University of California Berkeley Gift of Cathrine Coates ALraizo Chappel CCWSE ORATING- THE TTiAG -A.T TORT SHM1TEB_.. Alraiao Cliajipei 27 BKKKMAN STRKKT. NATIONAL HISTORY ^ OT THE WAR FOE THE UNION, Ciiril, UJilitarg anfr $JahL ^ POUNDED ON OFFICIAL AND OTHER AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS, BY EVERT A. DUYCKESTCK, Author of " National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans" " Cyclopedia of American Literature" Etc. toitfc JigMs-f itusljtir SUel BATTLE SCENES BY SEA AND LAND, AND FULL-LENGTH PORTRAITS 0/NAVAL AND MILITARY HEROES, PROM ORIGINAL PAINTINGS, BY ALONZO CHAPPEL AND THOMAS MST. IN THREE VOLUMES. -VOLUME I. NEW YORK: JOHNSON, FRY AND COMPANY, 27 BEEKMAN STREET. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1861, BY JOHNSON, FRY & COMPANY, lu the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. THE Publishers submit this record of the WAR FOR THE UNION with a few words of acknowledgment to their Subscribers for their support during its progress. Undertaken at an early period of the conflict, when its duration could not be calculated, the work has been steadily prosecuted, chapter by chapter contemporaneously with the rapid march of events. Relying mostly upon original documents which will always retain their value, the narrative has been proportioned to the importance and length of the struggle ; while the Artists have presented in a series of more than seventy engravings, the most remarkable incidents and most important personages who have figured in the national history during this unprecedented struggle. In attaining this result, the Publishers have had to encounter many mechanical difficulties growing out of the interruptions of labor, and the increased price of materials, consequent upon the war ; but they have never suffered these embarrassments to interfere with the steady progress of the work. One thing has been constantly kept in view, to exhibit as far as opportunity at the time allowed, the merits of the conflict as set forth in important State pa- pers and other public documents by the parties on either hand. Thus by the side of the messages of President Lincoln will be found those of the leader of the Rebel Confederacy, and, where such materials were accessible, the dispatches and reports of rival commanders. Nor has it been attempted generally to sit in judgment upon the merits or pretensions of individuals, officers or statesmen, in the thronged arena of the conflict. It has been thought sufficient to exhibit prominent facts and results, leaving the decisions and awards of fame to the judgment of the reader. But one thing, it is believed, has never been lost sight of the paramount claims of national allegiance and unqualified patriotism. This is a test upon which all lovers of their country will be agreed ; that whatever allowances may be made for minor differences, they must all yield to the safety and welfare of the whole where the interests of the nation are at stake, in the maintenance and preservation of the UNION. CONTENTS OF VOLUME 1 CHAPTER. PAGE I. INTRODUCTORY 5 II. RISE AND PROGRESS OP SECESSION 20 III. PRELIMINARIES TO SUMTER 37 IV. SECESSION IN CONGRESS 60 V. THE SOUTHERN CONFEDERACY 65 VI. INAUGURATION OF LINCOLN 78 VIL FORT SUMTER 95 VIII. PRESIDENT LINCOLN'S PROCLAMATION 120 IX. RESPONSE OF THE NATION 131 X. SEIZURE OF HARPER'S FERRY AND THE NORFOLK NAVY YARD 149 XI THROUGH BALTIMORE 1C2 XII. GENERAL BUTLER'S DEPARTMENT OF ANNAPOLIS 174 XIII. THE ADVANCE ACROSS THE POTOMAC 189 XIV. AFFAIRS ON THE POTOMAC 202 XV. MOVEMENTS OF THE CONFEDERATES 214 XVI. THE DEATH OF SENATOR DOUGLAS 230 XVII. AFFAIRS AT BALTIMORE 238 XVIII. GENERAL BUTLER AT FORTRESS MONROE 252 XIX. WESTERN VIRGINIA 274 XX. EASTERN TENNESSEE 293 XXL PROCEEDINGS IN MISSOURI 305 XXIL THE POSITION OF KENTUCKY 324 XXIII. GENERAL McCLELLAN IN WESTERN VIRGINIA 342 XXIV. MEETING OF THE NATIONAL ' CONGRESS IN JULY .351 XXV. THE MOVEMENT TOWARD MANASSAS 3C7 XXVI. THE BATTLE OF BULL RUN 384 XXVII. INCIDENTS OF TflE ENGAGEMENT 408 XX VIII. FOREIGN RELATIONS 432 XXIX. THE CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT AT RICHMOND.. 46-? CONTENTS. CHAPTBR. PAGS XXX. THE SOUTHERN PRIVATEERS ^ 479 XXXL EXTRA SESSION OF THE NATIONAL CONGRESS 490 XXXII. THE BATTLE OF CARTHAGE, MO., JULY 5, 1861 502 XXXIII. GENERAL LYON'S MISSOURI CAMPAIGN. BATTLE OF WILSON'S CREEK, AU- GUST 10, 1861 514 XXXIV. THE DEFENCE OF LEXINGTON, SEPTEMBER 12-20, 1861 5;U XXXV. HATTER AS ISLAND 538 XXXVI. THE CAMPAIGN IN SOUTH-WESTERN VIRGINIA 556 XXXVII GENERAL FREMONT'S MISSOURI CAMPAIGN 578 XXXVIII. MILITARY AND NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS AT SANTA ROSAS ISLAND AND THE 'PASSES OF THE MISSISSIPPI, SEPTEMBER-NOVEMBER, 1861 602 TOL I. TO THE ARMY AND NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES