oque-o Q)app(ement to ^903 tjAe Qjndurance Xi ,^^^{)ociation odton Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueoflibraOOinsurich A CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE Insurance Library Association of Boston To Which is Added A Sketch of the History and Work of the Association, Together ., pp. loS. 1005. Bates (Thomas): Suggestions in Regard to Waivers. N'orthwest, 1SS9, /. 59. 1006. Beck (L.): Mortgage Interest. Faci/ic, iSSo, p. 100. 1007. Beddall (K R): Duties of a Special Agent. X. 7. State, 1S96, p. 10. 1008. Berne (J. J.): Adjusters' Field Companion; Tables and Examples of Values and Depreciations. Chicago., 1890, O., pp. 187. 1009. : Best Rule for Adjusting Non-Concurrent Poli- cies. XortJnvest., iSSS,/. 104. lOio. : Law Relative to Other Insurance. (Weekly Underwriter Prize Essay, signed "Adjuster" ; Honorable Mention.) Xorthwest., 1881,/. 222. loi I . : The Insurance Contract ; Adjustments and Ad- justers. Northxvcst., 1S86, /. 140. 1012. Beveridge (David): The Current Form of Policy. No rt Invest, 1S77, Appendix. 1 01 3. : Waiver and Estoppel. No7'tJnvest, 1878, Appendix. Adjusters and Adjusting:. 3 1014. Blodget (A. C): Law of Waiver and Estoppel; an Insurance Case. Detroit, iSSi, Pajuphlet O., pp. 8. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. J015. : Proximate Cause of Loss under Fire Insurance Policies. Philadelphia, iSSi, Pamphlet O., //. 7. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 1016. : Referees' Report on Policy Covering "Pat- terns." Philadelphia, 1880, Pamphlet 0.,pp. 4. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 1017. Bokce (D. M,): The Adjuster; Is he Made or Born? Pacific, 1SS9, /. 71. I o 1 8 . Boston Manufacturers^ Mutual Publications : Adjustment of Losses. Vol. II. p. i. What Constitutes Indemnity. Vol. II. p. 153. What to Do After a Fire. Vol. I. /. 63. 1019. Bromwell (L. L.): Fraud, Misrepresentation, Con- cealment. Pacijic, 1S80, /. 94. 1020. Case (Charles Lyman): Advice to Young Special Agents. JVorthzuest, 1S8S, /. 49. 102 1. Chalmers (W. L.): Bureau System of Adjusting. Pacific, 18S8,/. 54. 1022. • Losses and Adjustments. Pacijic, iSS"], p. 2^. 1023. : Some Mistakes in the Management of Fire Loss Adjustments. Pacific, iS^j, p. 6S. 1024. Chronicle: Apportionment of Non-Concurrent Policies in Rossiter's and other Storehouses, 1S89. Chrofiicle, Vol. XL III. pp. 266 and 304. 1025. Covington (J. L): Adjustment of Fire Losses. Xorthzcest, 1882,/. 187. 1026. De Camp (J. M.): The Special Agent: His Duties, Methods of Performing them, and w^hat he Should be. (Chronicle Prize Essay signed "Cicero." First Prize.) North-joest, 1881,/. 143. 4 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1027. Dosser (Chas.E.): Adjusters and Adjustments ; Their Relation to Public Sentiment. Northwest^ 1S94, p. 142. 1028. Driffield (V. G): Garnishments before Proofs. Pa- cijic, 1S92, /. 130. 1029. : Statutory Requirements of the Various States. Pacific^ 1SS9, p. 22, 1030. Dutton (W. J.): Co-Existent Fire and Marine Poli- cies. Pacific^ 1893,^. 138. 103 1. Edwards (L. B»): Adjustment before Loss. Pacijic^ 1892,/. 175. 1032. Explosions of Gun Powder to Prevent the Spread of Fire. Proceedings of a Trial in the Supreme Court of New Jersey involving Liability of the Mayor of New York for goods destroyed by blowing up Warehouses containing same to stop Great Fire in 1835. New 2'ork, 1852, O., 1>P' 332. 1033. Explosions of Gun Powder to Prevent tlie Spread of Fire. Legal Opinions obtained by the Adjusters' Associa- tion on the Liability of Insui'ance Companies for Property destroyed or damaged to prevent the spread of fire in the great Boston Conflagration. Boston^ 1S72, PampJiIet O., pp. 16. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. V. 1034. Faymonville (Bernard): The Insurer's Liability on Buildings in Course of Construction. Pacific^ 1892, p. "5- 1035. : Proper Vice. Pacific^ 1888,/. 57. 1036. Ferry (G P.): Losses and Adjustments. Pacrftc, 1886,/. 69. 1037. Finch (John A.): Appraisal and Award. New Tor k, 1897, Pa?nphlet Z>., pp. 22. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IX. 1038. : Insurance Companies in Court. Northwest, 1888,/. 58. Adjusters and Adjusting. 5 1039. Finney (J. G.): Field vs. The Office. North-west, 1SS2,/. 133. 1040. Fowler (J. A.): Mathematical Adjustment of Fire Loss. American Exchatige and Review, Vol. XXXV. p. 204. 1041. Fox (W. F.): Law Relative to Other Insurance. (Weekly Underwriter Prize Essay, signed " Rob Roy"; First Prize.) Northxvest, 1881,/. 193. 1042. : The Special Agents' and Adjusters' Hand- book. Second edition. Chicago, \^?>'^, Nar. S.,pp. 194. 1043. : The Special Agents' and Adjusters' Hand- book. Third edition. Chicago, \Z()\, Nar. S., pp. 2"^^. 1044. : The Special Agent, His Duties, Methods of Performing Them, and What He Should Be. (Chronicle Prize Essay, signed "Novice"; Honorable Mention.) North-west, 1881, p. i^ji. 1045. Gates ("W. E.): Some Notes on Fire Loss Adjust- ments. Wales, Record No. 90. 1046. Garniss ( J. R.): Losses and Adjustments. Pacific, 1S83,/. 20. 1047. Getman (Nellis): Hints to Insurers Against Fire Before, During, and After Loss.) Johnsto-wn, N. T., 1S97, Pamphlet Sq. T., pp. 15. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 1048. Gibbons ("W. H.): Small Loss Adjustments. Pacific, 1S97,/. 148. 1049. Goodfellow (W. S.): Garnishments. Pacific, 1898, /. 82. 1050. Grant (George F.): Special Agents. Pacific, 1884, P- 75- 105 1. Grant (H. M.): A Celebrated Case — The Bonner Mercantile Company's Loss at Butte City, Mont. Pacific, 1890, /. 29. 6 Insurance Libraty Association of Boston. 1052. Grant (H. M.) : Upon the Element of Estimate in Loss Adjustments. Pacific^ 1S91,/. 119. 1053. Griswold (Jeremiah): Handbook of Adjustments of Loss or Damage by Fire for the use of Fire Underwriters. Second edition. N'exv Tork, 1882, O.^ pp. 171. 1054. : Handbook of Adjustments of Loss or Damage by Fire for the use of Fire Underwriters, Third edition. New 2'o}'k, 1894, ^'1 PP' 17S. 1055. Gunnison (A. R.): Rules for Apportionment. Pa- cifc, 1 885, /. 75. 1056. Harbeck (E.): Adjusters and Adjustments. North- west, 1SS8, /. 1 38. 1057. Harvey (Wm.)t Conditions in Fire Policies. Edin- b u rgh , Vol. III. p. 331. 1058. Hine (C. C): A few Oddities of Insurance Litigation. Northwest., 1892,/. 77, 1059. Holden (J. L,): Depreciation of Property. North- xvest., 1878, p. 34. 1060. Holloway (George A,): Field Experience. North- %vest, 1S77,/. 29. 1061. Hore (William H.); Remarks on the Apportionment of Fire Losses, illustrating by numerous Examples the Practice of the Offices in complicated Average and Non- Average cases ; and suggesting means by which the diffi- culties hitherto experienced in apportioning losses covered by non-current policies may be avoided in the future. Londojt., 1870, O., pp. 117. 1062. Howell (Thomas): Fire Insurance from an Assessor's Point of View. Birmingham, 1893-4, not paged. 1063. Insurance Monitor (contl?i2eed on next page)* Building in Course of Construction; Whose Loss is it? Vol. XXV. p. ^•$>^. Adjusters and Adjusting. 7 1063. Insurance Monitor (concluded) : Cost of Buildings per cubic foot. Vol. XL V. p. 4S9. Falling Walls; Damage from. Vol. XXV. pp. 391, 444. Family Wearing Apparel, What does it consist of? Vol. XXIV. p. 480. Waiver in attempting to Adjust a Loss. Vol. XXVI. p. 349- Warranty of Occupancy throughout the year. Vol. XXIV. p. 480. 1064. Kent (Henry T.): Warranty vs. Representation. NortJrjcest^ 1890,/. 69. 1065. Kinne (G M.): Apportionment of Loss under the Kinne Rule as recommended by resolutions of the Asso- ciation. Pacific., 18S6, /. 112. 1066. : Apportionment of Loss under Non-Concurrent Policies. Pacific^ 1884,/. 61. 1067. Laird (John): The Average Conditions and Independ- ent Liability. Glasg'ozv, Second Series, p. 311. 1068. Lowden ("W. H.)t Adjustment of Book Losses. Pa- cifc, iSSj,p. 89. 1069. : Hints on Book Losses. San Fraiicisco, 1887? 0.,pp. 14. 1070. : The Measure of Manufacturer's Damage. Pa- cific ., 1891, /. 144. 107 1. : What to do When the Books are Burned. Pacijic, 1890,/. 81. 1072. Lucas (W. P»): The Special Agents' and Adjusters' Companion. (Manuscript Index compiled by the Insur- ance Library Association.) Oil City, Pa., 1897, -^^^^- O., pp. 81. 1073. Lye (Henry): Adjustment of Fire Losses. Scrap Book, p. 22. 8 Insurance Library Association of Boston, 1074. Macadam (J. M.): Fire Policy as Collateral Security. Wales, Record 47. 1075. • Is Mortgagee's Interest in Lease of an Hotel insurable? Wales, Record ^o. 1076. Maccall (John Campbell): The Art and Practice of Account Keeping. Glasgozv, First Series, p. 317. 1077. Mallett (Robert F.): When is Fire not a Fire.? Nor- ■wich Union Magazine, Vol. VI. /. 45. 107S. McVey (A. H.): Doctrine of Waiver as applied to Adjustments. Northwest, 1S93, /. 134. 1079. : Legal Aspect of the Appraisement Contract. Northwest, 1896, p. 143. loSo. Montgomery (Harford H.): Points requiring partic- ular attention in the settlement of Fire Losses in Ii-eland. Dtiblin, 1 88 7, Pamphlet O., pp. 25. 1081. Montgomery (W^Jt.): Policy Conditions and their Bearing upon Loss Settlements. Federation, 1898, p. 195. 1083. Niles (Edward): Special Agents. Pacific, 1892,/. 24. 1083. : Special Agents. Pacijic, 1898, p. 28. 1084. Noverre (G £♦): Concerning the Contribution Con- dition. Norwich, 1896-7,/. 31. 1085. Osborn (Russell W.): Adjustment of Partial Losses. Pacific, 1894,/. 94. 1086. Outcalt (Peter): Adjusting. The Adjuster, Vol. IV. p. 112. 1087. : Ethical Shading of Depreciation and Discount on Time Bills. Pacific, 1890,/. 18. 0S8. : Professional Errors. Pacific, iSc)2, p. S^. Adjusters and Adjusting;. 9 10S9. Palache ("Whitney): The Special Agent from a Spe- cial Agent's Standpoint. Pacijic^ 1S95,/. 44. 1090. Pipkin (Samuel J.): The Average conditions of a Fire Insurance Policy. Glasgo'v^ Third Series^ p. 313. 1091. Polak (J. R. F.): Adjusting Losses. An address de- livered before the Underwriters Convention held at Sa- vannah, Ga., May 12, 1895. Western Insurance Re- view^ Vol. VIII. p. 520. 1092. Raynolds (Robert L.): Special Agency Work. Northwest, 1894,/. 82. 1093. Report of the Committee on Salvages in the Free and Bonded Warehouses on South Street, New York, de- stroyed by fire April 16, 1865. Nevj York, 1866, Sq, ^.,/A76. 1094. Rice (E. P.): Contribution in Fire Losses. North- west, 1880, p. 44. (Reviewed in A7?iericmi Exchange and Review, V^ol. XXXIV. p. 375.) 1095. Richards (T. D.)j Liability for Property Removed to escape Conflagration. Wales, Record i\2. 1096. Robb (W. O.): Conduct of an Appraisal. North- zvest, 1893, /. loi. 1097. Rogers (Joseph M.): Arbitration. Northwest, 1878, P- 153- 109S. Scudder (Henry J.)j Cash Value of Property at Time of Fire. New York, 1877, Pamphlet O., pp. 11. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VIL 1099. Sexton ("William): Adjusting. Pacijic, i^^^, p. $1. HOC. : Apportionment of Loss under Non-concurrent Policies. Pacific, 1883,/. 100; 1S84,/. 41. iioi. Smalley (B. D.): When shall an Adjuster DecHne to make Proofs. Pacific, 1S93, /. 104. lo Insurance Library Association of Boston. II03. Spaulding (A. "W".)? Adjustment of Losses. North- tvest, 1876, p. 22. 1 103. : Depreciation to Buildings. Northwest^ 1879' p. 124. 1 104. Swett (Frank H.): Insurable Interest. Pacific, i^^, p. 26. 1 105. Thomas (W. P.): Losses and Adjustments. Pacific, 1886,/. 63. 1 106. Thompson (F. A.): Depreciation. Northwest, \'^()6, p. 158. 1 107. Tiffany (H. S.): Special Agents' and Adjusters' As- sistant ; containing numerous citations to the Law of Insurance and other valuable Statistics and References, together with Tiffany's Digest of Depreciations. Ninth edition. Chicago, 1887, Nar. O., pp. 437. iioS. Van Voorhis (William H.): Decision as Referee in Van Heusen & Charles vs. International Insurance Com- pany et al. having non-concurrent policies. New I'ork, 1869, Pamphlet O., pp. 4. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. V. 1 109. Vigeon (Harry): Depreciations; a Paper read before the meeting of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, 1895. Scrap Book, p. 40^. mo. "Waters (A. J.): Adjustment of Fire Losses on Build- ings; a Handbook for the use of Adjusters, Insurance Agents, and Builders. New York, 1879, D.,pp. 255. nil. J Adjustment of Fire Losses on Buildings. Northwest, 1878,/. 80. 1 1 12. : Machinery in Special Hazards; Cost and De- preciation. Northwest, 1879,/. 16. 1 1 13. . Salvage, a Posthumous Compilation of Essays and Sketches on Fire Insurance. Nexv 7'ork, 1882, O., pp. 164. Adjusters and Adjusting. 1 1 1 1 14. Waters (A. J.) : The Special Agent, His Duties, Methods of Perfoi-ming Them, and What He vShould Be. (Chronicle Prize Essay, signed "Iron Gray" ; Honorable Mention.) NortJnvest, 18S1,/. 162. 1 1 15. Welch (J.St. Vincent): Reinstatement when Insur- ance is not sufticient to complete building. JVa/es, Record 30, 1 1 16. Wetzlar (Alexander J.): Adjusters and Appraisers. Pacific, iS(^i,p. 91. 1 1 17. ♦ Attachments or Garnishments before Proofs of Loss are made. Pacific, 1892,^. 135. iiiS. J Losses and Adjustments. Pacific, iS^6, p. ^t^. 1 1 19. Wilson (J. O.): The Adjuster. JVorthzvest, 1875, A 82. 1 1 20. Winne (Peter): Attachment and Garnishment before Proofs of Loss. Pacific, 1S91,/. 14. 1 121. : Waiver and Estoppel. PacZ/fc, 1885, ^. 44. 1 122. Wright (G. Alexander): Estimating the Cost of Modern Buildings. Pacific, 1S97, /. 113. Agents' Text Books Including Instruction Books from Companies, 1 1 23. Affeld (F, O^ Jr.): Index to Massachusetts Standard Fire Insurance Policy, and also to the Standard Fire Insurance Policies of Maine and Minnesota. Boston^ 1896, Nar. O., pp. 7. 1 1 34. : Index to New York Standard Fire Insurance Policy, and also to the Standard Fire Insurance Policies of Connecticut, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, North and South Dakota, and Rhode Island. Brooklyn, 1896, N'ar. O., pp. 5. 1 125. Aetna Insurance Qjmpany : Guide to Fire Insurance for the Representatives of the ^tna Insurance Company. Cincinnati^ 1S67, O., pp. 529. 1 1 26. Amazon Insurance Company: Suggestions for the benefit of People who insure property. Cincinnati, 1874, Parnphlet T., pp. 38. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 1 1 27. Andes Insurance Company: Manual of Fire Insur- ance for Agents of the Andes Insurance Company. Cin- cinnati, 1870, O., pp. 190. 1128. Bromwell (L. L.): Local Agents. Pacifc, 1879, /. 7. 1 1 29. Brumsey (J. A,): Coal Oil in Stores. Qiiotations of Legal decisions as to Agents' knowledge of Qiiantity kept on hand. Pacijic, 1882,/. 75. (12) Agents* Text Books. 13 1 130. Campbell (Donald A.): The Fire Underwriters' Com- panion ; a Commonplace Book containing selected para- graphs. London, 18S3, Nar. O., pp. 170. 1 131. Clarke (Geo. C): Compensation of Agents. North- zccst, 1S76, p. 106. 1 132. Compact: Proposed form of Local Board Compact submitted to the Committee of Fifteen appointed to pre- pare a Compact for the Metropolitan District. New York, 1891, PampJilet O., pp. 30. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. V. 1 133. Continental Insurance Company: Instruction Book. Nexv York, 1S71, D., pp. loi. 1 134. Cornell (W. B.): Local Agents. Northxvest, 1875, p. 156. 1 135. Crawford (J. A.): Local Fire Insurance Agent; His relative position to the Chief of the Fire Department. Engineers, 1896,/. 33. 1 136. Ducat (Arthur C): The Practice of Fire Underwrit- ing. Seventh edition. New 7'ork, 1S76, O., pp. 166. 1 137. Finch (John A.): The Insurance Agent ; His Rights, Duties, and Liabilities. Indianapolis, 1894, D., pp. 36. 1 138. German- American Insurance Company: Instruction Book for Agents. New Tork, Pamphlet Nar. O., pp. 10. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IX. 1 139. Griswold (Jeremiah): Fire Insurance Agents' Text Book ; an annotated Dictionary of the terms and technical phrases in use among Fire L^nderwriters, to which is appended a Policy Form Book with brief hints on Policy writing; the whole supplemented by valuable short rate and pro rata Cancellation and Time Tables. Montreal., 1888, D., pp. 211. 1 140. : Fire Underwriters' Text Book. New Tork, 1872, 0.,pp. 829. 14 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1 141. Griswold (Jeremiah): Fire Underwriters' Text Book. Second edition. Montreal^ 1S89, O., ^/. 903. 1 142. Hartford Fire Insurance G)mpany: Instructions and Explanations for the use and Direction of Agents. Hart- ford^ 1839, Pamphlet Nar. D.^pp. 27. Bound Pampli- lets, Vol. VII. 1 143. J Instructions and Rates of Premium for use of Agents. Columbus^ Ohio^ 1S60, O.^ pp. 58. 1 144. : Manual of Instruction. Hartford, 1882, O., //• 7S. 1 145. Hine (C C): A Book of Forms; containing Forms of Policies, Endorsements, Certificates, and other valuable matter. Nezv York, 1865, O., pp. 39. 1 146. : Book of Forms ; containing Forms of Policies, Indorsements, and other valuable matter, for the use of Agents and others. New York, 1882, O., pp. 126. 1 147. . Fire Insurance ; a book of Instructions for the use of Agents in the United States. New York, 188S, 0.,pp. 166. 114S. : Fire Insurance Hand-Book for use of Fire In- surance Agents and others. New York, 1882, D., pp. 222. 1 149. : Letters to an Agent from the Patriarch; a familiar book of instructions for Fire Insurance Agents, in the which divers topics are treated in a manner quite unlike that adopted by the more formal writers. New York, iSje, D., pp. 144. 1 150. Hine (CO and Nichols (W. S.): The Agents' Hand-Book of Insurance Law (Fire Insurance). New York, 1887, 0.,pp. 95. 1 151. Home Fire Insurance G)mpany: Manual containing general rules and instructions, with Forms of Policies and A§:ents^ Text Books. 15 Endorsements for the use of the Agents connected with its Southern Department ; prepared and published under the direction of the Company. Neiv Tork^ iS77» ^-t pp. C)6. 1153. Luke (Robert A»): Local Agents and Adjustments. Pacific^ 1S9S,/, 54. 1 153. Martin (Louis H.): Right to the Point; A manual for Fire Insurance Agents. Indianapolis.^ 1S9S, 6"., pp. 69. 1 154. Merchants* Lisurance Company: Explanatory re- marks and observations on the subject of Fire Insurance. Boston., i8-3r D..,pp. 16. ii5v Moore (F. C): Fires, their Causes, Prevention, and Extinction ; combining also A Guide to Agents respecting Insurance against loss by fire, and containing information as to the Construction of Buildings, Special features of manufacturing hazards. Writing of Policies, Adjustment of losses, etc. New York., 1885, D..,pp. 290. 1 156. Niles (Edward): Underwriters' Clerks; their duties and opportunities. San Frajicisco., , Pamphlet (9., //. 4. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 1 157. Osborn (R. WJ: Fifty Law Lessons. San Fran- cisco., 1895, D..,pp. 60. 1 158. Protection Insurance Company : Instructions and Ex- planations for the L'se and Direction of the Agents of the Company. Hartford., 1S37, Pamphlet D., pp. 28. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VII. 1 159. Rogers (Joseph M.): Principles and Practice of Fire Underwriting systematically arranged. Fourth edition. Ne-ju York, 18S3, D.,pp. 149. 1 160. Sexton (William): Local Agents. Pacijic, 1S81,/. 1 6 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1161. Southern Insurance Directory: Local Boards and How to Meet Competition of Non-Board Agents. 1S87, p. 277. 1 163. ; Practical Hints to Agents. Published in each year's issue, with changes and additions; iSSS to 1898 inclusive. 1 163. Tiffany (H» S.)j ^'^^^ Insui-ance Agents Instruction Book, together with a Digest of Depreciations and Rules for ascertaining the Cost of Buildings by their cubic contents. Twenty-sixth edition. Chicago^ 1890, D.^pp. 256. 1 164. : Policy Forms for Fire Insurance Agents. Fourth edition. Chicago^ 1S90, Z>., pp. 345. 1 165. Union Fire Insurance Company: Instructions for Agents. Second edition. Buffalo.^ 1S90, O., ^/. 40. 1 166. "^zz^ (Samuel R.): Hand Book for Fire Insurance Agents ; an instructive treatise on Prevailing Methods and Practices in the Fire Insurance Business. New Tor^, 1S95, B., pp. 152. 1 167. Woodworth (C H.): The Demand upon Local Agents and Our Response. Address before Ohio Asso- ciation of Local Fire Insurance Agents, August, 1898. Pafuphlet O., pp. 7. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. Arguments briefs of Counsel, Legal Opinions, Referees' Tfecisions, and Similar 'Papers. 1168. American Insurance Company of Chicago : Decision as to Liability of Policy Holders upon Installment Notes given for Fire Premiums. Chicago, 1876, Pamphlet O., pp. 8. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VII. 1 169. Barnard (Daniel): Argument before Insurance Com- mittee of New Hampshire House upon the Bill prescrib- ing a Valued Policy. Concord, 1885, Pamphlet O., pp. 31. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 1 170. Beaman (Chas. C, Jr.): The Alabama Claims and their final and amicable Settlement. Washmgton, 1871, Pamphlet O., pp. 358. 1 171. Benton (J. H., Jr.): Argument before the Committee on Taxation of the Legislature of Massachusetts against the Bill to Increase the Tax upon Foreign Insurance Com- panies. Boston, 1882, Pamphlet O., pp. 48. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 1 172. Cutler et al. vs. Royal Insurance Company: Co- Insurance Clause does not void the clause requiring notice of other insurance ; Decision of Supreme Court of Con- necticut. Boston, 1898, Pamphlet O., pp. 6. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. (17) 1 8 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1 173. Eastman (Sam'l C): Argument before the Insurance Committee of the New Hampshire House on the Valued PoHcy Bill. Concord, 1885, PampJilet O., pp. 39. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 1 1 74. Hearing on a Petition to Permit Re-insurance in fire companies not authorized to do business in Massachusetts. Boston, 1891, Pamphlet O., pp. 38. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 1 175. Hinc (C C): Circular on A National Insurance Law issued as Secretary of the Committee of Thirteen ap- pointed by the Convention of Nov. ist, 1865, Ne-w York, 1866, Pamphlet O., pp. 52. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 1 1 76. Hopkins (C. T.): Outline of Plan for a Federal Agency Bureau ; being a letter addressed to all Managers of Agency Fire Insurance Companies in the United States ; also a paper on Federal Legislation on Inter-State and Foreign Insurance. San Francisco, 1883, Pamphlet O., pp. 43. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 1 1 77. Knowles (Charles R.): Speech in the House of Assembly of New York on State Supervision of Insur- ance. Albany, 1879, Painphlet O., pp. 17. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VII. 1 1 78. MuIIins (C, F.): An Argument against the Prohibi- tion of Fire Underwriters' Associations contemplated by bills before the Senate of the State of California. San Francisco, 1889, Pamphlet O., pp. 16. Bound Pam- phlets, Vol. X. 1 1 79. Putnam Fire Insurance Company: Circular to Stock- holders. Hartford, \'$,']o. Pamphlet O., pp. \6. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. V. 1 180. Putnam (Henry H.): A Review of the Arguments advanced in Support of a Discriminating Tax on the American branches of Foreign Insurance Companies. Boston, 1898, D.,pp. 40. Afgoments. ^9 1 1 8i . Reed vs. "Washingfton F. & M. Insurance Qjmpany : Reference Clause in the Massachusetts Standard Policy. Defendants' Brief. Boston^ i8S6, Pamphlet O., pp. 21. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VIII. J 182. J Supreme Court Record and Decision. Boston, 1SS5, PampJilet O., pp. 39. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 1 183. Ripley vs. Aetna Insurance Company: Warranty as to Watchman and Clock. Defendants' Paper Book, Su- preme Court of New York. , 1859, O., pp. 239. 1 184. Sansum (Oliver B.): The Contract of Fire Insurance ; being a Proposed form of Policy. Chicago, 1869, Pam- phlet 0.,pp. 13. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VIII. 1 185. Shattuck (Geo. O.): Argument before the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation of the Legislature of Massachusetts against the Bill to Increase the Tax upon Foreign Insurance Companies. Boston, 1882, Pamphlet O., //. 14. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 11S6. Sherman (Amos): A Defence of Insurance Com- panies and Insurance Agents; Speech delivered in the Rhode Island House of Representatives. Central Falls, 1877, Pamphlet 0.,pp. 7. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VII. 1 187. Smyth (John F.): Should State Supervision of In- surance Companies be Abolished? A letter sent out to Companies with their Replies thereto. Albany, 1879, Pamphlet O., pp. 16. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 1 188. Trull ("Wm. C): Opinion in the matter of the Valid- ity of a Statute discriminating between Foreign Fire In- surance Companies in the Tax imposed as a Condition of transacting Business within a State. Neiv York, 1897, Pamphlet Nar. O., pp. 40. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IX. 1 189. Tyler (Nathaniel): An Argument for a National Bureau of Insurance. Nexv York, 1879, Pamphlet O., pp. 31. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. buildings 'Building ^Departments and 'Building La. Fire Retardent Partitions and Surfaces. Vol. III. pp. 129, 144, 145. J 3 Insurance Library Association of Boston. [203. Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Publications (con- cluded) : Fire Retardent Windows. Jo/. IV. pp. So, 82. Fire Retardents on Wooden Surfaces. Vol. IV. p. 18. Mill Construction. Vol. II. p. 233. ; Tests of Wooden Posts, Specifications, etc. Vol. I. pp. 105, 128, 148. Paper Mills; Ideal Construction of. I'ol. II. p. 131. Plans for the Construction of Slow-burning Office Build- ings, Dwelling Houses, Brick Blocks, and Library Buildings; Auxiliary to Main Factory Buildings. Vol. III. p. 15. Portable Factory; Suggestions for what may be called a. Vol. II. p. 34. Protection of Iron and Steel Beams and Posts. Vol. IV. p. 19. Protection of Large Areas of Wooden Surfaces, especially in Roofs, from a rapid spread of Fire. Vol. IV. p. 10. Roofs; Solid. Vol. I. p. ^z. ; Outside coverings for flat. Vol. II. p. 171. Slow-burning Construction, Strength of Floors and Weights of Merchandise and Machinery. Vol. III. p. 49. Storehouse; Specifications for a two-story wooden. Vol. II. p. 239. Storehouse Construction ; Specifications for. Vol. I. pp. 103, III, 150. Vol. II. p. 231. and Protection, with plan. Vol. III. p. 40. Vol. IV.p.iz. Storehouses and Fire Retardent Partitions. Vol. IV. p. 7. Wood Vulcanizing. J'ol. III. p- ^i- 1203. Biggert (F. C): Steel Roll Fire Door and Shutter. Protection^ 1S98, p. "i^. 1204. British Fire Prevention Committee: Fire Tests with Unprotected Columns ; being a Report by the Committee on Fireproofing Tests, New York. London, 1898, PainpJilet O., pp. 17. British, Vol. I. No. 11. Baildings. 23 1205. British Fire Prevention Committee: The Effect of Fire ; being a Report on the Home Building Fire, Pitts- burgh. Londoji, 1S98, Painphlet O., pp. 21. British, Vol. I. No. 13. 1206. Cabot (F. E,): Boston Board Fire Door Frame. Protection^ 1S9S, p. 73. 1207. Carrerc (John M.): Interior Fireproof Construction. Etigineei-ing Alagazuie^ October^ 1S92, /. 95. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 120S. Charleston^ S. C. : Report of Committee on Condition of Buildings after the Earthquake, with a List of Build- ings that should come down. Atlanta, 1S86, ob. Polio, pp. 162. 1209. Chicago: An Ordinance pertaining to the Inspection, Alteration, Construction, Repairing, and Removal of Buildings, the Storage of Combustibles, and Other Regu- lations pertaining to the Prevention of Fires. Chicago, 1876, Pamphlet, S. pp. 54. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IX. 1 2 10. Qarke (Christopher): How to make High Buildings Safe. Fire and Water, February 6, 1897, /. 42. 121 1. Damrell (John S,): Building Laws. N'. A. Build- ings, 1895,/. 25. I2I3. : Fireproof Buildings. Massachusetts, 1S90, /. 69. 1213. Dansken (Alexander B.): Notes on Buildings. Glasgoxv, First Series, p. 339. 1214. Darbyshire (Alfred): Theatre Exits. London, iS^S, Pamphlet O., pp. 13. British, Vol. I. No. 4. 1 2 15. Engineering' News: Fireproof Construction in the Pittsburgh Fire. May 20, 1897, p. 313 and Plates. 24 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1 216. Expanded Metal Company: Expanded Metal and its uses in Fireproof Construction. Boston^ 1896, Nar. S.^ pp. 131. 1 217. Farrow (Frederick R>): Fire Resisting Floors used in London. London^ 1898, Patnphlet O., pp. 20, Brit- ish, Vol. L, No. 7. 1 2 18. Fire and Building; Regulations in Foreign Countries. Reports from the Consuls of the United States in answer to a Circular from the Department of State. Washing- ton, 1892, 0.,pp. 543. 1219. Fire and "Water: Against High Buildings. Decem- ber 5, 1896,/. 552. 1220. : High Buildings. December 26, 1896, pp. 575, 576- 1 22 1. Fitzsimmons (M. W.): Fireproofing Methods to Pre- vent Fire from Spreading in Buildings. N. A. Build- ings, 1895,/. 29. 1222. Flagg (Ernest): Argument against Tall Buildings. Architect and Building, January 18, 1896, p. 32. 1223. Goet2(H. A.): The Anchoring of Buildings; pres- ent defects and how improved. Engineers, 1889, p. 59. 1224. Hazen (J. M.): The Inspector of Buildings: his Qiialifications, Duties, and General Standing. N. A. Buildings, 1895,/. 21. 1225. Haxamcr (C. John): Construction and Interior Ar- rangement of Buildings designed to be used as Theaters. Philadelphia, iS^2, Pamphlet ^.,pp.iS' Bound Pamph- lets, Vol. II. 1226. Himmelwright (A.L.A.): High Buildings. A^rth American Rcviczu, Nove7nbcr, 1896,/'. 5S0. 1227. Huss (G. M.): Argument for Tall Buildings. Architect and Building, January 18, 1S96, p. 32. Buildingfs. 25 122S. Jenney (W. L. B.): Best Fire-Proof Construction for Buildings occupied for Mercantile Purposes. North- ivest^ 1S97, p. 'J I. 1229. Lanza (Professor Gaetano): Strength of Wooden Columns. Boston^ 18S3, Pajtiphlet O.^ pp. 50. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. II. 1230. Lcmmon (W. S.): Tin-Clad Fire Doors and Shut- ters. Protection., 189S, /. 69. 1 23 1. Loring (S. £♦): Fire Test of Timber Frame Con- struction. N. A. Buildings., 1895, p. 33. 1233. : Slow Burning Construction. N. A. Build- ings, 1S95,/. 34. 1233. Marshall (Edward): Our Flimsy Fire-Traps. Harper'' s Weekly., Decettiber 7, 1895,/. 1157. 1234. McDevitt ("William): Slow Burning Mill Construc- tion. Engiiieers., 1894,/. 83. 1235. Montgomery ("William, Jr.): Notes on Details of Building Construction. Ireland^ 1S92-3,/. 33. 1236. Moore (F. G): Economical Fire-Resisting Construc- tion ; A treatise on Building. Nezv York., 1890, Pam- phlet O., //. 36 and 14 Plates. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. II. 1237. : How to Build Fireproof. LoJtdon, 1S98, Pamphlet O., pp. 35. British, Vol. I. No. 10. 1238. : How to Build Fireproof and Slow Burning; with Appendix containing Instructions for Construction of Fire Doors and Shutters adopted by the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, March 17, 1897. Second Edition. Neiv York., 1898, Nar. O., pp. 85 and 23 Plates; Ap- pendix, pp. 19. 26 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1239. Moore (F. C.) : How To Build a Home; being sug- gestions as to Safety from Fire, Safety to Health, Comfort, Convenience, Durability and Economy. New Tork, 1897? D.^pp. 134. 1240. New Orleans: Insurance Building Laws, 1S90. Pamphlet O.^pp, 14. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 1 241 . New York Dry Goods District : Reports and Recom- mendations by the Various Committees and Superintend- ent of Surveys on Dry Goods District to the New York Board of Fire Underwriters. New York, 18S3, Pam- phlet 0.,pp.Z5' 1242. O'Connor (Thomas): lion Shutters; their advan- tages and disadvantages. E^tgineei-s,, 1887, /. 71. 1243. O'Neil (P. F.): Wicked Ornamentation ; Faulty Con- struction in Commercial Buildings pointed out. Scrap Book, p. 53. 1244. Phenix Insurance Company: Plans and Specifica- tions for Sliding Fire Doors. New York, 1890, Nar. ^. Pamphlet, pp. 10. Mutuals, Vol. V. 1245. Root (John Welborn): Architecture and Fire Insur- ance. Northwest, 18S6, p. 109. 1246. Sachs (Edwin 0.)i Fii'es and Public Entertainments; a study of some eleven hundred notable fires at Theatres, Music Halls, Circus Buildings, and Temporary Structures during the Last One hvxndred Years. Londo7i, 1897, Folio, pp. 58. 1247. Southern Insurance Directory : Building Laws. Issue for 1889,/. 287. 1248. State Mutual Fire Insurance Company: Plans and Specifications for Automatic Fire Doors. Providence, 1893, Pa^nphlet sq. J^., //. 14. Mutuals, Vol. V. Buildings. 27 1249. State Mutual Fire Insurance Company: Plans and Specifications for Erecting and Equipping Standard Hydrant and Hose House for Mill Yards. Providence^ 1894, Pamphlet sq. ^., pp- 16. Mutuals, Vol. V. I3-0, : Trap Door operated by Fusible link and Balance weight, for closing open stairways Automatically in case of Fire. Providence, 1S93, sq. ^. circ?clar. Mutuals, Vol. V. 1 35 1. : Vertical Automatic Fire Door. Providence, 1S93, sq. ^. circular. Mutuals, Vol. V. 1252. Stockell (William): What should be the Proper Construction and Material to be used in Buildings of eighty- five feet in Height or over.? Engineers, 18S7, p. 47. 1253. Stratton (W. H.): Fire Doors and Shutters. Pro- tection, 1897, p. 41. 1254. Swenie (D. J.): High Buildings; their Internal and External Hazard from Fire. Northwest, 1892, p. 50. 1255. Thompson (Clifford): The Perils of Faulty Building Construction. Engineers, 1888,/. 124. 1256. Thorp (Windsor): Building Construction as affecting Fire Risks. Torkshire, 1893-94, p. 63. 1257. Thwaite (B. H.): Our Factories, Workshops and Warehouses ; their Sanitary and Fire-resisting arrange- ments. Londojz, 18S2, D. pp. 270. 12^8. Travis (G.): Modern Fireproofing in connection with Mills and Fires in Mills with their Limitation. Man- chester, 1S90-91,/. 45. 1359. Warden (Henry): Theatres as Fire Risks. Man- Chester, 1879-S0, /. 36. 1260. Whipple (CM.): The Importance of all Cities and Towns having an Inspector of Buildings. Massachusetts, 1883,/. 36. 28 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1 261. "Wight (P. B.): Relation of Architecture to Under- writing from an Architect's Standpoint. N. T. State, 1S79,/. 24. 1262. Windmullcr (Louis): The Careless Construction and Willful Destruction of Buildings. hidicator^ Vol. XVII. p. 172. 1263. "Woodbury (C. J. H.): Evolution of the Modern Mill. Scrap Book., /• 3- 1264. "Worcester : Building Inspectors Handbook ; containing Building, Sanitary, and Sewerage Ordinances of Worces- ter ; Fire Escape Laws of Massachusetts ; and suggestions as to House Heating, Ventilation, and Installation of Elec- tricity. Worcester., 1894, Z>.,//. 122. Cause and Prevention of Fires Including Spontaneous Combustion, 1265. Amazon Insurance G)mpany: Suggestions for the Benefit of People who Insure property. Cincinnati^ 1874, Pamphlet T., pp. 38. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 1266. American Exchange and Review : Carbonic-Acid Gas as a Fire Extinguisher. Vol. XXXI. A7S. Combustion and Flame. Vol. XXXIII. p. 232. Combustion ; Influence of Atmospheric pressure on. Vol. XXXIII p. 13. Improvement of Factory Risks. Vol. XXXIV. p. 70. Lampblack; Explosions from. Vol. XXXI p. 104. Spontaneous Ignition in Loaded Black Silks. Vol. XXXIV. p. 347. 1267. Armstrong ("W.): Some remarkable Fires and their Origin. Norwich., 1S95-6, p. 16. 1268. Atkinson (Edward): Causes of Fire; Remedies sug- gested for their prevention. Massachusetts., 1890,^. 30. 1269. Baltimore Underwriter: Causes of Fire. Vol. XIIX.p. 207, and Vol. L. p. 135. 1270. Binswanger (G.): How Fire Losses are Prevented in Europe. Scrap Book, p. 6. (29) 30 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1 3 7 1 . Boston Manufacturers Mutual Publications : City Warehouses; Protection of, from Loss by Fire. Vol. I. p. 165. Coal ; Bituminous, and its Liability to Spontaneous Com- bustion. Vol. JI. pp. 18, 160. Cotton Bales Impregnated with Cotton-Seed Oil. Vol. III. p. 20. Inspection and Reports. V^ol. JI. pp. 13, 46, 113. Inspection; Special. Vol. II. pp. 14, 165. Spontaneous Combustion of Dyed Goods and Yarn. Vol. I. pp. 90, 99. From Oils used in Lubrication. Vol. II. p. 15S. Of Waste. Vol. II. pp. 158, 160. Spontaneous Ignition of Coal and its Prevention. Vol. IV. p. 16s. Steam Pipes ; Report of Professor John M. Ordway upon Coverings for. Vol. I. p. 174. Three Factors of Safety : Good Construction, Adequate Apparatus, Discipline. Vol. I. p. 70. 1272. British Fire Prevention Committee^ London. Founded after the Cripplegate Fire, 1897. Objects: to bring to- gether Architects, Surveyors, Engineers, Municipal Offi- cers, and others directly or indirectly Interested in the subject of Fire Prevention ; to use its Influence in every direction towards Minimizing the Possibilities and Dan- gers of Fire; to Undertake Investigations and Tests of Materials, Methods and Appliances; and to Publish Papers, Records, Extracts, and Transactions. Pamphlet Publications i to 12 bound in one Volume O. 1273. Bf own (James Kinnibufgh): Spontaneous Combus- tion. Glasgoxv^ Second Series^ p. 141. 1274. Candy Factory Explosions: Origin of. Scrap Book^ p. 36. Cause and Prevention of Fires. 31 1275. Case (G H.): Spontaneous Combustion. North- ivest, 1875, /. 96. 1376. Clark (Andrew): Fire Inquest and Fire Extinction. Mafzc/icsfcr, 1S7S-79, /. 43. 1277. Cornell (H. F.): What can be done to Reduce Fire Losses. North-vest^ 18S6, /. 86. 1278. Crooke (George): Furnaces and Heating Apparatus. North-jcest^ 1S77, />. 39. 1279. Farqohar (W,): Spontaneous Combustion. Vic- toria^ 1SS9, p. 32. 1280. Gerhard (William R): Causes of Theatre Fires. Weekly Under-.vriter^ Vol. LI. p. 258. 1 28 1. : Prevention of Fire chiefly with reference to Hospitals, Asylums, and other Public Institutions. New I'ork, 1 886, Pamphlet O., pp. 31. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. V. 1282. : Theatre Fires and Panics, their Causes and Prevention. First Edition, New Tork., 1896, Z>., pp. 12S3. Hall (H. H.): The New York Dry Goods District. N. 7'. State, iSSo, /. 22. 1284. : Protection against Fire. N. T. State, 1880, /. 26. 1285. Haslam ("W. J.): Obscure Causes of Fire. Tork- shire, 1S91-92,/. 19. 1286. Hayes (John L.): Fires in Woolen Mills; their Causes and Means of Prevention and Extinction. Boston., 1869, Pamphlet O., pp. 50. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. II. 1287. Hexamer (C. John): Dust Explosions in Breweries. Philadelphia, 1882, Pamphlet O., pp. 6. Bound Pam- phlets. Vol. II. 32 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 12SS. Hexamer (C John): Dwellino; House Fires; their Causes and Prevention; Methods of Extinguishing them and How to Save and be Saved in case of Fire. Phila- delphia, 1885, Sq. T.,pp.^T. 1289. : Fire Hazards in Textile Mills; Mill Architec- ture ; Means for Extinguishing Fire ; being three lectures delivered before the Franklin Institute. Philadelphia, 1885, Pamphlet O., pp. 63. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. II. 1290. : Letter to Thomas H. Montgomery about the Spontaneous Combustion of Hay. Philadelphia, 1884, Parnphlet O., pp. 10. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. V. 1 29 1. : Prevention of Dust Explosions and Fires in Malt Mills. Philadelphia, 18S3, Pamphlet O., pp. 7. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. II. J 292. ♦ Prevention of Fires in Theatres. Philadelphia, 1883, Pa77iphlet O., pp. iS. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. II. 1393. : Report of Special Committee of Franklin Institute on Prevention of Fires in Theatres. Philadel- phia, 1883, Pamphlet O., pp. I3. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. II. 1394. Hine (C. C): Fire Prevention by the Coroner Plan. Noj'thivest, 1891,/. 74. 1295. : Spontaneous Combustion and Dust Explosions. New York, 1895, T.,pp. 123. 1396. HoIIoway (Charles T.): Spontaneous Combustion. Engitieers, 1880, p. 84. 1397. Home Insurance Company: A Few suggestions for the Prevention of Fires. New Tork, 1886, Pamphlet O., pp. 8. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. II. 1298. Insurance Monitor (continued on next page)* Carbonic- Acid Gas as a Fire Extinguisher. l^ol. XXII. p. 311. Cause and Prevention of Fires. 33 1 298. Insurance Monitor (concluded) • Ceiling Reflectors, Hazard of. Vol. XXV. p. 135. Spontaneous Ignition of Oiled Waste or Cotton. Vol. XXI. p. 707. 1299. Insurance "World : Spontaneous Combustion. Vol. X. pp. 7, 175. Vol. XVII. p. 53. Spontaneous Combustion of Coal. Vol. III. p. 225. Vol. X. p. 137. 1300. Kinne (C. M.): Spontaneous Combustion. Pacific^ 1889, A 74. 1301. Lawrence (M. E«): Incendiarism. Northxvest., 1880, p. 116; 1884,/. 148; 1885,/. 54. 1302. London: Fire Protection: What can be Done to Better Protect Life and Property? Jan. 13, 1898,/. 20; Jan. 20, 1898,/. 36; Jan. 27, 1898,^. 52; Feb. 10, 1S98, ^.82; March 3, 1898,/. 141; March 10, 1898,/. 156. 1303. Loughlin (William D.): Fires and Their Causes. Wales., Record 67. 1304. Lumbard (S.): Causes of Great Conflagrations. Northivest^ 1875, p. 144. 1305. McMillan (Walter G.): Fire Risks from a Chemical Standpoint. Birmingham^ 1896—7,/. 17. 1306. Morse (Daniel): Chimneys and Fuel. Northwest^ iSyS^p. 145. 1307. Munroe (Chas. E.): Spontaneous Combustion, Engineers, 1884,/. 41. 1308. National Fire Protection Association: Boston. Or- ganized to promote the Science and improve the Methods of Fire Protection, to obtain and circulate Information on that subject, and to secure Co-operation in matters relating thereto. Annual Reports., 1897 <7«f/ 1898. 34 Inswrancc Library Association of Boston. 1309- O'Connor (Thomas): Incendiarism. Engi7ieers^ 1880, p. 19. 13 ID. Ordway (John M.): Experiments upon Non-Con- ducting Coverings for Steam pipes. Reprinted from Transactions American Society of Mechanical Engineers for November, 1883, and May, 1884. Ne-w Tork, 1884, Pamphlet O., pp. 75. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IV. 131 1. : Oils in Commerce with reference to their in- ducing Spontaneous Combustion. Boston., 1S79, Pa7n- phlet, pp. 79. Bound Pamphlet, Vol. IV. 13 1 2. : Spontaneous Combustion. Northxvest., 1884, p. S6. 1313- Palmer (H. E»): Incendiarism. JVort/iwest, 18S0, p. 116. 1 3 14. Papworth (Wyatt): Notes on Spontaneous Com- bustion, with an Appendix by C. C. Hine. JVew Toi'k., 1869, T.,pp.^8. 13 15. Prudential Fire Insurance Company: Prevention better than Indemnity, or the Principles of Modern Fire Insurance. Boston, iS8<^., Patnphlet O., pp. 20. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. II. 1 3 16. Richards (Ellen H,): ^^ apparatus for determining the Liability of Oils to Spontaneous Combustion. Tech- nology Quarterly., December, 1891, /. 346. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 1317. Rowan (Thomas): Spontaneous Combustion and Explosions occurring in Coal Cargoes, their treatment and prevention ; also the Prevention of fire or explosions in ships from Cargoes or Stores containing substances of a Volatile and inflammable nature. London, 1882, 0.,pp. 67. Cause and Prevention of Fires, 35 13 18. Sachs (Edwin O.): Fire Protection in Europe. Engineering. A series of papers beginning with number for June 18, 1897, and in progress at time of issue of this catalogue. 1319. : Some American Opinions on Fire Prevention. London, 1898. Pamphlet O., pp. 16. British, Vol. I., No. 2. 1320. : What is Fire Protection? Second edition. London, 1898, Pamphlet O., pp. 37. British, Vol. I., No. I. 132 1. Sexton ("William): Fires and Their Causes. Pacific, 1888,/. 19. 1322. Shaw (Eyre M.): Fires in Theatres. Second edi- tion. London, 1889, D.,pp. 86. 1323. Snider (S. K.): Investigation of Fire Losses. N. L. C, 1894,/. 24. 1324. Stockell (William): Spontaneous Combustion. Engineers, 188S, /. 62. 1325- Southern Insurance Directory: Causes and Preven- tion of Fires; Hints to Property holders. 1887,/. 281. 1326. Syme (F. M.): Some Causes of Fire. Victoria, 1897,^^.91. 1327. Tatlock (R. R.): Combustion. Glasgow, Second Series, p. 375. 1325. Tozer (Alfred): Spontaneous Combustion. Man- chester, 1880-81,/. 34. 1329- "Webster (Franklin): Criminal Fires in the United States. N'orthzvest, i^S'], p. ^i. ^^330. : The Fire Fiend and his Lurking Places. North-jvest, 1893,/. 172. 36 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 133^- "Wcrtheimer (J.): Three Lectures on Spontaneous Combustion. Yorkshire^ 1S89-90, /. 41. 1332. Whitcomb (Charles W.): The Cause of Fires, and Remedies suggested for their Prevention. Massachusetts^ 1890, p. 48. ^333- : Official Fire Inquests. Northxvest, 1895, p. 99. ^334- Wilson (John O.): Legislation to prevent Incendiar- ism. Northwest^ ^^IhPP- 7^, 100. 1335- "Woodbary (C J. H.): Method of reducing Fire Loss. Sotithern Insurance Directory^ 18^0, p. 324. 1336- Woodhead (J. P.): Cotton Mill Fires vs. Friction. Manchester, 1883-84,/. 28. Electricity and Electrical Hazards 1337. Alglave (Em.) and Boulard (J.): The Electric Light ; its History, Production, and Application ; translated from the French by T. O'Conor Sloane, E.M., Ph.D. ; edited with notes and additions by C. M. Lungren, C.E. ; illus- trated. New York, 1884, 0.,pp. 458. 1338. American Exchange and Review: Defences against Lightning. Vol. XXXI. p. 233. 1339. American Institute of Electrical Engineers^ Transac- tions of: Report and Discussion on the National Electrical Code. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VIII. 1340. Anderson (J. M«): Dangers of Electric Lighting. United, 1S81,/. 60. 1341. Anderson (Richard): Lightning Conductors; their History, Nature, and Mode of Application. Third edi- tion. London, 1885, 6>., pp. 470. 1342. Arc Lighting Fully Explained, more especially the system of the American Electric and Illuminating Com- pany. Boston, 18S3, Pamphlet O., pp. 71. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IV. 1343- Baron (J. T.): Electric Light Installations. York- shire, 1891-92,^. 77. 1344. Barrett (J. P.): The Danger arising from Electric Light Wires and the Underground System. Engi?ieers, 1886,/. 21. 1345. . The Dangers of Electric Wires introduced in buildings for Lighting and Power. Engineers, 1888, p. 106. (37) 3^ Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1346. Barrett (Arthur): Electrical Fire Risks. Norwich, 1893-4./- 32. '347- J Systems of Electric Wiring and their Relative Fire Hazard. Norwich, 1896-7, ^.48. 1348. Benjamin (Park): Age of Electricity, from Amber- Soul to Telephone. New York, 1888, Z>., pp. 381. 1349- Blauvelt (Albert): The Electrical Fire Hazard ; How to judge it and what to do. Chicago, 1895, D., pp. 40. 1350. Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Publications : Danger from the Principal Motors. Vol. II. p. 48. Electric Lights and Lighting. Vol. I. pp. 113, 120, 123, H3» -^SS- Electro-Motive Power. Vol. II. p. 48. Fire Hazard from Telephone Wires and the like. Vol. IV. p. 16. Hazard from Outside Electric Currents and Rules for guarding against same. Vol. III. p. 36. Rules and Regulations advised for the Installation of Electric Lighting and Motive Apparatus. Vol. III. P- 43- 135 1. Brophy (William): Dangers of Electric Light Wires. Engineers, 1891,^. 51. 1352. ♦ Electrolysis and its effect on Water and Gas Pipes, Underground Electric Cables, Conductors, etc. City Govermnent, September, 1898,/. 95. ^353' ♦ Electrolysis. Massachusetts, 1894, /. 47. 1354. : Electrical Inspection. N. A. Buildings, 1895, p. 10. '355- * Electric Light Wires. Massachusetts, 1890, p. 21. 1356. : History of the Solution of the Wire Problem in Boston. City Government, July, 1898,/. 26. Electricity and Electrical Hazards. 39 1357. Brophy ("William) : How can Electric Wires be run into Buildings so as to insure Safety from Fires. En- g-ineers, 1889, p. 130. 1258. : Simple and Practical Rules for the Inspection of Electric Wires. Engineers^ 1893,^.61. 1%^^. J Some Points in the Transmission of Electrical Energy. Engineers^ 1894,^. 61. 1360. Chase (Harvey S.): Troublesome Electricity in Cotton and Woolen Mills. Boston^ 1883, Pa?nphlet O., pp. 9. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. II. 1361. Cashing- (H. C): Standard Wiring for Electric Light and Power, as adopted by Fire Underwriters throughout the United States. Boston, 1894, D.,pp. 82. 1362. Davidson (R. W. Campbell): Public Distribution of Electrical Energy. Manchester, 1892-93,/. 26. 1363. Dolbear (A. E.): Electricity. North-west, 1883, p. 79- 1364. Electrical Bureau of the National Board of Fire Un- derwriters: Quarterly Fire Reports, i to 21 inclusive, from November 20, 1893, to October 10, 1S98, inclusive. 1365. : Electric Arc Lamp (The). Circular No. i. Chicago (no date). 1266. : Electric Motor (The). Circular No. 2. Chi- cago, JVovejnber ist, 1894. ^3^7* ♦ Electrolytic Deterioration of Water Pipes. Chicago, August, 1896, Pa7?iphlet O., pp. 20. 1368. : Lamps and Motors Operated by Current Sup- plied from Grounded Trolley Systems. Chicago, June, 1895, Pamphlet O., pp. 8. ^3^9' J Laws and Ordinances adopted by various States and Municipalities to Regulate the Installation and Use of Electrical Apparatus. Chicago, Novetnber, 1895, Pamphlet O., pp. 22. 40 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1370. Electrical Bureau of the National Board of Fire Un- derwriters: List of Electrical Fittings Acceptable for use under the specifications given in the National Electrical Code. Chicago^ April, 1S9S, Pamphlet T., pp. 14. 1371- Electrical Engfineer: The New York Fire Depart- ment Electrical Rules. October 7, 1S97,/. 327. 1372. Fitzgerald (E. A,): Fire Hazard of Electricity, from an Inspector's Standpoint. New York State, ^^9StP- ^^^ 1373- Gee (Haldane W. W.): Fire Risks in Electric Light- ing. Manchester, 1891-92,^.45. 1374* Gibb (Georgfe): Electric Lighting in Relation to Fire Risk. Victoria, 1889,/. 74. 1375- Gore (G.): The Art of Electro-Metallurgy, including all known processes of Electric Deposition. Fifth edition. London, 1891, S., pp. 397. 1376. Grill (Edward): An Electric Fire. Engineers, 1889,/. 55. 1377. Guild (J. "Wyllie): The Three Great Factors which have Contributed Most to the Material Advancement of the Nineteenth century. Glasgow, First Series, p. 257. 137S. Hamilton (G. D.): Practical Demonstration of Haz- ards of Electric Lighting. Wales, Record 27. 1379' Haskins (C.H.): Electric Lighting and Aerial Wires. Northwest, 1886,^. 120. 1380. • Electric Lighting; Its Hazards and How to Guard against them. Northwest, 1889, p. 131. 1381. : Electricity, Light, and Fire. Northwest, 1892, p. 89. 1382. : Philosophy of Lightning Rods. Northwest, 1877,/. 136. 1383. Holmes (A. Bromley): Practical Electric Lighting. Third edition. Lo7idon, 1887, D.,pp. 183. Electricity and Electrical Hazards. 41 1384. Houston (£♦ J.): ^ Dictionary of Electrical Words, Terms, and Phrases. New Tork, 1SS9, D.^ pp. 640. 1385. Insurance "World: Fire Risk of Electric Light Sta- tions. Vol. XIX. p. 346. 1386. Jamieson (Professor): Fire Risks due to Defective Installations of the Electric Light. Glasgoiv^ Second Series, p. Z^"]. 1387- Jenkin (Fleming): Electricity and Magnetism. Tenth edition. London, 1891, S., pp. 391. 13S8. Kirwan (Thomas): Modern Electricity. What is Electricity? Its Relation to Magnetism. How it is pro- duced and how utilized in the Arts. With Glossary of Electrical Terms. Boston, 1889, B., pp. 128. 1389. Ledden (John J.): The Necessity for Underground wires in cities having Overhead systems of electric light, trolley, telephone, telegraph, and fire alarm wires. E71- gineers, 1894,/. 175. 1390. Lockwood (T, D,): Electrical Measurement and the Galvanometer, its construction and uses. Second edition. New York, 1887, D., pp. 137. 1391. Low (George P,): Alternating Electric Systems and their Physical Hazards. Pacific, 1892, p. 268. 1392. : Arc Lighting; Its Physical Hazards and Meth- ods of restricting the same. Pacific, 1892,^. 244. ^393' * Electricity as a Safeguard. Pacific, 1892,/. 286. 1394. : Electrical Impostors and how to Suppress them. Pacific, 1893, p. 204. 1395. J Electric Stations as Insurance Risks. Pacific, 1893,/. 60. ^396« : Fire Hazard of Electricity. Pacific, 1S92, /. 233- 42 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1397. Low (George P.) : Generating Stations and their Physical Hazards. Pacific^ 1892, f. 277. 139^- * "^^^ Hazards of Artificial Illumination. Pa- cific, 1892, p. 159. \y^<^. J How to Inspect Light and Power Plants. Pa- cific, 1895,^. 55. 1400. , Incandescent Lighting; its Physical Hazards and means of Restricting the same. Pacific, 1892,^. 254. 1401. : Underwriters International Electric Associa- tion. Pacific, 1894, p, 44. 1402. Lufkin (H. L.): Electricity as applied to the extin- guishing of Fires. Engineers, 1890, p. 66. 1403. McDevitt (William): Dangers of Electricity. Engi- neers, 1893, p. 58. 1404. Merrill (William H., Jr.): Electrical Fire Waste, The ; lectures delivered to the students in Electrical Engi- neering at the Armour Institute of Technology. Chicago, 1897, Panip/ilet O., pp. 20. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VII. 1405. : Fires of Electrical Origin. Northwest, 1895, p. III. 1406. : Fire Hazard of Electricity, The. Northwest, 1893, p. 182. 1407. : Report on Automatic Fire Alarms made to the Underwriters' International Electric Association Chicago, March 22, 1894; Pamphlet O., pp. 10. 1408. Morton (Henry), and Anderson (Wm. A.): Electric Lighting and the Underwriters' Standard Requirements in reference thereto, with Instructions for the proper Inspec- tion of electric light equipments. New York, 1882, O., pp. 65. Electricity and Electrical Hazarcis, 43 1409. Murray (K. L.): Notes on Electrical Applications. Victoria^ 1891,^. 82. 1410. Needles (Samoel H.): Electric Light. American Exchange and Review^ Vol. XXXII.., p. 245. 141 1. Niaudet (Alfred): An Elementary treatise on Electric batteries, translated from the French, by L. M. Fishback. Fifth edition. New York, 1S88, D.,pp. 266. T412. Osborne (J* H.): Introduction of Electricity for Lighting and Power. Engineers., 1890, p. 94. 1413. Pierce (R« H.): Insurance of Electrical Plants. Gassier' s Magazi?ie, September, 1896. Scrap Book, p. 43- 1 41 4. Pierce and Richardson : The National Electrical Code ; an Analysis and Explanation of the Underwriters' Elec- trical Code, intelligible to non-experts. Chicago, 1896, S.,pp. 222. 1415. Porte (Arthur E,): Central Electric Lighting Sta- tions. Ireland, 1S92-3,/. 39. 1^16. : Fire Risks from Electric Lighting. Irela?id, 1892-3, p. 97. 141 7. Richards (T. D.): Electricity as a Fire Hazard. Wales, Record 58. 1418. Robb (Russell): Electric Wiring; for the use of Architects, Underwriters, and the owners of Buildings. New York, 1896, 0.,pp. 183. 1419. Rolfe (Charles A.): Progress of Electricity in Mu- nicipalities. Engineers, 1894,/. 76. 1420. Rutledge (P.): Advantages and Hazards of Electric Lighting. Wales, Record 26. 142 1. Rough Notes: Lightning Rods: a discussion be- tween "Tramp" and W. E. Clifford. Reprinted from Rough Notes. Indianapolis, 1884, Pamphlet O., pp. 20. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. V. 44 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1432. Schoen (A. M.): Special Agents' Electrical Hand Book, dealing with Electricity in its bearing upon Insur- ance Inspectors, and treating in a general way of the more common Deficiencies encountered, their possible effects and how they may be Avoided, New Tork^ 1895? 6'.,^/. 113. 1423. Shay (Charles O.): Electric Lighting, Engineers, i88S,p. 133. 1424. Tawse (John P.): Electric Lighting, and its Rela- tion to the Risk of Fire. G/asgow, First Series, p. 187, 1425. Tarrant (Kenneth J.): Dynamic Electricity and its Modern Developments. Association, Manchester, 1896- 97,^,41. 1426. : A few notes on Electricity. Yorkshire, 1896- 97,/. 109, 1427. J Fire Hazard of Electric Lighting. Manches- ter, 1894-95, /, 25. 1428. Thompson (Silvanus P.): Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism. London, 1887, S., pp. 80. 1429. Underwriters' International Electric Association: Rules and Requirements for the Installation of Electric Light and Power, revised, and codified, and recommended to the various Boards of Underwriters. Netv York, Pa?nphlet Nar. T., iS^t,, pp. 26; 1893, pp. 32; 1894, pp. 34; 1895, pp. 36; 1896,//. 39; i?>^T, pp. 56. Bound in one Volume. 1430. : The National Electrical Code; A Brief His- tory of the Evolution of Electrical Rules, prepared jointly by the Code Committee of the National Conference on Standard Electrical Rules and the Committee on Press of the Underwriters' National Electric Association, Boston, 1897, -Pamphlet D., pp. 14. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VII. Electricity and Electrical Hazards. 45 1 43 1. Van Ness (T. C): Liability of Electric Light Com- panies to Insurance Companies for Fires resulting from Electric Wires. Pacific, 1S91, p. 54. 1432. Wertheimer (J.): Electric Lighting. Torkshire, 1889-90, p. 6$. 1433. Whitehouse (W. H.): Electric Lighting considered as a Fire Risk. Birmingham, 1894-5, not paged. 1434. "Woodbury (C J. H.): Construction of Central Sta- tions. Boston, 1S90, Pamphlet 0.,pp. 8. Bound Pam- phlets, Vol. VI. 1435. ; Electrical Transmission of Power for Cotton Mills. Lynn, 1892, Pamphlet O., pp. 12. Bound Pam- phlets, Vol. VI. 1426. ; Electric Lighting in Mills, with Appendix on Portable Electric Testing Apparatus. Lynn, 1883, Pam- phlet O., pp. 51. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VI. 1427. : Electric Welding; Reprint from Journal of the Franklin Institute. Philadelphia, 1888, Pamphlet O., pp. 7. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VI. i^^S. : Fire Hazards from Electricity. Nezv Tork^ 1 89 1, Pamphlet D., pp. 13. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IV. 1^29. : Recent Developments in the Electrical Trans- mission of Power. Reprinted from Proceedings of the New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association, April 26, 1893. Lynn, Pamphlet O., pp. 11. Bound Pam- phlets, Vol. VI. i^^^o. : Relation of Electric Lighting to Insurance. Boston, Pamphlet O., pp. 13. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VI. 1441. Woodward (C J.): Magnetism and Electricity. London, 18S5, D., pp. 126. Field Associations Exchanges and Institutes, including National Board and other Managerial Associations* MANAGERS. 1442. National Board of Fire Underwriters: Organized 1866 to maintain rates and uniform commissions; to re- press incendiarism ; and to carry out other measures of common interest. Composed of Officers and Managers. i^^^2. : Bulletin of the Executive Committee. Pub- lished monthly from November, 1873, to February, 1876, inclusive. New Tor/k, complete in tw^o Volumes O. 1444. : Circulars issued from April, 1872, to April, 1876, inclusive. JVexu Tork, 1877, 0.,pp. 275; complete. 1445. : Proceedings from July, 1866, to May, 189S, inclusive; complete in twelve Volumes O. 1446. Oregon and Washington Territory Compact Agfree- mcnt, together with By-Laws of the Compact Association of the Northwest. San Francisco^ 1884, Pamphlet Z>., pp. 19. 1447. United Fire Underwriters in America: Organized, 18S0, to promote and conserve the interests of fire insur- ance. Composed of Officers and Managers. Proceedings for 18S0-1882, inclusive; complete in one Volume O. 144S. "Western Fire Insurance Managers* Association : Or- ganized 1872 for mutual information and co-operation. Composed of Managers in the West. Proceedings for 1872-1874, inclusive; New York, 1874, O., pp. 72, and Index., pp. xii. Also Proceedings for 1876; Chicago, 1876, Pa^nphlet O., pp. 89 to loi, inclusive. (46) Field Associations, Exchanges and Institutes. 47 SPECIAL AGENTS. 1449. Arkansas: Association of Fire Underwriters for Arkansas. Organized 1S83; composed of Supervising and Adjusting agents. Proceedings of First Meeting; Little Rock, 18S3, Pamphlet O., pp. 13. Proceedings of First Annual Meeting; Little Rock, 1883, Paynphlet 0.,pp. 15. 1450. Illinois State Board of Fire Underwriters : Organized 1878. Composed of Special agents. Object, co-opera- tion with National Board. Proceedings Special Meeting, 1883. 145 1. Iowa Union of Underwriters: Organized 187S. Composed of Supen-ising and Adjusting agents. Ob- ject, to correct evils in fire insurance business. Proceed- ings Special Meeting, 1882, and Fourth Annual Meeting, 1883. 1452. Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska Association of Fire Underwriters: Organized 1878, Composed of Super- vising and Adjusting agents. Proceedings of Annual Meetings for 1881, 1883, 1883, 1884; and of Semi-An- nual Sessions for 1883, 1884, and 1898, Also of First Quarterly Meeting for 1897. 1 453 . New England Insurance Exchange : Organized 1 883 . Membership entirely personal and composed of persons engaged in or having charge of New England field work. Annual Reports 1884 to 1898, inclusive; complete in one Volume O. Blue Books for 1883 to 1S98, inclusive; com- plete in eight Volumes T. 1454. New York State Association of Supervising and Adjusting Agents: Organized 1873 under name of " New York State Board of Supervising and Adjusting Fire In- surance Agents," and so known until 1876, when present name adopted. Proceedings, 1873 to 1898, inclusive, in four Volumes O. Complete except Sessions of Decem- ber ID, 1873; March 11, 1873; and February 11, 1874. 48 Insurance Library Association of Boston. ^455- New York State: Underwriters' Association of New York State. Organized 1SS3 as "The New York State Insurance Exchange," and name changed as above at next meeting. Object, rating and supei-vising business. Proceedings 1884 to 1S98, complete in one Volume O. Also Manuals for 1884 to 1897, inclusive; complete, none having been issued in 1893 and 1895. 1456. Northwest: Fire Underwriters' Association of the Northwest. Organized 1871 to further the interchange of views, opinions, and personal experience, and the dis- cussion of topics of a practical nature. Composed of Supervising and Adjusting agents. Proceedings 1871 to 1898, inclusive; complete in twenty-five Volumes O. Also reprint of Proceedings for 1871 to 1877, inclusive, Milivaukee^ 1892, two Volumes O. 1457* Ohio State Association of Fire Underwriters: Or- ganized 1869. Composed of Supervising agents. Object, to form local Boards and supervise rates. Proceedings Special 1878; Special 1879; Special 1882; Annual 1883. 1458. Pacific : Fire Underwriters' Association of the Pacific Organized 1876 as a means of disseminating valuable in- formation, and elevating and promoting the interests of its members. Composed of Supervising and Adjusting agents. Proceedings 1877 to 1898, inclusive ; complete in eight Volumes O. 1459. J The Knapsack ; a Collection of Original short stories, sketches, anecdotes, and essays contributed by members of the Fire Underwriters' Association of the Pacific, and printed by order of the Association. San Francisco^ 1898, O.^ pp. 286. 1460. South: Underwriters' Association of the South. Organized 187 1 to promote harmony and correct practice. Composed of Supervising and Adjusting agents. Pro- ceedings for 1874, 1876, and 1878 to 1884 inclusive, (no meetings held after 1884), in two Volumes O. Field Associations^ Exchanges and Institutes. 49 1 46 1. South-Eastern Tariff Association. Organized 1882 to maintain local boards, enforce adequate rates, and inculcate sound principles of underwriting. Composed of fire insurance Companies pledged by their representa- tives. Proceedings 1882 to 1898 inclusive; complete in tw^o Volumes O. 1462. Texas: Association of Fire Underwriters for Texas. Organized 1882 to maintain local boards, adequate rates, and to promulgate and enforce sound principles in under- writing. Composed of Officers and Field men of Com- panies doing business in Texas. Proceedings 1882. 1463. Virginia: State Board of Underwriters of Virginia. Organized in 1879 as the Underwriters' Association of Virginia, and name changed as above in 1882. Com- posed of Officers, State agents, and Special agents ; object, to maintain rates and promote harmony. Executive Committee addresses for 1881 and 1882 ; and Proceedings of Annual Meeting, 1884. LOCAL AGENTS. 1464. Alabama: Underwriters' Association of the State of Alabama. Organized 1878; composed of Local agents. Proceedings for 1878. 1465. Georgia: Underwriters' Association of the State of Georgia. Organized 1878; composed of Local agents. Proceedings for 1878. 1466. Iowa State Association of Underwriters: Organized 1878. Composed of Local agents. Proceedings for 1878. 1467. Minnesota Association of Local Underwriters: Or- ganized 1878. Composed of Local agents. Proceedings for 1879. 50 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1468. New York State Association of Local Boards of Fire Underwriters: Organized 1SS3. Proceedings of Second Annual Meeting, 18S4. A new organization bearing same name was effected in 1S93. Proceedings for 1894, 1895, 1896 (none printed in 1897), 1898. 1469. Philadelphia: Association of Fire Underwriters of Philadelphia* Organized 1872. Reports for 1875, 1876. 1470. Philadelphia Fire Underwriters' Association : Organ- ized 1883. Reports for 1884 to 1898, inclusive. 1 47 1. South Carolina: Underwriters' Association of the State of South Carolina. Organized 187S; composed of Local agents. Proceedings for 1878. 1472. Texas Fire Underwriters' Association: Organized 1878; composed of Local agents. Proceedings for 1879. FOREIGN. 1473. Birmingham Insurance Institute: Established 1887. Transactions 1893-4 to 1897-8, inclusive, in one Volume O. 1474. Bristol: Insurance Institute of Bristol. Established 1 89 1. Transactions not regularly published. We have Papers read in 1892, 1893, and 1896; all that have been printed. 1475. Edinburgh : Actuarial Society of Edinburgh. Estab- lished 1859. Papers read previous to 187S are out of print. Since that year Transactions have been published in a uniform series, which we have complete in four Vol- umes O. 1476. Federation of Insurance Institutes of Great Britain and Ireland: Established 1897. Object, to further by co- operation the efficiency of the official workers in the in- surance business. Publishes annually a Joui-nal, contain- ing papers chosen from among those read before the various Institutes. Report of the initial Conference, 1897, and Journal for 1898. Field Associations, Exchanges and Institutes. 51 1477. Glasgfow: Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glas- gow. Established 1S81. Transactions from 1881 to 1898, inclusive; complete in four Volumes O. 147S. Ireland: Insurance Institute of Ireland. Established 1885. Reports for 1892-3, 1895-6, 1S96-7. 1479. Manchester: Insurance Association of Manchester. Established 1S83 as an Institute for Juniors. Reports for 1895-6 and 1896-7; only ones published. 1480. : Insurance Institute of Manchester. Estab- lished 1873. Reports from 1874-75 to 1896-97, inclu- sive ; complete in four Volumes O. 1 48 1. Newcastle-on-Tyne : Insurance Institute of Ncwcas- tle-on-Tyne. Established 1896. Reports for 1896-97 and 1897-98. 1 482 . New South Wales : Insurance Institute of New South "Wales. Established 1884. Journal from 1884 to 1898 inclusive, covering 95 numbers of the Record (except Nos. I, 3, and 5), in three Volumes O. (For the missing num- bers see Australasian Insurance and Banking Record, Vols. VIII. and IX.) 1483. Norwich Insurance Institute: Founded 1886. Re- ports 1 888 to 1897-8, inclusive; complete in three Vol- umes O. 1484. Victoria : Insurance Institute of Victoria. Established 1884. Reports 1884 to 1897, inclusive; complete in five Volumes O. 1485. Yorkshire : Insurance Institute of Yorksliire. Estab- lished, 1888. Reports for 18S9-1890 to 1896-97, inclu- sive, in three Volumes O. Fires, Firemen and Fire departments (See also Buildings^ Building Departments and 'Building La., pp. 85. 1527. : Statute Laws of New York State Relating to the Fire Service. Boston, 1898, D., pp. 100. 1 5 28. Eastman (Samuel): A Treatise on the Importance of the Best Hose to the Fire Service of the Country. Con- cord, 1883, Pafnphlet O., pp. 30. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IV. 1529. Engfineering; : The Fire at the Paris Charity Bazaar. May 14, 1897,/. 643. ^53°- Fightingf Fire: The Great Fires of History, including Chicago, Boston, Portland, New York, etc. Causes of Fire and How to Prevent Them. Hartford, 1873, O., pp. 716. 1531- Fire and Water: Fire Department of New York. October 9, 1897, jJ. 373. Fire Service of London. Decetnber 4, 1897, p. 435. London and its Great Fire in 1897. Nove7nber 27, 1897, /. 428. Nassau Street Fire (New York). February 19, 1898, A57- 1532. Folger (Herbert): Large Fires in American Cities. Pacific, 1895,/. 70. 1533. Freeman (John R.): Flow of Water in Fire Hose. Boston, 1890, Pamphlet O., pp. 41. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IV. 1534- Gerhard (William Paul): Theatre Fire Catastrophes and Their Prevention. Engineers, 1894, /. 32. 1535. Glassford (Henry A.): Means and Appliances of Extinguishing Fires. Northwest, 1878, p. 164. 1536. Goetz (Henry A.): The Ideal Fire Department of the Future. Engineers, 1892,^.90. Fires, Firemen and Fire Departments. 57 1537. Goodspecd (E. J.): History of the Great Fires in Chicago and the West. New York, 1871, O., //., 676. 1538. Hale (George C): -^t what Temperature will Water, when applied in given quantities, be Transformed into Steam or Gas and thus Aid Combustion, and what Con- ditions should Govern the Size and Pressure of Streams used by Firemen in Fighting Fires? Engineers^ 1898, p. 34- 1539. Harvie (R. B.): Fire Drill in Schoolhouses. The Best Methods to be Adopted to Notify Teachers in Case of Fire, and System of Vacating the Building with expedi- tion. Massachusetts^ 1S90, f. 92. 1540. Hewitt (Charles A.): The Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Northwest^ 1891,^. 184. 1541. HiU (Charles T.): Fighting a Fire. New York, 1897, D.,pp., 246. 1542. Hoch (E. S.): Quarter Centennial of the Chicago Fire. Scrap Book, p. 39. 1543. Hosmer (E. S.): The Fire Departments of Europe in Comparison with American. Massachusetts, 1896,/. 58. 1544. Howes (Osborne, Jr.): Fire Departments and Fire Insurance Companies; their Relative Position to the Public. Are the Interests of Insurance Companies con- ducive to the benefit of the others? Massachusetts, 1890, A 36. 1545. Investigator: The Great Fires in Chicago and Bos- ton Compared, showing Amounts Paid by various Com- panies Specifically in each, from Data Furnished by the Companies. Vol. VIII. No. 12, December, 1879, /. 428. 1546. Knowles (Qarencc): The relations existing between Fire Underwriters and Fire Departments. Engineers, iSSy,p. 29. 58 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1547. Laton (C. A.): Fire Patrols; Salvage Corps ; Protec- tive Departments ; The Underwriters' Fire Patrol of San Francisco. Pacific, 1892, p. 34. 1548. Laidlaw (David): The Growing Fire Hazard of Central City Districts, and the Means by which it may be Diminished. Glasgow, Third Series, p. 43. Also Federation, 1898,^. 81. 1549. Lincoln (Allen B,): History of all the Fire Companies ever Formed in Windham, Connecticut, together with a Sketch of Willimantic Water Works. Willimantic, 1S85, Pamphlet O., pp. 8. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 1550. Little (George P.): The Fireman's Own Book : Con- taining Accounts of Fires throughout the United States, as well as other Countries ; Remarkable Escapes from the Devouring Element ; Heroic Conduct of Firemen in Cases of Danger ; Means of Extinguishing Fires ; Accounts of Firemen who have Lost their Lives while on Duty ; together with Facts, Incidents, and Suggestions, Interesting and Valuable to Firemen and Citizens Generally. New York, i860, 0.,pp. 286. 1 55 1. London: The Lessons of the Great Fire of 1897. Novetnber 25, 1897,^. 921. 1552. Lynch (Thomas E.): History of the Fall River Fire Department. Fall River, 1896, O., pp. 168. 1553. McDevitt (William): Are Burning Buildings Con- verted into Gas Retorts? Engi7ieers, 1898,^. 49. 1554. Maine State Firemen's Association Reports* First convention held 1897. Report, 1897. 1555. Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society. (For sketch of its history, and list of reports on hand, see Historical.) 1556. Massachusetts State Fire Marshal's Reports. Office created 1894; reports made annually thereafter. Reports 1895 to 1898, inclusive; complete. (See Boston Fire Marshal's Reports.) Fires, Firemen and Fire Departments. 59 1557. Massachusetts State Firemen's Association. First convention held in 18S1, and annually thereafter. Re- ports for 18S1 to 1897, inclusive; complete. 155S. Miller (Leonard): Charges for the Attendance of Fire Brigades at Fires. Birmingham^ 1893-4, not paged. 1559. Minnesota Chief Fire "Warden's Reports on Preser- vation of Forests from Fire. Reports for 1895, 1S96, and 1897 ; complete, 1560. Murphy (J. R.): Control of Fires. Scrap Book, p. 1561. ; Foreign Methods of Extinguishing Fires. Massachusetts, 1890,/. 30. 1562. National Association of Fire Engineers Proceed- ings. First convention held in 1873, and annually since. Proceedings 1873-1897, inclusive; complete. Also Re- print of Proceedings of the first Twenty Conventions (1873 to 1893, inclusive), in one volume. Chicago, 1892, ^., pp. 2^6. 1563. New York City Fire Department: A Compilation of the Laws of the State of New York and of the Ordi- nances of the City of New York, relating to the Fire De- partment of the City of New York, from 181 2 to i860. New York, 1859, 0.,pp. 582. 1564. New York Gty Fire Department Reports. Depart- ment incorporated 1798. Reports for 1882, 1883, 1885, and 1886. 1565. New York City Fire Marshal's Reports. Office cre- ated in 18:^4, and abolished in 1S60. Semi-annual re- ports from 185410 i860, inclusive; complete. 1566. Novcrre (C. E.): London Salvage Corps. Norwich, 1896-7, p. 40. 1567. Patterson (William): Fire Extinction. Glasgow, Second Series, p. 221. 6o Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1568. Pittsfield: Fire Service of Pittsfield, Mass, A Sou- venir Containing an Account of the Service from Leather- bucket Times to the Present Fire Department. Pittsfield^ 1S90, Pamphlet O., pp. 43. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. XI. 1569. PoIIitt (George W.)j The Great Fires of Ancient and Modern Times. Eiigineers^ 18SS, p. 37. 1570. Purcell (Thomas P.): European and American Fire Systems. City Government^ March, 1897, p. 82. 1571. Ptirroy (H« D.): English and American Fire Serv- ices. Porum, November, 1886,/. 299. 1572. Richardson (C N.)t Fire Brigades in Europe. Pire and Water, Pebruary 19, 189S, /. 60. 1573. Riis (Jacob A.): Heroes Who Fight Fire. Century Magazine, Pebruary, 1898. Scrap Book, p. 11. 1574. Roswell (W. H.): Should Fire Insurance Companies be Taxed for the Support of Fire Brigades? Wales, Record 3 1 . 1575. Sachs (E. O.): The Paris Charity Bazaar Fire. London, 1897, Painphlet O., pp. 52. British, Vol. I. No. 3. 1576. Sexton ("William); Fire Department and Water Supply. Protection vs. Indemnity ; the Value to Insur- ance Companies of Fire Patrols. Pacific, 1883, p. 63. 1577. Shaw (Eyre M.): Fire Department and Water Sup- ply. North-west, 1882, pp. 155, 158. 1578. : Fires and Fire Brigades. Fourth edition. Londo7t, 1889, O., pp. iiS, ^579' * Fire Protection, a Complete Manual of the Or- ganization, Machinery, Discipline and General Working of the Fire Brigade of London. 1890, O., pp. 348. 1580. : Operations of London Fire Brigade. E?zgi- neers, 1883, p. 40. Fires, Firemen and Fire Departments. 6i 1581. Shaw (Eyre M.) : Records of the late London Fire Engine Establishment. Londo?z^ 1870, Folio^ pp. 64. 1582. Sheahan (James W.) and Upton (George P.): His- tory of the Great (Chicago) Conflagration. Chicago., 1872, 0.,pp. 527. 15S3. Simonds (J. Sexton) ; Fires in London, and the Met- ropolitan Fire Brigade in the year 1891. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society., March., i8g2. Bound Pam- phlets, Vol. VIL 1584. Smith (Thomas E.): Best Methods of Fighting Fires in Coal Docks. Engineers., 1892,^. 20, ic;S5. : How to Extinguish an Oil Fire in a Cellar. Engineers., 1894,/. 132. 15S6. Spears (Tohn K.): Modern Fire Apparatus. Scrib- ner' s., January., 1 89 1 . 1587. Spencer (John G.): The Service and Economy of Fire Patrols or Salvage Corps in Small Cities. Engineers., 1894,/. 159. 1588. Statham (H. Heathcote): The Paris Fire and the Building of Temporary Structures. Engineering Mag- azine., July, 1897, p. 504. 1589. Street Railway Review: Fire Protection for Street Railways. May 15, 1897,/. 305. 1590. Stetson (F. L.): The Best and Safest Plan for Fight- ing Fires in Grain Elevators. Engineers^ 1896, p. 16. 1591 . Stewart (George, Jr.): The Story of the Great Fire of St. John, N. B. Toronto, 1877, D.,pp. 270. 1592. Swan (Charles H.): Should Fire Patrols be Main- tained by Cities and Towns, or by Insurance Companies, or Both? Massachusetts, 1S96, /. 109. 1593. Thompson (Clifford): Fire Extinguishment. Massa- chusetts, 1S81, /. 7. 62 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1594. Vance (J* P»): Fire Departments and Water Supply. Northwest^ 1878, f. 44. 1595- "Walford (Cornelius): Great Fires of the World. American JExchange and Review^ Vo/. XXX. p. 144. 1596. Waterworth (J. W.): The Annual Fire Waste and What are we Going To Do about it? Engineers^ 18S8, p. 18. ^597* Wilkinson (W.)s Minnesota Forest Fires in the year 1894, with a Chapter on the Forest Fires in Wisconsin. Minneapolis^ 1895, O.^ pp. 479. 1598. "Williamson (H. R.): Fire Service of Worcester. Worcester, 1887, Pamphlet O., pp. 121. 1599. Woodbury (C J. H.): Conflagrations in Cities. Southern Insuraitce Directory., iSgi, p. 206. 1600. Yarrington (Andrew): London in the Time of Fire Bucket and Powder Can. (Reprint of article written in 1677.) Boston Traveler, August 25, 1897. Scrap Book, p. 49. 1 60 1. Young (C F. T.): Fires, Fire Engines and Fire Brigades, with a History of Manual and Steam Fire En- gines, their Construction, Use and Management ; Remarks on Fire Proof Buildings, and the Preservation of Life from fire ; Statistics of the Fire Appliances in English Towns ; Foreign Fire Systems ; Hints for the Formation of, and Rules for. Fire Brigades ; and an Account of American Steam Fire Engines. London, 1886, O., pp. <,\i\. Fire Patrols, Salvage Corps and Protective ^departments i6o3. Association of Superintendents and Captains of Fire Patrols, Salvage Corps and Protective Associations of the United States. Organized 1S92, Reports for 1893 to 1S9S, inclusive ; complete. 1603. Albany (N. Y.) Protectives. Incorporated 1873. Reports for 1S75, 1876, 1S83 and 1898. 1604. Auckland (New Zealand) Fire Insurance Associa- tion. Report for 1893. 1605. Baltimore (Md.) Fire Insurance Salvage Corps. Organized 1873. Reports for 1876 (first published), 1881, 1883, 1884, and 1886 to 1897, inclusive. 1606. Boston Protective Department. Organized 1874. Reports for 1875 to 1898, inclusive; complete. 1607. Chicago Fire Insurance Patrol. Organized 1871. Reports for 1877 to 1897, inclusive. 1608. Kansas City (Mo.) Insurance Fire Patrol. Organ- ized 1889. Reports for 1890 to 1897, inclusive ; complete. 1609. Louisville (Ky.) Salvage Corps. Organized 18S8. Reports for 1890, and 1893 to 1897, inclusive. 1610. Milwaukee (Wis.) Fire Insurance PatroL Organ- ized 1S87. Reports for 1893 and 1893. 161 1. Newark (N. J.) Underwriters' Protective Associa- tion (Salvage Corps). Organized 1879. Reports for 1880 to 189S, inclusive; complete. (63) 64 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 161 2. New York Fire Patrol. Chartered 1867. Reports for 1870 to 1897, inclusive. 1613. Philadelphia Fire Insurance Patrol. Organized 1870. Reports for 1878, and iSSo to 1897, inclusive. 1614. Providence Protective Department. Chartered 1876. Reports for 1877 to 1884, inclusive, and 1890 to 1896, inclusive. 1 6 15. San Francisco Underwriters' Fire Patrol. Organized 1875. Reports for 1876 to 1897, inclusive; complete. 16 1 6. St. Louis Underwriters' Salvage Q>rps. Organized 1875. Reports for 1878, 1882, 1884 to 1888, inclusive, 1890, 1892 to 1898, inclusive. 16 1 7. "Worcester (Mass.) Protective Department. Organ- ized 1883. Reports for 1884 to 1898, inclusive; complete. Fire-Preventing Devices and Auto- matic Protection (Including Chemical Extinguishers, Hand Grenades, ^umps. Sprinklers and Thermostats*) 1 6 1 S . American Exchan ge and Review : Automatic Sprinklers. Vol. XXXII. p. 114. Fires, Prevention and Repression of. Vol. XXXI. p. 16']. Metals, Fusibility of. Vol. XXXI. p. 256. Oil Tanks ; Exclusion of Vapor and Regulation of Tem- perature. Vol. XXXIV. p. 268. 1619. Atkinson (Edward): Development of Automatic Fire Prevention. Spectator.^ Quinquennial Number., April 14, 1898,^. dd. 1620. : Roof Hydrants. Engineers, 1S91,/. S3. 1621. Automatic Sprinklers and Electric Thermostats* Mackey System. Syracuse., 1887, Pa?np/ilet O., pp. 20. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IV. 1622. Bailey (G. H.): Sprinklers. Manchester, 1S90-91, 1623. Blauvelt (Albert): Limitations and Use of Water for Fire Extinguishing. Protection, 1897, /. 46. 1624. Blauvelt (Arthur): Improved Risks. Northwest, 1896, /. 20. 1625. Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Publications (con- tinued on next page) • Automatic Sprinklers; Everywhere? When? \'ol. III. P- HZ- Dust Rooms ; A Substitute for, to Cotton Pickers. Vol. III. p. 102. (65) 66 Insurance Libraty Association of Boston. 1625. Boston Manf. Mutual Publications ( concluded )x Fire Apparatus, Qviestions upon. Vol. III. p. 68. Fire Apparatus in Chief ; Pumps, Pipes, Hydrants and Hose, Standard for. Vol. III. /. 93. Fire Hose and Trials of. Vol. I. p. 59. Fire Hose, Couplings and Nozzles ; Brands Recom- mended. Vol. III. p. 1 26. Fire Pails. Vol. II. p. 140. Freezing of Pipes, Pumps, Automatic Sprinklers, etc., Precautions Needed Against. Vol. I. p. 89 ; Vol. II. p. 116; Vol. III. p. 55. Lanterns. Vol. I. p. 32 ; Vol. II. pp. 109, 139, 163. Leakage of Automatic Sprinklers. Vol. II. p. 151. Leakage or Breaking of Sprinklers through Unavoidable Accidents; Water Damage from. Vol. IV. p. 12. Leakage or Breakage of Sprinklers ; Insurance Against Damage from. Vol. IV. p. 79. Mill Fire Department ; General Instructions for Organiz- ing. Vol. I. p. 44 ; Vol. II. p. 138 ; Vol. IV. p. 20. Non-Freezing Compounds for Automatic Sprinklers. Vol. II. p. 140. Pump Governors for Steam Fire Pumps, Unreliability of. Vol. IV. p. 15. Report upon Appi'oved Automatic Sprinkler Heads. Vol. III. p. I. Report upon Automatic Sprinklers. Vol. III. p. 99. Results of Automatic Sprinkler Protection to January ist, 1889. Vol. III. p. 13. Self-registering System of Automatic Fire Alarm. Vol. //./. 41. Sprinklers, Pipes, etc. Vol. I. pp. 53, 93, 172. Sprinklers, Automatic, and their Record. Vol. II. pp. 41, 53, 108, 136, 167, 187, 189. Standard of Full Sprinkler Protection. Vol. III. p. 18. Storehouse Protection (without Sprinklers). Vol. III. p. 129. Valves to Automatic Sprinklers. Vol. III. p. 39. Fire-Preventing Devices and Aotomatic Protection. 67 1626. Bourne (R. W.): Automatic Sprinklers. North- west^ 1S90, /. 95. 1627. Brophy (William): Fire Alarm Apparatus, General History and Latest Improvements. Massachusetts^ 1896, p. 71. 162S. Campbell (Donald A.): The Present Position of the Sprinkler Question. Manchester^ 1S88-S9, /. 19. 1639. Chandler (E. B.): The Fire Alarm Telegraph. Ejigineers^ 1888, p. in. 1630. Chase (George F.)j The Direct Pumping System as a Means of Fire Protection. Massachusetts^ 1890, p. 45. 163 1 . Davis (W. S.): The Value of the Sprinkler. Pacific^ 1898,/. 70. 1632. Davol (William C): Automatic Sprinklers. Engi- neers^ 1889, p. 127. 1633. Doval (Philip): The Fire Killer; A Solution for Rendering Substances Uninflammable. Engineers^ 1884,/. 118. 1634. Dowson (Ralph): The Simplex Automatic Alarm Valve and Alarm. Manchester^ 1886-87,^. 29. 1635. Flanders (B. S.): Dynamo Currents as Applied to ' Fire Alarms. Engineers^ 18945 P' 88. 1636. Forbes ("William D.): Report of the Tests of over Two Hundred of the Brown Sensitive Automatic Sprinklers. New Tork^ 1884, ^. Circular. Mutuals, Vol. V. 1637. Freeman (John R.): Fire Streams; A General Description of Capacity of Water Supply and Pumps, the Size of Hose and Nozzle, Manner of Laying a Line of Hose and any Information in Relation to Fire Streams which will Produce the Best Results. Massachtisetts^ 1890, p. 41. 68 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1638. Goddard (C M.): Thermo-Electric Fire Alarms. Protection, 1897,/. 33. 1639. Grimshaw (Robert): Pump Catechism ; A Practical Help to Runners, Owners and Makers of Pumps of any- kind ; Covering the Theory and Practice of Designing, Constructing, Erecting, Connecting and Adjusting. Fourth edition. New York, 1SS8, T.,pp. 79. 1640. Hexamer (C A.): Chemical Fire Extinguishers. Protection, 189S, /. 31. 1641. : Wire Glass. Protection, 1897,/. 28. 1642. Houldsworth ("W.): Patent Fire Detector and Alarm. Manchester, 1889-90, p. 13. 1643. Insurance World : Pumps and Standpipes. Vol. X. p. 138. 1644. Jardine (Robert): Automatic Sprinkler Equipments. Northwest, 1895,/. 46. 1645. Leonard (£♦): Leonard System of Fire Protection as Designed for H. B. Clafiin & Co. Philadelphia, 1878, Pamphlet O., pp. 11 and Plan. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. vn. 1646. Lcmmon ("W. S.): Hydrants, Fire Hose and Coup- lings. Protectiofi, 1897, /. 24. 1647. Leshure (A. P.): Pii'^ Prevention. Engineers, 1887, /. 84. 1648. Lyndc (James Henry): The Construction and Action of Automatic Sprinklers. Manchester, 1886-87,/. 11. 1649. Macdonald (T. M.): Extinguishing Appliances; What Consideration Should they Command? Man- chester, 1876-77,/. 21. 1650. Morse (John G.): Apparatus for Extinguishing Fires. Reprint from Popular Science Monthly. New Tork, 1895, Pamphlet O., pp. 43. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VII. Fire-Preventing: Devices and Automatic Protection. 69 1 65 1. Nag-le (A. F.): Determination of the Sensitiveness of Automatic Sprinklers. Paper read at the Cincinnati Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers. No date. Pamphlet (9., //. 24. Bound Pam- phlets, Vol. IV. 1652. National Fire Protection Association: Automatic Sprinklers, Regulations Governing Installation of. Pro- tectioH, 1S9S, p. 78. 1652a. • Automatic Sprinkler Protection, Report of Committee on. Adopted at Conference held in New York, March iS and 19, 1896. Pamphlet Nar. O.^ pp. 11; Protection, J^ol. I. 16523. : Fire Hose, Report of Committee on. Protec- tion, 1898, p. 53. 1652c. ; Thermo-Electric Fire Alarms. Protection^ 1898, /. 39. 1653. Neefus (H. F.): Sprinkler Equipments; Installation and Requirements. Newark, N. J., 1895, S., pp. 60. 1654. Paterson (D. R.): Automatic Sprinklers. Glasgow., Third Series, p. 345. 1655. Reed (S. A,): Value of Automatic Fire Protection. Northwest, 1893, /. 86. 1656. Russell (Stanley G.): Automatic Sprinklers. Vic- toria, 1 89 1, p. 39. 1657. Rutledge (P.): Automatic Sprinklers. Wales., Record 35. 1658. Snow (W. M.): Chemical Engines. Massachusetts, 1881, p. 102. 1659. State Mutual Fire Insurance Company: iVutomatic Pump Regulator in By-pass. Providence, 1893, Sq. ^. Circular. Mutuals, Vol. V. 70 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1660. State Mutual Fire Insurance Company : Underwriter Pump, Properly Equipped and Connected. Providence^ 1894, Sq. ^. Circular. Mutuals, Vol. V. 1661. Stover (Joseph W.): Progressive Fire Alarm. E}i- gineers^ 1892, /. 37. 1662. Sugfgfested Standard Requirements for the Equipping of Property with Automatic Fire Extinguishers. Syra- cuse, 1886, Fa?nphlet O., pp. 8. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IV. 1663. Sumner (Harold): Fire Service in Factories, Works, etc. London, 1898, Pamphlet O., pp. 28. British, Vol. I. No. 8. 1664. Swingley (C. E.): The Benefits and Advantages of Automatic Sprinkler Equipments. Engineers, 1898, p. 37- 1665. Tower (Charles P.): Automatic Fire Sprinklers (Gray System). New Tork, 1887, Pamphlet O., pp. 96. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IV. 1666. White (J. E.): Automatic Fire Alarm. Syracuse^ 1886, Pamphlet Nar. S., pp. 5. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IV. 1667. Witter (Thomas): Automatic Sprinklers. j\/an- chester, 1887-88, p. 47. 1668. : Automatic Sprinklers and Sprinkler Installa- tions. Ireland, 1892-93, p. 121. 1669. Woodbury (C J. H.): Automatic Sprinklers for Protection Against Fires. A lecture before the Society of Arts. Boston, 1885, Pamphlet O., pp. n. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VI. 1670. : Experiments upon the Co-efficient of Efflux of Automatic Sprinklers. Reprint from Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, August, 1885. Salem, 1886, Paifiphlet O., pp. 2. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VI. Fire-Pf eventing: Devices and Automatic Protection. 7 1 1 67 1. "Woodbury (C J. H.): Fire Protection of Mills and Construction of Mill Floors, Containing Tests of Full Size Wood Mill Columns. Second edition. Neiv Tork^ 1882, 0.,pp. 196. 1672. : Measurements of the Friction of Lubricating Oils. Reprint from Transactions of the American Soci- ety of Mechanical Engineers. New Tork^ 1885, Pam- phlet O., pp. 81. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VI. 1673. : Methods of Reducing the Fire Loss. N^ew Tork^ 1889. Reprint from Transactions of the Ameri- can Society of Mechanical Engineers. Pamphlet O., pp. 46. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VL 1674. : Modern Development and Early History of Automatic Sprinklers, with Illustrations of Leading De- vices and Portraits of Inventors. Reprint from Gassier' s Magazine. New Tork^ 1892, Pamphlet O., pp. 15. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VI. 1675. "Wormald (John): Automatic Appliances for the Ex- tinguishment of Fires. Yorkshire^ 1892-93,/. 13. 1676. : Automatic Sprinklers in Great Britain and the United States. Birmingham^ 1896-7, p. 28, 1677. J Automatic Sprinklers. Wales, Record ^/^. Gasolene, Kerosene and Other Oils ; and Acetylene Gas 1678. Acetylene and Its Hazards; Acetylene Generators Described and Explained. JVew Tork^ 1898, Pajjiphlet 0.,pp. II. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VIII. 1679. American Artizan: Gasolene Stoves, Safety and Util- ity of. Chicago^ 1885, Paynphlet O., pp. 15. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. III. 1680. American Exchange and Review : Inflammability and Lubricating Qiialities of Oils. Vol. XXXIII. p. 389. Lightning and Petroleum Tanks. Vol. XXXIV. p. 240. Mysterious Fires in Petroleum Refineries. Vol. XXXI. p. 291. Naphtha and Petroleum Fires. Vol. XXXIV. p. 266. Petroleum Dangers. Vol. XXXI. p. "Ji. Precautions Against Dangers of European and American Petroleum. Vol. XXXI. p. "Ji. Russian Petroleum as a Lubricant. V^ol. XXXIV. p. 142. 1681. Atwood (H. F,): Hazards of Petroleum and its Prod- ucts. United^ 1881,/. 70. 1682. Bell (J. Carter): Mineral Lubricants. Manchester ^ 1890-91, p. 24. 1683. Beilby (G. T.): The Manufacture of Paraffin Oils. Glasgow,^ First Series., p. 121. (72) Gasolene, Kerosene and Other Oils. 73 1 6S4. Boston Manufacturers^ Mutual Publications : Benzine Clause. Vol. IV. p. i. Fuel Oil. Vol. III. p. 18. Lubrication of Heavy Bearings. Vol. I. p. 186. Naphtha and Benzine, The Use of. Vol. IV. p. i. Oils. Vol. I. pp. 22,1^, Si; Vol. II. p. 43. Oil, Storage of. Vol. III. p. 38. Oils, Tests of. Vol. II. p. 224; Vol. IV. p. 22. Petroleum for Fuel under Boilers. Vol. II. pp. 140, 150. Wool Oils, including Mrs. Ellen H. S. Richards' Report on their Extraction. Vol. I. p. 84. 1685. BuIIier (L,M.): Application of Acetylene to Lighting. Progressive Age, Nove7nber i, 1897, p. 514. 1686. Cairnie (J. B.): Lawrence's Automatic Gas Appara- tus. JManchester, 1888-89, P' '^1 • 1687. Chandler (C. F.): Petroleum as an Illuminator, and the Advantages and Perils which Attend its Use ; with Special Reference to the Prevention of the Traffic in Dan- gerous Kerosene and Naphtha. Nexv York, 1871, Pajn- phlet O., pp. no. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IIL 1688. Day (C. H.): Manufacture of Calcium Carbide and Acetylene Gas. Co7isular Reports, Vol. L V. No. 206. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VIIL 1689. Elliott (Arthur H. : Methods and Apparatus for Test- ing Inflammable Oils, Based upon Investigations Ordered by the State Board of Health for Establishing a Standard Safety Test of Illuminating Oils. Albany, 1882, Pam- phlet O., pp. 45. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. III. 1690. Gibbs (William E.): Lighting by Acetylene Genera- tors, Burners and Electric Furnaces. New Tork, 1898, D.,pp. 141. 1 69 1. Gilbert and Barker Manufacturing Company : Aer- ated Fuel Process of Burning Oil for all Purposes for which Heat is Required in the Mechanical Arts. Patti- phlet Sq. D., pp. 56. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VIIL 74 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1692. Gilbert and Barker Manufacturing Company: Cata- logue of Burners of Air Gas. Pamphlet Ob. Z"., pp. 16. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VIII. 1693. » How Best to Light our Country Homes and Resorts. Some Practical Suggestions Emphasized by Illustrations of a Few that are so Lighted. Pa7nphlet Sq. Z>., pp. 95. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IX. 1694. Griswold (F.M.): Acetylene and Its Hazards. (See Insurance Press ^ February 9, 1898, and various issues following. In progress.) 1695. Henderson (G. G.): The Risks Attending the Use of Mineral Oil and of Acetylene. Glasgow., Fourth Series^ p. 183. 1696. Hirst (J. E.): Improved Gas Generating Machine. Cincinnati, 1883, Pa^nphlet S., pp. 16. Bound Pam- phlets, Vol. III. 1697. Hobson (William): Lighting by Oil and Gas, with Special Regard to the Fire Hazard. Association, Man- chester, 1895-6,/. 5. 1698. Holloway (A. H.): Acetylene Gas. Birmingham^ 1897-8,/. 7. 1699. Hurst (George H.): Lubricating Oils, Fats and Greases ; Their Origin, Preparation, Properties, Uses and Analyses. London, 1896, O., pp. 313. 1700. Ingle (H.): Acetylene Gas. 2or^5-^/r5, 1897-8,/. 45. 1701. Insurance Blue Book: Gas Machines as Insurance Risks as Contrasted with Kerosene Lamps. 1875,/. 105. 1702. Insurance Monitor: Gas Machines, Gasolene and Gasolene Gas. Vol. XXIV. p. 116. 1703. Insurance Press : Acetylene and its Hazards ; Acety- lene Generators Described and Explained. Neiv York, 1898, Pamphlet O., pp. 11. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VIII. Gasolene, Kerosene and Other Oils* 75 1 704. Insurance World : Fires That Water will not Extinguish. Vol. III. p. 198. Oil; How Refined. Vol. III. p. 129. 1705' Jouanne (G.): The Dangers of Acetylene. Progres- sive Age, February 15, 1898,/. 76. 1706. Lewes (Vivian B.)j Acetylene. Progressive Age, Decetnber 15, 1897,^. 600. 1707. Lindsey (H. K.): Illuminating and Lubricating Oils. Northxvest, 1876,/. 124. 1708. Masson (David Orme): Gas and Acetylene as Illu- minants. Victoria, 1897, p. 30. 1709. McDevitt (William): Danger of Spontaneous Com- bustion from Calcium Carbide when Wet. Philadelphia Association, 1898, Sq. ^. Circular. 1 7 ID. MuUiken (A.H.): Practical Illustration of the Use of Acetylene. Northwest, 1897, p. 142. 1 7 1 1 . New York Board of Fire Underwriters : Report on Gas Machines and Carburetters. New York, 1881, Patn- phlet O., pp. 38. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. III. 1712. : Gas Machines, Rules and Regulations Relating to. New York, 1886, Pamphlet O., pp. 8. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. III. 1713. Orton (Edward): Petroleum and Natural Gas. Col- umbus, 1888, O., pp. 830. 1 7 14. : Preliminary Report upon Petroleum and In- flammable Gas, with a Supplement. Colujnbus, 1887, O., pp. 200. 1715. Osborne (R. S.): Use of Natural Gas. New York, 1884, Pamphlet 0.,pp. 13. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. III. 1716. Peckham (S. F.): Production, Technology and Uses of Petroleum and its Products, Containing also a Bibli- ography of the Subject. U. S. Census, 1880 \ Washington, 1884, ^., pp. Zi9. 76 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1 7 17. Perry and Sard: Gasolene Stoves. Albany^ 18S6, Pa7nphlet O., pp. 13. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. III. 1 7 1 8 . Pro gfressi ve A§fe : Acetylene as an Enricher for Coal Gas. Decejnber 15, i897>^- 596. Acetylene Lighting at Vienna. March 15, 1898,/. 122. Moissan and Calcium Carbide ; Acetylene. November \^ 1S97,/. 481. 1719. Redfield (A. P.): Lubricating Oil. North-west, i^'jG^ p. 129. 1720. Sawter (George): Acetylene; A New Light from Calcium Carbides. Co?iszilar Reports, Vol. LIU. No. 198, March, 1898. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 1721. Seay (W» W.): Use and Storage of Crude Petroleum. JEngineers, 1890,^. 71. 1722. Smith (Harry): Acetylene Gas. Manchester , \'^(^6~ 9hP' 35- 1723. Smith (JohnWOjUseandStorageof Crude Petroleum. Engineers, iS^o, p. So. 1724. Stockwell (William): Kerosene and its Products. En- gineers, iSSi, p. 62. 1725. Thompson-Bedford Company: Mineral Lubricating Oils and Crude and Refined Parafine Wax. London, S., PP- 33- 1726. Thurston (George H.): Natural Gas. Pittsburgh, 1885, PajHphlet 0.,pp. 31. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. III. 1727. Tirrill (O.): Equalizing Gas Machines, with an Ex- planation of the Difficulties Involved in Gasolene Gas Making. New York, 1886, Pamphlet 0.,pp. 87. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. III. Gasolene, Kerosene and Other Oils. 77 172S. Trackson (James J. P.): Acetylene Gas. Norwich, 1S96-7,/. 37. 1729. 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Lippmcott: Pronouncing Gazetteer of the World, or Geographical Dictionary, Containing Notices of over 125,000 Places in Every Portion of the Globe ; with tables of population. Philadelphia^ 1886, ^.^ Pp. 2,680. 1740. : Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of Biography and Mythology. Philadelphia, 1886, ^.^ pp. 2,550. 1741- Mell (P. H.) J Rules for Conducting Business in Deliberative Assemblies. JVew Tork, 1876, S., pp. 91. 1742. Putzel (Charles) and Bahr (H. A.): Commercial Precedents Selected from the Column of Replies and Decisions of the New York Journal of Commerce. Hartford, 1882, O., pp. 588. 1 743- Rand & McNally: Business Atlas of the United States, with Reference Maps of all Countries, and Latest Returns of Population. Twenty-seventh edition. Chi- cago, 1897, Ob. P., pp. 406. 1744, Robert (Henry M.) : Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies. Chicago^ 1889, T.^ pp. 192. 1745. Roe (Alfred S.) : Massachusetts Year Book and City and Town Register ; Containing a Complete List of Cities and Towns, their Officers and Population, Valua- tion, Courts, Banks, Insurance Companies, etc., etc. Published annually, commencing 1895. Issues for 1895, 1896, 1897, ^"^^ i^S^. So Insurance Library Association of Boston, 1746. Tower (G. B. N.) : Useful Things to Know about Steam Boilers ; Compiled for the Information of Owners, Steam Users, and Engineers. New Tork, 1885, 0.,pp. 220. 1747. Trautwine (John C) : The Civil Engineer's Pocket Book of Mensuration, Trigonometry, Surveying, etc. New Tork, 1885, S.,pp. 866. 1748. Trowbridge (W. P«) : Power and Machinery Em- ployed in Manufactures ; embracing Statistics of Steam and Water Power Used in the Manufacture of Iron and Steel, Machine Tools, and Woodworking Machinery, Wool and Silk Machinery, and Monographs on Pumps and Pumping Engines, Manufacture of Engines and Boilers, Marine Engines, and Steam Vessels. Tenth Census, 1880, Vol. XXII.; Washington, 188S, ^.,pp. 300. 1749. Urc (Andrew) : Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines ; Containing a Clear Exposition of their Prin- ciples and Practice; illustrated. New Tork, 1868, J^., Vol. I. pp. 1,118; Vol. II. pp. 999; Stipplement, pp. 1,096. 1750. "Wagner (Rudolph von) : Manual of Chemical Tech- nology. Translated and edited by Sir William Crookes from the thirteenth German edition as remodelled by Dr. Ferdinand Fischer. New York, 1897, ^., pp. 968. 1 75 1. "Weale (John) : Dictionary of Terms Used in Archi- tecture, Building, Engineering, etc. Edited by Robert Hunt. Sixth edition. London, 1891, Nar. D., pp. 568. Historical and Biographical {Including Company Histories) 1753. Banquet in Honor of Mr. Gsmelius Walford, Given by the Fire and Life Insurance Companies of New York, October 22d, 1874. New Tork, 1874, Pamphlet O.^pp. 35. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 1753. Barnes (B., Jr.): Facts and Figures Relating to the Board and Non-Board Issue, Showing the Supremacy of the Non-Board Companies, also the Inconsistencies of the Board. Portland^ 1876, Pamphlet Nar. D., pp. 14. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VIII. 1754- Blair (Duncan R.): Insurance Institute of Yorkshire; A Resume of the Work of the Institute, with some Sug- gestions Thereon. Yorkshire^ 1893-94,^. 143. 1755. Blossom (H. M.): The Board, Its Objects and Aims. Address delivered before the St. Louis Board of Fire Un- derwriters, Twenty-first Anniversay, May 6th, 1893. St. Louts, Pamphlet O., pp. 47. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 1756. Bliven (C E.): An Historical Sketch of the Develop- ment of the Policy as Used in Fire Insurance. North- west, 1876, ^.71. 1757. Boston Traveler: History of Insurance; A Century of Enterprise and an Estimate of its Results. Boston, August 25, 1897. Scrap Book, p. 51. 1758. BromwcU (L. L.)j Retrospective. Our Twenty-first Anniversary. Pacific, i%()^,p. 133. (81) 82 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1759. Burpee (Charles W.): Fire Insurance in New Eng- land. New Rngland Magazine^ September^ 1898, p. lOI. 1760. Caverly (R. B.) and Bankes (G. M.): Leading In- surance Men of the British Empire. Lotidon^ 1892, Sq. 0.,pp.s^S- 1 76 1. De Veuve (J. H.): Looking Backward; A History of Fire Insurance, from A. D. 1240. Pacific^ 1892, p. 21. 1762. Edwards (John): National Board vs. John Edwards. Correspondence. Lawrence, 1876, Pa?nphlet O., pp. 15. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VII. 1763. Englehardt (G. W".): Boston, Massachusetts, Show- ing as Graphically as Possible an Account of the Present Condition and Prospects of Boston, and How that City has Advanced ; including Sketches of Insurance Men. Boston, 1897, Ob. ^.,pp. 306. 1764. Faneuil Hall Insurance Company. Expelled from the National Board. Boston, 1875, Pamphlet D., pp. 8. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VII. 1765. Felce (Ernest): Centenary History of Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company, 1797-1897. London, 1897, 0.,pp.M. 1766. Fidelity Publishing Company: The Underwriter, Fire and Marine, Historical and Biographical. Chicago, 1896, Sq. P., pp. -1,61. 1767. Forbush (J. M.): The New England Insurance Ex- change, and Kindred Associations. Lndianapolis, 1889, Nar. ^.•, pp. 46. 1768. Fowler (J. A.): History of Insurance in Philadelphia for Two Centuries, 1683-1882. Philadelphia, 1888, ^., pp. 899. Historical and Biographical. 83 1769. Franklin Fire Insurance Company, Semi-Centennial of the, June 35, 1S79. Philadelphia, 1879, O., pp. 68. 1770. Goad (C.E.): Insurance Plans ; A Historical Sketch. Ireland, 1S95-6, p. 49. 1 77 1. Hand in Hand Fire and Life Insurance Society; Bi- centenary Notice, 12 November, 1896. (No imprint.) Pamphlet Sg. O., pp. 35. 1772. Haven (Charles D.): Ancient History and the Growth of Local (Pacific Coast) Fire Insurance Compa- nies. Pacific, 18S7, p. 43. 1773. Hollis (J. Edward): Something about the Boston Local Board. Northwest, 1888,/. 149. 1774. Home Insurance Company of New York, History of the. New York, 1883, ^.,pp. 89. 1775. Insurance Club of New York City. By-Laws and List of Members. New York, 1892, T.,pp. 27. 1776. Insurance Company of North America: The His- tory of the Oldest Fire and Marine Insurance Company in America. Philadelphia, 1885, ^., pp. 175. 1777. Insurance in Massachusetts. First Company Char- tered in 1795. Scrap Book, p. 35. 1778. Insurance Interests of the City of Providence and State of Rhode Island. Scrap Book, /. 23. 1779- Insurance Library Association of Boston: Red Book, Containing Articles and By-Laws, List of Members and Subscribers, and Catalogue of Books and Maps. Boston, 1889, S., pp. 48; with Appendix, Boston, 1890, S., pp. 23. 1780. Kempson (P. Tertius): Brief Memoir of Stephen English ; Compiled from Notes and Recollections of Numerous Friends. N'ezv York, 1888, O., pp. 32. 84 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1 78 1. Knowles (Charles R.): Early Reminiscences and Historical Review of the New York State Association of Supei-vising and Adjusting Agents. New York State^ 1894,/. II. 1782. Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Com- pany. Fifty Years of Work in the United States of America ; being an Account of the Entry into the United States of the Company now known as the Liverpool and London and Globe in the year 1848, and of its Work there for Fifty Years ; with which is included a Brief His- tory of the Establishment and General Operations of the Company. New Tork, 1898, Sq. O., pp. 124. 1783. Lees (John): Insurance, 1 865-1 895. Association^ Manchester^ 1895-6,/. 21. 1784. Macredie (W.): Recollections Connected with Insur- ance. Victoi'ia, 1886, p. 40. 1785. Martin (F.): The History of Lloyds and of Marine Insurance in Great Britain, with an Appendix Containing Statistics Relating to Marine Insurance. London, 1876, O.,//. 416. 1786. Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society: Act of In- corporation, Laws and Regulations, Catalogue of the Members, and State of the Funds. J3osto?i, 1800, Pam- phlet D., pp. 19. 1786a. : First Annual Address. Boston., 1795? Pam- phlet Nar. O., pp. 23. 17863. : Third Annual Address. Boston^ i797» J^^f^- phlet Sq. D.,pp. 26. 1786c. : Fifth Annual Address. BostoJi, 1799, Pam- phlet D., pp. 24. 1786^/. : Eighth Annual Address. Boston, 1802, Pamphlet Z>., pp. 25. Historical and Biographical. S5 1786^. Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society: Ninth An- nual Address. Boston^ 1803? Pamphlet Nar. Z>., pp. 23, 1786/'. : Tenth Annual Address. Boston., 1S04, Pam- phlet Nar. O., pp. 31. 1786^. : Fourteenth Annual Address. Boston., 1808, Pamphlet Nar. O., pp. 28. (See Sprague, Henry H., for History of the Society.) 17S7. Merrimack Mutual Fire Insurance Company: By- Laws. Andover., 1831, Nar. T., pp. 8. 1788. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company: Weekly Bulletin. Souvenir Number. New 2'ork, 1897, Ob. j£., //. 113. 17S9. National Fire Insurance Company : A Quarter-Cen- tury's Fire Underwriting, 1871-1896. Hartford., 1897, Sg. ^.,pp. 159. 1790. Nichols (W. S.) and Others: Recollections of C. C. Hine. New York, 1897, O., pp. t^^. 1791. Northcott (James B.): The Early History of Fire Insurance. Manchester., 1877-78, /. 35. 1792. Notman (P«)j Personal Recollections of Insurance in 1840. Ne-v 2'ork State., 18S4, /. 14. 1793- Noverre (O E.): The Romance of Insurance. Bir- mingham., 1894-5 (not paged). 1794. Olcott (H. S.): Historical Sketch of Origin and Growth of Marine, Fire and Life Insurance. Historical Preface. N. I. C, 1871. 1795. Phenix Insurance Company. A Brief Sketch of its History, including Addresses Delivered September 10, 1878, on the Completion of the First Quarter Century of the Company. New York., 1878, O., pp. 47. 86 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1796. Povah (Charles): The Scope and Work of the In- surance Institutes. Birminghafn^ 1897-9^? /• 33- 1797. Putnam Fire Insurance Company. An Address to the Stockholders, July, 1870. Hartford, 1870, Pa?7i- phlet 0.,pp. 16. 1798. Relton (F. B.): An Account of the Fire Insurance Companies, Associations, Institutions, Projects and Schemes Established and Projected in Great Britain and Ireland during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, including the Sun Fire Office ; also of Charles Povey, the Projector of that Office, his Writings and Schemes. London, 1893, O., pp. 543. 1799. Rimmer (Tohn C): Fire Insurance Past and Present. (Prize Essay.) Manchester, 1886-87,/. 5°- 1800. Royal Insurance Company. A Brief History of its Organization, Progress and Present Position, from 1845 to 1895. Liverpool, 1895, Sq. 0.,pp. 28. 1801. Royal Exchange Assurance. An Historical Sketch. Lo?idojt, 1896, D., pp. 41. 1802. Rutgers Fire Insurance Company. A Sketch of Thirty Years' Business, 1853-1883. New Tork, 1883, D., pp. 30. 1803. St. Louis Board of Fire Underwriters. Program of the Twenty-first Anniversary Banquet, May 6th, 1893, with Addresses. Pamphlet O., pp. 48. 1804. Sprague (Henry H.): A Brief History of the Massa- chusetts Charitable Fire Society. Boston, 1893, ^., pp. 183. (See Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society for List of Annual Addresses.) 1805. Stewart (Charles): Fire Insurance; An Historical Sketch. Glasgow, First Series, p. 17. Historical and Biogfraphical. 87 1806, Tenth Anniversary of the New England Insurance Exchange, Banquet at Hotel Vendome. Boston^ 1893, 0.,pp. 119. 1507, Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Historical Sketch. Richmond^ i879? S.^pp. 120. 1508. "W^arren (Nathan): Insurance in Massachusetts, from " The New England States." Boston^ 1897, Sq. O., pp. 28. 1809. Whiting (C B.): Insurance; Early Methods of Or- ganizing and Transacting Business. JVew York State^ 1885,/. 13. 18 10. • Address Delivered before the Connecticut State Firemen's Association, at Meriden, August 17, 1887. Hartford, 1887, Pamphlet O., pp. 16. Bound Pam- phlets, Vol. I. 181 1. Wilson (J. O.): Birth and Progress of our Associa- tion and the Results Achieved by it. North-west, 1896, /. 165. 1812. Wilson (D. B.): Forty-five Years Ago. Pacific, 1896,/. 14. 1 8 13. Woodworth (A. J.): History of the New York State Association. New York State, 1892,/. 8. 1814. Woodward (P. Henry): Insurance in Connecticut, from " The New England States." Boston, 1897, ^.,PP. 126. 1815. Wright (A. J.): Australian Reminiscences. Victoria, 1892,/. 115. Inaugural, Annual and Farewell cAddresses 1816. Adams (George W.)» Northwest^ 1879,/. 10. 1817. Adams (A. 0» Exchange^ \%<^\^ p. 1^. 181S. Anderson (James). JVales, Record i^-^. 1819. Armstrong (P. B.): Farewell Address Delivered at Delmonico's. New Tork, 1891, Pa??iphlet ^.^ pp. 36. 1820. Babcock (J.J*). Underwriters, 1889,^. 3. 1821. Baker (Alfred G.). National, 1878,^.8; 1879, p. 9. 1822. Barney (L. L."). New York State, \^^S,p, 7. 1823. Bennett (M., Jr.). National, \^'$>o, p. \o. 1824. Blackwelder (I. S.). Northwest, i?>^?,, p. 2t,. 1825. Bliven (Charles E.). Northwest, iS>]6, p. 6; i^^^, p. 10. 1826. Bromwell (L. L.). Pacifc, 1882, p. 5. 1827. Bortis (A. M.). Underwriters, i^S$, p. S. 1828. Cairnie (J. B.). Association, Manchester, 1896-97, AS- 1829. Garment (D.). Wales, Record i^6. 1830. Carothers (J. M.). Ufzderwriters, 1893, p. 3.; 1894,/. I- 183 1. Carpenter (E. W.). Pacijic, i^^, p. ^. (88) Inaugural, Annual and Farewell Addresses. 89 1832. Chalmers (W. L.). Pacific, 1SS9, /. 9. 1833. Chapman (O.W.). iV^^ /. C, 1874, /. i. 1834. Chase (George L.). National, i^^j^j, p. ^. 1835. Cheek (Philip). N. I. C, 188S,/. 3. 1836. Qark (William B.). National, id><^^, p. i^. 1837. aark(Z.P.). Pacific, iS8j, p. 10. 183S. Qarke (P.J.). Wales, Record 22. 1839. CoUey (Frank A.). Exchange, 1890,^. 16. 1840. Collins (Martin). Missouri, 1881,/. 4. 1841. Coote (William), //-^/aw^, 1892-93, /. 57. 1842. Cornell (W. B.). Northwest, 18S2, p. 10. 1843. Crosby (U. C). Protection, 1898,/. 11. 1844. , ^,rc>^a«^^, 1884, ^. 4; 1885,/. 4; 1891, /. 18. 1845. Dalton (Frank). Birjtiingham, 1893-94 (not paged). 1846. Dear (E. E.). Victoria, 1S93,/. 13. 1847. DeCamp (James M.). North-west, 1883,/. 11. 1848. Domin (George D.). Pacific, 1878, p. 29. 1849. Dovey (W. R.). Wales, Record (>^. 1850. Dresser (Jasper M.). Northwest, 1881, /. 12. 185 1. Driffield (V.C). Pacific, 1896,^. 7. 1852. Du Bois (C. W.). Underwriters, l^i^*], p. "J. 1853. ♦ ^^^"^ ^ork State, 1893,/. 6. 1854. Durfee (Bradford K.). N I. C, 1895, /. 8. 90 Insurance Library Association of Boston* 1855. Eaton (Henry "W.). Natioizal, i?>^?>, p. 21. 1856. Eddy (H. C). Northwest, 1891,/. 14. 1857. Edwards (L. B.). Pacific, 1890,^. 12. 1858. Egfleston (Thomas). Southeastern, 1895, p. 6;, 1896, p. 5. 1859. EUerbe(CR). ^. v. C, 1891, ^. 3. i860. Elliott (George). Ireland, 1895-96,^. i. 1 86 1. Elwood (Georgfe M.). Underwriters, iS^o, p. 3. 1862. Emerson (Moses R.). Bxchan^e, 18^2, p. 22. 1863. Faymonville (Bernard). Pacific, 1891,^. 10. 1864. Field (George P.). Bxchan^e, 1886, p. ^. 1865. Flint (A. P.). Paczyic, 1879, p. 5. 1866. Folger (Herbert). Paczyic, i8c,'j, p. 6. 1867. Fowler (Charles B.). Exchatige, 1893,/. 22. 1868. Fox (W. F.). Northwest, 1885,^. 15, 1869. Francis (Henry F.). Wales, Record 8(). 1870. Fyler (O. R.). N. I. C, 1889, p. 9. 1871. Gallagher (Thomas E.). Underwriters, 1892,/. 3. 1872. Gay (Edwards.). South, \88o,p. i. 1873. Gibb (George). Victoria, 1896,/. i. 1874. Gillison (John B.). Victoria, 18^0, p. 13. 1875. Glassford (Henry A.). New York State, 1884, p. 10. 1876. Graham (John). Glasgow, First Series, p. 9. 1877. Grant (George F.). Pacific, 18S3, /. 10. 1878. Grant (H. M.). Pacific, 1893,/. 11. Inaugural, Annual and Farewell Addresses* 91 1579. Gray (Howard P.) ♦ Northwest, 1892,/. 15. 1580. , Missouri, i^S2, p. $. iSSi. Harbeck (Eugene). Northwest, \S(^t,, p. i^. 1883. Heald (D. A.). National, iSSi, p. 7; 1882, p. 7; 1883,/. II ; 1884,^. 7. 1S83. Hedge (Charles L*). New York State, 1890,/. 11. 1884. , Underwriters, 1892,/. i. 1885. Hess (Henry E.). Exchange, \%'^^, p. x^. 1886. , Insurance Library Association, 1889,^. 40; Appendix, 1890,/. 5. 1887. Hinkley (George WO. Exchange, 1?,%^ P- ^9- 1888. Hodges (J. M.). New Tork State, 1889,^. 8. 1S89. Holman (L W.). Northwest, iSSS, p. 20. 1890. Holman (W. A.). Underwriters, \^%%, p. %. 1891. Hopkins (CT.). Pacific, 1880,/. 82. 1892. Howes (A. P.). New York State, 1888,/. 20. 1893. Howley (John). Northwest, 1889,^. 30. 1894. Ives (Stephen D.). Pacific, 1894, ;i. 12. 1895. Jarrett (Clement E.). Victoria, 1891,/. 13. 1896. Kendig (John Landon). Underwriters, iS^i, p. t,. 1897. Kerr (Robert). Wales, Record 60. 1898. Kinne (C Mason). Pacific, i^d>6, p. <^. 1S99. Knighton (C H.). Missouri, i^^^, p. 6. 1900. Knowles (Charles R.). New 7ork State, 1883, p. II. 92 Insurance Library Association of Boston, 1901. Knowles (Qarence). Southeasterti^ 1883? P- 4; 1884,^.1; 1885,/. 5; 1886,^.4; 1887,^.4. 1902. Lee (Hutson). Sozith, 18S1, /. 16; 1882,/. 16; 1883,^. 19. 1903. Lindsley (L H.). Underwriters^ 1895,/. i. 1904- Linchan (John C). N. I. C, 1893,^. 6. 1905- Littlejohn ("W. J.). North-west, 1895,/. i^- 1906. . Missouri^ 1883, /. 19. 1907- Locke (A. Newton). New York State, 1875, p. 16. 1908. Logfan (James). Newcastle-on-Tyne, iS(^6-^'],p.io. 1909. Lovejoy (George M.). Northvuest, i^^6, p. it,. 1910. Lowden (W. H.). Pacific, 1892,/. 12. 1911- Loper (George B.). iV. 7. C, 1892,/. 6. 1912. Lyman (W. R.). South, 1884,/. 19. 1913- Marr (Thomas). Glasgow, Second Series, p. 337. 1914- Marr (John). New York State, 1891,^. 7. 1915- Marshall (C. "W.). Northwest, 1875,/. 7. 1916. McCall (John A., Jr.). iV. /. C, 1885, /. 3. 1917- Merrill (George S.). N. I. C, 1890,^. 5. 1918. Miller (George W.). N. I. C, iSji, p. 5; 1872, p. I. 1919- Mims (Livingston). South, i8'j6, p. ^j. 1920. . Southeastern, 1888,/. 5; 1889,/. 4; 1890, /. 4; 1891,/. 4; 1892,^.4; 1893,/. 5; 1894,/. 5. 192 1. Montgomery (Thomas H.). Philadelphia Associa- tion, 1885,/. 5; 1886, ;i. 3. Inaugural^ Annual and Farewell Addresses* 93 1923. Montefiore (E. L.). Wales, Record i; Austra- lasian, Vol. VIII. p. 5S7. 1923. Moore (George H.). Northwest, 1897,/. ^i. 1924. Morgan (L. S.). ^Ve?w I'ork State, 1887,/. 10. 1925. Oakley (Henry A.). Natiojial, 1871, /. 9; 1S72, P- 7 ; 1S73, /. 1 1 ; 1874, p. 12 ; 1875, p. 12; iSje, p. 10. 1926. Osborn (R. W.). Pacific, 1898,/. 12. 1927. Palmer (O. W.). Underwriters, iS^6, p. S. 1928. . New York State, 1881,/. 7. 1929. Pierce (James F.). ^- ^- C'-, 1894,/. 3. 1930- Remington (J. C). Wales, Record 15. 1931. Rennie (C). Fz'c/c^r/a, 1888,/. 13. 1932. Ridge (M. A.). Victoria, 1894,^. 13. ^933- Riley (Thomas Shann). Yorkshire, 1892-93,/. i. 1934. Roberts (J. B.). Yorkshire, 1896-97, p. 53. 1935- Robinson (Samuel G*). Ireland, 1892-93,/. i. 1936. Rowell (Alfred). New York State, 1879, /. 11; 1880,/. 6. 1937- Salter (C). Victoria, 1887,/. 13. 1938- Sexton (William). Pacific, \%'^^, p. %. 1939. Simonds (Edwin A.). Northwest, 1890,/. 14, 1940. Sinclair (John). Victoria, 1889,/. 13. 1941. Smith (H. B.). Underwriters, \^<)%. 1942. Smith (Robert J.). Northwest, 1873,/. 5; 1874, /. 12, 1943- Smith (W. H.). Exchange, 1896,/. 3; 1897,/. 3. 1944. Snowden (A. Loudon). United, 1880, /. 123; 18S1,/. 9; 1882,/. 8. 94 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1945. Spaulding (A. W.). Northwest, 1880,^. 9. 1946. Spencer (George "W.). Pacific, 1881,^. 4. 1947- Staples (J. W.). Pacific, 1888, ^. 9. 194S. Stewart (David). Glasgow, Third Series, p. 3. 1949- Stillman (B. R.). Exchange, iS^^, p. 26. 1950- Storey (J. H.). ^F«/e:y, T^^corc/ 40. 1951- Stowell (T. P.). New York State, 1873,/. 5- 1952. Stuart (H.C.). NortJnvest, 1894,/. 15. 1953- Taylor (George W.). Bxchange, i?>S6, p. 21. 1954- Teece (Richard). Wales, Record S2. 1955- Tennant (John Bell). Yorkshire, 1890-91,^. i; 1891-92,/. 3. 1956. Thayer (William). 6'^«//^ 187S, /. 11. ^957- Tipping (W. A.). Glasgow, Fourth Series, p. ^^. 1958- Tupper (S. Y.). Southeastern, 1897,/. 6; 1898, /. 6. 1959- TurnbuU (Thomas), ^ew York State, 1886,/. 10. i960. Turner (Henry R.). Exchange, 1888,/. 19. 1961. Van Antwerp (CH.). New York State, 1894,/. 7. 1962. . Underwriters, 1895. 1963- Van Buren (J. H.). Underwriters, 1884, /. 6. 1964. Wagner (George). Philadelphia Association, \^^^, p. 3 ; 1888, p. 3 ; 18S9, /. 3 ; 1890, p. 3 ; 1891, p. 3 ; 1892,/. 3; 1893,/. 3. 1965. "Wardle (James). Yorkshire, \^c)^-<^^, p. ^\. 1966. Watson (Edward S.). Victoria, \%^\, p, ^. 1967. Watson (T. Wilkinson). Glasgow, Second Series, p. 125; /. 281. Inaugural, Annual and Farewell Addresses. 95 196S. Watt (R. v.). Pacific, 1895,/. 9- 1969. Welsh (Milton). Missouri, 1884,^. 5. 1970. Welch (J. St. Vincent). Wales, Record ^i^. 1971. Whaling (W. J.). South, 1874,/. 16. 1972. Whiting (CB.). Nevj York State, 1897,/. 8. 1973. Whitlock (J. L.). Northwest, 1884,/. 15. 1974. Williams (Abram). -A^or/Z/we^/, 1886, /. 13 ; 1887, p, 16. 1975- Wood (Richard A.). Newcastle-on-Tyne, i2>g']-^'S>, p. II. 1976. Woodworth (A. J.). New York State, 1877,^. 7; 1878,/. 6. 1977- Wyatt (George W.). Underwriters, 1897. 1978. . New York State, 1898. 1979- Young (Alexander H.). Victoria, \%'$>(i, p. \. Insurance Almanacs^ Directories, Year BookSf etc* 1980. Bloomingston (J. S.): Insurance Knowledge Box for 1880, Containing a Careful Digest of Information Re- lating to Fire, Marine, Life and all other kinds of In- surance Business in the United States and wherever the Business is Carried on throughout the World. Chicago^ 1880, 0.,pp. 222. 1 98 1. Bourne ("William): Bourne's Handy Assurance Manual. London. Established 1889. Containing Sta- tistics Relative to the Financial Position and the Progress of the British Assurance Offices, with other Information. Issue for 1891. 1982. Connecticut: Directory of the Insurance Agents in Connecticut, May, 1895. Hartford., 1895, O., fp, 70. 1983. Currie (Gilbert E.): United States Insurance Almanac. Ne-xv York. Published from 1S56 to 1882, inclusive. Set complete in twenty-six Volumes O. 1984. Directory of Insurance Departments. Names and Addresses of Insurance Commissioners, Superintendents, Auditors, and Supervising Officials having other Titles, their Deputies or Assistants, Examiners, etc. Insurance Press, Vol. V. No. 105,/. 7 (September i, 1897). 1985. Ecclesine (J. B.): American Underwriters' Manual and Insurance Directory for 1862-3. Neiv York., 1862, O. (pagination fragmentary). 96 Insurance Almanacs^ Directories, Year Books, etc. 97 1986. Hayden (H. R.): The Insurance Year Book for 1874. A History of the Fire, Marine, Life and Accident Insurance Business of the United States for 1873, "with Abstracts of Insurance Statutes and Decisions, and other Valuable Statistical, Historical and Chronological Infor- mation Useful to Underwriters and Agents. Hartford^ 1874, 0.,pp. 284. 1987 : Cyclopedia of Insurance in the United States. Hartford. Published annually. Complete in nine Vol- umes D., 1S90 to 1898, inclusive. 198S. Hine (C. C): The Insurance Blue Book. An In- surance Annual, Containing Tabulated Statements of the Condition of the Companies ; Complete Synopses of the Insurance Laws of the Several States ; a Directory of the Agents of the United States; a List of the Compa- nies Incorporated in America ; Information Relative to Insurance Departments, Fire Departments, The National Board, The Chamber of Life Insurance; Matters of Value to Adjusters; Marine and Meteorological infor- mation; Postal Information; Contributions from feiyii- nent Insurance Men; and a Great Variety and Am6«nt of Material, Interesting and Valuable to Underwriters and the Business Community Generally. New York., Sq. ^. Issues for 1874, 1875 and 1876; complete. 1989. Illinois: Insurance Hand Book of the State of Illi- nois. A Complete Compilation of all Statistical Infor- mation Regarding Underwriting Interests in that State. /ndt'ana/>o/is, 1898, S.^ pp. 325. 1990- Indiana: Rough Notes Insurance Directory. In- dianapolis., 1889, S., pp. 102. 199^- Insurance Register; Containing, with other Infor- mation, a Record of the Yearly Progress and the Present Financial Position of British Insurance Associations. London, O. Published annually since 1869. Issues for 1869, 1871, 1872, 1875 to 1878, inclusive; 18S1, 1SS2, 1885 and 1887 to 1898, inclusive. 98 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1993. Insurance Year Book. New York, O. First pub- lished in 1S73 as The Investor' s Guardian and Insur- ance Ahnanac; in 1874 and 1875 as The Insurance Almanac; in 1876 as The hisurance Tear Book a?id Centennial Register ; and in 1877 and annually since as The Insurance Tear Book. Issues from 1873 to 1898, inclusive, except 1S75. 1993. Maine. Directory of Insurance Companies Author- ized to do Business in the State of Maine, with the Licensed Agents thereof and Licensed Brokers, as Re- corded in the Insurance Department. Augusta^ O. Published annually. Issues for 1893 to 1898, inclusive. 1994. . Insurance Laws of the State of Maine. Com- pilations for 1880, 1887, 1 89 1, and 1895. 1995. New York Insurance Directory; also of Brooklyn, Newark, and Jersey City. Nexv Tork, Nar. O., 18S8, fp. 124. 1996. Pacific Coast Insurance Directory^ with Laws and other Information of Interest to the Insurance Profession Sa7i Brattcisco, 1S90, D.^ pp. 1S9. 1997. Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Insurance Directory. Bhiladelphia., 1S92, S.^ pp. 131, 1998. Post Magazine Almanack and Insurance Directory. Londo7t, O. Published annually since 1842. Issues for 1844, 1857, 1858, i860, 1861, 1863, 1871, 1873, 1875 to 1889, inclusive; and 1891 to 1898, inclusive. 1999. Review Almanack. London, B. Published annu- ally from 1 87 2 to 1883, inclusive. Issues for all years ex- cept 1876 and 1S83. 2000. Royal Insurance Company Almanac Liverpool, T. Annual. Issues for 1855 to 1S71, inclusive, except- ing 1856, 1S64, and 1865. Insurance Almanacs, Directories, Year Books, etc 99 300I. South African Red Book. Cape Town, 189S, O., pp. 134. 3003. Southern Insurance Directory. JVew Orleans. Pub- lished annually since 18S7. Issues for 1S87 to 1S9S, inclusive ; complete. 2003. Standard Insurance Directory of Boston and all the Principal Cities and Towns of New En§:Iand. Boston, Nar. S. Published annually since 1S8S. Issues for 18SS to 1898, inclusive; complete. 3004. Walford (Cornelius): The Insurance Year Book. Londo)i^ 1S70, 0.,pp. 153. 2005. Yerkes Insurance Directory of Chicagfo. Published annually. JVar. D. Issues for 1894 ^^ 189S, inclusive. Insurance Commissioners^ Sports 2006. Complete sets of Reports have been collected for only the New England States and New York, but the latest current report will be found on file for Canada, Ontario, and the following States and Territories : Ala- bama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Oklahoma, Penn- sylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, 2007. Connecticut. Insurance Department established 1865. Annual Reports relating to Fire and Marine Companies, complete from 1866 to 1898, inclusive, in twenty-nine Volumes O. The Commissioners, with terms of service, have been : — Benjamin Noyes 1 865-1 871 George S. Miller 1S71-1874 John W. Stedman 1 874-1 880 John W. Brooks 1880- 1883 Ephraim Williams 1 883-1 886 O. R. Fyler 1886-1893 John S. Seymour 1S93- Burton Mansfield 1893-1895 Frederick S. Betts . . . 1895-present incumbent. 2008. Maine. Insurance Department established 1868. Annual Reports relating to Fire, Marine and Life Com- panies, complete from 1869 to 1898, inclusive, in thirty (100) Insurance G>mniissioners' Repdrfs.' loi Volumes O. The Commissioners, with terms of service, have been : — Albert W. Paine 1S68-1873 Joshua Nye 1 873-1 879 William Philbrick 1 879-1 880 Joseph B. Peaks 1880- 1883 Oramandel Smith 1 883-1 884 Frank E. Nye 18S4-1885 Joseph O. Smith 1 885-1 893 Stephen W. Carr .... iS93-present incumbent. 2009. Massachusetts. Abstracts of Returns. By Act of 18 April, 1837, the Secretary of the Commonwealth was required to submit to the Legislature annually an Abstract of the Returns made to his office by Fire and Marine In- surance Companies having a specific capital. In 1843 these Abstracts were enlarged to cover Mutual Companies, and continued so to be made until 1855, when a Board of Insurance Commissioners was established. Abstracts complete from 1837 to 1855 in one Volume O., including one published in 1836, published in accordance with a special order of the Legislature that year. 2010. . Insurance Department established 1855. Or- iginally in charge of three Commissioners, which number was reduced to two in 1859, and to one in 1866. Reports relating to Fire, Marine and Life Companies from 1855 to 1898, inclusive, complete in seventy-nine Volumes O. ; also special volume covering Life Insurance Reports from 1S59 to 1865, inclusive, with an Appendix by Elizur Wright. The Commissioners, with terms of service, have been : — Augustus O. Brewster, Nathaniel K. Allen, Charles L. Putnam . . ''^^55 Nathaniel K. Allen, John Field, Elihu C. Baker 1856 John Field, Elihu C. Baker, George T. Stearns 1S57 I02 Insurance Libi-ary Association of Boston, Elizur Wright, Geo. W. Sargent . 1S5S-1S66 John E. Sanford 1866- 1869 Julius L. Clarke 1 870-1 874 Stephen H. Rhodes 1875-1879 Julius L. Clarke 1879-1883 John K. Tarbox 1 883-1 S87 George S. Merrill 1 887-1 897 Frederick L. Cutting . . 1897-jDresent incumbent. 201 1. National Insurance Convention. Organized 1871 ; composed of Officials having charge of Insurance Matters in the Various States and Territories. Object, to secure uniformity of action and to promote desirable legislation. Reports complete from 1871 to 1898, inclusive (except 1875 to 1 887, v^^hich were never printed) ; fourteen Vol- umes O. 2011a. » " Insurance, A Text-book," being a Compi- lation by William A. Fricke of the Addresses delivered before the Convention at its Meeting in Milwaukee, September, 1898. JVezv Tork., 1S99, Sq. O., pp. 1093. 2012. New Hampshire. Abstracts. By Act 7 July, 1849, the Mutual Fire Insurance Companies of the State were required to make returns to the Secretary of State, who submitted an Abstract of such returns to the Legislature. Abstracts complete for 1850 and 1851, in one Volume O. 2013. . Insurance Department established in 1S52. Originally in charge of three Commissioners, which num- ber was reduced to two in 1864, and to one in 1870. Reports relating to Fire, Marine and Life Companies complete from 1852 to 1898, inclusive, in seventeen Vol- umes O. The Commissioners, with terms of service, have been : — Uri Lamprey, Warren L. Lane, Charles F. Brooks .... 1852-1S53 Uri Lamprey, Warren L. Lane, Timothy Hoskins 1 853-1 854 Insurance Commissioners' Reports. 103 Warren L. Lane, Uri Lamprey, Timothy Hoskins .... Warren L. Lane, Timothy Hoskins John E. Stanyan . . . . . Albert S. Scott, Jacob H. Ela G. W. Conant Albert S. Scott, Jacob H. Ela Lorenzo Day Oliver C. Fisher, Otis F. R. Waite Benjamin M. Colby . . . , C. V. Dearborn, G. W. Conant James Gordon James Gordon, F. S. Greenleaf . F. S. Greenleaf, Joseph Oilman . Joseph Oilman, E. M. Topliff John Felch E. M. Topliff, John Felch . . John Felch, A. B. Wyatt Francis Winch A. B. Wyatt, Francis Winch . . Oliver Fillsbury (died in office) . Henry H. Huse (died in office) . John C. Linehan . . . 1890- 1854-1S55 1S55-1856 1S56-1S57 1857-1859 I 859-1 862 1862-1864 I 864- I 865 1S65-1866 I 866- I 867 I 867-1 868 I 868- I 869 1869-1870 I 8 70- I 888 18S8-1890 present incumbent. 2014. New York State. Abstracts. In 1828 a Statute was passed requiring all " monied corporations" there- after created to file annual statements v\^ith the Comptroller of State. Companies from other States and from other countries were not before 1849 required to make any annual or other statements, except of premiums received ; and it was not until 1864 that all insurance companies — Fire, Marine and Life — were required by law to make and file annual statements of their condition and affairs. Neither were the annual reports of New York State com- panies required to be published in any manner ; they were simply to be entered in a book which was required to be open to public inspection. In 1S73, however, William I04 Insurance Librairy Association of Boston* Barnes published abstracts of all the reports that could be found on file from 1831 to 1859, inclusive, which publication we have complete in two Volumes O., /. //. 1042 ; //. pp. 1204. 2015. , Comptroller's Reports, covering Reports of In- surance Companies for 1855 to 1859, inclusive, in five Volumes O. Also Special Report to the Comptroller of three Insurance Commissioners appointed to examine into the condition and affairs of the Fire Insurance Com- panies in New York and Brooklyn in 1856. One Vol- ume O. 20i6. . Insurance Department established i860. An- nual Reports, covering Fire and Marine Companies, complete from i860 to 1898, inclusive, in forty-two Vol- umes O. The Commissioners, with terms of service, have been : — William Barnes 1S60-1870 George W. Miller 1870-1872 George B. Church 1872-1872 Orlow W. Chapman 1872-1876 William Smyth 1876-1877 John F. Smyth 1 877-1 880 Charles G. Fairman 1880-1883 John A. McCall 1883-1885 Robert A. Maxwell 1 886-1 891 James F. Pierce 1 891-1897 Louis F. Payn .... 1897-present incumbent. 2017. Rhode Island. Abstracts. Insurance matters were placed in charge of three Commissioners in 1856, who made abstracts of the returns of Companies, which ab- stracts were published from 1859 to 1862, inclusive, and which publications we have, in two Volumes O. The Commissioners for that entire period were John R. Bart- lett, William R. Watson, and Samuel A. Parker. Insurance Commissioners' Reports. 105 2018. . Reports. By Act of 1863 the State Auditor is ex officio State Insurance Commissioner. We have Reports relating to Fire and Marine Companies from 1863 to 1898, inclusive, in thirty-seven Volumes O. The Commissioners, with terms of service, have been : — James C. Collins 1863-1868 James M. Spencer 1 868-1 883 Samuel H. Cross 1882-1887 Elisha W. Bucklin 1S87-188S Almon K. Goodw^in 18S8-1889 William C. Townsend 1889-1890 Elisha W. Bucklin 1 890-1 891 Albert C. Landers . . . 1 891 -present incumbent. 2019. Vermont. Insurance interests of this State are in charge of the Secretary of State and the State Treasurer, jointly acting as Insurance Commissioners ex officio. While these officials have so acted since 1852, their first Report was published in 1869; Reports then appeared annually until 1876; no more were published until 1885; since then Reports have been published each year. Re- ports relating to Fire, Marine and Life Companies, 1868 to 1876, inclusive, 1885 to 1898, inclusive; complete in nine Volumes O. The Insurance Commissioners, ex officio^ with their terms of service, have been : — Ferrand F. Merrill, George Howes . 185 2-1 853 Daniel P. Thompson, John A. Page 1 853-1 854 Daniel P. Thompson, Henry M. Bates 1 854-1 855 Charles W. Willard, Henry M. Bates 1855-1857 Benjamin W. Dean, Henry M. Bates 1 857-1 860 Benjamin W. Dean, John B. Page . 1860-1861 George W. Bailey, Jr., John B. Page 1861-1866 George Nichols, John B. Page . . 1866-1883 George Nichols, William H. Du Bois 18S2-18S4 Charles W. Porter, William H. Du Bois 1884-1890 Chauncey W. Brownell, Jr., Henry F. Field 1890-present incumbents. Insurance ^dictionaries 3020. Hare (F. A. C) : Fire Insurance Manual. London, 1886, D.,pp. 259. 2021. Hams (William A.): Technical Dictionary of Fire Insurance ; being a Practical Commentary combined with a Glossary of Terms used in the Principal Manufacturing Industries. London^ 1886, Z>., pp. 344. 2022. : Technological Dictionary of Insurance Chem istry. A Compendium . . . explaining the various risks to be apprehended from Spontaneous Combustion, Oxida- tion, Chemical Affinity, Fermentation, Friction, Expan- sion of Gases, Inflammability of Vapours, Dust Explo- sions, Steam Heating and Drying, Oils, Fibres, Coal, Cotton and Mixed Cargoes, etc., etc. With Actual Cases Showing where Losses have Occurred ; and Miscellaneous Chemical and Physical Information. London^ 1890, Z>., pp. 407. 2023. : Technological Fire Insurance Commentary. London., 1894, D..,pp. 308, 2024. "Walfofd (Cornelius) : Insurance Cyclopedia ; being a Dictionary of the Definition of Terms used in Connec- tion with the Theory and Practice of Insurance in all its Branches ; A Biographical Summary . . . ; A Biblio- graphical Repertory . . . ; An Historical Treasury . . . ; and Containing a Detailed Account of the Rise and Progress of Insurance in Europe and America. London, 1871-1878, O., Vol. /., A-Com, pp. 632; Vol. IL., Com-Equ, //. 640; Vol. ILL., Equ-Fir, pp. 663; Vol. LV., Fir-Fri, pp. 616; Vol. V, Fri-Han, pp. 644. Only five volumes published, owing to death of author in 1885. (106) Insurance Maps, Atlases and Surveys 2025. In its Map Room the Association has 405 separately bound maps, furnished through the courtesy of the San- born-Perris Map Company of New York, and covering 88 towns in Maine, 60 in New Hampshire, 50 in Ver- mont, 127 in Massachusetts, 13 in Rhode Island, and 67 in Connecticut. There are also 20 large bound volumes covering Sanborn-Pen-is maps of the cities of Bridgeport, Brockton, Chelsea, Fall River, Hartford, Haverhill, Holyoke, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, Manchester, New Bedford, New Haven (2 vols.), Pawtucket, Portland, Providence (2 vols.), Springfield, and Worcester. There being a special catalogue in hands of the Librarian of the maps on file, members are referred to that for further information. 2026. Brookline: Atlas of the Town of Brookline, Nor- folk County, Mass. From Actual Surveys and Official Plans by Geo. W. and Walter S. Bromley, Civil Engi- neers. Philadelphia^ 1S93, Sq. J^., 22 plates. 2027. Cambridge: Atlas of the City of Cambridge, Mass. From Actual Surveys and Official Plans by Geo. W. and Walter S. Bromley, Civil Engineers. Philadelphia^ 1894, Sq. F.^ T^2 plates. 202S. Chelsea: Atlas of the City of Chelsea and the Towns of Revere and Winthrop. From Actual Surveys and Official Plans by Geo. W. and Walter S. Bromley, Civil Engineers. Philadelphia, iSSS, Sq. P., iS plates. 0^7^ io8 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2029. Connecticut : Town and City Atlas of the State of Connecticut. Compiled from Government Surveys, Coun- ty Records and Personal Investigations. Bostoji^ 1S93, Sq. F.^pp. 223. 2030. Essex County: Atlas of Essex County, Mass. Com- piled from Recent and Actual Surveys and Records under the Direction of George H. Walker & Co. Boston, 1884, Sq. F.,pp. 178. 2031. Hull; Atlas of the Town of Hull, Plymouth County, and part of the Jerusalem Road, Norfolk County, Mass. From Actual Surveys and Official Plans. Boston, , Sq. F., 16 plates. 2032. Maiden: Atlas of the City of Maiden, Mass. Com- piled from Recent and Actual Surveys and Records and Private Plans of A. F. Sargent, C. E. Boston, 1885, Sq. F.,pp. 151. 2033. Middlesex County: Atlas of Middlesex County, Mass. Compiled from Recent and Actual Surveys under the Direction of Geo. H. Walker & Co. Boston, 1889, Sq. F., pp. 292. 2034. Norfolk County: Atlas of Norfolk County, Mass. Compiled from Official Records, Private Plans and Act- ual Surveys, under the Direction of E. Robinson, New York, 1888, Sq. F., ^6 plates. 2035. Somerville: Atlas of the City of Somerville, Mass. From Actual Surveys and Official Plans by Geo. W. and Walter S. Bromley, Civil Engineers. Philadelphia, 1895, Sq. F., 2'^ plates. 2036. Special Insurance Surveys of Manufacturing: Risks in New England ; containing Diagrams, Isometrical Views, Descriptions of the Property, Occupation and Practical Working Condition, together with all Matters coming under Observation Affecting the Character of Risks ; by C. A. Barlow and J. M. Bancroft, Civil and Mechanical Engineers. Bound in Twenty-four Volumes, Sq. Folio. Insurance Journals^ Magazines and Periodicals ♦♦Indicate that current issues of the magazine are furnished by the courtesy of the publishers. 2037. Accident Insurance. A Monthly Journal devoted to Legitimate Accident Underwriting. Boston; Quarto. First issue April 25, 1S96. Monthly; one volume per year. Vols. I. and II. ; complete.** 203S. Adjuster (The). San Francisco^ Cal.; Octavo. First issue May, 1891. Monthly; two volumes per year, except from May, 1892, to April, 1895, inclusive, when one volume per year was issued. Subsequently these four years were counted as representing two volumes each, but Vols. VI., VII., VIII., IX. and X. were never issued. Vols. I. to XVI. ; complete.** 2039. American Exchange and Review (The). A Journal of Finance, Insurance, Manufactures, Patents, Trade, Commerce, Mining and Railway Intelligence, Art, Joint Stock Corporation Interests, Science, General Information, etc., etc. An Expositor of Social and Economic Science. Philadelphia; Octavo. First issue February, 1862. Monthly; two volumes per year until 1876. Form changed to Sq. Folio with issue for January, 1877, and thereafter one volume issued per year ; at same date scope of journal restricted to insurance. Vols. I. to LII. ; complete.** 2040. American Life Assurance Magazine and Journal of Actuaries. New York; Nar. Octavo. First issue July, 1859. Numbers issued quarterly and making one volume per annum ; publication believed to have been discontinued in 1878. Vols. IV., X., and XIII. to XVII., inclusive. 109 no Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2041. Argus (The). Chicago; Sq. Folio. First issue May 1S71, under name of The Insurance Herald; name changed with issue for May, 1877. Monthly until Janu- ary, 18S8, then fortnightly; one volume per year until end of 1S79; beginning with 1880 two volumes per year. Vols. VII. to XLVII., inclusive.** 3043. Australasian Insurance and Banking Record and Statistical Register (The). A Monthly Journal of Insur- ance, Banking and Finance. Melbourne, Australia; Sq. Quarto. First issue January, 1877. Monthly; one volume per year. Vols. I. to XXII., inclusive. 2043. Avalanche (The). Philadelphia; Quarto. First issue October, 1871. Published for three years, when it was changed to The Observer {q. v.). Monthly; one volume per year; last issue dated December, 1874. Vol. IV. 3044. Baltimore Underwriter (The). A Monthly Journal de- voted to the Diversified Interests of Insurance ; its Pi-inciples and Practice, its Legal Bearings and Decisions, and the Record of its Progress ; and to the discussion of Financial, Economic, and Sanitary Questions, Vital Statistics, etc. Baltimore ; Sq. Quarto. First issue July 15, 1865. Monthly ; one volume per year. Changed to weekly, and two volumes per year, with issue for January, 1873; changed to semi-monthly with issue for January, 1880, and so remains. Vols. V., VIII., XII., XIX., XX., and XXIII. to LX., inclusive.** 2045. Black and White. A Monthly Magazine of Facts for Insurance Policy Investors. Chicago ; Octavo. First issue October 15, 1890. Monthly; two volumes per year. Vols. I. to XVI., inclusive; complete.** 2046. Budget (The). An Insurance Journal. Toro7ito; Quarto. First issue January 15, 1881. Monthly; one volume per year until September, 1893, which was last I Insurance Journals, Magfazines and Periodicals. 1 1 1 number issued, the paper being then merged with another. Continued in form and editorship by The Bulletin {q. v.). Vols. VIII. to XIII., inclusive. 2047. Bulletin (The). An Insurance Journal. Toronto; Quarto. First issue December, 1893. Monthly; one volume per year. Vols. I. to VII., inclusive; complete.** 204S. California Insurance Review and Business Record. San Francisco; Sq. Quarto. First issue 1897.** 3049. Chronicle (The). New York; Sq. Quarto. First issue dated January 4, 1866, at Chicago, and called Bank- ing and Insurance Chronicle; name changed to Insur- ance Oro«zc/e with issue for March 19, 186S; changed to The Chronicle with issue for December 3, 1868. Weekly; two volumes per year; first four volumes Sq. Folio, after which present size established. First issue at New York dated August 15, 1872. Vols. III. to LXII., inclusive.** 2050. Coast Review (The). San Fra?icisco; Octavo. First issued September 15, 1871, as a newspaper in size; changed to Qyiarto with Volume II., and so continued until present size established in April, 1874. Monthly; two volumes per year until 1877, inclusive; one volume per year from 1878 to 1888, inclusive; (Vols. XXIV. to XXXVI., inclusive, never issued) ; two volumes per year from 1889 to 1894, inclusive; one volume per year in 1895 and 1896; two volumes per year in 1897 and 1898. Vols. VI. to LIV., inclusive.** 2051. Echo (The). A Monthly Journal devoted to the In- terests of Fire, Life, Accident, Surety, Marine, Tornado and Steam Boiler Insurance, and Banking, Savings, Trust, Guaranty, Safe Deposit, Indemnity, Mortgage, Investment, Loan and Building Institutions. Philadelphia; Sq. Quarto. First issue September, 1890. Monthly; one 112 Insurance Library Association of Boston. volume per year. Issued for three years, then name changed to The Insurance Advocate (q. v.)^ and place of publication changed to New York. Vol. I. 2052. Flash Ligfhts. A Journal devoted to the Interests of all Classes of Insurance. Atlattta ; Sg. Quarto. First issue February, 1898. Monthly first six months; semi- monthly since. Two volumes per year.** 2053. Fraternal Monitor (The). Rochester, N. T. ; Sg. Folio. First issue August i, 1890. Monthly; one volume per year. Vols. I., II., and V. to VIII., inclusive.** 2054. Guardian (The). In the Interest of the People Against Monopoly. Boston; Sq. Quarto. First issue June 15, 1883. Semi-monthly; two volumes per year. Vols. II. to VII., inclusive; X. to XIV., inclusive; XVII., XXVIII., XXIX., XXX., XXXVII. to XLV., inclusive.** 2055. Index (The). An International Review of Insur- ance, Trade and Finance. London; Sq. Quarto. First issue (Second Series), April, 1885. Monthly; one vol- ume per year. Vols. V., VI., VII., IX. to XIII., inclusive.** 2056. Indicator and National Journal of Insurance (The). A Monthly Journal Published in the Interests of the In- surance Business. Detroit, Mich.; Sq. Folio. First issue May, 18S2. Monthly until end of 1893; after that semi-monthly. One volume per year until end of 1892; two volumes per year beginning with 1893. Called The Indicator until end of 1896, after which present name adopted. Vols. I. to XXIII., inclusive; complete.** 2057. Insurance. New Tork ; Folio. First issue October, 1883. Weekly; two volumes per year. Vols. II. to XXIX., inclusive. Insurance Journals, Magazines and Periodicals. 113 2058. Insurance Advocate (The). Philadelphia and New York; Folio. First issue January, 1S93. Monthly ; one volume per year. Begins with Vol. IV., continuing the volume enumeration of The Insurance Echo., which this paper succeeded. Vols. IV. to IX., inclusive; com- plete.** 2059. Insurance Age. A Monthly Journal devoted to the Interests of Insurance in all its Branches, the Cultivation of the Arts and Sciences, and Common-Sense Fireside Literature. New York; Sq. Quarto. First issue March, 1873. Monthly; one volume per year. Vols. I. to XXVI., inclusive.** 2060. Insurance and CDmmercial Magazine. New York ; Octavo. First issue, April, 1876, under name of In- surance Agents'" and Brokers' Magazine., and so continued until August, 1877, inclusive. Present name adopted with issue for September, 1877. Monthly; two volumes per year. Vols. I. to XLV., inclusive; com- plete.** 2061. Insurance Critic (The). A Journal devoted to the Interests of .Sound and Legitimate Insurance. New York ; Sq. Quarto. First issue December, 1874, at Chicago, where publication was continued until end of 1879; first issue at New York, January, 1880. Monthly; two vol- umes per year until end of 1876; one volume per year thereafter. Vols. I., II., and V., to XXVI., in- clusive.** 2062. Insurance Economist (The). Represents Sound Eco- nomical Natural Premium Life Assurance divested of all Speculative Features. 'New York; Sq. Quarto. Estab- lished September, 1884, under name of Our Society Journal; first issue under present name April, 1892. Monthly; one volume per year. Vols. XX., XXI. and XXII.** 114 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2063. Insurance and Finance Chronicle. Montreal; Quarto. First issue January 15, 1881, under the name of Insurance Society^ which continued until end of 18S5. In January, 1886, the name was changed to Insurance Society and Finance Chronicle^ and in February, 1886, to present name. Monthly ; one volume per year. Vols. I. to XVIII., inclusive; complete.** 2064. Insurance Herald (The). Published in the Interest of all Insurance. Louisville ; Folio. First issue, May, 18S8. Monthly, until April, 1891, inclusive; weekly beginning with issue for May 7, 1891. One volume per year until end of 1892 ; thereafter two volumes per year. Vols. I. to XVII., inclusive. 2065. Insurance Index (The). Boston; Sq. Quarto. First issue January, 1872, at Cincinnati; changed to The /«c/e;c with issue for March, 1873 ; removed to Boston with issue for June, 1873. Monthly; one volume per year. Last number issued August, 1882 ; continued thereafter as The Standard (q. v.). Vols. II. to XL, inclusive. 3066. Insurance Intelligencer. Devoted to Insurance, Com- merce, Finance, Science and General Miscellany. Phila- delphia; Sq. Quarto. First issue January 31, 1857; semi-monthly until January 15, 1858, inclusive; after that monthly until end of 1858; then semi-monthly until end of 1859; then monthly during i860; and weekly during 1861. One volume per year. Vols. I. to V., inclusive. 3067. Insurance Journal (The). A Review of the Insur- ance Business. Hartford; Sq. ^Jiarto. First issue January, 1873. Monthly. Size changed with issue for February, 1880, to Octavo and so continued until January, 1895, inclusive. With issue for February, 1895, size changed back to Sq. Quarto and publication made semi- monthly ; and with issue for January 7, 1896, publication made weekly, and so continues. One volume per year, Insurance Journals, Magazines and Periodicals. 1 1 5 except 1S84 and 1S95, in each of which two vokimes were issued. Vols. I. to XXVIII., inckisive ; complete.** 2068. Insurance and Real Estate Journal. New York; Polio, First issue July, 1S62. Weekly; two volumes per year. Published until end of 1885, when name changed to New York Insurance Journal (q. v.). Vols. V. to X., inclusive; and XIII. to XXIV., inclusive; all except VI. and XVI. more or less incomplete. 2069. Insurance Law Journal. New York; Octavo. First issue September, 1871. All issues since on file. For more particular description, see Law. 2070. Insurance Magazine (The). Kansas City. Begun as The Insurance and Investors Magazine^ in 1891. Sq. Folio. Monthly ; two volumes per year. Vols. IV. to VII., inclusive; and XV.** 2071. Insurance Monitor and Wall Street Review (The). Ne%v York; Sq. ^tiarto. First issue March, 1853. Wall Street Review appears as part of the title for the last time with issue for May, 1869. Monthly; one vol- ume per year. Vols. XIII. to XLVIIL, inclusive.** 2072. Insurance News (The). Philadelphia; Sq. Quarto. First issue in 18S3. Monthly; one volume per year. Vols. III. to X., inclusive (except IV. and V., which were never published) ; XIV. to XVIII., inclusive, and XX.** 2073. Insurance Opinion. An Epitome of the Insurance Press. New York ; Sq. Quarto. First issue June, 1894. Monthly; two volumes per year. Vols. I. to IV., in- clusive. 2074. Insurance Post (The). Advocating and Advertising only Sound Insurance. Chicago; Sq. Polio. First issue January 16, 1892. Semi-monthly; two volumes per year. Vols. I. to XIV., inclusive; complete.** ii6 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2075. Insurance Press (The). A Newspaper for Insurers and Insured. New Tork ; Sq. Folio. First issue Sep- tember II, 1895. Weekly; two volumes per year. Vols. I. to VII., inclusive; complete.** 2076. Insurance Radiator (The). Sq. Folio. First issued at New Orleans January 10, 1 89 1, as a weekly, and so con- tinued for six months, concluding Vol. I. ; then issued as a semi-monthly for remainder of 1891 and all of 1892; and as a monthly thereafter. With January, 1894, re- moved to Dallas, Texas, and published there up to April, 1896, which number was published at Atlanta, Ga. Pub- lication made thei-e until September, 1896, when office was changed to New York. Publication made there until February, 1898, when removed to Kansas City, Mo. Vols. I. to XIII., all more or less incomplete, except X., XI. and XII.** 2077. Insurance Register. A Weekly Review of Insurance. Philadelphia; Sq. Quarto. First issue February, 1S95. Monthly until July 21, 189S; weekly beginning with issue for July 28, 1898 ; one volume per year. Vols. I. to IV., inclusive ; complete.** 2078. Insurance Report. De7zver^ Colo.; Folio. First issue January 15, 1897. Weekly; one volume per year. Vols. I. and II. ; complete.** 2079. Insurance Sun (The). San Francisco; Quarto. Established 1S92. Monthly; one volume per year. Vol. IX.** 2080. Insurance Times (The). -N'eiu Tork; Quarto. First issue January, 1868. Monthly; one volume per year. Vols. I. to XXXI., inclusive; complete.** 20S1. Insurance Topics. An Advocate of all Legitimate Insurance Interests. Boston; Sq. Folio. First issue January, 1899.** Insurance Joornals, Magazines and Periodicals. 1 1 7 20S3. Insurance World. Pittsburgh; Quarto. First issue May 1=^, 1874, at Philadelphia, and publication continued there until October of that year. First issue at Pittsburgh November, 1874. Monthly ; one volume per year. Vols. I. to XXV.** 2083. Interview (The). An Insurance Examiner. New Tork; Sq. Folio. Established 1895. Fortnightly; two volumes per year. Vol. VIII.** 2084. Investigator (The). Hew to the Line, Let the Chips Fall where they May. Chicago; Sq. Folio. First issue June, 1874. Monthly until end of 1880; weekly begin- ning with issue for January S, iSSi ; two volumes per year until end of 1876; one volume per year thereafter. Portions of all volumes except I., VII. and IX. ; com- plete Volumes XVI. to XX., inclusive; XXII. ; and XXIV. to XXVII., inclusive. 2085. Mariner (The). An International Review of Ship- ping, Marine Insurance and Kindred Subjects. London; Sq. Quarto. First issue September 16, 18S9. Monthly; two volumes per year. Vols. I. and II. 2086. Mutual Underwriter. In the Interests of Assessment Insurance. Rochester, N. T. ; Sq. Folio. First issue of New Series April 15, 1889. Originally established in 1881 at Green Spring, Ohio, as a fire insurance paper, and so conducted until removed to Rochester, when changed to a life insurance publication. Monthly ; one volume per year. Vols. VIII., IX., and XL to XVIII. , inclusive.** 2087. New England Insurance Gazette and Monthly Fi- nancial Record. Boston; Sq. Quarto. First issue May, 1862. Monthly; one volume per year. Last issue made in 1874 or 1875. Odd numbers of Vols. L, IV., V., VI., VIL, XL, XII. and XIII. iiS Insurance Library Association of Boston. 20SS. New York Insurance Journal (The). New York; Sq. Quarto. First issue January, 18S6, continuing The Insurance and Real Estate yournal {q. v.). Semi- monthly; one volume per year. Vols, for 1895 and 1896.** 2089. Ohio Underwriter (The). An Insurance News- paper. Cincinfiati ; Folio. Established 1897. Fort- nightly; one volume per year.** 2090. Pacific Underwriter (The). A Publication devoted to the Interests of Insurance. San Francisco ; Sq. Quarto. First issue April, 1887. Monthly until end of that year ; fortnightly beginning with issue for January, 1888; one volume per year. Vols. II. to XII., inclusive.** 2091. Philadelphia Intelligfcncer. Philadelphia; Folio. Established in 1S57 as The Insurance Intelligencer {q. v.). Monthly; one volume per year.** 2092. Post Magazine and Insurance Monitor. Chiefly de- voted to the Discussion of Topics Connected with the Principles and Practice of Life Assurance. London; Sq. Quarto. Established 1840. Weekly; one volume per year. Vols. XXIII., XXVI. and XXVIII. 2093. Record and National Advocate of Insurance (The). New York ; Sq. Folio. Established 1S79. Monthly ; one volume per year. Vols. XIII. ; and XVI. to XX., in- clusive. 2094. Review (The). London; Folio. First issue Septem- ber, 1869. Monthly; one volume per year. Vols. I. to XV., inclusive; XVIL, XXI. and XXII. 2095. Review (The). A Commercial, Insurance and Lit- erary Journal. New York; Sq. Folio. First issue May 30, 1878. Weekly; two volumes per year. Vols. I. to v., inclusive; VII. ; and IX. to XXXIV., inclusive. Insurance Journals, Magazines and Periodicals. 1 1 9 2096. Rough Notes. A Journal devoted to Insurance and the Industries. India7iapolis ; Sq. Folio. First issue No- vember 10, 187S. Monthly until October, 1896; weekly, beginning with issue for November 14, 1896. Issued as Indianapolis Rough Notes until November, 1880, inclu- sive ; name changed to The Rough Notes with issue for December, 1880; became Rough Notes with issue for November, 1886. One volume per year until October, 1896; after that two volumes per year. Vols. I. to XXII.; complete.** 2097. Searchlight (The). A Monthly Journal of Insur- ance and Finance. London; Sq. Folio. First issue De- cember, 1898.** 2098. Spectator (The). An American Weekly Review of Insurance. New Tork; Sq. Folio. First issued at Chicago, January, 1868; New York and Chicago with issue for July, 1869 ; New York with issue for April 30, 1885. Monthly until November, 1880, inclusive ; weekly beginning with issue for December 9, 18S0. One vol- ume in 1868; two volumes per year thereafter. Vols. I. to LXI. ; complete. (Current issues furnished by a member. ) 2099. Standard (The). A Weekly Insurance Newspaper. Boston ; Sq. Quarto. First issue September, 1882, con- tinuing The Index, of which eleven volumes had been issued. Monthly until end of 1882; weekly beginning with issue for January 6, 1S83. Two volumes per year. Vols. XII. to XLIII. ; complete.** 2100. Surveyor (The). A fortnightly Insurance Journal. New 2'ork ; Sq. Folio. First issue September 17, 1892. Weekly until September 9, 1893, inclusive; fortnightly beginning with issue for September 21^, 1S93. Two volumes per year. Vols. I. to XII., inclusive; com- plete.** I20 Insurance Library Association of Boston* 3101. Thrift. An Advocate of Mutual Benefit, Fraternal and Accident Insurance, and Building Associations. New Tork; Sq. Quarto. First issue March, 1894. Monthly; two volumes per year. Vols. I. to X., inclusive ; com- plete.** 2102. Tuckett's Monthly Insurance Journal, Health, and Friendly Societies' Monitor. A Scientific, Independent, and General Record. Philadelphia ; Folio. First issue January 15, 1852; published until end of 1861, when succeeded by The Com?nercial and hisnrance Journal., which was discontinued in 1S63. Monthly; one volume per year. Vol. I., complete, and odd numbers of Vols. II., III. and IV. 2103. Underwriter (The). A Monthly Journal devoted to Insurance. Established 1S69 as The Philadelphia Un- derwriter. Philadelphia; Sq. ^7iarto. One volume per year. Vols. XL, XIL, XIII. and XV. 2104. Underwriter's Review (The). Fire, Life, Accident and Casualty Insurance. Des Moines., Iowa; Folio. Es- tablished 1893. Originally monthly; changed to semi- monthly ; one volvune per year.** 2^05. United States Insurance Gazette and Magazine of Useful Knowledge. New Tork; Octavo. First issue May, 1S55, previous to which it had been published for about one year as a weekly newspaper. Monthly ; two volumes per year. Vols. I. to XIX., inclusive; XXII. to XLL, inclusive; XLIX. and L. Last issue supposed to have appeared in 1882. Also Index to first forty-three volumes in one volume. 2106. United States Review (The). A Weekly Journal of Insurance. First issue July 15, 1S6S, under name of Northwestern Review., at Chicago ; removed to Phila- delphia and present name adopted in 1875. Originally a Qiiarto, published semi-monthly; in January, 1S73, changed to a weekly ; subsequently changed to Octavo form and published monthly. Present form Folio, issued Insurance Journals, Magazines and Periodicals. 1 2 1 weekly; two volumes per year. Vols. XV., XXI., XXIlf. to XXVIL, inclusive; XXXI., XXXIII. to LXIX., inclusive.** 3107. Views. Devoted to Insurance Interests and the Public Welfare. Washington^ D. C. ; Sq. Quarto. First issue February, 1SS9. Monthly; one volume per year. Vols. I. to X., inclusive; complete.** 2108. Vigilant (The). A Journal devoted exclusively to Insurance. New Tork ; Folio. First issue November, 1893. Monthly; two volumes per year. Vols. X. and XI.** 2109. Vindicator (The). A semi-monthly Insurance Journal. First issue September i, 1883, at Atlanta, Ga. ; removed to New Orleans May i, 1884. Sq. Quarto. Monthly until March, 1891 ; semi-monthly beginning with April, 1 89 1. Volume issues irregular up to end of 1S93; ^fter that two volumes per year. Vols. IV. to XXII., inclusive.** 21 10. "Weekly Underwriter (The). An Insurance Newspa- per. Ne-M Tork ; Sq. Quarto. Established 1859 as The Wall Street Underwriter and General Stock Register, which was originally a weekly, and changed to monthly in April, 1861. Name changed in 1868 to New Tork Underwriter and General Stock Register., and so con- tinued until December, 1878, when name became The New Tork Underwriter ; present name adopted Jan- uary, 1880, Monthly; one volume per year until 1878, inclusive ; after that two volumes per year. Vols. XX. to LIX., inclusive. Current numbers furnished by a member. 211 1. Western Insurance Review. A Journal Published in the Interest of Life, Fire and Marine Insurance. St. Louis^ Mo.; Sq. Quarto. First issue September, 1867; enlarged to Folio with issue for October, 1878. Monthly ; one volume per year. Vols. VIII., and X. to XXXI., inclusive.** Law of Fire Insurance (Including other branches ivhen Treated of in same Books) 21 12. An^ell (Joseph K.): A Treatise on the Law of Fire and Life Insurance, with an Appendix containing Forms, Tables, etc. Second edition. ^oj-/o«, 1855, O., //. 644. 21 13. Barber ("William): Principles of Insurance Adopted in the Civil Code of the State of California, with Notes and References to Adjudged Cases. San JFrancisco^ 1882, r.,;j/. 435. 21 14. Beach (Charles Fisk, Jr.): Commentaries on the Law of Insurance, including Life, Fire, Marine, Acci- dent, and Casualty and Guaranty Insurance in every Form, as Determined by the Courts and Statutes of Eng- land and the United States. Boston^ 1S95, O., Vol. I. pp. 606 ; Vol. II. pp. 944. 21 15. Beaumont (George D. B.)i Law of Fire and Life Insurance, with the Latest Decisions and an Appendix containing Tables for Three Lives, Tables for Benefit Clubs, and other Practical Rules and Tables. Second edition. London^ 1846, O., pp. go. 21 16. Beawes (Wyndham): Lex Mercatoria, or a Com- plete Code of Commercial Law ; being a General Guide to all Men in Business, whether as Traders, Remitters, Owners, Freighters, Captains, Insurers, Brokers, Factors, Supercargoes, or Agents, with an Account of our Mercan- tile Companies ; of our Colonies and Factories abroad ; of our Commercial Treaties with Foreign Powers, etc., etc. Sixth edition. London, 1813, J^., Vol. I. pp. 757; Vol. II. pp. 446. (122) Law of Fire Insurance. 123 21 17. Bennett (Edmund H.): Fire Insurance Cases ; being a Collection of all the Reported Cases on Fire Insurance in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, Chronologically Ar- ranged, with Notes and References. New York^ i875? O., Vol. /., 1729 to 1839,//. 804; Vol. II., 1840 to 1848,//. 848; Vol. Ill, 1849 to 1854,//. 844; Vol. IV., 1855 to 1864,;^/. 855; Vol. v., 1865 to 1875,//. 865. Indexed with the first twenty volumes of the Insur- ance Law Journal, 1893. 21 18. Berryman (J. R.): Digest of the Law of Insurance; being an Analysis of Fire, Marine, Life and Accident Insurance Cases ; including Cases Relating to Insurance in Mutual Benefit Societies. In continuation of Sansum's Insurance Digest. Chicago, 18S8, ^., pp. 1754- 21 19. Riddle (Arthur): A Treatise on the Law of Insur- ance, including Fire, Life, Accident, Guarantee and other Non-marine Risks, with Reference to the Decisions in the United States, England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, and the other British Provinces. Philadelphia^ 1893, O., Vol. I. pp. 649 ; Vol. II. pp. 764. 2120. Bi^elow (Melville M,): Reports of all the Published Life and Accident Insurance Cases Determined in the American Courts prior to January, 1871, with Notes to English Cases. New York, Octavo, Vol. I., \%']\,pp. 799; Vol. II., iS^z,pp. 800; Vol. Ill, 1874,//. 879; Vol. IV., 1875, //. 736; Vol. v., 1876, pp. 800. Indexed with the first twenty volumes of Insurance Law your7ial, 1893. 2121. Bliss (George): The Law of Life Insurance, with a Chapter on Accident Insurance. Second edition. New York, 1874, 0.,pp. 793. 2122. Blodget (A* O: Law of the Fire Insurance Con- tract. Detroit, 1886, 0.,pp. 112. (Not completed.) 124 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2123. Boston. Special Statutes Relating to the City, to- gether with the Provisions of the Public Statutes Refer- ring especially to Boston, Collected and Arranged by Ed- ward P. Nettleton. Boston, 1S85, O., pp. 41S. 2124. , Revised Ordinances of 1SS5. O.,//. 275. 2125. . Revised Ordinances of 1S90. O., pp. 210. 2126. Bouvier (John): Law Dictionary, adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America, with References to Foreign Law. Fifteenth edition. Philadelphia, 1888, O., Vol. I. pp. 841; Vol. II. pp. 857. 2137. Bunyon (C J.): The Law of Fire Insurance. Third edition. Lo?idon, 1885, O., //. 379. 2 1 28. Chamberlin (Franklin): American Commercial Law for Business Men Relating to Every Kind of Business, with Full Instructions and Practical Forms Adapted to all the States of the Union. Hartford, 1S73, O., pp. 997. 2129. Qement (George A.): Digest of Fire Insurance De- cisions in the Courts of the United States, Great Britain and Canada, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, with References to Statutory Provisions, and including the New York Standard Form of Fire Insurance Contract, annotated, and other Standard Forms. New York, 1893, O., pp. 690. 2130. Cooke (Frederick H.): The Law of Life Insurance, including Accident Insurance and Insurance by Mutual Benefit Societies. New Tork^ 1891, O., pp. 331. 213 1. Craig' (A.): Insurance Questions of Special Interest to the Legal Profession. Glasgow, Third Series, p. 205. 2133. Dawson (Miles Menander): Principles of Insurance Legislation. Ncxv York, 1897, D.,pp. 139. Law of Fire Insurance. 125 2133. Dixon (Francis B): A Treatise on the Law of Svib- rogation, with Full References to the Civil Law. Phila- delphia, 1863, 0.,fp. 1S8. 2134. Elliott (Charles B.): An Outline of the Law of In- surance, with Illustrative Cases. Second edition. 6"/. Paul, 1896, 0.,pp. 1S7 and 251. 2135. Ellis (Charles): The Law of Fire and Life Insurance, with Practical Observations. Second edition. Part L, Law of Fire Insurance; Part II., Law of Life Insurance. Burlington, Vertnont, 1854, O.,//. 326. 2136. Evans (William): A Treatise upon the Law of Prin- cipal and Agent in Contract and Tort. Edited and An- notated by Marshall D. Ewell. Chicago, 1S79, O., pp. 720. 2137. Fairman (Charles G.): General Insurance Statutes of the State of New York, including Alterations and Amendments to the Close of the Session of the Legis- lature of 1886, and such of the General Statutes of the State Relating to Corporations and Joint Stock Compa- nies as are Applicable to Insurance Companies, Refer- ences to Judicial Decisions, Explanatory Notes, and a Table of Statutes and an Index. Albatiy, N. T., 1888, 0.,pp. 319. 2138. Finch (John A.): Digest of Insurance Cases, Em- bracing the Decisions of the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States ; of the Supreme and Appellate Courts of the various States and Foreign Countries, upon Disputed Points in Fire, Life, Marine, Accident and Assessment Insurance, and Affecting Fraternal Benefit Orders. Indianapolis. Annual Volumes, 1888 to 1897, inclusive, O. ; complete. 2139. Fox (Fontaine T., Jr.): A Treatise on Warranty in the Fire Insurance Contract. Chicago, 1883, O., pp. 268. 126 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2140. Flanders (Henry): A Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance. Second edition. Philadelphia^ 1S74, O., pp. 668. 2141. Fowler (J* A.): Pennsylvania Insurance Digest. Compiled and Annotated by the Editor of the A?nerican Exchange and Review. Philadelphia, 1868, Nar. O., pp. 74. 2142. Hammond (Elisha): A Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance and Insurance on Inland Waters. In two Parts, with an Appendix of Forms. New Tork, 1840, 0.,pp. 182. 2143. Hine (C. C): Enactments of the Several States Re- garding Insurance Directly, the Laws Concerning Arson and Incendiarism, Embezzlement, Fire Patrol Organiza- tions, Inquests for the Origin of Fires, and the General Constitutional and Statutory Provisions Bearing upon Insurance Corporations, and Cognate Subjects. New York, 1876, 0.,pp. 880. 2144. and Nichols (W. S.) : New Digest of Insur- ance Decisions, Fire and Marine, together with an Ab- stract of the Law of each Important Point in Fire and Marine Insurance ; the whole being intended as a Com- plete Handbook of the Law as Established by the most Recent Adjudications in the Courts of this Country and Great Britain. New York, 1882, 0.,pp. 803. 2145. Holt (Charles M«): A Treatise on the Insurance Law of Canada, Embracing Fire, Life, Accident, Guar- antee, Mutual Benefit, etc., with an Analysis of the Jurisprudence and of the Statute Law of the Dominion. Montreal, 189S, O., pp. 878. 2146. Hughes (David): A Treatise on the Law Relating to Insurance. In three Parts : Maritime Insurance, Insur- ance on Lives, Insurance Against Fire. Lo7idon, 1S2S, O.,//. 603. Law of Fire Insurance* 127 2147. Hughes (B. F.): Law of Insurance. Published se- rially in the Insurance Register^ beginning with Vol. L p. 201, September, 1895, and in progress at time of issue of this Catalogue. 2148. Insurance Journal: Statutory Requirements Relating to Insurance in the United States and Canada. Hartford^ 1888, 0.,pp. 130. 2149. Insurance Law Journal: Reports of Decisions Ren- dered in Insurance Cases in the Federal Courts and in the State Supreme Courts. Published monthly and bound in annual volumes. Neiu Tork, Octavo^ Vols. I. (1872) to XX. (1891), inclusive, completing the first or old series. 2150. . Digest Index, Covering First Twenty Volumes of the Insurance Law Journal ; Five Volumes of Bennett's Fire Insurance Cases; and Five Volumes of Bigelow's Life and Accident Insurance Reports. Ne-w Tork^ 1893, 0.,pp. 254. 2 15 1. . Netu Series, Vols. XXI. (1S92) to XXVII. (1S9S), and monthly issues for 1S99 on file. 2152. Insurance Monitor: Laws of the Several States in Regard to Insurance Companies from other States and Countries, also the Address of the Insurance Commis- sioner, or other Official, Specially Charged with the Execution of the Insurance Laws in each State, and the names and Population of the Principal Towns in each State. New York, 1874, 0.,pp. 142. 2153- Joyce (Joseph A,): A Treatise on Marine, Fire, Life, Accident and all other Insurances, including Mutual Bene- fit Societies, covering also General Average and so far as applicable Rights, Remedies, Pleading, Practice and Evi- dence. San Fra7icisco, 1897, ^'i Vol. I. pp. 1-885; Vol. II. pp. 886-1938; Vol. III. pp. 1 939-2911; Vol. IV. pp. 2912-3963. 128 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2154. Kirkwood (Anderson): Two Lectures on Insurance and Insurance Law. Glasgow^ i874i Nar. O., pp. 46. 2155. Littleton (R A.) and Blatchley (J. S.): Digest of Fire Insurance Decisions in the Courts of Great Britain and North America. First edition. Dubuque^ 1862, O., tP- 515- 2156. : Digest of Fire Insurance Decisions in the Courts of Great Britain and North America, with the Additional Notes to the second edition by Stephen G. Clarke. Third edition by Clement Bates. New Tork^ 1S73, O.^PP- 795- 2157. : Digest of Fire Insurance Decisions in the Courts of the United States, Great Britain and Canada, being a Supplement or Continuation of the Third and Last Edition of Littleton and Blatchley, Clarke and Bates' Digest from 1872 to 1882 by George A. Clement. Ne-w York, 1882, O., //. 462. 2158. Massachusetts Public Statutes. Enacted November 19, 1 88 1, to take effect February i, 1882, with the Con- stitutions of the United States and the Commonwealth, a Schedule of Acts and Resolves and parts of Acts and Resolves Expressly Repealed, Tables Showing the Dis- position of the General Statutes and of Statutes Passed since the General Statutes, Glossary and Index. Boston^ 1886, ^.,pp. 1297; and Index,//. 559. 2159. Massachusetts. Laws Relating to Insurance and In- surance Companies. Boston; O. Compilations for 1867, 1889, 1 89 1,. 1894, 1896. 2160. May (John W.): The Law of Insurance as Applied to Fire, Life, Accident, Guarantee and other Non-mari- time Risks. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Bos- ton, 1882, 0.,pp.^2>?>- Law of Fire Insurance* 129 2 1 61. May (John W.) : The Law of Insurance as Applied to Fire, Life, Accident, Guarantee and other Non-mari- time Risks. Third edition, revised by Frank Parsons. Boston^ 1S91, O., Vol. I. pp. 1-701 ; Vol. II. pp. 703- 146 1. 2163. Morrell (Charles F.): A Popular Statement of the Law of Insurance, Fire, Life, Accident and Marine, to- gether with the Requirements of Fire Offices in Cases where the Electric Light is used, including Practical Directions to Persons Desirous of Becoming Insured, and References to Important Legal Decisions. London., 1S86, D.,pp. 175. 2163. New Hampshire. Insurance Laws and Standard Form of Policy, and Rules accompanying the same. Concord., 1892, O.^ pp. 37. 2164. Ostrander (D.)t Law of Fire Insurance, with an Analytical Discussion of Recent Cases. Chicago., 1S92, 0.,pp. 670. 2165. • A Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance, with a Philosophical and Analytical Discussion of Leading Cases. Second edition. St. Paul., 1897, O.^ pp. 886. 2166. Parsons (Theophilus): Laws of Business for Busi- ness Men in all the States of the Union, with Forms for Mercantile Instruments, Leases, Wills, etc. Boston^ 1857, 0.,pp. 504. 2167. : The Law of Contracts, with Additions by William V. Kellen. Seventh edition. Boston, 1S83, O., Vol. I. pp. 654 ; Vol. II. pp. 945 ; Vol. III. pp. 732. 2168. Pennsylvania, Insurance Laws of. Harrishui-gh., 1891, O., //. 60. 2169. Phillips (Willard): A Treatise on the Law of Insur- ance. Fifth edition. New York, 1867, O., Vol. I. pp. 708 ; Vol. II. pp. 744. i^o Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2170. Porter (James Bigfgfs): The Laws of Insurance, Fire, Life, Accident and Guarantee, embodying Cases in the English, Scotch, Irish, American and Canadian Courts. Assisted by William Feilden Craies. London^ 1S87, Nar. O., pp. 534. 2171. Richards (George): A Treatise on the Law of Insur- ance, Fire, Life, Accident and Marine, with a Selection of Leading Illustrative Cases, and an Appendix of Stat- utes and Forms, JVew Tbrk, 1892, 0.,pp. 603. 2172. Sansum (Oliver B.): Digest of the Law of Insur- ance ; being an Analysis of Fire, Marine, Life, and Accident Insurance Cases Adjudicated in the Courts of England, Scotland, United States of America, and Can- ada, commencing with the Earliest Reported Adjudica- tions, and Continued to the Present Time. Chicago^ 1881, ^.,pp. 1583. 2173. Sharpstein (John R.): Digest of Life Insurance, American, English, Scotch and Irish Reports. San Francisco., 1872, O.^^pp. 286. 2174. Sheldon (Henry N.): The Law of Subrogation. Boston, 1883, 0.,pp. 327. 2175. Stimpson (F. J.): An Analytical and Compared Digest of the Constitutions and Civil Public Statutes of all the States and Territories Relating to Persons and Property, in Force January i, 1S86. Boston, 1886, <^., pp. 779; with Supplement, iSSS, pp. 122. 2176. Vermont General Laws on Insurance. Burlington., 1893, 0.,pp. 12. 2177. Watt (Alexander): Fire Insurance, Practical Notes on Leading Cases. Glasgow, Fourth Series, p. 75. 3178. "Wolford (George): General and Public Statute Laws of the Several States of the United States Relating to Fire, Inland Navigation, Marine, Life, and Health and Law of Fire Insurance. 131 Casualty Insurance Corporations, and Miscellaneous Laws Pertaining to Insurance. Albany, 1870, O.,/^. 931. 2179. Wolford (George): Supplement to the General and Public Statute Laws, etc., with Appendix. Alba?iy, 1873, O., pp. 33S. 2 1 So. "Wood (H. C.): A Treatise on the Law of Fire Insur- ance Adapted to the Present State of the Law, English and American, with Copious Notes and Illustrations. New York, 1S86, O., Vol. I. pp. 1-75 1 ; Vol. II. pp. 753-1419- Marine Law and Practice 2181 . Abbott (Charles): A Treatise of the Law Relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen. In four Parts, enlarged with an Addenda Relative to some Laws and Customs of the United States. Philadelphia^ 1802, Nar. O., pp. 343. 2182. : A Treatise of the Law Relative to Merchant Ships and Seamen. In five Parts. By Charles, Lord Tenterden. The eighth edition, by William Shee. The sixth American edition, with the Notes of Mr. Justice Story, and Additional Annotations by J. C. Perkins. Boston., 1850, O., pp. 1008. 2183. Allen (J. J.): Salvage. Wales, Record 1%. 2184. Anderson (James): The Influence of some Modern Innovations upon the Business of Marine Underwriting. Wales., Record 34. 2185. : A Qiiestion as to Whether, under Certain Cir- cumstances, a Marine Policy would Cover Disbursements. Wales., Record 35. 2186. : The Reform of General Average. Wales., Record 64. 2187. Annesley (Alexander): A Compendium of the Law of Marine Insurance, Bottomry, Insurance on Lives, and of Insurance Against Fire, in which the Mode of Cal- culating Averages is Defined and Illustrated by Examples. London., 1808, O., pp. ic)^. 2188. Arnould (Joseph): A Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance and Average, with References to the American (132) Marine Law and Practice. i33 Cases and the Later Continental Authorities, with Annota- tions by J. C. Perkins. Second edition. Bosto?i, 1850, Vol I. pp. 1-7 s^; Vol. II. pp. 753-1515- 2189. Arnoold (Joseph) : A Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance and Average, with References to American Cases and the Later Continental Authorities. London., 1849, O., Vol. I. pp. 1-750; Vol. II. pp. 753-1502. 2190. Azoni (M. D. A.): The Maritime Law of Europe. Translated from the French by William Johnson. New York, 1806, O., Vol. I. pp. 424; Vol. II. pp. 430. 2 19 1. Bonney (Charles G.)j A Summary of the Law of Marine, Fire and Life Insurance, with Practical Forms, Modern Cases and Computing Rules, designed for the Guidance of Insurance Companies and the Convenience of the Legal Profession. Chicago., 1S65, O., pp. 273. 2192. Bray (Arthur): Lloyds. Birmingham, 1893-4 (not paged). 2193. Burn (J. I.): A Practical Treatise or Compendium of the Law of Marine Insurances. London., iSoi, 6*., pp. 235- 2194. Qark (P. J.): A Few Remarks on General Average. Wales., Record 1 1 . 2195. Crump (F. Octavlus): Principles of the Law Relating to Marine Insurance and General Average in England and America, with Occasional References to French and German Law. London., 1S75, Nar. J^., pp. 340. 2196. Curtis (George Ticknor): A Digest of Cases Adjudi- cated in the Courts of Admiralty of the United States and in the High Court of Admiralty in England. Bos- ton., 1839, O., pp. 56S. 2197. Danvers (C): Frozen Meat. Wales., Record %~^. 134 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2198. Danvcrs (C.) : Profits of Charter and Freight Advanced. Wales ^ Record 47. 2199. Desty (Robert): A Manual of the Law Relating to Shipping and Admiralty as Determined by the Courts of England and the United States. San Francisco^ ^§79? T.. PP- 553- 2200. Dixon (Francis B.)t A Practical Treatise on the Adjustment of General Average in the United States and other Countries, including the Elements of Maritime and Insurance Law, also the Rights and Liabilities of Under- writers and Ship-owners, and the General Duties of Ship- masters. New Tork^ 1867, O.^ pp. 472. 2201. • The Law of Shipping, and Merchants' and Shipmasters' Guide. New Tork, 1S59, O., pp. 614. 2202. Duer (John): The Law and Practice of Marine In- surance, Deduced from a Critical Examination of the Adjudged Cases, the Nature and Analogies of the Sub- ject, and the General Usage of Commercial Nations. New York, 1845, O., Vol. I. pp. 775 ; Vol. II. pp. 808. 2203. : A Lecture on the Law of Representations in Marine Insurance, with Notes and Illustrations, and a Preliminary Lecture on the Question Whether Marine Insurance was Known to the Ancients. New Tork^ 1844, O.^pp. 239. 2204. Emerigfon (Balthazard M,): A Treatise on Insur- ances. Translated from the French, with an Introduction and Notes, by Samuel Meredith. London^ 1850, O., pp. 731- 2205. : An Essay on Maritime Loans, with Notes; to which is added an Appendix containing Titles from the Digest and Code of Justinian, and from the Marine Ordi- nance of Louis XIV., by John E. Hall. Ballimore., 1811, 0.,pp. 313. Mafinc Law and Practice. ^35 2206. Flanders (Henry): A Treatise on the Law of Ship- ping. Philadelphia^ 1S53, O.^ pp. 580. 2207. : A Treatise on Maritime Law. Boston, 1852, a, pp. 444. 220S. Frank (Leopold): Fire Risk in Marine Insurance. Manchester, 1S83-84, p. 48. 2209. Fox (Captain): Something about Marine Insurance in Australia. Wales, Record 3 ; Australasian, Vol. IX. p. 230. 2210. Goldsmith (B.); Craft Risks. Victoria, 1889, p. 99. 221 1. : The Development of the Export Trade of Vic- toria. Victoria, 1896, /. 74. 2212. Gyualay (E. W. G. de): Losses and Accidents to Ships Engaged in the Newcastle Oversea Coal Trade. Wales, Record 77. 2213. Hall (Reuben): Recollections of Shipping Business in Liverpool Forty Years Ago. Wales, Record 19. 2214. Hamlet ("W. M.): Why Should Certain kinds of Merchandise be Termed Hazardous? Wales, Record 51. 2215. Hildyard (Francis): A Treatise on the Principles of the Law of Marine Insurances. Harrisburg, 1847, O., pp. 474. 2216. Holmes (C M.): General Average. Victoria, 1886, 2217. Hopkins (Manley): A Handbook of Average, to which is added a Chapter on Arbitration. Fourth edition. London, 1884, O., pp. 620. 2218. : A Manual of Marine Insurance. Lotidon, 1867, O., pp. 544. 13^ Insurance Library Association of Boston, 2219. Jacobsen (F* J.): Laws of the Sea, with Reference to Maritime Commerce During Peace and War. Trans- lated from the German by William Frick. Baltimore^ 1818, Nar. 0.,pp. 636. 2220. Jarrett (W. H.): The Doom of General Average. Victoria^ 1S94, p. 92. 3221. : The Reform of General Average. Victoria^ 1890, /. 50. 2232. : The Reform of General Average, Discussion of. Wales ^ Record 39. 2223. Lees (James): Laws of British Shipping and of Marine Assurance. Edited and thoroughly Revised to the Present Time by J. C. Bigham. Tenth edition. London^ iS'j'j, O., pp. 891. 2224. Leslie (F. F»)i " The Eleventh Commandment," by an " Old Ship's Captain." Victoria., 1892, p. 44. 2225. Lownes (Richard): The Law of General Average, English and Foreign. Fourth edition. London., 1888, 0.,pp. 6g6. 2226. : A Practical Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance. Second edition. London., 1885, O., pp. 269. 2227. Magens (Nicholas): An Essay on Insurances, Ex- plaining the Nature of the Various Kinds of Insurance Practised by the Different Commercial States of Europe, and Showing their Consistency or Inconsistency with Equity and the Public Good. Vol. I. L^ondon., 1755, ^., pp. 562. (For title to Vol. 11. see next entry.) 2228. : An Essay on Insurances; being a Collection of all the Foreign Ordinances of Insurances and Forms of Policies. Translated into English, with Remarks on such Parts as are Obscure or Defective, all the English Acts of Parliament Relating to Insurances, Shipwrecks, Salvages, Marine Law and Practice. 137 and Insurance Companies ; the Forms of Policies and Bottomry Bonds ; the Conditions of Insurances Against Fire, etc. Vol.11. London^ i755? ^-i PP- 7^^' (For title to Vol. I. see preceding entry.) 2239. Mallard (J.): A Run Round the Coast of New Zealand. Victoria^ 1S92, p. 94. 2230. Marshall (Samuel): A Treatise on the Law of Insur- ance. In four Parts : Marine, Bottomry and Respon- dentia, Life, Fire ; including the Cases Decided in the National and State Courts of the United States. Second edition. Philadelphia^ i8io, O., Vol. I. pp. 1-484; Vol. II. pp. 485-924. 2231. ; A Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance and Bottomry and Respondentia. Fifth edition, by Wil- liam Shee. London^ 1865, O., pp. 694. 2232. Marvin (William); Report to the Chamber of Com- merce and Board of Underwriters of the City of New York on the Proceedings of the International Congress held at York, England, on the 25, 26, 27 of September, 1864, to Inaugurate Measures to promote a Uniformity in the Mode of Adjusting General Averages in the Different Countries of the World ; with an Appendix containing the French, Dutch, German, Norwegian and Swedish Codes on the Subject of Averages. Neijo Tork^ 1866, 0.,pp. 136. 2233- : A Treatise on the Law of Wreck and Salvage. 0.,pp.z7S- 2234. Masters (Arthur J.): Barratry. Victoria, 18S7, p. 112. 2235. : The Modern Extension of the Liabilities of Marine Underwriters. Victoria, 18S5, /. 21. 2236. : A Birds-Eye View of the Present System of Marine Insurance. Yorkshire, 1894-95, P- ^^ ? ^'^so Federation, 1898, p. 105. 138 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2237. McArthur (Charles): The Contract of Marine Insur- ance. London^ 1885, O., pp. 351. 2238. Mitchell (L. R.): ^ Question as to Whether, under a Certain Policy, a Claim for Damage Caused by Bad Stowage could be Maintained. Wales, Record 36. 2239. Molloy (Charles): De Jure Maritimo et Navali, or a Treatise of Affairs Maritime and of Commerce. Ninth edition. London, 1749, O., Vol. I. pp. 404; Vol. II. PP- 344- 2240. Montgomery (M.): Collisions in Port Jackson, and Means of Preventing Same and Minimizing Loss of Life and Property when Collisions do Occur. Wales, Record 61. 2241. : Lost, or Not Lost. Wales, Record <,/[. 2242. Ordinance at Rotterdam, J72J. Ordonnantie op het Stuk van Asseurantie ende van Avarye : Mitsgaders Zee- Zaken. Printed in Dutch, and bound in parchment. Rotterdam, 1731, Sg. D. (not paged). (English transla- tion can be found in Magens, Vol. II. pp. 81 to 126, inclusive.) 2243. Park (J. A.): A System of the Law of Marine Insur- ances, with three Chapters on Bottomry, on Insurances on Lives, and on Insurances against Fire. Second American edition. Boston, 1800, O., pp. 516. 2244. Parsons (Thcophilos): A Treatise on the Law of Marine Insurance and General Average. Boston, 1S68, O., Vol. I. pp. 638; Vol. II. pp. 701. 2245. Pritchard ("W. Tarn): Digest of Admiralty and Mari- time Law ; including cases on Average, Carriage of Goods, and Marine Insurance ; with Notes of Cases on French and other Foreign Law. Third edition. London, 1887, O., Vol. I. pp. 1-1128; Vol. II. pp. 1 1 29-2547. Marine Law and Practice* 139 3246. Puckle (H. Leonard): Marine War Risks. Wales, Record 93. 2347. Ray ("William R.): A Physical View of the Ocean, and a Short Sketch of its History. Victoria, 1893, P' 5°* 2348. : Some Considerations on the Maritime Interests, "Freight." Victoria, 1897,^.41. 3349. Rennie (Charles): Collision Clause. Victoria, iSS'j, /. 44. 2350. : An Introductory Paper on Marine Insurance. Victoria, 1885, /. i. 2351. Robinson (R. H,): Lloyds; being a Minute Account of the Methods Followed at "Lloyds" Head Office. Victoria, 1893,^. 63. 2252. Roccus (Francesco): A Manual of Maritime Law, consisting of a Treatise on Ships and Freight and a Treatise on Insurance, with Notes by Joseph Reed Ingersoll. Philadelphia, 1809, O., fp. 156. 2253. Sherman (Henry): An Analytical Digest of the Law of Marine Insurance, containing a Digest of all the Cases Adjudged in this State from the Earliest Reports down to the Present Time, with References to an Appendix of Cases Decided in the Supreme, Circuit and District Courts of the United States from the Earliest Period down to the Year 1830. New York, 1841, O., pp. 315. 2254. Stevens (Robert): An Essay on Average and on Other Subjects Connected with the Contract of Marine Insurance. First American from the second London edition. Phila- delphia, 1817, Nar. O., pp. 304. 2255. Stevens (Robert) and Benecke ("William): Treatises on Average and Adjustments of Losses in Marine Insur- ance, with Notes by Willard Phillips. Boston, 1S33, O., pp. 456. 140 Insurance Llbrairy Association of Boston. 2256. Storey (J. H*): Something New in Marine Under- writing. Wales, Record 17. 2257. ♦ The Right of Salvors to Retain Cargo in Stranded Vessels. Wales, Record 57. 2258. Trapp (A, C.): Constructive Total Loss. Victoria, 1890, p. 104. 2259. Walker (H. O.): The Effect of the York-Antwerp Rules upon Marine Underwriting. Wales, Record 22. 2260. "Watson (E» S.): Dangers of the Deep. Victoria, 1891, p. 109. 2261. "Wendt (Ernst Emil): Papers on Maritime Legisla- tion, with a Translation of the German Mercantile Law Relating to Maritime Commerce. London, 1868, O., pp. 279. 2262. : Papers on Maritime Legislation, with a trans- lation of the German Mercantile Laws Relating to Mari- time Commerce. Third edition. London, \%'$>%, O., pp. 822. 2263. Wheaton (Henry): Elements of International Law. Sixth edition, with the last Corrections of the Author, Additional Notes and Introductory Remarks, containing a Notice of Mr. Wheaton' s Diplomatic Career, and of the Antecedents of his Life, by Wm. Beach Lawrence. Bos- ton, 1855, O., pp. 728. 2264. : Elements of International Law. Eighth edi- tion, edited with Notes, by Richard Henry Dana, Jr. Boston, 1866, 0.,pp. 749. 2265. : History of the Law of Nations in Europe and America from the Earliest Times to the Treaty of Wash- ington, 1842. New Tork, 1845, O., pp. 797. 2266. Williams (S. G.) and Bruce (G.): A Treatise on the Jurisdiction and Practice of the English Courts in Marine Law and Practice* H^ Admiralty Actions and Appeals, Second edition by Gainsford Bruce, assisted by Charles Fuhr Jemmett. London, 1886, 0.,fp. 876. 2267. "WoIIaston (H. N. P.): Shipping Law. Victoria, 1894,^. 59. 2268. Woodthorpe (J. E.): A Vessel Bound from London to Sydney and Newcastle, whilst in Port at Sydney took Fire, necessitating a General Average. Under Rule 8 o£ the York- Antwerp Rules, would Sydney be considered a Port of Refuge? Wales, Record a^z. Life Insurance And alt other Brancfies except Fire and Marine, 2269. Actuarial Society of America, Transactions of. So- ciety organized 1S89. Transactions for 1889 and 1890, bound in one volume. 2270. ^ History of the Foundation of. JVew lor/^, 1889, 0.,pp.sy 2271. Aldcroft ("W. H.): The Evolution of a Life Assur- ance Fund. Manchester^ 1896-97, /. 49. 2272. Andrus (H. W«): Endowment Assurances. Bir- mingha7n^ 1894-95 (not paged). 2273. : Annual Reports of Life Assurance Companies. J'orkshire^ 1897-98,/. 15. 2274. Barlow (John): Reserve Force in Relation to Dis- ease. Glasgow^ Seco7id Series^ p. 297. 2275. Bewley (H. T.): On Albumenurea in Relation to Life Insurance. Ireland^ 1892-3, p. 149. 2276. Bingle (H. S»): Surrenders and Lapses : Their Cause, Effect and Prevention. Wales, Record 2 1 . 2277. Bombaogh (C C) and Lewis (J. B.): Remarkable Stratagems and Conspiracies ; An Authentic Record of Surprising Attempts to Defraud Life Insurance Compa- nies. New York, 1878, D.^pp. 423. 227S. Blyth (Robert): Distribution of Risk. Glasgow, Third Series, p. 221. (142) Life Instirance. i43 2379. BIyth (Robert): The Tendency Towards Equaliza- tion in the Rate of Insurance. Glasgow^ Third Series^ p. 161. 2280. Bremner (T. W.): Mortality as Affecting Life As- surance in Australia. Victoria, 1889, p. 56. 2251. Brett (J. T.)j Is Cancer Hereditary? Victoria^ \^o, p. 80. 2252. Brown (Henry): Injuries to Workmen and Compen- sation. The new Liability and the old. Glasgou\ Fotirth Series, p. 147. 2283. : Sickness and Accident Insurance. Yorkshire, 1895-96,/. 135. 2254. • Sickness Insurance. Association, Manchester, 1895-6,/. 45; also Federation, 1898,/. 233. 2255. Brown (Walter): Life Branch Work. Manchester, 1877-78,/. 17; also Federation, 1898,/. 9. 2286. Cairnic (John B.): Guarantee Business. Manchester, 1878-79, /. 22. 2287. Cameron (Charles A.): On the Duration of Human Life under Various Conditions. Ireland, 1893-3, /. 135. 2288. Carment (D.): Practice of Colonial Life Offices as Regards Comparisons of Actual and Expected Mortality. Wales, Record 'X)'2" 2289. : Contingent Debts and other Schemes for the Assurance of Impaired Lives. Wales, Record ^i. 2290. Cawley (A* P.)j Assessment Assurances. (Prize Essay.) Manchester, 1895-96, /. 91. 2291. Churton (T.): The Probability of the Duration of Life, estimated by Family and Personal History. York- shire, 1893-94,/. 93. 144 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2292. Cockburn (Henry R.) and Murrle (Robert): On the Interests of Heirs of Entail and the Calculation of the Pecuniary Values. Edinb^irgh, Vol. III. f. i. 2293. Constable (A. H. B.): A Commentary upon the Married Women's Policies of Assurance (Scotland) Act, 1880. Edmburgk, Vol. III. p. id^\. 2294. Chatham (James): A Comparison of the Rates of Mortality among Insured Lives and Government Annui- tants, having Regard to the Effect of Selection. Edi7i- burg-h, Vol. II. p. 25. 2295. Chrystal (George): On some Fundamental Principles in the Theory of Probability. Edinburgh., Vol. Ii. p. 419. 2296. Crisford (G» S»): Life Competition. Manchester., 1878-79,/. 33. 2297. Davidson (James): Liability and Accident Assur- ance. Glasgow, Third Series, p. 241. 2298. Day (W* R»): Some Notes on Australasian Life Office Investments. Wales, Record 79. 2299. and HoIIingworth (A. C): Some Notes on the British Life Assurance Companies Act of 1S70, the Amendments which have been Suggested in Regard to it and the Various Colonial Acts that have been Pre- pared on its Lines. Wales, Record 70. 2300. De Boer (Joseph A.): Moral Hazard in Life Insur- ance. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 278. 2301. Deuchar (D.): The Fifth and Sixth Schedules of the Life Assurance Companies Act, 1870. Edinburgh, Vol. I. p. I. 2302. : Investments. Ireland, 1896-97, p. 3; also Federation, 1898,/. 305. Life Insurance. i45 2303. Deuchar (D.) : Notes on Widows' Funds. Edin- burgh^ Vol. III. p. 197. 3304. : The Progress of Life Assurance Business in the United Kingdom during the Last Fifty Years. Edin- bjirgh. Vol. II. p. 135. 3305. Deuchaf (J. J. W.): A Sketch of the History of the Science of Life Contingencies, with Special Reference to the Origin and Construction of Mortality Tables. Glas- go-JCi First Series., p. 33. 2^06. ♦ On the Non-Actuarial Departments of Life Assurance Business. Glasgow., First Series., p. 315. 2307. Donnell (A.C): Burglary Insurance, Pacific, 1897, /. 66. 3308. Douglas (Gordon) : Statistics as to the Mortality Experience among Assured Lives Engaged in the Liquor Trade. Edinburgh, Vol. II. p. 205. 2309. Dovey ("W. R.) : The Rates of Mortality in New South Wales and Victoria. Wales, Record 55. 2310. Draper (Frederick A.): A Fin-de-Siecle Pilgrim's Progress. Boston, 1897, Pamphlet D., pp. 15. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IX. 231 1. Dreschfeld (Julius): Notes on Life Assurance in Relation to Doubtful Cases. Association, Manchester, 1895-96,/. 13. 2313. Duckworth (A.): The Practice of Life Assurance Offices in Relation to Loans on Policies. Wales, Record 49. 3313. ; A Comparison of Populations and Rates of Mortality in New South Wales and Victoria, in Sydney and Melbourne. Wales, Record 63. 3314. Durfee (Bradford K.): I^ow to Examine a Life Insurance Company. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 510. 146 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2315. Eldridge (George D.) : Assessment Life Insurance; Its Beginning, Development and Future. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 355. 2316. Facfcler (David Parks): Are Non-Forfeiture Laws Expedient? N. I. C. Text Book, p. 311. 2317. Farquhar (W.) : Heredity. Victoria, iS^7, p. 65. 2^18. : The Law of Heredity. Victoria, 1894, p. 118. 2319. Fatkin (Thomas) : Uncertainty of Life. Yorkshire, 1892-93,/. 29. 2320. Finch (John A.): The Possibilities of National Supervision. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 1052. 2321. Flitcraft (A. J.): Charters and By Laws of Thirty- five Life Assurance Companies ; Full Text of the Original Charters, with Amendments thei'eto and Complete Copies of the By Laws. Oak Park, III., 1896, Sg. O., pp. 47S. 2322. Foose (L. G.): Legislative, Actuarial and Official Treatment. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 401. 2323. Francis (John): Annals, Anecdotes and Legends of Life Assurance. New York, 1869, D., pp. 309. 2324. Garrett (Dr.): Albuminuria in its Relations with the Practice of Life Assurance. Wales, Record j^t,. 2325. Gillison (J. B.) : Assessment of Life Risks. Vic- toria, 1887, /. 91. 2-526. : Investments of Australasian Life Offices. Victoria, 1S97, p. i. 2327. : Valuation Reserves of Life Offices. Victoria, 1885, p. 14. 2328. Glascott (Charles Edward): Medical Examinations for Life Insurance. Manchester, 1885-86, p. \\. Life Insurance. 147 3329. Green (Charles H.) : Employers' Liability; Its His- tory, Limitations and Extension. J\fa?ichester^ 1896-97, p. 7; also Federatiofi^ 1898,^. 269. 2330. Greene (Jacob L.) : Special Features, Dividends, Surrender Values, etc. JV. I. C. Text Book, p. 151, 233 1 . Gregory ( W. H.) : Some of the Newer Forms of Life Assurance. Torkshire, 1895-96, p. 47. 2332. Gonn (N. B,) : National Savings and their Effect on the Rate of Insurance. Glasgow:, Fourth Series, p. i. 2333' * Some Notes on The Selection of Lives for Assurance. Edinburgh, Vol. IV. p. 317. 2334- Hardingham (F. R.) : The Rise and Development of Life Assurance in this Country. Yorkshire, 1889-90, p. 29. 2335. Hardy (Ralph P«) : On Possible Changes in the Life Assurance of the Future. Yorkshire, 1896-97, p. 127. 2336. Harricks (F. M») : Life Assurance in Australia from a Medical Aspect. Victoria, 1886, p. 8. 2337. Hart (J. R.) : Note upon Select Life Tables. Edinburgh, Vol. III. p. 393. 2338. : On an Investigation into the Mortality of the Married Females of the Peerage. Edi?tbzirgh, Vol. IV. P- 35- 2339- Harvey (A. F.)j Fidelity Insurance and Judicial Suretyship. N. I. C, 1S91,/. 15. 2340. Harvey (William): Conditions in Life Policies. Ed in b u rgh , Vol. III. p. 267. 2341. : Policies of Insurance as Securities and in Trust. Edinburgh, Vol. III. p. 289. 1 4^ Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2342. Harvey (William): Accident Insui-ance. Edin- burgh^ Vol. III. p. 306. 2343. : Misrepresentation and Concealment as Affect- ing Policies of Insurance. Edinburgh., Vol. III. p. "3- 2344. Heg:eman (John R.) : Industrial Insurance. A. /. C. Text Book., p. 212. 2345. Hewat (Archibald) : Friendly Societies. Glasgow., Second Series., p. 61. 2346. J Life Assurance Finance as Affected by Rate and Interest and Rate of Expense. Yorkshire^ 1896-97, P' IS- 2347. • On Life Valuations. Bir?ningha?n, 1897-S, P' 54- 234S. : On Training for the Insurance Profession. Ireland, 1892-3,/. 65; also Bristol, 1893,/. 3- 2349. Hillman (J* R.): Plate Glass Insurance. Pacific, 1895,/. 21. 2350. Hobbins (Charles) : Short Review of Life Assurance Business. Manchester, 1892-93,^.49. 2351. Hollingworth (A. C) : Lost Policies (Life). Wales, Record 91. 2352. : Protection Afforded to Life Policies in the Event of Insolvency, with Suggestions as to Federal Legislation. Wales, Record 67. 2353- and Day ("W. R.) : Some Notes on the British Life Assurance Companies Act of 1870, the Amendments which have been Suggested in Regard to it, and the Vari- ous Colonial Acts that have been Prepared on its Lines. Wales, Record 70. Life Insurance i49 2354. Hopkins (C W.) : Life Assurance Risks and Pre- miums. Wales, Record 13. 2355. Howell (Charles E.): Assignment of Policies of Life Assurance. Ireland, 1S92-93, /. 77. 3356. International Association of Accident Underwriters. Composed of Accident Insurance Companies on the As- sessment Plan; organized 1S91. Object, to foster and guard the mutual interests of accident underwriting, by the promotion of just and equitable laws, as distinct from the business of Life Insurance. Proceedings for 1S95 to 1898, inclusive, which are all that are in print, the first six reports never having been published. 2357. Jamison (James): Some Points in Connection with the jMedical Examination of Proponents for Life Assur- ance. Victoria, 1S91,/. 62. 235S. Jones (David) : Value of Annuities and Reversionary Payments, with Numerous Tables. London, 1S44, O., Vol. I. pp. 1-558 ; Vol. II. pp. 559-" 59- 2359. King (George): The Theory of Finance. Edin- burgh. Vol. I. p. 171. 2360. Lewis (J. Norman) : The Actuarial Profession from a Branch Man's Point of View. IrelaJid, 1895-96,/. 35- 2361. Lewis (J. B.) and Bombaugh (C. C.) : Remarkable Stratagems and Conspiracies ; an Authentic Record of Surprising Attempts to Defraud Life Insurance Compa- nies. Nevj York, 1878, D.,pp. 423. 2362. Lott (Edson S.) : Accident Insurance. N'. I. C. Text Book, p. 915. 2363. Low (George M.) : On Extra Risk, with Some Par- ticulars of the Recent Investigation of the Mortality of Persons Engaged in the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors. Edi7ilmrgh, Vol. IV. p. T17. 15° Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2364. (Low George M.) : Some Aspects of Present-day Competition. Glasgow^ Third Series^ p. iSi. 2365. : The History and Work of the Actuarial Soci- ety of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Vol. I. p. 287. 2366. : The Recent Australian Bank Failures. Vol. III. p. 61. 2367. Lubbock (John W.) and Bethune (J. E. Drink- water) : A Treatise on Probability. Appendix to Jones on Annuities, Vol. II. p. 1197. 2368. Lung:er (John B.) : Are Non-Forfeiture Laws Ex- pedient? N. I. C. Text Book, p. 335. 2369. : Special Features, Dividends, Surrender Values, etc. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 178. 2370. Macaush (W.) : The Public Health Act and Some of the Effects of its Proper Administration to Life and Property. Victoria, 1895, p. 29. 2371. McCall (John A.): A Review of Life Insurance. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 9. 2372. McCandlish (John M.) : Administration; Notes by an Old Hand. Edinburgh, Vol. III. p. 39. 2373- : The Duties of an Actuary in His Professional Relationships. Edinburgh, Vol. II. p. i. 2374. McCIintock (Emory) : General Plans, Reverses and Investments. N. I. C. Text Book, p. S8. 2375. McDonald ("W. R.) : Notes on the Theory of Loga- rithms. Edinburgh, Vol. I. p. 355. 2376. Mackenzie (A. G.) : Note on War Mortality in Recent Campaigns, with Special Reference to the Ger- man Experience in the War of 1870-71. Edinburgh, Vol. I. p. 137. Life Insurance* 151 2377. McLauchlan (J. J,) : Joint Life Annuities. Edin- burgh^ Vol. I. p. 29. 237S. • On Life Assurance Bookkeeping. Edinburgh, Vol. II. p. 73. 2379* s ^^ Some Formulas for Use in Life Office Valuations. Editiburgk, Vol. II. p. 331. 2350. Mart (Thomas) : Notes upon Insurance and the Practical Working of a Life Assurance Fund. Glasgow, First Series, /. 91. 2351. : Practical Notes on the Training and Duties of an Actuary. Edinburgh, Vol. I. p. 119. 33S3. Martin (S. G.) : Life Assurance Competition ; Some of its Results. Victoria, 1887, p. 28. 2383. Mayet (P.) : Agricultural Insurance in Organic Connection with Savings Banks, Land Credit and the Commutation of Debts. Translated from the German by Arthur Lloyd. London, 1893, O., pp. 388. 2384. Meikic (James) : On the Official Publications of the Mortality of Assured Lives. Edinburgh, Vol. I. p. 309. 2385. : The Rationale of Life Assurance Premiums. Edinburgh, Vol. I. p. 61. 2386. Merrill (G. S.) : Statement Blank for Life Companies. N.I C, 1894,/. 7. 2387. Mills (D. Y.) : New Business and the Cost of its Extension. Glasgow, Fourth Series, p. 16^. 2388. Miller (R. D.) : A Comparison of the Rates of Mor- tality of Males and Females in Victoria for the Eleven Years, 1 881 -91, with a Special Reference to Cancer, Phthisis and Violence. Victoria, 1893,/. 94. 152 Insurance Library Association of Boston, 2389. Mitchell (R. Kennedy): Employers' Liability, Past, Present and Prospective. Manchester, 1895-96, p. 41. 2390- : Results of Competition in Accident Insurance Business. Manchester, 1S92-93, /. 57. 2391- Moir (Henry): The Practical Calculation of Office Premiums. Edinburgh, Vol. IV. p. 255. 2392. Moon (J.): Child Insurance. Manchester, 1894-95, p. 50. 2393. Moore ("W, F»): Employers' Liability Insurance. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 929. 2394. Moors (E. M.): Friendly Societies in Australia. Wales, Record (^T^. 2395. Monilaws (W. M.): The Board of Trade Returns Relating to Life Assurance Companies. Yorkshire^ 1S90-91, p. 21. 239^* J Bonuses. Yorkshire, 1890-91,^.59. 2397- : Ratios, Wise and Otherwise. Irela7id, 1S95- 96, p. 61. 239^- J Some Important Factors in Life Assurance Calculations. Yorkshire, 1890-91,/. 39. 2399- Morgan (A. H.): Investments; How Money May be Made and Invested. Glasgoxv, First Series, p. 291. 2400. : Life Branch Work. Glasgow, Third Series, p. 23. 2401. National Association of Life Underwriters^ Proceed- ings of. Organized 1890. Composed of delegates from the different Life Underwriters' Associations of the United States. Object, to advance the best interests of the cause of true life insurance throughout the country. Proceedings, 1890 and 1891. Life Insurance i53 2402. National G)nvention of Mutual Life Underwriters^ Transactions of. Organized 1S75 as National Convention of Mutual Benefit Associations of America, and so known until 188S, inclusive, wrhen name changed to Mutual Life and Accident Underwriters of America, which name was kept until 1895, when present name was adopted. Composed of Assessment organizations. Ob- ject, to promote the general welfare of organizations belonging to it by an interchange of ideas. Transactions for 18S1, 1882, and 1884 to 1897, inclusive. 2403. Neild (Edward): Social Aspect of Life Insurance. Manchester, 1895-96,^. 56. 2404. Neild (James E.): Conditions of Health after Life Insurance. Victoria, 1894,^. 77. 2405. Newbatt (Benjamin): Modern Developments of the Life Assurance System. Yorkshire, 1892-93, f. 66. 2406. Newman (Philip L.): The Principal Methods em- ployed in the Distribution of the Surplus of Life Assur- ance Companies. Torkshire, 1891-92,/. 25. 2407. : Superannuation. Yorkshire, 1897-98,/. 59. 2408. Nichols (Walter S.): General Plans, Reserves and Investn-ients. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 130. 2409. Nicholson (J. Shield): The Present Position of the Silver Question. Edinburgh, Vol. III. p. 140. 2410. Nicol (William Smith): Forms of Life Office Books. Edinburgh., Vol. IV. p. 151. 241 1. : New Combined Mortality Experience of Brit- ish Life Assurance Companies, at Present being Collected by the Faculty of Actuaries and the Institute of Actuaries. Glasgow, Third Series, p. 257. 2412. NicoU (John): A Description of Certain of the Prin- cipal Stock Exchange Securities. Edinbtirgh, Vol. IV. p. SI. 154 Insurance Library Association of Boston* 2413. Ogilvie (Leslie): Some Medical Aspects of Life Assurance. Ireland^ 1896-97, p. 73 ; also Edinburgh^ Vol. IV. p. 81. 24H- Paradice ("W. H.): Pensions in Old Age. Existing and Suggested Schemes Reviewed. Wales ^ Record 84. 2415. Pattison (John M.): Life Insurance in its Relations to the Public. N. I. C. Text Book, /. 68. 2416. Paulin (David): Life Office Investments ; Retrospect and Outlook. Edinburgh, Vol. III. p. 228. 2417. : Old Age Pensions and Pauperism, A Present- day Problem. Edinburgh, Vol. IV. p. 3. 2418. Pettegrew (D. L.): Antiquity of Life Insurance. (Paper read before the Boston Life Underwriters' Asso- ciation, October 23, 1894.) Standard, Vol. XXXV. p. 361. 2419. Phelps (Edward Bunnell): War Risks; Authorized Statements from all the Leading Life Insurance Compa- nies, Outlining their Prospective Action in the Case of Policy-holders now Serving or Contemplating Sei-vice in the United States Army or Navy. New York, 1898, Pamphlet D., pp. 71. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IX. 2420. Price (Richard): Observations on Reversionary Pay- ments ; on Schemes for Providing Annuities for Widows and for Persons in Old Age ; on the Method of Calcula- ting the Values of Assurances on Lives ; and on the National Debt ; also Essays on Different Subjects in the Doctrine of Life Annuities and Political Arithmetic; a Collection of New Tables, and a Postscript on the Popu- lation of the Kingdom. To which are added. Algebrai- cal Notes, the Solution of Several New Problems in the Doctrine of Annuities, and a General Introduction, by William Morgan. London, 1792, Nar. O., Vol. Ipp- 372 ; Vol. II. pp. 492. Life Insurance ^55 2421. Pollar (James): Old Age Pensions. Victoria, 1S96, p. 106. 3423. Pulley ("W. P.): Notes on Extra Premiums. Bir- Tninghatn, 1893-4,/. 36. 2423. Rabagliati (A.): The Preponderating Importance of Personal History as Compared with Heredity in Life Assurance. Yorkshire, 1894-95, p. 131 ; also Feder- ation, 1898, p. 167. 2424. Rail (J. W.): Proof of Age. Adjustment of Errors. Wales, Record iS. 3435. : Should the Surrender Value of a Policy by its own Application Extend the Term of the Policy's Exist- ence? Wales, Record 30. 2426. : When should a Policy Sustained by Surrender Value " Lapse" ? Wales, Record 30. 2427. Rca (C H. E.): Some Observations on Industrial Assurance. London, 1898, Pamphlet O., pp. 40. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IX. 2428. Reynolds (George W.): Some Notes on the Finance Act, 1894. Ireland, 1896-97,/. 57. 2429. Rickards (Edwin): Heredity and its Bearing on Life Assurance. Birminghatn, 1896-7, p. 37. 2430. Robertson (T. S.): Life Assurance, Its History, Theory and Practice ; A General Outlook. Victoria, 1884,/. 9. 2431. Ryan (G. H.): On the Several Mortality Tables Em- ployed by Life Assurance Companies in the Valuation of their Annuity Contracts. Edinburgh, Vol. I. p. 403. 2432. Russell (James B.): The House in Relation to Public Health. Glasgow, Second Series, p. loi. 156 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2433- Sanderson (Frank); Life Assurance in Canada. Edinburgh^ Vol. III. p. 155. 2434. Schooling: ("William): Comparisons (Life). Bir- ??iing/ia??i^ 1S97-8,/. 17. 2435. Seward (George F.): The State and Casualty Insur- ance. JV. I. C. Text Book., p. 1000. 2436. Sherwood (T« B.): Farming Insurances. Manches- ter, 1895-96,/. 21. 2437. Simpson (Pierce Adolphus): Old Age. Glasgow^ Third Series., /• 67. 2438. Smith (H. Lomas): Accident Insurance. Wales^ Record 24. 2439. Smith (A. Gillies): On Money and the Future Rate of Interest. Edinburgh., Vol. I. p. 155. 2440. : Some Remarks on the Report by the Commis- sioners Appointed to Investigate into the Recent Changes in the Relative Values of the Precious Metals. Edin- burgh, Vol. II. p. 189. 2441. Smith (L TurnboII): Outside Business Training. Editiburgh, Vol. II. p. 263. 2442. Sorley (James): The Evolution of Premium Rates. Edinburgh, Vol. III. p. 417. 2443. Spens (Walter Cook): The Law^ as to Presumption of Life in Connection with the Disappearance of Assured Lives. Glasgow, Second Series, p. 259. 2444. Spragfue (A. K): An Investigation as to How Far Life Insurance is of a Pi-ovident Nature as Benefiting the Assured and His Family ; and How Far it is of a merely Financial Character, as Benefiting His Creditors and Assignees. Edinburgh, 'Vol. III. p. 377. 2445. : Note on the Rate of Mortality in Sierra Leone. Edi?tburgh, Vol. III. p. 363. Life Insurance* 157 2446. Spragfue (T« B.): On Probability and Cliance and their Connection with the Business of Insurance. Edin- burgh, Vol. III. /. 87. 2447. : Remarks on the Exercise of Independent Thought by the Head of an Office and his Subordinates. Edinburgh., Vol. I. p. 269. 244S. Stark (W. Emery): Recent Concessions on Condi- tions of Life Assurance. Manchester., 18S7-SS, p. 11. 2449. Stenhoose (George C): The Position of Married Women in Regard to Policies of Assurance. (Prize Essay.) Manchester., 1888-89, /. 39. 2450. : The Mortality among Assured Lives, Viewed in Relation to the Sums at Risk. Edinburgh., Vol. II. p. 227. 2451. Stevenson (Charles): Boiler Insurance. Manchester.^ 1881-82,/. 16. 2452. : Life Assurance Frauds. Maftchester, 1890- 91,/. 13. 2453* : Reversions. Manchester, 1895-96,/. 7. 2454. Stewart (John): Life Annuities. Glasgow, Second Series, p. 27. 2455- Teece (Richard): A Comparison of the Rates of Mortality of the City and Suburbs of Sydney. Wales, Record 10. 2456. : Modern Innovations in Life Assurance. Wales, Record 33. 2457. : On Benefit Building Societies. Wales, Rec- ord 7. 2455. : Should Life Assurance Legislation Embrace a State Standard of Solvency? Wales, Record ^^. 15S Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2459. Teece (Richard) : The Liability of Common Carriers in Cases of Fatal Accident. Wales, Record 76. 2460. : The Mortality of the City and Suburbs of Syd- ney. Wales, Record 82. 2^61. : The Presumption of Death in Connection with Claims under Life Policies. Wales, Record 62. 2462. : The Protection of Life Policies from the Claims of Creditors. Wales, Record 29. 2463. Thompson (Spencer C) : Past and Future, with some Thoughts on Heredity. Edinburgh, Vol. IV. p. -93- 2464. : Remarks on the Position and Prospects of the Actuarial Profession and of the Business of Life Assur- ance. Edinb7irgh, Vol. II. p. 55. 2465. Thorborn (William) : Relation of Cancer to Life Insurance. Association, Alanchester, 1896-97,^. 28. 2466. Tockett (Harvey G.)j Practical Remarks on the Present State of Life Insurance in the United States, Showing the Evils which Exist, and Rules for Improve- ment, etc. Fourteenth edition. Philadelphia, i^^i, O., pp. 67. 2467. TurnbuII (A* H.) : On the Comparative Amount o^f Reserves Obtained by Valuations on Different Approved Tables of Mortality and by Different Rates of Interest. Edinburgh, Vol. I. p. 107. 2468. : The Tenure of Land in Great Britain and its Principal Colonies. Edinburgh, Vol. II. p. 279. 2469. Walford (Cornelius) : Insurance Guide and Hand- book, being a Guide to the Principles and Practice of Life Assurance, etc. Second edition. London, 1867, 0.,pp. 422. Life Insurance, ^59 2470. Wallace (Thomas) : On the Rate of Mortality Among Liquor Sellers. Edinburgh^ Vol. IT. p. 173. 2471. "Walton (W. G.): Assessment System of Life Assur- ance. Manchester., 1891-92,/. 25. 2472. ; The Life Assurance Companies Act, 1870. Manchester., 1S82-3,/. 24. 2473. J Mortality Tables. Manchester., 1881-82, /. 50. 2474. Warfield (Edwin) : Corporate Suretyship. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 972. 2475. Warner (S. G.) : Some Economic Aspects of Life Assurance. Birmingham., 1893-4, /. 19. 2476. Warnock (Adam) : Fraternal Insurance. N. I. C. Text Book., p. 443. 2477. Washington Life Insurance Company: Historical, Actuarial, and Medical Statistics. New York., 1889, ^.,pp. 161. 2478. Welch (J. St. Vincent) : Protection of Life Assur- ance Policies. Wales, Record 69. 2479. Whiting (William D.) : Are Non-Forfeiture Laws Expedient? N. I. C. Text Book, p. 329. 2480. ♦ How to Examine a Life Insurance Company. N. I. C. Text Book, ;^. 488. 2481 Whitworth (Frank): Employers' Liability Insur- ance. Manchester, 1892-93,/. 53. 2482. Wicks (G.Douglas): The Outside Man and His Work. Association, Manchester, 1896-97,/. 18. 2483. Willoughby (William F.) : Workingmen's Insur- ance. New York, 1S98, 0.,pp. 386. i6o Insurance Library Association of Boston. 3484. Wolfe (S. H.): Are Non-Forfeiture Laws Expe- dient? JV. I. C. Text Book, p. 343. 2485. Wright (C. A.) X Assessment Assurances. (Prize Essay.) Manchester, 1S95-96, /. 75. 3486. Young (T. E.) : The Ethics of Insurance. Ireland^ 1S95-96, /. 13; di\^o Federation, 1898,^. 3ii. 2487. J The Theory of Evolution Applied to the System of Life Assurance, and Incidentally to Insurance Gen- erally. Bir7ningham, 1893-4, P' 7* Office Practice and Procedure 2488. American Exchange and Review : — Fire Insurance Reserve. Vol. XXXV. p. 206. Fire Insurance Reservation, According to Hazard. Vol. XXXIII. p. 357. Fire Premium Study ; being a Review of Cornelius Walford's paper On the Scientific Application of Data for the Purpose of Deducing Rates of Pre- mium of Fire Insurance. Vol. XXXII. pp. 91, 118. Fire Risk Rating and State Premium Reservation. Vol. XXXV. p. 197. Mortgage Slip ; A. C. Blodget's Form. Vol. XXXII. P- 175- Premium on Term Fire Risks : The Allotments for Fire- cost and Expenses. Vol. XXXIV. p. 289. The Readjustment of Fire Insurance Premiums. Vol. XL VI. p. 6$. Risk and Reserve: Fire and Life. Vol. XXXIV. /•34- 3489. Babst (Edward) : Technical Training for Fire Insur- ance Officials. Birmingham, 1896-7,/. 9. 2490. Bailey (J. D.) : Insurable Interests. Pacijic, 1S80, p. 91. 2491. Bangs (Franklin) : Necessity of Classification by the Pacific Insurance Union. Pacijic, 1894, p. 20. 3492, Boardman (T. D.) : A Few Familiar Faulty Forms. Pacific^ 1897,/. 105. (i6i) 1 62 Insurance Library Afsociation of Boston. 3493. Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Publications : — Fire Report Blanks. Vo/. II. p. 174. Patterns, Insurance of ; Form of Valuation Sheet. Vol. II. p. 50. Titles to Property and Titles of Policies should be Con- current. Vol. IV. p. I. Valuation Sheet, Form of. Vol. II. p. 182. 3494. Brown (Edward): The Written Part of the Policy. Pacific, 1892, p. 109. 3495. Case (Charles H.) : Written Portion of the Policy. Northwest, Reprint, 1873,/. 85. 3496. Colquhorn (C. R.) : The Classification of Fire Risks. Victoria, 1895,^. 49. 2497. Curnick (H.D.): Classification of Fire Risks. Man- chester, 1893-94,/. 15. 249S. Dornin (George W.): Classification. Pacijic, 1885, p. 93. 2499. Easton (George): Forms of Policies, Pacijic, 18S4, p. 31. 3500. Faymonville (Bernard): Forms of Policies. Pacijic^ iSSs,p.37' 3501. Fire Underwriters' Qerks' Association: Two Prob- lems in Cancellation of Re-insurance Policies. Pacific, 1897,^.63. 2=?02. Folger (Herbert): Classification of Fire Hazards; being Preliminary Report of the Classification Committee of Fire Underwriters' Association of Pacific. San Fran- cisco, 1893, Pa77iphlet O., pp. 18. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VI. Also Pacijic, 1893,/. 211. 2503- Glover (T. R.): Compilation of Fire Insurance Sta- tistics upon the Best and Most Expeditious Methods, Practically and Comprehensively Explained, together with Office Practice and Procedure. 163 Full Instructions for Keeping Books of Respective Fire Departments by New and Improved Economical Systems; and Appendix. Liverpool, 1878, Sg. ^., pp. 132. 2504. Grim (A. R.)t What the Special Requires from the Office. Pacific, iSg'j,p. 20. 2505. Griswold (Jeremiah): Cancellation Tables, Exhibit- ing at One Glance the Amount of both Earned and Unearned Premiums upon any Sum from One Cent, indefinitely for any Period of Time from One Day to Five Years at either Pro-rata or Short Rate. JVezu York, 18S0, Sq.F.,pp.zS' 2506. Gunnison (A. R.): Ancient and Modern Policy Forms. Pacific, 1887,/. 102. 2507. Hall (Reuben): On the Audit of Public Companies. Wales, Record 9. 250S. Hall (Henry H.): Statistics, their Value in Fire Un- derwriting. Northvjest, 1877,^. 130. 2509. Hine (G C.)j Evolution of the Insurance Map. In- surance Mo7iitor, Vol. XL V. p. 3S2. 2510. Mallett (R. F.): The Classification of Fire Risks. Edited by Ernest Felce. Norwich, 1894, ^9- ^-i pp. 254. 251 1. : The Life of a Fire Risk. The Norwich Union Magazine, June, 1S95, /. 74. 2512. : The Rating of Fire Risks. The Norwich Union Magazine, Novetnber, 1S94, /. 25. 2513. Moore (F. C): A Treatise on Term Policies and Popular Errors as to Increase and Decrease of Unearned Premium Liability, together with a Labor-saving Table for Computing Unearned Premium Liability Monthly. N'ezu York, 188S, 0.,pp. 50. 164 Insttfancc Library Association of Boston. 2514. National Fire Protection Association. Uniform In- spection Report Blanks. Protectioit^ 1898,^. 57. 2515. New York Board of Fire Underwriters. The Classes of Hazards Adopted by the Board and Revised November, 1883. Neiv York, 1883, Pamphlet O., pp. 20. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. V. 2516. Nicol (William Smith): Forms of Life Office Books. Edinburgh , Vol. IV. p. 151. 2517. Osborn (Russell "W.): Special Contracts. Pacific^ 1894, p. 54. 2518. Paig;e (J. C): Proper Reserve for Re-insurance of Outstanding Risks. United., 1881,/. 76. 2519. Rattray (A. F,): Reinsurance. Victoria^ 1S91, /. 129. 2520. Roberts (J. B.): Scheduled vs. Non-scheduled Insur- ances. Yorkshire^ 1889-90,/. 17. 2521. Rougfh Notes: Examining a Company. Methods Suggested as Proper for Ascertaining the True Condition of a Fire Insurance Company. July 14, 1898, p. 216. 2522. Schultz (Charles A.): The Amount that Should be Allowed by a Fire Office as Surrender Value of a Policy. Victoria., 1S92, /. 25. 2523« Sherwood (T. B.): Guarantee Business. (Reinsur- ance.) Maiichester^ 1SS2-3,/. 11. 2524. Sinclair (J.): Classification of Fire Risks. Victoria^ 1885,/. 7. 2525. Smith (W. S.): Uniformity of Statements of Fire Insurance Companies. N. I. C, 1SS9, p. 40; also Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VI. 2526. Sneath (A. W.): Fire Policy Conditions. York, shire., 1897-98,/. 79. Office Practice and Procedure. 165 2527. Stevens (H. M.): Farm Property Should be Put in a Distinct Class. N. T. State, 1881,/. 18. 252S. Thompson (J. M.): Forms of Policies. Pacific, 1SS6, /. 27. 2529. Thornton (Arthur C): Office System. Pacific, 1S97, p. 109. 2530- Torrance (Robert): The Duties of a Fire Clerk. Ireland, 1S92-3, /. 113. 2531. Tornbull (A. D. Lindsay): Some Suggestions in Regard to Life Office Accounting, including inter alia, an Arrangement for the Requirements of British Offices. Edinbtirgh, Vol. IV. p. 1S5. 2532. Whiting ("W. D.): State Tables in Fire Insurance. Paper read before National Insurance Convention at Chicago, 1880. American Exchange and Review, Vol. XXXIV. p. 319. Processes and Hazards 2533- Abbott (T. D.): Tanneries. Manchester^ 1876-7, /. 16. 2534. : Workers in Wood. Manchester^ 1S74-75,/. 2535. American Exchange and Review (contmued on next page) X Agricultural Implement Industry, Analysis of Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXIX. p. 196. Alcoholic Distillation in its Fire Risks. Vol. XL. p. 20. Ammonia Gas, Does it take Fire? Vol. XL VI. p. 23. Artificial Fuel Making, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLI. p. 262, Bakeries, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL. p. 247. Beet Sugar Factories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL II. p. 140. Blacks, Fire Risk of Making ; also of Bone and Ivory Manipulation. Vol. XL. p. 275. Blacking and Inks, Fire Risks of Manufacturing. Vol. XLV.p. 125. Blast Furnaces and Rolling Mills, Fire Risks of. Vol. XZ./. 374. Bleacheries, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL. p. 98. Boiler Explosions arising from Grease and Lime. Vol. XXXI p. los. Book and Blank Book Binderies, Fire Risk of. Vol. XXX VIII. p. 348. Boot and Shoe Fire Hazard, A Survey of the. Vol. XXXVII p. 144. Breweries, Fire Risk of. Vol. XXXVIII p. 49. (166) Processes and Hazards, 167 2535. American Exchange and Review (continued) : Breweries of Philadelphia, Fire Experience, 1874-1880. Vol. XXXV. p. 201. Bricks, Tiles and Terra-Cotta Ware, Fire Risks of Manu- facturing. Vol. XLI. p. i>]^. Brush and Broom Factories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLi. Button Manufacturing, Fire Risk of. Vol. XLIII. p. 81. Cabinet Making and Hardware Case Factories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLII. p. 239. Candy Factories, Fire Jeopardy of. Vol. XXXVII. p. 356. Canning Factories, Fire Jeopardy of . Vol. XXXVIII. P' 45- Canvas Industries, Fire Risk of. Vol. XLIII. p. 338. Carbon Powders, Explosive. Vol. XXXII. p. 335. Car Building Works, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL. p. 163. Carpet and Drugget Factories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLI. p. 346. Carriage and Wagon-Makers' Materials, Fire Risk of. Vol. XLIV. p. 143. Cheese and Butter Factories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL V. p. 26S. Chenille Mills, Fire Risk of. Vol. XL VI. /. 219. Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, Fire Risks of Manvifacturing. Vol. XLI. p. 147. Clothing (Men's) and Furnishing Goods, Fire Risks of Manufacturing. Vol. XLIII. pp. 44, 46. Clothing (Women's), Fire Risk of Manufacturing. Vol. XLIII. /. 46. Cooperage Industries, Fire Risk of. Vol. XXXIX. p. 284. Cordage Factories, Fire Risk of. Vol. XXXVII. p. 324. Cotton, Fire Risk of. Vol. XXXI. p. 260. Cotton, Ginning, Compression, Transportation and Stor- age, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLI. p. 318. 1 68 Instifancc Library Association of Boston. 2535. American Exchange and Review (continued) • Cotton, Woolen, and Cotton-Woolen Mills, The Distinc- tive Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXVIII. p. 123. Cotton- Woolen Fire Risk, The. Vol. XXXI. p. 323. Cutlery, Edge Tools and Tools for Shaping Metals, Fire Risk of Manufacturing. Vol. XL II. p. 272. Drug and Spice-Grinding Mills as Fire Risks. Vol. XXXVIII. p. 151. Dust as an Explosive. Vol. XXXII. pp. 121, 147, 1S9, 321. Electrical Apparatus and Supplies, Fire Risks of Manu- facture and Use of. Vol. XLIII. p. 7. Enamelling, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL V. p. 177. Explosion as an unknow^n Fire Hazard. Vol. XXXV. p. 107. Explosive Compounds. Vol. XXXIV. p. 183. Factory Buildings, High and Low ; Comparative Vibra- tion and Fire Hazard. Vol. XXXIV. p. 9. Fertilizer and Phosphate Works, Fire Risk of. Vol. XXXVIII. p. 378. File Manufacture, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLIII. p. 186. Flax, Hemp and Jute Manufacturing, Fire Risk of. Vol. XXXVII. p. 324. Foundries and Machine Shops, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL. p. 406. Furniture Works, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXX WI. p. 148. Gas Works, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLII. pp. 43, 79. Glass Works and Potteries, Comparatively, in Respect to Fire Jeopardy. Vol. XXXVIII. p. 89. Glue and Curled-Hair Factories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXIX. p. 386. Glycerine and its Derivatives as Fire Risks. Vol. XL. /• 57- Grain Elevators, Construction of. Vol. XXXIII. pp. 20. Grocery Stores, Wholesale and Retail, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLIV. p. 246. Processes and Hazards. 169 2535. American Exchange and Review (conti?zued) ; Hardware Factory Fire Risks. Vol. XXXVIII. p. 288. Hat Factories, Tlie Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXVII. p. 115. Heating and Cooking Appliances, Fire Risks of Manu- facturing. Vol. XLIII. p. 370. Hosiery and Knit Goods, Fire Risks of Manufacturing. Vol. XLV.p. 65. Ice Making ; Cymogeme and Rhigolene. V^ol. XXXII. p. 122. India Rubber Factories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXVII. p. 81. Lacquer Manufacture and Japanning, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL V. p. 220. Lard, Tallow and Grease Melting Works and Refineries, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL V. p. 324. Laundries, The Fire Danger of. Vol. XLI. p. 294. Lead Industries and Plumbing and Gas-fitting Shops, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL II. p. 2>02. Leather Industries, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXIX. /. 318. Lithographing, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLIV. p. 41. Malting, Fermentation, Sizing and Dyeing, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXVII. p. 46. Medical Compounding, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLIV. p. 112. Musical Instruments (Portable) and Accessories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLIII. p. 278. Mustard, Pickles, Sauces, Preserves and Dried Fruits, Fire Risks of Manufacturing. Vol. XLIV. p. 421. Needle and Pin Manufacture, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLIII. p. 116. Nitro-Glycerine Explosives ; Their Storage and Trans- portation. Vol. XXXII. p. 6. Oil Cloth Industry and its Inflammabilities, Vol. XXXVII. p. 238. Oleomargerine and Butterine Factories, The Fire Proba- bilities of. Vol. XXXVII. p. 265. 170 Insurance Library Association of Boston* 2535. American Exchangfe and Review (continued) : Ordnance and Fire Arms Making, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLI. p. 234. Paint and Varnish, White Lead and Zinc White Works, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXIX. p. 356. Paper Mill Risks. Vol. XXXIIi. p. 231. Paper Board, Paper Bag and Box Factories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXIX. p. \s^. Papier-Mach^, Paper Collars, Cuffs, Envelopes and Patterns, Fire Risks of Manufacturing. Vol. XL V. p. 21. Passenger and Freight Elevator Factories, Fire Risk of. Vol. XLIV.p. 118. Pens, Fire Risks of Manufacturing. Vol. XLIII. p. 343. Perfumes, Perfumery, Cosmetics and Dentifrices, Extract- ing and Making, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLIl . p. 276. Photographing, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL. p. 339. Piano and Organ Factories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXVII. p. 297. Picture and Mirror Frame Factories as Fire Risks. Vol. XXXIX. p. 260. Plumbers' and Gas-Fitters' Supplies, Fire Risks of Mak- ing. Vol. XLIL pp. 336, 37 1 . Printing, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLLV. p. 73. Refineries, Lofty ; Sugar Processes and Vicious Fires. Vol. XXXVLL p. 10. Rice-Cleaning and Chocolate Mills, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLI. p. 290. Rice Mills, Fire Hazard of. Vol. XXXL. p. 240. Risk; Know it. Vol. XXXIV. p. 233. Risks as Affected by Alterations. Vol. XXXIV. p. 203. Roof and Roofing Material Manufacture, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLLII. p. 150. Saw, Planing, Sash and Moulding Mills, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLL. p. S3. Scientific and Professional Instruments, Fire Risks of Manufacturing. Vol. XLIV. p. 175. Processes and Hazards. 171 2535. American Exchangfe and Review (continued) • Sewing Machines and Their xA.ttachments, Fire Risks of Making. Vol. XLIII. p. -i^xo. Sheet-Metal Working, A Survey of the Fire Hazards of. Vol. XLI. p. 42. Ship-Building, The Fire Risk of. Vol. XLIII. p. 248. Shirt and Underwear Factories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL. p. 204. Silk Textile and Silk Coloring Works, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXIX. p. 226. Small Leather Articles, The Fire Risks of Manufacturing. Vol. XL V. /. 422. Soap and Candle Making, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXIX. P- 15- Sodium-Chloride and Alkali Processes, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL II. p. 173. Sporting Goods, Fire Risks of Manufacturing. Vol. XLIV.p. 214. Starch Works, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXVII. p. 117. Stave, Lath, Picket and Shingle Mills and Wooden Box Factories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLII. p. 242. Steam and Superheated Water. Vol. XXXV. p. 73. Straw Goods, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL V. p. 373. Sugar Manufacturing, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXII. P- 154- Sugar Refineries, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXV. p. 134. Sulphuric Acid and some of its Compounds, with Asso- ciated Products, Fire Risks of Making. Vol. XXXIX. p. 122. Tanning and Currying, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXVII. p. 204. Tar-Derivative Processes, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLII. p. 1 10. Textile Dyeing, Cleansing and Finishing, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLIV.p. 376. Textile Machinery and Stationary Steam Engine Works, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXVIII. /. 318. 172 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2535. American Exchang:e and Review (concluded) x Tobacco Curing and Manufacturing, Fire Risks of. Vol, XXXIX. /. 89. Tobacco Fire Hazard, Moral and Physical. Vol. XXXI. p. 209. Toys and Games, Fire Risks of Manufacturing. Vol. XLIV. p. 6. Typefounding, Stereotyping and Electrotyping, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXVIII. p. 228. Umbrella, Cane and Whip Factories, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLI. p. 206. Upholstery and Making Upholsterers' Materials, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL II. ^.7. Vinegar and Acetic Acid, Fire Risk of Making. Vol. A^Z/F. A 332. Wall Paper Manufactories, Intrinsic and Comparative Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXVIII. p. 12. Wheat Heaters in Flour Mills. Vol. XXXV. p. 140. Wheelwright and Carriage Making Establishments, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXVIII. p. 259. Wire-drawing and Wire-working, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLI. p. 115. Wood and Straw Paper Works, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXIX. p. 257. Wood Industries, Fire Risks of. Vol. XLII. p 206. Wood Turning Works, Fire Risks of. Vol. XXXVII. p. 148. Worsted Manufacture, Fire Risks of. Vol. XL III. p. 216. 2536. Arlington Mills (The): A Historical and Descriptive Sketch, with some Account of the Worsted Dress-goods Manufacture in the United States. Boston, 1891, O.^pp. 125. 2537. : Tops; A Study in the Development of the American Worsted Manufacture. Ca?nbridg-e, 1898, O., pp. 129. Processes and Hazards. i73 2538. Ashworth (William): The Fire Hazard of Woolen Mills. North-west, 1877,^.34. 2539. Atkinson (Edward): Do Factories or Warehouses become Generators of Gas, leading to Explosions under Certain Conditions? Engineers^ 1893,^. 126. 2540. Bcldcn (H.K.): The Conflagration Hazard. Pacific^ 1S90, /. 55. 2541. Bennett (J. B*): Half an Hour on Insurance Topics. North-west, 18S4, /. 31. 2542. Bentley (Thomas A.): Calico Print Works. Man- chester, 18S0-S1,/. 49. 2543. : Contiguous Risks vs. Limits. Manchester^ 1SS2-3,/. 35. 2544. : Cotton Mill Business. Manchester, 1S86-87, /. 41. 2545- : Manchester Warehouse Limits. Manchester, 1882-3,^.43. 2546. : Tannery Risks vs. Rates. Manchester , 1S84- 85,/. II. 2547. : "Xylolith" (Stone Wood). Manchester, iS94-95»/- 45- 2545. Bingham (W. A.): The Duties of a Fire Insurance Surveyor. Yorkshire, 1891-92,^.45. 2549- Boston Manufacturers* Mutual Publications (con- titiited on next page) : Alterations and Additions to Mills. V^ol. II. p. 52. Bearings; Heated. Vol. II. p. 16S. Belt Boxes or Chambers over Pulleys. Vol. I. p. 154. Boilers, Report upon the Cost of Delivering Coal to. Vol. IV. p. 151. Boiler Room Labor, Cost of. Vol. I\ . p. 169. 174 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2549. Boston Manf. Mutual Publications (concluded) : Condensation of Moisture in Paper Mills, To Prevent the. Vol. III. p. 2. Conveyance of Steam for Pov^^er or Heat. Vol. II. p. 236. Cotton, Storage of. Vol. II. p. 170. Cotton, Foreign Substances in. Vol. III. /. 91. Cotton Picker Fires. Vol. IV. p. 2. Cotton Bales, Iron Hooks in. Vol. IV. p. 2. Cotton Storehouse, Fire in. Fb/. I. p. 51. Disinfectants for Use in Mills. Vol. II. p. 16. Disinfection ; Treatment of Sea or Salt Water by Elec- tricity for Disinfecting Purposes. Vol. IV. p. i. Drying, Danger in Process of, at Printworks, Dyevi^orks and Bleacheries. Vol. I. pp. 36, 99, no. Drying Rooms and Drying, Risk of Fire from. Vol. II. pp. 238, 245. Dust Flues, Dampers in. Vol. II. p. 173. Economizers. Vol. IV. p. 184. Efficiency of Combustion. Vol. IV. p. 185. European Boiler Practices. Vol. IV. p. 152. Fuel, Consumption of. Vol. II. p. 129. Mechanical Stokers. Vol. IV. p. 183. Non-conducting Materials which Prevent Waste of Heat. Vol. III. p. 21. Overhead Heating Pipes. Vol. I. p. 79. Repairs at Night. Vol. II. p. 184. Self Inspection. Vol. IV. p. 2. Spontaneous Combustion, Liability of Mixtures of Soap and Lard Oil to. Vol. IV. p. ?>. Steam Pipe Coverings, Boiler and Cylinder Laggings. Vol. IV. pp. 137, 147, 149, 150, 183. Steam-pipes, Coverings for. Vol. II. p. 161, Steam Users' Association, Final Report of. Vol. IV. p. 194. 2550. Brown (J. M.): Breweries as a Fire Hazard. North- west, iSy^^p. 175. Processes and Hazards, i75 2551. Brown (Edward): Elements of Rating Hazards. Pacific, iSSo, /. S7. 2552. Cairnie (J. Bruce): Additional Risks. Manchester , 1875-76, /. 24- 2553* • Artificial Lighting. Ma7ichester, 1881-82, p. 61. 2554. Candy Explosions, Origin of. Scrap Book, p. 36. 2555. Carpenter (E. W.): Fire Hazard of the Electric Light. Pacific, 1S82,/. 34. 2556. Chapman (J. H,): Manchester Warehouses. Asso- ciation, Manchester, 1895-96, p. 37. 2557. Clarke (W. T.): Grain Warehouses and Elevators. Northwest, iSjS, p. 126. 255S. Clydesdale (Alexander M.): Scotch Mineral Oil In- dustry. Nor-wich, 1892, p. 10. 2559. Coote CWilliam): Address to Fire Survey Class. Ireland, 1895-96, p. 77. 2560. Cornell (W. B.): Fire Hazard of Flour Mills. Northwest, 1879,/. 178. 2561. : Fire Hazard of Saw Mills. Northwest, 1877, /• H6. 2562. Crosby (Everett U,): Handbook of Underwriters' Bureau. Boston, 1896, D., pp. 183. 2563. Crosby (U. C): Necessity for Concerted Action in Improvement and Inspection of Risks. Northwest, 1891, i^-43- 2564. Cunningham (A. M.): Tobacco, its Production, Processes of Handling and Fire Hazard. South, 1877. 2565. Cutler (H. F.): Cotton Mill Fires. Manchester, 1875-76,/- 42. 176 Insurance Libraty Association of Boston. 2566. Dansken (Alexander B.): Roller Milling. Glasgo-w^ Third Series^ p. 1 1 1 . 2567. Dillon ("W".): Oils Used in Woolen and Worsted Mills. Yorkshire^ 1S95-96, /. 123. 2568. Eddison (J. Cooper): Worsted Mills. Yorkshire^ 1895-96,/. 79. 2569. Eddison (J. P.): Waste Products of Woolen and Worsted Mills. Yorkshire, 1S97-98, /. 105. 2570' Fenn (T. W.): Photography in its Relation to Fire Insurance. Pacific, 1889, p. 14. 2571. Finney (J« G.): Best System of Inspection. North- west, 1885, p. 103. 2572- Fisher (M. M.): Straw Goods Factories, Fire Insur- ance Experience upon, more Particularly in Massachusetts. Pa??iphlet O., pp. 4. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 2573* Fox (L. H.); Inspection of Hazards. Northwest, 1882,/. 65. 2574- Freeman (W. R«): Trees, Logs and Lumber. North- west, 1884, p. 153. 2575* Geldard (James): Hand-book of Cotton Manufac- ture, or a Guide to Machine-Building, Spinning and Weaving. Nexv York, 1867, D., pp. 298. 2576. Hanscom ("W. W.): Q."aitz Mill Hazard. Pacific, 1882,/. 71. 2577. Harding (A. J.): Correct Method of Surveying Risks. Northwest, iSjG, p. 116. 2578. Hexamer (C J.): Fire Hazard of Finely Divided Organic Substances. Northwest, 1885,/. 69. 2579- : Standard for a Malt Mill ; with a Report upon the Malt Mills in Philadelphia. Pamphlet O., pp. 29. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. II. Processes and Hazards, 177 2580. Hine (C C): Flour Mill Explosions. Some Errors Corrected. N. T. State, 1S7S,/. 45. 2551. : Isometrical Drawing. North-west, 1882, /. 16S. 2552. Hired Man (real name not disclosed) : The Best System of Supervision, (Managers' Prize Essay, 18S0. Honorable Mention.) Northwest, 1880,^. 260. 2553. Hoadley (John C): The Combustion of Fuel for Generation of Steam and other Purposes where Heat is Required, with Special Reference to the Improved Appa- ratus of O. Marland. Pamphlet Nar. ^., pp. 15. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 2554. Hobbs (H. HO: Fire Hazard of a Flour Mill of the Present Day. Northwest, iSSo, /. 105. 2585. Horsey (F. J.): Alcoholic Distillation and By-Prod- ucts. Nortvich, 1897-98,^. 15. 2586. Howard (W. L): Construction and Inspection. Northwest, 1889,^. 125. 2587. Insurance Monitor: Bagging Factories, Hazards of. Vol. XXVI. p. 351. Celluloid Risks. Vol. XXXVI. p. 561. Lamp Black, Hazard of. Vol. XXIV. p. 673. Metals, Danger from the Explosion of Molten. Vol. XXV. p. 259. Oils, Mineral, in Woolen Factories. Vol. XXI. p. 232. 2 5 88. Insurance World: Boiler Explosions, Cause of. Vol. X. p. 81. Canneries, Fire Risk of. Vol. X. p. 35. Drying Rooms, Fire Risk of. Vol. X. p. 3. Paper Mills, Fire Risk of. Vol. XVI. p. 65. Storage Warehouse, Fire Risk of. Vol. XV. p. 449. Tanneries, Fire Risk of. Vol. XV. p. 4^51. 178 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 25^9- Jewsbury (Sidney): Chemical Works ; their Products and Risks. Manchester^ 1875-76,/. 7. 2590. : Heating Apparatus, having Especial Refer- ence to Pipe-Stoves, Fireplaces, Hot-Air Apparatus, Gas Stoves, Steam-Pipes, and High and Low Pressure Hot Water. Manchester^ 1876-7,/, 5. 2c^9i, ; Storage of Nitrates and Chlorates of Potash and Soda, Benzine and Bi-Sulphide. Manchester^ 1881-82,/. 4. 2592. Johnson (E. C): Flour Mills, their Processes, Haz- ards, Protection and Rates. (Miller Prize Essay, signed "Y. G. Milos." First Prize.) North-west, \%'6\, p. \2. 2593. : The Best System of Supervision. (Managers' Prize Essay, signed " Thersites." Second Medal.) Northwest, 1880,/. 186. 2594- Johnson (G. J.): Surveying of Fire Risks. Man- chester, 1879-80,/. 55. 2595- Joseph (James F.): Special Agent vs. Local Board Inspection. Northwest, 1897, /. 94. 2596. Kinne (CM.): Science and Underwriting, or Micro- scopic Hazards. Pacific, 1883,/. '^6. 2597. Landers (W. J.): Perils of Benzine in Canning Es- tablishments. Pacific, 1883, /. 53. 2598. Linley (David M.): Saw Mills. York shir e,\^^s-^6, P' 59- 2599. Mackenzie (R. K.): Commission. Norwich, 1897- 98,/. 19. 3600. : Cotton Mills. A^orw/c//, 1897-9S, /. 55. 2601. : Woolen Manufacturing. N'orzuich, 1897-9S, /• 37- Processes and Hazards. 179 3602. Mackcy (W. McD.) : Notes on Cloth Oils, with Reference to Insurance Risks. Torkshire^ 1893-94, /. 33. 2603. Macmillan (R.): The Warehouses and Market Day- Rooms Tariff, Particularly in Reference to Risks Adjoin- ing or Forming Part of Mills. Yorkshire^ 1890-91,/. 77. 2604. Maxwell (J. D.)t The Boiler Risk in Special Haz- ards. Pacific^ 1892,/. 84. 2605. McLaren (W. S. B.) : Spinning Woolen and Worsted ; being a Practical Treatise for the Use of all Persons Engaged in these Trades. Second edition. Loti- don^ 1884, S.^ pp. 256. 2606. Miller (B.) : Cotton Mill Risks. Manchester, 1874- 75,/- 13- 2607. : Want of Uniformity in the Tariffs on Cotton, Woolen, Worsted, Flax and Corn Mills. Manchester, iS74-75»/- 28. 2608. Moore ("W. L.) : Wind Storms and Tornado Fre- quency. Northwest, 1896,/. 71. 2609. Morrow (J. H.): Inspections. Pacific, 1896,/. 39. 3610. Murray (A. J. E.): A Short Treatise on Fire Insur- ance Surveying. Victoria, 1890,/. 130. 261 1. Nasmith ( Joseph) : Recent Cotton Mill Construction and Engineering. Londofz (no date), Z>., pp. 275. 2612. : The Students' Cotton Spinning. Third edi- tion. Ma?ichester, 1896, D., pp. 622. 2613. Niles (Edward): Inspections. Pacific, 1895, P- 59- 2614. Ostler (James): The Modern Corn Mill. Matiches- ter, 1884-85,/. 23. Also Federation, 1898,/. 19. 2615. Owen (E» Roger): Sheffield Risks. Manchester, 1S80-81, p. 9. I So Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2616. Porter (F. H.): Little Fire Hazards and How to Pre- vent Them. Pacific, 1895,^. 26. 2617. : Systematic Inspection; Its Aims, Methods, Results. Pacific, 1893,^. 54. 2618. Rail (J. "W.): Inspection of Fire Risks; A Sugges- tion. Wales, Record 18. 2619. Redfield (A. P.): Glucose Factories and Their Haz- ards. Northwest, 1880,^. 200. 2620. Robb (J.) J Accumulation of Hazard in Fire Risk. Manchester, 1874-75, p. 5. Also Federation, 1898, p. I. 2621. . Manchester Warehouses. Manchester, i?>'j6-'], p. 30. 2622. Roberts (J. B.): Woolen Manufacture in Relation to Fire Insurance. Yorkshire, 1894-95, p. 77. Also Federation, i8gS, p. 117. 2623. Ross (William Frazier): The Estimation of Expo- sures or External Hazards in Fire Insurance, with Sched- ules and Formulas for Rating Risks, and Stenographic Formulas for Denoting Risks and Rates. DaveJiport, Iowa, 1874, D.,pp. 59. 2624. Rutherglen (Charles K.): Corn Mills. Glasgozv, First Series, p. 105. 2625. Ryder (George V.): High Pressure Hot Water Heat- ing Apparatus. Manchester, 1878-79, p. 57. 2626. Savage (D.): Woolen Mills. Manchester, 1S75-76, P- 34- 2627. Scotter (R. H.): Cotton Fires and Cotton Bales. London, 1898, Pamphlet O., pp. 16; British, \^ol. /., No. 6. 2628. Seage (H. D.): Evolution of the Saw Mill. North- west, 1895,/. 25. Processes and Hazards. i8i 2629. Shaw (Eyre M.): Fire Surveys, or a Summary of the Principles to be Observed in Estimating the Risk of Buildings. Third edition. London^ 1889, D.^pp, 104. 2630. Silvey (T. A.): Fire Hazards of Breweries and Malt Houses. United, 18S2, p. 66. 2631. Simon (Henry): Modern Flour Mill Insurance. Manc/icster, 1889-90,/. 25. 2632. ^^Smilax^ (real name not disclosed) : The Best Sys- tem of Supervision. (Managers' Prize Essay. Honor- able Mention.) Northwest^ 1880, p. 257, 2633. Smith (H. J.): Fire Surveys. Victoria, 1885, p. 25. 2634. Southern Insurance Directory: Cotton Hazard and Cotton Underwriting in the South, 1887,^313- Cotton Seed Oil Mills, 1887, p. 32S. Dwelling House Insurance, 1887, /. 335. Gin House Hazard, 1887, p. 323. Sugar Houses in Louisiana, 1S87, p. 326. 2635. Spectator: Kinetoscope Hazard, Danger of Fire from Films. Vol. L VIII. i?^. 313. 2636. Stanton ("W. M.): New Zealand Flax. Norwich, 1892,/. 14. 2637. Steam Boiler Explosion. Remarkable Explosion of a Boiler at Jacksonville, N. C. Pamphlet Ob. T., pp. 16. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VIII. 2638. Stceb (George Velten): Fire Insurance Agents' and Surveyors' Pocket Book of Information. JVevj Tork, 1896, S., pp. 152. 2639. Stone (Jacob): Flour Mills ; their Processes, Haz- ards, Protection, and Rates. (Miller Prize Essay, signed " Silex." Honorable Mention.) Northwest, 1S81, /. 233- 1 82 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2640. Tealc (F. B.): Woolen and Worsted Mills as Fire Insurance Risks. Yorkshire^ 1892-93, /. 55. 2641. Thompson ("William): Fire Risks Connected with Manufactures. Manchester^ 1896-97, p. 75. 2642. Thompson (E. L«): Hops as a Fire Hazard. Pacific^ 1897,/. 27. 2643. Tobin (T. W*): Explosive Properties of Fine Dust. Northwest^ 1882,/. 92. 2644. Todd (Gcorgfe A.): Fire Insurance Surveying. Glas- gow^ Third Series^ p. 87. 2645. Warden (Henry): Corn Mills. Manchester^ 1881- 82,/. 34. 2646. : Seed Oil and Cake Mills. Manchester^ 1877- ^%,p. 26. 2647. Wardle (James): Some Notes on Corn Milling Machinery. Yorkshire^ 1891-92, p. 55. 2648. Waters (A. J.): The Best System of Supervision. (Managers' Prize Essay, signed "Cambridge." First Medal.) Northwest, 1880, p. 177. 2649. : Iron Workers. Northwest, 1880, /. 90. 2650. Webb (William): Cotton Mills. Yorkshire, 1893-94, 2651. Wheelock (Isaac R.): The Insurance Inspector and his Work. A full discussion of his Functions and Impor- tance as an Element in Successful Fire Underwriting. The Standard, in thirty-two papers, beginning with Vol. XXXII., No. 14, April 8, 1893, and ending with Vol. XXXV., No. 23, Dec. 8, 1894. 2652. Woodbridge (S. H.): Ventilation of the Machine Rooms of Paper Mills. Technology Quarterly, May, 1888, Pamphlet O., pp. 8. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. Rate ^ookSf and ^ting Organ- izations 2653. Boston Board of Fire Insurance Brokers, Constitu- tion and By-Laws. Boston^ 18S5, T.^ pp. 9 2654. Boston Board of Fire Underwriters. (Originally the Boston Tariff Association, which was organized October 20, 1882, for the purpose of making rates and rules for the regulation of the fire insurance business in Boston, the principal feature being that no rates were to take effect until they had been approved by eighty-five per cent of the insurance capital represented in Boston. This Asso- ciation continued until May, 1887, when it was decided that its name was misleading, and that it would be better to have a title which could be readily understood by those who read or heard it, and the name of Boston Board of Fire Underwriters was adopted. The work of the Board is to make rates on all Boston risks, to make rules govern- ing the writing thereof, and the payment of commissions thereon, to supervise the introduction of electric installa- tions, and to inspect all manufacturing and business build- ings as well as automatic sprinkler and automatic alarm installations.) Table of Minimum Premiums. Boston., 1866, Pamphlet O., pp. 16. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 2655. : Tariff of Minimum Rates. Boston., 1868, Nar. S.,pp. 30. 2656. Boston Fire Underwriters* Union. (Was formed May 22, 1873, for the purpose of making rates for Boston, Cambridge, Chelsea, and Somerville. In May, 1877, its constitution was amended so that thereafter it should have nothing to do with rating risks, but its work was (183) 184 Insurance Library Association of Boston. to consist in obtaining information for the general benefit of underwriters, which work it still carries out.) Con- stitution, Tariff of Rates and General Regulations. Bos- ton, 1875, S.,pp. 76. 3657. Calcutta Fire Insurance Agents* Association, Rules as Amended at the Annual General Meetings of Members held 1895, 1S96, 1897, 1898. Patnphhet O., pp. 4. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 265S. Hartford (Ct,). Tariff of Rates adopted by the Board of Fire Underwriters, Hartford, 1866, D., pp. 86. 2659. Haverliill (Mass.) Tariff. Minimum Rates of Fire Insurance Established by a Committee of the National Board of Underwriters. Haverhill, 1S69, Nar. T.,pp. 47- 2660. Metropolitan Association of Fire Underwriters. Minimum Rates. New York, 1886, Nar. S., pp. 39. 3661. Mexican Tariff ( Tar if a de Seguros contra Ince7i- dio). Mexico, 1895, T., pp. -t,^. 2662. Moore (F. C.) : Standard Universal Schedule for Rating Mercantile Risks. Edition January, 1896. With Suggestions for Computing Exposures to Brick Buildings ; Occupancy Charges and List of Hazards Supplementary to Universal Schedule ; Warehouse Tariff ; History and Analysis of the Universal Mercantile Schedule ; and Waterworks and Pipe Distribution. New York, 1898, Nar. O., pp. 201. 2663. Woodside (Cliarles L.) : An Experimental Schedule for Rating Mercantile and other Buildings and their Con- tents. Boston, 1894, Pamphlet Nar. O., pp. 45. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IX. 2664. "Worcester Board of Underwriters. Articles of Asso- ciation. Worcester, 1883, Pamphlet D., pp.6. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IX. Statistics of Fire Insurance 2665. Affeld (F. O.) : Reliable Statistics, the Basis of Efficient and Economical Fire Protection and Good Gov- ernment. Engineers^ 1894,/. 91. 2666. American Exchange and Review : Massachusetts Fires, 1S7S. Vol. XXXIII. pp. 200, 20S. Mill Fires ; Experience of Boston Manufacturers Mutual from October i, 1850, to January i, 1879. Vol. XXXIII. p. 144. 2667. Ayres (Henry) : Balance Sheets of Insurance Com- panies, or the Real Advantages of Publicity Examined by Reference to the Accounts of Companies Presented to Parliament in June, 1863. London, 1863, Pamphlet O., pp. 64. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. V. 2668. Boston Manufacturers* Mutual Publications (co7i- ti7ined on ?iext ]. •yag e) Annual Reports of Bus iness. For the year 1883 Vol. II. p. 176 1884 (( 1885 (( " 63 1886 (( " 100 1887 (( " 117 1888 . Vol. III. P- 3 1889 u " 33 1890 (( " 66 1891 " - 87 1892 (( " 113 ^893 (I " 139 (185) 86 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2668. Boston Manf. Mutual Publications (concluded) ♦ Annual Reports of Business. For the year 1894 .... Vol. III. p. 186 1895 1897 Vol. IV. p. 75 Vol. v., not yet bound. 2669. : Annual Reports of Fires. For the year 1865 1866 1869 1871 1872 ^873 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 i8qi 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 Vol. I. p. I " " 3 " - 5 " " 7 " " 13 " " 18 " " 20 u u 37 - - 48 " " 126 " " 152 Vol. II. p. 67a never issued. Vol. II. p. 67 " " 104 Vol. III. p. 6 " " 23 - - 56 u u 78 " '* 104 » " 131 Vol. IV. p. 30 " " 86 Vol. v., not yet bound. I Statistics of Fire Insurance 187 2670. Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Publications: Asso- ciated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Companies of New England. Summary for 1888. Vol. III. p. 5. 2671. : Computation of the Number and Amount of Claims for Loss made upon the Boston Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Companies from 1850 to 1884. Vol. II. p. 185, 2672. : Computation of Results of Business of Seven- teen Mutual Companies from 1850 to 1879. Vol. I. p. 30a. 2673. : Experience with Risks on Textile Factories and on other Outside Risks, so called. V^ol. I. p. 86. 2674. : Joint Reports of Associated Factory Mutual In- surance Companies of New England for 1886. Vol. II. p. 96. For 1887, p. 133. List of such Companies, Vol. II. p. 144. 2675. : Property Insured in the Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, with location thereof, January, 1879. Vol. I. p. 42. 2676. : Quarterly Reports of Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Companies. 1884, Vol. II. p. 221 ; 1885, Vol. II. p. 10. 2677. • Summary of the Business of 19 Associated Factory Mutual Insurance Companies from Organization to Dec. 31, 1881. Vol. I. p. 114. Same for year 1882, Vol. I. p. 118. 2678. Chronicle Fire Tables (The), A Record of the Fire Losses in the L^nited States and Territories, with Exhibits of the Monthly Annual and Aggregate Fire Losses therein during twenty-three years (1875-1897), and other Infor- mation Relating to the Losses by Fire. Annual Issues for 1875 to 1898, inclusive; complete. 1 88 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2679. Hayden (H. R.): Statistics of Fire and Marine In- surance in the United States for 1881. Compiled from the State Reports and from Company Returns. Hart- ford, 1882, O., pp. 91. 2680. Jenney (Charles A.): Fire Insurance by States; a Record of Business in each of the States and Territories of the United States and in the Dominion of Canada, Compiled from the Reports of the Companies to the United States Census Office, the State and Territorial In- surance Departments and to the Weekly Underwriter . Issues for 1880 to 1898, inclusive; Square Folio ; com- plete. 2681. : Report on Insurance Business in the United States at the Eleventh Census, 1890. Part I., Fire, Marine and Inland Insurance. Part II., Life Insurance. Wash- itigton, D. C, 1895; Part I. pp. 11 27; Part II. pp. 478. 2682. Lowden (W. H.): Statistics of Fire Underwriting on the Pacific Coast for 26 years. Pacific., 1897, p. 86. 2683. Massachusetts. Manufacturing Business of Massa- chusetts, Arranged with Special Reference to the Busi- ness of Insurance. Supplement to Report of Insurance Commissioner, 1877. Boston, 1877, Pamphlet O., pp. 40. 2684. Mutual Fire Insurance Company of New York and Fire Association of New York. Annual and Semi-an- nual Reports for years 1883 to 1891, inclusive; complete in one volume, ^S*^. ^. 2685. Richards (T. D.): Manufacturing and Trade Risks in New South Wales. Wales, Record 72. Theory and Practice 2656. Abbey (A. J. B.): Evils that Oppress Fire Under- writing at the Present Day. (Baker Prize Essay, signed "Nugget." Honorable Mention.) Nort/nvest, iS^o^ p. 246. 2657. Affeld (F. O.): The Fire Waste and How to Reduce It. Engineers^ i893i /• ^9- 26SS. Allan (C B.): Unauthorized Insurance. ^V. /. C, 1890, p. 26. 26S9. Allison (Young E.): Insurance Journalism. North- ivest, 1S95,/. 133. 2690. : The Practice of Fire Underwriting. Pacific^ 1S9S,/. 38. 2691 . American Exchange and Review : Co-Insurance Premium Rating. Vol. XL VI. p. 305. Cost of Insurance Management : Fire and Fire-Marine. Vol. XXXV. p. 8. Percentage Insurance and Co-Insurance. Vol. XL VI. P' 393- Sprinklers and Co-Insurance. Vol. XL VI. p. 125. 2692. Argall (F. C): Some Aspects of the Theory of Lines. Pacific^ 1S95, p. So. 2693. : Some Requirements of the Times. Pacific, 1896, p. 56. 2694. Arnould (G.C.): Insurances on Mortgaged Properties. Victoria, iSSj, p. 78. 3695. Bagley (Wm. H.): Assistant Managers. Pacifc, 1898, p. 63. (189) 19° Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2696. Baldwin (Lloyd): Underwriting from a Legal Stand- point. Pacific^ 1884,/. 86. 2697. Ballard (Frank "W.): The Newspaper Press and its Treatment of Insurance Qiiestions. Pacific, 1884,^. 83. 2698. Bankers' and Agents' Magazine: Municipal Fire In- surance. Febriiary, 1897,/. 333* 2699. Beddall (E. F.): Co-insurance. Northwest, 1892, p. 38. 2700. : The Foreign Fire Insurance Company and its Business Methods. New York, 1898, O., pp. 78. Also N I. C. Text Book, p. 638. 2701. Bennett (J. B.): The Best System of Rating. North- west, 1S85,/. 173. 2702. Bentley (W. G.): The Value of Associated Effort. Northwest, 1880, /.Si. 2703. Bentley (Thomas A*): Competition in Cotton Mill Rates. Manchester, 1888-89, P' ^^• 2704. : Mansion House Fires and Rates. Manchester, 1874-75,/. II. 2705. Berne (J. J.)j Hostile Legislation and the Remedy. Northzvest, 1887, p. 126. 2706. Blagden (Samuel P.): Incendiarism. United, i88o, p. 50. 2707. Bliven (CE.): Rates and Rating. Northwest, 1888, P-Z1' 2708. Blossom (H. M.): Passing of the Agent. Northwest, 1895, /. 68. 2709. Bloomingston (J. S.): Politics of Fire Insurance. Northwest, 1890, p. 89. Theory and Practice* 191 2710. Boardman (T. D»): Influences Prejudicial to Fire In- surance Interests. Pacific, 1S95, p. 49. 271 1. Boocock (J. Hecdon): Suggested Formation of a Committee of Fire Offices in Birmingham. Birmingha7ti^ 1894-5 (not paged). 2713. Bombaogh (C. C«): The Claims of Fire Insurance Practice to Professional Rank. Northxvest, i2>^^,p. 47. 2713. Bonar (L. J.): Communism from an Insurance Stand- point. Northwest, i^SS, p. %. 2714. Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Publications : Basis of Valuation of Paper Mills. Vol. II. p. 115. Conditions on which Applications for Factory Mutual In- surance will be Considered. Vol. IV. p. 28. Mutual Insurance of Rubber Works and other Special Hazards. Vol. II. p. 22^. Mutual Factory Insurance Companies, Objects and Methods of. Vol. I. pp. 64 and 71. Paper Mill Insurance. A Plea for Practical Paper Mill Insurance. Vol. II. p. 73. Paper Mill Risks. Vol. II. p. 141. Prevention of Loss by Fire, and the System of Factory Mutual Insurance. Vol. II. p. 20. Recent Progress in Factory Mutual Insurance. Vol. II. p. 179. Requirements of Applicants for Insurance in Factory Mutuals. Vol. I. p. 190. Surveys, Inspections, Valuations and the Equitable Cost of same. V^ol. I. p. 169. 2715. Boston Daily Globe: Fire Underwriting ; The Theory of Fire Insurance Associations ; The Work of the Under- writers ; The Profits of Insurance. Boston, 1S74, Pam- phlet O., pp. 14. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 2716. Brinkerhoff (J. J.)t How to Examine a Life Insurance Company. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 889. 192 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2717. Brown (Edward): Are Compacts Desirable? Pacific^ 18S9,/. 55. 2718. •• Insurance z^5. Underwriting. Pacijic^ 1894,/. 35- 2719. Brown (J. Mabbett): Fire Insurance Rates. N. I. C. Text Book^ p. C583. 2720. Bryan (Thomas B.): Fire Underwriters and the World's Fair. Northxvest^ 1891, P- 67. 2721. Butler (C D.): Insurance Work in Ireland. Bir- mi7tgha7n^ 1S93-4, p. 52. 2722. Botler (G. £♦): Work and Experiences of the Arson Committee of the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific. Pacific^ 1895, p. 16. 2723. Callingham (W. J*): Commissions and Compensa- tions to Sub-Agents. Pacific^ 1881,/. 50. 2724. Carpenter (E. W,): Machinery of Underwriting. Pacific^ 1S83,/. 90. 2725. : Use and Abuse of Compacts. Pacific^ 1S94, p, 70. 2726. Carroll (Charles E.): Is There No Balm in Gilead? North-west^ 1S94, /. 73. 2727. Chard (Thomas S.): As Others See Us. Pacific, ^^9hP- 33- 272S. : Co-Operation. United, 18S0, /. 41. 2729. : Combinations. North-west, 1877,/. 161. 2730- : Legislation. United, 1881,/. 26. 2731. : Morals and Moral Hazard as Related to Un- derwriting. North-west, 1875,/. 25. 2732. : Re-insurance Reserve of Fire Insurance Compa- nies. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 593. I Theory and Practice. 193 2733. Clark (W. T»): Fire Insurance in its Relation to tlie Public. Northwest, iS'jS, p. <^2\ 1S85, /. 13S. 2734. ; What Underwriters Don't Know About In- surance. Northwest, 1888,^. 120. 2735. Clarke (Georgfe C): Compensation of Agents. North- west, 1876, p. 106. 2736. : Evils That Oppress Fire Underwriting at the Present Day. (Baker Prize Essay, signed " Nullus Homo." Honorable Mention.) Northwest, 1880,/. 229. ^737" * Public Opinion in its Relation to Insurance. Northwest, 1875,/. 131. 2738. Qarke (M. "W. S.): On Some Aspects of Fire In- surance. Wales, Record 4. 2739- : Will the Average Clause Satisfy the Anticipa- tions of the Fire Offices? Wales, Record 33. 2740. Clom (R. L.): Positions and Policies. Northwest, 1896, p. 46. 2741. Coale (George P.): Recommended Change in Writ- ing Policies to Commission Merchants, also " Loss if any payable to." Northwest, iS'j'j, p. 70. 2742. Cobban ("W. H.): Hostility of the Public Toward Fire Insurance Companies. Northwest, 1897,/. ^^• 2743. Cohen (Max): Qiiestionable Ethics. An Analytical Review of Mr. Hines' paper, "The Jew in Fire Insur- ance." Views, Vol. VI. p. 225. 2744. Colquhoon (C. R.): Average Clause in Fire Policies. Victoria, iS^o, p. 29. 2745. : The Effects of Financial Depression on Fire Insurance. Victoria, 1893, p. 7^. 194 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2746. G)ntinental Fire Insurance Company. Proposed Form of Local Board Compact for a Tariff Association. New Tork, 1891, Pa?npklct O., pp. 20. Bound Pam- phlets, Vol. V. 2747. Cook (G. T.): The Average Clause. Manchester, 1875-76, /• 19- 3748. Covington (S. F.)j Fire Waste, a Paper laid before the National Commercial Convention. Atlanta, Geor- gia, 1S85, Patnphlet O., pp. 19. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. X. 3749. Crandall (W. H.) : How Rates are Made and the Effect upon the Profit and Loss Account. Northxvest, 1S92,/. 57. 2750. Crocker (George U.) : Does Fire Insurance Cost Too Much? North Afnerzcan Review, April, i^()^. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. V. 2751. Crooke (George): Legislation in Fire Insurance. Northwest, 1880, p. 35. 2752. Cunningham (J. L.) : Is it so much a Qiiestion of Rates? Northxvest, iS'jS, p. iii. 271^3. ♦ Valued Policy Laws. United, iSSo, /. 34. 2754. Dargan (J. S.) : Essential Difference of the Fire Hazard in the United States and Western Europe. Northwest, 1884, p. 159. 2755. : Evils that Oppress Fire Underwriting at the Present Day. (Baker Prize Essay, signed "Halifax." First Prize.) Northwest, 1880, p. 158. 2756. Davies (John E.) : Force of Circumstances. North- zvest, 1897, /• 49- 2»7S7- Davis (W. S.) ; Fire Insurance in America. N 2. State, 1878,/. 18. Theory and Practice. 195 275S. Davis (Samuel H.) : Insurance at Piney Woods. Louisville^ Ky.^ 1896, Z>,, pp. 103. 2759. Day (W. R.) : The Insurance Institute of New- South Wales. A Plea for its Existence and Some Sug- gestions for its Reform. Wales ^ Record 86. 3760. Dean (A. F.) : Fire Insurance Rates. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 550. 3761. Dean (Woodard) : Fire Insurance under the Search- light. Chicago, 1S97, O., pp. 109. 3762. Dearth (Elmer H.) : The Foreign Fire Insurance Company and its Business Methods. N. I. C. Text Book, p. Soi. 2763. De Camp (J. M*) : Agency Systems: How can Present Systems be Improved? Northwest, 1886, p. 200. 2764. : Theory vs. Practice. Northzvest, iSSi, /. in. 2765. Deeringf (Chester) : The Study of Law as an Aid to an Insurance Man. Pacijic, 1898,^. 50. 2766. Dembufsky (Max) : The Evolution of the Jew. Northxvest, 1896, p. 53. 3767. De Roode (Holger) : Evils That Oppress Fire Under- writing at the Present Day. (Baker Prize Essay, signed " Parsee." Honorable Mention.) Northwest, 1880, P- 234- 276S. : Facts and Fancies in Fire Underwriting. Northwest, 1S89, p. 52. 2769. Dibdin (E. Rimbault): Agencies. Manchester, 1S83-S4, p. 13. 2770. Donald (Robert): Municipal Fire Insurance. Coj/- temporary Review, December, 1S95, p. S39. 196 Insafancc Library Association of Boston. 2771. Dornin (George D.): After the Compact, What? Pacific^ 1S92, p. 193. 2772. • Collect or Cancel. Pacijic^ 1S96, /. 105. 3773. : Fire Underwriting on the Pacific Coast. Northwest, 1878,/. 39. 2774. : Should the Policy of Insurance be a Contract of Absolute Indemnity? Pacific, 1SS9, p. $2. 2775. Dresser (J« M.): Relations of Geology to Underwrit- ing. NortJnvest, 1877,/. 124. 2776. Drew (G K.): Local Agents' Duties to their Com- panies. Northivest, 1879,^. 59. 2777. Driffield (V. C.): Organization upon Broader Lines. Pacific, 1895, p. 98. 2778. : The Press as an Adjuster. Pacific, 1894, p. 91. 2779. Drigfgs (Edmund): Judicial Prejudices. United, 1S80, p. 54. 2780. Dunham (J. N.)t Taxation of Fire Insurance Com- panies. United, 1S81,/. 14. 2781. Durfee (B. K,): National vs. State Supervision. N.I. C, 1896,/. 39. 2782. Dutton (W. J.): Facts vs. Figures. Pacific, 1898, p. 48^. 2783. ; Sparks and Spray. (Contrasting the Customs of Fire and Marine Underwriting.) Pacific, 1884,^. 94. 2784. Eastman (W.): The Ethics of Fire Insurance. A^or- ivich, 1897-9S, /. 69. 2785. Easton (George): Practical Benefits of Co-operation. Pacific, 1890, p. 74. Theory and Practice* i97 2756. Engelbach (Harold): Fire Rating; Theory and Prac- tice. Ireland^ 1S93-3, /. 11. 2757. Faymonville (B.): Cancellation Clause, Is it Equita- ble? Pacific, 1889,^. 36. 2788. . New York Standard Form of Policy. Pacific, 1887,/. 23. 2789. : The Value of Insurance Literature. Pacific, 1895,/- H7- 2790. Fenn (T. W.): The Good and the Bad in the Busi- ness. Pacific, 1887,/. 119. 2791. Finch (John A.): The Possibilities of National Super- vision. N. I. C. Text Book, p, 1052. 2792. Finley (Lieutenant): Meteorology in its Relation to Commercial Pursuits, especially Insurance. Northwest, ^^9hP- 53- 2793- Folger (Herbert): The Growth of Tariff Associations. Pacific, 1892,/. 39. 2794. : Is the LTniversal Mercantile Schedule Adapted to Pacific Coast Risks. Pacific, 1893,/. 116. 2795. ♦ Proposed Form for Pacific Fire Re-insui-ance Agreement. Pacific, 1897, p. 14. 2796. : Revision of Rates on Unprofitable Classes. North-vcest, 1893,/. 123. 2797- : Suggestions upon the Choice of Fire Insurance Literature. Pacific, 1898, /. 134. 3798. Fowler (J. A.): The Fire Account; Physical, Per- sonal, Moral. Northwest, 1878, p. 134. 2799. : Public Policy. Northwest, 1892, p. 69. 2800. Fox (F. T.): Judicial Decisions, Legislative Injustice. Northwest, 18S6, /. 169. 19^ Insurance Litjfary Association of Boston, 2801. Fox (F, T.) : Legislation Restricting Insurance. Northwest, 1886, f. 168. 2802. Fox (W. F.) : Rates vs. Co-insurance. North-west, 1884,/. 138. 2803. • Underwriting; Its Object, Condition and Future. Northwest, 1882,/. 129. 2804. Francis (Henry F.) : Sound Practice in Fire Under- writing. Wales, Record S3. 2805. Frazier ("W. H.) : How is Your Surplus? Axioms and Comments on the Business of Fire Insurance. Phila- delphia^ 1893? O., pp. 91. 2S06. : Predictions; Past, Present and Future of Fire Underwriting in the United States. Philadelphia, 1S93, Sq. ^.,PP.6^. 2807. Fricke (William A«) : Ideal Fire Policy. Northwest, 1895, i^- 35- 280S. : Revision of Insurance Laws. Northwest, 1895,/. 29. 2809. Fyke (M» A.) : New York Standard Policy ; its Merits and Demerits. Northwest, 1894, p. 163. 2810. Garver (J. A., Jr.) : Future of the Fire Insurance Business from a Local Agent's Standpoint. Northwest^ iSgj,p. 41. 281 1. Gay (E. S.) : Full Co-Insurance and Contribution by the Assured. Northwest, 1893,/. 64. 2812. Gemmcll (James): The Economical Aspects of Fire and Life Insurance at the Present Day. (Prize Essay.) Glasgow, First Series, p. 231. 2813. Gillett (A. S.) : Co-operation. United, 1881, p. 52. Theory and Practice i99 2S14. Glidden (H. H.) : Written Portion of the Policy. North-west^ 1889,/. 119. 2815. Goddard ("W.) : Fire Insurance ; Brokers and Broker- age. Wales, Record 8. 2816. Grant (George F.) : Influence of Association. Pacific, 1886, p. 14. 2817. Grant (H.M.) : Local Board Organization. Pacific, 1897, p. 142. 2818. : What do We Learn? Pacific, 1892, p. 149. 2819. Griffiths (J. C) : Our Responsibility. North-west, 1885,/. 46. 2820. : The World, the Flesh and the Devil. North- ivest, 1891, p. 163. 2821. Guild (J. Wyllie) : The Responsibilities of Insurance Companies. Glasgow, First Series, p. 163. 2822. Gunnison (A. R.) : The Credit System in Fire Underwriting. Pacific, 1889,/. 33. 2833. : Wages of Underwriting. Pacific, 1882, p. 43- 2824. Hall (J. B.): Is Fire Insurance a Science? N^orth- -west, 1879, p. 42. 2825. : Value of Precedents in American Fire Under- writing. Northwest, 1880,/. 133. 2826. Hall (Henry H«): State Supervision. N. T. State, 18S0, /. 22. 2827. : Taxation. United, 1880,/. 18. 2828. • The Foreign Fire Insurance Company and its Business Methods. N.I. C. Text Book, p. ^<^-x,. 200 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2S29. Harbeck (Eugene): Net Results. Northwest^ 1S91, /. 172. 2830. Harvey (A. F.): State Supervision of Insui-ance. N. I. C, 1894,/. 37. ^ 2831. . State Supervision Once More. N. I. C, 1895, p. 42. 2832. Hayden (H. R.): Discriminating Taxation and Un- just Legislation. Northzvest^ 1897,/. 102. 2833. Hayes (G. W.): Agency Supervision. Northwest^ 1875,^.89. 3834. Heald (D. A.): Codified Policies. United, 1880, ;i. 34- 2^35' 1 Fire Underwriting as a Profession. North- west, 1880, p. 140. 2836. Higinbotham (Harlow N.): Insurance from a Busi- ness Man's Standpoint. Northwest , 1897, p. 54. 2837. Hill (Charles B.): The San Francisco Tariff. Pacific, 1897, P- 42* 2838. Hine (C. G): Agency Management. Northwest, 1875,/. 113. 2839. : An Effort to Ascertain What the Matter Is. Northwest, 1884,^. 55. 2840. : Concerning Commissions. Northwest, 18S7, p. 169. 3841. • Co-operation. Pacific, 1883,^^.31. 2842. : Evils That Oppress Fire Underw^riting at the Present Day. (Baker Prize Essay, signed " Capsi- cum." Honorable Mention.) Northwest, 1880,/. 240. Theory and Practice 201 3843. Hine (C. C.) : An Inquiry into the Existence and the Nature of the Power of the Tail to Waggle the Dog. Northwest, 1S85, /. 182. 2S44. : The Jew in Fire Insurance. 7Vbr//^w^^/, 1S94, /. 133. 2845. : The Moral Hazard of Official Position. North- 'west, ^^95, p. 60. 2S46. : Re-insurance Reserves on Fire Risks. N. I. C, 1S71, p. 104. 2847. : Term Business. N. T. State, 1883,/. 37. 284S. : The Way They Tax Us. Northwest, 1S96,/. 136. 2849. HoIIoway (George A.): Risks. Northwest, i^S^, p. 29. 2850. Holman (1. "W.)t Amenities in Fire Underwriting. Northxvest, 188 1, p. 77. 2851. : Insurance ; Should it be Taught in Universities.'' Northwest, iSSj, p. 193. 2853. : Intuition in Fire Underwriting. Northwest, 1877. /• H3- 2853. : Wisconsin Problem. Northwest, 1S79, /, 49. 2854. Hope (George T.): History of the Fire Insurance Policy. United, 1881,/. 37, 2855. : Obligations of Insurance Companies and Their Officers to Policy Holders. Northwest, 1879, p. 64. 2856. Hopkins (G T.): Insurance Legislation. United, 18S0, p. 79. 2857. Hubbell (H. P.): Loss Cycles in Insurance. North- west, 1885,/. 39. 202 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2S5S. Hubbell (R P.): What Good Things do the Mutual Companies Possess? Northwest^ 1891, p. 35. 2859. Jarrett (Clement): Advantages of Combinations in Matters other than Rates. Victoria^ 1887, p. 59. 2860. Johnson (G. J.): Fire Extinguishing Expenses. Manchester^ 1887-88,/. 25. 2861. Johnson ("W. N.): O"^ Association; What it Is and What it Should Be. Northwest, 1896, p. ^%. 2862. Jones (N. B.)j Insurance Legislation. Northwest^ 1893,/. 38. 2863. Kellogg (J. H.): Shutters. Northwest, 1886, p, , 229. 2864. Kennedy (£♦ R.): The Foreign Fire Insurance Com- pany and its Business Methods. N. I. C. Text Book^ p. 776. 2865. Kingfsley (John): Non-tariff Competition, its Cause and Cure. Alanchester, 1877, /. 7. 2866. Kingsley (Francis J.): The Objects and Benefits of Fire and Life Insurance. Manchester, 1882-83, p. 48. 2867. : The Politics of Fire Insurance. Manchester, 1878-79,/. 9. 2868. Lane (J. N.): The Practice of Fire Insurance in the United States of America. Glasgow, Third Series, P- 133- 2869. Lawrie (David): Fire Risk; What Constitutes it.? Glasgow, First Series, /. 73. 2870. Lee (Bruce B.): Local Agents. Pacific, 1885,/. 28. 2871. Lenehan (J. H.): The Object and Purpose of Unions and Associations of Fire Underwriters. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 835. Theory and Practice 203 2S72. Lcnehan (J. H.) : The State Board as a Factor. Northwest^ 1S94, f, 59. 2873. Leslie (Frank F.): Objects of the Insurance Institute of Victoria. Victoria^ 1896,/. 142. 2574. Low (Qarencc): Schedule Rating of Cities. Sotith- easter7i, 1S85, /. 29. 2575. Louden (H. R.): Local Agent. Northwest, 1S97, /. 127. 2876. MacVeagh (F,): Social Aspects of Fire Insurance. Northwest, iS8j, p. 117. 2577. Main (George C»): Opportunities for Young Men in Underwriting. Northivest, 1S94, p. 68. 2578. Mallett (Robert F.) : Legalized Incendiarism. Au)r- wich Union Magazine, December, 1S97, p. 59. 2579. Markham (George D.): Can City Local Agents Assist the Companies? Northwest, 1896,/. 126. 28S0. Marston (J. A.) : The Evils of Open Insurance. Pacific, 18^2, p. 100. 2581. Marr (Thomas): The Future. Glasgow, Second Series, p. 47. 2582. McCandlish (John): Capital; Some of its Economic and Moral Aspects. Yorkshire, 1893-94,/. 105. 2853. ♦ The Economics of Insurance. Glasgow, Second Series, p. 191. Also Federation, 1898,/. 53. 2854. : The Philosophy and Ethics of Business. Ire- land, 1896-97, p. 29; and Glasgow, Fourth Series^ p. 27. 2885. McQuer (J. L.) : Compact System ; Its Value to the Public and Insurance Companies. Northwest, 1883,/. 49; 1885, /. III. 204 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2886. McConnell (R.): Fire Insurance and Risks. (Prize Essay.) Manchester^ 1S95-96, /. 113. 2887. McDonald (T. M.) : A Glance at the Position and Prospects of Fire Insurance. Glasgow^ First Series^ p. 142. 2888. : The Institute; What it is, and What it Might Be. Manchester^ 1879-80,^. 2. 2889. McGregor (J. P.) : Associated Effort Necessary to Make the Business of Fire Insurance a Profession. Northwest^ 1881,^. 33. 2890. McLellan (G. F.) : Are the Ethics of our Business an Evanescent Sentiment? Pacific^ 1891,^.49. 2891. : Some Evils of the Agency System. Pa ci.fi c^ 1884,/. 103. 2892. McSween (J. F.): Local and Field Service, or the Local Agent as a Special. North-west ^ 1886,/. 100. 2893. McVean (D. M.): Individual Benefits to be Derived from our Association. Pacific^ 1896,^. 50. 2894. Meade (Calvert): Observations on the Coast. Pa- cific^ 1S94, p. 76. 2895. Merrill (George S.): Uniformity of Statements of Fire Insurance Companies. N. I. C, 1889,^. 40. 2896. Mills (J. H.): Minimizing Fire Risks and Fire Losses. Yorkshire^ 1895-96,/. 159. 2897. Moore (F.C.): Co-insurance on Fire-Proof Buildings. Standard, Vol. XXXIX. p. 151. 2898. : Commissions. Southeaster 71., 1885,/. 14. 2899. : Contingent Commissions, the Problem of Fire Underwriting in the United States. Ne-w York., 1885, Pamphlet O., pp. 16. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. Theory and Practice 205 2900. Moore (F. C.) : Re-insurance Reserve of Fire Insur- ance Companies. N. I. C. Text Book^ p. 630. 2901. ♦ Schedule Rating. Paper read at Utica before the New York State Association of Local Boards. New Tork^ 1894, Pamphlet O., pp. 16. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VI . 2902. : Underwriting in the Next Decade. JV. T. State, 18S6, /. 13. 2903. MoIIins (C. F.): The Uses of the Underwriters' Associations. NortJnvest, 1897,/. 115. 2904. Munson (E. A,): Relation of the Local Agent to the Moral Hazard. Northxvest, 188S, ^. 91. 2905. Murray (A. S.): Instinct in Underwriting. Pacific^ 1S90, /. 59. 2906. Mylrea (W. HO: The Inconsistencies of Fire Insur- ance Legislation. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 858. 2907. Newark, N. J., Board of Trade. Fire Insurance Rates ; being Report of an Investigation by a Committee of the Board. Newark, 1895, Pamphlet O., pp. 23. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. XL 290S. New York Board of Fire Underwriters: Report con- cerning Foreign Insurance Companies. New York, 1870, Pa?nphlet O., pp. 34. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VII. 2909. Niles (Edward): Thoughts of a Hired Man. Pacific, 1896,/. 45. 2910. Notman (P.)j Codified Policies. United, 1881,/. 46. 291 1. Oakley (H. A.): Deposit Laws. United, iSSo, p. 59- 2912. Odell (R. S.): Satellites in the Insurance Business. Northwest, 1897,/. 135. 2o6 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2913. Orear (E. T.): The Object and Purpose of Unions and Associations of Fire Underwriters. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 846. 2914. Osborn (Russell "W.): Two Phases of Education. Pacific, 1S93,/. 97. 2915. Ostrander (D,): A Remedy for the Demoralization in Underwriting. A New Departure. Pamphlet O., pp. 8. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VII. 2916. : Best Methods of Compensating Agents. Northwest, 1S82,/. 57. 2917. : Fire Insurance. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 515, 29 1 8. Page (W. E.): Insurance as a Profession vs. The Insurance Business. Northtvest, 1891,^. 118. 2919. Parkhurst (H. E.): Practical Application of our Present Schedule. Pacific, 1893, /. 36. 2920. Fierce (James F,): A Brief History of Fraudulent Lloyds Organizations within the State of New York. A^. /. C, iSg6,p. 43. 2921. Pinkey (A. E*): Luck as an Element in Fire Under- writing. North-west, 1890,/. 124. 2922. Plummer (Henry): Development of Fire Reserves. Manchester, 1889-90,^. 15. 2923. • Fire Risk. Manchester, 1879-80,^. 9. 2924. : Loss of Capital Sustained by the Younger Fire Offices during the Last Ten Years. Alanchester , 1891-93,/. 13. 2925. : Present Position and Future Possibilities of the Institute. Manchester, 1892-93,/. 13. 2936. : The Philosophy of Tariffs. Ma?ichester, 1885-S6, p. 29. Theory and Practice. 207 2927. Pocklingfton (Henry): Duties and Qiialifications of a Fire Insurance Man. Yorkshire^ 1896-97,^. 139. 2928. Profits of Fire Insurance Companies. Facts for Business Men ; Is Fire Underwriting a Profitable Busi- ness? Chicago^ 1868, Pamphlet O., pp. 11. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VII. 2929. Pttrves (P. W.): Some Results of Competition, Birmingha?n^ 1S93-4 (not paged). 2930. Rail (J. W.): A Few Items in General Practice of Fire and Life Companies. Wales., Record 12. 2931. Ransom (C. M.): Fire Insurance, Its Missions, Changes and Responsibilities. Northzvest^ 188S, /. 145. 2932. Remington (J. C): Can the Insurance Contract be Improved? Wales., Record 2. 2933- Ridge (M. A.): Insurance Prospects in the Colonies. Victoria., 1886, /. 24. 2934. Robb (James): Tariff and Schedule Rating. Ma7i- chester, iSSo-Si,/. 20. 2935- Robertson (Henry): Fire Underwriting in England. N'orthxvest., 1877,/. 60. 2936. Robertson (R. S.): Some Fire Insurance Gleanings. Victoria., 1S96, /. 26. 2937- Roehr (Julius E.): Insurance and the Legislator. N. I. C. Text Book, p. 1022. 2935. Rothermell (C. T.): Application of the Universal Mercantile Schedule and the Advantages of Rating by Schedule. Engineers, 1893, P- ^2. 2939. Rowsell ("W. H.): Some Thoughts Suggestive of Greater Uniformity in Practice amongst Fire Insurance Companies. Wales, Record 20. 2o8 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 2940. Ruggles ("W. B.): Valued Policy Laws. JV. I. C, 1889, p. 14. 2941. Russell (G. A,): On Money and Bimetallism. Vz'c- toria, 1894,/. 33. 2942. Rutter (F. W. P.): The Versatility of an Insurance Career. Glasgoiv^ Fozirth Series^ p. 112. 2943. Salter (Charles): Some Principles of Fire Insurance. Victoria^ 1884, p. 20. 2944. Sanderson (GcorgeR.): Rightful Regulation of Private Corporations by State Legislation. JVorthivest^ 1894, p. 39- 2945. Savage (George "W.)j Business of Fire Underwriting. N. I. C, 1871,/. 65. 2946. Schwab (Emil): A Reply to Geo. U. Crocker's En- quiry : Does Fire Insurance Cost Too Much ? Insurance Post, Vo/. VII. p. 201. 2947. Sewell (AmosF.): Advertising. Pacific, 1896,/. 75. 2948. : The Agnostic Elements of Underwriting. Pacific, 1898, p. 85. 2949. Sexton (William): The Benefits of Fire Insurance as Collateral. Pacific, 1892,/. 76. 2950. : The Eloquence of a Smile. Pacific, 1898,/. 58. 2951. : Mind Our Own Business. Pacific, 1893, t- ^33- 2952. Sherwood (T. B.): Moral Hazard in Relation to Fire Insurance. Manchester, 1892-93,/. 61. 2953. Sinclair (J.): Short Term Risks in Fire Insurance. Victoria, 1893, /. 33. Theory and Practice. 209 2954. Sing-Icton (J. P.): Insurance in Courts. Northwest^ 1888,/. 151. 2955. Smith (T. H.): What Progress has been Made in Fire Insurance during the Last Quarter of a Century. (From i860 to 1885). Northwest^ 1885,^. 197. 2956. Smith (H. Bronson): The Southwest. Pacific^ 1893,^. 28. 29'^7. Smith (R. J.) J Taxation of Insurance Companies. N. I. C, 1874; Appendix. 295S. : The Objects and Purpose of Unions and As- sociations of Fire Underwriters. N. I. C. Text Book^ p. 826. 2959. Southwick (S. H.): Cash Value of Handshaking to Insurance Men. NortJnvest^ 1892,/. 31. 2960. Spencer (D. A.): The Compact and its Functions. Pacific, 1893,^. 88. 2961. Stewart (Charles): The Contract of Fire Insurance. Glasgow, Second Series, p. 3. 2962. Stockdell (H. C): Tariff and Non-Tariff Companies ; Shall there be Separation in Agencies? Northwest, 1S94, 2963. Stuart (H* C): Is the Special Agent Responsible? Northwest, 1S93, /. ^^^' 2964. Teece (Richard): State Supervision in Insurance. Wales, Record ^\ Australasian, Vol. IX., p. 478. 2965. Thompson (Clifford): The Waste by Fire. The Forian, Septefnber, 1SS6, p. 27. 2966. Thornton (A* W.): Non-Cancellation Clause. Pa- cific, 1S96, p. 30. 2967. Tipping (W. A.): America as a Fire Insurance Field. Glasgow, Fourth Series, p. 55. 3IO Insurance Library Association of Boston. 3968. Towe (C F.): Over-insurance. Pacijic^ 1S95, f. 32- 2969. Trapp (A. C): Is Insurance Gambling? Vicio?'ia, 2970. : Insurance Notes from an Eastern City. (Bom- bay.) Victoria^ 1897,/. 121. 2971. Tyson (George H.): Know Thyself. Pacific^ 1890, p. 25. 2972. Van Ness (T. C): The Non-Waiver Stipulation. Pacific^ 1898, p. 24. "973- J Suggestions upon the Insurance Contract. Pacific, 1883,/. 78. 2974. Van Valkenburg (M. W.): Are We Drifting? If so, Whither? Northwest, 1896,/. 98. 2975- Walford (Cornelius): Origin of Valued Fire Policies. Northwest, 1880,/. 26. 2976, : Modern Practice of Fire Underwriting. North- west, 1879, p. 158. 2977- Walker (H. R): Practical Use of Professional Standards. Northwest, 1888, p. 53. 2978. Washburn (J. H.): Present Condition of Fire Insur- ance. Northwest, 1888,/. 127. -979- Watson (E. S,): Law-Making. Victoria, 1896, A 53- 2980. Watt (Rolla V.): The Broker as a Claim Agent. Pacific, 1886, p. 79. 2981. : Ethics of the Insurance Business. Pacific, 1891,/. 45. 2982. Weinmann (Louis): What the Times Demand. Pacific, 1894,/. 62. Theory and Practice. 2 1 1 29S3. West (Byron D.): Rambling Criticisms and Practi- cal Remedies. Northwest, 18S9, p. 66. 39S4. White (Peter): Not Insurance. Northxvest, 1893, p. 81. 2985. Whitehead (J, M.): Curiosities in Fire Insurance. North-iVest, 1889, p. 92. 2986. Whiting (C B.): Something That Looks Like the Philosopher's Stone. Northwest, i8SS,^. 23. 29S7. Whiting (J. B. E.): Compact System. Northwest, 1888,/. 157. 2988. Whitney (F.H.): Loyalty and Co-operation. N'orth- west, 1897, P' 63 • 2989. Whittemore(B.B.): Ethics of Underwriting. N'orth- west, 1S93,/. 54. 2990. Wilder (D. W.): Random Remarks on Fire Insur- ance. Northwest, 1891,/. 129. 2991. Williams (Abram): Relation of the Public to Fire Insurance. Nortlizvest, 1885,/. 138. 2993. Williams (Sylvester G.): Paul vs. Virginia. N'orth- west, 1891, p. 137. 2993. Wilson (John Scott): Insurance and the Press. Pa- cijic, 1890, p. 70. 2994. Wilson (John O.): A Chapter on Rates. North- west, 1879,/. 36. 2995. Winter (Martin): Insurance; Stock Plan vs. The Mutual, Its Cause and Origin. Gettysburg, 1882, Pam- phlet S., pp. 20. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VIII. 2996. Woods (J. Thomas): Free-Trade from an Insurance Standpoint. Mctoria, 1S95, /. 83. 212 Insurance Libfafy Association of Boston. 2997. "Woodthorpe (J. E.): The Economics of Fire In- surance. Wales, Record 37. 2998. : The Ethics of Fire Insurance. Wales, Record 65. 2999. : Fire Insurance a Commercial Necessity. Wales, Record 25. 3000. Woodwofth (A. J.): Commission Question. N. T. State, 1S80, _^. 34. 3001. Wray (A. H.): National Board ; Is it Necessary, and if so, What Should be its Jurisdiction? N. T. State, 1879. P- 24- 2002. : Resolved, That all Rates on Dwellings in Localities Protected by Fire Departments within the Jurisdiction of this Exchange be Rescinded. Address to the New England Insurance Exchange. Boston, 18S7, Pamphlet O., pp. 4. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. I. 3003. Wright (Leslie A.): Competition. Pacific, 1897, A 48. 3004. Wright (A. J.) : Co-operation in Fire Insurance. Victoria, 1893,/. 127. 3005. Young (T. E.) : The Limits of State Control and the Business of Insurance. Birmingha?}?, 1S94-5 (not paged). Waterworks 3006. American Exchange and Review: London Water Pressure. VoL XXXI. p. 231. 3007. Baker (M. N.) : Manual of American Waterworks. Containing History, Details of Construction, etc., etc., of every Waterworks in the United States and Canada. New York, 1889, O., pp. 611. 300S. : Manual of American Waterworks, Fourth issue. N'ezv Tork, 1S97, O.^ pp. 611. 3009. Barrett (J. F.) : A Report on the Analysis of Elec- trolyzed Water Pipes of Omaha. Engineers., 1894,^. ^^' 3010. Bell (Thomas J.) : History of the Water Supply of the World. Cincinnati., 1882, O., pp. 134. 301 1. Boston Manufacturers Mutual Publications : Inspec- tion of City Pump and Pipe Service. Vol. I. p. iji. 3012. Chapman Valve Company: Catalogue of Gate Valves and Fire Hydrants, with an Engineering Appen- dix. Boston, iSSS, D.,pp. 166. 3013. Dickinson (James Whitney): Auxiliary Pipes Operated by Fire Boats. Engineers., 189S, /. 46. 3014. Freeman (John R.) : The Arrangement of Plydrants and Water Pipes for the Protection of a City against Fire. Journal of the New England Waterworks Associa- tion., September., 1892, p. 49. Discussion of above paper, same Journal, March., 1893, p. 152. 3015. : Flow of Water in Fire Hose. Lawrence., 1890, Pamphlet O., pp. 41. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. IV.; also Massachusetts., 1890,/. 41. (213) 214 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 3016. Rowland (A. H.) and Ellis (George A,) : General Information and Tables Relating to Waterworks. Bos- ton, 1887, 5., pp. 176. 3017. Lockett (S* H.): Waterworks; Water Supply. Southern Insurance Directory, 1889, p. 392; 1890, p. 348. 3018. Moore (F. C.): Water Works and Pipe Distribution. New Tork, 1895, Pamphlet O., pp. 36. Bound Pam- phlets, Vol. V. 3019. Municipal Engineering;: New High Pressure Fire Service System at Providence, R. I. April, 1S98, p. 195. 3020. National Board of Fire Underwriters. Reports on Fire Departments and Water Supply of New England Towns. Complete set to date. 3021. National Fire Protection Association: Cast Iron Water Mains. Protection, 1S98, p. 44. 3022. Phipps (D.Goffe): Water Pipes. Engineers, y^^^j, 3023. Stockell CWilliam): Water Supply for Large Cities. Engineers, 1880, p. 25. 3024. Taylor (R. J.): Liability for Loss by Fire due to the Lack of Adequate Water Supply. New York, 1895, Pa?nphlet O., pp. 17. Bound Pamphlets, Vol. VI. 3025 . Water Power of the United States. Reports of Tenth Census, 1880. Washington, 1885, Sq. J^., Vol. I. pp. 874 ; Vol. II. pp. 788. 3026. Weston (Edmund B.): Tables Showing Loss of Head due to Friction of Water in Pipes. New York, 1896, S., pp. 170. Sho I 1055. 25 1283, 1284, 2819, [39-1141, i377» 2332, 06, 2822, oS, 2826- 2824, 2213, 1048 1690 2813 -2327 2328 1875 2S14 2503 1770 1638 2815 1536 221 1 1049 1537 1375 1876 2816 2818 1880 2329 2330 233^ 2820 1376 2504 1639 1694 2505 2821 2333 2S23 2212 153S -2828 2825 2507 226 -s^u insurance i^iora Hamilton, G. D. . try /I lSSOCIJ iiion 01 j:>osi:on. • • 1378 Hamlet, W. M. . 2214 Hammond, Elisha 2143 Hanscom, W. W. 2576 Harbeck, Eugene 1056, 1881, 3829 Harding, A. J. . 2577 Hardingham, F. R. 2334 Hardy, Ralph P. . 2335 Hare, F. A. C. . 2020 Harricks, F. M. . 2336 Harris, William A. 203I-3023 Hart, J. R. . 2337, 233S Harvey, A. F. 2339, 2830, 2831 Harvey, Wm. 1057, 3340-3343 Harvie, R. B. 1539 Haskins, C. H. . I379-I383 Haslam, W. J. . 1385 Haswell, Charles H. 1737 Haven, Charles D. 1773 Hayden, H. R. . 19 36, 1987, 3679, 3833 Hayes, G. W. . . 2833 Hayes, John L. 1386 Hazen, J. M. 1334 Heald, D. A. 1883, 3S34, 3835 Hedge, Charles L. 1SS3, 1884 Hegeman, John R. 2344 Henderson, G. G. 1695 Hess, Henry E. 1885, 1886 Hewat, Archibald 2345-234S Hevs^itt, Charles A. 1540 Hexamer, C. A. 1640, 1641 Hexamer, C. John 132 .5, 12 87-1393, 3578, 3579 Higinbotham, Harlow IS 2836 Hildyard, Francis . 2215 Hill, Charles B. . . . . 2837 Hill, Charles T. . 1541 Hillman, J. R. 2349 Index of Authors. 227 Himmelwright, A. L. A . 1226 Hine, C. C. . . 1058,1145-1149,1175,1294,1295,1988, 2143, 2509, 2580, 2581, 2838-2848 Hine, C. C, and Nichols, W, S. . . . 1150, 2144 Hinkley, George W. 1887 "Hired Man" 2582 Hirst, J. E. . . 1696 Hoadley, John C. - 2583 Hobbins, Charles . 2350 Hobbs, H. H. • 2584 Hobson, William . 1697 Hoch, E. S. . 1542 Hodges, J. M. 1888 Holden, J. L. 1059 Hollingworth, A. C. 2351, 2352 Hollingworth, A. C, an dDa) r, W. R. . 2299, 2353 Hollis, J. Edward 1773 Holloway, A. H. . 1698 Holloway, Charles T. 1296 Holloway, George A. 1060, 2849 Holman, I. W. . i^ 5S9, 2850-2853 Holman, W. A. . 1890 Holmes, A. Bromley . 1383 Holmes, C. M. . 2216 Holt, Charles M. . 2145 Hope, George T. . 2S54, 2855 Hopkins, C. T. . 1 1 76, 1891, 2856 Hopkins, C. W. . 2354 Hopkins, Manley . 2217, 2218 Hore, William H. 1061 Horsey, F. J. 2585 Hosmer, E. S. 1543 Houldsworth, W. . 1642 Houston, E. J. 13S4 Howard, W. I. . 2586 Howell, Charles E. 2355 Howell, Thomas . 1062 238 Insurance Library Association of Boston. Howes, A. P 1892 Howes, Osborne, Jr. ..... . ^544 Howland, A. H., and Ellis, George A. . . 3016 Howley, John ....... 1893 Hubbell, H. P 3857, 3858 Hughes, B. F 3147 Hughes, David . . . . . . . 2146 Hurst, George H 1699 Huss, G. M 1337 Ingle, H 1700 Ives, Stephen D 1S94 Jacobsen, F. J 3319 Jamieson (Professor) ...... 13S6 Jamison, James ....... 2357 Jardine, Robert ....... 1644 Jarrett, Clement ....... 2S59 Jarrett, Clement E 1S95 Jarrett, W. H 2220-3333 Jenkin, Fleming ....... 13S7 Jenney, Charles A 3680, 36S1 Jenney, W. L. B 1338 Jewsbury, Sidney 2589-2591 Johnson, E. C 2592, 2593 Johnson, G. J 2594, 3860 Johnson, W. N 2861 Jones, David ....... 2358 Jones, N. B. 2862 Joseph, James F. . . . . . . . 2595 Jouanne, G. ....... . '^7'^5 Joyce, Joseph A. . . . . . . . 2153 Kellogg, J. H 2S63 Kempson, P. Tertius ...... 1780 Kendig, John Landon ...... 1896 Kennedy, E. R 2864 Kent, Henry T 1064 Kerr, Robert 1S97 King, George 2359 Index of Authors. Kingsley, Francis J. Kingsley, John Kinne, C. Mason . Kirkwood, Anderson Kirwan, Thomas . Knight, E. H. Knighton, C. H. . Knowles, Charles R. Knowles, Clarence Laidlaw, David Laird, John . Landers, W. J. Lane, J. N. . Lanza, Gaetano Laton, C. A. Lawrence, M. E, Lawrie, David Ledden, John J. Lee, Bruce B, Lee, Hutson . Lees, James . Lees, John Lemmon, W. S. Lenehan, J. H. Leonard, E. . Leshure, A. P. Leslie, Frank F. Lewes, Vivian B. Lewis, J. B., and Bombaugh Lewis, J. Norman Lincoln, Allen B. Lindsey, H. K. Lindsley, I. H. Linehan, John C. Linley, David M. Little, George P. Littlejohn, W. J. 1065, 1066 C. C 2866, 2S67 . 2S65 1300, IS9S, 2596 2154 I38S 1899 77, 17S1, 1900 1546, 1901 154S 1067 2597 2868 1229 1547 1301 2869 1389 2870 1902 2323 17S3 1230, 1646 2S71, 2872 1645 1647 2224, 3S73 1706 2377, 2361 2360 1549 1707 1903 1904 2598 1550 1905, 1906 230 Insurance Library Association of Boston. Littleton, H. A., and Blatchley, J. S. . . 2 155-3 157 Locke, A. Newton ...... 1907 Lockett, S. H 3017 Lockwood, T. D. . . . . . . . 1390 Logan, James ....... 1908 Loring, S. E. . . . . . . 1231, 1232 Lett, Edson S. ...... . 2363 Louden, H. R 2875 Loughlin, William D. . . . . . . 1303 Lovejoy, George M. ..... . 1909 Low, Clarence ....... 2S74 Low, George M. ..... . 2363-3366 Low, George P. ..... . 1391-1401 Lowden, W. H. . . . , 1068-1071, 1910, 26S2 Lownes, Richard ...... 2225, 2226 Lubbock, John W., and Bethune, J. E. Drinkwater, 2367 Lucas, W. P. ....... 1072 Lufkin, H. L 1403 Luke, Robert A 1152 Lumbard, S. . . . . . . . 1304 Lunger, John B. . . . . . . 2368, 2369 Luper, George B. ....... 191 1 Lye, Henry ........ 1073 Lyman, W. R 191 2 Lynch, Thomas E. 1552 Lynde, James Henry ...... 164S Macadam, J. M 1074, 1075 McArthur, Charles 2237 Macaush, W 2370 McCall, John A 2371 McCall, John A., Jr 1916 Maccall, John Campbell ..... 1076 McCandlish, John 2882-2884 McCandlish, John M 2372, 2373 McClintock, Emory 2374 McCluer, J. L 28! McConnell, R 2886, Index of Authors. 23; McDevitt, William Macdonald, T. M. 1234. H03» i553> 1709 . 1649, 2887, 288S McDonald, W. R. 2375 McGregor, J. P. . Mackenzie, A. G. . 2889 2376 Mackenzie, R. K. . Mackey, W. McD. McLaren, W. S. B. 2599-2601 2602 2605 McLauchlan, J. J. McLellan, G. F. . Macmillan, R. McMillan, Walter G. 2377-2379 2890, 2S91 2603 1305 Macredie, W. . . 1784 McSween, J. F. . 2892 MacVeagh, F. McVean, D. M. . McVey, A. H. Magens, Nicholas . 2876 . . . 2893 1078, 1079 2227, 2228 Main, George C. . Mallard, J. . Mallett, R. F. Markham, George D. . . . 2877 2229 1077, 2510-2512, 2878 . . 2879 Marr, John . Marr, Thomas Marshall, C. W. . 1914 1913, 23S0, 2381, 2881 1915 ISIarshall, Edward . 1233 Marshall, Samuel . Marston, J. A. Martin, F. Martin, Louis H. . 2230, 2231 2880 . . . 1785 1153 Martin, S. G. Marvin, William . . . . 2382 2232, 2233 Masson, David Orme 1 70S Masters, Arthur J. Maxwell, J. D. May, John W. Mayet, P. 2234-2236 2604 2160, 2161 • . . 2383 232 Insurance Library Association of Boston. JMeade, Calvert ....... 2894 Meikle, James ...... 2384, 2385 Mell, P. H 1 741 Merrill, George S. . . . .1917, 2386, 2S95 Merrill, William H., Jr. . . . . 1404-1407 Miller, B 2606, 2607 Miller, George W. 1918 Miller, Leonard 1558 Miller, R. D 2388 Mills, D. Y 2387 Mills, J. H 2896 ]SIims, Livingston ...... 19195 1920 Mitchell, L. R 2238 Mitchell, R. Kennedy 2389, 2390 Moir, Henry ....... 2391 Molloy, Charles 2239 Monilavs^s, W. M. 2395-2398 Montefiore, E. L 1922 Montgomery, Harford H. . . . . . 1080 Montgomery, M 2240, 2241 Montgomery, Thomas H. . . . . . 192 1 Montgomery, W., Jr 1081,1235 Moon, J 2392 Moore, F. C, 1155, 1 236-1 239, 2513, 2662, 2897-2902, 3018 Moore, George H. 1923 Moore, W. F 2393 Moore, W. L 2608 Moors, E. M 2394 Morgan, A, H 2399, 2400 Morgan, L. S 1924 Morrell, Charles F 2162 Morrow, J. H 2609 Morse, Daniel ....... 1306 Morse, John G 1650 Morton, Henry, and Anderson, Wm. A. . . 1408 Mulliken, A. H 1710 Mullins, C. F 1178,2903 Index of Authors. 233 Munroe, Chas. E, Munson, E. A. Murphy, J. R. Murray, A. J. E. Murray, A. S. Murray, K. L. Murrie, Robert, and Cockbur Mylrea, W. H. Nagle, A. F. Nasmith, Joseph Needles, Samuel H Neefus, H. F. Neild, Edward Neild, James E. Newbatt, Benjamin Newman, Philip L Niaudet, Alfred Nichols, W. S., and Hine, C. Nichols, W. S., and others Nichols, Walter S. Nicholson, J. Shield Nicol, William Sm Nicoll, John . Niles, Edward Northcott, James B Notman, P. . Noverre, C. E Oakley, Henry A. O'Connor, Thomas Odell, R. S. Ogilvie, Leslie Olcott, H. S. O'Neil, P. F. Ordway, John M, Orear, E. T. Orton, Edward Osborn, R. W. ith Henry R 10S2, 10S3, I 0S4, 1560, 2611, 2406, 1 150, 10, 241 1, 56, 2613, 1792, 1566, 1925, 1242, 1713. 1085, 1 157, 1926, 2517, 1307 2904 1561 2610 2905 1409 2292 2906 1651 2612 1410 1653 2403 2404 2405 2407 1411 2144 1790 2408 2409 2516 2412 2909 1791 2910 1793 291 1 1309 2912 2413 1794 1243 -1312 2913 1714 2914 234 Insurance Library Association of Boston. Osborne, J. H. 1412 Osborne, R. S. 1715 Ostler, James 2614 Ostrander, D. 2l( 34, 21 65, 2915-2917 Outcalt, Peter 1086-10S8 Owen, E. Roger 3615 Page, W. E. 2918 Paige, J. C. . 2518 Palache, Whitney 1089 Palmer, H. E. 1313 Palmer, O. W. 1927, 1928 Papworth, Wyatt 1314 Paradice, W. H. 2414 Park, J. A. . 2243 Parkhurst, H. E. 2919 Parsons, Theophilus 21 66, 2167, 2244 Paterson, D. R. . 1654 Patterson, William 1567 Pattison, John M. 2415 Paulin, David 2416, 2417 Peckham, S. F. 1716 Perry & Sard 1717 Pettegrew, D. L, . 2418 Phelps, Edward Bunnell 2419 Phillips, Willard . 2169 Phipps, D. Goffe . 3032 Pierce, James F. . 1929, 2920 Pierce, R. H. 1413 Pierce and Richardson 1414 Pinkey, A. E. 2921 Pipkin, Samuel J. 1090 Plummer, Henry . 2922-2926 Pocklington, Henry 2927 Polak, J. R. F. . 1091 Pollitt, George W. 1569 Porte, Arthur E. . 1415, 1416 Porter, F. H. 2616, 2617 Index of Authors. 235 Porter, James Bigr Povah, Charles Price, Richard Pritchard, W. Tan Puckle, H. Leonar Pullar, James Pulley, W. P. Purcell, Thomas P. Purroy, H. D. Purves, P. W. Putnam, Henry H. Putzel, Charles, and Bii Rabagliati, A. Rail, J. W. . Rand & McNally Ransom, C. M. Rattray, A. F. Ray, William R. Raynolds, Robert Rea, C. H. E. Redfield, A. P. Reed, S. A. . Relton, F. B. Remington, J. C. Rennie, Charles Reynolds, Geoige W. Rice, E. F. . Richards, Ellen H, Richards, George Richards, T. D. Richardson, C. N. Rickards, Edwin Ridge, M. A. Riis, Jacob A. Riley, Thomas Shan Rimmer, John C. Robb, J. r, H 24 24-2426, 193 1 • f095. 2170 1796 2420 2245 2246 2421 2422 1570 I57I 2929 1 180 1742 2423 26IS 2930 1743 2931 2519 2247, 2248 1092 2427 1719. 2619 1655 1798 1930. 2932 2249, 2250 2428 . 1094 . I3I6 2I7I 1417^ 2685 . 1572 • 2429 1932, 2933 1573 . 1933 1799 2620, 2631 236 Insorancc Library Association of Boston Robb, James Robb, Russell Robb, W. O. Robert, Henry M. Roberts, J. B ^9345 Robertson, Henry Robertson, R. S. Robertson, T. S. Robinson, R. H. Robinson, Samuel G. Roccus, Francesco Roe, Alfred S. Roehr, Julius E. . Rogers, Joseph M. Rolfe, Charles A. . Root, John Welborn Ross, William Frazier Roswell, W. H. . Rothermell, C. T. Rowan, Thomas Rowell, Alfred Rowsell, W. H. Ruggles, W. B. Russell, G. A. Russell, James B. Russell, Stanley G Rutherglen, Charles K. Rutledge, P. Rutter, F. W. P. Ryan, G. H. Ryder, George V. Sachs, Edwin 1246, 1 Salter, Charles Sanderson, Frank Sanderson, George R. Sansum, Oliver B. Savage, D. . 097^ 2934 141S 1096 1744 3632 2935 2936 2430 2251 1935 2252 1745 2937 1159 1419 1245 2633 1574 293S 1317 1936 2939 2940 2941 2432 1656 2634 420, 1657 3942 2431 3635 31S-1330, 1575 1937. 2943 2433 3944 1184, 3172 3626 Index of Authors. 237 Savage, George W. Sawter, George • • • 2945 1720 Schoen, A. M 1422 Schooling, William .... Schultz, Charles A. . . . . 2434 2522 Schwab, Emil Scotter, R. H 2946 2627 Scudder, Henry J. .... Seage, H. D 1098 2628 Seay, W. W Seward, George F. .... Sewell, Amos F Sexton, William . 1099, iioo, 1160, 1321, 1721 2435 3947, 2948 1576, 1938, Sharpstein, John R. Shattuck, Geo. O. 2949-2951 2173 1 185 Shaw, Eyre M. . Shay, Charles O. . Sheahan, James W., an( lUpt 3n, G 1322, eorge P. 1577 -1581, 2629 1423 1582 Sheldon, Plenry N. 2174 Sherman, Amos 1 186 Sherman, Henry 2253 Sherwood, T. B. . Silvey, J. A. Simon, Henry Simonds, Edwin A. 2436, 2523, 2952 2630 2631 1939 Simonds, J. Sexton 1583 Simpson, Pierce Adolph Sinclair, John Singleton, J. P. . Smalley, B. D. "Smilax" . us 1940, 2437 2524, 2953 2954 I lOI . 2632 Smith, A. Gillies . Smith, H. B. 2439, 2440 1 94 1 Smith, H. Bronson 2956 Smith, H. J. Smith, H. Lomas . 2633 . 2438 230 insurance iviora Smith, Harry ry A ssociaiion 01 r>c )ston. 1733 Smith, J. Turnbull 2441 Smith, John W. . 1733 Smith, R. J. 2957, 295S Smith, Robert J. . 1942 Smith, T. H. 2955 Smith, Thomas E. 15S4. 15S5 Smith, W. H. 1943 Smith, W. S. 2525 Smyth, John F. . 1187 Sneath, A. W. 2536 Snider, S. K. 1323 Snow, W. M. 1658 Snowden, A, Loudon 1944 Sorley, James 2443 Southwick, S. H. 2959 Spaulding, A. W. II 02, 1 103, 1945 Spears, John K. . 1586 Spencer, D. A. . 2960 Spencer, George W. 1946 Spencer, John G. 1587 Spens, Walter Cook 2443 Sprague, A. E. 2444. 2445 Sprague, Henry H. 1S04 Sprague, T. B. 2446, 2447 Stanton, W. M. . 2636 Staples, J. W. 1947 Stark, W. Emery . . . 2448 Statham, H. Heathcote 1588 Steeb, George Velten 2638 Stenhouse, George C. 2449, 2450 Stetson, F. L. 1590 Stevens, H. M. 2527 Stevens, Robert 2254 Stevens, Robert, and Be neck( ;, William 2255 Stevenson, Charles 2451-2453 Stewart, Charles . 1805, 2961 Index of Authors. 239 Stewart, David Stewart, George, Jr Stewart, John Stillman, B. R. Stimpson, F. J. Stockdell, H. C. Stockell, William Stone, Jacob . Storey, J. H. Stover, Joseph W Stowell, T. P. Stratton, W. H. Stuart, H. C. Sumner, Harold Swan, Charles H. Swenie, D. J. Swett, Frank H. Swingley, C. E. Syme, F. M. Tarrant, Kenneth J Tatlock, R. R. Tawse, John P. Taylor, George W Taylor, R. J. Teale, F. B. Teece, Richard Tennant, John Bell Thayer, William Thomas, W. P. Thompson, Clifford Thompson, E. L Thompson, F. A Thompson, J. M Thompson, Silvanus P. Thompson, Spencer C. Thompson, William Thompson-Bedford Company 1253, I 24 ^95 1948 2454 1949 2175 2962 1724, 3023 2639 o, 2256, 2257 1661 1951 1253 1952, 2963 1663 1592 1254 1104 1664 . 1326 425, 1426, 1427 1337 1424 1953 3024 2640 ^954. 2455-3462, 2964 1955 1956 1 105 55^ 1593. 2965 2642 1 106 2528 1428 2463, 2464 2641 1725 !40 Insurance Library Association of Boston Thorburn, William Thornton, A. W. Thornton, Arthur C Thorp, Windsor Thurston, George H. Thwaite, B. H. Tiffany, H. S. Tipping, W. A. Tirrill, O. . Tobin, T. W. Todd, George A. Torrance, Robert Towe, C. F. Tower, Charles P. Tower, G. B. N. Tozer, Alfred Trackson, James J. P. Trapp, A. C. Trautwine, John C Travis, G. Trowbridge, W. P Trull, Wm. C. Tuckett, Harvey G Tupper, S. Y. Turnbull, A. D. Lindsay Turnbull, A. H. . Turnbull, Thomas Turner, Henry R. Tyler, Nathaniel . Tyson, George H. Upton, George P., and Sheahan, J Ure, Andrew Van Antwerp, C. H. Van Buren, J. H. Vance, J. P. Van Ness, T. C. . Van Valkenburcr, M. W W. 07, 1163, 2465 2966 2529 1256 1726 1257 1 164 5S, 2 t43^ 2972, 1957^ 2967 1727 2643 2644 2530 2968 1665 1746 . 1328 1728 2970 1747 1258 1748 1 188 2466 . 1958 2531 2467, 2468 1959 i960 1 189 2971 . 1582 1749 1961, 1962 1963 1594 2973 2974 Index of Authors. 241 Van Voorhis, William H Vigeon, Harry Wagner, George . Wagner, Rudolph von Wahl, William H. Walford, Cornelius, Walker, H. H. Walker, H. O. Wallace, Thomas . Walling, Leander M. Walton, W. G. . Warden, Henry Wardle, James Warfield, Edwin . Warner, S. G. Warnock, Adam . Warren, Nathan Washburn, J. H. . Waters, A. J. Waterworth, J. W. Watson, Edward S. Watson, T. Wilkinson Watt, Alexander . Watt, Rolla V. Weale, John Webb, William Webster, Franklin Weed, Samuel R. Weinmann, Louis . Welch, J. St. Vincent Welsh, Milton Wendt, Ernst Emil Wertheimer, J. West, Byron D. . Weston, Edmund B, Wetzlar, Alexander J. Whaling, W. J. . ^595 2004, 2034, 2469, 2975, 2471- 1259, 2645, 1965^ 10-1114, 364S, 1966, 2260, 1968, 2980, i329> iii5> 197O' 3261, I33I' I ii6- 1 108 1 1 09 1964 1750 1729 2976 2977 2259 2470 1730 -2473 2646 2647 2474 2475 2476 1808 2978 2649 1596 2979 1967 2177 2981 1751 2650 1330 1 166 2982 2478 1969 2262 1432 2983 3026 -1118 1971 242 Insurance Library Association of Boston. Wheaton, Henry 2263-2265 VVheelock, Isaac R 2651 Whipple, CM 1260 Whitcomb, Charles W. .... 1332, 1333 White, J. E 1666 White, Peter 2984 Whitehead, J. M 2985 Whitehouse, W. H i433 Whiting, C. B 1809, 1810, 1972, 2986 Whiting, J. B. E 2987 Whiting, W. D 2479, 2480, 2532 Whitlock, J. L 1973 Whitney, F. H 2988 Whittemore, B. B 2989 Whitworth, Frank 2481 Wicks, G. Douglas 2482 Wight, P. B 1261 Wilder, D. W . 2990 Wilkinson, W i597 Williams, Abram i974> 2991 Williams, S. G., and Bruce, G 2266 Williams, Sylvester G 2992 Williamson, H. R 159^ Willoughby, William F 2483 Wilson, D. B 1812 Wilson, John 1119,1334,1811,2994 Wilson, John Scott 2993 Windmiiller, Louis ...... 1262 Winne, Peter 1120,1121 Winter, Martin 2995 Witter, Thomas 1667, 1668 Wolfe, S. H 2484 Wolford, George 21 78, 2179 V/ollaston, H. N. P 2267 Wood, H. C 2180 Wood, Richard A. i975 Woodbridge, S. H 2652 Index of Authors. 243 Woodbury, C. J. H., 1263, 1335, 1434-1 HO, 1599, 1669-1674 Woodhead, J. P 1336 Woods, J. Thomas 2996 Woodslde, Charles L. 2663 Woodthorpe, J. E. • 2268, 2997-2999 Woodward, C. J. . 1441 Woodward, P. Henry 1814 Woodworth, A. J. 1813, 1976, 3000 Wood worth, C. H. 1 167 Wormald, John 1675-1677 Wray, A. H. 3001, 3002 Wright, A. J. 1815, 3004 Wright, C. A. . 2485 Wright, G. Alexander II23 Wright, Leslie A. . 3003 Wyatt, George W. 1977, 1978 Yarrington, Andrew 1600 Young, Alexander H. 1979 Young, C. F. T. . 1601 Young, T. E. 2486, 2487, 3005 Containing a Sketch of the History of the Association, iviih a List of its Members and Other Information The Insurance Library Association is so directly an out- growth of the New England Insurance Exchange that a sketch of its history must begin with that of the mother organization. The Exchange was formed in 18S3 by the fire insurance field men having jurisdiction in New England. It was a purely voluntary organization, exposed to the possibility of disruption at any time, and in that case whatever property it might have acquired would have been left without ownership. As the value of this property increased from year to year, the necessity of providing some permanent form of ownership for it became more and more apparent, and this culminated when it was proposed on behalf of Exchange members to establish a library of fire insurance literature in a decision to provide some form of corporate ownership. To incorporate the Ex- change was out of the question, and finally it was decided to form an incorporated society composed of members of the Exchange, which would thereby be controlled entirely in its interest, but which at the same time would be assured of continued and perma- nent existence in case the Exchange went out of operation. Accordingly, on the "twenty-eighth day of December, 1887, a (245) 246 Insurance Library Association of Boston, certificate of incorporation was granted by the Common- wealth of Massachusetts creating the Insurance Library Association of Boston, "for the purpose of prosecuting educational, historical, literary, scientific, and social purposes primarily in connection with, or relating to, insurance; acquiring and holding books, maps, plans, surveys, and papers relating to insurance, and general literature and science, and for establishing, fitting, furnishing, and maintaining a suitable place for a reading room, library, and for social meetings ; and for any and all other purposes legitimately inci- dental to, or in aid of, the main purposes of the Association." The Insurance Library Association being thus created, it became necessary to provide funds to carry out its objects, and the fire insurance companies represented in the Exchange were appealed to, and responded with subscriptions amounting to over five thousand dollars. With this for an equipment fund, the Trustees proceeded to secure and fit up rooms, which were opened on the twenty-second day of December, 1888, almost exactly a year after the Association was incorporated. From the outset it has been the plan of the Trustees to provide and maintain the property of the Association at a high standard of quality and efficiency, and as a result the income derived yearly from membership fees has been largely spent in adding to the library and in necessary enlargements and repairs ; nevertheless the funds have been so well husbanded that the amount originally spent in establishing the plant has been replaced in bank, so that that which was at the outset sub- scribed as an Equipment Fund has now become a Maintenance Fund, yielding an interest income, which is added to the principal from year to year. One generous legacy has been left the Association by a deceased member, and in time similar bequests may be looked for from those who to-day are enjoying the privileges of membership. No more appropriate manner of keeping their memory green could be suggested, for the work of the Association is being constantly enlarged, and its scope is limited only by the means at the disposal of its Trustees. List of Subscribers XTbe existence ot tbe Unsurance Xibrarp Bs* sociation ot JSoston was renbere^ possible, ant) its success was assure&, b^ tbe Generosity ot tbe foUowing*name& Subscribers to its JEquip* ment an& /Maintenance 3Fun^♦ yEtna Insurance Company .... Hartford. Agricultural Insurance Company . . Watertown. Alliance Insurance Association .... New York. Albany Insurance Company .... Albany. American Fire and Marine Insurance Company . Boston. American Fire Insurance Company . . New York. American Fire Insurance Company . . Philadelphia. American Fire Insurance Company . . . Newark. American Central Insurance Company . . St. Louis. Anglo Nevada Assurance Corporation . San Francisco. Boston Insurance Company .... Boston. Boylston Insurance Company .... Boston. British-America Assurance Company . . Toronto. Buffalo German Insurance Company . . . Buffalo. Citizens Insurance Company .... New York. City of London Fire Insurance Company . . London. Commerce Insurance Company .... Albany. Commercial Union Assurance Company . . London. Commonwealth Insurance Company . . . New York. Continental Insurance Company . . . New York. Eliot Insurance Company ..... Boston. Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance Company . Providence. Fire Association of Philadelphia . . Philadelphia. Fire Insurance Association .... London. (247) 248 Insurance Library Association of Boston. Fireman's Fund Insurance Company . San Francisco. Firemen's Insurance Company .... Newark. Firemen's Fire Insurance Company . . . Boston. First National Fire Insurance Company . . Worcester. Franklin Fire Insurance Company . . Philadelphia. German American Insurance Company . . New York. German Alliance Insurance Company . . New York. Germania Fire Insurance Company . . . New York. Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Company Philadelphia. Glens Falls Insurance Company . . Glens Falls. Granite State Fire Insurance Company . Portsmouth. Greenwich Insurance Company . . . New York. Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Company . London. Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Company . Hamburg. Hanover Fire Insurance Company . . . New York. Hartford Fire Insurance Company . . . Hartford. Home Insurance Company .... New York. Imperial Fire Insurance Company . . . London. Insurance Co. of the State of Pennsylvania Philadelphia. Insurance Company of North America . Philadelphia. Lancashire Insurance Company . . . Manchester. Liberty Insurance Company .... New York. Lion Fire Insurance Company .... London. Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co. . Liverpool. London Assurance Corporation . . • London. London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Company . Liverpool. Manchester Fire Assurance Company . Manchester. Mercantile Fire and Marine Insurance Company Boston. Merchants Insurance Company (The) . . Newark. Meriden Fire Insurance Company . . . Meriden. National Fire Insurance Company . . . Hartford. Neptune Fire and Marine Insurance Company . Boston. New Hampshire Fire Insurance Company . Manchester. New York Bowery Fire Insurance Company . New York. Newark Fire Insurance Company . . . Newark. Niagara Fire Insurance Company . . . New York. North American Insurance Company . . Boston. List of Subscribers* 249 North British & Mercantile Insurance Company Northwestern National Insurance Company Northern Assurance Company . Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Orient Insurance Company Pacific Fire Insurance Company Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company Phenix Insurance Company Philadelphia Underwriters Phoenix Assurance Company Phoenix Insurance Company Providence- Washington Insurance Company, Prudential Fire Insurance Company . Qiieen Insurance Company Rochester-German Insurance Company Royal Insurance Company Royal Exchange Assurance Scottish Union and National Springfield Fire and Marine Spring Garden Insurance Company . Sun Fire Office .... Traders Insurance Company Union Assurance Society . United Firemen's Insurance Company United States Fire Insurance Company Westchester Fire Insurance Company Western Assurance Company London. Milwaukee. London. Norwich. Hartford. New York. Philadelphia. New York. Philadelphia. London. Hartford. Providence. Boston. Liverpool. Rochester. Liverpool. London. Edinburgh. Springfield. Philadelphia. London. Chicago. London. Philadelphia. New York. New York. Toronto. Erratum. — There should have been included in the List of Subscribers the name of the Union Insurance Com- pany of Philadelphia. ^y-laws of the (Association ARTICLE I. Admission to membership in The Insurance Library Association of Boston shall be open only to members of the New England Insurance Exchange, and to New England field men of Companies sub- scribing to the equipment and maintenance of this Associa- tion. Any such member, or any such field man, who shall Annual Dues sign these By-laws and pay the sum of ten and Assessments, dollars as the first year's due, shall thereby become a member of this Association, and shall thereafter pay an annual assessment of ten dollars, together with such further assessments as shall be recommended by the Board of Trustees and approved by vote of the Association. Any member of this Association shall, if elected by a majority vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting of this Association, become a life member thereof. In issuing a call for such meeting the clei-k shall state in said call the name or names proposed for life membership. Life members of this Asso- ciation shall have all the rights and privileges accorded to active members. Members shall have the same rights and privileges, and Rights and be Subject to the same responsibilities, as if Responsibilities, they had signed the original agreement for incorporation of this Association. If a member changes his occupation so as not to be connected with the insurance busi- Active nembership ness his active membership shall cease ; but shall Cease. hg shall be given a subscriber's card, with- out charge, for the remainder of the year for which his dues (250) By-laws of the Association. 251 are paid, upon application to the Trustees. Only active members shall have the right to attend and Right to Vote. , . r , A vote at the meetmgs of the Association. If any member shall fail to pay any assessment within the time in which it is, by vote of the Association, Failure to Pay. . . made payable, his membership shall thence- forth cease, and shall not be renewed save by vote of the Association and upon payment of all unpaid dues. ARTICLE II. Subscribers' cards and Visitors' cards, entitling their Subscribers' and holders to the use of the reading room and Visitors' Cards, library at such times and under such rules and charges as may be fixed and established therefor, may be issued under direction, and with approval, of the Trustees. ARTICLE III. An annual meeting of the members of the Insurance Library Association of Boston shall be held Annual Meeting. , ^ , . ^ on the second Saturday in January of each year, at the rooms of the Association, or at such other place as may be designated in the notice for the meeting. Notice of Notice of the annual meeting and of any special meet- Meetings, jng shall be signed by the President or by the Clerk of the Association, and shall be given either by delivery in hand to each member, or mailed to the last-known post- office address of each member to whom notice in hand is not given, not less than seven days before the time for such meet- ing. Notice, as above provided, of any meeting may be dis- pensed with in the case of any member or members who shall in writing acknowledge receipt of due and sufficient notice of such meeting. Special meetings of the Asso- Special Heetings. . . , „ , „ , , , ^ . , ciation shall be called by the President, with notice as above provided, upon the written request of not less than five members of the Association. At any meeting of the Association at least fifteen members shall Quorum. . . be necessary to constitute a quorum ; but in the absence of a quorum, a less number may adjourn the meet- ing to a specified time and place. 252 Insurance Library Association of Boston. ARTICLE IV. The usual parliamentary rules shall govern the trans- Pariiamentary action of business on all points not otherwise Rules. provided for in these By-laws, and the order of business, unless otherwise directed at any meeting, shall be as follows : — I. Calling the roll. 3. Reading the record of previous meeting. 3. Reports of committees. Of'^^f 4. Unfinished business. Business. 5' ^ew business. 6. Election of officers when occasion re- quires. 7. Adjournment. ARTICLE V. The officers of the Association shall be a President, chosen from the Trustees as hereinafter pro- vided, seven Trustees, to act in the place and with the power of Directors, as hereinafter provided, a Treas- When Chosen urer, and a Clerk. The Trustees, Treasurer and How. and Clerk shall be chosen by ballot at the first meeting of the Association, and thereafter at the annual meetings of the Association, and shall hold Term of Office. „ ., , 1 ^- j office until the next annual meetmg, and until others are chosen and qualified in their stead. In case of a vacancy in any of these offices, the same acancy. ^^^^ ^^ filled by the election of a successor at a special meeting of the Association, duly called for that purpose ; and the successor so chosen shall hold office for the remainder of the current year and until the election and qual- ification of his successor. ARTICLE VI. The government of this Association shall be in the hands of a Board of Trustees, of whom there shall be seven, elected Board of at each annual meeting for one year by ballot Trustees. from among the active members. The Trus- tees shall, at their first meeting after the organization of this By-laws of the Association. ^53 Corporation, and at their first meeting after each annual meet- ing of the Corporation, or after a vacancy occurs in the office Shall Choose a of President, choose by ballot one of their President. number to be President of the Corporation, who shall also act as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The Trustees shall have power to procure a proper build- ing or rooms for the use of the Association, Powers ol Trustees. , i -i r j i • j- i to subscribe for and purchase periodicals and books for the library, to hire a competent librarian, and otherwise to do and perform all things necessary to the proper welfare of this Association ; but they shall incur no expense that there is not money in the treasury to meet, nor shall they make this Association liable to, or for, any debt exceeding one hundred dollars, unless authorized thereto by vote of the Association. ARTICLE VII. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Asso- ciation and of the Trustees, when present ; and in his absence a President /re ietnpore maybe chosen. He shall perform all the duties incident to his office prescribed by law, by these By-laws and by vote of the Trustees. He shall have full power to call meetings of the Board of Trustees whenever he shall deem it expedient so to do, and shall call such meetings upon the written request of two or more of the Trustees. He shall also call meetings of the members of the Association whenever requested so to do by vote of the Trustees or upon the written request of not less than five members of the Association. ARTICLE VIII. The Clerk shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of his office. He shall keep accurate record of the Duties of proceedings of the Association and of the Clerk. Trustees at their respective meetings, and shall perform all the duties incident to his office as Clerk ; 254 Insurance Library Association of Boston. whether prescribed by law, by these By-laws or by vote of the Trustees. In his absence a Clerk pro tempore may be chosen, who shall also be sworn, and shall, in the absence of the Clerk, perform the duties of Clerk in his stead. The records shall be the property of the Association. ARTICLE IX. The Treasurer shall, whenever required thereto by the Corporation or by the Trustees, give bond for the faithful dis- Duties of charge of his duties in such sum and with Treasurer. g^ch sureties as shall satisfy the Trustees. He shall have the custody of the corporate seal, whenever one is adopted, and shall keep suitable books of account, which shall be subject at all times to the inspection and con- trol of the Trustees. He shall take or give proper vouchers for all disbursements, and shall exhibit the financial condi- tion of the Association to the Trustees whenever required, and to the members at their annual ineeting. The same per- son may be eligible to the offices at the same time of Treas- urer and of Clerk. The Treasurer may, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, delegate to the Librarian the keep- ing of accounts and other clerical duties of his office. All moneys received shall be deposited in bank in the name of the Association, and disbursements thereof shall be only upon checks signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chairman. ARTICLE X. The Librarian, under the direction of the Treasurer and Board of Trustees, shall keep the accounts of the Associa- Duties oi tion, and shall perform such other duties as Librarian. x\-\2iy be assigned him by the Board of Trus- tees, including such as ordinarily pertain to the office of Treasurer, if thereto requested by the Treasurer and the Board of Trustees. By-laws of the Association. 255 ARTICLE XI. Rules and Regulations relative to the use of the library and rooms of this Association shall be made by the Board of Rules and Trustees, but no one shall be permitted to Regulations. remove any book, map, survey, or other similar property from the Association rooms without a special vote of the Trustees authorizing him for special cause so to do. Such rules and regulations shall be duly printed for the information of members, and shall be displayed in the Asso- ciation rooms. ARTICLE XII. These By-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of this Association upon a vote of two thirds of the members Amendments to present and voting ; and at any special meet- By-laws, ing^ provided that due notice shall have been given in the call therefor that an amendment of the By-laws is proposed. A copy of the proposed amendment shall be posted for two weeks upon the bulletin of this Association in its rooms, and shall be mailed to each member at least two weeks before the date of the meeting at which action is to be taken. Rules and Regulations Smoking is not allowed in the Association rooms. Copies or tracings of maps or surveys must not be made. No one shall be permitted to remove any book, map, sui-vey or other similar property from the Association rooms without a special vote of the Trustees authorizing him for special cause so to do. Employees of Subscribers visiting the rooms must be known to the Librarian, and must not remain after the busi- ness on which they are sent has been transacted. Subscribers' and Employees' Cards may be recalled at any time upon vote of the Trustees, and pro rata return of the amount paid for such cards. Chairmen of Rating Committees of the New England Insurance Exchange may remove the maps of towns of which such Committees have charge, for use in any room of the Exchange, upon giving a receipt agreeing to return such maps during same day. (25^0 rilli HEADING ROOM List of cMembers The following list shows the year in which each member joined the Association, together with year of withdrawal if no longer a member. Where an asterisk (*) precedes the name, a photograph of such member is included in the Library collection : — iSSS *Adams, Alexander C. 1S95 *Adlard, Walter 1S99 Alden, H. Bingley 1 89 1 Allen, George H. 1898 Anthony, Arthur C. 1888 *Babb, George W., Jr 1888 *Baker, Henry N. 1898 Banks, Samuel S. 1894 Barley, Joseph F. 1888 *Bartlett, William B. (deceased) 1 888 * Barton, Steven E. 1892 * Bartow, Nevitt S. 1898 Battilana, Frank H. 1S89 Bean, Henry S. 1 89 1 *Berry, Arthur L. 1894 Blood, Herbert F. 1889 Bodwell, George B. 1893 *Boothby, William A. R. 1896 Brewer, George E. 1895 Brown, Isaac J. 1889 *Brush, Edward C. 1 888 *Burger, Joseph H. 1898 Burnside, Joseph F. 1889 *Burrington, Arthur S 1892 *Buxton, Mark R. 1888 *Carpenter, Frederick B. (257) 1897 1591 1892 1891 1897 1898 1894 258 Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1888 *Carpenter, George O. (deceased) 1 89 1 *Case, William W. . 1888 *Chadwick, Orville B. (deceased) 1895 Churchill, Heber B. 1 888 Clapp, Horace B. 1890 Clarke, Arthur A. 18S9 Clarke, Samuel B. (deceased) 1898 *Cli£ford, Charles C. 1 888 *Colley, Frank A. 1898 Conner, Edward P. 1888 Corbet, James C. 1888 *Cornish, John B. 1S98 Cornish, John J. 1888 *Cowles, Edmund B. 1893 *Cross, Fred D. . 1888 *Crosby, Uberto C. 1889 Curtis, Alonzo P. 1889 Curtiss, Edwin A. (deceased) 1 888 *Dearborn, William F 1888 *Downey, John J. 1889 Dooley, Thomas H. 1889 Damon, Alonzo W. 1SS9 De Camp, Daniel J. (deceased) 1899 Ducayet, Kirby S. 1 888 *Emerson, Moses R. 1888 *Everett, Edward F. (deceased) 1888 *Eastman, George W. 1889 *Edgar, George P. (deceased) 1898 Fairfield, Herbert G. 1888 *Field, George P. 1895 Fiske, Henry A. 1888 *Forbush, James M. 1895 *Forbush, bayle T. 1898 Fowler, Arthur B. 1888 *Fowler, Charles B. 1S92 *Freeman, Horace V. (deceased) I So I *Furness, Georsre A. . List of Members. 1893 Furness, William T. . . . . 1 888 *Galacar, Charles E. . 1899 Galacar, Frederick R. 18SS *Gillett, Albert B. 1S99 Gilmour, William 1899 Goddard, Ralph F. . 1888 Goule, Louis F. 1 888 *Gray, William R. 1895 Grier, William D. . 1 888 Grover, Jefferson W. 1SS9 *Hastings, James F. 1895 *Hatch, Arthur T. 1889 *Hellyar, William H. 1S96 Hendrick, Elvvood 1888 *Hess, Henry E. 1S90 Hill, Herbert C. 1S97 Hill, Willard C. 1SS9 *Hilliard, Joseph C. . 1SS8 *Hinkley, George W. 1888 *Hiscock, Henry L. 1S8S *Hollis, J. Edward (decease d) 1895 Howe, Samuel G. 1SS8 *Ide, George Herbert 1891 Ide, Henry J. . 1899 Jordan, L. Stewart 1888 *Judd, Charles C. 1888 Jenckes, William D. 1888 Kearley, George R. 1S8S *Kendall, George E. . 1891 *Kendig, John L. 1889 *Knabe, Henry A. 1899 Lauler, Walter A. . 1892 *Law, Edgar A. . 1888 Leighton, James H, . 1892 Leypoldt, Rudolph G. 1894 *Liccty, John L. 18S9 Linnell, John W., Jr. 259 [894 26o Insurance Library Association of Boston. 1895 *Lock, Frank 1888 Loewenguth, Louis E. 1889 Macullar, Charles E. 1895 *McClellan, William B. 1895 Medlicott, William B. 1898 Neal, William B. 1890 *Neiley, George 1 888 *North, Edward C. . 1895 Nutt, Frank A. 1889 O'Brion, Thomas L. 1889 Paige, John C. (deceased) •1888 *Palmer, Charles D. . 1888 *Farsons, Samuel G. . '1 888 *Patridge, Eugene E. . 1898 Prentice, Daniel 18S9 Reid, James J. 1895 Rice, Clifford H. ■I 888 *Rice, William F. 1889 *Richards, Ellis G. . 1S96 Rosencrantz, George S. 1896 Russell, George O. . 1889 *Sewell, Albert W. . 1890 *Shaw, George . 1889 *Shepley, George L. . 1888 * Sherman, Amos 18S8 *Simpson, Arthur K. . 1889 Slade, Albion K., Jr. 1889 *Slocum, Charles M. . 1 888 Smith, Charles G. . 1890 *Smith, William H. . 1891 *Soule, Horace H., Jr. 1889 *Stevens, Francis H. . 1888 *Stillman, Benjamin R. 1898 Tallman, George, Jr. 188S Tatman, R. James 18SS Taylor, George W. 1891 *Teale, W. Tracy List of Members. 261 1895 *Tillinghast, James E. 1888 *Turner, Henry R. 1899 Underhill, Clarence K. 1888 Vinton, Hammond (deceased) 1892 1889 * Watson, Edward L. . 1890 1888 *Wetherbee, Frederic A. 1894 1888 Wheelock, Howard S. 1896 1897 Wlieelock, Isaac R. . 1899 1889 Whitney, Henry F. . 1892 1888 *Whittemore, Benjamin B. 1888 Whyte, Samuel J. . 1890 1 888 *Wilcox, Walter L. . 1889 *Wilkins, Clarence H. 1888 Wise, Charles H. 1892 1892 Wood, Harry P. 1892 *Woodside, Charles L. iSSS *Wray, Alexander H. 1890 Photographs In addition to photographs of such members of the Library Association as have an asterisk (*) affixed to their names in the List of Members, on pages 257 to 261 inckisive, the Asso- ciation albums contain photographs of members of the New England Insurance Exchange who are not members of this Association, as follows: James Bruerton, W. E. Baker, E. B. Bailey, W. F. Bauer, Curtis Clarke, W. F. Crook, H. C. Eddy, W. G. Everett, J. D. Eaton, W. G. Fitch, A. L. Frisby, H. C. Fuller, C. M. Goddard, G. B. Greenslet, I. L. Holt, Geo. C. Howe, C. W. Kellogg, John B. Knox, F. M. Lloyd, R. W. Loomis, W. B. McCray, J. H. Mott, Jr., Geo. J. Porter, S. B. Reed, F. W. Sargent, E. J. Sloan, E. G. Snow, J. U. Taintor, Giles K. Tinker, P. F. Turner, W. H. Winkley and S. P. Wood. Also a photograph of George Adlard, Esquire, one of the first agents in Boston, and sub- sequently a prominent manager in New York, presented by his grandson, Mr. Walter Adlard ; and an album containing forty-one photographs of Directors and Officers (1888-1S90) of the Continental Insurance Company of New York. (262) THE CASE ROOM I I Portraits The Association has been presented with crayon por- traits of the following named deceased members of the New England Insurance Exchange. Clarke, Nicholas Arthur French, George Atherton Horner, Benjamin Sanford Miller, Danforth Leavins Smith, Lemuel Dickinson Steere, Whiteman Tourtellotte (263) Old VoUcies and Policies used in Foreign Countries Among other jnetnorabilia the Association has received from various sources policies of interest because of their age ; and also specimens of policies used in foreign countries, these latter being sent us by companies issuing them in response to a request therefor made while this Catalogue was in process of printing. These foreign specimens cover policies used in the following named countries : Austria, Balkan States, Bel- gium, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Hol- land, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Sandwich Islands, South Africa, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. They are arranged in the order named in a book large enough to permit the policies to be bound in full size, so that they can be readily inspected and compared by those interested in such matters. In this book have also been placed various old policies as follows : — Office of Joseph Dows, King Street, Boston, with four underwriters, insuring sloop " Ranger," 1746. Office of Nathaniel Barber, Ann Street, Boston, with three underwriters, insuring schooner "Three Friends," 1774. Royal Exchange Assurance, London, insuring dwelling of David Garrick, 1775. Hand in Hand Office, London (framed), 1778. Office of John Hurd, Boston, with three underwriters, acting for twenty in all, and insuring brigantine " Chance," 1784. (264) Old Policies and Foreigfn Policies. 265 Office of Peter C. Brooks, Boston, with four underwrit- ers, insuring schooner " Sukey," 1800. Hartford Fire Insui-ance Company, insuring Jonathan Ramsey of Hartford, 181 7. Washington Insurance Company, New York, insuring Thomas Brooks, 1S21. Massachusetts Fire and Marine Insurance Company, insuring Francis Stanton, 1829. Photographic Views and Groups The Association has been presented from time to time with photographs, many made by members who are amateur photographers, of groups of adjusters, outing parties, great fires and other interesting occasions and events ; and these have been mounted in albums which are at the disposal of members and visitors upon application to the Librarian. These photographs are as follows : — Conflagration at Marblehead, Mass., iS88 ; four views. Conflagration at Lynn, Mass., 1889; seven views. Adjusters at Glens Falls, N. Y., 1883. Burning of Gardner Block, Brockton, 1889; two views. Adjusters at St. John, N. B., 1871. Ice-covered ruins of Hecht Wool Warehouse, 1893 ; two views. Salvage at Litchfield, Ct., 1888. Burning of Congregational Church and adjoining Fac- tory, Rockland, Mass., 1890. Conflagration at Eastport, Me., 1S86; four views. Ice-covered ruins of Granite Block, Augusta, Me., 1890; two views. Outing of Exchange, 1891 ; five views. Outing of Exchange, 1893; five views. Adjusters at Baltic Mills, Connecticut, 1888 ; two views. Officers and Special Agents, Hartford Fire Insurance Company, 1885. Trial of Waterworks, North Brookfield, Mass., 1894; three views. (266) Photogffaphic Views and Groups. 267 Buildings photographed at Night by light of their own burning, Litchfield, 1SS9; framed. Conflagration at Norway, Me., 1894. Insurance Library Rooms, 1889. Group of Canadian Fire Underwriters Association, with key, 1886; framed. Reproduction in fac-simile of the New Hampshire Com- pact, 1885 ; framed. Group of Boston Underwriters clerks, 1865 ; framed. Ruins of Aldrich House, Providence, R. I., 1888; framed. Photo-lithograph Copy of Reminiscences of Engine Company No. 18, giving roster of the Old Barnicoats, Boston, 1849; framed. Merchants Exchange, State Street, Boston, 1842, showing Insurance Offices of that day; framed. Old State House in 1872, framed, showing its Occupancy for Insurance Offices. Group of Southeastern Tariff Association, taken at Wash- ington, 1S96 ; framed. Form of Bequest ir Qivc ant) bequeatb to tbe ITnsurance Xibrarii Bssociation ot Boston, incorporated in 1887, tbe sum ot H)oUars, to be applied to tbe uses ot saiC) corporation. Signeo, % THIS BOOK WAS PRINTED IN THE YEAR EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND NINETY-NINE AT THE SHOP OF FRANK WOOD, WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. MASS., U. S. A. PREFACE. The whole number of books and pamphlets added to the Insur- ance Library in 1900 was S56, in 1901, 475 and in 1902, 450. making nearly i,Soo accessions since the publication of Mr. Hess' Catalogue in 1899. Besides these have been articles of very great theoretical and practical value, contributed to current numbers of insurance peri- odicals, which, without attempting to enumerate, we have endeavored, by classifying and indexing, to rescue from undeserved oblivion, and make accessible to students of insurance. Thus the actual accessions to the library in the last three years must number several hundred, at least, more than appears from its regular reports. These facts are offered as one reason for publishing at this time a supplementary catalogue of the Fire and Marine Insurance literature in the Insurance Library of Boston. But there is another reason. While on its theoretical side tire insurance is pretty firmly established, so that it is subject to but little change from year to year, on its practical side it is subject to changes constantly. Its literature, therefore, as it touches the practical side, soon becomes obsolete, or at least insufficient, and in need of much supplementing. The Catalogue of 1899 makes available to the student the contents of the library three years ago; this catalogue aims to supplement that by making available what has been added since. While the burden of an undertaking of this kind is necessarily great, it is believed that no contribution which the Insurance Library can now make will be more useful to members of the Association, more pleasing to the friends who have helped to make the library what it is, or more helpful to the fire underwriting fraternity as a whole. It is to be remembered that no other organization is at present engaged on so extensive a scale in collecting fire insurance literature; that no other is in a position to do the work of cataloguing so thoroughly ; and in a way, since the literature of any subject becomes available in pro- portion as it is indexed and classified, that no work stands in greater need of being done. D. X. HANDY, Librarian. Boston, Mass., Feb. 2S, 1903. EXPLANATION. The following pages are strictly supplementary. Noth- ing entered in the Catalogue of 1S99 has been intentionally entered here. It is especially desirable, therefore, that stu- dents of insurance literature understand from the outset that this list must always be used in connection with the Catalogue of 1899, which preceded it. Organizations and institutes established since 1899, or whose reports the Insurance Library has begun to receive since 1899, are entered here, with the usual information re- garding them. Reports of all organizations entered in the Catalogue of 1S99 ^^ "complete" have been received com- plete to date. Individual papers and addresses delivered be- fore the latter, during 1900, 1901 and 1902, are given in the following pages, under subject and author headings. The finding reference, by which any article may be located, is usually under the subject rather than the author heading. The key to the subject heading is furnished by the arrange- ment of titles under each "author" heading. Thus if it is desii-ed to find a certain article on the electrolysis of gas and water pipes, by William Brophy, the seeker being sure only of the fact that an article on this general subject has been written by Mr. Brophy, he will find, on turning to BROPHY, William, "Electrolysis of Gas and Water Pipes, The Pre- vention of," but without any definite location of it. The word " Electrolysis," however, will serve as the key; and turning to "Electrolysis," he will find the article in question and its definite location. Annuals, Insurance Journals, Directories, and Statistical and Law Reports, issued periodically, listed as complete in the Catalogue of 1899, have been received complete to date. They are not entered here.* A list of abbreviations used in these pages, with the ex- planation of each, and of the few special classifications em- ployed, will be found on the next page. * For volumes and files still needed to complete sets of the above publications, entered in the Catalogue of 1899 as "incomplete," see the Insurance Library Want Bulletin, a copy of which will be sent on request. ABBREVIATIONS. Arg2is. The Argus, Chicago. BP, Bound Pamphlets. Birmingham. Proceedings, The Insurance Institute of Birmingham. British, Publications, The British Fire Prevention Com- mittee. Chronicle. The Chronicle, New York. Coast Reviexv. The Coast Review, San Francisco. Commissioners. Proceedings National Convention Insurance Commissioners. Cosmop. Mag. Cosmopolitan Magazine, New York. Econ. Monthly Journal of Insurance Economics, Boston. Engineers. Proceedings, International Association of Fire Engineers. Experiment Station. Reports, Insurance Engineering Experiment Station, Boston. Federation. Journal of the Federation of Insurance Insti- tutes of Great Britain and Ireland. Glasgow. Proceedings, Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow. Ins. Eng. Insurance Engineering, New York. Ins. Field. The Insurance Field, Atlanta, Ga. Ins. Library. Reports, Insurance Library Association of Boston. Ins. Post. The Insurance Post, Chicago. Ins. Report. The Insurance Report, Denver. Ins. Reg. The Insurance Register, Philadelphia. Local Agents. Proceedings, National Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. Manchester. Proceedings, Insurance Institute of Manchester. Massachusetts. Proceedings, Massachusetts State Firemen's Association. Monitor. The Insurance Monitor, New York. Mutual Betiejit. Reports, The Insurance Clerks' Mutual Benefit Association of the City of New York. Mutuals. Publications, Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Boston. National. Proceedings, National Board of Fire Underwriters. New Castle. Proceedings, Insurance Institute of New Castle-upon-Tyne. Ne%v Zealand. Proceedings, Insurance Institute of New Zealand. Northwest. Proceedings, Fire Underwriters' Association of the Northwest. No?-zvich. Proceedings, The Norwich Insurance Institute. Norwich Unio7i Mag. Norwich Union Magazine. Ohio. Annual Reports, Ohio State Board of Fire Un- derwriters. Auxiliary to the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Pacific. Proceedings, Fire Underwriters' Association of the Pacific. Philadelphia. Reports, Insurance Society of Philadelphia. Protection. Proceedings, National Fire Protection Associa- tion. Scrap Bk. Scrap Book. South. Proceedings, Underwriters' Association of the South. Spectator. The Spectator, New York. Standard. The Standard, Boston. T. I. P. The Insurance Press, New York. Toronto. Proceedings, The Insurance Institute of Toronto, Canada. Und. Rev. The Underwriters' Review, Des Moines. U. S. Review. The United States Review, Philadelphia. Vermont Report. Report of the Insurance Commissioner of Vermont. Victoria. Proceedings, The Insurance Institute of Victoria. Vietvs. Views, Washington, D. C. Vindicator. The Vindicator, New Orleans. Wales Record. Reports of Proceedings, Insurance Institute of New South Wales. Weekly Utid. Weekly Underwriter, Pittsburgh. Western Und. Western Underwriter, Cincinnatti and Chi- cago. Torkshirc. Report of Proceedings, Insurance Institute of Yorkshire. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS. British Fire Prevention Committee, Reports of Tests. Field Organizations. Fire Hazards and Processes. Fire Tests of Materials. Historical. Insurance Directories. Insurance Engineering Experiment Station, Reports of. Law of Insurance. Statistics of Insurance (including Almanacs, etc.) Weight Tests of Materials. ABBOTT, Frank B. Fireproof and Rustproof Construction of Steel Buildings. — Fire Proof Construction, The Unbidden Guest in. Abridgement of Specifications Relating to Fire Engines, Extinguishers, Escapes, Alarms, etc., A. D. 1625 to 1866. Published by order of the Commissioners of Patents, London, 1877. D pp. 350-^6. Accounts. (See Book Losses, WADDELL, etc.) Acetylene, Mineral Oil and. The Risks Attending the Use of. By G. G. Henderson. G/as^^otv, Fourth Series, No. 13. — The Best Illuminant vet Discovered. Anon. Advocate, XIII: 213, 23S, 263. — and its Generation. Anon. T. I. P., De. 12, i8g8, J>. 2. — and its Hazards. By F. M. Griswold. T. I. P., Fe. g, iSgS. . —and its Hazards; a Defense of Acetylene by F. G. Henderson, manfr., and a Reply by F. ^l. Griswold. T. I. P., My. 11, i8g8, p. 6. — Dealers' Handbook. Anon. Pamph. T pp. 40. BP. XI. Acetylene Gas. — By David Porter Heap, Lieut. -Col. of Engineers, U. S. A. (cut from Cos7nop. Mag., Sept., 1901). BP. XV. — By John Hunter. Newcastle, i8g8-gg: 3g. — By William McDevitt. Engineers, i8gg : bo. — Authorities on. By F. Cortez Wilson & Co. BP. XI. — Dangers Incident Thereto. By Robert Howe. Toronto, i8gg- igoo:33. — Future of. By George Landis Wilson. Pamph. O pp. 7. BP. — Hazards of, as Compared with Coal Gas. By F. M. Griswold. T. I. P.. Mr. 30, iSgS, p. j. — Lighting (from "Domestic Engineering"). By F. Cortez Wilson. BP. XII. — Production and Use of. By W. Doman. O pp. 60. London, 1902. — Reports on. National, igoi : loS; igo2 : 86. — The Acetogen. By F. Cortez Wilson & Co. T pp. 30, Chicago. BP. XL — and Carbide of Calcium. Miituah, Vol. V, 173, 204. " Acres of Ashes ; " an Account of the Conflagration in Jacksonville, Fla., May 3, 1901. Anon. Pamph., pp. unnumbered Jacksonville, Fla., 1901. IS ADAMS, John. " Where are we at ? " Northnvest, igoo : iq. Adjuster, The, His Influence upon Underwriting. By H. A. Dike, Northwest, jgoo:jj. (See also Adjusting, Adjustments,. Fire Loss Assessor, Daniels.) Adjusting Grain Field Losses. (Grain Field Losses.) Adjustment of Mercantile Losses, The Principles and Practices which Obtain in the. By E. F. Rice. 0^110,1877:30. — of Losses on Buildings. By A. J. Waters. 0^10,1876:6. Adjustment ^A^ork, Some Remarks on the Study of. By F. G. Argall. Pamph. O pp. 8. San Francisco, 1899. Adjustments and Public Opinion. By W. G. Greer. North-vest, 1 go 1 : 7S. AFFIELD, F. O. " Ounce of Prevention, The." Agency Movement, The, From the Company's Standpoint. By John H. Washburn. Econ., i : /oj. Agent, The, What He Expects from the Company. By Edward B. Case. Loc. Agents, igo2 : 37. Agents, Multiplicity of. By "H. R. T." Folder Sq. S pp. 4. BP. NVII. (See also Multiple Agencies.) Agents' and Surveyors' Pocketbook of Information, Fire Insurance. By George Velten Steeb. S pp. 152. New York, 1896. Agreement of 1900, Copy of. Prepared by Committee of 27, but not Effective for Want of Signatures. National igoi : 47. Aims of the Institute. (Toronto.) By J. B. Laidlow. Toronto, i8gg- igoo : 16. Alton Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Charter of. (HISTORICAL.) An Essay to Prove that all Insurance on Ships and Merchandise at Sea, beyond the Interest of the Assured, ought to be Pro- hibited. By a Merchant. Pamph. pp. 8. London, 1747. BP. XIV. ANDERSON, A. L. Federal Regulation of Insurance Companies, The Constitutional Aspects of. Anti-Compact Laws, ILave they Reduced Rates? Anon. Econ., 2 : loi. Anti-Trust Agitation. By Otto Greely. Northxvcst, igoo : 36. Appraisal, Disagreement for. By F. G. Argall. Pacific, igoo : log. Apportionment of Loss, The, and Contribution of Compound Insur- ance. A Clear Explanation of the Various Rules, with Examples. By W. H. Daniels. Sq. S pp. 77. Indianapolis, 1902. Architecture, Some Notes on, from a Fire Insurance Point of View. By Lloyd Taylor. Victoria, i8g8 : 43. ARGALL, F. G. Adjustment Work, Some Remarks on. Appraisal, Disagreement for. Assessor. (Fire Loss Asses.sor.) 16 ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION of CAPETOWN, THE. Organ- ized November, 1891. First printed Report, Fifth Annual, 1896. Succeeded in 1S99 bv the Insurance Institute of South Africa. Reports Complete. — Articles of Association. Pamph. Sq. T pp. 4. Capetown, 1891. ATKJXSON, Edward. Fire Loss, The Increasing, in the United States ; its Cause and Prevention. Massac/iiisc/fs, /goo : 42. Insurance Engineering, A Department of. a Public Necessity. Mufitah, Vol. VI. Park Ave. Hotel, New York, Report on Fire in, 1902, with Some Suggestions for Removing the Fire Perils there Presented. Mutuals, VI. Paterson, N. J., Brief Account of Conflagration in, 1902, with Special Reference to Work of Mill Apparatus in Checking its Progress in one Direction. Mnfiiah, VI. Prevention of Loss by Fire, The, an Applied Science. Eiiiii- //eers, iqo2 : j j. Prevention of Loss by Fire, The; Fifty Years' Record of Fac- tory Mutual Insurance, based on Thirty-five Years' Personal Experience. With Suggestions for the Protection of Cities from Conflagrations. Pamph. O pp. 95. Boston, 1900. Protection from P^ire. An Address before the 111. Mfrs. Asso- ciation, Oct. 15, 02. BP. XVII. Protection of City Warehouses from Loss by Fire. (In " The Prevention of Loss by Fire," p. 78.) Automatic Fire Alarm, "May's." ("May's.") — Systems. By William Brophy. Engineers, iSgg: bg. Automatic Fire Detecting Appliances. By R. K. MacKenzie. Nor- wic/i, jgoo-oi : 17. (See also. Fire Alarm, BRITISH, etc ) Automatic Sprinkler. — Installations. By W. Beeston. Binnhigham. igoo-oi : 82. — Triumph of the. Anon. /;/.':. Eiig., II: 303. Automatic Sprinkler Heads, Deterioration of. Report. C A. Hex- amer. Protcc/ioii, igoo: ijj, igo2 : 210. Automatic Sprinklers. — By A. T. Naylor. Toronto, igoi-02 : 31. — By W. L. Rand. Massachiiscttf, igoi : 34. — Advisability and Merits of. By Henry A. Fiske. Massachii- scits, I goo: 84. — Inspection of . Report. Profcc/ioii, /go2 : 163. — Installation and Equipment Rules for. Report. Protection, ig02: bs, 243. — Requirements for the Installation of. Pacific, igoo-01. — Test Specifications, March, 1902. Protection, rgo2 : /g8. — in Grain Elevators. By W. C Robinson. Protection, /goo: m- 17 Automatic Fire Sprinklers. A Text-Book, compiled by the Edward Barr Co., Ltd. For the use of Fire Insurance Companies, Manufacturers, and Mill Owners. Revised Edition. O pp. 96. New York, 1S87. (See also. Sprinklers, Cyl7?F.; Average Clause, The, vs. igo';;' Co-insurance Clause. By A. W. Thornton. Pacific, igo3: gS . Average Clauses and Applications. By Robert M'Connell. Ma?i- chcster, igoo-oi : 43. B BACKHOUSE, Clarence. Theatre Construction, A few Hints on (Theatres). BAGSHA ]V, J. H. Cotton Weaving. Bakeries, Their Processes and Fire Hazards. (Fire Hazards.) Baltimore City, Insurance Chart and Business Directory of. (See Ins. Directories.) BAYLES, James C Gas Main Leakage, The Fire Hazard of. (Fire Hazards.) Bedstead Works, The Processes and Fire Hazards of. (See Metal Working Risks.) BEESTON, W. Automatic Sprinkler Installations. Beet Sugar Factories, The Fire Hazards and Processes of. (Fire Hazards.) BENALLOCK, W. T. Electricity, Pranks of. BENTLEY, Thomas A. Cotton Spinning, The Fire Hazards of. (Fire Hazards.) — Cotton Spinning Mills, Processes of. (Cotton.) — Theatres and Music Halls. (Theatres.) BERRIMAN, John R. A Digest of the Law of Insurance. (LAW OF INS.) BERTOLETT, Edwin F. Fireproof Construction in Philadelphia. BEST'S Insurance Reports upon all American and Foreign Joint Stock Companies, and American Mutual Companies, and Lloyd's Associations- Transacting Business in the United States. Issued Annually, with Supplements. Sq. F. First ed., 1900, pp.300; Seconded. 1901, pp. 352; Third ed. 1902, PP- 34^-50- BIBBINS, J. R. Gas Engines for High Pressure Fire Service. Bicycle Factories, Their Processes and Hazards. By S. H. Lockett. (Fire Hazards.) (See also. Cycle Factories.) BINGHAM, W. A. Municipal Fire Insurance. B/RKS, A. E. Fire Losses, A Few Notes on Claims, Adjustments and Extinguishing Expenses. Bi-Sulphide of Carbon, Is it an Explosive.? (American Miller, XXX : Oct., 1902.) Scrap-Bk: Ji6. BLAUVELT, Albert. Dip-Tank Hazard, The, as Related to Sprink- ler Failure. — Inspectors' Seals. National, igoo : 143. Blower Systems, The Fire Hazards of. Report. (Fire Hazards.) Boiler Plates, Report on. Mufiials, VI. Boocock, |. Headon. Metal Working Risks; Bedstead Works. Book Losses, Profit and Freight in. By William Sexton. Pacific, igoo-.jo. (See also, WADDELL.) Boot and Shoe Factories. By W. F. Gemmer. (Fire Hazards.) Boston, Department for the Survey and Inspection of Buildings in the City of. Pamph., pp. 36. Boston, 1871. Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., The Semi-Centen- nial Record of the. Mutuah, V:SU- (See also, ATKIN- SON, Edward.) BRAIDWOOD, James. Fire Prevention and Fire Extinction, in- cluding Fireproof Structures, Fireproof Safes, Public Fire Brigades, etc. Nar. D pp. 197. London, 1866. BRANNEN, R. S. Fire Insurance Expenses, The Agent's Influence on. BRECKENRIDGE, R. W. Fire Insurance Policy, The; Is it a Promissory Note, Payable in Event of Fire.' North-Mcst, I go 1 : 46. BRENTANO, Simon. Village Fire Departments. (FireDepts.) Breweries, The Fire Hazards of. (Fire Hazards.) BREWSTER, A. Irving. Insuring Patterns. — Mill Inspections. British Fire Prevention Committee, The Organization and Work of. By Edwin O. Sachs. Itis. Etig., II : 311. — Testing Arrangements of; some Descriptive Notes with Illus- trations. By Ellis Marlsland. British, II, No. 13; VIII, No. 65. BRITISH FIRE PREVENTION COMMITTEE PUBLICATIONS: Reports of Tests. FIRE TESTS WITH: Automatic Fire Alarms : — — Closed and Open Circuit, bv Parson Fire Alarm Svstem, Ltd. IX, No. 66. ' Blinds : — —Fire Resisting. \'II,No.ji. Ceilings : — — A Ceiling by the Asbestos and Asbestic Co., Ltd. //, No. rg. — A Ceiling Constructed with Silicate Cotton (Slagged Wool). ///, No. 2S. — A Ceiling and Wood Floor, former protected by Additional Suspended Ceiling. VIII, No. 62. Curtains : — — Fire Resisting, "Screen Soil" Curtains, Two Tests with. VI, No. 46. 19 Curtains (Continued) :— Two Fire Resisting and Two "Williams" Fn-e Blinds. K//, No. 3/. Doors : — — A 2-in. Solid-Framed Teak Door. A i^-in. Four Panel Pine Door. A i^-in. Four Panel Pine Door. ///, No. 24. — A Wood Door, covered witii Tinned Steel Plates. An Iron- Framed and Panelled Door. ///, No. 23. — A 2-in. Framed Oak Door witii 2-in. Solid Panels. A 2-in. Framed Teak Door with 2-in. Solid Panels. ///, No. 26. A 2-in. Framed Pitch Pine Door with 2-in. Solid Panels. A "'2-in. Framed Deal Door with 2-in. Solid Panels. I\\ No. 33. A 2-in. Framed Honduras Mahogany, 2-in. Solid Panels. A 2-in. Framed Poplar Door, 2-in. Solid Panels. \\ No. jg. A 2-in. Framed Austrian Oak Door, 2-in. Solid Panels. A 2-in. Framed American Walnut Door, 2-in. Solid Panels. V, No. 40. — A 2^-in. Oak, in Three Thicknesses. A 2j-s-in. Teak, Three Thicknesses. VII, No. 34. — A 2>^-in. of Archangel Deal, in Three Thicknesses. A 2^-in. Qiiebec Pine, Three Thicknesses. VI No. 49. — A 2>'s-in- of Archangel Deal, in Three Thicknesses. A i>^-in. of Teak, Flush Panelled on each Side, panels in Two Thick- nesses. VII, No .30. A Deal Ledged, with i-in. Boarding. A 2-in. Deal, Four Panel, moulded both Sides. VIII, No. 3g. An Iron Framed, Styles and Rails both Sides. An Iron Framed, Styles and Rails one Side. VIII, No. 60. A Deal and Uralite, "Armoured" with Tinned Steel. A Deal and Uralite, covered with Uralite. IN, No. 67. — A i^-in. Framed " Jarrah," with i^-in Solid Panels. A 134:- in. Framed "Karri," Avith i^-in. Solid Panels. IN, No. 68. — Two 2-in. Deal, hung in one Opening with a Space between. Two 2-inch Oak, hung in one Opening with Space between. IN, No. 6g. — A 2-in. Framed "Jarrah," Four Panelled. A 2-in. Framed " Karri," Four Panel. I'lII, No. 70. Floors : — — A Floor by the Expanded Metal Co., Ltd. //, .V^. 14- — Floor of Wooden Joists filled with Concrete. //, No. 16. — Floor of Solid Wood Beams. //, No. iS. — Floor of Steel Joists, filled with Concrete on Corrugated Iron, with Suspended Ceiling. ///, No. 21. — Floor by the Columbian Fireproofing Co., Pittsburgh, New York and London. //, No. 23. — Floor of Steel Joists with Coke Breeze Concrete. IV, No. 34. — Floor by the " Gypsine " Brick Co. V. No. 3S. — Floor by the Mural and Decorations Syndicate, Ltd. VI, No. 43. — Floor of Deal Joists with Coke Breeze Concrete. VI, No. 4S. — Floor of Deal Joists and Coke Breeze Concrete, Expanded Metal Ceiling. VII, iVo. 33. — Floor by Mural and Decorations Syndicate, Ltd. VII, No. 36. — Floor of Steel Joists with Coke Breeze Concrete. VII, No. 61. — Floor bv Banks Fireproof Construction Syndicate, Ltd. VIII, No^b4. — Floor of Jarrah Wood. IN, No. 71. Glass : — — Casements, Three glaced by the British Luxifer Prism Syndi- cate, Ltd. //, No. 20. — Casements, Three glaced by the British Luxifer Prism Syndi- cate, Ltd. IV, No. 2Q.^ — Casements, Three. IV, No-jj. — Casements, Three glaced with Wired Glass by Pilkington Bros., Ltd. IV. No. J/. — Skylights, Five glaced by the British Luxifer Prism Syndicate, Ltd. IV, No. JO. — Skylights, Two glaced with Wired Glass, by Pilkington Bros., Ltd. IV,.Yo.S2. Partitions : — — A Lath and Plaster. A Brick Nogged. ///, No. 22. — A Match Boarded, filled in with Silicate (Slagwool) by D. Anderson & Son, Ltd., and |. C Broadbent & Co., Ltd. VI, No. 47- — A Suspended, by the Fireproof Partition Syndicate, Ltd. I ///, No. 38. — A Partition by the Banks Fireproof Construction Co. Syndi- cate, Ltd. VIII, No. 63. — A Partition by the " Gypsine " Brick Co. V, No. 37. — A Partition by the Mural and Decorations Syndicate, Ltd. VI, No. 44. — A Partition of " Mack " Patent Slabs. VII, No. 32. — A " Cunnah Wright " Partition. VII, No. 33. Protective Coverings : — — Girder Coverings, by " Gypsine" Brick Co., Ltd., VI, No. 43. Roofs : — — Slated Roof, and Ceiling. Flat, Covered with \'ulcanite Roof- ing, and Ceiling. AY. No. 72. Safes :— — V, No. 42. Treated ^A^ood: — — Match-boarded Partition of Deal, painted Oil-Color. Match- boarded Partition of "Non-inflammable" Deal, painted with " Non-inflammable " Paint. VII, No. 37. — "Non-inflammable" Wood, by the British Non-inflammable Wood Co. r; No. 36. (See also, FIRE TESTS, EXPERIMENT STATION. NORTON, etc.) BROTHERS. F.J. Prevention and Extinction of Fires, Responsi- bilities and Duties of the Fire Oflices in the. Brooklvn. N. Y., Conflagration Hazard in. Report. ///.<. Eiig^. Ill: JS3- BROOKS, J. McMullen. Building Construction. BROOKS, Phillip F. London Manchester Warehouses. BROPIir, William. Automatic Fire Alarm Systems. — Electrolysis of Gas and Water Pipes, The Prevention of. — Storage Batteries for Fire Alarm Service. BROWN, E. G. Electricity in Relation to Fires. BROWN, Edward. Europe, Methods of Fire Insurance in. BRO WN, Frederick V. National Supervision and Insurance Corpo- rations. BROWN, Henry W. Underwriter, The, The Theoretical Province and Duties of. Building, The Chicago Tribune. Anon. Ins. Eng., Ill : yj. Building Construction. Bj J. McMullen Brooks. NorivicJi, igoi-02 : — Reduction of the Fire Hazards in. By Perez M. Stev^-art. I//s. Eng. IV: 545- — and its Relation to Fire Insurance. By W. E. L. Wears. Vic- toria. I goo: 7g. Building Law for Medium Sized Cities, Proposed, As Drafted by a Commission appointed Pursuant to Chap. 579, Laws of 1892, State of New York. O pp. 64. BP. XL (See also, Tenement House, High Buildings.) Building Materials of the Future. An Interview with Thomas A. Edison. Anon. Ins. Eng., I : igj. — Different, Considered as to their Adaptation for Fire-proofing and Fire Retarding Purposes. By Adler Muller. Ins. Eng., 111:314- Building Terms, Index and Glossary of. By A. B. Dansken. O pp. 63. Glasgow, 1899. Buildings, Durable and Incombustible. Miituals, V : 113. — High (High Buildings). — Modern Office. By William Copeland Furber. Ins. Eng., I\': 451- — Steel, Fire and Rust Proof Construction of. By Frank B. Abbott. Ins. Eng.. I : S2. — Skeleton, The Steel Work in. By William Copeland Furber. Ins. Eng. II : 430. (See also EXPERIMENT STATION, BRITISH, FIRE TESTS, Steel, Inspection, etc.) Burnouts, Electric. (Electric.) BTRNE, Austin T. Inspection of the Materials and Workmanship Employed in Construction, ist ed. Nar. D pp. 539. New York, 1 90 1. Canada, History of Fire Insurance in. (HISTORICAL.) Capetown, The Assurance Association of. (See ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION.) Carbide of Calcium and Acetylene Gas. Miituals, V : 173, 204. Carbonic Acid Gas Extinguishers. Report. By C A. Hexamer. Proiecfioji, igoo : 40. Carpet, Igniting Point of. (Igniting Point.) CART, John C. Specifications. Preventing and Extinguishing Fires in Buildings, etc., A. D. iSo6. Great Seal Patent Office, London, 1856. Pamph., Q^ pp. 10. Note: This sfecification h the first on record in the English Patent Office, embodying the essential principles of the Automatic Fire Sprinkler. — Librarian. CASE, Edward B. Agent, The. What He Expects from the Com- pany. CASHMAN, John J. Danger to Life Attending Firemen from Elec- tric Light and Trolley Wires. (Firemen.) CA WS, Frank. Concrete Floors. Ceilings. Fire Tests of . (BRITISH.) " Champion " Stationary Tank, Test of a. Protection, igoo : 42. CHAPMAN, J. Haworth. Felt Hat Works, Processes and Fire Haz- ards of. — Gas Works, Processes and Fire Hazards of. CHAPPELL, George. Leather Tanning and Currying, Processes of. Charring Point of Wood, Carpet, Cotton, Paper. Mutuals, VI : 2^6. CHASE, George F. Water Supply System for Fire Protection, An IdeaL CHATTERTON, Bertram. Electricity, The Aspects of, from an Insurance Standpoint. Chemical Explosives, The Dangers of; Their Kind and How to Pre- vent Them. By William McDevitt. Engineers, igoi : 76. Chemical Fire Extinguishers, Portable, on Wheels. Report. Pro- tection, igo2 : 214. — Products, The Fire Hazards of the More Important. By Ernest H. Cooke. (Fire Hazards.) Chemicals, Explosive, The Hazards of Storing and Handling. By William McDevitt. (Fire Hazards.) —in Fires, and the Chemical Causes of Fire. By Charles Hex- amer. (Fire Hazards.) Chemistry of Fire and Fire Prevention, The. A Handbook for Fire Insurance Surveyors, etc. By Herbert and Harry Ingle. D pp. 287. New York, 1900. Chicago Fire of 1871, The, and the Fire Insurance Companies. (HIS- TORICAL.) — Tribune Building, The. Anon. Ins. Eng. Ill -.73. Chlorate of Potash, The Fire Hazards of. (Fire Hazards.) Chloride of Ammonia. (Fire Hazards.) Chronicle Factory Valuations, The, showing the Number of Manu- factures of each Class in each State and Territory in the United States, together with the value of the Buildings, Machinery, Tools and Implements Employed. By the Chronicle Co., Ltd. O pp. 71. New York, 1903. CHL^BB, George Ilayter. Protection from Fire and Thieves, includ- ing the Construction of Locks, Safes, Strong-rooms, Fire- proof Buildings, etc. Nar. D, pp. 162. London 1875. Cigar Box Factories, The Explosion Hazard in. By W. II. Frazier. (Fire Hazards.) Cinder Concrete. (Concrete.) Citv Warehouses, The Prevention of Loss by Fire in. By Edward Atkinson. {ATKINSON.) CLARK, G.O. lUuminants, The Fire Risks of. (Fire Hazards.) CLARKE, Christopher. Fire Protection : Are Cities and Towns keeping Pace with Improvements in, in Proportion to the Increase of the Fire or Conflagration Hazard.^ Engineers, I go 2 : 42. Classification in Fire Insurance. By John P.Hubble. Eco>i.6:6. — By George Pritchard. Birmingham, igoo-oi -.44 — Combined. By Robert Dickinson. Econ. 2 : ibi . — Compulsory, Is it Desirable.'' By E. G. Richards. Econ. 2 : T2g. — Practical Side of. The. By Herbert Folger. Econ. 3 : 6j. — Uniform. Anon. Econ. 6 : lyi. — Uniform. By John F. Downing. Econ. § : ibg. Clauses, Uniform, Proposed by National Board of Fire Underwriters. {NATIONAL.) — Opinion on Legality of. {RUM SET.) Cleaning and Renovating Establishments, Fire Hazards of. (Fire Hazards.) CLYDESDALE, A. M. Bakeries, Their Processes and Hazards. (Fire Hazards.) Coal, Pulverized, as Fuel. By W. H. Gibbons. Pacific, igoi : jg. Coals, Weathered, The Calorific Power of. Miittiah, V: 363. COHEN, Max. National Supervision of Insurance, Significant Factors in. Read at National Convention of Insurance Commissioners, Sept., 1899. — National Supervision of Insurance Companies. An Argument before the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Bill No. 569. Washington, D. C, 190J. Vie-vs, NIV:iii. COHEN, Myer. Multiple Agencies in Fire Insurance. Co-insurance Clause, 100'/; , The Average Clause vs. By A. W. Thorn- ton. Pacific, igo2: gS. — Graded. By Herbert Wilmerding. Pamph. Philadelphia. 1902. — Working of the. By J. T. Trezevant. The Adjuster, 23 : 23. — The 80';; and 100% Clauses and their Application in Case of Loss. With a few remarks on the Advantage of Car- rying 100% (full insurance) to the Value of Property. By William R. Hewitt. Pamph., Nar. T pp. 6. New York, 1902. Col. Johnson of Johnson's Corners. By J. O. Harris. D pp. 249. Chicago, 1901. Colorado, Insurance Directory ot. ( See Insurance Reports' Directory.) COL^UHOUN, C. R. Fire Insurance, Past and Present. (HIS- TORICAL.) Columbian Insurance Company, Organized 1857, Charter of. (HIS- TORICAL.) Combined Classification. (Classification.) Commission Problem, The, in Fire Insurance. Opinions of Agents. Eco7i., 3 : 2j. Commissions, Contingent, and Schedule Rating (from Bradstreet's). By F. C. Moore. Eco?i., 2: /jS. — Uniform, Do they Benefit the Agent .= By A. W. Neale. Eco?i., Compact Association of the Northwest (Oregon and Washington Ter.); compact Agreement of, together with By-Laws. Pamph., D pp. 19. San Francisco, no date. Concentration in Fire Insurance. Anon. Eco»., j : 11. Concrete, Cinder, The Strength of. By F. E. Kidder. Ins. E)ig.. 11:263. — Construction, Service Test of. Anon. l>?s. Eng., 111:348. — Floors. By Frank Caws. Ins. Eng., 1 : 233. (See also, BRIT- ISH, FIRE TESTS, Building Materials, etc.) Conflagration at Jacksonville, Fla., Mays, iQOi- (HISTORICAL.) — at Paterson, X. J., P\^b. 8, 1902. (HISTORICAL.) — at Waterbury, Conn., Feb. 2. 1902. ( HISTORICAL.) — Hazard, Eliminating the. By Everett U. Crosby. Ins. Eug., 111:141- — Hazard, So-called, The. Mittitah, V : gg. Conflagrations during the Last Ten Years. By Charles E. Goad. Manchester, i8gS-gg:-j. — Causes and Means of Prevention of. Report Committee of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. BP. /A. Consequential Damage Problems The; a Practical Solution. By II. II. Friendly. North-vest, igoo : g4 CONTINENTAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.,^^^^■ \ork : Pater- son, N. J., Conflagration at, Feb. 8, 1902. Illustrated. Pamph., Sq. Q^ pp. 20. New York, 1902. Contingent Commissions. (Commissions). COOKE, Ernest H. Fire Hazards of the more Important Chemical Products. Co-operation, Past and Future. By Charles C. Martin. North-vest, iSgg : gS. Corn Mills, Fires in. By James Ostler. Manchester, iSgg-i goo : 97. CORNELL, II. F. Inspections, Personal and otherwise. Corrosion of Sprinkler Pipe. Report. By C A. Hexamer. Protec- tion, I goo: ijj. — of Steel; comments by Insurance Engineering on Report No. 4, Insurance Engineering Experiment Station. Iiis. Eiig., IV; 353- — of Steel Construction. By J- K. Freitag. I>is. Eiii:^., HI: 360. (See also, Steel, Building Materials, Experiment Station.) Cost of Special Work, The. By R- C- Medcraft. (Special Work.) — Price of Fire Insurance, The. (Fire Insurance.) Cotton: A Method of Preparing in Round Bales. By John R. Fordyce. Ins. Eng., II : gg. — Igniting Point of. Mutuals VI: 237. — Storage of. Mutuals, V: 8g. Cotton Bales, Cylindrical ; Report of Experiment to Determine the Probable Salvage in, after Exposure to Fire, June 30, 1S99. Typewritten Report. Illustrated. Sq. Q^ pp. unnum- bered. — Test ; Report of Committee on Relative Fire Hazards of Cotton as Baled by Various Methods. {NATIONAL FIRE PRO- TECTION.) Cotton Mill Construction, Standard ; Plans and Specifications of the Factory Insurance Association of Hartford. Philadclfhia, I: 22. Cotton Mills, Three Special Hazards in the Preparatory Processes of. By Geo. Velten Steeb. (Fire Hazards.) Cotton Pickers, Losses in. Mutuals, V : gg. Cotton Policy Forms. Report, Cotton Committee of the South Eastern Tariff Association, April, 1901. By S. Y. Tupper, chmn. Ins. Field, III: 18, 16. — Spinning Mills, The Fire Hazards of. (Fire Hazards.) — Spinning Mills, The Processes of. By Thomas A. Bentley. Manchester, i8gS-gg : go. — Weaving. By J. H. Bagshaw. Manchester, i8gg-igoo : 2g. CO WPER, H. B. Fire Tariff, The, its Objects and Effects. CROSBY, Everett U. Conflagration Hazard, Eliminating the — {and FISKE, Henry A.): Hand-Book of Fire Protection for Improved Risks. D pp. 312. Boston, 1901. Crude Oil, The Fire Hazards of. (Fire Hazards.) CUBITT, F. Astley. London Salvage Corps, The, and its Work. CUNNINGHAME, A. M. Sugar, Its Production, Manipulation and Fire Hazard. Curtains, Fire Tests with. (BRITISH.) CURTIS, F. E. Gas, Manufactured, and Electricity at Fires. CUSHING, H. C. Standard Wiring for Electric Light and Power. Ed. 1903. New York, 1903. 26 Cycle Factories. B_y A. E. Patrick. (Fire Hazards.) — Works. By F. W. Panton. (Fire Hazards.) See also, Bicycle Factories. Danger to Life Attending Firemen from Electric Light and Trolley Wires. By John J. Cashman. Engineers, igoi : 20. DANIELS, W. H. Apportionment of Loss, The, and Contribution of Compound Insurance. A Clear Exposition of the Various Rules, with Examples. Sq. pp. 77. Indianapolis, 1902. DANSKEN, A. B. Index and Glossary of Building Terms. O pp. 63. Glasgow, 1899. DA WSON, Miles Menander. Scientific Fire Rating from an Actuary's Standpoint. Northivest, igoi : ^6. DEAN, A. F. Fire Insurance; A Lecture before the School of Com- merce of the University of Chicago, May 22, 1902. Rough Notes, XXX : 104. — Fire Rating as a Science. O pp. 216. Chicago, 1901. — Rationale of Fire Rates, The. D pp. 225. Chicago, 1900. — Replies to Criticisms on "Fire Rating as a Science," by F. C Moore. (See Fire Ins., Rates and Rating.) DEARTH, Elmer H. Minnesota Insurance Laws in Force Jan. i, 1902. (See LAW OF INSURANCE.) DECAUX, J. Tariffs, Farming Property, The Old and the New. Norxvich, igoo-oi : 27. DELAFIELD, Robert H. Wine Cellars as Fire Hazards. Delaware, Insurance Directory of. (See Baltimore.) Dc WITT, Carroll L. Premium Income, Some Thoughts on the. DICKINSON, Robert. Classification, Combined, in Fire Insurance. DIKE, H. A. Adjuster, The, his Influence on Underwriting. DILLON, A. J. Underwriter, Something More than. Dip-Tank Hazard, The, as Related to Sprinkler Failure. By Albert Blauvelt. Protection, igo2 : 2jO. Disagreement for Appraisal. (Appraisal.) DIXON, Francis B. A Treatise on the Law of Insurance. (LAW of INSURANCE.) "Does it Pay to be Good.''" By J. Frank Edmonds. Nort/iu'cst, '900:59. DOMAN, W. Acetylene Gas, The Production and Use of. O pp. 60. London, 1902. Doors, Fire. (Fire Doors.) — Fire Tests with. (See BRITISH, FIRE TESTS, etc.) /) O UN' ING, ]ohn F. Classification, Uniform in Fire Insurance. Drafting Fire Insurance Contracts. By C E. Noverre. Birming- ham, iSg8-gg: 73. 27 Drapers as Fire Hazards. (Fire Hazards.) Driven Wells for Fire Protection. (Wells.) DUNN, Houston. Insurance Inspectors, The Education of. — Philadelphia, Some Conditions in. Dust and Lint, the Removal of. Muiuals, V: loj. Economic Theory of Risk and Insurance, The. By Alan H. Willett. ( WILLETT.) ECKFORD, T. P. Potteries and Allied Trades. Edison, Thomas A. An Interview with, on Building Materials of the Future. (Building Materials.) — and Cement Construction. By Harold Johnson. (From "Stone.") Ills. E?iff., II: 241. EDMONDS, J. Frank. "Does it Pay to be Good .? " Electric Burnouts, Some Characteristic. Anon. I?is. Eng., I: sg. — Fire Hazard, The. Mutuals, VI. — Fire Pumps. Report. (Fire Pumps.) — Installation Rules, London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. Pamph., Nar. O pp. 31. London, 1900. — Light and Trolley Wires, Danger to Life Attending Firemen from. (Danger.) — Service from Trolley Lines. By W. S. Duval. Pacific, igo2 : 53- — Shocks at 500 Volts. By Alexander Pelham Trotter. Ins. Eng., IV: 145. — Station Risks. By George P. Law. Pacific, igoo: 68. — Wiring, Standard, Hand-book of. By H. C Gushing, Jr. (Standard Wiring.) Electrical Hazard, State Control of the. By W. H. Merrill, Jr. Ins. Eng., IV:sSi. — Hazards, The Inspection of. Anon. Ins. Eng., IV: 4/g. — Installations, Fire Office Rules for. By A. Lester Taylor. Yorkshire, iSgS-gg : Sg. Electrically Driven Fire Pumps, General Specifications for. (Fire Pumps.) Electricity, Aspects of, from an Insurance Point of \'iew. By Ber- tram Chatterton. Yorkshire, igoo-oi : ji. — Hazards of, in Buildings. By A. E. Kennelly. Philadelphia, 1:83. — Pranks of. By W. T. Benallack. Northivcst, iSgg : /oj. — Transmission of Power, Transformers, Storage Batteries. Mutuals, V:j2/. — from a Fire Insurance Standpoint. By A. B. Smith, Toronto, /8gg-/goo:j7. 28 Electricity (Continued) : — — in Relation to Fire Insurance. By E. G. Brown. New Zealand,. jgoo :s!- Electro-hydraulics, A Study in. By Frank A. Pattison. liis. Eiiff., ' II -.221. Electrolysis and Insurance. By Herbert Schurman Wynkoop. /«.«. Ins., 11:217. Electrolysis of Gas and Water Pipes, The Prevention of. By William Brophy. Engineers, igo2 : yd. — in the City of Saint Paul, Minn., Report on. (St. Paul.) ELLISOX, William B. Insurance Companies before the Courts. Pamphlet, O. pp. 20. New York, 1902. Enamelling and Stamping Factories, Fire Hazards of. (Fire Hazards.) Ethics of Fire Insurance. By R. J. White. Victoria, igoi : 61. Europe, Methods of Fire Insurance in. By Edward Brown. Pacific, /goo:jj. Expense Qiiestion, The, and Sole Agencies. By A. W. Neale. Local Ag-etifs, igo2 : 26. Expenses, Fire Insurance. (Fire Insurance Expenses.) Explosion of Smoke. (Smoke.) Explosions, Chemical, the Danger of. (Chemical.) Explosives, High, The Use of in Cities. Anon. ///.<. E/ig., Ill : 353- — Bj- John Stagg. Engineers, igoi :S/. — Cause and Effect of, as Applied to Fire Insurance. By T. \'aughan Hughes. Birmingham, iSgS-gg : 40. Exposures, The Estimation of. (HOSS.) Factory Mutuals, The ; Examples of Insurance Engineering from. By Charles L. Norton. Ins. Eng., Ill: 211. Factory Valuations, Chronicle. (Chronicle Factory Valuations.) Farming Property Tariffs, The Old and the New. By J. De Caux. Norxvich, igoo-oi : 27. Farms and Farming Stock. By C R. (.^^linton. Federation, igoo, III: iji. EARNS WORTH, E. P. San Francisco Fire Department, The. (San F^rancisco.) FAYMONVTLLE,]. A. Mexico, Fires, Insurance and Methods in. Federal Regulation of Insurance Companies. (See National Super- \ ision.) Federation Examinations, The. By J S. Waterhouse. Ne-v Castle, igoo-oj : jS. — Examination Papers; examination of May 7-12, 1900. Feder- ation, igoo. III : 46J. 29 Federation Examinations (Continued) : — — of 1899 and 1900, in the Law of Fire Insurance, A Synopsis of. By W. Holbrook. Torkshire, igoo-oi : 121. Felt Hats Works, The Fire Hazards of. (Fire Hazards. ) FELTON, E.J. Steam Shipping, The Effects of the Development of upon Claims under the Contract of Marine Insurance. Fertilizers, The Fire Hazards of. (Fire Hazards.) FIELD, George P. New Hampshire Compact of 18S5, The. Field Man, How it Looks to a. By B. L. West. Northwest, igo2 :jj. FIELD ORGANIZATIONS. — Alabama, Fire Underwriters' Association of . Org. 1898. Pro- ceedings, First Annual, 1898; Second Annual, 1899; Third Annual, 1900; Fourth Annual, 1901. — Arkansas, Local Fire Insurance Agents' Association of. Org. June 12, 1901. Minutes of Organization and Constitution and By-laws. Pamph. T pp. 29. Little Rock, 1901. — Colorado Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. Org. 1897. Constitution and By-laws. Folder, T pp. 8. Pro- ceedings, 1901. Pamph. O pp. 12. — Georgia, Local Underwriters' Association of. Org. 1898. Pro- ceedings, First Annual Meeting, 1899. — Illinois Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. Org. 1899. Constitution and By-laws. Pamph. Nar. S pp. 7. — Iowa Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. Org. 1899. Constitution and By-laws. Folder, Nar. S pp. 8. — Kansas Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. Org. 1899. Constitution and By-laws. Folder, T pp. 8. — Louisiana, Local Fire Insurance Association of. Org. 1902. Constitution. Folder, Nar. Tt pp. 8. — Massachusetts Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. Org. 1900. Constitution and By-laws and Platform. P^older, Nar. T pp. 8. — Mississippi Fire Underwriters' Association. Org. 1899. Con- stitution and By-laws. Pamph. T pp. 10. Proceedings, Organization Meeting, 1899; Third Annual, 1902. — Missouri Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. Org. 1897. Proceedings, Second Annual Meeting, 1898. Pamph. O pp. 42. Kansas City, 1S98. — National Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. Org. Chicago, Sept. 30, 1896. Reports of Proceedings, Fourth Annual, 1899; Fifth Annual, 1900; Sixth Annual, 1901 : Seventh Annual, 1902. Constitution and By-laws. Pamph. S pp. 12. 30 Field Organizations (Continued) : — — North Carolina, Fire Underwriters' Association of. Org. 1S98. Proceedings, First Annual, 1898; Second Annual, 1S99; Third Annual, 1900; Fourth Annual, 1901. — South Carolina Fire Insurance Agents' Association. Org. 1S99. Constitution and By-laws. Pamph. Nar. T pp. 9. — Texas, Local Underwriters' Association of. Org. 1898. Pro- ceedings, First and Second Annual Conventions. Consti- tution and By-laws. Pamph. O pp. 60. Austin, 1899. Third Annual Convention, 1900. Pamph. O pp. 87. Austin, 1900. — Virginia Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. Reorg. 1899. Constitution and By-laws. Folder, Nar. S pp. 8 — Washington Insurance Association. Org. 1897. Annual Re- ports, First, 1898; Second, 1899. — West Virginia Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents. Org. 1899. Constitution and By-laws. P'older, Nar. T pp. 4. FIXCH, John A. (See LAW OF INSURANCE.) Fire Alarm, "May's " Automatic. (" May's.") — Service, Storage Batteries for. By William Brophy. Massac//u- setts, igoj : 13S. — Systems, Automatic. By William Brophv. Engineers. iSgg : 6g. — Systems for Small Cities, Some Suggestions for. By A. H. Fiske. Massachusetts, igoo : g^. — Telegraphic Service, Ground Wires in Connection with. Should they be Abolished.^ By Morris W. Mead. E)igi>icers. igoo:3J. — Telegraphy, Progress in. By Joseph W. Storer. Engineers, igo2: 125: — Thermo-Electric. Report. Protection, igoi : i4g. Fire Apparatus, Heavy, Street Cars for the Transportation of. By Burton Steere. Massachusetts, iSgg: 124. — Hose, Hydrants, Pipes, Pumps. Mutuals, VI. — Hose. Mutuals, VI:g7. — Hose, Underwriters' Fire, Hose Houses and Play Pipes. By Associated Factory Mutuals, Boston. Pamph., D pp. 28, 1900. — Hose, Report on. Protection, igo2: 42. — Rubber Tires for. By John Needham. Massachusetts, iSgg : S. Fire Cisterns. By D. J. Sweenie. Engineers, igoi : 28. Fire Department of New Bedford. ( HISTORICAL.) — of Pittsfield, Mass. (HISTORICAL.) — of Seattle, Wash. (HISTORICAL.) — of the Future, The, in our Large Cities. By George W. Horton. Engineers, igo2:-ji. 31 Field Organizations (Continued) : — — Needed Improvements in, in Small Cities. By Henry A.Jones. Massachusetts, igoo:ji. — Regulations, Private. Report. Protection, igo2 : 2^4. Fire Departments, Village. By Simon Brentano. Engineers, iSgg: 77. — ^'olunteer, Some Rules and Regulations for. By Henry A. Jones. A/assac///tsetts, iSis. Bug., Ill: 124. Inspectors, Insurance, The Education of. V>y Houston R. Dunn. I)is. Eng., II : joj. Inspectors' Seals. By Albert Blauvelt. Protection, igoo : 14J. Insurable Interest. Bv A. B. Adnam. Wales Record, igoi. No. iij. Insurance Agent, The Legal Status of the. ( LAW OF I NSURANCE. ) — Companies before the Courts. By William B. Ellison. Pamph. O pp. 20. Nc7v York. igoj. INSURANCE CLERKS' MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION of the CITY of NEW YORK. Incorporated May 25, 1S72. — Annual Reports ; Twentieth Anniversary, 1S92 ; Twenty-seventh Annual, 1S99; Twenty-eighth Annual, 1900; Twenty-ninth Annual, 1901. — By-laws. Nar. S pp. 11. Nexv York, tio date. — History of. By Charles F. Allen. (See HISTORICAL.) Insurance Cost: Part A of Report No. 2 of the Sub-committee on, to the Allied Business Organizations of Philadelphia, Fire Insurance Committee. Being a Criticism of " Why Rates have been Advanced." Bv George E. Wagner. Folder, pp. 4. Philadelphia, igo2. INSURANCE DIRECTORIES:— — Insurance Directory and Business Chart of Baltimore City, Washington, D. C, and the States of Maryland, Delaware, Virginia and West Virginia. Nar. O pp. no. Baltimore, igo2. — Insurance Directory of Greater New York, Newark, Elizabeth, Jersey City, Bayonne and Hoboken ; with other useful in- formation, 1902-03. Nar. D pp. 266. Neiv York, igo2. — Insurance Reports' Directory for the States of Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming. A list of all Stock and Level Premium Insurance Companies, Fire, Life and Casualty ; Premiums and Losses ; Directory of Agents by Towns ; condition of Water Supply and Fire De- partments of the Several Towns, etc. By the Insurance Report Pub. Co. S pp. 368. Denver, igo2. — Rhode Island and Providence Plantation. Directory of Insurance Companies and their Agents, and list of Insurance Brokers. Corrected to May 15, 1902. Prepared by Charles C. Gray, Insurance Commissioner. Pamph. O pp. 76. Providence, igo2. — Surveyor Insurance Directory, The, of the States of New York and New Jersey, containing the names and addresses of In- surance Companies, Agents . . . Brokers . . . County and Local Underwriters' Organizations, etc. By the Surveyor Pub. Co. D pp. 206. Ne-M York, igo2. 46 Insurance Directories (Continued) : — — Underwriters' Hand-Book of Michigan. 1902-03. 6th ed. By the Western I'nderwriter. S pp. 220. Ciiici/niuti, jgo2. — Underwriters' Hand-Book of Ohio. A Compendium of Insurance Information by Cities and Towns, including a Complete Directory of Agents . . . Companies doing business in the State . . . Statistics of Companies, etc By Rough Notes Pub. Co. S pp. 306. CincinHati, jgo3. Insurance Engineering, A Department of a Public Necessity. (.4 7"- KINSON.) — Examples of from the F'actory Miituals. (Factory Mutuals.) INSURANCE ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION, Boston, Mass. Or- ganized 1902. REPORTS :— — Fireproofed Wood. By Charles L. Norton. Report No. i. — Fireproofed W^ood. Comments. Bv Edward Atkinson. Report No. I. — Partitions, Fire Test of; Expanded Metal Tj-pe by the General Fireproofing Co. of New York City. Report No. /U. — Sound Proof. By Charles L. Norton. Report N'o. II. — Slow-Burning or Mill Construction. Report No. V. — Steel, Corrosion of. By Edward Atkinson. Report No. IV. — Steel Frames of Buildings. Corrosion of. Bv Charles L. Norton. Report No. IV. — Wired-Glass ; Diffusion of Light. Bv Charles L. Norton. Re- port No. III. Insurance Expert, The Education and Duties of an. By T. E. Young. Glasgow, igoo, Fourth Series, No. 16. Insurance in New England for Ten Years. (See Statistics of In- surance. ) INSURANCE INSTITUTE OF MONTREAL, The. Established May, 1900. Reports Complete. — Constitution and By-laws. Painp/i. Tpp.ii. — Record of the. Vol. I., 1900-1901. O pp. 131. Montreal, iqoi. Vol. II., 1901-02. O pp. 191. Montreal, igo2. INSURANCE INSTITUTE OF NEW ZEALAND. The. Estab- lished 1S99. Proceedings Complete. — Rules of the Institute. Pawph. T pp. S. INSURANCE INSTITUTE OF NOTTINGHAM, The. Estab- lished November, 1S98. Reports igoo-oi , igoi-02. — Laws of the Nottingham Insin-ance Institute. Pamph. T pp. 10. INSURANCE INSTITUTE OF SOUTH AFRICA, The. Organ- ized 1899 Succeeding the Assurance Association of Cape- town. Reports Complete. 47 Insurance Institute of South Africa (Continued) : — — Rules of the Insurance Institute of South Africa. Pamfli. S fp. II. Capctotvn, i8gg. Insurance Institutes, The, Their Work and Object. (HISTORICAL.) Insurance Law. (See LAW OF INSURANCE.) Insurance Rates, Fire. (See Fire Insurance Rates.) Insurance Reports' Directory. (See INSURANCE Directories.) Insurance Situation, The. By Theodore Price. Pamph. O pp. 25. Ne-w York, igoi. BP. XVII. Insurance Society of New York. Org. 1901. An. Reports Complete. (See Fire Insurance Society of New York.) Insuring Patterns. By A. Irving Brewster. Pamph. O pp. 18. BP. XV. International Association of Fire Engineers. An Historical Review of. (HISTORICAL.) Irish Tariffs, The, A Glance at. By John Lever. Ireland, iSgj-gS : 21. IRVING, Joseph S. Schedule Rating, Classification and. Jacksonville, Fla., Conflagration in. (See HISTORICAL.) Japan, Fire Scenes in. Anon. Nar. O pp. 24. New York. No date. JOHNSON, Harold. Edison, Thomas A., and Cement Construction. JONES, Henry A. Fire Departments in Small Cities, Needed Im- provements in. — Volunteer Fire Departments, Rules and Regulations for. JONES, Owen D. Rope Walks, Processes and Fire Hazards of. K Kansas City Fire Department at the Paris Exposition, August, 1900. By George C. Hale. Engineers., igoo : bj. Kansas, How the Insurance Companies are Taxed in. (See Taxation.) KELLAM, F. B. Re-insurance, General, The Settlement of Losses under Policies of. KENNELLY, A. E. Electricity, Hazards of, in Buildings. (Fire Hazards.) Kerosene Oil Burning Apparatus, A Description of, with Burners Ap- proved by the Board of Underwriters. Report. John C. Paige i!v: Co. Typewritten, pp. 6. Scrap-Bk. : 11 j. KERR, William. (See LAW OF INSURANCE.) KIDDER, F. E. Cinder Concrete, The Strength of. KINGSLEY, F. K. Tariff Legislation and Risk Improvement. Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Company of New York. (See HIS- TORICAL.) KNIGHT, Arthur H. Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering. 48 LAIDLO W, David L. Fire Insurance as a Science. LAIDLOW, J. B. Aims of the Institute, of Toronto. LAIRD, John. Fire Loss Assessor, The Duties and Privileges of the. LAMEY, II. T. Memoirs of Nat H. Jones. An Insurance Man. O pp. 273. St. Louis, 1901. Lancaster Home Mutual Fire Insurance Company. (See HISTORI- CAL.) Law, Fire Insurance, A Synopsis of the Federation Examinations of 1S99 and 1900, in. (Federation Exams.) LAW OF INSURANCE, The :— Note: Annual Lavj Publications listed in the Catalogue of The Insurance Library Association of Boston, Ed. l8gq,and Works containing- only Insurance Statutes of the various States, are not listed here. These have been receix-ed as issued, and are on file in the Library. BARNES, William. General Statutes of the State of New York Relating to Fire, Marine, Life and Casualty Companies, etc., passed by the Legislature from 1S59 to, and including, 1871. 6th ed. 6 pp. 221. Albanv, 1871.' BERRIMAN, John R. A Digest of the Law of Insurance (con- tinuing Sansum's and Berriman's Digests). \o\. Ill, Q^ pp. 989; \'ol. IV, Q^pp. 991-1S31. Chicago, 1901. CLARKE, ^.^. ATreatise on the Law of Insurance. Toronto, 1873- DEARTH, Elmer H. Minnesota Insurance Laws in Force, Jan. I, 1902. Also a Digest of Insurance Cases, both State and Federal, from the Earliest Reports, to August. 1901, with a Table of Cases, Digested. DIXON, Francis B. Abridgement of the Maritime Law. 2d ed. O pp. 304. Norfolk, 1859. EL WELL, Marshall D. A Treatise on the Law of Fixtures. O pp. 565. Chicago, 1876. FINCH, John A. The Law of Insurance. A Preliminary Lecture before the Indiana School of Law. Pamph. D pp. 12. BP. XIV. — The Law of Insurance in the Law School. Read before the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the American Bar Associa- tion, Cleveland. 1897. Pamph. O pp. 15. BP. XIV. — (and DEITCH, Gilford A.) Indiana Insurance Laws with full Annotations from the Decisions of the Courts of Indiana and other States. O pp. 283. Indianapolis and Kansas City, 1S99. GRISWOLD, J. The Legal Status of the Insurance Agent under the Law of Agency. Pamph. D pp. 16. New York, 1896. BP. XI. HILL, John Ward. A Manual of the Law of Fixtures. 2d ed. O pp. 91. New "^'ork, 1871. KERR, William A. The Law of Insurance. Fire, Life, Acci- dent, Guarantee. O pp. 917. St. Paul, 1902. MILLAR, John, Jr. Elements of the Law Relating to Insur- ances. O pp. 560. Edinburgh, 1787. . 49 Law of Insurance (Continued) : — MORSE, John T., Jr. The Law of Arbitration and Award. O pp. 670. Boston, 1872. PALET, William. A Treatise on the Law of Principal and Agent ; chiefly with reference to Mercantile Transactions. A new Edition, with Considerable x\dditions bv NIEL GOW. O pp. 375. Philadelphia, 1822. PATON, Thomas S. Compendium of the Law of Insurance, Comprising Marine, Fire and Life Insurance. Nar. O pp. 227. Edinburgh, 1862. WAMBAUGH, Eugene. A Selection of Cases on Insurance. Parts I, II and III. O pp. 480. Cambridge, 1901. WAMSLEY, A. W. The Workingmen's Compensation Act, De- fined bv the County Court Judges. O pp. 123. Manchester. WESKETT, John. A Complete Digest of the Theory, Laws and Practise of Insurances ; Compiled from the best author- ities in Different Languages, which are Qiioted and Re- ferred to, etc. ; with a Preliminai"y Discourse wherein are Delineated the very Great Disorders which prevail in Affairs of Insurance; Their Principal Causes Explained, etc. Nar. O pp. 612 Dublin, 1783. WIER, James. Workingmen's Compensation : Digest of Cases Decided in England and Scotland. O pp. 120. London, no date. Leather Tanning and Currj-ing, Processes and Fire Hazards of. (Fire Hazards.) Legislation and Fire Losses, By W. D. Hart. Chronicle, 68 : ^18. — Radical Insurance. By J. H. Trewin. N'ort/iv.'esi, igo2 : 78. LEMMOX, W. S. Fire Doors and Shutters. The Work of Stand- ardizing. J^E WIS, David J. State Fire Insurance vs. Stock Company Insvn-ance. Liability, When to Deny. By William Sexton. Pacific, igo2 : //. Library Committee, Underwriters' Association of the Pacific, Report of. Pacific, I goo : g, igoi : J2, igo2 : 80. Light, Diffusion of. Report. jMutuals, V : Jjg. Lightning, Property Loss by, in the United States, in 1S99. By Al- fred J. Henry. (^Reprint from Monthly Weather Reviezufor Oct., igoo.~) — Protection Against. Anon. Ins. Eng., II : ~;ii. — Rods, Do they Protect Property.? By A. M. Schoen. Spec- tator, LX VII : 12b. — Statistics of Losses from, and Suggested Action thereon, to be taken by the Mutual Insurance Companies. (Read before Co-operative Mutual Insurance Companies of Iowa, 1902.) By W. D. Forbes. Scrap-Bk. "Little Drops of Water, Little Grains of Sand." By Charles B. Hill. Lloyds, A List of Agents and Sub-Agents to the Corporation, Geo- graphically Arranged. Revised May, 1890. Pamph. pp. 32. London, 1890. BP. XIV. Local Agency Movement in Ohio, The. Anon. Econ., y:j72. Local Agent, Duties and Responsibilities of the. By Fred V. Brown. Pamph. O pp. II. BP. XII. — Political Duties of the. Anon. Econ., 2 : 74. Local Agent's Standpoint, The. By Jacob Wachenheimer. NortJi- west, igoi : ji. Local Agents' Associations, The Future of . By E.J. Tapping. Econ., 3 ■• 97- — National and State. By George D. Markham. Econ., j ; 76. Local Association, The. By C. S. Pellet. North-west, igoi : g8. LOCKETT, S. H. Bicycle Factories, Fire Hazards of. — Extra Special Hazards to Date. — Grain Elevators, Fire Hazards of. — Packing Houses, Their Processes and Fire Hazards. — Scientitic Rate Making. The Difficulties of. A Discussion of Classification and the Mercantile Schedule. Ins. Field, III: I J : 2. — Universal Mercantile Schedule in Practise, The, A Criti- cism of. London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., Electric Installation Rules of. Pamph. Nar. O pp. 31. London, 1900. — Manchester Warehouses. By Phillip F. Brooks. Norivich, I go 1-02 : 26. ( See Federation, V. ) — Salvage Corps, The, and its Work. (HISTORICAL.; Loss of Pressure caused by Meters in Factory Fire Supplies (from Journal of the N. E. Water Works Association, XII: 2). By E. V. French. Pamph. O pp. 73-102. BP. XV. Losses, Grain-field, The Adjustment of. (Adjusting.) — The Settlement of, under Policies of General Re-insurance. By F. B. Kellam. Pacific, igo/ : Sj. Louisiana Sugar Houses, The Fire Hazards of. By J. W. Watkins. (Fire Hazards.) LO IV, George P. Station Hazard Transformer, The. LOWDEN, H. H. Adjusting Grain Field Losses. Lowell, Mass., Test of the Fire System belonging to the Proprietors of the Locks and Canals, in, made in 1897. Report. (Test.) Lucifer Matches. By Orme Masson. Victoria, igoo .• jo. Lumber Drying, A Discussion of the Various Processes of. By A. T. Lumby. /;/.•;. Field., Ill : iS : g. — and Dry Kilns. By Eldridge G. Snow. Pamph. Ncav York, 1901. — Hazards of the Moist Air Dry Kiln. By II. S. Scrvoss. Ins. Field, III: is :7- LL'MBT, A. T. Lumber Drying, A Discussion of the \'ari()us Proc- esses of. M " Macomber " Chemical Attachment for Fire Buckets, The. Report. Alutuals, I': IJ2. MacDONNELL, Richard. Surveying Notes on the Tariff. MacKENZIE, R. K. Automatic Fire Detecting Appliances. — Theatres. MacKNIGHT, F. E. Standpipe, The, and its Auxiliaries. Manila, Fire Insurance in. Giving Classification of Buildings, Con- struction, Fire Protection, Water Supply, Taxes and Fees, and List of Fire Insurance Companies doing Business in, 1902. Anon. Coast Review, 61 : ij8. Manila, Fire Insurance Association of; General Regulations and Tariff. O pp. 33-x. Manila, 1901. Mansion Houses as Fire Risks. By C R. Qiiinton. jVorii'/c/i, igoi- 02 : lb. (Federation, Vol. V.) Manufacturing Plants, New Conditions and Hazards of. (Fire Haz- ards.) — Fires in. By " Inspector." Ins. E)ig., II : 340. Manufacturing Processes and Fire Hazards. (See FIRE HAZARDS.) Maritime Warfare, Its Connection with Insurance. By B. Goldsmith. Victoria, iSg8 : yj. Marine Insurance. By William Gow. (HISTORICAL.) — By W. W. Grogan. jYe-w Zealand, i8gg : jg. — Effect of the Development of Steam Shipping on the Contract of. By E. J. Felton. Wales Record, igoi, A'o. 112. — Law of. A Speech in the House of Commons, March 20, 1S75. By ( .? ) Brassy. BP. XIV. — Purpose, Origin and Elements of. By H. N. Roberts. (HIS- TORICAL.) MARJENHOFF, O. G. "Ounce of Prevention, The." (Affield.) A Reply to. MARTIN, Charles C. Co-operation, Past and Present. MARSTON, A. Fire Streams, A Photographic Study of. Maryland, Insurance Directory of. (See Baltimore.) Massachusetts, An Account of the Early Insurance Offices in, from 1724 to 1801. By E. R. Hardy. (HISTORICAL.) MASSON, Orme. Lucifer Matches. Matches, Lucifer. (Lucifer Matches.) "May's" Automatic Fire Alarm. By G. H. Oatway. Manchester, igoo-oi : g. McCANDLISH, John M. Fire Insurance. McCONNELL, Robert. Average Clauses and Applications. McC OTTER, C. A. Manufacturing Plants, New Conditions and Hazards of. McDEVITT, William. Acetylene Gas. — Chemical Explosives, The Danger from. — Chemicals, Explosive, The Danger of Storing and Handling. — Chlorate of Potash. — Explosion of Smoke. McFADDEN, F. J. Standpipe Connections. McSWEEN^, J. F. Ideal vs. Real in Insurance, The. McVE2', A. H. Trusts. MEAD, Morris W. Ground Wires in Connection with Fire Alarm Telegraph Service. — Storage Battery, The. What are its Increased Benefits for Fire Alarm Systems.' MEADE, Calvert. Adjusting Grain Field Losses. — Fire Patrols. MEDCRAFT, R. C Cost of Special Work, The. Memoirs of Nat H. Jones; an Insurance Man. Bv H. T. Lamev. O pp 273. St. Louis, 1901. MENSCH, Leopold. Ilennebique System of Armoured Concrete Construction, The. Mercantile Schedule. (See Universal Mercantile.) MERRILL, W. H., Jr. Electrical Hazard, State Control of the. — Electrically Driven Fire Pumps, Specifications for. Metal Reduction Plants, The Fire Risks of. (Fire Hazards.) Metal Working Risks; Bedstead Works. By J. Headon Boocock. (Fire Hazards.) Mexico, Fire Insurance and Methods in. By J. A. Favmonville. Pacific, igoo:jj. Michigan, Insurance Directory of. (See Underwriters' Hand- Bookof.) Middle Department, Field Men of the. (HISTORICAL.) Middle States, Non-paying Risks in the. (Non-paying.) Mill Construction, Faulty. Factory Insurance Association, Report. 1)1$. Efig., IV: I2J. — or Slow Burning, Requirements for. Protection, igoi:8S, igo3 : lOj. — Standard, or Slow Burning. Miitinils, \'I : /j,-. Mill Fire Protection. By W. H. Stratton. Philadelphia, 1 : 19. — Inspection. By A. Irving Brewster. Pamph. O pp. iS. New York, 1901. Milling: A Glossary of Terms used in. By Alexr. B. Dansken. Fed- eration, igoo, lll:24g. Mineral Oil and Acetylene, Risks attending the use of. ( Fire Hazards. ) Mining Risks, Some of the Aspects of Underwriting on, with Proc- esses and Hazards Involved. (Fire Hazards.) Missouri, In. V>\ Kd. Yates. North-vest, igo2: 10^. .S3 Modern Fire Protection. By Charles T. Hill. (Fire Protection.) MOORE, F. C. Contingent Commissions and Schedule Rating. "Fire Rating as a Science." A Review of Mr. Dean's Book. If IS. Field, III : 12:2. Science of Fire Rating. A Detence of the Universal Mercantile Schedule. Ins. Field III : 14 : 2. Montreal, Insurance Institute of. (See INSURANCE INSTITUTE OF.) Morphology of Insurance, The. Prefaced by Some Thoughts on the Idea of Insurance. By Winthrop P. Tenney. Pamph. O pp. 39. Boston, 1902. BP. XVII. MORRIS, Fritz. Foreign Fire Fighters. MORRISON, Fred. Fire Protection, Are Cities and Towns Keeping Pace with Improvements in, in Proportion to the Increase of the Conflagration Hazard.'' Engineers, igo2 : 77. MORSLAND, Ellis. Fire Resisting Materials, The Results of Some Fire Tests with. Mount Washington Hotel, White Mountains, N. H., The Fire Protec- tion of. (Summer Hotels.) MULLER, Adler. Building Materials, Different, Considered as to their Adaptation for Fireproofing and Fire Retarding Pur- poses. Multiple Agencies and Subsidiary Organizations. Anon. Ecoii., 3 ■ log. — in Fire Insurance. By Myer Cohen. Econ., 3 : loi. — Problem of, in Fire Insurance, The. By John C. North. (See also. Agency, Agents, Local Agent, etc.) Municipal Fire Insurance. By W. A. Bingham. Yorkshire, igoi- 02 : 66. — By Thomas Hudson. Pamph. BP. XIV. — By C. Shutt. Manchester, iSgg-igoo : i2g. Music Halls. (See Theatres.) Mutual Assurance Company of New York, Copy of Original Prospec- tus of. Containing reprint of Deed of Settlement, etc. (HISTORICAL.) MUTUAL FIRE Insurance Co., Report of a Committee Chosen to Digest a Plan for. Feb. 27, 1797. (HISTORICAL.) N Nassau County Court House, The Steel Concrete. Anon. Ins. Eng., 111:130. National Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents, Some Facts Re- garding. (HISTORICAL.) 54 NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. Building Law, Proposed, tor Medium Sized Cities, as Drafted by a Commission appointed Pursuant to Chapter 579, Laws of 1S92, of New York State, Feb. 21, 1893. O pp. 64. BP. NI. — Fire Insurance, The Relation of, to the Commimity. Is Fire Insurance a Trust? Pamph. O pp. 32. New York, 1899. BP. NIV. — Fires in American Cities, Statistics of. (See Statistics.) — Gas Main Leakage under Impervious Street Pavements. Re- port. Pamph. O pp. 7. New York, 1899. BP. NIV. — Policy Clauses, Uniform, Proposed by Conference Committee on Clauses and Forms. National, igoi : 62, igos: ^4. — Tables of Insurance Results, for 1899, 1900, 1901. (See Sta- tistics.) — Texas Fuel Oil. Report. By A. M. Schoen. Pamph. O pp. 22. New York, 1902. National Board of Fire Underwriters, The, Its Work in the Standard- izing of Materials. (HISTORICAL.) NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION. Cotton Bales Test. Report of Committee on the Relative Fire Hazard of Cotton as Baled by Different Methods. Pamph. O pp. 83. New York, 1902. — Fires, Summary of. (See Statistics. ) National Supervision of Insurance Companies and National Insur- ance Corporations. By Fred K. Brown. North-west, igoo : 76. — An Argument before the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Bill No. 569, Washington, D. C. By Max Cohen. Views, NIV: ///. — An Argument before House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Bill No. 569, Washington, D. C By Charlton T. Lewis. V/etvs, NIV:gi. — Constitutional Aspects of. By A. L. Anderson. Commission- ers, igoi : 42. — Significant Factors in. By Max Cohen. Rongit Notes, NNV : 130. NA YLOR, T. J. Automatic Sprinklers. NEALE, A. W. Commissions, Uniform, Do they Benefit Agents.' — Expense Question, The. and Sole Agencies. — Fire Insurance Expenses, How can they be Reduced.'' Need of the Hour, The. By Herbert Folger. Pacific, igoo : Sj. NEEDHAM, John. Fire Apparatus, Rubber Tires for. NELSON, W. C. Fire Insurance Rate, Foundation of the. New Bedford, Mass., History of the Fire Department in. (HISTOR- ICAL.) Newburyport Marine Insurance Company, The. (HISTORICAL.) New Ilanipshiro Compact of 1885. Bv George P. Field. (HISTORI- CAL.) New England, Insurance in for Ten Years. (See Ins. in New England.) New England Railroad Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Reports of. (HIS- TORICAL.) NEW YORK FIRE INSURANCE EXCHANGE. Organized, March 8, 1899. Manager's Annual Reports, Complete. — Iland-Book of the New York Fire Insurance Exchange. Con- taining the Agreement, List of Members, General Rules and Rates, Clauses and Privileges, Forms and General Minimum Rates. Compiled by Henry E. Hess, Manager. Edition February, 1900. D pp. 119. No imprint. NEW YORK, Taxation in. (See Taxation.) — Fire Insurance Society of. (See FIRE INSURANCE SO- CIETY.) New York City, Insurance Directory of. (See Insurance Directories.) New Zealand Insurance Institute. (See INSURANCE INSTI- TUTE of.) Non-Paying Risks in the Middle States, Revised from the List Pub- lished in the Weekly Underwriter, June, 1900. Pamph. S pp. 16. New York, 1900. BP. XVII. NORTH, John C. Multiple Agency Problem, The, in Fire In- surance. North German Lloyd Steamship Company's Piers at Hoboken, N. J. Anon. Ins.. Etig., 1 : 47 . NORTON, Charles L. Factory Mutuals, The, Examples of Insur- ance Engineering from. — Fire Retardant Materials, Report of Tests with. — Portland Cement Concrete as a Protection from Fire. — Uralite, Report on. Nottingham, Insurance Institute of. (See INSURANCE INSTI- TUTE of.) NOVERRE, C. E. Drafting Fire Insurance Contracts. OATWA 3; G. H. " May's " Automatic Fire Alarm. Office Buildings, Modern. By William Copeland Furber. /;/.«. Eiig., IV: 431. Ohio, Fire Marshal of. Established 1901. Reports annually pub- lished in Ohio Ins. Commrs. Report. Oil Lamps, Cautions in Use of. Issued by the Hammersmith Borough, City of London. Ins. Eng., II : 759. OSTLER, James. Corn Mills, Fires in. — Cost Price of Fire Insurance, The. .S6 Ounce of Prevention, The. Bv James Affield. Engineers, igoo : 21. — The, A Reply to. By O. G. Marjenhoff. Engineers, igoi : ^y. Overhead Writing. Report. By A. H. Robinson. Loc. Agents, iSgg ; -S. OVER MIRE, E. J. Insurance Rates versus Good Construction. Pacific Fire Insurance Agreement. Pacific, igo2 : yo. Packing Houses, Their Fire Hazards. (Fire Hazards.) PALET, William. (See LAW of INSURANCE.) PANTON, F. W. Cycle Works, The Processes and Fire Hazards of. Paper, Igniting Point of. Mufiials. VI : 2^6. Park Avenue Hotel, New York, Fire in, 1902. Special Report. Bv Edward Atkinson. Muttiah, VI : 2^j. PARKER d- SPEED. Sawmill; How to Build one to Secure the Lowest Insurance Rate. PARSONS, H. de B. Tall Building, The, under Test of Fire. Partitions, Fire Tests with. (See BRITISH, EXPERIMENT STA- TION, FIRE TESTS of MATERIALS.) Paterson, N. J., Conflagration at, Feb. 8, lyoj. Special Report. By Edward Atkinson. {ATKINSOX.) — Tile Construction at. Anon. Ins. Eng., Ill : ^42. (See also, HISTORICAL.) PATRICK, A. E. Cycle Factories, Their Processes and Hazards. Patterns, Insuring, and Difficulties of Adjusting Losses on. By Fred- erick Conlin. Pamph. BP. XV. PATTISOX, Frank A. Electro-Hydraulics, A Study in. PEABODY, A. P. Fires in American Cities. PELLET, Clarence S. Fire Insurance Rates, How They are Made. — Local Association, The. Pennsylvania Insurance Iland-Book. By J. A. Fowler. D pp. 276. Philadelphia, i860. PERO WXE, F. R. Potteries, Their Processes and Fire Hazards. Philadelphia, Fireproof Construction in. By Edwin F. Bertolett. Ins. Eng., II: igj. — Fire Insurance Society of. (See FIRE INSURANCE SO- CIETY.) — High Pressure Pipe Line in. Circular No. 459, Philadelphia Fire Underwriters' Association. Pamph. Opp.8. Scraf-Hl- : i6g. — Reduction of P'ire Premiums in; being a Report of the Insur- ance Committee of the Trades League of Philadelphia, with Suggestions. Pamph. S pp. 24. Philadelphia, 1900. (See also, "Why Rates have been Raised," " Profits (.') of Un- derwriting," etc.) 57 Philadelphia (Continued) : — — Report on Fire in, at Eighth and Filbert Streets, Nov. 29, 1899. Miitiials, V:2g8. — Some Conditions in. By Houston R.Dunn. l)ii.E)ig.JII:3oy. Philadelphia Contributionship for the Insurance of Houses from Loss bj Fire. (HISTORICAL.) Philadelphia Fire Company, The (HISTORICAL.) PHILADELPHIA FIRE UNDER WRITERS' ASSOCIA TION. High Pressure Pipe Line in Philadelphia. Circular No. 459. PHILADELPHIA, THE FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF. Org. October, 1901. Constitution and By-laws of. Pamph. T pp. 16. Proceedings. Vol. I. Pamph. O pp. 108. Phil- adelphia, 1902. PHILLIPS, Willard. Average and Adjustment of Losses in Marine Insurance, A treatise on. PHINNEY, C. H. Cylindrical Cotton Bales. Report of Experi- ment to Determine the Probable Salvage after Exposure to Fire, made June 30, 1899. Sq. Q^pp. typewritten and un- numbered. Phosphates, The History, Manipulation and Fire Hazards of. Report. (See Fire Hazards.) Picker Trunks, Sprinklers in. (Sprinklers.) Pittsfield, Mass., The Fire Service in. (HISTORICAL.) Plate Glass and Window Glass Works, The Fire Hazards of. (FIRE HAZARDS.) Policy, The Fire Insurance, Is it a Promissory Note, Payable in the Event of Fire.? By R. W. Breckenridge. North-vest, igo2 : 46. Policy Clauses and Forms adopted by the Conference Committee on Clauses and Forms, N. B. of F. U., 1902. National, /go/ : 62, /go 2 : J4. — and Forms ; Opinion on the Validity of the above. By William Runisey. Ms. typewritten, pp. 4. Scrap-Bk. Policy Forms, Cotton. (See Cotton.) — Marine Insurance. (See VAUCHER.) Portland Cement Concrete as a Protection from Fire. By Charles L. Norton. Ins. Eng., Ill : /iS. — Mills, The Fire Hazards of. (FIRE HAZARDS.) POSTDO WN, William. Salvage Corps, The Benefits to be Derived from, by the Fire Insurance Companies. Potteries, Fire Hazards of. (See FIRE HAZARDS.) Pressure, Loss of. Caused by Meters in F'actory Fire Supplies. (See Loss of Pressure. ) Premium Income, Some Thoughts on the. By Carroll L. De Wett. Northwest, /goo :jo. .58 Prevention of Fires. A few Suggestions for the. By F. M. Griswold. Pamph. D pp. 20. New York. No date. BP. XII. — and Extinction of Fires, The Responsibilities and Duties of the Fire Offices and the Public, in. Bj J. F. Brothers. Wales Record, i8gg, No. gg. (See also, ATKINSON, BRAID- WOOD, Fire Prevention, Fire Protection, HA YES.) PRICE, Theodore H. Insurance Situation, 1902, The. Principles and Practises of Fire Underwriting Systematically Arranged. 2ded. By Joseph M. Rogers. O pp. 143. New York, 1871. Prism Glass and Wire Glass. (Wire, also Wired Glass.) PRITCHARD, A. G. W. South Africa, Insurance Work in. PRITCHARD, George. Classification of Risks in Fire Insurance. Private Fire Departments. (Fire Departments.) Processes of Manufacture. (See FIRE HAZARDS.) Profits ( .'') of Fire Underwriting : " A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing." By George E. Wagner. Folder, Sq. pp. 4. No imprint. (See also, "Why Rates have been Raised," and " Philadelphia, Reduction of Fire Premiums in." ) Prosperity and its Evils. By Walter D. Williams. Northzvest, igo2 : Protection from Fire. (See ATKINSON, CHUBB, Fire Protection, WATERS.) Protection of Steel. (Steel.) Protective Coverings for Window and Door Openings. (Window.) — Departments. (See Fire Patrols.) Pulverized Coal as Fuel. (Coal.) PUTNAM, II. II. Rate Agreements. (See Fire Insurance Rates.) ^UINTON, C. R. Farms and Farming Stock; Mansion Houses as Fire Risks. Railroad Insurance Co., The New England Mutual. (HISTOR- ICAL.) Railroads and Their Insurance. By C F. Shallcross. Spectator, LXVIII : 322. RALSTON, J. F. General Average, Some Phases of. — Seaworthiness. RAND, W L. Automatic Sprinklers. Rate of Burning for Thirty-four Years; from 1S66 to 1900. Anon. Econ., 3 : 22. Rates, Fire Insurance. (See Fire Insurance Rates.) Rating, Schedule. (Schedule Rating.) .S9 Rationale of Fire Rates. By A. F. Dean. (See Fire Insurance Rates.) — of Fire Insvu-ance. By E. P. Heaton. (See Fire Insurance.) Rats and Matches. Muttiah, VI : sg. READ, Albert M. Warehouse Fires, Their Cause and Prevention. — Spontaneous Combustion. Rebate, Evil, The. By J. L. Fuller. Pacific, igos : i2j. REBHAN, August. Schedule Rating and its Benefits. Reduction of the Fire Hazards in Building Construction. By Perez M. Stewart. (Building Construction.) Re-insurance Agreement, Pacific. Pacific, igo2 : 70. — Controversy, A. Edited by Walter M. Speyer. — General. (General Re-insurance.) — Requirements of the Several States. Report. National, igoi : 68. Revolving Fire Doors. (Fire Doors.) Rhode Island and Providence Plantation, Insurance Directory of. (See INSURANCE DIRECTORIES.) RICE, E. F. Adjustment of Mercantile Losses, The Principles and Practises w^hich Obtain in the. O/tio, iSyd : jo. Rice Mills, Attrition Machines Hazard in. (See Fire Hazards.) RICHARDS, E. G. Company Classification, Is it Desirable? Eco>i., 2 ; i2g. Richmond, Va., The Fire Hazard in, 1902. An Address. By F. M. Grisvi^old. Ins. Eng., Ill : ^So. Risks, Classification of, in Fire Insurance. (Classification.) ROBERTS, H. N. Marine Insurance. ROBINSON, A. H. Fire Insurance Board, The Model. — Overhead Writing. ROBINSON, W. C. Automatic Sprinklers in Grain Elevators. Rockingham Mutual Fire Insurance Othce. Circular. (HISTOR- ICAL.) Roofs, Fire Tests with. (BRITISH.) — Protection of Extensive. Miitnah, VI : jog. — Unsprinkled, The Danger from. Mutuals, VI : 127. Rope Walks, The Processes and Hazards of. (FIRE HAZARDS.) ROSS, William Frazier. The Estimation of Exposures or External Hazards in Fire Insurance, with Schedules and Formulas for Rating Risks and Stenographic Formulas for Denoting Rates and Risks. D pp. 59. Davenport, la., 1874. Rough Notes' Clerks' Examination Papers. Pacific, igo2:gj. Rubber Tires for Fire Apparatus. (Fire Apparatus.) Rubbish Inspection: the Hazards of Basement Storage of Rubbish. By A. Spencer. Massackiisetts, igoo : 78. RUMSEY, William. Opinion on Legality of Uniform Clauses and Forms, Proposed by the National Board of Fire Under- writers, 1902. Typewritten Ms., pp. 4. Scrap-Bk. 60 SAC//S, Edwin O. British Fire Prevention Committee, The Origin and Work of. — Floors and Doors, Resistance to Fire of. Safes, Fire Tests with. (BRITISH.) SALTER, Charles. Insurance Institutes, The Work and Objects of the. Salvage Corps, The Benefits to be Derived from the Establishment of, by the Fire Insurance Companies. By William Postdown. Glasffozv, iSgg. Fourth Series, A^o. lo. — or Protective Departments, The Importance and Necessity of. By Charles A. Swan. Engineers, igo2:!^2. (See also. Fire Patrol.) San Francisco, Fire Underwriters' Inspection Bureau of. (See Fire Underwriters' Inspection Bureau.) . San Francisco Fire Department, The. Bj E. P. Farnsworth. Pacific, igo2 : 41 . Sawmill, How to build one to Secure the Lowest Insurance Rate. By Parker c^' Speed. Pamph. 1902. B P. XVII. Scientific Fire Rating from an Actuary's Standpoint. By Miles Menander Dawson. (Fire Insurance Rating.) — Rate Making. (Fire Insurance Rate.) Schedule Rating, Benefits of. By August Rebhan. Nort/izvest, igo2 : 9j. — Classification and. By Joseph S. Irving. Econ., j : igo. — Contingent Commissions and. ^By F. C. Moore. Econ., 2 : 1^8. — for Mercantile Risks. By J. B. Laidlow. Toronto, igoi-02 : 42. (See also, DEAN, Fire Insurance Rates, Rating, etc.) SCHOEN, A. M. Texas Fuel Oil. Report. Seattle Fire Department. (HISTORICAL.) Seaworthiness. By B. Goldsmith. Victoria, igoo : jg. — By J. F. Ralston. Wales Record, i8gg. No. g8. Self-Inspection Form for Mill Owners. Mutuals, VI. Semi-Centennial Record of the Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Mutuals, V:j/j. SERVOSS, H. S. Lumber Drying; Hazards of the >• Moist Air" Dry Kiln. SEXTON, William. When to Deny Liability. Pacific, igo2: 11. SHEPHERD, F. W. Fire Streams, Water Mains for Effective. Shingle Mill Situation in the State of Washington, The. By L. W. Knight. Pacific, igoi : 141 . Ship Building and Marine Engineering. By Arthur H Knight. Glasgo-M, igoo. Fifth Series, No. jo. 61 Ship Building, Ships and, Some Notes on. By J. T. Woods. Vic- toria, igoi : go. SHUTT, C. Municipal Fire Insurance. Silver Reduction Plants, The Fire Hazards of. (Fire Hazards.) Sky-scraper Problem, The. Anon. I/is. Eng., Ill : ibo. (See also, High Buildings.) SLEE, Henry B. Fire Loss Assessing and Extinguishing Expenses. Slow Burning Construction, What it is not; with Diagrams of Stand- ard Mill Construction. Mutuals, VI:ijj. (See also, Fire- proof Construction, Mill Construction.) SMITH, A. B. Electricity from a Fire Insurance Standpoint. SMITH, Frederick G. Practical Remarks on the Present State of the Fire Insurance Business; the Evils of Competition Pointed out, with Hints for Improvement. O pp. 123. Edinburgh, 1832. SMITH, George B. Prominent Organizations Connected with Un- derwriting. Including: i. The Insurance Library Associa- tion of Boston. 2, Federated Insurance Institutes of Great Britain and Ireland. 3, Associated Factory Mutuals of Boston. 4, Insurance Society of New York. 5, Fire OtSces Committee, London. (Series continuing at the time of going to press.) Cut from The Review, Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, Vol. 3, Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, '02. Sc)-a^-Bk. Smoke, Explosion of. By William McDevitt. Philadelphia, 1: 39. — The Suppression of. Mutuals, IT. SNO W, Elbridge S. Lumber Drying and Dry Kilns. South Africa, Insurance Institute of. (See INSURANCE IN- STITUTE.) — Insurance Work in. By A. W. Pritchard. Birmingham, iSgS- gg : 28. South America, An Adjustment Trip in. By V. Carus Driffield. Pa- cific, /goo : 114. SPEARS, J. V. Texas from an Underwriter's Standpoint. Special Agent, The Present Duty of the. By Cyrus Woodbury. North-west, i8gg : 72. Special Hazards, Extra, The Status of to date (1902). By W. H. Frazier. Standard, igo2. SPECTATOR CO. Fire Insurance Laws, Taxes, Fees, etc. — Fire Prevention and Protection. Nar. S pp. 211. New York, 1900. SPENCER, A. Rubbish Inspection. The Hazards of Basement Storage of Rubbish. SPENCER, John C Driven Wells for Fire Purposes. SPEYER, Walter M. (Editor) Re-insurance Controversy, A. 62 Spontaneous Combustion. By F. C. Garret. Newcastle, i8gg-igoo: 7j. — By Albert M. Reed. I>is. Posf, ig: 267. Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Co., A Half Century's History of. (HISTORICAL.) Sprinkler, First Patent Granted for, in England. (See CART.) — Failure, Dip Tank Hazard as Related to. (Dip Tank.) — Fire Record, The. Protection, igoo : 26, igoi : 26, igos: 26. — Insurance. Mutuals, VI -.38. — Service, Closed Valves in. Mutuals, V : 13b. — Tanks, Wooden, Speciiications for, and Notes on Steel Tanks. Pamph. D pp. 21. Boston, 1901. Mutuals, F/. Sprinklers and Sprinkler Tanks; Mr. Jenkins' Plan for the Protection of Houses from Fire. (A "communication," cut from '•Mechanics Magazine, Museum Register, Journal and Ga- zette," London, July 17 and 31, 1830.) — in Picker Trunks. Mutuals, V:73. — Patents Granted for in England, 1809 to 1866. (See Abridge- ments of Patents.) (See also, Automatic Sprinklers.) Sprinkling of Foundry Roofs and Storehouses. Mutuals, VI -.367. — of Storehouses, The Results of. Mutuals, ¥1:367. St. Paul, Minn., Report on Electrolysis of Gas and Water Pipes in the City of, made by Committee, to the Board of Water Com- missioners, January, 1902. Pamph. O pp. 66. St. Paul, 1902. Found in Twentieth Annual Report, Board of Water Commissioners, St. Paul. STAGG, John. High Explosives. Standpipe Connections. By F. J. McFadden. Ins. Ei/o^., I : g. — and their Auxiliaries. By F. E. MacKnight. I/is. Eng., I: lib. Standard Cotton Mill Construction. (Cotton Mill.) • — Hose House. Factory Insurance Association of Hartford. Pamph. D pp. 16. Hartford, 1900. BP. XVII. — " Mill" Construction. (Mill Construction.) — Wiring for Electric Light and Power. By H. C. Gushing, Jr. Ed., 1903. S pp. 152. New York, 1903. Standards for Waste Cans, Refuse Barrels and Water Pails. (See Waste Cans.) State Control of the Electrical Hazard. By W. II. Merrill. Jr. Ins. Eng., IV: 531. State Fire Insurance versus Stock Company Fire Insurance. By David J. Lewis. Pamph. O pp. S. Cumberland, 1900. BP. XVII. State Supervision of Fire Insurance Companies. (See Supervision.) Station Transformer Hazard. The. By George P. Low. Pacific, igo2 : 112. 63 STATISTICS OF INSURANCE:— Argus Insvirance Chart, The. Published by the Argus, Chicago. Nar. O. Chicago, 1902. Coast Review Fire Insurance Chart, The. Showing Conditions and affairs ef all Fire Insurance Companies authorized to Transact Business in the Pacific west with several Years General and Coast Figures, Business by General Agencies, and by States, Etc. Published by the Coast Reviezv, San Francisco. Nar. O. Fire Insurance in New England for ten years, Dec. 31, 1890 to Dec 31, 1899, incl. Showing risks written, premiums received, losses incurred and ratios of losses incurred to premiums received of all Stock Fire Insurance Companies Trans- acting Business in New England. B3' the Standard Pub- lishing Company, ist ed., Ob. T pp. 180. Boston, 1900. 2d ed., Dec. 31, 1891, to Dec. 31, 1900, incl. Ob. T pp. 204. Boston, 1901. 3d ed., Dec. 31, 1892, to Dec. 31, 1901, incl. Ob. T pp. 187. Boston, 1902. Fire Insurance Pocket Index, The. Exhibiting accurate statistics of the Condition and business of American and Foreign com- panies, etc., compiled from Official reports. By the Spec- tator Co., Nar. O. New York, 1902. Fires, Summary of. Protection, 1900: 29, 1901 :3i, 1902 : 30. — In American Cities Having a Population of 20,000 and up- ward, Statistics of. Compiled by Committee on Statistics of Fires, National Board of Fire Underwriters. National, 1900: no, 1901 : 136, 1902 : 100. Insurance World Fire Chart, The. By the Insurance World. Nar. O. Pittsburgh, 1902. Tables, Showing I, Risks written. Premiums and Losses; II. Ex- penses; III, Capital and Dividends; IV, Commissions; V, Ratios. Prepared by National Board of Fire Underwriters. National, 1900 : 37, 1901 : 29, 1902 : 23. Steam Boiler Defects. vVnon. Ins. Eng., II : 2gi. — Fire Pumps. Report. By W. H. Stratton. (See Fire Pumps.) — Pipe Coverings, Tests of. Conducted by George H. Barrus, Manhattan Elevated Railway, New York. Ins. En^., IV: 138. — Shipping, The Effect of the Development of, on the Contract of Marine Insurance. By E. J. Felton. Wales Record, igoi : No. 112. STEEB, George Velten. Cotton Mills, Three Special Hazards in the Preparatory Processes of. — Fire Insurance Agents' and Surveyors' Pocketbook of Informa- tion. S pp. 152. New York, 1896. Steel, The Protection of. By "Veritas." Ins. Eng., I\': j2i. — Structural. (See Structural Steel.) Steel Buildings, The Fireproofing of. By J. K. Freitag. (See ERE /TAG.) Steel Buildinys (^Contiiuiod) : — — Concrete Court House, The Nassau County. (Nassau County-) — Concrete Construction, The Corrosion of. By J. K. Freitag. Ins. Eng-., in :j6o. (See also. Buildings, Concrete, EXPERIMENT STATION, BRITISH.) Steelwork, The, in Skeleton Buildings. (See Buildings.) STEERE, Burton. Heavy Fire Apparatus, Street Cars for the Transportation of. STEWART, F. J. T. Beet Sugar Factories, The Fire Hazards of. — Silver Reduction Plants, The Fire Hazards of. STE WART, Perez M. Fireproof Wood and Paint. — Building Construction, The Reduction of the Fire Hazards in. Storage Battery, The, What are its increased Benefits for Fire Alarm Systems? By Morris W. Mead. Engineers, i8gg .-j/. — for Fire Alarm Service, The Advisability of, and the Method of Charging the Same. By William Brophy. Massachusetts, iqoi : ij8. Storage Warehouse, The, Fire Risks of. (Fire Hazards.) Storehouses, Classification of. Mutuals, VI: 367. — Classification of Contents of. Mutuals, VI : jby. — Protection of. Mutuals, V : 47. STOVER, Joseph W. Fire Alarm Telegraphy, Progress in. STRATTON, W. H. Steam Fire Pumps, A Report on. — Mill Fire Protection. Street Cars for the Transportation of Heavy Fire Apparatus. By Burton Steere. Massachusetts, iSgg: 124. Structural Steel, The Protection of. Anon. Ins. Eng., II : 54. (See also, Steel Buildings, etc.) Subtraction. By R. W. Osborne. Pacific, igoo : 103. Sugar, Its Production, Manipulation and Fire Hazard. By A. M. Cunninghame. South, 1878. — Houses, Louisiana, The Fire Hazards of. By J. W. Watkins. Summer Hotels in New England ; considered by States, by Fire Hazards, and by Causes of Fires for a Period of Five Years. By H. L. Hiscock. Standard, N. E. Ins. Exchange, Extra Edition, Vol. £2 : g : 32, Feb., igo3. — in New England, Fire Record in, for Five Years, 1898-1902, inclusive. By H. L. Hiscock. Pamph. Sq. Q^pp- 8. — Mount Washington Hotel, White Mountains, N. H., The Fire Protection of. 111. Anon. Ins. Eng., IV:j26. Supervision of Fire Insurance, The Relation of the State in the. By W. H. Hart. Northwest, jgoi : 88. Surve)ring, An Accepted List of Specifications as an Aid in. By H. A. Fiske. Protection, igoo : 162. 65 Surveying (Continued) : — — Notes on the Tariff. Bj Richard MacDonnell. Victoria, i8g8 : 23. SWAN, Charles H. Salvage Corps or Protective Departments, The Importance and Necessity of. (See also, Fire Patrol.) S WEENIE, D. J. Fire Cisterns. S WEENIE, D. J. (and FOLEY, James). Grain Elevator Fires. Tall Building, The, under Test of Fire. By H. de B. Parsons. British, II, No. 17. (See also, High Buildings.) TAPPING, E. J. Local Agents' Associations, The Future of. Tariff Legislation and Risk Improvement. By F. J. Kingsley. Glas- gow, i8gg, Fourth Series, No. 11. Tariffs, Farming Property. (Farming Property.) (See also, Rates, Schedule Rating, etc.) Tarrant & Co. Explosion (1900) and Automatic Sprinklers. Mutuals, VI: 80. Taxation in New^ York. By George F. Seward. Pamph. S pp. 16. BP. XVII. — Kansas, How the Insurance Companies are Taxed in. Anon. Ins. Report, VI (1902) : 246. — New York, The System of in. Report of Committee on State and Municipal Taxation of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, Oct. 4, 1900. Pamph. O pp. 36. New York, 1900. BP. XVII. Taxes, Fees, Licenses, etc., charged Insurance Companies doing Bus- iness therein, by the Various States of the United States, 1902, as reported to the Insurance Department of New York State. N. Y. Report, igo2. Part 2, p. xxxv. (See also. "Fire Ins. Laws, Taxes and Fees.") TAYLOR, A. Lester. Electrical Installation, Fire Office Rules for. TAYLOR, Lloyd. Architecture, Some Notes on, from a Fire Insur- ance Point of View. Tenement House Fires in New York. Report by Hugh Bonner. Ins. Eng. I: isg. — Legislation in New York, History of, with Text of Law relat- ing to Tenement Houses in New York, as Enacted April 12, 1901. From Department of Labor Bulletin, N. Y., Sept., 1 90 1. BP. XV. TENNEY, Winthrop B. Morphology of Insurance, The. Prefaced by some Thoughts on the Idea of Insurance. 66 Test of the Fire System belonging to Proprietors of the Locks and Canals, Lowell, made in 1S97. By W. E. Badger and E. V. French. Pamph. O pp. 42. Lowell, 1898. BP. XVII. Testing Arrangements of the British Fire Prevention Committee. By Ellis Marlsland. British II : 13. Texas Fuel Oil. Report. By A. M. Schoen. Pamph. O pp. 22. New York, 1902. — From an Underwriter's Standpoint. By J. V. Spears. Pacific, igo2 : 117. Theatres, By R. K. jSIacKenzie. Norvjich, iSgg-igoo : 16. — Construction of, A Few Hints on the. By Clarence Backhouse. Wales Record, igoo, No. 10^. — Safety of Theatre Audiences and the Stage Personnel from Danger from Fire. By William Paul Gerhard. British V, No. 41. — and Music Halls. By Thomas A. Bentley. Manchester, igoo- 01 : 7s- Theory of Risk and Insurance, Economic. By Alan H. Willett C WIL- LS TTj. — versus Practise. By Fred W. Williams. Northwest, igoi : 38. Thermo-Electric Fire Alarm. (Fire Alarm.) THORNTON, A. W. Co-insurance Clause, 100 ', , vs. the Average Clause. Tobacco Insurance, A Treatise on. By George Bain. Pamph. Ob. T pp. 4. New York, no date. BP. XL Tornadoes and Tornado Insurance. By Frederick L. Hoffman. Pamph. O pp. 22. New York, 1898. BP. XVIL (See also. Windstorm.) Treated Wood, Fire Tests with. (See BRITISH,, EXPERIMENT STATION, FIRE TESTS, NORTON, etc.; Treated Wood, Reports on Fire Retardant Treatments for. Protection, igoi : 64, igo2 : 2j8. TREWIN, J. H. Legislation, Radical Insurance. TREZEVANT, J. T. Co-insurance Clause, The Workings of the. TROTTER, Alexander. Electric Shocks at 500 Volts. Trusts. By A. H. McVey. North-west, i8gg : £4- u Underwriter, Something More than an. By A. G. Dillon. North- west, igo2 : 6g. — The Theoretical Province and Duties of the. By Henry W. Brown. Philadelphia, 1 : 6j. 67 Underwriters' Association of New York State, History of. (HIS- TORICAL.) — of Philadelphia, History of. (HISTORICAL.) UNDERWRITERS' ASSOCIATION of PHILADELPHIA: Report on Congested District at Eighth and Market Streets, Philadelphia. Circular. March, 1902. U. S. Rev., LXVI: lb J. — Report on High Pressure Pipe Line in Philadelphia. Circular No. 459. Pamph. pp. 8. Scrap-Bk : ibg. Underwriters' Fire Hose, Hose Houses and Play Pipes. Specifica- tions. By the Associated Factory Mutual Insurance Com- panies. Pamph. D pp. 28. Boston, 1900. — Hand-Book of Michigan. (See Insurance Directories.) — Hand-Book of Ohio. (See Insurance Directories.) — Laboratories at Chicago. Anon. Ins. Eng., I : /j. — Laboratories, Testing Oven at the. By Benjamin H. Grover. Ins. Eng., IV:jij. — Minimum Tariff of Rates, Schedules and Rules. Pamp. Nar. D pp. 96. Chicago, 1893. — Tests, How They are Made. Anon. Ins. Eng., IV: gg. Uniform Clauses, Fire Insurance, The Movement for. Anon. Econ., 7 --S'T- — Fire Insurance, Proposed by the National Board of Fire Under- writers, 1902. {NATIONAL.) — Opinion on Legality of, proposed by National Board of Fire Underwriters, 1902. By William Rumsey. {RUMSEY.) Union, of Philadelphia, Fire Insurance Co., The. (HISTORI- CAL.) United States, The Increasing Fire Loss in the. By Edward Atkin- son. (Fire Loss.) Universal Mercantile Schedule in Practise, A Criticism of the. By S. H. Lockett. Ins. Field, 111:17:2. (See also, MOORE, F. C. Unsprinkled Roofs, The Danger from. Mutuals, VI: i2j. Uralite, Manufacture of. Anon. Ins. Eng., IV: 4^6. — Report on. By Charles L. Norton. Mutuals, VI:24g. VAJEN, Willis C. Head Protection, Scientific, in Entering and Combating Fire. Valued Policy Law, An Argument against. Presented to the Iowa Legislature, by the Insurance Companies, 1902. Und. Rev., 10 : s •■ S. — Decline of the. Anon. Econ., j : 40. 68 Valued Policy Law (Continued) : — — Incendiarism under. By W. P. Harford. North-west, i8gg : lOI. — Practical Results of. Anon. Econ., 2 : 33. — Veto Message of Governor Leslie M. Shaw. Und. Rev., 8:9:3. Valued Policy Legislation, Appalling Losses Caused by. An Historic Record. 111. by Complete Tables. By W. P. Harford. S pp. 16. Indianapolis, no date. BP. XIV. VAN NESS, E. Gasolene Rules of the National Board, Comments on. VAUCHER, J. A Guide to Marine Insurances: Containing the Policies of the Principal Commercial Towns in the World ; with Details of Clauses Proper to be Inserted therein, etc., . . . and Comparative Tables Exhibiting at a Glance the Principal Conditions of the Several Policies, etc. O pp. 203. London, 1834. Vermont, History of Insurance in. (HISTORICAL.) Village Fire Departments. (See Fire Departments.) Virginia, Insurance Directory of. (See Baltimore.) Volunteer Fire Departments. Some Rules and Regulations for. (Fire Departments.) w WA CHENHEIMER, Jacob. Local Agent's Standpoint, The. WADDELL, William. (See Waddell's Handbook.) Waddell's Handbook. A Collection of Practical Ideas in Reference to the Science of Accounts, etc. By William Waddell. T pp. 184. Ed. Eighth. New York, 1903. WADDINGTON,!!. Fire Loss Assessor, Leaves from the Diary of a. WAMBAUGH, Eugene. (See LAW of INSURANCE.) WAMSLEY, A. W. (See LAW of INSURANCE.) Warehouse Fires, Their Cause and Prevention. By Albert M. Reed. BP. XVII. Warehouses, City, The Prevention of Loss by Fire in. {A TKINSON.) Washington, D. C, Insurance Directory of. (See Baltimore.) Washington, State of. The Shingle Mill Situation in. By L. W. Knight. (See Shingle Mill.) — Insurance Association, The. (HISTORICAL.) Waste Cans, Refuse Barrels and Water Pails, Standards for. Report. Protection, igo2 : 180. Watchman's Time Recording Apparatus, Rules and Requirements for the Construction and Installation of. Protection, igoi : /jg, igo2 : 202. 69 Waterburj, Conn., Conflagration at, Feb. 2, 1902. (HISTORICAL.) Water Mains for Effective Fire Streams. — By W. F. Shepherd. Mas- sachusetts, igoi : 104. Water Supply System for Fire Protection, An Ideal. By George F. Chase. Massachusetts, igoi : iib. (See also, Fire Streams, High Pressure, Loss of Pressure, etc) Water Tanks, Bursting of. Muiuals, VI:gi. WATERS, A. J. Adjustment of Losses on Buildings, The. WATERS, ]ohT\^. Protection from Fire. An Address before the Illinois Manufacturers' Association, Oct. 15, 1902. BP. XVII. WATERSTONE, J. S. Federation Examinations, The. WATKINS,]. W. Louisiana Sugar Houses, The Fire Hazards of. WEARS, W. E. L. Building Construction and its Relation to Fire Insurance. WEIGHT TESTS OF MATERIALS: — Floors : — Concrete Arch. By Charles L. Norton. Ins. Eng., II: 4S3. — Concrete Arch, Steel ; constructed by the Columbian Fire- proofing System Co. Conducted by Chief Inspector, Bureau of Buildings, Borough of Bronx, City of New York. Ins. Eng., IV: ij6. — Concrete Arches, Designed by Jacob Schratweiser. Conducted by Bureau of Buildings, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, Jan. 9, 1902. Ins. Eng., Ill: 2^1. — Concrete Construction, Ransome System of. Conducted by the Superintendent of Buildings, Borough of Richmond, City of New York, Sept. 23 and 24, 1902. Ins. Eng., IV: 359- — Floor Arches, Rapp. Conducted by William W. Ewing, En- gineer, Board of Buildings, City of New York. Ins. Eng., II : 4gb. — Lockwoven Steel and Concrete Arches, Constructed by Wight Eastman Co. Conducted by Bureau of Buildings, Borough of Manhattan, New York, Sept. 24-27, 1902. Ins. Eng., IV : 335- Wells, Driven, for Fire Purposes. (Driven Wells.) Weskett, John. (See LAW of INSURANCE.) WEST, B. L. Field Man, How it looks to a. West Virginia, Insurance Directory of. (See Baltimore.) " Where are we at .? " By John H. Adams. Northwest, igoo : ig. WHITE, R. J. Insurance, Some Ethics of. Wier, James. Workingmen'.s Compensation. (See LAW^ of IN- SURANCE.) 70 WILLETT, Alan H. Economic Theory of Risk and Insurance, The. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, \o\. XIV, No. 2. Paper, O pp. 142. New York, 1901. WILLIAMS, Fred W. Theory -^5. Practise. WILLIAMS, Walter D. Prosperity and its Evils. Northwest, I go 2 : 6j. WILLS, James. Fire Insurance. WILMERDING, Herbert. Graded Co-Insurance. Pamph. Phila- delphia, 1902. WILSON, E. W. Uniform Rates, Are they Desirable? Window and Door Openings, Protective Coverings for. Report. Protection, igoj : ig4. Windstorm and Tornado Insurance. In Three Parts. By Frederick W. Hoffman, Spectator, LXVII : 272, 2g8, 320. (See also. Tornado Insurance.) Wire Glass Windows. By Edward F. Croker. Engineers, igo2 : jj. Wired Glass and Prism Glass. Report. Protection, igoo : i2j, igo2 : 180. (See also, BRITISH, EXPERIMENT STATION.) Women as Local Agents. By James H. Holmes. Pacific, igoi : 38. WOODBURY, Cyrus. The Present Duty of the Special Agent. (Special Agent.) WOODS, J. T. Ships and Shipbuilding. Woodworkers, Their Processes and Fire Hazards. (Fire Hazards.) \Voolen Mills, Fires in ; Causes and Means of Prevention and Extinc- tion of. By John S. Hayes. BP. i A. — Preliminary Report of the Committee on Adjustments /Shd Statistics, National Board of Fire Underwriters, Showing Results of Woolen Mill Underwriting, etc. New York, Sept. 4, 1872. BP. J A. Woolson, Ira H. Fireproofed Wood, New Methods of Testing the Fire-Resisting Qiialities of. WYNKOOP, Herbert Schurman. Electrolysis and Insurance. YATES, Ed. E. " In Missouri." Northwest, igo2 : /oj. YOUNG, J. E. Insurance Expert, The Education and Duties of an. Corrections — Catalog of 1903. Page 39. Exp/os/ves^ Cause and Effect of. Should be Explosions. Page 47. Umlerwriters Handbook of Ohio. Rough Notes. Should he Western Underwriter. Page 53. Mill Inspection. Add HP. AT. Page ^5. National Supervision * * * by Fred. K. Brown. Should be V. Page 61. Ship Building and Marine Engineering * * * Fifth Series, A'o. JO. 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