UC-NRLF $B m? 371 DE MORGAN. CONNEXION OF NUMBER MAGNITUDE. Price 4s. PAULINE FORE MOFFITT LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GENERAL LIBRARY, BERKELEY i ^r Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/connexionofnumbeOOdemorich THE CONNEXION OF NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE AN ATTEMPT TO EXl^LAIN THE FIFTH BOOK OF EUCLID. BY AUGUSTUS DE MORGAN, OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. La seule mani^re de bien trailer les 616mens d'une science exacte et rigoureuse, c'est d'y mettre toute la rigueur et I'exactitude possible. — D'Alembsrt. LONDON: PRINTED FOR TAYLOR AND WALTON, BOOKSELLERS AND PUBLISHERS TO THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, 30 UPPER GOWEE STREET. M.DCCC. XXXVI. LONDON: J. MOYES> CASTLE STKBET, JLBICESTEB SgUARE. GIFT PREFACE. This Treatise is intended ultimately to form part of one on Trigonometry. The place in which most students con- sider number and magnitude together for the first time, is in the elements of the latter science, unless they have un- derstood the Fifth Book of Euclid better than is usually the case. Previously, therefore, to commencing Trigonometry, I consider it advisable to enter upon the consideration of proportion in its strict form ; that is, upon the Fifth Book of Euclid. There is no other method with which I am acquainted which gives any thing like demonstration of the general properties of ratios, though there is a dotix oreiller pour reposer une tete Men faite, which many of the con- tinental mathematicians have agreed shall be called demon- stration, and which is beginning to make its way in this country. Hitherto, however, it has been customary for mathe- matical students among us to read the Fifth Book of Euclid; frequently without understanding it. The form in which it appears in Simson's edition is certainly unnecessarily long, and the tedious repetition of " A B is the same multiple of CD which EF is of G H," in all the length of words, renders the reasoning not easy to follow. The use of general symbols of concrete magnitude, instead of the straight line of Euclid, and of a general algebraical symbol for whole 307 IV PREFACE. number, seems to me to remove a great part of the difficulty. Throughout this work it must be understood, that a capital letter denotes a magnitude ; not a numerical representation, but the magnitude itself: while a small letter denotes a number, and mostly a whole number. And by the term arithmetical proportion^ when it occurs, is signified, not the common and now useless meaning of the words, but the proportion of two magnitudes which are arithmetically re- lated, or which are coinmensurable. The subject is one of some real difficulty, arising from the limited character of the symbols of arithmetic, con- sidered as representatives of ratios, and the consequent introduction of incommensurable ratios, that is, of ratios which have no arithmetical representation. The whole number of students is divided into two classes : those who do not feel satisfied without rigorous definition and de- duction ; and those who would rather miss both that take a long road, while a shorter one can be cut at no greater ex- pense, than that of declaring that there shall be propositions which arithmetical demonstration declares there are not. This work is intended for the former class. AUGUSTUS DE MORGAN. London f May 1, 1836. CONNEXION or NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. ERRATA. Page 35, line 3, for less read greater. 47, ... \, for v{Q + Z) read w{Cl + Z). — ... 2y for vQ read tvQ. measureilieui 01 umugies^, wmun, m lut; wiucsi seuacj iii\ji.xx\xxj'a «.» the applications of algebra to geometry, it will be right to inquire on what sort of demonstration we are to pass from an arithmetical to a geometrical proposition, or vice versa. Geometry cannot proceed very far without arithmetic, and the connexion was first made by Euclid in his Fifth Book, which is so difficult a speculation, that it is either omitted, or not understood by those who read it for the first time. And yet this same book, and the logic of Aristotle, are the two most unobjectionable and unassailable treatises which ever were written. The reason of the difficulty which is found in the Fiflh Book is twofold. Firstly; — It is all reasoning, unhelped by the senses: most of the propositions have no portion of that intrinsic evidence which is seen in " two sides of a triangle are greater than the third ; " but, at the same time, the propositions of arithmetic which correspond to IV PREFACE. number, seems to me to remove a great part of the difficulty. Throughout this work it must be understood, that a capital letter denotes a magnitude ; not a numerical representation, but the magnitude itself: while a small letter denotes a number, and mostly a whole number. And by the term arithmetical proportion, when it occurs, is signified, not the common and now useless meaning of the words, but the proportion of two magnitudes which are arithmetically re- lated, or which are commensurable. The subject is one of some real difficulty, arising from the limited character of the symbols of arithmetic, con- which arithmetical demonstration declares there are not. This work is intended for the former class. AUGUSTUS DE MORGAN. London f May 1, 1836. CONNEXION OF NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. When a student has acquired a moderate knowledge of the operations and principles of algebra, with as many theorems of geometry as are contained in the first four books of Euclid's Elements, it becomes most desirable that he should gain some more exact knowledge of the connexion between the ideas which are the foundation of one and the other science, than would present itself either to an inattentive reader, or to one whose whole attention is engrossed by the difficulty of comprehending terms which cannot yet have become familiar to him. Before proceeding, therefore, to explain Trigonometry (the measurement of triangles), which, in the widest sense, includes all the applications of algebra to geometry, it will be right to inquire on what sort of demonstration we are to pass from an arithmetical to a geometrical proposition, or vice versa. Geometry cannot proceed very far without arithmetic, and the connexion was first made by Euclid in his Fifth Book, which is so difficult a speculation, that it is either omitted, or not understood by those who read it for the first time. And yet this same book, and the logic of Aristotle, are the two most unobjectionable and unassailable treatises which ever were written. The reason of the difficulty which is found in the Fifth Book is twofold. Firstly; — It is all reasoning, unhelped by the senses: most of the propositions have no portion of that intrinsic evidence which is seen in " two sides of a triangle are greater than the third ; " but, at the same time, the propositions of arithmetic which correspond to 2 CONNEXION OF tliose of the Fifth Book are very evident, and the student is therefore led to escape from the notion of magnitude, and fly to that of number. Secondly; — The non-existence of any very easy notation and system of arithmetic in the time of Euclid, made geometrical considerations re- latively so much more simple, that the form of his book is (to us) unnecessarily remote from all likeness to a treatise connected with numbers. The difference between our day and his lies in tiiis : that in the former the exactness of geometry was gained with some degree of prolixity and (to a beginner) obscurity ; in the latter, the facility of arithmetic is preferred, and perfect demonstration is more or less sacrificed to it. 1 shall now endeavour to present the Fifth Book of Euclid in a form which will be more easy than tlie original, to those who have some acquaintance with algebra. By number is here meant what is called abstract number, which merely conveys the notion of limes or repetitions, considered inde- pendently of the things counted or repeated. By magnitudey or quantity, is meant a thing presented to us, not as to its form, if it have form, or as to colour, weight, or any other circumstance, but simply as that which is made up of parts, not differing from the whole in any thing but in being less ; so that, if we consider separately a part and the whole, we have only two inferences : The part is less than the whole. The whole is greater than the part. Every thing we can see or feel presents to us the notion of mag- nitude or quantity. And here we must observe, that we have to pick our words from among those in common use, which never have very precise meanings. For instance, we have magnitude, the nearest English word to which is greatness ; and quantity, for which the word, if it existed, should be so-much-ness. These words are of the same meaning, and the more indefinite we now leave them (except only in assigning that they are to be considered as applied to any thing which can be made more or less), the better for our purpose ; since it is the object of this treatise to deduce from that indefinite notion a method of making mathematical comparisons of quantities, by aid of the notion of number. Upon two magnitudes, our senses will enable us to draw one or other of the following conclusions : 1. The first is sensibly greater than the second. 2. The first is sensibly less than the second. NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 6 3. The first is sensibly equal to the second ; meaning that the dif- ference, if any, is so small that our senses cannot perceive it. This is what is meant by equality of magnitudes in common life. The English foot and the Florence foot are equal for common purposes : they differ by about the twentieth part of an inch, which in a foot is called nothing. Perfect equality is a mathematical conception, which never can be absolutely verified in practice ; for so long as the senses cannot per- ceive a certain quantity, be it ever so small, so long it must always be possible that two quantities, which appear equal, may differ by as much as the imperceptible quantity. But we are not reasoning upon what we can carry into effect, but upon the conceptions of our own minds, which are the exact limits we are led to imagine by the rough processes of our hands. The following, then, is the postulate upon which we construct our results : Ani/ one magnitude being given, let it be granted that any number of others may be found, each of which is {positively and mathematically) equal to the first. Let A represent a magnitude — not as in algebra, the number of units which it contains, but the magnitude itself — so that if it be, for instance, weight of which we are speaking, A is not a number of pounds, but the weight itself. Let B represent another magnitude of the same kind ; we can then make a third magnitude, either by putting the two magnitudes together, or by taking away from the greater a magnitude equal to the less. Let these be represented by A -j- B and A — B, A being supposed the greater. We can also construct other magnitudes, by taking a number of magnitudes each equal to A, and putting any number of them together. Thus we have A + A which abbreviate into 2 A A-l-A + A 3A A + A-j-A + A 4A and so on. We have thus a set of magnitudes, depending upon A, and all known when A is known ; namely, A 2A 3A 4A 5A &c. which we can carry as far as we please. These (except the first) are distinguished from all other magnitudes by the name oi multiples of A ; and it is evident that they increase continually. Let the preceding be 4 CONNEXION OF called the scale of multiples of A. It is clear that the multiples of mul- tiples are multiples ; thus, 7 times 3 A is 21 A, in times nA is (w?n)A, where mn is the arithmetical product of the whole numbers m and n. The following propositions may then be proved. Prop. I. If A be made up of B and C, then any multiple of A is made up of the same multiples of B and C ; for 2 A must be made up of B C B C of which B and B make 2 B, C and C make 2 C ; so that 2 A is made lip of 2B and 2C. Similarly, 3 A is made up of B C B C B C or of 3B and 3C. Corollary. Hence it follows, that if A be less than B by C, any multiple of A is less than the same multiple of B by the same mul- tiple of C. For, since A is less than B by C, A and C together make up B ; therefore, 2 A and 2 C make up 2 B, or 2 A is less than 2B by 2 C. The algebraical representations of these theorems are as follows : If A = B-|-C mA = mB + ?wC If A = B-C 7wA = mB-?wC m being any of the numbers 2, 3, 4, &c Prop. II. However small A may be, or however great B may be, the multiples in the scale A, 2 A, 3 A, 4 A, 5 A, &c. will come in time to exceed B, by continuing the scale sufficiently far : B and A being magnitudes of the same kind. This is a pro- position which must be considered as self-evident : it must be re- membered that B remains the same, while we pass from one multiple of A to the next. Put feet together and we shall come in time to exceed any number of miles, say a thousand. But the best illustration of the reason why we formally put forward so self-evident a pro- position, will be to remark, that it is not every way of adding mag- nitude to magnitude without end, which will enable us to surpass any given magnitude. To a magnitude add its half; to that sum add half of the half; to which add the half of the last: and so on. No continuation of this process, were it performed a hundred million of times, could ever double the first magnitude. NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. O Prop. III. If A be greater than B, any multiple of A is greater than the same multiple of B. This follows from Prop. I. And if A be less than B, any multiple of A is less than the same multiple of B. This follows from the corollary, Prop. I. And if A be equal to B, any multiple of A is equal to the same multiple of B. This is self- evident. Prop. IV. If any multiple of A be greater than (equal to, or less than) the same multiple of B, then A is greater than (equal to, or less than) B. For example, let 4 A be greater than 4 B ; then A must be greater than B; for, if not, 4A would be equal to, or less than, 4 B (Prop. lit.). Prop. V. If from a magnitude the greater part be taken away; and if from the remainder the greater part of itself be taken away, and so on : the given magnitude may thus be made as small as we please, meaning as small as, or smaller than, any second magnitude we choose to name. Let A and Z be the two magnitudes, and let A diminished by more than its half be B, then 2 B is less than A. Let B diminished by more than half be C ; then 2C is less than B, 4C is less than 2 B, and still more less than A. Let C diminished by more than its half be D, then 2 D is less than C, 8 D is less than 4 C, and still more than A. This process must end by bringing one of the quantities A, B, C, D, &c. below Z in magnitude. For, if not, let A, B, C, &c. always remain greater than Z. Then, since 2B, 4C, 8 D, 16E, &c. are all less than A (just proved) still more must 2Z, 4Z, 8Z, 16Z, &c. be less than A. But this cannot be ; therefore, one of the set A, B, C, &c. must be less than Z. [The reductio ad absurdum, as this sort of argument is usually called, is a difficult form of a simple inference. Suppose it proved that whenever P is Q, then X is Y. It follows that whenever X is not y, P is not Q. It is usually held enough to say, for if P were Q X would be Y. But the form in which Euclid argues, supposes an opponent ; and the whole argument then stands as follows. " When X is Y, you grant that P is Q ; but you grant that P is not Q. I say that X is not Y. If you deny this you must affirm that X is Y, of which you admit it to be a consequence that P is Q. But you grant that P is not Q ; therefore, you say at one time that P is Q and that P is not Q. Consequently, one or other of your assertions is wrong, B 2 S CONNEXION OF either ' P is not Q' or ' X is Y/ If the first be right, the second is wrong : lliat is, ' X is not Y ' is right." The preceding argument runs as follows ; — when A, B, C, &c. are all greater than Z, then 2Z, 4Z, &c. are all less than A: but 2Z, 4 Z, &c. are not all less than A ; therefore, A, B, C, &c. are not all greater than Z]. Corollary, The preceding proposition is equally true when, iistead of taking more than the half at each step, we take the half itself in some or all of the steps. Prop. VI. If there be two magnitudes of the same kind, A and B, and if the scales of multiples be formed A, 2 A, 3 A, &c. B, 2B, 3B, &c. then one of these two things must be true; either, there are mul- tiples in the first scale which are equal to multiples in the second scale ; or, there are multiples in the first scale which are as nearly- equal as we please to multiples (not the same perhaps) in the second set: that is, we can find one of the first set, say m A, which shall either be equal to another in the second set, say nB, or shall exceed or fall short of it by a quantity less than a given quantity Z, which we may name as small as we please. Let us take a multiple out of each set, any we please, say pA. and gB. IfjsAandjBbe equal, the first part of the alternative exists; if not, one must exceed the other. Let p A exceed q B, say by E ; then we have ;?A = ^B + E (1) Now E is either less than B, or equal to B, or greater than B. If tlie first, let it remain for the present; if the second, we have pA = (9- + 1) B, or the first alternative exists : if the third, then B can be so multiplied as to exceed E. Let (^ + 1) B be the first multiple of B which exceeds E ; that is, let the next below, or t B, be less than E, say by G, then we have E=^B + G pA = ^B + ^B + G or j?A = (^ + OB + G Now G must be less than B ; for E or ^B + G is less than (^ + 1) B, or ^B + B. We have then made this first step (observe that q ■}- t'ls NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 7 only so7ne multiple of B; call itrB). Either the first alternative exists, or we can find p A and r B, so that p A = r B + G where G is less than B (2) Now G can be so multiplied as to exceed B ; let uG and (v + 1) G be the multiples of G, between which B lies, so that ?;G is less than B, say 2J G = B — K (v + \)Q is greater than B, say ?; G + G = B + L and it follows that K4-L = G;for since (v+l)G and vG differ by G, if a magnitude lie between them, their difference must be made up of the excess of that magnitude over the lesser, together with its defect from the greater. Consequently, either K and L are both halves of G, or one of them falls short of the half. Suppose K is less than the half of G : then take both sides of (2), v times, and we have t;^A = v/'B+vG or zjpA = z?rB + B — K or vpA. = (y r -f I) B — K (K less than half G) But if L be less than the half of G, take both sides of (2) t; + 1 times which gives (y + l)pA = (v-hl)rB+(v+\)G or {v+l)pA= zTTi-rB + B + L or V+l pA = (v+1 7* + 1)B + L (L less than half G) If K and L are both halves of G, we may take either. And if (a case not yet included) a multiple of G, uG, be exactly equal to B, we have then vpA = vrB + vG = (vr + 1) B which gives the first alternative. Consequently, we either prove the first alternative, or we reduce the equation pA = rB + G (G less than B) to an equation of the form p'A = r'B ± G' ^G' not greater than the half of G. We may now proceed as before ; but, to exemplify all the cases that may arise, let us take (v' + l)G'= B + L'i p"A = /A±G"| 8 CONNEXION OF p'A =:/B~G' If y'G' be exactly B, we prove the first alternative, as before ; but if B lie between v'G' and (v'+l) G', let us suppose and K'+L'= G' as before, in which one of the two, K' or L', will not be greater than the half of G', so that we obtain by the same process, an equation of the form G" not greater than the half of G'. By proceeding in this way, we prove either, 1. The first alternative of the proposition; or, 2. the possibility of forming a continued set of equations pA=qB±G, pA = q'B±G', p"A = q"B±G'\ &c. where, in the scale of quantities G, G', G", &c., no one exceeds the half of the preceding. Consequently, we may (unless interrupted by the first alternative) carry on this process until one of the quantities G, G', G" &c. is smaller than Z (Prop. V.) that is, we have either the first or second alternative of the problem. And exactly the same demonstration may be applied to the case, where at the outset j!>A = ^B — E. This proposition proves nothing of a single magnitude, but it establishes two apparently very distinct relations between magnitudes considered in pairs. Tliere may be cases in which the first alternative is established at last : and there may be cases in which it is never established. We shall first take the case in which the first alternative is established. Suppose it ascertained by the preceding process that 8A = 5B Here is an arithmetical equation between the magnitudes : and there- fore any processes of concrete arithmetic will apply. Take the 40th part (8x5 = 40) of both sides, ,. , . 8A 5B A B which gives 40 ="4^ °^ 5=8- consequently the fifth part of A is the same as the eighth part of B, or that which is contained 5 times in A is also that which is contained NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. ^ 8 times in B. Let this fifth of A or eighth of B be called M; then A = 5M, B = 8M, and A and Bare both multiples ofM. Con- sequently, when the first alternative of Prop. VI. exists, both A and B are multiples of some third magnitude M. The converse is readily proved, namely, that when A and B are both multiples of any third magnitude, the first alternative of Prop. VI. is true. For if A=j:M, B=3/M, we have yA = yjrM, xB=zxi/Mt or i/A = xB. The term measure is used conversely to multiple, thus : if A be a multiple of M, M is said to be a measure of B. Hence in the case we are now considering, A and B have a common measure^ and are said to be commensurable. We have therefore shewn that all commensur- able magnitudes, and commensurable magnitudes only, satisfy this first alternative. There remains, then, only the second case to consider, which it is now evident contains those magnitudes (if any such there be) which have no common measure whatsoever. The question therefore is, Are there such things as incommensurable magnitudes? On this point the second alternative shews that our senses cannot judge, for let Z be the least magnitude of the kind in question, which they are capable of perceiving (of course with the best telescopes, or other means of magnifying small quantities which can be obtained) then we know that;)A may be made to differ from ^B by less than Z, that is, we may say that all magnitudes are sensibli/ commensurable. But it evidently does not follow that all magnitudes are mathema- tically commensurable; and it has been shewn, by process of de- monstration, that there are * incommensurable quantities in such abundance, that take almost any process of geometry we please, the odds are immense against any two results being commensurable. The suspicion that all magnitudes must be commensurable led to the attempt, which lasted for centuries, to find the exact ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. And even now, though the adventure is never tried by those who have knowledge enough to read demonstration of its impossibility, no small number of persons • Legendre, and others before him, have shewn that the diameter and circumference of a circle are incommensurable ; and the student will find in my Algebra, p. 98, or in the Lib. Useful Know., treatise on the Study of Mathematics, p. 81, proof that the side and diagonal of a square are incommensurables. Also in Legendre 's Geometry, or Sir D. Brew- ster's Translation. 10 CONNEXION OF exercise themselves by endeavouring to make an elementary ac- quaintance with geometry (and sometimes none at all) overcome this difficulty. It is our business here to shew how strict deductions may be made upon quantities which are incommensurable, with the same facility, and in the same manner, as upon commensurables. If we call any length (say that known by the name of a foot), the unit of its kind, and denote it in calculation by 1, we must call twice such a magnitude 2, and so on ; half such a magnitude i, and so on. We may then apply arithmetic, every possible subject of which is con- tained in the following infinitely extended table. 1 2 &c. 1 2 1 3 2 2 &c. 1 3 2 3 1 4 3 5 3 2 &c. 1 4 &c. 2 4 3 4 &c. 1 5 4 &C. 6 4 7 4 &c. 2 &c. And every length which is commensurable with the foot is in- cluded, in many different forms, in this table. Let F represent the foot, L any other length, let M be their common measure : let F=/M, L = ZM, then ZF=/M, or L L = 7; F = J. when F is called 1. But it is plain that we cannot, by any arithmetic of length founded upon the foot as a unit, draw conclusions as to lengths which are in- commensurable with the foot, though we can perhaps do so for any practical purpose. Let L be a length which is such, and let Z be a length so small as to be immaterial for the purpose in question. Then, we can determine I andy, so that /L=ZF±G (G less than Z) L = iF±J: so that, by assuming L = -7.F, we commit an error, in excess or defect, less than G, and therefore immaterial. With such a process many minds would rest contented : but there is a consideration which will NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 1 1 Stand in the way of perfect satisfaction, or at least ought to do so. Granting that in the preceding case the error at the outset is imma- terial, let us suppose the student disposed to substitute for all incom- mensurables, magnitudes very near to them which are commensurables, and thus to continue his career till he comes to the highest branches of applied mathematics. Let us suppose a set of processes, beginning in arithmetic, continued through algebra, the differential calculus, &c., up to a point in optics or astronomy, in a series of results, embracing, we may suppose, ten thousand inferences. If he set out with an erroneous method, what security has he that the error will not be mul- tiplied ten thousand fold at the end, and thus become of perceptible magnitude. If somebody acquainted with the subject have told him that it will not so happen, he might as well skip the intermediate sciences and receive the result he wants to obtain on the authority of that person, as study them in a manner, the correctness or incorrectness of which depends on that person's authority. If he answer that the result, namely, such multiplication of errors, appears extremely im- probable, it may be replied, firstly., that that is more than he can undertake to decide ; secondly, that by pursuing his mathematical studies on such a presumption, he makes all the pure sciences present probable results only, not demonstrated results ; more probable, per- haps, than many parts of history, but resting on an impression which must, in his mind, be the result of testimony. It appears, however, that we may expect series of collateral results, the one for commensurables, the other for incommensurables, and presenting great resemblances to each other ; for we may, by any alteration, however minute, convert the latter kind of magnitude into the former. But this we may prevent, by extending our notions of arithmetical operations, or rather by applying to magnitude processes which are usually applied to number only, as follows : If we examine the processes of arithmetic, we find, 1st, Addition and substraction, to which abstract number is not necessary, since the concrete magnitudes themselves can be added or subtracted. 2d, Mul- tiplication, the raising of powers and the extraction of roots, in all of which abstract number is essentially supposed to be the subject of operation. 3d, Division, in which it is not necessary to suppose abstract number in finding the whole part of the quotient, but in which we cannot, without reference to numbers, compare the remain- der and divisor, in order to form the finishing fraction of the quotient. 12 CONNEXION OF 4th, The process of finding the greatest common measure of two quan- tities, in which the remainder is not compared with the divisor, except in a manner which is as applicable to the case of concrete magnitudes as of abstract numbers. To shew this, we shall demonstrate the me- thod of finding the greatest common measure of two magnitudes. Let A and B be two magnitudes, which have a common measure M ; let A = a M, B = i M . Then, it is clear that a;A + ?/B or ixa+yh)M, a:A — ?/B or (j;a--yZ>)M have the same measure, unless it should happen that in the latter case aro = i/6, in which case xA=3/B. Let A be the greater of the two, and let A contain B more than /5 and less than /3 -f- 1 times, so that A=/3B + B', when B' is less than B. Then B' being A — /3B, is measured by M. Let B contain B' more than p>' and less than )3' + 1 times ; or let B=/5'B'+ B'' where B" is less than B'. Let B' contain B" more than /S" times, &c., or let B'=/3"B" -f B'", and so on. And B" or B — /i'B'is measured by M, &c. We have then the following conditions : A is a multiple of M B M A = i8 B + B' B' < B, but is a multiple of M B =/3'B + B" B" = qB-pA B(n+i) = p'A-r/B Then we have B^") = /3("+i) B<"+i) -f- B<"+2) or B('»+2> = B<"> — /3("+^) B(»+i) = ^B-pA-|8("+i) (p'A-q'B) = {l3("+^)q' + q)B-{l3<''+'^p'+p)A or if, continuing the preceding notation, we suppose we have f = /3("+i) p -h p q" = /3("+'> q' + q so that, if we write the values of B', B", .... with the following no- tation, putting opposite to each the /3(**) which occurs for the first time in the B(") of the equation ; namely, B' =;?iA-^iB ^ B" = q^B-^p^A ^ NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 15 B'" ^p,A-^q,B ^' B'^ =q^B^p^A ^"' &c. &c. &c. we have the following uniform method of forming pn and qn for dif- ferent values of n in succession. i?i = 1 ^1 = /3 po = /3' ^2 = /3'/3 + 1 Ps = /3>2 -\-pi 93 = {^'92 + 5'l &c. &c. &c. See. in which it is plain, from the method of formation, that p^ p^ &c. y, ^2 &c. are increasing whole numbers, so that we may continue, supposing B' B" .... never fail, till pn and qn are greater than any number named. And since B' B'' .... are all less than B, and therefore less than A, we have the following succession of results, ad infinitum. pi A is greater than ^'iB but less than (§'i -f 1)B p^A is less than q^B but greater than (q^ — 1)B p^A is greater than ^'sB but less than {q^+l)^ &c. &c. &c. Hence, it appears that A is greater than less than greater than less than — B &c. ad inf. Now, from this table of relations, we can determine whether any given multiple of A, ^A, is greater or less than any given multiple of B, 1/ B. To do this we must inquire between what two consecutive multiples of B does xA lie. We now proceed as follows : 1. We must shew that any fraction, such as -7— — lies between r and — b+n n 1l Pi B 1± B Pz B 16 CONNEXION OF unless where the two latter are equal, in which case the first also is the same. The preceding must be true if a + m lies between ^ ( J -f w) and - (b + n) or a -h -r- and — -4- m b n , , on hm or a + 7w + __wiand a+m+ a n am -, m I a or a + m+n-r — n- and a + m + b b-r n n b which is evidently true : for if - be greater than -, the first is greater than a + in, and the second less ; if ■=- be less than — , vice versa. n 2. We now see that - -^ £^ li^« between ^ and ^ - Pa I^Pi+Pi A"i?2 Pi ^^ and -^ Pa Pi 1± or ^'"^^-^^^ Si Si Pa /3">3+/>2 Pz Pi and so on. Consequently, to arrange all the fractions thus con- sidered, in order of magnitude, we must write them thus, ll Si 2± Si Si Si Pi Pi Ps Pe P4 P2 3 . We can thus bring two fractions as near together as we please : to prove this, take three consecutive fractions gm gm+i /gm+2 ^^ (^^"^ gm+1 +gm or ~tgm \ -{■Pmj Pm Pm+1 \pm+2 /3^'"+^>J9m+l + fn which reduced to a common denominator, the first and second, and the second and third, give gm Pm+l gm+l Pm Pm pm+1 Pm+1 fm A (^^""^^^gm+l Pm+1 + Pm gm+l ^^^ ^^"^"^^^gm+l Pm+l + Pm+1 gm Pm+1 Pm+2 Pm+l pm+2 in which it is clear that the difference of the numerators is the same in each couple, but that if the first numerator be the greater of the NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 17 first couple, the second numerator is that of the second ; a result we might have foreseen, having proved that £^i±i lies between ^-^^ and ^. Hence it follows that the numerator of the difference of any two successive fractions of the set 9i_ go: 93 Pi P2 P3 is the same as that of the difference immediately preceding, that is, the difference of — and ^^^^ has the same numerator as Pn pn-l the difference of ^^^ and ^"~^ which has the same Pn-l Pn-2 numerator as the difference of — and — ; but P2 Pi 9i ^2 _ 1 /3' _ 1 therefore this numerator of the differences is always 1, or ?!L and ^-^^ differ by Pn Pn+1 Pn Pn+1 Hence the difference may be made as small as we please, or smaller than any fraction — named by us, since pn itself can be made greater than m, much more pn pn+i- 4. These fractions cannot for ever lie alternately on one side and V the other of any given fraction -. For if this were possible, then, since A lies between ^JLB and ^^^B Pn Pn+1 V and since by the supposition -B does the same, and since the couple just mentioned can be made to differ, by as small a fraction of B as we please, then we should have A = -B ± K c 2 18 CONNEXION OF where K may be made as small as we please. Now this is saying V that A = - B ; for A must either be X -B or -B ih some definite magnitude; but the latter it is not ; for the supposition we are trying leads to A = - B + a magnitude as small as we please. Consequently, our supposition that the series of fractions lie alter- V nately on one side and the .other of a definite fraction -, leads to the X conclusion that A and B are commensurable, or the process of finding B' B" .... finishes, as we have shewn. But it does not finish, by hypothesis; therefore the series of fractions cannot lie alternately V on one side and the other of -. X We can now shew between what multiples of B j^A must lie. It is clear that a: A lies between -^^B and ^Jlt±l^ : Pn Pn+] now it is not possible that any whole number v should always lie between — ~ and ^""^^ ; for if so, then would pn pn+i - always lie between — and "" ■■- •I" Pn pn+l which has been proved to be impossible. Consequently, ■^^"■R A '^9"+i"R (which approach each other Pn Pn+i without limit) must come at last always to lie between two multiples of B; and still more must x A, which lies between the7n. Hence, by proceeding far enough, we can always find between what multiples of B lies x A; and thence whether xA is greater or less than 3^ B. We have thus divided all pairs of magnitudes into two classes, 1. Commensurahles, in which we can always say that A = -B, (J and p being whole numbers, and can always tell exactly by what fraction of A or B, a- A exceeds or falls short of j/B. For we have NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 19 xA^yB= (a;-2/^)A= (a;^-?/)B if xA>yB (yB-a;A)= (|y-^)A= (y-^|)B if a;Ab<2B>^b<|b>|b W^ < liB; lOOA > 16lgB < 161 li|B or 100 A lies between 161 B and 162 B. We can thus form what we may call a relative multiple scale made by writing down the multiples of A, and inserting the multiples of B in their proper places; or vice versa. In the instance just given the commencement of this scale is B, A, 2B, 3B, 2A, 4B, 3A, 5B, 6B, 4A, 7B, 8B, 5A, 9B, &c. which we may continue as far as we please by simple arithmetic. If the magnitudes in question be lines, we may represent this multiple scale as follows : 01 1 — )fH B< 1 )H \-^ 1 ^ 1 Measuring from O, the crosses mark off multiples of A, and the bars multiples of B. Thus 01i = B Ol2=2B Ol3=3B&c. Oxi = A 0x2= 2A Ox3 = 3A&c. We shall now proceed to some considerations connected with a multiple scale, for the purpose of accustoming the mind of the student to its consideration. We may imagine a scale like the pre- ceding to be equivalent to an infinite number of assertions or nega- tions, each one connected with the interval of magnitude lying between two multiples of B. Thus, the preceding scale contains the following list ad infinitum. ^ 1. Between and B lies no multiple of A 2. Between B and 2B lies A 3. Between 2B and 3B lies no multiple of A 4. Between 3B and 4B lies 2 A &c. &c. &c. &c. Now, on this we remark, 1st, That the negatives of the above series, though they appear at first to prove nothing, yet in reality have each an infinite number of negative consequences. From the third assertion of the preceding list, namely, neither A, nor 2 A, nor 3 A, &c. lies between 2B and 3B, we immediately deduce all the 2 following : A does not lie between 2 B and 3 B, nor between - B and NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 21 q 2 3 2 3 -B, nor between -B and - B, nor between -B and -B, &c. &c. 2 ' 3 3 ' 4 4' 2d, Observe that every affirmative assertion in the above includes a certain number of the affirmative ones which precede, and an infinite number of parts of the negative ones preceding and following. For instance, we find that 100 A lies between 161 B and 162 B, or A lies between — B and B, that is between B and 2B. Again, 2 A 100 100 ' 322 324 lies between — B and B, or between 3B and 4B. Similarly, 100 100 ' ^ 3A lies between - — B and - — B, or between 4B and 5B; and it 100 100 ' might thus seem at first as if every affirmation made all the affirm- ations preceding its necessary consequences. But if we try 90 A by the preceding, we shall find that it lies between ^^^^^B and il^B or between 144 B and 146 B 100 100 so that we can only affirm 90 A to lie either between 144 B and 145 B, or between 145 B and 146 B, but we do not (from this) know which. But we can say that 90 A does not lie between 146 B and 147 B, or between 147 B and 148 B, &c. The points at which any affirmation does not determine those preceding may be thus found. Let /cA lie between ^B and (Z+1)B; or A lies between -B and — r— B mk -T-B and ^ ^ If -7^ and — - — lie between t and ^+1, then mX lies between ^B and {t +1)B: but if, in going from the first to the second, we pass through a whole number, or iiml, divided by /c, gives a quotient t and remainder r, and m(J,-\-\\ divided by /c, gives a quotient t-{-l and remainder r', then we have T "- ^'^l ~r~ ~ ^"^^ "^ k or m = k — r -i-r' or r + 171 = k-\-r and in all cases where r-{-m is greater than k, this condition can be fulfilled. The process may be shortened, by using instead of / the 22 CONNEXION 01? remainder arising from dividing / by k. Suppose, for instance, it is required to determine what preceding affirmatives are ascertained by the proposition 10 A lies between 33 B and 34 B. We have then /=33, kzszlO, remainder of /-r-/cr= 3. 7W = 2 t= 6 r = 6 2A lies between 6B and 7B m=S #= 9 r = 9 ■ m = 4 t = l3 7' = 2 4A 13B and 14B m = 5 t=l6 r = 5 5A 16B and 17B m = 6 t = l9 r = S w = 7 jJ=:23 r=l 7A 23B and 24B m=zS t=z26 rr=4 ?w=9 ^ = 29 r-7 By proceeding thus, it will appear that there is no perceptible law regulating the places of A, 2 A, among B, 2B, &c., derivable from the sole condition of /c A lying between IB and (/+1) B. Never- tlieless, it is easy to prove, that if all the rest of the relative scale be given from and after any given point, that the whole of the preceding part can then be determined. For, suppose /cB to be the commence- ment of the part of the scale given, and let the place of mA be asked for, which precedes A A, the first multiple of A appearing in the scale. Multiply m byg, so that wg shall be greater than A. Then mgA appears in the portion of the scale given, say between w;B and (w; + l)B. Therefore mA lies between -B and B S g and if — and lie between t and ^ + 1 , the question is settled ; o o W but this must always be the case, if we include the case where - or is itself a whole number. g From all that precedes, we draw the following conclusions : 1 . Having given A and B, two incommensurable magnitudes of the same species (both lengths, both weights, &c.), we can assign, by a processes embling that of finding the greatest common measure in arithmetic, the relative scale of multiples of A and B, which points out between what two multiples of B any given multiple of A lies, or vice versa. NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 23 2. Any part of the beginning of this scale being deficient, we can construct it by means of the rest. 3. We can find a magnitude which shall be commensurable with A, differing from B by less than any magnitude we name; and can assign the fraction which it is of A . Given the two magnitudes, their relative multiple scale is given ; but when the scale is given, the two magnitudes are not given. For it is easily proved that there is an infinite number of couples of mag- nitudes which have the same scale with any given one. Let the scale of A and B be given : then will the scale of- A and - B be the same, ^ 9 9 where p and g are any whole numbers whatsoever. For if ^A lie between IB and (I -\- l)B then ;fe ^ A lies between Z^B and (Z + 1)^B 9 9 ^ ^ ' q or making ^A = A' ^ B = B' 9 9 kA' lies between ZB' and (Z+1)B' whence the scale of A and B is the same as that of A' and B' for any value of k. What is it, then, which is given when the scale is given ? Not the magnitudes themselves ; for if the scale belong to A and B, it also P P belongs to every one of the infinite cases of -A and -B. The scale, therefore, only defines such a relation between the magnitudes as be- longs to 2 A and 2B, 3A and SB, &c., as well as to A and B. It is usual to call this relation the proportion between the two quantities in common life, and in mathematics their ratio ; in Euclid the terra is X'oyo?. Two magnitudes, A and B, are said to have the same ratio as two other magnitudes, P and Q, when the relative scales of the two are the same ; that is, when the multiples of Q are distributed as to magnitude among those of P, in the same way precisely as those of B are distributed among those of A. And P and Q may be two mag- nitudes of one kind, two areas, for instance, while A and B may be of another, two lines, for instance. It is easy to shew that this accordance of scales is equivalent to the common idea of proportion, such as it would become if we took 24 CONNEXION OF all means of companson away, except that of multiples. Let us imagine A and B to be two lines in a picture, and P and Q the two corresponding lines in what is meant for an exact copy on a larger scale. Set an artist to determine whether P and Q are in the proper proportion to each other, without any assistance except the means of repeating A, B, P, Q, as many times as he pleases. He will reason as follows : " If Q be ever so little out of proportion to P, though it may not be visible to the eye, yet every multiplication of the two will increase the error, so that at last it will become perceptible. If there be a line 100 A laid down in the first picture, and if it be found to lie between 51 B and 52 B, then should 100 P lie between 51 Q and 52 Q. But if Q be a little wrong, then 100 P may not lie between 51 Q and 52 Q." It only remains to see whether this definition of proportion will include the case of commensurable quantities. These satisfy such an equation as /cA = /B, k and / being two whole numbers, and it is easy to shew that the whole relative scale is divided into an infinite succession of similar portions. Firstly, this one equation determines the whole scale ; for we have k k or if — lie between ^and^ + 1, mA lies between t B and (^ + 1 )B if ^^ = t mA = tB 7 Let us suppose, for instance, A = - B. Then we have A lies between B and 2B 2A 3B and 4B 3A 5B and 6B 4 A is equal to 7 B : or the scale is B A 2B 3B 2A 4B 5B 3A 6B ^^ 4A From this point the scale begins again in the same order. Thus, the second portion is ^^ 8B 6A 9B lOB 6A IIB 12B 7A 13B ^j^ 4A 8A and so on ad infinitum. The arithmetical definition of A having the NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 25 same ratio to B whicli P has to Q, is simply that of A being the same fraction of B which P is of Q : or if A =/b P =/q k k Now, since the scale depends entirely on r, it is the same for both ; conversely, if the scale of A and B be the same as that of P and Q, then if /i;A = /B, /cP must = /Q. Hence the two defi- nitions are synonymous : if one applies, the other does also. When the multiple scale of A and B is the same as that of P and Q, we have recognised the proportionality of A and B to P and Q. But these scales may differ. The question now is, may they differ in all possible ways, or how far will their manner of differing in one part of the scale affect their manner of differing in others ? Am I, to take an instance, at liberty to say, that there may be four magnitudes such that 20 A exceeds 18B, while 20 P falls short of 18Q; but that, for the same magnitudes, 13 A falls short of 17B, while 13 P exceeds 17 Q ? Such questions as this we proceed to try. When only two things are possible, which cannot co-exist, each is the complete and only contradiction of the other : the assertion of one is a denial of the other, and vice versa. But when three different things are possible, one only of which can be true, the assertion of one contradicts both of the other two ; the denial of one does not establish either of the other two. The want of a common term, which may simply mean not less, that is, either equal or greater, without specifying which, and so on, causes some confusion in mathematical language. To remind the student that not less does not mean greater, but either equal or greater, we shall put such words in italics. Thus, not less and less, not greater and greater, are complete contradictions : the denial of one is the assertion of the other. If A and B be two magnitudes of one kind, and P and Q two others, of the same or another kind, such that mA is less than 71 B, ?wP is not less than nQ then it is impossible that there should be any multiples such that wl'A is greater than n B, Tw'P is not greater than ^'Q For we find, from the first of each pair. 26 CONNEXION OF A is less than — B, A is greater than B • still more is — B greater than — B or — greater than — B, A is greater than — ; 772 ' ° w' n m - m m But P is not less than — Q, P is not greater than — r Q m ° m Now, all the four combinations of this latter assertion contradict — is greater than — • ; as follows : = — Q, F = — O, gives — = — ; P greater than — Q, P = — ^, Q, gives — less than — -. m ' m' m m P = — Q, P less than — Q, gives — less than — ; P greater than — Q, P less than — •, Q, gives — less than —, Hence the two suppositions above cannot be true together : the happening of any one case of either proves every case of the other to be impossible. If we range all the possible assertions which can be made, we have as follows : Wl P is greater than n Q mV \^ equal to wQ mV is less than wQ W«'P is greater than w'Q rdV is equal to ?i'Q rdV is less than w'Q Four of these must be true, one out of each triad ; and there are 81 ways of taking one of each, so as to put four together. But we shall take the sets A and a together, and find what inference we can draw by taking one out of each. As mA is greater than ?^B P3 A. 7W A is equal to nB p. Ai mk is less than w B Pi «3 mPi. is greater than ?^'B pt ^2 m'A. is equal to w'B Vi H niK is less than w'B Ih A3 ^3 proves nothing as to — and —7. It merely says that — B and — ; B are both exceeded by A, which may be whether m m — is greater than, equal to, or less than —,. The same for P3 p^ NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 27 A3 a^ proves — , greater than — ; as does P3 p^ A3 tti proves —7 greater than — ; as does P3 p^ A2 ^3 proves —7 less than — ; as does Pg p^ A2 «2 proves — -, equal to — ; as does Pg pg A2 «! proves —7 greater than — ; as does Pg p^ Ai a^ proves —7 less than — ; as does P^ p ; as does P^ p^ neither does Pi Pi Ai «2 proves — , less than Ai tti proves nothing ; Now, if we put these pairs together, or make pairs of assertions, in the manner already done, we have 81 distinct sets of four asser- tions, divisible into those which mat/ be true together, and those which cannot be true together. An inconsequential supposition, such as Agflg, may co-exist with any of the rest from the other set Vpi but those which give —7- necessarily greater, equal to, or less than — in the set A a, can only co-exist either with the similar ones from the set P/), or with those which are inconsequential. Thus we have Vp A3 053 may be true with any marked A3 Cf2 requires either P3J53, A3fli A2G3 •"2 ^2 Agfli Ai«3 A^a 2 P3P3, Ps/^s, PsPs, Psi^s. P3P3, Vzpl, Psi'i, p^p.. Pai'i, P2P3, P.?3, Pai'j. PsPa. Psi'i. P2P3. P.i's, 'PiPz, Pli>3, P2P1, or Pi;?! P2;>i, •• Pii?i Pii?2, •• Pii^i •• Pi/^i P2P1, •• Pi^i Pi;?2, •• PlJOl ^lP2> " Pli^l Ai «! may be true with any marked Pp The remaining thirty cannot be true ; but it is unnecessary to specify 28 CONNEXION OF them, as a simple induction from the preceding will shew how to classify those which may and cannot be true. Attach an idea of magnitude to the phrases greater ^ equal, and less; say that " A is greater than Bj" is higher than " A is equal to B," and this again higher than " A is less than B" We have marked the highest phrases by the highest numbers. Say that in AgOj, A3 «,, &c. (calling A and a the antecedent clauses of any four marked A, a, P, p), the antecedents are descending; in AgWg, Aga^, and A, a,, stationary ; and in Aj Oj* Aj a^, &c. ascending. Then all the propositions which imply the co-existence of any two antecedents, and any two conse- quents of the form A a Pp,-may be divided into those which may be true, and those which cannot be true, by the two following rules : Ascending antecedents cannot have descending consequents. Descending antecedents cannot have ascending consequents. Precisely the same rules will apply if we take two propositions A P for antecedents, and two others ap for consequents; as we may either deduce in the same manner, or by simple inversion. For if A« Pp, with any numerals subscribed, do not contradict either of the preceding rules, neither will the corresponding case of A P aj5 do so, and the contrary. Instances, Aj a^ P^pg and A, P3 a^p^ ; k^a^ ^zVi and A2P3 a^p^y &c. Let us then take a case of A, B, P, Q, in which we find one ascending assertion relative to mA, wB, twP, nQ, for some particular values of m and n ; for instance * p rSA is less than 4B ^ ^ tsP is greater than 4Q which, as we have seen, is never contradicted in form by any assertion that can be true of any other multiples. These four quantities are not proportionals: for 3 A being less than 4B, and 3P greater than 4Q, P cannot lie in the scale of P and Q in the same place as A in the scale of A and B. But to what more common notion can we assi- milate this sort of relation between A, B, P, and Q, namely, that all true assertions of the form (AP) are either ascending or stationary, and never descending ? Have we any thing corresponding to this in the arithmetic of commensurable quantities? Let us suppose A and B commensurable, and also P and Q : say that NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 29 t t' ■ Then 3-B is less than 4 B ; 3-Q is greater than 4Q; - IS less than - ; -, is greater than - : -, is greater than - V 3 V ^ 3 u V or A is a less fraction of B than P is ofQ; which in arithmetic is also said thus, A bears a less proportion to B than P does to Q, or P bears to Q a greater proportion than A bears to B. Hence we get the following definitions, in which we insert the previous definition of proportion, and the accordance of the whole will be seen. When all true assertions on (mA, wB) (mP, rzQ) are either ascending or stationary, and never descending, A is said to have to B a less ratio than P to Q; when always stationary, the same ratio; when always descending or stationary, and never ascending, a greater ratio. This amounts in fact to the definition given by Euclid, the opening part of whose Fifth Book we shall now make some extracts from, with a few remarks. Definition III. Ratio is a certain mutual habitude (jr^icis, method of holding or having, mode or kind of existence) of two magnitudes of the same kind, depending upon their quantuplicity (^^tikixorvt, for which there is no English word ; it means relative greatness, and is the substantive which refers to the number of times or parts of times one is in the other). In this definition, Euclid gives that sort of inexact notion of ratio which defines it in commensurable quantities, and gives some light as to its general meaning. It stands here like the definition of a straight line, "that which lies evenly between its extreme points" prior to the common notion, " two straight lines cannot enclose space," which is the actual subsequent test of straightness. In most of the editions of Euclid we see " Ratio is a mutual habitude of two magnitudes with respect to quantityy^ which makes the definition unmeaning. For quantity and magnitude in our language are very nearly, if not quite, synonymous; or if any distinction can be drawn, it is this : magnitude is the quantity of space in any part of space. But as Euclid is here speaking of magnitude generally (not of space magnitudes only) the words magnitude and quantity are the same.* * Euclid again uses the word -rvXixorr,; (Book VI. def. 5) in a manner which settles its meaning conclusively. The more advanced reader may consult Wallis, Opera Mathematica, v. 11. p. 665. D 2 30 CONNEXION OF Definition IV. Magnitudes are said to have a ratio to each other which can, being multiplied, exceed " one the other." This means that quantities have a ratio when, any multiples of both being taken, the relation of greater or less exists. It is usually rendered " Two magnitudes are said to have a ratio when the lesser can be multiplied so as to exceed the greater." But the above is literally translated, and the sense here given to ratio makes the next definition consistent. It is a way of expressing that the two magnitudes must be of the same kind, which requires that the notion of greater and less should be applicable to them. That this notion should be applicable to the quantities themselves as well as their multiples, being the necessary and sufficient condition of the possibility of the comparison implied in the next definition, is here assumed * as the distinction of quantities which have a ratio. Definition V. Magnitudes are said to be in the same ratio the first to the second, and the third to the fourth : when the same multiples of the first and third being taken, and also of the second and fourth, with any multiplication, the first and third (multiples) are greater than the second and fourth together, or equal to them together, or less than them together. This amounts to our definition of proportion, namely, that the relative multiple scale of A and B is the same as that of P and Q. For, take the same multiples of A and P, namely, mA and mP, and the same multiples of B and Q, namely, wB and wQ. Then, if the relative multiple scales be the same, let wA lie between vB and (u-|-l)B, it follows that 7nF lies between vQ and (t;-{-l)Q. If, then, w be less than v,nB is less than vB, and nQ less than vQ. And 772 A being greater than vB must be greater than nB, while, for the same reason, mP is simultaneously greater than nQ. In the same way the other parts of the definition V. may be shewn to be included in that of identity of multiple scales. Now, reverse the supposition * The common version is several times referred to afterwards, and the definition 4 expressly alluded to, in the editions of Euclid. But it must be remembered that the Greek of Euclid contains no references to pre- ceding propositions, these having been supplied hy commentators. The reader may, if he can, make Aoyov s^^stv -r^os Sckktikcc /xiyi^tj kiysrai, a ^vvarai ToXXx'vXaffta.^ofAiva. aXXrikcov ifri^ix,iiv mean, " Magnitudes are said to have a ratio, when the less can be multiplied so as to exceed the greater." NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 31 and assume Euclid's definition. If, then, mA lie between vB and (v+l)B, it follows that mA is greater than vB, whence, by the assumption mP is greater than vQ. Similarly, because w A is less than (v+l)B, TwP is (by that definition) less than (■y+l)Q. There- fore, mV lies between vQ and (vH-l)Q, or in this instance, or for any one value of w, the scales are accordant, and the same may be proved in any other case. It follows, then, that the two definitions are mutually inclusive of each other. The manner in which Euclid arrived at this definition has been matter of inquiry. But any one who will examine the first nine propositions of the tenth * book, will see that he had precisely the same means of arriving at it as we have used. But, besides this, he might have come by the definition from a common notion of practical mensuration, as follows. Suppose two rods given, one of which is the English yard, the other the French metre, but neither of them subdivided. The only indication which looking at them will offer, is that the metre exceeds the yard apparently by about ten per cent. To get a more exact notion, the obvious plan will be to measure some great distance with both. Suppose 100 yards to be taken off with the yard measure, it will be found that that 100 yards contains about 91 metres and a half, the half being taken by estimation, and we will suppose the eye could not thus err by a quarter of a metre. Then the yard must be -915 nearly of a metre, and the error upon one yard cannot exceed the hundredth part of the quarter of a metre, or '0025 of the metre. But the mathematician, to make this process perfectly correct, will suppose distance ad infinitum, measured from a point both in yards and metres, or in fact will form what we call the relative multiple scale. He then looks along this scale for a point at which a multiple of a yard, and a multiple of a metre end together. If this happen, and it thus appear that m yards is exactly equal to n n metres, the question is settled, for a yard must be — of a metre. But it will immediately suggest itself to a mind which is accustomed not to receive assumptions without inquiry, that it may be no two • There are two English editions of the lohote of Euclid, and there may be more : that of John Dee (now old and very scarce) and that of J. Williamson, London, 1788, in two thin quarto volumes. The disser- tations in the latter are a strange mixture of good and bad, but the text is very literally Euclid, in general. 32 CONNEXION OF points ever coincide on the multiple scale. But in this case it is very soon proved tliat mA may be made as nearly equal to nB as we please, by properly finding m and n; so that a fraction — may be found such that A shall be as nearly — B as we please. Even m ^ admitting that this would do to assign A in terms of B, it leaves us no method of establishing any definite connexion between A con- sidered as a part of B, and P considered as a part of Q. The word part usually means arithmetical part, namely, the 3 result of division into equal parts. Thus - is a part of 1 made by dividing 1 inio 7 equal parts, and taking 3 of them. The phrase of Euclid in the books on number (VII. to X. both inclusive) is that - is 3 part of 1, - h parts of 1. And it is easily shewn that, in this use of the word, every quantity is e.\\hQx part ox parts of every other quantity which is commensurable with it. And of two incommensurable quan- tities, neither is part or parts of the other. But in the original sense of the word part, any less is always part of the greater. This notion of incommensurability, the non-existence of the equation m A = wB, for any values of m or n, obliges us to have recourse to a negative definition of proportionality, a term which we proceed to explain. Examine the definition of a square, namely, " a plane foursided figure, with four equal sides and one right angle." It is clear that the ex- amination of a finite number of questions will settle whether or no a figure is a square. Has it four sides ? are they in the same plane? are the sides equal ? is one angle a right angle? Froof of the affirm- ative of these four propositions proves the figure to be a square. Now, examine the number of ways in which a figure can be shewn to be not a square. All propositions are either affirmative or negative ; A is B or A is not B. The affirmative can be proved or the negative disproved, with one result only, for both give A is B. But the affirmative can be disproved, or the negative proved, with an infinite number of results ; it is done by proving that A is C, or D, or E, &c. &c. ad infinitum. Thus there may be an infinite number of ways of shewing that a figure is not a square, but there is only one way of shewing that it is a square. This we call di positive definition. Now examine the definition of parallel lines, " those which are in NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 33 the same plane, but being produced ever so far do not meet." We are not considering where the lines meet, if they do meet, or dis- tinguishing between lines which meet in one point and in another, but simply dividing all possible pairs of lines into two classes, parallels and intersectors. Now here it is impossible to prove * the affirmative of the proposition, " A and B are parallels," by means of the de- finition only, without proving an infinite number of cases. To see this more clearly, remember that every proposition relative to the intersection or non-intersection of straight lines, is an assertion which either includes or excludes every possible couple of points which can be taken, one on each straight line. " Lines intersect" means there is a couple of such points which coincide. " Lines are parallel " means that tliere is no such couple whatsoever, of all the infinite number which can be taken. The first proposition in which Euclid proves the existence of parallels (the 27th) does not shew that the lines are parallels, but that the proposition, " the lines are intersectors," is inconsistent with preceding results. The proposition, " A and B are parallels," though it appears affirmative, yet is in Euclid a negative, for his express definition of parallels does not define what they are, but what they are not, " not intersectors." This we call a negative definition. Now, to examine further Euclid's definition of equal ratios, we must consider his definition of greater and less ratios. They amount to the following. A is said to have to B a greater ratio than P has to Q where there is, among all possible whole numbers m and w, ani/ one pair which give niA greater than nB, but mP equal to or less than wQ; or which give mA equal to nB, but mF less than nQ : which give in fact, in any one case, what we have called a descending assertion. And A is said to have to B a less ratio than P has to Q, when any one pair of whole numbers m and n gives mA less than TwB, but mP equal to or greater than wQ, or mA equal to nB, but otP greater than wQ : which give in fact, in any one case, what we have called an ascending assertion. Here, to a mind the least inqui- sitive, appears at once a decided objection. Our notions of the terms * The celebrated axiom of Euclid evades this, and in point of fact amounts to another and a positive definition of parallels, the assumption being that the old definition agrees with it. Or rather we should say, that the first twenty-five propositions of the first book establish a part of the connexion of the definitions, and the axiom assumes the rest. 34 CONNEXION OF greater and less will never allow us to suppose that any thing, quan- tity, ratio, or any thing else, can be both greater and less than another quantity, or ratio ; and yet, on looking at the definition of Euclid, we see that for any thing which appears to the contrary, one pair of values of m and n may shew that A has a greater ratio to B than P to Q, while another pair may shew that it has a less. The objection is perfectly valid ; the only fault to be found is, that it should not have arisen before, when the definitions of the first book were pro- posed. How is it then known that there can be such a thing as a foursided figure with equal sides and one right angle, or as lines which never meet ? The confusion arises from placing the definitions in the form of assertions, before the possibility of the assertions which they imply are proved. The defect may be remedied (we take the square as an instance) in two ways. 1. Write all definitions in the following manner. To define a square, for example, " if it be possible to construct a plane figure having four equal sides and one right angle, let that figure be called a square." 2. Omit the definition of a square, head the 46th proposition of the first book as follows. " Theorem. On a given straight line, a four-sided figure can be constructed which shall have all its sides equal to the given straight line, and all its angles right angles." Having demonstrated this, add the following definition : Let the figure so constructed be called a square. We have shewn that all sets of four magnitudes, A and B of one kind, P and Q both of the same kind with the first, or both of one other kind, can be divided into three classes. 1. Those in which simultaneous assertions on mA and n B, and on mP and nQ, are all (for all values of m and n) either ascending or stationary. 2. Those in which they are all stationary. 3. Those in which they are all either descending or stationary. For we have shewn that the only remaining possible case a priori, namely, that in which there are both ascending and descending assertions for different values of m and w, is a contradiction amounting in iact to supposing one fraction to be both greater and less than another. And it has been shewn that all the three cases are possible, for commensurable quantities at least. We are now, therefore, in a NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 35 condition to say, let A and B in the first case be said to have a less ratio to B than P has to Q; in the second, the same ratio; in the third, a less ratio. The only question now is, are tliese definitions properly negative or positive. It will immediately appear that, out of the three, the first and third can be directly and affirmatively shewn to be true of particular magnitudes, and that the second cannot. By which is meant, that the comparison of individual multiples may, by a single instance, establish the first or third, but that no com- parison of individual multiples, however extensive, can establish the second. For the second consists in stationary assertions ad irifinitumj and the first and third are proved by a single ascending or descending assertion. As an instance, suppose A = 951 feet B = 497 feet 1902 994 2853 1491 3804 1988 4755 2485 P = 1300 lbs. Q= 679 lbs. 2600 1358 3900 2037 5200 2716 6500 3395 In these first five multiples, there are none but stationary assertions, of twenty five which might be made. Thus 4755 > 994 1 2853 > 2485 1 951< 994 j ^^ 6500 >1 358 j 3900 > 3395 J 1300 < 1358] but neither of the three definitions is thereby shewn to belong to these four magnitudes. Now, take the first and third 498 times, and the second and fourth 952 times, and we have, going on with the series of multiples, 473598 473144 647400 646408 474549 473641 648700 647087 and here the process may close, for we have 473598 less than 473641, while 647400 is greater than 647087. Consequently, we have proved, by comparison, that 951 feet has to 497 feet a less ratio than 1300 lbs. to 679 lbs. But the case in which neither greater nor less ratio exists can never be established by actual comparison of multiples, except only in the case where the pairs of magnitudes are commensurable. For, remark that the mere circumstance of the relative multiple scale of A and B 36 CONNEXION OF agreeing with that of P and Q up to any point, is neither proof nor presumption that the two magnitudes given are actually proportional, though, as we shall see, it is certain evidence that they are nearly proportional, if the multiple scales agree for a great number of multiples. Proportion is not established until the similarity of the multiple scales is shewn to continue for ever. Now, though it would not be remarked at first, this insertion of an infinite number of con- ditions to be fulfilled, is tantamount to a negative definition, if we wish to make the definition specifically speak of one absolute cri- terion of disproportion or proportion. Disproportion is where there is an ascending or descending assertion somewhere in the comparison of the multiple scales. Proportion is where there is no descending or ascending assertion. In the case of commensurable quantities the definition is positive, because there is then a single stationary assertion, which, being proved, all the rest are shewn to follow. If A and B be commensurable, let w A = w B ; then if w P = n Q, there is proportion ; if not, there is disproportion. See page 24 for the proof as to the rest of the mul- tiple scales. We have said, that, when the multiple scales agree for a long period, there is proportion nearly ; and it is proved thus : Suppose that the scale of A and B agrees with that of P and Q, up to 10,000 P and 10,000 Q, but that we have disagreement as follows: 9326 A lies between 10,000 B and 10,001 B, whereas 9326 P lies between 10,001 Q and 10,002 Q. Or the scales run thus : 10,000 B 9326 A 10,001 B 10,002 B 10,000 Q 10,001 Q 9326 B 10,002 Q How much must we alter A to produce absolute proportion ? Not more than would be necessary to make 9326 A greater than 10,002 B, or less than would still keep it less than 10,001 B. That is, we must so alter A as to add somewhere between and 2B to 9326 A, or somewhere between and r-^B to A 9^26 Consequently, the addition of a small part of B to A would make an accurate proportion. We might now proceed to the propositions of the Fifth Book of NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 37 Euclid ; but there are three difficulties in the way of the student's perfect satisfaction with the definition. 1st, He may have a mys- terious idea of incoramensurables. 2d, He may not be satisfied of the necessity of departing from arithmetic. 3d, He may find it diffi- cult to imagine how the existence of proportionals can ever be esta- blished, with, apparently, an infinite number of conditions of definition to satisfy. We suppose that the gravity of tone which elementary writers adopt, is inconsistent with the statement of a beginner's diffi- culties, in the words in which he would express them. We shall remove all necessity for preserving such dignity in a case where it may be inconvenient, by a simple supposition. Let -4 be a beginner in the stricter parts of mathematics ; that is, a person apt to mix pre- viously acquired notions with the meaning he attaches to definitions which are intended to exclude all but the ideas literally conveyed in the words which are used; much better pleased with the apparent simplicity of an incorrect definition, gained either by omitting what should not be omitted, or by supposing what cannot be supposed, than with the comparatively cumbrous forms which provide for all cases, and distinguish differences which really exist; and, finally, when a doubt exists, rather predisposed against, than in favour of, the necessity of demonstration. Let B be another person, who has sub- jected his mind to that sort of discipline which has a tendency to remove the propensities abovementioned. We can imagine them talking together in this manner : A. — I have been trying to understand the meaning of incommen- surable quantities, and cannot at all make out how it can be that one given line may be no fraction whatsoever of another given line, though both remain fixed, and certain lines ever so little greater or less than the first are fractions of the second. B. — A little consideration will teach you, that neither in arithmetic nor geometry are we at all concerned with how things can be, but only with whether they are or not. Do you admit it to be demonstrated that the side and diagonal of a square, for instance, are incom- mensurable ? {Algebra, page 98). A. — I cannot deny the demonstration, but the result is incompre- hensible. Does it really prove, that if I were to cut the diagonal of a square into ten equal parts, each of these again into ten equal parts, and so on for ever, I should never, by any number of subdivisions, £ 38 CONNEXION OF succeed in placing a point of subdivision exactly upon the point which cuts oflf a length equal to the side. JB. — I take it for granted you have sufficiently comprehended the definitions of geometry, to be aware that a thin rod of black lead, or a canal of ink, are not geometrical lines ; and that the excavations which you perforate by the compasses are not points. A. — Certainly ; I now have no difficulty in imagining mere length intersected by partition marks, which are not themselves lengths. B. — Then, in the case you proposed, you need not go so far for a difficulty ; for your method of subdivision will never succeed in cutting off so simple a fraction as the third part of the diagonal. J.— Why not? B. — You see that 9, 99, 999, &c., are all divisible by 3, so that 10, 100, 1000, &c., cannot in any case be divisible by 3, but must leave a remainder. Your method of subdivision can never put to- gether any thing but tenths, hundredths, &cc. If possible, suppose one-third to be made up of tenths, a in number, added to hundredths, b in number, added to thousandths, c in number. Then we must have -=- + -^ +-^ 3 10 ^ 100 ^ 1000 Clear the second side of fractions, and we have i^ = «x 100 + Z»x 10 + c or is a whole number, which is not true. And the same rea- 3 ' soning might be applied to any other case. A. — This is conclusive enough ; but it seems to follow that the third part of a line is incommensurable with the whole. B. — So it is, as far as the one method of subdividing which you propose is concerned. Let tenths, hundredths, &c., be the measurers, and one-third and unity are incommensurable. But the word with which we set out implies all the possible subdivisions of halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, &c. &c., to be tried, and all to fail. A. — But here is an infinite number of ways of subdividing. Can it be possible that no one of them will give a side of a square, when the di igonal is a unit ? B. — In the first place, it would be a sufficient answer to this sort of difficulty to say, that, for any thing you know to the contrary, the NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. tJ9 number of ways in which you may fail is as infinite as the number of ways in which you may try to succeed. In the second place, there is also an infinite number of ways of subdividing, which will not give one-third* Let your first subdivision be into any number of equal parts, except only 3, 6, 9, 12, &c.; and your second subdivision the same, or any other, with the same exceptions, &c. The same rea- soning will prove that you can never get one-third. A. — But look at the matter in this way. Suppose the halves, the thirds, the fourths,' the fifths, 8cc. &c. of a diagonal laid down upon it nd infinitum, so that there is no method of subdividing into aliquot parts, how many soever, but what is done and finished. Would not the whole line be then absolutely filled with subdivision points, and would not one of them cut off a line equal to the side of the square. B. — You have now changed your use of the word infinite, and applied it in the sense of infinity attained, not infinity unattainable. As long as you used the word to signify succession, which might be carried as far as you pleased, and of which you were not obliged to make an end, the word was rational enough, though likely to be mis- understood ; but as it is, you may as well suppose you have got be- yond infinite space, at the rate of four miles an hour, and are looking back upon the infinite time which it took you to do it, as imagine that you have subdivided a line ad infinitum. But if the idea of in- finity attained be a definite conception of your mind, you meet the difficulty of incommensurable quantities in another form. The defi- nition of the term incommensurable was shaped in accordance with the exact notion, that, subdivide a line as far as you may, you must stop at some finite subdivision ; and incommensurable parts of a whole are those which you never exactly separate arithmetically, stop at what finite subdivision you please. But, if you will contend for infinite subdivision attained, and imagine the line thus filled up by points, then it will be necessary to divide all parts of a whole into two classes, those which are cut off by finite subdivision, and those which are not attainable, except by infinite subdivision ; the former answering to commensurable, the latter to incommensurable, parts. The diffi- culty remains then just as before ', in other words, why should the side of a square be not attainable from its diagonal except by infinite subdivision, when the sides of a rectangle, which are as 3 to 4 (instead of 3 to 3), are attainable by a finite number of subdivisions ? In the next place, you have spoken of a line filled up by points, 40 CONNEXION OF the infinitude of the number of points being the compensation for each of the points having no length whatsoever ; at least, it is not easy to see what else you can mean. A. — Certainly that is what I mean ; and the common expressions of algebra are in accordance with what I say. For, if I cut aline into n equal parts, it is plain that the sum of the n parts makes up the whole, be the number n great or small. But by making n suflS- ciently great, each of the parts may be made as small as I please ; and, therefore, allowing it to be rational to say that P takes place when n is infinite, in all cases in which we may come as near to P as we please, by making n. sufficiently great (which is the expressed meaning of infinite in algebra), it follows that we may say, that the line is made up of the infinite number of points into which it is cut when divided into an infinite number of equal parts. JB. — I see every thing but the last consequence. A. — Why, surely, the smaller a line grows, the more nearly does it approximate to a point. B. — How is that proved ? A. — Suppose two points to approach each other, they continually inclose a length which is less and less, and finally vanishes altogether when the two points come to coincide in one point. So that the smaller the straight line is, the more near is it to its final state — a point. JB. — You have not kept strictly to your own idea (which is a correct one) of the way in which the words nothing and infinite may be legitimately used. You have supposed a line to be entirely made up of points, each of which has no length whatsoever, because you may compose a line of a very large number of very small lines, each of which, you say, is nearly a point. Let us now consider whether your final supposition is one to which we can approach as near as we please by diminution of a length. Any line, however small, can be divided into other lines by an infinite number of different points ; for any line, however small, admits of its halves, its thirds, &c. &c. So that there is a theorem which is not lessened in the numbers it speaks of, or altered in force or meaning, in any the smallest degree, by diminishing the line supposed in it ; namely, any line whatsoever admits of as many different points as we please being laid down in it. "Now f of yom final length, or limit of length — the point — this is not true : consequently, you throw away a result at the end, which you NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 41 cannot throw away as nearly as you please during the process by which you attain that end ; nor will the denial of it, near the end, be less in the consequence or amount of the error, than if the rejection were made further from the end. Therefore, in asserting that a dimi- nishing straight line approximates to a point, you have abandoned the condition under which you are allowed to speak of nothing or infinite. Again, the wth part of a line taken twice is certainly greater than the simple nth part, however great n may be. Now, what do you suppose two points to be, which are laid side by side without any in- terval of length between them ? A. — They are, of course, one and the same point. JB. — But in your infinite subdivision, two nth parts must be greater than one nth part, or two of your points must be greater than one ; but these two points are the same point, which is therefore twice as great as itself. Such are the consequences to which the supposition of a line made up of points will lead. A. — I have frequently heard of lines being divided into an infinite number of equal parts. B. — But you never heard those equal parts called points. I can soon shew you that, in the mode of allowing infinity to be spoken of, this fundamental condition is preserved, namely, that no theorem, limitation, number, nor other idea whatsoever, which forms a part of any question, is allowed to be rejected or modified when n is infinite, unless it can be shewn that such rejection or modification may be made with little error when n is great, with less error when n is greater, and so on ; finally, with as small an error as we please, by making n sufficiently great. Now, remark the following truths, and the form of speech which accompanies them, when n is supposed infinite. General Theorem. The greater the number of equal parts into which a line is divided, the less line is each of the parts : so that an aliquot part of any line, however great, may be made less than any given line, however small. Terminal Theorem. If a straight line be divided into an infinite number of equal parts, each part is an infinitely small line. E 2 42 CONNEXION OP General Theorem. Any line, however small, may be cut by as many points as we please. No straight line, however small, ceases to be a length ter- minated by points. Terminal Theorem. An infinitely small line may be cut by as many points as we please. An infinitely small straight line is a length terminated by points. Now, taking your notion of infinite subdivision attained, it may be shewn that incommensurable parts necessarily follow. For, how- ever far you carry the subdivision, you do not, by means of the sub- division points, lessen the number of points which may be laid down. For each interval defined by the subdivisions contains an infinite number of points. Consequently, if you will suppose the infinite subdivision attained, you cannot do it without supposing an infinite number of points left in the intervals, or an infinite number of in- commensurable quantities. This I intend only to shew that the proof of the existence of incommensurable quantities is, upon your own supposition, somewhat better than that of their non-existence. But it would be better to use nothing and infinity as convenient phrases of abbreviation, not as containing definite conceptions which may be employed in demonstration. A. — I do not see how your objection applies against nothing; if we cannot attain infinity by continual augmentation, we can cer- tainly attain nothing by continual diminution. B. — So it may seem at first, and in truth you are right as to one sort of diminution, that which is implied in the word subtraction. From the place in which there is something take away all there is, and you get nothing by a legitimate process. But subtraction is the only process which leaves nothing ; division, for example, never leaves it. Halve a quantity, take the half of the half, and so on, ad infinitum: you will never reduce the result to nothing. A. — But however clearly you may shew that incommensurable quantities actually exist, as a necessary consequence of our de- finitions of length, number, &c., I should feel better satisfied if you could give something like an account of the way in which they arise. B. — If you will consider the way in which number and length are conceived, perhaps the difficulty may be somewhat lessened. Let NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 43 a point set out from another point, and move uniformly along a straight line until the two are a foot distant from each other. It is clear that every possible length between and one foot will have been in existence at some part or other of the motion. Now, suppose a number of points as great as you please, to set off from the first point together ; but, instead of moving in the straight line let them move off in curves, the first coming to the straight line at - and 1 12 12 3 of a foot : the second at - - and 1 ; the third at - - - and 1 of a ' 3 3 4 4 4 foot ; and so on, as in this diagram. Can you feel sure that these contacts of curves with the line, separated as they must always be from each other by finite intervals, will ever fill up the whole line described by a continuous motion. If not, this figure will always supply presumption in favour of in- commensurable parts, which will of course be increased to certainty by the actual proof of their existence. And this should be sufficient to overturn a doubt which after all is derived from confounding the mathematical point with the excavation made by the points of a pair of compasses. The practical commensurability of all parts with the whole is a consequence of there being magnitudes of all sorts below the limits of perception of the senses (see page 3). A, — Granting, then, that there are such things as incommensurable quantities, it is admitted, that though A and B are incommensurable, yet A and B -|- K may be made commensurable, though it be insisted on that K shall be less than any given quantity, say less than the liundred thousand million millionth of the smallest quantity which the senses could perceive, if they were a hundred thousand million of million of times keener than they are at present. Would it not be sufficient, when incommensurable quantities, A and B, occur, to suppose so slight an alteration made in B as is implied in the above, and reason upon A and B + K so obtained, instead of upon A and B. Surely such a change could never produce any error which would be of any consequence ? B. — Of consequence to what? k 44 CONNEXION OF A. — To any purpose of life for which mathematics can be made useful. B. — I am still at a loss. A. — What process in astronomy, optics, mechanics, engineering, manufactures, or any other part either of physics or the arts of life, would be vitiated by such an alteration, or its consequences, to any extent which could be perceived, were the error multiplied a million fold? JB. — None whatever, that I know of. A. — What, then, would be the harm of introducing a supposition which would save much trouble, and do no mischief? B. — I am not aware that I admitted such a supposition would do no mischief, when I said that it would not sensibly vitiate the appli- cation of mathematics to what are commonly called the arts of life. I see that your idea of mathematics is very much like that which a shoemaker has of his tools. If they make shoes v =: or < C. Let A be greater than C ; then mA is greater than mC. Let wA lie between wB and (n-|-l)B; then will mC lie between nD and {n-\-\)T). But because A exceeds C, 2A exceeds 2C by twice as much, &c., and mA exceeds mQ by m times as much ; or rnA may be made to exceed mC by a quantity greater than any one named, say greater than B and D together. Then the order of magnitude of the four multiples mC (n+OD, wB, wA must be as written: for (n-|-l)D does not exceed rnC by so much as D, and wB does not fall short of ;n A by as much as B, while mK exceeds wC by more than B and D put together. There- fore, nB is greater than (n+l)D, and still more than nD. That is, B is greater than D. Let A be equal to C. If B exceed D at all, twB may be made to exceed mVi by more than D, or twB may be made, from and after some value oim, greater than (m -j- 1)D. That is, the order of mag' nitude may be made ml> (m + l)D . mB (m+l)B Having gone so far on the scales that this order becomes per^ manent, go on till a multiple of C (/cC) falls between the two first. Then, by the definition, kK falls between the two last, which is ab- surd ; for, because A = C, /cA = /cC ; therefore, B does not exceed D. In the same way it may be shewn that B does not fall short of D. Therefore, B=:D. The remaining case (A less than C) may be proved like the first. XV, A is to B as mk is to mB 58 CONNEXION OF The scale of multiples of A and B is nowhere altered in the order ot magnitude by multiplying every terra by w. If p A lie between qB and (^-t-l)B, (pin) A which is p{m A) lies between ^(mB) and (y + l)(mB). XVI. If A be to B as C is to D and if all four be of the same kind, Then A is to C as B is to D. (iv.) mA isto mB as nC isto wD (xiv.) If wA be greater than nC, wB is greater than nD, if equal, equal ; if less, less. Therefore, A is to C as B to D. XVII. If A + B be to B as C + D to D, then A is to B as C is to D. If ;« A lie between n B and (n + 1) B, it follows that mA+m B, orm(A-f B) lies between (m + n)B and (m-\-n-\-l)B. Then, by the proportion, m(C + D) lies between {m + n)D and (w + n + 1)D, ormC + wD lies between mD + wD and wD + (n + l)D, or wC lies between nD and (n + l)D. Therefore, the scales of A and B, and of C and D, are the same ; whence the proposition. XVIII. If A be to B as C is to D, then A -f B is to B as C + D is to D. A proof of exactly the same kind as the last should be given by the student. XIX. If A : B : : C : D, C and D being less than A and B, then A : B : : A — C : B — D. For the hypothesis gives A to C as B to D, and A is C + (A — C), and B is D + (B — D), whence, C + (A — C) isto C as D + (B — D) isto D (xvir.) A — C isto C as B — D isto D (xvi.) A — C isto B — D as C to D, or as A to B XX. If A be to B as D to E and B to C as E to F S greater than f fgreater than 1 equal to > C, when B is -J equal to > V less than J U^ss than J Let A be greater than C ; then A is to B more than C is to B ; but A is to B as D to E, and C to B as F to E ; therefore, D is to E more than F is to E, or D is greater than F. In a similar way the other cases may be proved. NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 69 Hence it follows, that A is to C as D to F. For, (vi.) 7»A is to wB as mD to twE wB is to wC as nE to nF therefore, wA is >= or = or = or < C when D > = or < F Let A be greater than C ; then A is to B more than C is to B : as before E is to F more than E is to D, or D is greater than F. Simi- larly for the other cases. XXII. If there be any number of magnitudes, A B C D P Q R S and if any two adjoining be proportional to the two under or above them, then any two whatsoever are proportional to the two under or above them. For, since (xx.) A:B::P :Q' B :C::Q : RJ Hnt- I ', ? n ! : K. ! S » &C. J|Therefore,A:C::P:Rl_. . a r» o c IJ ^ ' _ _ „ > Therefore, A : D : : P : S, ^ But, C :D::R: Sj XXIII. In the hypothesis of (xxi.), by proof as before in (xx.), A is to C as D to F. XXIV. If A be to B as C to D '^^ then A + E is to B D and E be to B as F to D J as C + F lo For, ^ and b;1;;d:f} ">--' ^■■^-■''■■' (xviji.) A-}-E:E::C4-F:F But, E : B : : F : D Therefore, A + E:B;:C-fF:D XXV. If A : B : : C : D, all being of the same kind, the sum of the greatest and least is greater than that of the other two. First, which are the greatest and least ? If A be the great^t, then C is greater than D ; and because A : C ; *. B : D, B is greater than D ; 60 CONNEXION OF therefore, D is the least. Now, prove that if B be the greatest, C is the least; and that, by inverting the proportion, if necessary, it may always be written with the greatest term first, and the least last. When A is the greatest, since A — B : A : : C — D : D, A — B is greater than C — D ; therefore, ( A — B) + B + D is greater than (C — D) 4- B + D, or A 4- D is greater than C + B. If there be a given ratio, that of A to B, and another magnitude P, there must be a fourth magnitude Q, of the same kind as P, such that A is to B as P to Q, or Q to P as B to A. Firstly; Q may certainly be taken so small that (mB being greater than nk) mQ shall be less than wP. Find m and n to satisfy the first conditions, and let K satisfy the second. Then K is to P less than B is to A. Now (mB being less than 7iA), Q may be taken so that mQ shall be greater than nP. Find m and n to satisfy the first, and let L satisfy the second. Then, L is to P in a greater ratio than A to B. And it is immediately shewn that every magni- tude less than K is to P less than B to A, and every magnitude greater than L is to P more than B to A. Whence, it is between K and L that the fourth proportional Q is found, if any where. There cannot be more than one such value of Q ; for, if there be two different magnitudes V and W, since, then, by taking m sufficiently great, we may make mV and m W differ by more than P, it is impos- sible that both wV and mW can lie between the same consecutive multiples of P, as those of B which contain between them mA. And the above also evidently shews, that if we suppose a magnitude Q, changing its value from K to L, it cannot during its increase become of the same kind as L, namely, more to P than B is to A, and then again become of the same kind as K. For, whatever magnitude has this property of L, every greater one has the same. There is then only one point between K and L at which this change takes place, and we have, therefore, this alternative: Either G (between K and L) is less to P than B is to A, and every magnitude greater than G is more ; or, some magnitude G between K and L is the same to P as B to A, and is the intermediate limit lying above all those which are less to P, and below all those which are more. By dis- proving the first alternative, we prove our proposition. If possible, let G be less to P than A to B, G+V more, however small V may be. NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 61 Then maymG be made less than nP (;w A being greater than nB), while m{G-\-V) is greater than wP. For the ascending assertion must be converted at least into a stationary one. Let m G fall short of wP by Z ; then V may be taken so small that mV shall not be so great as Z, or mG+mV not so great as wG+Z, that is, not so great as mP. But the first clause of the alternative supposes that w(G+V) must be greater than wP, how small soever V may be; therefore this clause cannot be true, or the second must be true. This fourth proportional to A, B, and P, then, must exist; but whether it can be expressed by the notation, or determined by the means of any science, is another question. It can be expressed in arithmetic when A and B are commensurable : it can be found in geometry (by the straight line and circle) when A and B are lines or rectilinear areas. But if they be angles, arcs of circles, solids, &c. it cannot be assigned by the straight line and circle, except in particular cases. Let us suppose the ratio of A to B given, that is, not A and B themselves, but only the answer to this question for all values of w, ** Between what consecutive multiples of B lies mA. V Suppose also the ratio of B to C given ; how are we to find the ratio of A to C, or can it be found at all ? that is, is it given or determined by the two preceding ratios. Take any magnitude P, and determine Q so that P is to Q as A to B, and then determine R so that Q is to R as B to C. Then the ratio of P to R (page 59) is that of A to C ; not that P is A or R is C (for they may even be magnitudes of different kinds), but P is to R as A is to C. The process by which the ratio of A to C is found by means of those of A to B and B to C, is called by Euclid composition of these ratios; or the ratio of A to C is compounded of the ratios of A to B and B to C. What, then, ought to be meant by the ratio compounded of the ratios of A to B and X to Y. Our guide in the assimilation of processes, and the extension of names, is always the following axiom. Let names be so given, that the substitution of one magnitude for another equal magnitude shall not change the name of the process ; and, generally, that the same operations (in name) performed upon equal magnitudes, shall produce the same result. Let X be to Y as B to N, where N is a fourth proportional to be determined. Then the ratio of A to N is that compounded of A to B and B to N, and is what must be meant by that compounded of 62 CONNEXION OP A to B, and X to Y. It is proved in Prop. 20, that ratios com- pounded of equal ratios are equal ratios. Again, to find the ratio compounded of the ratios of A to B, C to D, and E to F ; let the process by which the ratio of A to D is derived from those of A to B, B to C, and C to D, still be called composition. Then take B to M as C to D, and M to N as E to F : the ratio of A to N is that compounded of the three ratios. In the beginning of this work, we deduced the necessity for con- sidering incommensurables in some such manner as that of Euclid, from the notion which, as applied to commensurables, admits of a definite representation, derived from the idea of proportion. But the method of the fifth book is different. It is there implied, that where- ever two magnitudes exist, their joint existence gives rise to a third magnitude, called their ratio, of which magnitude no conception is given except what is contained in certain directions how to apply the terms equal, greater, and less, to two of the kind. On this the natural question is, what sort of magnitude is this, and how do we know that there is any magnitude whatsoever which admits of this apparently arbitrary exposition of definitions ? This question is very much to the point, and the want of an answer at the outset is a main cause of the difficulty of the Fifth Book. The answer implied in the work of Euclid is this : Let us first consider what will follow if there be such things as ratios, or magnitudes to which these definitions of equal, greater, and less apply ; we shall then shew (in the Sixth Book) that there are different pairs of magnitudes, of which it may be said that they have ratios,- and we shall never have occasion to inquire what ratio is. We may take a case parallel to the preceding from the First Book. The notion of a straight line suggests nothing but length ; that of two straight lines which meet, suggests a relation, which we may conceive stated in this way. If A, B, C, and D, be straight lines, of which A and B, and C and D, meet ; let A and B be said to make the same angle as C and D, when, if A be applied to C, and B and D fall on the same side, B and D also coincide : but let A be said to make a greater angle with B than C with D, when, in a similar case, B falls outside of C and D, &c. To this it would be answered, that the preceding definitions are a circuitous way of saying that the angle made by two lines is their opening or inclination ; an indefinite term, which, though it distinguishes angle from length; does not serve to NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 63 compare one angle with another. And just in the same manner, if it were not that the definition is more complicated, and refers to an abstract, not a visible or tangible, conception, it would immediately be seen that ratio is relative magnitude, — a term which is sufficient to distinguish the thing in question from absolute magnitude, but which does not give any means of comparing one thing of the kind with another, Tiie immediate deduction of this idea is as follows : If, whenever mA lies between n B and (n +1) B, it also happens that mP lies between nQ and (n -f-1) Q, it follows that A, lying between two certain fractions of B, — B, and — — B, then P lies between n the sam« two fractions of Q. Or, if wA = wB, that is, if A= — B, then P is the same fraction of Q. Or we may state it thus : if B be made unity, for the measurement of A, and Q for the measurement of P, then A and P are the same numbers or fractions of their respective units. Euclid has commenced the subject with a rough definition, as we have seen, p. 29, and the translators have spoiled it, by not distin- guishing between quantity, and relative quantity; that is, by so wording the definition as to say nothing more than that ratio is a relation of magnitudes with respect to magnitude. We now come to consider the application of the preceding notions to arithmetic. Let us first separate all that part* of arithmetic which relates to abstract and definite numbers, from the rest, and let us call it primary arithmetic. A little observation will shew that abstract number as distinguished from concrete, is really the same thing as ratio of magnitude to magnitude. What is threCf for example? It is an idea which we obtain equally from looking at and From putting such concretes together, we bring away a notion of there being the same relative magnitudes existing between the individuals • The whole of the First Book of mj Treatise on Arithmetic, with th« exception of $ 158, 165-169. 64 CONNEXION OF of each pair. In the first, it is repetition^ in the second, it is length, in the third, it is opening, we are reminded of; but in all three, we say the first is three times the second. Now this word times is, in fact, a limitation, which will not do for our present purpose; it implies that we will have no other ratios except those of line to line in the series A h 1 B h 1 1 C 1 , n ^ D h ^ n -^ 1 &c. made hy repetitions only : but there may be ratios which are not those of line to line in any repetition, how far soever carried. Here is a point at which we are compelled to pause, to adjust the well-known terms of number to the new idea we have put upon them. Abstract numbers are certain ratios; abstract fractions are certain other ratios : but all possible ratios are not found among numbers and fractions ; whence it arises j that primary arithmetic^ though it may be, so far as it goes, a theory of ratios, is not a theory of all ratios^ nor are its operations such as can be performed upon all ratios. That ratios are magnitudes, we must have supposed firom the beginning, seeing that they bear the terras equal, greater, and less. But there was still this defect, that our test of A being to B more than C to D, was one which left us with no idea how much more A was to B than C to D; which amounts but to this, that we could not define the ratio of ratios without having first defined ratio. But, in like manner as arithmetic was made the guide to that notion which is properly* called the ratio of incommensurable quantities, so will the ratio of two ratios in arithmetic lead us, after a little consideration, to the meaning of the ratio of ratios of incommensurables. When we say two, we refer to the repetitions of the smaller in a ratio of magnitudes, thus visibly related : When we say twice two, there is a change of idiom in our language. It might be, instead of twice two is four, two twos dire four ; that is, where there exists that idea of relative magnitude which we signify by • Consistently; so as to couple with operations upon problems of commensurables those operations which apply to the same problems upon incommensurables. NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 65 two, let the idea o( relation be coupled with the idea of a larger relation^ in exactly the same manner as our idea of magnitude, when we look at , is increased when we look at ; and we shall then, by considering the result as one of relative magnitude, be led to the idea of the relation between and . This, of course, does not give a better comprehension of twice two is four; but what it explains is, that we are using the term ratio in a consistent sense, when we say that the ratio of 2 to 1, increased in the ratio of 2 to 1, is the same as the ratio of 4 to 1 ; and, generally, that the ratio of w to 1, increased in the ratio of n to 1, is the ratio of mn to 1. And the notion of relative magnitude contained in the words, ratio of m top, must be the same as that contained in the words, ratio o( mn to pn ; and, conversely, the notion in the latter is that implied in the former. I doubt if any thing that deserves the name of proof can be given of this proposition, which seems to be worthy the name of an axiom. What idea we form of magnitude as portion of magnitude from A and B, the same do we form from 2 A and 2B. Nor can I imagine these propositions extended to fractions in any more funda- mental manner than by observing, that as — taken - times is — •^ ° n q nq times (times mean times, or parts of times, either separately or both jn p together,) a unit, the ratio of — to 1, altered in the ratio of- to 1, n 9 is the ratio of — to 1 ; or that the ratio of m to n, altered in the ratio nq of/> to 9, is the ratio o( mp to nq. These are propositions in which the line between deduction and mere establishment of the synonymous character of terms is very indefinite. I recommend the student to examine his own idea of what he would have meant by " the pro- portion of 3 to 2 increased in the proportion of 5 to 4, is the pro- portion of 15 to 8." If he be a metaphysician, I refer him to his oracle, on condition only that the response shall not contradict the preceding proposition. The multiplication of m and n is, then, the alteration of the ratio of m to 1 in the proportion of n to 1 ; and the ratio of magnitudes tn A and wA is the same as the ratio of magnitudes mB and wB, and of m to n. Hence, to alter mA: nX (which is m : n) in the ratio of />B to qBf which is {p : q), is the formation of mp : nq, or mp\ to «jA, or mpB to w^B. Now, this is precisely what Euclid has G 2 66 CONNEXION OF termed the composition of these ratios ; for, let w A : /tA : : vB : pB, then vB : pB compounded with j^B : ^B, is vB : qB, or v : g. But mA:nA::m:n vB : pB :: v : p Therefore m : n is v : p or — : 1 is - : 1 ^ n p V =^— V : q is ^— ' g or pm : wg' or p/wA : nqA or ^?wB : wg'B. Hence, composition is multiplication of terms, when the ratios are those of number to number. Let, then, composition of ratios stand for multiplication of terms, and be considered as the corresponding operation in the case of incommensurable magnitudes. Prove from this, that if U : A and U : B be compounded, giving U : C, that when A=aU and B = bU, we have C=fl6U, and that if U : A and B : U be thus compounded, giving U : D, we have D = T U, D : U : : Y : 1 ; in which operations, corresponding to mul- tiplication and division. It may be a matter of some curiosity to know whether Euclid carried with him the notion of multiplication of numbers in the composition of ratios. In the Fifth Book, the notion of the numerical magni- tude of a ratio is entirely suppressed, except only in the single word TtiXiKOTyii (see page 29.) Composition* is defined to be the taking an antecedent of one ratio with the consequent of another; and it is not even specified that the intermediate terms are to be the same. But in the Sixth Book we find composition, or collocation of ratios, to mean the multiplication of their quantuplicities (see page 29). • Ivvhirts koyov itrr) X'^-^'is tou fiyovf^.iyou fAirk rov i^of^ivov us ivos 9r^af UVTO TO i^o/jctvov- — V. Def. 15. Ao/2, it must be with reference to magnitude, and we mean s/l M, an accurate representative (if we choose to define it so) of the mean proportional between M and 2M. Similarly, when there are two mean proportionals, we find P, if A=aU and B = 6U, to be cU where ccc = aby and this is incom- mensurable unless a 6 be a cube number or fraction. But we may 3 /— define v2M to be the first of two mean proportionals between M and 2 M ; and so on . Are we, then, to use long processes and comparatively obscure definitions, whenever the ratios of a problem are incommensurables ? By no means ; we proceed to shew that it may always be made pos- 68 CONNEXION OP sible to let the processes of arithmetic (or rather of algebra) be used as if the ratios in question were commensurable ; and that we may thus deduce a result which may either be interpreted strictly at the end of the process, or made to give a result as near as we please to the truth in arithmetical terms. Let us suppose this Problem : Two pounds are spent in buying yards of stuff, and as many yards are bought as shillings are given for a yard. Let x be the number of yards, then x yards at x shillings a yard, gives xx shillings; whence rx = 40, which is arithmetically impossible. Now, turn from num- bers of pounds to quantities of silver, and let S be the silver in a shilling, X that in the price given ; let L be a yard, and Y the length bought. Then it is required that 40S should be given, and that X should bear the same ratioto S as Y bears to L. Now, if X be given for L, what must be given for Y ? Take P of such relative magni- tude to X, as Y is to L ; that is, let L: Y::X : P = 40S But as L : Y : : S : X Therefore S : X : : X : 40S or X must be a mean proportional between S and 40 S. Now, if we make our symbols general, and let x stand for any ratio, numerically possible or not, but proceed as we should do if it were arithmetical, we proceed as in the first case, and find x=n/40, which, being in- terpreted as a magnitude, with reference to its ratio to S, means, when the symbols are general, n/40S, the mean proportional between S and 40S. If we wish for an approximate numerical result, we must suppose 40 + a to be the sum, where 40 + a has a square root, and then we have j: = \/40+a; and since a may be made as small as we please, we can make this problem as near the given one as we please. The following table should be attentively considered. In the first column, an incommensurable ratio x, of X to U, is given, or a func- tion of it and other ratios, under arithmetical symbols ; in the second is the ratio which the function really gives, when the symbols on the first side are extended in meaning. X ox X ', 1 tlie ratio of X to U y--y : 1 Y .. U z.. z -.1 Z .. V NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 69 1 : : 1 : a: or U : X as 1 1 XX X compounded of j: : 1 and x : \ or X : U and X ; U. Let U ; X : : X : P t'nen P : X and X : U compounded give P : U or i"'* : 1 is the ratio which a third proportional to U and X bears to U. xyz {x\\){y\\){z'.\) ratio compd. of X : U, Y : U, and Z : V. Let X : U :: P : Y ; the above is then compounded of P : U and Z : V. Let P : U : : Q : Z. The result is then Q : V or xyz : 1 is Q : V P a fourth prop, to U, X, and Y Q U,P, .. Z xy-\-yz 0-3/ : 1 is P : U when U : X : : Y : P yz'.l is Q: V .... U: Y::Z:Q Take Q:V::M:UorV:Q::U:M P + M : U is the ratio required. X- : 1 compd. of X : U and V : Z z ^ Let X : U : : P : V and P : Z is the ratio required Now, we have assumed the operations of finding a fourth pro- portional, a mean proportional, two mean proportionals, &c. Whether these can be done, or whether any or all cannot be done, is a question for every particular application. In arithmetic, we will suppose the data arithmetical; a fourth proportional can always be found. In geometry, a fourth proportional can be found to lines or rectilinear areas ; but not to angles, &c. And a mean proportional cannot generally be found in arithmetic, but can be found in geometry, between two straight lines, or two rectilinear areas. But two mean proportionals cannot be found in geometry or in arithmetic. It must be remembered, that while we are here speaking of geometry or arithmetic, we are not speaking of every conception we can form of these sciences, but of the subjects as limited by the de- finitions of what it has been agreed shall be called arithmetic and geometry. Elementary arithmetic means the science of numbers and fractions : elementary geometry, the science of space, so far as the same has properties which can be deduced by allowing o^ fixed straight lines and circles. To say that an angle cannot be trisected geometrically f means, that it cannot be trisected by means of straight 70 CONNEXION 0^ lines and circles as defined. But there is an abundance of curves, the stipulation to draw any one of wliich would secure the means of trisecting an angle. And, by simply granting that a circle should be allowed to roll along a straight line, and that the curve described by one of its points should be granted, we can either square the circle, or find the ratio of any two arcs. And, just in the same way, if we were to define a journey to be 100 miles or less, it would be perfectly true that we could not make a journey from London to York, but that we could from London to Brighton. It is surely time that the verbal distinction between different parts of the same sciences should be done away with. Every conception which can be shewn to be not self contradictory, can be as easily realised by assumption as the drawing of a circle, which is itself a perfect geometrical idea, and can only be roughly represented by mechanical means. Whatever can be distinctly conceived, exists for all mental purposes ; whatever can be approximately found, for all practical uses. It may be worth while to make the student remark the close similarity which exists between the process in page 64, and that by which we enlarge our ideas in algebra, from the simple consideration of numerical magnitude to that of positive and negative quantities. In both, we set out with a notation insufficient to express all the results of problems ; in both, this circumstance is marked by the appearance of unexplained results, the examination of which, on wider grounds, shews the necessity for attaching more extensive ideas to symbols ; and in both, the partial view first taken is wholly included in the more general one : while in both, the processes conducted under the wider meanings are precisely the same in form and rules as those which are restricted to the original meanings of the symbols. The principal difference is, that in extending arithmetic to the general science of ratios, we are not engaged in interpreting difficulties arising from contradictions, but from results which are only approxi- mately attainable. But in both the reason is, that we set out with our symbols so constructed, that we cannot undertake a problem without tacitly dictating conditions to the result. In beginning algebra, we make quantities indeterminate in magnitude, with symbols of operation so fixed in meaning, that they cannot be used without an assumption that we know which is the greater and which is the NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 71 less of two unkr.own quantities. We liave, therefore, to examine the different cases of problems which present different results according as one datum is greater or less than another; and thus we obtain those extensions of meaning which will make the problems and the symbols equally general. In beginning arithmetic, we invent no symbols of ratio, except those which represent the ratios of magnitudes formed by the repetitions of a given magnitude. These we find to be not sufficient to represent ail ratios ; though it is shewn that we can make them represent any ratio which magnitudes can have, as nearly as we please. The invention of new symbols of ratio must require the generalisation of operations ; that is, we cannot speak ofmulti- plication or division of ratios generally, while these words have a definition which applies only to ratios of repetitions, or commensurable ratios. There is a difference between the impossible of primary arith- metic, and that of geometry. The first is unattainable by a restricted definition, the second by restricting the cases of general definitions which shall be allowed to be used. In arithmetic, we attempt a science of relative magnitudes, by running from the general notion of relative magnitude to the more precise and easy notion of the relative magnitudes of one certain set of magnitudes, A, an arbitrary, A-|- A, A-j-A-f-A, &c. We are very soon taught that our symbols will not express all ratios, that is, if we have a general notion of ratio to think about: whence our definitions are not sufficiently extensive. But in geometry, having assumed notions and definitions from which we cannot help conceiving an infinite number of different lines and curves, we immediately proceed to cut ourselves off from the use of all except the straight line and circle; that is, the straight line between or beyond two given points, and the circle which has a given centre and a given radial line. Until these demands or postulates are looked upon as resty^ictions, their sense is never understood. (See the Appendix.) This difference is, however, not very essential ; since it is much the same whether we define in too limited a manner, or whether we limit ourselves to the use of only a part of a general definition. We shall in the sequel discard the restrictive postulates, and suppose ourselves able to draw any line which we can shew to be made by the motion of a point. The method by which Euclid first exhibits four proportional 72 CONNEXION OF Straight lines, though elegant and ingenious, has not the advantage of exhibiting the notion of ratio directly applied to two straight lines. The following theorem is directly proved from the first book, and maybe made the guide. If a series of parallels cut off consecutive equal parts from any one line which they cut^ they do the same from every other. This premised, suppose any two lines OA, OB, and take a succession of lines equal to OAand OB, drawing through every point a parallel to a given line. Draw any other line, O C D, intersecting all the parallels : from which the preliminary proposition shews, that whatever multiple O a is of OA, the same is Oc of OC ; and whatever Ob is of OB, the same is Oc? of OD. And if O a be greater than, equal to, or less than Ob, Oc is greater than, equal to, or less than, Orf. Hence the definition of equal ratios applies pre- cisely to the lines OA, OB, OC, and OD, which are, therefore, proportionals. This gives the construction of Book VI. Prop. 12, or one analogous to it. The metliod of finding a mean proportional between two straight lines is given in Prop. 13; but as we now wish to make the straight line the foundation of general conceptions of magnitude, we shall pass at once to those considerations which involve any number of mean proportionals. It adds considerably to the interest of this part of the subject, that we are thus brought to the notions on which the first theory of logarithms was founded . Let there be any number of lines, V, Vj, V^, Vg, in con- tinued proportion ; that is, let all the ratios of V to V„ V^j to Vj, Vj to Vg, &c. be the same. And let V, be greater than V ; in which case Vj is greater than Vj, &c. If V^ were equal to V, then would Vj be equal to Vj, &c. And, first, we have the following Theorem. By however little Vj exceeds V, the series V, Vj, &c. is a series of magnitudes increasing without limit : so that, however great A may be, a point may be attained from and after which every term is greater than A : but in all cases whatsoever, Vj may be taken NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 73 SO near to V, that the terms of the series V, Vj, &c. between which A lies, shall be as near to A in magnitude as we please. Firstly, the series increases without limit. For, since V : V, : : Vj : Vg, and V and V^ are the greatest and least, we have V -h V2 is greater than V^ + Vi or V2 — Vi is greater than V^ — V Or, Vg exceeds Vj by more than V, exceeds V. Similarly, V3 exceeds Vg by more than Vg exceeds V^ ; and so on. But if to V were added continually the same quantity, the result would come in time to exceed any given magnitude ; still more when a greater quantity is added at every step. Secondly, since then we come at last to Vn less than A, while Vn+i exceeds A, it is plain that A will not differ from either by so much as they differ from each other. But because V. : V„^i : : V : V, we have V„+i-V„ : V„ : : V,-V : V If then Vi— V be so small that m (Vi— V) shall not exceed V, neither will m{Vn+i — V„) exceed V„, and of course not A . Let w be any given number, however great, and let Vj — V be less than the mth part of V ; then will Vn+i — Vn be less than the 7wth part of A; or, by taking m sufficiently great, may be made as small as we please. Whence the second part of the theorem. Theorem. In the preceding series, the selection V V„ V,„ V3„ &c. constitutes a similar series of continued proportionals. For, since any two consecutives in the upper line next given are proportional to those under them in the lower, v, V„ V, v„ v„ V„+. V„+2 v,„ we have (xxii.) V : V^ : : V^ : V2„ : and so on. If between each of the terms of the series we insert the same number of mean proportionals, the series thus formed will have the same pro- perties as the original. Let us say we insert two mean proportionals between each two terms. Then we have H 74 CONNEXION OF V K K' Vi L L' v. M M' V3 Now the only question about the continuance of the same ratio from term to term is in the ratios V, : L, Vj : M, &c. But I say that since V : K : ; K : K' : : K' : Vi V : V^ Vi : L : : L : L : : L' : V, ^""^ V^ : V, that V : K : : Vj : L. For if not, let these latter ratios differ ; say V is to K more than V, is to L. Then is K to K' more than L is to L' ; and hence (presently will be shewn) the ratio compounded of V to K and K to K', or V : K', is greater than that compounded of V, : L and L : U or V : L'. Similarly, V to K' and K' to V, being more than Vj : L' and L' : Vg, we have V : Vj is more than V, to Vg, which is not true. Therefore V is not to K more than Vj to L ; a similar process shews that it is not less : consequently, V : K ; : Vi : L or the continuance of the primary ratio is uninterrupted. The theorem assumed in the above is thus proved. If A : B more than P : Q we have inK greater than nB, while wP is less than nQ; or any other descending assertion. And if B : C more than Q : R, we have ^B greater than 3/C, while a-Q is less than y R. Or we have mxA greater than nx^, nx^ greater than nyC, or mxk greater than nyC ?w.rP less than nxQ, nx(i less than ny^, ox mxV less than wyR that is, A is to C more than P is to R ; which is what we assumed. If then we insert a mean proportional between V and A, giving V M A if between each we insert a mean proportional, we have V M' M M" A If we proceed in this way, we shall come at last to a series of the form V V, V„ V„_,(V„ = A) in which no two quantities differ by so much as a given quantity K. We can actually insert one mean proportional between any two quantities ; it is done in geometry between two lines, and (page 60) two magnitudes of any sort may be made (one being given) propor- tional to two lines. Thus, let A, B, C, be continually proportional NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 75 lines, or let B be a mean proportional between A and C. Then if A and C were taken proportional to (say angles) M and K, it follows that if A : B : : M : L, that M, L, and K are continued proportionals, by a proof of the sort given in the lemma of the last theorem. Granting, then, that every two magnitudes have one mean propor- tional, we may now shew that they have any number of intermediate proportionals ; as follows : We set out with 2 quantities, and the first insertion adds 1, the second 2, the third 2^, the fourth 2' and the wth 2"-^ Con- sequently, n complete insertions add 1 + 2 + 22 -f + 2"-i or 2" - 1 to the first 2 ; giving 2" -[- 1 in all. Now, let us suppose that 2" + 1 divided by p leaves a quotient g, and a remainder r which is not greater than p. Consequently, we have for the whole number (V and A inclusive) after n insertions, V = pq -{-r which is also p{q + l) — (p — ^) and p — r is also not greater than p ; and Vm=A when m=v and is greater or less than A, according as m is greater or less than v. If then out of the series (the proportion being continued up to Vp(g+i)) we select V Vg V23 (Vpq less than A) V V5+1 V2 (q+i) C^p{q+i) greater than A) We see V and Vpq, and V and ^piq+i) each with p — 1 mean pro- portionals inserted between them, namely, V« ^2q ^(P-I)q and Yq+l V2(5+i) V(p_i)(5+i) But from Ypq to ypiq+i) there are p passages from term to term of the complete series, consequently, since each passage may be made by an augmentation less than K, the difference between the two may be made less than p K, which call Z. Hence we have the following Theorem. To find two magnitudes, one greater and the other less than A, but differing from it by less than a given quantity Z, between each of which and V, p — 1 mean proportionals shall exist, obtained by continual insertion of one mean proportional, continue the in- sertion until no two successive terms shall differ by so much as the 76 CONNEXION OP pth part of the quantity Z : then the quantities required and the mean proportionals shall be in the set so found. Hence it can be shewn that there are p — 1 magnitudes (whether attainable or not with any given means is not the question) which are mean proportionals between V and A. Let Pj, and Qp be mag- nitudes, one greater and one less than A, which have such mean proportionals, namely, let the following be continued proportionals, V Pi P2 Pp_i (Pp greater than A) V Qi Q, Qp_i (Qp less than A) obtained by the preceding method, from which it is apparent that P, is greater than Qj. Now, exactly as in page 60, if we assume Xj to set out in value =sQ,, so that V : Xp more than V : A (Xp bring the pth of the set of continued proportionals V, Xj, Xj, ) and to change through all possible intermediate magnitudes up to X,=:Pj, or V : Xp less than V : A, there is but this alternative; EITHER at some intermediate point V : Xp as V : A, or Xp = A, OR, there is a point at which V : Xn more than V : A, being always less when X^ is greater by any magnitude however small. The latter may be disproved, or the former proved, as in the page cited. To resume the original subject. It appears, then, 1st, that if be- tween V and A we continually insert mean proportionals, in such manner that at every step one mean proportional is inserted between every two consecutive results of the preceding step. 2d, If the series be continued beyond A, preserving still the same ratio between the consecutive terms of the continuation which exists between conse- cutive terms lying between V and A ; then will this process leave us at last with a series of consecutive proportionals, having consecutive terms so near together in magnitude, that every magnitude lying be- tween V and any we please to name, shall have a term of the series differing from it by less than Z, however small Z may be. NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 77 Let us now make OK and HL perpendicular to any chosen line OM, and let V be the line OK, A the line HL. Bisect OM in C, and erect CD the mean proportional between OK and HL. Bisect OC and CH, and erect the mean proportionals between OK and CD, and between CD and HL. Continue this process, and we shall thus get an increasing number of points between K and L, which will soon give to the eye the idea of a curve line rising from K to L. When we have thus divided OH into 2" parts, by n in- sertions, giving 2" + 1 lines, we may, by setting off portions equal to those intercepted in OH, continue that line on one side and the other, and thus continue the scale of proportionals and the series of points on one side and on the other of O and H. However far we may go we can never complete this curve ; but if we admit that a curve exists, wherever a series of points can be laid down, as many as we please, and consecutively as near as we please, then we have a right to assume this curve as existing, and, for purposes of' rea- soning, as constructed. Call this the exponential curve, (exponere, to set forth), which expounds ratios, a phrase to which we shall presently give meaning. That the student may not suppose we are using an old word in a new sense, it is necessary to inform him that this curve, or rather the process which we have illustrated by it, is older than the algebraical symbol a^, and that x gets the name of exponent from it. We shall presently see the analogy. The exponential curve being given, every line OG has its place MP among the ordinates of the curve, and its abscissa OM, which expounds or sets forth that place. From the nature of the formation, it is evident that a given line has but one exponent, and that the order of magnitude of lines (to the right of O), is also that of their exponents. 78 CONNEXION OF And the main property of the curve is this : that a fourth propor- tional to any three lines (V being one), OK, MP, M'P', may be found by adding the exponents OM and OM' (making OM"), and finding the line M"P" expounded by that sum. To prove this, make n sets of insertions in O H, and suppose M P to lie between Vm and Vm + h while M'P' lies between W and Vm'+i. Now, in the series of continued proportionals, VV, V, (VAi = A)V,V •••• I say that V : V„. : V„, : V„^„. Fof V V, V, V„.: • V„ * m' * m'+l ^ m'+2 ^ m'+m—l * m'+m we have V : Vj ::¥,„. : V;„.+i &c. &c. whence V : V,„ : Y^. : Y^^„, Similarly, V : V„,+i : V,„.+i : y„,+m'+2 Now, by a lemma we sliall presently shew, since M P lies be- tween Vm and Vm + i, and M'P' lies between Vm' and Vrw'-j-i, the fourth proportional required lies between Vm+m' and Vm+m'+2. Let K be the value of one of the last subdivisions of OH ; then we have supposed OM to lie between mK and (m-|-l)K, and OM' between m'K and (m'+l)K. The preceding makes it evident that the fourth proportional has an exponent between {m-\-m')K and (w -f-m' 4- 2)K ; while the sum of the exponents OM and OM' also lies between {m-\-m')K and (w + m'+2)K. Since K can be made as small as we please, it must follow that the sum of the exponents is the ex- ponent of the fourth proportional; for two different magnitudes can- not lie between two quantities which can be made as near as we please, as can (m -\- m')K and (m -j- m') K + 2 K. If the two approxi- mating magnitudes approach to each other, keeping one of two different magnitudes between them, they must, at last, leave out the other. The lemma alluded to is as follows : If A : B::C : D and A : B + B' : : C + C : D + D' Then if A, B + X, C-|-Y, D+Z, be also proportionals, where X and Y are less than B' and C, then Z must be less than D' ; for A is NUMBER AND MAGNITUDE. 79 to B + X more than A is to B + B' ; or (substituting equal ratios), C + Y is to D + Z more than C + C! is to D + D'. Still more is C+C (remember that C is greater than Y) to D + Z more than C+C to D+D'; that is, D + Z is less than D+D', or Z less than D'. The following property we leave to the student to deduce from the last. If there be any three lines, Xj Xj X3, expounding Y, Y^ Y3, any lines whatsoever greater than V, then the exponent of the fourth proportional is Xg+Xg — Xj. These are all properties of algebraical exponents, or of logarithms, (^Xoyuv a^i0f<,oi, numbers expounding ratios). We shall now make it appear, that the line expounded by x is of the form a^. Let the numerical symbol of V or O K be i? ; let that of H L or A be a. Then, if arithmetical mean proportions be continually inserted, we have V (av)^ a V c^v^ a^v^ cflv^ a V a^v^ a^v^ a^v^ ah^ a or generally, when 2" — 1 (say j9 — 1) mean proportionals are in- serted between v and a, the with of these proportionals is m - m m (2" = p) aP V P which is ^kp if we suppose a^=.vk. Now, let us suppose a number y thus ex- pounded by X ; and after n insertions, let this number x lie between ma and (m-f-l)a, a being the pih part of OH, (let OH be c). We have then lies between m- P and {m + 1)- m between c — P 1 m , c and c — + - P P -=o^ + /3 (^

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