DAIRY CHEMISTEY DAIRY CHEMISTRY BY HARRY ^ISTYDER, B.S. PROFESSOR OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, AND CHEMIST OF THE MINNESOTA EXPERIMENT STATION THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO., LTD. 1906 All rights reserved , 1905, BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published December, 1905. Nortoooft J. S. Cashing & Co. Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. PREFACE THIS work is the outgrowth of a course of lec- tures given by the author for a number of years to the students of the Agricultural Department of the University of Minnesota. During recent years material progress has been made in dairying, and in writing this book it has been the aim briefly to incorporate the results of the more important investigations on the subject. In the prepara- tion of the work extensive use has been made of the bulletins and reports of the Agricultural Experiment Stations of the United States and of other works on the subject. It is the aim to present in as concise a form as possible the principal changes that take place in the handling of milk and in its manufacture into butter and cheese. While our present knowledge of some phases of the subject is incomplete, there are many facts that are known and have been found very useful as an aid in the production of dairy products of the highest sanitary and market value. It is believed that a knowledge of the general v 769789 VI PREFACE principles of dairy chemistry will be found useful alike to the farmer, to the factoryman, and to the consumer, and this work has been prepared with the view of giving information to the layman rather than to the scientist. HARRY SNYDER. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, ST. ANTHONY PARK, MINNESOTA, December 1, 1905. CONTENTS CHAPTEE I THE COMPOSITION OF MILK PAGE Complexity of composition ; Milk serum ; Milk solids ; Milk fats ; Casein ; Albumin ; Milk sugar ; Ash ; Variations in composition of milk ; Percentage composition, and total yields ; First or fore milk and strippings ; Milk serum, Constancy of its composition .... 1 CHAPTER II MILK TESTING Importance of milk testing ; Reliability of the Babcock test ; Sampling milk ; Measuring milk with the pipette ; Mak- ing the test ; Reading the fat ; Calibration of test bottles ; Speeding the machine ; Centrifugal action ; The acid ; Composite sample ; Testing skim milk ; Sampling frozen milk ; Cleaning glassware ; Water used in milk testing ; Care of test bottles and apparatus 13 CHAPTER III MILK FATS Composition of fats ; Kinds of butter fats ; Palmitin ; Stearin ; Olein ; Butyrin ; Caproin and Caprylin ; Glycerine and fatty acid content of fats ; Food value of fats ; Saponifi- cation of fats ; Iodine absorption of butter fats ; Volatile fatty acids of butter ; Melting point and physical proper- ties of butter 29 vii V1U CONTENTS CHAPTER IV THE LACTOMETER AND ITS USE IN DETERMINING MILK ADULTERATION PAGE Quevenne's lactometer ; Specific gravity of milk ; Influence of temperature ; Other lactometers ; Influence of skimming and watering ; Calculation of solids in milk ; Joint use of lactometer and Babcock test 35 CHAPTER V MILK SUGAR AND LACTIC ACID Physical properties of milk sugar ; Fermentation of milk sugar ; Production of lactic acid in the milk ; Determin- ing the acidity of milk ; Calculating the acidity of milk ; Alkaline tablets ; Acidity of cream 43 CHAPTER VI CREAM Composition of cream ; Testing cream ; Methods of creaming ; Adulteration of cream ; Ripening of cream ; The use of pure cultures ; Influence of delay on the creaming of milk; Creaming of mixed milks; Cream raising by dilution . 50 CHAPTER VII THE CHEMISTRY OF BUTTER MAKING Churning ; Dairy salt ; Buttermilk ; Losses of fat in butter making ; Composition of butter ; Butter colors ; Over- runs ; Dividends ; Judging butter 62 CONTENTS IX CHAPTER VIII THE SANITARY CONDITION OF MILK PAGE Unwholesome milk ; Factors influencing the sanitary condi- tion of milk ; Condition of the animals as to health ; Care of the animals ; Care of milk and dairy utensils ; Food and water which the animals receive ; Colostrum milk ; Tyrotoxicon; Fibrin in milk; Gases in milk; Keeping qualities of milk 75 CHAPTER IX THE CHEMISTRY OF CHEESE MAKING Cheese making and butter making compared; Proteids in milk ; Casein ; Albumin ; Rennet ; The rennet test ; Process of cheddar cheese making; Process of stirred- curd cheese making; Distribution of milk solids in cheese making ; Curing of cheese ; The cheese yield of milk ; Testing cheese by the Babcock milk test ; Composition of cheese ; Testing whey ; Making out dividends in cheese factories; Comparative butter and cheese returns from milk ; Different kinds of cheese 88 CHAPTER X MILK BY-PRODUCTS Uses of by-products ; Skim milk composition, value, and use ; Whey composition, value, and use ; Fertilizer value of milk by-products ; Comparative value of skim milk compared with milk of other domestic animals . 107 CHAPTER XI THE ADULTERATION OF DAIRY PRODUCTS Oleomargarine ; Simple methods for detecting oleomargarine ; Renovated butter ; Adulteration of cheese ; Adulteration of milk ; Other methods for testing milk ; Dairy laws . 112 X CONTENTS CHAPTER XII MARKET MILK AND CREAM PAGE Variable character of market milk ; Changes in composition of milk during transportation ; Pasteurizing milk and cream ; Condensed milk ; Milk as human food . .119 CHAPTER XIII INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT FOODS UPON THE QUALITY OF MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS Food and milk secretion ; Feeding fat ; Production of hard butters ; Production of soft butters ; Effects of individual foods ; Desirable flavors in milk products ; Influence of balanced rations ; Milk secretion 125 CHAPTER XIV THE RATIONAL FEEDING OF DAIRY STOCK Uses of food ; Nutrients and their functions ; Dry matter ; Ash ; Organic matter ; Proteids ; Carbohydrates ; Crude fiber ; Crude fat ; Digestible nutrients ; Caloric value or heat units of a ration ; Nutritive ratio ; Selection of foods for rations ; How to calculate a ration ; Compara- tive cost and value of grains . . . . . .131 APPENDIX Tables of composition of fodders and feeding stuffs ; Tables for correction of lactometer readings ; Review questions ; References 147 INDEX 187 DAIEY CHEMISTRY DAIRY CHEMISTRY CHAPTER I THE COMPOSITION OF MILK 1. Complexity of Composition. When milk is separated into its component parts, as water, fat, casein, albumin, sugar, and ash, the process is called analysis. While these are the principal compounds obtained when milk is analyzed, there are a num- ber of other substances present in smaller amounts which affect the quality of milk both for manufac- turing and food purposes. Milk is one of the vital fluids of the animal body and is necessarily of com- plex composition. 2. Milk Serum. Of the various constituents of milk, the sugar, ash, and albumin are in solution, and in the fresh milk the casein is practically in a soluble form. The fat, however, is not in solution, but is in the form of minute globules suspended in the solution which contains the sugar, ash, albumin, and casein and which is known as the milk serum. The milk serum includes all of the constituents of the milk except the fat. The term "serum solids" is applied to those substances of milk which are dis- solved in the water, the sugar, ash, albumin, and casein taken collectively. B 1 :& DAIRY CHEMISTRY : . ,3, JM&& Solids. 7*7 When milk is evaporated to dry- " nes6,* .tli'ei rwg,J;er\ifi f . expelled and the milk solids are obtained. Milk solids are a mechanical mixture of fat, casein, albumin, milk sugar, and\ash. Normal milk contains about 13 per cent of solid matter ; some samples contain as low as 12 and a few as high as 14 per cent. The amount of milk solids varies pro- portionally with the fat content of the milk, the higher the per cent of fat the larger the amount of solids. In the chemical analysis of milk, the solids are obtained by evaporating a weighed quantity of milk to dryness in a small dish which has previously been carefully weighed on a very delicate balance. The weight of the milk solids is then obtained and the percentage amounts calculated. EXAMPLE Weight of milk + dish Weight of dish Weight of milk Weight of milk -f- solids Weight of dish Weight of milk solids 10.51 : 1.345 : : 100 : x. 13.45 x 100 GRAMS 23.360 12.850 10.510 14.195 12.850 1.345 = 12.80 per cent solids. lu.ol 100 - 12.80 = 87.20 per cent water. The per cent of water in FIG. 1. Determining the solids in milk. milk is obtained by subtract- THE COMPOSITION OF MILK 3 ing the per cent of solids from 100, as the loss in weight during evaporation is the water expelled as steam. There are rarely more than 88 pounds of water in 100 pounds of milk ; average milk contains about 87 per cent, while some of the richest milks contain 86 per cent or less. The milk solids, unless obtained in a specially constructed water oven, are brown in color, due to slight charring of the sugar and other compounds. The solids of milk are some- times termed dry matter and sometimes solid matter. They are composed of fat, casein, sugar, albumin, ash, and other compounds found in smaller amounts. 4. Milk Fats. Average milk contains about 3.5 per cent of fat ; some normal samples may contain 3 per cent or less, while others may contain 5 per cent or more. Fat is the most variable constitu- ent in milk. Cream contains ordinarily from 18 to 35 per cent of fat, and well-made butter about 85 per cent. For butter-making purposes the value of the milk is directly proportional to its fat content. Milk fat is mainly familiar as the product obtained by churning cream. Milk fat and commercial butter, however, are not synonymous terms. By milk fat is meant the pure dry fat, free from water, salt, or casein, while butter contains all of these materials in variable amounts. The determination of the fat in milk by the Babcock test is discussed in the second chapter of this work, and the composition and properties of the fats are considered in other chapters. 4 DAIRY CHEMISTRY As previously stated, the fat in milk is not present in solution, but in suspension in the form of minute globules. These milk fat globules are about one five- thousandth of an inch in diameter. A cubic milli- meter of milk is estimated to contain from 2,000,000 to 4,000,000 fat globules, or a single drop from 100,000,000 to 150,000,000. Under the microscope the fat globules appear grouped together in small colonies. The size of the fat globules yaries (1) with the breed and individuality of the animal, and (2) according to the length of time the animal has been in milk. When a cow is fresh, there is a smaller number of globules, but the globules are larger ; when the cow is well along in her milking period, the globules are smaller but more numerous. The milk from the Channel Island breeds is characterized by large fat globules, while the milk from the lowland breeds contains smaller globules. The fat globules must be massed together and collected when butter is made. The more completely they are recov- ered, the greater will be the amount of butter produced. The fat globules are simply solid masses of fat. At one time it was believed that they were sur- rounded by a membrane, and in churning it was supposed that the membrane had to be broken before the globules would mass. Recent chemical investi- gations have shown that there is no membrane sur- rounding the fat globules. The fat globules are lighter than any of the constituents of the milk PLATE I JERSEY MILK FAT GLOBULES PLATE II HOLSTEIN MILK FAT GLOBULES THE COMPOSITION OF MILK 5 serum. They retain their form and individuality on account of surface tension, which is the pressure that is exerted on the surface of the globules and is equal on all sides, hence the spherical form of the globules. 5. Casein. Average milk contains about 3 per cent of casein, which in fresh milk is practically in a soluble condition, but in sour milk is precipitated as curd. The per cent of casein in milk is quite con- stant, ranging from 2.8 to 3.5 per cent. As a general rule, normal milk contains less casein than fat. In a pure state casein is a grayish white powder. Casein takes a very important part in cheese making and other dairy operations. Its chemical and physi- cal properties and the changes which it undergoes will be considered in other chapters. 6. Albumin. Average milk contains about one half of one per cent of albumin, which is nearly iden- tical with egg albumin, or the " white " of the egg. Albumin and casein have about the same general composition, but different properties ; they belong to the class of bodies called proteids, and are very complex in composition, differing from fat and sugar by containing the element nitrogen, which is not found in the fats and sugars. When fresh milk is boiled, the coagulum which forms on the surface is albumin. The amount of albumin in milk is quite constant and ranges from one half to three quarters of a per cent. 7. Milk Sugar. Lactose, or milk sugar, is present in milk to the extent of about 5 per cent. When 6 DAIRY CHEMISTRY obtained in the pure state, it resembles in appearance confectionery sugar, but not in taste. Milk sugar takes an important part indirectly in butter and cheese making, as it is the material from which the acid is formed that sours the milk. The amount of milk sugar or lactose in milk is quite constant, ranging from 4.6 to 5.4 per cent. In average milk it is the constituent which is present in the larg- est amount of any of the milk solids. The part which milk sugar takes in butter and cheese mak- ing will be considered in other chapters of this work. 8. Ash. When the milk solids are burned, there is a small amount of grayish white ash obtained. The ash content of milk is constant and varies but little from three quarters of one per cent. Milk ash is composed of common salt, and phosphates and chlorids of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, to- gether with small amounts of other minerals. A portion of the phosphorus is in combination with the casein. When milk is analyzed in the laboratory, the ash is obtained by completely burning the milk solids at a low temperature. The small dish containing the milk solids (see section 3) is placed either over a specially regulated flame or in a low-temperature muffle furnace to completely burn the sugar, casein, albumin, and fat without volatilizing any of the mineral salts. The dish containing the milk ash is then weighed and the per cent of ash determined. THE COMPOSITION OF MILK Milk taken 10.51 gm. section 3. EXAMPLE See Dish and milk ash Dish Ash GRAMS 12.928 12.850 0.078 10.51 : .078 : : 100 : x. .078 x 100 10.51 = .74 per cent ash. 9. Variations in Com- position of Milk. Aver- age milk has about the following general com- position : FIG. 2. Determining the ash in milk. PEE CENT RANGE, PEB CENT Water 87.00 89.6 to 82.4 Fat 3.50 2.5 to 6.0 Casein 3.25 2.5 to 4.0 Albumin ........ 050 0.5 to 0.8 Milk Sugar 5.00 4.3 to 6.0 Ash 0.75 0.6 to 0.8 Solids 13.00 10.4 17.6 It is seldom that the extreme limits as given for the composition of milk are met with ; occasionally an individual animal may give milk of abnormally high or low solids and fat, but it is rarely the case that the milk from an entire herd will contain either the 8 DAIRY CHEMISTRY maximum or the minimum percentage of milk solids. Milk varies in composition with the individuality of the animal, period of lactation, care, exhaustive- ness of milking, general condition as to health, and nature of the food consumed. Individuality, as breed characteristics, influences the composition of milk to a greater extent than the other factors enumerated. The extent to which some of these factors influence the composition of milk will be discussed in other chapters of this work. As an example of the composition of milk from different breeds, the following table taken from the New York Experiment Station, and representing one year's work, is given : BREEDS TOTAL SOLIDS PEB CENT FAT PER CENT CASEIN PER CENT MILK SUGAR PER CENT ASH PER CENT Holstein-Fresian 12.39 3.46 3.39 4.84 0.74 Ayrshire 13.06 3.57 3.43 5.33 0.70 Jersey 15.40 5.61 3.91 5.15 0.74 Am. Holderness 12.63 3.55 3.39 5.01 0.70 Guernsey 14.60 5.12 3.61 5.11 0.75 Devon 13.77 4.15 3.76 5.07 0.76 While these figures do not necessarily hold true for all herds, or for individual animals of any breed, they show the average composition of the milk for an entire season from a number of representative animals of different breeds. In determining the THE COMPOSITION OF MILK value of milk for butter or cheese making purposes, the yield in pounds as well as the percentage compo- sition of the milk must be considered, as it frequently happens that the cows giving the richest milk also give the smallest yield of milk. 10. Percentage Composition and Total Yields. In order to determine the total yield in pounds of each constituent produced by a cow or by a herd for a given period, the total weight of milk is multiplied by the percentage composition. In case it is desired to compare the yields of milk solids of two cows, giving respectively a total of 110 and 140 pounds of milk in three days, an analysis would have to be made of each milk. Suppose the milks give the following results upon analysis : COMPOSITION OF MILK Cow No. 1 PER CENT Cow No. 2 PER CENT 13.14 12.56 Milk fats 4.06 3.26 3.34 3.54 Ash 0.70 0.72 5.04 5.04 TOTAL YIELD OF MILK SOLIDS Cow No. 1 Milk fats, 110 x .0406 = 4.47 Casein, 110 x. 0334= 3.67 Ash, 110 x. 007 = 0.77 Sugar, 110 x .0504 = 5.54 Total 14.45 Cow No. 2 140 x. 0326= 4.56 140 x. 0354= 4.95 140 x. 0072= 1.01 140 x. 0504= 7.06 17.58 10 DAIRY CHEMISTRY While the difference in percentage composition of the milk is .8 of a per cent of fat in favor of cow No. 1, the total yield of fat for three days is .1 of a pound in favor of cow No. 2. Cow No. 2, how- ever, produced a larger amount of milk solids in the form of fat than cow No. 1. In general it is to be noted that whenever a cow produces a pound of butter fat, she also produces about 1.1 of milk sugar, about a pound of casein and albumin, and about .15 of a pound of ash. When milk is paid for on the basis of its fat content for butter making purposes, the total pounds of fat are obtained by multiplying the weight of the milk by its per cent of fat, as 287 pounds of milk testing 3.6 per cent fat contain (287 x .036) 10.33 pounds of fat. In dairy operations all comparisons and calculations are made on the basis of the total fat. 11. First or Fore Milk and Strippings. As is well known, the first portion of milk given by any cow at a milking is poor in fat, while the last portion, or strippings, is very rich in fat. The per centage amounts of casein, ash, and sugar, and other ingredients, however, remain nearly constant. The difference in fat content between the first or fore milk and the strippings suggests the impor- tance of careful and exhaustive milking, and also thorough mixing of the milk before taking a sample for analysis. The composition of the first pint and the last pint of milk from two cows is given as an illustration. THE COMPOSITION OF MILK 11 Cow No. 1 Cow No. 2 First pint Last pint First pint Last pint Total solids per cent 9.42 per cent 19.49 per cent 10.10 per cent 18.47 Fat 0.71 10.84 1.02 9.49 Solids, not fat .... Ash 8.71 0.68 8.65 0.72 9.08 0.70 8.98 0.74 Casein, albumin . . . 3.44 3.51 3.35 3.65 12. Milk Serum, Constancy of its Composition. The solids of the milk serum are fairly constant in composition. This is well illustrated in the example Wer Fat Casein /IHKSugtrfl/lmin FIG. 3. Average composition of milk. given of the composition of first or fore milk and strippings. The solids of the milk serum, also known as the solids not fat, are never less than 8.25 per cent and rarely more than 9.75 per cent. The 12 DAIRY CHEMISTRY average is about 9 per cent. The greatest difference in the composition of various milks is in the fat con- tent. Any material increase in the total solid mat- ter of milk is due mainly to an increase of the fat. The solids not fat are subject to but slight varia- tions compared with the fluctuations of the fat. Nearly all of the important fluids of the body, like the blood, are normally quite constant in chemical composition. With milk the constancy of composi- tion is confined mainly to the serum solids, or solids not fat. CHAPTER II MILK TESTING 13. Importance of Milk Testing. A knowledge of the fat content of milk is essential in order to determine (1) any unnecessary waste in the manu- facture of butter and cheese, (2) the value of indi- vidual cows, (3) the cost of producing milk, (4) the value of different fodders and grains for milk-pro- ducing purposes, and (5) the commercial value of milk. A number of simple methods have been proposed for testing milk ; some of them require a more extended knowledge of chemical operations than others. The method which is in most general use on account of its accuracy, simplicity, and cheapness is the Babcock centrifugal method. 14. Reliability of the Babcock Test. This method has been tested by many chemists, and in all cases it has been found to give reliable results. There is a tendency, however, to read the fat percentages too low. This will be considered more in detail in dis- cussing that part of the operation. In the case of skim milk and buttermilk, when the fat is present to the extent of only two tenths of a per cent or less, the method may not give absolute results. This 13 14 DAIRY CHEMISTRY does not impair the usefulness of the test, because frequently the losses in skim milk and buttermilk are greater than this, and so far as the whole milk is concerned the method is perfectly reliable. When the Babcock test shows only a trace of fat in the skim milk or buttermilk, the losses are very small. 15. Sampling Milk. Milk should be thoroughly mixed before sampling. The milk as it comes from the cow or when it has been standing is not in a condition to sample until it has been thoroughly mixed, either by pouring from one pail to another or by stirring with a long-handled dipper. Milk brought to the creamery in cans also requires thor- ough mixing before sampling. This is best accom- plished by the use of a long-handled dipper. Before sampling, the milk should be weighed. The milk should not be measured into the test bottles when it is either hot or cold. At a high temperature the milk is expanded and may contain an abnormal amount of dissolved air ; while at a low temperature the milk may be unduly contracted. A temperature of 70 to 80 is the most suitable for measuring milk. If the milk has been standing for some time in the sample bottle, it is necessary to mix it thoroughly before measuring with tne pipette. To do this, turn the milk from the sample bottle into another bottle or dish, pouring it down the side to prevent the formation of foam. In case the sample bottle has been standing until the fat has separated into a layer of cream, the bottle may be placed in a MILK TESTING 15 bath of warm water, temperature 100, to liquefy the fat before mixing. Milk which shows the pres- ence of clots of cream or small particles of butter formed during the shak- ing of the sample bottle is not in condition to be measured with the pipette. If the sam- pling of the milk has not been carefully done, the work of testing is of little value, as the sample taken fails to represent the milk tested. 16. Measuring Milk with the Pipette. The apparatus used for meas- uring the milk is called a pipette (see Fig. 4). In order to fill the pipette put the pointed end into the milk, apply suction with the mouth until the milk rises just above the point a on the stem ; , . , , FIG. 4. Measuring milk with the then close the end with pipette. the index finger of the right hand, holding the pipette in the way shown 16 DAIRY CHEMISTRY in the cut. The second and third fingers are opposite the thumb, while the little finger rests against the stem. When held in this way, the pipette is pre- vented by the little finger from swaying sidewise ; while the thumb, with the second and third fingers on the opposite sides, secures a good hold and leaves the index finger free to properly control the flow of milk from the pipette, and thus rapid measurements can be made. If the pipette is wet, rinse it with a little of the milk before using it. In passing from one milk to another, clean the pipette by rinsing it with the milk that is to be tested. The pipette should be thoroughly cleaned, first with cold water, then with hot water at the close of the work. The pipette holds 17.6 cc. of water, and delivers 18 gm. of milk. Hold the test bottle in the left hand at an angle of about 60. Let the tip of the pipette if large just touch the inside of the neck of the test bottle, in order to permit air to pass out of the test bottle, otherwise the milk will spatter. Allow plenty of time for the pipette to drain ; remove the last few drops by blowing. 17. Making the Test. The test bottle (see Fig. 5) is provided with a neck which has a graduated scale from 1 to 10. Each larger division is divided into five smaller divisions, each representing .2 of a per cent of fat. The test bottle is usually provided with a copper collar bearing a number. Fill the acid measure, Fig. 6, up to the 17.6 cc. mark with sulphuric acid. The action of the sulphuric acid MILK TESTING 17 will be considered in another paragraph. Pour the sulphuric acid from the acid measure into the test bot- tle which contains the milk. The acid and the milk should be of nearly the same tempera- ture, 70 F. While the acid is poured in, ro- tate the test bot- tle so as to wash all of the milk down from the stem. After the acid is added, take the bottle by the stem and mix the acid and the milk by rotating. The solution be- comes a dark cof- fee color, due to charring FIG. 5 -Milk test bottle. FIG. 6. Acid measure. the sugar. The acid first precipitates the casein and then dissolves it. The acid does not act on the fat. The fat is separated from the milk serum by cen- trifugal action. There are a number of different kinds and sizes of centrifugal machines, but they all act on the same principle. The test bottles are placed in the pockets of the centrifugal machine. 18 DAIRY CHEMISTRY In case there are not enough bottles to fill the machine, arrange the bottles so there will be an even number on each side. If this is not done, the machine is unbalanced, and the bearings will soon become badly worn. The bottles are to be whirled five minutes at the rate of 900 revolutions per minute. Directions for speeding the machine will be found in another paragraph. The start- ing and stopping of the machine should be done gradually. After whirling five minutes, the test bottles are to be filled with hot water up to about the eighth mark on the stem. The air bubbles which are sometimes caught in the neck should be allowed to escape. The bottles are then whirled two minutes longer in order to collect all of the fat in the graduated stem. In using the machine always put on the cover so as to prevent any accident. None of the apparatus used in this test is patented, and a good homemade centrifugal machine will answer every purpose. The bottles and other glassware can be purchased separately. 18. Reading the Fat. When the test is completed, the fat in the stem of the test bottle presents the appearance shown in Fig. 7. Read from the low- est point b to the highest point a. Each large divi- sion, as 1 to 2, represents a whole per cent of fat ; each of the smaller divisions one fifth or two tenths of a per cent. Suppose the top registers seven large divisions, and three small, then a = 7.6. If b registers MILK TESTING 19 two large and three small divisions, b = 2.6. 7.6 2.6 = 5.0, the per cent of fat in the milk. Do not read from other points than a and 6, other- wise the results will be too low. The bottles are made to read in just this way. The reading should be done before the fat cool sand streaks down the sides. In case a num- ber of readings are to be made, the test bottles should be set in a pan of hot water, or hot water can be run into the pan of the machine, to prevent the bottles from cooling. Dividers can be used as indicated in the figure, but should be spread from to 5. 19. Calibration of Test Bottles. All test bottles should be rejected when inaccuracy of the divisions can be detected with the eye. In the most careful work they should be calibrated with mercury : 27.18 gm. of clean metallic mercury should just fill the FIG. 7. Reading the test. 20 DAIRY CHEMISTRY space between the and the 10 in the scale. Each small division is equal to .04 cc., or, as usually made, about one and one half millimeters. The test bottles can also be calibrated with water in the following way: The bottles are filled with pure distilled water up to the mark, and then from an accurately graduated burette, graduated to -fa cc., water is added. It should require 2 cc. of water to fill the test bottle from the to the 10 mark. For ordinary work the bottles can all be tested with one sample of milk, and all bottles rejected that show a greater difference than one small division. Accurately gradu- ated test bottles can usually be obtained from supply houses that deal in chemical apparatus. Inaccu- rately graduated test bottles are occasionally the cause of much trouble and dissatisfaction in the creamery. 20. Speeding the Machine. A centrifugal of 14 inches' diameter should make about 900 revolutions FIG. 8. Centrifugal machine. per minute. In order to speed the machine count the number of revolutions that the test bottles make MILK TESTING 21 for every revolution of the crank wheel. Suppose the test bottles make 12 revolutions while the crank makes one. In order that the bottles may make 900 revolutions per minute, the crank must be turned 75 times in a minute (900 -r- 12 = 75). In case the machine is less than 14 inches in diameter a greater number of revolutions is necessary. DIAMETER OF CENTRIFUGAL. INCHES NUMBER OF KEVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE 10 1050 12 975 14 900 16 850 18 800 20 750 21. Centrifugal Action. As previously stated, the fats are lighter than the milk serum, and when the milk is whirled in the test bottles, there is a separation of milk fats (lighter particles) from the milk serum (heavier portion). The serum goes to the outside of the circle of revolution, while the fats mass in the center, where they are finally collected in the gradu- ated stem of the test bottle. The sulphuric acid, which is one and eight tenths heavier than water, also aids in the separation both by increasing the specific gravity of the milk serum and by chemical action upon the albumin and casein. The cream separator works, on this same principle. In the case of the separator, provision is made for the escape of the fat into a tube as it collects at the center. Cen- trifugal action is well illustrated by whirlpools, where 22 DAIRY CHEMISTRY all of the foam and light material, as leaves, collect in the center. 22. The Acid. Commercial sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1.82), about 90 per cent strength, is used. One pound of acid will make about twenty tests. When the acid is too strong, the fat presents a blackened and charred appearance ; if too weak, par- ticles of undissolved casein appear immediately below the fat line. When just right, the fat sepa- rates in a distinct and well-defined layer and looks like butter. If the acid is too strong, and chars the fat, use a smaller amount in making the test. In that case, if the test is not satisfactory, the acid should be exchanged for a new lot. Do not attempt to dilute the acid with water. If the acid is too weak, a larger amount than 17.6 cc. may give satis- factory results. The strength of the acid can be determined by using a hydrometer for heavy liquids, and noting the depth to which the spindle sinks in the acid. To obtain the best results, the acid should vary but little from 1.82 specific gravity or 90 per cent strength. STRENGTH OF ACID SPECIFIC GRAVITY 88 1.808 89 1.815 90 1.820 91 ; 1.825 92 1.830 93 1.834 94 1.837 95 1.839 MILK TESTING 23 The acid as well as the washings and contents of the test bottles can be handled only in glass or earthen- ware. The acid should never come in contact with tin or a metallic dish of any kind. If acid is spilled on the floor or desks, wash it up imme- diately, using plenty of water. If a large quantity is spilled, ab- sorb it with sawdust, bran, or fine clay. In case any is spilled on the clothing, rinse with water and then apply ammonia to the spots. Never throw the acid waste near a tree or where a person or ani- mal is obliged to walk. A convenient form of apparatus for meas- uring the acid where a large number of tests are to be made is shown in Fig. 9. a is the acid bottle connected FIG. 9. Acid measuring apparatus. with glass tube bb to a pipette. The stopcock /can be turned so as to allow the acid to run into the test 24 DAIEY CHEMISTRY bottle g. The automatic pipette is fastened to an iron stand dd, which rests upon the table. Other forms of apparatus are also in use. In ordinary practice a strong glass vessel with a good lip for pouring is the most satisfactory arrangement for handling the acid. A white tile is excellent to have on the table under the acid bottle. 23. Composite Sample. In actual creamery prac- tice the daily testing of each patron's milk, or in the dairy, the testing of both morning's and evening's milk from each cow is too expensive. To obviate this daily testing, a composite or compound sample is made up by saving a small sample of each milk in a pint fruit can. At the end of one week or of two weeks the compound sample is carefully mixed and tested. Inasmuch as this test represents a propor- tional part of each lot of milk, it gives the average amount of fat in the milk for the period. In cream- eries and factories, where milk is paid for by test, the composite test when properly carried out gives good results. The composite sample should be kept covered so that the surface of the cream will not become dry and leathery. The sample should also be kept in a cool place to prevent fermentation. Various chemicals are used to keep the milk fresh. Potassium bichromate has been found to give the best satisfaction. About one half gram of potassium bichromate will be sufficient to preserve a pint of milk. Winton and Ogden state that a .22 pistol MILS: TESTING 25 shell cut one-half inch long will hold, loosely filled, approximately one-half gram of bichromate. For convenience in handling the shell can be soldered to a piece of stout wire. Put the bichromate in the sam- ple cans when empty, and no more need be added until a new composite sample is started. The bichromate imparts its characteristic yellow color to the milk. In case corrosive sublimate or any other poisonous material is used for preserving the composite sample, it is best to color the milk with aniline so as to pre- vent accidental poisoning from use of the milk. Small four or six ounce, wide-mouthed bottles may be used for holding the composite samples. Bottles with glass stoppers are the best. Rubber stoppers may be used, but cork stoppers should never be used. They are difficult to clean, and they cause the milk to sour. When the composite sample becomes " lumpy " and is difficult to sample, a very small (.1 gm.) piece of caustic potash may be added before mixing the milk. The potash will dissolve the lumps of curd. A few drops more than 17.6 cc. of acid should then be used. When only a small number of tests are to be made, the following plan may be followed : Save about two ounces of each milk separately in glass bottles or cans ; at the next milking add a proportional quan- tity. A composite sample of the day's milk is thus obtained, and while still fresh is mixed, and then by means of a small pipette, 5,9 cc. are measured into a test bottle twice the size of those ordinarily used, or test bottles made for 35 cc. of milk. In a similar 26 DAIRY CHEMISTRY way the milk for six days may thus be measured directly into the test bottles, and then tested. 24. Testing Skim Milk. In testing skim milk the special test bottle devised by Farrington, with the small neck and the side tube for the addition of the acid, should be used (see Fig. 10). Each division on the neck represents .05 of a per cent. In using these bottles, it must be remembered that the small amount of fat ob- tained in the neck is not neces- sarily all of the fat in the skim milk, because some of it may be present in such a fine state of divi- sion that it is not brought up into the neck. Hence the results are usually slightly lower than those U obtained by chemical analysis. - This, however, does not seriously impair the test. When the test shows only a trace of fat, the FIG. 10. Skim milk test butter maker can feel satisfied that . he is doing good work. 25. Sampling Frozen Milk. When a can of milk freezes, the ice forms on the outside and there is usually a central part that does not freeze. The un- frozen part is richer in fat and solids than the frozen part. The ice in the center of a can is richer in milk solids than the ice of the outer portions. When MILK TESTING 27 frozen or partially frozen, milk is not in a condition to sample, but should be allowed to thaw and then be thoroughly mixed. 26. Cleaning Glassware. In order to secure the best results, the test bottles and all of the glassware used in testing milk should be kept clean. The test bottles should be emptied before the fat becomes cold and hard. By shaking the test bottle, the sedi- ment of lime sulphate or gypsum is removed with the acid mixture. The test bottles can be left to drain on the drain board placed over the acid waste jar. A drain board with holes large enough to receive the neck of the test bottle will be found very useful in handling a large number of test bottles. The test bottles should be rinsed while still hot with warm water and after draining this should be followed by a second rinsing with hot water. A small brush will be found useful in keeping the necks of the bottles clean. Occasionally it will be necessary to give the test bottles a bath in hot water containing a little alkali, sal soda, Babbitt's potash, gold dust, or any similar material dissolved in the water in small amounts. A small copper tank large enough to re- ceive a rack containing twelve to twenty-four test bottles so they may be completely immersed will en- able the creamery or factory man to keep his test bottles in a good condition. 27. Water used in Milk Testing. Hard waters containing large amounts of lime or alkaline salts are not suitable for use in milk testing. Rain water 28 DAIRY CHEMISTRY or other soft water or condensed steam is preferable. When water containing lime is used, bubbles of gas are given off, causing foam when the hot water is added to the test bottles containing the acid. The presence of foam in the graduated stem of the test bottle prevents accurate reading of the fat. Some hard waters are suitable for use provided a few drops of sulphuric acid are added before heating. If this is done, of course the water cannot be heated or used in ordinary metal boilers and receptacles. When a large number of tests are to be made, a suitable out- fit should be provided for the addition of hot water to the test bottles ; a pail suspended three or four feet above the tester with a rubber tube, a pinch cock, and a glass tube drawn to a point, will be found suitable for this purpose. 28. Care of Test Bottles and Apparatus. The rims on the necks of test bottles are easily nicked and broken, and in handling bottles, care should be exercised to prevent this being done. Some bottles are provided with ground or roughened places for labeling or marking with pencil, while others have numbered copper or metal " collars." In making the test, the numbers should be carefully checked, and the proper entries made as to the sample and the fat content. Many conveniences in the way of home- made racks and devices for holding the apparatus will suggest themselves. In milk testing, cleanliness and accuracy in all the manipulations are the main essentials for securing correct results. CHAPTER III MILK FATS 29. Composition of Fats. The fat globules of milk are a mechanical mixture of several separate fats. All fats are composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ; but individual fats differ in the way in which these elements are combined. In all the fats, carbon, the principal element found in coal, is present to the extent of over 75 per cent. The fats as a class do not contain any nitrogen, differing in this respect from casein and albumin, which con- tain about 16 per cent of this element. Each fat has its own melting point, form of crystals, specific gravity, and other characteristics, and hence the physical properties of butter are largely dependent upon the proportion in which the principal fats are present. Some of the milk fats are hard, and have a high melting point, while others are liquid. The character of butter, as hard or soft, is dependent largely upon the proportion in which the various fats, as stearin, palmitin, and olein, are present. 30. Kinds of Butter Fats. The various fats which are present in butter are butyrin, caproin, caprylin, laurin, palmitin, myristin, stearin, and olein. Of 29 30 DAIRY CHEMISTRY these fats, palmitin, stearin, and myristin make up about 50 per cent of the composition of butter fat, olein about 38 per cent, and butyrin, the character- istic fat of butter, about 6 per cent ; the remaining 6 per cent being made up of laurin, capin, caproin, and caprylin. For practical purposes, butter fats may be divided into three classes : (1) hard fats, stearin, palmitin, and myristin, (2) soft fat, olein, (3) charac- teristic fat, butyrin. 31. Palmitin is a white, solid fat found in butter, and also obtained from palm oil. Human fat is rich in palmitin. When chemically pure, it is tasteless. Palmitin forms crystals like snowflakes. This fat has a high melting point, 145.4 F. 32. Stearin is a white, solid fat like palmitin, and has a high melting point, 157 F. It also crystallizes in the same way as palmitin. For a long time these two fats, palmitin and stearin, were thought to be one fat, to which was given the name margarine. Among the fats that are particularly rich in stearin are beef and mutton tallow. These melt at a much higher point than butter, and are the materials used in the adulteration of butter, forming a large part of the product known as oleomargarine, which is a mechanical mixture of the fats palmitin and stearin (margarine) with olein. The larger the proportion of either stearin or palmitin in any fat, the higher its melting point. When one butter has a higher melting point than another, it is due to the presence of a larger amount of palmitin or stearin. These MILK FATS 31 two fats, with myristin, make up about half of the weight of the milk fats. 33. Olein is quite different from either palmitin or stearin. This fat makes up about 40 per cent of the weight of butter. Under ordinary conditions olein is a liquid. It solidifies at a temperature of 40 F. It is liquid at the ordinary temperature of the cold deep setting of milk, that is, the set- ting of milk in ice water. Olein has the property of readily and copiously dissolving palmitin and stearin. The larger the per cent of olein in a butter or fat, the softer it is. Sperm oil, cod liver oil, and many of the vegetable oils are rich in olein. 34. Butyrin melts at a temperature of 77 F. Milk fats contain from 5 to 7 per cent of buty- rin. Although it forms such a small proportion of milk fat, it is the characteristic fat of butter. It is the butyrin which gives to butter its individuality, and its presence or absence is the distinguishing point between butter and oleomargarine. Butyrin, when decomposed, forms butyric acid. In rancid and stale butter, the rank odor is due to butyric acid. Butyrin is not as stable a fat as palmitin, stearin, or olein. 35. Caproin and Caprylin comprise only a small part of the fats of milk, and they do not require any special consideration. 36. Glycerine and Fatty Acid Content of Fats. When fats are broken up into simpler products, glycerine is one of the substances formed ; the other 32 DAIRY CHEMISTRY , product is a fatty acid with an " ic " ending in place of the " in " ending of the fat. By the action of superheated steam. %5i v - -*U <-/tfyt.O-OH Q44-u-rH Palmitin yields palmitic acid and glycerine. e^w^- Olein yields oleic acid and glycerine. Qi Stearin yields stearic acid and glycerine. Ni/d Butyrin yields butyric acid and glycerine. ^ -^ (ftfli) v Caproin yields caproic acid and glycerine. (3^ ? (df tj per , cent, fa cheese of good quality shows from 32 -to 80 par* 93. Composition of Cheese. The percentage of fat in cheese is directly proportional to the richness of the milk in fat and the amount of water left in the cheese. In average cheese the per cent of fat always exceeds the per cent of casein. This is be- cause the milk from which the cheese is made con- tains more fat than casein. Any cheese containing more casein than fat has been made from skim milk. The relation of the composition of cheese to the milk from which it was made may be observed from the following tables : COMPOSITION OF MILK Water Fat Ash Casein and Albumin Milk Sugar 1. Average milk . . . 2. 4 per cent milk . . . 3. Milk with cream added 87.52 86.79 85.87 3.50 4.00 6.00 0.80 0.64 0.77 3.22 3.71 3.12 4.80 4.50 4.13 4. Skim milk .... 87.80 2.75 0.80 3.95 4.50 COMPOSITION OF CHEESE Water Fat Casein and Albumin 1. Average milk . . .... 34.29 31.4 32.43 30.68 33.76 35.3 43.55 27.09 27.47 27.7 20.00 36.00 3. Milk with cream added . . . 4. Skim milk . .... 102 DAIRY CHEMISTRY 94. Testing Whey. In the making of cheese both the whey and the drippings from the cheese press should . b& frequently tested for fat, so as to deter- mine .whether therq has been any unnecessary loss. ].n- testing whey r the special bottles made for testing skim milk may be used. It is not necessary to use 17.6 cc. of jicid, because the casein has been removed from the milk and the acid has less work to do. Use about 8 cc. of acid. 95. Making out Dividends in Cheese Factories. The dividends in cheese factories can be made out on the basis of the fat content, in the same general way as described in section 72 for making out divi- dends in creameries. The fat content of milk is a more satisfactory and equitable basis for making out dividends than the gross weight of the milk regard- less of its composition. As previously stated (section 91), the cheese yield of milk is not always propor- tional to its fat content. A milk testing 6 per cent fat will not make twice as much cheese as one con- taining 3 per cent fat. This is because the casein does not increase proportionally with the fat. With average milk, however, testing from 3.4 to 4 per cent, the amount of cheese that can be made is prac- tically proportional to the fat content. Inasmuch as average milk usually tests between these amounts, the fat test can be safely used as the basis for the making out of dividends. In the case of exception- ally rich milk, the quality of the cheese is materially increased by the additional fat. Experiments have THE CHEMISTRY OF CHEESE MAKING 103 shown that the value of the cheese is almost directly proportional to its fat content. While the richer milks make a smaller quantity of cheese, they make cheese of higher commercial value, and hence there is no injustice in paying for milks for cheese-making purposes on the basis of the fat content. Poor milks make a slightly larger amount but a poorer quality of cheese than the richer milks. In making out dividends, the total number of pounds of fat deliv- ered by each patron is calculated from the weight of the milk and its percentage of fat. The cost of manufacture is deducted from the sales and the price per pound of the milk fat sold in the form of cheese determined, and then the amount due each patron is calculated from the pounds of fat due him and its value per pound. 96. Comparative Butter and Cheese Returns from Milk. In case it is desired to compare the approxi- mate gross income from the same amount of milk made either into butter or cheese, the methods for calculating the butter yields given in section 71 are used for determining the pounds of butter produced from a given quantity of milk testing a certain per- centage of fat. From the data given in section 91, the estimated number of pounds of cheese produced from the same quantity of milk can also be calcu- lated. Comparisons can then be made as to the gross sales from either the butter or cheese by tak- ing the average market price of each. If such cal- culations are made, it will be found that occasionally 104 DAIRY CHEMISTRY larger proceeds can be obtained from cheese than from butter, and then again the sales of butter will be found to give the larger returns. In determining the net income, the cost of production and the com- parative value of the by-products must also be con- sidered. Only general comparisons can be made as to the probable income from the manufacture of butter or cheese. As to the relative advantages of butter or cheese production, much depends upon location, markets, and general conditions. In the general average, the production of one will be found to be about as profitable as the other, and it is not advisable to make frequent changes. 97. Different Kinds of Cheese. By varying the process of cheese making so as to cause the develop- ment of specific forms of fermentation, different kinds of cheese, as Neufchatel, Limburger, Swiss, Edam, Gouda, and Roquefort, are made. Neufchatel is a soft cheese, made from sweet milk by adding the rennet at 82 F. After pressing, it is worked and kneaded, and then put up in packages and covered with tinfoil. Limburger is a variety of cheese of characteristic odor and flavor resulting from special ferment action daring the curing process. Stilton cheese is a soft, rich cheese of mild flavor made from milk to which cream is usually added. For the curing a long time is required and a fungus with bluish green threads is developed. Emmenthaler or Swiss cheese is made by special THE CHEMISTRY OF CHEESE MAKING 105 manipulation and direct pressing in the curd presses. The cheese is salted from the outside and certain forms of fermentation are induced. Edam is a hard, dry cheese, usually made from par- tially skimmed milk and cured by a slow process of fermentation. Gouda is somewhat similar to Edam, but is softer in texture. Roquefort is a soft cheese which owes its char- acteristics to special forms of ferments added dur- ing the process of manufacture. When ripened a characteristic mold will be found permeating the cheese. A number of special brands of cheese, put up in glass and porcelain packages, are made from ordi- nary cheese by grinding and adding fat, usually in the form of butter. The sealed package is then placed in cold storage so as to allow further fer- mentation changes to take place. Cottage Cheese. Cottage cheese can be prepared in the following way : The milk is first allowed to sour and is then heated to a temperature of 100 F., or the coagulation of the milk can be completed, if desired, by the addition of hot water, temperature of 175 F., at the rate of about one pint per gallon of milk. After stirring for two or three minutes, the coagulated mass is allowed to settle, the whey is drawn off and the curd collected by straining through cheese cloth. If the milk is in the right condition as to acidity, a fine, soft-grained curd is 106 DAIRY CHEMISTRY secured. Salt is added as desired, and the palata- bility and food value are increased by the addition of a small amount of cream when used. Cottage cheese, when prepared in this way, has a high food value. CHAPTER X MILK BY-PRODUCTS 98. Uses of By-products. In the manufacture of butter and cheese the by-products are skim milk, buttermilk, and whey. These products are used mainly for animal-feeding purposes and have a high food value. Also from the by-products a number of commercial articles are prepared. From whey, milk sugar is manufactured, and from skim milk, proteids are precipitated and prepared for commer- cial uses. 99. Skim Milk Composition, Value, and Use. In the manufacture of butter, about 80 per cent of skim milk is obtained. The chief ingredients of skim milk are casein, albumin, ash, and milk sugar. Be- cause of the removal of the fats in skimming, the solids not fat are usually present in the skim milk in slightly larger proportions than in the whole milk. Skim milk is characterized as a food of high proteid content and it is valuable in combination with other foods that are lacking in protein, par- ticularly for the feeding of young and growing ani- mals. Average skim milk contains about 9.75 per cent of solid matter, of which 3.7 pounds are casein and albumin, and 5.15 pounds are sugar, the remain- 107 108 DAIRY CHEMISTRY ing .9 of a pound being principally ash and a small amount of lactic acid and other compounds. The principal value of skim milk is due to the relatively large amount of casein and albumin it contains, over 36 per cent of the solid matter being in these forms. When judiciously used, 5 pounds of skim milk will produce as much gain in the feeding of young pigs as one pound of farm grains. Professor Henry, of the Wisconsin Experiment Station, states that when corn is worth 28 cents per bushel, skim milk has a feeding value of 15 cents per hundred pounds. In order to secure the largest returns from the feeding of skim milk, it should be fed with grains at the rate of about 3 pounds of skim milk per 1 pound of grain. If fed in larger amounts than this, smaller returns are secured from the skim milk. When the nu- trients in a pound of grain and 5 pounds of skim milk are compared, it will be found that 5 pounds of skim milk contain less total nutrients than the pound of grain. The unique value of skim milk lies in the fact that it is rich in protein and when combined with other feed makes a ration more pala- table and also increases the digestibility of the feeds with which it is combined. When judiciously used, skim milk is valuable not only for the nutrients it contains, but also because of making the nutrients of the grains and foods with which it is combined more digestible and valuable to the body. S am milk should be fed preferably when sweet. When partially soured it may cause digestion disorders, due MILK BY-PRODUCTS 109 to the presence of various ferment bodies. Skim milk that is fully soured causes less digestion trouble than when partially soured. In the handling of skim milk the greatest care should be exercised to prevent its contamination and abnormal fermentation from taking place. The tyrotoxicon organism may develop in skim milk and cause cholera-like symptoms. The separator slime should never be added to skim milk, as it contains a large proportion of the dirt of the milk. Sheuerlen and Bank state that most of the tubercle bacilli in milk are separated in the slime of the centrifugal. The keeping qualities and sanitary condition of skim milk are improved by pasteurizing or sterilizing it at the time the milk is separated. If the skim milk is sterilized, it should be cooled and then pro- tected from further inoculations. Unless it is prop- erly cared for, the sterilizing may have but little effect in improving its value. Too frequently the factoryman and farmer give but scant attention to the care of the skim milk. A little foul sour milk is. left in the skim-milk tank from day to day, and this, acting as a starter, immediately sours any fresh skim milk which is added. Some diseases, as hog cholera, have been spread through lack of care in handling the skim milk at the creamery. Separator skim milk differs but little in composi- tio, from skim milk obtained by the gravity pro- cess. From the separator skim milk the fat has been quite thoroughly removed, while that obtained 110 DAIRY CHEMISTRY by the gravity process contains a larger amount of fat. Experiments have shown that the additional fat in the gravity skim milk produces only small additional gains over separator skim milk, the gains being of less importance than the commercial value of the butter fat. Skim milk should not be stored or handled in rusty iron pails or cans, because the small amount of acid present has a solvent action upon metals, and if too much iron zinc or tin is dis- solved in the milk, it has an injurious effect when fed to animals. The handling of skim milk, buttermilk, and whey in unclean ways is frequently the cause of abnormal fermentation and the contamination of dairy products. 100. Whey Composition, Value, and Use. Whey differs in composition from skim milk by containing less solid matter because of the removal of the casein in cheese making. Average whey contains about 7 per cent of solid matter, the larger portion of which is milk sugar, 5.2 per cent. It also contains the albumin of the milk, which, as previously stated, is not retained in the cheese. There is less ash in whey than in skim milk, due to a portion of the mineral matter combining with the casein and being recovered in the cheese. While whey contains less solid matter and proteids than skim milk, it nevertheless has a material feed- ing value. Experiments have shown that two pounds of whey are about equal in feeding value to one pound of skim milk. In general, ten pounds of whey will produce as much gain in live weight of MILK BY-PRODUCTS 111 growing animals as one pound of farm grains. In the handling, care, and use of whey, the same general statements made in regard to skim milk will apply. 101. Fertilizer Value of Milk By-products. When butter is sold from the farm, there is very little fer- tility lost in the form of the principal plant food ele- ments, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The butter fats are composed of the three elements, car- bon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The nitrogen and the ash or mineral elements are present in the skim milk and buttermilk, and hence when butter is sold there is practically no fertility lost. When cheese is sold, part of the fertility is lost in the form of nitrogen, which is present in the casein. In dairy farming, the crop-producing power of the soil is not lessened, provided the farm manure is judiciously cared for and used. 102. Comparative Value of Cow's Milk and the Milk of Other Domestic Animals. In order to com- pare the general feeding value of cow's milk and skim milk with the milk of other domestic animals, the following table is given : WATER FAT SUGAR ASH CASEIN AND ALBUMIN Mare's milk .... Sow's milk . 88.49 84 00 2.86 4 60 4.75 315 0.55 1 05 3.35 7.25 Sheep's milk .... Skim, milk 82.25 90 25 5.30 010 4.35 515 1.00 0.80 7.10 3.70 Cow's milk 8700 400 500 075 325 CHAPTER XI THE ADULTERATION OF DAIRY PRODUCTS 103. Oleomargarine. Oleomargarine and butterine are butter substitutes made from animal fats, cotton- seed oil, and other materials, and resemble butter in composition and taste. They contain about the same percentage of water, fat, salt, and nitrogenous matter as butter, but differ in not containing butyrin and other characteristic volatile fatty acids present in but- ter and not in butter substitutes. In the manufac- ture of oleomargarine, the beef fats are put through filter presses to remove a portion of the hard fats, which are used for the manufacture of candles and soap. The softer fats, with cotton-seed oil, are placed in churns together with sweet milk, and churned, salted, and worked like butter. By varying the proportion of hard and soft fats, different grades of oleomargarine can be produced, and these are sold under various trade names. These products are readily detected upon chemical analysis, as they fail to yield the requisite amount of volatile fatty acids (see section 40). 104. Simple Methods for detecting Oleomargarine. The boiling or spoon test is made in the following way: A small piece of the sample is melted in a 112 THE ADULTERATION OF DAIRY PRODUCTS 113 large spoon with gentle heat. The process is has- tened by stirring. The heat is then increased, the material is brought to the boiling point and thoroughly stirred. Oleomargarine and renovated butter boil with much sputtering and produce no foam, or very little, while genuine butter in boiling produces more foam and less noise. The Water- house test is conducted in the following way: " Into a small beaker pour 50 cc. of sweet milk. Heat nearly to boiling and add from 5 to 10 gm. of butter or oleomargarine. Stir with a glass rod until the fat is melted. The beaker is then placed in cold water and the milk stirred until the temperature falls sufficiently for the fat to congeal. At this point the fat, if oleomargarine, can easily be collected into one lump by means of the rod, while if butter it will granulate and cannot be collected." 105. Renovated Butter. Low grade and rancid butters are sometimes subjected to the process known as renovation. The butter is melted and poured into cold water, so as to recrystallize the fat and remove those products which impart the undesirable flavors and odors. The butter fats are then re- worked and salted, and the product is ready for the market. It is often sold as fresh butter. Renovated butter has poor keeping qualities, and so preserva- tives, as boric acid, are frequently added to prevent the fats from becoming rancid. When melted and recrystallized, the butter fats fail to form crystals of the same character as the original butter, which 114 DAIRY CHEMISTRY enables the renovated butter to be easily detected. Some of the states have laws requiring that butter treated in this way shall be stamped or labeled "Renovated Butter." 106. Adulteration of Cheese. Cheese is adulter- ated (1) by removing a portion of the fat from the milk and then manufacturing the skimmed or par- tially skimmed milk into cheese ; (2) by completely removing the milk fats and substituting other and cheaper fats, thus producing so-called " filled cheese." The foreign fats are incorporated with the skim milk while in the vats and then the process of cheese making is completed, with slight modifica- tions, as outlined in the chapter on Cheese Making. The addition of foreign fats to the cheese can be readily detected by chemical analysis, as cotton-seed oil and other fats have different chemical and physi- cal properties from butter fats. For the determina- tion of the per cent of fat in cheese by the Babcock test, see section 92. Cheese with 28 per cent or less of fat can be considered as made from partially skimmed milk, and the lower the per cent of fat in the cheese, the more extensively has the skimming been practiced. 107. Adulteration of Milk. The way in which the lactometer and Babcock test may be used for detecting skimming and watering is described in Chapter IV. In addition to skimming and water- ing, milk is sometimes adulterated by the addition of preservatives. The materials employed for the THE ADULTERATION OF DAIRY PRODUCTS 115 preservation of milk are principally borax, boric acid, formalin, and salicylic acid. Medical authorities object to the use of preservatives in dairy prod- ucts and other foods because they interfere with the normal process of digestion. Then, too, when milk is preserved with chemicals, there is a tendency to practice unclean methods in its handling, and less care generally is taken of the milk. Abnormal amounts of preservatives have been found added to market milk to prevent its becoming sour. The producer, the wholesale milk dealer, and the retailer each adding a small amount make in the aggregate an abnormal and objectionable quantity of preserva- tives, which may have an unfavorable action upon the human body. In the creamery and cheese fac- tory, the addition of formalin and other preservatives prevents the normal ripening of milk and results in the production of butter and cheese of poor quality. Not only from a sanitary but also from a financial point of view, preservatives are objectionable and should not be used in the dairy. Various trade names have been applied to the different preserva- tives, but they are almost invariably composed of borax, boric acid, formalin, or salicylic acid. In addition to the Babcock test, a number of other methods have been proposed and are occasionally used for the testing of milk and detecting any adul- terations. Many of these methods give accurate re- sults, but they require more skill on the part of the operator, are more expensive, and require more time 116 DAIRY CHEMISTRY than the Babcock test, and hence are used but little. Some of the methods, as the Pioscope and the Lacto- scope, do not give accurate results. The Beimling method is quite similar to the Bab- cock test, a centrifugal being used. The test bottles, however, are- smaller, and two acids instead of one are employed. Amyl alcohol is required, and this is apt to be impure and cause too high results. The Lactocrite method has been in use in Ger- many and Denmark for some time. The separation of the fat is made by means of ac^ic and sulphuric acids, combined with centrifugal action. In its workings the Lactocrite is quite like the Babcock test. The centrifugal used is in form like the Alpha separator. The method gives reliable results. It is patented and the apparatus expensive. With Gerber's butyrometer test, the fat is sepa- rated by centrifugal action aided by sulphuric acid and amyl alcohol. This method combines the more important features of the Babcock and the Beimling methods. It gives accurate results and is quite extensively used in Europe. Short's Method. In this test an alkali solution is first added to the milk, which changes the fat into soap ; the soap is then converted into insoluble fatty acids by adding sulphuric acid, and the fatty acids are measured in a graduated tube. The test bottles are similar to those used in the Babcock test. In Cochrane's method the fat is separated by the combined use of sulphuric and acetic acids and THE ADULTERATION OF DAIRY PRODUCTS 117 ether. The fat is then raised into a graduated tube, where it is measured. The Cochrane fat bottles are made with two tubes, one for measuring the fat and the other for adding the reagents. In Failyer and Willard's method an acid first is added to the milk, and then gasoline to collect the fat. The gasoline is removed by a current of air, and the fat is collected in the graduated neck of the test bottle and measured. The Lactoscope and Feser's Pioscope were quite extensively used at one time. They are optical methods and depend upon the opacity of the milk serum. Both of these methods are totally unreli- able, the results being very inaccurate. Most of these short methods are not sufficiently accurate for scientific work, or as final evidence in court in case of adulteration. 108. Dairy Laws. Some states and countries have passed laws prohibiting the sale of adulterated dairy products. Congress has also passed a national law prohibiting the coloring of oleomargarine to resemble butter. The injury which results from the sale of oleomargarine and filled cheese is due more to their being dishonest competitors than to their unwholesomeness. They are frequently sold for butter and cheese, and since they are made to resemble them, it is often difficult for the inex- perienced person to detect the adulterated article. As to digestibility and food value, there is not a great difference between butter and oleomargarine. 118 DAIRY CHEMISTRY Experiments have shown that butter is slightly more digestible than oleomargarine. As long as oleomar- garine is sold under its own name, there is little objection to its use ; but people naturally prefer genuine butter and cheese to imitation articles, and they should be protected in securing them. It is when oleomargarine is sold as butter that the prin- cipal injury is done to the butter industry. For this reason, laws have been passed regulating the sale of dairy products and prohibiting adulteration. CHAPTER XII MARKET MILK AND CREAM 109. Variable Character of Market Milk. It is estimated that one third of the milk produced in this country is used for direct consumption by the producer or is sold as market milk. The milk supply of large cities is extremely variable in char- acter, both in its richness in fat and its wholesome- ness or sanitary condition. In those states where dairy laws have been enacted and the laws are reasonably well enforced, milk of good quality is secured, but where no legal control is exercised over the milk supply, it is often of very poor qual- ity. To meet the requirements of the consumer, milk should be produced from animals in sound health, and the milk should be free from dirt, have good keeping qualities, and contain a reasonable amount of fat. In order to supply milk of the best quality, different methods of handling have been devised, the most satisfactory and cleanly way being to supply the milk in sterilized sealed bottles. When milk is conveyed to the consumer in this form, no opportunity presents itself for adulteration or for the milk to become contami- nated by unclean methods of handling or through 119 120 DAIRY CHEMISTRY exposure in unclean streets. Usually a larger price is paid for milk prepared in this way. The sanitary condition or wholesomeness of the milk (see Chap- ter VIII)- is of more importance than its fat content. 110. Changes in Composition of Milk during Trans- portation. When milk is transported in cans and removed with a long-handled dipper, it changes but little in composition during transportation, the agita- tion of the can and the dipping being sufficient to pre- vent the separation of cream. This question has been extensively investigated in both this country and Europe. In England, one of the large dairy firms supplying milk to the London market had during the season a number of thousands of samples of milk taken from the wagons at different points on the route to prevent the watering of the milk by the drivers, and it was found that there was but little change in the solid matter of the milk. Dur- ing one season over 11,000 samples were analyzed, with the following results : MILK CREAM Solid Matter Solid Matter 12.84 48.3 During d6liv6ry 12.88 At clos6 12.92 48.4 At the Cornell University Experiment Station simi- lar results were obtained, also at the Canadian Experi- MARKET MILK AND CREAM 121 ment Station at Guelph. The excuse sometimes offered in court that milk has lost its cream while being sold is not valid, as all the experimental evi- dence shows that when milk is dipped from the can with a long-handled dipper no separation of the fat takes place. While milk changes in its per cent of solid matter but little during transportation, it often becomes sour and foul through unnecessary exposure and unclean ways of handling. 111. Pasteurizing Milk and Cream. In order to prevent milk and cream from readily fermenting, it is sometimes given the Pasteurizing treatment. This consists of heating the milk or cream to a tempera- ture of 159 or 160 F. for a few minutes and then cooling and protecting it from further inoculations. This temperature results in rendering inactive the greater number of ferments in milk, particularly those of an objectionable nature. The destruction of the ferment bodies prevents rapid souring of the milk, especially when the milk is protected from further contamination. The Pasteurizing of milk and cream is usually done by machinery, the milk being agitated so as to secure as even an application of temperature as possible. The longer the milk is heated, the more thorough is the Pasteurizing pro- cess. Not all of the germs or ferments of milk are rendered inactive by heating to a temperature of 160. To render inactive the tuberculous bacilli, a temperature of 180 to 185 is required. When milk is sterilized, it is heated to a higher degree than 122 DAIRY CHEMISTRY when it is Pasteurized. At temperatures above 185, all of the bacteria are destroyed and the milk is ren- dered sterile. When milk is sterilized, the albumin is coagulated; when Pasteurized, the temperature is not sufficiently high to coagulate it. The Pasteuriz- ing of milk improves its sanitary condition and often makes an unsound milk suitable for food purposes. It is preferable, however, to have a wholesome and sound milk that is not Pasteurized rather than an unsound milk that has been given this treatment. When a milk is Pasteurized, its germ content is reduced; but the products of the germs, particu- larly the toxins, are not removed. The Pasteurizing of cream is often resorted to in making butter. When the cream has been con- taminated in any way, Pasteurizing gives good re- sults. When the milk has been produced under the most sanitary conditions, Pasteurizing is less necessary. The preparation and sale of Pasteurized milk and cream have become prominent features of the milk industry in a number of cities. For home use, milk can be Pasteurized in the following way : glass cans are thoroughly cleansed and then placed in the oven so as to become sterilized. When par- tially cooled, they are filled with fresh milk and set in water at a temperature of about 162. After being in the water for from 10 to 15 minutes, with the tem- perature kept at 160, the cans are covered, cooled, and stored at a low temperature. Not all milks are suitable for food even when Pasteurized. Digestion MARKET MILK AND CREAM 123 experiments indicate that perfectly sound, normal milk is more completely digested than either Pas- teurized or sterilized milk; the difference in diges- tibility, however, between sound, fresh milk and Pasteurized milk is small, but in favor of the fresh milk. Sterilized milk is less digestible than Pas- teurized. 112. Condensed Milk. Another method of pre- serving milk is to remove a portion of the water by means of condensing in a vacuum pan and then seal- ing the condensed product while hot. Milk that is properly condensed can be kept for a long time, and in some localities it is the main source of milk supply. Whenever a can of condensed or Pasteurized milk is opened, the same care is necessary to protect it from contamination as if it were fresh milk. 113. Milk as Human Food. There is no food that has a higher value than pure milk. Too frequently its nutritive value is impaired by its being impure. Contaminated milk, like any impure food, should not be used. Milk should form a part of the dietary, as it is easily digested, and assists in rendering other foods more digestible. Experiments have shown that at average prices milk is not a luxury, but an economical food. Milk furnishes a large amount of digestible nutrients, and, in the case of a number of diseases, it is the only food that should be allowed. Milks with either the maximum or minimum fat content are not the best for food purposes, but milk containing about 4 per cent of fat generally gives 124 DAIRY CHEMISTRY the most satisfactory results where it forms a large part of the diet. Milks very poor or very rich in fat have either too narrow or too wide a nutritive ratio (see section 133), while normal milk is a well- balanced food containing proteids, carbohydrates, and fats in the right proportions for supplying the needs of the body. CHAPTER XIII INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT FOODS UPON THE QUALITY OF MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS 114. Food and Milk Secretion. There is a close relationship between milk secretion and the food supply. It was formerly believed that the percent- age amounts of the milk solids could be materially influenced by the character of the food consumed. In the numerous experiments that have been made, a few cases showed the composition of the milk to have been influenced, but it was not possible in most cases to materially increase or decrease the percentage of fat or other constituents of the milk. The total amount of all of the compounds present, however, can be ma- terially increased by judicious feeding, and thus, while it is not possible for the farmer by liberal feed- ing to increase the per cent of fat in his milk, he practically accomplishes the same result by increas- ing the amount of milk. It was formerly believed that the fat in the food was the main source of the fat in the milk. A good cow, however, will produce during a year a much larger amount of fat in the milk than she consumes in the food, showing that the fats are in part pro- duced from other nutrients. 125 126 DAIRY CHEMISTRY 115. Feeding Fat. The investigations that have been made show that it is not possible to increase either the percentage or the total amount of fat in the milk for any appreciable time by the feeding of fats or oils. In experiments at Cornell University, the Iowa Experiment Station, and other institutions where fats have been fed to cows even at the rate of two pounds or more per day of tallow, cotton-seed oil, corn oil, or other fats, the fat content of the milk was not permanently increased. The quality of the milk fat and of all the dairy products is, however, appre- ciably affected by the foods consumed; and while the fats and other compounds do not pass directly from the food into the milk unchanged, the character of the fats and other nutrients materially influences the quality of the fat globules and the dairy products. 116. Production of Hard Butters. When cotton- seed meal is fed in liberal amounts and is not combined with other grains, it produces a hard and tallow- like butter having a melting point of 10 higher than average butter. Chemical analysis shows that there is a larger percentage of stearin and palmitin in such butter. When cotton-seed meal is combined with other food stuffs and is fed in small amounts, it exerts but little influence on the butter product. Cotton-seed meal is a valuable nitrogenous food when properly combined and fed with other food materials. Corn, also, if fed alone and in large amounts, will FOOD AND QUALITY OF MILK 127 produce an abnormally hard butter, particularly if com- bined with overripe, coarse dry fodders. This tend- ency of some food stuffs to produce an abnormal butter is eliminated when foods are properly combined. 117. Production of Soft Butters. While cotton- /? seed meal produces a hard butter, linseed meal, the ' product obtained after removing the oil from seed, produces a soft butter when fed alone and in large amounts. Cotton-seed meal and linseed meal have somewhat the same general composition ; both are rich in protein and fat, but when fed they have 9* directly opposite effects upon the character of the butter. 118. Effects of Individual Foods. There are a number of individual food stuffs that have a notice- able effect upon the quality of the milk and butter. Gluten meal, a product obtained in the manufacture of cornstarch, produces a softer butter than corn meal ; oats, when fed alone and in large amounts, produce a mediumly firm but rather crumbly butter; when oats and corn are fed together, the quality of the butter is much improved. Wheat by-products, as shorts and bran, produce a mediumly firm butter of good quality; wheat and barley coarsely ground also produce normal butter. There is but little difference in the milk-producing power of the different farm grains when fed in mixed rations. Of the coarse fodders, clover hay, corn silage, and well-cured corn fodder produce the largest flow and also milk of the best quality for butter and 128 DAIRY CHEMISTRY cheese making purposes. These coarse fodders, when prepared under the most favorable conditions, pro- duce mediumly firm butter in contrast to the hard and tallow-like butter produced from overripe hay containing a large amount of fiber and but little pro- tein. Silage has been found to be of much value in a ration, as it produces a better quality of butter than average coarse fodders. It has been objected to by some because of the silage odor of the milk. It has been found that this is due largely to lack of proper ventilation in the stable, as the silage odor gains access mainly at the time of milking rather than being transmitted through the milk. When animals are kept under the most sanitary conditions and silage forms only a part of the ration, there is no perceptible odor to the milk and it is of good quality. As previously stated (section 75), some food stuffs, as turnips, rape, and onions, affect the flavor of the milk. This is due to the volatile and essential oils passing directly from the food into the milk. There are weeds that are also responsible for bad-tasting milk, as the wild garlic, which produces a foul taste. 119. Desirable Flavors in Milk Products. The desirable flavors in butter, cheese, and other dairy products are due to the small amount of chemical compounds formed by the workings of the bacterial ferments and the enzymes. As a result of fermen- tation action, definite chemical compounds, some of which have pleasant and desirable properties and FOOD AND QUALITY OF MILK 129 others undesirable ones, are produced. Butyric acid fermentation is an example of the undesirable kind and results in the production of butyric acid, which gives stale butter its characteristic odor. By con- trolling the processes of fermentation during the manufacture of dairy products, the undesirable fer- ments are prevented from gaining access to the milk, and the desirable ferments are added and given every opportunity to carry on the normal processes of fer- mentation. Fresh, normal milk should have a pleas- ant taste, and when obtained and handled in a cleanly way, it will contain but few bacterial bodies. 120. Influence of Balanced Rations. When the animal body is supplied with the necessary nutrients for the various functional purposes, the largest amount and the best quality of milk is secured. It is only when unusual food stuffs and those deficient in the requisite nutritive materials are fed that milk of abnormal character is produced. One of the objects of combining several grains and coarse fod- ders to form a balanced ration is to furnish the nutrients to produce the largest amount and best quality of milk. Much experimental work has been done to ascertain the relationship between the vari- ous food stuffs and milk secretion. It was believed at one time that certain foods contained special com- pounds which stimulated milk secretion. It has been found, however, that there are no special foods which exert an influence on milk secretion not shared alike by the common farm grains and well-prepared 130 DAIRY CHEMISTRY fodders. There are no stock foods that possess prop- erties for increasing the secretion or flow of milk. The best results are secured by supplying a variety of food stuffs containing a liberal amount of nutri- tive materials. Milk produced under the best sani- tary conditions from healthy and well-fed animals has an individuality, and such milk is specially valu- able for food and for the manufacture of butter and cheese. 121. Milk Secretion. The materials of which milk is composed are abstracted from the blood, and in order to keep up a good flow of milk suitable food should be supplied, which may be later elaborated into milk. Some animals are so constituted that the food supply is used for the production of fat and increase in weight rather than for milk production. Such animals are not profitable for dairy purposes. There are a number of factors that influence milk secretion, as regularity of milking and feeding, manipulation of the udder, exhaustive milking, pro- tection of the animals from sudden changes in tem- perature and adverse climatic conditions, and good sanitary surroundings. These factors all influence the secretion of milk, because the process is largely the result of the working of individual cells which compose the ultimate follicles, and in case the cells are injured or are not given the best conditions for doing their work, milk secretion is decreased and the quality of the product lowered. CHAPTER XIV THE RATIONAL FEEDING OF DAIRY STOCK 122. Uses of Food. Food is used by the animal body for three purposes : (1) for production of heat and energy ; (2) for growth and to furnish materials to renew the worn-out tissues of the body ; and (3) for the production of animal products, as milk, meat, and wool. When the animal body has been supplied with food for heat, energy, and growth, the excess is then available for the production of meat and milk. The different nutrients or com- pounds of which foods are composed serve different functions in the body, and in the rational feeding of farm animals it is the object to combine various food stuffs so that the nutrients will be present in the right amounts and proportions for the various func- tions of the body. 123. Nutrients and their Functions. The com- pounds of which foods are composed are divided into two main classes, the nitrogen-containing or nitrogenous compounds, and those containing no nitrogen or the non-nitrogenous compounds. The nitrogenous compounds are spoken of collectively as the crude protein of food stuffs ; the non-nitroge- nous compounds are mainly starch, sugar, fat, and 131 132 DAIRY CHEMISTRY cellulose. The two classes of compounds, nitroge- nous and non-nitrogenous, serve different functional purposes in the body. The nitrogenous compounds, or proteids, are the more expensive and are present in much smaller amounts than the non-nitrogenous compounds. Starch, sugar, fiber or cellulose, and allied bodies, are spoken of collectively as the car- bohydrates, and in connection with feeding stuffs only, the three general terms, " crude protein," " car- bohydrates," and " crude fat " or " ether extract," are employed. Food stuffs are composed of a great many other compounds besides these general classes. 124. Dry Matter. When a substance is dried at a temperature of 212 F., all of the water is removed, and what is left is called dry matter. All food stuffs contain some water. Grains and mill products con- tain from 10 to 15 per cent of water, dry hay from 12 to 18 per cent, and roots and tubers from 75 to 90 per cent. Some green crops and vegetables contain as high as 95 per cent of water. The dry matter of a food is simply a mechanical mixture of the differ- ent compounds of which the material is composed, as ash or mineral matter, crude protein, and non- nitrogenous compounds, including carbohydrates and crude fats. 125. Ash. When the dry matter of a food is burned at the lowest temperature necessary for complete combustion, the ash or mineral matter is obtained. In most agricultural plants the ash is less than 10 per cent of the dry matter, and in the grain THE RATIONAL FEEDING OF DAIRY STOCK 133 crops it ranges from 2 to 4 per cent. The ash is composed of lime, potash, phosphates, and other mineral substances. All of the coarse fodders, grains, and mill products contain a sufficient amount of mineral matter for purposes of nutrition, including phosphates for bone formation and for the production of milk. 126. The Organic Matter. That portion of the dry matter which is burned and converted into vola- tile products is called the organic matter. It is obtained by subtracting the per cent of ash from 100, which represents the total amount of- dry substance. 127. Proteids. These compounds, which are found in variable amounts in all food stuffs, are similar in general composition to the milk proteids described in section 82. The proteids as a class are character- ized by containing the element nitrogen in addition to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which are present in all the other nutrients of food stuffs. It is the proteids which serve the special purpose of supplying the materials for repairing the body waste. Proteids are the principal materials out of which the muscles are formed, and they also enter largely into the composition of all the tissues of the body. All the vital fluids of the body, as the blood, contain large amounts of this class of compounds. The proteids of the body can be formed only from the proteids of the food; hence the importance of the requisite supply of this nutrient in the food. An excessive 134 DAIRY CHEMISTRY amount, however, in a ration is unnecessary. After the functions of the body are served, the surplus protein is used for producing heat and energy, and it quite frequently happens that a ration is unneces- sarily expensive because of containing an excess of protein, which is used for the production of heat where cheaper nutrients, as the carbohydrates, would serve the same purpose. Neither is a ration that contains too scant an amount economical, as a full milk flow cannot be maintained on a scant supply of protein. The rational feeding of animals is largely a regulation of the supply in the food of proteids and carbohydrates for milk production and other pur- poses. There are a great many different kinds of proteids in food stuffs. Casein and albumin in milk are proteids ; egg albumin is also a proteid. The glutens of wheat and other grains are among the most common proteids found in food stuffs. 128. Carbohydrates. With the exception of fat, all the non-nitrogenous compounds, as sugar, starch, and cellulose, taken collectively, are called carbo- hydrates. By far the largest part of the nutrients in food stuffs are carbohydrates. Those carbo- hydrates which are easily rendered soluble, as sugar and starch, are called the nitrogen-free-extract com- pounds. Carbohydrates are a complex group of substances composed of three elements, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The chief function of the carbohydrates is to produce heat and energy, and, when properly combined with the proteids, they may THE RATIONAL FEEDING OF DAIRY STOCK 135 serve for the production of fat in the body. The carbohydrates from different food stuffs vary widely in character. In the potato, starch is the main carbo- hydrate ; in beets, it is sugar ; in apples, pectose or jellylike substances; and in hay and coarse fodders, pentosans predominate, or bodies that can be con- verted into sugarlike substances containing five atoms of carbon in the molecule. 129. CrudeFiber. The term "crude fiber "is applied to the cellular tissues of which the framework of plants is composed. A portion of the fiber is digest- ible and capable of serving the same functions as the soluble carbohydrates. Foods with excessive amounts of fiber are objectionable, but on the other hand some fiber is desirable in order to give the necessary bulk to a ration. 130. Crude Fat. All food stuffs contain some fatty compounds. In farm grains from 2 to 5 per cent of ether extract or crude fat is present ; in coarse fodders from 1J to 2.25 per cent; while in some of the specially prepared mill products, as oil meal, 10 per cent or more of fat may be present. The fat in food stuffs is extracted with ether, and hence the term "ether extract " is used. In addition to the fats, ether extract contains small amounts of other sub- stances, as chlorophyll and resin. Hence the ether extract is not pure fat. From grains and mill prod- ucts, however, the ether extract is nearly pure fat, while in that from coarse fodders there is only from 50 to 75 per cent of pure fat. Fats are character- 136 DAIRY CHEMISTRY ized by containing a larger amount of carbon than either starch or sugar, and hence, when burned or digested in the body, they produce a larger amount of heat and energy. A pound of fat will produce 2.25 times as much heat as a pound of starch. 131. Digestible Nutrients. Only a portion of the compounds of which foods are composed is digested, absorbed by the body, and used for some functional purpose. In average food stuffs from 15 to 45 per cent of the nutrients are indigestible and unavailable to the body. That portion of a compound which is digested and utilized is called a digestible nutrient. Foods contain digestible protein, digest- ible fats, and digestible carbohydrates. The total nutrients are only in part digestible. The digestible nutrients of a food stuff are determined by means of digestion experiments, in which the income and outgo of the nutrients of the food, including the amount which fails to digest, are accurately determined. As a result of numerous digestion experiments, the digestion coefficients or the percentage of the nu- trients that are digested are determined. The diges- tion coefficients are used for the construction of tables of digestible nutrients in foods. In using these tables in rational feeding, it is only the digest- ible nutrients that are to be considered, as the in- digestible portion of the food furnishes no material for functional purposes. 132. Caloric Value or Heat Units of a Ration. - When food is digested, heat is produced and the THE RATIONAL FEEDING OF DAIRY STOCK 137 amount of heat is directly proportional to the per- centage of fat, carbohydrates, and proteids present. A balanced ration produces about 32,000 calories, or heat units. A calory is the unit of heat, or the amount of heat required to raise 1 kg. of water 1 on the centigrade scale, or one pound of water about 4 on the Fahrenheit scale. A pound of digestible fat produces 4225 calories, and a pound of digest- ible carbohydrates or protein produces 1860 calories. 133. Nutritive Ratio. The term "nutritive ratio " is used to express the ratio which exists between the digestible protein and the digestible carbohydrates. A nutritive ratio of 1 to 6.5 means that there is one part of digestible protein to 6.5 parts of digestible, non-nitrogenous compounds. A wide ration means a large proportional amount of carbohydrates to protein, while a narrow ration means a compara- tively small amount of digestible carbohydrates to protein. In calculating the nutritive ratio, the crude fat or ether extract is multiplied by 2.25, because the fats are 2.25 times more concentrated than the carbohydrates. 134. Selection of Foods for Rations. In the feed- ing of dairy animals the selection of the food mate- rials is of equal importance with the amount of nutrients they contain, because, as stated in a pre- ceding chapter, the amount and quality of the milk and products are dependent largely upon the charac- ter of the foods consumed. To give the best results, a ration should contain grains, mill products, coarse 138 DAIRY CHEMISTRY fodders, and roots blended in such a way as to meet all the requirements of the body. A ration should have the requisite bulk, be palatable, and contain a va- riety of food materials with sufficient digestible nutri- ents. The coarse fodders most satisfactory for dairy feeding are clover hay, alfalfa, corn fodder, corn si- lage, oat hay, and the best grades of timothy, upland, and prairie hay. Common farm grains, as barley, oats, and corn are equally as valuable for milk pro- duction as the common mill products, bran and shorts. Farm grains, however, are not quite as valu- able pound for pound as the more concentrated mill products, such as oil meal and cotton-seed meal. The quantity of food an animal receives should vary with the amount of milk produced. When an animal is giving a full flow of milk, the maximum amount of food should be supplied. A standard ration or one for a cow giving 25 to 30 pounds of milk should contain from 1.7 to 2 pounds of digest- ible protein and about 14 pounds of digestible carbo- hydrates per day. Such a ration will produce about 32,000 calories or heat units. A ration that is well suited for dairy purposes will return fro^n 10 to 12 per cent of the dry matter of the food in the milk. About one quarter of the protein in the food of a milk cow is used for maintenance purposes, about one half for the production of the milk, and about one quarter is voided as indigestible. It is not pos- sible to formulate definite standards in the feeding of dairy stock that are alike applicable to all animals THE RATIONAL FEEDING OF DAIRY STOCK 139 and all conditions. The quantity of food that can be consumed to the best advantage must be deter- mined experimentally by the feeder and should be varied as occasion demands in order to give the best results. Ordinarily a ration of from 7 to 10 pounds of farm grains and mill feeds, with 18 to 25 pounds of mixed coarse fodders, will supply approximately the requisite amount of nutrients for the production of milk. There is but little difference in the milk- producing value of the different farm grains when fed in mixed rations. For economical production, as much of the digestible protein as possible should be supplied in the coarse fodders, so as to reduce the quantity of grains that are required for feeding purposes. 135. How to calculate a Ration. The foods that are to be combined to form the ration should be selected on the basis of cost and composition. In case corn fodder, clover hay, oats, corn, and mangels are raised on the farm, these foods can be combined to form a balanced ration either with or without any commercial foods. In case it is desired to make a ration of these foods with bran, the general state- ments given in paragraph 134 as to quantities of food should be noted. About 20 pounds of coarse fodder, 10 to 12 pounds of grains, and 10 pounds of mangels will form the roughage of a reasonably well- balanced ration for a cow giving from 25 to 30 pounds of milk per day. The digestible nutrients in 100 pounds of the foods combined are first noted. 140 DAIRY CHEMISTRY As given in the table in the Appendix, they contain the following amounts of digestible nutrients : DlGEBTIBL E NUTRIENTS IN 1C FOOD MATERIALS LB. OF Protein Carbohydrates Fats 2.5 34.6 1.2 6.8 35.8 1.7 Oats 9.2 47.3 4.2 7.9 66.7 4.3 Bran * 12.9 40.1 3.4 1.1 5.4 0.1 Since the figures represent the amounts of digestible protein, carbohydrates, and fats in 100 pounds of the foods, the amount of digestible nutrients in 1 pound is obtained by moving the decimal point two places to the left. A trial ration is first made with 10 pounds each of corn fodder, clover hay, and mangels, and 7 pounds of oats, 3 of corn, and 2 of bran. The pounds of digestible protein, carbohydrates, and fats in 10 pounds of the corn fodder, clover hay, and man- gels are obtained by moving the decimal point one place to the left. The pounds of digestible protein in the 7 pounds of oats are obtained by multiply- ing .092 by 7, and the pounds of digestible carbo- hydrates by multiplying .473 by 7, and the fat by multiplying .042 by 7. In like manner, the digest- ible nutrients in the 3 pounds of corn and the THE RATIONAL FEEDING OF DAIRY STOCK 141 2 pounds of bran are obtained by multiplying the per cent of each digestible nutrient by the weight of the material used. The pounds of digestible protein, car- bohydrates, and fat in the several foods are as follows : TOTAL DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS Protein Carbohydrates Crude Fats Corn fodder, 10 Ib. . . . 0.25 3.50 0.12 Clover hay, 10 Ib. . . . 0.68 3.58 0.17 Mangels, 10 Ib. . . . 0.01 0.05 Oats, 7 Ib. . . . 0.65 3.31 0.29 Corn, 3 Ib. . . . 0.24 1.99 0.12 Bran, 2 Ib. . . . 0.25 0.80 0.06 Total . 2.08 13.23 0.76 .76 x 2.25 = 1.71 ; 2.08 = 7 nutritive ratio. Heat units: (13.23 + 2.08) x 1860 = 28,476.6 .76 x 4225 = 3,211.0 Total 31,687.6 This ration contains 2.08 pounds of digestible pro- tein, 13.23 pounds of digestible carbohydrates, and .76 pound of digestible fats. The nutritive ratio is 1 to 7, and the ration yields a total of 31,687.6 calories. Compared with the requirements of a standard ration for a cow giving 25 to 30 pounds of milk, it will be found that these amounts con- form sufficiently to the standard to warrant this ration being used. It is to be noted that the pro- 142 DAIRY CHEMISTRY tein is largely supplied by the clover hay and oats, and the carbohydrates in nearly equal amounts by the corn fodder, clover hay, and oats. Corn and bran are used in smaller quantities, but add appre- ciable amounts of digestible nutrients to the ration. While the mangels do not supply a large amount of nutrients, they are very valuable in the ration in other ways. They impart palatability and promote secretion of the gastric and digestive fluids. In case a smaller amount of milk is produced, the quan- tity of grain should be reduced. If more than 30 pounds of milk are given, the grain part of the ration should be proportionally increased. The ration con- tains a sufficient variety of food materials, and the foods are combined in such a way as to produce a good quality of milk. It is not necessary that a ration should conform absolutely with the tables. A variation of .1 to .2 of a pound of protein in a ration, provided there is a corresponding increase in the other nutrients, will not seriously affect the milk-producing power of the ration. The figures given in the Appendix represent the average composition of feeding stuffs, as iound by a number of experiment stations. Individual sam- ples of coarse fodders may vary appreciably from the average that is given. For example, it is possible for corn fodder to contain as low as 1.5 pounds of digest- ible protein per 100, or as high as 3.5 pounds. When the coarse fodders are raised on rich soil and prepared under the best conditions and cut when not overripe, THE RATIONAL FEEDING OF DAIRY STOCK 143 they will contain the maximum amount of nutritive materials, and such fodders can be used in appreci- ably less amounts than fodders grown under less favorable conditions and which contain more fiber and less digestible protein and carbohydrates. Be- cause of differences in the quality of the same class of fodders, it is possible for two farmers to feed the same kinds of feeding stuffs and grains and yet secure widely different return in milk yields. While it is not necessary to conform too closely to the standards in the feeding of dairy stock, a wide variation is not desirable, as milk cannot be produced economically when the stock is not fed on reasonably well-balanced rations, and the quality of the product is often abnormal. Numerous experiments have been made to determine the rations that are most suitable for milk production. It has been found that a com- paratively narrow ration of 1 to 5.5 will produce a larger flow of milk than a wider ration of 1 to 8. But if the narrow ration is fed in large amounts, the milk is not produced as economically as when the wider ration is fed. Maximum returns are secured when a ration is fed which has a nutritive ratio of from 1 to 6.5 or 7.5. It frequently happens in the feeding of dairy stock that heavy grain rations are not economical because the excess of protein is not used for vital purposes, but serves a purpose which would be as well served by the use of the cheaper carbohydrates. In the case of young stock it is ad- vantageous to feed a liberal ration, as this will have 144 DAIRY CHEMISTRY a tendency to encourage a larger flow of milk dur- ing later periods of lactation. In the feeding of dairy stock, sudden changes in the ration should be avoided. In case it is necessary to make a change in the coarse fodder or grains, it should be done gradually. A good feeder can tell from the appearance of the stock and the avidity with which the ration is consumed whether the grains and coarse fodders are being fed to advan- tage. In many of the feeding trials that have been made, the experimental periods have been too short to give reliable results. 136. Comparative Cost and Value of Grains. The market and feeding value of grains often vary between wide extremes, and it is frequently found that a given sum of money, if invested in one food, will procure a larger amount of digestible nutrients than if invested in other foods. In general, it can be said that there is but little difference in the milk-producing value of grains when fed in a mixed ration, and hence the price per pound can be taken as the deciding factor as to what shall constitute the main part of the ration. In case it is desired to compare the amount of nutri- ents that can be procured for a given sum of money, it can be done in the following way : Determine the number of pounds of food material that can be pur- chased for $ 1.00, and then calculate the number of pounds of digestible nutrients in this quantity of food. For example, if oats are 30 cents per bushel, a dollar will purchase 107 pounds. Since 100 pounds of THE RATIONAL FEEDING OF DAIRY STOCK 145 oats contain 9.2 pounds of digestible protein, 4.2 pounds of fat and 47.3 pounds of digestible carbo- hydrates, 107 pounds will be found to contain 9.84 pounds of protein, 4.5 pounds of fat, and 50.6 pounds of carbohydrates. In case it is desired to compare the nutrients in oats at 30 cents per bushel with the nu- trients in corn at 50 cents per bushel, the same pro- cess of calculation is carried on. One dollar will purchase 112 pounds of corn, and since 100 pounds contain protein, fat, and carbohydrates in the pro- portion given in section 135, 112 pounds will con- tain 8.85 pounds of protein, 4.83 pounds of fat, and 74.7 pounds of carbohydrates. The 107 pounds of oats contain about a pound more digestible protein than the 112 pounds of corn, but on the other hand the corn contains about 24 pounds more digestible carbohydrates. For ordinary purposes of feeding, a larger return will be secured from 24 pounds of car- bohydrates than from 1 pound of protein. If, how- ever, the ration contains a scant amount of protein, then 'preference should be given to the protein. But at the price stated, corn could be used more econom- ically than the oats. In determining the compara- tive value of two grains, preference should always be given to the protein ; but in case the difference in the amount of digestible protein that can be purchased for $1.00 is not large, while the difference in digest- ible carbohydrates is quite large, then the food that contains the smaller amount of protein, but larger amount of carbohydrates, would be the cheaper food. 146 DAIRY CHEMISTRY In the combination of foods to form balanced rations there are a numbep of factors that should receive consideration. The foods should be in the best mechanical condition. In the case of some grains, coarse grinding should be practiced. Seeds with hard seed coats, as wheat and barley, should be coarsely ground, particularly if the animals are giving large amounts of milk. If the animals are giving a smaller quantity of milk, grinding is not so necessary, as more energy can then be profitably expended in the mastication of the food. In order to meet with success in feeding, practical experience in the handling of stock is necessary. Too frequently the foods are portioned out by volume rather than by weight, and the feeder has but little knowledge as to the weight of the food he is feeding. Since the weight per bushel of grains varies so widely, volume or meas- ure is a very unsafe basis for portioning out food. For example, a quart of corn will weigh much more than a quart of oats, although a pound of oats will contain more digestible protein than a pound of corn. It makes a great difference in the amount of digest- ible nutrients which the animals receive when the foods are portioned out by volume instead of by weight. In the feeding of dairy stock, the sanitary con- ditions discussed in Chapter VIII must be taken into consideration, because the best returns cannot be se- cured from foods when the animals are not cared for under the most sanitary conditions. APPENDIX DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS IN FODDERS NAME OF FEED DBY MATTER IN 100 LB. DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS IN 100 LB. PROTEIN CARBOHY- DRATES ETHER EXTRACT Corn (all analyses) .... Dent corn 89.1 89.4 88.7 91.2 89.3 84.9 90.9 91.8 89.6 88.9 89.5 88.1 88.5 87.7 88.2 87.9 88.4 88.4 88.4 90.7 89.1 89.8 24.3 91.8 89.0 92.3 7.9 7.8 8.0 8.8 0.4 4.4 7.4 25.8 9.0 7.5 10.2 12.2 12.9 12.3 12.2 12.8 "9.8 9.9 11.5 11.9 8.7 18.6 3.9 15.7 9.2 12.5 66.7 66.7 62.2 63.7 52.5 60.0 59.8 43.3 61.2 55.2 69.2 39.2 40.1 37.1 50.0 53.0 51.0 67.6 50.3 45.1 65.6 37.1 9.3 36.3 47.3 46.9 4.3 4.3 4.3 7.0 0.3 2.9 4.6 11.0 6.2 6.8 1.7 2.7 3.4 2.6 3.8 3.4 2.2 1.1 2.0 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.4 5.1 4.2 2.8 Flint corn Sweet corn Corn and cob meal .... Gluten meal Germ meal Wheat Wheat bran Wheat bran (spring wheat) Wheat bran (winter wheat) Wheat shorts Wheat middlings .... Wheat screenings .... Rve . Rye bran Rye shorts Malt sprouts Brewer's grains (wet) . . . Brewer's grains (dried) . . Oats Oat feed or shorts .... 147 148 DAIRY CHEMISTRY DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS IN FODDERS Continued NAME OF FEED DRY MATTER IN 100 LB. DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS IN 100 LB. PROTEIN CARBOHY- DRATES ETHER EXTRACT Oat hulls 90,6 87.4 89.5 90.8 90.8 89.9 91.8 20.7 57.8 59.5 20.0 34.9 38.4 37.8 16.0 86.8 91.1 78.8 92.3 87.1 83.4 91.1 90.4 90.8 1.3 7.7 7.4 20.6 29.3 28.2 37.2 1.0 2.5 1.7 2.5 3.0 1.2 2.6 1.8 2.8 4.8 4.8 4.5 5.9 7.9 4.3 0.4 1.2 40.1 49.2 30.4 17.1 32.7 40.1 16.9 11.6 34.6 32.4 10.2 19.8 19.1 18.9 7.1 43.4 46.9 C7.3 51.7 40.9 40.1 46.4 36.3 38.6 0.6 1.8 1.9 29.0 7.0 2.8 12.2 0.4 1.2 0,7 0.5 0.8 0.6 1.0 0.2 1.4 1.4 2.0 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.5 0.4 0.8 Buckwheat Buckwheat bran Flaxseed Linseed meal (old process) . Linseed meal (new process) Cotton-seed meal .... Coarse Fodders Fodder corn (green) . . . Fodder corn (field cured) Corn stover (field cured) . . Fresh Grass Pasture grasses (mixed) . . Kentucky blue grass . . . Timothy, different stages . Oat fodder Peas and oats . . . . . . Hay Timothy Redtop .... Kentucky blue grass . . . Hungarian grass .... Mixed grasses Ho wen (mixed) Oat hay Straw Wheat Oat APPENDIX 149 DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS IN FODDERS Concluded NAME OP FEED DRY MATTER IN 100 LB. DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS IN 100 LB. PROTEIN CARBOHY- DRATES ETHER EXTRACT Fresh Legumes Red clover, different stages . Alsike, bloom . . . . . 29.2 25.2 19.1 84.7 78.8 90.3 91.6 89.3 20.9 21.1 13.5 9.1 11.4 11.4 9.1 10.2 12.8 9.6 9.4 9.9 6.6 2.9 2.7 2.4 6.8 5.7 8.4 11.0 16.8 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.6 3.6 3.1 2.9 3.9 0.8 14.8 13.1 13.9 35.8 32.0 42.5 39.6 38.6 11.3 16.3 10.2 5.4 8.1 7.8 5.8 7.3 4.9 4.7 5.2 4.0 4.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 1.7 1.9 1.5 1.2 1.1 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 3.7 0.8 0.3 1.1 0.3 Crimson clover .... Legumes Red clover, medium . . . Red clover, mammoth . . Alfalfa Silage Roots and Tubers Potato Sugar beet Mangel beet Carrot Miscellaneous Pumpkin (field) Cow's milk Skim milk (gravity) . . . Skim milk (centrifugal) . . Buttermilk Whey 150 DAIRY CHEMISTRY W H H << H O o o IM c^cceo rococo co co co cc r-l r-l i-i rH r-t rH 1M Cq C1 M M XiOOOOCOCOQOQOt-t-b-t- ' rJH rH rH * CO CO CO CO 03 C ^5 t- 00 Ci O -5 7-i TO (N C-4 C^ C1. What is a composite sample? 52. What material is used for its preservation ? 53. How long should the composite sample be kept? 54. What is a convenient way for handling and measuring the preservative ? 55. What kind of bottles should be used for the composite sample? 56. How is skim milk tested? 57. How is the fat content in skim milk read? 58. What effect does partial freezing have upon the composition of milk? 59. How should the glassware used in making the test be cleaned? 60. What kind of water should be used in making the test? 61. Why are some waters objectionable ? 62. What are some of the necessary precautions to take in milk testing? CHAPTER III 63. Of what are the fat globules of milk composed? 64. What are the three elements of which fats are composed? 65. Name the different fats of which butter is composed. 66. To what extent are these fats present? 67. Name the three classes into which these fats may be divided. 68. Give APPENDIX 153 the characteristics of the principal fats of butter. 69. Why does butter differ in composition from all other fats ? 70. What is meant by the glycerine and fatty acid content of fats? 71. What is meant by saponification of fats ? 72. What are the volatile fatty acids of butter? 73. Why do butters pro- duced from different creams vary in hardness and other physi- cal properties ? CHAPTER IV 74. What is the lactometer and for what is it used ? 75. What are the lactometer degrees? 76. How is the specific gravity of milk determined? 77. Why does milk have a higher specific gravity than water? 78. What influence does the removal of the fat have upon the specific gravity of milk? 79. What influence does the addition of water have upon the specific gravity of milk? 80. To what extent do changes of temperature influence the lactometer readings? 81. How is skimming or watering of milk detected? 82. How can the Babcock test and the lactometer be used jointly in milk testing? 83. How are the milk solids calculated from the fat content and the specific gravity ? 84. How would you determine the extent to which milks have been either watered or skimmed ? CHAPTER V 85. Give the physical properties of milk sugar. 86. What changes does milk sugar undergo when milk sours ? 87. What is produced? 88. Name the conditions necessary for fermen- tation of milk. 89. What causes the fermentation to take place? 90. To what extent may lactic acid form in milk? 91. What causes milk to sour and curdle? 92. How can the amount of lactic acid in milk be determined? 93. Describe the test employed for obtaining the acidity of rnilk. 94. How is the amount of acid in the milk calculated? 95. Of what value is this test in butter making ? 96. What per cent of acidity should well-ripened cream show ? 154 DAIRY CHEMISTRY CHAPTER VI 97. What is cream ? 98. To what extent does it vary in fat content? 99. Give the three ways in which milks are creamed. 100. How is cream tested? 101. Why is it more accurate to weigh instead of measure the cream used in test- ing? 102. What is creaming by gravity? 103. To what extent do losses of butter fat occur in gravity creaming? 104. How is milk creamed by the cold deep-setting process? 105. What are the essential conditions for efficient creaming by this process? 106. To what extent do losses of fat occur when milks are creamed by the separator? 107. How can the composition of separator cream be regulated ? 108. What should be the temperature of milk when separated ? 109. Why should different milks be separated at different temperatures ? 110. In what ways is cream adulterated? 111. Explain the ripening process of cream. 112. What is the object of the ripening of cream ? 113. Explain the workings of the culture or starter. 114. What influence does delay have in the grav- ity creaming of milk? 115. Is there any advantage in grav- ity creaming of mixed milk? 116. What is cream raising by dilution? 117. Is it a desirable process ? 118. Why? CHAPTER VII 119. What is churning? 120. What changes take place in the form of the fat globules during churning? 121. What are the conditions necessary for exhaustive churning ? 122. Does the ripeness of the cream affect churning? 123. Does the fat content of cream affect churning ? 124. Why should unripened mixed creams first be ripened before churning? 125. Why should the temperature of churning vary with different creams ? 126. How would you determine the best temperature for churn- ing ? 127. What are some of the factors influencing the churn- ability of cream? 128. At what stage should churning be stopped? 129. To what extent should the butter be washed APPENDIX 155 and worked ? 130. How can the water content of butter be influenced by working? 131. What are the characteristics of a good dairy salt ? 132. What is buttermilk, and how does it compare in composition with skim milk? 133. What be- comes of the casein in butter making ? 134. Of the milk sugar? 135. Of the albumin ? 136. To what extent do butters vary in water content ? 137. How much fat does average butter contain? 138. How much casein ? 139. Of what are butter colors composed ? 140. Why does one hundred pounds of fat make more than one hundred pounds of butter? 141. How is the butter yield estimated from the fat content of milk? 142. How would you make out a dividend in a creamery on the basis of the weight of the milks and their fat content ? CHAPTER VIII 143. Define sanitary condition of milk. 144. Name the fac- tors which influence the sanitary condition of milk. 145. Why is milk from diseased animals unsanitary ? 146. To what extent do diseases affect the composition of the milk ? 147. How does the care of the animals influence the sanitary condition of the milk ? 148. Why should the utmost cleanliness be practiced in the handling of milk? 149. What are the most frequent causes of contaminated milk? 150. Why should milk not be left in stables? 151. What causes the difference in the bac- terial content of milk? 152. Why should stables be well ventilated? 153. How do unclean dairy utensils foul milk? 154. How should pails and cans be washed ? 155. What effect does the storing of milk in unclean milk rooms have upon its wholesomeness? 156. In what ways does the water supply influence the quality of the milk? 157. What is colostrum milk, and how does it differ in composition from other milk? 158. What is tyrotoxicon? 159. How is it produced in milk? 160. What is fibrin? 161. What gases are present in milk? 162. To what is the color of milk due ? 163. How would you pick out milks of the highest sanitary value? 156 DAIRY CHEMISTRY 164. How may milks be the cause of the spread of contagious diseases? CHAPTER IX 165. What milk solids are recovered in cheese making? 166. What are the proteids of milk? 167. How do the proteids differ in composition from the fats ? 168. In what condition is the casein in milk ? 169. What causes coagulation of the casein ? 170. Is milk albumin recovered in ordinary cheese making? 171. What is rennet? 172. How is it obtained? 173. For what is it used? 174. What action does it have upon milk? 175. What is the rennet test and how is it made ? 176. What is the object of this test ? 177. Describe briefly the process of cheddar cheese making. 178. Why is it called the cheddar process? 179. How does it differ from the stirred curd pro- cess? 180. To what is the curing of cheese due? 181. What are the enzymes ? 182. What part do they take in cheese ripen- ing? 183. What is the cold curing process ? 184. What is gained by this process of curing cheese ? 185. What relation- ship exists between the fat content and the cheese yield of milk ? 186. How can the fat content of cheese be determined ? 187. How much fat should cheese contain? 188. How much casein? 189. How are dividends made out in a cheese factory on the basis of the fat content ? 190. Is this an equitable basis for making out dividends ? 191. How may the approximate cheese and butter yield of milks be determined? 192. What are some of the kinds of cheese occasionally manufactured? 193. How is a long-keeping export cheese made ? 194. How is a quick-ripening or home-market cheese made ? 195. What is the hot-iron test, and how is it used in cheese making? 196. How do the losses of fat in cheese making compare with the losses in butter making? 197. Can rich milks be made into cheese economically? 198. How does the fat content of milk affect the quality of cheese? 199. When milk curdles, what becomes of part of the lactic acid that is formed ? APPENDIX 157 CHAPTER X 200. What are the by-products of milk? 201. What are the principal compounds in skim milk? 202. To what does skim milk owe its feeding value ? 203. How does skim milk compare in feeding value with corn and other grains? 204. What is the best proportion to feed skim milk with grain? 205. Why should separator slime be kept out of skim milk? 206. What is the difference between separator skim milk and skim milk obtained by the gravity process? 207. How does whey differ in composition from skim milk? 208. Plow does whey compare in feeding value with skim milk and grains? 209. What fertilizer value do the milk by- products possess? 210. Why is there but little loss of fertil- ity from the farm in dairying? 211. Why should skim milk, buttermilk, and whey be handled in the most cleanly way? CHAPTER XI 212. What is oleomargarine ? 213. Butterine? 214. How are these materials made? 215. To what extent do they resemble butter? 216. How do they differ from butter? 217. What simple methods can be employed for detecting oleomargarine? 218. What is renovated butter and how is it made? 219. How does it differ from other butter? 220. In what ways may cheese be adulterated ? 221. In addition to skimming and watering in what other ways may milks be adulterated? 222. Why do medical authorities object to the use of preservatives in milk? 223. What other methods are sometimes used in testing milks? 224. Which of these methods are unreliable ? 225. Why are dairy laws enacted ? 226. What is gained by in spection of dairy products ? CHAPTER XII 227. Why are market milks so variable in character? 228. To what extent does milk or cream vary in composition 158 DAIRY CHEMISTRY during transportation? 229. What is Pasteurized milk? 230. How is milk Pasteurized? 231. What is sterilized milk, and how does it differ from Pasteurized milk? 232. Could cream used for butter-making purposes be Pasteurized to advantage? 233. How could milk be Pasteurized on a small scale for home use ? 234. What is condensed milk ? CHAPTER XIII 235. What relationship exists between milk secretion and food supply? 236. To what extent can the per cent of fat in milk be increased by the food ? 237. What is the result of the tests where fats were fed in large amounts to dairy cows? 238. How does feed affect the total yield of milk ? 239. Is the fat in milk formed from other nutrients than the fat in the food? 240. What effect on the quality of butter does cotton- seed meal have when fed to cows in large amounts? 241. What influence does corn alone and in large amounts have upon the quality of the butter ? 242. When corn or cotton-seed meal are combined with other grains, what is the effect on the quality of the butter ? 243. When cows are fed large amounts of linseed meal, what quality of butter is produced ? 244. What effect does gluten meal have upon the quality of the butter ? 245. When oats are fed, what kind of butter is produced? 246. What effect do the wheat by-products have upon the butter ? 247. To what extent do farm grains differ in milk- producing power in mixed rations? 248. What coarse fodders produce the best quality of milk? 249. What effect do over- ripe and fibrous fodders have upon the quality of the milk and butter? 250. Does silage exert a favorable influence upon the character of the butter? 251. To what is silage odor in milk largely due? 252. How do turnips, rape, and onions affect the flavor of milk? 253. To what are the desirable flavors in milk due? 254. What causes the undesirable flavors? 255. Why does a balanced ration produce dairy products of the best quality? 256. Under what conditions APPENDIX 159 are abnormal milks and dairy products produced ? 257. Are there any foods that exert a marked ability to cause an increase in milk secretion ? 258. How do so-called stock foods affect milk yield? 259. Under what conditions of feeding are the best returns in milk yield and quality of product secured? 260. Why is liberal feeding necessary to produce prolonged milk secretion? 261. To what extent do individual animals differ in their ability to utilize foods for milk production ? 262. What factors influence milk secretion ? 263. To what extent can the secretion of milk be influenced ? CHAPTER XIV 264. What uses are made of the food by the body ? 265. Do all the nutrients of the food serve the same purpose ? 266. What is a nutrient? 267. Into what two classes of nutrients are the compounds of foods divided? 268. What is the differ- ence in composition between these two classes of nutrients? 269. Which class of nutrients is found in smaller amounts in food stuffs? 270. Which class is the more expensive? 271. Give an example of each class. 272. What is the crude protein? 273. What are the carbohydrates? 274. What is dry matter? 275. How is it obtained? 276. To what extent does the water content of foods vary? 277. Define ash or mineral matter. 278. To what extent is ash present in grains? 279. What compounds are present in plant ash ? 280. What is organic matter, and how is it obtained ? 281. What functions do the proteids of food serve? 282. Why should foods contain a fairly, liberal supply of proteids ? 283. What is the result when the food contains too scant an amount of proteids? 284. Why are abnormal amounts of proteids in foods objectionable? 285. What is the object of the rational feeding of animals? 286. What functions do the carbohydrates of foods serve ? 287. Do carbohydrates found in different food materials have the same general com- position? 288. What are some of the carbohydrates found 160 DAIRY CHEMISTRY in food stuffs? 289. What is crude fiber, and how is it ob- tained? 290. To which of the two large classes of compounds found in food stuffs does crude fiber belong? 291. What is crude fat, and why is it sometimes called ether extract? 292. How does fat as a nutrient compare with starch in heat-producing power ? 293. What are digestible nutri- ents? 294. How are they obtained? 295. What is the caloric value of a ration? 296. What is the nutritive ratio? 297. What is a wide ration? 298. What is a narrow ra- tion? 299. On what basis should the foods for the dairy be selected? 300. How do farm grains compare in milk- producing power with average mill products other than oil- seed products ? 301. Name the coarse fodders most suitable for dairy feeding. 302. How should the amount of grain which an animal receives be regulated? 303. How much coarse fodder should a cow receive? 304. How much grain should a cow yielding twenty-eight pounds of milk receive? 305. Give the amount of nutrients which should be present in the ration of a dairy cow. 306. How is a ration for a dairy animal calculated? 307. How would you determine whether a ration conformed sufficiently to a standard ration ? 308. How would you determine when it is desirable to use one grain in a ration in large amounts in preference to an- other? 309. How would you calculate the amount of digesti- ble nutrients which can be purchased for $1.00 when grains are at different prices? 310. In selecting grains, to what nutrient should the preference be given? 311. In case there is only a small difference in the amount of this nutrient which can be purchased for $1.00, then what nutrient should be taken as the basis? 312. Why is it possible for two farmers to feed the same kinds of grains and coarse fodders and yet secure entirely different returns in milk yields? 313. In order to secure the best returns in milk yields from the food consumed, why should the animals be cared for under the most sanitary conditions? 314. Why should grains be weighed when fed? 315. To what extent do grains and mill products vary in bulk and weight? APPENDIX 161 REFERENCES THE references given in the following pages are not intended to represent a complete bibliography of the subject. The stu- dent is advised to consult some of the bulletins and articles referred to so as to obtain more information upon many of the topics that are only briefly discussed in this work. It has not been possible to give the references and authorities for each statement that has been made in this book, or in those cases where different and conflicting views are held, to enter into discussion of questions. The literature of dairying is very extensive, and there are a number of works that treat of special topics, as : Testing Milk and its Products, by Woll and Farrington ; Dairy Chemistry, by Richmond ; Dairy Bacteriol- ogy, by Russell; Milk and its Products, by Wing; Feeds and Feeding, by Henry ; and Feeding of Farm Animals, by Jordan. These should be frequently consulted in studying the subject. The student should early acquire the habit of consulting dif- ferent works, as many topics are presented more clearly in one than in another. REFERENCES TO CHAPTER I 1. The Composition of Milk. Konig : Chemie der Mensch- lichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittal. 2. The Composition of Cow's Milk. Blyth : Food Analysis. 3. The Physical Composition of Milk. Duclaux : Le Lait, Etudes Chemiques et Microbiologiques. 4. The Composition of Milk. Wisconsin Experiment Sta- tion, Bulletin No. 19. 5. The Constitution of Milk. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 18. 6. The Composition of Milk and its Products. Richmond : Analyst, August, 1894. 7. The Composition of Milk as affected by Change of Milkers 162 DAIRY CHEMISTRY and Change of Quarters. Wisconsin Experiment Station Re- port, 1889. 8. Variations in the Fat Content of Milk. Weilandt : Milch Zeitung, 24 (1895). 9. The Average Composition of Milk. Vieth : Analyst, 18, 192, 193. 10. Historical Article regarding Milk. Blyth : Food Analysis. 11. The Composition of Milk from Different Breeds. Michi- gan Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 68. 12. The Composition of Milk from Different Breeds. New York State Station Report, 1891. 13. The Composition of Milk. Maine Experiment Station Reports, 1890, 1893. 14. Variations in Milk during the Period of Lactation. Ver- mont Experiment Station, Sixth Annual Report. 15. Composition of Milk. Wisconsin Experiment Station Report, 1889 ; also Bulletins Nos. 15 and 16 ; also Fifth Annual Report. 16. Composition of Milk. New Jersey Experiment Station, Bulletins Nos. 61, 65, 68, 77. 17. Composition of Milk. Massachusetts State Station Re- ports, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892. 18. The Number and Size of Fat Globules in Milk. Wis- consin Experiment Station Report, 1890. 19. The Fat Globules of Milk. Maine Experiment Station, Annual Report, 1890. 20. Conditions influencing the Number and Size of the Fat Globules. Milch Zeitung, 24 (1895). 21. On the Variation in the Number and Size of Fat Glob- ules. Pennsylvania Experiment Station Report, 1895. 22. The Size of Fat Globules in Milk. Vermont Experiment Station, Fourth Annual Report. 23. Size of Fat Globules in the First and Last Half of Milk- ing. Indiana Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 24. 24. The Size of Fat Globules in Milk of Cows of Different Breeds. New York State Experiment Station Reports, 1891, 1592. APPENDIX 163 25. Composition of First Milk and Strippings. Connecticut State Experiment Station Report, 1886. 26. Fore Milk and Strippings. Blyth : Food Analysis. 27. Relation of Fat and Casein in Milk. Vermont Experi- ment Station, Fourth Annual Report. 28. Liquid Condition of the Fat. Soxhlet : Landwirtschaft- lischen Versuchs-Stationen, 1876. 29. No Membrane about Milk Fat Globules. Martiny : Die Milch. 30. Artificial Emulsions representing Milk. Duclaux : An- nales de 1'Institut Nat. agronomique, 1882. 31. The Membrane of the Milk Fat Globule. Jurstenburg : Die Milch drusen die Kuh. 32. The Membrane of the Fat Globule. Bechamp : Comptes Rendus, 1888. 33. Composition of the Ash of Milk. Maine Experiment Station Report, 1890. 34. Milk Ash Analysis. New Hampshire Experiment Sta- tion Report, 1888. 35. Average Composition of Milk Ash. Kb'nig : Chemise he der menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Band II. 36. The Phosphates of Milk. Duclaux: Annals Pasteur Institute, 1893. 37. Calcium Phosphate and the Casein. Soldner : Die Land- wirtschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen, 1888, 35. 38. Yield of Front and Rear Udder of Cow. Wis. Rept., 1898. 39. The Milk Yield of Quarters on Same Side of Udder. 40. The Composition of Frozen Milk. Wisconsin Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 41. The Fat Globules of Cows' Milk. Wisconsin Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 42. On the Average Composition of Milk of Pure-bred Cows of Different Breeds. Wisconsin Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 43. On the Average Composition of Milk of Pure-bred Cows of Different Breeds. Wisconsin Station, Eighteenth Annual Report. 164 DAIRY CHEMISTRY 44. Variations in Milk and Milk Production. Illinois Ex- periment Station, Bulletin No. 51. REFERENCES TO CHAPTER II 1. The Babcock Test. A New Method for the Estimation of Fat in Milk, especially adapted to Creameries and Cheese Factories. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 24 ; also Annual Report, 1890. 2. Babcock Test. Notes on its Use and the Lactometer. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 31. 3. Application of Dr. Babcock's Centrifugal Method to the Analysis of Milk, Skim-milk, etc. Cornell University Experi- ment Station, Bulletin No. 29. 4. New Points in Manipulation of the Babcock Test. Illi- nois Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 27. 5. The Babcock Test. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists' Report, 1890. 6. The Babcock Method of finding the Amount of Butter-fat in Milk. Connecticut State Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 106 ; also Reports, 1891, 1894. 7. Directions for using the Babcock Milk Test. Pennsyl- vania Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 33, Report, 1895. 8. The Babcock Method of Milk Analysis. F. T. Shutt: Analyst, 17, 200 ; Chemical News, 64, 4. 9. Accuracy of the Babcock Milk Test. Cornell University Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 25. 10. Accuracy of the Babcock Milk Test. Illinois Experi- ment Station, Bulletin No. 14. 11. Comparative Trials of the Babcock Milk Test. Hein- rich : Molkerei Zeitung, 1893, No. 4. 12. The Babcock Test. Wiley : Agricultural Analysis, Vol. III. 13. Marking Test-bottles. Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 18. 14. Milk Sampling. Delaware Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 31. APPENDIX 165 15. The Testing of Milk. North Carolina Experiment Sta- tion, Bulletin No. 113. 16. Composite Milk Samples. Patrick : Journal of Analyti- cal and Applied Chemistry, 5, 8. 17. The Composite Test. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 36. 18. Composite Sampling of Milk. Iowa Experiment Station, Bulletins Nos. 9, 14, and 22. 19. Composite Method of Milk Sampling. Illinois Experi- ment Station, Bulletins Nos. 16 and 18. 20. Method of Sampling Milk for Analysis. Pennsylvania Experiment Station, Annual Report, 1892. 21. Preservatives for Milk Samples. Iowa Experiment Sta- tion, Bulletin No. 11. 22. Milk Sampler. Wiley : Agricultural Analysis, Vol. III. 23. The Trowbridge Method of Calibrating Babcock Test- bottles. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Eighteenth Annual Report. 24. Methods and Apparatus for testing Milk and Milk Products. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 25. Examination of Babcock Apparatus. Connecticut Ex- periment Station, Report 1901, Part IV. 26. Testing Dairy Products by the Babcock Test. Maine Experiment Station, Report of 1897. 27. The Babcock Test. New Hampshire Experiment Sta- tion, Bulletin No. 114. 28. Inspection of Babcock Milk Test-bottles. New York Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 178. REFERENCES TO CHAPTER IV 1. Table for Corrections of the Temperature in Lactometry (Centigrade Scale). Konig: Untersuchungen in landwirt- schaftlich und gewerblich Wichtiger Stoffe. 166 DAIRY CHEMISTRY 2. A Simple Formula for calculating the Solids not Fat. Babcock : Wisconsin Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 34. 3. The Adulteration of Milk. Blyth : Foods ; Composition and Analysis. 4. Comparison of Results by the Use of the Formulas of Hehner and Richmond, Fleischmann, and Babcock, with the Gravimetric Method. Report of the Eighteenth Annual Conven- tion of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1894. 5. Effect upon the Specific Gravity of Milk by allowing the Milk to stand after Milking. Richmond : Report of Eighteenth Annual Convention of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1894. 6. Lactodensimeter. Quevenne-Miiller : Grandeau, Analyse des Materies Agricoles. 7. The Adulteration of Milk. Various articles in the current numbers of the Analyst. 8. Legal Cases relating to the Adulteration of Milk. Various and numerous articles in the current numbers of the Milch Zeitung. REFERENCES TO CHAPTER V 1. Influence of Sugar on the Nature of the Fermentation occurring in Milk and Cheese. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Eighteenth Annual Report. 2. Galactase, the Inherent Digestive Enzyme of Milk. Wis- consin Experiment Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 3. Milk Fermentations. United States Department of Agri- culture, Farmers' Bulletins Nos. 9 and 29, also cuirent numbers. 4. Dairy Bacteriology. United States Department of Agri- culture, Office of Experiment Stations, Bulletin No. 25. 5. The Number of Bacteria in Milk. (Storrs) Connecticut Experiment Station, Seventh Annual Report. 6. Bacteria in their Relation to the Dairy. Lugger : Minne- sota Experiment Station, Annual Report, 1893. 7. Ripening of Cream and Milk Fermentations. Article in Handbook of Experiment Station Work. APPENDIX 167 8. The Action of Different Classes of Bacteria on Milk. Adametz: Monatsschrifte fur Thierheilkunde, 1890. 9. Bacteria in the Dairy. Conn : (Storrs) Connecticut Ex- periment Station, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Annual Reports. 10. Milk Sugar. Remsen: Organic Chemistry. 11. An Acid Test of Cream. Illinois Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 32. 12. The Alkaline Tablet Test of Acidity in Milk or Cream. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 52. 13. Lactic Acid Ferments. Pasteur: Studies on Fermen- tation. 14. Outlines of Dairy Bacteriology. Russell. 15. Le Lait, Etudes Chemiques et Microbiologiques. Du- claux. 16. Determining the Acid in Milk. Hopkins and Powers : Report of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1895. REFERENCES TO CHAPTER VI 1. Ripening Cream with Pure Cultures. Conn : (Storrs) Connecticut Experiment Station, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Annual Reports. 2. Ripening of Cream with Artificial Cultures. Adametz: Landwirtschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen, 1892. 3. Artificial Butter Cultures. Storch : Milch Zeitung, 1890. 4. Artificial Butter Cultures. Weigmann : Milch Zeitung, 1890. 5. Experiments with Cream : Ripening, Flavor, Aroma, Acid. Conn : (Storrs) Connecticut Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 16. 6. Experiments in the Ripening of Cream by Means of Pure Cultures. F. Fries and H. P. Lunde : reported in Experiment Station Record, 7, No. 3. 7. Abnormal Ripening of Cream due to Faulty Character of Milk. L. Adametz : Milch Zeitung, 1893, No. 18. 168 DAIRY CHEMISTRY 8. Cream Ripening with Pure Cultures. Milch Zeitung. Experiment Station Record, 7, No. 1. 9. The Composition of Cream. Massachusetts Experiment Station Reports, 1889, 1890, 1892, 1893. 10. On the Raising of Cream on the Milk Route. Berg- mann : Milch Zeitung, 1893. 11. Effects of Transportation upon the Fat Content of Milk. Klein : Chemisches Centralblatt, 89, 397. 12. Variations in Fat Content in Milk served from Cans to Customers. Legal Case. Analyst, 17, 189. 13. Variations in Fat of Milk served to Customers in Dip- ping from Cans. Cornell University Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 20. 14. Variations in the Fat of Milk served to Customers from Milk Cans. Ontario Agricultural. College, Bulletin No. 16. 15. Effects of Delay in Creaming Milk. Maine Experiment Station Report, 1890. 16. Effects of Delayed Setting. Wisconsin Experiment Sta- tion, Bulletin No. 29. 17. Delay in Setting. See Creaming Article in Handbook of Experiment Station Work. 18. Effects of Delay in Creaming Milk. Cornell University Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 29. 19. Cream Raising by Dilution. Cornell University Experi- ment Station, Bulletins Nos. 20 and 29. 20. Cream Raising by Dilution. Illinois Experiment Station, Bulletins Nos. 12 and 18. 21. Cream Raising by Dilution. Vermont Experiment Sta- tion, Fourth and Fifth Annual Reports. 22. Cream Raising by Dilution. Indiana Experiment Sta- tion, Bulletin No. 44. 23. Cream Raising by Dilution. Article, Creaming of Milk, in Handbook of Experiment Station Work. 24. Testing Cream and Milk. Maine Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 4. APPENDIX 169 25. Testing Cream by the Babcock Test. Connecticut Ex- periment Station (New Haven), Eighteenth Annual Report. 26. The Babcock Test as a Basis for Payment in Cream- gathering Creameries. Connecticut Experiment Station (New Haven), Bulletin No. 119. 27. The Composition of Cream. Konig : Chemie der Mensch- lichen und Genussmittel, Band II. 28. Test of Cream Separators. Cornell University Experi- ment Station, Bulletins Nos. 66 and 105. 29. Test of Cream Separators. Pennsylvania Experiment Station, Bulletins Nos. 20 and 21, Annual Report, 1895. 30. Report on Separators, Gravity, Creaming, etc. Iowa Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 25. 31. Tests of Dairy Implements. North Carolina Experi- ment Station, Bulletin No. 114. 32. Hand Power Cream Separators. Delaware Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 27, Fifth Annual Report. 33. Cream Raising by the Cold Deep-setting Process. Min- nesota Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 19. 34. Creaming of Milk. Article in Handbook of Experiment Station Work. 35. Creaming Experiments. Babcock: Wisconsin Experi- ment Station, Bulletin No. 29. 36. The Ripening of Cream. Conn : (Storrs) Connecticut Experiment Station, Report, 1900. 37. Commercial Butter Cultures. Pennsylvania Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 44. 38. Variations in Cream and Milk Tests. South Dakota Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 73. 39. Cream Testing. Iowa Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 52. 40. A Modified Cream Test Bottle. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Nineteenth Annual Report. REFERENCES TO CHAPTER VII 1. Loss of Fat in Butter-making. Iowa Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 11. 170 DAIRY CHEMISTRY 2. Loss of Fat in Butter-making, with increase in Lactation Period. New York State Experiment Station Report, 1891. 3. Butter Production from Milk at Different Periods of Lactation. Maine Experiment Station Report, 1889. 4. Loss of Fat in Butter-making. Article on Butter-making in Handbook of Experiment Station Work. 5. Composition of the Slime from the Centrifugal Bowl. Fleischrnann : Lehrbuch der Milch wirtschaft. 6. Butter- making. Fleischmann : Lehrbuch der Milchwirt- schaft. 7. Churning and Butter-making. Gurler: American Dai- rying. 8. Churning. Article in Handbook of Experiment Station Work. 9. Churning Experiments. Iowa Experiment Station, Bul- letin No. 22. 10. On the Churning Process and the Formation of Butter. A. Jscher Kasserd : Milch Zeitung, No. 23, 1894. 11. The Churning Temperature of Sweet and Sour Cream. New York State Experiment Station Report, 1889. 12. Tests of Box and Barrel Churns. Vermont Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 27. 13. The Acidity of the Cream and the Yield of Butter. Illi- nois Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 9. 14. Churning the Cream from Cows at Different Periods in Lactation. Haecker : Hoard's Dairyman, 1894. 15. Butter-making. Powrian : La laitiere : Art de traiter le lait, de fabrique le beurre et les principaux from ages. 16. The Composition of Butter. Minnesota Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 19. 17. Composition of Butter. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Annual Report, 1889. 18. Composition of Butter. Massachusetts State Station, Annual Report, 1889. 19. Composition of Butter. Pennsylvania Experiment Sta- tion, Annual Report, 1893. APPENDIX 171 20. The Composition of Butter. Connecticut State Station, Annual Report, 1892. 21. Composition of Sweet Cream Butter. West Virginia Experiment Station, Annual Report, 1890. 22. Composition of Sweet and Sour Cream Butter. Iowa Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 18. 23. The Composition of Butter from Different Countries. Konig : See reference No. 6. 24. Abnormal Amounts of Water in Butter Legal Cases. Current numbers of the Analyst. 25. The Yellow Coloring Matter of Milk. Blyth: Foods, their Composition and Analysis. 26. The Proteids of Butter in Relation to Mottled Butter. New York Experiment Station (Geneva), Bulletin No. 263. 27. Heated Milk for Butter-making. Pennsylvania Experi- ment Station, Bulletin No. 45. 28. Paying for Separator Cream at the Creamery. Vermont Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 100. 29. Salt in Butter. Iowa Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 80. 30. Moisture Content of Butter and Methods of controlling it. Iowa Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 76. 31. Keeping Qualities of Butter. Iowa Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 71. 32. Influence of Certain Conditions in Churning on the Amount of Water in Butter. Iowa Experiment Station, Bul- letin No. 52. 33. Effect of Salt and the Size of Butter Granules on the Water Content of Butter. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 34. Salt Crystals on the Surface of Butter. Wisconsin Ex- periment Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 35. Score of Butter, as affected by the Size of Package. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 36. Composition of Dairy Salt. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 172 DAIRY CHEMISTRY 37. Calculating Dividends for Milk and for Cream at the Same Factory. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Seventeenth Annual Report. REFERENCES TO CHAPTER VIII 1. The Behavior of Anthrax Bacilli in Milk. O. Caro: Chemisches Centralblatt, 1894, 1, 164. 2. Behavior of Cholera Germs in Milk. Heim : Milch Zeitung, 21, 1892. 3. Vitality of Tuberculosis Bacilli. Forster and Mann : Milch Zeitung, 22, 1894. 4. Tuberculosis and Public Health, etc., Law. New York Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 65. 5. Typhoid Fever disseminated through the Milk Supply. Russell: Science, November 15, 1895. 6. Diseases conveyed by Milk. B. Lee : Agriculture of Penn- sylvania, 1894. 7. Milk as a Source of an Epidemic of Typhoid Fever. Schmidt : Milch Zeitung, 23, 1894. 8. Danger from consuming the Milk of Sick Cows. F. Baum : Archiv wissech und praktische Thierheilkunde, 18, Heft 384. 9. On Ptomaines in Milk. V. Maleiichini : Zeitschrift Nahrungsmittel Untersuchen und Hygiene. 10. The Care of Milk for Cheese Factories and Creameries. Ontario Agricultural College, Bulletin No. 44. 11. Cleanliness in Handling Milk. North Dakota Experi- ment Station, Bulletin No. 21. 12. Poisonous Milk and Milk Panics. Wanklyn : Milk Analy- sis. 13. Milk Inspection affecting Death Rate of Children. Milch Zeitung, 9, 24, and 349. 14. Citric Acid as a Normal Constituent of Cow's Milk. Henkel : Die Landwirtschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen, 39. 15. Citric Acid in Milk. Abstract. Sixth Annual Conven- tion (1889), Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, APPENDIX 173 16. The Composition, Creaming, and Churning of Colostrum. Vermont Experiment Station, Fifth Annual Report. 17. Composition of Colostrum Milk. Kruger : Molkerei Zeitung, 1892. 18. The Chemical Composition of Cow's Colostrum. Blyth : Foods, their Composition and Analysis. 19. Nature of the Colostrum Cells. Heidenhain : Handbuch der Physiologie. 20. Tyrotoxicon. Vaughan : Michigan State Board of Health Report, 1886. 21. The Chemistry of Tyrotoxicon, and its Action on Lower Animals. Vaughan: Analyst, 13, 141. 22. Fibrin in Milk. Proceedings of the Society for the Pro, motion of Agricultural Science, 1888. 23. Fibrin in Milk, and its Effects upon Creaming. Wiscon- sin Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 18. 24. Gases in Milk. Kirchner: Handbuch der Milchwirt- schaft. 25. Gases in Milk. Blyth : Foods, their Composition and Analysis. 26. Gas-producing Organism. Baumann : Molkerei Zeitung, 7, 1893. 27. Blue Milk, Red Milk, Brownish Red Milk, Bitter-milk. Lugger : Minnesota Experiment Station, Annual Report, 1893. 28. Creaming and Aerating Milk. Cornell University Ex- periment Station, Bulletin No. 39. 29. Aeration of Milk. Vermont Experiment Station, Sixth Annual Report. 30. Aeration of Milk for Butter Production. Indiana Ex- periment Station, Bulletin No. 44. 31. "Soapy" Milk, and the Sources of Bacteria in Milk. Weigmann and Zirn : Milch Zeitung, 23, 1893. 32. The Care and Handling of Milk. Michigan Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 221. 33. Aeration of Milk. Michigan Experiment Station, Special Bulletin No. 16. 174 DAIRY CHEMISTRY 34. Ropiness in Milk. Michigan Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 140. 35. Economical Methods for improving the Keeping Quali- ties of Milk. Maryland Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 88. 36. Classification of Dairy Bacteria. (Storrs) Connecticut Experiment Station Report, 1899. 37. The Comparative Growth of Different Species of Bacte- ria in Normal Milk. (Storrs) Connecticut Experiment Station Report, 1901. 38. Efficiency of a Covered Pail in excluding Filth and Bac- teria from Milk. (Storrs) Connecticut Experiment Station Report, 1901. 39. Dairy Conditions and Suggestions for their Improve- ment. Illinois Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 84. 40. Methods of controlling Contamination of Milk during Milking. Nebraska Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 87. 41. Ropiness in Milk and Cream. New York (Cornell) Ex- periment Station, Bulletins Nos. 165 and 195. 42. Investigations concerning the Germicidal Action in Cow's Milk. New York (Cornell) Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 197. 43. The Care and Handling of Milk. New York (Cornell) Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 203. 44. Stagnant Water Germs in Milk. Oregon Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 71. 45. Investigations of Methods of Milking. Wisconsin Ex- periment Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 46. Thermal Death Point of Tubercle Bacilli under Com- mercial Conditions. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Seven- teenth Annual Report. 47. Outbreak of Anthrax Fever traceable to Tannery Refuse. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Seventeenth Annual Report. 48. The Effect of Different Stable Temperatures upon the Milk Yield of Dairy Cows. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Twenty-first Annual Report. 49. Infectiousness of Milk from Tubercular Cows. Wiscon- sin Experiment Station, Twenty-first Annual Report. APPENDIX 175 50. Effect of Short Periods of Exposure to Heat on Tubercle Bacilli in Milk. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Twenty-first Annual Report. REFERENCES TO CHAPTER IX 1. The Content of Pepton in Milk. Schmidt and Miilheim : Reported in Konig, Chemie der Menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, Band II. 2. The Proteids of Milk. Halliburton: Journal of Physi- ology, 2, 459. 3. The Chemistry of Casein and the Theory of the Curdling Action of Rennet. G. Courant : Abstract in Experiment Sta- tion Record, 5. 4. Three Forms of the Casein in Milk. Struve : Journal fur practische Chemie, 1884. 5. The Action of Rennet on Milk. Hammarsten : Popular Form given in Milk, its Nature and Composition by Aikman. 6. The Curdling of Milk by Ferments which render the Milk Alkaline. Warrington : Journal of the Chemical Society (England), 1888. 7. A Study of the Coagulating Power of Commercial Ren- nets. Patrick : Abstract in Experiment Station Record, 5, 100. 8. The Isolation of Rennet from Bacteria Cultures. Conn : (Storrs) Connecticut Experiment Station, Fifth Annual Report. 9. The Nature of Rennet. Russell : Outlines of Dairy Bacte- riology. 10. Beitrage zur Erfarschung der Easerif ange. Baumann : Die Landwirtschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen, 42, et seq. 11. Cheese-making, Directions for. Iowa Experiment Sta- tion, Bulletins Nos. 19 and 21. 12. Cheese Factory Notes. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Annual Report, 1892. 13. Cheese-making. Article relating to Recent Work on Dairying. Allen : Experiment Station Record, 5. Nos. 10 and 11. 14. Cheddar Cheese-making. Decker. 176 DAIEY CHEMISTRY 15. A, B, C in Cheese-making. Monrad. 16. Cheese-making in Switzerland. Monrad. 17. The Manufacture and Production of Cheese. Alvord: United States Department of Agriculture, Year Book, 1895. 18. The Manufacture of Some Fancy Brands of Cheese. Luschinger : Report Sixteenth Annual Convention of the Min- nesota Dairy Association. 19. The Changes during the Ripening of Cheese. Iowa Ex- periment Station, Bulletin No. 24. 20. Salt and its Preventing the Swelling of Cheese. Yon Freudenreich : Abstract in Experiment Station Record, Vol. V, p. 921. 21. The Forms of the Nitrogen Compounds in Cheese. Stutzer: Reported in Wiley's Agricultural Analysis, Vol. III. 22. Manufacture of Sweet Curd Cheese. Haecker : Minne- sota Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 35. 23. Experiments in Cheese-making. Minnesota Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 19. 24. Cheese-making, Distribution of Ingredients, and Losses of Fat. Handbook of Experiment Station Work. 25. Losses in Cheese-making. Vermont Experiment Station, Fifth Annual Report. 26. Experiments in Cheese-making. Ontario Agricultural College Report, 1894. 27. Losses of Milk Solids in Cheese-making, and the Addi- tion of Crea'm to the Milk. Minnesota Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 19. 28. Determining the Amount of Fat in Cheese by the Bab- cock Test. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 36. 29. Composition of Different Kinds of Cheese made in Dif- ferent Countries. Kbnig: Chemie der Menschlichen Nah- rungs- und Genussmittel, Band II. 30. The Composition of English Cream Cheese. (Cream added to the Milk.) P. Vieth : Milch Zeitung, 1887, 120. 31. The Composition of Milk, Cheese, and Whey, in Relation to One Another. Ontario Agricultural College Report, 1894. APPENDIX 177 32. The Composition of Cheese made from Cream. Hassall : Foods, Adulterations and the Methods for their Detection. 33. The Composition of Cheese. Connecticut State Experi- ment Station Report, 1892. 34. Ripen ing of Cheese. Adametz : Berlin. Landwirtschaffr- licher Jahrbiicher, 1889. 35. The Abnormal Ripening of Cheese. Adametz: Milch Zeitung, Nos. 21 and 22, 1892 and 1893. 36. An Aromatic Bacillus in Cheese. Iowa Experiment Sta- tion, Bulletin No. 21. 37. Influence of Cold Curing on the Quality of Cheddar Cheese (Second Paper). Wisconsin Experiment Station, Nine- teenth Annual Report. 38. Influence of Temperatures approximating 60 F. on the Development of Flavor in Cold-cured Cheese. Wisconsin Ex- periment Station, Nineteenth Annual Report. 39. Investigations relating to the Manufacture, Curing, and Handling of Cheese. See Wisconsin Experiment Station, Sev- enteenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, and Twenty -first Annual Reports. 40. Investigations relating to the Manufacture, Curing, and Handling of Cheese. See New York State Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Bulletins Nos. 37, 43, 45, 46, 56, 65, 68, 110, 184, 203, 207, 214, 215, 219, 231, 233, 234, 236, 237, 245, and 261. REFERENCES TO CHAPTER X * 1. The Composition of the Milk of the Mare, Ewe, Goat, Sow, etc. Konig: Chemie der Menschlichen Nahrungs-und Genussmittel, Band II. 2. Composition of Mule's Milk. Aubert and Colby : Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry, 7, No. 6. 3. Analyses of Skim-milks. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Annual Report for 1889. 4. The Composition of Whey. New York State Experiment Station, Bulletins Nos. 37, 43, 45, 46, 47. 178 DAIRY CHEMISTRY 5. The Composition of Buttermilk. Maine Experiment Sta- tion, Annual Report for 1890. 6. The Composition of Skim-milk and Whey. C. B. Cochran : Journal of the American Chemical Society, 15, No. 6. 7. The Feeding Value of Skim-milk. Massachusetts State Experiment Station, Annual Reports for 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, etc. 8. The Effects of Skim-milk in a Ration for Pigs. Maine Experiment Station, Annual Report for 1889. 9. The Feeding Value of Skim-milk. Vermont Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 18. 10. The Effects of Skim-milk in a Ration for Pigs. New Hampshire Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 11. 11. The Comparative Feeding Value of Skim-milk and But- termilk. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Annual Report for 1886. 12. The Comparative Feeding Value of Buttermilk and Skim- milk. Massachusetts State Experiment Station, Annual Re- ports for 1884, 1885. 13. The Comparative Value of Sweet and Sour Skim-milk. Vermont Experiment Station, Annual Report for 1891. 14. The Feeding Value of Whey. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 27. 15. The Average Composition of Skim-milk, Buttermilk, and Whey. Konig : Chemie der Menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, Band II. 16. Influence of Temperature on Skim-milk Tests. Wiscon- sin Experiment Station, Seventeenth Annual Report. REFERENCES TO CHAPTER XI 1. A New Milk Test (Beimling's). Vermont Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 24. 2. Determining the Fat in Milk. Leffmann and Beam : Ana- lyst, 18, 193. 3. Acid Butyrometer. Gerber : Chemiker Zeitung, 16, 839. APPENDIX 179 4. The Lactocrite. United States Department of Agricul- ture, Division of Chemistry, Bulletin No. 13. 5. The Lactocrite. Biedermann's Centralblatt, 17, 627. 6. A New Method for detecting the Fat in Milk. Short: Wisconsin Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 16. 7. The Determining of Fat in Milk by Short's Method. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2, Part 4. 8. Cochran's Method for determining the Fat in Milk. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 3, Part 4. 9. A Description of Cochran's Method for determining the Fat in Milk. Cornell University Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 17. 10. Methods of manufacturing Butter Substitutes ; Whole- someness of Artificial Butter; The Adulteration of Butter, including References and Methods of Analysis. Wiley : United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry: Foods and Food Adulterants, Part First, Dairy Products. 11. Extent and Character of Food Adulterations. Wedder- burn: United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Chemistry, Bulletins Nos. 25 and 32. 12. The Analysis and Adulteration of Foods. Part III. James Bell. 13. The Adulteration of Butter and Cheese. Blyth : Foods. Their Composition and Analysis. 14. Influence of Preservatives upon the Food Value of Milk. Maryland Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 86. 15. State and Municipal Milk Legislation. Delaware Ex- periment Station, Bulletin No. 43. 16. Butter, its Composition, Artificial Imitation, and Adul- terants. North Carolina Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 166. 17. Process Butter. A Dairy Fraud. Utah Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 79. 18. Inspection of Milk Tests and Feeding Stuffs. Vermont Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 68. 19. Official Tests of Dairy Cows, 1903-4. Wisconsin Experi- ment Station, Twenty-first Annual Report. 180 DAIRY CHEMISTRY 20. Reports of the following State Dairy and Food Commis- sioners : Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, North Dakota, Connec- ticut, Kentucky, and other states. 21. Dairy and Milk Inspection. Alabama Experiment Sta- tion, Bulletin No. 97. REFERENCES TO CHAPTER XII 1. The Action of Heat on Milk. Richmond: Analyst, June, 1893. 2. The Sterilization of Milk on a Large Scale. Hesse : Zeit- schrift fur Hygiene, 1890, 85. 3. The Chemical and Physical Changes attendant upon the Sterilization of Milk. Leeds : Journal of the American Chem- ical Society, 13, No. 1. , 4. Methods of Milk Preservation. Weigmann. 5. The Pasteurization of Skim-milk. Lunde : Abstract in Experiment Station Record, 4, 383. 6. Methods of Sterilizing and Pasteurizing Milk. Review of Kinds of Apparatus Used. Allen : Article in Recent Work on Dairying. Experiment Station Record, 5, 1051. 7. Pasteurization and Milk Preservation, with a Chapter on Selling Milk. Monrad. 8. Preservation of Milk. Blyth : Foods. 9. Experiments in preserving Milk Samples. Newman n : Milch Zeitung, 22, 93. 10. Preservatives and their Importance in Dairying. Kruger : Molkerei Zeitung, 1892, No. 34. 11. The Composition of, and Objections to the Use of, Preserv- atives in Milk. Current numbers of the Analyst, 1890-91, etc. 12. Compilation of Analyses of Condensed Milks. Konig: Chemie der Menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, Band II. 13. Variations in the Composition of Milk during Delivery. Vieth : Analyst, 1891 and 1892. 14. Standard Milk. New Hampshire Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 103. APPENDIX 181 15. The Value of a Pound of Milk Solids in Milk Poor and Rich in Fat Content. (Storrs) Connecticut Report, 1904. 16. The Comparative Digestibility of Raw, Pasteurized, and Cooked Milk. Maryland Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 77. 17. Standard Milk and Cream. Illinois Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 74. 18. City Milk Supply. Illinois Experiment Station, Bulle- tin No. 92. 19. Domestic Pasteurizing Methods and the Care of Milk in the Home. New Jersey Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 152. 20. The Efficiency of a Continuous Pasteurizer at Different Temperatures. 21. Pasteurization of Skim Milk. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 22. Pasteurization as applied to Butter-making. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 23. Preservation of Milk for Direct Use by Pasteurization. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 24. On the Increased Resistance of Bacteria in Milk Pasteur- ized in Contact with the Air. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Eighteenth Annual Report. 25. Estimation of Fat in Sweetened Condensed Milk by the Babcock Test. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Seventeenth Annual Report. 26. Effect of Pasteurization and Sterilization on the Viscos- ity and Fat Globules of Milk and Cream. Wisconsin Experi- ment Station, Twentieth Annual Report. 27. Restoration of the Consistency of Pasteurized Milk and Cream. Wisconsin Experiment Station, Twentieth Annual Report. REFERENCES TO CHAPTER XIII 1. The Composition of Butter-fat as affected by Food. New Hampshire Experiment Station, Bulletins Nos. 16 and 18. 2. Effect of Food upon the Quality of Butter. Article on 182 DAIRY CHEMISTRY Butter-making in Handbook of Experiment Station Work. United States Department of Agriculture. 3. Effect of Cotton-seed Meal on the Composition of Butter. Texas Experiment Station, Bulletins Nos. 11 and 14. 4. Effect of Cotton-seed Meal on Butter. Alabama (College) Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 25. 5. Injurious Effects of Certain Plants on Milk and its Prod- ucts. Milch Zeitung, 1892, 46. 6. The Effect of Peanut Cake and Cotton-seed Cake on the Fat Content of Milk. Backaus : Journal fur Landwirtschaft, 41,4. 7. Effects of Different Kinds of Food upon Butter. A. Mayer: Die Landwirtschaftlichen Versuchs-Stationen, 41. 8. Influence of Food upon the Qualities of Butter Fat. Frear : Agricultural Science, 1833, 7. 9. Transmission of Nitrates to Milk. Richmond : Analyst, 1893, 279. 10. On the Effect of feeding Fat to Cows. Wing : Cornell University Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 92. 11. Recovery of the Food Ingredients in the Milk. New York State Experiment Station Report, 1891. 12. Effects of Rye Pasture on the Taste of Milk. Breeder's Gazette, 26, 203, 220, 239. 13. Transmission of Substances from Food to Milk. Froh- ner: Zeitschrift fur Fleisch und Milch Hygiene, 10, 1. 14. Influence of the Quality of Food upon the Economy of Milk and Butter Production. Pennsylvania Experiment Sta- tion, Annual Report for 1895. 15. Quality of Butter as influenced by Food. Pennsylvania Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 17. 16. Influence of Roots and Silage on the Composition of Milk. Pennsylvania Experiment Station Report, 1890. 17. The Quality of Butter as affected by Food. Maine Ex- periment Station Report, 1891. 18. Simple Methods of determining Milk Fat (Short's and Cochran's). Pennsylvania Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 12. APPENDIX 183 19. Failyer and Willard's Method for determining the Fat in Milk. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 3, Part 3. 20. Parsons' Method for determining the Fat in Milk. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 3, Part 3. 21. The Oil Test for Cream. Wis. Ex. Sta-., Bui. 12. 22. Patrick's Method of testing Milk. Iowa Experiment Station, Bulletins Nos. 8 and 11. 23. Milk Tests, Comparison of Simple Methods. Illinois Experiment Station, Bulletins Nos. 10 and 14. 24. Comparison of Various Methods for testing Milk. West Virginia Experiment Station, Third Annual Report. 25. Milk Tests. Handbook of Experiment Station Work, United States Department of Agriculture. 26. Feser's Lactoscope. Die Lands. Vers.-Stat., 27, 2, 135. 27. The Lactoscope. Biedermann's Centralblatt, 9, 302. 28. Effects of Feed upon the Quality of Milk. Iowa Experi- ment Station, Bulletins Nos. 13, 14, 16, 17. 29. A Study of Milk Secretion. (Storrs) Connecticut Ex- periment Station Report, 1904. 30. The Effect of Silage on the Acidity of Milk. (Storrs) Connecticut Experiment Station Report, 1904. 31. Weedy Flavors in Butter. California Experiment Sta- tion, Annual Report, 1903. 32. Studies in Milk Secretion. New York (Cornell) Experi- ment Station, Bulletins Nos. 152 and 169. 33. The Relation of Food to Milk Fat. New York (CorneU) Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 173. 34. Methods of Milking. New York (Cornell) Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 213. 35. Record of an Attempt to increase the Fat in Milk by Means of Liberal Feeding. New York (Cornell) Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 222. 36. The Source of Milk Fat. New York State Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 132. 37. Flavors in Milk and its Products. New York State Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 183. 184 DAIEY CHEMISTRY 38. Fat in Milk from Starch in Food. New York State Ex- periment Station, Bulletin No. 197. 39. The Immediate Effect on Milk Production of Changes in the Ration. New York State Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 210. 40. The Effect of Food on Economic Dairy Production. Texas Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 47. 41. A Study of Butter Increasers. Iowa Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 52. EEFERENCES TO CHAPTER XIV [NOTE. The literature on this subject is so extensive that only a few typical references are given. For references to special topics, as the characteristic value of any food for milk production, the student is referred to the card catalogue index issued by the United States De- partment of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations. In calculat- ing rations, it is best to use the figures given for the average composi- tion of American feeding stuffs, except in those cases where extended special investigations have been made of the fodders of a state by an Experiment Station.] 1. Manual of Cattle Feeding. Armsby. 2. Landwirtschaftliche Fiitterungslehre. Ernil Wolff. 3. Feeding Farm Animals. Allen : Office of Experiment Stations, United States Department of Agriculture, Farmer's Bulletin No. 22. 4. A Compilation of Analyses of American Feeding Stuffs. Jenkins and Winton: Office of Experiment Stations, United States Department of Agriculture, Bulletin No. 38. 5. One Hundred American Rations for Dairy Cows. Woll : Wisconsin Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 38. 6. Investigation in Milk Production ; Feeding Dairy Cows. Minnesota Experiment Station, Bulletins Nos. 71 and 79. 7. Feeding Experiments with Dairy Cows. Alabama Ex- periment Station, Bulletin No. 114. 8. Feed and Care of the Dairy Cow. Kansas Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 81, APPENDIX 185 9. Ration Tests for Dairy Cows ; the Best Week in a Cow's Lactation Period. Nebraska Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 76. 10. Discussion of the Amount of Protein required in the Ration for Dairy Cows. (Storrs) Connecticut Experiment Station Report, 1904. 11. A Study of Rations fed to Milch Cows in Connecticut. (Storrs) Connecticut Experiment Station Report, 1900. 12. A Study of Rations fed to Milch Cows. (Storrs) Con- necticut Experiment Station Report, 1901. 13. Economic Feeding of Milch Cows. (Hatch) Massachu- setts Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 39. 14. Rations for Milch Cows. Rhode Island Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 77. 15. Individuality of Cows. Rhode Island Experiment Sta- tion, Bulletin No. 80. 16. Feeding Dairy Cows. Michigan Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 149. INDEX Abnormal creams, churning of, 65. Absorption of odors by milk, 78. Acid, adding of, to milk, 16; butyric, 31; disposal of, waste, 23; handling of, 23; lactic, production of, 44; measure, 17; strong, 22 ; weak, 22. Acidity, calculation of, in milk, 47; of cream, 49; of milk, 47. Acids, fatty, 31 ; volatile fatty, 33. Adulteration of butter, 112; of cream, 58 ; of milk, 41. Aerating milk, 86. Albumin, 5, 89; coagulation of , 5. Alkali, standard, 47. Alkaline tablets, 48. Apparatus, care of, 28. Ash, 6. Ash of foods, 132. Babcock's formula, 40. Babcock test, 13-28 ; reliability of, 13. Balanced rations, influence of, 129. Bartlett test bottle, 51. Boric acid in milk, 113. Butter, adulterations of, 112 ; color, 70 ; composition of, 69 ; fats, 29 ; hard, 29; judging, 73; melting point, 34; renovated, 113; soft, 29; working of , 66. Buttermilk, composition of, 67. Butters, hard, production of, 126 ; soft, production of, 127. Butyric acid, 31. Butyrin, 31. By-products of milk, 107. Calculation of acidity in milk, 47; of rations, 139. Calibration of test bottles, 19. Caloric value of foods, 136. Carbohydrates, of foods, 134. Care of dairy utensils, 80 ; of milk rooms, 81; of test bottles and apparatus, 28. Casein, 5, 89. Centrifugal action, 21. Centrifuge, 17 ; action of, 21 ; speed- ing of, 20. Cheddar cheese, 92. Cheese, composition of, 101 ; differ- ent kinds of, 104; filled, 114; making, 88-106; quick-ripening, 97 ; slow-curing, 97 ; skim milk, 114; testing of, 100; yield of milk, 99. Churning, 62; abnormal creams, 65; exhaustive, 65; and grain of butter, 65; influence of food on, 64; influence of ripeness of cream on, 63 ; influence of season on, 64; influence of temperature on, 64 ; thick and thin cream, 64. Cleaning glassware, 27. Coarse fodders, influence of, in ra- tions, 127. Cochrane, method of, 117. - Cold curing of cheese, 98. Cold deep setting, 55. Color of milk, 70. Colostrum milk, 83. Composite sample, 24. Composition of butter, 69 ; of but- termilk, 67; of fats, 29; of fodders, 148-149; of grains, 147; of milk, 1-12; of milk, individ- ual cows, 8, 9. Condensed milk, 123. Corn, influence of, on butter, 126. 187 188 INDEX Cost and value of foods, 144. Cottage cheese, 105. Cotton-seed meal, influence of, on butter, 126. Cream, 49-61 ; acidity of, 49 ; adul- teration of, 59 ; amount of, from milk, 50; composition of, 50; heating of, 59; raising by dilu- tion, 61 ; ripening of, 59 ; separa- tors, 54 ; test bottle, 51 ; testing, 51; thick, 50; thin, 50; viscosity, 58 ; weighing of, for testing, 53. Creaming, gravity process, 54 ; in- fluence of delay, 60 ; methods of, 54 ; milk, temperature of, 58 ; of mixed milks, 61. Crude fat, 135. Crude fiber, 135. Cultures, 59. Curd, grinding of, 94. Curd knife, 93. Curing of cheese, 97. Dairy laws, 117. Dairy salt, 66. Dairy utensils, care of, 80. Delay in creaming, 60. Detection of the skimming of milk, 39; of the watering of milk, 69. Determination of lactic acid, 45. Digestible nutrients of foods, 138. Dilution, cream raising by, 61. Disease and foul air, 79. Dividends, 72. Dry matter, 132. Edam cheese, 105. Enzymes and cheese ripening, 97. Exhaustive churning, 65. Fat, feeding of, in ration, 126 ; glob- ules, 4 ; size of globules, 4 ; losses of, in skim milk, 57 ; losses of, in butter making, 67; reading of, in test, 18. Fats, composition of, 29; food value, 32; melting point, 34; milk, 3; present in butter, 29; properties of, 29-34; saponifica- tion of, 33; specific gravity, 34. Fatty acids, 31. Feeding of dairy stock, 144 ; skim milk, 107 ; value of whey, 100. Fermentation of milk sugar, 43. Ferments, lactic acid, 43. Fibrin, 86. Filled cheese, 114. First milk, 10. Flavors imparted by foods, 128. Fodders, coarse, influence of, in rations, 127. Food value of milk, 123. Foods, caloric value of, 136; car- bohydrates, 134; crude fat of, 135; crude fiber of , 135 ; influence of, on butter, 127, 128 ; selection of, for ration, 137; uses of, by body, 131. Fore milk, 10. Formalin in milk, 115. Formula, Babcock's, 40; Hehner & Richmond's, 41. Foul air and disease, 79. Frozen milk, sampling of, 26. Gases in milk, 86. Gerber's Butyrometer, 116. Germ content of milk, 77. Glassware, cleaning of, 27. Globules, fat, 4. Gluten meal, influence of, on butter, 127. Glycerine, 31. Gouda cheese, 105. Grain of butter, influenced by churning, 65. Gravity creaming, 54. Hard butters, production of, 126. Heating of cream, 59. Hehner & Richmond's formula, 41. INDEX 189 Illegal milk, 41. Indicator, 46. Influence of foods on quality of butter, 127, 128 ; of water on milk supply, 83. Iodine absorption, 33. Judging butter, 73. Lactic acid, determination of, 45; ferments, 43 ; production of, 44. Lactocrite, 116. Lactometer, its use, 35-42. Lactose, 5. Laws, Dairy, 117. Limburger cheese, 104. Loss of fat in skim milk, 57. Losses of fat in butter making, 67. Maintenance ration, 131. Mare's milk, 111. Market milk, 119-130. Measuring acid, 16 ; milk, 15. Melting point of fats, 34. Method of cheese making, 93-94. Methods of creaming, 54. Milk, absorption of odors by, 78; acidity of, 47; ash, 6; as hu- man food, 123 ; by-products, 107 ; changes during transportation, 120; cheese, yield of, 99; color of, 70; complexity of composi- tion, 1; composition of, 1-10; composition of, individual cows, 8-9; condensed, 123; contami- nated by soil, 78; fats, 3; from diseased animals, 76; gases in, 86; germ content, 77; il- legal, 41 ; influence of storage in stables on, 77; mixing of samples, 14; pails, washing of, 80; pasteurizing of, 121; pipette, 15 ; proteids, 88 ; rooms, care of, 81 ; sanitary condition of, 75-87 ; secretion, 125; serum,!; solids, 2 ; solids, calculation of, 40 ; spe- cific gravity, 36; sterilized, 121; sugar, 7; sugar, fermentation of, 43; supply, influence of tu- berculosis, 76; testing, 13-28; testing, importance of, 13; water in, 2; yields, 9; urea in, 76. Nutrients, 131. Nutritive ratio, 137. Oats, influence of, on butter, 127. Oleomargarine, 112 ; tests for, 112. Organic matter of foods, 133. Overruns, 71. Palmitin, 31. Pasteurizing milk, 121. Pipette, milk, 15. Potassium bichromate, 24. Preservatives in milk, 113. Proteids of foods, 133 ; of milk, 88. Quick ripening of cheese, 97. Ratio, nutritive, 137. Ration, calculation of, 139. Rational feeding, 131-146. References, 161-185. Rennet, 90 ; test, 91. Renovated butter, 113. Review questions, 151-160. Ripening of cream, 59. Roots, value of, in ration, 142. Roquefort cheese, 105. Salt, dairy, 66. Samples, mixing of milk, 14. Sampling frozen milk, 26; milk, 14. Sanitary condition of milk, 75-87. Saponification of fats, 33. Secretion of milk, 125. Selection of foods for ration, 137. Separators, efficiency of, 57. Separator slime, 57. Serum, milk, 1. 190 INDEX Serum solids, 11. Sheep's milk, 111. Short, method of, 116. Silage, influence of, on butter, 128. Skim-milk cheese, 114 ; feeding of, 107. Skimming, detection of, 39. Skim milk, testing of, 26. Slow-curing cheese, 97. Soft butters, production of, 127. Soil contamination of milk, 78. Solids, milk, 2; in milk, calcula- tion of, 40 ; not fat, 11. Sow's milk, 111. Specific gravity of fats, 34; of milk, 36 ; of skim milk, 37. Stables, sanitary condition of, 77 ; storing milk in, 77; ventilation of, 79. Standard alkali, 47; ration, 138. Stearin, 31. Sterilizing milk, 121. Stilton cheese, 104. Strippings, 10. Sugar, 7. Sulphuric acid, 22. Sweet and sour cream, churning of, 64. Swiss cheese, 104. Tables of composition of foods, 147-149 ; for correcting lactome- ter readings, 150. Tablets, alkaline, 48. Temperature of creaming milk, 58; of churning, 64; influence of, on lactometer, 37. Test, rennet, 91. Test bottles, 17; calibration of, 19; care of, 28; for cream, 51; for skim milk, 26 ; whirling of, 18. Testing cheese, 100; cream, 51; milk, 12-28; importance of milk, 13 ; skim milk, 26 ; whey, 102. Tests for oleomargarine, 112. Thick and thin cream, churning of, 64. Transportation of milk, changes during, 120. Tuberculosis and milk supply, 76. Tyrotoxicon, 85. Urea in milk, 76. Use of pipette, 15. Uses of food by body, 131. Value and cost of foods, 144. Ventilation of stables, 79. Viscosity of cream, 58. Volatile fatty acids, 33. Water, addition of, to test bottles, 18; in butter, 69; influence of, on milk supply, 83; hi milk, 2. Watering of milk, detection of, 39. Weighing cream for testing, 52. Wheat by-products, influence of, on butter, 127. Whey, testing of, 102; value for feeding, 100. Whirling test bottles, 18. Winton test bottle, 51. Working butter, 66. Yields, milk, 9. The Chemistry of Plant and Animal Life By HARRY SNYDER Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Minnesota Cloth i2mo $1.25 net " This work was originally outlined as agricultural chemistry, but as special features have been developed and published, as the ' Chemistry of Soils and Fertilizers/ and 'The Chemistry of Dairying,' this part of the subject has gradually developed into ' The Chemistry of Plant and Animal Life,' and includes the composition of plant and animal bodies, the chemistry of the plant and of its food and growth, the chemistry of human foods and animal nutrition, the digestibility and value of foods, and the laws governing their economic use. A few topics of an industrial nature, but closely related to plant and animal life, are also included. " It has been the aim throughout to present the topics in such a way that they would be easily understood, and to develop the reasoning powers of the student so that he would be able to make the best use of his chemistry in everyday-life affairs." From the Author's Preface. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 64-66 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO ATLANTA Genlib. Ag.R.S. 7 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED gnico EC- .. . This publication is due on the LAST DATE stamped below. APR 41981 RETD APR I 193! RB 17-60m-6,'59 (A2840slO)4188 General Library University of California Berkeley