Southern Branch of the University of California Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below OCT 1 5 lS2i. NOV 1 31021 8 MAR 19 1928 MAR 1 8 1.927 #61 " I ftp NOV 5 1941 Form L-9-15n-8,'24 OUTLINES OF GENERAL BIOLOGY AN INTRODUCTORY LABORATORY MANUAL BY CHARLES W. HARGITT RESEARCH PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY AND GEORGE T. HARGITT PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY FOURTH EDITION LEA & FEBIGER PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK 641S6 COPYRIGHT LEA & FEBIGER 1922 PRINTED IN U. S. A. QM 3 1-7 USLO. PEEP ACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. IN preparing the present edition little change has been made; such errors as have been brought to notice have been corrected, and some changes have been made in the interest of greater clearness or more precise directions. The ideal underlying the manual is, as it always has been, to stimulate inquiry and develop the scientific habit of work and thought. The order of presentation remains unchanged, for both from practical and pedagogical reasons such an arrangement has justified itself through years of experience. The order of presentation of topics is, however, of secondary importance, and the individual teacher will make such choice of topics and order of study as best meets his needs. An elementary course in biology must of necessity be limited to relatively few typical organisms, but the aim of the manual is distinctly not the study of types as such. In our own course the laboratory study is planned to illus- trate general biological principles such as the following: fundamental plans of animal structure; homology; adap- tation; protoplasmic structure and behavior; development of organisms; and other similar principles. In conducting such a course it is necessary to make definite plans ahead of time, and select from the manual those topics which cover the desired ground. It is believed that there is sufficient material included to make possible a considerable choice to meet varied needs and desires. vi PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION It is still a pleasure to acknowledge the cordial cooperation among other members of the zoological staff in such sug- gestions as their several experiences and observations have prompted. Should others who use the book feel disposed to offer suggestions touching either the matter or the method of the manual they may be assured of the cordial thanks of the authors. C. W. H. G. T. H. SYBACUSE, 1922 CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION: LABORATORY AND APPARATUS 17 NOTES AND DRAWINGS 18 DISSECTION 21 THE MICROSCOPE 22 FROG 26 ORGANS, TISSUES AND CELLS 45 PROTOPLASM 47 CELL (CYTOLOGY) 50 AMCEBA 54 PARAMECIUM 57 VORTICELLA 62 QUESTIONS ON THE PROTOZOA IN GENERAL 64 PLEUROCOCCUS 66 COLONIAL PROTOZOA 68 SPIROGYRA 70 SPONGE 73 HYDRA 75 HYDROID: PENNARIA 80 OBELLA 83 MEDUSA 85 EARTHWORM 87 SAND WORM 95 FERN . 98 YEAST 104 BACTERIA 107 CRAYFISH 110 GRASSHOPPER 116 HONEYBEE 121 CLAM 125 SNAIL 133 FISH 135 CLASSIFICATION . 140 ar viii CONTENTS . APPE- DIX: OLLECTION AND PREPARATION OF MATERIAL 147 PREPARATION AND MOUNTING OF SLIDES 153 REAGENTS 155 TESTS FOR ORGANIC SUBSTANCES 161 GLOSSARY 163 INDEX . 179 GENERAL BIOLOGY. INTRODUCTION Laboratory and Apparatus IN order to get the best results in a laboratory course there should be cordial cooperation between students and instructors. The laboratory should be orderly and attractive, and its schedule regarded with the same promptness and fidelity as that of the classroom. Certain apparatus is assigned to each student who must be responsible for it during use. Notebooks, dissecting instruments, pencils, and the laboratory manual, are to be furnished by each student. Each is expected to do his work independently, faithfully, and to have his own outfit which should be kept in the best possible condition for effective use. Ample laboratory material is furnished for the work required, but it should be used with reasonable economy. This relates to reagents as well as specimens. Let there be particular care in the handling of models or museum speci- mens placed upon the demonstration table. These are not to be removed from this table without express permission. The same applies to demonstration materials and dissections. At the close of the laboratory period, which may be ex- tended to students desirous of doing extra work, let the tables be cleared up, the instruments, dissecting pans and 2 18 GENERAL BIOLOGY the like put in the proper places, all solid waste deposited in receptacles for that purpose, and only water or liquid waste thrown into the sinks. Notes and Drawings Experience has shown that it is necessary to make accurate drawings and to write a definite and careful description of an animal if one is to secure a satisfactory knowledge of it. The drawings should be made (on one side only) on un- ruled heavy paper, or cardboard, with a drawing pencil (about 3H); the notes, written on separate sheets, should accompany the drawings. FIG. 1. Figs. 1 to 3 are from drawings which are correct in form, accurate in structure, and satisfactory from a scientific point of view. The drawings made to accompany the work of this course should be in outline like the figures, since shading tends to obscure rather than clarify the details of structure. The drawings shown in the figures demonstrate the clearness with which details are shown, even when the structure is rather complex. However, it is sometimes desirable to represent the texture of a part and a shaded drawing will occasionally be necessary. Fig. 4 is a drawing of a group of cells characterized by thick walls of rather definite appearance and structure. One side of the draw- INTRODUCTION 10 ing is in outline and shows clearly the shape and arrange- ment of the cells and the thickness of their walls. The Fig. 2. FIQ. 3. 20 GENERAL BIOLOGY shaded portion illustrates the further detail of a certain structure in the walls. Fig. 5, a cell in the process of divi- sion, is shaded in a manner which will bring out the details of cellular structure. The following suggestion may be helpful: Make the drawings large, leave considerable space between them and have them symmetrically arranged on the page. In start- FIG. 4. FIG. 5. ing a drawing make all lines very faint, and when the form, proportions and arrangement of parts is satisfactory go over the lines with a smooth continuous stroke, producing a line of the desired strength. The drawing must represent the actual specimen studied, should show the real structure rather than the mere appearance, and should be finished in the laboratory while the specimen is under observation. INTRODUCTION 21 Give each preparation careful study before starting a draw- ing. The directions for laboratory study are merely suggestions with regard to methods and order of work; the specimen is the thing being studied. Do not be afraid to do some things, or to make some drawings not asked for in the outlines, if you can thereby get a clearer idea of the structure or add further to your knowledge of the animal. Most of the questions asked in the outlines can be answered from the specimen if the search is made, but if help is necessary call upon the instructor for aid. Always give a clear and definite title to each drawing, indicating what aspect of the specimen is shown; also clearly name the parts shown in the drawing. Write labels parallel to the bottom of the page and connect to the part desired by faint continuous lines (these are better than dotted lines). The title of the drawing should be followed by an indication of the scale of the drawing, e. g. x | means one-half the natural size, x 5 means five times natural size. Dissection The object of dissection is to separate the various organs or parts in such a way as to show their form and relation to each other. It consists largely in removing the con- nective tissue which holds the parts together. Fix the specimen firmly in a position that will be con- venient for work, usually with the head away from you. If pins are used stick them obliquely into the wax of the dissecting pan. Large specimens should be moistened from time to time to keep from drying, and small animals should be dissected under water. Before starting a dissection study the specimen care- 22 GENERAL BIOLOGY fully and note where the cut may be made to expose the part wanted with the least injury to the surrounding parts. Do not grasp nerves or bloodvessels with the forceps, but hold the tissue at one side of them. Do not allow scraps to accumulate on the specimen; with a pipette wash away the debris which gathers on the specimen under water, and change the water frequently. Instruments must be kept clean and sharp to accomplish the best results, therefore do not use scissors or scalpel to cut hard objects and do not allow the instruments to be- come rusty. Clean and dry the instruments, after using, and smear them with a little oil or vaseline. The scissors are used almost exclusively when cutting is to be done. Each blade of the scissors holds the object for the other blade, whereas the scalpel tends to push out of the way the object to be cut, and also often leads to the cutting of underlying tissues that should not be injured. While cutting with one hand, whether with the scissors or scalpel, always use the forceps in the other to steady the object and to hold the edge of the cut. The Microscope Since the compound microscope is the instrument most indispensable to the biological student some knowledge of its construction and manipulation should precede its im- mediate application to the work in which it is used. The following study of its parts and their relations may there- fore be made in the order indicated. 1. Parts, (a) The base, a heavy support bearing (6) the column to which is fastened (c) the stage, a horizontal sup- port for objects to be examined. In the center of the stage INTRODUCTION 23 is an opening for the passage of light by which an object is to be illuminated. It is provided with clips for firmly holding the object in position during its study. Situated just under the lower side of the stage is a mechanism, (d) the diaphragm, for regulating the amount of light admitted to the object. Note that these diaphragms may be of different types, mere disks to be inserted in the stage, or a circular disk to be rotated, or a shutter-like device known as the iris diaphragm, (e) Attached to a movable arm under the stage is the mirror by which light is reflected through the object and lens to the eye of the observer. Note that it is double, having on one side a plane, and on the other a concave surface; the latter serves to concentrate more light upon the object, and should be used chiefly with the high power lenses. Above the stage is (/) the tube supported on the arm of the microscope. The tube is a means of attaching the optical parts, i. e., the lenses, of which there are several; those at the upper end being called the oculars or eye-pieces since they relate directly to the eye of the observer; those attached to the lower end known as the objectives, since they relate to the object under observation. The wheel- like parts working on the side of the arm, and a similar smaller one at the top or side, have to do with focusing to be explained later. 2. Adjustments. These refer to the matter of so relating the mirror, the object to be studied, the lenses employed, the amount of light admitted, that clear and distinct images are afforded. First in the process is that of light, and practice will be required in order to learn its importance. This will involve testing the effects of both plane and con- cave mirrors, the use of the diaphragm in regulating the amount of light, and finally that adjustment of the lenses 24 GENERAL BIOLOGY known as focusing. In the last of these operations will be involved learning the uses of the so-called coarse and fine adjustments, the former effected by means of the rack motion produced by the large milled heads at the side of the arm, and the second by means of the small milled head at the top or side. Try out all these operations in a general way and finally under the directions of the next section. 3. Focusing. The object to be examined must be thin, since the light must pass through it. The object is placed on a glass slide, with a drop of water or other liquid, and covered with a thin glass cover. Place the slide on the stage with the object directly over the center of the opening. Move the low power objective rather close to the slide and, while looking into the eyepiece, turn the coarse adjustment so as to raise the tube until the object comes into view, now using the fine adjustment focus carefully until the image is perfectly sharp. The high power, w y hen in focus, is so close to the cover glass that great care must be used in adjusting it or it may be injured. Turn the nose piece slowly to bring this ob- jective into position, taking care to see that it does not touch the cover glass. If it swings into position without striking, a slight movement of the fine adjustment will usually bring the image into sharp focus. If the high pow r er can- not be swung into position the same process of focusing must be used as for the low power. Always focus upward, since to do the contrary may result in the lens striking the slide to the injury of both the slide and the lens. Practice these points patiently and with care until every phase is clearly understood and easily managed. This practice in manipulation will be time w T ell spent, since later work will thereby be done easily and skilfully. INTRODUCTION 25 4. Use and Care of the Microscope. Having learned the parts and adjustments of the instrument practice their use until they become familiar. This is especially im- portant in the adjustments relating to light. Test manip- ulation of mirrors and diaphragms until able to obtain and control just the amount and quality of light essential to the best effects, doing so with eye constantly at the ocular. The best light is that of the open sky (not sunlight direct) or that reflected from bright clouds. Artificial light may be used provided a screen of some sort be interposed, such as a bluish, or ground glass. Begin every study with the low power, nothing is gained by using a higher power than serves the end in view. To avoid eye fatigue while using the microscope practice looking with both eyes open, which after a little practice is not especially difficult. If not easily acquired, an artificial shade or screen may be used as may be explained by the instructor. Proper care of the microscope is important if its efficiency is to be at its best. Keep every part clean, do not allow water, or dirt, or chemicals, to remain in contact with any of its parts. This is especially important for the lenses. Do not touch the lenses with the naked finger, and if they should appear dirty cleanse with lens paper furnished by the laboratory. This may be facilitated by breathing on the lens and then gently wiping dry. Never attempt to take lenses apart. THE FROG. RANA SP. FROGS may be had at various times of the year, and are easily kept in proper aquaria, so arranged that the animals have range from water to dry or rocky support, provided care is taken to guard against serious contamination of tank or water. They may be secured in late summer or fall, or even in spring, though in New York State there is now a closed season in the spring as for other game animals. In addition to living specimens kept during the year there should also be an ample supply of preserved material for the needs of classes. If specimens are to be injected for study of the blood system this must be done immediately after killing preparatory to preservation. In the neighborhood of larger cities frogs may often be secured through fish markets, provided attention is given to the subject in ample time, and often at prices much lower than those charged by professional supply departments. I. External Characters. What is the shape of the body as a whole? Are dorsal and ventral surfaces well marked? How? Note the di- vision of the animal into head, trunk, and limbs. Is there a neck and tail? What is the character of the skin? In the living animal is the skin moist or dry, warm or cold? Are there scales or other protective structures in the skin? 1. Head. Note its triangular shape. Observe the follow- ing parts : mouth, nostrils, eyes, ear-drum or tympanic mem- THE FROG 27 brane. Do the eyes have lids? How many? Which moves in the living frog? Draw the head from the side. 2. Trunk. Note the shape and the differences in the dorsal and ventral sides. 3. Limbs. Note the number and arrangement. In the hand. How many digits or fingers? The hind limb is fore limbs the following divisions occur: arm, forearm, divided into thigh, leg, and foot. How many digits? - How is the leg adapted for swimming? Compare with the fore limb in length and number of digits. Draw both fore and hind leg. 4. External Apertures. Note the position, shape and size of the following: mouth, anus, nostrils. II. Mouth Cavity. Open the mouth to its full extent, cutting the corners of the jaw if necessary. Are there lips? Is there a tongue? What is its shape, size and mode of attachment? Where, are the teeth found? Teeth on the jaw bones are called maxillary teeth, those on the roof of the mouth are vomerine teeth. Pass a bristle through the outer nostrils and observe the inner or posterior nostrils. Where are they found? Pierce the tympanic membrane and pass a blunt probe into the, ear; in the mouth cavity the place where the probe appears is the opening of the Eustachian tube. In the posterior floor of the mouth just at the end of the tongue is a slit, the glottis, opening into the trachea and lungs. Its margin is stiff and cartilaginous, and the opening is closed except when air is passing. The esophagus lies dorsal to the glottis. Compare with the latter. Make a drawing of the mouth cavity, showing all the points referred to. 28 ' GENERAL BIOLOGY m. Internal Anatomy. Fasten the frog in the dissecting pan on its back, and slit the skin the entire length of the body in the median line. Is the skin loosely or closely attached to the body? The spaces that are found beneath the skin are lymph spaces. Laying back the skin observe the walls of the abdomen, made up of muscles. Determine the points of attachment of these muscles. In what directions do the fibers of the muscles extend on the ventral wall, and on the side wall? The ventral muscles are the straight abdominal, and those of the side walls are the oblique abdominal muscles. Also observe the group of pectoral or breast muscles in the region of the arm. Is this one muscle or a group of muscles ? What is the probable function of these muscles? Draw the ventral surface of the frog, showing the muscles just studied. If time permits, the muscles of one of the hind legs may be studied and a drawing made. Cut through the body wall, taking care not to injure the organs lying beneath. Notice that the internal organs lie in a large cavity, the body cavity or ccelom. Pin back the flaps and observe the following organs which are exposed: 1. Heart. In the median line beneath the pectoral girdle. It has two thin-walled auricles and a thicker-walled ven- tricle, the whole being enclosed in a delicate sac, the peri- cardium. If the heart is beating record the order of the pulsations of the different chambers. From the ventricle a large vessel, the truncus arteriosus, extends obliquely for- ward over the auricles. On the dorsal side of the heart is a thin, triangular sac, the sinus venosus, into which the blood comes before entering the heart. Does the sinus com- municate with the auricles or the ventricle? Make drawings of the heart to show these points. THE FROG 29 2. Liver. A large, dark red mass, dorsal to the heart. What is its size and shape? Of how many lobes is it com- posed? Between the lobes is the bile sac, .or gall bladder. The cystic ducts are tubes which lead from the liver to the bile sac and the bile duct extends from the bile sac through the pancreas to the digestive tube, which it enters about half an inch posterior to the stomach. Turn the liver for- ward and trace the bile duct to its opening into the intestine. Make a drawing of this region. (If the specimen is a female take up, at this point, the study of the reproductive organs. Having shown their position, size and structure in a drawing, remove them and study further the other organs of the body cavity.) 3. Lungs. Two thin-walled sacs dorsal to the liver and at the sides of the esophagus. Note the texture pf the walls and the character of the lining. The lungs may be expanded by blowing air into them. 4. Stomach. Note the shape, size and position. How 7 is the stomach held in place? Slit the stomach longitudi- nally, and determine the character of its walls and its lining. 5. Intestine. Is it straight or coiled? How is it held in position? Compare the walls with those of the stomach. Near the posterior end note an enlargement, the large intestine. 6. Pancreas. A pale mass lying in the loop made by stomach and intestine. Show its position in the drawing made of the liver. 7. Spleen. A small round body lying in the posterior part of the body. Does it appear to be joined to, or connected with any other organ? 8. Bladder. A thin walled sac in the extreme posterior part of the body cavity. What is its shape? With what organs does it communicate? Make a drawing to show the organs so far studied. 30 GENERAL BIOLOGY 9. Ovaries. Found in the female and composed of masses of eggs, their size depending upon the maturity of the animal, and the time of year. If the ovaries are mature they may almost completely fill the body cavity crowding all the other organs that are in the cavity. If the animal is immature the small ovaries will be found near the dorsal part of the body cavity hidden by the digestive organs. Long con- voluted tubes along the dorsal wall of the body cavity are the oviducts. Anteriorly these are held in place against the esophagus, and open into the coelom by a funnel-shaped mouth. Near the posterior end each oviduct enlarges to form a sort of bladder, called the uterus. Fastened near the anterior end of the ovaries are slender yellowish fat bodies. 10. Testes. These organs, the male reproductive organs, are oval yellowish bodies near the dorsal body wall. Usually connected to them are slender yellowish fat bodies. Ducts from the testes pass into the kidneys and communicate with the urinary duct or ureter. The ureter, therefore, functions as a common urino-genital duct. Rudiments of oviducts may occasionally be present along the sides of the kidneys. 11. Kidneys. To study the kidneys and their ducts, remove the muscle and a portion of the bony pelvic girdle which lie ventral to the intestine and cloaca. Place the animal under water and displace the other organs to expose the kidneys, a pair of elongated reddish organs situated close to the vertebral column. A small tube, the ureter, extends from the posterior end of each kidney to the cloaca. On the ventral side of each kidney is a narrow yellowish line, the adrenal body, a gland whose secretion is poured into the blood. THE FROG 31 12. Cloaca. The cloaca is a continuation of the large intestine, and opens to the outside on the dorsal side of the animal. Expose the cloaca and note the connection of the bladder, ureters, and oviducts with it. A diagrammatic drawing made from the side will show the relations of these ducts to each other and to the cloaca; or a drawing on a large scale, from the ventral side will be satisfactory if some parts are slightly displaced. Observe the peritoneum, a pigmented membrane which lines the ccelom. This also covers the organs, and makes up the mesenteries which hold the various organs in position. IV. Circulatory System. This system must be worked out from specimens whose vessels have been filled with a colored injection mass. Such an injection expands the bloodvessels and causes them to stand out clearly from surrounding tissues and organs. If an injected animal is not used only a few of the larger vessels will be found, and these can be followed for only a short distance 1. Heart. Observe again the shape and position of the heart, and the chambers of which it is composed. 2. Arteries. Leading from the ventricle is a single large artery, the truncus arteriosus, which divides into tvtp parts, one passing to the right, and the other to the left. Each of these subdivides into three arteries called the aortic arches. The most anterior of these is the carotid arch, which supplies blood to the head. Following this is the systemic arch which, with its branches, carries blood to the trunk and appendages. The most posterior of the three arches is the pulmo-cutaneous which conducts blood from the heart to the lungs and skin. 32 GENERAL BIOLOGY From each of these large vessels arise a number of smaller arteries; their origin should be determined, and. their dis- tribution carefully followed. A. Carotid Arch. This arch divides into two arteries: (a) External carotid or lingual which supplies blood to the tongue and muscles of the lower jaw. (6) Internal carotid, which passes around the lower jaw to the roof of the mouth, the orbit of the eye, and the brain. At the junction o these two arteries is a swelling, the carotid gland. B. Pulmo-cutaneous Arch. This, the posterior of the three arches, divides into tw r o arteries : (a) The pulmonary extends to the lungs, in which it divides into several smaller vessels. (6) The cutaneous extends anteriorly to the shoulder w r here it passes dorsally, and, emerging behind the ear, is distributed over the skin of the back and side. C. The middle arch, the systemic, extends dorsally, passes around the esophagus, and the two sides of the arch unite into a single vessel, the dorsal aorta, which proceeds posteriorly along the spinal column. From each side of the arch several arteries arise. (a) . The subclavian, a large artery which goes to the shoulder, w-ill easily be found; it continues into the arm where it is called the brachial. (6) The occipito-vertebral arises just anterior to the sub- clavian, passes dorsally through the body wall and divides into two arteries. Branches from this artery may extend into the esophagus. (c) Laryngeal. Along the systemic arch between the occipito-vertebral artery and the heart is a small artery, the laryngeal, which goes to the trachea and larynx. THE FROG 33 (rf) Esophageal. This artery arises from the systemic arch posterior to the subclavian, about half way between it and the dorsal aorta. As a rule it comes only from the arch of the left side. (e) Dorsal Aorta. If the stomach is pulled aside this artery will be found along the spinal column; it is formed by the union of the systemic arches of the right and left sides. Branching from the dorsal aorta are : (I) Coeliaco-mesenteric. This large artery extending to stomach, intestine, pancreas, liver, and spleen comes from the dorsal aorta just posterior to the union of the two sides of the systemic arch; but the blood is derived almost entirely from the left side of the arch. The coeliac artery supplies the stomach, the mesenteric the intestine, the splenic the spleen. (II) Urino-genital and lumbar arteries arise from the ventral side of the dorsal aorta in pairs, and extend to the kidneys, reproductive organs, fat bodies, and dorsal body wall. (Ill) Near the extreme posterior end of the dorsal aorta a small posterior mesenteric artery passes into the rectum. (/) Common iliac arteries are formed by the division of the dorsal aorta; they supply blood to the hind legs. (J) A short distance from its origin each common iliac gives off, on the outer side, one or more epigastric arteries which extend to the ventral abdominal wall. (II) Slightly posterior to the epigastric a small artery, the recto-vesical, comes out on the inner side of the iliac and supplies blood to the bladder, cloaca, and pelvic muscles. 34 GENERAL BIOLOGY (g) The sciatic artery is the continuation of the iliac artery in the leg. Soon after entering the leg the sciatic gives off a large branch, the femoral artery, which supplies blood to the thigh muscles. At the knee the sciatic divides into two chief branches, the tibial extending along the front of the leg into the foot, and the peroneal which passes along the back of the leg into the calf muscles. Make a large drawing of the heart and arterial system, carefully showing the origin and distribution of the vessels studied. 3. Veins. While the arteries have been under investi- gation it will have been noticed that there were other vessels, not injected, running parallel with the arteries. These were some of the larger veins of the body. The veins make up a system for the return of the blood to the heart, but their further study will not be attempted here. Before leaving the study of the circulatory system one should see the circulation of blood in a living frog. This may easily be done by examining with a microscope the thin web in the foot of an anesthetized animal. V. Nervous System. The nervous system consists of three general divisions; the central, composed of the brain and spinal cord; the peripheral, which includes the nerves connecting the central system with sense organs and muscles; the sympathetic, a series of nerves extending to the internal organs. 1. The Central System. Place the frog dorsal side upper- most and slit the skin along the median line from the snout to the anus. Lift up the cut edges and notice the pairs of delicate thread-like nerves which run through the muscles THE FROG 35 of the body wall to the skin. Next remove the skin of the body, the roof of the cranial cavity, the muscles of the back, and with sharp pointed scissors cut away the arches of the vertebrae. This will expose the brain and spinal cord which will be found to be covered with a delicate blackish membrane, the pia mater. In addition to this inner covering there is an outer one, the dura mater, which lies close to the skull and vertebrae, and has been removed with the bone. The following parts may now be identified, beginning with the anterior end : (a) Olfactory Lobes. These are at the extreme anterior end of the brain. They are not distinct lobes but are separated by a shallow groove from the rest of the brain. Are the two lobes separate or fused? Olfactory nerves pass forward from these lobes to the nostrils. (6) Cerebral Hemispheres. Two large ovoid bodies im- mediately posterior to the olfactory lobes. (c) Thalamencephalon, a narrow, cylindrical portion connecting the cerebral hemispheres with the optic lobes. Upon it, occupying a median position, is a small body, the pineal gland. (d) Optic Lobes, posterior to the thalamencephalon. What is the size and shape of these parts as com- pared with the cerebral hemispheres? (e) The Cerebellum is a small transverse fold posterior to the optic lobes. (/) Medulla Oblongata, following the cerebellum. In it is a triangular cavity, the fourth ventricle. (