.J [united states bureau of education (BULLETIN, 1915, NO. 23 WHOLE NUMBER 650 KE TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS PREPARED BY A SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE COMMISSION ON THE REORGANIZATION OF SECONDARY EDUCATION NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION CONSISTING OF J. LYNN BARNARD SCHOOL OP PEDAGOGY. PHILADELPHIA F. W. CARRIER PRINCIPAL WILMINGTON (MASS.) HIGH SCHOOL ARTHUR WILLIAM DUNN SPECIALIST IN CIVIC EDUCATION UNITED STATES BUREAU OP EDUCATION and CLARENCE D. KINGSLEY HIGH SCHOOL INSPECTOR. MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OP EDUCATION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 UNITED STATES BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1915, NO. 23 WHOLE NUMBER 650 « » > » THE TEACHING OF COMIVlUNITY CIVICS PREPARED BY A SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF THE COMMISSION ON THE REORGANIZATION OF SECONDARY EDUCATION NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION CONSISTING OF J. LYNN BARNARD SCHOOL OF PEDAGOGY. PHILADELPHIA F. W. CARRIER PRINCIPAL WILMINGTON (MASS.) HIGH SCHOOL ARTHUR WILLIAM DUNN SPECIALIST IN CIVIC EDUCATION UNITED STATES BUREAU OF EDUCATION and CLARENCE D. KINGSLEY HIGH SCHOOL INSPECTOR. MASSACHUSETTS BOARD OF EDUCATION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFRCE 1915 ADDITIONAL COPIES or THIS PUBUCATION MAY BE PROCURED FROSl THE RUPrRINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 10 CENTS PER COPY V CONTENTS. Page. Letter of transmittal 5 Preface 7 Part I : Aims and Methods in Teaching Community Civics 9 "Who is the good citizen?. 9 Stages in developing good citizenship 9 What is community civics? 11 Place of community civics in the school program 11 Specific aims of community civics 12 Elements of welfare suggested as topics 12 Method of teaching community ci\'ics 13 Application of principles to conduct 18 Part 1 1 : Suggested Treatment of the Elements of Welfare 20 Health 20 Protection of life and property 24 Recreation 26 Education 28 Civic beauty 31 Wealth 33 Communication 37 Transportation 39 Migration 41 Charities 42 Correction 46 How governmental agencies are conducted 48 How governmental agencies are financed 49 How voluntary agencies are conducted and financed 50 Part III : Bibliographical Suggestions 51 Textbooks 51 Source materials : 51 Reference texts 52 Laboratory material 53 References on method 54 3 449047 LETTER OF TRANSMIHAL. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Education, Washington, June 8, 1915. Sir: For good citizenship men and women must not only have good will, but an abiding interest in the w^eKare of the commimity. They must also have a working knowledge of social agencies, good judgment as to methods of social activities, and a more or less com- prehensive imderstanding of fundamental principles of social life and progress. • Much can be done in childhood and in the elementary grades of the school to create mterest and give a certahi amount of concrete knowledge of particular social activities and agencies, but not until bo3^s and girls have reached the years of adolescence, the high-school age, can they begin to gam any very full understandmg of abstract principles of social, civic, and governmental life. Instruc- tion m this subject m the high school is therefore of utmost impor- tance. For use in the high schools many textbooks and manuals have been prepared on this subject, some good and some not so good, but there is -still need for good manuals on the subject of community civics that wiU help teachers to treat the subject in an inductive way and to relate it properly to other subjects and to the past, present, and future life of the students. The manuscript transmitted here- with offers such help, and I therefore recommend that it be published as a bulletin of the Bureau of Education. It was prepared by a special committee of the National Education Association's commission on the reorganization of secondary education. This special commit- tee consists of Prof. J. Lynn Barnard, of the PhUadelphia School of Pedagogy; Clarence D. Kingsley, liigh-school inspector for the ^las- sachusetts State Board of Education; F. W. Carrier, principal of the Wilmington (Mass.) High School; and Arthur Wdliam Dunn, special agent in civic education for this bureau. Respectfully submitted. The Secretary of the Interior. P. P. Claxton, Commissioner. PREFACE. The substance of this manual was developed in the summer of 1914 when Dr. J. Lynn Barnard, at the invitation of the Massachu- setts Board of Education, conducted a course at Hyannis for teachers of community civics. Part of the material used in Dr. Barnard's course was gathered by a committee of Massachusetts teachers con- sistmg of Margaret McGill, Newton High School, chairman; F. W. Carrier, principal Wilmington (Mass.) High School; Walter H. Gush- ing, principal Framingham High School; Mabel Hill, Dana Hall School, Wellesley; Clarence D. Kingsley, high-school inspector, Mas- sachusetts Board of Education; and Winthrop Tirrell, Boston High School of Commerce. During the past year the undersigned, who were constituted a special committee of the committee on social studies of the National Education Association's commission on reor- ganization of secondary education, have given much time to the preparation of the manual. The committee desires to acknowledge valuable suggestions from Dr. David Snedden, Commissioner of Edu- cation, Massachusetts; Thomas Jesse Jones, of the United States Bureau of Education and chairman of the committee on social studies; and Jessie C. Evans, of the William Penn High School for Girls, Philadelohia. J. Lynn Barnard. F. W. Carrier. Arthur W. Dunn. Clarence D. Kjngsley. June 15, 1915. 97151°— 15 2 ' 7 • * « THE TEACHING OF CCMMUNlTYCIVlCSu- PART I. AIMS AND METHODS IN TEACHING COMMUNITY CIVICS. I. WHO IS THE GOOD CITIZEN? The good citizen may be defined as a pereon who habitually conducts himself with proper regard for the welfare of the communi- ties of which he is a member, and who is active and intelligent in his cooperation with his fellow members to that end. The welfare both of the individual and of the community depends upon various factors, such as health, education, recreation, civic • beauty, wealth, communication, transportation. In order to secure these elements of welfare the individual and the community are dependent upon many social agencies, such as pure-food laws, schools, playgrounds, parks, factories, post offices, railroads. The usefuhiess of such social agencies depends upon the intelligence and readmess with which the members of the community establish, direct, and cooperate with them. They may be classified as govern- mental or voluntary according to the nature of their support. It is evident, therefore, that the good citizen will possess an abiding interest in the welfare of the community, a working knowledge of social agencies, and good judgment as to those means and methods that will promote one social end without at the same time defeating other social ends. Furthermore, he must have the point of view that progress is essential in order that he may do as well by civiliza- tion as did his fathers before him. Every community also needs citizens who possess a large measure of social initiative and the power of leadership. n. STAGES IN DEVELOPING GOOD CITIZENSHIP. Training for good citizenship must begin even before the child enters school and must continue through school, and indeed through life. Four stages in the process are well marked. 1 . Before the child enters ■ school he receives from the family life itself his first impressions of cooperation and responsibility. Whether these impressions and the social habits inculcated shall be for good or for ill depends upon the atmosphere and efforts of the 9 10 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. home. IJoraP educaition is? thus the first factor in the development of good citizQiVship. . V : :• : •. / 2. Betweection of markets and dairies. Inspection of slaughterhouses. Inspection of cold storage. TEEATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFARE. 23 For exercise: Gymnasiuins. Playgrounds and athletic fields. For cleanliness: Disposal of household waste. Street cleaning. Public baths. To avoid contagion: Medical inspection of schoola. School nurses. Vaccination. Quarantine — local, State, national. Insect extermination. To restrict the use of drugs: Temperance societies. Regulation of sale and manufacture of alcohol and tobacco. To regulate working hours and conditions: Properly equipped schools (desks, lighting). Child-labor legislation and inspection (age, hours, work certificates, kinds of employment) . Factory legislation and inspection (hours, lunch periods, sanitation, safety devices, seats for women employees, kinds of employment). Consumers' leagues. Child-labor associations. Agencies for miscellaneous purposes: Ambulance service. Hospitals and dispensaries. Vital statistics. Baby-saving campaigns. Responsibility of the citizen. — It would be well for the teacher to recall the discussion of recognition of responsibility and of the appli- cation of principles to conduct in Part I, pages 16-19. Throughout the discussion of the topic the aim should be to present its community relations in such a way as to stimulate the pupil's sense of responsi- bility for the health of the community as a whole. In connection with the study of pure water supply, for example, such questions as the following may be suggestive: If you suspect that your water supply may be polluted, how will you proceed to verify your suspicions? If you find that it is polluted, what should you do about it? \Vliat should your father do about it? Under what conditions should complaint be entered? Wlio should enter it? Before whom should it be laid, and by what method? If your community needs a new water system, how may a citizen proceed to arouse public opinion in the matter? How can a mayor be held accountable for the efficiency of a water commissioner whom he appoints? What kind of reports should a water commissioner render, and whose business is it to read them? Why? It may be profitable to have the class collect, from such magazines as The American City, instances of participation by boys and girls in activities to promote the health of communities. These instances 97151°— 15 4 24 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. may be tabulated to show the scope of such activities, and discussed and criticized from the point of view of organization, management, cooperation, judgment, results, etc. Each member of the class may also write a statement of the ways in which he has cooperated, or may cooperate, with the various social agencies studied. Mr. Carrier obtained by this method some state- ments that, by their spontaneity, indicated a personal appHcation of the lesson, as when one pupil wrote, " I will be cheerfully quarantined." TOPIC n.— PROTECTION OF LIFE AND PROPERTY. Approach to the topic. — One way to approach this topic is through a discussion of some dramatic accident that has occurred in the vicinity, or that has gained prominence through the newspapers, such as the burning of a part of Salem, Mass., the shirt-waist factory fire in New York City, or the recent floods in Ohio and Indiana; and then to exhibit statistics (which the pupils themselves may gather) to show that accidents less dramatic, but of common occurrence, result in the aggregate in more terrible loss of life and greater destruction of property. Instances may be found in the annual loss from fire, the railroad or mining accidents of the past year, injuries occurring in the ordinary course of traffic in the streets of a large city, or the loss of life and limb on the Fourth of July. Compare the attitude of different people toward the removal of causes of accidents; for example, the attitude of the Chinese toward the inundation of their rivers as compared with that of the people along the Mississippi. Why the difference ? (Note, however, the unnecessary loss of life and property in this country from periodic floods)] Compare the frequency of railroad accidents in this country with that in England or Germany. Note the growing movement in behalf of protection of life and property in this country as illustrated by the "safety-first" move- ment. What has brought about the changed attitude ? Give illus- trations from your own community. Means hy which the community protects life and property. — The study of means adopted to protect life and property should commence with conditions that axe very near to the pupils. In case the investi- gation starts with fire prevention in the home, information on such lines as the following may be sought: Of what material is your house built? Is there need for fire escapes and are such provided? Is there any danger of fire from stoves of furnaces in your house? Is gasoline or any other explosive kept in the house, and if so, what care is taken of it? Is there any danger from lighted matches? If you have electricity, how is the current insulated? In case a fire broke out what steps should you take? Where is the near- est fire-alarm box? How would j-ou send an alarm? Is the waver supply adequate to extinguish a fire? With reference to how many of these poin s are thei'e laws in your community? TREATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFARE. 25 It is better, however, instead of asking the pupils detailed, leading questions such as those above, to seek to draw them out as to the sources of danger to Hfe and property in their own homes. Let them mention materials of construction, fire escapes, matches, etc. From their miscellaneous Hst, brought out by free and general discussion, a corrected and classified list may be compiled and placed on the black- board in good order as a basis for further discussion. This will stimu- late initiative and give the pupils practice in organizing their own knowledge. A similar plan may be followed with regard to the provisions for safety in the school building and elsewhere. Some of the agencies for the protection of life and property follow : LIST OF AGENCIES. For the prevention of accidents — In houses, tenements, schools, public buildings. Fire exits, fire escapes, building laws and inspection. In the street : Traffic regulations and traffic squad. Underground wires. Street lighting. In transportation: Safety regulations and devices on railroads, steamships, electric caiis, and automobiles. Coast survey; lighthouses and buoys; life-saving stations. In industry: Safety devices in mines, quarries, and factories. Regulation and inspection of fire escapes, elevators, boilers. For protection against fire — Insurance. Police. Courts (civil and criminal). Legal aid societies. Militia. State constabulaiy. Army. Navy. Patents and copyrights. For the prevention of floode Levees. Preservation of forests. Flood reservoirs. For protection against fire — Water supply . Fire department. Forest rangers. Building regulations. Fire prevention movement. Responsibility of the citizen. — ^Even a cursory analysis of the causes of the fires occurring annually in a community, together with an exhibit of the cost to the community, will of itself suggest the heavy responsibility resting on each citizen for the prevention of fire. A study of the causes of accidents on the street will impress the same idea. Habits of destruction and vandalism, when they prevail among boys, are not always easy to overcome. But more can be done to this end by a vivid demonstration of the social consequences of such practices through an array of concrete situations which will of tliem- 26 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. selves appeal to self-interest, to the spirit of the "square deal," and to a proud sense of personal responsibility, than by preachment. Pupils should be taught the proper use of safety devices and the precautions that they should take in order to protect both them- selves and their feUow citizens. In one school in a large city a model of a street-car platform was placed in the gymnasium and the pupils were trained to get off the car facing forward. The importance of fire driUs in the schools should be thoroughly discussed, and these drills held often enough to secure rapid and orderly emptying of the building. Similarly the class should discuss the proper procedure in case of a fu*e in any other building, such as a theater. Probably in every town and city there are devices, such as fire-alarm boxes, that the local authorities would gladly have pupils trained to use correctly. Quite Hkely the fire department would lend a sample box to the school, so that each pupil could learn the proper method of turning in an alarm. The class may discuss the steps that should be taken by the citizen to secure the installation of safety devices either in his own dwelling or in public buildings or in cars and factories. TOPIC m.— RECREATION. Approach to topic. — ^The study of each topic should be related as far as possible to the work that has preceded. Under "Health" and "Protection of life" the community arrangements for the physical well-being of the citizen have been studied. To secure the highest degree of efficiency on the part of the individual and of the com- munity, there is a physical necessity for recreation as well as for rest. It is usually well, however, to begin the study of a topic by means of concrete illustrations within the observation of the pupils. Thus, the study of recreation may be begun by having the pupils mention such forms and means of recreation as occur to them, in the home, in the school, in the community at large. On the basis of such a list, the class may work out a definition of recreation and a statement of its purposes. No matter if the preliminary definition is crude, it can be completed and perfected in the light of further observation and discussion. Observation and discussion should disclose the fact that mere cessa- tion from "work" is not necessarily recreation. The difference between recreation and dissipation should be emphasized. It should be shown that recreation involves the social and intellectual interests, as well as mere physical enjoyment and recuperation. Recreation may at times consist in mere change of occupation. Why? Recreation depends upon the possession of leisure, the existence of adequate facilities, and knowledge of how to use the leisure and the facilities. These three conditions suggest profitable lines of inquiry in your own community TREATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFARE. 27 How the community 'provides for recreation. — To what extent are there people in your community who have not sufficient leisui*e for recreation? How is it in the case of women? Of children? Wliat causes deprive people of leisure in your community? Other things being equal, does rural or city life afford greater leisure? Is there any movement in your community (or State) looking to the increase of leisure of working men and women ? Are the facilities for recreation adequate in your community? Make as complete a list as possible of the recreation facilities in your community, for men; for women; for children. Classify them according to their kind. Are the facilities that exist equally dis- tributed in all parts of the community and among all classes of the population ? Make a map (if in a city) showing distribution of play- grounds, parks, baths. Would you consider a library a means of recreation? A saloon? Wliy? Are facilities for recreation more abundant in a city or in a rural community? Look up the question of need for recreation facilities in a farming community. What obligation is there upon a community to provide recreation facilities for its citizens? Is your community meeting its obligation satisfactorily? Do you know people who do not know how to play ? Is it a func- tion of the school to teach how to play? Compare the advantages of supervised play with unsupervised. How much and what kind of supervision over recreation is there in your community? Discuss the censorship of moving pictures; the regulation of dance balls. Wliat agencies provide supervision for different kinds of recreation in your community? To what extent is supervised recreation pro- vided in factories and business houses? Discuss the need and methods of control of athletics and social events in a high school. Following is a partial list of recreational agencies that may be discussed : LIST OF AGENCIES. School recess. Playgrounds and athletic fields. Athletic associations. Gymnasiums and bowling alleys. Extended use of schoolhouses. Public baths. Recreation piers. Dance halls. Concerts. Theaters and moving pictures. Circuses. Botanical and zoological gardens. Libraries. Museums and art galleries. Summer camps. Fish and game protection. National parks. Clubs and associations: Boy Scouts. Camp Fire Girls. Y.M.C.A. Social settlements. Responsibility of the citizen. — Observation, inquiry and discussion along the lines suggested in the foregoing paragraphs should impress pupils with the obligation to provide for adequate, wholesome recreation, both from the standpoint of self-interest and of community 28 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVIOS. welfare. Most high-school pupils need little stimulation to play, though there are numerous exceptions; but they need to cultivate judgment in the choice of recreation and to develop thoughtfulness regarding the comfort and convenience of others who are not partici- pating in the game. Athletics and other forms of school recreation afford abundant opportunity for the practice of civic virtues. Consideration for others, habits of cooperation, regard for the rules of the game are duties which may be cultivated in recreational activities whether on the athletic field or in social gatherings. It is pertinent, in these days of strenuous business activity, to stress the duty of providing against personal physical breakdown and social inefficiency, by due regard for recreational needs after enter- ing business. Abundant opportunity is presented throughout the discussion to emphasize the responsibility of the community for ample f aciUties for regulated recreation, and of the citizen to cooperate with private and pubHc agencies in providing for them. The duty of the employer to his employees in this respect should also be em- phasized. TOPIC IV.— EDUCATION. Aj)proacJi to tlie topic. — It is not always easy for the pupil to see the value of the education the school is giving him. This may be due, in part, to his own lack of understanding and foresight; in part, to a real failure of the school to meet the needs of the pupil. Let the class (and the teacher) face these two possibilities frankly, with a view to getting light on what should be expected from the school, and how far the school is fulfiUmg or failing to fulfill its obligations. Whether the school clearly meets the needs of the pupil or not, the value of some kind and some amount of education (acquiring ex- perience and skill and appreciation) will be readily acknowledged by the pupil. A great deal of this education is acquired directly by experience in the school of life itself. One question to be answered is. How early does it pay to enter this school of life to finish one's education by actual experience ? There was a time when education was acquired almost wholly in this way, except for what the family itself could give or afford to buy. With the growing complexity of life, it has become necessary to supplement the efforts of the individual and of the family by providing educational facihties for a longer period of trainmg, and this training has been made available to practically everyone through the system of public elementary and secondary schools. That the communit}^ believes this is worth while is evidenced by the large sum of money expended every year for the purpose. How much in your town or city? In your State? How much does your high school cost the community annually for each TEEATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFARE. 29 pupil in attendance'? How does this compare with the cost of the elementary schools? Is the difference justifiable? Wliy? If your education is worth while, either from your standpoint or that of the community, it ought to accomplish at least the following things: 1. It ought to help you to become self-supporting and to provide for those dependent upon you. This would include — a. Help in discovering the vocation for which you are best adapted. b. Help in preparation for that vocation. 2. From the standpoint of the community it ought to increase your efficiency as a contributor to the economic prosperity of the community, and thereby also contribute to your own self-respect. 3. It ought to increase your capacity for enjoyment of your life work and for enjoy- ment and wise use of leisure. 4. It ought to stimulate your desire, and develop your ability, to participate wisely in the affairs of your community — intellectual, social, philanthropic, political, etc. 5. It ought to cultivate your appreciation of life in all its aspects. Each of the above points may be discussed in greater or less deta'l to bring out why, from the standpoint of the pupil and from that of the community, public education should provide for it. How the community jyrovides for education. — A good place to begin a study of what the community is actually doing for the education of its citizens is with the high school (if it is a high-school class that is making the study; if it is an eighth-grade class, the beginning might better be with the elementary school). The following questions are only suggestive, and by no means exhaust the various aspects of the subject: Make a table or chart showing the various kinds of work and activities of your high school, and show how they contribute to the ends of education as stated above (include athletics, debating societies, the school paper, and other activities). Course of study. — What changes have been made in your high -school course of study in the last 10 years? What has been the purpose of these changes? What further changes are in prospect? Do other high schools in your city and high schools in other cities maintain courses not found in your school? If so, to what extent should they be introduced in your school? Why? Do you yourself feel that the studies you are taking have a direct value to you? What changes would you suggest in the content and methods of teaching the studies you are taking to make them more useful to you? "V^Tiat subjects would you drop altogether, and why? Administration. — Analyze and describe the ad minis traiion of your school. Explain the function and the responsibility of teachers, princii)al, superintendent, school board, or committee. Do you have any responsibility for the administration or con- duct of the school? Explain. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of i)upil par- ticipation in school government. What is the relation between the school authorities and the city or town or county government? Between the school authorities and the State government? Why these relations? School attendance. — Between what ages is school attendance compulsory in your State? How does this compare with other States? What steps must be taken to obtain working papers, schooling, and age certificates? What restrictions, if any, 30 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. are i)lacecl upon the kinds of employment that may be secured by minors? Explain the administration of the tniancy laws. "What proportion of elementary pupils enter high school in your community? Wliat proportion of those who enter high school complete the course? A\'Tiat proportion of pupils leave the elementary school l>efore completing all eight grades? Wliat caiiees are assigned for this elimination of i)upil3 at various grades? ^\^lat steps, if any, are being taken in your community to prevent retardation and elimination? Racial composition of the school. — A chart may be made showing places of birth of the members of the class, and of their parents and grandparents. The aim should be to conserve a proper pride in racial heritage while emphasizing the process of Amer- icanization. Tact must be exercised to avoid offense. The democratizing influence of the public school should be emphasized. The opportunity is great to cultivate wholesome sympathy among the racial elements represented. It may be shown that the American ideal of democracy is the outgrowth of the labors and aspirations of the people in nations other than our own, and that, therefore, the foreigner comes from countries which have contri]:)uted to the ideal for which we ourselves are striving. Cost of the school. — How much was expended for your high school last year? How much of this was for instruction? For what other purpose was money spent? 'WTiat is the value of your school building and grounds? From what sources is this money derived? How is it raised? In the same spirit and by similar methods such educational agen- cies as the following may be taken up for discussion so far as tmie and circumstances warrant: LIST OF AGENCIES, 1. Those offering education directly: Kindergartens. Elementary schools (day, evening, summer, special). High schools (day, evening, summer, special). Private and cooperative schools. Higher institutions (different kinds and purposes of each). Correspondence schools (use and limitations). Summer Chautauquas. Winter reading circles. Schools for defectives (blind, deaf, etc.). Corporation schools. Classes for immigrants. Young Men's Christian Association. Social settlements. Civic clubs. Literary and debating clubs. Public lectures and sermons. Libraries. Museums and art galleries. Theaters and moving pictures. Newspapers and periodicals. 2. Those fostering other educational agencies: Public education associations. Home and school associations. The Foundations (Sage, General Education Board, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching). United States Bureau of Education. TEEATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFAEE. 31 Responsibility of the citizen. — The pupil should be impressed with the fact that in going to school he is participating in the real life of the community, that he is doing the thing which the community expects him to do. Is he doing his part well ? Teachers and school authorities are official representatives of the community, a part of the local and State governments. Cooperation with them is public service, as are diligence and regularity of attendance. Responsibility for the progress of the other members of the class should be empha- sized, as also for the public property represented in school equip- ment. The pupil also has a civic responsibility for the future, for which his education is mtended to fit him. Whether his education does prepare him for future responsibility depends in part upon the efficiency of the school, but also in large measure upon the diligence and attitude of the pupil himself. It should be shown that, while school authorities have direct responsibility for the schools, a community wiU have the kind of schools that it really wants, and that a responsibility rests on the citizens themselves to deal with the subject intelligently and to submit willingly to the necessary taxation for adequate educational facilities. The difference in kind of responsibility resting upon school authorities and citizens should be emphasized. (See Part I, p. 16.) TOPIC v.— CIVIC BEAUTY. Approach to the topic. — The appearance of a community is usually the first thing to attract the attention of a stranger. Are you proud of your community in this respect? What are some of the things that you would select to show a visitor in jour community ? What are some of the things that you would not want him to see ? Why ? What difference does it make whether your community is beautiful or not? For example, what effect do appearances have upon the value of i3roperty ? Give examples in your own community. Why should the citizen cooperate with government and with voluntary agencies to make the community beautiful ? What besides appear- ances contribute to the beauty of a community ? If there happens to be under way in your commmiity some import- ant improvement, such as the construction of a system of parks or boulevards, or a town-planning movement, this may afford a natural avenue of approach to the general subject of civic beauty. In this case the relation between such factors in civic beauty as parks or boulevards and public health, public recreation and public conven- ience, should be established. How the community provides for civic heauty. — Positive or negative material for the study of civic beauty and its importance is always at hand in abundance. It is popular with pupils and comparatively 32 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. easy to handle. As in the case of other topics, the study should be related as closely as possible to the pupils' interest, proceeding from matters familiar to thorn to matters less familiar. When the pupils live in congested city districts where lawns, gardens, and shade trees are rare, it is hardly wise to dwell upon home beautifying in these respects to the same extent as m other sections of the city. For such pupils a discussion of clean and tidy area ways and alleys would be more pertinent. The appearance of school building and grounds, of streets, and of parks, however, is of common interest to all. The following is a list of topics rather than of agencies; but their study of course involves a consideration of corresponding agencies. Under each, therefore, inquire as to who has been given, or has assumed, responsibility, and how the work is done. LIST OP AGENCIES. Beauty in the home: Appearance of dwellings (paint, re- pairs, window boxes, etc.)- Care of lawns, gardens, trees. Beauty in the school: Interior decoration. School architecture. Improvement of grounds. School gardening. Beauty in the street: The street plan. Construction and repair. Cleanliness. Provision for rubbish. Unsightly objects — Telephone and electric light poles. Bill boards. Care and preservation of trees. Noise. Lighting at night. Parks, parkways and boulevards, water fronts. Architecture: Public buildings. Business and office buildings. Residential. Art: Monuments and statues. Bridges. Galleries. City or town planning: Street plan. Grouping of public buildings. Industrial and residential sections. Regulation of height of buildings. Preservation of natural beauty: Local, State, National. Miscellaneous : Smoke abatement. Vacant lots. Alleys. Clean-up days. Care of public buildings. MutUation of public property. Responsibility of the citizen. — There is no phase of community life in which it is so easy to see the responsibihty of the citizen as in that which relates to beauty, and there is no other phase which offers such abundant opportunity to the young citizen to participate in civic activities. The beauty of the community as a whole depends in large measure upon the care which the individual householder and his family take with regard to the appearance of their own premises and the care which every individual, young or old, takes not to htter the streets and parks vdth j^apers and other refuse, to deface walls and fences, to injure plants and trees, to destroy birds. Chil- TEEATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFARE. 33 dren have been a large factor in many communities in the work of school and home gardening and in neighborhood bcautification of various kinds. Besides personal conduct in such matters, there is always the opportunity to help form pubhc opinion by personal effort and by cooperation with voluntary agencies. TOPIC VI.— WEALTH. Approach to the topic. — In dealing with this topic it may be neces- sary to remind oneself that this is a course in ''community civics" and not one in economics. In order to maintain this point of view it may be well for the teacher to recall the definitions of the "good citizen" and of " community civics " given on pages 1 and 11, Part I. The citizen, however, must be a user, and usually a producer, of wealth. The use and production of wealth have their civic relations and it is some of these that this section is intended to point out. It wiU probably be necessary to explain to pupils that the word "wealth" is not used in the sense of great riches, and still less as synonymous with money, but in its true meaning of all material things for which men are willing to work. A loaf of bread is wealth, as also a book, or a lead pencil, or a house and lot, or a plow. A technical discussion of wealth in aU its economic bearings is out of place in this course. The things most in evidence in a community, outside of the purely residential districts, are stores and office buildings, factories, trans- portation lines and facilities, and people hurr.ying to and fro, or at work in their offices or before machines or behind counters — aU going about their "business." If it is a rural community, there are the farms with all the activities involved in producing grain, or cotton, or live stock. Or it may be a mining community or one whose chief interest is in the activities that center about the forest. Every- one seems to be intent on "getting a living." If we pass from the "business center" of a city to the residential districts, there we see the symbol of the "hving" for which all this work is going on — the home. It represents, first of all, shelter and food; but in addition it represents the primary means of education (the training of children), of health protection, of esthetic enjoyment (in books, music, home bcautification), of recreation, and of social life. It represents the necessities of life and such comforts and luxuries as the family may by its work provide for. The getting of a living is of fundamental importance to everyone. It should be made clear to the pupil that the money a worker receives for his work is only a measure of his "living" or of the value of his services, and that the real "living" that he receives in return for his work is the more or less complete enjoyment of the "elements of welfare" — protection of health, life, and property, education, recre- S4 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. ation, etc. Wealth is merely the material means by which the real elements of welfare are secured. The activities involved in the production and use of wealth are of vital importance to every com- munity, local or national. A very large part of the work of govern- ment is for the regulation of these activities and for the protection of the citizen in his property rights. The wealth-getting and wealth- using activities also impose heavy responsibilities upon the citizen. Means hy which the community provides for the production ami use of wealth. — The following paragraphs suggest a few of the important aspects of the subject that may be investigated with profit. 1. The dependence of the citizen upon others for the wealth he uses. — The interdependence of individuals is nowhere so clearly shown as in the wealth-getting and wealth-using activities of- a community, whether the community be local, national, or world-wide. This world-wide interdependence is vividly shown by the effects of the European war. Make a list of the workers engaged in providing you with bread, from the raising of the grain to the placing of the bread upon the table. Do the same for the salt with which you season your food, and the knife and fork with wliich you eat it; for the coat or dress which you wear; for the furnitiu'e in your home or the house in which you live; for the bboks that you use in school. Name as many groups of workers as pos- sible who have contributed to the protection of your health; to providing you with a concert or a theatrical performance. In these studies do not forget such ramifica- tions of industry as transportation, the engineers who build bridges, the scientists who discover natural laws. A concrete study of .this kind will give the pupil a vivid picture of the multiplicity of occupations in their relations to each other. But the chief point of emphasis at this time is the magnitude and variety of service by which a living is provided for the humblest citizen in return for his individual effort. Conversely, there is the implied obligation of each individual to contribute effectively to the extent of his abihty to the living of all these who serve him. Each worker is primarily concerned with what he gets for his work; the community is especially concerned about what he gives. All this implies the necessity for cooperation. 2. Cooperation and division of labor. — Observe how the occupations of your house- hold are distributed among the members of the family. Study a factory in your com- munity (perhaps one in which a member of your family is employed) to discover how the work of producing a given article is divided among the various groups of workmen. Wliat is the purpose of this "division of labor"? Show how each is dependent upon all the others. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such division of labor, from the point of view of the workman and from that of the employer. What is the work of the "manager," or "superintendent," or "boss"? Why is he necessary? Wliat sliould be the relations between the manager and the workmen? Where does the money come from with which to build the plant, provide the ma- chinery, and pay wages? Explain "capital." Show the interdependence of those TREATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFARE. 35 who furnish the capital and those who furnish the labor. "The mutual object of both is to produce the best possible article at the lowest possible price, in order to place it within reach of the greatest possible number of piirchasers." (Note the obligation of both to regard the rights of the user of the article.) Show how the factory just studied is dependent upon other industries and occupa- tions in yoiu- own community; iipon industries and occupations in other parts of the country or of the world. Investigate the communicating system in a large factory or store and show its importance as a means of securing cooperation. From the same point of view, discuss the means of commimication and transportation in the community and in the nation and in the world. 3. Effects of industrial development tipon community life. — Starting with the large degree of self-dependence exisxing in a pioneer family or community, show how the differentiation of occupations has taken place. The simpler facts of the "iadustrial revolution" may be brought out, to show the effects of the invention of machinery and the use of steam. Note especially the growth of the factory system and its effects upon the division of labor, the relations between labor and capital, and the growth of cities, with their complex problems of social life and government. 4. Distribution of ivealth. — This subject, from the standpoint of economics, is too difficult for systematic treatment in this com-se. It may be shown, however, that where there are such interdependence and cooperation among those who fiu:nish the capital and those who furnish the labor, and among manufacturers, merchants, and transporters, there should be some equitable distribution of the proceeds of the com- bined service to the community. A simple explanation may be made (without too technical discussion) of wages, salaries, profits, dividends, interest, rent. This may involve a simple discussion, based on observation and published studies, of "a liAdng wage," "standards of living," "family budgets," etc. 5. Saving. — A highly important topic. It may include such items as the following: Duty of providing for a "rainy day," and for the safety and comfort of the family. Economy in personal habits, in the household, and in business management. Methods and means of systematic saving. Saving by investment. Capital the result of saving. Economy thi'ough efficiency. ' Conservation of natural resoxu:ces. Economy m government. The topics here given are only suggestive of the hnes of inquiry and of the point of view and method, appropriate to this course. Many others are excluded for lack of space. But in a course in com- munity civics especial emphasis should be given to — 6. What the Government does to regulate activities relating to the production and enjoy- ment of wealth. — Protection of property and property rights. The economic causes for the establishment of the Federal Government in 1787. The conservation of natural resources. Regiilation of commerce. State and interstate, and foreign. Providing money. The piurpose of money as a measure of value and a means vi exchange. Establishment and regulation of banks. Maintaining credit. Regulation of corporations and trusts. Departments of Agi-iculture, Commerce, and Labor. Regulation of labor of women and children. Regulation of conditions of work. Regulation of immigration. Standardization of weights and measures. 36 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS, The subject of taxation is left for treatment in connection with Topic XIII — How Governmental Agencies are Financed. The following are some of the agencies that might be considered: LIST OF AGENCIES. Industries and occupations of the commumty. Study them wdth reference to the wants they satisfy or the service they perform. Raw materials used in these industries. Sources. Natural resources of your immediate commimity. Conservation of natural resources. Light and power for industrial uses. Transportation facilities. (See also topic Transportation.) Capital: Nature of the capital used in — Farming in your locality. A large fiictory. A street railway. A mercantile establishment. A bank. Labor supply: Kind, abundance, permanence, reliability. Voluntary organizations aiding indi^stry: Labor unions. Boards of trade, chambers of commerce. Associations of manufacturers, merchants, professional men. Employment bureaus. For saving: Banks — school banks, savings banks, postal savings. Homestead and loan associations. Insurance — life, accident, fire. Opportunities for investment. Government control: Federal departments, bureaus, commissions, etc. Treasury, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Interior, Interstate Commerce Commission, etc. Consular system. Federal employment bureaus. Federal Reserve Board. Federal legislation (consider the legislation of the present or last session of Con- gress) . State bureaus and commissions. Agriculture, labor, highways, etc. Employment bureaus. State universities, agricultural and technical schools. State legislation: Wage laws, accident liability, labor of women and children, working condi- tions. Responsibility of the citizen. — The foregomg study should have impressed the pupil with the obligation resting upon every individual to bo self-sustaining by his own work and to participate efficiently in the economic work of the world. Through the study of this topic, together with that of education, he should be impressed with the necessity of choosing a vocation wisely and of adequate preparation TEEATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFARE. 37 for it. He may have been impressed also with inequahties and apparent injustices in the distribution of wealth, responsibihty for which is often hard to place. The very difficulty of the problem places upon the good citizen the obligation of trying to understand it and to contribute all m his power to the removal of causes of injustice. The business and industrial relations of the world are founded largely upon confidence. This is the basis of credit. Inefficiency or dishonesty in one employee or in one employer tends to undermme confidence in aU employees and employers. Give examples (e. g., careless engineers, absconding bankers, etc.). Opportunity for the highest possible type of good citizenship is more abundant in business than in almost any other department of life, partly because business occupies so large a portion of the citi- zen's attention and time, but also because real devotion to the public welfare so often demands large sacrifices of apparent personal TOPIC Vn.— COMMUNICATION. Approach to the topic. — The battle of New Orleans was fought after the conclusion of the War of 1812 because the news of peace had not reached Gen. Jackson. One cause of disunion among the American colonies and in the Confederation was the lack of means of communi- cation. A number of ships are steaming their way across the ocean, hun- dreds of miles apart, with different destinations, each unmindful of the others. A fire breaks out on one of them, and a wireless caU for help is sent out. Immediately all these widely separated vessels unite in one purpose and hasten to the support of their sister ship in danger. United sympathies, united purpose, united action depend on adequate means of communication. The manager of a great business keeps in touch with every detail and directs every department of his establishment, and even of branches in distant cities, without leaving his desk. The commanders of the armies of Europe are in personal touch with every portion of a battle front a hundred miles long. Business and social life have been revolutionized by the development of means of rapid communi- cation. Rapid communication enables a nation as extmisive as oui-s to concentrate its thought and purpose upon one thing at the same instant. Compare with China m this respect. The President pro- claims a statement of prmciplcs m defense of American 7-ights. The next morning the voice of the whole Nation is heard through the newspapers, pledging support to its Chief Executive. How out of touch one feels with the world, in these days, until the newspaper is brought in from the front step; and how much a part 38 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. of it, even in the mountain camp, when the mail arrives or if there is telephonic communication. With an appreciation of the significance of adequate means of communication in the life of the community stimulated by such examples, which might be multiplied indefinitely, attention may be directed to a concrete study of the actual means of communication in your community and in the nation as a whole. Their historical development makes an interesting story. Consider the extent to which Government control is exercised in each case, and whether it is the local. State, or National Government. An extreme case of such governmental control may be seen in the censorship of news in war time. Means hy which communication is maintained. — Make comparisons between present and past times with reference to means of communi- cation. Discuss the binding together of the component families of a community, of business houses, of the home with the place of busi- ness, of the home with the doctor, with the police, with the fire department, etc., by means of the telephone. Also how the farmer's life is no longer one of isolation, because of the telephone, the rural mail delivery, the automobile, and the electric line; how the city and the surrounding country are united into a single community by the same means. Note how lines of communication radiate from your community to every other community in the State and in the Nation, thus binding all into large communities. LIST OF AGENCIES. Lectures, sermons, Chautauquas, etc. Public discussion: Town meeting, county court days, fairs, etc. The comer grocery. Clubs. Social centers. Postal service. Telegraph. Ocean cables. Wireless. Telephone. The press: Newspapers. Magazines, periodicals, etc. Books, libraries, etc. Keports issued by Government and by voluntary organizations. Responsibility of the citizen. — Cooperation with postal authorities calls for care in addressing envelopes. A visit to a telephone exchange will impress the class with the demands for patience placed upon telephone operators and the necessity for corresponding courtesy and consideration in using the telephone. The process by which public opinion is formed may be discussed in some of its aspects with profit. The necessity for reliable information as a basis for judgment, and the harm done by the dissemiuation of TREATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFARE. 39 false or unverified ramors may lead to a discussion, of the responsi- bility of newspapers and newspaper reporters for the correct presen- tation of facts. TOPIC Vm.— TRANSPORTATION. A'p'proach to the topic. — Possibly a "good-roads movement," or an important street improvement, or an unusually bad condition of roads or streets exists in your community and would serve as a means of approach to the general subject. It is important to relate this topic "Transportation," as also that of "Communication," to the various elements of welfare that have been studied. Easy and rapid commu- nication and transportation increase certain dangers as well as bring new advantages; as, for example, in the spread of disease. It is easy to make vivid the importance of the city street and of the country highways. Practically all foodstuffs and raw materials must pass, at some stage, over country roads. Think, then, of the obstacles to life presented by bad roads. The subject may be ap- proached mterestingly by an account of the difficulties of travel and transportation m the early days of our national history, or in the days of settlement of the immediate locality in which the pupils live. {See McMaster's History of the People of the United States.) Means of trans'portation. — A study of the country highways or of the city streets may be made in the concrete. The following is a lesson plan on country roads, submitted by Prof. J. F. Smith, of Berea College, Kentucky. In this study numerous photographs were used, walks were taken over good and bad roads, and the pupils and teacher actually did a piece of road work. Study and report on condition of roads in the community. Draw a map of the community, indicating roads. Which are dirt roads, rocky roads, otlier kinds? Wliich are well graded, well crowned? Note side ditches; are they adequate? Note cul- verts and bridges. Estimate miles of road in the community, public and private. Study road-making material in the community. Note places where limestone is found; sandstone, slate, gravel. Are these materials accessible? Find out cost of hauling in the community. Consult wagoners and learn charges per hundred pounds for freight and farm produce. Can farmers afford to market produce at present cost of cartage? Find out how much freight is hauled into the community annually and compute amount paid for this. How long will wagon and set of harness last on the roads? How long on good roads? Difference in cost for 10 years. How much could people who buy supplies afford to spend on road upkeep each year in order to cut down freight rates? Compare cost of hauling here with cost in European countries where the best roads exist. What overtax do the people have to pay ? Note that this overtax is in the form of higher prices for household necessities and in smaller profits for farm produce. Road building. — Determine kind of road; the location; grades; liow grades affect the haul; the drainage — level and steep roads, side ditches, culverts, subdrainage, crown; actual construction — tools, funds, means employed. Road maintenance. — Kind of material to use; regular attention necessary; the loola. What good roads mean to a community. — The economic problem. How they ennance the value of land. Means of communication. Better social life. 40 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. The history of the development of roads, canals, and railways in yoiir State and in the Nation, in its relation to the growth of community spirit and cooperation, will be fruitful. \\Tiat effect did the steam railway have upon the development of canals? Why? Show how the Panama Canal tends to unite our Nation more firmly. Study the problems of rapid transportation in cities and their relation to various phases of city life. Also the effects of the parcel post and of electric interurban lines on the welfare of farmers and city dwellers. Make a comprehensive study of the work of the Federal Government in promoting and safeguarding transportation. The Ship Purchase Bill and the Government ownership of railways and of street railway lines afford material for discussion and debate. LIST OF AGENCIES. Koads: Toll-road companies (now rare). Voluntary organizations to promote good roads. Government control — County and town. State (highway commissions, etc.). National — Department of Agriculture (Office of Public Roads). Post Office Department (rural delivery). Streets: City government, street department. Bridges: City, county, State, National. Natural waterways: Rivers, lakes, ocean. State bureaus and commissions. National — Department of Commerce (Coast Survey, Bureau of Navigation, Btl?e?i! di Lighthouses). Department of the Treasury (life-saving stations). Department of War (river and harbor improvement). Department of Agriculture (Weather Bureau). International Waterways Commission. Interstate Commerce Commission. Canals: Private companies. State control. National (Panama, Sault Ste. Marie, etc.). Railroads: Private corporations. State (railway or public-service commissions). National (Interstate Commerce Commission). Electric railways: Urban — surface, elevated, subway. Interurban — Private corporations. City governments (franchises, commissions). State governments (pubUc-ser\'ice commissions). National (Interstate Commerce Commission). Post Office Department (parcel post). Express companies. Local transfer companies, cab lines, jitney lines, etc. Steamship and other navigation lines. TEEATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFAEE. 41 Responsihility of the citizen. — -In many localities farmers are re- quired to work a certain number of days every year on the roads. If a county employs an expert engineer to construct and improve roads and the work is done by paid laborers, is the farmer reUeved of his responsibility as well as of the necessity of working on the roads ? In what ways, if any, is the citizen of a city responsible for the condition of the streets ? Consider the blocking of sidewalks with merchandise, etc.; the blocking of traffic in the streets, endangering pedestrians at street crossings, etc. If a citizen wants his street improved, what is the process by which it may be accomplished ? If a person is injured by falling into an open manhole in the sidewalk, or by falling on a defective sidewalk, or on the ice of an uncleaned sidewalk, who is responsible ? From whom may damages be collected, if at all ? TOPIC IX.— MIGRATION. Approach to the topic. — How many of the pupils in the class were born in the community where they are now going to school? How many of their parents have lived in one place all their lives ? How many times have they moved from one community to another ? What have been the reasons for moving from one place to another ? Migra- tion is no unusual thing. The motives that lead to it consist of the desire to secure one or other of the elements of weKare. The motives that bring foreigners to America are the same as those that have led to the settlement of the West, or the early colonization of America, or the movement of a family from one town to another, or from the country to the city; except that the desire for pohtical and religious freedom have played a more important part in immigration than in the ordinary movements from place to place within this country. The topic ''Migration" should be clearly related to the other topics that have preceded. It follows naturally after a consideration of "Transportation"; but in the causes that lead to it it is related defi- nitely to the elements of welfare that are the subject of this entire course. Problems/or study. — The direct study of this topic might begin with the growth of the community in which the pupil lives. Where did the original settlers come from? What was the chief purpose in founding the community? What were the means by which the settlers came? Note the growth of the community by decades. WTiat causes led to more rapid growth at some periods than at others? Is the community growing rapidly or steadily now? How much of the increase in population is due to the birth rate and how much to immigiation from other communities? What per cent of the population is from foreign countries? In some rural communities a decrease in population may be discovered. If so, to what is this due? Where have the emigrants gone? The broader problem of movements of population in different parts of the covmtry may be taken up. The movement from country to city. The movement from city to coimtry . The movement from one part of the coimtry to another. In what sections is the movement toward the cities most marked? Where is the movement toward the 42 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. country more noticeable? What sections of the country seem to be decreasing in population? \^Qiat sections are growing most rapidly? Foreign immigration. — How many immigrants have come to this country during the last ten yeai's? From what countries have they come? Compare the sources of immigration now with those of 25 years ago. Where do these immigrants settle? Compare the number who settle in cities with the number who go to rural districts. What labor problems have developed in your own community from the influx of immigrants in large numbers? Study at some Itngth the immigrant problems of the country as a whole. What ia being done to distribute the immigrants in the sections of the country where they are most needed, and where they will probably be most successful? Diacuss the problem of assimilation. What is the opportunity of a public school in this respect, and how is the school meeting its opportunity? Study the regulation of immigration. What is the tendency with reference to further restriction? Discuss the facts relating to naturalization. What rights have aliens in this country? What methods have been adopted for the civic education of immigrants? Are these methods effective? The following are some of the agencies that have more or less in- fluence on migration: LIST OF AGENCIES. Federal Bureau of Immigration and inspection service. Federal Bureau of Naturalization. State departments of labor and employment bureaus. Steamship companies. Railroad companies. Corporation lal)or agents. Colonization societies. Immigration societies and other voluntary organizations in the interest of immigrants. Chambers of commerce and similar organizations that seek to induce industries to establish themselves in cities. WTieat growers' associations, agricultural exhibits, county and State fairs, etc. Responsibility of the citizen. — Where there are immigrant children or the children of immigrants in the classes, the responsibility of the school, including teachers and pupils, for the comfort and happiness and ''assimilation" of these new Americans is great and immediate. Every citizen has opportunities to show to those who have recently come to our country a kindness, consideration, and respect for their ways, that will make them well disposed toward us and our institu- tions. To help acquire a sympathetic understanding of the immigrant, it will be profitable for pupils, as well as teachers, to read such books as Mary Antin's "The Promised Land;" E. A. Steiner's ''On the Trail of the Immigrant" and "The Immigrant Tide;" and Jacob Riis' "The Making of an American." TOPIC X.— CHARITIES. Ajjproacli to the topic. — The term charities has come to include not only the care of those who are dependent, but also the efforts of society to reduce the causes of dependence. The class should see that every TEEATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFARE. 43 person is supported by other people during at least a part of his lifetime, and that many people become dependent upon society through no fault of their own. This fundamental conception can be brought out clearly by means of a graph showing the comparative earnings and expenditures of an individual at various periods in life. Such a graph is shown below: o o y 5X / ^ / • i r>J__ .--"^ ? ^ \^ — ' ' ^50 o \o 18 ZO JO *o ^o eo 70 80 The figures on the base line represent the age of the individual. The figures on the two curves repre- sent dollars -per month. The lower curve represents the monthly cost of mamfcnanceoith^ mA\vi(!i\i2,\ (not including that of others dependent upon him). The upper curve represents his monthly earnings, which are supposed, in this case, to begin at the age of IS and to end 10 years before his death. From this graph it may be seen that an individual must earn during a part of his life a great deal more than he spends during that period if he is to be regarded as self-supporting during his entire life. Before he becomes self-supporting, it is evident that he must be supported by others. The question may now be raised as to who is called upon to support a child whose parents die, or an old person who has been unable to save during the prime of life and has no children Hving who can support him. How far does the legal responsibility of those who are next of kin extend ? Does the moral responsibility extend further than the legal responsibility? Note the relation of this subject to preceding topics in the course. Charities are necessitated by the inability or the failm*e of some individuals to secure for themselves the elements of welfare, either because of defects or inefficiency on their own part, or because of imperfections in social organization. Causes of dependency . — Obtain from the class all the causes of which they can think which make people dependent. After the class has 44 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. worked upon the problem, these causes may be classified somewhat as follows: 1. Lack of employment. 2. Insufficient wages. 3. Lack of skill. 4. Sickuesa. 5. Physical defects, such as blindness, deafness, etc. 6. Accidents. 7. Loss of bread-winner by death, desertion, imprisonment. 8. Intemperance. 9. Shiftlessness or the desire to avoid work. 10. Mental defects. Means ly wTiicli the community seeks to make more people self- supporting, and to provide for the dependent. — The agencies relating to each of the causes of dependency mentioned above may be studied somewhat as follows : What is being done in your community to gather information regarding causes of unemployment? Study employment bureaus and their methods, public and private. ■\Vliat kind of vocational guidance is provided by the schools and 'otherwise? What are the causes of insufficient wages? What constitutes a living wage? Discuss minimum wage laws. WTiat means are being adopted to overcome lack of skill? Investigate apprentice^ ship in your community. What is being done for vocational training in the schools? In factories.? What is being done to provide better conditions for work, from the standpoint of health? To provide better living conditions? What are the chief dangers to health in the industries of your community? Gather statistics regarding the extent of blindness, deafness, and other physical defects in your community. Have the schools of your community been inspected to discover the extent of such defects among school children? If so, to what extent are they prevalent? To what extent are such defects preventable? What steps have been taken to prevent them? What is being done in your community to prevent industrial accidents? Discuss, with illustrations where possible, safety devices in use in mines, in transportation, in factories. Look up the subject of workmen's compensation laws. What are the chief causes that bring breadwinners to prison? What is being done to remove these causes? ^Vbat is being done toward having a part of the earnings of prisoners go to the support of their families? To what extent is poverty due to intemperance? To what extent is intemiierance due to bad living conditions and overwork? To lack of proper recreation facilities? Discuss the question of indiscriminate almsgiving. What is being done in the schools for mentally backward children? Relief of dependents. — In the discussion of relief for those who are now dependent, distmction should be made between outdoor and indoor relief. How and to whom does your community give outdoor relief ? What institutions are there m your community for the care of dependents? What institutions are there m the State or Nation to which dependents from your community may be sent? The following questions are only suggestions: TREATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFARE. 45 Institutions for orphans. — To what extent do they provide a home atmosphere? What could be done to improve them in this respect? Do they offer education and training that will make the children independent when they leave? Do the children have adequate playgrounds? Are many of the children taken from tlie institutions to be adopted? Report on methods used in placing children in families. Hospitals. — Do people generally get better care at a hospital than at home? 'V^Tiy? What people should pay for their care at a hospital? Are there free beds? By whom and for whom established? Is it desirable for a small community to have a hospital of its own? Why? "VVTiy are ambulances necessary? Wliat provision is made for the immediate care of emergency cases? Homes for the aged.— Are there homes in your community for the care of the aged of certain denominations, professions, fraternal orders, or other special groups? A^^iat provision does the town make for old people who are not pro\dded for by any of these special institutions? Are some old people "boarded out" instead of being main- tained in an institution or "poor farm?" What are the relative advantages of the two methods? What names are now used instead of the term "poorhouse?" Why? Care of the crippled. — Do the railroads or other industries attempt to provide employ- ment for those who are crippled in their sendee? If not, do they give compensation to those who are crippled in their employ? Investigate the question of employer's liability. Those tvho ask for aid. — Do you ever have anyone come to your doer to ask for food or lodging? How can you find out whether such a person would be benefited by receiving the thing for which he asks? Have you a charity organization society or any other society whose business it is to investigate the needs of those who ask for aid? Make a report on the methods and purposes of a charity organization society. How may churches and individuals cooperate with the charity organization society? Do you have any street beggars in your community? Can you find out how much some of these people make by their lieggiug? If they ha^'O pencils or shoestrings for Bale, does this remove them from the beggar class? Is a person who has a first-class hurdy-gurdy a beggar? AVliy? Some of the important agencies imder this topic have been referred to above: LIST OP AGENCIES. Local and State institutions for dependents and defectives. City and State departments of charities. Charity organization societies. Voluntary charitable organizations. Churches. Fraternal organizations. Settlements. Relief and social service departments of business corporations. Schools of philanthropy. Philanthropic foundations. Labor unions. Employment bureaus. Responsibility of the citizen. — The danger of iudiscrunmato giving that only pauperizes the recipient should be impressed on the pupils. On the other hand, the duty to join actively with those forces that are trymg to attack these problems constructively should be as em- phatically presented. i/d TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. The following books will be of assistance in acquiring an under standing of the problems of charities: Keeder: How Ttvo Hundred Children Live and Learn. Flint: Tramping with Tramps. Devine: The Practice of Charity . Richmond : The Good Neighbor. Friendly Visiting Among the Poor. Conyngton: How to Help. The Survey is an invaluable weekly periodical. TOPIC XI.— CORRECTION. Approach to the topic. — The study of community civics to this pomt should have made clear the necessity for order in the com- mmiity. That is, there must be rules and regidations to which all must conform, if community life is to run smoothly, and if the interests of each citizen are to be safeguarded. If a few people want to pass a given point at the same time, it is usually accomplished in perfect order (if the people are polite) by observing common rules of etiquette. In a crowded thorouglifare, rules of etiquette are hardly sufficient, and it becomes necessary to have regulations which may be enforced by the traffic policeman. He sunply represents the interests of the whole community, as against possible selfish interests of individuals. Freedom of movement in a crowded street can only be secured if all trafiic conforms to the regulations. Liberty does not mean the right to do absolutely as one pleases; for if A does absolutely as he pleases, he may prevent B from domg what he pleases. Only by yieldmg somewhat, each to the other, can either have a maximum of freedom, A free com- munity is one in which a maximum of liberty is secured to aU members. This idea may be illustrated by the rules which control a ball game, in which each mdividual must in a measure merge his identity and his will into those of the team as a whole. It may also be illus- trated by the rules of order in a business meeting; or by the written or unwritten regulations for the control of a school. So m every phase of commimity life studied m this course, the necessity for order must have become apparent. It may be well to review briefly, from this, point of view, some of the preceding topics, such as health, protection of property, accident prevention. There are always some, however, who for one reason or another do not conform to the rules which the community as a whole has agreed upon. Such individuals or groups of individuals are a source of disorder and threaten the rights of others. The question there- fore arises. What should the community do with such individuals ? The old rule, "An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth," represents the ancient attitude of the community toward the- offender. Ven- TREATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFARE. 47 geance must be had. Not only must punishment be given, but pun- ishment in kind — and a little worse, if anything, than the original offense. Until very recently the idea of punishment predominated in the treatment of offenders against the order of the community. GL/et the pupils investigate the punishment of criminals in colonial times, for example.) Pimishment still holds a prominent place in the treatment of offenders agamst the law; but the tendency now is more and more to try to transform the offender mto an orderly and efficient mem- ber of the commimity. Punishment may still be necessary in many cases, but it is losing its vengeful character and is becoming more and more correctional and preventive. Means of correction.— With an understanding of the attitude toward offenders against law and order (criminals and delmquents) described above, the object should now be to discover the means by which and the extent to which the local community, the State, and the Nation are seeking to prevent crime and to make useful citizens out of those who would otherwise be obstacles to individual and community welfare. Such topics as the following may be worked out: ^^^lat policy is followed in the treatment of offenders against the order of your school? To what extent is corporal punishment practiced? Under Avhat condi- tions is it justifiable? Are there special classes or schools for chronic offenders or "incorrigibles" in your school system? How does the treatment of pupils in such classes or schools differ from that in regular classes? How far does this difference m treatment imply something wrong with the regular school methods rather than with the offending pupils themselves? Discuss pupil participation in school gov- ernment in its relation to school discipline. "What is likely to be the effect of treating a youthful first offender as if he were a real criminal? Discuss the evils of imprisonment of such youthful offenders along with older criminals and of subjecting them to public trial in open court. "What means have been adopted in your community to prevent first offenders from con- tinuing a criminal course? Is your community doing as much as other communi- ties in this respect? "What relation have compulsory school-attendance regulations to the prevention of delinquency? W%at are the principal causes of crime in your local community and State? To what extent are they inherent in the individual criminal; to what "extent in exist- ing social conditions? "V^Tiat are your local community and your State doing to remove both kinds of causes? To what extent is the treatment of prisoners in the local jails and State prisons punitive and to what extent correctional? In what ways should the conditions in your local jails be improved? LIST OF AGENCIES. Rules and laws: School regulations. Local ordinances. State laws. National laws. 48 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. Agencies for law enforcement: Machineiy of school administration and discipline. Parental, truant, and special schools. Reform schools and reformatories. Jails and prisons. Labor colonies. Juvenile courts. Courts for adults. Probation and parole. Prison-reform associations. Responsibility of the citizen. — Obtain copies of the local ordinances that are most often broken, such as those relating to playing ball on the street, throwing snowballs, care of rubbish, or regulation of traffic. Let the class study these, explam their meanmg, and find out exactly how they may help in the enforcement of these laws. The good citizen will be careful to take the right attitude toward those who are accused of having broken the law. In the first place he will not jump to the conclusion that a person is guilty until he has been proven so. In the second place he will be anxious to understand the causes or motives that have led to the wrongdoing and, although he may not condone the wrongdoing, he wiU be char- itable m his judgment; and, finally, in his attitude toward any who have served imprisonment he will be willing to give a helping hand. TOPIC Xn.— HOW GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES ARE CONDUCTED. Approach to the topic. — Throughout the course that has preceded, constant reference has been made to the part played by govern- mental agencies — ^local, State, and National — in securing to the citi- zens of communities the various elements of welfare. It is now time to organize the pupils' knowledge of these agencies more systemati- cally. Time will probably not permit an exhaustive technical study of the mechanism of government m all its detail; nor, indeed, is such study desirable in this course. The aims should rather be to fix the conception of government as a means by which the entire community may cooperate; to show how the citizens do cooperate in the work of governing; to leave with the pupil a clear view of the essential functions of government and a broad knowledge of the main features of its organization; and to stimulate a desii'e to know more about it. The changing character of our Government to meet new conditions should be emphasized. Means hy which the community governs itself. — After reviewing, on the basis of the preceding topics, the necessity and purposes of government, the foUowuig topics relatmg to the organization and methods of self-government may be studied briefly: TREATMENT OF THE ELEMENTS OF WELFARE. 49 LIST OF AGENCIES. Direct self-government. — The to-wn meeting. National and State constitutions as representing the direct will of the people. Recent development of the initiative, referendum, and recall. Representative self-government. — Reasons for. Methods of representation. Pro- portional representation. Division of governing powers.— J^oc2\, State, National. Reason for such, division. Relations between State and local; between State and National. Separation of powers. — Legislative, executive, judicial. Reasons for. Degree of separation in National, State, county, and city governments. Checks and balances. Selection of representatives. — The suffrage. Nominations: Conventions, direct primaries, preferential primaries. Elections; Party system, short ballot. The civil pervice, civil service reform, machine politics. General organization of government. — Local (township, county, village, or city). State, National. Res2)onsihility of the citizen. — Responsibility of voters; of nonvoters. Civic education. Difference between education for public service as a career and the civic education of the lay citizen. See Part I, p. 16, for distinction between the responsibility of the citizen and that of the official as such. The necessity for obedience from the point of view of government as a means of cooperation. Responsi- bility for business methods in government. TOPIC Xm.— HOW GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES ARE FINANCED. Approach to the topic. — The governmental agencies which protect the rights of the citizen and maintain order in the community cost a great deal. They must be paid for by the people, whose interests they serve. The following topics may be investigated: LIST OF AGENCIES. Sources of revenue. Methods of taxation: Budget making. Appropriations. Assessment. Equalization. Exemptions. Imports and excises. Methods of checking expenditures: Reports. Audits. Budget exhibits. Methods of borrowing money. Responsibility of the citizen. — The subjects of evasion of taxes, extravagance and inefficiency in the expenditure of the people's money, and ignorance on the part of citizens regarding the way in which their money is spent and the returns they are gcttmg for it, are among those that may be discussed. 50 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. TOPIC XIV.— HOW VOLUNTARY AGENCIES ARE CONDUCTED AND FINANCED. So much money is spent and so much community service is per- formed by volmitary agencies that it is worth while to examine the methods by which typical agencies of this kind are organized, con- ducted, and fuianced. Voluntary, agencies are so numerous that it is impossible to give a comprehensive list, but such as the following are typical and worthy of study: LIST OF AGENCIES. A child-labor organization. A humane society. A bureau of municipal research. A consumers' league. A local newspaper. A private hospital. A playground association. A church. A charity organization society. A social settlement. A boaid of trade or chamber of commerce. Responsihility of the citizen. — Not only the question of the respon- sibihty of the citizen for cooperation with worthy voluntary agencies may be discussed, but also such questions as whether these organiza- tions have a similar obhgation to that of governmental agencies for economy and efficiency, and for accounting to the public for work accomplished and money spent. PART III. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SUGGESTIONS. TEXTBOOKS. It lias been attempted in this manual to explain the scope and method of community civics. It is clear that the object of study is the real community and the real relations of each citizen to his own community life. Nevertheless, a textbook in the hands of the class will be invaluable, provided it is of the right kind and is used in the right way. A textbook should not be selected nor used merely as a reservoir of facts for the pupil's study. Its primary purpose should be to guide the pupil in his search for, and observation of, the facts of his own community life, to help him to organize his knowledge, and to inter- pret the facts and relations which he discovers outside of the book. It should help and not hinder teacher and pupils to maintain the point of view and spirit of community civics and, somewhat para- doxically, direct attention away from the book itself. Textbooks that approximate this ideal are not numerous, but the considerations mentioned should be among those that determine a selection. SOURCE MATERIALS. The kind of facts needed are concrete and particular facts about the commimity which the class is studying. A good deal of such information can be gathered by direct observation and by inquiry of parents and acquaintances. But, manifestly, information gathered by this means alone would be incomplete, superficial, and inaccurate. The most useful sources of information and material regarding the local community are the local newspapers, reports issued by the various departments of the local government, and reports of local voluntary agencies, such as boards of trade, charitable and civic organizations, bureaus of municipal research, etc. In many com- munities there are local histories and publications by local historical societies. Such material is usually poorly organized for the uses of community civics, but it affords important data to be woven into the work of the class. For correspondmg data relatuig to the State or national commu- nities there arc reports and bulletins issued by States and the National 51 52 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. Government; also newspapers and periodicals, and the reports and other publications of voluntary organizations of State-wide or national scope. Many of the weekly and monthly periodicals contain appropriate material. The following list is representative: The American City. Monthly. 87 Nassau Street, New York, $2 a year. Both, a city edition and a town and county edition are issued each month. The Survey. Weekly. 105 East Twenty-second Street, New York, $3 a year. The World's Work. Monthly. Garden City, New York, $3 a year. Literary Digest. Weekly. 354 Fourth Avenue, New York, $3 a year. Current Opinion. Monthly. 134 West Twenty-ninth Street, New York, $3 a year. The Outlook. Weekly. 105 East Twenty-second Street, New York, $3 a year. Newark, N. J., has set an example in the pubhcation of material relating to local history and civic life for the use of the schools. This has been done through the cooperation of the public library and the school board. (See "The Study of a City in the Schools of that City," by J. C. Dana, Pedagogical Semmary, 18:329-335.) Other commmiities are doing similar work thi-ough other agencies. It will often be found possible to enhst the cooperation of libraries and other agencies outside of the schools in preparing and pubhshing valuable material of this kind. REFERENCE TEXTS. There should be available for reference in every class copies of various standard texts on civics or government other than the one in regular use by the class. Such books are numerous and varied in kind. Some relate particularly to city problems and government; others treat principally of the National Government. Many of them deal chiefly with the organization and operations of government. Some of the more recent subordinate such information to a discussion of civic and social problems. It is not intended in community civics that the mechanism of government be entered into in great detail, but it is sometimes necessary to trace out such facts. Fm-ther, it is always desirable to compare the point of view of dif- ferent authors and to compare what actually exists in the pupils' community with what various authors think ought to exist or with what does exist in other communities. It should always be the effort, however, to treat such book informa- tion as supplementary to first-hand information acqmred by observa- tion or from original sources. For the teacher who wishes to ground herself more thoroughly in the theor}^ and practice of government in its various aspects, or in economic and social problems, there is an abundance of literature of both general and special character. The more of such literature the teacher of civics can master, the better will she be prepared profes- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SUGGESTIONS. 53 sionally for her work. But these treatises on various phases of poUtical science, economics, and sociology have Httle direct bearing on the methods of community civics. It has therefore not seemed appropriate to append to this manual a list of such titles. Of even greater importance than these, to the teacher of community civics, are books and articles dealing directly with the several topics treated in Part II of this manual — public health, charities, immigra- tion, good roads, conservation, etc. Some of this literature is also adapted for reference by children. It has not been possible to pre- pare a selected list of references relating to the topics of Part II in time for publication in this manual. Such references may be found in some of the textbooks. It is hoped that a special committee wiU soon prepare for publication a comprehensive bibliography for the guidance of high-school teachers of the social studies. Meanwhile, it is suggested that for titles not available through libraries and other local channels teachers write to their State universities or State libraries w^ith as definite a statement as possible as to the kind of material wanted. LABORATORY MATERIAL. It is desirable to assemble a permanent collection of working mate- rial, which may be augmented and revised from year to year by the work of successive classes. Such laboratory material may include: Laws and ordinances. — Federal and State constitutions; city charter, and charters of other cities; State laws and city ordinances. Reports and documents. — Town reports; mayors' messages and reports; reports of municipal departments; reports and bulletins of National and State Governments; reports of voluntary organizations. Specimen forms. — Licenses, permits, contracts, franchises, tax-assessment lists, tax receipts, ballots, petitions, etc. Also forms used by voluntary agencies. Plans and models. — Showing present or proposed public works, such as city plans; park, boulevard, and street improvements; model tenements; docks; water and sewage plants; street lighting; grade-crossing improvements; public buildings. Maps. — Maps should be made and used freely. Inexpensive outline maps of the city, town, or county should be used for marking in various features, such as traction lines; grade and elevated railroad crossings; fire-alarm boxes; school buildings; play- grounds; parks; industrial sections; and any other features that can be shown on maps. Maps of the State may be used in a similar manner to show transportation lines, industrial centers, location of State institutions, etc. Pictures and lantern slides. — Lantern slides representing civic activities, industrial activities, city plans, public buildings, etc., arc extremely useful. Loan collec- tions of slides are to be had at very slight expense. The American Civic Associa- tion, Union Trust Building, Washington, D. C, has a large number of slides cover- ing a wide range of subjects, the use of which may be secured at nominal cost. State universities sometimes make available collections of slides. Collections of photographs and illustrations clipped from periodicals for a comparison of different communities are also useful. Charts and graphs. — Facts relating to many phases of civic life may be made vivid by the use of charts, graphs, diagrams, etc. 54 TEACHING OF COMMUNITY CIVICS. Pupils should make their own collections as far as possible. They may write letters of request to public officials, voluntary organiza- tions, and business establishments for reports and other publications and illustrative material and acknowledge receipt of the same. If they can not bring in every magazine article that they see bearing on their work, they may at least furnish the references in correct form. They can make newspaper clippings, which should be classified and arranged in convenient form for reference. Pictures may be collected and arranged in the same way. Maps and charts may be made. Exhibits may sometimes be prepared by the civics classes to which the entire school and parents may be invited. Such exhibits may represent comprehensively the civic life of a neighborhood or some one important phase of the civic life of the entire community. Pupils of the HaiTison Technical High School, of Chicago, in cooperation with agencies outside of the school, recently prepared a neighborhood public health exhibit which was visited by 33,000 people in 10 days. Many groups of picked boys and girls, with the aid of principal and teachers, got statistics and information downtown and at home about their neighborhood, enlarged maps, made diagrams, photographed institutions and lettered and mounted the panels, or served as guides and interpreters, ushers, and in features of the evening program, thus helping the school educate the surrounding community on its own public health con- ditions. REFERENCES ON METHOD, Community civics is a new subject with new methods. The litera- ture on the subject is limited. The following references are given in the belief that they will be helpful to the teacher in acquiring the point of view, the spirit, and the method of the subject: United States Bureau of Education: Civic Education Series (mimeographed circulars) — No. 1. Community civics: What it is. No. 2. Training for citizenship : What it means. Nos. 4-8. Abstract of the 1914 report of the N.E.A. committee on social studies, not otherwise published. No. 8. Standards for judging civic education. Annual Report of the United States Commissioner of Education, 1914, Ch. XVIII, "The trend of civic education," by Arthur W. Dunn. (Also reprinted in pamphlet form.) Bulletin, 1915, No. 17, "Civic education in elementary schools as illustrated in Indianapolis," by Arthur W. Dunn. Bulletin, 1913, No. 41, pages 16-27, Report of the Committee on Social Studies of the National Education Association, 1913. Barnard, J. Lynn: The teaching of civics in elementary and secondary schools. Pro- ceedings, National Education Association, 1913. Barnard, J. Lynn: A practice school course in civics. National Municipal Review, Vol. I, No. 2. Cabot, Ella Lyman, and others: A course in citizenship. Houghton M'fflin Co. Dana, John Cotton: The study of a city in the schools of that cit.v Pfidagogical Sem- inary, 18: 329-335. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SUGGESTIONS. 55 Dewey, John: Ethical principles underlying education. University of Chicago Press. Dunn, Arthur W. : Aims and methods. Introduction for teachers in The Community and the Citizen (revised edition). D. C. Heath & Co. Gillette, J. M. : An outline of social study for elementary schools. American Journal of Sociology, 19: 491-509. Goodwin, Frank P.: Why teach community civics? Ohio Educational Monthly, 59: 415-420. Hill, Mabel: The teaching of civics. Houghton Mifflin Co. Kendall, C. N., and Mirick, George A.: How to teach the fundamental subjects, ch, iv, "Civics." In press. Houghton Mifflin Co. King, Irving: Education for social efficiency. Appleton. The social aspects of education. Appleton. Lewis, W. D.: Democracy's high school. Houghton Mifflin Co. Orr, WQliam: The high school and the civic spirit. Journal of Pedagogy, 18: 88-99. Sheppard, James J.: Municipal civics in elementary and high schools. Journal of Education, 71: 96-97, 102, 132-133. Yerkes, Helen K.: Civics in elementary schools. Atlantic Educational Journal, 7: 222-223, 300-301, 367-369. BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF EDUCATION. [Note.— With the exceptions indicated, the documents named below will be sent free of charge upon application to the Commissioner of Education, Washington, D. C. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are no longer available for free distribution, but may be had of the Superintendent of Documents, Govern- ment Printing Office, Washington, D. C, upon payment of the price stated. Remittances should be made in coin, currency, or money ordir. Stamps are not accepted. Numbers omitted are out of print.] 1906. *No. 3. State school systems: Legislation and judicial decisions relating to public education, Oct. 1, 1904, to Oct. 1,1906. Edward C. Elliott. 15 cts. 1908. *No. 5. Education in Formosa. Julean n. Arnold. 10 cts. *No. 6. The apprenticeship system in its relation to industrial education. Carroll D. Wright. IS ots. 1909. *No. 1. Facilities for study and research in the offices of the United States Government in Washington. Arthur T. Hadley. 10 cts. *No. 2. Admission of Chinese students to American colleges. John Fryer. 25 cts. *No. 3. Daily meals of school children. Caroline L. Hunt. 10 cts. No. 5. Statistics of public, society, and school libraries m 1908. *No. 6. Instruction in the fine and manual arts in the United States. A statistical monograph. Henry T. Bailey. 15 cts. No. 7. Index to the Reports of the Commissioner of Education, 1S67-1907. *No. 8. A teacher's professional library. Classified list of 100 titles. 5 cts. *No. 9. Bibliography of education for 1908-9. 10 cts. No. 10. Education for efficiency in raUroad service. J. Shirley Eaton. *No. 11. Statistics of State universities and other institutions of higher education partially supported by the State, 1908-9. 5 cts. 1910. *No. 1. The movement for reform in the teaching of religion in the public schools of Saxony. Arley B. Show. 5 cts. No. 2. State school systems: III. Legislation and judicial decisions relating to public education. Oct. 1, 1908, to Oct. 1, 1909. Edward C. Elliott. *No. 5. American schoolhouses. Fletcher B. Dresslar. 75 cts. 1911. *No. 1. Bibliography of science teaching. Sets. *No. 2. Opportunities for graduate study in agriculture in the United States. A. C. Monahan. Sets. *No. 3. Agencies for the improvement of teachers in service. William C. Ruediger. 15 cts. *No. 4. Report of the commission appointed to study the system of education in the public schools of Baltimore. 10 cts. *No. 5. Age and grade census of schools and colleges. George D. Strayer. 10 cts. *No. 6. Graduate work in mathematics in universities and in other institutions of like grade in the United States. 5 cts. No. 9. Mathematics in the technological schools of collegiate grade in the United States. *No. 13. Mathematics in the elementary schools of the United States. 15 cts. *No. 14. Provision for exceptional children in the public schools. J. H. Van Sickle, Lightner Witmer, and Leonard P. Awes. 10 cts. *No. 15. Educational system of China as recently reconstructed. Harry E. King. 10 cts. No. 19. Statistics of State imiversities and other institutions of higher education partially suppwted by the State, 1910-11. 1912. *Ng. 1. A course of study for the preparation of rural-school teachers. F. Mutchler and W. J. Craig. 5 cts. *No. 3. Report of committee on uniform records and reports. 5 cts. *No. 4. Mathematics in technical secondary schools in the United States. 5 cts. *No. 5. A study of expenses of city school systems. Harlan UpdegrafT. 10 cts. *No. 6. Agricultural education in secondary schools. 10 cts. n BULLETIN OF THE BUKEAU OF EDUCATION. *No. 7. Educational status of nursing. M. Adelaide Nutting. 10 cts. ♦No. 8. Peace day. Fannie P'ern Andrews. Sets. [Later publication, 1913, No. 12. 10cts.| *No. 9. Country schools for city boj's. William S. Myers. 10 cts. *No. 13. Influences tending to improve the work of the teacher of mathematics. 5 cts. *No. 14. Report of the American commissioners of the international commission on the teaching of mathe- matics. 10 cts. *No. 17. The Montessori system of education. Anna T. Smith. 5 cts. *No. 18. Teaching language through agricultiu-e and domestic science. M. A. Leiper. 5 cts. *No. 19. Professional distribution of college and university graduates. Bailey B. Burritt. 10 cts. No. 22. Public and private high schools. *No. 23. Special collections in libraries in the United States. W. 17 . Johnston and I. G. Mudge. 10 cts. No. 27. History of public-school education in Arkansas. Stephen B. Weeks. *No. 28. Cultivating school grounds in Wake County, N. C. Zebulon Judd. 5 cts. No. 29. Bibliography of the teaching of mathematics, 1900-1912. D. E. Smith and Chas. Goldziher. No. 30. Latin- American universities and special schools. Edgar E. Brandon. 1913. No. 1. Monthly record of current educational publications, January, 1913. *No. 2. Training courses for rural teachera. A. C. Monahan and R. H. Wright. 5 cts. *No. 3. The teaching of modern languages in the United States. Charles H. Handschin. 15 cts. *No. 4. Present standards of higher education in the United States. George E. MacLean. 20 cts. *No. 6. Agricultiu-al instruction in high schools. C. H. Robison and F. B. Jenks. 10 cts. *No. 7. College entrance requirements. Clarence D. Kingsley. 15 cts. *No. 8. The status of rural education in the United States. A. C. Monahan. 15 cts. *No. 12. The promotion of peace. Faimie Fern Andrews. 10 cts. *No. 13. Standards and tests for measuring the efficiency of schools or systems of schools. 5 cts. *No. 16. Bibliography of medical inspection and health supervision. 15 cts. *No. 18. The fifteenth international congress on hygiene and demography. Fletcher B. Dresslar. 10 cts. *No. 19. German industrial education and its lessons for the United States. Holmes Beckwith. 15 cts. *No. 20. Illiteracy in the United States. 10 cts. *No. 22. Bibliography of industrial, vocational, and trade education. 10 cts. *No. 23. The Georgia club at the State Normal School, Athens, Ga., for the study of rural sociology. E. C- Branson. 10 cts. *No. 24. A comparison of public education in Germany and in the United States. Georg Kerschensteiner. 5 cts. *No. 25. Industrial education in Columbus, Ga. Roland B. Daniel. 5 cts. *No. 28. Expressions on education by American statesmen and publicists. 5 cts. *No. 29. Accredited secondary schools in the United States. Kendric C. Babcock. 10 cts. *No. 30. Education in the South. 10 cts. *No. 31. Special features in citj' school systems. 10 cts. No. 32. Educational survey of Montgomery County, Md. *No. 34. Pension systems in Great Britain. Raymond W. Sies. 10 cts. *No. 35. A list of books suited to a high-school library. 15 cts. *No. 36. Report on the work of the Bureau of Education for the natives of Alaska, 1911-12. 10 cts. No. 37. Monthly record of current educational publications, October, 1913. *No. 38. Economy of time in education. 10 cts. No. 39. Elementary industrial school of Cleveland, Ohio. W. N. Hailmann. *No. 40. The reorganized school playground. Henry S. Curtis. 10 cts. *No. 41. The reorganization of secondary education. 10 cts. No. 42. An experimental rural school at Winthrop College. H. S. Browne. *No. 43. Agriculture and rural-life day; material for its observance. Eugene C. Brooks. 10 ots. *No. 44. Organized health work in schools. E. B. Hoag. 10 cts. No. 45. Monthly record of ciu-rent educational publications, November, 1913. *No. 46. Educational directory, 1913. 15 cts. *No. 47. Teaching material in Government publications. F. K. Noyes. 10 cts. *No. 48. School hygiene. W. Carson Ryan, jr. 15 cts. No. 49. The Farragut School, a Tennessee country-life high school. A. C. Monahan and Adams Phillips. No. 60. The Fitchburg plan of cooperative industrial education. M. R. McCann. ♦No. 51. Education of the immigrant. 10 cts. ♦No. 52. Sanitary schooLhou.ses. Legal requirements in Indiana and Ohio. 5 cts. No. 53. Monthly record of current educational publications, December, 1913. No. 54. Consular reports on industrial education in Germany. No. 55. Legislation and judicial decisions relating'jtoeducation, October 1,1909, to October 1, 1912. James C. Boykinand William R. Hood. No. 58. Educational system of rural Denmark. Harold W. Foght. No. 59. Bibliography of education for 1910-11. No. 60. Statistics of State universities and other institutions of higher education partially supported by the State, 1912-13. BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF EDUCATION. IH 1914. *No. 1. Monthly record of current educational publications, Januivry, 1914. £ ct&. No. 2. Compulsory school attendance. ♦No. 3. Monthly record of current educational publications, F.ebfuary, 1914. 5 cts. No. 4. The school and the start in life. Meyer Bloomfleld. ''> « ot"''''^'*". No. 5. The folk high schools of Denmark. L. L. Friend. ■ ^ , , - No. 6. Kindergartens in the United States. No. 7. Monthly record of current educational publications, March, 1914. *No. 8. TheMassachusettshome-projectplanofvocationalagricidturaleducation. R. W.Sfciinsoii. IScts. No. 9. Monthly record of current educational publications, April, 1914. *No. 10. Physical growth and school progress. B. T. Baldwin. 25 cts. *No. 11. Monthly record of ciurent educational publications. May, 1914. 5 cts. *No. 12. Rural schoolhouses and grounds. F. B. Dresslar. 50 cts. No. 13. Present status of drawing and art in the elementary and secondary schools of the United States. Royal B. Famum. No. 14. Vocational guidance. No. 15. Monthly record of current educational publications. Index. No. 16. The tangible rewards of teaching. James C. Boykin and Roberta King. No. 17. Sanitary siu-vey of the schools of Orange County, Va. Roy K. Flannagan. No. 18. The public school system of Gary, Ind. William P. Burris. No. 19. University extension in the United States. Louis E. Reber. No. 20. The riu-al school and hookworm disease. J. A. Ferrell. No. 21. Monthly record of current educational publications, September, 1914. No. 22. The Danish folk high schools. H. W. Foght. No. 23. Some trade schools in Europe. Frank L. Glynn. No. 24. Danish elementary rural schools. II. W. Foght. No. 26. Important features in rural school improvement. W. T. Hodges. No. 26. Monthly record of current educational publications, October, 1914. *No. 27. Agricultural teaching. 15 cts. No. 28. The Montessori method and the kindergarten. Elizabeth Harrison. No. 29. The kindergarten in benevolent mstitutions. No. 30. Consolidation of rural schools and transportation of pupils at public expense. A. C. Monahan. No. 31. Report on the work of the Bureau of Education for the natives of Alaska. No. 32. Bibliography of the relation of secondary schools to higher education. R. L. WaJkley . No. 33. Music in the public schools. Will Earhart. No. 34. Library instruction in universities, colleges, and normal schools. Henry R. Evans. No. 35. The training of teachers in England, Scotland, and Germany. Charles H. Judd. *No. 36. Education for the home — Parti. General statement. B.R.Andrews. 10 cts. *No.37.— Education for the home— Part II. State action, schools, agencies. B.R.Andrews. 30 cts. No. 38. Education for the home— Part III. Colleges and universities. B. R. Andrews. No. 39. Education for the home — Part IV. Bibliography, list of schools. B.R.Andrews. No. 40. Care of the health of boys in Girard College, Philadelphia, Pa. No. 41. Monthly record of current educational publications, November, 1914. No. 42. Monthly record of current educational publications, December, 1914. No. 43. Educational directory, 1914-1.5. No. 44. County-unit organization for the administration of rural schools. A. C. Monahan. No. 45. Curricula in mathematics. J. C. Brown. No. 46. School savings banks. Mrs. Sara L. Oberholtzer. No. 47. City training schools for teachers. Frank A. Manny. No. 48. The educational museum of the St. Louis public schools. C. G. Rathman. No. 49. Efficiency and preparation of rural-school teachers. H. W. Foght. No. 50. Statistics of State universities and State colleges. 1915. No. 1. Cooking in the vocational school. Iris P. O'Leary. No<. 2. Monthly record of current educational publications, January, 1915. No. 3. Monthly record of current educational publications, February, 1915. No. 4. The health of school children. W. IT. Heck. No. 5. Organization of State departments of education. A. C. Monahan. No. 6. A study of colleges and high schools. No. 7. Accredited secondary schools in the United States. Samuel P. Capen. No. 8. Present status of the honor system in colleges and universities. Bird T. Baldwin. No. 9. Monthly record of current educational publications, March, 1915. No. 10. Monthly record of current educational publications, April, 1915. No. 11. A statistical study of the public-school systems of the southern Appalachian Mountains. Nor« man Frost. No. 12. History of public-school education in Alabama. Stephen B. Weeks. IV BULLETIN OF THE BUREAU OF EDUCATION. No. 13. The schoolhoiise as the polling place. E. J. Ward. No. 14. Monthlj^ record of current educational publications, May, 1915. No. 15. MonLh,iy record of current- educational publications. Index, Feb., 1914-Jan., 191.5. Ko. 16. Monthi> record of cunelit educational publications, Jime, 1915. No. 17. Civic ediicp.t'on In. elementary scLool,s as illustrated in Indianapolis. Arthur W. Duim. No. IS. J e^ai od.Ul-^tic^ in Or