34 14/. Living, a Rect. ffihic.) val. 498/., patr. J. F. W. Peyton, Esq. of Wakehurst Place ; church, has tombs of the Wakehursts and Cul- peppers, and 2 brasses of Nic. Culpepper, his wife, 10 sons, and 8 daughters. AnniNGTOx par. (13) Wantage hund. NW. Berks. 2 m. E. of Wantagc-60, on a branch of the Thames, near Gt. West. rail, and Wilts and Berks, canal. Acres 1310; pop. 405; poor r. 230/. (Want. U.) ; real prop. 3385/. ; charities 2L Holy Trinity Vic. (Oxon.) vaL I., patr. Ch. Ch. Coll. At A. House, late seat of the Clarkes who had the manor, died 1849, R. Vernon, Esq. who gave the " Vernon Gallery" of pictures to the nation, and whose tomb is in the church. Ardinode (29) near Ballymore Eustace, E. KU- dare. P. ARDIXTENNY hmlt. Strachur par. SE. Ar~ 7 vessels and steamers; hut luvorary and l.oohi;ilphead have a got*! herring tisliory. fantyiv and thereabouts. tho oratllo of tho Scottish kin^s. was peopled hv tin- /.'/iiy Hrnoo near liimaxvo his territory xx as :;i\i'ii to thf Stu.irts. xx lionee it eamo to tho Campbells. Old castles aro, Hunoon noar the burial place of tho Arnylls. Hunolly (Iho Mae- doupils old soat), llnmstaffna^o (whence the ooronation stono was taken) noar Anlehattau priory; MaoNaiighton's east. on tho lloathor isle. in L. Awo is near Inishail nunnorv and Kilohurn oast. Scats aro, l>uko of Argyll Inriniri/ Cast. Camoron, lit. l-'ussfi-ni. < >rde, lit. Kilimrrt/, Kiddell. Ml. Antmi'mun-lMn, A. Campbell. 111. H,ir,;il,tine. -Ino. Campbell. 111. .tints //<>. 1>. ('ani]iboll, Knt. /hiHstujfinnn; Cameron of /.oe/iei/. (\-nn|)boll of .turn, of Isli, of XoufAti//. oto. Fleming of Inixtorr, M'Alistor of (,'lrnlxir. M'Poupill of (iWA.mioA. Maodouijal of M.. Maelaehlan of .V.. Mat-loan of .In/your, of (W/. etc. ; tho MaoArthurs xx ere seated abi'iit I.. Awe, the Ma. Nan.-'.liteiis on 1.. I'xne. tho Maeijrofjors in (Jlonoivhy, oto. Tho ( 'ri nan en mil ( roin Lot h Ciilpaeross Cant ire, though onlx ;i in. loni;-, saves a distanoo t>f I'JO bv sea round tlio Mull, anil ri.sos li'.' ft. with III looks. /iixiiLi : 1. Kdinbro' to (Jlas.uow (rail.) Id. to Dum- barton ,'iS, alon.iV 1.. Lomond to l.iiss 71. and Tarbot nt tho head of 1.. l.oii;v , :>. Cainullui Inn ill, round L. K\ no to Inrrrun/ 10-t, llinm^li (iloiiarv In I.. A\\o and Palmallv in (ilonorohv 12(1, Tynnnilt under lien I'niaoiion l;t'J, ()/'ii/i Ml; thonoo by steam thi-outjh Stmnd of Mull to Sk\i', or to Statl'a and lima; or to tho lattor, iliiou^h the isle of Mull. 2. Invorary to Dal- mallv li'., i\ ndriini 1'S. Kind's I louse inn I.', Ciloneoo (tho birth |)laeo of Ossian) near L. l.evin, \\ilh lien Ne\ is to the ri;;lu ,K, A|i|>ill ill l.orn 1'iS; or (Jloneoo to liallahulish ten \ t'.l, Car- ron ferry fi7, Strontian in Morvon 77, "JMinffnrry ea>t. in Anlnamiirohan '.."). 3. Invornry to Looh- jjilphead 'J.'i. \V. Tarbot a'.l, Camjiboltown at tho bottom of Cantiro 7.'> ; or l.oeli^il|iheatl to llallo- naoh and Kiel !,">, across Sound of Jura to iMgff li-rr\ .'.'!. tliroii : ;h .Jura and noross Solllltl of l^l:i to ArKaii; ferrv 7.'!, I!o\\morc88. Nearly all the islands, and tlio loohs .in tho mainland, aro visited by steamors from ( ilav;, . ,\ \KI.\II, l>isri;ifT, ooiitajns tho pars, of Ard- namnrehan with Smmrt (j>art), Craijjnish, Inis- li:iil, luvorary and (ilonary, Kilmallio (partX Kilm.irlin, Ki'lmi. hael (ilassary. South Kna|itlalo; with Aharaolo, Strontian. HaHaehulislvaiul Looh- j,'il|>head if. a. ; pop. 17,h(8, housos ,'{4<>;i, real prop. I'.i./.-iii/. * \. S^^,,|., in.ludes Itute and Ar.'.xll. anil Iho inventories of Inverary, liiiiiooii. Kin t \ iv, Kl;i and .Inra, l.orn, Midi, foinprisin;v. "iili 1.'! parl. elnuvlir-,. . .1. KonefioM. /Vw Cktin-li. the samo. /-.'/i/xco/i. t'/i. l)i,>,;*r, \\.:y\\ ami the Kir-,' inelndos Mallaehiillish, Ounoon, P'ort \\ il- liam, I. of Skyo, rorlnaeroish, Kothesay in lluto, Slornowayin l.o\vis. l''onnimkfld, it eomprohondod Aiy,\ll. l.orn, Kintyro, and l.oehabar, \\ilh some of tho isK -, Blioh as Lisinoro. \\liore the bishop's seal as. .trirmm l.ofh, ill Morvon, .V. An/i/ll. load-- into L. Aline oil tho Sound of Mull. .Iriiiaili, n Hh'ulrt ( 1(18) rises iii Carri^fatltla hill N. ('ark, ami nins 12 in. K. past Tiinoloii^uo to < '"intmafshorn bay, with plolity of .salmon, oto. 01 Errigal* 3/onwfn. (42) 10 m. NE. of l>nn-iow, N. DonryaJ, is -J it'.'J it., tho hi^ho.st in the oonnty. Ariffmi (17} Uo centre of tho Commught ooal and iron distia t. ,.n a -troam of tho same name, l>onlors of Isitrim and A'o-vnwi. noar Lou^h Allen, is the richest in Ireland. The eoalliold eovers 2(1,000 aorx-s, and tho iron-stone yields ,'iS per eoin. of metal, exeoedinu; an\ other distriet. l.aixo sums have IHHSU sunk in attomptin^ to work tho mines, but to this day they aro comparatively unproductive. Limcatono also alKnmds. AIUSAIO. See ARASAIQ, /Nrerwcw. Ark H'ear (18) 6 m. NW. of Abingdon, JV'W r . Eerim. on the Thames. Arkaiy. JHH* Archniff, /HiWMfM. AKKKNDAIJC chplry. ( ) Kmircsboroiigh ami Farnham pars. H . Ji. } or*. ;i m. N 1. , i Knar, s- boro'-202. Acres 1020; pop. 201; poor r. 11 U (Gt, Ousebnrn lucent.); real prop. 3H04/. St, Bartholomew Cur. (Kip.) value (!*ar. A'. /.,IH<: 10 lit. N' K. of l.anoaslor-:' 10. on K. Lumi. Acres 2020; pop. 107 t t' ; poor r. 1JMA (Lane, U.) ; real prop. 82587. ; charities 147. Liv- ing, a (W. (Maneh.) value W/.. pair. Yiear. AKKI.K limit. ( ) Arkon^arth Halo par. as alioxe. A'. l\. } ,>r/;. Arklchy ( ) about 3 nu E. of Alloiiby, If. Cmnbrld. noar Alary port rail. AiiKi.i-sinr hmli.f )('arlton Hi^hdalo tnshp. X. It. York. C> m. S\\ . of Middleham-Stt, AiiKunv HAKONY (35-(5, etc) SK. H'irltl,i', contains Wicklow, the pars, of ArKlow, liallon- toniplo, Castloiiiaeadam, Himi-.aiisiown, MIIIIO- reilly, Kilbrido. Killahmler. Kilpoole. lu-doross ami jiarts of Hrumkav, (ilonoaly, Inoh, and Kil- eonnnon ; aores (;7,;i,')7, mi. val. 62,1U>7/., imp. 2i'>.2C.;i, houses 'MM. P. Auuii.xx p.u. t, lit. .J.'i) in tho above lur. !.'> m.SSNV. of \\-ieUlo\x. ..Ofrom Dublin, whoio K. Ovoea runs into .t. Unit, in the Irish Sea. under (Yoghan hill, a sill i- port to I 'iililm. . o.isl : .d.. pott \ sessions, polieo, and lishin;; station, belonged to the l''il/x\allers xx ho found. (Hon. 11.1 a ( istor- tian monastorx and eastlo; \\.-is taken lix tho l'.n;;lish r.'.si.'lmrnt |,x ihoOTooles |;i|i;. ciU,-,, by Lord do llirniin^ham l.i.'il.lix tho b'oxali-ls h'.ll. l>x 'rom\xfll llil'.i, and xxaslhe fpot 'where tho rebels xx ere defeated I . '.is, l.\ ( 'ol. Skerrott. "d b:;ht soil, hillx, xx ith Inno and mail; pop. t;-j;!7. - of low n L'.'i.Vl. d, , Iho lishorios pxhieh employ about J.-Ove--,-! x. and in a small eoast-trade; lion os .il't'i. \\ilh .' ohajiols, oourt-hoii-.e. haiiaeks (pail of the old oa.-.tlo), wivings bank, di-pni-aix, lexer hospital. 61 ARK ARM 19-arch bridge. Living, a Red. (Du. G. K.) val. with Killahurler and Kilgorman 206/., patr. Bishop ; church, later eng. Near the old monas- tery grains of gold have been found. Skelton abbey, Earl of Wicklow. It is the head-quarters of co. militia, and gives title of baron to Mar- quis of Ormonde. A. Bank, 8 m. off, in St. George's chan., is 10 m. long and 1J wide, with 3 ft. to 4 fath. on, and 13 to 20 fath. off it ; a beacon buoy opposite Ballynacarrig hill is at the N. end, and the Star floating light, at the S. (off Tara hill) is in lat. 52 42' N., long. 6 0' W., 25 ft. high, seen 9 m. Inside is A. Ba.\, with anchorage in 6 to 8 fath. Mkt. D. Th. "Fairs, HJan. 22 Mar. 19 Apr. 14 May, 28 June, 9 Aug. 25 Sept. 15 Nov. ARKSEY par. ( ) N. Strafforth wap. W. R.York. 2 m. N. of Doncaster-162, on R. Don, is joined to BENTLEY. Pop. 226. Living, a Vic. (York) val. 113Z., patr. Sir W. B. Cooke, Bt. of Wheatley. Arkum Street (47) 2 m. NW. of Clare, SW. Suffolk. Arlaw Banks ( ) 3 m. E. of Barnard-Castle, S. Durham, near R. Tees, Mrs. Lonsdale. ABLE tythg. (44) Cheltenham par. Mid. Glou- cester, near Cheltenham-95. Real prop. 2854. ARLECDON par. ( ) Allerdale above Derwent ward, W. Cumbrld. 5 m. ENE. of Whitehaven -294, contains Frizington and Whillymoor. Acres 5700, with coal, lime, and ironstone ; pop. 558 + 8 ; poor r. 98/. (Whiteh. U.); real prop. 3668Z. Living, a Cur. (Ches.) val. 100Z., patr. Bishop. AKLESCOTE hmlt. (53) Warmington par. SE. Warwick. 4 m. ESE. of Kington-83, near Nad- bury camp ; pop. 43. ARLESS vil. (32) Slievemargy bar. SE. Queen's Co. 5 m. NW. of Carlow-49, has on the site of the old church, the mausoleum of the Grace family. Pop. 231 + 3, hi the yarn and linen manufacture. ARLESTON lib. (71) Barrow-on-Trent par. S. Derby. 3m. S. of Derby-126, is joined to SINFIN. gg ARLESTON hmlt. (61) Wellington par. E. Salop. 1 m. SE. of Wellington- 142. Pop. 181. Arley (38) near Mount Nugent, S. Cavan, on L. Sheelin, seat of Lord Farnham, a great bene- factor to this part. ARLEY par. (63) Knightlow hund. N. Warwick. 5 m. WSW. of Nuneaton-100, on R. Bourne, con- tains Sloley hilL Acres 2130 ; pop. 265 ; poor r. 62Z. (Nuneat. U.); real prop. 306 1/.; charities 36Z., of which 15Z. to Avery's school, and 31. for poor from one ' Shakespear.' St. Wilfrid Rect. (Wore.) val. 351Z., patr. Rev. R. R. Vaughton, rector. A. Hall, . Arley Hatt (80) 4 m. NNE. of Northwiek, N. Cheshire, R. Egerton Warburton, Esq., b. 1409, has A. Mere in the Park, gg" A. Hall (89) near Wigan, S. Lancash. C. Chisenhale, Esq. ARLEY, UPPER, par. (55) S. Seisdon hund. S W. Stafford. 5 m. NW. of Kidderminster-126, on R. Severn. Acres 5160; pop. 667; poor r. 252Z. (Kidderm. U.) ; real prop. 5284Z. ; charities, poor's land, etc. 35Z. St. Peter Cur. (Lich.) val. 255Z., patr. Earl of Mountnorris, of A. Hall, which has a camp in the wood ; church, commands a fine view. ARLINGHAM par. (43) Upper Berkeley hund. W. Gloucester. 7 m. N. of Berkeley-114, on R. Severn, near the ferry to Newnham, and Br. and Glost. rail., in a marshy spot, with a good view of the river, etc. Acres 2300 ; pop. 793 + 5 ; poor r. 257Z. (Wheatenhurst U.); real prop. 5221/. ; charities, Yate's for school, etc. 80/. St. Mary Vic. (Gl. and Br.) val. 193Z., patr. Mrs. Hodges. A. Court, W. Miller, Esq. P. ARLINGTON par. (27) Sherwill hund. N. Devon. 5 m. NE. of Barnstaple-192. Acres 1890 ; -pop. 206; poor r. 62Z, (Barnst U.); real prop. 2924Z. ; charities 4/. St. James Rect. (Exet.) val. 272/., patr. J. P. Chichester, Esq. of A. House; church, has tombs of a Gary, etc. giP ARLING- TON tythg. (44) Bibury par. E. Gloucester. 5 m. S. of "Northleach-82. Pop. 371 + 3 ; real prop. 2170/. igp" ARLINGTON. For this, which gives title of earl to the Graftons, see HARLINGTON, Midx. UST ARLINGTON par. (5) Longbridge hund. Pevensey rape, SE. Sussex, 3 m. SW. of Hailsham-59, on R. Cuckmere, near S. Coast rail, and Burlow cast, roman camp. Acres 4790 ; pop. 686 ; poor r. 574Z. (Hailsh. U.) ; real prop. 5719/. St. Pancras Vic. (Chic.) val. 156Z., patr. Preb. of Woodhorne ; Trinity Cur., 60/., Bishop. & ARLLECHWEDD DEANERY, archdy. and dioc. of Bangor, includes the benefices marked in Isaf, Uchaf, and Nant-Conway hunds. with Capel Curig cur., Llandegai St. Anne c., Llandudno c. ARLSEY par. (46) Clifton hund. SE. Beds. 4 m. ESE. of Shefford-41, on R. Hiz, was a mkt. town. Acres 2370 ; pop. 820 + 14 ; poor r. 289Z, (Biggleswade U.) ; real prop. 4195Z. St. Peter Vic. (Ely) val. with Astwick 280Z., patr. Mrs. R. Smith, of Aspley ; church, has sculptured font. A. House, R. Edwards, Esq. P. Armadale, 11 m. N. of Arasaig, Skye isld. W. Inverness, on Sleat Sound, near A. Castle, seat of Lord Macdonald, ' Lord of the Isles,' which has a stained window of Somerled, the founder of the family in 12th cent, gg" ARMADALE vil. Bathgate par. W. Linlithgow, 2 m. W. of Bathgate-19, is a meet for the Li'thgw. hounds, and has A. House, Sir W. Honeyman, Bt. nephew of Lord Armadale the lawyer. Pop. 121. ARMAGH (32 sheets), an inland county, in Ulster, NE. Ireland, the old seat of the O'Nials, Magenises, O'Hanlons, O'Hagans, Achesons, Brownlows, etc., and made shire ground by Lord Dep. Perrot 1586, is watered by the Upper Bann, CaUan, etc., traversed by the Ulster rail., and bordered by L. Neagh, Derry and Antrim (X.), Newry canal and Down (E.), Louth (S.), Mo- naghan (SWA Ulster canal, R. Blackwater, and Tyrone (NW.). Length 32 m., greatest breadth 22, av. ditto 16 m. ; relative size 158- 10,000ths; circuit 120 m., including 16 washed by the lough. It contains 512 sq. m. or 328,076 acres, of which 265,243 are arable, 35,117 uncul- tivated bog, etc. 17,942 under water (chiefly the lough), 778 in towns ; 232,393 + 1226 persons, of whom 17,993 are in Armagh, Lurgan, Newry (part), 118,501 are females, 115,514 under 20 yrs. of age, 222,544 county-born; 43,175 fami- lies, of whom 24,260 or 56 per cent, live by trade, manufact., etc., 15,996 or 37 per cent, by agricult., 23,467 by manual labour, 32,197 in 3rd and 4th or lowest class houses; 41,297 houses, besides 2279 empty and building ; 8 ba- ronies, Lower Fews (Mid.), E. and W. O'Neil- land (N.), Up. Oriel (E.), Lo. Oriel and Up. Fews (S.), Armagh, and Turenney (W.); 23 parishes and parts of 6 others; 9 mkt. towns, Armagh the capital, etc. as below, Lurgan, New- town-Hamilton, Markethill (militia head- quar- ters), Portadown, Crossmaglen, Newry, Tan- deragee, Middleton, the first two being P. L. unions, the first four, with Ballybot, sess. towns, the next two, with Armagh, N. Hamilton and Ballybot, police districts (27 stations and 162 men), and there are 3 fever hospitals and 19 dispen- saries; returns three members to parl. (6 before the Union, which disfranchised Charlemont), viz. 2 for county (elect. 937), 1 for city (as below) ; is governed by a lieut. and custos, high sheriff, 19 deputy-lieuts., and about 60 magistrates; is in the NE. circuit, the Belfast military dis- ARM trict, and diocese of Armagh (as below). Gross rental (1846) 322,6731 or 20s. 9d. per acre ; val. to poor r. 318,365/.; county rate ('48) 29,885/. Savings banks ('48) 2, with 50,6957. from 1775 depositors ; loan funds 3, with a capital of 3211Z., and circulating 8987Z. Schools (national) 97, with 10,039 children attending; in 1841,12,553 went to schools of all kinds, and 44 per cent, of the people could not read or write. Av. number of committals ('45-8) 609, of whom 357 were con- victed. Thehills in the N., as Vicar's cairn (814ft.), and the like, are cultivated nearly to their sum- mits ; to the S. they rise into mountains of mica slate, the highest being the Fews (a poor country, once the seat of the M'Henrys), where A. Breague is 1200 ft., Newry mtn. 1385 ; further S., Slievh Gullim, a granite peak, with its cairn (well known in Irish song, and commanding a wide prospect) is 1893 ft., one of the highest in Ulster. Greywacke slate occupies the centre ; red sandstone is found near L. Neagh ; trap, about Lurgan ; limestone, near the Blackwater ; good marble, near Armagh ; lead was once worked at Ready ; and iron has been traced. Lakes are Camlough, and Clay at the head of the Callan, which, with other small streams, has salmon, trout, etc. Linen is the staple manufacture, to which that of cottons and unions has been added (in '47, a bad year, 597 and 195 were engaged in the flax and cotton mills respectively) ; bonnets, embroidered muslins, sack, and bagging are also made. Climate mild and genial ; soil rank and fertile, making it, as in Camden's day, the garden of Ireland ; acres in crop ('48), 172,150, of which the chief are oats 84,211, potatoes 28,601, meadow and clover 24,186, wheat 14,629, turnips 6617, barley and rye 6845, and the val. of live stock (in '41), on 23,855 farms above 1 acre, was 382,747/., including 12,710 horses, etc., 35,235 cattle (inferior breeds), 5042 sheep, 28,432 pigs, 150,598 poultry, etc. ; husbandry is indifferent, but improving ; much land belongs to the church and colleges ; grazing is little attended to ; fields are fenced, orchard fruit is grown, and the cottages are neat and comfortable. Chief seats are, Earl Gosford G. cast, (near Draper's lull, which Swift used to visit), Duke of Man- chester Tanderagee cast., E. of Charlemont Rox- boro' cast., Lord Caledon Cast. Hill, L. Lurgan Brownlow Ho., Count de Salis Tanderagee, Moly- neux, Bt. Cast. Dillon, Strong, Bt. Tynan ab., Verner, Bt. M.P. Churchill, Close of JDrum- banagher, Foxall of Fork/till, Irwin of Carnagh, O'Callaghan of Cullovllle, Wilson of Lissadian, etc. Of antiquities, are Cairn Bann near Newry, Vicar's cairn near Armagh, Navanrath or Eaina- nia (the capital of the Ulster kings), Dane's Cast, or dyke near Poyntz Pass (the scene of many fights), and Tyrone's ditches; old castles, at Benburb, Moyrath, Ardgonell, etc. ; and church ruins, at Armagh. Roads : Dublin to Dundalk by rail. 50, Newtown-hamilton among the Fews 66, Armagh (through fertile and populous coun- try) 78 ; or, Dundalk to Newry 63, Markethill and Gosford cast. 75, Armagh 82, thence to Coleraine. The Dublin and Coleraine rail, through Drogheda and Dundalk will cross the co. by Nowry and Ann.-i^li, \\ here it intersects the Ulster rail, completed from Belfast by Portadown (18 m. of it are in this co.) and designed to be carried on bv Monaghan and Clones to Enniskillen. The Newry canal on the E. unites Carlingford bay with L. Neagh ; and the Ulster canal on the NW . unites the latter with L. Erne, in the direction of the proposed rail. >:= P. M. * AUMAOII par. (12) in the above and W. O'Neilland bars. 81 m. NNVV. of Dublin, on VOL. I. ARM 60 R. Callan and Ulster rail, and canal, the seat of the primacy, the county, assize, and sessions town, a chief police station, in a fine spot on a hill Q Ard magh ' or high place) near Eamania (at Navanrath), was founded by St. Patrick 435, when its ' college ' became the first in Europe ; was burnt 670, '87, and 770, by the Danes 830, '36, '52, and repeatedly after; taken by Brian Boru (who was buried here) 1004, by Edw. Bruce 1315, by Lord Sussex 1557, by Lord Mountjoy 1601, by Sir Phelim O'Nial 1641, and by Lord Blayney at the Revolution, but re- taken for Jas. II. who found shelter here after the siege of Derry ; returns one member since Jas. L, the Reform bill bounds agreeing with the municipal, no. of electors 689 (and 107. houses 520) ; was first chartered by Jas. I. and governed till lately by a sovereign, 12 burgesses, and re- corder. Acres 4606, good, with marble quarries, of boro' 269 (old boro' 1147) ; pop. 12,654 + 214, of city 10,245, chiefly linen weavers. Houses 1493, many of marble, with 2 churches, 7 chapels (one of of which marks the place where Wesley often preached), mkt. house (b. by Abp. Stuart), county court, gaol, 5 banks (the Provincial being the site of St. Columb's monastery), savings bk. (48,499/. from 1625 depositors), loan fund, co. lunatic asy- lum, linen and yarn halls (where 16,0007. worth of goods have been sold weekly), tanneries, cornmills, gas and water works, Tontine buildings' reading- room (founded by the munificent primate Robin- son, who also erected the palace, royal school or college, an observatory, public library of 14,000 vols., infirmary, obelisk, bridges, barracks for 200), 3 schools, and Union p. house. Boro' rates 588/. Living, a Rect. (Arm. C. ) val. with Armagh Breague Cur. and Killyleagh 1458/.,patr. Primate ; the church or cathedral reb. 1675, on the old site on Druimsailech hill, is 183 ft. by 119 (thro' the transepts), has been improved and restored by Cottingham, at the cost of Abps. Robinson and Beresford (who subscribed 30,000/.), and has a tower of 110 ft. and mons. to Robinson (bv Bacon), Drelincourt (by Rysbrach), Stuart (by Chantry), Sir T. Molineux (by Roubiliac), and others. St. Mark Cur. val. /., patr. . Among the pri- mates were Bramhall and Usher, and the palace has a chapel, with the old abbey ruins, and an obelisk to Duke of Northumberland, etc. in the fine grounds. The mall or promenade is close to the deanery ; and Dobbin's valley has some plea- sant views. The observatory to the N., in lat. 54 21' 13" N., long. 6 38' 52" W., as completed by Primate Beresford, has a transit, zenith-sector, mural circle, telescope, and other rooms, and stands on a hill of 100 ft. Crieve Roe near Na- vanrath, and other forts, were seats of the " Men of the Red Branch;" at Nial's Grave, on the river, a king of Ulster was drowned 846 ; and Vicar's cairn remains. A rom. cath. cathedral is building ; it supports the ' A. Guardian,' and Ulster Gazette' newspapers; and gives title of earl to the King of Hanover. Arm. P. L. Union contains 25 electoral divs. in Armagh and Tyrom; with 37 guardians; acres 153,792, pop. 110,408, room for 1000, cases relieved (yr. '47-8) 3841 (besides 2729 out-door), expend. 11,8991., prop, rated 174,572/. * A. AKCHDIOCESE, to -which Tuam is now joined, includes the dioceses of Armagh, Clogher (joined to Armagh 1850), Tuam, Ardagh, Killala, and Achonry ; Derry and Raphoe 5 Down and Connor, and Dromore 5 Kihnore and Elphin; Meath and CloninacnoJse ; extending over all Ulster, the greater part of Connaught, and a large portion of Leinster, to a line drawn from the N. of Dublin to the S, of Galwav F 66 'ARM ARN bay. Before 1834, it comprised 966 pars. 602 benefices, 642 churches, with an area of 9,177,582 acres, pop. 4,177,537, net revenue of benefices 253.531/. (8 exceeding 2000/.). The DIOCESE in- cludes 135 benefices (Clogher 67 more), 11 being unions, 47 in patr. of Primate, whose income is fixed at 12,087?. Rom. cath. archdiocese, extending over Ulster, includes dioceses of Armagh (51 pars.), Deny, Clogher, Raphoe, Down and Connor, Kil- more, Ardagh, Heath, Dromore. A, Presbytery, in- cludes Armagh, Ahorey, Benburb, Caledon, Clare, Cladymore, Drumminis, Keady, Knappah, Lough- gall, Markethill, Portadown, Redrock, Richhill, Tartaraghan, Tassagh, Vinerock. Ditto Ulster Remonstrant Synod, includes Banbridge, Carling- ford, Corboy, Dromore, Kilmore, Narrow-water, Newry. Mkt. Ds. Tu. Wed. Sat. Fairs, 21 May, 10 June, 12 Aug. Tu. before 10 Oct. 20 Nov. ARMAGH BRAGUE vil. ( ) Lisnadill and Keady pars. W. Armagh, 3 m. SE. of Keady-71, under A. B. Hill 1200 ft. high. Living, a Cur. (Arm. C.) val. 55/., patr. Rectors of Arm. and Keady. Armagill ( ) 5 m. SW. of Masham, N.R. York. at R. Ouse's head. Armandane or Ardnandane, W. side of L. Lub- naig. S W. Perth. ARMATHWAITE chplry. ( ) Hesket-le-Forest par. Mid. Cumbrld. 10 m. N. of Penrith-283, on R. Eden at the 3-arch bridge, near Cooms, Baron Wood, etc. is a Cur. (Carl.) val. 50/., patr. Trus- tees of Milbourne, Esq. late of A. Castle, now seat of Major Colomb, formerly of John Skel- ton, the early satirical poet, best known by his ' Why come ye not to Court,' an attack on Wol- sey. Cast. Hewin on Tarn Wadling commands a very fine view. Armathwaite Hall ( ) 5 m. ENE. of Cocker- mouth, W. Cumbrld. at the bottom of Bassen- thwaite water, under Skiddaw, Sir H. R. Vane, Bt. Armbeth House ( ) 5 m. SE. of Keswick, S. Cumbrld. on Thirlmere, under Helvellyn, has a good view. ARMIDALE, 2 m. W. of Strathy, NE. Sutherld. a fishing-place near A. Head, with a good harb. AHMIN chplry. ( ) Snaith par. W. R. York. 6 m. NE. of Snaith-173, where R. Aire joins the Ouse. Acres 3660; pop. 593 + 3; poor r. 212/. (Goole U.); real prop. 5375/. St. David Cur. (York) val. 74Z., patr. Earl of Beverley and N. E. Yarburgh, Esq. ; church, had a chantry. ARMINGFORD HUNDRED (46-7. 51-2) S W.Cam- bridge, contains the pars, of Abingdon-in-the-Clay rect., Bassingbourn vie., Croydon-cum-Clapton v., Guilden-Morden v., E. Hatleye., Littlington v., Melbourne v., Meldreth v., Shingay v. (with Wen- dy), Steeple-Morden v., Tadlow v., Wendy, Whad- don v., and part of Royston ; acres 28,771, pop. 8698, houses 1694. See SHENGAY DEANERY. ARMING HALL par (66) Henstead hund. E. Norfolk, 3 m. SSE. of Norwich-108, near E. Count, rail, and a branch of R. Yare, belonged to Nor- wich priory. Acres 900 ; pop. 79 ; poor r. 72/. (Henst. U.); real prop. 1275/. ; charities 67. Living, a Cur. (Norw.) val. 80/., patr. Dean and Chap. The old hall has a fine porch brought from Carrow abbey. ARMITAGE par. (62) with Handsacre, S. OfHow hund. Mid. Stafford. 5 m. NW. of Lichfield-119, on Gd. Trunk canal and R. Trent, near Trent Valley rail, contains Brereton. Acres 1950; pop. 987 +"l ; poor r. 2537. (Lichf. U.) ; charities M. St. John Cur. (Lich.) val. 100Z., patr. Bishop ; church, has a norman door and arch, with Handsacre ruined church near it, and commands a fine view. A. Park, J. Lister, Esq. ARMITAGE BRIDGE ( ) Almondbury par. W. R. York, near Huddersfield-189, is a Cur. (Rip ) val. 150/., patr. Vicar. Pop. 2578. ARMLEY chplry. ( ) Leeds, St. Peter par. W. R. York. 3 m. W. of Leeds- 189, on Bradford rail. Liverpool canal, and R. Aire, has a lunatic asylum. Acres 1040; pop. 5676 + 48, cloth-weavers and fullers ; poor r. 729/. (Carlton Incorp.) ; real prop. 16894Z. St. Bartholomew Cur. (Rip.) val. 204/., patr. Vicar. Giant's hill danish camp, was cut through by the canal. A. House, B. Gott, Esq. ! Armour (20) 5 m. NE. of Dalverton, (V. So- merset, igp Armour (13) 3 m. W. of Reading, Mid. Berks. \ Armours (47) 6 m. NW. of Chelmsford, Mid. Essex. ! P. ARMOY par. (8, 9, 13-4) Carey and Upper Danluce bars. N. Antrim. 4 m. S. of Ballycastle -143, on R. Bush, has part of a round tower 36 ft. high in churchyd. Acres 7665 fertile hills, with bog, lime, basalt, gneiss, porphyry, mica-slate, and ' Irish diamonds ' in Knocklayd hill ; pop. 2766 + 14, of vil. 315. Living, a Rect. (Dn. C. D.) val. 232Z., patr. Bishop. Fairs, 5 Jan. 25 Feb. May, and Dec. 29 Mar. and 12 Nov. i ARMSCOTT hmlt. (44-54) Tredington par. Wor- cester, locally in Warwick. 2 m. NNW. of Ship- ston-on-Stour-83, near Moreton rail, and R. Stour. Pop. 139. Armside ( ) 3 m. SE. of Cockermouth, W. Cumbrld. near R. Cocker. ARMSTON limit. (64) Polebrook par. NE. Northmptn. 3 m. SE. of Oundle-78, near Peter- boro' rail, and R. Nen. Pop. 26. Armsworth House (12) 6 m. WSW. of Alton, Mid Hants. ARMTHORPE par. ( ) S. Strafforth wap. W. R. York. 3 m. ENE. of Doncaster-162, contains Nut- well. Acres 2810; pop. 449 + 8; poor r. 98/. (Doncast. U.) ; real prop. 3224Z. ; charities 19/., of which 6Z. to Holme's school. St. Mary Rect. (York) val. 366Z., patr. Ld. Chancellor. Armtree (70) 5 m. NW. of Boston, SE. Lin- coln, on R. Witham. ARNCLIFFE par. ( ) E. and W. Staincliffe waps. W. R. York. 9 m. NE. of Settle-235, on R. Wharfe, in a pleasant spot, contains Halton Gill, and Hubberholme Curs. Backden, Hawkeswick, and Litton. Acres 35,860, of town 5790, moor- land ; pop. 834 and 182, decreasing, some cotton spinners ; poor r. I. (Settle U.) ; real prop. 1788/. ; charities 62/., of which 28Z. to school. St. Oswald Vic. (Rip.) val. 36/., patr. Univers. Coll. Oxon. ARNCLIFFE INGLEBY. See INGLEBY ARNCLIFFE, .ZV. R. York. Arncliffe Hall, near it, was the seat of the Mauleverers, lately extinct. ARNCOTT chplry. (45) Ambrosden par. E. Ox- ford. 3 m. SE. of Bicester-54, on R. Ray, near Muswell Hill, has a good view from A". Wood. Acres 2010 ; pop. 331 + 2 ; poor r. 1681. (Bicest. U.) ; real prop. 1676/. ArndiUy, 9 m. WSW. of Keith, NW. Banff. W. Grant, Esq. ARNE par. (16) Hasilor hund. SE. Dorset. 3 m. E. of Wareham-115, between Wareham and Pool harbours, has a beacon. Acres 2450 ; pop. 168; poorr. 118/. (Wareh. U.) ; real prop. 275/. St. Nicholas Cur. with Wareham. ARNESBY par. (63) Guthlaxton hund. S. Leic. 8 in. SSE. of Leicester-96. Acres 1510; pop. 505 + 6, stockingers (100 frames); poor r. 268Z. (Lutterworth U.) ; real prop. 3017Z. ; charities 57/., of which 71. to Sunday school. St. Peter Vic. (Pet.) val. 119/., patr., J. S. Sherwin, Esq., of Brarncote. Rob. Hall, a native, 1764-1831. Arnestown (34) near New Ross-90, W. Wex- ford. ARN ARR 67 Arney River (26-7) runs 7 m. E. from Lough Macnean, to Upper L. Erne, Mid. Fermanagh. AKNGASK par. Cupar distr. IV. Fife, and partly in Perth, and Kinross. ,5 m. N. of KJnross-27, on Fargo Water, contains Damhead and Duncrivie. Size 4 m. by 4, good, with pasture ; pop. 750 + 4 ; real prop. 1914Z. ; for poor 367. Living (Presb. Perth) val. 179/., patr. Mrs. Wardlow and the Laird of Fordells ; church, built by the Balvairds and given to Cambuskenneth ab. Cromwell en- camped at Captain- Ward field. Arnish Point. 2 m. S. of Stornoway, in Lewis, Western Islds., has a light building on it, lat. 58 J ll'N., long. 622'W. ARNISORT old par. joined to Duirinish, Inverness. Arniston House, 3 m. W. of Borthwick, Mid, Edinbro 1 , seat of Lord Dundas, on R. South Esk, near the colliery, was Ballintradoch, where the K. Templars had a preceptory. Arnold (26) 2 m. SW. of S. Molton, N. Devon. P. ARNOLD par. (71) S. Broxtow wap. S. Notts. 4 m. N. of Nottingham-124, near Midld. rail., con- taining Daybrook, belongs to Cope of Sherwood lodge. Acres 4670 ; pop. 4509 + 45, lace and stock- ing makers on about 1400 frames ; poor r. 1569Z. (Basford U.) ; real prop. 12.594/. ; charities 33/., of which 23/. to Chadwick's school. St. Mary Vic. (Line.) val. 310/., patr. Duke of Devonshire; church, later eng. A. Grove, W. Turbutt, Esq. R Bonington the painter, a native, 1801 28. Fair, 1st Wed. after 19 Sept. live stock, ff ARNOLD tnshp. ( ) Swine and Long Riston pars. E. R. York. 6 m. E. of Beverley-183. Pop. 154; real prop. 2547/. ^ A. House (8) 4 m. S. of Dorking, S. Surrey. Arnolds (16) 3 m. WNW. of Lymington, SW. Hants. ^ Arnolds (43) 5 m. SW. of Ledbury, SE. Hereford. Arno's, or Arnold's, Grove (7) at Southgate, 2V. Midi. 8 m. X. of London, on the New River, seat of Mrs. Walker, was b. on site of the Welds' old seat by the Colebrooks, who made the fine collection of paintings, marbles, minerals, plants, etc. ; it had a good staircase. Arno's Court (35) 1 m. SE. of Bristol, N. Somerset., Mrs. Guffy. A. Vale, is now a ceme- tery planted with cypresses, etc. Arnot, near Glen tilt, NK Perth, and A. Water, which joins R. Airdle. Arnot Hill and Arno Vale (71) close to Arnold, Notts, as above. ARNPRIOR vil. Kippen par. 5. Perth. 10m. W. of Stirling-35, near R. Forth. Pop. 96. A. Castle, belonged to Buchannan 'king of Kippen,' who here entertained the ' Gude man of Ballan- geigh' or Ballenguich (Jas. V.), and whose last descendant was executed at Carlisle in the rebel- lion of 1745, for the last Stuart ! ARNSEY DEANERY, archdy. of Merioneth, dioc. of Bangor, contains the benefices in Llanid- loes bund, with Llandlocs vie. Arnside ( ) 4 m. W. of Burton-in-Kendal, S W. Westmrld., where R. Kent runs into More- cambe bay, is a sub-port to Lancaster, under A. Knott or A. Fell, which has a tower com- manding a good view. AKNWOOD ty thg. (16) Hordle par. S W. Hants. 2 m. NW. of Lymington-93. Pop. 543. ARNYFOUL vil. Glamis par. 5. Forfar. 5 m. S W. Forfar-58. Pop. 73. P. AKOS vil. E. side of Mull, NW. Argyll. 17 m. NW. of Oban-124, where A. Water joins the Sound of Mull, has a ferry to the mainland, and a road across the isld. to Staffa and lona. A. Castle, in ruins, was a stronghold of the Macdonalds. Arra Mountains (19, etc.) 7 m. W. of Nenagh, NW. Tipperary, S. side of Lough Derg, 1588 ft. high, contain the Killaloe slate-quarries, and give rise to A. River, which runs by Tipperary to the Anerlow. Arra. Rivulet (36) runs past Newcastle, W. Limerick, to R. DeeL Arraglin. See Araglin, Cork. ARRAM hmlt. ( ) Atwick par. E. R. York. 3 m. NW. of Hornsey-190. Pop. 25. fiT ARRAM hmlt. ( ) Leckonfield par. E. R. York. 3 m. N. of Beverley-183, on R. Hull. Pop. 117. Arran Fowddy (2955 ft.), A. Gessel (2224 ft.), and A. Penllyn (2004 ft. at R. Dee's head), are three of the highest points of the Berwyn range which divides Merioneth, from Montgomery. P. ARRAN ISLAND in the Frith of Clyde, mak- ing the greater part of county Bute, contains the pars, of Kilbride and Kilmory, with Lam- lash or Holy Isle, and its harbour. Length 20 m., average breadth 10 m., equal to 165 sq. m., or 105,814 acres, of which 14,431 are good pasture and arable ; circuit about 65 m. with the Cock of Arran, well known to sailors, at the N., and Pladda Isle and light to the S. It is mountain- ous throughout (Scott speaks of its " shattered and thunder-splitten peaks "), the highest point being Goatfell (2959 ft.), from which is a view of Ayr. Argyll, etc. and Ireland ; pop. 6241 , fishermen, decreasing, through emigration ; houses 1212 ; real prop. 11,416/. Brodick castle, under that Fell, seat of the Duke of Hamilton, chief heritor, has been lately restored. Ruins of the castles of Kildonan and Loch Ranza remain, and the convent of St. Bride. Many druidical stones are seen, especially Fin- gal's caldron ; near which is Dumadown and the King's cave (114ft. long), once the retreat of Bruce. The principal glens are Glenrosa, Glen Sannox (the most beautiful of all, surrounded by hills), Glensheraig, Glencoy, Glenscoradail, Glen- lorsa, Glenashdale (with two falls of 100 and 50 ft.), Glenalister (a cairn 200 ft. round), and Glenranza. The northern part is chiefly granite, the southern trap bordered by red sandstone at the Fallen Rocks, and along the coast, which is much eaten with caves. Among a great variety of minerals are found quartz, felspar, barytes, coal, anthracite, pitchstone, porphyry, syenite, many crystals, etc. One road takes the circuit of the island, and a second runs across it from Brodick to Blackwater. Good whisky is made, and steam communication kept up with Ayr and Glasgow. ARRAN ISLES. See ARAN BARONY, Galway. & A. Lodge (9) at Bognor, S. Sussex, Earl of Arran, who takes his title from A. Isles above. ARRAS tnshp. ( ) Mkt. Weigh ton par. E. R. York. 3 m. E. of Mkt. Weighton-192, to which it is joined. ARRATHORNE tnshp. ( ) Brompton Patrick par. 2V. R. York. 5 m. ENE. of Leybura-235. Acres 850 ; pop. 81. Arrenig Bach and A. Mawr (74-5) 6 m. W. of Bala, 2V. Merioneth, two peaks 2809 ft. high. P. ARRETON par. (10) E. Medina lib. I. of Wight, S. Hants. 2 m. SE. of Newport-82, con- taining Biddlesford, has two barrows on A. Down, Acres 8270; pop. 1964+10; poor r. I (I. of Wight Incorp.) ; real prop. 12.125/. ; charities 64/. of which 37/. to Mann's school, etc. St. George Vic. (Wine.) val. 220/., patr. J. Fleming, Esq.; church, has brass of a knight (1430) and the grave of I'.liz. Wallbridge, the Dairyman's daughter.' P. ARRINGTON, or ERMINGTON, par. (51) We- therley hund. SW. Cambridge. 5 m. SSE. of Caxton-50, a petty sess. town on Ermine St. near the bridge on the Cam. Acres 1388; pop. 317 + 6; poor r. 143/. (Caxton U.); real prop. 1613t F 2 68 ARR ART St. Nicholas Vic. (Ely) vol. 697., pair. Trinity Coll. ; church, has a double piscina. Arrington P. L. Union ; see Caxton and Arrington. P. ARROCHAR, or ARROQUHAR, par. containing Tarbet-79, NW. Dumbrtn. between Lochs Lo- mond and Long, under Ben Lomond, and watered by Rs. Falloch, Douglas, and Invernglass, belonged to the Macfarlanes, who took their war-cry from Loch Sloy. Acres 31,011, chiefly mountain pasture (3180 ft. at Ben Voirlich), and well wooded ; pop. 580 + 3 ; real prop. 28747. ; for poor 897. Living (Presb. Dumbrtn.) val. 2547., patr. Sir J. Col- quhoun of Luss, heritor. ARROW tnshp. (79) Woodchurch par. NW". C/iesh. 3 m. SW. of Birkenhead-199. Acres 730 ; pop. 122 + 3. igg~ ARROW par. (54) Barlichway hund. SW. Warwick, close to Alcester-103, on E. Arrow as below, contains Oversley. Acres 4220 ; pop. 543 + 8 ; poor r. 1937. (Alcest. U.) ; real prop. 38807. ; charities 57. Holy Trinity Rect. (Wore.) val. 2487., patr. Marquis of Hertford, of Ragley park ; church, old. Arrow Lough (34, 40) 5 m. N. of Boyle, SE. Sllgo, 4 m. long and about 2 broad, includes In- nismore and 3 other islds. and has on its sides the ruins of Ballinadown abbey (found, by the O'Do- noughs) ; Hollybrook, seat of J. Folliott, Esq. M.P. and other seats. A. River runs NW. about 10m. from the lough, past Collooney to Sligo bay at Ballysodere. ^ A. River (55-6) rises near Glas- owin, SE. Radnor, and runs E. about 26 m. past Kington and Pembridge to R.Lug, nearLeominster, N. Hereford, ijgp" A. River (54) rises near Alve- church, NE. Worcester, and runs S. about 14 m. past Alcester (where R. Alve joins it) to R. Avon at Salford bridge, op. 24,234, cases relieved (yr. 1846- 7) 1967 (out-door 1697), expend. 7167/., prop, rated 93,5237. Sup. Registry comprises the same up to Willesley in Derby, and Worthington in Leic. ; pop. 24,234 + 210. The new County Court district corresponds with the Registry. Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, Shrove Mon. Easter and Whit. Mini. lastMon. Sept. 10 Nov. for large horses,and cattle. AsHBY-FoiA'iLLE par. (63) E. Goscote hund. E. Leicester. 5 m. SW. of Melton Mowbray-105, on a branch of R. Wreak, contains Barsbv. Acres 2830; pop. 437 + 4; poor r. 81/. (M. Mowb. U.); real prop. 33347. ; charities 1397. to Lord Car- rington's almhouses, etc. St. Mary Vic. (Pet.) val. 1907., patr. Rev. W. Ackworth, vicar; church, decorated eng. of 14th cent., with fine square- headed windows. ASH 73 Asunv ST. LEDGER'S par. (53) Fawsley hund. W. Northmptn. 4 m. N. of Daventry-72, a meet for the Pytchley hounds, near N. West, rail. Gd. Junct. and Oxford canals, and Wat- ling St., was the seat of the Catesbys, of whom was Rich. III.'s favourite (alluded to in the bitter rhyme, ' The rat, and Cat, and Lovel the dog, Do rule all England under the hog,' or boar, which was Richard's crest), and Rob. Catesby the gunpowder plotter. Acres 2050 ; pop. 257 ; poor r. 1527. (Davent. U.) ; real prop. 33827. ; chari- ties 447. St. Lodgrin, or Ledger, Vic. (Pet.) val. 1307., patr. Lady Senhouse, of A. L. Manor House, through the Catesbys and Jansons; church, has screen, rood-loft, 3 piscinas, 2 brasses and tombs of the Catesbys. A. Lodge, G. Arnold, Esq. O A. MAGXA par. (63) Guthlaxton hund. S. Leicester. 4 m. NNE. of Lutterworth-89, near Midld. rail. Acres 1720 ; pop. 337 ; poor r. 1497. (Lutterw. U.) ; real prop. 25787. St. Mary Vic. (Pet.) val. 1207., patr. Earl of Aylesford, of Packington. ^g A. MEARS par. (52) Ham- fordshoe hund. Mid. Northmptn. 3 m. WSW. of Wellingboro'-67. Acres 1890 ; pop. 496 + 3 ; poor r.2747 (Wellngb.U.) ; real prop. 30357. AH Saints Vic. (Pet.) val. 235i, patr. Mrs. M. Newby. A. M. House, . P. ASHBY PARVA par. (63) Guthlaxton hund. S. Leicester. 3 m. NNW. of Lutterworth-89, near Midld. rail. Acres 1260 ; pop. 179 + 1 ; poor r. 607. (Lutterw. U.) ; real prop. 24377. ; charities 1877., of which 1507. to Goodacre and Bowyer's almsh. and school. St. Peter Rect. (Pet.) val. 2607., patr. Ld. Chancellor, ^p A.-PUERORUM par. (84) Hill hund. Mid. Lincoln. 4 m. ENE. of Horncastle 134, on the Wolds, containing Stainsby and Holbeck, is so called from an estate left to the Lincoln choirister boys. Acres 1620 ; pop. 102 ; poor r. 877. (Hprnc. U.); real prop. 23167. St. Andrew Vic. (Line.) val. 1187., patr. Dean and Chap.; church, old, near which a roman urn, etc. were found. ^" A. WEST par (83) Horn- castle soke, Mid. Lincoln. 2 m. NNE. of Horn- castle-134, contains Farthorpe and Middlethorpe. Acres 1590 ; pop. 534+14; poor r. 2317. (Home. U.); real prop. 44477.; charities 17. All Saints Cur. (Line.) val. 547., patr. Bishop of Carlisle. A. Thorpe House, Mrs. Cracroft. ASHCHURCH par. (44) Lower Tewkesbury hund. N. Gloucester. 2 m. E. of Tewkesbury-103, where the branch rail, joins Birmg. and Glouc. rail, nearthe Cotswolds, contains Aston, Fiddington, Northway, and Pamington, and has a mineral spring. Acres 4240 ; pop. 743 + 10 ; poor r. 2597. (Tewkesb. U.) ; real prop. 7. ; charities 267. St. Nicholas Cur. (Gl. and Br.) val. 2707., patr. Rev. J. Askew, incumbent ; church, later eng., with norman porch. ASHCOMBE par. (22) Exminster hund. E. Devon. 3 m. E. of Chudleigh-182. Acres 2250; pop. 297. poor r. 1667. (St. Thomas U.) ; real prop. 1728 ; charities 37. Living, a Rect. (Exet.) value 2227., patr. Ld. Chancellor; church, has a circular stone font. jap" Ashcombe (18) 3 m. SE. of Sherborne, N. Dorset, faf ASHCOMBE limit. (20) Weston-super-Mare par. N. Somerset. 8 m. NW. of Axbridge-120, near Gt. West. rail, and Bristol channel. ^ Ashcombe (19) 3 m. NNK. of Bruton, E. Somerset. ^- Ashcombe (5) 2 m. SW. of Lewes, Sussex, on S. Coast rail., formerly the seat of the Bakers, now of H. Shiffher, Esq. (3- A. Hall (72) 3 m. S. of Leek, 2V. Stafford, near Uttoxeter canal, W. Sneyd, Esq., of" which family was Honora, the second wife of Edgeworth, whose early death is so affectionately lamented in his " Memoirs." 71 ASH ASH ^ A. House (15) 12 in. SW. of Wilton,' SW. Wilts, in Cranborne Chase, on the top of a small hill, at the bottom of an amphitheatre of hills. P. AsHcoxrpar. (19)Whitley hnnd.Mid. Somer- set. 8 m. E. of Bridgwater-139, containing Pedwell, belonged to Glastonbury ab. Acres 2890 ; pop. 843 + 1 ; poor r. 3077. (Bridgw. U.) ; real prop. 4011/. ; charities, Mile's for church, poor, etc. 707. All Saints Cur. with Chapwick. Ashcroft (34) near Minchinhampton, Mid. Gloucester. Capt. Cripps. Fair, 9 Jan. ASHDON, par. (47) Freshwell hund. NW. Essex 3 m. NE. of Saffron Walden-42, on a branch of R. Cam, contains Little Bartlow, which has a fine view and some barrows, supposed to be the site of the battle of Assandune or ASHINGDON. Acres 4840 ; pop. 1164 + 6 ; poor r. 816?. (S. WaldenU.) ; real prop. 64817. ; charities, guild charity, etc. 217. All Saints Sect. (Roch.) val. 691/., patr. Caius Coll. Camb. A. Park, or Walfons, seat of the Pipers. Ashdown Forest (5, 6) 5 m. SE. of E. Grim- stead, NE. Sussex, belongs to the Sackvilles and contained 13,991 acres within the pale in the 17 cent. A. House, Hon. Mrs. Fuller; A. Park, . ^" A. Park (13, 34) 3 m. NW. of Lam- bourn, W. Berks, near Ridge road, seat of Earl Craven, contains Alfred's Castle, supposed to be the spot where he beat the Danes 871, which by others is placed at Aston and Ashendon (Bucks). Ashdowns (47) 2 m. SE. of Haverhill, N. Essex. ASHE tythg. (17) Netherbury par. W. Dorset. 1 m. SW. of Beaminster- 137, is a Cur. with Ne- therbury. igi"" ASHE tythg. (15) Stourpain par. NE. Dorset. 3 m. NNW. of Blandford-103, on R. Stour. Pop. 64. ^T ASHE par. (12) Overton hund. N. Hants. 5 m. ENE. of Whitchurch-56, near S. West. rail. Acres 2310, part warren ; pop. 160 + 2 ; poor r. 183?. (Whitch. U.) ; real prop. 16697. Holy Trinity Rect. (Win.) val. 3507., patr. W. Beach, Esq. A. Park (where the Vine hounds meet), Rev. E. St. John ; Oakley Hall, B. Bramston, Esq. ASHELDHAM par. (2) Dengie hund. E. Essex, 9 m. SE. of Maldon-37, has part of a trench. Acres 1810, marshy; pop. 219 + 7; poor r. 1507. (Maldon U.) ; real prop. 21857. ; charities 17, St. Lawrence Vic. (Roch.) val. 3397., patr. Bishop of London. ASHEN par. (47) Hinckford hund. N. Essex. 2 m. SW. of Clare-56, near R. Stour, had an austin friary (Edw. II.). Acres 2220 ; pop. 321 ; poor r. 1797. (Risbridge U.) ; real prop. 23167. ; charities 27. Living, a Rect. (Roch.) val. 3007., patr. Duchy of Lancas. A. House, . Ashen, or Ashton, Clough (81) 2 m. NXW. of Ghapel-le-Frith, NW. Derby. ^ A. Cross (18) close to Somerton, Mid. Somerset, fiif A. Hurst Hall (72) 2 m. SE. of Leek, N. Stafford. Ashend (62) 3 m. ENE. of Su'tton Coldfield, NW. Warwick. ASHENDON HUNDRED (45-6, 7, 13) W. Bucks. contains the pars, of Ashendon cur., Aston-Sand- ford reel., Boarstall c. with Brill c., Chearsley c., Chilton c., East vie., and Middle Claydon r., Dorton c. (with Ahendon), Grandboro', Grendon -Under- wood r., Hogshaw, Illmer ., Ludgershall r., Fleet Marston r., N. Marlon c., Oakley c., Oving r., Pitch- cott r., Quainton r., Quarrendon c., Shabbing- ton v., Towersey, Waddesdon r., Upper, and Nether Winchendon curs., Wootton- under -Wood c., Worminghall ., and parts of Becklcy, Dinton, Ickford r., and Kingsey v. ; acres 66,670, pop. 13,416, houses 2803. See WADDESDEN DEAXERY. ASHENDON par. in the above hund. W. Bucks. 7m. W. of Aylesbury-40, a petty sess. town (con- taining Pollicot) is the place where Kcnowalch divided Wessex with Cuthrid 648, which Wulfere of Mercia overran 661, and where Etheldred and Alfred beat the Danes 871. Acres 1790; pop. 312, decreasing through emigration ; poor r. 2587. (Aylesb. U.) ; real prop. 31067. ; charities 27. St. Mary Cur. (Oxon) val. with Dorton 1067., patr. Ch. C. Coll. Ashendon (5) 1 m. SE. of Tenterden, S. Kent. ASHERIDGE hmlt, (7) Chesham par. E. Bucks. 2 m. NW. of Chesham-29. Pop. 129. Ashes (1) 1 m. ENE. of Billericay, /S. Essex. Igp Ashes ( ) NE. of Preston, Mid. Lancash. Ashes ( ) 4 m. NW. of Kendal, W. Westmrld. tgp Ashes ( ) near Hawes, N. R. York. Rev. J. Metcalfe. Ashey Down (10) 2 m. W. of Brading, I. of Wight, S.Hants, has a fine view from the sea-mark for Spithead ; and at A. Farm below, was a cell to Wherwell ab. found. (Edw. I.). P. ASHFIELD vil. (17) Killersherdinny par. N. Cavan, 2 m. W. of Coothill-73, is a Cur. (K. E. A.) val. 1097., patr. Incumbent. A. Lodge, H. T. Clements, Esq. ijap" Ashfield (35) near Fermoy, N. Cork. $& Ashfield (23) 3 m. NW. of Ma- guire's Bridge, Mid. Fermanagh. iP Ashfield (11) 1 m. SE. of Romsey, W. Hants, on Andover canal, ^p Ashfield' (128) near Gort, S. Galway, M'Nevin, Esq. giT AsJifield (9) 4 m. S. of Portarlington, NE. Queen's Co. fif" ASHFIELD tnshp. (61) with Ruthall, Prior's Ditton par. A Salop. 7 m. SSW. of Much Wenlock-148. Pop. 55. Igp ASHFIELD par.' (50) with Thorpe, Thredling hund. Mid. Suffolk. 2 m. E. of Debenham-83. Acres 1560 ; pop. 343 ; poor r. 2747. (Bosmere U.); real prop. 24957. St. Mary Cur. (Ely) val. 537., patr. Lord Henniker ; church, in ruins. ASHFIELD, GREAT, par. (50) Blackbourn hund. Mid. Suffolk, 7 m. NW. of Stowmarket-76. Acres 2030 ; pop. 396 ; poor r. 1477, (Stowm. U.) ; real prop. 26157. ; charities 1047., chiefly Fyrmage's for sermons, poor, etc. All Saints Cur. ( Ely) val. 547., patr. Lord Thurlow, of A. Lodge, where the chancellor (1732-1806) and his brother the Bp. of Durham (died 1791) were born. gif* A. Green (50) 6 m. NNW. of Framlingham, N. Sussex. igT A. Hall (79) 1 m. N. of Gt. Neston, NW. Cheshire. ^ A. Hall (32) 5 m. NW. of Carlow, SE. Queen's Co., P. Gale, Esq. Igg" A. House (22) near Honiton, NE. Devon. Miss Head. egT A. House (81) 2 m. S. of Manchester, SE. Lancash. Ashfold (9) 3 m. NW. of Cuckfield, Mid. Sussex, W. Barwell, Esq. Ashford (15) near Middleton, W. Armagh, R. Harris, Esq.' P. ASHFORD chplry. (81) Bakewell par. N. Derby. 2 m. WNW. of Bakewell-153, on R. Wye, in a fine spot near Monsal Dale, had lead mines at ' Domesdy.' and belongs to Duke of Devonsh. Pop. 950 + 17, stockingers (100 frames), spinners, and in the black marble quarries and polishing mills, estab. by the Watsons 1748; poor r. 2927. (Bakew. U.) ; real prop. 44097. Holy Trinity Cur. (Lich.) val. 1027., patr. Vicar ; church, old with norman door, near which is the moat of Plantagenet's cast., and further on Trineop saxou camp. A. Hall, Hon. G. Cavendish, M. P. Fine black and gray marble is found about 40 ft. down, in nine beds, 3 to 9 in. thick, mixed with shale, chert, black jasper ; and good fishing is had. Apr ASHFORD par. (27) Braunton hund. NW. Devon. 2 m. NW. of Barnstaple-192, on R. Taw. Acres 2170; pop. 174 + 8; poor r. 677. (Barnst. U.); real prop. 7837. St. Peter Rect. (Exet.) val. 1107., patr. Ld. Chancellor. A. House, . ASH ggp Ashford (27) 10 m. E. of Combe Martin, N. Devon, near Bristol channel. igj" Ash- ford (27) near Cong, N. Galway, Lord Oranmore. l^- Ashford (11) 1 m. NW. of Petersfield, E. Hants. P. M. ASHFORD par. (3) Chart hund. Scray lathe, E. Kent, a chief stat. on S. East rail. 67 m. from London or 53 by road (where the Canterbury rail, joins), and a polling place, on R. Stour, was called Estefort at ' Domesdy.' and held by Hugo de Montfort, from whom it came to the Asshetes- forcls, Criols, Leybornes, St. Stephen's Westmr., and thrO' the Auchers (Edw. VI.), Smyths of Westenhanger, etc., to Foote of Charlton. Acres 2950 ; pop. 3082 + 28, some linen weavers ; houses 598, with 4 chapels, market, and assembly-rooms, libraries, 2 banks, savings bk. (35,6607. from 1016 depositors), 4-arch bridge, Knatchbull's gram, school (307.), Turner's sch. (207.); poor r. 9027. on 12,2117. (W. Ashf. U.); real prop. 15,6207.; charities 309/., of which 1847. from church lands. St. Mary Vic. (Cant.) val. 4607., patr. Dean and Chap, of Rochester; church, a good perp. eng., with a fine tower by Sir John Fogge of Repton (who found, the college, of Edw. VI. 's time, now the vicarage), has brasses from 1430, of himself and wives, a curious canopied one of Countess of Athol, a figured font, and tombs of the Smyths, of whom was Waller's Sacharissa. The railway company's workshops, which cost 100.000/., include an engine shed 208 ft. by 63, the repairing-shop 395 by 45, smithy 176 ft. by 45, boiler and wheel shops 144 ft. by 60, a ten- ders' shed 73 ft. by 45, carriage and truck house .645 ft., with cottages and a church for the men. Wallis the mathematician (1616-1703), Glover (1542-88) and his nephew Milles, the heralds, were natives ; and it gives title of baron to the Keppels of Elvedon. East Ashf. P. L. Union, contains the pars. etc. of Aldington, Bilsington, Uonnington, Boughton, Brabourne, Brook, Chal- lock, Chilham, Crundale, Eastwell, Godmersham, Hastingleigh, Hinxhill, Kennington, Mersham, Moldash,Orlestone, Ruckinge, Sevington, Smeeth, Warehorne, Willesborough (where the poor ho. is), Wye with Bircholt ; acres 54,003, pop. 11,536, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 1280 (out-door 999), expend. 58957., prop, rated 65,3947. Sup. Registry comprises the same, except Bircholt, pop. 11,329 .+ 57. West Ashf. P. L. Union, contains the pars. etc. of Ashford, Bethersden, Charing, Chart (Great and Little), Egerton, Hothfield, Kings- north, Pluckley, Shadoxhurst, Smarden, West- well (where the poor ho. is) ; acres 37,731, pop. 11,329, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 1618 (out-door 1463), expend. 56017., prop, rated 48,8757. Sup. Registry comprises the same, pop. 11,530 + 78. The New County Court district, corresponds with the Registries, except Aldington, Bonington, and Hurst, which go to Hythe. Mkt. D. Tues. Sat. and alternate Tues. for fat cattle. Fairs, 17 May, 2 Aug. wool, 9 Sept. 24 Oct. Races, . ASIIFORD limit. (4) Glenquin bar. S. Limerick, G in. S. of Newcastle- 145. P. ASHFORD par. (7) Spelthorne hund. SW. Middlesex, 2 m. E. of Staines-16, on the S. West, branch rail, and the little R. Echel near the bridge, belonged to Westminster ab., the Honour of Hampton Court, and now to the Bakers. Acres 1500, formerly common and a place for reviews, now enclosed, arable and pasture ; pop. 524 + 7 ; poor r. 3097. (Staines U.) ; real prop. 34547. ; cha- rities 437., of which .187. to Sunday school. St. Michael Cur. with Staines. Duke of Argyll and Lord Kinnoull have seats here. A. Lodge, J. Irving, Esq. ^HT ASHFORD hmlL (21) ASH 75 Ilton par. S. Somerset. 2 m. NN"W. of Ilminstcr -136. Pop. 13. P. ASHFORD hmlt. (26) Newcastle bar. E. Wick- low, 7 m. NE. of Rathdrum-38, on R. Varty, near Rossana, seat of the Tighes. Fairs, 27 Apr 24: June, 8 Sept. 16 Dec. ASHFORD BOWDLER par. (55) Lower Munslow hund. S. Salop, 2 m. SSE. of Ludlow-143, on R. Teme. Acres 630 ; pop. 96 ; poor r. 297. (Lud- low U.); real prop. 11797. St. Andrew Cur. (Heref.) val. 557., patr. C. Walker, Esq. of A. B. Court. A. B. Hall, Miss Bulkeley. ^" A. CAR- BONELL, par., opposite the above. Acres 1480; pop. 266 ; poor r. 1087. (Ludlow U.) ; real prop. 8067. St. Mary Rect. with Little Hereford. Ash- ford Jones is near, ijif A. Lodge (47) near Hal- 'stead, N. Essex, F. de Tastet, Esq. ASHFORDBY, or AsFORDBY, par. (63) E. Gos- cote hund. NE. Leicest. 3 m. W. of Melton Mow- bray- 105, at the bridge, on R. Wreak. Acres 1210 ; pop. 482 + 2 stockingers, etc. ; poor r. 1907. (M. Mowb. U.) ; real prop. 37517. ; charities 87. All Saints Rect. (Pet.) vaL 4557., patr. Rev. A. Burnaby, rector, and others. Ashfort (17)3 m. S. of Carrick-ou-Shannon, E. Roscommon, H. Waldron, Esq. ASHFURLOXG vil. (62) Sutton Coldfield par. NW. Warwick. 2 m. NE. of Sutton Coldfield -112. A. Hall, Miss Lawley. ASHGILL hmlt. ( ) Coverham tnshp. N. R, York. 2 m. SW. of Middleham-232. Ashgrove (15) near Belturbet, N. Cavan, J. Baker, Esq. igg" Ashgrove (87) near Queens- town, SE. Cork, R. Frankland, Esq. ifsg" Ash- grove (70) 2 m. W. of Macroom, Mid. Cork, near the ruins of Dundareek cast, ig5 Ashgrove (36) near Newcastle, toiic>, is now an alehouse. tS ; ' A.vn.i.v limit. (87) Kippax and Swillington pars. W. R. York. 6 m. SE. of Leeds- 189. ASTLEY ABBOT'S par. (61) Stottesden hund. SE. Salop, 2m. NNW. of Bridgnorth-139, near R. Severn. Acres 3330; pop. 657; poor r. 181/. (I'.ridgn. U.); real prop. 4476/. ; charities 111. Living, a Cur. (Hercf.) val. /., patr. T. \Vliit- more, Esq., of A. A. House. -gaJT A.-Bitnx.i: limit. (89) Sharpies chplry. S. Lancash. 3 m. N. of liolton-197. Living, a Cur. (Manch.) val. VOL. I. 130?., patr. Crown and Bp. ijgr A. Hall (89) near Chorley, Mid. Lancash. Lady Hoghton. Aston (7) 2 m. NE. of Henley, E. Berks, on the Thames. {g ASTON tnshp. (81) Hope par. N.Derby. 2m. ENE. of Castleton- 164, near R. Noe. Pop. 111. i^" Aston (72) 7 m. NW. of Burton, S. Derby, on the Trent, a meet for the Donnington hounds. gp ASTON tnshp. (79) Hawarden par. E. Hint. 1 m. N. of Hawarden -189, near R. Dee. Pop. 303 + 7, in the iron founderies; real prop. 1601/. A. Hall, Adml. Dundas, M. P. who has the manor and the ancient castle, thro' the Whitleys, who held it as far back as Edw. III. rgT ASTON hmlt. (34) Avening par. Mid. Gloucester. 2 m. ESE. of Minchinhampton-98, has A. Farm. ga? ASTON, or PIPE A., par. (55) Wigmore hund. N. Hereford. 4m. SW. of Ludlow-143, near Burrington Pool andR. Teme. Acres 1090 ; pop. 52 ; poorr. 6/. (Lud. U.) ; real prop. 3717. St. Giles Rect. (Heref.) val. 84/., patr. Knight's Heirs. igP ASTON vil. (55) Kingsland par. N. Hereford. 3 m. WNW. of Leo- minster-137, on R. Lug. Pop. 109. -giT ASTON par. (47) Broadwater hund. Mid. Herts. 2 m. SE. of Stevenage-31, near R. Beane, belonged to the saxon kings, was given by Hen. I.'s queen to Reading ab., and by Hen. VIII. to the Botelers ofWatton. Acres 1990; pop. 556 + 6; poor r. 2301. (Hertf. U.) ; real prop. 3214/. ; charities 3/. St. Mary Rect. (Roch.) val. 380/., patr. Rev. G. Oddie ; church, has a brass (1592). A. Hall, E. Darby, Esq., an old brick house ; A. Bury, a meet for the Puckridge hounds. l^ ASTON tnshp. (60) Lydham par. SE. Montgy. 6 m. SE. of Montgomery-168. Pop. 70. gif ASTON hmlt. (13) Bampton par. W. Oxford. 2 m. E. of Bamp- ton-71, on Charney Brook, near the Thames, contains Coate. Acres 1870, chiefly common ; pop. 523 ; real prop. 2999Z. ; poor r. 489/. (Witney U.j. IJiT ASTON tnshp. (61) Cloverley par. SE. Salop. 6 m. E. of Bridgnorth-139. Pop. 126. Igr ASTON tnshp. (61) Hopesay par. SW. Salop, 6 m. SE. of Bishop's castle-15;), on R. Clunn. Pop. 292. A. Hall, . HiT ASTON tnshp. (61) Muns- low par. S. Salop, 7 m. N. of Ludlow-143, near R. Corve, under Wenlock Edge. Pop. 163. gaP ASTON tnshp. (74) Oswestry par. NW. Salop, 3 m. SE. of Oswestry-171, near Llanymynech canal. Pop. 68; real prop. 5197Z. Living, a Cur. (St. As.) val. /., patr. . A. Park, W. Lloyd, Esq. fiT ASTON tnshp. (61) Wellington par. Mid. Salop, 2m. SW. of W ellington-142, near Watlir s - St. under the Wrekin. Pop. 84. igr ASTON tnshp. (73) Wem par. N. Salop, 1 m. E. of Wem -163, on R. Roden. Pop. 212. $$* ASTON tnshp. (73) Muckleston par. NW. Stafford. 7 m. NE. of Mkt. Drayton-153, near N. West. rail. Acres 910 ; pop. 259. ^ ASTON hmlt. (72) Sleighford par. Mid. Staf. 2 m. W. of Stafford-141. gp AS- TON tnshp. (72) with Burston and Stoke, Stone par. Mid. Stafford. 2 m. SE. of Stone- 141, on Gd. Trunk canal and R. Trent, containing LITTLE A. hmlt. (pop. 270), was the old seat of the Astons, Hevinghams, and Simeons. Pop. 773 ; real prop. ,-!!)76/. St. Saviour Cur. (Lich. val. /., patr. Viscount St. Vincent, of A. Hall. ASTON par. (62) Hemlingford hund. NW. Warwick. 2m. N. of Birmingham-210, within the borough, on Gd. Junct. rail, (which crosses by a j 10-arch viaduct), Fazeley canal, and Ryknield St. : containing Ashtcd, Castle Bromwich, Bortlesley, I >cri tt'iid, Duddeston, Erdington,Water Orton, and Ward Knd curs., Saltley and Witton, belonged to the saxon 'eorls' of Mercia, and at the Conquest came through Will. Fitz-Ausculf, etc. to the Er- dingtons and Holts (1367). Acres 13,330 ; pop. 8-2 AST AST 45,718 + 13GO, in the various branches of the Bir- mingham trade ; houses 8997 ; poor r. 35467. on 155,2077. ; real prop. 16,7047. ; charities 4127., of which 88/. to Sir T. Holte's almshouses, etc. St Peter and St. Paul Vic. (Wore.) val. 20757., patr. Peake's Trustees ; church, later eng., with brass of Justice Holt and several tombs, stands near A. Hall, which is an old elizabethan house, with some good portraits, now the seat of J. Watt, Esq. Ast. P. L. Union, contains the pars. etc. of Aston, Curdworth, Sultoii-Coldfield, Wishaw, with Min- worth; acres 29,960, pop. 50,928, cases relieved (1846-7) 1301 (out-door 1040), expend. 4641/., prop, rated 183,953/. Sup. Registry comprises the same up to Wishaw, with Bordesley, Castle-Brom- wich, St. John Deritend, Erdington, Water-Orton ; pop. 50,977 + 1434 ; births (1845) 1834 (919 being females 76 illegit), deaths 1070 marriages 504, of which 357 persons signed with marks. It belongs to Birmingham New County Court. Aston (15) 12m. S\V. of Salisbury, SW. Wilts. near Berwick St. John, belongs to the Delawarrs. P. ASTON par. ( ) with Aughton, S. StrafForth wap. W. R. York. 5 m. E. of Rotherham-159, near N. Midld. rail, and R. Rother, contains Ulley. Acres 2870; pop. 768 + 20 ; poor r. 1947. (Rotherh. U.) ; real prop. 51767. ; charities 37/., of which 15/. to Mason's school. All Saints Rect. (York) val. 8317., patr. Duke of Leeds, through the D'Arcys, whose effigies are in the church, with a monument to Mason the poet, who died here rector, 1797. A. House, H. Verelst, Esq. ASTON- ABBOTT'S par. (46) Cottesloe hund. Mid. Bucks. 5 m. NNE. of Aylesbury-40, on the Chiltern hills, belonged to Haghmond ab., and is a meet for the Rothschild hounds. Acres 2180 ; pop. 356 + 5 ; poor r. 2307, (Aylesb. U.) ; real prop. 4095Z. ; chari- ties, church lands, 9/. St. James Vic. (Lon.) val. 143/., patr. Earl of Chesterfield. ^ A.-BLANK, or COLD ASTON, par. (44) Bradley hund. E. Glou- cester. 3m. NNE. of Northleach-82, near the Foss Way and R. Windrush, belongs to Rev. M. H. Waller. Acres 2250 ; pop. 302 + 1 ; poor r. 1597. (Northl. U.); real prop. 22737. ; charities 397., of which Carter's for school 57. St. Andrew Vic. (Gl. and Br.) val. 1867., patr. Ld. Chancellor. ig A. BOTTERELL par. (61) Stottesden hund. SE. Salop, 6 m. NW. of Cleobury Mortimer-137, under Clee hill, near R. Rhea, containing Bold, was a mkt. town under the Botterells (Hen. III.), and is a meet for the Wheatland hounds. Acres 3000; pop. 173; poor r. 727. (Cleobury U.) ; real prop. 44817. St. Michael Rect. (Heref.) val. 3677., patr. Duke of Cleveland. igiT A.-BY- BUDWORTH chplry. (80) Gt. Budworth par. 3 m. NE. of Northwich-14, belongs to the Egertons, with an old moated house. Acres 2830 ; pop. 405 ; poor r. 2067. (Altrincham U.) ; real prop. 76297. igT A. CANTLOW, or CANTELUPE, par. (54) Barlichway hund. W. Warwick. 4 m. NE. of Alcester-103, on R. Alne, near Birming. and Strat- ford canal, containing Wilncott cur., Newnham, Sheffield, Little Alne, and Path low, was a mkt. town under the Cantelupes, who had a seat here (Hen. III.). Acres 4300 ; pop. 1089 + 14 ; poor r. 4347. (Alcest. U.) ; real prop. 72757., of which 13037. on quarries. St. J. Baptist Vic. (Wore.) val. 937., patr. Rev. R. S. Carles. i^ A. CHET- WYND and A. CHURCH. See CHETVVYND-A. and CHURCH A. Salop. P. ASTOX CMXTON par. (46) Aylesbury hund. Mid. Bucks. 4 m. ENE. of Aylesbury-40, near Wendover and Aylesb. canals, contains St. Leonard cur., and is a meet for the Rothschild hounds. Acres3640, of town 2670 ; pop. 1025 + l,and 847 ; poorr. 5707. (Aylesb. U.) ; real prop. 43447. ; chari- ties 1927. St. Michael Rect. (Ox on.) val. 5067., patr. Jesus Coll. A. House, late Viscount Lake. igiT A. COAL. See COAL A. Derby. gg A. EAST and WEST tythgs. (12) Longparish par. NW. Hants. 3 m. SW. of Whitchurch-56, on R. Anton. Pop. 109 and 170. gip A. EPJSCOPI another name for A. WHITELADY, after the estate with which Bp. Lloyd endowed his school at Wor- cester. |gp A"-EYRE chplry. (61) Morvill par. SE. Salop, 4 m. W. of Bridgnorth-139. Acres 1330 ; pop. 130 + 1 ; poor r. 377. (Bridgn. U.) ; Living, a Cur. with Morvill. (JgT A. FLAM- VILLE par. (63) Sparkenhoe hund. SW. Leicester. 3 m. ESE. of Hinckley-99, near R. Soar, Watling St., and the Foss Way, contains Sketchley. Acres 4670; pop. 1909 + 20; poorr. 737. (Hinckl. U.); real prop. 17197. ; charities 227. St. Peter Rect. (Pet.) val. with Burbage cur. 8787., patr. Earl de Grey, gap A.-GRANGE tnshp. (80) Runcorn par. N. Cheshire, 3 m. E. of Frodsham-191, near N. West. rail, and R. Weaver, was the site of an old chapel. Acres 550 ; pop. 27. gaP A. Hall (61) close to Shiffnall, E. Salop, G. Moultrie, Esq. giT A. House (25) near Ashburton, SE. Devon. Rev. J. Timplar. (g|" A.-INGHAM par. (43) Grey- tree hund. SE. Hereford. 5 m. E. of Ross-120. Acres 2300 ; pop. 621 + 3 ; poor r. 2917. (Newent U.) ; real prop. 33207. ; charities 107. to Stocke's school. Living, a Rect. (Heref.) val. 3507., patr. Rev. H. Whatley, rector. A. Cruz 1 m. W. fgjJT A.-IviNGHOE hmlt. (46) Ivinghoe par. E. Bucks. 1 m. NNE. of Ivinghoe-33, commands a fine view. Pop. 446 + 4 ; real prop. 15857. igST A.- JUXTA-MONDRUM tnshp. (73. 80) Acton par. S. Cheshire, 3m. N. of Nantwich -164, on Chester and Crew rail. Acres 950 ; pop. 164 + 1 ; poor r. 1027. (Nantw. U.); real prop. 16547. ^" A.- LE-WALLS par. (50) Chipping Warden hund. SW. Nortlimptn. 7 m. NNE. of Banbury-71, near Oxford canal and R. Cherwell, containing Appletree, is so called from the Vallow '. e. vallum or bank, on the roman way to Dor- chester (Oxon.). Acres 1270 ; pop. 252 + 2 ; poor r. 477. (Banb. U.) ; real prop. 34587. ; charities 67. St. Leonard Rect. (Pet.) val. 5357., patr. St. John's Coll. Oxon. ; church, has a square sculp- tured font, and a brass (1685). igf" A., LITTLE, hmlt. (62) Shenstone par. S. Stafford. 5 m. ENE. ofWaIsall-121. Pop. 115. A. Ha/l,W. Leigh, Esq. ^p A. MAGNA hmlt. (44) Blockley par. Worcester, locally in Gloucester. 2 m. NN'W. of Moreton-in-the-Marsh-81, near the Foss Way. Pop. 223 ; real prop. 18337. St. John Cur. (Wore.) val. 1057., patr. Lord Redesdale. igf"" A., MID- DLE, tnshp. Aston Steeple par. as below, JV. Oxford. Pop. Ill; poor r. 1087. (Woodstock U.) ; real prop. 13497. fiip" A. MOLLINS hmlt (46) Dinton par. Mid. Bucks. 3 m. SW. of Aylesbury-40. Pop. 4. igg- A. MORRIS tythg. (20) Burnham and Huntshill pars. N. Somerset. 7 m. N. of Bridgewater-139, near the bay. Pop. 239 ; real prop. 26567. ^T A. NORTH par. (45) Wooton hund. N. Oxford. 2 m. SSE. of Ded- dington-69, on R. Chenvell near Oxford canal, a meet for the Heythrop hounds. Acres 1230 ; pop. 289 ; poor r. 3017. (Woodst. U.) ; real prop. 28857. ; charities 37. St. Mary Vic. (Oxon.) val. 1997., patr. J. Wills, Esq. ; church, has an ivy-covered tower and effigies. A. Park, Lord Clonmel. giP A. PIGOT tnshp. (60) Worthen par. W. Salop, 10 m. SW. of Shrewsbury-153, near R. Rhea, belongs to Betton of Overton. Pop. 78. igT A. ROGERS tnshp. J m. NE. of the above. Pop. 174. i^T A. ROWNANT par. (13) Lewknor hund. SE. Ox- ford. 5 m. SSE. of Thame-44, under the Chil- terns, near Icknield St. (where remains have AST been found), contains Chalford and Kingston lilount. Acres 2980, with crow iron or marca- site in the hills ; pop. 885 ; poor r. 7987. (Thame U.); real prop. 1943/. ; charitjes 12 II., of which 417. to Tipping's school. St. Peter and St. Paul Vic. (Oxon.) val. 1907., patr. Ld. Chancellor; church, early eng., has 2 brasses (from 1441) and tombs of the Thornhills and others. A. Park, Sir F. Desanges. igg" A. SANDFORD par. (7, 13, 45-6) Ashendon hund. Mid. Bucks. 5 m. SW. of Aylesbury-40, on a branch of R. Thame. Acres 65"0; pop. 86; poor r. 347. (Aylesb. U.) ; real prop. 7517. St. Michael Rect. (Line.) val. 1357., patr. Mrs. Barber, sometime held by the pious and learned Scott the commentator, who is buried here; church, small and later eng., with a gable porch. jgg" A. SOMKRVILLE par. (44) Lower Kiftsgate hund. 2V. Gloucester. 4 m. S. of Eves- ham- 96, on R. Isborne, has been for centuries the property of the Somervilles, of whom was William the poet, author of the " Chase," and Lord S. who first bred merino sheep in the country. Acres 1320; pop. 89; poor r. 31. (Evesh. U.) ; real prop. 1401/. St. Mary Rect. (Gl. and Br.) val. 272/., patr. Lord Somerville. Jossils and a salt spring have been found. igap" A. STEEPLE par. (45) Wootton hund. N. Oxford. 6 m. NNE. of Woodstock-62, on R. Cherwell, near Oxford canal, containing A. MIDDLE tnshp. as above, and a mineral spring. Acres 1870 ; pop. 580 + 2 ; poor r. 1867. (YVoodst. U.) ; real prop. 2195/. St. Peter Rect. (Oxon.) val. 5827., patr. Brasennose Coll., some time held by Dr. S. Radcliffe, founder of the free school and almshouses; church, ancient, with tombs of the Molines, who had the manor, which came to the Hunger- fords. A roman pavement was ploughed up 17th cent. gaP A.-sun-Enc.E par. (44) Upper Kifts- gate hund. iV. Gloucester. 5 m. SE. of Eves- ham-96, under Bredon hill. Acres 850; pop. 134 + 3; poor r. 197. (Evesh. U.); real prop. 1435/. ; charities 27. Living, a Rect. (Gl. and Br.) val. 204/., patr. Earl of Harrowby of Sandon. ,G. R. Ilul- bert, Esq. ^g" A. UPTIIORPE chplry. (13) Blew- berry par. Mid. Berks, close to A. Tiiii:<>u> .'^ above, is the spot when- \Vulflicrr of Mcrcia beat Konowaloh of Wessex 659. Acres 1120, pop. I.V.t, poor r. 46/. (Walliiigford U.), real prop. 1583/. Living, a Cur. with Blewberry ; church, ancient. <3f A. WH EATON. See Wn EATON A. Stii{f'i>ril. O" A, WHITE LADY par. (54) Lower Oswaldslow ATC 83 hund. Mid. Worcester. 5 m. NW. of Pcrshore -102, near Birmg. and Glouc. rail, had a celestine nunnery (not to be. confounded with Whiteladies nearer Worcester), and was Cromwell's head- quar- ters before the battle of Worcester. Acres 760 ; pop. 367; poor r. 1957. (Persh. U.); real prop. 20297. St. J. Baptist Vic. (Wore.) val. 226/., patr. R. Berkeley, Esq. See A. EPISCOPI, as above. ASTRAD tnshp. (79) Llandyrnog par. N. Den- bigh. 1 m. SE. of Denbigh-201. Pop. 49. A. Hall, T. Hughes, Esq. ASTROP hmlt. (451 King's Sutton and New- bottle pars. S W. Northmptn. 5 m. W. of Brackley -63, near R. Cherwell, has St. Rumbold's mineral well, which was used for skin diseases. Pop. 224. A. Hall, W. Willes, Esq., a meet for Mr. Drake's hounds. ASTWELL hmlt. (45) Wappenham and Syres- ham pars. SW. Northmptn. 6m. SW. of Tow- cester-60, belongs to the Duke of Buckingham, formerly to the Billings, Lovetts, and the Ferrers family, the remains of whose mansion and chapel are at A. Farm. Pop. 46; real prop. 21187. A meet for Ld. Southampton's hounds. ASTWICK par. (46) Biggleswade hund. E. Beds. 4m. SE. of Biggleswade-45, on R. Ivel, near a roman way. Acres 570 ; pop. 84 ; poor r. 247. (Bigglesw. U.); real prop. 7587. St. Guth- lake Rect. with Arlsey. igT Astwick (45) 2 in. SW. of Brackley, ! ASWARDHURN with LAFFOKU DEANERY, archd. and dioc. of Lincoln, includes the benefices marked above, with those in Flaxwell wap. Aswichtoft, 4 m. NE. of Croyland-90, SE. Line, the site of a small moated camp, where roman remains have been found. ATCH, LENCII, hmlt. (54) Church Lench p;i-. SE. Worcester. 4 in. N. of Evesham-95. Pop. 82. ATCIIAM par. (61) S. Bradford hund. Mid, u 2 8-1 ATC ATH Salop, 5m. SE. of Shrewsbury-153, where R. Tern joins the Severn near the bridges b. by Sir R. Hill, of Attingham (now seat of Lord Berwick), contains Berwick, Chilton, Cronkhill, Emstrey, and Uckington. Acres 3490 ; pop. 513 + 5 ; poor r. 125'. ; real prop. 5112Z. ; chanties 84/., of which Jones's for school, etc. GO/. Living, a Vic. (Lich.) val. 240/., patr. R. Burton, Esq., of Longnor Hall. Ordericus Vitalis, the historian, a native, born 1074. g^" Atch. P. L. Union contains the pars. etc. of Acton Burnel, Alber- bury, Albrighton, Astley, Atcham, Battlefield, Berrington (where poor ho. is), Cardiston, Church Preen, Church Pulverbatch, Condover, Cound, Cressage, Eaton Constantine, Fitz, Ford, Frodesley, Habberley, Hanwood (Great), Harley, Hughley, Kenley, Leighton, Melverley, Montford, Pitch- ford, Pontesbury, Shineton, Shrawardine, Staple- ton, Sutton, Uffington, Uppington, Upton Magna, Westbury, Withington,Wroxeter with Minsterley, Preston-Gubbals, Ruckle}', Gt.Wollaston, in Salop, and Banseley, Criggion, in Montgy. ; acres 107,640, pop. 18,842, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7)562 (outdoor 299), expend. 433U, prop, rated 147.199Z. Sup.Registry comprises the same up to Wroxeter ; pop. 18,842 + 109; births (1845) 564 (272 being females 55 illegit), deaths 340 marriages 93, of which 76 persons signed with marks ; 15 deaths from cholera in 1849. It belongs to Shrewsbury New County Court district. Atchington (73) 6 m. NW. of Newport, NE. Salop. ATHAN, ST. (20) Cowbridge hund. SE. Gla- morgan. 4 in. SSE. of Cowbridge- 173, on thecoast near Breaksea Point. Acres 1300, hilly and fer- tile ; pop. 379 + 6 ; poor r. 207/. (Bridgend U.) ; real prop. 2208/. St. Tathan's Rect. (Llan.) val. 3G9/., patr. Rev. W. Raver. At E. Orchard are the remains of Roger Berkrolles' castle. Athar Mountn. (73) a peak in the Mac Gilli- cuddy Reeks, Mid. Kerry, near Lough Carragh, 2540 "ft. high. ATHASSEL. See RELICKMURRY, Tlpperary. Athavallie (90) near Balla, Mid. Mayo, Sir R. L. Blosse, Bt. P. M. ATHBOY par. (23-4, 29, 30) Lune bar. W. Meath, 7 m. NW. of Trim, 34 from Dublin, on A. River (which rises near Crossakeel, and runs SE. about 15 m. to R. Boyne near Trim) a petty sessions and chief police station, was a borough returning 2 members from Eliz. (till the Union), under the Earl of Darnley who has the manor, and to whom it gives title of viscount, and has remains of a carmelite monastery found. 1317, and of Frayne and Causetown castles. Acres 11,884, good pasture, with limestone; pop. 5365 + 5, of town 1826 ; houses 307, with Earl Darnley's almhouses for 12. Living, a Vic. (Meath) val. with Girley and three others 432/., patr. Crown, Primate, and Bishop. A. Lodge, Sir F. Hopkins, Bt Mkt. D. Th. Fairs, 28 Jan. 4 May, 4 Aug. 7 Nov. Alhcarne Castle (33) 7 m. SW. of Drogheda, E. Meath, G. J. Gernon, Esq., formerly the De Bathes' seat. ATHEA vil. (34) Shanid bar. W. Limerick, 10 m. W. of Newcastle-145, on R. Geale. Pop. 215. ATHELAMPSTONE. See ADMISTON, Dorset. ATHELINGTON par. (50) Hoxne hund. N. Suf- folk, 5 m. NE. of Debenham-83. Acres 980 ; pop. Ill; poor r. 751. (Hoxne U.) ; real prop. 908/. ; charities 2/. St. Peter Rect. (Norw.) val. 155Z., patr. Lil. Chancellor. Athel, Adel, jEtliel, Ethel, " noble " or " famous." Athelinton, or Athebdton, vil. about 7 m. W. of Peterboro', NJf. Hunts, now depopulated, was given by Bp. Athelric in Canute's time to Ram- sey abbey, and an amusing story is quoted in the " Beauties of Engld. and Wales " of the way in which the cunning bishop obtained it from a hard- drinking Dane. ATHELNEY, i.e. noble island (18) Ling par. Mid. Somerset. 3 m. NW. of Langport-128, where R. Tone joins the Parret, in a marshy field between Borough Bridge and the church, is famous as the spot where Alfred hid from his enemies, and where, 888, he founded a small but beautiful benedictine abbey, now entirely gone. Many relics have been picked up at various times, among others a ring of Alfred's, at the Ash- molean museum, Oxon. with this device, ' Alfred het meh gewircan,' Alfred had me worked. P. ATHELSTANEFORD par. 3 m. NE. of Hadding- ton-17, N. Hadngtn. on R. Peffer, under the Garleton hills, has remains of a camp and of a chapel belonging to the K. Templars. Size 4000 chiefly arable, but once morass ; pop. 991 +2, of vil. 274 ; real prop. 806U ; for poor 308i Living (Presb. Hadngtn.) val. 262/., patr. Sir D. Kinlock, Bt., of Gilmerton, chief heritor, sometime held by Blair who wrote " The Grave," and Home, author of "Douglas, "who lived at Kil- duff ; church, near the ruins of a former one b. by Queen Ada. Garleton House in ruins. Skir- ving the portrait painter was a native. ATHENRY BARONY (83-5, etc.) Mid. Galway, contains parts of the pars, of Athenry, Kilconickny, Kilcomerin, Killimordaly, Killullagh, and Licker- rig; acres 25,782, an. val. 10,806/., pop. 8179, houses 1407. P. M. S3. ATHENRY par. (83-5, etc.) intheabove, Clare and Dunkellin bars. 13m.E. of Galway, 120 from Dublin, a petty sessions and police station, and decayed boro' (from Rich. II.), returning 2 members (till the Union) under the Blake- neys, was founded 13th cent, by the De Bir- minghams, to whom it gave the title of pre- mier baron, and has remains of their castle and dominican friary (b. 1261), and of the town- wall; was burnt by the Clanrieades 1577, and ruined by Hugh O'Donnell 1596. Acres 24,951. middling, with bog and coal ; pop. 5989, of town 1236 ; houses 254. Living, a Rect. (Tu. K. A.) val. 903Z., patr. Crown and Bishop. A. House, J. Lopdell, Esq. ; Castle Lambert,W. Lambert, Esq. Mkt. D. Frid. Fairs, 5 May, 2 July, 20 Oct., cattle. ATHERFIELU tythg. (10) Shorwell par. I. of Wight, S. Hants'. 6 m. SSW. of Newport-82, a coast gd. station, near A. Point and Rocks. P. ATHERINGTON par. (26) N. Tawton hund. N. Devon. 6 m. SSE. of Barnstaple-192, on R. Taw. Acres 2500 ; pop. 629 + 3 ; poor r. 293/. (Barnst, U.) ; real prop. 3243Z. St. Mary Rect. (Exet.) val. 403/., patr. Rev. J. Arthur, rector; church, has tombs and brasses of the Bassets, and was a cell to Caen abbey. A. Hall, C. Chichester, Esq. gif" ATHERINGTON. See ALDRINGTON, Sussex. ATHERSTOXE hmlt. (18) White Lackington par. S. Somerset. 1 m. NE. of Ilminster-136. ATHERSTONE DIVISION (62-3) Hemlingford hund. J\ r . Warwick, contains Atherst one*, the pars. of Ansley*, Baxterley*, Caldecote, Chilvers-Coton, Corley, Fillingley, Lea-Marston, Mancetter*,Max- 1 stoke, Nuneaton, Shustoke, Weddington, Nether I and Over Whitacre, and part of Merevale* ; acres, 1 39,190, pop. 19,415, houses 4271. P. M. ATHERSTONE chplry.Mancetter par. in the ! above hund. 20 m. N. of Warwick, 107 from London, I or 102 by Trent Val. rail, a polling and petty ses- ! sions town, on Coventry canal, and Watling St., \ near R. Anker and Bosworth field, was given to j Bee abbey at the Conquest (when it was called ATII Aderestone), and had an austin friary, fourd. 1376, by Ralph Basset, val. 2/., and given to the Cartwrights. Pop. 3743, in the hat and ribbon marmfact., and the Badsley colliery ; houses 790, with 3 chapels, assembly-rooms and mkt. house on pillars, ' Three Tuns ' inn (where Richmond slept 20 Aug. 1485, before the battle), 2 banks, savings bk. (25,651/. from 692 depositors), dispen- sary, library and newsroom, Sir W. Devereux's gram, school (289/.), Simmons' englishsch. (42/.), and Union p. house; poor r. 2153Z. on 68997. ; real prop. 12,5077. ; charities 6247. St. Mary Cur. (Wore.) val. 1507., patr. Vicar; church, which belonged to the priory, is early eng. and cruci- form. Drayton, who wrote the ' Poly-olbion,' was a native, 1563-1631. A. Hall, G. Bracebridge, Esq. who derives from Turchill, the saxon, who lived at Kingsbury ; the Atherstone hounds are at Witherley. Ath. P. L. Union contains the pars. etc. marked * in the div. above, and Fenny Dayton, Sheepy (Magna and Parva) with Atherston, in Leic., Baddesby Ensor, Grendon, Polesworth with Bentley, Oldbury in Warwk. ; acres 22,735, pop. 10,866, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 1002 (out-door 928), expend. 4S727., prop, rated 44,4607. Sup. Registry comprises the same up to Sheepy in Leic. and Polesworth in Warwk. with Ratcliflfe- Culey and Witherley; pop. 10,891. The New County Court district corresponds with the Regis- try except Ansley which goes toNuneaton. Mkt. D. Tues. Fairs, 7 Apr. 18 July, cattle; 19 and 21 Sept. cattle, cheese (for which it is noted) ; 4 Dec. fat cattle, etc. ATHERSTONE-ON-STOUR par. (54) Kington hund. jt A. PRESBYTERY, in- cludes Athlone, Ballinasloe, Corboy, Galway, Longford, Moyvorc, Mullingar, Mountmellick, Roundstone, Tully. Mkt. Vs. Tu. Sat. Fairs, 1st Mon. after 6 Jan. 21 Mar. Wed. before Ascen- sion, 1st. Mon. Sept. ATHLUMNY par. (25, 31-2) Skreen bar. Mid. Meath, containing part of Navan-29, Factory and Little Furze, where R. Blackwater joins the Boyne, has remains of A. Castle, once the seat of" the Dowdells, who destroyed it to prevent Cromwell taking it. Acres 2454, good arable, with lime- stone; pop. 1269+ 12, in the flax and flour mills. Living, a Vic. (Meath) val. 55/., patr. P. P. Metge, Esq. of A. House; church, in ruins. A. Cottage, Dr. Hudson. ATHNKASY par. (40, 48) Coshlea and Small count}' bars. SE. Limerick, 3 m. NE. of Kilmal- lock-140, has remains of St. Athanasius church found. 7th cent. of Adaus's (?) church, and other ruins. Acres 2837, good, arable with pasture ; pop. 1503. Living, a Rect. with Kilmallock ; no church. Martinstown, M. Walsh, Esq. ATHNIH par. (35, 41) Eliogarty bar. Mid. Tip- pvrary, on R. Suir, 3 m. NE. of Thurles-95. Acres 855, fertile; pop. 293 + 4. Living, a Vic. with Thurles ; no church. ATIINOWEN, or ST. MARY, par. (72-3, 85) E. Muskerry bar. Mid. Cork, 7 m. WSVV. of Cork -160, a petty sessions town on a branch of R. Lea, G 3 86 ATH AT\V has some curious caverns, also remains of Castle Inch, and of Grange abbey found. 7th cent, at Grange, seat of J. Hawkes, Esq. Acres 4838, arable, with limestone; pop. 1925, decreasing. Living, a Rect. (Ck. K. C.) val. with Kilnaglory C55/., patr. Bishop. Atholl District, under the Grampians, N. Perth, watered by the Garry, Tummel, Bruar and Tilt, and by Lochs Ericht, and Rannoch, belongs chiefly to the Duke of Atholl, of A. House, who takes hence his title, and which the Queen visited 1844. Size 450 sq. m. chiefly mountain (3690 ft. high at Cairn Gower, 3390 at Scarsoch), wood and lake, including 100,000 acres in A. Forest, which is well stocked with red deer and game, and planted with millions of larch, fir, etc. from the timber of which H. M. S. Atholl was built. At Killiecrankie pass, Claverhouse was killed 1689. A. Sow Hill, one of the Grampians at the head of Loch Ericht. See BLAIR ATHOLL. Athur Mountain (9) the highest of the Dun- kerron group, S. Kerry, 2186 ft. high. P. M. ATHY (35) St. Michael, St. John, and Church town pars. E. Xarragh bar. S W. Kildare, 12 in. S. of Kildare, 52 from Dublin, or 45 by Carlow branch rail, where the Gd. canal joins E. Barrow, the county (?) assize, and sessions town, a chief police station, and decayed boro' (under a sovereign, bailiffs, etc.) returning 2 members till the Union, grew out of a crutched friary found. 1253 by Lord Rheban and a domi- niean friary of the Boyles, etc. ; was burnt by the Irish 1308," taken by Edw. Bruce 1315, and had a castle b. bv Lord Kjldare 1506, which was cap- tured by 6'Xeil 1648, and by parl. 1650. Pop. 4698 + 20, in a good grain and carrying trade, by canal ; houses 844 with church, 2 chapels, court- house, gaol, 2 banks, fever hosp. dispensary, bar- racks (part of the old white castle), Union work- house, 5-arched bridge. Living, a Union of 5 pars. (Du. G. K.) val. 4737., patr. Crown and Archbp. Woodstock and Rheban castles on the river, in ruins. Athy P. L. Union contains 14 elect, divs. in Kildare, King's, and Queen's Cos. with 24 guar- dians ; acres 163,377, pop. 47,912, ho. room for 600, cases relieved (yr. '47-8) 2800 (besides 4509 out- door), expend. 10,4757., prop, rated 102,8817. June, Ds. Tues. Sat. Fairs, 17 March, 25 Apr. 9 M kt. 25 July, 10 Oct. 11 Dec. cattle, etc. Atkins's Rock, in the Atlantic, is a doubtful ' vigia' or look-out, about lat. 55 J N., long. 10 to 11 W., which Capt. Vidal in his survey of 1841 searched for without success. ATLOW chplry. (72) Bradborne par. Slid. Derby. 4 m. XE. of Ashbourne-139, on a branch of R. Dove, has a fine view from Magger's bush. Acres 1580; pop. 156, decreasing; poor r. 18/. (Ashby U.) ; real prop. 19927. ; charities II. Living, a Cur. (Lich.) val. 148/., patr. C. H. Oakover, Esq. Atmarsh (55) 4 m. XXE. of Hereford, Mid. Hereford, near R. Lug. ATPAR. See ADPAR, Cardigan. Attacotti of the Romans, were the people of Argyll, about L. Fyne. ATTANAGH par. (1, 4, 5) Fassadinin bar. N. Kil- kenny and Clarmallagh bar. S. Queen's Co. 2 m. SE. of Durrow-65, on R. Xore. Acres 2561, fertile ; pop. 919 + 16. Living, a Vic. with Aharney. ATTENBOROUGH par. (71) S. Broxtow wap. SW. Notts. 5 m. SW. of Nottingham- 124, on Midld. rail, where R. Erwash joins the Trent at the weir, contains Chilwell and Toton. Acres 1930; pop. 1036, some stockingers (27 frames); poor r. 1. (Shardlow U.) ; real prop. 7. ; cha- rities 197. and Dairy's 2 almshs. St. Mary Vic. (.Line.) val. with Bramcote 2507., patr. G. S. Fol- S jambe, Esq. Chilweli hall, Dr. Davison. Ireton, Cromwell's son-in-law, was a native. 1611-51. Atter Long (7) Hillingdon par. W. Middlesex, 1 m. SE. of Uxbridge-15. ATTERBY tnshp. (83) Bishop's Xorton par. N. Lincoln. 8 m. WXW. of Market Raisen-144, near Ermine St. Acres 1190; pop. 142 + 3; poor r. 117. (Caistor U.) ; real prop. 13307. ; charities 87. P. ATTERCLIFFE-CUM-DAKXAL chplry. (82) Sheffield par. W. R. York. 2 m. EXE. of Sheffield -162, on Rotherham rail. Tinsey canal, and R. Don, under the cliff, containing Carbrook, belongs to the Duke of Xorfolk. Acres 1270, with cannel coal ; pop. 4156 + 41, cutlers, etc. (cast steel was first made here); poor r. 1186/. (Shef. U.) ; real prop. 9027/. ; charities 36/., of which 13/. to Sunday school, and some almsho. Living, a Cur. (York.") val. 1807., patr. Vicar. A. Hall, J. Milner, Esq. ATTERLEY tnshp. (61) Much Wenlock par. E. Salop, 2 m. SE. of Much Wenlock- 148. Pop. 52. ATTERTON- hmlt. (63) Witherley par. W. Lei- cester, b m. SW. of Market Bosworth-106. Pop. 84; real prop. 11587. Attery River (25, 31) rises in Wilsey down, near Trenegloss, NE. Cornwall, and nms'ESE. about 12 m. to R. Tamar, near Launceston. Attingham House (61) 4 m. SE. of Shrewsbury, Mid. Salop, where R. Tern joins the Severn, seat of Lord Berwick, with a picture gallery, etc. ATTINGTON ext. par. (13) Thame" hund. E. Oxford. 3 m. S. of Thame-44. Acres 560 ; pop. 8. P. M. ATTLEBOROUGH, or ATTLEBCRGH, par. 66) Shropham hund. S. Norfolk, a stat. on E. )ount. rail. 1 10 m. from London, or 94 by road, and 14m. SW. of Xonvich-108, now decayed, was once the capital of East Anglia, and had a college found, by the Mortimers, val. 22/., and given bv Hen. VIII. to the Ratcliffes. Acres 5800; pop. 1959 + 2 ; houses 400 with 3 chapels, bank, Xer- ford's gram, school (17/.) ; poor r. 1376/. on 92527. (Wayland U.); real prop. 11,0837. ; charities 767., and 57 acres of poor's allotment. St. Mary Rect. (Xorw.) val. 12267., patr. Rev. Sir E. B. Smyth, Bt. of A. Hall; church, norman and early eng. with tombs of the Mortimers, Ratcliffes, and Blickleys. Mkt. D. Th. Fairs, Th. before Easter, Holy Th. 15 Aug. ATTLEBOROCGH limit (63) Xuneaton par. NE. Warwick. 1 m. SE. of Xuneaton-100, on Trent Valley rail, and R. Anker, near Coventry canal. Pop. 1095; real prop. 45867. Living, "a Cur. (Wore.) val. 170/., patr. Vicar. P. ATTLEBRIDGE par. (66) Taverham hund. Mid. Norfolk, 9 m. XW. of Xorwich-108, on R. Wensum. Acres 810; pop. 94; poor r. 1287. (St. Faith's U.) ; real prop. 10707. St. Andrew Vic. with Alderford ; church, has a brass. Attrebatii of the Romans, a people in Berks, who came over from the banks of R. Seine. Attwater, near Bodenham, S W. Wilts. G. Att- water, Esq. who has a remarkable cross filly (found in the Xew Forest) between a mare and a deer, with a deer's tail, hoofs, face, throat, and coat. Attyflin (21) near St. Patrick's well, N. Lime- rick, J. Westropp, Esq. ATTYMASS par. (39, 40, 48-9) Gallen bar. NE. Mayo, 4 m. X. of Foxford-166, on R. Moy, under the Ox mountains, has a ruined convent on ona of its many lakes. Acres 11,154, middling, with freestone, waste, and water; pop. 3435 + 16. Living, a Vic. with Ardagh. Fairs, 24 May, 7 July, 15 Xov. 15 Dec. ATWICK par. ( ) N. Holderness wap. E. R. York. 2 m. X. of Hornsea-190, on the X. Sea, which is gaining on it, contains LITTLE A. hmlt. (pop. 9.) Arram and Skirlington. Acres 2100 ; ATW pop. 300 + 2 ; poor r. 1251. (Skirlaugh U.) ; real prop. 3069Z. ; charities 59/. of which about 46/. to Fen wick's school. St. Lawrence Beet. (York.) Viil. 149/,, patr. Ld. Chancellor. ATVVORTH, or AIJTORD, chplry. (14) Gt. Brad- ford par. W. Wilts. 3 m. NW. of Melksham-96. Acres 1170; pop. 824; charities 171. to Brown's school, etc. Living, a Cur. (Sal.) val. with S. Wraxall 2251., patr. Dean and Chap, of Bristol. A nl "in it (19) near Killashandra, W. Cavan. Auberries (47^ 2 m. SW. of Sudbury, N. Essex, J. Greenwood, Esq. M. AUBIN (Sx.) town, St. Brelade par. Jersey, Channel Islds. 3 in. W. of St. Helier, on W. side of a beautiful bay, under Noirmont, is the second town in the isld. with church, 2 chapels, etc. Pop. about 800. Living, a Cur (Wine.) val. GO/., patr. Proprietors. A pier protects the harbour, and the Bay defended by Elizabeth's and St. Aubin's castles, is a good roadstead ; but there are several shoals in it, as La Rouardiere, Frougines, Hin- fuette, Denue, Sillaire, Brasiere, etc. Mkt. D. lond. Auborough (55) 5 m. X. of Hereford, Mid. Here- ford. AUBOURN par. (83) Lower Boothby Graffo wap. W. Lincoln. 6 m. SSW. of Lincoln- 132, on R. Witham and Notts rail, near the Fcss road, con- tains Haddington and Marlboro'. Acres 3090 ; pop. 374 + 2 ; poor r. 62Z. (Lincoln U.) ; real prop. 2104/. ; charities, Nevile's, etc. 19/. St. Peter Vic. (Line.) val. 54/., patr. Rev. H. Neville. Auburn (12) near Malahide, N. Dublin. AUBUHN or LISSOY (16) 8 m. ME. of Athlone -76, N. Westmeath, near Lough Ree, the " Sweet Auburn " of Goldsmith's ' Deserted Village,' has the ruined parsonage, where he spent seme of his early days. A. House, J. Hogan, Esq. gig Au- ui'RX, or O\VBURN, limit. (94) Fraisthorpe par. Dickering wap. E. R. York. 3 m. S. of Bridlington -206, on that bay, is in a great measure washed away by the sea. Pop. 12. Living, a Cur. with Fraisthorpe. Auck, 3 m. N. of Tyndrum, NE. Argyll. This gaelic term, which in this and the following names signifies h igh, is related toAch, Agh, Augh, in many other Scotch and Irish names. Auchaber, near Forgue, N. Aberdeen. Auchalader Castle, 3 m. N. of Tyndrum, NE. Argyll. Auchall Loch near Loch Broom, W. Ross. 2 m. E. of Allapool. Auclianacy 2 m. SW. of Keith- 136, Mid. Banff. AUCHAXDOYNE vil. Braemar and Craithie par. S W. Aberdeen, near Castletown-95. Pop. 174. Auchans House, 3 m. SE. of Irvine, W. Ayr. seat of the Eglintouns, formerly of the Dundonalds. Av.chanshai.th, near Braemar, SW. Aberdeen. Auchen, or Auchancass, Castle, 2 m. SW. of Moflat, N. Dumfries, on R. Evan, a ruined seat of the Unices, lords of Annandale. AUCIIENBARD, vil. Livingston par. S. Linlith- gow, 2 in. SSE. of Blackburn, near Briach Water. Auchenltathy, 4 m. SSW. of Jol.nstone, W. Renfrew. Auchenbeaty Burn, Kirkmahoe par. & A. PRES- BYTERY, synod of Perth and Stirling, SE. Perth. contains the pars, of Auchterarder *, Blackford *, Comrie*, Crieff*, Dunning*, Fossaway, Foulis Wester, Gask, Glendevon, Madderty*," Monzie- vaird and Strowan, Monzie*, Muckart, Muthill*, Trinity Gask, besides 3 q. s. parishes. Ditto, Free Church, those marked *, and Braco. Fairs, last Tu. in Mar. 1st Th. May, 6 Dec. and in Aug. Sept. Oct. for cattle. AUCHTERDAIR vil. near Duthill, S. Elgin. AUCHTERDERRAN par. Kirkcaldy district, S. rife. 8 m. NE. of Dunfermline-16, on R. Ore and Edinb. and North, rail., contains Lochgelly. Size 5 m. by 3, arable ; with coal, lime, and stone quarries ; pop. 1913 + 32, partly colliers; real prop. 92417. ; for poor 2237. Living (Presb. Kirkcaldy) val. 2387., patr. Boswell of Balmuto. P. AUCHTERGAVEN par. 8 m. NNW. of Perth -40, E. Perth, on R. Tay, with " Birnam wood " to the N., contains part of Stanley q. s. par. Bank- foot, Camie hill, and Lightfoot. Acres 20,000, chiefly moor, in some parts above 1000 ft. high ; pop. 3366, partly in the Stanley ccttonmills; real prop. 9964/. ; for poor 4031. Living (Presb. Dunkeld) val. 1797., patr. Crown. Stanley house, on the river, was seat of the Nairnes, who had another at Loak, now in ruins. AUCHTERHOUSE par. 6 m. NW. of Dundee-45, S W. Forfar. on R. Dighty, and the Dundee and Newtyle rail., contains Dronley and Kirkton. Size 4J m. by 3 J, chiefly arable ; pop. 769 + 5 ; real prop. 5316/. ; for poor 797. Living (Presb. Dundee) val. 2297., patr. Earl of Airlie. A. Castle, Lady H. Wedderburn. AUCHTERLESS par. 22 m. NNW. of Aberdeen -110, N. Aberdeen, on R. Ythan. Size 6 m. by 4 ; pop. 1685 ; real prop. 68177. ; for poor 1677. Living (Pres. TurrifF) val. 1917., patr. Duff of Hatton. Roman and druidical remains are found. Aitchterlour(16) 1m. S. of Stranraer. W. Wigton. AUCHTERMARINE vil., Kennoway par. &. Fife. 4 m. N W. of Leven-24. AUCHTERMONEY vil. Campsie par. S. Stirling. 2 m. N. of Kirkintilloch-41. P. AUCHTERMUCHTY par. Cupar district, N. Fife. 28 m. N. of Edinbro', on R. Eden and North- ern rail., containing Dunshelt, is a royal and par], burgh (with votes for the county), first chartered by Jas. V., and governed by 3 bailies, 15 council., etc. Size 3 m. by 2, good'land ; pop. 3356 + 13, of town 1324, linen weavers ; real prop. 69267. ; for poor. 4527. Living (Presb. Cupar) val. 2547., patr. Bruce of Falkland. Myers cast., the old ruined seat of the Moncrieffs, is near. Fair, 13 July. AOCHTERNUD vil. Fodderty par. SE. Ross. 4 m. W. of Dingwall-182. Pop. 115. P. AUCHTERTOOL par. Kirkcaldy district, S. Fife. 8 m. ENE. of Dunfermline-16, on Ediub. and AUC AUG North rail., contains Newliiggin. Size 4 m. by '2; pop. 530+ 1 of vil. 239 ; real prop. 3129": for poor 48/. Living (Presb. Kirkcaldy) val. 158/., patr. Earl of Moray ; church, has a fine view, and near Camilla loch are ruins of Hallyards, a seat of the Skenes, in which Jas. V. took shelter after his defeat on the borders. AUCHTERTYRE vil. near Newtyle, nthe canal and Sheffield rail., contains Hoolly Hill, Walkmill, Littlemoss, Wood- houses and North Street. Pop. 5374 + 159, of vil. 917, hat makers, calico printers, and silk weavers ; real prop. 15,503/. Living, a Cur. (Manch.) val. 150/., patr. Crown and Bishop. AUDLAND ( ) 5 m. N W. of Kirkby Lonsdale, S. Westmrld. AUDLEBY hmlt. (86) Caistor par. N. Lincoln. 1 m. N. of Caistor- 153, on the Wolds, near A. Villa, a meet for the Brocklesby hounds. Pop. 28. P. AUDLEM par. (73) Nantwich hund. . Cheshire, 5 m. S. of Nantwich-164, on Gd. Junct. canal, near N. West, rail., contains Buerton, Dod- cot-cum-Wilkesley, Hankelow, and Tittenley, and means Old Lyme (see Lyme). Acres 11,781, of town 2250 ; 'pop. 2827, and 1621 + 7 ; poor r. 111/. (Nantw. U.); real prop. 6133/. ; charities 1 32/., of which 40/. to Bolton's free gram, school, 41. to free school. St. James Vic. (Ches.) val. /., pat. Lord Combermcre, of Combermere abbey. A. Jfall, . Fair, St. James's day. Audley (61) near Bridgnorth, ~SE. Salop, E. Acton, Esq. P. AUDLEY par. (73) N. Pirehill hund. NW. Stafford. 4 m. NW. of Newcastle-under-Lyme -150, near Harecastle tunnel on Gd. Trunk canal, containing Talk o'-th'-Hill cur., Bignall, Eard- ley, Halmer, Knowl, and Park End, belongs to the Toilets, and gives the title of baron to the Touchets of Heleigh castle, the ruined seat of the Audleys. Acres 8140, with coal and ironstone ; pop. 4474 + 86, of town 934 + 27 ; poor r. 952/., on 15,9621. (Newcastle U.) ; real prop. 3570/. ; charities 150/., of which 115/., to Vernon's free gram, school, found. 1622. St James Vic. (Lich.) val. 520/., patr. Rev. E. Gilbert. &. Audley Castle (31) near Strangford, E. Down, on Lough Strangford, belonged to the De Courcys. Audley End (47) close to and Saffron Walden, N\V. Essex on E. Count, rail, and R. Granta, seat of Lord Braybrooke, is part of a noble eliza- bethan pile b. 1616 (on site of the Magnavilles' benedictine priory) at a cost of 200,000/., by Thorpe and Jansen, for Lord Treas. Howard (who called it after his uncle, Audley) and includes a great hall, with a screen by Vanburgh, chapel, portraits in panel in the fish room (a ceiling carved with fish, etc.) of Hen. VIII. and Ld. Chan. Audley by Holbein, Lady Essex by Lely, Earl Northmbrld. by Vandycke, many Howards and Griffins, Geo. II. by Pine (the" best likeness), Ld. Braybrooke by Romney, with pieces by Dutch and other masters, also a bridge by Adams, in the grounds, and Ring-hill camp on Ermine St. Audries, St. (20) 4 m. E.by S. of Watchet, W. Somerset. Aufona Fluv. of the Romans, is R. Nen. Augabelry (2) part of the Arigna mineral dis- trict, N. Roscommon, belongs to Col. Tennyson. AUGHADERRY hmlt. (3) Trough bar. N~ Mona- ghan, near Aughnacloy-89. ' Augh,' means high ; for other names beginning awjh, see Ach or Agh. Aughadresden Bog ( ) on the borders of Ros- comn. and Mayo, contains 3406 acres. AUGHCLARE vil. (34) Shelburne bar. SW. Wexford. 4 m. S. of New Ross-90. AUGHELOGUN vil. ( ) Clare bar. Galway, 8 m. NNE. ofGalway-132. P. M. AUGHER vil. (59) Clogher bar. S. Ty- rone, 2 m. ENE. of Clogher, 96 from Dublin, a petty sess. and chief police station, on R. Black- water, was given to Sir J. Ridgeway by Jas. I., defended by Col. Chichester against Sir Phelim O'Nial in 1641, dismantled by parl., and was a borough returning 2 members till the Union. Pop. 753 ; houses 139. A. Castle, on the ruins of the old one, Sir J. B. Richardson, Bt., through the Ridgeways. Mitt. D. Hon. Fairs, monthly for cattle. AUGHINISII vil. (3) Oughtmama par. JV. Clare, 14 m. N. of Curofin-139, near A. Point, a bathing place on A. Bay in Ballyvaughan bav. Pop. 312. P. M. AUGHNACLOY vil. (60) Dungannon bar. S. Tyrone, 19 m. SE. of Omagh, 89 from Dublin, a petty sess. and police station, on R. Black- water, belonging to R. Moore, Esq., of Storm Hill. Pop. 1841 ; houses 351, with Carrenteel church, 4 chapels, market and sessions house, etc. Mkt. D. Wed. Fain, monthly for cattle. 3. Aughnanure Castle ( ) 12 m. NW. of Gal- way, S. Galway. the ruined scat of the O'Flahertys. AUGIINISII par. (37, 45-6) Kilmacrenan bar. NE. Donegal, contains Rathmelton-152, on Lough Swilly. Acres 9195 good, with bog; pop. 4974 + 4, in the linen manufact., flour mills, and bleach grounds. Living, a Rect. with Tully Ag- nish. Fort Stewart, Sir J. Stewart, Bt., near the ruins of Kellydonell abbey. Fairs, 17 July, and Tues. after 20 May and 11 Dec. P. AuGHRi.Mpar.(86-7,98-9)Clonmacnoon and 90 AUG AUS Kilconnel bars. E. Galway, 33 m. E. of Galway, | 95 from Dublin, a police station and once a market j town, where De Ginkell totally routed Jas. II.'s , forces, under St. Ruth 1691, had an Austin priory | found, by Theobald the first Butler. Acres 7252, i middling, with bog; pop. 2127 (decreasing) of viL 458. Living, a Beet. (K. K. C. K.) val. with 3 others 405Z,, patr. Bishop. Gives title of viscount to the De Ginkells of Utrecht. Fairs, 14 Oct. (tur- keys, etc.), 21 June. gSP AUGHRIM par. (11, 16-7) Roscomrnon bar. N. Roscomm. 4 m. S. of Car- rick-98, a petty sessions town, on the Shannon, containing Hill Street. Acres 8255, with bog, water, and lime ; pop. 4469, decreasing. Living, a Vic. (K. E. A.) val. with Cloonaff and Killumod 228i, patr. Bishop ; church, in ruins near Rock- ville fort. P. AUGHRIM vil. (34) S. Ballinacor bar. S. Wicklow. 8 m. SW. of Rathdrum-38, on A. River, which rises in the Lugnaquilla mountains, joins the Deny water, and runs SE. about 12 m. through A. Glen to the Ovoca at the second " meeting of the waters " 3 m. above Arklow. Fairs, 22 July, 22 Nov. 4th Tues. Dec. AUGHTON par. (89, 90) W. Derby hund. S W. Lancash. 2 m. SW. of Ormskirk-219, near Leeds and Liverp. canal, and R. Alt. Acres 4410 ; pop. 1560 + 10 ; poor r. 2117. (Ormsk. U.) ; real prop. 13,253 St. Michael Rect. (Ches.) val. 67G/., patr. J. P. Tempest, Esq. A. Hall, . igF 1 AUGHTON chplry. ( ) Halton par. N. Lancash. 6 m. NE. of Lancaster-240, on R. Lune. Acres 1900 ; pop. 134 ; charities 181. Living, a Cur. (Manch.) val. 140Z., patr. Rector. giP AUGHTON tythg. (14) Collingbourn Kingston par. E. Wilts. 4 m. NW. of Ludgershall-71. giT AUGHTON par. ( ) Harthill wap. E. R. York. 1 m. NW. of Howden-180, on R. Derwent, contains E. Cot- tingwith cur. and Laytham, with remains of Rob. Aske's castle, who headed the " Pilgrimage of Grace," or rising for the old religion, 1536. I Acres 4200, of town 1790; pop. 634 and 217; poor r. 63Z. (Howden U.) ; real prop. 1922/. ; chari- ties 48Z., of which 4/. to school. All Souls Vic. (York) val. with Cottingworth 90/., patr. T. Mos- ley, Esq. ^ AUGHTON par. (82) S. Strafforth wap. W. R. York. 6m. E. of Sheffield-162, near N. Midld. rail, is joined to ASTON. A. Hall, Sir F. Stovin. AUGUSTINE (ST.) LATHE (3) NE. Kent, corre- sponding nearly with the Primate's diocese, con- tains the bunds, of Bewsborough, Bleangate, Bridge, Cornilo, Downhamford, Eastry, Kingham- ford, Preston, Ringslow (or Thanet, on which St. Augustine landed), Westgate (Canterbury, etc.), Whitstable, and Wingham; acres 163,550, pop. 86,283, houses 16,038. Augustine's, St. (3) A. Pugin, Esq., the archi- tect, who has b. a rom. cath. chapel, etc., near it. P. AUGUSTUS, FORT, vil. Boleskin par. Mid, Inverness. 28 m. SW. of Inverness, 131 from Edin- bro' on Caledonian canal, at the head of Loch Xess, amongst the hills, was b. 1729, on Lord Lovat's estate, and taken bv the rebels 1745. Pop. 213. AUKBOROUGH. See ALKBOROUGH, Lincoln. AUKLEY ( ) 5 m. NE. of Darlington, S. Dur- ham. Avid Davie Burn, runs into R. Ythan, near Auchterless, .ZV. Aberdeen. Avid Wife's Lift, near Baldernock, S. Stirling. a druidical heap of large stone blocks, like Kit's Coty-House. Auldbar House, 2 m. SW. of Brechin, E. Forfar. P. Chalmers, Esq. near R. South Eske. Auldcamus. See ALD CAMUS, Berwick. P. ACLDEARN par. 2 m. ESE. of Xairn-12fi, JV. Nairn, near Moray Frith, where Montrose beat the Covenanters under Hurry 1645, is a burgh of ba- rony, and was the seat of the deans of Moray. Size 6 m. by 5, good, with marl and peat ; pop. 1466, of vil. 351, decreasing; real prop. 6109/. ; for poor 44Z, Living (Presb. Nairn.) val. 241/., patr. Brodie of Brodie. Lethan, seat of J. C. Brodie, Esq. ; Boath, Dunbar, Esq. Fairs, 20 June, and in Nov. horses. AULDFIEI.D par. q. s. to Eastwood par. E. Ren- frew, near Pollockshaw-47. Pop. 3252, in the cotton mill. Living (Presb. Paisley), vaL I., patr. Male communicants. P. Auldgirth Bridge, near Dumfries, S. Dumfr. AULDHAM old par. joined to Whitekirk, Had- dinyton. Auldhouse Burn, runs into R. White Cart, near Pollockshaw, E. Renfrew. AULT-HUCKNALL par. (82) Scarsdale hund. NE. Derby. 6 m. SE. of Chesterfield-15, close to Hardwick park, contains Rowthorne and Stainsby. Acres 3730 ; pop. 678 + 6 ; poor r. 133/. (Mansfield U.) ; real prop. /. Living, a Vic. (Lich.) val. 113/,, patr. Duke of Devonshire. Aulta/rande, or Altgrad, River, rises in Loch Glass, E. Ross, and runs SE. 7 m. to Cromarty Frith. Aultmore. See Altmore, Banff. Aulton Hall (71) 2 m. SSW'. of Worksworth, Mid. Derby. Aulton Park (48) 12 m. SE. of Colchester, E. Essex, near the coast. AUNBY hmlt. (64) Castle Bytham par. 5. Lin- coln. 4 m. N. of Stamford-89, near R. Glen, is a Cur. with Careby. Pop. 44. AUNSBY par. (70) Aswardhurn wap. SW. Lin- coln. 4 m. SSW. of Sleaford-115. Acres 1250 ; pop. 117 ; poor r. 13/. (Sleaf. U.) ; real prop. 1729/. St. Thomas a Becket Rect. (Line.) val. 251/., patr. J. A. Houblon, Esq. ; church, early eng. with figured font. AUSDALE, or OUSDALE, vil. Latheron par. S. Caithness. 3 m. SW. of Berridale, under the Hill ofOrd. Auskerry Isld. 3 m. S. of Stronsay, one of the Orkney Islds., and uninhabited, has ruins of a chapel and monks' house. Ausoba, or Ausona, Fluv., of Ptolemy, is sup- posed to be R. Corrib out of L. Corrib, Galway. AUST chplry. (35) Henbury par. SW. Glouces- ter. 3 m. W. of Thornbury-124, on R. Severn at the ' Old Passage ' ferry (2 m. over) to R. Wye's mouth, is the ancient 'Trajectus, and the place of Edward I.'s conference with Llewelyn. Acres 1200, marshy, with alabaster, strontian, clays, and various fossils ; pop. 191 ; poor r. 64/. (Thornb. U.) ; real prop. 2777Z. Living, a Cur. with Hen- bury. P. M. AUSTELL, ST., par. (31) E. Powder hund. Mid. Cornwall, 28 m. SW. of Launceston, 254 from London, a polling, petty sess., and stan- nary town, in the centre of a mining district, near Hensbarrow hill and A. Bay on the Channel, containing Charlestown and Treverbyn curs, was once called Trenance, has grown up since Hen. VIII. and was taken by Ch. I. 1644. Acres 11,540 (or 10,018), granite, porphyry, including the Polgorth, Carclaze, Crinnis, Pembroke, Pen- tewan tin, and the Lanescot copper mines, with good building stone, nickel, porcelain clay, and china stone (for the potteries and linen bleaching) ; pop. 10,320 + 159, in the mines and quarries (1017 hands), woollen manufact. (10), and pilchard fishery ; houses 1829, with 5 chapels, mkt. house, 3 banks, several blowing-houses for grain tin AUS AVE (which is chiefly produced here), almshs. for 6, and Union p. ho'use ; poor r. 2830Z., on 23,801/. ; real prop. 36,780Z., of which 9775A on mines, 241 II. on quarries, and 12457. on canal. Holy Trinity Vic. (Exet.) val. 5761., patr. Crown ; church (once a cell to Tywardraeth priory), has a good tower, old font, tombs, and curious carvings over S. porch. Treverbyn and Polruddon were old seats. At Menacuddle hill is a holy well belong- ing to the priory. St. A., or Polkerris, Bay, 7 m. across from Black Head to Gribben Hd. has a beacon tower on the latter (to prevent its being mistaken for St. Anthony's, near Falmouth), with good anchorage in Ropehaven road. Par harbour is defended by an excellent breakwater, and has been of essential service to shipping ; short tram rails run to this, and the barbs, at Charlestown and Pentewan, for exporting ore and other pro- duce. St. Aust. P. L. Union, contains the pars, etc. of St. Austell, St. Blazey, Carhayes St. Mi- chael, Creed, St. Dennis, St. Ewe, Fowey, Gerran, Mevagissey, St. Mewan, Roche, St. Sampson's, St. Stephens's, Tywardraeth with Grampound; acres 54,396, pop. 31,417, cases relieved (yr. 1846 -7) 2920 (out-door 2611), expend. 9035/., prop, rated 72,7171. Sup. Registry comprises the same, except Grampound ; pop. 31,408 + 345, births (1845) 929 (448 being females, 36 illegit.), deaths 567, marriages 231, of which 203 persons signed with marks ; ' many ' deaths from cho- lera in 1849, chiefly at Mevagissey, where the people left the town. The New County Court district corresponds with the Registry. Mkt. D. Frid. Fairs, Th. before Easter, Whit Tu. 30 Nov. cattle, etc. AUSTERFIELD chplrv. (87) Blyth par. W. R. York. 8 m. SE. of Doncaster-162, is the site of a roman camp, on the N. Watling St. Acres 2710 ; pop. 3 + 314; poor r. 148/. (Doncast. U.) ; real prop. 36907. Living, a Cur. with Blyth. AUSTERTON tnshp. (73) Acton par. S. Cheshire, 2 m. S. of Nantwich-164, on R. Weaver. Acres 950 ; pop. 55. AUSTHORPK tnshp. ( ) Whit-kirk and Garforth pars. W. R. York. 4 m. E. of Leeds- 189, on Selby rail, containing Gt. and Little Mansion, was the birthplace of Smeaton (1724-92), who built Ed- dystone lighthouse. Acres 660; pop. 173 + 1; poor r. 87. (Gt. Preston Incorp.) ; real prop. 15737. A. House, . AUSTHWAITE tnshp. ( ) Millom par. SW. CumMd. 5 m. ENE. of Ravenglass-279, is joined to BlKKER. Austin Lodge (6) 6 m. N. of Sevenoaks, NW. Kent. AUSTINDYKE hmlt. (65) Moulton par. SE. Lincoln. 6 m. NE. of Crowland-90. AUSTONLEY tnshp. (88) Almondburv par. W. R. York. 6 m. SSW. of Huddersfield-189, on R. Colne, near Holme moss. Acres 1760 ; pop. 1940 + 52, in the woollen factories ; poor r. 1731. (Hud- dersf. U.) ; real prop. 60047. P. AUSTREY par. (63) Hemlingford hund. N. Warwick. 6 m. ENE. of Tamworth-115. Acres 2280 ; pop. 479 ; poor r. 2667. (Tamw. U.) ; real prop. 51107.; charities 477., of which 207. to Monke's school. St. Nicholas Vic. (Wore.) val. 162/., patr. Ld. Chancellor. Austrinum Prom, of the ancients, is Cape Clear, the SW. corner of Ireland. At'STwiCK tnshp. ( ) Clapham par. W. R. York. 4 m. NW. of Settle-355, near Ingleboro' hill. Acres 5400, moorland ; pop. 599 ; poor r. 274/. (iSettle U.) ; real prop. 5037/. Living, a Cur. witli Clapham. A. Hull, C. Ingleby, Esq. Fair, Tliurs. before Whitsuntide. Auterii of Ptolemy, were the people of Galway and Roscommon. Autherky (62) 2 m. NW. of Wolverhampton, S. Stafford. AuTHORFB par. (84) Louth-Eske hund. E. Lin- coln. 6 m. SE. of Louth-143, on the Wolds, and Gt. North, rail. Acres 1390; pop. 117; poor r. 647. (Louth U.) ; real prop. 8177. ; charities 6/., for a sermon, etc. St. Margaret Rect. (Line.) val. 1667., patr. R. Vyner, Esq. A. Row, 9 m. SE. of the above. Aulon Side ( ) 2 m. W. of Durham, Mid. Durham. Avalonia of the Romans, is GLASTONBURY, So- merset, on the Ridge way. Avanachora, or Owendearra, River (55) falls into Cork harbour near Middleton, E. Cork. Avean Lough (27) 3 m. RW. of Ballytrain, S. Monaghan. P. AVEBURY, or ABURY, par. (34) Selkley hund. Mid. Wilts. 6 m. W. of Marlboro'-74, at the source of the Avon, is the site of an immense druidical circle like Stonehenge, of which few traces now exist, but which is supposed to have been formed of above 600 immense stones surrounded by a ditch, with two entrances, towards Hackpen and Beckhampton. Acres 5450 ; pop. 751 ; poor r. 586/.(Marlb.U.) ; real prop. 51017. ; charities, Hoi- ford's free school, 107. !St. James Vic. (Sal.) with Winterbourne Monkton, val. 1787., patr. Ld. Chancellor. Other remains are about, especially a large barrow, called Silbury hill, 1 70 ft. high, on the roman road to Bath. J AVEBURY DEANERY, archd. of Wilts, dioc. of Sarum, comprises the be- nefices of All Cannings rect., Alton Barnes r., Ave- burytu'c., Beckingstoke r., Blacklandr., Bremhill v., Bromham r., Calne v., Calstone Wellington r., Cannings Bishops v., Cliffe Pypard v., Compton Basset r., Heddington r., Hill Martona., Broad Hinton v., East Kennet cur., Lyneham c., North Newington v., Overton v., Rowde v., Stanton Ber- nard ., Tokenham r., Winterbourne Basset v., Yatesbury r. AVELAND WAPENTAKE (64, 70) Parts of Kes- teven, S. Lincoln, contains the pars, (and bene- fices) of Aslackby vie., Billingborough v., Bourne r., Demblebyrecf., Dowsbyr., Duiisbyr., Folking- hamr., Hacebyr., Hacconby v. (with Morton), Horbling v., Kirkby Underwood r., Laughton r. (with Folkingham), Morton v., Newton r., As- bournby v., Pickworth r., Rippingale r., Semper- inghamv., Spanby r. (with) Swatonr., Trecking- ham v., Walcot v., Scott Willoughby; acres 53,220, pop. 11,557, houses 2258. * A. DEAN- ERY, archdy. and dioc. of Lincoln, contains the benefices above. P. AVELEY par. (1) Chafford hund. S. Essex, 6 m. SE. of Romford-12, near R. Thames, was once a mkt. town. Acres 3920 ; pop. 849 + 11 ; poor r. 4027. (Orsett U.) ; real prop. 53077. ; cha- rities 31. and an almsh. St. Michael Vic. (Roch.) val. 2G6/., patr. Bp. of London ; church, has a canopied brass of R. Knevynton (1390). Fair, Easter Mond. Aven, or Avon, River (24-5) rises in Dartmoor, S. Devon, and passing S. 22 m. by Aveton Giffard, falls into Bigbury bay at Tluirlestone. (if A. J{ir1. (Westbury U.) ; real prop. 2280/. St. An- drew Vic. val. 530/., patr. Haberdashers' Comp. AWSWORTH hmlt. (71) Nuthall par. SW. Notts. 5 m. NW. of Nottingham-124. Pop. 294, colliers and stockingers. Living, a Cur. (Line.) val. 10 1/., patr. Rector. P. M. AXISRIDGE par. (19) Winterstoke hund. N. Somerset. 14 m. S. by W. of Bristol, 130 m. from London, or 136 by Gt. West, rail, in a healthy ft, under the Mendip hills, near R. Axe, a poll- ing and petty sess. town, which sent members to parls.of 23 Edw.I.,andl7Ed. III., and is governed under charter from Q. Eliz., by a mayor, bailiff 15 councillors, and 22 burgesses. Acres 540, in- cluding a rich tract reclaimed from the river, and a mineral spring ; pop. 1045, some stocking knitters ; houses 214, many old, with 2 chapels, new guildhall, 2 banks, almshouses, and Union p. house ; poor r. 418/. on 2154/. ; real prop. 2884Z. ; charities 101/. St. J. Baptist Reel. (Ba. and W.) val.158/., patr. Bishop ; church, cruciform and early eng., with a brass (1493). Roman ways went to Portishead and Ilchester. Axb. P. L. Union, con- tains the pars. etc. of Axbridge, Badgworth, Ban- well, Berrow, Biddisham, Blagdon, Bleadon. Brean, Burnham, Burrington, Butcombe, Chapel Aller- ton, Charter House, Cheddar, Christon, Churchill, Cornpton Bishop (where poor ho. is), Congres- bury, Brent (East and South), Hutton, Kewstoke, Locking, Loxton, Lympsham, Mark, Puxton, Rowberrow, Shipham, Uphill, Weare, Wedmore, Weston-super-Mare, Wick St. Lawrence, Wins- combe, Worle, Wrington, with Nyland; acres 95,110, pop. 32,206, cases relieved "(jr. 1846-7) 4647 (out-door 3884), expend. 13,083/., prop, rated 200,159Z. Sup. Registry comprises the same up to Wrington, with Blackford and Theale; pop. 32,204 + 341. It is divided between Weston- super-Mare and Wells New County Courts, ffr A. DEAUERY, archdy. of Wells, dioc. of Bath and Wells, includes the benefices in Bempstone, Brent, and Winterstoke hunds., with Puxton cur., Stoke Gifford rect., Westbury ., Wookev vie. Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, 2 Feb. 25 Mar. for cattle, 11 June, 28 Oct. butter, cheese, etc. Races, the Mendip in Aug. Axe River (19, 20) rises in Mendip hills, near Wells, E. Somerset, and runs NW. 22m. by Cheddar and Axbridge (as above), to the Chan- nel, opposite Steepholm. igg" A. River (18, 21- 2) the ancient Alaenus, rises near Cheddington, W. Dorset, and runs SW. about 21 m. by Ax- minster, Devon., to the Channel at Exmouth. Axedge Hill (81) 3m. SSW. of Buxton, NW. Derby. 1756 ft. high, at the head of Rs. Dove, Wye, and Dane, has a view which takes in Snowd'ou and Lincoln cathedral. AXFORD tythg. (34) Ramsbury par. E. Wilts. 3 m. ENE. of Marlboro'-74, on R. Kennet, be- longed to the Levels (Hen. IV.), now to the Pyles. Pop. 485 + 3. Axholme, Isld. (86) Manley wap. NW. Line. a level marshy district, formed by Rs. Trent, Idle, and Don, containing Epworth, Crowle, and 6 other pars, and divided into 13 constableries. Size 17 m. by 4, or 46,000 acres, producing corn and flax, and divided into small farms of 1 to 50 ac., whose holders work like slaves. Gypsum is quarried, and remains of trees, etc., are found a few feet below the surface. At Haxey (formerly Axel, whence the name Axelholm) was a castle of the Mowbrays (razed 1 174), who had the manor, and near Milwood park, a seat of theirs, stood a " fair monastery," found, by them. AXMINSTER HUNDRED (21-2) in E. Deton. contains the pars, of *Axminster vie., 'Axmouth p., *Combpyne ., Combe Rawleigh, Honiton rect., "Kilmington, Luppitt, *Membury cin-Turviller. ; acres 60,540, pop. 19,154, houses 3931. See WENDOVER DEAN- ERY. *# P. M. AYLESBURY par. (46) in the above hund. Mid. Bucks. 15 m. SSE. of Buckingham, 40 from London, or 43 by N. West. rail, through Tring, the Aeglesberg of the Saxons, is an assize, sessions, election, and polling town, containing Walton cur., was held of the Conqueror by the tenure of finding straw for his chamber, and re- turns two members to parl., the boro' being made, on account of bribery 1804, co-extensive with the hund. (called " the three hundreds "), no. of elec- tors 1516 (and 10Z. houses 4287). A charter of incorporation granted by Q. Mary, was afterwards lost by neglect Acres 3200 (with Walton), good grass land ; pop. 5429 + 52, of town 4656, em- ployed in the manufacture of bone-lace and straw platting, and in the rearing of great quantities of Christmas ducklings for the London markets by a peculiar process; houses (town) 899, with 3 Temple banks, savings bk. (32,61 1Z. from 1254 depositors), free gram, school (539Z.) for 120 in the chantry chapel, the ' George,' and other inns, Hickman's almsh. (289Z.), and Union p. house ; poor r. 1 963Z. on 17.844Z.; real prop. 16,446Z. of which 1040Z. on canal ; charities 1595Z., of which 535Z. is Bedford's, for poor. St. Mary Vic. (Oxon.) val. 293Z., patr. Bp. of Lincoln, to which it is a prebend ; church, cruciform and decorated eng., with a font and monuments of the Lees of Quarendon, commands a fine view. Besides St. Osyth's monastery, and two lepers' hospitals, a gray friary was found. 1387, by the Earl of Ormond, and converted into an old mansion for the Baldwins, who had the manor, now belonging to the Packingtons. It pub - lishes the ' A. News,' ' Bucks. Herald,' ' Bucks. Gaz.' newspapers ; and gives title of earl and marq. (of Ailesbury) to the Bruce family. The Canal, 6 m. long, rising 95 ft. with 1C locks, join* ATL AYN the G. Junct. at Marsworth, passing through the rich "vale of Aylesbury," some of the finest grass land in England, averaging 22 to 25s. per acre. A. Ball. 7\ m. long, on a level, is a branch of the X. Western, at Cheddington, 3G^ m. from London. Ayl. P. L. Union, contains the pars. etc. marked * in the hund. and Ash- endon, Aston Abbotts, Aston Sandford, Chears- ley, Cholesbury, Cublington, Drayton Beauchamp, Fleet Marston, Grendon Underwood, Hardwick, Hawridge, Ludgershall, Oving, Pitchcott, Quain- ton, Waddesdon, Whitchurch, Winchendon (Ne- ther and Upper), Wingrave, Wotton Underwood with Creslow, Kingswood, Quarrendon, Shipton- Lee, Weedon, Westcott, and Woodhatn ; acres 73,630, pop. 22,134, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 3189 (out-door 2871), expend. 14,3227., prop. rated 110,2047. Sup. Registry comprises the same up to Wotton-Underwood ; pop. 22,135 + 65 ; births (1845) 763 (365 being females, 58 illegit.) deaths 496, marriages 167, of which 167 persons signed with marks; 18 deaths from cholera in '49. The New County Court district corresponds with the Kegistry except Choulesbury, Hawridge, and St. Leonard's, which go to Chesham. Mkt. D. Sat. corn, etc. Fairs, Frid. after 18 Jan. Palm Sunday eve, 8 May, 14 June, 25 Sept. 12 Oct. wool, cattle, hiring, etc. AYLESBY par. (86) Bradley Haverstoe wap. NE. Lincoln. 4 m. WSW. of Grimsby-163, on the Wolds. Acres 2110; pop. 201 + 6; poor r. 33/. (Caistor U.); real prop. 381 6/. St. Lawrence Cur. (Line.) val. 737., patr. Eev. T. T. Drake, in- cumbent, of A. House. AYLESFORD LATHE (1, 6) W. Kent, from the I. of Grain to the Sussex border, contains the hunds. of Brenchley, Chatham, Eyhorne, Hoo, Lark- field, Littlefield, Maidstone, Shamwell, Tolting- trough, Tonbridge, Twyford, Washlingstone, and Wrotham; acres 233,580, pop. 103,166, houses 18,303. P. AYLESFORD par. Larkfield hund. in the above lathe, 3 m. NW. of Maidstone-34, on R. Medway, was the saxon Eaglesford where the Danes were defeated by Vortigem, by Alfred 893, and by Ironsides 1016. Acres 3380, partly in hop grounds; pop. 1344 + 4; poor r. 583/. (Mai- ling U.); real prop. 80237.; charities 178/., of which 207. to Milner's free school, and 135/. to Sedley's hosp. St. Peter Vic. (Roch.) val. 5317., patr. Dean and Chap. ; church, on a hill, has brass of J. Cosyngton (1426), and tombs of the Colepeppers, RVcauts, and Sedleys, who had the manor, and of whom was the wit and poet of Ch. I.'s time, and Sir William who built A. Priory, now seat of the Earl of Aylesford, on the site of the priory found. 1 240 by Lord Grey of Codnor. Rycaut the traveller was a native (1628-1700) ; and Kit's Coty-llouse cromlech is near. Ayl., North, P. L. Union contains the pars. etc. of Chalk, Cliffe, Cobham, Cuxtone, Frindsbury, Hailing, Higham, Ifield, Luddesdown, Meopham, North- llcct, Nurstcd, Shorne, Strood (where poor ho. is), with Denton ; acres 35,830, pop. 14,676, cases re- lieved (yr. 184C.-7) M7!i (out-door 1263), expend. 6539/., prop, rated 75,9537. Sup. Registry com- prises the same, except Denton ; pop. 14,676 + 250 ; 0>6 deaths from cholera in '49 It is divided be- tween Rochester and Gravesend New County Courts. Fair, 29 June. Ayksmore House (43) near Coleford, W. Glou- cester. W. II. Peel, Esq. AYLESTOXE par. (63) Guthlaxton and Sparkt-n- hoe bunds. Mid. Lrii-. 2 m. SSW. of Leicester-96, where Union canal joins R. Soar, near Alidld. Count, rail, and Fosse Wav, contains Glenn Parva and Lubbesthorpe. Acres 3840 ; pop. 757, some stockingers ; poor r. 2277. (Blaby U.) ; real prop 32427. St. Andrew Sect. (Pet.) val. 845/., patr Duke of Rutland. AYI.MERTON par. (68) N. Erpingham hund. NE. Norfolk, 6m. E. of Holt- 11 9, near the coast. Acres 1460 ; pop. 289 ; poor r. 1207. (Erpingh. U.) ; real prop. 1577/. St. J. Baptist Rect. (Norw.) with Runton, val. 370/., patr. W. H. Wyndham, Esq. of Felbrigg Park. Beacon Hill, commands a fine view. Aylort Loch. See Ailort Loch, Inverness. P. M. AYLSHAM par. (68) S. Erpingham hund. NE. Norfolk, 12 m. N. by W. of Norwich, 118 from London, or 138 by E. Count, rail, in a fine spot on R. Bure, once noted for its linen and woollen manufactures, is chiefly copyhold under the Duchy of Lancaster. Acres 4250 ; pop. 2448 + 11, in the corn and timber trade, with a few stocking-looms at work; 538 houses, with 3 chapels, bank, savings bk. (18,643/. from 549 de- positors), and Jauny'sfree gram, school (10/.) ; poor r. 9987. on 91527. ; real prop. 12,8357. ; charities 157, St. Michael Vic. (Norw.) val. 4257., patr. Dean and Chap, of Canterbury ; church, decorated eng. with carved font and monuments, was founded by John of Gaunt. A. House, R. Copeman, Esq. Ayles. P. L. Union, contains the pars. etc. of Alby, Ayls- ham, Banningham, Barningham Parva, Belaugh, Blickling, Brampton, Burgh, Buxton (where poor ho. is), Calthorpe, Cawston, Colby, Cottishall, Corpustye, Erpingham, Foulsham, Guestwick, Hackford, Hautboys Magna, Hevingham, Heydon, Hindolvestone, Ingworth, Itteringham, Lamas with Little Hautbois, Marsham, Oulton (where poor ho. is), Oxnead, Reepham with Kerdistone, Sail, Saxthorpe, Scottow, Skeyton, Stratton Straw- less, Swanton Abbot, Themelthorpe, Thurning, Thwaite, Tuttington, Whitwell, Wickmere, Wol- terton, Wood Dalling, Wood Norton, with Irming- land and Mannington ; acres 62,984, pop. 20,056 cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 2936 (out-door 2258% expend. 10,4227., prop, rated 97,6977. Sup. Regis- try comprises the same up to Wood Norton ; pop. 20,056 + 70 ; 23 deaths from cholera in '49. The New County Court district corresponds with the Registry. Mkt. D. Tu. corn. Fairs, 23 Mar. last Tu. Sept. AYLTOX par. (43) Radlow hund. SE. Hereford. 3m. W. of Ledbury-120. Acres 810; pop. 69, decreasing; poor r. 287. (Ledb. U.) ; real prop. 13217. Living, a Cur. (Heref.) val. 149/., patr. Earl of Oxford. AYLWORTH hmlt. (44) Naunton par. E. Glou- cester. 6 m. SW. of Stow-82, near the Coltswolds. Real prop. 10817. AYMF.STREY par. (55) Wigmore and Stretford hunds. N. Hereford. 6 m. N W. of Leominstor- 1 :;7, on R. Lug, contains Conhope, Leinthall Earl's cur., Mortimer's Cross, Nether Lye, Shirley, and Yatton. Acres 7070, part in hops, with lime- stone; pop. 958, of town 185; poor r. 2307, (Leomstr. U.) ; real prop. 1906/. ; charities 50/., including 24/. to 2 free schools, and an almsh. St. John and St. Alkmund Vic. (Heref.) val. 249/., patr. Ld. Chancellor. P. AYNHO par. (45) King's Sutton hund. S1F. l\'(ii-t/ntti//>tii. 6 in. SE. of Banbury-71, on a hill near R. Cherwell (to which runs a spring called the 'Town well'), theroman Portway and Oxford canal, was once a mkt. town, and the site of a hospital founded (Hen. II.) by the Fitz-Riehards. Acres 2330; pop. 662; poor r. 392/. (15r;icklcy U.); real prop. 47277. ; charities 1897., of which 1617. to Baker's almsh., 207. to free school. "St. Michael Rect. (Heref.) val. 5007., patr. \V. It. 96 AYX Cartwright, Esq. of A. Park, which has a picture gallery, etc. Aynsome ( ) near Cartmel, N. Lancash. T. Machell, Esq. AYOTT-ST. LAWRENCE (46) Broadwater hund. Mid. Herts. 6 m. NW. of Hatfield-19, near R. Maran, formerly belonged to King Harold. Acres 980 ; pop. 134 ; poor r. 357. (Welwyn U.) ; real prop. 12292L Living, a Rect. (Roch.) val. ISO/., patr. the Lydes, of A. Park, who built the church in the grecian style after a design by Revett, the coadjutor of Stuart in the ' Antiquities of Athens ;' the old ch. with monuments still remains. j< A. PKKSBYTERT, synod of Glasgow and Ayr, comprises the pars, of Auchinleck, Ayr*, Barr *, Coylton, Craigie, Cumnock New* and Old, Dailey*, "Dalmellington, Dalrymple*, Dundo- nald *, ( i a 1st mi *, Girvan *, Kirkmichael, Kirkos- wald, Mauchline*, Maybole*, Monkton*, Muir- kirk*, Newton-on-Ayr*, Ochiltree*, Quivox,Ric- carton, Sorn, Stair*, Straiten, Tymington *, Tar- bolton*, besides 7 q.s. pars. Ditto Free Church, the above marked*, with Ballantrae, Carsphairn, Catrine, Colmonell, Troon. Ditto United Original VOL. I. AZE yj Seceders, Auchinleck, Ayr, ColmoneH, Kilmar- nock, Kilwiiming, Stranraer. Mht. Ds. Tu. Fr. Fairs, 1st Tu. in Jan. o. s., last Tu. June o. t., 29 Sept. 3rd Tu. Oct. Ayr Water, the ancient Vidogara, rises at Muir- kirk, Mid. Ayr. and runs W. about 30 m. through steep and picturesque banks by Sorn cast, and Auchinleck ho. to the sea at Ayr, as above. It produces salmon, and the well-known Water o'Ayr whetstones ; and the ruinex aquaticus is found. Ayron River. See Aeron River, Cardigan. Ayre. See Aire Point, Flint. gg" A. Point, N. end of /. of Man in A. sheading, has a re- volving 2-min. light, in lat. 54 25' N., long. 4 22' W., put up 1818, 103 ft. high, seen 15 m. Whitestone and Stranakiley sands are off it, and K. William bank in the distance. AYSGAKTH par. ( ) W. Hang wap. 2V. R. York. 3 m. SE. of Askrigg-246, in Wensley Dale on R. Ure, near A. Force, contains Askrigg, Hardrow, Hawes, Lunds, and Stalling Busk, curs. High and Low Abbotside, Bainbridge, Bishop- dale, W. Burton, and 4 other tnshps. Acres 79,980, of town 1220, hilly, Avith traces of lead and coal ; pop. 5725 and 2G9 ; poor r. 113/. (Bain- bridge Incorp, ); real prop. 1366Z. ; charities 172L, of which 65/. to Yorebridge school. St. Andrew Vic. (Rip.) val. 137/., patr. Trin. Coll. Camb. ; church, early eng. with a fine screen. The bridge, with a span of 70 ft., commands a good view of the fall or force, which Pococke the traveller thought superior to the cataracts of the Nile. AYSTON par. (64) Martinsley hund. S W. Rut- land. 1 m. N W. of Uppingham-89, near A. Spin- ney. Acres 1030 ; pop. 88 ; poor r. 69/. (Uppingh. U.); real prop. 1628L All Saints Rect. (Pet.) vaL 183/., patr. G. Fludyer, Esq. of A. House. P. AYTON par. 9 m. ENE. of Dunse-44, K. Berwick, on R. Eye, and N. Brit. rail, contains Burnmouth, a fishing vil. once noted for smug- gling. Size 4 m. by 3, chiefly arable ; pop. 784, in the fisheries and a papermill ; real prop. 13,0281. for poor 5927. Living (Presb. Chirnside) val. 235/., patr. Crown. Remains of two camps are left. A. House, M. Innes, Esq. gaT A. BANK vil. ( ) Chester ward, NE. Durham, 3 m. SE. of Gates- head-274. igT A., EAST, tnshp. ( ) Seamer par. 2V. R. York. 3 m, SW. of Scarboro'-187, on York rail, in a beautiful valley on R. Derwent, was an estate of the Cliffords. Acres 2160, with ironstone } pop. 362, some in the ironworks ; poor r. 90/. (Searboro' U.) ; real prop. 1953/. AYTOX GUEAT, par. ( ) W. Langbaurgh wap. N. R. York. 3 m. NE. of Stokesley-238, contains LITTLE A. tnshp. and Nunthorpe cur. Acres 5740, of tnshp. 3160, with freestone quarries and traces of iron ; pop. 1216 and 1014 + 1, some in the linen factories; poor r. 356/. (Stokesl. U.) real prop. 5348i ; charities 27/., including 101. to Postgate's free school, under Rose-Topping hill, in which Cook, the great circumnavigator, was partly edu- cated. All Saints Cur. (York) val. 82/., patr. Rev. G. Marwood. 83" A., LITTLE, tnshp. Great Ay- ton par. as above, 2 m. NE. contains Tunstall. Acres 1170 ; pop. 65 ; poor r. 287. ; real prop. 1 107/. US" A., Low, vil. ( ) Chester ward, NE. I )n Hi. ;5i m. SW. of Gateshead-174. fliJ" A., W i vi , t nshp. ( ) Hutton Bushel par. N. R. York. on R. Derwent opposite E. Ayton, as above, at the 4-arched bridge, belonged to the Evers, or Eures, and to the Cliffords, whose castle still remains. Acres 2160, pop. 305 + 5, poor r. 107/., real prop. 2G48/. AZENBY. See ASENBY, 2V. R. York. AZEKLEY tnshp. ( ) Kirkby Malzeard par. W. R. York. 4 m. NW. of Ripon-212, at the top of H 98 BA BAG R. Ure, contains Galphay and Mickley. Acres 3140, pop. 836 + 13, poor r. 3207., real prop. 40187. A. House, . B. Ba Loch, Isle of Mull, NW. Argyll- BABBICOMBE bmlt. (22) St. Mary church par. S. Devon. 1 m. NE. of Torquay,is a coast gd. station N. of Hope's Nose, on B. Bay, which has some very fine views of the coast, with anchorage in 8 to 14 fathoms. Spars are found in the limestone. BABCARY par. (18) Catash hund. SE. Somerset. 4 m. NE. of Ilchester-12 1, near R. Parret, con- tains Farringdon and Stirt. Acres 2450, pop. 465 + 1, poor r. 1917. (Langport U.), real prop. 38977. Holycross Sect. (Ba. and W.) val. 4507., patr. Rev. W. H. Twcmlow, rector. BABKRGH HUNDRED (478, 50-1) in SW. Suffolk, contains Sudbury vie. and the pars, of Acton v., Alpheton rect., Assington v., Boxted r., Brent-Eleigh r., Cavendish r., Chilton r., Cock- field r., Cornard, Great v. and Little r., Edward- stone ., Glemsford r., Groton r., Hartest r., La- venham r., Lawshall r., Long Melford r., Monk- Eleigh, Nayland cur., Newton near Sudbury r., Polstead r., Preston r., Shimpling r., Somerton r., Stanstead r., Stoke-by-Nayland ., Wajdingfield, Great r. and Little v., Wiston v., and parts of Boxford r. and Bure . ; acres (without Sud- bury) 68,380, pop. 24^069, houses 5068. See SUDBURY DEANERY. B. Hall (48) in the above hund. S W. Suffolk, 2 m, NE. of Sudbury. Baberton, Currie par. N. Edinb. 5 m. SW. of Edinbro', Christie, Esq. was Jas. VI.'s hunt- ing seat, and for a time occupied by Charles X. and his family. BABIXGLEY par. (69) Freebridge Lynn hund. NW. Norfolk, 1 m. N. of Castle Rising-100, was the spot where Felix the Burgundian first preached to the East Angles. Acres 870, pop. 54, poor r. 297. (Freebr. Lynn U.), real prop. 7767. St. Felix Rect. with Sandringham. BABINGTON par. (19) Kilmersdon hund. NE. Somerset. 5 m. NW. of Frome-103. Acres 600 ; pop. 163, decreasing; poor r. 1817. (Frome U.) ; real prop. 12137. ; charities 25/., of which 15Z. to Long's school. St. Margaret Rect. (Ba. and W.) val. 170/., patr. J. T. Joliffe, Esq. B. Hall, W. F. Knatchbull, Esq. Babkigh (26) 6 m. W. of Torrington, NW. Devon. Bablickldihe Ferry (13 or 45) across the Isis, W. Oxford. 6 m. SE. of Witney. Babling, or Babylon, Green (50) 1 m. NE. of Framlingham, E. Suffolk. BABRAHAM par. (51) Chilford hund. S. Cam- bridge. 4 m. NW. of Linton-48, near Gogmagog hills. Acres 2350, pop. 217, poor r. 230/. (Lint. U.), real prop. 23371. ; charities, Bush and Bennet's school and poor 1347. St. Peter Vic. (Ely) val. 1067., patr. H. J. Adeane, Esq. of B. Hall, once seat of Sir H. Palavicini, collector in Mary's time of the pope's taxes (which Elizabeth kept in England), and afterwards a commander against the Armada. BABTHORPE, or BOWTHORPE, hmlt. (86 or 93) Hemingboro' par. E. R. York. 4 m. NW. of How- den-180, was the old seat of the Bapthorpes. BABWORTH par. (82) Bassetlaw hund. N. Notts. 1 m. W. of E. Retford-141, near Chesterfield canal, contains Morton Grange and Ranby. Acres 5490 ; pop. 577 + 12 ; poor r. 1017. (E. Retf. U.) ; real prop. 65817. ; charities, Simpson's school 87. All Saints Rect. (Line.) val. 826/., patr. Hon. J. B. Sympson, of B. Hall, which has grounds laid out by Repton. B. Cott, 2 m. N W. BABYLON hmlt. (79) Doddleston par. S. Flint ^ 3 m. NE. of Caergwrle-184. ^p BABYLON (89) 3 m. SSE. of Chorley-208, Mid. Lancash. Baccanceld of the Saxons, is BECKISGIIAM, Notts. Bach, or Dutchman's Cap, Isld., one of the Treshinish group, W. of Mull, W. Argyll. Bachaash isld. (8) near Hemetra, NE. side of N. Uist, Western Islds. BACHE tnshp. (80) Lower Broxtow hund. NW. Chesh. 1 m. N. of Chester-183. Acres 800 ; pop. 18 ; real prop. 5077. B. Hall, H. Hughes, Esq., on site of one destroyed 1645. ijjg BACHE tnshp. (74) Chirk hund. 5. Denbigh, near Llangollen-185. Pop. 507 ; real prop. 1295/. ^f BACHE tnshp. (61) Lower Menslow hund. S. Salop, 6 m. SK. of Church Stretton-158. Pop. 38. ' Bach,' ' fach', etc., means little. BACHELDRE tnshp. (60) Church Stoke par. SE. Montgmry. 1 m. SE. of Montgomery-168, belongs to Earl Powis. Pop. 137, real prop. 3138/. BACHELOR'S vil. (7) Burnham hund. SE. Bucks. 2 m. S. of Chesham-29. Bachelor's Hall (18) Lower Orior bar. E. Ar- magh, near Poyntz Pass. BACHIE tnshp. (61 or 74) Llanfyllin par. N. Montgmry. near Llanfyllin-179. Pop. 356. BACHIE'S vil. Golspie par. SE. Suthrld. 15 m. ENE. of Kyle-200. Pop. 145. BACHO vil. (43) Webtree hund. S W. Heref. 7 m. WSW. of Hereford-134. BACHRHYD. See BOUGHROOD, Radnor. Bachwy, or Machwy, River (56) about 7 m. long, joins the Wye 6 m. below Builth, S. Radnor, near Erward, after passing Pain's cast., and some very good scenery. BACHYGRAIG tnshp. (79) Dymeirchion par. W. Flint, near St. Asaph-208, has an old seat b. 1567 by Sir R. Clough, the partner of Gresham, which came to Mrs. Thrale (or Piozzi). Pop. 53. BACHYJIBYD tnshp. (79) Llanynys par. Mid. Denbig. b m. SE. of Denbigh-201, formerly a seat of the Salusburys, now of Lord Bagot, is noted for its fine chestnut grove. BACK hmlt. (48) Ipswich boro', S. Suffolk, 1 m. SE. of Ipswich-69. Pop. 272. Back Water, in Lentrathan par. W. Forfar. runs to R. Isla. P. BACKBARROW (98) East ward, SE. West- mrld. 8 m. NE.of Kendal, on Lane, and Carl. rail. BACKUEAN hmlt. Newton par. N. Edinb. 5 m. SE. of Edinbro'. Pop. 45. BACKFORD par. (80) Wirrall and Broxtow bunds. NW. Chesh. 3 m. N. of Chester-183, on Ellesmere canal and Birkenhead rail., contains Caughall, Chorlton, Lea, Mollington. Acres 3320, of tnshp. 800; pop. 556, and 200; poor r. 617. (Gt. Boughton U.) ; real prop. 1389; cha- rities 267, St. Oswald Vic. (Ches.) val. 2307., patr. Bishop. B. Hall, E. Glegg, Esq. BACKSIUIR hmlt. Liff. par. SW. Forfar. near Dundee-45. Pop. 166. BACKWELL par. (19) HartclifFe hund. NE. Somerset. 6 m. SW. of Bristol-114, near Exeter rail., contains Church town, Downside, Farley, Moorside, West Town. Acres 2750 ; pop. 1161 + 13, in the collieries and stone quarries ; poor r. 3417. (Bedminster U.) ; real prop. 60987. ; cha- rities 37. St. Andrew Vic. and sinecure Rect. (Ba. and W.) val. 1447., and 2537., patr. cf both Marq. of Bath. Fair, 1 Sept. cattle, sheep, colts. Backioood Lodge (79) close to Parkgate, NW. Cliesh., E. Bennett, Esq. BACKWORTH tnshp. (105) Earsdon par. SE. Northmbrld. 6 m. NNE. of Newcastle-275, whence BAG BAD the Northumberland Wallsend or Earsdon main coal comes, belonged to Tynemouth ab. Pop. 413. B. Hall, Duke of Northumberland. Bacon Hole (37) E. side of Oxwich bay, W. Glamrgn. a limestone cave where many bones and rare plants have been found. Bacon's End (62) 1 m. S. of Coleshill, NW. Warwk., a meet for the N. Warwicksh. hounds. ^- B. Green, (46) 3 m. NW. of Hertford, N. Herts. BACONSTHORPE par. (68) S. Erpingham hund. NE. Norfk. 7 m. NNW. of Aylsham-118. Acres 1460 ; pop. 326 ; poor r. 163Z. (Erpingh. U.) ; real prop. 1873/. ; charities 5/. St. Mary Rect. (Norw.) val. /., patr. J. T. Mott, Esq. ; church, has a brass of A. Heydon (1495). B. Hall, Rev. T. Girdlestone. BACTON par. (42 or 3) Webtree hund. S. Herefd. 10 m. SW. of Hereford-134. Acres 950, with some marble ; pop. 140 ; poor r. 13/. (Dore U.); real prop. 1281/. ; charities, Mrs. Parry's, etc. 30Z. St. Faith Rect. (Heref.) val. 129Z., patr. F. Hamp, Esq., who has the manor, gap" BACTON par. (68) Tunstead hund. NE. Norfk. 4 m. NE. of N. Walsham-125, near the sea. Acres 1730 ; poor r. 144/. (Tunstead Incorp.) ; real prop. 2978Z. St. Andrew Vic. (Norw.) val. 263/., patr. Lord Wodehouse of Kimberley. P. BACTON par. (50) Hartismere hund. 2V. Sufk. 5 m. N. of Stowmarket-176. Acres 2380 ; pop. 800 + 4 ; poor r. 513/. (Hartism. U.) ; real prop. 4290Z. ; charities, town lands, etc. 86Z. St. Mary Rect. (Norw.) val. 475Z., patr. H. D. Hems- worth, Esq. of Shropham. B. Hall, 1 m. S. P. BACCUP chplry. (88 or 9) Whalley par. E. Lancash. 6 m. N. of Rochdale-198, near E. Lane, rail. Pop. 1526, in the baize and cotton factories. Real prop. 19,448/. Living, a Cur. (Manch.)val. 145/., patr. Hulme's Trustees. Badan Loch, Kildonan par. E. Suthrld. 25 m. NNE. of Kyle. BADBURY tythg. (15) Wimborne-minster par. E. Dorset. 4 m. NW. of Wimborne-100, has B. Rings camp on a hill commanding a large pros- pect. igT BADBURY tythg. (34) Chisledon par. NE. Wilts. 3 m. SE. of"Swindon-77, has on Bea- conhill a camp supposed to be the british Mons Badonicus, and the saxon Baddbyrig, where Ar- thur defeated Cerdic, 520. Pop. 395. i^T B. Hill (34) 2 m. SW. of Farringdon, NW. Berks. has a danish camp on it. BADBURY HUNDRED (15) East Shaston divi- sion,/?. Dorset, contains the pars, of Chalbury re.ct., Critchill More r., Gussage St.Michael vie., Hinton Martell, Hinton Parva r., Shapwick v., Tarrant- Crawford cur., Wimborne- Minster ; acres 30,550, pop. 6363, houses 1299. See PIMPERNE DEANERY. BADBY par. (53) Fawsley hund. W. Northmptn. 2m. SSW. of Daventry-72, at the source of R. Nen, has on B. Down a camp called Arbury hill. Acres 2370, with sand and blue ragstone quarries ; pop. 624 + 4; poor r. 212/. (Davent. U.) ; real prop. 4296Z. ; charities 10/. St. Mary Vic. (Pet.) with Newnham, val. 306/., patr. Christchurch Coll. Oxon. B. Home, W. Watkins, Esq., near B. Gate, where the Pytchley hounds meet. Badcall, or Bradcall, Loch, in the Minch, W. Suthrld. 2 m. S. of Scouric. Badcot Bridge (13) on R. Isis, N. Berks. 2 m. N. of Farringdon-68. Baddliyrig of the Saxons, is BADBURY Wilts. Baddesden Hall (46) 2 m. NNW. of Kernel Hempstead, W. Herts. BADDESLEY-CLINTON par. (54) Hemlingford hund. W. Warwk. 6 m. NW. of Warwick-90, on Birmingham canal. Acres 1140; pop. 115+1; I poor r. 29Z. (Solihull U.) ; real prop. 172 U. St. Michael Rect. (Wore.) val. 27/., patr. M. E. Ferrers, Esq. of -B. C. Hall, an old moated house, where 1 the N. Warwk. hounds meet. igj B. ENSOR ' par. (62 or 3) Hemlingford hund. N. Warwk. 2 m. NW. of Atherstone-107. Acres 1340 ; pop. 579 + 1 ; poor r. 240Z. (Atherst. U.) ; real prop. 2067/. St. Michael Cur. (Wore.) val. 106Z., patr. Inhabi- tants, gap" B. NORTH par. (11) Lower King's Sombourne hund. W. Hants. 3 m. E. of Romsey -73, a meet for the Hursley hounds. Acres 2570 ; pop. 302 + 1 ; poor r. 87/. (Hursley U.) ; real prop. 1448/. St. John Cur. (Wine.) val. 1127., patr. T. Chamberlayne, Esq. of Cranbury. B. Hall, . ^ B. SOUTH tylhg. (11) Boldre par. SW. Hants. 2 m. ENE. of Lymington -93, had a preceptory of the K. Templars on the chapel site. Pop. 1238 ; real prop. 2986Z. Living, a donative Cur. (Wine.) patr. J. Weld, Esq. See Gilpin's 'Forest Scenery' for an account of the ' Groaning Elm of B.' BADDILEY par. (73) Nantwich hund. S. Chesh. 3 m. SW. of Nantwich-164. Acres 2080 ; pop. 275 + 1 ; poor r. 194Z. (Nantw. U.) ; real prop. 311H. ; charities, Dame Mainwaring's 43/. St. Michael Rect. (Ches.) val. 219/., patr. J. Tolle- mache, Esq. of Tilston. B. Hall, the large old seat of the Mainwarings, now a farmhouse. BADDINGTON tnshp. (73) Acton par. S. Chtsh, 2 m. SSW. of Nantwich-164, on the Gd. Junct. canal. Acres 1500 ; pop. 137 ; poor r. 104/. (Nantw. U.); real prop. 1512/. BADDOW, GREAT, par. (1) Chelmsford hund. Mid. Essex, 4 m. ENE. of Chelmsford-29, near E. Count, rail, in a pleasant country, was the birth- place of Rich, de Badew, founder of (University, now) Clare Hall, Camb. 1386. Acres 4030 ; pop. 2022 + 30; poorr.1035/. (Chelmsf. U.); real prop. 9400/. ; charities 255/., of which 169/. to Parker's free school, 36/.church lands. St. Mary Fc.(Roch.) val.402Z. patr. Mrs. Bullen. B.Hall, J.M'Lachlan, Esq. $s& B. LITTLE, par. (1) as above, 4 m. ENE. of Chelinsford-29. Acres 1420 ; pop. 417 ; poor r. 568/. (Chelmsf. U.) ; real prop. 2139/. ; charities, for schools here and at Boreham 1661. St. Mary Vic. (Roch.) val. 125/., patr. Lord Rayleigh of Tirling. B. Lodge, Capt. Balderstone. Badecanwylla, of the Saxons, is BAKEWELL, Derby. Badenoch District, between R. Spey and the Grampians, E. Inverness, is 30 m. long, by about 15 broad, chiefly forest, and belonged to Rob. II.'s son Alexander (the ' Wolf of B.') and to the Comyns (to whom it gave title of baron), now to the Macphersons, Baillie of Kingussie, etc. B. Boar peak is near the Atholl Sow, on the Perth border, by the high road. Badenyon House, at Glenbucket, W. Aberdeen. celebrated in the old song of ' John o' Badenyon.' BADGER, or BAGSORE, par. (61) Brenistive hund. E. Salop, 5 m. NE. of Bridgnorth-13'.t. Acres 980 ; pop. 137 ; poor r. 281. (Shifthall U.) ; real prop. 1612Z. St. Giles Rect. (Heref.) val. 230/., R. II. Cheney, Esq. of B. Hall, which has a fine ' Dingle ' in the grounds. Badger's Hole (8) near Croydon, E. Surrey. Badgemore (13) 1 m. NW. of Henley, SE. Ox- ford. }f B. Presbytery, includes Armagh Brague, Bally- BAL 109 ; bay, Broomfield, Castleblayney, Clontibret, Creg- ! gan, Crieve, Derryvalley, Drumkeen, Newbliss, Xewtownhamilton. Mkt. D. Sat. for linen webs, flax, and butter. Fairs, 3rd Sat. in the month for cattle. BALLYBEG vil. (48) Eliocarty bar. E. Tippery. 3 m. SE. of Thurles-95. (3T Ballybeg (38-9) 2 m. NE. of Tinahely, 5. Wicklw., Symes, Esq. ^ B. Glen (17) Orrery bar. N. Cork, close to Buttevant, has the ruins of an abbey founded by the Barrys. r^ B. Nursery (17, 24) 6 m. NW. of Navan, Mid. Meath. Ballybeggan Castle (29) near Tralee, Mid. Kerry, figured in the time of Will. III. P. BALLYBODIN vil. (22) Rathdown bar. S. Dublin, 1 m. S. of Rathfarnham-3. Pop. 252. M. BALLYBOFIN vil. (78) Raphoe bar. E. Donegal, close to Stranorlan-143, on R. Finn. Pop. 782 ; houses 134. Mkt. D. Thurs. for grain, etc. Fairs, 21 May, 24 Dec. P. BALLY BOGGAN par. (47-8) Upper Moyfenrath bar. S W. Meat!,, 2 m. SW. of Kinnegad-36, near the Boyne. Acres 6222 ; pop. 1430. Living, a Cur. with Castlejordan. Fair, 25 Sept. BALLYBOGHILL par. (7) W. Balrothery bar. N. Dublin, 5 m. NNW. of Swords-8. Acres 2789, good ; pop. 595. Living, a Vic. united to Clon- methon. It has the remains of an old abbey. "~ P. BALLYBOUGH vil. (18) Coolock bar. E. Dublin, near Dublin, on B. Rivulet, which rises in Ratoath bar. SJS. Meath, and runs 15 m. ESE. to Dublin bay. Pop. 1074, in a vitriol fac- tory, etc. BALLYBOUGHT par. (29) S. Naas bar. E. Kildare, 2 m. SSW. of Ballymore Eustace-34. Acres 1441 good ; pop. 265 + 6. Living, a Vic. with Bally- more Eustace. Druid remains have been found. BALLYBOY BARONY (23-4, 31-2) Mid. King's Co. contains the pars, of Ballyboy and Killoughv, with Frankford ; acres 324,071, an. vaL 16,1097., pop. 9174, houses 1642. ^p BALLYBOY par. (22, 31-2) in the above bar. Mid. King's Co. contains Frankford-75, on R. Silver. Acres 14,274, mid- dling, with bog ; pop. 4753 + 62, of town 348, Living, a Vic. with Fircal. Fairs, 4 May, 6 Dec. Ballyboy House (23-9) in the glen, 5 m. NW. of Rathdrum, Mid. Wicklw. BALLYBOYS par. (7, 8) united to Ballymas- callan, Lower Dundalk bar. NE. Louth, 3 m. ENE. of Dundalk-50, near D. bay. Acres 1436; pop. 748. ^T BALLYBOYS. See BOYSTOWN, Wicklow. BALLYBRACKEN par. (26, 30) W. Oflaly bar. W. Kildare, 6 m. SW. of Kildare-31, on R, Barrow. Acres 3057, good; pop. 1365 + 8; is a Rect. (Du.G.K.) val. 1311., patr. Marquis of Drogheda. BALLYBRAZIL par. (34-9) Shelburne bar. S W. Wexford, 6 m. S. of Ross-90. Acres 2371, partly arable ; pop. 567 + 18. Living, a Cur. with Ross. BALLYBRENNAN par. (48) Forth bar. SE. Wexford, 5 m. SSE. of Wexford-94, near the harbour. Acres 1041, good ; pop. 260, some fisher- men. Living, a Rect. (Os. F. L.) val. 66, patr. Bishop. B. Castle, Earl of Rathdown. Ballybricken (87) 1 m. S. of Monkstown-170, SE. Cork, Connor, Esq. BALLYBRITT BARONY (38-9 etc.) -S W. King's | Co. contains the pars, of Birr, Kinnitty, Letter- j luna, Roscomroe and Seirkieran, and parts of 1 Aghancon, Corbally, Ettagh, Kilcolman, and Ros- crea ; acres 53,994, houses 3346, pop. 19,460. P. BALLYBRITTAS vil. (9) Portnahinch bar. i NE. Queen's Co. 9 m. NE. of Maryborough, 42 from Dublin, a petty ses. town, and the seat of Rev. Dr. Trench. Pop. 136. The English under 110 BAL UAL Essex were defeated here by O'Moore and O'Dempsey at the Pass of Plumes. BALLYBRITTON limit. (11) Coolestown bar. NE. King's Co. 3 in. W. of Edenderry-37, near the ruins of a castle. BALLYBROMMELL vil. (20) East Idrone bar. Mid. Carlow, 3 m. SW. of Myshall-67. Pop. 166. BALLYBROOD par. (23) Clanwilliam bar. E. Limerick, 4 m. WNW. of Pallasgrean-128. Acres 2355, arable, with bog and limestone quarries, and basalt at B. Hill; pop. 1121. Living, a Rect. (Ca. E.W.L.) val., with 4 others, 64U, patr. Bishop. B. House, S. Maunsell, Esq. Fairs, 12 June, 11 Oct. P. BALLYBUNIAN vil. (4) Iraghticonnor bar. N. Kerry, 19 m. NW. of Listowel-171, a pretty bathing-place, noted for its caves (described by Mr. Ainsworth), the largest of which, called Pigeon Cave, is 70 ft. high. Pop. 271. BALLYBURLY par. (23) Shillelogher bar. Mid. Kilkenny, 4 m. SSW. of Kilkenny-72. Acres 667 ; pop. 200. Living, a Rect. with St. Canice. BALLYBURLY par. (3, 4, 10-1) Lower Philips- town and Warrenstown bars. NE. King's Co. 5 m. NE. of Philipstown-57, near Grand canal. Acres 7868, arable, with limestone; pop. 1621. Living, a Rect. (Du. G. K.) val. 236/., patr. J. Wakely, Esq. of B. House, whose family tombs are in the church. . BALLYCAHANE par. (22) Pubblebrien and Small County bars. Mid. Limerick, 4 m. NE. of Croom -127, near the Maigue. Acres 3738 arable, with bog, marsh, and limestone quarries; pop. 1196. Living, a Rect. (Lk. A. A.) val. 1381., patr. Bishop. B. Castle belonged to the O'Gradys, and the K. Templars, who had a church here. BALLYCAHILL par. (40-1) Eliogarty and Upper Kilnamanagh bars. Mid. Tippery. 4 m. W. of Thurles-95. Acres 3844, chiefly arable, with bog and limestone quarries ; pop. 1903 + 9. Living, an impropriate Rect. B. House, . BALLYCALLAN par. (18-9) Crannagh bar. W. Kilkenny, 4 m. W. of Kilkenny-72. Acres 6835, good ; pop. 1778. Living, a Rect. with Callan. Ballycam Bay (45) near Killough bay, E. Down. P. BALLYCANEW par. (11-6-7) Gorey bar.NE. Wexfd. 5 m. S. of Gorey-61, on the Awin-Banna. Acres 3628, hilly, with light soil ; pop. 1275 + 11, town 370. Living, a Rect. with Leskinfere. Fairs, 23 Apr. 25 July, 21 Sept. 2 Oct. 30 Nov. for cattle. Battycar (42, 51) near Newmarket, S. Clare, Colpoys, Esq. Ballycarbery Castle (79) near Cahirciveen, /S W. Kerry, in ruins. P. BALLYCARJJEY par. (9, 10, 4-5) Scarawalsh bar. NW. Wexford, 5 m. N. of Enniscorthy-80, on the Slaney. Acres 8234 ; pop. 2045. Living, a Cur. (Os. F. L.) val. 50/., patr. Incumbent of Ferns, etc. BALLYCAROGUE vil. (24) Decies-without-Drum bar. Mid. Waterfd. 5 m. SW. of Kilmacthomas- 112, has the ruins of Walsh's castle, and a shat- tered rock, called the Speaking-stone. P. BALLYCARRY vil. (47) Lower Belfast bar. SE. Antrim, 6 m. NE. of Carrickfergus, 117 from Dublin, near Lough Larne. Pop. 236, spinners and weavers. Fairs, 21 June, 19 Aug. 31 Oct. BaUycasey (51) 4 m. SSE. of Newmarket, S. Clare, seat of Canny, Esq. BALLYCASSIDY hmlt. (16) Magheraboy bar. Mid. Fermanagh, 5 m. N. of Enniskillen-101, near the limestone caverns called the Daughters. P. M. BALLYCASTLE chplry. (8) Cary bar. iV. Antrim, 33m. N. of Antrim, 160 from Dublin, on B. Bay, is a petty sessions town, sub-port to Coleraine, and coast gd. station, so called after a castle b. 1609 by the Earls of Antrim. Pop. 1697, some weavers and fishermen; houses i91, with church, 3 chapels, market and court house. Living, a Cur. (Dn. C. D.) val. 25/., patr. II. Boyd, Esq., whose family founded the town, now miserably decayed. Coal is found, but not worked ; and Bonamargy abb. ruins are near. The Bay, be- tween Fairhead and Kinbane head, has a harb. near the town (at the mouth of a small stream), which being choked with sand, is useless ; but ships may sometimes ride in the W. side of bay in 9 to 10 fathoms. Bal.P.L. Union, includes 15 elect, divs. in Antr., with 18 guardians ; acres, 102,646, pop. 26,020, ho. room for 340, cases relieved (1847-8) 985 (besides out-door), expend. 30947., prop, rated 39,1 60Z. Mkt. D. Tues. Fairs, Easter Tues. last Tues. in May, July, Aug. 25 Oct. 22 Nov. for cattle, linen webs, etc. P. BALLYCASTLE (7) Tirawley bar. N. Mayo, 30 m. N. of Castlebar, 175 from Dublin, near Downpatrick head, on that bay, is proposed as the head of a new P. L. Union. Pop. 789. Ballychristal (14) 6m. NW. of Newtown Barry, W. Wexford, James, Esq. P. M. Ballyclare (45) Upper Antrim and Lower Belfast bars. S. Antrim, 9 m. EXE. of Antrim, 114 from Dublin, near the Six-mile Water. Pop. 847 ; houses 160, with 2 chapels. Mkt. D. monthly for linen. Fairs, 24 May, 19 July, 23 Aug. 22 Nov. BALLYOLEARY hmlt. (113)Dunkellinbar. Mid. Galway, 2 m. NE. of Kinvarra-129. BALLYCLERAHAN par. 76-7) E. Iffa and Ofla bar. S 1 . Tipperary, 4 m. !NNW. of Clonmel-104. Acres 1044 ; pop. 728 + 16, of town 339. Living, a Rect. with Cashel. Its castle, built by Mock- lerough More, was stormed by Cromwell. BALLYCLOG par. (39) Dungannon bar. E. Ty- rone, 2 m. ENE. of Stewardstown-104, near Lough Neagh. Acres 7796, arable, with much water, and coal, freestone, lime, basalt, quartz ; pop. 2697. Living, a Rect. (Arm. C.) val. 2731., patr. Bishop. BALLYCLOGH par. (24, 32) Duhallow and Or- rery and Kilmore bars. JV. Cork, 3 m. NW. of Mallow-147, on R. Finnow. Acres 9711, arable, with limestone ; pop. 3971 + 12. Living, a Vic. (Ck. C. E.) val. with Drumdowney 3667., patr. Bishop, gap" B. Castle, a seat of the Barrys ; Longueville, Col. Longfield. Ballyclough (19) 2 m. SW. of Askeaton, NW. Limrh. Copley, Esq. BALLYCLUG par. (33-7-8) Lower Antrim bar. Mid. Antrim, contains part of Ballymena-118. Acres 8268, arable, with wood and mountain ; pop. 4307 + 61. Living, a Rect. (Dn. C. D.) val. with Kirkinriola 212/., patr. Bishop. Fairs, 26 June, 21 Aug. for cattle. P. BALLYCOLLA vil. (29) Clarmallagh bar. 5 W. Queen's Co. 4m. SW. of Abbeyleix-59. Pop. 168. BALLYCOMMON par. (9, 10-7-8) Lower Philips- town bar. N. King's Co. 3m. W. of Philipstown-57, on the Grand canal. Acres 6640, including 2834 in B. bog ; pop. 1066. Living, a Rect. (Du. G. K.) val. 129/., patr. the Crown. P. M. BALLYCONNELL (10) Tullyhaw bar. N. Cavan, 12 m. NW. of Cavan, 86 from Dublin, on R. Woodford, is a sessions town planted Jas. I.'s time, and seat of J. Enery, Esq., of B. House. Pop. 387 ; houses 63, with church, court-house, bridewell, and dispensary. Mkt. D. Frid. corn and provisions. Fairs, monthly, cattle and corn. P. Ballyconnell (25) N. Donegal, 5 m. SW. of Dunfanaghy, Rev. W. Olphert. igT BALLY- CONNELL vil. (7) Carbury bar. N. coast Sligo, 9 m. NW. of Sligo-132. Pop. 553. BAU.YCXUTtnoK.par. (41-6) Bargybar. S. Wex~ BAL ford, 8 m. SW. of Wexford-94. Acres 1611, ara- ble ; pop. 525. Living, a Rect. with Taghmon. Ballyconra (4) near Ballyragget, N. Kilkenny, Earl of Kilkenny. Ballyconree hmlt. (2 or 5) Barren bar. N. Clare, 12 m. . of Curofin-151. BALLYCONRY (9, 10) Iraghticonnor bar. N. Kerry, 6 m. NW. of Listowel-171, seat of Stack, Esq. Acres 1206, partly arable, with bog ; pop. 417. Living, a Vic. with Kilfeigney. Ballycoog (40) 6 m. WNW. of Arklow, S. Wicklow. Bally copelandCV) Ardes bar. NE. Down, opposite Copeland Isld. BALLYCOU par. (39, 40-5) Upper Antrim bar. SE. Antrim, 3 m. NNE. of Ballyclare-114, near the Six-mile Water. Acres 7330 ; pop. 2611. Living, a Cur., with Ballycastle. Ballycorus Lead Mines (26) Rathdown bar. SE. Dublin, near Scalp hill. BALLYCOTTIX vil. (89) Imokilly bar. SE. Cork, 5 m. SE. of Cloyne-160, a coast gd. station, on B. Bay, which has at B. Islds. a light, built 1849-50, in lat. 51 49/ X., long. 9 0' W, 235 ft. high, seen 35 m. ( ?). Pop 449, fishermen. The bay is safe in W. winds, with 5 to 7 fath. free of dangers, except Smith rock between the islds. Nine ships and steamers have been lost on this coast in 20 yrs. BALLYCOWAN BARONY (16-7 etc.) Mid. King's Co., contains the pars, of Kilbride, Lynally, and Rahan, part of Durrow, and Tullamore ; acres 38,652, an. val. 21,1 12Z., houses 3264, pop. 18,320. lgg BALLYCOWAX vil. (16) Ballvcowan bar. Mid, King's Co. 2 m. W. of Tullamore-63, on Gd. canal, has the ruins of a castle, and church. BALLYCRAIGEY hmlt. (56) Lower Belfast bar. SE. Antrim, 6 m. N. of Belfast- 101. ^ Bally- craigey (50) Lower Massarene bar. S. Antrim, near Antrim-106, has large bleach-works. BALLYCROGUE par. (7) Carlow bar. W. Carlw. 3 m. SE. of Carlow-49, on R. Barren. Acres 370, good ; pop. 64. Living, a Rect. with Staples- town. Ballycroy District (43-4) Erris bar. NW. Mayo, on Achill sound and Blacksod bay, into which B. Water runs. Ballycullen (10-9) near Askeaton, NW. Lime- rick, Naish, Esq. BALLYCULTER par. (31-8) Lecale bar. E. Down. 5 m. ENE. of Downpatrick-94, contains Strang- ford, near S. Lough. Acres 5177 arable, with wood and bog; pop. 2182. Living, a Rect. (D.C.D.) val. 334/. patr. the Crown. Lead is found, but not worked. P. BALLYCUMBER vil. (7) Garrycastle bar. NW. King's Co. 13 m. W. of Philipstown, 64 from Dublin, on R. Brosna, seat of J. Armstrong, Esq. Pop. 231. Fain, 2 May, 1 Dec. for cattle, etc. BALLYCURRAXY par. (64-5) Barrymore bar. SE. Cork, 5 m. NW. of Middleton-156. Acres 3939 arable; pop. 1160+16. Living, a Rect. united to Lisgoold. B. House, . Ballycurrin Castle (123) Kilmainebar. S.Mayo 5 m. SW. of Shrule, seat of Lynch, Esq. Ballycurry (19, 25) 1 m. NNW. of Ashford, E. Wicklow, C. Tottenham, Esq. Ballydahaen (33) in the suburbs of Mallow, N. Cork. Ballydangan ( ) in Connemara, W. Galway, on the coast. Ballydavid Cape (33) near Smerwick harbour, W. Kerry, is a signal station. Ballydavit (48) near Littleton, E. Tippery. ' Russell, Esq. P. BALLYDEHOB vil. (40) W. Carbury bar. BAL lit SW. Cork, 8m. W. of Skibbereen-212, under Mount Gabriel; pop. 636. Copper has been worked here. BALLYDELOUGHER par. (64) Barrymore bar. E. Cork, 5 m. NE. of Cork 160 on R. Glanmire. Acres 2101 hilly; pop. 1183 + 4, in the paper- mills, etc. Living, a Rect. with Kallaspig- mullane. BALLYDELOUGHY par. (19) Fermoy bar. NEi Cork, 4 m. SW. of Mitchelstown-128, near R. Funcheon. Acres 2000 good, with limestone; pop. 796 + 8. Living a Vic. with Glanworth. Ballydevilin Bay (147) in Crookhaven bay, S W. Cork, near Goleen, is overlooked by an old castle. Ballydevitt (11) 4 m. N. of Garvagh, NE. Lon- dondy. T. Bennett, Esq. Ballydine (1) near Clonmel, N. Waterfd. Capt. Power. Ballydimty (7) 3 m. SSE. of Bushmills, N. W. Antrim, J. S. Moore, Esq. BALLYDOXEGAX vil. (127) Bear bar. SW. Cork, 7 m. WSW. of Castletown-257, on the bay near Orowhead. Pop. 340. The Bay, N. of Dursey Isld. has upwards of 24 fath. water, clear of dangers, but exposed to W. winds. Ballydoney (24) 8 m. NE. of Ross, W. Wexfd. 3. R. Budgeon, Esq. BALLYDOXXELL vil. (25) Fermoy bar. N. Cork, 4 m. SW. of Doneraile-168. Ballydonnellan Castle (98) 4 m. SW. of Aughrim, E. Galway, Donnellan, Esq. Ballydoure Glen (20) 3 m. W. of Lismore, W. Waterfd. BALLYDRYHEAD vil. (20) Tirerrill bar. E. Sligo, 3 m. N. of Collocney-126. BALLYDUFF hmlt. (57) Lower Belfast bar. SE. Antrim. 6 m. N. of Belfast-101. ^T BALLYDUFF par. (35, 44) Corkaguiny bar. W. Kerry, 8 m. NE. of Dingle-220. Acres 6984, good, with mountain and bog ; pop. 488 + 6. Living, a Cur. (Lk. A. A.) impropriate in Earl of Cork. Igf BALLYDUFF vil. (9) Clanmaurice bar. N. Kerry, 5 m. WNW. of Listowel-171. Pop. 331. ^ Ballyduff (32) 3 m. SSE. of Thomas-town, SE. Kilkenny, Sir C. Coghill, Bt. 33 BALLYDUFF vil. (20) Cosh- more bar. W. Waterfd. 5 m. W. of Lismore-140. Pop. 302. ^T BALLYDUFF vil. (16) Middle- third bar. E. Waterfd. 6 m. WSW. of Waterford -96, near B. House. P. Ballydugan Lake (37) 2 m. SW. of Down- patrick, E. Down, near B. House, W. Burke, Esq. BALLYEASTOX vil. (45) Upper Antrim bar. S. Antrim, 1 m. N. of Ballyclare-114. Pop. 265. Living, a Cur. with Ballycor (Dn. C. D.) val. 87/., patr. Bishop. BALLYEDMUXD hmlt. (18) Mullins bar. E. Carlw. 7 m. SW. of Newtownbarry-81, seat of H. Newton, Esq. Ballyedmund (65) 2 m. NW. of Middleton, E. Cork, R. Courtenay, Esq. Ballyegan (38) 3 m. S. of Parsonstown, S W. King's Co. Mullins, Esq. Ballyella, or Liscanor, Bay (22-3) on coast of NW. Clare, near Hag's Head. BALLYELUN par. (19, etc.) Forth, E. Idrone, and Lower St. Mullins bar. S. Carlow, 1 m. NE. of Goresbridge-GG, on R. Barrow. Acres 4957, good, with a quarry of black marble ; pop. 1750, town 119. Living, a Rect. (Os. F. L), with Lorum. B. House, W. Blackney, Esq. Ballyellis (33) near Mallow, N. Cork, K. Bra- sier, Esq. Ballyfallon (29) near Athboy, W. Meath, J. Martley, Esq. P. B'ALLYFARXAN vil. (1) Boyle bar. .M Rotcmn. 112 BAL 15 m. N. of Roscommon, 115 from Dublin. Pop. 243. Mkt. weekh'. Fairs, 9 Feb. 16 Apr. 19 May, 6 July, 20 Aug. 21 Sept. 20 Oct. 17 Dec. BALLYFEARD par. (98, 112) Kinalea bar. SE. Cork, 10 m. S. of Cork-160. Acres 3462, good, with waste and bog; pop. 1113. Living, a Cur. (Ck. C. R.) val. 751., patr. Bishop. BaUyferis Point (7) 8 m. SSE. of Orlock's point, NE. Down, near Ballywalter rock. P. BALLYFERMOT par. (17-8) Uppercross bar. Mid. DubL 2 m. W. of Dublin, on the Grand canaL Acres 1183, good ; pop. 346, in a paper manufact., etc. Living, a Sect., united to Chapelizod. Ballyfin (12) 6 m. WNW. of Maryborough, Mid. Queen's Co. Sir C. Coote, Bt. BALLYFORAS vil. (47) Athlone bar. S W.Roscmn. 14 m. WNW. of Athlone-76, near B. bog. BALLYFOYLE par. (113) Kinalea bar. SE. Cork, 7 m. ENE. of Kinsale-178, on the coast. Acres 2882, arable, with a slate quarry at Robert's Cove coast gd. station ; pop. 1311. Living, a Cur. (Ck. C. R.) impropriate. BaUyfree (30) 3 m. NE. of Rathdrum, E. Wicklw. J. Dickson, Esq. Ballygahan House (35) 6 m. NW. of Arklow, S. Wicklow, near the copper mines. BallygaUy Head (35) N. of Lough Larne, E. coast Antrim, a coast gd. station. Ba.llyqar.non (13) 3 m. ENE. of Newtown Mount Kennedy, NE. Wicklw. J. Scott, Esq. P. BALLYGARvil. (33) Killian bar. NE. Galwy. 8 m. NE. of Castleblakeny-106. Pop. 363. BALLYGARTH par. (28) Upper Duleek bar. E. Meath, 5 m. SE. of Drogheda-28, seat of Col. Pepper, at the coast, on the Nanny Water. Acres 799, pasture ; pop. 165 + 7. Living, aRect. (Meath) val. 67/., patr. the Crown. BALLYGARUFF hmlt. (1 or 6) Ballvmoe bar. NE. Galwy. 7 m. NE. of Dunmore-132l P. M. BALLYGAWLEY chplry. (52-9) Clogher bar. S. Tyrone, 15 m. SE. of Omagh and 94 from Dublin, under B. Mountns. (1035 ft. high at Shantavny), was planted by Sir G. Lowther 1614. Pop. 881,"in the manufact. of linen and gloves ; houses 166, with a church, 2 chapels, distillery, etc. Living, a Cur. (Arm. C.), val. 70/., patr. Archdn. and Rector of Errigal Keerogue. B. House, Sir H. Stewart, Bt., who has the town. Mkt. D. Frid. Fairs, 2nd Frid. every month, cattle, etc. Ballygeary Creek (48) near Wexford harb. SE. Wexfd., has anchorage for small craft, and the remains of Cairn Castle. BALLYGIBBON par. (15) Upper Ormond bar. N. Tippery. 6 m. NE. of Nenagh-95. Acres 3294, middling, with bog and limestone; pop. 1321 + 25. Living, a Sect, united to Ballymackey. B. House, . BaUygiblin (24) 5 m. E. of Kanturk, N. Cork, Sir W. Beecher, Bt. Ballyglan (18, 27) near Dunmore, E. Water- ford, Sir J. Paul, Bt. P. BALLYGLASS vil. (100) Carra bar. S. Mayo, 9 m. SE. of Castlebar, 148 from Dublin, is a petty sessions town. BALLTGOREY (45) Iverk bar. S. Kilkenny, 5 m. W. of Waterford-96. Pop. 196. P. Ballygowan (16) 3 m. NNE. of Saintfield-96, N. Doom. P. BaUygraney (5) 3 m. NW. of Comber-105, N. Down. BALLYGRANNY hmlt. (26) TiraghriU bar. E. . Sligo, 2 m. ESE. of Collooney-126. Ballygrennon Castle (40) near Bruff, E. Lime- rick, formerly a seat of the De Lacys. BALLYGRIFFIN par. (52, 60) Clanwilliam bar. . S. Tippery. 2 m. N. of Golden-104, on R. Suir. BAL Acres 2862, good, with bog ; pop. 1406. Living, a Rect. with Athassel. BALLYGUB, NEW, yil. (33) Ida bar. E. Kil- kenny, 3 m. SE. of Innistiogue-80. Pop. 222. BALLYGUNNER par. (18) Gaultier bar. E. Wa- terfd. 3 m. SE. of "\Vaterford-96. Acres 2266, good ; pop. 807. Living, a Vic. with Ballinakill. B. Castle, . BALLYGUKRIM par. (41) Ida bar. SE. Kil- kenny, 3 m. SW. of Ross-90, on R. Barrow. Acres 1924, middling; pop. 796. Living, a Vic. with Rossbercon. BALLYHACK vil. (44) Shelburne bar. SW. Wexford, 10 m. S. of Ross-90, on Waterford harb. Pop. 266, fishermen. Fairs, Th. after Trin. Sun. 25 Mar. 29 June, 25 July, 24 Aug. 29 Sept. BALLYHACKMORE vil. (1, 5) Lower Castlerea bar. N. Down, 4 m. NE. of BalIymacarrett-103. Pop. 126. BALLYHAKILL vil. (18) Shanid bar. W. Lime- rick, 4 m. ESE. of Glin-155, on R. White. Pop. 196. P. M. BAI,LYHAISE vil. (15-6) Upper Loughtee bar. .ZV. Cacan, 4 m. NE. of Cavan, 75 from Dublin, on R. Annalee. Pop. 704; houses 124, with Castleterra church, a chapel, and mkt.-house. B. Castle, W. Humphreys, Esq. Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, 1 Mar. 18 May, 1*3 Julv, 30 Aug. 6 Nov. 13 Dec. BALLYHALBERT, or ST. ANDREW'S, par. (18) Ards bar. E. Down. 8 m. NNE. of Portaferry -129, on the coast. Acres 2656 good ; pop. 2656 + 361 chiefly fishermen. Living, a Vic. with St. Andrew's. BALLYHALE vil. (31-2) Knocktopher bar. Mid. Kilkenny, 5 m. SW. of Thomastown-75. Pop. 307. Ballyharrigan (24) 2 m. NW. of Dungarvin, Mid. Londondy. W. Osborne, Esq. P. M. BALLYHAUSIS (93) Costello bar. SE. Mayo, 22 m. SE. of Castlebar, 128 from Dublin, a police station, with remains of the Nangles' mist in friary. Pop. 353. Mkt, D. Tues. Fairs, 1 June, 2 July, 22 Sept. 29 Oct. for cattle. BALLYHAURA vil. (8) Fennoy bar. N. Cork, 3 m. N. of Buttevant-155. Ballyhaven Creek (31) near Portaferry, E. Down. BALLYHAY par. (3, 8) Fermoy and Orrery and Kilmore bars. N. Cork, 2 m. "S. of Charleville -146. Acres 4836, good, with limestone; pop. 1390. Living, a Rect. (Ck. C. R.) val. with Charleville 566i, patr. Bishop. BALLYHEAN par. (78, 89) Carra bar. S. Mayo, 8 m. E. of Westport-170. Acres 7674, arable, with bog and mountain ; pop. 4032 + 30. Living, a Rect. united to Burriscarra. Fairs, 4 July, 20 Aug. P. BALLYHEIGE par. (8, 13-4) Clanmatirice bar. .ZV. Kerry, 16m. NNW. of Tralee, 263 from Dublin, is a petty sess. town on B. Bay. Acres 11,261, chiefly mountain, bog, and waste; pop. 4795 + 103, of town 282. Living, a Rect. (Lk. A. A.) val. 204Z., patr. Bishop. The Bay, between Kerry head and Tralee bay, has the Mucklagh rocks in the middle, and anchorage in 3 to 4 fath., but not very secure. Ballylienry Creek (31) in Lough Strangford, E. Down. BALLYHIGHLAND hmlt. (19) Tullyhunco bar. W. Cavan, near Killashandra-81. gif Bally- highland (19) Bantry bar. W. Wexfd. 6 m. W. of Enniscorthy-80, seat of J. Howlin, Esq. near B. Hill, 616 ft. high, which has lead mines in it. BALLYHILLIN hmlt. (1) Innishowen bar. NE. Donegal, near Malin head, 10 m. NNW. of Carn- donagh-165. BAL 113 fiallyhoe Lough (34) 5 m. S. of Carrickmacross -50, borders of Louth and Monaghan. BALLYHOGE par. (31-2) Bantry and West Shel- maliere bars. Mid. Wexfd. 5 m. 8. of Enniscorthy -80, on R. Slaney. Acres 2780, arable ; pop. 997 + 7. Living, a Cur. united to Kilhirin. Ballyholm Bay (2) in Lough Belfast, N. Down. near Bangor, has anchorage for small craft. P. BALLYHOOLY par. (34-5) Fermoy bar. NE. Cork, 18 m. NNE. of Cork, 141 from Dublin, on R. Blackwater under Nagle mountns. Acres 5253, good, with mountain and limestone quarries; pop. 2337, of vil. 418, near which are Convamore, seat of Earl of Listowel, the ruins of a church and of a castle of the Roches. Living, a Rect. (Ck. C. R.) val. with Killathy 557/., patr. Bishop. BALLYHORGAN, EAST and SOUTH, vils. (9, 16) Clanmaurice bar. NE. Kerry, 4 m. SW. of Lis- towel-171, near B-. House, Stawghton, Esq. BALLYHORNAN vil. (38-9) Lecale bar. E. Down. 4 m. NE. of Ardglass-103, on B. Bay. BALLYHUSKARD par. (20-6-7) Ballaghkeen bar. E. Wexfd. 4 m. ESE. of Enniscorthy-80. Acres 7948, good; pop. 2874 + 39. Living, a Cur. (Os. F. L.) val. 55/.. patr. Incumbent. P. M. BALLY JAMESDUFF viL (38) Gastlerahan bar. S. Cavan, 11 m. SE. of Cavan, 57 from Dublin, is a police and petty sess. station. Pop. 1071 + 21 ; houses 187, with a church, 4 chapels, schools. Living, a Cur. (K. E. A,) val. 65/., patr. Incum- bents of Castlerahan, Kildrumferton, Demn, Lur- gan. M kt. D. Tu, Fairs, monthly. BALLYKEAN par. (26-7, 33-4) Geashill and Upper Philipstown bars. E. King's Co. 4 m. SE. of Geashill-64. Acres 12,201 (1822 in B. Bog); pop. 2445. Living, a Vic. (Du. G. K.) val. 138/., patr. Bishop. Ballykeefe Wood (22) 6 m. SW. of Kilkenny -72, W. Kilky. Bally keel '(9) near Kilfenora, -N. Clare, Ly- saght, Esq. P. BALLYKEEL ( ) nearDromore-84, W.Dmvn. BALLYKEERAN hmlt. (22-9) Brawney bar. W. Westmeath, 3 m. NE. of Athlone-76. P. BALLYKELLY vil. (9) Keenaght bar. N. Londy. 13 m. ENE. of Londonderry, 156 from Dublin ;. a pretty place, with a charter school sup- ported by the- Fishmongers' Comp., who have 18,000 acres about here. Pop. 321. BALLYKENNEDY vil. Lower Toome bar. W. Antrim, 2 m. SW. of Ballymena-118, is a Mora- vian settlement. BALLYKETT vil. (67) Moyarta bar. SW. Clare, near Kilrush-178. BALLYKILCASH vil. (12) Tireragh bar. N. Sligo, 3 m. SW. of Aughris head. Ballykilcavin (14-9) near Stradbally E. Queen's Co. BALLYKINE par. (34-5) S. Ballinacor bar. SE. Wicklw. 4 m. SSW. of Rathdrum-38. Acres 11,054, arable, with mountain; pop. 2755 + 12; Living, united to Rathdrum. Whaley abbey, on the site of one founded by St. Palladius. BALLYKINLER par. (44) Lecale bar. SE. Down. 5 m. SW. of Downpatrick-94, on Dundrum Bav. Acres 2039 r middling ; pop. 795. Living, a Rect. (Dn. C. D.) impropriate. Ballykistane(58) 3 m. NW. of Tipperaiy, SW. Tipper y. Lord Stanley. BALLYKNOCRAN vfl. ( ) E. Idrone bar. E. Car- low, near Myshall-67. Pop. 170. Ballykurogue Castle (39) 6 m. S. of Ross, S W. Wexfd. in ruins. BALLYLAGHAN hmlt. (61) Gallen bar. E. Mayo, 2 m. S. of Foxford-166, near a stronghold of the Mac Jordans. VOL. I. BALLYLANDERS par. (49, 57) Coshlea bar. SE. Limerick, 10 m. ESE. of Kilmallock-140. Acres 7717, arable, with bog; pop. 4000+100, of town 340. Living, a Rect. with Duntrileague. BALLYLANEEN par. (15-6, 24-5) Decies-with- out-Drnm bar. S. Waterfd. onR. Mahon, contains Kilmacthomas-1 12, and remains of Jordan's castle. Acres 6315, pasture, with copper and lead; pop. 5153+134. Living, a Vic. with Stradbally. BALLYLANNAJS par. (40) West Shelmaliere bar. S. Wexfd. 6 m. SW. of Taghmon-103, contains Foulkesmill near Bannow bay. Acres 2493, mid- dling; pop. 710. Living, a Vic. with Horetown. Rosegarland, F. Leigh, Esq. BALLYLARKIN par. (13) Crannagh bar. NW. Kilkenny, 1 m. SW. Freshford-82. Acres 1394, arable and pasture ; pop. 264 + 4. Living, a Vic. (Os. F. L.) suspended. BALLYLEAGUE vil. (37) South Ballintober bar. E. Roscomn. a suburb of Lanesborough-84. Ballylean (59) near Kildysart, S. Clare, W. Coppinger, Esq. Ballyleidy (1) near Bangor, N. Down. Lord Dufferin. Ballylickney Cove (105) 3 m. N. of Bantry, SW. Curk, Hutchins, Esq. on the bay. BABLYLIFFIN vil. (3, 10) Inishowen bar. NE. Donegl. 10 m. NE. of Buncrana-157. Pop. 193. Ballylin (14-5) near Ferbane, W. King's Co. Rev. H. King. ' BALLYLINGII par. (28) Gowran bar. Mid. Kil~ kenny, 2 m. WNW. of Thomastown-75. Acres 1167, good ; pop. 319. Living, a Rect. united to Burnchurch. Mount Juliet, Earl of Carrick, near the old castle. BaUyline (26) near Crusheen, N. Clare, A. Butler, Esq. BALLYLINNY par. (51-2) Lower Belfast bar. SE. Antrim, 6 m. W. of Carrickfergus-112. Acres 5364, good ; pop. 2204. Living, a Vic. united to Carnmoney. P. BALLYLONGFORD vil. (2, 3) Iraghticonnor bar. NE. Kerry, 26 m. NE. of Tralee, 165 from Dublin, on B" River (which runs past it to R. Shannon), is a petty sessions town. Pop. 1143, employed in the corn and turf export trade. Mkt. D. alternate Thursdays. BALLYLOUGH vil. (7) Lower Dunluce bar. NW, Antr. 2 m. SSE. of Bushmills-169, seat of W. Trail, Esq. Ballyloughan (19) 3 m. SE. of Bagenalstown, S. Carlw. was a seat of the Kavanaghs, where the kings of Leinster had a castle. BALLYLOUGHAUN vil. (94) Gal way bar. Mid. Galwy. 1 m. E. of Galwav-133. Pop. 180. BAI.LYLOUGHLOE par. 29, 30) Clonronan bar. W. Westmeath, 4 m. NW. of Moate-66. Acres 13,577, good ; pop. 4793. Living, a Rect. (Meath) val. with Drumraney 6877., patr. Bishop. Moy- drum Gastle, Lord Castlemaine. BALLYLOUGHNANE vil. (5 or 8) Lower Ormond bar. N. Tippery. 2 m. SSW. of Parsonstown-81. Pop. 344. P. BALLYLYAN vil. (26) Ballyadams bar. E. Queen's Co. 10 m. SE. of Maryborough, 56 from Dublin, near Rahin, seat of the Weldons who own the town. Pop. 445. In 1-786 many coins of the 9th century were found in the neighbourhood. Fairs, 11 Jan. 10 Feb. 10 May, 2 Sept. 26 Nov. P. BALLYMACARETT (4) a suburb of Belfast, N. Down, at the new 5-arch bridge on R. Lur- gan. Acres 576 ; pop. 6697 + 153, in the linen and muslin manufact., the glass, pottery, sail, chemi- cal, and other works ; houses 1 124, with 6 chapels, police station, 8 schools, etc. Living, a Cur. (Dn, C. D.) val. 84/., patr. Rector of Knockbride. 114 BAL BAL B ALLY JIACART par. (36-9) Decies-within-Drum bar. SW. Waterfd. b m. S. of Dungarvan-122,on the coast near B. Head in Ardrnore bay. Acres 2537, middling; pop. 1196 + 21, Living, a Vic. united to Ardmore. Ballymacau (27) near Dunmore, E. Waterfd. seat of the Countess of Carrick, and a coast gd. station. BALLYMACELLIGOTT par. (29, 30-8-9) Trug- hanacmy bar. Mid. Kerry, 5 m. E. of Tralee-192. Acres 14,018, partly bog and hill, with lime quar- ries ; pop. 4058 + 52. Living, a Reel. (Lk. A. A.) val. with 2 others 430/., patr. Crosbie of Ardfert. Some curious caverns are found in the limestone. Bally macgibbon House (121) near Cong, S. Mayo, 3. Fynn, Esq. BALLYMACHUGH par. (37-8, 41-2) Clonmahon bar. S. Cavan, 6 m. SW. of Ballyjamesduff-57, near Lough Sheelin. Acres 7728", arable, with water; pop. 3518 + 9. Living, a Vic. united to Granard. Arley Cottage, Lord Farnham ; and other seats. BALLYMACKEAN vil. (137) Courcey's bar. S. Cork, SW. of Kinsale-178, is a coast gd. station. Pop. 202. BALLYMACKEY par. (21-2) Upper Ormond bar. .ZV. Tippery. 4 m. E. of Nenagh-95. Acres 9713, chiefly bog, with limestone ; pop.3178 +11. Living, a Red. (K. K. C. K.) vaL with 2 others 532/., patr. Bishop. Ballymackmoy (34) 5 ra. EXE. of Mallow, N. Cork, Hennessy, Esq. BALLYMACKSEY vil. (31) Farney bar. SE. Monayhan, 3 m. SE. of Carrickmacross-50, near B. House. BALLYMAOODA vil. (78) Imokilly bar. E. Cork, 12 m. E. of Middleton-156. Pop. 305. Ballymacool (53) near Letterkenny-146, Mid. Donegl. 3. Boyd, Esq. BALLYMACORMICK par. (13-4, etc.) Ardagh and Moydow bars. Mid. Longfd. 3 m. S. of Longford -73, on the Royal canal. Acres 8925, arable with bog, waste, lime, and sandstone; pop. 3926. Living, a Sect, united to Templemichael. BaUymacauin Bog, 1 m. SW. of Ballyheigue, NW. Kerry. BALLYMACWABD par. (59, 60, 72-3) Kilconnell and Tyaquin bars. E. Galu-y. 5 m. WSW. of Ahas- cragh-99. Acres 17,258, good, with waste and bog ; pop. 5027. Living, a Sect. (K. K. C. K.) val. with Clonkeen 246/., patr. Bishop. Mount Hazel, Mt. Bernard, and other seats are around. BALLYMACWILLIAM par. (4, 11) Warrenstown bar. NE. King's Co. 3 m. WXW. of Edenderry -37. Acres 4976, chiefly pasture, with bog ; pop. 1193. Living, a Sect. (Du. G. K.) val. 247/., patr. Bishop. Johnstone, Haughton, Esq. BALLYMADUJ? par. (3, 6, 7) West Balrothery bar. N W. Dublin, 2 m. S. of Garristown-20. Acres 3438, good ; pop 522. Living, a Cur. with Clon- methan. BALLYMAGARVEY par. (32) Upper Duleek bar. E. Meath, 4 m. SW. of Duleek-22, on the Xanny Water. Acres 2267, good ; pop. 104. Living, a Vic. with Kentstown. B. House, . BALLYJIAGAURAN hmlt. (13) near Ballinamore -94, borders of Cavan and Leitrim, close to B. Lake. BALLYMAGLASSON par. (50) Ratoath bar. SE. Meath, 4 m. S. of Dunshaughlin-17. Acres 3476, good ; pop. 567. Living, a Rect. (Meath) val. 180/., patr. the Crown. B. House, . Ballymaglavey Bog ( ) 3 m. E. of Ballymahon, borders of Westmeath and Longfd. BALLYMAGOOLY vil. (33) Fermoybar. N. Cork, 2 m. E. of Mallow-147. Pop. 212. BALLYMAGORRY vil. (5) Strabane bar. N. Ty- rone, 3 m. NNE. of Strabane-129. Pop. 213. P. M. BALLYMAHON (27) Rathcline and Xong- haval bars. S. Longfd. 11 m. S. of Longford, 70 from Dublin, on R. Inny, is a sessions town, be- longing to the Shuldhams, and is the proposed head of a new Poor L. union. Pop. 1229 + 12, employed in a good trade ; 230 houses including a church, chapel, and market-house. Goldsmith spent much of his early life here. Mkt. D. Thurs. for provisions. Fairs, Thurs. before Ash- Wed- nesday, 11 May, 11 Aug. 21 Nov. BALLYSIAKKXNY par. (21) Drogheda and Fer- rara bars. S. Louth, 3 m. N. of Drogheda-28. Acres 1581, middling ; pop. 499. Living, a Rect. (Arm. C.) val. 158/., patr. Bishop. Ballymaloe (89) near Cloyne, SE. Cork, Forster, Esq. Ballyman Glen (26) near Bray, borders of Dull. and Wicklow. BALLYSIANNY par. (23) East Offaly bar. Mid. Kildare, 2 m. S. of W. Xewbridge-26, near the Liffey. Acres 507 good ; pop. 193. Living a Rect. with to Killishee. Fairs, 6 Apr. 21 Aug. 2 Nov. Ballymanus (34) 6 m. SW. of Rathdrum, S. Wicklow, a seat of the Brynes, or O'Briens, who were lords of this country in Spencer's time. BALLYMARTIN par. (51) Upper and Lower Belfast bars. S. Antr. 8 m. E. of Antrim-lOG. Acres 2806 good ; pop. 870 + 15. Living a Rect. united to Carnmoney. BALLYMARTLE par. (97-8, 112) Kinalea and Kinsale bars. 5. Cork, 2 m. N. of Kinsale-178. Acres 5503, chieflv arable ; pop. 1751. Living a Rect. (Ck. C. R.) "value 367/. patr. the Crown. P. BALLYMASCANLAN par. (4, 5, etc.) Upper and Lower Dundalk bars. N. Louth, 23 m. N. of Drogheda, 54 from Dublin, on R. Flurry. Acres 15,997, arable, with mountain and limestone quarries ; pop. 6674 + 34 in the linen manufact. bleaching, etc. Living, a Cur. (Arm. C.) val.1067. patr. T. Fortescue, Esq. of Ravensdale Park. B. house, 3. Mac Xeile, Esq. The ruins of B. Castle, built by the Scanlans, and danish remains are found, with Giant's Load cromlech. P. M. BALLYSLENA (32) Lower Toome bar. Mid. Antrim, 11 m. XX W. of Antrim (by Bel- fast rail, which ends here), 118 from Dublin, on R. Braid, a sessions and chief police station, founded by the Adairs, has some castle ruins, and was occupied by the rebels 1798. Pop. including Henryville 5549 + 89, chiefly in the linen manu- fact. ; houses 952, with Kirkinrola church, 5 chapels, 4 banks, mkt. house, and bridewell, Q. Elizabeth's diocesan school, Guy's free sch., dis- pensary, and Union p. house. Bal. P. L. Union, includes 23 elect, div. in Antr. with 28 guardians ; acres 161,049, pop. 74,022, ho. room for 1150, cases relieved (1847-8) 2614 (besides 1677 out-door), expend. 8373/., prop, rated 93,492Z. * B. Pres- bytery, includes Ahoghill, Ballymena, Brough- shane, Buckna, Clough, Cloughwater, Connor, Cullybackey, Glenwherry, Glenarm, Xewtown- crommelin, Portglenone, Randalstown. Mkt. D. Sat. for linens. Fairs, 26 Julv, 21 Aug. BaUymenagh (57) 6 m. XXE. of Belfast, SE. Antrim, T. Gregg, Esq. Bully minney Creek (11) near Sligo bay, N. Sligo, 5 m. W. of Aughris head. BALLYMITTY par. (41) W. Shelmaliere bar. S. Wexfd. 3 m. SSW. of Taghmon-103. Acres 1365, chiefly arable with stone quarries ; pop. 393. Living, a Rect. with Taghmon. Coolcliffe, Sir W. Cox, Bart. BALLYMOIMN par. (110) E. Carbery and Kinal- meaky bars. S. Cork, contains Bandon-180, on BAL E. Handon. Acres 8090 good ; pop. 9298. Liv- ing, a Vic. (Ck. C. R.) val. 3671., patr. Bishop ; church, reb. 1849, iu pointed style. Castle Ber- nard, Earl of Bandon. BALLYMOE BARONY (18-9, etc.) NE. Galway, contains the pars, of Clonbern, Kilbegnet, Kil- croan, Templetogher, parts of Ballynakill, Boyou- nagh, Drumatemple, Dunamon, Dunmore, Kil- lerin and Tuam, and the town of Dunmore; acres 89,273, an. val. 27,568/., pop. 28,666, houses, 5268. tgaT BALLYMOE BARONY (34-5- 8-9) Mid. Roscomn., contains the pars, of Cloony- gormican and Oran, and parts of Ballynakill, Drumatemple, and Dunamon ; acres 23,288, an. val. 16,080/., pop. 8061, houses 1365. P. BALLYMOE vil. (2) in the above bar. NE. Galway, 20 m. NE. of Tuam-119, on R. Suck. Pop. 300. Fairs, 1 Feb. 16 Mar. 21 May, 24 June, 22 Aug. 25 Oct. BallymoneUy Valley (2) near Bangor, NE. J)own. BALLYMONEY par. (108-9, 121) E. Carbery bar. S. Cork, 9 m. W. of Bandon- 176, on B. River, contains Bal^-neen. Acres 3733, arable, with mountain and bog ; pop. 3733, in the linen manu- fact., corn-mills, etc. Living, a Rect. (Ck. C. R.) val. 695/., patr. Bishop. P. M. BALLYMONEY par. (16-7, etc.) Kilcon- way, Upper Dunluce, and Liberties of Coleraine bars., borders of Antrim and Londy., 27 m. NNW. of Antrim, 140 from Dublin, near R. Bann, a sessions and chief police station, founded by the M'Donnels. Acres 22,676, arable, with bog, wa- ter, coal, and ironstone; pop. 11,727 + 15, in the manufact. of linen to a large amount, and in a good butter-trade ; houses 478, with a church, 3 chapels, 2 banks, townhall, bridewell, dispen- sary, Union p. house. Living, a Rect. (Dn. C. D.) val. 907/., patr. Bishop. Leslie Hill, J. Leslie, Esq. ; O'Hara Brook, C. O'Hara, Esq. Bal. P. L. Union, includes 22 elect, divis. in Antr. and Londy., with 28 guardians; acres 127,044, pop. 48,812, ho. room for 750, cases relieved (1847-8) 1259 (besides 1816 out-door) expend. 438U, prop, rated 73.036Z. Mkt. D. Thurs. for linen, grain, butter, provisions, etc. Fairs, 6 May, 10 July, 10 Aug. BaUymoon (16) E. Idrone bar. S. Carlow, 2 m. E. of Bagenalstown-62, has a castle built by the Templars, and was the scene of a great battle in 908, when Cormac, king of Cashel, was slain. BALLYMORE par. (13-4-7-8) Lower Orior bar. E. Armayh. includes Tanderagee-80, seat of Duke of Manchester, with Acton and Pointz Pass, on the Newry canal'. Acres 14,158, good, well cultivated, with potter's clay, fuller's earth, and stone quar- ries; pop. 11,501. Living a Rect. (Arm. C.) val. 1462A, patr. Bishop. P. BALLYMORE par. (23-4, etc.) Rathconrath bar. IV. JVestmeath, 15m. WSW. of Mullingar, 72 from Dublin, containing Lough Sendy,is a petty sess. and police station, and decayed mkt. town, taken by De Ginkell, 1691, and has remains of an abbey found. 1218 by the Lacys. Acres 10,465 arable, with limestone quarries ; pop. 3487, of town 574, declining. Living, a Cur. (Meath) val. 93/., patr. Bishop. Fairs, Whit Mon. 14 Oct. igT BALLYMOHE par. (47-8) Forth bar. SE. Wexfd. 7 m. S. of Wexford-94. Acres 2525 good ; pop. 568. Living, a Rect. with Ta- cumshane. |gp Ballymore (16) 2 m. SE. of Camolin, N. Wexfd. R. Donovan, Esq., near 2i. Hill, 769 ft. high. P. M. BALLYMORE EUSTACE par. (29) S. Naas bar. E. Kildare, 13 m. ESE. of Kildare, 34 from Dublin, a police station at the 6-arch bridge on BAL 115 the Liffey, near Poul-a-Phooka fall (of 150 ft.), had a castle b. by the Eustaces, and is the pro- posed head of a new Poor 1. union. Acres 4203 light soil (B. Hill 596 ft. high) ; pop. 2129, of town 936, in a large woollen factory. Living, a Vic. (Du. G. K.) val. 92/., patr. Bishop. Broadlaise is covered with many druid remains. Mkt. D. Wed. for grain. Fairs, Easter Mon. 24 June, 26 Aug. 28 Oct. 21 Dec. for cattle. BALLYMORIN, or ALMORITIA, par. (17, 24) Rathconrath bar. W. Westmth. 4 m. NE. of Bal- lymore-72, near the Royal canal. Acres 2205, arable, with limestone quarries ; pop. 700. Living, a Rect. (Meath) val. 1U4/., patr. Bishop. BALLYMOTE vil. Longford bar. SE. Galway, near Eyrecourt-101. P. M. a. BALLYMOTE (33) Corran bar. Mid. Sligo, 12 m. S. of Sligo, and 123 from Dublin, a sessions and chief police station, has remains of an Hospitallers' commandery, and the De Burgos' castle, 150 ft. square (b. 1300), and had a fran- ciscan friary, found, by the M'Donoghs, where the irish Psalter of Ballymote ' was written. Pop. 839, linen weavers ; houses 123, with Emlyfad church, 2 chapels, bridewell, dispensary. Earls- field, Sir R. Booth, Bt., who owns the town. Mkt. D. Fri. for provisions. Fairs, last Mon. in Jan. 11 May, 1st Mon. in June and Nov. 3 Sept. o. s. 2nd Mon. in Dec. o. s. BallymuUen Rivulet, Trughanacmy bar. Mid. Kerry, falls into R. Lee, near Tralee. P. BALLYMUN hmlt- (4) Coolock bar. E. Dub- lin, near Santry, 3 m. N. of Dublin. BALLYMURPHY vil. (22) Lower St. Mullin's bar. SE. Carlw. 3 m. SE. of Borris-71. Pop. 158. BALLYMURREEN par. (47-8) Eliogarty bar. E. Tippery. 5 m. SSE. of Thurles-95. Acres 3846, arable, with bog; pop. 1203. Living, a Vic. (Ca, E. W. L.) val. 131/., patr. Bishop. B. House is near Littleton. Ballymurtagh Copper Mine (35) Arklow bar. SE. Wicklw. 4 m. S. of Rathdrum-38, in B. Hill, 1000 ft. high, near the vale of Ovoca. BALLYMYRE par. (21-5) Upper Fews bar. Mid. Armagh, 2m. NE. of Castlehainilton-70. Acres 7381, middling, with bog, water, and mountain ; pop. . 3071 + 35, in linen and woollen manufact. Living,.a Cur. (Arm. C.) val. 90/.,patr. Incumbent of Armagh. Stone is quarried and lead found near B. .Lodge, M. Synnot, Esq., whose family have been great benefactors to the place. Bally nubarney, 3 m. SE. of Innistiogue, E. Kil- kenny, Bolger, Esq. BALLYNACALLAGH vil. (126) in Kilnamanagh isld. SW. Cork, 12 m. WSW. of Castletown-257. Pop. 170. P. BALLYNACALLY vil. (50) Clonderlaw bar. S. Clare, 9 m. SSW. of Ennis, and 146 from Dublin near R. Fergus. Pop. 194. Fairs, 14 June, 16 Sept. 8 Nov. for cattle. Ballynacarrick Ferry ( ) across R. Gweebarra, near Glenties, W. Donegl. on the coast. BALLYNACARRIGA viL (126) Bear bar. SW. Cork, 10 m. WSW. of Castletown-257. Pop. 152. P. M. BALLYNACARRIGY (10-1) Moygoish bar. W. Westmeath, 9 m. NW. of Mullingar, 58 from Dublin, on the Royal canal. Pop. 483. Mkt. D. Wed. for provisions. Fairs, 9 May, 20 Oct. BALLYNACLOGH par. (24) Coonagh bar. E. Li- merick, 2 m. N. of Pallasgrean-128. Acres 1092, good, with limestone ; pop. 630. Living, a Rect. united to Kilcornan. P. BALLYNACLOGH par. (21-7) Upper Ormond bar. N. Tippery. 3 m. SSE. of Nenagh-95, on the Arra. Acres 3869, hilly, with limestone and marble quarries ; pop. 1 152. Living, a Vic. (R. I 2 116 BAL K. C. K) val. with 3 others 269?., patr. Dean of Killaloe. B. House, seat of Baly, Esq. BALLYNACORRA vil. (76) Barrymore and Imo- killy bars. E. Cork, 1 m. S. of Middleton-156. Pop. 802. B. House, . BALLYXACOURTY par. (94-5, 102-3) Dunkellin bar. Mid. Galwy. 2 m. S. of Oranmore-127, on Galway bay, includes the islds. of Tawny, St. Brendan's, and Inniscorn, and is a fishing and coast gd. station. Acres 6293, good, with limestone ; pop. 3407 + 15. Living, a Beet, united to Galway. gal" BALLYXACOURTY par. (44) Corkaguiney bar. W. Kerry, 9 m. E. of Dingle-220, contains Annas- calle and Ballinclare. Acres 5318, arable, with mountain and bog; pop. 1472. Living, a Vic. with Kilflyn. Ballynacree (17) near Ballymoney, NW.Antrim, S. Moore, Esq. BALLYNACREEX vil. (89) Imokelly bar. SE. Cork, 4 m. SE. of Cloyne-160. Pop. 124. BALLYXADRUMMY par. (1, 3) Carbury bar. NW. KUdare, 5 m. N. of Carbury-33. Acres 4285 ; pop. 1501. Living, a Vic. united to Carbury. BALLYNAFAGH par. (9, 13) Clane bar. N. KU- dare, 4 m. NW. of Clane-25. Acres 4155, chiefly bog ; pop. 929 + 31. Living, a Rect. (Du. G. K.) val. 1087., patr. the Crown. BALLYXAFAUNA vil. (36) Condon's and Clan- gibbon bar. E. Cork, 2 m. E. of Fermoy-137. Pop. 318. BALLYNAGERAGH vil. (15-6) Clanmaurice bar. N. Kerry, 6 m. WSW. of Listowel-171. Pop. 139. B. House, . P. BALLYNAGORE vil. (32) Moycashel bar. 5. Westmeath, 3 m. NX E. of Kilbeggan- 56. Pop. 125. Ballynaguard (22) 6 m. S. of Limerick, N. Limk. J. Croker, Esq. BALLYNAHAGLISH par. (28) Trughanacmy bar. NW. Kerry, 5 m. WNW. of Tralee-192, on the bay, contains Chapel town and Kilfinura. Acres 3006, arable, with bog and mountain ; pop. 2147. Living, a Vic. (Lk. A. A.) val. with 2 others, 7177., patr. Sir E. Denny, Bt., of Tralee cast, gig" BALLYNAHAGLISH par. (39, 48, 60) Tirawley bar. NE. Mayo, 6 m. S. of Ballina-159, on the Moy, near Lough Conn. Acres 12,659, much bog and mountain, with limestone ; pop. 5397 + 28. Living, a Vic. with Ardagh. Mount Falcon, Knox, Esq., near the ruins of Castle MacAn- drew, and other remains. BALLYNAHINCH BAROXY (36-7, etc.) NW. Galway, contains Cunnemara, part of Joyce's country, the pars, of Ballindoon, Ballynakill, Moyrus, Omey, with the town of Clifden ; acres 191,433 chiefly bog and mountain (2395 ft. high at Benbaun), an. val. 13,7847., pop. 33,465, houses 5787. ifif" BALLYXAHIXCH vil. (6) in the above bar., 6 m. SE. of Clifden-178, near B. Lake and River (with good salmon fishing), was seat of the late T. Martin, Esq., proprietor of this district, who held 1 96,540 acres. P. M. BALLYNAHIXCH vil. (22-9) Kinelarty bar. Mid. Down. 9 m. NW. of Downpatrick, 94 from Dublin, on B. River, where the rebels were defeated by Gen. Nugent 1798. Pop. 911 ; houses 151. Mkt. D. Thurs. Fairs, monthly, except in June, Sept. and Dec. BALLYNAKILL par. (23, etc.) Ballynahinch bar. NW. Galwny, 5m. N. of Clifden-178, on B. Bay, below Rinville point, contains Killery and Cleg- gan bays, and the islds. of Crump, Freaghillaun, and several others. Acres 49,052, middling, with water, bog, and mountain (Letterbreckan 2193 ft. high) ; pop. 7928 + 74, employed in fishing, spin- ning, knitting, etc. Living, a Rect. (Tu. K. A.) val. with 9 others 263?., patr. Bishop. The Bay, BAL between Cleggan and Rinville Pts.,hasa well shel- i tered barb., fit for large vessels in 8 to 12 fath., i to the S. of Freaghillaun isld., which stands in the fair way ; Rinville hill is the best guide to it. i gif BALLYNAKILL par. (45-6) Killian bar. E. i Galway, 5 m. N. of Castleblakeney-106. Acres 5221 ; pop. 1762 + 13. Living, a Rect. with Moy- i lough. igif BALLYNAKILL par. (125, 131, etc.) Leitrim bar. SE. Galway, contains Woodford-114, I near Lough Derg, under the Slieve Baughta i range. Acres 59,606, good, with mountain (the Scalp 1074 ft. high) ; pop. 14,373 + 127. Living, ! a Rect. with Lickmolassy. The Irish Waste Land Soc. have an estate of 1366 acr. here, the rental of which has grown from 50s. to 847. since 1836. l|gj BALLYNAKILL par. (7, etc.) Ballymoe bar. borders of Galwy. and Roscmn. 10 m. NW. of Ath- league-100, on R, Suck. Acres 14,577, pasture, with mountain, waste, and bog ; pop. 4998 + 12. Living, a Vic. with Donamon. ^ BALLYNA- KILL par. (11-9) Coolestown bar. E. King's Co. 4 m. SW. of Edenderry-37, on the Gd. canal. Acres 6761, good, with bog and limestone ; pop. 1079 + 13. Living, a Vic. with Clonbullogue. gg BALLYXAKILL par. (27) Tirerill bar. E. Sligo, 5 m. SE. of Collooney-126. Acres 4590, good, with bog and limestone ; pop. 1906 + 9. Living, a Vic. with Boyle, fgi" BALLYNAKILL par. (10- -8) Gaultiere bar. E. Waterfd. 2 m. SE. of Water- ford-96, on R. Suir, contains Little Island. Acres 1877, good land; pop. 639. Living, a Vic. (Ca. E. W. L.) val. 227/., patr. Bishop. B. House, May park, and other seats are here. BALLYNAMOMA par. (32) Small County bar. E. Limk. 4 m. ENE. of Bruff-134. Acres 1498, good, limestone and basalt ; pop. 587 + 7. Living, a Vic. with Anay. BALLYNAMUDDAGH vil. (26) Ballaghkeen bar. E. Wexfd. 5 m. ESE. of Enniscorthy-80. Pop. 205. BALLYXASCARTHY vil. (122) E. Carbery bar. S. Cork, 4 m. NNE. of ClonakiIty-193. Pop. 154, employed in the flour-mills, etc. BALLYNASCREEN par. (40, etc.) Loughinsholin bar. 5. Londondy. containing Draperstown-122, 0) . R. Moyola, between Slieve Gullion and White mountns., belongs mostly to the Drapers' and Skinners' Comps. Acres 32,492, partly arable, with bog, waste, mountain, and limestone quar- ries ; pop. 8384 + 53, a few weavers. Living, a Rect. (Dy. R.) val. 7847,, patr. Bishop. Derry- noyd, late Judge Torrens. BALLYXASLANEY par. (32) Ballaghkeen and E. Shelmaliere bars. E. Wexfd. 6 m. NNW. of Wexford-94, on R. Slaney. Acres 2646, good ; pop. 1061 + 15. Living, a Cur. with Edermine. Battynatana Mountn. (5) 4 m. E. of Blessington, 2V. Wicklw., 1346 ft. high. BALLYNEALE limit. (37) 3 m. NW. of Ross, KE. Kilkenny, Cook, Esq. BALLYXEE vil. (5) Morgallion bar. N. Meath, 1 m. SW. of Nobber-44. Pop. 147. BALI.YNEEN vil. (109) E. Carbery bar. S. Cork, 10 m. W. of Bandon-189, a police station. Pop. 670. BALLYNEETY vil. (14) Clanwilliam bar. N. Limk. 5 m. SSK of Limerick-119, near B. House. Pop. 231. Ballynestragh (7) 3m. N. of Gorey-61, NE. Wexfd. Rt. Hon. Sir. T. Esmonde, Bt" Ballynocox (38) near Ballingarry, Mid. Limrck., W. Cox, Esq. BALLYNOE par. (45-6, 54-5) Kinnatallon bar. E. Cork, 9 m. E. of Rathcormack-142, near R. Bride. Acres 7716, good, with bog ; pop. 2566, declining, of town 365. Living, a Vic. with Knockmourne. BAL BALLYNURE par.(45-6, 51-2) Lower Belfast bar. SE. Antrim, 6 m. NW. of Carrickfergus-112, on the Six-mile Water, and Belfast rail., includes part ofBallyclare. Acres 8540, good, with waste, bog, and basaltic stone quarries ; pop. 3469, town 380, employed in a papermill and bleach grounds. Living, a Rect. (Dn. C. D.) val. with 2 others 454/., patr. Bishop. Fairs, 16 May, 5 Sept. 25 Oct. |^- Bally nure (12-7) Dartree bar. W. Monagh. 2 m. NW. of Newbliss, Foster, Esq. giT BALLYNURE par. (20-6) Upper Talbotstown bar. W. Wickltv. 4 m. SSW. of Dunlavin-33, con- tains Bumboa hall. Acres 7404, chiefly arable ; pop. 1718, declining. Living, a Rect. (Os. F. L.) val. 279/., patr. H. Carroll, Esq. of B. House, Grange-con, D. Mahony, Esq. BALLYONAN vil. Carbury bar. NW. Kildare, G m. N. of Carbury-32. BALLYORGAN vil. (56) Coshlea bar. SE. Limk. 7 m. SSE. of Kilmallock-140. Pop. 334. BAI.LYOUGHTERA par. (66, 77) Imokilly bar. E. Cork, 1 m. W. of Castlemartyr-161. Acres 4532, middling, with some good land and iron mines ; pop. 1728. Living, a Rect. with Castle- martyr. BALLYOVEY par. (109, etc.) Carra bar. S. Mayo, 7 m. NW. of Ballinrobe-147, on Loughs Carra and Mask. Acres 27,622, partly good, with mountain, bog, and water ; pop. 4505 + 48. Living, a Rect. united to Burriscarra. Tarmacady, Hon. Mr. Plunket, is near the Slieve Partree mountns. BALLYPATRICK vil. (78) Iffa and Offa bar. S. Tippery. 7 m. ENE. of Clonmel-104. BALLYPHILIP par. (25, 32) Ards bar. E. Down. includes Portaferry-129, on Lough Strangford, commanding a fine view, and has 2 danish raths. Acres 2330, good, with bog in Ballygaroegan Moss ; pop. 3086. Living, a Rect. (Dn. C. D.) val. with 4 others 409/., patr. Bishop. Ballyphilips (54) near Killenaule, SE. Tippery. A. Going, Esq. P. BALLYPOREEN (86) Iffa and Offa bar. SW. Tippy. 13 m. S. of Tipperary, 124 from Dublin, near the proposed Cork rail. Pop. 772 + 26. Ballyquin (44) 5 m. WSW. of Killaloe, E. Clare, Arthur, Esq. ^ BALLYQUIN vil. Corka- guiney bar. W. Kerry, about 6 m. N. of Dingle -220. Pop. 193. Ballyquintin Point (32) 2 m. ESE. of Porta- ferry, E. Down, near a whirlpool called the Rant- ing wheel. P. BALLYRAGGET par. (10) Fassadinin bar. .2V. Kilky. 10m. NNW. of Kilkenny, 68 from Dublin, near the Nore, seat of the Kavannaghs. Pop. 1577. Fairs, monthly. See DONOUGHJIORE. Ballyraine Creek (53) in Lough Swilly, Mid. Donegal, near Letterkenny, is a sub-port to Lon- donderry. BALLYRASHANE par. (6, etc.) Lower Dunluce and N. East Liberties of Coleraine bars, borders of Antrim and Londondy. 4 m. SW. of Bushmills -159, on R. Bann. Acres 6361, chiefly arable, with basalt and fossils ; pop. 2658, declining, em- ployed in weaving and in the papermills. Living, a Rect. (Dn. C. D.) val. 308/., patr. Bishop. Ballyre (55, 6C) near Killeagh, E. Cork, Uniake, Esq. P. BALLYROAN par. (24) Cullenagh bar. S. Queen's Co. 6 m. S. of Maryboro', 64 from Dublin. Acres 9682, chiefly arable, with mountain (Cul- lenagh being 1045 ft. high), coal, lime, and flag- stone ; pop. 3689 + 14, town 657, partly em- ploved in the cotton-mills. Living, a Rect. (Os. P. L.) val. 390/., patr. the Crown. Blandsfort, seat of Bland, Esq. Fairs, 6 Jan. 2 Apr. 15 May, 1st Wed. in July, 15 Aug. 2nd Wed. in Nov. BAL 117 BAIJ.YROBERT GRANGE par. (51) Lower Belfast bar. SE. Antr. 8 m. E. of Antrim-106. Acres | 884 ; pop. 291. P. BALLYRONAN vil. (43) Loughinsholin bar. ' SE. Londy. 38 m. SE. of Londonderry, 118 from j Dublin, on Lough Neagh, is the port to Money- | more, and belongs to the Sailers' Company. BAIAYRONTY hmlt. (54) Slievardagh bar. SE. Tippery. near KilIenaule-106. BALLYROOSKY vil. (8) Kilmacrenan bar. N. coast Donegl. 10 m. NE. of Dunfanaghy-170, near B. Point and Isld. Pop. 284. P. BALLYSADERE par. (20) Leyny and Tirerrill bars. E. Sligo, 4 m. SW. of Sligo, 127 from Dublin, on B. River (which runs over several falls from Lough Arrow to B. Bay, S. of Sligo bay), has ruins of St. Fechin's ab. founded 7th cent., reb. after 1188, and given to the Clanricardes. | Acres 16,024, good, with much waste and bog and limestone quarries ;. pop. 7822 + 26, of town 869 + 32, employed in the corn-mills and a small export trade. Living, a Vic. (Tu. K. A.) val. 223/., patr. Bishop. Fairs, 8 Feb. 30 May, 11 July, 4 Aug. 24 Oct. 12 Nov. 15 Dec. Lead was once worked. Ballysaqgartmore (20) near Lismore, W. Wa- terfd. on It. Blackwater, A. Keily, Esq. BALLYSAKEERY par. (21-2, etc.) Tirawley bar. N. Mayo, 4 m. NN W. of Ballina-159, on R. Moy. has the ruins of a franciscan ab. founded by the Joyces. Acres 12,692, chiefly arable, with waste and limestone; pop. 6034. Living, a Vic. (Tu. K. A.) val. with Rathea 265/., patr. Bishop. BALLYSAX par. (23, 27-8) E. Offaly bar. Mid. Kildare, 4m. SE. of Kildare-31, near the Curragh racecourse. Acres 7207, chiefly arable, with bog and waste ; pop. 1220 + 23. Living, a Rect. (Du. G. K.) val. 165/., patr. the Crown. B. House, O'Kelly, Esq. ; Jockey Lodge ; and other seats. BALLLYSCADDAN par. (41-9) Coshlea bar. E. Limerick, 8 m. EXE. of Kilmallock-140. Acres 944, chiefly pasture ; pop. 749. Living, a Rect. (Ca. E. W. L.) val. with Glanbane 92/., patr. the Crown. BALLYSCANLAN vil. Lower Connello bar. Mid. Limk. near Rathkeale-136. BALLYSCUIXION par. (36, 42) Upper Toome and Loughinsholin bars, borders of Antrim and Londy. 6 m. NW. of Randalstown-123, on Lough Beg and R. Bann, contains Bellaghy, and had a palace begun by the late Earl of Bristol (Bp. of Derry), the portico of which is at St. George's, Belfast. Acres 12,750, good, with much water and bog ; pop. 6979 + 52. Living, a Rect. (Dy. R.) val. 4471., patr. Bishop. Castle Dawson, Rt. hon. G. Dawson. BALLYSCULLION GRANGE par. (36-7, 42-3) Upper Toome bar. W. Antrim, 4 m. SSE. of Portglenone-120. Acres 4279 ; pop. 3183. BALLYSEEDY par. (38) Trughanacmy bar. Mid. Kerry, 3 m. SE. of Tralee-192, on R. Maine under the Slievemish mountns. Acres 3489, good, with hill, bog, and limestone ; pop. 1472 + 31. Living, a Vic. (Lk. A. A.) val. 52/., patr. A. Blennerhasset, Esq. of B. House. P. M. BAI.LYSHANNON (107) Tirhugh bar. S. Donegl. 11 m. SSW. of Donegal, 129 from Dublin, a sub-port to Sligo, at the Erne's mouth, a petty sess. and chief police station, militia head-quarters, and decayed boro', returning 2 members till the Union, has remains of the O'Donnels' castle, which was attacked by the English 1557, and taken 1652 by the Clanricardes. Pop. 3513, in a good export trade, salt-making, etc. ; houses 688, with a church, 2 chapels, bank, market-house, court-house, and barracks, custom-ho., bonded stores, distillery, dispensary, Union p. house. It supports the 'li. Herald' newspaper. The harb. i 3 118 13AL is much exposed ; and a fall of 16 ft. (and 450 wide) below the 14-arched bridge which joins R. Part to the rest of the town, makes the river unnavigable, but its salmon fisheries are valuable. Bal. P. L. Union, includes 10 elect, divis. in Donegl., Leitrim, and Fermng. with 18 guardians ; acres 135,772, pop. 43,403, ho. room for 870, cases relieved (yr. '47-8) 2123 (besides 2825 out-door), expend. 59047., prop, rated 51,4367. Mkt. Ds. Tues. and Sat. Fairs, 18 Sept. and 2nd of every other month. BALI.YSHANNON par. (28, 32) E. and W. Offaly bars. Mid. Kitdare, 5m. SE. of Kildare-31. Acres 2815 ; pop. 494. Living, a Rect. (Du. G. K.) val. with Kilrush 3607., patrs. Crown and Bishop. BALLYSHEEHAST par. (53, 61) Middlethird bar. Mid. Tippery. 4 m. NNE. of Cashel-108, on R. Suir. Acres 9216, good, with bog; pop. 3068 + 20. Living, a Vic. (Ca. E. W. L,) val. 140/., patr. Bishop. B. House, . Fairs, 6 May, 15 Aug. 5 Dec. Ballyshrule Rivulet (117, 126) Leitrim bar. SE. Galway, runs into Lough Derg below Portumna. BaUyspeUan Spa (8) Galmoy bar. NW. Kil- kenny, close to Johnstown, has been celebrated in some lines of Swift's. BALLYSPILLAHE par. (65) Barrymore bar. E. Cork, 2 m. N. of Middleton-156, on that river. Acres 2081 ; pop. 603. Living, a Vic. (Ck. C. R.) val. 108/., patr. Earl of Shannon. Bally steen (11) Kenry bar. N. Limk. 5 m. W. of Pallaskenry-132, E. Westropp, Esq. BALLYSUMAGHAN par. (21-7) Tirerrill bar. E. Sligo, 4 m. E. of Collooney-126. Acres 4217, good, with bog, and limestone quarries; pop. 1902 + 14. Living, a Vic. with Boyle. BALLYTARSEY par. (42) Iverk bar. S. Kilky. 5 m. SE. of Piltown-108, near R. Suir. Acres 896, good, with bog ; pop. 258. Living, a Rect. with lonmore. Ballyteigue Bay (46, 51-2) S. coast of Wexfd. near the Saltees, is outside B. Lough, from which it is divided by a long narrow strip called the Barrow of B. BALLYTIVNAN vil. (14) Carburv bar. E. Sligo, near Sligo-132, and B. House. Pop. 127. BALLYTOBIN par. (26-7,30-1) Kells bar. W. Kilky. 3 m. SSE. of Callan-82. Acres 2394, good ; pop. 714. Living, a Rect. united to Kells. B. House, seat of Baker, Esq. Ballytrent (48) 5 m. SE. of Killinick, SE. Wexfd. J. Talbot, Esq., on the coast, has a good double-ditched danish rath, 649 yds. round, 7 high, with remains of 2 others near it. BALLYTROOLEEN vil. ( ) East Muskerry bar. S. Cork, 5 m. NE. of Innishannon-175. Pop. 107. BALLYTRUSTAN par. (32) Ards bar. E. Down. 1 m. SE. of Portaferry-129, on the coast. Acres 1681, good ; pop. 754. Living, a Vic. united to Ballyphilip. P. BALLY VAGHAN vil. (2) Barren bar. N. Clare, 12 m. NNW. of Curofin-151, on B. Bay, which is under Finavarra Point, S. side of Galway bay, is dry for the most part at low water, with an- chorage for small craft in 2 fath. inside of Loo isld. or rock. Pop. 235 + 8. It is the proposed head of a new Poor 1. union, BALLYVALDON par. (27-8, 33) Ballaghkeen bar. E. Wexfd. 11 m. ESE. of Enniscorthy-80, con- tains Blackwater. Acres 3911, light soil, with sand ; pop. 1550 + 18. Living, a Vic. (Os. F. L.) val. with 2 others 207., patr. Bishop. BALLYVALLOO par. (33) Ballaghkeen bar. E. Wexfd. 7 m. NE. of Wexford-94. Acres 1891, good, with sand ; pop. 822, declining. Living, a Cur. united to Ardcolme. Ballyvally (45) near Killaloe, E. Clare, Parker, Esq. BALLYVAUGHAV. See BALLYVAGIIAN Clare. Ballyvely (102) Costello bar. E. Mayo, 4 m. SVV. of Ballyhaunis-128, near B. House. Battyviastocker Bay (18) in Lough Swilly, N. Donegal. Ballyvoil Head (32) near Dungarvan harbour, S. Waterfd. 4 m. E!N E. of Dungarvan. Ballyvoolane (45) i. e. " Bull town," 3 m. SE. of Castlelyons, E. Cork, seat of Pyne, Esq., be- longing to the Coppingers, who were originally from Denmark. BALLYVOURNEY par. (57-8, etc.) W. Muskerry bar. W. Cork, 11 m. WNW. of Macroom-184, on R. Sullane. Acres 26,603, chiefly bog and moun- tain ; pop. 4466 + 79. Living, a Rect. (Ck. C. R.) val. 5211., patr. Bishop. Knight's Bridge was formerly a seat of the Colthursts, who owned the vil., which has a cross and holy well much visited bv pilgrims, and the remains of O'Hierley's castle. lairs, 10 May, 10 July, 10 Sept. 10 Nov. P. BALLYWALTER par. (12-8) Ards bar. NE. Down. 17 m. NE. of Downpatrick, 122 from Dublin, is a coast gd. station, off which is B. Reef. Acres 3378, good, with slate quarries ; pop. 1916, town 743. Living, a Vic. united to St. Andrews. Fairs, 22 June, 8 Nov. BALLYWALTER GRANGE par. (51) Lower Bel- fast bar. S. Antrim, 7 m. WNW. of Carrickfergus .112. Acres 320 ; pop. 175. Ballyward (5) 3 m. NE. of Blessington, NW. Wichlw. Finnemore, Esq. Ballywater (12) 2 m. S. of Gorey, NE. Wexford, C. Doyne, Esq. Ballywilliam (29) near Rathkeale, W. Limerick, Maunsell, Esq. Ballywilliam Creek (2) opposite Copeland Isld. NE. Down, near the seat of Lady C. Jocelyn. Ballywillin par. (6) Lower Dun'luce and (*3) NE. Liberties of Coleraine bars, borders of Antrim and Londy. 4 m. WSW. of Bushmills-159, opposite the Skerries, contains Portrush, with a fine view of the coast. Acres 4673 ; pop. 2202. Living, a Rect. (Dn. C. D.) val. 284/., patr. Bishop. Ballywire (66) 5 m. WSW. of Tipperary, bor- ders of Tippery. and Limrk. B. Massy, Esq. Ballyworken (9) 2 m. S. of Portadowu, NE. Armagh. Balmacaplich Sound, between Benbecula and Graemsay, Western Inlds. BALMACHY vil. Panbride par. SE. Forfar. 6 m. WSW of Arbroath-62. BALMACLELLAN par. 2 m. NE. of Galloway-98, N. Kirkcudbt. is one of the four Glenkens on R. Ken, and belonged to the Maclellans. Size 10 m. by 4, light soil and hilly; pop. 1021, of vil. 113; real prop. 48247.; for poor 3477. Living (Presb. Kirkcudb.) val. 2277., patr. the Crown. The waters abound with fine trout. BALMACNEIL vil. Little Dunkeld par. E. Perth. on R. Tay, where joined by the Tummel. BALMAGHIE par. 4 m. NW. of Castle Douglas .-92, Mid. Kirkcudbt. near Rs. Dee and Ken, con- taining Dee Bridge and Laurieston, belonged to the Maghies up to 1786. Size 10 m. by 4 (in- cluding Loch Grannoch), partly cultivated, with hill and heath and 5 mineral springs ; pop. 1252, decreasing ; real prop. 67297. ; for poor 2537. Living (Presb. Kirkcdbt.) val. 2037., patr. Adml. Gordon of B. ; church has a curious epitaph on two Davids Halliday. Thrief Cast, which the Earl of Mansfield defended for Chas. I. stands on an island in the river. BALMAHA vil. 3 m. WNW. of Drymen-58, W. Stirlng. near Loch Lomond. UAL BALMAIN vil. Fettercaim par. S IV. Kincardine. 1 in. S. of Fettercairn-82, seat of Sir A. Ramsay, Bt. Balmakelly, Marykirk par. 5. Kincardine, on B. Burn, which runs into the N. Esk, at Balma- Jtewan, Col. Fraser. BALMALCOLM vil. Kettle par. Mid Fife. 4. m. E. of Falkland-25. Pop. 113. Balmangan, or Ross, Bay, 5 m. SSW. of Kirk- cudbright, S. Kirkcud. on K. Bay, is sheltered by Ross isld. and overlooked by B. tower. BALMBRAE vil. Falkland par. Mid Fife. 9 m. X. of Kirkcaldy-14. Balmer (5) 3 m. W. of Lewes, S. Sussex. BALMERINO, or BAMIRNIE, par. on the Frith of Tay, N. Fife. 3 m. WSW. of Newport-42, at the ferry to Dundee, has at a farm some ivy-covered ruins of a cistertian ab. found. 1229 by Alex. II. 's mother Emergarde (who was buried in it), and given by Jas. VI. with the title of baron to the KIphinstones, who forfeited it 1746 when the Gth lord was beheaded. Acres 3346, well cultivated (500 ft. high at Coultry hill), with wood ; pop. 993, weavers and fishermen, of vil. 27 ; real prop. 4999J. ; for poor 127/. Living (Presb. Cupar) val. 239/., patr. Crown. Near Battlehaw, where Ken- neth III. beat the Danes, is Naughton cast, the Hays' old seat. Balmes House (1) 2 m. NNE. of St. Paul's, Midsx. near Hoxton and Regent's canal, the old once-moated seat of the \Vhitmores, is now a lunatic asylum. Balmorid on the Dee, near Abergeldie, SW. Aberdeen, seat of Her Majesty The Queen, formerly of Earl of Fife, is an old chateau pile, restored 1848-9 ; the grounds include Knock cast, ruins, loch Muick (7 m. off), and stretch to " dark Loch- riagar." BALMULLO vil. Leuchars par. NE. Fife. 4 m. NW. of St. Andrew's-41. Pop. 150. Balmuto, 4 m. NW. of Kinghorn, SW". Fife. BALNABRACKXEY vil. (46) Upper Moyfenrath bar. S W. Meath, 3 m. SE. of Kinnegad-36. BALNABRUACH vil. Tarbat par. NE. Ross. 8 m. E. of Tain-207. Pop. 167. BALNAGO vil. 3 m. NE. of Tain-207, NE. Ross. and Cromarty. Balnagowan, 5 m. S. of Tain-207, NE. Ross, on B. Bum, Sir C. Ross, Bt. Balnagown Forest, near Glen More, N. Ross. Balnaguard Inn, Little Dunkeld par. Mid Perth. 6 m. E. of Aberfeldy-67. Balnahuish Island, Jura par. between Jura and Mull, W. Argyll- has a large slate quarry, and is about a mile in circuit. Balnakiel Bay, 9 m. ESE. of Cape Wrath, N. Sulhrld. near seat of A. Dunlop, Esq. Bnlnamoon, Menmuir par. E. Forfar. 8 m. NW. of Brechin, J. Arbuthnot, Esq. BALNASIUM vil. Weem par. Mid Perth, near Aberfeldy-67. Pop. 48. Balnashinar Hill, 1 m. SE. of Forfar, Mid Forf. has a good view. BALNE tnshp. (92) Snaith par. W. R. York. 4 m. SW. of Snaith-73. Acres 2870; pop. 341 ; poor r. 102/. ; real prop. 2889/. Bulnellan Ferry, across the Avon, Kirkmichael par. S IV. Banff. Balqnliain Cuttle, at Chapel of Garioch, Mid. Aberdeen, a ruined seat of the Leslies, with a fine echo, and a druid circle near it. P. BALQUHIDDER par. 3 m. SSW. of Lochearn head-G6, W.Perth, in the Highlands, is all moun- tain and glen, containing Lochearn head and Strathyre and Lochs Doine, and Voir. Size 16 m. by 7, 3819 ft. high at Ben More, 3180 at Ben Vorlich ; pop. 871, decreasing through emigration ; BAL 119 real prop. 6765Z. ; for poor 126/. Living (Presb. Dumblane) val. 276/., patr. Sir J. Macgregor, Bt. ; churchyd. has the grave of Rob Roy of Clan Gregor, who died at Inverlochlarigbeg farm 1735. Salmon and trout abound in the lakes and R. Bal- vag ; the ' braes ' or hills have been sung by the poet ; and it gives title of visct. to Duke of Atholl. BALRAHEEN par. (5, 10) Ikeathy and Ough- terany bars. N. Kildare, 4 m. SW. of Maynooth -15. on R. Rye. Acres 3374, middling; pop. 485, declining. Living, a Sect, with Donadea. BALRAMSLEY vil. (11 or 15) in New Forest, S. Hants. 3 m. N. of Lymington-93. P. BALRATH vil. (32) Lower Duleek bar. E. Meath, 3 m. SW. of Duleek, 20 from Dublin, near B. Villa. ^ Balrath(l&)vza.rY.z\\s,NW.Meath, C. Nicholson, Esq. BALRATHBOYNE par. (17, 24) Lower Navan and Upper Kells bars. NW. Meath, 2 m. SSE. of Kells-39. Acres 3992, good ; pop. 1235. Living, a Rect. with Kells. Charlesfort, J. Tisdall, Esq. Balreygan House (32) 7 m. SSE. of Stranraer, SW. Wigton. BALROTHERY BARONY, EAST (5, 8, etc.) N. Dublin on the coast, contains the pars, of Baldon- gan, Balrothery, Balscaddan, Holmpatrick, and Lusk, with the towns of Balbriggan, Balro- therv, Loughshinny, Rush, and Skerries; acres 30,006, pop. 15,186, houses 3042. ^ B. BARONY, WEST (3, 4, 6, 7) the pars, of Bally - boghil, Ballymadun, Clonmethan, Garristown, Grallagh, Hollywood, Naul, Palmerstown, and Westpalstown ; acres 25,195, pop. 64,271, houses 1148. Soil good, but it has no good harbours. i|iP BALROTHERY par. (5) in the above bar. contains Balbriggan-19, and the fine ruins of B. cast. Acres 6885, good, with bog and stone quarries; pop. 4881, declining, of town 386. Living, &Vic. (Du.G.K.) val. 287/., patr. Rev. F. Baker. Bal.P.L. Un ion, in eludes 12 elect, divis. in Dubln. with 23 guardians ; acres 75,582, pop. 28,116, ho. room for 540, cases relieved (yr. 1847-8) 1222 (besides 1675 out-door), expend. 5477/.; prop, rated 94,52 1/. Fairs, 6 May, 12 Aug. &. BALSALL, or B. TEMPLE, chpiry. (54) Hamp- ton in Arden par. W. Wanvk. 8 m. WSW. of Coventry-97, was a preceptory of the Templars, and at length came to Lady K. Leveson, who in 1670, settled the manor, on a hospital for 20 (now 30) poor women and boys. Pop. 1160 + 12 ; poor r.253/. (Solihull U.) ; real prop. 8975/. ; charities, 1447/. of which 14217. to the Hosp. St. Mary Cur. (Wor.) val. 50/., patr. Governors of hosp. ; church, but little altered since built by the Tem- plars, in Stephen's time, is 104ft. by 39, and 57 high, with timber roof, stone stalls, etc , and is near B. Grange, which has remains of their hall. At B, Heath, a church is building. Balsar's Hill (51) 7m. N. of Cambridge, Mid. Camb. BALSCADDAN par. (1, 4) E. Balrothery bar. N. Dublin, 1 m. NW. of Balbriggan-19, near R. Naul. Acres 3948 good, with waste ; pop. 1074 of vil. 295. Living, a Vic. (Du. G. K.) val. 58/., patr. Dean and Chap, of Christ ch. Dubl. BALSCOTT, i. e. BELETSCOT, chpiry. (45 or 53) Wroxton par. N. Ox-ford. 4 m. NNW. of Ban- bury -71, has its name from Michael Belet who founded Wroxton priory. Acres 550; pop. 199. Living, a Cur. with Wroxton. BALSDEAN vil. (9) Lewes rape, S. Sussex, 4 m. NE. of Brighton-51. - Balsdon Hill (12) 4 m. NW. of Basingstoke, N. Hants. P. BALSHAM par. (51) Radfield hund. SE. Cambridge 3 m. NE. Linton-48, near Gogmagog I 4 120 BAL hills, was the birthplace of Hugh de B. (died 1286), founder of Peterhouse, Camb. Acres 4402 ; pop. 1271 + 20 ; poor r. 930/. (Lint. U.) ; real prop. 6216/. ; charities 49/. Holy Trinity Rect. (Ely), val. 1104/., patr. Govs. of Charter "Ho. ; church, has 2 canopied brasses of priests, and a knight (from 1401). Balsom House (18) near Wincanton, SE. So- niert. T. Gapper, Esq. BALSOON par. (31, 37) Lower Deece bar. Mid. Meath, 4 m. EXE. of Trim-31, on R. Boyne. Acres 1269, good; pop. 340. Living, a. Beet, with Assey. B. House, . BALSTON. See BAYSTOJ?, Salop. P. Balta Island, E. side of Uist, N. corner of Sltetld. Islds. in lat. 60 45' N., long. 47' W., is 1 m. long, and forms a breakwater to B. Sound, which is a safe and useful harbour for whalers and others, in 5 to 7 fath. Fine amianthus fibres are in diallage on E. coast. BALTEAGH par. (16-7, etc.) Keenaght bar. N. Londimdy. 4 m. SSE. of Newtownlimavady-152, on B. River, which runs to R. Roe. Acres 11,506, good, with mountain, the highest points being Donaldshill (1315 ft.) and Cedy, where limestone is quarried ; pop. 3371, a few weavers. Living, a Rect. (Dy. R.) val. 437/., patr. Bishop. BALTERLEY tnshp. (73) Barthomley par. NIV. Stafford. 6 m. NW. of Newcastle-under-Lyme -150, belongs to the Toilets. Acres 1020; pop. 316. Balthtiyoch, near Perth, E. Perth, seat of the Blairs. P. BALTIMORE vil. (150) W. Carbery bar. SW. Cork, 46 m. SW. of Cork, 218 from Dublin, near Cape Clear , a coast gd. station and port (with a line harbour), and a decayed boro' send- ing 2 members to parl. till the Union, was burnt by some Algerine pirates 1631, from which it never recovered. Poo. 168, declining, in the fish- eries. It has a custom ho., and belongs to Lord Carbery. The barb, leading to Skibbereen, be- tween B. Point and Sherkin isld. (on which stands the O'Driscolls' old castle) is convenient for small vessels with anchorage in 3 to 10 fath., the only dangers being the Loo and Perch rocks, and a shoal near the Fastnet. In 1846, 123 sail of 3788 tons (15 being under 50 t. each) belonged to the port, to which Bantry, Bear- haven, Castletownshend, Crookhaven, Skibbereen were sub-ports ; and the tonnage Inwards and Outwards, including repeated voyages, was ' coast- wise,' 304 sail of 12,852 and 306 of 11,423 tons, from foreign ports ' 2 of 304 t. (besides 64 fo- reigners of 16,003 and 76 of 13,450 t.) ; total customs 7857. (?). From ' Beal-ty-more', i. e. the great house of Baal, or the sun. P. M. 3. BALTINGLASS par. (26-7) Rathvilly and Upper Talbotstown bars, borders of Wickloio and Carlote, 28 m. WSW. of Wicklow, 37 from Dublin, at the 3-arch bridge on R. Slaney, a sessions and police town, and decayed boro' re- turning 2 members (from Ch. II.) to parl. till the Union, has remains of a castle, a norman gate, and a cistertian abbey found. 1150, by the Kava- naghs, and given to the Eustaces and Har- ringtons. Acres 6383, good, hilly ; pop. 4436 + 32, of town 1928 + 29, in the bleach works and flour mills ; houses 303, with a church, 2 chapels, courts-house and bridewell, savings bk., barracks, schools, dispensary, Union p. house. Living, a Sect. (Os. F. L.) val. 524/., patr. H. Carroll, Esq., of Ballymore. On B. Hill, 1256 ft. high, are 2 raths? and it gives title of viscount to the Strat- fords, of Stratford Lodge, great benefactors to the town. Saunders' Grove and Golden Fort Are Beats of the Saunderses. Bal. P. L. Union, in- cludes 11 elect, divis. in Wickhc. Dubl. Kildnre, and Carlw., with 21 guardians ; acres 149,523, pop. 40,687, cases relieved (1847-8) 1489 (besides 2844 out-door), ho. room for 900, expend. 8015Z. prop, rated 90,888/. Mkt. D. Frid. Fairs, 2 Feb. 17 Mar. 12 May, 1 July, 12 Sept. 8 Dec. BALTOXSBOROUGH par. (19) Glaston-twelve- hides hund. Mid. Somerset. 4 m. SE. of Glaston- bury-124. Acres 2700 ; pop. 718 + 6 ; poor r. 295/. (Wells U.) ; real prop. 6245Z., St. Dunstan Vic. with Butleigh. S. Baltony Hill ( ) 2 m from Raphoe, E. Donegal, has a fine view from a druid circle of 67 slaty stones (some 9 ft. high), 150 yds. round. BALTRAY vil. (25) Ferrard bar. SE. Louth, 3 m. ENE. of Drogheda-28, on the coast at the mouth of the Boyne. Pop. 423, fishermen. Balvag Water, Balquhidder par. W. Perth. runs to Loch Doine, and thence through Loch Voir into Strathyre. BALVAJRD vil. Abernethy par. SE. Perth, near B. Castle, Earl Mansfield. Bahast Bay (100) at the S. end of I. of Man, between Scarlet Pt. and Spanish Hd., has on its E. side, the pier harbour of Port le Murray, with 8 to 16 ft. water. a. Balveny Castle, 3 m. E. of Aberlour, M^id. Banff, a ruin on the Fiddick, belonging to Earl of Fife, with a fine view, has a ' pictish ' tower, and was held by the Cumyns, Douglases, Stewarts, whose motto over the gate, ' Fvrth . Fortvin . And . Fil . Thi . Fateis,' is that of Duke of Atholl, who takes hence title of baron. Balwearie Tower, Abbottshall par. S. Fife, near Kirkcaldy, the birthplace of the wizard Michael Scott, gives title of baron to Earl of Leven. BALWEST vil. (33) Kerrier hund. W. Corn- wall, 4 m. WNW. of Helston-276. BALWHERNE vil. Methven par. E. Perth. 2 m. W. of Perth-44. Pop. 60. P. BAMBER BRIDGE (89) Blackburn par. W. Lancaah., 3 m. SE. of Preston-217, on E. Lane, rail is a Cur. to Blackburn, val. 1507., patr. Vicar. i^ B. GREEN vil. (47) Uttlesford hund. W. Essex, B in. WNW. of Dunmow-38, Bambridge House (11) 4. m. S. of Winchester, Mid. Hants. C. Smythe, Esq. Bambriech Castle, 2 m. ENE. of Newburgh, 2V. Fife, on R. Tay, a ruined seat of the Leslies. BAMBROUGH WARD (110) NE. Northmbrld., in two divisions. North Din. contains the pars, (and benefices) of Bambrough cur. and Belford c. ; acres 32,820, pop. 5931, booses 1240. South Div. the pars, of Ellingham vie., Embleton, Houghton, Howick, Lesbury; acres 36,830, pop. 5013, houses 997. & B. DEANERY, archdy. of Lindisfarae, dioc. of Durham, contains the benefices in Bambrough and N. Glendale wards, with Eglingham c., llderton rect., Wooler v. P. BAMBROUGH par. (109) in'the above ward, 5 m. E. by N. of Belford) on the sea, and once a mkt. town, sending 2 members to parl. of 23-4 Edw. L, -contains Beadnall, Lucker, N. Sutherland, curs., and 20 other tnshps. Acres 25,100; pop. 4237 + 31, of town 375; poor r. 1477. (Belf. U.) ; real prop. 34,2337.; church estate charity 1007 St-Aidan Cur. (Durh.) val. 2007., patr. Lord Crewe's Trustees ; church, was a cell to Nosthall priory, near the ruins of another, built by K. Os- wald, and discovered 1773, and Grace Darling, who with her old father saved the crew of the 'Rothesay Castle' steamer, is in the ch. yard Bambrough, i. e. Bebbanburgh, or Queen Beb- ba's town, was a royal seat of the northum- brian kings, and formerly gave name to the district around. Close to it is B. CASTLE BAM tnshp. (pop. 59) on the site of the old castle, with a nurmari keep and roman tower (but founded for the most part about 1070), in which Q. Phillipa successfully resisted the Scots, and which, with the manor, was granted by Jas. VI. to the Forsters, who forfeiting it 1715, through T. Forster, it was repurchased by his uncle Lord Carew, Bp. of Durham, and left in trust, with other estates, for benevolent purposes. The keep which is inhabited by a managing trustee, con- tains a granary for storing corn to be sold cheap to the poor in times of scarcity. They have also a dispensary, two weekly markets where things are sold at cost price, and an excellent school for their children. Life boats are kept ready, and patrols maintained on duty night and day for the benefit of shipping ; and in case of shipwreck, food, clothes, and lodging are furnished, with storehouses for goods cast ashore, besides the use of chains, tackling, etc., for raising stranded vessels. Further, a public library has been founded at the castle, to which all respectable persons have access. BAMBURGH. See BAUMBER, Lincoln. Bamff, near Alyth, E. Perth. Sir J. Ramsay, Bt., whose fam. have held it since 1272. BAMFORD hmlt. (81) Hathersage par. N. Derb. 6 m. NNW. of Tides well- 160, in the Peak, near B. Moor. Pop. 297 + 5. giT BAMFORD tnshp. (88) Middleton par. SE. Lancash. 3 m. W. of Rochdale- 198. SeeBiRTLE. B. Hall, J. Fenton, Esq. igP Bamford (23) 2 m. S. of Kilkenny, W. Kilky. seat of R. Sullivan, Esq. Bamfurlong House (89) 4m. N. of Newton, 5. Lancash. near N. West. rail. BAMFYLDE-WESTON. SeeWESTON-BAMFYLDE, Somerset. BAMPTON vil. (80) Bucklow hund. N. Cheshire, 2 m. NW. of Northwich-174. BAMPTON HUNDRED (21) in NE. Devon, con- tains the pars, of Bampton vie., Burlescombe v., Clayhanger rect., Hockworthy v., Holcombe-Rogus ., Morebathv., Uffculme v. ; acres 29,430, pop. 6990, houses 1424. See TIVERTON DEANERY. P. M. BAMPTON, or BATHAMPTON, par. in the above hund. 18 m. NNE. of Exeter, 161 from London, a petty sessions town, containing Patton and Shillingfofd, on R. Batherm, near Br. and Ex. rail, is the spot where Cynegils of Wessex routed the Britons 614 ; at one "time returned 2 members to parl. and is governed by a portreeve and 2 con- stables. Acres 8130, with limestone quarries, and a good mineral spring; pop. 2049 + 8, of town 1275, in the manufacture of serges and pottery; houses (in three 'quarters') 407, with 4 chapels; poor r. 14457. on 76867. (Tiverton U.) ; real prop. 91G17. ; charities 9/. St. Michael Rect. (Exet.) val. 1187., patr. E. Rendell, Esq.; church, early eng. with monuments of the Bourchiers. It was a roman station according to Polwhele, and at the Conquest was granted to Walter de Douai who built a castle here. Jno. de B., who first read 'Aristotle' at Cambridge, a native (died 1391). Mht. Ds. Wed. Sat. Fairs, Whit Tues. Wed. before Ladyday, last Th. Oct. and last Wed. Nov. for fine cattle and sheep. BAMPTON HUNDRED (13, 34,44-5) in W. Ox- ford, contains the pars, of Alvescott rect., Asthall vie., Bampton ., Blackbourton v., Broadwell v., Broughton Poggsr., Burfordi)., Clanfieldc., Duck- lington r., Kencott r., Langford v. (part), Norton Brizet;., Shiltonr. (part), Standlaker., Stooe- land, Westwell r., Whitney r., Yelford r. ; acres 42,070, pop. 15,628, houses"3185. See WHITNEY DEANERY. P. BAMPTON par. (13) in the above hund. J2 m. BAN 121 W T . by S. of Oxford, 71 from London, near R. Isis, a place of some note at the Conquest, and till lately a mkt. town, includes Aston, Bright- hampton, Chimacy, Coate Lew, Shifibrd, Weald. Acres 110,250, of tnshp. 4970; pop. 2734 + 22 and 778, chiefly agricultural, the fellmongery and leather business which it was noted for, having gone down ; houses (town) 174 with a bank, free school (547.) ; poor r. 754Z. (Witney U.) ; real prop. 88917. ; charities 3257. St. Mary Vic. (Oxon.) in 3 portions, val. 1st. 4657., 2nd. 4207., 3rd. 3957., patr. Dean and Chap, of Exeter, to the first Bp. of which it was granted by Edw. the Confessor ; church, cruciform, with large nor- man tower, examples of every period of the pointed style, and 2 brasses of priests (from 1420). The ancient castle, built by Aymer de Valence who had the manor, is now a farmhouse. Jno. Philips, author of " Cyder" and " The Splendid Shilling," was born at the vicarage, 1676-1708. B. House, T. Denton, Esq. Fairs, 26-7 Aug. horses. |gT BAMPTON par. (98) West ward, NIV. Westmrld. 9 m. NW. of Orton-276, on R. Lowther near Haweswater, includes Bombey, Butterwick, and Knipe. Acres 10,390; pop. 579; poor r. 2407. (W. Ward U.) ; real prop. 40547. ; charities 1787. of which 507. to Measand school, and 837. to the excellent grammar school where Dr. Mill, the biblical critic, Bp. Gibson editor of "Camden" (and a native of Knipe), and Judge Wilson, were educated. St. Patrick Vic. (Carl.) val. 1017., patr. Ld. Chancellor. B. GRANGE, and B. Hall, 1 m. SE. BAMPTON-KIRK tnshp. (107) Kirk-Bampton par. NW. Cumbrld. 6 in. W. of Carlisle-301, 2 m. E. of B., LITTLE, tnshp. and 1 m. E. of B. New. Pop. 193, of B. Little, 212. Banachra Castle, near Luss, on L. Lomond, N, Dumbrtn. the old seat of the Colquhouns of Luss. BANADA vil. (37) Leney bar. S W. Sligo, 3 m. WSW. of Tubbercurry-131, on R. Moy, a police station, and seat of D. Jones, Esq., near the ruins of an austin abbey found. 1423. Fairs, 17 Jan. 19 May, 7 Aug. BANAGH . BARONY (81-2, etc.) SW. DonegL contains the pars, of Glencolumbkille, Inver, Kilcar, Killaghtee, Upper Killybegs, Killymard, parts of Innishkeel, and Lower Killybegs, with the town of Ardara ; acres 177,822 (much granite), an. val. 10,1977., pop. 42,912, houses 7515. P. M. BANAGHER town (21) Garrycastle bar. W. King's Co. 20m. WSW. of Tullamore, 82 from Dublin, at the old 19-arch bridge, on R. Shannon, where the Little Brosna joins, a petty sess. and police station, and decayed boro', sending 2 mem- bers (from Chas. I.) to parl. till the Union. Pop. 2827 + 19, in a good export trade ; houses 478, with Rynagh church, 2 chapels, bank, reading- room, barracks, battery, magazine, royal gram, school, and dispensary. Clogan, G. O'Moore, Esq. Ruins of Garry castle, a nunnery, and the old church, are left. Mkt. D. Frid. for corn. Fairs, 1 May, 15-8 Sept. 28 Oct. 8 Nov. cattle. S3. BANAGHER par. (30-1,34-5) Keenaght and Tirkeeran bars. W. Londondy. 2 m. SW. of Dun- given-136, on R. Roe, contains Feeny. Acres 32,475, chiefly mountain pasture, with bog, free- stone, and limestone quarries ; pop. 5810, partly employed in the manufacture of linen. Living, a Rect. (Dy. R.) val. with Dungiven 9227., patr. Skinners' Company. It has the fine ruins of an old church much venerated by the people, and a monastery, with a cross, a vitrified fort, and other antiquities. Crystals of large size have been found. Ashpark, seat of J. Stevenson, Esq. 5 B. Cottage, and other seats. 122 BAN Banald Drove (51) Stow hund. Mid. Camb. 6 m. NE. of Cambridge. Banas Point, (30) near Tintagel head, W. Corn- wall. Banatria of the Romans is BOWNESS, Inverness. P. M. BANBRIDGE town (27) Upper Iveagh bar. W. Down. 23 m. WNW. of Downpatrick, 76 from Dublin, at the New bridge (b. 1712) on R. Bann, is a petty sess. and chief police station, and a thriving seat of the linen manufact., belong- ing to Marquis of Downshire. Pop. 3324 + 6, weavers, 66,000 webs yearly being made here and in the neighbourhood ; houses 642, with Sea- patrick church, 5 chapels, 2 banks, mkt. -house (b. 1834), linen-hall, dispensary, schools, and Union p. house. Baron M'Clelland was a native. Ban. P. L. Union includes 23 elect, divs. in Down andArmagh, with 29 guardians ; acres 124,913, pop. 87,323, ho. room for 135, cases relieved (yr. '47- 8) 2271 (besides 2976 out-door), expend. 10,4417., prop, rated 123,970/. ij< B. Presbytery includes Anaghlone, Ballydown, Banbridge, "Donacloney, Fourtowns, Garvaghy, Gilford, Glascar, Lough- brickland, Magherally, Newmills, Scarva, Tan- dragee, and Tullylish. Mkt. D. Mond. Fairs, monthly. BANBRUSNA hmlt. (11) Corkareebar. N. West- meath, 5 m. SE. of Rathowen-61. BANBURY HUNDRED (45, 53) in two parts, separated by Bloxham hund. a. Oxfd. contains the pars, of Banbury (part), Charlbury (part), Clattercote, Cropredy (part), Swalcliffe, with Cornbury park, and Prescott ext. par. ; acres 21,230, pop. 12,314, houses 2495. * P. M. BAJJBURY par. (45) in the above hund. and King's Sutton hund. S. JVorthmptn. 21 m. N. by W. of Oxford, 71 from London, on R. Cherwell and the Coventry canal, including Neithrcp, Grimsbury, Nethercote, etc. is the saxon Banesbyrig (near the roman BrinavtB), and noted for its cakes ; belonged to the see of Lincoln, and was the scene of the Yorkists' defeat (at Danes- more) 1469, when the Earl of Pembroke and others were beheaded ; was given by Eliz. to the Sayes of Broughton, with the castle (b. 1125 by the fighting Bp. Alexander), which being taken by Ch. I. 1642, was given up 1646, after two hard sieges, to the puritans, who were very zealous here; sends one member to parl., the boro' being as large as the par., no. of electors 538 (and 10Z. houses 811): was first chartered by Mary, and under the late act is governed by a mayor (who is lord of the manor and returning officer), 4 aid. 12 council, with the style of ' may. aid. and burgesses of boro' of B.,' and re- venue of 9667. Acres 3150, fertile in grain ; pop. 7366 + 94, of town 3746 + 1, chiefly agricultural, with a prosperous trade by canal, but some in the shag and plush (400 looms), horse-cloth, girth, and webbing manufacts. ; houses (town) 771, few of any consequence, with 7 or 8 chapels (rom. cath. is early eng. built 1838), a town-hall, gaol, 4 banks, savings bk. (93,9747. from 3353 depositors), blue- coat school (707.), almshouses, and racecourse ; poor r. 19037. on 12,9347. ; real prop. 16998/. ; charities 2637. St. Mary Vic. (Oxon.) val. ?., patr. Bishop. ; church, reb. 1797, has tombs of the Pigotts, but the vicarage is as old as Hen. VII. Swift makes Gulliver say he saw " several tombs and monuments of the Gullivers" in the ch. yard. S. BANBURY Cur. 1507., Crown and Bishop. Roman coins and an altar have been found (at the ' Old George ' inn), and the Bear Garden amphi- theatre, is thought to be roman ; ' spital farm ' on Northmptn. side, is the site of a lepers' hosp. and on the Oxford road is a piece of an old college ; the market cross which Leland saw (the famous ' Banbury cross ') is gone ; of the large castle no- thing remains but part of the walls and a room in ' Reindeer' inn ; and the gram, school, which was one of some fame, is now given up. Pyrites aurevs, or gold firestone is found near. Wroxton Ab. Col. and Lady North ; Broughton Cast. Lord j Saye and Sele ; Neithrop House, Miss Milward ; and other seats. Whately, the puritan divine, author of the ' Bride Bush,' was a native (born 1583); it publishes the 'Guardian' newspaper; and gave title of earl to the Knollys fain. Bunb. P. L. Union contains the pars. "etc. of Stren- ington, in Glouc., Aston-le- Walls, Boddington Lower, Boddington Upper, Chalcombe, Chipping Warden, Middleton Cheney, with Warkworth and Appletree, in Nhmptn., Adderbury East, Alkerton, Banbury, Barford (St. John and St. Michael), Bloxham, Boddicote, Broughton, Clay- don, Cropredy, Drayton, Epwell, Hanwell, Hook Norton, Horley, Hornton, Milcombe, Molling- ton, Shenington, Shutford East, Shutford West, Sibford Gower, Sibford Ferris, Southnewington, Swalclifie, Tadmarton, Wardington, Wigginton, Wroxton, with W. Adderbury, Bourton, Clatter- cote, Milton, N. Newington, Neithrop, and Pres-^ cote, in Oxon., Avon Dassett, Farnborough, Mollington, Radway, Ratley, Shotteswell, War mington, in Warwh. ; acres , pop. 28,565, cases relieved (yr. '46-7) 4850 (out-door 4462), expend. 16,0657. prop, rated 136,763/. Sup. Registry com- prises the same up to Warkworth in Nthmptn. Wroxton in Oxon. and all in Warwk. with Edg- cott; pop. 28,565 + 176. The New County Court district corresponds with the Registry. Mkt.D. Tu. large and well attended. Fairs, 1st Thu. after Jan. 18, horses, cattle, 1st Thu. in Lent, 2nd Thu. before Easter, Holy and Trinity Thursd., 2nd Th. July, 13 Aug. 2nd Th. Sept. Th. after Oct. 10, for cheese (for which it was formerly noted), and hiring servants, called the " mop," 30 Oct. 2nd Th. before Christmas. See Beesley's ' Hist. ofB.' BANBURY LANE hmlt. (53) Gayton hund. S. Northmptn. 4 m. N. of Towcester-60. Pop. 45. P. BANCHORY-DEVENICK par. 3 m. WSW. of Aberdeen -110, borders of Kincardine, and Aberd. is cut in two by R. Dee (here crossed by a sus- pension-bridge of 305 ft.), and contains Downies, Hindon, and Portlethen on the coast, where Dr. Morrison has endowed a school. Size 5 m. by 3, light soil, with sand, moss, cyanite, and blue granite ; pop. 2736 + 15, some fishermen ; real prop. 11,3207.; for poor 4227. Living(Presb. Aberd.) val. 1597., patr. Crown. B. House, A. Thomson, Esq. Cairns and druid stones are seen, igg- B.-TER- NAN par. 18 m. WSW. of Aberdeen-110, N. Kin- card, a pleasant spot up R. Dee, where the Feugh joins, contains Arbeadie and Banchory. Acres 18,950, with water, wood, and hill (1500 ft. high, at the hill of Fare) ; pop. 2241 + 27 ; real prop. 70987. ; for poor 4687. Living (Presb. Kinc. O'Neil) val. 2887., patr. Sir T. Burnet, Bt. of Leys, near that loch. B. Cottage, ; Inchmarlo, D. Davidson, Esq. Bancornaburg of the Saxons, is BANGOR, Flint. Banden Hill, near Downhill camp, at Kettle, Mid. Fife, on R. Eden, has a round camp 200 yds. diam. BANDERWICK vil. (13) Faircross hund. Mid. Berks. 4m. SSE. of E. Ilsley-54. * P. M. BANDON (110) E. Carbery and Kinal- meaky bars. S. Cork, 13 m. SW. of Cork (by the rail., which ends here), 180 from Dublin, on both sides of R. Bandon, is a sessions, excise, and chief police station, returning one member to parl., BAN no. of electors 396 (and 10Z. houses 279) ; and is governed by commissioners who supersede the old corporation (chartered by Jas. I.), with a revenue of 580/. Acres (boro') 447 ; pop. includ- ing Roundhill 9303, decreasing, in the manufact. of camlets, stuffs, linen, whisky, beer, leather, flour, and in a small export trade; houses 1180, with Ballymodan and Kilbrogan churches, 5 chapels, convent, court-house, bridewell, 3 mar- kets, 2 endowed schools (one by the first visct. Boyle son of the great E. of Cork, who found, the" town), bank, savings bk. (24,0227. from 641 depositors), 2 libraries, breweries, distillery, loan fund, infirmary, fever hospital, barracks, and Union poor house. It belongs to the Duke of Devon- shire, and the Bernards of Castle-Bernard, to whom it gives the title of earl, while it gives title of baron Bandon-Bridge, to the Boyles. Dr. Brady, the psalmist (bora 1659), and Sir R. Cox (b. 1650) were natives. The rail, opened 1850, is a single way, 5J ft. gauge, cost 9500/. per mile, has 5 stations, and is worked by the patent carriage, in which it and the engine are on one frame. San. P. L. Union, includes 23 elect, divis. in Cork, with 31 guardians ; acres 153,920, pop. 81,772, ho. room for 2100, cases relieved (1847-8) 6332 (besides out door), expend. 10,7801., prop, rated 136.166/, Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, 6 and 25 May, Holy Th. 29 Oct. 8 Nov. and 1st Wed. every month but May and Nov. Sancton River, the ' pleasant Bandon ' of Spencer, rises in the Sheeny mountns. /S W. Cork, and runs 40 m. past Ballyneen, Bandon, and Innishannon (where it is navigable for barges), to Kinsale harbour ; it has salmon fisheries. Banduff (143) 1 m. W. of Rosscarbery, S.Cork, Morris, Esq., near O'Donovan's castle. Bane, or Bain, River (83) rises in the Wolds, Mid. Lincoln, near Kelstern (23 m. from its mouth), and passing Horncastle (9 m.) and Tat- tershall (1 m.) between which places the navi- gation has been improved, falls into R. Witham. P. Sane, or Bone, End (7) 3 m. E. of Great Mar- low, 5. Bucks. Banesbyrig of the Saxons is BANBURY, Oxford. Banetstown House (73) 2 m. E. of Fethard, SE. Tipperary. BANFFSIIIRE, a sea-side county, NE. Scotland, on Moray Frith, the old seat of the Vacomagi, in the roman Vespasiana, including parts of Buchan, Moray, the districts of the Enzie, Boyne, Strath- dovern, Strathisla, Strathaven, etc., is bordered bv R. Dovern and Aberdeen. (E.), Inverness. fSW.), R. Spey and Elgin. (W.), and the Frith (N.). Length from Ben Muickdhu, NE. to Troup Hd. 68 m., greatest breadth 30, av. ditto 14 ; re- lative size 214-10,000ths ; circuit 180, of which 30 is a low sandy coast, having on it the barbs, of Banff, Cullen, Macduff, Portsoy. It contains 647 sq. m. or 414,080 acres, of which about 123,840 are cultivated ; 49,678 + 107 persons, of whom 8808 are in Banff, Cullen, Macduff, 26,430 are females, 23,429 under 20 yrs. of age, 41,878 county-born, 4236 or 8'5 per cent, live by com- merce, manufact. etc., 7581 or 15'3 by agricult. (2553 being farmers and graziers), 457 by pro- fessions, 1581 are independent, 9155 labourers and servants, etc. ; 19 parishes, and parts of ten others (St. Fergus and Straloch Lands being lo- cally in E. Aberd.); 11,149 houses (flats being reckoned), besides 556 empty and building; 2 royal and parl. burghs, Banff (the capital etc. as be'low), and Cullen, which with Dufftown, Keith, Tomantoul, are small debt courts, and 2 burghs of barony, Corncairn, and Macduff; returns one member for the county (elect 808), while the BAN 123 parl. burghs contribute to return another for El- gin ; is governed by a lord lieut, 39 deputy lients., sheriff, and substitute, and constitutes 3 pres- byteries of Aberlour, Fordyce, Strathbogie. in synods of Aberdeen and Moray, with 23 clergy, whose av. stipends are 2037. Real prop. (1815) 88,9427., (1843) 116,9687., of which 25927. on fisheries ; gross rentals (1811) 79,3967. or 3*. lOrf. per acre, (1843) 110,6087. or 5s. 4d. ; valued rent (1674) 79,2007. scots ; fiar or av. price of wheat (1842-8) 51s. 3d. per qr. of meal, 15s. Bd. per boll of 140 Ibs. Savings banks (1849) 2, with 83677. from 740 depositors; expend, for poor (1847-8) in 23 pars. (21 being assessed) 9843Z., of which 8321/. for 1886 poor on roll, 290/.for 282 casual poor. Av. number of offenders (1836-46) 26 ; schools, about 150 with 9000 children attend- ing, along with Aberd. and Elgin, its shares in the Dick bequest of 130,0007. for par. schools. Surface of the county, hilly, rising in the S. towards the granite peaks of Cairngorm, which is 4080 ft. high, and yields abundance of rock crys- tals and topazes, the carex phacostachya, and other plants; Ben Rinnes, near Aberlour, is 2750; Knockhill 1640. These tracts are chiefly grazing for the old native cattle, the valleys being well wooded and watered. Gneiss and mica slate, and limestone abound ; marble is quarried at Portsoy, where jasper is found, and from which a bed of granite reaches to Huntly; old red sandstone near Fochabers on the W., as well as about To- mantoul ; and there are some good slate quarries, near Banff and Keith. The manufactures are of little consequence, and mostly for home consump- tion ; but distilling is largely carried on in Glen- livet and other parts. Rivers are, the Aven, Dovern, Fiddick, and Spey ; and Loch Aven in the Grampians is the only large lake. Salmon fisheries in the Dovern and the Spey are worth 10,0007. a year ; and the herring fisheries on the coasts employ upwards of 500 boats. Puffins are caught at Crovie. Along the coast to the dis- tance of 6 or 8 m. inland, the soil, chiefly loam and sand, is well cultivated on the improved sys- tem, set on foot by the late Lord Deskford and others, by which large tracts have been reclaimed ; chief crops, oats, wheat, barley, turnips, but from the uncertainty of the climate, the harvest, espe- cially in the hills, is often not gathered in till winter ; in the lowlands, the Galloway, Aberdeen, and Ayrshire breeds of cattle have been intro- duced and the total stock is estimated at 25,000 ; farms run from 100 to 200 acres ; leases, for 19 yrs., a few for life ; property is nearly all entailed, chiefly in the hands of the Duke of Richmond Gordon Castle, Earl of Fife Duff Ho., Earl of Seafield Cullen Ho. Other families are W. Gor- don Bt. Letterfourie,, R. Abercrombie Bt. Bir- kenbog, Innes Bt. Edingight, Grant, Bt. Ballin- dalloch, Duff, M.P. of Dalgaty Cast., Ferguson, of Pitfour, Leslie of Kininvie, Steuart ofAucklun- kart, etc. Remains of antiquity are the King's cairn in Rathven, the site of a victory over the Danes by K. Indulphus, in which he was killed ; castles at Balvenie (the Douglases), Find- later, Boharm (the Murrays), Rothes (the Les- lies). Duncan II. beat the Danes 1102 in Mort- lach, which has an old cathedral, and was the seat of a bishopric, until its removal to Aber- deen ; another old church is at Gamrie. Gordon Castle, on the Spey, is the site of Tuessis, on the roman road fromTamea in Braemar; Cromdale is Ad Tuessim, Deskford is Ad Selinam. Two or three principal roads run from Banff: 1. to Aber- chirder 7 m., Marnoch 9, Forgue 12, Huntly 17 thence to Aberdeen 56, or by Turriff to Aberdeen 124 BAX 46. 2. To Ordoquhill 10, Grange 16, Keith 19, Botriphine 25, Mortlach 30, Tomantoul 47 ; or by Keith to Boharm 25, Aberlour 31, Inveraven 37, Kirkmichael 46, Tomantoul 50 thence to Brae- mar 76. 3. To Portsoy 7, Cullen 12, Fochabers 25, thence to Inverness 75. 4. To Aberdour 14. Fraserburgh 22. * P. M. BANFF par. in the above co., 156 m. NNE. of Edinbro', the shire, sessions, and small debt court, a coast gd. station and bonding port at R. Dovern's mouth, and royal and parl. burgh, contributing to Elgin (elect. 218), was first chartered by Will, the Lion, 1165, and under the late act is governed by a provost, 4 bailies, and 17 council., with a revenue of 935Z. Acres 7680, fertile (once part of Boin forest) with slate near it ; pop. 3958 + 28, in the coasting trade, fisheries, and a small manufact, of thread, linen, soap, leather; houses (many of which were in- jured by the floods of 1829) 1016, in neat well built streets, with 5 chapels, townho. and prison, custom house, 4 banks, savings bank (6846Z. from 630 depositors), mkt.-house, public baths, 7-arch bridge, academy, and almshouses; real prop. 12,064Z. ; for poor 773Z. Living (presb. Fordyce) val. 246/., patr. Earl of Seafield, of B. Cast, where Archbp. James Sharp was born, 1618-79. The harb. is but indifferent; in 1846, 111 sail of 11,814 tons (29 being under 50 t. each) belonged to the port, to which Buckie, Cullen, Garmo', Fraserburgh, are sub-ports ; and the tonnage In- wards and Outwards (including repeated voyages) was ' coastwise ' 657 of 35,908 and 462 of 23,726 tons, from ' colonies ' 4 of 572 t., from and to 'foreign ports,' 5 of 182 and 67 of 4610 t. (besides 31 foreigners of 1458, and 44 of 2744 t.). Corn, cattle, fish, etc. are sent to Aberdeen, London, etc. ; total customs 1849Z. A fixed light is on. Brae Head, lat. 57 40' N., long. 2 41' W., put up 1832, is 80 ft. high, seen 12 m. Duff cast. Earl of Fife, has a good gallery, and fine prospects. It pub- lishes the ' Banffsh. Journal ' newspaper, and gives dormant title of baron to the Ogilvies. Mkt. D. Frid. Fairs 7 Jan. 1st Tuesd. Feb. and 1st Frid. Aug. o. s. Frid. before 22 Nov. Banfoot ferry (2) over the Ban, N. Armagh, near L. Neagh. BANGLEY lib. (63) Fazeley tnshp. SE. Staf- ford. 3 m. SW. of Tamworth-115. Pop 17. # P. M. * BANGOR city and par. (78) Uwch- gorfai hund. N. Carnrvn. 9 m. NE of Caernar- von, 238 from London by Holyhd. rail, (near B. Tunnel 3000 ft. long) formerly a mean town (though called B. Vawr-i. e. great), now a fashion- able bathing-place on R. Cegid, at the X. mouth of the Menai Strait, near the Bridges (of which, and the beautiful scenery around, it has a fine view), and in sight of Snowdon, is the seat of the oldest bishopric in Wales, a coast gd. sta- tion, and a contributory boro' to Caernarvon (elect. ), the limits being nearly those of the par. Pop. 7232, of town 5379 + 63, chiefly connected with the famous Llandegai slate quar- ries belonging to the Pennants, the produce of which is exported from Port Penrhyn to London and all parts of the world ; houses (town) 920, mostly new, with 5 chapels, market house, baths, and assembly rooms, 3 banks, museum, Glynne's grammar school (581/.), Bp. Rowland's alms- houses (216/,), many good inns, co. dispensary, and Union p. house ; poor r. 2014Z. on 18,731/. ; real prop. 71637. ; charities 821Z. St. Deiniol Vic. (Bang.) with Pentir, val. 8787., patr. Bishop, to whom the manor and B. Palace belong. The Cathedral 233 ft. by 96, with a tower of 60 ft., is a plain building reb. 1490 (on site of one de- BAX ! stroyed by O. Glyndwr 1407), and lately restored through the exertions of Dean Cotton, who gave the stained E. window ; it has tombs of the welsh j princes Ap Cynan, and 0. Gwynedd and Bp. Anian's missal (1291) hi the library. Close I to the place is Penrhyn cast., seat of the Pen- nants, and many villas ; a ferry plies to Angle- sea from Garth point, near the public promenade, and steamers run to Liverpool and other parts. Remains of a castle and british camp are seen near Friar's school. Bang, and Beaumaris P. L. Union, contains the pars. etc. of Beaumaris, Lland- daniel Fab, Llanddona, Llandegfan, Llandysilio, Llanedwen Llanfaes, Llanfair-pwll-gwyngyld, Llanffinnan, Llanfihangel Esceifiog, Llanfihangel- tyn-sylwy, Llangoed, LJaniestyn, Llansadwrn, fenmon, Penmvnydd in Angl., and Aber, Ban- gor, Llandegai, Llanfairfechan, Llanllechid inCar- nrvn. ; acres ; pop. 25,902, cases relieved ('46-7) 1915 (out-door 1689), expend. 68S3/., prop, rated 58,706/. Sup. Registry comprises the above with Capel-Curig and Pentir in Carnrvn. ; pop. 25,901 H 593. The New County Court district corresponds with the Registry except Beaumaris sub-distr. which goes to Llangefni. << B. DIOCESE, province of Canterbury, was found. 525 by St. Deiniol, and under the new arrangements includes Merion. Angles. Caern. with the deanery of CeiSliog in Montg., exchanged for Diffrynclwyd deanery, which goes to St. Asaph ; comprising in all 12 deaneries or about 129 benefices in the Archdys. of Bangor and Merioneth, of which 79 are in patron- age of Bp., whose income is 4000/. It was held by Hoadley (when his sermon on the church gave rise to the ' Bangorian ' controversy), Sherlock, Herring, etc. The chapter consists of a dean (858/.), chancellor, treasurer (917.), precentor, 2 archdeacons (1907.), 1 prebendary (3867.), and 5 canons (2 minor, 4197. each). B. ARCHDEACONRY, is held with the bishopric, and comprises the deaneries of Arvon, Arllechwedd, Llifon, Menai, Malltraeth, Tyndaethwy, Talybolion, Twrcelvn. Mkt. D. Frid. Fairs, 5 Apr. " 25 June, 16 Sept. 28 Oct. BANGOR par (41) Troedyrawr hund. S W. Car- digan. 5 m. E. of Newcastle Emlyn-229, on R. Teifi. Pop. 210; poor r. 717. (Newcast. U.); real prop. 9837. St. David Rect. (St. Dav.) with Henllan, val. 1637., patr. Bishop. Blaen Dyffryn, J. P. Davies, Esq. ; Castell Pistog, belonged to the Pistogs, who had the manor. P. M. BANGOR par. (1, 2, 6) Ards and Lower Castlereagh bars. NE. Down. 22 m. NNE. of Downpatrick, 114 from Dublin, a petty ses. police, and coast gd. station, on B. Bay, containing Groomsport and Copeland islds., and found. 555 by St. Cungall ; has traces of his abbey, which was burnt 674, taken by the Danes 818, reb. of stone 1125 (whence "Bean choir" white-church) by abp. Mallachy, made a franciscan priory 1469, and given to the O'Nials, and Hamiltons ; sent 2 members to parl. before the Union, and is governed under charter of Jas. I. by a provost and 12 burgesses. Acres 17,037, good, with bog, slate, coal, lead, and copper; pop. 10,060 +71, in the cotton and linen manufact., fishing, &c. ; houses 1750, with 4 chapels, court and mkt. nouses, savings bank, dispensary, schools. Living, a Cur. (Dn. C. D.) val. 927., patr. Visct. Bangor of B. Castle (who owns the town and old castle whence he takes his title), and R. Ward, Esq. ; church, reb. 1833. Ballyleidy, Lord Dufferin ; Crawfords- burn, S. Crawford, E~sq. M. P. At Rathgael and elsewhere many danish forts. MM. 1). Tues. Fairs, 12 Jan. 1 May, 1 Aug. 22 Nov. for cattle, horses, pedlery. BAN BAXGOR-IS-Y-COED par. (74) i. e. " below the wood," or B.-MoNACHORUM " of the monks," Bromfield hund. flint, and Maylor hund. Denb. 5 m. SE. of Wrexham-179, at the old bridge on R. Dee, was the roman Bovium or Bunchorium, saxon Bancornaburg, and the site of a large monastery found., it is said, as early as the 3rd century (of which, and of other ecclesiastical structures which existed in William of Malmesbury's time, nothing remains), where a general slaughter of 1200 monks was committed by Ethelfrith of Northumbria 593. Acres about 8000; pop. 1257, of town 59G; poor r. 2057. (Wrexh. U.); real prop. 43637.; charities 867., of which 497. to Lady Jeffrey's school. St. Dinoth Jlect. (Ches.) with Overton cur. val. 12007., patr. Marq. of Westminster. B. Bank, 3. Cotgreave, Esq. BANHAGLOG (56) Llandinam par. S. Mont- gomy. 4 m. NE. of LlanidIoes-188, is a Cur. (Bang.) val. 7., patr. Bishop. P. BANHAM par. (66) Guiltcross hund. S. Norfolk, 2 m. SW. of New Buckenham-93. Acres 3710; pop. 1165 poor r. 8637. (Guiltcr. U.); real prop. 77247. ; charities 1467. St. Mary Rect. (Norw.) val. 8007., patr. Ld. Chancellor. B. Haugh, 1 m. S. Bangour, 2 m. WSW. of Uphall, -S. LinUhgw. seat of the Hamiltons of that Ilk. Bunhurst, or Nunhurst, Farm (8) 5 m. SE. of Godalming-33, S. Surrey. Bank, The (80) 2 m. SW. of Middlewich, SE. Chesh. ^g Bank, The (80) near Tarporley, Mid. Chesh. a seat of the Egertons. Bank of Soundings, or briefly " Soundings," stretching from France in lat. 48 N. to Ireland in long. 11 W. across the mouth of the Channel, is a tract where soundings, in 70 to 100 fath., are had coming from the Atlantic. It is steep at the edge which is known, in fine weather by the ripplings, in rough weather by the discolouration, of the water. The bottom is sandy and coarse, without mud, except about 49 20', the parallel for entering the Channel, where it is muddy. A few smaller banks, as the Nymph, and others are marked in the charts, but they scarcely alter the character of the bottom, which rises from the edge evenly up the British chan. and also up the Bristol chan., but deepens a little towards the Welsh side of St. George's chan. Rennell's cur- rent setting NW. out of the Bay of Biscay, is at times sensibly felt hereabouts. Bank Green (82) 6 m. NW. of Chesterfield, 2V. Derby. igT B. Hall (81) near Stockport, NE. Cheshire, F. Phillips, Esq. igT B. Hall (80) 2 m. S. of Altrincham, N. Cheshire, g^" B. Hall (81) li S. of Chapel-le-Frith, NW. Derby. J. Frith, Esq. ^- B. Hall (89) 8 m. WNW. of Chorley, W. Lancash. G. A. L. Keck, Esq. |^ B. Hall (80) near Warrington, 5. Lancash. J. W. Patten, Esq., M.P. iJST B. House (89) near Wigan, S. Lancash. T. Woodcock, Esq." igT B. House (61) near Coalbrookdale, E. Salop, J. Rey- nolds, Esq. ifaf B. House, at Acton, Midsx. seat of Mrs. Payne, formerly of Rons, provost of Eton, and one of Cromwell's ' peers.' gr* B. House ( ) 6 m. SSE. of Alnwick, E. Northmbrld. near R. Coquet, gif B. NEWTON. See NEWTON BANK, W. R. York. U^- B. Place, near Limerick, N. Z,tm.belongs to Maunsell, of Plassy. igp-B. QUAY parcel (80) Warrington par. S. Ijancash. near Warrington- 184. J&T B. TOP, or HILL TOP, vil. (89) Sharpies tnshp. S. Lancash. 4 m. NNW. of Bolton-197. U^ B. Top (89) close to Burnley, E. Lane. J. Hargreaves, Esq. P. BANKEND vil. Carlaverock par. Dumf. 5 m. SSE.ofDumfries-73. Pop. 189. ^F BANKEND BAN 125 Kirkgunzeon par. E. Kirkcudbt. 7 m. NE. of Castle-Douglas-92. Pop. 30. BANKER tnshp. (79) Llandrynog par. E Denb 4m. E. of Denbigh-201. Pop. 96. Bankfield ( ) 8 m. NNW. of Kirkham, W. Lancash. R. Harrison, Esq. P. BANKFOOT vil. Auchtergaven par. E. Perth. near Auchtergaven-53. Pop. 439. ijig- BANK- FOOT ( ) near Bradford, W. R. York, is a Cur. (Rip.) val. 1007., patr. J. Hardy, Esq. BANKFORT. See GADGIRTH-HOLM, Ayrshire $& Bankfort (89) 4 m. W. of Newton, S. Lan- cash. C. Orrell, Esq. BanMiead, near Eccles, 5. Berwick. P. BANKHEAD hmlt. Monikie par. S. Forfar. near Monikie-66. Pop. 56. ^T BANKHEAD tnshp. W. Coquetdale ward. Mid. Northmbrld. 2 m. N. of Rothbury-304. Pop. 16. BANKLAND hmlt. (20 or 21) North Petherton par. Mid. Somerset. 6 m. NE. of Taunton-141. Real prop. 19427. BANKS constablewick (106) Burtholme tnshp. N. Cumbrld. 2 m. N. of Brampton-311. tJaT BANKS hmlt. North Meols tnshp. S W. Lancash. 9 m. N. of Ormskirk-219. BANKS, FEE, hmlt. (44) Longboro' par. E.Glou- cest. 2 m. NW. of Stow-on-the- Wolds-82. ^B. Hall (87) 3 m. W. of Barnsley, W. R. York, S. Thorp, Esq. | B. How (100) NE. corner of Douglas bay, /. of Man. Bankside (88) 6 m. N. of Rochdale, E. Lancash. J. Ormerod, Esq. Banksides (65), near Lynn, NW. Norfolk, T. Hoseason, Esq. Bankton, 1 m. SE. of Preston Pans-9, E. Had- dingtn. was formerly the seat of the good Col. Gardiner, killed in the battle of 1745. BANKTON PARK vil. Kettle par. Mid. Fife. 5 m. SW. of Cupar-32. Pop. 136. BANLAGHAN hmlt. (143) W. Carbery bar. SW. Cork, near Rosscarbery-201, seat of the Donovans. Bann (Lower) River (42) the ancient Banna, rises in Lough Neagh, passes 33 m. NW. through Lough Beg, at Toome, then by Portglenone. Kilrea, and Coleraine, over several falls to the Atlantic near Portstewart, dividing Antrim and Londondy. Ijaf Bann ( Upper) River (48) rises in the Mourne mountns. W. Down, and runs 25 m. NW. past Banbridge, Gilford, Portadown (where the Newry canal joins it, and whence it is navi- gable for small craft), to Lough Neagh at Ban- foot ferry ; it has a total fall of 366 ft., and salmon fisheries which belong to the Fishmongers' Comp. gig- Bann River (2) rises in Annagh hill, NE. Wexford, and runs 20 m. past Ferns to the Slaney at Scarawalsh-bridge, 3 m. N. of Enniscorthy. Bannagor Crags (35) 3 m. NNW. of Chepstow, SE. Monmo. in the finest part of R. Wye, oppo- site Piercefield, and near Lancaut, Wyndcliff, etc. Bannau Brecheinog (42) or Brecknockshire bea- cons, 5 m. SW. of Brecknock, 2862 ft. high, are two of the highest points of the Black moun- tains, or of S. Wales. |^ B. Sir Goer (42) or Carmarthenshire beacons, about 2600 ft. high, two other peaks of the Black mountains, W. of the above, at R. Usk's head, on the border line of Brec. and Caerm. ; one being in Brecon, but classed with its neighbour, to distinguish them from the two nearer Brecknock. Bannavie Inn, near Fort William, S. Inverness. BANNEL tnshp. (79) Hawarden par. SE. Flint. near Hawarden-189. Pop. 138. Bannels (71) 4 m. SW of Derby, S. Derby. Banner Cottage (19) near Bath, NE. Somerset, Sir P. Ackland, Bt. BANNER CROSS hmlt. (82) Eccleshall-Bierlovr 126 BAN BAR tnshp. W. R. York. 3 m. SW. of Sheffield-162, | has the seat of Rev. W. Baghshawe, b. in later eng. style by Gen. Murray. BANNINGHAM par. (68) S. Erpingham hund. NE. Norfolk, 4 m. W. of N. Walsham-125. Acres 770 ; pop. 329 ; poor r. 231Z. (Aylsham U.) ; real prop. 1871Z. ; charities 61. St. Botolph Beet. (Xorw.) val. 295Z., patr. S. Bignold, Esq. Bannister Lodge (11) near Southampton, S. Hants. W. Fitzhugh, Esq. P. BANNOCKBURN q. s. par. St Ninian's par. NE. Stirling. 3 m. SSE. of Stirling-35, on Scot. Cent. rail, and B. Water (which rises near Earl's hill, and runs about 10 m. to the Forth, below Stir- ling), is famous in history for the great victory gained by The Bruce over Edw. II. 24 July, 1314, and is near Sauchie burn, where Jas. III. was de- feated by his subjects, 1488. Pop. 3176, of vil. 2206, in" the manufact. of tartans and carpets. B. House, . Near it, are the Bared Stone where Bruce planted his standard ; Randal's (or Ran- dolph's) field, and Ingram's crook, after a scotch and english commander ; the Gillies' hill, where the camp followers were stationed; and other spots. The Li'thgow hounds meet here. Bannock's Craigs ( ) 2 m. WSW. of Belling- ham, S W. Northmbrld. have a fine view. Bannovallium of the Romans, is HORXCASTLE or LUDFORD, Line, at the end of the Foss way. P. BANNOW par. (45-6) Bargy bar. 8W. Wexfd. 17 m. SW. of Wexford, 110 from Dublin, on B. Bay, containing Carrick, is a coast gd. station, and was a borough sending 2 members to parl. before the Union. Acres 6551, light soil and sand ; pop. 2378 + 19, many fishermen. Liv- ing, a Vic. with Kilcavan. Grange, T. Boyse, Esq. chief proprietor, and a great benefactor to the place. Ban. (or Featherd) Harb., 4 m. bv 1, has anchorage for small craft only ; Tintern Cas- tle serves as a sea-mark, and the remains of the old town of Bannow, said to have been swallowed by the sand, are on B. Isthmus, which protects the entrance. BANSHA, or TF.MPLENERA. vil.(67)Clanwilliam bar. SW. Tippery. 5 m. ESE. of Tipperary-128, on R. Arra. Pop. 378 + 9. B. Castle, E. O'Ryan, Esq. P. BANSTEAD par. (8) First Copthorne hund. E. Surrey. 3 m. E. of Epsom-la, under B. Downs, which are 576 ft. high, and are famous for the Epsom races, their extensive prospects, and ex- cellent mutton. Acres 5840; pop. 1168+17; poor r. 555L (Epsom U.) ; real prop. 7147/. ; cha- rities 39/1 All Saints Vic. (Wine.) val. 310/., patr. Rev.W.L. Buckle, vicar, of Little Burrough. Several barrows are about, and it is thought to have been a roman station. B. House, Mot- teux, Esq. once noted for its walnut-trees. Bantany House (5) near Robertsbridge, E. Sus- sex, 4 m. N. of Battle, E. Alfree, Esq. BANTEER vil. (31) Duhallow bar. NW. Cork, 2m. S. ofKanturk-166. Pop. 137. BANTHAM hmlt. (24) Thurlestone par. S. De- von. 4 m. W. of Kingsbridge-208, at the Aven's mouth, has B. Road, a retreat for small craft inside Burr or Borough Isld. in Bigbury bay. BANTON q. s. par. Kilsvth par. SE. Stirling. 2 m. NE. of Kilsyth-36. Pop. 964 ; of vil. 130. BANTRY BARONY (105-6, etc.) 5 W. Cork, con- tains parts of the pars, of Durrus and Kilmaco- mogue, and the town of Bantry ; acres 59,216, ' with limestone, copper, and lead mines, pop. 15,593, houses 2467. i^T BANTRY BARONY (30-1, etc.) W. Wexfd. contains the pars, of Adamstown, Ballyanna, Carnagh Chapel, Clon- leigh, Doonooney, Kiluowanmore, Kill an. Killeg- ney, Kilscanlan, Oldross, Rossdrae, St. John's, St. Mary's, Templeludigan, Templescoby ; parts of Ballyhogue, Clonmore, Newbawn, St. Mullin's, Whitechurch, and Whitechurchglynn, and the towns of Ross, Clonroche, and Maudlin's ; acres 101,988, an. val. 62.162Z., pop. 34,762Z., houses 5689. P. M. BANTRY town (118) Bantry bar. SW. Cork, 44 m. WSW. of Cork, 218 from Dublin, on B. Bay, a sub-port to Ballymore, and a ses- sions and chief police station]! now called Kil- goban. Pop. 4082, in the fisheries and corn trade; houses 702, with Kilmacomogne church, 2 chapels, and court-house. Gives title of earl, etc. to the Whites of Sea Court, chief pro- prietors. The Bay (117, etc.) between Sheep- head and Crowhead, lies ENE. and WSW. ; length 20 miles, breadth from 3 to 5, with a depth of from 10 to 20 fath. It has Bear isld. and haven on the N. side, and at the top Glen- gariff and Bantry harbours; the latter being inside Whiddy Isld., with anchorage in 3 to 6 fath. Hungry hill (with its fall) is the principal sea-mark 2251 ft. high. A French fleet came in here 1689, on behalf of Jas. II. ; and here that which attempted to land 1796, under Gen. Hoche and Adml. de Galles was dispersed by a storm. Ban. P. L. Union, includes 9 elect, divs. in Cork, with 18 guardians ; acres 178,732, pop. 56,165, ho. room for 976, cases relieved (1847-8) 5491 (besides 20,392 out-door), expend. 12,1007., prop, rated 41,8291. Mht.D. Sat. Fairs, 19 Mar. 1 May, 9 June, 15 July, 21 Aug. 15 Oct. 1 Dec. P. "BAN WELL, par." (19) Winterstoke hund. N. Somerset. 134 m. from London, 4 m. NNW. of Axbridge, a petty sessions town near Brist. and Ex. rail, under the Mendip hills, has been from the Confessor's time the seat of the Bishops of Bath and Wells, to whom the manor belongs. Acres 4970 ; pop. 1819 + 20 ; poor r. 646Z. (Axbr. U.) ; real prop. 14,451Z. ; charities 17/., of which 111. to free school. St Andrew Vic. (Ba. and W.) val. 702/., patr. Dean and Chap, of Bristol ; church, later eng., with screen, 8-sided font, stone pulpit, and 3 brasses (from 1470). Iron is worked; caverns are shown containing great quantities of animal bones ; and there are british and roman camps near Little wood part of a park which existed at ' Domesdy.' B. Court, or Towerhead, b. by Bp. Godwyn 1584, on the site of a monastery found, before Alfred's time. Fairs, 18 Jan. and July, cattle and cheese. BAPCHILD" par. (3) Milton hund. Scrav lathe, N. Kent, 6 m. WNW. of Faversham-47, has remains of a resting-place for Canterbury pil- grims. Acres 1080, part in hops ; pop. 338 + 2 ; poor r. 183/. (Milton U.) ; real prop. 3166/. St. Lawrence Vic. (Cant.) val. 192Z., Dean and Chap, of Chichester. BAPTIST GRANGE par.(70, 77) Middlethird bar. SE. Tippery. 5 m. NNE. of Clonmel-104. Acres 2858 good ; pop. 782. Living, a Vic. with Cahir. Lakefield, W. Pennefather, Esq. BAPTON hmlt. (15) Fisherton de la Mere par. S. Wilts. 5 in. SE. of Heytesbury-90, has the seat of J. Davis, Esq. Pop. 143. Bar of Lough (46) 4 m. E. of Bannow bay, is a coast gd. station and sub-port to Wexford at the mouth of Bullyteigue lough. Bar Pastures (64) Whittlesea lib. N. Camb. 5 m. NE. of Peterboro'. BARA, or BAKO, par. is joined to GARVALD, Haddington. Bara^ or Barrow, Harb. (28) in Ballyhague bay, NW. Kerry, 12 m. SSE. of Kern' head, near seat of Sir E. Denny, Bt., and an old castle. BAR BAR Baranach Isld. (lf>) in Blacksod bay, NW. Mayo, 6 m. SSW. of Belmullet, opposite a ruined castle in Ellie harb. BARACHNIE hmlt. Old Monkland par. N. La- nark. 6 m. SE. Glasgow-44. Pop. 235. Baraset House (54) 2 m. ENE of Stralford-on- Avon, S IV. Warwk. Rev. J. Harding. Barbachlaiv Water runs to R. Avon, Bathgate par. S W. Linlithgw. near a colliery. BARBARA VILLE vil. Kilmuir Easter par. E. Ross. 1 m. S. of Tain-207. Pop. 173. BARBASWALLS vil. Ruthven par. S W. Forfar. 6 m. SW. of Kirriemuir-61. Pop. 36. Barbary, or Barbury, Castle (34) 5 m. NNW. of Marlboro'-74, a circular british camp on B. Hill, where the West Saxons defeated the Britons, 556. Barbamlla (8) 5 m. SE. of Castlepollard, NE. Westineath, W. Smytlie, Esq., near L. Lene. Barber and Cockle Shoals, N. of Yarmouth Roads, near Caistor, E. Norfolk, divide Hemesby Gat from Cockle Gat both well buoyed. BARBER NOOK hmlt. (82) Eccleshall-Bierlow tnshp. W. R. York. 4 m. SW. of Sheffield, seat of Capt. Butler. BARBERSTOWN hmlt. (10) N. Salt bar. NE. Kildare, 4 m. S. of Maynooth-15, near B. Castle, and part of a round tower. Barbican Castle (7) W. Midx. 1 m. SE. of Uxbridge. T. Bent, Esq. on Hillingdon Heath. Barbiston Castle, near Dalrymple, Mid. Ayr. a ruin as old as 1340. BARBON chplry. ( ) Kirkby Lonsdale par. S. Westmrld. 3 m. NNE. of K. Lonsdale-252. Acres 4690 ; pop. 315 ; poor r. 63?. (Kendal U.) ; real prop. 2513?. Living, a Cur. (Ches.) val. 80?., patr. Vicar. B. Dale and B. Fells, 1 m. E. Barbot Hall (82) 1 m. N. of Rotherham, W. R. York. Col. Newton. Barbourne House (54) 1 m. N. of Worcester, Mid. Wore. Rev. G. Woodcock. Barbreck, Argyll. Adml. D. Campbell. Barbury Hill (34) 4 m. N. by W. of Marlboro', NE. Wilts, has a 2-ditched british and saxon camp. BARBY par. (53) Fawsley hund. N. Northmptn. 5 m. NNW. of Daventry-72, near the Oxford canal and N. West. rail. Acres 3700 ; pop. 640 ; poor r. 357?. (Rugby U.) ; real prop. 6994?. ; cha- rities, town and poor's lands, 121?. St. Mary Rect. (Pet.) val. 1150?., patr. Trustees. Barcaldine, 10 m. NE. of Oban, N. Argyll, on Loch Creran. BARCHESTON par. (44) Kington hund. S. Warwk. m. SE. of Shipston-on-Stour-83, includes Wil- lingtou. Acres 1620, pop. 193 ; poor r. 88?. (Shipst. U.) ; real prop. 2438?. St. Mary Rect. (Wore.) val. 193?., patr. Rev. G. D. Wheeler, rector. BARCOMB HUNDRED (5) Lewes rape, Mid. Susx. includes the 3 purs, of Barcomb (as below), Hamsey, and Newick ; acres 9740, pop. 2475, houses 453. P. BARCOMB par. (5) in the above hund. Lewes rape, Mid. Sussex. 3 m. N. by E. of Lewes-50, on R. Ouse. Acres 5280 ; pop. 1028 + 10 ; poor r. 700?. (Cbailey U.) ; real prop. 7988?. ; charities, Langton's school, 681. St. Mary Rect. (Chic.) val. 719?., patr. Ld. Chancellor. B. House, Mrs. Rick- man ; B. Place, . Barcombe (25) 5 m. of Tavistock, W. Devon. Bard Head, S. of Brcssay, Shetland Islds. BARDEN tnshp. (97) Hawkeswell par. N. R. York. 3 m. NE. of Leyburn-235. Acres 1330 ; pop. Ill ; real prop. 1171?. ^gr BARDEN chplry. (92) Skipton par. W. R. York. 1 m. NE. of Skip- ton-216, includes B. DYKES hmlt. in Wharfdale. Acres (with Bolton Abbey tnshp.) 10,110; pop. 212; poor r. 73?. (Skipton U.) ; real prop. 863?. B. Fells, once covered with forest, 2 m. W. ; and at B. Tower Hen. Clifford the 'shepherd lord' was hid 1461-86, after the battle of Towton. P. BARDFIELD, GREAT, par. (47) Feskwell hund. N. Essex, 7 m. NW. of Braintree-40, a petty sess., and once a mkt. town, on the Black- water. Acres 3400 ; pop. 1120 + 10 ; houses 240 ; poor r. 473?. (Dunmow U.) ; real prop. 6258?. ; charities 72?. St. Mary Vic. (Roch.) val. 179?., patr. Trustees of W. C. Key, Esq. ; church, has brass of a woman. Fair, 22 June, cattle. i$g B., LITTLE, par. as above, 6 m. NNE. of Dunmow-38, includes B. End. Acres 1970 ; pop. 375 + 6 ; poor r. 323?. (Dunmow U.) ; real prop. 2491?. ; charities 89?., of which Mrs. Bernand's almshouses, etc., 86?. St. Catherine Rect. (Roch.) val. 590?., patr. Rev. M. Bernard, of B. Lodge, rector. gg" B., or LITTLE SALING, par. as above, 2 m. SE. of it. Acres 1510 ; pop. 3381 + 2 ; poor r. 282?. (Dunm. U.) ; real prop. 1727Z. ; charities 11. St. Margaret donative Cur. (Roch.) val. 75?., patr. W. Sandel, Esq. BARDLEY tnshp. (55) Stottesden par. SE. Salop, 3 m. N. of Cleobury Mortimer-137. Pop. 178. BARDNEY par. (83) W. Wraggoe wap. Mid, Lincoln. 5 m. S. of Wragby-143 on Gt. North, rail., including Southrow, was the saxon Bardanig or Bealthanig, and the site of a religious house found, before 697, by Etheldred of Mercia, of which he died abbot. Acres 5490; pop. 1192 + 10; houses 256 ; poor r. 337?. (Lincoln U.) ; real prop. 7716?. ; charities 206?., including 136?. to gram, school. St. Lawrence Vic. (Line.) val. 60?., patr. Bishop. B. Dairy, 2 m. N. The Burton hounds meet here. Bardolph (65) 2 m. NE. of Downham, W. Norfolk. Bardolph's Farm (46) 4 m. NW. of Ware, Mid. Herts. BARDON hmlt. (20) St. Decuman par. W. So- merset. 2 m. SW. of Watchet-156. BARDON PARK ext. par. (63) Sparkenhoe hund. NW. Leicest. 9 m. NW. of Leicester-96, seat of R. Hood, Esq., near B. Hill, which is the highest point of the Charnwood range, and though but 853 ft. commands the most extraordinary view in the kingdom including Lincoln cathedral (45 m. NE.), Dunstable hills (80 m. SE.), the Malvem hills (80 m. SW.), Sugar Loaf, near S. Wales (100 m. SW.), the Wrekin and the hills of N. Wales (70 to 100 m. W.), and the Derbyshire hills (70 m. N.), taking in its cir- cuit about a fourth of England and Wales. Bardop River ( ) in W. Northmbrld. 5 m. long, falls into R. Reed at Rochester, 11 m. N. of Bellingham. Bardowie Loch, Baldernock par. S W. Stirlg. 5 m. NNW. of Glasgow, near B. Hill, has an old tower of the Galbraiths. Bardrock, 3 m. E. of Newton Stewart, W. Kir- kudbt. P. BARDSEA tnshp. (91 or 8) Urswick par. NW. Lancash. 5 m. E. of Dalton-276. Pop. 253 5 real prop. 1460?. ; charities 8?., for school. B. Hall, near Conishead priory, W. Gale, Esq. BARDSEY ISLD. (76) Commitmaen hund. SW. Caernrn. 8 m. SW. of Braich-y-Pwll, the saxon Bards' Isld., called Insula Sanctorum, " Saints' isld." by the monks (many of whom fled here after the massacre at Bangor-is-y-coed), Inys Enlli, " of the current," by the Welsh, was the site of an ancient culdee house older than 516, as well as of an abbey, with the privilege of sanctuary, founded probably by Dubritius, abp. of Caerleon, in the 8th cent., of which 30 ft. of a tower remains. 128 BAR BAR Size about 2 sq. m., hilly, -with a small vil. and harb. on the E. side ; pop. 90, fishermen, etc. It belongs to Lord Ne wborough of Glynlifon. To the NW. is Maunbigel rock, with Carrigagarona rock near it, and at the S. is Bartram bank. B. Sound, 2 m. broad, between the isld. and the main, has 1 5 to 25 fath. ; but the stream, under the name of B. Race, runs rather strong during a spring tide. B. Light, put up 1821, is 140 ft. high, fixed, visible at 5 leagues on every point except NE.JE. to E.^S. ^ BARDSEY par. (92 or 31) Lower Sky- rack wap. W. R. York. 7 m. NE. of Leeds-189, includes Rigton, Wike, Rothersom. Acres 3380 ; pop. 469 + 11 ; poor r. 94Z. (Gt. Preston Incorp.) ; real prop. 3152Z. ; charities 251., of which 207. to Lord Bingley's school. All Saints Vic. (Rip.) val. 2701., patr. G. L. Fox, Esq. ; church, fine early norman. Congreve was born at B. Grange (1670 -1729), and Castle hill is the site of a roman fort. BAEDSLEY (88) Ashton-under-Lyne par. SE. Lane, a Cur. (Manch.) val. /., patr. Hulme's Trustees. BARDWELL par. (50) Blackbourn hund. N. Suffolk, 8 m. NE. of Bury St. Edmund's-71. Acres 3320 ; pop. 826 + 3 ; poor r. 665Z. (Thingoe U.) ; real prop. 5242Z. : charities 103Z., of which town estate 93Z. St. Peter Rect. (Ely) val. 597/., patr. St. John's Coll. Oxon. BARE hmlt. (91) Lancaster par. NW. Lancash. 2 m. NNW. of Lancaster- 240. Acres 180 ; pop. 120. Baremoor Castle ( ) 8 m. N. of Wooler, N. Northmbrld. F. Sitwell, Esq. BARF- END hmlt, (97) Melbeeks tnshp. N. R. York, near Reeth-242. Barfield (33) near Ludgvan, W. Cornwall, 3 m. NE. of Penzance, Mrs. Davy. BARFIELD vil. ( ) Allerdale-above-Derwent ward. SW. Cumbrld. 6 m. SSE.of Ravenglass-279. BARFORD hmlt. (15) Kingston Lacy par. E.Dor- set. 3 m. "W. of Wimborne Minster-100. ^P BAR- FORD par. (66) Forehoe hund. Mid. Norfolk, 8 m. W. of Norwich-108. Acres 940; pop. 420; poor j r. 196Z. (Forehoe Incorp.); real prop. 2820/. ; charities 22Z. St. Botolph Rect. (Norw.) val. 288?., patr. S. Turner, Esq. gf BARFORD ext. par. (52) to Rushton, N. Northmptn. 2 m. ENE. of Rothwell-77. Pop. 9. |fg Barford (20) near Enmore, W. Somerset. 4 m. WSW. of Bridge- water, J. Jeffrey, Esq. P. BARFORD par. (53) Kington hund. Mid. Warwk. 2 m. S. of Warwick-90, on R. Avon, in the midst of a fine country. Acres 1490 ; pop. 748 + 10 ; poor r. 490Z. (Warwk, U.) ; real prop. 5189Z. ; charities 601., of which 48Z. to school. St. Peter Rect. (Wore.) val. 869/., patr. J. Mills, Esq. of B. House, which commands a rich prospect. BARFORD HUNDRED (52) in NE. Beds, con- tains the pars, of Gt. Barford vie., Colmworth rect., Eaton-Socon v., Goldington, Ravensden v., Ren- hold v., Roxton v., Wilden r. ; acres 26,170, pop. 6330, houses 1247. See EATON DEANERY. ^B., GREAT, par. (52) in the above hund, E. Beds. 5 m. ENE. of Bedford-50, at the old bridge over R. Ouse. Acres 2830 ; pop. 814 + 8; poor r. 490Z. (Bedf. U.) ; real prop. 4449Z. ; charities 3Z. All Saints Vic. with Roxton ; church, has a tower at W. end. ^g BARFORD, GREAT. See B. ST. | MICHAEL, below. |g[p B. House (15) near Down- ! ton, SE. Wilts. 5 m. SSE. of Salisbury-81, on R. Avon, seat of R. E. D Shaftoe, Esq., built by the Duncombes. gif B. ST. JOHN, or LITTLE B., chplry. (45) E. Adderbury par. N. Oxfd. 2 m. WNW. of Deddington-69. Acres 480 ; pop. 126 ; poor r. 137Z. (Banbury U.) ; real prop. 1518/. i Living, a Cur. with Adderbury; church, old, with a piscina and norman door. |J3P B., LITTLE, par. (52) Biggleswade hund. E. Bedfd. 2 m. S. of St. Neot's-56, on R. Ouse, was the birthplace of I, \ Nic. Rowe, dramatist (1673-1718). Acres 1190; 5 pop. 190 + 1; poor r. 12Z. (St. Neot's U.); real I prop. 1252Z. ; charities 7Z, St. Mary Rect. (Ely) j val. 254Z., patr. Rev. J.Alington, rector; church, ancient, with brass of T. Perys and wife (1535). P. BARFORD-ST. MARTIN par. (15) Cawden hund. S. Wilts. 5 m. WNW. of Salisbury-81. Acres 2290 ; pop. 570 ; poor r. 380Z. (Wilton U.) ; real prop. 4579Z. St. Martin Rect. (Sal.) val. 5771., patr. All Souls Coll. Oxon. ^ B. ST. MICHAEL, or GREAT B., par. (45) Wootton hund. N. Oxfd. 2m. W. of Deddington-69. Acres 1180; pop. 370 + 2 ; poor r. 193Z. (Banbury U.) ; real prop. 1860Z. St. Michael Cur. (Oxfd.) val. 67Z., patr. J. Hall, Esq. ; church, early eng. with fine norman door, tower, painted windows, etc. BARFORTH tnshp. (103) Forcett par. N. R. York. 7 m. E. of Barnard Castle-246, on R. Tees, was called Old Richmond. Acres 1750 ; pop. 114, decreasing ; poor r. 43Z. (Teesdale U.) ; real prop. 2077Z. BARFRESTON, or BARSTON, par. (3) Eastry hund, Augustine lathe, E. Kent, 6 m. NNW. of Dover-71. Acres 360 ; pop. 125 + 1 ; poor r. 3Z. Eastry U.) ; real prop. 709Z. St. Mary Rect. (Cant.) val. 182Z., patr. St. John's Coll. Oxon. ; church, small, and is, with its porch, circular win- dows, chancel arch, etc. one of the best specimens of the norman style. Bargally, 3 m. NE. of Newton Stewart, W. Kirkcudbt. J. Mackie, Esq. BARGARRAN vil. Erskine par. N. Renfrw. 4 ni. NNW. of Paisley-52, deserves notice as the place where the manufact. of yarn into thread was first established by Mrs. C. Shaw. Bargeny, or Bargany, near Dailly, S W. Ayr. an old seat of the Hamiltons. BARGY BARONY (46) coast of S. Wexfd. con- tains the pars, of Ambrosetown, Ballyconnick, Bannow, Duncormick, Kilcavan, Kilcowan, Kil- lag, Kilmannan, Kilmore, Kilturk, Mulrankin, Tomhaggard, and part of Taghmon, with the towns of Bridgetown, Carrick, and Danescastle ; acres 40,002, good soil, with limestone and granite, an. val. 28.972Z., pop. 13,197 (many nor- man descendants of the followers of Strongbow), houses 2266. igp BARGY hmlt. in that bar. S W. Wexfd. 1 m. SSW. of Wexford-94. BARHAM par. (52) Leightonstone hund. W. Hunts. 7 m. WNW. of Huntingdon-50. Acres 700 ; pop. 107 ; poor r. 19Z. (Hunts. U.) ; real prop. 607Z. ; charities 8/. St. Giles Cur. (Ely) val. 58Z., patr. Bishop. P. BARHAM par. (3) Kinghamford hund. Au- gustine lathe, E. Kent, 6 m. SSE. of Canterbury -55. Acres 4480, chieflv chalk, and part in hops'; pop. 1151 + 10 ; houses 221 ; poor r. 380Z. (Bridge. U.) ; real prop. 6157Z. St. J. Baptist Rect. (Cant.) val. 500Z., patr. Archbp. B. Court, C. Dering, Esq. ; B. Place, Col. Mulcaster. On B. Downs, where K. John encamped 1212 against the French, and where the Aug. Canterbury races are held, are many camps and tumuli, in which coins have been found ; and at Digges' Court lived Digges the mathematician, i^f BARHAM par. (48 or 50) Bosmere hund. Mid. Suffolk, 5 m. N. of Ips- wich-69, on R. Gipping. Acres 2520 ; pop. 393, besides 183 in ho. of industry ; poor r. 220Z. (Bosm. U.) ; real prop. 2544Z. St. Mary Rect. (Norw.) val. 342Z., patr. Rev. H. Longe. B. Hall, . Barham Hall (47) near Linton, SE. Cambridge. has parts of the chapel, cloisters, etc. of the BAR crutched priory found. 1292, as a cell to Welne- tham, and given by Hen. VIII. to P. Paris. (gg B., or Teston, Court (G) near Maidstone, N. Kent, a seat of the Noels, whence they take title of baron, formerly of the Botelers and of the Barhams, who a long time ago had the B. Court rear Canterbury, above. lgp B., SOUTH, 1 m. SW. of BAKHAM, Kent, as above. Barholm Castle, 10m. WN W. of Kirkcudbright, S W. Kircudbt. J. M'Culloch, Esq. B.uuiOLMEpar. (64) Ness wap. S. Lincoln. 3m. WNW. of Market Deeping-90. Acres 1230; pop. 155 ; poor r. 68Z. (Stamford U.) ; real prop. 1659/. St. Martin Vic. (Line.) with Stowe, val. 147/., patr. Trustees of Oakhain and Uppingham schools. BARIVAN par. is joined to CALDER, Edinbro'. BARJAKG vil. Keir par. W. Dumfries. 6 m. E. of Minihivc-68. Pop. 58. BARKBY par. (63) E. Goscote hund. Mid. Lei- cester. 4m. NK. of Leicester-96, contains Barkby Thorpe, Hambleton, and S. Thurmaston. Acres 2290; pop. 849 + 4, with 35 hosiery frames at work ; poor r. 195/. (Barrow U.) ; real prop. 4015/. ; charities 35Z. St. Mary Vic. (Pet.) val. 250/., patr. W. A. Pochin, of B. Hall. l^ B. THORPE ehplry. 1 m. SW. of the above. Acres 790 ; pop. 70 ; poor r. 621. (Barrow U.) ; real prop. 1058/. BARKENHAM vil. (34) Kingsbridge hund. N. Wilts. 2 m. S. of Wotton Basset-90. BARKESTONE par. (70) Framland hund. NE. Leicest. 10 m. N. of Melton Mowbray-105, on the Notts, canal, in the Vale of Belvoir. Acres 2870 ; pop. 403 + 10 ; poor r. 103Z. (Bingham U.) ; real prop. 2868A ; charities 65Z., of which 25/. to school. St. Peter and St. Paul Vic. (Pet.) val. 114/., patr. Duke of Rutland. P. BARKHAM par. (8) Charlton hund. SE. Berks. 2 m. SW. of Wokingham-31. Acres 1450 ; pop. 248 ; poor r. 192/. (Wokingh. U.) ; real prop. 1686/. St. James liect. (Oxon.) val. 350/., patr. C. L. Gower, Esq. B. House, H. Clive, Esq. igP BARKHAM vil. (26) S. Molton hund. N. Devon. 11 m. ESE. of Barnstaple-193. Bark-Hart (6) 4 m. ESE. of Bromley, NW. Kent, was seat of Sir J. Hart, where he enter- tained Q. Eliz. 1593. BARKHARTH vil. (101) Allerdale-below-Der- went ward, Mid. Cumbld. 5 m. NNW. of Keswick -291. P. M. BARKING par. (1) Becontree hund. SW. Essex, 1 m. E. of London, on N. Woolwich rail., and R. Roding near the Thames (where it is called B. Creek), in a rich flat spot, called B. Level, in- cluding Chadford, Gt. Ilford, and Ripple, was of great note at one time on account of its benedictine nunnery founded 670 by St. Erkenwald, reb. 970 by Edgar, and val. 1084/., the abbess being one of four who were baronesses in right of their station. Acres 10,170, in four wards, with mkt.- gardens, etc. ; pop. 9C98 + 166, of town 3751 + 35, many graziers and fishermen ; houses (town) 759, with a church, chapel, old timbered townhall, savings bk. (16,5517.) from 702 depositors, Camp- bell's free school (20/.), and almshouses (120/.); poor r. 41487. on S7.358/. (Romford U.) ; real prop. 15,1 777. ; charities 3307., of which 65/. to Ilford hosp. St. Margaret Vic. (Lond.) val. 7677., patr. All Souls Coll. Oxon; church, has 4 br.i-srs (from 1430), effigies of Sir C. Montague,^ with nion. of Day, who established Fairlop Fair and stands " near the site of the abbey ch. which was 170 ft. long. Part of the gate re- mains, with Holyrood chapel over it, and at Uphall farm are traces of a roman camp or per- haps a station. Byfrons, a seat of the Sterrys, VOL. I. BAR 129 is to the SE. The Level, or flat near the Thames, was overwhelmed by the river 1725, which broke in and covered 5000 acres ; but having been re- claimed after 10 years, and embanked by Capt. Perry (some of whose dykes remain near the rail), it is now good grazing ground for black cattle. The proposed Victoria dock for colliers will be here. B., or Tripcock, Reach, is a bend of R. Thames, 1 m. long, lying SE. by E. and E. by N. between Margaret-ness and Cross-ness, with B. Level, as above, to the N. and Plumstead marshes S. In the middle is B. Shelf, a dan- gerous shoal m. long, on which the Grampus of 54 guns was wrecked 1799 a singular mis- fortune in such a spot. Good anchorage is had off Tripcock trees, opposite B. Creek, which is a coast-gd. station. >Jf B. DEANERY, in two parts, contains the benefices of Dangenham vie., Epping v., Havering cur., High Beech c., Horn- church ., Loughton reel., Nasing r., Romford p., Waltham abbey c., in archdy. of Essex, dioc. of Roch. and the benefices marked in Becontree hund., archdy. and dioc. of Lond. Mkt. D. Sat. Fair, 22 Oct. BARKING par. (50) Bosmere hund. Mid. Suffolk, m. SW. of Needham-74, which with Darmsden it contains. Acres 3010 ; pop. 1879, of vil. 465 ; poor r. 8827. (Bosmere U.) ; real prop. 3176/. ; charities 1321., of which 55/. to Theobald's school. St. Mary Rect. (Norw.) with Darmsden, val. 840/., patr. Earl Ashburnham. B. Hall, . BARKING SIDE (1) Gt. Ilford par. SW. Essex, near Renault forest, is a Cur. (Lond.) val. 1507., patr. Vicar. Pop. 1500, included in the pop. of Barking, to which Ilford is a district par. BARKISLAND tnshp. (88) Halifax par. W. R. York. 5 m. SSW. of Halifax-197, has a druidical circle called the Wolf Fold. Acres, with part of Ripponden, 2420 ; pop. 2391 + 10, in the woollen and worsted factories ; houses 438 ; poor r. 4677. (Halif. U.) ; real prop. 54197. ; charities 837., of which 321. to GledniU's free school. BARKSDON GREEN vil. (47) Edwintree hund. NE. Herts. 2 m. SW. of Buntingford-31. BARKSTONE. See BARKESTONE, Leicest. P. BARKSTONE par. (70) Grantham Soke, 5. Lincoln. 4 m. NNE. of Grantham- 110. Acres 2080; pop. 413; poor r. 124/. (Newark U.); real prop. 32097. ; charities 867., of which 177. to school. St. Nicholas Rect. (Line.) val. 5587., patr. Preb. of Grantham. BARKSTONE tnshp. (93) Sherbum par. W. R. York. 4 m. S. of Tadcaster-192, produces the teasel (dipsacus fullonum Lin.) used by cloth- dressers. Acres 1260 ; pop. 323 + 6 ; poor r. 407. (Barwick Inoorp.) ; real prop. 1595/. BARKSTONE- ASH (LOWER) WAPENTAKE ( ) W. R. York, between Rs. Wharfe, Ouse, and; Aire, contains the pars, (and benefices) of Birkin rect., Brotherton vie., Cawoodcwr., Drax v., Fry- stone Monk, Ryther r. (part), Selby c., Snaith v., (part), Wistow . ; acres 45,600, pop. 14,999, houses 3115. B. (UPPER) WAP., the pars, of Bramham v., Fenton Kirk v., Kirkby Wharfe ., Ledsham v., Micklethwaite Grange, Newton Kyme r., Ryther (part), Saxton c., Sherburn v., Tadcaster v. (part); acres 39,040, pop. 12,007, houses 2402. See YORK DEANERY. P. BARKWAY par. (47) Edwinstree hund. NE. Herts. 4 m. NNE. of Buntingford-31, including Newsells and Nuthampstead, was mkt. town, and till lately a great thoroughfare to the N. Acres 5060; pop. 1291 + 18; houses 260; poor r. 5357. (Royston U.); real prop. 51511. ; charities 637. St. Mary Magdalene Vic. with Reed ; church, has painted windows, remains of brasses, and monu- K 130 BAR BAR merits of the Chesters and Jenningses, who had | the manor. Fair, 20 June. BARKWITH, EAST, par. (83) E. Wraggoe wap. Mid. Lincoln. 3 m. NE. of Wragby-127. Acres 990, with marl for manure ; pop. 255 + 7 ; poor r. 63/. (Horncastle U.) ; real prop. 1557/. St. Mary Rect. (Line.) val. 1957., patr. G. F. Heneage, Esq., who has the manor. igg" BARKWITH, WEST, par. 1 m. SW. of the above. Acres 500 ; pop. 130 + 2 ; poor r. 167. ; real prop. 760/. All Saints Rect. val. 1447., patr. C. D. Holland, Esq. BARLAND, or BARELAND, tnshp. (56) Radnor boro', E. Radn. 3 m. NE. of Radnor-159, near Offa's dyke. BARLASTON par. (72) S. Pirehill hund. NW. Stafford. 5 m. SE. of Newcastle-under-Lyme -150, on the G. Trunk canal and N. Staf. rail, commands a fine prospect. Acres 2340 ; pop. 591 + 8 ; poor r. 887. (Stone U.) ; real prop. 49747. ; charities 247. St. J. Baptist Cur. (Lich.) val. 1507., patr. Duke of Sutherland. B. Hall was in 14th cent, a seat of the Bagnalls, now of R. Adderley, Esq., a branch of the Warwicksh. Adderleys. BARLAVINGTON, or BARLTON, par. (9) Rother- bridge hund. Arundel rape, W. Sussex, 3 m. S. of Petworth-49. Acres 1710 ; pop. 132 + 2 ; poor r. 114/. (Sutton Incorp.) ; real prop. 1305/. Living, a Rect. (Chic.) val. 687., patr. T. Biddulph, Esq. P. BARLBOROUGH par. (82) Scarsdale hund. NE. Derby. 7 m. NE. of Chesterfield- 150, near the Chesterf. canal and Midld. rail. Acres 2229 ; pop. 804 + 11, in the coal and ironstone mines ; poor r. 3907. (VVorksop U.) ; real prop. 59367., of which 1450/. on mines ; charities 82/., of which 697. to Pole's almshouse. St. James Rect. (Lich.) val. 515/., patr. W. Rodes, Esq. of J?. Hall an eliza- bethan house. BARLEY chplrv. ( ) Hemingbrough par. E. R. York. 2 m. NE. of Selby-181, near the rail. Acres 1310; pop. 387 + 4; poor r. 1307. (Selby U.) ; real prop. 30727, ; charities 71. Living, a Cur. (Yk.) val. 65/., patr. Vicar. B. Bank, or B. Holmes, near the above. Barle, or Barley, River (20-1) in W. Somerset. on the borders of Devon, about 20 m. long, rises in Exmoor, near the source of R. Exe, and pass- ing SE. joins it below Dulverton. BARLESTONE chplry. (63) Market-Bosworth par. W. Leicest. 3 m. NE. of Mkt Bosworth-106, near the Swannington rail, is the centre of one of the hosiery districts. Acres 810 ; pop. 580 ; poor r. 3047. (Mkt. Bosw. U.) ; real prop. 26867. Liv- . ing, a Cur. with Bosworth. Barlestree Court (43) 2 m. NE. of Hereford, Mid. Herefd. P. BARLEY par. (47) Edwinstree hund. NE. Herts. 3 m. SE. of Royston-36. Acres 2700; pop. 792 + 9 ; poor r. 4017. (Royst. U.) ; real prop. 37037. ; charities 367. St. Margaret Rect. (Roch.) val. 6317., patr. Bp. of Ely. Barley Bear's (46) 6 m. SW. of Stevenage, Mid. Herts. igT B. BOOTH'S tnshp. ( ) Whalley par. Mid. Lancash. 9 m. NNW. of Blackburn-212. Acres 2370 ; pop. 686 ; poor r. 2487. (Burnley U.) ; real prop. 19567. igp B. CHAPEL vil. (93) Bark- stone- Ash wap. W. R. York. 3 m. SE. of Selby-181. ^" B. Cove (152) near Mizen head SW. Cork, on the coast. ijT B.-HALL hmlt. (82 or 7) Wentworth chplry. W. R. York, 5 m. NW. of Rotherham-159, near Wentworth park, igg" B. House (22) 1^ m. SW. of Exeter, E. Devon, has a fine view. ^ B. Park Farm (45) 2 m. SSW. of Witney, W. Oxfd. fg- B. Wood (51)2 m. NE. of Linton, SE. Cambridge. ^ B. Wood (19) near Redhill and the Mendip hills, N. Somerset. 9 m, SW. of Bristol, late the seat of Hannah More. Barleyfield (110) 5 m. S. of Bandou, S. Cork, Sealv, Esq. Barleyhill (71) 5 m. SW. of Swinford, E. Mayo, M'Manus, Esq. BARLEYSIDK vil. Falkirk par. E. Stirling, near Falkirk-24. Pop. 92. BARLEYTHORPE MANOR (64) Oakham Deans- hold par. W. Rutld. 1 m. NW. of Oakham-95, belongs to the Dean and Chap, of Westminster, to whom it was granted by the Confessor. Pop. 200 ; real prop. 37447. BARLICHWAY HUNDRED (54) in SW. Warwk. comprises four divisions. Alcester Div. contains the pars, of Alcester rect., Gt. Alne, Arrow r. (part), Croughton vie., Ipsley r., Kinwarton r., Morton -Baggott r., Spernhallr.,Tardebigg (part), Weethley cur., Weston-on-Avon ; acres 24,070, pop. 8039. Henley Div., Beaudesert r., Clavendon v., Preston-Baggott r., Rowington v., Wootton- Waven v. ; acres 18,830, pop. 4503. Snitterfield Div., Alveston, Bearley c., Budbrooke v., Ful- brook, Hampton-Lucy, Haselcy r., Hatton c., Honiley, Loxley, Norton-Lindsey c., Sherbourne c., Snitterfield v., Walverton r., Wroxhall c. ; acres 28,180, pop. 5115. Stratford Dir., Arrow (part), Aston Canterlupe v., Bidford v., Billesley r., Binton r., Exhall r., Haselor v., Salford-Priors v., Old Stratford, Temple-Grafton c., Welford, Wix- ford; acres 29,230, pop. 11,304. Total acres 100,310, pop. 28,961, houses 5945. See WARWICK DEANERY. BARLING par. (2) Rochford hund. SE. Essex, 4 m. ESE. of Rochford-38. Acres 1240 ; pop. 626 + 1 ; poor r. 897. (Rochf. U.) ; real prop. 32677. All Saints Vic. (Roch.) val. 2307,, patr. Dean and Chap, of St. Paul's. B. Hall, . BARLINGS par. (83) Lawress wap. W. Lincoln. 6 m. ENE. of Lincoln-132, including Langworth, was the site of an abbey (sometimes called Oxe- ney), found. 1154 by Ralph de Haya, of which part of the wall remains, and whose last abbot, Mackerel, or 'Capt. Cobler,' was hung 1536, for heading the Lincolnsh. rising for the old religion. Acres 2633 ; pop. 352 + 7 ; poor r. 1417. (Line. U.) ; real prop, 32227. St. Edward Cur. (Line.) val. 557., patr. T. T. Drake and C. Turnor, Esqrs. Barlocco Isld. 7 m. WSW. of Kirkcudbright, S. Kirkcdbt. in Wigton bay. BARLOCHAN, 5 m. SE. of Cast. Douglas, SE. Kirkcdbt. a sub-port to Dumfries, at R. Urr's mouth. BarloffBay (150) E. of Baltimore bay, SW. Cork, a coast gd. station. BARLOW tnshp. (60 or 1) Hopesay par. SW. Salop, 5m. SE. of Bishop's Castle-159; pop. 8. gg" BARLOW, or BARLY, tnshp. (87) Brayton par. W. R. York. 3 m. SE. of Selby-181. Acres 2150 ; pop. 284+5} poor r. 497. (Selby U.); real prop. 28857. Living, a donative Cur. (Yk.) val. 307., patr. D. H. Thompson, Esq. BARLOW, GREAT, tnshp. (82) Staveley pur.NE. Derby. 4 m. NW. of Chesterfield- 150, includes LITTLE B. hmlt. (pop. 59) Acres 3760 ; pop. 627 + 4; poor r. (Chesterf. U.); real prop. 32677.; charities 87. Living, a Cur. (Lich.) val. 957., patr. Rector. B. Grange, . ^" B. Hall (80) 5 m. SSW. of Manchester, S. Lancash. on the Mersey, S. Philips, Esq. BARMBOROUGH. See BARNBOROUGH, W. R. York. BARMBY-ON-THE-MARSII chplry. (86) Howden par. E. R. York. 4 m. N. of Howden-180, where R. Ouse meets the Derwent. Acres 1440, with two mineral springs ; pop. 516 + 4, some sacking makers; poor r. 2107. (Howd. U.) ; real prop. 33937. ; charities 1067, Living, a Cur. (Yk.) ral. BAR 30/., patr. Vicar. ^ST B.-ON-THE-MOOR par. ( ) Harthill wap. E. R. York. 2 m. W. of Pock- lington-212, was a mkt. town. Acres 2290 ; pop. 475 + 2 ; poor r. 1497. (Pocklingt. U.) ; real prop. 2741/.; charities 53/. St. Catherine Vic. (Yk.) val. 50/., patr. Dean of Yk. Fair, Th. before St. Peter's day. Barmeath (18) 2 m. E. of Dunleer, SE. Loutlt, Sir P. Bellew, Bt. Bannekin, or Barinekyne, Hill, at Echt, S.Aber- deen, has a 3-ditched circular camp 560 yds. round, with 2 stone walls and 5 entrances, and 2 cairns near it. BARMER par. (69) Gallowhund. N. Norfk. 5 m. S. of Burnham Westgate-118. Acres 890; pop. 61; poor r. 767. (Docking U.); real prop. 1200/. All Saints Cur. (Norw.) val. 57., patr. T. Keers- lake ; church, in ruins. B. House, . P. BARMING, or B. EAST, par. (6) Maidstone bund. Forth Lathe, Mid. Kent, 2 m. WSW. of Maidstone-34, on R. Medway, is noted for its hop, cherry, apple, and filbert grounds, and belonged to St. Helen's nunnery in Bishopsgate St., the abbess of which had a house here close to the bridge. Acres 1210, well cultivated, with Kentish rag quarries ; pop. 540 ; poor r. 170/. (Maidst. U.) real prop. 31557. St. Margaret Rect. (Cant) val. 5987., patr. Lord Chancellor ; church, small near which ronian remains have been found. Not far from Hall Place was the residence of the Smarts, of whom was Christopher the poet. gg" B. WEST ext. par. (6) near the above, on R. Medway, formerly a distinct par. is now a Rect. with Nettlestead. Pop. 44. BARMOOR tnshp. (110) Lowick par. N. Northm- brld. 8 m. N. of Wooler-320, where the lords marchers met 1417, near Flodden Field. Bare- moor Castle, F. Sitwoll, Esq. BARMORE vil. (7) Desboro' hund. S. Bucks. 3 m. WNW. of Marlow-31. P. M. BARMOUH, or ABERMAWDDOCH, tnshp. (59) Llanaber par. IT. Merioneth. 10 m. W. of Dolgelly, 222 from London, commanding a view of Cader Idris and Snowdon, is a well frequented watering-place with a beautiful drive of 6 m. on the beach, at the mouth of R. Mawddoch, which here forms a bar harbour (and sub-port to Car- narvon), the only one in the county. Pop. 930, employed in the woollen manufact., shipbuilding, tanning, and a good coasting-trade ; houses 244, rising in terraces on the mountain side, with a chapel of ease and 3 other chapels, baths. Living, a Cur. with Llanaber. A ferry plies across the entrance of the Maw, which is divided into two channels by the Ynys-y-Brawd, and the scenery on its banks is very pleasant. About 10 m. off is the large shoal called Sarn Badrig ; and to the N. along shore, Harlech Castle. Mkt. Ds. Tu. Frid. Fairs, Shrove Tues. Whit Mond. 7 Oct. 21 Nov. BARMPTON tnshp. (96 or 103) Haughton-le- Skerne par. S. Durham, 3 m NNE. of Darlington -241. Acres 1090; pop. 124; poor r. 15/. (Darl. U.) ; real prop. 7. BARMSTON tnshp. (105) Washington par. N. Durham, 5 m. W. of Sunderland-268, on R. Wear. Acres 980 ; pop. 81 + 1 ; poor r. 327. (Chester- le-Street U. ; real prop. 2110?. ^3 BARMS- TON par. (93) Holderness wap. E. R. York. 5. m. S. of Bridlington-206, on the sea. Acres, with part of Ulrome, 2180 ; pop. 254+3 ; poor r. 112/. (Bridlngt. U.); real prop. 3423/. ; chari- ties 227., of which 157. to Boynton's almshouse. AH Saints Rect. (York) val. 1065/., patr. Sir H. Boynton Bt., of Burton Agnes, whose ancient seat here is now a farmhouse ; church, has a cir- cular font with cable moulding. BAR 131 Barn (76) 2 m. WNW. of Clonmel, S. Tip- perary, Moore, Esq. BARN GREEN hmlt. (11) Hambledon par. S. Hants. 6 m. SE. of Bishop's Waltham-65. |gg" B. GREEN hmlt. (54) Yardley par. NE. Wore. 3 m. NE. of Bromsgrove-116. |gT B. House (6) near Eltham, 8 m. SE. of London, A. Taggart, Esq. gg- B. Moor Green (54) 6 m. W. of War- wick, W. Warwk. i^" B. Park (22) near Teignmouth, SE. Devon, Jos. Egerton, Esq. ^ B. Park (24 or 5) 2 m. NW. of Plymouth, S. Devon. T. Husband, Esq. P. BARNA vil. (95) Liberties of Galway bar. Mid. Galway. 3 m. WSW. of Galway, on that bav, 137 from Dublin, seat of Lynch, Esq. ^P BARNA hmlt. (45) Clonliskbar. SW. King's Co. 3 m. NNE. of Moneygall-84. P. BARNACK par. (64) Nassaburgh lib. NE. Nhmptn. 3 m. SE. of Stamford-89, including Pils- gate and Southorpe, furnished the building-stone for Ely and Peterboro' cathedrals and several churches. Acres 4440 ; pop. 860 + 5 ; poor r. 2051. (Stamf. U.) real prop. 42497. ; charity, poor's estate, 737. St. John Baptist Rect. (Pet.) val. 10257., patr. Bishop ; church, early norman in part, with an 8- sided sculptured font, tower, porch. BAJJNACLE hmlt. (53 or 63) Bulkington par. NE. Warwk. 5 m. NE. of Coventry-91, near the Trent Valley rail. B. Hall, ; B. Park, . BARN ACRE tnshp. ( ) Garstang par. N. Lane. 2 m. NE. of Garstang-229. Acres (with Bonds) 3880 ; pop. (alone) 297 ; poor r. 1417. (Garst. U.) ; real prop. 50517. Barnadarig Pass (106) 11 m. SW. of Westport, SW. Mayo. Barnadown House ( ) 3 m. N. of Wexford, E. Wexfd. Brownrigg, Esq. Bamagee Hills (59) Burrishoole and Carra bars. Mid. Mayo, 5 m. N. of Castlebar, between loughs Conn and Beltra, BARNAKEI.Y par. (87) Kerrycurrihy bar. SE. Cork, 7 m. SE. of Cork-160, on Cork harb. con- tains Loughbeg. Acres 865 ; pop. 1183 + 16. Living, a Rect. (Ck. C. R.) impropriate. Bally- bricken, Connor, Esq. BARNANE-ELY par. (28-9) Ikerrin bar! Mid. Tippery. 3 m. WNW. of Templemore-86, contains the Devil's Bit mountns. near seat of Garden, Esq. Acres 2167, hilly and waste ; pop. 752. Liv- ing, a Rect. (Ca. E. W. L.) united to Kilfithmone. P. M. 3. BARNARD CASTLE chplry. (103) Gain- ford par. Darlington ward, 5 W. Durham, 22 m. SW. of Durham, 246 from London, on R. Tees, a petty sessions town, head quarters of co. militia, and polling place for the S. div. takes its origin from the castle found, about 1180 by Bernard Balliol, who came over with the Conqueror, and was ancestor of the Scottish kings. Acres 3810, with a mineral spring ; pop. 4452 + 2, in the manufact. of carpets, plaids, stockings, hats, and shoe-tapes ; houses 679, of stone, with 3 chapels, townhall, 3 banks, savings bk. (15,5897. from 517 depositors), a hospital found. 1229, by the Bal- liols, and Teesdale Union p. house ; poor r. 1276/. on 11,2947. (Teesdale U.); real prop. 13,4537. ; charities 1617., of which the hospital, though endowed with 180 acres of land, until lately yielded only 107. St Mary Cur. (Durh.) val. 2247., patr. Vicar ; church, cruciform and partly norman. The fine remains of the walls and towers of the castle over the river belong with the manor to the Duke of Cleveland, who takes hence title of visct and baron. Hutcbinson, who wrote a hist, of the county, was a native, (1732- 1814). B. Castle P. L. Union, see TEESDALE, with which the Sup. Registry and new County Court 132 BAR BAR districts correspond. Mkt. D. Wed. Fairs, Easter and Whit Wed. cattle, etc. Barnard Sand, S. of Lowestoff roads, E. Norfk. lying parallel to the coast, is 3 m. long, ^ m. broad, with only 2 ft. water in the shoalest part. BARNARDISTON, or BARNISTON, par. (51) Ris- bridge hund. S W. Suffolk, 4 m. XE. of Haverhill -59, including Risbridge-Monks. Acres 1520 ; pop. 217 + 1; poor r. 155Z. (Risbridge U.) ; real prop. 1181Z. All Saints Red. (Ely) val. 191/., patr. Rev. V. Ellis, rector. Barnard's, or Baynard's, Park (8) near Cranley, S. Surrey. Hon. and Rev. T. Thurlow, reb. in tudor style, by B. Ferrey. BARNARD'S GREEN vil. (55) 1 m. ESE. of Gt. Malvern, SW. Worcest. is a Cur. to it (Wore.) val. /., patr. Vicar. Barnbough Castle, 2J m. E. of S. Queensferry, N. Linlithgw. on R. Forth, seat of the Earl of Roseberry, formerly belonging to the Mowbrays. BAUNBOROUGH, or BARMBURGH, par.(87) Straf- forth wap. W. R. York. 8 m. XE. of Rotherham -159, contains Harlington. Acres 1770 ; pop. 508 ; poor r. 162/. (Doncaster U.) ; real prop. 29471. St. Peter Rect. (York) val. 570Z., Col. Church, Southwell ; church, later eng., with monuments and figures commemorating a traditional story of a combat between a man and a wild cat. B. Hall, on R. Dearne, Mrs. Griffiths, has two portraits of Sir T. More's fam. bv Holbein ; B. Grange, . BARNBOW hmlt. {87 or 8) Barwick-in-Elmet par. W. R. York. 5 m. E. of Leeds- 189. BARNEY par. (67) Mutford hund. NE. Suffk. 3 m. ESE. of Beccles-109. Acres 1390 ; pop. 303 ; poor r. 79/. (Mutford Incorp.) ; real prop. 150 II. ; charities 9Z. St. J. Baptist Rect. with Wheatacre. B. Bottom, 1 m. ESE. igg" BARNEY, or B. EAST, tnshp. (104) Lythe par. N. R. York. 4 m. WNW. of Whitby-236. Acres 1400 ; pop. 262 + 4 ; poor r. 787. (Whitby U.) ; real prop. 1618Z. BARNBY-BASIN, and B.-FURNACE, hmlts. (87 or 8) Cawthorne par. W. R. York. 4 m, WXW. of Barnsley-172. igP B. Ferry (86 or 7) over R.Ouse, E.R. ForA.4m.W. ofHowden. i^"B.- IN-THE- WILLOWS par. (70) S. Xewark wap. E. Notts. 4 m. E. of Newark-124, on R. Witham. Acres 1690 ; pop. 226 ; poor r. 657, (Newark U.) ; real prop. 2582/. All Saints Vic. (Line.) val. 184/., patr. Col. Church, Southwell. B. Lodge, . ^"B.-LE-WoLD. See BARNETBY-LE- WOLD, Lincoln. |^ B.-MooR tnshp. (82) Blyth par. N. Notts. 3 m. NW. of E. Retford-141, seat of S. Barker, Esq. Pop. 221 + 2 ; poor r. 77Z. (E. Retford U.) ; real prop. 2503Z. |^ B.-ON-DoN par. (86) S. Strafforth wap. W. R. York. 5 m. SW, of Thorn-166, contains Thorpe and part of Stam- forth. Acres 3670; pop. 629 + 6, of town 510 + 7 ; poor r. 260Z. (Doncast. U.) ; real prop. 4205Z. ; charities 59Z. St. Peter Vic. (York) val. 115Z., patr. T. Gresham, Esq. Barrier (3) near Newport, NW. Tippery. BARNES (81) 1 m.NE.of Buxton, NW. Derby. P. BARNES par. (7) W. Brixton hund. N. Surrey, 5 m. WSW. of London, on the Thames and S. West, branch or Richmond rail., was given to St. Paul's by Athelstane, and called Berne at ' Domesdy.' Acres 820 ; pop. 1461 ; poor r. 391Z. (Richmond U.) ; real prop. 9188Z. ; charities 43Z., including a bequest of 20Z. to poor by E. Rose (died 1653) on condition that rose-trees are kept planted round his grave. St. Mary Rect. (Lond.) val. 375Z., once held by the excellent Bp. Wilson, j patr. Dean and Chap. St Paul's ; church, one of the oldest about London, has brass of W. Mil- burne (1415). B. Elms House, near B. Common, and belonging to the Hoares, is seat of H, T. Cole- brooke, Esq., formerly of the Walsinghams (where Eliz. visited them 1585, '88, and '89) and Cart- wrights. Cowley lived in it ; and at the qneen's " dairy," Jacob Tonson, the bookseller, collected his Kit-Cat club gallery of 47 portraits painted by Kneller, which are now at Bayfordbury. B. Priory, H. Holland, Esq. Fielding and Handel were residents ; Sir Will. Blizard the surgeon, a native, 1743-1835. Barnes loop-line on the rail, goes from the station, over the river by a 3-arch iron bridge (each 100 ft. span), to Chiswick, Kew Br., Brentford, Sion Pk., thence into the Windsor line at Hounslow. ^1 B., WEST, limit. (8) Kingston hund. N. Surrey, a station on the S. West rail. 8 m. from London. Barnes Gap (34) 4 m. WXW. of Kilmacreenan, N. Donegl. a wild pass of 3 m. thro' the granite and quartz of Lough Salt mountain. BARNESLEY, LOWER, hmlt. (15) Kingston- Lacy manor, E. Dorset. 2 m. N. of Wimborne- Minster-100. Real prop. 1851Z. Upper B. 1 in. SW. P. M. BARNET, CHIPPING, or HIGH B., par. (7) Cashiohund. S. Herts, partly Edmonton hand. N. Midsx. 11 m. NNE. of London, on the X. road, belonged to the abbots of St. Alban's. Acres 1440; pop. 2485+11 ; houses 392, in a long street, with a chapel, gram, school (31Z.) founded by Q. Elizabeth, free school, Ravenscroft's hos- pital (273Z.) for women, and almshouses ; poor r. 986Z. on 7691Z. ; real prop. 10.734Z. ; charities 870Z. St. J. Baptist Cur. with E. BARNET ; church, b. 1400, by Abbot Moot, has tombs of the Ravens- crofts. Xear the race-course on B. Common, is a mineral spring ; and a stone on Gladsmore heath commemorates the battle of 1471, in which War- wick the king-maker was killed, and which settled Edw. IV. on the throne. Barnet P. L. Union, contains the pars. etc. of Chipping Barnet, East Barnet, Elstree, Ridge, Shenley, Totteridge, in Herts., and Finchley, Fryern Barnet, Hadlev, South Mims, in Midsx. ; "acres 24,532, pop. 13,751, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 1146 (out-door 926), expend. 5889Z., prop, rated 66,385Z. Sup. Registry comprises the same, with St. John Potter's-Bar, in Midsx., pop. 13,759 + 157. The Xew County Court district corresponds with the Registry. >J< B. DEANERY, acrchdy. of St. Alban's, dioc.'of Ro- chester (formerly Lond.), comprises the benefices of E. Barnet rect. (as below), Xorthaw cur., Xorth Mimms n'c., Ridge r., Shenley r., Totteridge c. Mkt. D. Mond. pigs, cattle. Fairs, 8 to 10 Apr. 4 to 7 Sept. before the races both very large, for cattle, horses. BARNET, EAST, par. (7) Cashio hund. -S. Herts. 2 m. SE. of the above, also belonged to St. Alban's, whose abbots had a house at Monk's Frith garden. Acres 1630, with mineral springs ; pop. 598 + 5 ; poor r. 228Z. (Barnet U.) ; real prop. 6616Z. ; cha- rities 5Z. Virgin Mary.Rec<. (Roch.), with CHIP- PING B., val. 1042Z., patr. Crown ; B. COMMON Cur. val. Z., patr. E. Durant, Esq. |gr B., FRYERN, par. (7) Finsbury div. of Ossulstone hund. N. Midsx. 8 m. N. of London, including Colney Hatch and pt. of Whetstone, belonged to the priory of St. John of Jerusalem. Acres 1330 (with pt. of Finchley common) ; pop. 849 + 21 ; poor r. 319Z. (Barnet U.) ; real prop. 5330Z. ; Campe's almshouses 7Z. St. James Rect. (Lond.) val. 255Z., patr. Dean and Chap. St. Paul's ; church, small norman, with wooden turret. The ancient manor-house, which had portraits of Bacon and his father, is now pulled down. Walker, author of the " Pronouncing Diet.," was a native ; and judge Popham, a resident. BARNETBY-I.E-WOI.D, or BARNET-BY-THE- WOLD, par. (86) S. Yarboro' wap. N. Lincoln. BAR 133 4 m. NE. of Brigg-155, on Manch. and Line. rail'. Acres 1630 ; pop. 679 + 14 ; poor r. 1207. (Glanford U.) ; real prop. 38767. St. Mary Vic. (Line.) val. 3057., patr. Bishop. BARNEY par. (68) N. Greenhoe hund. N. Norfk. 5 m. ENE. of Fakenham-109. Acres 1210; pop. 276 + 1 ; poor r. 1537. (Walsingham U.) ; real prop. 23047. St. Mary Vic. (Nonv.) val. 1297., patr. Lord Hastings of Melton Constable. BARNFIELD (EAST) HUNDRED (5) Scray lathe, SW. Kent, comprises part of Hawkhurst par. only ; acres 6530, pop. (about) 2000. P. BARNFLEET, near Ingatestone, S. Essex. BARNHAM, or B.-ST. GREGORY, par. (51) Blackbourn hund. NW. Suffolk, 3 m. S. of Thet- ford-80. Acres 5420 ; pop. 412 + 3 ; poor r. 1817. (Thetf. U.) ; real prop. 22777. St. Gregory Rect. with Euston ; St. Martin's church, in ruins. A few tumuli are found, ijii" BARNHAM par. (9) Avisford hund. Arundel rape, sometimes called B.- Minchin. P. BARROW HEAD (91) 4 m. S. of Dalton, NW. Lancash.on Furness rail., near a small sub- BAR port to Lancaster inside B. IM., which is 1 m. long. igT B. Hill (30) 3 m. N. of Lostwithiel, Mid. Cornwall. ^ B. Hill (7) close to Prim- rose hill, NW. London, has a reservoir at the top. gg- B. Hill (53) near Daventry, W. Nhamptn. a roman station on Watling St. (Jap" B. Hill (44 or 5) Wychewood forest, W. Oxfd. 5 m. NE. of Burford, on Akeman St. IgP B. House ( ) near Derwent Water, S. Cumbrld. 2 m. S. of Keswick, J. P. Senhouse, Esq., has a cascade behind it, of 122 ft. in two falls. l^ B., LITTLE. See BARROW, Chesh. as above. i^T B. Lodge (20) 3 m. S. of Athy, E. Queen's Co. near R. Barrow, igr B., NORTH, par. (18) Catash hund. SE. Somerset. 7 m. NE. of Ilchester-121. Acres 970; pop. 140 ; poor r. 54Z. (Wincanton U.) ; real prop. 1097Z. St. Nicholas Rect. (Ba. and W.) val. 148/., patr. Lord Portman. P. BARROW-ON-HUMBER par. (86) Yarboro' hund. N. Lincoln. 3 m. E. of Barton-166, near a british camp called the Castle, on Ermine St., has a ferry to Hull (6 m. off). Acres 4620 ; pop. 1662 + 33 ; houses 360, with 2 chapels ; poor r. 516Z. (Glandford Brigg U.); real prop. 9745Z. ; charities 201Z., of which Nelthorpe's endowment for Sunday aft. preacher 160Z. Holy Trinity Vic. (Line.) val. 348Z., patr. Ld. Chancellor. B" Hall, C. Uppleby, Esq. Mkt. fortnightly, for cattle. BARROW-ON-SOAR (63) E. and W. Goscote huncls. N. Leicester, a static on Midlnd. rail., 30 m. from Rugby, 113 from London, near the Lough - boro' canal, containing Mt. Sorrell, Quorndon, Woodhouse curs., and Woodh. Eaves, is the saxon Barwe which came to Hugh Lupus, and is noted for its blue lime or terras, which makes good cement under water. Acres 7950, with many fossils; pop. 5872, of town 1841 + 1, in the lime- works, and lace and hosiery trades, which employ about 210 frames ; houses 358, with a church, chapel, Perkins's gram, school (110Z.), Babing- tori's almsh. (475Z.), and Union p. house ; poor r. 85 1Z. on 6720Z. ; real prop. 7323Z. ; charities 1479Z., of which 224Z. left by the excellent Bp. Beveridge (a native, 1638-1708) for education and poor. Holy Trinity Vic. (Pet.) val. 326Z., patr. St. John's Coll. Camb. Bar.-on-Soar P. L. Union, contains the pars. etc. of Ansty, Barkby, Barkby Thorp, Bar- row-upon-Soar, Beeby, Belgrave, Birstall, Cos- sington, South Croxton, North and South Mount- sorrel, Newtown Linford, Queniborough, Quorn- don, Ratcliffe-on-the-Wreake, Rearsby> Rothley (where poor ho. is), Seagrave, Sileby Swithland, Syston, Thrussington, Thurcaston, North and South Thurmaston,Walton-on-the- Wolds, Wanlip, Woodhouse with Cropston and Ulverscroft ; acres , pop. 24,234, cases relieved (1846-7) 2249 (out- door 1887), expend. 8272/., prop, rated 91,106Z. Sup. Registry comprises the same up to Wood- house with Charnwood- Forest Oakes ; pop. 19,695 + 99. It is divided between Leicester and Lough- boro' New County Court districts. BARROW-ON-TRENT par. (71) Morleston and Appletree hunds. S. Derby. 5 m. S. of Derby-126, near Gd. Trunk canal, includes Arleston, Sintin, Stenson, Twyford. Acres 4040, of town 1190; pop. 640 + 6, and 306 + 1 ; poor r. 82Z. (Shardlow U.) ; real prop, 2338Z. ; charities 30Z. St. Wilfrid Vic. (Lich.) with Twyford, val. 105Z., patr. Rev. J. Latham. B. Hall, J. Beaumont, Esq. Barrow River (6) rises at Glenbarrow in Slieve- bloom mountns. NW. Queen's Co. and runs about 100 m. S. past Portarlington, Monastereven, Athy, Carlow, Leighlinbridge, Goresbridge, Graigue,and New Ross, to Waterfordharb. E. Waterfd. ; having a fall from Portarlington of 227 ft. and being navigable for large craft to New Ross, thence to BAR 137 Athy and the Grand canal for barges. Principal branches are the Suir, Nore,Burrin,Griss,Finnery, Cushina, and Ownass. Barrow (Little) River, or Cushina, rises in the Bog of Allen, W. Kildare, and runs past Rathangan, into the Barrow, above Monastereven. The name comes from barragh, a boundary, which the Barrow has long been, first of the English pale, and now of several counties. In 1646, 86,750J tons of corn, flour, coal, etc., produced 6405Z. tolls. BARROW, SOUTH, par. (18) 1 m. S. of NORTH BARROW, Somerset, as above. Acres 580 ; pop. 140 ; poor r. 48Z. (Wincanton U.) ; real prop. 12941. St. Peter Cur. (Ba. and W.) val. 80Z., patr. Mrs. Toogood. Barrow-Stones (81) 9 m. N. of Castleton, NW. Derby. Barrowash (71) 4 m. ESE. of Derby, SE. Derby. BARROWBY par. (70) Winnibriggs wap. SW. Lincoln. 2 m. W. of Grantham-110. Acres 4010 ; pop. 799+11; poor r. 224Z. (Granth. U.); real prop. 7896Z. All Saints Rect. (Line.) val. 1200Z., patr. Duke of Devonshire, l^g" BARROWBY hmlt. (70) Austhorpe tnshp. W. R. York. 4 m. E. of Leeds-189. Pop. 25. B. Hall, seat of R. O. Gas- coigne, Esq, g3 BARROWBY vil. ( ) Kearby with Netherby tnshp. W. R. York. 5 m. W. of Wetherby-194. BARROWDEN par. (64) Wrandyke hund. S. Rutld. 6 m. E. of Uppingham-89, on R. Welland. Acres 1530; pop. 658+15; poor r. 214Z. (Up- pingh. U.); real prop. 2859Z. St. Peter Rect. (Pet.) val. 483Z., patr. Marq. of Exeter. B. Hey, J m. NE. P. BARROWFORD, or B. BOOTH, tnshp. ( ) Whalley par. E. Lancash. 2 m. W. of Colne-218, on E. Lane. rail, near Pendle wood, and the Leeds canal. Acres 1540 ; pop. 2630, in the cotton factories ; houses 500, with a chapel ; poor r. 566Z. ( Burnley U.) ; real prop. 5116Z. Living, a Cur. (Manch.) val. 150Z., patr. Hulme's Trustees, giT Bafrowford (20) near Athy, E. Queen's Co. on R. Barrow. BARROWMOUNT vil. (25) Gowran bar. E. Kil- kenny, 1 m. S. of Goresbridge-66, on R. Barrow, seat of Viscount Clifden, near the remains of a monastery and of a druids' circle. Fairs, 13 Apr. 15 June, 1 Aug. 15 Oct. Barrow's Edges (8) 4 m. WSW of Croydon, E. Surrey, near Banstead Downs, iggp B. Park (13) 3 m. NW. of Lambourne, NW. Berks. Barruc- or Berroc-scire of the Saxons, is Berk- shire. Barrule, North, 2 m. SSW. of Ramsey, /. of Man, 1840 ft. high, at one end of the slaty ridge which runs through the island. B., South, 5 m. SSE. of Peel, 1545 ft. high at the other end of the same ridge, has mica, felspar, etc., in it. BARRY par. (20) Dinas Powis hund. SE. Gla- morgan. 8 m. SE. of Cowbridge, a sub-port to Cardiff, on the Bristol chan., near the most southern part of the Welsh coast, with a ruined castle. Acres about 430 ; pop. 174 ; poor r. 47Z. (Cardiff U.) ; real prop. 368Z. St. Nicholas Rect. with Porthkerry. gig" B. Island, opposite the above, an island only when the tide is up, is about 1 m. long, containing 300 acres of lime- stone, with heath and warren, let as one farm : and takes its name from St. Baruch, to whom a chapel, in ruins, and a holy well were dedicated. Formerly it belonged to the fam. of De Barri of Manorbeer, of whom was the writer Giraldus Barry or G. Cambrensis. The Bendrick rock lies 1 ni. ENE. between which and theisld. the tide some- times produces a race. flS" Barry, or Bartie, Hill, 138 BAR BAR near Alyth, NE. Perth, is 680 ft. high, with an oval camp, once of great strength, 168 vds. round, where, they say, K. Arthur's wife "Vanora or Guinevra was confined bv the Picts. gir BARRY vil. (27) Shrule bar. S~E. Longfd. 3 m. NNE. of Ballymahon-70. Pop. 125. Barry Point (113) 2 m. ENE. of Oysterhaven, SE. Cork, near Newfoundland bay. BARRYMORE BARONY (53-4, etc.) E. Cork, con- tains the pars, of Ardnageehy, Ballycnrrany, Ballydeloher, Ballyspillane, Caherlag, Carrigto- hill, Clonmel, Coole, Gortroe, Inchinabacky, Kil- laspugmullane, Kilquane, Kilshanahan, Lisgoold, Littleisland, Rathcormack, Templebodan, Tem- plemacarriga, Templerobin, Templeusque, parts of Britway, Castlelyons, Clonmult, Dunbullogc, Dungourney, Garrannekinnefeake, Knockmourne, Middleton, Mogeesha, St Michael's,Whitechurch, and the towns of Rathcormack and Cove ; acres 155,686 (hilly, with limestone), pop. 61,339, houses 9603 Formerly it belonged to the M'Car- thj-s and O'Lehans, of Castle-Lyons, but after- wards to the Barrys, who came over with Strong- bow, and take hence the title of earL BARRYROE BARONY. See IBANE, Cork. Barry's Court (75) 4 m. W. of Middleton, E. Cork, b. by the De Barrvs 13th cent., now seat of E. Coppinger, Esq. g^T B. Hall (122) 5 m. NE. of Clonakilty, S. Cork, Lucas, Esq. BARSBY chplry. (63) Ashby Folville par. NE. Leic. 8 m. NE. of Leicester-96. Acres 1030 ; pop. 291 + 6, in the stocking trade ; poor. r. 857. (Melton Mowbray U.) ; real prop. 2000/. BARSHAM par. (66) VVangford hund. NE. Sufk. 2 m. WSW. of Beccles-109, near R. Waveney. Acres 1470 ; pop. 250 + 7 ; poor r. 1317. (Wangf. U.) ; real prop. 29987. Holy Trinity Rect. (Norw.) ral. 53 1/., patr. Rev. A. J. Suckling, rector sometime held by the father of L. Echard, a native (1671-1730), and author of an " Ecclesiastical Hist." and of one of the earliest-written Gazetteers; church has a brass (1380). BARSHAM EAST, par. (68) Gallow hund. N. Norfk. 2 m. N. of Fakenham-109. Acres 1230; pop. 240 + 2 ; poor r. 1217. (Walsingh. U.) ; real prop. 18257. All Saints Vic. (Norw.) with Little Snoring, val. 6457., patr. Lord Hastings, of Melton Constable. Hen. VIII. walked hence barefooted 1510, to give a necklace to our Lady of Walsing- ham. ig>T B., NORTH, par. 1 m. N. of the above. Acres 710; pop. 84+1; poor r. 737.; real prop. 17077. All Saints Rect. val. 2447., patr. Earl of Orford. g^ B., WEST, par. 1 m. W. of the above. Acres 1380 ; pop. 86 ; poor r. 347. ; real prop. 17397. Living, a Vic. val. 1557., patr. Capt. Boldero, M.P. Barskimming House, near Mauchline-63, Mid. Ayr. Sir W. Miller, Bt. on R. Ayr, near the bridge. BARSTABLE HUNDRED (1) near the Thames, jS. Essex, contains, exclusive of pt. of Thundersley, the pars, (and benefices) of N. Benfleet vie., S. Benfleet v., Bowers Giflford rect., Bulphan r., Gt. Burstead r. with Billericay cur., Lit. Burstead r., Chadwell-St. Mary r., Corringham r., Dodding- hurst, Downham r., Dunton r., Fobbing r., E. Horndon r.. Horndon-on-the-Hill r., W. Horndon, Hutton r., Ingrave r., Laindon with Basildon r., Langdon Hills r., Lee Chapel (ext. par.), Muck- ing ., Nevendon r., Orsett r., Pitsea r., Ramsden- Bellhouse r., Shenfield r., Stanford-le-Hope r., Lit. Thurrock r., E. Tilbury v., W. Tilbury r., Vange r., Wickford r., and pt.' of Thundersley ; acres 73,290, pop. 15,044, houses 2676. * BAR- STABLE (and Rochford) DEANERY, archd}'. of Essex, dioc. of Rochester, contains the benefices in Barstable hund. above, with those in Rochford hund. BARSTON. See BARFRESTOS, Kent, gap" BARS- TON par. (53 or 4) Hemlingford hund. NW. Warwk. 8 m. W. of Coventry-91. Acres 1990 ; pop. 342 + 5; poor r. 1547. (Solihull U.); real prop. 54977. ; charities 87. St. Swithin Cur. with BerkeswelL B. Park, R. Hopkins, Esq. {gT B. Hall (48 or 50) 2 m. S. of Lavenham, S. Suffolk. BARTESTREE, or BARLESTREE, chplry. (43) Dormington par. Mid. Herefd. 6 m. ENE. of Here- ford-134. Acres 250 ; pop. 44 ; poor r. 367. (Heref. U.). St. James Cur. with Dormington. BARTHERTON. See BATHERTON, Chesh. BARTHOI-OMEW, ST. (13) Bullingdon hund. Mid. Oxfd. 1 m. ESE. of Oxford-51. BARTHOLOMEW'S (ST.) HOSPITAL ext. par. (3) E. Kent, 1 m. S. of Sandwich, is the site of a hospital found, about 1190, but chiefly en- dowed 1244 by Sir Henry de Sandwich (whose monument is in the chapel), which still exists as an almshouse for 16, income 7667. Pop. 54/. BARTHOLOMEW (ST.) HYDE par. N. suburbs of Winchester, Hants, the site of Hyde abbey, first found, by Alfred, near the cathedral, and refound. here by Hen. I., a chapel attached to which is the par. church. BARTHOMLEY par. (73) Nantwich hund. S. Chesh. partly S. Pirehill hund. Stafd. 7 m. E. of Nantwich-164, near Grand Junct. rail., contains Alsager, Crewe, Haslington curs, and Batterley. Acres 11,600, of tnshp. 2240; pop. 2725 + 2"0, and 422 ; poor r. 1677. (Nantw. U.) ; real prop. 31427. ; charities 517., of which 107. to school. St. Bertoline Rect. (Ches.) val. 8247., patr. Lord Crewe's Trustees ; church, old, with norman porch, and carved roof. B. Hall, on Alsager Heath. BARTHORPE BOTTOMS hmlt. ( ) Acklam par. E. R. York. 7 m. N. of Pocklington-212. Pop. 51. BARTTNGTON tnshp. (80) Gt. Budworth par. N. Cliesh. 4 m. NW. of Northwich-174. Acres 210 ; pop. 89 + 1 ; poor r. 427. (Runcorn U.) ; real prop. 781/. Bartletfs (7 or 46) near Berkhampstead, W. Herts. Mrs. Pechell. ^f Barletfs (3) near Sarre, E. Kent, 6 m. WSW. of Margate, Mrs. Evernden. Bartlewood Lodge, 4 m. ENE. of Derby, SK Derby. BARTLEY tythg. (11) with Bistern (which see). near the following place. P. BARTLEY REGIS tythg. (11, 15) Eling par. S W. Hants. 6 m. W. of Southampton-74. Pop. 288. B. House, Lord Vivian ; B. Lodge, Hon. R. Blaquiere ggf B. YIELD, or GREEN, vil. (54) Northfield par. N. Worcest. 7 in. NE. of Bromes- grove-116, near Birm. and Glost. rail. Pop. 617. Living, a Cur. with Northfield. BARTLOW, GREAT, par. (47) Chilford hund. SE. Cambridge, on the Essex border, 2 m. SE. of Linton-48, near E. Count, rail. Acres 320 ; pop. 89 ; poor r. 1367. (Lint U.) ; real prop. 8087. St. Mary Rect. (Ely) val. 2597., patr. Rev. J. Bullen, rector"; church, has a round saxon tower. B. Cottage, seat of Miss Lawley ; B. House, T. Barnard, Esq., is near the B. Hills, where the slain were buried after the battle of Ashdon, between Canute and Ironsides, and commands a wide prospect. (g^" B., LITTLE, or B.-END, or STEVENTON END hmlt. near the above, but united to Ashdon par. N. Essex. Pop. 216. BARTON hmlt. (13) St. Helen's par. N. Berks. % m. E. of Abingdon-56 ; pop. 10. B. Court, Adml. Dundas, M.P. ; B. Lodge, Mrs. Birch. BARTON par. (51) Wetherley hund. SE. Camb. 3 m. SE. of Cambridge-50. Acres 1500 ; pop. 319 + 4 ; poor r. 2087. (ChestertonU.) ; real prop. 27757. BAR St. Peter Vie. (Ely) val. 1567., patr. Bishop; church, has brass of J. Martin (1593.) B. Field, 1 m. N. ifc B. DEANERY. See BERTON. BARTON tnshp. (73) Farndon par. W. Chesh. 8 m. SSE. of Chester -183. Acres 490 ; pop. 169 ; poor r. 307. (Gt. Boughton U.) ; real prop. 1057/. ^ BARTON hmlt. (17 or 18) Piddletown par. S.Dorset. 5 m. NE. of Dorchester- 120. i^" BARTON tythg. (34) Cirencester par. E. Gloucest. jT BARTON hmlt. (44) Temple Guyting par. N. Gloucest. 4 m. E. of Winchcomb-95. rgf BARTON tythg. (11) Stoneham par. SW. Hants. 5m. NNE. of South- ampton-74, on S. West. rail. Pop. 57. gP BAR- TON (10 or 16) Christchurch luuid. SW. Hants. 4 m. E. of Christchurch-100. B. Cottage, J. Dent, Esq. BARTON vil. (10) Whippingham par. I. of Wight, 5. Hants. 2 m. Is E. by N. of Newport -82, has at B. Farm traces of an austin priory cell found. 1282, by Jno. de Insula, and given by Hen. VI. to Winch. Col. igf BARTON tnshp. (56) Kington par. W. Herefd. 1 m. N. of Kington-154. Pop. with Bradnor and Kushock, 426. ljif BARTON tnshp. ( ) Preston par. N. Lancash. 5 m. N. of Preston-217, on Lane. rail. Acres 1510; pop. 413 + 3; poor r. 1007. (Prest. U.); real prop. 35187. B. Hall, 1J m. NE. ; B. Lodge. 1 m. SE., seat of G. Jacson, Esq. BARTON, or B.-IN-FABIS, par. (71)N. Rushcliffe wap. S. Notts. 5 m. SW. of Jsottingham-124, on R. Trent. Acres 1620 ; pop. 333 ; poor r. 597. (Basford U.) ; real prop. 26797. St. George Rect. (Line.) val. 3607., patr. Arch bp. of York. Coins have been found near Brent's hill british camp, on B. Moor, (gap" BAKTOX hmlt. (54) Bidford par. SW. Warwk. 6 m. SW. of Stratford-96. Pop. 147. ^ BAR- TON par. ( ) Westward, N. Westmrld., 4 m. SW. of Penrith-283, and once a mkt. town, stretches on the Eamont and Ulleswater to Patterdale, which it includes along with Eamont Bridge, Hartsop, Martindale cur., Stockbridge,Tirrel, Low Winder, Yanwalk, and some hmlts. Acres 33,690, with slate quarries in Patterdale, and vari- ous minerals and petrifactions on B. Fell and else- where ; pop. 1668 + 13, of HIGH B. tnshp. 323 ; poor r. 447. (West Ward U.) ; real prop. 28367. ; charities 1137., of which 917. to gram, school, found, by Dr. Langbaine, a native (1(508-57) and an anti- quarian writer. St. David Vic. (Carl.) val. 1307., patr. Earl of Lonsdale, who owns the greatest part of this place through the Lancasters, of whom the church has monuments. Several remains are found, and near Eamont is the hollow called Arthur's Round Table. P. BARTON par ( ) E. Gilling wap. N. R. York. 5 m. SW. of Darlington-241, contains New- ton-Morrell and pt. ofStapleton, and is a meet for the Raby hounds. Acres 2790, with limestone ; pop. 631 + 13, of tnshp. 567+10; poor r. 165/. (Darlingtn. U.) ; real prop. 39397. St. Cuthbert and St. Mary Curs. (Rip.) val. 1107. each, patr. Vicars of Stanwick and Gilling. IJ3T BARTON. See BARDEN, N. R. York. BARTON-BENDISH par. (65) Clackclose hund. W. Norfk. 7 m. ENE. of Downham-84, close to a dyke made by the Saxons, for the hund. or an- glian boundary. Acres 4390 ; pop. 455 ; poor r. 226/. (Downh. U.); real prop. 44097.; charities 227., of which 87. for school. St. Andrew Rect. (N'onv.) val. 2637., patr. Ld. Chancellor; church, has a fine screen, with figures of saints : St. Mary with All Saints Rect. 3067., Sir H. Berney, Bt., of B. B. Hall. B. Abbey, 1 m. N. g^" B. BLOUNT par. (72) Appletree hund. W. Derb. 9 m. W. of Derby-126, a meet for Mr. Yates's harriers. Acres 1530"; pop. 68+ 1 ; poor r. 21. (Burton U.); real prop. 2216/. Living, a Rect. (Lich.) val. 69/., patr. BAR 139 F. Eradshaw, Esq., of B. Hall. flSJ- B. Broad (66 or 8) 6 m. SE. of N. Walsham, NE. Norfk. giT B. Cage Green (51) 2 m. E. of Gt. Barton, Sufk. as below. ^ B. Court (43) 3 m. NE. of Le'dbury, E. Herefd. Mrs. Griffiths. 8iT B. Court (3) near Canterbury, E. Kent, W. Hougham, Esq. BARTON-ST. CUTHBERT chplry. ( ) Bar- ton par. N. R. York, as above. ijap" B.-ST. DAVID par. (18 or 19) Catash hund. Mid. So- merset. 4 m. NE. of Somerton-123. Acres 1090 ; pop. 455 + 5 ; poor r. 1227. (Langport U.) ; real. prop. 22897. Living, a Vic. (Ba. and W.) val. 38/., patr. Rev. W. Garratt. ^ B., EARL'S. See EARL'S BARTON, Northmptn. ggf B. END hmlt. (34)Horsleypar. Mid. Gloucest. 3m. WSW. ofMinchinhampton-98. B.EndHo.. H&~B. Grange (21) near Pitminster, S. Somerset. Col. Cooper, a meet for N. Devon, stag hounds. iSaP B., GREAT, par. (51) Thedwestry hund. W. Suf- folk, 2 m. NE. of Bury-71. Acres 4030 ; pop. 774 ; poor r. 5397. (Thingoe U.) ; real prop. 43107. ; charities 977. Holy Innocents Vic. (Ely) val. 7. patr. Sir H. E. Bunbury, Bt., of B. Hall. B. Mere House, 1 m. NE. "flaT B. Green (53) 5 m. SW. of Coventry, Mid. Warwk. @g~ B.- HARTSHORN par. (45) Buckingham hund. NW. Bucks, 4 m. SW. of Buckingham-55. Acres 870 ; pop. 165 + 2 ; poor r. 301. (Bucks. U.) ; real prop. 1271/. St. James Cur. (Oxfd.) with Chetwode, val. 102/. patr.,W. H. Bracebridge, Esq. ^ B., HIGH, tnshp. See BARTON, Westmrld. above. IT B. Hill (62) near BARTON-UNDER-NEEDWOOD, Stafd. below. ^p B. Hill House (15) near Shaftesbury, N. Dorset. C. Bowles, Esq. gap B.- IN-FABIS. See BARTON, Notts, above, gap" B.- IN-THE-BEANS tnshp. (68) Shackerstone and Nail- stone pars. W. Leicest. 2 m. N. of Market Bosworth -106. Acres 820 ; pop. 161 ; poorr. 477. (Mkt. Bosw. U.) ; real prop. 16127. igp B.-IN-THE-CLAY par. (46) Flitt hund. S. Bedfd. 6 m. N. of Luton -31. Acres 2270 ; pop. 855 + 13 ; poor r. 3367. (Luton U.) ; real prop. 29367. ; charities 83/., of which 507. to school. St. Nicholas Rect. (Ely) val. 317/., patr. Crown ; church, has brass of a priest. P. BARTON-LE-STREET par. ( ) Ryedale and Bulmer waps. N. R. York. 6 m. NW. of New Malton-217, near an old roman road (street), contains Butterwick and Coney's-thorpe. Acres 3180, of tnshp. 1530; pop. 419 + 2, and 185; poor r. 647. (Maiton U.) ; real prop. 14447. St. Michael Rect. (York) val. 4507., patr. Lady W. Gordon ; church, has some early sculptures. P. BARTON-LE-WILLOWS tnshp. ( J Crambe par. N. R. York. 11 m. NE. of York-199. Acres 980 ; pop. 207 ; poor r. 427. (Maiton U.) ; real prop. 15487. ^" B.-ST. MARY hmlt. (43) St. Mary de Lode par. N. Glouc. suburbs ol Gloucester. Pop. 1674. |^ B.-ST. MARY chplry. ( ) Barton par. N. R. York, as above, igf B.- ST. MICHAEL'S hmlt. (43) St. Michael's par. N. Glouc. suburbs of Gloucester. Pop. 1116. ^P" B. MIDDLE. See BARTON STEEPLE, Oxfd. below, fgj* B. Moss. SeeB.-oN-lR\VEix,ian- cash. below, igf B.-MILLS, or B., LITTLE, par. (51) Lackford hund. NW. Stiff k. 1J m. SE. of Mildenhall-70. Acres 2050 ; pop. 591 + 5 ; poor r. 2777. (Mildenh. U.) ; real prop. 38617. ; charities 147. St. Mary Rect. (Ely) val. 5507., patr. Ld. Chancellor. B. Place, Visct. Canterbury. P. M. BARTON-ON-HUMBER par. (86) N. Yar- boro' wap. N. Lincoln. 35 m. N.byE. of Lincoln, 166 from Ix>ndon, on Manch. and Line. rail, and the N. road near the ferry to Hull (which is about 6 m. off), and once a roman station, was of greater importance till the foundation of Hull, and is a coast gd. station, and a polling place for tho 140 EAR BAR Parts of Lindsey. Acres 4620, with chalk ; pop. 3475 + 24, in the flour and malt trade, the rope, sacking, and pottery manufacture,^ in a church- bell foundry estab. by the fain, of Harrison, in- ventor of the chronometer, and in the chalk and oolite-stone quarries ; houses 784, with 2 churches, 3 chapels, and a free school ; poor r. 14887., on 15,0597. (Glandford Brigg U.) ; real prop. 20,0577. ; charities 2507., of which Tripp's for clothing poor, 1357. St. Peter Vic. (Line.) val. 3907., patr. the Upplebj'S, of Barrow Hall ; church, has an early norman tower, brass of Aid. Seman ( 1433) and effigy of Ld. Beaumont, who had the manor, which is now in the Crown. At Castle Dykes are remains of ramparts, etc., which defended it in saxon times. Hart. Sub-registry (under the Sup. Registry of G. Brigg) constitutes the Barton New County Court. Mkt. D. Mond. corn, etc. ; every other Mond. cattle. Fair Trinity Mond. BARTON-ON-IRWELL tnshp. (88 or 9) Eccles par. SE. Lancash. 4 m. W. of Manchester-183, near B. Moss station on the Liverp. rail., where the Bridgewater canal crosses the fiver, by the first aqueduct of that sort made in England, 3-arched, 40 ft. high. Acres 10,530 ; pop. 10,865 + 189, in the calico and nankeen manufacts. and collieries; houses 1996, with 2 chapels; poor r. 21057. (Chorlton U.) ; real prop. 38,7747. Living, a Cur. (Ches.) val. 1507., patr. Bishop, Vicar, etc. gaT B.-ON-THE-HEATH par. (44) Kington hund. i< BATH city (19) Bathforum hund. 2V. 'Somerset, a station on Gt. West, rail, 107 m. from London, 11 from Bristol, a sessions and polling town, head qrs. of 2nd Somers. militia, head of an excise collection, and seat of a dio- cese, in a fine circle of oolite hills on R. Avon, has been noted for its mineral waters from the times of the Romans, who founded it with the BAT MS name of Aqua Soils, or Calida, on the Fosse way; was the saxon Aceman- or Alteman-cester (sick-man town) on Akeman St. or Via Julia; besieged by the Angles 493 (under Ella) and 520, taken by Offa 775, made a mint town by Athelstane, and visited 959 by Edgar (who re- found. 970 the benedictine abbey found. 775 by Offa on site of a nunnery by Osric 676) ; had 137 burgesses at ' Domesdy.' ; was visited by Hen. I. 1107, taken by parl. 1645, and visited 1663 by Ch. II. and 1817 by Q. Charlotte; returns two members to parl. ( since Edw. I.), the bounds including the city ^composed of 3 pars, as below, and part of Walcot), Bathwick, Lvncomb, Wvn- comb, Walcot, no. of electors 3059 (and 102, houses 8314) ; was first chartered by Eliz. and under the late act is divided into 7 wards, go- verned by a mayor (who is returning officer), 14 aid. 42 council., with the style of " may. aid. and citizens of city of B." and revenue of 22,4717. Acres of boro' 3534, of city 980, on blue lias or ' Bath stone,' which, being wind-slacked, turns brown in the air with many fossils ; pop. 38,304 + 24 (52,346 in boro'), in a general trade the manufact. of coarse ' Bath coating ' having gone down. Houses (city) 5191, of stone, in several handsome streets, terraces, crescents, on the hills around, as the Circus, Royal, Cavendish, Lans- down, crescents, N. and S. Parades, etc. and including 12 churches, and 12 chapels; guild- hall built 1768-75 by Wood, with a grecian front, banquetting-room, etc. and a head of Mi- nerva found here 1727 ; prison, mkt. house ; pump-room b. 1797, 85 ft. by 48, with a statue of Beau Nash, who made the place fashionable ; King's and Queen's, Hot and Cross baths (be- longing to the corporation), Kingston bath (to earl Manvers), all useful in bilious, nervous, and scrofulous complaints, paralysis, rheumatism, gout; assembly-rooms b. 1771 by Wood for 20,0007., with one room 105 ft. by 43 ; riding schools, for promenade in wet weather; theatre b. 1805, one of the best out of London ; Sydney or Vauxhall gardens; Bath institution (1779') near the Parade, with a good collection of roman, and saxon antiques ; 5 banks, new savings bk., b. 1842 by G. Alexander in the Italian style, 45 ft square (256,8257. from 7289 depositors) ; mecha- nics' institute by J. Wilson, 70 ft. long ; school of arts ; Queen's Coll. proprietary school ; York bldgs. clubhouse; freemasons' hall, agricult. so- ciety (1797) ; rom. cath. college in Prior park, once the seat of Allen, the ' Allworthy ' of Fielding ; obelisk in Queen sq., put up 1738 by Nash at visit of Pr. of Wales, another in Orange Grove to Pr. of Orange; oval race-course IJm. round; paper- mills ; Pulteney 3-arch, and another (old) stone bridge, and one of iron at Bathwick ; Edw. VI. 's free gram, school, found. 1552, where Prynne, the two Lysonsep, Sir S. Smith, etc. were educated ; boys' and girls' free and other schools ; blue coat sen. founded by the pious Rob. Nelson 1711 ; St. John's hosp. for a master and 12 (income re- turned 2147. but val. at 88287. ), found. 1180 by Bp. Reginald Fitz-Jocelyne, reb. 1728 by Wood ; St. Mary Magdalene's hosp. at Holloway (1187.) found, before 1332 ; Bellott's hosp. (767.) for poor men who use the waters; St. Catherine's hosp., by the sisters Binberry; Partis's college for 30 eye infirmary (1811), 3 lying-in and other bene- volent societies ; Union p. house. Assessed taxes 15,8857. ; poor r. for 3 city pars. 29207. on 62,4007. ; real prop. 92,4317., of which 11,1427. on canal; 144 BAT tharities 13087. (but actually worth many thou- sands), of which the Black-alms free gram, school and almshouse 87/., besides 20,0007. left by Mrs. Warner 1849 for 30 widows. Livings are, St. Peter and St. Paul, or the abbey, Rect. (Ba. and W.) val. with St. James, Lyncombe, and Widcombe, 7507., patr. Simeon's Trustees; the church, or cathedral, reb. 1405-1G06 by Bp. King, etc. (on site of Edgar's abbey, val. 6957.), in later eng. style, and since much altered by bad restorations (1835-6), is cruciform, 210 ft. by 126, with a tower of 150 ft., new buttresses and pinnacles ; to this belong St. James church (reb. 1768), St. Mark Cur. and Dolmead chapel. St. Michael Rect. val. I., patr. Simeon's Trustees ch. lately rebuilt ; St. John Cur. /..Trustees ; St. M. Mag- dalene Cur. L, Crown, ch. old ; Penitentiary chapel, 200/., Committee; Octagon, or Milson St., chapel, b. 1767. Walcot-Trinity Rect. 3501., Rev. Dr. Hillcoat ; Avon St. chapel, /., Rector ; St. Mary's, Queen Sq., /., patr. , ch. b. 1735 in grecian style. Walcot-St. Saviour's, or Lam- bridge, Rect. 3907., Rev. Dr. Stamer; Kensing- ton chap. 2507., R. Heyvvood, Esq. For Laura and 6 other chapels, see BATHWICK, AVALCOT. Roman baths, altars, coins, etc. have been found ; but all traces are gone of the walls, which covered a space 1200 by 1140ft. and were 9ft. thick ; on the Lansdown hills (813 ft. high) to the N. are the column (put up 1720 by Lord Lansdown) to the memory of Sir B. Granville, who fell in the successful royalist action of 1645, and Beckford of Fon thill's tower, com- manding a noble view ; Gildas the historian (died 570), Jno. Hales 1584-1656, B. Robins (1707-51) the mathematician, R. L. Edgeworth (1744-1817), Terry (died 1829) the comedian and friend of Scott, and Hone author of the ' Every-day Book' (1739-1842) were natives; Anstey, who wrote the ' New Bath Guide,' a resident ; and it gives title of marquis to the Thynnes of Long- leat, and of king-at -arms to a herald. Rath P. L. Union contains the pars. etc. of Bath, Bath- wick, Batheaaton, Bathford, Bathampton, St. Ca- tharine, Charlcombe, Claverton, Combhay, Dun- kerton, Englishcombe, Hinton Charterhouse, Langridge, Lyncombe and Widcombe (where p. house is), Monckton Combe, Southstoke, Swans- wick, Tiverton, Walcot,Wellow, Weston,Woolley ; acres 29,215, pop. 69,232, cases relieved (yr. 1846- 7) 3305 (out-door 2297), expend. 14,2467., prop, rated 324,3 19Z. Sup. Registry comprises the same with Coombe Down, and St. Saviour- Walcot, St. Mary-W., St. Mary-W. (Queen Square), St. Swithin-W. and Trinity W. in the citv; pop. 459,083 + 485 ; births (1845) 1895 (882 being fe- males 129 illegit.) deaths 1612 marriages 680, of which 360 persons signed with marks ; deaths from cholera (1849) 40 and " many" more. The New County Court district corresponds with the Registry, including Newtown sub-district .from Keynsham. The Excise district extends over Bath, Bradford, Trowbridge, Westbury, Calne, Chippenham, Malmsbury, Shirston, Cors* ham, Marsfield, Keynsham, Chewton, Shepton, Frome, Warminster, Norton ; and in 1835 had 66 officers, and collected 126,5167. (each collector's round being 151 m.), of which 95,227/. were on malt, 13,2187. on licenses, 82957. on paper, 46447. on auctions, 38387. on soap, and the total no. of traders was 5348, of which 2233 were dealers in tobacco, 1218 in tea, 754 in wine and spirits, 694 were brewers, 351 malsters. >i< BATH and WELLS DIOCESE, province of Canterbury, was held by : Jno. de Yillula (who first moved the seat from Wells 1088), W. Shirlaw, Wolsey, Laud, Kenn, BAT etc., and contains the archdeaconries of Bath, Wells, and Taunton, comprising 7 deaneries and about 429 benefices, extending over the whole of Somerset. Income of bishop, whose palace is at Wells, 50007. and patronage of 48 livings, the prebends, etc. For the Chapter, see WELLS. BATH ARCHDEACONRY (val. 3427.) comprises the deaneries of Bath, and of Redclirfe with Bedmin- ster, or 64 benefices. BATH DEANERY contains, exclusive of Bath, the benefices marked in Bath- Forum hund. below, with Charlcombe reel., Cla- verton r., Ingliscomb vie., Newton-St. Loe r., Tiverton r. Mkt. Ds. Wed. Sat. Fairs, 14 Feb. l6 July. Races, Apr. BATH-FORUM HUNDRED (19, 35) in .ZV. Somer- set, contains the city, as above, and the pars, of Batheaston vie., Bathford v., Bathwick red., St. Catherine, Freshford r., Kelston r., Langridge r., Lyncombe and Widcombe (r. united to abbey r. in the city), Monckton-Combe cur., N. Stoke r., S. Stoke v., Swainswick r., Weston v., Woolley ; acres 1550, pop. 24,530, houses 4049, all ex- clusive of city. Bathafern Park (79) 1 m. E. of Ruthin, E. Denbigh. BATHAMPTON par. (19) Hampton hund. locally in Bath-Forum hund. N. Somerset, part of NE. suburbs of Bath, on R, Avon, near the rail, and Wansdyke. Acres 860 ; pop. 354 + 4 ; poor r. 727. (Bath 0.) ; St. Nicholas Vic. with Bathford ; church, old. i*g BATHAMPTON, GREAT AND LITTLE (14) Branch hund. S. Wilts. 5 m. NW. of Wilton-84. BATHAN'S (ST.) ABBEY. See ABBEY-ST. BA- THAN'S, Berwick. BATIIEALTON par. (21) Milverton hund. W. Somerset. 3 m. NW. by W. of Wellington- 148, near the Western canal, Brist. and Ex. rail. Acres 740 ; pop. 135 ; poor r. 497. (Wellingt. U.) ; real prop. 17187.; St. Bartholomew's Rect. (Ba, and W.) val. 2267. patr. Rev. E. Webber, rector. P. BATHEASTON, UPPER AND LOWER, par. (19) Bath-Forum hund, N. Somerset. 3 m. NE. of Bath-107, on R. Avon, near Gt. West, rail, and the Foss way, includes Easton and Amoril, and belonged to the saxon kings by the name of Eastojie. Acres 1900 ; pop. 2191 + 41 ; houses 381, with 2 churches, chapel, many villas ; poor r. 3987. (Bath U.); real prop. 11,6827.; charities about 357. St. J. Baptist Vic. (Ba. and W.) with St. Catherine, val. 2987, patr. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. ; church, later eng., with fine tower, was attached to Bath abbey. On Salisbury hill (600 ft. high) is a round saxon camp. B. Villa, Peno.yre, Esq. Batherm River, 8 m. long, falls into R. Exe, below Bampton, NE. Devon. BATHERTON tnshp. (73) Wybunbury par. S. Cheshire, 2m. S. of Nantwich-164, near B. Hall. Acres 270 ; pop. 32 ; poor r. 297. (Nantw. U.) P. BATHFORD par. (19) Bath-Forum hund. N. Somerset. 4 m. ENE. of Bath-107, near an old ford on R. Avon, and Gt. West. rail. Acres 2030 ; pop, 1099 + 23, some in the paper mills ; houses 202 ; poor r. 2347. (Bath U.) ; real prop. 56607.; St. Swithin Vic. (Ba. and W.) with Bath- ampton, val. 3957., patr. Dean and Chap. Bristol. A roman steam chamber, pavement, altar, and other remains, have been found here. B. House, 3. Wiltshire, Esq. P. M. BATHGATE par. 19m. WSW. of Edinbro' W. Linlthgw. on the rail, including Armadale, is a burgh of barony sinco 1821, under a pro- vost, 3 bailies, and 12 councillors has votes for the shire, and was given by Malcolm IV. to llolyrood ab. Acres 11,214, partly arable, with moss, moor, iron-stone, lime, freestone, coal, BAT and traces of silver; pop. 3928 + 33, of town , 2809 + 22, weavers, and in the lime and coal works ; houses 865, with several chapels, 2 banks, public library, Newland's school, etc. ; real prop. 14,1617., for poor 752Z. Living (Presb. Linlithgw.) j val. 132/., patr. Earl of Hopetown, who has the | barony, formerly granted by Bruce to Walter Stewart, whose castle was here. The rail, begun 1846, will be 23^ m. long (19 are made), begin- ning at liatho in Edinb. and Glasg. line, and passing by Broxburn, Houston, Livingstone, to this, where it will join the Airdrie line, and have branches to Whitburn, Calder, etc. Mkt. D. Wed. corn. Fairs, 2nd Wed. after Apr. 1st Wed. after the term o. s., 4th Wed in June, 3rd Wed. July, 3rd Wed. Aug. 4th Wed. Oct. Wed. after Mar- tinmas o. s. for cattle, etc. BATHLEY. See BALE, Norfolk. igaP BATHLEY BAT 115 tnshp. (70 or 83) N. Muskham par. E. Notts. 3 m. NNW. of Newark-124. Pop. 252 + 5. Bathorne, or Baytliorne, Hall (47) near Clare, N. Essex, Rev. G. Pyke. Bathpool End (21) 1 m. NE. of Taunton, Mid. Somerset, on the canal, Brist. and Ex. rail., and R. Tone. BATHWiCKpar. (19) Bath-Forum hund. N. So- merset. forming the E. suburbs of Bath, from which it is divided by R. Avon, is traversed by the Kennet and Somerset canals, and Gt. West. rail Acres 630; pop. 4972 + 93; houses 743, including Pulteney St., Laura Place, the Sydney Gardens, two bridges, etc. ; poor r. 952/. (Bath IL); real prop. 68,535, of which 31,7GO/. on canal. St. Mary Beet. (Ba. and W.) with Wool- j ley, val. 209/., patr. Lord W. Paulet, church, b. | 1829, has a mon. to Mackinnon who saved the j Pretender at Culloden; Laura chapel, b. 1796, \ val. /., patr. Rev. E. Tottenham. Roman re- mains have been found. P. BATLEY par. (88) Lower Agbrigg and Mor- ley waps. W. R. York. 2 m. NNE. of Dewsbury -187, near Man. and Leeds rail., includes Gil- dersome and Morley curs., and several hmlts. Acres 6390, of tnshp. 2140; pop. 14,278 + 294, and 7076 + 223, in the woollen and carpet nianu- fact. 5 houses 1413, with 3 churches, chapel, 22 factories, Lee's free school (197/.) ; poor r. 908/. (Dewsb. U.); real prop. 19.040Z. ; charities 237/. All Saints Vic. (Rip.) val. 300/., patr. Earls Car- digan and Wilton ; church, later eng. with monu- ments. BATLEY CARR, NEW B., and UPPER B. hmlts. (88) near the above. Holy Trin. Cur. (Rip.) val. ISO/., patr. Vicar of Dewsbury. BATSFORD par. (44) Upper Kiftsgate hund. NE. Gloucest. 2 m. NW. of Moreton-81, near Stratford rail, and the Foss way, on which is a small camp. Acres 980 ; pop. 79, decreasing ; poor r. 38/, (Shipston U.) ; real prop. 1846/. St. Mary Beet. (Gl. and Br.) val. 370/., patr. Ch. Ch. Col. Oxon. ; church, rebuilt by Lord Redesdale of B. Park. BATSON hmlt. (24) Marlboro' par. S. Devon. 4 m. SSW. of Kingsbridge-208. BATTERJOHN hmlt. (37) Lower Deece bar. S. Mrath, 5 m. ESE. of Trim-31. BATTEHLEY. See BALTERLEY, Stafford. BATTERSBY tnshp. ( ) Ingleby Greenhoe par. N. R. York. 5 m. E. by S. of Stokesley-205, under the moors. Acres 1020 ; pop. 92 + 2 ; real prop. 582/. P. BATTERSEA par. (7) Brixton hund. N. Surrey, 4 m. S\V. of London, on R. Thames, at the bridge to Chelsea, containing B. NEW-TOWX, and Penge cur. is the saxon Patricsea or Petersey, which was held by St. Peter's or Westminster ab- bey, and came to the St. Johns and Spencers. Acres 3020, pasture, chiefly laid out in garden stuff for the London market, for which it is noted, with a great number of herbs and plants indigenous to the soil, a spot near Nine Elms being the first where asparagus was raised; pop. 6887 + 134, some in a ribbon, a vitriol, and other fac- tories ; houses 1143, with 2 churches, 2 chapels, National Society's Training Coll. ; poor r. 2669Z. (Wandsworth U.) ; real prop. 189.816Z. of which 145,867/. on rail. ; charities 281/., of which 1607. to free school founded 1790, by the St. Johns. St. Mary Vic. (Wine.) val. 982Z., patr. Earl Spencer sometime held by Bishop Patrick ; church, of plain brick, near the river, has por- traits of Q. Eliz. and Hen. VII., with tombs of Sir E. Wynter, Astle the antiquary, Collins who wrote the " Peerage," Curtis the botanist, and many of the St. Johns among others of the celebrated Henry, Visct. Bolingbroke, who died here(1751), Baron Battersea, and of whose old seat which Pope frequently visited, a cedar room re- mains. St. George Cur. 581., Vicar; church, b. in pointed stvle 1828 by Blore. B. Bridge, of wood, 786 ft. long, was b. 1771, by Hollond, at a cost of 22,500/. The flats near this, behind the Red house, where Duke of Wellington and Earl Winchelsea fought the duel Mar. 1829, are to be turned into a park for the benefit of the metro- polis. B. House, D. Kerr, Esq. ; B. Rise, near Clapham, Sir R. H. Inglis, Bt, M.P. BATTISFORD par. (50) Bosmere hund. Mid. Suffolk. 2 m. WSW. of Needliam-74, was a pre- ceptory of the K. Templars (Hen. IL). Acres 1340 ; pop. 436 + 8 ; poor r. 146J. (Bosmere U.) ; real prop. 2389Z. St. Mary Vic. (Norw.) val. 400/., patr. Rev. E. Paske, vicar. B. Hall, 1 m. N. BATTLE par. (42) Merthyr hund. Mid. Brecon. 3 m. WNW. of Brecknock-191, where R. Yschir joins the Usk, of which and the surrounding coun- try it commands very fine prospects, belonged to Brecon priory, which was a cell to Battle abbey, Susx. r- whence the name. Pop. 176 ; poor r. 36Z. (Brec. U.) ; real prop. 927/. St. Cynog Cur. (St. Dav.) val. 731., patr. Browne's Trustees, Near Penoyre, seat of J. Watkins, Esq., Rhys ap Tudor was slain by Fitz-hamon. BATTLE HUNDRED (5) Hastings rape, E.Susx. includes the pars, of Battle and Whatlington; acres 9480, pop. 3818. P. M. &. BATTLE par. (5) in the above hund. 8 m. SW. of Hastings, 56 from London (or 81 by S. Coast rail, thro' Hastings), a polling place for E. Susx. was a bare spot called ' Hetheland ' or ' Epiton ' previously to the famous Battle (com- monly styled the battle of Hastings), fought 14 Oct. 1066, between the Conqueror (whose Normans came over in 900 ships) and Harold II., which lasted from 9 o'clock to 3, cost 6000 men, and decided the fate of the kingdom. Acres 7880, part in hops } pop. 3039 + 4, some in the powder works, which are noted ; houses 522, with 3 cha- pels, public hall (the abbey gate), ho. of correc- tion, bank, savings bk. (37,945Z from 1401 depo- sitors), Langton's free school (68); poor r. 1225/. on 840U ; real prop. 14,692f. ; charities 148/. St, Mary Vic. (Chic.) val. 396/., patr. Sir G. Webster, Bt., of B. Abbey, which makes three sides of a quadrangle, including the remains of the mitred benedictine house found. 1067 (on the spot where Harold's standard was taken) by Will, to com- memorate his victory, which was endowed with all the land within a league, had the Conqueror's sword, the roll or list of his barons, the privi- lege of sanctuary, etc., was val. 987/., and still constitutes an exempt Deanery; church, early 116 BAT BAW eng. with norman traces, has an old font, 5 brasses (Sir J. Lowe 1425, R. Clere a priest, J. Wyt- hines 1615, are very good), effigies of Sir Anthony and other Brownes who had the manor. Besides the abbey gate, an early eng. refectory 106 ft. by 35, several arches of the cloisters, etc., are seen. Battle P. L. Union, contains the pars. etc. of Ash- burnham, Battle, Bexhill, Brightling, Catsfield, Crowhurst, Dallington, Ewhurst, Hollington, Mountfield. Penhurst, Sedlescomb, Westtield, Whatlington; acres 49,875, pop. 12,034, cases re- lieved (1846-7) 2396 (out-door 1991), expend. 78237., prop, rated 43,9087. Sup. Registry com-, prises the same ; pop. 12,036. It belongs tp Hast- ings New County Court district. Mkt. D. Thurs. Fairs, Whit Mon. 22 Nov. for cattle. BATTLE-BARROW, or BATTLEBURGH vil. (102) 1m. NE. of Appleby, N. Westmrld. the site of the priory found. 1281 by the Cliffords and others. Battle Bridge, 3 m. SW. of Alnwick, N- Northm- brld. ig B. Dykes, near Oathlaw, Mid. Forfar. a roman camp, 2970 ft. by 1850, on the way from Perth, with traces of a crossway to Harefaulds at Kirkbuddow. giP B. Hill, near Annan, S. Dum- fries, where the English are said to have been defeated on one occasion. j^ B. House (14) 4 m. NW. of Devizes, N. Wilts. Col. Napier. $S" B. Stone (110) near Kirk Newton, N. Nortlimbrld. 5 m. WNW. of Wooller-320, was set up to commemorate a battle fought here between the English and Scots, 1485. BATTLE-BRIDGE (1) Rochford hund. S. Essex, 6 m. E. of Billericay-23. P. BATTLE-BRIDGE hmlt. (7) Pancras par. London, near the Regent's canal, and the termi- nus of Gt. North, rail., has a mineral spring called St. Chad's well. All Saints Car. (Lond.) val. 160/., patr. Incumb. of Trinity, Islington, ijgp BATTLEBRIDGE vil. (7) Boyle bar. NE. Ros- common, 4 m. SSE. of Keadue-106, on R. Shan-? non. Pop. 147. BATTLEBURN hmlt. ( ) Kirkburn par. E. R. York. 3 m. SW. of Gt. Driffield-196. Pop. 14. Battlefield ( ) near Boyle, N. Roscommon, J. Knott, Esq. giT BATTLEFIELD par. (61) Al- brighton hund. N. Salop. 3 m. NNE. of Shrews- bury-153, where 22 July, 1403, Harry Hotspur was defealed and slain by Hen. IV., who as a memorial of his victory founded a college, val. 55/. Acres 850; pop. 64; poor r. 111. (AtchamU.); St. M. Magdalene Cur. (Lich.) val. 2337., patr. Mrs. Corbet ; church, b. by Hen. as above, is partly in ruins, with some mutilated tombs, etc. Fair, 2 Aug. cattle. Battlesbury Camp (14) 2 m. E. of Warminster, S W. Wilts, has some barrows near it BATTLESDEN par. (46) Manshead hund. S W. Bedfd. 6 m. NW. of Dunstable-33, on Watling St. Acres 1140 ; pop. 179 + 3 ; poor r. 1147. (Wo- burn U.) ; real prop. 17977. St. Peter Rect. (Ely) val 3067., patr. Sir E. H. P. Turner, Bt., of B. Park, formerly the seat of the Bathursts, to whom it gives title of baron. Battlesey Cross (50) 5 m. E. of Eye, N. Sufk. Battock Mount, borders of Kincardine, and Forfar. where they meet Aberdeen, a peak of the Grampians, 3459 ft. high, at the head of Aven and Dye Waters. BATTRAMSLEY tythg. (15) Boldre par. SW. Hants. 6 m. NE. of Ringwood-92, in the New Forest. Pop. 302 ; real prop. 14787. BATTRIX hmlt ( ) Bowland Forest tnshp. W. R. York. 10 m. SW. of Settle-235. Baft's House (21) 1m. S.of Taunton, Mid. So- merset. Sir G. B. Robinson, Bt. BATTYEFORD vil. (88) Mirfield par. W. R. York. 2 m. WSW. of Dewsbury-188. Pop. 3000. Christ Church Cur. (Rip.) val/1507., patr. Vicar. BAUGHCOTT, or BAUCOT, hmlt. (61) Tugford par. S. Salop, 6 m. SE. of Church Stretton-158. BAUGHURST par. (12) Lower Evingar hund. N. Hants. 6 m. NW. of Basingstoke-45, near B. Street, a part of the roman Port way to Silchester, includes Ham and Inhurst. Acres 1020 ; pop. 528 + 4 ; poor r. 2457. (Kingsclere U.) ; real prop. 11207. Living, a Rect. (Wine.) val. 1887., patr. Bishop. BAULDOXFEE tythg. (11) Eling par. 5. Hants. 3 m. W. of Southampton-74. Pop. 931 ; real prop. 27127. BAULKING, or BALKING, chplry. (13) Uffing- ton par. W. Berks. 3 m. SSE. of Farringdon-68, near Gt West, rail., was a mkt. town. Pop. 193 + 1 ; poor r. 997. (Farringdon U.) ; real prop. 28787. St. Nicholas Cur. with Uffington. P. BAUMBER, or BAMBUHGH, par. (83) N. Gartree wap. E. Lincoln. 6 m. SE. of Wragby-143. Acres 3200; pop. 371 + 2; poor r. 2397. (Horn- castle U.) ; real prop. 27147. St. Swithin Cur. (Line.) val. 377., patr. Duke of Newcastle. BAUNSKEHA vil. (32) Gowran bar. Mid. Kil- keny. 1 m. SE. of Thomastown-75. Pop. Ifi8. BAUNTON par. (34) Crowthorne hund. S. Gloucestr. 2 m. S. of Cirencester-88, on Fosse way. Acres 1310 ; pop. 187 + 3 ; poor r. 317. (Ci- rencest. U.) ; real prop. 14417. St. Christopher Cur. (GI. and Br.) val. 677., patr. Miss Masters. B. Downs Farm, 2 m. NE. BAURROE vil. (28) Upper Tulla bar. NE. Clare, 5 m. WNW. of Soariff-120. Pop. 121. BAUSLEY, or BALASLEY, tnshp. (60) Alberbury par. NE. Montgmry. 10m. NE. of Welshpool-171. Pop. 371 ; poor r. 647. (Atcham U.). Bautregaun Mountain (37) the highest of the Slievemish range, Mid. Kerry, near Tralee, 2796 ft high. Bavelaw, or Bevelaw, 3 m. S. of Currie, Mid. Edinbro', near the head of B. Burn, which runs to Leith water at Ravelrig, and has good trout. BAVERSTOCK par. (14) Cawden hund. S. Wilts. 7 m. WNW. of Salisbury-81, on R. Nadder, or Noddre. Acres 710 ; pop. 136 ; poor r. 797. ( Wil ton U.); real prop. 15177. St. Edith Rect. (Sal.) val. 2967., patr. Exet. Coll. Oxon. BAVINGTOX, GREAT tnshp. ( ) Kirk-Whelp- ington par. S. Northmbrld. 9 m. NE. of Hex- ham-279. Pop. 69. B. Hall, R. J. Shaftoe, Esq. BAVIXGTOX, LITTLE, tnshp. Throckington par. 1 m. E. of the above. Pop. 91. BAWBURGH, or BABUR, par. (66) Forehoe hund. Mid. Norfolk, 5 m. W. of Norwich-108, on R. Yare, was the birthplace of St. Walstan, whose shrine was in the old chapel, of which there are remains. Acres 2070 ; pop. 494 + 5 ; poor r. 967. (Foreh. Incorp.); real prop. 31517. St. Walstan Vic. (Norw.) val. 1007., patr. Dean and Chap. ; church, has an old font and brass of Richers, a priest (1531). BAWCOMBE hmlt. (24) Alvington par. S.Devon, 6 m. SE. of Modbury-208. Bawden, or Balder, River ( ) rises near Kelton Fell, N. R. York, and runs through Lunedale to the Tees, at Cotherston, 3 m. NW. of Barnard Castle. P. BAWDESWELL par. (66) Evnsford hund. Mid. Norflk. 6 m. NE. of E. Dereham-100. Acres 1310; pop. 582; poor r. 3437. (Mitford U.); real prop. 22727. ; charities 227., of which Leeds' school 207. All Saints Rect. (Norw.) val. 2087., patr. E. Lombe, Esq. B. Hall, near Bylaugh heath, Mrs. Lloyd. BAW BAWDIUP par. (20) N. Petherton hunil. Mid. Somerst. 3 m. NE. of Bridgewater-139, near Brist. and Ex. rail. Acres 1780 ; pop. 425 + 5 ; poor r. 16G7. (Bridgew. U.) ; real prop. 49657. St. Michael Eect. (Ba. and W.) val. 3607., patr. E. Page, Esq. BAWDSEY par. (48) Wilford hund. SE. Sufflk. 12 m. ESE. of Ipswich-69, at R. Deben's mouth (which is a retreat for small craft under the name of B. Haven}, was once a mkt. town. Acres 2640 ; pop. 468 + 1 ; poor r. 292/. (Woodbridge U.) ; real prop. 27787. St. Mary Vic. (Norw.) val. 1937., patr. Ld. Chancellor. B. Hall, stands on the coast, which is defended by martello towers. B. Sand, about 5 m. off, is 4 m. by |, with not less than 10 ft. water, and forms the W. side of the Shipway, on the route N-ward out of R. Thames. Fair, 8 Sept. Bawkie Bay, in Frith of Clyde, E. Argyll, near Toward Point. BAWN, or BLACKNOW, GRANGE (8) Galmoy bar. NW. Kilkenny, 5m. WNW. of Freshford-82, so called after the grange of Fertagh abbey, which remains. Living, a Eect. with Burnchurch. Fairs, Ascension day, 8 Julv, 8 Sept. 29 Oct. igP Bawn (15) 2 m. W. of Castlebellingham, Mid. Loutli, T. Tisdall, Esq. Bawn Lough (27) 5 m. S. of Ballibay, S. Mo- naghan, near seat of W. Tenison, Esq. P. BAWNBOY, or KILSUB, vil. (9) Tullyhaw bar. NW. Cavan, 6 m. S. of Swanlinbar-96, near Lough Brackley, seat of Hassard, Esq., is the proposed head of a new Poor 1. union. Pop. 96 + 36. BAWSEY par. (65) Freebridge-Lynn hund. NW. Norflk. 3 m. E. of Lynn-96. Acres 1090 ; pop. 28 ; poor r. 11. (F. Lynn U.) ; real prop. 5157. St. James Sect. (Norw.)Val. 557., patr. A. Ham- mond, Esq. ; church in ruins. P. M. BAWTRY chplry. (82) Blyth par. Straf- forth wap. W. R. York, and Bassetlaw wap. Notts. 14 m. W. of Rotherham, 153 from London, on the great N. road, near the roman way to Doncaster, is chiefly supported by the carrying trade on R. Idle, which runs by it. Acres 270 ; pop. 1083, decreasing ; houses 223, with 2 chapels, bank ; poor r. 2057. (Doncaster U.) ; real prop. 38177. St. Nicholas Cur. with Blyth ; church, later eng., built of Roche abbey limestone, which is much in request with sculptors. At Scrooby, near the river, is a farmhouse, once a seat of the Abps. of York, and traces of a camp are found near Marton. B. House, R. M. Milnes, Esq., M. P. Mkt. D. Th. Fairs, Whitsun. Thurs. 22 Nov. horses, cattle. BAXBY hmlt. ( ) Coxwold par. N. R. York. 7 m. SE. of Thirsk-217. Pop. 28. BAXENDEAN (89) 2 m. N. of Haslingden-204, E. Lancash. on E. Lane. rail. BAXTERLEY par. (62) Hemlingford hund. N. Warwk. 3 m. WSW. of Atherstone-107, near Binn. and Derb. rail. Acres 850, with coal ; pop. 228 + 4 ; poor r. 447. (Atherst. U.) ; real prop. 21147. Living, a Sect. (Wore.) val. 262/., patr. Ld. Chancellor, and F. Boultbee, Esq., of B. Hall. B. Park, 1 m. E. BAXTON-MOOR limit. (82) Whitwell par. NE. Derby. 10 m. ENE. of Chesterfield-150. BAXWORTIIY (26) 1 m. SE. of Hartland, W. Bay Hall (C9) 4 m. NE. of Boston, E. Lincoln. jgT B. Lodge (20) 4 m. SSE. of Cushendall. NE. Antrim, on Red bay. ^P-B. Horse ( ) 6 m. N. of Garstang, N. Lancash. on Lane, and Prest. rail. Bay (The) House (14) 5m. N. of Dublin, Mid. Dublin. Bayard's Green (45) in Tusmore Park, NE. BAY 147 Oxford. 5 m. NW. of Bicester, was one of the three places appointed by Rich. I. for the earliest tournaments held in England ; a second took place here in Hen. III.'s time. BAYARD'S LEAP ext. par. (70) Loveden wap. W. Lincoln. 5 m. NW. of Sleaford-115. BAYDEN chplry. (36) Llangonoyd par. S. Gla- morgn. 4 m. NW. by N. of Bridgend-181. Pop. 339. Church, in ruins. BAYDON par. (34) Ramsbury hund. NE. Wilts. 8 m. NE. of Marlboro'-74. Acres 3060 ; pop. 335 ; poor r. 2057. (Hungerford U.) ; real prop. 27437. St. Nicholas Cur. (Sal.) val. 1107., patr. Rev. A. Meyrick. B. Hall (13 or 34) near this, but in W. Berks. 2 m. W. of Lambourne. BAYFIELD par. (68) Holt hund. N W. Norfk. 2 m. W. of Holt-119, is united to Glandford. Pop. 21. St. Margaret Rect. (Norw.) val. 397., patr. Mrs. E. J. Best, of B. Hall ; no church. P. BAYFORD par. (47) Hertford hund. S. Herts. 3 m. S. of Hertford-21, belonged to ' eorl' Tosti the Dane, before the Conquest. Acres 1450 ; pop. 357 + 2 ; poor r. 937. (Herts. U.) ; real prop. 19967. St. Mary Cur. with Essendon ; church, has an old 8-sided font, and tombs of the Knightons, Fanshaws, and Bakers, who held the manor with B.-Bury, now seat of Mrs. Baker, where is pre- served Jacob Tonson's gallery of the Kit-Cat club, brought from his house at Barnes-Elms, including 47 portaits by Kneller, of Marlborough, Wharton, Halifax, Sir Robert Walpole, Van- brugh, Garth, Steele, Addison, Congreve, etc. B. Place, T. Byron, Esq. gg" Bayford, near Sit- tingbourne, N. Kent, now a farm, has traces of a camp thrown up by Alfred, and was the site of a cast, built by Rob. de Nottingham (Edw. I.). lgr BAYFORD hmlt. (18) Stoke-Trister par. E. Somerset. 1 m. E. of Wincanton-109, is a Rect. with Cucklington. B. Lodge, U. Messiter, Esq. <&. BAYHAM hmlt.(18) Frant par. NE. Sussex, on the Kent border, 4 m. ESE.of Tunbridge Wells-36, the site of a premonstratensian abbev, removed from Brockley near Deptford, in 1200, by Rob. de Thurnham, val. I., and granted first to Wolsey, afterwards to the Montagues. The gateway, part of the church, and cloisters remain, and part has been turned into a seat for Marq. Camden, Avho takes hence title of Viscount. The R. Tun flows through the beautiful grounds. BAYLHAM, or BAYLEHAM, par. (48 or 50) Bos- mere hund. S. Suffk. 6 m. NNW. of Ipswich-69, on E. Union rail. Acres 830 ; pop. 27o + 4 ; poor r. 1127. (Bosm. U.); real prop. 19087. St. Pete* Rect. (Norw.) val. 2567., patr. . BAYIJN hmlt. (29) 3 m. NW. of Moate, S W, Westmeath, near Moydrum Cast., Visct. Castle- maine's seat. P. Bay mount Castle (19) 3 m. NE. of Dublin, E. Dublin, on the bay, Warren, Esq. Baynard Castle ( ) which stood on Castle- hill, near Cottingham, E. R. York. 3m. NW. of Hull, was the moated seat of the Lords Wake, and burnt down 1541. BAY-NESS hmlt. ( ) Fylingdales par. N. R. York. 8 m. S. Whitby-236. BAYNTON, or BAN ETON, vil. Kennoway par. Mid. Fife. 2 m. NNW. of Leven-24. Pop. 204. (3T BAYNTON tythg. (14) Edington par. W. Wilts. 3 m. NE. of Westbury-100. Pop. 33. Bayon's Manor (83) 4 m. E. of Market Rasen, Mid. Lincoln, on the Wolds, G. Tennyson, Esq. Bays Brown Peak ( ) near the black lead mine in BoiTOwdale, S.Cumbrld. S. of Derwent Water. Bays, The (69) an inshore passage for small vessels, to Lynn deeps, NW. Nor*'k. between Gore point, and the Sunk shoal. L 2 148 BAY Bays Dale ( ) 5 m. ESE. of Stokesley-in-the- Wolds N. R. For*, had a eistertian nunnery, moved from Thorpe by Guide de Bovingcourt (Hen. II.). Says, or Boys, Hill (18) 5 m. SSE. of Sher- borne, N. Dorset. BAYSHAM (43) 3 m. NW. of Ross, S. Herefd. BAYSTON tnshp. (61) Condover and St. Julian's pars. Mid. Salop, 3 m. S. of Shrewsbury-153. Pop. 1420. B. HILL Cur. (Lich.) val. 30/., patr. Curate of St. Julian's. P. BAYSWATER hmlt (7) Paddington par. Marylebone boro'. beyond Hyde Park, one of the fashionable suburbs of NW. London, was called Baynard's Water, after Baynard of Cast Baynard (who held it of Westminster ab.), and the ponds which supplied the London conduits, and has an episcopal chapel, a chapel which was Q. Char- lotte's lying-in hosp. (removed to the New road), the Wesleyan female orphan sch., and St. George's burial-ground (with the graves of Sterne, Sirs. Radcliffe, Picton, etc.). The tea gardens belonged to Sir J. Hill, a scribbler and vegetable quack, of whom Garrick said " For physic and farces, his rival there scarce is ; His farces are physic, his physic a farce is." Craven hill, where the Cravens had a seat, is built nn ; Westbourne Green, behind, is covered with terraces and houses on a splendid scale. P. BAYTHORXE END (47) Hinckford hund. N. Essex, 2 m. SW. of Clare-56, near Baythorne, or Bat/iorne, Park, Rev. G. Pike. BAYTON par. (61) Lower Doddingtree hund. NW. Worcest. 6 m. WSW. of Bewdley-129, Acres 1960 ; pop. 468 + 2 5 poor r. 1197. (Cleobury IL); real prop. 27627. St. Bartholomew Vic. with Mamble. iJiT Bayton, or Boyton, End (47) 6 m. SE. of Saffron Walden, NW. Essex. Bayview (31) near Dungarvan bay, S. Waterfd. B. Low, Esq. BAYVTL par. (40) Kerness hund. NE. Pembroke. 3 m. ENE. of Newport-250, on R. Nevern. Pop. 130 ; poor r. 287. (Cardigan U.) ; real prop. 9077. St. Andrew Vie. (St. Dav.) with Moylgrove, vaL 2247., patr. Ld. Chancellor. BAYWORTH hmlt. (13) Sunningwell par. N. Berks. 3 m. N. of Abingdon-56, has remains of a church, where many private marriages were ce- lebrated before the marriage act passed. BEABRIDGE. See BEOBRIDGE, Salop. BEACH HIDE, UPPER, vil. (46) Cashio hund. Mid. Herts. 4 m. NE. of St. Alban's-20. Beach Hill (12) 6 m. S. of Reading, S. Berks. giT B.-MILL. See BACHE MILL, Norfk. BEACHAMPTOX par. (46) Buckingham hund. N. Bucks. 2 m. SSW. of Stony Stratford-52, on R. Ouse. Acres 2110 ; pop. 248 ; poor r. 1727. (Bucks. U.) ; real prop. 26687. ; charities 226/., of which 48/. to Elmer's school. St. Mary Rect. (Oxon.) val. 379/., patr. Caius Coll. Camb. ; church, has the tomb of Sir S. Bennet, who held the manor. B. Grove, I m. SE., a meet for tbs Whaddon Chase hounds. BEACHAMWELL. See BEECHAMWELL, Salop. Beachborough House (3 or 4) 2 m. NNE. of Hythe-65, E. Kent, 3. D. Brockman, Esq., who has the manor, commands an extensive view of the country and sea, so that a bonfire near the summer-houses is seen from the coast of France. Beachey Head (5) iij the Channel, SE. Sussex, lat. 50 44' N, long. 13' E. at the end of the chalk hills which stretch through the county, is 475 ft. high, at the highest part, and known by'the " Seven Cliffs " to the W. of it, on one of which, called Belle Toute, stands the revolving light, flashing every 2 min. 285 ft. above the sea, and seen 22 m. Near BEA this is Parson Darby's hole and 6 other caverns, which have been cut in the rock, for shipwrecked seamen to take refuge in. To the E. lie the Rattan, Horse, and the Royal Sovereign shoals, on the last of which that ship was wrecked ; and within sight of this point, the english and dutch fleet were beaten by the French, 1690. Lime crystals and gray pyrites are found. P. BEACHLEY chplry. (35) Tidenham par. W. Gloucest. 2 m. SE. of Chepstow-103, a sub-port to Glo'ster where R. Wye joins the Severn, at the end of Offa's Dyke, and at the Aust ferry, was always I considered an important military pass, and has the remains of earthworks, and of a chapel on St.Tecla's isld. Pop.224. St.JohnCr.(Gl.audBr.)val. 16/., patr. Vicar. B. Lodge, R. Jenkins, Esq., com- mands a view of the fine scenery around. Beacon Hill (12) near Highclere park, A'. Hants. 900 ft. high, was a roman camp. tgl" B. Hill (70) near Newark, E. A'otts. produces good fypsum for stucco, etc. ^T B. Hill (13) near token church, SE. Oxfd. and the roman Port way. e^ B. Hill (72) 1 m. NE. of Stafford, Mtd. Staffd. had formerly a signal post at thetop. lg| B. House ( ) 1 m. N. of Hexham, S. Nor- thmbrld. M. W. Carr, Esq. ^ B. Place (62) near Lichfield, E. Staffd. Mrs. Hand. Beaconfield Hall (76) 2 m. E. of Newark, E. Notts. P. M. BEACONSFIELD par. (7) Burnham hund. S. Bucks. 6 m. from Slough (Gt. West, rail.), 23 from London, a polling and petty sessions town, in a healthy spot in the midst of a fine country. Acres 3710, partly common ; pop. 1732, chiefly agricultural ; houses 339, of flint, in a cross, with mkt. house at the middle, and 2 chapels ; poor r. 7457., on 60387. ( Amersham U., but high Wycombe County Court) ; real prop. 68977.; charities 114/., including bequests left by the Wallers. All Saints Rect. (Oxfil.) val. 6457., patr. Mag. Coll. ; church, old, partly flint, with monuments of Burke, whose seat was at Gregories (now called Buller's) court, and of Waller the poet, who had the manor, and died at Hall Barn. Near the town is Wilton, seat of Du Pres ; Bulstrode lies to the E. ; and Stoke, seat of the Penns, and the scene of Gray's ' Elegy,' is to the S. Dentaria bulbifera, coral-root, is found in B. Wood. Mkt. D. Th. much business done in grain, cattle. Fairs, 13 Feb. Holy Thjurs. cattle, horses. Beading of Alfred's Will, is BEEDING, Sussex. BEADLAN tashp. ( ) Kirkdale par. N. R. York. 2 m. E. of Helmslev-222. Acres 620 ; pop. 168 + 2 ; poor r. 277. (Helmsl. U.) ; real prop. 10637. Beadlow (46) 5 m. E. of Ampthill, S. Bedfd. near B. Farm. BEADKELL chplry. ( ) Bamboro' par. NE. Northmbrld. 10 m. NNE. of Alnwick-308, on the sea. Pop. 323 + 7, fishermen ; poor r. 637. (Belford U.) Living, a Cur. (Durh.) val. 79/., patr. Curate of Bamboro'. B. House, J. Wood, Esq. BEADONWELL hmlt. (1) Erjth par. N. Kent, 4 m. E, of Woolwich-9. P. BEAFORD par. (26) Shebbear hund. NW. Devon. 4 m. SE. of Torrington-194. Acres 3760 ; pop. 713 + 9 ; poor r. 290/. (Torringt. U.) ; real prop. 21237. AJ1 Saints Rect. (Exet.) val. 3157., patr. Rev. C. Wood, rector. BEAGH vil. (3) Bnrren bar. N. Clare, 13 m. N. of Curofin-151. gg" BEAGH par. (128-9, etc.) Kiltartan bar. S. Galway, includes part of Gort -124, and Toberreendonay. Acres 14,582, arable, with water, bog, and limestone ; pop. 4751 + 30. Living, a Rect. with Ardrahan. It has the re- mains of a franciscan monastery and of Fidane BEA cast In. Loitghcooter, seat of Viscount Gort. gxT Beagh Castle (11) 4m. NE. of Askeaton, JV. Limerick. gaT Beagh (North), or Glenbeagh, Lough (43) 3 m. W. of Kilmacreenan^fF. Donegl. is 3 m. long and \ mile broad, and surrounded by the Derryleagh and Glendowan hills. IgT Beagh (South')^ or Gartan, Lough (44, 51) 2 m. SE. of the above. BEAQHALL, or BEAL, tnshp. (87) Kellington par. W. R. York. 7 m. WNW. of Snaith-173. Acres 1570 ; pop. 568 ; poor r. 24GI. (Gt. Preston In- corp.) ; real prop. 4160Z. ; charities 51. Beak's House (35) near Marshlield, S. Gloucest. C. Dickinson, Esq. Beaks, The, (62) 4 m. W. of Birmingham, S. Stafford. BEAKSBOURNE par. (3) Bridge hund. Augus- tine lathe, E. Kent, 3 m. SE. of Canterbury-55, a member of Hastings cinque port. Acres 1200) part in hops ; pop. 332 ; poor r. 1281. (Bridge U.) ; real prop. 2050/. St. Peter Vic. (Cant.) val. 21U, patr. Archbp. B. House, R. Peckham, Esq. BEAL tnshp. ( ) Kyloe par. Islandshire, Dur- ham, locally in N. Northmbrld. 8 m. SSE. of Ber- wick-337, on York rail, tgr BEAL vil. (1, 2) Iraghticonner bar. NE. Kerry, 10 m. W. of Tar* bert-160, on R. Shannon, near the coast and Beau* lieu cast., which belonged to the Earls of Kerry. B. Point, at the riser's mouth, is 17 m. NE. of Kerry head, and has a sandy bar off it. Bealach-nani'-Bo, and Bealan-Duine (where Fitz- James lost his ' gallant gray'), two passes in Aberfoil par. $ W. Perth, near Ben Venue and Loch Katrine. At Bealan-Duine, the battle de- scribed by Allan Bane took place. ' Beal ' or ' beul ', a mouth or pass. BEALACLUGGA hmlt. (3) Burren bar. N. Clare, 12 m. N. of Curofin-151, near New Quay bay. Bealaveeny Rivulet (56) rises in Moam Thotnaus mountns. NW. Mayo, and runs to AcMU sound. BEALBY. See BIELBY, York. Beale, or Beult, River (3, 6) rises near Ticehurst, borders of Kent and Sussex, and falls into R. Medway, near Yaldingr BEALINGS, GREAT, par. (48) Caflford hund. SE. Suffolk, 2 m. W. of Woodbridge-77. Acres 830; pop. 377+1; poor r. 171/. (Woodb. U.); real prop. 2103Z. St. Mary Rect. (Norw.) val. 260?., patr. E. Moor, Esq. B. Hall, 1 m. E. igT B. LITTLE, par. as above, 1 in. S. Acres 410; pop. 322 + 5; poor r. 201?.; real prop. 1002?. All Saints Rect. (Nonv.) val. 140i, patr. F. Smythies, Esq. Beal-maha, or Balmaha, Pass, Buchanan par. W. Stirling, near Loch Lomond. Bealnabrack Rivulet (25) Ballinahinch bar. rises in Maam Turk mountns. NW. Galway, and runs to Lough Corrib, through B. Glen, which is well wooded and surrounded bv hills, above 2000 ft. high. BEAMAN END (7) 2 m. W. of Amersliam, S W. Bucks. Beamdune of the Saxons is BAMPTON, Devon. ; Beamflote Is S. BENFTEET, Essex. BEAMHURST hmlt. (72) Checkley par. NE. Stafford. 3 m. NW. of Uttoxeter-135, seat of H. Mountford, Esq. P. M. BEAMINSTEH par. (18) in B.-Forum hund. W.Dorset. 18 m. NW. by W. of Dorchester, 137 from London, at R. Birt's head, is a polling place, and remarkable only as having been three times destroyed by fire, first when occupied by Prince Maurice for Chas. I., again in 1684 and 1781. Acres 4350, fertile, with hemp and flax; pop. 3270 + 30, town 2938, in the manufact. of sailcloth, sacking, pottery, that of woollens having BEA H9 declined; houses 581, chiefly modern, with a chapel, townhall, house of correction, 2 banks, Tucker's free school (of which Rev. T. Hood, the father of Lords Hood and Bridport was once master) and almshouses (173/.), and Union p. house; poor r. 2117Z. on 10.224/. ; real prop. 10,268/. ; charities 272/. St. Mary Vic. (Sal.) val. 190/. patr. Prebendary, to whom it was given by Bp. Ormund 1091 ; church, large, later eng. with a sculptured tower 100 ft. high, and tombs of the Strodes of Parnhatn. The poets Bp. Spratt, and Russell (born 1762) who defended Warton's History, were natives. B. Bottom, 2 m. NE. Beam. P. L. Union, contains the pars. etc. marked * in B.-Forum hund. below, with Bettis- combe, Broadwinsor, Burstock, Chelborough (East and West), Evershot, Halstock, Hook, Melbury (Osmond and Sampford), Pilsdon, Poorstock, Rampisham (where poor ho. is), Wraxall with Marshwood in Dors. and Misterton, Seaborough in Somerst.; acres 51,212, pop. 15,112, cases re- lieved (yr. 1846-7) 3742 (out-door 3484), expend. 9064/., prop, rated 73,754/. Sup. Registry com- prises the same with Ash, except Marshwood in Dors. It is divided between Bridport and Crew- kerne New County Court districts. Mht. D. Thurs. Fair, 19 Sept. cattle. BEAMINSTER- FORUM and REDHONE HUNDRED (18) Bridport diy. W. Dorset, contains the pars, of Beaminster vie., Bradpole ., Chardstock ., *Cheddington rect., *Corscombe r., *Mapperton r., *Mostertonecwr. (with S. Perrot), Netherburyr., *S. Perrot r., *N. Poorton r., *Stoke Abbas r., Wambrook r., and part of Toller-Porcorum v. ; acres 34,490, pop". 11,490. See BRIDPORT DEAN- ERY. BEAMISH tnshp. ( ) Chester-le^Street par. N. Durham, 6 m. SW. of Gateshead-275, on R. Ur- petb, near Stanhope rail. Acres 4120, with coal and iron ; pop. (1881) 1848 + 9, coal workers, etc. ; real prop. 41 50/. of which 1068Z. on mines. B. Hall, M. J. Davison, Esq. BEAMORE, or BEYMORE vil. (20) Lower Duleek bar. E.Meath, near Drogheda-28 and Beybeg Ho. had a preceptory to Kilmainham priory. BEAMSLEY tnshp. ( ) Sldpton and Adding- ham pars. W. R. York. 5 m. E. of Skipton-216. Acres 1820 ; pop. 235 ; poor r. 9Z. (Skipt. U.) ; real prop. 2360Z. ; charities, B. Hospital 8751., founded in Elizabeth's time by Margaret Countess of Cumberland, for 13 women. BEANACRE tythg. (14) Melksham par. W. Wilts, near Melksham-96. Pop. 257. Beane Heath (73) 2 m. NE. of Nantwich, S. Cheshire. Beane River (46) rises near Rushton, N. Herts and passing 14 m. S. by Aston and Woodhall park falls into R. Lea at Hertford. BEANLEY tnshp. ( ) Eglingham par. E. Nor- thmbrld. 6 m. WNW. of Alnwick-308, near Percy's cross on Hedgley moor, was a barony held by the Earls of Dunbar, by the service of Ingborg, or or keeping open the way between the two countries. Pop. 176 ; poor r. 39/. (Alnwk. U.) BEAR BARONY (115-6, etc.) SW. Cork, which was, with Bantry bar., the country of the O'Sulli- vans, contains the pars, of Kilcatherine, Killa- conenagh, Kilnamanagh, and part of Kilcaskan, with Castletown; acres 89,987, pop. 25,487, houses 4391. Bear Green (8) 4 m. S. of Dorking, S. Surrey. g3" B. Hill (7) 5 m. WSW. of Maidenhead-26, E. Berks. Mrs. Cavendish ; B. Place, Sir M. Xi- menes. Bear Island (115-6, 128-9) in the above bar. S W. Cork, on the N. side of Bantry bay. 2 m. It 150 BEA SE. of Castletown, from which it is separated by S. Haven, belongs to R. Eyre, Esq. ; is 6 m. long by 1^ broad, hilly and bare, chiefly slate, and is defended by 5 martello towers, which were built in 1796, after the French landed in the bay. Sear Haven (115) inside the island, near Dunboy, the O'Sullivans' old cast., is a sub-port to Baltimore and one of the best harbours in Ireland, well sheltered and easy of access, with good anchorage anywhere, in 5 to 11 fath. the best being off Balnakilly. It has two en- trances E. and W. off the isld. ; that to the W. which is not more than 150 fath. wide, and can only be made with a leading wind, leads to Castle Cove in 6 to 13 fath. The eastern entrance is between the Carnamadry rocks and Roanhurrig isld. f m. wide and 7 to 17 fath. deep, leading to Lawrence's creek with anchorage in 8 or 9 fath. The dangers are Spartiate bank, and the Harbour, Colt, and Duculla rocks. Gives title of visct. to the Chetwyndes. Sear, or Seaurepaire, Park ( ) near Durham, Mid. Durham, has the remains of a house of the priors of Durham, on the site of a former one de- stroyed by the Scots, where Edw. II. rested, on his flight from Bannockburn, and David of Scot- land encamped before the fatal battle of Seville's cross, 1346. BEAR WOOD (8) 2 m. S. of Wokinghahi-31, E. Berks, is a Cur. (Oxon.) val. 40/., patr. J. Walter, M. P. of S. Wood. BEARD hmlt. (81) Glossop par. NW. Derby. 4 m. NW. of Chapel-le-Frith-167, in the High Peak, near R. Etherow, the Peak rail, and S. Hall. Real prop. 13.193/. Seardiville (6) near Bushmills, NW. Antrim, Sir F. M'Naghton, Bt. BEARDON vil. (25) Stratton hund. N. Cornwall, 5 m. N. of Launceston-213. giT Seardon, or Beardown, Tor (25) in Dartmoor, S. Devon. 9 m. E. of Tavistock. BEARD'S HILL hmlt. (3) St. Peter's par. E. Kent, 2 m. NE. of Ramsgate-75, near Broadstairs. Bearfield ( ) 6 m. S. of Ravenglass, S.Cumbld. BEARL tiishp. ( ) Bywell St. Andrew par. S. Nortlimbrld. 8 m. ESE. of Hexham-279. Pop. 36 ; poor r. 19/. (Hexh. UA BEARLEY par. (54) Barlichway hund. W. Warwick. 3 m. NNW. of Stratford- 96, near Birm. canal and R. Alne. Acres 810 ; pop. 231 ; poor r. 61Z. (Stratf. U.) ; real prop. 1283/. St. Mary Cur. (Wore.) val. 62/., patr. King's Coll. Cainb. ; church, old. S. Cross, ^ m. W. P. BEARSTED par. (6) Eythorne hund. Ayles- ford lathe, Mid. Kent, 2 m. E. of Maidstone-34. Acres 810, part in hops; pop. 605 + 1; poor r. 206Z. (Maidst. U.) ; real prop. 2567/. Holy Cross Vic. (Cant.) val. 191Z., patr. Dean and Chap. Rochester. Fair, 14 Sept. BEARSTONE tnshp. (73) Muckleston par. NE. Salop, 6 m. NE. of Dray ton- 153. Pop. 101. BEARSWOOD-GREEN hmlt. (87) Hatfield par. W. R. York. 2 m. SW. of Thorn-166. Bearthanig, Bearthanen, or Bardanig of the Saxons, is BARDNEY, Lincoln. BEARWARDOOTE tnshp. (71 or 2) Etwall par. SW. Derby. 6 m. SW. of Derby- 126, near Ick- nield St. and Birm. rail. Pop. 36. BEASON-ESD (46) 3 m. N. of St. Alban's, W. Hert-x. BEATH par. Dunferml. district S W. Fife. 4 m. NE. of Dunfermline-16, contains Cowden Beath, Kelty, and Oakfield, and B. Hill (near Loch Fitty), which has a fine view of the Forth from Wallace's stone. Size 3 m. by 3J, hilly; pop. 973 + 52, in the Halbeath coalworks, and" bleach BEA fields; real prop. 4447i ; for poor 1107. Living (Presb. Dunferm.) val. 184Z., patr. Earl of Moray, chief heritor, of Donibristle, whose ancestor the Regent planned an ambuscade against Mary, in the kirk here. BEATHWAITE-GREEX hmlt. ( ) Leven tnshp. 15 Apr. 4 Sept. horses, cattle. BEAULIEU par. (25) Ferrard bar. SE. Louth, 2 m. ENE. of Drogheda-28, on R. Boyne. Acres 1228, good, with water; pop. 688+15. Living, a Rect. (Arm. C.) val. 731., patr. Bishop. B. House, Rev. A. Montgomery, who has the estate through the Titchbornes, to whom it warranted upon its forfeiture by the Plunkets. P. BEAULY vil. Kilmorack par. N. Inverness. 8 m. W. of Inverness-161, in a pleasant spot on B. Loch and River, has (at the 5-arch bridge) near it the ruins of a priory found, by the Lovats, still used as a burying-place for the Frasers, Chisholms, and others. Pop. 560, employed in shipbuilding and coasting trade. The Loch, in Moray Frith, 7 m. by 2, is supplied by B. River, which runs from R. Glass, a NE. course of 10 m. past Eilan Agash, etc. and has a good salmon fishery, with some falls. BEAUMANOR ext. par. (63) W. Goscote hund. N. Leicest. 3 m. W. of Mt. SoiTel-105. Acres 1210; pop. 87; real prop. 2041/. B. Park, W. Herrick, Esq., near Charnwood Forest. * P. M. a. BEAUMARIS par. (78) Tyndaethwy hund. E. Anglesea, 238 m. by Holyhead rail, from London, the County and election town, militia head qrs., a bathing-place and a port, in a fine spot on B. Bay, at the NE. end of Menai Strait, was the welsh " Forth Wgyr " and " Bonovr," and found, by Edw. I., who built the castle to secure his con- quests here 1295-6, which, being garrisoned 1642 for Ch. I. by the Bulkeleys, was taken by Myt- ton 1645; returns one member to parl. under the reform bill, along with Amlwch, Holyhead, Llangefni the bounds including the par. and parts of the six adjoining, total no. of electors 354 (and 10/. houses 1915, in a pop. of 10,375) ; was first chartered by Edw. I., and under the late act, is governed by a mayor (who is returning officer)* 4 aid. and 12 council, with the style of "may. bailiffs, and burgesses of boro' of B.", and revenue of 4502/. Pop. 2299, in the shipping trade* as below ; houses 509, with 4 chapels, D. Hughes's free school (617/.) found. 1609, with a fellowship and exhibition at Oxon. shire and sessions hall, co. gaol, townhall and assembly- rooms, baths, custom-house, savings bk. (with branches at Amlwch, Holyhead, Llangefni, and 64,012/. from 2142 depositors), and almshouses; poor r. 922Z. on 441 9/. (Bangor U., but Llangefni County Court) ; real prop. 7080/. ; charities 632/., besides various sums from the society of Ancient Druids, who meet in Sept. for benevolent purposes. St. Mary Cur. with Llandegvan ; church, later eng. with an ancient tomb brought from Llanvaes priory, a brass (1500) and other monuments of the Bulkeleys of Barn Hill, who have been great be- nefactors to this place. The castle ruins include a chapel in good condition, and a hall 70 ft. by 23, where, in 183*2, an Eisteddfod, or meeting of the Bards, was held before Her present Majesty and the Duchess of Kent. A beautiful drive goes along the coast to Menai Br., and fine views are had from Bam Hill and the Green ; the Bulkeley harriers hunt round here. A ferry plies from the new landing pier, across the Lavan Sands to Aber, and steamers run to Liverpool, Caer- narvon, and Dublin ; the Rothesay Castle ' was wrecked on Dutchman's Bank, 17 Aug. 1831, and about 100 persons lost. In 1846, 249 sail of 14,952 tons (149 being under 50 1. each) belonged to the port which has Amlwch, Aberffraw, Con- way, Holyhead, Rhydpoint, etc., as sub-ports; and the tonnage Inwards and Outwards, including repeated voyages, was 'coastwise,' 1851 sail of 82,296 and517 of 20,502 tons (besides 138 steamers of 26,843 and 170 of 28,191 1.), from and to 'colo- nies' 20 of 7612 and 13 of 4761 t., from and to ' foreign ports,' 1 of 77 and 6 of 809 t. (besides 10 foreigners of 3257 and 9 of 2259 tons). Im- ports (val. /.), coal, timber, provisions, etc., exports (val. /.), copper and mineral ores, slate, marble, etc. ; total customs, 4994/. The Bay, 6 m. across from Trwyn Dhu Light to Gt. Orme's head, is for the most part occupied by the Lavan Sands ; but has a large and safe harbour, called Friar's Road, off the town, with anchorage in 4 to 6 fath., entered round Puffin's Isld. by two channels properly buoyed. Mht. Ds. Wed. Sat. Fairs, 13 Feb. Holy Thur. 19 Sept. 19 Dec. cattle. BEAUMONT par. ( ) Cumberland ward, .2V. Cumbrld. 4 m. NW. of Carlisle-301, on R. Eden, near Carlisle ship-canal and H adrian's wall. Acres 1470 ; pop. 288 + 1 ; poor r. 26/. (Carl. U.) ; real prop. 2022/. St. Mary Rect. with Kirk-Andrew's- on-Eden. 8ip Beaumont (24) near Plymouth, S. Devon, T. Bewes, Esq. ijif" BEAUMONT vil., St. Peter's par; /. of Jersey, 2 m. N. of St. Aubin. Pop. 285. BEAUMONT. See KILSHARVAN, Meath. Beaumont Castle ( ) 1 im. N. of Lancaster-240, N. Lancash. ^P B. CHASE, ext. par. C64) Wrangdike hund. S. Ruts, near Uppingham-89, now enclosed, commands some very beautiful views. Pop. 34. ^p B. Cottage (8) near Chert- sey, N. Surrey, gap" B.-CUM-NAZE par. (48) Tendring hund. NE. Essex, 7 m. SW. of Har- wick-71, near the Naze, on N. Sea. Acres 2890 ; pop. 451 ; poor r. 161/. (Tendring U.) ; real prop. 4076Z. St. Leonard Rect. (Roch.) val. 652/., patr. Guy's Hosp. B. Hall) . ^ B. Green (1) 3 m. SW. of Hoddesdon, SE. Herts. ^ B. Hall (46) 3 m. NW. of St. Alban's, S W. Herts. Ug B. Hill, Lower ( ) 3 m. N. of Darlington, S. Dur- ham. ^ B. House (14) 2 m. NNE. of Dublin, Mid. Dubl. ^P B.-LEYS, ext. par. (63) W. Gos- cote hund. Mid. Leicester. 2 m. N. of Leicester-96, near Swannington rail. Acres 1210 ; pop. 29 ; real prop. 1570/. B. Lodge, 1 m. N. ^jf B. Lodge (7) near Old Windsor, E. Berks, Visct. Ashbrook. Beauparc House (19) near Slane, NE. Meath, G. Lambert, Esq.* on the Bovne. Beauport (5) 3 m. SE. of Battle-56, E. Sussex. Sir C. M. Lamb, Bt., commands a view, sometimes as far as Boulogne. Beaupre Hall (65) near Outwell, W. Norfk. 6 m. WHW. of Downham Market, Rev. W. G. Townley. "Beau pre'," fine meadow. Beatirepaire House (12) near Bramlcy, N. Hants. 4 m. N. of Basingstoke, was seat of J. C. Apper- ley, Esq. or Nimrod.'. ^y B. Park, see Bear Park, Durham. BEAUSAI.L hmlt. (54) Hatton par. W. Wartch. 4m. NW. of Warwick-90. Pop. 292 + 4; real prop. 2160. B. or Beausall House, near this. Beauthorn Villa ( ) near the foot of Ulles- water, SE. Cumbrld, L 4 J,52 BEA Beaucale Manor (71) Greaslcy par. W. Notts. [ 7 m. NW. of Nottingham, has part of the walla of a carthusian priory found, by the Cantilupes, to the monks of which John of Gaunt gave a tun of wine annually as long as he lived, to secure their prayers for his health. BKAUVOIR, or DE BKAUVOIK, Tow's, hmlt. (1) Hackney par. Midsx. 2 m. N. of London, near Kingsland Road, behind the new cattle market. St. Peter Cur. (Lond.) val. 2007., patr. R. B. de Beauvoir, Esq., of Culford, who founded it, and b. the church. BEAUWOTRH, or BEAWORTH, par. (11) Upper Fawley hund. Mid. Hants. 6 m. ESE. of Win- chester-62, united to CHERITON, is a meet for the H. H. hounds, and the spot where 669 pennies of the Conqueror were found, now in Brit. Museum. Pop. 153. Beater Grove (78) near Bettws-y-Coed, E. Carnrvon. BEAWORTHY, or BEWORTHY, par. (26) Black Torrington hund. W. Devon. 6 m. SW. of flather- leigh-207. Acres 6270 ; pop. 405 + 6 ; poor r. 1127. (Okhampton U.); real prop. 48937. St. Alban Eect. (Exet.) val. 1437., patr. Sir W. Moles- worth, Bt., M. P. BEAZLEY EJD vil. (47) Hinckford hund. N. Essex, 4 m. N. of Braintree-40. BEBINGTON par. (79) Lower Wirrall hund. NW. Chesh. a station on Chesh. rail. 8 m. SSE. of Birkenhead, overlooking the Mersey, includes UPPER and LOWER B.,Poulton-cum-Spittle, Store- ton, with New Ferry and Tranmere, curs. Acres 5250, of Lower B. 910, with excellent stone quarries at Storeton and other parts ; pop. 5008 + 281, and 1187 + 75 ; poor r. 49/. (Wirrall U.) ; real prop. 66267. ; charities 537., of which 207. to free school. St. Andrew Rect. (Ches.) val. 6707., pair. Rev. R. M. Fielden, rector ; church, has nor- man traces. ^T B., UPPER, tnshp. (79) a quiet primitive place, 1 m. W. of LOWER B. as above. Acres 1050; pop. 844+57; poor r. 1367.; real prop. 5906/. giT B. House (19) near Frome, E. Somerset. W. Knatchbull, Esq. BEDSIDE tnshp. ( ) Horton par. SE. North- mbrld. 2 m. W. of Blyth-288, on R. Blyth, be- longed to Tynemouth priory. Pop. 91, in the iron works ; poor r. 317. (Tynemo*. U.). Becca Hall ( ) near Kidhall, W. R. York. 7 m. NE. of Leeds, W. Markham, Esq. Beccaulen of Alfred's Will, is BECKLEY, Sussex. P. M. BECCLESpar. (6) Wangford hund. NE. Sufflk. 16 m. SE. of Norwich, 109 from London, a polling place for the E. division, and sub-port to Yarmo., on R. Waveney (made navigable hence to the sea), belonged to Bury abbey, which at 'Domes- dy.' it supplied with fish ; was first chartered by Eliz., and under the new act is governed by a mayor, 4 aid. 12 council, with the style of " port- reeve, surveyors, and commonalty of the Fen of B." and a revenue of 2019/. Acres 1919, part common ; pop. 4086 + 22, chiefly in the corn and malt trade ; houses 891, with 8 chapels, 2 banks, gram, school (1847.)found, 1712byDr. Falconberge (a native), where President Routh, of Magdalen Oxon. was educated, Leman's free sch. (197/.), townhall and assembly-rooms, gaol, theatre, race- stand, almshouses ; poor r. 20307. on 98277. (Wang- ford U.) ; real prop. 15,512Z. ; charities 671/., of which townlands 2727. Sfe Michael Rect. (Norw.) val. 3207., patr. Earl Gosford, of Worlingham Hall ; church, later eng., has a fine porch and campanile tower away from the body, with a good view of the pleasant country around. At End- gate are rains of another church, a chapel, and a barn which was founded as a leper's hosp. Rose BEG Hall, an old seat (Jas. I.) 1 m. N. Sec. New County Court, includes the Sup. Registries of Loddon (except Loddon sub-district) and Wang- ford (except 9 pars.). Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, Whit Mond. cattle ; 2 Oct. horses. Races, Sept. on a course of 1$ m. BECCONSALL, chplry. (89) Croston par. W* Lancash. 4 m. SW. of Preston-217, is joined to HESKETH-CUM-'B, Bee/tan River (60) rises in the Berwyn mountns. Montgomry., and passing 20 m. by Lhvydiarth park, joins R. Einion, above Maifod" Btchton, or Betchton Hall, (0) 2 m. SE. of Sandbach, SE. Chesh. BECK vil. ( ) Eskdale ward, N. Cumbrld. 2 m. W. ofLongtown-319 ^ BECK vil. ( ) Loath ward, E. Cumbrld. 3 m. N W. of Kirk Oswald-292. From the saxon ' Bee,' a brook. Beck Bank ( ) 8 m. SE. of Ravenglass, S. Cumbrld. ^ ^. Close ( ) 8 m. SW. of Pen- rith, E. Cumbrld. ^ B. Hall ( ) near Settle, W. R. York, seat of Mrs. Clayton, igp B. House ( ) Eskdale ward, N. Cumbrld. 7 m. SE. of Longtown. gST B. House ( ) Allerdale- above-Uerwent ward, S. Cumbrld. 6 in. ENE. of Whitehaven, under Blake Fell, gif B. House ( ) 6 m. E. of Whitehaven, near Ennerdale Water, igp" B., LITTLE, hmlt. ( ) Ugglebarnby chplry. N. R. York. 8 m. SW. of Whitby-236. ^ B. Row hmlt (51) Milden hall par. NW. Sufflk. 3 m.NW. of Mildenhall-70. BECKBURY par. (61) Breinstree hund. E. Salop, 4 m. S. of Shiffhall-135. Acres 1640 ; pop. 312 ; poor r. 82/. (Shiffn. U.); real prop. 21757. St. Milburgh Rect. (Heref.) val. 350/., patr. Ld. Chancellor. P. BECKEXHAM par. (6) Brotnley hund. Sutton Lathe, NW. Kent, 7 m. S. by E. of London, 2 from Bromley, in a pleasant spot near the Ravensbourne and Croydon rail., was the residence of Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, when visited bv Hen. VIII. Acres 3820 ; pop. 1C08 + 32 ; houses 285, with a chapel, Watson's free school, almshouses ; poor r. 6777. ; (Bromley U.) ; real prop. 12,0227. ; charities 1107., of which 427. to school. St. George Rect. (Cant.) val. 9007., patr. J. Cator, Esq., of B. Place sometime held by Dr. Assheton, prolocutor in convocation (died 1711); church, has an avenue of yews from the ancient lich gate (under which the corpse rested), 3 brasses (a priest 1458, Sir H. Style and wives 1540), and monuments of the Style, Burrell, Eden, and other families, and of Mrs. Clarke, with epitaph by Gray. B. House, ; Langley Park and Kilseys belong to Lord Willoughby d'Eresby; Eden Farm, Rt. Rev. Lord Auckland ; Clay Hill, late the residence of King, author of " Munimenta Antiqua ; " and Kent House, an ancient seat of the Lethieulliers. Fair, Mond. before St. Bartholomew's day. P. BECKERMET-ST. BRIDGET'S par. ( ) Al- lerdale-above-Derwent ward, SW. Cumbrld. 3 m. S. of Egremont-290, on R. Eden, a meet for the Whitehaven harriers. Acres 4640, with free- stone ; pop. 630 + 5 ; poor r. 877. (Whitebaven U.); real prop. 19247. Living, a Cur. (Ches.) val. 877., patr. H. Gaitskell, Esq. @ B.-ST. JOHN'S par. close to the above. Acres 3030; pop. 4687; poor r. 1017. Living, a Cur. with Calder-Bridge, val. 577., patr. as above ; church, ancient. 'Wotobank,' the name of a hill here, gives the subject of Mrs. Cowley's ' Edwina.' BECKET tythg. (34) Shrivenham par. NW. Berks. 5 m. SW. of Farringdon--68, seat of Viscount Barrington, where Shute, Bp. of Durham, was born. Pop. 42. Becketsbury (35) 1 m. N. of Wootten -under- DEC Edge, 5. Glove, on Westridge, a camp of 4 acres double trenched, and planted with beech. BISCKFOOT hmlt. ( ) Barbon chplry. S. Wland. 2 ni. NNE. of Kirkby Lonsdale-252. ^ BECK- FOOT limit. ( ) Bingley tnshp. W. R. York, near Bingley-202. P. BECKFORD par. (44) Tibaldstone hund. N. Gloucest. 5 m. ENE. of Tewkesbury-103, near Bredon Hill, including Bangrove, Didcote and Orafton, had an austin priory found, as early as 803, and refound. by the Fitz-Hamorts (Hen. III.). Acres 26&0, hilly, with freestone} pop. 461 + 3; poor r. 1477. (Winchcomb. U); real prop. 2461 A ; charities 477. St. J. Baptist Vic. (Gl. and Br.) with Ashton-under-Hill, val. 817/., patr. Rev. Dr. Timbrill; church, norman. B. House, and B. Inn or Cross, to the S. BECKHAM, EAST, par. (68) N. Erpingham hund. NlV. Norfk. 5 in. E. of Holt-119. Acres 790; pop. 66 ; poor r. 1007. (Erpingh. U.) ; real prop. 15887. St. Helen's church, a picturesque ruin. ^g" B., WEST, par. i m. E. of the above. Acres 780; pop. 179 + 2; poor r. 807.; real prop. 11477. All Saints Cur. (Nonv.) val. 6 1/., patr. Dean and Chap. ; church, has a round tower, and 8-sided lantern above, of later date, gg" B. House (7 or 8) 3 m. SW. of Staines, NW. Surrey. BECKHAMPTON tythg. (14 or 34) Avebury par. N. Wilts. 6 m. W. of Marlboro'-74, near B. JJowns, has a ruined chapel, with a brass of a knight. Pop. 155. P. BECKINGHAM par. (70) Loveden hund. IV. Lincoln. 5 m. E. of Newark-124, includes Sutton. Acres 2200 ; pop. 462 ; poor r. 1647. (Newk. U.) ; real prop. 43507. All Saints Rect. (Line.) with with Stragglesthorpe and Fenton, val. 6977., patr. Marsland, Esq. ; church, partly norman. B. Hall, J. Milnes, Esq. igP" BECKINGHAM par. (83) Bassetlaw wap. JV. Notts. 2 m. W. of Gainsboro' -148, on R. Trent. Acres 3010; pop. 491 + 1; poor r. 1107. (Gainsboro' U.); real prop. 60157.; charities 217. All Saints Vic. (Line.) val. 1107., patr. Preb. of Southwell. Dr. Howel, who wrote a ' Hist, of the World,' a native (died 1683). P. BECKINGTOS par. (19) Frome hund. E. So- merset. 8 m. NE. of Frome-103, including Rudge, was once a large clothing-town, and still makes a few woollens. Acres 1840 ; pop. 1190, decreasing ; houses 263, with 2 chapels ; poor r. 8047. (Frome U.) ; real prop. 48737. ; charities 237. St. George liect. (Ba. and W.) with Standerwick, val. 5407., patr. S. L. Sainsbury, Esq. sometime held by Huish, one of the editors of the Polyglot Bible ; church, has a brass of J. Seymour (1475), an old font, and monument of Sam. Daniel (died 1619), a poet and prose writer, the Atticus of his day. Bp. Beckington, praised by Fuller, as " a good churchman, a good townsman, a good kinsman) a good master, and a good man," was a native (died 1465) ; and his house remains. BECKJAY tnshp. (55) Clungunford par. SW. Salop, 8 m. WNW. of Ludlow-143. Pop. 73. BECKLANDS ( ) Eskdale ward, N. Cumbrld. 3 m. SE. of Longtown-309. P. BECKLEY par. (45) Ballingdon hund. E. Oxford, and Ashendon hund. Bucks., 4 m. NE. of Oxford-54, on the roman way to Bicester, belonged to Alfred, and includes Horton and Studlev. Acres 4370, hilly ; pop. 763 ; poor r. 2397. (Headington U.) real prop. 15937. 5 charities 997., of which 927. to Croke's almshouses. St. Mary Cur. (Oxon.) ral. 1127., patr. Rev. T. L. Cooke; church, early eng., with tombs of the Crokes of Studlev priory found, by Bertrand de St. Walery (Hen. II.), some remains of whose castle exist. B. Park, 1 m. E. ^ BECKLKY par. (5) Goldspur hund. BED 153 Hastings rape* E. Sussex, 5 m. NW. of Rye-G3, on R. Rother, was the saxon Beccaulen, and at one time the seat of ironworks. Acres 5640, iron- sand, part in hops ; pop. 1412, decreasing ; houses 255 s poor r. 10597. (Rye U.) 5 real prop. 67947. All Saints Sect. (Chic.) val. 8617., patr. Univ. Coll. Oxon. ^" B. House (6) 1 m. E. of Bromley, NW. Kent BECKS hmlt. (35) Marshfield par. & Gloucest. Hear Marshfield-103. BECK SIDE vil. ( ) Allerdale-above-Derwent ward, -S. Cumbrld. 8 m. SSE. of Ravenglass-279. B. Hall ( ) 2 m. NE. of Kirkby Lonsdale, S. Westmrld. BECKWITH hmlt. ( ) Panndl par. W. R. York. 5 m. S. of Ripley-215, near Harrogate. BECONTREE HUNDRED (1) in S W.Essex, nearest London, by R. Thames, contains the pars, of Burking, Dagenham, East and West Ham, Little Ilford, Low Leyton, Walthamstow, Wanstead, and Woodford-St. Mary, with Lower Epping and Hainault forests ; acres 35,950, pop. 37,932. ft. BECTIVE par. (31) Upper Navan bar. Mid. Meath, 8 m. NE. of Trim-31, on R. Boyne, be- longing to R. Bolton, Esq., of B. Hinae, descend- ant of Ld. Chan. Bolton, to whom it was granted by Chas. I., has the fine ruined arches, cloisters, towers, etc. of a cistertian mitred abbey (founded 1146, by Murchard O'Melaghlin, king of Meath) and of Assay castle and church, and gives title of earl to Marquis of Headfort. Acres 3386, good, with limestone ; pop. 602. Living, a Rect. (Meath) impropriate. ^ B. BRIDGE vil. (31) Lower Deece bar. Mid. Meuth, on R. Boyne, opposite Bective, as above. Fairs, 16 May$ 1 Nov. for Cattle. P. M. BEDALE par. ( ) W. Hang and Halli- keld waps. N. R. York. 7 m. SW. by W. of Northallerton, 223 from London, in a fertile valley, noted for its horse-breeders, on R. Bedale, near the Leeming roman way, and Yk. and Berwk. rail., includes Aiskew, Burrell-cum-Cowling, Crake- hall cur. Firby, Langthorne, Rands - Grange. Acres 7070, of town 1770 ; pop. 2803 + 10, and 1250 ; houses (town) 222, chiefly in one street, with 3 chapels, bank, savings bk. (51,0177. from 1474 depositors) Q. Elizabeth's gram, (now a national) school, Samwaie's hosp., almshouses, and Union p. house ; poor r. 4707. on 60957. ; real prop. 69067. ; charities 2477. St. Gregory Rect, (Rip.) val. 19367., patr. Miss Pierce, of B. Hall, and M. Stapylton, Esq., whose fam. had the manor ; church, early eng., formerly used as a retreat in border forays. B. Grange, Rev. J. J. Monson ; B. Hall, stands near site of a castle b. by the Fitz- alans; the Bedale hounds are at Thorpe Per- row, M. Milbanke, Esq. Bedale P. L. Union contains the pars. etc. of Bedale, Burneston, Kirkby-Fleetham, Kirklington, Masham, Scrnton, Thornton-Watlass, Well, with Ainderley Miers, Aiskew, Crakehall, Exelby-Leeming, Firley, Ga- tenby, Hackforth, Ilton-cum-Pott, Killorbv, Lang- thorne, Rand Grange, Snape, Swainby, Swinton, and Theakstone; acres 41,640, pop. 8596, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 991 (out-door 534), expend. 30957., prop, rated 50,7077. Sup Registry com- prises the same up to Well, with Carthorpe, Bur- rell^cum-Cowling, Burton-on-Ure, Ellingstring, Ellington (Over and Nether), Fearby, Healey, Clifton-on-Ure, Rookwith, Thirn, Howgrave, Sutton, and E. Tanfleld ; pop. 8613 + 27. It be- longs to Leyburn New County Court district. Mkt. D. Tues. Fair*, Easter and Whit Tues. 5 July, horses, cattle; 10 Oct. last Mond. but one before Christmas, cattle, pigs, leather. BEDUORN, Low ( ) 2J m. SSW. of North Bedburn. Sec BICDBURN NORTH. 154 BED BEDBURX, NORTH, tnshp. ( ) Auckland-Si. Andrew par. Mid. Durham, 5 m. N W. of Bishop's Auckland-248, in a fine spot near the Weardale rail, and a camp. Acres 1890 ; pop. 457 + 7 ; poor r. 1047. (Auckland U.) ; real prop. 2810/. ^" BED- BURN, SOUTH, tnshp. Auckland par. 4 m. WSW. of the above, is on B. Rivulet, which rises in Egglestone common, and joins the Wear, below Happyland Hall. Acres 7700 ; pop. 350 + 6, in the coal and iron works; poor r. 1011. ; real prop. 28057. BKDCESTER hmlt. (15) Fontmell Magna par. NE. Dorset. 3 m. S. of Shaftesbury-101. BEDDERN, ext. par. ( ) with Minster yard, W. R. York. N. suburbs of York, is site of the cathedral. Pop. 910. Pi BEDDGELERT, or BETHGELERT, par. (75) Evionydd bund, borders of Merion. and Carnvrn. 6 m. S. of Snowdon, near Pont Aberglaslyn, at the union of the Colwyn and Gwynnant, under Moel Hebog (2584 ft.), is a starting-point for tourists, in the heart of fine mountain scenery, and had a gilbertine priory, the oldest in Wales next to Bardsey, found, before 1194 by Llewelyn, the last king "of Wales. Pop. 1397 + 32, of vil. 150 ; poor r. 4937. (Festiniog U.) ; real prop. 687. St. Mary Cur. (Bang.) val. 90/., patr. Mrs. Priestley ; the small church was part of the pri- ory. Tradition says that Llewellyn, on his return from hunting, being met by his greyhound Gelert, or Kill-hart, with his mouth full of blood, ran to his child's cradle, and finding it overturned and the ground streaming with gore, killed the dog on the spot (still marked by a stone in the ch.- yard) ; but soon discovered the child was safe under the cradle, and by its side a dead wolf, which his faithful dog had slain. To perpetuate his memory and the child's escape, he founded the abbey. Titanium is found, and in the neigh- bourhood are Dinas Emrys in the beautiful valley of Naftt Gwynnant, Llyn Dinas, Llyn Gwynnant, Cwm Llan under Snowdon, Llyn Llydan and its waterfall, Llyn-y-Dywarchen (in the vale of Colwyn), which Giraldus celebrates for its floating island, and the Glaslyn lake and its salmon leap. Fairs, 18 Aug. 23 and 27 Sept. cattle, etc. BEDDINGHAM par. (5) Totnore hund. Pevensey rape, E. Sussex, 2 m. SE. of Lewes-50, belonging to the Duchy of Lancaster, was Beadinghamme of j Alfred's Will, and had a priory in the 9th cent, j Acres 2250 ; pop. 268 + 2 ; poor r. 2387. (W. Firle j U.) ; real prop. 27007. St. Andrew Vic. (Chic.) j val. 345/., patr. Bishop, and Dean and Chap. P. BEDDINGTOJJ par. (8) Second Wallington hund. NE. Surrey, 2 m. W. of Croydon-9, on R. Wandle (well-known to anglers for its trout), was thought to be a roman station by Camden, who fixes Woodcote, or Wallingford, as the Noviomagus of Antonine. Acres 3830 ; pop. 1453 + 2, of vil. 519 + 4; poor r. 2937. (Croyd. U.) ; real prop. 64157. St. MaryjRec*. (Wine.) val. 12127., patr. Carew family, sometime held by Long, Bp. of Norwich ; church, of flint and later eng., has a font, with 4 brasses (one of Nic. Carew, canopied, 1432) and other monuments of the Carews, of B. Park, who have the manor. At this seat, partly burnt and reb. 1709, Sir F. Carew enter- tained Eliz., and grew the first oranges in England from pips given him by his brother-in-law Ra- leigh ; and the house contains portraits of the family and the Hackets, and a curious lock in the hall. B. Corner, 2 m. N. Beddkstead Farm (6) Tandridge hund. E. Surrey, 7 m. SE. of Croydon. jBedesicesworth, of the Saxons, is BURY, Suffolk. BEDFIELD par. (50) Hoxne hund. Mid. Suffk. BED 4 m. NE. of Debenham-83. Acres 1780 ; pop. 358 + 4 i poor r. 1427. (Hoxne U.) ; real prop. 22607. St. Nicholas Rect. (Norw.) val. 2867., patr. Earl Stradbroke of Henhatn. P. BEDFONT, EAST, par. (7) Spethorne hund. SW. Middlsx. 13 m. WSW. of London, a polling place on the Staines road, including Hatton, the Hattone of ' Domesdy.', belongs to Duke of North- umberland. Acres 1890 ; pop. 982 + 1 ; poor r. 3507. (Staines U.) ; real prop. 60777. St. Mary Vic. (Lond.) val. 2887., patr. Bishop ; church, ancient, with a saxon porch, opposite which are two yews cut into the shape of fighting cocks, with the date and initials of the person who left a bequest for this strange fancy. |gp" B., WEST, hmlt. (7) Stan well par. 1 m. VvNW. of the above. BEDFORDSHIRE (46, 52) an inland county of S. England, in old times the territory of the Casii the tribe to which Cassibelaunus belonged, afterwards a part of the roman Flavia Ccesarensis, and of the saxon Mercia, is watered by Rs. Ouse and Ivel, and bordered by Hunts. (NE.}, Camb. (E.), Herts. (S. and SE.}, Bucks. (IV.}, and Northmptn. (NfV.) Length, from Market Street, below Dunstable, to the 3-shire stone, 35 m. ; greatest breadth 21 m., av. ditto 14 ; circuit about 140; relative size, 80-10,000ths. It con- tains 463 sq. m., or 296,320 acres (297,632 by total of pars.), of which 250,000 are arable, meadow, and pasture ; 107,936 + 1245 persons, of whom 22,611 are in Bedford, Luton, Leigh- ton-BuZzard, Biggleswade, 55,746 are females, 51,971 under 20 yrs. of age, 90,333 county born, 14,333, or 13 per cent., live by trade, commerce, etc. 14,933 or 13'3 per cent., by agricult. (1458 being farmers and graziers)) 767 educated pro- fessions, 1720 are independent, 19,923 labourers and servants, etc. ; 21,235 houses, besides 729 empty and building ; 9 hundreds, Willey (N W.), Stodden (N.), Barford (NE.), Wixamtfee (Mid.), Biggleswade (E.), Redbornstoke (W.), Clifton (SE.), Flitt (S.), Manshead (SW), and the liberty of Bedford boro', all of which, with the half-hunds. of Stanburge, Weneslai, and Bu- chelai, are found in ' Domesdy.' ; 122 parishes, with parts of 3 more, 2 extra par. places, and 36 hamlets; 9 market towns, -Bedford (the shire town as below), Ampthill, Biggleswade, Leighton- Buzzard, Luton, Woburn, Dunstable, Harrold, Potton-Sheffbrdj Toddington, the first six being P. L. Lemons, the first five, New County Courts, and also polling places, along with Dunstable and Sharnbrooke ; returns four members to parliament, 2 for the county (4287 electors), 2 for Bedford (as below) ; is governed by a lord lieut., about 36 deputy-lieuts., high sheriff, aud 160 magistrates, is in the Home military district, and the Norfolk circuit ; and is an archdeaconry, including 5 deaneries (as be- low), in diocese of Ely (sometime Lincoln), and province of Canterbury. Real prop. (1815) 364,2777., ('43) 517,4747. ; ditto rentals 284,9357. or 19s. 3d. per acre (when wheat Was 77s.), and 377,9957., or 25s. 5d. per acre (wheat 55s.) ; county income ('48) 11,4187., of which 43217. from co. rate (on a val. of 139,5847. made 1739), 34457. from police r. ; poor r. (yr. '46-7) for 6 unions 44,4477., on 433,3477., or 2s. OW. in the (wheat being 59s.), cases relieved 15,506 (out-door 13,670), in estimated pop. of 121,071 ; total cha- rities 13,7217. (19867. for schools and education). Savings bank ('49) 5, with 130,6527. from 4049 depositors ; in yr. '38-9, 856 m. of road (161 being turnpike) were maintained for 90547. In '46-7, out of 129 pars. 125 had 190 church schools, supported by 43217., with 13,530 child. attending,and 261 paid BED teachers (21 being monitors), whose salaries were 8082/., and who had 58 teachers' houses : out of these 8 were free schools, and 66 sund. sch. (ex- clusively, with 577 teachers and 8697 child.) ; and 58 in union with the National Soc. had 6183 child., and total grants of 1520/. Offenders in '48, 204 (or 182, av. of 5 yrs.), of whom 144 were convicted, 22 were females, 3 under 15 yrs. of age, 79 could not read or write. Following the Sup. Registry districts of '45 (total pop. 112,378 + 1357), the ' births ' were 4294, of whom 2077 were fe- males, 355, or 8'3 per cent., illegit. ; ' deaths ' 2455, or 1 in 47, the av. being 46 ; ' marriages ' 971 (at church 882), of which 2181 persons or 65'8 per cent, signed with marks. Surface on the N. and E. and in the fruitful vale of Bedford, ge- nerally flat ; but on the SW. the chalk hills rise to a considerable height, affording many fine prospects as, at Ampthill, Woburn, and Mill- brook which commands one of 50 m. extent. The greater part is enclosed, and an improved system of agriculture has been adopted through the exertions of the late Duke of Bedford. Two- thirds of the soil is clay, to be found in the N. and also in the S. parts about Tuddington, Barton- in-lhe-Clay, Shefford, to the borders of Camb. This latter portion separates the green sand of the central parts about Leighton-Buzzard, Woburn, Ampthill, Bigglewade, Sandy-Potton, from chalk downs in the extreme S., round Dunstable and Luton, which are a continuation of the Chiltern hills of Bucks. A rich gravelly loam is found by the rivers, and good daiiy land in the SE. ; chief crops are wheat, barley, and turnips (on the sand and chalk), with oats and beans, the smell of which, in Camden's time, sportsmen complained of, as spoiling the scent of the dogs ; great quan- tities of vegetables and butter are sent to mar- ket ; stock of cattle (of a mixed breed), reck- oned at 200,000, and the supply of wool at 4250 packs. The farms average under 200 acres, and let yearly. Principal rivers are : the Ouse, which crosses by a very winding course from Turvey to St. Neot's, and is navigable below Bedford ; 'the Ivel, and its branch, the Hiz (the former famous for its gudgeon), being navigable by a cut from Shefford to Tempsford, where it joins the Ouse ; and the Ousel, which passes Leighton-Buzzard. Fuller's earth, once found in Birchmoor wood, at Aspley Guise, is now worked in a neighbouring parish on the Bucks, side ; freestone is quarried at Tattenhoe, and chalk, under the name of clunch, is burnt for lime ; some of the earths have a semi-petrifying quality, and abound with mi- neral springs of no importance. At Pulloxhill, it is said, a few gold grains were found at the begin- ning of the 18th cent. Among the native plants are : the anemone apennina, blue mountain ane- mone, in Luton wood ; astragulus arenarius, purple milk- wort, and gentiana amarella, fellwort, on the Barton hills ; convallaria majalis, lily of the valley, Woburn woods ; dianthus deltoides, maiden pink, Sandy hills near Caesar's camp ; hippocrepis comosa, tufted vetch, chalk hills ; pimpinella major, or great saxifrage, limestone soil ; melampyrum cristatum, crested cow- wheat, and ribes nigrum, black currant, Blunham woods ; trifolium ochroleucum, yellow trefoil, chalky meadows; monotropa hypopitys, yellow bird's nest, smelling like primroses, and white bastard hellebore, in the woods. The woad (tsatis tinctoria), with which the ancient Britons dyed themselves, once greatly cultivated here, is not known now. The only manufactures peculiar to the county are the pillow-lace in the N. parts (employing 2602 hands), and strawplat in the S. parts (1753 hands). Dunstable straws are as BED 155 well-known as the Dunstable larks, and the Luton plat is considered superior to Leghorn. Much matting, made of the rushes of the " sedgy Ouse," is sent to London. Chief seats are : Duke of Bed- ford, Woburn Abbey ; Marq. of Bute, Luton Hoof Marq. of Tavistock, Oakley House ; Countess de Grey, Wrest, or Si/soe,Park; Lord Carteret,//awne H. ; Lord Holland, Ampthill, to which is united Houghton Conquest, once the seat of the Countess of Pembroke ; Lord St. John, Melchbourn, for- merly of Bletsoe, now a farmhouse ( Lord Ongley, Old 'Warden Ph.; Turner, Bt> Battlesden Ph.; Osbome, Bt., Chicksand Priory ; Inglis, Bt. M. P., Milton Bryant ( Burgoyne, Bt., Sutton Ph., claimed along with Potton, under a rhyming grant from John of Gaunt ; Smith of Aspley, Moody of Aspley Guise, Simson of Bromham House, Gery of Bushmead Priory, Magniac of Colworth> Pym of The Hasels, Edwards of Henlow Grange, Latour of Hexton Hall, Brandreth of Houghton Regis, Orlebar of Hinwich, Polhill of Howbury Ph., Har- vey of Ickwellbury, Thornton of Moggerhanger, Whitbreads of Southill and Cardington (formerly seat of the Byngs), Crawley of Stockwood, Barnett of Stratton, Stuart of Tempsford, Higgins of Tur- vey ; at Toddington, the Coopers' (formerly the Cheneys') seat, all the Kussells are buried. The Oakley hounds are at Milton. Antiquities are the Maiden Bower (anct. Magintum), and Tot- tenhoe cast., two british camps near Dunstable (anct. Durocobrivd) ; Caesar's camp, near Sandy or Salndy (^Salenae or Magiovinum) ; Ravensbury camp, on the hills near Hexton ; with remains at Arlesby, Biggleswade, and Bradford. Icknield St, crosses near Leigh ton'Buzzard (or Beaudesert), on the chalk past Dunstable at Hicknill, to Baldock, whence a roman way goes N. to Potton ; Watling St. crosses at Market- Street, to Dunstable, through Stretley, near which is a camp, on to Fenny Stratford. An old cross stands at Leighton-Buzzard ; a priory was founded by Hen. 1. at Dunstable, which drew attention for centuries to the town, whence the sen- tence of divorce was pronounced by Cranmer, against Q. Katherine who resided then at Ampt- hill ; a fine church at Luton, and another at Elstow, the birthplace of the immortal tinker, Bunyan; besides various slight remains of castles. Anne Boleyn, mother of Q. Elizabeth, was born at Luton Hoo ; and Margaret Beaufort, mother of Hen. VII., at Bletsoe. A branch rail, from the Bletchley station of the N. Western to Bedford, intersects part of Bucks, and the SW. quarter of this county, length 15$ m., steepest gradient 1 in 129i, opened Nov. 1846. Roads from Bedford are : 1. To Ampthill 6 m., Woburn 13, Dunstable 22 ; or to Leighton Buzzard 21, thence to Aylesbury 30. 2. To Hawnes 6, Silsoe 10, Barton Hill 14, Luton 19, thence to St. Alban's 29. 3. To Shefford past Chicksand priory 9, thence to Hitchin 16, and Hutford 32 ; or Shefford to Baldock 17. 4. To Sandy by a cross road 8, Biggleswade 11 ; or to Potton 11. 5. To Barford along R. Ouse 6, St. Neot's 12, thence to Cambridge 28; or to Huntingdon 20. 6. To Keysoe Row 8, Kimbol- ton 13, thence to Oundle 29. 7. To Sharnbrook near Colworth House 8, Higham Ferrers 15, and Wellingboro' 19. 8 To Turvey Abbey 8, Olney 11 ; or by Castle Ash by to Northampton 19. 9. To Stagsden 5, Newport Pagnall 13, Stony Strat- ford 19, thence to Buckingham 26. * * P. M. BEDFORD borough (52) N. Beds. 50 NNW. of London or 62| by rail, (as above), the shire assize, sess., and election town, militia head qrs., a polling place and head of an excise collec- tion, in a fertile vale on R. Ouse, was the saxon Ber 15G BED danford, i. e. town of the ford, near which Culh- wulf in 571 defeated the Britons, was attacked (91 1, 921, etc.) by the Danes (who burnt it 1010), and at the Conquest was granted to the Beau- champs, who b. a castle near the river, which was taken bySteph. 1138, by Folk de Brent 1216, and destroyed 1224 by Hen III. and of which there are gome slight remains ; returns two members (from Edw. I.) 4he bounds, which were unaltered by the Reform act, including the 5 pars, as below, no. of electors 1071 (and of 10Z. houses 2338) ; is a boro' by prescription, chartered by Hen. II., and under the late act divided into 2 wards and governed by a mayor (who is returning officer), 6 aid. 18 councillors, with the style of mayor, bailiffs, and burgesses of town of B.' and a revenue of 1361Z Acres 2200 (or 2164); pop. 9178 + 221, in lace (239 hands), shoe (278), and strawplat (40) making, and a good trade in corn, timber, etc. by the river ; houses chiefly in a long street 1880, many ancient, with 6 churches, 4 chapels, sessions house, county gaol on the site of that in which Bunyan wrote his " Pilgrim's Progress," house of correction, house of industry, co. infirmary, and Harpur's gram, school with a statue of the founder, 2 hospitals and numerous almshouses, 2 banks, savings bk. (77,248/i from 2204 depositors), lunatic asylumj and Union p. house ; assd. taxes 2047Z. 5 poor r. 1292/. on 36,2322. ; real prop. 35,875Z. ; cha- rities 75701. of which Bedford charity 67607. (now worth upwards of 17,000/.). Livings, (Ely) St. Cuthbert Rect. val. 129/., patr. Ld, Chancellor ; St. John Rect. exclusive of the mastership of St. John's hosp., 149Z., the Corporation ; St. Mary Rect. 273/., Bp. of Lincoln, ch. has brass of R. Hawse (1627) ; St. Paul Vic. 230Z., Dow. Lady Carteret, ch. large and early eng. the most an- cient in the town, and formerly collegiate, has a spire, figured stone pulpit, brasses of Harpur, etc., and monument of Simon Beauchamp founder of Newenham priory ; St. Peter Martin Rect. 204/., Ld. Chancellor,^ ch. ancient, with a font and norman j porch. Of the charitable foundations for which this place is distinguished the most important is the " Bedford charity," endowed by Sir W. Harpur, a native (died 1574) and sometime Ld. Mayor of London, with lands at Bedford and in Holborn which then produced 180Z. per annum (but now as above), consisting of the gram, school, which has 8 exhibitions of SOI. each at the universities, a hos- pital, and schools for boys and girls, about 70 alms- houses, besides large sums in apprenticeships, mar- riage portions, pensions and gifts to the poor. The new 5-arch bridge (b. 1813) on R. Ouse, replaces a very old one. St. John's hosp. was found. 1280 by R. de Parys, and St. Leonard's soon after ; there are remains of Elstow nunnery and gray friars' hosp. founded by Mabel Pateshull of Bletsoe, now a farmhouse ; near Caldwell priory on the river, found, by the Houghtons, stood a chapel in which K. Ofia was buried, afterwards swept away in an inundation ; part of the George Inn is as old as 1481 ; and at Mill Lane chapel, of which he was minister, Bunyan's chair is kept. B. Observatory, Cap. W. Smith, R. N. S. Palmer the nonconform- ist was a native, it publishes the ' B. Mercury ' and ' B. Times ' newspapers ; and it gives title of duke to the Russells, conferred on the 5th earl, but first created in the person of John Plantagenet, regent of France, and again in the Nevilles and Hatfields. Bedf. P. L. Union, contains the pars, etc. in the deanery below (except Honghton Con- quest), and Barford (Great), Bedford, Bletsoe, Bolnhurst, Bromham, Carlton, Chellington, Clap- ham, Colmworth, Felmersham, Harrold, Keysoe, Knotting, Melchbourn, Milton Ernest, Oakley, BED Odell, Pavcnham, Ravensden, Renhokl, Risely, Roxton, Sharnbrook, Souldrop, Stagsden, Steving- ton, Thurleigh, Turvey.Wilden, Yielden with East- cotts; acres 97,177, pop. 31,767, cases relieved 1846-7) 3680 (out-door 3160), expend. 12,278, prop, rated 144.929/. Sup. Registry comprises the same, except Eastcotts ; pop. 31,766 + 373 ; births (1845) 1160 (564 being females, 72 illegit), deaths 701, marriages 230 (of which 217 persons aigned with marks) ; deaths from cholera (1849) 35. The New County Court district corresponds with the Re- gistry. The Excise district extends over Bed- ford, Olney, Newport, Towcester, Stony Stratford, Ampthill, ShefFord, Sawbridgeworth, Hatfield, Dunmow, Thaxted, Stortford, Stevenage, Hitchin, Baldock ; and in 1835, had 57 officers, and collected 201,467Z. (each collectors round being 217 m.), of which 185,566Z. was on malt, 7999Z. on licenses, 3699Z. on bricks, 1555Z. on auctions, and the total no. of traders was 4374, of whom 1899 were dealers in tobacco, 751 in wine and spirits, 944 in tea, 395 were brewers, 265 malsters, 82 brick- makers. * BED. ARCHDEACONRY, dioc. of Ely (formerly Line.), contains the 6 deaneries of Bed- ford, Clopham, Dunstable, Fleete, Eaton, and Shef- ford, or about 85 benefices in all. BED. DEANERY, as above, contains the benefices of Bedford rect., Biddenham vie., Cardington .,Cople r., Elstow cur., Goldington v., Hough ton Conquest r., Kempstonu., Willingtonc., Wilhampsteade., Woottenc. Mkt. D. Mond, cattle. Sat. corn. Fairs, 1st Tuesd. Lent, 21 Apr. 5 July, 21 Aug. 12 Oct. 19 Dec. for cattle; 17 Nov. wool. Races, Sept. on a flat course of 1J m. Bedford (10) near Listowel, N. Kerry, Ray- mond, Esq. gif BEDFORD tnshp. (89) Leigh par. S. Lancash. 1 m. EXE. of Leigh-197, near Bolton rail. Acres 1750 ; pop. 4187 + 110, in the cotton factories ; poor r. 727/. (Leigh U.) ; real prop. 11,144/. Living* a Cur. (Manch.) val. 150/., patr. Viear. B. House, ; B> Hall, 1 m. S. Bedford Level (64-5, 69, 70) so called after Francis, 5th Earl of Bedford, who began the drain- age of it, is the large marshy flat or level known as the Fens, on the NE. coast of England, near the Wash* reaching inland to Downham market on the Gt. Ouse, Norfk. Brandon on the Lit. Ouse, and Mildenhall on R. Lark, Sufk. Isle of Ely to Milton, Camb. Earith on R. Ouse, Ram- sey on the Old Nen or Wisbeach, and Yaxley, Hunts. Peterboro' on R. ?\en,Northmptn. to the Glen, beyond Market Deeping and Spalding on R. Welland in the Parts of Holland, Line. tak ing in a tract 25 m. by 20, divided into the N., Mid., and S.-, Levels* and estimated at 400,000 acres, of which about 9000 are in Peterboro' fen, 230,000 I. of Ely, 60,000 Hunts. 63,000 Norfk. 30,000 Sufk. When the Romans came to Britain, they found, at a lower level than the present, a large forest here, which they cut down, and made a road across the country, to be seen at this day. It was afterwards brought into such a state of cultivation as to call forth the admiration of those who saw it ; but about 1236, the sea broke through the embankments, and turned the whole into a bog and morass, in some places 20 ft. deep, across which the people communicated by boat. After several trials, the result of one of which was Bp. Moreton's Cut, now part of R, Nen, made with little success, a company for draining the fens, was formed in the time of Ch. L, with the Earl of Bed- ford at its head, which being incorporated 1664, exists now. Under their management large cuts such as the Old and New Bedford Rivers, Bevil's River, Sam's Cut, Peakirk, South-eau, Sixteen- Feet Counter, S. Holland, and N. Level Drains, BED besides numerous small ones, have been made, embankments repaired and improved, and great tracts of pasture and cornland reclaimed. The latest and most important work (1828-9) is the New Outfall of 6 m. for improving the naviga- tion past Wisbeach, at a cost of 200,0007. l^T S. Old River, as above, one of the finest drains made by the company, 70 ft. wide, 21 m. long, goes from Earith, Comb, to Salter's Lode near Down- ham, Norfk. The New B. River, cut about 1650 by William, 6th earl, is 100 ft. wide, and runs parallel to the other, at about 1 m. distance. Bed fords (1) near Eomford, 5. Essex. Bedgebury (5) 5 m. WSW. of Cranbrook, 8. Kent, Mrs. Cartier, near B. Wood, was formerly the Colepeppers' seat. BEDGRALOE hmlt. (82) Wales par. W. S. York. 2 m. SSE. of Rotherham-159. BEDGROVE (46) Aylesbury hund. Mid. Sucks. 1 m. ESE. of Aylesbury-40. Bedhau Gwyr Ardudwy (75) i. e. the graves of the men of Ardudwy, on Mikneint mountn. N. Merioneth, 3 m. NE. of Festiniog, consists of about 36 stone monuments, said to be of persons slain in a battle between the men of Diffryn Ardudwy, and Denbigh ; some other sepulchral remains are near. P. BEDHAMPTON par. (11) Portsdown hund. 8E. Hants. 2 m. W. of Havant-66, on Langston harb. has a fine sea view. Acres 3260 ; pop. 533 ; poor r. 3247. (Havant U.); real prop. 35817. Living, a Rect. (Wine.) val. 328/., patr. Rev. St. John Alder. B. Park, 2 m. N. BEDINGFIELD par. (50) Hoxne hund. AT. Sufk. 4 m. SSE. of Eye-89. Acres 1680 ; pop. 336 ; poor r. 1417. (Hoxne U.) ; real prop. 26497. St. Mary Rect. (Norwich) val. 400/., patr. J. J. Be- dingfeld, Esq., of B. Hall. BEDINGHAM par. (66) Loddon hund. SE. Nor- folk, 4 m. NW. of Bungay-106. Acres 1140; pop. 316 ; poor r. 2697. (Loddon U.) ; real prop. 20787. St. Andrew Vic. (Norw.) val. 1507., patr. Impropriators. B. Hall, 1 m. SE. Bedingham's Drove (51) S. Witchford hund. Mid. Cambridge, 8 m. W. of Ely. BEDLAM hmlt. (24) Kilmacreenan bar. NW. Donegl. 9 m. SW. of Dunfanaghy-170. Bedlam Bridge (65) on Sixteen Foot river, N. Cambridge, 3 m. SE. of March, near B. Fens. Bedlay, 6 m. E. of Glasgow, N. Lanark. A. Campbell, Esq. P. BEDLINGTON par. or BEDLINOTONSHIRE ( ) E. Chester ward, Durham, locally SE. Northmbrld. 4 m. SE. of Morpeth-289, on R. Blyth, belongs to Bishop of D., and contains N. Blyth petty sess. town, Chambois, Choppington, Netherton, E. and W. Sleekburn. Acres 8910 ; pop. 3155 + 1035, in the ironworks, coal, and stone quarries ; poor r. 6827. (Morpeth U.) ; real prop. 15,166/. of which 31607. on mines. St. Cuthbert Vic. (Durh.) val. 4547., patr. Dean and Chap. Bedlormie, 7 m. W. by S. of Bathgate, E. Linlthqw. Sir T. Livingstone, Bt. P. BEDMINSTER par. (35) Hartcliffe hund. NE. Somerset, a polling place in S. suburbs and partly within the boro' of Bristol-114, on the Avon, contains Bishport and Knowle, and re- mains of a hospital found, by the Berkleys. Acres 4180, with veins of strontian seen near the bridge at low water ; pop. 17,862 + 473, in tanning and rope-making, collieries, etc.; houses 3023, with 2 churches, 5 chapels, dispensary. Union p. house ; poor r. 58007. ; real prop. 45,7717., of which 50007. on mines ; charities 297. St. John Baptist Vic. (Gl. and Br.) with St. Mary Redcliffe, St. Thomas, and Abbot's Leigh, val. 4007., patr. Pre- BED 157 bendary, church, ancient in part ; St. Paul Cur, 1807. Vicar; St. Peter, or Bishopworth, Cur. 1257., Vicar. Bedm. P. L. Union, contains the pars, etc. of Abbot's Leigh, Backwell, Barrow Gurney, Bedminster, Brockley, Chelvey, Clapton, Clevedon, Dundry, Easton in Gordano or St. George, Flax Bourton, Kenn, Kingston Seymour, Long Ashton (where poor ho. is), Nailsea, Portbury, Portishead, Tickenham, Walton in Gordano, Weston in Gor- dano, Winford,Wraxall,Yatton ; acres 52,172, pop. 36,268, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 3799 (out-door 3411), expend. 12,2587., prop, rated 151,8147. Sup. Registry comprises the same ; pop. 86,280 + 689; births (1845) 1117 (551 being females, 54 illegit.), deaths 705, marriages 291, of which 204 persons signed with marks : 18 deaths from cholera in 1849. It belongs to Bristol New County Court district. BEDMONT (7) 3m. SW. of St. Alban's, SW, Herts. BEDNALL. See ACTON-TRCSSEL, Salop. BEDRULE par. Jedburgh district, Mid. Rox- burgh, 3 m. WSW. of Jedburgh-46, on Rs. Rule and Teviot, containing Newton and Newcastle, has a fine view from Dunian, i. e. Hill of John (1031 ft. high), and was called Rule Bethoc, after an ancestress of the Morays. Size 4 m. by 1^, arable, with pasture, moorland, and Mainslaws freestone quarry ; pop. 256, decreasing ; real prop. 27577. ; for poor 487. Living (Presb. Jedb.) val. 1487., patr. Hume of New Mills. Some slight remains of castles at Rewcastle and Falton, and of a ro- man and english camp. Ruberslaw hill, 1419 ft. Bedshield, near Greenlaw, Berwick. BEDSTONE par. (56) Purslow hund. S W. Salop, 6m. ENE. of Knighton-165. Acres 1200; pop. 139 ; poor r. 337. (Knighton U.) St. Mary Rect. (Herf.) val. 2307., patr. E. Rogers, Esq. BEDWARDINE-ST. JOHN'S par. (54) Oswaldslow hund. and Worcester city, Mid. Wore, on R. Severn, supplied the monks of Worcester with " commons." Acres 3730 ; pop. 2663 ; poor r. 7907. (Wore. U.); real prop. 19,0707., of which 17397. on canal ; charities 967., of which Dolittle's school 367. St. John Vic. (Wore.) val. 6357., patr. Dean and Chap. ; church, norman in part. giT B.rSr. MICHAEL'S par. (54), Worcester city, Mid. Wore, near the above. Pop. 476 ; poor r. 1877. (Worcester U.) ; real prop. 70457. ; charities 1137. St. Michael Sect. (Wor.) val. 907., patr. Dean and Chap. BEDWAS par. (36) Caerphilly and Wentllooge hunds. borders of Glamrgn. and Monmo'. 3m. NNE. of Caerphilly ^160, on R. Rumney, contains UPPER and LOWER B. (pop. 458 and 284) with Van or Fan. Acres 4340 ; pop. 800 + 4 ; poor r. 2557. (Newport U.); real prop. 28517. St. Bar- rog Rect. (Llan.) val. with Ruddry 7., patr. Bishop. BEDWELL (46) Manshead hund. S. Beds. 2 m. N. of Dunstable-33. |^ B. Hay (51) S. Witch- ford hund. Mid. Comb. 2 m. SW. of Ely. ^ B, Park (7) 3 m. ESE. of Hatfield, S. Herts. Sir Cul- ling Eardlev, Bt. BedweWs Green (47) 2 m.ESE. of Bishop Stort- ford, W.Essex. BEDWELTY par. (36) Wentllooge hund. W, Monmo'. 1 m. W. of Pont-y-pool-149, a polling place between Rs. Rumney and Sirhowey, on Monmo'. canal, contains Rhymney and Tredegar curs., Ishlawrcoed, Mamhole, and Ushlawrcoed. Acres 15,440, with ironstone; pop. 22,413 + 1177 in the iron manufact. (1319 hands) and iron and coal mines (3731); poor r. 14837. (Abergavi-nny U.) ; charities 417. St. Sannan Cur. (Llan.) val. 1507., patr. Bishop. B. House, R. Fothergill, Esq. 158 BED BEE where the Bedwelty harriers are kennelled. The ' Rock Inn ' is a polling place ; and Tredegar, now a mkt. town, is not noticed in the pop. re- turns. P. M. BEDWIN, GREAT, par. (14) Kinwardstone hund. E. Wilts. 7 m. SE. of Marlboro'-71, on Kennet and Avon canal, near Gt. West. rail, con- taining Crofton with Wolfhall (once the Seymours' seat), E. and W. Grafton cur., Martin, Wexcombe with Wilton, sent 2 members to parl. till dis- franchised by the Reform bill, and is the roman Leucomagus, and the saxon Bedgwyn or Bedewind of Alfred's Will, found, by Cissa, and where Wulf- here, king of Mercia, was defeated by Escuin, governor of Wessex. Acres 10,420, good, with chalk ; pop. 2178, stationary : houses 401, with a chapel and old mkt. house ; poor r. 9807. on 10,174/. (Hungerford U.) ; real prop. 10,079/. ; charities 377. St. Mary Vic., a peculiar (Sal.) val. 2127., patr. Marq. of Ailesbury of Tottenham park, who has the manor ; church, of flint, cruciform (norman and later styles), has a tower, brasses of Jno. Sey- mour, etc. piscina, and monuments of the Stokes and the Seymours, of whom was the Protector, and Jane, queen of Hen. VIII. both natives. Castle hill, on Wilton common, is the site of Cissa's fort. Dr. Willis, a physician of the 17th cent., was bora here. Mkt. D. Tues. Fairs, 23 Aug. 26 July. BEDWIX, LITTLE, par. (14) 1 m. NE. of the above, on the canal, is near Chisbury cast., a double-ditched british camp, where stands a chapel, now turned into a barn. Acres 3170; pop 597 ; poor r. 2927. (Hungerford U.) ; real prop. 42797. St. Michael Vic. a peculiar (Sal.) val. 2807., patr. Prebendary; church, old and partly norman, with tomb of a Hungerford. P. BEDWORTH par. (63) Knightlow hund. N. Warwick. 3 in. S. of Nuneaton-100, near Coven- try canal, and N. West rail. Acres including Colly Croft 2240, with iron stone, etc. ; pop 4253 + 27 in the " B. Charity " and other coal mines, and the manufacture of gauze ribands, which employs about 1300 looms; houses 924, with 3 chapels, almshouses ; poor r. 10297. ; real prop. 12,0907., of which 20777. on mines ; charities 1196/., of which Chamberlayne's 11767. All Saint Rec. (Wore.) val. 5627., patr. Earl of Aylesford of Packington. Bedw. P. L. Incorporation, includes Higham, Ratcliffe Culev, Sibson, Stapleton, Stoke Golding, Sutton Cheney, Witherley, in Leic., andBedworth, BrinWow, Hartshill, Pail- ton Walvev, in Warw. ; expend, (yr. 1846-7) 36027., prop", rated 41,6437. Bee Hill (64) near Preston hill, and Lyddington, S. Rutld. rises in the valley, round and detached from the hills to the northward, and has a fine view, tgg" B. Loch, in South Uist, Western Islds. BEEBY par (63) E. Goscote hund. Mid. Leic. 5 m. NE. of Leicester-96. Acres 1020 ; pop. 115 ; poor r. 897. (Barrow-on-Soar U.) ; real prop. 2719Z. All Saint Rect. (Leic.) val. 2827., patr. Earl of Shaftesbury. B. House, % m - N. BEECH tnshp. (72) Swinnerton and Stone pars. NW. Stafford. 4m. NW. of Stone-141. Pop. 120. BEECH HILL tythg. (12) Stratfieldsaye par. S.Berks. 10m. S. of Reading-38, seat of Hun- ter, Esq. Pop. 261 ; poor r. 1527. (Basingstoke U.) ; real prop. 7886/. ^ B. Hill (7) 1 m. ENE. of Chipping Barnet, NE. Middlesex. ^ B. Hill (89), near Wigan, S. Lancash. gig" B. Hill Manor ( ) Knaresborough par. W. R. York. l^ B. House (16) 3i m. NE. of Christchurch, S W. Hants. eg= B. Lodge (7) near Gt. Marlow, S. Bucks., W. Wyndham, Esq. Igg- B. Park (33) near Ennis, Mid. Clare, and B. Cottags. BEECHAMWELL, par. (65) Clackclose himd. W. Norfolk, 5 m. WSW. of Swaff ham-93. Acres 3730 ; pop. 246 ; poor r. 767. (Swaf. U.) ; real prop. 17447. All Saints Rect. with Shingam united to St. John and St. Mary Rect. (Nor.) val. 1917., patr. Lord Chancellor and J. Motteau, Esq. B. Lodge and Warren, 1 m. NE. Beechburn ( ) near Crook, Mid. Durham, on Stock, and Darl. rail. Beechhill (16) 5 m. N. of Keady, W. Armagh, l^ Beechhill (9) near Freshford, N. Kilkenny. 1^ Beechitt (22) 2 m. SE. of Londonderry, W. Londondy. C. Skipton, Esq. BEECHING-, or BEAUCHAMP-STOKE, par. (14) Swanborough hund. Mid. Wilts. 6 m. ESE. of Devises-89, on R. Avon. Acres 740 ; pop. 196 + 1 ;. poor r. 1287. (Deviz. U.) ; real prop. 37237. St. Stephen Rect. (Sal.) val. 2937., patr. G. W. Heneage, Esq. of Compton Basset. Beechmount (33) Fermoy bar. NE. Cork. lgp Beechmount (29) near Rathkeale, Mid. Lime- rick, Lloyd, Esq. (gSP Beechmount (93) near Kenmare, Y, UPPEH and LOWER, or LLANFIHAX- GEL B. par. (56) Knighton hund. NE. Radnor. 7 m. NW. of Knighton-165, on R. Teme, contain- ing Pennant, Creegbyther, Mydwalled, and part of Kuncklass or Cuwnclas, is hilly, and chiefly in pasture. Pop . 1051 + 4, -of town 279; poorr. 520/. (Knighton U.) ; real prop. 2048Z. ; charities 17/. Living, a Vic. (St. Dav.) val. 164/., patr. Bishop. Behan Park (31) 3 m. S. of Tregonv, S. Corn- wall, Rev. J. Trist. Beheena Rivulet (76) Magunihy bar. SE. Kerry, rises in the Paps hill and runs into R. Flesk, near B. Bog. P. BEIGHTON par. (82) Scarsdale hund. NE. Derby. 6 m. NE. of Dronfield-156, on R. Rother. Acres 3070 ; pop. 1121 ; poor r. 211Z. (Rotherham U.) ; real prop. 4744Z. ; charities 34/. St. Mary Vic. (Lich.) val. 312Z., patr. Earl Manvers. B. fields, J. B. Bowdon, Esq. gip BEIGHTON par. (66) Walsham hund. E. Norfolk, 6 m. NNE. of Loddon-112. Acres 910; pop. 288; poorr. 132Z. (Blofield U.) ; real prop. 2854Z. All Saints Rect. (Norw.) 363Z., patr. R. Fellowes, Esq. ^f BEIGH- TON, see BEYTON, Suffolk. BEIL GRANGE viL Stenton par. NE. Haddngtn. 3 m. SW. of Dunbar-28. Pop. 53. BEILBY chplry. ( ) Harston par. E. R. York. 3 m. SSW. of Pocklington-212 ; pop. 273 + 2 ; real prop. 18467, Living, a Cur. with Hayton. BEILBY GRANGE ( ) ext. par. to Collingham, Skyrack wap. W. R. York. 2 m. SW. of Wetherby -194. Pop. 33. Beinevean Loch, in Strath Affaric, NW. In* verness. 22 m. NW. of Fort Augustus. Bein-y-Phot, ( ) one of the central peaks of the I. of Man, near Snea Fell, 1750 ft. high, ia called ' Penny Pot ' by the islanders. P. M. BEITH par. "Cunninghame district, bor- ders of Ayr. and Renfrew. 17$ m, from Glasgow, on Ayr rail, and Rye Water, in a pleasant spot near lochs KUbirne and Lochwinnoch, con- tains Gateside, Northbar, and Burnhouse, and Giffen and Glengarnock castle ruins. Acres 11,000, good, with limestone, freestone, coal, and ironstone ; pop. 5795 + 74 dairy-farmers, and linen-yarn spinners ; houses 1001, with several chapels, town ho. 3 banks, newsrooms, lint and corn mills, schools ; real prop. 14,997Z. ; for poor 890Z. Living (Presb. Irvine) val. 251Z., patr. Earl of Eglington sometime held by president Witherspoon, who raised a company of volun- teers for the king 1745, and was taken prisoner at Falkirk. Mkt. D. Frid. Fairs, 1st Frid. in Jan. Feb. and Nov. 30 Aug. BEKAN par. (92, 93, 102) Costello bar. E, Mayo, contains part of Ballyhaunis-128, on the Nanny Water, seat of J. Bourke, Esq. Acres 20,315, chiefly arable ; pop. 5589 + 23. Living, a Rect. with Kiltullagh. BEKESBOURNE. See BEAKSBOURNE, Kent. Belair (1) near Dulwich, NE. Surrey, seat of H. S. Montague, Esq. BELAX par. (38) Kilrea and Moone bar. iS. Kildare, 4 m. N. of Castledermot-43, Acres 1198, light soil ; pop. 286. Living, a Rect. with Timo- lin. B. House, seat of Earls of Aldborough, now neglected, is site of a castle of the Fitzgeralds. 'Bel,' 'beile,' 'bal,' etc., in gaelic is a town or settlement; in other names it may come from ' belle ' beautiful. Belan Point and Fort (77) at SW. entrance of BEL Menai Strait, W. Caernrvn. near the ferry to Angksea. Belarena (5) 5 m. N. of Newtown-Limavady, N. Londondy. C. Gage, Esq. BELAUGH par. (66) S. Erpingham hund. E. Norfk. 6 m. NE. of Norwich-108, near R. Bure. Acres 810 ; pop. 161 + 1 ; poor r. 1241. (Aylsham U.); real prop. 1186/. St. Peter Rect. (Norw.) val. with Scottow 4111., patr. Bishop; church, has brass of Sir J. Cursun (1471). B. Hall. P. BELBROUGHTON par. (54) Halfshire hund. .ZV. Worcest. 5 m. E. of Kidderminster-126, in- cludes Brian's Bell, Bromhill, Fairfield and Hartle. Acres 5350; pop, 1765 + 32, in the manufact. of hay knives, etc. ; houses 362 ; poor r. 689/. (Broms- grove U.) ; real prop. 13,2817. ; charities 347., of which 107. to free school. Holy Trinity Rect. (Wore.) val. 12447., patr. St. John's Coll. Oxon. Fairs, last Mon. in Apr. Mon. before St. Luke's day, 18 Oct. BELBY tnshp. (86) Howden par. E. R. York. 1 m. E. of Howden-180, near Selby and Hull rail. Acres 440 ; pop. 58 + 1 ; poor r. 117. (Howd. U.) ; real prop. 8107. BELCHASIP NORTH END and B. NORTH WOOD ext. par. to B. WALTER, as below. Pop 29 and 17. igf B. OTTON par. (47) Hinckford hund. N. Essex, 3 m. SE. of Clare-56. Acres 1600 ; pop. 389 + 1; poor r. 2187. (Sudbury U.); real prop. 27167.; charities 217. St. Ethelbert and All Saints Rect. (Roch.) val. 4467., patr. Rev. E. H. Dawson, rector. ig? B.-ST. PAUL'S par. (47) Hinckford hund. N. Essex, 2 m. SE. of Clare-56, a meet for the E. Essex hounds. Acres 2270 ; pop. 731 ; poor r. 5357. (Sudb. U.) ; real prop. 36447. ; charities 27. for school. St. Andrew Vic. (Roch.) val. 2407., patr. Dean and Chap, of St. Paul's. i^ B. WALTER par. (47) Hinckford hund. N. Essex, 3 m. W. of Sudbury-54. Acres, with B. North End and North Wood, 2110 ; pop. 652 ; poor r 3837. (Sudb. U.) ; real prop. 42337. Living, a Vie. with Bulmer; church, has brass of a lady (1591) and tombs of the Raymonds of B. Hall, seat of Rev. O. Raymond, at which are some dutch and other masters, and a portrait of Sir H. Myddleton, who lived at Goldingham Ho. Belchester { ) near Coldstream, SE. Berwick. G. Dickson, Esq. BELCHFORD par. (84) N. Gartree wap. E. Lin- coln. G m. NNE. of Horncastle-134, has B. Wood, a meet for the S. Wold hounds. Acres 2390, with limestone; pop. 554 + 4; poor r. 2967. (Home. U.); real prop. 3637. St. Peter and St. Paul Rect. (Line.) val. 4257., patr. Ld. Chancellor. BELCLARE, or CLARE TIJAM, par. (42-3, etc.) Clare bar. AT. Galway, 3 in. SW. of Tuam-126. Acres 7847, boggy; pop. 2643 + 29. Living, a Vic. with Tuam. BELCOO vil. (25) Clonawley bar. W. Fermngh. 9 m. WSW. of Enniskillen-101, between Loughs Macnean and Nilly. Fairs, 5 Apr. 5 June, 5 Aug. 6 Oct. 26 Nov. BELFAST (LOWER) BARONY (46, 51, etc.) SE. Antrim, contains the pars.of Ballylinny, Ballymore, Ballyrobert Grange, Ballywalter Grange, Carn- money.Glynn, Inver, Islandmagee, Kilroot, Molusk Grange, Raloo, Templecorran, and parts of Bally- martin, Shankill, and Templepatrick ; acres 56,093, an. val. 41,0717., pop. 24,867, houses 4567. ^ B. (UPPER) BARONY (60,64, etc.) S. An- trim, contains Umgall Grange, and parts of Bally- martin, Derryaghy, Drumbeg, Lambeg, Shankill, and Templepatrick; acres 35,898, an. val. 139,301, pop. 16,762, houses 2940. ** R.M. Belfast par. (61) in Upper B. bar. 14 m. SE. of Antrim (22 by rail.), 101 from | VOL. I. BEL 161 Dublin, the capital of Ulster, a sess. coast gd. and chief police station, excise collection, head- quarters of the military district and co. militia, and the first town and second port in Ireland for trade, in a flat but healthy spot surrounded by hills, where R. Lagan falls into B. Lough, was destroyed by Edw. Bruce 14th cent. ; for- feited by the O'Nials and given by Jas. I. to lord deputy Chichester ; much improved by the great Earl of Strafford, and visited by Q. Vic- toria 1849 ; returns two members to parl. (since Jas. I.), the bounds including Ballyma- carret in Down, across the river, no. of electors 4701 (and 107. houses 3160), and chief influence with Marq. of Donegal ; was first chartered by Jas. I. 1613, and under the new act is divided into 5 wards, governed by a mayor, 10 aid. 30 council, with a revenue of 19617. Acres of par. (formerly called Shankill) 19,559, with lime, and traces of coa,l, iron, manganese, of town 1873. Pop. (1791) 18,320, (1821) 44,177, (1841) 75,308 + 200, in the staple manufact. of linen and cot- ton, Ardoyne damasks, the shipping and other branches of trade. Houses 10,906 (besides 1969 empty and building), including 8 churches; 35 chapels, viz. 21 presbyterian (one has a good done portico), 8 methodist, 4 rom. cath. (one being the cathedral of Down), 1 independent, 1 quaker ; co. court house (building) ; house of correction for 300 (like Pentonville), on a site of 5 acres ; horse and foot barracks ; commercial buildings (near the old Exchange), b. 1822 for 20,0007., with an ionic front, a news and assembly rooms, etc., where Chamber of Commerce meet ; custom house ; Northern, Belfast and Ulster banks, 2 branch banks; savings bank (105,3477. from 4569 depositors in '48), loan fund; white and brown linen halls, which the Queen went to see ; literary, rhetorical, statist., history, fine arts, nat. hist., and botanical societies (the last has a gar- den on the river, and the first a good museum), knowledge soc. (lib. of 8000 vols.), music class on Hullah's system, mechanics' institute; music hall, theatre ; northern, union, rowing, and rifle clubs ; ' Donegal ' and other hotels ; 29 flax, and 13 cotton mills, several corn and flour mills, 12 breweries, 2 distilleries, foundries and tan- yards, 4 ship-yards, ropes, sailcloth and felt factories, vitriol works, etc. ; Queen's 5-arched bridge, b. 1841 for 27,0007. (on site of a 21- arched bridge b. 1686, 2562 ft. long), New bridge (b. 1831) and another; May's, and Castle place, and 8 other mkts. ; royal academical institutn. or college, found. 1810, partly supported by pub- He grants, with two schools (the Academy and Lancasterian), 400 students, and teachers of clas- sics, mathematics, arts of design, english, french, Spanish, italian, etc. ; academy (1786 by Dr.Crom- bie), under a principal, with teachers of classics, mathemat,, logic, nat. philos. and hist., oriental and modern languages; new Queen's College (under the act of 1845), b. 1846-9, on a site of 10 acres, by C. Lanion in the tudor style, 300 ft. long, with a tower of 80 ft., a great hall, lecture rooms, laboratory, and museum, library, botanic garden, Is under a president and vice-p., with professors in greek, latin, and hist, and english lit., modern and Celtic langs., mathemat., nat. philos., chemistry, logic, nat. hist, geology, civil engin., agricult., anatomy, medicine, surgery, midwifery, mat. med., law, jurisp., and polit. economy and has 30 junior scholarships of 247., and 10 senior of 407. ; Ulster teachers' associatn., sund. sen. union, and about 70 schools of all kinds ; general hosp., district lunatic asylum for 250, deaf and dumb and blind asylums, female penitentiary, M 162 BEL BEL fever and lying-in hospitals; master mariners' assoc., seamen's friend soc., destitute sick, ser- vants' friend, and other benevolent societies ; poor ho. (found. 1774), and Union workho. The Liv- ings (Dn. C. D.) are St. Anne Vic. val. 504Z., patr. Marq. Donegal ; church, built 1784, has a conspicuous copper roof, and wood spire. Christ Ch. and St. Matthew Curs. /. ; St. George or Upper Falls Cur. 114Z., ch. on site of the castle destroyed by De Courcy, has a fine portico brought from the Bp. of Derry's palace at Ballyscullion ; St. John Cur. Z., patr. of these four, Vicar. Tri- nity and Magdalen Curs., patr. Trustees. Wet and graving docks have been made by Walker, with quays, etc. which with the lighthouse (on screw piles), and 48 pilots, are under a Ballast Board (estab. 1831), whose income is 24.756Z. In 1846, 42 sail of 62,094 tons (135 being under 50 1. each), and 5 steamers of 653 t. (1 under 50 t.), belonged to the port, which has Donaghadee and Larne for sub-ports ; and the tonnage Inwards and Out- wards, including repeated voyages, was 'coast- wise,' 3680 sail of 250,964, and 826 of 45,971 t. (besides 1090 steamers of 282,225 and 1083 of 280,929 t.) from and to 'colonies' in Canada, W. Indies, etc. 79 of 28,999 and 75 of 23,005 t., from and to 'foreign ports' in United States, Mediterranean, Baltic, China, etc. 90 of 13,281, and 64 of 16,003 1. (besides 94 foreigners of 16,748 and 76 of 13,450 t.) ; imports (val. Z.), linen yarn, woollens, coals, cotton, wool, flax and other seeds, hemp, tallow, timber, herrings, slate, cider, tobacco, corn, malt, etc., exports (val. Z.), corn, meal, flour, linen yarn, feathers, flax, tow, cotton and linen goods, provisions, cattle, eggs, etc.; total customs 363,5777. (in 1805, 3728Z. only). Steamers run to London, Liverpool, Dublin, Glasgow, Fleetwood, Whitehaven, Car- lisle, Stranraer, Ardrossan. The first eng. Bible pub. in Ireland was printed here 1704, and the ' B. News Letter ' in 1737 which still circulates, along with ' Banner of Ulster,' ' Belf. Mercantile Register,' 'B. Protestant Journal,' 'B. Weekly Vindicator,' ' Northern Whig,' ' Ulster Advocate ' newspapers. Dr. Edgar began the Temperance movement here 1828. Divis hill (1567 ft. high) and Cave hill (whence a rail, of 3 m. takes stone to the quays) command fine views ; Giant's Ring druid circle is near, also Ormeau, Marq. of Donegal, who takes title of earl from the town, and many other seats ; and the rosa hibernica is a native. Belf. and Ballymena Rail., 33m. long, (be- sides 4J m. branches), a single line of 5 \ ft. gauge, was made 1845-8, at a cost of 12,677Z. per mile, and passes Whitehouse 3 m., Carrickfergus 6| m. (and branch of 2| m.), Templepatrick 15f m. Antrim on L. Neagh 21| m., Drumsough 25 (branch of 2 m. to Randalstown), Ballymena 33, thence to go to Coleraine. B. and Co.Down Rail., of which 4im. to Holywood are opened, is to go to Donagh- adee 45^ m. with a branch to Newtownards. The Ulster rail, goes by Moira 14^ m., Portadown 25^, to Armagh 35J m., where it will cross an intended line from Drogheda. B. Lough or Carrick- fergus Bay, as above, between Ballymacormick point and Black Head, which are 6 m. apart, bends SW. 15 m. to Belfast, at the mouth of the Lagan, with an av. breadth of 3 m. It has Carrickfergus on the N. side, and Bangor and Holywood light on the S., with anchorage off the latter in 4 to 6 fath. ; from which a narrow channel runs to Bel? fast harb., which admits vessels drawing 16 ft. at neap tides. Near Ballymacormick point are Cope- land isld. and light. The military district com- prises all Ulster, with Sligo, Leitrim, Louth (except Drogheda). Belf. P. L. Union, includes 12 elect, divs. in Antr. and Down, with 22 guar- dians; acres 47,752, pop. 100,992, ho. room for 1000, cases relieved (yr. '47-8) 8020 (besides out-door), expend. 24,345Z., prop, rated 27t,9L5Z. (fa B. PRESBYTERY, includes Alfred-place, Alfred- street, Ballinderry, Ballycairn, Ballyeaston, Bal- lymacarret, Ballysillan, Berry-street, Carnmoney, Carryduff,Castlereagh,Donegal-street,Dundonald, Fisherwick-place, Great George-street, Hillhall, Holywood, Legacurry, Linenhall, Lisburn, Mag- heragall, Malone, May-street, Newtownards, New- townbreda, Rosemary-street,Saintfield, Townsend- street, Whiteabbey, York-street. Mkt. D. Frid. Fairs, 12 Aug. 8 Nov. for horses. Bdfield Hall (88) near Rochdale, SE. Lancash. E. Clegg, Esq. |^" B. House (14) 2 m. N. of Dublin, Mid. Dull. P. M. BELFORD par. ( ) N. Bamborough ward, NE. Northmbrld. and Islandshire Durham, 14 m. SE. of Berwick, on Yk. rail., 322 from London, con- taining Delchant, Easington, Easington-Grange, Middleton-Elwick and Ross, is a petty sess. town in a pleasant spot near the sea. Acres 9380, good, with coal, lime, and freestone ; pop. 1789 + 24, town 1157 + 20 ; houses 278, with church, 3 chapels, and bank ; poor r. 374Z. on 4897Z. ; real prop. 11,791Z. St. Mary Cur. (Durh.) val. 147Z., patr. Rev. J. D. Clark, of B. Hall, who has the manor through the Dixons and others. A square camp lies about 1 m. SW. and on the hills are the ruins of the old chapel. Ld. Elcho's hounds meet about here ; and it gives title of earl Graham of B. to duke of Montrose. Belf. P. L. Union, contains the pars, of Bambrough and Belford, with their tnshps. including N. Sunderland ; acres 34,278 ; pop. 6421, cases relieved (yr. 1846-7) 1301 (out- door 1263), expend. 1929Z., prop, rated 49.542Z. Sup. Registry comprises the same with Cold- Church, Ellingham, N. and S. Charlton, and Dox- ford ; pop. 6436 + 1. The New County Court dis- trict corresponds with the Registry. Mkt. D. Thurs. for corn. Fairs, Tues. before Whit Sunday, 23 Aug. Races, Sept. P. Belford Lodge (19) 2 m. E. by N. of Dublin, E. Dull. Belgee, The, in Caesar's time were colonies of the original people in Gaul, who passed over and settled in Somers. Wilts. Hants, (of which they dispossessed the Segontiact) ; having the Wansdike, for their boundary on the N., and for neighbours the Regni in Sussex and Surrey, Attrebatii Berks. Dobuni Gloucest. Damnonii De- von, and Durotriges Dorset. Caer Gwent or Venta Belgarum (Winchester) was their capital ; and the territory which reached from the Southampton Water to R. Severn, and was afterwards part of Britannia Prima and Wessex, included the roman stations of Vindomis near Andover ; Clausentum or Bittern, and Ad Lapidem or S. Stoneham, near Southampton; Sorbiodunum, Old Sarum ; Aqua Solis or Caer Badon, Bath ; Trajectus, Aust ferry ; AdAquas,We\ls; AvaUonia, Glastonbury ; Ischa- lis, Ilchester : besides numerous remains, espe- cially hi Wilts, of camps, barrows, tumuli, on the downs and high places, among which are Worle Hill, Brean Down, Beacon Hill near Highclere, Arreton and Shalcombe Downs, Badbury Rings, Silbury Hill, one of the largest of its kind. Most of the British posts here, as elsewhere, appear to have been fortified by the Romans. BELGOLT vil. (112) Kinalea bar. S. Cork, 7 m. E. of Kinsale-178. Pop. 141. P. BELGRAVE par. (63) E. and W. Goscote hunds. Mid. Leicest. 1 m. N. of Leicester-96, on R. Soar, containing Birstall and S. Thurmaston, near the Fosse way, belongs to the Beaumonts of Bar- BEL row Hall. Acres 3450 ; pop. 2C09 + 28, stocking makers; poor r. 427Z. ( L5arrow-on-Soar U.) ; real prop. 6549/. ; charities 126/., of which * ownlands 90/. St. Peter Vic. (Pet.) val. with Birstall 146/., patr. Bishop of Lichiield; church, later eng. with norman door, monuments, and curious font Gives title of visct. to Marquis of Westminster.* eg" BELGRAVE (80) 3 m. S. of Chester, W. Cheshire. Belguard (21) 5 m. WSW. of Dublin, 8. DM. Bclhacel Lough (15) 6 m. S. of Manor Hamil- ton, Mid. Leitrim, between Loughs Allen and Gilly, contains 345 acres. BELHAVEN* vil. Duubar par. NE. Haddingtn. 1 m. W. of Dunbar-28, a watering-place on B. Bay, at the mouth of Beil Water, gives title of baron to the Hamiltons of Wishaw. Pop. 380. P. BELHELVIE par. Aberdeen district. E. Aberdeen. 8m. N. of Aberdeen- 110. Size 5 m. by 3, with Portsoy marble at Milldens; pop. 1594 ; real prop. 76271. ; for poor 243/. Living (Presb. Aberd.) val. 180/., patr. Crown. On the sand by the shore, Gen. Colby measured his base line for the grand trig, survey of the country. Belissama jEsiuar. of the Romans, is S. Nibble, iMncash. BELL BUSK hmlt. ( ) Gargrave par. W. R. York. 4 m. WNW. of Skipton-216. Pop. 128. SiP B. Green hmlt. (6) near Sydenham, NW. Kent. Bell, or Play, Hatch (13) 2 m. NE. of Reading, SE. Oxim. Mrs. Handscombe. igg" B. House (1) 2 m. S W. of Chipping Ongar, W. Essex. |^ B. House (1) 6 m. SE. of Romford, S W. Essex, Sir T. Leonard, Bt. built in time of Henry VII. B.- House Farm, J m. NE. fgT B. Inn (54) Half- shire bund. N. Worcester. 5 m. SSE. of Stour- bridge-122, near B. Hall, Mrs. Noel, and B. Heath. J< BEL. DEANERY, archdy. of Northtimbld. dice, of Durham, includes *Bellingham rect., Chollerton we., "Corsenside v., *Falstone r., *Gaystead r., *Kirk Harle v., Simonburn r., *Thockrington cur., *Wark r., *Whelpington-Kirk v. See NW. and NE. TIKDALE WARD. Mkt. D. Sat. Fairs, BEL Sats. before 12 May and 12 Nov. 1st Wed. after 15 Sept. Bellinter (31) 6m. NE. of Trim on R. Boyne, Mid. Meath, Rev. J. Preston, belonged formerly to the lords of Tara. Bellisk (4) on Lough Derg, NW. Tippery. Lord Avonmore. BELLISTEK tnshp. ( ) Haltwhistle par. S W. Northmbrld. 1 m. S. of Haltwhistle-284, near New- castle and Carlisle rail. Pop. 116. B. Castle, a ruined seat of the Blenkinsops. BELLMANGATE hmlt. ( ) Guisboro' par. N. It. York, near Guisboro'-245. Bellmont (37) near Wexford, E. Wexford, on R. Slaney, C. A. Walker, Esq. BELLMOUNT hmlt. (14) Garrycastle bar. NW. King's Co. 3m. N. of Ferbane, on the Grand canal. Betton Point. See Belan Point, Caernarvon. BELLOWS CROSS hmlt. (15) Chettle par. NE. Dorset. 2 m. W. of Cranborne-93. See MONKTON- UP-WlMBORNE, BELLOWS HILL (1) Waltham bund. W. Essex, 5 m. NNE. of Waltham Abbey- 23. Sell Park (10") near Borrisokane, NW. Tippery. BdVs Creek (3) Isle of Sheppy, 2V. Kent, inside Harty Isle. &" B. Hill (110) 1 m. SSE. of Belford, NE. Northmbrld. gaP B. Lodge (46) 1 m. WSW. of Woburn, W. Bedfd. ^ B. MILLS vil. in the suburbs of Edinburgh, so called from the large flour mills on Leith Water. ^ B. QUARRY vil. Mid. Calder par. W. Edinb. near Mid. Calder-12. Pop. 120. BELLS (1) Ongar hund. W.Essex, 3m. SW. of Chipping-Ongar-20. P. BELLSHILL vil. Bothwell par. N.- Lanark. 3 m. SW. of Airdrie-32. Pop. 1013. BELLSTOWN vil. Methven par. SE. Perth. 5 m. NW. of Perth-40. Pop. 25, Betturgan Park (7) Lower Dundalk bar. N. Louth, L. Tipping, Esq^ Bellvidere House (47) near Sudbury, fc BELTISLAW DEANERY corre- sponds with the wap. and contains the benefices marked above, with North and South Stoke r. BELTOFT hmlt. (86) Belton par. NW. Lincoln. 2 m. NE. of Epworth-156. Pop. 139. P. BELTON par. (71) W. Goscote hund. NW. Leicester. 6 m. W. of Loughborough-109, includes Grace Dieu, in Charnwood forest, the site of a nunnery found, about 1240, afterwards the seat of the Beaumonts where judge B. and his two sons, Francis the dramatic poet (1586-1616), and Sir John, also a poet (1582-1628), were born. Acres 1900 ; pop. 718, some stocking makers ; poor r. 2327. (Loughb.U.) ; real prop. 30537. St. J. Baptist Vic. (Pet.) val. 1797., patr. Marquis of Hastings; church, has a monument of Roesia de Verdun, the founder of the nunnery, of which there are remains. Fairs, 1st Mond. after Trinity, horses. BEL P.BELToSpar. (70) Grantham Soke, SW. Lin- co7n.2m. NNE. ofGrantham-110. Acres3120 ;pop. 176 ; poor r. 437. (Granth. U.) ; real prop. 24997. j charities 57. St. Peter and St. Paul Rect. (Line.) val. 4307., patr. Earl Brownlow, whose beautiful seat, 3. Halt, designed by Wren, in the shape of an H, and improved by Wyatt, contains some carv- ings by G. Gibbons, and many paintings ; church, ancient, with a rich 8-sided font, and monuments of the Gusts and Brownlows who take hence the title of baron. P. BELTOX par. (86) Manley wap. NW. Lincoln. 1 m. N. of Epworth-156, contains Beltoft, Carr- house, Mosswood, Sandtoft, Westgate, and Wood- house. Acres 8530 ; pop. 1706 + 10 ; poor r. 4967. (Thome U.) ; real prop. 10,3347. ; charities 407. All Saints Cur. (Line.") val. L, patr. J. Hood, Esq. 1gir BELTON par. (64) Oakham Soke hund. &W. Rutland. 3 m. WNW. of Uppingham-89. Acres (with Gunthorpe) 2380 ; pop. 402 ; poor r. 1607. (Uppingh. U.) ; real prop. 25167. ; charities 1037., of which 837. poor's land. St. Peter Vic. with Wardley. igp BELTON par. (67) Mutford hund. NE. Suffolk, 3 m. SW. of Yarmouth- 124, on R. Waveney, contains Browston. Acres 2120 ; pop. 465 + 4; poor r. 1937. (Mutf. Incorp.); real prop. 29957. ; charities 197. All Saints Rect. (Xorw.) val. 3627., patr. Bishop. B. Hall, i m. S. ^ K. Place, 3 in. SW. of Dunbar, as below, Capt. Hay, R. N. South B. is near it. P. BELTONFORD vil. 2 m. WSW. of Dunbar-28, NE. Haddingtn. on B. Burn. Beltra Though (58-9, etc.) Tirawley bar. Mid. Mayo, about 2 J m. long, is at the head of B. River, which runs 6 m. SW. to Clew Bay, at Newport. Beltrasna (14) 3 m. SE. of Oldcastle, NW. Meath, Jas. O'Reilly, Esq. Beltrees, 2 m. E. of Lochwinnock, S. Renfrew. Lady Sempill. Beltrim (18) 6m. E. of Newtownstewart, N. Tyrone, A. Hamilton, Esq. P. M. BELTURBET town (11) Armagh and Drumlane pars., Loughtee bar. N. Cavan, a police station on R. Erne, near the lough, was founded by the Lanesboroughs, and incorporated by Jas. I., under a provost and 12 burgesses (with a revenue of 2487.) and sent 2 members to parl. before the Union. Pop. 1620, decreasing ; houses 286, with par. church and school, distillery, barracks, mkt. house, making-houses, almshouses. In ch.yard are remains of a fort and those of an abbey further away. Mkt. D. Thurs. provisions and yarn. Fairs, Ash Wed. 4 Sept. and 1st Th. of every other month. Belvidere (73) near Whitchurch, borders of Cheshire and Salop, C. Watson, Esq. tgST Belvi- dere. See Belmout, Essex, above. gif Bel- videre (16) 2m. ENE. of Christchurch, SW. Hants.3. Griffiths, Esq. ^" Belvidere (l)3m.E. of Woolwich, NW. Kent, near R. Thames, Sir C. Eardley, Bt., has a good collection of paintings, igg" Belvidere ( ) Owneybeg bar. N. Limerick, M. Barrington, Esq. gg" Belvidere (26) on L. Ennell, SE. Westmeath, Lord Lanesborough. Selview (100) 3 m. NW. of Eyrecourt, SE. Galway, Lawrence, Esq. Bdcin Hall (32) 5 m. N. of Dunshaughlin, SE. Meath. Belcoir (43) 4 m. NE. of Sixmilebridge, Mid. Clare, D. J. Wilson, Esq. ^ Belvoir (60) Up- per Belfast bar. S. Antrim, near R. Lagan, Sir R. Bateson, Bt. BELVOIR, or " Beever," extr. par. (70) Fram- land hund. NE. Leicest. on the Lincoln border, 10 m. NNE. of Melton Mowbray-105, derives its importance from B. Castle, seat of the Duke of BEM l!utl;md, where the ' B. hounds' arc kennelled. Acres 170, with fossils ; pop. 109 ; real prop. 1319/. The castle seated on a hill (ascended by steps), which commands a view of 30 m. over the Vale of B., and restored by Wyatt, was founded by Rob. de Todeni, the Conqueror's standard-bearer, who had about 80 lordships, many of which still belong to the duke his descendant. Among the pictures are Nic. Poussin's ' Seven Sacraments,' several by Claude, Rubens, Murillo, Teniers, Lely, Reynolds, Gainsboro', West, Mortimer, and the Quixote tapestry. A fire in 1816 destroyed part of the building to the value of 120,OOOZ. Lower down are remains of the priory, founded about 1076 by De Todeni, of whom it has a memorial, and given to the Mannerses at the dissolution, when the ancient tombs were moved to Bottesford church. P. BEMBRIDGE chplry. (10) Brading par. I. of Wight,