THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BEQUEST OF Alice R. Hilgard V . 3 EMILY DICKINSON S POEMS. Edited by two of her friends, Mabel Loomis Todd and T. IV. Higginson. FIRST AND SECOND SERIES. i6mo, cloth, price of each, $1.25; white and green cloth, full gilt, price of each, $1.50. The above two volumes in one, full gilt, price, $2.00. THIRD SERIES. Edited by Mabel Loomis Todd, $1.25. White and green, $1.50. LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY, Boston. POEMS BY EMILY DICKINSON EUiteU &g tfoa of fter JFvtenUs MABEL LOOMIS TODD AND T. W. HIGGINSON BOSTON LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY 1920 Copyright, 1890, BY ROBERTS BROTHERS, R -P- Krj. LJ3. 7 i JT 7 ACCESS. NO. ^ ^ GIFT PSlffl PREFACE. r "PHE verses of Emily Dickinson belong emphati cally to wh^t Emerson long since called " the Poetry of the Portfolio," something produced abso lutely withor.t the thought of publication, and solely by way of e? pi 4 ession of the writer s own mind. Such verse must inevitably forfeit whatever advantage lies in the discipline of public criticism and the enforced conformity to accepted ways. On the other hand, it may often gain something through the habit of free dom and the unconventional utterance of daring tlioup-hts. In the case of the present author, there was absolutely no choice in the matter; she must writ/ thus, or not at all. A recluse by temperament and hab ; i, literally spending years without setting ler fort wyord he doorstep, and many more years M880774 iv PREFACE. during which her walks were strictly limited to her father s grounds, she habitually concealed her mind, like her person, from all but a very few friends ; and it was with great difficulty that she was persuaded to print, during her lifetime, three or four poems. Yet she wrote verses in great abundance ; and though curiously indifferent to all conventional rules, had yet a rigorous literary standard of her own, and often altered a word many times to suit an ear which had its own tenacious fastidiousness. Miss Dickinson was born in Amherst, Mass., Dec. 10, 1830, and died there May 15, 1886. Her father, Hon. Edward Dickinson, was the leading lawyer of Amherst, and was treasurer of the well-known college there situated. It was his custom once a year to hold a large reception at his house, attended by all the families connected with the institution and by the leading people of the town. On these occasions his daughter Emily emerged from her wonted retirement and did her part as gracious hostess ; nor would any one have known from her manner, I have been told, that this was not a daily occurrence. The annual PREFACE. v occasion once past, she withdrew again into her seclusion, and except for a very few friends was as invisible to the world as if she had dwelt in a nunnery. For myself, although I had corresponded with her for many years, I saw her but twice face to face, and brought away the impression of something as unique and remote as Undine or Mignon or Thekla. This selection from her poems is published to meet the desire of her personal friends, and especially of her surviving sister. It is believed that the thought ful reader will find in these pages a quality more suggestive of the poetry of William Blake than of any thing to be elsewhere found, flashes of wholly origi nal and profound insight into nature and life ; words and phrases exhibiting an extraordinary vividness of descriptive and imaginative power, yet often set in a seemingly whimsical or even rugged frame. They are here published as they were written, with very few and superficial changes ; although it is fair to say that the titles have been assigned, almost invariably, by the editors. In many cases these verses will seem to the reader like poetry torn up by the roots, with rain and VI PREFACE. dew and earth still clinging to them, giving a fresh ness and a fragrance not otherwise to be conveyed. In other cases, as in the few poems of shipwreck or of mental conflict, we can only wonder at the gift of vivid imagination by which this recluse woman can delineate, by a few touches, the very crises of physical or mental struggle. And sometimes again we catch glimpses of a lyric strain, sustained perhaps but for a line or two at a time, and making the reader regret its sudden cessation. But the main quality of these poems is that of extraordinary grasp and insight, uttered with an uneven vigor sometimes exasperating, seemingly wayward, but really unsought and inevitable. After all, when a thought takes one s breath away, a lesson on grammar seems an impertinence. As Ruskin wrote in his earlier and better days, " No Weight nor mass nor beauty of execution can out weigh one grain or fragment of thought." THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON CONTENTS. PAGB PREFACE iii PRELUDE 9 BOOK I. LIFE. I. Success 13 II. " Our share of night to bear " 14 III. Rouge et Noir 15 IV. Rouge gagne 16 V. " Glee ! the great storm is over " 17 & VI. " If I can stop one heart from breaking " . . . 18 VII. Almost 19 VIII. " A wounded deer leaps highest " 20 ^IX. " The heart asks pleasure first " 2I X. In a Library 22 XI. " Much madness is divinest sense " 24 XII. " I asked no oilier thing " 25 Vlll CONTENTS. PAGE XIII. Exclusion 26 XIV. The Secret 27 XV. The Lonelv House 28 XVI. " To fight aloud is very brave " 30 XVII. Dawn 31 XVIII. The Book of Martyrs 32* *XIX. The Mystery of Pain 33 XX. " I taste a liquor never brewed " 34 ,,-XXI. A Book 35 *XXII. " I had no time to hate, because " 36 XXIII. Unreturning 37 XXIV. " Whether my bark went down at sea" ... 38 XXV. " Belshazzar had a letter " 39 XXVI. " The brain within its groove " 40 BOOK II. LOVE. I. Mine 43 II. Bequest 44 III. " Alter ? When the hills do " 45 IV. Suspense 46 V. Surrender 47 VI. " If you were coming in the fall " 48 ? VII. With a Flower 50 CONTENTS, ix PAGB VIII. Proof 51 IX. " Have you got a brook in your little heart ?" . 52 AX. Transplanted 53 XL The Outlet 54 XII. In vain 55 XIII. Renunciation 58 XIV. Love s Baptism 60 XV. Resurrection 62 XVI. Apocalypse 63 XVII. The Wife 64 XVIII. Apotheosis 65 BOOK III. NATURE. I. " New feet within my garden go " 69 II. Mayflower 70 III. Why? 71 IV. " Perhaps you d like to buy a flower " ... 72 V. " The pedigree of honey " 73 VI. A Service of Song 74 VII. " The bee is not afraid of me " 75 VIII. Summer s Armies 76 IX. The Grass 78 x CONTENTS. PAGE X. " A little road not made of man " 80 XL Summer Shower 81 XII. Psalm of the Day 82 ""XIII. The Sea of Sunset 84 XIV. Purple Clover *. . 85 XV. The Bee 87 XVI. " Presentiment is that long shadow " ... 88 XVII. " As children bid the guest good-night " . . 89 ll. " Angels in the early morning " 90 XIX. " So bashful when I spied her " 91 XX. Two Worlds 92 --^XXL The Mountain 93 XXII. A Day 94 XXIII. " The butterfly s assumption-gown ". ... 95 XXIV. The Wind 96 XXV. Death and Life 98 XXVI. " T was later when the summer went "... 99 XXVII. Indian Summer 100 * XXVIII. Autumn 102 XXIX. Beclouded 103 XXX. The Hemlock 104 XXXI. " There s a certain slant of light " . . . . 106 CONTENTS. Xi BOOK IV. TIME AND ETERNITY. PAGE I. " One dignity delays for all " 109 II. Too late no III. Astra Castra 112 X^IV. Safe in their alabaster chambers " ... 113 V. "On this long storm the rainbow rose" . . 114 VI. From the chrysalis 115 VII. Setting sail 116 VIII. " Look back on time with kindly eyes" . . 117 IX. " A train went through a burial gate " . . 118 X. " I died for beauty, but was scarce" ... 119 *""~"1*XI. Troubled about many things 120 XII. Real 121 XIII. A Funeral 122 XIV. " I went to thank her " . 123 XV. <l I ve seen a dying eye " 124 XVI. Refuge 125 XVII. " I never saw a moor " 126 ^XVIII. Playmates . . 127 XIX. " To know just how he suffered "... 128 XX. " The last night that she lived " .... 130 Xll CONTENTS. PAGE The First Lesson 132 " The bustle in a house " 133 134 135 136 137 138- 140 " I reason, earth is short " .... " Afraid ? Of whom am I afraid ? " . Dying " Two swimmers wrestled on a spar " The Chariot " She went as quiet as the dew " . . Resuvgam 141 "Except to heaven she is nought "... 142 " Death is a dialogue between " .... 143 " It was too late for man " 144 Along the Potomac 145 " The daisy follows soft the Sun " . . . . 146 Emancipation H7 Lost 148 "If I shouldn t be alive" 149 " Sleep is supposed to be " 15 " I shall know why when time is over " . . 151 " I never lost as much but twice " . . . . 1 52 HTHIS is my letter to the world, That never wrote to me, The simple news that Nature told. With tender majesty. Her message is committed To hands I cannot see ; For love of her, sweet countrymen, J" dge tenderly of me! I. LIFE. POEMS. i. SUCCESS. [Published in " A Masque of Poets " at the request of H. H.," the author s fellow-townswoman and friend.] SUCCESS is counted sweetest By those who ne er succeed. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need. Not one of all the purple host Who took the flag to-day Can tell the definition, So clear, of victory, As he, defeated, dying, On whose forbidden ear The distant strains of triumph Break, agonized and clear. 14 POEMS. II. R share of night to bear. Our share of morning, Our blank in bliss to fill, Our blank in scorning. Here a star, and there a star, Some lose their way. Here a mist, and there a mist, Afterwards day ! POEMS. III. ROUGE ET NOIR. SOUL, wilt thou toss again? By just such a hazard Hundreds have lost, indeed, But tens have won an all. Angels breathless ballot Lingers to record thee ; Imps in eager caucus Raffle for my soul. POEMS. IV. ROUGE GAGNE. IS so much joy ! T is so much joy ! If I should fail, what poverty ! And yet, as poor as I Have ventured all upon a throw ; Have gained ! Yes ! Hesitated so This side the victory ! Life is but life, and death but death ! Bliss is but bliss, and breath but breath ! And if, indeed, I fail, At least to know the worst is sweet. Defeat means nothing but defeat, No drearier can prevail ! And if I gain, oh, gun at sea, Oh. bells that in the steeples be, At first repeat it slow ! For heaven is a different thing Conjectured, and waked sudden in, And might o erwhelm me so ! POEMS. V. LEE ! the great storm is over ! Four have recovered the land ; Forty gone down together Into the boiling sand. Ring, for the scant salvation ! Toll, for the bonnie souls, Neighbor and friend and bridegroom, Spinning upon the shoals ! How they will tell the shipwreck When winter shakes the door, Till the children ask, " But the forty? Did they come back no more? " Then a silence suffuses the story, And a softness the teller s eye ; And the children no further question, And only the waves reply. POEMS. VI. T F I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain ; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain. POEMS. VII. ALMOST ! T T 7ITHIN my reach ! * * I could have touched ! I might have chanced that way ! Soft sauntered through the village, Sauntered as soft away ! So unsuspected violets Within the fields lie low, Too late for striving fingers That passed, an hour ago. 20 POEMS. VIII. A WOUNDED deer leaps highest, " I Ve heard the hunter tell ; T is but the ecstasy of death, And then the brake is still. The smitten rock that gushes, The trampled steel that springs A cheek is always redder Just where the hectic stings ! Mirth is the mail of anguish, In which it cautious arm, Lest anybody spy the blood And "You re hurt " exclaim ! POEMS. 21 IX. / T^HE heart asks pleasure first, And then, excuse from pain; And then, those little anodynes That deaden suffering ; And then, to go to sleep ; And then, if it should be The will of its Inquisitor, The liberty to die. 22 POEMS. IN A LIBRARY. A PRECIOUS, mouldering pleasure t is ^ To meet an antique book, In just the dress his century wore ; A privilege, I think, His venerable hand to take, And warming in our own, A passage back, or two, to make To times when he was young. His quaint opinions to inspect, His knowledge to unfold On what concerns our mutual mind, The literature of old ; What interested scholars most, What competitions ran When Plato was a certainty, And Sophocles a man ; POEMS. 23 When Sappho was a living girl, And Beatrice wore The gown that Dante deified. Facts, centuries before, He traverses familiar, As one should come to town And tell you all your dreams were true : He lived where dreams were sown. His presence is enchantment, You beg him not to go ; Old volumes shake their vellum heads And tantalize, just so. 24 POEMS. XL TV yfUCH madness is divinest sense "* To a discerning eye ; Much sense the starkest madness. Tis the majority In this, as all, prevails. Assent, and you are sane ; Demur, you re straightway dangerous, And handled with a chain. POEMS XII. T ASKED no other thing, -* No other was denied. I offered Being for it ; The mighty merchant smiled. Brazil? He twirled a button, Without a glance my way : " But, madam, is there nothing else That we can show to-day? " POEMS. XIII. EXCLUSION. ""PHE soul selects her own society, -* Then shuts the door ; On her divine majority Obtrude no more. Unmoved, she notes the chariot s pausing At her low gate ; Unmoved, an emperor is kneeling Upon her mat. I Ve known her from an ample nation Choose one ; Then close the valves of her attention Like stone. POEMS. 27 XIV. THE SECRET. O OME things that fly there be, - ^ Birds, hours, the bumble-bee Of these no elegy. Some things that stay there be, Grief, hills, eternity : Nor this behooveth me. There are, that resting, rise. Can I expound the skies? How still the riddle lies ! 28 POEMS, XV. THE LONELY HOUSE. T KNOW some lonely houses off the road A robber d like the look of. Wooden barred, And windows hanging low, Inviting to A portico, Where two could creep : One hand the tools, The other peep To make sure all s asleep. Old-fashioned eyes, Not easy to surprise ! How orderly the kitchen d look by night, With just a clock, But they could gag the tick, And mice won t bark ; And so the walls don t tell, None will. POEMS 29 A pair of spectacles ajar just stir An almanac s aware Was it the mat winked, Or a nervous star ? The moon slides down the stair To see who s there. There s plunder, where? Tankard, or spoon, Earring, or stone, A watch, some ancient brooch To match the grandmamma, Staid sleeping there. Day rattles, too, Stealth s slow ; The sun has got as far As the third sycamore. Screams chanticleer, "Who s there?" And echoes, trains away, Sneer "Where?" While the old couple, just astir, Fancy the sunrise left the door ajar ! POEMS. XVI. n^O fight aloud is very brave, But gallanter, I know, Who charge within the bosom, The cavalry of woe. Who win, and nations do not see, Who fall, and none observe, Whose dying eyes no country Regards with patriot love. We trust, in plumed procession, For such the angels go, Rank after rank, with even feet And uniforms of snow. POEMS. 3* XVII. DAWN. "V X7HEN night is almost done, And sunrise grows so near That we can touch the spaces, It s time to smooth the hair And get the dimples ready, And wonder we could care For that old faded midnight That frightened but an hour. 32 POEMS. XVIII. THE BOOK OF MARTYRS. 73 EAD, sweet, how others strove, Till we are stouter ; What they renounced, Till we are less afraid ; How many times they bore The faithful witness, Till we are helped, As if a kingdom cared ! Read then of faith That shone above the fagot; Clear strains of hymn The river could not drown ; Brave names of men And celestial women, Passed out of record Into renown ! POEMS. 33 XIX. THE MYSTERY OF PAIN. T)AIN has an element of blank -*- It cannot recollect When it began, or if there were A day when it was not. It has no future but itself, Its infinite realms contain Its past, enlightened to perceive New periods of pain. 34 POEMS. XX. T TASTE a liquor never brewed, -* From tankards scooped in pearl ; Not all the vats upon the Rhine Yield such an alcohol ! Inebriate of air am I, And debauchee of dew, Reeling, through endless summer days, From inns of molten blue. When landlords turn the drunken bee Out of the foxglove s door, When butterflies renounce their drams, I shall but drink the more ! Till seraphs swing their snowy hats. And saints to windows run, To see the little tippler Leaning against the sun ! POEMS. 35 XXI. A BOOK. T T E ate and drank the precious words, * His spirit grew robust ; He knew no more that he was poor, Nor that his frame was dust. He danced along the dingy days, And this bequest of wings Was but a. book. What liberty A loosened spirit brings 1 POEMS. XXII. T HAD no time to hate, because A The grave would hinder me, And life was not so ample I Could finish enmity. Nor had I time to love ; but since Some industry must be, The little toil of love, I thought, Was large enough for me. POEMS. XXIII. UNRETURNING. / 1P WAS such a little, little boat That toddled down the bay ! T was such a gallant, gallant sea That beckoned it away ! T was such a greedy, greedy wave That licked it from the coast ; Nor ever guessed the stately sails My little craft was lost ! POEMS. XXIV. HETHER my bark went down at sea, Whether she met with gales, Whether to isles enchanted She bent her docile sails ; By what mystic mooring She is held to-day, This is the errand of the eye Out upon the bay. PO&MS. 39 XXV. T3ELSHAZZAR had a letter, -*-^ He never had but one : Belshazzar s correspondent Concluded and begun In that immortal copy The conscience of us all Can read without its glasses On revelation s wall. 40 POEMS. XXVI. * I HE brain within its groove * Runs evenly and true ; But let a splinter swerve, 7 T were easier for you To put the water back When floods have slit the hills, And scooped a turnpike for themselves, And blotted out the mills! II. LOVE. POEMS. 43 I. MINE. TV /f INE by the right of the white election ! Mine by the royal seal ! Mine by the sign in t he scarlet prison Bars cannot conceal ! Mine, here in vision and in veto ! Mine, by the grave s repeal Titled, confirmed, delirious charter ! Mine, while the ages steal ! 44 POEMS. II. BEQUEST. "V7OU left me, sweet, two legacies, * A legacy of love A Heavenly Father would content, Had He the offer of; You left me boundaries of pain Capacious as the sea, Between eternity and time, Your consciousness and me. POEMS. 45 III. A LTER? When the hills do. *"* Falter? When the sun Question if his glory Be the perfect one. Surfeit? When the daffodil Doth of the dew : Even as herself, O friend ! I will of you ! 46 IV. SUSPENSE. T7 LYSIUM is as far as to ^ The very nearest room, If in that room a friend await Felicity or doom. What fortitude the soul contains, That it can so endure The accent of a coming foot, The opening of a door ! POEMS. 47 V. SURRENDER. TAOUBT me, my dim companion ! "^ Why, God would be content With but a fraction of the love Poured thee without a stint. The whole of me, forever, What more the woman can, Say quick, that I may dower thee With last delight I own ! It cannot be my spirit, For that was thine before ; I ceded all of dust I knew, What opulence the more Had I, a humble maiden, Whose farthest of degree Was that she might, Some distant heaven, Dwell timidly with thee ! POEMS. VI. T F you were coming in the fall, I d brush the summer by With half a smile and half a spurn, As housewives do a fly. If I could see you in a year, I d wind the months in balls, And put them each in separate drawers, Until their time befalls. If only centuries delayed, I d count them on my hand, Subtracting till my fingers dropped Into Van Diemen s land. If certain, when this life was out, That yours and mine should be, I d toss it yonder like a rind, And taste eternity. POEMS. 49 But now, all ignorant of the length Of time s uncertain wing, It goads me, like the goblin bee, That will not state its sting. 5 POEMS. WITH A FLOWER. T HIDE myself within my flower, That wearing on your breast, You, unsuspecting, wear me too And angels know the rest. I hide myself within my flower, That, fading from your vase, You, unsuspecting, feel for me Almost a loneliness. POEMS. 5 1 VIII. PROOF. 1PHAT I did always love, *- I bring thee proof: That till I loved I did not love enough. That I shall love alway, I offer thee That love is life, And life hath immortality. This, dost thou doubt, sweet? Then have I Nothing to show But Calvary. 52 POEMS. IX. T T AVE you got a brook in your little heart, Where bashful flowers blow, And blushing birds go down to drink, And shadows tremble so? And nobody knows, so still it flows, That any brook is there ; And yet your little draught of life Is daily drunken there. Then look out for the little brook in March, When the rivers overflow, And the snows come hurrying from the hills, And the bridges often go. And later, in August it may be, When the meadows parching lie, Beware, lest this little brook of life Some burning noon go dry ! POEMS. 53 X. TRANSPLANTED. A S if some little Arctic flower, ^"^ Upon the polar hem, Went wandering down the latitudes, Until it puzzled came To continents of summer, To firmaments of sun, To strange, bright crowds of flowers, And birdc of foreign tongue ! I say, as if this little flower To Eden wandered in What then? Why, nothing, only Your inference therefrom 1 54 POEMS. XL THE OUTLET. TV yfY river runs to thee : * ** Blue sea, wilt welcome me? My river waits reply. Oh sea, look graciously ! I 11 fetch thee brooks From spotted nooks, Say, sea, Take me ! POEMS. 5 5 XII. IN VAIN. T CANNOT live with you, ^ It would be life, And life is over there Behind the shelf The sexton keeps the key to, Putting up Our life, his porcelain, Like a cup Discarded of the housewife, Quaint or broken ; A newer Sevres pleases, Old ones crack. I could not die with you, For one must wait To shut the other s gaze down, You could not. 56 POEMS. And I, could I stand by And see you freeze, Without my right of frost, Death s privilege ? Nor could I rise with you, Because your face Would put out Jesus , That new grace Glow plain and foreign On my homesick eye, Except that you, than he Shone closer by. They d judge us how ? For you served Heaven, you know, Or sought to ; I could not, Because you saturated sight, And I had no more eyes For sordid excellence As Paradise. POEMS. 57 And were you lost, I would be, Though my name Rang loudest On the heavenly fame. And were you saved, And I condemned to be Where you were not, That self were hell to me. So we must keep apart, You there, I here, With just the door ajar That oceans are, And prayer, And that pale sustenance, Despair ! POEMS. XIII. RENUNCIATION. HP HERE came a day at summer s full Entirely for me ; I thought that such were for the saints, Where revelations be. The sun, as common, went abroad, The flowers, accustomed, blew, As if no soul the solstice passed That maketh all things new. The time was scarce profaned by speech ; The symbol of a word Was needless, as at sacrament The wardrobe of our Lord. Each was to each the sealed church, Permitted to commune this time, Lest we too awkward show At supper of the Lamb. POEMS. 59 The hours slid fast, as hours will, Clutched tight by greedy hands ; So faces on two decks look back, Bound to opposing lands. And so, when all the time had failed, Without external sound, Each bound the other s crucifix, We gave no other bond. Sufficient troth that we shall rise Deposed, at length, the grave To that new marriage, justified Through Calvaries of Love ! 6o POEMS. XIV. LOVE S BAPTISM. T M ceded, I Ve stopped being theirs ; The name they dropped upon my face With water, in the country church, Is finished using now, And they can put it with my dolls, My childhood, and the string of spools I Ve finished threading too. Baptized before without the choice, But this time consciously, of grace Unto supremest name, Called to my full, the crescent dropped, Existence s whole arc filled up With one small diadem. My second rank, too small the first, Crowned, crowing on my father s breast, POEMS. 6k A half unconscious queen ; But this time, adequate, erect, With will to choose or to reject And I choose just a throne. 62 POEMS. XV. RESURRECTION. "~P WAS a long parting, but the time For interview had come ; Before the judgment-seat of God, The last and second time These fleshless lovers met, A heaven in a gaze, A heaven of heavens, the privilege Of one another s eyes. No lifetime set on them, Apparelled as the new Unborn, except they had beheld, Born everlasting now. Was bridal e er like this ? A paradise, the host, And cherubim and seraphim The most familiar guest. POEMS. 63 XVI. APOCALYPSE. T M wife ; I ve finished that, That other state ; I m Czar, I m woman now : It s safer so. How odd the girl s life looks Behind this soft eclipse ! I think that earth seems so To those in heaven now. This being comfort, then That other kind was pain ; But why compare ? I m wife ! stop there ! 04 POEMS. XVII. THE WIFE. O HE rose to his requirement, dropped ^ The playthings of her life To take the honorable work Of woman and of wife. If aught she missed in her new day Of amplitude, or awe, Or first prospective, or the gold In using wore away, It lay unmentioned, as the sea Develops pearl and weed, But only to himself is known The fathoms they abide. POEMS. 65 XVIII. APOTHEOSIS. slowly, Eden! Lips unused to thee, Bashful, sip thy jasmines, As the fainting bee, Reaching late his flower, Round her chamber hums, Counts his nectars enters, And is lost in balms ! III. NATURE POEMS. 69 I. VI EW feet within my garden go, New fingers stir the sod ; A troubadour upon the elm Betrays the solitude. New children play upon the green, New weary sleep below ; And still the pensive spring returns, And still the punctual snow ! 70 POEMS. II. MAY-FLOWER. T)INK, small, and punctual, * Aromatic, low, Covert in April, Candid in May, Dear to the moss, Known by the knoll, Next to the robin In every human soul. Bold little beauty, Bedecked with thee. Nature forswears Antiquity. POEMS. 71 III. WHY? TpHE murmur of a bee * A witchcraft yieldeth me. If any ask me why, Twere easier to die Than tell. The red upon the hill Taketh away my will ; If anybody sneer, Take care, for God is here, That s all. The breaking of the day Addeth to my degree ; If any ask me how, Artist, who drew me so, Must tell ! 7* POEMS. IV. PERHAPS you d like to buy a flower? But I could never sell. If you would like to borrow Until the daffodil Unties her yellow bonnet Beneath the village door, Until the bees, from clover rows Their hock and sherry draw, Why, I will lend until just then, But not an hour more ! POEMS. 73 V. I HE pedigree of honey Does not concern the bee ; A clover, any time, to him Is aristocracy. 74 POEMS. VI. A SERVICE OF SONG. O OME keep the Sabbath going to church ; ^ I keep it staying at home, With a bobolink for a chorister, And an orchard for a dome. Some keep the Sabbath in surplice ; I just wear my wings, And instead of tolling the bell for church, Our little sexton sings. God preaches, a noted clergyman, And the sermon is never long ; So instead of getting to heaven at last, I m going all along ! POEMS. 75 VII. / "~PHE bee is not afraid of me, * I know the butterfly ; The pretty people in the woods Receive me cordially. The brooks laugh louder when I come, The breezes madder play. Wherefore, mine eye-j, thy silver mists ? Wherefore, O summer s day? 76 POEMS. VIII. SUMMER S ARMIES. OME rainbow coming from the fair ! *** Some vision of the world Cashmere 1 confidently see ! Or else a peacock s purple train, Feather by feather, on the plain Fritters itself away ! The dreamy butterflies bestir, Lethargic pools resume the whir Of last year s sundered tune. From some old fortress on the sun Baronial bees march, one by one, In murmuring platoon ! The robins stand as thick to-day As flakes of snow stood yesterday, POEMS. On fence and roof and twig. The orchis binds her feather on For her old lover, Don the Sun, Revisiting the bog ! Without commander, countless, still, The regiment of wood and hill In bright detachment stand. Behold ! Whose multitudes are these ? The children of whose turbaned seas, Or what Circassian land ? POEMS. IX. THE GRASS. HP HE grass so little has to do, A sphere of simple green, With only butterflies to brood, And bees to entertain, And stir all day to pretty tunes The breezes fetch along, And hold the sunshine in its lap And bow to everything ; And thread the dews all night, like pearls, And make itself so fine, A duchess were too common For such a noticing. POEMS. 79 And even when it dies, to pass In odors so divine, As lowly spices gone to sleep, Or amulets of pine. And then to dwell in sovereign barns, And dream the days away, The grass so little has to do, I wish I were the hay ! 6Q POEMS. X. A LITTLE road not made ot man, ** Enabled of the eye, Accessible to thill of bee, Or cart of butterfly. If town it have, beyond itself, T is that I cannot say ; I only sigh, no vehicle Bears me along that way. POEMS. 8l XI. SUMMER SHOWER. A DROP fell on the apple -tree, ** Another on the roof; A half a dozen kissed the eaves, And made the gables laugh. A few went out to help the brook, That went to help the sea. Myself conjectured, Were they pearls, What necklaces could be ! The dust replaced in hoisted roads, The birds jocoser sung ; The sunshine threw his hat away, The orchards spangles hung. The breezes brought dejected lutes, And bathed them in the glee ; The East put out a single flag, And signed the fete away, 6 82 POEMS. XII. PSALM OF THE DAY. A SOMETHING in a summer s day, ** As slow her flambeaux burn away, Which solemnizes me. A something in a summer s noon, An azure depth, a wordless tune, Transcending ecstasy. And still within a summer s night A something so transporting bright, I clap my hands to see ; Then veil my too inspecting face, Lest such a subtle, shimmering grace Flutter too far for me. The wizard-fingers never rest, The purple brook within the breast Still chafes its narrow bed ; POEMS. 83 Still rears the East her amber flag, Guides still the sun along the crag His caravan of red, Like flowers that heard the tale of dews, But never deemed the dripping prize Awaited their low brows ; Or bees, that thought the summer s name Some rumor of delirium No summer could for them ; Or Arctic creature, dimly stirred By tropic hint, some travelled bird Imported to the wood ; Or wind s bright signal to the ear, Making that homely and severe, Contented, known, before The heaven unexpected came, To lives that thought their worshipping A too presumptuous psalm. 84 POEMS. XIII. THE SEA OF SUNSET. / ~PHIS is the land the sunset washes, * These are the banks of the Yellow Sea ; Where it rose, or whither it rushes, These are the western mystery ! Night after night her purple traffic Strews the landing with opal bales ; Merchantmen poise upon horizons, Dip, and vanish with fairy sails. POEMS. 85 XIV. PURPLE CLOVER. "THERE is a flower that bees prefer, -*- And butterflies desire ; To gain the purple democrat The humming-birds aspire. And whatsoever insect pass, A honey bears away Proportioned to his several dearth And her capacity. Her face is rounder than the moon, And ruddier than the gown Of orchis in the pasture, Or rhododendron worn. She doth not wait for June ; Before the world is green Her sturdy little countenance Against the wind is seen, 86 POEMS. Contending with the grass, Near kinsman to herself, For privilege of sod and sun, Sweet litigants for life. And when the hills are full, And newer fashions blow, Doth not retract a single spice For pang of jealousy. Her public is the noon, Her providence the sun, Her progress by the bee proclaimed In sovereign, swerveless tune. The bravest of the host, Surrendering the last, Nor even of defeat aware When cancelled by the frost. POEMS. 8 ; XV. \ THE BEE. T IKE trains of cars on tracks of plush " I hear the level bee : A jar across the fljv/ers goes, Their velvet masonry Withstands until the sweet assault Their chivalry consumes, While he, victorious, tilts away To vanquish other blooms. His feet are shod with gauze, His helmet is of gold ; His breast, a single onyx With chrysoprase, inlaid. His labor is a chant, His idleness a tune ; Oh, for a bee s experience Of clovers and of noon ! 88 POEMS. XVI. PRESENTIMENT is that long shadow on the lawn * Indicative that suns go down ; The notice to the startled grass That darkness is about to pass. POEMS. XVII. A S children bid the guest good-night, ** And then reluctant turn, My flowers raise their pretty lips, Then put their nightgowns on. As children caper when they wake, Merry that it is morn, My flowers from a hundred cribs Will peep, and prance again. 90 POEMS. XVIII. A NGELS in the early morning *^^ May be seen the dews among, Stooping, plucking, smiling, flying : Do the buds to them belong? Angels when the sun is hottest May be seen the sands among, Stooping, plucking, sighing, flying : Parched the flowers they bear along. POEMS. 91 XIX. O O bashful when I spied her, ^ So pretty, so ashamed ! So hidden in her leaflets, Lest anybody find ; So breathless till I passed her, So helpless when I turned And bore her, struggling, blushing, Her simple haunts beyond ! For whom I robbed the dingle, For whom betrayed the dell, Many will doubtless ask me, But I shall never tell 1 POEMS. XX. TWO WORLDS. TT makes no difference abroad, The seasons fit the same, The mornings blossom into noons, And split their pods of flame. Wild-flowers kindle in the woods, The brooks brag all the day ; No blackbird bates his jargoning For passing Calvary. Auto-da-ft and judgment Are nothing to the bee ; His separation from his rose To him seems misery. POEMS. XXI. THE MOUNTAIN. n^HE mountain sat upon the plain In his eternal chair, His observation omnifold, His inquest everywhere. The seasons prayed around his knees, Like children round a sire : Grandfather of the days is he, Of dawn the ancestor. 94 POEMS. XXII. A DAY. T LL tell you how the sun rose, - A ribbon at a time. The steeples swam in amethyst, The news like squirrels ran. The hills untied their bonnets, The bobolinks begun. Then I said softly to myself, " That must have been the sun ! " But how he set, I know not. There seemed a purple stile Which little yellow boys and girls Were climbing all the while Till when they reached the other side, A dominie in gray Put gently up the evening bars, And led the flock away. POEMS. 95 T XXIII. HE butterfly s assumption-gown, In chrysoprase apartments hung, This afternoon put on. How condescending to descend, And be of buttercups the friend In a New England town ! XXIV. THE WIND. ail the sounds despatched abroad, There s not a charge to me Like that old measure in the boughs, That phraseless melody The wind does, working like a hand Whose fingers brush the sky, Then quiver down, with tufts of tune Permitted gods and me. When winds go round and round in bands, And thrum upon the door, And birds take places overhead, To bear them orchestra, I crave him grace, of summer boughs, If such an outcast be, He never heard that fleshless chant Rise solemn in the tree, POEMS. 97 As if some caravan of sound On deserts, in the sky, Had broken rank, Then knit, and passed In seamless company. 08 POEMS. XXV. DEATH AND LIFE. A PPARENTLY with no surprise ** To any h?.^py flower, The frost beheads it at its play In accidental power. The blond assassin passes on, The sun proceeds unmoved To measure off another day For an approving God. fOMMS. 99 XXVI. "HP WAS later when the summer went Than when the cricket came, And yet we knew that gentle clock Meant nought but going home. T was sooner when the cricket went Than when the winter came, Yet that pathetic pendulum Keeps esoteric time. POEMS. XXVII. INDIAN SUMMER. HTHESE are the days when birds come back, -* A very few, a bird or two, To take a backward look. These are the days when skies put on The old, old sophistries of June, A blue and gold mistake. Oh, fraud that cannot cheat the bee, Almost thy plausibility Induces my belief, Till ranks of seeds their witness bear, And softly through the altered air Hurries a timid leaf ! POEMS. 101 Oh, sacrament of summer days, Oh, last communion in the haze, Permit a child to join, Thy sacred emblems to partake, Thy consecrated bread to break, Taste thine immortal wine ! 102 POEMS. XXVIII. AUTUMN. HpHE morns are meeker than they were, * The nuts are getting brown ; The berry s cheek is plumper, The rose is out of town. The maple wears a gayer scarf, The field a scarlet gown. Lest I should be old-fashioned, I 11 put a trinket on. POEMS. 103 XXIX. BECLOUDED. "pHE sky is low, the clouds are mean, A A travelling flake of snow- Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go. A narrow wind complains all day How some one treated him ; Nature, like us, is sometimes caugnt Without her diadem. 104 POEMS. XXX. THE HEMLOCK. T THINK the hemlock likes to stand *" Upon a marge of snow ; It suits his own austerity, And satisfies an awe That men must slake in wilderness, Or in the desert cloy, An instinct for the hoar, the bald, Lapland s necessity. The hemlock s nature thrives on cold ; The gnash of northern winds Is sweetest nutriment to him, His best Norwegian wines. POEMS. 105 To satin races he is nought ; But children on the Don Beneath his tabernacles play, And Dnieper wrestlers run. xo6 POEMS. XXXI. HP HERE S a certain slant of light, A On winter afternoons, That oppresses, like the weight Of cathedral tunes. Heavenly hurt it gives us ; We can find no scar, But internal difference Where the meanings are. None may teach it anything, T is the seal, despair, An imperial affliction Sent us of the air. When it comes, the landscape listens, Shadows hold their breath ; When it goes, t is like the distance On the look of death. IV. TIME AND ETERNITY. POEMS. ONE dignity delays for all, One mitred afternoon. None can avoid this purple, None evade this crown. Coach it insures, and footmen, Chamber and state and throng ; Bells, also, in the village, As we ride grand along. What dignified attendants, What service when we pause ! How loyally at parting Their hundred hats they raise ! How pomp surpassing ermine, When simple you and I Present our meek escutcheon, And claim the rank to die ! 110 POEMS. II. TOO LATE. "pvELAYED till she had ceased to know, ^^ Delayed till in its vest of snow Her loving bosom lay. An hour behind the fleeting breath, Later by just an hour than death, Oh, lagging yesterday ! Could she have guessed that it would be ; Could but a crier of the glee Have climbed the distant hill ; Had not the bliss so slow a pace, Who knows but this surrendered face Were undefeated still? POEMS. Oh, if there may departing be Any forgot by victory In her imperial round, Show them this meek apparelled thing, That could not stoo V be a king, Doubtful if it ue crowned ! 112 POEMS. 11 1, ASTRA CASTRA. 1T)EPARTED to the judgment, A mighty afternoon ; Great clouds like ushers leaning, Creation looking on. The flerh surrendered, cancelled, The bodiless begun ; Two worlds, like audiences, disperse And leave the soul alone. POEMS. 113 IV. AFE in their alabaster chambers, Untouched by morning and untouched by noon, Sleep the meek members of the resurrection, Rafter of satin, and roof of stone. Light laughs the breeze in her castle of sunshine ; Babbles the bee in a stolid ear ; Pipe the sweet birds in ignorant cadence, Ah, what sagacity perished here ! Grand go the years in the crescent above them ; Worlds scoop their arcs, and firmaments row, Diadems drop and Doges surrender, Soundless as dots on a disk of snow. "4 POEMS. V. this long storm the rainbow rose, On this late morn the sun ; The clouds, like listless elephants, Horizons straggled down. The birds rose smiling in their nests, The gales indeed were done ; Alas ! how heedless were the eyes On whom the summer shone ! The quiet nonchalance of death No daybreak can bestir ; The slow archangel s syllables Must awaken her. POEMS. 115 VI. FROM THE CHRYSALIS. "\/TY cocoon tightens, colors tease, *" I m feeling for the air ; A dim capacity for wings Degrades the dress I wear. A power of butterfly must be The aptitude to fly, Meadows of majesty concedes And easy sweeps of sky. So I must baffle at the hint And cipher at the sign, And make much blunder, if at last I take the clew divine. n6 POEMS. VII. SETTING SAIL. is the going Of an inland soul to sea, Past the houses, past the headlands, Into deep eternity ! Bred as we, among the mountains, Can the sailor understand The divine intoxication Of the first league out from land ? POEMS. 1 1 7 VIII. T OOK back on time with kindly eyes, *- He doubtless did his best ; How softly sinks his trembling sua In human nature s west ! IlS POEMS. IX. A TRAIN went through a burial gate, ^ A bird broke forth and sang, And trilled, and quivered, and shook his throa\ Till all the churchyard rang ; And then adjusted his little notes, And bowed and sang again. Doubtless, he thought it meet of him To say good-by to men. POEMS. lid X. T DIED for beauty, but was scarce * Adjusted in the tomb, When one who died for truth was lain In an adjoining room. He questioned softly why I failed ? " For beauty," I replied. " And I for truth, the two are one ; We brethren are," he said. And so, as kinsmen met a night, We talked between the rooms, Until the moss had reached our lips, And covered up our names. POEMS. XI. "TROUBLED ABOUT MANY THINGS." TT OW many times these low feet staggered, Only the soldered mouth can tell ; Try ! can you stir the awful rivet ? Try ! can you lift the hasps of steel ? Stroke the cool forehead, hot so often, Lift, if you can, the listless hair; Handle the adamantine ringers Never a thimble more shall wear. Buzz the dull flies on the chamber window ; Brave shines the sun through the freckled pane ; Fearless the cobweb swings from the ceiling Indolent housewife, in daisies lain ! r / POEMS. XII. REAL. T LIKE a look of agony, -*- Because I know it s true ; Men do not sham convulsion, Nor simulate a throe. The eyes glaze once, and that is death. Impossible to feign The beads upon the forehead By homely anguish strung. 122 POEMS. XIII. THE FUiNERAL. IPHAT short, potential. stir That each can make but once, That bustle so illustrious T is almost consequence, Is the tclat of death. Oh, thou unknown renown That not a beggar would accept, Had he the power to spurn ! POEMS. 123 XIV. T WENT to thank her, But she slept ; Her bed a funnelled stone, With nosegays at the head and foot, That travellers had thrown, Who went to thank her ; But she slept. T was short to cross the sea To look upon her like, alive, But turning back t was slow. POEMS. XV. T VE seen a dying eye ^ Run round and round a room In search of something, as it seemed. Then cloudier become ; And then, obscure with fog, And then be soldered down, Without disclosing what it be, Twere blessed to have seen. POEMS. 125 XVI. REFUGE. clouds their backs together laid, The north begun to push, The forests galloped till they fell, The lightning skipped like mice ; The thunder crumbled like a stuff How good to be safe in tombs, Where nature s temper cannot reach, Nor vengeance ever comes 1 126 POEMS. XVII. r NEVER saw a moor, I never saw the sea ; Yet know I how the heather looks* And what a wave must be. I never spoke with God, Nor visited in heaven; Yet certain am I of the spot As if the chart were given. POEMS. 127 XVIII. PLAYMATES. OD permits industrious angels Afternoons to play. I met one, forgot my school-mates, All, for him, straightway. God calls home the angels promptly At the setting sun ; I missed mine. How dreary marbles, After playing Crown ! 128 POEMS. XIX. know just how he suffered would be dear ; To know if any human eyes were near To whom he could intrust his wavering gaze, Until it settled firm on Paradise. To know if he was patient, part content, Was dying as he thought, or different ; Was it a pleasant day to die, And did the sunshine face his way? What was his furthest mind, of home, or God, Or what the distant say At news that he ceased human nature On such a day? POEMS. 129 And wishes, had he any ? Just his sigh, accented, Had been legible to me. And was he confident until 111 fluttered out in everlasting well ? And if he spoke, what name was best, What first, What one broke off with At the drowsiest? Was he afraid, or tranquil? Might he know How conscious consciousness could grow, Till love that was, and love too blest to be, Meet and the junction be Eternity? * 3 POEMS. XX. last night that she lived, It was a common night, Except the dying ; this to us Made nature different. We noticed smallest things, Things overlooked before, By this great light upon our minds Italicized, as t were. That others could exist While she must finish quite, A jealousy for her arose So nearly i We waited while she passed ; It was a narrow time, Too jostled were our souls to speak, At length the notice came. POEMS. She mentioned, and forgot ; Then lightly as a reed Bent to the water, shivered scarce, Consented, and was dead. And we, we placed the hair, And drew the head erect ; And then an awful leisure was, Our faith to regulate. 1 3 2 POEMS. XXI. THE FIRST LESSON. VT OT in this world to see his face * ^ Sounds long, until I read the place Where this is said to be But just the primer to a life Unopened, rare, upon the shelf, Clasped yet to him and me. And yet, my primer suits me so I would not choose a book to know Than that, be sweeter wise ; Might some one else so learned be, And leave me just my ABC, Himself could have the skies. POEMS. 133 XXII. "PHE bustle in a house The morning after death Is solemnest of industries Enacted upon earth, The sweeping up the heart, And putting love away We shall not want to use again Until ^ernity. 34 POEMS. XXIII. T REASON, earth is short, And anguish absolute. And many hurt ; But what of that? I reason, we could die : The best vitality Cannot excel decay ; But what of that? I reason that in heavea Somehow, it will be even, Some new equation given ; But what of that ? POEMS. 135 XXIV. A FRAID ? Of whom am I afraid ? ** Not death ; for who is he ? The porter of my father s lodge As much abasheth me. Of life ? T were odd I fear a thing That comprehendeth me In one or more existences At Deity s decree. Of resurrection ? Is the east Afraid to trust the morn With her fastidious forehead? As soon impeach my crown ! 136 POEMS. XXV. DYING. HP HE sun kept setting, setting still ; * No hue of afternoon Upon the village I perceived, From house to house t was noon. The dusk kept dropping, dropping still No dew upon the grass, But only on my forehead stopped, And wandered in my face. My feet kept drowsing, drowsing still, My fingers were awake ; Yet why so little sound myself Unto my seeming make ? How well I knew the light before ! I could not see it now. T is dying, I am doing ; but I m not afraid to know. POEMS. 137 XXVI. I A WO swimmers wrestled on the spar Until the morning sun, When one turned smiling to the land O God, the other one ! The stray ships passing spied a face Upon the waters borne, With eyes in death still begging raised, And hands beseeching thrown. POEMS. XXVII. THE CHARIOT. T3ECAUSE I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me ; The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality. We slowly drove, he knew no haste, And I had put away My labor, and my leisure too, For his civility. We passed the school where children played. Their lessons scarcely done ; We passed the fields of gazing grain, We passed the setting sun. POEMS. 139 We paused before a house that seemed A swelling of the ground ; The roof was scarcely visible, The cornice but a mound. Since then t is centuries ; but each Feels shorter than the day I first surmised the horses heads Were toward eternity. 140 POEMS XXVIII. OHE went as quiet as the dew ^ From a familiar flower. Not like the dew did she return At the accustomed hour ! She dropt as softly as a star From out my summer s eve ; Less skilful than Leverrier It s sorer to believe ! POEMS XXIX RESURGAM. A T last to be identified ! At last, the lamps upon thy side, The rest of life to see ! Past midnight, past the morning star ! Past sunrise ! Ah ! what leagues there are Between our ieet and day ! I4 2 POEMS. XXX. XCEPT to heaven, she is nought ; Except for angels, lone ; Except to some wide-wandering bee, A flower superfluous blown ; Except for winds, provincial ; Except by butterflies, Unnoticed as a single dew That on the acre lies. The smallest housewife in the grass, Yet take her from the lawn, And somebody has lost the face That made existence home ! POEMS. 143 XXXI. "T\EATH is a dialogue between ^ The spirit and the dust. Dissolve," says Death, The Spirit, " Sir, I have another trust," Death doubts it, argues from the ground. The Spirit turns away, Just laying off, for evidence, An overcoat of clay. *44 POEMS. XXXII. T T was too late for man, * But early yet for God ; Creation impotent to help, But prayer remained our side. How excellent the heaven, When earth cannot be had ; How hospitable, then, the face Of our old neighbor, God 1 POEMS. 145 XXXIII. ALONG THE POTOMAC. "\\ 7HEN I was small, a woman died. To-day her only boy Went up from the Potomac, His face all victory, To look at her ; how slowly The seasons must have turned Till bullets dipt an angle, And he passed quickly round ! If pride shall be in Paradise I never can decide ; Of their imperial conduct, No person testified. But proud in apparition, That woman and her boy Pass back and forth before my brain, As ever in the sky. POEMS. XXXIV. n^HE daisy follows soft the sun, And when his golden walk is done, Sits shyly at his feet. He, waking, finds the flower near. " Wherefore, marauder, art thou here ? " Because, sir, love is sweet ! " We are the flower, Thou the sun ! Forgive us, if as days decline, We nearer steal to Thee, Enamoured of the parting west, The peace, the flight, the amethyst, Night s possibility ! POEMS. 147 XXXV. EMANCIPATION. NO rack can torture me, My soul s at liberty. Behind this mortal bone There knits a bolder one You cannot prick with saw, Nor rend with scymitar. Two bodies therefore be ; Bind one, and one will flee. The eagle of his nest No easier divest And gain the sky, Than mayest thou, Except thyself may be Thine enemy ; Captivity is consciousness, So s liberty. POEMS. XXXVI. LOST. T LOST a world the other day. *" Has anybody found ? You 11 know it by the row of stars Around its forehead bound. A rich man might not notice it ; Yet to my frugal eye Of more esteem than ducats. Oh, find it, sir, for me ! POEMS, 149 XXXVII. T F I should n t be alive When the robins come, Give the one in red cravat A memorial crumb. If I could n t thank you, Being just asleep, You will know I m trying With my granite lip 1 1,5 FOE MS. XXXVIII. OLEEP is supposed to be, By souls of sanity, The shutting of the eye. Sleep is the station grand Down which on either hand The hosts of witness stand ! Morn is supposed to be, By people of degree, The breaking of the day. Morning has not occurred ! That shall aurora be East of eternity ; One with the banner gay, One in the red array, That is the break of day. POEMS. 151 XXXIX, T SHALL know why, when time is over, A And I have ceased to wonder why ; Christ will explain each separate anguish In the fair schoolroom of the sky. He will tell me what Peter promised, And I, for wonder at his woe, I shall forget the drop of anguish That scalds me now, that scalds me now. 152 POEMS. XL. T NEVER lost as much but twice, *" And that was in the sod j Twice have I stood a beggar Before the door of God \ Angels, twice descending, Reimbursed my store. Burglar, banker, father, I am poor once more 1 IETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 202 Main Library .CAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 i 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS Renewals and Recharges may be made 4 days prior to the due date. 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