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Artibal, Jean. L'assurance ouvriere a retranirer.
Paris: Societe iFeditions scientifiques^ 1901. lll,in, {1) pp.
Contents. — 1. ptie. Assurance ouvriere en Allomagne ; 2. ptie.
L'assurance ouvriere en Angleterre, Autriche, Belgique,
Danemarlj, Hongrie. Italie, Norvege, Russie. Suede, Suisse;
3. ptie. Assurance coutre le chomage.
Bellom, Maurice. Les lois d'assiirance ouvriere a Tet ranger.
Paris: A. Rousseau, 1892-1906. 3 vols, in 9. Tables. 4°.
Contents. — Vol. 1. Assurance centre la nialadie ; Introduc-
tion ; Alleniagne; Autriche; Daneniark; Hongrie: Norvege;
Pays-Bas ; Russie ; Suede ; Suisse ; Annexes ; Supplement ;
Alleniagne; Vol. 2. Assurance contre les accidents; 1. ptie.
Introduction : Generalites sur l'assurance coutre les acci-
dents; Alleniagne: Legislation, Statistique; 2. ptie. Au-
triche; Belgique; Danemark; Espagne; Finlande: Grande-
Bretagne; Hongrie; Italie; Norvege; Pays-Bas; Portugal;
Russie; Suede; Suisse: Etats-Uuis; 3. ptie. Annexes; 4.
ptie. Supplement. Alleniagne; Autriche; Belgique; Dane-
mark; Espagne; Finlande; Grande-Bretagne ; Italie; Lux-
embourg: Norvege: Pays-Bas; Russie; Suede; Suisse;
Annexes du Supplement; 5. ptie. Supplement (suite). Al-
leniagne; Autriche: Belgique; Danemark; Espagne: Fin-
lande; Grande-Bretagne; Grece; Italie; Tjuxembourg ;
Norvege; Pays-Bas; Russie; Suede; Etats-T'nis; 0. ptie.
Annexes de la suite du supplement. Vol. 3. Assurance
contre I'iuvalidite; 1. ptie. Alleniagne: Legislation, Statis-
tique; 2. ptie. Autriche; Belgique; Danemark; Espagne;
Grande-Bretagne; Italie; Norvege; Pays-Bas; Roumanie;
Russie; Suede; Suisse; Annexes.
Cagninacci, Hyacinthe. Le chomage et les moyens d'y remedier,
particuliorement par Tassurance.
Paris: A. Rousseau, 1903. xii, 372 pp. 8°.
" Blbliographie," pp. vii-xii.
Contents. — Ptie. 1. Le chomage; Son intensite; Divers moyens
de le comiiattre en dehors de l'assurance: Ptie. 2. L'assu-
rance contre le cliniiiage en Allemagtie; Autriche: Angleterre:
I-^tats-Unis; Belgique; Italie; Norv(>ge et Pays-Bas; Suisse;
Dubourg, .Maurice. T^es rodaites oiivrieres.
Pari.s: A a Sillo,,, [1904\. 78 pp. 16°.
" Bibliographie " ; pp. 73-7n.
Haynes, Thornwell. Insurance for workmen in foreign countries.
{In V. S. Consular reports, no. 295, April, lOO.j, pp. 123-129.)
Workingmen's insurance " is in operation, obligatory or vol-
untary, in England, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Sweden,
Norway, Hungary, Italy, Finland, Switzerland, New Zealand,
and Germany."
Heiss, Clemens. Die Arbeiterversicherung im Auslande.
{In Kritische Blaetter fuer die gesamten Soziahvissenscliaf-
ten, 2. Jahrg., April, 1906, pp. 175-180.)
"A review and summarj^ of the series of monogi'aphs edited
by Zaclier."
Henderson, Charles Richmond. Summary of European laws on
industrial insurance.
(In Charities and the Commons, aoI. 19, Dec. 7, 1907, pp. 1191-
Lefort, Joseph Jean. Les caisses de retraites ouvrieres.
Paris: A. Fontemomg, 1906. 2 vols. 8°.
Contents. — I. Premiere partie : La question des retraites ou-
vieres en France et h I'etranger. — II. Deuxieme partie: Les
caisses de retraite de I'industrie privee en France.
Massachusetts. Bureau of statistics of labor. The insurance of
{In its Thirty-first annual report, 1900, pp. 05-247. Boston,
1901. 8°.)
Provident institutions. General principles of plans for the retire-
ment and insurance of railway employees and workmen.
{In International railway congress. Bulletin, vol. 21, Jan.,
1907, pp. 67-120. Brussels. 1907. S°.)
Countries using the English language. — M. Riebenack ; Other
countries, ^larcel Lemercier. Appendix I. Second supple-
ment to report no. 1, by M. Riebenack, pp. lOS-112 : Ap-
pendix II. Note on the provident institutions of the South
Australian state railways by John Pickering, pp. 113-120.
Eiiebenack, Max. Railway provident institutions in English-speak-
ing countries; being a con.solidation of reports submitted
to the Permanent international commission of the Inter-
national railway congress at Brussels, Belgium, Europe,
under date of July 1st and October 22d, 1904, respectively,
conformably with appointment in April, 1902 (while
holding the office of assistant comptroller of the Pennsyl-
vania railroad company), as " reporter for countries using
the English language," in connection with the seventh ses-
sion of the International railway congress, to be held in
Washington, D. C, U. S. A., in May 3-13, 1905.
[Philadelphia f] 1905. (8), 367, {2)^31, [30] pp. 8°.
Rubinow, I. ]\I. Compulsory state insurance of workingmen.
(/« American academy of political and social science. Annals,
vol. 24, Sept., 1904, pp. 831-842.)
Advocates compulsory state insurance and discusses the Ger-
man law.
• Compulsorj^ insurance.
(In Chautauquan, vol. 41, Mar., 1005, pp. 48-59.)
Labor insurance.
(In Journal of political economy, vol. 12, June. 1904. pp. 302-
"Deals mainly with the economic principles."
United States, liureau of labor. Compulsory insurance in Ger-
many, including an appendix relating to compulsory in-
surance in other countries in Europe. Prepared under
the direction of Carroll D, Wright, commissioner of labor,
by John Graham Brooks.
Washhigtoii: Government printing office^ 1893. 370 pp.
8°. {Fourth special report of the commissioner of labor.)
CoNTE>'Ts. — Origin and development of comiiulsory insurance;
The law of compulsory insurance against sickness; The
law of compulsory insurance against accidents; The law of
compulsory insurance against old age and invalidity ; Atti-
tude of public opinion toward state insurance; Relation of
state insurance to wages : I'laying sick uuder the insurance
laws; Relation of the insurance laws to public charity;
General description and results; Appendix: Compulsory in-
surance in other countries in Europe; Austria; Hungary;
France ; Italy ; England ; Belgium ; Holland ; Sweden ; Nor-
way ; Denmark ; Switzerland.
Weber, .V. Les retraites ouvrieres en Italic et en France. Etude
comparative de I'etat actuel de la question et des resultats
acquis a ce jour dans les deux pays.
Paris: R. Veneziani, 1005. 101, {2) pp. If\
lere i)artie: Les caisses nntionalcs francaises et italiennes de
retraite pour la vieillesse; 2eme panic: Les societes de
secours niutuels.
" L'objet de ce liapport est done d'exposer brievement d'abord
les differents moyens qui s'offrent aujourd'hui fi Thonnne
laltorieux et prevoyant pour assurer Ic pain de ses vieux
jours, ensuite les residtats obtenus, enfin les enseignements
qui penvent se degager pour I'avenir de ce i)remier etat de
choses." Page 7.
Weber, A(hia V. WOrkingnienls compensation acts of foreign coun-
(/// r. S. I>c|iartn:i'iil of lalxir, I'.ullctin im. Kt. May, 1902,
j.p. .■)49-.551.)
Svstcins iif Mccidcnt iiisunnice.
Willoughby, William Franklin. Workino;inen's insurance.
New York, Boston: T. Y. Crowell c& Company, [1898]. (2),
xii, 386 ff. 12°. {Library of economics and j)olitics, ed.
hy R. T. Ely [no. W] )
Bibliosrapliical note, pp. 379-386.
Contents. — The problem of woi"kingmen"s insurance; Work-
ingmen's insurance in Germany ; \Yorkiugmen's insurance in
Austria; in France; in Belgium; iu Italy; in other coun-
tries of Continental Europe: Switzerland, Scandinavian
countries; Other countries; in England; in the United
Workingmen's insurance abroad.
(In Iron and coal trades review, vol. 73, Aug. 24, 1906, pp. 754-
Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Auslande.
Berlin: Verlag der Arbeiter-Versorgung, A. TroscheL 1900-
1907. 12 parts in 1 vol. and 5 parts. Jf°.
Contents. — Heft 1. DJinemark ; 2. Schwedeu ; 3. Norwegen :
4. Frankreich ; 5. England ; 6. Italien ; 7. Oesterreich :
8. Ungarn ; 9. Russland ; 10. Finland ; 11. Schweiz ; 12. Bel-
gien ; 13. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in den Niederlanden ;
14. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in Luxemburg; 15. Die Ar-
beiter-Versicherung in Spanien : 16. Riickblick und Ausblick
auf die Entwickelung der Arl)eiter-Versicherung in Europa :
17. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung iu den Vereinigteu Staaten
von Nord-Amerika. Each part has special t.-p. and short
Bemis, Edward W. Benefit features of American trade unions.
{In U. S. Department of labor, Bulletin no. 22, May, 1899, pp.
, Brandeis, Louis D. Savings banks' life insurance.
(/h American federationist, vol. 14, Oct., 1907. pp. 777-780.)
Savings insurance banks for workingmen.
{In Charities and the Commons, vol. 17, Feb. IG, 1907, pp.
AVage-earners' life insurance,
{In Collier's, vol. 37, Sept. 15, 1906, pp. 16-17, 28, 30.)
^^"hy not savings-bank life insurance for Tvage-earners ?
{In American monthly review of reviews, vol. 35, Mar., 1907,
CagTiinacci, Hyacinthe. Le chomage et les moyens d'y reniedier,
particulierement par Tassurance.
Paris: A. Rousseau^ 1903. xii, 372 pp. 8°.
"L'assurance-chomage aux Etats-Unis," pp. 122-124.
Coburn, Frederick W. Savings banks and industrial life insurance.
{In Inter-nation, n. s., vol. 1, Feb., 1907, pp. 85-90.)
Savings insurance in Massachusetts.
{In Bankers' magazine, vol. 75, Sept., 1907, pp. 359-366.)
Davenport, H. J. Can industrial insurance be cheapened?
{In Journal of political economy, vol. 15, Nov., 1907, pp. 542-
Dawson, Miles M. i. Service pensions and pension funds, ii.
A'alue and cost of service jjcnsions. in. Pension funds.
i\. Eni])arrassnients of service pensions and the remedy,
v. The arguments for subsidized insurance of employes.
VI. Mutual insurance of employes witli service pensions.
VII. Pensions from 70, compared with pensions from Oa.
VIII. Combined insurance and pensions broadly considered.
(/;( Railway age. vol. 38, Aug. 26, 1904. pp. 262-26.'$, Soi>t. 2.
ItMM, iM'. •J9'J-293; Soi)t. 9, 1904, pi>. 332-333; Sept. 16, 1!K)4,
p. :!79: S.'i't. 2;{, 1904, pp. 414-115; Oct. 7, 1904, pp. 497-498;
Oct. 21, i:»(tl, p. 589; Nov, 11, 1904, pp. G84-685.)
Dryden, John Fairfield, Industrial insurance, statement made to
a select connnittee of the New Jersey Senate appointed to
investigate life insurance . . . July nineteenth, 1906. In
compliance -with the committee's general request for infor-
[^Neicark, X. /., Issued hy the Prudential insurance co. of
America] 1906. IfO pp. 12°.
Industrial insurance; its history in England and America.
{In Yale university. Yale insurance lectui'es, vol. 1, pp. 184-
199. New Haven, Conn., 1904. 8°.)
Fetter, Frank A. The need of industrial insurance.
(In National conference of charities and correction. Proceed-
ings, 1906, pp. 464-470. Columbus, 1900. 8°.)
Fiske, Hale3^ Industrial insurance and savings bank insurance:
reply to L. D. Brandeis. Statement before the Joint in-
surance committee of the Massachusetts legislature.
{In Insurance press, vol 24, Apr. 10, 1907, pp. 1-2, 12-14.)
Industrial insurance and savings bank insurance.
{In Collier's, vol. 39, June 1, 1907, pp. 2-4.)
Industrial insurance and savings bank insurance.
{In Insurance news, vol. 29, May, 1907, pp. 9-11.)
Henderson, Charles Richmond. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in den
Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika.
Berlin-Grilnewald, 1907. Verlag der Arheiter-Versorgung,
A. Troschel. 64*, 131 pp. 8°. {Die Arheiter-Versiche-
rung im Auslande, hrsg. von G. Zacher, Heft 17.)
Industrial insurance.
{In American journal of sociology, vol. 12, Jan., Mar., May,
1907, pp. 470-480, 717-734, 756-778; vol. 13, July, Sept., Nov.,
1907, pp. 34-47, 183-199, 349-379, Jan., 1908, pp. 489-507,
Mar., 1908, pp. 584-016.)
1. The extent and nature of the demand for a social policy
of workingmeu's insurance.
2. Local relief societies.
3. Benefit features of the trade-unions.
4. The insurance of the fraternal societies.
5. The employers' liability law.
6. Private insurance companies.
7. Firms and corporations.
8. Insurance plans of railroad corporations.
Workingmen's insurance.
{In World to-day, vol. 10, Feb., 1906, pp. 145-148.)
Henderson, Cluirles Richmoml. AVorkingmen's insurance and old
age pensions. Report of Special committee.
(In National coufereuce of charities and correction. Proceed-
ings, 190G, pp. 452-t57. Colnnibus, 1006. S°.)
Discussion on Worldngnien's insurance, pp. o9G-G00.
Hoffman, Frederick L. Industrial insurance.
{In American academy of political and social science. Annals,
vol. 26. Sept.. 3905, pp. 283-299.) -
Industrial insurance by savings banks.
(In Insurance press, vol. 24, Jan. 30, 1907, pp. 11-17.)
" Address before the Economic club, Providence, K. I., Jan.
4, 1907."
Lefort, Joseph Jean. Les caisses de retraites ouvrieres.
Paris: A. Fontemoing, 1906. 2 vols. S°.
• '• Etatig-Fnis." vol. 1, pp. 197-204.
Nichols, "Walter S. Fraternal insurance, its character, virtues and
{In Yale university. Yale insurance lectures, vol. 1, pp.
162-183. New Haven. Conn., 1904. 8°.)
TTorthcott, William A., comp. Statistics of fraternal beneficiary
societies. Containing full statistics of the principal in-
surance societies in the United State?, year 1899. Gth ed.
Davenport, la.: Eghert, Fidlar d' Chambers, 1900. 143 pp.
Tahles. S°.
The Present and prospective status of the Brandeis effort for over-
the-counter insurance.
{Ill American underwriter, vol. 28, Oct., 1907. pp. 1.3-16.)
" Full text of address before American bankers' association,
Sept. 24, on ' Some aspects of savings bank insurance pro-
posed in Massachusetts ' by Alfred L. Aiken, pp. 14-15 ;
'Pn.test' by Norman IT. White, pp. 15-16."
The Spectator company, iVeic Tori'. Industrial life insurance, its
historj', statistics and plans; also hints to industrial agents.
New York: The Spectator rompany, 1905. 16 Jf. pp. 12°.
United States. Industrial commission. Reports.
Washington: Government printing o-fftce, 1900-1902. 19
vols. 8°.
Testimony, etc., on insurance and employers' liaI)Hity in aoIs.
4, 5. 7. 9, 11. 12. II. 16. 17. IS. and 19.
Vanderlip, Frank A. Insurance for workiiigmen.
(In The North American review, vol. isl, Dec, 1!M).">, pji.
Willoughby, William Franklin. Insurance against unemployment.
(In Commons, John R., ed. Trade unionism and labor prob-
lems. ])i). 589-002. Boston, 1905. 8°.)
'■ From the I'olitieal science quarterly, vol. 12, 1897, pp.
Workingmen's insurance.
New York, Boston: T. Y. Crowell (& company^ \^1898']. {2),
xii, 386 fp. 12°. {Lihrary of economics and politics, ed.
ly R. T. Ely, \no. lip^ )
" Bibliographical note", pp. 379-38G.
" Workingmen's insurance in the United States," pp. 282-329.
Baernreither, Joseph ]Maria, English associations of working men
. . . English ed, (enl. and rev. by the author) . . . tr. by
Alice Taylor, with a preface by J, M. Ludlow . . . Stereo-
typed ed.
London : S. Sonnenschein <& co.^ 1893. xv, Ji72 pp. 8°.
{Half -guinea international library.)
Brabrook, E. Friendly societies.
{In Nineteenth century and after, vol. 60, Dec, 1906, pp.
" Brief statement of principles."
Burn, Joseph. Industrial life insurance.
{In The Federation of insurance institutes of Great Britain
and Ireland. Journal, 1902, pp. 345-366. London, 1902. S°.)
Cag"ninacci, Hyacinthe. Le chomage et les moyens d'y remedier
jjarticulierement par I'assurance.
Paris: A. Rousseau, 1903. (4), [i'ii]-xii, 373 pp. 8°.
" Bibll();j;raphie," pp. vii-xii.
" L'assurance chomage en Angleterre," pp. 117-121.
Chapman, Sydney J. Work and wages in continuation of Lord
Brassey's ' Work and wages ' and ' Foreign work and Eng-
lish wages/ Part TI. Wages and employment.
London, New York, etc.: Longmans, Green and co., 1908.
xxii, 494 pp- S°.
" Workmen's insurance and old-age pensions." pii. 401-490.
Dryden, John F. Industrial insurance; its history in England and
(//( Yale university. Yale insurance lectures, vol. 1, pp. 1S4-
199. New Haven, Conn., 1904. S°.)
Enforced self-insurance by workingmen.
{In Literary digest, vol. 32, Jan. 27, litOtJ, p. 134.)
Gatty, li. A. The insurance problem.
(In riianil)er"s .iournal. vol. R4, Oct., 1907, pp. 619 C.'".!.)
Hasbach, Wiiholm. Arbeiterversicherung in (Jrossbritannien.
(/ii Ilandwcirterbuch drr Slaatswlssenschaften. 2. gilnz,
uuigearb. Aull. 1 I'.d. \<\k f;r.6-<369. Jeua, 1S98. 4°.)
Hasbach, Wilhelm. Das enolische Arbeiterversicherungswesen.
Geschichte seiner Entwickehmg unci Gesetzgebung.
Leipzig: Duncker c& Humblot^ 1883. xxi, 4-^7, [i] pp. 8°.
(Added t.-p.: Staats- iind sockdicissenschaftliche For-
sclningen., hrsg. von Gustav SchmoUer. 5 Bd. 1 lift.)
Hillier, Alfred. Workmen's insurance and national prosperity.
{In Empire review, vol. 6, Sept., 1903, pp. 161-168.)
Industrial life insurance.
{In Economist (London), vol. 62, Sept. 24, Oct. 1, 1904, pp.
1538-1530, 1572-1573.)
Insurance companies and workmen's compensations.
{In Economist (London), vol. 61, Apr. 4, 1903, pp. 602-604;
vol. 62, Mar. 19, 2(5, 1904, pp. 474-475, 528.)
King, George. On staff pension funds.
{In Journal of the Institute of actuaries, vol. 39, Apr., 1905,
pp. 129-209. Loudon, 1905. 8°.)
Lefort, Joseph Jean. Les caisses de retraites ouvrieres.
Pans: A F onte'rnoing ., 1906. 2 vols. 8°.
" Ouvrage recompense par I'Academie des sciences morales et
Angleterre, vol. 1, pp. 162-197.
Martin-Saint-Leon, Etienne. Le probleme des retraites en
{lu Congres international des accidents du travail et des as-
surances sociales. Bulletin du Comite permanent, t. 6,
Nov.-Dec, 1905, pp. 683-698. Paris, 1905. 8°.)
The Railway clearing system superannuation fund.
{In Railway news, vol. 85, Jan. 20, 1906, pp. 100-102.)
Recent progress of industrial insurance.
{In Economist (London), vol. 65, Sept. 28, 1907, pp. 1626-1627.)
Wilkinson, John Frome. Mutual thrift.
London: Methuen (& co., 1891. xii, 32J^ pp. 12°. (Social
questions of to-day.)
Working-class insurance.
{In The Economic review, vol. 1, July, 1891, pp. 384-393.)
Willoughby, William Franklin. Woikingnien's insurance.
Xeiv York, Boston: T. Y. Crowell & company^ \_1898'\. 2,
xii, 386 pp. 12°. {Library of economics and politics,
ed. ly R. T. Ely [no. 7^] )
" Bibliographical note," pp. 379-386.
" Workingmen's insurauce in England," pp. 233-281.
Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiterversiclierung in England (Gross-Bri-
Berlin: 1899. Verlag der Arheiter-Versorgung, A. Tro-
schel. 99 pp. 8°. {Die Arheiter-V ersicherung im Aus-
lande, Heft 5.)
Bodiker, T. Die Fortschritte der deutschen Arbeiterversicheriing
in den letzten 15 Jahren.
{In Jabrbucli fiir Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirt-
schaft iin Deiitscbeii Reicb, 28. Jahrgang, 2. Heft, pp. 529-
55S. Leipzig, 1004. 8°.)
Braun, Otto. Ziir Keform der Arbeiterversicheriing.
(In Die Neue Zeit, 25. Jabrgang, Bd. 1. Jan. 5, 1907, pp.
Brooks, John Grnhani. Report on German workingmen's insur-
{In National conference of cbavities and correction. Pro-
ceedings, 1905, pp. 452-457. [Cohmibus. O.] 1905. S°.)
Cagninacci, Hyacinthe. Le chomage et les moyens dy remedier,
particidierement par Tassiirance.
Paris: A. Rousseau, 1903. xii, 372 pp. 8°.
" Bibliographie," pp. vii-xii.
" L'assurance-cbomage en Allemague," pp. S8-11.3, 210-239.
Elle. Gotthold. Das Kranken-versichernngsgesetz in der Fassung
der Novellen vom 10. April 1802, 30. Jnni 1900 imd 23.
Mai 1003, mit den im Gebiet der thiiringischen Staaten
anzuwendenden ausfiihrungsverordnungen pp. pp. und
einem Verzeichnis der Thiiringer orts-, betriebskranken-
kassen- und gemeindekrankenversicherungen. Hrsg. von
Geh. regierungsrat G. Elle.
Eisenach: II. Kalile, 1903. (4), io, [3]-231 pp. 8°.
Farman, Henry W. German workmen's insurance — A postscript.
(In Yale review, vol. 13, Feb., 1905, pp. 435-438.)
The psychology of German workmen's insurance.
(In Yale review, vol. 1-3, May, 1904, pp. 98-113.)
Also printed separately.
"A statement of tbe objections to compnlsory insurance."
Frankenstein, Kuno. Bibliographie des Arbeiterversicherungs-
wesen im Deutsche Reiche-
Leipzig: C. L. Ilirschfeld, 1895. vi, 1^2 pp. 8°.
Appeared first in Zeitscbrift fiir Litteratur und Gescblchte der
Staatswissenscbaften, 1895; additions Jan.-Apr.. 1895, are
included in tbe separate (p. 40-42).
Funke, Ernst, and Walter Hering. Die reichsgesetzliche Arbeiter-
versicherung (Kniiikeii-, Unfiill- mid Invalidenver-
sicherimg). AVer ist versichert? — Anspriiche der Ver-
sicherten. Verfolgung der Anspriiche. Kosten des Ver-
fahrens. Fiir die Versicherten nach dem neuesten Stande
der Gesetzgebnng und Rechtsprechung dargestellt. 2.. ver-
besserte und vormehrte Auflage.
BeHin, 1903, Franz Yahlen. 138 pp. 12°.
Fuster, Edouard. Les capitaiix des caisses de retraites allemandes et
leur emploi.
Berger-LevraiiU & rie., Paris, Nancy, 1005. 95 pp. 12°.
{Recueil de documents sur la prevoyance sociale. no. 8.)
Documents sur les retraites ouvrieres Allemagne.
Berger-Levraidt cfi cie., Paris, Nancy, 1905. 75, {2) pp. 12°.
(Recueil de documents sur la prevoyance sociale, no. 9.)
Germany. Kaiserliches statistisches Anfit. Atlas und Statist ik der
Arbeiterversicherung des Deutschen Reichs. Beiheft zum
Reichs-Arbeitsblatt Juni 1904. Im Auftrage des Reichs-
Versicherungsamts fiir die Weltaustellung in St. Louis
1904 bearbeitet von G. A. Klein.
Berlin, 190\. Carl Heymanns Verlag. 38 pp. Tables. If°.
■ Reichs-versicherungsamt. Die deutsche Arbeiterversiche-
rung als soziale Einrichtung. Im Auftrage des Reichs-ver-
sicherungsamts dargestellt fiir die Weltaiisstellung in St.
Louis 1904.
[Berlin, Reichsdrucherei, 1904-1 5 vols. 8°.
Published also in English.
Contents.— hft. I. P^ntstohunsj; und sozialo Bedoutnnir. boarb.
von Ludwiff Lass. — hft. II. Statistik dor Arboltorversicho-
rung, bearb. von G. A. Klein.— hft III. IJnfallverhiitung und
Arbeitshy.iiicMc, bearl). von Konrad Ilartiiiann. — hft. IV.
, «Arb('it('rvt'rsifherung und A'oJks^ri'sundhoit, boarb. von
[AhvinI Bielefoldt. — hft. V. Arboitvorsieherung und Volks-
wirtschaft, bearb. von Fricdrich Zabn.
The (iermaii workmen's insurance as a social institu-
tion. By order of tlie Imperial insurance office compiled
for the Universal exposition at St. Louis, 1904.
\ Berlin: Imperial printing office, 1904.] ^ ''f'^'''- ^^°-
Contents. — Part 1. Origin and socinl imi>or(anco, l).v liUdwig
Lass; I'iirl 2. Stiitislics of tbo workinoii's insurance, by
(J. A. Klein: l';ir( :',. I'feveiilioii of jiccideiils ami workmen's
liygieno, l»y KonriHl I l:ii-lniann : l'ai-l I. Workmen's iiisui'aiico
and national beallh. by Alwin I'.ielefeldt ; I'art ."». Workmen's
Insurance and nalional economy, by I'riedrieii Zabn.
Germany. Reichs-versicherungsamt. Guide to the workmen's in-
surance of the German Empire. Rev, ed. brought up to
date for the Universal exposition at St. Louis, 1904.
[Officially compiled by Dr. Zacher.]
[Published hy A. Asher c6 co.^ Berlin and London, 1904.^
32 pp. Tables. 8°.
The workmen's insurance of the German Empire,
described for the St. Louis Universal exposition, 1904, by
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[Berlin: Imperial printing office, 1904-] 36 pp. Plates.
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Misc. series, no. 518. Germany. Memorandum on and
translation of the new German sickness and old age in-
surance law. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by
command of Her Majesty, Dec, 1899. 70 pp. 8°.
Hacker, Paul. Arbeiterpensionen und Fiuanzpolitik.
{In Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, xo\. 60,
pp. 5(»9-530. Tiibingen, 1904. 8°.)
Hartmann, Konrad. Die Belastung cler Betriebe durch die Arbeiter-
(//( Deutsche Wirtschafts-Zeitung, vol. 2, Oct. 15, 1906, col-
luus 919-925.)
Herkner, Heinrich. Arbeitslosenversicherung durch die Berufs-
(In Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte Versichermigswissenchaft, vol.
4, pp. 287-301. Berlin, 1904. 8°.)
Horsfall, T. C. Twenty-five years of state-aided insurance in
{In Spectator, vol. 97, Dec. 22, 190G, p. 1041.)
Istel, Paul. L'assurance contre la maladie en Allemagne.
Pai'is: Societe du Recueil J. B. Sirey & du Journal du palais,
L. Larose & L. Tenin, 1905. (4), 347 pp. 8°.
" Bibliographie." pp. 340-341.
Manes, .Vlfred. Die Arbeiterversicherung.
Leipzig: G. J. Goschen, 1905. 130 pp. 24°- {Sammlung
Goschen [267])
" Literaturverzeichnis," ]). 4.
Mieck, Paul. Die Arbciter-Wohlfahrts-Einrichtungen dor in-
dustriellen Unternehnier in den preussischen Provinzen
Rheinland und Westfalen imd ihre volkswirtschaftliche
imd soziale Bedeutung.
Berlin: Carl 11 eymann, 190 If. {6), 223, {1) pp. 8°.
Piloty, Eobert Ferdinand. Arbeiterversicherungsgesetze. Textaus-
gabe mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen nnd den wichtigsten
Ausfiihrnngsvorschriften ... 2. vollstiindig neubearb.
Milnclien: C.B.. Beck, 1900-190 J^. 3 vols. 16°.
Contents. — 1. luvaliclenversiclierunssgesetz vom 13. juli 1899,
erljiutert von Dr. 11. IMloty. 2. Uufallversicherungsgesetze.
vom 30. juui 1900. 8. Krankenversiclieruugsgesetz vom 15.
juni 18S3, 10. april 1S92. 2. Aufl. vou Willielni Retieu-
bacber. Mit einer Einleitung : Das Reelit der Arbeiter-
versicbeiuug in kurzgefasster Darstellung, Ton Robert
Pinkus, Xorbert. Workmen's insurance in Germany.
{In Commons, John R., ed. Trade unionism and labor prob-
lems, pp. 574-588. Boston, 1905. 8°.)
" From the Yale Review, vol. 12, 1904."
"Workmen's insurance in Germany.
{In Yale review, vol. 12, Feb., 1904, pp. 372-3SS; vol. 13, May,
1904, pp. 72-97; Nov., 1904, pp. 296-325; Feb., 1905, pp.
Also printed separately.
Stadthagen, Arthur. Das Arbeiterrecht ; Rechte und Pflichten des
Arbeiters in Deutschland aus dem gewerblichen Arbeits-
vertrag und aus den Unfall-, Kranken- und Invaliden-
versicherungsgesetzen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigmig
des Biirgerlichen Gesetzbuchs. 4. durchgesehene und
verm. Auflage.
Stuttgart: J. H. Dietz Nachf., [190If]. xri, 626, (1) pp. 8°.
Stier-Somlo, Fritz. Deutsche Sozialgesetzgebung. Geschichtliche
Grundhigen und Kranken versicherungsrechl.
Jena: G. Fisher, 1906. x, 407, (1) pp. S°.
United States. liurcau of lahor. Compulsory insurance in Ger-
many, including an appendix relating to compulsory in-
surance in other counli'ies in Europe. Prejjaicd under the
direction of Carroll D. A\riglil. Cnniniissioncr (»f labor.
by John Graham P>rooks.
Washington: Government printing office, 1S93. 370 j/p. S°.
(Fourth special report of the Commissioner of Inhor.)
38201—08 2
Vanderlip, Frank A. Political problems of Europe as they interest
Americans, Paternalism and nationalism.
{In Scribner's magazine, vol. 37, Apr., 1905, pp. 454—467.)
" Mr. Vanderlip finds the two principles combined in Germany,
and lie is lost in admiration over the system of State Insur-
ance, which is nowhere so scientifically carried out as in
Willoughby, "William Franklin. Workingmen's insurance.
New York, Boston: T. Y. Crowell <£ compan?/, [1898], (2),
xii, 386 pp. 12°. {Library of economies and politics, ed.
hy R. T. Ely \iio. W] )
" Bibliographical note," pp. 379-3S6.
Workingmen's insurance in Germany, pp. 29-87.
Zacher, Georg. Workmen's insurance.
{In Germany. International expositon, St. Louis, 1904. Offi-
cial catalogue. Exhibit of the German empire, pp. 338-344.
Berlin, 1904. 8°.)
Antoine, Charles. L'invalidite et la vie i Hesse de rouvrrer.
(In Etudes, vol. 01, Apr. ."). lli()i>. pp. r)-31 ; Apr. 20, 1002, pp.
Bellom, Maurice. Chronique des questions ouvrieres et des assu-
rances sur la vie.
(In Journal de la Societe de statistique de Taris, vol. 44,
Mar., .June. Sept., Dec, 1003, pp. 100-113, 225-227, 320-
323, 410-410; vol. 45, Mar., June. Sept., Dec, 1004, pp.
116-110. 224-227, 324-327, 42G-12S; vol. 40. Mar., June.
Sept., Dec, 1005, pp. 112-115, 216-220, 316-310, 421^24;
vol. 47, :\lar.. June, Sept., Dec, 1006, pp. 112-115, 212-216,
322-324, 420-422.)
Des relations mutuelles de Passistance et de I'assurance
(In Revue politique et i)arl(>inentaire. vol. 27. Mar. 10, 1001,
pp. 55G-507.)
La liberie de la prevoyance et les retraites ouvrieres.
(In Revue politique et parleuientaire. vol. 48. Apr. 10, 1006,
pp. 60-87.)
La question des retraites ouvrieres devant le parlement
(In Revue politique et parleuientaire, vol. L'.'I, Mar. 10. i;X)0.
pp. 533-504.)
Les retraites ouvrieres en France. Le referendum de 1004.
Les solutions pratiques.
(Ill Revue politique et parlenientairc. vol. 31, Jan. 10. 1002,
pp. 110-130; Feb. 10, 1002, pp. 307-.323.)
Beyer, . L'as.surance libre centre les accidents du ti-avail.
(/// Monde economique, 16e annee, Jan. 1.3, 27, 100(;, pp. (.■{-44.
107-108; Feb. 3, 1006, pp. 1.30-110; Feb. 17. I'.mm;. pp. 2/>. S°.
liibliofjrapliie, pp. vii xii.
" L'assurance-clioiMa;;(' fii I'rancc," pp. Hio I'.d;, ;;iti. ;;io.
Contenson, Ludovic de. Syndicats, miitualites, retraites.
Pans: Perrin et cie., 1904. (^), SIO pp. 12°.
Contents. — Introduction ; 1. partie. Les syndicats profession-
nels; L'evolution de la propriete rurale et le syndicalisme
agricole; 2. partie. Les societes de secours mutuels; La
mutualite professionnelle ; 3. partie. Les retraites ouvrieres.
Crochard, A. L'assurance obligatoire contre la maladie et les so-
cietes de secours mutuels en France.
Paris: V. Giard d- E. Briere, 1902. (6), 325 pp. 8°.
Bibliographie, pp. 321-322.
Crosson du Cormier, . Questions ouvrieres. Les caisses syn-
dicales de chomage en France & en Belgique.
Paris: Chevalier et Riviere, 1905. (5), 2Jf9 pp. 8°.
Dubourg, ]Maurice. Les retraites ouvrieres.
Pans: AuSillon.lWOJ^]. 78pp. 16°.
Bibliograpliie, pp. 73-75.
Enquete de la societe des industriels et des commerQants de France
sur les retraites ouvrieres.
(In Revue iiiternatiouale dn commerce, 9e annee, June, 30,
1907, pp. 400-424.)
Esteve, Louis. Des caisses de retraites, de secours et de prevoyance,
fondees au profit des employes et ouvriers dans les
etablissements de commerce et d'industrie.
Paris: A. Rousseau, 1901. (6), 181 pp. 4°.
Bibliographie, pp. 175-177.
Eagnot, F. Le chomage.
Paris: G. Bellais, 1905. 2 vols. 16°. {Bihliotheque so-
cialiste, no. 34, 35.)
1. partie. Institutions de secours et d'assurance. Caisses syn-
dicales. Leur resultats. 2. partie. Les subventions de I'etat
aux caisses syndicales. Le decret du 9 septembre 1905.
Erance. Discussion des propositions de loi relatives aux caisses de
retraites ouvrieres et portant creation de retraites de
vieillesse et d'invalidite.
(In Journal officiel de la Republique fraugaise, 38e annee,
Feb. 21, 23, 24, 1906, pp. 869-880, 899-909, 969-982, 984-
Retraites ouvrieres. Proposition de loi sur les retraites
ouvrieres adoptee par la Chambre des deputes le 23 fevrier
(In Congres international des accidents du travail et des
assurances soeiales. Bulletin du Comite permanent, vol. 17,
Jan.-Mar., 1906, pp. 103-120. Paris, 1906. 8°.)
France. Chamhre des deputes. Session ord. — Seance dn 14 Janvier
190-4. Proposition de loi sur Torganisation des retraites
pour la vieillesse ou Tinvalidite presente par MM. Albert,
DormoY, Charles Chanmet, Cazeaux-Cazalet, deputes. —
(Renvovee a la commission d'assurance et de prevoyance
(//( France. Chambre des deputes. Documents parlemen-
taires, 1904. Annexe no. 1432, pp. 10-10.)
Session ord. — Seance du 25 mars 1904. Proposition
de loi sur les retraites pour la vieillesse presentee par M.
Francois Fournier, depute. (Renvoyee a la Commission
d'assurance et de prevoyance sociales.)
{In France. Chambre des deputes. Documents parlemen-
taires, 1904. Annexe no. 1636, pp. 320-334.)
Session extr. — Seance du 22 novembre 1904. Rap-
port fait au nom de la Commission d'assurance et de pre-
voyance sociales chargee d'examiner les diverses proposi-
tions de loi relatives aux caisses de retraites ouvrieres et
portant creation de retraites de vieillesse et d'invalidite.
par M. Paul Guieysse, depute.
{In France. Chambre des deputes. Documents parlemen-
taires, 1904, Annexe no. 20.36. pp. 1187-1294.)
Direction du travail. Les caisses patronales de retraites des
etablissements industriels.
Paris: Imjjrimerie nationale, 1898. 4i ''^ 4'^~ PP- ^°-
{Ministere du commerce., de Vinchistrie., des postes et des
telegraphes: Office du travail.)
Ministere du travail et de la prevoyance sociale. Rapport
sur Tapplication de la loi du 2 novembre 1892 pendant
Tannee 1906, presentee au president de la Republique fran-
(/« .Journal officiel de la Kepubliciiir fr:ui<;aise. .\uiiexe. 21
aoQt 1907, pp. 743-764.)
Senat. Session ord.— Seance du IS juiu 1907. Proposition
de loi ayant pour objet de modiiier et completer la loi du
ler avril 1S9S, sur les societes de secoiirs inutuels. pre-
sentee par M. Victor Loiirtie.s, senateur.
(//( I'riiiicc. Sc'iiiil. I tn.iiiiiciils p:u-l('iii('iilaires, 1".MI7. An-
nexe no. 162, pp. 134-139.)
Gayme, Louis. Travail et prevoyance; etude de Tassurance ouvriere
centre la maladie.
Paris: F.Alcan.WOJf. lll,^),6kvv- 8\
Guieysse, Paul. Retraites ouvrieres. Rapport fait au nom de la
Commission d'assurance et de prevoyance sociales (1)
chargee d'examiner les cliverses propositions de loi (2)
relatives aux caisses de retraites ouvrieres et portant crea-
tion de retraites de vieillesse et d'invalidite.
{In Congres international des accidents du travail et des as-
surances sociales. Bulletin du Comite permanent, t. 5, Nov.-
Dec, 1004, pp. 543-618; t. 6, Jan.-JNIar., 1905, pp. 5-117.
Paris, 1904-1905. 8°.)
Hubert- Valleroux, Paul. Loi du 31 mars 1903, portant fixation
du budget general des depenses et des recettes de I'exercice
1903. xVrt. 81 a 93 relatifs aux pensions de retraite des
anciens ouvriers mineurs.
{In Societe de legislation compai'ee. Annuaire de legislation
frangaise, 23e aunee, pp. 103-108. Paris, 1904. S°.)
Imbert, Paul. Etudes sociales. Les retraites des travailleurs.
Preface de Paul Deschanel.
Paris: Perrin et cie., 1905. (4), iv^ 327, (2) pp. 12°.
Kerallain, Rene de. Les retraites ouvrieres et le socialisme chretien.
{In La Reforme sociale, vol. 52, Dec. IG, 1906, pp. 867-898; vol.
53, Jan. 16, 1907, pp. 140-174: Feb. 16, 1907, pp. 281-298.)
Lacombe, Eugene i. c. Pierre Edmond Eugene. Les retraites ou-
vrieres . . . Ouvrage couronne par le Musee social (con-
cours de 1902). Precede du rapport de M. Emile Cheys-
Paris: A Rousseau, 1905. viii, 537 pp. 8°. {Bihliotheque
du Musee social.)
Contents. — Avant-propos. Introduction. L'assurance centre
la vieillesse, Tinvalidite, la mort prematuree. Conditions de
son fonctionnement. Recherches statistiques. Prix de I'as-
surance dans diversos hypotlieses. L'obligation en matiere
de prevoyance ouvriere et ses incouvenients. France. Insti-
tutions creees en vue de l'assurance ouvriere contre la vieil-
lesse, I'invalidite, la mort prematuree. I>eur fonctionne-
ment. Etranger. L'institutions creees en vue de l'assu-
rance ouvriere contre la vieillesse, I'invalidite, la mort pre-
maturee. Leur fonctionnement. Projets relatifs k l'assu-
rance en cas de vieillesse, mort et invalidite. France. Es-
s;ii d'une solution du probleme des retraites par l'assurance
libre encouragee par I'etat. Conclusion.
Lefort, Joseph Jean, Les caisses tie retraites ouvrieres.
Paris: A. Fontemoing, 1906. 2 cols. 8°.
Contents. — I. Premiere partie: La question des retraites ou-
vrieres eu France et a I'etranger. — II. Deuxieme partie: Les
caisses de retraite de riudustrie priv^e en France.
"Apr&s nous avoir expose la situation matorielle de I'ouvrier,
ses cliarjies et ses l»esoins, M. Lefort nous ret race sueeessive-
luent toutes les tentatives qui out eto faites jl i)ropos des
retraites, dans le domaine prive coninie dans le doniaiue
social, en France et a I'etraufier: il s'attacbe. surtout :"\ de-
gager le cote pratique et utilitaire des anivres orgauisees,
leur cote bienfaisant et leur cote moral. II ahoude en de-
tails precis et instructifs, en exenii)les probants et editiants.
II deuiele les textes, il les explique, les coniniente avec sa
science de juriste, ne laissant rien dans I'onibre, dlssipant
nos doutes et entrainant notre conviction "...
" Les legislations etrangeres, a ce point de vue, out ete I'objet,
de la part de Tauteur, d'un exauien approfoudl, plus par-
ticulierement celles de rAlieniague et de la Relgique, aux
systemes de retraites si differents. II s'explique sur ce qui
a ete fait en Espugne, en Angleterre aux Etats-rnis et dans
d'autres nations, qui n'ont precede jusqu'ici qu'il une or-
ganisation rudimentaire d'un service de pensions." Journal
des 6conomistes, June 15, 1906, 408, 409.
Levasseur, Pierre Emile. Questions onvrieres et industrielles en
France sous la troisieme republique.
Paris: A. Rousseau^ 1907. Ixxii, 908 pp. 8°.
Masse, Daniel. Legislation du travail et lois ouvrieres; classifica-
tion, commentaire, jurisprudence, legislation coniparee,
projets et propositions de lois.
Pa'iis: Nancy., Berger-LevrauU et cie., 190 Jf. xii, 974 PP-
Tables. 4°.
" L'assurance ouvrifire," pp. G87-784.
Siegfried, Jules. Les retraites ouvrieres devant le I*arlenient.
{In Le Musee social, Menioires et documents, Mar., 190G. pp.
"Appendice: Proposition de loi sur les retraites ouvrieres
adojitee par la Cbanibre des deputes," pp. 1 lit KM.
".Statement of tbe jioiiits at issue in tlie debate over llie nld-
age pension law in lln- I'reiidi ( 'liiiiiiiiei'." i (,>iiiirti rl 1/ .hnir-
tidf of (■(■oiioiiiics. A III/., mua, ij.itl.^
Tardieu, Jacques. Traite theori(iue el pralKpie de la legislation des
pensions de retraite. Avec la collaWoratiou de MM. Bas-
set, Smet et Carrieie.
Palis: Lihrairie administrative P.
Crosson du Cormier. Questions ouvrieres. Les caisses syiulitales
de chomage en France & en Belgique.
Paris : Che ralier et Riniere, 1905. (8) , 2.',9 p/>. 8°.
" r.il)liograpliie," 3d-4tli prelim, leaves.
Duboisdeng'hien, L. L'assiirance conlrc la maladie eu Belgu|ue.
(/// liilcniiil iniKil cuiigress III" ai'liiarics. I'r 'ediii^^s nt the
fourth . . . congress, vol. 1, pp. ITo 177. .New Vnrk, P.»M.
Abstract (in English), p. 1711.
Lefort, Joseph Jean. Les caisses de retraites ouvrieres.
Paris: A. Fontemoing^ 1906. 2 vols. 8°.
" Ouvi'age, recompense par I'Academie des sciences morales
et politiques."
" Belgique," vol. 1, pp. 11.3-146.
La legislation beige sur les pensions de retraites.
(In Revue geuerale du droit, vol. 29, 1905, pp. 512-523; vol. 30,
Jan.-Feb., 1906, pp. 18-32.)
Lenibourg, C. Developpement de I'assiirance-vie, assurance dite
•'Assessment," societes fraternelles, assurances contre les
accidents, assurances garantissant la responsabilite civile
des patrons, assurances contre la maladie, capitaux differes,
rentes viageres, pensions de retraites pour la vieillesse, pen-
sions d'ouvriers, et toutes autres operations necessitant
I'avis des actuaires; ce que Ton pent constater en Belgique.
(In International congress of actuaries. Proceedings of the
fourth . . . congress, vol. 1, pp. 594-603. New York, 1904.
Abstract (in English), pp. 602-603.
Willoughby, William Franklin, Workingmen's insurance.
A^ew York, Boston: T. Y. Crowell & company, [i5'P(§]. {2),
xii, 386 pp. 12°. {Library of economics and politics, ed.
ly R. T.Ely [no. U]).
Bibliographical note : pp. 379-386.
" Workingmen's insui'ance in Belgium," pp. 191-205.
Zacher, Georg. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung in Belgien.
Berlin, 1900. Verlag der Arheiter-V ersorgung , A. Troschel.
77 pp. 8°. {Die Arheiter-V ersicherung im Auslande,
Heft 12.)
Aiken. Alfred L 1)
Antoine. Charles 1!)
Arsandaiix, Octave 25
Artibal. Jeau o
P.aernreither. Joseph Maria 11
Basset, Frederick 23
Belgium, Caisse generale d'epar-
gne 25
Commission dcs pensions ou-
vrieres 25
Bellom, Maurice 3, 1!)
Beiiiis, Edward W 7
Bielefeldt, Ahviu 15
Budiker, T 1__ 14
Boyer^ 10
Brabrook, E 11
Braiideis, Louis D 7
Braun, Otto 14
Brooks, JohQ Graham 5. 14, 17
Burn, Joseph 11
Cagniuacci, Hyacinthe 3, 7,
11.14, !!>, 25
Carriere, Gabriel 23
Chapman, Sydney J 11
Cheysson, fimile 22
Coburn, Frederick W 7
Contenson, Eudovie de 20
Crochard, A 20
Crosson du Cormier 20,25
Davenport, H. J 7
Dawson. Miles M 7
Deschanel, Paul 22
Dryden, John Fairchild . '^. 1 1
Duboisdenghien. L 25
Dnbourg, Maurice 3.20
Eile, Gottliold 11
Esteve, Louis 20
Fagnot, F 20
Farman. Henry W 14
Fetter, Frank A S
Fiske, Haley H
France 20
Chamhre des deputes 21
Direction du travail 21
Ministerc du travail 21
Si'nat 21
Frankenstein, Kuuo 14
Funke, Ernst 15
P'uster, I-^douard 15
Gatty, R, A 11
Gayme, Louis 22
Germany. Kaiserliches statis-
ti.'orge 12
Klein, G. A 1.".. IC,
Lacombe, Eugene 22
Lass, Ludwig 1."
Lcfort. Joseph Joan 4, !t, 12. 2.!. 2i",
Lcmlioiu'g. C 2(!
Lemerder, Marcel _. J
Levassciir. Piern' r:iiiili- 2.3
Ludlow, J. M 11
Manes, Alfred If.
Marlin-Saint-LC-on, lUienn.' 12
Massachusetts. Bureau of sta-
tics of labor 4
Mass4, Daniel 23
Mleck, raul 17
Nichols, Walter S
Northcott, William A 9
Pickering, John 4
IMloty, Kobert Ferdinand 17
Pinkus, Norbert 17
Redenbacher, Wilhelm 17
Riebenack, Max 4
Riibinow, I. M 5
Siegfried, Jules 23
Smet, Tony 23
Stadthageu, Arthur 17
Stier-Souilo, Fritz 17
Tardieu, Jacques 23
Taylor, Alice __l 11
Turquan, Y 24
United States. Bureau of labor- 5,17
Industrial commission 9
"S'anderlip. Frank A 9, 18
^'anlaer, Maurice 24
Yer Hees, E 24
Weber, A 5
Weber, Adna F 5
White, Norman H 9
Wilkinson, John Frome 12
Willoughby, William Franklin__ 6, 10,
13, IS, 24, 2G
Wright, Carroll D 5,17
Zacher, Georg 6, 13, 16, 18, 24, 26
Zahn, Friedrich 15
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