STORIES of Seventy
Gran3 Operas wit/) THREE
Seven Hunare3 VICTOR
Hobart H. Lovett
of f fie
Stories of Seventy
Grand Operas withThree
Hundred Illustrations
Si Descriptions of
Seven Hundred Victor
Opera Records r^o^
Victor-Talking Machine Co.
Camden.New Jersey, U.S.A.
v 5 3
Copyright 1912
Camden, New Jersey, U. S. A.
ALTHOUGH the Opera Stories in this book are. in alphabetical order.
^* under the most familiar of the various titles, this index will be found
convenient for quick reference.
African % v . .J-l.j
Africana V*-,,
Africaine ..!'!
Aida 15
Amleto 143
Ballo in Maschera 218
Bal Masque 218
Barbiere di Siviglia 26
Boheme 32
Carmen 39
Cavalleria Rusticana .... 53
Contes d'Hoffman 319
Damnation de Faust 59
Damnation of Faust .... 59
Der Fliegende Hollander . . .115
Der Freischutz . . . .'. . .126
Die Afrikanerin 11
Die Favoritin 108
Dinorah 63
Don Giovanni 65
Don Juan 65
Don Pasquale 70
Dusk of the Gods 138
Elisir d'Amore 76
Ernani 79
Faust 86
Favorita, La 1O8
Favorite, The 1O8
Fidelio . .113
Flauto Magico 189
Flute Enchantee' 189
Flying Dutchman 115
Force of Destiny 121
Forza del Destino, La . . . .121
Freeshootef.'.Th'e ' 126
Freischutz, Der 126
Germania 129
Gioconda, La . . .> . . .. . .131
Gotterdammerung 138
Guglielmo Tell . . 37O
Guillaume Tell 37O
Hamlet 143
Hansel and Gretel 147
Hansel und Gretel 147
Hernani 79
Herodiade iV ....... 149
Herodias 149
Hoffman's Erzahlungen . . .319
Huguenots, Les '. 152
Huguenots, The 152
Hugenotten, Die 152
I Pagliacci ......... 252
II Trovatore 35O
King of Lahore, The 297
L'Africana 11
L' Africaine 11
Lakme . 159
Linda di Chamounix . . . 163
Lohengrin . . . 164
(Index continued on page 5)
Lucia di Lammerinoor . .
. . 173
Regina di Saha . .
. . 277
Lucrezia Borgia
. 180
Roi de Lahore, Le .
. . 297
Rheingold, Das ....
, 278
Madama Butterfly . . .
. 183
Rhinegold, The ....
. . . 278 j
Madame Butterfly . . .
. . 183
. . . 282
Magic Flute, The ....
. . 189
Robert le Diable . .
. . 295
. . 193
Roberto il Diavolo . .
. . . 295 {
Manon Lescaut
. 202
Robert the Devil . .
. . . 295
. . 212
Romeo and Juliet . - .
. . . 299 |
. . 212
Romeo et Juliette
. 299 ?
Mariage de Figaro ...
. . 206
Rustic Chivalry . - .
. . S3
Marriage of Figaro . . .
. . 2O6
Masked Ball
. . 218
Samson and Delilah . .
. . . 304 j
Mastersingers, The .
. . 230
Samson et Dalila . - .
. . . 304 <-.
. . 224
Semiramide .....
. . . 307 j
Meistersinger, Die . .
. . 23O
. . . 3O9 "/
. . 224
Somnambulist, The . .
. . . 315
. 236
Sonnambula, La .
. . 315
Nino e Rita
. . 147
Tales of Hoffman . . .
. . . 319
. . 242
. . . 322
Nozze di Figaro
. . 206
. . . 331
Traviata, La
. . . 339
Orfeo ed Euridice ....
. . 244
Tristan and Isolde . . -
. . . 345
Orpheus and Eurydice
. 244
Tristano e Isotta . . .
... 345
. . 247
Tristan und Isolde . . .
. . 345
. . 247
Troubadour, The . . .
. . . 35O
Trovatore, 11
. . . 35O
. . 252
Pearl Fishers
Pecheurs de Perles, Les
. . 266
Ugonotti, Gli
Pescatori di Perle . . .
Profeta, 11
Prophet, The
. 266
. 269
. . 269
Valkyrie, La
Vascello Fantasma, 11 .
. . . 115
Prophete, Le
Puritani, I
. . 274
Walkure, Die
Puritans, The
. . 274
William Tell
Queen of Sheba ....
. . 277
Zauberflote, Die ....
. . .189
. !>
Opera in America
The opera has at last come into its own in the United States. In former
years merely the pastime of the well-to-do in New York City and vicinity,
grand opera is now enjoyed for its own. sake by millions of hearers through-
out the country. Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, New Orleans, San Francisco
and Montreal now have their regular opera season ; while many other cities
have arranged for occasional performances.
The Victor Responsible for Much of this
Awakened Interest
During the recent season several hundred performances of grand opera,
at an estimated cost of millions of dollars, were given in the United States.
This great outlay for dramatic music alone would not have been possible
had it. not been for the increased interest aroused in opera by the wide-
spread distribution by the Victor during the past ten years of hundreds of
thousands of grand opera records, at widely varying prices from the
double-faced records by well-known Italian and French artists of Europe,
at 37/^5 cents per selection, to the great concerted numbers by famous
singers at $6.00 and $7.00.
The Opera-Goer and the Victor
Even though fortunate enough to be able to attend the opera, the lover
of operatic music is reminded that with the Victor and the operatic
records his enjoyment of the opera may be greatly increased. The favor-
ite singers may be heard at home as often as desired, and their voices
will be just as natural as in life.
Do you think Caruso the greatest of tenors ? Then do not be satisfied
with an occasional hearing of his glorious voice at the opera, but let him
sing for you and your friends by means of the Victor.
Is Sembrich, Farrar, Tetrazz ; ni, Gadski, Calve, Schumann-Heink, Homer
or Amato your favorite singer ? The Victor makes it possible to hear these
voices at any time, no matter where the artists may be singing.
Voices of Absent Singers
Do you regret that Melba is in Australia ? There is consolation in the
thought that her voice is here in all its loveliness, indelibly impressed on
Victor discs.
Have you memories of Tamagno -when he was at his best ? The Victor
will revive these memories for you by bringing the voice of this singer back
from the grave. (FomforJ continued on page 9)
The Victor an Excellent Substitute for the Opera
For every person who can attend the opera there are a hundred -who
cannot. However, many thousands of lovers of the opera in the latter
class have discovered what a satisfactory substitute the Victor is, for it
brings the actual voices of the great singers to the home, with the added
advantage that the artist will repeat the favorite aria as many times as may
be wished, while at the opera one must usually be content with a single
hearing ; and even though the scenery and costumes may be lacking, the
absence of these accessories will now be atoned for in some measure by the
graphic descriptions and numerous illustrations in this catalogue.
The Victor Opera Season Never Ends
In former years, after the close of the opera season and the annual
migration of the artists to Europe, no one seemed to think much about
grand opera or opera singers. The Victor, however, has changed all this,
and operatic records now form a most important part of the musical life
in the home ; and at all seasons of the year may be heard the voices of the
great singers, a consolation and a delight to opera lovers.
This Catalogue the First of Its Kind
This little work is unique in many respects, and -while there are many
excellent books describing the plots of the operas, we think that in no
other book on opera can be found all of these features :
J Titles in various languages, with pronunciation of each.
<|Date and place of original production.
= 116.
Con etprttt.
Ce le ste A - i da, lot ma di vi na, mi sti -co ser to di lu ce e fior
Heav'n-ly ^A i da, beau ly re-spltn-dtiil.Ka di ant flaw-er, bloom-ing and bright
in which Rhadames chants the praises of the peerless Aida.
It is seldom enjoyed at the opera, especially in America, as it
occurs almost immediately after the rise of the curtain, and is
invariably marred by the noise made by late comers. With
the Victor, however, it may be heard in all its beauty and the
fine renditions by Caruso and Slezak fully appreciated.
Heavenly Aida, beauty resplendent,
Radiant flower, blooming and bright;
Queenly thou reignest o'er me transcendent,
Bathing my spirit in beauty's light.
Would that thy bright skies once more behold-
Breathing the soft airs of thy native land,
Round thy fair brow a diadem folding,
Thine were a throne next the sun to stand!
A fine trio, expressing the emotions of the characters in
the scene, then follows.
Ohime ! di guerra fremere (Alas ! the
Cry of War I Hear)
By Elena Ruszcowska, Soprano ; Bianca Lavin
de Casas, Mezzo-Soprano : Egidio Cu-
nego. Tenor (In Italian) 88261 12-inch, $3.OO
The King's daughter, Amneris, enters, and seeing the young
warrior's glowing enthusiasm, delicately hints of her secret
affection for him, saying :
What unwonted fire in thy glance!
With what noble pride glows thy face !
Worthy of envy oh, how much
Would be the woman whose beloved aspect
Should awaken in thee this light of joy!
Rhadames begins to explain his hope of securing the
command of the expedition, when Aida enters, and the young
soldier's expressive glance reveals to Amneris his love for
the Egyptian slave.
The King and his guards enter and receive a messenger, who
reports that Egypt has been invaded by the Ethiopian army,
under the command of Amonasro. ("My father!" exclaims
Aida aside.) Amid great excitement Rhadames is appointed
leader of the army, and is presented with a banner by
The King begins another trio, urging the Egyptian forces
to guard with their lives the sacred Nile.
Su ! del Nilo (Nilus' Sacred Shores !)
By Elena Ruszcowska. Soprano: Maria
Cappiello, Mezzo-Soprano : Tapergi
and Davi (In Italian > 88266 12-inch. $3.OO
Following the trio comes a grand chorus :
To battle! We'll bunt the invader down.
On! Rhadames, thy brow may laurels crown!
All depart to prepare for the expedition, while Aida,
left alone, gives way to her grief and sings the beautiful
Ritorna oincitor, expressing her conflicting emotions.
.Ritorna vincitor (Return Victorious!)
By Johanna Gadski, Soprano
(In Italian) 88137 12-inch, $3.OO
Return victorious! And from my lips
Went forth the impious word! Conqueror
Of my father of him who takes arms
For me to give me again
A country; a kingdom; and the illustrious
Which here I am forced to conceal!
The insane word forget, O gods;
Return the daughter
To the bosom of her father;
Destroy the squadrons of our oppressors!. . .
What am I saying? And my love,
Can I ever forget
This fervid love which oppresses and enslaves,
As the sun's ray which now blesses me?
Shall I call death on Rhadames
On him whom I love so much?
Ah! Never on earth was heart torn by more
cruel agonies!
She gives way to her emotion for a brief moment, then sings the lovely and appealing
I sacri nomi (The Sacred Names)
By Celestina Boninsegna, Soprano 88223
Rousing herself, she calls on her gods for aid and goes
slowly out as the curtain falls.
SCENE II The Temple of Vulcan in the centre an altar,
illuminated by a mysterious light from above
Ramfis, the High Priest, and the priests and priest-
esses have assembled to bless the expedition. The chant in
praise of Plah is heard from an invisible choir. Rhadames
enters and receives the consecrated veil.
Mortal, beloved of the gods, to thee
Is confided the fate of Egypt. Let the holy
Tempered by the gods, in thy hand become
To the enemy, terror a thunderbolt-death!
God, who art leader and arbiter
Of every human war.
Protect thou and defend
The sacred soil of Egypt !
Nume, custode e vindice (God, Guardian
and Avenger)
By Antonio Paoli, Tenor; Perello
de Segurola, Bass; and Chorus
(In Italian) 88268 12-inch. $3.OO
(In Italian) 12-inch, $3.00
Ramfis then sings the closing invocation, in which RhaJames joins.
He is invested with the sacred armor, and as the priestesses perform the mystic dance
the curtain slowly falls.
SCENE I A hall in Amneris' apartments
The curtain rises, showing the Princess and her slaves, who
are adorning her for the triumphal festival in honor of Rhadames,
just returned with his victorious army. Amneris and the slaves
sing the ode to the returned hero.
Chi mai fra (His Glory Now Praise)
By Maria Capiello, Mezzo-Soprano,
and Chorus (In Italian) *55005 12-inch, $1.50
Seeing Aida approaching, the Princess dismisses her slaves
and prepares to enjoy her revenge.
This scene is expressed in a splendid duet, given here in two
records by Mmes. Gadski and Homer, and also by Mmes.
Ruszcowska and Lavin de Casas, of the La Scala forces.
Fu la sorte dell' armi CNeath the Chances
of Battle)
By Johanna Gadski, Soprano, and Louise Homer,
Contralto (In Italian) 89O24 12-inch, $4.00
By Elena Ruszcowska, Soprano, and Bianca
Lavin de Casas, Mezzo-Soprano
(In Italian) 88262 12-inch, 3.OO
Alia pompa, che s'appreste (In the Pageant
Now Preparing)
By Johanna Gadski, Soprano, and Louise Homer, Contralto
(In Italian) 89025 12-inch, $4.00
Ebben qual nuovo fremito (What
New Alarm ?)
By Elena Ruszcowska. Soprano, and Bianca
Lavin de Casas, Mezzo-Soprano
(In Italian) 88263 12-inch, $3.OO
Amneris pretends to sympathize with the afflicted
girl, saying:
The late of arms was deadly to thy people.
Poor Aida! The grief
Which weighs down thy heart I share!
I am thy friend;
Time will heal the anguish of thy heart,
And more than time a powerful god love.
Amneris, having thus by her pretended sympathy
gained Aida's confidence, determines to betray her into
a declaration of her love for Rhadames, and suddenly
announces that he has been killed in battle. Aida, over-
come with grief, reveals plainly that she loves the young
AMNERIS (aside) :
This death-like pallor, this strong emotion,
Plainly reveal the fever of love!
Amneris then throws off her mask of friendliness, and
gloating in her victory, confesses that she has spoken
falsely and that Rhadames lives.
Then, stung to fury by Aida's joy, she exclaims:
* Doubk-FaceJ Record For title of opposite side see DOUBLE-FACED AIDA RECORDS, page 25.
Tremble! I read thy secret, Tremble, vile minion! be ye heartbroken,
Thou lov'st him! lie no longer! Warrant of death this love shall betoken!
I love him too dost thou hear? In the pomp which approaches,
I am thy rival, daughter of kings Egyptian. With me, O slave, thou shall assist;
Thou prostrate in the dust
AIDA: I on the throne beside the King;
Thou my rival? 'tis well, so be it Come, follow me, and thou shall learn
Ah, what have I said? forgive and pity, If thou canst contend with me!
Ah, let this mv sorrow thy warm heart move. AIDA:
'Tis true I adore him with boundless love Ah, pity! What more remains to me?
Thou art so happy, thou art so mighty, My life is a desert;
I cannot live hence from love apart! This love which angers thee
In the tomb I will extinguish!
Always a highly impressive number, this duet is doubly so when rendered by such
famous exponents of the parts of Aida and Amneris. Mme. Gadski's Aida is one of her
most effective roles splendidly acted and vocally perfect ; while Mme. Homer's impersona-
tion of the Egyptian Princess is always a thrillingly dramatic one.
The rendition by the two La Scala artists is one of the finest which has come to us from
SCENE II- Without the City Walls
The scene changes to a gate of the city of Thebes. The King and his court are
assembled on a magnificent throne to receive the conquering army. A splendid chorus is
sung by people and priests. The Egyptian troops, preceded by trumpeters, enter, followed
by chariots of war, ensigns, statues of the gods, dancing girls carrying treasures, and finally
Rhadames, under a canopy borne by twelve slaves.
KING (descending from the throne to embrace (Rhadames bows before Amneris, who places
Rhadames): the crown upon him.)
Saviour of our country, I salute thee. Now ask of me
Come, and let my daughter with her own hand What thou most wishest. Nothing denied to
Place upon you the triumphal crown. thee
On such a day shall be I swear it
By my crown, by the sacred gods!
The prisoners enter, including Amonasro, -who is dressed as an officer. Aida sees
him and cries, "What do I see! My father!" All are surprised, and Amonasro signals to
Aida not to betray his rank. Amonasro then sings his recital :
Quest' assisa ch'io vesto (This Dress Has Told You)
By Ernesto Badini, Baritone; Sra. Fabris, Soprano; Lavin de Casas, Mezzo-
Soprano; Egidio Cunego, Tenor (In Italian) 88264 12-inch, $3.00
I am her father. I went to war. Lay the King, transfixed by many wounds;
Was conquered, and death I sought in vain. If the love of country is a crime
(Pointing to his uniform) We are all criminals all ready to die!
This habit I wear may tell you (Turning to the King with a supplicating
That I have defended my king and my coun- accent)
try. Rut thou. O King, thou powerful lord,
Fate was hostile to our arms; Be merciful to these men.
Vain was the courage of the brave! To-day we are stricken by Fate,
At my feet, in the dust extended. To-morrow Fate may smite thee!
The people and prisoners appeal to the King for mercy, while the priests demand that
the captives be put to death. Rhadames, seeing the hesitation of the King, reminds him of
his vow, and demands life and liberty for the captured Ethiopians. The King yields,
stipulating only that Aida and her father be held as hostages, and then announces that
Rhadames shall have the hand of Amneris as his reward.
The magnificent finale then follows, Aida and Rhadames gazing at each other in despair,
Amneris glorying in her triumph, and Amonasro swearing secret vengeance against his
captors. The curtain falls amid general rejoicing.
SCENE I A moonlight night on the banks of the Nile the Temple of Isis can be seen,
half concealed by palm trees
As the curtain rises on this beautiful scene, a chorus within the Temple is heard in a
chant of praise.
O tu che sei d'Osiride (Oh, Thou Who Art Osiris)
By Maria Cappiello, Soprano, and Chorus (In Italian) *55OO5 12-inch, $1.50
A boat approaches, bearing Rhadames and Amneris, who go into the Temple. Aida,
veiled, cautiously enters, hoping that Rhadames will come thither, and
sings a tender and despairing song of that lovely land which she may
never see again.
O patria mia (My Native Land)
By Johanna Gadski, Soprano
(In Italian) 88042 12-inch, $3.0O
By Emmy Destinn. Soprano
(In German) 92O58 12-inch. 3.OO
By Celestina Boninsegna. Soprano
(In Italian) 88239 12-inch. 3.OO
O native land, no more to thee shall I return!
O skies of tender blue, O soft airs blowing,
Where calm and peaceful my dawn of life
pass'd o'er,
O hills of verdure, O perfum'd waters flowing,
O home beloved, I ne er shall see thee more !
O fresh and fragrant vales, O quiet dwelling,
Promise of happy days of love that bore.
Now hope is banish'd, love and yonder dream
O home beloved, I ne'er shall see thee more!
Three fine renditions of this air, one of the most effective in the
opera, are given here by three celebrated prima donnas, all of whom
have been seen in America in the part of Aida.
Amonasro appears and reproaches his daughter with her love for
his enemy Rhadames, telling her with significant emphasis that she e
may behold her native land again if she wishes. DESTINN AS AIDA
Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate (Thou Shalt See Again the
Balmy Forests)
By Elena Ruszcowska, Soprano, and Giuseppe Maggi, Baritone
(In Italian) 88267 12- inch, $3.OO
He tells her that his people have risen
again, and proposes that she shall influence
Rhadames to betray the plans of his army in
the new campaign. She at first refuses, but
he bids her be true to her country, and pictures
the sufferings of her people.
Su, dunque ! (Up, Then !)
By Elena Ruszcowska, Soprano,
and Ernesto Badini. Baritone
(In Italian) 88265 12-inch, $3.OO
With growing excitement he describes the
consequences of her refusal.
AMONASRO (vith savage rage):
Up, then !
Rise, Egyptian legions!
With fire destroy our cities
Spread terror, carnage and death.
To your fury there is no longer check!
Ah, father!
AMONASRO (repulsing her):
Nfy daughter
Dost thou call thyself?
* Double-FaceJ Record For title of opposite siJe tee DOUBLE-FACED AIDA RECORDS, page 25.
AIDA (terrified and suppliant) :
Rivers of blood pour
On the cities of the vanquished
Seeth thou? From the black gulfs
The dead are raised
To thee they point and cry;
For thee the country dies!
A horrible ghost
Among the shadows to us approaches
Tremble! the fleshless arms
Over thy head it raised -
repulses him,
It is thy mother recognize her
She curses thee!
AIDA (in the greatest terror) :
Ah, no! Father!
AMONASRO (repulsing her) :
Go, unworthy one! Thou'rt not my offspring
Thou art the slave of the Pharaohs!
AIDA (yielding) :
Father, their slave I am not
Reproach me not curse me not;
Thy daughter again thou canst call me
Of my country I will be worthy!
Courage! he comes there, I shall hear all.
(Conceals himself among the palm, trees.)
now enters and tries to embrace her, but she
saying bitterly :
No; thou art not guilty
It was the will of fate.
Come; beyond the Nile await
The rites of another love await thee,
Thou spouse of Amneris!
He protests that he loves Aida alone, but she bids him
prove his affection by fleeing with her.
Ah! fly with me, and leave behind
These deserts bare and blighted;
Some country, new and fresh to find,
Where v/e may love united.
There, 'mid virgin forest groves,
By fair sweet flow'rs scented,
In quiet joy contented, the world will we
He finally consents, and reveals to her that the army
will go by the pass of Napata. Amonasro, who has overheard,
now enters, and Rhadames is horrified at the knowledge that
he has betrayed the army to the King of Ethiopia. His
scruples are finally overcome, Amonasro saying:
The brave men devoted to us;
There the vows of thy heart
Shall be crowned with love.
Amneris, coming from the temple, pauses behind a pillar and overhears the final words.
Mad with jealousy, she rushes in and denounces the guilty trio. Aida and Amonasro escape
but Rhadames is taken in custody as a traitor.
SCENE I A room in the Palace on one side a door leading to Rhadames' prison cell
The curtain rises, disclosing
Amneris in an attitude of despair.
She is torn between her love
for Rhadames and a desire for
vengeance, and finally orders
the prisoner brought before her.
AMNERIS (bitterly musing) :
My rival has escaped me
And Rhadames awaits from the
The punishment of a traitor.
Traitor he is not, though he
The high secret of war. He
wished to fly
To fly with her traitors all!
To death, to death!
Oh, what am I saying? I love
Oh! if he could love me!
I would save him but how?
Let me try. Guards, Rhadames
Rhadames enters, and the first great duet of the act occurs.
Gia i sacerdoti adunansi (The Priests Assemble)
By Louise Homer and Enrico Caruso (In Italian) 89O5O 12-inch, $4.OO
By Pietracewska and Barrera (In Italian) 88269 12-inch. 3.OO
Aida a me togliesti ( Aida Thou Hast Taken)
By Louise Homer and Enrico Caruso (In Italian) 89O51 12-inch, $4.OO
Amneris tells him that Amonasro is dead, that Aida has disappeared, and offers to save
his life if he will renounce his love. He scorns the proposal, resolving to die rather than
be false to his Ethiopian Princess.
AMNERIS: Renounce Aida forever
And thou shalt live!
RHADAMES: I cannot do it!
AMNERIS: VVouldst die, then, madman?
RHADAMES: I am ready to die.
AMNERIS: Who saves thee, O wretch,
From the fate that awaits thee?
To fury hast thou changed
A love that had no equal.
Revenge for my tears
Heaven will now consummate!
The guards now appear and conduct Rha James to the judgment room. The ensuing
scene is a highly dramatic and impressive one.
Ohime! Morir mi sento (Ah, me ! Death Approaches !)
By Lavin de Casas. Mezzo-Soprano ; Rizzo Sant' Elia,
Bass ; and Chorus (In Italian) 88270 12-inch. $3. OO
Amneris, seeing Rhadames taken out by the Priests, repents her harshness and sinks
down desolate on a seat.
AMNERIS (falling on a chair, overcome):
Ah me! Death's hand approaches! who now
will save him?
He is now in their power.
His sentence I have sealed Oh, how I curse
Jealousy, vile monster, thou who hast doomed
To death, and me to everlasting sorrow!
(Turns and sees Ramfis and the Priests, who
cross the stage and enter the subterranean
What see I? Behold of death
The ministers fatal, his merciless judges.
Ah, let me not behold those white robed
(Covers her face with her hands. The voice
of Ramfis can be heard within.)
Rhadames, Rhadames: thou hast betrayed
Of thy country the secrets to aid the foeman:
Defend thyself!
Rhadames, Rhadames: and thou wast absent
From the camp the very day before the
combat !
Defend thyself!
Rhadames, Rhadames: and
thou hast played
The part of a traitor to King,
and to honor!
Defend thyself!
He is silent.
Traitor vile:
Rhadames, we thy fate have
Of all traitors the fate shall
be thine
'Neath the altar whose God
thou'st derided
Thou a sepulchre living shall
Find a sepulchre living!
Hated wretches!
Ever venpeful, blood-thirsty
and blind!
Sacerdoti, compiste un delitto ! (Priests, a Crime You Have
Enacted !)
By Lavin de Casas. Mezzo-Soprano ; F. Rizzi, Bass; and
Chorus (In Italian) 88323 12-inch, $3.0O
The priests now enter from the crypt and pass across the hall. The wretched woman
denounces them.
Priests of Heaven, a crime you have enacted, AMNERIS:
Tigers even in bloodshed exulting, Impious priesthood, curses light on ye all!
Earthly justice and Heaven's you are insulting, On your heads Heaven's vengeance will fall!
On the guiltless your sentence will fall! (Exit wildly.)
PRIESTS: (Departing slowly.)
None can his doom recall!
This is one of the most impressive records of the Aida series. The despair of the
wretched Jlmneris, and the solemn reply of the unbending priests are wonderfully expressed
by Verdi.
SCENE II Interior of (he Temple of Vulcan below a Subterranean Apartment
' ' The worff finishes in serenity and peace, and such terminations are the most beautiful. Above,
the temple full of light, where the ceremonies continue immutable in the sanctuary of the indifferent
gods ; below, two human beings dying in each other 's arms. Their song of love and death is among
the most beautiful of all music. ' ' Camille Bellaigue.
When we hear the expression " the duet from Aida," our thoughts always instinctively
turn to this number at the close of the work. There are other duets in the opera, some of
them fine numbers, but this is the great one perhaps the most intensely dramatic and
melodiously beautiful of all Verdi's writings.
La fatal pietra (The Fatal Stone)
By Johanna Gadski, Soprano, and Enrico Caruso, Tenor
(In Italian) 89O28 12-inch, $4.OO
By Nicola Zerola, Tenor (Part of scene " To die, so
pure and lovely !") (In Italian) 74225 12-inch, 1.5O
This last scene is a highly picturesque one. Above we see the splendid Temple of
Ptah, where priests and priestesses are chanting their strange songs. Below, a dark vault,
in whose depths Rhadames is awaiting with patience a slow death by starvation.
RHADAMES (despairingly) :
The fatal stone upon me now is closing!
Now has the tomb engulf'd me!
The light of day no more shall I see!
No more behold Aida!
Aida, where art thou now?
Whate'er befall me, may'st thou be happy!
Ne'er may my frightful doom be told to thine
(Then suddenly in the shadoivs he sees a
form it is Aida, who has secreted herself in
the crypt that she may die with her lover.)
What moan was that?
Is't a phantom, or vision dread?
No! 'tis a human being!
Heaven! Aida!
AIDA: Yes!
RHADAMES (in great desperation) :
Thou, with me here buried!
My heart foreboded this, thy dreadful sen-
And to this tomb that shuts on thee its portal,
I crept, unseen by mortal.
Here, free from all,
Where none can more behold us,
Clasp'd in thy arms, love,
I resolved to perish!
RHADAMES: To die! so pure and lovely!
To die! thyself thus dooming,
In all thy beauty bloonvng,
Fade thus forever!
Thou, whom the gods alone for love created;
Yet to destroy thee, was my love then fated i
Thou shalt not die! so much I love thee,
Thou art too lovely!
AIDA (transported) :
See'st thou where death, in angel guise.
With heavenly radiance beaming.
Would waft us to eternal joys,
On golden wings above!
I see heaven's gates are open wide
Where tears are never streaming,
Where only bliss and joy reside.
The bliss and joy of never fading, endless
The lovers sing their plaintive farewell to earth in hauntingly lovely strains, while in
strange contrast the heathen chanting continues above.
O terra addio (Farewell, Oh, Earth)
By Johanna Gadski, Soprano, and Enrico Caruso. Tenor
(In Italian) 89O29 12-inch. $4.00
Farewell, C earth.
Farewell, thou dark vale of sorrow,
Brief dream of joy.
Condemned to end in woe!
See, orightly opens for us.
Brightly opens now the sky, and endless mor-
There, all unshadow'd, shall eternal glow!
Chi mai fra (His Glory Now Praise) By Maria
Cappiello, Mezzo-Soprano, and Chorus (In Italian)
550O5 12-inch, $1.5O
O tu che sei d'Osiride (Oh. Thou "Who Art Osiris)
By Maria Cappiello, Mezzo-Soprano, and Chorus
(In Italian)
/Celeste Aida (Heavenly Aida) Trombone By Arthur Pryor)
\I1 Guarany Overture By Pryor's Band/
I The Fatal Stone Cornet-Trombone
By Arthur Pryor,Emil Kenekeand Pryor's Band p5 ISO 12-inch,
Serenade ( Till) 'Cello-Flute By Louis Heine and Darius Lyons]
/Aida Fantasia By Police Band of Mexico) ,,_. _
By Police Band of Mexico]* 4 '
By Pryor's Band)
By Kryl's Bohemian Band}
By Pryor's Orchestra 31359
\ Cascades of Roses Waltz
(Aida Selection
\ Attila Grand Trio
Aida Selection (Finale. Act II)
Marcha Triunfal (Triumphal March) 1
By Garde Republicaine Band I
(In Italian)
By Gustavo Berl-Resky, Baritone]
12-inch, 1.25
12-inch, 1.25
T T j- /
1 osca / osca dwwa !
(.Eel Bar-bee-yaii' day See-oeet -yah)
Text by Sterbini, a Roman poet, founded on the celebrated trilogy of Beaumarchais.
Music by Rossini. First presented at the Argentina Theatre in Rome, February 5, 1816.
First London production March 10, 1818. First New York production November 29, 1825.
The opera was at first called "Almaviva, or the Useless Precaution," to distinguish it from
Paisiello's " Barber of Seville."
COUNT ALMAVIVA (Ai-mah-oee' -oah) Tenor
BARTOLO, (Bahr -to-low) physician Bass
ROSINA, his ward Soprano
BASILJO, (Ba-zee -lee-oh) music master Bass
MARCELLINE (Mar^hei-ie 1 '. na ) Soprano
FIGARO (Fee -gah.row) Baritone
FlORELLO, servant to the Count Tenor
A Notary, Chorus of Musicians, Chorus of Soldiers
Scene and Period : Seville, the seventeenth century.
Rossini's opera is a marvel of rapid composition, having been composed in about fifteen
days! This seems almost incredible, but the fact is well authenticated. The composer had
agreed to write two operas for the Roman carnival of 1816, the first of which was produced
December 26, 1815, and on that day he was told that the second would be required on Jan-
uary 20, 1816. He agreed to have it completed, although he did not even know what the
subject was! The libretto was given to him by Sterbini in sections, and he wrote the music
as fast as the verses were furnished. While the opera did not achieve an instantaneous suc-
cess, it gradually found favor with opera-lovers on account of its brightness and the manner
in which the humor of its action is reflected in the music.
The plot of Barber of Seville is very simple. The Count Almaviva loves Rosina, the ward
of Dr. Bartolo, a crusty old bachelor who secretly wishes to wed her himself. Almavioa per-
suades the village barber, Figaro, to arrange a meeting for him, and gains entrance to the
house disguised as a dragoon, but is arrested by the guardian.
Not discouraged, he re-
turns, pretending to be a sub-
stitute for Rosina' s music
teacher, who, he says, is ill.
The appearance of the real
Don Basilio spoils the plan, and
the Count retreats for the
second time, having, however,
arranged a plan for elopement.
Bartolo finally arouses
Rosina's jealousy by pretend-
ing that the Count loves
another, and she promises to
forget him and marry her
guardian. When the time for
the elopement arrives she
meets the Count, intending to
reproach him, but he con-
vinces her of the base plot SETTING OF ACT i, SCENE i, AT LA SCALA
of Bartolo, and the lovers are wedded by a notary, just as Bartolo arrives with officers to
arrest the Count.
By La Scala Orchestra 68O1O 12-inch, $1.25
SCENE I A Street in Seville. Day is Breaking
The Count, accompanied by his servant Fiorello and several musicians, enters to serenade
the beautiful Rosina. Accompanied by the mandolins, he sings his serenade, Ecco ridenle,
considered one of the most beautiful numbers in the opera.
Ecco ridente (Dawn, W^ith Her Rosy Mantle)
By Fernando de Lucia, Tenor (Piano ace.) (In Italian) 76OOO 12-inch, $2 OO
By Florencio Constantino, Tenor (In Italian) 74073 12-inch, 1.5O
Lo!* smiling' in the Orient sky, But, hush! tnethinks I view that face,
Morn in her beauty breaking, And all my doubts are vanished;
Canst thou, my love, inactive lie Thine eyes diffuse soft pity's grace.
My life, art thou not waking? And all my fears are banished.
Arise, my heart's own treasure, Oh, rapturous moment of delight!
All that my soul holds dear; All other blisses shaming;
Oh! turn my grief to pleasure! My soul's content, so pure and bright,
Awake, my love, appear! On earth no equal claiming!
Even such a lovely serenade as this fails to bring a response from the window, and the
Count retires discomfited. Enter Figaro, the jack-of-all-trades of the village and general
factotum in the house of Bartolo, with his guitar. He sings that gayest and most difficult of
all airs, the joy or despair of baritones the world over, and which has been recorded for the
Victor by three famous baritones.
Largo al factotum (Room for the Factotum)
By Pasquale Amato, Baritone
(In Italian) 88329 12-inch, $3.OO
By Emilio de Gogorza, Baritone
(In Italian) 88181 12-inch, 3.OO
By Titta Ruffo. Baritone
(In Italian) 92039 12-inch, 3.OO
Figaro is thoroughly satisfied with himself, and gives a
long list of his numerous accomplishments, of which the
following is a sample :
FIGARO: Room for the city's factotum here,
La, la, la, la, la, la.
I must be off to my shop, for the dawn is
La, la, la, la, la. la.
What & merry life, what pleasure gay.
Awaits a barber of quality.
Ah, brave Figaro; bravo, bravissimo, brave.
La, la, la, la, la, la.
Of men, the happiest,, art thcu, bravo.
CAMPANAEI AS FiGAKo I. a, la, la, la, la, la, etc.
"Oh! what a happy life," soliloquizes the gay barber, "what pleasure
awaits a barber of quality! Oh, bravo. Figaro, bravo, bravissimo: thou
art sure the happiest of men, ready at all hours of the night, and, by day,
perpetually in bustle and motion. What happier region of delight; what
nobler life for a barber than mine! Razors, combs, lancets, scissors behold
them all at my command! besides the snug perquisites of the business, with
gay damsels and cavaliers. All call me! all want me!^-dames and maidens
old and young. My peruke! cries one my beard! shouts another bleed
me! cries this this billetdoux! whispers that. Figaro, Figaro! heavens,
what a crowd. Figaro, Figaro! heavens, what a tumult! One at a time,
for mercy sake! Figaro here: Figaro there: Figaro above: Figaro below.
I am all activity: I am quick as liehtning; in a word I am the factotum
of the town. Oh, what a happv life! but little fatigue abundant amuse-
ment with a pocket that can always boast a doubloon, the noble fruit of
my reputation. But I must hasten to the shop!"
Three fine records of this great air are given
here. Ruffo, in his rendition, proves himself pos-
sessed of an admirable sense of humor, and this,
with his powerful and flexible voice, enables him
to attack this difficult solo in the true opera
bouffe vein. The result is as fine a performance
of the Largo as one would wish to hear. The ex-
treme difficulties are made a vehicle for the display
of the baritone's ample vocal resources, which
sweep everything before them ; he is indeed a
little free with the text, and sings snatches of the
accompaniment out of sheer bravado, while bits
of comic characterization peep out at every avail-
able opportunity. This rendition is a fine example
of how the music of this air should be sung, and
is a veritable triumph for the singer.
Signor de Gogorza's version differs from
Ruffo's in many respects. It is one of the finest
records he has made for the Victor, and exhibits
his fine voice and wonderful execution to per-
The Count now returns and accosts Figaro,
asking him to arrange a meeting with Rosina,
telling him that his rank must not be known and that he has assumed the name of Lindor.
II mio nome ? (My Name ?)
By Fernando de Lucia, Tenor (Piano ace.) (In Italian) 6600O 10-inch, $1.5O
Figaro consents to become his ally. Rosina and her guardian come on the balcony, and
Rosina, perceiving the Count, manages to drop a note, which he secures. Bartolo leaves the
house and orders that no one be admitted.
Figaro now says that he is expecting a military friend to arrive in the village, and
suggests the Count dress himself as this soldier and thus gain admittance to the house. He
agrees, and retires to assume the disguise.
SCENE II A Room in Bartolo's House
Rosina is discovered holding in her hand a letter from the
Count. She is agitated and expresses her feelings in her
celebrated entrance song.
Una voce poco fa (A Little Voice I Hear)
By Marcella Sembrich, Soprano
(In Italian) 88097
By Luisa Tetrazzini, Soprano
(In Italian) 88301
By Maria Galvany, Soprano
(In Italian) 8706O
By Alice Nielsen, Soprano
(In Italian) 74074
By Giuseppina Huguet, Soprano
(In Italian) *68144
The number is in the form to which most Italian compos-
ers of the period adhered a slow opening section (here
accompanied by occasional chords for the orchestra) succeeded
by a quicker movement culminating in a coda which presents
many opportunities for brilliant vocal display. Musically the
aria is full of charm, and is deservedly popular with those singers whose method enables
them to deliver it with the requisite lightness and bravura.
KOSINA: A little voice I heard just now: My guardian sure will ne'er consent;
Oh, it has thrill'd my very heart! But I must sharpen all my wit:
I feel that I am wounded sore; Content at last, he will relent,
And Lindor 'twas who hurl'd the dart. And we, oh, joy! be wedded yet.
Yes, Lindor, dearest, shall be mine! Yes, Lindor I have sworn to love!
I've sworn it, and we'll never part. And, loving, we'll our cares forget.
* Double-FaceJ Record For title of opposite side see DOUBLE-FACED BARBER OF SEVILLE RECORDS,
12-inch, $3.00
10-inch, 2.00
A bewildering array of artists have essayed this charming
song, and Victor audiences can choose whether they will have it
sung by an Italian, Polish, Spanish or American prima donna.
Rosina runs out as her guardian and Don Basilio come in.
Bartolo is telling Basilio that he wishes to marry his ward, either
by love or force. Basilio promises to help him, and says that the
Count is trying to make Rosina's acquaintance. They decide to
invent some story that will disgrace him. "A calumny ! " says
Basilio. Bartolo asks what that is, and Basilio, in a celebrated
air gives his famous description, which is a model of its kind.
La calunnia (Slander's "Whisper)
By Marcel Journet, Bass
(In Italian) 74104 12-inch, $1.5O
BASILIO: Oh! calumny is like the sigh
Of gentlest zephyrs breathing bv;
How softly sweet alone the pround.
Its first shrill voice is heard around.
Then passing on from tongue to tongue,
It gains new strength, it sweeps along
In giddier whirl from place to place,
And gains fresh vigor in its race;
Till, like the sounds of tempests deep,
That thro' the woods in murmurs sweep
And howl amid their caverns drear,
It shakes the trembling soul with fear.
Thus calumny, a simple breath.
Engenders ruin, wreck and death;
And sinks the wretched man forlorn,
Beneath the lash of slander torn,
The victim of the public scorn!
(They go out.)
Rosina and Figaro return, and the barber tells her that her guardian is planning to marry
her. She laughs at the idea, and then asks Figaro who the young man was she observed
that morning. Figaro tells her his name is Lindor, and that he is madly in love with a certain
young lady, whose name is Rosina.
Dunque io son (What ! I ?)
By Maria Galvany, Soprano, and Titta Ruffo, Baritone
(In Italian)
92501 12-inch, $4.OO
What! I ? or dost thou mock me?
Am I, then, the happy being?
( Hut I all the scheme foreseeing,
Knew it, sir, before yourself) ;
Yes, Lindor loves you, lady;
Oft, he sighs for his Rosina.
(As a fox she cunning seems.
Ah, by my faith, she sees thro' all) ,
Still one word, sir to my Lindor
How shall I contrive to speak?
Poor man, he but awaits some sign
Of your affection and assent;
A little note, a sinple line.
And he himself will soon present.
To this, what say you?
I do not know.
Take courage, pray you.
I could not so
A few lines merely.
I blush to write.
At what? Why really may I indite?
Haste, haste, your lover quick invite.
(Going to the desk.)
A letter! Oh, here it is.
(Calling him. she takes a note from her bosom,
which she gives him.)
Already written! What a fool (astonished)
Was I to think to be her ma c ter!
Much fitter that she me should school:
Her wits, than mine, can flow much faster.
Oh, woman, woman, who can find.
Or fathom, all that's in thy mind?
(Exit Figaro.)
Bartolo comes in and accuses Rosina of dropping a note from the balcony, and when
she denies it he shows her ink marks on her finger and calls attention to a cut pen and a
missing sheet of paper. She says she wrapped up some sweetmeats to send to a girl friend,
and cut the pen to design a flower for her embroidery. Bartolo then denounces her in
another famous air:
Manca un foglio (Here's a Leaf Missing)
By Arcangelo Rossi, Bass
(In Italian) *68144 12-inch. $1.25
To a doctor of my rank,
These excuses, Signorina,
I advise another time
That you better should invent.
Why is the paper missing?
That I would wish to know.
Useless, ma'am, are all your airs
Be still, nor interrupt me so.
Another time, sweet Signorina,
When the doctor quits his house
He will carefully provide
For the keeping you inside.
And poor innocent Rosina,
Disappointed, then may pout:
In her room shall she be locked,
Till I choose to let her out.
(He goes out in a rage, followed by Rosina,
who is laughing.)
A loud knocking is heard at the street door, it is the Count
in his soldier disguise. He pushes his way in, and insists that the
commandant has ordered him to put up in Bartolo 's house. A long
scene follows, full of comedy, finally ending in the arrest of the
Count, who, however, privately informs the officer who he is; and
the astonished official salutes respectfully and takes his soldiers
away. Bartolo is in such a rage that he can hardly speak, and the
act ends with the famous quartet :
Guarda Don Bartolo (Look at Don Bartolo)
By Giuseppina Huguet, Soprano; Antonio Pini-Corsi, Baritone: Gaetano
Pini-Corsi, Tenor; Ernesto Badini, Baritone *63171 10-inch, $0.75
SCENE A Room in Bar tola's House
Bartolo is discovered musing on the affair of the soldier, and as he has learned that no
one in the regiment knows the man, he suspects that he was sent by the Count.
A knocking is heard* and the Count is ushered in, dressed as a music master. He
greets Bartolo, beginning the duet. Pace e gioia.
Pace e gioia (Heaven Send You Peace- and Joy)
By Antonio Pini-Corsi, Baritone, and Emilio Perea, Tenor
(In Italian) *621O5 10-inch, $0.75
Bartolo says he is much obliged for these kind wishes and wonders who this can be.
The Count explains that Don Basilio is ill and he has come in the music master's place to
give Rosina a lesson. He shows Bartolo the note Rosina had written, saying he found
it at the inn, and offers to make Rosina believe the Count has shown her note to another
lady. Bartolo is pleased with the idea and calls Rosina. Then occurs the celebrated
"Lesson Scene" in which Rosina usually interpolates an air. Rossini wrote a trio for this
scene, but in some manner it was lost.
Figaro now comes in to shave Bartolo, and in the course of the scene contrives to secure
the key to the balcony. At this moment all are petrified at the entrance of Don Basilio,
who is supposed to be confined to his bed. Figaro sees that quick action is necessary and
asks him what he means by coming out with such a fever. " Fever ? " says the astonished
music master. "A raging fever," exclaims Figaro, feeling his pulse. "You need medicine,"
says the Count, meaningly, and slips a fat purse in his hand. Don Basilio partially compre-
hends the situation, looks at the purse and departs.
The shaving is renewed, and Rosina and the Count pretend to continue the lesson, but
are really planning the elopement. Bartolo tries to watch them, but Figaro manages to get
soap in the Doctor's eye at each of his efforts to rise. He finally jumps up and denounces
* Double-Faced Record For title of opposite side see double-faced list on page 3 1 .
the Count as an impostor. The three conspirators laugh at him, and go out, followed by
Barlolo, who is purple with rage. This scene is amusingly pictured in a fresco in the Vienna
Opera, which is reproduced on page 26.
Bertha, the housekeeper, enters, and in her air, // vecchietto, complains that she can no
longer stand the turmoil, quarreling and scolding in this house.
II vecchietto cerca moglie (The Old Fool Seeks a Wife)
By Emma Zaccaria (Doable-Faced See below) (In Italian) 621O5 10-inch. $0.75
"What kind of thing is this love which drives everybody crazy?" she asks. This air
used to be called in Rome Aria di sorhetto (sherbet), because the audience used to eat ices
while it was being sung!
Don Bartolo now desperately plays his last card, and shows Rosina the note, saying that
her lover is conspiring to give her up to the Count Almavioa. Rosina is furious and offers to
marry Bartolo at once, telling him that he can have Lindor and Figaro arrested -when they
arrive for the elopement. Bartolo goes after the police, and he is barely out of sight -when
Figaro and the Count enter by means of the key which the barber had secured. Rosina
greets them* with a storm of reproaches, accusing LinJor of pretending to love her in order to
sacrifice her to the vile Count Almaoioa. The Count reveals himself and the lovers are soon
clasped in a fond embrace, -with Figaro in a "Bless you, my children," attitude.
Don Basilio, -who had been sent for a notary by Bartolo, now
arrives. The Count demands that the notary shall wed him to Rosina.
Basilio protests, but the sight of a pistol in the Count's hand soon
silences him.
This scene is rudely interrupted by the arrival of Bartolo and the
soldiers. The officer in charge demands the name of the Count, who
now introduces Signor and Signora Almaoioa to the company. Bartolo
philosophically decides to make the best of the matter. However,
Wf he inquires of Basilio:
BAKTOLO: But you, you rascal
Even you to betray me and turn witness!
BASILIO: Ah! Doctor,
The Count has certain persuasives
And certain arguments in his pocket,
Which there is no withstanding!
BAKTOLO: Ay, ay! I understand you.
Well, well, what matters it?
Go; and may Heaven bless you!
FIGAKO: Bravo, bravo. Doctor!
Let me embrace you !
ROSINA: Oh, how happy we are!
COUNT: Oh, propitious love!
FIGAKO: Young love, triumphant smiling,
All harsher thoughts exiling,
All quarrels reconciling,
Now waves his torch on high!
courr HiSHnit
By Pryor's Band) 12-inch. H.25
By Pryor s Band)
By La Scala Orchestral , golo
By La Scala Orchestra)
/Barber of Seville Selection
\ Prophete Fantasie
\ Don Pasquale Sinfonia (Donizetti)
/Manca un foglio (Here's a Leaf Out) By A. Rossi, Bass),. . .
(Una voce poco fa By Giuseppina Huguet. Soprano/
{Guarda Don Bartolo (Look at Bartolo) By Huguet, A. and]
G. Pini-Corsi. and Badini (In Italian) [63 1 7 1
Fra 'Diaoolo Agnese la Zielella By Pietro Lara (In Italian)}
ill vecchietto cerca moglie By Emma Zaccaria
|Pace e gioia By A. Pini-Corsi and Perea (In
12-inch. 1.25
12-inch, 1.25
lO-inch, .75
10-inch. .75
(La Bont-haym')
Text by Giacosa and Illica ; music by Puccini. First produced at the Teatro Reggio,
Turin, February I, 18%. In English, as "The Bohemians," at Manchester (Carl Rosa Com-
pany), April 22, 1897, and at Covent Garden with the same company, October 2d of the same
year. In Italian at Covent Garden, July 1, 1899. First American production, November 28,
RUDOLPH, a poet Tenor
MARCEL, a painter Baritone
COLLJNE, a philosopher Bass
SCHAUNARD, a musician Baritone
BENOIT, an importunate landlord Bass
ALCINDORO. a state councilor and follower of MUSETTA Bass
MUSETTA, a grisette Soprano
MlMI, a maker of embroidery Soprano
Students, work-girls, citizens, shopkeepers, street venders, soldiers,
restaurant waiters, boys, girls, etc.
Scene and Period : Paris, about 1830.
Puccini's Boheme is an adaptation of part of Mtirger's La Vie Boheme, which depicts
life in the Quartier Latin, or the Students' Quarter, in 1830. It being impossible to weave a
complete story from Mtirger's novel, the librettists
have merely taken four of the principal scenes and
several of Miirger's characters, and have strung them
together without much regard for continuity.
The principal characters in Puccini's delightful
opera are the inseparable quartet described by
Murger, who with equal cheerfulness defy the pangs
of hunger and the landlord of their little garret. In
the scenes of careless gaiety is interwoven a touch
of pathos ; and the music is in turn lively and tender,
with a haunting sweetness that is most fascinating.
Rudolph, a poet; Marcel, a painter; Colline, a
philosopher; and Schaunard, a musician, are four
friends who occupy an attic in the Quartier Latin,
where they live and work together. Improvident,
reckless and careless, these happy-go-lucky Bohe-
mians find a joy in merely living, being full of faith
in themselves.
SCENE A Garret in the Quartier Latin
The opening scene shows the four friends with-
out money or provisions, yet happy. Marcel is at
work on a painting, "Passage of the Red Sea," and
remarks, beginning a duet with Rudolph, that the
passage of this supposedly torrid sea seems a very cold affair !
Questo mar rosso (This Red Sea)
By Gennaro de Tura, Tenor, and E. Badini, Baritone
(In Italian)
88233 12-inch, $3.OO
Rudolph says that in order to keep them from freez-
ing he will sacrifice the bulky manuscript of his tragedy.
Marcel holds the landlord at bay until Schaunard arrives
with an unexpected store of eatables. Having dined
and warmed themselves, Marcel, Colline and Schaunard
go out, leaving Rudolph writing. A timid knock at the
door reveals the presence of Mimi, a young girl who
lives on the floor above. She has come to ask her
neighbor for a light for the candle, which has gone out.
They enter into conversation, and when Mimi artlessly
asks Rudolph what his occupation is, he sings the lovely
air usually termed the " Narrative."
Racconto di Rodolfo (Rudolph's Nar-
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor
(In Italian) 88002 12-inch. I3.0O
By John McCormack, Tenor
(In Italian) 74222 12-inch. 1.5O
By Florencio Constantino, Tenor
(In Italian) 741O6 12-inch. 1.5O
By George Hamlin, Tenor
(In Italian) 74185 12-inch, 1.5O
By Evan "Williams. Tenor
(In English) 74129 12-inch, 1-5O
Caruso has never done anything more perfect in its way than his superb delivery of this
number. It is one of his great scenes in the opera, and always arouses the audience to a
high pitch of enthusiasm. He has sung it here with a fervor and splendor of voice which
holds one spellbound. The tender sympathy of the opening " Your little hand is cold " ;
the bold avowal " I am a poet " ; the glorious beauty of the love motive at the end all
are given with characteristic richness and warmth of style by this admired singer, while the
final high note is brilliantly taken.
An entirely different interpretation, though also a very fine one, is given by Mr.
McCormack, while three other versions in Italian by Constantino and Hamlin, and in
English by Evan Williams complete a list in which every lover
of this beautiful air can find a record to suit his taste and purse
Mi chiamano Mimi (My Name is Mimi)
By Nellie Melba. Soprano
(In Italian) 88074
By Alice Nielsen, Soprano
(In Italian)
Then follows the charming Mi
the young girl tells Rudolph of her pitifully simple life ; of how
she works all day making artificial flowers, which remind her of
the blossoms and green meadows of the country ; of the lonely
existence she leads in her chamber up among the housetops.
O soave fanciulla Duo and Finale, Act I
(Thou Sweetest Maiden)
By Nellie Melba. Soprano, and
Enrico Caruso. Tenor 952OO 12-inch. $5.OO
' ' Mimi '3 delicate perfection enchanted the young poet especially
her little hands, which in spite of her menial work, she managed to
keep as while as snow. " Murger's La Vie de la Boheme.
This* lovely duet occurs just after the Mi chiamano Mimi.
The young girl having finished her story, Rudolph hears the
shouts of his friends in the courtyard below. He opens the
window to speak to them, letting in a flood of moonlight which
12-inch, $3.0O
74062 12-inch, 1.50
chiamano Mimi, in which
brightens the room. The Bohemians go off singing. As
Rudolph turns to Mimi and sees her in the moonlight, he is
struck with her beauty, and tells her how entrancing she
appears to him.
Love awakens in the heart of the lonely girl, and in this
beautiful duet she pledges her faith to the handsome stranger
who has come into her life.
Mme. Melba's singing in this scene is of exquisite beauty,
while Caruso's delivery of the passionate phrases of Rudolph
is superb. The -beautiful motive with which the duet begins
is associated throughout the opera with the presence of Mimi,
and is employed with touching effect in the death scene in
Act III.
Mimi consents to go to the Cafi Momus,
where his friends are to dine, and after a
tender scene at the door they go out, and
the curtain slowly falls.
SCENE A Students' Caf in Paris
This act represents the terraces of the
Co/if Momus, where the artists are holding a
carnival. Puccini has pictured with mas-
terly skill the noisy, bustling activity of this
scene, and the boisterous merriment of the
FARRAR AS MIMI g a y revelers. The Bohemians of Act I are
seated at a table with Mimi, when Musetta,
an old flame of Marcel's, appears with her latest conquest, a foolish and
ancient beau named Alcindoro. Marcel pretends not to see her, but
Musetta is determined on a reconciliation, and soon gets rid of her elderly
admirer and joins her old friends.
The gem of this gay scene is the charming waltz of Musetta, which
Mme. Viafora sings here with spirit and delightful abandon.
Musetta Waltz
By Gina C. Viafora, Soprano
(In Italian) 64085 10-inch, $1.00
Mme. Viafora 's light soprano is heard to advantage in this pretty
waltz, -which she sings with fluency and skill.
The fun now becomes
fast and furious, and Musetta is
finally carried off on the shoul-
ders of her friends, while the
foolish old banker, Alcindoro,
is left to pay the bills of the
entire party.
SCENE A City Gate of Paris
This act begins in the
cheerless dawn of a cold
morning at the city gates, the
bleakness of the scene being
well expressed in Puccini's
music. The snow falls, work-
men come and go, shivering
and blowing on their cold
fingers. Mimi appears, and
asks the officer at the gate if
he will find Marcel, that good
and kind-hearted Bohemian
painter, now sojourning at the
inn on the Orleans Road and
painting, not landscapes, but
tavern signs, in order to keep
body and soul together.
Marcel enters and is surprised
to see Mimi, whom he sup-
poses to be in Paris. Noticing
that she is melancholy and
apparently ill, he kindly ques-
tions her and learns her sad
Mimi, lo son !
(Mimi, Thou Here!)
By Geraldine Farrar, So-
prano, and Antonio
Scotti, Baritone
( In Italian)
89016 12-inch, $4.OO
By Dora Domar, So-
prano, and Ernesto Ba-
dini. Baritone
88228 12-inch, 3.0O
By E. Boccolini, Soprano, and E. Badini, Baritone
(Double-faced See page 37) (In Italian) 5502O 12-inch, 1.5O
This duet is one of the finest numbers in Puccini's
opera, and Miss Farrar and Mr. Scotti have made a strikingly
effective record of it,
while other rendi-
tions at various
prices are furnished
by La Scala artists.
Mimi tells her
friend that she can
no longer bear the
jealous quarrels
with Rudolph, and
that they must sep-
arate. Marcel, much
troubled, goes into
the inn to summon
Rudolph, but before
the latter comes,
Mimi secretes her-
self, and when he
enters she hears him
again accuse her of
corr-t oovet ST. STUDIOS
Mimi e una civetta
(Coldhearted Mimi !)
By Laura Mellerio, Soprano : Gennaro
de Tura, Tenor ; and Ernesto Ba-
dini. Baritone
(In Italian) 88227 12-inch, $3.OO
A distressing fit of coughing reveals her presence, and she appears
and sings the sad little air which is one of the features of this act.
Addio (Farewell)
By Nellie Melba, Soprano (In Italian) 88072 12-inch, $3.OO
By Alma Gluck, Soprano (In Italian) 64225 10-inch, l.OO
Most pathetically does the poor girl's " Farewell, may you be happy "
come from her simple heart, and she turns to go. Rudolph protests, some-
thing of his old affection having returned at the sight of her pale cheeks.
Musetta now enters and is accused by Marcel of flirting. A furious
quarrel follows, which contrasts strongly with the tender passages
between Mimi and Rudolph as the lovers are partially reconciled.
Quartet,"Addio, dolce svegliare"
(Farewell, Sweet Love)
By Geraldine Farrar, Soprano; Gina
C. Viafora, Soprano; Enrico
Caruso, Tenor; and Antonio
Scotti, Baritone
(In Italian) 96OO2 12-inch, $6.OO
By Dora Domar, Soprano; Annita
Santoro, Soprano; Ida Giaco-
melli. Soprano ; and Ernesto
Badini, Baritone
(In Italian) 89O48 12-inch, 4.00
By Sanipoli, Passari, Ciccolini and Badini (Double-
faced-See page 37) (In Italian) 5502O 12-inch, 1.5O
Like the Rigoletto Quartet, this number is used by the com-
poser to express many different emotions : The sadness of Mimi 's
farewell to Rudolph ; his tender efforts to induce her to remain ;
the fond recollections of the bright days of their first meeting
and contrasted to these sentiments is the quarreling of Musetta
and Marcel, which Puccini has skillfully interwoven with the
pathetic passages sung by the lovers.
In Mimi Miss Farrar has added another role to the long list
of her successes in America, and her impersonation is a most
charming one. She was in superb voice and has given this lovely music most effectively.
Caruso sings, as he always
does, with a beauty of voice
and a sincerity of emotion
which cannot fail to excite
Mme. Viafora, who is al-
ways a piquant, gay and inter-
esting Musetta; and Signor
Scotti, -whose admirable
Marcel is one of his finest
impersonations, both vocally
and dramatically, round out
an ensemble which could not
be surpassed.
Truly a brilliantly sung
and perfect balanced rendi-
tion of one of the greatest
of concerted numbers. Two
other versions by famous artists
THE DEATH OF MIMI of La Scala are also offered.
SCENE Same as Act I
"Jit this time, the friends for many Weeks had lived a lonely and melancholy
existence. Musetta had made no sign, and Marcel had never met her, while no
word of Mimi came to Rudolph, though he often repealed her name to himself.
Marcel treasured a little bunch of ribbons which had been left behind by Musetta,
and when one day he detected Rudolph gazing fondly at the pink bonnet Mimi
had forgotten, he muttered : 'It seems I am not the only one ! ' ' ' Mtlrger.
Act IV shows the same garret in which the events of Act 1 took
place. Bereft of their sweethearts, the young men are living sad and
lonely lives, each trying to conceal from the other that he is secretly
pining for the absent one.
In the opening scene, Marcel stands in front of his easel pretending
to paint, while Rudolph, apparently writing, is really furtively gazing at
Mimi's little pink bonnet.
Ah Mimi, tu piu (Ah, Mimi, False One !)
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor, and Antonio Scotti, Baritone
(In Italian] 89O06 12-inch. $4.OO
By McCormack and Sammarco (Italian) 89O44 12-inch, 4-OO
By Da Gradi and Badini (In Italian) *45013 lO-inch. l.OO
Two records of this favorite duet are offered by Caruso and Scotti,
and McCormack and Sammarco and both are splendidly given.
The friends, however, pretend to brighten up -when Schaunard and
Colline enter with materials for supper, and the four Bohemians make
merry over their frugal fare. This scene of jollity is interrupted by the unexpected entrance
of Musetta, who tells the friends that Mimi, abandoned by her viscount, has come back to die.
The poor girl is brought in and laid on Rudolph's bed, -while he is distracted with grief.
The friends hasten to aid her, Marcel going for a doctor, while Colline, in order to get money
to buy delicacies for the sick girl, decides to pawn his only good garment, an overcoat. He
bids farewell to the coat in a pathetic song, which Journet delivers here with much feeling.
Vecchia zimarra (Coat Song)
By Marcel Journet, Bass (In Italian) 64035 lO-inch. $1.0O
Colline goes softly out, leaving Mimi and Rudolph alone, and they sing a beautiful duet.
Sono andati ? (Are We Alone ?)
By Maria Bronzoni, Soprano, and Franco de Gregorio, Tenor
(In Italian) *45O13 lO-inch, $1.00
The past is all forgotten and the reunited lovers plan for a future which shall be free
from jealousies and quarrels. Just as Mimi, in dreamy tones, recalls their first meeting in
the garret, she is seized with a sudden faintness -which alarms Rudolph, and he summons
his friends, -who are returning with delicacies for Mimi. But the young girl, weakened by
disease and privations, passes away in the midst of her weeping friends, and the curtain
falls to Rudolph's despairing cry of "Mimi! Mimi!"
Quartet. Act III By Sanipoli. Passari. Ciccolini and
C'e Rodolfo (Where is Rudolph?)
/Boheme Fantasie ( 'Cello)
\ Calm Sea and Happy Voyage Overture
JBoheme Selection
\ Jolly Robbers Overture (Supp^)
I Ah, Mimi, tu piu (Ah, Mimi. False One!)
By Da Gradi and Badini
I Sono andati? By Bronzoni and de Gregorio
* Doubk-Faced Record For title of opposite side see above list.
(In Italian)
By Boccolini and
(In Italian)
By Victor Sorlinl 35132
By Pryor's Band)
By Pryor's Bandl
By Pryor's
(In Italian) \45O13
(In Italian) \
12-inch, $1.5O
12-inch, 1.25
12-inch, 1.25
10- inch. l.OO
Text by Meilhac and Hal6vy, founded on the novel of Prosper Mrim6e. Music by
Bizet. First production at the Opera Comique, Paris, March 3, 1875. First London produc-
tion June 22, 1878. First New York production October 23, 1879, with Minnie Hauk.
Some notable revivals were in 1893, being Calv6*s first appearance; in 1905 with Caruso;
and the Hammerstein revival of 1906, with Bressler-Gianoli, Dalmores, Gilibert, Trentini and
DON JOSE, (Don Ho-zati) a Brigadier Tenor
ESCAMILLO, (Es-ca-meet -i/o) a Toreador Bass
DANCAIRO (Dan-k)/ -row) \ ~ . r Baritone
REMENDADO (Rem-cn-Jah'Jow) f 8 \ Tenor
ZUNIGA, (Zoo-nee -gah) a Captain Bass
MORALES. (Moh-rah'-kz) a Brigadier Bass
MlCAELA, (Mih-kv-ai/-lah) a Peasant Girl Soprano
FRASQUITA (Frast-k^-lah) ) _ ., f Mezzo-Soprano
.._ Gypsies, mends ol CARMEN < m . _
MERCEDES (Mer-cW-^) > I .... Mezzo-Soprano
CARMEN, a Cigarette Girl, afterwards a Gypsy Soprano
An Innkeeper, Guide, Officers, Dragoons, Lads, Cigar Girls, Gypsies, Smugglers.
Scene and Period : Seville, Spain; about 1820.
Georges Bizet was a native of Paris, where he was born on October 25, 1838. Like
Gounod and Berlioz, he won the Prix de Rome (free, de Roam'); in this case in 1857, the year
that his first opera, Docteur Miracle, was produced. Among other productions came Les Pecheurs
de Perles, in 1863, an opera recently revived at Covent Garden with Mme. Tetrazzini as Leila.
Carmen was produced in 1875, and this most Parisian of all operatic works was received at
its production with a storm of abuse. It was immoral, it was Wagnerian the latter at that
time being a deadly sin in France ! Nevertheless, the supreme merits of Carmen have won
it a place among the two or three most popular operas in the modern repertory.
The talents of Bizet are shown by his remarkable lyric gifts ; the power of writing short,
compact and finished numbers, full of exquisite beauty and convincing style, at the same time
handling dramatic scenes with the freedom demanded by modern opera. His music is more
virile, concentrated and stimulating than perhaps any other French composer.
It was probably not a little owing to the hostile reception of this, his finest work, that its
composer died three months later. The music Bizet has written, however, is likely long to
survive him, and chief among the works into which he ungrudgingly poured his life's energy
was Carmen.
Carmen has its opening scene in a public square in Seville, showing at one side a guard-
house, where Jose, a young brigadier, keeps guard. Micaela, a peasant girl whom he loved
in his village home, comes hither to seek him with a message from his mother. As Jose
appears, the girls stream out from the cigarette factory hard by, and with them their leading
spirit in love and adventure, Carmen, the gypsy, reckless and bewitching. Heedless of the
pressing throng of suitors, and attracted by the handsome young soldier, Carmen throws
him a flower, leaving him dazed and bewildered at her beauty and the fascinating flash of
her dark eyes. A moment later a stabbing affray with a rival factory girl leads to the gypsy's
arrest, and she is placed in the care of Jose himself. A few more smiles and softly-spoken
words from the fascinating Carmen, and he is persuaded to allow her to escape. There is a
sudden struggle and confusion the soldier lets go his hold and the bird has flown !
Act II takes place in the tavern of Lillas Paslia, a resort of smugglers, gypsies and ques-
tionable characters generally. Here arrives Escamillo, the toreador, amid the acclamations of
the crowd, and he, like the rest, offers his homage to Carmen. Mean-while, the two smug-
glers, Dancairo and Remendado, have an expedition afoot and need Carmen to accompany
them. But she is awaiting the return of the young soldier, who, as a punishment for allow-
ing her to escape, had gone to prison, and she will not depart until she has seen him. The
arrival of Jose leads to an ardent love scene between the two. Carmen dances her wild gypsy
measures before him; yet, in the midst of all, he hears the regimental trumpets sounding the
retreat. While Carmen bids him remain and join her, the honor of a soldier urges him to
return. The arrival of his captain, who orders him back, decides Jose. He defies his officer,
who is bound by the smugglers, and Jose deserts his regiment for Carmen.
The next scene finds Jose with the smugglers in the rocky camp in the mountains. The
career of a bandit, however, is one to which a soldier does not easily succumb. His distaste
offends Carmen, who scornfully bids him return home, she also foreseeing, in gypsy fashion,
with the cards, that they will end their careers tragically together. In the midst of this strained
situation two visitors arrive : Escamillo, the toreador, in the character of a new suitor for
Carmen; and Micaela, with a message from Jose's dying mother. The soldier, frustrated in
his attempt to kill Escamillo, cannot resist the girl's appeal and departs, promising to return
later for his revenge. ,,,
The final act takes place outside the Plaza de Toros, at Seville, the scene of Escamillo 's
triumphs in the ring. Carmen has returned here to witness the prowess of her new lover,
and is informed by her friends that Jose, half crazed with jealousy, is watching, capable of
desperate deeds. They soon meet, and the scene between the maddened soldier and the
gypsy is a short one. The jealous Jose appeals to her to return to him, but she refuses with
scorn, although she knows it means death. In a rage Jose stabs her, and thus the end comes
swiftly, while within the arena the crowd is heard acclaiming the triumph of Escamillo.
Prelude (Overture)
By La Scala Orchestra *68O52 12-inch, $1.25
By La Scala Orchestra *62617 10-inch, .75
The Prelude to Carmen opens with a
quick march in 2-4 time, on the following
theme :
The march is of an exceedingly virile and fiery description and is taken from the music
preceding the bull-fight in the last act. Following this stimulating march comes the
" Toreador's Song," leading to the march theme again. These two sections, complete in
themselves, are now followed by a short move-
ment in triple time indicating the tragic con-
clusion of the drama. Here, the appealing notes
of the brass, heard beneath the tremolo of the
strings, gives poignant expression to the pathos
which lies in the jealous love of the forsaken Jose, and expresses the menace of the future
death of Carmen. This movement breaks off on a sudden detached chord of the diminished
seventh as the curtain rises.
SCENE A Public Square in Seville
The curtain rises on a street in Seville, gay with an animated throng. In the fore-
ground are the military guard stationed in front of their quarters. The cigarette factory
lies to the right, and a bridge
across the river is seen in the
Among the crowd which
throngs the stage a young girl
may be seen searching for a
familiar face. It is Micaela,
the maiden whom Jose has left
behind in his native village.
The soldiers accost her, and
from them she learns of her
lover's absence. She declines
the invitation to remain, and
departs hastily.
The cigarette girls now
emerge from the factory, fill-
ing the air with the smoke of
their cigarettes, and with them
Carmen, who answers the
salutations of her admirers
among the men by singing the
gay Habanera.
Habanera (Love is Like a W^ood-bird)
By Jeanne Gerville-Reache, Contralto (In French) 88278 12-inch, $3.00
By Emma Calve, Soprano (In French) 88O85 12-inch. 3.OO
By Maria Gay. Mezzo-Soprano (In Italian) 92O59 12-inch, 3.OO
This charming " Habanera" has always been a favorite Carmen number, its entrancing
rhythm always being delightful to the ear ; and it does not seem strange that Don Jose found
it irresistible when sung by Carmen.
Though often attributed to Bizet, the air was not original with him, but was taken
from Yradier's "Album des Chansons Espagnoles. " The refrain,
AUeyrtUo quati Andantint.
r j
L'a-mourest en - (ant de Bo htme II n'a j mais, ja-mais con nu de loi,
And Love" t a gyp ty boy to true. He ev er teat a rov-er free as air/
is & particularly fascinating portion of the number.
* Double-Face d Record For Me o/oppostte tide *x DOUBLE-FACED CARMEN RECORDS, pafe52.
HABANERA. -"Love is Like a Wood-Bird Wild."
Ah! love, thou art a wilful wild bird, Ah, love!
And none may hope thy wings to tame, For love he is the lord of all,
If it please thee to be a rebel, And ne'er law's icy fetters will he wear,
Say, who can try and thee reclaim? If thou me lovest not, I love thee,
Threats and prayers alike unheeding; And if I love thee, now beware!
Oft ardent homage thou'lt refuse, If thou me lovest not, beware!
Whilst he who doth coldly slight thee, But if I love you, if I love you, beware!
Thou for thy master oft thou'lt choose. beware!
To a large number of opera-goers and music-lovers there is but one emotional soprano
but one exponent of such roles as Carmen and Santuzza. Calve's Carmen, especially, is almost
universally accepted as the greatest of all impersonations of the role.
Gerville-R6ache's Carmen is a fine impersonation, on quite
original lines, her conception being based on a careful study
of Merimee's story and on the teachings of her Spanish mother.
Carmen, according to Mme. Gerville-Rdache, was a passionate
and fickle woman, but not a vulgar one.
The men invite Carmen to choose a new lover,
and in reply she flings a flower in the face of the sur- ,
prised Jose and laughingly departs.
Mia madre vedo ancor (My Mother
I Behold)
By Fernando de Lucia, Tenor, and Giuseppina
Huguet, Soprano (Piano ace.)
(In Italian) 92O52 12-inch, $3.0O
Now Micaela returns, and finds the soldier she seeks. Her song
tells of the message of greeting she brings Jose from his mother,
and with it a kiss. The innocence of Micaela is here a foil to
the riper attractions of the gypsy, and the music allotted to the
maiden possesses the same simple charm ; the conclusion of
Micaela's air being a broad sustained melody of much beauty.
Jose takes up the strain, as the memories of his old home crowd
upon him, and the beautiful duet follows.
JOSE: Ah! tell me of her my mother far away.
MICHAELA: Faithful messenger from her to thee,
I bring a letter,
And some money also; copyi DUPONT
Because a dragoon has not too much. CAY AS CARMEN
And, besides that
Something else?
Indeed, I know not how to say
It is something more
Micaela leaves him after a tender
farewell, and Jose begins to read his
mother's letter, but is interrupted by a
commotion within the factory. Carmen
has stabbed one of her companions, and
is arrested and placed under the guard
of Don Jose. The soldiers drive away
the crowd, and Carmen, left alone with
Jose, brings her powers of fascination to
bear on the young soldier, partly to facili-
tate her escape, and partly because he
has attracted her attention. Here she
sings the Seguidilla, a form of Spanish
country dance.
Seguidilla (Near the Walls
of Seville)
By Maria Gay, Mezzo-
Soprano (In Italian)
91085 10-inch, $2.OO
The Seguidilla is one of Spain's most
beloved dances, and its rhythm is most
fascinating. Bizet has given us a brilliant
example in this dainty number, which
he has set to Michael Carre's words.
CARMEN: Near by the ramparts of Seville
There shall I go to find Lillas Pastia.
And the wine-cup we'll share.
We'll dance in the gay seguidille,
There I shall find Lillas Pastia.
Tell me what this may be:
Come, reveal it to me.
Yes, I will tell you.
What she has given, I will to thee render.
Your mother with me from the chapel came,
And then, lovingly, she kissed me.
"My daughter," said she, "to the city thou
dost go:
Not long the journey.
When arrived in Seville,
Thou wilt seek out Jose, my beloved son;
Tell him Thou knowest that thy mother,
By night, by day, thinks of her Jose:
For him she always prays and hopes.
And pardons him, and loves him ever.
And then this kiss, kind one,
Thou wilt to him give for me."
A kiss from my mother?
To her son.
Jose, I give it to thee-^-as I promised.
(Michaela stands on tip-toe and kisses Jose
a true mother's kiss. Jose is moved and
regards Michaela tenderly.)
My home in yonder valley,
My mother lov'd shall I e'er see?
Ah fondly in my heart I cherish
Mem'ries so dear yet to me.
Thy home in yonder valley,
Thy mother lov'd thou yet wilt see,
'Twill strength and courage give thee.
That one sweet hope,
That yet again thou wilt thy home
And thy dear mother once more see.
Yes, but 'tis folly to go alone;
Where there's not two no love can be.
So, to keep me from being dull,
A handsome lad will come with me!
Although Jose says to himself that the girl is only amusing herself, and whiling away
the time with her gypsy songs, the words which fall on his ear of a meeting-place on the
ramparts of Seville of a soldier she loves a common soldier, all these play upon the feel-
ings of Jose and rouse in him a love for the changeful gypsy, who is fated to be the cause
of his downfall.
He unties her hands, and when the soldiers are conducting her to prison she pushes Jose,
v/ho falls, and in the confusion she escapes.
Between Acts 1 and II is usually played a charming entr'acte,
which has been rendered for this Carmen series by Mr. Herbert.
Intermezzo (1st Entr'acte)
By Victor Herbert's Orch. 60067 10-inch, $0.75
SCENE A Tavern in the Suburbs of Seville
The second act opens amid the Bohemian surroundings of the
tavern of Lillas Pastia ; the wild tune with which the orchestra leads
off depicting the freedom and gaiety with which the mixed char-
acters here assembled are wont to take enjoyment and recreation.
Les trfngles des sistres (Gypsy Song)
By Emma Calve, Soprano
(In French) 88124 12-inch, $3.OO
Carmen again leads them with her song, another lively gypsy
tune, in the exulting refrain of which all join, a picture of reck-
less merriment resulting.
Ah! when of gay guitars the sound
On the air in cadence ringing,
9uickly forth the gipsies springing,
o dance a merry, mazy round.
While tambourines the clang prolong,
In rhythm with the music beating,
And ev'ry voice is heard repeating
The merry burthen of glad song.
Tra la la la, etc.
But Carmen is thinking of the soldier who went to prison for
her sake and who, now at liberty, -will shortly be with her. Her
musings are interrupted by the arrival of a procession in honor
of Escamillo, whose appearance is followed by the famous
" Toreador Song," the most popular of all Carmen numbers.
Cancion de Toreador (Toreador Song)
By Titta Ruffo, Baritone, and La Scala Chorus
(In Italian) 92065 12-inch. $3.OO
By Emilio de Gogorza, Baritone, and New York
Opera Chorus (In Spanish) 88178 12-inch, 3.OO
By Pasquale Amato, Baritone
(In Italian) 88327 12-inch, 3.0O
By Giuseppe Campanari, Baritone
(In Italian) 85073 12-inch, 3.0O
By *Alan Turner, Baritone
(In English) * 16521 lO-inch, .75
By Francesco Cigada, Baritone; Giuseppina
Huguet, Soprano; Inez Salvador, Mezzo-
Soprano ; and La Scala Chorus
(In Italian) *62618 10-inch, .75
By Carlos Francisco, Baritone
(In Spanish) 4074 lO-inch, .60
By Alan Turner, Baritone
(In English) 5376 10-inch. .60
No less than seven renditions of this universal favorite are offered
by the Victor for the choice of customers.
After Escamillo 's departure, Carmen's comrades invite her to 'de-
part upon a smuggling expedition, but she refuses to stir until she
sees the soldier for whom she is waiting. Their efforts to persuade
her has been put by Bizet into the form of a brilliant quintet.
Quintet -" Nous avons en tete une affaire"
(We Have a Plan)
By Mmes. Lejeune, Soprano; Duchene, Mezzo-
Soprano ; Dumesnil, Soprano ; Mm. Leroux,
Tenor; Carlos Gilibert, Baritone
(In French) 88237 12-inch, $3.0O
This is one of the favorite numbers in Bizet's opera, and at the
same time one of the most difficult imaginable. When sung as the
tempo indicates, it goes at break-neck speed, and it is only the most
capable artists who can do it justice.
For the present reproduction, the Victor has assembled a most
competent corps of singers, who were under the direction of the late
Charles Gilibert, himself the most famous, of Remendados.
Jose's voice being heard outside, Carmen pushes her compan-
ions from the room and greets him with joy. She then tries her
fascinations on the stolid soldier to induce him to join the band of
smugglers, but without effect, as he is reminded of his duty when he
hears the bugle in the distance summoning him to quarters. " Then
go, 1 hate you I " says Carmen, and mocks him, singing
Ah, this is too mortifying!
All to please you, sir, I gaily sang and danced.
(Aside.) Rut now ta ra ta! he hears the trumpet call!
Ta ra ta ra! and then off he flies
Like a guest to a feast!
Double-Faced Record For title of ot>t>oMc side see DOUBLE-FACED CARMEN RECORDS, page 52.
Air de la fleur (Flower Song)
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor
(In French) 882O8 12-inch, $3.0O
By Enrico Caruso. Tenor
(In Italian) 88209 12-inch, 3.00
By Charles Dalmores. Tenor
(In French) 85122 12-inch, 3.00
By Fernando De Lucia, Tenor
(In Italian) 76O01 12-inch, 2.0O
By Evan ^^illiams. Tenor
(In English) 74122 12-inch, 1.50
By John McCormack, Tenor
(In Italian) 74218 12-inch, 1.50
Desperate at the thought of losing her forever, 'Don
Jose shows her the flowers she threw him at their first
meeting, and which he had preserved, then sings this
lovely romance, beginning:
Andantino. (J = 69.)
ft fan amore.
lA^r i ?=
\ lr> r"> r 1 ^
f . 1^-
" . V. T_HjJ.M.b.'LT-^-- - Ib | i * ^ " IT
La fleur que tu ma-vais je te - e Dans ma pri son m'e-tait res - 16 -
Tkaflow'ryougaveto me.dt-grad-ed 'Mid pri-ion walls I've kept tho' /ad
The struggle between love and duty -which has been distracting the unfortunate lover is
now seemingly forgotten, and he pours out his heart in this romanza, telling only of his great
passion for the beautiful but heartless gypsy.
IJotn yet retain its sweet pertume.
Night and day in darkness abiding,
I the truth, Carmen, am confiding;
Its loved odor did I inhale,
And wildly called thee without av- ;
My love itself I cursed and hated,
Then alone myself I detested,
And naught else this heart interested,
Naught else it felt but one desire,
One sole desire did it retain,
Carmen, beloved, to see thee once again !
O, Carmen, mine! here as thy slave, love
binds me fast,
Carmen, I love thee!
From Soli inner score. Copy'tG. Schirmer
The number might have been written expressly for
Caruso, so well does it suit his voice and style. One can
but marvel at the masterful ease of phrasing, and the
warmth of vocal coloring imparted by the singer. The
changing moods of the lover are here indicated with dra-
matic expression the regret at the havoc Carmen has played
with his life mingling with the devotion for her he still feels.
This is a remarkable and memorable performance, the whole
song being lighted up with that rich vocal beauty and artis-
tic genius which belong only to a Caruso.
McCormack also makes a fine impression in this role,
and his singing of this famous Flower Song is always
greeted with enthusiasm. Dalmores' interpretation is a
more vigorous one, his fine voice being shown at its best. Other fine renditions, at varying
prices, in both Italian and English, are also offered.
Carmen then paints the joys of the gypsies' life which might be Jose 's, if he would desert
his regiment and follow her.
Carmen !
Wilt come with me?
Up yonder, up yonder, thus will we go
Away, if thou lov'st me, together!
Las bas dans la montagne (Away to Yonder Mountains)
By Emma Calve, Soprano, and Carlos Dalmores, Tenor
(In French) 89O19 12-inch, $4.OO
The soldier listens with half-willing ears, his voice joining hers at the close, in a lovely
duet passage.
For roof, the sky a wandering life;
For country, the whole world;
Thy will thy master;
And above all most prized of all
Liberty ! freedom !
Up yonder, up yonder, if thou lov'st me,
To the mountains, together we'll go.
However, in spite of Carmen's fascinations, Jose is about to return to his duty, when the
appearance of his superior officer Zuniga, who orders him back, decides the matter.
Don Jose resents the overbearing tone his captain uses and defies him. Zuniga is finally
overpowered and bound by the gypsies, and the smugglers all depart on their expedition.
Aragonaise (2d Entr'acte)
By Victor Herbert's Orchestra 7OO67 12-inch, $1.25
By La Scala Orchestra (Double-faced See page 52) 62102 lO-inch, .75
The retreat in the mountains is musically described by this pastoral intermezzo. A
dreamy melody given to the flute, with a pizzicato accompaniment, is taken up by the other
instruments in turn, the strings joining in the coda.
Andamtino fiuui allegretto.
This is one of the finest records made by the Herbert Orchestra, who have given an
artistic and finished rendering of the interlude.
SCENE A Wild and Rocky Poss in the Mountains
As the curtain rises, the smugglers are seen entering their rocky lair. Here occurs the
famous sextette, a portion of which is given in the "Gems from Carmen" (page 51).
The smugglers prepare to camp for the night. It is evident that Jose is already repenting
of his folly, and that Carmen is tiring of her latest lover. After a quarrel with Jose, she joins
Frasquita and M cedes, who are telling fortunes with cards.
En vain pour eviter (Card Song)
By Jeanne Gerville-Reache, Contralto (In French} 87039 10-inch, $2. OO
By LavindeCasas, Mezzo-Soprano (Piano ace.) (Inltalian) *62617 lO-inch, .75
Carmen tells her own fate by the cards,
reading death, first for herself and then for her
lover. In vain she shuffles and re-tries the
result; the answer is ever the same.
This highly dramatic air, one of the most
impressive numbers in Bizet's opera, is effect-
ively sung by Mme. Gerville-Reache.
The neighboring camp being ready, the
smugglers retire, and the stage is once more
Je dis que rien ne m'epouvante
(Micaela's Air," I am not Faint-
By Emma Eames, Soprano
(In French) 88O36 12-inch, $3.OO
By Geraldine Farrar, Soprano
(In French) 88144 12-inch, 3.OO
By Alma Cluck, Soprano
(In French) 74245 12-inch, 1.5O
Into this strange and -wild scene now enters
Micaela, the peasant sweetheart of Don Jose,
who has forgotten her in his fascination for the
wayward Carmen. Micaela has braved the
dangers of the road to the smugglers' retreat,
whither Don Jose has followed Carmen, to carry
to the soldier a message from his dying mother.
The innocent girl is frightened by the vast and
* Double-Faced Record For title o/ opposite side see DOUBLE-FACED CARMEN RECORDS, page 52.
lonely mountains, and in her aria appeals to Heaven to protect her,
ingenuously confessing her love for Don Jose and her detestation of the
woman who has led him away from his duty.
I try not to own that I tremble;
P.ut I know I'm a coward, altho' bold I
Ah! now can I ever call up my courage,
While horror and dread chill my sad heart
with fear?
Here, in this savage retreat, sad and weary
am I,
Alone and sore afraid.
Ah! heav'n, to thee I humbly pray,
Protect thou me, and guide and aid!
I fha\\ see the guilty creature,
Who by infernal arts doth sever
From his country, from his duty.
Him I loved and shall love ever!
* I may tremble at her beauty,
But her power affrights me not.
Strong, in my just cause confiding,
Heaven ! I trust myself to thee.
Ah! to this poor heart give courage.
Protector! guide and aid now me!
The young girl, hearing a shot fired, runs into a cave in fright.
Jose, who is guarding the smugglers' effects, has seen a stranger and
fires at him. It proves to be Escamillo, the toreador, who has come COP
Je suis Escamillo (I am Escamillo !)
By Charles Dalmores and Marcel Journet (In French) 85114 12-inch, $3.0O
By Leon Beyle, Tenor, and Hector Dufranne, Baritone
(DoabU-faceJ -Seepage 52) (In French) 6275O 10-inch, .75
The two men compare notes, and learning that they are rivals, Jose challenges the other
to a duel with knives, which is interrupted by the timely arrival of Carmen herself. This
dialogue, with the fiery duet at the close, well depicts this exciting scene.
The Dalmores-Journet record is of especial interest because of the brilliant success
Mr. Dalmores has achieved in the part of Don Jose. Journet sings Escamillo' s music splen-
didly, with that full resonant voice always pleasant to hear. A popular priced rendition
by Beyle and Dufranne, of the Opera, is also listed above.
Finale " Mia tu sei" (You Command Me to Leave You)
By Antonio Paoli, Tenor; Giuseppina Huguet. Soprano;
Inez Salvador, and Francesco Cigada (In Italian) 92035 12-inch. $3.00
A dramatic scene between Carmen and Jose is interrupted by Micaela, who begs Jose to
return to his mother; and Carmen, with fine scorn, echoes her request. Thus to leave his
rival in possession of the field is too much for the soldier, who swears never to be parted
from the gypsy until death.
CARMEN (to Jose): Be not deaf to my prayers;
Go, and go quickly; stay not here; Thy mother waits thee there.
This way of life is not for thee! The chain that binds thee, Jose,
JOSE (to Carmen) : Death will break.
To depart thou dost counsel me? JOSE (to Michaela):
CARMEN: Go from hence;
Yes, thou shouldst go I cannot follow thee.
JOSE (fiercely): (To Carmen.)
Yes, that thou mayst follow Mine thou art, accursed one!
Another lover the toreador! And I will force thee to know
No, Carmen, I will not depart! And submit to the fate
That both our lives unites!
The message from his dying mother, however, decides him ; he will go, but vows to
return. In this wild and tumultuous number the jealous anger of Jose gives rise to some
highly dramatic singing, delivered with extreme intensity and power by Paoli, the tragic
theme at the close being introduced with meaning effect. The Toreador chorus indicates
the triumph of EscamiUo in the gypsy's attentions, and this with the orchestral close slowly
sinking to rest brings the powerful act to a finish.
(A Square in Seville, with the walls of the
Bull Ring shown at the back)
By Victor Herbert's Orchestra
7OO66 12-inch. $1.25
The fourth act opens -with a
momentary brightness. Outside the
Plaza de Toros, in Seville, an animated
crowd awaits the procession about to
enter the ring. This short movement
is a quick bustling one, only the plaint-
ive oboe solo indicating the tragedy
which is soon to occur. The playing
of this striking prelude is on the same
artistic level which marks each of the
renditions by this famous orchestra.
This scene, as the orange sellers,
hawkers of fans, ices and the rest,
press their wares on the waiting crowd,
is extremely gay, and affords welcome
relief from the intensity of the drama.
Escamillo, who has returned to take part in the bull-fight, now enters, and all join in
the refrain of the Toreador Song in his honor.
Se tu m'ami (If You Love Me)
By Inez Salvador, Mezzo-Soprano, and Francesco Cigada. Baritone
(Double-faced See page 52) (In Italian) 621O2 10-inch, $O.75
Escamillo takes farewell of Carmen before entering the arena. He promises to fight the
better for her presence, and she, half conscious of what is coming, avows her readiness to
die for him. This number is full of lovely melodies and one of the most beautiful records
of the Carmen series.
As the procession passes on, the warning comes to Carmen that Jose is here, to which
she replies that she fears him not.
Duetto e Finale (Duet and Finale)
By Maria Passeri, Mezzo-Soprano :
Antonio Paoli, Tenor: and La Scala
Chorus 9205O 12-inch. I3.OO
Jose now enters and makes a last appeal, which is dramatic
in its intensity. It takes the form of a swinging melody to an
insistent triplet accompaniment. To each request of her lover,
Carmen adds her disdainful negative, reckless of the danger which
threatens her.
JOSE (in desperation) :
Now thou refusest my prayers, <
Inhuman girl! For thy sake am I lost!
And then to know thee shameless, infamous!
Laughing, in his arms, at my despair!
No, no! it shall not be, by Heaven!
Carmen, thou must be mine, mine only!
CARMEN (proudly) :
No, no, never!
Ah! weary am I of threats.
Cease then, or let me pass!
CHORUS (in bull ring) :
Vjctory ! victory !
Viva Escamillo!
Apain I beseech thee. Carmen,
Wilt thou with me depart?
Carmen '$ last refusal, as she flings him back his ring, rouses
the soldier's jealousy to madness and he stabs her to the heart.
As she falls the success of the Toreador in the arena is announced by the singing of his well-
known refrain. The last notes of the opera are a few pitiful tones from the stricken Jose
addressed to the mute form of his beloved.
This is another truly powerful record by Paoli, -worthy of a climax such as this. The
music is delivered with the realism and earnestness beyond the reach of all but the very
few tenors, and it enables the listener to fully realize the stress and pathos of the moving
dramatic picture which thus concludes the last act of Carmen.
Carmen Selection By Pryor's Band 31562 12-inch. $1.OO
/Carmen Selection By Sousa's Bandl ~* nnn ,, ,
\ c L i r\ ncr> j>35OOO 12-inch,
| rreischulz Overture By jiousa s Hand)
/Carmen Selection By Pryor's Band) ^575 10-inch 75
\ Manon Jth I fuyez douce image ! By M. T^occa, Tenor/
The selection begins with the brilliant and animated Prelude, the first part of which is
given, including the refrain of the famous | J k a"T*!^^T^=;-. u. i f- k t, . ,, i _ i i ^_
" Toreador Song." Then is heard (as a cornet Iff** * > t * v ^-y-4- 1 -" " i* K-hJfSj^* J"EE
solo) the quaint " Habanera," ;T " . * 'ZZ.ZSU SL,!L T. Z ? ',.
with its curiously varied rhythm, its chromatic melody and the changes from minor to major
which are so effective. With the last note the full band takes up the rollicking chorus of
street boys from Act I, and after a few measures there iAn f ^ \>f~. Jl T M r- t* i (*
appears suddenly the weird strain from Act IV when *y
Carmen hurls at Don Jose her last defiance. - ~ . . ^> A~ /"-**
The spirited introductory strain returns, closing the selection. A fine record and splen-
didly played.
Gems from Carmen
By Victor Light Opera Company (In English) 31843 12-inch, ll.OO
Chorus. " Here They Are " Solo and Chorus. " Hibanera " (Love is Like a Bird) Duet. "Again
He Sees His Village Home "Sextette, " Our Chosen Trade " Solo and Chorus. " Toreador
Song "Finale.
An amazing number of the most popular bits of Bizet's masterpiece have been crowded
into this attractively arranged potpourri, which shows both the skill of Mr. Rogers and the
remarkable talent of the Opera Company.
Only such an organization as that of the Victor, which stands absolutely alone among
record-making bodies, could successfully cope with the difficulties of Bizet's score. The
record is one of the most striking and brilliant of the series, including as it does the rollick-
ing chorus of boys in Act I ; the favorite Habanera, the lovely Jose-Micaela duet, the Sextette
from the Smuggler Scene, the popular Toreador Song and the brilliant finish to Act 111.
(Habanera (Whistling) By Guido Gialdinil , , in ; m/ ,t. * n T *
The Pretty Maiden (Xylophone) By Peter Leiwn/ 16752 Mnch ' $O ' 75
[Toreador Song By Alan Turner, Baritone (In English))
Trovatore Tempest of the Heart [l6521 10-inch, .75
By j4lan Turner, Baritone (In English))
/Prelude (Overture) By La Scala Orchestral, artl . , ~ , ,,-
\ r\ j ../ i_r -a/ft DC ' D jfOoO52 12-inch. 1.25
I Damnation oj raust Hungarian March ay Sousa s Dana]
[Prelude (Overture) By La Scala Orchestral
\ Scena delle carte (Card Song) By Lavin de Casas, Mezzo- [62617 10-inch, .75
( Soprano (Piano ace. ) (In Italian) J
Canzone del Toreador (Toreador Song) By F. Cigada, Bari- 1
tone; G. Huguet, Soprano; I. Salvador, Mezzo-Soprano: L,,,, Q , n - i -e.
T e i ri- it it i- \ ?o2olo lO-inch, ,i5
La Scala Chorus (in Italian)
Cavalleria Rusticana Intermezzo By Pryor's Orchestra)
[Intermezzo Acto III By La Scala Orchestral
jSetum'ami (If You Love Me) By Inez Salvador, Mezzo- 621O2 lO-inch, .75
[ Soprano ; F. Cigada, Baritone (In Italian) ]
{Je suis Escamillo (I Am Escamillo!) By Leon Beyle, Tenor; 1
Hector Dufranne, Baritone (In French) [&275O 10-inch, .75
Valse des looses (Metro) By Mile. Korsoff, Soprano (In French)}
[Preludio, Acto IV By La Scala Orchestral
< Norma Mira o Norma By Ida Qiacomelli, Soprano; Lina Mileri, b2101 lO-inch. .75
[ Contralto (In Italian)}
/Carmen Selection (Xylophone) By Wm. Reitz\ ,
\ BohemeMusetta Waltz (Whistling) By Guido Gialdinif lW921
(Cao-al-leh-rec' -ah Riu-ti-cah' -nah)
Libretto adapted from the book of Verga by Targioni-Torzetti and Menasci ; music by
Mascagni. First production in Rome, May 17, 1890, the opera having -won the first prize
offered by a music publisher for the best one-act work. First London production at the
Shaftesbury Theatre under the direction of Signor Lago, October 19, 1891 ; and at Covent
Garden (under Harris) May 16, 1892. First American production in Philadelphia, September
9, 1891.
SANTUZZA, (San-lool'-zah) a village girl Soprano
LOLA, (Low'Jah) -wife of Alfio Mezzo-Soprano
TURIDDU, ( Too-ree ' -doo) a young soldier Tenor
ALFIO, (At-fee-oh) a teamster Baritone
LUCIA. (Loo-chee'-ah] mother of Turiddu Contralto
Chorus of Peasants and Villagers. Chorus behind the scenes.
The scene is laid in a Sicilian village.
Time The Present.
NOTE The quotations from text and music of Cavalier ia Rusticana are gioen tu kind permits/on of G. Schirmer.
(Copu't 1 89 1 .)
Pietro Mascagni, son of a baker in Leghorn, was born December 7, 1863. Destined by
his father to succeed him in business, the young man rebelled, and secretly entered the
Cherubini Conservatory. He began composing at an early age, but none of his works at-
tracted attention until 1890, when he entered a contest planned by Sonzogno, the Milan
publisher. Securing a libretto based on a simple Sicilian
tale by Verga, he composed the whole of this opera in
eight days, producing a work full of dramatic fire and
rich in Italian melody, and easily won the prize. Pro-
duced in Rome in 1890, it created a sensation, and in
a short time has become one of the most popular of
Turiddu, a young Sicilian peasant, returns from the
war and finds his sweetheart, Lola, has wedded Alfio,
a carter. For consolation he pays court to Santuzza, who
loves him not wisely but too well. Tiring of her, he turns
again to Lola, who seems to encourage him.
By La Scala Orchestra *35104 12-inch, $1.25
By Vessella's Italian Band
31831 12-inch, l.OO
The Prelude takes the form of a fantasia on the
principal themes of the opera. Mascagni's lovely melodies
are played with exquisite tone and expression, while at
the climaxes the entry of the brass is most artistically
managed. This is band playing of a high order, and
certainly the best record of the Prelude we have heard. The
La Scala Orchestra record is also a most interesting one.
During the prelude Turiddu 's voice is heard in the charming Siciliana, in which he tells
of his love for Lola : **<,**.
i r r c ? I^-^T-^^FT r' i
10-inch, $2.00
lO-inch, 2.OO
lO-inch, l.OO
10-inch, .75
Siciliana (Thy Lips Like Crimson Berries)
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor (Harp ace.} (In Italian) 87O72
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor (Piano ace.) (In Italian) 81O3O
By Leo Slezak, Tenor (In German) 612O2
By Carlo Caffetto, Tenor (Piano ace.) (In Italian) *6262O
It is sung behind the scenes, before the rise of the curtain, making it peculiarly effective.
At the close of the number Turiddu' s voice is heard dying away in the distance. This
decrescendo passage is exquisitely sung by Caruso. This delightful serenade, one of the most
popular of the Caruso records, is almost the only bright spot in Mascagni's passionate and
tragic operatic melodrama.
The best of the many translations (Schirmer Edition, copy't 1891) is given here.
O Lola, with thy lips like crimson berries,
Eyes with the glow of love deepening in
Cheeks of the hue of wild, blossoming cherries,
Fortunate he who first finds favor to win
A fine rendition in German by Slezak and one by Caffetto in Italian, at a lower price,
are also offered.
SCENE A Square in a Sicilian Village
After the Siciliana the chorus of villagers is heard, also behind the scenes, and during
this chorus the curtain rises, showing a square in the village, with the church at one side
and the cottage of Turiddu 's mother on the other.
* Double-Face d Record For title of opposite side see double-faced list, page 58.
Yet tho' I died and found Heav'n on n
Wert thou not there to greet me, grief
should cherish!
Gli aranci olezzano (Blossoms of Oranges)
By New York Grand Opera Chorus (In Italian) 64048 10-inch, M.OO
By La Scala Chorus (In Italian) *68218 12-inch, 1.25
This beautiful chorus is rendered here both by the famous
organization of La Scala, Milan, and the New York Grand
Opera Chorus.
It is Easter Day and crowds of villagers cross the stage and
enter the church. Santuzza enters, and knocking at Lucia's
door, asks her if she has seen Turiddu. His mother replies
that he is at Francofonte, but the jealous girl refuses to believe
it, and suspects that he is watching for Lola.
The cracking of a whip and shouts of the villagers
announce Alfio, who appears and sings a merry song.
II cavallo scalpita (Gayly Moves the
Tramping Horse)
By Renzo Minolfi, Baritone
(In Italian) *45003 10-inch, $1.00
He is happy and free, his wife Lola loves him and guards
his home while he is gone this is the burden of his air.
The peasants disperse and Alfio is left with Lucia and
Santuzza. When he says he has just seen Turiddu, Lucia is
surprised, but at a gesture from Santuzza she keeps silent.
After Alfio has entered the church, the Easter music is
heard within and all kneel and join in the singing.
Regina Coeli (Queen of the Heavens)
AMATO AS ALFIO By La Seala Chorus
(In Italian) *68218 12-inch, $1.25
This great number, given by La Scala Chorus, has been combined with the opening
chorus noted above on one double-faced record.
All go into the church except Lucia and Santuzza, and the agitated girl now sings her
touching romanza, beginning:
Vol to u - pe tt^o num m, prl . >
S*rt tjf ytm know, ok, mam ma. Long *
as she pours out her sad history to'the sympathetic Mamma Lucia. This is one of the most
powerful numbers in Mascagni's work.
Voi lo sapete ("Well You Know, Good Mother)
By Emma Calve, Soprano (In Italian) 88086 12-inch, $3.OO
By Johanna Gadski, Soprano (In Italian) 88136 12-inch, 3.OO
By Emma Eames, Soprano (In Italian) 88037 12-inch, 3.OO
Stung with the remembrance of her great wrong she sings of vengeance, but love over-
powers revenge, and in spite of herself, she cries
ril. "ton frandft
" ' -t^T-YT.
Then the thought of her rival, Lola, returns and she gives way to despair, throwing herself
at the feet of the gentle mother of Turiddu, who is powerless to aid her and who can only
pray for the wretched woman.
* Double-Faced Record For title of opposite side see double-faced list, page 58
Well do you know, good mother,
Ere to the war he departed ,
Turiddu plighted to Lola his troth,
Like a man true-hearted.
And then, finding her wedded
Loved me! I loved him!
She, coveting what was my only treasure
Enticed him from me!
She and Turiddu love again!
I weep and I weep and I weep still!
Three fine renditions of this dramatic number, by three famous
sopranos, are offered to music lovers.
Lucia tries to comfort her and passes into the church just as
Turiddu appears. He asks Sanluzza why she does not go to mass.
She says she cannot, and accuses him of treachery, -which puts him
in a rage, and he tells her brutally that she is now nothing to him.
This great duet has been recorded in its entirety by two famous
artists of Milan.
Tu qui Santuzza (Thou Here, Santuzza!)
By B. Besalu, Soprano, and G. Ciccolini, Tenor
(In Italian) *55O22 12-inch, $1.5O
No, No, Turiddu
GADSKI AS SANTUZZA By B. Besalu, Soprano, and G. Ciccolini, Tenor
(In Italian) *55022 12-inch, 1,50
This scene is now interrupted by Lola 's voice, heard behind the scenes.
LOLA (behind the scenes):
My king of roses,
Radiant angels stand
In Heav'n in thousands;
None like to him so bright
That land discloses,
My king of roses!
She enters, and divining the situation, shows her power by taking Turiddu into the
church with her. Frantic with jealousy, Santuzza turns to Alfio, who now enters, and tells
him that his wife is false.
Two records are required to present this powerful scene, and of the first part two
versions are offered for a choice.
Turiddu mi tolse (Turiddu
Forsakes Me !)
By B. Besalu, Soprano, and E. Badini,
(In Italian) *55O21 12-inch, $1.5O
By Clara Joanna, Soprano, and
Renzo Minolfi, Baritone
(In Italian) * 45002 lO-inch, l.OO
Ad essi non perdono OTis They
Who Are Shameful)
By Clara Joanna, Soprano, and
Renzo Minolfi, Baritone
(In Italian) *45002 lO-inch, $1.0O
Alfio swears vengeance, while Santuzza already
regrets her disclosure, but is powerless to prevent
the consequences of her revelation. They go out,
leaving the stage empty, and the beautiful Inter-
mezzo follows.
By Pryor's Orchestra
*62618 10-inch, 10.75
By Victor Orchestra
4184 10-inch. .60
* Double-Faced Record For title of opposite side see double-faced list, page 58
Lie i trt,, , trimm^f I
ipa >Kf ran tt.
After the storm and passion of the first scene, this lovely number comes as a blessed relief.
The curtain does not fall during the playing of the Intermezzo, although the stage is empty.
A casa, a casa (Now Homeward)
By La Scala Chorus (In Italian) *45O14 lO-inch, $1.OO
The services being over, the people now come from the church, and Turiddu in a reck-
less mood invites the crowd to drink with him, and sings his spirited Brindisi.
Brindisi (Drinking Song)
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor (In Italian) *81O62 lO-inch, $2.OO
In striking contrast to the prevailing tragic tone of Mascagni's opera comes this merry
drinking song, which Turiddu sings as ni a
gaily as if he had not a care in the world, . Q r ,*< g f'gi'F-i H . ,t/* \tr""'g a fe ^S iT^F^Fm^
although at that moment the culminating y ' ' ' ' 5: 'l > I i f * I I ^=
tragedy of the duel was close at hand.
Turiddu cafls to the crowd about the inn :
then sings the
Brindisi, -which
has a most fas- '
cinating swing:
At the close of the song occurs a C natural, which is taken by Caruso with consummate ease.
Hail the red wine richly flowing, Hail the wine that flows and bubbles,
In the beaker, sparkling, glowing, Kijls care, banishes all troubles,
I ike young love, with smiles bestowing, Brings peace, pleasure it redoubles,
Now our holiday 'twill bless. Causes sweet f orgetf ulness !
Alfio now enters, and when Turiddu offers him a cup
refuses, saying:
Thank you! but wine to drink with you
I fear now.
Poison I might be drinking, ere I was
Turiddu throws out the wine, saying carelessly :
Very well! suit your pleasure!
The seriousness of this scene is not lost on the
peasants, who now leave the young men together. The
challenge is quickly given and accepted after the Siciliana
fashion, Turiddu viciously biting Alfio's ear. Turiddu,
sobered by the deadly earnestness of his neighbor, feels
something of remorse, and says to him :
Neighbor Alfio
I own my wrong before you,
But if through you I perish
Poor hapless Santuzza
Left without her lover
(.Suddenly changing his tone)
Yet will I drive my dagcer in your heart!
ALFIO (coldly) :
I will await you behind the garden!
Turiddu now calls his mother from the cottage, and
asks for her blessing, bidding her, if he does not return,
to be a mother to Santuzza.
Addio alia madre (Turiddu's Farewell to His Mother)
By Riccardo Martin. Tenor (In Italian) 88277 12-inch, $3.OO
By Gennaro de Tura. Tenor (In Italian) 76O15 12-inch. 2.OO
By G. Ciccolini, Tenor (In Italian) *55O21 12-inch. 1.5O
By Leo Slezak, Tenor (In German) 61205 lO-inch. l.OO
By Giorgio Malesci. Tenor (Piano ace.) (In Italian) *62620 lO-inch, .75
* Double-Face d Record For title of opposite tide see double-faced list, page 58.
TURIDDU (calling) :
(Enter Lucia.)
Exciting surely that wine was.
I must have taken
Too many cups
While we" were drinking!
For a stroll I am going,
But first, I pray you,
Give your son your blessing
As when I left you
To become a soldier!
And listen, mother! This also!
If I return not, if I return not,
You must not falter.
To Santuzza be a mother!
I have sworn to shield her
And lead her to the altar.
Why speakest thou so strangely?
My son, oh, tell me?
TURIDDU (nonchalantly):
Oh, nothing! the wine
Has filled my brain with vapors!
O pray that God forgive me!
One kiss, dear mother!
And yet another!
Farewell now! If I return not
Be a mother to my Santa.
(He rushes off.)
Finale to the Opera
By Clara Joanna, Soprano : Sra. Rumbelli, Mezzo-
Soprano ; and Chorus (Double-faced See below) (In Italian} 45003 10-inch, $1.00
Lucia is distressed and bewildered, and calls after him despairingly. Confused cries are
now heard and a woman screams " Turiddu is murdered ! " Santuzza and Lucia sink down
senseless, and the curtain slowly falls.
Selection Part I
Selection Part II
By Victor Orchestra 31057 12-inch, $1.0O
By Victor Orchestra 31058 12-inch, l.OO
(In Italian)}, ,. .
fl Ti I- \fOO2lO
(In Italian)!
12-inch, 1.5O
12-inch, 1.5O
12-inch, 1.25
(In Italian)
fTuriddu, mi tolse (Turiddu Forsakes Me !) By
I B. Besalu, Soprano, and E. Badini, Baritone (In Italian)}
| Mamma, quel vino e generoso (Mother ! the Wine
{ Cup too Freely Passes) By G. Coccolini, Tenor (In Italian))
[Tu qui Santuzza (Thou Here, Santuzza) By B. Besalu,
Soprano, and G. Ciccolini, Tenor (In Italian) 155022
1 No, No, Turiddu By B. Besalu, Soprano, and
[ G. Ciccolini, Tenor (In Italian))
I Prelude By La Scala Orchestral
{Selection By Pryor's Band >35 104 12-inch, 1.25
( Opening of Act. " Alfio's Song." " Easter Chorale," " Intermezzo."
/Coro d' Introduzione By La Scala Chorus
(Regina Coeli By La Scala Chorus
Turiddu, mi tolse 1'onore (Turiddu Forsakes Me !)
By Clara Joanna, Soprano, and Renzo Minolfi,
Ad essi io non perdono By Clara Joanna, Soprano,
and Renzo Minolfi, Baritone (In Italian)
Finale dell' Opera By Clara Joanna, Soprano ; Sra.
Rumbelli, Mezzo-Soprano ; and La Scala Chorus
(In Italian)
II cavallo scalpita (Gayly Moves the Tramping Horse)
By Renzo Minolfi, Baritone (In Italian)
A casa, a casa (Now Homeward !)
By La Scala Chorus (In Italian) I ..-,,, A
^ i- i D , i-a- D j \r A D A K/T c (-45O14
(juglielmo Ratdiff radre l\ostro By A. Mussim, Soprano,
and E. Molinari, Bass (In Italian)}
Intermezzo By Pryor's Orchestral
Carmen Toreador (Bizet) By Francesco Cigada, Baritone; l^i^ia
^. c T c i j us fo2olo
(jiuseppina nuguet, Soprano ; Inez Salvador, Mezzo-
Soprano ; and Chorus (In Italian))
/Addio alia madre (Piano ace.) By Giorgio Malesci.Tenorl ,_,--,, lf .
\Siciliana (Piano ace.) By Carlo Caffetto, Tenor/ *^
45002 10-inch, l.OO
45003 10-inch, l.OO
in ;
in ;
i no
I. ah L)an-nah-xe-on' deh Fowst)
Hector Berlioz's dramatic legend in four parts ; book based on de Nerval's version of
Goethe's poem, partly by Gandonniere, but completed by Berlioz himself. First performed
December 6, 1846, at the Opera Comique, Paris, in concert form, and in New York under
Dr. Leopold Damrosch in 1880. It was given at Monte Carlo as an opera in 1903. First
American performance of the opera,
MARGUERITE (M a hr- gU er*ef ') Soprano
FAUST (Fount) Tenor
MEPHISTOPHELES (M e /-/./ 3 /^/-/eez) Baritone or Bass
BRANDER.. ..Bass
Place : A German village.
No one to-day doubts the genius of Berlioz, and critics are almost unanimous in praising
his originality, his spontaneous force and immense creative power. Le Damnation de Faust,
his best known work, originally written as an oratorio, but which has since been adapted
for the stage, was first produced in 1846 and met with a cold reception. Ten years after
his death, however, what a change began ! A Berlioz memorial in Paris, at the Hippodrome,
where thousands were turned away ; Berlioz monuments erected in Grenoble and other
cities of France ; and finally, the production of Damnation of Faust as an opera at Monte Carlo
in 1903, amid scenes of the wildest enthusiasm.
In his "Faust" Berlioz has
given us a musical legend which
has all the picturesqueness of
the original work.
Whatever severe critics may
say of its merits in the highest
artistic sense, it is nevertheless
a wonderful work. Strange
eccentricities and rare beauties
are found side by side; even
the wild orgie of fiends called
" Pandemonium," which almost
transgresses the license of genius,
must be admired for its astound-
ing orchestral effects. On the
other hand, there are melodies
of purest beauty, such as the
numbers for Marguerite. How-
ever, the most striking numbers
in the opera are those written by Berlioz for Mephistopheles, three of which have been
most effectively rendered for the Victor by Plancon.
Berlioz, disregarding Goethe's poem, located the opening scene on a plain in Hungary
simply to excuse the interpolation of the Rakoczy March. We quote Berlioz himself
here : " The march on the Hungarian Rakoczy theme, written one night at Vienna,
made such a sensation at Pesth that I introduced it into my Faust score, taking the liberty of
putting my hero in Hungary and making him witness the passage of a Hungarian troop
across the plain where he is -wandering in reverie." But Raoul Gunsbourg, who adapted
the cantata for the stage, changed the first scene to a room with open windows showing the
peasants dancing and the military passing by to the strains of the Hungarian March. Here
Faust soliloquizes on the vanity of all things, while the people make merry outside, and the
march of the soldiers makes an inspiring finish to the scene.
Hungarian (Rakoczy) March
By Sousa's Band 31424 12-inch, $1.00
This is Berlioz's treatment of the famous "Rakoczy March,"
known as a national Hungarian melody for a hundred years. Its
stirring measures so fascinated the composer that, contrary to his
original intention, he laid the scene of his " Faust " legend in Hungary
in order that he might make use of this wild and pulse-quickening
melody. His treatment of it is brilliant in the extreme, and it
remains one of the most effective portions of his "Faust."
In this connection it is interesting to remember that Lis2t,
although a warm friend of Berlioz, considered himself aggrieved
and wrote to Mme. Tardieu in 1882: "My transcription of the
Rakoczy March * * is twice as long as the well-known version
of Berlioz, and it was -written before his. Delicate sentiments of
friendship for the illustrious Frenchman induced me to withhold it
from publication until after his death. : : In -writing it he
made use of one of my earlier transcriptions, particularly in the
Scene II shows Faust alone in his study, as in the Gounod
version. He is about to take poison, when the strains of the
Easter hymn come from the adjoining church and arrest his purpose.
Mephistopheles then appears and suggests that they go forth and
see the -world together, to -which Faust consents.
In the third scene Faust and Mephistopheles go to a beer cellar in
Leipsic, where students and soldiers are carousing. Brander sings
his song of the rat, -which as in the Gounod opera, meets with
but ironical praise from Mephistopheles, and he volunteers his famous " Romance
of the Flea," a curiosity of music as effective as it is difficult
to render.
Chanson de la puce (Song of the Flea)
By Pol Plancon, Bass
(In French) 81087 lO-inch, $2.0O
Gounod's Mephistopheles is mild and innocent by the side
of the strange utterances of the Devil as portrayed by Berlioz.
This is one of the most interesting numbers in the
work, for Berlioz has described, by means of clever forms
in the accompaniment, the skipping of the flea in various
directions. The -words are most fantastic
Once a king, be it noted, had a fine and lusty flea,
And on this flea he doted, cherish'd him tenderly,
So he s^ent for his tailor, and to the tailor spake:
"Please to measure this youngster, and coat and breeches
Faust dislikes the scene, and the two vanish from the
gaze of the astonished students amid a fiery glow.
12-inch. $3.OO
Voici des roses ( 'Mid Banks of Roses)
By Pol Plancon, Bass
(In French) 85117
By Mattio Battistini. Baritone
(In Spanish) 92023 12-inch, 3.OO
We next discover Faust asleep in a lonely forest on the banks of the Elbe, where the
demon murmurs a softly penetrating melody into his ear, lulling him to slumber -with these
seductive words
'Mid banks of roses, softly the light reposes,
On this fair, fragrant bed, rest, O Faust, rest thy head
Here slumber, while lovely visions haunt thy dream
Of radiant forms, rare lips and eyes that fondly beam!
while the gnomes and sylphs dance through his dreams, and the vision of Marguerite is seen
for the first time.
The next scene corresponds to the Garden Scene of Gounod, and shows a room
in Marguerite 's cottage. iimn. ML
The demon now sum- ,,.,. ff.f" gCCpff ,^T _ , _, fcfi^ \ .. %""!"''' iT' '
mons the will - o'- the- {jfe^^^^M^t-*^^-!" 11 * * ' * I'
wisps in this evocation: v. &* it. <* oo*a fire. HM. , u* .u*. . . >
The sprites come flying to Marguerite's door to aid in her enchantment, and the demon
continues :
Ye spirits of caprice and of evil, conspire
To enchant and subdue, and win a maiden soul.
Now dance, ye sons of Evil, dance in the name of the devil,
Will-o'-the-wisp and gnome, dance, or away you go!
Then follows the beautiful dance of the will-o'-the-wisps, after which Mephistopheles sings
"To this lute, I'll sing a serenade
One that shall please the lady ....
It is moral, her tastes to suit!"
Serenade Mephistopheles
By Pol Plancon, Bass (In French) 81O34 lO-inch, I2.OO
Mephistopheles then warbles in his scoffing voice this mocking serenade :
in the accompaniment of -which Berlioz has reproduced the peculiar effect of the guitar by
pizzicato crescendos for strings.
Dear Katherint', why to the
door of thy lover,
Drawest thou nigh?
Why there timidly hover? why
art there?
Oh, sweet maiden, beware;
come away do not enter;
It were folly to venture,
Refrain, nor enter there!
Ah, heed thee well, fair lass,
Lest thy lover betray thee;
Then good night, alas!
From ill-hap what shall stay
But let thy lover prove the
truth of his advances;
When the ring brightly
Ah! then only, believe his
Berlioz's Mephistopheles is
a much more sardonic and
less gentlemanly devil than the
one -we are accustomed to see in Gounod's opera. Plancon interprets this difficult character
admirably, and delivers this sneering serenade with great effectiveness.
While the sprites dance Marguerite apparently sleeps, but soon comes from the house in
a kind of trance. She tries to enter the church, but the influence of Mephistopheles prevents,
and she returns to the house and falls into the arms of Faust.
The last act contains four scenes. Scene I shows a moonlit room where the unhappy
Marguerite sings her lament. This changes to a rocky pass where Mephistopheles informs
Faust that Marguerite is about to be executed for the murder of her mother. Faust demands that
she be saved, but is first required by Mephistopheles to sign the fatal contract which pledges
his soul to the Devil. Summoning the infernal steeds Vorlex and Giaour, the wild Ride to
Hell commences, shown by a striking moving panorama, while at the close the angels are
seen hovering above the town to rescue the soul of the pardoned Marguerite.
(Din-oh' -rah)
Libretto by Barbier and Carre. Music by Giacomo Meyerbeer. First production Paris,
1859. First London production July 26, 1859. First New York production November 24,
1864, with Cordier, Brignoli and Amodio.
HOEL, a goatherd Bass
CORENTINO, bag-piper . .Tenor
DINORAH, betrothed to Hoe-1 .Soprano
Place : Breton village of Ploermel.
Although the name of Meyerbeer is usually as-
sociated with Robert le Diable, Prophete and Huguenots,
his opera, Pardon de Ploermel (afterwards revised and
renamed Dinorah), was at one time a favorite work with
The revival of Meyerbeer's sparkling opera during
the last Manhattan season was most welcome, not only
for its tunefulness, but because it was an ideal medium
for the exhibition of Mme. Tetrazzini's marvelous gifts
of vocalism.
Old opera-goers in America will remember the
productions of the past that arranged for Marie Van
Zandt in 1892; Patti's famous performance a dozen
years before; and the fine impersonations of Gerster,
di Murska and Marimon. But it is safe to say that no
exponent of the part of the wandering Breton shepherd-
ess has ever excelled Mme. Tetrazzini in the role.
The plot is utterly absurd its demented goat-girl,
seeking a runaway lover; the lover himself, who con-
trary to operatic precedent is a baritone, and who
spends a year chasing an imaginary treasure; a weak-
kneed bag-piper. These are the principal characters.
But in the music Meyerbeer has atoned for the
triviality of the libretto, and the audience listens to the
delightful melodies and pays little attention to the plot.
The action is laid in Brittany. Dinorah, a maiden of he
village of Ploe'rmel, is about to be wedded to Hoel, a goat-herd, when a storm destroys
the house of the bride's father. Hoel resolves to rebuild it, and goes off to seek treasure
in a haunted region, while Dinorah, thinking herself deserted, loses her reason, and wanders
through the country with her faithful goat, seeking the absent Hoel.
As the curtain rises, Dinorah enters in her bridal garments, seeking her pet goat, and
finding the animal asleep, sings this lullaby to him. So lovely an air is worthy of a better
Si, carina caprettina (Yes, My Beloved One)
By Giuseppina Huguet, Soprano (In Italian) *3518O 12-inch, 51.25
Mme. Huguet has sung this pretty air with charming fluency, and the record is one of
the most attractive in her list. The translation follows:
Slumber, darling, sweetly slumber, Amid the thorns!
Sleep, my belov d one, sjeep! Ah! wert thou to be seized by the wolf fear
Soft the evening breeze is playing, not!
'Xeath the cooling shadows here I will be there to defend thee fear not!
Flows a streamlet, fresh and clear, Ves, darling s]eep in peace.
Swift, among the flowers straying. Sweet little birds your warbling cease,
Alas! six days has she been away. My beauteous one must sleep.
Xor yet returns! Awake her not! Yet softer till !
Perchance she has wandered on the hills
* Double-Faccd Record On opposite side is the Mad Scene from Hamlet, tu Mme. Huguet.
Corentino, a bag-piper, enters and is terrified at the sight of Dinorah, believing her to be
an evil fairy about whom he had heard, who causes the runaway traveler to dance till he
dies. Dinorah, in a spirit of mischief, makes him dance until he is exhausted, and runs
away laughing.
Hoel enters, still seeking the treasure, and confides in Corentino, telling him that the
wizard with whom he had lived for a year had instructed him to seek for a white goat
which would guide him to the gold. The bell of Dinorah's goat is heard, and Hoel pursues
it, dragging with him the terrified Corentino.
The second act begins with the famous shadow dance, for which Meyerbeer has
furnished some most beautiful music. Dinorah enters, and seeing her shadow in the
moonlight, imagines it is a friend and sings and dances to it.
Ombra leggiera (Shadow Song)
By Luisa Tetrazzini, Soprano 88298 12-inch, $3.OO
By Maria Galvany, Soprano 88222 12-inch, 3.OO
Ombra Leggiera
(Light Flitting Shadow)
Light flitting shadow, companion gay
(10 not away!
Play here beside me, dark fears betide me
When thou dost go far from me!
Ah! go not away, go not away!
Each coming morn I thee would find,
Ah prithee stay and dance with me!
If thou wilt stay, nor go away,
Thou thus shall hear me sing.
Know'st thou not that Hoel loves me?
That as his bride he claims me!
Love well hath known
Our two hearts to unite!
(A cloud passes o'cer the moon the shadow disappears.)
This dance is accompanied by a waltz, which is full
of the most brilliant vocal effects, including a florid cadenza
for voice and flute, as in Lucia.
The act closes with the rescue of Dinorah by Hoel -when
the bridge, on which she was crossing a ravine, gives away.
Act III opens with the famous "Hunter's Song," long a
favorite concert number.
Chant du Chasseur (Hunter's Song)
By Pol Plancon, Bass (Piano ace. )
(In French) 81065 lO-inch, $2.OO
On, on to the hunt!
To follow the trace of beast or bird.
The day is awake.
The mist from the lake
Rising, passes over,
Hoel enters, bearing the form of Dinorah, who is still senseless. Thinking her dead, he
bitterly reproaches himself in the great air, Sei vendicala.
The fresh morning breeze
Plays light in the trees,
Like a young, a young and happy lover!
Hunting is jolly, when night is over.
Sei vendicata assai (Thou art Avenged !)
By Mario Ancona, Baritone (In Italian) 88169 12-inch, $3.0O
'Twas on this self-same spot a year ago
When from the tempest an asylum my Dinorah
sought :
Within these arms I pressed her; and now!
Dead! ah! heaven, I 11 not believe it yet!
Look up again, dear angel, thy pardon I im-
Dinorah now opens her eyes and recognizes Hoel, her reason having been restored
by the shock. The reunited lovers go to the village, are greeted by their friends, and the
curtain falls on preparations for the wedding.
(He anxiously watclies Dinorah. who gradu-
ally recovers.)
Great heaven! my pray'r hath risen unto thee!
Yes! she breathes again: her eyes she opens!
But why thus fixedly they gaze upon me?
O heaven. I had forgotten
That grief of reason had bereft her!
(Don Jec-oh-oahn' -ee)
(Don WaM)
Libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte. Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. First produced
at Prague, October 29, 1 787, and at Vienna, May 7, 1 788. First London production April
12, 1817; produced in New York May 29, 1826. Some notable revivals occurred in 1898
with Sembrich, Nordica, Eames and Plancon, and in 1909 with Russ, Donalda, Bonci and
DON GIOVANNI, a licentious young nobleman Baritone
DON OCTAVIO, (Oct-tah'-vee-oh) betrothed to Donna Anna Tenor
LEPORELLO, (Let>-oh-rel'-loto) servant of Don Giovanni Bass
DON PEDRO, (Pay-dro] the Commandant Bass
DONNA ANNA, his daughter Soprano
Serenade By M. Hector Dufranne, Baritone
Si j 'itais Rot Un regard de set yeux !
By Leon Beyle, Tenor
IMadamina. il catalogo (Gentle Lady. This List)
By Arcangelo Rossi. Bass (In Italian
Serena ta Deh! vieni alia finestra (Open Thy
Window, Love) By Giuseppe de Luca. Baritone
(Piano ace.) (In Italian
By Victor Dance Orchestra) _, n , n . ;__t. *i <* r/-. , r /- , 35O6O 12-inch, 91.23
ay Victor Dance Orchestra)
(In French ) I
45O11 lO-inch,' l.OO
(In French] }
62623 lO-inch, .75
(Don Pas-ku)ah' -lay)
Text and music by Gaetano Donizetti. Libretto adapted from the older Italian opera,
Ser Marc' Antonio, by Camerano. First presented at the Theatre des Italiens, Paris, on
January 4, 1843. First London production June 30, 1843. First New York production March
9, 1846.
Recently revived at the Metropolitan -with Sembrich, Scotti and Rossi ; and at the Bos-
ton Opera House -with Nielsen, Bourrillon, Antonio Pini-Corsi and Fornari.
DON PASQUALE, an old bachelor Bass
DR. MALATESTA, his friend, a physician Baritone
ERNESTO, nephew of Don Pasquale Tenor
. NORINA, beloved of Ernesto Soprano
A NOTARY Baritone
Chorus of Valets and Chambermaids, Majordomo, Dressmaker and Hairdresser.
Scene and Period : Rome ; the beginning of the nineteenth century.
This brightest of genuine lyric comedies always appeals to that class of opera-goers who
find the present-day comic opera or musical comedy to be cheap, gaudy and lacking in
genuine humor. Don Pasquale is pure entertainment, nothing else, the true spirit of comedy
being found in the music as well as the plot ; and both are delightful when the opera is
presented by such artists as the Victor has assembled for this series.
SCENE A Room in Don Pasquale's House
The Don is eagerly awaiting the arrival of Dr. Malatesta, who has promised to obtain
for him a young and lovely bride.
Son nov'ore (Tis Nine O' Clock !)
By Antonio Pini-Corsi, Baritone, and Ernesto Badini, Baritone
(In Italian) *68273 12-inch. $1.25
The Doctor enters, declares he has found the bride, and proceeds to describe the
charmer. The Don is overjoyed, and insists on seeing the lady at once. When the Doctor
leaves, Pasquale gives vent to his feelings in an amusing air.
Un foco insolito (A Fire All Unfelt Before)
By Antonio Pini-Corsi, Baritone, and Ernesto Badini, Baritone
(In Italian) *621O4 10-inch, $0.75
A fire, all unfelt before, Ah! hasten speedily,
Burns in my heart's core: Sweet little bride, to me!
I can resist no more Yes, I am born again! Now for my nephew,
I'll strive no longer. By playing thus the careless, heedless hair-
Of old age enfeebling me, brain,
Forgot is the misery. See what it is the wise and wary gain!
Feeling still young to be (Looking off.)
Than twenty much stronger. Ah! here the very man comes, apropos!
His nephew enters, and is again urged by his uncle to give up Norina, whom the uncle
calls a vain, coquettish widow. Ernesto refuses, and Don Pasquale announces his intention of
marrying and disinheriting his nephew. The young man, at first incredulous, is finally
convinced that his uncle is in earnest and gives way to despair, beginning his first air:
Sogno soave e casto (Fond Dream of Love)
By Giuseppe Acerbi, Tenor (In Italian) *62624 10-inch, $0.75
Sweet holy dreams I loved to cherish But now, poor and abandon'd, I,
Of early youth, adieu! ye vanish! Reduc'd from my condition high,
If I e'er long'd for riches, splendor, Sooner than thee in misery see,
It was but for thee, love; Dearest, I'll renounce thee.
Before leaving his uncle, Ernesto begs him to consult Dr. Malatesta for advice, but Don
Pasquale says it was the Doctor himself who proposed the plan and offered his own sister as
the happy bride. Ernesto is astonished to hear that the Doctor, who he thought -was his
friend, had deserted him.
SCENE II A Room in Norina 's House
Norina is reading a romance, and at the beginning of her air quotes from the book:
Quel guardo (Glances so Soft)
By Alice Nielsen, Soprano (In Italian) 74O87 12-inch, $1.50
By Giuseppina Huguet, Soprano (In Italian) *68272 12-inch, 1.25
"(ilances so soft revealing To that sweet maiden kneeling
The flame of truest love, He swore he'd faithful prove! '
Cavatina So anch'io la virtu magica (I, Too, Thy Magic
Powers Know)
By Amelia Pollini, Soprano (In Italian) *621O3 lO-inch, $0.75
She then declares that she too knows the value of a glance and smile.
I, too, thy mag^c virtues know, 1 know (he moilc. oh, dear,
Of glance well tim'd and tender, ( )f love's bewitching wiles,
A gentle smile, born to beguile, His facile arts and guiles.
I know an old offender! To lure with wanton smile-;.
A hidden tear, a languor near, 1 know the modes, oh, dear!
*Double-FaceJ Record For title of opposite siJe see DOUBLE-FACED DON PASQUALE RECORDS, page 75.
A servant gives her a letter from Ernesto, just as the Doctor enters and informs her that
he has conceived a scheme to force her lover's guardian to consent to the marriage. Norina
declares she will have nothing to do with it, bidding him to read Ernesto's despairing letter,
in which the young man tells her he is disinherited and will leave Rome, bidding her a last
The Doctor soothes her, telling her he will induce Ernesto to remain, and then reveals
the details of the plot against Don Pasquale, in which he proposes to play on the vanity of
the old bachelor, by pretending to find him a young and lovely wife. They decide that
Norina shall play the part of this girl, and go through a mock marriage with Don Pasquale.
Norina is delighted and begins to rehearse her new role. This takes the form of a charming
duet, which ends the first act and which is always greatly admired. Two records of this
sprightly duet, at -widely varying prices, are cataloged here.
Pronta io son (My Part I'll Play)
By Marcella Sembrich, Soprano, and Antonio Scotti, Baritone
(In Italian) 89O02 12-inch, $4.OO
By Giuseppina Huguet, Soprano, and Ernesto Badini, Baritone
(In Italian) *68272 12-inch. 1.25
My part I'll play, if not offending l?ravo, bravo, capital!
Against my lover's repose and quiet; It can't be better all goes well I
\Vell the plot with me will fare! NORINA:
DOCTOR: Head turned aside "Oh fie! oh fie!"
Our plot but tends, you may believe, DOCTOR:
Don Pasquale to deceive. Pursed-up mouth "Ashamed am I."
We're quite agreed, and I'm enlisted. "I'm quite confus'd, my thoughts take wing "
Would you have me gay or tearful? DOCTOR:
DOCTOR: Oh, clever creature! Just the thing!
Listen, and you'll all be told; BOTH:
You must play simplicity. Of this old fool, all sense who spurn'd;
NORINA: This time the head will be quite turn'd!
I'll lessons give leave that to me.
"I'm so confused I'm young, you know
Thank you- Your servant, Yes, sir, Oh!"
The scene is continued in another sprightly duet, which closes the act.
Vado corro (Haste \^e !)
By Giuseppina Huguet and Ernesto Badini (Italian) *62O97 10-inch, $0.75
SCENE A Richly Furnished Hall in Don Pasquale 's House
Don Pasquale, in the most youthful of wedding garments, enters and struts up and
down, admiring himself, until the Doctor arrives with Norina, -who is closely veiled. She
pretends to be shrinking and frightened, and the Doctor, beginning a delightfully humorous
trio, the first of the concerted numbers in this act, begs her to have courage.
The pretended notary now arrives, and another comical scene ensues as the mock
ceremony is performed. Pasquale, so much in love that his judgment is clouded, is not
only induced to sign over one-half his property to his wife, but agrees that she shall be
absolute mistress of the house. As Norina is signing, Ernesto 's voice is heard outside
demanding admittance, having come to bid his uncle farewell. He is amazed to see Norina
posing as the Doctor's sister and about to be wedded to his uncle, and tries to interfere, but
is restrained by Malatesta.
The moment Norina affixes her signature to the contract her manner changes, and when
Pasquale attempts to embrace her she coldly asks him not to be so rude. Pasquale is aston-
ished and Ernesto laughs, which enrages the old man so that he orders his nephew from the
room. Norina stops him and says that as Don Pasquale is too old, fat and feeble to attend a
young wife, she must have a young cavalier to attend her, and signifies that Ernesto is her
choice. Don Pasquale is thunderstruck and attempts to protest, but Norina warns him that
if her words are not sufficient to keep him in his place she will beat him ! This is the last
straw, and the bewildered old man stands in a daze, his brain refusing to comprehend what
has happened !
This tableau is followed by the quartet, E rimaslo.
*Double-FaceJ Record For title of opposite side see DOUBLE-FACED DON PASQUALE RECORDS, page 75.
E rimasto la impietrato (He Stands Immovable)
By Linda Brambilla, Soprano: Antonio Pini-Corsi, Baritone;
Gaetano Pini-Corsi. Tenor ; Agusto Scipioni, Bass
PASQUALE: (In Italian) *16566 10-inch, $0.75
Dream I? Sleep I? What's amiss? To know not if he wakes or dreams'.
Kicks cuffs: good a fine pretext _ He's like a man by lightning struck:
'Tis well she warn'd me now of this what's No drop of blood runs in his veins.
that mean? MALATESTA:
We shall see what's coming next! Take heart. Pasquale, my old buck,
I, Don Pasquale, she'd think meet _ Don't be discouraged, use your brains.
To trample underneath her feet! NORINA:
NORINA AND ERNESTO: Now then, at least, my worthy friend,
He stands petrified, and seems You must begin to comprehend.
The great finale to Act II then follows, and the curtain always descends amid a gale of
laughter from the audience. Norina rings a bell, summoning the servants, and announces that
she is now sole mistress of the house. She orders new servants engaged, two carriages,
new furniture, etc., planning expenditures on a lavish scale. Don Pasquale attempts to pro-
test, but is silenced, and in a voice choked with rage and astonishment begins the finale.
Son tradito (I Am Betrayed !)
By Giuseppina Huguet, Soprano; Antonio Pini-Corsi, Baritone;
Gaetano Pini-Corsi, Tenor; Agusto Scipioni, Bass
PASQUALE- (In Italian) *62097 10-inch, $O.75
I am betray'd, trod down and beat, ALL (pointing to Don Pcsqualc) :
A laughing stock, to all I meet; Don Pasquale, poor, dear wi^ht,
Oh! with mingled rage and spite Is nearly suffocated quite!
I am suffocating quite! MALATESTA (to Pasquale):
NORINA (to Ernesto): V'ou're a little heated, really
Now you see, ungrateful heart. Do go to bed, dear Don Pasquale.
How unjust was your suspicion: (To Norina. in a tone of reproof.)
Love, to bring him to submission, On my brother-in-law to play
Counsell'd me to play this part. Thus. I'll not endure. I say!
ERNESTO (to Norina): (To the lovers, who are embracing behind Don
You are justified, dear heart; Pasquale's back.)
Momentary my suspicion. Silly ones, for Heaven's sake, pray,
Love, to bring him to submission, Don't, I beg, yourselves betray !
Counsell'd thee to play this part.
(Same as Act I On the floor and furniture are piled up dresses, bandboxes, furs, etc., in great pro-
fusion. Servants are running to and fro with bustle and excitement)
Don Pasquale is seen amid the confusion, looking with utmost consternation at a huge
pile of bills. He throws them down in despair, and as Norina approaches resolves to make
one last attempt to remain master in his own house.
Signorina in tanta fretta (My Lady, Why This Haste ?)
By Emilia Corsi. Soprano, and Antonio Pini-Corsi, Baritone
(In Italian) *68273 12-inch. $1.25
She is dressed to go out, and is hastening to her carriage when Don Pasquale begins :
With great heat.)
PASQUA;.E: \Vhy, you impertinent!
Prithee, where are you running in such haste, P.ut there take what you well deserve, sir!
Young lady, may I beg you will inform me? (Bojres his ears.)
Oh! that's a thing that very soon is told: Ah!
I'm going to the theatre to divert me. (It is all over with you, Don Pasquale!
PASQUALE: All that now remains for you to do
But the husband, with your leave excuse me Is quietly to go and drown yourself!)
Saying so may perchance object to it. NORINA:
NORINA: (I must confess, 'tis rather hard a lesson;
The husband sees, and wisely holds his tongue: Yet was required to have its due effect.)
For when he speaks there's no one listens to (To Don Pasquale):
him. I'm going now, then
PASQUALE (with rising warmth): PASQUALE:
Not to put me to the trial, Madame, Oh, yes, certainly!
It is for your own good that I advise you But do not take the trouble to return.
You 11 to your chamber go, this very instant NORINA:
Remain content at home stay in the house. Oh. we shall sec each other in the morning.
NORINA (ironically): PASQVALK:
really! A face of wood a closed door, you will find.
"Double-Faced Record For title ofoetxuite side xe DOUBLE-FACED DON PASQUALE RECORDS, page 75.
As she goes out she intentionally drops a note which Don Pasquale seizes and peruses.
He is petrified to find that it reads :
"Adored Sophrania
Between the hours of nine and ten this
I shall be at the bottom of the garden
By the small grated gate.
'Tis in a song 1 shall announce my coming:
Thine to command thine faithfully; adieu."
This is too much, and the unhappy man runs in search of Malatesla. Ernesto and the
Doctor enter, discussing the plot, and the young man, after being instructed to be at the
garden rendezvous at nine that evening, goes out.
Pasquale returns, and going solemnly up to the Doctor, exclaims :
Brother-in-law, in me, alas, you see
A dead man, walking upright!
and tells him of the contents of the note. Malalesta pretends to sympathize and proposes
that they lie in wait for the guilty lovers that evening and teach them a severe lesson.
Pasquale gloats over his coming triumph, and begins the duet.
Aspetta aspetta cara esposina ("Wait, "Wait, Dear Little Wife)
By Antonio Pini-Corsi, Baritone, and Giovanni Polese, Baritone
(Double-FacedSee page 75) (In Italian) 62103 10-inch, $0.75
Wait, wait, dear little wife,
I soon reveng'd will be:
E'en now 'tis near, my life.
This night, without delay,
Thou must the reckoning pay!
Thou'lt see what little use
Now will be each excuse
Useless thy tender smiles,
Sighs, and tears and wiles
All I have now at stake,
Conquer'd, again I'll take!
MALATESTA (aside) :
Oh, the poor fellow!
Vengeance he's prating;
Let the dolt bellow
He knows not what's waiting!
lie knows not he is building rare
Castles in the empty air:
He sees not, the simpleton
That in the trap, poor elf,
He of his own accord
Now goes to throw himself!
(Exit together.)
SCENE II Don Pasquale s Garden // is Night Ernesto is Discovered Waiting
This scene begins with the beautiful serenade, the most melodious of the airs in
Donizetti's work.
Serenata Com' e gentil (Soft Beams the Light)
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor (In Italian) 85O48 12-inch, $3.00
By Aristodemo Giorgini, Tenor, and La Scala Chorus
(In Italian) 7601O 12-inch, 2.00
Oh! summer night, thy tranquil light
Was made for those who shun the busy day,
Who love too well, yet blush to tell
The hopes that led their hearts astray!
All now is still, on dale, on hill,
And none are nigh, with curious eye;
Then why, my love, oh, why delay?
Your lattice open to the starry night,
And with your presence make the world more
Two renditions of this exquisite air are listed here, headed by Caruso's, familiar to
admirers of the great tenor. A fine record by Giorgini, a tenor now much liked in Italy,
Norina joins Ernesto, and they are reconciled in a duet, Tell Me Again. Pasquale and the
Doctor, with dark lanterns, enter softly and hide behind the trees, but the irate old man can
contain himself no longer and rushes out to denounce the lovers. Ernesto vanishes and
Norina calmly declares there was no one with her, that she had merely come out to get
fresh air. Pasquale is so beside himself with rage and chagrin that Malatesla considers it
time to end the farce, and proposes to rid Pasquale of his bride by marrying her to Ernesto,
revealing that the first marriage was not a real one, and that the lady was not his sister but
Norina. Pasquale is so glad to be rid of such an extravagant termagant that he pardons the
deception, consents to the union, and settles an income on the happy pair.
By La Scala Orchestra) ,,..
By La Scala Orchestra)
Signorina in tanta fretta (My Lady, Why This Haste ?) 1
By Emilia Corsi and Antonio Pini-Corsi (In Italian) I 6 a 2 73
Son nov' ore (Tis Nine O'clock!)
By Antonio Pini-Corsi and Ernesto Badini (In Italian)]
D'un guardo, un sorrisetto (Glances So Soft)
By Giuseppina Huguet, Soprano (In Italian) La,-,,
] Pronta io son (My Part 111 Play)
By Giuseppina Huguet and Ernesto Badini (In Italian)]
J Overture
\ Barbiere di Siviglia Manca un foglio
IUn foco insolito (A Fire All Unfelt Before)
By Antonio Pini-Corsi and Ernesto Badini (In Italian) L_ .,
Vado, corro (Haste We !) By Emilia Corsi, Soprano, and I
Ernesto Badini, Baritone In Italian) ]
E rimasto la impietrato (He Stands Immovable)
By Linda Brambilla, Soprano ; Antonio Pini-Corsi,
Baritone; Pini-Corsi, Tenor; Scipioni. Bass (In Italian)
Elisir d'amore Io sonno ricco (I Have Riches) By Passari,
Soprano; A. Pini-Corsi, Baritone; and Chorus (In Italian)
Cavatina So anch'io Io virtu magica (I, Too, Thy Magic
Virtues Know)
By Amelia Pollini, Soprano (In Italian)
Aspetta aspetta cara esposina (Wait, Wait, Dear Little
Wife) By Antonio Pini-Corsi, Baritone, and Giovanni
Polese, Baritone (In Italian)
ISogno soave e casto (Fond Dream of Love)
By Giuseppe Acerbi, Tenor (In Italian) ^62624
Faust Coro de soldados (Soldiers ' Chorus) La Scala Chorus]
f Vado corro (Haste We) By Giuseppina Huguet, Soprano, 1
and Ernesto Badini, Baritone (In Italian)
68152 12-inch, $1.25
Una furtiva lagrima (A rurtive lear)
By Emilio Perea, Tenor (In Italian)}
Quant'e bella ! (Ah, How Lovely !) ]
By Emilio Perea, Tenor (In 7ta/ian)i62626 10-inch, .75
Udite, udite o rustici By Arcangelo Rossi, Bass (In Italian) \
lo sono ricco e tu sei bella (I Have Riches, Thou Hast
Beauty) By Maria Passari, Soprano ; Pini-Corsi and
Chorus (In Italian)
Don Pasquale Quartet, Act I By Linda Brambilla, Soprano ;
Antonio Pini-Corsi, Baritone; Gaetano Pini-Corsi,
Tenor ; and Augusto Scipioni, Baritone (In Italian)
16566 lO-inch, .75
(Italian) (French)
(Er-nah'-nee) (Her-nah' -nee)
Libretto adapted by Maria Piave; from Victor Hugo's drama "Hernani;" music by
Giuseppe Verdi. First production in Venice, March 9, 1844. First London production at
Her Majesty's Theatre, March 8, 1845. First New York production, 1846, at the Astor Place.
At its Paris production, January 6, 1846, the libretto was altered at Victor Hugo's request,
the characters being made Italians and the name of the opera changed to // Proscrilto.
Cast of Characters
DON CARLOS, King of Spain Baritone
DON RUY GOMEZ DE SlLVA, a Grandee of Spain Bass
ERNANI. a bandit chief Tenor
DON RlCCARDO, an esquire of the King Tenor
lAGO, (Ee-ah'-go) an esquire of Don Silva Bass
ELVIRA, (El-oet'-rah) betrothed to Don Silva Soprano
GlOVANNA, (Gee-oh-oah 1 -nah) in attendance upon her Mezzo-Soprano
Chorus of mountaineers and bandits, followers of Don Silva, ladies of Eloira, followers of
the King, Spanish and German nobles and ladies, electors and pages.
Scene and Period : Aragon ; about 1519.
SCENE I The Mountains of Aragon
Elvira, a Spanish lady of rank, is about to be married to the elderly Don Gomez de Silva,
a Grandee of Spain. Ernani, a bandit chief (in reality John of Aragon, become a brigand
after his estates were confiscated), loves Elvira and resolves to prevent this unwelcome
marriage. The first scene shows a mountain pass where Ernani's men are encamped.
Beviam, beviam (Comrades, Let's Drink and Play)
By La Scala Chorus (In Italian) *35168 12-inch, $1.25
The opera opens with this spirited chorus of bandits and mountaineers, who are drinking
and gambling in their stronghold. With reckless satisfaction in their lot they sing:
"What matters to the bandit
If hunted and branded
So wine be his share!"
Ernani, their chief, appears on a neighboring height with a melancholy brow. His men
remark at his gloomy appearance, and he tells them that he is powerless to prevent the mar-
riage of his betrothed to the aged Silva on the morrow. He describes the peerless Elvira in
a fine aria, The Sweetest Flow'r.
Come rugiada al cespite (The Sweetest Flow'r)
By Luigi Colazza, Tenor (In Italian) *62627 10-inch, $0.75
The bandits offer their lives, if need be, in the service of their chief, and it is decided to
rescue Elvira that night.
O tu che Talma adora (O Thou, My Life's Treasure)
By Martinez Patti, Tenor, and La Scala Chorus (In Italian)
*16567 10-inch, $0.75
Ernani, in this passionate aria, sings of the charms of his beloved.
Oh thou, my life's sole treasure, I love thy starry glances,
Come, come to my arms adoring, Thy smile my heart entrances,
Death at thy feet were pleasure, Most blessed he of mortals
The joy of heav'n is mine where'er thou art. To whom thou gav'st thy heart!
Ernani and his men depart in the direction of Silva's castle
and the scene changes.
SCENE II Elvira's Apartment in the Castle
Elvira is discovered alone, brooding over the prospect of
the sacrifice, which she seems powerless to prevent.
'Tis near the dawning, and Silva yet returns not! Ah! would
lie came no more with odious words of loving, more deeply
confirming my love for Ernani!
Ernani involami (Ernani, Fly with Me)
By Marcella Sembrich 88O22 12-inch, $3.00
By Celestina Boninsegna 91074 lO-inch, 2.OO
By Maria Grisi *63173 10-inch, .75
In this beautiful but despairing number she calls on her
lover to save her, singing :
Ernani, fly with me;
Prevent this hated marriage!
With thee, e'en the barren desert
Would seem an Eden of enchantment!
Two brilliant renditions of this famous number are given,
by Mme Sembrich and Mme. Boninsegna; while a popular-
priced record is contributed by Mme. Grisi, of La Scala.
Elvira's ladies-in-waiting now enter, bringing her wedding
gifts, and in the graceful chorus with which this record begins,
congratulate her.
* Double-FaceJ Record For title of opposite side see DOUBLE-FACED ERNANI RECORDS, pap.e 85.
Quante cTIberia giovani (Noble His-
pania's Blood
By Ida Giacomelli and La Scala Chorus
(In Italian) *16567 lO-inch. $O.75
She thanks them, saying : " Each kindly wish awakes
a response in my own heart;" then sings, aside, a second
number, "Tutto sprezzo che d'Ernani, " in -which she tells
of her hope of rescue. The chorus joins in the con-
cluding strain.
Da quel di che t'ho veduta (From
the Day -when First Thy Beauty )
By Angela de Angelis, Soprano:
Francesco Cigada. Baritone
(In Italian) *35168 12-inch, $1.25
We come now to one of the greatest scenes in the
opera. Elvira, who has left the room with the ladies,
returns and is amazed to discover in her boudoir the
King, who has been secretly in love with her. She
appeals to his honor, saying :
"In pity, sire, leave me I"
The record begins with the dramatic dialogue
between Carlos and Elvira. Carlos then declares his
love in the aria "Da quel di" leading up to a dramatic
duet, which concludes this sixth number.
Tu se' Ernani ! (Thou Art Ernani!)
By Giacomelli, Martinez-Patti and Pignataro (Italian) *16568 10-inch, $0.75
The King, maddened by Elvira 's resistance, is about to carry her away by force. She
snatches a dagger from Carlos ' belt and cries : " Go, or with this dagger I will slay us both !"
The King is about to summon his guard, when suddenly a secret panel door opens and
Ernani appears. Carlos recognizes him and exclaims : " Thou art Ernani, the assassin and
bandit," and in the spirited trio which follows the rivals declare their hatred, while Elvira,
almost distracted, endeavors to protect her lover.
Infelice e tu credevi (Unhappy One !)
By Marcel Journet, Bass
By Perello de Segurola, Bass
By Marcel Journet, Bass
By Aristodemo Sillich, Bass
(In Italian)
(In Italian)
(In Italian)
(In Italian)
In the midst of this thrilling tableau now appears Silva, who does not recognize the
King and who is naturally astounded to find two rivals in the apartments of his future
bride, quarreling for her possession. He summons his squires and soldiers, then addresses
himself to Elvira and reproaches her in this well-known and impressive Infelice, one of the
most beautiful of bass arias. Four records of this favorite number are available by
Journet (in both 10 and 12-inch), by de Segurola and by Sillich.
The editor regrets that he is unable to give satisfactory English translations for the ma-
jority of the Ernani airs, but most of the available translations of Emani are so distorted as
to be almost meaningless. The few extracts which are given have been revised and made
somewhat intelligible. "Opera in English," about which we hear so much nowadays,
would be simply impossible without new translations for some of the older works. For in-
stance, here is a specimen translation of the text of this very air of Infelice.
Ah, to win, to win back summer's blossom Far congealing unto the core.
In_my breast were tho't too painless. Winter lords it in this bosom.
Winter lords it within this my bosom. Far congealing, far congealing to the core,
Far congealing, far congealing to the core, Unto the core, congealing unto the core!
Far congealing unto the core,
Double-Facfd Record For lUle of opposite side tee DOUBLE-FACED ERNANI RECORDS, pace 85.
Now anyone -who can tell just -what this means is certainly a highly gifted individual !
In this connection, however, it should be stated that several American music publishers
are entitled to praise for their efforts to improve opera translations, especially G. Schirmer,
with many beautiful new editions of the older operas and collections of opera airs ; and Oliver
Ditson Company, whose Musicians' Library, a splendid piece of music typography, contains
many new translations. The editor of this catalogue is indebted to both these firms for
permission to quote from their new translations.
Vedi come il buon vegliardo (Well I Knew My Trusty Vassal)
By Maria Grisi, Soprano: Carlo Ottoboni, Bass; Remo Sangiorgi, Tenor:
and Giuseppi Sala, Baritone (In Italian) *35169 12-inch, $1.25
Having reproached his bride for her supposed treachery, Silva thinks of vengeance, and
calling for his armor and a sword, demands that the intruders follow him to combat.
Before they can reply, the King's squires enter and salute their sovereign. The astounded
Silva, though secretly enraged, kneels to his King, saying : " Duty to my King cancels all
offences." The great finale then begins with Carlos ' solo, sung aside to his squires :
"\Vell I knew my trusty vassal Would his wrath and love surrender
Fierce in hate, in passion tender In the presence of his King."
This is one of the most impressive records of the Ernani series.
Finale, Act I
By Maria Grisi, Soprano; Carlo Ottoboni, Bass; Remo Sangiorgi, Tenor;
and Giuseppi Sala, Baritone (In Italian) *16568 10-inch, $0.75
The finale to Act I is continued in this record. The situation at the close of the act
may be understood by these quotations from the words the librettist has given to the various
characters :
CARLOS (to Ernani): CARLOS:
I will save thee! Power, dominion and love's delights,
(Aloud to Sih'a): All these are mine all my will must obey!
Let this trusty friend depart. SILVA:
ERNANI. From my eyes a veil has fallen . . .
I thy friend? Never! unto death my ven- I can scarce believe my senses!
geance will pursue thee! COURTIERS:
ELVIRA: Well doth Silva hide his anger
Fly, Ernani, let love teach thee prudence! But within it still doth smolder!
Ernani yields to Elvira's pleadings and in the confusion makes his escape. The curtain
falls on an impressive tableau.
SCENE A Hall in Silva's Castle
After his escape from the castle, nothing has been seen of Ernani. Elvira believes the
rumors of his death and despairingly consents to wed Don Siloa.
Esultiam (Day of Gladness)
By La Scala Chorus (In Italian) *16569 lO-inch, $O.75
The first scene of Act II occurs in a magnificent hall in the castle. The company of
knights and pages of Silva, and ladies in attendance on Elvira sing the opening chorus in
praise of the noble Siloa and his peerless bride.
Oro quant' oro (I am the Bandit Ernani)
By Maria Bernacchi, Soprano; Luisi Colazza, Tenor ; and Torres de Luna,
Bass (In Italian) *16569 lO-inch, $0.75
Silva, attired as a Grandee, enters. His squire, fago, announces a holy man, who craves
the hospitality of the castle. Ernani, disguised as a pilgrim, enters, then throws off his disguise
and exclaims, beginning this fine trio :
"I am the bandit Ernani . . . My men are dead or in chains . . . My
enemies are without the castle . . . Seize me and deliver me up, for I am
weary of life!"
Silva, however, refuses to betray one whom he has received as a guest. The trio,
which is one of the great scenes of the opera, then follows.
* Double-Faced Record For title of opposite tide see DOUBLE-FACED ERNANI RECORDS, pages 84 and 85.
La vedremo, o veglio audace (I Will Prove, Audacious
By Mattia Battistini. Baritone, and Aristodemo Sillich. Bass
(Inltalian) 92OO7 12-inch. $3.OO
By Ernesto Caronna. Baritone, and Torres de Luna. Bass
(Inltalian) *1657O 10-inch, .75
The retainers bring news that the King and his warriors are without the castle. Sifaa
hides Ernani in a secret passage and orders that the King be admitted. Don Carlos inquires,
with irony, why Silva 's castle is so well guarded, and demands that he surrender Ernani or
lose his own life. Silva refuses. The soldiers are ordered to search the castle. This duet
then occurs, beginning :
CARLOS: I will prove, audacious greybeard,
If thou'rt loyal to thy King!
In my wrath I will destroy thee!
SILVA: Oh King, be just; I cannot yield!
Vieni meco (Come, Thou Dearest Maiden)
By Emilia Corsi. Soprano; Mattia Battistini, Baritone; and La Scala
Chorus (In Italian) 92OO8 12-inch. $3.OO
By Maria Grisi. Soprano ; Francesco Cigada, Baritone; Carlo Ottoboni,
Bass : and La Scala Chorus (Inltalian) *1657O lO-inch, .75
This record begins with a chorus of soldiers, who have explored the castle but have found
no trace of Emani. The King is about to torture Siloa into revealing the secret, when Elvira
rushes in and begs the mercy of his Majesty. Carlos turns to her, and sings consolingly of
the bright future before her as his Queen, and in the great trio which follows the con-
flicting emotions of those in the scene are expressed in Verdi's fiery music.
A te scegli, seguimi (Choose Thy Sword, and Follow!)
By Luigi Colazza. Tenor, and Torres de Luna, Bass
(Inltalian) *35169 12-inch. $1.25
The King, his followers, and the Lady Elvira having retired, Silva exclaims : " Hell cannot
hate with the hatred 1 bear thee, vile King!" He then takes down two swords from the
armory, and releasing Emani from his hiding place, challenges him to
combat. Ernani refuses, saying that his life belongs to Silva, who has
saved it. Silva taunts him with cowardice and Emani consents to
fight, but asks for one look at Elvira. Silva replies that the King has
taken her away. " Fool 1 " cries Ernani to the astonished Grandee,
"the King is our rival!" and agrees to combine with Siloa against
their mutual foe. Once their revenge is accomplished, Emani agrees
to yield his life at Siloa's call, and gives him a hunting horn whichj
shall be the signal for his (Emani's) death. For this magnificent num-
ber Verdi has written some of his most dramatic music.
In arcion, cavalieri (To Horse, Ye "Warriors)
By Giuseppi Sala. Tenor; Cesare Preve, Baritone;
and La Scala Chorus (Italian) *16571 lO-inch, $O.75
The act closes with the spirited duet and chorus by Ernani, Siloa
and the warriors of the Don, who prepare to pursue the King to the
SCENE A Vault in Aix-la-Chaf>elle Cemetery
O de' verd' anni miei (Oh Bright and Fleeting
By Giuseppi Campanari. Baritone
(Inltalian) 85O87 12-inch, $3.OO
By Mario Ancona, Baritone (7/a/ian) 88O62 12-inch, 3.OO
* Double-Faced Record For title of opposite tide *c DOUBLE-FACED ERNANI RECORDS, pages 84 and 85.
The third act occurs in the Tomb of Charlemagne at Aix-la-Chapelle. Carlos con-
ceals himself in the tomb of his ancestor to witness the meeting of the conspirators who
are plotting against him. He is depressed and melancholy, and sings this famous O de verd,
in which he pledges himself to better deeds should the Electors, then in session, proclaim
him Emperor.
Si ridesti il Icon di Castiglia (Rouse the Lion of Castile)
By La Scala Chorus (In Italian) *16571 lO-inch, $0.75
The conspirators, among whom are Ernani and Silva, assemble at the tomb. Ernani is
chosen to assassinate Carlos, and greets the decision with joy, exclaiming that his dead father
will at last be avenged. The great ensemble then follows.
O sommo Carlo (Oh Noble Carlos)
By Mattia Battistini, Baritone; Emilia Corsi, Soprano : Luigi Colazza,
Tenor; Aristodemo Sillich, Bass ; and La Scala Chorus
(In Italian) 92O46 12-inch, $3.00
By Maria Grisi, Soprano; Remo Sangiorgi, Tenor; Francesco Cigada.
Baritone; and La Scala Chorus (In Italian) *3517O 12-inch, 1.25
The booming of cannon having announced that Carlos is proclaimed Emperor, he comes
from the tomb and surprises the conspirators. At the same time the Electors and the King's
courtiers enter from a secret door. Carlos condemns the plotters to death, when Elvira rushes
to him and asks for mercy. The Emperor heeds her, pardons them all, and unites Elvira
and Ernani. In this great finale all glorify the Emperor except Siloa, who still secretly cries
for vengeance.
SCENE Terrace of a Palace in Aragon
Festa da ballo (Hail, Bright Hour of Gladness)
By La Scala Chorus (In Italian) *16572 lO-inch, $O.75
The lovers are now happily united, and this scene shows them at Ernani '$ palace, which,
with his estates, has been restored to him. A chorus of ladies, masks and pages greets the
happy pair.
Ferna crudel, estinguere (Stay Thee, My Lord !)
By Maria Bernacchi, Soprano ; Luigi Colazza, Tenor; and Torres de Luna,
Baritone (In Italian) *3517O 12-inch, $1.25
Elvira and Ernani are alone on the terrace, oblivious to all but each other, when a blast
from a horn is heard. Ernani awakes from his dream of bliss and recognizes the sound of
his own hunting horn, which he had given to Silva as a pledge to die when the revengeful
Don should demand his life. The distracted Elvira pleads with Silva for her husband, but
in vain. After an affecting farewell Ernani fulfills his vow, stabs himself and dies, while
Elvira falls lifeless on his body. The curtain falls as the cruel and remorseless Silva is gloat-
ing over his terrible revenge.
(Infelice e tu credevi By Perello de Segurola, Bass)^g oo7 1 2-inch, $1.5O
\ PuritaniSorgealanotte By Perello deSegurola, Bass (In Italian)!
Ferna, crudel By Maria Bernacchi, Soprano ; Luigi
Colazza, Tenor ; and Torres de Luna. Bass (In Italian)
3517O 12-inch, 1.25
O sommo Carlo By Maria Grisi, Soprano; Remo Sangiorgi,
Tenor; Francesco Cigada, Baritone: and Chorus (Italian)
! Ernani Selection By Pryor's Band\ ,,,, . . , , ~ ;_!, IT,
< r-> r> r>Tycl. '^ II. */ *^3 111 1 ^i-incn, &)
\ Meister singer Prize Song ay Victor oorn, Lellisl)
A te scegli, seguimi By Luigi Colazza, Tenor, and }
Torres de Luna, Bass (In Italian)
Vedi come il buon vegliardo By Maria Grisi, 35169 12-inch, 1.25
Soprano; Remo Sangiorgi, Tenor ; GiuseppiSala, Tenor:
and Carlo Ottoboni, Bass (In Italian))
* Double-Faced Record For title of opposite side see DOUBLE-FACED ERNANI RECORDS, pages 84 and 85.
Beviam. beviam By La Scala Chorus (In Italian)}
Da quel di che t'ho veduta By Angela de Angelis, 35168
Soprano, and Francesco Cigada, Baritone (In Italian) J
O tu che Talma adora By Martinez-Patti. Tenor, 1
and Chorus (In Italian) I . , ,, -
Quante d'Iberia giovani By Ida Giacomelli, Soprano.
and Chorus (In Italian)}
Finale. Act I By Maria Grisi. Soprano: Carlo Ottoboni.
Bass: Remo Sangiorgi. Tenor: and Giuseppi Sala. Tenor | . f.e.f.0
Tu se' Ernani By Ida Giacomelli, Soprano ; Martinez-
Patti. Tenor; and Enrico Pignataro, Baritone (In Italian)]
[Esultiam! By La Scala Chorus (In Italian) I
{Oro quant' oro By Maria Bernacchi, Soprano: \ 16569
I Luigi Colazza, Tenor : and Torres de Luna, Bass (In Italian) }
La vedfemo By Ernesto Caronna. Baritone, and 1
Torres de Luna. Bass (In Italian) I .,., _
Vieni meco By Maria Grisi, Soprano; Francesco Cigada, (
Baritone; Carlo Ottoboni, Bass; and Chorus In Italian)}
In arcion. cavalieri ! By Giuseppi Sala, Tenor;
Cesare Preve, Bass; and Chorus (In Italian) 1 165 71
Si ridesti il Icon di Castiglia By La Scala Chorus (Italian)}
Fcsta da ballo "O come felici" By La Scala Chorus
(In Italian)
Hamlet O oin, discaccia la tristezza
By Francesco Cigada, Baritone, and Chorus
Ernani involami (Ernani, Fly with Me)
By Maria Grisi, Soprano
Ballo in Maschera O Figlio d" Inghilterra
By Huguet, Salvador, Cigada, Sillich, and Chorus
Infelice e tu credevi (Unhappy One!)
By Aristodemo Sillich, Bass
Manon Oh, Manon, sempre la stressa
By Giorgio Malesci, Tenor
Come rugiada al cespite By Luigi Colazza
O tu che Talma adora
By Martinez-Patti. Tenor, and Chorus (In Italian)}
(In Italian)
(In Italian)
(In Italian)
(In Italian)
(In Italian)
(In Italian) I
12-inch. $1.25
10-inch, .75
10-inch, .75
10-inch, .75
lO-inch. .75
lO-inch, .75
lO-inch, .75
63173 lO-inch, .75
63421 10-inch, .75
62627 10-inch, .75
Words by Barbier and Carre, founded upon
Goethe's tragedy. Music by Charles Gounod.
First produced at the Theatre Lyrique, Paris,
March 19, 1859. First performance in London
June 11, 1863; in New York November 26,
1863, at the Academy of Music, with Kellogg,
Mazzoleni, Biachi and Yppolito.
Some famous American productions
were in 1883, with Nilsson, Scalchi, and
Campanini ; and the same year with Nor-
dica (debut) as Marguerite; in 1892 with
Eames, the de Reszkes and Lasalle ;
and recently with Caruso and Farrar.
FAUST (Fowti) Tenor
MEPHISTOPHELES (A/e/- s -fo/'-e/-/eez) Bass
VALENTINE (Vaf^n-teen) Baritone
SIEBEL (See'-bet) Mezzo-Soprano
MARGUERITE (Mahr-guer^et') . . . .Soprano
MARTHA Contralto
Students, Soldiers, Villagers,
Sorcerers, Spirits.
The action tal^es place in Germany.
.!,. J. llnrhirr d W. Carre.
I'll. .oi \
Don't come down until, my dear,
The nuptial ring appear
On thy finger sparkling clearly
The wedding-ring the ring shineth clear.
Ha! ha! ha! ha! etc.
Caterina! cruel, cruel!
Cruel to deny to him who loves thee
And for thee doth mourn and sigh
A single kiss from thy rosy lips.
Thus to slight a faithful lover.
Who so long hath been a rover,
Too bad, I declare!
Ha. ha, ha, ha, ha!
Not a single kiss, my dear.
Unless the ring appear!
Ha, ha, ha, ha! etc.
Plancon's Mephistopheles was invariably a finished performance
witty, elegant, debonaire and sonorous. It is a polished Devil that
he pictured ; yet beneath the polish we could see the sinister Satan
ever present. In his record of this mocking serenade he is at his best,
and it is sung with the brilliancy and vocal
SAM MARCO AS VALENTINE fimsh to be expected of this fine artist.
Journet's impersonation has also been highly praised, and he
sings the music superbly, acting with freedom and with an ele-
gance that exhibits the Prince of Darkness as a gentleman,
though we never lose sight of his inner nature. The famous
serenade is given -with much spirit by this artist.
Que voulez-vous, messieurs? (What is
Your Will?) (Duel Scene)
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor; Antonio Scotti,
Baritone; and Marcel Journet, Bass
(In French) 952O6 12-inch, $5.0O
By Ellison Van Hoose. Tenor; Marcel Journet,
Bass: and Etnilio de Gogorza, Baritone
(In French) 740O4 12-inch, 1.50
Valentine, smarting with shame of his sister's disgrace, comes
from the house and exclaims, " What is your will with me ? "
Mephistopheles replies in his most mocking voice that their
" serenade ' was not meant for him. " For my sister, then ! "
cries Valentine in a rage, and draws his sword. The great trio
then follows, leading up to a splendid climax.
This thrilling trio forms one of the most effective scenes in
the opera, and is closely followed by the duel, in which Valen-
tine is wounded.
The Death of Valentine
Morte di Valentino (Death
of Valentine)
By Antonio Scotti. Baritone, and
Grand Opera Chorus
(InFrench) 88282 12-inch, I3.OO
Leaving the wounded Valentine en
the ground, the assailants rapidly de-
part, and the crowd of soldiers and
women assemble around the dying
soldier, the chorus here crying out in
accents of pity, in which Marguerite joins.
Valentine, seeing his sister, utters curses
upon her, the solemnity of which is
enhanced by the sustained trumpet
tones in the accompaniment. The
throng endeavor to mitigate the dying
man's anger, and Marguerite begs for-
giveness, but Valentine dies with the
curse upon his lips.
This dramatic scene is vividly pic-
tured in the wonderful painting by
Kreling, reproduced on the opposite
Scene de L'Eglise (I)
( Church Scene, Part I)
By Geraldine Farrar, Soprano, and
Marcel Journet. Bass
(InFrench) 89O35 12-inch, $4.0O
We now come to the impressive
and almost terrible scene outside the
Marguerite, cursed by her dying brother, abandoned by all but the faithful Siebel, is
kneeling at a small altar. Fearing to enter, and endeavoring to seek consolation in prayer,
she supplicates Heaven to accept her repentance.
Oh, Thou who on Thy throne
Giv'st an ear for repentance!
Here, before Thy feet, let me pray!
No! thou shalt pray no more!
Let her know ere she prayeth.
Demons of ill, what is in store!
MARGUERITE (faintly) :
Who calls me?
MARGUERITE (terrified) :
I falter afraid!
Oh! save me from myself!
Has even now the hour of torture begun !
MEPHISTOPHELES (taunting her):
Recollect the old time, when the angels,
Did teach thee to pray.
Recollect how thou earnest to ask for a
At the dawn of the day!
When thy feet did fall back, and thy breath
it did falter
As though to ask for aid:
Recollect thou wast then of the rite and the
In thine innocence afraid!
And now be glad and hear
Thy playmates do claim thee from below, to
their home!
The worm to welcome thee, the fire to warm
Wait but till thou shalt come!
As this terrible prophecy is heard from the invisible Evil Spirit, Marguerite is overcome
with terror and sinks down almost fainting.
Scene de L'Eglise (II) (Church Scene, Part II)
By Geraldine Farrar, Soprano: Marcel Journet, Bass: and
Metropolitan Opera Chorus (In French) 89037 12-inch, $4-OO
The unhappy girl, beside herself with terror, cries out wildly :
Ah! what sound in the gloom.
Is beneath me. around me?
Angels of wrath? is this your sentence of
cruel doom?
Then as the chorale is heard
from within the church, she endeavors
to break the encircling Satanic spell
and kneels again in prayer.
CHOIR (zvitliin the church) :
When the book shall be unseaied,
When the future be revealed,
What frail mortal shall not yield?
And I, the frailest of the frail,
Have most need of Thy forgiveness!
No! Let them pray, let them weep!
But thy sin is deep, too deep,
To hope forgiveness! No!
Where shall human sinner be.
How lie hid in earth and sea,
To escape eternity?
MARGUERITE (wildly) :
Ah, the hymn is around and above me,
It bindeth a cord 'round my brow!
Farewell, thy friends who love thee!
And thy guardians above thee!
The past is done! the payment now!
O Thou! on Thy throne, who dost
hear me,
Let a tear of mercy fall near me,
To pity and save!
Marguerite ! Mine art thou !
Tormented beyond further en-
durance, the unhappy girl's reason
gives way, and with a terrible cry she
falls lifeless before the church.
Words are pitiful things in de-
scribing such a scene as this, given
as these two artists render it. The conflict in the soul of Marguerite, the taunting apos-
trophe of Mephistopheles as he strives to prevent his victim from praying, while the sombre
strains of the Dies irae issue from the church, form a musical picture which cannot be
adequately described.
The two records on -which this great scene have been impressed are among the most
effective in the Faust series. ^ WALpURGIS NIGHT
At the period of the first production of Faust, a ballet was an absolutely essential part
of an opera, if it were to be given at the Paris Opera, though to-day it is seldom performed.
Gounod placed his ballet between the death of Valentine and the Prison Scene ; called
it a Walpurgis Night, set it in a mountain fastness amid ruins, and called to the scene the
classic queens, Helen, Phryne and Cleopatra, who danced to weird and distorted versions of
melodies from the opera.
Ballet Music (Part I Valse, "Les Nubiennes ")
By L'Orchestre Symphonique, Paris 58015 12-inch, $1.0O
The first part, which in the opera ac-
companies the dance of the Nubian Slaves, /
is a most striking portion, beginning with
introductory chords, followed by the violins
in this delicious melody :
afterward repeated with bassoon obbligato.
Ballet Music No. 2 Adagio (Cleopatra and the Golden Cup)
By L'Orchestre Symphonique, Paris 58O18 12-inch, $1.OO
The second part is the adagio movement accompanying the scene in which the
Nubian Slaves drink from golden cups the poisons of Cleopatra, who herself moistens her
lips from a vase in which she has dissolved her most precious pearls.
Ballet Music Nos. 5 and 6 (Les Troyennes et Variation)
By L'Orchestre Symphonique, Paris 5802O 12-inch, $1.OO
These two parts are heard during the appearance of the goddess Phryne, who rises, a
veiled apparition, and commands the dance to recommence.
Ballet Music Finale, " Danse de Phryne "
By L'Orchestre Symphonique, Paris 58021 12-inch. $1.00
The tinale is brisk in movement, rising to a wild climax and ending suddenly with
a crashing chord. It is a most effective and exciting bit of ballet composition, and accom-
panies the dance of Phryne, who surpasses all her rivals and wins the favor of Faust, arousing
the anger and jealousy of the courtesans Helen, Cleopatra, Aspasia and Lais and the dance
develops into a bacchanalian frenzy, graphically pictured in Gounod's music.
SCENE The 'Prison Cell of Marguerite
The short final act of Faust is truly one of the grandest of operatic compositions,
Goethe's story giving Gounod ample opportunity for some most dramatic writing.
Marguerite's reason is gone grief and remorse have driven her insane, and in a frenzy she
has destroyed her child. Condemned to death, she lies in prison, into -which Mephistopheles
and Faust, defying bolts and bars, have entered.
"Mon coeur est penetre d'epouvante ! " My Heart is Torn
with Grief)
By Geraldine Farrar and Enrico Caruso (In French) 89O33 12-inch. $4.OO
Gazing at the unhappy girl, who is sleep-
ing on a pallet of straw, Faust cries :
M? Iftrt it lar* mM fr\t/ m*4 ft pt*l tmtf O, **/ funk'
and, as the full measure of his own guilt comes to him, continues :
Oh, what anguish ! She lies there at my feet Ah, do I hear once again, the song of time
A young and lovely being, imprisoned here gone by
As if herself, not I, were guilty! 'Twas not the cry of the demons
No wonder that her fright has reason ta'en "Tis his own voice I hear;
Marguerite! Marguerite!
She forgets all but that her loved one is before her, and sings in a transport of love :
MARGUERITE: FAUST (supporting her tenderly)':
Ah! I love thee only! Yes, I love thee only!
Since thou cam'st to find me _ Let who will, now goad
No tears more shall blind me! Or mock me, or upbraid.
Take me up to Heaven, Earth will grow as Heaven.
To Heaven by thy aid! By thy beauty made!
Attends ! voici la rue (This is the Fair)
By Geraldine Farrar and Enrico Caruso (In French) 89034 12-inch, $4.00
Marguerite's mind wandering, she sings dreamily of the Fair, where first Faust appeared
to her: 'Tis the Fair!
Where I was seen by you, in happy days
pone by.
The day your eye did not dare
To meet my eye!
Marguerite now rehearses the first meeting with Faust, his respectful greeting, and her
modest and dignified reply :
"High born and lovely maid, forgive my hum- Every flower is incense breathing,
ble duty; And through the still evening air
Let me your willing slave, attend you home A cloud of dew, with perfume wreathing;
to-day?" Hark! how the nightingale above
"No my lord! not a lady am I, nor yet a To every glowing crimson rose
beauty, Fondly murmurs thy love!
Not a lady, not a beauty, FAUST (urging her):
And do not need an arm to help me on Yes! but come! They shall not harm thee!
my way!" Come away!
FAUST (I'M despair): There is yet time to save thee!
Come away! If thou lov'st me! Marguerite! Thou shall not perish!
MARGUERITE (dreamily, her thoughts in the MARGUERITE (listlesslv) :
past): 'Tis all too late! Here let me die!
How my garden is fresh and fair! Farewell! My memory live to cherish!
The Redemption of Marguerite
The impassioned duet then follows, Faust endeavoring to persuade her to escape ; but
the poor weak mind cannot grasp the idea of safety. The duet is interrupted by the im-
patient Mephistopheles, whose brutal "Alerie " begins the final trio.
Trio Alerte ! ou vous etes perdus ! (Then Leave Her !)
By Farrar, Caruso and Journet (In French) 952O3 12-inch. $5.0O
By Giuseppina Huguet, Soprano: Pietro Lara, Tenor; and Torres
De Luna, Baritone (Doublc-faceJSee below) (In Italian) 62O85 lO-inch, .75
Mephistopheles, fearing the coming of the jailers, and uncertain of his own power, cries out :
Then leave her, then leave her, or remain to What does he here! He who forbade me to
your shame; pray!
If it please you to stay, mine is no more the MEPHISTOPHELES (to Faust):
game! Let us go, ere with dawn
MARGUERITE (in horror, recognising the Evil Doth justice come on:
One, the cause of all her u'oes): Hark! the horses panting in the courtyard
Who is there! Who is there! below.
Dost thtfu see. there in the shadow To bear us away!
With an eye like a coal of fire! Come, ere 'tis day; or stay and behold her
As he sings, the tramping and neighing of horses are heard in the accompaniment.
MARGUERITE (u-ith fresh courage, defying him) :
Away, for I will pray! (in rapture)
Holy Angels, in Heaven bless'd
My spirit longs with thee to rest!
FAUST: Come, mine own,
Ere 'tis too late to save thee!
The inspiring* trio, perhaps the most thrilling and moving of all operatic compositions,
then commences; Marguerite continuing her prayer, Faust urging her to follow him, while
Mephistopheles, in desperation, repeats his warning to Faust.
Let us leave her! Come or be lost, for the Holy angels, in Heaven bless'd,
day is near! My spirit longs with thee to rest!
Come away! the dawn is grey, Great Heaven, pardon grant. I implore thee,
Come, ere they claim thee! For soon shall I appear before thee!
FAUST: O save me! ere I perish forever:
Come with me! Come, wilt thou not hear? To my despair give ear, I pray thee!
Lean on my breast. The early dawn is grey. Holy angels, in Heaven bless'd,
O come! I'm here to save thee! My spirit longs with thee to rest! (She dies.)
At the close of the trio, Mephistopheles is about to triumph over the soul of his victim,
when a company of angels appear and announce that Marguerite is saved. The Evil One,
dragging Faust with him, disappears in a fiery abyss.
Selection from Faust By Sousa's Band 31 1O4 12-inch. $1.OO
/Selection from Faust By Victor Band I ,,_, _ . , --
1 Crown Diamonds Overture By Victor Bam// 3 * )lb 12 - in c n - *"
/Flower Song By Corinne Morgan (In English)} ^, na , . . , . _-
\ Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes By Harry Macdonoughf 3 * 12-inch. 1.25
I Aria dei gioielli (Jewel Song) By Huguet (In Italian)] , A , - . , _,
(La Kermesse (Kermesse Scene) By La Scala Chorus (In Italian) T l
/Dio possente By Francesco Cigada (In Italian) )<- a ~_- , L , --
\ Fcnorita Quando le soglie By Mileri and Minolfi (In Italian)]'
/Alerte! ou vous etes perdus ! Huguet, Lara and De Lunal , ona - . n . , T *
\Le parlate d'amor (Flower Song) By Emma Zaccariaf^
/Deponiam il brando (Soldiers' Chorus) By La Scala < ^^\( ) 2624 lO-inch 75
\ DonPasquale Sogno soave e caslo ByAcerbi, Tenor (In Italian)}
flo voglio il piacer By Pini-Corsi and Sillich (In Italian) \ , 3 . _ . in ' h 75
( Forza del Destino Solenne in quest' ora Colazza and Caronnaf
/Soldiers' Chorus Pryor's Band\ .,,,_ in - ,< r<
rt !' Aji L t e \ n > r> j)-lo5O2 lO-inch, .75
1 Devil s March (von Suppe) Pry or s Band\
/"Waltz from Kermesse Scene Pryor's Band) 1^552- lO-inch 75
\ In Happy Moments (from Montana) jtlan Turner^
(German) (Italian)
(Dee Fah-ve-ree' -tin) (Lah Fah-oo-ree' -tah)
Text by Alphonse Royer and Gustave Waez, adapted from a drama of Baculard-
Darnaud, " Le Comte de Comminges." Music by Gaetano Donizetti. In its present form it
was first produced at the Academic, Paris, December 2, 1840. First London production Feb-
ruary 16, 1847. Produced in America July 29, 1853.
ALPHONSO XI, King of Castile Baritone
FERDINAND, a young novice of the Convent of St. James of Compostella,
afterwards an officer Tenor
DON CASPAR, the King's Minister Tenor
BALTHAZAR, Superior of the Convent of St. James Bass
LEONORA Ol GUSMANN, the King's favorite Soprano
INEZ, her confidante Soprano
Courtiers, Guards, Monks, Attendants, etc.
Scene and Period : The action is supposed to lal^e place in Castile, about the year 1 340.
Favorita so abounds with charming airs, fine music and striking dramatic situations that
it is difficult to account for the neglect of it in America. The opera was revived, it is true,
in 1905, with Caruso, Walker, Scotti and Plancon, but has not since been given.
However, for the consolation of those who admire Verdi's beautiful work, the Victor
has rendered all the best airs and several of the stirring concerted numbers, so that the
opera, given by famous artists, may be enjoyed in the comfort and seclusion of the home.
SCENE The Monastery of St. James
The rise of the curtain discloses a Spanish cloister with its secluded garden and weather-
stained wall, while in the distance is a glimse of the tiled roofs of the city. Ferdinand, a
novice in the monastery, confesses to the Prior, Balthazar, that he has seen a beautiful
woman and has fallen in love with her. He describes his meeting with the fair one in a
lovely song, Una vergine.
Una vergine (Like An Angel)
By Florencio Constantino, Tenor (In Italian) 64O9O lO-inch. $1.OO
The good Prior is horrified and urges him to confess and repent.
Non sai tu che d'un giusto (Know'st Thou)
By Gino Martinez-Patti, Tenor, and Cesare Preve, Bass
(Double-Facet] See page 1 12) (In Italian) 62635 lO-inch, $O.75
Ah, my son, my life's latest solace, FERDINAND (in rapture) :
May thy innocence rescue thee still! Yes, ador'd one! this heart's dearest idol!
Thou, thou who shouldst be my successor, For thee I will break ev'ry tie!
And all my solemn duties fill. To thee all my soul I surrender
FERDINAND: At thy dear feet content to die!
Ah, father, I love her! Forgive me! Father, I go!
This woman, wretched one! oh, knowest thou Hence, audacious! away in madness!
Who has lur'd thee thus to shame? I'll not curse thee! no depart!
Knowest thou her, for whom thy holiest vow If Heaven spare thee, soon in sadness,
Is forfeit? Her rank her name? Thou'lt hither bring a broken heart!
I know her not; but I love her! Ah, dear Idol! this heart so enchaining,
BALTHAZAR: In V ain thy spell I strive to break!
Begone! too profane! Fly these cloisters To thee only my truth maintaining,
Far. far from hence! avoid my sight. My cloister I forsake!
The Prior's pleading fails to restore Ferdinand to his duty,
and he leaves the convent to search for the beautiful unknown.
As he goes he turns and stretches out his arms toward
Balthazar, who averts his head.
The scene changes to the Island of Leon, -where Inez,
an attendant of Leonora, and a chorus of maidens are gather-
ing flowers. They sing a melodious chorus,
Bei raggi lucenti (Ye Beams of Gold)
By Ida Roselli. Soprano, and La Scala
Chorus (In Italian) *62635 lO-inch, $O.75
which tells of the love which their mistress feels for a hand-
some youth whom she has seen but once, and who is now
on his -way to the Isle at Leonora's request.
Ferdinand, who, shortly after his departure from the
monastery, had received a note bidding him come to the
Isle of Leon, now arrives in a boat, blindfolded, is assisted
to land by the maidens, and the bandage removed. He
gazes around him wonderingly, and asks Inez the name of
the unknown lady -who has sent for him. She smilingly
refuses, and tells him only her mistress may reveal the secret.
Leonora now appears, and the maidens depart. A tender love
scene follows, but the Favorite is anxious, fearing that Ferdi-
nand will learn that she is the King's mistress. She shows
him a parchment which she says will insure his future, and
then bids him leave her forever.
J \^ SC ^ tt { I (Fly
By Clotilde Esposito and Sig. Martinez-Patti *683O9
Ferdinand, beginning the duet, indignantly refuses, saying :
12-inch, $1.25
Fly from thee! Oh, never!
'Twere madness to try
From thee to sever;
'Twere better to die!
Farewell! Go; forget me!
Thy vows and thy love!
No longer regret me
Mine image remove.
The rose tho' she fair be,
A canker that wears,
Can never restor'd be
By anguish or tears!
Inez enters and whispers to Leonora that the King has arrived at the villa. Leonora gives
Ferdinand the parchment and exits hastily. He reads it and is delighted to find that it is a
captain's commission, and declares that he will win great honors to lay at the feet of his love.
SCENE Gardens of the Alcazar Palace
The King enters and admires the beauty of the palace, which he has just acquired from
the Moors by the victory of his army, led by the young captain, Ferdinand. A message comes
from Balthazar, the King's father-in-law, who is at the head of the powerful Church party,
and Alfonso is threatened with the wrath of the Church if he does not give up Leonora. In a
fine air he declares he will not submit.
Vien Leonora (Leonora, Thou Alone)
By Francesco Cigada. Baritone (In Italian) *68O61 12-inch, $1.25
Leonora enters and the King tenderly asks the cause of her melancholy. She tells him
her position is intolerable, and asks that she be allowed to leave the Court. She begins
the duet, Quando le soglie.
Quando le soglie (From My Father's Halls)
By Lina Mileri, Contralto, and Renzo Minolfi. Baritone
(In Italian) *68275 12-inch. $1.25
Leonora recalls the circumstances connected with her departure from her father's home.
'Double-Faced Record For title of opposite side *x DOUBLE-FACED LA FA VOR1TA RECORDS, page 1 12.
When from the halls of my father you LEONORA:
bore me. Ah! ask not to know it.
A poor simple maiden, betray'd. deceived. Permit me, sir, to leave this court! '
Alas! within these walls I hop'd, fulfilled KING:
Would be those vows so sworn, and so No man can love thee more than" I;
beliey'd! Thou shall see how my heart adores thee!
KING (with tender remorse): LEONORA:
No more! No more! I dare not look so high as thee.
LEONORA: KING (aside):
Silent and alone, shunned by the world, Oh. love! soft love! her bosom filling,
Live I in the dark: the mistress of the King. With sweet response each fibre thrilling,
Vainly plitter these jewels, Inspire her heart!
Vainly bloom these flowers around me. LEONORA (aside):
Ciod knows my afflictions! Oh, love, alas! this bosom filling.
E'en if the lip may smile, the heart is With secret woe each fibre thrilling!
weeping! KING:
KING: Disperse this gloom; enjoy the feasts
I'.ut tell me the first cause of your grief. Spread 'round thee by my tender love!
They are interrupted by the entrance of Balthazar, who brings the mandate from the
Pope. The King defies him, saying :
KING: This lady I shall wed. and whoever
My will is sacred! On my brow Doubts my right shall feel
Rests the royal diadem! The anger of a monarch!
Balthazar then begins the great finale, one of the most impressive of the concerted
Ah ! paventa il furore (The 'Wrath of Heaven)
By Amelia Codolini, Mezzo-Soprano ; Francesco Cigada, Baritone ;
Aristodemo Sillich, Bass ; La Scala Chorus
(In Italian) *16536 lO-inch. $0.75
Do not call the wrath of God, Shall not bend me nor break me;
Avenging upon thee; Calm thee, my Leonora,
For it visiteth terribly Bright is thy destiny.
Those who do not bow to His will. CHORUS:
Hasten, pacify Heaven We tremble with fear
Before the curse descendeth! In our inmost hearts,
LEONORA: Lest he call down upon himself
I tremble with fear The wrath of Heaven !
In my inmost heart, BALTHAZAR (denouncing Leonora):
Lest this terrible blow All ye that hear me
Should crush my fondest hopes. Shun flic adultress;
KING: Avoid the outcast.
Still this sudden tempest Accurs'd of Heaven is she!
The curtain falls on a dramatic tableau, -Leonora weeping with shame, the King hesita-
ting between love and ambition, while the terrible Balthazar thunders the papal curse down
upon the guilty pair.
SCENE A Room in the Palace
Ferdinand is received by the King, who praises him for his great victories, and asks him
to name his own reward. The young captain asks for the hand of a noble lady to whom
he owes all his renown, and when the King asks her name he points to Leonora. Alfonso
gazes at her coldly and sternly and sings his ironical air.
A tanto amor (Thou Flow'r Beloved)
By Mario Ancona, Baritone (In Italian) 88O63 12-inch, $3.OO
By Mattia Battistini, Baritone (In Italian) 92O45 12-inch, 3.00
By Francesco Cigada, Baritone (In Italian) *16536 10-inch, .75
ALFONSO: Both night and morn;
Thou flow'r belov'd, Fad'st from my breast,
And in hope's garden cherish'd, Thine ev'ry beauty perished,
With sighs and tears refresh'd, And in thy stead alone have left a thorn !
He consents to the marriage, however, and announcing that they must prepare to wed in
an hour, goes out with Ferdinand. Leonora is distracted with the knowledge that she must
tell her secret to her lover. She calls Inez, and bidding her seek out Ferdinand and reveal
all, goes to her apartments to prepare for the wedding. Inez prepares to obey, but on her
way is arrested by the order of the King.
'Double-Faced Record For till: of ox/fc side see DOUBLE-FA CED LA FA VORITA RECORDS, page / 12.
The King enters with Ferdinand, to whom he gives the title of Count of Zamora. Leonora
appears and is overjoyed to see Ferdinand still looking at her lovingly, not knowing that Inez
has failed in her mission, and that he is yet ignorant of her secret.
The ceremony is performed and the pair are presented to the Court, but are met with
cold and averted looks. Ferdinand, although not aware of the cause, resents this and is about
to draw his sword when Balthazar enters and demands peace.
When he learns of the wedding he is horrified, and tells Ferdinand he has married the
King's mistress. Ferdinand is furious and denounces the King, who, seized with sudden
remorse, begins the great finale to Act III.
Orsu, Fernando (Stay! Hear Me, Ferdinand!)
By Maria Cappiello, Mezzo-Soprano; Giuseppe Acerbi, Tenor;
Francesco Cigada, Baritone (In Italian) *62659 lO-inch, $O.75
Ferdinand hurls at the King's feet his badge of honor and his broken sword and leaves
the Court, 'followed by Balthazar. Leonora faints as the curtain falls.
SCENE The Cloisters of the Monastery
The opening number in this act is the impressive Splendon piu belle, considered by many
critics to be the finest of the Favorita numbers. The scene represents the cloister at the
Convent of St. James of Compostella, illumined by the rays of the rising sun. The monks
have assembled to welcome back the prodigal Ferdinand, who, heartbroken at the falseness
of Leonora, is returning to renew his vows. The ceremonies are conducted by Balthazar, who
begins this great number.
Splendon piu belle in ciel le stelle (In Heavenly Splendor)
By Marcel Journet and Metropolitan Chorus 74273 12- in.. $1.50
By Torres de Luna, Bass, and La Scala Chorus (In Italian) *68061 12-in.. 1.25
By Perello de Segurola, Bass, and La Scala Chorus (Italian) *16551 10-in.. .75
Balthazar entreats him to lift his eyes from earthly things and contemplate the stars,
which typify a forgiving Heaven.
CHORUS (to Ferdinand) :
Turn thou to Heaven, where there is no grief!
Look at the stars' heavenly splendor above!
Up to them the penitent prayers
Of a purified soul ascend,
And carry back peace and happiness!
The monks now go into the chapel to prepare for the final rites, and Ferdinand, left alone,
casts a look behind him to the world he has left forever, and sings his lovely Spirto gentil.
Spirto gentil (Spirit So Fair)
By Enrico Caruso. Tenor (In Italian) 88O04 12-inch, $3.00
By Gennaro de Tura, Tenor (In Italian) 76O12 12-inch, 2.00
By Evan Williams, Tenor (In English) 74141 12-inch, 1.50
Caruso's Spirlo gentil, which was the gem of the recent Metropolitan revival, is given
with dazzling brilliancy and with that luscious quality of voice so satisfying to the ear. The
record is a supremely beautiful one, while the accompaniment is most delicate and pleasing.
FERDINAND: In thee delighting, all else scorning,
Spirit so fair, brightly descending, A father's warning, my country, my fame!
Then like a dream all sadly ending,_ Ah, faithless dame, a passion inviting.
Hence from my heart, vision deceiving. Fair honor blighting, branding my name,
Phantom of love, grief only leaving, Grief alone thou leav st, phantom of lve!
Signor de Tura furnishes a lower priced Italian version, while Mr. Williams' rendering
is also one of beauty and power.
The monks now lead Ferdinand to the chapel. Leonora, -who has come hither disguised
as a novice to entreat forgiveness of her lover, hears him take the final vows and despair-
ingly falls at the altar. Ferdinand comes from the chapel, and seeing a poor novice, assists
him to rise. He is at first horrified to recognize Leonora, and bids her begone, but she
pleads for mercy.
. * Double-Face J RecordFor lille of opposite side see DOUBLE-FACED LA FA VOR1TA RECORDS, page 1 12,
Ah, heavenlike, thy mercy showing,
Turn not thy heart away from me,
Whose bitter tears ne'er ceas'd from flowing
When parted, dear, from thee.
FERDINAND (his lore returning):
From tears thy words persuasion borrow,
Like a spell their softness impart,
Those sighs, the hope of some bright morrow
Waken once more in my heart!
I love thee!
Come, ah, come, 'tis vain restraining
Passion's torrent onward that dashes,
O'er my bosom still art thou reigning
And we together will live and die!
One thought on me like lightning flashes,
One voice hear I in thunder speaking.
Fly we hence, some calm shelter seeking,
Loving share we life's care and joy!
Pietoso al par d'un Nume (As Merciful as God)
By Clotilde Esposito, Soprano, and Martinez-Patti, Tenor
(Double-faced See belov) (In Italian) 62659
10-inch, $0.75
Again gently reminding him of his vows, she falls from weakness and privation.
No, no! Heav.'n forgive me, now I'm dying,
'Tis Heaven calls thee! Ferdinand, I am happy,
FERDINAND (recklessly) : We shall hereafter meet no more to be parted,
Yet more power hath love; Farewell, now, farewell!
Come, could I possess thee (She dies.)
There's naught I would not brave,
Aye, here and hereafter!
Quando le soglie (From My Father's Halls) By Lina ]
Mileri, Contralto, and Renzo Minolfi, Baritone
(In Italian)\t)827S 12-inch, $1.25
Faust Dio possente (Gounod) By Francesco Cigada, Baritone
(In Italian))
Fia vero! lasciarti! (Fly From Thee!) By Clotilde
Esposito, Soprano, and Sig. Martinez-Patti, Tenor
(In Italian) [683O9 12-inch,
Norma In mia mono alfin tu sei By Ida Giacomelli, Soprano,
and Gino Martinez-Patti, Tenor (In Italian)]
Vien Leonora (Leonora, Thou Alone) By Francesco 1
Cigada, Baritone (In Italian) I ,
Splendon piu belle in ciel (In Heavenly jSplendor) By |
Torres de Luna, Bass, and La Scala Chorus (In Italian))
A tanto amor (Thou Flow'r Beloved) 1
By Francesco Cigada, Baritone (In Italian)
Ah! paventa il furore (The Wrath of Heaven) By ^16536 lO-inch, .75
Amelia Codolini, Mezzo-Soprano ; Francesco Cigada,
Baritone ; Aristodemo Sillich, Bass (In Italian) \
sai tu che d'un giusto (Know'st Thou) By Gino
Martinez-Patti, Tenor, and Cesare Preve, Bass
i ->;!, i <
(In Italian)
Bei raggi lucenti (Ye Beams of Gold) By Ida Roselli,
Soprano, and La Scala Chorus In Italian)
Orsu, Fernando (Stay ! Hear Me, Fernando !) By Maria
Cappiello, Mezzo-Soprano : Giuseppe Acerbi, Tenor:
Francesco Cigada, Baritone (In Italian)
Pietoso al par d'un Nume (As Merciful as God; By
Clotilde Esposito, Soprano, and Gino Martinez-Patti,
Tenor (In Italian)
Splendon piu belle in ciel le stelle (In Heavenly Splendor) "j
By Perello de Segurola, Bass, and Chorus (In Italian) I
ManonEt je sais ootre nom (If I Knew But Your Name)
By Mile. Korsoff, Soprano, and Leon Beyle, Tenor (In French))
62635 lO-inch, .75
62659 10-inch, .75
10-inch, .75
(.Fee-Jat/ -lee-o)
Words adapted by Joseph Sonnleithner from Bouilly's Ltonore, oa I' 'Amour Conjugal
(Leonora, or Conjugal Love). Music by Ludwig von Beethoven. First produced at the
Theatre an der Wein, Vienna, November 20, 1805, in three acts, the cast including Weinkoff,
Meier, Demmer, Milder and Rothe. A revised version was given in 1806 and a third
production in 1814. Produced in London, at the King's Theatre, May 18, 1832. In English
at Covent Garden, June 12, 1835. In Italian at Her Majesty's, May 20, 1851. In Paris at
the Theatre Lyrique, translated by Barbier and Carre, and in three acts, May 5, 1860.
First American performance in New York, September 9, 1839, with Giubilei, Manvers and
Poole. Other notable productions -were in 1857, with Johannsen, Weinlich and Oehrlein ; in
1858, with Mme. Caradori and Karl Formes; in 1868, with Mme. Rotter, Habelmann and
Formes; the Damrosch production of 1884, with Mme. Brandt, Mile. Belz and Herr Koegel ;
and in 1 90 1 , with Ternina as Leonore.
DON FERNANDO, Minicter Baritone
DON PlZARRO, Governor of the State Prison Baritone
FLORESTAN, a prisoner Tenor
LEONORE, his wife, known as Fidelio Soprano
ROCCO, jailor Bass
MARZELLJNE, his daughter Soprano
JAQUINO, gatekeeper Tenor
Soldiers, Prisoners, People, etc.
Place : A Spanish State prison in the vicinity of Seville.
Fidelia must ever be regarded with great interest as being the only opera -written by one
of the greatest composers. Originally given as Fidelia, it was rewritten and condensed into
two acts by Breuning, still a third revision being made in 1814 by Treitschke. At the time
of the second production in 1806 the title was changed to Leonore, Beethoven writing a new
overture, now known as Leonore No. 3. A portion of this splen-
did number has been played here by Pryor's Band.
Leonore Overture No. 3
By Arthur Pryor's Band (Double-faced See 4e/on>)
35181 12-inch, $1.25
The action of the opera occurs in a fortress near Seville.
Don Florestan, a Spanish nobleman, has been imprisoned here for
life, and to make his fate certain his mortal enemy, Don Pizarro,
Governor of the prison, has announced his death, meanwhile
putting the unfortunate man in the lowest dungeon, where he is
expected to die by gradual starvation, thus rendering unnecessary
a resort to violent means.
One of the best numbers in the opera is this fine air in D
minor, which has been sung for the Victor by Mr. Goritz.
BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)
Ha, welch ein Augenblick (Fateful Moment)
By Otto Goritz, Baritone (In German) 64165 lO-inch, $1.OO
In this the wicked Governor unfolds his hatred and his malignant intentions toward
Fateful moment! My revenge is near!
Long I've waited for this hour,
Fearful lest he should escape me!
Over my enemy 1 triumph;
He who would my life have taken!
Oh, fateful moment!
Ah, what a day is this!
My vengeance shall be sated,
And thou, thy doom is fated.
Once in the dust I trembled
Beneath thy conquering steel,
But fortune's wheel is turning
In torments thou art burning
The victim of my hate!
An extremely pleasant and agreeable person this Spanish Governor must have been !
Goritz, -whose Pizarro is one of his greatest impersonations, sings this striking air in a
highly effective manner, fairly exuding the spirit of revenge.
Don Florestan, however, has a devoted -wife who refuses to believe the report of his
death. Disguising herself as a servant, and assuming the name of Fidelio, she secures
employment with Rocco, the head jailor. Rocco's daughter falls in love with the supposed
handsome youth, and he is soon in such high favor that he is permitted to accompany
Rocco on his visits to the prisoner.
Hearing that the Minister of the Interior is coming to the prison to investigate the sup-
posed death of Florestan, the Governor decides to murder him, and asks Rocco 's help. Fidelio
overhears the conversation and gets Rocco to allow her to dig the grave. Just as Don Pizarro
is about to strike the fatal blow, Fidelio rushes forward, proclaims herself the wife of the
prisoner and shields him. The Governor is astonished for a moment, but recovers himself
and is about to sacrifice both, when a flourish of trumpets announces the coming of the
Minister, and Don Pizarro is soon disgraced, while Florestan is pardoned and given back to
his faithful wife.
/Leonore Overture No. 3
\ Attila Selection
Arthur Pry or s Band\
A tL D > D jf
Arthur rryor s Hand)
, . .
(Dehr -gen-dih Hot-lan-der}
1" Sorflfflunfl ira pimrn
3Rctan. tin 1 Mannar 1943.
3m 'flei Wait:
111 tm Sfitn. ecu 9tt4xirt SJajnnr.
lilt III:
i-W^itu i.!
JX W u, H^> n >..-. I^Mnun 1 <.
am 5 Uf. Sntang urn b Ubr.
II Vascello Fantasma
(.Eel Vao-sel-low Fahn-tahz' -mah)
Text and score by Richard Wagner. First
produced at the Royal Opera in Dresden, January
2, 1843, -with a Paris production the following
year under the title of Le Vaisseau Fantome. First
London production July 23, 1870; and in English
by Carl Rosa in 1876; first New York production,
in English, January 26, 1877; in German, March
12, 1877.
DALAND, a Norwegian sea captain Bass
SENTA, his daughter Soprano
ERIC, a huntsman Tenor
MARY, Senta's nurse Contralto
Sailors, Maidens, Hunters, etc.
Place : On the coast of Norway
One of the most melodious of Wagner's operas, and the most popular in Germany
to-day, Fliegende Hollander is also the one which was most promptly condemned by the
critics after its production. Its present vogue is a notable example of the change in
musical taste since 1843.
Wagner was led to write the Flying Dutchman after reading Heine's legend of the
unhappy mariner, who, after trying long in vain to pass the Cape of Good Hope, had
sworn that he would not desist if he had to sail on the ocean to eternity. To punish his
blasphemy he is condemned to the fate of the Wandering Jew, his only hope of salvation
lying in his release through the devotion unto death of a woman ; and to find such a
maiden he is allowed every seven years to go on shore.
Flying Dutchman Overture
By Pryor's Band 31787 12-inch, $1.00
The overture is a complete miniature drama, em-
bodying the events of the opera to follow. Driven by
the gale, the Phantom Ship approaches the shore, while
amid the fury of the tempest is heard the theme of The
Curse :
The storm increases and reaches its height in a won-
derful piece of -writing. No composer ever succeeded
in portraying a raging storm -with such vivid effect.
Amid a lull in the tempest, we hear the melancholy
complaint of the Dutchman from the great air in the first
act, ' ' Wie oft . . . Mein Crab, es schloss sich nicht ? ' '
(My grave I find it not!) A gleam of hope appears in the Redemption theme, and a joyous
strain is heard from the sailors of Daland's ship, which is safe in the harbor.
Thus the various events of the drama are presented in miniature; and the overture is
in fact a complete resume of the opera, summarizing the leading motifs. It is superbly
played by Mr. Pryor's fine organization.
SCENE The Coast of Norway
The curtain rises showing a rocky sea coast in Norway, with the ship of Daland anchored
near the shore. As the crew furl the sails, Daland goes ashore, and climbing the cliff,
sees that he is only seven miles from home, but as he must wait for a change in the wind,
bids the crew go below and rest.
The Steersman remains on watch, and to keep awake sings a sailor ballad :
From the shores of the south, in far-off lands,
I oft on thee have thought;
Through thunder and waves from Moorish strands,
A gift I thee have brought.
My maiden, praise the sweet south wind
I bring thee a golden ring.
O fair south wind, to me be kind!
My maiden doth spin and sing.
Ho-yo-ho! Hallo-ho!
Through thunder and wars of distant seas,
My maiden, come I near!
Over towering waves, with southern breeze,
My maiden am I here!
My maiden, were there no south wind,
I never could come to thee;
O fair south wind, to me be kind!
My maiden, she longs for me!
Ho-yo-ho! Hallo-ho!
He soon falls asleep, however, and fails to see the Flying Dutchman, which now appears,
with blood-red sails and black masts, for one of her periodical visits.
Wie oft in Meeres tiefsten Schlund (In Ocean's Deepest 'Wave)
By Otto Goritz, Baritone (In German) 74230 12-inch. $1.5O
The spectral crew furl the blood-red sails and drop the rusty anchor. The Dutchman
stands on the deck, and delivers his great soliloquy. He gloomily gazes at the land, and
sings his preliminary recitative :
The term is past, and once again are ended the seven long years;
The weary sea casts me upon the land.
Ha! haughty ocean!
A little while and thou again wilt bear me!
Though thou art changeful, unchanging is my doom!
Release, which on the land I seek for,
Never shall I meet with!
True, thou heaving ocean, am I to thee
Until thy latest billow shall break,
Until at last thou art no more!
An introduction in 6-8 allegro molto leads to the aria:
Engulf'd in ocean's deepest wave,
Oft have I long'd to find a grave;
But ah! a grave, I found it not!
I oft have blindly rushed along,
To find my death sharp rocks among;
But ah! my death, I found it not.
And oft, the pirate boldly daring,
My death I've courted from the sword.
Here, cried I, work thy deeds unsparing,
My ship with gold is richly stor'd!
Alas, the sea's rapacious son,
Hut sign'd the cross, and straight was gone
Nowhere a grave, no way of death!
Mint- is a curse of living breath.
Thee do I pray
Bright angel sent from Heaven.
\\"as there a fruitless hope to mock me given,
Daland comes on deck
and is astonished to see the
strange ship. He wakes the
Steersman and they hail the
stranger, who asks Daland to
give him shelter in his home,
offering him treasure from his
ship. On hearing that Daland
has a daughter, he proposes
marriage. The simple Nor-
wegian is dazzled by such an
honor from a man apparently
so wealthy, and freely con-
sents, providing his daughter
is pleased with the stranger.
The wind changes and
Daland sails for his home, the
Dutchman promising to follow
at once.
When thou didst tell me how to gain release?
A single hope with me remaineth,
A single hope still standeth fast;
When all the dead are raised again,
Destruction then I shall attain.
Ye worlds, your curse continue not!
Endless destruction be my lot!
SCENE A Room in Daland 's
Traft ihr das Schiff (Senta's Ballad)
By Johanna Gadski, Soprano (In German) 88116 12-inch, $3.OO
The maidens are busily spinning all but Senta, Daland 's daughter, who is idly dream-
ing, with her eyes fixed on the fanciful portrait of the Flying Dutchman which hangs on the
The legend of the unhappy Hollander has made a strong impression on the young girl,
and he seems almost a reality to her. The maidens ridicule her, saying that her lover,
Eric, will be jealous of the Dutchman. Senla rouses herself and commences the ballad,
which begins with the motive of The Curse. With growing enthusiasm she goes on,
describing the unhappy lot of the man n.i**,s = i i . -< J v
~pi . , . t . Dock ku. dem tM . ckra Mo - M Er 16 < << - Hnu xxk Mr 4
1 hen with emotion she cries: r u *< *~ mi */** * v< '*'"' ~r **
This is the theme of Redemption by Woman's Love, and
as Senta sings the beautifully tender and melodious phrase,
she runs toward the portrait with outstretched arms, hardly
conscious of the now alarmed maidens.
Yo-ho-hoe! Yo-ho-hoe! Vo-ho-hoe! Yo-ho-hoe!
Saw ye the ship on the raging deep
Blood-red the canvas, black the mast?
On board unceasing watch doth keep
The vessel's master pale and ghast!
Hui! How roars the wind! Yo-ho-hoe! Yo-ho-hoe!
Hui! How bends the mast! Yo-ho-hoe! Yo-ho-hoe!
Hui! Like an arrow she flies
Without aim, without goal, without rest!
(Site gases at the portrait with growing excitement)
Yet can the spectre seaman
lie freed from the curse infernal,
Find he a woman on earth
\ViK>'lI pledge him her love eternal.
Ah! that the unhappy man may find her
Pray, that Heaven may soon
In pity grant him this boon!
Mme. Gadski, whose Senta is always a fine impersona-
tion, sings this dramatic number most expressively. The
difficult attack on the high G, which occurs several times,
is beautifully taken and perfectly recorded.
The maidens are so alarmed at Senta' j outburst of
call Eric, who meets them at the door with news of
run to the shore while
passion that they run out and
the Dutchman's arrival. They
Eric remains and reproaches
Senta. She refuses to listen and the distracted lover
runs out.
Suddenly the door opens and the Dutchman appears.
Senta is transfixed with surprise as she involuntarily com-
pares the portrait with the living man. A long silence fol-
lows. The Dutchman, his eyes fixed on the glowing face
of the maiden, advances toward her. Daland soon observes
that the others pay no attention to him, and well satisfied
with the apparent understanding between the stranger and
his daughter, leaves them together.
The Hollander sees in Senta the angel of whom he had
dreamed and who is to banish the curse, and she sees the
original of the portrait on which the sympathy of her
girlish and romantic heart had been lavished. The Hol-
lander asks Senta if she agrees with her father's choice of a
husband. She gladly consents, and a long love duet follows,
the final theme of which is "faith above all."
Daland re-enters and is delighted to find such a com-
plete understanding bet-ween the two. He invites the Dutch-
man to the fete that evening in celebration of the safe arrival
of the Norwegian ship. Senta repeats her vow unto death,
and a magnificent trio closes the act.
SCENE Daland's Harbor
This scene shows the ships anchored in the bay near Daland's home. Daland's vessel
is gay with lanterns, in contrast to the gloom and silence which marks the Dutchman's
ship. A gay Norwegian chorus is followed by a spirited hornpipe with a most peculiar
rhythm. Bits of these numbers are to be heard in the Pryor's Band records of the Overture
and Fantasia.
The maidens now appear with baskets of eatables, and are joyfully received by the
sailors. Having supplied the wants of their own countrymen, they approach the Dutchman's
ship and call to the .sailors, but only a ghostly silence rewards them. Piqued at this neglect,
they turn their remaining baskets over to the Norwegian sailors and return home.
Suddenly the sea around the Dutchman begins to rise, and a weird glow lights the ship.
The crew appear and begin a sepulchral chant, -which causes the gay Norwegians to cease
singing and cross themselves in terror, and finally to go below. With mocking laughter, the
crew of the Dutchman also disappear and the ship is in darkness.
Senta and Eric appear and a stormy scene ensues. He has heard of her engagement to
the strange captain, and is beside himself. He kneels and begs her to have pity on him.
Suddenly the Hollander comes upon the scene and is horror-stricken at the tableau.
Believing Senta to be false, he cries, "All is lost; Senta, farewell!"
The crews of both ships appear and the townsmen rush to the scene. The Dutch-
man reveals his identity and
declares himself cursed for-
ever. He springs upon his
ship the crimson sails ex-
pand as if by magic and the
ship departs, with the crew
chanting their weird re-
Senta, in wild exaltation,
rushes to the highest rock,
calling to the departing vessel,
"1 am faithful unto death,"
and throws herself into the
sea. The Flying Dutchman
sinks beneath the water, and
rising from the wreck can
be seen the forms of Senta
and the Dutchman clasped
in each other's arms. The
curse has been banished
true love has triumphed! SENTA IS FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH
/Flying Dutchman Fantasia
^ Pagliacci Prologue
By Pryor's Band \_, ,.
By Pryor's Band / 35158
12-inch, $1.25
This brilliant selection contains some of the finest music of this -wonderful masterpiece,
in which Wagner has portrayed the story of the Dutchman condemned to sail forever on the
stormy sea unless redeemed by the love of a woman.
Two variations of the exquisite theme representing Redemption by Woman's Love are
given. We first hear the magnificent strain played by the orchestra in Act HI when Senta
plunges into the sea, after the Dutchman, believing her false, has sailed away; then follows
the theme first heard in Senta 's ballad, one of the finest numbers in the opera. Then appears
the second of the two principal themes : the Flying Dutchman motive :
a weird melody representing the restless wanderer. In strong contrast comes the rollick-
ing chorus of Daland's sailors, "Steersman, Leave the Watch," and the fantastic dance
which follows:
Anifuaa, ma am trtppo atttfn.
The Fantasia is brought to an effective close with a portion of the great duet between
Senta and the Dutchman, leading up to a splendid climax.
(La Forf-zah del Da-tee'
Book by Piave ; music by Giuseppe Verdi. First produced at St. Petersburg, Novem-
ber II, 1862; and in London at Her Majesty's Theatre, June 22, 1867. First New York
production February 2, 1865, with Carozzi-Zucchi, Massimilliani and Bellini.
DONNA LEONORA,) ,. .... /Soprano
DON CARLO. ;ischndren {Baritone
DON ALVARO. (Ahl.vah'.roh) Tenor
MEUTONE, a friar Baritone
CURRA, Leonora's maid
TRABUCO, muleteer, afterwards a peddler Tenor
Muleteers, Spanish and Italian Peasants and Soldiers,
Friars of the Order of St. Francis, etc.
Scene and Period : Spain and Italy ; about the middle of the eighteenth century.
Verdi's opera of La Forza del Destino was never a great success ; its story, which is
taken from a drama of the Duke of Rivas, entitled Don Alvaro o la Fuerzer del Sino, being
doleful and so crowded with horrors that not even the beautiful music could atone for the
gloomy plot. Old opera-goers well remember the last production of the opera at the
Academy in 1881, with Annie Louise Cary, Campanini, Galassi and Del Puente in the cast.
The only production in America subsequent to that time was that of the Lombardi
Opera Company in San Francisco several years ago.
The overture is a most interesting and rather elaborate one.
/Overture. Parti La Scala Orchestra) ,__ . , .. _,.
{Overture, Part II La Scala Orchestra/ 68 * 12-inch, $1.25
It opens with a trumpet blast -which sufficiently foreshadows the tragic character of the
opera, this being followed by an air in the minor, leading up to a striking theme which steals
in softly from the strings.
This is the beautiful subject of the Madre Pietosa, afterwards heard -with such mag-
nificent effect in the opera.
Part II opens with a light and pretty pastoral melody quite in the Italian vein. A
notably brilliant passage for strings brings us again to the Madre Pietosa melody, this time
delivered in a triumphant fortissimo, after which the overture works up to a truly animated
and powerful finale.
SCENE Drawing Room in the House of the Marquis of Calatrava
Don Aloaro, a noble youth from India, becomes enamored -with Donna Leonora, the
daughter of the Marquis of Calalrava, who is strongly opposed to the alliance. Leonora,
knowing her father's aversion, determines to make her escape with Aloaro, aided by Curra,
her confidant.
She is in the act of eloping when her father appears, and is accidentally slain by her
lover. Leonora, horror-stricken, rushes to her father, who curses her with his dying breath.
SCENE I An Inn at Hornacuelos
The second act begins in a village inn, where Don Carlo, son of the murdered Marquis,
is disguised as a student in order to better avenge his father. Leonora, who is traveling in
male attire, arrives at the inn, and is horror-stricken at seeing her brother, who has sworn
to kill her lover Alvaro and herself. She flees to the convent of Hornacuelos, arriving at
SCENE II The Convent of Hornacuelos
Kneeling in the moonlight, she prays to the Virgin to protect her. This beautiful
prayer is splendidly sung here by Mme. Boninsegna, accompanied by the chorus of La Scala.
Madre, pietosa Vergine (Holy Mother, Have Mercy)
By Celestina Boninsegna, Soprano, and La Scala Chorus
(In Italian) 92031 12-inch, $3.00
The effect produced by the solo voice with the background of male voices singing the
Venite in the chapel is powerful and thrilling, and forms one of the finest of the Victor
reproductions of Verdi's scenes.
Oh, Holy Virgin, O sublime song,
Have mercy on my sins! Which like incense,
Send help from Heaven Ascends heavenward.
To erase from my heart It gives faith, comfort,
That ungrateful one. And quiet to my soul.
(The friars are heard in their morning hymn.) I will go to the holy sanctuary.
THE FRIARS: The pious father cannot refuse to receive me.
Venite, adoremus et procelamus O Lord! Have mercy on me,
An te Deum, ploremtis, ploremus Nor abandon me.
Coram Domino, coram Domino qui fecit nos. (She rings the bell of the convent.)
Leonora is admitted to the convent by the Abbot, to whom she confesses. He procures
her a nun's robe and directs her to a cave, assuring her that a curse will rest upon anyone
who seeks to know her name or to enter her abode. In her gratitude she sings the second
great air.
La Vergine degli angeli (May Angels Guard Thee)
By Celestina Boninsegna, Soprano, and La Scala Chorus
(In Italian) 91075 10-inch, $2.0O
Again we have the effect of the solemn chant of the priests blending with the prayer of
La Vergine degli Angeli Let the Holy Virgin
Vi copra del stio manto, Cover you with her mantle,
F. i'oi protegga vigile And the angels of God
Di Dio I' Angela santo. Watch over you!
(Leonora kisses the Iiand of the Abbot and
goes to her retreat. The monks return to
the church.)
SCENE A Military Camp near Velletri
In Act III we are transported to Italy, where we meet Aloaro, who has enlisted in the
Spanish army. In a sad but beautiful air he recounts his misfortunes, and appeals to heaven
for pity.
O tu che in seno agli Angeli (Thou Heavenly One)
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor (In Italian) 88207 12-inch, $3.OO
ALVARO: prison. . . . The desert educated me; un-
Life is a misery ... In vain I seek known is my royal descent! My ancestors
death. . . . Seville! . . . Leonora! aspired to a throne. Alas! They were be-
Oh, memories! Oh, night! Thou headed! Oh, when will my misfortune cease?
hast taken from me all my happiness! I Thou who hast ascended in heaven, all beau-
shall ever be unhappy. . . . So it is writ- tiful and pure from mortal sins, do not for-
ten. . . . My father tried to make his get to look on me, a poor sufferer, who with-
country free, and to wear a crown by marry- out hope fights eagerly for death against
ing the only daughter of Ineas. He was destiny! Leonora, help me and have mercy
foiled in his design. ... I was born in on my sufferings!
In the next scene he saves the life of Don Carlo, whose wanderings in search of ven-
geance have led him to this region. Both having assumed fictitious names, they do not know
each other, and swear eternal friendship.
Shortly afterward, during an engagement, Don Aloaro, -wounded, is brought in on a
stretcher by his soldiers. Thinking himself dying, he sends away the soldiers and requests
that he be left alone with Don Carlo. The great duet, the finest number in the opera, then
occurs. *
Solenne in quest'ora (Swear in This Hour)
By Enrico Caruso. Tenor, and Antonio Scotti, Baritone
(In Italian) 89OO1 12-inch, $4.00
By Carlo Barrera, Tenor, and Giuseppe Maggi, Baritone
(In Italian) *68213 12-inch, 1.25
By Luigi Colazza, Tenor, and Ernesto Caronna. Baritone
(In Italian) *63174 10-inch, .75
The wounded man confides a case of letters to his friend Don Carlo to be destroyed,
making him swear that he will not look at the contents. Carlo swears, and the friends bid
each other a last farewell.
My friend . . . swear that you will grant with me .... when I am dead destroy
my last wish. the letters.
CARLO: I swear! ALVARO: Look at my breast. CARLO:
CARLO : A key ! So be it.
ALVARO: ALVARO (feebly):
Open this case and you will find a sealed Now I die happy .... let me embrace
parcel. ... I trust it to your honor you .... farewell !
. . . It contains a mystery which must die CARLO: Put thy trust in heaven! BOTH: Adieu!
The Caruso and Scotti rendition of this number is considered by many to be one of the
most perfect and beautiful of all the Red Seal Records. It is certainly the most wonder-
fully lifelike reproduction of these two great voices which could be imagined.
Just at this point it may be well to settle a controversy which has been raging ever since
the issue of this record in 1906. This argument concerns the identity of the voices in the
opening measures, and is the natural result of a remarkable similarity between Caruso's
lower register and the medium tones of Scotti's voice. The Victor Catalogue Editor now
appoints himself a court of final appeal, and declares that contrary to the usual impression
it is Caruso, not Scotti, who begins the record. Here are the opening measures just as sung
by the artists :
So - len nc in quest' ora giu rar -mi do ye - te Far
Swear in Mil kotir my last urttk to frail me. So
pa go un mio volo
do. not re fuse me. I swrar, I tu-ear. Up - on my heart you 1 II find
* Double-Faced Record For title of opposite side see the double-faced list on page 125.
Aloaro, however, does not die, and in the next scene his identity becomes known to
Don Carlo, who challenges him. They fight, and Aloaro, thinking he has killed his enemy,
resolves to end his days in a monastery.
SCENE Same as Act II, Scene II
Five years have now elapsed and the last act reveals again the cloister of Hornacuelos,
where Aloaro, now Father Raphael, is discovered by Don Carlo, who with a persistence rival-
ing that of a Kentucky mountaineer, revives the feud and tries to force him to renew the
combat. Aloaro finally consents, and they agree to fight in a deserted spot near by. This
agreement is expressed in a fiery duet.
Invano Alvaro ! (In Vain, Alvaro !)
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor, and Pasquale Amato, Baritone
(In Italian) 89O52 12-inch, $4.0O
The host of Victor opera-lovers who are familiar with the wonderful duet from Act 111,
by Caruso and Scotti, will note with delight the issue of another famous duet from this
opera, sung by Caruso and Amato.
This great scene has been recorded in two parts. Carlo demands that Aloaro renew the
feud, but the priest refuses, saying that vengeance is with God. Don Carlo taunts him with
a terrible persistence, until the monk, goaded past endurance, consents to fight to the death.
In vain, Alvaro,
Thou hast hid from the world,
And concealed thy coward heart
With the habit of a monk!
My hate and desire for vengeance
Have enabled me to persist
Until I have discovered your retreat!
In this lonely spot
We shall not be disturbed,
And your blood shall wipe out
The stain upon my honor;
That I swear before God!
ALVARO (recognizing him) :
Don Carlos! Thou livest!
Yes! and for long years
I have sought and now find thee.
By thy hand I fell,
But God restored my strength
That I may avenge thy crimes!
Here are two swords,
Thy choice now make!
Leave me! By this holy habit
Thou may'st see my repentance!
CARLOS (in fury) :
Thou shall not hide behind thy robes!
ALVARO (agitated) :
Coward! Oh, God
Give me strength to forgive thee!
Le minaccie, i fieri accenti (Thy Menaces Wild !) Part II
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor, and Pasquale Amato, Baritone
(In Italian) 89053 12-inch, $4.00
By Titta Ruffo, Baritone, and Emanuele Ischierdo, Tenor
(In Italian) 925O4 12-inch, 4.OO
By Carlo Barrera, Tenor, and Giuseppe Maggi, Baritone
(Double-faced See page 125) (In Italian) 68213 12-inch, 1.25
Aloaro recovers his poise and endeavors to appeal to the reason of his enemy, showing
him the futility of reopening the feud. Part II begins as follows :
ALVARO (firmly) :
Thy menaces wild
Be heard only by the winds,
I cannot listen!
Brother, let us submit to fate
And the will of God!
Thou hast left me
A sister deserted and dishonored!
No! I swear it!
I adore her with a holy love.
CARLOS (furiously) :
Thy cowardly pleadings
Cannot move me to pity.
Take thy sword and fight!
Brother, let me kneel to thee.
(He kneels.)
Ah, by such an act
Thou showest thy base origin!
ALVARO (rising, unable to control himself) :
My lineage is brighter than a jewel
CARLOS (sneeringly) :
A jewel flaw'd and discolored!
ALVARO (in fury) :
Thou liest!
Give me a sword. Lead on!
At last!
ALVARO (recovering himself) :
No, Satan shall not thus triumph.
(Throws down liis sword.)
Then coward, I brand thee with dishonor!
(Strikes him.)
Oh, God, no more!
(To Don Carlos)
Defend thyself!
We both must die,
Our hatred will be appeased
And Satan will claim us for his own!
SCENE A Wild Spot Near Hornacuelos
The scene changes to the vicinity of Leonora's cave. Pale and worn, the unhappy
woman comes from the cave, and in another great air implores Heaven to let her die, as
she is unable to forget her lover.
Pace mio Dio (Mercy, O My Lord)
By Cclestina Boninsegna. Soprano (In Italian) 92O27 12-inch. $3.0O
Mercy, oh Lord!
My sorrows are too great to bear.
This fatal love has been my undoing,
But still do I love him,
Nor can I blot his image from my heart;
Yet 'tis Heaven's decree that I shall see him
no more!
Oh Lord, let me die.
Since death alone can give me peace!
A storm now breaks, and Leonora retires within the cave just as Aloaro and Carlo ap-
pear for the final combat. Aloaro recognizes the spot as an accursed one, but declares
that it is a fitting place for the ending of so deadly a feud.
Don Carlo falls mortally wounded, and desiring to repent his sins asks Aloaro, who is
known as Father Raphael, to confess him, but the monk is under the curse of the cave and
cannot. He goes to call the friar who dwells in the cave ; Leonora rushes forth, sees her
brother wounded and embraces him, but true to his vow made in Act I he makes a dying
effort and stabs her to the heart.
This dramatic scene has been put by Verdi into the form of a trio.
Non imprecare, umiliati (Swear Not, Be Humble)
By Ida Giacomelli, Soprano : Gino Martinez-Patti, Tenor ; Cesare Preve,
Bass (Double-faced See below) (In Italian) 68026 12-inch, $1.25
Don Alvaro then completes the catalogue of horrors by throwing himself from a cliff
just as the monks arrive singing the Miserere. The curtain then falls, evidently because, as
one critic has said, every member of the cast being dead, there seems to be no reasonable
excuse for keeping it up any longer !
/Overture, Part I By La Scala Orchestral, anno ,~ - . , ~,
(Overture, Part II By La Scala Orchestra/ 6 ' ch ' $1 ' 25
fLe minaccie. i fieri accenti (Let Your Menaces)
By Carlo Barrera, Tenor, and Giuseppe Maggi, Baritone
(In Italian) \682l 3 12-inch, 1.25
Solenne in quest'ora (Swear in This Hour) By Carlo
Barrera. Tenor, and Giuseppe Maggi. Baritone (In Italian)]
Non imprecare. umiliati By Ida Giacomelli. Soprano ;
Gino Martinez-Patti. Tenor: Cesare Preve, Bass
(In Italian)
Ballo in Maschera Ah ! qual soave brroido ( Thy Words, Like Dew)
By Ida Giacomelli, Soprano, and Gino Martinez-Patti, Tenor
(In Italian)
(Solenne in quest'ora (Swear in This Hour) By Luigi
Colazza. Tenor, and Ernesto Caronna, Baritone (Italian] I , . _. , n . ,
r~ f i. .1 . / T~I r>i r \r .1 <. r> fOjli+ lU-incn, .73
raust Jo voglio il piacer ( I he Pleasures of Youth) oy
G. Pini-Corsi, Tenor, and Arittodemo Sillich, Baritone (Italian))
68026 12-inch. 1.25
CDer Fry' -shoots)
Words by Friedrich Kind ; music by Carl Maria von Weber (his eighth opera) ; com-
pleted as Die Jagarsbraut, May 13, 1820. Produced at Berlin, June 18, 1821 ; in Paris, (as
Robin des Bois, with new libretto by Blaze and Sauvage, and many changes) at the Od6on,
December 7, 1824. Another new version, with accurate translation by Pacini, and recita-
tives by Berlioz, at the Academic Royale, June 7, 1841, under the title of Le Franc Archer.
In London as Der Freischutz or The Seventh Bullet, with many ballads inserted, July 23,
1824; In Italian, as // Franco Arciero, at Covent Garden, March 16, 1850 (recitatives by
Costa) in German, at King's Theatre, May 9, 1832. It was revived at Astley's Theatre with
a new libretto by Oxenford, April 2, 1866. First New York production, in English,
March 12, 1825. "
PRINCE OTTOKAR, Duke of Bohemia Baritone
CUNO, head ranger Bass
MAX, ) c i i . f Tenor
CASPAR 1 young roresters serving under him <, r>
KlLJAN, a rich peasant . , Tenor
ZAMIEL, the fiend huntsman Speaking Part
AGNES, Cuno's daughter Soprano
ANNIE, her cousin Soprano
Chorus of Hunters, Peasants, Bridesmaids, and invisible Spirits.
Scene and Period : The scene is laid in Bohemia, shortly after the Seven Years ' War.
The word freischutz, probably better translated as " free marksman," means a Schutz or
marksman who uses "free bullets," or charmed bullets which do not depend on the aim of
the shooter.
By Sousa's Band
By La Scala Orchestra
* 35000
* 62636
12-inch, $1.25
10-inch, .75
The overture presents the story of the opera in a condensed form.
An introduction with a tender horn passage leads us into the forest.
Night is falling and mysterious sounds are heard. The allegro, represent-
ing the doubts of the good but vacillating young hunter, begins, and the
sound of the magic bullets can be heard as they drop in the melting pot.
Next a beautiful melody, portraying love and happiness, appears, but
this in turn is succeeded by another mood of distress. At length the
triumphant strain indicative of the final victory is sounded, leading up to
a splendid climax.
Sousa's Band has given a stirring performance of this brilliant over-
ture, -while the rendition by La Scala Orchestra will please those who
prefer orchestral music.
The story of the opera is founded on a German tradition, told among
huntsmen, that whoever will sell his soul to Zamiel, the Demon Hunter,
may receive seven magic bullets, which will always hit the mark. For
each victim whom he succeeds in securing for the Demon, his own life
is extended, and he receives a fresh supply of the charmed missiles.
Cuno, head ranger to, a Bohemian prince, has two assistants,
Max and Caspar, both excellent marksmen. Max is in love with
Agnes, Cuno's daughter, who has promised to be his bride only on con-
dition that he proves himself the best shot at a forthcoming contest. This
contest, however, is won by Kilian, a peasant. Max, in a dramatic air,
bitterly bewails his bad luck.
MAX Durch die Walder (Thro* the Forest)
By Daniel Beddoe, Tenor (In English) 74244 12-inch, $1. SO
He believes he is cursed by an evil spirit which causes his hand to fail at the critical
MAX: O, I can bear my fate no longer!
E'en hope is banished from my soul!
What unknown grief thus haunts my spirit,
And o'er me works its dark control?
Thro' the forests, thro' the meadows,
Joy was wont with me to stray,
While my rifle, never failing,
Made each bird and beast my prey.
When at length from chase returning,
Ere home rose before my sight,
Agnes, smiling met me,
Cloth'd in beauty's heavenly light.
But now am I by Heaven forsaken
And left the power of chance to know?
Will hope's long slumber ever waken,
Or am I doomed to endless woe?
Now, methinks, beside her lattice,
I my lovely fair one see;
\Vhile her ear seems fondly list'ning,
Every coming sound for me:
See, she fondly waves a welcome,
Fancy's eye her lover sees;
But her signal gains no answer,
Save the sigh of whispering trees!
What dark'ning power is ruling o'er me?
My anxious bosom fear hath riven,
Despair hath spread her snares before me:
Does fate rule blindly?
Aid me, Heaven!
Caspar, who has already put himself in the power of Zamiel, sees
here an opportunity to extend his own days of grace, and advises PHOTO HOVER
Max to seek the magician and secure some of the magic bullets. CASPAR
*Doublc-Faccd Record-Far title ofot>tx>site side xe DOUBLE-FA CED DER FREISCHUTZ RECORDS, page 128.
In the meantime Agnes is anxiously awaiting her lover and is much alarmed at his non-
appearance. Annie, her cousin, endeavors to cheer her by singing a gay air, Comes a Gallant
Annie's Air, '* Comes a Gallant Youth "
By Marie A. Michailowa, Soprano (In Russian) 61134 lO-inch, $1.00
She describes playfully the attitude a shy maiden should assume when the right young
man happens along.
Comes a gallant youth towards me,
Be he golden hair'd or dark,
Eyes that flash as he regards me,
Him my captive I will mark!
Eyes bent down to earth for shyness,
As befits a modest maid,
With a stolen look of slyness
Yet may ev'rything be said!
And if swift emotion rushes,
Shot from answ'ring lip and eye,
Nothing worse than maiden blushes
Need the gallant stranger spy!
Annie begs Agnes to retire, but the young girl says
she will wait for her lover. Left alone, she draws the
curtains aside, revealing a starlight night. She ex-
claims at the beauty of the night, and folding her
hands in prayer she delivers the lovely air which is
the gem of the opera.
Preghiera di Agatha (Agatha's
Prayer) (Double-faced See below)
By Emilia Corsi, Soprano (Piano ace.)
(In Italian) * 62636 lO-inch, $0.75
She prays for the safety of her lover, and asks
Heaven to watch over them both.
Earth has lull'd her care to rest;
Why delays my loitering love?
Fondly beats my anxious breast:
Where, my Rudolph, dost thou rove?
Scarce the breeze among the boughs
Wakes a murmur thro' the silence,
Save the nightingale lamenting,
Not a sound disturbs the night!
Softly sighing, day is dying,
Soar my prayer heay'nward flying!
Starry splendor shining yonder,
Pour on us thy radiance tender!
How the golden stars are burning
Thro' yon vault of ether blue,
But lo, gath'ring o'er the mountains
Is a cloud, foreboding storm,
Max arrives, followed by Annie, but seems embarrassed and says he must go to bring
in a stag he has shot near the Wolf's Glen. Agnes begs him not to go near that haunted spot,
but he disregards her warning and goes out.
The scene changes to the Wolf's Glen, where Max meets Caspar, and the magic bul-
lets are cast amid scenes of horror, while the demon Zamiel hovers near awaiting his prey.
Max is returning with his prize when he meets the Prince, who asks him to shoot a dove.
The hunter complies, just missing Agnes, who has come to the wood in search of her lover.
Caspar is wounded by the very bullet which he had intended should slay Agnes at the hands
of Max. Zamiel rises and carries off his victim, while Max is forgiven and all ends
By Sousa's Band| 35000
oy jousa s tianaj
\ Carmen Selection
[Overture By La Scala Orchestra]
i Preghiera di Agatha (Agatha's Prayer) ^62636
[ By Emilia Corsi, Soprano (Piano ace.) (In Italian) J
12-inch, $1.25
10-inch, .75
C/er-man' -ee-a A)
A Lyric Drama in a Prologue, Two Scenes and Epilogue
Text by Luigi Illica. Music by Alberto Franchetti. First production at Milan in 1902
First American production, New York, January 22, 1910, with Caruso, Destinn and Amato.
Cast of Characters
CARLO WORMS [Students {Baritone
CR1SOGONO (Baritone
RICKE Soprano
JANE, her sister Mezzo-Soprano
LENE ARMUTH, an aged beggar-woman Mezzo-Soprano
JEBBEL, her nephew Soprano
STAFFS, Protestant Priest Bass
PETERS, a herdsman Bass
Chief of German Police Bass
Historical Personages, Students, Soldiers, Police officers. Members and
Associates of the " Tugendbund," " Louise-Bund "
and " Black Knights " ; Forest Girls.
Time: 1813.
The opera is the work of an Italian nobleman, who, although a very wealthy man, is
ambitious and makes the writing of operas his hobby. German/a is a picturesque and in-
teresting opera, full of local color, describing the Germany of the time of Napoleon, with its
many conspiracies ; and for this the Baron has written much effective and agreeable music.
The action takes place in 1813, at the time of the battle of Leipzig.
SCENE An Abandoned Mill near Nuremberg
A company of students, under the leadership of Giovanni Palm, have occupied an old
mill, and are shipping sacks of grain, which really contain political documents intended to
rouse the people to revolt. Prominent among the students is Worms, who previously had
a love affair with Ricfce, a young girl who is now betrothed to Loewe, the poet and warm
friend of Worms. Loewe is expected to arrive at any moment, and Ricl^e dreads his coming,
as she has made up her mind to tell him her guilty secret. Worms, however, divines her
purpose and bids her keep silent, as in the duel which was sure to occur Loewe would
likely be the one to die.
Loewe arrives and is joyfully greeted by the conspirators. He encourages them to fresh
efforts in his noble aria.
Student!, udite ! (Students, Hear Me !)
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor (In Italian) 87053 lO-inch, $2.0O
Caruso delivers this inspiring number with splendid effect, showing -well the beauty and
power of his marvelous voice.
The enthusiasm which follows Loewe' s great address is rudely interrupted by the ar-
rival of the police, who seize Palm and take him away to his death.
SCENE A Cottage in the Black Forest
Seven years have elapsed. Hither Loeae has come after the disastrous campaign of
1806, which followed the plotting in the old mill. He lives in this hut with his aged mother
and the two girls, Ricfce and her sister Jane. Worms has disappeared and is supposed to
be dead.
Loewe is about to be married to RicT^e, and the bridesmaids now arrive to deck the
cottage with flowers. Ric^e, thinking of her past, is melancholy, but the marriage ceremony
is performed and the bride and bridegroom are left alone. Federico clasps her in his arms
and sings his beautiful air to the eyes of his bride.
Non chiuder gli occhi vaghi (Close Not Those Dreamy Eyes)
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor (In Italian) 87054 lO-inch, $2.OO
Forgetting the past, Ric^e yields herself to the joy of the moment and tenderly kisses
him, when suddenly from the forest is heard a familiar voice singing an old student song.
" Worms!" joyfully cries Federico, and runs out to meet his old friend, who is wasted and
Worms comes in and is astonished to see Ric^e. She looks coldly at him and he uneasily
says he must be on his way. Federico protests, but Worms insists and departs. Riclfe, over-
come by this reminder of her past misfortune, resolves to leave her husband, and writes
him a note and flees into the forest. Federico returns, reads the note, and wrongfully con-
cludes that she has fled with Worms.
SCENE A Cellar in Konigsberg
In this underground retreat Worms is again plotting against Napoleon. A meeting of the
Council is in progress, when Federico appears and demands that Worms shall fight with him
to the death, but Worms, kneeling, asks Federico to kill him. Federico replies with a violent
blow in the face, at which Worms decides to fight him, and preparations for the duel are
begun. They are interrupted by the entrance of Queen Louise, who suggests that such brave
men had better be using their swords for their country. Fired with enthusiasm, the
enemies embrace each other and swear to die for Germany.
SCENE The Battlefield of Leipzig
The awful three days' conflict is over and the field is a mass of ruins, battered -wheels
and dead and wounded men. Ricfce searches for the body of Federico that she may look
upon his face once more. She finds him dying, but he recognizes her, and telling her that
the body of Worms is nearby, asks her to forgive him as he himself has done. Ric^e looks
on the face of the man who had ruined her life and forgives him. She returns to her hus-
band and when he dies in her arms waits beside his body for her own death, which she
feels approaching. As the sun sets the defeated Napoleon with the shattered remains of his
army is seen retreating.
(Lah Jee-oh-kon' -dah)
Libretto by Arrigo Boito ; music by Amilcare Ponchielli. It is an adaptation of Victor
Hugo's drama, "Angelo," and was first presented at La Scala, Milan, April 8, 1876. First
London production in the summer of 1883. First New York
production December 20, 1883, with Christine Nilsson,
Scalchi, Fursch-Madi, del Puente and Novara.
LA GIOCONDA, a ballad singer Soprano
LA CIECA (See-ai/-kah) her blind mother Contralto
AL.VlSE,\Al-oee'-zay) one of the heads of State Inquisition . . Bass
LAURA, his wife Mezzo-Soprano
ENZO GRIMALDO. a Genoese noble Tenor
BARNABA a spy of the Inquisition Baritone
ZUANE, a boatman Bass
ISEPO, public letter. writer Tenor
Monks, Senators, Sailors, Shipwrights, Ladies,
Gentlemen, Populace, Masquers, etc.
The action takes place in Venice, in the seventeenth century.
Gioconda is a work of great beauty, full of wonderful
arias, duets and ensembles, with fine choral effects, and a
magnificent ballet. The book is founded on Hugo's "Tyrant of Padua," and tells a most
dramatic story, which, however, cannot be called inviting, as the librettist has crowded
into it nearly all the crimes he could think of !
But the average audience does not concern itself much
with these horrors, being engaged in listening to the beautiful
music, and admiring the splendid scenes and colorful action.
Therefore the story will be but briefly sketched here.
SCENE Street near the Adriatic Shore, Venice
Gioconda, a ballad singer who is in love with Enzo, a Gen-
oese noble and captain of a ship now in the harbor, supports
her blind mother, La Cieca, by singing in the streets of Venice.
She has attracted the attention of Barnaba, an influential police
spy, and he plans to gain her affections.
This is the situation at the rise of the curtain. The stage is
filled with people: peasants, sailors, masquers, all in holiday at-
tire. Barnaba is leaning against a pillar, watching the gay scene.
The chorus sing their opening number, Sports and Feasting.
Feste ! pane ! (Sports and Feasting !)
By La Scak Chorus (Inltalian) *4501O lO-inch, $1.0O
At the close of this number, Barnaba advances and an-
nounces the commencement of the Regatta. All hasten to the
shore, while Barnaba remains to soliloquize on his plot to secure
the lovely Gioconda. Gioconda enters, leading her mother, La
Cieca, by the hand, and Barnaba hastily hides behind a column
to watch them. La Cieca sings a beautiful air, blessing her
daughter for her tender care, and this leads to a trio.
* Double-Faced Record For title of opposite side see DOUBLE-FACED LA GIOCONDA RECORDS, page 137.
Figlia che reggi tremulo pie (Daughter, My Faltering Steps)
By A. Rossi Murino, Soprano ; Lopez Nunes, Soprano :
Ernesto Badini, Baritone (In Italian) *55O17 12-inch, $1.50
Daughter, in thee my faltering steps
Find guidance and protection;
I gratefully bless my loss of sight,
That heightens thy affection!
GIOCONDA (tenderly) :
Place thy dear hand once more in mine
Thy steps I'm safely guiding;
Here recommence thy daily life,
In calm contentment gliding.
While thou unto mankind thy songs are sing- BARNABA (aside) :
With fiercest joy my heart would be enrap-
If in my net she were securely captured!
The wildest ecstasies within me waken!
Beware thee, moth, if in my net thou'rt taken!
To Heav'n my ceaseless pray'rs their flight are
For thee I pray and render thanks to Fate
That left me sightless, but not desolate!
Gioconda leaves to seek
Enzo, but Barnaba stops her
and boldly declares that he
loves her. She shudders with
an instinctive aversion, and
bids him stand aside. He at-
tempts to seize her, but she
eludes him and makes her
escape, leaving the spy furious
and planning revenge.
The people now return
from the Regatta, bearing the
victor on their shoulders.
Barnaba, seeing the defeated
combatant, Zuane, conceives
a plan to deprive Gioconda of
her mother, thus leaving him
free to carry out his plans.
He takes Zuane aside and tells
him that the blind La Cieca is a witch who has cast a spell over him, causing his defeat.
The old woman is being roughly handled by Zuane and his friends when Enzo suddenly
appears and protects her, holding the mob at bay.
Alvise, Chief of the Council, enters with his wife Laura, formerly betrothed to Enzo.
Laura pleads for Cieca, and she is protected by Alvise. The blind woman voices her grati-
tude in this lovely song, which is familiar to most concert-goers.
Voce di donna (Angelic Voice)
By Louise Homer, Contralto (In Italian) 85104 12-inch, $3.00
Although the part of the blind mother, La Cieca, has never been
sung by Mme. Homer, she being usually cast for Laura (the superb
lady of Venice and rival of Gioconda), this beautiful air has always
appealed to her. It is considered the finest single number in
Ponchielli's work, and is undoubtedly one of the loveliest gems in
this or any other opera.
Certain it is that no Cieca of present memory has ever delivered
this romance with such richness of voice and such touching pathos.
This beautiful passage
f> .ioleu..
1 1 r frr
prt (hit re . do n.
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which is sung as La Cieca presents the rosary, is perhaps the most
effective part of the aria.
Mme. Homer's singing of this Voce di donna makes this record
one of the gems of the Victor's fine production of La Qioconda, and it
should form part of every opera collection.
* Double-FaceJ Record For title of opposite aide see DOUBLE-FACED LA GIOCONDA RECORDS, page 137.
Thanks unto thee, angelic voice,
My fetters asunder are broken;
I cannot see the face of her
By whom those words were spoken.
(Takes the rosary from her belt.)
This rosary I offer thee no richer boon pos-
Deign to accept the humble gift, 'twill bring
to thee a blessing,
And on thy head may bliss descend; I'll ever
pray for thee!
All go into the church except Enzo, who stands gazing after Laura, having recognized
his former love. Barnaba approaches him and tells him that Laura plans to visit the Genoese
noble's ship that night. Enzo, whose love for Laura has revived at the sight of her, is
delighted at this news, and forgetting Gioconda, he returns to his ship.
This scene has been put by Verdi into the form of a dramatic duet, sung here by Conti
and Badini, of the La Scala forces.
Enzo Grimaldo (Duet Enzo and Barnaba)
By F. Conti, Tenor, and E. Badini, Baritone
(In Italian) *45033 10-inch, $1.OO
BARNABA (approaching Enso) :
Enzo Crimaldo,
Prince of Santa Fior, thou art pensive.
ENZO (aside) :
I am discovered!
What magic stupor steals away thy senses?
'Tis of the Lady Laura, Alvise's wife, thou'rt
ENZO (astonished) :
Who art thou?
BARNABA (impressively) :
I know all;
Can penetrate thy thoughts, however secret.
Thy birthplace was Genoa!
Prince I am not, but sailor. Vender's my
I am Dalmatian, Enzo Giordan.
For others, but not for me. Proscribed thou
wert by Venice,
Yet hither thou art led, by chainless impulse,
Thy life to peril. Thou didst love a maiden
Yonder, in thine own Genoa, but she another's
bride became.
I have pledged my faith to Gioconda.
Poor wand' ring ballad-singer!
Her thou dost love as sister, but Laura as thy
Thou hadst all hope abandoned, dreamed not
to see her features,
But here, under her velvet mask, thy beau-
teous angel saw thee
/\nd recognized thee.
ENZO (joyfully) :
Oh, happiness!
Love sees through disguises.
All this night will her husband stay at the
Doge's palace,
With the Great Council. Laura shall be on
board thy vessel.
Love's sweetest consolations await thee!
Ah, with what joy my heart is filled,
Fortune at last is kind!
But who art thou, oh, gloomy messenger of
I hate thee! I am the demon-in-chief
Of the Council of Ten. Read this. Beware
(Opens his dress and shows the letters "C. X."
(Council of Ten) embroidered in silver on
his vest.)
ENZO (starting back) :
Oh, horror!
BARNABA (fiercely) :
To thy doom at once I could bring thee, but
I spare thee.
Gioconda loves thee, hates me fiercely;
I have sworn to crush her heart.
Enzo's death would little serve me;
She must learn how false thou art.
ENZO (aside) :
Kind Heaven, to her thy mercy show,
Save her from grief and pain;
But ah, sweet Laura, my adored,
Bring to my arms again!
BARNABA (to Enso) ;
Go! not a moment lose,
Spread thy white sails to the skies,
. (Aside)
I can my triumph read
In each glad glance of thine eyes!
ENZO (going) :
When the dark night falls,
On board my ship I shall await my Laura.
BARNABA (sneeringly) :
Good luck attend you !
* Doublt-Faced Record For title of opposite ,ide see DOUBLE FACED LA GIOCONDA RECORDS, page 1 37.
Barnaba then -writes to Ahise that his wife plans to elope -with Enzo. He speaks the
words aloud as he -writes, and is heard by Cioconda, -who is overcome at this evidence of her
lover's faithlessness, and heartbroken, enters the church -with her mother.
The act closes with a famous dance, the Furlana, played here by the famous Orchestra
Sinfonica of La Scala.
Furlana (Finale. Act I)
By Italian Orchestra *45O33 lO-inch, $1.0O
SCENE A Lagoon near Venice it is night. Enzo's ship is shown at anchor,
with sailors grouped on deck,, resting
Barnaba, disguised as a fisherman, appears in his boat, hails the sailors, and sings them
a merry ballad, Ah, pescator!
Ah, pescator affonda Tesca (Fisher Boy, Thy Bait Be Throwing !)
By Pasquale Arnato, Baritone, and Metropolitan Opera Chorus
(In Italian) 87093 lO-inch, $2.OO
By Ernesto Badini, Baritone, and Chorus (In Italian) *45O10 10-inch, l.OO
This is one of the most
popular numbers in the opera,
its beautiful melody and
rhythmical swing being a -wel-
come relief in the midst of so
much that is gloomy. It is
superbly sung here by Amato,
one of the greatest of Barnabas,
who is assisted by the Metro-
politan Opera Chorus. A
popular priced rendition is
furnished by Badini and the
chorus of La Scala.
After taking careful note
of the strength of the crew,
Barnaba sends his aide for the
police galleys and leaves in
his boat.
Enzo now appears, and is
greeted by his men with en-
thusiasm. He is in a gay hu-
mor, thinking of Laura's expected visit, and bids the sailors go below while he keeps the
Left alone, he gives expression to his joy in this great aria, one of the most beautiful in
the whole range of opera. Caruso sings the number -with exquisite purity of tone and a
lavish outpouring of voice.
Cielo e mar (Heaven and]Ocean)
By Enrico Caruso, Tenor
By Florencio Constantino, Tenor
By Franco de Gregorio, Tenor
(In Italian) 88246 12-inch, $3.OO
(In Italian) 64O7O lO-inch, l.OO
(In Italian) *45027 10-inch, l.OO
Especially noticeable
is this fine passage
which the tenor delivers in splendid style, fairly thrilling his hearers.
Other fine records of this effective number, by Constantino and de Gregorio, are also
* Double-FaccJ Record For title of opposite side see DOUBLE-FACED LA GIOCONDA RECORDS, page 137.
Heaven and ocean! yon ethereal veil
Is radiant as a holy altar,
My angel, will she come from heaven?
My angel, will she come o'er ocean ?
Here I await her, I breathe with rapture
The soft zephyrs fill'd with love.
Mortals oft, when fondly sighing,
Find ye a torment, O golden, golden dreams.
Come then, dearest, here I'm waiting;
Wildly panting is my heart.
Come then, dearest! oh come, my dearest!
Oh come, taste the kisses that magic bliss
Oh come! Oh come! Oh come!
Laura now appears, and after a rapturous embrace, the lovers
plan to set sail when the wind rises. Enzo goes below to rouse the
men, when Gioconda, disguised, enters and denounces Laura.
They sing a splendid dramatic duet in which each declares
her love for Enzo and defies the other.
L'amo come il fulgor del creato ! (I Adore Him !)
By Elena Ruszcowska, Soprano, and Bianca
Lavin de Casas, Mezzo-Soprano
(In Italian) 88271 12-inch, $3.00
Gioconda is about to stab her rival, when the sight of a rosary
worn by her intended victim causes her to repent, and she aids
Laura to escape just as her husband, summoned by Barnaba is ap-
COPVT MISHKIN preaching.
CONSTANTINO AS ENZO Enzo appears and is greeted -with reproaches by Gioconda, who
tells him that the war galleys, led by Barnaba, are coming to capture the ship. Enzo, stung
by Gioconda' s scorn, and heartbroken at the loss of Laura, fires his ship to prevent it falling
into the hands of Barnaba.
SCENE A Room in the Palace of Aloise. Night
Aloise is discovered alone, in violent agitation, planning the death of Laura because of
her attempted elopement with Enzo.
He sings a dramatic air, picturing his fearful revenge.
Si ! morir ella de' ! (To Die is Her Doom !)
By Amleto Galli, Bass (In Italian) *55O19 12-inch, $1.5O
ALVISE (in violent agitation):
Yes, to die is her doom! My name, my honor,
Shall not with impunity be disgraced.
From Badoers, when betrayed,
Pity 't were vain to hope.
Though yesterday upon the fatal isle
She 'scaped this vengeful hand,
She shall not escape a fearful expiation.
Last night a sharp poniard should have
pierced her bosom ;
This night no poniard I'll use; she dies by
(Pointing to the adjoining room.)
While there the dancers sing and laugh,
In giddy movements flying,
Their mirthful tones shall blend with groans,
Ureath'd by a sinner dying.
Shades of my honored forefathers!
Soon shall your blushes disappear;
Soon shall a deadly vengeance prove
Honor to me is dear.
While dance the giddy crowd,
In mirthful movements flying,
Here shall be heard the bitter groans,
The sinner breathes in dying.
Yonder, the nobles of the nation
Are gathered at my invitation;
Here, an insulted husband
For signal vengeance cries!
Exult, in dances and in songs.
While here a faithless one dies!
The guilty woman now enters at his summons and is denounced by him. He orders
her to take poison, and leaves her. She is about to obey, when Gioconda, who has been
concealed in the room, appears, takes the poison from her and gives her a narcotic, which
will produce a death-like trance. Laura drinks this and Gioconda exits just as Aloise appears.
Seeing the empty phial on the table he believes Laura has obeyed his will.
The second scene shows a magnificent hall in the palace, where Aloise is giving a
masked ball. The famous Dance of the Hours is given for the entertainment of the guests.
* Double-FaceJ Record For title of opposite side see DOUBLE-FACED LA GIOCONDA RECORDS, page 137.
Dance of the Hours
By Victor Orchestra 31443 12-inch, $1.OO
This is one of the most beautiful of ballets and symbolizes,
like many other modern Italian ballets, the struggle between the
conflicting powers of light and darkness, progress and ignorance.
The music is fascinating in the extreme, and is one of the most
popular parts of the opera.
Enzo is present among the maskers, and when Barnaba whis-
pers in his ear that Laura is dead, he unmasks and denounces Alvise,
who causes his arrest. The great finale begins with Enzo's solo,
Gia ti vedo (I Behold Thee)
By F. Lotti, Soprano ; de Gregorio, Tenor ;
Badini, Baritone ; and Chorus
(In Italian) *55O19 12-inch, $1.50
The emotions of the various characters may be understood
by the quotations below.
ENZO (aside) :
I behold thee motionless, pallid,
Shrouded in thy snowy veil !
Thou art dead, love! thou art dead, love!
Ah, my darling, hopeless I wail.
The sharp axe for me is waiting,
Opens wide a dark abyss;
But to thee shall torture
Soon we'll share celestial
Sadly fall the tear-drops,
In the silence of despair;
Break, oh heart! sad eyes, rain torrents!
Fate, thy sharpest doom prepare!
BARNABA (aside to Gioconda) :
Yield thee, yield thee! all around thee
See what pow'r I have for ill!
Well may st thou fear me; pow'rs infernal
To ill deeds attract me still !
GIOCONDA (aside to Barnaba) :
Do thou save him, bring him safe out there,
Close by the Redentor, and then
Myself I will surrender
To thee, fearfulest of men.
BARNABA (to Gioconda) :
Though despair may prompt thy offer,
I accept it for my part.
And the bitterest fate will welcome,
Once to press thee to this heart.
juide me,
Thou art weeping, O Gioconda,
Let me fold thee to my breast.
Never love, like love maternal,
Can encounter every test.
'Mid the splendor this fete surrounding,
Thou art unwelcome, cavalier;
But, ere long, new scenes of horror
Shall from thee attention claim.
Thou shalt soon see if I am watchful
Of the honor of my name !
To complete his revenge,
Alvise now draws aside a cur-
tain and shows the guests the
body of Laura, acknowledging
that he took her life. Horror
and indignation are expressed
by those present, and Enzo
attempts to kill Alvise. He
fails, is seized by the guards,
and is led away to prison as
the curtain falls.
SCENE A ruined palace on an
island in the Adriatic. Venice
visible in the distance
To this desolate island
Gioconda has managed to bring
the unconscious Laura, in an
endeavor to save her. As the
* Doubk-FaccJ Record For title of opposite 3iJc see DOUBLE-FACED LA GIOCONDA RECORDS, page 137.
curtain rises two men are carrying the insensible form into the ruin. Gioconda asks the men
to seek out her mother, whom she fears never to see again. Left alone, she approaches the
table, looks fixedly at a flask of poison, and begins her terrible song, one of the most dra-
matic of the numbers in Ponchielli's work.
Suicidio (Suicide Only Remains)
By Elda Cavalieri (Doable-Faced Sec below) (In Italian) 55015 12-inch, $1.50
For a moment the unhappy girl is tempted to complete Alvise's -work by giving the poison
to Laura, but banishes the temptation and throws herself down in a passion of weeping.
Gioconda has secured the release of Enzo, and has sent for him to come to the ruined palace,
intending, with splendid generosity, to restore the lovers to each other.
Enzo now arrives, thinking that he is only to visit the grave of Laura, and a bitter scene
occurs between the two, which is interrupted by the voice of Laura, -who has revived and
now calls feebly. Enzo rushes forward in a transport of joy, while Gioconda makes further
preparations for their escape. The lovers express their gratitude and depart, while Gioconda
prepares for the end. She is about to swallow the poison when Bamaba appears, and in
terrible accents demands why she has broken her word to him. She pretends to yield to him.
GIOCONDA (at first terrified, recovers her coitr- And ne'er will Gioconda be false to her oath.
age, and retains it to the end) : May Heaven in mercy withhold condem-
Yes, I keep to my compact; we both swore nation,
to keep it, And pardon us both!
Barnaba is overjoyed and begins the final duet, the most dramatic scene in the opera.
Vo' farmi piu gaia (Thou'rt Mine Now !)
By A. Rossi Murino, Soprano, and E. Badini. Baritone
(In Italian) 55017 12-inch. $1.5O
Thou'rt mine now! and swift from this deso- Thou claimest Gioconda? Now demon accursed,
late hearl, Gioconda is ihine!
Expelled by love's rays, sombre shadows de- (She stabs herself in the heart with the dagger
parl. that she had secreted while adorning herself,
GIOCONDA (to Barnaba, who is approaching her): and falls dead at his feet.)
Restrain awhile thy ardent passion! BARNABA (in horror):
'1 hou soon shall in splendor Gioconda behold! Ah, stay thee! "Tis a jest!
For thee I am braiding my clustering tresses (With fiendish joy.)
With purple and gold! Well, then, thou shall hear this,
(Concealing her terror, she begins to adorn And die ever damned!
herself.) (Bending o-cer the corpse of Gioconda, and
With glittering jewels, the gay tinsel worn screaming furiously into her ear.)
By madcaps theatrical, cover'd I'll be: I HAVE STRANGLED HER!
Now list to the song lhal this ardent young siren (Wildly.)
Will sing unto thee! She hears me not!
I keep to my fake oath was mine; (With a cry of half-choked rage he rushes
(Changing her tone.) from the ruin. The curtain falls.)
iglia che reggi tremulo pie (Daughter, My Faltering Steps) ]
By Murino. Nunes and Badini (In Italian) I -- rtl - ,
,Vo' farmi piu gaia (Thou'rt Mine Now) 55 17 12 - inch "- 50
By A. Rossi Murino, Soprano; E. Badini, Baritone]
IGia ti vedi (I Behold Thee) By F. Lotti, Soprano; |
de Gregorio, Tenor : E. Badini. Baritone (In Italian)\5SOl9 12-inch, 1.5O
Si! morir ella de'! By Amleto Galli, Bass (In Italian))
/Suicidio ! (Suicide Only Remains) By Elda Cavalieri\- ttrk , , ._ . , .