Select List of References on Capital Punishment THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES LIBRAEY OF COTTGRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF HERMANN H. B. MEYER CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER ll28tj WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 L. C. card, 12—35004 c TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Prefatory note 3 Bibliography 5-6 General : Book^^ 7-15 Articles in periodicals 15-17 In favor of capital punishment : Books 18-20 Articles in periodicals 20-23 Opposed to capital punishment: Books 24-32 Articles in periodicals . . t 32-39 Author index 41-43 Subject index 45 1 PREFATORY NOTE This ia the second list which has resulted from the cooperation of the Division of Bibliog-raphy and the State and legislative reference librarians throughout the country. A preliminary list was prepared in typewritten form and sent to each State library or legislative refer- ence library, where such existed. Results in the form of additional titles or suggestions were received from the following States: Connecticut Indiana Kansas Maryland (Baltimore) Massachusetts Ohio Rhode Island Texas Virginia Wisconsin The material is gathered under three heads: General discussions, writings in favor of capital punishment, and those opposed to capital punishment. The Subject Index affords a clue to writings and statis- tics devoted to any particular country, and to certain special subjects, such as substitutes for capital punishment, methods of inflicting the death penalty, etc., incidental to the main subject. H. H. B. Meyer Chief Bibliographer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress 'Washington, B. C, July 29, 1912 3 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 Brookings, Walter Du Bois, and Ralph C. Ringwalt, eds. Briefs for debate on current political, economic, and social topics . . . with an mtroduction by Albert Bushnell Hart. New York [etc.]: Longmans, Green, and co., 1899. xlvii, 213 p. 12°. Capital punishment: p. 57-69. 1 1-2986/4 Z7161.B89 2 Fanning, Clara Elizabeth, comp. Selected articles on capital punishment. Minneapolis: H. W. Wilson company, 1909. viii, 171 p. 12° . (Debaters' handhoolc series.) Bibliography: p. [l]-8. W 9-336 HV8551.F2 3 Jerome, Waldron M. Syllabus on capital punishment. 1st ed. Minneapolis: H. W. Wilson, 1901. 31 p. 8°. 6-40327 Z6455.C9J4 4 MacDonald, Arthur. Abnormal man, being essays on education and crime and related subjects, with digests of literature and a bibliography. WasUngton: Govt, print, off., 1893. U5 p. 8°. {V. 8. Bureau of education. Circulars of information. 1893, no. 4-) Bibliography: Capital punishment, p. 409-410. . 1-8633 HV6035.M24 Z5118.C9M2 - Man and abnormal man, including a study of children, in connection with bills to establish laboratories under federal and state governments for the study of the crim- nal, pauper, and defective classes, with bibliographies. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1905. 780 p. illus. 8°. ([U. S.] 58th Cong., 3d sess. Senate. Doc. no. 187.) Bibliography: Capital punishment, p. 771-772. 5-16132 HV4965.M25 b LIBRARY OF CONGRESS G Matson, Henry. References for literary Avorkers, with intro- ductions to topics and questions for debate. 3d ed. Chicago: A. C. McClurg and company, 1S97. xiii, [17}- 5S2 p. S°. Capital punishment: p. 160-162. 6-23785 Z1035.M45 7 Ohio. State library, Columbus. Capital punisliment. [Columhus, Ohio.] Jan. 1906. 16 p. 8°. (Monthly bul- letin, vol. 1, no. 10.) List of references, p. 3-6. Z881.037B,v.l 8 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on the judiciary. Capital crimes. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1S94. 23 p. S°. {53d Cong., 2d sess. House. Report, 5Jf.5.) 3270 Bibliography: p. 14-23. Reprinted as Senate report no. 846, 53d Cong., 3d session, and as House report no. 108, 54th Cong., 1st session. 3289 3457 9 Viola, Orazio. Bibliografia italiana della pena di morte. [n. p.] Premiato stabilimento cromo-tipograjico industriale, 1904. 71 p. 8°. 5-27231 Z6455.C9V5 GENERAL BOOKS 10 American prison association. Proceedings of the annual congress of the American prison association. Chicago [etc.], 1870-1909 26 v. 8°. 5-31599 HV8987.A1 11 — ■ Index to the reports of the National prison association, 1870, 1873, 1874, 1883-1904. Comp. by Mary V. Titus, with introduction by Eugene Smith. Washington: Govt, frint. off., 1906. 160 p. 8°. {[TJ. S.] 59th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 210.) Capital ijunishment : p. 28-29. See also separate indexes to subse- quent volumes. 6-35168 HV8987.A1 Index 12 Andrews, William. Bygone punishments. London: W. Andrews <& co., 1899. Jf. p. I., 311 p. front., illus., plates. 8°. Capital punishments: p. 1-133. 5-3965 HV8532.G8A5 13 Askew, John Bertram. Pros and cons; a newspaper reader's and debater's guide to the leading controversies of the day. 4th ed., edited by Albert M. Hyamson. With bibliographies. London: G. Routledge <& sons, limited [etc.]; New Yorlc: E. P. Button (& CO., 1906. xii, 228 p. 12°. Capital punishment: p. 34-35. 7-35153 H83.A8 14 Barrows, Samuel June. New legislation concerning crimes, misdemeanors, and penalties. Conjpiled from the laws of the Fifty-fifth Congress and from the session laws of the states and territories for 1897 and 1898. Washington: Govt, print, off., 1900. xxiv, 480 p. 8°. Capital punishment: p. 52, 108, 135, 176. 1-9592 7 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 15 Blackstone, Sir William. Commentaries on the laws of Eng- land; in four books. By Sir William Blackstone . . . together with a copious analysis of the contents, and notes with references to English and American decisions and statutes which illustrate or change the law of the text; also, a full table of abbreviations, and some considera- tions regarding the study of the law. By Thomas M. Cooley. 4th ed. by James De Witt Andrews. Chicago: CallagJian and company, 1899. 2 v. front, (port.) 2 tah. 4°. Capital punishment: v. 2, p. 9, 18, 237, 276, 413, 441. 4-5473/4 16 *Bleackley, Horace William. Some distinguished victims of the scaffold. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner, dc co., ltd., 1905. xiv, 232 p. front., plates, ports. 4°- A 11-280 17 *Bleyer, J. Mount. Scientific methods of capital punishment. (Humboldt library no. 93.) 18 Bossange, Adolphe. Des crimes et des peines capitales. Paris: V C.-Bechet [etc.], 1832. 2 p. I., 400 p. 8°. 10-21549t HV8694.B7 19 Buxton, Sydney. Capital punishment. {In his A handbook to political questions of the day, 11th cd. Lon- don, 1903. 8°. p. 245-246.) JN227 1903 20 *Capital punishment: dedicated to "The Church." London: Kitto, 1867. 84 P- 8°. (Hints for whom they may concern. No. 2.) 21 Death penalty. {In Bliss, W. D. P. ed. The new encyclopedia of social reform. New York, 1908. 4°. p. 363.) H41.B62 22 The Death penalty; the men who have suffered it at San Quentin prison, their lives and crimes briefly sketched. [San Franciscol 1903.] 107 p., 1 I. illus. (ports.) 8°. 4-14345t HV6533.C2D5 23 Dymond, Alfred Hutchinson. The law on its trial: or, Personal recollections of the death penalty and its opponents. London: A. W. Bennett, 1865. viii, 312 p. 12°. 10-2221Gt HV8699.G8D8 *Not at present in the Library of Congress. n/ CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 24 Fanning^, Clara Elizabeth, comp. Selected articles on capital punishment. Minneapolis: H. TT. Wilson company, 1909. viii, 171 p. \^ 12°. {Debaters' handboolc series.) Bibliography: p. [l]-8. W 9-336 HV8551.F2 25 Fogle, Humphrey Marshall. The palace of death; or, The Ohio penitentiary annex, a human-interest story of the incar- ceration and execution of Oliio's murderers, with a de- tailed review of the incidents connected with each case. Columbus, 0.: The author, 1908. 278 p. incl. illus., pi., ports. 12°. 9-5895 HV6211.F7 25a Forms of capital punislmaent in United States. {In Brooklyn daily eagle almanac, 1912. Brooklyn, 1912. 8°. p. 149.) Shows states that have abolished capital punishment. AY67.B8E2 1912 25b Furnrohr, August. Die Todesstrafe in ihrer rechtsliistorischen Entwicklung in Deutschland bis zur Carolina. Erlangen, E. Th. Jacob, 1909. xi, 207 p. 8°. 12—39002 HV8699.G3F8 26 Gt. Brit. Capital punishment commission. Report; together with the minutes of evidence and appendix. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. London, 1866. Hi, 671 p. 8°. (Great Britain. Parlia- ment. Sessional papers, 1866, vol. 21.) HV8699.G8A4 27 Home dept. Homicide (punishment in foreign coun- tries). "Return of the various punishments for homi- cidal crime provided by the penal codes of the following countries, viz.: France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Den- mark, Switzerland, Portugal, Russia, and the United States of America." Home office, 20 August 1907. Her- bert Samuel. (Mr. George Greenwood.) Ordered, by the House of commons, to be printed, 19 August 1907. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Eyre and Spot- tiswoode, [1907]. 31, [1] p. F°. ([Parliament, 1907. H. of C. Repts. and papers] 316.) 8-5956 HV6497.G7 28 Helie, Faustin. The death penalty. (In Lalor, J. J., ed. Cyclopaedia of political science. New York, 1904. 4°. V. 1, p. 721-724.) H41.L23,v.l \^ 10 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 29 Hugo, Victor Marie, comte. The last days of a condemned. From the French of M. Victor Hugo. With observations on capital punishment, by Sir P. Hesketh Fleetwood. London: Smith, Elder and co., I84O. 1 p. I., [v\-xliii, 192 p. 12°. 7-5868t PZ3.H875L Eeviewed in Foreign quarterly review, Apr-July, 1840, v. 25: 394-406. AP4.F69 30 Italy. Ministero di grazia e giustizia. Notizie statistiche sulle condanne alia pena di morte in Italia nel decennio 1867- 1876. Roma: Tip. Elzeviriana nel Ministero delle jinanze, 1878. 2 p.l, [7]-90 p., 2 I. 4°. 9-20333t HV8699.I8A6 1878 30a Parlamento, 1875. Senato. Discvissioni intorno alia pena di morte, tornate dal 18 al 25 febbraio, 5 e 6 marzo. Roma: Cotta e comp., tip. del Senato, [1875]. 518 p. 8°. 8-30184 HV8699.I8A6 30b Jeflferson, Thomas. A bill for proportioning crimes and pun- ishments, in cases heretofore capital. {In his Writings. Definitive ed. Washington, D. C, 1905. 8°. V. 1, p. 218-239.) Argues against the drastic laws of his time and in favor of restricting capital punishment to capital ciimes. E302.J474,v.l 31 Katzenstein, Richard. Die Todesstrafe in einen neuen Reichs- strafgesetzbuch. Berlin: R. L. Prager, 1902. 3 p. l, 34 p. 8°. 2-25739 HV8694.K2 32 Lammasch, Heinrich. Grundriss des Strafrechts. 3., berich- tigte und erganzte Aufl. Leipzig: Duncker & Humhlot, 1906. x,114p- 4°- (Grun- driss des osterreicJiischen RecJits in systematischer Bear- heitung. Hrsg. von A. Finger und 0. Frankl. 2. Bd., 4. AU.) Todesstrafe: p. A4r-A^. 10-6572 33 Loye, Paul. La mort par la decapitation, preface de M. le Dr. P. Brouardel. Paris: Bureaux du Progres medical [etc.], 1888. 3 p. I., [ix]- xi, 285 p. 8°. (Publications du Progres medical.) 11-2340 HV8652.L8 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 11 34 MacDonald, Arthur. Abnormal man, being essays on educa- tion and crime and related subjects, with digests of Htera- ture and a bibliogi^aphj^. WasUngton: Govt, print, of., 1893. U5 p. 8°. {V. S. Bureau of education. Circulars of information. 1893, no. 4.) HV6035.M24 Consult the index under Capital punishment, Death penalty. 1-8633 Z5118.C9M2 35 Death penalty and homicide. [Chicago, 1910.] 88-116 p. incl. taUes. 8°. Contains statistics of death penalty and homicides in foreign countries. Reprinted from the American journal of sociology, July, 1910. V. XVI : 88-116. ^kMl.A7,v.l6 l(>-20824 HV8694.M2 Extracts reprinted in Green bag, Nov. 1910, v. 22 : 645. 36 *MacDonald, Charles F. The infliction of the death penalty by means of electricity, being a report of seven cases. Albany: Lyon, 1893. 37 Mangano, Orazio. La giuria e la pena di morte. . Catania: Stah. tip. di C. Galatola, 181 4. 37 p. 8°. 10-21973t HV8699.I8M2 38 Marcucci, Vincenzo. Delia legittimita positiva o negativa della pene, principalmente della pena di morte. Lugano: G. Ruggia e c, 1835. 2 p. I., 323, [3] p., 11. 8°. 10-21548t HV8694.M3 39 Menant, Joachim. Observations sur la peine de mort. (2. ed.) 1 Paris: DeracTie, 18^6 . 20 p. 12°. \ 10-22217t HV8699.F8M5 40 Mittermaier, Carl Joseph Anton von. Capital punishment, based on Professor Mittermaier's ' Todesstraf e ' . Ed. by John Macrae Moir. London: Smith, Elder and co , 1865. xxix p., 1 I., 266 p. 12°. 10-21547t HV8694.M56 41 Montagu, Basil. Thoughts on the punishment of death for forgery. London: ^Y. Piclering, 1830. x, [2], xiv, 202 p. 12°. 10-22215t HV8699.G8M8 42 , ed. The opinions of different authors upon the punish- ment of death. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Bees, [etc.], 1812-1816. 3 V 8°. 10-25929 HV8694.M8 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 43 National prison association. See Araerican prison association. 44 New Jersey. Legislature Senate. Committee on capital 'pun- ishment. Report. Trenton, N. J.: MacCrellisTi cfc Quigley, state printers, 1908. 37 p. 8°. Committee: B. B. Hutchinson, E. R. Ackerman, J. C. Price. Information received from various States and foreign countries in regard to capital punishment. 8-17869 HV8699.TJ6N54 45 New York (State). Commission to investigate and report the most humane and practical method of carrying into effect the sentence of death in capital cases. Report. Transmitted Jan. 17, 1888. Albany: The Argus company, 1888. 100 p. 8°. Sen. doc. 17, 1888. HV8699.U6N68 45ji Additional report of the Commissioners on capital punishment of the State of New York. Trans- mitted Jan. 19, 1892. Albany: James B. Lyon, 1892. 4.I p. 8°. HV8699.U6N73 Sen. doc. 12, 1892. 46 Newman, Alan. Criminal executions in England: with remarks on the penal code, prison discipline and abuses, and other subjects connected with the punishment and prevention of crime. London: B. Steill, 1830. 6, {9]-222, [2] p. 8°. 10-22214t HV8699.G8N5 47 Newman, Carlos. Notas sueltas sobre la pena de muerte. Santiago de Chile: Imp. i. Enquadernazion Barzeloria, 1896. 228 p. 8°. " Referenzias " : p. 1-xii. HV8694.N5 10-25928 48 Ohio, state library, Columbus. Capital punishment. [Columbus, Ohio.] Jan. 1906. 16 p. 8°. {Monthly bul- letin, vol. 1, no. 10.) Contains valuable statistics of murder and manslaughter in the various states for series of years. Z881.037B,v.l 49 Olivecrona, Knut, i. e. Samuel Rudolf Detlof Knut. De la peine do mort. 2. ed. entierement revue et considerablement augmentee. Traduction et preface par Ludovic Beauchet. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1893. xxii, 325 p. 8°. First Swedish ed. Upsala, 1866. 12-39001 HV8699.S806 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 13 50 Parsons, Philip A. Responsibility for crime; an investigation of the nature and causes of crime and a means of its pre- vention. New York: Columbia university, Longmans, Green dc co., agents; [etc., etc.] 1909 194 V- ^°- (Studies in history, economics and public law, ed. by the Faculty of political science of Columbia, university, vol. xxxiv, no. 3; vjhole no. 91.) Death penalty: p. 84-94. HV6080.P2 9-18989 H31.C7,v.34 51 Pike, Luke Owen. A history of crime in England, illustrating the changes of the laws in the progress of civilization; written from the public records and other contemporary evidence. London: Smith, Elder & co., 1873-76. 2 v. front, (v. 1: facsim.) 8°. See the Index under Capital punishment. 10-19490t HV6943.A2 52 Pinkerton, ]\Iatthew Worth. Alurder in all ages; being a his- tory of homicide from the earliest times, with the most celebrated murder cases faithfully reported . . . and utilized to support the theory of homicidal impulse. Chicago: A. E. Pinkerton cfc co., [1898]. 1 p. I., xix, 574 V- pi., port. 8°. "Capital punishment": p. 557-574. Jan. 19, 99-52 HV6605.P6 53 Poland, Sir Harry Bodkin. Changes in criminal law and pro- cedure since 1800. {In A century of law refonn. London, New York, 1901. 12°. p 43-66.) Capital punishment: p. 43-46. 54 Pollock, Sir Frederick. The history of English law before the time of Edward I., by Sir Frederick Pollock, bart. . , . and Frederic William Maitland ... 2d ed. Cambridge, University press; Boston, Little, Brown, cfc com- pany, 1903. 2 V. 8°. See Index in v. 2, under Capital punishment and Death penalty. "The first chapter, by Prof. Maitland, is new." 5-3975 55 Robbins, Edwin Clyde. The high school debate book. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & co., 1911. v%, [4] p., 1 I., 229 p.' 12°. Contains V)ibliographies. "Capital punishment": p. 44-49. 11-30808 . PN4187.I16 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 5G Simon, Jules [Francois Sinion Suisse]. La peine de mort. 4. ed. Paris: A.Lacrox[\], Verhoeckhoven etcie, 1870. 186 y. 12°. l-F-1533 HV8698.S45 57 Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames. A history of the criminal law of England. London: Macmillan and co., 1883. 3 v. 8°. Capital punishment: v. 1, p. 457-480. 2-25751 58 Taylor, John Sydney. A comparative view of the punishments annexed to crime in the United States of America, and in England. London: Harvey and Barton, 1831. 1 p. J., p. [39]-59, [1]. 8°. (Punishment of death . . . [no. 4]) Printed from the original manuscript, for the Society for the diffusion of information on the subject of capital punishments. 10-22213t HV8699.G8I3 59 TJ. S. Congress. House. Committee on the judiciary. Capital crimes. Report. Washington: [Govt, print, of.], 1894. ^3 p. 8°. {53d Cong., 2d sess. House. Rept. no. 545.) 3270 Bibliography: p. 14-23. Reprinted as Senate report no. 846, 53d Congress, 3d session (3289) and as House report no. 108, 54th Congress, 1st session. 3467 Includes N. M. Curtis's "Capital crimes and the puni.shments pre- scribed therefor by federal and stat? laws, and those of foreign countries." 60 Treaties, etc., 1901-1909 (Roosevelt). Convention be- tween the United States and Portugal. Extradition and exchange of notes concerning death penalty. Washington: Govt, print, of., 1908. I4 p. 8°. 8-37616 JX4302 1908 61 Wakefield, Edward Gibbon. Facts relating to the punishment of death in the metropolis. 2d ed., with an appendix, concerning murder for the sale of the dead body. London: E. Wilson, 1832. xiii p., 1 I., 213 p. 8°. The Library of Congress has also the 1st ed. 1831. 1-5731-2 HV8699.G8W3 62 Wines, Frederick Howard. Punishment and reformation, a study of the penitentiary system. New, enl. ed. New Yorli: T. Y. Crowell & company, [H910]. xv, 387 p. 12°. (Library oj economics and politics.) Capital punishment: p. 50-69, 142. See also Index under Death penalty. 10-2292 HV8665.W55 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 15 63 Woolrych, Humphry William. The history and results of the present capital punishments in England; to which are added, full tables of convictions, executions, &c. London: Saunders and Benning, 1832. viii, 220 ]). 12°. 10-21974t HV8699.G8W8 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 64 1838. Mittermaier, C. J. A. von. Capital punishment. On the latest progress of legislation and science in Europe and America, concerning the abolition of the penalty of death. American jurist, Jan. 1838, v. 18: 334.-374. Tr. from the Archives of criminal law, n. s. nos. 1, 2, 1836. 65 1846. Capital punishment in the United States. Laiv reporter. Mar. I846, v. 8: 4^1-4^5 • 66 1846. An essay on the ground and reason of punishment. United States magazine and Democratic review, Aug. 18 46, V. 19: 90-103. AP2.TJ6,v.l9 Criticism on book by this name, by Tayler Lewis; and George B. Cheever's "A defence of capital punishment". 67 1869. Mr. Mill's speech on capital punishment. Westminster review, Apr. 1, 1869, v. 91: 4^9-436. AP4.W5,v.91 68 1876. Rowsell, Francis W. Capital punishment in England. Contemporary review, Sept. 1876, v. 28: 628-647. AP4.C7,v.28 69 1881. The death penalty. [By Rev. G. B. Cheever, Samuel Hand, and Wendell Phillips.] North American review, Sept. 1881, v. 133: 534-559. AP2.N7,v.l33 70 1889. Brown, Harold P. The new instrument of execution. North American review, Nov. 1889, v. 149: 586-593. AP2.N7,v.l49 71 1890. Spahn, Jacob. Kenmiler's case and the death-penalty. Green hag, Jan. 1890, v. 2: 54-60; 107-113. A general discussion of the question of capital punishment. 72 1892. The death penalty. Public opinion, Apr. 16, 1892, v. IS: 33-34. Press comments for and against. AP2.P9,v.l3 73 1893. Bourtsev, Vladimir. Capital punishment in Russia. Law journal, Apr. 8, 1893, v. 28: 251-i 47433°— 12 2 Nl 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 74 1895. Vicars, G. Rayleigh. Ought capital punishment to be abolished ? Westminster review, May, 1895, v. IJ^S: 561-566. Arguments for and against capital punishment, but advocates the abolishment of it. AP4.W5,v.l43 75 1901. Death penalty as a preventive of crime. American academy of political and social science. Annals, Mar. 1901, v. 17: 366-369. H2.A41,v.l7 76 1902. Repplier, Agnes. The headsman. Ilarper^s magazine, Sept. 1902, v. 105: 569-572. AP2.H3,v.l05 77 1906. Shipley, ^laynard. ''Capital punishment." Harper's weeUy, Sept. 8, 1906, v. 50: 1289. ap2.H32,v.50 78 1906. Heath, Carl. The death penalty. Broad views, Oct. 1906, v. 6: 340-349. AP4.B85,v.6 79 1907. Crime and capital punishment: a symposium. American academy of political and social science. Annals, May, 1907, v. 29: 601-629. ' H2.A41,v.29 Crime and judicial inefficiency, by J. W. Garner; Legislative tend- encies as to capital punishment, by Samuel J. Barrows; Capital punishment and lynching, by J. E. Cutler; Homicide and the death penalty in ]\Iexico, by Maynard Shiplej'. 80 1909. Becker, H. Death sentences in Germany. Green hag, Sept. 1909, v. 21: 433-436. 81 1910. Capital punishment in France and China. Law times, Sept. 3, 1910, v. 129: 413. 82 1911. Piontkovsky, Andreas. Kriminalpolitische Bedeutung der Todesstrafe. Zeitschrift filr die gesamte StrafrechtswissenscJiafi, 1911, v. 31: 853-872. 83 1911. Fuchs, Max. La publicite des executions capitales. Grande revue, Jan. 25, 1911, v. 65: 364-368. AP22.R5,v.65 84 1911. Benson, Arthur C. Executions. ^Letter to the Times.] Living age, Jan. 14, 1911, v. 268: 107-111. AP2.L65,v.268 \ 84a 1911. Suicide a la Socrates. [Nevada's new capital punish- ment law. Editorial.] Law notes, Apr. 1911, v. 15: 1. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 17 84b 1911. Staying execution pending bill to abolish capital punish- ment. [Editorial.] Law notes, Apr. 1911, i\ 15: 3. 84c 1911. Garner, James W. New methods of inflicting the death penalty in Nevada. Journal of criminal law and criminology, May, 1911, v. 2: 91-92. S4d 1911. Garner, James W. The alternative death penalty in Nevada criticized. Journal of criminal law and criminology, July, 1911 , v. 2: 285-286. IN FAVOR OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BOOKS 85 Armstrong, Lebbeus. Signs of the times, past, present, and future; comprising a vindication of capital punishment for wilful murder. 3d ed., rev. and erd. by the author. New York: B. G. St. John, 1849. viii, xv-xx, {21]-873 p. front, (port.) 12°. 3-29329 HV8697.A8 The Library of Congress has also the 1848 ed. 86 Bernaldo de Quiros, Constantino, ^lodern theories of crimi- nality; tr. from the Spanish by Alfonso de Salvio . . . with an introduction by Wm. W. Smithers, esq. Boston: Little, Brown, and company, 1911. xxvii, 249 p. 8°. (The modem criminal science series; pub. under the auspices of the American institute of criminal law and criminology [1].) Death penalty: p. 192-194. 11-1200 HV6039.B6 87 Bierce, Ambrose. The death penalty. {In his The shadow on the dial. San Francisco, 1909. 12°. p. 127-139,) 88 * Campbell, Alexander. Address on capital punishment, de- livered to the Washington literary institute, on the even- ing of March 2, 1846. Bethany, Va.: A. Campbell, 1846. 34 p. 8°. 89 Cheever, George B. A defence of capital punishment, by G. B. Cheever, and an essay on the ground and reason of punish- ment, with special reference to the penalty of death, by Tayler Lewis. With an appendix, containing a review of Burleigh on the death penalty. New Yorl: Wiley & Putnam, 1846. xii, 365 p. 12°. 10-24250 HV8697.L5 90 — — ■ — Punishment by death : its authority and expediency. New YorTc and London: J. Wiley, 1849. 1 p. I., [ix]-x, [119]-332 p. 12°. Part 2 of the author's A defence of capital punishment. 7-9400 HV8697.C6 18 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 19 91 Cogswell, Jonathan. A treatise on the necessity of capital pun- ishment. 2d ed. Hartford: Elihu Geer, 1843. 58 p. 12°. 10-25926 HV8697.C8 92 Dole, Benjamin. An examination of Mr. Rantoul's report for abohshing capital punishment in Massachusetts. Boston: Printed for the author, 1835. 36 p. 12°. 10-34451 HV8697.D68 93 An examination of Mr. Rantoul's report for abolishing capital punishment in Massachusetts. Boston: Printed for the author, 1837. 72 p. 8°. "A review of Mr. Rantoul's report of 1836": p. [35]-72. 10-32196 HV8697.D7 94 Dwlght, William T. A discourse on the rightfulness and ex- pediency of capital punislmaents. Portland: Printed at the Temperance office, 184.3. 34 p. 8°. 10-25925 HV8697.D8 95 Evans, Edward Payson. The criminal prosecution and capital punislmient of animals. London: W. Heinemann, 1906. x, 384 P- front. 12°. "The result of the revision and expansion of two essays entitled 'Bugs and beasts before the law,' and 'Modern and medigeval punishment,' which appeared in the Atlantic monthly, in August and September 1884." — Introd. 7-28640 GT 96 Horton, Albert H. The death penalty in Kansas. {In Bar association of the state of Kansas. Proceedings, 1887. Topeka, Kans., 1887. 8°. p. 13-24.) 97 Karr, Alphonse. Sur la peine de mort. Paris: 31. Levy, freres, 1864. 47 P- 8°. HV8697.K3 10-25918 98 McKim, W. Duncan. Heredity and human progress. New YorTc and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1900 [1899]. via p., 1 l, 283 p. 8°. See index under Capital punishment. Mar. 8, 1900-42 HV6121.M3 99 Plummer, Frederick, A defence of capital punishment; in a discussion of six evenings with Charles C. Burleigh, on the question " Ought capital punishment to be abol- ished"? Philadelphia: J. M. CampMl, I846. I4I p. 12°. 10-25924 HV8697.P7 20 LIBRAE Y OF CONGKESS 100 *Sauiiders, C. K. Wliy the death penalty should be retained in Massachusetts. [New and rev. ed.] [Boston, 1909.] 6 p. 8°. 101 Thompson, W. H. Murder and the death penalty. A de- fense of the death penalty as the typical and just penalty for murder in the first degree. Its( accord with Christian civilization, and a demonstration of its deterring power from brutal crimes. Detroit: For sale hy Phillips & Hunt, 1886. 67 p. 8°. 10-25923 HV8697.T6 102 [Wright, James.] Capital punishment: is it defensible? By Philander, [pseud.] London: James Nishet and co., 1865. 208 p. 16°. 10-25922 HV8697.W8 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 103 1830. On the punishment of death. Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, June, 1830, v. 27: 865-878. AP4.B6,v.27 104 1834. Capital punishment. Law magazine, May, 1834, v. 11: 283-311. 105 1843. Capital punishment. New Englander, Jan. 1843, v. 1: 28-34. Review of J. P. Thompson's "Right and necessity of inflicting the punishment of death for murder. ' ' AP2.N5,v. 1 106 1844. Giles, William, jr. Capital punishment. [Letters to the editor.] Law times. May 4, Aug. 10, Sept. 21, 1844, v. 3: 92; 366-367; 478-479. 107 1845. On punishment. Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, Aug. 1845, v. 58: 129-140. AP4.B6,v.58 108 1845. The right of civil government over human life. New Englander, Oct. 1845, v. 3: 562-566. AP2.N5,v.3 109 1846. Capital punishment. Methodist quarterly review, July, I846, v. 6: 462-475. 110 1846. B., L. Sliall ])unishment be abolislied. New Englander, Oct. I846, v. 4- 563-588. AP2.N5,v.4 111 1847. Goodwin, Daniel R. Capital punishment. Bibliotheca sacra, May, Aug. I847, v. 4: 270-323; 435-470. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 21 112 1849. Shall the death penalty be abolished ? Christian review, June, 1SJ^9, v. 1^: 365-381. 113 1850, Capital punishment. Western law journal, June, 1850, v. 7: Ifi3-Ifil . 114 1852. Death punishment. Southern literary messenger, Nov. 1852, v. 18: 650-65 4 AP2.S82,v.l8 115 1864. Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames. Capital punishments. Fraser's magazine, June, 1864, v. 69: 753-772. AP4.r8,v.69 116 1866. Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames. Report of the Capital punishment commission. Fraser's mugazine, Feh. 1866, v. 73: 232-256. ap4.F8,v.73 117 1869. The death penalty. Nation, Mar. 4, 1869, v. 8: 166-167. AP2.N2,v.8 118 1873. Godkin, E. L. The substitute for hanging [imprison- ment for life]. Nation, Mar. 20, 1873, v. 16: 193-194. AP2.N2,v.l6 119 1873. The argument against capital punishment. Nation, Mar. 27, 1873, v. 16: 213-214. A criticism of the argument against capital punishment. AP2.N2,v.l6 120 1877. Crime and hanging in ]\Iaine. Nation, May 3, 1877, v. 24: 263-264. AP2.N2,v.24 121 1883. Griffiths, Arthur. Why have a hangman ? Fortnightly review, Oct. 1, 1883, v. 4O: 581-586. AP4.F7,v.40 122 1887. Wilks, Helen Mar. Should women be hanged? North American review, Feh. 1887, v. I44: 211-212. AP2.N7,v.l44 123 1887. Bucldey, J. M. Capital ])unishment. Forum, June, 1887, v. 3: 381-391. AP2.F8,v.3 124 1887. Benjamin, Park. The infliction of the death penalty. Forum, July, 1887, v. 3: 503-512. AP2.F8,v.3 125 1889. Maude, W. C. Shall we abolish the death penalty ? Month, Feh. 1889, v. 65: 168-179. AP4.M65,v.65 126 1894. Lilly, W. S. In praise of hanging. New review, Aug. 1894, v. 11: 190-200. AP4.N622,v.ll 22 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 127 1900. Is capital punishment justified ? American review of reviews, May, 1900, v. 21: 608. AP2.R4,v.21 128 1904. Ilowells, William Dean. State manslaughter. Harper's weeUy, Feb. 6, 1904, v. 48: 196-198. AP2.H32,v.48 129 1907. Capital punishment. National corporation reporter. May 16, 1907 , v. 3 4: 44^- 130 1908. Ingram, C. J. Shall we abolish the death penalty? A reply to Mr. Carl Heath. 'Westminster review, July, 1908, v. 170: 91-98. AP4.W5,v.l70 131 1909. Death penalty restored in France. Literary digest, Feb. 6, 1909, v. 38: 203. ap2.L58,v.38 132 1909. Too little capital punishment. Literary digest, Mar. 27, 1909, v. 38: 506-507. AP2.L58,v.38 133 1909. Spitzka, E. C. Should capital punishment be abolished ? Harper's weeJcly, v. 53, July 3, 1909: 8. ap2.H32,v.53 134 1909. Kendall, Ben G. Capital punishment. American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1909, v. 43' 667-684- Law times, Jan. 1, 1910, v. 128: 199-202. 135 1910. Capital punishment. [Editorial.] National corporation reporter, Feb. 10, 1910, v. 39: 837-838. 136 1910. Garner, James W. Proposed restriction of the death penalty — criminal law reform in Rhode Island. Journal of criminal law and criminology, July, 1910, v. 1: 119-120. 137 1910. Garner, James W. Infliction of the death penalty by electricity. Journal of criminal law and criminology, Nov. 1910, v. 1: 626-627. 138 1910. Capital punishment. Spectator, Dec. 10, 1910, v. 105: 1017-1018. AP4.S7,v.l05 Living age, Jan. 14, 1911, v. 268: III-II4. ap2.L65,v.268 139 1911. An exquisite sensibility — The horror of the gallows. BlacJcwood's Edinburgh magazine, Jan. 1911, v. 189: 125-129. AP4.B6,v.l89 Living age, Feb. 4, 1911, v. 268: 300-303. ap2.L65,v.268 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 23 140 1911. O'Brien, W. E. Should capital punishment be abol- ished ? Canada law journal, Jan. 2, 1911, v. 47: 1-4- 140a 1911. Reasons for retaining the death penalty. National corporation reporter, Feb. 16, 1911, v. 4"^'- ^i- 141 1911. Elliot, Hugh S. K. Punishment and crime. Nineteenth century and after, Aug. 1911, v. 70: 306-320. AP4.N7,v.70 Living age, Sept. 16, 1911, v. 270: 707-718. ap2.L65,v.270 142 1911. Scheffauer, Herman. Crime and punishment. Lippincott's magazine, Sept. 1911, v. 88: 4"^4-426. AP2.L55,v.88 142a 1911. Capital punishment. Canada law journal, Oct. 16, 1911, v. 47: 637-647. Canons of segregation, deterrence, reformation and humanity. Do the various modes of punishment conform to these? Capital punishment does. J OPPOSED TO CAPITAL PUNISHMENT BOOKS 143 Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana, marchese di. Dei delitti e delle pene. Milano: Tip. di L. Mussi, 1812. xv, 206 p. F°. 10-34778 HV8661.B2 144 An essay on crimes and punislunents, tr. from the Italian. To wliich is added, a commentary, by Voltaire. Tr. from the French, by E. D. Ingraham, 2d American ed. Phihdelphia: P. II. Nicklin, 1819. 239 p. 8°. 1-8176 HV8661.B3 145 Opere di Cesare Beccaria. Dei delitti e delle pene. Strashurgo: J. II. E. Ileitz (Ileitz & Milndel); Nuova York, G. E. Stechert cfc co.; [etc., etc., 1911 ^ 107 p. 16°. (Bihliotheca romanica. 128. 129. Bihlioteca italiana.) " Introduzione " signed: Roberto Palmarocchi. 11-31508 146 Trait e des dehts et des peines. Traduit de I'italien. D'apres la 4. ed. rev., cor. & augm. par I'auteur. Avec des additions de I'auteur qui n'ont pas encore paru en italien. Nouv. ed, plus correcte que les precedentes. PMladelpMa [read Paris] 1778. xxxiv, 203 p. 12°. Tr. by Andre Morellet. 3-29330 HV8661.B28 The first edition of this celebrated treatise was published in 1764. For comments see items 161, 201, and 203. 147 Beggs, Thomas. The deterrent influence of capital punishment, {In National association for the promotion of social science. Trans- actions, 1864. London, 1865. 8°. p. 23-224.) H11.N2 1864 148 Bentham, Jeremy. Principles of penal law. {In his Works. Edinburgh, 1843. S°. v. 1, p. 36;5-580.) Capital punishment: Pt. 2, Book 1, chap. 11, 12: p. 441^50; Appen- dix: p. 525-532. 149 Boies, Henry M. The science of penology; the defence of society against crime. New York and London: 0. P. Putnam's sons, 1901. xvii, 459 p. 8°. Death penalty: p. 119-123. HV8665.B6 1-19835 24 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 25 ~h 150 Bovee, Marvin H. Christ and the gallows; or, Reasons for the abolition of capital punislmient. New Yoif-Tc: Masonic iJublisJiing comimny, 1870. xii, [13]- 328 p. 12°. 3-24412 HV8698.B7 150a Bradford, William. An enquiry how far the punishment of death is necessary in Pennsylvania . With notes and illus- trations. To which is added, An account of the gaol and penitentiary house of Philadelpliia, and of the interior management thereof. By Caleb Lownes. Philadelphia: Printed hy T. Dohson, 1793. 4, [3]-108 p. 12°. 5-25945 HV8699.U6P4 151 Burleigh, Charles C. Thoughts on the death penalty. 2d ed., revised." Philadelphia: Merrihew and Thompson, 1847. 144 V- 8°. 10-22228 HV8698.B8 152 Capital punishment. A letter reprinted from the Gloucester- sliire Chronicle. [Signed Civis.] [Gloucester, 187-] 6 p. 8°. HV8698.C2 Ca 10-5317 153 Chapin, Edwin Hubbell. Three discourses upon capital pun- ishment. Boston: Trumpet office, 1843. 72 p. 16°. 10-22226t HV8698.C6 154 *Copinger, Walter Arthur. An essay on the abolition of capital punishment. London, 1876. 8°. ( 155 Curtis, Newton Martin. To define the crime of murder, pro- ' vide penalty therefor, and to abolish the punishment of' death. Speech in the House of representatives, Thurs- day, June 9, 1892. Washington: [Govt, print, off.], 1892. 48 p. 8°. 10-21972t HV8699.XJ5C9 Also printed in Congressional record, 52d Cong., 1st sess., vol. 23, Appendix, p. 427-441. Jll.R5,v.23 156 Dymond, Alfred Hutchinson. The law on its trial: or. Per- sonal recollections of the death penalty and its opponents. London: A. W. Bennett, 1865. viii, 312 p. 12°. 10-22210t HV8699.G8D8 26 LIBRAE Y OF CONOEESS 157 Dymond, Jonathan. Essays on the principles of morality, and on the private and political rights and obligations of mankind. New York: Collins, brother & co., 1844- xiv, [lo]-o76 j^- 12°. ' "Punishment of death": p. 428-438. l(>-4563t BJ1006.D9 1844 158 Eason, William Laidley. The death penalty; an essa3^ llafo, Tex.: Knight printing co., 1904. ^^ V- ^^°- 10-22225t HV8698.E3 159 Elkinton, John A. Lecture on capital punishment: delivered January 14, 1841, before the Marshall institute. Philadelphia: J. Van Court, printer, I84I. 27 p. 8°. 10-22224t ^ HV8698.E6 160 Essays on capital punishments, republished from Poulson's daily advertiser. Philadelphia: Printedhy Brown & Merritt, 1811. 24 p. 12°. Signed: Philanthropes. * "The following essays . . . originally appeared in the Herald, a newspaper published at Windam in Connecticut, of which state the author is a citizen." — Pref. 10-21964t HV8698.E7 161 Farrer, James Anson. Crimes and punishments; including a new translation of Beccaria's "Dei deiitti e delle pene." London: Chatto & mndus, 1880. x p., 1 I., 251 p. 12°. Contents. — Beccaria's life and character — The general influence of Beccaria on legislation — The influence of Beccaria in England — The problems of penology — Beccaria's "Crimes and punishments " translated. 10-219501 HV8661.B35 161a Figari, Pedro. Le pena de muerte. Conferencia leida en el Ateneo de Montevideo, el dia 4 de Diciembre de 1903. Montevideo, "El Sigh ilustrado," 1903. 49 p. 8°. 12-39003 HV8699.U8F5 161b La pena de muerte. Veintidos articulos de polemica publicados en ''El Siglo," de mayo 9 a junio 21 de 1905. Montevideo, "El Siglo ilustrado," [190S]. xi, 183 p. 8°. 12-39004 HV8699.TJ8F52 162 Foulhouze, James. A philosophical inquiry respecting the abolition of capital punisliment. Philadelphia: U. Hunt, I842. 200 p. 12°. 10-22223t HV8698.F8 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 27 163 Green, Sanford Moon. Crime: its nature, causes, treatment, and prevention. PJiiladelphia: J. B. Liiypincott company, 1889. 3^6 p. incl. front, (port.) 8°. kSome of the evils of our present system of punishment for crime: p. 197-217. 10-17293t HV6035.G8 164 Howard association, London. [Leaflets.] [London, 1875-1878.] The Library of Congress has the following pamphlets issued by this society in opposition to capital punishment: v/ The Bible and capital punishment. 1877? HV8698.H7 J Countries where capital punishment has been abolished or discon- tinued. 1877? HV8698.H72 ^ Does the capital penalty prevent or produce murder? 1876? HV8698.H74 The law of homicide and capital punishment. A debate in tlie English Parliament, June 12, 1877. 1878. HV8699.G8H8 The modern Jews on capital punishment. 1877. HV8698.H8 Recent foreign experience of capital punishment and its abolition. ]876. France. — Belgium. — Rhode Island. — Connecticut. 1870? HV8698.H83 J The substitute for capital punishment. Great Britain and Bel- gium. 1877? HV8711.H8 Curtis, Newton M. Greneral Curtis on the death penalty. 1891. HV8698.C8 Tallack, "William. Some general obser\'ations on the penalty of death. 1893. HV8698.T2 165 Report. London, [1871 '^.-1909.] 25 v. in 15. 8°. In the earlier reports l^efore 1900 is given a summary of each year's progress in the movement for the abolishment of capital punisli- ment. HV8995.A1H8 166 Jaume y Bosch, IVIiguel. El taller nacional y la pena de muerte. Montevideo, 1878. xii, lU, i^] V; 1 l- 12°. 11-2357 HV9628.J3 167 Livingston, Edward. Capital punishment. (/n Moore, Frank, e/p. do Diario do Rio de Janeiro, 1870. Up. 8°. 4-34824t HV8698.V6 203 [Voltaire, Francois ^Larie Arouet de.] Commentaire sur le livre Des delits et des peines. [Geneve], 1766. viii, 120 p. 12°. 10-23614t HV8661.B5V7 ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 204 1820. Punishment of crimes. North American review, Apr. 1820, v. 10: 235—259. AP2.N5,v.lO CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 33 205 1831. Anti-Draco; or, Reasons for abolishing the punishment of death in cases of forgery. [Review.] Edinhurgh review, Jan. 1831, v. 52: 398-410. AP4.E3,v.52 206 1832. Tonelli, Tommaso. Sulla pubbUcita degli ultimi sup- plizi, e sulla pena di morte. Antologia, liar. 1832, v. 45: 89-124. AP 207 1842. Wordsworth's sonnets on the punisliment of death. United States magazine and Democratic review, Mar. 184^, V. 10: 272-288. AP2.U6, 208 1843. The gallows and the gospel. An appeal to clergymen opposing themselves to the abolition of the one in the name of the other. United States magazine and Democratic review, Mar. 1843, V. 12: 227-236". AP2.TJ6,v.l2 209 1843. Capital punishment. United States magazine and Democratic review, Apr. 1843, V. 12: 409-424. AP2.ir6,v.l2 Review of G. B. Cheever's Reply to J. L. Sullivan, in the Broadway- Tabernacle, Jan. 27, Feb. 3 and 17, 1843. 210 1844. Slack, Edward F. Capital punishment. [Letters to the editor.] Law times. May 25, Sept. 7, I844, v. 3: 149; 445. 211 1844. Durrant, George John. Capital punishment. [Letters to the editor.] Law times, June 1, July 6, Aug. 31, 18 44, v. 3: 170; 274; 423-424. 212 1846. The punishment of death. NortTi American review, Jan. 18 46, v. 62: 40-70. AP2.N7,v.62 213 1847. Capital punishment. J United States magazine and Democratic review, Jan. Mar. I847, n. s. V. 20: 71-73; 204-208. AP2.TJ6,v.20 214 1847. Livingston, Edward. Punishment and penalty. United States magazine and Democratic review, Apr. 1847, n. s. V. 20: 300-306. AP2.U6,n.s.v.20 215 1850. Fosdick, W. W. Capital punishment. Western law journal, July, 1850, v. 7: .47^-.^7^. 34 LIBRAE Y OF CONGRESS 216 1863. A protest against capital punishment. Meliora, 1863, v. 5: 856-366. 217 1866. Rumbold, . Capital punishment [in Switzerland]. Law times, Jan. 13, 1866, v. 4I: 151-152. 218 1869. Stedman, Edmund C. The gallows in America. Putnam's magazine. Pel. 1869, v. 13: 225-235. AP2.P97,v.l3 219 1873. Nadal, E. S. The rationale of the opposition to capital punishment. North American review, Jan. 1873, v. 116: 138-150. AP2.N7,v.ll6 220 1882. Jerome, Charles T. The death penalty. Potter's American monthly, Feb. 1882, v. 18: 145-152. E171.P86,v.l8 221 1884. Wayland, Francis. The vexed question of capital pun- ishment. Journal of social science. May, I884, v. 18: 1-18. Hl.J7,v.l8 222 1886. Switzerland and capital punishment. Irish law times, Aug. 21, 1886, v. 20: 4O8-409. 223 1888. Eaton, C. H. Can capital punishment be longer justified? Criminal law magazine and reporter, Jan. 1888, v. 1: 1-11. 224 1889. Neuman, B. Paul. The case against capital punish- ment. Fortnightly review, Sept. 1889, v. 52: 322-333. AP4.F7,v.52 225 1890. Pentecost, Hugh O. The crime of capital punishment. Arena, Jan. 1890, v. 1: 175-183. AP2.A6,v.l 226 1890. Shrady, George F. The death penalty. Arena, Oct. 1890, v. 2: 513-523. AP2.A6,v.2 227 1892. Griffin, Anthony J, The legal aspect of capital punish- ment. Intercollegiate law journal. May, 1892, v. 1: 253-255. 228 1893. Palm, Andrew J. Capital punishment. American journal of politics, Mar. 1893, v. 2: 323-332. Hl.A5,v.2 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 35 229 1894. Ferguson, John. The death penalty. Canadian magazine, Mar. 1894, '^' ^' 467-Jf75. AP6.C2,v.2 230 1896. Foltz, Clara. Should women be executed ? Albany law journal, Nov. I4, 1896, v. 54: 309-310. "But if this barbarism is right for men it is equally right for women." 231 1897. The death penalty in the United States. Green lag. Mar. 1897, v. 9: 129-131. 232 1898. Spooner, Florence. Judicial killing. Green lag, Fel. 1898, v. 10: 50-52. 233 1898. Stillman, James W. Abolish the death penalty. Green lag. Mar. 1898, v. 10: 92-96. 234 1899. Garrison, C. G. The failure of the death penalty. Arena, Apr. 1899, v. 21: 469-472. AP2.A6,v.21 235 1900. Oldfield, Josiah. Shall hanging end ? Current literature, Aug. 1900, v. 29: 190-192. AP2.C95,v.29 From the "Humane review." ,236 1901. Hopkins, T. M. Capital punishment: ineffectual and mischievous. Westminster review, Fel. 1901, v. 155: 144-^4^- AP4.W5,v.l55 237 1901. Drayton, Mark. On the abolition of capital punishment. Westminster review, Apr. 1901, v. 155: 4^4~4^1- ■ AP4.W5,v.l55 238 1903. Wayland, F. Abolishment of capital punishment. Connecticut magazine, Sept. 1903, v. 8: 137-144- F91.C8,v.8 239 1905. Shipley, Maynard. Justice and crime in Danish Greenland. Juridical review. Mar. 1905, v. 17: 56-60. 240 1905. Roberts, W, J. The abolition of capital punislunent. International journal of ethics, Apr. 1905, v. 15: 263-286. BJl.I6,v.l5 241 1905. Shipley, Maynard. Abolition of capital punishment m Switzerland. American law review, Sept.-Oct. 1905, v. 39: 734-746. ^242 1905. Shipley,- Maynard. Results of the practical abolition of capital punishment in Belgium. American statistical association. Pullication^, Sept. 1905, V. 9: 307-314. HAl.A6,v.9 T 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 243 1905. Capital punishment denounced. [New York state con- ference of charities and correction.] Charities, Nov. 18, 1905, v. 15: 21^8-21^.9. HVl.C4,v.l5 244 1905. Ross, WilHam E. The death penalty — ^reasons for its abolition. Virginia law register, Dec. 1905, v. 11: 625-64-1. 245 1906. Shipley, Maynard. The abohtion of capital punish- ment in Italy and San Marino. American law review, Mar.-Ain. 1906, v. 4-0: 2^0-251. 246 1906. Warren, Chester. Is capital punishment defensible? Westminster review, May, 1906, v. 165: 512-516. AP4.W5,v.l65 247 1906. Mosby, Thomas Speed. Does capital punishment tend to diminish capital crime ? Harper's weeUy, July 21, 1906, v. 50: 1028-1029. AP2.H32,v.50 "The results of inquiries addressed to the Attorney-generals of the forty states of the American union which inflict the death penalty." Siimmary in American review of reviews, Sept. 1906, v. 34: 368-369. AP2.R4,v.34 248 1906. Pol, Stefane. La fin do la peine de mort: la commission du budget vient de supprimer le traitement du bourreau. Grande revue, Sept. 1, 1906, v. 39: 458-^62. AP20.G7,v.39 249 1906. Galbreath, Charles Burleigh. Shall the state kill ? Friends' intelligencer. Supplement, Oct. 6, 1906, v. 63: 50-55. 250 1906. Abolishing the death penalty [in France]. Independent, Nov. 8, 1906, v. 61: 1124-1125. ap2.I53,v.61 251 1906. End of capital punishment in France. Literary digest, Nov. 17, 1906, v. 33: 711-712. AP2.L58,v.33 National corporation reporter, Nov. 29, 1906, v. 33: 4-70. 252 1906. Shipley, IVEaynard. Plato on capital punishment: a lesson for to-day. Harper's weeJcly, Dec. 29, 1906, v. 50: 1903. AP2.H32,v.50 253 1907. Galbreath, Charles B. The state should not kill. Ohio magazine, Jan. 1907, v. 2: 17-25. AP2.03,v.2 254 1907. Sliipley, Maynard. Homicide and the death penalty in Austria-Hungary. American statistical association. Publications, Mar. 1907, V. 10: 253-259. HAl.A6,v.lO CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 37 255 1907. Whitlock, Brand. Thou siialt not kill. Reader, Mar. 1907, v. 9: 383-392. ap2.R26,v.9 256 1907. Shipley, Maynard. Should female murderers be hanged ? Green hag, Apr. 1907, v. 19: 23^-236. No distinction should be made for sex. 257 1907. Heath, Carl. Reform and the death penalty. International journal of ethics, Aj^r. 1907, v. 17: 290-301 . BJl.I6,v.l7 258 1907. The Whiteley case and the death penaky. Nation, Apr. 25, 1907, v. 84: 376-377. ' ap2.N2,v.84 259 1907. Adelman, Abram E. Capital punishment. Public, May 4, 1907, v. 10: 102-103. AP2.P87,v.lO 260 1907. Vahey, James H. The abohtion of capital punishment. Green lag, June, 1907, v. 19: 359-360. 261 1907. Shipley, Maynard. Homicide and the death penalty in France. Harper's weekly, June 15, 1907, v. 51: 890. AP2.H32,v.51 s^ 262 1907. Shipley, Maynard. The abolition of capital punish- ment in France. American law review, July-Aug. 1907, v. 41-' 561-564- 263 1907. Hort, G. M. Emotion as a law-maker. A sociological suggestion. Westminster review, Aug. 1907, v. 168: 178-186. AP4.W6,v.l68 264 1907. Mosby, Thomas Speed. The anomaly of capital pun- ishment. Arena, Sept. 1907, v. 38: 225-236. ap2.A6,v.38 t 265 1907. John, E. M. Why capital punishment should be abolished. Chicago legal news, Dec. 28, 1907, v. 40: 160-162. 266 1908. Heath, Carl. Homicidal crime and the death penalty abroad. Westminster review, Mar. 1908, v. 169: 333-341. AP4.W5,v.l69 267 1908. Heath, Carl. The treatment of homicidal criminals. Internationxil journal of ethics, July, 1908, v. 18: 409-417. BJl.I6,v.l8 I'AHt^y 38 LIBKAEY OF COXGEESS 268 1908. Tolstoi, Leo X. Government by executions. Living age, Aug. S, 1908, v. 258: 349-357. AP2.L65,v.258 -p269 1908. The Russian torture chamber. Outlook, Sept. 5, 1908, v. 90: 1-3. AP2.08,v.90 270 1908. Heath, Carl. ]\lodern penology and the punishment of death. Westminster review, Sept. 1908, v. 170: 325-329. AP4.W5,v.l70 271 1908. Contre la peine de mort. Revue, Oct. 15, 1908, v. 76: 411-413. ap20.R25,v.76 ^' 272 1908. Ferriani, Lhao. ' The abolition of capital punishment in Italy. International, Dec. 1908, v. 4: 10-13. AP4.l5,v.4 273 1909. Shipley, Maynard. Does capital punishment prevent convictions ? American law review, May-June, 1909, v. 43: 321-334. Extracts in American review of reviews, Aug. 1909, v. 40: 219-220. AP2.R4,v.40 274 1909. To kill or not to kill. Law notes. May, 1909, v. 13: 24. 275 1909. Romilly, Cosmo G. Capital punishment. Westminster review, July, 1909, v. 172: 96-99. AP4.W5,v.l72 276 1909. Tolstoi, Leo X. I cannot keep silent; capital punish- ment in Russia. Arerm, Aug. 1909, v. 41: 525-534. ■ AP2.A6,v.41 277 1909. Goldenmeiser, E. A. In darkest Russia, Outlool, Oct. 30, 1909, v. 93: 518. AP2.082,v.93 278 1910. Lang, Otto. Gegen die Todesstrafe. ^ Socialistische MonatsTiefte , Aug. 11, 1910, 16. JaJirg. v. 2:. 1038-1044. HX6.S6,v.l6 279 1910. Lewis, Orlando F. Should the death penalty be abolished ? Journal of criminal law and criminology , Nov. 1910, v. 1: 622-623. 280 1911. Oilman, R. W. An eye for an e3^e. Cosmopolitan magazine, Apr. 1911, v. 50: 704-707. AP2,C8,v.50 CAPITAL PUNISHMENT 39 281 1911. Shipley, Maynard. Should capital punishment be abolished ? Journal of criminal law and criminology, May, 1911, v. 2: 48-55. The problem in France. 282 1911. Chillingworth, H. R. Sentimentalism and hanging. Westminster review, Aug. 1911, v. 176: 177-179. AP4.W6,v.l76 AUTHOR INDEX [The numbers refer to the Ackennan, E. R 44 Adelman, Abram E 259 American prison association 10. 11 Andrews, James Do A^'itt 15 Andrews, William 12 Armstrong, Lebbeus 85 Askew, John Bertram 13 B., L 110 Barrows, Samuel June 14, 79 Beauchet, Ludovic 49 Beccaria, Cesare Bonesar.a, vxar- chese di 143- 146, 161, 201, 203 Becker, II 80 Beggs, Thomas 147 Benjamin, Park 124 Benson, Arthur C 84 , Bentham, Jeremy 148 Bemaldo de Quiros, Constantino . . 86 Bierce, Amljrose 87 Blackstone, Sir William 15 Bleackley , Horace AVilliam 16 Bleyer, J. Mount 17 i/Boies, Henry M 149 Bossange, Adolphe 18 Bourtsev, Vladimir 73 Bovee, Marvin II 150 Bradford, William 150a Brookings, AValtcr Du Bois 1 Brouardel, P 33 Brown, Harold P 70 Buckley, J. M 123 Burleigh, Charles C 89, 99, 151 Buxton, Sydney 19 Campbell, Alexander 88 Chapin, Edwin Hubbell 153 Cheever, George B 66, 69, 89, 90, 209 items, not to the pages.] Chillingworth , H . R 282 Civis, pseud 152 Cogswell, Jonathan 91 Cooley, Thomas M 15 Copinger, Walter Arthur 154 Curtis, Newton Martin 59, 155, 164 Cutler, J. E 79 Dole, Benjamin 92, 93 Drayton, Mark 237 Currant, George John 211 Dwight, William T 94 Dymond, Alfred Hutchinson 23, 156 Dymond, Jonathan 157 Eason, William Laidley 158 Eaton, C. H. 223 Elkinton, John A 159 Elliot, Hugh S. R 141 Evans, Edward Payson 95 Fanning, Clara Elizabeth 2, 24 ^ Farrer, James Anson 161 Ferguson, John 229 Ferriani, Lino '. . . 272 Figari, Pedro 161a, 161b Fleetwood, Sir P. Hesketh 29 Fogle, Humphrey Marshall 25 Foltz, Clara 230 Fosdick, W. W 215 Foulhouze, James 162 Fuchs, Max 83 Fumrohr, August 25b Galbreath, Charles Burleigh 249, 253 Garner, James W. . . . 79, 84c, 84d, 136, 137 Garrison, C. G 234 Giles, William, jr 106 Oilman, R. W 280 Godkin, E. L 118 Goldenmeiser, E. A 277 41 42 LIBKAKY OF CONGRESS Goodwin, Daniel R HI Gt. Brit. Capital punishment com- mission 26, 116 Home dept 27 Green, Sanford Moon ' 163 Greenwood, George 27 Griffin, Anthony J 227 Griffiths, Arthur 121 Hand, Samuel 69 Hart, Albert Bushnell 1 j/Heath Cari 78, 130, 257, 266, 267, 270, H^lie, Faustin 28 Hopkins, T.M 236 Hort,G.M 263 Horton, Albert H 96 Howard association, London 164 Howells, \Yilliam Dean 128 Hugo, Victor Marie, cointe 29 Hutchinson, B. B 44 Hyamson, Albert ^I 13 Ingraham, E. D 144 Ingram, C.J 130 Italy. Ministero di grazia e giu- stizia 30 Parlamento, 1875. Senato 30a Jaume y Bosch, Miguel 166 Jefferson, Thomas 30b Jerome, Charles T 220 Jerome, Waldron M 3 John, E. M 265 Karr, Alphonse 97 Katzenstein, Richard 31 Kendall, Ben G 134 Lammasch, Heinrich 32 Lang, Otto 278 Lewis, Orlando F 279 Lewis, Tayler 66, 89 Lilly, W.S 126 Livingston, Edward 167, 168, 214 Lownes, Caleb 150a Loye, Paul 33 MacDonald, Arthur 4, 5, 34, 35 MacDonald, Charles F 36 McKim, W. Duncan 98 Maine. Legislature. Joint select committee on capital punish- ment ]r,9.107 Maitland, Fi-ederic "William 54 Mangano, Orazio 37 Marcucci, Vincenzo 38 Markham, W. O 171 Massachusetts. General court. Llouse of representatives. Com- mittee on capital punishment. . . 172-175 Matson, Henry ^ 6 Maude, W. C 125 Medical society of the state of New York 176 Menant, Joachim 39 Milliken, John D 177 Mittermaier, Carl Joseph Anton von 40, 64 ^loir, John Macrae 40 ]\Iontagu, Basil 41, 42 Morellet, Andre 146 Mosby, Thomas Speed 247, 264 Muoni, Damiano 178 Nadal, E. S 219 National prison association 43 Neuman, B. Paul 224 New Jersey. Legislature. Assem- bly 179 Senate. Committee on capital punishment 44 New York (State). Commission, 1888, 1892 45,45a Legislature. Assembly. Com- . mittee on capital punish- ment 180,181 Newman, Alan 46 Newman, Carlos 47 O'Brien, W. E 140 Ohio. Legislature. House of rep- resentatives 182 State library 7, 48 Oldfield, Josiah 183,235 Olivecrona, Knut, i. c., Samuel Rudolf Detlof Knut 49 AUTHOR INDEX 43 Palm, Andrew J 184. 228 Palmarocchi, Roberto 145 Parsons, Philip A 50 Peggs, James 185 Pentecost, Hugh O 225 Philadelphia. Committee of 25 on capital punishment 186 Philander, pseiid 102 Philanthropes, pseud 160 Phillips, Wendell 69, 187 Pike, Luke Owen 51 Pinkerton, Matthew Worth 52 Piontkovsky, Andreas 82 Plummer, Frederick 99 Pol, Stefane 248 Poland, Sir Harry Bodkin 53 Pollock, Sir Frederick 54 Pons Edouard 187a Price, J. C 44 Prisoner's friend 188 Purrington, Tobias 169, 170 Quinby, George Washington 189 Rantoul, Robert, jr 92, 93, 172, 173 Redpath, James 190 Repplier, Agnes 76 Rhode Island. Attorney general . . 190a Ringwalt, Ralph C 1 Robbins, Edwin Clyde 55 Roberts, W. J 240 Robespierre, Maximilien M. I 191 Romilly, Cosmo G 275 Romilly, Henry 192 Ross, William E 244 Rowsell, Francis AV 68 Rumbold 217 Rush, Benjamin 193, 193a Ryder, William Henry 196 Salvio, Alfonso de 86 Samuel, Herbert 27 Saunders, C. R 100 Scheffauer, Herman 142 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 194 Shipley, Maynard. . . 77, 79, 239, 241, 242, 245, 252, 254, 256, 261, 262, 273, 281 Shrady, George F 226 Simon, Jules [Francois Simon SuisseJ 56 Slack, Edward F 210 Smith, Eugene 11 Smithers, William W 86 Spahn, Jacob 71 Spear, Charles 195 Spitzka, E. C 133 Spooner, Florence 232 Stearns, Charles J 190a Stedman, Edmund C 218 Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames 57, 115, 116 Stillman, James W 233 Stolz, John 196 Sullivan, J. L 209 Sumner, Charles 197 Tallack, William 164, 198, 199 Taylor, John Sydney 58 Thompson, J. P 105 Thompson, W. H lOl Titus, Mary V n Tolstoi, Leo N 268, 276 Tonelli, Tommaso 206 Turnbull, Robert James 200 Tyson, Job R 186 U. S. Congress. House. Committee on the judiciary 8, 59 Treaties, etc 60 Vahey, James H 260 Vallardi, Francesco 201 Vicars, G. Rayleigh 74 Viola, Orazio 9 Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de 144,203 Wakefield, Edward Gibbon 61 Walker, T 180 Ward, Burdin 182 Warren, Chester 246 Wayland, Francis 221, 238 TMiitlock, Brand 255 Wilcox, Andrew J 190a Wilks, Helen Mar 122 Wines, Frederick Howard 62 Woolrych, Humphry William 63 Wright, James 102 SUBJECT INDEX [The numbers refer to the Abolished, countries having 25a, 44, 64, 164, 165, 199, 241,242, 245, 248, 250, 261, 262, 272 Austria 27, 254 Beccaria, influence of .* 161, 201, 203 Belgium 27, 164, 242 Bibliography 1-9, 13, 47, 55, 183 China 81 Connecticut 164 Denmark 27 Executions 63, 83, 84, 84b Favorable 72; 74, 85-142a Foreign countries 35, 44, 59, 64, 266 See also Names of countries. Forgery 41, 205 France 18, 27, 39, 81, 131, 164, 248, 250, 251, 261, 262, 281 Germany 25b, 27, 31, 32, 80, 82 Great Britain 15, 16, 26, 41,46,51,53, 54, 57, 58, 63, 68, 115, 116, 161, 164, 198 See also London. Greenland 239 Holland See The Netherlands. Hungary 27, 254 Italy 27, 30, 30a, 37, 206, 245, 272 Kansas 96 London 61 Lynching 79 Maine 120, 169, 170 Massachusetts 92, 93, 100, 172- 175,187.190,197 Methodsof inflicting death penalty. 17, 25a, 45, 124 Decapitation 33, 76 Electricity 36,70,137 o items, not to the pages.] Methods of inflicting death pen- alty — Continued . Hanging 76, 120-122, 126, 139, 196, 218, 235, 282 Mexico 79 Murder 22,25,27,35,48, 52, 61, 79, 85, 101, 155, 164, 174 190a, 193, 196, 254, 261, 266, 267 The Netherlands 27 Nevada 84a, 84c, 84d New Jersej^ 179 New York 45, 45a, 176, 180, 181, 243 Norway 27 Ohio 25, 48, 182 Opposed 72,74,143-282 Pennsylvania 150a, 200 •Portugal 27, 60 Rhode Island 136, 164, 190a Russia 27, 73, 187a, 268, 269, 276, 277 Spain 27 States having abolished 25a, 44 Statistics 30, 35, 48, 59, 63, 164, 190a, 199 Substitutes for capital punish- ment 183 Imprisonment for life. . 25a, 118, 190a Suicide 25a, 84a, 84c, 84d Sweden 27, 49 Switzerland 27, 217, 222, 241 United States 10, 11, 14, 15, 25a, 27, 30b, 44, 48,58-60,64,65,79 85, 163, 198, 218, 231, 247 See also Names of states. Uruguay 161a, 161b, 166 Women and capital punishment.. 122, 230, 256 45 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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