ocj 3S55I31 o WAR INFORMATION SERIES No. September, 1 9 i 7 AMERICAN INTEREST IN POPULAR GOVERNMENT ABROAD By EVARTS B. GREENE PROFESSOR OF HISTORY, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ,: V ,-$* <£? V ^ ■■>- . This passage was quoted by Henry Clay in his speech of Mar. 24, IMS. in the House of Representatives, on the emancipation of the South American States, Works (ed. 1!)04), VI-142. ship and the sanctity of human life seemed to us then, as they do now, more important than the mere infringement of property rights. The War of 1812 had hardly come to an end when our interest in popular government received a new test. After the fall of Napoleon the great sovereigns of Europe under- took to organize a mutual insurance society against militant imperialism on the one side and revolutionary idealism on the other. The most consistent defender of hereditary au- tocracy was the Austrian house of Hapsburg, and its high priest was the Austrian minister, Prince Metternich. Closely associated with the Hapsburgs, then, as now, was the Prussian house of Hohenzollern ; then, however, the "great headquarters" of the combination was at Vienna instead of Berlin. For 15 years after Waterloo the people of continental Europe lived under a regime of Prussian- Austrian-Russian military autocracy, which, with the help of a most elaborate system of espionage, threatened to stifle altogether the freer spirit of the revolutionary era. Popu- lar movements in the German States, in Spain and Portugal, and in the Italian States were ruthlessly put clown with the help of foreign troops. So far as the Continent of Europe was concerned, the system of Metternich and his associates seemed to be effective. Europe was then infinitely farther away from America than it is now, and yet not too far away to escape American interest. President Monroe's annual message to Congress in 1822 contained several references to popular movements in Europe. He did not propose American intervention; indeed, any such right of intervention was specifically rejected. Nevertheless, the President did not hesitate to express in unmistakable language American sympathy with these lib- eral movements. He mentioned the Greek struggle for lib- erty against the Turks with special enthusiasm and referred to "that great excitement and sympathy in their favor which have been so signally displayed throughout the United States." The message also touched briefly upon the reform movements in Spain and Portugal and praised the "extraor- dinary moderation" with which they had been conducted. Monroe went on, however, to express his anxiety about the "menacing symptoms" then appearing in Europe. If a "convulsion" should take place there, it would "proceed from causes which have no existence and are utterly unknown in these States, in which there is but one order, that of the people to which the sovereignty exclusively belongs." Happy as the American people were in their isolation, he feared that even they might be drawn in against their will by some act of aggression. 5 5 Messages and Papers of the Presidents, II, 193-195. On these perplexing subjects Monroe carried on an active correspondence with his two predecessors — fefferson and Madison. Jefferson believed that America should have a separate system of its own, but he was willing to enter into an agreement with Great Britain which would "bring her mighty weight into the scale of \'ri^- government' and so prevent the extension of the European system to the New World. Jefferson had in mind a proposal that the European alliance should intervene for the purpose of suppressing the revolutions in the Spanish-American colonies. .Madison WIS less cautious than Jefferson about' confining American interest to the Xew World. The British Groveramenl hav- ing declared its disapproval of European intervention in South America, Madison asked whether it might not be "honorable" for the United States to invite Great Britain to extend its "avowed disapprobation" to the action of the European alliance in Spain, and even to join in some expres- sions of sympathy for the Greeks. Even if such a declara- tion should lead to war the United States would not be in serious danger in view of the British power on the sea. Madison expressed the same general idea in a letter to Jef- ferson: "With the British power and navy combined with our own we have nothing to fear from the rest of the world, and in the great struggle of the epoch between liberty and despotism we owe it to ourselves to sustain the former in this hemisphere at least." ".Monroe himself evidently had a certain amount of sympathy with these suggestions of Madison's, for the first draft of his famous message to Con- gress contained, according to John Quincy Adams, an ex- plicit condemnation of the French intervention in Spain and a "broad acknowledgment of the Greeks as an inde- pendent nation." 7 The determined opposition of his Secre- tary of State, John Quincy Adams, forced him to confine his annual message more closely to American affairs; but it still contained a strong expression of sympathy with the aspirations of the Greeks for independence. There was, he said, good reason to suppose "that Greece will become again an independent nation. That she may obtain that rank is the object of our most ardent wishes." 8 Monroe's sympathy for Greece as a small people trying to gain liberty and self-government was shared by a number of prominent public men. The greai financier, Albert Gallatin,* proposed that vessels of the United States Navy should co- operate with the Greeks, and when the matter was discussed in the Presidents Cabinet two of its members, Calhoun and Crawford, expressed some sympathy with the idea. Even "This correspondence <>f Madison and Jefferson is brought together in Moore, Digest of International Law, VI, § 933. *J. Q. Adams, Diary, VI. 194. 4 \V. C. Ford in American Historical Review, VII, 070 ff.; VIII. us ff. ; Mes- sages and Papers, II, 217. Adams himself, in a note sent to the Greek agent Luriottis, in 1823, explaining that the United States could not take part in the war, spoke of "cheering with their best wishes the cause of the Greeks. " 9 In Congress, Daniel "Webster and Henry Clay were in favor of following up Monroe's declara- tion of sympathy by some more definite action. In January, 1824, Webster made a long and impassioned speech in support of a resolution authorizing the President to appoint a commissioner to Greece, with the avowed pur- pose of giving congressional indorsement to the President's views. 10 He maintained that such an expression of sym- pathy involved no essential departure from the established policy of the United States. That policy, "springing from the nature of our Government and the spirit of all our institutions, is so far as it respects the interesting questions which agitate the present age, on the side of liberal and en- lightened sentiments. * * * As one of the free States among the nations, as a great and rapidly rising Eepublic, it would be impossible for us, if we were so disposed, to prevent our principles, our senti- ments, and our example from producing some effect upon the opinions and hopes of society throughout the civilized world * * * the great political question of this age is that between absolute and regu- lated Governments * * * whether society shall have any part in its own government * * * our side of this question is settled for us even without our volition * * * our place is on the side of free institutions. ' ' Webster did not advocate armed intervention by the United States in support of Greek independence, but he insisted that such moral support as could be given by a public decla- ration ought not to be withheld. Two paragraphs of this speech have a peculiar interest in this present crisis of our history : It may now be required of me to show what interest we have in re- sisting this new system. What is it to us, it may be asked, upon what principles or what pretenses the European Governments assert a right of interfering in the affairs of their neighbors? The thunder, it may be said, rolls at a distance. The wide Atlantic is between us and danger; and, however others may suffer, we shall remain safe. I think it is a sufficient answer to this to say that we are one of the nations of the earth ; that we have an interest, therefore, in the pres- ervation of that system of national law and national intercourse which h <3 heretofore subsisted so beneficially for us all. * * * The enterprising character of the age, our own active, commercial spirit, the great increase which has taken place in the intercourse among civilized and commercial States, have necessarily connected us with other nations and given us a high concern in the preservation of those salutary principles upon which that intercourse is founded We have as clear an interest in international law as individuals have in the la-\ s of society. 11 9 J. Q. Adams, Diary. VI. 173, 108; American State Papers, Foreign Rela- tion*, V, -57. "•Writings and Speeches (Ed. 1903), V, 61-93. Cf. his Private Correspond- ence, ibid., XVII, 328, 332, 338. iJ Writings and Speeches (Ed. 1003), V, 75. 9 Finally, Webster declared that this expression of sympathy- should be given at a time when it would do some good. ' I am not of those who would, in the hour of national peril, withhold such encouragement as might be properly and lawfully given, and, when the crisis should be passed, overwhelm the rescued sufferer with kindness and caresses." Webster's resolution, though supported by the eloquence of Henry Clay, was not adopted, but it doubtless helped to stimulate interest in the Greek cause. Some Americans en- listed in the revolutionary army and funds were sent over by "Philhellenic" committees. European liberals were in- clined to attach some significance in this connection to the cruise of an American squadron in the Mediterranean under the command of Commodore John Rodgers; but, though there was some exchange of social courtesies between Rodgers and the officials of the Greek revolutionary government, there is no evidence of any departure from the rules of neutrality. 12 American interest in the Greek cause was suf- ficient to bring out a letter of thanks from the President of their National Assembly to President John Quincy Adams, which he transmitted to Congress with his annual message of 1827. In this letter the Greek President declared that "In extending a helping hand toward the Old World and en- couraging it in its march toward freedom and civilization, the New World covers itself with increased glory and does honor to humanity. ' ' 13 The attitude of the United States toward the Spanish- American revolutions was the outcome of various motives, and there was at first sharp difference of opinion as to the stand which the Government should take. Henry Clay spoke for those who sympathized most strongly with the South American Republics. He suggested the possibility of intervention in their favor as early as 1816, and in the following year he opposed a bill to prohibit the building of ships in American ports for the Spanish-American insur- gents. In some of his most impassioned oratory he de- scribed "the glorious spectacle of 18,000,000 of people struggling to burst their chains and be free." 14 The com- paratively conservative attitude of the administration, guided by Secretary Adams, delayed our recognition of the South American Republics until 1822, when it had become reasonably sure that they would be able to maintain their independence against Spain. After their independence had been recognized, Clay and Adams were as one in opposing any increase of European interference in the New World. When 12 Letters of Lafayette, in Clay, Works (ed. 1004), VI. 24.1; in Webster, Works. XVII, 404. 40S ; in Lafayette, Memoires, Correspondanoe. etc., VI. 222, 22.">; Cf. I'anllin. Commodore John Rodgers, ch. 13; Richards, Journals and Letters of Samuel (Jridlev Howe. I. passim. "American State Papers, Foreisrn Relations, VI, G27, G3fi, 037. 14 Clay, Works (ed. 1004), VI, 96; 100 ff., 140. 10 the Russian minister read to Adams a note extolling the principles of the European system of intervention against revolutionary movements, our Secretary drafted in reply a statement so aggressive in its defense of the republican ideals of his own Government that Monroe asked him to tone it down for fear of giving unnecessary offense to the Russian Czar. 15 In one passage, which was struck out of this rough draft, Adams proposed to refer to "the great satisfaction with which the President had noticed that para- graph [of the Russian note] which contains the frank and solemn admissions that the undertaking of the allies [against liberalism in Portugal and Spain], yet demands a last apol- ogy to the eyes of Europe. ' ' What Adams stood out for in 1823 was the idea of defending the western world from European aggression, and that was, in substance, accepted by Monroe. Un- doubtedly we feared the possibility of European conquests in South America and in the "West Indies; but the great message of December, 1823, the starting point, if not the complete expression, of our present Monroe doctrine, is charged through and through with the idea that the funda- mental difference between American policy and that of the continental powers of Europe resulted from the nature of their political institutions: "The political system of the allied powers is essentially different in this respect from that of America. This difference proceeds from that which exists in their respective Governments"; therefore "we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. " ir ' In short, the American Government of 1823, before the days of the steamship and the ocean cable — not to speak of the wireless telegraph, the submarine, and the airship — at a time when America seemed a world by itself, thought it sufficient to say that the Western Hemisphere must be made safe for democracy. Seven years after the Monroe doctrine was promulgated the European revolution of 1830 materially weakened the autocratic governments against which that doctrine was directed; but a still greater upheaval came in the "earth- quake year" of 1848. France returned for a time to re- publican government, and German liberals joined in a prom- ising movement which seemed likely to transform, if not to overthrow, the divine-right monarchies of Vienna and Berlin. These hopes were for the most part doomed to disappointment, and America became the refuge of those German liberals who preferred liberty in a new home to autocratic militarism in the old. Again Americans listened 15 W. C. Ford in American Historical Review, VIII. 28-46, "Messages and Papers of the Presidents, II, 217-219. 11 with the keenest interest to the great debate between abso- lute and "regulated''' government, between the advocates of ultimate control by the people and those who, as Webster said, believed "that all popular or constitutional rights are held no otherwise than as grants from the crown." The diplomatic correspondence of the United States for that period shows that these popular movements in Germany were given careful attention by our Government. The re- ports of Mr. Donelson, our minister in Berlin, described the progress of the movement to liberalize the Prussian Govern- ment, then entirely without a constitution, and referred to the interest shown by the popular leaders in the Federal and State Constitutions of the United States. Finally, when representatives from the various German States met at Frankfort to organize a new federal government, based on the authority of the German people rather than of the reign- ing princes, Mr. Donelson was authorized by the President "to proceed to Frankfort and there, as the diplomatic repre- sentative of the United States, recognize the provisional government of the new German confederation ; provided, you shall find such a government in successful operation." These instructions were issued on July 24, 1848; and in August of that year Donelson was appointed envoy extraordi- nary and minister plenipotentiary to the Frankfort Govern- ment. In March, 1849, Zachary Taylor became President, and his Secretary of State, Mr. Clayton, took up the correspondence with Donelson at Frankfort. 17 Donelson 's instructions of July 8, 1849 discuss the German situation at length and, though urging the importance of great caution on the part of our representatives abroad and disavowing in particular any intention of intervening be- tween the liberal and reactionary elements, nevertheless emphasize the sympathy of the United States with the popular movement. Donelson was informed that his mission to Frankfort "originated in the strong desire of this Gov- ernment to manifest a proper degree of sympathy for the efforts of the German people to ameliorate their condition, by the adoption of a form of government which should secure their liberties and promote their happiness." It was the cordial desire of the United States that a constitution might be established "for all Germany, which will render the nation great and powerful, and will secure to every German citizen the blessings of liberty and order. Should either a republican form of government, or that of a limited monarchy (founded on a popular and permanent basis), be adopted by any of the States of Germany, we are bound to be the first, if possible, to hail the birth of the new 17 Ms. "Prussian instructions" in the archives of the Department of State; Buchanan, Writings, III, ISO, 152, 167, Sen. Ex. Doc, 31st Con?:., 2d Sess., No. 1. 12 government, and to cheer it. in every progressive movement that has for its aim the attainment of the priceless and count- less blessings of freedom." The following passage is worth quoting as illustrating the official American view of the funda- mental issues at stake : From what intelligence we have been enabled to gather on this side of the Atlantic we understand that there are, at this time, two parties in Germany, each seeking to establish a constitution for a Germanic Empire ; and that the essential difference between them consists in this — that one of them desires to form a constitution, which has for its basis a recognition of the principle that the people are the true source of all power; and the other, a constitution based on the despotic principle that kings hold their power by divine right, and that the constitutions to be established under their auspices are boons granted to the people, by them, as the only legitimate sources of power. It is hardly necessary for me to say to you that all the sympathies of the Government and the people of the United States are with the former party. 13 Americans learned of these things not merely by reading the papers but from the lips of political exiles who found a refuge in America. Republican idealists from Germany like Carl Schurz, Friedrich Hecker, and Franz Sigel found here a sympathetic hearing and gave to their adopted country that spirit of free loyalty which was discouraged in their old home. From Hungary, struggling to establish its independence of the Hapsburg dynasty, came the ardent revo- lutionist, Louis Kossuth. Kossuth was a man of picturesque personality, and the Hungarian revolt made a strong appeal to American sympa- thies, which found expression even in the official utterances of our leaders. The administration of President Taylor showed its interest in the Hungarian revolution by appoint- ing a special agent, with authority to recognize the independ- ence of the new State "promptly," "in the event of her abil- ity to sustain it. ' ' The language used in the instruction of this agent, which later became public, was strongly resented by the Austrian Government because Hungary was described as "a great people rising superior to the enormous oppression" that had "so long weighed her down." In his annual mes- sage of 1849, President Taylor declared that he had thought it his duty, "in accordance with the general sentiment of the American people, who deeply sympathized with the Magyar patriots, to stand prepared, upon the contingency of the establishment by her of a permanent government, to be the first to welcome independent Hungary into the family of nations." The hopes of Hungary had, he said, been de- feated through the intervention of Russia, and the American Government had not interfered in the contest ; but ' ' the feelings of the [American] Nation were strongly enlisted 18 Ms. "Prussian instructions" in the archives of the Department of State. 13 in the cause, and by the sufferings of a brave people, who had made a gallant though unsuccessful effort to be free." 1! ' After the collapse of the Hungarian revolution, Congress passed a joint resolution, approved by President Fillmore, March 3, 1851, declaring that "the people of the United States sincerely sympathize with the Hungarian exiles, Kossuth and his associates," and concluding as follows: Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and hereby is, requested to authorize the employ- ment of some of the public vessels which may be now crtrising in the Mediterranean to receive and convey to the said United States the said Louis Kossuth and his associates in captivity. An American ship was accordingly sent to bring the exiles from Turkey. On his arrival in Washington, Kos- suth was formally received by the President and by both Houses of Congress, and was the guest of honor at a con- gressional dinner presided over by the President of the Senate. 20 Against all this official and semiofficial recognition of a revolutionary leader the Austrian Government protested through its charge d 'affairs in Washington. To this pro- test Webster, then Secretary of State, made a vigorous reply in the so-called Hiilsemann letter, which went somewhat beyond the bounds of conventional diplomacy and has since been severely criticized. It is nevertheless interesting be- cause it contains another emphatic expression of American interest in popular government abroad. The United States, Webster declared, would not take a direct part in the strug- gles of foreign peoples for constitutional government. "But," he continued, "when the United States behold the people of foreign countries without any such interference spontaneously moving toward the adoption of institutions like their own, it surely can not be expected of them to remain wholly indifferent spectators." Not only the Ameri- can people but their Government had, he declared, the right to express their own opinions "upon the great political events which may transpire among the civilized nations of the earth. " 21 Webster's ardent defense of American political ideals was doubtless influenced by his desire to stimulate patriotism and so check the rising tide of sectional feeling which had developed out of the slavery controversy. A few years later, the Government whose principles Webster had so eloquently expounded was fighting for its own existence, and obliged to look on helplessly while the same Napoleon who had over- thrown the second French Republic proceeded to set up a vassal monarchy in Mexico with an Austrian prince at its 19 Moore. Digest, International Law, I. § 72. 20 Ibid., VS. S »05; TJ. S. Statutes at Large. IX, G47. 21 Moore, Digest, International Law, I, § 7-. 14 head Once more, as in the days of our struggle for inde- pendence, a leader of American democracy appealed to Euro- pean liberals for their sympathy and moral support. In his great message of July 4, 1861, Lincoln declared that the war for the Union was essentially a "people's contest." "This issue," he said, "embraces more than the fate of these United States. It presents to the whole family of man the question whether a constitutional republic or democracy — a government of the people by the same people — can or can not maintain its territorial integrity against its own domestic foes." 22 In 1863, after the emancipation proclamation, Lincoln was able to make a still stronger appeal to European liberals, and this appeal met with a hearty response, especially from the "plain people" of England. In one of the most notable let- ters he ever wrote, he acknowledged a sympathetic address from the workingmen of London and thanked them for the ' ' exalted and humane sentiments by which it was inspired. ' ' 23 He went on to declare his faith in the community of democratic interests on both sides of the Atlantic : As these sentiments are manifestly the enduring support of the free institutions of England, so I am sure also that they constitute the only reliable basis for free institutions throughout the world. The resources, advantages, and powers of the American people are very great, and they have consequently succeeded to equally great responsibilities. It seems to have devolved upon them to test whether a government established on the principles of human freedom can be maintained against an effort to build one upon the exclusive foundation of human bondage. They will rejoice with me in the new evidences which your proceedings furnish that the magnanimity they are exhibiting is justly estimated by the true friends of freedom and humanity in foreign countries. At a time when a strong section of the English ruling class were ready to recognize the Southern Confederacy and so prevent the restoration of the Union, the ability of the British workingmen to recognize this solidarity of democratic interests was a political fact of great importance. The closing years of this warlike decade brought some notable victories for democracy in both hemispheres, despite the military methods which made Prussia a world power. The Federal Republic of the United States was saved from disintegration and established on a more democratic basis. Under pressure from the United States Napoleon III with- drew his troops from Mexico in 1867, and the imperial gov- ernment which he had set up there collapsed at once. Three years later Napoleon's Empire at home also broke down under the stress of war and the third French Republic was estab- lished. This was also a victorious time for the British de- r ■ ■ ■■ ■ — ■ - .... - .-ii ■ — ^^ 2 - Works (Nicolay and Hav ed. 1S04), II. 57. 58, CA. 23 Works (Nicolay and Hay ed. 1S94), II, .".OS, ?,0!i. See also a similar let- ter to the workingmen of Manchester. Ibid., 301-302. M III II 15 AA 000 637 992 9 mocracy. In 1867 the voting privilege was given for the firsl time to a large section of the working classes in the industrial centers of England and in the same year Canada secured a new constitution with almost complete freedom for the man- agement of her own affairs. And with all these changes came a better understanding between the United States and the two great liberal States of western Europe. The reestablishment of the French Republic gave the United States an opportunity to illustrate one of the inter- esting traditions of our diplomacy, namely, that of giving prompt recognition to a new republican government. Twenty-two years before, in 1848, the American minister in Paris was the first to recognize the second French Republic, and our Secretary of State, approving this step, declared that if he had allowed the representative of any other nation to precede him "in this good work it would have been regretted by the President." When Napoleon III over- threw this republican government our minister refused for a time to attend his weekly receptions, because he did not wish to give sanction to a step by which the safeguards of civil and political liberty had been "trodden underfoot." In 1870, when the present republic was founded, the trans- Atlantic cable was already in operation, and in accordance with telegraphic instructions from President Grant, the American minister was again the first to recognize it and extend congratulations to the French people on establishing a government "disconnected with the dynastic traditions of Europe." 24 When, therefore, during the past year our Gov- ernment took the lead in recognizing the Republic of Russia it was following definite American precedents. A study of this record clearly establishes two features of American policy during the life of our Republic : First, that the traditional sympathy of the American people with popular government abroad has repeatedly been declared in the public utterances of our official representatives. We have not felt bound to suppress even in the formal docu- ments of our Government our inveterate prejudice in favor of free institutions and our sense of the essential unity of the cause of liberalism and self-government throughout the world. Secondly, we have declared with special emphasis not only our sympathy with, but our practical interest in, the defense of other American republics against efforts to extend the European system to this hemisphere. We have done this, partly at least, on the ground that there was a difference between our system and that of Europe, resulting from the difference in our political institutions; that States founded upon liberal or democratic institutions have a com- 24 Moore, Digest of International Law, I. S 43, 16 mon interest as against those which are based upon dynastic and reactionary principles. Until recently we have limited our actual intervention in defense of these principles to the American hemisphere. As Mr. Olney said in his famous note to Lord Salisbury during the Venezuelan boundary dispute of 1895, we have desired to keep free from the system which has converted Europe into a group of armed camps. We have believed in the possibility of American isolation from the dominant forces of the Old AVorld. During the last quarter century, however, the world has undergone enormous changes. The great military power which has threatened to dominate Europe has extended its formidable system of espionage to the New World; it has at- tempted to draw one of our Latin- American neighbors into a conspiracy against our territory; its submarines have at- tacked American commerce within a few miles of our coast. To the ocean steamship and the ocean cable have now been added the airship and the wireless telegraph. It is these hard facts which have put an end to the "splendid isolation" of our earlier days. It is only in a world made safe for democ- racy that America herself can be safe and free. ocl X&131 1 im pp -H P3 O ■H •r-i r— 1 o CD o3 05 fe a a> o CO