THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES / F-h^' The National Library OF Wales Cataio^uc OF ORIENTAL MANUSCRIPTS, PERSIAN ARABIC, AND HINDUSTANI COMPILED BY HERMAN ETHE PH.D., HON. M.A. OXON. SOMETIME PROFESSOR OF SEMITIC LANGUAGES IN THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF WALES, ABERYSTWYTH > * < 1916 2/0 copies printed for the National Library of Wales at the Oxford University Press, igi6. X NOTE Seventeen of the Persian MSS in this catalogue were brought from India by Archdeacon Benjamin Millingchamp, D.D., in 1797. They were given to the National Library by his great-grandson, Herbert Millingchamp Vaughan, Esq., B,A., F.S.A., of Plas Llangoedmore, near Cardigan. Archdeacon Millingchamp was the son of Benjamin Millingchamp, of Cardigan, by his wife, Anne Gambold. He was born at Cardigan in 1756 and was educated at Ystradmeurig School (under Edward Richard), and afterwards at Queen's and Merton Colleges at Oxford, where he graduated, and later took the degree of Doctor of Divinity. He was ordained in 1777 by Bishop Yorke at Abergwili, and shortly afterwards went out to the East Indies as chaplain on board the flag-ship of Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, K.B. Quitting the Navy, he became chaplain of Fort St. George, Madras ; a post he retained for nearly twenty years. During his residence at Madras, he studied Persian and wrote various interesting accounts of Indian scenes and places. Returning from Madras a comparatively wealthy man in 1797, he bought the house and estate of Plas Llangoedmore, near Cardigan, where he died in January 1829. He was Rector of Rushall in Wiltshire, prebendary of St. Davids, and Archdeacon of Carmarthen. A monument to himself and his wife (who 637143 iv NOTE survived him till 1869) is to be seen in Llangoedmore Church. His only child, Sara, was married in 1825 to Colonel Herbert Vaughan, of the 90th (Perthshire) Light Infantry, second son of John Vaughan-Lloyd of Brynog, Greengrove, and TylUvyd in Cardiganshire. Of the other MSS. included, one belongs to the library of Sir John Williams, Bart, G.C.V.O., whose collections form the foundation of the National Library, and two are gifts from Emile Andrews, Esq., of Cardiff. CATALOGUE OF THE PERSIAN, ARABIC, AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS IN THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES ARCHDEACON BENJAMIN MILLINGCHAMP'S, D.D., PERSIAN MSS. Presented by his great grandson, Herbert Millingchamp Vaughan, Esq., B.A., F.S.A., of Plas Llangoedmore, April, 1912. a. Collection of historical anecdotes. I Nigaristan (uL::^.Lxj). Ff. 242, 11. 19; written by various hands, partly in Nasta'liq, partly in Naskhi; occasional additions on the margin; some of the leaves are misplaced, their proper order being : ff. i-ioi, 104, 105, 102, 103, 106-223, 226, 227, 224, 225, 228-242; headings in red; size, loiin. byd^in.; dated the 19th of Rabi' I, a.h. 1210 (a.d. 1795, Oct. 3). Anecdotes and curious narratives of celebrated men from the time of Nizar bin Ma'add bin 'Adnan, one of Muhammad's fore- fathers, to the beginning of the tenth century of the Hijrah, by Ahmad bin Muhammad bin 'Abd-alghafur al-Ghaflari alqazwini (a.h, 959, A.D. 1552), see ff. lin. penult., and 242% 1. 5 ab infra (chronogram of completion : «5lj ^j\jL^jSji). Beginning on fol. i*: 2 CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, Edited Bombay, a. h. 1245 and 1275; see also Eth^ (Bodl. Cat.), 337-340; {I. O, Cat.), 606-613; Rieu (B. M. P. Cat.), i. p. 106; W. Morley, p. 50 ; Krafft, p. 87 ; Dorn (Petersburg Cat.), p. 276 ; W. Pertsch (Berlin Cat.), p. 404; Dorn, Ausziige, pp. 423-425; and Elliot, History of India, II, pp. 504-506. (No. 4.) b. Collection of animal fables. II Anvvar-i-Suhaill (^JL^^ j^^)- Ff. 292, 11. 17; Nasta'liq ; headings and quotations from the Quran, traditions, &c., in red ink ; occasional corrections and additions on the margin; size, ii|in. by 8| in. ; not dated; quite modern copy. The Persian version of the famous collection of animal fables, called 5JL6.5 J »J^^J^ (originally translated from Pahlavi into Arabic by Ibn al-Muqaffa' who was born a. d. 725) by Maulana Husain bin 'All al-Waiz alkashifi (d a. h. 910, a. d. 1505), in fourteen chapters (v^O- Index on ff. 6^ and 7*. Bab I : ^^ Jj-S (index : pU>.«..) pL*::.-! j\ ^J:>y^'i l->1 :. " a -l ji pO J, on fol. 34a. Bab II: J^^ c. . '■iLc o^Li- ^ J^}-^-^. c?-^^- ])-^J^' °" fol. 92a. Bab III: eyj-olx-o (index adds : sJ\js) ^ ^jL:l^^:> e^iiljwo ^^ ^JLi^\ (in the index this heading is given by mistake to bab IV), on fol. 117*. Bab IV : ^JiJ^\^ ^j^\ j jjLu-i-.j J'^-*-^ uV &-^^ uW> j^ ^jLLil t\i ,-^ J X* jl (in the index this heading is given to bab III), on fol. 141^ Bab V: (index : ^JS.^ JJli (!) i_j;-a-» ..>) i^jJ^j^ oJLLc ey^JLoj*^^ ^J\ j:, (index: ijMjj}) u■l^-*~^ JLwbl j t»>jJ-k-» ^jb e— .s jl j, on fol. 178^ Bab VI: (j^jjsfr^. jl u.\Sii\:Ll (f ui^J-a-* j) J^ j J^^;^*^ ^^^^ j^ (index: ^s}^ U^LS^y ^yS^v^ jr* j)» ^"^ ^o'- *94*- AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 3 Bab VII: ^y.!lb. s-L^ j ^jj ^ (index : ^y^ ^-^ ^j) ^y^, ^j ui^ u^.^ (jJ-*J>'. Ij^l jl (index: j^b (!) JijU. Ju^) ^^b (index: Ij^l '^. jO> on fol. 201*. ^a(5 VIII: (index : only jJLa.) t^S ^ jJLd. ^U,! j1 ^ji^^j:::j^\ ^j index : ^. ijjy53 ^U-:lc1 j) ^^o^^U ^l »..::-gl u^-^' Jhi-v-J ^. j ^^Lio! jjJUj), on fol. 213*, last line. Bab IX : J-al j cu^l ,_5-^;-2--9 .-H-> V dj-L* iS jJls- cuU..a.J , j index only : ^jir-4^. \j dji- rS yks. ojLJLs. ^.5) ^^j;J:^i. \j .lju:Jl ^flZi X-XII not marked in the text (the headings in the index are: X cijlil5Ci> ^j-^yJaj JU-cl [s\y*' ^jL^. ^j; XI ^^j-jl ^.j^^ .^ Bab XIII: Jjil Jj5 :1 dj-U (index : ^J.^J^) tjJj-«^ l_)U:l3.1 ^^ (index : (!) t_>L-<.^ ^) ooLja. j jXc, on fol. 264a', first line. Bab XIV: (index : (!) i^Uj j) ijl^j j tjU; V^^' H ci^ljLJ! -J^^^ ij.>L4.j ,jJ J L^ J jlT, on fol. 278^. Beginning on fol. i'^: (read eJJUjj) i—aJL;. »j iu.»5^ ^^^>^ (j^^l ic'^ l•-^^^ e^^.-v Jl jl ^LjlJ j Ju*o. v—ftjUiJ Translated into (i) English by E. B. Eastwick, Hertford, 1854 ; by A. N. Wollaston, London, 1878; extracts, with English trans- lation, in the Asiatic Journal, V, pp. 109, 327, and 544; some verses in English translation in A. Rogers's Persian Anthology (pp. 35-47), London, 1889. (2) German by Eth6, Morgenlandische Studien (pp. 147-166), Leipzig, 1868 (those parts which were published in Spiegel's Chrestomathia Persica, pp. 32-40, Leipzig, 1848). (3) Turkish by 'All Calabi Salih (d a.h. 950, a. D. 1543, 1544), styled 8-«lj(j^.L-a, Eth^ (Bodl. Cat.), Nos. 2090, 2091 ; an abridged edition of the same, styled ^l»--^l^U-', q ib.. No. 2090. (4) HindHsldnl, fragments of, ib., Nos. 2310, 2311 ; stories taken from it, ib., Nos. 2032, 2 ; 2312. (5) Northern Urdu by Fakir, styled c^MiX* ijb-.J, q ib.. No. 2310. (6) Dakhni, q ib. Text-edilions : Calcutta, 1804, 18 16, 1824, &c. ; Hertford (by Ch. Stewart), 1805; by J. W. Ouseley, 1851 ; Hthographed a.h. B 2 4 CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, 1270; some extracts in Spiegel's Chrestomalhia Persica (see above) and in the Chrestomathie Persane of Langlbs. For further references see Sayyid 'All Bilgrami's ' Lecture ' in Urdu ; Notices et Extraits, IV, p. 262 sq. ; Haji Khalfa, V, p. 239; Ethd (Bodl. Cat.), Nos. 431-437 ; (I. 0. Cat.), Nos. 757-766 ; Rieu (B. M. P. Cat.), ii. p. 756^ sq. ; Pertsch (Berlin Cat.), p. 970 sq. ; Aumer (Munich Cat.), p. 46 ; Dorn (Petersburg Cat,), p. 409 ; Edinburgh Cat., No. 339 ; and Zenker, I, pp. 83 and 84. c. Poetry. Ill KulHyyat-i-Sa'di ({jXx^ eylllS). Ff. 596, 11. 17 (two columns in the poetical sections); excellent Nasta'llq; headings in red ink on ff. 1^-220^, 229^, 277^, 295^, 532^, 558*^, 560^, and 564^-590^; in the intermediate parts they are left blank; illuminated frontispieces on ff. i^, 32'^, 97^', 22ot>, 229^, 277^, 295^, and 532^; occasionally various readings on the margin ; ornamental binding ; size, 9^ in. by 5|-5^ in. ; not dated. A very neat copy of the collected works of Shaikh Musharrif- aldin bin Muslih (or Muslih-aldin bin 'Abdallah, sometimes also called Sharaf-aldin Muslih bin 'Abdallah) with the takhallus Sa'di of Shiraz (b about a. h. 580, a.d. 1184, d a. h. 690 or 691, a. D. 1 29 1 or 1292) in prose and verse, containing : (i) Preface in prose by the collector of the Kulliyyat, 'All bin Ahmad bin Abi Nasr (or bin Abibakr) Bisutiin (or dm Bisutun) A. H. 726-734, A.D. 1326-1334, beginning on fol. i^: Jl c1*--j1 *-'^ u;;Lsclsr° iSJ.-lJjM &.J iJuS^ dAlij. Li.5j.*jt-« ,jJl*.«j » Jx_ii Translated into English by J. H. Harington in his introduction to the Calcutta edition of the Kulliyyat (see below), pp. 24-26 ; compare also Dr. W. Bacher's Sa'dl-Studien in Z. D. M. G., vol. 30, pp. 82 and 83 ; Rosen (Persian MSS.), p. 175 sq. (2) Sa'dl's Jirs/ prose-treatise or own preface {rh^ j^ J^'' ^J^-»; j_a.l.o.i), beginning on fol. 3<i : See Bacher's Sa'dl-Studien, loc. cit., p. 84. AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 5 (3) Sa'i's second prose-treatise (s^iLx^. ,_;JLsr* ^^ ^_^jU tJl-^^) in five majlis or homilies (on ff. 6^, last line, 8^, 1. 5, ii<i,lin. penult., 13a, 1. 2, and 15^ 1. 4), beginning on fol. 6^ first line, with a qasidah of fourteen verses, alternately in Arabic and Persian, the first of which runs thus : pJ^JLll ^j^\ ^y\ JiJiLsV Jlc ey-M The third and the fourth majlis of this treatise have been edited, with German translation and commentary, by M. Guedemann, Breslau, 1858 ; the fifth has been translated into English by James Ross, Bombay Transactions, I, pp. 146-158. {4) Sa'di's third prose-treatise, here with the wrong heading ^^jLc . J^£c tlL-, (at the end even J-ixJlj J-c-»Jl ^ aJL-JJI), which rightly belongs to ihQ fourth \ but the initial words are the usual ones of the third (commonly styled jjl^.s ujA.a.L9 Jl^^ jO , i. e. questions of the Sahib-diwan Khwajah Shams-aldin Muhammad al-Juwaini (d a.h. 683, a. d. 1284) and Sa'di's answers), on fol. 20% 1. 4 ab infra : Translated into English by J. PL Harington in the Introduction, quoted above, pp. 14-17 ; into German by Graf, Luslgarten, II, pp. 136-142. (5) Sa'di's fourth prose-treatise is entirely missing, no doubt in consequence of the confusion in the heading of the third. (6) Sa'di's fifth prose-treatise (dj-LU isn-^), beginning on fol. 2 3'"-, 1. 7 : ^^Mil ^^»^a. (other copies read ^j\^\) ^y ^^^^ c>-*"^"^' ^^ r**^- Jl !i...jtj ^ls■ <ji] ju^Jij sJ^jkj Edited by Latouche (Zenker, II, 484), and by Barb, Vienna, 1856. (7) JUa. libj LJL-j, identical with the first story of the usual sixth prose-treaiise of Sa'dT, the poet's interview with Sultan Abakakhan (a.h. 663-680, a. d. 1265-1282), beginning on fol. 2 9^ 1. 8: Translated into English by J. H. Harington, Introduction, pp. 17-19, and into German by Graf, Lustgarten, II, pp. 142-146. 6 CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, (8) ylSj>\ dLLo tlL«| (styled at the end : joLJ3l elL, ocs*-^J), the second story of the usual stx/k prose-treatise of Sa'dl, the poet's advice to Ankiyanu, the Moghul governor of Ears (a. h. 667-670, A. D. 1 268-1 272), beginning on fol. 30^^, 1. 4 : (9) ^^XjjIj ^^.U1 ij-u.^ elL. tJl— •., the /h'rd story of the usual si'x/A prose-treatise of Sa'di, an anecdote relating to Malik Shams- aldin, the revenue-collector of Ears in a. h. 676 (a.d. 1277), beginning on fol. 31^, 1. 2 : ^1 j^j^ ^Ji^^ w-^^ ^fj^ J-i^ <s)Ll-« vj>-^5Ca. ^jL*^ ^i Translated into English by J. H. Harington, Introduction, pp. 19-21 ; into German by Graf, Lustgarten, II, pp. 146-148. (10) Gulistan (^li-JJ), the rose-garden, completed a. h. 656 (a.d. 1258), beginning on fol. 32^: It contains the following eight babs : Bab I : ^jU,U.jLj ^j-!r^ .-5 5 on fol. 37% 1. 2. Bab II: ^jLljj^^ J^-^l j.>, on fol. 51*, 1. 4 ab infra. Bab III: c:*j:Lj oJL* .i, on fol. 61^^, 1. 7 ab infra. Bab IV: ^^j-elj*. joLs .j, on fol. 70% 1. 3 ab infra. Bab V: (c^W ^ (J-i>^ 1^, on fol. 72^^, 1. 6 ab infra. Bab VI: {j^, j ^—s>.x^ 0, on fol. 79^^, 1. 2. ^a3 F//.- e*.-.^' j^h j^, on fol. 8i^ 1. 2. ^aZ; F///.- c:.*.s:^^^ 5 o^lijjj.* j eA-»iCa.y, on fol. 88^, 1. 5. Translated {a) mio French: by A. du Ryer, 1634; by d'Alegre, 1704; by Gaudin, 1789; by Semelet ('Le parterre des fleurs'), Paris, 1828; and by C.Defremery, Paris, 1S58; (b) \nio Latin: by Gentius (' Rosarium Politicum '), 1651, new ed. 1655 ; {c) into German : by A. Olearius (' Persianischer Rosenthal'), Schleswig, 1654, new ed. 1660, &c. ; by B. Dorn ('Drei Lustgange aus Sa'dis Rosenhain '), Hamburg, 1827 ; by Ph. Wolff, Stuttgart, 1841 ; and by K. H. Graf, Leipzig, 1846; {d) \nio English: by Er. Gladwin (with text), Calcutta, 1806, and London, 1809 and 1833; by Dumoulin, 1807; by AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 7 James Ross, London, 1823 ; new edition, 1890; by E. B. Eastwick, Hertford, 1852, new ed., London, 1880; by J. T. Platts, London, 1873; another translation privately printed by the Kama Shastra Society, Benares, 1883; select portions also in S. Robinson's ' Persian poetry for English readers', 1883; (<?) into Russian: by S. Nasarianz, Moscow, 1857; {/) into Polish: by Otwinowsky, edited by Janicki, Warsaw, 1879; {g) into Arabic: Bulaq, a. h. 1263 ; {h) into Turkish: Constantinople, 1874 (with Persian text), and 1876 (three different versions); also with Siidrs translation and notes, a. h. 1286 and 1293 ; (0 ^^^^ Hindustan} : by Mir Shir 'All AfsQs, under the direction of Dr. John Gilchrist (' The rose- garden of Hindoostan '), Calcutta, 1802; and by Nizam-aldln, Poona, 1855; (/) into Hindi: by Mihr Chand Das, Dihli, 1889. Text-editions: Calcutta, 1806 (by Fr. Gladwin, with English translation, see No. d above, reprinted London, 1809); 1828; 1851 (by Dr. A. Sprenger); i86i (school-edition); Bombay, a. h. 1249 (with illustrations) and 1844; Lucknow, a. h. 1264; 1284 (several editions, some with Urdu translation); 1297 (with marginal notes), and 1882; Lahore, 1870; Dihli, 1870; Cawnpore, 1887; Tabriz, about 1821 ; Bulaq, a. h. 1249 and 1281; Cairo, a. h. 1261 ; Constantinople, 1876. European editions: by E. B. Eastwick (with vocabulary), Hertford, 1850; by Johnson (likewise with vocabulary), ib., 1863; and by J. T. Platts, London, 1874; see also Zenker, I, 520 sq. ; and II, 467 sq. (11) Bustan {^\:i^y), the fruit-garden, completed a. h. 655 (a. d. 1257), beginning on fol. 97^: ^^ Jl ^jU. (usual reading : jJjIjJ*) JjwjL4_3. ^Uj ^j-lj.^ ^J^; (usual reading : ji) y. ^-^ j*-;^^ It contains the following ten babs : Bab I: Ujj^^^jxc j v_sLaJl y , on fol. 103'^ JBdb II: ^jL-^1 y, on fol. i32«'. jBdb III: LJjl j..ix .0, on fol. 147a. Bab IV: JT e*j:i-L^ j iu>\y jS'^, on fol. 168^. Bab V: ^^Jl-^J j L>| oi-o y , on fol. 173''. Bab VI: ^j\ «.iLu j o^cIjlj oJL^^.i, on fol. 179^. Bab VII: JT jiiLu ^ o^^"^->.;L5 ^i, on fol. 185*. 8 CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, Bah VIII: JLxJ- (!)^L) oot.i ^-i Aoly y, on fol. 198^. Bab IX : .U.^-; J j s-)^' oJl^J ^:>, on fol. 206^ ^a/5 -X".- i_>b5 *:l» j cyU.L:-«^i, on fol. 216^. Translated {a) into Ger7nan by K. H. Graf, Jena, 1850; by Schlechta-Wssehrd, Vienna, 1852 ; and by Fr. Riickert, Leipzig, 1882; {b) into French : by Barbier de Meynard, Paris, 1880 ; (c) into E7iglish: by H. Wilberforce Clarke, London, 1879; by G. S. Davie, ib., 1882 ('The Garden of Fragrance'); selections in English (' Flowers from the Bustan '), Calcutta, 1877 ; and in S. Robinson's 'Persian poetry for English readers', 1883; {d) into Turkish: 2 vols., Constantinople, a. h. 1288 (a. d. 1871). Text-editions, among the great number of which the most note- worthy are: Calcutta, 1810, 1828, and 1870 (selections entitled .V»:^ JJU); Cawnpore, 1832, 1856 (with commentary, reprinted 1879), 1868, 1887, and 1888 (partly with a glossary); Lucknow, A. H. 1262, 1263, 1265, 1279, and 1869; Lahore, a. h. 1863 and 1879; Dihli, 1882; Tabriz, A. H. 1285; see also Zenker, I, 520 sq.; II, 467 sq. Best critical editions: by K. H. Graf, Vienna, 1850 (with Persian commentary) ; and by J. T. Platts, annotated and edited by J. Rogers, London, 1891. Another title of this poem is ^.li^j^,seeEthd(Bodl.Cat.),No.681,i5; (LO.Cat.),No.lll8,4; Fliigel (Vienna Cat.), I, p. 530 ; comp. also Rosen (Persian MSS.), pp. 183 and 185; and Bacher's Sa'di-Studien (see above), p. 86, note 5. (12) Arabic Qasidas (^c5;■* J^Laj s^liS, in the colophon : jjLiJLll djo^b), beginning on fol. 220^^ : (I. O. C, No. 1122, 5 : jlkj. ,^U j) 1^«-. J.\^ ^ ^^ l5>-«J1 dli* (13) Persian Qasidas {^j^}^ JoLaj ^\^), beginning on fol. 229b : Nineteen of these have been edited, with metrical German transla- tion, by K. H. Graf in Z.D.M.G., IX, pp. 92-135, and XII, pp. 82-116. (14) Poems with alternate Persian and Arabic verses (i->U3 i::;lt;;iU.l), beginning on fol. 277b: ^j)^y. t?j; J C^yJ. (i-^ uy* y AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 9 (15) Refrain poems (ej>Lj^^.ayJ' 1^^), beginning on fol. 283*^ : (usual reading : ,js.:~Ji) ijsjl>, ^^^ jt y u_fiJj i^l (16) Pleasant ghazals (eijLJlla i-_>l:o), beginning on fol. 295^: Lil^ 3 c:. .^ > y ; .ft J 0-— .-•jxj »Xil _ Lib .>jj1 |»L:->^;^i Jjl (the usual reading of the second hemistich is: lily /^a. ^l5S,j^, /*J^)- The arrangement of these ghazals here is rather strange : after the initial poem, rhyming in 1 , one in ij and another in :> follow ; from the fourth on, on flf. 2 9 6^-3 2 1**, the alphabetical order is maintained, but on fol. 321b a new series, likewise alphabetical, begins (intro- duced by UjI) and goes to fol. 338'*, 1. 11 ; then a third alphabetical series begins with a poem rhyming in (^ and going to the end of fol. 360b concluded on ff. 36ia-362n' by three poems, rhyming in J, .5, and ^ respectively. Fourteen of these ghazals have been edited, with metrical German translation, by K. H. Graf, Z.D. M.G., XIII, pp. 445-467. (17) A very long series of alphabetical ghazals, without any heading, including the signets or precious ghazals (^ly*.), the ornate ghazals (juIjo), and the early ghazals (*jxS wullh^)- It begins on fol. 362^, lin. penult., with the usual initial poem of the The initial poem of the >ij1x) in many copies (see for instance Ethd (I. O. Cat.), No. 1124, 10, and the Cat. of the Arabic and Persian MSS. in the Public Library at Bankipore, I, p. 139), viz. Jl LjLi-jjjj JLc ^jS ^Si:^. iS (jl, is found here on fol. 363'^, 1. 6 ab infra ; and the initial poem of the *_>xi v^uCJj-c , viz. o— J ij^yb j:i J.> s-S^rii^b (jl, on fol. 392^3, 1. 5. Seven ghazals of the *wj.jUj> have been edited, with metrical German translation, by K. H. Graf, Z. D. M.G., XV, pp. 554-564; and ten of the >Jlj^. by the same, ib., pp. 541-554. (18) Epigrammatic poems (illa-LUl or sJ!^^ i_jL3), dedicated to the Sahib-diwan Shams-aldin (see No. 4 above), with a short preface in prose, beginning on fol. 53 2^: J| jjJlJJl !i..;.».o ^^Lc il] j^Ji ; the initial poem begins : c lo CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, Edited with metrical German translation by Dr. Bacher in ' Sa'di's Aphorismen und Sinngedichte ', Strassburg, 1879 (see Fleischer's critical remarks in Z. D. M. G., XXXIV, pp. 389-402). (19) Fragmentary poems (c^U-laJLll or t^l.gjt a-o i_>^-j) in alpha- betical order, beginning on fol. 560b : La. A-*-«1 ^^1-i J^-J J--^ O-j^ i-S (20) Jocular poems (ejjLolk* c_jl-u3, also called ei)lJLw.j.», obscene poems), beginning with a short prose-preface on fol. 564* : i)\ ^j^\ ij^:-i\ (^^i«Jt-> i^-*r'^ i^X3tZ^\ JU The first poem begins : s:u^b (usually J^ji) ^^^ Jj. j,^* j_^^U v:>.wb (usually ^jy-^ t^---* a-jl^ .jJl^Li. (21) Mock-homilies and comic pieces, here with the general, but incorrect, heading euL^-"^, both on fol. 573% 1. 3 ab infra, and fol. 573^, 1. 7 ab infra. The eylXs:"^ or comic pieces are, in fact, only found at the end, on fol. 578^, 1. 2, with the usual beginning : Jl i,^ Jl^.-. ^J^^ jl ^-q-^ ; the preceding portion, ff. 573*^, 1. 3 ab infra, to 578^, first Hne, contains the mock-homilies (e^l!l!jji) in three e>**^'' or sittings, the_;frj/ beginning on fol. 573* : ji ijUa-<-.lJl ^^^xill, the second, on fol. 575* : ^J-LL-J1JI ^^,L. LJa.* •Jl ij-ly *■>!, the third, on fol. 576'': ^^,^3.1^ j._iLo^i_*...« ^;;-^-i-»• (22) Quatrains (i:i>C..clj, Sr>^) in alphabetical order, beginning on fol. 579% 1. 4 ab infra : \ UJ/^- (•V ''^-*-*^ o"* I3 ~ 1> i^>* J-i^ UJ^'^^ ^:xs^^ jjb (23) Detached distichs (ci>^.>y.j ^\^), beginning as in No. 1118, 19, of the I. O. Cat., on fol. 587% lin. penult.: Jl ^ (usually ».,:ia.)) C^ »_.*jL3 *Mii iIj. ^ (24) A second, but unalphabetical, series of quatrains or ruba'Is, without a heading, beginning on fol. 591*, first line. ' A few of the ruba'iyyat and fardiyyat (or mufradat) have been edited, with metrical German translation, by K. H, Graf in Z.D.M.G., XVIII, pp. 570-572. The mufradat (or fardiyyat) have, AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS ii besides, been edited by Latouche (Zenker, II, 484). Sa'dl's elegies (^L*) are entirely missing in this copy, besides the fourtli prose- treatise. Text-editions of the Kulliyyat: Calcutta, 1791-1795 by J. H. Harrngton, 2 vols.; Bombay, a. h. 1226, 1267, 1280, &c. ; Dihll, A. H. 1269; Cawnpore, A. H. 1280; Lucknow, a. h. 1287; Tabriz, A. H. 1257 and 1264 ; Tahran, a. h. 1263 and 1268. Compare on Sa'di's life and works : Cholmogorov in ' Gelehrte Denkschriften der Kasaner Universitat ', 1865, p. 525 sq., and 1867 (reprinted, Kasan, 1867); W. Bacher, ' Sa'di-Studien ' in Z. D. I\I. G., XXX, pp. 81-106 ; F. Neve, ' Le poete Sadi ', Louvain, 1881 ; Ethd in Encyclopaedia Britannica, ninth edition, vol. XXI, p. 142 sq., and ' Die mystische, didaktische und lyrische Poesie, etc., der Perser', Hamburg, 1 888, pp. 3 1-37; see also Rieu (B.M.P.Cat.), ii. pp. 595-608 ; Sprenger (Oude Cat.), p. 545 sq. ; Ethd (Bodl- Cat.), Nos. 681-748; (I.O.Cat.), Nos.l 117-1185; Pertsch (Gotha, Cat.), p. 88 sq. (Berlin Cat.), pp. 800-826; Fliigel (Vienna Cat.), I, p. 527 sq. ; Aumer (Munich Cat.), p. 16 sq. ; Rosen (Persian ]\ISS.), pp. 175-202 ; Dorn (Petersburg Cat.), p. 337 sq.; Browne (Camb. Cat.), p. 327 sq. ; Edinburgh Cat., Nos. 104 and 284-285; Cat. of the Arabic and Persian MSS. in the Oriental Public Library at Bankipore, vol. I, Nos. 91 and 92 ; Ouseley, Biogr. Notices, p. 5 sq. ; and Wiener Jahrbiicher, vol. 64, Anzeigeblatt, p. 5 sq. (No. 2.) IV Gulistan (^jlx^-JuT). Ff 88 (according to the Arabic paging 85, since the index is not counted, and fol. 78 occurs twice by mistake), 11. 16; large and clear Nasta'liq ; all the headings in the text, also the first word of the latter, and the whole index written in red ink; size, 1 2 in. by 7 J in. ; dated the 24th of Sha'ban, a. h. 1206 (a. d. 1792, April 17). Another copy of Sa'di's Gulistan, beginning on fol. 3^) : Bab /, on fol. 9IJ; //, on fol. 27b; ///, on fol. 41^; IV, on fol. 52b; V (here styled ^j^y>- J-i-c ,.>), on fol. 55'', first line; c 2 13 CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, F/(here styled ,^.> c_i.x^ ^^), on fol. 65a-, VII, on fol. 68^; VIII (here styled e^^s^ j oJa^j-. ^ e:*.^jC ^^), on fol. 778', 1. 3 ab infra. Index on flf. i^' and 2^. Between the seventh and the eighth bab a special chapter (also noted at the end of the index) occurs, headed: ^J^i^^::> ^ (jj^Xjjj t_jb ^o ^^-^^ ^. c5->-»--' J'«*-=*-' See No. 10 in the preceding Kulliyyat. (No. 3.) V BQstan (^L::.-^^.). Ff. 164, two columns, each 11. 12-14; Nasta'liq, here and there with a touch of Shikasta ; headings in red ; various readings and additional verses on the margin ; size, 8| in. by 6| in. Another copy of Sa'dl's Bustan, beginning exactly as in No. 1 1 of the Kulliyyat (No. III). Bab I (c>^JU-a^^>j J (-jLa-il J Jj^ jjl_*j ^:»), on fol. li^, lin. penult.; // {J^ %j.^ j ^ — »! ijl^o ^j), on fol. 48a; ///, (.^ J (illegible) c. ». ^ ^jlc^j), on fol. 68^; /r(o-*J^ 3 a^\y j^ (jj\sf), on fol. 83a; V {^Lcj ^:,jfj^,j..^ J J^ Jl^j j:,), on fol. 104^^; F/ (^^j/ o^ljJ ^jlj^-o^i ^:>), on fol. 112b, last line ; VII{s:^.y> (? ^U) jJ-(!) (J^Uj^), on fol. 120^; VIII {J^ ^:> o^jU j), on fol. 1 38b; IX {U\y^ J w,y ^.>), on fol. 145^; X (l-jLuS *.iJ> J ojI^ cijU-Lu ,j), on fol. 160^. See No. 11 in the preceding Kulliyyat. (No. 5.) VI Pandnama (s^xlJA-ij). Ff. 14, two columns, each 11. 9; mild and elegant Shikasta, written on silver-sprinkled paper with gold stripes ; a flowery vignette in gold on fol. i^*; headings in red; size, pjin. by 5|in. ; dated A. H. 12 1 1 (a.d. 1796, in the Christian date ,^^1^ j must be read for iu« j). The book of counsels, a much disputed didactic poem by Sa'di, which is not found in the usual copies of the poet's Kulliyyat, as it was not included in Bisutun's (or Ibn Bisutun's) edition, but it forms AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 13 part of the Calcutta edition of them. It is also called Uj^ (from the initial word) and even i^U-Lu, and has been ascribed to Sa'di as early as a. h. 842 (a. d. 1438/1439) ; moreover, Sa'di is mentioned as author in the last verse, on fol. 14*, 1. 7 : Beginning on fol. i^ : \yA XX.,S j-^ f,^-^^ lS — L« JU>. J *Li_S:*. !U \-^S Translated into (a) English : Calcutta, 1788, and in Gladwin's Persian Moonshee (with Persian text), i8oi, revised edition by W. C. Smyth, 1840; {b) Freiich : by Garcin de Tassy in his 'Exposition de la foi musulmane', Paris, 1822, and in his 'Allegories, r^cits podtiques et chants populaires ', 2nd ed., Paris, 1876, pp. 197-200; (f) Latin: by Geitlin (with Persian text), Helsingfors, 1835; {d) German: select passages in metrical form by K. H. Graf in the notes to his ' Rosengarten ', Leipzig, 1846 (pp. 239, 244, 253, 260, 281, 293, and 297-298); {e) Hindustani: Calcutta, 1829 (with Persian text); (/) Rekhta : in the Calcutta editions of A. H. 1242 and 1270. Text-editions : in the Calcutta edition, 1791-1795 (fol. r.. sq.) ; in Gladwin's Persian Moonshee (see above) ; see also Rousseau 'Flowers of Persian Literature', London, 1801 ; and 'Persian Reader', vol. I, Calcutta, 1835, pp. 78-97; ib., 1829 (with Hindustani translation, see above) ; by Geitlin (see above) ; Calcutta, 1242 and 1270 (see above); Lucknow, a. h. 1263, 1264, &c. in the 'Persian Primer'; Lahore, 1887; Bombay, 1887; Agra, 1887; Cawnpore, 1888; compare besides: Rieu (B. M. P. Cat.), ii. p. 865^' (iii) ; Ethd (Bodl. Cat.), Nos. 688 (12) and 748; (I. O. Cat.), Nos. 1127 (7), 1133(c), 1134, and 1135; Pertsch (Berlin Cat.), pp. 803 and 825 ; Sprenger (Oude Cat.), p. 549,&c., see also Zenker, I, pp.418 sq., and 1468; II, p. 480 sq. (No. 6.) VII Another copy of the same. Ff. 9, two columns, each 11. 1 2-17 ; uncouth Nasta'llq ; headings in red ; size, 8 J in. by 7^- in. ; not dated ; quite modern copy. The same alleged Pandnama of Sa'di, beginning as in the preceding copy. 14 CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, VIII Yusuf and Zallkha {\J=^j j i__s.-j^). Ff. i6i, two columns, each 11. 13 ; Nasta'liq; headings in red; many interlinear and occasionally marginal glosses, likewise in red ; size, 7f in. by 4^ in. ; not dated. A good and complete copy of the romantic mathnawi YQsuf and ZalTkha by NQr-aldin 'Abd-alrahman Jami (b a. h. 817, d 898), composed in a. h. 888 (a. d. 1483) and dedicated to Sultan Husain Mirza Baiqara (a. H. 873-911, a. d. 1468-1506), see ff. 12^, 1. 4sq., and 160^, 1. 4. Beginning on fol. i^ : Edited and translated into German verse by V. von Rosenzweig, Vienna, 1824 ; English translations by Ralph T. H. Grifiith, London, 1881, and by A. Rogers, London, 1892. The introduc- tory part of the poem was translated into German by H. Barb, * Die Schonheit ', Vienna, without date. Text-editions, besides Rosenzweig's (see above) : printed Calcutta, a. H. 1224 (a. D. 1809), 1244 (a.d. 1828), and 1265 (a.d. 1848); lithographed ib., i8i8; Bombay, 1829 and i860; Lucknow (with notes), a. H. 1262, and A.D. 1879 ; in Persia, a. h. 1279 ; in Tabriz, A. H. 1284, &c. It is, besides, included in the ' Persian Selections', vol. I ; and the ' Classical Selections ', vol. I ; see also Sprenger (Oude Cat.), p. 450, No. 5 ; Rieu (B. M. P. Cat.), ii. p. 645 (iii) sq. (Supplement), No. 289 (5)sq.; Eth^ (Bodl.Cat.), Nos. 894, 8 sq., and 903-923 ; (L O. Cat.), Nos. 1306 (6), 1317 (5), 1318 (5), and 1342-1355 ; Fliigel (Vienna Cat.), I, pp. 565 (5), 566 (3), and 568; Pertsch (Berlin Cat.), Nos. 876, 4, and 888-893; Aumer (Munich Cat.), pp. 31 and 32 ; Browne (Camb. Cat.), pp. 555-558 ; Edinburgh Cat., Nos. 294 and 295 ; Cat. of the Arabic and Persian MSS. in the Oriental Public Libr. at Bankipore, vol. II, Nos. 1 80 (V), 182 (V), and 196-198. A Pushtu translation of the mathnawi is noticed in Eth^(I.O.Cat.), No. 1356 ; and large extracts from the same are given in Dorn's ' Chrestomathy of the Pushtu or Afghan language '. AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 15 d. Varia. IX Miscellanies. (i) Siraj-alqulub (i_>^liJl ^rK— >)• Ff. I"— 49a, 11. 14-18; careless Nasta'liq, now and then tending to mild Shikasta ; the Arabic quotations in large Naskhl ; size, 9 in. by 7 in. The lamp of hearts (no doubt translated from the Arabic, as the title is explained in Persian by L^Jj ^ULi-j,), a treatise on philo- sophical and religious matters, based on Qur'an and traditions, in the shape of questions put to Muhammad, and answers given by him (sJlL.^, Jl^—, ^j|^)- According to the introduction there ought to be seventy questions, but between ff. 12 and 13, and again between ff. 21 and 22, there seem to be lacunas, as the catchwords do not agree with the initial words on the next page. Beginning on fol. i*^ : Alll d^Jt— 1 ^j\xy ^^^-J^JJ l^VsJ]^ ^^^..U_jJl Lj. all j._«JJ Various works of the same title, all containing questions and answers of a similar kind, are noticed in Ethd (Bodl. Cat.), No. 147G, 2 ; Rieu (B. M. P. Cat.), i. p. 17 ; Flugel (Vienna Cat.), Ill, p. 453 ; besides, one by the great Sufi Najm-aldin Daya (d a. h. 654, a.d. 1256), containing thirty-three questions, is quoted in Eth^ (I. O. Cat.), No. 1804. Upon the whole, the present copy, both in contents and beginning, seems best to agree with that of the Bodl. Libr., quoted above. (2) Qissa-i-Mihr u Mah u Khawarshah padishah (sL« 3 »4-« t^» Ff. 51^-74*, 11. 17-19; style of writing and size as in No. i ; a possible lacuna after fol. 63. The love-story of prince Mihr, son of Khawarshah, and princess Mah, a Persian prose-romance, usually called »L« ^j-a^, beginning on fol. 5it>: i6 CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, "-^i^ij cr^—» j^Jj; u^-=^ cri^-^-^ 3 j^'' ij'^.Jl-i j ^U-b-l uLj.j1; Other copies of this story are noticed in Ethd (Bodl. Cat.), No. 1241, i; (I. O. Cat.), No. 805; Rieu (B. M. P. Cat.), ii. p. 765 ; Dorn (Petersburg Cat.), p. 410. (3) Another, but shorter, romance, without a title, beginning on fol. 75*: Ff. 75^-83, 11. 16-19; style of writing and size as in Nos. i and 2. (4) Hikayat-i-Shah Bahram-i-haft 'arus u haft bam (sli cjoUCa. Ai c*iA J u-j/* e*-ia pj^4->). Ff. 84-89, 11. 15-19; style of writing and size as in Nos. 1-3. A third short romance, beginning on fol. 848' : Ixh-a « SJ^ j.s\io o^-il .5».*Ji.* liilL) liJ !> (Cjb eij^^^o-:^ oi.w> . Ijl-j {5) A poetical epistle sent by 'Abd-almu'minkhan Uzbeg (d a. h. 1006, A. D. 1597/1598), 'Abd-al'azizkhan, and Nadhr Muhammad- khan, kings of Turkistan, to Shah 'Abbas I (a. h. 996-1038, a. d. 1 588-1629), and answer of the latter, likewise in verse, beginning on fol. 91*^: Fol. 91, 11. 14; style of writing and size as in Nos. 1-4. Other letters of 'Abd-almu'minkhan to 'Abbas and answers of the latter are noticed in Rieu, ii. p. 8o9». (6) Waqa i'-i-jang-i-Bahadurshah 'Alam Ghazi u Muhammad A'zamshah Ghazi, &c. (aZst* ^ yjjls. JLc &Ll ..iL4J (i^.a. ^^^j jl dbj uLsr^-^j »4>~^"*' <^j-^ (f 1 1 1 a) 1 1 1 V Li-w ^ej^iJ' f'^-^l) j-^ Ff. 93a-io8b, 11. 11-12; large Naskhl; size as in Nos. 1-5. Account of the war between Bahadurshah and his brother Mu- hammad A'zamshah (who was defeated and slain in Rabf I, a. h. 1 119, A. D. 1707, June), beginning on fol. 93*. AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 17 (7) A poetical epistle of Ahmadshah Durrani (d a. h. i 185, a. d. 1772) to Nadirshah (a. h. 1148-1160, a. D. 1 736-1747), and answer of the latter, likewise in verse. Ff. 109'^-! lob, 11. 14 on the first page, the rest chiefly in oblique lines; Nasta'liq; size as in Nos. 1-6. X Miscellanies. Ff. 185, written in most cases in oblique lines ; Shikasta ; ff. 58- 73, 101-169, 183^, and 184 are left entirely blank; partoffol. 88 torn away; size, 9|in. by 5:5 in. This copy contains (besides some useless scribbling) : (i) The story of Bahram {Jj^. tlj) on ff. 1^-35^, including (from fol. 1 6^ on) a (c^^^?r jy^'^ ^^li^b (the tale of the Faghfur or emperor of China and his daughter, the prototype of Gozzi- Schiller's 'Turandot', see Eth^ (I. O. Cat.), Nos. 797, 20, and 798, perhaps taken from 'Aufi's eyblXil Jt.*Lj»., composed a. h. 625, a. d. 1228, see ib., Nos. 600-604). (2) Fragment of the Jog bashist (o.M^.'i.b i<^^), a Persian trans- lation of the Sanskrit Yogavasishtha, on Hindu gnosticism, which agrees in its initial words with the one made under the auspices of prince Dara Shuktih, a.h. 1066 (a.d. 1656), and is noticed in Ethd (I. O. Cat.), Nos. 1972-1974 ; Brown (Camb. Cat.), p. 96, No. II; Pertsch (Berlin Cat.), p. 102 1, &c., on ff. 36^-571*, beginning : The date a.h. 1066 appears on fol. 36^, 1. 8; the copy breaks off abruptly on fol. 57*^. (3) Fragment of a Persian prose-romance, defective at the beginning, on if. 74-100. (4) A short ghazal, and a prose-story, referring to the emperor Jahangir (a.h. 1014-1037, a.d. 1605-1627), on ff. I7i*-i73*. (5) Some tarkibs or compounds with analysis or explanation, on ff. i73t»-i76b. 1 8 CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, (6) Some detached pieces : (a) on the elixir of life (cj^ j»^.); (b) on the application of the semen melanthii (*bjJlJl iliJ) in all diseases, ascribed to the prophet Muhammad, on ff. 177*- 178a. (7) A ghazal, followed by another story from Jahangu's time, on ff. 1 78^-1 80b (8) Divers medical treatments, prescriptions how to make the hair fine or smooth, how to dye (nails and hair), about opium, &c., on ff. i8ia-i85. XI Miscellanies. Ff. 47, written by different hands, partly in Shikasta, partly in Nasta'liq ; size, ii J in. by 7^ in. This copy contains (besides some scribbling) : (i) A short Persian romance, followed at the end by a few abrupt pieces of poetry, among them z. j^S^A.^ ^[y^ with answers, on ff. ia-9^ (2) A collection of Persian lyrics, beginning with a ghazal by Amir Khusrau of Dihli (d a. h. 725, a. d. 1325); then follow a few ruba'is, a .il^j ^Jls:^ i-^^-jh* ^^-j^j ^ >>^^-^ ii^ verse (referring to the Atabeg Qizil Arslan, a. h. 582-587, a. d. 1186-1191), another poetical o>jl5Ce»., a prose-narrative, styled J.xj JiJ J^ cajIX*. (from the time of Nadirshah, see No. IX, 7, above), a sLi tx^^ ■i^ J la. t-*->»»- ^. hA)-> ^JLc , and a series of fards, ruba'isand qit'as, on ff. loa^-isa. (3) Another Persian romance, on ff. 15^-25'^. (4) A story of Sa'adat-allahkhan, the Subadar of Arcot (uyl^l), on ff. 26^-30*. (5) Another prose-story, on ff. 3ot'-32'^. (6) A third story, which may be a mere continuation and con- clusion of the preceding one, on ff. 32t'-34a, AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 19 (7) Short extract from Jaml's mathnawi Li-^^j . i-j^j-j, on fol. 34^\ see No. VIII above. (8) Three traditions (JJLi), the first referring to Ibrahim bin Adham of Balkh (d a. h. 160, i6i, or 162, a. d. 777-779), on ff. 35a and b. {9) Other short extracts from Jami's Ls^ j i^Jl^jj , on fif. 35^-36^. (10) A qasTdah by Mahmud 'Alikhan, ghazals by Hafiz (d a. h. 791 or 792, A.D. 1389/1390), Sa'di (see No. Ill above) and Amir Khusrau (see No. 2 in this copy), some ruba'is, (w^L>. ^.j\y 5A.*-aj Jl ^jLkJL*. y^ "^Jj^ "M^ 3 (Tipu Sultan of Mysore reigned a.h. 1197-1213, A.D. 1782-1799), but this so-called qasidah is in reality a short mathnawi in rhymed couplets (!); another mathnawi of seven lines, and a number of ruba'is, on ff. 36t>-39b. (ii) Short historical accounts, on ff. 4 1^-4 3a. (12) Advices by the wise Luqman to his son (^jU-aJ t*Li CaI-^j \j iy^j^, on flf. 4 3^-4 4^'- (13) Stories of 'Auj bin 'Anaq, Adam, &c., on ff. 44^-47 (ff. 44a- 46 turned upside down). XII Miscellanies. Ff. 17, various number of lines in a page; written partly in Nasta'liq, partly in Shikasta, by different hands ; size, 9I in. by 6| in. Contents : (i) Some mathnawi-baits, a ghazal by Nawwab Mahfuzkhan Bahadur, two ghazals by Hafiz, and a story in verse, on fl. i^-'^^. (2) The story of Adam (^jT tlf), on ff. 3^-9^. (3) The story of Abraham (*.^a1^.1 t^), on ff. 9^-1 6^. (4) The story of Jacob {^yuu t^), on ff. 16^-1 7b. The last three stories are evidently taken from one or the other Persian version of the *U-J!i'l ^-^ or history of the ancient prophets, see Ethd (I. O. Cat.), No. 590 sq. Loose inside lies a fragmentary Rekhta poem. 20 CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, XIII An English-Persian Conversation Book. Ff. 21 ; European handwriting; size, 7|in. by 6|:in. The Conversation Book, beginning with ' Good morning ' (Persian ^,^ 7-W->), comprises ff. 2-21 ; it is preceded on fol. i^ by the letters of the Persian alphabet, and concluded on the last leaf by a list of Arabic roots, which, however, only goes to the beginning of the letter c_>. XIV The ' lydr-i-ddnish in English translation. 6 1 pages in European handwriting ; size, 1 4I in. by pf in. An English translation of the preface, introduction, and part of the third chapter of Abu-alfacll bin Mubarak's Persian version of Kalilah u Dimnah or the fables of Bidpai, styled jjiib .Ux, and completed a. h. 996 (a. d. 1587). The first two chapters (restored by Abu-alfadl) have been purposely omitted, as stated in a marginal note on p. 10. The third chapter begins on p. 32. For the jjiiU ^Uc see Rieu (B. M. P. Cat.), ii. p. 756^ sq. ; Eth^ (Bodl. Cat.), Nos. 438-440; (I.O.Cat.), Nos. 767-777; Pertsch (Berlin Cat.), p. 974 sq. ; Aumer (Munich Cat.), p. 47; Fliigel (Vienna Cat.), Ill, p. 286 sq. ; Browne (Camb. Cat.), pp. 395-396. Translated into Hindustani under the title of j.^sl :> J*. Extracts from the Persian work, with French translation, by De Sacy in 'Notices et Extraits', X, p. 197 sq. The copy breaks off on p. 56 ; there are added (a) on p. 57 a small piece from the emperor Akbar's Code of Instruction; (b) on pp. 60 and 61 a parable against persecution, taken from Sa'di's Bustan (see No. Ill, II above). Pages 58 and 59 are torn out. XV Another copy of the same translation. 94 pages in European handwriting ; size, i if in. by 9^ in. The last 3^ lines of the preceding copy are left out here ; other- wise the two copies agree word for word. The marginal note appears here on p. 15 ; the third chapter begins on p. 62. AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 21 XVI Other English Translations. Ff. 5 and 20-39 5 European handwriting; size, lofin. by 6| in, (i) English translation of the story of Noah from the *L^*J^1 u"-^* (see the remark at the end of No. XII above), on ff. 1-5. (2) English translation of a fragment (without beginning or end) of the story of Haidarkhan 'Ali of Mysore (d a. h. i 197, Muharram, A. D. 1782, December), onff. 20-39 (the leaves being turned upside down). XVII Two highly-embellished leaves in a long narrow case. Ff. 2, 11. 15 and 17 respectively; large ornamental Nasta'llq; each line framed in by gilt branches ; the top part of fol. i severely injured; size, 18-18^ in. by 9^-10 in. Contents : Fol. I : two short stories ((OljIX*), separated from one another by two qit'as and a bait, i. e. a fard. Fol. 2 : miscellaneous poetry, a mustazad, fards, ruba'Is, and a ghazal. CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, B PERSIAN MANUSCRIPT OF EMILE ANDREWS, ESQ., CARDIFF XVIII Mawahib-i-'aliyyah (»Jlc ^-^ukl^). Ff. 449, 11. 31 ; very small, but neat Naskhi; the Arabic text in red ; an ornamented vignette on fol. i*; ff. i^, 2^, 448^, and 449*^ gorgeously illuminated in gold and other colours ; all the headings from Surah 2 on splendidly adorned ; slightly injured here and there, but carefully mounted ; additions and corrections on the margin ; size of the original leaves 1 2 in. by about 6f in. ; dated the loth of Rabr II, a. h. 989 (a. d. 1581, May 14). An excellent and highly artistic copy of Husain bin 'Ali al- Wa'iz alkashifi's (d a. h. 910, a. d. 1505) famous Persian com- mentary on the Qur'an, also styled : >^.a. .*. ^kl. Commenced A. H. 897 (a. d. 1492) and completed the 2nd of Shawwal, a. h. 899 (a. d. 1494, July 6), see fol. 449% 1. 4 ab infra. Beginning on fol. i^: ey;-i» jJUikljJ (VW* ^J"-^»'^ J 154^^ J^ls* J^U-a X*^^"> jl Jux_> Stirah 1, on fol. 2^, 1. 2 ; 2, on fol. 2^; 3, on fol. 34^; 4, on fol. 53^; 5, on fol. 73b; 6, on fol. 88a'; 7^ q^ [q\^ 103^; 8, on fol. 124a; 9, on fol. i3it>; 10, on fol. 146*; 11, on fol. 156*; 12, on fol. i66a; 13, on fol. 176a; 14, on fol. 180^; 15, on fol. 185a; 16, on fol. 189a; 17, on fol. 200^; 18, on fol. 211^; 19, on fol. 22ia; 20, on fol. 2261^; 21, on fol. 234^; 22, on fol. 242a; 23, on fol. 249a; 24, on fol. 254b; 25, on fol. 263^; 26, on fol. 269I5; 27, on fol. 276^; 28, on fol. 283a; 29, on fol. 291a; 30, on fol. 297a ; 31, on fol. 301^; 32, on fol. 304^; 33, on fol. 306b; 34, on fol. 315a; 35, on fol. 319''; 36, on fol. 324*; 37, on fol. 328I1; 38, on fol. 333b; 39, on fol. 338b; 40, on fol. 344b; 41, on fol. 350b; 42, on fol. 355a; 43, on fol. 359b; 44, on AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 23 fol. 364^; 45, on fol. 366b; 46, on fol. 369^; 47, on fol. 372^; 48, on fol. 375a; 49, on fol. 378b; 50, on fol. 380b; 51, on fol. 383a; 52, on fol. 385b; 53, on fol. 387b; 54, on fol. 389b ; 55, on fol. 391b; 56, on fol. 394a; 57, on fol. 396b; 53, on fol. 400*; 59, on fol. 402b; 60, on fol. 405b; 61, on fol. 407b; 62, on fol. 408b; 63, on fol. 409b; 64, on fol. 410b; 65, on fol. 412a; 66, on fol. 413b; 67, on fol. 414b; 68, on fol. 416b; 69, on fol. 418b; 70, on fol. 419b; 71, on fol. 420b; 72, on fol. 422^; 73, on fol. 423a; 74, on fol. 424b; 75, on fol. 426a; 76, on fol. 427a; 77, on fol. 428b; 78, on fol. 429b; 79, on fol. 431^; 80, on fol. 432*; 81, on fol. 433*; 82, on fol. 433b; 83, on fol. 434*; 84, on fol. 435*; 85, on fol. 435b; 86, on fol. 436b; 87, on fol. 437*; 88, on fol. 437b; 89, on fol. 438"'; 90, on fol. 439b; 91 and 92, on fol. 440a; 93, on fol. 441*; 94, on fol. 441b; 95, on fol. 442*; 96, on fol. 442b; 97, on fol. 443a; 98, on fol. 443b; 99, on fol. 444*; 100, on fol. 444^; 101 and 102, on fol. 445a; 103 and 104, on fol. 445b; 105 and 106, on fol. 446a; 107 and 108, on fol. 446b; 109-111, on fol. 447a; 112, on fol. 447b; 113 and 114, on fol. 448a. A former owner was Muhammad 'Abd-alhatif {? or alhadi ?) alhanafl. For references see Eth^ (Bodl. Cat.), Nos. 1805-1808; (I.O.Cat.), Nos. 2681-2690 ; Rieu (B.M.P. Cat.), i. pp. 9-1 1 ; (Supplement), p. I ; Leyden Cat., IV, p. 39 ; Mehren (Copenhagen Cat.), p. 3 ; Fleischer (Leipzig Cat.), p. 390b, No. 32 ; Browne (Camb. Cat.), pp. 37-40, &c. Turkish translation by Abu-alfadl Muhammad bin Idrls Bidlisi (d a. h. 982, a.d. 1574/1575). 24 CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, OTHER PERSIAN MANUSCRIPTS XIX Collection of biographical, ethical, and novelistic contents. Ft". 190, written in various styles of Nasta'llq, neat and careful in most parts, more careless towards the end ; worm-eaten in many places, especially ff. 105-124; size, isfin. by 8|in. Contents : (i) Ff. it>-2oa, 11. 19. Tarjumat-almanahib (u^^LAl \ * -v^"), a short fragment of the Arabic work iZ^"!)} aj^" ty ^^^' L_i-ii of Al-'Ali bin al-Hasan 'All bin al-Sa Id Fakhr-aldin 'Isa bin Abi-alfath alarbili (see fol. 2% 11. 12-15) in the Persian version of 'All bin Hasan alzawwarT, the author of the (^A-ft-H «-*^ (legends and biographies of prophets and Imams, see Eth^, 1. O. Cat., 598) and of the Shi'ite commen- tary on the Qur'an, o^. J^l ^p_^ yi (J^)^^ *-*-*H (a- ^- 9 4 6, A. D. 1539/1540, 1. O. Cat., 2691), see author's name and title on ff. 2^, last two lines, and 2^, 1. 9. It deals with the eminent virtues and praiseworthy quaUties of the house of "All, beginning on fol. i'^ : Jl OjJ ^^J ^\j3 ^\j3 ^L«l The subdivisions marked are : i^iiLo x^4_J, on fol. 2b, 1. 9; (i.e. Mu-^JLJ1 hammad), on fol. 4^, last line ; ^\ k:^\^ ( s.lTj i-^, on fol. 6^ 1. 3 ab infra; ^j..a^\ v fol. 6^, 11. 8 and 7 ab infra; ei^blc j^ j s^sb c^j ijij.>^j jl J^ ^^^ i^*-*. J *''*^' ji^-ft-^.> on fol. 9^, last two lines ; Jl^ j Jl j »-<J^.c ^^ (J-'O ey,.-i^T t^j^^;*-* ^ c^IjI sjuxT .^^Aiu ouixj jl jjq iS, on fol. 1 1^, 1. 7 ab infra ; J-oi (intro- duction to 'All and his house), on fol. 1 4^, 1. 7 ; the fragment breaks off on fol. 20^. Ff. 2o''-25a left blank. AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 25 (2) Ff. 25^-32*1, 11, 17. Akhldq-almuhsinln (^^^.: .>. sA' jMjvl, more correctly jXi.! :.^.s^), introduction and part of the first bab of, beginning on fol. 25^: Jl 8.:;, lag C^Ls. J 5-:^Jl5^ c:jjff J^ia^l ^ff sl^jb e:j^^a.. This work on ethics was completed a. h. 900 (a. d. 1495) by Husain bin 'All al-Wa'Iz al-Kashifl («o/ al-KashI, as he is wrongly called here on fol. 27^, 1. 7) and divided into forty chapters, comp. Ethd (Bodl. Cat.), 1460-14G2; (I. O. Cat.), 2188-2200; Rieu (B. M. P. Cat.), ii. p. 443 ; W. Pertsch (Berlin Cat.), p. 308 ; Mehren (Copenhagen Cat.), p. 6 ; Aumer (Munich Cat.), p. 63 ; Dorn (Petersburg Cat.), p. 257 ; Rosen (Persian MSS.), p. 291 ; Browne (Camb. Cat.), pp. 207 and 208, &c. ; other references, text-editions, and translations enumerated in Eth^ (I. O. Cat.), No. 2188. Index on ff. 27b and 28'^; first bab, on fol. 28=^, 1, 9. (3) Ff- 33^-1 90^ 11- 23. Bahdr-i-ddnish (,^1.> lU^)- The famous collection of tales by Shaikh 'Inayat-allah Kanbii (d a. h. 1082, a. d. 1671), beginning on fol. 33^^: ^^/i-Jb ^-fl-^s^ h]?-^-?. 3 v_r-H/^' ^_>l Ws .>. ^ t-jLiS t^U Jl (ji_s?^.j^ jJjIaj* x^^a u*^-^-^- J ' comp. Ethd (Bodl. Cat.), 466-472 and 1976; (I. O. Cat.), 806-818; Rieu, ii. p. 765; iii. p. 1093''; W. Pertsch (Berlin Cat.), pp. 999 and 1000; Aumer (Munich Cat.), pp. 54 and 55 ; Mehren (Copenhagen Cat.), p. 32 ; for editions and translations see I. 0. Cat., 806. An apparent lacuna between ff. 186 and 187. Dated a.h. 1141 (db j J-4-» J^-^^ )|j-4^j r^ot 1241, as the figures have it), the 5th of Rajab = A.D. 1728, beginning of December. Bought at Hodgson's sale, Feb. 10, 1909. (Add. MSS. 501 E.) XX Ff. 93, 11. 9; large Nasta'liq; many interlinear insertions in the tables on flf. 39^^-89'^; size, lofin. by 6Ain. No date. A historical and topographical account of the principal public buildings, mausoleums, mosques, gardens, &c. of Akbarabad, i. e. Agra, with reminiscences of Timur, the Afghan rulers of Dihli, Humayun, Akbar, &c., identical, as it appears, with the ' Notice of 26 CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, the Taj Mahall and other buildings in Agra', described in Rieu (B.M.P.Cat.), iii. p. 958^ ff. 32-81, and beginning, on fol. i^*, with a condensed sketch (Jl^-a-1 a-->X») of Banu Begam, known as Taj Bibi, with the epithet Mumtaz Mahall, the daughter of (Nawwab) Asaflvhan bin (Nawwab) I'timad aldaulah, and wife of the emperor Shfihjahan (d a. h. 1040, a. d. 1630/1631). It is followed, on fol. ii^\ by mathnawl-baits descriptive of the mausoleum of Mumtaz Mahall by Shahjahan himself. Other interesting items are the inscriptions on Akbar's mausoleum at Sikandra, on fol. 13^ sq. ; the fortress of Agra, on fol. i6''i sq. ; the Moti Masjid, on fol. iS^^ sq. ; scattered verses of Zib-alnisa Begam, 'Alamglr's daughter (dA. h. 1114, a. d. i 702/1 703), and of Nur Jahan Begam, Jahangir's wife, on fol. 31^; a poetical contest between the former and the poet 'Akilkhan Razi (d a. h. 1108, a.d. 1696/1697), on fol. 31^ sq. The bulk of the work, on ff. 23^^-24^ and ^g'^ last Iine-93, contains tables of the length, breadth, and height of the various buildings. Similar works on Agra are noticed in Rieu i. p. 430, and iii. p. 958b ff. 1-30 (styled AjT^-^ST^^ Jl^-a-l, by Manik Cand); Eth^ (I. O. Cat.), No. 731 ; Mehren (Copenhagen Cat.), p. 47 ; and Pertsch (Berlin Cat.), p. 520. (Add. MSS. 502 C.) XXI Mi'at-'awamil or Mi'at-'amil (J.*U iJLa or J^J^ JoU). Ff. 3, 11. 9-10 ; large Nasta'llq ; size, 8i in. by sf in. No date. An adaptation of Abubakr Jurjanl's (d a. h. 471 or 472) Arabic treatise on the hundred grammatical regents, in Persian verse, in the form of a qasidah, beginning on fol. i^^ : For references see Ethd (Bodl.Cat.), 1658 ; (I.O.Cat.), 2629, 3; Aumer (Munich Cat.), p. 52, No. 2 ; for the Arabic original comp. Fliigel (Vienna Cat.), I, p. 149 sq. ; Loth (Arabic MSS.), pp. 271 and 272. AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 27 D ARABIC MANUSCRIPTS XXII (Included in Sir John Williams's Library.) Quran {J/). Ff. 265, 11. 16 (on ff. 57, 60, and 265a, 11. 15, on fol. 62, 11. 13); excellent Naskhi, fully pointed, the last page by a more modern hand ; occasional corrections and additions on the margin ; lines cancelled now and then ; size, io| in. by 6^ in. A fine old copy of the Qur'an, not dated. The single suras, to which no head-titles are given here, are found : 1, fol. il>; 2, fol. 2^; 3, fol. 22t>; 4, fol. 341^; 5, fol. 47a; 6, fol. 56b; 7, fol. 67a: 8, rol. 78^; 9, fol. 83a; 10, fol. ^1^ ; 11, fol. 97b; 12, fol. 103b; 13, fol. iio^; 14, fol. 112^; 15, fol. 115b; 16, fol. 117b; 17, fol. 124a; 18, fol. 129a; 19, fol. i34l>; 20, fol. 137b; 21, fol. 142a; 22, fol. i46t>; 23, fol. 150^; 24, foh 154a; 25, fol. 158b; 26, fol. 162a; 27, fol. 166^; 28, fol. 170b; 29, fol. 175b; 30, fol. 179a; 31, fol. i8ib; 32, fol. 183b; 33, fol. 184b, last line; 34, fol. 189^; 35, fol. 192a; 36, fol. r94b; 37, fol. 197a; 38, fol. 200a; 39, fol. 202b ; 40, fol. 206a, last line ; 41, fol. 2ioa; 42, fol. 212b; 43, fol. 215b; 44, fol. 218b; 45, fol. 220^; 46, fol. 22ib; 47, fol. 223b; 48, fol. 225b; 49, fol. 227b; 50, fol. 228b; 51, fol. 230a; 52, fol. 231a; 53, fol. 232a; 54, fol. 233b; 55, fol. 234b; 56, fol. 235b; 57, fol. 237a; 58, fol. 239a; 59, fol. 240b; 60, fol. 2^ 2a; 61, fol. 243b; 62, fol. 244a; 63, fol. 244b; 64, fol. 245b; 65, fol. 246a; 66, fol. 247a; 67, fol. 248a; 68, fol. 249a; 69, fol. 250a; 70, fol. 251a; 71, fol. 251b; 72, fol. 252b; 73, fol. 253a; 74, fol. 254a; 75, fol. 254b; 76, fol. 255a; 77, fol. 256a; 78, fol. 256b; 79, fol. 257a, lin. penult.; 80, fol. 258a; 81, fol. 258a, last line ; 82, fol. 258b; 83, fol. 259a; 84, fol. 259b; 85, fol. 260a; 86, fol. 260a, last line; 87, fol. 260b; 88, fol. 260b lin. penult; 89, fol. 261a; 90, fol. 261b; 91 and 92, fol. 262a; 93-96, fol, 262b; 97 and 98, fol. 263*; 99 and 100, fol. 263b; 101, fol. 263b last line; 102-105, fol. 264a; 106-110, fol. 264b; 111, fol. 264b last line; 112-114, fol. 265a. (msC.) £ 2 28 CATALOGUE OF PERSIAN, ARABIC, XXIII (Presented by Emile Andrews, Esq., Cardiff.) Hirz-alamdnl wa wajd-aliahdni (^yl^Ul Xs,^ j (V^^' )r^- Ff. 51, two columns, each 11. 12 ; the bulk of the MS. (ff. 9-28, 31-34, and 36-46) in neat and clear Naskhi, without catchwords; the remainder (ff. 1-8, 29, 30, 35, and 47-51) in Maghribi characters, with catchwords ; pointed throughout ; a large lacuna between ff. 34 and 35 (comprising suras 12-16); worm-eaten; size, 7| in. by ^\ in. A metrical compendium of the variations of the seven principal readings of the Qur'an, in form of a qasidah (rhyming in ^), by Abu-alqasim bin Firruh bin Khalaf bin Ahmad Ru'aini al-Shatibi (d A.H. 590, A.D. 1 194), beginning on fol. i^: ^^j U-s-=^ LiU-a^ d,M — ^jl Ja-^51 ^ -Ojl *— .J eyj^. It contains the following short subdivisions : iXs^Jf^ L_)b, on fol. 5^; dl*.-^ll i_jIj!, ib. ; y^jS^\ 11 ijy^ (surah i, usually styled l_>L:Jo1 is^li i.y^ or ^jl.iWl p), on fol. 6^; ^.*_Jol A.c.j^l v^) 01^ fol. 6^; ^s ^^^^IsLxAl ^j-^j^ ^^^ ^^. ^^^.^.Jii j_^9 J A.*iX on fol. 7a; i_j\._:L5L]l ^La c_jb, on fol. 8f ; ^..aJiJlj Xll vl>'.; on fol. 8^^; i_j5 ^^.* ^^.jj^l v^.> on fol. 9^; ^^^.^^:lJi3 ^ja ^^j^t))'\ i_jIj, on fol. 10^; xj^Ji.1 sj-^^Jl t_jL>, on fol. lot"; l^l^ ^^sl^LUl j_^l 'ij^\ iS^ JiJ vb, on fol. Il^; iij^l iJlc ^LtJi J s^a. uJij c_)b, on fol. 11^; ^Uj^lj^l^-b^l ^b , on fol. 12b; il^ Jli^j, ib. ; jj Jl.j^li, on fol. \^^; *lJ^3 ^^.^LiT-ll, ib. ; J> J Ja (.^^3) ib., lasthne ; il^ ^UjI ^^^s *4SUj1 i_jI) Ji J Ja J o^Jllll *lj J Ji J, on fol. 13b ; l^-a^Lsr* oJ^'s ^^j*. s^b, ib. ; ^^^.^^J.Ulj Aj5lJIJl jj_j.Ill J. 1^-0.1 ^Jb., on fol. 14''^; iLill v'b ^JaiJJl ^^4^ J aJLo^Ij, on fol. 14^; DLol ^ ^LJCJI (_-oiX-o i_)b i^jpi 9 (.r^A^Lx.!! -'UjOn fol. i6b; e^Tpl ^i ^4-jjs>ll-o ^JlJ, ib. ; iiijU!^! sjb, on fol. 17^; U5Cil_^J>.l^l ^U t—i^jJl i_.L>, on fol. 17^'; UJ f.^--^ ^c^ I— fl-sj-H t_>b, on fol. 18*; ijflj ^y ^.4-jjklxo i_)b AiLj!5)l, on fol. 18'^ ; jJljpl (_^ ^4-uib.A i_)b, on fol. 20^^ ; ^J:.j^ i_jb (surah 2) s^Jl s^^^ ^^^> on fol. 2i'"^; (surah 3) ^j^-s- J I S;^^, AND HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPTS 29 on fol. 25<i; (surah 4) LJli\ Ly^, on fol. 27« ; (surah 5) ajJUl s.^, on fol. 28*; (surah 6) ^La.i^l ij^^, on fol. 29a; (surah 7) «_jl^^l ii,^, on fol. 31''^; (surah 8) JUJ^l ijy^, on fol. 32^; (surah 9)4.5^! Ly^, on fol. 33^; (surah 10) ^j-Jjo 5,^-^, on fol. 33^' (the heading added on the margin); (surah 11) ^^JlJl &.JLC :>jjt ijy^, on fol. 34*; lacuna ; (surah 17) ]^'3\ ijy^, on fol. 35** ; (surah 18) i—Lj-'CJl i.y^, on fol. 35b; (surah 19) ^^LlJl L^-Jlc ^j^ 5^_^, on fol. 37^^; (surah 20) sJ? 5^^^, on fol. 37b ; (surah 21) ^^Llll *4-Juc *Lw^ill s.*.-*., on fol. 38a ; (surah 22) "JJ ij^^, on fol. 38'^; (surah 23) ^j^;^jl\ j.^, on fol. 39^1; (surah 24) ^jj^l Ly^, ib., last line; ijU,^l ijy^ (surah 25), on fol. 39^ ; (surah 26) j^«^H ij^^, on fol. 40'"^ ; (surah 27) J^l i,^-*., ib. ; (siirah 28) ,_^,^ gjl ij^, on fol. 41'^; (sijrah 29) \^y-^^ : ? II iiiv-x, ib. ; I . ..< ij*--' (Jl (•jr-^^ ^j^"*** u^ 3 (suras 30-33), on fol. 41^; (suras 34 and 35) ^LU j L^ i^^j.-;, on fol. 42^; (sQrah 36) ,j«.j i,^^, on fol. 42^'; ejlil-^l (3) s^^ (surah 37), on fol. 43-^ ; (surah 38) j_^ ijy^, on fol. 43^' > y^^^ hy^ (surah 39), ib. ; (surah 40) ^j-AW 'ijy*>, on fol. 44''^; eJi^ ijy^ (surah 41), ib. ; (suras 42-44) ^U>Ulj v__s^,J>jl)lj (j^^.Ul ijy^, ib., last line; (suras 45 and 46) v__iljLa.^lj (recte JuJlii) ajo^XJI 5.^, on fol. 45^ ; ^J-*^yi\ ijy^ ^J'^ r^ 5 s-^^ '^Jj' /X^* i.y^ ^^ j (suras 47-54) ^^^ J J-c, ib. ; (surah 55) J^ ^ Jc ^^--^J^l s^^-, on fol.46«^; (suras 56 and 57) JoaJJj iatSl^l 5.^, ib. ; aJ.5LsA' Ly^ ^^ j (suras 58-67) ^JJJ"JI 5;^^ (_5J1, on fol. 46^^; (i.e. ^jUl) ^J i^^ ^^-o j (suras 68-74) A..<,l^l ijy^ ^\, on fol. 473-; Jl i^LJiJl is^^^ ^^ (suras 75-77) UXll i,^— , on fol. 47b; j;,^ Jl LJUl i,^ ^^j (suras 78-95) ijJuJl, on fol. 48^; ^^Ls^l^T ^11 jiaJl i^y^ ^^ ^ (suras 96-114), on fol. 48'' ; ^,.*.JC111 i_>Ij, on fol. 49''^; ^ Ur* t-ib i—i.^ll, on fol. 49'\ Title on fol. 4% last line ; on the fly-leaf a table of the names of the seven principal readers of the Qur'an,&c. An Arabic commentary by Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Maiisili (d a. h. 656, a. n. 1258); a Persian one, Eth^ (I.O.C), 2702, II; comp. H. Khalfa, III, p. 43 ; Noldeke, Geschichte des Qorans, p. 377 sq. ; Aumer (Munich Cat.), p. 20 ; Loth (Arabic MSS.), p. 8. (Add. MSS. 797 B.) 30 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS E A HINDUSTANI MANUSCRIPT XXIV Fragment of a Hindustani story, without beginning or end. Ff. 2 2, 11. II-I2; Shikasta; size, vf in. by 4^ in. This fragment seems a portion of a Hindustani translation of Muhammad Qadiri's abridged version of Diyai Nakhshabi's Persian u^[i^jL (a.h. 730, A.D. 1330), probably the ^^^i!^ iJ°J-^ ^^ Sayyid Haidar Bakhsh, see Eth^ (Bodl. Cat.), No. 444 ; (I. O. Cat.), No. 752. PRINTED IN ENGLAND AT THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ', 'Q-^ Form L9-42to-8.'49 (B5573)444 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNU LOS ANGELES z 6621 Alh)[ca Tv'ales - Catalo^ua of Oriental ,nanu- scripts 1621 AlUUca 3 1158 00766 3924 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 165 393 8