I: "Vaj/.. n hJk RchoolEt r-' [\ m^'j^u^^i^ \'\\ i A 'iy* * V ? I ! j-l 1 1-1 1 1-1 (IH ' - I • ! w» M a {< M* 3 W« w a a> ia ttV : iLaaMiuiiMriii>. iit iMi i ua ii»i»tttBM)Miaiii »>'i^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Gift U.C. Uhrary NEW WOKD-ANALYSIS: OK, iSCHOOL ETYMOLOGY OF ENGLISH DEKIVATIVE WOKDS. WITH PRACTICAL EXERCISES IN SPELLING, ANALYZING, DEFINING, SYNONYMS, AND THE USE OF WORDS. Bv WILLIAM SWINTON, Gold Medalist for Text-Books, Paris Exposition, 1878; and Authoe of "SwjMox's Geographies," "Outlines of the World's llioioRY," " Lan'gl'age Series," etc. IVrSOX, BLAKEMAX, TAYLOR, AXD COMPANY: NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. 1880. Copyright, 1879, By William Swinton. P E E FAO E. The present text-book is a new-modeling and rewriting of Swinton's Word- Analysis, first published in 1871. It has grown out of a large amount of testimony to the effect that the older book, while valuable as a manual of methods, in the hands of teachers, is deficient in practice- work for pupils. This testimony dictated a doul^le procedure : first, to retain the old methods; secondly, to add an adequate amount of new matter. Accordingly, in the present manual, the few Latin roots and derivatives, with the exercises thereon, have been retained — under " Part II. : The Latin Element" — as simply a method of stud//.* There have then been * To teachers who are unacquainted witli the original Word-Annhjsis, the following extract from the Preface to that work may not be out of place : — - "The treatment of the Latin derivatives in Part II. presents a new and important feature, to wit : the systematic analysis of the structure and organism of derivative words, together with the statement of their 626396 IV PREFACE. added, in " Division II. : Abbreviated Latin Derivatives," no fewer tban two hundred and twenty Latin root- words with their most important English offshoots. In order to concentrate into the limited available space so large an amount of new matter, it was requisite to devise a novel mode of indicating the English derivatives. What this mode is, teachers will see in the section, pages 50-104. The author trusts that it will prove well suited to class-room work, and in many other ways interest- ing and valuable: should it not, a good deal of labor, both of the lamp and of the file, will have been mis- placed. I^iimary meaning in such form that tlie pupil inevitabl}' perceives its relation with the root, and in fact rnakcs its primary meaning by the very process of analyzing the word into its primitive and its modifying jwefix or suffix. It presents, also, a marked improvement in the method of approaching the definition, — a method by which the definition is seen to groiv out of the primary meaning, and by which the analytic faculty of the pupil is exercised in tracing the transition from the primary meaning to the secondary and figurative meanings, — ■ thus converting what is ordinarily a matter of rote into an agreeable exercise of the thinking faculty. Another point of novi-lty in the method of treatment is pre- sented in the copious practical exercises on the iise of words. The experienced instructor very well knows that pupils may memorize endless lists of terms and ilefinitions without having any realization of the actual living power of words. vSuch a realization can only be gained by using the word, — b}^ turning it over in a variety of ways, and by throwing upon it the side-lights of its synonym and contrasted woi'd. The method of thus utilizing English derivatives gives a study which possesses at once simplicity and frnitfuhiess, — the two desiderata of an instrument of elementaiy discijjline." PREFACE. V To one matter of detail in connection with the Latin and Greek derivatives, the author wishes to call special attention: the Latin and the Greek roots are, as key- words, given in this boolv in the form of the ijresent infinitive, — the present indicative and the supine being, of course, added. For this there is one sufficient justiti- cation, to wit : that the present infinitive is the form in which a Latin or a Greek root is always given in Webster and other received lexicographic authorities. It is a curious fact, that, in all the school etymologies, the pres- ent indicative should have been given as the root, and is explicable only from the accident that it is the key-form in the Latin dictionaries. The change into conformity with our English dictionaries needs no defense, and will probably hereafter be imitated by all authors of school etymologies. In this compilation the author has followed, in the main, the last edition of Webster's Unabridged, the ety- mologies in which carry the authoritative sanction of Dr. Mahn ; but reference has constantly been had to the works of Wedgwood, Latham, and Haldeman, as also to , tlie " English Etymology " of Dr. James Douglass, to whom the author is specially indebted in the Greek and Anglo-Saxon sections. W. S. Kew York, 1879. COI^TENTS. PART I. INTRODUCTION. page I. Elemfnts of the English Vocabulary ... i II. Etymological Classes of Words ..... 5 III. Prefixes and Sl^ffixes ...... 5 IV^. Rules of Spelll\g used in forming Derivative Words . 6 PART II. THE LATIN ELEMENT. I. Latin Prefixes ....... 9 II. Latin Suffixes ........ 12 III. Directions in the Study of Latin Derivatives . . 21 Latin Roots and English Derivatives . . . -23 Division I. Method of Study .... 23 Division 11. Abbreviated Latin DtRivATivES . . 50 PART III. THE GREEK ELEMENT. I. Greek Prefixes ........ 105 II. Greek Alphabet ....... 106 Greek Roots and English Derivatives .... 107 Divisi .N 1. Principal Greek Roots . . . 107 Division II, Additional Greek Roots and their De- rivatives . . . . .120 PART IV. THE ANGLO-SAXON ELEMENT. I. Anglo-Saxon Prefixes ...... 125 II. Anglo-Sa.\on Suffixes ...... 125 Anglo-Saxon Roots and English Derivatives . . 137 Specimens of Anglo-Saxon ..... 132 Specimens of Srmi-Saxon and Early English . . 135 Anglo-Saxon Element in Modern English , . . 136 PART V. MISCELLANEOUS DERIVATIVES. L Words derived from the Names ck Persons . , 142 1. Nouns ........ 142 2. Adjectives . ...... 144 II. Words ukkived from the Names of Places . , . 146 HI. Etymology of Words used i.v ihe principal School ''tueues 149 1. Terms in Geography ...... 149 2. Terms in Grammar ...... 150 3. Terms in Arithmetic ...... 154 WORD-ANALYSIS. Part I. — INTRODUCTION. I -ELEMENTS OF THE ENGLISH VOOABULAEY. 1, Etymology^ is the study which treats of the derivation of words, — that is, of their structure and history. 2. English etymology, or word-analysis, treats of the dt^ri- vatiou of English words. 3« The vocahulary- of a language is the whole bod}' of words in that language. Hence the English vocabulary con- sists of all the words in the English language. I. The complete study of any language comprises two distinct in- quiries, — the study of the gravimar of the language, and the study of its vocabulary. Word-analysis has to do exclusively with the vo- cabulary. II. The term "etymology" as used in grammar must he carefully distinguished from " etymologj' " in the sense of word-analysis. Gram- matical etymology treats solely of the grammatical changes in words, and does not concern itself with their derivation ; historical etymology treats of the structure, composition, and history of words. Thus the relation of loves, loving, loved to the verb love is a matter of grammati- cal etymology ; but the relation of lover, lovehj, or loveliness to love is a matter of historical etymology. 1 "Etymolog>'." Greek et'umon, the true literal sense of a word according to Its derivation, and lofj'os, a discourse. s "Vocabulary," Latin vocabula'rium, stock of words; from vox, vocis, a voice, a word. 2 WORD-ANALYSIS. III. The English vocabulary is very extensive, as is showni by the fact that in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary there are nearly 100,000 words. But it should be observed that 3,000 or 4,000 serve all the ordinary purposes of oral and written communication. The Old Tes- tament contains 5,642 words; Milton uses about 8,000; and Shake- speare, whose vocabulary is more extensive than that of any other English writer, employs no more than 15,000 words. 4. The principal elements of the English vocabulary are words of Anglo-Saxon and of Latin or French-Latin origin. 5. Anglo-Saxon is the earliest form of English. The whole of the grammar of our language, and the most largely used part of its vocabulary, are Anglo-Saxon. I. Anglo-Saxon belongs to the Low German.^ division of the Teu- tonic stock of languages. Its relations to the other languages of Europe — all of which are classed together as the Aryan, or Indo-European family of languages — may be seen from the following table : — Indo- European Pamily. Celtic stock as Welsh, Gaelic. Slavonic stock as Russian. . Greek ( Itahau. Classic stock I ureeK r iraiiau. ( Latin s Spanish. ^ Freiidi. French, etc. ( Scandinavian : . . as Swedish. Teutonic stock -^ , High Gen: as Modern German. t German { , °, . - , ^ { Low Ger. : as Angio-baxon. II. The term " Anglo-Saxon " is derived from the names Angles and Saxons, two North German tribes who, in the fifth century A. D., in- vaded Britain, conquered the native Britons, and possessed themselves of the land, which they called England, that is. Angle-land. The Britons s])oke a Celtic language, best represented by modern AVelsh. Some British words were adopted into Anglo-Saxon, and still continue in our language : as basket, (jovm, pan. 1 By the Loiv German languages an; meant tliose spoken in the h)w, flat counti'ies of Nortli Germany, along tlie coast of the North Sea (as Dutch, the language of Hol- land) ; and they are so called in contradistiuction to High German, or German proper. INTRODUCTION. 3 6. The Latin element in the English vocabulary consists of a large number of words of Latin origin, adopted directly into English at various periods. The principal periods during which Latin words were brought directly into English are : — 1. At the introduction of Christianity into England by the Latin Catholic missionaries, A. D. 596. 2. At the revival of classical learning in the sixteenth century. 3. By modern writers. 7. The French-Latin element in the English language consists of French words, first largely introduced into Eng- lish by the Xorman-French who conquered England in the eleventh century, a. d. I. French, like Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, is substantially Latin, but Latin considerably altered by loss of grammatical forms and by other changes. This language the Norman- French invaders brought with them into England, and they continued to use it for more than two centuries after the Conquest. Yet, as they were not so numerous as the native pojwlation, the old Anglo-Saxon finally prevailed, though with an immense infusion of French words. II. French-Latin words — that is, Latin words introduced through the French — can often be readily distinguished by their being more changed in form than the Latin terms directly introduced into our languajre. Thus — Latin. French. English, inimi' cus ennemi enemy pop' ulus peuple people se'nior sire sir 8 1 Other Elements. — In addition to its primary constitu- ents — namely, the Anglo-Saxon, Latin, and French-Latin — the English vocabulary contains a large number of Greek derivatives and a considerable number of Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese words, besides various terms derived from miscellaneous sources. 4 WOKD-ANALYSIS. The following are examples of words taken from miscellaneous sources ; that is, from sources other than Anglo-Saxon, Latin, French- Latin, and Greek : — Hebrew : amen, cherub, jubilee, leviathan, manna, sabbath, seraph. Arabic : admiral, alcohol, algebra, assassin, camphor, caravan, chemis- try, cipher, coffee, elixir, gazelle, lemon, magazine, nabob, sultan. Turkish : bey, chibouk, chouse, janissary, kiosk, tulip. Persian : azure, bazaar, checkmate, chess, cimeter, demijohn, dervise, orange, paradise, pasha, turban. Hindustayii : culico, i\mg\e, pariah, punch, rupee, shampoo, toddy. Malay : a-muck, bamboo, bantam, gamboge, gong, gutta-percha, mango. Chinese : nankeen, tea. Polynesian : kangaroo, taboo, tattoo. American Indian : maize, moccasin, pemmican, potato, tobacco, tom- ahawk, tomato, wigwam. Celtic : barrow, basket, cart, darn, kiln, kilt, mop, plaid, wire. Scandinavian : dale, ford, gate. Dutch, or Hollandish: block, boom, bowsprit, reef, skates, sloop, yacht. Italian : canto, cupola, gondola, grotto, lava, opera, piano, regatta, soprano, stucco, vista. Spmiish : armada, cargo, cigar, desperado, flotilla, grandee, mosquito, mulatto, punctilio, sherry, sierra. Portuguese : caste, connnodore, fetish, mandarin, palaver. 9. Proportions. — On an examination of passages selected from modern English authors, it is found that of every hun- dred words sixty are of Anglo-Saxon origin, thirty of Latin, five of Greek, and all the other sources combined furnisli the remaining five. By actual count, tlicre are more words of classical than of Anglo- Saxon origin in tlie English vocabulary, — probably two and a half times as many of tlie former as of the latter. But Anglo-Saxon words are so much more employed — owing to the constant repetition of conjunctions, prepositions, adverbs, auxiliaries, etc. (all of Anglo-Saxon origin) —that in any page of even the most Latinized writer they greatly preponderate. In the Bible, and in Shakespeare's vocabulary, they are in the proportion of ninety per cent. For specimens showing Anglo-Saxon words, see p. 136, INTRODUCTION. 5 II -ETYMOLOGICAL CLASSES OP WOEDS. 10. Classes by Origin. — With respect to their origin, words are divided into two classes, — primitive words and derivative words. 11, A primitive word, or root, is one that cannot he re- duced to a more simple form in the language to which it is native : as, man, good, run. \'l, A derivative word is one made np of a root and one or moTG formative elements: as, manli/, goodness, vun7ier. The formative elements are called prefixes and suffixes. (See §§ IG, 17.) 13. By Composition. — With respect to their composition, words are divided into two classes, — simple and compound words. 14. A simple word consists of a single significant term : as, school, master, roAn, bow. 15. A compound word is one made up of two or more simple words united: as, school-master, rainhoiv. In some compound words the constituent parts are joined by the hyphen as school- master; in others the parts coalesce and the compound forms a single (though not a simj^le) word, as rainbow. III. -PREFIXES AND SUPPIXES. 16. A prefix is a significant syllable or word placed before and joined with a word to modify its meaning : as, unsafe = wo^safe ; removes move iac/c; circumnavigate^: sail aroimc?. 17» A suffix is a significant sj'llable or sjdlables placed after and joined with a word to modify its meaning : as, safely = in a safe manner; movable =: that maybe moved; nav- igation =aci; of sailing. The word affix signifies either a prefix or a suffix ; and the verb to affix means to join a prefix or a suffix to a root-word. b WORD-ANALYSIS. EXERCISE. Tell whether the following words are primitive or derivative, and also whether simple or compound : — 1 grace IG music-teacher 31 large 40 friendly 2 sign 17 footstep 3-2 truthful 47 reform 3 design IS glad 33 manliness 48 whalebone 4 midshipman 19 redness 31 milkmaid 49 quiet 5 wash 20 school 35 gentleman 50 quietude G sea . 21 iire 36 sailor 51 gardener 7 workman 22 watch-key 37 steamboat 52 form 8 love 23 give 3S wooden 53 formal 9 lovely 24 foiget 39 rich 54 classmate 10 white 2.3 iron 40 hilly 55 trust 11 childhood 26 hardihood 41 coachman 56 trustworthy 12 kingdom 27 young 42 warm 57 penknife 13 rub 2S right 43 sign-xjost 58 brightness 14 music 29 ploughman 44 greenish 59 grammarian 15 musician 30 day-star 45 friend 60 unfetter IV.-KULES OP SPELLING USED IN POEMING DEEIV- ATIVE WOEDS. Rule I. — Final "e" followed by a Vowel, Final e of a primitive word is dropped on taking a suffix beginning with a vowel : as, blame + able = blamable ; guide + ance= guidance; come + ing=: coming; force + ible— forcible; obscure -f ity = obscurit}'. Exception 1. — Words ending in ge ov ce usually retain the e before a sullix beginning with a or o, for the reason that c and g would have the hard sound if the e were dropped : as, peace 4- able = peaceable ; change -t- able = changeable ; courage + ous = courageous. Exception 2. — Words ending in oe retain the c to preserve the sound of the root: as, shoe-l-ing=shoeing ; hoe + ing = hoeing. Thee is retained in a few words to prevent their being confounded with similar words: as, singe -t-iiig= singeing (to prevent its being confounded with singing). INTKODUCTION. 7 Rule II. — Final " e" followed by a Consonant. Final e of a primitive word is retained on taking a suffix beginning witli a consonant: as, pale + ness=paleness ; large + ]y= largely. Exception 1. — AVlien the final c is preceded by a vowel, it is some- tiuH's omitti'd : as, due + h-=dul3'; true + ly= truly ; whole + ly = wholly. Exception 2. — A few words ending in c drop the e before a suffix beginning with a consonant: as, judge + nient=judgment ; lodge + ment =lodgnient ; abridge + ment=abridgraent. Rule III. — Final '' y " j}^cceflefl by a Consonant. Final 7/ of a primitive word, when preceded l)v a consonant, is generally clian<;ced into i on the addition of a suffix. Exception 1. — Before iug or ■ish, the final i/ is retained to prevent the doubling of the i : as, pity + ing= pitying. Exception 2. — Words ending in ie and dropping the e by Rule I. cliange the i into y to prevent the doubling of the i : as, clie + ing= dying; lie + ing = lying. Exception 3. — Final y is sometimes changed into c : as, duty + ous = duteous ; beauty + ous = beauteous. Rule IV. — Final '" y " j>recetleil by a Vowel. Final 7/ of a primitive word, when preceded by a vowel, should not be changed into an i before a suffix : as, joy+less = joyless. Rule V. — Doubling. Monosyllables and other words accented on the last sylla- ble, when they end with a single consonant, preceded by a single vowel, or by a A'owel after qu, double their final letter before a suffix beginning with a vowel : as, rob + ed=: robbed ; fop+ ish=foppish ; squat + er==squatter ; prefer'+ ing=pre- fer'ring. Exceptions. — X final, being equivalent to ^-5, is never doubled ; and when the derivative does not retain the accent of the root, the final con- sonant is not always doubled : as, prefer' + ence= preference. 8 WORD-ANALYSIS. Rule VI. — No Doubling. A final consonant, when it is not pruceded by a single vowel, or when the accent is not on the last syllable, should remain single before an additional syllable: as, toil + ing= toiling; cheat + ed = cheated; inurmur+ ing— miuunuring. THE LATIN ELEMENT. PART II. — THE LATIN ELEMENT. I.-LATIIT PEEHXES. Prefix. Signification. Example. Definition. a- ab- abs- a-vert to turn from. z=from ab-solve to release /rom. abs-taiii to hold from. ad- ad-here to stick to. a- a-gree to be pleasing to. ac- ac-cede to yield to. af- af-fix to fix to. ag- al- = to ag-grieve al-ly to give pain to. to bind to. an- an-nex to tie to. ap- ap-pend to hang to. ar- ar-rive to reach to. as- as-sent to yield to. NOTE. - - The forms ac- af-, etc., are euphonic variations of ad-, and follow gen erally the rule that the final consonant of the prefix assimilates to the init ial letter of the root. am- anib- == around am-pntate amb-ient to cut around. . going around. ante- anti- . = be/ore ante-cedent anti-cipate going before. to take before. bi- bi-ped a ??co-footed animal. bis- >= tv'o or hoice-i ■ " ■, bis-ciut tv:ice cooked. circum-' circn- ' = around circum-navigate circu-it to sail aroxmd. journey around. con- con-vene to come together. co- co-equal er[ual v-ith. cog- col- =r icifJi or to- r/ether cog-nate col-loquy born together. a speaking loith another. com- com-pose to put together. cor- cor-relative relative with. 10 WORD-ANALYSIS. Note. — The forms co-, cog-, col-, coiii< variations of con-. 1-, and cor-, are euphonic contra-diet to speak against. against contro-vert to turn against. ■ counter-niand to order against. = down or off de-pose ; de-fend to put down; fend off. 1 r asunder dis-pel to drive asunder. ) = I apart ; op- di-vert to turn apart. {posite of dif-fer to bear aparf; disagree. The forms di- and dif- are euphonic forms of dis- ; dif- contra- contro- counter- de- dis- di- dif- liToTE. used before a root beginninc^ with a vowel. ex- e- ec- ef- ex-clude e-ject ■out or from ^c-centric ef-flux to shut out. to cast out. from the center, a flowing out. Note. — e-, ec-, and e£- are euphonic variations of ex-. "When pre- fixed to the name of an office, ex- denotes that the person formerly held the office named : as, Cic-iuayor, the former mayor. extra- = beyond extra-ordinary beyond ordinary. in- (in Douns and in-clude to shut in. il- verbs.) il-luniinate to throw light on. im- ■ = in, into, on im-port to carr)^ in. ir- ir-rigate to pour water on. en-, em- en-force to force on. Note. — The forms n-, im-, and ir- are euphonic variations of In-. The forms en- and em- are of Greek ori'ing. puer-ile relating to a boy docile ajpt for being taught. relating to a woman like an alkali. to render, or per- form the act of femin-ine alkal-ine expuls-ion corrupt-ion frict-ion publ-ish fertil-ize the act of expelling. state of being corrupt. rwhhing. to make public. to render fertile. Note. — The suffix -ise, -ize, is of Greek origin, but it is freely added to Latin roots in forming English deri\-atives. h state or act of; idiom hero-isni Gallic-ism state of a. hero. a French idiom. Note. — This suffix, except when signifying an idiom, is found only in words of Greek origin. 16 WORD-ANALYSIS. -ist ^ r= -ite -yte -ity I n. one who is I adj. being favor-ite defin-ite prosel-yte f one v)lw practices art-ist one who practices axiaxt. \ or is devoted to botan-ist one who is devoted to botany. one who is favored. being well defined. one who is brought over. Note. — Tlie form -yte is found only in words of Greek origin. r . security state of being secure. I __ " 5 •' ability quality of being able. [ "f^'^^'y liber-ty r n. one loho is or that which capt-ive 'l adj. having the power cohes-ive or quality = feminine testatr-ix state of being free. one ivho is taken. having power to stick. a woman who leaves a will. -ize -ment -mony -or -ory = -ose -ous -tude [ = (Ses -ise.) ( state of being OT act excite-ment \ of; that which induce-ment f state or quality matri-mony I of; that ichich testi-mony (one who ; that audit-or = which; quality mot-or of err-or (a.(\]. fitted or relat- preparat-ory _^^ farina {wwjX), c crust, 7 argilla (clay) ; {becoming), 6 eifervesce. THE LATIN ELEMENT. 21 III. Write and define verbs denoting to make, render, or perform the act of, from the following words : — 1 authentic 4 anima (lUe) "just 10 false 13 equal 2 person 5 «i€Zior (better) S sanclus {holy) 11 facilis (easy) 14 fertile 3 captive o ample 9 pan 12 ?na(/?ii(S (great) Ij legal IIL-DIEECTIONS IE THE STUDY OP LATIN DERIVA- TIVES. 1. A Latin primitive, or root, is a Latin word from which a certain number of English derivative words is formed. Thus the Latin verb du'cere, to draw or lead, is a Latin primitive or root, and from it are formed educe, education, deduction, ductile, reprodiictive, and several hundred other English words. 2. Latin roots consist chiefly of verbs, nouns, and adjec- tives. 3. English derivatives from Latin words are generally formed not from the root itself but from a part of the root called the radical. Thus, in the word " education," the root- word is ducere, but the radical is due- (education = e + due + ate + ion). 4. A radical is a word or a part of a word used in forming English derivatives. 5t Sometimes several radicals from the same root-Avord are used, the different radicals being taken from different gram- matical forms of the root-word. 6. Verb-radicals are formed principally from two parts of the verb, — the first person singular of the present indicative, and a part called the svpine, which is a verbal noun corre- sponding to the English infinitive in -ing. Thus : — Isf. pcrs. sing. ^n-cs. ind. dnco (I draw) Hoot diic- Derivaitve .... educe . (drawing, or Supine . . . (luctuiu to draw) Root .... duct- Dcrivative . . dudilo 22 WORD-ANALYSIS. - T. In giving a Latin verb-primitive in this book three "principal parts " of the verb will be given, namely : (1) The present infini- tive, (2) the first person singular of the present indicative, and (3) the supine — the second and the third parts because from them radicals are obtained, and the infinitive because this is the part used in naming a verb in a general way. Thus as we say that luvccl, loving, etc., are parts of the verb "to love," so we say that a'mo (present ind.) and ama'tum (supine) are parts of the verb ama're. II. It should be noted that it is incorrect to translate amo, amatum by "to love," since neither of these words is in the infinitive mood, which is amare. The indication of the Latin infinitive will be found of great utility, as it is the part by which a Latin verb is referred to in the Dictionary. 7. Noun-radicals and adjective radicals are formed from the nominative and from the genitive (or possessive) case of words belonging to these parts of speech. Thus : — NoM. Case. Root. Derivative. iter (a journej') iter- reiterate Gen. Case. ROOT. Derivative. itineris (of a journey) itiner- at i/ie nmt fclieis (nom. felix. happy) felic- felicity !* Note. — These explanations of the mode of forming radicals are given by way of general information ; but this book presupposes and requires no knowledge of Latin, since in every group of English derivatives from Latin, not only the root-words in their several parts, but the radicals aclaully used in word-formation, arc given. Pronunciation of £,atin Words. 1. Every word in Latin must have as many syllables as it has vowels or diphtliongs : as in ilea (= ini'les). 2. C is pronounced like k before a, o, u : and like s before c, i, y, and the diphthongs ce and os : as cado, jironounced ka'clo ; ccdo, pronounced se'do. 3. 6r is pronounceil hard before a, o, u, and soft like j before e, i, y, cc, OS : as c/icsto, in which r/ is pronounced as in Atujust ; (/era, pronounced je'ro. THE LATIN ELEMENT. - 23 4. A consonant between two vowels must be joined to the latter : as be7ic, pronounced be'nc. 5. Two consonants in the middle of a word must be divided : as mille, pronounced mil'lc. 6. The diphthongs ce and ce. are sounded like e : as coedo, pronounced cc'do. 7. Words of two syllables are accented on the first : as cujer, pro- nounced a'jer. 8. When a word of more than one syllable ends in a, the a should be sounded like ah : as musa, pronounced mu'sah. 9. T, s, and c, before ia, ic, ii, io, iu, and cu, preceded immediately by the accent, in Latin words as in English, change into sh and zh : as fa'cio, i)ronounced fa'sluo ; san'cio, pronounced san'slico ; spa'lium, pro- nounced spa'sheum. KoTE. — The mode of pronouncing Latin words is not uniform even among English scholars ; thus, there is the English method {vc'nl), the continental {vu'ne), and the Roman (wd'ne). For the purposes of Word-Analysis, the English method is recom- mended, and that method is followed iu syllabifying Latin words iu this book. LATIN ROOTS AND ENGLISH DERIVATIVES. Division I. -METHOD OF STUDY. 1. AG'EKE : a'go, ac'tum, to do, to drive. Radicals : ag- and act-. 1. act, V. Analysis : from actum by dropping the termination urn. Definition: to do, to perform. The noun "act" is formed in the same way. Definition : a thing done, a deed or performance. 2. ac'tion : act -f ion = the act of doing : hence, a thing done. , 3. act'ive :- act + ive = having the quality of acting : hence, busy, constantly engaged in action. 4. act'or: act + or = one who acts : hence, (1) one who takes part in anything done ; (2) a stage player. 5. a'gent : ag + ent = one who acts : heuce, one who acts or trans- acts business for another. 24 WOKD-ANALYSIS. 6. ag'ile : ag + ile = apt to act : hence, nimble, brisk. 7. co'gent : from Latin cogens, cogentis, pres. part, of cog' ere (= co + agere, to impel), having the quality of impelling : hence, urgent, forcible. 8. enact' : en + act = to put in act : hence, to decree. 9. transact' : trans + act = to drive through : hence, to perform. EXEBCISB. (1.) What two parts of speech is "act " ? — Write a sentence containing this word as a verb ; another as a noun. — Give a synonym of "act." Ans. Deed. — From what is "deed" derived? Ans. From the word do — hence, literally, something done. — Give the distinction between "act" and " deed." Ans. " Act" is a single action ; "deed " is a voluntary action : thus — " The action which was praised as a good deed was but an act of necessity." (2.) Define "action "in oratory; "action "in law. — Combine and de- fine in + action. (3.) Combine and define in + active; active + ity; in + active + ity. — What is the negative of "active " ? Ans. Inactive. — What is the contrary of " active " ? Ans. Passive. (4.) Write a sentence containing "actor" in each of its two .senses. Model: "Washington and Greene were prominent adors in the war of the Eevolution." "David Ganick, the famous English actor, was born in 1716." — What is the feminine of "actor" in the sense of stage player ? (6.) Combine and define agile + ity. — What is the distinction between "active" and "agile"? Aiis. "Active" implies readiness to act in general ; " agile " denotes a readiness to move the limbs. — Give two synonyms of " agile." Ans. Brisk, nimble. — Give the opposite of " agile." Ans. Sluggish, inert. (7.) Explain what is meant by a "cogent argument." — What would be the contrary of a cogent argument ? (8.) Combine and define enact + ment. — What is meant by the "enact- ing clause" of a legislative bill ? — Write a sentence containing the word "enact." Model: "The British Parliament cjiacted the stamp-law in 1765." (9.) Combine and define transact + ion. — What derivative from "per- form " is a .synonym of " trausaction " ? THE LATIN ELEMENT. 25 2. ALIE'NUS, another, foreujn, Kadical : alien-. 1. al'ien : from alienus by dropping the termination us. Defini- tion : a foreigner, one owing allegiance to another comitry than that in which he is living. 2. aFienate : alien -|- ate = to cause something to be transferred to another : hence, (1) to transfer title or property to another ; (2) to estrange, to withdraw. 3. inal'ienable : in -|- alien + able = that may not be given to an- other. EXERCISE. (1.) Combine and define alien + age. — Can an alien be elected President of the United States ? [See the Constitution, Article IL Sec. I. Clause 5.] — What is the word which expresses the process by which a person is changed froni an alien to a citizen ? (2.) Combine and define alienate + ion. — Give a synonj^m of "alienate" in its second sense. Ans. To estrange-. — What is meant by say- ing tliat " the oppressive measures of the British government gradually alienated the American colonies from the mother coun- try " ? (3.) Quote a passage from the Declaration of Independence containing the word " inalienable." 3, AMA'KE, to love; AMI'CTTS, a friend. Radicals : am- and amic-. 1. a'miable : am(i) + able = fit to be loved. Obs. — The Latin adjective is amahilis, from which the English derivative adjective would be amable ; but it has taken the form am /able. 2. am'ity : am -\- ity — the state of being a friend : hence, friend- ship ; good-will. 3. am'icable : amic + able = disposed to be a friend : hence, friendly ; peaceable. 4. inim'ical : through Lat. adj. inimi'cus, enemy : hence, inimic(us) -h al = inimical, relating to an enemy. 26 WORD-ANALYSIS. 5. amateur' : adopted through French amateur, from Latia amator, a lover : hence, one who cultivates an art from taste or attach- ment, without pursuing it professionally, EXERCISE. (1.) What word is a synonym of "amiable" ? Ans. Lovable. — Show how they are exact synonyms. — Write a sentence containing the word "amiable." Model: "The amiable qualities of Joseph Warren caused his death to be deeply regretted by all Americans." — What noun can you form from " amiable," meaning the quality of being amiable ? — What is the negative of "amiable" ? Ans. Unamiable. — The contrary ? Aiis. Halcfid. (2.) Give a word that is nearly a synonym of "amity." Ans. Friend- ship. — State the distinction between these words. Ans. " Friend- ship" applies more particularly to individuals ; "amity" to socie- ties or nations. — Write a sentence containing the word "amity." Model: "The Plymouth colonists in 1621 made a treaty of avxity with the Indians." — What is the opposite of " amity " ? (3.) Give a synonym of "amicable." Ans. Friendly. — Which is the stronger? Ans. Friendly. — Why? Ans. "Friendly" implies a positive feeling of regard; "amicable" denotes merely the absence of discord. — Write a sentence containing the word "ami- cable." Model: "In 1871 commissioners appointed by the United States and Great Britain made an ainicable settlement of the Alabama difficulties." (4.) What is the noun correspdftding to the adjective " inimical" ? Ans. Fnemy. — Give its origin. Ans. It comes from the Latin I'nzHu'- cus, an enemy, through the French ennemi. — -What preposition does "inimical" take after it ? Ans. The preposition to — thus, " r/«'wu'c«Z to health, " "to welfare," etc. [ij.) What is meant by an amateur painter ? an amateur musician ? 4. AN'IMUS, mind, passion ; AN'IMA, life. Radical : anim-. 1. an'imal : from Lat. n. anivia through the Latin animal: literally, something having life. 2. animal'cule : animal -|-cuk'=r a minute animal: hence, au ani- mal that can be seen only )jy the microscope. THE LATIX ELEMENT. 27 3. an'imate, r. : anim + ate=:to make alive: hence, to stimulate, or infuse courage. 4. animos'ity : anim -t ose + ity = the quality of being (ity) full of (ose) passion : hence, violent hatred. 5. unanim'ity : un (from unus, one) -j- anim + ity =: the state of being of one mind : hence, agreement. 6. rean'imate : re -i- anim -|- ate = to make alive again ; hence, to infuse fresh vigor. EXERCISE. (1.) AV rite a sentence containing the word "animal." Model: " ]Mod- ern science has not yet been able to determine satisfactorily the distinction between an animal and a vegetable." (2.) What is the plural of "animalcule"? Ans. Aniiaalculcs or ani- vialcuhc. — AVrite a sentence containing this word. (3.) What other part of speech than a verb is "animate" ? — What is the negative of the adjective " animate ? " Aiis. Inanimate. — De- fine it. — Combine and define animate + ion. — Explain what is meant by an "animated discussion." (4.) Give two synonyms of " animosity." (5.) What is the literal meaning of " unanimity" ? If people are of one mind, is not this "unanimity" I — What is the adjective corre- sponding to the noun "unanimity" / — What is the opjwsile of "unanimity"? — Write a sentence containing the word "una- nimity." (6.) Compare the verbs " animate " and " reanimate," and state the sig- nification of each. — Has " reanimate " an}' other than its literal meaning ? — Write a sentence containing this word in its figura- tive sense. Model: "The inspiring words of Lawrence, 'Don't give up the ship ! ' reaniniafed the courage of the American sail- ors." — What does " animated conversation " mean ? 5. AN'NUS, a year. Radical : ann-. 1. an'nals: from annus, through Lat. adj. annalis, pertaining to the year : hence, a record of things done from year to year. 2. an'nual : through annuus (annu-f-al), relating to a year : hence, yearly or performed in a year. 28 WORD-A.NALYSIS. 3. annu'ity : through Fr. n. annuite=a, sum of money payable yearly. 4. millen'nium : Lat. n. millennium (from annus and mille, a thou- sand), a thousand years. 5. peren'nial : through Lat. adj. jJerennis (compounded of per and amius), throughout the j'ear : hence, lasting ; perpetual. EXERCISE. (],) Give a synonym of "annals." Aiis. History. — What is the dis- tinction between "annals" and "history"? Ans. "Annals" denotes a mere chronological account of events from year to year ; "history," in addition to a narrative of events, incj^uires into the causes of events. — Write a sentence containing the word ' ' annals," or explain the following sentence : " The annals of the Egyptians and Hindoos contain many incredible statements." (2.) Write a sentence containing the word "annual." (4.) Write a sentence containing the word "millennium." (5.) What is the meaning of a " i^erennial plant" in botany ? Ans. A plant continuing more than two years. — Give the contrary of "perennial." Ans. Fleeting, short-lived. 6. ARS, ar'tis, a7-t, skill. Radical : art-. 1. art: from artis by dropping the termination {5. Definition: 1. evuming — thus, an animal practices art in escaping from his pursuers ; 2. skill or dexterity — thus, a man may be said to have the art of managing his business ; 3. a system of rules or a profession — as the art of building ; 4. creative genius as seen in painting, sculpture, etc., which are called the " fine arts." 2. art'ist : art + ist = one who practices an art : hence, a person who occupies himself with one of the fine arts. Obs. — A painter is called an artist ; but a blacksmith could not properly be so called. The French word artiste is sometimes used to denote one who has great skill in some profession, even if it is not one of the fine arts : thus a great genius in cookery might be called an artiste. THE LATIN ELE.MENT. 29 3. ar'tisan: through Fr. n. artisan, one who practices an art: hence, one who practices one of the mechanic arts ; a work- man, or operative. 4. art'ful : art + ful = full of art : hence, craft v, cunning. 5. art'less : art -f- less = without art: hence, free from cunning, simple, ingenuous. 6. ar'tifice : through Lat. n. artificium, something made {fa'cere, to make) by art : hence, an artful contrivance or stratagem. EXERCISE. (1.) AVhat is the particular meaning of "art" in the sentence from Shakespeare, "There is no art to read the mind's construction in the face " ? (2.) Write a sentence containing the word "artist." — Would it be proper to call a famous hair-dresser an artist ? — What might he be called ? — Combine and define artist + ic + al + ly. — What is the negative of "artistic " ? (3.) What is the distinction between an " artist " and an "artisan " ? (5.) Give a synonym of "artless." Ans. Ingenuous, natural. — Give the opposite of "artless." Ans. Wily. — Combine and define artless + ly ; artless + ness. (6.) Give a synonym of "artifice." — Combine artifice -l-er. — Does " ar- tificer " mean one who practices artifice ? — Write a sentence con- taining this word. — Combine and define artifice + ial ; artifice + al + ity. Give the opposite of "artificial." 7. AUDl'RE: au'clio, audi'tiim, to hear. Radicals : audi-, and audit-. 1. au'dible: audi + hie = that may be heard. 2. au'dience : audi -f- ence = literally, the condition of hearing : hence, an assemblage of hearers, an auditory. 3. au'dit : from audit{um) = to hear a statement : hence, to exam- ine accounts. 4. au'ditor : audit + or = one who hears, a hearer. Oi5S. — This word has a secondary meaning, namely : an oflacer who e.\amines accounts. 30 WORD-ANALYSIS, 5. obe'dient : through, obcdiens, obedient{is), the present participle of obedire (compounded of ob, towards, and audire) : literally, giving ear to : hence, complying with the wishes of another. EXERCISE. (1.) "Audible" means that can be heard : what prefix would you affix to it to form a word denoting what can not be heard ? — What is the adverb from the adjective "audible"? — Write a sentence containing this word. (2.) What is meant when you read in history of a king's giving audience ? (3.) Write a sentence containing the word "audit." Model — "The committee which had to audit the accounts of Arnold discovered great frauds." — How do you spell the past tense of "audit " ? — Why is the t not doubled ? (5.) What is the nomi corresponding to the adjective "obedient"? — What is the verb corresponding to these words ? — Combine and define dis + obedient. 8. CA'PUT, cap'itis, ihe head. Radical : capit-. 1. cap'ital, ff. and n. : capit + al = relating to the head: hence, chief, principal, first in importance. Definition : as an ad- jective it means, (1) principal ; (2) great, important ; (3) pun- ishable with death ; — as a noun it means, (1) the metropolis or seat of government ; (2) stock in trade. 2. capita'tion : capit + ate +ion = the act of causing heads to bo counted : hence, (1) a numbering of persons ; (2) a tax upon each head or person. 3. decap'itate : de -l- capit + ate = to cause the head to be taken off ; to l)eheail. 4. prec'ipice : through Lat. n. pnecipitium : literally, a headlong descent. 5. precip'itate : h-om Ijtxt. mV]. prcec.ipit{is),h(iaA foTemost Defi- nition : (1) (as a verb) to throw headlong, to press with eager- ness, to hasten ; (2) {as an adjective) headlong, hasty. THE LATIN ELEMENT. 31 EXERCISE. (L) "Write a. sentence containing "capital" as an adjective. — "Write a sentence containing this word as a noun, in the sense of citt/. — Write a .sentence containing "capital " in the sense of sloc/c. — Is the capital of a state or country necessarily the metropolis or chief city of that state or country ? — ■ What is the capital of New York State ? — What is the inctropolis of New York State ? (3.) Combine and define decapitate + ion. — Caii you n^me an English ]s.ii\g who was decu2}itated ;^ — Can you name a French king wlio was clccajiitated ? (4.) AVhat is tlie meaning of "precipice" in the line, "Swift down the 2)recipicc of time it goes " ? (5.) Combine and define ])recipitate + ly. — Write a sentence containing the adjective "precipitate." Model: " Fabius, the Roman gen- eral, is noted for never having made any precipitate movements." — Explain the meaning of the verb "precipitate " in the following sentences: "At the battle of Waterloo Wellington precipitated the conflict, because he knew Napoleon's army was divided " ; "The Eonians were wont io precipitate criminals from the Tar- peian rock." 9. CI'TIS, a citizen, Railical : civ-. 1. civ'ic : civ + ic = relating to a citizen or to the affairs or honors of a city. Obs. — The "civic crown " in Roman times was a gailand of oak- leaves and acorns bestowed on a soldier who had saved the life of a citizen in battle. 2. civ'il : Lat. adj. civilis, meaning: (1) belonging to a citizen; (2) of the state, political ; (3) polite. 3. civ'ilize : civil ize = to make a savage people into a comnui- nity having a government, or political organization : hence, to reclaim from a barharous state. 4. civiliza'tion : civil + ize + ate + ion = the state of being civil- ized. 5. civilian : civil -|- (i)an — one whose i^ursuits are those of civil life — not a soldier. 32 AVOllD-ANALYSIS, EXERCISE. (2.) "What is the ordinary signilifation of "civil " ? — Give asj^nonym of tliis word. — Is there any difl'ereiice between "civil" and "po- lite " ? Ans. " Polite " expresses more than " civil," for it is pos- sible to be "civil" without being "polite." — What word would denote the opposite of "civil" in the sense of "polite " ? — Com- bine and define civil-l-ity. — Do you say Jtucivility or mcivility, to denote the negative of " civility " ? — Give a synonym of " un- civil." Ans. Buorish. — Give another synonym. (3.) "Write a sentence containing the word " civilize." — Give a participial adjective from this word. — What compound Avord expresses half civilized ? — What word denotes a state of society between savage and civilized ? (4.) Give two synonj'ms of " civilization." Ans. Culture, refinement. — What is the meaning of the word " civilization " in the .sentence : " The ancient Hindoos and Egyptians had attained a considerable degree oi civilization" ? — Compose a sentence of your own, using this word. 10. COR, cor'dis, the heart. Radical : cord-. 1. core : from cor = the heart : hence, the inner part of a tiling. 2. cor'dial, a. : cord + (i)al = having the f|uality of the heart : hence, hearty, sincere. The noun " cordial " means literally some- thing having the (juality of acting on the heart : hence, a stimu- lating medicine, and in a figurative sense, something cheering. 3. con'cord : con -f cord — heart with {con) heart : hence, unity of sentiment, harmony. Obs. — Cuncord in nmsie is harmony of sound. 4. dis'cord : dis + cord = heart apart from {dis) heart : hence, dis- agreement, want of harmony. 5. record' : through Lat. v. recordari, to reniemher (literally, to get by licart) : hence, to register. G. courtage: through Fr. n. courage: literally, heartiness: hence, bravery, intrepidity. Ous. — The heart is accounted the seat of bravery : hence, the derivative sense of courage. THE LATIN ELEMEXT. 33 EXERCISE. (1.) " The quince was rotten at the core" ; "The preacher touched the core of the subject " : in whicli of these sentences is " core " used in its literal, in which in iia figurative, sense ? (2.) "What is the Anglo-Saxon synonym of the adjective "cordial"? — Would you say a "■cordial laugh " or a '^hearty laugh " ? — What is the opposite of "cordial"? — Combine and deiine cordial 4- ly: cordial + ity. — Write a sentence containing the noun "cordial" in its figurative sense. Model: "Washington's victory at Trenton was like a cordial to the flagging spirits of the American army." (3.) Give a synonym of "concord." Ans. Accord. — Sup])ly the proper word: "In your view of this matter, I am in {accord' ov con- cord ?) with you." " There should be among friends." "The man who is not moved by of sweet sounds." (4.) What is the connection in meaning between "discord" in mu.sic and among brethren? — Give a synonym of this word. Ans. Strife. — State the distinction. Ans. 'Strife" is the stronger: where there is "strife" there nuist be "discord," but there maj' he "discord" without "strife" ; "discord " consists most in the feeling, " strife " in the outward action. (5.) AVhat part of speech is " record' " ? — When the accent is placed on the first syllable (rec'ord) what part of speech does it become ? — Combine and define record +er ; un + record + ed. (6.) " Courage " is the same as having a stout what ? — Give a syn- onym. Ans. Fortitude. — State the distinction. Ans. "Cour- age " enables us to meet danger ; " fortitude " gives us strength to endure pain. — Would you say "the Indian shows courage when he endures torment without Hinching " ? — Would you say "The three hundred under Leonidas displayed /o)-f. What noun corresponding to the adjective " credulous " will ex- press the quality of believing too easily ? — What is the negative of " credulous " ? — What is the distinction between " incredible " and " incredulous " ? — Which applies to persons ? which to things ? (5.) To what two parts of speech does "discredit" belong? — Write a sentence containing this word as a noun j another as a verb. 13. CUR'RERE : cur'ro, cur'siim, to run. Radicals used : curr- and curs-. 1. cur'rent, «. : cnrr + ent = running : hence, (1) passing from per- son to person, as a "■current report" ; (2) now in progress, as the " current month." 2. cur'rency: curr -|- ency = the state of passing from person to person, as " the report obtained currency " : hence circulation. Obs. — As applied to money, it means that it is in circulation or passing from hand to hand, as a representative of value. 3. cur'sory : curs+ ory = vmming or passing : hence, hasty. 4. excur'sion: ex -|- curs + ion = the act of running out: hence, an expedition or jaunt. T). incur'sion: in + curs -l- ion = the act of running in : hence, an invasion. (). precur'sor: pre + curs -|- or =: one who runs before: hence a forerunner. EXERCISE. (1.) What other part of speech than an adjective is "current" ? — What is now the current year ? (2.) WHiy are there two r's in "currency " ? Ans. Because there are two in the root currere. — Give a synonym of this word in the sense of "money." Ans. The "circululing medium." — What was the THE LATIN ELEMENT. o7 " currency " of the Indians in early times ? — Compose a sentence nsing this word. (3.) "When a speaker says that he will cast a " cursory glance " at a sub- ject, what does he mean ? — Combine and define cursory + ly. (4.) Is " excursion " usually employed to denote an expedition in a friendly or a hostile sense ? (5.) Is "incursion" usually employed to denote an expedition in a fiiendly or a hostile sense ? — Give a synonym. Ans. Invasion. — "Which implies a hasty expedition ? — Compose a sentence con- taining the word incursion. Model : " The Parthians were long famed for their rapid incursions into the territory of their enemies. " (6.) "What is meant by saying that John the Baptist was the j)recursor of Christ ? — "What is meant by saying that black clouds are the precursor »S a storm ? 14. DIG'NUS, worthy. Radical : dign-. 1. dig'nify : dign + (f)fy — to make of worth : hence, to advance to honor. 2. dig'nity: dign + ity = the state of being of worth : hence, be- havior fitted to inspire respect. 3. indig'nity: in + dign + ity = the act of treating a person in an unworthy (indignns) manner : hence, insult, contumely. 4. condign' : con + dign = very M'orthy : hence, merited-, de- served. Obs. — The prefix con is here mereh' intensive. EXEKCISE. (1.) "What participial adjective is formed from the verb "dignify"? Atis. Dignified. — Give a stronger word. Ans. Majestic. — Give a word which denotes the same thing carried to excess and becom- ing riiliculous. Ans. Pompous. (2.) Can you mention a character in American history remarkable for the dignity of his behavior ? — Compose a sentence containing this word. (3.) Giyef'lne plural of "indignity." — "What is meant by saying that "indignities were heaped on " a person ? 38 WORD-AXALYSIS. (4.) How is the word " condign " now most frequently employed ? jins. In connection ^\^tll punishment: thus we speak of "condign pun- ishment," meaning richly dsserred punishment. 15. DOCE'RE: do'ceo, tloc'tiim, to teach. Radicals : doc- and doct-. 1. doc'ile : doc + ile = that may be taught : hence, teachable. 2. doc'tor : doct + or = one who teaches : hence, one who has taken the highest degree in a university authorizing him to practice and teach. 4. doc'trine : through Lat. n. doctrina, something taught ; hence, a principle taught as part of a system of belief. EXERCISE, (1.) Combine and define docile -fity. —Give the opposite of "docile." Ans. Indocile. — Mention an animal that is very docile. — Men- tion one remarkable for its want of docility. (2.) AVhat is meant by "Doctor of Medicine" ? — Give the abbreviation. — What does LL. D. mean ? Ans. It stands for the words Icgum doctor, doctor of laws : the double L marks the plural of the Latin noun. (3.) Give two synonyms of "doctrine." Ans. Precept, tenet. — WHiat does "tenet" literally mean? Ana. Something held — from Lat. * V. tenere, to hold. — Combine and defme doctrine + al. 16. DOM'INUS, a, master or lord. Radical : domin-. L domin'ion : domin + ion = the act of exercising mastery : hence, (1) rule ; (2) a territory ruled over. 2. dom'inant : domin + ant = relating to lordship or mastery: hence, prevailing. 3. domineer': through Fr. v. dnminer; literally, to " ZonZ it" over one : licnce, to rule with insolence. 4. predom'inate : pre + domin + ate = to cause one to be master before another : hence, to be supeiior, to rule. THE LATIN ELEMP^NT. 39 EXERCISE. (1.) "What is meant by saying that "in 1776 the United Colonies threw off the dominion, of Great Britain " ? (2.) What is meant by the " dominant party" ? a " dominant race" ? (3.) Compose a sentence containing the word "domineer." Model: "The bhistering tyrant, Sir Ednnuid Andros, domineered for sev- eral years over the New England colonies ; but his misrule came to an end in 1688 with the accession of King AVilliam." (4.) " The Republicans at \)r?se.\\t 2'>'>'edo'iaincde in Mexico": what does this mean ? 17. FI'NIS, an end or limit. Radical : fin-. 1. fl'nite : fin -f ite = having the quality of coming to an end: hence, limited in quantity or degree. 2. fln'ish : through Fr. v. finir; literally, to bring to an end : hence, to complete. 3. infin'ity : in + fin + ity = the state of having no limit : hence, unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity. 4. define' : through Fr. v. definer ; literally, to bring a thing down to its limits : hence, to determine with precision. 5. confine' : con + fine ; literally, to bring within limits or bounds : hence, to restrain. 6. affin'ity : af (a form of prefix ad) + fin + ity = close agreement. EXERCISE. (1.) "What is meant by saying that " the human faculties are finite " ? — What is the opposite of "finite"? — Give a synonym. Ans. Liviited. — What participial adjective is formed from the verb to " finish" ? — What is meant by a ''finished gentleman " ? (3.) Give a synonym of "infinitj'." Ans. Boundlessness. — "The micro- scope reveals the fact that each drop of water contains an infinity of animalculiB. " What is the sense of infinity as used in tliis sentence ? (4.) Combine define + ite ; in + define + ite. — Analyze the word "defini- tion." — Compose a sentence containing the word " define." 40 WOKD-ANALYSIS. (5.) Combine and define confine + ment. — What other part of speech than a verb i.s "confine"? A^is. A noun. — Write a sentence containing tlie word " conlines." (6.) Find in the dictionaiy the meaning of "chemical affmity." - 18. FLU'ERE: flu'o, flux'um, .) What is the ordinary use of the word "affluence" ? An "affluence of ideas," means what ? (6.) Compose a sentence containing tlie word "confluence." Model: " New York City stands at tlie of two streams." (8.) Mention a noun coi'resi)onding to the adjective "superfluous." — Compose a sentence containing the word "superfluous." — What is its ojiposite ? Ans. Scanty, meager. THE LATIN ELEMENT, 41 19. GREX, gre'gis, a flock or herd. Radical : greg-. 1. ag'gregate, v. : ag (for ad) + greg + ate = to cause to be brought into a tlock : hence, to gather, to assemble. 2. egre'gious : e + greg+ (i)ous, through Lat. adj. ec/re'f/ius, chosen Ironi the herd : hence, remarkable. Obs. — Its present use is in association with in^erio^it3^ 3. con'gregate : con + greg + ate — to perform the act of flocking together : hence, to assemble. EXERCISE. (1.) What other part of speech than a verb is " aggregate " ? — Why is this word spelled with a double ij ? (2.) Combhie and define egregious + ly. —What does an " egrecjious blun- der " mean ?— Compose a sentence containing the word "egre- gious." (3.) Why is it incorrect to speak of congregating together i — Combine and define congregate + ion. 20. I'KE: e'o, i'tum, to go. Radical : it-. 1. ambi'tion: amb (around) + it + ion = the act of going around. Definition : an eager desire for superiority or power. Obs. — This meaning arose from the habit of candidates for office in Rome (joing around to solicit votes : hence, aspiration for office, and finally, aspiration in general. 2. ini'tial, a. : in + it 4- (i)al = pertaining to the i?igoing : hence, marking the commencement. 3. ini'tiate : in + it-t- (i)ater= to cause one to go in: hence, to introduce, to commence. 4. sedi'tion : sed (asM/e)-f- it + ion = the act of going aside; that is, going to a separate and insurrectionary party. 5. transmit: trans -l- it = a passing across: hence, (1) the apt of passing ; (2) the line of passage ; (3) a term in astronomy. 6. tran'sitory : trans + it -f ory — passiw^ over ; hence, brief, fleetin" 42 "WORD-AXALYSIP. EXERCISE. (1.) Compose a sentence containing the word "ambition." Model: " Na])oleon'.s ambition was his own greatness ; Washington's, the greatness of his country." — What is meant by " military ambi- tion " ? "political ambition"? "literary ambition"? — What adjective means ^jos.scssf/if/ ajn6i7/o?i .?— Combine and define iin + ambitious. (2.) What is the opposite of " initial " ? Ans. Final, closing. — What part of speech is " initial " besides an adjective ? — What is meant by " initials " ? (3.) AVhat is meant by saying that " the campaign of 1775 was initiated by an attack on the British in Boston " ? — Give the ojiposite of "initiate" in the sense of "commence." (4.) Give a synonym of " sedition." Ans. Insurrection. — Give another. — Compose a sentence containing this word. (5.) Explain what is meant by goods "in transit." — Explain what is meant by the "Nicaragua transit." — When you speak of the "■transit of Venus," you are using a term in what science ? (6.) Give a synonym of "transitory." — Give its opposite. Ans. Per- manent, abiding. * 21. liA'PIS, lap'idis, a stone. Radical : lapid-. 1 . lap'idary : lapid + ary = one who works in stone : hence, one ■\\ho cuts, polishes, and engraves precious stones. 2. dilap'idated : di + lapid + ate + ed = put into the condition of a building in which the stones are falling ajiart : hence, fallen into ruin, decayed. 3. dilapida'tion : di + lapid + ate + ion = the state (of a building) in which the stones are falling apart : hence, demolition, decay. EXERCISE. Use the word "lapidary" in a sentence. Model : "When Queen Vic- toria wanted the Koh-i-noor to be recut, she sent it to a famous lapidary in Holland." (2.) Write a sentence containing the word "dilapidated." Model: "At Newport, Kbode Island, there stands a dilapidated mill, THE LATIN ELEMENT. 43 which some ^\Titers have foolishly hclievecl lobe a tower huilt hy Norsemen in the twelfth century." — If we should speak of a " cU- lapidalcd fortune," would the word be used in its literal meaning or in a figurative sense ? (3.) Give two synonyms of " dilapidation." Ans. Ruin, decay. 22. LEX, le'gis, a law or rule. Radical : leg-. 1. le'gal : leg + al = relating to the law ; lawful. 2. ille'gal : il (for in, not) + leg -|- al = not legal : hence, unlawful. 3. leg'islate : from leyis + latum (from Lat. v.fer're, latum, to bring), to bring forward : hence, to make or pass laws. 4. legitimate: through hat. adj. legitim)is, lawful; legitim (us)4- ate = made lawful : hence, in accordance with established law. 5. priv'ilege : Lat. adj. privus, private ; literally, a law passed for the benefit of a private individual : hence, a franchise, pre- rogative, or right. . EXERCISE. (1.) Point out the different senses of " legal " in the two expressions, "the Icrjal profession" and "a legal right." — Combine and de- fine legal -l-ize. (2.) Givcan Anglo-Saxon synonym of "illegal." Ans. Unlawful. — Show that they are synonyms. Ans. il(iH) = un; leg — \a.\K; andal = ful. — Compose a sentence containing the word " illegal." — Com- bine and define illegal -)- ity. (3.) What noun derived from "legislate " means the law-making power ? — Combine and define legislate -I- ion ; legislate -f- ive. (4.) Give the negative of "legitimate." (5.) What is the plural of "privilege" ?— Define the meaning of this word in the pa.ssage, — " He claims his privilege, and says 'tis fit Nothing should be the judge of wit, but wit." 23. L,IT'ERA, a letter. Radical : liter-. 1. lit'eral : liter + al = relating to the letter of a thing ; that is, ex- act to the letter. 44 WORD-ANALYSIS. 2. lit'erary : liter + ary = pertaining to letters or learning. 3. obliterate : ob + liter + ate = to cause letters to be ruljbecl out : hence, to rub out, in general. 4. literature: tlirough Lat. n. Uteratura — the collective body of literary works. 5. illiterate: il (for in, not) + liter + ate = of the nature of one who does not know his letters. EXERCISE. (1.) Define what is meant by a " literal translation." (2.) Give a synonymous expression for a " literary man." — Compose a sentence containing the terms "literary society." (3.) Give a synonym of "obliterate" in its literal meaning. Aiis. To erase. — If we should s]-)eak of obliterating the memory of a wrong, would the word be used in its primary or its derivative sense ? (4.) When we speak of English " literature " what is meant ? — Can you mention a great poem in Greek "literature " ? — Compose a sentence containing the word "literature." (5.) Give a synonym of "illiterate." ylns. Unlearned. — What is the opposite of " illiterate" ? Ans. Learned. 24. MORS, mor'tis, death. Radical : mort-. 1. mor'tal : mort + a = relating to death. 2. mor'tify : mort + ify = literally, to cause to die : hence, (1) to destroy vital functions ; (2) to humble. 3. immor'talize : ini (for in, not) + mort + al + ize = to make not subject to death : hence, to perpetuate. EXERCISE. (1.) What does Shakespeare mean by tlie expression to "shuffle off this 7nOT-/«i? coil" ^ — Combine and define mortal + ity. — What is the opposite of " mortal " ? — Give a synonym. Jns. Deathless. (2.) State the two meanings of " mortify." — What noun is derived from this verb ? ylns. Mnrtificatimi. — When a surgeon speaks of " mor- tification" setting in, what does he niean ? — What is meant by "mortification" when we say that the British felt great mortifica- tion at tlie recapture of Stony Point by General Anthony Wayne ? THE LATLV KLEMKNT. 45 (3.) Compose a sentence containing the word " innnoi'talizc." JIodel : " Milton immorLalizcd his name by the production of Paradise Lost." 25. NOR'MA, a rule. Radical : uorm-. 1. nor'mal : norm + al = according to rule. 2. enor'mous : e + norm + oiis =: having the quality of being out of all rule : hence, excessive, huge. 3. enor'mity : e + norm + ity = the state of being out of all rule : hence, an excessive degree — generally used in regard to bad qualities. 4. abnor'mal : ab+ norm + al— having the quality of being aifo?/ from the usual rule : hence, unnatural. EXERCISE. (1.) What is meant by the expression, "ihenormal condition of things" ? — AVhat is the meaning of the term a "normal school" ? Ans. It means a school whose methods of instruction are to serve as a model for imitation ; a school for the education of teachers. (2.) Give a synonym of " enormous." jins. Immense. — Give another. — "What is meant by "enormous strength " ? an " cnoiinous crime ? " — Combine and define enormous + ly. (3.) Illustrate the meaning of the word " enonnity " by a sentence. 26. OR'DO, or'dinis, order. Radiral : ordiii-. 1. or'dinary : ordin + ary = relating to the usual order of things. 2. extraordinary: extra + ordin + ary=; beyond ordinary. 3. inor'dinate : in + ordin + ate = having the quality of not being ■within the usual order of things : hence, excessive. 4. suborMinate: sub + ordin + ate = having the ([uality of being under the usual order : hence, inferior, secondary. 5. or'dinance : ordin + ance = that which is according to order : hence, a law. 46 WORD-ANALYSIS. 6. insuborclina'tion : in + sub + ordiu + ate + ion = the state of not being under the usual order of things : hence, disobedience to Lawful authority. EXERCISE. • (1.) "What is meant b}^ " ordumry hmguage " ? an " ordinary man " ? (2.) Combine and define extraordinary + ly. — Compose a sentence using the word " extraordinary." • — Give a synonym of " extraordinary." Ans. Unusual. (3.) Explain wliat is meant by saying that General Cliarles Lee had " i)Lordinate vanity." — Is "inordinate" used with reference to praiseworthy things ? (4.) AVliat.part of speech other than an adjective is "subordinate" ? — ■ AVhat is meant by " a subordinate " ? — AVhat does ' ' subordinate " mean in the sentence, "We must subordinate our wishes to the rules of jnorality " ? — Combine and define subordinate + ion. (5.) What does the expression "the ordinances of the Common Council of the City of New York " mean ? (6.) Compose a sentence containing the word "insubordination." — Give the opposite of " insubordination " ? Ans. Subordination, obedi- ence. 27. PARS, i>ar'tis, n i^nrt or share. Ilacli(-al : part-. 1. part: from partw = a share. 2. parotide : part + (i)cle =: a small part. 3. par'cial : part + (i)al = relating to a part rather than the whole : hence, inclined to favur one party or person or thing. 4. pai'ty: through Fr. n.partie: a set of persons (that is, a part of the pe.opde) engaged in some design. 5. par'tisan : through Fr. n. imrlisan — ^ party man. 6. depart' : de + part — to take one's self away from one part to another. EXERCISE. (1.) AVhat ])art of speech is " part " besidi's a noun ] — Write a sentence containing this wortl as a noun ; another as a verb. THE LATIN KLE.MKNT. 47 (2.) Point out the connection of meaning between " particle " and " par- ticular." Ans. "Particular" means taking note of the minute parts ov jMvticles of a given subject. (3.) What is the negative of " partial" ? Ans. Impartial. — Define it. (1.) Explain what is meant by a " political ^;a?-/!/." (6 ) Combine and define depart +ure. 28. PES, pe'dis, a foot. Radical : ped-. 1. ped'al : ped + al = an instrument made to be moved by the foot. 2. bi'ped : bi + ped = .a two-footed animal. 3. quacl'ruped : quadru + ped — a four-footed animal. (Quadru, from quatuor, four.) 4. ped'dler : literally, a trader who travels on foot. 5. expedite': ex-F ped-i- ite (ite, equivalent to a^e) = literally, to free the feet from entanglement : hence, to hasten. 6. expedi'tion : ex + ped -f- ite -i- ion = the act of expediting : hence, (1) the quality of l)eing expeditious, promptness ; (2) a send- ing forth for the execution of some object of impoi'tance. 7. imped'iment : through Lat. n. impedimentuvi ; literally, some- thing which impedes or entangles the feet : heuce, au obstacle, an obstruction. EXERCISE. (2.) Make up a sentence containing the word " biped." (3.) JIake up a sentence containing the word " quadruped." (4.) What is the English verb from which " peddler " comes ? — In what other way is " peddler" sometimes spelled ? Ans. It is sometimes .spelled with but one d — thus, pedler. (5.) "To expedite the growth of plants' : what does that mean? — Give the opposite of "expedite." Ans. To retard. (6.) Point out tlic double sense of the word " expedition " in the follow- ing sentences : "With winged cx}}cdilion, swift as lightning." — Milton. "The expedition of Cortez miserably failed." — Prescott. (7.) Compose a sentence containing the word "impediment." — What is meant by "impediment of^speech"? — Is the word here used in its literal or its figurative sense ? 48 WORD-ANALYSIS. 29. KUM'PEBE : rum'po, rup'tum, to break. RadiCLil : rupt-. 1. rup'ture: rupt + ure= the act of breaking with another ; that is, a breach of friendly relations. 2. erup'tion : e + rupt + ion = the act of breaking or bursting out. 3. abrupt' : ab + rupt =: broken off short : hence, having a sudden termination. 4. corrupt' : cor (for con) + rupt = thoroughly broken up : hence, decomposed, depraved. 5. interrupt' : inter + rupt = to break in between : hence, to hinder. 6. bank'rupt : literally, one who is bank-broken, who cannot pay his debts, an insolvent debtor. EXERCISE. (1.) "What other part of speech than a noun is " rupture " ? Ans. A verb. — Compose one sentence using the word as a verb, the other as a noun. — What does the " mixture of a blood vessel " mean 1 Is this the literal sense of the word ? — Tlie " rupture of friendly relations " between IMaine and Massachusetts : is this its literal or its figurative sense ? (2.) Compose a sentence containing the word "eruption." (3.) Combine and define abrupt -hness ; abrupt + ly. — When we speak of an "abrupt manner," what is meant? — W'hen we speak of an "abrupt descent," what is meant ? (4.) Explain what is meant by " corrupt principles " ; a " corrupt _i\idge." — Combine and define corrupt + ion ; corrupt + ible ; in + corrupt + ible. — What other part of speech than an adjective is "cor- rupt"? — What part of speech is it in the sentence "evil com- munications corrupt good manners " ? 30. TEM'PUS, tem'poris, time. Radical : tempor-. 1. tem'poral : tempor -}- al = relating to time : hence, not everlast- ing. 2. tem'porary : tempor + ary = lasting only for a brief time. 3. contem'porary : con -f tempor + ary = one who lives in the same time with another. WORD-AXALYSIS. 49 4. tem'perance : through Fr. ii. temperance ; literal meaning, the state of being well timed as to one's habits : hence, moderation. 5. extempora'neous : ex + teniporane(us) +ous= produced at the time. 6. tem'porize : tempor + ize = to do as the times do: hence, to yield to the cui'rent of opinion. EXERCISE. (1.) Give the opposite of " temporal. " Ans. Eternal. Illustrate the.se two words by a sentence from the Bible. Ans. " The things which are seen are tevijioral ; but the things which are not seen are eter- nal." (2.) Give the opposite of "temporar)'." Ans. Permanent. — What is meant by the " iemjxjrarij government of a city " ? — Give a syn- onym of "temporary." Ans. Transitory. — Would you say that man is a " temjjorary being " or a " transitory being " ? (3.) Compose a sentence illustrating the use of the word " contemporary. — Wliat adjective corresponds to this adjective ? (4.) State the distinction between "temperance" and "abstinence." — Write a sentence showing the use of the two words. (5.) What is meant by an " extemi^oraneous speech ? " (6.) What is one who lemijorizes sometimes called ? Ans- A ^i?nc-server. 50 ^VORD-A^"ALYSIS. Division II. -ABBREVIATED LATIN DERIVATIVES. Note. — In Division II, the English dpiivatives from Latin roots are given in ab- breviati:*! foi'in, anil arc arranged In iiarayraphs under the particular radicals, from wliich the several groups of derivatives are formed. The radicals are jiriuted at the left in bold-face type — thus, acr-, acerb-, etc. Derivatives not obviously connected with the Latin roots are given in tlie last paragraph of each section. Pupils are re- qiiired to unite the prefixes and suthxes with the radicals, thus forming the English derivatives, which may be given cither orally or in writing. Only difficult definitions are appended : in the case of words not defined, pn]>ils may be required to form the delinition by reference to the signification of the radicals and the formative elements : thus, acr -f- id = acrid, being bitter ; acr + id -|- ity = state of being bitter, bitterness. 1. A'CER, a'cris, sharp; Acer'bus, bitter; Ac'idus, sour ; Ace'tum, vinegar. acr: -id, -idity ; ac'rimony (Lat. n. acrimo'nia, sharpness of tem- per) ; acrimo'nious. acerb: -ity; exac'erhaie, to 7-ender bitter ; exacerba'tion. acid: ac'itl ; -ify, -ity ; acid'nlate (Lat. adj. acicritZus, slightly sour) ; acid'ulous ; subac'id, slujhtly acid. acet : -ate, a certain salt; -ic, pertaininrj to a certain acid ; -ify, -ification, -ose, -ous. 2. AE'DES, a house. ed : ed'if}' ; edifica'tion ; ed'ifice (Lat. ii. edifi'cium, a large build- in.n) ; e'dile (Lat. ii. aedi'lis, a Roman magistrate who hud charge of buildiiin's). 3. -aU'QUUS, equal ; ^qua'lis, equal, just. equ : -able, -atioii, -ator, -atorial, -ity, -itable ; ad'equate (Lat. v. adequa're, adcqua'linn, to make e([ual) ; inad'equacy ; inad'e- qnate ; iiii(i'uity (Lat. n. init/uitas, want of equal or just d(?al- iiig) ; iiii(['uitous. equal : e'cjual (u., v., adj.), -ity, -ize ; co-e'qual ; une'qual. 4. ^'VUM, an age; ^ter'nitas, eternal. ev : co-e'vid ; longev'ily (Lat. adj. lon'cjus, long) ; prime'val (Lat. adj. pri'mus, first). ctern : -al, -ity, -ize ; co-etcr'iial. THE LATIN ELEMENT. 51 5. A'GER, a'gri, a field, land. agri : agra'iian (Lat. adj. ayra'riiis, relating to land) ; agra'rian- ism ; ag'ricultijre (Lat. n. cultu'ru, cultivation), agric.ult'iiral, agricull'urist. Per'egriuate (Lat. v. jjeregriim' ri, to travel in foreign lands) ; peregrina'tion ; pil'griui (Fr. n. i^e'lerin, a wanderer) ; pil'grini- age. AGEE.E, to do. (See p. 23 ) 6. AL'ERE: a'lo, al'itum or al'tum, to nourish; ALES'CERE: ales'co, to grow up. al : al'inient (Lat. n. alimen'tum, nourishment) ; alinien'tary ; al'i- mony (Lat. n. alimo'nia, allowance made to a divorced wife for her support). alit : couli'tion (-ist). alesc : coalesce' (-ence, -ent). ALIENUS. (See p. 25.) 7. AL'TER, another ; Alter'nus, one after another. alter : al'ter, -ation, -ative (a medicine producing a change) ; unal'- tered ; alterca'tion (Lat. n. alterca'tio, a contention). altern : -ate, -ation, -ative ; subal'tern, a subordinate officer. AM ARE ; Amicus. (See p. 25.) ANIMUS; Anima. (Seep. 26.) ANNUS. (See p. 27.) 8. ANTI'QUUS, old, ancient. antiqu: -ary, -arian, -ated, -ity ; antique' (Fr. adj. antique'), old, ancient. 9. AP'TUS, fit, suitable. apt : apt, -itude, -ly, -ness ; adapt' (-able, -ation, -or). 10. A'QUA, water. aque: -duct (dii'cere, to lead) ; a'queous ; suba'queous ; terra'que- ous (Lat. n. terra, land) ; aquat'ic (Lat. adj. aquaficus, relating to water) ; aqua'rium (Lat. n. aqua'rium, a reservoir of water), n tanl' fnr vra^.er-'pl-ri-n.tx and a.nimaJi. 52 WORD-AX ALYSIS. 11. AR'BITER, ar'bitri, a judge or umpire. arbiter : ar' biter, a judge or umpire. arbitr : -ary, -ate, -ation, -ator ; arbit'rament (Lat. n. arbitramen'- tum, decision). 12. AR'BOR, ar'boris, a tree. arbor : ar'bor, a lattice-work covered loith vines, etc., a hower ; -et, a little tree ; -ist, -escent, -(e)oiivS ; arbore'tura, a place where speci- mens of trees are cultivated ; arboricult'ure (-ist). 13. AR'MA, arms, weapons. arm: arm (n. and v.) ; arms, loeapons; -or, defensive wecq^ns ; ar'- morer ; ar'mory ; armo'rial, belonging to the escutcheon or coat of arms of afamihj ; ar'mistice (sis'tere, to cause to stand still) ; disarm' ; unarmed'. Arma'da (Span, n.), a naval icarlike force ; ar'my (Fr. n arme'e) ; ar'mament (Lat. n. armamen' ta, utensils) ; armudil'lo (Span, n.), an animal armed ivith a bony shell. ARS. (See piige 2S.) 14. ARTIC'ULUS, a little joint. articul : -ate (v., to utter in distinctly jointed syllables), -ate (adj. formed with joints), -ation ; inartic'ulate ; ar'ticle (Fr. n. article). 15. AS'PER, rough. asper : -ate, -ity : exas'i)erate ; e.xas'peration. AUDIRE. (See page -29.) 16. AUGE'RE: au'geo, auc'tum, to increase. aug: augment' (v.) ; augmenta'tion. auct : -ion, a sale in vjhich the price is increased by bidders ; -ioneer. Author (Lat. n. auc'tor, one who increases knowledge) ; au- thor'ity ; au'tliorize ; auxil'iary (Lat. n. anxil'iurii, help). 17. A'VIS, a bird; Au'gur, Aus'pex, aus'picis, a soothsayer. iiugur : au'gur (n.), on-c inho foretells fviura events by observing tJi^ THE LATIX ELEMENT. 53 firjht of birds, (v.) to foretell ; au'guiy, an omen ; inau'gurate, to invest with an office by solemn rites ; inaugura'tion ; inau'gural. auspici : -ous, favorable ; inauspi'cious ; axis'pices. 18. BAR'BARUS, savage, uncivilized. barbar: -ian (ii. and ailj.), -ic, -i.sm, -ity, -ize, -ous. 19. BIS, twice or two. bi : bi'eiuiial (Lat. n. an'nns, a 3'c'ar) ; big'amy (Greek n. gamos, mar- riage) ; bil'lion (Lat. n. mil'lio, a million ; literally, twice a mil- lion) ; bipai-'tite (Lat. n. pars, ixir'tis, a part) ; bi'ped (Lat. n. pes, pe'dis, foot) ; bis'cuit (Fr. v. cuit, cooked) ; bisect' (Lat. v. sec' turn, cut) ; bi'valve (Lat. n. val'vce, folding-doors) ; bi'nary (Lat. adj. bi'ni, two by two) ; binoc'ular (Lat. n. oc'ulus, the eye) ; combine' ; combina'tion. 20. BO'NUS, good; Be'ne, well. bonus : bonus (something to the good of a person in addition to compensation), bounty (Fr. n. bont^, kindness) ; boun'teous ; boun'tiful. bene : ben'efice (Lat. v. fac'ere, fac'tum, to do), literally, a benefit, an ecclesiastical living ; beneficence ; beneficent ; benefi'cial ; ben'efit ; benefac'tion ; benefac'tor ; benedic'tion (Lat. v. dic'- ere, dic'tum, to say) ; benev'olence (Lat. v. vel'le, to will). EXERCISE. In this and the folloicing exercises, tell the roots of the tcords printed i«. italic : The equator divides the globe into two equal parts. Good agriculturists read agricidtural papers. In the pri- maeval ages the longevity of man was very great. The pilgrims have gone on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The subaltern had no alter- native but to obey. To remove the stain a powerful acid must be used. The cdimony which had hitherto been allowed was no longer considered adequate. The discourse, though learned, was not edify- ing. God is an eternal and unchangeable being. The handsome 54 WOKD-ANALYSrS. edifice was burned to the ground. The plants and animals in the aquarium were brought from abroad. Though the style is anti- quated, it is not inelegant. The arbitrary proceedings of the British Pai'liament exasperated the Americans. God is the bountiful Giver of all good. The President made a short inaugural address. By combined effort success is sure. One of Scott's novels is called The Antiquary. It is barbarous needlessly to destroy life. George Pea- body was noted for his benevolence. The Komans were famous for their great aqueducts. 21. CAD'EKE : ca'do, ca'sum, to faU. cad: -ence, a falling of the voice ; cascade' (Fr. n.) ; deca'dence. cide : ac'cident; coincide' (con + in) ; coin'cidence ; decid'uous ; in'- cident ; oc'cident, the place of the falling or setting sun, the west. case : case, the state in which a thing happens or falls to be ; casual (Lat. n. casus, a fall) ; cas'ualty ; cas'uist, one icho studies cases of conscience ; cas'uistry ; occa'sion. Chance (Fr. v. choir, to fall), something that befalls without ap- parent cause ; decay (Fr. v. de'choir, to fall away). 22. C^D'ERE : cse'do, cse'sum, to cut, to kill cide : decide', to cut off discussion, to determine ; frat'ricide, the hill- ing of a brother (Lat. n. fra'ter, a brother) ; hom'icide (Iw'mo^ a man) ; infan'ticide {in'fans, an infant) ; mat'ricide (ma'ter, a mother) ; par'ricide {p)a'ter, a father) ; reg'icide {rex, re'gis, a king) ; su'icide (Lat. pro. sui, one's self). cise: con-, e.\-, pre-; concise'ness ; decis'ion ; deci'sive ; excLs'ion ; incis'ion ; inci'sor ; precis'ion. 23. CAL'CULUS, a pebble. calcul : -able (literally, that may be counted by the help of peljbles anciently used in reckoning), -ate, -ation, -ator ; incal'culable ; miscal'culate. THE LATIN ELEMENT. 55 24. CANDE'RE : can'deo, can'ditum, to be white, to shine (literally, to burn, to glow) ; Can'didus, white. oand : -id, fair, sincere ; -or, openness, sincerity ; incandes'cent. can'did : -ate (in Rome aspirants for office wore ichite robes). Cen'ser, a vessel inwhich incense is burned ; in'cense (n.), per- fume given off by fire ; incense' (v.), to inflame with anger ; incen'diary (Lat. n. incen'dium, a fire) ; can'dle (Lat. cande'la, a 'White light made of wax) ; chand'ler (literally a maker cr seller of candles) ; chandelier' ; candel'abra. 25. CAN 'EKE : ca'no, can'tum, to sing; Fr. chanter, to sing. cant : cant, hypocritical sing-song speech; canta'ta, a poem set to music; can'ticle ; can'iicles, the Song of Solomon ; can'to, division of a poem; discant' ; incanta'tion, enchantment; recant', literally, to sing hack, to retract. chant : chant ; chant' er ; chan'ticleer ; chant'ry ; enchant'. Ac'cent (Lat. ad. and cantus, a song), literally, a modulation of the voice ; accentua'tion ; precen'tor (Lat. \. prcecan'ere, to sing before). 26. CAP'ERE : ca'pio, cap'tum, to take. cap : -alile, -ability ; inca'pable. cip : antic'ipate ; eman'cipate (Lat. n. ma'nus, hand), literally, to take away from the hand of an owner, to free; incip'ient ; mu- nic'ipal (Lat. n. municip'ium, a free town ; mu'nia, official du- ties, and cap'ere, to take) ; partic'ipate (Lat. n. pars, par'tis, a part) ; pai-'ticiple ; prince (Lat. n. prin'ceps, — Lat. adj. pri'mus, first : hence, taking the _^rs( place or lead) ; prin'cipal ; prin'ci- ple ; recip'ient ; rec'ipe (imperative of recip'cre ; literally, " take thou," being the first word of a medical prescription). ceive (Fr. root = cap- or cip-) : conceive'; deceive'; perceive'; re- ceive'. capt : -ive, -ivate, -ivity, -or, -ure. cept : accept' (-able, -ance, -ation) ; concep'tion ; decep'tion ; decep'- tive ; except' (-ion, -ionable) ; incep'tion ; incep'tive ; inter- 56 WORD-ANALYSIS. cept' ; pre'cept ; precep'tor ; recep'tacle ; recep'tion ; suscep'- tible. ceit (Fr. root = capt- or cept-) : conceit' ; deceit' ; receipt'. Capa'cious (Lat. adj. ca'jMX, capa'cis, able "to hold: hence large) ; capac'itate ; cupac'ity ; incapac'itate. CAPUT. (See page 30.) 27. CA'KO, carnis, flesh. earn : -age, slaughter ; -al, -ation, the flesh-colored fioicer ; incar'nate ; incarna'tion. Carne'lian (Lat. adj. car'neus, fleshy), o- flesh-colored stone ; car'nival (Lat. v. vale, farewell), a festival lireceding Lent ; car- niv'orous (Lat. v. vora're, to eat) ; char'nel (Fr. adj. charnel, con- taining flesh). 28. CAU'SA, a cause. caus : -al, -ation, -ative ; cause (Fr. n. cause), n. and v. Accuse' (Fr. v. accuser, to bring a charge against), -ative, -ation, -er ; excuse' (Fr. v. excuscr, to absolve) ; excus'able ; rec'usant (Lat. v. recusa're, to refuse). 29. CAVE'RE: ca'veo, cautum, to beware. caut : -ion, -ious ; incau'tious ; precan'tion. Ca'veat (3d per. sing, present subjunctive = let him beware), an intimation to stop proceedings. SO. CA'VUS, hollow. cav : -ity ; concav'ity ; ex'cavate. Cave (Fr. n. cave?), literally, a hollow, empty space; con'cave (Lat. adj. conca'vus, arched ) ; cav'il (Lat. n. cavil'la, a jest). 81. CED'ERE : ce'do, ces'sum, to go, to yield. cede : cede ; accede' ; antece'dent ; concede' ; precede' ; recede' ; secede' ; nnprec'edented. ceed : ex-, pro-, sul)- (sue-). THE LATIN ELEMENT. 57 cess : -ation, -ion ; ab'scess, a collection of matter gone aimy, or collected in a cavity ; ac'cess ; acces'sible ; acces':>ion ; acces'- sory ; conces'sioii ; excess' ; exces'sive ; interces'sion ; inter- ces'sor ; preces'sion ; proc'es;s ; proces'sion ; recess' ; seces'sion ; success' (-fill, -ion, -ive). 32. CENSE'RE : cen'seo, cen'sum, to weigh, to estimate, to tax. cens : -or, -ure ; censo'rious ; ceii'surable ; recen'sion. Ceii'sus (Lat. n. census, au estimate). 33. CEN'TRUM, the middle point. centr : -al, -ical ; centrifugal (Lat. v. fu'gere, to flee) ; centrip'etal (Lat. V. pet'ere, to seek) ; concer/trate ; concentra'tion ; concen'- tric ; eccen'tric ; eccentric'ity. Cen'ter or cen'tre (Fr. n. centre), n. and v. ; cen'tered. U. CEN'TUM, a hundred. cent: cent; cent'age ; cen'tenary (Lat. adj. centena rius) ; centena'- rian ; centen'nial (Lat. n. an'nus, a year) ; cen'tigrade (Lat. n, gra'dus, a degree) ; cen'tipede (Lat. n. pes, pe'dis, the foot) ; cen'tuple (Lat. adj. centu'plex, hundredfold) ; centu'rion (Lat. n. centu'rio, a captain of a lumdred) ; cent'ury (Lat. n. centu'ria, a hundred years) ; percent'age. 85. CER'NERE : cer'no, cre'tum, to sift, to see, to judge; Discri- men, discrim'inis, distinction. cern: con-, de-, dis- ; unconcern'; discern'er, discern'ible, dis- cern'ment. cret : decre'tal, a book of decrees ; discre'tion ; discre'tionary ; excre'- tion ; se'cret ; sec'retary. discrimin : -ate, -ation ; indiscrim'inate. Decree' (Fr. n. decret) ; discreet' (Fr. adj. discret) ; discrete' (literal!)'', sifted apart), separate. 36. CERTA'RE : cer'to, certa'tum, to contend, to vie. cert: con'cert (n.) ; concert' (v.); disconcert' ; preconcert'. 58 WORD-ANALYSIS. 37. CIN'GERE : cin'go, cinc'tum, to gird. cinct : cinct'ure ; pre'cinct ; succinct', literally, girded or tucked up, compressed, concise ; succiiict'ness. 38. CIR'CUS, a circle ; cir'culus, a little circle. circ : cir'cus, an open space for sports ; cir'clet. circul : -ar, -ate, -ation, -atoiy. Cir'cle (Fr. n. cercle) ; encir'cle ; sem'icircle. 39. CITA'RE : ci'to, cita'tum, to stir up. to rouse. cite : cite, to summon or quote ; excite' (-able, -aliility, -ment) ; incite' (-ment) ; recite' (-al) ; resus'citate (Lat. v. suscita'rc, to raise). citat : cita'tion ; recita'tion ; recitative', a species of musical reci- tation. CIVIS. (See p. 31.) 40. CLAMA'RE : ela'mo, clama'tum, to cry out, to shout; Clam'or, a loud cry. claim : claim (v. and n., to clemantl ; a demand), ac-, de-, dis-, ex-, pro-, re- ; claim'ant ; reclaim'able. clamat: acclama'tion ; declama'tion ; declam'atory ; exclama'tion ; exclam'atory ; proclama'tion ; reclama'tion, clamor : clam'or (v. and n.), -er, -ous. EXERCISE. The decay of the tree was caused by the incisions which had acci- dentcdlij been made in the bark. The captives will Ije set at liberty, but the precise time of their emancipation has not been fixed. The harbor is capacious, and can receive vessels of the largest size. The merits of the candidates were discriminated with great candor. We were enchanted with the carnival at Rome. This recitation is satis- factory. Have you ever seen a centigrade thermometer ? Nothing is so successfid as success. The number of concentric circles in the trunk marked the age of the tree. No censer round our altar beams. The heat being excessive, we took shelter in the recesses of a cave. Precision is the ]irincipal quality of good writing. Franklin's father THE LATIN ELEMENT. 59 was a tallow chandler. Last century there was great carnage in. America. Infanticide is much j)racticed in China. The proclama- tion was widely circulated. The president was inaugurated on the 4th of March. The census is taicen every ten years. Conceit is worse than eccentricity. Ilave yoii tiled your caveat ? 41. CLAU'DEBE : clau'do, clau'sum, to shut, to close. duel: conclude'; exclude' ; include' ; preclude'; seclude'. clus : conclu'sion ; conclu'sive ; exclu'siou ; exclu'sive ; recluse' ; sechi'sion. close: close (v., n., adj.); clos'et ; close'ness ; inclose' (-ure) ; en- close' (-ure). Clause (Fr. n. clause) ; clois'ter (old Fr. u. cloislre). 42. CLINA'KE: cli'no, clina'tum, to bend; Cli'vus, a slope or hill. cliiiat : iuclina'liun. cliue : de-, in-, re-. cliv : accliv'ity ; decliv'ity ; procliv'itj\ 43. COL'ERE: co'lo, cul'tum, to till, to cultivate (Low Lat. Culti- va're, to cultivate). cult: cult'ure (Lat. n. cultu'ra, a cultivation); ag'riculture (Lat. n. a'ger, a field) ; arboricult'ure (Lat. n. ar'bor, a tree) ; flor'i- culture (Lat. n. Jlos, flo'ris, a flower) ; hor'ticulture (Lat. n. hor'tus, a garden) ; ausculta'tion (Lat. n. ausculta' tio, a listen- ing ; hence, a test of the lungs). cultiv : -ate, -ation, -ator. Col'ony (Lat. n. colo'nia, a settlement) ; colo'nial ; col'onist ; col'onize. COR. (See page 32.) CORPUS. (See page 33.). CREDERE. (See page 35.) 44. CREA'RE : cre'o, crea'tum, to create. creat : -ion, -ive, -or, -ure ; create' (pro-, re-). 60 "WOKD-ANALYSIS. 45. CRES'CERE : cres'co, cre'tum, to grow. cresc : cres'cent ; excres'cence ; decrease' ; increase'. cret : accre'tioii ; con'crete ; concre'tiou. Accrue' (Fr. n. accrue, increase) ; in'crement (Lat. n. in- cremen'tum, increase) ; recruit' (Fr. v. recruitre, recru, to grow again). 46. CRUX, cru'cis, a cross. cruc : cru'cial (Fr. adj. cruciale, as it' bringing to the cross : hence, severe) ; crit'cible (a chemist's melting-pot — Lat. n. cru- cib'ulum — marked in old times with a cross) ; crii'ciform (Lat. n.for'mu, a shape); cru'cil'y (Lat. y . fig' ere, fi.c' uvi, to fix); crucifix'ion ; excnt'ciating. Cross (Fr. n. croix); cro'sier (Fr. n. crosier); cruise (Dan. V. kruisen, to move crosswise or in a zigzag) ; crnsade' (Fr. n. croisade, in the Middle Ages, an expedition to the Holy Land made under the banner of the cross) ; crusad'er. 47. CUBA'RE : cu'bo (in compos, cumbo), cub'itum, to lie down. cub : in'cubate ; incuba'tion ; in'cubator. cumb : incum'bency ; incum'bent ; procuni'bent ; recum'bency ; recum'bent ; succumb' (sub-) ; superincum'bent. Cu'bit (Lat. n. cvh'itus, the elbow, because it serves for leaning upon) ; in'cubus (Lat. n. in'cubus), the nightmare. 48. CU'RA, care. cur : -able, -ate, -ative, -ator ; ac'curate ; ac'curacy ; inac'curate ; proc'urator. Cu'rious ; prox'y (contracted from proc'uracy). authority to act for another ; secure' (Lat. adj. secu'rus, from se for si'ne, with- out, and «('?■«, care) ; secu'rity ; insecure'; si'necure (Lat. prep. si'ne, without — an office without duties). CURRERE. (See iwgi! 3G. ) 49. DA'RE : do, da'tum, to give. (lat: date (originally tlie time at which a i)ul)lic document was THE LATIN ELEMENT. Gl given — da' turn); da'ta (Lat. plural of f^a'^itm), facts or truths (jiven or (ulmitted ; cla'tive. clit : adcli'tion ; condi'tion ; ed'it (-ion, -or) ; perdi'tion ; tradi'- tion ; extradi'tion. Add (Lat. V. ad'dere, to give or put to) ; adden'duni (jil. adden'da), somethiiuj to he added. 50. DEBE'RE: de'beo, deb'itum, to owe. debt: debt ; debl'or ; iudebt'ed ; deb'it (n. and v.). 51. DE'CEM, ten; Dec'imus, the tenth. decern : Decem'ber (I'oi-nierly the tenth inontli) ; deceni'virate (Lat. n. vir, a man), a body of ten mufjistrates ; decen'nial (Lat. n. an'nus, a year). deciui : dec'imal ; dec'imate ; duodec'imo (Lat. adj. duodec'imus, twelfth), a book having twelve leaves to a sheet. 52. DENS, den 'tis, a tooth. dent : dent, to notch ; den'tal ; den'tifrice (Lat. v. frica're, to lub); den'tist ; dentition (Lat. n. denti'tio, a cutting of the teeth ; eden'tate (Lat. adj. edenta'tus, toothless) ; indent' ; in- dent'ure ; tri'dent (Lat. adj. tres, three), Neptune's three-promjed. scepter; dan'delion (Fr. dent-de-lion, the lion's tooth), a jilant. 53. DE'US, a God; Divi'nus, relating to God, divine. de: de'ifv ; de'isni ; de'ist ; deist'ical ; de'itj^ diviu : divine' ; divina'tion (Lat. n. divina'tio, a foretelling the aid of the gods) ; diviu'ity. 54. DIC'ERE: di'co, dic'tum, to say. diet : dic'tate ; dicta'tor ; dictato'rial ; dic'tion ; dic'tiouary (Lat. n. dictiona' rium, a word-book) ; dic'tum (pi. dic'ta), positive opinion ; addict' (Lat. a-, addic'ere, to devote) ; benedic'tiou (Lat. adv. be'ne, well) ; contradict' ; e'dict ; indict' (Lat. v. indic'ere, to proclaim), to charge v:ith a crime ; indict'ment ; in'terdict ; jurid'ic (Lat. n. jus, ju'ris, justice), relating to the distribution of justice ; maledic'tion (Lat. adv. ma'le,i\\) ; predict' ; predic'- 62 WOllD-ANALYSIS. tion ; valedic'tory (Lat. v. va'le, farewell) ; ver'dict (Lat. adj. ve'rus, true). Dit'to, 11. (Ital. n. det'to, a word), the aforesaid thiny ; in- dite' (Lat. V. indic'ere, to dictate), to compose. 55. DI'ES, a day; French jour, a day. dies: di'al ; di'ary ; di'et ; diur'nal (Lat. adj. diw'nus, As.\\y) ; merid'ian (Lat. n. mcrid'ics = me'dius di'es, midday) ; iiierid'- ional ; qnotid'ian (Lat. adj. quotidia'nus, daily). jour : jour'iial ; jour'nali.st ; juur'iiey ; adjourn' ; adjourn'ment ; so'journ ; so'jouruer. DIGNUS. (See page 37.) 66. DIVID'ERE : div'ido, divi'sum, to divide, to separate. divid : divide' ; div'idend ; subdivide' ; individ'ual, literally, one not to be divided, a single 'person. divis : -ible, -ibility, -ion, -or. Device' (Fr. n. devis, something imagined or devised) ; de- vise' (Fr. V. deviser, to form a plan). DO CERE. (See page 38. ) 67. DOLE'RE : do'leo, doli'tum, to grieve. Dole'ful ; do'lor ; dol'orous ; condole' ; condo'lence ; in'do- lent (literally, not grieving or caring), lazy. DOMINUS. (See page 3a) 68. DU'CERE : du'co, duc'tum, to lead, to bring forward. dnc : adduce' ; conduce' ; condu'cive ; deduce' ; educe' ; ed'ucate ; educa'tion ; induce'; induce'ment; introduce'; produce'; re- duce'; redu'cible ; seduce' ; sujierinducc' ; traduce'; tradu'cer. duct: aI)duc'tioii ; duc'liL' (-ity) ; conduct' (-m) ; deduct' (-ion, -ive) ; induct' (-inn, -ive) ; iutroduc'limi ; iutroduc'lory ; prod'uct (-ion, -ive) ; reduc'tiou ; seduc'lion ; seduc'tive ; a<['- ueduct (Lat. n. a'qua, water) ; vi'aduct (Lat, n. vi'a, a road) ; con'duit (Fr. n. conduit), a channel for conveying water. THE LATIX KLEMENT. 63 59. DU'O, two. du : clu'al ; du'el (-ist) ; duet' ; du'plicate (Lat. v. iMca're, to fold) ; diipli'city (Lat. ii. c^HjjZio'itos, double dealing). Dubi'ety (Lat. n. duhi'etas, uncertainty) ; du'bious (Lat. adj. dit'bius, uncertain) ; indu'biUible (Lat. v. dahita're, to doubt) ; doub'le (Fr. adj. double, twofold) ; doubt (Fr. n. doubt), -ful, -less ; undoubt'ed. 60. DU'RUS, hard, lasting; DURA'RE : du'ro, dura'tum, to last. dur : -able, -ableuess, -ability, -ance, state of being held hard and fast; dnresse, hardship, constraint ; endure' (-ance) ; ob'duracy. durat : dura'tion ; in'durate, us ; proiuis'i-uous. mijvt : mix ; mi.\t'ure ; admixt'ure ; intermix'. 128. MI'SEE, wretched. n'.iaer: nii'ser (-able"); mi^'ery ; coniiuis'eratj (-ion). 129. MITTERE: mit'to, mis'sum, to send or cast. luit : admit' (-ance) ; commit' (-ee, -ment) ; demit' ; emit' ; inter- niii' (-ent); manumit' (Lat. n. manus, the band), to release from slavery; omit'; permit'; pretermit'; remit' (-ance); !atrimo'nium), an estate inherited from one's ancestors; pa'tron (Lat. n. patro'nus, a protector), one vlio countenances or su2yj)orts ; pat'ronage ; pat'ronize ; pat'tern (Fr. n.pattern, something to be copied), a model; expa'triate, to banish ; expatria'tion. 157. PA'TI : pa'tior, pas'sus, to bear, to suffer. pati : pa'tient ; ])a'tieuce ; impa'tient ; cou^rdt'ihle, consistent icith ; compat'ibility ; ineompat'ible. 86 WORD-ANALYSIS. pass : pas'sion, strong agitation of the inind ; pas'sive ; impas'sive, insensible ; coiupas'sion, sympatJuj ; compas'sionate. 158. PEL'LERE: pel'lo, pul'sum, to drive. pel (com-, clis-, ex-, im-, pro-, re-). puis : jjulse, the heating of an artery as blood is driven through it ; pul'sate ; pulsa'tion ; coiiipursiou ; coiupul'sory ; e.xpul'sion ; propul'sion ; repulse' ; repul'sive. 159. PENDE'RE : pen'deo, pen'sum, to hang. pencl : penMant, a long, narrow flag ; peud'ing, not decided, during ; append' ; append'age ; depend' (-ant, -ent, -ence) ; independ'- ent ; independ'ence ; suspend'. pens: i>en'>iile, hanging ; suspense' (-ion). Pen'dulous (Lat. adj. pen'dulus, banging) ; pen'dulum (Lat. adj. pen'dulus) ; appen'dix (Lat. n. appen'dix, an addition). 160. PEN'DERE : pen'do, pen'sum, to weigh, to pay. pend : coni'pend (contraction of compendium); compen'dium (Lat. 11. compen'dium, that which is weighed, saved, shortened) ; com- pen'dious (Lat. adj. compendio'sus, brief, succinct) ; expend' ; expen'diture ; sti'pend (Lat. n. stipen'dium, literally, the pay of soldiers) ; stipen'diary. pens : pen'sive, thoughtful ; pen'sion, an allowance for past services (-eer) ; com'})ensute (-ion) ; dispense', to deal out (-ary) ; dis- pensa'tion ; indispen'sable ; expense' (-ive) ; rec'ompense. PES. (See page 47.) 161. PET 'ERE : pe'to, peti'tum, to attack, to seek. pet: ccntrip'etal (Lat. n. ce?i,'^/•»,?rt, center) ; compete'; com'petent, fit, suitable; com'i)etence, sufficiency ; inconi'pctent. petit : peti'tion, a request (-er) ; conipet'ifor ; compet'itive ; repe- ti'tion. Pet'ulant (Fr. adj. p>ctidant, fretful) ; ai)']ietite (Fr. n. appetit), a seeking for hunger; impet'uous (Lat. adj. impetuo'sus, vehe- ment) ; impetuos'ity ; im'petus (Lat. n. im'petus, a shock) ; re- peat' (Fr*. V. rep('ter= hilt, repel' ere). THE LA.TIX ELEMENT. 87 EXERCISE. Numerous objections Avere submitted against the innovations aljout to be introduced. The obnoxious articles have been removed. The nominee by his ludicrous speech neutralized all that his friends did for him. Fart of the apparatus jyrcpared for the occasion was dam- aged in transmission. The patronage of the nobility and gentry con- nected with the neighborhood was asked. Many parts of the edifice are highly ornate. Christ had compassion on the multitude, for they had been a long time without food. The petitioner's application for di, pension was not repeated. How can an acid be neutralized ? The renegade was brought to ignominy. The prince was travelling incog- nito. The young lady seems pensive rather than petulant. Here is a new edition of the TioreZ, with annotations by the author. The opera seems to be well patronized this winter. Webster had a com- pendious mode of stating great truths. What is meant by centripetal motion ? What is the difference between the numerator and the denominator ? 162. PLEC'TEEE : plec'to, plex'um, to twist ; PLICA'RE: pli'co, plica'tum, and plic'itum, to fold. plex : com'plex (literally, twisted together) ; complex'ion ; com- plex'ity ; perplex' (literally, to twist thoroughly — per : hence, to puzzle or embarrass) ; perplex'ity. pli(v: ap'plicable (-ity) ; ap'plicant ; ex'plicable. plicat : applica'tion ; com'plicate (-ion); du'plicate ; im'plicate (-ion); replica'tion, an ansiver in law; sup'plicate, to entreat eamesthj : supplica'tion. plicit: explic'it (literally, out-folded; hence, distinctly stated); implic'it, imiplied. Ply (Fr. V. 'plier — 'Ltit. jilica're), to v:ork diligently ; pli'able, easily bent; pli'ant ; pli'ancv ; accom'plice, an associate in crime ; apply' (Old Fr. applier = Lat. applira're) ; appli'ance, the thing applied; comply' (Fr. v. plier), to fold with: hence, to conform or assent; compli'ance ; display' (Olil Fr. v. desployer, to unfold); doul/le (Fr. adj. double =:Lat. d u' plex, twoioM) ; du'plex ; duplic'ity (Lat. n. duplic'itas, from du'jilex, double); 88 WORD-ANALYSIS. employ' (Fr. v. emjjloyer = Lat implica're), to Iceep at vork ; employe; employ'er; employ'ment ; exploit' (Fr. ii. exploit = Lat. explic'itum, literalh^, something milolded, set forth : hence, a deed, an achievement) ; imply', literally, to infold: hence, to involve, to signify; mul'tiply (Fr. v. multiplier ^hai. mnl't us, much, many); ([uad'ruple (Lat. qua'tuor, four) ; reply' (Old Fr. V. re2Mcr= Lat. re'plica're, to answer); sim'ple (Lat. sine pli'ca, without fold), not compounded, artless ; sim'pleton (compare It. simplicione, a silly person) ; simplic'ity (Lat. n. simplic'itas) ; sim'plify ; sup'ple (Fr. adj. souple = Lat. snp'plcx, bending the knee, from sm6 and ^fe'ca're); sup'pliant (literally, bending the knees under, kneeling down); treb'le (Old Fr. adj. treble = Lat. ^ri'pZcx, threefold); trip'le (Lat. tri'plex); trip'let, three lines rhyming alternately. 163. PON'ERE: po'no, pos'itum, to place. pon: compo'nent, /ormm^ « compound; depone', to hear testimony; depo'nent ; oppo'nent ; postpone' (-ment). posit: posi'tion ; pos'itive ; ■^oa'itiy'ism, a sxjstem of philosophy ; pos'- itivist, a believer in the 2)ositive philosophy ; ap'posite, adapted to; compos'ite, compound; composi'tion ; compos'itor ; decom- posi'tion ; depos'it (-ary, -ion, -ory); deposi'tion, the giving testimony under oath ; exposi'tion ; expos'itor ; imposi'tion ; interposi'tion ; juxtaposi'tion ; op'posite (-ion); preposi'tion ; proposi'tion ; supposi'tion ; suppositi'tious ; transposi'tion. Pose (Fr. v. 230ser = Lat. j^on'ere), to bring to a stand by ques- tions ; post ; post'age ; post'ure (Fr. n. posture = Lat. positu'ra, position); compose' (Fr. v. composer =ljAi. compon' ere) ; com- pos'ure ; com'pound (Lat. v. compon' ere) ; com'post, a mixture, a manure ; depot' (Fr. n. depSt = Lat. depos'itum) ; dispose' (Fr. V. disposer) ; dispo'sal ; expose' (Fr. v. exposer) ; expos'ure ; impose' (Fr. v. imposer) ; im'post, a tax jAaced on imported goods; impos'tor, one guilty of fraud ; impost'ure ; interpose'; oppose' ; propose' ; prov'ost (Old Fv. provost, from Lat pra^pos'i- tus, placed before, a chief), the principal of a college ; pur'pose (Old Fr. u. 2^^i>'2"^s, j'i'ojws = ljat. jJrojws'itum), an end set before THE LATIN ELEMENT. 89 one; repose' (Fr. v. reposer) ; suppose' (Fr. v. su2y2^oser); trans- pose' (Fr. V. transposer). 164. PORTA'RE: por'to, porta'tum, to carry. port : port'able ; poi'ter (-age) ; deport'ment ; export' (-ation, -er) ; im'port (-ance, -ant, -er) ; pur'port, design; report' (-er); sup- port' ; insupport'able ; transport' (-ation). Portfo'lio (Lat. n. fo'lium, a leaf) ; portman'teau (Fr. n. manteau, a cloak); importune' (Lat. adj. importu'nus, unseason- able) ; import'unate ; importu'nity ; op'portune (Lat. adj. op- portu'nus, literally, at or before the port or harbor : hence, seasonable) ; opportu'nity ; inop'portune. 165. POS'SB, to be able; Po'tens, poten'tis, powerful, mighty. posse: pos'sible (Lat. adj. ^ossi6'i7i5) ; possibil'ity ; impos'sible. potent : po'tent ; po'tency ; po'tentate ; poten'tial ; im'potent ; onrnip'otent (Lat. adj. om'nis, all) ; plenipoten'tiary (Lat. adj. ple'nns, full). 166. PREHEN'DERE : prehen'do, prehen'sum, to lay hold of, to seize. prehend : apprehend' ; comprehend' ; reprehend'. prehens : prehen'sile ; apprehen'sion ; apprehen'sive ; comprehen'- sible ; comprehen'sion ; comprehen'sive ; reprehen'sible. Appren'tice (Old Fr. n. apprentis, from v. apprendre, to learn) ; apprise' (Fr. v. apprendre, part, appris, to inform) ; comprise' (Fr. V. comprendre, compris), to include ; eii'terprise (Fr. n. en- trepise, something undertaken) ; impreg'nable (Fr. adj. imprena- ble, not to be taken); pris'on (Fr. n.jjrison); prize (Ft. n. j^rise, something taken, from prendre, pris, to take) ; reprieve' (Old Fr. V. repreuver, to condemn), to grant a respite ; repri'sal ; sur- prise'. 167. PREM'ERE : pre'mo, pres'sum, to press. press : press (-ure) ; compress' (-ible) ; depress' (-ion) ; express' (-ion, -ive) ; impress' (-ion, -ive, -ment) ; irrepres'sible ; oppress' (-ion, -ive, -or) ; repress' (-ion, -ive) ; suppress' (-ion). 90 WORD- ANALYSIS. Print (abbreviated from imprint, from Old Fr. v. preindre = Lat. prcm'ere) ; im'print, the name of the publisher and the title- page of a hook; imprima'lur (Lat. let it he printed), originally, a license to print a book, the imprint of a publisher. 168. PRI'MUS, first ; Prin'ceps, prin'cipis, chief, original. prim : piime ; pri'mate, the highest dignitary of a church ; pri'macy ; pri'mary ; prim'er ; prime' val (Lat. n. ce'vum, an age) ; pvini'i- tive ; primogen'itor (Lat. n. gen'itor, a begetter) ; primogen'iture (Lat. n. genitu'ra, a begetting), the exclusive right of inheritance tvhich in English law belongs to the eldest son or daughter ; pri- mor'dial (Lat. v. ordi'ri, to begin), existing from the beginning ; prim' rose (Lat. n. ro'sa) ; prin'cess ; prince (Fr. n. prince =Lat. prin'ceps) ; prin'cipal ; prin'ciple. Pre'mier (Fr. adj . premier, first), the prime minister; pri'or (Lat. adj. prior, former) ; pri' cress, the female superior of a con- vent ; pri'ory, a convent ; prior'ity, state of being first ; pris'tine (Lat. adj. pristi'nus, primitive), original, ancient. 169. PROBA'IIE: pro'bo, proba'tum, to try, to prove. prob : prob'able, likely, credible ; probability ; improb'able ; pro'- bate, the proof of a ivill ; proba'tion, the act of trying ; proba'- tioner ; proba'tionary ; probe, to try by an instrument ; prob'ity, tried integrity ; approba'tion, commendation ; rep'robate (adj. literally, proved against), base, condemned. Prove (Old Fr. prover, New Fr. prouver— Lat. proba're') ; proof (Old Fr. n. prove — Lat. pro'ba, proof) ; approve' (Fr. v. ap- prouver— Lat. apjyroba' re) ; appro v'al ; disapprove'; improve', (-nient) ; reprove' ; reproof. 170. PUN'GERE : pun'go, punc'tum, to prick; Pune'tum, a point. pung : pun'gent ; iinn'genc}'^ ; ex[nuige', to mark out. punct : punctil'io (Sp. punctilio, from Lat. punc'tum, a point), a nice point of exactness in rondiirf, etc. ; punctil'ious ; punct'ual (-ity) ; punct'uate (-ion) ; panct'ure ; compunc'tion, remorse. Punch (abbreviated from imncheon, from Lat. n. punc'tio, a THE LATIN ELEMENT. 91 pricking), an instriunent for cutting holes ; point (Fr. n. poinie = Lai. ])unc'tum) ; poign'ant (Fr. \yAvt. poignant, stingingj; poii'- iard (Fr. n. poignard), a small dagger, 171. PUTA'RE : pu'to, puta'tum, to think, to prune, to count or reckon. put: fonipute' (-able, -ation) ; depute' (Lat. v. deinda're^ to allot), to empov:er to act ; dej^'uty ; dispute' (-ant) ; indis'putable ; impute' (literally, to reckon in), to charge ; repute' ; disrepute' (-able). putat : pu'tative, si(;2^|)ose(Z ; am'})utate, to cut off the limb from an aninial ; deputa'tion ; iniputa'tion ; reputa'tion. Count (Fr. v. compter = 'La.i. computa're); account'; dis- count' ; recount'. 172. RAP'ERE : ra'pio, rap'tum, to seize suddenly, to snatch or hurry away. rap: rapa'cious (Lat. adj. ra'^xtx, ra2)a'fis, greed}') ; rapac'ity ; rap'id (Lat. adj. raj/idus, swift) ; rapid'ity ; rap'ids ; rap'ine (Lat. n. rapi'na, robbery). rapt: rapt, transported; rapt'ure (-ous); enrapt'ure ; surrepti'tious (Lat. V. surrip'ere, surrep'tum, to take away secretly), done by stealth. Eav'age (Fr. v. ravager = to lay waste) ; rav'ish (Fr. v. ravir = Lat. raj)' ere). 173. REG'ERE : re'go, rec'tum, to rule; Rec'tus, straight. reg : re'gent ; re'geucy ; reg'imen (Lat. n. reg'imen, that by which one guides or governs anything) ; reg'iment (Lat. n. reginien'- tum) ; re'gion (Lat. re'gio, regio'^is, a region) ; cor'rigible (Lat. V. corrig'ere — con -{- reg' ere) ; incor'rigible. rect : rec'tify ; rec'titude ; i-ec'tor (-cry) ; correct' (Lat. v. corrig'ere — con + reg' ere), to remove favlts ; direct' (-ion, -or, -ory) ; erect'; insurrec'tion ; resurrec'tion. Re'gal (Lat. n. rex, re'gis, a king) ; I'ega'lia ; reg'icide (Lat, v. cced'ere, to kill) ; reg'ular (Lat. n. reg'ula, a rule) ; reg'ulate ; realm (Old Fr. realms, from Lat. adj. rega'lis, royal) ; reign (Fr. n. regne — ha-t. reg'num) ; corrigen'da (sing, corrigen'dum), things 92 WORD-ANALYSIS. to he corrected ; dress (Fr. v. dresser — Lat dirig'ere) ; address' (Fr. V. adresser, to direct) ; redress' (Fr. v. redresser = Lat. re + dirig'ere), to rectify, to repair ; source (Fr. u. source, from Lat. sur'gere, to spring up) ; surge ; insur'gent (Lat. v. insur'gere). 174. RI'VUS, a river. riv : ri'val (Lat. n. riva'lis, one who used a brook in common with another); ri'valry ; outri'val ; riv'ulet (Lat. n. ?-m/i6Zms, diminu- tive of ri'vus) ; derive' (literally, to receive as from a source) ; deriva'tion ; deriv'ative. 175. BOGA'RE : ro'go, roga'tum, to ask. rog : ar'rogant, proud, overhearing ; ai-'rogance ; prorogue' (Fr. v. proroger= Lat. proroga're). rogat : ab'rogate ; to repeal ; ar'rogate, to assume ; arroga'tion ; de- rog'atory, detracting ; inter'rogate (-ion, -ive, -oryj ; prerog'a- tive (literally, that is asked before others for an opinion : hence, preference^, exclusive or peculiar right or privilege ; proroga'tion, prolonga' tion ; superer'ogate (Lat. super -\- eroga're, to spend or pay out over and above), to do more than is necessary ; superero- ga'tion. 176. RUM'PERE : rum'po, rup'tum, to break. rupt : rupt'ure, to p'^'^i't violently; abrupt' (-ly, -ness) ; bank'rupt (It. n. hanco, a merchant's place of business) ; bank'ruptcy ; cor- rupt' (-ible, -ion) ; disrup'tion ; erup'tion ; interrupt' (-ion); ir- rup'tion ; irru^j'tive. 177. SA'CER, sa'cri, holy. sacr : sac'rament (Lat. n. sacramen' turn, an oath, a sacred thing) ; sa'cred (orignally, past p. of Old Eng. v. sacre, to consecrate) ; sac'rifice (Lat. v. fac'ere, to make) ; sac'rilege (literally, that steals — pi'operly gathers, picks up, leg' ere — sacred things) ; sac'ristan (Low Lat. sacrista'iius), a church officer. seer: (in comp.) con'secrate (-ion); des'ecrate (-ion); e.x'ecrate (-ion); e.x'ecrable ; sacerdo'tal (Lat. n. sacer'dos, sacerdo'tis, a priest), pertaining to the piriesthood. THE LATIN ELEMENT. 93 178. SA'LUS, salu'tis, health; Sal'vus, safe. s;^lut: sixV ntiiiy, promotiny health; salii'tatoiy, (jiving salutation; salute' (-iouj. salv: sal'vage, reicard for saving goods ; saVvo, a vollerj ; salva'tion. Safe (through Old Fr. salf or sauf) ; sat'e'ty ; save ; sav'ior ; salu'brious (Lat. adj. salii'bris, health-giving) ; salu'brity. 179. SCAN'DERE: scan'do (in comp. scen'do), scan'dum (in comp. scen'sum), to climb. scend : ascend' (-ant, -ency) ; descend' (-ant) ; condescend' (-iug) ; transcend' (-ent) ; transceiiden'tal. 8cens : ascen'sion ; ascent' ; condescen'sion. 180. SCRIB'ERE: scri'bo, scrip'tum, to write. scrib : ascribe', to impute to ; circumscribe', to draw a line around, to limit ; describe' ; inscribe' ; prescribe', to order or ajypoint ; pro- scribe' (literally, to write forth), to interdict ; subscribe' ; su- perscribe' ; transcribe'. script : script, type in imitation of handwriting ; script'ure ; ascrip'- tion ; con'script, one taken by lot and enrolled for military service ; conscrip'tion ; descrip'tion ; inscrip'tion ; man'uscript (see vut- nus) ; post'script ; prescrip'tion ; proscrip'tion ; subscrip'tion ; superscrip'tion ; tran'script. Scribe (Fr. n. scribe) ; scrib'ble ; escritoire'. 181. SECA'RE : se'co, sec'tum, to cut. sec : se'cant (Lat. pres. p. st'cans, secan'tis), a line that cuts another. sect : sect (literally, a body of persons separated from others by peculiar doctrines) ; secta'rian (-ism) ; sec'tion (-al) ; bisect' (Lat. bis, two) ; dissect' (-ion) ; in'sect (literally, an animal whose body is apparently cut in the middle) ; insectiv'orous (Lat. V. vora're, to feed) ; intersect' (-ion); venesec'tion (Lat. n. vena, a vein). Seg'ment (Lat. n. segmcn'tum), a part cut off. 182. SEDE'RE: se'deo (in comp. se'do), ses'sum, to sit. sed : sed'entary (Lat. adj . sedenta'rius, accustomed to sit) ; sed'iment 94 WORD-ANALYSIS. (Lat. n. sedimcn' turn, a settling or sinking clown) ; sedimen'tary ; sed'ulous (Lat. adj. sed'idus, sitting close to an employment) ; supersede'. sicl : assid'uous ; assidu'ity ; insid'ious (literally, sitting in wait against) ; preside' (literally, to sit before or over) ; pres'ident ; pres'idency ; reside' (-ence) ; res'idue ; resid'uary ; subside' ; subsid'iary, sess : ses'sion (-al) ; assess' (literally, to sit by or near a person or thing); assess'ment ; assess' or; possess' (Lat. v. 'possid'ere, posses' sum, to sit upon : hence, to occupy in person, to have or hold); posses'sion ; possess'or ; posses'sive ; prepossess', to take possession of beforehand, to prejudice. 183. SENTI'EE: sen'tio, sen'sum, to feel, to think. sent : scent (Old English sent), odor ; sen'tence (Lat. n. senten' tia') ; senten'tious (Lat. adj. sententio'sus, full of thought) ; sen'ti- ment (Fr. n. sentiment) ; sentimen'tal ; assent', to agree to ; consent' (literally, to think or feel together), to acquiesce, to per- mit ; dissent' (-er) ; dissen'tient ; presen'timeut ; resent' (liter- ally, to feel back), to take ill ; resent'ment. sens : sense (-less, -ation, -ible, -itive) ; insen'sate ; non'sense ; sen'sual (Lat. adj. sensua'lis) ; sen'suali.st ; sen'suous. 184. SE'QUI : se'quor, secu'tus, to follow. sequ : se'quence, order of succession ; con'sec^uent ; con'sequence ; consequen'tial ; ob'sequies, formed rites ; obse'quious (literally, ' following in the way of another), raeanly condescending ; sub'- sequent (-ly). secut: consec'utive ; per'seciite (-ion, -or) ; pros'ecute (-ion). Se'quel (Lat. n. sequc'la, that which follows) ; sue (Old. Fr. V. suire, New Fr. suivre—se'qui), to follow at law; suit ; suit'able ; suit'or ; suite (Fr. n. suite), a train or set ; ensue' (Fr. v. en- suivre, to follow, to result I'roin) ; pursue' (Fr. v. poursuivre, to follow hard, to chase) ; pursu'ance ; pursu'ant ; pursuit' ; pur'- suivant, a state messenger ; ex'ecute (Fi\ v. cxecuter = Lat. ex'sequi) ; execu'tion ; exec'utor ; exec'utrix. THE LATIN ELEMENT. 95 185. SERVA'RE: ser'vo, serva'tum, to save, to keep, to bind. serv: conserve'; observe' (-able, -auce) ; preserve' (-er) ; reserve'; unreserved'. servat : conserv'ative ; conserv'atory ; observa'tioii ; observ'atory ; preserva'tion ; preserv'ative ; reserva'tion. Res'ervoir (Fr. ii. reservoir = Lat. reservafo'rucHi, a place wliere anything is kept in store). EXERCISE. Tlie puzzle is complicated and displays much ingenuity on the part of the inventor. A reply may be explicit without showing duplicity. It was urged that the election of delegates be postponed. The portmanteau containing important papers was left at the mer- chant's office. An impostor is sure to show opposition to the course of justice. Coleridge holds that it. is piossible to apprehend a truth without comprehending it. The bankrupt was so arrogant that his creditors were not disposed to be lenient with him. Most of the questions proposed by the rector were answered in the negative. What is the origin of the word derivation ? The region is described as healthful. The manuscript was transcribed and subscribed by the author. It is salutary to be rivals in all worthy ambitions. 186. SIG'NUM, a sign. sign: sign ; sig'nal (-ize) ; sig'net ; sig'nify ; significant; signifi- cance; significa'tion ; assign' (Lat. v. assi^?ia' re, to designate); assignee'; consign' (Lat. v. consigna're, to seal) to intrust to another ; consign'ment ; coun'tersign, to sign ivhat has already been signed by another; design', to plan; design'er ; des'ignate, to name, to point out ; designa'tion ; en'sign, the officer ivho carries the flag of a regiment ; insig'nia, badges of office; resign' (-ation) ; sig'nature (Lat. n. signatu'ra, a sign or stamp). 187. SIM'ILIS, like. simil : sini'ilar (-ity) ; sini'i-le, a formal likening or comparison ; simil'itude ; verisimil'itude (Lat. adj. ve'rics, true) ; dissim'ilar ; assim'ilate ; fac-sim'ile (Lat. v.fac'ere, to make), an exact copy ; sim'ulate (Lat. v. simula're, simula'tum, to make like). 96 WOIID-ANALYSIS. Dissimula'tion (Lat. v. dissimula're, dissimida' tuin, to feign); dissem'ble (Fr. v. dissei iihler — h-di. dissimida're) ; reseiii'ble (Fr. \. resscmhler). 188. SIS'TERE : sisto, sta'tum, to cause to stand, to stand. sist : assist' (-ance, -ant); consist' (-eut, -ency); desist'; exist' (for ex-sist), to stand out: hence, to be, to live ; exist'ence; co-exist' ; pre-exist'; insist', to stand upon, to urge firmly ; persist' (-ent, -ence); resist' (-ance, -ible) ; subsist' (-ence). 189. SOL'VERE: servo, solu'tum, to loosen. solv : solve (-able, -ent, -ency) ; absolve' ; dissolve' ; resolve'. solut : solu'tion ; ab'solute (-ion); dis'solute (-ion); res'olute (-ion). Sol'ul)le (Lat. adj. solu'biUs) ; solubil'ity. 190, SPEC'ERE or SPIC'ERE: Spe'cio or spi'cio, spec'tum, to be- hold ; Spe'cies, a kind. spic : aus'pices (literally, omens drawn from the inspection of birds); auspi'cious ; conspic'uous (Lat. adj. conspic' uus, wholly visible); conspicu'ity ; des'picable (Lat. despicab' His, deserving to be de- spised) ; perspic'uons (Lat. adj. perspic'uus, tliat may be seen through) ; perspicu'ity ; snspi'cion ; suspi'cious. spect : as'pect ; cir'cumspect (-ion) ; expect' (-ant, -ation) ; inspect' (-ion, -or) ; perspec'tive ; pros'pect (-ive) ; pro.^pec'tus (Lat. n. prospec'tus, a view forward) ; respect' (literally, to look again : hence, to esteem or regard) ; respect'able ; respect'ful ; re'tro- spoct (-ive) ; suspect'. species : spe'cies ; spe'cial (-ist, -ity, -ize) ; siie'cie ; spec'ify (-ic, -ication) ; spe'cious, showy. Spec'imen (Lat. n. spec'imen, a sample) ; spec'tacle (Lat. n. spectac' idum, anything presented to view) ; specta'tor (Lat. n. speda'tor, a beholder) ; spec'ter (Lat. n. spec'trum, an image) ; spec'tral ; spec'trum (iil. spec'tra), an image; spec'troscope (Gr. V. spok'cin, to view), an instrument for analyrdng light; spec'u- late (Lat. n. spec'ula, a lookout), to contemplate, to traffic for (jreat profit ; specula'tion ; spuc'ulative. THE LATIN' EI.KMKNT. 97 191. SPIRA'RE : spi'ro, spira'tum, to breathe ; Spir'itus, breath, spirit. spir : spir'acle, a breathing i^ore ; aspire' (-ant) ; conspire' (-acy) ; expire'; expir'ing ; inspire'; perspire'; respire'; transpire'. spirat : aspira'tion ; as'pirate ; conspir'ator ; inspira'tion ; perspi- ra'tion ; respira'tion ; respir'atorv. spii'itus: sjiir'it ; spii-'itiial (-ity) ; spii-'ituous. Sprigbt'ly (spright, a contraction of spirit) ; sprite (a contrac- tion of spirit). 192. SPONDE'KE: spon'deo, spon'sum, to promise. spoud : correspond', to answer one to another ; correspond' ence ; cor- respond'ent ; despond' (literally, to promise aAvay : hence, to give up, to despond) ; despond'ency; respond'. spoDs: spon'sor, a surety ; response' (-ible, -ibility, -ive); in'espon'- sible. S^jouse (Old Fr. n. espous, espouse — Lat. spon'sus, spoii'sa) ; espouse' (Old Fr. v. esjwuser = Lat. sponsa're, to betroth, from sponde're). 193. STA'RE: sto, sta'tum (in comp. sti'tum), to stand; pres. part, stans, stan'tis, standing); SIS'TERE: sis'to, sta'tum, to cause to stand ; STATU'ERE : stat'uo, statu'tum, to station, to fix, to place. stant : cir'cumstance (from part, circunistans', circumstaii'tis, through Lat. n. circumstan'tia, Fr. circonstance), the condition of tilings surronnding or attending an event ; circiimstan'tial ; circumstan'- tiate ; con'.stant ; con'stancy ; dis'tant (literally, standing asun- der : hence, remote, reserved) ; dis'tance ; ex'tant ; in'stant ; instanta'neous ; transubstan'tiate, to change to another substance. Stat : state ; sta'tion (-ary, -er, -ery) ; state'ly ; state'ment ; states'- man ; stat'ue (-ary) ; stat'ure. stit : supersti'tion (literally, a standing over, as if awe-struck); supersti'tious. statut : .stat'ute (-ory). stitu : con'stitute (literally, to set or station together : hence, to establish, to make) ; constitu'tion (-al) ; constit'uent ; constit'- uency ; des'titute (literally, put from or away : hence, forsaken, 98 WORD-ANALYSIS. in want of) ; in'stitute (literally, to place into: hence, to fonnd, to commence) ; restitn'tion ; sub'stitute (-ion). Sta'ble ; (Lat. adj. stab'ilis, standing firmly); stab'lish ; estab'- lish (-ment) ; stay, literally, to keep standing ; ar'mistice (Lat. n. ar'ma, arms), a temporary stand-still of war ; arrest' (Old Fr. arrester — Lat. ad + restare, to stay back, to remain) ; contrast' (Lat. contra + sta're, to stand against) ; inter'stice ; ob'stacle ; ob'stinate ; sol'stice (Lat. n. sol, the sun). 194. STRIN'GEBE: strin'go, stric'tum, to bind ; to draw tight. sti-ing : strin'gent ; astrin'gent ; astrin'gency. strict: strict (-ness, -ure) ; dis'trict, a defined portion of a country; restrict' (-ion). Strain (Old Fr. struindre — Lat. strin'gere) ; constrain' ; dis- train' ; restrain' ; restraint'. 195. STEU'ERE : stru'o, struc'tum, to build, to place in order. struct : struct'ure ; construct' (-ion, -ive) ; destrnct'ible ; destruc'- tion ; instruct' (-ion, -ive, -or); obstruct' (-ion); superstruct'ure. Con'strue ; destroy' ; in'strument (Lat. n. instrumen'tum) ; instrumental'ity. 196. SU'MERE : su'mo, sump'tum, to take ; Sump'tus, cost, expense. sum: assume'; consume' (-ei^) ; presume'; resume'. sumpt: sumpt'uons (Lat. adj. sumptuo'sus, expensive); sumpt'uary, relating to expense ; assump'tion ; consump'tion ; consump'tive ; presump'tion ; presunip'tive ; presump'tnous. 197. TAN'GERE: tan'go, tac'tum, to touch. tang: tan'gent, u straight line icliich touches a circle or curve; tau'gible. tact: tact, peculiar faculty or sJdll ; con' tact ; intact'. Attain' (Fr. v. attaindre, to reach); attain'able ; conta'gion, communication of disease by contact or touch ; contam'inate, to difdi', to infect ; contig'uous ; contin'gent. THE LATIN ELEMENT. 99 TEMPUS. (See page 48.) 198. TEN'DERE: ten'do, ten'sum or ten'tum, to stretch. tend : tend, to aim at, take care of; tend'ency ; attend' (-ance, -ant); contend' ; distend' ; extend' ; intend' (literally, to stretch to), to purpose, to design; portend' (literally, to stretch forward), to presage, to betoken ; pretend' (literally, to sti'etch forth), to affect, feel ; subtend', to extend under ; superintend' (-ence, -ent). tens: tense (adj.), stretched; ten'.sion ; intense' (-ify); osten'sible (Lat. V. osteii.' dere, to stretch out or spread before one), ajjparent; pretense'. tent : tent, literally, a shelter of stretched canvas ; tentac'ula, the feelers of certain animals ; atten'tion ; atten'tive ; conten'tion ; conten'tious ; extent' ; intent' (-ionj ; ostenta'tion ; ostenta'tious ; por'tent, an ill omen. 199. TENE'RE : ten'eo, ten'tum, to hold ; French Tenir (radical tain), vf to hold. ten: ten'able ; ten'ant, owe icho holds j^ropcrty under another; ten'- antry ; ten'ement ; ten'et (Lat. tenet, literally, " he holds"), a doctrine held as true ; ten'ure. tin (in compos.) : ab'stinent ; ab'stinence ; con'tinent; incon'tinent ; per'tinent ; iraper'tinent. tent : content' (-ment) ; contents' ; discontent' ; deten'tion ; reten'- tion ; reten'tive ; sus'tenance. tain : abstain' ; appertain' ; contain' ; detain' ; entertain' (-ment) ; pertain' ; retain' (-er) ; .sustain'. Tena'cious (Lat. adj. te'nax, tena'cis, holding firmly) ; te- nac'ity ; appur'tenance, that which belongs to something else ; con- tin'ue (Fr. v. continuer = 'Lht. contine're) ; contin'ual ; contin'- nance ; continua'tion ; continu'ity ; discontin'ue ; coun'tenance (literally, the contents of a body : hence, of a face) ; lieuten'ant (Fr. n. lieu, a place) ; maintain' (Fr. n. main, the hand), lit- erally, to hold by the hand: hence, to support, to uphold: main'tenance ; pertina'cious ; pertiuac'ity ; ret'inue, a train of attendants. 100 WORD-ANALYSIS. 200. TER'RA, the earth. terr: ter'race (Fr. n. terrasse) ; terra'cjueous (Lat. n. a'qua, water); terres'trial ; ter'ritoiy (-al) ; ter'rier, a small dog that goes into the ground after burrowing animals; Mediterra'nean (Lat. n. one'dius, middle) ; subteiTa'nean. Inter, to put in the earth, to burij ; iuter'meiit ; disinter'. 201. TES'TIS, a witness. test: tes'tily ; attest' (-aticii) ; contest'; detest' (-al)le); protest' (-ation, -ant) ; prot'estantism. Tes'tanient (Lat. n. testamen' turn, a will) ; testamen'tary ; tcsta'tor ; tes'timony (-al) ; intes'tate, not having left a ivill. 202. TOR'Q,UERE : tor'queo, tor'tum, to twist. tort: tort'ure ; contort' (-ion); distort' (-ion); extort' (-ion, -ionate); retort'. Tor'tuous (Lat. adj. tortuo'sus, very twisted) ; tortuos'ity ; torment' (Lat. n. tormeyi' turn, extreme pain). 203. TRA'HEEE : tra'ho, trac'tum, to draw; Fr. Trair, past part. Trait. tract : tract (-able, -ile, -ion) ; ab'stract (-ion) ; attract' (-ion, -ive); contract' (-ile, -or); detract'; distract'; extract' (-ion, -o\) ; proti'act' ; retract' (-ion) ; sul)tract' (-ion). Trace (Fr. n. trace) ; track (Old Fr. n. true); train; trait ; treat (-ise, - ment, -y). 204. TRIBU'ERE: trib'uo, tribu'tum, to allot, to give. tribut : trib'nte (-ary) ; attrib'ute ; contrib'ute (-ion) ; distrib'ute (-ion, -ive) ; retribu'tion ; retrib'ntive. 20.'>. TRU'DERE: tru'do, tru'sum, to thrust. trud: dctriKlc', to thrust down; extiude' ; intrude' (-er) ; obtrude' ; protrude'. trus: abstruse' (literally, thrust away : licnce, dillicult to be under- stood); intru'.sion ; intru'.sive ; obtru'sive ; proti'u'.sion. THE LATIN ELEMENT. 101 206. TU'ERE : tu'eor, tu'itus or tu'tus, to watch. tuit : tui'tion, instruction ; intui'tion, tlie act or power of the mind by which it at once perceives the truth of a thing without argu- ment ; iutu'itive. tut : tu'tor ; tutu'rial ; tu'torage. 207. UN 'DA, a wave. und : abun'dance, literally, condition of overflowing — ahunda're,to overflow); abun'dant ; superabim'dant ; inun'date (-ion); re- dun'dant (literally, running back or over : hence, exceeding what is necessary) ; redundance ; redun'dancy. Un'diilate (Lat. n. un'dulu, a little wave); undula'tion ; un'dulatory ; abound' ; superabound' ; redound' (Old Fr. v. redonder- Lat. redunda're, to roll back as a wave or flood). 208. U'TI: u'tor, u'sus, to use. ut: uten'.-ecial mission; triv'ial (Lat. n. triv'ium, a cross road), trifling ; trivial'ity. 216. VIDE'RE : vi'deo, vi'sum, to see. vid : ev'ident, clearly seen ; ev'idence ; invid'ious, literally, looking against: hence, likely to provoke envy ; provide', to look out for, to supply ; prov'idence ; prov'ident. vis: vis'ible ; vis'ion (-ary); advise'; advis'able, expedient; im'pro- vise, to compose and recite vnthout j)remeditation ; provis'ion ; revise' (-al, -ion); supervis'ion ; supervis'or. View (Fr. v. voir, to see, vu, seen); review'; in'terview ; vis'age (Fr. n. visage, the countenance); vis'it (-ant, -or, -ation); vis'or, 2?art of a helmet perforated to see through ; vis'ta (It. n. vista, sight), a prospect as seen through an avenue of trees ; advice'; en'vy (Fr. n. envie = Lat. invid'ia, from invide're, to .see against); in'voice (It. n. avviso, notice), a priced list of goods ; peruse' (Lat. V. pervide're, pervi'sum, to look through) ; provi'so, a stipu- lation; pru'dent (Lat. adj. pru'dens from prov' idcns) ; pru'- dence ; purvey', to look out for in the way of buying provisions ; purvey'or ; survey' (-or). 104 WORD-ANALYSIS. 217. VIWCERE: vin'co, vic'tum, to conquer. vine : viu'cible ; invin'cible ; convince' ; evince', to show dearly. vict : vic'tor ; vic'toiy (-ous); convict', to i)rove guiltij of crime; evict', to disjjossess ; evic'tion. Vanquish (Fr. v. vaincre, vaincu^hat. vin'ccre); prov'ince (Fr. n, iirovince = Lat. i^rovin'cia, literally, a conquered country). 218. VOCA'RE : vo'eo, voca'tum, to call ; Vox, vo'cis, the voice. vocat: voca'tion, literally, calling, occupation; voc'ative, the case of a noun imuhich the subject is called, or addressed; ad'vocate, to plead for; convoca'tion, an assembly, a meeting; equiv'ocate (Lat. adj. c'(;«!«s, equal), to use loords of doubtful meaning ; equiv- oca'tion ; evocn'tion, act of calling forth ; invoca'tion ; provoca'- tion ; prove' cative ; reA'oca'tion. voc : A'o'cable (Lat. n. vocctb'ulum, that which is sounded with the voice), a ivord; vocab'ulary ; vo'cal (-ist, -ize); vociferate, to cry xoith a loud voice ; ad'vocacy, a pleading for, a defense ; irrev'- ocable. Voice (Fr. n. voix= Lat, vox), sound uttered by the mouth; vouch, to call out, or affirm strongly; vow'el (Fr. n. vouelle, a voice-sound) ; advow'soii, right of perpetual calling to a bene- fice ; convoke', to call together ; evoke' ; invoke' ; revoke'. 219. VOL'VERE: vol'vo, volu'tum, to roll. volv: circumvolve' ; convolve', to roll togther; devolve'; evolve'; involve' ; revolve' (-ion, -ionist). volut : circumvolu'tion ; evolu'tion ; revolu'tion (-ary, -ist, -ize). Vol'urae (Lat. n. volu'men, a roll, or inscribed parchment sheet rolled up), a single book; volute', a kind of rolled, or spiral scroll ; vol'uble, literally, rolling easily : hence, having great fluency of speech ; convol'vulus, a genus of twining plants ; revolt'. 220. VUL'GUS, the common people. vulg : vul'gar ; vid'.^ari.sni ; vulgar'ity ; vul'gate, a Latin version of the Scriptures. Divulge', to make known something before kept secret ; divulge'- mcnt ; promulgate (-ion). THE GREEK ELEMENT. 105 PART III. — THE GREEK ELEMENT. L-GEEEK PEEPIXES. Prefix. Signification. Example. Definition. ^- 1 a-patliy state of l)eing without . = icithout; not feeling. an- an-omalous not similar. amphi-theater place for seeing all amphi- = around; both amphi-bious around. living in both land and water. l back; throiigh- ana-logy reasoning back. m ~ ana- \ out ana-lysis loosening throughout. anti- 1 arjainst ; oppo- anti-patliy a feeling against. ant- ) site ant-arctic opposite the Arctic. apo- j ap- i = avmy ; out apo-stle ap-helion one sent out. away from the sun. cata- ) cat- ) = (hni:n or against cata-ract cat-arrh a rushing douni. a flowing down. 1 dia-meter measure through the dia- j- 1 through or across dia-logue center, speaking across (from J one to another). dis- (li- = fv:o, double dis-syllaV)le di-lemma a word of two syllables, a double assumption. dys- = ill dys-pepsia iil digestion. ec- ) ex- i = out of ec-centric ex-odies out of the center, an OH^troinsr. Note. - — ex- is used befon i a root beginning with a vowel. en- "1 em- j = in or on en-ergy em-phasis power in one. stress on. epi- ) ep- i = uj^on ; for ■ epi -dermis ep-hemeral skin upon skin, lasting /or a day. Note. - — ep- is used before :; a root beginning with a vowel or h aspirate. 106 WORD-ANALYSIS. eu- ev- hemi- hyper- hypo- nieta- inet- para- par- peri- pro- pros- ^|•ell or good ■ half- over or beyond ■■ under eu-phonic ev-angel hemi-sphere hyper-critical hyper-boreau hypo-thesis beyond; trans- meta-physics ference met-onymy para- site (■ — by the side of i J = around = before = to par-helioii peri-meter pro-gramme jjros-elyte syn- I ,■ I syl- sym- j Note. or m. A a B 6 r y A 8 E e 2 C H r, Q 6 & I I K K A X M n syn-thesis = v:ith or together "'''' syl-lable sym-pathy - The form sy- is used before s : syl. sounding well. good news. half a sphere. over-critical. beyond the North. a placing under (=Lat. supposition.) science beyond physics. transference of name. growing by the side of another. mock sun by the side of the real. the measure around any- thing. something written before. one coming to a new religion. placing together. part toith part. letters taken together. feeling together. ■ before I, sym- before b, 2), IL-GEEEK ALPHABET. a A Ipha. 1) Beta. g Gamma. d Delta. e as in met Epsilon. z Zeta. e as in me th i k 1 m Eta. Theta. Iota. Kapfa. Lambda. Mu. N V SI O o n TT cr P p So-,? final T r Y V * (p X X * yj/' SI 03- n Nu. X Xi. o as in not Omicron. V r s t u or y ph ch ps o as in no Pi. Rho. Sigma. Tau. Upsilon. Phi. ad. Psi. Omega. THE GREEK ELEMENT. 107 Pronunciation of Greelt Words. Gamma has always the hard sound of y, as in give. Kappa is represented hy c in English words, although in Greek it has but one sound, that of our k. Upsilon is represented by y in English words ; in Greek it has always the sound of u in mute. Chi is represented in English by ck having the sound of Ic ; as in chronic. In Greek words, as in Latin, there are always as many syllables as there are vowels and diphthongs. An inverted comma placed over a letter denotes that the sound of our h precedes that letter. GREEK ROOTS AND ENGLISH DERIVATIVES. DIVISION I. -PRINCIPAL GREEK ROOTS. 1. A'ER (a^p). the a if. a'erate, to combine with air; to mix a'eronaut (Gv. n. 7mu'tes, a sailor), a haUoonist. aerosta'tion, aerial navigation. air, tJie atmosphere ; a melody ; (he bearing of a person. air'y, open to the air ; gay, sprightly. ivith carbonic ncid. a-e'rial, belonging to t/ie air. a'eriform, having the form of air. a'erolite (Gr. n. lith'os, a stone), a vieteoric stone. 2. AG'EIN (ayca), to lend. apago'ge, a leading aivaij ; an in- direct argument. dem'agogue (Gr. n. de'mos, the people), a misleader of the people. parago'ge (literally, a leadinj^ or extension beyond), the addition of a letter or syllable to the end of a word. ped'agogue (Gr. n. pais, a child), a srli ooJ m aster ; a pedantic person. syn'agogue, a Jewish place of wor- sh ip. 3. A'GON {ayujf), a conte.it. ag'ony, extreme pain. ag'onize, to be in agony. antag'onism, direct opposition. antag'onist, or antagonis'tic, con- tending against. 108 WORD-ANALYSIS. ANC'ELLEIN (avveAAeu'), /o hrinf/ tidhigs; ANG'EL,l,OS (ayyeAAos), « niesseiujvr. an'gel, a spiritual messenger. angel'ic, relating to an angel. archan'gel (Gr. iirefix archi-, cliief), an an gel of the Jiighest order. evan'gel (Gr. prefix cii, well), good tidings ; t/ic gospel. evan'gelist, one of the writers of t/ie four gospels. 5. AR'CHE {apxq), hefjlnning, government , chief. an'archy, xmnt of government. ar'chitect (Gr. n. tck'ton, work- man), literally, a chief builder, one who dxvises plans for build- ings. ar'chives, records. hep'tarchy (Gr. hepta, seTeii), a sevenfold govermnent. hi'erarcliy(Gr. adj. hVeros, sacred), dominion in sacred things ; a sa- cred body of rulers. mon'arch (Gr. adj. mon'os, alone), one who rules alone, a sovereign. mon'archy, government by one per- son, a kingdom. ol'igarchy (Gr. adj. ol'igos, few), government by a few, an aristoc- racy. pa'triarch (Gr. n. pni'er, a father), the fill Iter and ruler of afrmily. patriar'chal, relcUing to patri- archs. . 6. AS'TKON (ao-rpo.'), a star. as'terisk, a via.rJc like a star (*) nsed to refer to a note, and some- times to mark an omission of tvmrls. as'teroid (Gr. adj. ei'dos, like), one (f the numerous small planets be- tivecn Mars and Jupiter. as'tral, belonging to the stars. astrol'ogy, the pretended science of foretelling events by the stars. astron'omy (Gr. n. nom'os, a law), the science that treats of the stars. astron'omer, one skilled in astron- omy. disas'ter, calamity, misfortune. disas'trous, unlucky ; calamitous. 7. AU'TOS (ai;T09), o»»e'.s self. autobiog'raphy (Gr. n. bi'os, life, graph' ein, to write), the life of a person rcritten by himself. au'tocrat (fir. n. krat'os, power), an absolute ruler. autocrat'ic, like an autocrat. au'tograph, one's oxen hnndwriting. autom'aton (Gi'. mema'otcs, striv- ing after), a self-acting ma- chine. authen'tic, genuine, true. authentic'ity, genu incness. THE GREEK ELE:\IENT. 109 8. BALXEIN ((SaAAeii'), to throw or cast. em'blem, a representation ; a type. emblemat'ical, containimj an em- blcvi . hyber'bole, a figure of speech ichich represents things greater or less than thcu arc. par'able, a stonj ichich illustrates smiw fiict or doctrine. parab'ola, one of the conic sections. prob'lem, a question proposed for solution. sym'bol, a sign; a rcpresentntion. symbol'ical, representing by signs. 9. BAP'TEIN OaTTTeii), to wash, to dip. bap'tism, a Christiun sacrament, in the observance of which the indi- vidual is sprinkled with or im- mersed in ivater. baptize', to sprinkle with or im- merse in water. bap'tismal, ^vr/ai?un(/ to ba2)tisni : as baptismal vows. bap'tist, one icho approves only of baptism by immersion. anabap'tist, one who believes that only adults should be baptized. catabap'tist, one opposed to baj)- tis)a. pedobap'tism (Gr. pais, paidos, a cliikl), infant baptism. 10. CHRON'OS (xpouo';), time. chron'ic, lasting a long time ; picri- odical. chron'icle, a record of events in the order of time ; a history recording facts in order of time. chronol'ogy, the science of comp)ut- ing the dates of past events. chronom'eter (Gr. n. mct'ron, a nioasure), an instrument for meas- uring time. anach'ronism, a7i error in comput- ing time. syn'chronal, ) cxistingat the same syn'chronous, ) time. 11. GRAM'MA (ypa/xixa), a letter. gram'mar, the science of language. gramma'rian, one skilled in or who teaches grammar. grammat'ical, according to the rules of grammar. I an'agram, tJie change of one word into another by transposing the letters. di'agram, a uniting or drawing made for illustration. ep'igram, a short jwcm ending with a witty thought. mon'ograni(Gi. adj. rnon'os, alone), a character com2)osed of several letters interwoven. pro'gramme, oirler of any entertain- ment. tel'egi-am (Gr. te'le, at a distance), a message sent by telegraph. 110 WOIJD-ANALYSIS. 12. GRAPH'EIN graph'ic, tvdl delmcated ; ijiviny vivid description. au'tograph. See au'tos. biog'raphy (Gr. ii. hi'os, life), the history of a life. calig'raphy (Gr. adj. kaVos, beau- tiful), beautiful writing. geog'raphy (Gr. n. ge, the earth), a descriptiou of the earth. historiog'rapher (Gr. n. histo'ria, history), one appointed to ivrite history. hol'ograph (Gr. ailj. hol'os, whole), a deed or laill wholly written by the grantor or testator. lexicog'rapher (Gr. n. lex'icon, a dictionary), t/ie compiler of a dic- tionary. lith'ograph (Gr. n. lith'os, a stouc), an impression of a drctwing made on stone. lithog'raphy, the art of ivriting on and taking impressions from stone. (ypa.°-i.i'eu'), to rmise to appear; PHANTA'SIA ('/lacTacria), an image, an idea. diaph'anous, translucent. i fan'cy, a jjleasing image ; a conceit epiph'any, the festival commemora- or whim. five of the mcinife station of Christ fan'ciful, full of fancy ; abounding by the star of Bethlehem. I in wild images. THE GREEK ELEMENT. 115 fanta'sia, a musical comjjosition avowedly not governed by the or- dinary musical rules. phan'tom, a sjjeclcr, an apparition. phase, an aj^pearancc. phenom'enon, anything 2^Te'iented to the senses by e.vperiment oi- ob- servation ; an unusual aj^pcar- ancc. syc'ophant (Gr. n. siikon, a fig, and, literally, an informer against stealeis of tigs), a mean flatterer. ", . > according to sound. phon'ic ) eu'phony, an agreeable sound of icords. 25. PHO'NE (^urT,), a sound. sym'phony, harmony of mingled sounds ; a musical composition for a full hand of instruments. 26. PHOS (0WS, (i>wTos), light. phos'phorus (Or. v. pherein, to bear), a substance resembling wax, highly inflammable, and lumi- nous in the dark. phos'phate, a salt of p)liosphoric acid. 27. PHC'SIS phys'ic, medicines. phys'ical, natural ; material ; re- lating to the body. physi'cian, one skilled in the art of hea ling. phys'icist, a student of nature. phys'ics, natural philosophy. physiog'nomy (Gr. n. gno'mon, a judge), the art of discerning the 28. por'is police', the body of officers employed to secure the good order of a city. pol'icy, the art oi- manner of govern- ing a nation or conducting public affairs ; prudence. pol'itic, wise, expedient. polit'ical, relating to politics. politi'cian, one devoted to politics. pol'itics, the art or science of govern- ment ; struggle of parties. phosphores'cent, luminous in the dark. phosphor'ic, relating to or obtained from phos])horus. photog'raphy. See grajihein. I (<|)ucri5), nature. character of the mind from the features of the face ; the particular cast of features or countenance. phj'siol'ogy. See logos. metaphys'ics, literally, after or be- yond physics ; hence, the science of mind. metaphysi'cian, one versed in meta- physics. (woAts), a city. , pol'ity, the constitution of civil gov- \ emmcnt. I acrop'olis (Gr. adj. ak'ros, high), a citadel. cosmop'olite (Gr. n. kos'mos, the I world), a citizen of the icorld. I metrop'olis (Gr. n. me'ter, a nioth- I er), the chief city of a country. [ necrop'olis (Gr. adj. nek'ros, dead), a burial-place ; a city of tJie i dead. 116 WORD-AXALYSIS. 29. BHE'O (pew), I flow, I siicak. rhet'oric, the art of composition ; the science of oratory. rhetori'cian, one skilled in rhetoric. rheu'matism, a disease of the limbs (so called because the ancients supposed it to arise from a de- flection of the humors). res'in, a gum which floivs from cer- tain trees. catarrh', adiscliargeoffluidfrom the nose caused by cold in the head. diarrhoe'a, jmrgi^uf. hem'orrhage (Gr. n. haima, blood), a flowing of blood. 30. SKOP'EIN (o-Kon-eu'), to see, to watch. scope, space, aim, intention. bish'op (Gr. n. epis'kojios, overseer), a clergyman idio has charge of a diocese. epis'copacy, church government by bishops. epis'copal, relating to episcopacy. kalei'doscope (Gr. adj. kal'os, beautiful), an optical instrument in which ice see an endless variety of beautiful patlcrns by simple change of position. mi'croscope (Gr. adj. mik'ros, small), an instrument for examin- ing snvdl objects. micros'copist, one skilled in the itse of the rn icroscope. steth'oscope (Gr. n. steth'os, the breast), an instrument for exain- ining the state of the chest by sound. tel'escope (Gr. te'lc, afar off), an instrument for viewing objects far of. 31. TAK'TOS (rax'To?), arranged; TAX'IS (rofis), arrangement. tas'tics, the evolution, maneuvers, etc., of military and naval forces ; the science or art ichich relates to these. tacti'cian, one skilled in tactics. syn'tax, the arrangement of ivords into sentences. syntac'tical, relating to syntax. tax'idermy (Gr. n. der'ma, skin), the art ofjjreparing and arranging tlie skins of animals in their nat- ural appearance. tax'idermist, one skilled in taxi- dermy. 32. TECH'NE {rexfri), art. tech'nical, relating to an art or profession. tachnical'ity, a technical expres- sion ; that which is technical. tichnol'ogy, a treatise on or descrip- tion (f the (iris. technol'ogist, one skilled in tech- nology. poly tech'nic (G r. n(V].pol'us, many), comprising iwoiy arte. pyr'jbechny (Gr. n. pur, fire), the art of making fireioorks. THE GREEK ELEMENT. 117 33. THE'OS (eeos), God. the'ism, Iclicf in the existence of a a'theist, one who does not believe in God. theoc'racy. (See trntos.) theol'ogy. (See logos.) apotheo'sis, glorijication, deifica- tion. a'theism, disbelief in the existence of God. the existence of God. enthu'siasm, heat of imaginatioii ; ardent zeal. pan'theism. (SeejM«.) pol'ytheism (Gr. adj. j^olus, many), tlic doctrine of a 2)lurality of Gods. 34. TITH'ENI (TiBivai.), to place, to set theme, a subject set forth for dis- cussion. the'sis, a x>'''oposition set forth for discussion. anath'ema, an ecclesiastical curse. antith'esis, opposition or contrast in words or thoughts. hypoth'esis, a supposition. paren' thesis, something inserted in a sentence which is coraijletc icith- out it. syn'thesis, a putting together, as opjMsed to analysis. 35. TON'OS (toio?), tension, tone. tone, tension, vigor, sound. ton'ic, adj. increasing tension or vigor; n. a medicine ichi^h in- creases strength. tune, a series of musical notes on a particular key. attune', to make musical ; to 'nuike one sound agree with another. bar'ytone (Gr. adj. ba'rus, heavy), a male voice. diaton'ic, 2}''oeeeding by tones and semitones. in'tonate, to sound; to modulate the voice. intone', to give forth a slotc, pro- tracted sound. sem'itone, half a tone. REVIEW EXERCISE ON GREEK DERIVATIVES. 1. Derivation of "antithesis " ? — Compose an example of an antithesis. — Point out the antithesis in the following : — " The prodigal rohs his heir ; the miser robs himself." " A wit with dunces and a dunce with wits." "Though deep, yet clear, though gentle, yet not dull. Strong without rage, without o'erflowing, full." 2. Derivation of "hypothesis." — Give an adjective foimed from this noun. — "What Latin derivative corresponds literally to " hypothe- 118 WORD-ANALYSIS. sis"? Ans. Supiwsition. — Show this. ^?i5. Sup[>osition is composed of sub = hypo (under), and position (from ^;o)icre, to pLace) = tliesis, a placing. — What adjective from "supposition" would correspond to "hypothetical"? Ans. Supimsititious. 3. Derivation of " parenthesis" ? — Compose a parenthetical sentence. 4. What is the opposite of "synthesis"? — Give the distinction. Ans. Analysis is taking apart ; synthesis is putting together. — What adjective is derived from the noun " synthesis " ? 5 What adjective is formed from "demagogue"? Ans. Demagogic or demagogical. — Define it. — Compose a sentence containing the word "demagogue." Model: " Aaron Burr, to gain popularit}', practiced the arts of a demagogue." 6. What adjective is formed from "pedagogue"? Ans. Pedagogic. — What would the '■'pedagogic art" mean ? ■ — Is " pedagogue " usually employed in a complimentary sense ? — Give a .synonym of "peda- gogue " in its literal sense. 7. Derivation of " anarchy " ? — Compose a sentence containing this word. Model: "Many of the South American States have long been cursed by anarchy." 8. What adjective is formed from "monarchy"? Ans. Monarchical. — Define it. — Can you mention a country at present ruled by a mon- archical government ? — What is the ruler of a monarchy called ? 9. Compose a sentence containing the word "oligarchy." Model : "During the Middle Ages some of the Italian republics, as Genoa and Venice, were under the rule of an oligarchy." 10. From what root is " democracy " derived? — What adjective is formed from " democracy " ? — Is Russia at present a democracy? — Can you mention any ancient governments that for a time were democracies 1 11. What adjective is formed from " aristocracy " ? — What noun will de- note one who believes in aristocracy ? Ans. Aristocrat. — What does "aristocrat" ordinarily mean? Ans. A proud or haughty person who holds himself above the common people. 12. W^hat is the etymology of " thermometer " ? 13. Illustrate tlie meaning of " chronometer" by using it in a sentence. 14. What adjective is formed from "diameter"? Ans. Diametrical. — What adverb is formed from " diametrical " ? — What is meant by the expression " diametrically opposed " ? 15. What science was the forerunner of astronomy ? Ans. Astrology. — Give the derivative of this word. — What word denotes one who is THE GREEK ELEMENT. 119 skilled in astronomy ? — Form an adjective from "astronomy." — Compose a sentence containing the word "astronomy." Model : " The three great founders of astronomy are Co[)ernicus, Kepler, and Newton." 16. From what root is "telescope" derived ? — Combine and define tele- scop +ic. — Compose a sentence using the word "telescope.'.' 17. From what root is "microscope" derived? — Combine and define mieroscop + ic. — -What single word denotes microscopic animals ? Ans. Animalculce. — Compose a sentence containing the word "microscope." Model: " As the telescope reveals the infinitely distant, so the microsmpe reveals the infinitely little." 18. Compose a sentence containing tlie word "antipathy." Model: "That we sometimes have antipathies which we cannot explain is well illustrated in the lines : ' The reason why I cannot tell, I do not like you, Dr. Fell' " 19. "What adjective is formed from "apathy" ? 20. Derivation of " sympathy " ? — Give a synonjTn of this Greek deriva- tive. Ans. Compassion. — Show why they are literal sjTionyms. Ans. Sym = con or com, and pathy = passion ; hence, compassion = sympathy. — Give an English derivative expressing the same thing. Ans. Felloiv-feeliiui. 21. From what two roots is "autocrat" derived? — Form an adjective from "autocrat." — Who is the present "autocrat of all the Rus- sias"? — Could the Queen of England be called an autocrat? — Why not ? 22. Compose a sentence containing the word "autograph." Model: "There are only two or three autographs of Shakespeare in ex- istence." 23. Derivation of "automaton"? — Illustrate tlie signification of the word by a sentence. 24. What word would denote a remedy for "all the ills that flesh is heir to" ? — Compose a sentence containing the word "panacea." 25. Derivation of "panoply" ? — In the following sentence is "panoply" used in a literal or a figurative sense ? " We had need to take the Christian ^ayio/j/y, to put on the whole armor of God." 26. From what two roots is " pantheism " derived ? — What word is used to denote one who believes in pantheism ? 120 WORD-ANALYSIS. 27. Can you mention an ancient religion in wliich there were many gods ? — Each divinity might have its own temple ; Init what name would designate a temple dedicated to all tlie gods ? 28. Give an adjective formed from the word "panorama." — Compose a sentence using the woi'd " panorama." 29. What is the derivative of "eulogy" ? — Illustrate its meaning by a sentence. — Form an adjective from "eulogy." 30. What is the etymology of " pseudonym " ? — Give an example of a pseudonym. Division II. -ADDITIONAL GREEK ROOTS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES. ach'os, jmin — ache, headache. ainig'ma, a riddle — enigma. ak'me, a 2mvit — acme. akou'ein, io Jtear — acoustics. ak'ros, hirjh — acropolis (polis). allel'on, each other — parallel, par- allelogram. an'er, a man — Andrew, Alexander. an'thos, afov:r.r — anther, anthol- ogy, ]>olyanthus. anthro'pos, n man — anthropology, aiitlnopophagi, misanthrope, phil- anthropist, philanthropy. ark'tos, a bear — arctic, antarctic. ar'gos, idle — lethargy, lethargic. aris'tos, best — aristocrat (kratos), aristocrac}', aristocratic. arith'raos, number — arithmetic, arithmetician, logarithm, loga- rithmic. aro'ma, sjike, odor — aromatic. arte'ria, a bloodvessel — artery, arte- rial. ask'ein, /o discipline — ascetic, as- ceticism. asphal'tos, jritch — asphalt. ath'los, a contest — athlete, athletic. at'mos, vapor, smoke — atmosphere, atmospheric, au'los, (' pipe — hydraulic. bal'samon, balsam — balm, embalm. ba'ros, weight — barometer, barytes. ba'sis, the bottom — base, baseless, basement, basis. bib'lion, a book — bible, biblical. bi'os, life — biograi)hy, biology. bo'tane, a plant — botanic, botani- cal, botanist, botany. bron'chos, the throat — bronchial, bronchitis. bus'sos, bottom — abyss. cha'lups, steel — chalybeate. charas'sein, to stamp — character, characterize, characteristic. cha'ris, grace — eucharist. cheir, the hand — surgeon (short for chirurgeon), surgical. chlo'ros, green — chloride, chlorine. chol'e, bi/e — choler, cholera, chol- eraic, melancholy. chor'de, n string — chord, cord, cordage. THE GREEK ELEMENT. 121 cliris'tos, anointed — clirism, Christ, Christian, Christmas, Christen- dom, antichrist. chro'ma, color — chromatic, chrome, chromic, chromotype, achromatic. chru'sos, gold — chrysalis, chryso- lite. chu'los, the viiJkij juice formed hy digestion — chyle, chylifaction. chu'mos, juice — chyme, chemist, chemistry, alchemy, alchemist. dai'mon, a spirit — • demon, demo- niac, demonology. de'mos, the people — demagogue, democracy, democrat, endemic, ejndemic. den'dron, a tree — dcndrologj', rho- dodendron. der'ma. the skin — epidermis. des'potes, a ruler — despot, des- ]>otic, despotism. diai'ta, manner of life— diet, diet- ary, dietetic. dido'ni, to give — dose, antidote, anecdote. dog'ma, an opinion — dogma, dog- matic, dogmatize, dogmatism. dox'a, an ojrinion, glory — doxology, lieterodox, orthodox, paradox. dram'a, a stage-play — drama, dra- matic, dramatist. drom'os, a course — dromedary, hippodrome. drus, an oak — druid, druidical. duna'thai, to be able — dynamics, dynamical, dynasty. dus, ill, wrong — dysentery (entcra, the bowels), dyspepsia (jieptcin, to digest). ekkle'sia, tlie church — ecclesiastes, ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical. e'chein, to sound — echo, catechise, catechism, catechumen, eklei'pein, to fail — eclipse, ecliptic, elek'tron, amber — electric, elec- tricity, electrify, electrotype. em'ein, to vomit — emetic, ep'os, a word — epic, orthoepy, er'emos, dxsert, solitary — hermit, hermitage, er'gon, a v:ork — energy, energetic, surgeon (cheir, the hand), eth'nos, a nation — ethnic, ethnical, ethnography, ethnology, eth'os, custom, manner — ethics, ethical, eu, good, well — eulogy, eulogize, euphony, evangelical. gam'os, marriage — bigamy, polyg- amy, misogamist. gas'ter, the stomach — gastric, gas- tronomj-. ge, the earth — geography, geology, geological, geometry, George, apogee, perigee. gen'naein, to pivduce — genealogy, genesis, heterogeneous, homoge- neous, hydrogen, nitrogen, ox \'geu. gignos'kein, to know — diagnosis, diagnostic, prognosticate. glos'sa, glot'ta, the tongue — glossa- ry, glottis, polyglot. glu'phein, to carve — hieroglyphics. gno'mon, an indicator — gnomon, ]ihysiognomy (])husis). go'nia, a corner — diagonal, hepta- gon, hexagon, octagon, trigono- metry. gum'nos, naked — gymnasium, gym- nast, g}-mnastics. hai'rein, to take or choose — heresy, heretic, heretical. 122 WORD-ANALYSIS. harmo'nia, a fitting together — har- mony, harmonious, harmonize, liarmonium. hek'aton, a hundred — hecatomb. he'lios, the sun — heliotrope, aphe- lion, perihelion. he'mera, a day — ephemeral. hep'ta, seven — heptagon, hep- tarchy. he'ros, a hero — liero, heroic, hero- ine, heroism. het'eros, another, unlike — hetero- dox, heterodoxy, heterogeneous. hex, six — hexagon, hexangular. hi'eros, sacred — hierarchy, hiero- glyphics {glyphcin, to carve). hip'pos, a horse — hippodrome, hip- popotamus, Philip, philippic. hol'os, a.U — holocaust, holograph, catholic, catholicity. hom'os, like, the same — homogene- ous (gennacin, to produce). hor'os, a boundary — horizon, aph- orism. hu'men, the god of marriage — hy- meneal. hum'nos, a song ofjyraise — hymn, hymnal, hymnolog}^. Ich'thus, a fish — ichthyology, id'ea, a form or pattern — idea, ideal. id'ios, peculiar — idiom, idiosyn- crasy, idiot, idiotic, is'os, equal — isothermal. kai'ein, to burn — caustic, cauterize, holocau.st (holos, whole), ka'kos, bad — cacojihony. ka'los, beautiful — caligraphy, calo- type, kaleidoscope (skopcin). kal'uptein, to conceal — apocalypse. kan'on, a rule — canon, canonical, canonize. kar'dia, the heart — cardiac, peri- cardium. ken'os, empty — cenotaph. keph'ale, the head — acephalous, hydrocephalus (hydor). ker'as, a horn — rhinoceros. kle'ros, a portion — clergy, clerical, clerk, clerkship. kli'max, a ladder — climax. kli'nein, to bend — clinical, recline. ko'mos, a merry feast — comedy, (ode), comedian, comic, encomium. ko'nein, to serve — deacon, deacon- ship, diaconal, diaconate. ko'nos, Lat. conus, a cone — cone, conic, conical, coniferous, coni- form. kop'tein, to cut — coppice, copse, syncope. kos'mos, theU'Orld — cosmography, cosmopolitan. kri'tes, a judge — crisis, criterion, critic, critical, criticism, hypo- crite. krup'tein, to conceal — crypt, apoc- rypha. krustal'los, ice — crystal, crystal- lize. kuk'los, cc circle — cycle, encyclical, Cyclops, cj'clades, encyclopsedia. kulin'dros, a roller — cylinder. lam'banein, to take — syllable, dis- syllable, poh'Syllable. lam'pein, to shine ■ — lamp. la'os, the peo27le — layman, laity. latrsi'a, worship — idolatry, heli- oliitiy. lith'os, a stone — litharge, litho- graph, aerolite. THE GREEK ELEMENT. 123 lu'ein, to loosen — analysis, paraly- sis, paralytic, palsy. man'ia, madness — mania, maniac. mar'tur, a icitness — martyr, niar- tyrdoni, iiiart)-rology. meFas, Mack — melanchol}', Jlela- nesia, me'ter, a mother — metropolis. mik'ros, small — microcosm, micro- scope, microscopic. mi'mos, an imitator — mimic, mim- icry, pantomime. mor'phe, s/wjjc — amorphous, meta- morphosis. mu'rias, ten tkousa'nd — myriad. mu'thos, a fable — myth, mythol- ogy- nar'ke, torpor — narcissus, narcotic. naus, a ship — nausea, nauseate, nautical, nautilus, aeronaut. nek'ros, dead — necropolis, ne'sos, an island — Pol3^nesia. nom'os, a law — astronomy, Deu- teronom y, econom y (oil-os, a house) , economic. ol'igos, few — oligarchy (arclie). or'phanos, deserted — orphan, or- phanage. or'thos, right, straight — orthodox, orthoepy, orthography. paidei'a, instruction — cyclopedia. pais, a child — pedagogue, pedant, pedantic, pedohaptist. pap'as, Lat. papa, a father — pa- pacy, pope, popedom, popery. paradei'sos, a pleasant garden — paradise. pat'ein, to walk — peripatetic. pen'te, five — pentagon, pentecost. pet'ra, a rock — Peter, petrescent, petrify, petroleum, saltpeter. phob'os,/c«r — hydropliobia (/aftZor, water). phra'sis, speech — phrase, phrase- ology, paraphrase. phren, tlie mind — phrenology, fran- tic, frenzy. phu'ton, a plant — zoophyte. pla'naein, to wander — planet, planetary. plas'sein, to mould — plaster, plas- tic. pleu'ra, the side — pleurisy. pneu'ma, breath, spirit — pneu- matic. po'lein, to sell — bibliopolist, mo- nopoh% monopolize. pol'us, mcmy — polygamy, polyglot, polysyllable, polytechnic. por'os, a passage — pore, porosity, porous, emporium. pofamos, a river — hippopotamus. pous, the foot — antipodes, polypus, tripod. pras'sein, to do — practice, practi- cal, practitioner, impracticable. presbu'teros, elder — presb}^ery, presbyterian, presbyterianism. pro'tos, first — protomart}'r. psal'lein, to touch, to sing — psalm, psalmist, psalmody, psalter. pur, fi,rc — pyramid, pyrotechny. rhin, tJie nose — rhinoceros. rhod'on, a rose — rhododendron. sarx, flesh — sarcasm, sarcastic, sar- cophagus. sched'e, a she/it — schedule. sche'ma, a, plan — scheme. schis'ma, adivision — schism, schis- matic. 124 WOED-ANALYSIS. sit'os, corn — parasite, parasitical. skan'dalon, disgrace — scandal, scandalous, scandalize, slander, slanderous. skeptes'thai, to consider — sceptic, sceptical, scepticism. skep'tron, an emblem of office — scepter. soph'ia, wisdoin, — soyiliist, sophis- try, philosoijher (philos), philoso- sphai'ra, a globe — sphere, spheri- cal, spheroid, hemisphere. stal'aein, to drop — slalactite, sta- lagmit£. stel'lein, to send — apostle, apos- tolic, epistle, epistolary. sten'os, narrow — stenography. sthen'os, strength — calisthenics. stig'ma, a mark — stigma, stigma- tize. strat'os, an army — stratagem, strateg}', strategist. stroph'e, a turning — apostrophe, catastrophe. ta'phos, a tomb — epitaph, ceno- taph. tau'to, the same — tautology. tek'ton, CO builder — architect. te'le, far off — telegraph, telescope. tem'nein, to cut — atom, anatomy, anatomist. tet'ra, four — tetragon, tetrarch. ther'me, heat — thermal. thron'os, a throve — throne, en- throne. topics, a 2}lace — topography. trep'ein, to txirn — trope, tropic, tropical, heliotrope. tu'pos, astamj) — tyjie, typography, jirototype. turan'nos, a ruler — tyrant, tyran- nical, tyrannize, tyranny. zein, to boil — zeal, zealous, zephu'ros, the west wind — zephyr, zo'on, an animal — zodiac, zoology, zoological, zoophyte. THE ANGLO-SAXON ELEMENT. 1:25 PART IV.— THE ANGLO-SAXON ELEMENT. I. - ANGLO-SAXON PEEFIXES. A — (corrupted from A.-S. o?i) signifies in, on, at : as abed, aboard, aside, aback ; and gives the adverbial form to adjectives, as in aloud, aboard. Be — gives a transitive signification, as in bespeak. It is some- times intensive, as in bestir, and converts an adjective into a verb, as in bedim. Be, as a form of by, also denotes proximity, as in beside : as bystander. For ' — means privation, or opposition : as forbear, forbid, forget. Fore — before: as foretell, forebode. Mis — error, itrongness : as mistake, misstate, misinform. N — has a negative signification, as in many languages : thus, never, neither, none. OflF — from offspring. Out — beyond : as outdo, outlaw. Over — above: as overhang, overflow, overturn. To — in to-day, to-morrow, a corruption of ths. Un — not, the reverse : as, unskilled, iinleamed. Under — beneath : as undermine. "With — against (German ivider) : as withstand. 11. - ANGLO-SAXON SUFFIXES. Ar, ard, er, yer, ster- — signifying ageiit or doer; as in beggar, drunkard, l)eginner, lawyer, spinster. Er forms verbs of adjec- 1 For is tlifferent from/ore, and corresponds to the German ver, different from vor. A, be, for, ge, are often indifferently prefixed to verbs, especially to perfect tenses and perfect participles, as well as to verbal nouns. — Bosworth. - Stcr was the Anglo-Saxon feminine termination. Females once conducted the work 126 WOKD-ANALYSIS. tives, as lower, from low, and also forms the comparatives of adjectives. Ess, as in songstress, is borrowed from the French. Dom, ship, ric, wic — from dom, judgment ; shij), shape or condi- tion ; ric, rice, power ; unc, a dwelling — signify state, condition, quality, etc., as in kingdom, friendship, bishopric, Berwick. El, kin {^chen, German), let (from French), ling, ock — have a diminutive effect, as in manilvin, streamlet, youngling, hillock, cockerel. En — adjective termination, as wooden, from wood ; it also converts adjectives into verbs, as deepen from deep. Fold — from fealdan, to fold ; a numeral termination, like ^jZc, from the Latin j^Hc'^, I fold. Ful — full ; truthful. Hood, ness — of uncertain derivation, signify state, etc., as in priesthood, righteousness. Ish — isc (Saxon), isch (German), denotes a quality ; like rakish, knavish, churlish, Danish. Ish is also employed as a diminu- tive — blackish. Less — loss : as penniless, hopeless. Like and ly^ — like; lie (A.-S.) : as warlike, manly. Some — sum (A.-S.), sam (German), lonesome, handsome. Teen — ten, as in fourteen. Ty — from tic/ (A.-S ), ten ; zig (German), as in six-tij. Teen adds ten — ty multiplies by ten. "Ward — rveard, xdirts (German), versus (Latin), against, direction, towards ; downward, eastward. "Wise — wisa, manner ; likewise. Y- — i(j, an adjective termination ; dreorig (A.-S.), dreary. of brewing, baking, etc., hence brewster, baxter ; these words were afterwards applied to men when they undertook the same work. Ster is now used in depreciating, as in trickster, youngster. THE ANGLO-SAXON ELEMENT. 127 ANGLO-SAXON ROOTS AND ENGLISH DERIVATIVES. In pronouncing Saxon words, all the letters have the same powers as those of the modern English alphabet except c, which always has the power of k : thus, cyng is pronounced as if written Icing, and cyth, kindred, as if written kith. J, k, q, V, and z do not occur in Anglo-Saxon, but civ has the power of qu, and ?/, at the end of a syllable, or between two vowels, has the sound uf v : thus, nmi, a \vou.vdn = queen ; heauth^r^heaveth ; and euen = even. The vowels sound as in mcd, pen, sin, not, and fun. A, e, and i, with an acute accent over them, have sounds corresponding to the vowels heard in lame, vene, and fine; 6 accented sounds like oo in moon, and ^ accented sounds like &u in house ; thus, ham =z]iame; f('t =feet ; die = dike ; hoc = hook; and mUs = mouse. Diphthongs were never used by the Saxons. In pronouncing the words that contain them, eacli vowel has a distinct sound. Ae, generally written ce, seems to be a distinct letter having the sound of a in hat : thus, blaec or blmc = black ; glaed or glced = glad. A e accented has the sound of « m father, as in Idcdan or Icedan, to lead, and Idem, or Icern, to teach. Oe was introduced by the Scandinavians, but it seldom occurs. Where it is used, as in dmmxxn, to deem, it lias the sound of e in me. E before a and o has the sound of 1/ as a consonant ; i before e and u has the same sound : thus. Earl = yarl ; eow = you ; iett = yctt ; and lugoth = yugoth, youth. acsian, to inquire — ask. sec, an oak — acorn, oak, Auckland. secer, a, field — acre, aci'eage. ser, before — early, eve, erelong, erst. aft, hind-part — after, abaft. agan, to have — owe, own, owner, ought, disown. bsec, hack — backbite, Jbackslide, backward, aback. bselg, a bay. bsenc, a bank or raised jjlace — bank, banker, bankrupt, bankruptc}', bench, embankment, bald, hold, brave — bold, boldness. arisan, to arise — raise, rise, rouse. 1 bana, death — bane, baneful, hcn- I banc. bacan, to bake — baker, bakery, ; beacnian, to &cc/;o>i — beck, beckon, bakehouse, batidi. | beacon. 128 WORD-ANALYSIS. bellan, to roar — bawl, bellow. beodan, to jiray, to hid — bid, bid- ding, bead, beadsman, beadle, for- bid, unbidden. beorgan, to protect — borough, bor- row, burgh, burglar, burrow, har- bing(;r, harbor, berth. beorht, bright — bright. beran, to bear, to bring forth — bar- row, bear, bier, birth. bidan, to wait — abide. bindan, to bind — band, bond, bond- age, bundle. blcec, jxile — bleach, bleacher, bleak, bleakness. blawan, to blow — blade, bladder, Ijlast, blaze, blazon, blister, blos- som, blow, blush, bluster. bletsian, to bless — bless, blessing. brad, broad — broad, breadth, board, aboard. brecan, to break — bray (to pound), breach, breaker, breakfast, brink, broken. breost, the breast — breast, breast- plate, breastwork, abreast. breowan, to hrcio — brew, brewer, brewery. brucan, to ^tse — broker, brokerage, brook (to endure). buan, to cultivate — boor, boorish, neighbor^ neighborhood. bugan, to hoiv or bend — bay, bight, bough, bow, buxom, elbow. byldan, to design, to make — build, builder, building. byrnan, to burn — brand, brandish, brandy, brimstone, brown, brunt, auburn, firebrand. caelan, to cool — chill, chilblain. ceapian, to bay — cheap, cheapen, clieapness, chaffer, chapman. cennan, to 2)roducc — kin, kind, kindness, kindred, akin, man- kind. ceorl, a churl — carle, churlish. claene, clean — -clean, cleanly, clean- liness, cleanse, unclean. clath, cloth — clothe, clothier, cloth- ing, clad, unclad. cleafan, to cleave ; clifian, to ad- here — cleaver, cliff, clover, club. cnafa, a boy — knave, knavery. cnawan, to know — knowledge, ac- knowledge, foreknow, unknown. cnyll, a loud noise — knell. cnyttan, to knit — knitting, knot, knotty, net, network. cracian, to crack ; cearcian, to creak ■ — crack, crackle, creak, cricket, croak, screech, shriek. cuman, to come — comely, comeli- ness, become, overcome, welcome. cunnan, to know, to be poioerful — can, con, cunning, keen. cwellan, to slay — kill, quell dseg, a day — dawn, dajdight, day- star, daisy = day's eye. dfel, a part — deal, dole, ordeal. deor, a mild animal — deer. deorc, dusky or black — dark, dark- en, darkly, darkness. die, a dyke — dig, ditch, ditcher. disc, a plate — desk, disc, dish. dceman, to think — deem. dom, judgment — doom, doomsday. don, to do — doer, deed, undo. dragan, to draw — drag, draggle, drain, draught, draughtsman, draw, dray. drifan, to drive — drift, driver, drove. drigan, to dry — drysaltei', drouglit, THE ANGLO-SAXON ELEMENT. 120 drug (originally dried i^lants), druggist. drincan, to suck in — drench, drink, drunk, drunkard, drunken, drypan, to drip or drop — drip, drop, droop, dribble, drivel. dwinan, to pine — dwindle, dwine. dyn, a noise — din, dun. eage, the eye — eye, e3'eball, eye- bright, eyelid. eald, old — alderman, earl. efen, just — even, evenness. erian, to plough, to ear — earth, earthy, earthquake. faeger, bright — fair, fairness. faer, fear — fearful, fearless. faran, to go — fare, farewell, ferry, ford, seafaring, wayfarer. fedan, to feed — feed, feeder, fodder, food, father, fatherlj'. fengan, to seize — fang, finger. feond, CI71 enemy — fiend, fiendish. fledgan, to fly — flag, flake, fledge, flee, flicker, flight. fleotan, to float — float, fleet. fldwan, to flow — flood, flow. folgian, to go after — follow. tot, the foot — foot, fetter, fetlock. fredn, to love — free, freedom, friend, friendship. fretan, to gnaw — fret, fretful. fugel, a. bird — fowl, fowler, fowl- ing-piece. ful, unclean — filth, filthy, foul, ful- some. fallian, to whiten — full {to scour and thicken cloth in a mill), ful- ler, fuller's-earth. ijr, fl,re — fiery, fireworks, bonfire. gabban, to mock — gabble, gibe, gibbeiish, jabber. galan, to sing — nightingale. gangan, to go — gang, gangway. gast, a ghost — gas, ghastly, ghost, ghostly, aghast. geard, an enclosure — garden, or- chard, yard. geotan, to 2>our — gush, gut. gerefa, a governor — gi-ieve (an overseer), sheriff, sheriffdom. getan, to get — get, beget, begotten, forget, forgetful. gifan, to give — give, gift, forgive, forgiveness, misgive, uuforgiven. glowan, to glow — glow, glowing. go'd, good — God, gospel, gossip. grass, grass — grass, graze, grazier. grafan, to dig — grave, graver, gi-aft, groove, grove, grub, en- grave. grapian, to grapple; gri'pan, to gripe ; gropian, to grope — grap- ple, grapnel, gripe, grope, group, grovel. greot, dust — gritty, groats. growan, to groiv — grow, growth. grund, the ground — ground, ground- less, groundsel, groundwork. habban, to have — have, haft, be- have, behavior, misbehave. hzege, a, hedge — haw, hawthorn. hsel, sound, lohole — hail, hale, heal, health, healthful, healthy, holy, holiness, whole, wholesome. ham, a d)celling — hamlet, home, homely, homeliness. hangian, to hang — hang, hanger, hinge, unhinge, overhang. hat, heat — heat, heater, hot. healdan, to hold — halt, halter, hilt, 130 WORD-ANALYSIS. liokl, behold, uphold, uplioLsturer, withhold. heard, hard — harden, hardihood, hardship, hardware, hardy. heban, hefan, to lift — heap, heave, heaven, heavy, upheaval, hedan, to heed — heed, heedful, heed- t'uliK'SS, heedless, heedlessness. heorte, the heart — hearten, heart- less, hearty, heartburn, heart's- ease, dishearten. hl^f, bread — loaf, hleapan, to lea}] — leap, overleap, elope, elopement. hoi, a hole — hole, hold {of a ship), hollow, hollovvness. hristlan, to make quick sounds — rustle, rustling, huntian, to rush — hunt, hunter, huntsman. hiis, house — housewife, husband, hustings. hweorfian, to turn — swerve, wharf. hyran, to hear — hear, hearer, hear- say. Isedan, to lead — • lead, leader, load- star, loadstone, mislead. Isefan, to leave — left, eleven, twelve. Isferan, to teach — learn, learner, learning, lore, unlearned. lang, long — long, length, -length- en, lengthy, linger. lecgan, tolai/ — lay, layer, lair, law, lawful, lawless, lea, ledge, ledger, lie, low, lowly, outlaw. leofian, lybban, to live — live, lively, livelihood, livelong, alive, outlive. leoht, light — lighten, lightsome, lighthouse, enlighten. lie, like — like, likely, likelihood, likeness, likewise, unlike. locian, to stretch forward — look. loma, utensils, furniture — loom, hand-loom, power-loom. losian, to lose — lose, loser, loss. liif, love; lufian, to love — lover, lovely, loveliness, lief, beloved, unlovely. lyfan, to permit — leave {permis- sion), belief, believe, believer, misbelieve. lyft, the air — loft, lofty, aloft. macian, to make — make, maker, match, matchless, mate, inmate. maengan, to mix — among, mingle, commingle, intermingle, mongrel. magan, to be able — may, might, mighty, main, mainland, dismay. mearc, a boundary — mark, marks- man, marches, remark. metan, to measure — meet, meeting, meet {fit), meetness. mund, a defence — mound. murnan, to murmur — mourn, mourner, mournful. mynd, th,e mind — mind, mindful, mindfulness, remind. nses, a nose — naze, ness. naraa, a name — name, nameless, namesake, misname. nead, need — need, needful, need- less, needs, needy. neah, nigh — near, next, neighbor. nilit, night — night, niglitfall, night- less, nightmare, nightshade. oga, dread — ugly, ugliness. paeth, a path — pathless, pathway, footpath. THE ANGLO-SAXON ELEMENT. 131 plegan, to exercise, to sport — play, player, playful, playmate. raBcan, to reach — reach, overreach, rack, rack-rent. rsedan, to read — read, readable, reader, reading, riddle. raefian, to seize — bereave, bereave- ment, raven, ravenous, rive, rob, robber, robbery, rove, rover. read, red — red, redden, ruddy. recan, to heed — reck, reckless, recklessness, reckon, reckoning. rennan, to run — run, runner, run- away, outrun. ridan, to ride — ride, rider, road, roadster, roadstead. ripan, to reaji — reap, reaper, ripe, ripen, ripeness, unripe. ruh, rough — rough, roughness. saegan, to say — say, saying, hear- say, unsay. sar, painful — sore, soreness, sor- row, sorrowful, sorry. scacan, to shake — shake, shaky, shock, shocking. sceadan, to shade — shade, shady, shadow, shed (a covered enclosure). scedan, to scatter, to sJied — shed (to spilt), watershed. sceofan, to 2^iTay thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some veiiison ; and make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat ; that my soul may bless thee before I die. And Rebeknli heard when Isaac spake to Esau, his ton. And Esaib went to the field to hunt for venison, and to bring it. And Rebckah spake unto Jacob her son, saying. Behold, I heard thy father speak unto Esaic thy brother, saying. Bring me venison, and make me savoury meat, that I may eat, and bless thee before the Lord before my death. — Genesis xxvii. 1-7. 138 WOUD-ANALYSIS. THOMSON. These as they change, Almighty Father ! these Are but the varied God. The rolling year Is full of thee. Forth in the pleading spring Thy beauty walks, th}' tenderness and love. Wide flush the fields ; the softening air is balm ; Echo the mountains ro2ind ; the /ores< smiles ; And every sense and every heart is joy. Then conies thy glory in the summer months, With light and heat refulgent. Then thy sun Shoots full perfection tlirough the swelling year. ADDISON. I was yesterday, about sunset, walking in the open fields, till the night insensibly fell upon me. I at first amiised myself with all the richness and variety of colours which apjieared in the western ^mrte of heaven. In proportion as they faded away and went out, several stars and planets appeared, one after another, till the whole firmament was in a glow. The blueness of the ether was exceedingly heightened and en- livened by the season of the year. YOUNG. Let Indians, and the gay, like Indicms, fond Of feathered fofperics, the sun adore : Darkness has more divinity for me ; It strikes thought inward ; it drives back the soul To settle on herself, our point supreme. There lies our theater : there sits our judge. Darkness the curtain drops o'er life's dull scene: 'T is the kind hand of Providence stretched out 'Twixt man and vanity ; 't is reason's reign, And virtues too ; these tutelary shades Are man's asylum from the tainted throng. Night is the good man's friend, and guardian too. It no less rescues virtue, than inspires. SWIFT. Wisdom is a fox, who, after long hunting, will at last cost you the pains to dig out. 'T is a cheese, which by liow much the richer has the THE ANGLO-SAXON ELEMENT. 139 tliielvPr, lionielicr, and the cnarscr coat ; ami wherfiof, to a judicious IKilate, the macjcjols are the best. 'T is a suck posset, wherein tlie deeper you go you will find it the sweeter. But then, lastly, 't is a nut, which, unless you choose with jadgvicnt, may cost you a tooth, and pay you with nothing but a worm. HUME. The beauties of \iqt person and graces of her air combined to make her the most amiable of women ; and the charms of her address and conver- sation aided the impression which her lovely /(/itrc made on the heart of all beholders. Ambitious and active in her temper, yet inclined to cheer- fulness and society ; of a lofty spirit, constant and even vehement in her inir^wse, yet ^jo^iYic, gentle, and affable, in her demeanor, she seemed to partake only so much of the male virtues as to render her estimable, with- out relinquishing those soft graces which compose t\ie proper ornament of her sex. GIBBON. In the second cent^iry of the Christian era, the empire of Rome compre- hended the fairest part of the earth, and the most civilized portion of mankind. Ulae frontiers of that extensive monarchy were guarded by an- cient renown and disciplined valour. The gentle but powerful inflicence of laws and rnanners had gradually cemented the tmion of the provinces. Their peaceful inhabitants enjoyed and abused the advantages of wealth and luxury. The image of a free constitution was preserved with decent reverence. JOHNSON. Of genius, that power which constitutes n i^oct ; that qualify without which judgment is cold, and knowledge is wicrt ; that energy which co/- /cds, combines, amplifies, and animates ; the superiority must, with some hesitation, be allowed to Dry den. It is not to be inferred that of this poetical vigor Pope had only a little, because Dryden had more ; for every other writer since Milton must give ^jZacc to Po;)e ; and even of Dryden it must be said, that if he has brighter j^aragraphs, he has not better 2^ocvis. BYRON. Ancient of days ! august Athena ! where, "Wliere are thy men of might — tliy grand in soul ? 140 WORD-ANALYSIS. Gone — glimmering through the dream of things that were. First in the race that led to Glory's goal, They won, and 2Msscd away. Is this the whole ? A school-hoy's tale — the wonder of an hour I The warrior's weapon and the sophist's stole Are sought in vain, and o'er each muuldcring tower, Dim with the mist of years, gray flits the shade oi power. SIR WALTER SCOTT. The way was long, the wind was cold, Tire Minstrel was infirm and old ; His withered cheek and tresses gray Seemed to have known a better day ; The harp, his sole remaining joy. Was carried by an orphan bo}'. The last of all the bards was he Who sung of border chivahy ; For, well-a-day ! their date was fled ; His tuneh\\ brethren all were dead ; And he, neglected and oppressed. Wished to be with them and at rest. WORDSWORTH. Ah ! little doth the young one dream, When full of play and childish cares, W^liat poivcr is in his wildest scream. Heard by his mother unawares ! He knows it not, he cannot guess ; Years to a mother bring distress; But do not make her love the less. My son, if thou be hiunblcd, jwor, Hopeless of honor and of gain, Oh ! do not dread thy mother's door ; Think not of me with grief and piain. I now can see with better eyes ; And worldly grandeur I despist. And Fortune with her gifts and lies. THE ANGLO-SAXON ELEMENT. 141 TENNYSON. Not wholly in the busy world, nor quite Beyond it, blooms the garden that 1 love. News from the humming city comes to it lu sound oi funeral or of marriage bells ; And sitting mufHed in dark leaves you hear The windy clanging of the winter clock ; Although between it and the garden lies A league of grass, washed by a slow broad stream, That, stirred with languid j^ulses of the oar. Waves all its lazy lilies, and creeps on. Barge laden, to three arches of a bridge, Crowned with the minster-towers. 142 WOliD-ANALYSIS. PAET v. — MISCELLANEOUS DERIVATIVES. I.-WOEDS DEEIVED PEOM THE If AMES OP PEESONS. I. -NOUNS. at'las, a collection of mnj^s bound together : " Atlas," a fabled giant who, according to the Greek no- tion, bore the earth upon his shoulders. acad'emy, a superior grade school ; a society of learned, men : ' ' Acade- mus," a Greek in whose garden near Athens Plato taught. ammo'nia, tlie pimgent viattcr of smelling-salts: "Jupiter Amnion," near whose temple in Libya it was originally obtained. bac'chanal, one who indulges in drunken revels: "Bacchus," the god of wine. bow'ie-knife, an American weap- on : Colonel "Bowie," the in- ventor. braggado'cio, a vain boaster : "Brag- gadochio," a boastful character in Spenser's Faery Queen. bud'dhism, ft widc-s-prcacl Asiatic religion: "Buddha," a Hindoo sage who lived about 1000 B. C. cal'vinism, the doctrines of Calvin : "Calvin," a Swiss theologian of the 16th century. camel'lia, a genus of evergreen shrubs: "Camelli," a Spaniard who brought them from Asia. cicero'ne (sis-e-ro'ne or chi-che-ro'- ne), a guide: "Cicero," the Eo- man orator. cincho'na, Penman bark: Coun- tess "Cinchona," wife of a Span- ish governor of Peru (17th cen- tury). By means of this medicine she was cured of an intermittent fever, and after her return to Spain she aided in the diffusion of the remedy. daguerre'otype, a picture produced on a metal plate : " Daguerre," the inventor (1789-1851). dahl'ia, a garden pilant: "Dahl," a Swedish botanist. dunce, a dull, sloio-witted person : " Duns Scotus," a subtle philos- opher of the 13th century. His method of reasoning was very popular in the schools during the Middle Ages, and a very skillful hair-splitter was called a Dunse ; but at last, through the influence of the antagonists of the pliilos- o])her, the word passed into a term of rejiroach. ep'icure, one fond of good living : "Epicurus," a Greek philosopher who wassaid to teach that pleasure is the chief good. MISCELLANEOUS DERIVATIVES. Uc Fah'renheit, a thermometer that marks the freezing-point of water at 32° (whicli is different from both the centigrade and the Reau- nuir thermometer) : "Fahrenheit," the inventor. fuchsia (fu'si-a), a genus of flower- ing j'^c-nts : "Leonard Fuchs, " a German botanist of the 16th cen- tury. gal'vanism, a branch of the science of electricity: "Galvani," an Ital- ian physician, its discoverer. gen'tian, a medicincd root: "Gen- tian," king of Illyria, who is said to have first experienced the vir- tues of the plant. gob'elin, a rich tapestrij : ' ' Jehan Gobeelen," a Flemish dyer. guillotine', an instrument for be- heading : "Guillotin," who in- vented and brought it into use at the time of the French Revolution, last centurj'. hy'giene, the jjy-incijjles and rides of health: " Hygeia," the goddess of health in classical mythology. Jes'uit, a member of the Society of Jesus, formed by Ignatius Loyola in 1534 .• "Jesus." lynch, to punish icithout the usual forms of law : said to be from "Lynch," a Virginia farmer, wlio took the law into his own hands. macad'amize, to cover a road with small broken stones : "Macadam," the inventor. magno'lia, a species of trees found in the southerii parts of tlie United States : " Magnol," a French bot- anist. men ' tor, a faithful monitor : ' ' Men- tor, " the counselor of Teleniachus. mor'phia, the narcotic principle of opium : "Morpheus," the god of sleep. ne'gus, arnixtureofivine, water, and sugar: Colonel "Xegus," who in- troduced its use- in the time of Queen Anne. or'rery, an apparatus for showing the motions, etc., of the Ibcavcnly bodies: the Earl of "Orrer}-," for whom one of the first was made. palla'dium, something tluit affords effectual defense, protection, and safety: Greek "palla'dion," an image of " Pallas Athene," which was kept hidden and secret, and was revered as a pledge of the safety of the town where it was lodged. pan'ic, asudden fright : ' ' Pan, " the god of shepherds, who is said to have caused alarm by his wild screams and appearance. pe'ony,« jjlant of the genus P.^ioxia, having beautiful showy flowers : " Paeon," its discoverer. pet'rel, an ocean bird : diminutive of Peter, probabl}' .so called in al- lusion to "St. Peter's" walking on the sea. pha'eton, an open carriage : " Phae- thon," the fabled son of Phoebus or the Sun, whose chariot he at- tempted to drive. pinch'beck, an alloy of copper and 14-i WOKD-ANALYSIS. zinc resembling gold: said to be from one "Pinchbeck," the in- ventor. quas'sia, a hitter wood used as a tonic: "Quassy," a negro who discovered its cj[ualities. rodomontade', vainbluster: " Rodo- monte," a boasting hero who fig- ures in Ariosto's poem of the Orlando Furioso. silhouette (sil-oo-ef), the outline of an object filled in with black color: "Silhouette" (see Web- ster). tan'talize, to torment or tease: "Tantalus," according to the poets, an ancient king of Phrygia, who was made to stand up to the chin in water with fruit lianging over his head, but from whom both receded when he wished to partake. typhoon', a violent hurricayie which occurs in the Chinese seas: "Ty- phon," a fabled giant who was taught to produce them. volca'no, a burning moimtdin : " Vulcan," the god of lire. 2. -ADJECTIVES. Amer'ican, relating to America : from "Amerigo (Latin, Americus) Vespucci "— contemporary of Co- lumbus. A'rian, relating to Arias: a theolo- gian of the 4th century who de- nied the divinity of Christ. Aristote'lian, relating to the deduc- tive method of reasoning set forth by Aristotle : a Greek philosopher of the 4th century B. c. Armin'ian, relating to Arminius : a Dutch theologian of the 16th century, who opposed the doc- trines of Calvin. Baco'nian, relating to the inductive viethod of reasoning set forth by Bacon : an Englislr philosopher of the 17th century. Caxie'sidia, relating to the philosophy of Descartes • a French philosopher of the 17th century. ce'real, relating to grain ; from "Ceres " — the Roman goddess of corn and tillage. Coper'nican, relating to Copernicus: a German philosopher of the 16th century, who taught the theory of the solar system now received, • and called the Copernican sys- tem. Eliz'abethan, relating to the times of Queen Elizabeth of England (1.558-1603). Eo'lian, relating to the wind : from " iEolus " — the god of the winds in classic mythology. Eras'tian, relating to JSrastus, — a German theologian of the 16th century, who maintained that the Church is wholly dejiendent on the State for support or au- thority. Escula'pian, relating to the healing MISCELLANEOUS DEIUVATIVES. 145 art : from " Esculapius" — the god of the healing art among the Greeks. Gor'dian, intricate, com}}licated, dijficult: fi'om "Gordius" — king of Phrygia who tied a knot which coukl not be untied. Hercule'an, rcry large and strong : from " Hercules " — a hero of antiq- uity celebrated for his strength. hermet'ic, relating to Hermes — the fabled inventor of alchemy ; adv., hermetically, in a -per- fccthj close manner. Hudibras'tic, in tJie manner of the satirical j)oein called Hudibras, by Samuel Butler (1612-1680). Jo'vial, gay, merry : from "Jupiter" ( Jovis), — the planet of that name having in the Middle Ages been supposed to make those who were born under it of a joyous temper. Linnae'an, relating to Linnceus — the celebrated Swedish botanist. Lu'theran, relating to the doctrines of Luther — a German religious teacher of the 16th century. Machiavel'ian, cunning and sinis- ter in 2wlitics : horn "Machiaveli" — an Italian writer of the lotli century. mercu'rial, active, sjvightly — hav- ing the qualities fabled to belong to the god " Mercury." Mosa'ic, relating to Moses, his writings or his time. Newto'nian, relating to Sir Isaac Newton and his philosophy. Pindar'ic, after the style and man- ner of Pindar — a lyric poet of Greece. platon'ic, relating to the opinions or tlie school of Plato, — a philoso- pher of Greece, in the 4th cen- tury B. c. Pluton'ic, relating to the interior of the earth, or to the Plutonic tlieory in geology of tJie formation of certain rocks by fire : from "Pluto" — in classic mythol- ogy, the god of the infernal re- gions. procrus'tean, relating to or resem- bling the mode of torture employed by Procrustes — a celebrated high- wayman of ancient Attica, who tied his victims upon an iron bed, • and, as the case required, either stretched out or cut off their legs to adapt them to its length. Prome'thean, relating to Prome- theus ■ — a god fabled by the an- cient poets to have formed men from clay and to have given them life by means of fire stolen fiom heaven, at whicli Jupiter, being angry, sent Mercury to bind him to !Mount Caucasus, and place a vulture to prey upon his liver. Quixot'ic, absolutely romantic, like Bon Quixote — described by Cervantes, a Spani.sh writer of the 16th centur}'. Satur'nian, distinguished for pur- ity, integrity, and simplicity; golden, happy : from " Saturn " — one of the gods of antiquity whose age or reign, from the mildness and wisdom of his gov- 146 WOHD-ANALYSIS. ernment, was called the golden age. Socrat'ic, relating to the philosophy or th.e method of teaching of Soc- rates — the celebrated philosopher of Greece (468-399 B. c). stento'rian, very loud or jjowerful, resembling the voice of Stcntor — a Greek herald, si)oken of by Homer, having a very loud voice. Thes'pian, relating to tragic action : from " Thespis " — the foiiuder of the Greek drama. Titan'ic, enormous in size and strength : from the ' ' Titans " — fabled giants in classic mythol- ogy- Uto'pian, ideal, fanciful, chimeri- cal : from "Utopia" — an imagi- nary island, repre.sented by Sir Thomas Browne, in a work called "Utopia," as enjoying the greatest perfection in politics, laws, and society. volta'ic, relating to voltaism or voltaic electricity: from "Volta" — who first devised appai'atus for developing electric currents by chemical action. II.-WOEDS DEEIVED TEOM THE NAMES OF PLACES. ag'ate, a precious stone: "Achates," a river in Sicily where it is i'ound. al'abaster, a variety of soft marble : " Alabastrura," in Egypt, where it is found. ar'ras, tapestry: ' ' Arras, " in France, where it is manufactured. arte'sian, applied to wells made by boring into the earth till the in- strument readies water which flows from internal pressure : " Artois" (anciently called Avtesium), in France, where many of such wells have been made. At'tic, marked by such qualities as characterized tlic Athenians, as delicate toil, purity of style, ele- gance, etc.: "Attica," the country of the Athenians. ban'tam, a small domestic foid : " Bantam," in Java, whence it was brought. barb, a Barbary horse : ' ' Barbary, " in Africa. bay'onet, a dagger fixed on the end of a musket: " Bayonne," in France, where it was invented, in 1679. bed'lam, « lunatic asylum : ' ' Beth- lehem," a monastery in London, afterwards used as an asylum for lunatics. bur'gundy, a French wine : ' ' Bur- gundy," where it is made. cal'ico, a kind of cotton cloth : ' ' Ca- li(;ut," in India, where it was first maimfactured. cana'ry, a wine and a bird: the "Canary" Islands. can'ter, an easy gallop: "Canter- bury," in allusion to the easy pace MISCELLANEOUS DERIVATIVES. 147 at wliicli the pilgrims used to liJe thither. cai''ronade, a short cannon : " Car- roll," in Scotland, where it was first made. cash'mere, a rich shmol, from the vool of the Thibet (joat : "Cash- mere," the country where first made. chalced'ony, a variety of uncrys- '■^lalizcd quartz: "Chalcedon," in Asia Elinor, where obtained. dhampagne', a wine: "Cham- pagne," in France, where pro- duced. cher'ry, a red stonedfruit : "Cera- sus" (now Kheresoun), in Pontus, Asia Jlinor, whence the tree was imported into Ital}'. chest'nut, a fruit: "Castanea," in j\Iacedonia, whence it was intro- duced into Europe. cog'nac, a kind of French brandy : "Cognac," in France, where ex- tensively made. cop'per, a metal: "Cyprus," once celebrated for its rich mines of the metal. oord'wainer, a loorker in cordicain, or cordovan, a Spanish leather : "Cordova," in Spain. curacoa', a liquor or cordial fla.- rored icith oraiuje-pcel : the island of "Cura9oa," where it was first made. cur'rant, a small dried grnpe : "Corinth," in Greece, of which "^ currant" is a corruption. dam'ask, figured linen or silk: " Damascus," in Syria, where first made. dam 'son, a small black ])lum (short- ened from "Damascene"): Da- mascus. delf, akindofeartlicmvare: "Delft," in Holland, where it was origi- nally made. di'aper, a figured linen cloth, used for towels, napkim, etc.: " Ypres," in Flanders, where originally manufactured. dim'ity, a figured cottmi cloth : "Damietta," in Egypt. gamboge', a ydloiv resin used as a 2Mint: "Cambodia," where it is obtained. ging'ham, cotton cloth, made of yam dyed before ivovcn : " Guincamp," in France, where it was first made. guin'ea, an English gold coin of tite value of twenty-one shillings : "Guinea," whence the gold was obtained out of which it was first struck. gyp'sy, one of a wandering race : old English "Gyptian," from "Egypt," whence the race was supposed to have originated. hol'land, a kind of liiun cloth : "Holland," where first made. hol'lands, a spirit flavored with junijier berries: "Holland," where it is extensively produced. in'digo, a blue dye: " India." jal'ap, a cathartic medicine: "Ja- lapa," in Jlexico, whence it was first imported in 1610. jet, a mineral used for ornament : " Gagates," a river in Asia Minor, whence it was obtained. 148 WORD-ANALYSIS. lan'dau, ) a kind of carriage o^jen- lan'daulet, \ ing at the top: "Lan- dau," a town in Germany. madei'ra, a ivine: "Madeira," where produced, magne'sia, a jjrwiitive earth : " Magnesia," in Thessaly. mag'net, the loadstone, or Magnesian stone. malm'sey, a icinc: "Malvasia," in the Morea. mar'sala, a ivine: "]\Iarsah\," in Sicily. mean'der, to flow in a winding course: "Meander," a winding river in Asia Minor, mil'liner, one who makes ladies' bonnets, etc. : "Milan," in Italy, moroc'co, a fine kind of leather : "Morocco," in Africa, where it was originally made. nankeen', a huff-colored cloth : "Nankin," in China, where first made. pheas'ant, a bird ivhose flesh is high- ly valued as food : " Phasis," a river in Asia Minor, whence it was brought to Europe. pis'tol, a snwll hand gun: " Pis- toja," in Italy, where first made. port, a loine : "Oporto," in Portu- gal, whence extensively shipped. sardine', a, small Mediterranean fish, of the herring fnnily : "Sardinia," around whose coasts the fish abounds. sauterne', a ivine: "Sauterne," in France, where produced. sher'ry, a ivine : " Xeres," in Spain, where it is largely manufactured. span'iel, a dog of remarkable sagac- ity : " Hispaniola," now Hayti, where originally found. tar'iff, a list of duties or customs to be jmid on goods imported or ex- 2}orted : " Tarifa," in Spain, where duties were collected by the Moors. to'paz, a precious stone: "Topazos," an island in the Red Sea, where it is found. trip'oli, a fine grained earth used in polishing stones: "Tripoli," in Africa, where originally obtained. turquois', «■ bluish-green stone : "Turkey," whence it was origi- nally brought. worst'ed, well-twisted yarn, spun of long-staple wool: "Worsted," a village in Norfolk, England, where first made. MISCELLANEOUS DERIVATIVES. 149 III. - ETYMOLOGY OP WORDS USED IN THE PEINOIPAL SCHOOL STUDIES. I. -TERMS IN GEOGRAPHY. antarc'tic : Gr. anti, opposite, and ark/ OS, a bear. See arctic. archipel'ago : Gr. archi, chief, and 2)chigos, sea ; originally applied to the .Egean Sea, which is studded . with numerous islands. arc'tic : Gr. arktikos, from arktos, a bear and a northern constella- tion so called. Atlan'tic : Lat. Atlanticus ; from "Atlas," a fabled Titan who was condemned to bear heaven on his head and hands. ax'is : Lat. axis, an axletree. bar'barous : Gr. barbaros, foreign. bay : Fr. baie, from Lat. baia, an inlet. can'cer : Lat. cancer, a crab (the name of one of the signs of the zodiac). cape : Fr. cap, from Lat. caput, head, cap'ital : Lat. capitaUs, from, caput, head. cap'ricorn : Lat. caper, goat, and cornu, horn (the name of one of the signs of the zodiac). car'dinal, adj. : Lat. cardinalis, from cardo, carclinis, a hinge. chan'nel : Lat. canalis, from canna, a reed or pipe, cir'cle : Lat. circus, from Gr. kirkos, a riuK. circum'ference : Lat. circuvi, around, and fcrrc, to bear, cit'y : Fr. cite, from Lat. civitas, a state or community, civ'ilized : Lat. civilis, pertaining to an organized community, cli'mate : Gr. klima, klimatos, slope, the supposed slope of the earth from the Eq^uator to the poles. coast : Old Fr. costc (New Fr. cute), from Lat. costa, rib, side. con'fluence : Lat. con, together, and flucrc, to flow, con'tinent : Lat. con, together, and tcncrc, to hold. con'tour : Lat. con, together, and tornus, a lathe. coun'ty : Fr. comtc, from Lat. comi- tatus, governed by a count. degree' : Lat. de, and gradus, a step, diam'eter : Gr. dia, through, and metron, measure. Equa'tor : Lat. equus, eqiial. es'tuary : Lat. cvstuarc, to boil up, or be furious ; the reference being to the commotion made by the meeting of a river-current and the tide. frig'id : Lat. fri'jidus, tvoni/rigere, to be cold. geog'raphy : Gr. gc, the earth, and graphe, a description. 150 WORD-ANALYSIS. globe : Lat. globus, a round body. gulf : Fr. golfc, from Gr. ko/pos, bosom, bay. har'bor : Anglo-Saxon, hcrchcrga, fronx bcorgan, to shelter. hem'ispliere : Gr. hemi, half, and spluiira, sphere. hori'zon : Gr. horizcin, to bound. In'dian (ocean) : India. isth'mus : Gr. isthnws, a neck. lake : Lat. lacus, a lake. lat'itude : Lat. latitudo, from latus, broad. lon'gitude : Lat. lowjitiulo, from loncjus, long. merid'ian : Lat. meridies ( = mc- dius, middle, and dies, day), noon, metrop'olis : Gr. meter, mother, and jjolis, city. jnon'archy : Gr. monarches, from monos, alone, and archein, to rule. moun'tain : Fr. montagne, from Lat. mons, montis, a mountain. ob'late : Lat. ohlatiis {oh and past part, oi fcrrc, to bring), brought forward. o'cean : Gr. okcamis, from okus, ra[iid, and nacin, to flow. Pacific : Lat. pacijiciis, from pax, 'pdcis, peace, &i\(\. fuccrc, to make. par'allel : Gr. para, beside, and al- lelon, of one another. penin'sula : Lat. penes, almost, and insula, island. phys'ical : Gr. pJigsis (jjhusis), na- ture. plain : Lat. jJlnnus, flat. jDlane : Lat. planus, flat. jjole : Gr. polos, a pivot. polit'ical : Gr. iwlis, a city or state. prom'ontory : Lat. pro, before, and mons, montis, a mountain. relief : Fr. reJerer, from Lat. rele- vnrc, to raise. repub'lic : Lat. res, an affair, and publica, public : that is, a com- monwealth. riv'er : Fr. riviere, from Lat. ripa, a shore or bank. sav'age : Fr. sauvage, from Lat. silva, a wood. sea : Anglo-Saxon, sec, tlie sea. soci'ety : Lat. societas, from socius, a companion. 2. -TERMS IN GRAMMAR. ad'jective, Lat. adjcctivus, from ad and jacere, to add to : a word joined to a noun or pronoun to limit or describe its meaning. ad'junct, Lat. adjunctus, from ad and jungcre, to join to : a viodi- ficr or subordinate element of a sentence. ad'verb, Lat. advcrbimn, from ad, to, and verbum, word, verb : a word tised to modify the meaning of a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. anal'ysis, Gr. analusis, from ana and lucin, to unloose, to resolve into its elements : the separation MISCELLANEOUS DERIVATIVES. 151 of a sentence into its constituent elements. antece'dent, L.it. anteccdcns, pres. part, of antccedere, to go before : the notm or pronoun represented htj a relative 2Jronoun. apposi'tion, Lat. aj^positio, from ad, to, and ijoiierc, to place beside : the state of two nouns put in the same case without a conncctimi loord beliveen them. ar'ticle, Lat. articulus, a little joint : one of t/ie three icords, a, an, or the. auxil'iary, Lat. auxiliaris, from auxilium, help, aid : a verb used to assist in conjugatini/ other verbs. case, Lat. casus, from cadere, to fall, to happen : a grammatical form denoting the relation of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence. clause, Lat. claiidere, clausum, to shut : a dependent 2)roposition in- troduced by a connective. compar'ison, Lat. comjxiratio, from compararc, to liken to : a varia- tion in the form of an adjective or adverb to express degrees of quan- tity or quality. com'plement, Lat. complemcntum, from con and plere, to fill fully : tJie word or words required to com- jdete the jfredication of a transitive rrrh. com'plex (sentence), Lat. com- 2)lexus, from cmi and plecterc, to twist around : a sentciice consist- ing of one independent ivojwsition and one or more clauses. com'pound (sentence), Lat. com- ponere (= con ^nA jfonere) , to put together : a sentence conslstiiuj of tico or more independent propo- sitions. conjuga'tion, Lat. conjugatio, from con and jugarc, to join together : the systematic arrangement of a verb according to its various gram- matical forms. conjunc'tion, Lat. conjunctio, from con and j U7ige7r, to join together: a woi'd used to connect sentences or the elements of sentences. declen'sion, Lat. dcclinatio, from declinarc, to lean or incline : the jyrocess of giving in regular order the cases and numbers of a no^ui or pronoun. ellip'sis, Gr. elleipsis, a leaving or defect : the omission of a xcord m- words necessary to complete the grammatical structure of the sen- tence. etymol'ogy, Gr. etumologia., from ctumon, the true literal sense of a word, and logos, a discourse : that division of grammar tchich treats of the dassification and gram- matical forms of icords. fem'inine (gender), Lat. fcminimis, from femina, woman : the gender of a noun denoting a person of the female sex. gen'der, Lat. genus, generis, kind : a grammatical form expressing the sex or non-sex of an object named by a noun. gram'mar, Gr. gramma, a letter, 152 WORD-ANALYSIS. through Fr. gravimaire : the sci- ence of language. imper'ative (mood), Lat. vnpera- tivHs, from nnperare, to command. : the mood of a verb tcsed in the statement of a command or re- quest. inclic'ative(mood), Lat. indicativus, from indicare, to proclaim : the mood of a verb used in the state- ment of a fact, or of a matter taken as a fact. inflec'tion, Lat. inflexio, from in- flcctere, to bend in : a change in tlie ending of a ivord. interjec'tion, Lat. interject io, from inter and jaccre, to throw be- tween : a irord ivhich expresses an emotion, bat ivhich does not enter into (he construction of the sentence. intran'sitive (verb), Lat. intransi- timis = in, not, and transitivus, from trccns and ire, ititm, to go beyond : a verb that denotes a state or condition, or an action not terminating on an object. mas'culine (gender), Lat. masculus, male : the gender of a noun describ- ing a person of the male sex. mode. See mood. mood, Lat. modus, through Fr. 7node, manner : a grammatical form denoting the style of predica- tion. neu'ter (gender), Lat. neuter, nei- ther : the gender of a noun denot- ing an object without life. nom'inative (case), Lat. nominee- tivus, from nomcn, a name : that form ivhich a noun has when it is the subject of a verb. noun, Lat. nomen, a name, through Fr. nom : a name-ioord, the name of angthing. num'ber, Lat. numerus, through Fr. nombre, number : a gram- matical form expressing one or more than one of the objects named by a noun or pronoun. ob'ject, Lat. ob and jaccre, to set before : that toward which an ac- tivity is directed or is considered to be directed. objec'tive (case), Lat. objectivus, fiom ob and jaccre : the case which follows a transitive verb or a prep- osition. parse, Lat. ^;rt?'s, a part : to j^oint out the several ptarts of speech in a sentence and their relation to one another. par'ticiple, Lat. 2^nrticipiu)n, from jmrs, part, and capere, to take, to share : a verbal adjective, a word which shares or participates in the nature both of the verb and of the adjective. per'son, Lat. persona, the part taken by a performer : a grammatical form ivhich shoics whether the speaker is meant, the person spoken to, or the person spoken of. phrase, Gr. phrasis, a brief expres- sion, from ph7'azein, to speak : a. combination of related words for7n- ing an clement of a sentence. ple'onasm, Gr. 2^^<'onasmos, from p)leion, more : the use of more MISCELLANEOUS DERIVATIVES. 153 words to express an idea than are iiecessari/. plu'ral (number), Lat. 2^lHralis, horn plits, 2Jluris, more : t/i£ num- ber which designates more than mie. possess'ive (case), Lat. j)ossessivus, irom possidere, to own : that form which a noun or pronoun has in order to denote ownership) or jJos- session. poten'tial (mood), Lat. ^jotow, po- tcntis, being able : tJie mood of a verb used in the statement of some- thing 2wssible or contingent. pred'icate, Lat. 2rra;dicatum, from 2)rce and dicare, to proclaim : the luord or icords in a pro2)Osition which exjjress what is affirmed of the subject. preposi'tion, Lat. ^rra^wszYio, from 2}rai and ponere, to put before : a connective loord expressing a rela- tion of vieaning bctivcen a noun or pronoun and some other word. pro'noun, Lat. pronomen, from jiro, for, and nomcn, a noun : a icord used instead, of a noim. prop'osition, Lat. propositio, from 2)ropo7icre {2^0 and 2Jonere), to put forth : the combination of a sub- ject with a 2yrcdicatc. rel'ative (pronoun), Lat. relativus, from re and ferre, latus, to bear back : a 2rronoicn that refers to an antecedent noun or pronoun. sen'tence, Lat. sententia, from sen- tire, to think : a combination of wo7-ds express i7ig a conqjlete thought. sim'ple (sentence), Lat, sim2)lex, from sine, without, and plica, fold : a sentence having but one subject and one 2}rcdicate. sub'ject, Lat. subject us, from sub and jacere, to place under : tliat of icliich something is predicated. subjunc'tive (mood), Lat. subjunc- tivus, from sub and jungere, to subjoin : the mood used in tJie statement of something merely thoicght of. syn'tax, Gr. simtaxis, from sun, to- gether, and taxis, arrangement : tlmt division of grammar -which treats of the relations of words in sentences. tense, Lat. temples, time, through Fr. temps : a grammatical form of the verb denoting the time of tin action or event. tran'sitive, Lat. transitivus, from trans and ire, ifum, to pass over : a verb tluit denotes an action termi- nating on some object. verb, Lat. verbum, a word : a ivord that 2}redicates action or being. voice, Lat. vox, vocis, voice, through Fr. voix : a grammatical form of tJic tra-nsitive verb, expressing whether the subject names the actor or tlie reci]}ient of tlie action. 154 WORD-ANALYSIS. 3.-TERMS IN ARITHMETIC. addi'tion, Lat. additio, from ad- dcrc, to add. al'iquot, Lat. aliquot, some, arith'metic, Or. adj. ariihmdike, munerical, from ii. arithmos, nniuber. avoirdupois', Fr. avoir du jwis, to have [a fixed or standard] weight. cancella'tion, Lat. cance.Uatio, from cancdlare, to make like a hittiee {cancclli), to strike or cross out. cent, Lat. centuvi, a hundred. ci'pher, Arabic sifrim, empty, zero. cube, Gr. kubos, a cubical die. dec'imal, Lat. dccimiis, tenth, from decern, ten. denom'inator, Lat. dcnominare, from de and nominarc {iioracn, a name), to call by name. dig'it, Lat. digitus, a iinger. div'idend, Lat. dividcndus, to be divided, from dividere, to divide. divis'ion, Lat. divisio, from divi- dere, to divide. divi'sor, Sp. divisor, that wliich divides, from Lat. dividere, to divide. dol'lar, Ger. thaler, an abbreviation of Joachimsthcdcr, i. e. a piece of money first coined, about 1518, in the valley {tital) oi Si. Joachim, in Bohemia. equa'tion, Lat. ccqunlio, U-Qma:quus, equal. expo'nent, Lat. cjcponcns, pros. jiart. of exjmnere, to set forth (^ e.r and poncir). fac'tor, Lut. factor, that wliich docs something, from facere, factum, to do or make, fig'ure, Lat. figura, shape, from fingerc, to form or shape. frac'tion, Lat. fractio, from fran- gcre, to break. in'teger, Lat. integer, untouched, whok'. in'terest, Lat. interest = it inter- ests, is of interest (3d per. sing, pres. indie, of intcrcsse, to be be- tween, to be of importance). min'uend, Lat. minuendus, to be diminished, from minuere, to lessen. mul'tiple, Lat. multiplex, from m.ultus, much, and plicare, to fold. mul'tiply, multiplication, etc. See multiple. naught, Anglo-Sax. lunchit, from nc, not, and aiviht or auht, aught, anything. nota'tion, Lat. notatio, from notare, to mark (not a, a mark). numera'tion, Lat. numercdio, from Humerus, a number. quo'tient, Lat. quolies, how often, how many times, from quot, how many. subtrac'tion, Lat. suhtractio, from s)(h and trahcre, to draw from under. u'nit, Lat. uuus, one. ze'ro, Arabic (^ifrun, empty, ciphei'. 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