THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SOUTHERN &HANCH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, Liie ANGELES. OALlf,' iHbtljKE 3^nurkHnll. CATALOGUE OF IMERICAN PUBLICATIONS, REPRINTS AND ORIGINAL WORKS, FROM 1820 TO 1852, mCLUSIYE. TOGETHER WITH A LIST OF PERIODICALS PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES. COMPILED AND AERANGED BY O. A. KOORBACH. NEW YORK: ORVILLE A. ROORBACH, 12 VESEY STREET. OCTOBER, 1S52.' i ,> Entebed according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, By ORVILLE A. ROORBACK, In the Clerk's OflBce of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. Baker, Godwin & Co., Printers, 1 Spruce St^ N. Y. 1 ?, 8 4 ^ INTRODUCTION. This Edition of " The Bibliotheca Americana " contains the whole of the Original Work published in 1849, the Supplement published in 1850, also some Two Thousand Titles of Books then published and not contained in either of these two Works, togrether wUVi onoV. D,,vi:--^-*Qng ^s have appeared since, up to the present time, » 'JO Title;- i .ic . .-, u.,-M_.u.nedly, r^-av^ is included in the List that might have been omitted without doiriment. but as i • is intended as a Manual of Reference for the Trade, T^ ■ ay search, not knowing where to make the stopping might exclude would frequently be sought for ; and y to let his customer know such a Book has been .„ j^x.^ uiio frequently convenient answer, "out of print." As a general rule I have given the original date of publication of all works relating to History, Voyages and Travels, notwithstanding many of them which are stereotyped bear the imprint of the present year. I have made no separate Classification of Biography as heretofore, but have incorpo- rated it in the general Alphabet, under the head of the subject treated of, and not under the Author's name. Law Books are classed separately, and will be found at the end of the Volume. The List of Periodicals is taken from the last Census of the United States, with some additions. It is not my intention ever to print another edition of the present Book, but pur- pose continuing the work at intervals by Supplement, containing the New Publications and such Books as may change Publishers. New York, October, 1852. ORVILLE A. ROORBACK. ABBREVIATIONS. ara Arabesque — ^Embossed. bds Boards. (' cf Calf. j\ cl Cloth. W cl. ex Cloth full gilt and gilt edges. ), emb Embossed — Arabesque. hf. r Half roan. hf. rus Half russia. hf. cl Cloth backs. hf. bd Sheep back. ill'd pap Illuminated paper. im. mor Imitation morocco. Lib Sheep, Philadelphia style. mor Morocco. pap Paper. r Roan. r. cL sides Roan back, cloth sides. shp Plain sheep. shp. gt Sheep gilt. Saxy Saxony. LIST OF PUBLISHERS. Ackerman, A New Brunsw'k,N. J. Adams, Josiah New York. " J. S. & C Amherst, Mass. " & Rhodes Boston. " & Smith New York. Adee, Daniel " Adlard, George " Adriance, Sherman & Co " Agnew, S Philadelphia. Akarman & Ormsby New York. Alden, Jas. M Auburn, N. Y. " Beardsley it Co ■' " ifc Markham " Alexander and Johnson New York. Allen, E. W Newburyport. " John New York. " Joseph " " McCarter & Co Columbia, S. C. " Morrill & Wardwell Andover. " & Ticknor Boston. Ailing, Wm Eochester, N. Y. " Seymour & Co " American Baptist Publication So. .Philadelphia. " Female Moral Eeforin So.New York. " Sunday School Union . . . Pliiladeliiliia. " Tract Society New York. Anderson, J. B New Albany, Ind. " ifc Smith New York. Andrews & Boyle " Andrus, S. & Son Hartford, " Gauntlett&Co Ithaca, N. Y. Anners, IL F Philadelphia. Applegate, H. S. & J Cincinnati, O. " Wm New York. Appleton, D. a!NU. Buffum J ..New York. Bunce & iJro ,i Bunnell & Price .^ Burdick, J C ■ • • • ; Charleston, 8. C. Burges, J. S u " & James „ ., , T, T\ t n,^ Hartford. Burgess,R&(^..^....---;-;; i. " William Newlork. " W. F " Stringer & Co ^^ ButLfj H.".-.";.'." Northampton. " I: H. & co'.v.'.' : : .' .' " ■ •' ■• • •pi^jj.^'^'^^ji'".^.- " T & M Butfalo, N. 1 . Boston. Philadelphia, Colfax & Holt New London, Conn. Collier, Ezra New \ or^ Collins Isaac Trenton N J. T K Jun Philadelphia, &■ Brown .■.■.■.■. Maysville Ky. ^i;, Co New \ ork. & Hannay [[ Keese&Co ^^ & Brother ^^ Sr&idrianco:::::::::::::;::i;i'ii«'ifipwa. Colt, Burgess & Co .• • -New \ ork. Colton, J. n ,, . „ Y Colwell&Wilson .Ltica,^N.Y. Colyer, W U Philadelphia, Comfort, A. .Cincinnati. 8rne?;.^cl\l-:;:;:::::::::----Newj^^^^ conrad,l':S'\3o::::::::v.v;:::::pbiiadeiphia. ^ C.&A.&CO ::;;;:NcwTork. Converse, S ....Baltimore. Cook, Isaac P • • H^,jf„rd. Cooke, O. u u O. D. &Sons Cooledgc G F. & Brother lZZt-0 Cooper, J. M . . .^ ..Savannah, Ga, ,8. C. Butts, J. Pv Byrne, P Cady& Burgess NewTork. '^^"P'S"in&camp;:::::::::::wca^N.Y Campbell, J. M i^^"''*^? ^k"^ '■ Samuel ST ] ^ V-„ " & Power Philadelphia. Tanfleld P ....'.'.'... Hartford. Ca?ey, M. & Son Philadelphia. " .fcLea „ " Lea & Carey ^^ " Lea & Blanchard ^^ « & Hart „ Carlisle, H „ , Carter, T. 11. & Co Boston. " & Hendee „ _ , " & Thorp New Jork. " & Brothers ^^ Carvill,G.&C „ ,. , Case, Tiffany & Burnham "-'^''tford. Casserly & Sons Now Y ork, Champley, George ^^ Chapin & Taylor Chapman. T. E Philadelphia. diaries, William „ Chase & Peterson Ath'>m Ga. Chipman, D. & Son Middlebury, "S t. Clapp,Otis Boston. " »& Broaders Claremont Manufacturing Co Claremont, Clark, J. C Philadelphia. " George Bo^'""; , " Austin & Smith Ne w Y ork. " & tyman.' .■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■.■■.■.■.■ .'■MicKlletown, Conn. " E&II ^^ ' . v " Samuel NowYork. Clement & Packard „ ,^. Coale, E.J Baltimore. " & Maxwell ,_ ,^ . -, Cochran, J. & G Richniond, Va. Colby, L..... New York. Colerick! John .".■ .' .' ' .' ." .' ." .' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'■ •;)y'«'""f '^' ^- *^- Colesworthy, S. II Portland, Me. <, 'ii WK ...New York. Cornwell, W. K ^ u go?K«::::::::::::---"^^tcn. Courtenay & Winges -/.-Sdelphia. Co wperth wait, H f^ ,. ' . Craighead & Allen y^Zl ' Cranston, E.&Co...^.........._.^^^^^^ Crawford,WW -.-•grm^'S'ass. Crosby, C. 0. P „ . " Wm. & Co Boston. & Nichols ,1 Nichols & Co -r'„,i. „ n T J New York. Cunningham, E. M Boston curt-,n.H :::::::::S^ond%a. W .Siilcm, Mass. ,«-i»^lB^Sir.v.;.v.::::;:.BSor ' &Jewett „ cutbush,'l5»;;:::::::::"::->i^ii'''i«ip'"'^ Daggers, II. G I\TJ°'''' DfuLu&Moore :;:^^n^ork. DaDa,D., Jun Tn,ii X 'Vnn-e • • • Washington. " t M lir : : : : : Philadelphia. .. tsouthwoVth." Portland, Me. « & Trumbell Now \ ork. V.^^\ ^n'^N 't : ■- : "• '-I-o^e"' Mass. ^''>'ip"'&-s'axton::::::::::::....Newjork. " & Newman „ Dc Behr, Cliarles „ DeCroyft, S.F „ Dean, Wm. E „ Dearborn, George T>„„f^r. " Nathaniel 5— "' f, Derby, Bradley i Co Cmcinnatl. 1820—52.] PUBLISHERS. Derby, Miller & Co Auburn, N. T. " G. II. & Co Buffalo, N. Y. " H. W. & Co Cincinnati. Desllver, J. F " & Burr " " KobiTt riiila(lcli)liia. " K & T " Thos " " Thomas & Co " Dewey, D. M Roche.ster. Dewitt & Davenport . T New York. Dickinson, A. I Pliiladeljjliia. S.N Boston. Dickson &, I'esgud Petersburg:, Ya. Disturnell, .1 New York. Dit,s()n, Oliver Boston. Dobson, J Philadelphia. Tlios Dodd, M. W New York. " H. &. Co Salem. N. Y. Dodge, S New York. Donahoe, Patrick Boston. Donahue, G. W Philadelphia. Dorr, Rowland & Co Worcester. Dow, James B Boston. Dowling, .v. J Charleston, S. C. Doyle, John New York. Drake, S. G Boston. Drinker & Morris Kichmond, Va. Duane & Son Alexandria, D. C. Duke, Bernard Philadelphia. Dunigan, E New York. E. &Bro Durell, William " Durrie & Peek New Haven. Dutton & Wentworth Boston. Duyckinck, Evert New York. Eastburn, J. II Boston. " James New York, " Kirk i Co " Eastman, J. 11 Boston. " & Danforth Montpelier, Yt. Edwards, E. E Cincinnati. Egbert, Hovey & Kini; New York. Ela,B. &Co : Elliot, Jonathan Washington. Elliott & Palmer New York. Ellyson. IL K Athens, Ga. Ernst, Jacob Cincinnati. Everett, Oliver Boston. Ewer, Charles " Fanshaw, Daniel New York. Farley, H Boston. Farmer, J Hinttiian, M Philadelphia. Fitts, R. B. &. Co Bcston. Flagg, J. D Andover, Mass. " & Gould " Fleming. George Carlisle, Pa. P letcher, E. U New York. Hint, E. H Cincinnati. Folsom, Cliarles Boston. " C. J New York. Forbes, Abner Boston. Foreman, Geo New York." Foster, Theodore " Fo wie, Wm. B Boston. Fowlers & Wells New York. Francis, C. S. & Co " " Joseph II Boston. Freeman &, Bolles " French, E New York. " John R Concord. " James Boston. " it Adiard New York. " A Perkins Boston. Friends' Book Store Philadelphia. Fuller, John W. & Co Utica, N. Y. Fullerton, James Philadelphia. Gales, J Raleigh, N. C. " & Seaton Wa.shington. Galignani, A. & W Philadelphia. Galluudet, P. W New York. Garden & Thompson Philadelphia. Garrett & Co New York. Garrigue, R " Gaskill, E Philadelphia. Gates, Ellas Troy, N. Y. " & Stedman New York. " Stedman & Co " Gay lord, Charles Boston. George & Wayne Philadelphia, Getz & Buck " " Buck & Co " Gibson & Smith " Gideon, Jacob, Jun Washington, D. C. " & Co " " J. & G. S Gihon, J. & J. L Phil.adelphia. Gill, Charles T Nasliua, N. II. Gilley, W. B New York. Gladding, J " " & Proud Providence, R. I. Glazier, Masters & Smith Hallowell. Gleason, E Hartford. Godey, Louis A Pliiladelphia. Goodman, A. C. & Co Hartford. Goodrich, A. T New York. " Chauncey Burlington, Vt " S. G Boston. Gordon, Thomas F Philadelphia. Gorton, Geo. W .. " Gould, A. S !....".."!...'. .New York. " Stei)lien " " Banks & Co " " Kendall & Lincoln Boston. " & Lincoln " " & Newman Andover, Mass. Gowans, Wm New York. Graham, W. H . . . . Grattan, W " Gray, John C New Haven. " & Bowen Boston. " & Bunce New York. " Sprague & Co Alban v. Greeley & McElrath New York. i Green & Spencer " Greene, Benj. H Boston. Griflin, J Brunswick, Me. Grffing, James P New York. Griffith & Simon Philadelphia. Grigg, John " " & Elliott " Elliott&Co " Groom, T Boston. Grout, J Worcester, Mass. Guild, Wm. & Co Boston. Guiteau, S Baltimore. Gurley, J. A Cincinnati, O. Hall, H Philadelphia. " J.B Boston. " W. A " ifc Dickson Syracuse, N. T. Halsted, O New York. " & Voorhies " Hambin, N. S New Haven. Hamersloy, W. J Hartford. Hamilton, Samuel Rochester. Hanford, A New York. Hanmer, Samuel, Jun Hartford. Hiimstead, J Philadelphia. Harper ifc Brothers New York. Ilarrod, J. ,T Baltimore. Ilarrold & Murray Richmond, Va. Hart, Abraham Philadelphia. P VBLISHER S. [aim. cat. Hart, Samuel, Sen Charleston, S. C. Haskell & Palmer Woodstock, Vt. Hivxler. E. & F. E New York. Hiiswell, Barrington & Haswell Pliiladclpliia. " it Johnson " Haven, Jolin P New York. llawes, M Boston. Hawley, H. H. & C"o Hartford. " Fuller & Co Utica, N. Y. Haywood, John Boston. Hazard, W. P Philadelphia. " it Mitchell " Heath. "VVm Boston. Henderson, C. G. & Co Philafc Lyon Boston. Marsball, V Pliiladelpliia. Wm. »fc Co " ife Dean Rochester. Marlien, W. S Pbiladelpliia. Martin, J Cliarlottsville, Va. " K New York. Marvin. T. K Boston. Mason & Law New York. Mather, J. H. & Co Hartford. Matsell, A. J New York. Maxwell, N. G Baltimore. McAllister, James Now York, McCarter & Allen Charleston, S. C. & Co McCarty i, Davis PhiLidelphia. McCulloch, J " McDowell, .Joseph " McElrath, Thos New York. &, Banc's. " McGrath, H . . . . .^ Philadelphia, McKean, W New Orleans. McKown, F Charlesto wn, Mass. McMorris, S. J Columbia, S. C. Megarey, Henry I New York. Melish, John Philadelphia. Mendenhall, Wm. L Cincinnati. Mendum, J. P Boston. Mentz, W. 6 Philadelphia. '• & Kevoudt " Merriam. L Greenfield, Mass. E Brookfleld, " " Chapin it Co Springfield, Mass. GitC Merrihew &. Thompson Philadelphia. Merrill, Rufus Concord, N. H. " & Haywood Lowell , Ma.«s. Metcalf & Co Cambridge, Mass. Methodist Book Concern New York. Mielke, E. C Philadelphia. Miller, A. E Charleston, S. C. " E. W Philadelphia. " G. it H New York. " John Providence, R. L " J. H Pittsburgh, Pa. Mills, Samuel Burlington, Vt " Crandall & Moseley Cazenovia, N. Y. Minifie, Wm. it Co Baltimore. Minor, B. B Richmond, Va. Mitchell, S. A Philadelphia. " Ames & White " " & Kelly " Moore, H. D » " J. w .■■ ■ " J.E " .Jacob B Concord, N. U. " W. H. & Co Cincinnati, O. '■ & Anderson " " & Payne New York. Morgan, George C " \[ L- C Columbia, S. C. E. & Co Cincinnati. Morris, A Richmond, Va. Morrison, Wm. M Washington, D. C. Mortimer, John Philadelphia. Morton lil)liiint, Richard Auburn, N. Y. Oliver i^: Munroe Boston. Olmsted, .J.imes New York. Onderdonk, H. M. & Co " Otis, Broaders & Co Boston. Owen, D. & Son Baltimore. " John Cambridge. Packard, B. D Albany. " & Van Bentbuysen " Paine & Buro;ess New York. Palmer, T. H. Philadelphia. Parker, Edward " " J. W Cambridge, Mass. " S. H Boston. " & Bliss Troy, N. Y. Parsons, H. 8 Hartford. U.S.&Co Paul, A New York. Peabody & Co " " Elizabeth P Boston. Pearson, Wm New York. Pease, E. S Hartford. " R. H New Haven. " E. H. it Co Albany. Pechio. J. C Philadelphia. Peck, IL C " " &Bliss " " E. & Co Rochester. " W. B. it C. E Buffalo, N. Y. Peckham, W. F New York. Peirce, Charles H Botton. " William " " it Parker " Penniman, A. T. & Co New Orleans. F.B New York. Pennington, J Philadelphia. Perkins, Henry " " Benjamin it Co Boston. O. L " it Marvin " & Whipple Perry, J. B Philadelphia. Peters, G. S Harrisburg, Pa. Peterson, R. E. & Co Phila' . 25 Crosby 4- N. 45 Harper f, from its Organization in 1816, to the present time. By Rev. W. P. Strickland. 8vo. shp. $1 75 ; cl. 1 30 Harper <$• Bros. 25 20 A. Hart. Am. Tract Soc. 1 50 Appleton <^ Co. 2 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 63 38 19 50 00 Harper cj- Bros. Carter cj- Bros. '52 J. F. Trow. '50 Thos. Davis. 1 50 Harper . 1 00 //. C. Baird. 25 Stringer cf- T. 25 " 75 Harper <^ Bros. Marsh, C. <$-L.'37 50 J. 5. Redjield. '51 Author, N. Y. '48 2 00 Baker cf- S. '46 75 38 1 00 20 75 45 33 56 17 08 13 Little cf B. '50 Boston, 1809. James French. '49 G. cf- C. Carvill. Am. S. S. Union. Haswell, B. <^ H. Appleton cf* Co. 60 Garrett i7 Carey, Lea cf" B. Carey Bros. '45 75 a 29 E. D. Truman . 75 PhiUips,S.adder of Gold : an English Story. Svo. pap. T., on Diseases of the Teeth. .... Lessons on the Human Frame and Stokes' Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Phj'sic. 4th Am. Edit. 2 v. Svo. shp. Bellamy, Joseph, (Rev.) Works. 3 v. Svo. Bellarmin, Felicity of the Saints. 32mo. shp. . Belle Martin, the Heiress. By T. S, Arthur. of Prairie Eden : a Romance (The) of the Family. By Mrs. Grey. pap. « the Blue, and the Bigot. By Tuthill. . Bellenger's French Phrases and Dialogues, cl. . Beloe, Wm., History of Herodotus. Svo. cl. Belzoni in Egypt Beman, Samuel, Kingdom of Heaven at Hand. on Atonement The Nightingale ; or, Jenny Lind Songster. 12mo Bement, C. N., American Poulterer's Companion : a Practical Treatise on the Breeding, Rearing, &c., of Domestic Poultry. 12mo. cl Bemis, Geo., Report of the Case of John W. Webster. Svo. Ben Brace : a Nautical Romance. By Capt. Chamier. pap. Benade, W. H., (Rev.) Animals and their Correspondencies. ISmo. cl Bench and Bar. By James Grant. 2 v. 12mo. cl. . Benedict, David, History of All Religions. 1 2mo, A General History of the Baptist Denomina- tion in America and other parts of the World. Svo. cl. N. D., A Compendium of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Medicine, delivered by Professor Chapman, in the University of Pennsylvania. Svo. shp. 1 75 Lea d^ B. '46 Benedict's Treatise on Duties, Powers, &c., of Justices of the Peace, in the State of New York. Svo. law shp. Benevolent Merchant Traveler, (The) ; or, the New Sunday-School. By Rev. D. Wise. ISmo. cl Benger, E. O., (Miss). Memoirs of the Life of Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII. 12mo. cl. Memoirs of the Life of Mary Queen of Scots, vdth Anecdotes of the Court of Henry II. 2 v. 1 00 Harper <^ Bros. Little 4- B. '50 50 HLong^Bro, 50 New Ch. Bk. Asso. 75 Carey Co. '49 Lea if- B. '48 '50 Dewilt 4- Z>. '61 W. H. Moore cf Co. Appleton cf* Co. Wiley 4- P. '46 T. B. Peterson. 1820—52.] DLA BLO 69 Blanche of Navarre : a Play. By G. P. R. James. 12mo. cl. Bland Papers, (The) : being a Selection from the Manuscripts of Col. Theodoric Bland, Jun., of Prince George County, Virginia. Edited by Charles Campbell. 8vo. Bland's Astronomy. 8vo Blandin, F., Treatise on Topographical Anatomy. Translated from the French, by Dr. A. S. Doane, with additional matter, and Atlas of plates, 4to. 8vo. cl. Blatch, William, Historical Confirmation of Scripture. ISmo. Bledsoe, A. T., Examination of Edwards on the Will. Blessedness of the Righteous. By J. Howe. Blessings, (The), of Providence. 18mo. cl. Blessiagton, Lady, Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman. 2 V. 12mo Conversations with Lord Byron. 12mo. Country Quarters : a Novel, with a Me- moir by her Niece, Miss Power. 12mo. Desultory Thoughts. ISrao. cl. . Ella Stratford ; or, the Orphan Child, pap. Idler in Italy. 2 v. 12mo. " France. " ... Marmaduke Herbert. 8vo. pap. Victims of Society, cl. bks. Works. 8vo. cl Blind Alice. By Aunt Kitty. . . ■ . Atlas of the United States for the Use of the, in raised Characters. 4to. ....... Girl and other Tales. By Mrs. Embury. 18mo. cl. Man's Oifering. By B. B. Owen " Son ; or, the Poor Student Successfully Strug- gling to Overcome Adversity and IVIisfortune. 18mo. cl Bliss, S., Analysis of Sacred Chronology. 18mo. cl. . " of Geography. .... Geography of New England Outline Maps of New England. " " Eight kinds, on Rollers, (var. $10.) Mrs., The Practical Cook-Book, containing upwards of One Thousand Receipts. 12mo. cl. ... Blithedale Romance, (The). By N. Hawthorne. 12mo. cl. Blois, John T., Gazetteer of Michigan. 12mo. . Blood, The, of the Cross. By Rev. H. Bonar. B., The Philosophy of Justice between God and Man. 12mo. cl. Bloodgood, S. DeWitt, on Roads. 8vo. cl. . The Sexagenary ; or, Reminiscences of the American Revolution. 12mo. .... Bloomfield, S. T., (Rev.) The Greek Testament, \vith Eng- lish Notes, Critical, Philological and Exegetical. 2 v. 8vo. cl. 25 Harper <^ Bros. E. 4- J. C. Ruffin. 4 75 Moore cf- Payne. 6 00 Collins 4- H. '34 25 Methodist B. C. 75 H. Hooker. 40 Collins 4- B. 38 Ep. S. S. Union. Carey, L. ^ B. '38 '36 R. E. Peterson. '50 38 Wiley cf- P. 25 T. B. Peterson. Carey cf- Hart. '39 '41 Burgess, S. Co. 75 Carter tf' Bros. 75 i( 1 00 K 1 GO W.J.d^J. K.Simon. 1 50 W. Marshall 4- Co. 75 Carter <^ Bros. Philadelphia. '45 75 Carter cj- Bros. 88 Carter cf Bros. 4 00 Stoddard 4- B. '49 40 A. S. Barnes <^ Co. M. Carey. '14. 63 A . C. Goodman cf- Co, 114 CLA C LA [am. cat. Clark, W., History of England. Edited, with additions, by J. C. Moffatt. 12rao • . " . Willis Gaylord. Ollapodiana, &c. 12mo. cl. Poems. 32mo. cl. ex . W. A., (Rev.) The Steward's Reckoning. . Bookkeeping. Clarke, Adam, (Rev.) Biographical Sketches of the Ances- tors and near Relatives of John and Charles Wesley. 12mo. shp Christian Theology, Avitli Life of the Author. By Samuel Dunn 12mo. cl. or shp. Commentaries on the New Testament. 8vo. shp. " " Old and New Test. 6 v. a a u u A y Concise View of Sacred Literature. 12mo. Discourses. 2 v. 8vo. shp Life of, edited by Rev. J. B. Clark. 12mo. — — " abridged. 18mo. .... Manners of the Ancient Israelites. ISmo. Nature and Design of the Eucharist. iSmo. View of Sacred Literature. 12mo. and Coke, Thos., (Rev.) The Preacher's Manual. 12mo. cl. - Alva, Elements of Astronomy. .... • Charlotte, The Kingdom of Heaven among Chil- dren. ISmo. cl ■ C. C, Hundred Wonders of the World. D. A., Works. Edited by his Son. 2 v. 8vo. cl. . ■ E. D., (Rev.) Lite of. By Wm. Otter. 8vo. ■ G. W., Christ Crucified; or, a Scriptural Vindication of the Divinity and Redeeming Acts of Christ, 18mo. cl. or shp. . , J. F., Christian Doctrine (The) of Forgiveness of Sin : an Essay. 16mo. cl. .... Eleven Weeks in Europe and what may be seen in that time. 12mo. cl. L. F., E.xpositor. hf. bd McDonald. Poems. 12mo Mary C, (Mrs.) Girlhood (The) of Shakspearc's Heroines. 16mo. sqr. cl. per vol. Shakspearc's Proverbs. 18mo. cl. Mary O., Memoir and Correspondence of. l8mo. cl. Sara J., (Grace Greenwood). History of my Pets. 18mo. cl. e.x, 63c. ; cl. Poems. By Grace Greenwood. 12mo. cl. Recollections of my Childhood, and Other Sto- ries, sqr. cl. Greenwood Leaves. 2 [series. 12mo. cl. each. Samuel, Scripture Promises. 64mo. silk or mor. Moore cj' A. '51 1 50 Burgess, S. <^ Co. 34 Leavilt, A. tf- Co. 50 S. cf- Sicords. 1 25 S. H. Colesworthy. 85 Methodist B. C. 75 (( 2 50 Thos., C. cj- Co. 16 00 Methodist B. C. 10 00 F. Lucas, Jim. 70 Methodist B. C. 3 00 Thos. Davis. 1 25 Methodist B. C. 35 u 40 u 25 u 10 l( 50 IC 21 Lochcood <$• Son. 18 Methodist B. C. S. Babcnck. '21 4 00 Baker <$• S. Harper 4" Bros. '27 45 Methodist B. C. 50 Crosby cj- N. '52 1 00 Ticknor <$• Co. '52 25 Collins <^ Bro. J. W. Bell. '36 G. P. Putnam. '51 75 Wiley cY P. 34 Mass. Sal). Sch. So. 50 Ticknor tf- Co. '50 75 '51 50 '52 1 25 Ticknor cf- Co. 56 J. C. Riker. 1820—52.] CLA CLA 115 Clarke, Samuel, Daily Scripture Promises. 18mo. cl. Clark's Caesar. 8vo. slip Clarke's Prussian Calculator. 12ino. slip. Clarkson, Thomas, Portraiture of Quakerism. 3 v. . ■ on Slavery. 2 v Memoirs of the Public aiul Private Life of William Penn. 2 v History of the Abolilion of the Slave Trade by the British Parliament. 3 v. r2mo. Class Book of Anatomy. By Smith. 12rao. r. cl. sides. of Botany. By A. B. Wood. 12mo. shp. of Chemistry. By L. E. Youmans. 12mo. . of Etymology. By Jas. Lpid. 12mo. hf. r. of Natural History. By Haskell. 12mo. . of " Theology. By Henry Fergus. 12mo. of Nature. By John Frost. of Poetry for the Use of Schools. By Eliza Robbins. 12mo of " By Hart. 12mo. shp. of Prose, By Hart. 12mo. shp. of Prose and Poetry, Exercises in Parsing of Theology. By Gallaudet of Zoology. By Prof. Jaeger. l8mo. Leader's Fireside ; or, Home Conversations on Impor- tant Subjects. 18nio. cl. . . . Classic Tales. By Eliza Robbins. .... Classical Antiquities. By Fisk. 8vo. cl. ..." " By Jas. Salkeld Atlas, to Illustrate Ancient Geography. By Find- lay. 8vo. hf r. Reader. By Rev. F. W. P. Greenwood. 12mo. Speaker. By C. K. Dillaway. 12mo. hf. r. Studies, The Importance of the Study of the Greek and Roman Classics. By B. Sears, B. B. Ed- wards, and C. C. Felton. 12mo. cl. ... Clater, F., Horse Doctor. By Skinner. 12mo. cl. . and W. Youatt's Cattle and Sheep Doctor. 12mo. Claude, John, (Rev.) Essay on the Composition of a Ser- mon. 12mo Essay on the Composition of a Sermon. . Claudine; or. Humility the Basis of all Virtue. . Claverston ; or, The Infidel's Visit. .... Clavigero, F. S., History of Mexico. 3 v. 8vo. shp. . Claxton, E. B., (Rev.) Questions on the Gospels. 18mo. pap. Parts I. and II., each Timothy, Memous of a Mechanic, being a Sketch of the Life of. Written by himself. 12mo. . Clay Code ; or, Text-Book of Eloquence. Edited by Van- denhoff. 30 Carter tj- Bros. 1 25 Thomas, C. cj- Co. 50 E. Darroio. 2 50 Friends' B. Store. 1 00 a Bradford cf- Inns. J. S. Taylor. '36 83 R. S. Davis. 1 50 Crocker — " 1 V. 12ino. cl Two Admirals. 2 v. pap. Traveling Bachelor. '' .... Water Witch Ways of the Hour. 12mo. cl. Wept of Wish-ton-wish. 2 v. pap. Wing and Wing, " Wyandotte. " J. G., (Rev.) Virgil, English Notes, slip. Mary, (Mrs.) Memou-s of. By Adam Clark. 18mo. S., Tactics and Regulations for the Militia. l2mo. Samuel, Dictionary of Practical Surgery. Svo. First Lines of the Practice of Surgery. Svo. " " " Notes by Parker. 2 v. slip _ Surgical Essays, slip, .... and Travers' Surgical Essays. Susan F., (Miss) Rural Hours. By a Lady. 12mo. cl. Thomas, Elements of Political Economy, Svo. W. D., History of North America to the Declaration of Independence. 12mo Arithmetic, hf. bd. North American Spelling-Book. doz, . 60 1 25 1 75 1 75 60 50 50 1 25 50 50 60 1 25 50 50 50 2 00 30 1 50 6 00 3 60 3 60 1 25 1 50 30 1 25 38 Cooper's Son, (The) ; or, the Prize of Virtue, cl. CooperstOA\'n, N. Y., Chronicles of. 12mo. Coote, Charles, History of Europe, from 1802 to 1815. 12mo. Copland, J., Dictioujiry of Practical Medicine. 3 v. Svo. shp. il6; cl On the Causes, Nature and Treatment of Palsy and Apoplexy ; of the Forms, Seats, Complica- tions and Morbid Relations of Paralytic and Apoplec- tic Diseases. 12mo. cl 1 00 Copley, Mrs., Early Friendships. ISmo. cl. . . . 38 Coppard, S. S., Katherine Douglass ; or, Principle Developed. 75 Copperfield, Personal History of. See Dickens, Chas. Copway, Geo., The Ojibway Conquest : a Tale of the North- west. 12mo. cl Running Sketches of Men and Places in Eng- land, France, Germany, Belgium, and Scot- land. 12mo. cl. 1 25 The Traditional History and Characteristic Sketches of the Ojibway Nation. 12mo. cl. . 100 Sir Inge r df T. G. P. Putnam. Lea 4- B. Stringer . '51 Looker, R.df- Co: 19 15 00 G. P. Putnam. '49 15 00 Lea 4- B. 30 00 ii 1 00 D. 4- Peck. 4 00 G. P. Putnam. '50 88 C. Siimpson. 38 Harper 4" Bros. 63 Munroe 4" Co. 1 00 Newman 4* Co. 1 00 (( 1 00 0. Ditson. 13 Dayton 4' iV. '42 38 Harper 4* Bros. 2 50 C. Scribner. 45 Harper 4" Bros. 75 Little 4- 5. '41 25 C. M. Saxton, '60 1 00 J. P. Walker. '51 2 25 Bixby 4' Co. 31 G. H. Derby 4- Co. Author, Phila. '42 1 00 Barnes 4" Co. '52 38 Appleton 4" Co. 40 M. W. Dodd. 25 Long 4- Bro. '49 25 '62 25 Stringer • Stories, and Pictnres from Italy. Svo. . The Same. Finer paper, cl. . . . Christmas Tales : comprising the Haunted Man, Cricket on the Hearth, the Chimes, &c. Cricket on the Hearth, pap. . David Copperfield. With plates. Svo. pap. The Same. Finer paper, cl. . . . " " 2 V. 12mo. cl. 40 plates. 50 Harper c^- Bros. Dombey and Son. 2 v. 40 illus. cl. . '• " with plates. Svo. pap. . The Same. Finer paper, cl. Martin Chnzzlewit. cl '• '• with plates. Svo. pap. . The Same. Finer paper, cl. . Nicholas Nickleby. Svo. pap. 50c. ; hf. cl. The Same. Finer paper and plates, cl. . Old Curiosity Shop, illus. Svo. pap. 50c. ; hf. cl. The Same. Finer paper, cl. Oliver Twist. Svo. pap. 3Sc. ; hf. cl. The Same. Finer paper and plates, el. Pickwick Papers. Svo. pap 50c. ; hf. cl. . The Same. Finer paper and plates, cl. Sketches of Every-Day Life and Every-Day People. Svo. pap. 50c. ; hf. cl. The Same. Finer paper and plates, cl. Works. 4 V. Svo. cl Pictures from Italy, pap 75 E. C. <^ J. Biddle. 45 Harper iSf Bros. 75 E. C. 4- J. Biddle. 50 Methodist B. C. 21 A7n. S. S. Union. 60 Melhodist B. C. 5 50 Appkgate c^ Co. 7 50 E. C. cf- J. Biddle- 5 25 Goodman cf* Co. 13 Harper cj- Bros. 50 Gelz, B. 4- Co. 1 25 " 25 J. Wiley. 3S <( 63 Carey tf Harl. 38 Gets, B. <$• Co. 1 25 (( 50 Harper <^ Bros. '49 25 J. Wiley. 50 Getz, B. 4- Co. 1 25 (; 2 GO J. Wiley. '50 1 50 '50 2 00 (( 26 a 50 Getz, B. <^ Co. 1 25 <( 75 Harper <$• Bros. 50 Getz, B. 4- Co. 1 25 u 75 (( 1 60 u 75 a 1 25 u 63 a 1 25 a 75 " 1 50 " 75 « 1 25 u 5 00 (i 38 J. Wiley. 156 Die DIE [am. cat. Dickens, Clias., The Huuiitcd Man and tlio Gliost's Bargain. . Worlis. 4 V. cl Dickinson, Andrew, My first Visit to Eurupe ; or, Sketciics of Society, Scenery and Aiitiijuities in England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland and France. 12ino. cl. P., (Rev.) Memoirs of. By Rev, J. Benson. 18mo. ^ R. W., (Rev.) Responses from the Sacred Ora- cles; or, the Past in the Present. 12nio. cl. S. N., Help to Printers and Publishers. 8vo. R., New Version of New Testament. 8vo. B., Prize Letters to Students. 28mo. R. W., (Rev.) Scenes from Sacred History ; or. Religion Teaching by Example. 12mo. cl. Dickson, Samuel, Principles of the Chrono-Thermal System of Medicine. 8vo. ..... S. H., (M. D.) Manual of Pathology. . . Practice of Medicine. 2 v. 8vo. slip. Essays on Life, Sleep, Pain, &c. 12mo. H., on Dengue : its History, Pathology and Treat- ment. 8vo. Dictionary of Americanisms: a Glossary of Words and Phrases usullay regarded as peculiar to the United States. By J. R. Bartlett. 8vo. cl. of Architecture. See Stuart, R. of Arts and Sciences. By Geo. Gregory. 3 v. 4to. of Biography. By Da\'enport. of Chemistry. By IVIrs. Lincoln. of Music. By Thomas Bu.sby. 12mo. shp. . — of Musical Terms, See Adams, J. S. of Poetical Quotations. By Mrs. S. J, Hale. 8vo, of Poetical Quotations. By Watson, cl. . of Sacred Quotations. See Weld, Rev. H. H. of Scientific Terms. By R. D. Hoblyn. 12mo. of Select and Popular Quotations from Latin, French, &c., &c. 12mo. shp. of Shaksperean Quotations. 12nio. of Synonymical Terms of the English Language. By Rev. J. Rawson, 12mo. r. cl. sds. of Roots and Derivations. By T. Dwight, . . — of Weights and Measures, Ancient and Modern, reduced to the Standard of the U, States. By J. H. Alexander. 8vo. cl. .... of the Church. By Rev. W. Staunton. 12mo. cl. Didactics, By Robert Walsh. 2 v. 12mo. Didier, F, J,, Letters from Paris, Diegesis, The ; Being a Discovery of the Origin and Early History of Christianity, By Rev. R. Taylor. 8vo, Dies Boreales; or, Christopher under Canvas. By Prof. Wilson. 12mo. cl. 06 Harper cf- Bros. '4'J 5 00 Lea <.y- B. 75 G. r. Putnam. '51 35 Methodist B. C. 1 00 Carter c^ Bros, Boston. '35 " '33 50 H. C. Sleight. '31 1 00 Carter tf Bros. 1 00 H. Long c^ Bro. 1 50 S. S. tf- W. Wood. 6 GO " 1 00 B. 4- Lea. '52 Philadelphia. '26 2 50 Bartlett <^ W. '48 W.J. Robinson. '22 2 00 Otis, B. 4- Co. 1 13 (/. 4- C. Carvill. 75 G. M. 4-W. Snider. 2 75 Lippincott,G.^Co. 1 25 Lindsay df B. 1 50 Appleton df Co. '50 84 Lippincott, G. 25 31 Carey cf- Hart. S. (Sf Swords. Fabens, J, W., The Camel Hunt: a Narrative of personal Adventure. 12mo. cl 75 Faber, G. S., On the Doctrine of Election. 8vo. cl. . 1 75 " Difficulties of Infidelity. 12mo. cl. . 50 '• " Romanism. 12mo. . 1 00 '• Jews. 8v. shp 1 75 •• Prophecies. 8vo. shp. . . . 3 00 " Spirit. 12mo Fable for the Critics. By J. R. Lowell. 12mo. cl. . . 63 Fables and Readings for the Nursery, cl 50 24 Munroe cj* Co. Appleton 5ros. '49 1 25 G. P. Putnam. '51 63 L. Colby. '51 75 Methodist B. C. 75 Bros, 60 C. H. Peirce. 25 T. B. Peterson. '49 42 Kay <^ Bro. 45 H. F. Anners. 50 H. Long ^ Bro.'bl 50 '60 75 RusselU 0. 4" M'34 70 Harper . 25 Fox, Ebenezer, The Revolutionary Adventures of. 8vo. . George, Journal 1 50 Complete Works. 8 v. 8vo. . . . [am. cat. Dewitt V. . St. George Julien. By H. Cockton. 2 v. cl. . IV., Life of. By Croley. 18mo. cl. . . • or, the Planter of the Isle of France. By Dumas. George's Adventures in the Country: a Juvenile. 18mo. cl. Journey to the Land of Happiness, sqr. cl. . Georgia Baptists Gazetteer of the State of. By A. Sherwood. 16mo. Pulpit By R. Fleming History of, containing Sketches of the most Re- markable Events. By Hugh McCall. 2 v. Svo. 1 00 A. Hart. '51 1 00 Carey <^ Hart. 1 00 Carter <^ Bros. 1 00 G. P. Putnam. 90 Harper tf Bros. 75 VVilkins, C. cf- Co. 50 Grigs, E. -rington <^ H. 2 00 Munroe 4- Co. 1 75 G. P. Putnam. '50 12 00 " 6 00 " 4 00 " 1 00 Allen, M. cf- W.'42 75 Gould 4- iV. '41 75 Harper cf- Bros. Little 4- Brown. '47 1 50 H. W. Derby cf- Co. S. F., Operative Chemist. 2 v. 8vo T., Elegy in a Country Church- Yard. Illustrated, small 8vo. mor. $2 25 ; mor. col'd plates $3 ; cl. e.v. Poetical Works, with a Memoir. By H. Reed. Illustrated, small 8vo. cl. ex. $3 50 ; mor. and Goldsmith's Poems, cl. ex. 70c. ; cl. Graydon, Alexandc^r, Memoirs of his Own Times. " of Men and Times of the American Revolution. ...... Grayson, E., Overing ; or, the Heir of Wycherly. 12mo. Standish, the Puritan : a Tale of the Ameri- can Revolution. 12rao. pap. 76c. ; cl. 75 W. Stewart. '50 1 25 Gushing cj- Bro. 5 00 Carey, L. tf- B. 1 25 G. S. Appleton. 5 50 H. C. Baird. '50 56 Hard 4 Son. 2 50 Lindsay e«4-Co. '50 67 J. S. Redfield. '50 88 Carey cf- L. '31 1 00 E. Litlell. '24 50 Lea <^ B. '41 50 Carey, L. cf- B. '36 1 00 Carey, L. <^ C. '28 63 G.<^ C. CarvilV21 2 50 Derby, M. tf- Co. G. S. Appleton. '43 1 00 C. Scribner. '52 Burgess, S. li Conneelieut, ^lassaclmsilts. New York, and llie Westcm Reserve. 12mo. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Blithedale Ronmnee (The). 12ino. cl. }Iouse dl" the Seven Gables (The). 12iuo. Journal of an AfVIeaii (.'ruiser. 12nio. el. Mosses IVoiu an Old Manse. 12nio. el. Scarlet Letter (The) : a Romance. 12nio. Snow Tmag-e (Tlie). and other Twice-ToUl Tales. 12nio. el True Stories I'roni History and Bioi;ra])liy. TwJce-Tokl Tales. 2 \-. el. . Wonder-Book fur (iirls and Boys. ISnio. Hay, Alexander, (Rev.) Treatise nu Baptism. l8mo. cl. . Hayden, Horace H., Geological Essays. 8v Ticknor cj- Co. '52 1 00 •51 (J 50 ./. IVitri/. 1 25 G. P. Pulnam. '50 U 75 Ticknor c^ Co. '50 (1 75 '52 75 '51 1 50 " 75 '51 25 .V. 4- Swords. "42 .7. Robinson. "20 u i;; Boiiton Pub. So. 2 00 O. Ditsoit. Wilkins, C. df Co. u 20 Hyde, L. cj- D. u 00 Harper 4'- Bros. 84 E. Diinigan. 50 0. Ditson. 25 (/lark, A. iff- Co. 1 IJIJ (1 (;:! 50 ./. P. Jewell. '49 J. Hayward. '42 7'. //. Webb ^ Co- Hazard cj- M. '60 Philadelplda.'''6i-'-i(i Symbolical Spelling-Book. . .32 ■40-"42 3 00 Lutheran B. <'. Zunesville, O. '46 60 LippincoU,'Co. 75 Hum 4' Son. 75 Harper cjp Bros. 50 Huntington cf- »S'. 20 Huvl <^ Son. 25 Cornishi L. c^ Co. 250 11 A 7. HEA [am. cat. Hazcn, E., Symbolical Spelling-Book. Part 1. «• 2. doz. Ilazlitt, William, Characters of Shakspeare's Plays. 12mo. — Lectures on the English Comic Writers. 12mo. . " " " Poets. 12mo. cl. '■ " DramaticLiteratm-e of the Ago of Elizabeth. 12mo. cl Literary Remains of. 8vo Miscellanies. 5 v. 12mo. cl. . . . Spirit of the Age. 12mo. el Table-Talk, on Books, Men, and Things. 2 v. Head of the Family. By the Author of " Olive," and " The Oglevies." 8vo. pap Head, G., (Sir). Travels througli tee Manufacturing Dis- tricts of England, cl F. B., (Sir) Bubbles from the Bruiinen of Nassau. Faggot of French Sticks, (A) ; or, Paris in 1851. 12rao. pap. 75c. ; cl The Emigrant, cl Life in Germany. 12mo. cl Rough Notes of a Journey across the Pampas and among the Andes. 12mo Headley, J. T., The Adirondack ; or. Life in the Woods. Italy and Alps and the Rhine. 12mo. cl. Miscellanies. 2 v " The Auihor^s Authorized Edition. Napoleon and his Marshalls. 2 v. 12mo. cl. . The Old Guard of Napoleon, from Marengo to Waterloo. 12mo. cl. . . . ■ Orators of France. •12mo. cl. Parlor Book. 8vo Sacred Mountains. 12mo. cl. " '• 8vo. mor. $3 50 ; cl. . " Scenes and Characters. 8vo. cl. ex. . " " " 12mo. Sketches and Rambles. 12mo. cl. . Washington and his Generals. 2 v. 12mo. cl. . Works. 12 v. Uniform Edition, in shp., for Libraries or District Schools. .... P. C, Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the Women of the Bible. 12mo. cl Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey. By G. Peacock. Heads of the Headless. By Soulie. pap. of the People, pap. and Tales of Travelers. By Blanchard. Headsman (The). By Cooper. 2 v. pap. . . • . Health Made Easy, cl and Beauty Disease, and Remedy, Practically Considered in their Relations to the Blood. By Geo. Moore, M. D. 12mo. 1 50 Cornish, L. df- Co. 2 00 K 50 J. Wiley. 50 n 50 ' u 50 a 1 25 Saunders, cj- 0. '36 5 00 H. C. Baird. 50 J. Wiley. 2 25 Wiley 4- P. '45 38 Harper t^ Bros. '52 1 13 '36 50 G. P. Putnam. 1 00 '52 75 Harper 4* Bros. '46 75 Leavitt, T. <^ Co. 75 Wells 4- 1/.'27 1 25 C. Scribner. 1 25 " 2 00 J. S. Taylor. '4'J 1 00 C Scribner. 2 50 a 1 25 '52 1 25 (( Geo. Pratt. '50 1 25 C. Scribner. 2 50 (( 3 00 (. 1 25 (( 0^75 (( 2 50 (( 15 00 1 25 Derby, M. t^ Co.'SO 38 G. P. Putnam. 25 Dewitt 4- D. '49 25 Carey ^ Hart. 25 Appleton c\- Co. 50 Stringer df T. 38 VAeber cf- Co. 50 Carey cf* Hart. 75 Harper <$• Bros. ''50 1820—52. HE A II EC 251 Heart (The) Delineated. By Sinitli. I81110. cl. Treasure. See Heyicood, Rev. O. Heart's Ease. 32rao. cl. ex Treasure (The) : a Poetical Gift. Compiled by J. H. Bryson. 4to. Hearts Unveiled ; or, " I knew you would like him." By Sarah E. Saymore. 12mo. pap. 50c. ; cl. and Homes. By Mrs. Ellis. 2 parts, pap. Heath, Wm. (Maj. Gen.), Memoirs of Events during the American War. 8vo Heathen Nations (The) ; or. Duty of the Present Generation to Evangelize the World, cl Heaven ; or, the Sainted Dead. See Harhaugh, Rev. H. upon Earth. By Janeway. 12mo. cl. . and Hell. By Emanuel Swedenborg. . Heaven's Antidote to the Curse of Labor. By J. A. Quin- tou. ISmo. cl Heavenly Arcana. By Emanuel Swedenborg. 1 2 v. 8vo. Doctrines of the New Jerusalem. By Emanuel Swedenborg. Incense. By J. H. Ebaugh. 8vo. cl. Recognition. See Harhaugh, H. Hebbe, G. C, Universal History of the World. 8vo. cl. per v. Heber, Reginald (Bp.), Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, in 1824-5. 8vo. . Last Days. By Archdeacon Robinson. 1 2mo Life of. By his Widow, 2 v. Bvo. , Poems, 18mo Sermons Preached in England. 8vo. . Heberden, Wm., on Cure of Diseases. Bvo. shp. Hebershon and Coxe's Miscellanies. 8vo. Hebrew Bible, Hahn's Chrestomathy. By Stuart. 8vo. cl. '• By Nordheimer. 8vo. cl. . Grammar, with Vocabulary. By Frey. . " and Reader. By Frey " by Nordheimer. cl. . . , Monarchy : History of. By Francis Newman. 8vo — Poetry, Stow's Edition of Lowth. 8vo. bds, Reader. By Frey ■ Study, Stuart's Course of. 8vo. bds. . ■ Student's Pocket Companion Tales. ByTuthill. cl " Selected and Translated, cl. Heck, G., Iconographic Encj-clopsdia. See Iconographic. Hecker, J. F. C, The Epidemics of the Middle Ages. 8vo. Heckewelder, John, Life of. By E. Randthalcr. 12mo. , . — . - ■ ■ ' Mission of the United Brethren among Indians. Bvo 50 Harper cf Bros. 34 Leavitt V. //. Colesworthy. Baltimore. '32 Clark 4- A. Appleton (Sf Co. Francis . . Hitchcock, D. K., Vindication of Russia and the Em})eror Nicholas. 12mo E., Bookkeeping. 2 v " Key to Edw., Dyspepsia Forestalled and Resisted. 1 2m(). Elements of Geology. 12mo. . Final Report on the Geology of Massachu- setts. 3 V. and Atlas. 4to. Geology of Massachusetts. 2 v. 4to. cl. . 1 50 50 90 45 1 25 History of a Zoological Temperance Con- vention, held in Central Africa, ISmo. cl. Power of Christian Benevolence, illus- trated in the Life and Labors of Mary Lyon. 12mo. cl Religious Lectures on Peculiar Phenomena in the Four Seasons. 12mo. cl. Religion of Geology and its connected Sci- ences. 12mo. cl ■ Sketch of the Scenery of Massachusetts. 4to. cl. $2; colored plates. Lectures on Diet, Regimen, and Employ- ment. 12mo. bds Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Bota- ny, and Zoology of Massachusetts. 8vo. and Atlas. Hive (The) and its Wonders. 16mo. cl Hoare, C, Treatise on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine. l8mo. cl. The Same. 12mo. hi', r Hoary Head ; or. Truth through Fiction. By J. Abbott. 18mo. Hobart, J. H. (Bp.), Apology for Apostolic Order, cl. . Communicant's Manual. 32mo. cl. Christian's Manual ofFaith and Devotion. 12mo. Clergyman's Companion. Edited by Bp. L. S. Ives. cl. • Companion for the Altar, cl. ... Festivals and Fasts, cl Posthumous Works ; with a Memoir by Rev. W. Berrian. 3 v. 8vo. el The State of the Departed. 12mo. • The Early Life and Professional Years of. By J. McVicar. 2 v. 12 mo. cl W. C. E. (Editor), Analysis of Butler's Analogy of Religion Hobbie, Hannah, Memoir of. 18mo. cl Hoblyn, R. D., Dictionary of Scientitic Terms. r2mo. . gomery. cl. . . . . • . 50 of Praycr-Book. By a Layman. 32mo. . 31 of Scriptures 3 00 of the Vegetable Kingdom. s(ir. hf. r. . 38 Image of His Father. By Brothers Mayhew. 12mo. cl. 70 Imitation of Christ. See Kempis, Thos. n. of the Blessed Virgin. l8mo. cl. Imlay, G., Description of the Western Teritory of North America. 12mo Immanuel's Land ; or, a Glimpse at the World of Glory. By D. A. Harsha. 32mo. cl 38 Immigrant's Guide and Citizen's Manual. By Warner. l8mo. 50 Immortal (The) : a Dramatic Romance, and other Poems. By James Nack. 12mo. cl Immortality Triumphant. See Dods, J. B. of the Soul and other Poems. By D. Mallock. Improvisations and Translations. By N, Greene. 16mo. cl. 75 Improvisatore. By Hans C. Andersen. 8vo. pap. . . 13 Improvisitrice (The): a Poem. By L. E. Limdon. 18mo. Imputation, with an Introduction. By Bishop Hughes. . 50 Imray, K,, Cyclopaedia of Modern Domestic Medicine, with Additions by an American Physician. 8vo. cl, . 3 50 In Memoriam. By Tennyson. 12mo. cl. . . . 75 Incarnation (The) ; or, Pictures of the Virgin and her Son. By Rev. Charles Beecher. 12mo. cl. . . . 50 Inchbald, E. (Mrs.), Simple Story, pap. . . . 25 Incidents in the Life of President Dwight. . . . . 31 " " a Pastor. By Rev. Wm. Wisner. cl. 1 00 ■ of American History. Selected by J. W. Barber. 113 of Social Life. By Zschokke. 12mo. cl. . .100 of a Wffaling Voyage. By Olmsted. 8vo. cl. 1 50 Incognito (The.) By T. de Treuba. pap. . . . 25 Independence Day; or. Two Modes of Spending It. 12mo. 18 Independent Whig (The) ; or, a Defense of Primitive Chris- tianity Index Rerum. By Rev. John Todd. 4to. hf. r. . . 2 00 and Dictionary of the Bible. By Rev. J. Barr. . 45 to Subjects treated in the Reviews. 1 2mo. . 1 00 India, The Character, Manners, &c., of its People. By J. A. Dubois. 2 V. 8vo H. H. HawleydfCo. BaUimo'-e. '32 Author, Boston. H. H. Ilawley <^Co. Kiggins