BX 694-5 Ff the earth and its foundations. The earth vas supposed to stand upon a pedestal, and that ipon something else, and that upon something ilse, and they never found the ultimate some- thing else. Now pathology always flies from ;his cause to that cause, and from that cause to he other cause, but it never finds the primal or iltimate cause of any disease. Finite sense be- gins with the appearance, the evidence of the •enses, and tries to reach a fundamental prin- dple. Evolution has reached to protoplasm, ^athology has gone as far as bacteria ; but it is till an open question which was first, the dis- use or the germ, whether the germ caused the lisease or the disease produced the germ. This [uestion can be answered only as it is answered n Christian Science, which proves conclusively hat neither the disease nor the germ is true; >oth are false. And since the premise is false, he conclusion must also be false. From noth- ng it came, and to nothing it must return. 18 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: And medical science must follow in the wake of pathology ; for since disease is nothing, there can be no medicine for it, except the medicine of Truth which proves the nothingness of dis- ease. Matter has no intelligence. Drugs can- not direct themselves; they cannot say, I will go to the lungs, or I will work upon the blood or upon the nerves, or upon the glandular tissue. Drugs have no intelligence to direct themselves ; it is simply your faith, and the faith of those around you, mixed with the faith of all man- kind, that seems to make them work. The med- ical fraternity, finding drugs a failure in the healing art, has turned to amputation and op- eration. It has amputated almost everything but amputation, and operated on almost every- thing but operation. Christian Science has come to the world, and eventually it will per- form every needful wonder. For the Science of Life, from its very nature, must overcome all evil, both cause and eifect, both disease and its so-called physical cure. TRUE LIFE AND HEALTH Physical health is a belief of health in the body, and is a failure; therefore it is a poor kind of health. Likewise, physical strength is a PURE METAPHYSICS 19 belief of strength in a muscle, and is overcome by weakness ; hence physical strength is weak- ness. In like manner, mortal or finite life is a belief of life in matter, and is overcome by death; therefore mortal life is death. From this we might say in Bible phraseology, if the life that is in you be death, how great is that death ! If the strength that is in you be weak- ness, how great is that weakness ! And if the health that is in you be a failure, how great is that failure ! True health is not in physical man or ma- terial things ; it is a property or quality of the eternal Life-principle, and is as unchangeable and infallible as the eternal God Himself. And this property or quality, true health, must be and is expressed by every truly living thing. So also true strength is not so-called physical strength, which overexerts itself and gives way to weakness and therefore is weakness, but a property or quality of eternal Truth; hence it knows no weakness. Man's true strength lies in the recognition and scientific understanding that God, divine Principle, undying Life, un- changing Truth, and unselfish Love, is and must be expressed, and the true man and the true universe must be like Him, unchangeable and eternal. 20 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: True Life, therefore, is not life in the body, but the forever living and eternal Life-principle that is God, expressed by pure spiritual beings, who know no death. Like the great Life-prin- ciple, they always were and always will be reflecting perfect and unfailing health and in- exhaustible strength. Our Master says : "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on." "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow ; they toil not, neither do they spin : and yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Turn forever away from sense to Soul, from flesh to Spirit, from body to Mind, and find in Soul, in Spirit, in Mind, the only true source of life, of strength, of health, and of happiness. It is a self-evident fact, that if Mind has aught to do in controlling the body, it has all; for a "house divided against itself shall not stand." One must be the master. TRUE MIND-HEALING Christian Science is true Mind-healing, but what is commonly called mind-healing may be quite different. So-called mind-healing begins PURE METAPHYSICS 21 with an evil man, according to the testimony of the senses, and tries to make him good; it be- gins with a sick man and tries to make him well. Christian Science, reversing this procedure, be- gins with perfection as a basis of every thought and action ; it begins with perfect Principle, or God, and perfect man, and from this . scientific basis demonstrates perfection at every step. History repeats itself. Of old, the messenger of Truth was accused of casting out devils by the prince of devils. Today, Christian Science is accused of casting out error with error; of healing sickness and sin by mesmerism, hypno- tism, mental suggestion, or autosuggestion. The world of mortal mind, or finite sense, is a seething sea of animal magnetism, autosugges- tion, and mental suggestion. All mortals from the mortal standpoint are mental malprac- tioners. Consciously or unconsciously, until corrected by the knowledge of the truth, they are living in the belief of a God-given mind in a material brain, which suppositional mind is a mixture of good and evil, of right and wrong, of love and hate. But Christian Science not only heals mankind of sickness and sin, it also heals of autosuggestion, mental suggestion, hypno- tism, mesmerism, animal magnetism, spiritual- 22 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: ism, and some other isms. For Christian Science is the Science of Truth and true being, and must of necessity rule out all that is unlike God, the absolute and only good. Christian Science covers the whole ground, and solves the problem of being physically, mor- ally, financially, temporarily, and eternally. If Christian Science is not good for everything, then Christian Science is not good for anything. And if Christian Science is not good for every one, then Christian Science is not good for any one. NEED OF DIVINE PRINCIPLE All sin, all disease, all discord of whatever sort, is perpetuated by trying to solve the prob- lem of being, without or independently of divine Principle, or by trying to make the prin- ciple conformant to the problem, thus necessi- tating as many principles as problems. This process finally makes discord the basis of being and harmony a nonreality. Here we see the tower of Babel ; which is trying to reach health and harmony from the basis of disease and dis- cord, trying to build a medical science upon an unscientific basis, and trying to reach immu- table Truth from the foundation of appearance and belief. PURE METAPHYSICS 23 God, the great primal Principle, is, and must be the origin of all ; then if disease or discord is a reality, it must be of Him. All we really have, comes from Him; if He sends it He must have it, and must be the origin of it. If He does not send it but permits it for our good, and He is omnipotent, then He virtually does it, and makes evil necessary that good may come. Such doctrine is too absurd for this enlightened age. According to physics, this material body which is called man is 75 per cent water. If you weigh one hundred and sixty pounds, one hundred and twenty pounds of that is water, and according to physiology this entire body undergoes complete reconstruction once in three to seven years. The water that largely constituted your physical body a few years ago, has floated away in vapor and perchance settled in some lakelet. A goose drinks it and then it is goose. Has that water any more intelligence when it says it is man than when it says it is goose? When is it the greater goose, when it struts itself a man or when it waddles itself a goose? Because we look to the body for health and strength we are doomed to disappointment, and this for the simple reason that these qualities 24 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: are not in the body. Nothing in this material universe is reliable, — even mortal or finite suc- cess is a failure, — and this because it is finite. These are the apostle Paul's words : "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen : for the things which are seen are temporal ; but the things which are not seen are eternal." "He that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption ; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." In the Revelation of John we read : "God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes ; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new." IRREFUTABLE LOGIC You will agree with me that where God is, sin, sickness, sorrow, pain, and death can never come. You will further agree with me that God is omnipresent; then you have also already agreed with me in this third statement, namely, that all discord and all mortality is a nonreality. You would dishonor God and do violence to mankind by admitting these things as realities PURE METAPHYSICS 25 in His presence. You must either reject His perfection and omnipresence, or admit the un- reality of all discord and all mortality. You will furthermore agree with me that God is om- nipotent ; that He is omnipotence itself ; that all power is vested in Him, and there is no other power ; that He rules, and He alone. Moreover, you will agree that He does not will and is not willing that any should perish. Then you have also already agreed with me in this third state- ment, namely, that none can perish. For if God is omnipotent and does not will or is not willing that any should perish, then who, I ask, shall say Him nay? The alternative conclusion must be, as is sometimes taught, that in spite of infinite Love and the omniscience and omnipotence of God, the devil still gets ten thousand into endless perdition while God gets one in heaven. We may at least pray God to forgive the blind who lead and give sight to the blind who follow, and lead them to the light of Truth divine, that must finally overcome all evil, dispel all darkness, and vanquish every foe. Mortality alone must die, for it is the child of the devil, who "was a murderer from the begin- ning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. ,? The sooner mortality dies 26 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: the better; but we must not be "overcome of evil," but must "overcome evil with good ;" we must not be overcome of death, but must over- come death with life. DISAPPEARANCE OF MORTALITY "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death." We must separate the mortal from the immortal, separate the flesh from the Spirit, and do it today, not after death. The devil says, Do it after death. God says, "Now is the ac- cepted time." And why does God say now? Because God is Truth, and in Truth there is no other time ; there is one eternal now. And why does the devil say after death? Because there is no death: all is Life. Everything that the devil makes or advises is just like himself— a lie from the beginning. All that really is can never die ; and that which is not is dead already. Mortality is a myth; there is no mortality. It is the carnal mind, the seeming, that depends upon the senses, that seems to make man mor- tal. God, the infinite intelligence, names every- thing after its true, perfect, and harmonious character, while the Adam or false sense names everything after its false, material, or seeming character. One is true, the other is false; one PURE METAPHYSICS 27 is, the other is not, but only seems to finite sense to be. Jesus proved this in his last and final demonstration. All through his earth life, even to the time when he showed himself to doubting Thomas, Jesus presented a material body; he ate and drank and labored and wearied and wept and joyed like any of us. But he went away leav- ing not a chrysalis behind, and we know that "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God." Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do ; because I go unto my Father." He overcame death with Life; he overcame the mortal with the immortal ; he overcame the flesh with the spirit ; he overcame the false with the true. He was not overcome of evil, but overcame evil with good. He made the divine atonement, or at-one-ment, with the Father. He yielded up self entirely, and would have no life in the body, but in Mind ; hence he became one with the Father. And he said : "I and my Father are one." 'The flesh profiteth nothing." Your true self is the spiritual expression of Spirit; and Spirit is God. Hence we express Spirit, not matter. 28 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: We have been singing the praises of and praying at and to a corporeal Deity, "as though he needed any thing," or that we were going to get something by asking that He would not give if we did not ask. God is unchangeable, and is giving us more every day than we in our igno- rance know how to ask for, or even how to ac- cept. The simplest prayer is the heart's sincere desire to know the truth ; to know Him "whom to know aright is Life eternal" (Science and Health, Preface, p. vii). Desiring Truth, you will search for Truth, and seeking, you shall find ; and an ever-increasing desire for more will prove your appreciation of what you al- ready have. Thus you will fulfill the divine in- junctions, "Pray without ceasing. In every- thing give thanks." COMING OF DIVINE THEOLOGY For the past nineteen hundred years theol- ogy, in the character of John the Baptist, has been preached in the wilderness of mortal sense. But there cometh one mightier than it, even divine Science, the Science of Christ, Truth, understood and demonstrated, the "latchet of whose shoes" the old theology is "not worthy to stoop down and unloose." When r PURE METAPHYSICS 29 Howe put the eye of the needle in the point, in- stead of the larger end, he revolutionized the great mercantile world. When Galileo said, "The earth moves and the sun stands still," he revolutionized all theories concerning the stel- lar universe. And when Mrs. Eddy said, "Mind can never be in man, but is reflected by man" (Science and Health, p. 336), she revolution- ized theology, physiology, and medicine. Mary of old gave birth to the pure-minded Jesus, the Christ personified. The Mary of to- day has given birth to the incorporeal Christ- idea, the true idea of God and man, as revealed in Christian Science. Do you recognize this coming, Do you know the trumpet tone? Is your ear attuned to hear the truth Whene'er the blast is blown? Do you see the consummation, That the mighty work is done? That death and hell are yielding up And the dragon is cast down? Yes, "the morning light is breaking;" the first faint gleams of ruddy light now tint the eastern sky, shedding its effulgent rays over a benighted world. And through the clouds of mortal sense the spirit of Truth, descending 30 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: like shafts of light shot through a waste of darkness dense, reveals a spiritual world and God as the only author, architect, and builder. Yes, the fourth watch of the night is come; and you that have toiled all night rowing against the adverse winds may look up and see Christ, Truths walking o'er the waves of mortal sense. Go ye out to meet him, for he comes to still the tempest's roar and calm the raging seas. You who have lain long years at the pool of Bethesda, waiting for the troubling of the waters, may now cease to look down, may look up and see Christ, waiting to make you whole. But when you are made whole, then "sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." And you who have seen the "star in the east," the spiritual light of Truth divine, if to you that light be strong, then go and tell to sinners round what a dear Saviour you have found. But if that light be faint, then follow where it leads, till it comes and stands over where the young child is. And when you have found him, open your treasure, and present yourself and all that is within you, a living sacrifice for the truth that makes you free. In the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. PURE METAPHYSICS 31 Eddy has truly said (p. 568) : "For victory over a single sin, we give thanks and magnify the Lord of Hosts. What shall we say of the mighty conquest over all sin? A louder song, sweeter than has ever before reached high heaven, now rises clearer and nearer to the great heart of Christ; for the accuser is not there, and Love sends forth her primal and everlasting strain." Periodicals Published by The Christian Science Publishing Society BOSTON, U.S.A. THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE JOURNAL A monthly magazine, founded April, 1883, by Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and author of the Christian Science Textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Official organ of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mas»'. Prices to all countries: One year, $3.00; six months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents; single copy, 30 cents. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SENTINEL A weekly periodical published every Saturday containing articles, editorials, and special information regarding the Christian Science movement, and testimonials of healing. Prices to all countries: One year, $:3.0U ; six months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents; single copy, 7 cents. DER HEROLD DER CHRISTIAN SCIENCE A monthly periodical printed in German with alternate pages in English. Prices to all countries: One year, $2.00; six months, $1.00; three months, 50 cents ; single copy, 20 cents. LE HERAUT DE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE A monthly periodical printed in French with alternate pages in English. Prices to all countries: One year, $2.00; six months, $1.00; three months, 50 cents; single copy, 20 cents. THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper Published daily except Sundays and legal holidays. Adequate news service. The various departments of a modern news- paper. Unique Home Forum page. Entire page of editorials dealing with the vital topics of the day. Prices to all countries: One year, $9.00; six months, $1.50; three months, $2.25; one month, 75 cents; single copy, 3 cents. THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE QUARTERLY Published January, April, July, and October Contains the Lesson -Sermons which are read at the Sunday services throughout the year in all the Christian Science churches. Printed in English, Dutch, and German. Prices to all countries: One year, $1.00; single copy, 25 cents. Pri« RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 202 Main Library _OAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW DEC 19 1982 BECCIR. JAN03' 32 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 12/80 BERKELEY. CA 94720