THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES IN MEMORY OF Lucius K. Chase Maria Catkins Chase PRESENTED BY Ransome W. Chase David P. Chase SERMONS O N Various Subjects. VIZ. 1 Of our New Birth in CHRIST JESUS. If. On Religious Society. III. On the Benefits of an Early Piety. IV. On Self-Denial . V. On Interceflion. VI. The Almoft-Chriftian. VII. On Juftification. VIII. Of the heinous Sin of profane Curfing and Swearing. IX. On the great Duty of Family Religion. X. Thankfulnefs for Mer- cies received a neceC- fary Duty. By GEORGE WHITEFIELD, A. B. of Pembroke-College, Oxford. LONDON, Printed for C. RIVINGTON at the Bihle and Cro-wn in St. Paul's Church-yard^ and J. HUTTON at the Bible and Suft } next the Rofe Tavern without Temple-Bar. 1739. Price bound 3*. 6d, ex THE CONTENTS. SERMON I. THE Nature and Ncceffity of our New-Birth in Chrifl Jefus> in order to Salvation. Preach'd in the Church of St. Mary Radcliff'm BriJloL i COR. 17. If any Man be in Chrift t he is a new Creature. Page 5 SER- 937305 CONTENTS. SERMON II. The Nature and Neceffity of Society in general, and of Religious Society in particular. Preach'd in the Parifh Church of St. Nicholas in Briftol; and before the Religious Socie- ties, at one of their General QuarterJy- Meetlngs, \nBow-Churcb London, intheYear E CCLES IV. 9, 10, 12. Vivo are better than one, becaufe they have a good Reward for their Labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his Fellow : But woe be to him that is alone when he fall- etb ; for he hath not an another to help him up. Again, if two lye together, then they have Heat-, but how can one be warm alone ? And if one prevail againjl him, two flail witb- ftand him ; and a threefold Cord is not quickly broken. _ P- 35 SERMON III. The Benefits of an Early Piety. Preach'd at Bow-Church London, &c. on Wed- nefday, Sept. 28. 1737. ECCLES xii. i. Remember tby Creator in the Days of thy Youth. 65 SER- CONTENTS. SERMON IV. The Extent and Reafonablenefs of Self- Denial. Preach 'd at the Parifh Church of St. Andrew Holborn, on Sunday Oflober 9. 1737. LUKE ix. 23. And he faid unto them all. If any Man 'will com? after me, let him deny bimfelf. p. 89 SERMON V. Interceffion every Chriftian's Duty. Preach'd at the Parifh Church of Great St. He lien t on T'uefday December 27, 1737. i TH ESS. v. 35. Brethren^ Pray for us. 1 1 3 SERMON VI. The Almoft-Chriftian. Preach'd at the Parifli Church of St. John, Wapping. ACTS xxvi. 28. Almoft thou perfuadejl me to be a Cbriftian. 137 SER- CONTENTS. SERMON VII. Of Juftification by Chrtft. Preach 'd at the Parifh Church of St. Anthotin. i COR vi. ii. But ye are juftified. 163 SERMON VIII. The heinous Sin of profane Curfing and Swearing. Preach'd at the Parifti Church of St. Nicholas Cole-Abbey. MATTH. v 34. But I fay unto you. Swear not at all. 187 SERMON IX. The great Duty of Family Religion. Preach'd at the Parifli Church of St. VedaJI, Fo/ier-Lane. JOSHUA xxiv. 15. As for me and my Houfe t we will ferve the Lord. 207 SER- CONTENTS. SERMON X. Thankfulnefs for Mercies received a neceffary Duty. A Farewell Sermon preach'd on Board the Whitaker, at Anchor near Savannah in Georgia, on Sunday May 17, 1738. PSALM cvii. 30, 31. Then are they glad becaufe they are at Reft, and Jo he bringeth them unto the Haven where they would be. O that Men would therefore praife the Lord for his Goodnefs, and declare the Wonders that he doethfor the Children of Men. 233 SER- THE NATURE andNECEssiTY o F o u R NEW BIRTH I N CHRIST JESUS, In order to SALVATION. A SERMON preached in the Church of St. Mary Radclife in BrifloL (3) THE PREFACE. THE Importunity of Friends, the Aft per fiom of Enemies, the great Scarcity of Sermons on this SubjeSt among the Divines of our own Church, and not any overweening Con- celt, I trufl, of the Worth of the Perfor- mance, were, amongfl divers others, the Reaforis. that induced me to permit the Publication of this very plain Difcourfe. What Reception it may meet with from tbe Publick, it behoves me, for my own fake, to be very little concerned about. But I humbly hope, that as God was pleafed to give it furprizing Succefs when delivered from the Pulpit, fo tht fame Gracious Being will continue to co-ope- rate with it from the Prefs : And then, if it be thereby made injlrumental towards the con- viewing any one Sitmer, or confirming any one Saint, I fiall not be folicitous about the Cen- fures that may be pajftd, either on the Simpli- B 2 aty (4) city of the Style, or, on the Touth of the Au- thor. I hope it will be permitted me to add my hearty Wijhes, that my Reverend Brethren, the Minifters of the Church of England, (iffucb an one as I may be worthy to call them Brethren) would more frequently entertain their People with Difcourfes of this Nature, than they com- monly do : And that they would not, out of a fertile Fear of difpleafmg fome particular Per- Jbns y fail to declare the whole Will of GOD to their refpeftive Congregations-, nor fuffer their People to rejl fatisfied with the Shell and Shadow of Religion, without acquainting them with the Nature and NeceJJity of that Inward Holinefs, and Vital Purity of Heart, which their ProfeJ/ion obliges them to afpire after, and without which no Man living can comfort- My fee the LORD. SERMON (5) SERMON I. Of our New Birth in C H R i s T JESUS. 2 Go R. v. 17. If any Man be /# CHRIST, he is a new Creature. THE Do&rine of our REGENERA- TION, or NEW BIRTH in CHRIST JESUS, tho' one of the moft fun- damental Doctrines of our holy Religion ; though fo plainly and often prefled on us in Sacred Writ, that he that rum may read ; nay, though it is the very Hinge on which the Salvation of each of us turns, and a PoinC too in which all fincere Chriftians, of what- ever Denomination, agree j yet it is fo feldom confidcred, and fo little experimentally under- ilood by the Generality of ProfefTors, that B 3 were -} Of our NEW BIRTH were we to judge of the Truth of it by the Experience of moft who call themfelves Cbriftians, we mould be apt to imagine they bad not fo much as heard whether there be any fuch thing as Regeneration or no. It is true, Men, for the moft part, are Orthodox in the common Articles of their Creed j they believe there is but one GOD, and one Medi- ator between Gop and Man, even the Man CHRIST JESUS ; and that there is no other Name given under Heaven, whereby they can be faved, befides His : But then tell them, They mutt be REGENERATE, they muft be PORN AGAIN, they mufl be renewed in the very Spirit, i. e. in the inmofl Faculties of their Minds, e'er they can truly call CHRIST Lord, Lord, or have any Share in the Merits of his precious Blood; and they are ready to cry out with Nicodemus, How can thefe things be ? or, with the Athenians, on another Occa- fion, What will this Babbler fay ? He feem- eth to be a letter-forth of Jlrange Dotfrines, bccaufe we preach unto them CHRIST, and the New Birth. THAT I may therefore contribute my Mite towards curing the fatal Miftake of fuch Per- fons, who would thus put afunder what GOD has infeparably joined together, and vainly ex- peft to be juflined by CHRIST, /. e. have their Sins in CHRIST JESUS, Sins forgiven, unlefs they are alfo fan&ifi *. e. have their Natures changed, and made holy ; I fhall beg Leave to inlarge on the Words of the Text in the following manner. Fir/t, I fhall endeavour to explain what is meant by being in CHRIST: If any Man be in CHRIST. Secondly, What we are to underfhnd by be- ing a New Creature. If any Man be in CHRIST, (fays the Apoftle) he is a new Creature. Thirdly^ I fhall produce fome Arguments to prove Why we muft be New Creatures e'er we can be in CHRIST. Fourthly and lajily, I mail draw fome In- ferences from what will have been deli- vered, and then conclude with a Word or two of Exhortation from the Whole. I. AND firfl then, I am to endeavour to ex- plain what is meant by this Expreflion in the Text, If any Man be in CHRIST. Now a Perfon may be faid to be "tn CHRIST two Ways. Firft, only by an outward Pro- feflion. And in this Senfe, every one that is called a Chriftian, or baptized into CHRIST'S Church, may be faid to be tn CHRIST. But that this is not the fole Meaning of the Apo- B 4 flic's I Of our NEW BIRTH ftle's Phrafe now before us, is evident, becaufe then every one that names the Name of CHRIST, or is baptized into his vifible Church, would be a new Creature. Which is notori- oufly falfej it being too plain, beyond all Contradiction, that comparatively but few of thofe that are born of Water^ are born of the Spirit likewife j or, to ufe another Scriptu- ral way of fpeaking, Many are baptized with Water, which were never, effectually at leaft, baptized with the HOLY GHOST. To be in CHRIST therefore, in the full Import of the Word, muft certainly mean fomething more than a bare outward Profef- iion, or being called after his Name For, as this fame Apoftle tells us, All are not Ifra- elites that are of Ifrael, i. e. when applied to Chriftianity, all are not real Chriftians that are nominally fuch. Nay, that is fo far from being the Cafe, that our BleiTed LORD himfelf informs us, That many that have prophefied or preached in his Name, and in his Name caft out Devils, and done many wonderful Works, mall notwithflanding be difmifled at the laft Day with a Depart from me, I know you not y ye Workers of Iniquity. IT remains therefore, that this Exprefilon, If any Man be in CHRIST, muft: be underftood ia a fecond and clofer Signification; viz. to be in in C H R i s T J E s u s. 9 in him fo as to partake of the Benefits of his Sufferings : To be in him not only by an out- ward Profeffion, but by an inward Change and Purity of Heart, and Cohabitation of his Holy Spirit : To be in him fo as to be myfti- cally united to him by a true and lively Faith, and thereby to receive fpiritual Virtue from him, as the Members of the natural Body do from the Head, or the Branches from the Vine : To be in him in fuch a manner as the Apoftle, fpeaking of himfelf, acquaints us he knew a Perfon was -, I knew a Man in CHRIST, fays he, /. e. a true Chriftian ; or, as he him- felf defires to be in CHRIST, when he wifhes, in his Epiftle to the Pbi/iffians, that he might be found in him. THIS is undoubtedly the full Purport of the Apoftle's Expreffion in the Words of the Text ; fo that what he fays in his Epiftle to the Ro- mans about Circnmcifion, may very well be applied to the prefent Subjecl, viz. That he is not a real Chriftian, who is only one out- wardly y nor is that true Baptifm, which is only outward in the Flejh : But he is a true Chriftian, who is one inwardly, whofe Bap- tifm is that of the Heart, in the Spirit, and not merely in the Water, whofe Praife is not of Man, but of GOD. Or, as he fpeaketh in another Place, Neither Circumcifon nor Un- circumci/ion td Of our NEW BIRTH circumcifion availeth any thing of itfelf, but a new Creature. Which amounts to what* he here declares in the Verfe now under Confi- deration, that if any Man be truly and proper- ly in CHRIST, he is a new Creature. II. WHAT we are to underftand by being & New Creature, was the next and fecond [ general Thing to be confidered. AND here it is evident at the firflView, that this Expreffion is not to be fo explained as tho' there was a Phyfical Change required to be made in us, i. e. as tho' we were to be reduced to our primitive Nothings and then created and formed again. For, fuppofing we were, as Nicodemus ignorantly imagined, to enter a fecond time into our Mother's Womb y and be born, alas ! what would it contribute towards rendering us fpiritually new Crea- tures? Since that which was born of Flefh would be Flem ftill, i. e. we mould be the fame carnal Perfons as ever, being derived from carnal Parents, and confequently receiv- ing the Seeds of all manner of Sin and Cor- ruption from them. No, it only means, that we muft be fo altered as to the Qualities and Tempers of our Minds, that we muft intirely forget what manner of Perfons we once were. Aa in C H R i s T J E s u s\ 'if As it may be faid of a Piece of Gold that was in the Ore, after it has been cleanfed, purified and polifhed, that it is a new Piece of Gold: As it may be faid of a bright Glafs that has been covered over with Filth, when it is wiped, and fo become tranfparent and clear, that it is a new Glafs ; Or, as it might be faid of Naaman, when he recovered of his Leprofy, and his Flefh returned unto him like the Flefh of a young Child, that he was a new Man : So our Souls, tho' ftill the fame as to Effence, yet are fo purged, purified and cleanfed from their natural Drofs, Filth and Leprofy, by the bleffed Influences of the Holy Spirit, that they may properly be faid to be made anew. How this glorious Change is wrought in the Soul, cannot eafily be explained: For no One knows the Ways of the Spirit, fave the Spirit of GOD Himfelf. Not that this ought to be any Argument againft this Doctrine ; for, as our BlefTed LORD obferved to Nicodemus, when he was difcourfing on this very Subject, The Wind y fays he, bloweth where it lifteth, and thou heareft the Sound thereof; but knoweft not whence it cometh, and whither it goeth ; and if we are told of natural Things, and we underftand them not, how much lefs ought we to wonder, if we cannot immediately ac- ount for the invifible Workings of the HQLY SPIRIT ? 12 Of our NEW BIRTH SPIRIT? The Truth of the Matter is this: The Doclrine of our Regeneration r , or New Birth in CHRIST JESUS, is dark and bard to be underftood by the natural Man. But that there is really fuch a Thing, and that each of us muft be fpiritually born again be- fore we can enter into the Kingdom of GOD; or, to keep to the Terms made ufe of in the Text, muft be new Creatures before we can be in CHRIST, I fiiall endeavour to mew under my III. tfbird general Head, in which I was to produce fome Arguments to prove, Why we muft be New Creatures, in order to qualify us for being favingly in CHRIST. AND here one would think ic fufEcient to affirm, that GOD himfelf, in his holy Word, hath told us fo. For, not to mention many Texts, that might be produced out of the Old *TeJlament to prove this Point, (and indeed, by the way, one would wonder how Nicode- mus, who was a 'Teacher in IfraeJ r and who. was therefore to- indraft the People in the fpi- ritual Meaning of the Law, mould be fo ig- norant of this grand Article, as we find he really was, by his afking our bleffed LORD, when he was preffing on him this Topic, How In CHRIST JESUS. can theft things be ? Surely, he <. not forget how often the Pfalmift had bf;gg'd of GOD to make him a new Heart, and re- new a right Spirit within him ; as like wife, how frequently the Prophets had wa People to make them new Hearts, Minds, and fo turn unto the LORD tl But not to mention thcfe and fuch-like '< out of the Old tfeftament) this Do&rine is fo plainly and often repeated in the New, that, as I obferved before, He that rum may read. For what fays the great Prophet andJnftrudlor of the World himfelf ? Except a Man every one that is naturally ingendered of the Offspring of Adam) be born again of Water, and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the King- dom of GOD. And left we mould be apt to flight this AfTerdon, and, Niccdemus-Yike, re- ject the Doctrine, becaufe we cannot imme- diately explain, How this thing can be } our; BlefTed Mafter therefore affirms it, as it were, by an Oath, Verily > verily, I Jay unto you, or, as it may be read, I the Amen, I who am Truth itfelf, fay unto you, that it is the unal- terable Appointment of my heavenly Father, that unlefs a Man be born again, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD. AGREEABLE to this are thofe manyPaflages w meet with in the EpiJHes, where we are commanded 14 Of our NEW BIRTI* Commanded to be renewed in the Spirit, i. e as was before explained, in the inmoft Facul- ties of our Minds ; to put off the Old Man> which is corrupt ; and to put on the New Man, which is created after GOD, in Righte- oufnefe and true Holinefs; That Old Things mufl pafs away, and that all Things muft be- come New -, That we are to be faved by the Waflring of Regeneration, and the Rene-wing of the HOLY GHOST. Or, methinks, was there no other PafTage to be produced befides the Words of the Text, it would be full enough, fince the Apoftle therein pofitively affirms, that if any Man be in CHRIST, be is a new Creature. Now what can be underflood by all thefe different Terms of being born again, of put- ting off the Old Man, and putting on theNew> of being renewed in the Spirit of our Minds, and becoming new Creatures; but that Chri- ftianity requires a thorough^ real, inward Change of Heart ? Do we think thefe, and fuch-like Forms of fpeaking, are mere Meta- phors, Words of a bare Sound, without any real folid Signification ? Indeed it is to be feared, fome Men would have them interpreted fo; but, alas! unhappy Men ! they are not to be envied their Metaphorical Interpretation : It vi CHRIST JESUS. i$ It Will be well, if they do not interpret them- felves out of their Salvation. MULTITUDES of other Texts might be pro- duced to confirm this fame Truth : But thofe already quoted are fo plain and convincing, that one would imagine no one fhould deny it; were we not told, There are fome, who having Eyes, fee not, and Ears, hear not y and that will not under/land with their Hearts, or hear with their Ears, left they fiould be converted, and CHRIST ftould heal them. BUT I proceed to a fecond Argument to prove, Why we muft be new Creatures, in order to be rightly in CHRIST : And that fhall be taken from the Purity of GOD, and the prefent corrupt and polluted State of Man. Now GOD is defcribed in Holy Scripture (and I fpeak to thofe who profefs to know" the Scripture) as a Spirit -, as a Being of fuch infinite Sanctity, as to be of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity ; as to be fo tranfcendently holy> that it is faid the very Heavens are not clean in his Sight; and the Angeh tbemfelves he chargeth with Folly. On the other hand, Man is defcribed (and every regenerate Perfon will find it true by his own Experience) as a Creature altogether conceived and born in Sin ; as haying no good Thing dwelling in him ; 33 being 16 Of our NEW BIRTH being carnal, fold under Sin ; nay, as having a Mind which is Enmity with GOD, and fuch- like. And fince then there is fuch an infinite Difparity, can any one conceive, how fuch a filthy, corrupted, polluted Wretch can dwell with an infinitely pure and holy GOD, before he is changed, and rendered, in Tome meafure, like him ? Can He, that is of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity, dwell with it ? Can He, In whofe Sight the Heavens are not clean, de- light to dwell with Uncleannefs itfelf? No; we might as well fuppofe Light to have Commu- nion with Dark&efs, or CHRIST to have Con- cord with Belial. But I pafs on to a THIRD Argument to make good the Apo- jftle's AiTertion in the Text, which fliall be founded on the Confideration of the Nature of that Happinefs GOD has prepared for thofe that unfeignedly love him. To enter indeed on a minute and particular Defcription of Heaven, would be vain and prefumptuous, fince we are told, that Eye hath not Jeen, nor Ear beard, neither hath it entered into the Heart of Man to conceive, the Things that are prepared for Cuejincere Followers of the Holy JESUS even in this Life, much lefs in that which is to come. How- ever, this we may venture to affinn in the general, that as GOD is a SfiHt, fo the Hap- pinefs in CH RIST JESUS. 17 pinefs he has laid up for his People, is fpiri- tual likewife j and confequently, unlefs our carnal Minds are changed, and become fpiri- tualized, we can never be made meet to partake of that inheritance. with the Saints in Light. IT is true, we may flatter ourfelves, that, fuppofing we continue in our natural corrupt Eftate, and carry all our Lufts along with us, we mould, notwithstanding, relifh Heaven, was^GoD to admit us therein. And fo we might, was it a Mahometan Paradife, wherein we were to take our full Swing in fenfual Delights. But fince its Joys are onlyfpirifuaf, and no unclean Thing can poffibly enter thofe blefled Manfions, there is an abfolute Necef- iity of our being changed, and undergoing a total Renovation of our depraved Natures, be- fore we can have any Tafte or Relifh of thofe heavenly Pleafures. IT is, doubtlefs, for this Reafon, that the Apoflle declares it to be the irrevocable Decree of the Almighty, that without Holinefs, i. e. without being made pure by Regeneration, and having the Image of GOD thereby rein- llamped upon the Soul, no Man living fl:all fee the Lord. And it is very obfervable, that our Divine Mafter, in the famous Paflage be- fore referred to, concerning the abfolute Ne- C ceffif i8 Of our NEW BIRTH ceffity of Regeneration, does not fay, Unlefs a Man be born again, he SHALL NOT, but Unlefs. a Man be born again, he CANNOT enter into the Kingdom of GO D. For it is founded in the very Nature of Things, that uniefs we have Difpofitions wrought in us fuitable and anfwerable to the Objects that are to en- tertain us, we can take no manner of Com- placency or Satisfaction in them. For In<- fiance ; What Delight can the moft harmo- nious Mufick afford a deaf, or what Pleafure the moft excellent Pi&ure give a blind Man ? Can a taftelefs Palate relifh the richeft Dain- ties, or a filthy Swine be pleafed with the fineft Garden of Flowers ? No : And what Reafon can be afiigned for it ? An Anfwer is ready 5 Becaufe they have neither of them any Tem- pers of Mind correfpondent or agreeable to what they are to be diverted with. And thus it is with the Soul hereafter : For Death makes no more Alteration in the Soul, than as it inlarges its Faculties, and makes it capable of receiving deeper Impreffions either of Plea- fure or Pain. If it delighted to converfe with GOD here, it will be tranfported with the Sight of his glorious Majefty hereafter : If it was pleafed with the Communion of Saints on Earth, it will be infinitely more fo with the Communion and Society of holy Angels, and * the in CHR IST JESUS. 19 the Spirits of juft Men made perfect in Heaven. But if theOppofite of all this be true, we may allure ourfelves, it could not be happy, was GOD himfelf to. admit it (which he never will do) into the Regions of the Bleffed. But it is Time for me to haften to the FOURTH and laft Argument I mall offer tc* prove, that we muft be new Creatures ere we can be in CHRIST, viz. becaufe CHRIST'S, Redemption will not be compleat without it. IF we reflect indeed on the firfl and chief End of our BleiTed LORD'S Coming, we mall find it was to fave us from our Sins, to be a Propitiation for our Sins, to give his Life a Ranfom for many. But then, if the Benefits of our dear Redeemer's Death were to extend no further than barely to procure Forgivenefs of our Sins, we mould have as little Reafon to rejoice in it, as a poor condemned Crimi- nal, that is ready to perifh by fome fatal Dif- eafe, would have in receiving a Pardon from his Judge. For Chriftians would do well to confider, that there is not only"~a legal Hin- drance to our Happinefs, as we are Breakers of GOD'S Law, but alfo^a moral Impurity in our Natures, which renders us incapable of enjoy- ing Heaven, (as hath been already prov'd) till fome mighty Change hath been wrought in us. It is neceflary therefore, in order to make C 2 CHRIST'S 20 Of our NEW BIRTH CHRIST'S Redemption compleat, that we fliould have a Grant of GOD'S Holy Spirit to change our Natures, and fo prepare us for the Enjoyment of that Happinefs our Saviour has purchafed by his precious Blood. ACCORDINGLY the Holy Scriptures inform us, that whom CHRIST jujlifies, i. e. (as we faid before) whofe Sins bej&rgn&J, thofe he alfo fantfifies, i. e. purifies and cleanfes, and totally changeth their corrupted Natures. Nay, in one Place of Scripture, Sanftifaatipn is put before Juftification, on purpofe, as it were, to convince us that there is no Salva- tion to be had without it : But ye are wajhed^ fays the Apoftle, but ye are fanftified; and then follows, but ye- are juftified. As the Scripture alfo fpeaketh in another Place, CHRIST is to us Juftifaation, Sanftifaation t and then Redemption. Let this therefore be admitted as another indifputable Argu- ment why we muft be new Creatures, ere we can be in CHRIST, becaufe without it CHRIST is dead in vain. PROCEED we now to the next general Thing propofed, viz. To draw fome Inferences from what has been delivered. . I. AND Fir ft then, If he that is in CHRIST uiuil be a new Creature^ this may ferve as a Reproof in CHRIST JESUS. 21 Reproof for fome, who reft in a bare Perfor- mance of outward Duties, without perceiving any real inward Change of Heart. WE may obferve a great many Perfons to be very punctual in the regular Returns of publick and private Prayer, as likewife of receiving the Holy Communion, and perhaps, now and then too, in keeping a Faft. And fo far we grant they do well. But then here is the Misfortune, they reft barely in theUfe of the Means, and think all is over, when they have juft complied with thefe facred Inftitutions : Whereas, were they rightly informed, they would confider, that all the inftituted Means of Grace; as Prayer, Faft- ing, Hearing and Reading the Word of GOD, Receiving the BlefTed Sacrament, and fuch- like, are no further ferviceable to us, than as they are found to make us inwardly better, and to carry on the fpiritual Life in the Soul. IT is true, they are Means, and Effential ones too ; but then they are only Means ; they are Part, but not the Whole of Religion : For if fo, Who more religious than the Pharifee ? who fafted twice in the Week, and gave Tythes of all that he pofTefled, and yet was not jufti- fied, as our Saviour himfelf informs us, in the Sight of GOD. You perhaps, like the Pharifee, may faft often, and make long Prayers ; you may, with C 3 Htrod> 22 Of cur NEW BIRTH Herod, hear good Sermons gladly ; or, as Judas himfelf, according to the Opinion of our Church, did *, receive the BlefTed Sacra- ment. But yet, if you continue vain and tri- fling, immoral or worldly-minded in your Converfations, and differ from the reft of your Neighbours barely in going to Church, or in complying with fome outward Performances, are you better than they ? No, in no wife : You are by far much worfe, becaufe thofe that wholly neglect the Means, are anfwerable only for omitting the Ufe of GOD'S Ordinances ; whereas if you ufe them, and at the fame time abufe them, by not letting them produce their intended Effect, you thereby encourage others to think there is nothing in them, and therefore muft expect to receive the greater Damnation. 2. BUT, Secondly, If he that is in CHRIST muft be a new Creature ', then this may check the groundlefs Prefumption of another Clafs of ProfefTors, who reft in the Attainment of fome Moral Virtues, and falfely imagine they are good Chriftians j if they are juft in their Deal- ings, or temperate in their Diet, and do Hurt or Violence to no Man. BUT if this was all that is requifite to make us CKriftianSi Why might not the Heathens of * See the firjl Exportation to be read tkz Week before tie Corn- old in CH RI ST JESUS. 23 old? be good Chriftians y who were remarkable for thefe Virtues ? Or St. Paul,- before his Converfion, who tells us, That then he lived in all good Confcience, and was, touching the Law, blamelefs? And yet, after his Converfion, we find he renounces all Dependance on Works of this Nature, and only defires to be found in CHRIST, and to know the Power of his Refur- rection j /. e. to have an experimental Proof of receiving the HOLY GHOST, purchafed for him by the Death, and infured and applied to him by the Refurrection of JESUS CHRIST. THE Sum of the Matter is this : Chriflia- nity includes Morality, as Grace does Reafon ; but if we are only mere Moralifts, if we are not inwardly wrought upon, and changed by the powerful Operations of the Holy Spirit, and our Moral Actions proceed from a Prin- ciple of a new Nature, however we may call ourfelves Chrtftians, it is to be feared we mall be found naked at the Great Day, and in the Number of thofe, who vainly depend on their own Righteoufnefs, and not on the Righte- oufnefs of JESUS CHRIST, imputed to and in- herent in them, as necefTary to their eternal Salvation. 3. NOR, Thirdly, will this Doctrine lefs con- demn thofe, who reft in a Partial Amend- ment of themfelves, without going on to Per-'- C 4 ' 24 Of our NEW BIRTH fedlion, and experiencing a thorough, real, inward Change of Heart. A little Acquaintance with the World will furnifh us with Inftances of no fmall Number of Perfons, who, perhaps, were before openly profane ; but feeing the ill Confequences of their Vice, and the many worldy Inconveniencies it has reduced them to, on a fudden, as it were, grow civilized ; and thereupon flatter them- leives that they are very religious, becaufe they' differ a little from their former Selves, and are not fo fcandaloufly wicked as once they were : Whereas at the fame time they mall have fome fecret darling Sin or other, fome beloved Dalilah or Herodias, which they will not part with j fome hidden Luft; which they will not mortify j fome vicious Habit, which they will not take pains to root out. But wouldft thou know, O vain Man ! whoever thou art, what the LORD thy GOD requires of thee? thou muft be inform'd, that nothing fhort of a thorough, found Converfion will avail for the Salvation of thy Soul : It is not enough to turn from Profanenefs to Civility ; but thou muft turn from Civility to Godlinefs : Not only feme, but all Things muft become new in thy Soul : It will profit thee but little to do many Things, if yet fome one Thing thou lackeft : In ihort, thou muft not be only an almoft, but altogether * CHRIST JESUS^ 15 altogether a new Creature, or in vain thou hopeft for a faving Intereft in CHRIST. 4. Fourthly andlaftly,If he that is in CHRIST muft be a new Creature, then this may be prefcribed as an infallible Rule for every Per- fon of whatever Denomination, Age, Degree or Quality, to -judge himfelf by; this being the only folid Foundation, whereon we can build a well-grounded AfTurance of Pardon, Peace, and Happinefs. WE may indeed depend on the broken Reed of an external Profeffion ; we may think we have done enough, if we lead fuch fober, honeft, moral Lives, as many Heathens did. We may imagine we are in a fafe Condition, if we attend on the publick Offices of Reli- gion, and are conftant in the Duties of our Clofets. But unlefs all thefe tend to reform our Lives, and change our Hearts, and are only ufed as fo many Chanels of Divine Grace ; as I told you before, fo I tell you again, Chri- ftianity will profit us nothing. LET each of us therefore ferioufly put this Queftion to our Hearts : Have we received the HOLY GHOST fince we believed ? Are we new Creatures in CHRIST, or no? At leaft, if we are not fo yet, it is our daily Endeavour to become fuch? Do we make a conftant and con- fcientious Ufe of all the Means of Grace re- quired 2.6 Of our NEW BI'RTH quired thereto ? Do we faft, watch, and pray ? Do we not only lazily feek, but laborioufly ftrive to enter in at the ftrait Gate ? In fhort Do we renounce ourfelves, take up our Crofles, and follow CHRIST? If fo, we are in that narrow Way which leads to Life : We are, at lead fliall in Time, become pew Creatures in CHRIST: The good See$ is fown in our Hearts, and will, if duly water'd andnourim'd by a regular perfevering Ufe of all the Means of Grace, grow up to ternal Life. But, on the contrary, if we have only heard, and know not experimentally, whether there be any HO- LY GHOST; if we are Strangers -^o Fafting, Watching, and Prayer, and all the other fpi- ritual Exercifes of Devotion ; if we are con- tent to go in the broad Way, merely becaufe we fee mofl other People do fo, without once reflecting whether it be the right one or not ; in fhort, if we are Strangers, nay, Enemies to theCrofs of CHRIST, by leading Lives of Softnefs, Worldly-mindednefs, and fenfual Pleafure ; and thereby make others think, that Chriftianity is but an empty Name, a bare formal Profeffion ; if this be the Cafe, I fay, then CHRIST is as yet dead in vain as to us; we are yet under the Guilt of our Sins ; we are unacquainted with that true and thorough Con- in CHRIST JESUS. 27 Converfion, which alone can intitle us to the Salvation of our Souls. BUT, Beloved, I am perfuaded better Things of you, and Things that accompany Salvation, tho' we thus fpeak ; and humbly hope, that you are fully and heartily convinced, that no- thing but the Wedding Garment of a new Nature, can gain Admiffion for you at the Marriage Feaft of the Supper of the Lamb -, that you are fincerely perfuaded, that h^ that hath not the Spirit of CHRIST, is none of his ; and that, unlefs the SPIRIT, which raifed JE- SUS from the Dead, dwell in you here, neither will your mortal Bodies be quickened by the fame SPIRIT to dwell with him hereafter. . LET me therefore (as was propofed in the laft Place) earneftly exhort you, in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, to ac~l fuitable to thofe Convictions, and to live as Chriftians, that are commanded in Holy Writ, to put off their former Converfation concerning the Old Man, and to put on the New Man y which is created after GOD, in Righteoufnefs and true Holinefs. IT muflbe owned indeed, that this is a great and difficult Work; but, blefled be GOD, it is not impofiible. Many Thoufands of happy Souls have been affifted by a Divine Power to bring it about, and why fhould We defpair of Succefs ? 28 Of our NEW BIRTH Succefs? Is GOD'S Hand mortened, that it can- not fave ? Was He the GOD of our Fathers, is He not the GOD of their Children alfo ? Yes, doubtlefs, of their Children alfo. It is aTafk likewife that will put us to fome Pain ; it will oblige us to part with fome Luft, to break with fome Friend, to mortify fome beloved Paffion, which may be exceeding dear to us, and per- haps as hard to leave, as to cut off a right Han$, or pluck out a right Eye. But what of all this ? Will not the being made a real living Member of CHRIST, a Child of GOD, and Inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven, abundantly make Amends for all this Trouble ? Undoubtedly it will. Laflly, Setting about and carrying on this great and neceflary Work, perhaps may, nay, afiuredly will, expofe us to the Ridicule of the unthinking Part of Man- kind, who will wonder, that we run not into the fame Excefs of Riot with themfelves ; and becaufe we may deny our finful Appetites, and are not conformed to this World, being com- manded in Scripture to do the one, and to have our Converfation in Heaven in Oppofi- tion to the other, they may count our Lives Folly, and our End to be without Honour. But will not the being numbered among the Saints, and mining as the Stars for ever and ever, be a more than a fufficient Recompenfe for in C H R i s T J E s u s. 29 for all the Ridicule, Calumny, or Reproach we can poflibly meet with here ? INDEED, was there no other Reward attend- ed a thorough Converfion, but that Peace of GOD, which is the unavoidable Confequence of it, and which, even in this Life, pafleth all Understanding, we mould have great Rea- fon to rejoice. But when we confider this is the lead of thofe Mercies GOD has prepared for thofe that are in CHRIST new Creatures-, that this is but the Beginning of an eternal Succeffion of Pleafures ; that the Day of our Deaths, which the unconverted, unrenewed Sinner muft fo much dread, will be, as it were, but the^/r/2 Day of our new Births, and open to us an everlafting Scene of Hap- pinefs and Comfort ; in more, if we remem- ber, that they who are regenerate and born again, have a real Title to all the glorious Pro- mifes of the Gofpel, and are infallibly certain of being as happy, both here and hereafter, as an All-wife, All-gracious, All-powerful GOD can make them ; methinks, every one that has but the lead Concern for the Salvation of his precious, his immortal Soul, having fuch Pro- mifes, fuch an Hope, fuch an Eternity of Happincfs fet before him, mould never ceale watching, praying, and driving, till he find a real, inward, faving Change wrought in his Heart ; 30 Of our NEW BIRTH, &c. Heart -, and thereby knoweth of a Truth, that he dwells in CHRIST, and CHRIST in him 5 that he is a new Creature in CHRIST j that he is therefore a Child of GOD; that he is already an Inheritor, and will ere long, if he endure to the End, be an adlual Poneflor of the King- dom of Heaven. Which GOD of his Infinite Mercy grant, through JESUS CHRIST our LORD 5 To whom, &c. THE THE NECESSITY and BENEFITS o F SOCIETY in general, AND OF Religious Society in particular. A SERMON preached in the Parifh Church of St. Nicholas in Brijlol, and be- fore the Religious Societies, at one of their General Quarterly-Meetings in Bow-Church, London, in the Year 1737. (33) TO THE MEMBERS OF rf V E R Y RELIGIOUS SOCIETY In and about the Cities of London^ Weftminfter^ and ErifloL GENTLEMEN, AS this SERMON was preached with an Intent to promote and encourage your SOCIETIES, / hope you will accept it, as a Teftimmy of my Gratitude for thofe many Benefits I have received, under GOD, by officiating fome Time with you. It's true indeed I had not the haft Thought if letting any other of my Difcourfes fee the Light: But fuch was the Zeal of fome of my Briftol Friends (though certainly in this In- D Jlance (34) jlance of it, as the Difcourfe itfelf will Jhew, mifguided) that having gotten a very incorrect Copy, they ordered it to be publifoed, and near four Hundred of the firft Impreffion 'were fold off in Briftol, before I was apprized of any fuch Defign being carrying on, at leaft before a Letter, 'which I Jent abfolufely to forbid the Profecution of it, could reach that City. But when 1 came to peruje one of them, I found fo many 'Things left out, fo many Pages inferted y 'which (though written by Me on & particular Oc- cafion) had little or no Reference to the main Defign of the Difcourfe, that I was obliged in my own Defence to let a Second, lefs incorrect, JLdition (tho very unworthy of any Publication at all) be printed off. AND now if GOD (as he often works by the meanejl Injlruments) fiould vouchfafe to blefs it to any of your Members, I Jhall not repent (though I did repent) of its being publiflied without the Confent or Knowledge of, .GENTLEMEN, Your hearty Well-w'fher And unworthy Servant in CHRIST, G.W. (35) SERMON II. On Religious Society. Ecc L E s. iv. 9, 10. IT, ii. are better than One, becaufe they have & good Reward for their Labour. For if they f all y the One will lift up his Fellow: But woe be to him that is alone when he fal- leth j for he hath not -another to help him up. Again , if 'Two lye together , then they have Heat-, but how can One be warm alone ? jlnd if One prevail againfl him, Two Jh all with- jland him ; and a threefold Cord is not quickly broken. AMONG the many Reafons afiignable for the fad Decay of True Chrijiianity, perhaps the neglecting to ajjemble our- Jehes together , in Religious Societies, may not be one of the lead. That I may therefore do my endeavour towards promoting fa excellent D 2 a Means 36 The Neceffity and Benefit a Means of Piety, I have fele&ed a Paflage of Scripture drawn from the Experience of the Wifeft of Men, which being a little enlarged on and illuftrated, will fully anfwer my pre- fent Defign j that being to fhew, in the beft Manner I can, the Neceffity and Benefits of So- defy in general, and of Religious Society in particular. Two are better than One, &c. FROM which Words I {hall take Occalion to prove, Firft, The Truth of the Wife Man's Af- fertion, vtz. 'Two are better than Onf, and that in Reference to Society in gene- ral, and Religious Society in particular. Secondly, To affign fome Reafons why Two are better than One, efpecially as to the laft Particular, i. BecaufeMen can raife up one another when they chance to flip: For if they fall, the One 'will lift up his Fellow. 2. Becaufe they can impart Heat to each other : Again, if Two lye together, then they have Heat j but how can One be warm alone ? 3. Becaufe they can fecure each other from thofe that do oppofe them : And if One pre- vail againji him> Two fi all withjland him . and of RELIGIOUS SOCIETY. 3? and a Three-fold Cord is not quickly broken. From hence, Thirdly, I (hall take Occafion to {hew the Duty incumbent on every Member of a Religious Society. Fourthly and laftly, I fhall draw an Inference or two from what {hall have been faid ; and then conclude with a Word or two of Exhortation from the whale. Firft then, I am to prove the Truth of the Wife Man's Aflertion, viz. that Two are better than One, and that in reference to Society in general, and Religious Societies in particular. AND how can this be done better than by {hewing that it is abfolutely necefTary for the Welfare both of the Bodies and Souls of Men ? Indeed if we look upon Man as he came out of the Hands of his Maker, we imagine him to be perfect, entire, lacking nothing. But GOD, whofe Thoughts are not as our Thoughts, faw fomething ftill wanting to make Adam happy. And what was that ? Why, an Help meet for him. For thus fpeaketh the Scripture : And the LORD GOD faid, It is not good that the Manjhould be alone, I will make an Help meet for him. OBSERVE, GOD faid, It is not gwd, there- by implying that the Creation would have been. D 3 imper- 3 3 T&e Nece/ity and Benefits imperfect, in fome fort, unlefs an Help was found out meet for Adam. And if this was the Cafe of Man before the Fall ; if an Help was meet for him in a State of PeWftion j furely fince the Fal^ when we come naked and help- lefs out of our Mother's Womb, when our Wants increafe with our Years, and we can fcarcfly fubfifl a Day without the mutual Af- fiftance of each other, well may we fay, It is not good for Man to be alone. SOCIETY, then, we fee is abfoliitely ne- cefiary in refpect to our bodily and perfonal Wants. If we carry our View farther, and con- fider Mankind as divided into different Cities, Countries, and Nations, the Neceffity of it will appear yet more evident. For how can Communities be kept up, or Commerce car- ried on, without Society? Certainly not at all, lince Providence feems wifely to have afTigned a particular Product to almoft each particular Country, on Purpofe, as it were, to oblige us to be focial ; and hath fo admirably mingled the Parts of the whole Body of Mankind to- gether, that the Eye cannot fay to the Hand, I no need of rfhee ; nor again, the Hand to the Foot, I have no Need of T^hee. MANY other Inftances might be given of the Neceffity of Society, in reference to our bo- dily, perfonal, and national Wants. But what are p/* RELIGIOUS SOCIETY. 39 are all thefe when weighed in the Balance of the SancJuary, in comparison of the infinite greater Need of it, with refpe& to the Soul? It was chiefly in regard to this better Part, no doubt, that GOD faid, It is not good for the Man to be alone. For let us fuppofe Adam to be as happy as may be, placed as the Lord of the Creation in the Paradife of GOD, and fpending all his Hours in adoring and praifmg the BlefTed Author of his Being; yet as his Soul was the very Copy of the Divine Nature, whofe peculiar Property it is to be communica- tive, without the Divine All'Siifficiency\\fcou\& not be compleatly happy, becaufe he was alone and incommunicative, nor even Content in Paradije for want of a Partner in his Joys. GOD knew this, and therefore faid, // is not good that the Manjhall be alone ^ I will make a Help meet for him. And tho' this proved a fa- tal Means of his falling ; yet that was not owing to any natural Confequence of Society ; but partly to that curfed Apoftate, who craftily lyes in wait to deceive, partly to Adam's own Folly, in rather chufing to be miferable with one he loved, than truft in GOD to raile him up another Spoufe. IF we reflec~l indeed on that familiar Inter- courfe our firft Parents could carry on with Heaven, in a State of Innocence, we {hall be D 4 - apt 40 The Nece/ity and Benefits apt to think he had as little Need of Society, as to his Sou/, as before we fuppofed him to have, in refpeffc to his Body. But yer, as GOD and the Holy Angels were fo far above him on the one hand, and the Beafts fo far beneath him on the other, there was nothing like having one to converfe with, who was Bone of his Bone, andFleJh of his Flejh. MAN, then, could not be fully happy, we fee even in Paradife, without a Companion of his own Species, much lefs now he is driven out. For, let us view him a little in his natu- ral Eftate now, fince the Fall, as having his Under ft anding darkened, his Mind alienated from the Life of G Q D ; as no more able to fee his Way wherein he mould go, than a Blind Man to defcribe the Sun : That notwith- ftanding this, he muft receive his Sight ere he can fee GOD: And that if he never fees him, he never can be happy. Let us view him, I fay, in this Light (or rather this Darknefs) and deny the Necejpty of Society if we can. A Di- vine Revelation we find is abfolutely neceflary, we being by Nature as unable to know, as we are to do our Duty. And how mail we learn except one teach us ? But was GOD to do this immediately by Himfelf, how mould we, with Mofes exceedingly quake and fear ? Nor would the Miniflry of Angels in this Affair be with- out (/RELIGIOUS SOCIETY. 41 out too much Terror. It is necefTary, there- fore (at leaft GOD'S Dealing with us hath (hewed it to be fo) that we mould be drawn with the Cords of a Man. And that a Divine Revelation being granted, we mould ufe one another's Afliftanee, under GOD, to inftruct each other jn the Knowledge, and to exhort one another to the Practice of thofe Things which belong to our everlafting Peace. This is undoubtedly the great End of Society in- tended by GOD fince the Fall, and a ftrong Argument it is, why Two are better than One y and why we ihould not forfake the Affembling ourfelves together. BUT farther, let us confider ourfelves as Chriftians, as having this natural Veil, in fome meafure taken off from our Eyes, by the Af- iiftance of GOD'S Holy Spirit, and fo enabled to fee what he requires of us. Let us fuppofe ourfelves in fome Degree to have tajled the good Word of 'Life ', and to have felt the Powers of the World to come, influencing and moulding- pur Souls into a religious Frame : To be fully and heartily convinced that we are Soldiers lifted under the Banner of CHRIST, and have proclaimed open War at our Baptifm, againjl the World, the FleJJ^ and the Devil ; and have, perhaps, frequently renewed our Obligations fo to do, by partaking of the Lord's Supper : That 42 The Nece/fity and Benefits That we are furrounded with Millions of Foes Without, and infefted with a Legion of Ene- mies Within : That we are commanded to fhine as Lights in the World, in the midft of a crooked and perverfe Generation : That we are travelling to a long Eternity, and need all imaginable Helps to {hew us, and encourage us in our Way thither. Let us, I fay, reflect on all this, and then how fhall each of us cry out, Brethren, what a neceflary Thing it is to meet together in Religious Societies ? THE Primitive Chrijiiam were fully fenfible of this, and therefore we find them continually keeping up Communion with each other : For what fays the Scripture ? They continued Jied- fajlly in the dpoftks Dotfrine and Fellow/hip^ Ads ii. 42. Peter and John were no foo'ner difmifled by the Great Council, than they hafte away to their Companions. And being fet at Liberty ', fays the Text, they came to their own, and told them all tbefe Things which the High Prieft hadfaid unto them. Acts iv. 23. Pau/ 9 as foon as converted, tarried three Days with the Difciples that were at Damafcus, Acts ix. 19. And Peter afterwards, when releafed from Prifon, immediately goes to the Houfe of Mary y where there were great Multitudes af- fembled, praying, Acts xii. 12. And it is re- ported of Cbriftiam in After-Ages, that they ufed cf RELIGIOUS SOCIETY.' 43 tifed to aflemble together before Day-light, to fing a Pfalm to CHRIST as GOD. So precious was the Communion of Saints in thole Days. If it be afked, what Advantage we (hall reap from fuch a Procedure now ? I anfwer, much every Way. Two are better than one, becaufe they have a good Reward for their Labour : For if they fall, the One will lift up his Fellow ; but woe be to him that is alone when he falleth, for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lye together, then they have Heat j but bow can one be warm alone ? And if one prevail #- gainfl him, Two Jhall withfland him ; and a. threefold Cord is not quickly broken. WHICH diredlly leads me to my Second ge- neral Head, under which I was to affign fomc Reafons why Two are better than one, efpecially i i Religious Society. i. As Man in his prefent Condition cannot alwaysftand upright, butbyreafonofthe Frailty of his Nature cannot but fall; one eminent Reafcn why Two are better than One, or in other Words, one great Advantage of Religious Society is, That when they fall, the One will lift up his Fellow. AND an excellent Reafon this, indeed ! For alas ! when we refledt how prone we are to be drawn into Error in our Judgments, and into Vice 44 The Neceffity and Benefits Vice in our Practice j and how unable, at leaft bow very unwilling, to efpy or corredt our own Mifcarriages ; when we confider how apt the World is to flatter us in our Faults, and how few there are fo kind as to tell us the Truth ; what an ineftimable Privilege muft it be to have a Set of true, judicious, hearty Friends about us, continually watching over our Souls, to inform us where we have fallen, and warn us that we fall not again for the future. Surely it is fuch a Privilege that (to ufe the Words of an eminent Chrijlian) we fhall never know the Value of, till we come to Glory. BUT this is not all ; for fuppofing that we could always ftand up ight, yet whofoever reflects on the Difficulties of Religion in ge- neral, and his ownPropenfitytoLukewarmnefs and Indifference in particular, will find that he muft be zealous as well as fttady, if e'er he. expedts to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Here, then, the Wife Man points out to us another excellent Reafon why T'wo are better thvn One. Again, fays he, if Two lye together, then they have Heat ; but how can One be warm alone ? WHICH was the next Thing to be confiderec} under the Second genepal Head, viz. to affign a fecond Reafon why Two are better than One, becaufe they can impart Heat to each other, IT ^RELIGIOUS SOCIETY. 45 IT is an Obfervation no lefs true than com- mon, That kindled Coals, if placed afunder, foon go out, but if heaped together, quicken and enliven each other, and afford a lafting Heat. The fame will hold good in the Cafe now before us. If Chriftians kindled by the Grace of GOD unite, they will quicken and enliven each other ; but if they feparate and keep afunder, no marvel if they foon grow cool or tepid. If Two or *fbree meet together in CHRIST'S Name, they 'will have Heat: but how can One be warm alone ? OBSERVE, How can One be warm alone ? The Wife Man's expreffing himfelf by way of Que- flion, implies an Impoflibility, at leaft a very great Difficulty, to be^varm in Religion with- out Company, where it may be had. Behold here, then, another excellent Benefit flowing from Religious Society ; it will keep us zealous as well as Jleady, in the Ways of Godlinefs. BUT to illuftrate this a little farther by a Com- parifon or two. Let us look upon ourfelves (as was above hinted) as Soldiers lifted under CHRIST'S Banner; as going out with TenThou- fand to meet One that cometh againjl us with Twenty Tboufand: as Perfons that are to wrejlle not only 'with Flefh and Blood, but again/1 Prin- cipalities, again/I Powers, and fpiritualWicked- neffes in high Places. And then tell me, all ye that 46 Tbe Nece/ity and Benefits that fear GOD, if it be not an invaluable Pri- vilege to have a Company of Fellow Soldiers continually about us, animating and exhorting each other to ftand our Ground, to keep our Ranks, and manfully to follow the Captain of our Salvation, though it be through a Sea of Blood? Laftly, LET us confider ourfelves in another View before mentioned, viz. as Perlbns travel- ling to a long Eternity ; as refcued by the free Grace of GOD in fome meafure from our natu- ral Egyptian Bondage, and marching under the Conduct of our Spiritual Jojkua, through the Wildernefs of this World, to the Land of our Heavenly Canaan. Let us farther reflect how apt we are to ftartle at frery Difficulty; to cry, here are Liom ! T^bere are Lions in the Way I ^here are the Sons of Anak to be grappled with, ere we can poiTefs the promifed Land: How prone we are, with Lot's Wife, to look wifh- fully back on our Spiritual Sodom, or, with the foolifh Ifraelites, to long again for the Flefli-Pots of Egypt, and to return to our for- mer natural State of Bondage and Slavery. Confider this, my Brethren, and fee what a bleffed Privilege it will be to have a Set of Ifraelites indeed about us, always reminding us of the Folly of any fuch cowardly Defign, and of the intolerable Mifery we fhall run into, if we of RELIGIOUS SOCIETY. 47 we fall in theleaft more of the promifed Land. MORE might be faid on this Particular, did not the Limits of a Difcourfe of this Nature, oblige me to haften, 3. To give a Third Reafon, mentioned by the Wife Man in the Text, why Two are better than One; namely, becaufe they can fecure each other from Enemies without. And if One prevail againjl him, yet Two Jhall with/land him ; and a Threefold Cord is not quickly broken. HITHERTO we have confidered the Advan- tages of Religious Societies, as a great Preferva- tive againft falling (at leaft dangeroufly falling) into Sin and Lukewarmnefs, and that too from our own Corruptions. But what fays the Wife Son of Siracb ? My Son, when thou goeft toferve the Lord, prepare thy Soul for Temptation : And that not only from inward, but outward Foes; particularly from thofe two grand Adverfaries, the World and the Devil: For no fooner will thine Eye be bent Heaven-ward, but the former will be immediately diverting it another Way, telling thee thou needed not bzjingular in order to be religious ; that one may be a Chrijlian without going fo much out of the Common Road. NOR will the Devil be wanting in his artful Infinuations, or impious Suggeftions to divert or terrify thee from preffing forwards, that thou mayeft 48 The Neceffity and Benefits may eft Jay hold on the Crown of Life : And if he cannot prevail this Way, he will try another ; and, in order to make his Temptation the more undifcerned, but withal more fuccefsful, he will r employ, perhaps, fome of thy neareft Relatives, or moft powerful Friends, (as he fet Peter on our bleffed Majler) who will always be bidding thee fpare thyfelf , telling thee thou needeft not take fo much Pains ; that it is not fo difficult a Matter to get to Heaven as fome People would make of it, nor the Way fo narrow as others imagine it to be. BUT fee here the Advantage of Religious Company ; for fuppofing thou findeft thyfelf thus furrounded on every Side, and unable to withftand fuch horrid (though {ecminglyfrienJ- ly) Counfels, hafte away to thy Companions, and they will teach thee a truer and better Lef- fon ; they will tell thee, that thou muft be fmgular if thou wilt be religious ; and that it is as impoflible for a Cbriflian, as for a City fet upon a Hill to be hid : That if thou wilt be an almoft Chriftian (and as good be none at all) thou mayeft live in the fame idle, indifferent Manner as thou feeft moft other People do : But if thou wilt be not only almoft y but altoge- ther a Cbriftian, they will inform thee thou muft go a great deal further : That thou muft not only faintly 'feek, but earnejlly Jirhs to ente r in C/*RELIIOUS SOCIETY.' 49 in at the ftralt Gate: That there is but One Way now to Heaven as formerly, viz. through the narrow PafTage of a found Converfion: And that in order to bring about this mighty Work thou mud undergo a conftant, but neceflary Difcipline of Failing, Watching, and Prayer. And that, therefore, the only Reafon why thefe Friends give thee fuch Advice is, becaufe they are not willing to take fo much Pains themfelves ; or, as our Saviour told Peter on a likeOccafion, becaufe they favour not the Things that be of GOD, but the Things that be of Men. THIS, then, is another excellent Bleffing a- rifing from Religious Society, ihat Friends can hereby fecure each other from thofe that op- pofe them. The Devil is fully fenfible of this \ and therefore he has always done his utmoft to fupprefs, and put a Stop to the Communion of Saints. This was his grand Artifice at the firft planting of the Gofpel; to perfecute the Profeflbrs of it, in order to feparate them. Which, tho'Goo, as he always will, over- ruled for the better; yet it fhews what an En- mity he has againft Chrijliam affembling them- fehes together ; nor has he yet left off his old Stratagem ; it being his ufual Way to entice ' us by ourfefoes, in order to tempt us ; where, by being deftitute of one another's Helps, he hopes to lead us captive at his Will. E JBvr The Neceffity and Benefits BUT, on the contrary, knowing how hfc own Intereft is ftrengchened by Society^ he would firft perfuade us to neglect the Communion of Saints, and then bid us ftand in the Way of Sinners, hoping thereby to put us into the Seat of the Scornful Judas and Peter are melan- choly Inftances of this. The former had no fooner left his Company at Supper, but he went out and betrayed his Mafter : And the difmal Downfal of the latter, when he would venture himfelf amongft a Company of Enemies, plain- ly fhews us what the Devil will endeavour to do, when he gets us by ourfelves. Had Peter kept his own Company, he might have kept his Integrity j but a Jingle Cord, alas ! how quickly was it broken ? Our BleJJed Saviour knew this full well, and therefore it is very obfervable, that he always fent out his Dijci- pies TLIVO by Two. AND now, after fo many Advantages to be reaped from Religious Society, may we not very juftly cry out with the Wife Man in my Text, Woe be to him that is alone ; for when he falletb, he hath not another to lift him up ? When he is c old, he hath not a Friend to warm him j when he is a/aulted, he hath not a Second to help him to wkhftand his Enemy. m. i tf RELIGIOUS SOCIETY,' ci III. I NOW come to my tfbird general Head, under which was to be (hewn the feveral Duties incumbent on every Member of a Religion 5 Society, as fuch, which are three, i. Mutual Reproof; 2. Mutual Exhort atiw, 3. Mutual affijling and defending each other. i. Mutual -Reproof. 'Two are better than, One ; for 'when they fall, the One will lift up. his Fellow. Now, Reproof may be taken either in a' more extenfive Senfe, and then it fignifies our railing a Brother by the gentleft Means, when he falls into Sin Or Error j or, in a more re- flrained Signification, as reaching no farther than thofe little Mifcarriages, which unavoid- ably happen in the mod holy Men living. THE Wife Man in the Text, fuppofes all of us fubjecl to both : For when they fall, (fays he, thereby implying that each of us may fall) the One will lift up his fellow. From whence we may infer, that when any Brother is overtaken with a Fault, he that is fpiritual (that is, re- generate, and knows the Corruption and Weak- nefs of Human Nature) ought to rejiore fuch a one in the Spirit of Meeknefs. And why he mould do fo, the Apoftle fubjoins a Reafon confidering thyfelf, left then alfo be tetnpted: i. e. E i con- 5 a ^he Neceffity and Benefits confidering thy own Frailty, left thou alfo fall by the like Temptation. WE are all frail unftable Creatures ; and it is merely owing to the Free Grace and good Pro- vidence of GOD that we rim not into the fame Excefs of Riot Vfith other Men. Every offend- ing Brother, therefore, claims our Pity rather than our Refentment -, and each Member fhould ftrive who mould be moft forward, as well as moft gentle, in reftoring him to his former State. BUT fuppofing a Perfon not to be overfa&et?, but to fall wilfully into a Crime j yet who art thou that denieft Forgivenefs to thy offending Brother ? Let him that ftandetb take heed left he fall. Take ye, Brethren, the holy Apoftles as eminent Examples for you to learn by, how you ought to behave in this Matter. Confider how quickly they joined the Right Hand of Fellowship with Peter, who had fo wilfully denied his Matter : For we find John and him together but two Days after, John xx. 2. And ver. 19, we find him aflembled with the reft. So foon did they forgive, fo foon afibciate with their finful, yet relenting Brother Let us go and do likewife. BUT there is another kind of Reproof in- cumbent on every Member of a Religious So- ciety j namely, a gentle Rebuke for fome Mif- carriage 0/* RELIGIOUS SOCIETY. ? carnage or of her, which, though not actually finful, yet may become the Occafion of Sin. This indeed feems a more eafy, but perhaps will be found a more difficult Point than the former: For when aPerfon has really finned, he cannot but own his Brethren's Reproof to be juft ; whereas, when it was only for fome little Mif- conduct, the Pride that is in our Natures will fcarce fuffer us to brook it. But however un- grateful this Pill may be to our Brother, yet if we have any Concern for his Welfare, it muft be adminiftered by fome friendly Hand or other. By all means then let it be applied j only, like a fkilful Phyfician, gild over the ungratefnl Medicine, and endeavour, if poffible, to de- ceive thy Brother into Health and Soundnefs, LetallBitternefs, and Wrath, and Malice, and Evil-jpeaking be put away from it. Let the Patient know his Recovery is the only Thing aimed at, that thou delighted not caufelejly to grieve thy Brother ; and then thou can'ft not wantSuccefs. 2. Mutual Exhortation is the fecond Duty refulting from the Words of the Text. Again, if Two lye together, then they have Heat. OBSERVE here again, the Wife Man fup- pofes it as impoffible for religious Perfons to meet together and not to be the warmer for each other's Company, as for two Perfons to E 3 lye ^4 *?he Neceffity and Benefits lye in the fame Bed, and yet freeze with Cold. But now, how is it poffible to communicate Heat to each other, without mutually ftirring up the Gift of God which is in us, by Brotherly Exhortation ? Let every Member then of a 'Religious Society write that zealous Apoftle's Advice on the Tables of his Heart ; See that ye exhort, and provoke one another to Love, and to good Works j and fo much the more as you fee the Day of the LORD approaching. Believe me, Brethren, we have need of Exhortation to rouze up our fleepy Souls, to fet us upon our Watch againft the Temptations of the World, the Flejb, and the Devil; to excite us to re- nounce ourfelves, to take up our Croffes, and follow our bleffed Mafter, and the glorious Company of Saints and Martyrs, who through Faith have fought the good Fight, and are gone before us to inherit the Promifes. A third Part, therefore, of the Time wherein a Religious So- ciety meets, feems neceflary to be fpent in this important Duty : For what avails it to have our Underftandings enlightened by pious Reading, unlefs our Wills are at the fame Time inclined, and inflamed by mutual Exhortation, to put ic in Practice ? Add to this, that this is the bcfl Way both to receive and impart Light, and the only Means topreferveand increafe that Warmth and Heat which each Perfon firfl brought with him; e/ 1 RELIGIOUS SOCIETY. $5 him ; GOD fo ordering this, as all other fpiri- toal Gifts, that to him that hath y i. e, improves and communicates what he hath,y7W/ be given ; but from him that hath not y i. e. does not im- prove the Heat he hath, flail be taken away even that which hefeemed to have. So needful, fo effentially neceflary, is Exhortation to the Good of a Society. 3. Thirdly and laftly, THE Text points -out another Duty incumbent on every Member of a Religious Society, viz. to defend each other from thofe that do oppofe them. And if One prevail againfl him y yet Two Jhall withjland him ; and a 'Threefold Cord is not quickly broken* HERE the Wife Man takes it for granted, that Offences 'will come y nay, and that they may prevail too. And this is no more than our BleJJed Mafter has long fmce told us. Not, in- deed, that there is any Thing in Chriftianily jtje/ftbtt. has the leaft Tendency to give rife to, or promote fuch Offences : No, on the contrary, it breathes nothing but Unity and Love. BUT fo it is, that ever fince the fatal Sen- tence pronounced by GOD, after our firft Pa- rents Fall, viz. I will put Enmity between thy Seed and her Seed j He that is born after the Flefo, that is, the unregenerate unconverted Sinner, has in all Ages perfccuted him that is E 4 born, .56 The Nece/ity and Benefits born after the Spirit: And fo it always will be^ Accordingly we find an early Proof given of this in the Inftance of Cain and Abel ; and of Ifo- tnaelzn& Ifaac; of Jacob and Efau afterwards. And, indeed, the whole Bible contains little elfe but an Hiftory of the great and continued Oppofition between the Children of this World and the Children of GOD. The firft Chrifliam were remarkable Examples of this; and though thofe troublefome Times, blefled be GOD, are now over, yet the Apoftle has laid it down as a general Rule, and all that are fincere can experimentally prove the Truth of it, That they that will live godly in CHRIS? JESUS muft (to the End of the World, in fome Degree or other) fuffer Perfecution. That therefore this may not make us defert our BlefTed Matter's. Catife, every Member {hould unite their Forces^ in order to iland againft it. And for the better effecting this, each would do well from Time to Time to communicate his Experiences, Grie- vances, and Temptations, and beg his Com- panions (firft asking GOD'S Affiftance, without which all is nothing) to adminifter Reproof, Exhortation, or Comfort, as his Cafe requires : So \hziif One cannot prevail againft if, yet Two foall ivitbjland it -, and a Threefold (much lefs a many-fold") Cord will not be quickly broken. IV. BUT ff RELIGIOUS SOCIETV. .-57 IV. BUT it is time for me to proceed to the Fourth general Thing propofed, viz. to draw an Inference or two from what has been faid. I, AND firft then, if Two are better than One, and the Advantages of Religious Society are fo many and fo great, then it is the Duty of every true Cbriftian to fet on foot, eftablifli and promote, as much as in him lyes, Societies of this Nature. And I believe we may venture to affirm that if ever a Spirit of true Chriftianity is revived in the World, it muft be brought about by fome fuch Means as this. MotiveSj furely, cannot be wanting, to ftir us up to this commendable and neceffary Undertaking: For, granting all hitherto advanced to be of no Force, yet methinks the fingle Confideration that great Part of our Happinefs in Heaven will confift in the Communion of Saints ; or that the In- tereft as well as Piety of thofe Seclarifts that differ from us, is flrengthened and fupported by nothing more than their frequent Meetings; either of thefe Confiderations, I fay, one would think, fhould induce us to do our utmoft to copy after their good Example, and fettle a lafling and pious Communion of the Saints on Earth. Add to this, that we find the Kingdom of Darknefs eftablifhed daily by fuch like Means; and fhail not the Kingdom of CHRIST be fet in 8 The Necefllty and Benefits in Opposition againfl it? Shall the Children of Belial aflemble and flrengthen each other in Wickednefs ; and fhall not the Children of GOD unite, and flrengthen themfelves in Piety ? Shall Societies on Societies be countenanced for midnight Revellings, and the promoting of Vice, and fcarcely one be found intended for the Propagation of Virtue ? Be aftonilhed, O Heavens, at this! 2. BUT this leads me to a fecond Inference, namely, to warn Perfons of the great Danger thofe are in, who either by their Subfcriptions, Prefence, or Approbation, promote Societies of a quite oppofite Nature to Religion. AND here I would not be underftood to mean only thofe publick Meetings which are defigned manifeftly for nothing elfe but Revellings and Banquetings, for Chambering and V/antonnefs, and at which a modeft Heathen would blum to be prefent ; but alfo thofe feemingly innocent Entertainments and Meetings which thepo/iter Part of the World are fo very fond of, and fpend fo muchTime in : But which, notwithstanding, keep as many Perfons out of a Senfe of TfrueRe- ligion, as Intemperance, Debauchery, or any other Crime whatever. Indeed, whilft we are in this World, we mufl have proper Re- laxations, to fit us both for the Bufinefs of our Profeffion and Religion. But then, for Perfons who e/* RELIGIOUS SOCIETY. 59 Nvho call themfelves Chriftians> that have for- lemnly vowed at their Baptifm, to renounce the Vanities of this fmful World $ that are com- manded in Scripture to abjlain from all Ap^ fearance of Evil, and to have their Conversation in Heaven. For fuch Pe.rfons as thefe to fupport Meetings, that (to fay no worfe pf them) are vain and trifling, and have a natural Tendency to draw off our Minds from Gop, is abfurd, ridiculous, and fmful. Surely < T e wo are not better than One in this Cafe : No ; it is to be wiflied there was not one to be found concerned in it. The fooner we forfake the affembling curfelves together in fuch a manner, the better ; and no matter how quickly the Cord that holds fuch Societies (was it a thoufand Fold) is broken. BUT you,Brethren, have not fo learntCnRisT : But on the contrary, like true Difciples of your LORD and Matter, have by the Blefiing of GOB (as this Evening's Solemnity abundantly teftifies) happily formed yourfelves into fuch Societies^ which if duly attended on, and improved, can- not but ftrengthen you in your Chriftian War r fare, and make you fruitful in every good Word and Work. WHAT remains for me to do, but as was propofed, in the laft Place, to clofe up what has been faid ? in a Word or two, by way of Exhortation 3 6o The Neceffity and Benefits Exhortation from the whole, and to befeech yon, in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, to go on in the Way you have begun ; and by a conftant confcientious Attendance on your refpeftive Societies, to difcountenanceVice, en- courage Virtue, and build each ether up in the Juiowledge and Fear of GOD. ONLY permit me tojtir up your pure Minds > by way of Remembrance, and to exhort you* if tlere be any Conjblation in CHRIST*, any Fellwafiip cf the Spirit, again and again to consider, that as d\Gbriftiam in genera], fo all Members of Religious Societies in particular, are in an efpecial Manner, as Houfes built upon an Hill ; and that therefore it highly concerns you to walk circumfpeftly towards thofe that are without, and to take heed to your/elves, that your Confer fat ion, in common Life, be as become th fuch an open and peculiar Profeffion of the G&fpel of CHRIST: Knowing that the Eyes of all Men are upon you, narrowly to infpecl: every Circumflance of your Behaviour ; and that every notorious wilful Mifcarriage of any fingle Member will, in fome meafure, redound to the Scandal and Difhonour of your whole Fraternity. LABOUR, therefore, my beloved Brethren, to. let your PraSfice correfpond to your ProfeJ/ion : . And think not that it will be fufikient for you to 0/*RELiGious SOCIETY. 6 1 . to plead at the lad Day, LORD, have we not flembled ourfelves together in thy Name, and enlivened each other, by Jwgtng Pfalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs ? For, verily, I fay unto you, notwithstanding this, our BlefTed LORD will bid you depart from him-, nay, that pou mall receive a greater Damnation, if, in he midft of thefe great Pretenfions, you are ound to be Workers of Iniquity. BUT GOD forbid that any fuch Evil mould >efal you ; that there fhould be ever a Judas, ever a Traitor amongft fuch diftinguimed Fol- lowers 'of our Common Mafter. No, on the contrary, the Excellency of your Rules, the Regularity of your Meetings, and more efpe- cially your pious Zeal in aflembling in fuch a publick and folemn Manner fo frequently in the Year, perfuade me to think, that you are willing, not barely tofeem, but to be in Reality, Chrijlians ; and hope to be found at the Loft Day, what you would be efteemed now, viz. holy, fincere Difciples of a Crucified Redeemer* OH, may you always continue thus minded I and make it your daily, confbnt Endeavour, both by Precept and Example, to turn all your converfe with, more efpecially thofe of your own Societies, into the fame moft bleffed Spirit and Temper. Thus will you adorn the Gofpel of our Lord JESUS CHRIST in all Things : Thus will 62 Tfe Neceffity and Benefits, &c. will you anticipate the Happinefs of a future State, and by attending on, and improving the Communion of Saints on Earth, make yourfelves meet to join the Communion and Fellowfhip of the Spirits of Juft Men made perfect, of the Holy Angels, nay, of the Ever Blefled and Eternal GOD in Heaven. Which GOD of his infinite Mercy grant, thro 1 JESUS CHRIST our Lord; to whom with the Father, and the Holy Ghoft, Three Perfons, and One Eternal GOD, be afcribed y as is mofl due, all Honour and Praife, Might , Majejly and Dominion, now and for ever. THE THE BENEFITS O F A N EARLY PIETY. A S E R M O N preach'd at Bow-Cburch, Lon~ don, before the Religious Societies, at one of their General Quarterly-Meetings, &c. on Wednefday Sept. 2&, 1737. SERMON III. Of the Benefits of an EARLY PIETY. E c c L E s. xii. i. Remember now thy Creator m the Days of thy Youth. TH E Amiablenefs of Religion in itfelf, the innumeral Advantages that flow from it to Society in general, as well as each fincere Profeflbr of ic in particular, cannot but recommend it to the Choice of every confiderate Perfon, and make even wicked Men, as they wifti to dye the Death, fo, in their more fober Intervals, envy the Life of the Righteous. And indeed we muft do the World fo much Juftice, as to confefs, that the Queflion about Religion does not ufually arife from a Difpute whether it be neceffary or not (for moft Men fee the Neceffity of doing fome- F thing 66 Of the B E N E F i T s of thing for the Salvation of their Souls;) but when is the beft Time to fet about it. Per- fbns are convinced by univerfal Experience, that the firft Effays or Endeavours towards the Attainment of Religion are attended with fome Difficulty and Trouble, and therefore they would willingly defer the Beginning fuch a feemingly ungrateful Work as long as they can. The wanton Prodigal, that is fpending his Sub- fiance in riotous Living, cries, a little more Pleafure, a little more Senfuality, and then I'll be fober in Earneft. The covetous Worlding, that employs all his Care and Pains in heaping tip Riches y though he cannot tell who Jh all ga- ther them, does nor flatter himfelf this will do always ; but hopes, with the rich Fool in the Gofpel, to lay up Goods for a few more Years on Earth, and then he will begin to lay f>- Treafures in Heaven, And, in mort, thus it is that moft People are convinc'd of the Neceffity of being religious fome time or ano- ther ; but then, like Felix, they put off the acting fuitably to their Convictions, 'till (what they imagine) a more convenient Seafon : Where- as, would we be fo humble as to be guided by the Experience and Counfel of the Wifeft of Men, we mould learn that Youth is the fitteft Seafon for Religion -, Remember now thy Creator? fays Solomon, in the Days of thy Touth. By which an EARLY PIETY. 67 which Word Remember, we are not to under- ftand a bare fpeculative Remembrance, or cal- ling to Mind, (for that, like a dead Faith, will profit us nothing) but fuch a Remembrance as will conftrain us to Obedience, and oblige us, out of Gratitude, to perform all that the LORD our GOD (hall require of us. For as forgetting GOD in Scripture Language, implies a total Neglect of our Duty, in like Manner remejnbring him fignifies a perfect Performance of it : So that, when Solomon lays, Remember thy Creator in the Days of thy Touth> it is the fame as if he had faid, Keep GOD'S Command- ments ; or in other Words, be religious in the Days of thy Tonth ; thereby implying that Touth is the moft proper Seafon for it. I mall in the following Difcourfe, Firft y en- deavour to make good the Wife Man's Propofition imply 'd in the Words of the Text, and to mew that Youth is the fit- teft Seafon of Religion. Secondly^ by Way of Motive, I fhall confider the many unfpeakable Advantages that will arife from Remembering our Creator in the Days of our Touth. thirdly and lajlly\ I fhall conclude whh a Word or two of Exhortation to the younger Part, of this Audience. F 2 I. And 68 Of the B E N E F i T s of I. And Firft then, I am to make good the Wife Man's Propofition implied in the Words of the Text, and to mew that Toutb is the fitted Seafon for Religion : "Remem- ber now thy Creator in the Days of thy Touth. But in order to proceed more clearly in this Argument, it may not be improper, firft, to explain what I mean by the Word Religion. By this Term then I would not be underflood to mean a bare outward Profeffion or naming the Name of CHRIST ; for we are told, that many that have even prophefied in his Name t and in bis Name caft out Devils, fhall notwith- ftanding be rejected by him at the laft Day : Nor would I underftand by it barely being ad- mitted into CHRIST'S Church by Baptifm -, for then Simon Magus y Arius, and the Herefi- archs of old might pafs for Religious Perfons ; for thefe were baptized : Nor yet the Receiving the other Seal of the Covenant j for then Judas himfelf might be canoniz'd for a Saint : Nor indeed do I mean any or all of thefe together, confidered by themfelves ; but a thorough, real, inward Change of Nature, wrought in us by the powerful Operations of the HOLY GHOST convey'd to and nourifh'd in our Hearts, by a conflant Ufe of all the Means of Grace, evi- denc'd an EARLY PIETY. 6f denc'd by a good Life, and bringing forth the Fruits of the Spirit. THE attaining this real inward Religion, is a Work of fo great Difficulty, that Nicode- mus, a learned Doctor and Teacher in Ifrae/, thought it altogether impoffible, and therefore ignorantly afked our Blefled LORD, How this Thing could be ? And truly ttfreclify a difor- der'd Nature, to mortify our corrupt Paffions, to turn Darknefs to Light, to put off the old Man, and put on the new, and thereby to have the Image of GOD reinftamp'd upon the Soul; or in one Word, to be born again, however light fome may make of it, muft, after all our Endeavours, be own'd by Man impoffible. 'Tis true indeed CHRIST'S Yoke is faid to be an eafy or a gracious Yoke, and his Burthen light ; but then it is to thofe only who have been accuftomed to bear and draw in it. For, as the wife Son of Sirach obferves, At firft Wifdom walketh with her Children in crooked, Ways, and brings them into Fear , and torments them 'with her Difcipline, and does not turn to comfort ar d rejoyce them, tilljhe has fry' d them andpro'D'd their judgment. No; we muft not flatter ourfelves, that our deprav'd Natures can be renewed, unlefs we fubmit to a great many Difficulties. The fpiritual Birth is attended with its Pangs, as well as the natural : For F 3 they 7^ Of tJce BENEFITS of they that have experisnc'd it, (and they only are the proper Judges) can acquaint you, that frequent Ads of Self-Denial muft be exercifed, a conftant regular Difcipline kept up, left, after all, when we come to the Birth, we fhould want Strength to bring forth. B u T if thefe Things are fo ; if there are Difficulties and Pangs attending our being born (igain^ and Difcipline muft be called in, What Seafon more proper than that of Touth j when, if ever, our Bodies are robuft and vigorous, and our Minds active and courageous; and confequently we are then beft qualified to en- dure Hardnefs as good Soldiers of JESUS CHRIST ? WE find in fecular Matters People com- monly obferve this Method, and fend their Children abroad among the Toils and Fatigues of Bufinefs, in their younger Years, as well knowing they are then fitteft to undergo them. And why do they not act with the fame Con- fiftency in the grand Affair of Religion ? Be- caufe, as our Saviour has told us, the Children of this World are wifer in their Generation, than the Children of Light. BUT, Secondly, if pure Religion and un- defiled, confifts in the total Renewal of our corrupted Natures, then 'tis not only a Work qf Difficulty, but of Tipie : For, as the old was /2 E A R L Y P I E T Y. Jl was not, fo neither is the new Creation com- pleated in a Day. No, good Men know by certain Experience, that it is a long while ere old Things can pajs away, and all Things be- come new in them. The Strong Man armed has gotten too great PofTeffion of their Hearts to be quickly driven out, and they are obliged to combat many a weary Hour, ere their Cor- ruptions, which is the Armour in which the Strong Man trufted, be wholly taken from him. Nay, they find their whole Lives fhort enough to perfect the Work of Regeneration, which they were fent into the World to da, and never expect to fay, it isjmjh 9 ^ 'till with their blefied Matter they bow down their Heads, and give up the Ghoft. AND if this be the Cafe, if the Renovation of our Nature be not only difficult, but re- quires fo long a Space to compleat it in ; then it highly concerns every one to fet about it betimes, and to work their Work 'while it is Day, before the Night cometh, when no Man can work. Could we indeed live to the Age of Me- thufelah, and had but little Bufmefs to employ ourfelves in, we might then be more excufable, if we made no other Ufe of this World than what too many do, take our Pajlime therein : But fince our Lives are fo very fhort, and the working out our Salvation requires fo much F 4 Time, jz Of the BENEFITS o/" Time, we have no Room left for Trifling, left we mould be fnatch'd away while our Lamps are untrimmed, and we are entirely unprepared to meet the Bridegroom. DID we know a Friend or Neighbour, who had a long Journey of the utmoft Impor- tance to make, and yet mould ftand all the Day idle, negle&ing to fet out till the Sun was about to go down, we could not but pity and condemn his egregious Folly : And yet it is to be feared moft Men are juft fuch Fools ; they have a long Journey to take, nay, a Journey to Eternity, a Journey of infinite Importance, and which they are obliged to difpatch before the Sun of their natural Life be gone down -, and yet they loiter away their Time allotted them to perform their Journey in, 'till Sick- nefs or Death furprizes them ; and then they cry our, What flail we do to inherit eternal Life ? But alas ! Is this a proper Seafon to afk fuch a Queftion ? Is this a Time to begin their Journey, when they mould be at the End of it ; or to inquire what they muft do, when perhaps they have hardly any Strength or Abi- lity left to do any thing to purpofe, and when they mould be waiting with humble Patience, in Hopes of fpeedily receiving their Wages for Work already done ? O foolifo People and un- wife ! If ye offer the Blind for Sacrifice, h it not an EARLY PIETY.' 73 not evil ? And if ye offer the Lame and Sick, h it not evil? Offer it now unto tby Governor, will he be pleaj'ed with tbee, or accept thy Per- fon? faith the LORD of Hojls. But leaving fuch to the Mercies of GOD, I pafs on to II. The Second general Thing propofed, viz. To Ihew the Advantages, that will arife from remembering our Creator in the Days of our Touth ; which may ferve as fo many Motives to excite and quicken all Perfons immediately to fet about it, I. And the Firft Benefit refulting from thence is, that it will bring moft Honour and Glory to GOD. This, I fuppofe, every ferious Perfon will grant, ought to be the Point in which all our Actions mould center : For to this End were we born ; to this End were we redeemed by the precious Blood of JESUS CHRIST, that we mould promote GOD'S eter- nal Glory. And as the Glory of GOD is moft advanced by paying Obedience to his Precepts, they that begin fooneft to walk in his Ways, act moft to his Glory : For the common Ob- jection againft the Divine Laws in general, and the Doctrines of the Gofpel in particular, is, that they are not practicable, that they are contrary to Flem and Blood, and that all thofe Precepts concerning Self-Denial, Renunciation of, 74 Of the B E N E F i T s of of, and Deadnefs to the World, are but fo many arbitrary Reftraints impofedupon human Nature. But when we fee mere Striplings not only pradlifing, but delighting in fuch religious Duties, and in the Days of their Youth, when, if ever, they have a Relifh for fenfual Plea- fures, fubduing and defpifing the Luft of the Flefi> the Luji of the Eye, and the Pride of Life This, this is acceptable with GOD; this vindicates his injured Honour ; this {hews that his Service is perfect Freedom, that his Toke is eafy, and his Burden light. 2. But, Secondly, as an early Piety redounds moft to the Honour of GOD, fo it will bring moft Honour to ourfelves: For thofe that honour GOD, GOD will honour. We find it therefore remarked to the Praife of Obadiah, that he fer and oblige them to wifi you good an EARLY PIETY* 81 good Luck in the Name of the LORD. The many Souls that are nouriflied weekly by the fpirituat Body and Blood of JESUS CHRIST by your Means 5 the Weekly and Monthly Lectures that are preached by your Contributions; the daily Incenfe of Thankfgiving and Prayer which is publickly fent up to the Throne of Grace by your Subfcriptions ; the many Children which are trained up in the Nurture and Admo- nition of the L R D by your Charities ; and laftly, the commendable and pious Zeal you exert in promoting and encouraging Divine Pfalmody> are fuch plain and apparent Proofs of the Benefit of your Religious Societies, and they call for a publick Acknowledgment of Praife and Thankfgiving to our BlefTed Mafter, who has not only put into your Etearts fuch good Defigns, but enable you alfo to bring the fame to good Effect. It is true, it has been objected, " that young " Men forming themfelves into Religious So- " defies has a Tendency to make them fpiritu- " ally proud, and think more highly of them- " fehes than they ought to think" And per- haps the imprudent imperious Behaviour of fome Novices in Religion, who, though they went out from you , were not of you , may have given too much Occafion for fuch an Afper- iion, G But $2 Of tie BENEFITS of But you, Brethren, have not fo learned CHRIS?. Far be it from you to look upon yourfelves as righteous, and defpife others, be- caufe you often afTemble yourfelves together. No, this, inftead of creating Pride, ought to beget an holy Fear in your Hearts, left your Practice fhould not correfpond with your Pro- feffion, and that, after you have benefited and edified others, you yourfelves fhould become Caft-aways. WORLDLY- MINDEDNESS, my Brethren, is another Rock againft which we are in Danger of fplitting. For, if other Sins have flam their Thoufands of profeffing Chriftians, this has flain its Ten Thoufands. I need not ap- peal to paft Ages; your own Experience, no doubt, has furnifhed you with many unhappy Inftances of young Men, who, after, (as one would have imagined) they had ejcaped the Pol- lutions 'which are in tbe World through Luft, and 'had tafted tbe good Word of Life, and endured for a Seafon, whilft under the Tuition and In- fpection of others, yet when they have come to be their own Matters, through a Want of Faith, and through a too great an Earneftnefs in labouring for the Meat which perffieth, have caft off their firft Love, been again entangled with the World, and returned like the Dog fo bh Vomit, and like tbe Sow that was wajhed t& her an EARLY PIETV. 3 her wallowing in the Mire. You would there- fore do well, my Brethren, frequendy to re- mind each other of this dangerous Snare, and to exhort one another to begin, purfue, and end your ChrHlian Warfare, in a thorough Renunciation of the World, and worldly Tem- pers ; fo that, when you are obliged by Pro- vidence to provide for yourfelves, and thofe of your refpective Houfliolds, you may continue to walk by Faith, zndijlillfeekjirft the Kingdom if God, and his Rigbteoufnefs -, not doubting but all other Things, upon your honeft In- duftry and Endeavours, frail be added unto you. And now what jhall I fay more? To fpeak tinto you Fathers, who have been in CHRIST fo many Years before me, and know the Malig- nity of Worldly-minded nefs, and Pride in the Spiritual Life, would be altogether needlefs. 1 To you therefore, O young Men (for whom I am diftrefTed, for whom I fear as well as for myfelf) do I once more addrefs myfelf, in the Words of the beloved Difciple, Look to youffelveSy that we lofe not thofe Things which we have wrought^ but receive a full Reward* Be ever mindful then, of the Words that have been fpoken to us by the Apoftles of the Lord and Saviour: Give Diligence to make your Cal- ling and Election fur e. Beware, left ye alfo be- ing led away by the Error of the Wicked, fall G 2- from 84 Of the BENEFITS of from your own Stedfaftnefs. Let him that think" etb he Jlandeth take Heed left he fall. Be not high-minded but fear. But we are perfuaded better Things of you, and Things that accompany Salvation, tho* we thus fpeak. For God is not unrighteous, to forget your Work and La- bours and Love. And we defire that every one* of you do flew the fame Diligence, to the full jlffurance of Hope unto the End: That ye be not flothful but Followers of them who thro* Faith and Patience inherit the Promifes. 'Tis true we have many Difficulties to encounter, many powerful Enemies to overcome, ere we can get Pofleffion of the promis'd Land. We have an artful Devil, an enfnaring World, and above all, the Treachery of our own Hearts to withstand and ftrive againft. For ftraigbt is the Gate, and narrow h the Way that leadetb unto eternal Life. But wherefore mould we fear ? fmce he that is with us is far more power- ful, than all who are againft us. Have we not already experienced his Almighty Power, in enabling us to conquer fome Difficulties which feemed as infurmountable then, as thofe we ftruggle with now? And cannot he who delivered us out of the Paws of thofe Bears and Lions, preferve us alfo from being hurt by the Be an EARLY PIETY. 85 Be ftedfaft therefore, my Brethren, be im- mvueable. Conlider the infinite future Rewards as well as prefent Comforts that attend an Early Piety. Be not ajhamed of the Go/pel of CHRIST: For it is the Power of GOD unto Salvation. Fear not Man j fear not the Contempt and Revilings which you muft meet with in the Way of Duty; For one of you foall chafe a Tboujand, and two of you put Ten Thoufand of your Enemies to Flight. And if you will be content to be abus'd for a fliort Time here, Ifpeak the Truth in CHRIST, I lye not ; then fhall ye be exalted to fit down with the Son of Man, when he (hall come in the Glory of his Father with his holy Angels to Judgment hereafter. May Almighty GOD give every one of us fuch a Meafure of Grace, that we may not be of the Number of thofe that draw back unto Perdition, but of them that believe and en- dure unto the End, to the Saving of our Souls, Which God, &c. THE THE EXTENT and REASONABLENESS O F SELF-DENIAL. A SERMON preached at the Parifli Church of St. Andrew, Holborn y on Sunday October 9, 1737. G 4 (8 9 ) SERMON IV. The Extent and Reafonabknefs of SELF-DENIAL. LUKE ix. 2 3 . And He fatd unto them all, If any Man wtll come after me y let htm .deny himfelf. WHOEVER reads the GOSPEL with a fingle Eye, and fincere Intention, will find that our Bleffed LORD took all Opportunities of reminding his Difciples that his Kingdom was not of this World ; that his Do&rine was a Dodtrine of the Crofs ; and that their profeffing themfelves to be his FoU lowers would call them to a conftant State of voluntary or Setf-fufering and Self-denial. 90 'The Extent and Reafonablenefs THE Words of the Text afford us one In- ftance, among many, of our Saviour's Beha- viour in this Matter: For having in the pre- ceding Verfes revealed himfelf to Peter, and the other Apoftles, to be The CHRIS? of GOD; left they mould be too much elated with fuch a peculiar Difcovery of his Deity, or think that their Relation to fo great a Per- fonage would be attended with nothing but Pomp and Grandeur, He tells them, in the 22 d Verfe, that the Son of Man was to fuffer many things in this World, though He was to be crowned with Eternal Glory and Honour in the next: And that if any of them or their Pofterity would (hare in the fame Honour, they muft bear a Part with }iim in his Self-denial and Sufferings. For He faid unto them all t Jf any Man 'will come after me^ let him deny bimfelf. FROM which Words I {hall conilder thefe three Things : I. Firft, THE Nature of the Self-denial re- commended in the Text ; and in how many Refpecls we muft deny ourfelves, in order to come after JESUS CHKIST. II. Secondly, I SHALL endeavour to prove the Univerfality and Reafonablenels of this Duty of Self-denial* IH. Thirdly of SELF-DENIAL. 91 III. Thirdly and lafly, I SHALL offer fome Confideradons, which may ferve as fo many Motives to reconcile us to, and quicken us in the Practice of this Doctrine of Self-denial I. Anvjirji then, I am to mew the Nature of the Self- denial recommended in the Text; or in how many Refpects we muft deny our- I elves, in order to follow JESUS CHJUST. Now as tfie Faculties of the Soul are di- ftinguimed by the Underftanding, Will, and Affections 5 fo in all thefe muft each of us deny bimfelf. We mufl not lean to our ownUnder- anding, being wife In our own Eyes, and pru- dent in our own Sight-, but we muft fubmit our fhort-fighted Reafon to the Light of Divine Revelation : For there are Myfteries in Re- ligion, which are above, though not contrary to, our natural Reafon : And therefore we fhall never become Chriftians unlefs we caft down Imaginations, and every high Thing that exalt- eth itfelf againji the Knowledge of GOD, and bring into Captivity every Thought to the Obe- dience of CHRIST. It is in this refpedt, as well as others, that we muft become Tools for CHRIST'S fake, and acknowledge we know nothing without Revelation, as we ought to know. We muft then, with ajl Humility and Reverence, 92, Th* Extent and Reafonabknefs Reverence, embrace the myfterious Truths revealed to us in the Holy Scriptures ; for thus only can we become truly Wife, even Wife unto Salvation. It was Matter of our Blefled LORD'S Thankfgiving to his Heavenly Father, that he bad hid thefe Things from the Wife and Prudent, and had revealed them unto Babes. And in this refpect alfo we muft be converted and become as little Children, teachable, and willing to follow the Lamb into whatfoever Myfteries he {hall be pleafed to lead us j and believe and pra&ife all divine Truths, not becaufe we can demonftrate them, but becaufe Gop, 'who can- not lie, has revealed them to us, HENCE then we may trace Infidelity to its Fountain Head : For it is nothing elfe but a Pride of the Underflanding, an Unwillingnefs to fubmit to the Truth of GOD, that makes fo many, profefiing themfelves Wife, to become fuch Fools as to deny the LORD 'who has fa dearly bought them ; and difpute the Divinity of that Eternal Word, in 'whom they live, and move, and have their Being ; Whereby, 'tis juilly to be feared, they will bring upon them- felves fuae, if not fwift, Deftrudtion. BUT to return : As we muft deny ourfelves in our Underftandings, fo muft we deny, or, as it might be more properly rendered, renounce owr Wills : That is, we muft make our own Wills C/*SELF-DENIAL. 93 Wills no Principle of Action, but whether we eat or drink, or whatfoever we do, we muft do all, not merely to pleafe ourfelves, but to the Glory of GO D. Not that we are therefore to imagine we are to have no Pleafure in any Thing we do, (Wifdom's Ways are Ways of Pleafantnefs) but plealing ourfelves muft not be the principal, but only the fubordinate End of our Actions. AND I cannot but particularly prefs this Doc- trine upon you, becaufe it is the Grand Secret of our Holy Religion. It is this, my Brethren, that diftinguifhes the true Chriftian from the mere Moralift and formal ProfefTor ; and which alone can render any of our Actions acceptable in GOD'S Sight: For if thine Eye be Jingle, fays our Blefled LORD, Maft.v\.22. that is, ifthou aimeft (imply to pleafe GOD, without any re- gard to thy own Will, thy whole Body, that is all thy Actions, will be full of Light ; agree- able to the Gofpel, which is called Light : But if thine Eye be evil, if thine Intention be di- verted any other Way, thy whole Body, all thy Actions, will be full of Darknefs, unprofitable and capable of no Reward. For we muft not only do the Will of GOD, but do it becaufe it is his Will j fince we pray that GOD'S Will may be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. And, no doubt, the bleiTed Angels not only do every Thing 94 The Extent and Re&fonablenefs that GOD wiUeth, but do it chearfully, out of this Principle, becaufe GOD willeth it: And if we would live as we pray, we muft go and do likewife. BUT farther; as we muft renounce our own Wills in doing, fo likewife muft we renounce them mfuffe-ring the Will of GOD. Whatfo- ever befalls us, we muft fay with good old Eli, It is the LORD, let him do 'what feemetb him gcod; or with one that was infinitely greater than Eli, Father, not my Will, but thine he done. O JESU, thine was an innocent Will, and yet thou renouncedft it : Teach us, even us alfo, O our Saviour ! to fubmit our Wills to thine, in all the Evils which (hall be brought upon w, and in every thing enable us to give 'Thanks, fince it is thy bleiTed Will concerning TfS ! THIRDLY and laftly, we muft deny ouf- felves, as in our Under/landings and Wills, fo likewife in our Affections. More particularly we muft deny ourfelves the pleafurable Indul- gence and Self- enjoyment of Riches : If any Man 'will come after me, fays ourBlefled Loi>, he muft forfake all and follow me. And again (to (hew the utter Inconfiftency of the Love of the Things of this World with the Love of the Father) he tells us, that unlefs a Man forjake all that be hath^ he canmt be my Dijciple. FAR ^SELF-DENIAL. 95 FAR be it from me to think that thefe Texts are to be taken in a literal Senfe, as though they obliged rich Perfons to go fell all that they have, and give to the Poor, (for that would put it out of therr Power to be ferviceable to the Poor for the future) buc however they cer- tainly imply thus much, That we are to fit loofe to, fell, and forfake all in Affection, and be willing to part with every thing, when GOD (hall require it at our Hands: That is, as the Apoftle obferves, we muft ufe the World as though we ufed it not ; and though we arfe in the World, we muft not be of if. We muft look upon ourfelves as Stewards and not Pro- prietors of the manifold Gifts ofGoD; provide firft what is neceflary for ourfelves and for our Houfholds, and expend the reft, not in In- dulgences and fuperfluous Ornaments, forbidden by the Apoftle, but in cloathing, feeding, and relieving the naked, hungry, diftrefTed Difciples of JESUS CHRIST. This is what our BlefTed LORD would have us underftand by forjaking all, and in this Senfe mult each of us deny himfelf. I AM fenfible that this will feem an hard Saying to many, who will be offended becaufe they are covetous, and Lovers ofpkafure more than Lovers of GOD: But if I yet plea fed fuch Men, I Jhoitld not be the Servant y CHRIST. No, 96 T^he Extent and Reafonablenefs No, we muft not, like Ahab's falfe Prophets* have a lying Spirit in our Mouths, nor fail to declare (with St. Paul) the whole Will of GOD -, and, like honeft Micaiah, out of Pity and Com- paffion, tell Men the Truth, though they may faliely think ive prophecy not Good, but Evil concerning them. BUT to proceed : As we muft renounce our Affection for Riches, fo likewife our Affections for our Relations, when they (land in Oppofi- tion to our Love of, and Duty to GOD : For thus faith the Saviour of the World: If any Man will come after me, and hateth not his Father and Mother, his Children and Brethren and Sif- ters, yea and bis own Life alfo, he cannot be my Difciple Strange Doctrine this! What, hate our own Flem? What, hate the Father that begat us, the Mother that bare us ! How can theje T-hing be ? Can GOD contradict him- felf ? Has he not bid us Honour our Father and Mother ? And yet we are here commanded to hate them. How muft thefe Truths be re- conciled ? Why, by interpreting the Word hate, not in a rigorous and abfolute Senfe, but comparatively : Not as implying a total Aliena^ tion, but a lefs Degree of Affection. For thus our Bleffed Saviour himfelf, (the beft and fureft Expofitor of his own Meaning) explains it in a parallel Text, Mattk. x. 37. He that loveth Father of SELF-DENIAL. 97 father or Mother more than me, is not 'worthy of me : He that loveth Son or Daughter more than me, is not 'worthy of me. So that when the Perfuafions of fuch our Friends (as for our Trial they may be permitted to be) are con- trary to the Will of GOD, we muft fay with Lew, we have not known them; or, agreeably to our BlefTed LORD'S Rebuke to Peter, Get you behind me, my Adverfaries ; for you favour not the Things that Is of GOD, but the Things that be of Men. To conclude this Head : We muft deny our- fehes in Things indifferent: For it might eafily be fhevvn that as many, if not more, perifh by an immoderate Ufe of Things in themfelves indifferent as by any grofs Sin whatever. A prudent Cbrijlian therefore will confider not only what is lawful, but what is expedient alfo : Not fo much what Degrees of Self-denial beft fuit his Inclinations here, as what will mcft cffedtually break his Will, and fit him for greater Degrees of Glory hereafter. BUT is this the Doctrine of Cbriftianity ? and is not the Chriftian World then aileep ? If not, whence the Self-indulgence, whence the reigning Love of Riches which we every where raecc with ? Above all, whence that predomi- nant Greedinefs of fenfual Pleafure, that has fo over-run this finful Nation, that, was a H pious 98 'The Extent and Reafonabknefs pious Stranger to come amongft us, he would be tempted to think fome Heathen Venus was worfhipped here, and that Temples were dedi- cated to her Service. But we have the Autho- rity of an infpired Apoftle to affirm that they who live in fuc h a Round of Pleafure are dead 'while they live: Wherefore, as the Holy GHOST faith, Awake thou that jleepefl, and CHRIST flail give thee Light. But the Power of railing the fpiritually Dead belongeth only unto GOD. . Do Thou therefore, O Holy JESUS, who by thy almighty Word comraandedft Lazarus to come forth, though he had lain in the Grave fo many Days, fpeak alfo as effectually to thefe fpiritually dead Souls, whom Satan for thefe many Years has fo faft bound by fenfual Plea- fures, that they are not fo much as able to life up their Eyes or Hearts to Heaven. II. BUT I pafs on to the Second general Thing propofed, viz. to confider the univerfal Obligation, and Reafonablenefs of this Doctrine of Self-denial. WHEN our BleiTed Matter had been difcour- fing publickly concerning the Watchfulnefs of the faithful and 'wife Steward, his Difciples afked him, Speakejl thou this Parable to all, cr only to us? The fame Queftion I am aware has been, and will be put concerning the foregoing Of S E L F - D E N I A L. 99 foregoing Doctrine : For too many, unwilling to take CHRIST'S eafy Yoke upon them, in order to evade the Force of the Gofpel Precepts, would pretend that all thole Commands con- cerning Self 'denial, renouncing ourfelves and the Worldj helonged only to our LORD'S firft and immediate Followers, and not to us or to our Children. But fuch Perfons greatly err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the Power of Godlinefs in their Hearts. For the Doctrine of JESUS CHRIST, like his blefTed Self, is the fame Tefterday, To-day, and for ever. What he faid unto one, he faid unto all, even unto the Ends of the World ; If any Manwillcome after me, let him deny himfelf: And in the Text it .is particularly mentioned that He faid unto them .all. And left we fhould ftill abfurdly imagine, .that this Word all was to be confined to his Apoftles, with whom he was then difcourfing, it is faid in another Place, that JESUS turned unto the Multitude and faid, If any Man will come after me, and hateth not his Father and Mother, yea and his own Life alfo, he cannot be my Difciple. " When our bleffed LORD had " fpoken a certain Parable, it is faid, the Scribes Citr'f.'un T erf e Run. *" of S ELF-DEN i AL. 101 the Sum and Subftance of Religion confifts in our Recovery from our fallen Eftate in Adam> by a New Birth in CHRIST JESUS, there is an abfolute Neceffity for us to embrace and prac- tife the Self-denial before recommended. Be- caufe we have not only a new Houfe to build, but an old one fir ft to pull down ; we muft necefTarily therefore be dead to the World, be- fore we can live unto GOD. In fhort, all Things belonging to the Old Man muft die in us, before the Things belonging to the Spirit can live and grow in us. When JESUS CHRIST was about to make his publick Appearance, and to preach the glad Tidings of Salvation to a benighted World, his Harbinger John Baptifl was fent to prepare his Way before him. In like manner, when this fame JESUS is about to take pofTeflion of a con- verted Sinner's Heart, Self-denial, like John the Baptifl) muft prepare the Wa before him : For we muft mourn before we are capable of being comforted ; we muft undergo the Spirit of Bondage^ in order to be made meet to receive the Spirit of Adoption. WERE we indeed in a State of Innocence, and had we, like Adam before his Fall, the Divine Image fully ftamped upon our Souls, we then mould have no need of Self -denial; but fmce we are fallen, fickly, difordered Crea- H 3 Hires, 102 The Extent and Reafonabknefs tures, and this Self-juffering, this Self-renun- ciation, is the indifpenfable Means of recovering our primitive Glory ; methinks, in that Cafe, to endeavour to fhake off and rejeft fuch a falutary Practice, on account of the Difficulty attending it at firft, is but too like theObftinacy of a perverfe fkk Child, who naufeates and refufes the Potion reached out to it by a fkilful Phyfician or tender Parent, becaufe it is a little ungrateful to the Tafte. HAD any of us feen Lazarus when he lay full of Sores at the Rich Man's Gate ; or Job, when / e w as f mitt en with Ulcers, from the Crown of his Head to the Sole of his Foot : And had we at the fame Time prefcribed to them fome healing Medicines, which becaufe they would put them to Pain, they would not apply to their Wounds, Ihouid we not moft juftly think, that they were either fond of a diftempered Body, or were not fenfible of their Diftempers ? But our Souls, by Nature, are in an infinitely more deplorable Condition than the Bodies of Job or Lazarus, when full of Ulcers and -Boils: For, alas! our whole Head is Jick, and our whole Heart faint ; from the Crown of the Head to the Sole of the Foot, we are full of Wounds and Bruifes and putrifyingSores, and there is noHenlth. in us. And JESUS CHRIST, like a good Phy- fician, in the Gofpel Doclrine of Self-denial, prefents of SELF-DENIAL. 103 prefents us with a fpiritual Medicine to heal our Sicknefs : But if we will neither receive nor apply it, 'tis a Sign we are not fenfible of the Wretchednefs of our State, or elfe that we are unwilling to be made whole. EVEN Naaman's Servants could fay, when he refufed, purfuant to Elijah's Orders, to warn in the River Jordan, that he might cure his Leprofy, Father, if the Prophet had bid tbee do jome great Thi?ig, would' ft thou not have done it ? How much rather then, when he faith to thee, Wajh and be clean ? And may not I very properly addrefs myfelf to you in the fame manner, my Brethren : If JESUS CHRIST, our great Prophet, had bid you do fome great and very difficult Thing, would you not have done it ? much more then mould you do it, when he only bids you den% yourfehes what would certainly hurt you if enjoyed, and be- hold you (hall be made perfectly whole. BUT to illuftrare this by another Compari- Jbn: In the 12 th Chapter of the Afis, we read that Saint Peter was kept in Prifon, and was, Jleeping between two Soldiers, bound with two Chains : And behold an Angel of the Lord came upon him t and fmote Peter on the Side, faying, Arijeup quickly : And his Chains fell off from his Hands. But had this great Apoftle, inftead of rifing up quickly, and doing as the bleffed H 4 104 The Extent and Reafonablenefs Angel commanded him, hugg'd his Chains and beg'd that they might not be let fall from his Hands, would not any one think that he was in love with Slavery, and deferved to be executed next Morning ? And does not the Perfon who refufes to deny himfelf, act as in- confiftently as this Apoftle would have done if he had nrglecled the Means of his Deliverance ? For our Souls, by Nature, are in a fpiritual Dungeon, fleeping and fail bound between the World, theFlefh, and the Devil, not with Two but Ten Thoufand Chains of Lufts and Cor- ruptions. Now JESUS CHRIST, like St. Peter's good Angel, by his Gofpel comes and opens the Prifon Door, prefcribes Self-denial, Morti- fication, and Renunciation of ourfehes and tie World) as fo many fpiritual Keys which will unlock our Shackles, make them fall off from our Hearts, and fo reftore us to the glorious 'Liberty of the Sons of GOD. But if we will not arife quickly, gird up the Loins of our ' Mind, and deny ourfehes y as he has commanded, Are we not in love with Bondage, and deferve never to be delivered from it? INDEED I will not affirm that this Dcdrine of Setf-demal appears in this juft Light to every one. No, I am fenfible that to the Natural Man it is Foolijhnefs ; and to the Toung Convert - GJI hard Saying. But what fays our Saviour ? tf of SELF-DENIAL. io Jf any Man will do my Witt, he fiall know of the Do^rine whether it be of GOD, or whether 1 Jpeak of myfelf. This, my dear Friends, is the beft, the only Way of Conviction : Let us up and be doing j let us arife quickly and deny ourfefaes, and the Lord JESUS will remove thofe Scales from the Eyes of our Minds, which now like fo many Veils hinder us from feeing clearly the Reafonablenefs, Neceffity, and inexpreffible Advantage of the Doctrine that has been now- delivered. Let us but once thus Jhew ciirfefaes Men, and then the Spirit of GOD will move on the Face of our Souls, as he did once upon the Face of the great Deep ; and caufe them to emerge out of that confufed Chaos, in which they are moil certainly now involved, if we are Strangers and Enemies to Self-denial and the Crofs of CHRIST. BUT notwithftanding this Doctrine of Self- denial is, when rightly underflood, fo reafon- able and beneficial ; yet many, it is to be feared, like the young Man in the Gofpel, are ready to go away forrowful. III. PROCEED we therefore now to the 'Third and laft general Thing propofed ; viz. To offer fome Confiderations which mayferve as fo many Motives to reconcile us to, and quicken us in the Practice of this Duty of Self-denial. i. And io6 *fhe Extent and Reafonablenefs i. AND the firft Means I {hall recommend to you, in order to reconcile you to this Doc- trine is, to meditate frequently on the Life of our Blefled Lord and Matter JESUS CHRIST. Oh ! may we often think on Him our grand Exemplar ! follow him from his Cradle to his Crofs, and fee what a felf -denying Life He lead ' And {hall not we drink of the Cup that He drank of, and be baptized with the Baptifrn that He was baptized with ? Or think we that JESUS CHRIST did and fuffered every Thing in order to have us excufed, and exempted from Sufferings ? No, far be it from any fmcere Chriftian to judge after this manner : For St. Peter tells us, He fuffered for us, leaving us an Example, that we Jhould follow his Steps. Had CHRIST, indeed, like thofe that fat in Mqfes's Chair, laid heavy Burthens of Self-denial upon us, (fuppofing they were heavy, which they are not) and refufed to touch them himfelf with one of his Fingers ; we might have had fome Pretence to complain : But fince He has enjoined us nothing but what he has firft put in praftife himfelf, Thou art inexcufable, O Difciple, whoever thou art, who would'ft be above thy perfecuted felf-denying Matter : And thou art no good and faithful Servant, who art unwilling to fuffer and fympathize with thy mortified, heavenly-minded LORD. e. NEXT of SELF-DENIAL. 107 2. NEXT to the Pattern of our Blefled Ma- fler, think often on the Lives of the glorious Company of the Apoftles, the goodly Fellow- fhip of the Prophets, and the noble Army of Martyrs j who by a conftant looking to the Au- thor and Finijher of our Faith, have fought the good Fight y find are gone before us to inherit the Promifes. View, again and again, how holily, how felf-denyingly,how unblameably they lived ; And if Self-denial was neceffary for them, why not for us alfo ? Are we not Men of like Paf- iions with them ? Do we not live in the fame wicked World as they did ? Have we not the fame good Spirit to affift, fupport, and purify us, as they had ? And is not the fame Eternal Inheritance reached out, as a Reward of our Self- denial and Renunciation of the World, as was offered to them ? And if we have the fame Nature to change, the fame wicked World to withftand, the fame good Spirit to help, ancj the fame Eternal Crown to reward our Obe- clience ; why mould not we lead the fame Lives as they did ? Do we think They did Works of Supererogation ? If not, why don't we do as they did ? Or why does the Church fet apart Feftivals to commemorate the Deaths and Suf- ferings of the Saints, but in order to excite uo to follow Them as they did CHRIST? 3. THIRDLY, lo8 The Extent and Reafonablenefs 3. THIRDLY, Think often on the Pains of Hell : confider whether it is not better to cut off a Right Hand or Foot, and pluck out a Right Eye, if they offend us (or caufe us to fin) rather than to be caft into Hell, into the Fire that never jkallbe quenched \ where the Worm dieth not, and the Fire is not quenched. Think how many thou- fands there are now referred with damned Spirits in Chains ofDarknefs unto the Judgment of the Great Day, for not complying with the Precept in the Text. And think withal that This, this muft be our own Cafe mortly, unlefs we are wife in time, and fubmit to thofe eafy Conditions our Saviour has prefcribed us, in order to avoid it. Think you they now imagine JESUS CHRIST to be an hard Matter ; or rather think you not they would give Ten thoufand times ten thoufand Worlds, could they but return to Life again, and take CHRIST'S eafy Yoke upon them ? And can ifte dwell with everlafting Burnings more than they ? No ; if we cannot bear this Precept, Come, deny yourf elves, take up your Croffes. How (hall we bear that irrevocable Sentence, Depart from me, ye Curfed, into everlafting Fire pre- pared for the Devil and his Angeh ? But I hope thofe, amongft whom I am now preaching the Kingdom of GOD, are not fo difingenuous as to need to be driven to their Duty by the Terrors of the LORD, but rather defire to be drawn by the Cords qf Love. LASTLY of S E L F - D E N I A L. 169 LASTLY therefore, and to conclude, often meditate on the Joys of Heaven: Think, chink with what unfpeakable Glory thofe hap- py Souls are now incircled, who when on Earth were called to deny themfehes as well as we, and were not difobedient to that Call : Lift up your Hearts frequently toward the Manfions of eternal Blifs, and wich an Eye of Faith, like the great St. Stephen, fee the Heavens opened, and the Son of Man with his glorious Retinue of departed Saints fitting and folacing themfelves in eternal Joys, and with unfpeakabie Comfort looking back on their paft Sufferings and Self- denials, as fo many glorious Means which ex- alted them to fuch a Crown. Hark! methinks I hear them chanting forth their everlafting Hallelujahs, and fpending an eternal Day in echoing forth triumphant Songs of Joy. And do you not long, my Brethren, to join this heavenly Choir ? Do not your Hearts burn within you ? As the Hart panteth after the Water Brooks, do not your Souls fo long after the bleffed Company of thefe Sons of GOD ? Behold then a heavenly Ladder reached down to you, by which you may climb to this Holy Hill. If any Man will come after them, let him deny himfelf and follow them. It was this, my Brethren, exalted the Holy JESUS himfelf, as Man, to fit at the Right Hand of his adorable Father. i 10 fbe Extent and Reafonablenefs, &c. Father. By this alone every Saint that ever lived, afcended into the Joy of their LORD : And by this we, even we alfo may be lifted up into the fame moft blifsful Regions, there to enjoy an eternal Reft with the People of GOD, and join with them in finging Doxologies and Songs of Praife, to the Everlafting, Blefied, All-glorious, moft Adorable Trinity, for ever and ever. Which GOD of bis infinite Mercy grant, &c. INTERCESSION Every Chrijtiatfs DUTY. A SERMON preach'd at the Parifh Church of Great St. Helen, on Tuefday December 27, 1737. SERMON V. INTERCESSION every Chri- fliarfs Duty. i THESS. v. 2j. Brethren, Pray for us. IF we enquire, why there is fo little Love to be found amongft Chriftians, why the very Characteriftick, by which every one fhould know that we are Difciples of the Holy JESUS, is almoft banimed out of the Chrillian World, We mall find it, in a great meafure, owing to a Neglect or fuperficial Performance of that moft God-like Part of fecret Prayer In- terceflion, or imploring the Grace or Mercy in behalf of others. SOME forget this Duty of Praying for Others, becaufe they feldom remember to Pray for Themfelves : And even good People, who are conftant in Praying to their Father which is in I Heaven, ii4 INTERCESSION Heaven, are often fo conftrained and felfifh in. their AddrefTes to the Throne of Grace, that they do not enlarge their Petitions for the Wel- fare of their Fellow Chriftians as they ought ; and thereby fall fhort of attaining that Chriftian Charity, that unfeigned Love of their Brethren, which their facred Profeffion obliges them to afpire after, and without which, though they would bejlow all their Goods fo feed the Poor, and even give their Bodies to be burned, yet it would profit them Nothing. SINCE then thefe Things are fo, Ifhall from the Words of the Text (though originally in- tended to be more confined) endeavour to (hew, I. Firft, THAT it is every Chrijlians Duty to Pray for Others, as well as for Himfelf. II. Secondly, WHO are Thofe that we ought to Pray for, and in what Manner we fhould do it. And, III. Thirdly, I SHALL offer fome Motives to excite all Chrijlians to abound in this great Duty of Inter ceffion. I. Firft then, I (hall endeavour to That it is every Chrijliaris Duty to Pray for Others, as well as. for Himfelf. Now Every Cbrifii tin's D u T Y. 1 i-c Now Prayer is a Duty founded on Natu- ral Religion ; the very Heathens never neg- lected it, though many Chriitian Heathens amongft us do : And it is fo effential to Chri- ftanity, that you might as reafonably expert to find a living Man without Breath, as a True Chriftian without the Spirit of Prayer and Sup- plication. Thus, no fooner was St. Paul fconverted, but behold he Prayeth, faith the LORD Almighty. And thus will it be with every Child of GOD, as foon as He becomes fuch: Prayer being truly called, T'he natural Cry of the New- born Soul. FOR in the Heart of every True Believer there is a Heavenly Tendency, a Divine At- traction, which as fenfibly draws him to con- verfe with GOD, as the Loadftone attracts the Needle. A DEEP Senfe of Their own Weaknefs, and of CHRIST'S Fullnefs ; a ftrongConvic: .on of their Natural Corruption, and of the Ne- ceffity of Renewing Grace; will not let them reft from Crying Day and Night to the>r Al- mighty Redeemer, that the Divine Image* which they loft in Adant, may through His All-powerful Mediation, and the Sanctifying Operations of His blefled Spirit, be begun, car- ried on, and fully perfected both in their Souls and Bodies. I 2 THUS n6 INTERCESSION THUS earneft, thus importunate, are al fincere Chriftians in Praying for Themfelves But then, not having fo lively, lafting, ai deep a Senfe of the Wants of their Chriftiai Brethren, They are for the moft part too remifs and defective in their Prayers for them. Whereas, was the Love of GOD fried abroad in our Hearts, and did we Love our Neigh- bour in that Manner in which the Son of GOD our Saviour loveth m> and according to his Command and Example, We could not but be as importunate for their Spiritual and Tem- poral Welfare, as for Our own; and as ear- neflly defire and endeavour that Others ihould ihare in the Benefits and Bleffings of the Death and Paffion of JESUS CHRIST as We ourfelves. LET not any one think, that This is an uncommon Degree of Charity ; an High Pitch of Perfection, which every one cannot attain unto; fince it is no fuch Thing: For if we are all commanded to Love our Neighbour (that is, every Man) even as ourfehes, nay to Lay down our Lives for the Brethren ; Then, it is the Duty of alt to Pray for their Neigh- bours as much as for Themfelves, and by pof- fible Acts and Expreffions of Love and Affection towards Them, at all Times, to mew their Keadinefs even to lay down their Lives for them, if Every Chriftian's DUTY. 117 if ever it fhould pleafe GOD to call Them to it. OUR Bleffed Saviour as He hath fet us an Example that we mould follow his Steps in every Thing elfe, fo hath He mort efpecially in This : For in that moft Divine, that moft Perfect and Inimitable Prayer (recorded in the I7' h of St. John) which He put up juft before His Paffion, We find but few Petitions for His Own, though many for His Difciples Welfare : And in that moft Perfect Form which He has been pleafed to prefcribe us, We are taught to fay, not My, but Our Father, Thereby to put us in mind, that, whenever we approach the Throne of Grace, We ought to Pray, not in Our own Name alone, but in the Name of all our Brethren in CHRIST. INTERCESSION then is certainly a Duty in- cumbent upon all Chriftiam. II. WHOM we are to intercede for, and How this Duty is to be performed, comes next to be confidered, under my Second General Head. i. AND Firft, our Interceffion muft be uni- verfal. I will (fays theApoftle) that Prayers, Supplications, and Interceffj&ns, be made for All Men, For as GOD's Mercy is over AH I 3 His n3 INTERCESSION His Works, as JESUS CHRIST Died to Redeem a People out of All Nat lorn and Lan- guages ; fo, We fhould Pray, that All Men may come to the Knowledge of the Truth ^ and be failed. Many precious Promifes are made in Holy Writ, that the Go/pel flail be publifled through the ^hole. World, that the Earth fl be covered with the Knowledge of the Lord, as the Waters cover the Sea : And therefore it is our Duty not to confine our Petitions to our pwn Nation, but to Pray that All thofe Na- tions, izbo note fain Darknefs and in the Sha- dow of Death, may have the Glorious Gofpel fline out upon Them, as well as upon Us. But Tou need not flat any Man jhould teach you THr, face Te yoitrfehes are Taught of GOD, even of JESUS CHRIST himfelf, to Pray that His Kingdom may come i Part of the Meaning of which Petition is, That GOD's Ways may be known upon Earth, and His Saving Health among All Nations. 2. NEXT to the Praying for All Men, we fhould, according to St. Paul's Rule, Pray for Kings-, particularly, for our prefect Sovereign King GEORGE, and all that are put in Autho- rity under Him : that we may lead quiet Lives, in all GodlineJ's and Honefty. For, if we con- fider how heavy the Burden of Government is, and how much the Welfare of any People de- pends Lvery Lhnjtian * D u T Y. 119 pends on the Zeal and godly Converfation of Thofe that have the Rule over them : If we fet before us the many Dangers and Difficul- ties, to which Governours by their Station are expofed, and the continual Temptations they lye under to Luxury and Self-Indulgence ; We fhall not only Pity, but Pray for Them, That He who preferved Efther, David, and Joftah, unjpottedfrom the World \ amidil the Grandeur of a Court, and gave Succefs to their Defigns, would alfo preferve Them Holy and Unblame- able, and profperall the Works of their Hands upon Them. 3. BUT, Thirdly, You ought in a more efpecial Manner, to Pray for thofe whom the Holy Ghoft hath made Overfeers ever Tou. This is what St. Paul begs, again and again, of the Churches to whom He writes: Brethren, fays He in the Text, Pray for Us; and again, in his Epiftle to the Ephefians, Praying al- ways, fays He, with all manner of Supplication, and for Me alfo, that I may open my Mouth boldly to declare the Myjlery of the Go/pel And in another Place, to exprefs his Earneftnefs in this Requeft, and the Great Importance of Their Prayers for Him, He bids the Church Strive, (or, as the original Word fig- nifies, Be in an Agony) together with Him in Their Prayers. And iurely if the Great St. Paul, I 4 that I2O INTERCESSION that Chofen Veffel, that Favourite of Heaven, needed the moft importunate Prayers of His Chnitian Converts; much more do the or- dinary Minifters of the Gofpel ftand in need of the Incerceffion of their refpective Flocks. AND L cannot but in a more efpecial Man- ner infift upon This Branch of Your Duty, becaufe it is a Matter of fuch Importance : For no doubt, much Good is frequently withheld from many, by reafon of their neglecting to Pray for their Minifters, which they would have received, had they Prayed for Them as they ought. Not to mention, that People of- ten complain of the Want of Diligent and Faithful Paftors. But how do They defer ve Good Paftors, who will not earneftly Pray to GOD forjucb ?- THE Church has fet apart Four Seafons in the Year for this Purpofe, and to call down a ElefTing on thofe who are to be Ordained to any Holy Function: But by how very few are the Ember Days obferved ! And if we will not Pray to the Lord of the Harveft, can it be expected He will fend forth Labourers into hisHarveft? BESIDES, What Ingratitude is it not to Pray for your Minifters ! For (hall They Watch and Labour in the Word and Doctrine for You, and for your Salvation, and mall not You Every Cbriftiarfs DUTY. 121 You Pray for Them in Return ? If any beftow Favours on your Bodies, You think it right, meet, and your bounden Duty, to Pray for Them ; and (hall not They be remembered in Your Prayers, who daily feed and nourifli your Souls ? Add to all this, that Praying for your Minifters, will be a manifeft Proof of your be- lieving That though Paul plant, and Apol- los water, yet it is GOD alone who giveth the Increafe. And you will alfo find it the bed Means you can ufe, to promote your own Welfare: Becaufe GOD, in anfwer to your Prayers, may impart a double Portion of his Holy Spirit to Them, whereby they will be qualified to deal out to you larger Meafures of Knowledge in Spiritual Things, and be enabled more fkilfully to divide the Word of 'Truth. WOULD Men but conftantly obferve this Direction, and when their Minifters are Pray- ing in Their Name to GOD, humbly befeech Him to Perform all their Petitions : Or, when They are fpeaking in GOD'S Name to Them, Pray that the .Holy Ghoji may fall on all them that Hear the Word; we mould then find a more vifible Good EfFeft of their Do&rine, and a greater Mutual Love between Minifters and their People, For Minifters Hands would then be held up by the People's Interceffions, and the People will never dare to vilify or tra- duce - 122 INTERCESSION duce Thofe who are the conftant Subject their Prayers. 4. NEXT to our Mi rafters, our Friends claim a Place in our Interceffiow ; but ih^n we fhould not content ourielves with Praying in general Terms for Them, but fuit our Prayers to Their particular Circumftances. When Miriam was afflicted with a Leprofy from GOD, Mofes cried and faid, LORD Heal Her : And when the Nobleman came to apply to JESUS CHRIST in behalf of his Child, He laid, LORD, my little Daughter lyetb at the Point of Death^ I pray T^hee come, and Heal Her. In like manner, when any of our Friends are under any afflicting Circumftances, We fhould endeavour to Pray for Them, with a particular regard to thofe Circumftances. For Inftance, Is a Friend fick ? We fhould Pray, That if it be GOD'S good Pleafure, it may not be unto Death ; but if otherwife, That He would give Him Grace fo to take his Viflta- tion, that, after this painful Life ended, He may dwell with him in Life Everlafting? Is a Friend in Doubt in a Matter? We mould lay His Cafe before GOD, as Mofes did that of the Daughter of Zelopbehad, and Pray, That GOD'S Holy Spirit may lead Him into all Truth. Is He in Want ? We fhould Pray, That his Faith may never fail, and that in GOD'S due Time Every Cbrijliaris DUTY. 123 Time He may be relieved. And in all other Cafes, we fliould not Pray for our Friends only in Generals, but fuic our Petitions to Their particular Sufferings and AffiifttGm j for other- wife, we may never afk perhaps for the Things our Friends moft want. IT muftbe confefled, that fuch a Procedure will oblige us fometimes to break from the Forms we ufe; but if we accuftom ourfelves to ir, and have a deep Senfe what we aik for, the moft illiterate ChriJUam will not want Words to exprefs themfelves. WE have many noble Inftances in Holy Scrip- ture of the Succefs of this Kind of particular InterceJJion j buc none more remarkable than That of Abraham's Servant, in the Book of Genefis who being fent to feek a Wife for his Son Ifaac, Prays in a moft particular Manner in His Behalf. And the Sequel of the Story informs us how remarkably his Prayer was anfwered. And did Chrijlians now Pray for their Friends in the fame particular manner, and with the fame Faith as Abrahams Servant did for his Mafter; They would, no doubt, in many Inftances, receive as vifible Anfwers, and have as much Reafon to blefs GOD for Them as He had. 5. BUT farther, as we ought thus to inter- cede for our Friends, jfo in like manner muft we 124 INTERCESSION we alfo Pray for our Enemies. Blefs them that Curfe you, fays JESUS CHRIST, and Pray for them that defpitefully ufe you, and perfecute you: Which Commands He inforced in the ilrongeft Manner by His own Example, when in the very Agonies and Pangs of Death, He Prayed even for his Murderers, Father , For- give Them, for they know not what they do ! This, it muft needs be confeiTed, is a difficult Duty, yet not impracticable to thofe, who have renounced the Things of this prefent Life, (from ah inordinate Love of which alone, all Enmities arife) and who knowing the ter- rible Woes denounced againft Thofe 'who offend Chrijl's Little Ones, can, out of real Pity and a Senfe of their Danger, Pray for tbofe by whom fuch Offences come. 6. LASTLY, and to conclude this Head, We fhould Intercede for All that are any Ways afflicted, in Mind, Body, or Eftate ; for All who defire, and ftand in need of our Prayers : And for All who do not Pray for Themfelves. AND Oh! that All who hear me, would fet apart fome Time every Day for the due Performance of This moft neceflary Duty! In Order to which, I SHALL now proceed to the *Tbird General Ti6/tfpropofedj namely, III. To Every Chrijliaris DUTY. 125 III. To (hew the Advantages, and offer feme Confiderations to excite you to the Practice of Daily Inter ceffio?i. i. AND Firft, it will fill your Hearts with Love to one another. He that every Day in- tercedes at the Throne of Grace for all Man- kind, cannot but in a fhort Time be filled with Love and Charity to all: And the fre- quent Exercife of his Love in this Manner, will infenfibly enlarge his Heart, and make Him Partaker of that exceeding Abundance of it which is in CHRIST JESUS our Lord! Envy, Malice, Revenge, and fuch like hellim Tem- pers, can never long harbour in a Gracious Interceffor's Breaft ; But He will be filled with Joy, Peace, Meeknefs, Long-Suffering, and all other Gifts and Graces of the Holy Spirit. By frequently laying his Neighbour's Wants before GOD, He will be touched with a Fellow- Feeling of them j He will rejoice with thofe that do rejoice, and weep with thofe that weep. Every Bleffing bellowed on Others, inftead of exciting Envy in Him, will be looked on as an Anfwer to his particular Interceffion, and fill his Soul rftthjfyunjpeak* able and full of Glory. INDEED 126 INTERCESSION INDEED I will not affirm, that this Blef- fed Temper of Mind can be acquired all at once : No, as other Graces, ib muft this Chriftian Love be obtained by Degrees. But Do you abound in Acts of general and parti- cular Interceffions ; and when you hear of your Neighbours Faults, inftead of relating them to, and expofing them before Others, Lay them in fecret before GOD, and beg of Him to correct and amend them. When you hear of a notorious Sinner, inftead of Think- ing, Tou do well to be angry; beg of JESUS CHRIST to convert and make Him a Monu- ment of His Free Grace : And you cannot ima- gine what a BlefTed Alteration this Practice will make in your Heart, and how much you will increafe Day by Day in the Spirit of Love and Meeknefs towards all Mankind ! BUT farther to excite you to the conftant Practice of this Duty of Interceffion ; confi- der the many Inftances given us in Holy Scripture, of the Power and Efficacy of it. Great and Excellent Things are there recorded as the Effects of this Divine Employ. It has {topped Plagues, it has opened and fhut Hea- ven ; and has frequently turned away GOD'S Fury from his People. How was Abimelecb's Houfe freed from the Difeafe GOD fent amongft them, at the Interceffion of Abraham ; When Phinees Every Chriftians DUTY. 127 Phinees flood up and prayed, how foon did the Plague ceafe ! When Daniel humbled and af- fiidted.his Soul, and Interceded for the LORD'S Inheritance, How quickly was an Angel dif- patched to tell him, His Prayer was heard-, And, to mention but one Inftance more, How does GOD own Himfelf as it were quite over* come with the Importunity of Mofes, when he was Interceding for his Idolatrous People, Let me alone, fays GOD! THIS fufficiendy mews, I could almoft fay the Omnipotency of Inter cejjion, and how we may, like Jacob, wreftle with GOD, and by an holy Violence prevail both for Ourfelves and Others. And no doubt 'tis owing to the fe- cret and prevailing Intercejjiom of the few Righteous Souls who ftill remain among us, that GOD has yet fpared this miferable finful Nation : For were there not fome fuch Faith- ful ones, like Mofes, left to fland in the Gap, We mould foon be deftroyed even as was Sodom, and reduced to Ames like unto Go- morrah. BUT, to ftir you up yet farther to this God- like Exercife of Intercejfion, confider that, in all probability, it is the frequent Employment even of the Glorified SAINTS : For though they are delivered from the Burden of the Flefh, and reftored to tta glorious Liberty of the Sons ia8 INTERCESSION Sons of GOD, yet, as their Happinefs cannot be perfectly confummated 'till the Refurrectioii of the Laft Day, when all their Brethren will be glorified with them, We cannot but think They are often importunate in befeech- ing our Heavenly Father, fhortly to accomplish the Number of His Elect, and to His Kingdom. And mall not We, who are on Earth, be often exercifed in this Divine Em- ploy with the Glorious Company of the Spirits of Juft Men made P erf eft ? Since our Happi- nefs is fo much to confift in the Communion of SAINTS in the Church Triumphant above t mall we not frequently intercede for the Church Militant here below j and ear-neftly beg, that We may all be One, even as the Holy JESUS and His Father are One, that we may alfo be made Perfect in One! To provoke you to this Great Work and Labour of Love, Remember, that it is the never-ceaiing Employment of the Holy and Highly-exalted JESUS Himfelf, who fits at the Right Hand of G OD to hear all our Prayers, and to make continual Intercejflon for us ! So that He who is conftantly employed in inter- ceding for Others, is doing that on Earth, which the Eternal Son of GOD is always do- ing in Heaven. IMAGINE Every Chriftiaris DUTY. IMAGINE therefore, when you are lifting tip Holy Hands in Prayer for one another, That you fee the Heavens opened, and the Son of G o D in all His Glory ; as the Great High Prieft of your Salvation, offering up and pleading for you, the All-fufficient Merit of His Sacrifice before the Throne of His Hea- venly Father ! Join then Your Intercejfions with His, and befeech Him that tfyey may through Him come up as Incenfe, and be re- ceived as a Sweet-fmelling Savour, acceptable in the Sight of GOD! This Imagination will ftrengthen your Faith, excite a holy Earneft- nefs in your Prayers, and make you wreftle with GOD, as Jacob did, when he faw Him Face to Face and his Life was preferved ; as Abraham, when he pleaded for Sodom ; and as JESUS CHRIST himfelf, when Fie prayed, being in an Agony, fo much the more earneft- ly the Night before his bitter Paffion ! AND now, Brethren, What mall I fay more, fince Ton are taught of JESUS CHRIS? Himfelf to abound in Love, and in this Good Work of praying one for another ? How- ever, I cannot but recommend to you one ge- neral Means in order to make your Intercef- fan more effectual, that is, To lead fuch Lives as may make your Prayers accepted in tbe Beloved. The effectual fervent Prayer of K a 130 INTERCESSION a Righteous Man availeth much, faith St. James. Tou jhall go to my Servant Job, fays GOD, and He Jh all Pray for You. It is This, It is This, my Brethren, muft make your Interceffiom pierce the Clouds ! For the Prayers of the Wicked are an Abomination to the LOR D. Would you there- fore prevail with GOD for Others, Be Holy even as GOD is Holy yourfelves : Labour daily after frefh Degrees of Grace, and your Interceffiom will acquire frefh Degrees of Acceptance and Efficacy in Heaven. Do but walk as becometh the Gofpel of JESUS CHRIST-, be but in Earneft about Working out your own eternal Salvation 5 and your Intercejfiontvj\\\ Then come forth as In- cenfe before GOD, and the lifting up of your Hands be as an Evening Sacrifice. Though ever fo mean, though as poor as Lazarus^ you will then become Benefactors to all Mankind ; Thoufands, and Twenty times Ten Thoufands, will then be Ble/ed for your fakes ! and after you have employed a few Years in this Divine Exercife bere 9 you will be tranilated to that Happy Place, where you have fo often wimed others might be advanced ; and be exalted to fit at the Right Hand of our All-powerful, All- prevailing INTERCESSOR, in the Kingdom of His Heavenly Father hereafter ! However, I cannot but in an efpecial manner prefs This upon you now, becaufe all Every Chriftian's D u T^Y. f 3 f ye, amongft whom I have now been Preach- ing, in all Probability will fee me no more : For I am now going (I truft under the Con- duct of GOD'S moft Holy Spirit) from you, knowing not what mall befall me : I need therefore your moft importunate Inter cejfions^ that nothing may move me from my Duty, and that I may not count even my Life dear unto myfelf, fo that I may finifh my Courfe with Joy, and the Miniftry I have received of the Lord JESUS, to teftify the Gofpel of the Grace of GOD! Whilft I have been here, to the beft of my Knowledge I have not failed to declare unto you the whole Will of GOD : And though my Preaching may have been a Sa- i)9ur of Death unto Death to fome ; yet I truft it has been alfo a Savour of Life unto Life to others : And therefore I earneftly hope that thofe will not fail to remember me in their Prayers. As for my own Part, the many un- merited KindnefTes I have received from you, will not fufFer me to forget you : Out of the Deep therefore I truft mall my Cry come unto GOD j and whilft the Winds and Storms are blowing over me, unto the LORD will I make my Supplication for you. For it is but a little while, and We mufl All appear before the Judgment-Seat of CHRIST; where I mu ft K 2 give 132 INTERCESSION give a ftricl: Account of the Doctrine I have preached, and You of your Improvement under it. And Oh ! that I may never be called out as ; a fvvift Witnefs, againft any of thole my dear Brethren in CHRIST, for vvhofe Salvation I have fincerely, though too faintly, longed and laboured ! IT rs true, I have been cenfured by fome as adiing out of finifter and felfifh Views: But it is a J mall Matter with me to be judged by Man's Judgment 3 I hope my Eye is fingle, but I befeech you, Brethren, by the Mercies of GOD in CHRIST JESUS, pray that it may be morefo ! and that I may.increafe with the Increafe of Grace in the Knowledge and Love of GOD through JESUS CHRIST our Lord. AND now, Brethren, What fhall I fay more ? I could wifh to continue my Dif- courfe much longer : For I can never fully ex- prefs the Defire.of my Soul towards you! Finally therefore, Brethren, Wbatfower Things are Holy, ivbatjbever things are Pure, ivhat- Jcever Things are Hone/I, ivbatfoever Things are of Good Report ; if there be any Confolation in CHRIST, if any Fellowjhip of the Spirit, if any Hopes of our appearing to the Com- fort of each other at the awful Tribunal of JESUS CHRIST, Think of the Things that you have heard, and of thofe which your Paftors have Every Chriftian's DUTY. 133 have declared and' will yet declare unto you; and continue under their Miniftry to work out your own Salvation with Fear andT'rembling : So that whether I mould never fee you any more, or whether it fhall pleafe GOD to bring me back again at any time, I may always have the Satisfaction of knowing \hat your Converfa- tion isfuch as becometh the Go/pel of CHRIST. I almoft perfuade myfelf, that I could wil- lingly fuffer all Things fo that it might any ways promote the Salvation of your precious and immortal Souls; And I befeech you, as my laft Requeft, Obey them that have the Rule over you in the LORD ; and be always ready to attend on their Miniftry, as it is yourbound- en Duty. Think not that I defire to have my- felf exalted at the Expence of another's Cha- racter, but rather think this Not to have any Man's Per/on too much in Admiration ; but ejleem all your Minifters highly in Love, as they juftly deferve/or their Work's fake. And now, Brethren, I commend you ro GOD, and to the Word of His Grace, which is able to build you up, and give you an Inheri- tance amongft all them that are fanctified. May GOD reward you for all your Works of 'Fait b y and Labours of Love ; and make you to abound more and more in every good Word and Work towards all Men. May he truly convert K 3 all 134 INTERCESSION,^, all that have been convinced, and awaken all that are Dead in Trejpaj/es and Sins! May He confirm all that are wavering ! And may you all go on from one Degree of Grace unto ano- ther, 'till you arrive unto the Meafure of the Stature of the Fullnefs of CHRIST j and there- by be made meet to ftand before that GOD, in whofe Prejence is the Fulnefs of Jo\\ at whofe Right Hand there are Pleafuresfor evermore ! Amen! Amen! THE THE Almoft CHRISTIAN. A SERMON preach'd at the Parifh Church of St. John^ &c. ( '37 ) SERMON VI. The ALMOST-CHRISTIAN. ACTS xxvi. 28. Almofi thou ferfnadeft me to be a Chrtftian. THESE Words contain the ingenuous Confeflion of King Agrippa-, which having fome reference to what went before, it may not be improper to relate to you the Subftance of the preceding Verfes, to which thefe Words are fo clofely connected. THE Chapter then, out of which the Text is taken, contains an admirable Account the great St. Paul gave of his wonderful Conver- fion from Judaifm to Christianity, when he was called to make his Defence before Fejlm and another Gentile Governor. Our Blefled LORD had long lince foretold, that Wben the Son of Manjhould be lifted up, his Difciples jhould be brought 138 The ALMOST CHRISTIAN. brought before Kings, for his Name's fake, for a Teftimony unto them. And very good was the Defign of Infinite Wifdom in thus ordaining it : For Cbriftianity being from the very Be- ginning a Doctrine of the Crofs, the Princes and Rulers of the Earth thought themfelves too high to be inftrucled by fuch mean Teachers* or too happy to be diflurbed by fuch unwelcome Truths ; and therefore would have always con- tinued Strangers to JESUS CHRIST and him Crucified, had not the Apoftles, by being ar- raigned as Criminals before them, gained Op- portunities of Preaching to them JESUS and the Refurretfion. St. Paul knew full well that this was the main Reafon, why his Blefled Ma- iler permitted his Enemies at this time to arraign him at a publick Bar : And therefore, in com- pliance with the Divine Will, thinks it norfuf- ficient barely to make his Defence, but endea- vours at the fame Time to convert his Judges, And this He did with fuch Demonilration of the Spirit, and of Power, that.FV/?fcJ, unwilling to be convinced by the ftrongeft Evidence, cries out with a loud Voice, " Paul, much Learning " doth make thee mad? To which the brave Apoftle (like a true Follower of the Holy JESUS) meekly replies, / am not mad t moft noble Feftus> but fpeak forth tbe Words of Truth and Sober- nefs. The ALMOST CHRISTIAN. 139 nefs. But in all Probability feeing King Agrippa rnore affeded with his Difcourfe, and obferv- ing in him an Inclination to know the Truth, he applies himfelf more particularly to Him : The King, fays he, knoweth of thefe Things-, be- fore whom aljb I fpeak freely ; for I amperfuaded that none of thefe Things are hidden from him- And then, that if pofiible he might compleat his wimed-for Converfion, he, with an inimi- table Strain of Oratory, addreffes himfelf ftill more clofely, King Agrippa, Belie WHAT are the chief Reafons why fo many are no more than almoji Cbriftians. Thirdly, I SHALL confider the Ineffectual- nefs, Danger, Abfurdity, and Uneafinefs that attends thofe that are but almoji Cbri- Jlians. "Fourthly ', I SHALL conclude with a general Exhortation, to fet all upon ftriving not only to be almoji but altogether Cbriftians. I. AND ALMOST CHRISTIAN. 141 I. ANDnrft, lamtoconfider, What is meant by an almofl Chriftian. AN almoft Chrijlian then, if we confider him in refpe is a fervile Fear of Man : Multitudes there ALMOST CHRISTIAN. 147 :here are, and have been, who though awaken- ed to a Senfe of the Divine Life, and have tafted and felt the Powers of the World to come ; yet out of a bafe finful Fear of being counted ftngu- ar, or contemned by Men, have fuffered all hofe good Impreflions to wear off again. It i s rue they have fome Efteem for JESUS CHRIST >ut then* like Nicodemus^ they would come fo him only by Night : They are willing to ferve lim ; but then they would do \t fecretly, for ear of the Jews : They have a mind to fee JESUS, but then they cannot come to him be* caufe of the Prefs, for fear of being laughed at, and ridiculed by thofe with whom they ufed to fit at Meat. But well did our Saviour pro- phefy of fuch Perfons, How can ye love me which receive Honour one of another ? Alas ! have they never read, that the Friendjhip of this World is Enmity with GOD ; and that our LORD him. felf has threatened, Whofoe ver jhall be aflamed of me or of my Words, in this wicked and adulte- rous Generation, of himfoall the Son of Man be ajhamed, when he eometh in the Glory of his Fa- ther and of his Holy Angeh ? Buc no wonder that fo many are no more than almoft Chriftians, fince fo many love the Praife of Men more than the Honour which comet h of GOD. 3. A THIRD Realbn why fo many are no more than almoft Chriftians, is a reigning Love Lz of 148 ^he ALMOST CHRISTIAN. of Money. This was the pitiable Cafe of that forward young Man in the Gofpel, who came running to our Bleffed LORD, and kneeling before him, enquired what HP muftdo to Inherit Eternal Life ; to which our Bleffed Matter replied, Thou knoweft the Commandments, Do not Kill, Do not commit Adultery, Do not Steah To which the young Man replied (Oh that every young Man here prefent could do fo too) All thefe have I kept from myTouth. But when our LORD proceeded to tell him, Tet lackejl thou one Thing, Go fell all that thou haft and give to the Poor, he was grieved at that Saying^ and went away forrcwful, for he had great Pof- ffffions ! Poor Youth ! He had a good Mind tc be a Chriftian, and to inherit Eternal Life, bui thought it too dear, if it could be purchafec at no lefs an Expence than of his whole Eftate And thus many, both Young and Old, now- a- days come running to worship our BlefTedLoRi in publick, and kneel before him in private and enquire at his Gofpel, what they muft dc to inherit Eternal Life : But when they fine they muft renounce the Self- Enjoyment o Riches, and forfake all in Affedion to follow Him, they cry, The LORD pardon us in thi Thing / We pray Thee, have us excufed. BUT is Heaven fo frnall a Trifle in fuch Men* Efteem, as not to be worth a little gilded Earth I The ALMOST CHRISTIAN. 149 [s Eternal Life fo mean a Purchafe, as not to deferve the temporary Renunciation of a few janfhory Riches ? Surely it is. But however nconfiftent fuch a Behaviour may be, this nordinate Love of Money is too evidently the :ommon and fatal Caufe why fo many are no nore than almofl Chriftians. 4. NOR is the reigning Love of Pleafure a efs uncommon, or a lefs fatal Caufe why fo nany are no more than almoft Chriftians. Thoufands and ten Thoufands tbere are, who defpife Riches, and would willingly be true Difciples of JESUS CHRIST, Would parting with their Money make them fo ; but when they are told that our BleiTed LORD has laid it down as an indilpenfable Condition, that Wbofoever will come after Him mujl deny himfelf; like the pitiable young Man before mentioned, they go away forrowful : For they have too great a Love for fenfual Pleafures : They will, like Herod, perhaps fend for theMinifters of CHRIST, as he did for John, and bear them gladly : But touch them in their Herodias y tell them they muft part with fuch or fuch a darling Pleafure j and with wicked Ahab they cry out, Haft tbou found us, O our Enemy ? Tell them of the Neceffity of Mortification, Fafting, and Self- Denial, and it is as difficult to them to hear, as if you was to bid them cut of a Right Hand k 3 oy io tfbe ALMOST CHRISTIAN. or pluck out a Right Eye : They cannot think our Blefled LORD requires fo much at their Hands, though an infpired Apoftle has com- manded us to mortify our Members which are upon the Earth : And he himfelf, even after he had converted Millions,* and was very near arrived to the End of his Race, yet profeflec} that it was his daily Practice to keep under his Body, and bring it into Subjection, left after he- had preached to Others, be himj'elf Jhould be a Caft-away ! BUT fome Men would be wifer than this great Apoftle, and chalk out to us what they falfely imagine an eafier Way to Happinefs. They would flatter us we may go to Heaven without offering Violence to our fenfual Ap- petites ; and enter into the Jirait Gate without Jhiving againft our carnal Inclinations. And this is another Reafon why fo many are only aitnoft, and not altogether Chriftians. 5. THE fifth and laft Reafon I iliall affign why fo many are only almo/t Cbriftians, is a Ficklenefs and Inftability of Temper. IT has been, no doubt, the Misfortune that many a Minifter and fincere Chriftian has met with, to weep and wail over Numbers of pro- rqifing Converts, who feemingly began in the Spirir, but after a while have fell away, and bqfely ended in the Fielh ; and this not for want of *The ALMOST CHRISTIAN. 151 of right Notions in Religion, nor out of a fervile Fear of Man, nor out of a Love of Money or fenfual Pleafure, but out of an In- ilability and Ficklenefs of Temper. They looked upon Religion merely for Novelty; as fomething which pleafed them for a while, but after their Curiofity was fatisfied, they have laid it afide again : Like the young Man that came to fee JESUS with a Linen Cloth about his naked Body, they have followed him for a Seafon, but when Temptations have come to take hold on them, for want of a little more Refolution, they have been ftripped of all their good Intentions, and fled away naked. They at firft, like a Tree planted by the Water-fide, grew up and flourifhed for a while j but having no Roof in themfefaes, no inward Principle of Holinefs and Piety, like Jonah's Gourd, were foon dried up, cut down, and withered. Their good Intentions are but too like the violent Motions of the Animal Spirits of a Body newly beheaded, which though impetuous, are not* lading. In ihort, they fet out well in their Journey to Heaven, but finding the Way either narrower or longer than they expected, through an Unfleadinefs of Temper, they have made an Eternal Halt, and fo returned like the Dog to his Vomit) or like the Sow that was wafted to her wallowing in the Mire ! L 4 BUT 152 The ALMOST CHRISTIAN. BUT I tremble to pronounce the Fate of fuch unftable ProfefTors, who having put their Hands to the Plow, for want of a little more Refolution, ihamefully look back. How mall I repeat to them that dreadful Threatning, If any Man draw back, my Soul fhall have no Pleafure in him! And again, It is impojfible, that is, exceeding difficult at leaft, for thoj'e that have been once enlightened, and have tafted the good Gift of GOLD'S Holy Spirit, and the Powers of the World to come, if they Jhould fall away, to. be renewed again unto Repentance. But not- withftanding the Gofpel is fo fevere againft Apoftates, yet many that begun well, through a Ficklenefs of Temper, (Oh that none of us here prefent may ever be fuch) have been by this means of the Number of thoje that turn back unto Perdition. And this is the fifth and laft Reafon I mail give, why fo many are only almoft, and not altogether Chrif'ians. BuTyou,Bre{hren,havenoty01earnedCHRisT. GOD forbid that a Fear of a little Contempt, a Love of a little worldly Gain, or a Fondnefs for a little fenfual Pleafure, or Want of a fteddy Refolution, mould hinder you from entering into Eternal Life, or make you fo fottim as to think you may compound Matters between Gop and your Souls, III. PRO- The ALMOST CHRISTIAN. 153 III. PROCEED we therefore now to General Thing propofed, namely, to con- fider the Folly of being no more than an almoft Chrtflian. AND the firft Proof I mall give of the Folly of fuch a Proceeding is, that it is ineffectual to Salvation. It is true, fuch Men are almoft Good, but almoft to hit the Mark is really to mifs it. GOD requires us to love him 'with all our Hearts, with all our Souls, and 'with all our Strength : He loves us too well to admit any Rival ; becaufe fo far as our Hearts are empty of GOD, fo far muft they be unhappy. The Devil, indeed, like the falfe Mother that came before Solomon, would have our Hearts divided, as (he would have had the Child -, but GOD, like the true Mother, will have all or none. My Son give me tby Heart, thy whole Heart, is the general Call to all : And if we do noc perform this Condition, we never can expect the Divine Mercy, PERSONS may indeed flatter themfelves, that a partial Obedience will ferve their Turn 5 but GOD at the Great Day will ftrike them dead, as he did Ananias and Sapphira by the Mouth of his Servant Peter, for pretending to offer him all their Hearts, when they keep back from him the greatelt Part. They may perhaps impofe 154 *fbe ALMOST CHRISTIAN. impofe upon their fellow Creatures for a while, but He that enabled Elijah to cry out, Come in, tbou Wife of 'Jeroboam, when {he came dif- guifed to enquire about her fick Son, will alfo difcover them through their moft artful Diffimu- lations, and if their Hearts are not whole with him appoint them their Portion with Hypocrites end Unbelievers. BUT Secondly, What renders an half-way Piety more inexcufable is, that it is not only infufficient to our own Salvation, but alfo moft prejudicial to that of Others. AN almoft Chriftianis one of the moft hurtful Creatures in the World : He is a Wolf in Sheep's Cloathing-y He is one of thofe falfe Prophets our Blefled LORD bids us beware of, in his Sermon on the Mount, who would perfuade Men, that the Way to Heaven is broader than it really is ; and thereby, as it was obferved before, enter not into the Kingdom of GOD tbemfehes, and thofe that are entering in they binder. Thefe, thefe are the Men that turn the World into a lukewarm Laodicean Spirit ; that hang out falfe Lights, and fo fhipwreck un- thinking benighted Souls in their Voyage to the Haven where they would be. Thefe are they that are greater Enemies to the Crofs of CHRIST, than Infidels themfelves: For of an Unbeliever every one will be aware ; but an almoft 'fhe ALMOST CHRISTIAN. 155 almofl Chriftian, through his fubtle Hypocrify, draws away many ajter him ; *and therefore muft expect to receive the greater Damnation. BUT Thirdly, As it is moft prejudicial to our- felves and hurtful to others, fo it is the greateft Piece of Ingratitude we can exprefs towards our Lord and Mafter JESUS CHRIST. For did He come down from Heaven, and {hed his precious Blood, to purchafe thefe Hearts of ours, and (hall we only give him half of them ? Oh how can we fay we love him, when our Hearts are not wholly with Him ? How can we call Him. oyr Saviour, when we will not endeavour fin- cerely to approve ourfelves to Him, and fo let Him fee the Travail of his Soul, and be fa- tisfied ! HAD any of us purchafed a Slave at a moft expenn" ve Rate, that was before involved in the utmoft Miferies and Torments, and fo muft have continued for ever, had we fhut up our Bowels of Compafllon from him j and was this SJave afterwards to grow rebellious, or deny giving us but half his Service : How, how fhould we exclaim againft his bafe Ingratitude ! And yet this bafe ungrateful Slave thou art, O Man, who acknowledged thyfelf to be redeemed from infinite unavoidable Mifery and Punim- ment by the Death of JESUS CHRIST, and yet wilt not give thyfelf wholly to Him. But Ihali wq 156 The ALMOST CHRISTIAN. we deal with GOD our Maker in a manner we would not be dealt with by a Man like our- felves ? Shall we mete out a lefs Meafure of Love to our Saviour, than we would have dealt to ourfelves ? GOD forbid! IV. No, (that I may come to the loft fling propofed, namely, to add a Word or two of Exhortation to be not only alfnojl, but altoge- ther Cbriftians) let us fcorn all fuch bafe and treacherous Treatment of our King and Sa- viour, nay our GOD. Let us not take fome Pains all our Lives to go to Heaven, and yec plunge ourfelves into Hell at lall. Let us give GOD our whole Hearts, and no longer halt between two Opinions : If the World be GOD, Jet us ferve That ; If Pleajure be a GOD, let usferve That ; but if the LORD He be GOD, Jet us, Oh let usferve Htm alone. Alas ! Why, why ihould we ftand out any longer ? Why fhould we be fo in Love with Slavery, as not wholly to renounce the World, the Flefti, and the Devil, which, like fo many fpiritual Chains, bind down our Souls, and hinder them from flying up to GOD. Alas ! what are we afraid of ? Is not GOD able to reward our entire Obedience ? If He is, as the almoft Cbriftiaris. lame Way of ferving Him feems to grant, Why then will we not ferve Him entirely ? For The ALMOST CHRISTIAN. 157 For the fame Reafon we do fo much, why do we not do more ? Or do you think that being only half Religious will make you hap- py, but that going farther will render you miferable and uneafy? Alas! this, my Bre- thren, is Delufion all over : For what is it but this half Piety , this wavering between GOD and the World, that makes fo many that are feemingly well-difpofed, fuch utter Strangers to the Comforts of Religion ? They chufe juft fo much of Religion as will difturb them in their Lufls, and follow their Lufts fo far as to deprive themfelves of the Comforts of Re- ligion. Whereas, on the contrary, would they fincerely leave all in Affection, and give their Hearts wholly to GOD, they would then (and they cannot 'till then) experience the unfpeak- able Pleafure of having a Mind at Unity with itfelf, and enjoy fuch a Peace of GOD, which even in this Life pafles all Underfbmding, and jyhich they were entire Strangers to before. It is true, if we will devote ourfelves entirely to GOD, we muft meet with Contempt; but then it is becaufe Contempt is necefiary to heal our Pride. We muft renounce fome fenfual Pleafure ; but then it is becaufe thofe unfit us for Spiritual ones, which are infinitely better. We muft renounce the Love of the World ; but then it is that we may be filled with 158 The ALMOST CHRISTIAN. with the Love of GOD : And when that has once enlarged our Hearts, we fhall, like ^acob when he ferved for his beloved Rachel^ think nothing too difficult to undergo, no Hardships too tedious to endure, becaufe of the Love we fliall then have for our dear Redeemer. Thus eafy, thus delightful will be the Ways of GOD even in this Life : But when once we throw off thefe Bodies, and our Souls zvzjilled with all the Fullnefs of GOD> Oh! what Heart can conceive, what Tongue can exprefs, with what unfpeakable Joy and Confolation we (hall then look back on our pail fmcere and hearty Services, which have procured us fo invaluable a Reward ! Think you then, my dear Hearers, we fhall repent we had done too much ; or rather think you not we mall be amamed that we did no more ; and blufh we were fo back- ward to give up All to GOD: when He intended hereafter to give us Himfelf .? LET me therefore, to conclude, exhort you, my Brethren, to have always the Unfpeakable Reward of an entire Obedience fet before you : And think withal, that every Degree of Ho- linefs you neglect, every Inftance of Piety you pafs by, is a Jewel taken out of your Grown, a Degree of Bleffednefs loft in the Vifion of GOD Oh ! do but always think and act thus, and )ou will no longer be labouring to com-. pound The ALMOST CHRISTIAN. 15-9 pound Matters between GOD and the World; but on the contrary, be daily endeavouring to give up yourfelves more and more unto Him ; you will be always Watching, always Praying, always afpiring after farther Degrees of Purity and Love, and fo confequently always preparing yourfelves for a fuller Light and Enjoyment of that GOD, in whofe Prefence there is Fullnefs of Joy, and at whofe Right Hand there are Pleafures for evermore. Amen ! Amen ! THE O F JUSTIFICATION B Y CHRIST. A SERMON preach'd at theParifh Church of St. dnttofoi) Sec. M SERMON VIII. Of Juftification by CHRIST. i C o R. vi. ii. But ye are Juftified. The whole Verfe runs thus : And fuch were fome of you -, but ye are wafted^ but ye are fanftified) but ye are juftifiedin the Name of our Lord Jefm Chrift) and by the Spirit of cur God. IT has been objected by fome, who are fo unhappy as to diflenc from, nay, I may add, by others alfo, who actually are Friends to the prefent Ecclefiaftical Eftablifh- ment, That the Minifters of the Church of England preach themfelves, and not CHRIST JESUS our Lord ; that they entertain their People with Le&ures of mere Morality, with- out declaring to them the glad Tidings of M 2 Salvati'OA 164 Of Juftificatiqn ^CHRIST. Salvation by JESUS CHRIST. How well grounded fuch an Obje&ion may be, is not my Bufmefs to enquire: All I {hall fay at prefent to the Point is this; namely, that whenever fuch a grand Objection is urged a- gainft the whole Body of the Clergy in gene- ral, every honeft Minifter of JESUS CHRIST fhould do his utmoft to cut of all manner of Occajion from thofe that defire an Occafion to take offence at us j that fo by hearing us con- tinually founding forth the Word of Truth, and declaring with all Boldnefs and Affurance of Faith, that there is no other Name given under Heaven whereby they can be faved, but that of JESUS CHRIS?-, they may be aftiamed of this their fame confident Boafting againft us. IT was an Eye to this Objection, joined with the Agreeablenefs and Delightfulnefs of the Subjecl: (for who can but delight to talk of that which the BlefTed Angels defire to look into?) that induced me todifcourfe a little on that great and fundamental Article of our Faith; namely, our being freely juftified from all our Sins by the precious Blood of JESUS CHRIST. But ye are wafted, fays the Apoftle, but ye are fantfified, but ye are iuftified> in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, and by the Spirit of our GOD. THE Of Juftification by C H R I s T. 165 THE Words beginning with the Particle But, have plainly a Reference to fomething that went before ; it may not therefore be im- proper before I defcend to Particulars, to con- fider the Words, as they ftand related to the Context. The Apoftle, in the Verfes imme- diately foregoing, had been reckoning up ma- ny notorious Sins, fuch as Drunkennefs, Adul- tery, Fornication, and fuch like, the Commif- fion of which, without a true and hearty Re- pentance, He tells them plainly, would cer- tainly fhut them out of the Kingdom of GOD. But then, left the fincere Corinthian Converts, who we find were once infamous for moft or all of thefe Vices, mould either on one hand grow fpiritually proud by feeing themfelves differ from their unconverted Brethren, and therefore mould be tempted to fet them at nought, and to fay with the felfconceited Hy- pocrite in the Prophet, Come not nigh me, for I am holier than thou : or, on the dther hand, by looking back on the Multitude of their paft Offences, mould be apt to think their Sins were too many and grievous to be forgiven: He firft, in order to keep them humble, reminds them of their fad Eftate before Cbnverfion, telling them in plain Terms, Such (or as jt might better be read thefe things) were fome of you ; that is, Not only one, but all that fad M 3 Catalogue 1 66 Of Juftification ^CHRIST. Catalogue of Vices I have been before drawing up, fome of you were once guilty of; but then at the lame time to preferve them from Defpair, behold he brings them glad Tidings of great Joy: But ye are wajhed, fays he, but ye are, fancJifed, but ye are jujlified in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIS?, and by the Spirit of our GOD. THE former Part of which Text, namely our being Sanctified, I did, in fom'e meafure, treat of, when I difcourfed on the Nature and Necejjity of the New Birth : I come now, as was before propofed, to enlarge on the latter Part of it, namely, of our being freely Jujli- fed from all our Sins, by the precious Blood of JESUS CH R I ST : But ye are Juftijied in .the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIS?! FROM which Words I (hall endeavour to coofider thefe Three Things : I. Firft, WHAT is meant by the Word II. Secondly, I fhall endeavour to prove, that all Mankind in general, and every individual Perfon in particular, ftands in need of being jujlified. III. Thirdly and laftfy, That there is no poflibility of obtaining this J unification, which we fo much want, but by the/r^- cious Blood of JESUS CHRIST. I. Firfi Of Justification by C H k i s T. i 67 I. Firft then, I am to confidef what is meant by the Word jujlified. BUT ye are Jujlified, fays the ApoTflej. which is all the fame as though he had faid^ You have your Sins forgiven, and are looked upon by GOD, as though you never had offend- ed him at all : For that is the Meaning of the Wordjufttfied, in almoft all the other Paflages of Holy Scripture where this Word is men- tioned. Thus when this fame Apoftle writes to the Romans, he tells them, that whom GOD calls, thofe he alfo juftifies j that is, forgives them their Sins : And again, fpeaking of Abra- ham's Faith, he tells them, that Abraham be- lieved on Him that juftijies the Ungodly: That is, who forgives the ungodly Man his Sins : Which _ Expreffion the Apoftle himfelf explains by a Quotation out of the Pfalms ; B/effed is the Man, fays he, to whom the LORD imputetb no Sin. From all which Proofs, and many others that might be urged, it is evident that being jitftified, or having our Sins forgiven^are the fame as to Signification : So tha|.^hat the Apoftle here affirms of the Corinthian Con- verts, namely, that they wejuftified, amounts to what all of us profefs to hold when we juft now repeated our .Creed, and each of us de- clared in his own Perfon, / believe the For- M 4 giwne/s 1 6% Of juftification ^CHRIST.' givenefs of Sins. Which teads me directly to the II. Second Thing propofed, namely, To endeavour to prove that all Mankind in general, and every individual Perfon in particular, ftands in need of being thus jtiftified, or having his Sins forgiven. AND indeed the Apoftle fuppofes this in the Words of the Text : But ye are juftified, fays he, thereby implying that the Corinthians (and confequently all Mankind, there being no Difference, as will be fhewn hereafter) flood in need of being thus j 'uftified. BUT, not to reft in bare Suppositions, in my farther Enlargement on this Second Head, I fhall endeavour to prove that we all ftand in need of being y#/?//W, on two Accounts : Firft, as weftand chargeable with Original, Second- ly, as we have been guilty of Actual Sin. AND Firft, I affirm that we all ftand in need of being juftijied^ as we are chargeable with Original Sin : Which, though a Propo- iition that may be denied by a felf -juftifying In- fidel, who will not come to C HR IS T that he may have Life, and ftoop to thofe Terms GOD has gracioufly fettled for his Salvation ; yet can never be denied by any one who believes that St. Paul's Epiftles were written by Divine Infpiration ; where we are told, that in Adam all die ; that is, Adams Sin was imputed to all: Of Juftification ^CHRIST. 1 69 all : And left we mould forget to make a par- ticular Application, it is farther added in ano- ther Place, that there is none that doth good (that is by Nature) no, not one : That we are all gone out of the Way ; namely of Original Righteoufnefs; and are by Nature the Children of Wrath. And even David, who was the Man after GOD'S own Heart, and if any one could, might furely plead an Exemption from this univerfal Corruption, yet he confelTes that he was Jhapen in Wickednefs, and that in Sin did his Mother conceive him. And, to mention but one more Text, as immediately applicable to the prefent purpofe, St. Paul, in his Epiftle to the Romans fays, that Death came upon all Men, for the Dijbbedience of one Man, namely, of Adam, even upon thoj'e, fays he, (that is little Children) who had not finned after the Simili- tude of Adam's T'ranfgreJ/ion ; or, had not been guilty of actual Sin, and therefore could not be punifhedwith temporal Death (which came into the World, as this fame Apoftle elfewhere informs us, only by Sin) had not the Difobe- dience of our firft Parents been imputed to them. So that what has been faid on this Point feems to be excellently fummed up in that Article of our Church, where (he declares, " That Original Sin ftandeth not in the fol- " lowing of Adam, but it is the Fault and Cor- " ruption 1 70 Of Juftification by CHRIST. " ruption of the Nature of every Man, that <( naturally is ingendred of the Offspring of " Adam ; whereby Man is very far gone from " Original Righteoufnefs, and is of his own Why haft thou made me thus ? But, to come to a more direct Reply, Perfons would do well to confider, that in this firft Covenant GOD made with Man, Adam a is a Truth no one will deny: That He hath alfo given us both a natural and a written Law, whereby we are to be judged, cannot be que- ftioned by any one who believes St. Paul's Epiftle to the Romans to be of Divine Autho- rity : For in this we are told of a Law written in the Heart, and a Law given by Mofes; and, that each of us hath broken thefe Laws, is too evident from our own fad and frequent Experience. Accordingly the Holy Scriptures inform us that there is no Man which liveth andjinneth net ; that in many things we offend all-, that if we fay we have no Sin we deceive ourfelves, and fuch like. And if we are thus found Offenders againft GOD, it follows that we ftand in need of Forgivenefs for thus of- fending Himj unlefs we fuppofe GOD fhould enact Laws, and at the fame Time not J care whether they are obeyed or no; which is as abfurd 1 74 Of Justification ^CHRIST. abfurd as to fuppofe that a Prince mould efta- blim Laws for the proper Government of his Country, and yet let every Violater of them come off with Impunity. But GOD has not dealt fo foolifhly with his Creatures: No, as he gave us a Law, he demands our Obedience to that Law, and has obliged us univerfally to obey it, under no lefs a Penalty than incurring his Curfe and eternal Death for every Breach of it. For thus fpeaks the Scripture: Curfed is he that continueth not in all Things that are written in this Book to do them-, as the Scripture alfo fpeaketh in another Place, The Soul that fmneth, it /hall die. Now it has already been proved that we have all of us finned; and therefore, unlefs fome Means can be found out to fatisfy GOD'S Juftice, we muft perifh eternally. L E T us here then ftand a while, and fee in what a deplorable Condition each of us comes into the World, and ftill continues, till we are put into a State of Grace : For furely nothing can well be fuppofed more deplorable than to be born under the Curfe of GOD; to be charged with Original Guilt t and not only fo, but to 'be convicted as adtual Breakers of" GOD'S Law, the leaft Breach of which juftly deferves Eternal Damnation. Surely this can be but a melancholy Profpect to view ourfelves in, Of Juftification ^CHRIST. 175 in, and muft put us upon contriving fome Means whereby we may fatisfy and appeafe our offend- ed Judge. But what m u ft thofe Means be? Shall we repent ? Alas ! there is not one Word men- tioned about Repentance in the Firft Covenant : *fbe Day that thou eateft thereof, fays GOD, thou jhalt jurely die. So that if GOD be true, unlefs there be fome Way found out to fatisfy his Juftice we muft perifh j and there is no room left for us to expect a Change of Mind in GOD, though we fhould feek it with Tears. Well then, if Repentance will not do, mail we plead the Law of Works ? Alas ! By the Law jhall no Man living be juftified: For by the Law comes the Knowledge of Sin. It is that which convicts and condemns, and therefore can by no means acquit, much lefsjuftify us. Wherewith then Jhall we come before the LOR D, and bow down before the Mojl High GOD-, in order to pro- cure the Forgivenefs of our Sins ? Shall we come before him with Calves of a Tear old, with thoufands of Rams, or ten thoufands of Rivers of Oil? Alas ! GOD basftewed thee, O Man, that this will not avail. For he hath declared, I will take no Bullock out of thy Houfe, nor He- Goat out of thy Fold: For all the Beajls of tbe Forefl are mine, and Jo are the Cattle upon a thoufand Hills. Will not the LORD then be f leafed to accept our Firft -born for our TranJ- gre/wn. 176 Of Juftification by C H R i s T. greffion, the Fruit of our Bodies for the Sin of* our Souls? Even this will not purchafe ourj Pardon : For He has declared that the Chil- dren flail not bear the Iniquities of their Pa- rents. Befides, they are Sinners, and there- fore, being under the fame Condemnation, equally ftand in need of Forgivenefs with our- felves. They are impure, and will the LORD accept the Blind and Lame for Sacrifice? O wretched Men that we are ! Who Jhall deliver us from this Body of Death? why / thank GOD, our Lord JESUS CHRIST. Which na- turally leads me to the Third general Thing pro- pofed, which was to endeavour to prove, III. THAT [there is no Poflibility of our ob- taining this Juftification y which we fo much want, but by the precious Blood of our Lord JESUS CHRIST: But ye arejufti- fed in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. BUT this having been in fome meafurc proved by what has been faid under the fore- going Head, wherein I have Ihewn that nei- ther our Repentance, Works, or Sacrifices could poflibly take away, or make Attonement for our Sins -, nothing remains for me to do under Of Juftification ^CHRIST. 1 77 under this Head, but to fhew that the Death of JESUS CHRIST has done it for us. AND here I mall flill have recourfe to the Law and to the Teftimony. For after all the moft fubtle Difputations on ei her fide, nothing but the lively Oracles of GOD can give us any Satisfaction in this momentous Point : It being fuch an inconceivable Myftery, that the Eter- nal, only-begotten Son of GOD mould die for finful Man, that we durft not have prefumed fo much as to have thought of it, had not GOD revealed it in his Holy Word. It is true, Rea- fon may mew us the Wound, but Revelation o nly can lead us to the Means of our Cure. And though the Method GOD has been pleafed to take to put us in a Way of being happy, may be to the Infidel a Stumbling-block, and to the wife Opiniator and Difputer of this World Fool- ijhnefs ; yet Wijdom, that is, the Difpenfation of our Redemption, will be juftified or approv- ed of and fubmitted to by all her truly wife and holy Children^ by every fmcere and honeft Chriftian* BUT to come more directly to the Point be- fore us. Two Things, as was before obferved, we wanted in order to make our Peace with GOD. i. To be freed from the Guilt of Original Sin : And, N 2. FROM 1 78 Of Ju ftification by C H R i s T. 2. FROM that Puni foment we had moft juftly deferved for our atfual Breaches of GOD'S Law. AND both thefe (thanks be to GOD for this unfpeakable Gift) are abundantly fecured to us by the Death and Paffion of JESUS CHRIST. For what fays the Scripture ? i. As to the firft, or our being freed from the Guilt of Original Sin, it informs us, that as in Adam all die, even fo in CHRIST Jhall all be made a/he. And again, As by the Dif- cbedience of one Man, or by one Tranfgrellion, namely, that of Adam, many were made Sin- ners, Jo by the Obedience of one, JESUS CHRIST, many were made Righteous. And again, As by the Dijbbedience of one Man, Judgment came upon all Men into Condemnation ; that is, all Men were condemned, on having Adam's Sin imputed to them : Jo by the Obedience of one, that is, JESUS CHRIST, the Free Gift of Par- don and Peace came upon all Men unto Jujlifi- cation of Life. Which by the way clears up (as I promifed to do before) that feeming Di agreement between GOD'S Attributes, in im- puting Adams Sin to us, (namely, his Juftice and Mercy) and wholly takes off that Imputation of Injuflice, which wicked and ungodly Men would blafphemoui 1 y caft upon the Righteous Judge of all tbe Earth. Had GOD indeed im- puted Of Juftification ^CHRIST. 179 to his innocent Poftefity, and left them to perifh in it : Had he looked upon and puniftied them all as Sinners, without pro- viding them a Saviour, we might perhaps have had fome Pretence to complain of his Severity, though we could not even then but acknow- ledge his Jufticein the Punimmentof Sin. But lince He has not dealt 'with us after our Deferts, nor rewarded us according to our Iniquity : Since the fame Revelation acquaints us, that As in Adam all die, even fo in CHRIST jhall all be made alive : Since the fame GOD that informs us that Death came even upon thofe Prieftly Office (which we before obferved he is in fome Degree in- verted with) without performing this Duty of Family Prayer. WE FAMILY-RELIGION. 217 WE find ic therefore remarked, when men- tion is made of Cain and Abel's offering Sacri- fices, that they brought them. But to whom did they bring them? Why, in all probability to their Father Adam, who, as Prieft of the Family, was to offer Sacrifice in their Names. And fo likewife ought every fpiritual Son of the fecond Adam, who is intrufted with the Care of an Houfhold, to offer up the fpiritual Sacrifices of Sppplications and Thankfgivingg, acceptable to GOD through JESUS CHRIST, in the Prefence and Name of all who wait upon or eat Meat at his Table. THUS we read our bleffed LORD behaved, when he tabernacled amongft us : For it 'is faid often, that be was alone praying with his twelve Difciples, which was then his little Family. And he himfelf has promifed a particular Blef- fing to joint Supplications : For ivberefoever, fays he, two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midft of them. And again, If two or three are agreed touching any 'Thing they foall ask, it foall be given them. Add to this, that we are commanded by the Apoftle to pray always, with all manner of Supplication, which doubtlefs includes Family Prayer. And holy Jo/hua, when he fet up the good Refolution in the Text, that he and his Houfhold would feme the LORD, certainly refolvcc) 2 1 8 tfbe great Duty of refolved withal to pray with his Family, which is one of the beft Teftimonies they could give of their ferving him. BESIDES, there are no Families but what have fome common Bleffings, of which they have been all Partakers, to give Thanks for ; fome common Croffes and Afflictions, which they are to pray againft ; fome common Sins, which they are all bound to lament and bewail : But how this can be done without joining to- gether in one common Adi: of Humiliation, Sup- plication, andThankfgiving, is difficult todevife. FROM all which Confiderations put together, it is evident, that Family Prayer is a great and neceffary Duty ; and confequently thofe Go- vernours that neglect it are certainly without Excufe. And it is much to be feared, if they live without Family Prayer, they live without GOD in the World. AND yet fuch an hateful Character as this is, it is to be feared, that, was GOD to fend out an Angel to deftroy us, as he did once to de- ftroy \heEgyptians Firft-born, and withal give him a Commiffion, as then y to fpare no Houfes but where they faw the Blood of the Lintel fprinkled on the Door- port, fo now to let no Families efcape but thofe that called upon him in Morning and Evening Prayer ; few would remain unhurt by his avenging Sword. Chri- flians. i FAMIL y R EL IG i ON. 219 Jftans mall I term fuch Families, or Heathens ? Doubdefs they deferve not the Name of Chri- Jlians ; and Heathens will furcly rife up in Judgment againft fuch profane Families of this Generation : For they had always their Houf- hold Gods, whom they worfhipped, and whole Affiftance they frequently invoked. And a pretty pafs thofe Families furely are arrived at who muft be fent to School to Paga?js. But will not the LORD be avenged on fuch profane Houmolds as thefe ? Will he not pour out his Fury upon thofe that call not upon his Name? 3. BUT it is time for me to haften to the third and laft Means I mail recommend, where- by every Governour ought with his Houfhold to ferve the LORD, viz. by catechizing and inftriitfing their Children and Servants, and bringing them up in the Nurture and Admo- nition of the LORD. THAT this, as well as the two former, is a Duty incumbent on every Governour of an Houfe, appears from that famous Encomium or Commendation GOD gives of Abraham. I know, fays the moft High, that he will com- mand his Children and his HouJJ:old after him to keep the Way of the LORD, to do Jujlice and Judgment. And indeed fcarce any thing is more frequently prefled upon us in holy Writ than this Duty of Catechizing. Thus fays 220 1 J he great Duty of fays GOD in a Paflage before cited, ^Tbou fialt teach theje Words diligently unto thy Children. And Parents are commanded in the New Tef- tament, to breed up tbeir Children in the Nur- ture and Admonition of the LORD. The holy Pfalmift acquaints us, that one great End why GOD did fo great Wonders for his People was, to the Intent that when they grew up they fiould flew their Children, or Servants, the fame. And ~ in Deuteronomy^ Chap. vi. at the 2O h and fol- lowing Verfes, GOD flriclly commands his People to inftruct their Children in the true Nature of the ceremonial Wormip, when they ihould enquire about it, as he fuppofed they would do in time to come. And if Servants and Children were to be inflrudted in the Nature of Jewifo Rites, much more ought they now to be initiated and grounded in the Doctrines and nrft Principles of the Gofpel of CHRIST: Not only becaufe it is a Revelation, which has brought Life and Immortality to a fuller and clearer Light, but alfo becaufe many Seducers are gone abroad into the World, who do their utmoft Endeavour to deftroy not only the Superftructure, but likewife to fap the very Foundation of our moft holy Religion. WOULD then the prefent Generation have their Pofterity be true Lovers and Honourers of GOD, Mailers and Parents mud take Solo- FAMILY- RELIGIO N. 221 /wow's good Advice, and train up and catechize their refpective Houfholds in the Way wherein they mould go. I AM aware but of one Objection that can, with any Shew of Reafon, be urged againft what has been advanced ; which is, that fuch a Procedure as this will take up too much Time, and hinder Families too long from their worldly Bufinefs. But it is much to be questioned whe- ther Perfons that ftart fuch an Objection are not of the fame hypocritical Spirit as theTraytor Judas, who had Indignation againft devout Mary, for being fo profufe of her Ointment, in anointing our bleffed LORD, and afked why it might not be fold for two hundred Pence, and given to the Poor. For has GOD given us fo much Time to work for ourfelves, and mall we not allow fome fmall Pittance of it, Morn- ing and Evening, to be devoted to his more immediate Worfhip and Service ? Have not People read, that it is GOD who gives Men Power to ge't Wealth, and therefore that the beft Way to profper in the World is to fecure his Favour? And has not our bleffed LORD himfelf promifed, that if we feek firft the Kingdom of GOD and his Righteoufnefs, all outward NecefTaries mall be added unto us ? ABRAHAM, no doubt, was a Man of as ' great Bufinefs as fuch Objectors may be ; but yet 222 The great Duty of yet he would find Time to command his Houf- hold to ferve the LORD. Nay, David was a King, and confequently had a great deal of Bu/mefs upon his Hands ; yet notwithstanding, he profeffes that he would walk in his Houfe with a perfect Heart. And, to inftance but one more, holy Jofiua was a Perfon certainly engaged very much in temporal Affairs ; and yet he folemnly declares before alllfrael, that, as for him and his Houfhold, they would ferve the LORD. And did Perfons but redeem their Time, as Abraham, David, or yofoua did, they would no longer complain that Family Duties kept them too long from the Bufmefs of the World. BUT my Third and laft general Head, under which I was to offer fome Motives, in order to excite all Governours, with their refpedlive Houfholds, toferve tie LORD in the Manner before recommended, I hope, will ferve inftead of a thoufand Arguments, to prove the Weak, nefs and Folly of any fuch Objection. i. AND the firft Motive I (hall mention is the Duty of Gratitude, you that are Governors of Families owe to GOD. Your Lot, every one muft confefs, is caft into a fair Ground : Providence hath given you a goodly Heritage, above many of your fellow Creatures, and therefore, FAMILY - RELIGION. 223 therefore, out of a Principle of Gratitude, you ought to endeavour, as much as in you lyes, to make every Perfon of your refpective Houmolds to call upon him as long as they live : (Not to mention that the Authority, with which GOD has inverted you as Parents and Governours of Families, is a Talent committed to your Truft, and which you are bound to improve to your Mafter's Honour.) In other Things we find Governours and Parents can exercife Lordmip over their Children and Servants readily, and frequently enough can fay to one Go, and he goeth j and to another Come, and he cometh 5 to a third, Do this, and he doeth it. And {hall this Power be fo often employed in your own Affairs, and never exerted in the Things of GOD ? Be aftonifhed, O Heavens, at this ! THUS did not faithful Abraham ; no, GOD fays, that he knew Abraham would command his Servants and Children after him. Thus did not Joflua : No, he was refolved not only to walk with GOD himfelf, but to improve his Authority in making all about him do fo too : As for me and my Houjhold, we 'will ferve the LORD. Let us go and do likewife. 2. BUT Secondly, if Gratitude to GOD will not, methinks Love and Pity to your Children (hould move you, with your refpedive Families, to f(rve the LORD. MOST 224 The great Duty of MOST People exprefs a great Fondnefs for their Children : Nay fo great, that very often their own Lives are wrapped up in thole of their Offspring. Can a Woman forget her. fucking Child, that Jhe fiould not have Compajfion on the Son of her Womb ? fays GOD by his Prophet Ifaiab. He fpeaks of it as a monftrous Thing, and icarce credible. But the Words immediate- ly following affirm it to be poffible, Tea they may forget ; and Experience alfo affures us they may. Father and Mother may both forfake their Children : For what greater Degree of Forgetfulnefs can they exprefs towards them, than to neglect the Improvement of their bet- ter Parr, and not bring them up in the Know- ledge and Fear of GOD. IT is true indeed Parents feldom forget to provide for their Children's Bodies, (though, it is to be feared, fome Men are fo far funk be- neath the Beafts that perifb, as to neglect even that ;) but then how often do they forget, or rather when do they remember to fecure the Salvation of their immortal Souls ? But is this their Way of expreffing their Fondnefs for the Fruit of their Bodies ? Is this the beft Tefti- mony they can give of their Affection to the Darling of their Hearts ? Then was Dalilab fond of Sampfon, when {he delivered him up into the Hands of the Pbiliftines : Then were thofc FAMILY- RELIGION. ithofe Ruffians well affected to Daniel, \vhen they threw him into a Den of Lions. 3. BUT Thirdly, if neither Gratitude to Go*, nor Love and Pity to your Children, will pre- vail on you ; yet let a Principle of common Honejly and Juftice move you to fet up the holy Refolution in the Text. THIS is a Principle which all Men would be thought to act upon. But certainly, if any may be truly cenfured for their Injuftice, none can be more liable to fuch Cenfure thari thofe who think themfelves injured if their Servants withdraw themfelves from their bodily Work, and yet they in return take no care of their ineftimable Souls. For is it juft that Servants {hould fpend their Time and Strength in their Mailer's Service, and Mafters not at the fame time give them what is juft and equal for their Service ? IT is true, fome Men may think they have done enough when they give unto their Ser- vants Food and Rayment, and fay, Did not I bargain with thee for fo much a Year ? But if they give them no other Reward than this, what do they lefs for their very Beafts ? But are not Servants better than they ? Doubtlefs they are : And however Mafters may put off their Con- victions for the prefent, they will find a Time will come, when they {hall know they ought tO 226 The great Duty of to have given them fome fpiritual, as well as temporal Wages ; and the Cry of thofe that have mowed down their Fields will enter into the Ears of the LORD of Sabaoth. 4, BUT Fourthly, if neither Gratitude to GOD, Pity to Children, nor a Principle of common Juftice to Servants, are fufficient to ballance all Objections j yet let that darling, that prevailing Motive of Self-IntereJl turn the Scale, and engage you with your refpedtive Houfholds to ferae the LORD. THIS weighs greatly with you in other Mat- ters : Be then perfuaded to let it have a dua and full Influence on you in this : And if it has, if you have butFaith as a Grain of Muftard- ieed, how can you avoid believing that pro- moting Family Religion would be the beft Means to promote your own temporal as well as eternal Welfare ? For Godlinefs has the Promife of the Life that now is, as well as that which is to come. BESIDES, you all, doubtlefs, wim for honcft Servants and pious Children: And to have them prove otherwife, would be as great a Grief to you as ic was to Elijah to have a treacherous Gehaziy or David to be troubled with a re- bellious Abfalom. But how can it be expected they mould learn their Duty, except thofe fet over them take care to teach it them ? Is it not FAMILY -RELIGION. 227 not as reafonable to expect you (hould reap where you had not fovvn, or gather where you had not ftrawed ? DID Chriftianuy, indeed, give any Coun- tenance to Children and Servants to difregard their Parents and Maflcrs according to the Flejb or reprefent their Duty to them as inconfiftent with their entire Obedience to their Father and Mafter which is in Heaven, there might then be fome Pretence to neglect inftructing them in the Principles of fuch a Religion. But fince the Precepts of this pure and undefined Religion are all of them holy, juft, and good ; and the more they are taught their Duty to GOD, the better they will perform their Duties to you ; methinks then to neglect the Improvement of their Souls, out of a Dread of fpending too much Time in religious Duties, is acting quite contrary to your own Intereft, as well as Duty. 5. Fifthly and laftly, IF neither Gratitude to GOD, Low to your Children, common Juf- tice to your Servants, nor even that moft pre- vailing Motive Self- Intereft , will excite j yet let a Confederation of the Terrors of the LORD perfuade you to put in Practice the pious Re- folution in the Text. Remember the Time will come, and that perhaps very fhortly, when we muft all appear before the Judgment Seat of CHRIST ; where we muft give a folemn and 228 The great Duty of ftridl Account how we have had our Convert fation, incur refpective Families in this World. How will you endure to fee your Children and Servants (who ought to be your Joy and Crown of Pvejojcing in the Day of our Lord JESUS CHRIST) coming out asfo many fwift WitnefTes againft you ; curfing the Father that begat them, the Womb that bare them, the Paps which they have fucked, and the Day they ever entered into yourHoufes? Think you not the Damnation which Men muft endure for their own Sins will be fufficient, that they need load themfelves with the additional Guilt of being accefTary to the Damnation of others alfo ? Oh confider this, all ye that forget to ferve the LORD with your refpeclive Houfholds, left he pluck you aivay, and there be none to deliver you ! BUT Gop forbid, Brethren, that any fuch Evil mould befall you : No, rather will I hope that you have been, in fome meafure, con- vinced by what has been faid of the great Im- portance of Family Religion ; and therefore are ready to cry out, in the Words immediately following the Text, GOD forbid that we foould forfake the LORD ; and again, Verfe 21, Nay, but I faid indeed, that thy Houfe, and the Houfe of thy Father fiould walk before me for ever, but now the LORD faith, Be it far from me, for them that honour me will I honour, and they that defpife me pall be lightly ejleemed. i Sam. ii. 27, 28, 29, 30. IT was this and fuch like Inflances of GOD'S Severity againft the Unthankful, that inclined me to chufe the Words of the Text as the moft proper Subject I could difcourfe on at this Time. FOR thefe four Months, my good Friends, we'have now been upon the Sea in this Ship, and have occupied oar Bufinefs rn the great Waters. At a neceffary Duty. 239 At GOD Almighty's Word, we have feen the Jiormy Wind arife, which hath lifted up the Waves thereof. We have been carried up to the Heaven and down again to the Deep, and fome of our Souls melted away becaufc of the Trouble ; but I truft we cryed earneftly unto the LORD, and he delivered us out of our Diftrefs. For he made the Storm to ceafe j Jo that the Waves thereof were Jlill. And now we are glad, becaufe ue are at Reft, for GOD hath brought us to the Ha- ven where we would be. Oh that you would therefore praife the LORD for his Goodnefs, and declare the Wonders that he hath done for us, the unworthieft of the Sons of Men. THUS Mffes, thus Jojhua behaved. For when they were. about to take their Leaves of the Children of Ifrael, they recounted to them what great Things GOD had done for them, as the beft Arguments and Motives they could urge to engage them to Obedience. And how can I copy after better Examples ? What filter, what more noble Motives to Holinefs and Purity of living can I lay before you than they did ? INDEED I cannot fay, that we have feen a Pillar of a Cloud by Day, or a Pillar of Fire by Nighty going vifibly before us to guide our Courfe ; but this I can fay, that the fame GOD who was in that Pillar of a Cloud and Pillar of Fire, which departed not from the Israelites, R and 240 Tbankfulnefs for Mercies received and who has made the Sun to rule the Day, and the Moon to rule the Night, has by his good Providence directed us in our right Way ? or elfe the Pilot had fleered us in vain. NEITHER can I fay, that we have feen the Sun fland ftill, as the Children of Jfrael did in the Days of Jofiua. But furely GOD, during part of our Voyage, has caufed ic to vvith-hold fome of that Heat, which it ufually fends forth in thefe warmer Climates, or elfe it had not failed but fome of you mufl have perimed in the Sicknefs that has been, and does yet con- tinue among us. WE have not feen the Waters ftand purpofely on an Heap, that we might pafs through, nei- ther have we been purfued by Pharaoh and his Hoft, and delivered out of their Hands j but we have been led through the Sea as through a Wildernefs, and were once remarkably pre- lerved from being run down by another Ship j which had GOD permitted, the Waters in all Probability would immediately have overwhelm- ed us, and like Pharaoh and his Hoft, we mould have funk as Stones into the Sea. WE may indeed> Atheift like, afcribe all thefe Things to natural Caufes, and fay, Our own Skill and Foreiight has brought us hither in Safety. But as certainly as JESUS CHRIST, that Angel of the Covenant, in the Days of his a neceffary Duty. 241 his Flefti, walked upon the Water, and fa id to his finking Difciples, Be not afraid, it is L fo furely has the fame everlafting / am, who decketh himfelf with Light as with a Garment, 'who fpreadeth out the Heavens like a Curtain, who clafpeth the Winds in his Fift, who hold- eth the Waters in the Hollow of his Hands, and guided the wife Men by a Star in the Eaft ; fo furely, I fay, has he fpoken, and at his Com- mand the Winds have blown us where we are now arrived. For his Providence ruleth all Things, Winds and Storms obey his Word; he faith to it at one Time go, and it goeth ; at another, come, and it cometh, and at a third Time blow this Way, and it bloweth. IT is he, my Brethren, and not we ourfelves, that has of late fent us fuch profperous Gales, and made us ride, as it were, on the Wir.^s of the Wind, into the Haven where we would be. Oh that you would therefore praife the LORD for his Goodnefs, and by your Lives declare, that you are truly thankful for the Wonders he hath fnewn to us, who are lefs than the leaft of the Sons of Men. I SAY, declare it by your Lives. For to give him Thanks barely with your Lips, while your Hearts are far from him, is but a mock Sacrifice, nay, an Abomination unto the LORD. R 2 THIS 242 Thankfulncfs for Mercies received THIS was the End, the royal Pfalmifl fays, GOD had in view, when he mewed fuch Won- ders, from Time to Time to the People of Ifrael, that they might keep his Statutes and obferve his Laws, Pfal. cv. 44. and this, my good Friends, is the End GOD would have accomplimed in us, and the only Return he deiires us to make him, for all the Benefits he hath conferred upon us. O THEN, letmebefeech you, give GOD your Hearts, your whole Hearts ; and fuffer your- felves to be drawn by the Cords of infinite Love to honour and obey him. ASSURE yourfelves you never can ferve a better Matter; for his Service is per feel: Freedom, his Yoak, when worn a little while, exceeding eafy, his Burden light ; and in keeping his Com- mandments there is great Reward, Love, Peace, Joy in the HOLY GHOST here, and a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away hereafter. You may indeed let other Lords have Domi- nion over you, and Satan may promife to gire you all the Kingdoms of the World, and the Glory of them, if you will fall down and wor- (hip him ; but he is a Liar, and was fo from the Beginning; and has not fo much to give you, as you may tread on with the Sole of your Foot ; or could he give you the whole World 7 yet that could not make you happy withoutGoo. It is GOD alone, my Brethren, whofe we are, in a neceflary Duty. 243 in whofe Name I now fpeak, and who has of late (hewed us fuch Mercies in the Deep, that can give folid lading Happinefs to your Souls ; and he for this Reafon only defires your Hearts, becaufe without him they muft be miferable. SUFFER me not then to go away without my Errand ; as it is the laft Time I {hall fpeak to you, let me not fpeak in vain ; but let a Senfe of the Divine Goodnefs lead you to Repentance. EVEN Saul, that abandoned Wretch, when Davi mewed him his Skirt, which he had cut off, when he might have taken his Life, was fo melted down with hisKindnefs, that he lifted up his Voice and wept. And we muft have Hearts harder than Saul's, nay harder than the nether Milftone, if a Senfe of GOD'S late loving Kindnefles, notwithstanding he might fo often have deftroyed us, does not even com- pel us to lay down our Arms againft him, and become his faithful Servants and Soldiers unto our Lives End. IF they have not this Effect upon us, we mall of all Men be moft miferable j for GOD is juft, as well as merciful ; and the more Bleffings we have received here, the greater Damnation, if we do not improve them, (hall we incur hereafter. BUT GOD forbid that any of thofe mould ever fuffer the Vengeance of eternal Fire, amongft whom I have for thefe four Months been R 3 preach- 244 fbankfulntfi for Mercies received preaching the Gafpel of CHRIST, but yet thus mufl it be, if you do not improve the Divine Mercies ; and inftead of your being my Crown of Rejoicing in the Day of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, I rnuli appear as a fwift Witnefs again ft you. BUT, Brethren, lam perfuaded betterThings of you, and Things that accompany Salvation, though I thus fpeak. BLESSED be GOD, fome Marks of a partial Reformation atleaft, have been viiible amongft all you that are Soldiers. And my weak, though Cncere Endeavours to build you up in the Know- ledge and Fear of GOD, have not been altogether in vain in the LORD. SWEARING, I hope, is in a great meafure abated with you j and GOD I truft has blefled his late Viiitations by making them the Means of awakening your Confciences, to a more folicitous Enquiry about the Things which be- long to your everlafting Peace. FULFIL you then my Joy, by continuing thus minded, and labour to go on to Perfection, For I (hall have no greater Pleafure than to fee> or hear, that you walk in the Truth. CONSIDER, my good Friends, you are now 2s it were entering on a new World, where you will be furrounded withMulthudes of Heathens ; and if you. take not heed to /cave your Coirverja- tion a neceffary Duty. 245 tlon honeft amongjl them, and to walk worthy the holy Vocation wherewith you are called, you will a<3 the hellifh Part of Herod's Sold'iers over again ; and caufe CHRIST'S Religion, as they did his Perfon, to be had in Derifion of thofe that are round about you CONSIDER further, what peculiar Privileges you have enjoyed above many others that are entering on the fame Land. They have had as it were a Famine of the Word, but you have rather been in Danger of being furfeited wiih your fpiritual Manna. And therefore as more Inftructions have been given you, fo from you Men will molt juftly expert the greater Improve- ment in Gcodnefs. INDEED I cannot fay I have difcharged my Duty towards you as I ought. No, I am fen- (ible of many Faults which I have been guilty of in my minifterial Office, and for which I have not failed, nor, I hope, ever (hall fail to humble myfelf in fecret before GOD. However this I can fay, that except a few Days that have been fpent necefiarily on other Perfons, whom GOD immediately called me to write and rni- nifter unto, and the two laft Weeks wherein I have been confined by Sicknefs ; all the while I have been aboard, I have been either actually engaged in, or preparing myfelf for inftrucling you. An4 though you are now to be com- R 4 mitted 246 rfhankfulnefi for Mercies received mitted to the Care of another (whofe Labours I heartily befeech GOD to blefs amongft you) yet I truft I fhall at all Seafons, if need be, wil- lingly fpend, and be fpent, for the good of your Souls, though the more abundantly I love you the lefs I fliould beloved. As for your military Affairs, I have nothing to do with them. Fear GOD, and you muft honour the King. Nor am I better acquainted with the Nature of that Land which you are now come over to protect ; only this I may venture to affirm in the general, that you muft neceffarily expect upon your Arrival at a new Colony, to meet with many Difficulties. But your very Profefiion teaches you to endure Hardmip ; be not therefore faint-hearted, but quit yourfelves like Men, and be ftrong, Numb. xiv. Be not like thofe cowardly Perfons, who were affrighted at the Report of the falfe Spies, that came and faid, that there were People tall as the Anakims to be grappled with, but be ye like unto Caleb and Jofiua, all Heart; and fay, we will act valiantly, for we fhall be more than Conquerors over all Difficulties through jESusdiRisT that loved us. Above allThings, my Brethren, take heed and beware of mur- muring, like the perverfe IJraelite^ againft thofe that are fet over you ; and learn ivhatfo- ever State you ft all be in, therewith to be content, Phil. iv. ii. ^s a nece/fary Duty. 247 As I have fpoken to you, I hope your Wives ^alfo will fuffer the Word of Exhortation. YOUR Behaviour on Shipboard, efpecially the firft Part of the Voyage, I chufe to throw a Cloak over ; for to ufe the mildefl Terms, it was not fuch as became the Gojpel of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. However of late, Wetted be GOD, you have taken more heed to your Ways, and fome of you have walked. all the while, as became Women profeffing Godlinefs. Let thofe accept my hearty Thanks, and per- mit me to intreat you all in general, as you are all now married, to remember the folemn Vow you made at your Entrance into the Marriage State j and fee that you be fubjeff to your own Husbands, in every lawful Thing : Beg of GOD to keep the Door of jour Lips, that you of end not with your Tongues, and walk in Love, that^0#r Prayers be not hindered. You that have Chil- dren, let it be your chief Concern to breed them up in the Nurture and Monition of the LORD. And live all of you fo holy and unblameable, that you may not fo much as be fufpecled to be unchafte ; and as fome of you have imitated Mary Magdalene in her Sin, ftrive to imitate her alfo in her Repentance. As for you that are Sailors, what (hall I fay? How fliall I addrefs myfelf to you ? How (hall I do that which I fo much long to do touch 248 Thankfulnefs for Mercies received your Hearts ? Gratitude obliges me to wilh thus well to you. For. you have often taught me many inftrudive LeiTons, and reminded me to put up many Prayers to GOD for you, that you might receive your fj .ritual Sight. WHEN I have feen you preparing for a Storm, and riefing your Sails to guard againft it, how have I wifhed that you and I were both as care- ful to avoid that Storm of GOD'S Wrath, which will certainly, without Repentance, quickly overtake us ? When I have obferved you catch at every fair Gale, how have I fecredy cried, Oh that we were as careful to know the Things that belong to our Peace, before they are hid from our Eyes ! And when I have taken notice how fteadily you eyed your Compafs in order to fteer aright, how have I wimed, that we as fteadily eyed the Word of GOD, which alone can preferve us from making Ship-wreck cf Faith and a good Conference ? In fhort there is fcarce any thing you do, which has not been a Lef- fon of Instruction to me ; and therefore it would be ungrateful in me, did I not take this Op- portunity of exhorting you in the Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, to be as wiie in the Things which concern your Soul, as I have obferved you to be in the Affairs belonging to your Ship. I AM fenfible that the Sea is reckoned but an ill School to learn CHRIST in : And to fee a devout a nece/ary Duty. 249 devout Sailor is efteemed as uncommon a Thing, as to fee a Saul amongft the Prophets. But whence this wondering ? Whence this looking upon a godly Sailor as a Man to be wondered at, as a fpeckled Bird upon the Earth? I am fure for the little Time I have come in and out amongft you, and as far as I can judge from the little Experience I have had of Things -, I fcarce know any way of Life, that is capable of greater Improvements than yours. THE continual Danger you are in of being over-whelmed by the great Waters ; the many Opportunities you have of beholding GOD'S Wonders in the Deep; the happy Retirement you enjoy from worldly Temptations; and the daily Occafions that are offered you, to endure Hardfhips, are fuch noble Means of promoting the fpiritual Life, that were your Hearts bent towards GOD, you would account it yourHap- pinefs, that his Providence has called you, to go down to the Sea in Ships, and to occupy your Bujinefs in the great Waters. THE royal Pfalmift knew this, and there- fore in the Words of the Texr, calls more e- fpecially on Men of your Employ, to praifc the LORD for his Goodnefs^ and declare the Won- ders he doth for the Children of Men. AND oh that you would be wife in time, and hearken to his Voice to Day, whilft it is called to 250 Thankfulnefs for Mercies received to Day ! For ye yourfelves know how little is to be done on a iick Bed : And how GOD has in an efpecial Manner of late invited you to Repentance. Two of your Crew he has taken off by Death, and rnoft of you he has merci- fully vifited with a grievous Sicknefs. The Terrors of the LORD have been upon you, and when burnt with a fcorching Fever, fome of you have cried out, whaf Jhallwe do to befaved? Remember then the Refolutions you made, when you thought GOD was about to take away your Souls. And fee that according to your Promifes, you mew forth your Thankfulnefs not only with your Lips but in your Lives. For though GOD may bear long, he will not forbear always ; and if thefe fignal Mercies and Judg- ments do not lead you to Repentance, allure yourfelves there will at laft come a fiery Tempeft, from the Prefence of the LORD, which will fweep away you, and all other Adverfaries of GOD. I AM pofitive neither you nor the Soldiers have wanted, nor will want any manner of Encouragement to Piety and Holinefs of living from thofe .two Perfons who have here the Government over you ; for they have been fuch Helps to me in my Miniilry, and have fo rea- dily concurred in every thing for your Good, that they may juftly demand a publick Acknow- ledgment of Thanks both from you and me. PERMIT a nece/ary Duty. 25 I PERMIT me then, my honoured Friends, in the Name of both your People, to return you hearty Thanks for the Care and Tendernefs you have expreffed for the Welfare of their betterParts As for the private Favours you have fhewn my Perfon, I hope fo deep a Senfe of them is imprinted on my Heart, that I {hall plead them before GOD in Prayer as long as I live. BUT I have ftill ftronger Obligations to in- tercede in your Behalf. For GOD, for ever adored be his free Grace in CHRIST JESUS, has fet his Seal to my Miniftry in your Hearts. Some diftant Pangs of the new Birth I have obferved to come upon you ; and GOD forbid that I fhould fin againft the LORD, by ceafing to pray, that the good Work begun in your Souls, maybe carried on till theDay of ourLord JESUS CHRIST. THE Time of our Departure from each other is now at hand, and you are going out into a World of r f era P tat i ns - But though abfent in Body let us be prefent with each other in Spirit, and GOD, I truft, will enable you to be fingu- larly good, to be ready to be accounted Fools for CHRIST'S Sake j and then we (hall meec never to part again in the Kingdom of our FA- THER which is in Heaven. To you my Companions and familiar Friend? who came over with me to fojourn in a ftrange Land, do I in the next Place add re is my fell" than 252 'Fhankfulnefs for Mercies received For you I efpecially fear, as well as for myfelf ; becaufe as we take fweetCounfel together oftner than others, and as you are let into a more in- timate Friendfhip with me in private Life, the Eyes of all Men will be upon you to note even the minuted: Mifcarriage- and therefore it highly concerns you to u'rJk circumfpeftly to- wards thofe that are without, I hope nothing but a fingle Eye to GOD'S Glory and the Salva- tion of your own Souls, brought you from your native Country. Remember then the End of your coming hither, and you can never do amifs Be Patterns of Induftry, as well as Piety, to thofe who ihall be around you ; and above all Things let us have fuch a fervent Charity amongfl ourfelves, that it may be faid of us, as of the primitive Chriftians, See how the Chriftians love one another. AND now I have been fpeaking toothers par- ticularly, I have one general Rtqueft to make to all, and that with Reference to myfelf. You hav* heard, my dear Friends, how I have been exhorting every one of you to mew forth your Thankfulnefs for the Divine Good- nefs, not only with your Lips, but in your Lives : But Phyfaian heal tbyfelf y may juftly be retorted on me. For (without any falfe Pretences to Humility) I find my own Heart fo little inclined to this Duty of Thankfgiving for a necejjary Duty. for the Benefits I have received, that I had need fear {haring Hezckiab's Fate, who becaufe he was lifted up by, and not thankful enough for the great Things GOD had done for him, was given up a Prey to the Pride of his own Heart. I NEED therefore, and beg your moft im- portunate Petitions at the Throne of Grace, that no fuch Evil may befal me that the more GOD exalts me the more I may debafe myfelf and that after I have preached to others, I my- felf may not be a Caft-away. AND now, Brethren, into GOD'S Hands I commend your Spirits, who, I truft, through his infinite Mercies in CHRIST JESUS, will pre- ferve you blamelefs, till his fecond Coming to judge the World. EXCUSE my detaining you fo long, it is the laft Time I (hall fpeak to you perhaps j my Heart is full, and out of the Abundance of it, I could continue my Difcourfe till Midnight But I muft away to your new World may GOD give you new Hearts, and enable you to put in Practice what you have heard fromTime to Time to be your Duty, and I need not wifii you any thing better. For then GOD will fo blefs you, that you will build you Cities to dwell in y then will you fow your Lands and plant Vineyards^ which will yield you Fruits cf in- creaje, Pfal, cvii, 36, 37, Then war Oxen (hall Thankfulnefs for Mercies received, &c. be Jlrong to labour , there fliali be leading into Captivity r , #W complaining in your Streets ; then {hall p#r Sons grew up as the young Plants, and your Daughters be as the polified Corners of the temple : Then fhall your Garners be full find plenteous 'with all manner of Store, and your Sheep bring forth Thoufands and ten Thoufands in your Streets, Pfal. cxliv. In fhort, then {hall the LORD be your GOD; and as furelyas he has now brought us to this Haven, where we would be, fofurely after we havepafs'd through the Storms and Tempefts of this troublefome World, will he bring us to the Haven of eter- nal Reft, where we (hall have nothing to do, but to praife him for ever for his Goodnefs, and declare in never-ceafing Songs of Praife, the Wonders he has done for us, and all the other Sons of Men. To which ble/ed Rejl, GOD of bis infinite Mercy bring us all through JESUS CHRIST our Lord, to whom with the FATHER and the HOLT GHOST, be all Honour and Glory , Might, Ma- jejly, and Dominion now, henceforth^ and for evermore. Amen, Amen. FINIS. UNIVERSITY I$)JfORNIA LIBRARY _ ?Los Angeles Tkis book is DU on the list date stamped below. ?ENEWAf 1969 FEB 9 f|B 18 1976 Form L9-Series 444 . ' ,,